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  no masturbation, ever
  no weed for at least 8 hours on waking
  no coffee for an hour on waking

  josh rule #1 - make it a game.

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Rules of Sociological Method



rules 85 legions of demons. He is a king, rides a

rules on Lord’s Day (Sunday) and is invoked from

rules on Tuesday. When invoking this angel the

rules over health and longevity, and inspires

RULES. ::: In the things of the subtle kind having to do with the working of consciousness in the sadhana. one has to Icam to feel and observe and sec with the inner consciousness and to decide by the intuition with a plastic look on things which docs not make set definitions and rules as one has to do in ouUvard life.



4. In its political aspect, aristocracy is a form of government in which the sovereign power resides actually in a council composed of select persons (usually patricians), without a monarch, and exclusive of the common people (e.g. the Italian republics). It rules by decisions of the group arrived at by discussion; and tends to be absolute and oppressive.

Abstract Syntax Notation 1 "language, standard, protocol" (ASN.1, X.208, X.680) An {ISO}/{ITU-T} {standard} for transmitting structured {data} on {networks}, originally defined in 1984 as part of {CCITT X.409} '84. ASN.1 moved to its own standard, X.208, in 1988 due to wide applicability. The substantially revised 1995 version is covered by the X.680 series. ASN.1 defines the {abstract syntax} of {information} but does not restrict the way the information is encoded. Various ASN.1 encoding rules provide the {transfer syntax} (a {concrete} representation) of the data values whose {abstract syntax} is described in ASN.1. The standard ASN.1 encoding rules include {BER} (Basic Encoding Rules - X.209), {CER} (Canonical Encoding Rules), {DER} (Distinguished Encoding Rules) and {PER} (Packed Encoding Rules). ASN.1 together with specific ASN.1 encoding rules facilitates the exchange of structured data especially between {application programs} over networks by describing data structures in a way that is independent of machine architecture and implementation language. {OSI} {Application layer} {protocols} such as {X.400} {MHS} {electronic mail}, {X.500} directory services and {SNMP} use ASN.1 to describe the {PDU}s they exchange. Documents describing the ASN.1 notations: {ITU-T} Rec. X.680, {ISO} 8824-1; {ITU-T} Rec. X.681, {ISO} 8824-2; {ITU-T} Rec. X.682, {ISO} 8824-3; {ITU-T} Rec. X.683, {ISO} 8824-4 Documents describing the ASN.1 encoding rules: {ITU-T} Rec. X.690, {ISO} 8825-1; {ITU-T} Rec. X.691, {ISO} 8825-2. [M. Sample et al, "Implementing Efficient Encoders and Decoders for Network Data Representations", IEEE Infocom 93 Proc, v.3, pp. 1143-1153, Mar 1993. Available from Logica, UK]. See also {snacc}. (2005-07-03)

Acceptable Use Policy "networking" (AUP) Rules applied by many {transit networks} which restrict the use to which the network may be put. A well known example is {NSFNet} which does not allow commercial use. Enforcement of AUPs varies with the network. (1994-11-08)

According to an important theorem of Gödel, the functional calculus of order omega with the axiom of infinity added, if consistent, is incomplete in the sense that there are formulas A containing no free variables, such that neither A nor ∼A is a theorem. The same thing holds of any logistic system obtained by adding new primitive formulas and primitive rules of inference, provided only that the effective (recursive) character of the formal construction of the system is retained. Thus the system is not only incomplete but, in the indicated sense, incompletable. The same thing holds also of a large variety of logistic systems which could be considered as acceptable substitutes for the functional calculus of order omega with axiom of infinity; in particular the Zermelo set theory (§ 9 below) is in the same sense incomplete and incompletable.

Aditi "database, project" The Aditi Deductive Database System. A multi-user {deductive database} system from the Machine Intelligence Project at the {University of Melbourne}. It supports base {relations} defined by {facts} (relations in the sense of {relational databases}) and {derived relations} defined by {rules} that specify how to compute new information from old information. Both base relations and the rules defining derived relations are stored on disk and are accessed as required during query evaluation. The rules defining derived relations are expressed in a {Prolog}-like language, which is also used for expressing queries. Aditi supports the full structured data capability of Prolog. Base relations can store arbitrarily nested terms, for example arbitrary length lists, and rules can directly manipulate such terms. Base relations can be indexed with {B-trees} or multi-level signature files. Users can access the system through a {Motif}-based query and database administration tool, or through a command line interface. There is also in interface that allows {NU-Prolog} programs to access Aditi in a transparent manner. Proper {transaction processing} is not supported in this release. The beta release runs on {SPARC}/{SunOS4}.1.2 and {MIPS}/{Irix}4.0. E-mail: "". (1992-12-17)

agamas. ::: Saiva scriptures that describe the rules and procedures for image worship, which include temple construction, installation and consecration of the deities, methods of performing pujas in the temples, philosophy, recitation of mantras, worship involving figures or yantras and bhakti yoga

ALGOL 68 "language" An extensive revision of {ALGOL 60} by Adriaan van Wijngaarden et al. ALGOL 68 was discussed from 1963 by Working Group 2.1 of {IFIP}. Its definition was accepted in December 1968. ALGOL 68 was the first, and still one of very few, programming languages for which a complete formal specification was created before its implementation. However, this specification was hard to understand due to its formality, the fact that it used an unfamiliar {metasyntax} notation (not {BNF}) and its unconventional terminology. One of the singular features of ALGOL 68 was its {orthogonal} design, making for freedom from arbitrary rules (such as restrictions in other languages that arrays could only be used as parameters but not as results). It also allowed {user defined data types}, then an unheard-of feature. It featured {structural equivalence}; automatic type conversion ("{coercion}") including {dereferencing}; {flexible arrays}; generalised loops (for-from-by-to-while-do-od), if-then-else-elif-fi, an integer case statement with an 'out' clause (case-in-out-esac); {skip} and {goto} statements; {blocks}; {procedures}; user-defined {operators}; {procedure parameters}; {concurrent} execution (par-begin-end); {semaphores}; generators "heap" and "loc" for {dynamic allocation}. It had no {abstract data types} or {separate compilation}. {(}. (2007-04-24)

Algorithm (or, less commonly, but etymologlcally more correctly, algorism): In its original usage, this word referred to the Arabic system of notation for numbers and to the elementary operations of arithmetic as performed in this notation. In mathematics, the word is used for a method or process of calculation with symbols (often, but not necessarily, numerical symbols) according to fixed rules which yields effectively the, solution of any given problem of some class of problems. -- A.C. Al

“All aspects of the omnipresent Reality have their fundamental truth in the Supreme Existence. Thus even the aspect or power of Inconscience, which seems to be an opposite, a negation of the eternal Reality, yet corresponds to a Truth held in itself by the self-aware and all-conscious Infinite. It is, when we look closely at it, the Infinite’s power of plunging the consciousness into a trance of self-involution, a self-oblivion of the Spirit veiled in its own abysses where nothing is manifest but all inconceivably is and can emerge from that ineffable latency. In the heights of Spirit this state of cosmic or infinite trance-sleep appears to our cognition as a luminous uttermost Superconscience: at the other end of being it offers itself to cognition as the Spirit’s potency of presenting to itself the opposites of its own truths of being,—an abyss of non-existence, a profound Night of inconscience, a fathomless swoon of insensibility from which yet all forms of being, consciousness and delight of existence can manifest themselves,—but they appear in limited terms, in slowly emerging and increasing self-formulations, even in contrary terms of themselves; it is the play of a secret all-being, all-delight, all-knowledge, but it observes the rules of its own self-oblivion, self-opposition, self-limitation until it is ready to surpass it. This is the Inconscience and Ignorance that we see at work in the material universe. It is not a denial, it is one term, one formula of the infinite and eternal Existence.” The Life Divine

AMBIT/L "language" {AMBIT} for lists. A variant of AMBIT supporting list handling and {pattern matching} rules based on two-dimensional diagrams. ["An Introduction to AMBIT/L, A Diagrammatic Language for List Processing", Carlos Christensen, Proc 2nd ACM Symp Symb and Alg Manip (Mar 1971)]. (1994-12-08)

annul ::: a. --> To reduce to nothing; to obliterate.
To make void or of no effect; to nullify; to abolish; to do away with; -- used appropriately of laws, decrees, edicts, decisions of courts, or other established rules, permanent usages, and the like, which are made void by component authority.

anomalistical ::: a. --> Irregular; departing from common or established rules.
Pertaining to the anomaly, or angular distance of a planet from its perihelion.

anteposition ::: n. --> The placing of a before another, which, by ordinary rules, ought to follow it.

arbitrary ::: a. --> Depending on will or discretion; not governed by any fixed rules; as, an arbitrary decision; an arbitrary punishment.
Exercised according to one&

architectural ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to the art of building; conformed to the rules of architecture.

Aristotle's Illusion: See Aristotle's Experiment. Arithmetic, foundations of: Arithmetic (i.e., the mathematical theory of the non-negative integers, 0, 1, 2, . . .) may be based on the five following postulates, which are due to Peano (and Dedekind, from whom Peano's ideas were partly derived): N(0) N(x) ⊃x N(S(x)). N(x) ⊃x [N(y) ⊃y [[S(x) = S(y)] ⊃x [x = y]]]. N(x) ⊃x ∼[S(x) = 0]. F(0)[N(x)F(x) ⊃x F(S(x))] ⊃F [N(x) ⊃x F(x)] The undefined terms are here 0, N, S, which may be interpreted as denoting, respectively, the non-negative integer 0, the propositional function to be a non-negative integer, and the function +1 (so that S(x) is x+l). The underlying logic may be taken to be the functional calculus of second order (Logic, formal, § 6), with the addition of notations for descriptions and for functions from individuals to individuals, and the individual constant 0, together with appropriate modifications and additions to the primitive formulas and primitive rules of inference (the axiom of infinity is not needed because the Peano postulates take its place). By adding the five postulates of Peano as primitive formulas to this underlying logic, a logistic system is obtained which is adequate to extant elementary number theory (arithmetic) and to all methods of proof which have found actual employment in elementary number theory (and are normally considered to belong to elementary number theory). But of course, the system, if consistent, is incomplete in the sense of Gödel's theorem (Logic, formal, § 6).

arithmetical ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to arithmetic; according to the rules or method of arithmetic.

arsa prayoga ::: ["rsi's license": a form of expression, sometimes violating the normal rules of grammar, peculiar to the Vedic rsis].

Ars Combinatoria: (Leibniz) An art or technique of deriving or inventing complex concepts by a combination of a relatively few simple ones taken as primitive. This technique was proposed as a valuable subject for study by Leibniz in De Arte Combinatoria (1666) but was never greatly developed by him. Leibniz's program for logic consisted of two main projects: (1) the development of a universal characteristic (characteristica universalis), and (2) the development of a universal mathematics (mathesis universalis (q.v.). The universal characteristic was to be a universal language for scientists and philosophers. With a relatively few basic symbols for the ultimately simple ideas, and a suitable technique for constructing compound ideas out of the simple ones, Leibniz thought that a language could be constructed which would be much more efficient for reasoning and for communication than the vague, complicated, and more or less parochial languages then available. This language would be completely universal in the sense that all scientific and philosophical concepts could be expressed in it, and also in that it would enable scholars m all countries to communicate over the barriers of their vernacular tongues. Leibniz's proposals in this matter, and what work he did on it, are the grand predecessors of a vast amount of research which has been done in the last hundred years on the techniques of language construction, and specifically on the invention of formal rules and procedures for introducing new terms into a language on the basis of terms already present, the general project of constructing a unified language for science and philosophy. L. Couturat, La Logique de Leibniz, Paris, 1901; C. I. Lewis, A Survey of Symbolic Logic, Berkeley, 1918. -- F.L.W.

As corollaries of this we have proofs of the consistency of the propositional calculus (if A is any formula, A and ∼A cannot both be tautologies and hence cannot both be theorems) and of the completeness of the propositional calculus (it can be shown that if any formula not already a theorem, and hence not a tautology, is added to the list of primitive formulas, the calculus becomes inconsistent on the basis of the two rules, substitution and modus ponens).

ascus ::: n. --> A small membranous bladder or tube in which are inclosed the seedlike reproductive particles or sporules of lichens and certain fungi.

ASL+ "language, specification" An {algebraic specification language} by David Aspinall of the {University of Edinburgh}. ASL+ has rules for proving the satisfaction of specifications. It can also be viewed as a {type theory} with {subtyping}, featuring {contravariant refinement} for {Pi-abstracted} specifications and a notion of {stratified equality} for {higher-order objects}. (1994-09-14)

ASURA. ::: Titan; a being of ignorant egoism as opposed to the Deva or god, who is a being of Light; sons of Darkness and Division.
Asuras are really the dark side of the mental, or more strictly, of the vital mind plane. This mind is the very field of the Asuras. Their main characteristic is egoistic strength and struggle, which refuse the higher law. The Asura has self-control, tapas, and intelligence, but all that for the sake of his ego.
There are no Asuras on the higher planes where the Truth prevails, except in the Vedic sense -“ the Divine in its strength “. The mental and vital Asuras are only a deviation of that power.
There are two kinds of Asuras - one kind were divine in their origin but have fallen from their divinity by self-will and opposition to the intention of the Divine; they are spoken in the Hindu scriptures as the former or earlier gods; these can be converted and their conversion is indeed necessary for the ultimate purpose of the universe. But the ordinary Asura is not of this character, is not an evolutionary but a typal being and represents a fixed principle of the creation which does not evolve or change and is not intended to do so. These Asuras, as also the other hostile beings, Rakshasas, Pishachas and others resemble the devils of the Christian tradition and oppose the divine intention and the evolutionary purpose in the human being; they don’t change the purpose in them for which they exist which is evil, but have to be destroyed like the evil. The Asura has no soul, no psychic being which has to evolve to a higher state; he has only an ego and usually a very powerful ego; he has a mind, sometimes even a highly intellectual mind; but the basis of his thinking and feeling is vital and not mental, at the service of his desire and not truth. He is a formation assumed by the life-principle for a particular kind of work and not a divine formation or soul.
Some kinds of Asuras are very religious, very fanatical about their religion, very strict about rules of ethical conduct. There are others who use spiritual ideas without believing in them to give them a perverted twist and delude the sadhaka.

ATTACHMENT. ::: All attachment is a hindrance to sadhana. Goodwāl you should have for all, psychic kindness for all, but no vital attachment.
To become indifferent to the attraction of outer objects is one of the first rules of yoga, for this non-attachment liberates the inner being into peace and the true consciousness.
Even after the liberation, one has to remain vigilant, for often these things go out and remain at a far distance, waiting to see if under any circumstances in any condition they can make a rush and recover their kingdom. If there has been an entire purification down to the depths and nothing is there to open the gate, then they cannot do it.
Attachment to things ::: the physical rejection of them is not the best way to get rid of it. Accept what is given you, ask for what is needed and think no more of it - attaching no importance, using them when you have, not troubled if you have not. That is the best way of getting rid of the attachment.

Aufklärung: In general, this German word and its English equivalent Enlightenment denote the self-emancipation of man from mere authority, prejudice, convention and tradition, with an insistence on freer thinking about problems uncritically referred to these other agencies. According to Kant's famous definition "Enlightenment is the liberation of man from his self-caused state of minority, which is the incapacity of using one's understanding without the direction of another. This state of minority is caused when its source lies not in the lack of understanding, but in the lack of determination and courage to use it without the assistance of another" (Was ist Aufklärung? 1784). In its historical perspective, the Aufklärung refers to the cultural atmosphere and contrlbutions of the 18th century, especially in Germany, France and England [which affected also American thought with B. Franklin, T. Paine and the leaders of the Revolution]. It crystallized tendencies emphasized by the Renaissance, and quickened by modern scepticism and empiricism, and by the great scientific discoveries of the 17th century. This movement, which was represented by men of varying tendencies, gave an impetus to general learning, a more popular philosophy, empirical science, scriptural criticism, social and political thought. More especially, the word Aufklärung is applied to the German contributions to 18th century culture. In philosophy, its principal representatives are G. E. Lessing (1729-81) who believed in free speech and in a methodical criticism of religion, without being a free-thinker; H. S. Reimarus (1694-1768) who expounded a naturalistic philosophy and denied the supernatural origin of Christianity; Moses Mendelssohn (1729-86) who endeavoured to mitigate prejudices and developed a popular common-sense philosophy; Chr. Wolff (1679-1754), J. A. Eberhard (1739-1809) who followed the Leibnizian rationalism and criticized unsuccessfully Kant and Fichte; and J. G. Herder (1744-1803) who was best as an interpreter of others, but whose intuitional suggestions have borne fruit in the organic correlation of the sciences, and in questions of language in relation to human nature and to national character. The works of Kant and Goethe mark the culmination of the German Enlightenment. Cf. J. G. Hibben, Philosophy of the Enlightenment, 1910. --T.G. Augustinianism: The thought of St. Augustine of Hippo, and of his followers. Born in 354 at Tagaste in N. Africa, A. studied rhetoric in Carthage, taught that subject there and in Rome and Milan. Attracted successively to Manicheanism, Scepticism, and Neo-Platontsm, A. eventually found intellectual and moral peace with his conversion to Christianity in his thirty-fourth year. Returning to Africa, he established numerous monasteries, became a priest in 391, Bishop of Hippo in 395. Augustine wrote much: On Free Choice, Confessions, Literal Commentary on Genesis, On the Trinity, and City of God, are his most noted works. He died in 430.   St. Augustine's characteristic method, an inward empiricism which has little in common with later variants, starts from things without, proceeds within to the self, and moves upwards to God. These three poles of the Augustinian dialectic are polarized by his doctrine of moderate illuminism. An ontological illumination is required to explain the metaphysical structure of things. The truth of judgment demands a noetic illumination. A moral illumination is necessary in the order of willing; and so, too, an lllumination of art in the aesthetic order. Other illuminations which transcend the natural order do not come within the scope of philosophy; they provide the wisdoms of theology and mysticism. Every being is illuminated ontologically by number, form, unity and its derivatives, and order. A thing is what it is, in so far as it is more or less flooded by the light of these ontological constituents.   Sensation is necessary in order to know material substances. There is certainly an action of the external object on the body and a corresponding passion of the body, but, as the soul is superior to the body and can suffer nothing from its inferior, sensation must be an action, not a passion, of the soul. Sensation takes place only when the observing soul, dynamically on guard throughout the body, is vitally attentive to the changes suffered by the body. However, an adequate basis for the knowledge of intellectual truth is not found in sensation alone. In order to know, for example, that a body is multiple, the idea of unity must be present already, otherwise its multiplicity could not be recognized. If numbers are not drawn in by the bodily senses which perceive only the contingent and passing, is the mind the source of the unchanging and necessary truth of numbers? The mind of man is also contingent and mutable, and cannot give what it does not possess. As ideas are not innate, nor remembered from a previous existence of the soul, they can be accounted for only by an immutable source higher than the soul. In so far as man is endowed with an intellect, he is a being naturally illuminated by God, Who may be compared to an intelligible sun. The human intellect does not create the laws of thought; it finds them and submits to them. The immediate intuition of these normative rules does not carry any content, thus any trace of ontologism is avoided.   Things have forms because they have numbers, and they have being in so far as they possess form. The sufficient explanation of all formable, and hence changeable, things is an immutable and eternal form which is unrestricted in time and space. The forms or ideas of all things actually existing in the world are in the things themselves (as rationes seminales) and in the Divine Mind (as rationes aeternae). Nothing could exist without unity, for to be is no other than to be one. There is a unity proper to each level of being, a unity of the material individual and species, of the soul, and of that union of souls in the love of the same good, which union constitutes the city. Order, also, is ontologically imbibed by all beings. To tend to being is to tend to order; order secures being, disorder leads to non-being. Order is the distribution which allots things equal and unequal each to its own place and integrates an ensemble of parts in accordance with an end. Hence, peace is defined as the tranquillity of order. Just as things have their being from their forms, the order of parts, and their numerical relations, so too their beauty is not something superadded, but the shining out of all their intelligible co-ingredients.   S. Aurelii Augustini, Opera Omnia, Migne, PL 32-47; (a critical edition of some works will be found in the Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum, Vienna). Gilson, E., Introd. a l'etude de s. Augustin, (Paris, 1931) contains very good bibliography up to 1927, pp. 309-331. Pope, H., St. Augustine of Hippo, (London, 1937). Chapman, E., St. Augustine's Philos. of Beauty, (N. Y., 1939). Figgis, J. N., The Political Aspects of St. Augustine's "City of God", (London, 1921). --E.C. Authenticity: In a general sense, genuineness, truth according to its title. It involves sometimes a direct and personal characteristic (Whitehead speaks of "authentic feelings").   This word also refers to problems of fundamental criticism involving title, tradition, authorship and evidence. These problems are vital in theology, and basic in scholarship with regard to the interpretation of texts and doctrines. --T.G. Authoritarianism: That theory of knowledge which maintains that the truth of any proposition is determined by the fact of its having been asserted by a certain esteemed individual or group of individuals. Cf. H. Newman, Grammar of Assent; C. S. Peirce, "Fixation of Belief," in Chance, Love and Logic, ed. M. R. Cohen. --A.C.B. Autistic thinking: Absorption in fanciful or wishful thinking without proper control by objective or factual material; day dreaming; undisciplined imagination. --A.C.B. Automaton Theory: Theory that a living organism may be considered a mere machine. See Automatism. Automatism: (Gr. automatos, self-moving) (a) In metaphysics: Theory that animal and human organisms are automata, that is to say, are machines governed by the laws of physics and mechanics. Automatism, as propounded by Descartes, considered the lower animals to be pure automata (Letter to Henry More, 1649) and man a machine controlled by a rational soul (Treatise on Man). Pure automatism for man as well as animals is advocated by La Mettrie (Man, a Machine, 1748). During the Nineteenth century, automatism, combined with epiphenomenalism, was advanced by Hodgson, Huxley and Clifford. (Cf. W. James, The Principles of Psychology, Vol. I, ch. V.) Behaviorism, of the extreme sort, is the most recent version of automatism (See Behaviorism).   (b) In psychology: Psychological automatism is the performance of apparently purposeful actions, like automatic writing without the superintendence of the conscious mind. L. C. Rosenfield, From Beast Machine to Man Machine, N. Y., 1941. --L.W. Automatism, Conscious: The automatism of Hodgson, Huxley, and Clifford which considers man a machine to which mind or consciousness is superadded; the mind of man is, however, causally ineffectual. See Automatism; Epiphenomenalism. --L.W. Autonomy: (Gr. autonomia, independence) Freedom consisting in self-determination and independence of all external constraint. See Freedom. Kant defines autonomy of the will as subjection of the will to its own law, the categorical imperative, in contrast to heteronomy, its subjection to a law or end outside the rational will. (Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals, § 2.) --L.W. Autonomy of ethics: A doctrine, usually propounded by intuitionists, that ethics is not a part of, and cannot be derived from, either metaphysics or any of the natural or social sciences. See Intuitionism, Metaphysical ethics, Naturalistic ethics. --W.K.F. Autonomy of the will: (in Kant's ethics) The freedom of the rational will to legislate to itself, which constitutes the basis for the autonomy of the moral law. --P.A.S. Autonymy: In the terminology introduced by Carnap, a word (phrase, symbol, expression) is autonymous if it is used as a name for itself --for the geometric shape, sound, etc. which it exemplifies, or for the word as a historical and grammatical unit. Autonymy is thus the same as the Scholastic suppositio matertalis (q. v.), although the viewpoint is different. --A.C. Autotelic: (from Gr. autos, self, and telos, end) Said of any absorbing activity engaged in for its own sake (cf. German Selbstzweck), such as higher mathematics, chess, etc. In aesthetics, applied to creative art and play which lack any conscious reference to the accomplishment of something useful. In the view of some, it may constitute something beneficent in itself of which the person following his art impulse (q.v.) or playing is unaware, thus approaching a heterotelic (q.v.) conception. --K.F.L. Avenarius, Richard: (1843-1896) German philosopher who expressed his thought in an elaborate and novel terminology in the hope of constructing a symbolic language for philosophy, like that of mathematics --the consequence of his Spinoza studies. As the most influential apostle of pure experience, the posltivistic motive reaches in him an extreme position. Insisting on the biologic and economic function of thought, he thought the true method of science is to cure speculative excesses by a return to pure experience devoid of all assumptions. Philosophy is the scientific effort to exclude from knowledge all ideas not included in the given. Its task is to expel all extraneous elements in the given. His uncritical use of the category of the given and the nominalistic view that logical relations are created rather than discovered by thought, leads him to banish not only animism but also all of the categories, substance, causality, etc., as inventions of the mind. Explaining the evolution and devolution of the problematization and deproblematization of numerous ideas, and aiming to give the natural history of problems, Avenarius sought to show physiologically, psychologically and historically under what conditions they emerge, are challenged and are solved. He hypothesized a System C, a bodily and central nervous system upon which consciousness depends. R-values are the stimuli received from the world of objects. E-values are the statements of experience. The brain changes that continually oscillate about an ideal point of balance are termed Vitalerhaltungsmaximum. The E-values are differentiated into elements, to which the sense-perceptions or the content of experience belong, and characters, to which belongs everything which psychology describes as feelings and attitudes. Avenarius describes in symbolic form a series of states from balance to balance, termed vital series, all describing a series of changes in System C. Inequalities in the vital balance give rise to vital differences. According to his theory there are two vital series. It assumes a series of brain changes because parallel series of conscious states can be observed. The independent vital series are physical, and the dependent vital series are psychological. The two together are practically covariants. In the case of a process as a dependent vital series three stages can be noted: first, the appearance of the problem, expressed as strain, restlessness, desire, fear, doubt, pain, repentance, delusion; the second, the continued effort and struggle to solve the problem; and finally, the appearance of the solution, characterized by abating anxiety, a feeling of triumph and enjoyment.   Corresponding to these three stages of the dependent series are three stages of the independent series: the appearance of the vital difference and a departure from balance in the System C, the continuance with an approximate vital difference, and lastly, the reduction of the vital difference to zero, the return to stability. By making room for dependent and independent experiences, he showed that physics regards experience as independent of the experiencing indlvidual, and psychology views experience as dependent upon the individual. He greatly influenced Mach and James (q.v.). See Avenarius, Empirio-criticism, Experience, pure. Main works: Kritik der reinen Erfahrung; Der menschliche Weltbegriff. --H.H. Averroes: (Mohammed ibn Roshd) Known to the Scholastics as The Commentator, and mentioned as the author of il gran commento by Dante (Inf. IV. 68) he was born 1126 at Cordova (Spain), studied theology, law, medicine, mathematics, and philosophy, became after having been judge in Sevilla and Cordova, physician to the khalifah Jaqub Jusuf, and charged with writing a commentary on the works of Aristotle. Al-mansur, Jusuf's successor, deprived him of his place because of accusations of unorthodoxy. He died 1198 in Morocco. Averroes is not so much an original philosopher as the author of a minute commentary on the whole works of Aristotle. His procedure was imitated later by Aquinas. In his interpretation of Aristotelian metaphysics Averroes teaches the coeternity of a universe created ex nihilo. This doctrine formed together with the notion of a numerical unity of the active intellect became one of the controversial points in the discussions between the followers of Albert-Thomas and the Latin Averroists. Averroes assumed that man possesses only a disposition for receiving the intellect coming from without; he identifies this disposition with the possible intellect which thus is not truly intellectual by nature. The notion of one intellect common to all men does away with the doctrine of personal immortality. Another doctrine which probably was emphasized more by the Latin Averroists (and by the adversaries among Averroes' contemporaries) is the famous statement about "two-fold truth", viz. that a proposition may be theologically true and philosophically false and vice versa. Averroes taught that religion expresses the (higher) philosophical truth by means of religious imagery; the "two-truth notion" came apparently into the Latin text through a misinterpretation on the part of the translators. The works of Averroes were one of the main sources of medieval Aristotelianlsm, before and even after the original texts had been translated. The interpretation the Latin Averroists found in their texts of the "Commentator" spread in spite of opposition and condemnation. See Averroism, Latin. Averroes, Opera, Venetiis, 1553. M. Horten, Die Metaphysik des Averroes, 1912. P. Mandonnet, Siger de Brabant et l'Averroisme Latin, 2d ed., Louvain, 1911. --R.A. Averroism, Latin: The commentaries on Aristotle written by Averroes (Ibn Roshd) in the 12th century became known to the Western scholars in translations by Michael Scottus, Hermannus Alemannus, and others at the beginning of the 13th century. Many works of Aristotle were also known first by such translations from Arabian texts, though there existed translations from the Greek originals at the same time (Grabmann). The Averroistic interpretation of Aristotle was held to be the true one by many; but already Albert the Great pointed out several notions which he felt to be incompatible with the principles of Christian philosophy, although he relied for the rest on the "Commentator" and apparently hardly used any other text. Aquinas, basing his studies mostly on a translation from the Greek texts, procured for him by William of Moerbecke, criticized the Averroistic interpretation in many points. But the teachings of the Commentator became the foundation for a whole school of philosophers, represented first by the Faculty of Arts at Paris. The most prominent of these scholars was Siger of Brabant. The philosophy of these men was condemned on March 7th, 1277 by Stephen Tempier, Bishop of Paris, after a first condemnation of Aristotelianism in 1210 had gradually come to be neglected. The 219 theses condemned in 1277, however, contain also some of Aquinas which later were generally recognized an orthodox. The Averroistic propositions which aroused the criticism of the ecclesiastic authorities and which had been opposed with great energy by Albert and Thomas refer mostly to the following points: The co-eternity of the created word; the numerical identity of the intellect in all men, the so-called two-fold-truth theory stating that a proposition may be philosophically true although theologically false. Regarding the first point Thomas argued that there is no philosophical proof, either for the co-eternity or against it; creation is an article of faith. The unity of intellect was rejected as incompatible with the true notion of person and with personal immortality. It is doubtful whether Averroes himself held the two-truths theory; it was, however, taught by the Latin Averroists who, notwithstanding the opposition of the Church and the Thomistic philosophers, gained a great influence and soon dominated many universities, especially in Italy. Thomas and his followers were convinced that they interpreted Aristotle correctly and that the Averroists were wrong; one has, however, to admit that certain passages in Aristotle allow for the Averroistic interpretation, especially in regard to the theory of intellect.   Lit.: P. Mandonnet, Siger de Brabant et l'Averroisme Latin au XIIIe Siecle, 2d. ed. Louvain, 1911; M. Grabmann, Forschungen über die lateinischen Aristotelesübersetzungen des XIII. Jahrhunderts, Münster 1916 (Beitr. z. Gesch. Phil. d. MA. Vol. 17, H. 5-6). --R.A. Avesta: See Zendavesta. Avicehron: (or Avencebrol, Salomon ibn Gabirol) The first Jewish philosopher in Spain, born in Malaga 1020, died about 1070, poet, philosopher, and moralist. His main work, Fons vitae, became influential and was much quoted by the Scholastics. It has been preserved only in the Latin translation by Gundissalinus. His doctrine of a spiritual substance individualizing also the pure spirits or separate forms was opposed by Aquinas already in his first treatise De ente, but found favor with the medieval Augustinians also later in the 13th century. He also teaches the necessity of a mediator between God and the created world; such a mediator he finds in the Divine Will proceeding from God and creating, conserving, and moving the world. His cosmogony shows a definitely Neo-Platonic shade and assumes a series of emanations. Cl. Baeumker, Avencebrolis Fons vitae. Beitr. z. Gesch. d. Philos. d. MA. 1892-1895, Vol. I. Joh. Wittman, Die Stellung des hl. Thomas von Aquino zu Avencebrol, ibid. 1900. Vol. III. --R.A. Avicenna: (Abu Ali al Hosain ibn Abdallah ibn Sina) Born 980 in the country of Bocchara, began to write in young years, left more than 100 works, taught in Ispahan, was physician to several Persian princes, and died at Hamadan in 1037. His fame as physician survived his influence as philosopher in the Occident. His medical works were printed still in the 17th century. His philosophy is contained in 18 vols. of a comprehensive encyclopedia, following the tradition of Al Kindi and Al Farabi. Logic, Physics, Mathematics and Metaphysics form the parts of this work. His philosophy is Aristotelian with noticeable Neo-Platonic influences. His doctrine of the universal existing ante res in God, in rebus as the universal nature of the particulars, and post res in the human mind by way of abstraction became a fundamental thesis of medieval Aristotelianism. He sharply distinguished between the logical and the ontological universal, denying to the latter the true nature of form in the composite. The principle of individuation is matter, eternally existent. Latin translations attributed to Avicenna the notion that existence is an accident to essence (see e.g. Guilelmus Parisiensis, De Universo). The process adopted by Avicenna was one of paraphrasis of the Aristotelian texts with many original thoughts interspersed. His works were translated into Latin by Dominicus Gundissalinus (Gondisalvi) with the assistance of Avendeath ibn Daud. This translation started, when it became more generally known, the "revival of Aristotle" at the end of the 12th and the beginning of the 13th century. Albert the Great and Aquinas professed, notwithstanding their critical attitude, a great admiration for Avicenna whom the Arabs used to call the "third Aristotle". But in the Orient, Avicenna's influence declined soon, overcome by the opposition of the orthodox theologians. Avicenna, Opera, Venetiis, 1495; l508; 1546. M. Horten, Das Buch der Genesung der Seele, eine philosophische Enzyklopaedie Avicenna's; XIII. Teil: Die Metaphysik. Halle a. S. 1907-1909. R. de Vaux, Notes et textes sur l'Avicennisme Latin, Bibl. Thomiste XX, Paris, 1934. --R.A. Avidya: (Skr.) Nescience; ignorance; the state of mind unaware of true reality; an equivalent of maya (q.v.); also a condition of pure awareness prior to the universal process of evolution through gradual differentiation into the elements and factors of knowledge. --K.F.L. Avyakta: (Skr.) "Unmanifest", descriptive of or standing for brahman (q.v.) in one of its or "his" aspects, symbolizing the superabundance of the creative principle, or designating the condition of the universe not yet become phenomenal (aja, unborn). --K.F.L. Awareness: Consciousness considered in its aspect of act; an act of attentive awareness such as the sensing of a color patch or the feeling of pain is distinguished from the content attended to, the sensed color patch, the felt pain. The psychologlcal theory of intentional act was advanced by F. Brentano (Psychologie vom empirischen Standpunkte) and received its epistemological development by Meinong, Husserl, Moore, Laird and Broad. See Intentionalism. --L.W. Axiological: (Ger. axiologisch) In Husserl: Of or pertaining to value or theory of value (the latter term understood as including disvalue and value-indifference). --D.C. Axiological ethics: Any ethics which makes the theory of obligation entirely dependent on the theory of value, by making the determination of the rightness of an action wholly dependent on a consideration of the value or goodness of something, e.g. the action itself, its motive, or its consequences, actual or probable. Opposed to deontological ethics. See also teleological ethics. --W.K.F. Axiologic Realism: In metaphysics, theory that value as well as logic, qualities as well as relations, have their being and exist external to the mind and independently of it. Applicable to the philosophy of many though not all realists in the history of philosophy, from Plato to G. E. Moore, A. N. Whitehead, and N, Hartmann. --J.K.F. Axiology: (Gr. axios, of like value, worthy, and logos, account, reason, theory). Modern term for theory of value (the desired, preferred, good), investigation of its nature, criteria, and metaphysical status. Had its rise in Plato's theory of Forms or Ideas (Idea of the Good); was developed in Aristotle's Organon, Ethics, Poetics, and Metaphysics (Book Lambda). Stoics and Epicureans investigated the summum bonum. Christian philosophy (St. Thomas) built on Aristotle's identification of highest value with final cause in God as "a living being, eternal, most good."   In modern thought, apart from scholasticism and the system of Spinoza (Ethica, 1677), in which values are metaphysically grounded, the various values were investigated in separate sciences, until Kant's Critiques, in which the relations of knowledge to moral, aesthetic, and religious values were examined. In Hegel's idealism, morality, art, religion, and philosophy were made the capstone of his dialectic. R. H. Lotze "sought in that which should be the ground of that which is" (Metaphysik, 1879). Nineteenth century evolutionary theory, anthropology, sociology, psychology, and economics subjected value experience to empirical analysis, and stress was again laid on the diversity and relativity of value phenomena rather than on their unity and metaphysical nature. F. Nietzsche's Also Sprach Zarathustra (1883-1885) and Zur Genealogie der Moral (1887) aroused new interest in the nature of value. F. Brentano, Vom Ursprung sittlicher Erkenntnis (1889), identified value with love.   In the twentieth century the term axiology was apparently first applied by Paul Lapie (Logique de la volonte, 1902) and E. von Hartmann (Grundriss der Axiologie, 1908). Stimulated by Ehrenfels (System der Werttheorie, 1897), Meinong (Psychologisch-ethische Untersuchungen zur Werttheorie, 1894-1899), and Simmel (Philosophie des Geldes, 1900). W. M. Urban wrote the first systematic treatment of axiology in English (Valuation, 1909), phenomenological in method under J. M. Baldwin's influence. Meanwhile H. Münsterberg wrote a neo-Fichtean system of values (The Eternal Values, 1909).   Among important recent contributions are: B. Bosanquet, The Principle of Individuality and Value (1912), a free reinterpretation of Hegelianism; W. R. Sorley, Moral Values and the Idea of God (1918, 1921), defending a metaphysical theism; S. Alexander, Space, Time, and Deity (1920), realistic and naturalistic; N. Hartmann, Ethik (1926), detailed analysis of types and laws of value; R. B. Perry's magnum opus, General Theory of Value (1926), "its meaning and basic principles construed in terms of interest"; and J. Laird, The Idea of Value (1929), noteworthy for historical exposition. A naturalistic theory has been developed by J. Dewey (Theory of Valuation, 1939), for which "not only is science itself a value . . . but it is the supreme means of the valid determination of all valuations." A. J. Ayer, Language, Truth and Logic (1936) expounds the view of logical positivism that value is "nonsense." J. Hessen, Wertphilosophie (1937), provides an account of recent German axiology from a neo-scholastic standpoint.   The problems of axiology fall into four main groups, namely, those concerning (1) the nature of value, (2) the types of value, (3) the criterion of value, and (4) the metaphysical status of value.   (1) The nature of value experience. Is valuation fulfillment of desire (voluntarism: Spinoza, Ehrenfels), pleasure (hedonism: Epicurus, Bentham, Meinong), interest (Perry), preference (Martineau), pure rational will (formalism: Stoics, Kant, Royce), apprehension of tertiary qualities (Santayana), synoptic experience of the unity of personality (personalism: T. H. Green, Bowne), any experience that contributes to enhanced life (evolutionism: Nietzsche), or "the relation of things as means to the end or consequence actually reached" (pragmatism, instrumentalism: Dewey).   (2) The types of value. Most axiologists distinguish between intrinsic (consummatory) values (ends), prized for their own sake, and instrumental (contributory) values (means), which are causes (whether as economic goods or as natural events) of intrinsic values. Most intrinsic values are also instrumental to further value experience; some instrumental values are neutral or even disvaluable intrinsically. Commonly recognized as intrinsic values are the (morally) good, the true, the beautiful, and the holy. Values of play, of work, of association, and of bodily well-being are also acknowledged. Some (with Montague) question whether the true is properly to be regarded as a value, since some truth is disvaluable, some neutral; but love of truth, regardless of consequences, seems to establish the value of truth. There is disagreement about whether the holy (religious value) is a unique type (Schleiermacher, Otto), or an attitude toward other values (Kant, Höffding), or a combination of the two (Hocking). There is also disagreement about whether the variety of values is irreducible (pluralism) or whether all values are rationally related in a hierarchy or system (Plato, Hegel, Sorley), in which values interpenetrate or coalesce into a total experience.   (3) The criterion of value. The standard for testing values is influenced by both psychological and logical theory. Hedonists find the standard in the quantity of pleasure derived by the individual (Aristippus) or society (Bentham). Intuitionists appeal to an ultimate insight into preference (Martineau, Brentano). Some idealists recognize an objective system of rational norms or ideals as criterion (Plato, Windelband), while others lay more stress on rational wholeness and coherence (Hegel, Bosanquet, Paton) or inclusiveness (T. H. Green). Naturalists find biological survival or adjustment (Dewey) to be the standard. Despite differences, there is much in common in the results of the application of these criteria.   (4) The metaphysical status of value. What is the relation of values to the facts investigated by natural science (Koehler), of Sein to Sollen (Lotze, Rickert), of human experience of value to reality independent of man (Hegel, Pringle-Pattlson, Spaulding)? There are three main answers:   subjectivism (value is entirely dependent on and relative to human experience of it: so most hedonists, naturalists, positivists);   logical objectivism (values are logical essences or subsistences, independent of their being known, yet with no existential status or action in reality);   metaphysical objectivism (values   --or norms or ideals   --are integral, objective, and active constituents of the metaphysically real: so theists, absolutists, and certain realists and naturalists like S. Alexander and Wieman). --E.S.B. Axiom: See Mathematics. Axiomatic method: That method of constructing a deductive system consisting of deducing by specified rules all statements of the system save a given few from those given few, which are regarded as axioms or postulates of the system. See Mathematics. --C.A.B. Ayam atma brahma: (Skr.) "This self is brahman", famous quotation from Brhadaranyaka Upanishad 2.5.19, one of many alluding to the central theme of the Upanishads, i.e., the identity of the human and divine or cosmic. --K.F.L.

Authoritarian [parents] ::: Parenting style focused on excessive rules, rigid belief systems, and the expectation of unquestioned obedience.

Authoritative [parents] ::: Parenting style focused on setting reasonable rules and expectations while encouraging communication and independence.

autocrat ::: a. --> An absolute sovereign; a monarch who holds and exercises the powers of government by claim of absolute right, not subject to restriction; as, Autocrat of all the Russias (a title of the Czar).
One who rules with undisputed sway in any company or relation; a despot.

AVATARA ::: One in whom the Divine Consciousness has descended into human birth for a great world-work; the Incarnation; Spirit descending into man; Descent into form; the revelation of the Godhead in humanity; the Divine who has descended into the human consciousness; coming down of the Divine below the line which divides the divine from the human world or status.
An Avatar, roughly speaking, is one who is conscious of the presence and power of the Divine born in him or descended into him governing from within his will and life action; he feels identified inwardly with this divine power and presence.
He is a realiser, an establisher - not of outward things only, though he does realise something in the outward also, but of something essential and radical needed for the terrestrial evolution which is the evolution of the embodied spirit through successive stages towards the Divine.
There are two sides of the phenomenon of avatarhood, the Divine Consciousness and the instrumental personality in Nature under the conditions of Nature which it uses according to the rules of the game.
The Avatar takes upon himself the nature of humanity in his instrumental parts, though the consciousness acting behind is divine.

Basic Encoding Rules "protocol, standard" (BER) {ASN.1} encoding rules for producing self-identifying and self-delimiting {transfer syntax} for data structures described in {ASN.1} notations. BER is an self-identifying and self-delimiting encoding scheme, which means that each data value can be identified, extracted and decoded individually. Huw Rogers once described BER as "a triumph of bloated theory over clean implementation". He also criticises it as designed around bitstreams with arbitrary boundaries between data which can only be determined at a high level. Documents: {ITU-T} X.690, {ISO} 8825-1. See also {CER}, {DER}, {PER}. (1998-05-28)

Bennett and Baylis, Formal Logic, New York. 1937: 6. THEORY OF TYPES. In the functional calculus of first order, variables which appear as arguments of propositional functions or which are bound by quantifiers must be variables which are restricted to a certain limited range, the kinds of propositions about propositional functions which cannot be expressed in the calculus. The uncritical attempt to remove this restriction, by introducing variables of unlimited range (the range covering both non-functions and functions of whatever kind) and modifying accordingly the definition of a formula and the lists of primitive formulas and primitive rules of inference, leads to a system which is formally inconsistent through the possibility of deriving in it certain of the logical paradoxes (q. v.). The functional calculus of first order may, however, be extended in another way, which involves separating propositional functions into a certain array of categories (the hierarchy of types), excluding. propositional functions which do not fall into one of these categories, and -- besides propositional and individual variables -- admitting only variables having a particular one of these categories as range.

BER 1. "protocol, standard" {Basic Encoding Rules}. 2. "communications" {Bit Error Rate}.

bevel ::: n. --> Any angle other than a right angle; the angle which one surface makes with another when they are not at right angles; the slant or inclination of such surface; as, to give a bevel to the edge of a table or a stone slab; the bevel of a piece of timber.
An instrument consisting of two rules or arms, jointed together at one end, and opening to any angle, for adjusting the surfaces of work to the same or a given inclination; -- called also a bevel square.

bold ::: n. --> Forward to meet danger; venturesome; daring; not timorous or shrinking from risk; brave; courageous.
Exhibiting or requiring spirit and contempt of danger; planned with courage; daring; vigorous.
In a bad sense, too forward; taking undue liberties; over assuming or confident; lacking proper modesty or restraint; rude; impudent.
Somewhat overstepping usual bounds, or conventional rules, as

Brahmanas ::: [the portion of the Veda, distinct from its mantra (hymnal) portion, which contains rules for the employment of the mantras at various sacrifices, and also detailed explanations of the origin and meaning of the mantras and numerous old legends].

"By studying the principles of success and failure, preservation and destruction, calamity and prosperity from ancient to recent times, they learn how to hold what is essential and to grasp the fundamental. They guard themselves with purity and emptiness, in humility and weakness they maintain themselves . . . Afterwards those who act without restraint desired to reject learning and the rules of propriety, and at the same time, discard benevolence and righteousness. They said that the world could be governed simply by purity and emptiness."

calculate ::: v. i. --> To ascertain or determine by mathematical processes, usually by the ordinary rules of arithmetic; to reckon up; to estimate; to compute.
To ascertain or predict by mathematical or astrological computations the time, circumstances, or other conditions of; to forecast or compute the character or consequences of; as, to calculate or cast one&

Calculus: The name calculus may be applied to any organized method of solving problems or drawing inferences by manipulation of symbols according to formal rules. Or an exact definition of a calculus may be provided by identifying it with a logistic system, (q.v.) satisfying the requirement of effectiveness.

Canonical Encoding Rules "protocol, standard" (CER) A restricted variant of {BER} for producing unequivocal {transfer syntax} for data structures described by {ASN.1}. Whereas {BER} gives choices as to how data values may be encoded, CER and {DER} select just one encoding from those allowed by the basic encoding rules, eliminating all of the options. They are useful when the encodings must be preserved, e.g. in security exchanges. CER and {DER} differ in the set of restrictions that they place on the encoder. The basic difference between CER and {DER} is that {DER} uses definitive length form and CER uses indefinite length form. Documents: {ITU-T} X.690, {ISO} 8825-1. See also {PER}. (1998-05-19)

canonical (Historically, "according to religious law") 1. "mathematics" A standard way of writing a formula. Two formulas such as 9 + x and x + 9 are said to be equivalent because they mean the same thing, but the second one is in "canonical form" because it is written in the usual way, with the highest power of x first. Usually there are fixed rules you can use to decide whether something is in canonical form. Things in canonical form are easier to compare. 2. "jargon" The usual or standard state or manner of something. The term acquired this meaning in computer-science culture largely through its prominence in {Alonzo Church}'s work in computation theory and {mathematical logic} (see {Knights of the Lambda-Calculus}). Compare {vanilla}. This word has an interesting history. Non-technical academics do not use the adjective "canonical" in any of the senses defined above with any regularity; they do however use the nouns "canon" and "canonicity" (not "canonicalness"* or "canonicality"*). The "canon" of a given author is the complete body of authentic works by that author (this usage is familiar to Sherlock Holmes fans as well as to literary scholars). "The canon" is the body of works in a given field (e.g. works of literature, or of art, or of music) deemed worthwhile for students to study and for scholars to investigate. The word "canon" derives ultimately from the Greek "kanon" (akin to the English "cane") referring to a reed. Reeds were used for measurement, and in Latin and later Greek the word "canon" meant a rule or a standard. The establishment of a canon of scriptures within Christianity was meant to define a standard or a rule for the religion. The above non-technical academic usages stem from this instance of a defined and accepted body of work. Alongside this usage was the promulgation of "canons" ("rules") for the government of the Catholic Church. The usages relating to religious law derive from this use of the Latin "canon". It may also be related to arabic "qanun" (law). Hackers invest this term with a playfulness that makes an ironic contrast with its historical meaning. A true story: One Bob Sjoberg, new at the {MIT AI Lab}, expressed some annoyance at the incessant use of jargon. Over his loud objections, {GLS} and {RMS} made a point of using as much of it as possible in his presence, and eventually it began to sink in. Finally, in one conversation, he used the word "canonical" in jargon-like fashion without thinking. Steele: "Aha! We've finally got you talking jargon too!" Stallman: "What did he say?" Steele: "Bob just used "canonical" in the canonical way." Of course, canonicality depends on context, but it is implicitly defined as the way *hackers* normally expect things to be. Thus, a hacker may claim with a straight face that "according to religious law" is *not* the canonical meaning of "canonical". (2002-02-06)

Cartesianism: The philosophy of the French thinker, Rene Descartes (Cartesius) 1596-1650. After completing his formal education at the Jesuit College at La Fleche, he spent the years 1612-1621 in travel and military service. The reminder of his life was devoted to study and writing. He died in Sweden, where he had gone in 1649 to tutor Queen Christina. His principal works are: Discours de la methode, (preface to his Geometric, Meteores, Dieptrique) Meditationes de prima philosophia, Principia philosophiae, Passions de l'ame, Regulae ad directionem ingenii, Le monde. Descartes is justly regarded as one of the founders of modern epistemology. Dissatisfied with the lack of agreement among philosophers, he decided that philosophy needed a new method, that of mathematics. He began by resolving to doubt everything which could not pass the test of his criterion of truth, viz. the clearness and distinctness of ideas. Anything which could pass this test was to be readmitted as self-evident. From self-evident truths, he deduced other truths which logically follow from them. Three kinds of ideas were distinguished: innate, by which he seems to mean little more than the mental power to think things or thoughts; adventitious, which come to him from without; factitious, produced within his own mind. He found most difficulty with the second type of ideas. The first reality discovered through his method is the thinking self. Though he might doubt nearly all else, Descartes could not reasonably doubt that he, who was thinking, existed as a res cogitans. This is the intuition enunciated in the famous aphorism: I think, therefore I am, Cogito ergo sum. This is not offered by Descartes as a compressed syllogism, but as an immediate intuition of his own thinking mind. Another reality, whose existence was obvious to Descartes, was God, the Supreme Being. Though he offered several proofs of the Divine Existence, he was convinced that he knew this also by an innate idea, and so, clearly and distinctly. But he did not find any clear ideas of an extra-mental, bodily world. He suspected its existence, but logical demonstration was needed to establish this truth. His adventitious ideas carry the vague suggestion that they are caused by bodies in an external world. By arguing that God would be a deceiver, in allowing him to think that bodies exist if they do not, he eventually convinced himself of the reality of bodies, his own and others. There are, then, three kinds of substance according to Descartes: Created spirits, i.e. the finite soul-substance of each man: these are immaterial agencies capable of performing spiritual operations, loosely united with bodies, but not extended since thought is their very essence. Uncreated Spirit, i.e. God, confined neither to space nor time, All-Good and All-Powerful, though his Existence can be known clearly, his Nature cannot be known adequately by men on earth, He is the God of Christianity, Creator, Providence and Final Cause of the universe. Bodies, i.e. created, physical substances existing independently of human thought and having as their chief attribute, extension. Cartesian physics regards bodies as the result of the introduction of "vortices", i.e. whorls of motion, into extension. Divisibility, figurability and mobility, are the notes of extension, which appears to be little more thin what Descartes' Scholastic teachers called geometrical space. God is the First Cause of all motion in the physical universe, which is conceived as a mechanical system operated by its Maker. Even the bodies of animals are automata. Sensation is the critical problem in Cartesian psychology; it is viewed by Descartes as a function of the soul, but he was never able to find a satisfactory explanation of the apparent fact that the soul is moved by the body when sensation occurs. The theory of animal spirits provided Descartes with a sort of bridge between mind and matter, since these spirits are supposed to be very subtle matter, halfway, as it were, between thought and extension in their nature. However, this theory of sensation is the weakest link in the Cartesian explanation of cognition. Intellectual error is accounted for by Descartes in his theory of assent, which makes judgment an act of free will. Where the will over-reaches the intellect, judgment may be false. That the will is absolutely free in man, capable even of choosing what is presented by the intellect as the less desirable of two alternatives, is probably a vestige of Scotism retained from his college course in Scholasticism. Common-sense and moderation are the keynotes of Descartes' famous rules for the regulation of his own conduct during his nine years of methodic doubt, and this ethical attitude continued throughout his life. He believed that man is responsible ultimately to God for the courses of action that he may choose. He admitted that conflicts may occur between human passions and human reason. A virtuous life is made possible by the knowledge of what is right and the consequent control of the lower tendencies of human nature. Six primary passions are described by Descartes wonder, love, hatred, desire, joy and sorrow. These are passive states of consciousness, partly caused by the body, acting through the animal spirits, and partly caused by the soul. Under rational control, they enable the soul to will what is good for the body. Descartes' terminology suggests that there are psychological faculties, but he insists that these powers are not really distinct from the soul itself, which is man's sole psychic agency. Descartes was a practical Catholic all his life and he tried to develop proofs of the existence of God, an explanation of the Eucharist, of the nature of religious faith, and of the operation of Divine Providence, using his philosophy as the basis for a new theology. This attempted theology has not found favor with Catholic theologians in general.

case based reasoning "artificial intelligence" (CBR) A technique for problem solving which looks for previous examples which are similar to the current problem. This is useful where {heuristic} {knowledge} is not available. There are many situations where experts are not happy to be questioned about their knowledge by people who want to write the knowledge in rules, for use in {expert systems}. In most of these situations, the natural way for an expert to describe his or her knowledge is through examples, stories or cases (which are all basically the same thing). Such an expert will teach trainees about the expertise by apprenticeship, i.e. by giving examples and by asking the trainees to remember them, copy them and adapt them in solving new problems if they describe situations that are similar to the new problems. CBR aims to exploit such knowledge. Some key research areas are efficient indexing, how to define "similarity" between cases and how to use temporal information. (1996-05-28)

casuistry ::: a. --> The science or doctrine of dealing with cases of conscience, of resolving questions of right or wrong in conduct, or determining the lawfulness or unlawfulness of what a man may do by rules and principles drawn from the Scriptures, from the laws of society or the church, or from equity and natural reason; the application of general moral rules to particular cases.
Sophistical, equivocal, or false reasoning or teaching in regard to duties, obligations, and morals.

CDL 1. Computer Definition [Design?] Language. A hardware description language. "Computer Organisation and Microprogramming", Yaohan Chu, P-H 1970. 2. Command Definition Language. Portion of ICES used to implement commands. Sammet 1969, p.618-620. 3. Compiler Description Language. C.H.A. Koster, 1969. Intended for implementation of the rules of an affix grammar by recursive procedures. A procedure may be a set of tree-structured alternatives, each alternative is executed until one successfully exits. Used in a portable COBOL-74 compiler from MPB, mprolog system from SzKI, and the Mephisto chess computer. "CDL: A Compiler Implementation Language", in Methods of Algorithmic Language Implementation, C.H.A. Koster, LNCS 47, Springer 1977, pp.341-351. "Using the CDL Compiler Compiler", C.H.A. Koster, 1974. Versions: CDL2, CDLM used at Manchester. 4. Common Design Language. "Common Design Language", IBM, Software Engineering Inst, Sept 1983. 5. Control Definition Language. Ideas which contributed to Smalltalk. ["Control Structures for Programming Languges", David A. Fisher, PhD Thesis, CMU 1970].

CER {Canonical Encoding Rules}

ceremonial ::: a. --> Relating to ceremony, or external rite; ritual; according to the forms of established rites.
Observant of forms; ceremonious. [In this sense ceremonious is now preferred.] ::: n. --> A system of rules and ceremonies, enjoined by law, or

ceremonious ::: a. --> Consisting of outward forms and rites; ceremonial. [In this sense ceremonial is now preferred.]
According to prescribed or customary rules and forms; devoted to forms and ceremonies; formally respectful; punctilious.

Chance ::: Madhav: “Chance, erratic happening, is only an appearance. It is not the governing truth or feature of this existence. What look like unregulated result is really an effect foreseeable by an Intelligence higher than the mental reason; in fact, it is part of a process initiated and conducted by a divine wisdom, prajna, that rules the universe. What passes for chance is a purposive movement permitted and contained in the larger operations of the Law.” Readings in Savitri, Vol. I.

Characterology: This name originally was used for types; thus in Aristotle and Theophrastus, and even much later, e.g. in La Bruyere. Gradually it came to signify something individual; a development paralleled by the replacement of "typical" figures on the stage by individualities. There is no agreement, even today, on the definition; confusion reigns especially because of an insufficient distinction between character, personality, and person. But all agree that character manifests itself in the behavior of a person. One can distinguish a merely descriptive approach, one of classification, and one of interpretation. The general viewpoints of interpretation influence also description and classification, since they determine what is considered "important" and lay down the rules by which to distinguish and to classify. One narrow interpretation looks at character mainly as the result of inborn properties, rooted in organic constitution; character is considered, therefore, as essentially unchangeable and predetermined. The attempts at establishing correlations between character and body-build (Kretschmer a.o.) are a special form of such narrow interpretation. It makes but little difference if, besides inborn properties, the influence of environmental factors is acknowledged. The rationalistic interpretation looks at character mainly as the result of convictions. These convictions are seen as purely intellectual in extreme rationalism (virtue is knowledge, Socrates), or as referring to the value-aspect of reality which is conceived as apprehended by other than merely intellectual operations. Thus, Spranger gives a classification according to the "central values" dominating a man's behavior. (Allport has devised practical methods of character study on this basis.) Since the idea a person has of values and their order may change, character is conceived as essentially mutable, even if far going changes may be unfrequent. Character-education is the practical application of the principles of characterology and thus depends on the general idea an author holds in regard to human nature. Character is probably best defined as the individual's way of preferring or rejecting values. It depends on the innate capacities of value-apprehension and on the way these values are presented to the individual. Therefore the enormous influence of social factors. -- R.A.

chess-play ::: the game of chess; a board game for two players, each beginning with 16 pieces of six kinds that are moved according to individual rules, with the objective of checkmating the opposing king. chess-player.

chondrite ::: n. --> A meteoric stone characterized by the presence of chondrules.

civilize ::: v. t. --> To reclaim from a savage state; to instruct in the rules and customs of civilization; to educate; to refine.
To admit as suitable to a civilized state.

C+- "language, humour" (C More or Less) A subject-oriented language (SOL). Each C+- {class} instance, known as a subject, holds hidden {members}, known as prejudices, agendas or undeclared preferences, which are impervious to outside messages; as well as public members, known as boasts or claims. The following {C} {operators} are overridden as shown: "  better than "  worse than "" way better than "" forget it !  not on your life == comparable, other things being equal !== get a life, guy! C+- is {strongly typed}, based on stereotyping and self-righteous logic. The {Boolean} {variables} TRUE and FALSE (known as constants in other, less realistic languages) are supplemented with CREDIBLE and DUBIOUS, which are fuzzier than Zadeh's traditional {fuzzy logic} categories. All Booleans can be declared with the modifiers strong and weak. Weak implication is said to "preserve deniability" and was added at the request of the DoD to ensure compatibility with future versions of {Ada}. Well-formed falsehoods (WFFs) are {assignment}-compatible with all Booleans. What-if and why-not interactions are aided by the special conditional EVENIFNOT X THEN Y. C+- supports {information hiding} and, among {friend classes} only, rumor sharing. Borrowing from the {Eiffel} lexicon, non-friend classes can be killed by arranging contracts. Note that friendships are {intransitive}, {volatile} and non-{Abelian}. {Operator precedence} rules can be suspended with the dwim {pragma}, known as the "{Do what I mean}". {ANSIfication} will be firmly resisted. C+-'s slogan is "Be Your Own Standard." [{Jargon File}] (1999-06-15)

code ::: 1. A system of symbols, letters, or words given certain arbitrary meanings, used for transmitting messages requiring secrecy or brevity. 2. A systematic collection of regulations and rules of procedure or conduct. codes.

code ::: n. --> A body of law, sanctioned by legislation, in which the rules of law to be specifically applied by the courts are set forth in systematic form; a compilation of laws by public authority; a digest.
Any system of rules or regulations relating to one subject; as, the medical code, a system of rules for the regulation of the professional conduct of physicians; the naval code, a system of rules for making communications at sea means of signals.

code police "humour" (By analogy with George Orwell's "Thought Police" in "1984") A mythical team of Gestapo-like storm troopers that enforce programming style rules. Used ironically, to suggest that the practice under discussion is condemned mainly by anal-retentive {weenies}. "Dike out that {goto} or the code police will get you!" The ironic usage is perhaps more common. [{Jargon File}] (1994-12-08)

COMIT "language" The first string-handling and {pattern-matching} language, designed in 1957-8 for applications in {natural language} translation. The user has a workspace organised into shelves. Strings are made of constituents (words), accessed by {subscript}. A program is a set of rules, each of which has a pattern, a replacement and goto another rule. ["COMIT Programmer's Reference Manual", V.H. Yngve, MIT Press 1961]. [Sammet 1969, pp. 416-436]. (1994-11-30)

conscientious ::: a. --> Influenced by conscience; governed by a strict regard to the dictates of conscience, or by the known or supposed rules of right and wrong; -- said of a person.
Characterized by a regard to conscience; conformed to the dictates of conscience; -- said of actions.

construe ::: v. t. --> To apply the rules of syntax to (a sentence or clause) so as to exhibit the structure, arrangement, or connection of, or to discover the sense; to explain the construction of; to interpret; to translate.
To put a construction upon; to explain the sense or intention of; to interpret; to understand.

contempt ::: n. --> The act of contemning or despising; the feeling with which one regards that which is esteemed mean, vile, or worthless; disdain; scorn.
The state of being despised; disgrace; shame.
An act or expression denoting contempt.
Disobedience of the rules, orders, or process of a court of justice, or of rules or orders of a legislative body; disorderly, contemptuous, or insolent language or behavior in presence of a court,

context-free grammar "grammar" (CFG) A {grammar} where the {syntax} of each constituent ({syntactic category} or {terminal symbol}) is independent of the symbols occuring before and after it in a sentence. A context-free grammar describes a context-free language. Context-free grammars can be expressed by a set of "production rules" or syntactic rules. For example, a language with symbols "a" and "b" that must occur in unequal numbers can be represented by the CFG: S → U | V U → TaU | TaT | UaT V → TbV | TbT | VbT T → aTbT | bTaT | ε meaning the top-level category "S" consists of either a "U" or a "V" and so on. The special category "ε" represents the empty string. This grammar is context-free because each rule has a single symbol on its left-hand side. {Parsers} for context-free grammars are simpler than those for context-dependent grammars because the parser need only know the current symbol. {Algol} was (one of?) the first languages whose syntax was described by a context-free grammar. This became a common practice for programming languages and led to the notation for grammars called {Backus-Naur Form}. (2014-11-24)

contrapuntal ::: a. --> Pertaining to, or according to the rules of, counterpoint.

contumacy ::: n. --> Stubborn perverseness; pertinacious resistance to authority.
A willful contempt of, and disobedience to, any lawful summons, or to the rules and orders of court, as a refusal to appear in court when legally summoned.

conventional ::: a. --> Formed by agreement or compact; stipulated.
Growing out of, or depending on, custom or tacit agreement; sanctioned by general concurrence or usage; formal.
Based upon tradition, whether religious and historical or of artistic rules.
Abstracted; removed from close representation of nature by the deliberate selection of what is to be represented and what is to be rejected; as, a conventional flower; a conventional

conventionalizw ::: v. t. --> To make conventional; to bring under the influence of, or cause to conform to, conventional rules; to establish by usage.
To represent by selecting the important features and those which are expressible in the medium employed, and omitting the others.
To represent according to an established principle, whether religious or traditional, or based upon certain

Conway's Game of Life "simulation" The first popular {cellular automata} based {artificial life} simulation. Life was invented by British mathematician {John Horton Conway} in 1970 and was first introduced publicly in "Scientific American" later that year. Conway first devised what he called "The Game of Life" and "ran" it using plates placed on floor tiles in his house. Because of he ran out of floor space and kept stepping on the plates, he later moved to doing it on paper or on a checkerboard and then moved to running Life as a computer program on a {PDP-7}. That first implementation of Life as a computer program was written by M. J. T. Guy and {S. R. Bourne} (the author of {Unix}'s {Bourne shell}). Life uses a rectangular grid of binary (live or dead) cells each of which is updated at each step according to the previous state of its eight neighbours as follows: a live cell with less than two, or more than three, live neighbours dies. A dead cell with exactly three neighbours becomes alive. Other cells do not change. While the rules are fairly simple, the patterns that can arise are of a complexity resembling that of organic systems -- hence the name "Life". Many hackers pass through a stage of fascination with Life, and hackers at various places contributed heavily to the mathematical analysis of this game (most notably {Bill Gosper} at {MIT}, who even implemented Life in {TECO}!; see {Gosperism}). When a hacker mentions "life", he is more likely to mean this game than the magazine, the breakfast cereal, the 1950s-era board game or the human state of existence. {On-line implementation (}. ["Scientific American" 223, October 1970, p120-123, 224; February 1971 p121-117, Martin Gardner]. ["The Garden in The Machine: the Emerging Science of Artificial Life", Claus Emmeche, 1994]. ["Winning Ways, For Your Mathematical Plays", Elwyn R. Berlekamp, John Horton Conway and Richard K. Guy, 1982]. ["The Recursive Universe: Cosmic Complexity and the Limits of Scientific Knowledge", William Poundstone, 1985]. [{Jargon File}] (1997-09-07)

CORAL 1. {Class Oriented Ring Associated Language}. 2. A {deductive database} and {logic programming} system based on {Horn-clause} rules with extensions like {SQL}'s {group-by} and {aggregation} operators. CORAL was developed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. It is implemented in C++ and has a {Prolog}-like {syntax}. Many evaluation techniques are supported, including {bottom-up fixpoint evaluation} and top-down {backtracking}. {Modules} are separately compiled; different evaluation methods can be used in different modules within a single program. Disk-resident data is supported via an interface to the {Exodus} storage manager. There is an on-line help facility. It requires {AT&T} {C++} 2.0 (or {G++} soon) and runs on {Decstation} and {Sun-4}. {(}. (1993-01-29)

criticism ::: n. --> The rules and principles which regulate the practice of the critic; the art of judging with knowledge and propriety of the beauties and faults of a literary performance, or of a production in the fine arts; as, dramatic criticism.
The act of criticising; a critical judgment passed or expressed; a critical observation or detailed examination and review; a critique; animadversion; censure.

Cyc "artificial intelligence" A large {knowledge-based system}. Cyc is a very large, multi-contextual {knowledge base} and {inference engine}, the development of which started at the {Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation} (MCC) in Austin, Texas during the early 1980s. Over the past eleven years the members of the Cyc team, lead by {Doug Lenat}, have added to the knowledge base a huge amount of fundamental human knowledge: {facts}, rules of thumb, and {heuristics} for reasoning about the objects and events of modern everyday life. Cyc is an attempt to do symbolic {AI} on a massive scale. It is not based on numerical methods such as statistical probabilities, nor is it based on {neural networks} or {fuzzy logic}. All of the knowledge in Cyc is represented {declaratively} in the form of logical {assertions}. Cyc presently contains approximately 400,000 significant assertions, which include simple statements of fact, rules about what conclusions to draw if certain statements of fact are satisfied, and rules about how to reason with certain types of facts and rules. The {inference engine} derives new conclusions using {deductive reasoning}. To date, Cyc has made possible ground-breaking pilot applications in the areas of {heterogeneous} database browsing and integration, {captioned image retrieval}, and {natural language processing}. In January of 1995, a new independent company named Cycorp was created to continue the Cyc project. Cycorp is still in Austin, Texas. The president of Cycorp is {Doug Lenat}. The development of Cyc has been supported by several organisations, including {Apple}, {Bellcore}, {DEC}, {DoD}, {Interval}, {Kodak}, and {Microsoft}. {(}. {Unofficial FAQ (}. (1999-09-07)

dasi-isvari (dasi-ishwari; dasi iswari) ::: slave-girl and queen; she who dasi-isvari serves and rules.

database 1. "database" One or more large structured sets of persistent data, usually associated with software to update and {query} the data. A simple database might be a single file containing many {records}, each of which contains the same set of {fields} where each field is a certain fixed width. A database is one component of a {database management system}. See also {ANSI/SPARC Architecture}, {atomic}, {blob}, {data definition language}, {deductive database}, {distributed database}, {fourth generation language}, {functional database}, {object-oriented database}, {relational database}. {Carol E. Brown's tutorial (}. 2. "hypertext" A collection of {nodes} managed and stored in one place and all accessible via the same {server}. {Links} outside this are "external", and those inside are "internal". On the {World-Wide Web} this is called a {website}. 3. All the facts and rules comprising a {logic programming} program. (2005-11-17)

data redundancy "data, communications, storage" Any technique that stores or transmits extra, derived data that can be used to detect or repair errors, either in hardware or software. Examples are {parity bits} and the {cyclic redundancy check}. If the cost of errors is high enough, e.g. in a {safety-critical system}, redundancy may be used in both hardware AND software with three separate computers programmed by three separate teams ("triple redundancy") and some system to check that they all produce the same answer, or some kind of majority voting system. The term is not typically used for other, less beneficial, duplication of data. 2. "communications" The proportion of a message's gross information content that can be eliminated without losing essential information. Technically, redundancy is one minus the ratio of the actual uncertainty to the maximum uncertainty. This is the fraction of the structure of the message which is determined not by the choice of the sender, but rather by the accepted statistical rules governing the choice of the symbols in question. [Shannon and Weaver, 1948, p. l3] (2010-02-04)

declarative language "language" Any {relational language} or {functional language}. These kinds of {programming language} describe relationships between variables in terms of {functions} or {inference rules}, and the language executor ({interpreter} or {compiler}) applies some fixed {algorithm} to these relations to produce a result. Declarative languages contrast with {imperative languages} which specify explicit manipulation of the computer's internal state; or {procedural languages} which specify an explicit sequence of steps to follow. The most common examples of declarative languages are {logic programming} languages such as {Prolog} and {functional languages} like {Haskell}. See also {production system}. (2004-05-17)

deductive database "database" A combination of a conventional {database} containing {facts}, a {knowledge base} containing {rules}, and an {inference engine} which allows the derivation of {information} implied by the facts and rules. Commonly, the knowledge base is expressed in a subset of {first-order logic} and either a {SLDNF} or {Datalog} inference engine is used. (1995-04-27)

defective ::: a. --> Wanting in something; incomplete; lacking a part; deficient; imperfect; faulty; -- applied either to natural or moral qualities; as, a defective limb; defective timber; a defective copy or account; a defective character; defective rules.
Lacking some of the usual forms of declension or conjugation; as, a defective noun or verb.

delta reduction "theory" In {lambda-calculus} extended with constants, delta reduction replaces a function applied to the required number of arguments (a {redex}) by a result. E.g. plus 2 3 --" 5. In contrast with {beta reduction} (the only kind of reduction in the {pure lambda-calculus}) the result is not formed simply by textual substitution of arguments into the body of a function. Instead, a delta redex is matched against the left hand side of all delta rules and is replaced by the right hand side of the (first) matching rule. There is notionally one delta rule for each possible combination of function and arguments. Where this implies an infinite number of rules, the result is usually defined by reference to some external system such as mathematical addition or the hardware operations of some computer. For other types, all rules can be given explicitly, for example {Boolean} negation: not True = False not False = True (1997-02-20)

demon 1. "operating system" (Often used equivalently to {daemon}, especially in the {Unix} world, where the latter spelling and pronunciation is considered mildly archaic). A program or part of a program which is not invoked explicitly, but that lies dormant waiting for some condition(s) to occur. At {MIT} they use "demon" for part of a program and "daemon" for an {operating system} process. Demons (parts of programs) are particularly common in {AI} programs. For example, a {knowledge}-manipulation program might implement {inference rules} as demons. Whenever a new piece of knowledge was added, various demons would activate (which demons depends on the particular piece of data) and would create additional pieces of knowledge by applying their respective inference rules to the original piece. These new pieces could in turn activate more demons as the inferences filtered down through chains of logic. Meanwhile, the main program could continue with whatever its primary task was. This is similar to the {triggers} used in {relational databases}. The use of this term may derive from "Maxwell's Demons" - minute beings which can reverse the normal flow of heat from a hot body to a cold body by only allowing fast moving molecules to go from the cold body to the hot one and slow molecules from hot to cold. The solution to this apparent thermodynamic paradox is that the demons would require an external supply of energy to do their work and it is only in the absence of such a supply that heat must necessarily flow from hot to cold. Walt Bunch believes the term comes from the demons in Oliver Selfridge's paper "Pandemonium", MIT 1958, which was named after the capital of Hell in Milton's "Paradise Lost". Selfridge likened neural cells firing in response to input patterns to the chaos of millions of demons shrieking in Pandemonium. 2. "company" {Demon Internet} Ltd. 3. A {program generator} for {differential equation} problems. [N.W. Bennett, Australian AEC Research Establishment, AAEC/E142, Aug 1965]. [{Jargon File}] (1998-09-04)

depart ::: v. i. --> To part; to divide; to separate.
To go forth or away; to quit, leave, or separate, as from a place or a person; to withdraw; -- opposed to arrive; -- often with from before the place, person, or thing left, and for or to before the destination.
To forsake; to abandon; to desist or deviate (from); not to adhere to; -- with from; as, we can not depart from our rules; to depart from a title or defense in legal pleading.

DER {Distinguished Encoding Rules}

despot ::: n. --> A master; a lord; especially, an absolute or irresponsible ruler or sovereign.
One who rules regardless of a constitution or laws; a tyrant.

dharma-sangha ::: a communal body [sangha] which exists as the expression of and is based in the rules, features, structure of its life on the maintenance of the dharma.

dialectics ::: n. --> That branch of logic which teaches the rules and modes of reasoning; the application of logical principles to discursive reasoning; the science or art of discriminating truth from error; logical discussion.

dictator ::: n. --> One who dictates; one who prescribes rules and maxims authoritatively for the direction of others.
One invested with absolute authority; especially, a magistrate created in times of exigence and distress, and invested with unlimited power.

dietarian ::: n. --> One who lives in accordance with prescribed rules for diet; a dieter.

dietary ::: a. --> Pertaining to diet, or to the rules of diet. ::: n. --> A rule of diet; a fixed allowance of food, as in workhouse, prison, etc.

dieter ::: n. --> One who diets; one who prescribes, or who partakes of, food, according to hygienic rules.

dietetical ::: a. --> Of or performance to diet, or to the rules for regulating the kind and quantity of food to be eaten.

dietetics ::: n. --> That part of the medical or hygienic art which relates to diet or food; rules for diet.

dietetist ::: n. --> A physician who applies the rules of dietetics to the cure of diseases.

Dilemma: See Proof by cases, and Logic, formal, § 2. Dilettantism: Opposite of professionalism. If contributed to art appreciation because it opposed the too intellectual rules of traditional taste, particularly in Rome, 2nd century; in France and England, 18th century. -- L.V.

diplomatically ::: adv. --> According to the rules of diplomacy; in the manner of a diplomatist; artfully.

directory ::: a. --> Containing directions; enjoining; instructing; directorial. ::: n. --> A collection or body of directions, rules, or ordinances; esp., a book of directions for the conduct of worship; as, the Directory used by the nonconformists instead of the Prayer Book.

disciplinarian ::: a. --> Pertaining to discipline. ::: n. --> One who disciplines; one who excels in training, especially with training, especially with regard to order and obedience; one who enforces rigid discipline; a stickler for the observance of rules and methods of training; as, he is a better

discipline ::: n. --> The treatment suited to a disciple or learner; education; development of the faculties by instruction and exercise; training, whether physical, mental, or moral.
Training to act in accordance with established rules; accustoming to systematic and regular action; drill.
Subjection to rule; submissiveness to order and control; habit of obedience.
Severe training, corrective of faults; instruction by

disobedient ::: a. --> Neglecting or refusing to obey; omitting to do what is commanded, or doing what is prohibited; refractory; not observant of duty or rules prescribed by authority; -- applied to persons and acts.
Not yielding.

dispensation ::: n. --> The act of dispensing or dealing out; distribution; often used of the distribution of good and evil by God to man, or more generically, of the acts and modes of his administration.
That which is dispensed, dealt out, or appointed; that which is enjoined or bestowed
A system of principles, promises, and rules ordained and administered; scheme; economy; as, the Patriarchal, Mosaic, and Christian dispensations.

Distinguished Encoding Rules "communications, data" (DER) An {X.690} encoding format (or {transfer syntax}) for data structures described by {ASN.1} that specifies exactly one way to encode a value thus ensuring a unique, {canonical}, {serialised} representation. DER is a restricted variant of {BER}. For example, DER has exactly one way to encode a {Boolean} value. DER is used in {cryptography}, e.g. for {digital certificates} such as {X.509}. (2016-05-05)

Divine and led by Utc common habits of the mind, life and body which are the laws of the Ignorance. Tltc religious life is a movement of the same Ignorant human consciousness, turning or trying to turn away from the earth towards the Divine but as yet without knowledge and led by the dogmatic tenets and rules of some sect or creed which claims to have found the way out of the bonds of the earth-consciousness into some beatific Beyond.

duelo ::: n. --> A duel; also, the rules of dueling.

dynamic random-access memory "storage" (DRAM) A type of {semiconductor} memory in which the information is stored in {capacitors} on a {MOS} {integrated circuit}. Typically each {bit} is stored as an amount of electrical charge in a storage cell consisting of a capacitor and a {transistor}. Due to leakage the capacitor discharges gradually and the memory cell loses the information. Therefore, to preserve the information, the memory has to be refreshed periodically. Despite this inconvenience, the DRAM is a very popular memory technology because of its high density and consequent low price. The first commercially available DRAM chip was the {Intel 1103}, introduced in 1970. Early DRAM chips, containing up to a 16k x 1 (16384 locations of one bit each), needed 3 supply voltages (+5V, -5V and +12V). Beginning with the 64 kilobit chips, {charge pumps} were included on-chip to create the necessary supply voltages out of a single +5V supply. This was necessary to fit the device into a 16-pin {DIL} package, which was the preferred package at the time, and also made them easier to use. To reduce the pin count, thereby helping miniaturisation, DRAMs generally had a single data line which meant that a computer with an N bit wide {data bus} needed a "bank" of (at least) N DRAM chips. In a bank, the address and control signals of all chips were common and the data line of each chip was connected to one of the data bus lines. Beginning with the 256 kilobit DRAM, a tendency toward {surface mount} packaging arose and DRAMs with more than one data line appeared (e.g. 64k x 4), reducing the number of chips per bank. This trend has continued and DRAM chips with up to 36 data lines are available today. Furthermore, together with surface mount packages, memory manufacturers began to offer memory modules, where a bank of memory chips was preassembled on a little {printed circuit} board (SIP = Single Inline Pin Module, SIMM = Single Inline Memory Module, DIMM = Dual Inline Memory Module). Today, this is the preferred way to buy memory for {workstations} and {personal computers}. DRAM bit cells are arranged on a chip in a grid of rows and columns where the number of rows and columns are usually a power of two. Often, but not always, the number of rows and columns is the same. A one megabit device would then have 1024 x 1024 memory cells. A single memory cell can be selected by a 10-bit row address and a 10-bit column address. To access a memory cell, one entire row of cells is selected and its contents are transferred into an on-chip buffer. This discharges the storage capacitors in the bit cells. The desired bits are then read or written in the buffer. The (possibly altered) information is finally written back into the selected row, thereby refreshing all bits (recharging the capacitors) in the row. To prevent data loss, all bit cells in the memory need to be refreshed periodically. This can be done by reading all rows in regular intervals. Most DRAMs since 1970 have been specified such that one of the rows needs to be refreshed at least every 15.625 microseconds. For a device with 1024 rows, a complete refresh of all rows would then take up to 16 ms; in other words, each cell is guaranteed to hold the data for 16 ms without refresh. Devices with more rows have accordingly longer retention times. Many varieties of DRAM exist today. They differ in the way they are interfaced to the system - the structure of the memory cell itself is essentially the same. "Traditional" DRAMs have multiplexed address lines and separate data inputs and outputs. There are three control signals: RAS\ (row address strobe), CAS\ (column address strobe), and WE\ (write enable) (the backslash indicates an {active low} signal). Memory access procedes as follows: 1. The control signals initially all being inactive (high), a memory cycle is started with the row address applied to the address inputs and a falling edge of RAS\ . This latches the row address and "opens" the row, transferring the data in the row to the buffer. The row address can then be removed from the address inputs since it is latched on-chip. 2. With RAS\ still active, the column address is applied to the address pins and CAS\ is made active as well. This selects the desired bit or bits in the row which subsequently appear at the data output(s). By additionally activating WE\ the data applied to the data inputs can be written into the selected location in the buffer. 3. Deactivating CAS\ disables the data input and output again. 4. Deactivating RAS\ causes the data in the buffer to be written back into the memory array. Certain timing rules must be obeyed to guarantee reliable operation. 1. RAS\ must remain inactivate for a while before the next memory cycle is started to provide sufficient time for the storage capacitors to charge (Precharge Time). 2. It takes some time from the falling edge of the RAS\ or CAS\ signals until the data appears at the data output. This is specified as the Row Access Time and the Column Access Time. Current DRAM's have Row Access Times of 50-100 ns and Column Access Times of 15-40 ns. Speed grades usually refer to the former, more important figure. Note that the Memory Cycle Time, which is the minimum time from the beginning of one access to the beginning of the next, is longer than the Row Access Time (because of the Precharge Time). Multiplexing the address pins saves pins on the chip, but usually requires additional logic in the system to properly generate the address and control signals, not to mention further logic for refresh. Therefore, DRAM chips are usually preferred when (because of the required memory size) the additional cost for the control logic is outweighed by the lower price. Based on these principles, chip designers have developed many varieties to improve performance or ease system integration of DRAMs: PSRAMs (Pseudo Static Random Access Memory) are essentially DRAMs with a built-in address {multiplexor} and refresh controller. This saves some system logic and makes the device look like a normal {SRAM}. This has been popular as a lower cost alternative for SRAM in {embedded systems}. It is not a complete SRAM substitute because it is sometimes busy when doing self-refresh, which can be tedious. {Nibble Mode DRAM} can supply four successive bits on one data line by clocking the CAS\ line. {Page Mode DRAM} is a standard DRAM where any number of accesses to the currently open row can be made while the RAS signal is kept active. Static Column DRAM is similar to Page Mode DRAM, but to access different bits in the open row, only the column address needs to be changed while the CAS\ signal stays active. The row buffer essentially behaves like SRAM. {Extended Data Out DRAM} (EDO DRAM) can continue to output data from one address while setting up a new address, for use in {pipelined} systems. DRAM used for Video RAM ({VRAM}) has an additional long shift register that can be loaded from the row buffer. The shift register can be regarded as a second interface to the memory that can be operated in parallel to the normal interface. This is especially useful in {frame buffers} for {CRT} displays. These frame buffers generate a serial data stream that is sent to the CRT to modulate the electron beam. By using the shift register in the VRAM to generate this stream, the memory is available to the computer through the normal interface most of the time for updating the display data, thereby speeding up display data manipulations. SDRAM (Synchronous DRAM) adds a separate clock signal to the control signals. It allows more complex {state machines} on the chip and high speed "burst" accesses that clock a series of successive bits out (similar to the nibble mode). CDRAM (Cached DRAM) adds a separate static RAM array used for caching. It essentially combines main memory and {cache} memory in a single chip. The cache memory controller needs to be added externally. RDRAM (Rambus DRAM) changes the system interface of DRAM completely. A byte-wide bus is used for address, data and command transfers. The bus operates at very high speed: 500 million transfers per second. The chip operates synchronously with a 250MHz clock. Data is transferred at both rising and falling edges of the clock. A system with signals at such frequencies must be very carefully designed, and the signals on the Rambus Channel use nonstandard signal levels, making it incompatible with standard system logic. These disadvantages are compensated by a very fast data transfer, especially for burst accesses to a block of successive locations. A number of different refresh modes can be included in some of the above device varieties: RAS\ only refresh: a row is refreshed by an ordinary read access without asserting CAS\. The data output remains disabled. CAS\ before RAS\ refresh: the device has a built-in counter for the refresh row address. By activating CAS\ before activating RAS\, this counter is selected to supply the row address instead of the address inputs. Self-Refresh: The device is able to generate refresh cycles internally. No external control signal transitions other than those for bringing the device into self-refresh mode are needed to maintain data integrity. (1996-07-11)

dynamic typing "programming" Enforcement of type rules at {run time} as opposed to {compile time}. Dynamic typing catches more errors as run-time exceptions than {static typing}. {Tcl}, {Perl}, {PHP}, {Python} and {Visual Basic} are examples of dynamically typed languages. A dynamically typed language may have {strong typing} or {weak typing}. (2004-07-20)

ecclesiastically ::: adv. --> In an ecclesiastical manner; according ecclesiastical rules.

economy ::: n. --> The management of domestic affairs; the regulation and government of household matters; especially as they concern expense or disbursement; as, a careful economy.
Orderly arrangement and management of the internal affairs of a state or of any establishment kept up by production and consumption; esp., such management as directly concerns wealth; as, political economy.
The system of rules and regulations by which anything is

empiric ::: n. --> One who follows an empirical method; one who relies upon practical experience.
One who confines himself to applying the results of mere experience or his own observation; especially, in medicine, one who deviates from the rules of science and regular practice; an ignorant and unlicensed pretender; a quack; a charlatan. ::: a.

escapade ::: n. --> The fling of a horse, or ordinary kicking back of his heels; a gambol.
Act by which one breaks loose from the rules of propriety or good sense; a freak; a prank.

(e) The problem of the A PRIORI, though the especial concern of the rationalist, confronts the empiricist also since few epistemologists are prepared to exclude the a priori entirely from their accounts of knowledge. The problem is that of isolating the a priori or non-empirical elements in knowledge and accounting for them in terms of the human reason. Three principal theories of the a priori have been advanced: the theory of the intrinsic A PRIORI which asserts that the basic principles of logic, mathematics, natural sciences and philosophy are self-evident truths recognizable by such intrinsic traits as clarity and distinctness of ideas. The intrinsic theory received its definitive modern expression in the theory of "innate ideas" (q.v.) of Herbert of Cherbury, Descartes, and 17th century rationalism. The presuppositional theory of the a priori which validates a priori truths by demonstrating that they are presupposed either by their attempted denial (Leibniz) or by the very possibility of experience (Kant). The postulational theory of the A PRIORI elaborated under the influence of recent postulational techniques in mathematics, interprets a priori principles as rules or postulates arbitrarily posited in the construction of formal deductive systems. See Postulate; Posit. (f) The problem of differentiating the principal kinds of knowledge is an essential task especially for an empirical epistemology. Perhaps the most elementary epistemological distinction is between non-inferential apprehension of objects by perception, memory, etc. (see Knowledge by Acquaintance), and inferential knowledge of things with which the knowing subject has no direct apprehension. See Knowledge by Description. Acquaintance in turn assumes two principal forms: perception or acquaintance with external objects (see Perception), and introspection or the subject's acquaintance with the "self" and its cognitive, volitional and affective states. See Introspection; Reflection. Inferential knowledge includes knowledge of other selves (this is not to deny that knowledge of other minds may at times be immediate and non-inferential), historical knowledge, including not only history in the narrower sense but also astronomical, biological, anthropological and archaeological and even cosmological reconstructions of the past and finally scientific knowledge in so far as it involves inference and construction from observational data.

Ethics. Any system of moral theory may be called Ethical Idealism, whether teleological or formal in principle, which accepts several of the following: a scale of values, moral principles, or rules of action; the axiological priority of the universal over the particular; the axiological priority of the spiritual or mental over the sensuous or material; moral freedom rather than psychological or natural necessity. In popular terminology a moral idealist is also identified with the doctrinaire, as opposed to the opportunist or realist; with the Utopian or visionary as opposed to the practicalist, with the altruist as opposed to the crass egoist.

ethics ::: n. --> The science of human duty; the body of rules of duty drawn from this science; a particular system of principles and rules concerting duty, whether true or false; rules of practice in respect to a single class of human actions; as, political or social ethics; medical ethics.

evolutionary algorithm (EA) An {algorithm} which incorporates aspects of natural selection or survival of the fittest. An evolutionary algorithm maintains a population of structures (usually randomly generated initially), that evolves according to rules of selection, recombination, mutation and survival, referred to as genetic operators. A shared "environment" determines the fitness or performance of each individual in the population. The fittest individuals are more likely to be selected for reproduction (retention or duplication), while recombination and mutation modify those individuals, yielding potentially superior ones. EAs are one kind of {evolutionary computation} and differ from {genetic algorithms}. A GA generates each individual from some encoded form known as a "chromosome" and it is these which are combined or mutated to breed new individuals. EAs are useful for optimisation when other techniques such as {gradient descent} or direct, analytical discovery are not possible. Combinatoric and real-valued function optimisation in which the optimisation surface or fitness landscape is "rugged", possessing many {locally optimal} solutions, are well suited for evolutionary algorithms. (1995-02-03)

exorbitant ::: a. --> Departing from an orbit or usual track; hence, deviating from the usual or due course; going beyond the appointed rules or established limits of right or propriety; excessive; extravagant; enormous; inordinate; as, exorbitant appetites and passions; exorbitant charges, demands, or claims.
Not comprehended in a settled rule or method; anomalous.

expert system "artificial intelligence" A computer program that contains a {knowledge base} and a set of {algorithms} or rules that infer new facts from knowledge and from incoming data. An expert system is an {artificial intelligence} application that uses a knowledge base of human expertise to aid in solving problems. The degree of problem solving is based on the quality of the data and rules obtained from the human expert. Expert systems are designed to perform at a human expert level. In practice, they will perform both well below and well above that of an individual expert. The expert system derives its answers by running the knowledge base through an {inference engine}, a software program that interacts with the user and processes the results from the rules and data in the knowledge base. Expert systems are used in applications such as medical diagnosis, equipment repair, investment analysis, financial, estate and insurance planning, route scheduling for delivery vehicles, contract bidding, counseling for self-service customers, production control and training. [Difference from "{knowledge-based system}"?] (1996-05-29)

extraregular ::: a. --> Not comprehended within a rule or rules.

fact "artificial intelligence, programming" The kind of {clause} used in {logic programming} which has no {subgoals} and so is always true (always succeeds). E.g. wet(water). male(denis). This is in contrast to a {rule} which only succeeds if all its subgoals do. Rules usually contain {logic variables}, facts rarely do, except for oddities like "equal(X,X).". (1996-10-20)

fantasia ::: n. --> A continuous composition, not divided into what are called movements, or governed by the ordinary rules of musical design, but in which the author&

floccus ::: n. --> The tuft of hair terminating the tail of mammals.
A tuft of feathers on the head of young birds.
A woolly filament sometimes occuring with the sporules of certain fungi.

For convenience of statement, we confine attention to the pure functional calculus of first order. The first step in the extension consists in introducing quantifiers such as (F1), (EF1), (F2), (EF3), etc., binding n-adic functional variables. Corresponding changes are made in the definition of a formula and in the lists of primitive formulas and primitive rules of inference, allowing for these new kinds of bound variables. The resulting system is the functional calculus of second order. Then the next step consists in introducing new kinds of functional variables; namely for every finite ordered set k, l, m, . . . , p of i non-negative integers (i = 1, 2, 3, . . .) an infinite list of functional variables Fklm . . .p, Gklm . . .p, . . . , each of which denotes ambiguously any i-adic propositional function for which the first argument may be any (k-1)-adic propositional function of individuals, the second argument any (l-1)-adic propositional function of individuals, etc. (if one of the integers k, l, m, . . . , p is 1 the corresponding argument is a proposition -- if 0, an individual). Then quantifiers are introduced binding these new kinds of functional variables; and so on. The process of alternately introducing new kinds of functional variables (denoting propositional functions which take as arguments propositional functions of kinds for which variables have already been introduced) and quantifiers binding the new kinds of functional variables, with appropriate extension at each stage of the definition of a formula and the lists of primitive formulas and primitive rules of inference, may be continued to infinity. This leads to what we may call the functional calculus of order omega, embodying the (so-called simple) theory of types.

formality ::: n. --> The condition or quality of being formal, strictly ceremonious, precise, etc.
Form without substance.
Compliance with formal or conventional rules; ceremony; conventionality.
An established order; conventional rule of procedure; usual method; habitual mode.
The dress prescribed for any body of men, academical,

foundation The axiom of foundation states that the membership relation is well founded, i.e. that any non-empty collection Y of sets has a member y which is disjoint from Y. This rules out sets which contain themselves (directly or indirectly).

FP2 Functional Parallel Programming. A {term rewriting} language which unifies {functional programming} and {parallel programming}. Every object is a term and every computation is done by rewriting. Rewrite rules are used to specify {algebraic data types} and parallel processes. ["Term Rewriting as a Basis for the Design of a Functional and Parallel Programming Language. A Case Study: The Language FP2", Ph. Jorrand in Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence, LNCS 258, Springer 1986, pp. 221-276]. (1994-10-20)

freedom ::: n. --> The state of being free; exemption from the power and control of another; liberty; independence.
Privileges; franchises; immunities.
Exemption from necessity, in choise and action; as, the freedom of the will.
Ease; facility; as, he speaks or acts with freedom.
Frankness; openness; unreservedness.
Improper familiarity; violation of the rules of decorum;

Frege, (Friedrich Ludwig) Gottlob, 1848-1925, German mathematician and logician. Professor of mathematics at the University of Jena, 1879-1918. Largely unknown to, or misunderstood by, his contemporaries, he is now regarded by many as "beyond question the greatest logician of the Nineteenth Century" (quotation from Tarski). He must be regarded -- after Boole (q. v.) -- as the second founder of symbolic logic, the essential steps in the passage from the algebra of logic to the logistic method (see the article Logistic system) having been taken in his Begriffsschrift of 1879. In this work there appear tor the first time the propositional calculus in substantially its modern form, the notion of propositional function, the use of quantifiers, the explicit statement of primitive rules of inference, the notion of an hereditary property and the logical analysis of proof by mathematical induction or recursion (q. v.). This last is perhaps the most important element in the definition of an inductive cardinal number (q.v.) and provided the basis for Frege's derivation of arithmetic from logic in his Grundlagen der Anthmetik (1884) and Grundgesetze der Arithmetik, vol. 1 (1893), and vol. 2 (1903). The first volume of Grundgesetze der Arithmetik is the culmination of Frege's work, and we find here many important further ideas. In particular, there is a careful distinction between using a formula to express something else and naming a formula in order to make a syntactical statement about it, quotation marks being used in order to distinguish the name of a formula from the formula itself. In an appendix to the second volume of Grundgesetze , Frege acknowledges the presence of an inconsistency in his system through what is now known as the Russel paradox (see Paradoxes , logical), as had been called to his attention by Russell when the book was nearly through the press. -- A.C.

fugue ::: n. --> A polyphonic composition, developed from a given theme or themes, according to strict contrapuntal rules. The theme is first given out by one voice or part, and then, while that pursues its way, it is repeated by another at the interval of a fifth or fourth, and so on, until all the parts have answered one by one, continuing their several melodies and interweaving them in one complex progressive whole, in which the theme is often lost and reappears.

Functional variables and functional constants are together called functional symbols (the adjective functional being here understood to refer to propositional functions). Functional symbols are called n-adic if they are either functional variables with subscript n or functional constants denoting n-adic propositional functions of individuals. The formulas of the functional calculus of first order (relative to the given lists of symbols (1), (2), (3), (4)) are all the expressions determined by the eight following rules: all the propositional variables are formulas; if F is a monadic functional symbol and X is an individual variable, [F](X) is a formula; if F is an n-adic functional symbol and X1, X2, . . . , Xn are individual variables (which may or may not be all different), [F](X1, X2, . . . , Xn) is a formula; if A is a formula, ∼[A] is a formula; if A nnd B are formulas, [A][B] is a formula; if A and B are formulas, [A] ∨ [B] is a formula; if A is a formula and X is an individual variable, (X)[A] is a formula; if A is a formula and X is an individual variable, (EX)[A] is a formula. In practice, we omit superfluous brackets and braces (but not parentheses) in writing formulas, nnd we omit subscripts on functional variables in cases where the subscript is sufficiently indicated by the form of the formula in which the functional variable appears. The sentential connectives |, ⊃, ≡, +, are introduced as abbreviations in the same way as in § 1 for the propositional calculus. We make further the following definitions, which are also to be construed as abbreviations, the arrow being read "stands for": [A] ⊃x [B] → (X)[[A] ⊃ [B]]. [A] ≡x [B] → (X)[[A] ≡ [B]]. [A] ∧x [B] → (EX)[[A][B]]. (Here A and B are any formulas, and X is any individual variable. Brackets may be omitted when superfluous.) If F and G denote monadic propositional functions, we say that F(X) ⊃x G(X) expresses formal implication of the function G by the function F, and F(X) ≡x G(X) expresses formal equivalence of the two functions (the adjective formal is perhaps not well chosen here but has become established in use).

game ::: n. --> Crooked; lame; as, a game leg.
To rejoice; to be pleased; -- often used, in Old English, impersonally with dative.
To play at any sport or diversion.
To play for a stake or prize; to use cards, dice, billiards, or other instruments, according to certain rules, with a view to win money or other thing waged upon the issue of the contest; to gamble.

generate To produce something according to an {algorithm} or program or set of rules, or as a (possibly unintended) {side effect} of the execution of an algorithm or program. The opposite of {parse}. [{Jargon File}] (1995-06-15)

Genius: Originally the word applied to a demon such as Socrates' inner voice. During the 17th century it was linked to the Plntonic theory of inspiration and was applied to the rejection of too rigid rules in art. It defined the real artist and distinguished his creative imagination from the logical reasoning of the scientist. In Kant (Critique of Judgment), genius creates its own rules. -- L.V.

Genres: Types of art to which special rules and independent developments were attributed. For example: in poetry -- epic, lyric, dramatic; in painting -- historic, portrait, landscape; in music -- oratorical, symphonic, operatic. -- L.V.

geometrical ::: a. --> Pertaining to, or according to the rules or principles of, geometry; determined by geometry; as, a geometrical solution of a problem.

geometrically ::: adv. --> According to the rules or laws of geometry.

georgic ::: a. --> A rural poem; a poetical composition on husbandry, containing rules for cultivating lands, etc.; as, the Georgics of Virgil.
Alt. of Georgical

GNU Free Documentation License "legal" (GFDL) The {Free Software Foundation}'s license designed to ensure the same freedoms for {documentation} that the {GPL} gives to {software}. This dictionary is distributed under the GFDL, see the copyright notice in the {Free On-line Dictionary of Computing} section (at the start of the source file). The full text follows. Version 1.1, March 2000 Copyright 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. 0. PREAMBLE The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other written document "free" in the sense of freedom: to assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it, with or without modifying it, either commercially or noncommercially. Secondarily, this License preserves for the author and publisher a way to get credit for their work, while not being considered responsible for modifications made by others. This License is a kind of "copyleft", which means that derivative works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense. It complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft license designed for free software. We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for free software, because free software needs free documentation: a free program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the software does. But this License is not limited to software manuals; it can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or whether it is published as a printed book. We recommend this License principally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference. 1. 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TERMINATION You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document except as expressly provided for under this License. Any other attempt to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Document is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. 10. FUTURE REVISIONS OF THIS LICENSE The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions of the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. See {here (}. Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number. If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of this License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or of any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the Document does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any version ever published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. End of full text of GFDL. (2002-03-09)

grammar analysis "language" A program written in {ABC} for answering such questions as "what are the start symbols of all rules", "what symbols can follow this symbol", "which rules are left recursive", and so on. Includes a grammar of {ISO Pascal}. Version 1 by Steven Pemberton "". Ports to {Unix}, {MS-DOS}, {Atari}, {Macintosh}. FTP:, programming/languages/abc/examples/grammar/. (1993-07-05)

grammar "language" A formal definition of the syntactic structure (the {syntax}) of a language. A grammar is normally represented as a set of {production rules} which specify the order of constituents and their sub-constituents in a {sentence} (a well-formed string in the language). Each rule has a left-hand side symbol naming a syntactic category (e.g. "noun-phrase" for a {natural language} grammar) and a right-hand side which is a sequence of zero or more symbols. Each symbol may be either a {terminal symbol} or a non-terminal symbol. A terminal symbol corresponds to one "{lexeme}" - a part of the sentence with no internal syntactic structure (e.g. an identifier or an operator in a computer language). A non-terminal symbol is the left-hand side of some rule. One rule is normally designated as the top-level rule which gives the structure for a whole sentence. A {parser} (a kind of {recogniser}) uses a grammar to parse a sentence, assigning a terminal syntactic category to each input token and a non-terminal category to each appropriate group of tokens, up to the level of the whole sentence. Parsing is usually preceded by {lexical analysis}. The opposite, generation, starts from the top-level rule and chooses one alternative production wherever there is a choice. In computing, a formal grammar, e.g. in {BNF}, can be used to {parse} a linear input stream, such as the {source code} of a program, into a data structure that expresses the (or a) meaning of the input in a form that is easier for the computer to work with. A {compiler compiler} like {yacc} might be used to convert a grammar into code for the parser of a {compiler}. A grammar might also be used by a {transducer}, a {translator} or a {syntax directed editor}. See also {attribute grammar}. (2009-02-06)

grammar ::: n. --> The science which treats of the principles of language; the study of forms of speech, and their relations to one another; the art concerned with the right use aud application of the rules of a language, in speaking or writing.
The art of speaking or writing with correctness or according to established usage; speech considered with regard to the rules of a grammar.
A treatise on the principles of language; a book

grammatical ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to grammar; of the nature of grammar; as, a grammatical rule.
According to the rules of grammar; grammatically correct; as, the sentence is not grammatical; the construction is not grammatical.

graphics ::: n. --> The art or the science of drawing; esp. of drawing according to mathematical rules, as in perspective, projection, and the like.

half-bred ::: a. --> Half-blooded.
Imperfectly acquainted with the rules of good-breeding; not well trained.

handle 1. "programming, operating system" A simple item of data that identifies a resource. For example, a {Unix} file handle identifies an open file and associated data such as whether it was opened for read or write and the current read/write position. On the {Macintosh}, a handle is a pointer to a pointer to some dynamically-allocated memory. The extra level of indirection allows on-the-fly {memory compaction} or {garbage collection} without invalidating application program references to the allocated memory. 2. "jargon" An alias used intended to conceal a user's true identity in an electronic message. The term is common on Citizen's Band and other amateur radio but, in that context usually means the user's real name as {FCC} rules forbid concealing one's identity. Use of grandiose handles is characteristic of {crackers}, {weenies}, {spods}, and other lower forms of network life; true hackers travel on their own reputations. Compare {nick}. [{Jargon File}] 3. "networking" {domain handle}. (2004-07-20)

H. B. Curry, A mathematical treatment of the rules of the syllogism, Mind, vol. 45 (1936), pp. 209-216, 416.

H. B. Curry, A revision of the fundamental rules of combinatory logic, The Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 6 (1941), pp. 41-53.

heraldically ::: adv. --> In an heraldic manner; according to the rules of heraldry.

heteroclite ::: a. --> Deviating from ordinary forms or rules; irregular; anomalous; abnormal. ::: n. --> A word which is irregular or anomalous either in declension or conjugation, or which deviates from ordinary forms of inflection in words of a like kind; especially, a noun which is

heteroclitical ::: a. --> Deviating from ordinary forms or rules; irregular; anomalous; abnormal.

Hsuan te: (Profound Virtue) "The Way produces things but does not take possession of them. It does its work but does not take pride in it. It rules over things but does not dominate them. This is called Profound Virtue." (Lao Tzu.)

Hume, David: Born 1711, Edinburgh; died at Edinburgh, 1776. Author of A Treatise of Human Nature, Enquiry Concerning the Human Understanding, Enquiry Concerning the Passions, Enquiry Concerning Morals, Natural History of Religion, Dialogues on Natural Religion, History of England, and many essays on letters, economics, etc. Hume's intellectual heritage is divided between the Cartesian Occasionalists and Locke and Berkeley. From the former, he obtained some of his arguments against the alleged discernment or demonstrability of causal connections, and from the latter his psychological opinions. Hume finds the source of cognition in impressions of sensation and reflection. All simple ideas are derived from and are copies of simple impressions. Complex ideas may be copies of complex impressions or may result from the imaginative combination of simple ideas. Knowledge results from the comparison of ideas, and consists solely of the intrinsic resemblance between ideas. As resemblance is nothing over and above the resembling ideas, there are no abstract general ideas: the generality of ideas is determined by their habitual use as representatives of all ideas and impressions similar to the representative ideas. As knowledge consists of relations of ideas in virtue of resemblance, and as the only relation which involves the connection of different existences and the inference of one existent from another is that of cause and effect, and as there is no resemblance necessary between cause and effect, causal inference is in no case experientially or formally certifiable. As the succession and spatio-temporal contiguity of cause and effect suggests no necessary connection and as the constancy of this relation, being mere repetition, adds no new idea (which follows from Hume's nominalistic view), the necessity of causal connection must be explained psychologically. Thus the impression of reflection, i.e., the felt force of association, subsequent to frequent repetitions of conjoined impressions is the source of the idea of necessity. Habit or custom sufficently accounts for the feeling that everything which begins must have a cause and that similar causes must have similar effects. The arguments which Hume adduced to show that no logically necessary connection between distinct existences can be intuited or demonstrated are among his most signal contributions to philosophy, and were of great importance in influencing the speculation of Kant. Hume explained belief in external existence (bodies) in terms of the propensity to feign the independent and continued existence of perceptual complexes during the interruptions of perception. This propensity is determined by the constancy and coherence which some perceptual complexes exhibit and by the transitive power of the imagination to go beyond the limits afforded by knowledge and ordinary causal belief. The sceptical principles of his epistemology were carried over into his views on ethics and religion. Because there are no logically compelling arguments for moral and religious propositions, the principles of morality and religion must be explained naturalistically in terms of human mental habits and social customs. Morality thus depends on such fundamental aspects of human nature as self-interest and altruistic sympathy. Hume's views on religion are difficult to determine from his Dialogues, but a reasonable opinion is that he is totally sceptical concerning the possibility of proving the existence or the nature of deity. It is certain that he found no connection between the nature of deity and the rules of morality. -- J.R.W.

hygiene ::: n. --> That department of sanitary science which treats of the preservation of health, esp. of households and communities; a system of principles or rules designated for the promotion of health.

If A, B, C are any formulas, each of the seven following formulas is a primitive formula: [A ∨ A] ⊃ A. A ⊃ [B ⊃ AB]. A ⊃ [A ∨ B]. AB ⊃ A. [A ∨ B] ⊃ [B ∨ A]. AB ⊃ B. [A ⊃ B] ⊃ [[C ∨ A] ⊃ [C ∨ B]]. If X is any individual variable, and A is any formula not containing a free occurrence of X, and B is any formula, each of the two following formulas is a primitive formula; [A ⊃x B] ⊃ [A⊃ (X)B]. [B ⊃x A] ⊃ [(EX)B ⊃ A]. If X and Y are any individual variables (the same or different), and A is any formula such that no free occurrence of X in A is in a sub-formula of the form (Y) [C], and B is the formula resulting from the substitution of Y for all the free occurrences of X in A, each of the two following formulas is a primitive formula: (X)A ⊃ B. B ⊃ (EX)A. There are two primitive rules of inference: Given A and A ⊃ B to infer B (the rule of modus ponens). Given A to infer (X)A, where X is any individual variable (the rule of generalization). In applying the rule of generalization, we say that the variable X is generalized upon. The theorems of the functional calculus of first order are the formulas which can he derived from the primitive formulas by a succession of applications of the primitive rules of inference. An inference from premisses A1, A2, . . . , An to a conclusion B is a valid inference of the functional calculus of first order if B becomes a theorem upon adding A1, A2, . . . , An to the list of primitive formulas and at the same time restricting the rule of generalization by requiring that the variable generalized upon shall not be any one of the free individual variables of A1, A2, . . . . , An. It can be proved that the inference from A1, A2, . . . , An to B is a valid inference of the functional calculus of first order if (obviously), and only if (the deduction threorem), [A2 ⊃ [A2⊃ . . . [An ⊃ B] . . . ]] is a theorem of the functional calculus of first order.

illogical ::: a. --> Ignorant or negligent of the rules of logic or correct reasoning; as, an illogical disputant; contrary of the rules of logic or sound reasoning; as, an illogical inference.

I. Logic of History The historical objects under observation (man, life, society, biological and geological conditions) are so diverse that even slight mistakes in evaluation of items and of the historical whole may lead to false results. This can be seen from the modern logic of history. In the 18th century, G. B. Vico contended, under the deep impression of the lawfulness prevailing in natural sciences, that historical events also follow each other according to unswerving natural laws. He assumed three stages of development, that of fantasy, of will, and of science. The encyclopedists and Saint-Simon shared his view. The individual is immersed, and driven on, by the current of social tendencies, so that Comte used to speak of an "histoire sans noms". His three stages of development were the theological, metaphysical, and scientific stage. H. Spencer and A. Fouillee regard social life as an organism unfolding itself according to immanent laws, either of racial individuality (Gobineau, Vocher de Lapauge) or of a combination of social, physical, and personal forces (Taine). The spirit of a people and of an age outweigh completely the power of an individual personality which can work only along socially conditioned tendencies. The development of a nation always follows the same laws, it may vary as to time and whereabouts but never as to the form (Burkhardt, Lamprecht). To this group of historians belong also O. Spengler and K. Marx; "Fate" rules the civilization of peoples and pushes them on to their final destination.

imake A tool which generates {Makefiles} from a template, a set of {cpp} {macros}, and a per-directory input file called an Imakefile. This allows machine dependencies (such has compiler options, alternate command names, and special make rules) to be kept separate from the descriptions of the various items to be built. imake is distributed with, and used extensively by, the {X Window System}. (1995-02-21)

impertinent ::: a. --> Not pertinent; not pertaining to the matter in hand; having no bearing on the subject; not to the point; irrelevant; inapplicable.
Contrary to, or offending against, the rules of propriety or good breeding; guilty of, or prone to, rude, unbecoming, or uncivil words or actions; as, an impertient coxcomb; an impertient remark.
Trifing; inattentive; frivolous.

(In Aesthetics): A movement in both art and general aesthetic theory which was particularly widespread and influential in the last years of the 18th and the first half of the 19th centuries. So interpreted, it is especially associated with Novalis, the Schlegels, and Jean Paul Richter in Germany, Rousseau, Chateaubriand, Hugo, Lamartine in France; Blake, Scott, the Lake Poets, Shelley, and Byron in England. As a general attitude toward art and its function, as an interpretation of the goodness, beauty, and purpose of life, romanticism has always existed and can be confined to no one period. The essence of romanticism, either as an attitude or as a conscious program, is an intense interest in nature, and an attempt to seize natural phenomena in a direct, immediate, and naive manner. Romanticism thus regards all forms, rules, conventions, and manners as artificial constructs and as hindrances to the grasp, enjoyment, and expression of nature, hence its continual opposition to any kind of classicism (q.v.), whose formalities it treats as fetters. Romanticism stresses the values of sincerity, spontaneity, and passion, as against the restraint and cultivation demanded by artistic forms and modes. It reasserts the primacy of feeling, imagination, and sentiment, as opposed to reason. It maintains that art should concern itself with the particular and the concrete, observing and reporting accurately the feelings aroused by nature, with no idealization or generalization. It commands the artist to feel freely and deeply, and to express what he has felt with no restraints, either artistic or social. It seeks in works of art a stimulus to imagination and feeling, a point of departure for free activity, rather than an object that it can accept and contemplate.

inconscience ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The Inconscience is an inverse reproduction of the supreme superconscience: it has the same absoluteness of being and automatic action, but in a vast involved trance; it is being lost in itself, plunged in its own abyss of infinity.” *The Life Divine

   "All aspects of the omnipresent Reality have their fundamental truth in the Supreme Existence. Thus even the aspect or power of Inconscience, which seems to be an opposite, a negation of the eternal Reality, yet corresponds to a Truth held in itself by the self-aware and all-conscious Infinite. It is, when we look closely at it, the Infinite"s power of plunging the consciousness into a trance of self-involution, a self-oblivion of the Spirit veiled in its own abysses where nothing is manifest but all inconceivably is and can emerge from that ineffable latency. In the heights of Spirit this state of cosmic or infinite trance-sleep appears to our cognition as a luminous uttermost Superconscience: at the other end of being it offers itself to cognition as the Spirit"s potency of presenting to itself the opposites of its own truths of being, — an abyss of non-existence, a profound Night of inconscience, a fathomless swoon of insensibility from which yet all forms of being, consciousness and delight of existence can manifest themselves, — but they appear in limited terms, in slowly emerging and increasing self-formulations, even in contrary terms of themselves; it is the play of a secret all-being, all-delight, all-knowledge, but it observes the rules of its own self-oblivion, self-opposition, self-limitation until it is ready to surpass it. This is the Inconscience and Ignorance that we see at work in the material universe. It is not a denial, it is one term, one formula of the infinite and eternal Existence.” *The Life Divine

"Once consciousnesses separated from the one consciousness, they fell inevitably into Ignorance and the last result of Ignorance was Inconscience.” Letters on Yoga


In contributing some elements of a "universal calculus" he may be said to have been the first serious student of symbolic logic. He devised a symbolism for such concepts and relations as "and", "or", implication between concepts, class inclusion, class and conceptual equivalence, etc. One of his sets of symbolic representations for the four standard propositions of traditional logic coincides with the usage of modern logic He anticipated in the principles of his calculus many of the important rules of modern symbolic systems. His treatment, since it was primarily intensional, neglected important extensional features of recent developments, but, on the other hand, called attention to certain intensional distinctions now commonly neglected.

incorrect ::: a. --> Not correct; not according to a copy or model, or to established rules; inaccurate; faulty.
Not in accordance with the truth; inaccurate; not exact; as, an incorrect statement or calculation.
Not accordant with duty or morality; not duly regulated or subordinated; unbecoming; improper; as, incorrect conduct.

indecorum ::: n. --> Want of decorum; impropriety of behavior; that in behavior or manners which violates the established rules of civility, custom, or etiquette; indecorousness.
An indecorous or becoming action.

indent style "programming" Rules for formatting {code} to make it easier to visually match up the beginning and end of a {block} of statements, particularly one controlled by a {control statement} such as "if", "else", "for", "while", "do". This becomes important with large, nested blocks of code. Indent styles vary in the placement of "{" and "}" with respect to the statement(s) they enclose and the controlling statement. The normal style is "Allman style", named after {Eric Allman}, a {Berkeley} {hacker} who wrote many {BSD} {utilities} in it. It is sometimes called "BSD style". It resembles normal indent style in {Pascal} and {ALGOL}. Basic indent per level is eight or four spaces. This is the only indent style to clearly associate the controlling statement and the beginning and the end of the block by aligning them vertically, which probably explains its widespread adoption. if (cond) { "body" } Other styles such as {K&R style}, {Whitesmiths style} and {GNU style} are either obsolete or should be avoided because they make it harder (much harder in some cases) to match braces with each other and with the control statement that controls them. Many related languages such as {Perl} offer the same choices while others, following {B}, eschew braces and rely entirely on relative indentation to express block structure. In {Python}, braces can be used to override indentation. [{Jargon File}] (2014-09-24)

Indian Aesthetics: Art in India is one of the most diversified subjects. Sanskrit silpa included all crafts, fine art, architecture and ornament, dancing, acting, music and even coquetry. Behind all these endeavors is a deeprooted sense of absolute values derived from Indian philosophy (q.v.) which teaches the incarnation of the divine (Krsna, Shiva, Buddha), the transitoriness of life (cf. samsara), the symbolism and conditional nature of the phenomenal (cf. maya). Love of splendour and exaggerated greatness, dating back to Vedic (q.v.) times mingled with a grand simplicity in the conception of ultimate being and a keen perception and nature observation. The latter is illustrated in examples of verisimilous execution in sculpture and painting, the detailed description in a wealth of drama and story material, and the universal love of simile. With an urge for expression associated itself the metaphysical in its practical and seemingly other-worldly aspects and, aided perhaps by the exigencies of climate, yielded the grotesque as illustrated by the cave temples of Ellora and Elephanta, the apparent barbarism of female ornament covering up all organic beauty, the exaggerated, symbol-laden representations of divine and thereanthropic beings, a music with minute subdivisions of scale, and the like. As Indian philosophy is dominated by a monistic, Vedantic (q.v.) outlook, so in Indian esthetics we can notice the prevalence of an introvert unitary, soul-centric, self-integrating tendency that treats the empirical suggestively and by way of simile, trying to stylize the natural in form, behavior, and expression. The popular belief in the immanence as well as transcendence of the Absolute precludes thus the possibility of a complete naturalism or imitation. The whole range of Indian art therefore demands a sharing and re-creation of absolute values glimpsed by the artist and professedly communicated imperfectly. Rules and discussions of the various aspects of art may be found in the Silpa-sastras, while theoretical treatments are available in such works as the Dasarupa in dramatics, the Nrtya-sastras in dancing, the Sukranitisara in the relation of art to state craft, etc. Periods and influences of Indian art, such as the Buddhist, Kushan, Gupta, etc., may be consulted in any history of Indian art. -- K.F.L.

INDIFFERENCE. ::: To become indifferent to the attraction of outer objects is one of the first rules of yoga, for this non-attach- ment liberates the inner being into peace and the true conscious- ness.

inference engine A program that infers new {facts} from known facts using {inference rules}. Commonly found as part of a {Prolog} {interpreter}, {expert system} or {knowledge based system}. (1994-11-01)

inference "logic" The logical process by which new facts are derived from known facts by the application of {inference rules}. See also {symbolic inference}, {type inference}. (1995-03-20)

informal ::: a. --> Not in the regular, usual, or established form; not according to official, conventional, prescribed, or customary forms or rules; irregular; hence, without ceremony; as, an informal writting, proceeding, or visit.
Deranged in mind; out of one&

In Kant's Critique of Pure Reason (Tr. Analytic): The procedure of the imagination by which the categories of the understanding are applied to the manifold of sensuous intuitions. Imagination, working with the pure form of time, connects sense and understanding. This is possible because the imagination contains an element of both sense and understanding, and thus is capable of formulating the rules and procedures by means of which sensuous representations may be subsumed under pure concepts. See Kantianism. -- O.F.K.

In order to complete the setting up of the propositional calculus as a logistic system (q. v.) it is necessary to state primitive formulas and primitive rules of inference. Of the many possible ways of doing this we select the following.

inordinate ::: a. --> Not limited to rules prescribed, or to usual bounds; irregular; excessive; immoderate; as, an inordinate love of the world.

institute ::: p. a. --> Established; organized; founded. ::: v. t. --> To set up; to establish; to ordain; as, to institute laws, rules, etc.
To originate and establish; to found; to organize; as, to institute a court, or a society.

interface analysis "testing" A software test which checks the interfaces between program elements for consistency and adherence to predefined rules or {axioms}. (1996-07-09)

invert ::: v. t. --> To turn over; to put upside down; to upset; to place in a contrary order or direction; to reverse; as, to invert a cup, the order of words, rules of justice, etc.
To change the position of; -- said of tones which form a chord, or parts which compose harmony.
To divert; to convert to a wrong use.
To convert; to reverse; to decompose by, or subject to, inversion. See Inversion, n., 10.

irregular ::: a. --> Not regular; not conforming to a law, method, or usage recognized as the general rule; not according to common form; not conformable to nature, to the rules of moral rectitude, or to established principles; not normal; unnatural; immethodical; unsymmetrical; erratic; no straight; not uniform; as, an irregular line; an irregular figure; an irregular verse; an irregular physician; an irregular proceeding; irregular motion; irregular conduct, etc. Cf. Regular.

Isabelle "theory, tool" A generic {theorem prover} with support for several {object-logics}, developed by Lawrence C. Paulson "" in collaboration with {Tobias Nipkow (} at the {Technical University of Munich}. A system of {type classes} allows {polymorphic} object-logics with {overloading} and automatic {type inference}. Isabelle supports {first-order logic} - {constructive} and classical versions; {higher-order logic}, similar to Gordon's {HOL}; {Zermelo Fränkel set theory}; an {extensional} version of {Martin Löf}'s {type theory}, the classical first-order {sequent calculus}, {LK}; the {modal logics} {T}, {S4}, and {S43}; and {Logic for Computable Functions}. An object logic's {syntax} and {inference rules} are specified {declaratively} allowing single-step proof construction. {Proof procedures} can be expressed using "tactics" and "tacticals". Isabelle provides control structures for expressing search procedures and generic tools such as simplifiers and classical theorem provers which can be applied to object-logics. Isabelle is built on top of {Standard ML} and uses its user interface. {(}. Mailing list: ["tactics"? "tacticals"?] (1999-07-26)

Islam: Name peculiar to the religion founded by Mohammed, embracing all sects found among his followers. Etymologically the term means "to resign oneself". The word means not fatalistic submission to the deity, but striving after righteousness, the practice of the law, obedience to rules and formal performance of outward duties. Meaning the acceptance of the divine will, Islam stresses the legal and external performance of religion. -- H.H.

ISO 8825 {Basic Encoding Rules}

ITU X.209 {Basic Encoding Rules}

Ju: Confucianists. Scholars who were versed in the six arts, namely, the rules of propriety, music, archery, charioteering, writing, and mathematics. Priest-teachers in the Chou period (1122-249 B.C.) who clung to the dying culture of Shang (1765-1122 B.C.), observed Shang rules of conduct, became specialists on social decorum and religious rites. --W.T.C. Ju chia: The Confucian School, which "delighted in the study of the six Classics and paid attention to matters concerning benevolence and righteousness. They regarded Yao and Shun (mythological emperors) as founders whose example is to be followed, King Wen (1184-1135 B.C.?) and King Wu (1121-1116 B.C.?) as illustrious examples, and honored Confucius (551-479 B.C.) as the exalted teacher to give authority to their teaching." "As to the forms of proper conduct which they set up for prince and minister, for father and son, or the distinctions they make between husband and wife and between old and young, in these not even the opposition of all other philosophers can make any change."

KEE Knowledge Engineering Environment. Frame-based expert system. Supports dynamic inheritance, {multiple inheritance}, polymorphism. Classes, meta-classes and objects are all treated alike. A class is an instance of a meta-class. Can control rules for merging of each field when multiple inheritance takes place. Methods are written in LISP. Actions may be triggered when fields are accessed or modified. Extensive GUI integrates with objects. Can easily make object updates to be reflected on display or display selections to update fields. This can in turn trigger other methods or inference rules which may then update other parts of the display. Intellicorp, for TI Explorer. "The Role of Frame-Based Representation in Reasoning", R. Fikes et al, CACM 28(9):904- 920 (Sept 1985).

knowledge "artificial intelligence, information science" The objects, concepts and relationships that are assumed to exist in some area of interest. A collection of {knowledge}, represented using some {knowledge representation} language is known as a {knowledge base} and a program for extending and/or querying a knowledge base is a {knowledge-based system}. Knowledge differs from {data} or {information} in that new knowledge may be created from existing knowledge using logical {inference}. If information is data plus meaning then knowledge is information plus processing. A common form of knowledge, e.g. in a {Prolog} program, is a collection of {facts} and {rules} about some subject. For example, a {knowledge base} about a family might contain the facts that John is David's son and Tom is John's son and the rule that the son of someone's son is their grandson. From this knowledge it could infer the new fact that Tom is David's grandson. See also {Knowledge Level}. (1994-10-19)

knowledge representation The subfield of {artificial intelligence} concerned with designing and using systems for storing knowledge - {facts} and {rules} about some subject. A body of formally represented knowledge is based on a {conceptualisation} - an {abstract} view of the world that we wish to represent. In order to manipulate this knowledge we must specify how the abstract conceptualisation is represented as a {concrete} data structure. An {ontology} is an explicit specification of a conceptualisation. (1994-10-19)

krishna. :::dark; dark-blue; symbol for infinite space; supreme being; the consciousness without form, rules and regulations; central figure of hinduism and is traditionally attributed the authorship of the Bhagavad Gita; a historical individual who participated in the events of the Mahabharata

Kr.s.n.akali (Krishnakali; KrishnaKali; Krishna-Kali; Krishna Kali) —Krsnakali (also called Kalikr.s.n.a) the union of Kr.s.n.a and Kali, forming the "subjective base" of karma; Kali as prakr.ti surrendering herself in a relation of (madhura) dasya to Kr.s.n.a, the purus.a; "a complete union of the two sides of the Duality" of isvara-sakti which, when it rules one"s consciousness, can draw it "altogether out of the confused clash of Ideas and Forces here into a higher Truth and enable the descent of that Truth to illumine and deliver and act sovereignly upon this world of Ignorance"; the same union of Kr.s.n.a and Kali seen everywhere in the vision (darsana) of the external world, a perception which because of its "vivid personality" is regarded as superior to that of purus.a-prakr.ti; short for Kr.s.n.akali bhava or Kr.s.n.akali darsana.Kr Krsnakali bhava (Krishnakali bhava; Krishna-Kali -; Krishna Kali -). s.n.akali bhava

Language, Philosophy of: Any philosophical investigation arising from study of concrete, actualized, languages, whether "living" or "dead". By "language" is here to be understood a system of signs (whether words or ideograms) used in regular modes of combination, in accordance with conventionally established rules, for the purpose of communication.

language-sensitive editor An editor that is aware of the syntactic, semantic and in some cases the structural rules of a specific programming language and provides a framework for the user to enter {source code}. Programs or changes to previously stored programs are incrementally {parsed} into an {abstract syntax tree} and automatically checked for correctness. (1995-02-15)

Legalism, ethical: The insistence on a strict literal or overt observance of certain rules of conduct, or the belief that there are rules which must be so obeyed. Opposed on the one hand by the view which emphasizes the spirit over the letter of the law, and on the other by the view which emphasizes a consideration of the value of the consequences of actions and rules of action. Deontological ethics is often said to be legalistic. Cf. F. Cohen, Legal Ideals and Ethical Systems. -- W.K.F.

legal Loosely used to mean "in accordance with all the relevant rules", especially in connection with some set of constraints defined by software. "The older =+ alternate for += is no longer legal syntax in ANSI C." "This parser processes each line of legal input the moment it sees the trailing linefeed." Hackers often model their work as a sort of game played with the environment in which the objective is to maneuver through the thicket of "natural laws" to achieve a desired objective. Their use of "legal" is flavoured as much by this game-playing sense as by the more conventional one having to do with courts and lawyers. Compare {language lawyer}, {legalese}. [{Jargon File}]

Legal Philosophy: Deals with the philosophic principles of law and justice. The origin is to be found in ancient philosophy. The Greek Sophists criticized existing laws and customs by questioning their validity: All human rules are artificial, created by enactment or convention, as opposed to natural law, based on nature. The theory of a law of nature was further developed by Aristotle and the Stoics. According to the Stoics the natural law is based upon the eternal law of the universe; this itself is an outgrowth of universal reason, as man's mind is an offshoot of the latter. The idea of a law of nature as being innate in man was particularly stressed and popularized by Cicero who identified it with "right reason" and already contrasted it with written law that might be unjust or even tyrannical. Through Saint Augustine these ideas were transmitted to medieval philosophy and by Thomas Aquinas built into his philosophical system. Thomas considers the eternal law the reason existing in the divine mind and controlling the universe. Natural law, innate in man participates in that eternal law. A new impetus was given to Legal Philosophy by the Renaissance. Natural Jurisprudence, properly so-called, originated in the XVII. century. Hugo Grotius, Thomas Hobbes, Benedictus Spinoza, John Locke, Samuel Pufendorf were the most important representatives of that line of thought. Grotius, continuing the Scholastic tradition, particularly stressed the absoluteness of natural hw (it would exist even if God did not exist) and, following Jean Bodin, the sovereignty of the people. The idea of the social contract traced all political bodies back to a voluntary compact by which every individual gave up his right to self-government, or rather transferred it to the government, abandoning a state of nature which according to Hobbes must have been a state of perpetual war. The theory of the social compact more and more accepts the character of a "fiction" or of a regulative idea (Kant). In this sense the theory means that we ought to judge acts of government by their correspondence to the general will (Rousseau) and to the interests of the individuals who by transferring their rights to the commonwealth intended to establish their real liberty. Natural law by putting the emphasis on natural rights, takes on a revolutionary character. It played a part in shaping the bills of rights, the constitutions of the American colonies and of the Union, as well as of the French declaration of the rights of men and of citizens. Natural jurisprudence in the teachings of Christian Wolff and Thomasius undergoes a kind of petrification in the vain attempt to outline an elaborate system of natural law not only in the field of international or public law, but also in the detailed regulations of the law of property, of contract, etc. This sort of dogmatic approach towards the problems of law evoked the opposition of the Historic School (Gustav Hugo and Savigny) which stressed the natural growth of laws ind customs, originating from the mysterious "spirit of the people". On the other hand Immanuel Kant tried to overcome the old natural law by the idea of a "law of reason", meaning an a priori element in all existing or positive law. In his definition of law ("the ensemble of conditions according to which everyone's will may coexist with the will of every other in accordance with a general rule of liberty"), however, as in his legal philosophy in general, he still shares the attitude of the natural law doctrine, confusing positive law with the idea of just law. This is also true of Hegel whose panlogism seemed to lead in this very direction. Under the influence of epistemological positivism (Comte, Mill) in the later half of the nineteenth century, legal philosophy, especially in Germany, confined itself to a "general theory of law". Similarily John Austin in England considered philosophy of law concerned only with positive law, "as it necessarily is", not as it ought to be. Its main task was to analyze certain notions which pervade the science of law (Analytical Jurisprudence). In recent times the same tendency to reduce legal philosophy to logical or at least methodological tasks was further developed in attempting a pure science of law (Kelsen, Roguin). Owing to the influence of Darwinism and natural science in general the evolutionist and biological viewpoint was accepted in legal philosophy: comparative jurisprudence, sociology of law, the Freirecht movement in Germany, the study of the living law, "Realism" in American legal philosophy, all represent a tendency against rationalism. On the other hand there is a revival of older tendencies: Hegelianism, natural law -- especially in Catholic philosophy -- and Kantianism (beginning with Rudolf Stammler). From here other trends arose: the critical attitude leads to relativism (f.i. Gustav Radbruch); the antimetaphysical tendency towards positivism -- though different from epistemological positivism -- and to a pure theory of law. Different schools of recent philosophy have found their applications or repercussions in legal philosophy: Phenomenology, for example, tried to intuit the essences of legal institutions, thus coming back to a formalist position, not too far from the real meaning of analytical jurisprudence. Neo-positivism, though so far not yet explicitly applied to legal philosophy, seems to lead in the same direction. -- W.E.

legitimate ::: a. --> Accordant with law or with established legal forms and requirements; lawful; as, legitimate government; legitimate rights; the legitimate succession to the throne; a legitimate proceeding of an officer; a legitimate heir.
Lawfully begotten; born in wedlock.
Authorized; real; genuine; not false, counterfeit, or spurious; as, legitimate poems of Chaucer; legitimate inscriptions.
Conforming to known principles, or accepted rules; as,

Li: Propriety; code of proper conduct; rules of social contact; good manners; etiquett; mores; rituals; rites; ceremonials. In Confucius, it aims at true manhood (jen) through self-mastery, and central harmony (ho). "Propriety regulates and refines human feelings, giving them due allowance, so as to keep the people within bounds." It is "to determine human relationships, to settle suspicions and doubts, to distinguish similarity and difference, and to ascertain right and wrong." "The rules of propriety are rooted in Heaven, have their correspondences in Earth, and are applicable to spiritual beings." "Music unites, while rituals differentiate. . . . Music comes from the inside, while rituals come from the outside. Because music comes from the inside, it is characterized by quiet and calm. And because rituals come from the outside, they are characterized by formalism. . . . Truly great music shares the principles of harmony with the universe, and truly great ritualism shares the principles of distinction with the universe. Through the principles of harmony, order is restored in the physical world, and through the principles of distinction, we are enabled to offer sacrifices to Heaven and Earth. . . . Music expresses the harmony of the universe, while rituals express the order of the universe. Through harmony all things are influenced, and through order all things have a proper place. Music rises from Heaven, while rituals are patterned on Earth. . . ." (Early Confucianism.) "The code of propriety has three sources: Heaven and Earth gave birth to it -- this is a source; our ancestors made it fit the situation -- this is a source; the princes and teachers formed it -- this is a source." (Hsun Tzu, c 335-c 238 B.C.) -- W.T.C.

LogC A {C} extension incorporating {rule-oriented programming}, for {AI} {application programs}. {Production rules} are encapsulated into functional components called rulesets. LogC uses a {search network algorithm} similar to {RETE}. Version 1.6. ["LogC: A Language and Environment for Embedded Rule Based Systems", F. Yulin et al, SIGPLAN Notices 27(11):27-32 (Nov 1992)].

logic 1. "philosophy, logic" A branch of philosophy and mathematics that deals with the formal principles, methods and criteria of validity of {inference}, reasoning and {knowledge}. Logic is concerned with what is true and how we can know whether something is true. This involves the formalisation of logical arguments and {proofs} in terms of symbols representing {propositions} and {logical connectives}. The meanings of these logical connectives are expressed by a set of rules which are assumed to be self-evident. {Boolean algebra} deals with the basic operations of truth values: AND, OR, NOT and combinations thereof. {Predicate logic} extends this with existential and universal {quantifiers} and symbols standing for {predicates} which may depend on variables. The rules of {natural deduction} describe how we may proceed from valid premises to valid conclusions, where the premises and conclusions are expressions in {predicate logic}. Symbolic logic uses a {meta-language} concerned with truth, which may or may not have a corresponding expression in the world of objects called existance. In symbolic logic, arguments and {proofs} are made in terms of symbols representing {propositions} and {logical connectives}. The meanings of these begin with a set of rules or {primitives} which are assumed to be self-evident. Fortunately, even from vague primitives, functions can be defined with precise meaning. {Boolean logic} deals with the basic operations of {truth values}: AND, OR, NOT and combinations thereof. {Predicate logic} extends this with {existential quantifiers} and {universal quantifiers} which introduce {bound variables} ranging over {finite} sets; the {predicate} itself takes on only the values true and false. Deduction describes how we may proceed from valid {premises} to valid conclusions, where these are expressions in {predicate logic}. Carnap used the phrase "rational reconstruction" to describe the logical analysis of thought. Thus logic is less concerned with how thought does proceed, which is considered the realm of psychology, and more with how it should proceed to discover truth. It is the touchstone of the results of thinking, but neither its regulator nor a motive for its practice. See also fuzzy logic, logic programming, arithmetic and logic unit, first-order logic, See also {Boolean logic}, {fuzzy logic}, {logic programming}, {first-order logic}, {logic bomb}, {combinatory logic}, {higher-order logic}, {intuitionistic logic}, {equational logic}, {modal logic}, {linear logic}, {paradox}. 2. "electronics" {Boolean} logic circuits. See also {arithmetic and logic unit}, {asynchronous logic}, {TTL}. (1995-03-17)

logical ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to logic; used in logic; as, logical subtilties.
According to the rules of logic; as, a logical argument or inference; the reasoning is logical.
Skilled in logic; versed in the art of thinking and reasoning; as, he is a logical thinker.

logic programming "artificial intelligence, programming, language" A {declarative}, {relational} style of programming based on {first-order logic}. The original logic programming language was {Prolog}. The concept is based on {Horn clauses}. The programmer writes a "database" of "{facts}", e.g. wet(water). ("water is wet") and "{rules}", e.g. mortal(X) :- human(X). ("X is mortal is implied by X is human"). Facts and rules are collectively known as "{clauses}". The user supplies a "{goal}" which the system attempts to prove using "{resolution}" or "{backward chaining}". This involves matching the current goal against each fact or the left hand side of each rule using "{unification}". If the goal matches a fact, the goal succeeds; if it matches a rule then the process recurses, taking each sub-goal on the right hand side of the rule as the current goal. If all sub-goals succeed then the rule succeeds. Each time a possible clause is chosen, a "{choice point}" is created on a {stack}. If subsequent {resolution} fails then control eventually returns to the choice point and subsequent clauses are tried. This is known as "{backtracking}". Clauses may contain {logic variables} which take on any value necessary to make the fact or the left hand side of the rule match a goal. Unification binds these variables to the corresponding subterms of the goal. Such bindings are associated with the {choice point} at which the clause was chosen and are undone when backtracking reaches that choice point. The user is informed of the success or failure of his first goal and if it succeeds and contains variables he is told what values of those variables caused it to succeed. He can then ask for alternative solutions. (1997-07-14)

Loglan'82 "language" A teaching language including all the programming tools used in {object-oriented programming}, {modular programming}, and {structured programming} as well as programming by rules and {functional programming}. Supported {object-oriented programming} features include {classes}, {objects}, {coroutines}, processes (in Loglan'82 {processes} are {objects} which are able to act in parallel), {inheritance}, {exception handling}, and {dynamic arrays}. Loglan'82 is apparently unrelated to {Loglan}. {(}. A {cross-compiler} to {C} is {here (}. [Related to {Loglan-88}?] (1999-07-02)

Main works: Le fondemcnt de l'induction, 187; Psychologie et metaphysique, 1885; Etudes sur le syllogisme, 1907; Note sur le pari de Pascal. --L.W. Lamaism: (from Tibetan b La-ma, honorable title of a monk) The religious beliefs and institutions of Tibet, derived from Mahayana Buddhism (q.v.) which was first introduced in the 7th century by the chieftain Sron-tsan-gampo, superimposed on the native Shamaistic Bon religion, resuscitated and mixed with Tantric (q.v.) elements by the mythic Hindu Padmasambhava, and reformed by the Bengalese Atisa in the 11th and Tsong-kha-pa at the turn of the 14th century. The strong admixture of elements of the exorcismal, highly magically charged and priest-ridden original Bon, has given Buddhism a turn away from its philosophic orientation and produced in Lamaism a form that places great emphasis on mantras (q.v.) -- the most famous one being om mani padme hum) -- elaborate ritual, and the worship of subsidiary tutelary deities, high dignitaries, and living incarnations of the Buddha. This worship is institutionalized, with a semblance of the papacy, in the double incarnation of the Bodhisattva (q.v.) in the Dalai-Lama who resides with political powers at the capital Lhasa, and the more spiritual head Tashi-Lama who rules at Tashi-Ihum-po. Contacts with Indian and Chinese traditions have been maintained for centuries and the two canons of Lamaism, the Kan-jur of 108 books and the Tan-jur of 225 books represent many translations as well as original works, some of great philosophical value. -- K.F.L.

Main works: The Religious Aspect of Philosophy, 1885; The Spirit of Modem Philosophy, 1892; The World and the Indidvidual, 1900; Lectures on Modem Idealism, 1919. Rule, ethical or moral: Any general ethical proposition enjoining a certain kind of action in a certain kind of situation, e.g., one who has made a promise should keep it. Rules figure especially in "dogmatic" types of deontological or intuitionstic ethics, and teleological ethics is often described as emphasizing ends rather than rules. Even a teleologist may, however, recommend certain rules, such as the above, as describing kinds of action which are generally conducive to good ends. -- W.K.F.

makefile A script which tells the Unix program "{make}" how to build a particular computer program or set of programs. A makefile contains variable assignments and rules of the form target: inputs commands which say if any of the files in "inputs" has been modified more recently than file "target" (or if the target does not exist) then execute "commands", which will normally bulid "target" from "inputs". If make is run with no arguments, it looks for a makefile called "Makefile" or "makefile". (1995-01-05)

malpractice ::: n. --> Evil practice; illegal or immoral conduct; practice contrary to established rules; specifically, the treatment of a case by a surgeon or physician in a manner which is contrary to accepted rules and productive of unfavorable results.

Mathematica "tool, mathematics" A popular {symbolic mathematics} and graphics system, developed in 1988 by Stephen Wolfram and sold by {Wolfram Research}. The language emphasises rules and {pattern-matching}. The name was suggested by {Steve Jobs}. {(}. {Stanford FTP (}, {NCSA FTP (}. Mailing list: {Usenet} newsgroup: {news:comp.soft-sys.math.mathematica}. ["Mathematica: A System for Doing Mathematics by Computer", Stephen Wolfram, A-W 1988]. (1995-05-01)

Maxim, ethical: In general any rule of conduct which an individual may adopt, or which he may be advised to follow as a good guide for action, e.g., Descartes' maxim to try always to conquer himself rather than fortune. The formulation of such rules is often recommended as a help in deciding what to do in particular cases, especially if time is short, in resisting temptation, etc. Kant held (1) that each voluntary act proceeds according to a maxim or "subjective principle of action," e.g., in breaking a promise one has as one's maxim, "When it is to my advantage, I will make a promise and not keep it," (2) that one can tell whether an act is right or not by asking whether one can will its maxim to be a universal law. -- W.K.F.

mensuration ::: n. --> The act, process, or art, of measuring.
That branch of applied geometry which gives rules for finding the length of lines, the areas of surfaces, or the volumes of solids, from certain simple data of lines and angles.

metaphone "algorithm, text" An {algorithm} for encoding a word so that similar sounding words encode the same. It's similar to {soundex} in purpose, but as it knows the basic rules of English pronunciation it's more accurate. The higher accuracy doesn't come free, though, metaphone requires more computational power as well as more storage capacity, but neither of these requirements are usually prohibitive. It is in the public domain so it can be freely implemented. Metaphone was developed by Lawrence Philips "". It is described in ["Practical Algorithms for Programmers", Binstock & Rex, Addison Wesley, 1995]. (1998-12-22)

metaphysical ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to metaphysics.
According to rules or principles of metaphysics; as, metaphysical reasoning.
Preternatural or supernatural.

Method: (Gr. methodos, method) Any procedure employed to attain a certain end. Any knowing techniques employed in the process of acquiring knowledge of a given subject-matter. The science which formulates the rules of any procedure.

mnemonics ::: n. --> The art of memory; a system of precepts and rules intended to assist the memory; artificial memory.

mobocrat ::: n. --> One who favors a form of government in which the unintelligent populace rules without restraint.

model 1. "simulation" A description of observed or predicted behaviour of some system, simplified by ignoring certain details. Models allow complex {systems}, both existent and merely specified, to be understood and their behaviour predicted. A model may give incorrect descriptions and predictions for situations outside the realm of its intended use. A model may be used as the basis for {simulation}. Note: British spelling: "modelling", US: "modeling". (2008-04-28) 2. "programming" The core part of a {Model-View-Controller} or similar {software architecture}; the part that stores the data and runs the {business rules} or {algorithms}. (2014-11-27)

monastical ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to monasteries, or to their occupants, rules, etc., as, monastic institutions or rules.
Secluded from temporal concerns and devoted to religion; recluse.

moral ::: a. --> Relating to duty or obligation; pertaining to those intentions and actions of which right and wrong, virtue and vice, are predicated, or to the rules by which such intentions and actions ought to be directed; relating to the practice, manners, or conduct of men as social beings in relation to each other, as respects right and wrong, so far as they are properly subject to rules.
Conformed to accepted rules of right; acting in conformity with such rules; virtuous; just; as, a moral man. Used sometimes in

moralist ::: n. --> One who moralizes; one who teaches or animadverts upon the duties of life; a writer of essays intended to correct vice and inculcate moral duties.
One who practices moral duties; a person who lives in conformity with moral rules; one of correct deportment and dealings with his fellow-creatures; -- sometimes used in contradistinction to one whose life is controlled by religious motives.

moralist ::: one who teaches or inculcates conformity to the rules of right or virtuous conduct.

MORALITY. ::: A part of the ordinary life t it is an attempt to govern the outward conduct by certain mental rules or to form the character by these rules in the image of a certain mental ideal. The spiritual life goes beyond the mind ; it enters into the deeper consciousness of the Spirit and acts out of the truth of the Spirit.

morality ::: n. --> The relation of conformity or nonconformity to the moral standard or rule; quality of an intention, a character, an action, a principle, or a sentiment, when tried by the standard of right.
The quality of an action which renders it good; the conformity of an act to the accepted standard of right.
The doctrines or rules of moral duties, or the duties of men in their social character; ethics.
The practice of the moral duties; rectitude of life;

morally ::: adv. --> In a moral or ethical sense; according to the rules of morality.
According to moral rules; virtuously.
In moral qualities; in disposition and character; as, one who physically and morally endures hardships.
In a manner calculated to serve as the basis of action; according to the usual course of things and human judgment; according to reason and probability.

More precisely: Let "S" be a symbol (simple or complex) in the language L. And let "f(S)" be any sentence containing "S" and constructed in conformity with the syntactical rules of L. Let "e1" be any experiential sentence of L. Then "S" may be said to be vague in the context "f(. .)" if, for at last one "e1" the rules of L do not provide that f(S) be either consistent or inconsistent with e1. And "S" may be said to be vague in L if it is vague in at least one context of L.

move ::: v. t. --> To cause to change place or posture in any manner; to set in motion; to carry, convey, draw, or push from one place to another; to impel; to stir; as, the wind moves a vessel; the horse moves a carriage.
To transfer (a piece or man) from one space or position to another, according to the rules of the game; as, to move a king.
To excite to action by the presentation of motives; to rouse by representation, persuasion, or appeal; to influence.

mutiny ::: n. --> Insurrection against constituted authority, particularly military or naval authority; concerted revolt against the rules of discipline or the lawful commands of a superior officer; hence, generally, forcible resistance to rightful authority; insubordination.
Violent commotion; tumult; strife. ::: v. i.

namespace "systems" The {set} of all possible identifiers for some kind of object. From the definition of a set, all names in a namespace are unique and there is some rule to determine whether a potential name is an element of the set. For example, the {Domain Name System} includes rules for determining what constitutes a valid host name. (2008-12-09)

natural deduction "logic" A set of rules expressing how valid {proofs} may be constructed in {predicate logic}. In the traditional notation, a horizontal line separates {premises} (above) from {conclusions} (below). Vertical ellipsis (dots) stand for a series of applications of the rules. "T" is the constant "true" and "F" is the constant "false" (sometimes written with a {LaTeX} {\perp}). "^" is the AND ({conjunction}) operator, "v" is the inclusive OR ({disjunction}) operator and "/" is NOT (negation or {complement}, normally written with a {LaTeX} {\neg}). P, Q, P1, P2, etc. stand for {propositions} such as "Socrates was a man". P[x] is a proposition possibly containing instances of the variable x, e.g. "x can fly". A proof (a sequence of applications of the rules) may be enclosed in a box. A boxed proof produces conclusions that are only valid given the assumptions made inside the box, however, the proof demonstrates certain relationships which are valid outside the box. For example, the box below labelled "Implication introduction" starts by assuming P, which need not be a true {proposition} so long as it can be used to derive Q. Truth introduction: - T (Truth is free). Binary AND introduction: ----------- | . | . | | . | . | | Q1 | Q2 | -----------  Q1 ^ Q2 (If we can derive both Q1 and Q2 then Q1^Q2 is true). N-ary AND introduction: ---------------- | . | .. | . | | . | .. | . | | Q1 | .. | Qn | ---------------- Q1^..^Qi^..^Qn Other n-ary rules follow the binary versions similarly. Quantified AND introduction: --------- | x . | |  . | | Q[x] | --------- For all x . Q[x] (If we can prove Q for arbitrary x then Q is true for all x). Falsity elimination: F - Q (Falsity opens the floodgates). OR elimination:  P1 v P2 ----------- | P1 | P2 | | . | . | | . | . | | Q | Q | -----------   Q (Given P1 v P2, if Q follows from both then Q is true). Exists elimination: Exists x . P[x] ----------- | x P[x] | |   . | |   . | |   Q | -----------    Q (If Q follows from P[x] for arbitrary x and such an x exists then Q is true). OR introduction 1:   P1 ------- P1 v P2 (If P1 is true then P1 OR anything is true). OR introduction 2:   P2 ------- P1 v P2 (If P2 is true then anything OR P2 is true). Similar symmetries apply to ^ rules. Exists introduction:   P[a] ------------- Exists x.P[x] (If P is true for "a" then it is true for all x). AND elimination 1: P1 ^ P2 -------   P1 (If P1 and P2 are true then P1 is true). For all elimination: For all x . P[x] ----------------    P[a] (If P is true for all x then it is true for "a"). For all implication introduction: ----------- | x P[x] | |   . | |   . | |  Q[x] | ----------- For all x . P[x] -" Q[x] (If Q follows from P for arbitrary x then Q follows from P for all x). Implication introduction: ----- | P | | . | | . | | Q | ----- P -" Q (If Q follows from P then P implies Q). NOT introduction: ----- | P | | . | | . | | F | ----- / P (If falsity follows from P then P is false). NOT-NOT: //P --- P (If it is not the case that P is not true then P is true). For all implies exists: P[a] For all x . P[x] -" Q[x] -------------------------------    Q[a] (If P is true for given "a" and P implies Q for all x then Q is true for a). Implication elimination, modus ponens: P P -" Q ----------   Q (If P and P implies Q then Q). NOT elimination, contradiction: P /P ------  F (If P is true and P is not true then false is true). (1995-01-16)

Natural law: (in legal philosophy) A "higher law" as opposed to the positive law of a state. The rules of natural law were supposed to be universally valid and therefore natural. They are discoverable by reason alone (rationalism). Natural law theories originated in ancient Greek philosophy. From the Renaissance on they were used as an argument for liberal political doctrines. There is a marked tendency in recent legal philosophy to revive the natural law doctrine. -- W.E.

Netware Directory Services "networking" (NDS) {Novell, Inc.}'s {directory services} for {Netware}, {Windows NT}, and {Unix}. The NDS directory represents each {network} resource (user, hardware, or application) as an {object} of a certain {class}, where each class has certain properties. For example, User and Print Server are object classes and a user has over 80 properties such as name, login, password, department, and title. The directory is hierarchical, divided into branches by {rules of containment}. A given object can only belong to a given container (or branch). The rules governing classes, properties and, {rules of containment} are known as the {schema}. (2001-03-20)

Newton's Method: The method of procedure in natural philosophy as formulated by Sir Isaac Newton, especially in his Rules of Reasoning in Philosophy (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, Book III). These rules are as follows: We are to admit no more causes of natural things than such as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances. Therefore to the same natural effects we must, as far as possible, assign the same causes. The qualities of bodies, which admit neither intension nor remission of degrees, and which are found to belong to all bodies within the reach of our experiments, are to be esteemed the universal qualities of all bodies whatsoever. In experimental philosophy we are to look upon propositions collected by general induction from phaenomena as accurately or very nearly true, notwithstanding any contrary hypotheses that may be imagined, till such time as other phaenomena occur, by which they may either be made more accurate, or liable to exceptions. To this passage should be appended another statement from the closing pages of the same work. "I do not make hypotheses; for whatever is not deduced from the phaenomena is to be called an hypothesis; and hypotheses, whether metaphysical or physical, whether of occult qualities or mechanical, have no place in experimental philosophy." -- A.C.S.

nome ::: --> of Nim

Alt. of Nomen ::: n. --> A province or political division, as of modern Greece or ancient Egypt; a nomarchy.

Any melody determined by inviolable rules.

Normative: (Lat. normatus, pp. of normo, square) Constituting a standard; regulative. Having to do with an established ideal. In scientific method: concerning those sciences which have subject-matters containing values, and which set up norms or rules of conduct, such as ethics, aesthetics, politics. The ideal formulation of any science. Opposite of empirical. -- J.K.F.

numerate ::: v. --> To divide off and read according to the rules of numeration; as, to numerate a row of figures.

obliquity ::: n. --> The condition of being oblique; deviation from a right line; deviation from parallelism or perpendicularity; the amount of such deviation; divergence; as, the obliquity of the ecliptic to the equator.
Deviation from ordinary rules; irregularity; deviation from moral rectitude.

observant ::: a. --> Taking notice; viewing or noticing attentively; watchful; attentive; as, an observant spectator; observant habits.
Submissively attentive; obediently watchful; regardful; mindful; obedient (to); -- with of, as, to be observant of rules. ::: n. --> One who observes forms and rules.

observe ::: v. t. --> To take notice of by appropriate conduct; to conform one&

obstruct ::: v. t. --> To block up; to stop up or close, as a way or passage; to place an obstacle in, or fill with obstacles or impediments that prevent or hinder passing; as, to obstruct a street; to obstruct the channels of the body.
To be, or come, in the way of; to hinder from passing; to stop; to impede; to retard; as, the bar in the harbor obstructs the passage of ships; clouds obstruct the light of the sun; unwise rules obstruct legislation.

On-Line Analytical Processing "database" (OLAP) A category of {database} software which provides an interface such that users can transform or limit raw data according to user-defined or pre-defined functions, and quickly and interactively examine the results in various dimensions of the data. OLAP primarily involves aggregating large amounts of diverse data. OLAP can involve millions of data items with complex relationships. Its objective is to analyze these relationships and look for patterns, trends, and exceptions. The term was originally coined by {Dr. Codd} in 1993 with 12 "rules". Since then, the {OLAP Council}, many vendors, and Dr. Codd himself have added new requirements and confusion. Richard Creeth and Nigel Pendse define OLAP as fast analysis of shared multidimensional information. Their definition requires the system to respond to users within about five seconds. It should support logical and statistical processing of results without the user having to program in a {4GL}. It should implement all the security requirements for confidentiality and concurrent update locking. The system must provide a multidimensional conceptual view of the data, including full support for multiple hierarchies. Other aspects to consider include data duplication, {RAM} and disk space requirements, performance, and integration with {data warehouses}. Various bodies have attempted to come up with standards for OLAP, including The {OLAP Council} and the {Analytical Solutions Forum} (ASF), however, the {Microsoft OLE DB for OLAP API} is the most widely adopted and has become the {de facto standard}. {(}. {Usenet} newsgroup: {news:comp.databases.olap}. {(}. [What's a "multidimensional conceptual view"?] (1996-09-24)

Open Systems Interconnection "networking" (OSI-RM, OSI Reference Model, seven layer model) A model of network architecture and a suite of {protocols} (a {protocol stack}) to implement it, developed by {ISO} in 1978 as a framework for international {standards} in heterogeneous computer {network} architecture. The OSI architecture is split between seven {layers}, from lowest to highest: 1 {physical layer}, 2 {data link layer}, 3 {network layer}, 4 {transport layer}, 5 {session layer}, 6 {presentation layer}, 7 {application layer}. Each layer uses the layer immediately below it and provides a service to the layer above. In some implementations a layer may itself be composed of sub-layers. OSI is the umbrella name for a series of non-proprietary protocols and specifications, comprising, among others, the OSI Reference Model, ASN.1 ({Abstract Syntax Notation 1}), BER ({Basic Encoding Rules}), {CMIP} and {CMIS} (Common Management Information Protocol and Services), {X.400} (Message Handling System, or MHS), {X.500} (Directory Service), {Z39.50} (search and retrieval protocol used by {WAIS}), and many others. Apart from its actual application to real protocols, it also serves as a useful teaching model. (2004-02-13)

operational semantics "theory" A set of rules specifying how the state of an actual or hypothetical computer changes while executing a program. The overall state is typically divided into a number of components, e.g. {stack}, {heap}, {registers} etc. Each rule specifies certain preconditions on the contents of some components and their new contents after the application of the rule. It is similar in spirit to the notion of a {Turing machine}, in which actions are precisely described in a mathematical way. Compuare {axiomatic semantics}, {denotational semantics}. (1996-08-21)

OPS5 "language" A programming language for rule-based {production systems}. A rule consists of pre-condition(s) and a resulting action. The system checks its {working memory} to see if there are rules whose pre-conditions are satisfied, if so, the action in one selected satisfied rule is executed. There is a {public domain} implementation of an OPS5 {interpreter} written by Charles L. Forgy "" in 1977. It was first implemented in {Lisp} and later in {BLISS}. It was also ported to {Common Lisp} by George Wood and Jim Kowalski. {CLIPS} is a language for writing {expert systems}, with some of the capabilities of OPS5. See also {C5}, {OPS83}, {OPS4}, {OPS5+}, {OPS83}. Inference Engine Tech, Cambridge MA. {An OPS5 interpreter in Common LISP (}. {A version by Mark Kantrowitz (}. "". ["Programming Expert Systems in OPS5", L. Brownston et al, A-W 1985]. ["An OPS5 Primer", Sherman et al, comes with OPS5 for DOS]. ["Rule-Based Programming in the Unix System", G.T. Vesonder, AT&T Tech J 67(1), 1988]. (1995-08-18)

ordered ::: 1. Neatly or conveniently arranged; well-organized. 2. Done according to specific principles or procedures; conducted according to certain precepts or rules. ordering.

ordinarily ::: adv. --> According to established rules or settled method; as a rule; commonly; usually; in most cases; as, a winter more than ordinarily severe.

orthographical ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to orthography, or right spelling; also, correct in spelling; as, orthographical rules; the letter was orthographic.
Of or pertaining to right lines or angles.

orthographically ::: adv. --> In an orthographical manner
according to the rules of proper spelling
according to orthographic projection.

Other primitive formulas (possibly involving new primitive notations) which may be added correspond to the axiom of choice (q. v.) or are designed to introduce classes (q. v.) or descriptions (q. v.). Functional abstraction (q. v.) may also be Introduced by means of additional primitive formulas or primitive rules of inference, or it may be defined with the aid of descriptions. Whitehead and Russell employ the axiom of infinity and the axiom of choice but avoid the necessity of special primitive formulas in connection with classes and descriptions by introducing classes and descriptions as incomplete symbols.

overrules ::: prevails over, against, exercises rule over.

overlogical ::: a. --> Excessively logical; adhering too closely to the forms or rules of logic.

overmind ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The overmind is a sort of delegation from the supermind (this is a metaphor only) which supports the present evolutionary universe in which we live here in Matter. If supermind were to start here from the beginning as the direct creative Power, a world of the kind we see now would be impossible; it would have been full of the divine Light from the beginning, there would be no involution in the inconscience of Matter, consequently no gradual striving evolution of consciousness in Matter. A line is therefore drawn between the higher half of the universe of consciousness, parardha , and the lower half, aparardha. The higher half is constituted of Sat, Chit, Ananda, Mahas (the supramental) — the lower half of mind, life, Matter. This line is the intermediary overmind which, though luminous itself, keeps from us the full indivisible supramental Light, depends on it indeed, but in receiving it, divides, distributes, breaks it up into separated aspects, powers, multiplicities of all kinds, each of which it is possible by a further diminution of consciousness, such as we reach in Mind, to regard as the sole or the chief Truth and all the rest as subordinate or contradictory to it.” *Letters on Yoga

   "The overmind is the highest of the planes below the supramental.” *Letters on Yoga

"In its nature and law the Overmind is a delegate of the Supermind Consciousness, its delegate to the Ignorance. Or we might speak of it as a protective double, a screen of dissimilar similarity through which Supermind can act indirectly on an Ignorance whose darkness could not bear or receive the direct impact of a supreme Light.” The Life Divine

"The Overmind is a principle of cosmic Truth and a vast and endless catholicity is its very spirit; its energy is an all-dynamism as well as a principle of separate dynamisms: it is a sort of inferior Supermind, — although it is concerned predominantly not with absolutes, but with what might be called the dynamic potentials or pragmatic truths of Reality, or with absolutes mainly for their power of generating pragmatic or creative values, although, too, its comprehension of things is more global than integral, since its totality is built up of global wholes or constituted by separate independent realities uniting or coalescing together, and although the essential unity is grasped by it and felt to be basic of things and pervasive in their manifestation, but no longer as in the Supermind their intimate and ever-present secret, their dominating continent, the overt constant builder of the harmonic whole of their activity and nature.” The Life Divine

   "The overmind sees calmly, steadily, in great masses and large extensions of space and time and relation, globally; it creates and acts in the same way — it is the world of the great Gods, the divine Creators.” *Letters on Yoga

"The Overmind is essentially a spiritual power. Mind in it surpasses its ordinary self and rises and takes its stand on a spiritual foundation. It embraces beauty and sublimates it; it has an essential aesthesis which is not limited by rules and canons, it sees a universal and an eternal beauty while it takes up and transforms all that is limited and particular. It is besides concerned with things other than beauty or aesthetics. It is concerned especially with truth and knowledge or rather with a wisdom that exceeds what we call knowledge; its truth goes beyond truth of fact and truth of thought, even the higher thought which is the first spiritual range of the thinker. It has the truth of spiritual thought, spiritual feeling, spiritual sense and at its highest the truth that comes by the most intimate spiritual touch or by identity. Ultimately, truth and beauty come together and coincide, but in between there is a difference. Overmind in all its dealings puts truth first; it brings out the essential truth (and truths) in things and also its infinite possibilities; it brings out even the truth that lies behind falsehood and error; it brings out the truth of the Inconscient and the truth of the Superconscient and all that lies in between. When it speaks through poetry, this remains its first essential quality; a limited aesthetical artistic aim is not its purpose.” *Letters on Savitri

"In the overmind the Truth of supermind which is whole and harmonious enters into a separation into parts, many truths fronting each other and moved each to fulfil itself, to make a world of its own or else to prevail or take its share in worlds made of a combination of various separated Truths and Truth-forces.” Letters on Yoga


overrule ::: v. t. --> To rule over; to govern or determine by superior authority.
To rule or determine in a contrary way; to decide against; to abrogate or alter; as, God overrules the purposes of men; the chairman overruled the point of order.
To supersede, reject, annul, or rule against; as, the plea, or the decision, was overruled by the court.

Packed Encoding Rules "protocol, standard" (PER) {ASN.1} encoding rules for producing a compact {transfer syntax} for data structures described in {ASN.1}, defined in 1994. PER provides a much more compact encoding then {BER}. It tries to represents the data units using the minimum number of {bits}. The compactness requires that the decoder knows the complete {abstract syntax} of the data structure to be decoded, however. Documents: {ITU-T} X.691, {ISO} 8825-2. (1998-05-19)

paralogism ::: n. --> A reasoning which is false in point of form, that is, which is contrary to logical rules or formulae; a formal fallacy, or pseudo-syllogism, in which the conclusion does not follow from the premises.

paramesvara (parameshwara; parameswara) ::: the supreme Lord, the paramesvara transcendent isvara, who rules the worlds "from beyond all cosmos as well as within it" and "from his highest original existence . . . originates and governs the universe . . . with an all-knowing omnipotence". paramesvaraparamesvara-adya

parliamentarian ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to Parliament. ::: n. --> One who adhered to the Parliament, in opposition to King Charles I.
One versed in the rules and usages of Parliament or similar deliberative assemblies; as, an accomplished

parliamentary ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to Parliament; as, parliamentary authority.
Enacted or done by Parliament; as, a parliamentary act.
According to the rules and usages of Parliament or of deliberative bodies; as, a parliamentary motion.

pedagogics ::: n. --> The science or art of teaching; the principles and rules of teaching; pedagogy.

penitential ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to penitence, or to penance; expressing penitence; of the nature of penance; as, the penitential book; penitential tears. ::: n. --> A book formerly used by priests hearing confessions, containing rules for the imposition of penances; -- called also

penitentiary ::: a. --> Relating to penance, or to the rules and measures of penance.
Expressive of penitence; as, a penitentiary letter.
Used for punishment, discipline, and reformation. ::: n. --> One who prescribes the rules and measures of penance.

PER 1. "networking" {Packed Encoding Rules}. 2. "mathematics" {partial equivalence relation}. (1998-05-27)

Permissive [parents] ::: Parenting style consisting of very few rules and allowing children to make most decisions and control their own behavior.

perspectively ::: adv. --> Optically; as through a glass.
According to the rules of perspective.

pharmaceutical ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to the knowledge or art of pharmacy, or to the art of preparing medicines according to the rules or formulas of pharmacy; as, pharmaceutical preparations.

philosopher ::: n. --> One who philosophizes; one versed in, or devoted to, philosophy.
One who reduces the principles of philosophy to practice in the conduct of life; one who lives according to the rules of practical wisdom; one who meets or regards all vicissitudes with calmness.
An alchemist.

PHOCUS An {object-oriented} {Prolog}-like language. ["PHOCUS: Production Rules, Horn Clauses, Objects and Contexts in a Unification Based System", D. Chan et al, Actes du Sem Prog et Logique, Tregastel (May 1987), pp. 77-108]. (1994-11-09)

Phonetastic "communications" A {CTI} product from {Callware}. Phonetastic employs if-then rules and customer records to tell those receiving calls who is calling (based on {ANI} and {DNIS}) and to determine how the call should be routed, e.g. to a certain sales representative or to the general sales department; receive high-priority treatment; receive a fax-back, etc. (1996-12-08)

physically ::: adv. --> In a physical manner; according to the laws of nature or physics; by physical force; not morally.
According to the rules of medicine.

PLisp 1. PostScript Lisp? A {Common Lisp} translator and programming environment in {PostScript} by John Peterson "". 2. Pattern LISP. 1990. A {pattern-matching} rewrite-rule language, optimised for describing syntax translation rules. (See {LISP70}).

poetics ::: n. --> The principles and rules of the art of poetry.

polychoerany ::: n. --> A government by many chiefs, princes, or rules.

pornography "application" Still and moving images, usually of women, in varying states of nudity, posing or performing erotic acts with men, women, animals, machines, or other props. Some say it degrades women, some say it corrupts young boys (who down-load it from the {web} or exchange it on {floppy disks}). Most of it is in the form of {JPEG} images. Many websites offer porn of all sorts, almost always for a subscription. It is said that these are a driving force in the evolution of new technology and techniques for the web. Advertisments for them certainly constitute a significant proportion of all {spam}. There are even pornographic computer games, an early example being {Mac Playmate}. Beware - many institutions, particularly universities, have strict rules against their computers and networks being used to transfer or store such things, and you might get corrupted. (2002-03-08)

Pragmatism: (Gr. pragma, things done) Owes its inception as a movement of philosophy to C. S. Peirce and William James, but approximations to it can be found in many earlier thinkers, including (according to Peirce and James) Socrates and Aristotle, Berkeley and Hume. Concerning a closer precursor, Shadworth Hodgson, James says that he "keeps insisting that realities are only what they are 'known as' ". Kant actually uses the word "pragmatic" to characterize "counsels of prudence" as distinct from "rules of skill" and "commands of morality" (Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals, p. 40). His principle of the primacy of practical reason is also an anticipation of pragmatism. It was reflection on Kant's Critique of Pure Reason which originally led Peirce to formulate the view that the muddles of metaphysics can be cleared up if one attends to the practical consequences of ideas. The pragmatic maxim was first stated by Peirce in 1878 (Popular Science Monthly) "Consider what effects, that might conceivably have practical bearings, we conceive the object of our conception to have. Then, our conception of these effects is the whole of our conception of the object". A clearer formulation by the same author reads: "In order to ascertain the meaning of an intellectual conception one should consider what practical consequences might conceivably result by necessity from the truth of that conception, and the sum of these consequences will constitute the entire meaning of the conception". This is often expressed briefly, viz.: The meaning of a proposition is its logical (or physical) consequences. The principle is not merely logical. It is also admonitory in Baconian style "Pragmatism is the principle that everv theoretical judgment expressible in a sentence in the indicative mood is a confused form of thought whose onlv meaning, if it has any, lies in its tendency to enforce a corresponding practical maxim expressible as a conditional sentence having its apodosis in the impentive mood". (Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce, edited by Charles Hartshorne and Paul Weiss, 5.18.) Although Peirce's maxim has been an inspiration not only to later pragmatists, but to operationalists as well, Peirce felt that it might easily be misapplied, so as to eliminate important doctrines of science -- doctrines, presumably, which hive no ascertainable practical consequences.

PRECCX "tool" (Pre-C-Compiler eXtended) An infinite-{lookahead} {compiler-compiler} by Peter Breuer "" for {context dependent grammars}. PRECCX generates {ANSI C}. Specification scripts are in very {EBNF} with {inherited attributes} and {synthetic attributes} allowed. Scripts can be compiled in separate {modules} and linked later. {Meta-production rules} are allowed. Grammars can be essentially LL(oo) with optimisations. A converter for {yacc} scripts is available. Versions 1.xx were known as "PRECC" and only had unbounded lookahead. The 2.xx series added the "X" for "extended" and featured higher order parameterisation (inherited attributes). Version 2.42 integrates inherited and synthesized attributes by using a "monadic" model for parsing. You can now synthsize attributes during the pass and inherit them in the remainder, e.g. @ foo = bar\x gum(x) synthesises an x in bar and passes it down into gum as a parameter. Useful for @ what = ?\x did_you_say(x), for example. It now compiles into {C} instead of running an {interpreter} at parse-time. Version 2.42 runs under {Unix} and {MS-DOS}. {(}. E-mail: Peter Breuer "", Jonathan Bowen "". ["The PRECC Compiler-Compiler" by P.T. Breuer and J.P. Bowen. In E. Davies and A. Findlay (eds.), Proc. UKUUG/SUKUG Joint New Year 1993 Conference, St. Cross Centre, Oxford, UK, 6-8 January 1993, ISBN 1 873611 06 4 ({UKUUG}), 0 9520700 0 6 (SUKUG) UKUUG/SUKUG Secretariat, Owles Hall, Buntingford, Herts SG9 9PL, UK, pp 167-182, 1993]. (2000-04-24)

preceptor ::: n. --> One who gives commands, or makes rules; specifically, the master or principal of a school; a teacher; an instructor.
The head of a preceptory among the Knights Templars.

precise ::: a. --> Having determinate limitations; exactly or sharply defined or stated; definite; exact; nice; not vague or equivocal; as, precise rules of morality.
Strictly adhering or conforming to rule; very nice or exact; punctilious in conduct or ceremony; formal; ceremonious.

precisian ::: n. --> One who limits, or restrains.
An overprecise person; one rigidly or ceremoniously exact in the observance of rules; a formalist; -- formerly applied to the English Puritans.

precisian ::: one who is strict and precise in adherence to established rules, forms, or standards, especially with regard to religious observance or moral behaviour.

Prima facie duties: A phrase used by W. D. Ross to indicate the nature of the general material rules of duty which he regarded as self-evident. Promise-keeping is a prima facie duty, one among others. I.e., if I have made a promise, I have a prima facie duty to keep it, which means that I will have an actual duty to keep it, if no higher prima facie duty is incumbent upon me. What Ross calls "prima facie duties" H. A. Prichard calls "claims" and E. F. Carntt "responsibilities." The notion is central to the recent neo-intuitionism of Oxford, constituting its reply to the usual objection to intuited general material propositions about duty on the score that these may conflict and must admit of exceptions. -- W.K.F.

Probability: In general Chance, possibility, contingency, likelihood, likehness, presumption. conjecture, prediction, forecast, credibility, relevance; the quality or state of being likely true or likely to happen; a fact or a statement which is likely true, real, operative or provable by future events; the conditioning of partial or approximate belief or assent; the motive of a presumption or prediction; the conjunction of reasonable grounds for presuming the truth of a statement or the occurrence of an event; the field of knowledge between complete ignorance and full certitude; an approximation to fact or truth; a qualitative or numerical value attached to a probable inference, and by extension, the systematic study of chances or relative possibilities as forming the subject of the theory of probability. A. The Foundation of Probability. We cannot know everything completely and with certainty. Yet we desire to think and to act as correctly as possible hence the necessity of considering methods leading to reasonable approximations, and of estimating their results in terms of the relative evidence available in each case. In D VI-VII (infra) only, is probability interpreted as a property of events or occurrences as such: whether necessary or contingent, facts are simply conditioned by other facts, and have neither an intelligence nor a will to realize their certainty or their probability. In other views, probability requires ultimately a mind to perceive it as such it arises from the combination of our partial ignorance of the extremely complex nature and conditions of the phenomena, with the inadequacy of our means of observation, experimentation and analysis, however searching and provisionally satisfactory. Thus it may be said that probability exists formally in the mind and materially in the phenomena as related between themselves. In stressing the one or the other of these two aspects, we obtain (1) subjectize probability, when the psychological conditions of the mind cause it to evaluate a fact or statement with fear of possible error; and (2) objective probability, when reference is made to that quality of facts and statements, which causes the mind to estimate them with a conscious possibility of error. Usually, methods can be devised to objectify technically the subjective aspect of probability, such as the rules for the elimination of the personal equation of the inquirer. Hence the methods established for the study and the interpretation of chances can be considered independently of the state of mind as such of the inquirer. These methods make use of rational or empirical elements. In the first case, we are dealing with a priori or theoretical probability, which considers the conditions or occurrences of an event hypothetically and independently of any direct experience. In the second case, we are dealing with inductive or empirical probability. And when these probabilities are represented with numerals or functions to denote measures of likelihood, we are concerned with quantitative or mathematical probability. Methods involving the former cannot be assimilated with methods involving the latter, but both can be logically correlated on the strength of the general principle of explanation, that similar conjunctions of moral or physical facts demand a general law governing and justifying them.

production system "programming" A production system consists of a collection of productions (rules), a {working memory} of {facts} and an {algorithm}, known as {forward chaining}, for producing new facts from old. A rule becomes eligible to "fire" when its conditions match some set of elements currently in working memory. A {conflict resolution strategy} determines which of several eligible rules (the {conflict set}) fires next. A condition is a list of symbols which represent constants, which must be matched exactly; variables which bind to the thing they match and """ symbol" which matches a field not equal to symbol. Example production systems are {OPS5}, {CLIPS}, {flex}. (2005-06-17)

professional ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to a profession, or calling; conforming to the rules or standards of a profession; following a profession; as, professional knowledge; professional conduct.
Engaged in by professionals; as, a professional race; -- opposed to amateur. ::: n.

PROgrammed Graph REwriting Systems "language" (PROGRES) A very high level language based on {graph grammars}, developed by Andy Scheurr "" and Albert Zuendorf "" of {RWTH}, Aachen in 1991. PROGRES supports structurally {object-oriented specification} of {attributed graph} structures with {multiple inheritance} hierarchies and types of types (for {parametric polymorphism}). It also supports declarative/relational specification of derived attributes, node sets, binary relationships (directed edges) and {Boolean} {constraints}, rule-oriented/visual specification of parameterised graph rewrite rules with complex application conditions, {nondeterministic} and {imperative programming} of composite graph transformations (with built-in {backtracking} and cancelling arbitrary sequences of failing graph modifications). It is used for implementing {abstract data types} with graph-like internal structure, as a visual language for the {graph-oriented database} {GRAS}, and as a rule-oriented language for prototyping {nondeterministic}ally specified data/rule base transformations. PROGRES has a formally defined {semantics} based on "PROgrammed Graph Rewriting Systems". It is an almost {statically typed} language which additionally offers "down casting" operators for run time checked type casting/conversion (in order to avoid severe restrictions concerning the language's expressiveness). Version RWTH 5.10 includes an integrated environment. [A. Scheurr, "Introduction to PROGRES, an Attribute Graph Grammar Based Specification Language", in Proc WG89 Workshop on Graphtheoretic Concepts in Computer Science", LNCS 411, Springer 1991]. {(} for {Sun-4}. (1993-11-02)

prophylaxis ::: n. --> The art of preserving from, or of preventing, disease; the observance of the rules necessary for the preservation of health; preservative or preventive treatment.

propriety ::: n. --> Individual right to hold property; ownership by personal title; property.
That which is proper or peculiar; an inherent property or quality; peculiarity.
The quality or state of being proper; suitableness to an acknowledged or correct standard or rule; consonance with established principles, rules, or customs; fitness; appropriateness; as, propriety of behavior, language, manners, etc.

prosodical ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to prosody; according to the rules of prosody.

protocol A set of formal rules describing how to transmit data, especially across a {network}. Low level protocols define the electrical and physical standards to be observed, bit- and byte-ordering and the transmission and {error detection and correction} of the bit stream. High level protocols deal with the data formatting, including the {syntax} of messages, the terminal to computer dialogue, {character sets}, sequencing of messages etc. Many protocols are defined by {RFCs} or by {OSI}. See also {handshaking}. [{Jargon File}] (1995-01-12)

Purdue Compiler-Construction Tool Set "tool" (PCCTS) A highly integrated {lexical analser generator} and {parser generator} by Terence J. Parr "", Will E. Cohen and Henry G. Dietz "", both of {Purdue University}. ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) corresponds to YACC and DLG (DFA-based Lexical analyser Generator) functions like {LEX}. PCCTS has many additional features which make it easier to use for a wide range of translation problems. PCCTS {grammars} contain specifications for lexical and syntactic analysis with selective {backtracking} ("infinite lookahead"), {semantic predicates}, intermediate-form construction and error reporting. Rules may employ {Extended BNF} (EBNF) grammar constructs and may define parameters, return values, and have {local variables}. Languages described in PCCTS are recognised via {LLk} parsers constructed in pure, human-readable, {C} code. Selective backtracking is available to handle non-LL(k) constructs. PCCTS {parsers} may be compiled with a {C++} compiler. PCCTS also includes the {SORCERER} tree parser generator. {(}. {UK FTP ( computing/programming/languages/tools/pccts/)}. {Macintosh FTP (}. Mailing list: ("subscribe pccts-users your_name" in the message body). E-mail: Terence J. Parr "", Roberto Avanzi "" (Mac port). (2000-10-30)

Realism in Legal Philosophy: No connection with epistemological realism. Theory that law is not a system of rules but in flux, and part of actual social process. -- W.E.

rectitude ::: n. --> Straightness.
Rightness of principle or practice; exact conformity to truth, or to the rules prescribed for moral conduct, either by divine or human laws; uprightness of mind; uprightness; integrity; honesty; justice.
Right judgment.

reduction (Or "contraction") The process of transforming an expression according to certain reduction rules. The most important forms are {beta reduction} (application of a {lambda abstraction} to one or more argument expressions) and {delta reduction} (application of a mathematical function to the required number of arguments). An {evaluation strategy} (or {reduction strategy}), determines which part of an expression (which redex) to reduce first. There are many such strategies. See {graph reduction}, {string reduction}, {normal order reduction}, {applicative order reduction}, {parallel reduction}, {alpha conversion}, {beta conversion}, {delta conversion}, {eta conversion}. (1995-02-21)

regent ::: a. --> Ruling; governing; regnant.
Exercising vicarious authority.
One who rules or reigns; a governor; a ruler.
Especially, one invested with vicarious authority; one who governs a kingdom in the minority, absence, or disability of the sovereign.
One of a governing board; a trustee or overseer; a superintendent; a curator; as, the regents of the Smithsonian

regiminal ::: a. --> Of or relating to regimen; as, regiminal rules.

regular ::: a. --> Conformed to a rule; agreeable to an established rule, law, principle, or type, or to established customary forms; normal; symmetrical; as, a regular verse in poetry; a regular piece of music; a regular verb; regular practice of law or medicine; a regular building.
Governed by rule or rules; steady or uniform in course, practice, or occurence; not subject to unexplained or irrational variation; returning at stated intervals; steadily pursued; orderlly; methodical; as, the regular succession of day and night; regular

Remember the following rules with regard to speech ;

RFC 1778 "networking, standard" The {RFC} that defines the requirements that must be satisfied by encoding rules used to render {X.500} Directory attribute syntaxes into a form suitable for use in {LDAP}. {(rfc:1778)}. (2002-03-02)

rhetorician ::: n. --> One well versed in the rules and principles of rhetoric.
A teacher of rhetoric.
An orator; specifically, an artificial orator without genuine eloquence; a declaimer. ::: a.

rote ::: n. --> A root.
A kind of guitar, the notes of which were produced by a small wheel or wheel-like arrangement; an instrument similar to the hurdy-gurdy.
The noise produced by the surf of the sea dashing upon the shore. See Rut.
A frequent repetition of forms of speech without attention to the meaning; mere repetition; as, to learn rules by rote.

routing policy "networking" Rules implemented on a {router} or other network device to select routes from peers, customers, and upstream providers; select and modify routes you send to peers, customers and upstream providers and identify routes within your own {Autonomous System}. {(}. (2008-12-12)

rule ::: a. --> That which is prescribed or laid down as a guide for conduct or action; a governing direction for a specific purpose; an authoritative enactment; a regulation; a prescription; a precept; as, the rules of various societies; the rules governing a school; a rule of etiquette or propriety; the rules of cricket.
Uniform or established course of things.
Systematic method or practice; as, my ule is to rise at six o&

rule-monger ::: n. --> A stickler for rules; a slave of rules

rule ::: n. 1. Action, procedure, arrangement, etc. 2. Governing power or its possession or use; authority. 3. A usual, customary, or generalized course of action or behaviour. 4. The customary or normal circumstance, occurrence, manner, practice, quality, etc. 5. A thin metal strip of various widths and designs, used to print borders or lines, as between columns. Chiefly fig. rules, rule-maker, self-rule. *v. 6. To control or direct; exercise dominating power, authority, or influence over; govern. *rules, ruled, ruling.

ruler ::: n. --> One who rules; one who exercises sway or authority; a governor.
A straight or curved strip of wood, metal, etc., with a smooth edge, used for guiding a pen or pencil in drawing lines. Cf. Rule, n., 7 (a).

RULES. ::: In the things of the subtle kind having to do with the working of consciousness in the sadhana. one has to Icam to feel and observe and sec with the inner consciousness and to decide by the intuition with a plastic look on things which docs not make set definitions and rules as one has to do in ouUvard life.


samhita (Sanhita) ::: ["conjunction"; the text of the Veda treated with respect to the rules of euphonic combination, the real continuous text of the Veda (cf. padapatha)].

sannyasa &

saucy ::: superl. --> Showing impertinent boldness or pertness; transgressing the rules of decorum; treating superiors with contempt; impudent; insolent; as, a saucy fellow.
Expressive of, or characterized by, impudence; impertinent; as, a saucy eye; saucy looks.

scientifically ::: adv. --> In a scientific manner; according to the rules or principles of science.

scientific ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to science; used in science; as, scientific principles; scientific apparatus; scientific observations.
Agreeing with, or depending on, the rules or principles of science; as, a scientific classification; a scientific arrangement of fossils.
Having a knowledge of science, or of a science; evincing science or systematic knowledge; as, a scientific chemist; a scientific reasoner; a scientific argument.

Security Administrator's Integrated Network Tool "networking, security, tool" (SAINT, originally "Security Administrator Tool for Analyzing Networks", SATAN) A tool written by Dan Farmer and Wietse Venema which remotely probes systems via the {network} and stores its findings in a {database}. The results can be viewed with an {web browser}. SAINT requires {Perl} 5.000 or better. In its simplest mode, SAINT gathers as much information about remote hosts and networks as possible by examining such network services as {finger}, {NFS}, {NIS}, {FTP}, {TFTP}, {rexd}, and other services. The information gathered includes the presence of various network information services as well as potential security flaws - usually in the form of incorrectly setup or configured network services, well-known {bugs} in system or network utilities, or poor or ignorant policy decisions. It can then either report on this data or use a simple rule-based system to investigate any potential security problems. Users can then examine, query, and analyze the output with a {web browser}. While the program is primarily geared toward analysing the security implications of the results, a great deal of general network information can be gained when using the tool - network topology, network services running, and types of hardware and software being used on the network. SAINT can also be used in exploratory mode. Based on the initial data collection and a user configurable ruleset, it will examine the avenues of trust and dependency and iterate further data collection runs over secondary hosts. This not only allows the user to analyse his own network, but also to examine the real implications inherent in network trust and services and help them make reasonably educated decisions about the security level of the systems involved. {(}. {Old SATAN page (}. {Mailing list (}. (2000-08-12) "messaging" {sendmail}'s configuration file, which it reads once when starting up, usually found in the /etc directory. Only real {Unix Gurus} can understand, let alone modify, this file since it consists moslty of {header} {rewrite rules} written as {M4} {macros}, as well as various other one- or two-character commands. (1996-12-09)

Sentence: Denotes a certain class of complex symbols in a language. Which combinations of symbols are to be regarded as sentences in the language is normally determined (a) by certain specifiable formation rules (e.g. in English, that any proper name followed by verb in the singular constitutes a sentence), (b) by the presence of certain specific "morphemes" or symbolic features indicating form (e.g., the characteristic falling intonation-pattern of English declarative sentences).

sermonize ::: v. i. --> To compose or write a sermon or sermons; to preach.
To inculcate rigid rules. ::: v. t. --> To preach or discourse to; to affect or influence by means of a sermon or of sermons.

sidecar 1. Synonym {slap on the side}. Especially used of add-ons for the late and unlamented {IBM PCjr}. 2. The {IBM PC} compatibility box that could be bolted onto the side of an {Amiga}. Designed and produced by {Commodore}, it broke all of the company's own design rules. If it worked with any other peripherals, it was by {magic}. [{Jargon File}]

smuggle ::: to bring or take secretly as against the law or rules.

snacc "tool" (Sample Neufeld {ASN.1} to {C/C++} Compiler) A program by Mike Sample "" which compiles 1990 {ASN.1} data structures (including some {macros}) into {C}, {C++} or type tables. The generated {C/C++} includes a .h file with the equivalent data struct and a .c/.C file for the {BER} encode and decode, print and free routines. snacc includes the compiler, run-time BER libraries, and utility programs. snacc is compiled under {GNU} {General Public License}. It requires {yacc} or {bison}, {lex} or {flex}, and {cc} (ANSI or non-ANSI). ITU TS X.208/ISO 8824. {Home (}. E-mail: "". [Michael Sample and Gerald Neufeld, "Implementing Efficient Encoders and Decoders for Network Data Representations", IEEE INFOCOM '93 Proceedings, Vol 3, pp. 1143-1153, Mar 1993]. [Michael Sample, "How Fast Can ASN.1 Encoding Rules Go?", M.Sc. Thesis, University of British Columbia, Apr 1993]. (1998-08-09)

solecism ::: n. --> An impropriety or incongruity of language in the combination of words or parts of a sentence; esp., deviation from the idiom of a language or from the rules of syntax.
Any inconsistency, unfitness, absurdity, or impropriety, as in deeds or manners.

SPECbase_fp92 A variant of {SPECfp92} that reports "baseline" results, using stricter run rules. (1994-11-14)

SPECbase_int92 A variant of {SPECint92} that reports "baseline" results, using stricter run rules. (1994-11-14)

SPECbaserate A variant of {SPECrate} that reports "baseline" results, using stricter run rules. See {SPECrate_base_fp92}, {SPECrate_base_int92}. (1994-11-14)

SPECrate_base_fp92 "benchmark" A variant of {SPECrate_fp92} that reports "baseline" results, using stricter run rules. (1994-11-15)

spherulate ::: a. --> Covered or set with spherules; having one or more rows of spherules, or minute tubercles.

spherule ::: n. --> A little sphere or spherical body; as, quicksilver, when poured upon a plane, divides itself into a great number of minute spherules.

sporuliferous ::: a. --> Producing sporules.

static typing "programming" Enforcement of type rules at {compile time} rather than at {run time}. Static typing catches more errors at compile time than {dynamic typing}. {Ada}, {C}, {C++}, {Haskell}, {Java}, and {ML} are examples of statically typed languages. Statically typed languages may have {strong typing} or {weak typing}. (2004-07-20)

statutes ::: an established laws or rules, as that of God or fate.

St. Augustine distinguished the intellect from reason, aliud est intellectus, aliud ratio. Intellection would be impossible without reason: Intelligere non valemus, nisi ralionem habeamus. The intellect is the soul itself: Non enim aliquid aliud est quam anima, sed aliquid animae est intellectus. It rules the soul: Intellectus animam regit, ad ipsam animam pertinens. Sometimes the intellectus is called intelligentia. Both the intellect and reason are innate in the mind, mens cui ratio et intelligentia naturaliter inest. Reason seeks knowledge or science, scientia, while the intellect, which is higher, aims at wisdom, sapientia, or the contemplation of eternal things, and especially God. -- J.J.R.

stereographical ::: a. --> Made or done according to the rules of stereography; delineated on a plane; as, a stereographic chart of the earth.

strict ::: 1. Stringent or exacting in rules, requirements, obligations, etc. 2. Extremely defined or conservative; narrowly or carefully limited.

strict ::: a. --> Strained; drawn close; tight; as, a strict embrace; a strict ligature.
Tense; not relaxed; as, a strict fiber.
Exact; accurate; precise; rigorously nice; as, to keep strict watch; to pay strict attention.
Governed or governing by exact rules; observing exact rules; severe; rigorous; as, very strict in observing the Sabbath.
Rigidly; interpreted; exactly limited; confined;

stringent ::: a. --> Binding strongly; making strict requirements; restrictive; rigid; severe; as, stringent rules.

strong typing "programming" Strict enforcement of {type} rules with no exceptions. Incorrect type usage can be detected either at {run time} or at {compile time}. Strong typing catches more type errors than {weak typing}, resulting in fewer hard errors. In a strongly typed language, conversion between types requires the use of explicit conversion functions ("casts") as opposed to {implicit type coercion}. Typing strength is a continuum; {ML} is more strongly typed than {Java}, which is more strongly typed than {C}. Strong or weak typing is independent of the choice between {static typing} and {dynamic typing}. Among strongly typed languages, {Ada}, {Java}, {Haskell} and {ML} are statically typed, whereas {Python} and {Ruby} are dynamically typed. (2004-07-20)

structural recursion The process of transforming an expression by expressing its structure as a syntax tree and applying a certain transformation rule to each kind of node, starting from the top. Rules for non-{leaf nodes} will normally return a result which depends on applying the rules recursively to its sub-nodes. Examples include {syntax} analysis, {code generation}, {abstract interpretation} and {program transformation}. (1995-01-11)

Structure of Management Information (SMI) The rules used to define the objects that can be accessed via a {network management protocol}. This {protocol} is defined in {STD} 16, {RFC} 1155. See also {Management Information Base}. (1994-11-14)

subject-oriented programming "programming" Program composition that supports building {object-oriented} systems as compositions of {subjects}, extending systems by composing them with new subjects, and integrating systems by composing them with one another (perhaps with {glue} or adapter subjects). The flexibility of subject composition introduces novel opportunities for developing and modularising object-oriented programs. Subject-oriented programming-in-the-large involves dividing a system into subjects and writing rules to compose them correctly. It complements {object-oriented programming}, solving a number of problems that arise when OOP is used to develop large systems or suites of interoperating or integrated applications. {IBM subject-oriented programming (}. (1999-08-31)

Su: 'Unadornment', (p'u) 'unadorned simplicity'; (ching) 'quiescence' bespeaking all the complete absence of desires, but really meaning that the desires should be made fewer. (Lao Tzu) Seeking for the tao, emptiness, singleness, concentrated attention (tu), quiescence are all rules for man's conduct. (Hsun Tzu C355-C288 B.C.) -- H.H.

symbolic inference The derivation of new facts from known facts and {inference rules}. This is one of the fundamental operations of {artificial intelligence} and {logic programming} languages like {Prolog}. Inference is a basic part of human reasoning. For example given that all men are mortal and that Socrates is a man, it is a trivial step to infer that Socrates is mortal. We might express these symbolically: man(X) =" mortal(X). man(socrates). ("if X is a man then X is mortal" and "Socrates is a man"). Here, "man", "mortal" and "socrates" are just arbitrary symbols which the computer manipulates without reference to or knowledge of their external meaning. A {forward chaining} system (a {production system}) could use these to infer the new fact mortal(socrates). simply by matching the left-hand-side of the implication against the fact and substituting socrates for the variable X. (1994-10-28)

Synderesis: (Late Gr. synteresis, spark of conscience, may be connected with syneidesis, conscience) In Scholastic philosophy: the habitus, or permanent, inborn disposition of the mind to think of general and broad rules of moral conduct which become the principles from which a man may reason in directing his own moral activities. First used, apparently, by St. Jerome (In Ezekiel., I, 4-15) as equivalent to the scintilla conscientiae (spark of conscience), the term became very common and received various interpretations in the 13th century. Franciscan thinkers (St. Bonaventure) tended to regard synderesis as a quality of the human will, inclining it to embrace the good-in-general. St. Thomas thought synderesis a habitus of the intellect, enabling it to know first principles of practical reasoning; he distinguished clearly between synderesis and conscience, the latter being the action of the practical intellect deciding whether a particular, proposed operation is good or bad, here and now. Duns Scotus also considered synderesis a quality belonging to intellect rather than will. -- V.J.B.

Syntax language: See Object language. Syntax, logical: "By the logical syntax of a language," according to Carnap, "we mean the formal theory of the linguistic forms of that language -- the systematic statement of the formal rules which govern it together with the development of the consequences which follow from these rules. A theory, a rule, a definition, or the like is to be called formal when no reference is made in it either to the meaning of the symbols or to the sense of the expressions, but simply and solely to the kinds and order of the symbols from which the expressions are constructed."

syntax ::: The rules and codes that govern a system of signifiers. In Integral Theory, syntax is typically associated with the Lower-Right quadrant. See Integral Semiotics.

Taste: The faculty of judging art without rules, through sensation and experience. The ensemble of preferences shown by an artist in his choice of elements from nature and tradition, for his works of art.

teach ::: v. t. --> To impart the knowledge of; to give intelligence concerning; to impart, as knowledge before unknown, or rules for practice; to inculcate as true or important; to exhibit impressively; as, to teach arithmetic, dancing, music, or the like; to teach morals.
To direct, as an instructor; to manage, as a preceptor; to guide the studies of; to instruct; to inform; to conduct through a course of studies; as, to teach a child or a class.
To accustom; to guide; to show; to admonish.

temperament ::: v. t. --> Internal constitution; state with respect to the relative proportion of different qualities, or constituent parts.
Due mixture of qualities; a condition brought about by mutual compromises or concessions.
The act of tempering or modifying; adjustment, as of clashing rules, interests, passions, or the like; also, the means by which such adjustment is effected.
Condition with regard to heat or cold; temperature.

term rewriting system (TRS) A collection of {rewrite rules} used to transform terms (expressions, strings in some formal language) into equivalent terms. See {reduction}. (1994-11-04)

Terms Of Service "networking" (TOS) The rules laid down by an on-line service provider such as AOL that members must obey or risk being "TOS-sed" (disconnected). (1999-04-02)

texture "graphics" A measure of the variation of the intensity of a surface, quantifying properties such as smoothness, coarseness and regularity. It's often used as a {region descriptor} in {image analysis} and {computer vision}. The three principal approaches used to describe texture are statistical, structural and spectral. Statistical techniques characterise texture by the statistical properties of the grey levels of the points comprising a surface. Typically, these properties are computed from the grey level {histogram} or grey level {cooccurrence matrix} of the surface. Structural techniques characterise texture as being composed of simple primitives called "texels" (texture elements), that are regularly arranged on a surface according to some rules. These rules are formally defined by {grammars} of various types. Spectral techiques are based on properties of the Fourier spectrum and describe global periodicity of the grey levels of a surface by identifying high energy peaks in the spectrum. (1995-05-11)

The capital roman letters here denote arbitrary formulas of the propositional calculus (in the technical sense defined below) and the arrow is to be read "stands for" or "is an abbreviation for." Suppose that we have given some specific list of propositional symbols, which may be infinite in number, and to which we shall refer as the fundamental propositional symbols. These are not necessarily single letters or characters, but may be expressions taken from any language or system of notation; they may denote particular propositions, or they may contain variables and denote ambiguously any proposition of a certain form or class. Certain restrictions are also necessary upon the way in which the fundamental propositional symbols can contain square brackets [ ]; for the present purpose it will suffice to suppose that they do not contain square brackets at all, although they may contain parentheses or other kinds of brackets. We call formulas of the propositional calculus (relative to the given list of fundamental propositional symbols) all the expressions determined by the four following rules: all the fundamental propositional symbols are formulas if A is a formula, ∼[A] is a formula; if A and B are formulas [A][B] is a formula; if A and B are formulas [A] ∨ [B] is a formula. The formulas of the propositional calculus as thus defined will in general contain more brackets than are necessary for clarity or freedom from ambiguity; in practice we omit superfluous brackets and regard the shortened expressions as abbreviations for the full formulas. It will be noted also that, if A and B are formulas, we regard [A] | [B], [A] ⊃ [B], [A] ≡ [B], and [A] + [B], not as formulas, but as abbreviations for certain formulas in accordance with the above given definitions.

The determination of the circumstances under which a sequence of formulas is a proof, or a proof as a consequence of a set of formulas, is usually made by means of: a list of primitive formulas; and a list of primitive rules of inference each of which prescribes that under certain circumstances a formula B shall be an immediate consequence of a set of formulas A1, A2, . . . , An. The list of primitive formulas may be empty -- this is not excluded. Or the primitive formulas may be included under the head of primitive rules of inference by allowing the case n=0 in (6). A proof is then defined as a finite sequence of formulas each of which is either a primitive formula or an immediate consequence of preceding formulas by one of the primitive rules of inference. A proof as a consequence of a set of formulas A1, A2, . . . , An is in some cases defined as a finite sequence of formulas each of which is either a primitive formula, or one of A1, A2, . . . , An, or an immediate consequence of preceding formulas by one of the primitive rules of inference; in other cases it may be desirable to impose certain restrictions upon the application of the primitive rules of inference (e.g., in the case of the functional calculus of first order -- logic, formal, § 3 -- that no free variable of A1, A2, . . . , An shall be generalized upon).

The explicit definition of analyticity (etc.) for a particular language of course requires statement of the c-rules. Actually, in the case of his "Language II," Carnap prefers to define analytic and contradictory first, and consequence in terms of these.

The formulas and the c-rules of the language in question may include some which are extralogical in character -- corresponding, e.g., to physical laws or to matters of empirical fact. Carnap makes an attempt (which, however, has been questioned) to define in purely syntactical terms when a relation of consequence is one of logical consequence. If the notion of consequence is restricted to that of logical consequence, the terms corresponding to valid and contra-valid are analytic and contradictory respectively. If the c-rules are purely logical in character, the class of analytic sentences coincides with that of valid sentences, and the class of contradictory sentences with that of contravalid sentences.

The formulation which we have given provides a means of proving theorems of the propositional calculus, the proof consisting of an explicit finite sequence of formulas, the last of which is the theorem proved, and each of which is either a primitive formula or inferable from preceding formulas by a single application of the rule of inference (or one of the rules of inference, if the alternative formulation of the pure propositional calculus employing the rule of substitution is adopted). The test whether a given finite sequence of formulas is a proof of the last formula of the sequence is effective -- we have the means of always determining of a given formula whether it is a primitive formula, and the means of always determining of a given formula whether it is inferable from a given finite list of formulas by a single application of modus ponens (or substitution). Indeed our formulation would not be satisfactory otherwise. For in the contrary case a proof would not necessarily carry conviction, the proposer of a proof could fairly be asked to give a proof that it was a proof -- in short the formal analysis of what constitutes a proof (in the sense of a cogent demonstration) would be incomplete.

  The Mother: ‘There are four Asuras. Two have already been converted, and the other two, the Lord of Death and the Lord of Falsehood, made an attempt at conversion by taking on a physical body – they have been intimately associated with my life. The story of these Asuras would be very interesting to recount. . . the Lord of Death disappeared; he lost his physical body, and I don"t know what has become of him. As for the other, the Lord of Falsehood, the one who now rules over this earth, he tried hard to be converted but he found it disgusting!

The Mother: ‘There are four Asuras. Two have already been converted, and the other two, the Lord of Death and the Lord of Falsehood, made an attempt at conversion by taking on a physical body—they have been intimately associated with my life. The story of these Asuras would be very interesting to recount. . . the Lord of Death disappeared; he lost his physical body, and I don’t know what has become of him. As for the other, the Lord of Falsehood, the one who now rules over this earth, he tried hard to be converted but he found it disgusting!

theory The consensus, idea, plan, story, or set of rules that is currently being used to inform a behaviour. This usage is a generalisation and (deliberate) abuse of the technical meaning. "What's the theory on fixing this TECO loss?" "What's the theory on dinner tonight?" ("Chinatown, I guess.") "What's the current theory on letting lusers on during the day?" "The theory behind this change is to fix the following well-known screw...." (1994-12-14)

“The Overmind is essentially a spiritual power. Mind in it surpasses its ordinary self and rises and takes its stand on a spiritual foundation. It embraces beauty and sublimates it; it has an essential aesthesis which is not limited by rules and canons, it sees a universal and an eternal beauty while it takes up and transforms all that is limited and particular. It is besides concerned with things other than beauty or aesthetics. It is concerned especially with truth and knowledge or rather with a wisdom that exceeds what we call knowledge; its truth goes beyond truth of fact and truth of thought, even the higher thought which is the first spiritual range of the thinker. It has the truth of spiritual thought, spiritual feeling, spiritual sense and at its highest the truth that comes by the most intimate spiritual touch or by identity. Ultimately, truth and beauty come together and coincide, but in between there is a difference. Overmind in all its dealings puts truth first; it brings out the essential truth (and truths) in things and also its infinite possibilities; it brings out even the truth that lies behind falsehood and error; it brings out the truth of the Inconscient and the truth of the Superconscient and all that lies in between. When it speaks through poetry, this remains its first essential quality; a limited aesthetical artistic aim is not its purpose.” Letters on Savitri

The requirement of effectiveness does not compel the lists of primitive symbols, primitive formulas, and primitive rules of inference to be finite. It is sufficient if there are effective criteria for recognizing formulas, for recognizing primitive formulas, for recognizing applications of primitive rules of inference, and (if separately needed) for recognizing such restricted applications of the primitive rules of inference as are admitted in proofs as a consequence of a given set of formulas.

This preliminary is of supreme importance ; without it the course of the rest of the Rajayoga is likely to be troubled, marred and full of unexpected mental, moral and physical perils. This moral purification is divided in the established system under two heads, five yamas and five niyamas. The first are rules of moral self- control in conduct such as truth-speaking, abstinence from injury or killing, from theft, etc., but in reality these must be regarded as merely certain main indications of the general need of moral self-control and purity, Ywna Is, more largely, any self-discipline by which the rajasic egoism and its passions and desires in the human being are conquered and quieted into perfect cessation.

Three senses of "Ockhamism" may be distinguished: Logical, indicating usage of the terminology and technique of logical analysis developed by Ockham in his Summa totius logicae; in particular, use of the concept of supposition (suppositio) in the significative analysis of terms. Epistemological, indicating the thesis that universality is attributable only to terms and propositions, and not to things as existing apart from discourse. Theological, indicating the thesis that no tneological doctrines, such as those of God's existence or of the immortality of the soul, are evident or demonstrable philosophically, so that religious doctrine rests solely on faith, without metaphysical or scientific support. It is in this sense that Luther is often called an Ockhamist.   Bibliography:   B. Geyer,   Ueberwegs Grundriss d. Gesch. d. Phil., Bd. II (11th ed., Berlin 1928), pp. 571-612 and 781-786; N. Abbagnano,   Guglielmo di Ockham (Lanciano, Italy, 1931); E. A. Moody,   The Logic of William of Ockham (N. Y. & London, 1935); F. Ehrle,   Peter von Candia (Muenster, 1925); G. Ritter,   Studien zur Spaetscholastik, I-II (Heidelberg, 1921-1922).     --E.A.M. Om, aum: (Skr.) Mystic, holy syllable as a symbol for the indefinable Absolute. See Aksara, Vac, Sabda. --K.F.L. Omniscience: In philosophy and theology it means the complete and perfect knowledge of God, of Himself and of all other beings, past, present, and future, or merely possible, as well as all their activities, real or possible, including the future free actions of human beings. --J.J.R. One: Philosophically, not a number but equivalent to unit, unity, individuality, in contradistinction from multiplicity and the mani-foldness of sensory experience. In metaphysics, the Supreme Idea (Plato), the absolute first principle (Neo-platonism), the universe (Parmenides), Being as such and divine in nature (Plotinus), God (Nicolaus Cusanus), the soul (Lotze). Religious philosophy and mysticism, beginning with Indian philosophy (s.v.), has favored the designation of the One for the metaphysical world-ground, the ultimate icility, the world-soul, the principle of the world conceived as reason, nous, or more personally. The One may be conceived as an independent whole or as a sum, as analytic or synthetic, as principle or ontologically. Except by mysticism, it is rarely declared a fact of sensory experience, while its transcendent or transcendental, abstract nature is stressed, e.g., in epistemology where the "I" or self is considered the unitary background of personal experience, the identity of self-consciousness, or the unity of consciousness in the synthesis of the manifoldness of ideas (Kant). --K.F.L. One-one: A relation R is one-many if for every y in the converse domain there is a unique x such that xRy. A relation R is many-one if for every x in the domain there is a unique y such that xRy. (See the article relation.) A relation is one-one, or one-to-one, if it is at the same time one-many and many-one. A one-one relation is said to be, or to determine, a one-to-one correspondence between its domain and its converse domain. --A.C. On-handedness: (Ger. Vorhandenheit) Things exist in the mode of thereness, lying- passively in a neutral space. A "deficient" form of a more basic relationship, termed at-handedness (Zuhandenheit). (Heidegger.) --H.H. Ontological argument: Name by which later authors, especially Kant, designate the alleged proof for God's existence devised by Anselm of Canterbury. Under the name of God, so the argument runs, everyone understands that greater than which nothing can be thought. Since anything being the greatest and lacking existence is less then the greatest having also existence, the former is not really the greater. The greatest, therefore, has to exist. Anselm has been reproached, already by his contemporary Gaunilo, for unduly passing from the field of logical to the field of ontological or existential reasoning. This criticism has been repeated by many authors, among them Aquinas. The argument has, however, been used, if in a somewhat modified form, by Duns Scotus, Descartes, and Leibniz. --R.A. Ontological Object: (Gr. onta, existing things + logos, science) The real or existing object of an act of knowledge as distinguished from the epistemological object. See Epistemological Object. --L.W. Ontologism: (Gr. on, being) In contrast to psychologism, is called any speculative system which starts philosophizing by positing absolute being, or deriving the existence of entities independently of experience merely on the basis of their being thought, or assuming that we have immediate and certain knowledge of the ground of being or God. Generally speaking any rationalistic, a priori metaphysical doctrine, specifically the philosophies of Rosmini-Serbati and Vincenzo Gioberti. As a philosophic method censored by skeptics and criticists alike, as a scholastic doctrine formerly strongly supported, revived in Italy and Belgium in the 19th century, but no longer countenanced. --K.F.L. Ontology: (Gr. on, being + logos, logic) The theory of being qua being. For Aristotle, the First Philosophy, the science of the essence of things. Introduced as a term into philosophy by Wolff. The science of fundamental principles, the doctrine of the categories. Ultimate philosophy; rational cosmology. Syn. with metaphysics. See Cosmology, First Principles, Metaphysics, Theology. --J.K.F. Operation: "(Lit. operari, to work) Any act, mental or physical, constituting a phase of the reflective process, and performed with a view to acquiring1 knowledge or information about a certain subject-nntter. --A.C.B.   In logic, see Operationism.   In philosophy of science, see Pragmatism, Scientific Empiricism. Operationism: The doctrine that the meaning of a concept is given by a set of operations.   1. The operational meaning of a term (word or symbol) is given by a semantical rule relating the term to some concrete process, object or event, or to a class of such processes, objectj or events.   2. Sentences formed by combining operationally defined terms into propositions are operationally meaningful when the assertions are testable by means of performable operations. Thus, under operational rules, terms have semantical significance, propositions have empirical significance.   Operationism makes explicit the distinction between formal (q.v.) and empirical sentences. Formal propositions are signs arranged according to syntactical rules but lacking operational reference. Such propositions, common in mathematics, logic and syntax, derive their sanction from convention, whereas an empirical proposition is acceptable (1) when its structure obeys syntactical rules and (2) when there exists a concrete procedure (a set of operations) for determining its truth or falsity (cf. Verification). Propositions purporting to be empirical are sometimes amenable to no operational test because they contain terms obeying no definite semantical rules. These sentences are sometimes called pseudo-propositions and are said to be operationally meaningless. They may, however, be 'meaningful" in other ways, e.g. emotionally or aesthetically (cf. Meaning).   Unlike a formal statement, the "truth" of an empirical sentence is never absolute and its operational confirmation serves only to increase the degree of its validity. Similarly, the semantical rule comprising the operational definition of a term has never absolute precision. Ordinarily a term denotes a class of operations and the precision of its definition depends upon how definite are the rules governing inclusion in the class.   The difference between Operationism and Logical Positivism (q.v.) is one of emphasis. Operationism's stress of empirical matters derives from the fact that it was first employed to purge physics of such concepts as absolute space and absolute time, when the theory of relativity had forced upon physicists the view that space and time are most profitably defined in terms of the operations by which they are measured. Although different methods of measuring length at first give rise to different concepts of length, wherever the equivalence of certain of these measures can be established by other operations, the concepts may legitimately be combined.   In psychology the operational criterion of meaningfulness is commonly associated with a behavioristic point of view. See Behaviorism. Since only those propositions which are testable by public and repeatable operations are admissible in science, the definition of such concepti as mind and sensation must rest upon observable aspects of the organism or its behavior. Operational psychology deals with experience only as it is indicated by the operation of differential behavior, including verbal report. Discriminations, or the concrete differential reactions of organisms to internal or external environmental states, are by some authors regarded as the most basic of all operations.   For a discussion of the role of operational definition in phvsics. see P. W. Bridgman, The Logic of Modern Physics, (New York, 1928) and The Nature of Physical Theory (Princeton, 1936). "The extension of operationism to psychology is discussed by C. C. Pratt in The Logic of Modem Psychology (New York. 1939.)   For a discussion and annotated bibliography relating to Operationism and Logical Positivism, see S. S. Stevens, Psychology and the Science of Science, Psychol. Bull., 36, 1939, 221-263. --S.S.S. Ophelimity: Noun derived from the Greek, ophelimos useful, employed by Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923) in economics as the equivalent of utility, or the capacity to provide satisfaction. --J.J.R. Opinion: (Lat. opinio, from opinor, to think) An hypothesis or proposition entertained on rational grounds but concerning which doubt can reasonably exist. A belief. See Hypothesis, Certainty, Knowledge. --J.K.F- Opposition: (Lat. oppositus, pp. of oppono, to oppose) Positive actual contradiction. One of Aristotle's Post-predicaments. In logic any contrariety or contradiction, illustrated by the "Square of Opposition". Syn. with: conflict. See Logic, formal, § 4. --J.K.F. Optimism: (Lat. optimus, the best) The view inspired by wishful thinking, success, faith, or philosophic reflection, that the world as it exists is not so bad or even the best possible, life is good, and man's destiny is bright. Philosophically most persuasively propounded by Leibniz in his Theodicee, according to which God in his wisdom would have created a better world had he known or willed such a one to exist. Not even he could remove moral wrong and evil unless he destroyed the power of self-determination and hence the basis of morality. All systems of ethics that recognize a supreme good (Plato and many idealists), subscribe to the doctrines of progressivism (Turgot, Herder, Comte, and others), regard evil as a fragmentary view (Josiah Royce et al.) or illusory, or believe in indemnification (Henry David Thoreau) or melioration (Emerson), are inclined optimistically. Practically all theologies advocating a plan of creation and salvation, are optimistic though they make the good or the better dependent on moral effort, right thinking, or belief, promising it in a future existence. Metaphysical speculation is optimistic if it provides for perfection, evolution to something higher, more valuable, or makes room for harmonies or a teleology. See Pessimism. --K.F.L. Order: A class is said to be partially ordered by a dyadic relation R if it coincides with the field of R, and R is transitive and reflexive, and xRy and yRx never both hold when x and y are different. If in addition R is connected, the class is said to be ordered (or simply ordered) by R, and R is called an ordering relation.   Whitehcid and Russell apply the term serial relation to relations which are transitive, irreflexive, and connected (and, in consequence, also asymmetric). However, the use of serial relations in this sense, instead ordering relations as just defined, is awkward in connection with the notion of order for unit classes.   Examples: The relation not greater than among leal numbers is an ordering relation. The relation less than among real numbers is a serial relation. The real numbers are simply ordered by the former relation. In the algebra of classes (logic formal, § 7), the classes are partially ordered by the relation of class inclusion.   For explanation of the terminology used in making the above definitions, see the articles connexity, reflexivity, relation, symmetry, transitivity. --A.C. Order type: See relation-number. Ordinal number: A class b is well-ordered by a dyadic relation R if it is ordered by R (see order) and, for every class a such that a ⊂ b, there is a member x of a, such that xRy holds for every member y of a; and R is then called a well-ordering relation. The ordinal number of a class b well-ordered by a relation R, or of a well-ordering relation R, is defined to be the relation-number (q. v.) of R.   The ordinal numbers of finite classes (well-ordered by appropriate relations) are called finite ordinal numbers. These are 0, 1, 2, ... (to be distinguished, of course, from the finite cardinal numbers 0, 1, 2, . . .).   The first non-finite (transfinite or infinite) ordinal number is the ordinal number of the class of finite ordinal numbers, well-ordered in their natural order, 0, 1, 2, . . .; it is usually denoted by the small Greek letter omega. --A.C.   G. Cantor, Contributions to the Founding of the Theory of Transfinite Numbers, translated and with an introduction by P. E. B. Jourdain, Chicago and London, 1915. (new ed. 1941); Whitehead and Russell, Princtpia Mathematica. vol. 3. Orexis: (Gr. orexis) Striving; desire; the conative aspect of mind, as distinguished from the cognitive and emotional (Aristotle). --G.R.M.. Organicism: A theory of biology that life consists in the organization or dynamic system of the organism. Opposed to mechanism and vitalism. --J.K.F. Organism: An individual animal or plant, biologically interpreted. A. N. Whitehead uses the term to include also physical bodies and to signify anything material spreading through space and enduring in time. --R.B.W. Organismic Psychology: (Lat. organum, from Gr. organon, an instrument) A system of theoretical psychology which construes the structure of the mind in organic rather than atomistic terms. See Gestalt Psychology; Psychological Atomism. --L.W. Organization: (Lat. organum, from Gr. organon, work) A structured whole. The systematic unity of parts in a purposive whole. A dynamic system. Order in something actual. --J.K.F. Organon: (Gr. organon) The title traditionally given to the body of Aristotle's logical treatises. The designation appears to have originated among the Peripatetics after Aristotle's time, and expresses their view that logic is not a part of philosophy (as the Stoics maintained) but rather the instrument (organon) of philosophical inquiry. See Aristotelianism. --G.R.M.   In Kant. A system of principles by which pure knowledge may be acquired and established.   Cf. Fr. Bacon's Novum Organum. --O.F.K. Oriental Philosophy: A general designation used loosely to cover philosophic tradition exclusive of that grown on Greek soil and including the beginnings of philosophical speculation in Egypt, Arabia, Iran, India, and China, the elaborate systems of India, Greater India, China, and Japan, and sometimes also the religion-bound thought of all these countries with that of the complex cultures of Asia Minor, extending far into antiquity. Oriental philosophy, though by no means presenting a homogeneous picture, nevertheless shares one characteristic, i.e., the practical outlook on life (ethics linked with metaphysics) and the absence of clear-cut distinctions between pure speculation and religious motivation, and on lower levels between folklore, folk-etymology, practical wisdom, pre-scientiiic speculation, even magic, and flashes of philosophic insight. Bonds with Western, particularly Greek philosophy have no doubt existed even in ancient times. Mutual influences have often been conjectured on the basis of striking similarities, but their scientific establishment is often difficult or even impossible. Comparative philosophy (see especially the work of Masson-Oursel) provides a useful method. Yet a thorough treatment of Oriental Philosophy is possible only when the many languages in which it is deposited have been more thoroughly studied, the psychological and historical elements involved in the various cultures better investigated, and translations of the relevant documents prepared not merely from a philological point of view or out of missionary zeal, but by competent philosophers who also have some linguistic training. Much has been accomplished in this direction in Indian and Chinese Philosophy (q.v.). A great deal remains to be done however before a definitive history of Oriental Philosophy may be written. See also Arabian, and Persian Philosophy. --K.F.L. Origen: (185-254) The principal founder of Christian theology who tried to enrich the ecclesiastic thought of his day by reconciling it with the treasures of Greek philosophy. Cf. Migne PL. --R.B.W. Ormazd: (New Persian) Same as Ahura Mazdah (q.v.), the good principle in Zoroastrianism, and opposed to Ahriman (q.v.). --K.F.L. Orphic Literature: The mystic writings, extant only in fragments, of a Greek religious-philosophical movement of the 6th century B.C., allegedly started by the mythical Orpheus. In their mysteries, in which mythology and rational thinking mingled, the Orphics concerned themselves with cosmogony, theogony, man's original creation and his destiny after death which they sought to influence to the better by pure living and austerity. They taught a symbolism in which, e.g., the relationship of the One to the many was clearly enunciated, and believed in the soul as involved in reincarnation. Pythagoras, Empedocles, and Plato were influenced by them. --K.F.L. Ortega y Gasset, Jose: Born in Madrid, May 9, 1883. At present in Buenos Aires, Argentine. Son of Ortega y Munillo, the famous Spanish journalist. Studied at the College of Jesuits in Miraflores and at the Central University of Madrid. In the latter he presented his Doctor's dissertation, El Milenario, in 1904, thereby obtaining his Ph.D. degree. After studies in Leipzig, Berlin, Marburg, under the special influence of Hermann Cohen, the great exponent of Kant, who taught him the love for the scientific method and awoke in him the interest in educational philosophy, Ortega came to Spain where, after the death of Nicolas Salmeron, he occupied the professorship of metaphysics at the Central University of Madrid. The following may be considered the most important works of Ortega y Gasset:     Meditaciones del Quijote, 1914;   El Espectador, I-VIII, 1916-1935;   El Tema de Nuestro Tiempo, 1921;   España Invertebrada, 1922;   Kant, 1924;   La Deshumanizacion del Arte, 1925;   Espiritu de la Letra, 1927;   La Rebelion de las Masas, 1929;   Goethe desde Adentio, 1934;   Estudios sobre el Amor, 1939;   Ensimismamiento y Alteracion, 1939;   El Libro de las Misiones, 1940;   Ideas y Creencias, 1940;     and others.   Although brought up in the Marburg school of thought, Ortega is not exactly a neo-Kantian. At the basis of his Weltanschauung one finds a denial of the fundamental presuppositions which characterized European Rationalism. It is life and not thought which is primary. Things have a sense and a value which must be affirmed independently. Things, however, are to be conceived as the totality of situations which constitute the circumstances of a man's life. Hence, Ortega's first philosophical principle: "I am myself plus my circumstances". Life as a problem, however, is but one of the poles of his formula. Reason is the other. The two together function, not by dialectical opposition, but by necessary coexistence. Life, according to Ortega, does not consist in being, but rather, in coming to be, and as such it is of the nature of direction, program building, purpose to be achieved, value to be realized. In this sense the future as a time dimension acquires new dignity, and even the present and the past become articulate and meaning-full only in relation to the future. Even History demands a new point of departure and becomes militant with new visions. --J.A.F. Orthodoxy: Beliefs which are declared by a group to be true and normative. Heresy is a departure from and relative to a given orthodoxy. --V.S. Orthos Logos: See Right Reason. Ostensible Object: (Lat. ostendere, to show) The object envisaged by cognitive act irrespective of its actual existence. See Epistemological Object. --L.W. Ostensive: (Lat. ostendere, to show) Property of a concept or predicate by virtue of which it refers to and is clarified by reference to its instances. --A.C.B. Ostwald, Wilhelm: (1853-1932) German chemist. Winner of the Nobel prize for chemistry in 1909. In Die Uberwindung des wissenschaftlichen Materialistmus and in Naturphilosophie, his two best known works in the field of philosophy, he advocates a dynamic theory in opposition to materialism and mechanism. All properties of matter, and the psychic as well, are special forms of energy. --L.E.D. Oupnekhat: Anquetil Duperron's Latin translation of the Persian translation of 50 Upanishads (q.v.), a work praised by Schopenhauer as giving him complete consolation. --K.F.L. Outness: A term employed by Berkeley to express the experience of externality, that is the ideas of space and things placed at a distance. Hume used it in the sense of distance Hamilton understood it as the state of being outside of consciousness in a really existing world of material things. --J.J.R. Overindividual: Term used by H. Münsterberg to translate the German überindividuell. The term is applied to any cognitive or value object which transcends the individual subject. --L.W. P

three-tier "architecture" A {client-server} architecture in which the {user interface}, functional process logic ("business rules") and data storage and access are developed and maintained as independent {modules}, most often on separate {platforms}. Apart from the usual advantages of modular software with well defined interfaces, the three-tier architecture is intended to allow any of the three tiers to be upgraded or replaced independently as requirements or technology change. For example, an upgrade of desktop {operating system} from {Microsoft Windows} to {Unix} would only affect the {user interface} code. Typically, the user interface runs on a desktop {PC} or {workstation} and uses a standard {graphical user interface}, functional process logic may consist of one or more separate modules running on a {workstation} or application {server}, and an {RDBMS} on a database server or {mainframe} contains the data storage logic. The middle tier may be multi-tiered itself (in which case the overall architecture is called an "n-tier architecture"). (1998-05-13)

Tree Transformation Language "functional programming" (TXL) A hybrid {functional language} and {rule-based language} developed by J.R. Cordy "" et al of {Queen's University}, Canada in 1988. TXL is suitable for performing {source to source analysis} and transformation and for {rapid prototyping} of new languages and language processors. It uses {structural transformation} based on {term rewriting}. TXL has been particularly successful in {software engineering} tasks such as {design recovery}, {refactoring}, and {reengineering}. Most recently it has been applied to {artificial intelligence} tasks such as recognition of hand-written mathematics, and to transformation of {structured documents} in {XML}. TXL takes as input an arbitrary {context-free grammar} in {extended BNF}-like notation, and a set of {show-by-example} transformation rules to be applied to inputs {parsed} using the grammar. TXL supports the notion of {agile parsing}, the ability to tailor the grammar to each particular task using "grammar overrides". {TXL Home (}. ["TXL: A Rapid Prototyping System for Programming Language Dialects", J.R. Cordy, C.D.; Halpern and D. Promislow, Computer Languages, Vol. 16, No. 1, January 1991, pp 97-107] ["Source Transformation in Software Engineering using the TXL Transformation System", J.R. Cordy, T.R. Dean, A.J. Malton and K.A. Schneider, Journal of Information and Software Technology, Vol. 44, No. 13, October 2002, pp 827-837] ["Recognizing Mathematical Expressions Using Tree Transformation", R. Zanibbi, D. Blostein and J.R. Cordy, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence, Vol. 24, No. 11, November 2002, pp 1455-1467] ["Agile Parsing in TXL", T.R. Dean, J.R. Cordy, A.J. Malton and K.A. Schneider, Journal of Automated Software Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 4, October 2003, pp 311-336] (2003-11-04)

trigonometrical ::: --> Of or pertaining to trigonometry; performed by the rules of trigonometry.

type inference "programming" An {algorithm} for ascribing types to expressions in some language, based on the types of the constants of the language and a set of type inference rules such as f :: A -" B, x :: A --------------------- (App)    f x :: B This rule, called "App" for application, says that if expression f has type A -" B and expression x has type A then we can deduce that expression (f x) has type B. The expressions above the line are the premises and below, the conclusion. An alternative notation often used is: G |- x : A where "|-" is the turnstile symbol ({LaTeX} \vdash) and G is a type assignment for the free variables of expression x. The above can be read "under assumptions G, expression x has type A". (As in Haskell, we use a double "::" for type declarations and a single ":" for the {infix} list constructor, cons). Given an expression plus (head l) 1 we can label each subexpression with a type, using type variables X, Y, etc. for unknown types: (plus :: Int -" Int -" Int) (((head :: [a] -" a) (l :: Y)) :: X) (1 :: Int) We then use {unification} on {type variables} to match the {partial application} of plus to its first argument against the App rule, yielding a type (Int -" Int) and a substitution X = Int. Re-using App for the application to the second argument gives an overall type Int and no further substitutions. Similarly, matching App against the application (head l) we get Y = [X]. We already know X = Int so therefore Y = [Int]. This process is used both to infer types for expressions and to check that any types given by the user are consistent. See also {generic type variable}, {principal type}. (1995-02-03)

udana. ::: the fifth of the five vital airs, whose seat is in the neck, which is responsible for controlling the ability to ascend, rise up and grow; the general force of assimilation that rules the region of the body above the larynx and governs the use of the special inner sense of intuition; associated with the upward movement of the kundalini in the subtle body; its prevalent element is ether

umpire ::: n. --> A person to whose sole decision a controversy or question between parties is referred; especially, one chosen to see that the rules of a game, as cricket, baseball, or the like, are strictly observed.

A third person, who is to decide a controversy or question submitted to arbitrators in case of their disagreement. ::: v. t.

Vagueness: A term may be said (loosely) to be vngue if there are ''borderline cases" for its applicability, i.e. cases for which the rules of the language containing the term do not specify either that the term shall or that it shall not apply. Thus certain shades of reddish-orange in the spectrum are borderline cases for the application of the term "red". And "red" is vague in the English language.

Valid: In the terminology of Carnap, a sentence (or class of sentences) is valid if it is a consequence of the null class of sentences, contra-valid if every sentence is a consequence of it. The notion of consequence here refers to a full set of primitive formulas and rules of inference for the language or logistic system (q.v.) in question, known as c-rules, and including (in general) non-effective rules. If the notion of consequence is restricted to depend only on the d-rules -- i.e., the subclass of the c-rules which are effective -- it is then called d-consequence or derivability, and the terms corresponding to valid and contravalid are demonstrable and refutable respectively.

variable "programming" (Sometimes "var" /veir/ or /var/) A named memory location in which a program can store intermediate results and from which it can read it them. Each {programming language} has different rules about how variables can be named, typed, and used. Typically, a value is "assigned" to a variable in an {assignment} statement. The value is obtained by evaluating an expression and then stored in the variable. For example, the assignment x = y + 1 means "add one to y and store the result in x". This may look like a mathematical equation but the mathematical equality is only true in the program until the value of x or y changes. Furthermore, statements like x = x + 1 are common. This means "add one to x", which only makes sense as a state changing operation, not as a mathematical equality. The simplest form of variable corresponds to a single-{word} of {memory} or a {CPU} {register} and an assignment to a {load} or {store} {machine code} operation. A variable is usually defined to have a {type}, which never changes, and which defines the set of values the variable can hold. A type may specify a single ("atomic") value or a collection ("aggregate") of values of the same or different types. A common aggregate type is the {array} - a set of values, one of which can be selected by supplying a numerical {index}. Languages may be {untyped}, {weakly typed}, {strongly typed}, or some combination. {Object-oriented programming} languages extend this to {object} types or {classes}. A variable's {scope} is the region of the program source within which it represents a certain thing. Scoping rules are also highly language dependent but most serious languages support both {local variables} and {global variables}. {Subroutine} and {function} {formal arguments} are special variables which are set automatically by the language runtime on entry to the subroutine. In a {functional programming} language, a variable's value never changes and change of state is handled as recursion over lists of values. (2004-11-16)

variolite ::: n. --> A kind of diorite or diabase containing imbedded whitish spherules, which give the rock a spotted appearance.

verse ::: n. --> A line consisting of a certain number of metrical feet (see Foot, n., 9) disposed according to metrical rules.

Metrical arrangement and language; that which is composed in metrical form; versification; poetry.
A short division of any composition.
A stanza; a stave; as, a hymn of four verses.
One of the short divisions of the chapters in the Old and New Testaments.

viceroy ::: prep. --> The governor of a country or province who rules in the name of the sovereign with regal authority, as the king&

ViewPoints "programming" A framework for distributed and {concurrent} software engineering which provides an alternative approach to traditional centralised software development environments. Decentralised process models are used to drive consistency checking and conflict resolution. The process models use pattern matching on local development histories to determine the particular state of the development process, and employ rules to trigger situation-dependent assistance to the user. Communication between such process models facilitates the decentralised management of explicitly defined consistency constraints. [Ulf Leonhardt] (1995-03-27)

Virtual LAN "networking" Software defined groups of {host} on a {local area network} (LAN) that communicate as if they were on the same wire, even though they are physically on different {LAN segments} throughout a site. To define a virtual LAN, the {network administrator} uses a virtual LAN management utility to establish membersip rules that determine which hostss are in a specific virtual LAN. Many models may exist but two seem to dominate: (1) Vitual Segment (or Port-Group) Virtual LAN. These are switched at the {data link layer} ({OSI} layer 2). Virtual segments turn an arbitrary number of physical segments into a single virtual segment that funtions as a self-contained traffic domain. (2) Virtual Subnet Virtual LAN: These are switched at the {Network Layer} ({OSI} layer 3). Subnet-oriented virtual LANs are based on {subnet address}es used by {IP}, {IPX}, and other {network layer} {protocols} to normally identify physical networks. Administrators assign one subnet address to a number of switch {ports} (which may be on different switches and over a backbone). Once identified as a virtual subnet, the selected LANs function as a {bridge group} - traffic is bridged at Layer 2 within the virtual subnet and routed at Layer 3 between virtual subnets. ["The many faces of virtual LANs", Steven King, Network World, 1994/5?]. (1995-04-03)

vote ::: n. --> An ardent wish or desire; a vow; a prayer.
A wish, choice, or opinion, of a person or a body of persons, expressed in some received and authorized way; the expression of a wish, desire, will, preference, or choice, in regard to any measure proposed, in which the person voting has an interest in common with others, either in electing a person to office, or in passing laws, rules, regulations, etc.; suffrage.
That by means of which will or preference is expressed in

V. Probability as an Operattonal Concept: In this interpretation, which is due particularly to Kemble, probability is discussed in terms of the mental operations involved in determining it numerically. It is pointed out that probability enters the postulates of physical theories as a useful word employed to indicate the manner in which results of theoretical calculations are to be compared with experimental data. But beyond the usefulness of this word, there must be a more fundamental concept justifying it; this is called primary probability which should be reached by an instrumentalist procedure. The analogy of the thermometer, which connects a qualitative sensation with a number, gives an indication for such a procedure. The expectation of the repetition of an event is an elementary form of belief which can be strengthened by additional evidence. In collecting such evidence, a selection is naturally made, by accepting the relevant data and rejecting the others. When the selected data form a pattern which does not involve the event as such or its negative, the event is considered as probable. The rules of collecting the data and of comparing them with the theoretical event and its negative, involve the idea ol correspondence which leads to the use of numbers for its expression. Thus, probability is a number computed from empirical data according to given rules, and used as a metric and a corrective to the sense of expectation, and the ultimate value of the theory of probability is its service as a guide to action. The main interest of this theory lies in its psychological analysis and its attempt to unify the various conceptions of probability. But it is not yet complete; and until its epistemological implications are made clear, its apparent eclecticism may cover many of the difficulties it wishes to avoid. -- T.G.

wanton ::: v. t. --> Untrained; undisciplined; unrestrained; hence, loose; free; luxuriant; roving; sportive.
Wandering from moral rectitude; perverse; dissolute.
Specifically: Deviating from the rules of chastity; lewd; lustful; lascivious; libidinous; lecherous.
Reckless; heedless; as, wanton mischief.
To cause to become wanton; also, to waste in wantonness.

weak typing "programming" Strict enforcement of {type} rules but with well-defined exceptions or an explicit type-violation mechanism. Weak typing is "friendlier" to the programmer than {strong typing}, but catches fewer errors at compile time. {C} and {C++} are weakly typed, as they automatically {coerce} many types e.g. {ints} and {floats}. E.g. int a = 5; float b = a; They also allow ignore {typedefs} for the purposes of type comparison; for example the following is allowed, which would probably be disallowed in a strongly typed language: typedef int Date;  /* Type to represent a date */ Date a = 12345; int b = a;   /* What does the coder intend? */ C++ is stricter than C in its handling of enumerated types: enum animal {CAT=0,DOG=2,ANT=3}; enum animal a = CAT; /* NB The enum is optional in C++ */ enum animal b = 1;  /* This is a warning or error in C++ */ (2000-07-04)

white-eye ::: n. --> Any one of several species of small Old World singing of the genus Zosterops, as Zosterops palpebrosus of India, and Z. c/rulescens of Australia. The eyes are encircled by a ring of white feathers, whence the name. Called also bush creeper, and white-eyed tit.

wickedness ::: n. --> The quality or state of being wicked; departure from the rules of the divine or the moral law; evil disposition or practices; immorality; depravity; sinfulness.
A wicked thing or act; crime; sin; iniquity.

X.209 {Basic Encoding Rules}

QUOTES [63 / 63 - 1500 / 9234]

KEYS (10k)

   15 Sri Aurobindo
   3 Aleister Crowley
   2 Carl Jung
   2 The Mother
   1 Zoroaster
   1 Tom Butler-Bowdon
   1 Terry Pratchett
   1 Swami Abhedananda
   1 Sri Sarada Devi
   1 Sri Ramana Maharshi
   1 Sartre
   1 Robert Heinlein
   1 Robert Anton Wilson
   1 Richard Branson
   1 Raymond Chandler
   1 Osho
   1 OReilly Linux System Programming
   1 Nolini Kanta Gupta
   1 Neil Gaiman
   1 Michio Kaku
   1 Marijn Haverbeke
   1 Marcus Aurelius
   1 Manly P Hall
   1 MacGregor Mathers
   1 Ken Wilber
   1 Joseph Campbell
   1 John Milton
   1 H P Lovecraft
   1 Heraclitus
   1 Harold Abelson
   1 Gary Gygax
   1 Frederick Lenz
   1 Eriugena
   1 Dr Alok Pandey
   1 C S Lewis
   1 Charlie Chaplin
   1 Apple Inc.
   1 Antoine the Healer; Revelations
   1 Alice Bailey
   1 Alfred Korzybski
   1 Sri Ramakrishna
   1 Saint Augustine of Hippo
   1 Jalaluddin Rumi
   1 Heraclitus
   1 Epictetus


   26 Anonymous
   12 Mason Cooley
   8 Confucius
   7 Terry Pratchett
   7 Paulo Coelho
   6 Voltaire
   6 Kiera Cass
   6 Karen Marie Moning
   6 Jordan Peterson
   6 Jordan B Peterson
   6 John Green
   6 Jodi Picoult
   6 Jen Sincero
   6 F Scott Fitzgerald
   6 Bob Dylan
   5 Simone Elkeles
   5 Neil Gaiman
   5 Katharine Hepburn
   5 Joseph Campbell
   5 J K Rowling

1:Existence precedes and rules essence. ~ Sartre,
2:Don't live by your own rules, but in harmony with nature ~ Epictetus,
3:The secret we should never let the gamemasters know is that they don't need any rules. ~ Gary Gygax,
4:Computers are like Old Testament gods; lots of rules and no mercy. ~ Joseph Campbell, The Power of Myth,
5:You don't learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over." ~ Richard Branson,
6:All wisdom is one: to understand the spirit that rules all by all. ~ Heraclitus,
7:He who reigns within himself and rules his passions, desires, and fears is more than a king. ~ John Milton,
8:Carnal lust rules where there is no love of God. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
9:The test of a writer is whether you want to read him again years after he should by the rules be dated. ~ Raymond Chandler,
10:All wisdom is one: to understand the spirit that rules all by all. ~ Heraclitus, the Eternal Wisdom
11:Time is immaterial for the Path of Knowledge. But some of these rules and disciplines are good for beginners. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
12:As for politics, I'm an anarchist. I hate governments and rules and fetters. Can't stand caged animals. People must be free.
   ~ Charlie Chaplin,
13:Where love rules, there is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other. ~ Carl Jung,
14:Divine love is like a veritable drunkard and as such, cannot always observe the rules of propriety. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
15:Necessity rules all the infinite world, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, The Birth of Sin,
16:Often man is preoccupied with human rules and forgets the inner law. ~ Antoine the Healer; Revelations, the Eternal Wisdom
17:Observing the rules and injunctions prescribed by the Master, if one calls upon one's Chosen Ideal with steadfastness, one achieves everything. ~ Sri Sarada Devi,
18:Taoism has no rules. It's a suggestion for perceiving life in its wholeness, without unnecessary categorization, yet enjoying the beauty of categorization." ~ Frederick Lenz,
19:Rules us, who in the Brahmin and the dog
Can, if He will, show equal godhead. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, Baji Prabhou,
20:Bad critics judge a work of art by comparing it to pre-existing theories. They always go wrong when confronted with a masterpiece because masterpieces make their own rules. ~ Robert Anton Wilson,
21:Work (or life either) without discipline would soon become a confusion and an anarchic failure. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Himself and the Ashram, The Place of Rules in Work,
22:He is here and there, He is everywhere, He is within us. He pervades this universe. In fact, He is immanent and resident in nature. He is intra-cosmic. He rules not from outside, but from within. ~ Swami Abhedananda,
23:Do not seek any rules or method of worship. Say whatever your pained heart chooses." ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, (1207 - 1273), Persian poet, faqih, Islamic scholar, theologian, and Sufi mystic, Wikipedia.,
24:Zen is a path of liberation. It liberates you. It is freedom from the first step to the last. You are not required to follow any rules; you are required to find out your own rules and your own life in the light of awareness." ~ Osho,
25:He whose transcendence rules the pregnant Vasts,
Prescient now dwells in our subliminal depths,
A luminous individual Power, alone. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Secret Knowledge,
26:Where love rules, there is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other." ~ Carl Jung, (1875 - 1961) Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology, Wikipedia.,
27:A high and dazzling limit shines above,
A black and blinding border rules below:
His mind is closed between two firmaments. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul's Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
28:A page of Addison or of Irving will teach more of style than a whole manual of rules, whilst a story of Poe's will impress upon the mind a more vivid notion of powerful and correct description and narration than will ten dry chapters of a bulky textbook. ~ H P Lovecraft,
29:The Way of Mastery is to break all the rules-but you have to know them perfectly before you can do this; otherwise you are not in a position to transcend them. ~ Aleister Crowley, Magical and Philosophical Commentaries on The Book of the Law,
30:Philosophy, the study of wisdom, is not one thing & religion another... What is the exercise of philosophy but the exposition of the rules of true religion by which the supreme & principal cause of all things, God, is worshipped with humility & rationally searched for? ~ Eriugena,
31:His fate within him shapes his acts and rules;
Its face and form already are born in him,
Its parentage is in his secret soul ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Joy of Union; the Ordeal of the Foreknowledge of Death and the Heart's Grief and Pain,
32:Programming, it turns out, is hard. The fundamental rules are typically simple and cleaR But programs built on top of these rules tend to become complex enough to introduce their own rules and complexity. You're building your own maze, in a way, and you might just get lost in it.
   ~ Marijn Haverbeke,
33:Mortals, your end is beatitude, rapture eternal his meaning:
Joy, which he most now denies, is his purpose: the hedges, the screening
Were but the rules of his play; his denials came to lure farther. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, Ahana,
34:The Guru must deal with each disciple according to his separate nature and accordingly guide his sadhana; even if it is the same line of sadhana for all, yet at every point for each it differs. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Himself and the Ashram, General Rules and Individual Natures,
35:I have concluded that we are in a world made by rules created by an intelligence. Believe me, everything that we call chance today won't make sense anymore. To me it is clear that we exist in a plan which is governed by rules that were created, shaped by a universal intelligence and not by chance. ~ Michio Kaku,
36:No one can understand by his personal mental judgment the Mother's actions and reasons for action; it can only be understood by entering into the larger consciousness from which she sees things and acts upon them. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Himself and the Ashram, General Rules and Individual Natures,
37:He who a god for his kindred,
Lives for the rest without bowels of pity or fellowship, lone-souled,
Scorning the world that he rules, who untamed by the weight of an empire
Holds allies as subjects, subjects as slaves and drives to the battle
Care ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, Ilion,
38:Computational processes are abstract beings that inhabit computers. As they evolve, processes manipulate other abstract things called data. The evolution of a process is directed by a pattern of rules called a program. People create programs to direct processes. In effect, we conjure the spirits of the computer with our spells. ~ Harold Abelson, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs,
39:For concentration does indeed unlock all doors; it lies at the heart of every practice as it is of the essence of all theory; and almost all the various rules and regulations are aimed at securing adeptship in this matter. All the subsidiary work—awareness, one-pointedness, mindfulness and the rest—is intended to train you to this. ~ Aleister Crowley, Magick Without Tears,
40:If thou shalt perfectly observe these rules, all the following Symbols and an infinitude of others will be granted unto thee by thy Holy Guardian Angel; thou thus living for the Honour and Glory of the True and only God, for thine own good, and that of thy neighbour. Let the Fear of God be ever before the eyes and the heart of him who shall possess this Divine Wisdom and Sacred Magic. ~ MacGregor Mathers, The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage,
41:God does not play dice with the universe; He plays an ineffable game of His own devising, which might be compared, from the perspective of any of the other players [i.e. everybody], to being involved in an obscure and complex variant of poker in a pitch-dark room, with blank cards, for infinite stakes, with a Dealer who won't tell you the rules, and who smiles all the time. ~ Terry Pratchett, Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch,
42:It is impossible to lay down precise rules by which a man may attain to the knowledge and conversation of His Holy Guardian Angel; for that is the particular secret of each one of us; a secret not to be told or even divined by any other, whatever his grade. It is the Holy of Holies, whereof each man is his own High Priest, and none knoweth the Name of his brother's God, or the Rite that invokes Him. ~ Aleister Crowley, Liber ABA,
43: To make it more simple for general comprehension: after initiation, the mystic is merged in the occultist, for he has become a student of occult law; he has to work with matter, with its manipulation and uses, and he has to master and control all lower forms of manifestation, and learn the rules... yet he will still have to find the God within his own being, before he can safely venture on the path of occult law. ~ Alice Bailey, in Letters on Occult Meditation, p. 147, (1922)
44:Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do. ~ Apple Inc.,
45:When you only have sensations, perceptions, and impulses, the world is archaic. When you add the capacity for images and symbols, the world appears magical. When you add concepts, rules, and roles, the world becomes mythic. When formal-reflexive capacities emergy, the rational world comes into view. With vision-logic, the existential world stands forth. When the subtle emerges, the world becomes divine. When the causal emerges, the self becomes divine. When the nondual emerges, world and self are realized to be one Spirit.
   ~ Ken Wilber, Integral Psychology, 119,
46:The spirit, while superior to all of its bodies, is incapable of manifesting without its chain of vehicles. This divine spark must always be limited by the quality of its bodies. In all too many cases, it is the servant of its own dependencies. Instead of ruling its world by apostolic succession, the spirit is generally bowed and broken by the endless demands of the lower nature. The appetites, desires, and selfish propensities cast the spirit into a dungeon, while a false and cruel monarch rules the empire in his stead. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
47:Mother, Some people criticise the fact that we have too many rules in our physical education and that we impose too much discipline on the children.
   There can be no physical education without discipline. The body itself could not function without a strict discipline. Actually, the failure to recognise this fact is the principal cause of illness. Digestion, growth, blood-circulation, everything, everything is a discipline. Thought, movement, gestures, everything is a discipline, and if there is no discipline people immediately fall ill.
   ~ The Mother, On Education,
48:The event of falling in love is of such a nature that we are right to reject as intolerable the idea that it should be transitory. In one high bound it has overleaped the massive of our selfhood; it has made appetite itself altruistic, tossed personal happiness aside as a triviality and planted the interests of another in the centre of our being. Spontaneously and without effort we have fulfilled the law (towards one person) by loving our neighbour as ourselves. It is an image, a foretaste, of what we must become to all if Love Himself rules in us without a rival. It is even (well used) a preparation for that. ~ C S Lewis,
49:I had forgotten what fiction was to me as a boy, forgotten what it was like in the library: fiction was an escape from the intolerable, a doorway into impossibly hospitable worlds where things had rules and could be understood; stories had been a way of learning about life without experiencing it, or perhaps of experiencing it as an eighteenth-century poisoner dealt with poisons, taking them in tiny doses, such that the poisoner could cope with ingesting things that would kill someone who was not inured to them. Sometimes fiction is a way of coping with the poison of the world in a way that lets us survive it. ~ Neil Gaiman,
50:Direct not thy mind to the vast surfaces of the earth; for the Plant of Truth grows not upon the ground. Nor measure the motions of the Sun, collecting rules, for he is carried by the Eternal Will of the Father, and not for your sake alone. Dismiss from your mind the impetuous course of the Moon, for she moveth always by the power of Necessity. The progression of the Stars was not generated for your sake. The wide aerial flight of birds gives no true knowledge, nor the dissection of the entrails of victims; they are all mere toys, the basis of mercenary fraud: flee from these if you would enter the sacred paradise of piety where Virtue, Wisdom, and Equity are assembled." ~ Zoroaster,
51:The hell I won't talk that way! Peter, an eternity here without her is not an eternity of bliss; it is an eternity of boredom and loneliness and grief. You think this damned gaudy halo means anything to me when I know--yes, you've convinced me!--that my beloved is burning in the Pit? I didn't ask much. Just to be allowed to live with her. I was willing to wash dishes forever if only I could see her smile, hear her voice, touch her hand! She's been shipped on a technicality and you know it! Snobbish, bad-tempered angels get to live here without ever doing one lick to deserve it. But my Marga, who is a real angel if one ever lived, gets turned down and sent to Hell to everlasting torture on a childish twist in the rules. You can tell the Father and His sweet-talking Son and that sneaky Ghost that they can take their gaudy Holy City and shove it! If Margrethe has to be in Hell, that's where I want to be!
   ~ Robert Heinlein, Alexander Hergensheimer in Job: A Comedy of Justice, (1984).,
52:Ishwara-Shakti is not quite the same as Purusha-Prakriti; for Purusha and Prakriti are separate powers, but Ishwara and Shakti contain each other. Ishwara is Purusha who contains Prakriti and rules by the power of the Shakti within him. Shakti is Prakriti ensouled by Purusha and acts by the will of the Ishwara which is her own will and whose presence in her movement she carries always with her. The Purusha-Prakriti realisation is of the first utility to the seeker on the Way of Works; for it is the separation of the conscient being and the Energy and the subjection of the being to the mechanism of the Energy that are the efficient cause of our ignorance and imperfection; by this realisation the being can liberate himself from the mechanical action of the nature and become free and arrive at a first spiritual control over the nature. Ishwara-Shakti stands behind the relation of Purusha-Prakriti and its ignorant action and turns it to an evolutionary purpose. The Ishwara-Shakti realisation can bring participation in a higher dynamism and a divine working and a total unity and harmony of the being in a spiritual nature. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Supreme Will, 216,
53:I have spoken of Sri Aurobindo's life as a series of radical turns that changed the movement, the mode of life, almost radically every time the turn came. The turn meant a break with the past and a moving into the future. We have a word for this phenomenon of radical and unforeseen change. You know the word, it is intervention. Intervention means, as the Mother has explained to us more than once, the entry of a higher, a greater force from another world into the already existent world. Into the familiar established mode of existence that runs on the routine of some definite rules and regulations, the Law of the present, there drops all on a sudden another mode of being and consciousness and force, a Higher Law which obliterates or changes out of recognition the familiar mode of living; it is thus that one rises from level to level, moves out into wider ranges of being, otherwise one stands still, remains for ever what he is, stagnant, like an unchanging clod or at the most a repetitive animal. The higher the destiny, the higher also the source of intervention, that is to say, more radical - more destructive yet more creative - destructive of the past, creative of the future.

   I have spoken of the passing away of Sri Aurobindo as a phenomenon of intervention, a great decisive event in view of the work to be done. Even so we may say that his birth too was an act of intervention, a deliberate divine intervention. The world needed it, the time was ripe and the intervention happened and that was his birth as an embodied human being - to which we offer our salutation and obeisance today. ~ Nolini Kanta Gupta,
54:Sweet Mother, Sri Aurobindo is speaking about occult endeavour here and says that those who don't have the capacity must wait till it is given to them. Can't they get it through practice?
   No. That is, if it is latent in someone, it can be developed by practice. But if one doesn't have occult power, he may try for fifty years, he won't get anywhere. Everybody cannot have occult power. It is as though you were asking whether everybody could be a musician, everybody could be a painter, everybody could... Some can, some can't. It is a question of temperament.
   What is the difference between occultism and mysticism?
   They are not at all the same thing.
   Mysticism is a more or less emotive relation with what one senses to be a divine power - that kind of highly emotional, affective, very intense relation with something invisible which is or is taken for the Divine. That is mysticism.
   Occultism is exactly what he has said: it is the knowledge of invisible forces and the power to handle them. It is a science. It is altogether a science. I always compare occultism with chemistry, for it is the same kind of knowledge as the knowledge of chemistry for material things. It is a knowledge of invisible forces, their different vibrations, their interrelations, the combinations which can be made by bringing them together and the power one can exercise over them. It is absolutely scientific; and it ought to be learnt like a science; that is, one cannot practise occultism as something emotional or something vague and imprecise. You must work at it as you would do at chemistry, and learn all the rules or find them if there is nobody to teach you. But it is at some risk to yourself that you can find them. There are combinations here as explosive as certain chemical combinations. ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1954,
55:A distinction has to be firmly seized in our consciousness, the capital distinction between mechanical Nature and the free Lord of Nature, between the Ishwara or single luminous divine Will and the many executive modes and forces of the universe. Nature, - not as she is in her divine Truth, the conscious Power of the Eternal, but as she appears to us in the Ignorance, - is executive Force, mechanical in her steps, not consciously intelligent to our experience of her, although all her works are instinct with an absolute intelligence. Not in herself master, she is full of a self-aware Power which has an infinite mastery and, because of this Power driving her, she rules all and exactly fulfils the work intended in her by the Ishwara. Not enjoying but enjoyed, she bears in herself the burden of all enjoyments. Nature as Prakriti is an inertly active Force, - for she works out a movement imposed upon her; but within her is One that knows,
   - some Entity sits there that is aware of all her motion and process. Prakriti works containing the knowledge, the mastery, the delight of the Purusha, the Being associated with her or seated within her; but she can participate in them only by subjection and reflection of that which fills her. Purusha knows and is still and inactive; he contains the action of Prakriti within his consciousness and knowledge and enjoys it. He gives the sanction to Prakriti's works and she works out what is sanctioned by him for his pleasure. Purusha himself does not execute; he maintains Prakriti in her action and allows her to express in energy and process and formed result what he perceives in his knowledge. This is the distinction made by the Sankhyas; and although it is not all the true truth, not in any way the highest truth either of Purusha or of Prakriti, still it is a valid and indispensable practical knowledge in the lower hemisphere of existence. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga,
56:A distinction has to be firmly seized in our consciousness, the capital distinction between mechanical Nature and the free Lord of Nature, between the Ishwara or single luminous divine Will and the many executive modes and forces of the universe. Nature, - not as she is in her divine Truth, the conscious Power of the Eternal, but as she appears to us in the Ignorance, - is executive Force, mechanical in her steps, not consciously intelligent to our experience of her, although all her works are instinct with an absolute intelligence. Not in herself master, she is full of a self-aware Power which has an infinite mastery and, because of this Power driving her, she rules all and exactly fulfils the work intended in her by the Ishwara. Not enjoying but enjoyed, she bears in herself the burden of all enjoyments. Nature as Prakriti is an inertly active Force, - for she works out a movement imposed upon her; but within her is One that knows, - some Entity sits there that is aware of all her motion and process. Prakriti works containing the knowledge, the mastery, the delight of the Purusha, the Being associated with her or seated within her; but she can participate in them only by subjection and reflection of that which fills her. Purusha knows and is still and inactive; he contains the action of Prakriti within his consciousness and knowledge and enjoys it. He gives the sanction to Prakriti's works and she works out what is sanctioned by him for his pleasure. Purusha himself does not execute; he maintains Prakriti in her action and allows her to express in energy and process and formed result what he perceives in his knowledge. This is the distinction made by the Sankhyas; and although it is not all the true truth, not in any way the highest truth either of Purusha or of Prakriti, still it is a valid and indispensable practical knowledge in the lower hemisphere of existence.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Self-Surrender in Works,
A daemon is a process that runs in the background, not connecting to any controlling terminal. Daemons are normally started at boot time, are run as root or some
other special user (such as apache or postfix), and handle system-level tasks. As a
convention, the name of a daemon often ends in d (as in crond and sshd), but this is
not required, or even universal.
The name derives from Maxwell's demon, an 1867 thought experiment by the physicist James Maxwell. Daemons are also supernatural beings in Greek mythology,
existing somewhere between humans and the gods and gifted with powers and divine
knowledge. Unlike the demons of Judeo-Christian lore, the Greek daemon need not
be evil. Indeed, the daemons of mythology tended to be aides to the gods, performing
tasks that the denizens of Mount Olympus found themselves unwilling to do-much
as Unix daemons perform tasks that foreground users would rather avoid.
A daemon has two general requirements: it must run as a child of init, and it must
not be connected to a terminal.
In general, a program performs the following steps to become a daemon:
1. Call fork( ). This creates a new process, which will become the daemon.
2. In the parent, call exit( ). This ensures that the original parent (the daemon's
grandparent) is satisfied that its child terminated, that the daemon's parent is no
longer running, and that the daemon is not a process group leader. This last
point is a requirement for the successful completion of the next step.
3. Call setsid( ), giving the daemon a new process group and session, both of
which have it as leader. This also ensures that the process has no associated controlling terminal (as the process just created a new session, and will not assign
4. Change the working directory to the root directory via chdir( ). This is done
because the inherited working directory can be anywhere on the filesystem. Daemons tend to run for the duration of the system's uptime, and you don't want to
keep some random directory open, and thus prevent an administrator from
unmounting the filesystem containing that directory.
5. Close all file descriptors. You do not want to inherit open file descriptors, and,
unaware, hold them open.
6. Open file descriptors 0, 1, and 2 (standard in, standard out, and standard error)
and redirect them to /dev/null.
Following these rules, here is a program that daemonizes itself:
~ OReilly Linux System Programming,
58:reading :::
   50 Psychology Classics: List of Books Covered:
   Alfred Adler - Understanding Human Nature (1927)
   Gordon Allport - The Nature of Prejudice (1954)
   Albert Bandura - Self-Efficacy: The Exercise of Control (1997)
   Gavin Becker - The Gift of Fear (1997)
   Eric Berne - Games People Play (1964)
   Isabel Briggs Myers - Gifts Differing: Understanding Personality Type (1980)
   Louann Brizendine - The Female Brain (2006)
   David D Burns - Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy (1980)
   Susan Cain - Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking (2012)
   Robert Cialdini - Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion (1984)
   Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - Creativity (1997)
   Carol Dweck - Mindset: The New Psychology of Success (2006)
   Albert Ellis & Robert Harper - (1961) A Guide To Rational Living(1961)
   Milton Erickson - My Voice Will Go With You (1982) by Sidney Rosen
   Eric Erikson - Young Man Luther (1958)
   Hans Eysenck - Dimensions of Personality (1947)
   Viktor Frankl - The Will to Meaning (1969)
   Anna Freud - The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense (1936)
   Sigmund Freud - The Interpretation of Dreams (1901)
   Howard Gardner - Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences (1983)
   Daniel Gilbert - Stumbling on Happiness (2006)
   Malcolm Gladwell - Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking (2005)
   Daniel Goleman - Emotional Intelligence at Work (1998)
   John M Gottman - The Seven Principles For Making Marriage Work (1999)
   Temple Grandin - The Autistic Brain: Helping Different Kinds of Minds Succeed (2013)
   Harry Harlow - The Nature of Love (1958)
   Thomas A Harris - I'm OK - You're OK (1967)
   Eric Hoffer - The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements (1951)
   Karen Horney - Our Inner Conflicts (1945)
   William James - Principles of Psychology (1890)
   Carl Jung - The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious (1953)
   Daniel Kahneman - Thinking, Fast and Slow (2011)
   Alfred Kinsey - Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (1953)
   RD Laing - The Divided Self (1959)
   Abraham Maslow - The Farther Reaches of Human Nature (1970)
   Stanley Milgram - Obedience To Authority (1974)
   Walter Mischel - The Marshmallow Test (2014)
   Leonard Mlodinow - Subliminal: How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior (2012)
   IP Pavlov - Conditioned Reflexes (1927)
   Fritz Perls - Gestalt Therapy: Excitement and Growth in the Human Personality (1951)
   Jean Piaget - The Language and Thought of the Child (1966)
   Steven Pinker - The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature (2002)
   VS Ramachandran - Phantoms in the Brain (1998)
   Carl Rogers - On Becoming a Person (1961)
   Oliver Sacks - The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat (1970)
   Barry Schwartz - The Paradox of Choice: Why More is Less (2004)
   Martin Seligman - Authentic Happiness (2002)
   BF Skinner - Beyond Freedom & Dignity (1953)
   Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton & Sheila Heen - Difficult Conversations (2000)
   William Styron - Darkness Visible (1990)
   ~ Tom Butler-Bowdon, 50 Psychology Classics,
59:(Novum Organum by Francis Bacon.)
   34. "Four species of idols beset the human mind, to which (for distinction's sake) we have assigned names, calling the first Idols of the Tribe, the second Idols of the Den, the third Idols of the Market, the fourth Idols of the Theatre.
   40. "The information of notions and axioms on the foundation of true induction is the only fitting remedy by which we can ward off and expel these idols. It is, however, of great service to point them out; for the doctrine of idols bears the same relation to the interpretation of nature as that of the confutation of sophisms does to common logic.
   41. "The idols of the tribe are inherent in human nature and the very tribe or race of man; for man's sense is falsely asserted to be the standard of things; on the contrary, all the perceptions both of the senses and the mind bear reference to man and not to the Universe, and the human mind resembles these uneven mirrors which impart their own properties to different objects, from which rays are emitted and distort and disfigure them.
   42. "The idols of the den are those of each individual; for everybody (in addition to the errors common to the race of man) has his own individual den or cavern, which intercepts and corrupts the light of nature, either from his own peculiar and singular disposition, or from his education and intercourse with others, or from his reading, and the authority acquired by those whom he reverences and admires, or from the different impressions produced on the mind, as it happens to be preoccupied and predisposed, or equable and tranquil, and the like; so that the spirit of man (according to its several dispositions), is variable, confused, and, as it were, actuated by chance; and Heraclitus said well that men search for knowledge in lesser worlds, and not in the greater or common world.
   43. "There are also idols formed by the reciprocal intercourse and society of man with man, which we call idols of the market, from the commerce and association of men with each other; for men converse by means of language, but words are formed at the will of the generality, and there arises from a bad and unapt formation of words a wonderful obstruction to the mind. Nor can the definitions and explanations with which learned men are wont to guard and protect themselves in some instances afford a complete remedy-words still manifestly force the understanding, throw everything into confusion, and lead mankind into vain and innumerable controversies and fallacies.
   44. "Lastly, there are idols which have crept into men's minds from the various dogmas of peculiar systems of philosophy, and also from the perverted rules of demonstration, and these we denominate idols of the theatre: for we regard all the systems of philosophy hitherto received or imagined, as so many plays brought out and performed, creating fictitious and theatrical worlds. Nor do we speak only of the present systems, or of the philosophy and sects of the ancients, since numerous other plays of a similar nature can be still composed and made to agree with each other, the causes of the most opposite errors being generally the same. Nor, again, do we allude merely to general systems, but also to many elements and axioms of sciences which have become inveterate by tradition, implicit credence, and neglect. ~ Alfred Korzybski, Manhood of Humanity,
An open reply by Dr Alok Pandey to a fellow devotee

Most of all enjoy Savitri. It is Sri Aurobindo's gift of Love to the world. Read it from the heart with love and gratitude as companions and drown in its fiery bliss. That is the true understanding rather than one that comes by a constant churning of words in the head.

Best would be to fix a time that works for you. One can always take out some time for the reading, even if it be late at night when one is done with all the daily works. Of course, a certain receptivity is needed. If one is too tired or the reading becomes too mechanical as a ritual routine to be somehow finished it tends to be less effective, as with anything else. Hence the advice is to read in a quiet receptive state.

As to the pace of reading it is best to slowly build up and keep it steady. To read a page or a passage daily is better than reading many pages one day and then few lines or none for days. This brings a certain discipline in the consciousness which makes one receptive. What it means is that one should fix up that one would read a few passages or a page or two daily, and then if an odd day one is enjoying and spontaneously wants to read more then one can go by the flow.

It is best to read at least once from cover to cover. But if one is not feeling inclined for that do read some of the beautiful cantos and passages whose reference one can find in various places. This helps us familiarise with the epic and the style of poetry. Later one can go for the cover to cover reading.

One can read it silently. Loud reading is needed only if one is unable to focus with silent reading. A mantra is more potent when read subtly. I am aware that some people recommend reading it aloud which is fine if that helps one better. A certain flexibility in these things is always good and rigid rules either ways are not helpful.

One can also write some of the beautiful passages with which one feels suddenly connected. It is a help in the yoga since such a writing involves the pouring in of the consciousness of Savitri through the brain and nerves and the hand.

Reflecting upon some of these magnificent lines and passages while one is engaged in one\s daily activities helps to create a background state for our inner being to get absorbed in Savitri more and more.

It is helpful if a brief background about the Canto is known. This helps the mind top focus and also to keep in sync with the overall scene and sense of what is being read.

But it is best not to keep referring to the dictionary while reading. Let the overall sense emerge. Specifics can be done during a detailed reading later and it may not be necessary at all. Besides the sense that Sri Aurobindo has given to many words may not be accurately conveyed by the standard dictionaries. A flexibility is required to understand the subtle suggestions hinted at by the Master-poet.

In this sense Savitri is in the line of Vedic poetry using images that are at once profound as well as commonplace. That is the beauty of mystic poetry. These are things actually experienced and seen by Sri Aurobindo, and ultimately it is Their Grace that alone can reveal the intrinsic sense of this supreme revelation of the Supreme. ~ Dr Alok Pandey,
61:In the process of this change there must be by the very necessity of the effort two stages of its working. First, there will be the personal endeavour of the human being, as soon as he becomes aware by his soul, mind, heart of this divine possibility and turns towards it as the true object of life, to prepare himself for it and to get rid of all in him that belongs to a lower working, of all that stands in the way of his opening to the spiritual truth and its power, so as to possess by this liberation his spiritual being and turn all his natural movements into free means of its self-expression. It is by this turn that the self-conscious Yoga aware of its aim begins: there is a new awakening and an upward change of the life motive. So long as there is only an intellectual, ethical and other self-training for the now normal purposes of life which does not travel beyond the ordinary circle of working of mind, life and body, we are still only in the obscure and yet unillumined preparatory Yoga of Nature; we are still in pursuit of only an ordinary human perfection. A spiritual desire of the Divine and of the divine perfection, of a unity with him in all our being and a spiritual perfection in all our nature, is the effective sign of this change, the precursory power of a great integral conversion of our being and living. By personal effort a precursory change, a preliminary conversion can be effected; it amounts to a greater or less spiritualising of our mental motives, our character and temperament, and a mastery, stilling or changed action of the vital and physical life. This converted subjectivity can be made the base of some communion or unity of the soul in mind with the Divine and some partial reflection of the divine nature in the mentality of the human being. That is as far as man can go by his unaided or indirectly aided effort, because that is an effort of mind and mind cannot climb beyond itself permanently: at most it arises to a spiritualised and idealised mentality. If it shoots up beyond that border, it loses hold of itself, loses hold of life, and arrives either at a trance of absorption or a passivity. A greater perfection can only be arrived at by a higher power entering in and taking up the whole action of the being. The second stage of this Yoga will therefore be a persistent giving up of all the action of the nature into the hands of this greater Power, a substitution of its influence, possession and working for the personal effort, until the Divine to whom we aspire becomes the direct master of the Yoga and effects the entire spiritual and ideal conversion of the being. Two rules there are that will diminish the difficulty and obviate the danger. One must reject all that comes from the ego, from vital desire, from the mere mind and its presumptuous reasoning incompetence, all that ministers to these agents of the Ignorance. One must learn to hear and follow the voice of the inmost soul, the direction of the Guru, the command of the Master, the working of the Divine Mother. Whoever clings to the desires and weaknesses of the flesh, the cravings and passions of the vital in its turbulent ignorance, the dictates of his personal mind unsilenced and unillumined by a greater knowledge, cannot find the true inner law and is heaping obstacles in the way of the divine fulfilment. Whoever is able to detect and renounce those obscuring agencies and to discern and follow the true Guide within and without will discover the spiritual law and reach the goal of the Yoga. A radical and total change of consciousness is not only the whole meaning but, in an increasing force and by progressive stages, the whole method of the integral Yoga.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Yoga of Self-Perfection, The Integral Perfection [618],
62:Reading list (1972 edition)[edit]
1. Homer - Iliad, Odyssey
2. The Old Testament
3. Aeschylus - Tragedies
4. Sophocles - Tragedies
5. Herodotus - Histories
6. Euripides - Tragedies
7. Thucydides - History of the Peloponnesian War
8. Hippocrates - Medical Writings
9. Aristophanes - Comedies
10. Plato - Dialogues
11. Aristotle - Works
12. Epicurus - Letter to Herodotus; Letter to Menoecus
13. Euclid - Elements
14.Archimedes - Works
15. Apollonius of Perga - Conic Sections
16. Cicero - Works
17. Lucretius - On the Nature of Things
18. Virgil - Works
19. Horace - Works
20. Livy - History of Rome
21. Ovid - Works
22. Plutarch - Parallel Lives; Moralia
23. Tacitus - Histories; Annals; Agricola Germania
24. Nicomachus of Gerasa - Introduction to Arithmetic
25. Epictetus - Discourses; Encheiridion
26. Ptolemy - Almagest
27. Lucian - Works
28. Marcus Aurelius - Meditations
29. Galen - On the Natural Faculties
30. The New Testament
31. Plotinus - The Enneads
32. St. Augustine - On the Teacher; Confessions; City of God; On Christian Doctrine
33. The Song of Roland
34. The Nibelungenlied
35. The Saga of Burnt Njal
36. St. Thomas Aquinas - Summa Theologica
37. Dante Alighieri - The Divine Comedy;The New Life; On Monarchy
38. Geoffrey Chaucer - Troilus and Criseyde; The Canterbury Tales
39. Leonardo da Vinci - Notebooks
40. Niccolò Machiavelli - The Prince; Discourses on the First Ten Books of Livy
41. Desiderius Erasmus - The Praise of Folly
42. Nicolaus Copernicus - On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres
43. Thomas More - Utopia
44. Martin Luther - Table Talk; Three Treatises
45. François Rabelais - Gargantua and Pantagruel
46. John Calvin - Institutes of the Christian Religion
47. Michel de Montaigne - Essays
48. William Gilbert - On the Loadstone and Magnetic Bodies
49. Miguel de Cervantes - Don Quixote
50. Edmund Spenser - Prothalamion; The Faerie Queene
51. Francis Bacon - Essays; Advancement of Learning; Novum Organum, New Atlantis
52. William Shakespeare - Poetry and Plays
53. Galileo Galilei - Starry Messenger; Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences
54. Johannes Kepler - Epitome of Copernican Astronomy; Concerning the Harmonies of the World
55. William Harvey - On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals; On the Circulation of the Blood; On the Generation of Animals
56. Thomas Hobbes - Leviathan
57. René Descartes - Rules for the Direction of the Mind; Discourse on the Method; Geometry; Meditations on First Philosophy
58. John Milton - Works
59. Molière - Comedies
60. Blaise Pascal - The Provincial Letters; Pensees; Scientific Treatises
61. Christiaan Huygens - Treatise on Light
62. Benedict de Spinoza - Ethics
63. John Locke - Letter Concerning Toleration; Of Civil Government; Essay Concerning Human Understanding;Thoughts Concerning Education
64. Jean Baptiste Racine - Tragedies
65. Isaac Newton - Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy; Optics
66. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - Discourse on Metaphysics; New Essays Concerning Human Understanding;Monadology
67.Daniel Defoe - Robinson Crusoe
68. Jonathan Swift - A Tale of a Tub; Journal to Stella; Gulliver's Travels; A Modest Proposal
69. William Congreve - The Way of the World
70. George Berkeley - Principles of Human Knowledge
71. Alexander Pope - Essay on Criticism; Rape of the Lock; Essay on Man
72. Charles de Secondat, baron de Montesquieu - Persian Letters; Spirit of Laws
73. Voltaire - Letters on the English; Candide; Philosophical Dictionary
74. Henry Fielding - Joseph Andrews; Tom Jones
75. Samuel Johnson - The Vanity of Human Wishes; Dictionary; Rasselas; The Lives of the Poets
   ~ Mortimer J Adler,
   Why do we forget our dreams?

Because you do not dream always at the same place. It is not always the same part of your being that dreams and it is not at the same place that you dream. If you were in conscious, direct, continuous communication with all the parts of your being, you would remember all your dreams. But very few parts of the being are in communication.

   For example, you have a dream in the subtle physical, that is to say, quite close to the physical. Generally, these dreams occur in the early hours of the morning, that is between four and five o'clock, at the end of the sleep. If you do not make a sudden movement when you wake up, if you remain very quiet, very still and a little attentive - quietly attentive - and concentrated, you will remember them, for the communication between the subtle physical and the physical is established - very rarely is there no communication.

   Now, dreams are mostly forgotten because you have a dream while in a certain state and then pass into another. For instance, when you sleep, your body is asleep, your vital is asleep, but your mind is still active. So your mind begins to have dreams, that is, its activity is more or less coordinated, the imagination is very active and you see all kinds of things, take part in extraordinary happenings.... After some time, all that calms down and the mind also begins to doze. The vital that was resting wakes up; it comes out of the body, walks about, goes here and there, does all kinds of things, reacts, sometimes fights, and finally eats. It does all kinds of things. The vital is very adventurous. It watches. When it is heroic it rushes to save people who are in prison or to destroy enemies or it makes wonderful discoveries. But this pushes back the whole mental dream very far behind. It is rubbed off, forgotten: naturally you cannot remember it because the vital dream takes its place. But if you wake up suddenly at that moment, you remember it. There are people who have made the experiment, who have got up at certain fixed hours of the night and when they wake up suddenly, they do remember. You must not move brusquely, but awake in the natural course, then you remember.

   After a time, the vital having taken a good stroll, needs to rest also, and so it goes into repose and quietness, quite tired at the end of all kinds of adventures. Then something else wakes up. Let us suppose that it is the subtle physical that goes for a walk. It starts moving and begins wandering, seeing the rooms and... why, this thing that was there, but it has come here and that other thing which was in that room is now in this one, and so on. If you wake up without stirring, you remembeR But this has pushed away far to the back of the consciousness all the stories of the vital. They are forgotten and so you cannot recollect your dreams. But if at the time of waking up you are not in a hurry, you are not obliged to leave your bed, on the contrary you can remain there as long as you wish, you need not even open your eyes; you keep your head exactly where it was and you make yourself like a tranquil mirror within and concentrate there. You catch just a tiny end of the tail of your dream. You catch it and start pulling gently, without stirring in the least. You begin pulling quite gently, and then first one part comes, a little later another. You go backward; the last comes up first. Everything goes backward, slowly, and suddenly the whole dream reappears: "Ah, there! it was like that." Above all, do not jump up, do not stir; you repeat the dream to yourself several times - once, twice - until it becomes clear in all its details. Once that dream is settled, you continue not to stir, you try to go further in, and suddenly you catch the tail of something else. It is more distant, more vague, but you can still seize it. And here also you hang on, get hold of it and pull, and you see that everything changes and you enter another world; all of a sudden you have an extraordinary adventure - it is another dream. You follow the same process. You repeat the dream to yourself once, twice, until you are sure of it. You remain very quiet all the time. Then you begin to penetrate still more deeply into yourself, as though you were going in very far, very far; and again suddenly you see a vague form, you have a feeling, a sensation... like a current of air, a slight breeze, a little breath; and you say, "Well, well...." It takes a form, it becomes clear - and the third category comes. You must have a lot of time, a lot of patience, you must be very quiet in your mind and body, very quiet, and you can tell the story of your whole night from the end right up to the beginning.

   Even without doing this exercise which is very long and difficult, in order to recollect a dream, whether it be the last one or the one in the middle that has made a violent impression on your being, you must do what I have said when you wake up: take particular care not even to move your head on the pillow, remain absolutely still and let the dream return.

   Some people do not have a passage between one state and another, there is a little gap and so they leap from one to the other; there is no highway passing through all the states of being with no break of the consciousness. A small dark hole, and you do not remember. It is like a precipice across which one has to extend the consciousness. To build a bridge takes a very long time; it takes much longer than building a physical bridge.... Very few people want to and know how to do it. They may have had magnificent activities, they do not remember them or sometimes only the last, the nearest, the most physical activity, with an uncoordinated movement - dreams having no sense.

   But there are as many different kinds of nights and sleep as there are different days and activities. There are not many days that are alike, each day is different. The days are not the same, the nights are not the same. You and your friends are doing apparently the same thing, but for each one it is very different. And each one must have his own procedure.

   Why are two dreams never alike?

Because all things are different. No two minutes are alike in the universe and it will be so till the end of the universe, no two minutes will ever be alike. And men obstinately want to make rules! One must do this and not that.... Well! we must let people please themselves.

   You could have put to me a very interesting question: "Why am I fourteen years old today?" Intelligent people will say: "It is because it is the fourteenth year since you were born." That is the answer of someone who believes himself to be very intelligent. But there is another reason. I shall tell this to you alone.... I have drowned you all sufficiently well! Now you must begin to learn swimming!

   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1953, 36?,


1:The gods have their own rules. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
2:Imagination rules the world. ~ napoleon-bonaparte, @wisdomtrove
3:Money amassed either serves us or rules us. ~ horace, @wisdomtrove
4:In the world of mules there are no rules. ~ ogden-nash, @wisdomtrove
5:The universe does not work by our rules ~ frank-herbert, @wisdomtrove
6:Existence precedes and rules essence. ~ jean-paul-sartre, @wisdomtrove
7:I followed my heart without breaking any rules. ~ confucius, @wisdomtrove
8:If passion rules, how weak does reason prove! ~ john-dryden, @wisdomtrove
9:There are no rules. Just follow your heart. ~ robin-williams, @wisdomtrove
10:You change the rules or you are going under. ~ caroline-myss, @wisdomtrove
11:Invention hovers always a little above the rules. ~ mary-oliver, @wisdomtrove
12:Jah sitteth in Mount Zion, and rules all creation! ~ bob-marley, @wisdomtrove
13:Life has three rules: Paradox, Humor, and Change. ~ dan-millman, @wisdomtrove
14:Even in killing men, observe the rules of propriety. ~ confucius, @wisdomtrove
15:As long as you're dancing, you can break the rules. ~ mary-oliver, @wisdomtrove
16:Carnal lust rules where there is no love of God. ~ saint-augustine, @wisdomtrove
17:Make your own rules or be a slave to another man's. ~ william-blake, @wisdomtrove
18:You change the rules or you are going under. ~ norman-vincent-peale, @wisdomtrove
19:Isn't the greatest rule of all the rules simply to please? ~ moliere, @wisdomtrove
20:The only rules and limits are those we set for ourselves ~ tim-ferris, @wisdomtrove
21:I have no rules and no methods... no secrets. ~ pierre-auguste-renoir, @wisdomtrove
22:Injustice makes the rules, and courage breaks them. ~ ursula-k-le-guin, @wisdomtrove
23:Know the rules well, so you can break them effectively.   ~ dalai-lama, @wisdomtrove
24:Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.   ~ dalai-lama, @wisdomtrove
25:All games are meaningless if you do not know the rules. ~ b-k-s-iyengar, @wisdomtrove
26:If you set the example you will not have to set the rules. ~ zig-ziglar, @wisdomtrove
27:Successful people are the ones who are breaking the rules. ~ seth-godin, @wisdomtrove
28:The golden rule is that there are no golden rules. ~ george-bernard-shaw, @wisdomtrove
29:The object is to win fairly, by the rules - but to win. ~ vince-lombardi, @wisdomtrove
30:The rules of morality are not the conclusion of our reason. ~ david-hume, @wisdomtrove
31:It's clearly more fun to make the rules than to follow them. ~ seth-godin, @wisdomtrove
32:If you kept the small rules, you could break the big ones. ~ george-orwell, @wisdomtrove
33:It's like the Wild West, the Internet. There are no rules. ~ steven-wright, @wisdomtrove
34:If I'd observed all the rules, I'd never have got anywhere. ~ marilyn-monroe, @wisdomtrove
35:Obedience keeps the rules. Love knows when to break them. ~ anthony-de-mello, @wisdomtrove
36:It's not wise to violate rules until you know how to observe them. ~ t-s-eliot, @wisdomtrove
37:Playing the game is far more satisfying than reading the rules. ~ bernard-haisch, @wisdomtrove
38:In combat, spontaneity rules; rote performance of technique perishes. ~ bruce-lee, @wisdomtrove
39:Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist. ~ pablo-picasso, @wisdomtrove
40:The object is to win fairly, squarely, by the rules, but to win. ~ vince-lombardi, @wisdomtrove
41:Straight-forwardness, without the rules of propriety, becomes rudeness. ~ confucius, @wisdomtrove
42:Two rules: 1. Preserve the principal 2. When in doubt, see Rule
43:Young men know the rules, but old men know the exceptions. ~ oliver-wendell-holmes-jr, @wisdomtrove
44:There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs. ~ amsel-adams, @wisdomtrove
45:Laws are not masters but servants, and he rules them who obey them. ~ henry-ward-beecher, @wisdomtrove
46:I'm not trying to follow a set of rules and stuff. I'm just living my life. ~ joel-osteen, @wisdomtrove
47:One of the most important rules of personal effectiveness is the 10/90 rule. ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
48:He who rules his spirit has won a greater victory than the taking of a city. ~ jesus-christ, @wisdomtrove
49:To blossom forth, a work of art must ignore or rather forget all the rules. ~ pablo-picasso, @wisdomtrove
50:If you want to break the rules of grammar, first learn the rules of grammar. ~ kurt-vonnegut, @wisdomtrove
51:Oh, time is short and the days are sweet and passion rules the arrow that flies. ~ bob-dylan, @wisdomtrove
52:Force rules the world-not opinion; but it is opinion that makes use of force. ~ blaise-pascal, @wisdomtrove
53:Rules for Happiness: something to do, someone to love, something to hope for. ~ immanuel-kant, @wisdomtrove
54:People are far more important than rigid rules and demanding expectations. ~ charles-r-swindoll, @wisdomtrove
55:Love rules the camp, the court, the grove - for love is Heaven, and Heaven is love. ~ lord-byron, @wisdomtrove
56:Moral rules ought not to be such as to make instinctive happiness impossible. ~ bertrand-russell, @wisdomtrove
57:Without sin, the universe is a Solemn Game: and there is no good game without rules. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
58:Life is the only game in which the object of the game is to learn the rules. ~ ashleigh-brilliant, @wisdomtrove
59:It is not safe to despise what Love commands. He reigns supreme, and rules the mighty gods. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
60:That was the rule. Break one of my rules once, and I’m bound to break many more. ~ haruki-murakami, @wisdomtrove
61:If religion comprises rules you follow, faith is demonstrated by the actions you take. ~ seth-godin, @wisdomtrove
62:I am slow-thinking and full of interior rules that act as brakes on my desires. ~ f-scott-fitzgerald, @wisdomtrove
63:I would rather be an artist than a leader. Ironically, a leader has to follow the rules. ~ criss-jami, @wisdomtrove
64:The objective is to win: fairly, squarely, decently, win by the rules, but still win. ~ vince-lombardi, @wisdomtrove
65:You don't learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over. ~ richard-branson, @wisdomtrove
66:War ... a reversal of the rules where a man is permitted to kill all the humans he can. ~ john-steinbeck, @wisdomtrove
67:Be natural my children. For the writer that is natural has fulfilled all the rules of art. ~ charles-dickens, @wisdomtrove
68:The pictures placed for ornament and use, The twelve good rules, the royal game of goose. ~ oliver-goldsmith, @wisdomtrove
69:Let a man be stimulated by poetry, established by the rules of propriety, and perfected by music. ~ confucius, @wisdomtrove
70:No rules according to the Universe. You provide the feelings of having it now; it will respond. ~ rhonda-byrne, @wisdomtrove
71:With love, there are no rules. The heart decides and what it decides is all that really matters. ~ paulo-coelho, @wisdomtrove
72:There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are. ~ william-somerset-maugham, @wisdomtrove
73:The commonsense rules of the "real world" are a fragile collection of socially reinforced illusions. ~ tim-ferris, @wisdomtrove
74:All rules for study are summed up in this one: learn only in order to create. ~ friedrich-wilhelm-joseph-schelling, @wisdomtrove
75:The rules are now clear: no one is going to inform you, but it's easier than ever to inform yourself. ~ seth-godin, @wisdomtrove
76:Although the masters make the rules for the wise men and the fools, I've got nothing, Ma, to live up to. ~ bob-dylan, @wisdomtrove
77:Experience will guide us to the rules. You cannot make rules precede practical experience. ~ antoine-de-saint-exupery, @wisdomtrove
78:Never trust a man who carries a handkerchief, I always say. One of many prejudicial rules of thumb. ~ haruki-murakami, @wisdomtrove
79:There is no letter of the law to follow in Zen. There is a lot of etiquette, but there are no rules. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
80:Without an acquaintance with the rules of propriety, it is impossible for the character to be established ~ confucius, @wisdomtrove
81:Although none of the rules for becoming more alive is valid, it is healthy to keep on formulating them. ~ susan-sontag, @wisdomtrove
82:The business of philosophy is not to give rules, but to analyze the private judgments of common reason. ~ immanuel-kant, @wisdomtrove
83:We are reluctant to live outside tribal rules because we are afraid of getting kicked out of the tribe. ~ caroline-myss, @wisdomtrove
84:The whole point of Zen is to suspend the rules we have superimposed on things and to see the world as it is ~ alan-watts, @wisdomtrove
85:They are not wise, then, who stand forth to buffet against Love; for Love rules the gods as he will, and me. ~ sophocles, @wisdomtrove
86:HOW LONG??? No rules on time .. the more aligned you are with positive feelings the quicker things happen. ~ rhonda-byrne, @wisdomtrove
87:I respect orders but I respect myself too and I do not obey foolish rules made especially to humiliate me. ~ jean-paul-sartre, @wisdomtrove
88:We are reluctant to live outside tribal rules because we are afraid of getting kicked out of the tribe. ~ norman-vincent-peale, @wisdomtrove
89:Size is nothing to the universe (unlimited abundance if that's what you wish) We make the rules on size and time. ~ rhonda-byrne, @wisdomtrove
90:He who rules by moral force is like the pole star, which remains in place while all the lesser stars do homage to it. ~ confucius, @wisdomtrove
91:If a man is not good, what has he to do with the rules of propriety? If he is not good, what has he to do with music? ~ confucius, @wisdomtrove
92:Your folks are god, you love them and you want to make them happy but you still want to make up your own rules. ~ chuck-palahniuk, @wisdomtrove
93:Enthusiasm Rules his inner world. Determination Rules his outer world. Therefore Happiness has become His real name. ~ sri-chinmoy, @wisdomtrove
94:I define nothing. Not beauty, not patriotism. I take each thing as it is, without prior rules about what it should be. ~ bob-dylan, @wisdomtrove
95:I have two rules. One is, never trust a man who smokes a pipe. The other is, never trust a man with shiny shoes. ~ charles-bukowski, @wisdomtrove
96:Retaliation is related to nature and instinct, not to law. Law, by definition, cannot obey the same rules as nature. ~ albert-camus, @wisdomtrove
97:They are not rules prescribed by the sovereign to the subject, but agreements between sovereign and sovereign. ~ alexander-hamilton, @wisdomtrove
98:We might think that God wanted simply obedience to a set of rules: whereas He really wants people of a particular sort. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
99:When you're talking about fighting, as it is, with no rules, well then, baby you'd better train every part of your body! ~ bruce-lee, @wisdomtrove
100:Not to be bound by rules, but to be creating one's own rules-this is the kind of life which Zen is trying to have us live. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
101:When our faith becomes nothing more than a series of rules and regulations, joy flees and our love for Christ grows cold. ~ billy-graham, @wisdomtrove
102:Live today to the fullest, and forget about the past. Today you can create a new way of living. You can change all the rules. ~ louise-hay, @wisdomtrove
103:Rules are the offspring of fear. If everyone trusted and followed their true inner spirit, the world would function flawlessly. ~ alan-cohen, @wisdomtrove
104:Tantra is for the person who has gone beyond the rules. They've learned the rules so well that now they can go beyond them. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
105:I believe that in public worship we should do well to be bound by no human rules, and constrained by no stereotyped order. ~ charles-spurgeon, @wisdomtrove
106:As for politics, I’m an anarchist. I hate governments and rules and fetters. Can’t stand caged animals. People must be free. ~ charlie-chaplan, @wisdomtrove
107:Conscience is the guardian in the individual of the rules which the community has evolved for its own preservation. ~ william-somerset-maugham, @wisdomtrove
108:Fear? What has a man to do with fear? Chance rules our lives, and the future is all unknown. Best live as we may, from day to day. ~ sophocles, @wisdomtrove
109:While we do not place our faith directly in angels, we should place it in the God who rules the angels; then we can have peace. ~ billy-graham, @wisdomtrove
110:You shouldn't run around killing people or eating meat. That's not what we mean by tantra. There's no need to break the rules. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
111:The new day has greeted us with no rules except for the rules we placed with it, greet it with open arms and endless possibility. ~ steve-maraboli, @wisdomtrove
112:Three rules: I do not eat too much; I do not worry too much; and, if I do my best, I believe that what happens, happens for the best. ~ henry-ford, @wisdomtrove
113:Adulterers in churches and pornography in the schools, you got gangsters in power and lawbreakers making rules. When you gonna wake up? ~ bob-dylan, @wisdomtrove
114:... and for a moment I thought I loved her. But I am slow-thinking and full of interior rules that act as brakes on my desires ~ f-scott-fitzgerald, @wisdomtrove
115:The church is not an institution forcing us to follow rules but a community inviting us to still our hunger and thirst at its table. ~ henri-nouwen, @wisdomtrove
116:We live in an in-between universe where things change all right... but according to patterns, rules, or as we call them, laws of nature. ~ carl-sagan, @wisdomtrove
117:Gonna change my way of thinking, make my self a different set of rules. Gonna put my good foot forward and stop being influenced by fools. ~ bob-dylan, @wisdomtrove
118:Science is a set of rules to keep us from telling lies to each other. All scientists really have is a reputation for telling the truth. ~ isaac-asimov, @wisdomtrove
119:All the great captains have performed vast achievements by conforming with the rules of art&
120:In general, if a couple cannot expand their original rules and boundaries to accommodate personal growth, the relationship disintegrates. ~ caroline-myss, @wisdomtrove
121:I’ll never make any resolutions. Drop all resolutions! Let life be a natural spontaneity. The only golden rule is that there are no golden rules. ~ rajneesh, @wisdomtrove
122:In general, if a couple cannot expand their original rules and boundaries to accommodate personal growth, the relationship disintegrates. ~ norman-vincent-peale, @wisdomtrove
123:I have learned that one of the most important rules in politics is poise - which means looking like an owl after you have behaved like a jackass. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
124:Whatever a man depends upon, whatever rules his mind, whatever governs his affections, whatever is the chief object of his delight, is his god. ~ charles-spurgeon, @wisdomtrove
125:Judging is preventing us from understanding a new truth. Free yourself from the rules of old judgments and create the space for new understanding. ~ steve-maraboli, @wisdomtrove
126:He was violating the second rule of the two rules for getting on well with people that speak Spanish; give the men tobacco and leave the women alone ~ ernest-hemingway, @wisdomtrove
127:Mathematics is universal. It's discovered by human beings, but the rules of mathematics are the same throughout the universe and the laws of the universe. ~ paul-davies, @wisdomtrove
128:“Science, like life, feeds on its own decay. New facts burst old rules; then newly divined conceptions bind old and new together into a reconciling law.” ~ william-james, @wisdomtrove
129:The clearer the rules and the limits enforced by parents, the higher the child's self-esteem. The more freedom the child had, the lower his self-esteem. ~ martin-seligman, @wisdomtrove
130:You are a simpleton, Hegesias; you do not choose painted figs, but real ones; and yet you pass over the true training and would apply yourself to written rules ~ diogenes, @wisdomtrove
131:The great thing about being the only species that makes a distinction between right and wrong is that we can make up the rules for ourselves as we go along. ~ douglas-adams, @wisdomtrove
132:One of the basic rules of the universe is that nothing is perfect. Perfection simply doesn't exist... ..Without imperfection, neither you nor I would exist ~ stephen-hawking, @wisdomtrove
133:Accepting a government grant with its accompanying rules is like marrying a girl and finding out her entire family is moving in with you before the honeymoon. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
134:I have the instincts of a minstrel rather than those of a scrivener. There you have it. We are not of the same trade at all and so how can your rules fit me? ~ john-steinbeck, @wisdomtrove
135:The propitious smiles of Heaven, can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right, which Heaven itself has ordained... ~ george-washington, @wisdomtrove
136:The superior man, extensively studying all learning, and keeping himself under the restraint of the rules of propriety, may thus likewise not overstep what is right. ~ confucius, @wisdomtrove
137:Nothing is so contrary to military rules as to make the strength of your army known, either in the orders of the day, in proclamations, or in the newspapers. ~ napoleon-bonaparte, @wisdomtrove
138:If we only obey those rules that we think are just and reasonable, then no rule will stand, for there is no rule that some will not think is unjust and unreasonable. ~ isaac-asimov, @wisdomtrove
139:In war, as in politics, no evil - even if it is permissible under the rules - is excusable unless it is absolutely necessary. Everything beyond that is a crime. ~ napoleon-bonaparte, @wisdomtrove
140:Like love, the light or guidance of truth that influences us exists only in living form, not in principles or rules or expectations or advice, however widely circulated ~ alan-watts, @wisdomtrove
141:When writing, you can't break physical rules. You can't have people come back from the dead. That's cheating. I am a kind of narrative fundamentalist in many ways. ~ malcolm-gladwell, @wisdomtrove
142:I have no secret. There are no rules to follow in business. I just work hard and, as I always have done, believe I can do it. Most of all, though, I try to have fun. ~ richard-branson, @wisdomtrove
143:It is the subjective world that rules the objective. Change the subject, and the object is bound to change; purify youreslf, and the world is bound to be purified. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
144:[T]he Famous Rules which the French call, Des Trois Unitez , or, The Three Unities, which ought to be observ'd in every Regular Play; namely, of Time, Place, and Action. ~ john-dryden, @wisdomtrove
145:Cricket is a game full or forlorn hopes and sudden dramatic changes of fortune and its rules are so ill-defined that their interpretation is partly an ethical business. ~ george-orwell, @wisdomtrove
146:There are no rules. Nothing you can do will take you to liberation; therefore, nothing you avoid will help you along the path to liberation.. Everything is liberation. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
147:There are monasteries in Japan where they teach Zen with rules, more rules than you can imagine, and you might feel comfortable with that. I don't teach that type of Zen. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
148:In civilized communities men's idiosyncrasies are mitigated by the necessity of conforming to certain rules of behavior. Culture is a mask that hides their faces. ~ william-somerset-maugham, @wisdomtrove
149:Like children, dogs want discipline and are most secure when they have rules to live by. The happiest dogs are those with gentle masters who quietly but firmly demand respect. ~ dean-koontz, @wisdomtrove
150:Religion is a very dangerous thing. By that I mean being so caught up in rules and regulations and not focusing on the thing that matters most- a personal relationship with God. ~ joyce-meyer, @wisdomtrove
151:If they are wrong they need your prayers all the more; and if they are your enemies, then you are under orders to pray for them. That is one of the rules common to the whole house. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
152:All action is for the sake of some end; and rules of action, it seems natural to suppose, must take their whole character and color from the end to which they are subservient. ~ john-stuart-mill, @wisdomtrove
153:Morals excite passions, and produce or prevent actions. Reason of itself is utterly impotent in this particular. The rules of morality, therefore, are not conclusions of our reason. ~ david-hume, @wisdomtrove
154:To wisely live your life, you don't need to know much Just rememeber two main rules for the beginning: You better starve, than eat whatever And better be alone, than with whoever. ~ omar-khayyam, @wisdomtrove
155:One of the most important rules for success is this: Every great success is the result of hundreds and thousands of small efforts and accomplishments that no one sees or appreciates. ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
156:Common sense is the fundamental factor in all spiritual disciplines. No rule is an eternal rule. Rules change from place to place, time to time and from one condition to another condition. ~ sivananda, @wisdomtrove
157:We cling to the idea that success is a simple function of individual merit and that the world in which we all grow up and the rules we choose to write as a society don't matter at all. ~ malcolm-gladwell, @wisdomtrove
158:For me, beauty is a physical sensation, something we feel with our whole body. It is not the result of judgement. We do not arrive at it by way of rules. We either feel beauty or we don't. ~ jorge-luis-borges, @wisdomtrove
159:Power and violence are opposites; where the one rules absolutely, the other is absent. Violence appears where power is in jeopardy, but left to its own course it ends in power's disappearance. ~ hannah-arendt, @wisdomtrove
160:When ancient opinions and rules of life are taken away, the loss cannot possibly be estimated. From that moment, we have no compass to govern us, nor can we know distinctly to what port to steer. ~ edmund-burke, @wisdomtrove
161:When the leader is morally weak and his discipline not strict, when his instructions and guidance are not enlightened, when there are no consistent rules, neighboring rulers will take advantage of this. ~ sun-tzu, @wisdomtrove
162:I don't think we have any choice. I think we have an obligation to change the rules, to raise the bar, to play a different game, and to play it better than anyone has any right to believe is possible. ~ seth-godin, @wisdomtrove
163:If the mind, that rules the body, ever so far forgets itself as to trample on its slave, the slave is never generous enough to forgive the injury, but will rise and smite the oppressor. ~ henry-wadsworth-longfellow, @wisdomtrove
164:Passionately obsessed by anything we love - an avalanche of magic flattens the way ahead, levels, rules, reasons, dissents, bears us with it over chasms, fears, doubts. Without the power of that love. ~ richard-bach, @wisdomtrove
165:Some day there will have to be some new rules established about name-calling. I don't mean the routine cursing that goes on between husband and wife, but the naming of defenseless, unsuspecting babies. ~ groucho-marx, @wisdomtrove
166:Family quarrels are bitter things. They don't go according to any rules. They're not like aches or wounds, they're more like splits in the skin that won't heal because there's not enough material. ~ f-scott-fitzgerald, @wisdomtrove
167:The ideas I stand for are not mine. I borrowed them from Socrates. I swiped them from Chesterfield. I stole them from Jesus. And I put them in a book. If you don't like their rules, whose would you use? ~ dale-carnegie, @wisdomtrove
168:The true bureaucrat is a man of really remarkable talents. He writes a kind of English that is unknown elsewhere in the world, and an almost infinite capacity for forming complicated and unworkable rules. ~ h-l-mencken, @wisdomtrove
169:No doubt it is an evil to be bound by laws, but it is necessary at the immature stage to be guided by rules; in other words, as the Master used to say that the sapling must be hedged round, and so on. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
170:Structures, how-to’s, dogma, principles…all disciplines and theories should be used to support your freedom and independent thinking. Curiosity is exponentially more powerful than playing by the rules. ~ danielle-laporte, @wisdomtrove
171:A few rules include all that is necessary for the perfection of the definitions, the axioms, and the demonstrations, and consequently of the entire method of the geometrical proofs of the art of persuading. ~ blaise-pascal, @wisdomtrove
172:Honestly, orthodoxy concerns me about as much as it concerns your average jackrabbit. I only follow rules that take me where I want to go. If there aren't any rules, I make up my own and follow them strictly. ~ ursula-k-le-guin, @wisdomtrove
173:Though I cannot claim to be a Christian in the sectarian sense, the example of Jesus suffering is a factor in the composition of my undying faith in non-violence which rules all my actions, worldly and temporal. ~ mahatma-gandhi, @wisdomtrove
174:We understand the rules because we made them up—not in the state we currently find ourselves as human beings, of course, but back when we were literally one with God, before God decided to temporarily become us. ~ bernard-haisch, @wisdomtrove
175:Following our inner guidance may feel risky and frightening at first, because we are no longer playing it safe, doing what we &
176:Practitioners of tantra don't decide to break the rules. They are not particularly hung up on having sex or eating meat or drinking alcohol. They don't strive to do these things, nor do they strive to avoid them. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
177:Man strives toward reason only so that he can make rules for himself. Life itself has no rules. That is its mystery and its unknown law. What you call knowledge is an attempt to impose something comprehensible on life. ~ carl-jung, @wisdomtrove
178:Serious sport has nothing to do with fair play. It is bound up with hatred, jealousy, boastfulness, disregard of all rules and sadistic pleasure in witnessing violence. In other words, it is war minus the shooting. ~ george-orwell, @wisdomtrove
179:Every business, like a painting, operates according to its own rules. There are many ways to run a successful company. What works once may never work again. What everyone tells you never to do may just work, once. ~ richard-branson, @wisdomtrove
180:Heavenly Father, thank You for Your peace that rules my heart. I choose Your peace today and thank You for guiding my every step. I choose to be thankful today and bless You for Your faithfulness. In Jesus Name. Amen. ~ joel-osteen, @wisdomtrove
181:Love lets go. Need holds on. This is the way you can tell the difference between need and love. Let go of expectation, let go of requirements and rules and regulations that you would impose on your loved ones. ~ neale-donald-walsch, @wisdomtrove
182:Whenever I work on a film, I have three rules. Only three and I tell them to every screenwriter. I say let's retain the spirit and the intent of the overall story. Let's make it the best film that we possibly can. ~ nicholas-sparks, @wisdomtrove
183:Rules for Self Discovery: 1. What we want most; 2. What we think about most; 3. How we use our money; 4. What we do with our leisure time; 5. The company we enjoy; 6. Who and what we admire; 7. What we laugh at. ~ aiden-wilson-tozer, @wisdomtrove
184:Until I became a published writer, I remained completely ignorant of books on how to write and courses on the subject ... they would have spoiled my natural style; made me observe caution; would have hedged me with rules. ~ isaac-asimov, @wisdomtrove
185:All our days are marked with/ unexpected/ affronts&
186:Let me live according to those holy rules which Thou hast this day prescribed in Thy Holy Word... direct me to the true object, Jesus Christ, the way, the truth, and the life. Bless, O Lord, all the people of this land. ~ george-washington, @wisdomtrove
187:This new day has greeted us with no rules; unconditional opportunity. Do not dilute the power of this new day with the hardship of yesterday. Greet this day the way it has greeted you; with open arms and endless possibility. ~ steve-maraboli, @wisdomtrove
188:Call them rules or call them limits, good ones, I believe, have this in common: they serve reasonable purposes; they are practical and within a child's capability; they are consistent; and they are an expression of loving concern. ~ fred-rogers, @wisdomtrove
189:... one of those librarians who rules the stacks with an intimidating scowl, whispers quiet sharply enough to lacerate the tender inner tissues of the ear, and will pursue an overdue-book fine with the ferocity of a rabid ferret. ~ dean-koontz, @wisdomtrove
190:When we see an effect happen always in the same manner, we infer that it takes place by a natural necessity; as, for instance, that the sun will rise to morrow; but nature often deceives us, and will not submit to its own rules. ~ blaise-pascal, @wisdomtrove
191:If morality had naturally no influence on human passions and actions, it were in vain to take such pains to inculcate it; and nothing would be more fruitless than that multitude of rules and precepts with which all moralists abound. ~ david-hume, @wisdomtrove
192:That's what self-discovery seems to mean to most people. You're going to beat yourself up. You're going to reduce what you're supposed to be and do to a set of rules so you can defy them, or so you can perform them and feel smug. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
193:You are a player in the rigorous game of living. You can’t blame the game if you don’t believe the rules or bother to remember them.The first rule is: every player dies; none knows when it’s coming; the youngest and best often go first. ~ barry-long, @wisdomtrove
194:Two conflicting forces cannot exist in one human heart. When doubt reigns, faith cannot abide. Where hatred rules, love is crowded out. Where selfishness rules, there love cannot dwell. When worry is present, trust cannot crowd its way in. ~ billy-graham, @wisdomtrove
195:Do you want to be a power in the world? Then be yourself. Be true to the highest within your soul and then allow yourself to be governed by no customs or conventionalities or arbitrary man- made rules that are not founded on principle. ~ ralph-waldo-emerson, @wisdomtrove
196:It is only in the last 800 years that the rules have come into being and conservative Zen has surfaced. It is not particularly popular in Japan at all. Hardly anybody practices Zen any more because it's just too strict; there are too many rules. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
197:It would be peculiarly improper to omit in this first official act my fervent supplications to that Almighty Being Who rules over the universe, Who presides in the councils of nations, and Whose providential aids can supply every human defect. ~ george-washington, @wisdomtrove
198:The basic rule [of writing] given us was simple and heartbreaking. A story to be effective had to convey something from the writer to the reader, and the power of its offering was the measure of its excellence. Outside of that, there were no rules. ~ john-steinbeck, @wisdomtrove
199:One of the things that I noticed in war was how difficult it was for our soldiers, at first, to realize that there are no rules to war. Our men were raised in sports, where a referee runs a football game, or an umpire a baseball game, and so forth. ~ dwight-eisenhower, @wisdomtrove
200:True eloquence makes light of eloquence, true morality makes light of morality; that is to say, the morality of the judgment, which has no rules, makes light of the morality of the intellect... . To make light of philosophy is to be a true philosopher. ~ blaise-pascal, @wisdomtrove
201:There are hardly any truths upon which we always remain agreed, and still fewer objects of pleasure which we do not change every hour, I do not know whether there is a means of giving fixed rules for adapting discourse to the inconstancy of our caprices. ~ blaise-pascal, @wisdomtrove
202:The realization that life is absurd and cannot be an end, but only a beginning. This is a truth nearly all great minds have taken as their starting point. It is not this discovery that is interesting, but the consequences and rules of action drawn from it. ~ albert-camus, @wisdomtrove
203:Today, many will choose to live free of conditions and rules governing their own happiness. Why not you? Do not let another day go by where your dedication to other people's opinions is greater than your dedication to your own emotions! Today's a new day! ~ steve-maraboli, @wisdomtrove
204:The goal of life is not to win. It is to play the game with love. The rules of the game are: have a strong desire to win, believe that you are worthy of winning, have faith that you will win, and, as long as you are alive, never believe that the game is over. ~ lyania-vanzant, @wisdomtrove
205:I stand for the square deal. I mean not merely that I stand for fair play under the present rules of the game, but that I stand for having those rules changed so as to work for a more substantial equality of opportunity and of reward for equally good service. ~ theodore-roosevelt, @wisdomtrove
206:How would your life be different if... You decided to give freely, love fully, and play feverously? Let today be the day... You free yourself from the conditioned rules that limit your happiness and dilute the beautiful life experience. Have fun. Give - Love - Play! ~ steve-maraboli, @wisdomtrove
207:Life has three rules: Paradox, Humor, and Change. - Paradox: Life is a mystery; don't waste your time trying to figure it out. - Humor: Keep a sense of humor, especially about yourself. It is a strength beyond all measure - Change: Know that nothing ever stays the same. ~ dan-millman, @wisdomtrove
208:The general public is easy. You don't have to answer to anyone; and as long as you follow the rules of your profession, you needn't worry about the consequences. But the problem with the powerful and rich is that when they are sick, they really want their doctors to cure them. ~ moliere, @wisdomtrove
209:To me a lawyer is basically the person that knows the rules of the country. We're all throwing the dice, playing the game, moving our pieces around the board, but if there's a problem, the lawyer is the only person that has actually read the inside of the top of the box. ~ jerry-seinfeld, @wisdomtrove
210:In reality, moral rules are directions for running the human machine. Every moral rule is there to prevent a breakdown, or a strain, or a friction, in the running of that machine. That is why these rules at first seem to be constantly interfering with our natural inclinations. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
211:It cannot be denied that he has had many exceptional ideas, and that he is a highly intelligent man. For my part, however, I have always been taught to take a broad overview of things, in order to be able to deduce from them general rules, which might be applicable elsewhere. ~ rene-descartes, @wisdomtrove
212:Community organizing is all about building grassroots support. It's about identifying the people around you with whom you can create a common, passionate cause. And it's about ignoring the conventional wisdom of company politics and instead playing the game by very different rules. ~ tom-peters, @wisdomtrove
213:If you're white and you're wrong, then you're wrong; if you're black and you're wrong, you're wrong. People are people. Black, blue, pink, green - God make no rules about color; only society make rules where my people suffer, and that why we must have redemption and redemption now. ~ bob-marley, @wisdomtrove
214:Truly wealthy people develop the habit of "getting rich slow" rather than "getting rich quick." To assure this, they have two rules with regard to money. Rule number one: Don't lose money. Rule number two: If ever you feel tempted, refer back to rule number one, "don't lose money." ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
215:Forget all the conventional &
216:If the people are governed by laws and punishment is used to maintain order, they will try to avoid the punishment but have no sense of shame. If they are governed by virtue and rules of propriety are used to maintain order, they will have a sense of shame and will become good as well. ~ confucius, @wisdomtrove
217:Your adventure has to be coming out of your own interior. If you are ready for it then doors will open where there were no doors before, and where there would not be doors for anyone else. And you must have courage. It's the call to adventure, which means there is no security, no rules. ~ joseph-campbell, @wisdomtrove
218:Breaking the rules and challenging convention is in the DNA of every successful entrepreneur. Doing things differently and solving problems with new, innovative and fresh approaches are the very reason many start-ups are able to compete and sometimes outpace the established market leaders. ~ richard-branson, @wisdomtrove
219:In tragedy and despair, when an endless night seems to have fallen, hope can be found in the realization taht the companion of night is not another night, that the companion of night is day, that darkness always gives way to light, and that death rules only half of creation, life the other half. ~ dean-koontz, @wisdomtrove
220:Even though we have lost yardsticks by which to measure, and rules under which to subsume the particular, a being whose essence is a beginning may have enough of origin within himself to understand without preconceived categories and to judge without the set of customary rules which is morality. ~ hannah-arendt, @wisdomtrove
221:We may conclude, therefore, that, in order to establish laws for the regulation of property, we must be acquainted with the nature and situation of man; must reject appearances, which may be false, though specious; and must search for those rules, which are, on the whole, most useful and beneficial. ~ david-hume, @wisdomtrove
222:Progress is not possible without discipline. A nation, institution, family or individual can advance only by heeding the words of those who deserve respect and by obeying the appropriate rules and regulations. Children, obedience is not weakness. Obedience with humility leads to discipline. ~ mata-amritanandamayi, @wisdomtrove
223:Faith is the "eternal elixir" which gives life, power and action to the impulse of thought! Faith is the starting point of all accumulation of riches! Faith is the basis of all "miracles" and all mysteries which cannot be analyzed by the rules of science! Faith is the only known antidote for failure! ~ napoleon-hill, @wisdomtrove
224:Her grey, sun-strained eyes stared straight ahead, but she had deliberately shifted our relations, and for a moment I thought I loved her. But I am slow-thinking and full of interior rules that act as brakes on my desires, and I knew that first I had to get myself definitely out of that tangle back home. ~ f-scott-fitzgerald, @wisdomtrove
225: M: Must one suffer only for one's own sins? Are we really separate? In this vast ocean of life, we suffer for the sins of others, and make others suffer for our sins. Of course, the law of balance rules Supreme and accounts are squared in the end. But while life lasts, we affect each other deeply. ~ sri-nisargadatta-maharaj, @wisdomtrove
226:Throughout my business life I have always tried to keep on top of costs and protect the downside risk as much possible. The Virgin Group has survived only because we have always kept tight control of our cash. But, likewise, I also know that sometimes it is essential to break these rules and spend lavishly. ~ richard-branson, @wisdomtrove
227:Protection, therefore, against the tyranny of the magistrate is not enough; there needs protection against the tyranny of the prevailing opinion and feeling, against the tendency of society to impose, by other means than civil penalties, its own ideas and practices as rules of conduct on those who dissent from them. ~ john-stuart-mill, @wisdomtrove
228:What we need to understand is that when traditions become laws, rules, obligations and expectations others put on us that we don't want to fulfill, then they lose real meaning and steal the joy from our lives. And if we're too religious, we won't be able to be led by the Holy Spirit and enjoy an intimate relationship with Him. ~ joyce-meyer, @wisdomtrove
229:Reason in a creature is a faculty of widening the rules and purposes of the use of all its powers far beyond natural instinct; it acknowledges no limits to its projects. Reason itself does not work instinctively, but requires trial, practice, and instruction in order gradually to progress from one level of insight to another. ~ immanuel-kant, @wisdomtrove
230:Capitalism does not permit an even flow of economic resources. With this system, a small privileged few are rich beyond conscience, and almost all others are doomed to be poor at some level. That's the way the system works. And since we know that the system will not change the rules, we are going to have to change the system. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
231:A queen is wise. She has earned her serenity, not having had it bestowed on her but having passer her tests. She has suffered and grown more beautiful because of it. She has proved she can hold her kingdom together. She has become its vision. She cares deeply about something bigger than herself. She rules with authentic power. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
232:Never had I understood that I command, with absolute authority, the ship of my life! I decide its mission and rules and discipline, at my word waits every tool and sail, every cannon, the strength of every soul on board. I'm master of a team of passionate skills to sail me through hell's own jaws the second I nod the direction to steer. ~ richard-bach, @wisdomtrove
233:Just as man's physical existence was liberated when he grasped that &
234:The study of law can be disappointing at times, a matter of applying narrow rules and arcane procedure to an uncooperative reality; a sort of glorified accounting that serves to regulate the affairs of those who have power&
235:I do think that religion has turned a lot of people off. Part of it is because it was all about the rules and was political. I think now people have a hunger for God, they want to have a relationship, but they don't want to be called religious. I'm not trying to get them to join my religion, I'm just trying to plant a seed of hope in their heart. ~ joel-osteen, @wisdomtrove
236:The rules of the game of life are quite simple. Always tell the truth. Never live in fear of anything or anyone. Be conscious of what you are thinking so you can always think positively. Do everything that you do for the love of doing it. If you devote yourself, your time and your energy to following these rules, have no doubt - you cannot lose! ~ lyania-vanzant, @wisdomtrove
237:All writers on the science of policy are agreed, and they agree with experience, that all governments must frequently infringe the rules of justice to support themselves; that truth must give way to dissimulation, honesty to convenience, and humanity itself to the reigning of interest. The whole of this mystery of iniquity is called the reason of state. ~ edmund-burke, @wisdomtrove
238:If they [Plato and Aristotle] wrote about politics it was as if to lay down rules for a madhouse. And if they pretended to treat it as something really important it was because they knew that the madmen they were talking to believed themselves to be kings and emperors. They humored these beliefs in order to calm down their madness with as little harm as possible. ~ blaise-pascal, @wisdomtrove
239:The child who refuses to travel in the father's harness, this is the symbol of man's most unique capability. "I do not have to be what my father was. I do not have to obey my father's rules or even believe everything he believed. It is my strength as a human that I can make my own choices of what to believe and what not to believe, of what to be and what not to be. ~ frank-herbert, @wisdomtrove
240:and in that recurring dream, I found myself trapped in some sort of gigantic game of which I was unfamiliar with the rules; lost in a labyrinthine town of dark and damp, criss-crossing streets, ambiguous characters of uncertain authority having no idea of why I was there nor what I had to do, and where the first sign of the beginning of understanding was the wish to die. ~ franz-kafka, @wisdomtrove
241:Life is a game in which the rules are constantly changing; nothing spoils a game more than those who take it seriously. Adultery? Phooey! You should never subjugate yourself to another nor seek the subjugation of someone else to yourself. If you follow that Crispian principle you will be able to say Phooey, too, instead of reaching for your gun when you fancy yourself betrayed. ~ quentin-crisp, @wisdomtrove
242:In western civilization, the period ruled by mysticism is known as the &
243:When certain unmarried men, who had lost their capacity to sin, sat indoors, breathing bad air, and passed resolutions about what was right and what wrong, making rules for the guidance of the people, instead of trusting to the natural, happy instincts of the individual, they ushered in the Dark Ages. These are the gentlemen who blocked human evolution absolutely for a thousand years. ~ elbert-hubbard, @wisdomtrove
244:Many priests and employees at temples work for pay. No one should judge religion on the basis of the shortcomings of such workers. We should frame suitable rules and regulations for preventing them from falling prey to material temptations. The true guiding spirits of religion are those who engage in selfless service while dedicating their entire lives to attaining the vision of God. ~ mata-amritanandamayi, @wisdomtrove
245:Those who live as though God sets the rules are not going by their own rules. That is the self-sacrifice, or selflessness, that peace more often than not requires. Those who insist on going by their own rules cannot make that sacrifice. They are the steady adherents of (global) conflict because they are forever fighting both themselves and others to do whatever they think that they want to do. ~ criss-jami, @wisdomtrove
246:Even if there is only one possible unified theory, it is just a set of rules and equations. What is it that breathes fire into the equations and makes a universe for them to describe? The usual approach of science of constructing a mathematical model cannot answer the questions of why there should be a universe for the model to describe. Why does the universe go to all the bother of existing? ~ stephen-hawking, @wisdomtrove
247:There is no patent recipe for getting good citizenship. You get it by applying the old, old rules of decent conduct, the rules in accordance with which decent men have had to shape their lives from the beginning .. fundamental precepts, put forth in the Bible and embodied consciously or unconsciously in the code of morals of every great and successful nation from antiquity to modern times. ~ theodore-roosevelt, @wisdomtrove
248:The essence of a sound style is that it cannot be reduced to rules-that it is a living and breathing thing with something of the devilish in it-that it fits its proprietor tightly yet ever so loosely, as his skin fits him. It is, in fact, quite as seriously an integral part of him as that skin is. . . . In brief, a style is always the outward and visible symbol of a man, and cannot be anything else. ~ h-l-mencken, @wisdomtrove
249:Now Catherine would die. That was what you did. You died. You did not know what it was about. You never had time to learn. They threw you in and told you the rules and the first time they caught you off base they killed you. Or they killed you gratuitously like Aymo. Or gave you the syphilis like Rinaldi. But they killed you in the end. You could count on that. Stay around and they would kill you. ~ ernest-hemingway, @wisdomtrove
250:Science is complex and chilling. The mathematical language of science is understood by very few. The vistas it presents are scary-an enormous universe ruled by chance and impersonal rules, empty and uncaring, ungraspable and vertiginous. How comfortable to turn instead to a small world, only a few thousand years old, and under God's personal; and immediate care; a world in which you are His peculiar concern. ~ isaac-asimov, @wisdomtrove
251:What is bad? What is good? What should one love, what hate? Why live, and what am I? What is lie,what is death? What power rules over everything?" he asked himself. And there was no answer to any of these questions except one, which was not logical and was not at all an answer to these questions. This answer was: "You will die&
252:My own view is that the Churches should frankly recognise that the majority of the British people are not Christians and, therefore, cannot be expected to live Christian lives. There ought to be two distinct kinds of marriage: one governed by the State with rules enforced on all citizens, the other governed by the Church with rules enforced by her on her own members." -about the only statement i agree with in this book ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
253:How great is the path proper to the Sage! Like overflowing water, it sends forth and nourishes all things, and rises up to the height of heaven. All-complete is its  greatness! It embraces the three hundred rules of ceremony, and the three thousand rules of demeanor. It waits for the proper man, and then it is trodden. Hence it is  said, &
254:Success is not to be gained by a blind and slavish following of anyone's rules or advice, our own any more than any other person's. There is no royal road to success- no patent process by which the unsuccessful are to be magically transformed. . . . Rules and advice may greatly assist-and they undoubtedly do this-but the real work must be accomplished by the individual. He or she must carve out his or her own destiny. ~ william-walker-atkinson, @wisdomtrove
255:... legitimacy is based on three things. First of all, the people who are asked to obey authority have to feel like they have a voice&
256:[Science] is not perfect. It can be misused. It is only a tool. But it is by far the best tool we have, self-correcting, ongoing, applicable to everything. It has two rules. First: there are no sacred truths; all assumptions must be critically examined; arguments from authority are worthless. Second: whatever is inconsistent with the facts must be discarded or revised. ... The obvious is sometimes false; the unexpected is sometimes true. ~ carl-sagan, @wisdomtrove
257:Ultimately, however, there is no absolute good or bad, no timeless right or wrong, only that which does or does not advance our (i.e. God's) existential purpose. Rules of proper behavior depend upon time and place, because the consequences of the things we do largely depend on the context in which they are done. Consider how the sex act can be a crime or a consummation of love, depending solely on the context in which it is performed. ~ bernard-haisch, @wisdomtrove
258:Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print. Never use a long word where a short one will do. If it is possible to cut a word out always cut it out. Never use the passive voice where you can use the active. Never use a foreign phrase a scientific word or a jargon word if you can think of an everyday English equivalent. Break any of these rules sooner than say anything outright barbarous. ~ george-orwell, @wisdomtrove
259:I've come up with a set of rules that describe our reactions to technologies: 1. Anything that is in the world when you’re born is normal and ordinary and is just a natural part of the way the world works. 2. Anything that's invented between when you’re fifteen and thirty-five is new and exciting and revolutionary and you can probably get a career in it. 3. Anything invented after you're thirty-five is against the natural order of things. ~ douglas-adams, @wisdomtrove
260:Of all modern notions, the worst is this: that domesticity is dull. Inside the home, they say, is dead decorum and routine; outside is adventure and variety. But the truth is that the home is the only place of liberty, the only spot on earth where a man can alter arrangements suddenly, make an experiment or indulge in a whim. The home is not the one tame place in a world of adventure; it is the one wild place in a world of rules and set tasks. ~ g-k-chesterton, @wisdomtrove
261:There exists in the economy and course of nature, an indissoluble union between virtue and happiness; between duty and advantage; between the genuine maxims of an honest and magnanimous policy, and the solid rewards of public prosperity and felicity; since we ought to be no less persuaded that the propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right, which Heaven itself has ordained. ~ george-washington, @wisdomtrove
262:as a writer you are free. You are about the freest person that ever was. Your freedom is what you have bought with your solitude, your loneliness. You are in the country where you make up the rules, the laws. You are both dictator and obedient populace. It is a country nobody has ever explored before. It is up to you to make the maps, to build the cities. Nobody else in the world can do it, or ever could do it, or ever will be able to do it again. ~ ursula-k-le-guin, @wisdomtrove
263:Two simple principles lie at the bottom of the whole matter, and they may be precipitated into two rules. The first is that, when there is a choice, the milder drink is always the better-not merely the safer but the better. The second is that no really enlightened drinker ever takes a drink at a time when he has any work to do. There is, of course, more to it than this; but these are sufficient for the beginner, and even the virtuoso never outgrows them. ~ h-l-mencken, @wisdomtrove
264:The way the world works now, the way the rules of engagement operate, you can't claim to make sense out of the exterior without booking voyages into the interior. Think about it: How can you understand &
265:Confine yourself to observing and you always miss the point of your life. The object can be stated this way: Live the best life you can. Life is a game whose rules you learn if you leap into it and play it to the hilt. Otherwise, you are caught off balance, continually surprised by the shifting play. Non-players often whine and complain that luck always passes them by. They refuse to see that they can create some of their own luck. Darwi Odrade - Chapterhouse: Dune ~ frank-herbert, @wisdomtrove
266:Much that was called religion has carried an unconscious attitude of hostility toward life. True religion must teach that life is filled with joys pleasing to the eye of God, that knowledge without action is empty. All men must see that the teaching of religion by rules and rote is largely a hoax. The proper teaching is recognized with ease. You can know it without fail because it awakens within you that sensation which tells you this is something you’ve always known. ~ frank-herbert, @wisdomtrove
267:The time must come inevitably when mankind shall surmount the imbecility of religion, as it has surmounted the imbecility of religion's ally, magic. It is impossible to imagine this world being really civilized so long as so much nonsense survives. In even its highest forms religion embraces concepts that run counter to all common sense. It can be defended only by making assumptions and adopting rules of logic that are never heard of in any other field of human thinking. ~ h-l-mencken, @wisdomtrove
268:The fault with all religions like Christianity is that they have one set of rules for all. But Hindu religion is suited to all grades of religious aspiration and progress. It contains all the ideals in their perfect form. For example, the ideal of Shanta or blessedness is to be found in Vasishtha; that of love in Krishna; that of duty in Rama and Sita; and that of intellect in Shukadeva. Study the characters of these and of other ideal men. Adopt one which suits you best. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
269:I had refused to pay any attention to the moral laws upon which all our vitality and sanity depend: and so now I was reduced to the condition of a silly old woman, worrying about a lot of imaginary rules of health, standards of food-value, and a thousand minute details of conduct that were in themselves completely ridiculous and stupid, and yet which haunted me with vague and terrific sanctions. If I eat this, I may go out of my mind. If I do not eat that, I may die in the night. ~ thomas-merton, @wisdomtrove
270:The physicist is like someone who's watching people playing chess and, after watching a few games, he may have worked out what the moves in the game are. But understanding the rules is just a trivial preliminary on the long route from being a novice to being a grand master. So even if we understand all the laws of physics, then exploring their consequences in the everyday world where complex structures can exist is a far more daunting task, and that's an inexhaustible one I'm sure. ~ martin-rees, @wisdomtrove
271:How did I get into the world? Why was I not asked about it and why was I not informed of the rules and regulations but just thrust into the ranks as if I had been bought by a peddling shanghaier of human beings? How did I get involved in this big enterprise called actuality? Why should I be involved? Isn't it a matter of choice? And if I am compelled to be involved, where is the manager—I have something to say about this. Is there no manager? To whom shall I make my complaint? ~ soren-kierkegaard, @wisdomtrove
272:How so many absurd rules of conduct, as well as so many absurd religious beliefs, have originated, we do not know; nor how it is that they have become, in all quarters of the world, so deeply impressed on the minds of men; but it is worthy of remark that a belief constantly inculcated during the early years of life, while the brain is impressionable, appears to acquire almost the nature of an instinct; and the very essence of an instinct is that it is followed independently of reason. ~ charles-darwin, @wisdomtrove
273:To achieve consistently terrific customer service, you must hire wonderful people who believe in your company's goals, habitually do better than the norm and who will love their jobs; make sure that their ideas and opinions are heard and respected; then give them the freedom to help and solve problems for your customers. Rather than providing rules or scripts, you should ask them to treat the customer as they themselves would like to be treated - which is surely the highest standard. ~ richard-branson, @wisdomtrove
274:Third, and finally, the educated citizen has an obligation to uphold the law. This is the obligation of every citizen in a free and peaceful society&
275:Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes… The ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules… You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things… They push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do. ~ steve-jobs, @wisdomtrove
276:These prin­ciples laid down as in variable rules: that one must pay a card sharper, but need not pay a tailor; that one must never tell a lie to a man, but one may to a woman; that one must never cheat any one, but one may a husband; that one must never pardon an insult, but one may give one and so on. These principles were possibly not reasonable and not good, but they were of unfailing certainty, and so long as he adhered to them, Vronsky felt that his heart was at peace and he could hold his head up. ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
277:Christianity seems at first to be all about morality, all about duties and rules and guilt and virtue, yet it leads you on, out of all that, into something beyond. One has a glimpse of a country where they do not talk of those things, except perhaps as a joke. Every one there is filled full with what we should call goodness as a mirror is filled with light. But they do not call it goodness. They do not call it anything. They are not thinking of it. They are too busy looking at the source from which it comes. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
278:If we can get that realistic feminine morality working for us, if we can trust ourselves and so let women think and feel that an unwanted child or an oversize family is wrong - not ethically wrong, not against the rules, but morally wrong, all wrong, wrong like a thalidomide birth, wrong like taking a wrong step that will break your neck - if we can get feminine and human morality out from under the yoke of a dead ethic, then maybe we'll begin to get somewhere on the road that leads to survival. ~ ursula-k-le-guin, @wisdomtrove
279:If Christ be a fraud, he was among the most peculiar yet brilliant of frauds in saying that only he was the way, the truth, and the life. This is the importance of grace - some people think that simply being nice and not harming others is morality; others think that following rules and tithing are morality. But without Christ, all moral beliefs ultimately boil down to the one sin which perpetually rails against the concept of grace: man's lawful, religious, and futile attempt at establishing his own righteousness. ~ criss-jami, @wisdomtrove
280:It is very difficult to understand why in this country [India] so much difference is made between men and women, whereas the Vedanta declares that one and the same conscious Self is present in all beings. You always criticize the women, but say what have you done for their uplift? Writing down Smritis etc., and binding them by hard rules, the men have turned the women into manufacturing machines! If you do not raise the women, who are living embodiment of the Divine Mother, don’t think that you have any other way to rise. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
281:“Happiness, like every other emotional state, has blindness and insensibility to opposing facts given it as its instinctive weapon for self-protection against disturbance. When happiness is actually in possession, the thought of evil can no more acquire the feeling of reality than the thought of good can gain reality when melancholy rules. To the man actively happy, from whatever cause, evil simply cannot then and there be believed in. He must ignore it; and to the bystander he may then seem perversely to shut his eyes to it and hush it up.” ~ william-james, @wisdomtrove
282:For what it’s worth... it’s never too late, or in my case too early, to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit. Start whenever you want. You can change or stay the same. There are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you’ve never felt before. I hope you meet people who have a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of, and if you’re not, I hope you have the courage to start over again. ~ f-scott-fitzgerald, @wisdomtrove
283:My fervent supplications to that Almighty Being who rules over the universe; who presides in the councils of nations; and whose providential aid can supply every human defect; that his benediction may consecrate to the liberties and happiness of the People of the United States, a Government instituted by themselves for these essential purposes, and may enable every instrument employed in its administration to execute with success the functions allotted to his charge. In tendering this homage to the Great Author of every public and private good. ~ george-washington, @wisdomtrove
284:For what it’s worth: it’s never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the courage to start all over again. ~ f-scott-fitzgerald, @wisdomtrove
285:Must you write complete sentences each time, every time? Perish the thought. If your work consists only of fragments and floating clauses, the Grammar Police aren't going to come and take you away. Even William Strunk, that Mussolini of rhetoric, recognized the delicious pliability of language. "It is an old observation," he writes, "that the best writers sometimes disregard the rules of rhetoric." Yet he goes on to add this thought, which I urge you to consider: "Unless he is certain of doing well, [the writer] will probably do best to follow the rules." ~ stephen-king, @wisdomtrove
286:I do not know why there is this difference, but I am sure that God keeps no one waiting unless He sees that it is good for him to wait. When you do enter your room, you will find that the long wait has done you some kind of good which you would not have had otherwise. But you must regard it as waiting, not as camping. You must keep on praying for light: and of course, even in the hall, you must begin trying to obey the rules which are common to the whole house. And above all you must be asking which door is the true one; not which pleases you best by its paint and paneling. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
287:All I'm arguing for really is that we should have a conversation where the best ideas really thrive, where there's no taboo against criticizing bad ideas, and where everyone who shows up, in order to get their ideas entertained, has to meet some obvious burdens of intellectual rigor and self-criticism and honesty-and when people fail to do that, we are free to stop listening to them. What religion has had up until this moment is a different set of rules that apply only to it, which is you have to respect my religious certainty even though I'm telling you I arrived at it irrationally. ~ sam-harris, @wisdomtrove
288:Then there came a faraway, booming voice like a low, clear bell. It came from the center of the bowl and down the great sides to the ground and then bounced toward her eagerly. &
289:Fiction isn't bad. It is vital. Without commonly accepted stories about things like money, states or corporations, no complex human society can function. We can't play football unless everyone believes in the same made-up rules, and we can't enjoy the benefits of markets and courts without similar make-believe stories. But stories are just tools. They shouldn't become our goals or our yardsticks. When we forget that they are mere fiction, we lose touch with reality. Then we begin entire wars `to make a lot of money for the corporation' or &
290:Be silent and listen: have you recognised your madness and do you admit it? Have you noticed that all your foundations are completely mired in madness? Do you not want to recognise your madness and welcome it in a friendly manner? You wanted to accept everything. So accept madness too. Let the light of your madness shine, and it will suddenly dawn on you. Madness is not to be despised and not to be feared, but instead you should give it life... If you want to find paths, you should also not spurn madness, since it makes up such a great part of your nature... Be glad that you can recognise it, for you will thus avoid becoming its victim. Madness is a special form of the spirit and clings to all teachings and philosophies, but even more to daily life, since life itself is full of craziness and at bottom utterly illogical. Man strives toward reason only so that he can make rules for himself. Life itself has no rules. That is its mystery and its unknown law. What you call knowledge is an attempt to impose something comprehensible on life. ~ carl-jung, @wisdomtrove
291:The only proper purpose of a government is to protect man's rights, which means: to protect him from physical violence. A proper government is only a policeman, acting as an agent of man's self-defense, and, as such, may resort to force only against those who start the use of force. The only proper functions of a government are: the police, to protect you from criminals; the army, to protect you from foreign invaders; and the courts, to protect your property and contracts from breaches or fraud by the others, to settle disputes by rational rules, according to objective law. But a government that initiates the employment of force against men who had forced no one, the employment of armed compulsion against disarmed victims, is a nightmare infernal machine designed to annihilate morality: such a government reverses its only moral purpose and switches from the role of protector to the role of man's deadliest enemy, from the role of of policeman to the role of a criminal vested with the right to the wielding of violence against the victims deprived of the right of self-defense. Such a government substitutes for morality the following rule of social conduct: you may do whatever you please to your neighbor, provided your gang is bigger than his. ~ ayn-rand, @wisdomtrove

*** NEWFULLDB 2.4M ***

1:Limit the rules. ~ Jordan Peterson,
2:Stephen King rules! ~ Stephen King,
3:One who rules is ruled. ~ T F Hodge,
4:Limit the rules. ~ Jordan B Peterson,
5:My house. My rules. ~ Ella Dominguez,
6:When turmoil rules, go in. ~ Lao Tzu,
7:My house, my rules! ~ Stephenie Meyer,
8:The gods have their own rules. ~ Ovid,
9:I like breaking the rules. ~ Lexa Doig,
10:Injustice never rules forever ~ Seneca,
11:love rules without rules ~ Thomas More,
12:Zut’s rules were simple. ~ Amor Towles,
13:Love rules without rules. ~ Claire Cook,
14:Maybe the rules are wrong! ~ Kiera Cass,
15:No one rules if no one obeys. ~ Lao Tzu,
16:Number rules the universe. ~ Pythagoras,
17:The rules have changed. ~ Aleatha Romig,
18:Bollocks to the rules! ~ William Golding,
19:Integrity needs no rules. ~ Albert Camus,
20:Rules are meant to be broken ~ Ker Dukey,
21:The rules are simple! ~ Kazuki Takahashi,
22:No one rules if no one obeys ~ David Icke,
23:That which submits rules. ~ Frank Herbert,
24:A strong spirit transcends rules. ~ Prince,
25:Life rules apply to running. ~ Parul Sheth,
26:Running rules apply to life. ~ Parul Sheth,
27:Two very simple rules: ~ Raymond Chandler,
28:My head, my rules. ~ Alexander Gordon Smith,
29:There are 2 rules in life: ~ Duke Ellington,
30:Whatever, I make my own rules! ~ Kelly Oram,
31:Who guides below, and rules above, ~ Horace,
32:break the rules pay the price ~ Brandon Mull,
33:I like rules that are broken. ~ Shelby Lynne,
34:Life is short, break the rules. ~ Mark Twain,
35:Rules are different for poets. ~ Holly Black,
36:The beginning sets the rules. ~ Mason Cooley,
37:but rules are made to be broken. ~ Kyra Davis,
38:Even in hell, there are rules. ~ Jaye Frances,
39:Imagination rules the earth ~ Albert Einstein,
40:Necessity knows no rules. ~ August Strindberg,
41:well-you-did-break-school-rules ~ J K Rowling,
42:I had always broken the rules. ~ Lauren Hutton,
43:Integrity has no need of rules. ~ Albert Camus,
44:Rules? PISS ON YOUR FUCKING RULES! ~ Ken Kesey,
45:There are no rules for felicity. ~ Victor Hugo,
46:There are no rules in filmmaking ~ Frank Capra,
47:The rules just changed, I thought. ~ Anonymous,
48:Who rules well is always hated. ~ Pearl S Buck,
49:Error of omission begets new rules. ~ Toba Beta,
50:love means breaking all the rules ~ Lori Foster,
51:Passion rules the arrow that flies. ~ Bob Dylan,
52:The whims of youth break all the rules. ~ Homer,
53:Appearance rules the world. ~ Friedrich Schiller,
54:Does fate ever play by the rules? ~ Jodi Picoult,
55:Forget all the rules you ever learned ~ Bob Gill,
56:I will not live by rules like those. ~ Sophocles,
57:No women no kids - that's the rules. ~ Jean Reno,
58:Perhaps some rules would change, ~ Aleatha Romig,
59:Pups think rules are suggestions. ~ Nalini Singh,
60:The Law of Wonder rules my life at last, ~ Rumi,
61:There are no rules in survival. ~ Mary E Pearson,
62:The rules are very strict... ~ Mary Downing Hahn,
63:And magic exists to break the rules. ~ Jan Siegel,
64:Can rules or tutors educate ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
65:Imagination rules the world. ~ Napoleon Bonaparte,
66:Psychology of small things rules. ~ Stefan Fatsis,
67:...carved dolls stick to the rules. ~ Steve Aylett,
68:He who has the gold makes the rules. ~ Tyler Perry,
69:I'm tired of the rules," I say. ~ Kathryn Stockett,
70:Intelligence is ten million rules. ~ Douglas Lenat,
71:Injustice never rules forever. ~ Seneca the Younger,
72:there are NO rules, merely suggestions ~ Keri Smith,
73:We all live within time. It rules us. ~ Ned Vizzini,
74:Who rules our symbols, rules us. ~ Alfred Korzybski,
75:You want to invent new ideas, not rules ~ Dan Heath,
76:Breaking the rules is addictive, too. ~ Abigail Roux,
77:Break the rules, Karla. Just this once, ~ L H Cosway,
78:Follow the rules or follow the fools. ~ Tupac Shakur,
79:Money amassed either serves us or rules us. ~ Horace,
80:Too many rules will stifle innovation. ~ Sergey Brin,
81:"When turmoil rules, go in." ~ Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching,
82:Because crying is against The Rules. ~ Jason Reynolds,
83:Besides, who makes all these silly rules? ~ H L Burke,
84:he who survives writes the rules. ~ Patricia Cornwell,
85:Learn all the rules... then break them. ~ Lea DeLaria,
86:Learn the rules, and then forget them. ~ Matsuo Basho,
87:Remember: Life is short, break the rules ~ James Dean,
88:Rules give anarchy something to aim at. ~ Jodi Taylor,
89:The one who rules like the mother lasts long. ~ Laozi,
90:The only rule is that there are no rules. ~ Del Close,
91:There are absolutely no rules in art ~ Jane Davenport,
92:Where love rules, laws are not needed. ~ Annie Besant,
93:You can’t cheat if there are no rules ~ Lauren Oliver,
94:All human rules are more or less idiotic. ~ Mark Twain,
95:I believe rules are meant to be broken. ~ Robert Evans,
96:In a war the aggressor sets the rules. ~ Rush Limbaugh,
97:In the world of mules there are no rules. ~ Ogden Nash,
98:Rules are made to be broken." - Jared ~ Martha Sweeney,
99:Rules broken today become norms tomorrow. ~ Bill Gates,
100:Societies depend on agreed rules. ~ John Maynard Smith,
101:There are no rules to writing a song. ~ Randy Castillo,
102:What power has law where only money rules? ~ Petronius,
103:When had a heart ever listened to rules? ~ Tara Sue Me,
104:You don't have to follow anybody's rules. ~ James Frey,
105:Egypt, plebiscitary authoritarianism rules; ~ Anonymous,
106:Habit rules the unreflecting herd. ~ William Wordsworth,
107:He no playa the game, he no maka the rules. ~ Earl Butz,
108:Luck rules every human endeavor, especially war. ~ Livy,
109:Only force rules. Force is the first law ~ Adolf Hitler,
110:Rules are for suckers and boring people, ~ Elle Kennedy,
111:The universe does not work by our rules ~ Frank Herbert,
112:We're not attempting to circumcise rules. ~ Bill Cowher,
113:Existence precedes and rules essence. ~ Jean Paul Sartre,
114:If the rules are such that you can’t make ~ Ashlee Vance,
115:In an unforgiving world, chaos rules. ~ Stephen Richards,
116:No rules. Live out loud. Find the sunshine. ~ Emma Scott,
117:On the battlefield there are no rules. ~ Joe Abercrombie,
118:Our beliefs are really rules for action. ~ William James,
119:People make the rules of society, not God. ~ V C Andrews,
120:Some rules are bigger than the universe. ~ Richelle Mead,
121:The only rule is there are no rules. ~ Aristotle Onassis,
122:What you don't deal with rules your life. ~ Steven Tyler,
123:You want to invite new ideas, not new rules. ~ Dan Heath,
124:Fortune, not wisdom, rules lives. ~ Marcus Tullius Cicero,
125:Guilt, we all learn, has its own rules. ~ Teresa Driscoll,
126:Martin O'Neill rules with a rod of fear. ~ Stan Collymore,
127:rules seemed to constantly shift on whim. ~ Loretta Chase,
128:Sometimes rules are there to save your life. ~ Doug Liman,
129:There's no rules. Show me the rule book. ~ Liam Gallagher,
130:When reason rules, money is a blessing. ~ Publilius Syrus,
131:Words are just rules and regulations to me. ~ Patti Smith,
132:You are a victim of the rules you live by. ~ Jenny Holzer,
133:You are remembered for the rules you break. ~ Phil Knight,
134:You know the rules. No jazz before a rumble. ~ S E Hinton,
135:You wan't to invent new ideas, not new rules. ~ Dan Heath,
136:Freedom is obedience to self-formulated rules. ~ Aristotle,
137:It is the law of love that rules mankind. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
138:I've always found ways to bend the rules. ~ Michael Shanks,
139:Love rules me. It determines what I ask. ~ Dante Alighieri,
140:Money makes people bend the rules all the time ~ Ker Dukey,
141:Rules and models destroy genius and art. ~ William Hazlitt,
142:Rules cannot take the place of character. ~ Alan Greenspan,
143:Rules equal boredom, and I don't like that. ~ Simon Cowell,
144:Rules of taste enforce structures of power. ~ Susan Sontag,
145:There are no rules when it comes to makeup! ~ Kevyn Aucoin,
146:What you have to do is break all the rules. ~ Andrew Wyeth,
147:You have to make the rules, not follow them ~ Isaac Newton,
149:But rules cannot substitute for character. ~ Alan Greenspan,
150:F*ck the rules.
-Sergeant "Catch" Durant ~ Jaine Diamond,
151:Forsaking the rules meant forsaking your life. ~ Kiera Cass,
152:I am good at following rules when I choose to. ~ Roxane Gay,
153:I followed my heart without breaking any rules. ~ Confucius,
154:If passion rules, how weak does reason prove! ~ John Dryden,
155:If you listen to fools... The Mob Rules! ~ Ronnie James Dio,
156:Jesus consistently put people before rules. ~ Adam Hamilton,
157:Rules are my very humble, obedient servants. ~ Joseph Haydn,
158:Some guys are worth breaking the rules for. ~ Melissa Pearl,
159:The finger that turns the dial rules the air. ~ Will Durant,
160:Cover your ass when you’re bending the rules. ~ Guy Kawasaki,
161:Nature, not human activity, rules the climate. ~ Fred Singer,
162:Rules are not bad, but they can't save anyone. ~ Judah Smith,
163:She bent most of the rules. She broke the rest. ~ V E Schwab,
164:There are no rules. Just follow your heart. ~ Robin Williams,
165:True love rules especially through memory. ~ Honor de Balzac,
166:Wars need rules!” “Wars need to be won! ~ Karen Marie Moning,
167:When I don't know all the rules I'm just wild. ~ Paula Scher,
168:You change the rules or you are going under. ~ Caroline Myss,
169:You play by the rules of the world you're in. ~ Jodi Picoult,
170:Damn the rules, it's the feeling that counts. ~ John Coltrane,
171:Fear rules almost every newsroom in the country. ~ Dan Rather,
172:Great leaders don't play by the existing rules. ~ Mark V Hurd,
173:Home is the place with the most rules. ~ Jonathan Safran Foer,
174:I didn't follow any rules at all. I made my own. ~ Tony Iommi,
175:I loved the different rules of summer. ~ Benjamin Alire S enz,
176:Rules are for people with the luxury of time. ~ Renee Carlino,
177:Street-fighting’s first rule: there are no rules. ~ Lee Child,
178:There are no rules when it comes to survival ~ Mary E Pearson,
179:There are rules but there's really no wrong way. ~ India Arie,
180:True love rules especially through memory. ~ Honore de Balzac,
181:"You can't make rules for the exceptional." ~ Jordan Peterson,
182:Ask counsel of him who rules himself well. ~ Leonardo da Vinci,
183:If you're famous enough, the rules don't apply. ~ Maureen Dowd,
184:Learn the rules, then break them intelligently. ~ Jessica Bell,
185:One of my rules is: Never listen to your old stuff. ~ Lou Reed,
186:Rules without relationship leads to rebellion. ~ Josh McDowell,
187:The universe plays games, but not by the rules. ~ Sarah Noffke,
188:The world resists, when you break its rules. ~ Victoria Schwab,
189:[A]rt can never give the rules that make an art. ~ Edmund Burke,
190:But rules only work when everyone plays by them. ~ Jodi Picoult,
191:Golden Rule—whoever has the gold makes the rules. ~ Rysa Walker,
192:If you create the game, then you create the rules. ~ India Arie,
193:Invention hovers always a little above the rules. ~ Mary Oliver,
194:It's all a game, with new rules every season. ~ Stefano Gabbana,
195:I've been indicted for rules that don't even exist. ~ Tom DeLay,
196:I will not live by rules that make no sense to me ~ Evan Tanner,
197:Jah sitteth in Mount Zion, and rules all creation! ~ Bob Marley,
198:Life is terrible. It rules us, we do not rule it. ~ Oscar Wilde,
199:Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules. ~ Saul Alinsky,
200:People make the rules of society, not God. ~ Virginia C Andrews,
201:Play by the rules, and lose to a rule breaker. ~ Gena Showalter,
202:The only rule is there's only one rule: no rules. ~ Dana Snyder,
203:This place is full of unwritten rules. ~ Alexander Gordon Smith,
204:When passion rules, she never rules wisely. ~ Benjamin Franklin,
205:When you break rules, break 'em good and hard ~ Terry Pratchett,
206:Without natural gifts technical rules are useless. ~ Quintilian,
207:You are remembered for the rules you break. ~ Douglas MacArthur,
208:"You can't make rules for the exceptional." ~ Jordan B Peterson,
209:You've got to know the rules to break them. ~ Alexander McQueen,
210:Even in killing men, observe the rules of propriety. ~ Confucius,
211:He is Death and he’s about to break all the rules. ~ Abbi Glines,
212:When you break rules, break 'em good and hard. ~ Terry Pratchett,
213:A man like me had rules for a fucking reason. My ~ Pepper Winters,
214:As long as you're dancing, you can break the rules. ~ Mary Oliver,
215:Compass rules direction; Decision rules life! ~ Israelmore Ayivor,
216:He whom passion rules, is bent to meet his death. ~ Philip Sidney,
217:progress, then you have to fight the rules. “There ~ Ashlee Vance,
218:Rules you can bend give you nothing to lean on. ~ Rachel Seiffert,
219:The first rule of writing is that there are no rules. ~ Lisa Lutz,
220:The young break rules for fun. The old for profit. ~ Mason Cooley,
221:You can't win when someone else makes all the rules ~ Holly Black,
222:A few strong instincts and a few plain rules. ~ William Wordsworth,
223:Carnal lust rules where there is no love of God. ~ Saint Augustine,
224:Even if we remain flexible, we need ground rules. ~ Horst Seehofer,
225:I didn't break the rules, but I challenged the rules. ~ Ella Baker,
226:If I don't like some rules, I create my own ones. ~ Sahara Sanders,
227:I knew all the rules but the rules did not know me. ~ Eddie Vedder,
228:Logic teaches rules for presentation, not thinking. ~ Mason Cooley,
229:Rock Music? No way, dude. Rock rules, and always will. ~ Meg Cabot,
230:Thats what Green Day is-there are no rules. ~ Billie Joe Armstrong,
231:There are no rules here, only possibilities! ~ Cecily von Ziegesar,
232:To hell with the rules. I'm going for the unknown. ~ Wayne Shorter,
233:What few rules appear to be in place are all made up. ~ Patti Digh,
234:Carnal lust rules where there is no love of God. ~ Saint Augustine,
235:I don't like routine and I don't like rules. ~ Dominique McElligott,
236:If you obey all the rules you miss all the fun. ~ Katharine Hepburn,
237:If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun ~ Katharine Hepburn,
238:I'm in favor of immigration but we also need rules. ~ Gary Ackerman,
239:Make your own rules or be a slave to another man's. ~ William Blake,
240:Our relative being is what rules our relative world. ~ Tenzin Palmo,
241:She did worse than break the law, she broke the rules ~ Leo Tolstoy,
242:The mind demands rules; the facts demand exceptions. ~ Mason Cooley,
243:There are no rules, but you break them at your peril. ~ Peter Guber,
244:Those who write the rules rarely suffer their weight. ~ Mick Herron,
245:To know the rules of the game, you have to be educated. ~ LL Cool J,
246:too many church rules got in the way of Christianity. ~ Helen Bryan,
247:When the odds are bad, you change the rules. ~ Jennifer Lynn Barnes,
248:you obey all the rules, baby, you miss all of the fun. ~ K Bromberg,
249:Does anyone in the UFC actually follow the rules? ~ Jordan Burroughs,
250:Don't live by your own rules, but in harmony with nature ~ Epictetus,
251:He who rules must fully humor as much as he commands. ~ George Eliot,
252:If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun. ~ Katharine Hepburn,
253:I played by the rules of politics as I found them. ~ Richard M Nixon,
254:Isn't the greatest rule of all the rules simply to please? ~ Moliere,
255:I wish to avenge myself against the One who rules above. ~ Karl Marx,
256:Know the rules well, so you can break them effectively. ~ Dalai Lama,
257:Rules are made for people, not people for rules, ~ Madeleine L Engle,
258:The rules are simple: the first one to lose dies. ~ Kazuki Takahashi,
259:when you obey the rules, the rules obey you ~ Ernest Agyemang Yeboah,
260:Don't live by your own rules, but in harmony with nature ~ Epictetus,
261:Geometry is the rules of all mental investigation ~ Mikhail Lomonosov,
262:Good Lord, what madness rules in brainsick men, ~ William Shakespeare,
263:I believe in the Golden Rule - The Man with the Gold... Rules. ~ Mr T,
264:I follow the rules until I go against them all. ~ Helen Frankenthaler,
265:I have faith in the market when we get the rules right. ~ Kenneth Lay,
266:I have no rules and no methods... no secrets. ~ Pierre Auguste Renoir,
267:Injustice makes the rules and courage breaks them. ~ Ursula K Le Guin,
268:like rules that make sense, not rules without logic), ~ Gillian Flynn,
269:Love begets love, love knows no rules, this is same for all. ~ Virgil,
270:No, no, Mr. Dade, this is my ride now. I make the rules. ~ Kyra Davis,
271:Often it is tenacity, not talent, that rules the day. ~ Julia Cameron,
272:She and my dad offered guidelines rather than rules. ~ Michelle Obama,
273:The best hand always believes in playing by the rules. ~ Mason Cooley,
274:The hand that stocks the drug stores rules the world. ~ Kurt Vonnegut,
275:The one who tells the stories rules the world. ~ Kim Stanley Robinson,
276:There are no rules in fights with girls. Just hurting. ~ Suzanne Vega,
277:The rebel inside of me always ignored the rules. ~ Shannon A Thompson,
278:The world of politics is dictated by rules. ~ Bruce Bueno de Mesquita,
279:Three Rules for Literary Success: 1. Read a lot. ~ Robert Silverberg,
280:We can no longer rely on the rules of the past to win. ~ Josh Linkner,
281:What happens when I break one of your fuckin’ rules? ~ Simone Elkeles,
282:Bonds are like rules, they're meant to be broken. ~ Melissa de la Cruz,
283:Different rules apply to those who shake the worlds. ~ Bill Willingham,
284:Do I have to know rules and all that crap? Then forget it. ~ John Daly,
285:Do words and thoughts follow formal rules, or do they not? ~ Anonymous,
286:I didn't want to play by what rules are in Hollywood. ~ Dwayne Johnson,
287:I like rules that make sense, not rules without logic. ~ Gillian Flynn,
288:Injustice makes the rules, and courage breaks them. ~ Ursula K Le Guin,
289:My father rules an entire planet."
"He's losing it. ~ Frank Herbert,
290:Sometimes breaking the rules is just extending the rules ~ Mary Oliver,
291:The only rules and limits are those we set for ourselves ~ Tim Ferriss,
292:The Road has two rules only: begin and continue. ~ Christmas Humphreys,
293:What makes sense is not law, syntax, rules or structure ~ Aaron Betsky,
294:when she was in the bath (not too hot—so many rules). ~ Liane Moriarty,
295:All games are meaningless if you do not know the rules. ~ B K S Iyengar,
296:A true warrior's heart needs no rules! It can do no evil! ~ Erin Hunter,
297:Business is a money game with few rules and a lot of risk. ~ Bill Gates,
298:For these things have their rules. All things have rules. ~ Neil Gaiman,
299:Government rules the present. Literature rules the future. ~ Lord Acton,
300:I have a face I cannot show, I make the rules up as I go. ~ Sheryl Crow,
301:I know grammar by ear only, not by note, not by the rules. ~ Mark Twain,
302:I know the rules. I just choose to think they're stupid. ~ Abigail Roux,
303:I like rules. Without them, we don't know what to break. ~ Helmut Krone,
304:It is not truth that rules the world but illusions. ~ S ren Kierkegaard,
305:I want more rules, more scrutiny, and to defend the country. ~ Ted Cruz,
306:Know the rules well, so you can break them effectively ~ Dalai Lama XIV,
307:Mathematics is about making up rules and seeing what happens. ~ Vi Hart,
308:Once you master something, you can manage it without rules. ~ Anonymous,
309:Successful people are the ones who are breaking the rules. ~ Seth Godin,
310:When your heart is broken, it’s easier to follow rules ~ Betsy Cornwell,
311:Why doesn’t anyone ever tell me the rules of life? ~ Karen Marie Moning,
312:For Cider House Rules, I was doing a New England accent. ~ Michael Caine,
313:He is bound by none of the ordinary rules of mankind. ~ Anthony Trollope,
314:I mean, it's sort of exciting isn't it? Breaking the rules ~ J K Rowling,
315:I never had a set of rules. Every situation is different. ~ Red Auerbach,
316:Know the rules well, so you can break them effectively. ~ Dalai Lama XIV,
317:Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly. ~ Dalai Lama XIV,
318:Life in Beverly Hills is a game, and I make the rules. ~ Lisa Vanderpump,
319:One of my rules is: Never TRY to do anything. Just do it. ~ Ani DiFranco,
320:One of my strict, strict rules is a no auto-tune policy. ~ Yukimi Nagano,
321:Rules are not necessarily sacred, principles are. ~ Franklin D Roosevelt,
322:Setting out rules for waging war (the Geneva Convention). ~ Paulo Coelho,
323:So I suppose you think that's a reward for breaking rules? ~ J K Rowling,
324:The golden rule is that there are no golden rules. ~ George Bernard Shaw,
325:The one thing about music is that there are no rules. ~ Enrique Iglesias,
326:The rules of life are nothing that cannot be fixed. ~ Shannon A Thompson,
327:The rules of morality are not the conclusion of our reason. ~ David Hume,
328:You can’t play city rules when you live in a jungle. ~ Hunter S Thompson,
329:Bottom line. Unlike baseball, love played without rules. ~ Rachelle Ayala,
330:Can’t be a nuisance when he’s the one who made the rules. ~ Bink Cummings,
331:General rules will bear hard on particular cases. ~ Harriet Beecher Stowe,
332:It is fortune, not wisdom, that rules man's life. ~ Marcus Tullius Cicero,
333:It matters not he who rules, but she who counts the money. ~ Brian Godawa,
334:It's clearly more fun to make the rules than to follow them. ~ Seth Godin,
335:Live one day at a time emphasizing ethics rather than rules. ~ Wayne Dyer,
336:Money changes all the iron rules into rubber bands. ~ Ryszard Kapuscinski,
337:Murphy's golden rule: Whoever has the gold, makes the rules. ~ Dave Barry,
338:one's rules of propriety make one thirst for the improper. ~ Mohsin Hamid,
339:Rules exist for a reason.” “Yes, to stigmatize people. ~ Kate Mascarenhas,
340:There are no rules, Nora. You either love someone or you don’t. ~ M Mabie,
341:There are rules about perception, but not about photography. ~ Jay Maisel,
342:There are some good rules and there are some lousy rules. ~ Harold Pinter,
343:They just did it by breaking the rules all over the country. ~ Jane Mayer,
344:To hell with the rules. If it sounds right, then it is. ~ Eddie Van Halen,
345:Trump-era rules: violence is speech and speech is violence. ~ Ann Coulter,
346:Works of art make rules; rules do not make works of art. ~ Claude Debussy,
347:You remember the 'be quiet' part of the rules? Embrace it. ~ Linda Howard,
348:I broke a lot of rules because I didn't know the rules. ~ Pleasant Rowland,
349:I don't follow the rules. That's kind of how I do everything. ~ Neon Hitch,
350:If you kept the small rules, you could break the big ones. ~ George Orwell,
351:If you obey all of the rules, you miss all of the fun. ~ Katharine Hepburn,
352:Imagination has rules, but we can only guess what they are. ~ Mason Cooley,
353:Remember the golden rule: he who has the gold makes the rules. ~ Anonymous,
354:Rules, laws and codes become obsolete among the self-governed. ~ T F Hodge,
355:Smokey, this is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules. ~ John Goodman,
356:The hand that controls the supper dish rules the world! ~ Charles M Schulz,
357:The master is a slave when he fears those whom he rules. ~ Publilius Syrus,
358:There is a time to break all your rules. Maybe not all. ~ Ernest Hemingway,
359:The rules of the game are what we call the laws of nature. ~ Thomas Huxley,
360:They [demons] came before any of the rules had been written. ~ Rick Yancey,
361:You just go for it and see what works. There are no rules. ~ Joey McIntyre,
362:Your intention rules your life and determines the outcome. ~ Oprah Winfrey,
363:Good rules make good games. Games without rules degenerate. ~ Nick Harkaway,
364:I don't really know that there's any real rules for songwriting. ~ Amos Lee,
365:If I'd observed all the rules I'd never have got anywhere. ~ Marilyn Monroe,
366:Intelligence rules the world, ignorance carries the burden. ~ Marcus Garvey,
367:Our intention is to clarify and modernize overtime pay rules. ~ Elaine Chao,
368:Roarke had to deal with her moods. It was in the marriage rules. ~ J D Robb,
369:Rules, after all, are only made so you can work around them ~ Chetan Bhagat,
370:Rules are for those who can't think of a better way. ~ Catherynne M Valente,
371:Rules That Did Not Become Part of the Code: Leafpool Speaks N ~ Erin Hunter,
372:There needs to be conviction and action behind rules. ~ Clayton Christensen,
373:... War is the sole art looked for in one who rules... ~ Niccol Machiavelli,
374:You are a victim of the rules you live by.     —Jenny Holzer; ~ Jen Sincero,
375:Followed rules, not dreams. Never again. -Margaret Hellerstein ~ Larry Smith,
376:Following the rules of your industry will only get you so far. ~ Max McKeown,
377:General rules have been legislated into being by past masters. ~ John Ciardi,
378:If God won’t play by the rules, then I don’t have to, either. ~ Austin Aslan,
379:If I'd observed all the rules, I'd never have got anywhere. ~ Marilyn Monroe,
380:I love being bossed by you, but every game has its rules. ~ Vladimir Nabokov,
381:In spite of what anyone says it’s women who make the rules. ~ A S A Harrison,
382:No point making rules against things that are impossible. ~ G Norman Lippert,
383:Obedience keeps the rules. Love knows when to break them. ~ Anthony de Mello,
384:Rules? You don't even know what game we're playing, mister. ~ Peter Milligan,
385:Senseless or unnecessary rules should be done away with. As ~ William S Lind,
386:The only sensible way to live in this world is without rules. ~ Heath Ledger,
387:The sand has rules. Fucked up rules, but rules nonetheless. ~ Kameron Hurley,
388:War has rules, mud wrestling has rules - politics has no rules. ~ Ross Perot,
389:When change threatens to rule, then the rules are changed. ~ Michael Parenti,
390:When rules are made for the many, they’re cruel for the few. ~ David Litwack,
391:Where a harsh law rules, people yearn for lawlessness. ~ Stanislaw Jerzy Lec,
392:Works of art make rules but rules do not make works of art. ~ Claude Debussy,
393:A few strong instincts and a few plain rules suffice us ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
394:Bonds are made to be broken," he said. "Just like rules. ~ Melissa de la Cruz,
395:But the rules are made by people who couldn’t win without ’em. ~ Jeff Lindsay,
396:Children learn much more by mute example than by spoken rules, ~ Stephen King,
397:For slaves to fashion, the rules are made to be broken. ~ George Kotsiopoulos,
398:Friends are off-limits for one-night stands, just one of my rules ~ V F Mason,
399:I’m done playing by the rules. I’m about to make evil my bitch. ~ Lola St Vil,
400:Intelligence rules the world, ignorance carries the burden... ~ Marcus Garvey,
401:Library rules the world, son. Best to have a seat at the table ~ Rachel Caine,
402:Life was much too short to play by anyone's rules but her own. ~ Joanna Shupe,
403:Love has no time table, no rules. It is what it is, Saylor ~ Rachel Van Dyken,
404:My two rules of cooking: keep it fresh and keep it simple. ~ Michael Isabella,
405:One of biggest rules in football is you have to avoid crosses. ~ Jurgen Klopp,
406:Only a fool plays by the rules when the other side doesn’t. ~ Andrew Peterson,
407:Rules that are never violated cease to be recognized as Rules. ~ Mason Cooley,
408:Sometimes I just want to burn down all the rules and start over, ~ Libba Bray,
409:Sometimes I just want to burn down all the rules and start over. ~ Libba Bray,
410:The only rules to follow were instincts and color palettes. ~ Roshani Chokshi,
411:We control by attitudes-positive mental attitudes-not by rules. ~ Woody Hayes,
412:You have rules to learn and penalties to experience"
- Nox ~ Aleatha Romig,
413:Art isn't about following the rules. It's about breaking them. ~ David Sedaris,
414:I do not stick to rules when cooking. I rely on my imagination. ~ Akshay Kumar,
415:I keep forgetting that rules are only for little nice people. ~ Bill Watterson,
416:I love good food but I follow strict rules the days I perform. ~ Jose Carreras,
417:It's not wise to violate rules until you know how to observe them. ~ T S Eliot,
418:Observe with both friend and foe the ordinary rules of courtesy. ~ Alveda King,
419:Rumpel kissed as he lived his life—without rules or conscience. ~ Vivian Arend,
420:Take all the rules away. How can we live if we don't change? ~ Beyonce Knowles,
421:The definitions of the Church are the rules of true faith. ~ Alphonsus Liguori,
422:A computation is a process that obeys finitely describable rules. ~ Rudy Rucker,
423:Adhering to budgeting rules shouldn't trump good decision-making. ~ Emily Oster,
424:All wisdom is one: to understand the spirit that rules all by all. ~ Heraclitus,
425:Critics are more committed to the rules of art than artists are. ~ Mason Cooley,
426:Despotic rules are attempting to deprive women of their rights. ~ Yousef Saanei,
427:Everything really is about choice, even beyond the magic's rules. ~ Sara Raasch,
428:Fate rules the affairs of men, with no recognizable order. ~ Seneca the Younger,
429:For now I will play by the rules and go as far as I can with that. ~ Kiera Cass,
430:Gambling rules doesn't work in nuclear war - everyone become looser. ~ Amit Ray,
431:If they say you are good, you have to follow their rules to remain good. ~ Osho,
432:If you follow all of the rules, you'll miss all of the fun. ~ Katharine Hepburn,
433:If you set a good example you need not worry about setting rules. ~ Lee Iacocca,
434:I have been known to think outside of all rules. Even my own. ~ Ashly Lorenzana,
435:I make up a set of rules and play within those rules until I win. ~ Harold Town,
436:In their rules there was only one clause: Do what you will. ~ Francois Rabelais,
437:Lincoln's so efficient, especially for a guy who "bends rules". ~ Katie McGarry,
438:Nobody sets the rules but you. You can design your own life. ~ Carrie Anne Moss,
439:No one ever made a difference by following the rules. ~ Heather Killough Walden,
440:Rules with an iron fist, but sometimes in that fist is a rose. ~ Ike Barinholtz,
441:Set up an arbitrary set of rules and then follow them slavishly. ~ Errol Morris,
442:She is free not by disobeying the rules but by obeying them. ~ Elisabeth Elliot,
443:The Church is not an enforcer of rules, but an outpost of grace ~ Brian Houston,
444:The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world. ~ Mike Wallace,
445:There are no rules of architecture for a castle in the clouds. ~ G K Chesterton,
446:when you enter another’s reality, you observe her rules. Then ~ Raymond E Feist,
447:You are remembered for the rules you break. – Douglas MacArthur ~ Preeti Shenoy,
448:All wisdom is one: to understand the spirit that rules all by all. ~ Heraclitus,
449:And I don't give a cow's dick what Hume said, science rules! ~ Sergio de la Pava,
450:Break rules. Leave the world more interesting for your being here. ~ Neil Gaiman,
451:Caprice in women often infringes upon the rules of decency. ~ Jean de la Bruyere,
452:Emotions don't play by rules. That's what makes them so incredible. ~ Riley Hart,
453:I like things to have rules, I like order and I like schedules. ~ Mark Consuelos,
454:Nothing means anything but you still have to follow the rules. ~ Scarlett Thomas,
455:Playing the game is far more satisfying than reading the rules. ~ Bernard Haisch,
456:Scripture is the royal scepter by which King Jesus rules his church ~ John Stott,
457:Still. Proud. Savages play by the rules; Lampreys get things done. ~ Lucy Parker,
458:The rules of fair play do not apply in love and war.” -John Lyly ~ Angela Roquet,
459:You break rules all the time.’ ‘I break laws. That’s different. ~ Becky Chambers,
460:Don’t break the rules when you haven’t fully figured them out yet. ~ Pawan Mishra,
461:Good sound habits are more important than rules - use concepts. ~ Mike Krzyzewski,
462:In combat, spontaneity rules; rote performance of technique perishes. ~ Bruce Lee,
463:Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist. ~ Pablo Picasso,
464:Mechanical rules are never a substitute for clarity of thought. ~ Brian Kernighan,
465:Once you have your basics down, you can start breaking the rules. ~ Tom Colicchio,
466:the artist rules his subjects by turning them into accomplices. ~ Arthur Koestler,
467:The object is to win fairly, squarely, by the rules, but to win. ~ Vince Lombardi,
468:The president of Harvard changed admissions rules to keep Jews out ~ Jason Fagone,
469:The rules of physics are, in some cases, suspiciously anthropic. ~ Charles Stross,
470:These aren't my rules. Come to think of it. I don't have any rules. ~ Beetlejuice,
471:To learn who rules over you simply look to those you cannot criticize. ~ Voltaire,
472:We play very dangerous games with life and no one knows our rules. ~ Parke Godwin,
473:What are you gonna do if I break one of your *&^%$ing rules? ~ Simone Elkeles,
474:While Daddy liked to stick to the rules, Mummy liked to bend them. ~ Rory Kennedy,
475:You can't break the rules until you know how to play the game. ~ Rickie Lee Jones,
476:Always games, baby. But the rules are ours to break.' Julian Harte ~ Brooke Harris,
477:Every time I try to play by rules I get smashed into the ground. ~ Rebecca Forster,
478:I date older men, and I date younger men. I have no rules about that. ~ Mary Frann,
479:I'm not very good at being a wife because I break all the rules. ~ Katherine Heigl,
480:In motion pictures, the actor rules. The camera served the actor. ~ Richard Donner,
481:It's not wise to violate the rules until you know how to observe them. ~ T S Eliot,
482:Rules are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men. ~ Douglas Bader,
483:Society’s rules don’t always work. They’re limited by human frailty. ~ Paul Levine,
484:System 2 thinking tries to follow proper rules of reasoning, ~ Peter Godfrey Smith,
485:The key to staying safe was knowing the rules of the situation. ~ Patrick Rothfuss,
486:The only rules not meant to be broken are those of love and virtue. ~ Deacon Jones,
487:There are no rules here -- we're trying to accomplish something. ~ Thomas A Edison,
488:Tis by no means the least of life's rules: To let things alone. ~ Baltasar Gracian,
489:Whoever rules the waves rules the world. —Alfred Thayer Mahan Six ~ Stephen Coonts,
490:You are remembered, he said, prophetically, for the rules you break. ~ Phil Knight,
491:You want to play in the big boys’ yard, you need to follow the rules. ~ K A Tucker,
492:Beautiful women aren’t allowed to be doctors. It’s against the rules. ~ Paul Auster,
493:Feeble verses are those which sin not against rules, but against genius. ~ Voltaire,
494:If you can't solve a problem, it's because you're playing by the rules ~ Paul Arden,
495:I grew up in Nova Scotia, so there werent a whole lot of rules. ~ Diego Klattenhoff,
496:I know what women look good in. I don't think the rules ever change. ~ Michael Kors,
497:I love rules and I love following them, unless that rule is stupid. ~ Anna Kendrick,
498:Knowing the rules of an art is not the same as having the habit. ~ Mortimer J Adler,
499:Master the rules of the game until you can play it better they can. ~ Michael Scott,
500:No rules, however wise, are a substitute for affection and tact. ~ Bertrand Russell,
501:Remember: The rules, like streets, can only take you to known places. ~ Ocean Vuong,
502:Seeking the good is not primarily about rules and commandments. ~ Timothy Radcliffe,
503:Straight-forwardness, without the rules of propriety, becomes rudeness. ~ Confucius,
504:The Bible is the sceptre by which the Heavenly King rules His Church. ~ John Calvin,
505:The rules of the game are never changed till after the game is over. ~ Coomi Kapoor,
506:Understand the game properly before you gear up to break the rules ~ Anamika Mishra,
507:Unheard-of combinations of circumstances demand unheard-of rules. ~ Charlotte Bront,
508:Wizard's Third Rule Passion rules reason, For better or for worse. ~ Terry Goodkind,
509:You are a victim of the rules you live by.     —Jenny Holzer; artist, ~ Jen Sincero,
510:You have to learn the rules to be able to know how to break them. ~ Keira Knightley,
511:You must have realized by ow that I'm not always keen to follow rules. ~ Jen Turano,
512:A good man breaks your headboard, not your heart. -Rules to live by ~ Lani Lynn Vale,
513:Billion dollar bonuses turned rules into polite suggestions. ~ Jeremy Robert Johnson,
514:Break the rules, stand apart, ignore your head, and follow your heart. ~ Paula Abdul,
515:Computers are like Old Testament gods; lots of rules and no mercy. ~ Joseph Campbell,
516:Cos rules are lures, and laws are walls
And all the people, are silly fools ~ Leo,
517:Everybody’s grown-up, everybody’s old, and the normal rules do apply. ~ Meg Wolitzer,
518:Fear is a prison, and in prison you played by different rules to survive. ~ L J Shen,
519:For me, style is about forgetting the rules or creating new ones. ~ Elizabeth Heyert,
520:I feel sometimes like … there are all these rules. Just to be a person ~ Leila Sales,
521:[If] You don't like the rule, change the rule; but play by the rules. ~ Eric Bolling,
522:I play by my own rules so please think twice before you step into my life. ~ Rihanna,
523:I take each thing as it is, without prior rules about what it should be. ~ Bob Dylan,
524:Live now, live today - don't be bound by rules, live your own dream. ~ Shahrukh Khan,
525:Obeying the rules might be smart, but it's not as nearly as much fun. ~ Jill Shalvis,
526:passion of any sort is seldom governed by the rules of etiquette. ~ Nayantara Sahgal,
527:refused to compromise who I was to conform to their unwritten rules. ~ David Goggins,
528:Resolutions are just like rules. They're just made to be broken. ~ Justin Timberlake,
529:Rules are there so people don't have to think. Don't follow the rules!!! ~ L R W Lee,
530:Rules cannot bring freedom; they have only the power to accuse. ~ William Paul Young,
531:Simple rules work best when flexibility matters more than consistency. ~ Donald Sull,
532:The definitions of the Church are the rules of true faith. ~ Saint Alphonsus Liguori,
533:The government has the right to change laws and rules and regulations. ~ Jamie Dimon,
534:There are no rules. Let the picture lead you where it must go. ~ Helen Frankenthaler,
535:There are no rules when fighting Fae. The first to kill wins.” Reese ~ Jules Barnard,
536:The rules themselves make the mind conducive to spiritual progress. ~ Dalai Lama XIV,
537:Two rules: 1. Preserve the principal 2. When in doubt, see Rule #1. ~ Warren Buffett,
538:Unheard-of combinations of circumstances demand unheard-of rules. ~ Charlotte Bronte,
539:We follow the rules laid out in the Bible for running our church. ~ William Brewster,
540:We just have to remember that rules are not proof of our spirituality. ~ Judah Smith,
541:You are remembered, he said, prophetically, for the rules you break. I ~ Phil Knight,
542:You have to admit, when people disappear, some rules go out the window. ~ Tim LaHaye,
543:All grown up and breaking hearts…" She raised her eyebrows. "And rules. ~ Ally Carter,
544:Appearances and rules change, but our faith and our aim remain the same. ~ The Mother,
545:Because I believe God is bigger than the rules we impose on one another. ~ S J Parris,
546:Because once I didn't care about the rules anymore, I had all the power. ~ Adam Glass,
547:[Donald] Trump is now. And we don`t know what the rules are now. ~ Lawrence O Donnell,
548:I came from the outside, the rules of photography didn't interest me. ~ William Klein,
549:If you play games with men,” he replied, “you’ll play by men’s rules. ~ Louis L Amour,
550:I know the rules of the game, you hit it once, then break away clean. ~ Ray Parker Jr,
551:In games there are rules, but in life the rules keep changing. ~ Kim Stanley Robinson,
552:It is in middles that extremes clash, where ambiguity restlessly rules. ~ John Updike,
553:I was a good kid. My parents laid rules out for me, and I followed them. ~ Heidi Klum,
554:life operates not by a series of rules, but by a set of consequences. ~ Eric Greitens,
555:Rules were made for fools to follow and wise men to be guided by. ~ Winston Churchill,
556:The greatest rules of dramatic writing are conflict, conflict, conflict. ~ James Frey,
557:There are no rules of architecture for a castle in the clouds. ~ Gilbert K Chesterton,
558:There are no rules that can bind you when you find your other half. ~ Stephenie Meyer,
559:There are no rules to attraction. Jake is nothing like who I wanted. ~ Simone Elkeles,
560:The rules!" shouted Ralph, "you're breaking the rules!" "Who cares? ~ William Golding,
561:You can't just go round murdering people. There are rules, Nimona. ~ Noelle Stevenson,
562:Young men know the rules, but old men know the exceptions. ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr,
563:alongside our wish to be free of rules, we all search for structure. ~ Jordan Peterson,
564:As for discipline and rules, I confess, I've never been good with either. ~ Sylvia Day,
565:Christianity is word-centered because God rules through his gospel word. ~ Tim Chester,
566:Civilization had too many rules for me, so I did my best to rewrite them. ~ Bill Cosby,
567:Face to face, just you and me, with no rules. Just like you, I get lonely too. ~ Drake,
568:Fight dirty, and go for the face. Gentlemen's rules are for gentlemen. ~ Taran Matharu,
569:Fight dirty, and go for the face. Gentlemen’s rules are for gentlemen, ~ Taran Matharu,
570:I found our speech copious without order, and energetic without rules ~ Samuel Johnson,
571:If you establish rules and play by them, the audience will buy in. ~ Richard Linklater,
572:I had these recipes that say do this, do that. Who MAKES these rules? ~ Emeril Lagasse,
573:I think guys who are rebels and make their own rules are appealing. ~ Leighton Meester,
574:I think success has no rules, but you can learn a great deal from failure. ~ Jean Kerr,
575:Leadership THE 5 RULES Helpfulness Understanding Mingle Amuse Nurture ~ Robin S Sharma,
576:Market forces impose certain rules before a film can actually get made. ~ Alan Rickman,
577:Mindless rules, not accountable officials, are the enemy of freedom. ~ Philip K Howard,
578:nothing is impossible. you just need to learn how to bend the rules. ~ Douglas Preston,
579:Rules are for the obidience of fools and interpretations of smart men. ~ Colin Chapman,
580:Sometimes your belief system is really your fears attached to rules. ~ Shannon L Alder,
581:Starbucks has changed the rules of engagement for the music industry. ~ Howard Schultz,
582:The NCAA has to establish their own rules and enforce their own rules. ~ Roger Goodell,
583:There are no rules in the service of God, and this itself is no rule. ~ Yehudi Menuhin,
584:We have a responsibility to disobey and violate unjust rules and laws. ~ Bryant McGill,
585:We've got to have rules and obey them. After all, we're not savages. ~ William Golding,
586:You can't keep changing the rules based upon who holds political power. ~ Matthew Dowd,
587:I'm not quite certain how you can force a candidate to stick by the rules. ~ Gwen Ifill,
588:Islam is not a set of rules. It’s a way of seeing life and the world. ~ Nouman Ali Khan,
589:Learn the rules, break the rules, make up new rules, break the new rules. ~ Marvin Bell,
590:manufacturing started in earnest. It was when all the rules by which ~ Malcolm Gladwell,
591:Rules help us live our lives
when we lose the will to do it on our own ~ Yvonne Woon,
592:Some rules are nothing but old habits that people are afraid to change. ~ Preeti Shenoy,
593:that being an honorable person didn’t mean always following the rules. ~ Samuel E Green,
594:There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs. ~ Ansel Adams,
595:There are only three basic constructs in Prolog: facts, rules, and queries. ~ Anonymous,
596:This is politics. People in power never have to play by the same rules. ~ Richelle Mead,
597:... when it comes to multiple-cat homes, that's where rules go to die. ~ Jackson Galaxy,
598:You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. ~ F Scott Fitzgerald,
599:Against the rules. She's on it, like a hound on a fox.
'Her name is Annie. ~ Ali Land,
600:A hand rules heaven as a hand rules pity;
hands have no tears to flow. ~ Dylan Thomas,
601:alongside our wish to be free of rules, we all search for structure. ~ Jordan B Peterson,
602:But the LORD is in his holy Temple;        the LORD still rules from heaven. ~ Anonymous,
603:Everyone has his reasons." Octave (Jean Renoir) in "The Rules of the Game. ~ Jean Renoir,
604:I don’t know the ground rules for what’s too much, what’s too needy. He ~ Cristin Harber,
605:If you're going to break the rules, you might as well break them correctly. ~ Dan Gutman,
606:I think it is great to unite all kickboxing styles under one set of rules. ~ Duke Roufus,
607:It is one of my rules in life, never to notice what I don't understand. ~ Wilkie Collins,
608:I won an Academy Award for 'The Cider House Rules,' playing an American. ~ Michael Caine,
609:Laws are not masters but servants, and he rules them who obey them. ~ Henry Ward Beecher,
610:Most people don’t care who rules, as long as their lives don’t change. ~ L E Modesitt Jr,
611:NO PDA,school rules. And besides she's my partner dickhead." said Alex. ~ Simone Elkeles,
612:One of my rules is, if Jesus or Taylor [Swift] calls, I take the call. ~ Scott Borchetta,
614:the heart rules love, where we magnetically draw and hold existence; ~ Barbara Hand Clow,
615:There are fixed rules in chess, and no one knows how the game will end. ~ Garry Kasparov,
616:There are no rules, because life is made up of too many rules as it is. ~ Jennifer Niven,
617:There're rules to being the side chick. Rule number one: you're number two. ~ J B Smoove,
618:The rules!" shouted Ralph, "you're breaking the rules!"
"Who cares? ~ William Golding,
619:The truth is that many people set rules to keep from making decisions. ~ Mike Krzyzewski,
620:We were sort of coming from an angle where we wanted to break rules. ~ Stephen Mallinder,
621:What I will say to people is what you require are rules and not prejudices. ~ Tony Blair,
622:With the Ethical Rules and a little concentration, anything is possible. ~ Dharma Mittra,
623:You either play by the rules, change the rules, or get out, altogether. ~ Michael Eisner,
624:Economy is not baseball, where the game is always played by the same rules. ~ Nate Silver,
625:Genius simply cannot be reduced to a set of rules for anyone to follow. ~ Albert Einstein,
626:I have taught my students not to apply rules or mechanical ways of seeing. ~ Josef Albers,
627:It's because even a good man can't always be right, that we need ... rules. ~ John Irving,
628:Know the rules well, so you can break them effectively.” ― Dalai Lama XIV ~ Stephen Guise,
629:Life is a game, boy. Life is a game that one plays according to the rules. ~ J D Salinger,
630:One of the rules of the Detective Society is that we never say no to tea. ~ Robin Stevens,
631:Ranger plays by his own set of rules, and I don't have a complete copy. ~ Janet Evanovich,
632:Stories get our attention and are easier to remember than lists of rules. ~ Garr Reynolds,
633:There are no laws, there are no rules, just grab your friend and love him. ~ Jim Morrison,
634:There’s no crying in baseball and no love in Hell. It’s just the rules. ~ Lisa Desrochers,
635:The rules of this house are written in water. I must either sink or swim. ~ Jessie Burton,
636:The world outside had its own rules, and those rules were not human. ~ Michel Houellebecq,
637:This is how you hustle the arcane. Skirt the rules but don’t break them. ~ Victor LaValle,
638:When character is lost, rules and punishments cannot take its place. ~ Paul Craig Roberts,
639:Why did we get married? What is the point of it? What are the rules involved? ~ Matt Haig,
640:You’ve got some secret rules that make it really difficult for you to finish. ~ Jon Acuff,
641:Friends who can accept you, even when the rules change like that, are gold. ~ Debora Geary,
642:General rules are dangerous of application in particular instances. ~ Charlotte Mary Yonge,
643:How much more precious is a little humanity than all the rules in the world. ~ Jean Piaget,
644:I nearly gave a fist pump. Thank God for rules I was totally clueless about. ~ Aileen Erin,
645:I think life too complex a thing to be settled by these hard and fast rules. ~ Oscar Wilde,
646:I use the rules to frustrate the law. But I didn't set up the ground rules. ~ F Lee Bailey,
647:I wanted to write a new fable and see how many rules you could break. ~ Jeanette Winterson,
648:learn the rules like a professional, so you can break them like an artist. ~ Pablo Picasso,
649:No matter how close thought sticks to the actual, it follows its own rules. ~ Mason Cooley,
650:rules will never give you answers to the deep questions of the heart, ~ William Paul Young,
651:Saturn is the father archetype, and it rules over our concrete, material life. ~ Anonymous,
652:Slavery didnt break up the black families as much as liberal welfare rules. ~ Andrew Young,
653:Sometimes the rues don't work. Sometimes the rules cause the anarchy. ~ Susan Beth Pfeffer,
654:The cheating never stops,” Gabe said quietly. “It rules the world, doesn’t it? ~ Anonymous,
655:The Drunkard’s walk: how randomness rules our lives / Leonard Mlodinow. ~ Leonard Mlodinow,
656:The fewer rules a coach has, the fewer rules there are for players to break. ~ John Madden,
657:The head never rules the heart, but just becomes its partner in crime. ~ Mignon McLaughlin,
658:There are no rules in life. It’s a mind-set that limits people dramatically. ~ Tara Stiles,
659:There is a time in which one man rules over another to his own hurt. ~ John F MacArthur Jr,
660:Without the Yamas, known as the ethical rules, there is no success in Yoga ~ Dharma Mittra,
661:You can't turn the sheriff into a toad, Hannah. It's against the rules. ~ Christine Feehan,
662:Break any of these rules sooner than saying anything outright barbarous. ~ Philip E Tetlock,
663:Don't talk to me about rules, dear. Wherever I stay I make the goddam rules. ~ Maria Callas,
664:Emotions didn’t follow rules, so they were scary and therefore suppressed. ~ Laura Bradbury,
665:He knows the rules,” Kathleen said darkly. “And he enjoys breaking them.” My ~ Lisa Kleypas,
666:I cannot be bound to the confines of your rules. I am the exception to them. ~ Truth Devour,
667:If there are rules and regulations, I can't help it, I want to break them. ~ Ayumi Hamasaki,
668:I have never been one to write by rule, not even by my own rules. ~ William Carlos Williams,
669:It is human nature that rules the world, not governments and regimes. ~ Svetlana Alliluyeva,
670:Life will treat you according to how you observe its rules and principles. ~ Sunday Adelaja,
671:Necessity rules all the infinite world, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, The Birth of Sin,
672:Often we don't notice the stringent rules to which our culture subjects us. ~ Sara Sheridan,
673:Only those who are unable to think what they feel obey grammatical rules. ~ Fernando Pessoa,
674:Other than the laws of physics, rules have never really worked out for me. ~ Craig Ferguson,
675:Rules are rules, yet still
trumped always by kindness and human decency. ~ Sarah Ockler,
676:Sometimes the rules don't work. Sometimes the rules cause the anarchy. ~ Susan Beth Pfeffer,
677:the Christian god has nothing better to do than to make rules for us. He ~ Bernard Cornwell,
678:THE ENERGY BUS 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy ~ Jon Gordon,
679:The great thing about the Internet is that it will not abide by the rules. ~ Richard Curtis,
680:The Six Golden Rules of Writing: Read, read, read, and write, write, write. ~ Ernest Gaines,
681:To blossom forth, a work of art must ignore or rather forget all the rules. ~ Pablo Picasso,
682:What silence rules the ghostly hours That guard the close of human sleep! ~ George Sterling,
683:Who says I like right angles? These are not my laws, these are not my rules. ~ Ani DiFranco,
684:Your trading needs to boil down to rules, money management, and that is it. ~ Michael Covel,
685:Anything my staff does in my office is pursuant to congressional rules. ~ Sheila Jackson Lee,
686:At twenty the will rules; at thirty the intellect; at forty the judgment. ~ Baltasar Graci n,
687:Donald [Trump]. I understand rules are very hard for you. They're very confusing. ~ Ted Cruz,
688:Doubts, fears, and other people’s rules are no match for a heart on a mission. ~ Jen Sincero,
689:Feelings don’t follow rules. Guilt does. Fear does. But attraction? No way. ~ David Levithan,
690:Her beauty had always made it easy for her to break rules without reprisal. ~ Kristin Hannah,
691:How be caught up in a game and have no idea of the rules. ~ Caroline Stevermer,
692:I always feel it’s not wise to violate rules until you know how to observe them. ~ T S Eliot,
693:I am not much about rules, I like to break 'em and don't like to make 'em. ~ Carson Kressley,
694:I'll play your fucking game. But I don't have to play by your rules. ~ Christina Baker Kline,
695:in how many other areas of our lives are we obeying rules we don't understand ~ Paulo Coelho,
696:It's a courageous thing to do something that doesn't have rules or limits. ~ Vanessa Paradis,
697:It's against the rules of humanity to believe there is nothing we can do. ~ Melina Marchetta,
698:It’s against the rules of humanity to believe there is nothing we can do. ~ Melina Marchetta,
699:I’ve only got one life to live and I want this, so fuck rules and inhibitions. ~ Celia Aaron,
700:Learn and obey the rules very well so you will know how to break them properly. ~ Dalai Lama,
701:Liberals always exempt themselves from the rules that they impose on others. ~ Rush Limbaugh,
702:No one can break as many rules as I have and not get caught somehow, sometime. ~ Ally Condie,
703:Oh, time is short and the days are sweet and passion rules the arrow that flies. ~ Bob Dylan,
704:Rules are for children. This is war, and in war the only crime is to lose. ~ Joe Abercrombie,
705:Rules are part of our lives. Only children and fools believe they're immune. ~ Ellen Hopkins,
706:Rules should always be bent, if not broken. It's the only way to have any fun. ~ Alyson Noel,
707:Rules state information that is conditionally true of the situation of interest. ~ Anonymous,
708:Strict rules of evidence would destroy psychoanalysis and literary criticism. ~ Mason Cooley,
709:There are no rules in filmmaking. Only sins. And the cardinal sin is dullness. ~ Frank Capra,
710:The rules are: The more playful we get, the more we can get rid of the rules. ~ Hans Zimmer,
711:The rules of capitalization are so unfair to words in the middle of a sentence. ~ John Green,
712:The rules of survival never change, whether you're in a desert or in an arena. ~ Bear Grylls,
713:To do it nationally or internationally, you have to follow a few more rules. ~ Kristin Hersh,
714:We have to do a better job of putting some rules on the insurance companies. ~ Amy Klobuchar,
715:Absolute rules are for unthinking people. Sheep require fences—humans do not. ~ Brian Herbert,
716:All mankind rules its women, and we rule all mankind, but our women rule us. ~ Cato the Elder,
717:Christ is seeking a people where he alone rules – in the church and in the world. ~ Anonymous,
718:Force rules the world-not opinion; but it is opinion that makes use of force. ~ Blaise Pascal,
719:I have no end of failings as a mother, but I have always followed the rules. ~ Lionel Shriver,
720:It is against the rules of humanity to believe there is nothing we can do. ~ Melina Marchetta,
721:Rules and school are tools for fools! I don't give two mules for rules. ~ Trenton Lee Stewart,
722:Rules for Happiness: something to do, someone to love, something to hope for. ~ Immanuel Kant,
723:Rules for happiness: something to do, someone to love, something to hope for. ~ Immanuel Kant,
724:Some rules are nothing but old habits that people are afraid to change. ~ Therese Anne Fowler,
725:The three rules of writing: 1. It’s Work. 2. It’s Work. 3. Surprise! It’s Work. ~ John Scalzi,
726:To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize. ~ Voltaire,
727:You mean she’s fallen in love with a cat who lives by a different set of rules? ~ Erin Hunter,
728:But you gotta admit, rules and principles are simpler than relationships. ~ William Paul Young,
729:Given anything negative or uncertain, there were rules that had to be followed. ~ Jodi Picoult,
730:Gold is a living god and rules in scorn, All earthly things but virtue. ~ Percy Bysshe Shelley,
731:Good nurses follow rules,” Lib growled, “but the best know when to break them. ~ Emma Donoghue,
732:I’m hardly a stranger to the concept of bending rules to achieve a greater good. ~ Kylie Brant,
733:It is better to give children a rule to break than to give them no rules at all. ~ Tipper Gore,
734:It was hard to know how to play the game when the rules kept changing. ~ Laurie Halse Anderson,
735:Justice doesn’t hide behind anonymity. It doesn’t operate without rules of conduct. ~ J D Robb,
736:Just so did they want to crush our friendship, now. It was against the rules. I ~ Sarah Waters,
737:Learn the rules and then break them in such a way as to exercise good taste. ~ George Shearing,
738:My administration will follow two simple rules. Buy American and hire American. ~ Donald Trump,
739:No matter what, adhering to rules is much easier than exercising wisdom. ~ Karen Swallow Prior,
740:People are always making rules for themselves and always finding loop-holes. ~ William Rotsler,
741:People are so brainwashed by the rules that they don't know what really matters. ~ Mick Jagger,
742:The rich rules over the poor,         and the borrower is the slave of the lender. ~ Anonymous,
743:The rules of Panic are simple. Anyone can enter. But only one person will win. ~ Lauren Oliver,
744:The Yankees have strict rules. You can have a mustache but no other facial hair. ~ Derek Jeter,
745:To be a great leader of people - inspire them to follow you, not your rules. ~ Jeffrey Gitomer,
746:To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize. ~ Anonymous,
747:We need to create a society in which civility rules over cynicism and apathy. ~ Antanas Mockus,
748:What good were the rules of time when the rules of magic contradicted them. ~ Orson Scott Card,
749:Demons don't play by the rules. They lie and they cheat and they stab in the back. ~ Alan Grant,
750:Greed, crowned emperor,
rules the earth with cold disdain
for harmony’s path. ~ Aberjhani,
751:Hell! there ain't no rules around here! We are tryin' to accomplish somep'n! ~ Albert Einstein,
752:If you have something to say, then say it. Express yourself and break the rules. ~ Trent Reznor,
753:In my mind, I wasn't breaking the rules, because the rules didn't make any sense. ~ Trevor Noah,
754:In today's regulatory environment, it's virtually impossible to violate rules. ~ Bernard Madoff,
755:I want to live in a city where people who make the rules have to live by them. ~ Martin Firrell,
756:something about rules—you have to either follow them or break them with gusto. ~ Paco Underhill,
757:There are rules, but rules may be rewritten if only one hand holds the ink. ~ Alexandra Bracken,
758:Bottomless wonders spring from simple rules, which are repeated without end. ~ Benoit Mandelbrot,
759:Don't let a culture or society's rules define who you are; you define who you are. ~ Amma Asante,
760:How do you keep to some idealistic set of rules when your opponent has no rules? ~ Iris Johansen,
761:Learn and obey the rules very well so you will know how to break them properly. ~ Dalai Lama XIV,
762:Literature not only breaks the rules, but makes us realize that there are none. ~ Francine Prose,
763:Love rules the camp, the court, the grove - for love is Heaven, and Heaven is love. ~ Lord Byron,
764:Opinion rules the world, but in the long run it is the philosophers who shape opinion ~ Voltaire,
765:Rules are what the artist breaks; the memorable never emerged from a formula. ~ William Bernbach,
766:Rules or no rules, pitchers are going to throw spitters. It's a matter of survival. ~ Bob Gibson,
767:Rules too soft are seldomly followed; rules too harsh are seldomly executed. ~ Benjamin Franklin,
768:There are many paths beyond the rules of limited thinking. Trust your instincts! ~ Bryant McGill,
769:There aren’t any rules about how long you gotta know someone to know you love them. ~ Hugh Howey,
770:There are rules, and when certain things happen, there are ceratin consequences. ~ Sarah Paulson,
771:Without sin, the universe is a Solemn Game: and there is no good game without rules. ~ C S Lewis,
772:You are a victim of the rules you live by. —Jenny Holzer; artist, thinker, blurter ~ Jen Sincero,
773:A stage space has two rules: (1) Anything can happen and (2) Something must happen. ~ Peter Brook,
774:But that’s why we need rules. And number one has got to be no orgasms in the office. ~ Louise Bay,
775:Everybody knows that I have tougher ethics rules than any previous President. ~ William J Clinton,
776:Hermione behind them, wearing a well-you-did-break-school-rules sort of expression. ~ J K Rowling,
777:He said to use your position. He said to play by the rules. He said not to be afraid ~ Kiera Cass,
778:It's clearly more fun to make the rules than to follow them. ~ Seth Godin Seth Godin ~ Seth Godin,
779:Let's put it this way.
I fought for the South. We lost.
Lance Henriksen rules! ~ Ryan Mecum,
780:Oliver was beginning to think too many church rules got in the way of Christianity. ~ Helen Bryan,
781:Still, one of my Rules of Life is this: When you want something, bite your tongue. ~ Alan Bradley,
782:To ensure that he won, he submitted to games only where he could dictate the rules. ~ Ron Chernow,
783:What rules the world is idea, because ideas define the way reality is perceived. ~ Irving Kristol,
784:A man can go along obeying all the rules and then it don't matter a damn anymore. ~ Raymond Carver,
785:A man can go along obeying all the rules and then it don’t matter a damn anymore. ~ Raymond Carver,
786:A singularity is a place where the rules are broken. A miracle is a singularity. ~ Terence McKenna,
787:But I will find new habits, new thoughts, new rules. I will become something else. ~ Veronica Roth,
788:Each mind has its own method. A true man never acquires after college rules. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
789:Hearts get infiltrated. Promises get broken. Rules get shattered. Love gets ugly. ~ Colleen Hoover,
790:I have two rules in life - to hell with it, whatever it is, and get your work done. ~ Ray Bradbury,
791:It is not safe to despise what Love commands. He reigns supreme, and rules the mighty gods. ~ Ovid,
792:Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist. —PABLO PICASSO ~ Timothy Ferriss,
793:Politics is the process by which a society chooses the rules that will govern it. ~ Daron Acemo lu,
794:Rules are important, but they're temporary and they're always supposed to be changed. ~ John Lydon,
795:She had seen men in Iraq operate outside the rules. It was never to do anything good. ~ Hugh Howey,
796:Thankfully for us, water seems unaware of the rules of chemistry or laws of physics. ~ Bill Bryson,
797:That was the rule. Break one of my rules once, and I’m bound to break many more. ~ Haruki Murakami,
798:The life of a free person is an offense to those attached to appearances and rules. ~ Paulo Coelho,
799:There are rules you follow here not because you want to, but because you have to ~ Stephen Chbosky,
800:The way I understand the rules on trading on inside information, it's very vague. ~ Steven A Cohen,
801:The way of creating believable characters is not by conforming to a set of PC rules. ~ Mark Haddon,
802:To indoctrinate boys into the rules of patriarchy, we force them to feel pain and to ~ Bell Hooks,
803:We must not only read the Scriptures, but we must make their rules of life our own. ~ Hosea Ballou,
804:While beauty made its own rules, it also created its own problems and disappointments. ~ Mia Tyler,
805:Children learn much more by mute example than by spoken rules, or so it seems to me. ~ Stephen King,
806:I am slow-thinking and full of interior rules that act as brakes on my desires ~ F Scott Fitzgerald,
807:I believe in rules. Sure I do. If there weren't any rules, how could you break them? ~ Leo Durocher,
808:I don't know why we human beings are so obsessed with making rules about everything. ~ Paulo Coelho,
809:I don't like to think of laws as rules you have to follow, but more as suggestions. ~ George Carlin,
810:If nobody throws all their rules at you, you might make a song with no introduction. ~ Bill Withers,
811:If you can’t win, change the rules. If you can’t change the rules, ignore them. I ~ Vishen Lakhiani,
812:I’m not too into the trends - I like to look at trends as suggestions, not as rules. ~ Bethany Mota,
813:In golf, the customs and etiquette and decorum are as important as the rules of play. ~ Bobby Jones,
814:Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.” —Pablo Picasso ~ Timothy Ferriss,
815:Make mistakes, Lille. Walk on the cracks. Break the rules that were made to be broken. ~ L H Cosway,
816:Men are strange beings, and must not be judged by rules that apply to women. ~ Anna Katharine Green,
817:Methodological rules are for science what rules of law and custom are for conduct. ~ mile Durkheim,
818:Some people believe that fairness comes with obeying the rules. I'm one of those people. ~ Al Green,
819:There are no exceptions to the rule that everyone thinks they're an exception to the rules ~ Banksy,
820:there are no rules in writing except never to be boring, and even that is subjective. ~ Mara Altman,
821:There are rules you follow here not because you want to, but because you have to. ~ Stephen Chbosky,
822:There are three rules for running a business; fortunately, we don't know any of them. ~ Paul Newman,
823:The rules are clean: they are right, I ween
But where do they make the thing? ~ Raymond Chandler,
824:The rules are mine to set. What I don’t believe in is playing by other people’s rules. ~ Kyra Davis,
825:The rules you were given were the rules that worked for the person who created them. ~ Ellen Langer,
826:The search for predictive and explanatory general rules—that’s the crux of our game. ~ Steven Vogel,
827:The secret we should never let the gamemasters know is that they don't need any rules. ~ Gary Gygax,
828:Those who were sticklers for rules had to submit when the rules stickled them back. He ~ Lou Berney,
829:To get paid to play a game I love was enough for me, no matter what the rules were. ~ Dolph Schayes,
830:Under CAFE rules that took effect in 2011, bigger cars have lower mileage requirements. ~ Anonymous,
831:We seem to have set up some very arcane rules as to when it is actually OK to applaud. ~ Emanuel Ax,
832:You need to realize that most writing rules aren't laws, they're rules of thumb. ~ Patrick Rothfuss,
833:19. the LORD* has established His throne in the heavens, and His kingdom rules over all. ~ Anonymous,
834:A key ingredient in innovation is the ability to challenge authority and break rules. ~ Vivek Wadhwa,
835:Any legitimate religion consists of rules of morality linked by love. That's it. ~ Randy Wayne White,
836:A prude is a person who thinks that his own rules of propriety are natural laws. ~ Robert A Heinlein,
837:Bad things can happen to anyone at any time, whether you follow the rules or not. ~ Megan McCafferty,
838:By all means break the rules, and break them beautifully, deliberately and well. ~ Robert Bringhurst,
839:Donald Trump has been rewriting the rules since he got into politics. ~ Christopher Michael Cillizza,
840:Evil rules, and good men must needs be outlaws—or corpses—if they’re to stay good. So ~ Ed Greenwood,
841:For as long as the carnival of capitalism lasts, the rules of logic are repealed... ~ Michael Pollan,
842:I am slow-thinking and full of interior rules that act as brakes on my desires. ~ F Scott Fitzgerald,
843:If there is no God, no devil, no heaven, no hell then therefore there are no rules. ~ John Steinbeck,
844:If the rules are such that you can’t make progress, then you have to fight the rules. ~ Ashlee Vance,
845:I'm a firm believer that there are no rules in art. Every trajectory is different. ~ Jonathan Lethem,
846:In a system in which cheating is the norm, following the rules amounts to a handicap. ~ Cathy O Neil,
847:I never thought I’d see the day when you’d be persuading us to break rules,” said Ron. ~ J K Rowling,
848:Laws and rules of conduct are for the state of childhood; education is an emancipation. ~ Andre Gide,
849:People say beware, but I don't care. Their words are just rules and regulations to me. ~ Patti Smith,
850:Rule 1: don’t lose money. Rule 2: see Rule 1. —WARREN BUFFETT’S RULES OF INVESTING ~ Anthony Robbins,
851:Rules are mostly made to be broken and are too often for the lazy to hide behind ~ Douglas MacArthur,
852:Sometimes, you must play by the rules. If only so one can break them more effectively. ~ Maya Rodale,
853:The business rules should be the most independent and reusable code in the system. ~ Robert C Martin,
854:There's something liberating about watching someone not following the rules. ~ Nikolaj Coster Waldau,
855:The secret we should never let the gamemasters know is that they don't need any rules. ~ Gary Gygax,
856:Wisdom must yield to superstition's rules,
Who arms with bigot zeal the hand of fools. ~ Voltaire,
857:Your heart can be in the right place, but that means nothing when it comes to the rules. ~ K K Allen,
858:All The Rules In This World Were Made By Someone No Smarter Than You. So Make Your Own. ~ Jaden Smith,
859:Breaking rules isn't bad when what you're doing is more important than the rule itself ~ Kim Harrison,
860:I'd like to be remembered as someone that lived life by his own rules with no regrets. ~ Travie McCoy,
861:I refuse to follow the rules where society tries to control people with low self esteem. ~ Kanye West,
862:I would rather be an artist than a leader. Ironically, a leader has to follow the rules. ~ Criss Jami,
863:Look, that's why there's rules, understand? So that you think before you break 'em. ~ Terry Pratchett,
864:Look, that’s why there’s rules, understand? So that you think before you break ’em. ~ Terry Pratchett,
865:Love has a modesty of its own, whose lines are boldly drawn, and whose rules are stern. ~ Bram Stoker,
866:Love is the ultimate state of human being where compassion prevails and kindness rules. ~ Yogi Bhajan,
867:Luc : It's time for our annual review of Rules You Disrespectful Bastards Never Follow. ~ Chloe Neill,
868:Make sure you have an edge. Know what your edge is. And have rigid risk control rules. ~ Monroe Trout,
869:Rules are mostly made to be broken and are too often for the lazy to hide behind. ~ Douglas MacArthur,
870:Tadaka subscribes to no rules, Ahalya breaks a rule while Sita follows all rules. ~ Devdutt Pattanaik,
871:The president's come out with rules that say 'no new coal-fired power plants.’ ~ Shelley Moore Capito,
872:The rules for parents are but three... love, limit, and let them be." —Elaine M. Ward ~ Joshua Becker,
873:The rules of logic are to mathematics what those of structure are to architecture. ~ Bertrand Russell,
874:The rules when the giants play are the same as when the pygmies enter the market. ~ William O Douglas,
875:Trying to make sense of rules that didn't make sense was rather a losing proposition. ~ Bella Forrest,
876:Two basic rules of life are: 1) Change is inevitable. 2) Everybody resists change. ~ W Edwards Deming,
877:When it's low-budget, and you have one other person on the set, you have to make rules. ~ Lena Dunham,
878:Don't want problems," Dust says, "but you know the rules. She's not allowed in Church. ~ Katie McGarry,
879:Etiquette is a set of rules people use so they can be rude to each other in public. ~ Patrick Rothfuss,
880:Every man, in his own opinion, forms an exception to the ordinary rules of morality. ~ William Hazlitt,
881:He who reigns within himself and rules passions, desires, and fears is more than a king. ~ John Milton,
882:If there are rules, we're the ones making them. We can change them whenever we want to. ~ Isaac Marion,
883:If the rules of creativity are the norm for a company, creative people will be the norm. ~ Jim Gilmore,
884:If you change the rules of the market, you can be more successful than your competitors. ~ Max McKeown,
885:If you want to know who rules over you, just look for who you are not allowed to criticize. ~ Voltaire,
886:I have very strict rules in my head that seem to me to be the way things should sound. ~ Ann Goldstein,
887:I love playing with the conventions of fantasy, and breaking rules, and crossing lines. ~ Lev Grossman,
888:In living, as in art, rules are drawn from practice; not the other way around. ~ William Henry Jackson,
889:I've never felt like this before, with anyone. It's against the rules of surviving. ~ Jessica Sorensen,
890:...just like the affairs of the adult world--complicated rules and a history. ~ Alexander McCall Smith,
891:Often man is preoccupied with human rules and forgets the inner law. ~ Antoine the Healer; Revelations,
892:Rules don’t apply here,” laughed Lisa. “Dennis, you can be whoever you want to be!” 9 ~ David Walliams,
893:Talent and genius operate outside the rules, and theory conflicts with practice. ~ Carl von Clausewitz,
894:The objective is to win: fairly, squarely, decently, win by the rules, but still win. ~ Vince Lombardi,
895:Those that will combat use and custom by the strict rules of grammar do but jest ~ Michel de Montaigne,
896:… To dodge the rules and say useless things sums up the essentially modern attitude. ~ Fernando Pessoa,
897:To get cunning and hard and live, or stay gentle and die. A woman who knew the rules. ~ Pepper Winters,
898:two rules of harmony. #1) Don’t sweat the small stuff, and #2) It’s all small stuff. ~ Richard Carlson,
899:We need rules that limit our leaders' powers more than we need rules that limit our rights. ~ Ted Rall,
900:We seem to believe it is possible to ward off death by following rules of good grooming. ~ Don DeLillo,
901:We think according to nature. We speak according to rules. We act according to custom. ~ Francis Bacon,
902:We were playing a difficult and intense game with unwritten rules. One we could both lose. ~ C D Reiss,
903:You don't learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over. ~ Richard Branson,
904:You’re breaking a lot of rules, Miss Singer.” “You’re the prince. You can just pardon me. ~ Kiera Cass,
905:Apprehend. Be humble in the face of the universe. Do good. Eleven words. Three rules. ~ Terry Pratchett,
906:A woman who knows me, understands what I am, and who wants to have secret rules with me. ~ Nalini Singh,
907:But I am slow-thinking and full of interior rules that act as brakes on my desires ~ F Scott Fitzgerald,
908:Civilization had too many rules for me, so I did my best to rewrite them. —BILL COSBY ~ Timothy Ferriss,
909:Despite the rejection, and in violation of all the rules, I came back year after year. ~ Joseph Barbera,
910:Each path to knowledge involves different rules and these rules are not interchangeable. ~ Barack Obama,
911:I made a game effort to argue but two things were against me: the umpires and the rules. ~ Leo Durocher,
912:It is only when the peace of God rules my heart that I can know real peace with you. ~ Paul David Tripp,
913:It is the effect of scarcity; one’s rules of propriety make one thirst for the improper. ~ Mohsin Hamid,
914:It is wrong that corporations and the super wealthy play by a different set of rules. ~ Hillary Clinton,
915:I was amused to note that even vampires obeyed the unwritten rules of elevator etiquette. ~ Jim C Hines,
916:Law rules throughout existence, a Law which is not intelligent, but Intelligence. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
917:Society didn’t mind if you broke the rules; it only required you to acknowledge them. ~ G Willow Wilson,
918:The LORD has established his throne in the heavens,         and his kingdom rules over all. ~ Anonymous,
919:The thing about parenting rules is there aren't any. That's what makes it so difficult. ~ Ewan McGregor,
920:Valor is of no service, chance rules all, and the bravest often fall by the hands of cowards. ~ Tacitus,
921:You cannot separate any part from the whole: interdependence rules the cosmic order. ~ Taisen Deshimaru,
922:You said so yourself, no? The system is not kind to you if you function outside its rules. ~ Jay Antani,
923:Add to the world's confusion, we teach our kids rules that we don't adhere to ourselves. ~ Janet Jackson,
924:Boys, he said, only want to know two things: who is in charge, and what are the rules. ~ Neal Stephenson,
925:Break the rules. Be a fighter. Any dream is possible if you are brave enough to do it YOUR way. ~ AJ Lee,
926:But I am slow-thinking and full of interior rules that act as brakes on my desires. ~ F Scott Fitzgerald,
927:Computers are like Old Testament gods; lots of rules and no mercy. ~ Joseph Campbell, The Power of Myth,
928:Did Belikov bend the rules of time and space to get here so fast? He can do that, right? ~ Richelle Mead,
929:Hard-and-fast rules are easier to keep than rules that are slightly relaxed. The opposite ~ Russ Roberts,
930:I do not make the rules [. . .] This annoys me, and so I comfort myself by breaking them ~ Ellen Kushner,
931:I never actually learned the rules of grammar, relying instead only on what sounded right. ~ Joan Didion,
932:I think I grew up with the idea that God was a punishing being, constructed around rules. ~ Jim Gaffigan,
933:It would take a while to occur to him that my rules had sweet fuck-all in common with his. ~ Tana French,
934:Life has rules, Omar, and without some of them, humanity would return to the Stone Age. ~ Yasmina Khadra,
935:Of course it doesn't make sense." Lady Wendall said. "The rules of society rarely do. ~ Patricia C Wrede,
936:Rights and rules, which are bonds of iron to a little man, are packthread to a giant. ~ Anthony Trollope,
937:Rules equal love. If you let your children run the show, then you really don’t love them. ~ J D Trafford,
938:Taking and giving orders, as well as following and implementing rules, were my forte. As ~ Aleatha Romig,
939:The best thing about football is that the rules are so simple. Anyone can play anywhere. ~ Jermain Defoe,
940:There are two golden rules to being interrogated, and I had already flouted both of them. ~ John le Carr,
941:War ... a reversal of the rules where a man is permitted to kill all the humans he can. ~ John Steinbeck,
942:Why did I want to break all the rules? Because the rules didn’t make sense, that’s why ~ Madonna Ciccone,
943:You exist in a place that is beyond all rules for me. Do you understand that? - JZB ~ Karen Marie Moning,
944:Follow the rules whenever possible. That makes it a lot more surprising when you break them. ~ Mira Grant,
945:For, to make deserts, God, who rules mankind, Begins with kings, and ends the work by wind. ~ Victor Hugo,
946:He’d be fine. Every child went to school. They survived. They learned the rules of life. ~ Liane Moriarty,
947:I approach everything as an absolute outsider. It is the only way I can break so many rules. ~ Klaus Nomi,
948:I like middles. . . It is in middles that extremes clash, where ambiguity restlessly rules. ~ John Updike,
949:I'm a very old-fashioned novelist. I write 19th-century novels, where a lot of rules apply. ~ John Irving,
950:In PM, as Gödel said, “one can prove any theorem using nothing but a few mechanical rules. ~ James Gleick,
951:It can take a long time to get the rules in place that are conducive to growing, sometimes. ~ Jamie Dimon,
952:It's all about choices! You choose, you make the rules, not tobacco companies, not addiction ~ John Kehoe,
953:Of course, the term “rules of warfare” was one of the oldest oxymorons in recorded history, ~ Evan Currie,
954:One of my father's Rules for Life was to marry a woman who was smarter than you. ~ Nicholas Sparks,
955:Our school education ignores, in a thousand ways, the rules of healthy development. ~ Elizabeth Blackwell,
956:The size of your organization is directly related to your ability to enforce the rules. ~ Robert Kiyosaki,
957:Tucker: Why would you tell me now if it's against the rules?
Clara: Because I love you. ~ Cynthia Hand,
958:We have to have some rules and regulations in America, or the world would empty out here. ~ Gary Ackerman,
959:You can't have creativity unless you leave behind the bounded, the fixed, all the rules ~ Joseph Campbell,
960:But there are few rules or unwritten laws that are not broken when circumstances demand, ~ Harry Bernstein,
961:He had broken plenty of rules today. If he wasn’t fired for it, he would break a few more. ~ Thomas Mullen,
962:I’ll argue to the death against stupid legislation, but some rules exist for a reason. ~ Alastair Reynolds,
963:I only have two rules for my newly born daughter: she will dress well and never have sex. ~ John Malkovich,
964:Just because it's a world of thieves out there don't mean there ain't no rules to it. ~ James Carlos Blake,
965:love doesn't follow the rules... nothing is worth having so much as something unattainable. ~ Jodi Picoult,
966:Or maybe desire kicked in when it pleased without noticing the rules we lived and died by. ~ Sue Monk Kidd,
967:Religion to me almost like when God leaves – and people devise a set of rules to fill in the space. ~ Bono,
968:rules that left people guilt-ridden, exhausted, and confused were not really from God. ~ Rachel Held Evans,
969:Then came the churches, then came the schools, then came the lawyers, then came the rules. ~ Mark Knopfler,
970:There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are. ~ W Somerset Maugham,
971:There's an independence to surfing, it's just you and the ocean. There aren't a bunch of rules. ~ Lee Clow,
972:The rules of the jungle did not apply to those who wrote the rules of the jungle. ~ Alexander McCall Smith,
973:Too many rules, too much structure, too many people. I just wanted to be alone with a violin. ~ Kiera Cass,
974:We've reached the point where the demand for rules is about to replace the demand for chaos. ~ Debora Spar,
975:Yet he who reigns within himself, and rules
Passions, desires, and fears, is more a king. ~ John Milton,
976:You create your own game in your mind based on your beliefs, intents, perception and rules. ~ Mark Douglas,
977:Your rules should arise out of your passions and your experience with what works for you. ~ Richard Schmid,
978:Hearts get infiltrated.
Promises get broken.
Rules get shattered.
Love gets ugly. ~ Colleen Hoover,
979:He who reigns within himself and rules his passions, desires, and fears is more than a king. ~ John Milton,
980:I always feel it’s not wise to violate rules until you know how to observe them.” Eliot. ~ Sonallah Ibrahim,
981:I follow three rules: Do the right thing, do the best you can, and always show people you care. ~ Lou Holtz,
982:If the rules are such that you can’t make progress, then you have to fight the rules. “There ~ Ashlee Vance,
983:I have a strong disrespect for authority and for rules. Including gravity. Gravity sucks. ~ Sebastian Thrun,
984:Lady, you know no rules of charity, Which renders good for bad, blessings for curses. ~ William Shakespeare,
985:Music has more rules than math or magic and it's twice as dangers as both or either. ~ Catherynne M Valente,
986:Recipes are just descriptions of one person’s take on one moment in time. They’re not rules. ~ Mario Batali,
987:rules exist for a reason. Rules exist because when people don't follow them, people get hurt. ~ Ally Carter,
988:Some people wish above all to conform to the rules, I wish only to render what I can hear. ~ Claude Debussy,
989:Thankfully for us, water seems unaware of the rules of chemistry or laws of physics. Everyone ~ Bill Bryson,
990:That's what our Rules engage us to do, to help poor persons, our lords and masters. ~ Saint Vincent de Paul,
991:The biggest lesson that I have learnt from everyone is that there are no rules in filmmaking. ~ Nandita Das,
992:The Valley of Understanding: Here we all choose a different way and different rules to disobey. ~ Peter S s,
993:Three rules of success in fashion: perseverance, dream a bit and be passionate about it. ~ Grace Coddington,
994:Are there rules about betting on baseball games? Yeah--you have to stay away from the Padres. ~ James Siegel,
995:As long as a sense of self-importance rules your being, you will never know lasting peace. ~ Matthieu Ricard,
996:Be natural my children. For the writer that is natural has fulfilled all the rules of art. ~ Charles Dickens,
997:I don't want to play; I want to win. But if you give me the rules, I'll take it from there. ~ Veronica Rossi,
998:I loved begging him, following his rules. I loved the freedom I found in complete capitulation. ~ Penny Reid,
999:In the rules of dieting lives the centuries-old legacy of the second-class citizenship of women. ~ Jes Baker,
1000:Me, rule? Me, place the State under my law, when my feeble reason no longer rules even myself! ~ Jean Racine,
1001:Old rules and habits have to be rejected and dismissed so that something new can be created. ~ Michael Cretu,
1002:Principles and rules are intended to provide a thinking man with a frame of reference. ~ Carl von Clausewitz,
1003:Rule 1: All rules can be broken. Many (ex-legal and ethical) should be. Most people won't. ~ Marc Andreessen,
1004:Son, different rules apply during the End of the World.” I did not know what to say to that. ~ John C Wright,
1005:The man is a genius, and geniuses don’t have to abide by the same rules as the rest of the world. ~ J D Robb,
1006:The pictures placed for ornament and use, The twelve good rules, the royal game of goose. ~ Oliver Goldsmith,
1007:There are two rules for achieving anything. Rule No. 1: Get started. Rule No. 2: Keep going. ~ E Howard Hunt,
1008:There's quite a difference between skirting the rules and putting musket balls through them. ~ Suzanne Enoch,
1009:Vampires and five-year-olds played by the same rules, and both threw tantrums when they lost. ~ Kim Harrison,
1010:Warren Buffett’s top two rules of investing? Rule 1: don’t lose money! Rule 2: see rule 1. ~ Anthony Robbins,
1011:What am I but a little flesh, a little breath, and the thinking part that rules the whole? ~ Marcus Aurelius,
1012:Without a concise set of rules to follow we would probably all have to resort to common sense ~ David Thorne,
1013:Britons are 16 times more likely to understand the rules of Quidditch than the rules of croquet. ~ John Lloyd,
1014:I don’t have any idea how to be a rogue.” “First rule: more belts. Second rule: no more rules. ~ Rachel Caine,
1015:I don't think you can write according to a set of rules and laws; every writer is so different. ~ Kiran Desai,
1016:I figure it's okay to make certain rules, whether or not people despise you for it at the time. ~ Will Oldham,
1017:I find that the longer I live, the more I worry about people and the less I worry about rules. ~ Daniel Quinn,
1018:If you don't like it, go somewhere else, to another universe where the rules are simpler. ~ Richard P Feynman,
1019:I need to make it difficult for myself, not for others: those are the rules for the fallen. Not ~ Nina George,
1020:I think a lot of people study the rules too much and then don't know how to be creative. ~ Julian Casablancas,
1021:Let a man be stimulated by poetry, established by the rules of propriety, and perfected by music. ~ Confucius,
1022:Mathematics is the study of anything that obeys the rules of logic, using the rules of logic. ~ Eugenia Cheng,
1023:Maybe Charlotte was right, and I was hopelessly addicted to breaking rules oprinciple. ~ Cinda Williams Chima,
1024:Music has more rules than math or magic and it's twice as dangerous as both or either. ~ Catherynne M Valente,
1025:Perhaps evil didn’t have to make sense. It just was. It festered and survived by its own rules. ~ Hunter Shea,
1026:Relying on God’s rules is as much self-reliance and God-rejection as ignoring God’s rules. ~ Timothy J Keller,
1027:Step outside the guidelines of the official umpires and make your own rules and your own reality. ~ Phil Ochs,
1028:Stop caring what other people think Erin. Life's too short to live by other people's rules ~ Lurlene McDaniel,
1029:The capitalist class rules but does not govern: it contents itself with ruling the government. ~ Karl Kautsky,
1030:The divinity who rules within us, forbids us to leave this world without his command. ~ Marcus Tullius Cicero,
1031:There are many rules of good writing, but the best way to find them is to be a good reader. ~ Stephen Ambrose,
1032:The rules of a well-ordered life were never enough when other people refused to obey them. ~ Armistead Maupin,
1033:This is, once again, applying the rules of rhetorical argument to an issue of knowledge ~ Shawn Lawrence Otto,
1034:Three simple rules - pay less, diversify more and be contrarian - will serve almost everyone well. ~ John Kay,
1035:to know the raw silk, hold the uncut wood. Need little, want less. Forget the rules. Be untroubled. ~ Lao Tzu,
1036:Trying to be like Christ . . . is more like painting a portrait than like obeying a set of rules. ~ C S Lewis,
1037:Two children—one male, one female—to each family unit. It was written very clearly in the rules. ~ Lois Lowry,
1038:Whenever society gets too stifling and the rules too complex, there's some sort of musical explosion. ~ Slash,
1039:When war makes commerce and commerce is law, profit rules prudence and justice is flawed. ~ Christopher Moore,
1040:Without a concise set of rules to follow we would probably all have to resort to common sense. ~ David Thorne,
1041:You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else. ~ Albert Einstein,
1042:You know, the one with all the well meaning rules that don't work out in real life, uh, Christianity. ~ Homer,
1043:Anyone who is more interested in human beings than in the rules is a threat to the system. ~ John Taylor Gatto,
1044:Break the rules as often as you can, because who the hell doesn't want to have an adventure? ~ Brian K Vaughan,
1045:Damn, tell me where did all the magic go? I followed the rules and told you everything you had to know ~ Drake,
1046:Forget all the rules. Forget about being published. Write for yourself and celebrate writing. ~ Melinda Haynes,
1047:Four Rules For Life Show up. Pay attention. Tell the truth. Don't be attached to the results. ~ Angeles Arrien,
1048:I did not get why the world needed the third ecosystem in phones, unless we changed the rules. ~ Satya Nadella,
1049:It even contains rules on what types of blows are permissible when a husband beats his wife. ~ Ayaan Hirsi Ali,
1050:Love is the ultimate state of human being where compassion prevails and kindness rules. ~ Harbhajan Singh Yogi,
1051:No rules according to the Universe. You provide the feelings of having it now; it will respond. ~ Rhonda Byrne,
1052:That is how to live: in the choosing. There are no rules but those you make for yourself. ~ Karen Marie Moning,
1053:The old rules are crumbling and nobody knows what the new rules make up your own rules. ~ Neil Gaiman,
1054:what happens when they give you medals for breaking the rules: you forget the rules apply to you. ~ Hugh Howey,
1055:What is right, in the end, is not always what it seems to be, and some rules are better broken. ~ Jodi Picoult,
1056:You might as well praise a man for not robbing a bank as to praise him for playing by the rules. ~ Bobby Jones,
1057:You’re changing the rules. I can feel you changing the rules.” “Baby, I’m an outlaw. Remember? ~ Susan Fanetti,
1058:As a rule,
I believe people shouldn't follow rules;
rules should follow people. ~ Eric Micha el Leventhal,
1059:Better if you don't. Suffice it to say '123kitty' does not a strong password make." - House Rules ~ Chloe Neill,
1060:Breaking the rules and challenging convention is in the DNA of every successful entrepreneur. ~ Richard Branson,
1061:Every English poet should master the rules of grammar before he attempts to bend or break them. ~ Robert Graves,
1062:He that rules by mind is like the north star, steady in his seat, whilst the stars all bend to him. ~ Confucius,
1063:I think a lot of women innately know how to play their hand. I'm not a big one for the rules. ~ Katherine Heigl,
1064:I think the rules of our truce prohibit the use of words like ‘squeeze.’ That’s an automatic foul. ~ Eve Jagger,
1065:Math. Are you able to turn off your mind to the world and fill it with symbols that follow rules? ~ Ned Vizzini,
1066:Mathematics is a game played according to certain simple rules with meaningless marks on paper. ~ David Hilbert,
1067:One thing you should know about me is I never play to lose, Always aim high and rarely obey the rules. ~ J Cole,
1068:The first: limit the rules. The second: Use the least force necessary to enforce those rules. ~ Jordan Peterson,
1069:The passing seconds became dangerous and spacious. The rules tinkled silently as they broke. ~ Frances Hardinge,
1070:There are many rules of good writing, but the best way to find them is to be a good reader. ~ Stephen E Ambrose,
1071:There are no reasons for my photographs, nor any rules; all depends on the mood of the moment. ~ Jeanloup Sieff,
1072:There are people who observe the rules of honor as one observes the stars, from a great distance. ~ Victor Hugo,
1073:There are rules to luck, not everything is chance for the wise; luck can be helped by skill. ~ Baltasar Gracian,
1074:There are rules to luck, not everything is chance for the wise; luck can be helped by skill. ~ Baltasar Graci n,
1075:There are so many rules about play writing. I'd have a nervous breakdown if I followed them. ~ Terrence McNally,
1076:There is a set of rules and a code of conduct that I believe that you should adhere to in life. ~ Stuart Pearce,
1077:There is no peace now, and there will never be peace, so long as one rules over another. ~ Voltairine de Cleyre,
1078:We started off trying to set up a small anarchist community, but people wouldn't obey the rules. ~ Alan Bennett,
1079:When I was initially charged I still thought I was not guilty because I had followed the rules. ~ Andrew Fastow,
1080:With love, there are no rules. The heart decides and what it decides is all that really matters. ~ Paulo Coelho,
1081:A relationship run by rules, instead of love is a relationship that is on the road to failure. ~ Shannon L Alder,
1082:But Jesus doesn’t want to talk about tangible rules or laws. He isn’t into current events either. ~ Kyle Idleman,
1083:Croquet is tough. People play for months because the rules are so bizarre. Those crazy English. ~ Jane Kaczmarek,
1084:Fashion, though Folly's child, and guide of fools, Rules e'en the wisest, and in learning rules. ~ George Crabbe,
1085:I am ready to fight according to the rules, and I ask for the opportunity to prove myself. ~ Yingluck Shinawatra,
1086:I don't have storyboards, but I have some very strict rules, like not moving the camera. ~ Lucile Hadzihalilovic,
1087:If you change the rules on what controls you... you will change the rules on what you can control. ~ Guy Ritchie,
1088:I'm for everybody. There are no set rules. But if one's not a joiner. To hell with all of them! ~ Diana Vreeland,
1089:I'm gonna party, see how intoxicated I can get and how many rules I can flaunt. That's my motto. ~ H G Bissinger,
1090:I wanted to create something that broke rules and made women feel confident and empowered. ~ Christian Louboutin,
1091:No, there are no hard and fast rules about sources, no printed booklet to help journalists through. ~ Ian Hislop,
1092:Rules are in every company for everyone to follow. Eh, except salespeople." -- Jeffrey Gitomer ~ Jeffrey Gitomer,
1093:(Sean) “Sometimes the system fails. And sometimes you have to break the rules to get what you want. ~ Jami Alden,
1094:Sometimes with 'The New Yorker,' they have grammar rules that just don't feel right in my mouth. ~ David Sedaris,
1095:The general will rules in society as the private will governs each separate individual. ~ Maximilien Robespierre,
1096:The golden rule in the arts, as far as I am concerned, is that all rules are meant to be broken. ~ Michael Kenna,
1097:The present situation in physics is as if we know chess, but we don't know one or two rules. ~ Richard P Feynman,
1098:There are two important showbiz rules, kiddo: always know where your wallet is . . . and show up. ~ Stephen King,
1099:We so deeply want to contribute to our own salvation that we become intoxicated by the rules. ~ Jefferson Bethke,
1100:without rules we quickly become slaves to our passions—and there’s nothing freeing about that. ~ Jordan Peterson,
1101:You can't change the world without a certain amount of healthy willingness to break the rules. ~ Sebastian Thrun,
1102:You'll get fired if anyone finds out about us!"
"So many rules in this century," Vane muttered. ~ Priya Ardis,
1103:You see everything is about belief, whatever we believe rules our existence, rules our life. ~ Miguel Angel Ruiz,
1104:Although many texters enjoy breaking linguistic rules, they also know they need to be understood. ~ David Crystal,
1105:Being vegan is not about rules or doctrine. It’s not about restriction or self-denial. ~ Colleen Patrick Goudreau,
1106:Crushed. Subdued. Branded. How many rules could she break and bend before they bent and broke her? ~ Tenaya Jayne,
1107:Gough, of course, would have loved to speak today but the rules of the game have disqualified him. ~ Tony Whitlam,
1108:I consider it my calling to dispel the myth that it’s against the rules to split infinitives. It ~ Mignon Fogarty,
1109:If money is a science, then it is a dark has gone on its own rules ~ Neal Stephenson,
1110:I make myself strict rules in order to correct my nature. But it is my nature that I finally obey. ~ Albert Camus,
1111:I make myself strict rules in order to correct my nature. But it is my nature that i finally obey. ~ Albert Camus,
1112:In America the press rules the countrty; it rules its politics, its religion, its social practices. ~ E W Scripps,
1113:I think that things are poetic when they don't have a boundary. Without rules. My life is poetic. ~ Mark Gonzales,
1114:I think you don't break new ground in anything in life if you are willing to just follow the rules. ~ Brad Furman,
1115:I've set my own rules to live by. The first one is: 'Never believe ANYthing the government says.' ~ George Carlin,
1116:Like it or not, the aggressor makes the rules. You must play by them, or you will surely die by them. ~ Anonymous,
1117:More important, it’s a place where there are no victims. Everyone there knows the rules and the ~ James Lee Burke,
1118:One who is slow to anger is better than the mighty; one who rules his spirit, than he who takes a city. ~ Solomon,
1119:Rules rarely keep us in line. Love does a much better job at keeping us moral.” - Dr. Henry Cloud ~ Rebecca Eanes,
1120:Science fiction writers put characters into a world with arbitrary rules and work out what happens. ~ Rudy Rucker,
1121:Society is not taking revenge. It is simply eliminating someone who refuses to live by the rules. ~ Louis L Amour,
1122:The bigger the crime, Holmes said, the more obvious the motive. That was one of his basic rules. ~ Peter Abrahams,
1123:T h e C o n t e x t Anyone who wishes to master an activity must first understand its tools and rules ~ Anonymous,
1124:The first: limit the rules. The second: Use the least force necessary to enforce those rules. ~ Jordan B Peterson,
1125:The Lady: a fluty voice, sensible shoes, a melancholy sense of living by rules few still remember. ~ Mason Cooley,
1126:There are exceptions to all rules, but it seldom answers to follow the advice of an opponent. ~ Benjamin Disraeli,
1127:The rules are learnt in order to be broken, but if you don't know them, then something is missing. ~ Nicolas Roeg,
1128:The rules of the universe that we think we know are buried deep in our processes of perception. ~ Gregory Bateson,
1129:To deal with our secret rules, we have to do three things: Identify them. Destroy them. Replace them. ~ Jon Acuff,
1130:All rules for study are summed up in this one: learn only in order to create. ~ Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling,
1131:But I say their rules are bullshit. I say there are no rules but the ones a man makes for himself. ~ Dennis Lehane,
1132:had also decided to quit following the socially approved rules for how life is supposed to work. ~ Vishen Lakhiani,
1133:I don't believe that one should have one-size-fits-all moral rules for international political action. ~ Tony Judt,
1134:In so complex a thing as human nature, we must consider it is hard to find rules without exception. ~ George Eliot,
1135:It's not enough to create magic. You have to create a price for magic, too. You have to create rules. ~ Eric Burns,
1136:Life is a lot like playing Blackjack. With any game, there are rules, players, losers, and winners. ~ Bethany Kris,
1137:Love and war, it seemed, worked by the same rules. One had to hurry, before the fires flared out. ~ Robin Oliveira,
1138:My parents have basically just taught me the rules of the stage and everything since I was eight. ~ Haley Reinhart,
1139:One of the rules I try to follow is that normal people are going to be involved even in heroic events ~ David Brin,
1140:She was stolen innocence, following the rules of monsters. Somewhere along the way, she’d become one. ~ Pam Godwin,
1141:Style isn't an excuse to cook without a standard. Style just determines the set of rules you choose. ~ Eddie Huang,
1142:The commonsense rules of the "real world" are a fragile collection of socially reinforced illusions. ~ Tim Ferriss,
1143:The revolution proceeded routinely and according to the rules of networked 21st-century protest. ~ Neal Stephenson,
1144:The rules are now clear: no one is going to inform you, but it's easier than ever to inform yourself. ~ Seth Godin,
1145:Well, at least lay down some ground rules. No touching or kissing in public. Especially not at school. ~ Anonymous,
1146:We’re bound by the same rules that dog out pets. The great chain of non-being is round our necks too. ~ Ian McEwan,
1147:When the church has occasion to set the rules for all society, it often veers toward the extremism ~ Philip Yancey,
1148:without rules we quickly become slaves to our passions—and there’s nothing freeing about that. ~ Jordan B Peterson,
1149:Without rules we quickly become slaves to our passions - and there’s nothing freeing about that. ~ Jordan Peterson,
1150:You are a victim of the rules you live by.     —Jenny Holzer; artist, thinker, blurter of brilliance ~ Jen Sincero,
1151:And because nobody's done it before, they haven't made up rules to stop anyone doing that again, yet. ~ Neil Gaiman,
1152:China is eating our lunch because they don't partake in all of the rules and regulations that we do. ~ Donald Trump,
1153:Donald Trump hasn`t decided, and most importantly, we don`t know if the old rules still apply. ~ Lawrence O Donnell,
1154:Even the most powerful people at a given point in terms of class, will all play by the same rules. ~ Lorne Michaels,
1155:Global warming, like Marxism, is a political theory of actions, demanding compliance with its rules. ~ Paul Johnson,
1156:God rules even where Satan seems to hold sway, because the latter exists only on God's sufferance. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
1157:"He who wants to protect everything, protects nothing," is one of the fundamental rules of defense. ~ Adolf Galland,
1158:I believe love isn't simple, and it's one of the things that makes people break all the rules. ~ Martine McCutcheon,
1159:if there were rules, then they applied to everyone, even her. Otherwise they were merely tyranny. ~ Terry Pratchett,
1160:I have a new game. And I make the rules. It’s a game where she and I win. Each and every goddamned time ~ Ker Dukey,
1161:In so complex a thing as human nature, we must consider, it is hard to find rules without exception. ~ George Eliot,
1162:Rules are rules was stuffed into him from the crib like he was a Thanksgiving turkey. ~ James Marshall Smith,
1163:Legalistic remorse says, "I broke God's rules," while real repentance says, "I broke God's heart." ~ Timothy Keller,
1164:One of the first rules of science is if somebody delivers a secret weapon to you, you better use it ~ Herbert Simon,
1165:Our beliefs become the rules we live by, and then here's what happens: We make ourselves right. ~ Cheryl Richardson,
1166:Podiobooks rules. It's still the best way I know to find an audience for longer works in any genre. ~ Nathan Lowell,
1167:Talking about peoples lived experiences is a powerful way to mobilize them. We can create new rules. ~ Celinda Lake,
1168:The Bible is not a book of rules. The Bible reveals the God whom we serve, and we serve him gladly. ~ John H Walton,
1169:The hand that rules the press, the radio, the screen and the far-spread magazine, rules the country. ~ Learned Hand,
1170:There are no absolute rules of conduct, either in peace or war. Everything depends on circumstances. ~ Leon Trotsky,
1171:There are two rules for living in harmony. #1) Don’t sweat the small stuff and #2) It’s all small ~ Richard Carlson,
1172:There's a whole new set of rules, in this new world. If you don't abide by them, then you'll perish. ~ Kevin Durand,
1173:What rules the world is ideas,” Kristol once wrote, “because ideas define the way reality is perceived. ~ Anonymous,
1174:Women like to make up rules to befuddle's part of living in their world. Get used to it. ~ Lindsay Buroker,
1175:Although the masters make the rules for the wise men and the fools, I've got nothing, Ma, to live up to. ~ Bob Dylan,
1176:Apparently you don't have to observe the Rules of Etiquette when reuniting with a muderous spouse. ~ Jennifer Rardin,
1177:As soon as rules were made, names were given. There are already many names. One must know when it is enough. ~ Laozi,
1178:Even though it was only the word 'like', it roughly followed the same rules as the other L word. ~ Marshall Thornton,
1179:Every error pronounces judgment on itself when it attempts to apply its rules to the standard of truth. ~ Lord Acton,
1180:Every game has rules. Life’s a game that has its respective rules; obey the rules, win the game! ~ Israelmore Ayivor,
1181:I conduct business, not dependent of public sentiment, but according to the rules of fair business. ~ Victor Pinchuk,
1182:I don't have to play by these rules or do these things... I can actually have my own kind of version. ~ Billy Corgan,
1183:If sin rules in me, God's life in me will be killed; if God rules in me, sin in me will be killed. ~ Oswald Chambers,
1184:If You Want To Play With Me, Let's Play.
But Remember One Thing There is No Rules in This Game! ~ Stephenie Meyer,
1185:I hate when I break my own rules. What’s the point of me being rational if I flail around like a clown? ~ Jesse Ball,
1186:I know you value the rules, but sometimes . . . sometimes breaking them is the right thing to do. I ~ Tracy Banghart,
1187:I like the way everything is clear and concise, you'll always be forgiven but you must know the rules ~ Rumer Godden,
1188:It's a strange new world out there and the rules have changed: It's every princess for herself. ~ Karen Marie Moning,
1189:It’s a strange new world out there and the rules have changed: It’s every princess for herself. ~ Karen Marie Moning,
1190:Languages are like games. You learn the rules for one, and they all work the same way. Like women. ~ Haruki Murakami,
1191:Most people I knew defied religious rules; faith seemed to matter to them only in times of need. ~ Zohreh Ghahremani,
1192:One of the rules of the sane world… the poor keep getting poorer, and the rich keep getting...richer. ~ Cameron Jace,
1193:Really interesting things come because you don't know what the rules are, what you can and can't do. ~ Steve Buscemi,
1194:The bed is now as public as the dinner table and governed by the same rules of formal confrontation. ~ Angela Carter,
1195:The kingdom is not an exclusive, well-trimmed suburb with snobbish rules about who can live there. ~ Brennan Manning,
1196:The old rules are crumbling and nobody knows what the new rules are.

So make up your own rules. ~ Neil Gaiman,
1197:The power in the room is distributed haphazardly: I have none, Ink has very little, and Beat. . .he rules ~ L J Shen,
1198:They conducted themselves according to the rules of behavior associated with an amusement park. ~ F Scott Fitzgerald,
1199:They had a lot of rules that got in the way," Kade said dismissively.
"Those are called laws, Kade ~ Tiffany Snow,
1200:Tomorrow--there's no day so fair, It knows no sorrow; A day that banishes despair, Joy rules tomorrow. ~ Edgar Guest,
1201:To play by David’s rules you have to be desperate. You have to be so bad that you have no choice. ~ Malcolm Gladwell,
1202:Transgression affirms the very rules it intends to flout. Nothing supports the norm like deviation. ~ Hanif Kureishi,
1203:Using non-actors has its own rules and really requires that you allow them to do their own thing. ~ Abbas Kiarostami,
1204:Well, considering my entire life, now seems rules by odd coincidences, I figure it's right on track. ~ Alice Clayton,
1205:We've accommodated the new rules and regulations. We've served our clients and had quite good returns. ~ Jamie Dimon,
1206:We've been living under outdated immigration rules from decades ago. They're decades and decades old. ~ Donald Trump,
1207:Without rules we quickly become slaves to our passions - and there’s nothing freeing about that. ~ Jordan B Peterson,
1208:You must break all the rules of painting, but you must also convince me you've had a reason to do so. ~ Hans Hofmann,
1209:all games share four defining traits: a goal, rules, a feedback system, and voluntary participation. ~ Jane McGonigal,
1210:And what rules of economy dictate that a boy without a foot is more whole than a girl without a tongue? ~ Julie Berry,
1211:As you will come to see, much is governed by the Golden Rule: he who has the gold makes the rules. ~ T Colin Campbell,
1212:But that’s the point. We wouldn’t even have wars if adults followed the rules they learned as children. ~ Cat Winters,
1213:Experience will guide us to the rules. You cannot make rules precede practical experience. ~ Antoine de Saint Exupery,
1214:Heaven is purpose, principle, and people. Purgatory is paper and procedure. Hell is rules and regulations. ~ Dee Hock,
1215:I don't believe in rules. I would be happy to be climbing a pyramid when I'm 70. And I know I will be. ~ Rose McGowan,
1216:if you ignore the rules people will, half the time, quietly rewrite them so that they don’t apply to you. ~ Anonymous,
1217:If you spend too much time worrying about how other people perceive you, you'll never break the rules. ~ John Sculley,
1218:I had made all these rules for myself: I'm not writing social commentary, I'm not writing love songs. ~ Joni Mitchell,
1219:It’s easy to game school, once you realize that the rules are bullshit and you can get around them. ~ Tiffany Haddish,
1220:I’ve told her not to come here expecting validation or exemption from the usual rules of human decency. ~ Lisa Jewell,
1221:Look, the world is an inherently unfair place. I didn't write the rules. It's always been that way. ~ Haruki Murakami,
1222:Love doesn’t have rules, Blue. The way you love me is perfect. And I love you. That’s all that matters. ~ Carian Cole,
1223:Never trust a man who carries a handkerchief, I always say. One of many prejudicial rules of thumb. ~ Haruki Murakami,
1224:of course, even in the hall, you must begin trying to obey the rules which are common to the whole house. ~ C S Lewis,
1225:One of the rules of the sane world… the poor keep getting poorer, and the rich keep getting… bitchier. ~ Cameron Jace,
1226:Ryan Baker sustained a penalty of play, and we withheld him from play today based on the rules violation. ~ Les Miles,
1227:There is no letter of the law to follow in Zen. There is a lot of etiquette, but there are no rules. ~ Frederick Lenz,
1228:think about the way God rules. He doesn't do it by sending in the tanks. He does it by calling servants. ~ N T Wright,
1229:Think of business as a good game. Lots of competition and a minimum of rules. You keep score with money. ~ Bill Gates,
1230:Though the masters make the rules
For the wise men and the fools,
I got nothing, Ma, to live up to. ~ Bob Dylan,
1231:When a nominee doesn't get 60 votes, you shouldn't change the rules, you should change the nominee. ~ Charles Schumer,
1232:When you have people who get angry quickly, you have to learn the rules to avoid being in that situation. ~ Lily King,
1233:Without an acquaintance with the rules of propriety, it is impossible for the character to be established ~ Confucius,
1234:Women have the feeling that since they didn't make the rules, the rules have nothing to do with them. ~ Diane Johnson,
1235:You should write about take no-shit women like me. Girls need to know they can break the rules" p.79 ~ Gloria Steinem,
1236:You've got to say yes to this miracle of life as it is, not on condition that it follow your rules. ~ Joseph Campbell,
1237:Although none of the rules for becoming more alive is valid, it is healthy to keep on formulating them. ~ Susan Sontag,
1238:better understand the rules: they worked for Donald Trump, not for the president of the United States. ~ Michael Wolff,
1239:Certain grammatical rules are arbitrary, but the need to have these arbitrary rules is not arbitrary. ~ Douglas Wilson,
1240:Did you play by the rules and work hard but feel empty and unfulfilled? It's because you were lied to. ~ Bryant McGill,
1241:Everyone who was in the Delacroix house on Christmas morning got a stocking. That was one of the rules. ~ Eileen Wilks,
1242:Here is one of the first rules of politics: it's not enough that I do well; I must also destroy my enemy. ~ Bill Press,
1243:I believe God rules all by his divine providence and that the stars by his permission are instruments. ~ William Lilly,
1244:I have only two rules: store all items of the same type in the same place and don’t scatter storage space ~ Marie Kond,
1245:I loved that feeling, that I was interesting enough to break rules, to believe rules did not apply to me. ~ Roxane Gay,
1246:Male and Female Compatibility Rules: a. She's right. b. He's really thinking about nothing. Really. ~ Roger Rosenblatt,
1247:Ministers must not be able to set rules governing solicitors on a whim, to suit their own requirements. ~ Kevin Martin,
1248:Most people did think that way, unable to look beyond the letter of the rules or what they believed. ~ L E Modesitt Jr,
1249:No one can act alone in the name of all and no one can accept the anarchy of a society without rules. ~ Jacques Chirac,
1250:Shasana means rules someone else imposes on you. Anushasana means rules you impose on yourself. ~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,
1251:The commonsense rules of the “real world” are a fragile collection of socially reinforced illusions. ~ Timothy Ferriss,
1252:There are different rules for reading, for thinking, and for talking. Writing blends all three of them. ~ Mason Cooley,
1253:There are no rules for friendship. It must be left to itself. We cannot force it any more than love. ~ William Hazlitt,
1254:There are so many rules that you don't know, and no matter how much you study, you can't learn them all. ~ Leila Sales,
1255:There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are. —W. SOMERSET MAUGHAM ~ Wendy Wax,
1256:There is a God inside my PC. An Old-Testament God with lots of arbitrary rules and utterly no mercy. ~ Joseph Campbell,
1257:This is what happens when they give you medals for breaking the rules: you forget the rules apply to you. ~ Hugh Howey,
1258:Today Satan rules the world. The masses no longer believe in God. And, yes, Satan is in the Vatican. ~ Gabriele Amorth,
1259:To indoctrinate boys into the rules of patriarchy, we force them to feel pain and to deny their feelings. ~ bell hooks,
1260:We need fair rules of the road, so big corporations can't use their power to gain unfair advantages. ~ Hillary Clinton,
1261:What if you just did it your own way? No rules, no right or wrong, just what you think is beautiful? ~ Sandra Magsamen,
1262:Be polite; write diplomatically; even in a declaration of war one observes the rules of politeness. ~ Otto von Bismarck,
1263:but it seemed that most of the people of Seattle were still obeying the rules and so he did likewise. ~ Neal Stephenson,
1264:Daring to think that the rules do not apply is the mark of a visionary. It’s also a symptom of narcissism. ~ Ariel Levy,
1265:Fancy rules over two thirds of the universe, the past, and future, while reality is confined to the present ~ Jean Paul,
1266:I don't care about the rules, if I don't break the rules at least 10x every song then I'm not doing my job. ~ Jeff Beck,
1267:If clear rules are in place, people feel safe. Make the rules too strict and they’ll feel trapped though. ~ Jen Minkman,
1268:I have only two rules: store all items of the same type in the same place and don’t scatter storage space. ~ Marie Kond,
1269:I live by three rules: I eat when I'm hungry, sleep when I'm tired and scratch when I itch. ~ Alice Roosevelt Longworth,
1270:I love all of mythology and rules pertaining to all of the monsters, but I like to go the extra step. ~ Stephen Sommers,
1271:in so complex a thing as human nature, we must consider, it is hard to find rules without exceptions. Of ~ George Eliot,
1272:is nothing more liberating than playing an illogical game where only you understand all of the rules. ~ Jeff VanderMeer,
1273:It is possible to avoid Jesus as Savior as much by keeping all the Biblical rules as by breaking them. ~ Timothy Keller,
1274:I was not certain what social rules applied to the delayed discovery of one's wife's mummified body, ~ Elizabeth Peters,
1275:My characters aren't losers. They're rebels. They win by their refusal to play by everyone else's rules. ~ Harold Ramis,
1276:People who know how to creatively break the rules also know why the rules were there in the first place. ~ Richard Rohr,
1277:Rules, guidelines, and even laws are someone's opinion about how things should be done. Nothing more. ~ Johnny B Truant,
1278:Science is not a game in which arbitrary rules are used to decide what explanations are to be permitted. ~ Michael Behe,
1279:Teachers are the agents through which knowledge and skills are communicated and rules of conduct enforced. ~ John Dewey,
1280:That literary is still based on beauty, does not know the reality and does not have fixed rules like scientific rules ~,
1281:That's how love got lost ... when we started laying down rules for when love should or shouldn't appear. ~ Paulo Coelho,
1282:That this was what jail was for: people who believed that they, rather than society, made the rules. ~ Jonathan Franzen,
1283:The business of philosophy is not to give rules, but to analyze the private judgments of common reason. ~ Immanuel Kant,
1284:The rules make provisions for everything, especially on occasions when one doesn’t know what to do. ~ Carlos Ruiz Zaf n,
1285:The secret of breaking rules in a way that works is understanding what the rules are in the first place. ~ Rick Wakeman,
1286:was shady, shoot-from-the-hip, heedless or even unaware of the rules, deceptive, and in it for himself. ~ Michael Wolff,
1287:We are reluctant to live outside tribal rules because we are afraid of getting kicked out of the tribe. ~ Caroline Myss,
1288:What is wrong with strengthening the opposition? You lose nothing, ... But let them abide by the rules. ~ Hosni Mubarak,
1289:Wherever you encounter domination, you can be sure that it is satanic. That is not how God rules people. ~ Derek Prince,
1290:You are a victim of the rules you live by.     —Jenny Holzer; artist, thinker, blurter of brilliance Many ~ Jen Sincero,
1291:But boys will be boys, even the ones who are only girls dressed up: That's one of the rules of the world. ~ Philip Reeve,
1292:If we desire rules to govern our spiritual development we turn back to the Sermon on the Mount. ~ William Jennings Bryan,
1293:If you write genre fiction, you follow the rules, and you have to follow them because readers expect that. ~ Yann Martel,
1294:I know, O LORD, that your rules are  p righteous,         and that in  q faithfulness you have afflicted me. ~ Anonymous,
1295:Man is simply playing by nature's rules,and art is man's attempt to imitate the beauty of the Creator's hand ~ Dan Brown,
1296:One, if I’m behind the wheel we go by Winchester rules: driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole. ~ Tanya Huff,
1297:Simple rules guide innovative, intelligent responses. Comprehensive rules guide rote, routine responses. ~ Jim Highsmith,
1298:Sometimes in the fashion industry we come across some unfair rules, but no one is obliged to follow them. ~ Sonia Rykiel,
1299:The whole point of Zen is to suspend the rules we have superimposed on things and to see the world as it is ~ Alan Watts,
1300:They are not wise, then, who stand forth to buffet against Love; for Love rules the gods as he will, and me. ~ Sophocles,
1301:Three Rules for When You Are Under Fire: 1) Always have a plan for what to do if something bad happens. ~ David Ignatius,
1302:We feel crowded by other people; we feel crowded by social rules; we feel crowded by ourselves, mainly. ~ Frederick Lenz,
1303:Daring to think that the rules do not apply is the mark of a visionary. It’s also a symptom of narcissism. — ~ Ariel Levy,
1304:Don't trust thoughts because you think them, but because they obey specific trustworthy rules. ~ Eliezer Yudkowsky,
1305:Fortune rules in all things, and advances and depresses things more out of her own will than right and justice. ~ Sallust,
1306:He operated by Old World rules, the blurring of right and wrong into whatever you could get away with; ~ Jonathan Franzen,
1307:He remembers the five rules of combat set down by Chuan Tzu - faith, companions, time, space and strategy. ~ Paulo Coelho,
1308:HOW LONG??? No rules on time .. the more aligned you are with positive feelings the quicker things happen. ~ Rhonda Byrne,
1309:If you want something different out of life, you need to try something different and change the rules a bit. ~ Trent Hamm,
1310:Instead of following Jesus they are following religious rules and rituals. They have confused the targets. ~ Kyle Idleman,
1311:Obedience is unquestioning submission to authority; discipline requires adherence to certain essential rules ~ Ay e Kulin,
1312:Poor man wanna be rich, rich man wanna be king, and a king ain't satisfied until he rules everything. ~ Bruce Springsteen,
1313:Robert’s Rules of Order becomes the guiding text rather than the pattern of the apostolic church. ~ Erwin Raphael McManus,
1314:The problem lies in the structure of our minds: we don’t learn rules, just facts, and only facts. ~ Nassim Nicholas Taleb,
1315:There are only two rules for being successful. One, figure out exactly what you want to do, and two, do it. ~ Mario Cuomo,
1316:The whole Epistle is so methodical, that even its very beginning is   framed according to the rules of art. ~ John Calvin,
1317:Variety improves the things that we do too often, but it rules the things that we don't do often enough. ~ Daniel Gilbert,
1318:Well, if you don't have a flag, then you can't have a country. Those are the rules... that I just made up! ~ Eddie Izzard,
1319:We may be young, but we're not powerless. We play by their rules long enough, and it becomes our game. ~ Orson Scott Card,
1320:When money rules, we remember the price of things and forget the value of things, and that is dangerous. ~ Jonathan Sacks,
1321:You realize you weren’t actually following Jesus; you were just following a list of rules and rituals. You ~ Kyle Idleman,
1322:Anything seemed possible if you had ingenuity, money, and tenacity. But the body doesn't play by those rules. ~ Ariel Levy,
1323:Grammar is a piano I play by ear, since I seem to have been out of school the year the rules were mentioned. ~ Joan Didion,
1324:I don't like rules, especially the unwritten ones that say I need to let myself be controlled by my man. ~ Stephanie Tyler,
1325:If there were no rules about when to applaud, we in the audience would have the right response almost always. ~ Emanuel Ax,
1326:I'm not permitted to explain the rules of the game. Nor to acknowledge whether or not we're playing one. ~ Robyn Schneider,
1327:Islamic state means a state based on justice and democracy and structured upon Islamic rules and laws. ~ Ruhollah Khomeini,
1328:It's very important to try to inculcate into children moral rules, such as "do as you would be done by." ~ Richard Dawkins,
1329:I want my world to be fun. No parents, no rules, no nothing. Like, no one can stop me. No one can stop me. ~ Justin Bieber,
1330:Jerry was a walking insult to civilised rules, yet he sauntered into great houses and got waiters’ attention ~ K J Charles,
1331:School is just the place where you learn the rules of the system. Your life is where you get your education. ~ Trevor Noah,
1332:'Show up at the desk' is one of the first rules of writing, but for 'Wolf Hall' I was about 30 years late. ~ Hilary Mantel,
1333:There are 2 rules in extreme snowriding: First, always follow your heart; second, never cry when it hurts. ~ Warren Miller,
1334:The rules are what keep us silent. The rules are what didn’t get justice for Lucy. The rules are what’s broken. ~ Amy Reed,
1335:The test of a writer is whether you want to read him again years after he should by the rules be dated. ~ Raymond Chandler,
1336:This then is the highest adornment of the Kingdom of Christ, that he rules over his church by his Spirit. He ~ John Calvin,
1337:Who owns a man, Durnik?” the blond young man asked sadly. “The one who rules him, or the one who pays him? ~ David Eddings,
1338:You could say that everything had become weirdly distorted because I'd broken the rules so many times. ~ Fuminori Nakamura,
1339:You reply to a fan, you get a fan for life, Rob would say. I should put that in my rules for a group, really. ~ Peter Hook,
1340:Commitment to a set of rules frees your play to attain a profundity and vigor otherwise impossible. ~ Stephen Nachmanovitch,
1341:Crying is almost totally avoidable if you follow two simple rules:
1. Don't care too much.
2. Shut up. ~ John Green,
1342:Everyone needs rules. After all, how can you break what doesn’t exist? Rules give anarchy something to aim at ~ Jodi Taylor,
1343:He'd survived by following two very important rules: don't feel anything and don't expect anything from anyone. ~ G P Ching,
1344:He smiled just before turning and walking toward the door. “Like I just said…I don’t play by the rules. ~ Brooke Cumberland,
1345:His rules were unencumbered by my constraints—the Constitution and the laws promulgated thereunder. Still, ~ Jeffery Deaver,
1346:if you ignore the rules people will, half the time, quietly rewrite them so that they don’t apply to you. ~ Terry Pratchett,
1347:I have rules about eating, exercising and rules about staying positive. And these rules are sacred to me. ~ Richard Simmons,
1348:I'm a big believer in random capitalization. The rules of capitalization are so unfair to words in the middle. ~ John Green,
1349:I’m a big believer in random capitalization. The rules of capitalization are so unfair to words in the middle. ~ John Green,
1350:Jesus defied all of these rules. He taught in the outer courts of the Temple so women could join the audience. ~ Danny Silk,
1351:most of us carry secret rules for how we’re supposed to live our lives. That’s the brilliance of perfectionism. ~ Jon Acuff,
1352:No rules for the rulers is tyranny for the subjects. Freedom for politicians is enslavement for citizens. ~ Stefan Molyneux,
1353:One of Sir Topher's rules was to never indulge in sentimentality, never return for what was left behind. ~ Melina Marchetta,
1354:Perception rules the world. Everyone knows that. Where we live and where we're from, you just can't escape it. ~ Lamar Odom,
1355:Spiritual": religion without any rules. All the comfort of fictitious friends with none of their demands. ~ Stefan Molyneux,
1356:The fairest rules are those to which everyone would agree if they did not know how much power they would have. ~ John Rawls,
1357:"The whole point of Zen is to suspend the rules we have superimposed on things and to see the world as it is." ~ Alan Watts,
1358:When all normal rules are suspended, and ordinary things that used to be important suddenly become meaningless. ~ L J Smith,
1359:While moral rules may be propounded by authority the fact that these were so propounded would not validate them. ~ A J Ayer,
1360:An act of thinking without restriction- without boundaries or rules can lead to the point of no return. ~ Sean William Scott,
1361:But who shall parcel out His intellect by geometric rules, Split like a province into round and square? ~ William Wordsworth,
1362:Girls need to know they can break the rules. If the nuns had told me that, I could have saved twenty years. ~ Gloria Steinem,
1363:Grief sends your thinking into all kinds of weird places. It makes you come up with all sorts of strange rules. ~ Mike Gayle,
1364:He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city” (RSV). ~ Ben Carson,
1365:How you'll work once you start to work. Your ritual needs rules and processes to keep your efforts structured. ~ Cal Newport,
1366:If one writes the rules then one can contradict oneself. It's all about rhetoric, about official narratives. ~ Kate Zambreno,
1367:If somebody else is making the rules for you, no matter how good the payoff is for you, you're being conned. ~ Jon Rappoport,
1368:If you work hard and play by the rules, this country is truly open to you. You can achieve anything. ~ Arnold Schwarzenegger,
1369:I learned that music should be fun and should be a way to express yourself, that there aren't really any rules. ~ Agnes Obel,
1370:I thrive in structure; I drown in chaos. I love rules and I love following them. Unless that rule is stupid. ~ Anna Kendrick,
1371:It's pure instinct that makes me rebel every time someone tries to control my life and hand out more rules. ~ Simone Elkeles,
1372:My love has no boundaries and is bound by no rules, except one: Love all of me and I will love all of you. ~ Shannon L Alder,
1373:Or maybe there never were any rules. Maybe all we have are habits. Things we do without even knowing why. ~ Paolo Bacigalupi,
1374:Pups are programmed by their DNA to absorb the rules, boundaries, and limitations of the societies they live in. ~ Anonymous,
1375:The greedy and the power-hungry will always look for ways to break the rules, or twist them to their advantage. ~ David Brin,
1376:There's no way a photograph has to look... in a sense. There are no formal rules of design that can apply. ~ Garry Winogrand,
1377:The world keeps happening, in accordance with its rules; it's up to us to make sense of it and give it value. ~ Sean Carroll,
1378:We set up harsh and unkind rules against ourselves. No one is born without faults. That man is best who has fewest. ~ Horace,
1379:When your enemies change the rules, take it as an invitation to cut yourself free of the rules completely. ~ Michelle Diener,
1380:Even in the world of make-believe there have to be rules. The parts have to be consistent and belong together. ~ Daniel Keyes,
1381:Following the rules only takes you so far, sooner or later you have to forget them and play by your heart. ~ G J Walker Smith,
1382:freed from common rules just as we are cut off from common pleasures. Ours, my boy, is a high and lonely destiny. ~ Anonymous,
1383:In reading and writing, you cannot lay down rules until you have learnt to obey them. Much more so in life. ~ Marcus Aurelius,
1384:I respect orders but I respect myself too and I do not obey foolish rules made especially to humiliate me. ~ Jean Paul Sartre,
1385:... mathematics is the science of skillful operations with concepts and rules invented just for this purpose. ~ Eugene Wigner,
1386:n the world, those who break the rules are scum, but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum. ~ Masashi Kishimoto,
1387:Rules always change in times of war and in times of peace, as they do in times of fortune and misfortune. ~ Devdutt Pattanaik,
1388:Satan is cunning and man is weak, but God rules the heart of his faithful, and does what he will. ~ Edouard Rene de Laboulaye,
1389:She knew full well that writers were sex-crazed bohemians who broke the rules and didn't go out to work. ~ Jeanette Winterson,
1390:The belief system rules the human life like a tyrant. It takes our freedom away from us and makes us its slave. ~ Miguel Ruiz,
1391:The difference in judgement between you and me originates from different rules derived from past experience. ~ Hajime Isayama,
1392:The new rule shall rule as the soul rules, and as the love and justice and equality that are in the soul rule. ~ Walt Whitman,
1393:The principal rule of art is to please and to move. All the other rules were created to achieve this first one. ~ Jean Racine,
1394:There are just two rules of governance in a free society: Mind your own business. Keep your hands to yourself. ~ P J O Rourke,
1395:The rigid volunteer rules of right and wrong in sports are second only to religious faith in moral training. ~ Herbert Hoover,
1396:They who search after the Philosopher's Stone [are] by their own rules obliged to a strict and religious life. ~ Isaac Newton,
1397:We took a sledgehammer to the rules of English and reassembled the pieces into a language only we understood. ~ Anthony Marra,
1398:when people lack concrete plans to carry out, they use formal rules to assemble a portfolio of various options. ~ Peter Thiel,
1399:Whites impose these rules on themselves because they know blacks, in particular, are so quick to take offense. ~ Jared Taylor,
1400:Whoever is slow to anger is better than the mighty,         and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city. ~ Anonymous,
1401:Why is taste, the crudest of our senses, exempted from the ethical rules that govern our other senses? ~ Jonathan Safran Foer,
1402:Anxious, inexperienced writers obey rules. Rebellious, unschooled writers break rules. Artists master the form. ~ Robert McKee,
1403:At the end of the day, you're trying to make a certain film within a certain budget. Those rules never change. ~ Neil Marshall,
1404:Books and movies are different art forms with different rules. And because of that, they never translate exactly. ~ Tom Clancy,
1405:Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war. No rules, No mercy. Fight to kill until you held the battlefield ~ Marion G Harmon,
1406:Dodd-Frank is 2,000 pages long. It covers thousands of rules, regulations, interpretations and things like that. ~ Jamie Dimon,
1407:God bless them, when they learn to play by the rules they are welcomed back, but my heart is worth protecting. ~ Donald Miller,
1408:Great American union rules with a fist, a smile, and a gun. Great American napalm lights up the sky like the sun. ~ Ray Davies,
1409:I don't care about the rules of grammar so long as my characters' words sound true to life and bite heavily. ~ Mark Rubinstein,
1410:I've listened to Preachers, I've listened to fools. I've worshipped the dropouts, who've made their own rules. ~ Ozzy Osbourne,
1411:Make rules and follow rules as needed, but don't focus on riles. Focus on faith. Focus on grace. Focus on Jesus. ~ Judah Smith,
1412:Mindset seems obtuse for good reason. We aren’t taught to think about mindset. We are taught to follow rules. ~ Mike Cernovich,
1413:My mind is wholly possessed by Love, who rules every part there of, in virtue of his all-embracing deity. ~ Giovanni Boccaccio,
1414:No more growling, pecking or shifting,” Katlyn said. “It’s against school rules to shift or attack each other. ~ Madison Johns,
1415:No one disputes that seeming order can come out of the application of simple rules. But who wrote the rules? ~ Robert J Sawyer,
1416:One can revise the rules, shift the goal posts, but to do so is just to conjure a chimera and mask it as a novum. ~ Hal Duncan,
1417:Sane people played by the rules. They looked for rational explanations and solutions in an insane universe. ~ Sherrilyn Kenyon,
1418:The cultivation of the imagination is hindered by the cultivation of life. It is the uncommon man who rules. ~ Fernando Pessoa,
1419:The irony of rule followers is they often quote a lot of people that do not follow as many rules as they do. ~ Shannon L Alder,
1420:There are many prejudices about art, and first among them is that it is a skill and that there are definite rules. ~ Wolf Kahn,
1421:The rich is the one that rules over those of little means, and the borrower is servant to the man doing the lending. ~ Solomon,
1422:The rules of parenting have changed. By the modern definition, we were a generation of neglected children. ~ Richard Linklater,
1423:To write only according to the rules laid down by masterpieces signifies that one is not a master but a pupil. ~ David Shields,
1424:You have to learn the rules of the game, and then you have to play better than anyone else. —ALBERT EINSTEIN ~ Anthony Robbins,
1425:Attraction doesn’t follow a set of rules, you know. But I know that I don’t look at the others like I look at you. ~ Maya Banks,
1426:But how did you fight an enemy who never fought fair? Didn’t you have to break the rules to win against the Devil? ~ Libba Bray,
1427:Each period is dominated by a mood, with the result that most men fail to see the tyrant who rules over them. ~ Walter Isaacson,
1428:Fate rules, Eve. You follow the steps, and you plan and you work, then fate slips in laughting and makes fools of us ~ J D Robb,
1429:He admits it! And who better than a human to wear the mask of power while an immortal Sith Lord rules in secret! ~ James Luceno,
1430:How could you carry the inside of a person with you and not call them a friend, no matter what the rules said? ~ Barbara Samuel,
1431:Making English grammar conform to Latin rules is like asking people to play baseball using the rules of football. ~ Bill Bryson,
1432:Mankind is close to savagery and must live by rules. If not, we would sink into our own animal nature and perish. ~ Noah Gordon,
1433:No 'rules.' What are you, British or something? I guess I'm too nice... No wonder people take advantage of me. ~ Alfonso Cuaron,
1434:Norwegian legislation is more in conformity with the rules of the European Union than most member states. ~ Jose Manuel Barroso,
1435:One of the rules of the sane world… the poor keep getting poorer, and the rich keep getting… bitchier." "Margret ~ Cameron Jace,
1436:Stop making rules, in your relationship, that you expect them to follow, but you are unwilling to follow yourself. ~ Amari Soul,
1437:The rules of grammar are just as important as the rules of engagement in war. Without them, we are barbarians, ~ Shayne Silvers,
1438:The rules of magic, my dear, are best not discusses. For once we understand the illusion, we no longer believe it. ~ Libba Bray,
1439:The rules of sexism do not free men from the terror of violence; they only keep men from complaining about it. ~ Warren Farrell,
1440:This evening he almost would have preferred to keep his feelings hidden. But it was, of course, against the rules. ~ Lois Lowry,
1441:Through my observations, it became clear that most of society’s rules and customs are rooted in fear and superstition! ~ RuPaul,
1442:When Donald Trump does his talking, he - he doesn't tiptoe around the thousand new rules of political correctness. ~ Mike Pence,
1443:With one exception Izzy was a big believer in following the rules, which had made her a damn good Army officer. ~ Toni Anderson,
1444:World is full of lost lives, full of unfortunate souls ruined in the name of unreasonable religious rules! ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
1445:All lovers unconsciously establish their own rules of the game, which from the outset admit of no transgression. ~ Milan Kundera,
1446:Any problem can be made clearer with a picture, and any picture can be created using the same set of tools and rules. ~ Dan Roam,
1447:As for logic and internal consistency, these mundane rules do not apply to sacred writings and never have... ~ Robert A Heinlein,
1448:'Grand Illusion' and 'Rules of the Game' are routinely included on lists of the greatest films, and deserve to be. ~ Roger Ebert,
1449:Human needs rules and penalties.
Lessons require heroes and villains.
Ignore them, then welcome to the jungle. ~ Toba Beta,
1450:If you must play, decide upon three things at the start: the rules of the game, the stakes, and quitting time. ~ Michael W Covel,
1451:If you must play, decide upon three things at the start: the rules of the game, the stakes, and the quitting time. ~ Scott Lynch,
1452:It made me sad to realize that my experience of Judaism had become reduced to whether or not I followed the rules. ~ Tova Mirvis,
1453:No rules exist, and examples are simply life-savers answering the appeals of rules making vain attempts to exist. ~ Andre Breton,
1454:Restaurants get you in with food to sell you liquor; religions get you in with belief to sell you rules. ~ Nassim Nicholas Taleb,
1455:Rules us, who in the Brahmin and the dog
Can, if He will, show equal godhead. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, Baji Prabhou,
1456:Size is nothing to the universe (unlimited abundance if that's what you wish) We make the rules on size and time. ~ Rhonda Byrne,
1457:Somedays I think I'm a rebel in my own mind but most of the times I'm a low-key, follow the rules type of guy. ~ Denzel Whitaker,
1458:The greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves,” He said.8 ~ Charles W Colson,
1459:There are no rules about investment. Sharks can be good. Artist's dung can be good. Oil on canvas can be good. ~ Charles Saatchi,
1460:there can be no dharma without the spirit of generosity. Without genuine love, laws and rules are worthless. ~ Devdutt Pattanaik,
1461:The rules were: only the truth, even if it hurt. We would never protect each other from each other. And no judgment. ~ C D Reiss,
1462:They are very logical but you could never work out the rules, even if you spent all your time thinking about them. ~ Mark Haddon,
1463:We must have recourse to the rules of music when our genius and our ear seem to deny what we are seeking. ~ Jean Philippe Rameau,
1464:While others obsess with observing the rules, we’re subtly undermining them and subverting them to our advantage. ~ Ryan Holiday,
1465:You can have rules at home that are different from the rest of the world's as long as you're not hurting anyone. ~ Charlie Sheen,
1466:As it turns out, we are caring social animals, but when the rules of the game involve money, this tendency is muted. ~ Dan Ariely,
1467:God, why does this hurt?”
“Because love is an impossible game. Especially when only one person knows the rules. ~ Aly Martinez,
1468:He who rules by moral force is like the pole star, which remains in place while all the lesser stars do homage to it. ~ Confucius,
1469:I believe in rules of behavior, and I'm quite interested in stories about the consequences of breaking those rules. ~ John Irving,
1470:If a man is not good, what has he to do with the rules of propriety? If he is not good, what has he to do with music? ~ Confucius,
1471:I was looking for people who didn't have any preconceptions about films, what I call the "post-rules" generation. ~ Paul Schrader,
1472:Let nothing be done rashly, and at random, but all things according to the most exact and perfect rules of art. ~ Marcus Aurelius,
1473:No tendency is quite so strong in human nature as the desire to lay down rules of conduct for other people. ~ William Howard Taft,
1474:There are many rules for the elderly in the Highway Code. I have one too, and here it is: get a bloody move on. ~ Jeremy Clarkson,
1475:There are three rules to a water landing,” he said, dropping the tail. “Unfortunately, no one knows what they are. ~ Marc Cameron,
1476:the tight trousers that bulged offensively in the crotch in violation of all rules of theology and geometry. ~ John Kennedy Toole,
1477:When I really get invested in something, the one thing that really disappoints me is when it breaks its own rules. ~ Grant Bowler,
1478:Yeah. I'm a big believer in random capitalization. The rules of capitalization are so unfair to words in the middle. ~ John Green,
1479:Yeah. I’m a big believer in random capitalization. The rules of capitalization are so unfair to words in the middle. ~ John Green,
1480:Your folks are god, you love them and you want to make them happy but you still want to make up your own rules. ~ Chuck Palahniuk,
1481:You should always play with and not according to the rules, because a life with no danger in it is no life at all. ~ Nancy Huston,
1482:A single idea from the human mind can build cities. An idea can transform the world and rewrite all the rules. ~ Leonardo DiCaprio,
1483:Cancer is a disease that is mysterious, headstrong and makes its own rules. And mine, to this date, is incurable. ~ Farrah Fawcett,
1484:Enthusiasm Rules his inner world. Determination Rules his outer world. Therefore Happiness has become His real name. ~ Sri Chinmoy,
1485:found out that his life didn’t have to follow the rules,
and they both found out that love is a pain in the ass. ~ Jane Seville,
1486:I define nothing. Not beauty, not patriotism. I take each thing as it is, without prior rules about what it should be. ~ Bob Dylan,
1487:I don't think I treat my film work as an extension of my photography. There are two different sets of rules there. ~ Anton Corbijn,
1488:I had the distinct feeling that the universe was out of whack and normal rules didn't apply. I sort of liked it. ~ Elizabeth LaBan,
1489:I just wanted to make something in the world and worry about the rest of it later and not get too caught up in rules. ~ Win Butler,
1490:In the night, when the wind dies and silence rules the place of glittering stone, I remember. And they all live again. ~ Glen Cook,
1491:I see myself on top, doing what I love to do, and doing it the way I want to do it. No rules, just doing my own thing. ~ ASAP Ferg,
1492:It's wonderful to play around with fantasy, because there are an amazing number of as-yet-unbroken rules out there. ~ Lev Grossman,
1493:Life is a game, boy. Life is a game that one plays according to the rules.”
“Yes, sir. I know it is. I know it. ~ J D Salinger,
1494:Love rules the court, the camp, the grove, And men below, and saints above: For love is heaven, and heaven is love. ~ Walter Scott,
1495:Maybe we need to throw out the old question and ask a new one: not why the West rules, but whether the West rules. If ~ Ian Morris,
1496:Rules for today: 1) Pray 2) Laugh 3) Repeat. The only reason to take this life too seriously is if it's your only one. ~ Mark Hart,
1497:Shutting up works. Following the rules works. So I shut up, and I don’t care, and I keep walking, and soon it’s over. ~ John Green,
1498:The Beatles set the rules. And the rules were: now just because we have long hair doesn't mean that we're rebellious. ~ Davy Jones,
1499:…there was a pattern to how things were done, rules we followed. Not following meant not knowing what might happen. ~ Gin Phillips,
1500:The rules are all wrong today. The mandate of the media really does pre-date the founding of the United States. ~ Richard Dreyfuss,

IN CHAPTERS [300/601]

  208 Integral Yoga
   74 Occultism
   67 Poetry
   38 Christianity
   37 Philosophy
   24 Psychology
   23 Yoga
   10 Fiction
   7 Theosophy
   7 Mythology
   7 Integral Theory
   5 Hinduism
   5 Education
   5 Cybernetics
   4 Science
   3 Philsophy
   3 Mysticism
   3 Kabbalah
   2 Sufism
   2 Buddhism
   2 Baha i Faith
   1 Zen
   1 Thelema
   1 Alchemy

  109 Sri Aurobindo
  107 The Mother
   63 Satprem
   48 Nolini Kanta Gupta
   23 James George Frazer
   21 Aleister Crowley
   19 Carl Jung
   18 Sri Ramakrishna
   15 Saint Augustine of Hippo
   13 Plotinus
   12 William Wordsworth
   9 Plato
   9 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
   9 Franz Bardon
   8 Friedrich Schiller
   8 A B Purani
   7 Rudolf Steiner
   7 H P Lovecraft
   6 Ovid
   6 Jordan Peterson
   6 Aldous Huxley
   5 Sri Ramana Maharshi
   5 Robert Browning
   5 Norbert Wiener
   5 Nirodbaran
   5 Aristotle
   4 Vyasa
   4 Swami Krishnananda
   4 Percy Bysshe Shelley
   4 Alice Bailey
   3 Walt Whitman
   3 Saint John of Climacus
   3 Ralph Waldo Emerson
   3 Rabbi Moses Luzzatto
   3 Jorge Luis Borges
   3 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
   3 Henry David Thoreau
   3 Baha u llah
   2 William Butler Yeats
   2 Swami Vivekananda
   2 Peter J Carroll
   2 Lewis Carroll
   2 Ibn Arabi
   2 George Van Vrekhem
   2 Genpo Roshi
   2 Bokar Rinpoche

   23 The Golden Bough
   19 The Synthesis Of Yoga
   17 The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
   13 Magick Without Tears
   13 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 07
   13 City of God
   12 Wordsworth - Poems
   11 Savitri
   10 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04
   9 The Life Divine
   9 Mysterium Coniunctionis
   9 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01
   8 The Human Cycle
   8 Schiller - Poems
   8 Questions And Answers 1953
   8 Liber ABA
   8 Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo
   8 Agenda Vol 11
   8 Agenda Vol 10
   8 Agenda Vol 08
   7 Questions And Answers 1957-1958
   7 Lovecraft - Poems
   7 Letters On Yoga IV
   6 The Secret Doctrine
   6 The Perennial Philosophy
   6 Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness
   6 Metamorphoses
   6 Maps of Meaning
   6 Initiation Into Hermetics
   6 Essays On The Gita
   6 Agenda Vol 09
   5 Twelve Years With Sri Aurobindo
   5 The Practice of Psycho therapy
   5 The Phenomenon of Man
   5 Questions And Answers 1956
   5 Questions And Answers 1950-1951
   5 Poetics
   5 On Thoughts And Aphorisms
   5 On Education
   5 Letters On Yoga II
   5 Essays In Philosophy And Yoga
   5 Cybernetics
   5 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 05
   5 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02
   5 Collected Poems
   5 Browning - Poems
   5 Agenda Vol 12
   5 Agenda Vol 05
   5 Agenda Vol 03
   4 Words Of Long Ago
   4 Vishnu Purana
   4 The Study and Practice of Yoga
   4 The Future of Man
   4 Talks
   4 Shelley - Poems
   4 Questions And Answers 1955
   4 Questions And Answers 1929-1931
   4 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 04
   4 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 03
   4 Hymns to the Mystic Fire
   4 A Treatise on Cosmic Fire
   3 Whitman - Poems
   3 Walden
   3 Vedic and Philological Studies
   3 The Practice of Magical Evocation
   3 Theosophy
   3 The Ladder of Divine Ascent
   3 The Confessions of Saint Augustine
   3 The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious
   3 Questions And Answers 1954
   3 Prayers And Meditations
   3 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 02
   3 Letters On Yoga I
   3 Knowledge of the Higher Worlds
   3 General Principles of Kabbalah
   3 Emerson - Poems
   3 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03
   3 Agenda Vol 13
   3 Agenda Vol 01
   2 Yeats - Poems
   2 Words Of The Mother III
   2 The Red Book Liber Novus
   2 The Integral Yoga
   2 The Divine Comedy
   2 Tara - The Feminine Divine
   2 Some Answers From The Mother
   2 Record of Yoga
   2 Preparing for the Miraculous
   2 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 01
   2 On the Way to Supermanhood
   2 Liber Null
   2 Letters On Poetry And Art
   2 Labyrinths
   2 Kena and Other Upanishads
   2 Isha Upanishad
   2 Faust
   2 Essays Divine And Human
   2 Alice in Wonderland
   2 Aion
   2 Agenda Vol 07
   2 Agenda Vol 06
   2 A Garden of Pomegranates - An Outline of the Qabalah

00.01 - The Approach to Mysticism, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The warning seems to have fallen, in the modern age, on unheeding ears. For the modern mind, being pre-eminently and uncompromisingly scientific, can entertain no doubt as to the perfect competency of science and the scientific method to seize and unveil any secret of Nature. If, it is argued, mysticism is a secret, if there is at all a truth and reality in it, then it is and must be amenable to the rules and regulations of science; for science is the revealer of Nature's secrecies.
   But what is not recognised in this view of things is that there are secrecies and secrecies. The material secrecies of Nature are of one category, the mystic secrecies are of another. The two are not only disparate but incommensurable. Any man with a mind and understanding of average culture can see and handle the 'scientific' forces, but not the mystic forces.

0.00 - The Book of Lies Text, #The Book of Lies, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
    It is Pure Chance that rules the Universe; therefore,
     and only therefore, life is good.
    opposite rules apply. His unity seeks the many, and
    the many is again transmuted to the one. Solve et

0.04 - Letters to a Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  All this is absolutely forbidden by the Municipal rules, and if
  any of these things were done by us it was a great mistake and I

01.03 - Yoga and the Ordinary Life, #The Integral Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  The religious life is a movement of the same ignorant human consciousness, turning or trying to turn away from the earth towards the Divine but as yet without knowledge and led by the dogmatic tenets and rules of some sect or creed which claims to have found the way out of the bonds of the earth-consciousness into some beatific Beyond. The religious life may be the first approach to the spiritual, but very often it is only a turning about in a round of rites, ceremonies and practices or set ideas and forms without any issue. The spiritual life, on the contrary, proceeds directly by a change of consciousness, a change from the ordinary consciousness, ignorant and separated from its true self and from God, to a greater consciousness in which one finds one's true being and comes first into direct and living contact and then into union with the Divine. For the spiritual seeker this change of consciousness is the one thing he seeks and nothing else matters.
  Morality is a part of the ordinary life; it is an attempt to govern the outward conduct by certain mental rules or to form the character by these rules in the image of a certain mental ideal. The spiritual life goes beyond the mind; it enters into the deeper consciousness of the Spirit and acts out of the truth of the Spirit.
  The principle of life which I seek to establish is spiritual.

01.04 - The Secret Knowledge, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Nothing without her he can, she rules him still.
  At last he wakes to a memory of Self:
  He whose transcendence rules the pregnant Vasts,
  Prescient now dwells in our subliminal depths,

01.05 - The Yoga of the King - The Yoga of the Spirits Freedom and Greatness, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  The body's rules bound not the spirit's powers:
  When life had stopped its beats, death broke not in;
  His infallible rules, his covered processes,
  Achieve unerringly an inexplicable

01.06 - On Communism, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   So first the individual and then the commune is not the natural nor the ideal principle. On the other hand, first the commune and then the individual would appear to be an equally defective principle. For first a commune means an organisation, its laws and rules and regulations, its injunctions and prohibitions; all which signifies or comes to signify that every individual is not free to enter its fold and that whoever enters must know how to dovetail himself therein and thus crush down the very life-power whose enhancement and efflorescence is sought. First a commune means necessarily a creed, a dogma, a set form of being and living indelibly marked out from beforehand. The individual has there no choice of finding and developing the particular creed or dogma or mode of being and living, from out of his own self, along his particular line of natural growth; all that is imposed upon him and he has to accept and make it his own by trial and effort and self-torture. Even if the commune be a contractual association, the members having joined together in a common cause to a common end, by voluntarily sacrificing a portion of their personal choice and freedom, even then it is not the ideal thing; the collective soul will be diminished in exact proportion as each individual soul has had to be diminished, be that voluntary or otherwise. That commune is plenary and entire which ensures plenitude and entirety to each of its individuals.
   Now how to escape the dilemma? Only if we take the commune and the individual togetheren bloc, as has already been suggested. This means that the commune should be at the beginning a subtle and supple thing, without form and even without name, it should be no more than the circumambient aura the sukshma deha that plays around a group of individuals who meet and unite and move together by a secret affinity, along a common path towards a common goal. As each individual develops and defines himself, the commune also takes a more and more concrete shape; and when at the last stage the individual rises to the full height of his godhead, takes possession of his integral divinity, the commune also establishes its solid empire, vivid and vibrant in form and name.

01.07 - The Bases of Social Reconstruction, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Our ideals have been mental constructions, rather than spiritual realitiesrealities of the deepest and highest being. And the power by which we sought to realise those ideals was mainly the insistence of our emotional urges, rather than Nature's Truth-Power. For this must be understood that the mental, the vital and the physical form a nexus of reality which works in its own inexorable law and so long as we are within them we cannot but obey the laws that guide them. Of these three strata which form the human adhara, it is the vital which holds the key to man's nature. It is the executive power, the force that fashions the realities on the physical plane; it is what creates the character. The power of thought and sentiment is often much too exaggerated, even so the power of the body, that of physical and external rules and regulations. The mental or the physical or both together can mould the vital only to a limited extent, to the extent which is allowed by the inherent law of the vital. If the demands of the mental and the physical are stretched too far and are not suffered by the vital, a crash and catastrophe is bound to come in the end.
   This is the meaning of the Reformist's pessimism. So long as we remain within the domain of the triple nexus, we must always take account of an original sin, an aboriginal irredeemability in human nature. And it, is this fact which a too hasty optimistic idealism is apt to ignore. The point, however, is that man need not be necessarily bound to this triple chord of life. He can go beyond, transcend himself and find a reality which is the basis of even this lower poise of the mental and vital and physical. Only in order to get into that higher poise we must really transcend the lower, that is to say, we must not be satisfied with experiencing or envisaging it through the mind and heart but must directly commune with it, be it. There is a higher law that rules there, a power that is the truth-substance of even the vital and hence can remould it with a sovereign inevitability, according to a pattern which may not and is not the pattern of mental and emotional idealism, but the pattern of a supreme spiritual realism.
   What then is required is a complete spiritual regeneration in man, a new structure of his soul and substancenot merely the realisation of the highest and supreme Truth in mental and emotional consciousness, but the translation and application of the law of that truth in the power of the vital. It is here that failed all the great spiritual or rather religious movements of the past. They were content with evoking the divine in the mental being, but left the vital becoming to be governed by the habitual un-divine or at the most to be just illumined by a distant and faint glow which served, however, more to distort than express the Divine.

0.11 - Letters to a Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  In Sri Aurobindo's integral yoga, there are no such rigid rules
  and distinctions. Each one follows his own path and has his

0 1954-08-25 - what is this personality? and when will she come?, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   The first condition was: Nothing more to do with your family Well, we are a long way from that! But I repeat that it only happened because of the war and not because we stopped seeing the need to cut all family ties; on the contrary, this is an indispensable condition because as long as you hang on to all these cords which bind you to ordinary life, which make you a slave to the ordinary life, how can you possibly belong to the Divine alone? What childishness! It is simply not possible. If you have ever taken the trouble to read over the early ashram rules, you would find that even friendships were considered dangerous and undesirable We made every effort to create an atmosphere in which only ONE thing counted: the Life Divine.
   But as I said, bit by bit things changed. However, this had one advantage: we were too much outside of life. So there were a number of problems which had never arisen but which would have suddenly surged up the moment we wanted a complete manifestation. We took on all these problems a little prematurely, but it gave us the opportunity to solve them. In this way we learned many things and surmounted many difficulties, only it complicated things considerably. And in the present situation, given such a large number of elements who havent even the slightest idea why theyre here (!) well, it demands a far greater effort on the disciples part than before.

0 1959-01-31, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   As for my mantra, I say it only partially now, but X will fix an auspicious day to begin it really according to the rules when I am in Pondicherry, for theoretically, one should not move once the work has begun. The 12th of February is an auspicious day, if you decide that I should return by then (or a little before to get things ready); otherwise another date may be fixed later on.
   Your letter, Sweet Mother, has filled me with strength and resolution. I want to be victorious and I want to serve you. I see very well that gradually I can be taught many useful things by X. The essential thing is first of all to lose this ego which falsifies everything. Finally, through your grace, I believe that I have passed a decisive turning point and that there is a beginning of real consecration and I feel your Love, your Presence. Things are opening a little.

0 1959-03-26 - Lord of Death, Lord of Falsehood, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   The power of this Titan comes from an Asura. There are four Asuras. Two have already been converted, and the other two, the Lord of Death and the Lord of Falsehood, made an attempt at conversion by taking on a physical bodythey have been intimately associated with my life. The story of these Asuras would be very interesting to recount The Lord of Death disappeared; he lost his physical body, and I dont know what has become of him.1 As for the other, the Lord of Falsehood, the one who now rules over this earth, he tried hard to be converted, but he found it disgusting!
   At times he calls himself the Lord of Nations. It is he who sets all wars in motion, and only by thwarting his plans could the last war be won This one does not want to be converted, not at all. He wants neither the physical transformation nor the supramental world, for that would spell his end. Besides, he knows We talk to each other; beyond all this, we have our relationship. For after all, you see (laughing), I am his mother! One day he told me, I know you will destroy me, but meanwhile, I will create all the havoc possible.

0 1962-02-03, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But naturally that was against the rules I make a habit of doing everything against the rules, otherwise there would be no point in my being here; the rules could just go on and on! So they went to see X. They shouldnt have said anything, but they did. And that was thatall sorts of things were said and my work was completely mucked up.
   So now its all going according to rule, because thats the way it has to be. I am not bothering with it any more.
   Myself, I have learned a lot of rules I didnt know before (thank God!)the divine Grace saved me from that whole hodgepodge of rules about how this happens and how that cant happen and how that must happen and how. Oh, good Lord! I saw things very simply, without a single rule in my brain, and so I did them just as simply, with no rules in my headit worked very, very well, I didnt run into any trouble. Things worked out quite naturally and simply. And if I was told, That cant beWell, sorry, I would say, but its already done.
   That cant be. Sometimes it can!
   Besides, if you remember the beginning of Savitri (I read it only recently, I hadnt known it), in the second canto, speaking of Savitri, he says she has come (he puts it poetically, of course!) to (laughing) kick out all the rulesall the taboos, the rules, the fixed laws, all the closed doors, all the impossibilitiesto undo it all.
   I went one better; I didnt even know the rules so I didnt need to fight them! All I had to do was ignore them, so they didnt exist that was even better.
   But now I have first to undo and then redoa sheer waste of time.
   In the course of my observation, I also saw the position of X and people like him, who practically spend their lives doing japa, plus meditation, puja,4 ceremonies (I am talking only about sincere people, not fakers). Well, thats their way of working for the world, of serving the Divine, and it seems the best way to themperhaps even the only way but its a question of mental belief. In any case, its obvious that even a bit of not exactly puja, but some sort of ceremony that you set yourself to dohabitual gestures symbolizing and expressing a particular inner statecan also be a help and a way of offering yourself and relating to the Divine and thus serving the Divine. I feel its important looked at in this waynot from the traditional viewpoint, I cant stand that traditional viewpoint; I understand it, but it seems to me like putting a brake on true self-giving to the Divine. I am speaking of SELF-IMPOSED japa and rules (or, if someone gives you the japa, rules you accept with all your heart and adhere to). These self-imposed rules should be followed as a gesture of love, as a way of saying to the Divine, I love You. Do you see what I mean? Like arranging flowers in a certain way, burning incense, dozens of little things like that, made beautiful because of what is put into themit is a form of self-giving.
   Now, I think that doing japa with the will and the idea of getting something out of it spoils it a little. You spoil it. I dont much like it when somebody says, Do this and you will get that. Its trueits true, but its a bit like baiting a fish. I dont much like it.

0 1962-03-06, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You know, all those little rules were enjoined to follow: Above all, dont do that; and be sure to do this, dont forget that. Like ablutions, for instance, or attitudes, or what to eattheres no dearth of them. A mountain of dos and dontsall completely swept away! And swept away to the point where sometimes a rule, something highly recommended (Be sure to do this, be careful to do thatan attitude or an action) becomes an obstacle. I hardly dare say it, but one example is having a regular schedulealways making ablutions at the same hour, always doing japa in the same manner and so on. And I am perfectly aware that Sri Aurobindo himself puts all sorts of trivial obstacles in my wayobstacles I could hurdle with a single second of reflection; he sets them up as if in play. Do you remember the aphorism where he says he was quarreling with the Lord and the Lord made him fall in the mud?2 Thats just what I feel. He puts a stick in my spokes and laughs. So I say, All right, thats enough, I dont give a hoot! Ill do whatever You want, its not my problem; I can do it or not do it, do it this way or that. It has all gone up in smoke now.
   What has become constant, though. I shouldnt say it, because its going to get me into trouble again! But anyway, whats trying to be constant is DISCRIMINATION: taking all circumstances, vibrations, relationships, what comes from the people around me, what responds, and putting each in its proper place. A second-to-second discrimination. I know where things are coming from, why they come, their effect, where theyre going to lead me, and so on. Its growing more and more frequent, constant, automaticlike a state of being.

0 1962-05-31, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And yet I have noticed that to associate a certain state and a certain aspiration with a certain sound helps the body. No one told me the mantra; I had begun doing japa before we met X (it had come to me when I was trying to find a means of getting the body to take part in the experience the body itself, you know: THIS). And this help was certainly given to me, because the method imposed itself very, very imperiouslywhen I heard certain Words it was like an electric shock. And then, disregarding all Sanskrit rules, I made myself a sentence; it isnt really a Sanskrit sentence, or any kind of sentence at alla phrase made up of three Words. And these three Words are full of meaning for me. (I wouldnt mention it to a Sanskritist!) They have a full, living meaning. And they have been repeated literally millions and millions of times, I am not exaggerating they surge up from the body spontaneously.
   It was the first sound that came from the body when I had that last experience [April 13]. Along with the first pain, came that first soundso it must be quite well rooted.6 And it brings in exactly that vibration of eternal Life: the first thing I felt, all of a sudden, was a kind of strong calm, confident and smiling.

0 1962-09-05, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The experiences that left the most acute impressions on me (Mother makes a poignant gesture)you know, the kind of things that make you say, Oh, no, not that again, Ive had enough!are connected with my lives as a monarch: empress, queen and the like oh! Those are painful impressions, the most painful of all. And I have a keen memory of a resolution taken in my last life as an empress: Never again! I said. Ive had enough, I want no more of it! Id rather be not even Id rather be, I chose deliberately: I WANT to be an obscure being in an obscure family, free at last to do what I want! And thats the first thing I remembered this time: Yes, its an obscure family, an obscure being in an obscure milieu, so I may be free to do what I want; there isnt a horde of people watching me and spying on everything I do and plaguing me with rules about what I ought to be doing.
   It didnt last long! (Mother laughs.)

0 1962-09-08, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   No, its not! I tell you, he cant understand. To him, sadhana. I sent him word that I was fully engrossed in sadhana, and then I immediately saw his mental image of me sitting cross-legged doing a perpetual puja! You get the idea. For him, sadhana means certain fixed rules, and if you let the rules go, you let go of the sadhana. But it doesnt matter, dont worry about it.
   He is ill because something is trying to make him go through several lifetimes in one. If it succeeds, well, he will eventually understand; if it doesnt succeed, we will have done what we could, he will have done what he could, and everything will be for the best. Thats all.

0 1964-05-17, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Of course, Nature is wonderful, the sea is so beautiful, the climate delightful, but ultimately, when I close my eyes and meditate, I feel something fuller and more solid than all the degrees centigrade on a pearly sea. In reality, I spend my days waiting for my hours of japa-meditation, it is the real open sea, the peace that refreshes. It is something, and if it is nothing, its a nothing that is worth everything. Yet there is no progress of consciousness, I dont see anything, least of all youyou tell me that you know the reason, I would really like to know what it is. I cannot understand why I am so blocked (my Western atavism?). I know the Light, I see the Space, I feel the Force, there is the absolute Truth that rules everything, pacifies everything, but inside there is nothing, not even the tip of your nosewhy? I dont see Mother either, its complete blackout. Inside, there is the Light, without a doubt, but why is it all black outside?No communication between the two. Do you make sense of it? Drat!

0 1964-08-26, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   We know nothing, we know nothing, nothing. All the rules Naturally, the inner experience and the inside are very fine, theres no question. But that sort of tension every minute in your every movement You know, to do EXACTLY what should be done, to say exactly what should be said the exact thing in every movement You must pay attention to everything, be tensed for everything: its a constant, constant tension. Or if you take the other attitude, trust the divine Grace and let the Lord take care of everything, isnt there a risk that it will end in the bodys disintegration? Rationally I know, but its the body that should know!
   When there is someone who has made the experiment and naturally has Wisdom, its so simple! Before, whenever there was the slightest difficulty, I didnt even need to say anything to Sri Aurobindo, everything would sort itself out. Now, I am the one who is doing the work, I have no one to turn to, no one has done it! So this, too, makes for a sort of tension.

0 1964-10-07, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But according to what people tell me who listen to the radio or read the newspapers (none of which I do), the whole world is undergoing an action which for the moment is unsettling. It seems that the number of apparently mad people is increasing considerably. In America, for instance, all the youth seem to be seized with a kind of curious giddiness, which for reasonable people would be disquieting, but which is a sure indication that an uncommon Force is at work. It is the disruption of all habits and all rulesits good. For the moment, its a bit strange (!), but its necessary.
   The action isnt limited. That is, its probably limited to the earth although manifestations from other planets or other worlds seem to be multiplying, too. And there have been experiences lately, rather curious ones.

0 1964-10-10, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   At times, on the contrary, I try; for instance, nobody is here to read me a paper, and I would like to read itimpossible; and the more I try, the more it fades into the mist. At other times, I WANT to see something (with a certain will), and I see it very clearly. Its an apparent incoherence. It must depend on another law, which for the moment I dont know, and which rules the Physical. But for example, for some time now (a rather long time), at night I have been reading in my sleep, and I see very clearly: when I wake up, I am reading something that I am holding in my hand and I see very clearly. Therefore, its not the physical state that influences the nights condition, its something else.
   For a very long time, I used to seesee images, scenes and so on I used to see, but I didnt hear. Then, all of a sudden, I began to hear; and I would hear the slightest noise, I would hear in a perfectly coherent and natural way. It was as though the sense had suddenly developed. Well, there is a certain state of vision as a result of which I read I read written things; now that I no longer read physically, I read at night. Which means that all this inner development of the physical and subtle physical is still a whole unknown world to be learned.

0 1964-10-14, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Yes, systems, rules.
   They make a system, a formula out of everything, they have all their ideas
   This morning, when I came out of it, I said to myself, Thats odd. But the body is learning its lesson; that way, its learning its lesson. And yet it goes on with that nasty habit of wanting rules, of wanting to know in advance what it should do, of wanting to know in advance how it should do it, of organizing its life within a straitjacket, instead of letting itself live.
   Exactly the same story with the School.

0 1965-06-14, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   We are putting together (what can I call it?) a set of rules (oh, thats an ugly word) for admission to the Ashram. Yes! Not that if you accept the rules youre admitted, its not that, but when someone is admitted, we tell him, But, you know, here is (when he is potentially admitted), here is what you are committing yourself to by becoming a member of the Ashram. Because requests for admission are pouring in like locusts, and at least ninety-nine times out of a hundred, its from people who want to come here to be comfortable and rest and do nothingone in a hundred comes because he has a spiritual aspiration (oh, and even then its mixed). So they shouldnt tell us afterwards (because weve had such experiences), Oh, but I didnt know it was that way, with the excuse that they hadnt been told. For instance, I didnt know we werent allowed to (Mother questions herself for a moment) What isnt allowed? (Then, laughing, she points to Satprem:) Smoking isnt allowed. And drinking alcohol isnt allowed, being married isnt allowed, except nominally, and so on. And then you have to work, and all your desires arent automatically satisfied. So they send me letters, But you told me that (oh, things I never said, naturally), at such-and-such a date (you understand, sufficiently far back for me not to remember!), you told me that And from what they write I see very clearly what I said and how they turned it upside down. So now well prepare a paper that well give them to read, and well ask them, Have you clearly understood? And when they have said theyve clearly understood and have signed, at least well keep the paper, and when they start being a nuisance, we can show it to them and tell them, Beg your pardon, we told you this wasnt a (whats the word?) an Eden where you can stay without doing anything and where your bread is buttered on both sides!
   So I put as first condition (I wrote it in English): the sole aim of life is to dedicate oneself to the divine realization (I didnt put it in these terms, but thats the idea). You must first (you may deceive yourself, but that doesnt make any difference), first be convinced that this is what you want and you want this aloneprimo. Then Nolini told me that the second condition should be that my absolute authority had to be recognized. I said, Not like that!, we should put that Sri Aurobindos absolute authority is recognized (we can add [laughing], represented by me, because he cannot speak, of course, except to meto me he speaks very clearly, but others dont hear!). Then there are many other things, I dont remember, and finally a last paragraph that goes like this (Mother looks for a note). Previously, I remember, Sri Aurobindo had also put together a little paper to give people, but its outdated (it was about not quarreling with the police! And what else, I dont rememberits outdated). But I didnt want to put prohibitions in, because prohibitions first of all, its an encouragement to revolt, always, and then there is a good proportion of characters who, when they are forbidden to do something, immediately feel an urge to do itthey might not even have thought of it otherwise, but they just have to be told about it to Ah, but I do as I like. All right.
   But it was the same thing for food, meat and so on. For a long time we ate meat; it was even very funny. Pavitra was a strict vegetarian when he came, and at the time, not only were we not vegetarian but the chickens were killed in the courtyard (!) and (laughing) Pavitra had the room right next to the kitchen the chickens used to be killed under his nose! Oh, poor Pavitra! Then it stopped for a very simple reason (not at all on principle): feeding people with meat is far costlier than being vegetarian! It meant complications. I was personally vegetarian out of tasteeverything is out of taste, not on principle. I became vegetarian at the beginning of the century, oh, a long time ago (yes, it must have been more than sixty years ago), because in my childhood I was forced to eat meat, and it disgusted me (not the idea: it was the taste I didnt like, it disgusted me!) and the doctor said I should be given pickles and all sorts of things to mask the taste. So as soon as I was independent and free, I said, Finished! (laughing) Ah, no! I wont eat meat anymorenot as a rule, since now and then I still take foie gras (thats not vegetarian!) and for a long time I went on eating crayfish or lobster, things like thatno rules, oh, for heavens sake no rules, but taste. But as you said earlier,4 its complications, thats exactly how I felt. And when I moved to this room (you know that they stuck me in bed for I dont know how long I cant manage to find out how long, no one wants to tell me), and when I started eating again, the doctor made me take chicken bouillon; but for that chicken bouillon they had to assassinate one chicken a daythey assassinated one chicken every day for me to have my chicken bouillon. Then, when the hot season came, they told me that the chickens were sick (the heat make them sick) and that, after all, maybe it wasnt so good to eat sick-chicken soup! So I said, Stop it, do stop it! And once I had stopped, ah, my heart was glad: Now (laughing) we dont assassinate chickens anymore! So I said, Finished, we wont do it again. But as it happens, its precisely during that time that I put on two kilos (at the time the doctor used to take my weight), and he said, See, you have put on weight! I told him, But I am not keen to put on weight!
   You see (to Sujata), in front of him I speak frankly! (laughing) You should do as I say and not do as I do!

0 1965-11-23, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And thats why its so difficult to know how one should be. Because in thought you can be in the same constant state, even in aspiration you can be in the same constant state, in the general goodwill, even in surrender to the Divine, it all can be the same thing, in the same stateits in here (Mother touches her body), and this makes the whole difference. I can very well conceive that there may be people in whom this opposition persists in the mind and the vital, but there its so obvious. But I am talking of something absolutely material. Some people say and think, How come? I have such goodwill, such a desire to do the right thing, and then nothing works, everything jarswhy? I am so good (!) and yet things dont respond. Or those who say, Oh, I have made my surrender, I have such goodwill, I have an aspiration, I want nothing but the Truth and the Good, and yet I am ill all the timewhy am I ill? And naturally, one small step more, and you begin to doubt the Justice that rules the world, and so on. Then you fall into a hole. But thats not it, thats not what I mean. Its much simpler and much more difficult at the same time, because it isnt blatant, it isnt evident, its not an opposition from which you can choose, its truly, totally and integrally leaving the entire responsibility to the Lord.
   Of all things, this is the most difficult for manits far easier for the plant and even for the animal, far easier. But for man its very difficult. Because there was a whole period in the evolution when in order to progress he had to take on the responsibility for himself. So the habit has formed, it has taken root in the being.

0 1966-04-16, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The body constantly used to ask (not a sign or an assurance or a proof: its all of that together), it used to ask for a sort of sensation (sensation, if it can be called that) that it is the Lord that rules (I am putting it in childlike words because they are the truest), that it is the Lord that rules. It asked for that all the time, the way a child could ask: that in all the innumerable nothings one does all the time, which are the very fabric of the bodys existence. It became so intense. Anything perceived as separate from that becomes inert: ashes. Inert without even the power of inertia: the inertia of dust. I mean that a rock has a power in its existence, a power of cohesion, of durationits not even that: its dust. So then, there was constantly, constantly that prayer in the body. And thats what led me to the experience.
   When that is there, everything seems to swell with a golden, luminous, radiating Power: its so intense as to have volume! If that isnt there, everything is dust.

0 1966-05-18, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Music does it an enormous lot of good but not classical music, not a music that follows mental rules. Something that expresses an inner rhythm, the harmony of an inner rhythm. One rarely comes across a music like that.
   And its the same thing with words. The sound of words is immediately restful.

0 1967-02-18, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It leads me to think that something will be worked out that way, and that any too strict, too narrow attachment to the old rules is a hindrance to the evolution of expression. From that point of view, French is a long way behind EnglishEnglish is much more supple. But the languages in countries like China and Japan that use ideograms seem to be infinitely more supple than our own.

0 1967-03-22, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   For instance, there is here that old idea of vegetarian food. Some people write to me indignantly that these holy rules are being increasingly broken in the Ashram! They wrote to me a first time, asking me to answer; I neglected to answer. So they wrote a second time to tell me, What can we do if you dont answer? I answered (they are probably kicking themselves), I replied something like this:
   Truth is not a dogma that one can learn once and for all and impose as a rule. Truth is as infinite as the supreme Lord and It manifests every instant for those who are sincere and attentive.

0 1967-06-03, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Mother sent the following note to the School on April 14, 1967: "Henceforth the existing rules concerning the Higher Course will stand modified as follows: (I) Students who wish to obtain a certificate of having successfully completed the Higher Course as 'full students' will naturally have to take all the prescribed tests and satisfy the regulations governing the full-studentship. (2) Other students will have the option either to take the tests or not to take them. There will be no compulsion with regard to tests for these students in order to pass from one year to the next. (3) All the students will, however, be treated equally in so far as the pursuit of knowledge is concerned."

0 1967-09-06, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Then Mother turns to the first Playground Talk1 intended for the next Bulletin. In that Talk of April 29, 1953, Mother, coincidentally, was speaking about religions. She said this, in particular: Otherwise, there would be no religions; there would be masters and disciples, people who have a higher teaching and an exceptional experience. That would be a very good thing. But as soon as the master is gone, what happens is that the knowledge he gave is changed into a religion. Rigid dogmas are established, religious rules come into being, and one cannot but bow down before the Tables of the Law. Yet at the beginning it was not like that. You are told, This is true, this is false, the Master has said Some time later, the master becomes a god, and you are told, God has said this.)
   Should I let this pass? It will cause an uproar! (Its good anyway.)

0 1967-10-11, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I met Y. Theyre preparing an issue on Auroville, and she came with a list of questions this long (gesture), saying, I dont know Aurovilles sociology too well. I told her (laughing), Neither do I! Then she asked me questions (very intelligent ones, mind you), and I answered her. But there was one thing about the selection of people and admissions to Auroville I told her that naturally, the essential condition to be able to select people was that preferences, attractions and repulsions, likes and dislikes, all moral rules, all of that must have completely disappearednot that one should be on the way to overcoming it, its not that: it must have disappeared (laughing), there must be no more ego! Then I told her, Its not a judgment, its not that you look at people and judge whether they are fit to be there or not, if they are destined to be there or not, its not that at allyou dont judge. And after she left, I noted the end of the thing (Mother takes a note and reads):
   The Force is put on all, identical and supreme

0 1967-10-25, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   For my part, I wanted it to grow like that, spontaneously, with the full play of the unexpected. But then, you are confronted with all the rules and regulations: we are in a country [India]we should do it on a desert island! But that no longer exists on earth, there isnt an island left that doesnt belong to a nationwe are caught, bogged down.
   Anyway, well muddle along as best we can.

0 1967-12-20, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But its a sort of feat, something meant to abolish all thats regarded as the normal and natural rules. So there.
   Thats not to explain to you why I was late, because I did try to be on time! Thats not the reason, its not that I let myself go like that, not at all; but there is a will certainly far more effective than mine.

0 1967-12-30, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   No rules or laws are being framed. Things will get formulated as the underlying Truth of the township emerges and takes shape progressively. We do not anticipate.
   Is that all?
   No rules or laws are being framed. Things will get formulated as the underlying Truth of the township emerges and takes shape progressively. We do not anticipate.
   What I mean is that usually (always till now, and more and more so), men establish mental rules according to their conceptions and their ideal, then they apply them (Mother lowers her fist, as if to show the world under the mental grip). And thats absolutely false, arbitrary, unreal, with the result that things revolt, or else waste away and disappear. Its the experience of LIFE ITSELF that must slowly work out rules AS SUPPLE AND VAST as possible, in order that they remain ever progressive. Nothing must be fixed. Thats the immense error of governments: they build a framework and say, Here is what weve established, now we must live under it. So naturally, Life is crushed and prevented from progressing. It is Life itself, developing more and more in a progression towards Light, Knowledge, Power, that must progressively establish rules as general as possible, so as to be extremely supple and capable of changing according to needof changing AS RAPIDLY as habits and needs do.
   Its an extremely interesting experience: how the same actions, the same work, the same observations, the same relationship with the people around (near or far), how they take place in the mind, through intelligence, and how they take place in the consciousness, by experience. And thats what this body is now learningto replace the mental government of intelligence by the spiritual government of the consciousness. And it makes (it looks like nothing, one may not notice it), it makes a tremendous difference, to the point of multiplying the bodys possibilities a hundredfold. When the body is subjected to rules, even if they are broad, even if they are comprehensive, it is a slave to those rules and its possibilities are limited by them. But when its governed by the Spirit and the Consciousness that gives it an incomparable possibility and flexibility! And thats what will give it the capacity to prolong its life, to last longer: its by replacing the mental, intellectual government by the government of the Spirit, of the Consciousness THE Consciousness. Outwardly, it doesnt seem to make much difference, but My experience is like this (because now my body no longer obeys the mind or the intelligence at all, not any moreit doesnt even understand how that can be done), and more and more, and better and better, it follows the direction and impulsion of the Consciousness. But then, it sees, almost at each minute, the tremendous difference that it makes. For instance, time has lost its value (its rigid value): you can do exactly the same thing in very little time or in much time. Necessities have lost their authority: you can adapt yourself this way, adapt yourself that way. All the lawsthose laws that were laws of Naturehave lost all their despotism, we may say: it no longer works that way. All you have to do is always, always be supple, attentive, and responsive (if any such thing can be!) to the influence of the Consciousness the Consciousness in its all-powerfulnessso as to go through all this with extraordinary suppleness.
   That is the discovery being made more and more.
   Its like a progressive victory over all constraints. So naturally, all the laws of Nature, all the human laws, all habits, all rules, they all become increasingly supple and finally nonexistent. Yet it is possible to keep a regular rhythm that facilitates actionits not contrary to this suppleness. But its a suppleness in the execution, in the adaptation, which comes and changes everything. From the point of view of hygiene, health, organization, from the point of view of relationships with others, all that has not only lost its aggressiveness (because for that, it suffices to be wisewise and level-headed and calm), but also its absolutism, its imperative rule: thats completely gonegone.
   And then you see: as the process grows more and more perfectperfect means integral, total, leaving nothing behindit NECESSARILY, inevitably means victory over death. Not that this dissolution of the cells which death represents stops existing, but it would exist only when necessary: not as an absolute law, but as ONE of the processes, when necessary.

0 1968-01-12, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There may be here some debate on this true sense: some, along with the religions we know, will tell you that the true sense isnt here, but in goodness knows what heaven beyond. Its a point of view, but if this material evolution does not hold its own sense within itself, it means we are in the presence of a sinister farce invented by goodness knows what divine masochist. If God exists, he must be a little less foolish than that, and we are entitled to think that this material evolution has a divine sense and that it is the field of a divine manifestation in Matter. Our spiritual discipline must therefore aim at gaining this divine man or perhaps that other, still unknown being who will emerge from us just as we emerged from hominid infancy. What is the place of the sexual function in this evolution? Until now, the progress of consciousness has made use of the progress of species, which means that sexual reproduction has been the key to the proliferation of species so as to reach the form most fit for the manifestation of consciousness. Since the appearance of man two or three million years ago, Nature hasnt produced new species, as if she had found in man the fittest mode of expression. But evolution cannot remain stagnant, or else it no longer is evolution. So it means that the key of evolution no longer lies in the proliferation of species by means of sexual reproduction, but directly in the very power of consciousness. Before man, consciousness was still too buried in its material support; with man, it has disengaged itself sufficiently to assume its true mastery over material Nature and work out its own mutations by itself. From the standpoint of evolutionary biology, this is the end of sexuality. We have reached the stage at which we can switch from natural evolution through sexual power to spiritual evolution through the power of consciousness. Nature generally does not let organs linger that no longer serve her evolutionary design, so we can foresee that the sexual function will atrophy in those who will be able to channel their energy no longer for reproduction but to develop their consciousness. Quite obviously, not all of us have reached that stage, and for a long time Nature will still need sexual power to pursue her evolution in the midst of the human species, that is to say, to lead the rather brute man we still are to a more conscious man, more capable of grasping the true sense of his evolution, and finally wholly capable of switching from natural to spiritual evolution. The inequality of development in individuals is the obvious reason why we cannot make general rules or hand out infallible prescriptions. To each stage its law. But after however long a time, it is equally obvious that, from the point of view of evolutionary biology, the sexual function comes to its end when it has fulfilled its purpose, that is, when it has succeeded in giving birth to a sufficiently conscious man. So we cannot reasonably base a spiritual discipline of accelerated evolution on a principle that runs counter to evolution. Moreover, anyone who has even barely crossed the difficult line, the point X of the transition from natural to spiritual evolution, cannot but realize that all the pseudo-mystic attempts to prettify the sexual relations between man and woman are shams. I have nothing against sexual relations (God knows!), but trying to coat them with a yogic or mystic phraseology is a deceitful illusion, a self-deception. Therefore, in that sense, there is no key to be recoveredit does not exist.
   There is a key in the relationship between man and woman, but not in their sexual relations. The so-called left-hand Tantrics (of the Vama Marga) are to true Tantrism what Boccaccios tales are to Christianity, or what the sodden Roman Bacchus is to Dionysos of the Greek mysteries. I know Tantrism, to say the least. As for the Cathars, whom I hold in the highest esteem, it would be doing them little honor to believe that they followed a sort of yoga of sexuality. Through my own experience I have often had the feeling of reliving the Cathars experience, and I see plainly that if some of them attempted to mix sexual relations into the true relationship between man and woman, they soon realized their error. It is a dead-end road, or rather its only end is to show you that it leads you nowhere forward. The Cathars were too sincere and conscious men to persist in a burdening experience. For ultimately, and that is the crux of the matter, the sexual experience in its very nature (whether or not there is backward flow or whatever its mode) automatically fastens you again to the old animal vibrations there is nothing you can do about it: however much love you may put into it, the very function is tied to millennia of animality. It is as if you wanted to plunge into a swamp without stirring up any mudit cannot be done, the milieu is like that. And when one knows how much transparency, clarification and inner stillness it takes to slowly rise to a higher consciousness, or to allow a higher light to enter our waters without being instantly darkened, one fails to see how sexual activity can help you attain that still limpidity in which things can start happening??? The union, the oneness of two beings, the true and complete meeting of two beings does not take place at that level or through those means. That is all I can say. But I have seen that in the silent tranquillity of two beings who have the same aspiration, who have overcome the difficult transition, something quite unique slowly takes place, of which one can have no inkling as long as one is still stuck in the struggles of the flesh, to use a preachers language! I think the Cathars experience begins after that transition. After it, the man-woman couple assumes its true meaning, its effectiveness, if I may say so. Sex is only a first mode of meeting, the first device invented by Nature to break the shell of individual egosafterwards, one grows and discovers something else, not through inhibition or repression, but because something different and infinitely richer takes over. Those who are so eager to preserve sex and to mystify it in order to move on to the second stage of evolution are very much like children clinging to their scootersit isnt more serious than that. There is nothing in it to do a yoga with, nothing also to be indignant about or raise ones eyebrows at. So I have nothing to criticize, I am merely observing and putting things in their place. All depends on the stage one has reached. As for those who want to use sex for such and such a sublime or not-so-sublime reason, well, let them have their experience. As Mother told me on the very same subject no later than yesterday, To tell the truth, the Lord makes use of everything. One is always on the way towards something. One is always on the way, through any means, but what is necessary is, as much as possible, to keep ones lucidity and not to deceive oneself.

0 1968-02-03, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   In my life, I have been given so many, so many experiences, as proof that EVERYTHING is possible. For instance, when I was twenty-two, one night, after an experience I had in the night (I forget the details of it) at the time women wore dresses that exactly touched the ground, just touched it without resting on it (gesture of skimming the ground), and in my experience at night, I had grown tallin the morning, there was one inch between the dress and the ground! Which means that the body had grown one inch WITH THE NIGHTS EXPERIENCE. You see, in the nights experience I had grown tall (I dont remember the details), and in the morning And Ive been given that material verification for many such experiences, so as to be sure, so the body may be convinced without having to repeat the experiences over and over again. So it KNOWS, it knows there is nothing impossible, it knows impossible doesnt mean anything. But it doesnt depend on an individual will, you understand. The Consciousness which rules things is a marvel of wisdom, patience, compassion, endurance. When there is destruction or disorder, it means its absolutely unavoidable, absolutelybecause matters resistance in the individual or in things is so strong that it quite naturally brings about disorder or destruction. But that doesnt form part of the Action, the supreme Action, which is a marvel. The body has understood that; it has understood, it is patient. Only, from time to time (how can I put it?) There are people whom I prevent from dyingseveral people. I dont yet have the consciousness, the conscious power to cure them, but the possibility is there and I maintain it above them. That is to say, its not all-powerful in the sense that a certain receptivity, a certain response, a certain attitude are necessary which arent always there (human natures are very fluctuating, there are ups and downs and more ups and downs, and that makes the work very difficult), but at times, during a down spell, when a being suffers or sags, there is something in the consciousness [of Mother], a compassion (how can I explain that?) Affliction and all those movements are movements of weakness, but that is something at once very strong and very sweet, almost like sorrow, and the whole, entire consciousness in the body rises like a prayer and an aspirationa pure prayer: Why are things still in this pitiful state, why? Why? And it instantly has an effect [in the sick person]. Unfortunately, the effect doesnt last; it doesnt last because certain conditions in others are still necessary. But its wonderful, you know! Its something so wonderful. And it makes one understand the necessity of a presence on this side, a presence capable of feeling, understanding still IN THE OTHER WAY, so the suffering of others may be a reality. And that also is taken into account, that also means time is needed, patience is needed. Now the body knows ittheres no longer any impatience; there is only, now and then, that sort of sorrow, especially when beings are full of aspiration, goodwill, faith, and in spite of it this suffering is still there, clinging. That on one side, and on the other, one thing: there is still a sort of horror and reprobation of acts of cruelty, of THE cruelty; thats And then, there is this awesome Poweryou feel, you can feel that a mere nothing, a simple little movement would, oh, bring about a catastrophe. So you have to keep that still, still, still so what happens may always be the best.
   Now stupidity, imbecility, ignorance, all those things are looked at with a patience which waits for them to grow. But bad will and crueltyespecially viciousness, cruelty, what LOVES to cause suffering thats still difficult, one still has to keep a hold on oneself. In figurative language (not language, but a way of being), its Kali that wants to strike, and I have to tell her, Keep still, keep still. But thats a human transcription. All those gods, all those beings are real, they exist, but its a transcription. True truth is beyond all that.

0 1968-02-10, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The first is (one more English word) a reliance that is, it should lean on the Divine ALONE for support, for the source of its strength, its health, its capacity; it means that all material rules and laws are rejected and must cease to have any importance.
   Thats the bodys experience almost every minute.

0 1968-03-23, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Satprem read Mother the end of the Playground Talk of June 3, 1953, about Karma: "In all religions, when people said that [the consequences of Karma were strict] and gave such absolute rules, as for me, I think it was to take the place of Nature and pull people's strings.... So then they panic, they get terrified...they should just go to the next floor up. What should be given them is the key to open the door. The staircase has a door, and it needs a key. The key is a sufficiently sincere aspiration or a sufficiently intense prayer.... In both there is a magic power, one must know how to use it.... Some detest prayer (if they went to the bottom of their hearts, they would see it's out of pride). And there are those who have no aspiration, who try but can't aspire that's because they don't have the flame of will, they don't have the flame of humility. Both are needed: to change one's Karma, one must have a very great humility and a very great will.")
   When did I say that?

0 1968-04-06, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I didnt want to make rules for Auroville, but I am going to be forced to start formulating certain things, because there happens to be difficulties. I dont know what to do.
   What I wanted to say came; its very simple (Mother takes a written note), simply like this (its about very small things):
   Obviously its hard to make general rules.
   Its impossible.

0 1968-06-22, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   A telegram from Msgr. R. abruptly recalled P.L. to Rome: "New rules Roman Curia demand your immediate return else your position compromised."
   Senator Robert Kennedy, who was shot dead in Los Angeles on June 5.

0 1969-04-16, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its clearly a complete rejection of all mental rules, and thats the first step needed to go beyond. There are two or three minutes when suddenlyhop! (gesture of piercing through) you feel it contacts something above.
   Is there something else?
   It opens a lot of doors. All habits, the whole past civilization is as if walled in by mental rules; this music (gesture of breaking through) sends them flying! It strikes me as a band of children crying for something and the open door.
   They must step through it, they must go farther there are now possibilities that werent there before, and this [the pop music people] is precisely all that wants to open up so as to receive those possibilities. So a few in the front must be the first to go through and receive whats on the other side.
   The bodys rules bound not the spirits powers.

0 1969-04-30, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its constantly like that. Its a relentless struggle against ALL possible conventions. At the same time, this consciousness seems to inculcate the sense of an irresistible power. Which isnt a personal power, not at all, it has nothing to do with the person; only one must be in accord with the Consciousness that rules the world, and this Consciousness has irresistible power. But it sweeps away all notionsALL notionsand makes you see the stupidity of the notions you hold together [within the same consciousness], naturally in contradiction with one another. All that. And then, as soon as you are tranquil (after an experience like that serpent: it lasts for one minute, or two, or ten minutes, five minutesit depends on the case), but once you remain like that, peaceful, there comes a sort of sense of limitless immensity, of in English they say ease, that is, something extremely peaceful, and at the same time vibrant, in which you feel that everything, but everything, is harmonious, like thateverything. And its like that in a great intensity of light which tends to be golden (its not golden, I dont know what that color is, but it tends to be like that), a light like that. Then, if you remain there, everything is fineEVERYTHING is fine: the body is fine, everything is fine. And as soon as you go out of that state and get into other movements, you see that all, but all is a world of contradictions, everything is a contradiction: chaos and contradiction. But there, everything is perfectly harmonious.
   This poor body, it takes its lessons like that.

0 1969-05-10, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   My method is always the same, of course: full concentration of the Supreme Consciousness on the person, removing all obstacles. It works like this, like that (gesture of moving about here and there). And its like a factual demonstration that ALL the rules we have established in our consciousness, all of that is absolutely idiotic. It doesnt correspond to the truth. Theres something. There is something.
   Yesterday (laughing), this Consciousness made me see all the wills, or the vibrations (because ultimately it boils down to qualities of vibrations), all the vibrations that bring about anything from the smallest troubles to the biggest catastrophesits all of the same quality. And how the physical cells respond. And now and thennow and thenlike a reward for the effort: what needs to be done, the true thing. But that passesits like a dazzle, but it doesnt last. We are This Consciousness seems to have to go very fast, because from the point of view of consciousness, we are still quite in a quagmire, and it goes like this (gesture of an irresistible march forward), oh, it asserts itself.

0 1969-07-23, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The Asram in Pondicherry came into being in this way. Sri Aurobindo at first lived in Pondicherry with a few inmates in his house; afterwards a few more joined him. Later on after the Mother joined him, in 1920 the numbers began so much to increase that it was thought necessary to make an arrangement for lodging those who came and houses were bought and rented according to need for the purpose. Arrangements had also to be made for the maintenance, repair, rebuilding of houses, for the service of food and for decent living and hygiene. All these were private rules by the Mother and entirely at her discretion to increase, modify or alterthere is nothing in them of a public character.
   All houses of the Asram are owned either by Sri Aurobindo or by the Mother. All the money spent belongs either to Sri Aurobindo or the Mother. Money is given by many to help in Sri Aurobindos work. Some who are here give their earnings, but it is given to Sri Aurobindo or the Mother and not to the Asram as a public body, for there is no such body.

0 1969-08-16, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   When one is assailed by the vision of this disorder and this confusion, there is only one thing to do, its to go into the consciousness in which one knows that there is only ONE Being, ONE Consciousness, ONE Powerthere is only ONE Onenessand all those things take place within this Oneness. And that all our petty vision, our petty knowledge, our petty judgments, our petty all of it is nothing, its microscopic in comparison with the Consciousness that rules over the Whole. And then, if one has in the least the sense of why separate individualities exist, maybe its only to enable aspiration the existence of aspiration, of this movement, this movement of self-giving and surrender, of trust and FAITH. The faith that there lies the raison dtre of the makeup of individuals, and the aspiration to become THAT in all ones intensity and all ones sincerity Thats the only thing needed.
   Thats the only thing needed, the ONLY thing; the only thing that subsists. All the rest phantasmagoria.

0 1969-08-20, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   He is on the tribunal that rules on all divorce cases and so on. Its called the Rota, and its the highest ecclesiastical tribunal.
   And what is he there?

0 1969-09-27, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (A.R.:) The Law I think that if in deep meditation one realizes union with the Divine according to the right rules, every time you have the same meditation for the same cause, you must certainly obtain the same result.
   In the manifestation, no two minutes are alike, its a continuous movement; so when you come into contact with the Divine, what you collaborate with is the Truth of that Movement.

0 1969-10-25, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Do not be puzzled and you will feel the wonderful smile that rules over everything.
   With you always,

0 1970-01-03, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You know, now, when I am put in contact with all the things I said in the past (yet I did my best) I so much feel its like words of ignoranceall of them based on choice and opposition: this and not that, this and not that, you approve and disapprove. Thats it. And now it looks so stupid! And so narrowso narrow. Whats admired in people who have been regarded as saints (saints, especially saints) is refusal: refusal of almost everything, except of God (Mother holds a single finger erect heavenward). And everything, from the highest thingones approach to the Divinefrom that down to the most material the bodys functionseverything from top to bottom is just the same stupidity: this but not that; this but not that; this in contradiction to that; this in opposition to that. All morality, all social rules, the whole material organization of the world is based on division. And it seems more and more evident that that will be the FIRST thing the firstwhich the higher being (which Sri Aurobindo called the supramental being), the first thing that being will want to abolish.
   Now I understand why he said supramental; instead of saying superman he said supramental because superman is Whereas for that being, the very basis of his existence is different; instead of being based on division, its based on union. Man talks a lot about union, but he doesnt have the least idea what it is.

0 1970-01-10, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I found the Cosmic Review [of Thon] again, its quite amusing! Ive kept it to show you. They made some rules and regulations for the members of the Society, its very funny! People must be very nice to each other! And among the rules there is one saying that one must not recognize personal gods.
   (Mother holds out the file to Satprem)

0 1970-02-07, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its the same thing: now they are hypnotized with this business of exchange. It comes from the collective imbecility which has accepted all those rules of exchangeit should never have been subjected to rules, because, naturally, the minute there is a rule, its meant to be broken. And then, everyone does it on the sly, oh! I got a letter from a man (I didnt get it directly, it came through someone), a man who offered, if I gave him the dollars I receive (I receive a good deal of themnot a huge lot, but still, regularly enough), if I gave him the dollars, he offered to give me eleven rupees a dollar, sometimes twelve. I didnt answer. But then, theyre all there, watching whether theres anything to Its disgusting.
   The man said, I dont do it for everyone, I give the regular ten for one, but FOR YOU Ill do it (!) You know, it didnt have a pleasant smell. I said, Yes, so people can say, The Mother does itthank you very much!
   Someone from Auroville wrote to me that he thought he had come here to obey no one but himself (or words to that effect), but he noticed there are rules and laws. And he said, I am not going to do any of this; I am a free man and refuse to do this. This was reported to me, naturally,2 so I wrote to him (I dont remember): One is free only when one is conscious of the Divine and conscious that it is the Divine who makes decisions in everyone, otherwise one is the slave of ones desires, ones habits, of all conventions. I sent him that, and he kept quiet.
   Thats what I wanted to add here [to this aphorism]. We should say: One is free only when it is the Divine who makes decisions in each of us, otherwise men are the slaves of their desires, their habits, of all conventions, all laws, all rules. And the more they think themselves free, the more bound they are!

0 1970-03-14, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   As long as the mind rules life with its overweening certainly that it knows, how can the reign of the Divine be established?
   385Disease is needlessly prolonged and ends in death oftener than is inevitable, because the mind of the patient supports and dwells upon the disease of his body.

0 1970-04-04, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Do you still get the Aphorisms? I dont remember having read those things. Clearly, he wanted to break rules and conventions at all costs.1
   I strongly felt that was what resulted in the European attitude: that mixing of sex and yoga and all that. That [sort of aphorism] must have been indispensable at the time, but now I feel we have gone beyond, or at any rate that we are going beyond.

0 1970-05-13, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Most of the religions affirm the existence of a God and the rules to follow to obey Him, but there are also Godless religions, such as socio-political organisations which, in the name of an Ideal or the State, claim the same right to be obeyed.
   Mans right is a free pursuit of the Truth with the liberty to approach it in his own way. But each one must know that his discovery is good for him alone and it is not to be enforced upon others.

0 1970-06-03, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The idea is this: We come to Auroville to escape social and moral rules that are artificially practiced everywhere, but it is not to live in the licentiousness of the satisfaction of every desire: it is to rise above desires in a truer consciousness. Something like that. It appears they quite need this! (Mother laughs) So we should add it.
   We could draw up a whole program, that would be interesting enough.

0 1970-06-06, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   One should organize ones life not according to external and artificial rules, but according to an organized inner consciousness, because if one leaves life alone without imposing on it the control of a higher consciousness, it becomes hazy and inexpressive. It means wasting ones time, in the sense that matter remains without conscious utilization.

0 1971-01-16, #Agenda Vol 12, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Anyhow, one thing is that I feel freed from all rules and obligations! (general laughter) That was the chief result of all that. All the you have to do this, you have to do that, gone!
   Well, certainly the principle of the new consciousness is that things are done exactly when they are necessary, and thats that.

0 1971-03-04, #Agenda Vol 12, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Question:) You said you did not want to make rules for Auroville. But recently you wrote, Drugs are forbidden in Auroville. Have you changed your view of Auroville?
   Perhaps Aurovillians have not yet attained the level of consciousness expected of them.

0 1971-05-01, #Agenda Vol 12, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And that is what has to be done. Instead of resting on the foundation of ordinary goodwill and all the moral and social rulesall that, brrm! fizzled outwe must rise above, we must have the Divine Will and the Divine Harmony, that is what we want; and as for those who are rebelling against the ordinary order of things and the ordinary social conventions: well, prove that you are in touch with a higher consciousness and a truer truth.
   Its the time to make a (gesture of a leap upward).

0 1971-05-29, #Agenda Vol 12, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I dont know if I have the right to spend the money! There are nothing but rules, rules.

0 1971-06-23, #Agenda Vol 12, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There are only two possible foundations for the material life here. One is that one is a member of an Ashram founded on the principle of self-giving and surrender. One belongs to the Divine and all one has belongs to the Divine; in giving one gives not what is ones own but what already belongs to the Divine. There is no question of payment or return, no bargain, no room for demand and desire. The Mother is in sole charge and arranges things as best they can be arranged within the means at her disposal and the capacities of her instruments. She is under no obligation to act according to the mental standards or vital desires and claims of the Sadhaks; she is not obliged to use a democratic equality in her dealings with them. She is free to deal with each according to what she sees to be his true need or what is best for him in his spiritual progress. No one can be her judge or impose on her his own rule and standard; she alone can make rules, and she can depart from them too if she thinks fit, but no one can demand that she shall do so. Personal demands and desires cannot be imposed on her. If anyone has what he finds to be a real need or a suggestion to make which is within the province assigned to him, he can do so; but if she gives no sanction, he must remain satisfied and drop the matter. This is the spiritual discipline of which the one who represents or embodies the Divine Truth is the centre. Either she is that and all this is the plain common sense of the matter; or she is not and then no one need stay here. Each can go his own way and there is no Ashram and no Yoga.
   April 11, 1930

0 1972-03-11, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I therefore request Your Excellency kindly to use his authority to avoid any incident that, at all events, would be highly detrimental to the harmony that His Holiness Pope Paul VI so much desires, in accord with the rules laid down by the Ecumenical Council Vatican II.
   With gratitude, I remain, Venerable Lord,

0 1972-04-05, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The big difficulty is the government, you see: a bunch of dimwits who know nothing outside of their rules and regulations.
   (Satprem:) No, no, Mother, I can assure you that.

0 1972-08-30, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   All the rules, you knowoh, all the moral rules seem to have been thrown to the winds. So the appearances are. Ill give you an example: somebody [from the Ashram] opens a Travel Agency, and when people give him money to buy tickets, he pockets the money and doesnt buy the ticketswhat do you think of that? (laughter) What next!

02.01 - The World-Stair, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
    The Artist's joy shall laugh at reason's rules;
    The divine intention suddenly shall be seen,

02.02 - The Message of the Atomic Bomb, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   In one sense certainly there has been a progress. This march of machinery, this evolution of tools means man's increasing mastery over Nature, even though physical nature. The primitive man like the animal is a slave, a puppet driven helplessly by Nature's forces. Both lead more or less a life of reflex action: there is here no free, original initiation of action or movement. The slow discovery of Nature's secrets, the gradual application and utilisation of these secrets in actual life meant, first, a liberation of man's conscious being originally imbedded in Nature's inertial movements, and then, a growing power to react upon Nature and mould and change it according to the will of the conscious being. The result at the outset was a release and organisation on the mental level, in the domain of reason and intelligence. Of course, man found at once that this increasing self-consciousness and self-power meant immense possibilities for good, but, unfortunately, for evil also. And so to guard against the latter contingency, rules and regulations were framed to control and canalise the new-found capacities. The Dharma of the Kshatriya, the honour of the Samurai, the code of Chivalry, all meant that. The power to kill was sought to be checked and restrained by such injunctions as, for example, not to hit below the belt, not to fight a disarmed or less armed opponent and so on. The same principle of morals and manners was maintained and continued through the centuries with necessary changes and modifications in application and finds enshrined today in International Covenants and Conventions.
   But a new situation has arisen for some time past. The last Great War (World War No. I) was crucial in many ways in the life of humanity. It opened a new direction of man's growth, opened and then closed also apparently. I am referring to the tragedy of the League of Nations. That was an attempt on the part of man (and Nature) to lift the inner life and consciousness to the level of the outer achievements. The attempt failed. Man could not rise to the height demanded of him. Now the second World War became logically more devastating and shattering; it has given the go-by to all ethical standards and codes of honour. The poison gas was not used not because of any moral restraint or disinclination, but because of practical and utilitarian considerations. The Atom Bomb, however, has spoken the word.

02.03 - The Glory and the Fall of Life, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  The ruler there is one with all he rules;
  To him who serves with a free equal heart

02.07 - The Descent into Night, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
    A frame of ethics knobbed with scriptural rules
    Or a theory passionately believed and praised

02.10 - The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Little Mind, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  A slave of a fixed mass of absolute rules,
  It sees as Law the habits of the world,
  She strove to reduce to rules the mystic world.

02.12 - Mysticism in Bengali Poetry, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   One great characteristic of these mystics, particularly the older ones, is the conception of the spiritual or divine being asa human being the soul, "the man there within this man here," is a human person and the human form has a significant charm which none other possesses. The Spirit, the Divine individualised and concretised in an earth-made man is a blazing experience with the Siddhacharyas and the experience continues down to our days. The Siddhacharyas themselves have added a peculiar, rather strange form to the conception. The soul, the inmost divine being is a woman whom one loves and seeks: she is an outcaste maid who dwells beyond the walls of the city; one, that is to say, the conscient being in us, loves her all the more passionately because she is so. The city means this normally flourishing confine of outer consciousness where we dwell usually; the Divine is kept outside the pale of this inferior nature. To our consciousness that which is beyond it is an obscure, valueless, worthless, miserable non -entity; but to the consciousness of the sage-poet, that is the only thing valuable and adorable. These mystics further say that the true person, the divinity that lies neglected and even despised in our secular life is truly the idol of all worship and when she is accepted, when she puts off her beggarly robes, the obscurities of our mind and heart and senses, then she becomes the mistress of the house, the queen whom none thenceforth can disobeyall the limbs become her willing servitors and adorers. The divine Law rules even the external personality.
   The significance of the human personality, the role of the finite in the play of the infinite and universal, the sanctity of the material form as an expression and objectification of the transcendent, the body as a function of Consciousness-Force Delight are some of the very cardinal and supreme experiences in Bengali mysticism from its origin down to the present day.

03.02 - The Adoration of the Divine Mother, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  The Enigma ceased that rules our nature's night,
  The covering Nescience was unmasked and slain;

03.02 - Yogic Initiation and Aptitude, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   In the practice of Yoga a condition precedent is usually laid down: it is called adhikra, aptitude, fitness or capacity. Everybody does not possess this aptitude, it is urged, and; cannot take to a life of Yoga at one's sweet will. There must be a preparation, certain rules and regulations must be observed, some discipline must be followed and one must acquire certain qualities or qualifications, must reach a particular stage and degree, rise to a particular level of life and consciousness before one can successfully face the spiritual problem. It is not everyone that has a laisser-passer, a free pass to enter the city or citadel of the spirit.
   The Upanishad gives the warning in most emphatic terms: This Atman is not to be gained by the weakling1 and again it declared:
   In a general way we may perhaps say, without gross error, that every man has the right to become a poet, a scientist or a politician. But when the question rises in respect of a particular person, then it has to be seen whether that person has a natural ability, an inherent tendency or aptitude for the special training so necessary for the end in view. One cannot, at will, develop into a poet by sheer effort or culture. He alone can be a poet who is to the manner born. The same is true also of the spiritual life. But in this case, there is something more to take into account. If you enter the spiritual path, often, whether you will or not, you come in touch with hidden powers, supra-sensible forces, beings of other worlds and you do not know how to deal with them. You raise ghosts and spirits, demons and godsFrankenstein monsters that are easily called up but not so easily laid. You break down under their impact, unless your adhr has already been prepared, purified and streng thened. Now, in secular matters, when, for example, you have the ambition to be a poet, you can try and fail, fail with impunity. But if you undertake the spiritual life and fail, then you lose both here and hereafter. That is why the Vedic Rishis used to say that the ear then vessel meant to hold the Soma must be properly baked and made perfectly sound. It was for this reason again that among the ancients, in all climes and in all disciplines, definite rules and regulations were laid down to test the aptitude or fitness of an aspirant. These tests were of different kinds, varying according to the age, the country and the Path followedfrom the capacity for gross physical labour to that for subtle perception. A familiar instance of such a test is found in the story of the aspirant who was asked again and again, for years together, by his Teacher to go and graze cows. A modern mind stares at the irrelevancy of the procedure; for what on earth, he would question, has spiritual sadhana to do with cow-grazing? In defence we need not go into any esoteric significance, but simply suggest that this was perhaps a test for obedience and endurance. These two are fundamental and indispensable conditions in sadhana; without them there is no spiritual practice, one cannot advance a step. It is absolutely necessary that one should carry out the directions of the Guru without question or complaint, with full happiness and alacrity: even if there comes no immediate gain one must continue with the same zeal, not giving way to impatience or depression. In ancient Egypt among certain religious orders there was another kind of test. The aspirant was kept confined in a solitary room, sitting in front of a design or diagram, a mystic symbol (cakra) drawn on the wall. He had to concentrate and meditate on that figure hour after hour, day after day till he could discover its meaning. If he failed he was declared unfit.
   Needless to say that these tests and ordeals are mere externals; at any rate, they have no place in our sadhana. Such or similar virtues many people possess or may possess, but that is no indication that they have an opening to the true spiritual life, to the life divine that we seek. Just as accomplishments on the mental plane,keen intellect, wide studies, profound scholarship even in the scriptures do not entitle a man to the possession of the spirit, even so capacities on the vital plane,mere self-control, patience and forbearance or endurance and perseverance do not create a claim to spiritual realisation, let alone physical austerities. In conformity with the Upanishadic standard, one may not be an unworthy son or an unworthy disciple, one may be strong, courageous, patient, calm, self-possessed, one may even be a consummate master of the senses and be endowed with other great virtues. Yet all this is no assurance of one's success in spiritual sadhana. Even one may be, after Shankara, a mumuksu, that is to say, have an ardent yearning for liberation. Still it is doubtful if that alone can give him liberation into the divine life.

03.03 - A Stainless Steel Frame, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   How to stop this rot that is gaining ground every day, how to react against the inexorable chain reaction that is leading to a final explosion? It is not merely the laymen but the members of the very supporting frame itself, as I have said, that have fallen and gone over to the enemy. And the fact is true not only of the political frame, but the social frame too made up of the lite, the intelligentsia. The remedy that easily suggests itself and is being attempted and applied is something Catonian, that is to say, a greater stringency of external rules and regulations, enforcement of punishment, even of heavy punishment as a deterrent of crime.
   The institution of punishment is no longer respected or appreciated in modern times to the same extent as in the past, even a century ago. When character goes awry, punishment is of no avail. Punishment does not cure or redeem the criminal; it often hardens, fixes the trait that is sought to be eradicated. Fear of punishment does not always prevent one from doing wrong things. Often danger has an irresistible fascination for a certain type of temperament, especially danger of the wrong kindindeed the greater the wrong, the greater the danger and the greater the fascination. "To live dangerously" is the motto of the heroic soul, as well as of the lost soul. A strong penal system, a rigorous policing is of help no doubt to maintain "peace and order" of some kind in a society; but that is an external pressure which cannot last very long or be effective in the end.
   So the ideal proposed is that of moral regeneration. But what is the kind of moral regeneration and how is it to be effected? All depends upon that. If you issue some moral rules and regulations, inscribe them on pillars, print them in pamphlets, preach them from the platform and the pulpit, these things have been done in the past and for ages, the result is not assured and the world goes its way as ever. Something more than mental and moral rules has to be discovered: some dynamic and irresistible element in man has to be touched, evoked and brought out, something that challenges the whole world and maintains its truth and the fiat of its truth. That is the inmost soul in man, the real being behind all the apparent forms of his personality, the divine element, the very Divine in him. It is the outer man, the marginal man, man in his inferior nature that lives and moves in normal circumstances; instead, the central man, man in his higher and highest nature has to come out and take his place in the world.
   What is needed then is an army of souls: individuals, either separately or in groups, who have contacted their inmost reality, their divinity, in some way or othermen with a new consciousness and aspiration, a new life and realisation. They will live in the midst of the general degeneration and disintegration, not aloof and immured in their privacy of purity, but take part in the normal activities of everyday life, still acting from the height and depth of the pure consciousness prove by their very living that one can be in the world and yet not of it, doing what is necessary for the maintenance and enhancement of life and yet not stooping to the questionable ways that are supposed to be necessary and inevitable. In other words, they will disprove that safety and success and prosperity in life can be had only if one follows the lead of Evil, if one sells one's soul. On the contrary, by living out one's divine essence one will have conquered the worldihaiva tairjitam. At every moment, in all circumstances one follows the voice of the highest in oneself. If it is that and no other inferior echo, then one becomes fearless and immortal and all-conquering.

03.05 - The Spiritual Genius of India, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Thus Religion and Spirituality, two fundamental categories that form one realm when held up in opposition to Materialism, are, when considered by themselves, really very different things and may be even contradictory to and destructive of each other. What then is Religion? and what, on the other hand, is Spirituality? Religion starts from and usually ends with a mental and emotional approach to realities beyond the mind; Spirituality goes straight forward to direct vision and communion with the Beyond. Religion labours to experience and express the world of Spirit in and through a turn, often a twist, given by the mental beingmanuin man; it bases itself upon the demands of the mental, the vital and the physical complex the triple nexus that forms the ordinary human personality and seeks to satisfy them under a holier garb. Spirituality knows the demands of the Spirit alone; it lives in a realm where the body, the life and the mind stand uplifted and transmuted into their utter realities. Religion is the human way of approaching and enjoying the Divine; Spirituality is the divine way of meeting the Divine. Religion, as it is usually practised, is a special art, one the highest it may be, still only oneamong many other pursuits that man looks to for his enjoyment and fulfilment; but spirituality is nothing if it does not swallow up the entire man, take in his each and every preoccupation and new-create it into an inevitable expression of its own master truth. Religion gives us a moral discipline for the internal consciousness, and for the external life, a code of conduct based upon a system of rules and rites and ceremonies; spirituality aims at a revolution in the consciousness and in the being.
   Keeping this difference in view, we may at once point out that Europe, when she is non-materialist, is primarily religious and only secondarily spiritual, but India is always primarily spiritual and only secondarily religious. The vein of real spirituality in European culture runs underground and follows narrow and circuitous by-paths; rarely does it appear on the top in sudden and momentary flashes and even then only to dive back again into its subterranean hiding-place; upon the collective life and culture it acts more as an indirect influence, an auxiliary leaven than as a direct and dynamic Force. In India there is an abundance, a superfluity even, of religious paraphernalia, but it is the note of spirituality that rings clear and high above all lesser tones and wields a power vivid and manifest. We could say in terms of modern Biology that spirituality tends to be a recessive character in European culture, while in India, it is dominant.

03.07 - Brahmacharya, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Brahmacharya means the storage of energy in the body and its sublimation. The energy in view is mainly physico-vital energy, the vital energy based upon and imbedded in the physical body. Brahmacharya naturally meant a strict observance of certain rules and regulations involving a strenuous discipline.
   Brahmacharya was the very basis of education in ancient India: indeed, it was the basic education upon which Indian culture, Indian civilization, Indian life was based and built up. Without it there was no entry into the business of life.

03.07 - Some Thoughts on the Unthinkable, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   God is, if he is at all to be compared to a king, more like a constitutional sovereign. He does not act as he chooses and pleases. There is a system, a plan, a procedure of governance; there are principles and laws and rules, and he abides by them. There are even agents and intermediaries, officers and servantsinstruments through whom he works out his purpose. He is the supreme dharmarja, the lord and guardian of the Law. Not that he is pound by his constitution, in the sense that he is a slave to it and cannot alter it, even when he finds it necessary to do so, but that once the rules of the game have been laid, he agrees to follow them so long as he plays the particular game.
   The Divine does not announce his presence or advent by miracles, by sudden catastrophes and upheavals. The power, the knowledge or the love that belongs to him is just like the air that surrounds us, whose silent and tranquil, yet constant pressure energises the heart of living things, whose very translucency is the stuff out of which is fashioned Earth's richly variegated life.

03.10 - Hamlet: A Crisis of the Evolving Soul, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The consciousness that rules over the tragedy of Hamlet, the destiny that works itself out in the play of the forces portrayed in that great drama, are the consciousness and the destiny of the human soul at a most fateful crisis, a crucial turning-point in the course of its evolution. The soul, lodged in the human embodiment, moves forward and upward, towards a greater and greater self-expression and self-expansion, a continual heightening and widening of its consciousness, a constant sublimation and transfiguration of its mode of being and living. And in the progressive gradient so pursued, there are certain stages or level-crossings that can be clearly marked out in view of their importance and significance.
   Shakespeare himself records, in two other of his major dramas, the mystery of two such stages preceding the one he deals with in Hamlet: one in Macbeth and the other in King Lear. Indeed these three mighty creations form a triology with the Karma of the human soul at different crises as its theme. King Lear represents human consciousness low down in the scale of evolution, almost at its starta nature primitive and barbarian. We seem to go back into a prehistoric world, a paleolithic age the domain of utter ignorance, of vulgar greed and hunger, where one sees the rank play of a raw and crude and aboriginal nature. Man is here simply the eater, a true brother of the rest of the animal kind, one in blood with the tiger and the wolf. He is the sheer biological or vital being the Rakshasainto whom the light of the Mind has not yet descended, at least not to the extent of effecting an appreciable change in his original and primitive texture. It is a world ruled by the mode of tamas. 1

03.11 - Modernist Poetry, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   In general, however, and as we come down to more and more recent times we find we have missed the track. As in the material field today, we seek to create and achieve by science and organisation, by a Teutonic regimentation, as in the moral life we try to save our souls by attending to rules and regulations, codes and codicils of conduct, even so a like habit and practice we have brought over into our sthetic world. But we must remember that Napoleon became the invincible military genius he was, not because he followed the art of war in accordance with laws and canons set down by military experts; neither did Buddha become the Enlightened because of his scrupulous adherence to the edicts which Asoka engraved centuries later on rocks and pillars, nor was Jesus the Christ because of his being an exemplar of the Sermon on the Mount.
   The truth of the matter is that the spirit bloweth where it listeth. It is the soul's realisation and dynamic perception that expresses itself inevitably in a living and au thentic manner in all that the soul creates. Let the modernist possess a soul, let it find out its own inmost being and he will have all the newness and novelty that he needs and seeks. If the soul-consciousness is burdened with a special and unique vision, it will find its play in the most categorically imperative manner.

03.11 - The Language Problem and India, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Even then, even though French has been ousted from the market-place, it holds still a place of honour in the cultural world, among the lite and the intelligentsia. I have said French rules the continent of Europe. Indeed even now an intellectual on the ,continent feels more at ease in French and would prefer to have the French version of a theme or work rather than the English. Indeed we may say in fact that the two languages appeal to two types of mentality, each expressing a characteristically different version of the same original truth or fact or statement. If you wish to have your ideas on a subject clear, rational and unambiguous, you must go to French. French is the language par excellence of law and logic. Mental presentation, as neat and transparent as possibly can be is the special aid French language brings to you. But precisely because it is intellectually so clear, and neat, it has often to avoid or leave out certain shades and nuances or even themes which do not go easily into its logical frame. English is marvellous in this respect, that being an illogical language it is more supple and pliant and rich and through its structural ambiguities can catch and reflect or indicate ideas and realities, rhythms and tones that are supra-rational. French, as it has been pointed out by French writers themselves, is less rich in synonyms than English. There each word has a very definite and limited (or limiting) connotation, and words cannot be readily interchanged. English, on the other hand, has a richer, almost a luxuriant vocabulary, not only in respect of the number of words, but also in the matter of variation in the meaning a given word conveys. Of course, double entendre or suggestiveness is a quality or capacity that all languages that claim a status must possess; it is necessary to express something of the human consciousness. Still, in French that quality has a limited, if judicious and artistic application; in English it is a wild growth.
   French expresses better human psychology, while meta-physical realities find a more congenial home in the English language. This is not to say that the English are born meta-physicians and that the French are in the same manner natural psychologists. This is merely to indicate a general trait or possible capacity of the respective languages. The English or the English language can hold no candle to the German race or the German language in the matter of metaphysical abstruseness. German is rigid, ponderous, if recondite. English is more flexible and has been used and can be used with great felicity by the mystic and the metaphysician. The insular English with regard to his language and letters have been more open to external influences; they have benefited by their wide contact with other peoples and races and cultures.

04.01 - The March of Civilisation, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   That is how the spirit of progress and evolution has worked and advanced in the European world. And one can take it as the pattern of human growth generally; but in the scheme described above we have left out one particular phase and purposely. I refer to the great event of Christ and Christianity. For without that European civilisation loses more than half of its import and value. After the Roman Decline began the ebbtide, the trough, the dark shadow of the deepening abyss of the Middle Ages. But even as the Night fell and darkness closed around, a new light glimmered, a star was born. A hope and a help shone "in a naughty world". It was a ray of consciousness that came from a secret cave, from a domain hidden behind and deep within in the human being. Christ brought a leaven into the normal manifest mode of consciousness, an otherworldly mode into the worldly life. He established a living and dynamic contact with the soul, the inner person in man, the person that is behind but still rules the external personality made of mind and life and body consciousness. The Christ revelation was also characteristic in the sense that it came as a large, almost a mass movementthis approach of the soul personality to earthly life. The movement faded or got adulterated, deformed like all human things; but something remained as a permanent possession of man's heritage.
   This episode links up with the inner story of mankind, its spiritual history. The growing or evolving consciousness of man was not only an outgoing and widening movement: it was also a heightening, an ascent into ranges that are not normally perceived, towards summits of our true reality. We have spoken of the Grco-Roman culture as the source and foundation of European civilisation; but apart from that there was a secret vein of life that truly vivified it, led it by an occult but constant influence along channels and achievements that are meant to serve the final goal and purpose. The Mysteries prevalent and practised in Greece itself and Crete and the occult rites of Egyptian priests, the tradition of a secret knowledge and discipline found in the Kabbalah, the legendary worship of gods and goddesses sometimes confused, sometimes identified with Nature forcesall point to the existence of a line of culture which is known in India as Yoga. If all other culture means knowledge, Yoga is the knowledge of knowledge. As the Upanishad says, there are two categories of knowledge, the superior and-the inferior. The development of the mind and life and body belongs to the domain of Inferior Knowledge: the development of the soul, the discovery of the Spirit means the Superior Knowledge.

05.06 - Physics or philosophy, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   So it is frankly admitted that what Science gives is not a faithful description of actuality, not a representation of material existence, but certain conventions or convenient signs to put together, to make a mental picture of our sensations and experiences. That does not give any clue to what the objective reality mayor may not be like. Scientific laws are mental rules imposed upon Nature. It may be asked why does Nature yield to such imposition? There must be then some sort of parallelism or commensurability between Nature and the observing Mind, between the pattern of Nature and the Mind's scheme or replica of it. If we successfully read into Nature things of the Mind, that means that there must be something very common between the two. Mind's readings are not mere figments, hanging in the air; for they are justified by their applicability, by their factual translation. This is arguing in a circle, a thorough-going mentalist like Eddington would say. What are facts? What is life? Anything more than what the senses and the mind have built up for us?
   Jeans himself is on the horns of a dilemma.2 Being a scientist, and not primarily a mathematician like Eddington, he cannot very well acquiesce in the liquidation of the material world; nor can he refute successfully the facts and arguments that Science itself has brought forward in favour of mentalism. He wishes to keep the question open for further light and surer grounds. In the meanwhile, however, he is reconciled to a modified form of mentalism. The laws of Nature, he says, are surely subjective in the sense that astronomical or geographical concepts, for example, such as the system of latitudes, longitudes, equator and axis, ellipse and quadrant and sextant, are subjective. These lines and figures are' not drawn physically upon the earth or in space: they are mental constructs, they are pointers or notations, but they note and point to the existence and the manner of existence of real objects in a real world.

06.01 - The End of a Civilisation, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Naturally, war meant always killing; but the nature of killing has changed and even the motive too. Killing is now attended with cruelty, done with methods terribly atrocious and revoltingly ingenious. And this has affected the very consciousness and morale of man. Not only there is no decency or decorum, not to speak of magnanimity and nobility of attitude and behaviouronce familiar things in stories of the Kshatriya, the Samurai, the Knights of oldthere has come into the field a phenomenon for which it has itself found a name, sadism, wanton violence and on a mass scale. Man seems to have thrown off all mask, all the rules of civilised social life and has become worse than the animal: he is now the Pisacha, the ghoul and the demon. He seems to have reached the bottom of the pit.
   We know of worldsvital worldswhich are made of the most unimaginable horror and ugliness and devilry. Many have contacted such domains either consciously in the course of their yogic experiences or unconsciously in nightmare. They bear testimony to the stark monstrosity of these worlds the gloom, the fear, the pain and torture, the doom and damnation that reign there. That entire inner world seems to have precipitated itself upon earth and taken a body here. A radiant poet spoke of Paradise being transplanted upon earth in the shape of a happy city (the city of the Raghus): today we have done the opposite miracle, the devil's capital city is installed upon earth, or even something worse. For, in the subtler worlds there is a saving grace, after all. If you have within you somewhere an aspiration, a trust, a faith, a light the enemy cannot touch you or maul you badly. You may have also around you there beings who help you, a teacher, a guide who is near visibly or invisibly to give you the necessary warning or protection. But here below when the enemy has clothed himself in a material form and armed himself with material weapons, you are almost helpless. To save yourself from a physical blow, it is not always enough to have the proper inner consciousness only. Something more is needed.

06.19 - Mental Silence, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   I have said normally you are assailed by all kinds of thought. They come into your brain from all quarters and demand audience and satisfaction. Thoughts need come into the brain, because actions become possible through them, they give the form and frame to your action. But the difficulty is that the thoughts are not only various but almost always contrary to each other; we see man so often moving in contrary directions and contradicting himself at each step. It is bound to be so if the doors of the mind are left wide open. Sometimes, however, or in some persons, one dominant thought takes possession of the mind and drives out all others. In such a case, when a single idea rules, one is likely to cut oneself down, narrow oneself and force the being into a strait-jacket, to move in a closed groove. The being in its entirety does not find self-expression or self-fulfilment. Thus you may have the idea, the fixed idea, that the world is irrevocably miserable and incorrigible and therefore you will naturally plan your whole life to that end, all your occupation and preoccupation will be how to get away from this world, you will seek a far solitude, inner and outer, seek release from existence and merge into the Transcendent or the Void. On the other hand, if you have the idea that in spite of all appearances to the contrary the world is remediable and reclaimable, then your life takes on a different pattern. It will seek to find out ways and means of the remedy and to what degree the possibility goes.
   Now, the value of an idea cannot be determined by the idea itself. Usually one chooses because of some external reason or other: one's education, environment, one's personal temperament, likes and dislikes go a long way in determining one's choice. So the first thing you have to do is not to allow the thoughts to come in pell-mell, as and when they like. Thoughts must come only when you choose them and only those that you choose. There must be a conscious selection. How to proceed in this work? As your own thoughts cannot choose themselves, what you have to do at the outset is to call for a higher guidance and let yourself be absolutely impartial and passive in its hands.

07.01 - The Joy of Union; the Ordeal of the Foreknowledge, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  His fate within him shapes his acts and rules;
  Its face and form already are born in him,

07.03 - The Entry into the Inner Countries, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  And guarding with a phalanx of armoured rules
  The reason's balanced reign, kept order and peace.

08.03 - Organise Your Life, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   There is a great difference between a moral consciousness and a consciousness that is the expression of truth. I tell you again it is infinitely more difficult to have a consciousness expressing the truth than to have a moral consciousness. For any blockhead who knows social rules and follows them has a moral consciousness, but to have a consciousness of the truth, one must not be a blockhead, that is the first condition.
   All the misadventures of life come from a lack of organisation of life. You live from moment to moment, take things as they arrive, somehow or other. Or, you try a mental organisation which does not at all agree with the truth and is therefore thwarted at each step. But if life is organised according to a higher principle, without the gropings that usually attend it, that is to say, following every minute a precise indication with regard to what is to be done and how it is to be done, then things can be arranged without mishaps.

08.20 - Are Not The Ascetic Means Helpful At Times?, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Here the thing is somewhat different. The principle of education or training followed here is that of liberty. Life is organised on the basis of maximum freedom; in other words, rules and regulations, injunctions and prohibitions are reduced to a minimum. If you compare our way with that followed by parents in the world with their constant admonitions: don't do this, that is forbidden, must do this but not that etc., etc., you will find the difference. At the school and the college, everywhere, there are rules infinitely more strict than are found here. So, because no absolute conditions are imposed on you for your progress, you do it when it pleases you and you don't do when it does not please you; you take things quite easily.
   Of course there are some who do make the effort spontaneously. And that from the spiritual point of view has an infinitely greater value. You make the progress, because you feel within you the need to do so, because it is an impulse that wells up from your depths, not because you are driven by a compel ling force outside. What you do spontaneously and sincerely of your own accord is something part and grain of yourself. You do a thing not because if you do it you will be rewarded and if you do not do it you will be punished. It might happen, however, sometimes that something comes to you or into you and gives you the impression that your effort is appreciated, but the effort is not due to that. Indeed, things are arranged in such a way here that the satisfaction of having done and done well is the best reward one has and one punishes oneself thoroughly by doing badly or not doing; no other punishment can be more real or more concrete. All this is immensely significant and valuable from the standpoint of spiritual growth, much more than things produced by external regulation and pressure.

08.28 - Prayer and Aspiration, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   In all religions people who declared that the consequences of Karma are rigorous and who gave these absolute rules, must have done so, I believe, to put themselves in place of Nature, to pull the strings that move ordinary men. For these rules are mental constructions, more or less sincere perhaps, cutting things into bits and telling you: "Do this, do that; it is not this, it is that." People are confused, frightened, they do not know what to do at the end.
   What they must do is to get to an upper floor. And they must be given the key to open the door. The key is (1) a sufficiently sincere aspiration, or (2) a sufficiently intense prayer. I said or, but it may not be so; there are people who like the one and there are people who prefer the other. But in both magic power and one must know to use them.

09.11 - The Supramental Manifestation and World Change, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   I may add one word, a practical word, to what I have already said; it is an illustration of a detail, but it will be a kind of reply to some other questions put to me some time ago about the so-called laws of Nature, causes and effects, inevitable consequences in the material world, more particularly from the point of view of health: we are told that if some precautions are not taken, if we do not eat as we should, if we do not follow certain rules, necessarily there will be consequences.
   True. But if you look at the thing in the light of what I have told you that there are no two universal combinations that are alike then how can you establish laws and what is the absolute truth of such laws?

10.04 - The Dream Twilight of the Earthly Real, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  It rules the world from its sleeping senseless Void;
  Dreaming it throws out mind and heart and soul

10.07 - The World is One, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Coming next to Mind, the unity here too, is quite marked, clearly discernible. There is only one Mind that rules the myriad mentalities of this world. Thoughts and ideas are not in reality personal creations, they are various formulations of the one universal Mind; they enter into and possess individual minds as receptacles, and no doubt in the process undergo particular modifications in their general character. It is a very common experience to see the same or very similar ideas and thoughts expressed by individuals (or groups) living far from each other, having practically no mutual contact. We have known of "independent discoveries" of the same truth or fact and innumerable instances of this kind has history provided for us. It is not a freak of nature that we find Socrates and Buddha and Confucius as contemporaries. Contemporaries also were India's Akbar, England's Elizabeth and Italy's Leo X. Also the year 1905 has been known as Annus Mirabilis, a year of seminal importance the sowing of the seed of a new earth-lifesignificant for the whole human race, for the East and for the West, particularly for India, for Japan, for Russia and even for England. And today's world has indeed become a world of compact unity in human achievement and also alas, in human distress!
   Now if one goes to the very source, the very root of the matter, the cardinal fact of unity is that of the supreme Consciousness, the original oneness of the one Divine Existence. It is the Ultimate One, inviolate, inviolableekam sat. That unity is transferred or translated or imaged on all the levels and strands of creation. That is the basic reality that holds together all tiered multiplicities. True, there has been side by side a movement of aberration, denial, disjunction in the multiple formulations and translations of the One. A reunion remains to be achieved conveying and embodying the basic unity.

1.00a - DIVISION A - THE INTERNAL FIRES OF THE SHEATHS., #A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, #Alice Bailey, #Occultism
  Certain facts are known in connection with the fire spirits (if so they may be termed). The fundamental fact that should here be emphasised is that AGNI, the Lord of Fire, rules over all the fire elementals and devas on the three planes of human evolution, the physical, the astral, and the mental, and rules over them not only on this planet, called the Earth, but on the three planes in all parts of the system. He is one of the seven Brothers (to use an expression familiar to students of the Secret Doctrine) Who each embody one of the seven principles, or Who are in Themselves the seven centres in the body of the cosmic Lord of Fire, called by H. P. B. "Fohat." He is that active fiery Intelligence, Who is the basis of the internal fires of the solar system. On each plane one of these Brothers holds sway, and the three elder Brothers (for always the three will be seen, and later the seven, who eventually merge into the primary three) rule on the first, third and the fifth planes, or on the plane of adi, of atma [xxii]22 and of manas. It is urgent that we here remember that They are fire viewed [66] in its third aspect, the fire of matter. In Their totality these seven Lords form the essence of the cosmic Lord, called in the occult books, Fohat. [xxiii]23
  This is so in the same sense as the seven Chohans, [xxiv]24 with Their affiliated groups of pupils, form the essence or centres in the body of one of the Heavenly Men, one of the planetary Logoi. These seven again in Their turn form the essence of the Logos.

1.00b - INTRODUCTION, #The Perennial Philosophy, #Aldous Huxley, #Philosophy
  obey certain rules, which experience has shown empirically to be valid.
  In regard to few professional philosophers and men of letters is there any evidence

1.00b - Introduction, #The Perennial Philosophy, #Aldous Huxley, #Philosophy
  In reality, magic is a sacred science, it is, in the very true sense the sum of all knowledge because it teaches how to know and utilize the sovereign rules. There is no difference between magic and mystic or any other conception of the name. Wherever au thentic initiatio n is at stake, one has to proceed on the same basis, according to the same rules, irrespective of the name given by this or that creed. Considering the universal polarity rules of good and evil, active and passive, light and shadow, each science can serve good as well as bad purposes. Let us take the example of a knife, an object that virtually ought to be used for cutting bread only, which, however, can become a dangerous weapon in the hands of a murderer. All depends on the character of the individual. This principle goes just as well for all the spheres of the occult sciences. In my book I have chosen the term of magician for all of my disciples, it being a symbol of the deepest initiation and the highest wisdom.
  Many of the readers will know, of course, that the word tarot does not mean a game of cards, serving mantical purposes, but a symbolic book of initiation which contains the greatest secrets in a symbolic form. The first tablet of this book introduces the magician representing him as the master of the elements and offering the key to the first Arcanum, the secret of the ineffable name of Tetragrammaton*, the quabbalistic
  But I would never dare to say that my book describes or deals with all the magic or mystic problems. If anyone should like to write all about this sublime wisdom, he ought to fill folio volumes. It can, however, be affirmed positively that this work is indeed the gate to the true initiation, the first key to using the universal rules. I am not going to deny the fact of fragments being able to be found in many an authors publications, but not in a single book will the reader find so exact a description of the first Tarot card.
  I have taken pains to be as plain as possible in the course of the lectures to make the sublime Truth accessible to everybody, although it has been a hard task sometimes to find such simple words as are necessary for the understanding of all the readers. I must leave it to the judgment of all of you, whether or not my efforts have been successful. At certain points I have been forced to repeat myself deliberately to emphasize some important sentences and to spare the reader any going back to a particular page.

1.00c - DIVISION C - THE ETHERIC BODY AND PRANA, #A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, #Alice Bailey, #Occultism
  In touching upon similar conditions in the planet, both these types of trouble will be found. More cannot be said, but in the wise study of solar radiation upon the surface of the planet in connection with its rotary action, some of the group rules of health may be comprehended and followed. The spirit of the planet (or the planetary entity) likewise has his cycles, and in the absorption of [108] planetary prana, and in its correct distribution, lies the secret of fertility and equable vegetation. Much of this is hidden in the fabled story of the war between fire and water, which has its basis in the reaction of the fire latent in matter, to the fire emanating outside of matter, and playing upon it. In the interval that has to elapse while the two are in process of blending, come those periods where, through karmic inheritance, reception is unstable and distribution inequable. As the point of race equilibrium is reached, so planetary equilibrium will likewise be attained, and in planetary attainment will come the equilibrium that must mutually take place between the solar planets. When they attain a mutual balance and interaction then the system is stabilised and perfection reached. The even distribution of prana will parallel this balancing in the man, in the race, in the planet and in the system. This is but another way of saying that uniform vibration will be achieved.
  b. Microcosmic organic disorders. These are basically two in number:
  Though no pictures have been drawn of death bed scenes nor of the dramatic escape of the palpitating etheric body from the centre in the head, as might have been anticipated, yet some of the rules and purposes governing this withdrawal have been mentioned. We have seen how the aim of each life (whether human, planetary or solar) should be the effecting and the carrying out of a definite purpose. This purpose is the development of a more adequate form for the use of the spirit; and when this purpose is achieved then the Indweller turns his attention away, and the form disintegrates, having served his need. This is not always the case in every human life nor even in each planetary cycle. The mystery of the moon is the mystery of failure. This leads, when comprehended, to a life of dignity and offers an aim worthy of our best endeavour. When this angle of truth is universally recognised, as it will be when the intelligence of the race suffices, then evolution will proceed with certainty, and the failures be less numerous.

1.00e - DIVISION E - MOTION ON THE PHYSICAL AND ASTRAL PLANES, #A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, #Alice Bailey, #Occultism
  All these spheres conform to certain rules, fulfil certain conditions and are characterised by the same fundamental qualifications. Later we will consider these conditions, [154] but must now continue with the effect of rotary action.
  2. Momentum, resulting therefore in repulsion, was produced by the rotary movement. We have referred to the Law of Repulsion as one of the subsidiary branches of the great Law of Economy, which governs matter. Repulsion is brought about by rotary action, and is the basis of that separation which prevents the contact of any atom with any other atom, which keeps the planets at fixed points in space and separated stably from each other; which keeps them at a certain distance from their systemic centre, and which likewise keeps the planes and subplanes from losing their material identity. Here we can see the beginning of that age-long duel between Spirit and matter, which is characteristic of manifestation, one aspect working under the Law of Attraction, and the other governed by the Law of Repulsion. From aeon to aeon the conflict goes on, with matter becoming less potent. Gradually (so gradually as to seem negated when viewed from the physical plane) the attractive power of Spirit is weakening the resistance of matter till, at the close of the greater solar cycles, destruction (as it is called) will ensue, and the Law of Repulsion be overcome by the Law of Attraction. It is a destruction of form and not of matter itself, for matter is indestructible. This can be seen even now in the microcosmic life, and is the cause of the disintegration of form, which holds itself as a separated unit by the very method of repulsing all other forms. It can be seen working out gradually and inappreciably in connection with the Moon, which no longer is repulsive to the earth, and is giving of her very substance to this planet. H. P. B. hints at this in The Secret Doctrine, and I have here suggested the law under which this is so. [lxxii]70, [lxxiii]71
  We can take up this matter of the centres along three lines. Much has been written and discussed anent the centres, and much mystery exists which has aroused the curiosity of the ignorant, and has tempted many to meddle with that which does not concern them. I seek to elucidate somewhat and to give a new angle of vision to [162] the study of these abstruse matters. I do not in any way intend to take up the subject from such an angle as to convey rules and information that will enable a man to vivify these centres and bring them into play. I sound here a solemn word of warning. Let a man apply himself to a life of high altruism, to a discipline that will refine and bring his lower vehicles into subjection, and to a strenuous endeavor to purify and control his sheaths. When he has done this and has both raised and stabilised his vibration, he will find that the development and functioning of the centres has pursued a parallel course, and that (apart from his active participation) the work has proceeded along the desired lines. Much danger and dire calamity attends the man who arouses these centres by unlawful methods, and who experiments with the fires of his body without the needed technical knowledge. He may, by his efforts, succeed in arousing the fires and in intensifying the action of the centres, but he will pay the price of ignorance in the destruction of matter, in the burning of bodily or brain tissue, in the development of insanity, and in opening the door to currents and forces, undesirable and destructive. It is not the part of a coward, in these matters concerning the subjective life, to move with caution and with care; it is the part of discretion. The aspirant, therefore, has three things to do:
  1. Purify, discipline and transmute his threefold lower nature.
  As regards taste and smell, we might call them minor senses, for they are closely allied to the important sense of touch. They are practically subsidiary to that sense. This second sense, and its connection with this second solar system, should be carefully pondered over. It is predominantly the sense most closely connected with the second Logos. This conveys a hint of much value if duly considered. It is of value to study the extensions of physical plane touch on other planes and to see whither we are led. It is the faculty which enables us to arrive [197] at the essence by due recognition of the veiling sheath. It enables the Thinker who fully utilises it to put himself en rapport with the essence of all selves at all stages, and thereby to aid in the due evolution of the sheath and actively to serve. A Lord of Compassion is one who (by means of touch) feels with, fully comprehends, and realises the manner in which to heal and correct the inadequacies of the not-self and thus actively to serve the plan of evolution. We should study likewise in this connection the value of touch as demonstrated by the healers of the race (those on the Bodhisattva line) [lxxxv]83 and the effect of the Law of Attraction and Repulsion as thus manipulated by them. Students of etymology will have noted that the origin of the word touch is somewhat obscure, but probably means to 'draw with quick motion.' Herein lies the whole secret of this objective solar system, and herein will be demonstrated the quickening of vibration by means of touch. Inertia, mobility, rhythm, are the qualities manifested by the not-self. Rhythm, balance, and stable vibration are achieved by means of this very faculty of touch or feeling. Let me illustrate briefly so as to make the problem somewhat clearer. What results in meditation? By dint of strenuous effort and due attention to rules laid down, the aspirant succeeds in touching matter of a quality rarer than is his usual custom. He contacts his causal body, in time he contacts the matter of the buddhic plane. By means of this touch his own vibration is temporarily and briefly quickened. Fundamentally we are brought back to the subject that we deal with in this treatise. The latent fire of matter attracts to itself that fire, latent in other forms. They touch, and recognition and awareness ensues. The fire of manas burns continuously and is fed by that which is attracted and repulsed. When the two [198] blend, the stimulation is greatly increased and the ability to touch intensified. The Law of Attraction persists in its work until another fire is attracted and touched, and the threefold merging is completed. Forget not in this connection the mystery of the Rod of Initiation. [lxxxvi]84 Later when we consider the subject of the centres and Initiation it must be remembered that we are definitely studying one aspect of this mysterious faculty of touch, the faculty of the second Logos, wielding the law of Attraction.
  Let us now finish what may be imparted on the remaining three sensessight, taste, smell and then briefly sum up their relationship to the centres, and their mutual action and interaction. That will then leave two more points to be dealt with in this first division of the Treatise on Cosmic Fire, and a summing up. We shall then be in a position to take up that portion of the treatise that deals with the fire of manas and with the development of the manasaputras, [lxxxvii]85 both in their totality and likewise individually. This topic is of the most imperative importance as it deals entirely with man, the Ego, the thinker, and shows the cosmic blending of the fires of matter and of mind, and their utilisation by the indwelling Flame.

1.00f - DIVISION F - THE LAW OF ECONOMY, #A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, #Alice Bailey, #Occultism
  These general rules relating to atomic bodies can be extended not only to the atoms of the physical plane, but to all spheroidal bodies within the system, and including the system also, regarding it as a cosmic atom.
  The tiny atom of the physical plane, a plane itself, a planet, and a solar system all evolve under these rules, and all are governed by the Law of Economy in one of its four aspects.
  It might be added in closing, that this law is one that initiates have to master before They can achieve liberation. They have to learn to manipulate matter, and to work with energy or force in matter under this law; they have to utilise matter and energy in order to achieve the liberation of Spirit, and to bring to fruition the purposes of the Logos in the evolutionary process.

1.00 - PREFACE - DESCENSUS AD INFERNOS, #Maps of Meaning, #Jordan Peterson, #Psychology
  intimate of manners. When I grew up, after all, most people still attended church; furthermore, all the rules
  and expectations that made up middle-class society were Judeo-Christian in nature. Even the increasing
  the rules that made up the Christian game.
  When I was twelve or so my mother enrolled me in confirmation classes, which served as introduction

1.00 - Preliminary Remarks, #Liber ABA, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  To sum up, we assert a secret source of energy which explains the phenomenon of Genius. 1 We do not believe in any supernatural explanations, but insist that this source may be reached by the following out of definite rules, the degree of success depending upon the capacity of the seeker, and not upon the favour of any Divine Being. We assert that the critical phenomenon which determines success is an occurrence in the brain characterized essentially be the uniting of subject and object. We propose to discuss this phenomenon, analyse its nature, determine accurately the physical, mental and moral conditions which are favourable to it, to ascertain its cause, and thus to produce it in ourselves, so that we may adequately study its effects.
  1 We have dealt in this preliminary sketch only with examples of religious genius.

1.00 - The way of what is to come, #The Red Book Liber Novus, #unset, #Zen
    If I speak in the spirit of this time, 5 I must say: no one and nothing can justify what I must proclaim to you. Justification is superfluous to me, since I have no choice, but I must. I have learned that in addition to the spirit of this time there is still another spirit at work, namely that which rules the depths of everything contemporary. 6 The spirit of this time would like to hear of use and value. I also thought this way, and my humanity still thinks this way. But that other spirit forces me [HI i(v)] nevertheless to speak, beyond justification, use, and meaning. Filled with human pride and blinded by the presumptuous spirit of the times, I long sought to hold that other spirit away from me. But I did not consider that the spirit of the depths from time immemorial and for all the future possesses a greater power than the spirit of this time, who changes with the generations.
    The spirit of the depths has subjugated all pride and arrogance to the power of judgment. He took away my belief in science, he robbed me of the joy of explaining and ordering things, and he let devotion to the ideals of this time die out in me. He forced me down to the last and simplest things.
    But the spirit of the depths stepped up to me and said: "What you speak is. The greatness is, the intoxication is, the undignified, sick, paltry dailiness is. It runs in all the streets, lives in all the houses, and rules the day of all humanity. Even the eternal stars are commonplace. It is the great mistress and the one essence of God.
    One laughs about it, and laughter, too, is. Do you believe, man of this time, that laughter is lower than worship? Where is your measure, false measurer?13 The sum of life decides in laughter and in worship, not your judgment."

1.01 - About the Elements, #Initiation Into Hermetics, #Franz Bardon, #Occultism
  Everything that has been created, the macrocosm as well as the microcosm, consequently the big and the small world have been achieved by the effect of the elements. For this reason, right from the beginning of the initiation, I shall attend to these powers and underline their deep and manifold significance in particular. In the occult literature very little has been said about the powers of the elements up to now so that I made it my business to treat this field of knowledge still unknown and to lift the veil covering these rules. It is absolutely not very easy to enlighten the uninitiated so that they are not only fully informed about the existence and the activity of the elements, but will be able to work with these powers in the future practically.
  The whole universe is similar to a clockwork with all its wheels in mesh and interdependent from each other. Even the idea of the Godhead as the highest comprehensible entity may be divided in aspects analogous to the elements. Details about it are found in the chapter concerning the God-idea.

1.01 - BOOK THE FIRST, #Metamorphoses, #Ovid, #Poetry
  Is unconfin'd, who rules the seas and land;
  And tempers thunder in his awful hand,

1.01 - DOWN THE RABBIT-HOLE, #Alice in Wonderland, #Lewis Carroll, #Fiction
  Alice went back to the table, half hoping she might find another key on it, or at any rate, a book of rules for shutting people up like telescopes. This time she found a little bottle on it ("which certainly was not here before," said Alice), and tied 'round the neck of the bottle was a paper label, with the words "DRINK ME" beautifully printed on it in large letters.
  "No, I'll look first," she said, "and see whether it's marked '_poison_' or not," for she had never forgotten that, if you drink from a bottle marked "poison," it is almost certain to disagree with you, sooner or later. However, this bottle was _not_ marked "poison," so Alice ventured to taste it, and, finding it very nice (it had a sort of mixed flavor of cherry-tart, custard, pineapple, roast turkey, toffy and hot buttered toast), she very soon finished it off.

1.01 - Economy, #Walden, and On The Duty Of Civil Disobedience, #Henry David Thoreau, #Philosophy
  I do not mean to prescribe rules to strong and valiant natures, who will mind their own affairs whether in heaven or hell, and perchance build more magnificently and spend more lavishly than the richest, without ever impoverishing themselves, not knowing how they live,if, indeed, there are any such, as has been dreamed; nor to those who find their encouragement and inspiration in precisely the present condition of things, and cherish it with the fondness and enthusiasm of lovers,and, to some extent, I reckon myself in this number; I do not speak to those who are well employed, in whatever circumstances, and they know whether they are well employed or not;but mainly to the mass of men who are discontented, and idly complaining of the hardness of their lot or of the times, when they might improve them. There are some who complain most energetically and inconsolably of any, because they are, as they say, doing their duty. I also have in my mind that seemingly wealthy, but most terribly impoverished class of all, who have accumulated dross, but know not how to use it, or get rid of it, and thus have forged their own golden or silver fetters.
  If I should attempt to tell how I have desired to spend my life in years past, it would probably surprise those of my readers who are somewhat acquainted with its actual history; it would certainly astonish those who know nothing about it. I will only hint at some of the enterprises which I have cherished.
  Mayflower, did the business for America, and its influence is still rising, swelling, spreading, in cerealian billows over the land,this seed I regularly and faithfully procured from the village, till at length one morning I forgot the rules, and scalded my yeast; by which accident I discovered that even this was not indispensable,for my discoveries were not by the synthetic but analytic process, and I have gladly omitted it since, though most housewives earnestly assured me that safe and wholesome bread without yeast might not be, and elderly people prophesied a speedy decay of the vital forces. Yet I find it not to be an essential ingredient, and after going without it for a year am still in the land of the living; and I am glad to escape the trivialness of carrying a bottle-full in my pocket, which would sometimes pop and discharge its contents to my discomfiture. It is simpler and more respectable to omit it. Man is an animal who more than any other can adapt himself to all climates and circumstances. Neither did I put any sal soda, or other acid or alkali, into my bread. It would seem that I made it according to the recipe which Marcus Porcius
  Cato gave about two centuries before Christ. Panem depsticium sic facito. Manus mortariumque bene lavato. Farinam in mortarium indito, aqu paulatim addito, subigitoque pulchre. Ubi bene subegeris, defingito, coquitoque sub testu. Which I take to meanMake kneaded bread thus. Wash your hands and trough well. Put the meal into the trough, add water gradually, and knead it thoroughly. When you have kneaded it well, mould it, and bake it under a cover, that is, in a baking-kettle. Not a word about leaven. But I did not always use this staff of life. At one time, owing to the emptiness of my purse, I saw none of it for more than a month.

1.01 - How is Knowledge Of The Higher Worlds Attained?, #Knowledge of the Higher Worlds, #Rudolf Steiner, #Theosophy
   development of the inner life. Spiritual science now also gives him practical rules by observing which he may tread that path and develop that inner life. These practical rules have no arbitrary origin. They rest upon ancient experience and ancient wisdom, and are given out in the same manner, wheresoever the ways to higher knowledge are indicated. All true teachers of the spiritual life are in agreement as to the substance of these rules, even though they do not always clo the them in the same words. This difference, which is of a minor character and is more apparent than real, is due to circumstances which need not be dwelt upon here.
  No teacher of the spiritual life wishes to establish a mastery over other persons by means of such rules. He would not tamper with anyone's independence. Indeed, none respect and cherish human independence more than the spiritually experienced. It was stated in the preceding pages that the bond of union embracing all initiates is spiritual, and that two laws form, as it were, clasps by which the component parts of this bond are held together. Whenever the initiate leaves
   p. 19
  The recognition that all true teachers of the spiritual life are permeated through and through with this principle will convince all who follow the practical rules proffered to them that they need sacrifice none of their independence.
  One of the first of these rules can be expressed somewhat in the following words of our language: Provide for yourself moments of inner tranquility, and in these moments learn to distinguish between the essential and the non-essential. It is said advisedly: "expressed in the words of our language." Originally all rules and teachings of spiritual science were expressed in a symbolical sign-language, some understanding of which must be acquired before its whole meaning and scope can be realized. This understanding is dependent on the first steps toward higher knowledge, and these steps result from the exact
   p. 20
   observation of such rules as are here given. For all who earnestly will, the path stands open to tread.
  Simple, in truth, is the above rule concerning moments of inner tranquility; equally simple is its observation. But it only achieves its purpose when it is observed in as earnest and strict a manner as it is, in itself, simple. How this rule is to be observed will, therefore, be explained without digression.

1.01 - MAPS OF EXPERIENCE - OBJECT AND MEANING, #Maps of Meaning, #Jordan Peterson, #Psychology
  mythic rules thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not covet that guided our ancestors, for the thousands of
  years they lived, without benefit of formal empirical thought. This means that those rules are so powerful
  so necessary, at least that they maintain their existence (and flourish, and expand their domain) even in
  eliminates the necessity of dispute over meaning. All those who know the rules, and accept them, can play
  the game without fighting over the rules of the game. This makes for peace, stability, and potential
  prosperity a good game. The good, however, is the enemy of the better; a more compelling game might

1.01 - Newtonian and Bergsonian Time, #Cybernetics, or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine, #Norbert Wiener, #Cybernetics
  ning, its very rules of operation are susceptible to some change
  on the basis of the data which have passed through its receptors

1.01 - Proem, #Of The Nature Of Things, #Lucretius, #Poetry
  To aid mortality; since he who rules
  The savage works of battle, puissant Mars,

1.01 - The Castle, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  As I looked around, I felt a curious sensation, or, rather, two distinct sensations, which mingled in my mind, still upset and somewhat unstable in my weariness. I seemed to be at a sumptuous court, which no one would have expected to find in such a rustic and out-of-the-way castle; and its wealth was evident not only in the costly furnishings and the graven vessels, but also in the calm and ease which reigned among those at the table, all handsome of person and clothed with elaborate elegance. But, at the same time, I remarked a feeling of random, of disorder, if not actually of license, as if this were not a lordly dwelling but an inn of passage, where people unknown to one another live together for one night and where, in that enforced promiscuity, all feel a relaxation of the rules by which they live in their own surroundings, and-as one resigns oneself to less comfortable ways of life-so one also indulges in freer, unfamiliar behavior. In fact, the two contradictory impressions could nevertheless refer to a single object: whether the castle, for years visited only as a stopping place, had gradually degenerated into an inn, and the lord and his lady had found themselves reduced to the roles of host and hostess, though still going through the motions of their aristocratic hospitality; or whether a tavern, such as one often sees in the vicinity of castles, to give drink to soldiers and horsemen, had invaded-the castle being long abandoned-the ancient, noble halls to install its benches and hogsheads there, and the pomp of those rooms-as well as the coming and going of illustrious customers-had conferred on the inn an unforeseen dignity, sufficient to put ideas in the heads of the host and hostess, who finally came to believe themselves the rulers of a brilliant court.
  These thoughts, to tell the truth, occupied me only for a moment; stronger were my relief at being safe and sound in the midst of a select company and my impatience to strike up a conversation (at a nod of invitation from the man who seemed the lord-or the host-I had sat down at the only empty place) and to exchange with my traveling companions tales of the adventures we had undergone. But at this table, contrary to the custom of inns, and also of courts, no one uttered a word. When a guest wished to ask his neighbor to pass the salt or the ginger, he did so with a gesture, and with gestures he also addressed the servants, motioning them to cut him a slice of pheasant pie or to pour him a half pint of wine.

1.01 - The Lord of hosts, #Sefer Yetzirah The Book of Creation In Theory and Practice, #Anonymous, #Various
   and the only Lord God, the faithful King, rules over all from His holy habitation for ever and ever.

1.01 - The Mental Fortress, #On the Way to Supermanhood, #Satprem, #Integral Yoga
  Thus, we shall not effect the passage with our own strength; if such were the condition, no one could do it, except spiritual athletes. But those athletes, filled with meditations and concentrations and asceticism, do not get out either, although they may seem to. They inflate their own spiritual ego (a kind worse than the other one, far more deceptive, because it is garbed in a grain of truth) and their illuminations are simply the luminous discharges of their own accumulated cloud. The logic of it is simple: one does not get out of the circle by the power of the circle, any more than the lotus rises above the mud by the power of the mud. A little bit of sun is needed. And because the ascetics and saints and founders of religions throughout the ages only reached the rarefied realms of the mental bubble, they created one church or another that amazingly resembled the closed system from which they originated, namely, a dogma, a set of rules, the Tables of the Law, a one and only prophet born in the blessed year 000, around whom revolved the beautiful story, forever fixed in the year 000, like the electrons around the nucleus, the stars around the Great Bear, and man around his navel. Or, if they did get out, it was only in spirit, leaving the earth and bodies to their habitual decay. Granted, each new hub was wiser, more luminous, worthy and virtuous than the preceding one, and it did help men, but it changed nothing in the mental circle, as we have seen, for thousands of years because its light was only the other side of one and the same shadow, the white of the black, the good of evil, the virtue of a frightful misery that grips us all in the depths of our caves.
  This implacable duality which assails the whole life of mental man a life that is only the life of death is obviously insoluble at the level of the Duality. One might as well fight the right hand with the left. Yet, that is exactly what the human mind has done, without much success, at all levels of its existence, offsetting its heaven with hell, matter with spirit, individualism with collectivism, or any other isms that proliferate in this sorry system. But one does not get out by the decrees of any ism pushed to its perfection: deprived of its heaven, our earth is a poor whirling machine; deprived of its matter, our heaven is a pale nebula filled with the silent medusas of the disembodied spirit; deprived of the individual, our societies are dreadful anthills; and deprived even of his sins, the individual loses a focus of tension that helped him to grow. The fact is, no idea, however lofty it may seem, has the power to undo the Artifice for the very good reason that the Artifice has its value and season. But it has also its season, like the winged seed tumbling over the prairies, until the day it finds its propitious ground and bursts open.

1.01 - THE STUFF OF THE UNIVERSE, #The Phenomenon of Man, #Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, #Christianity
  the rules followed (quantitative) by this evolution of matter ?
  A. The Appearance
  according to determinate quantitative rules which we must now

1.02 - Groups and Statistical Mechanics, #Cybernetics, or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine, #Norbert Wiener, #Cybernetics
  and the rules are the decrees of the testy, unpredictable Queen
  of Hearts.

1.02 - MAPS OF MEANING - THREE LEVELS OF ANALYSIS, #Maps of Meaning, #Jordan Peterson, #Psychology
  actions within the game, but accept the rules without question. We move in a linear direction from present
  to future.
  understood, in part, in the following manner: positive affect rules in known territory, by definition: a thing
  or situation has been explored most optimally (and is therefore most well known) if it has been transformed
  action developmentally predates explicit description or discovery of the rules governing action. Adaptation
  through play and drama preceded development of linguistic thought, and provided the ground from which it
  Simultaneously, however, he is the force who devours his own offspring, who rules the kingdom with a
  cruel and unjust hand, and who actively suppresses any sign of dissent or difference.
  endeavor. We do not understand the rules that govern this endeavor, in the final analysis; cannot state
  explicitly why it is that we do what we do. Our democratic constitutions, for example which contain the
  Neither the rules that underly categorization, nor the act itself, have proved easy to describe. Roger
  Brown, the eminent psycholinguist, states:
  imagination), and, finally and only much later an abstract construction of rules describing the explicit
  rights and responsibilities of the citizenry (an entity of words, the body of law). This increasingly
  abstract and detailed construction develops from imitation to abstract representation, and comprises rules
  and schemas of interpretations useful for maintaining stability of interpersonal interaction. It is the
  establishment of these rules and schemas that gives determinate meaning to human experience, by bringing
  predictability to all social situations (to all things encountered interpersonally). The same thing might be
  person at any given time even to follow its own intrinsic rules of development yet fail to exist
  objectively, as the objective is currently understood.
  eternally rules.
  I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and
  arbitrary rules that constitute the implicit information coded in societal structure information not
  necessarily placed there by rational means, not necessarily comprehended, in any declarative sense;
  up the virgin princess in an inaccessible place. The Tyrannical Father rules absolutely, while the kingdom
  withers or becomes paralyzed; his decrepitude and age are matched only by his arrogance, inflexibility, and
  keep his fruitful daughter firmly under his control. He is the authoritarian who rules the land ravaged by
  drought; is ruler of the castle in which everything has been brought to a standstill.

1.02 - On the Knowledge of God., #The Alchemy of Happiness, #Al-Ghazali, #Sufism
  At the time when the heart of man had control over all the organs and members, and they were all obedient to it, some thought that man was a dweller in his own heart. When the empyrean in like manner, ruled over all things by the will of God, they reasoned that man was seated in the empyrean. But like as man has dominion over his own heart in the administration of his kingdom, the body, God also rules over the empyrean in the administration of the affairs of created beings, which he has committed to [49] the empyrean. Thus God declares in his holy word, "He sat upon the empyrean to govern the universe." 1 You should know, also, that what we have been maintaining is convincingly established. It is known to men of penetration by revelation.
  "God created man in his own image." What does this mean, and how is it known to be true ? Know, beloved, that the sovereign recognizes no other person except the sovereign himself. If the Lord had not appointed you to be sovereign over the body as over a kingdom, if he had not confided to you the affairs of its government, and had not given you this brief copy as a model, how would you have been able to comprehend the sovereign, who is independent of reasoning and of place, and who cannot be known by argument or hypothesis or in any other way? Thanks and praises be given to him who is without beginning and eternal, to him who is unceasingly beneficent, to him who made you sovereign over yourself, who subjected your body to you for a kingdom, who made your heart to be an empyreal throne, and made the animal spirit which is the fountain of the heart, to be a seraphic messenger. He appointed the brain to be the throne, and the treasury of the imagination to be the Preserved Tablet. He made the cupola of the brain, which is the source of the nerves and the mine of the faculties, to be like the vault of heaven and the stars. He appointed the fingers and the pen to serve the elemental qualities of nature, and subjected them to your order. He made you more excellent and noble than all other creatures, and to exercise rule over all possible things. He has bidden you to beware and not to be heedless of your soul, which is your kindom and dominion: for to be regardless of your soul, is to be regardless of your Creator and Benefactor.

1.02 - Pranayama, Mantrayoga, #Liber ABA, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  The ultimate idea of meditation being to still the mind, it may be considered a useful preliminary to still consciousness of all the functions of the body. This has been dealt with in the chapter on Asana. One may, however, mention that some Yogis carry it to the point of trying to stop the beating of the heart. Whether this be desirable or no it would be useless to the beginner, so he will endeavour to make the breathing very slow and very regular. The rules for this practice are given in Liber CCVI.
  The best way to time the breathing, once some little skill has been acquired, with a watch to bear witness, is by the use of a mantra. The mantra acts on the thoughts very much as Pranayama does upon the breath. The thought is bound down to a recurring cycle; any intruding thoughts are thrown off by the mantra, just as pieces of putty would be from a fly-wheel; and the swifter the wheel the more difficult would it be for anything to stick.

1.02 - The Child as growing being and the childs experience of encountering the teacher., #The Essentials of Education, #unset, #Zen
  When we read modern books on embryology, botany, or zool- ogy, we feel a sense of despair in finding ourselves immediately forced to plunge into a cold intellectuality. Although the life and the development of nature are not essentially intellectual, we have to deliberately and consciously set aside every artistic ele- ment. Once weve read a book on botany written according to strict scientific rules, our first task as teachers is to rid ourselves of everything we found there. Obviously, we have to assimilate the information about botanical processes, and the sacrifice of learn- ing from such books is necessary; but in order to educate children between the change of teeth and puberty, we have to eliminate what we found there, transforming everything into artistic, imagi- nal forms through our own artistic activity and sensibility. What- ever lives in our thoughts about nature has to fly on the wings of artistic inspiration and be transformed into images that then come before the soul of the child.
  Artistically shaping our instruction for children between the change of teeth and puberty is all that we should be concerned with in the metamorphosis of education for our time and the near future. If the first period of childhood requires a priestly element in education, the second requires an artistic element. What are we really doing when we educate a person in the second stage of life? The individuality journeying from an earlier earthly life and from the spiritual world is trying gradually to develop and permeate a second self. Our job is to assist in this process; we incorporate what we do with the child as teachers into the forces that inter- wove with spirit and soul to shape the second self with a unique and individual character. Again, the consciousness of this cosmic context needs to act as an enlivening impulse, running through our teaching methods and the everyday conditions of education. We cant contrive what needs to be done; we can only allow it to happen through the influence of the children themselves on their teachers.

1.02 - The Development of Sri Aurobindos Thought, #Preparing for the Miraculous, #George Van Vrekhem, #Integral Yoga
  of belief and action, all fixed and external rules of conduct,
  all constructions of the outward surface Nature, Dharmas,

1.02 - The Magic Circle, #The Practice of Magical Evocation, #Franz Bardon, #Occultism
  A true magic circle represents the symbolic lay-out of the macrocosm and the microcosm, that is, of the perfect man. It stands for the Beginning and the Ending for the Alpha and the Omega, as well as for Eternity, which has no beginning and no end. The magic circle, therefore, is a symbolic diagram of the Infinite, of Divinity in all its aspects, as can be comprehended by the microcosm, i. e. by the true adept, the perfect magician. To draw a magic circle means to symbolize the Divine in His perfection, to get into contact with Him. This happens, above all, at the moment the magician is standing in the centre of the magic circle, for it is by this act that the contact with the Divinity is demonstrated graphically. It is the magician's contact with the macrocosm in his highest step of consciousness. Therefore, from the point of view of true magic, it is quite logical that standing in the centre of the magic circle is equivalent to being, in one's consciousness, a unity with the Universal Divinity. From this one can see clearly that a magic circle is not only a diagram for protection from unwanted negative influences, but security and inviolability are brought about by this conscious and spiritual contact with the Highest. The magician who stands in the centre of the magic circle is protected from any influence, no matter, whether good or evil, for himself is, in fact, symbolizing the Divine in the universe. Furthermore, by standing in the centre of the magic circle, the magician also represents the Divinity in the microcosm and controls and rules the beings of the universe in a totalitarian manner.
  The esoteric essence of the magician's standing in the centre of the magic circle is, therefore, quite different from that which the books on evocations usually maintain. If a magician standing in the centre of the magic circle were not conscious of the fact that he is, at that moment, symbolizing God the Divine and Infinite, he would not be able to practise any influence on any being whatsoever. The magician is, at that instant, a perfect magic authority whom all powers and beings must absolutely obey. His will and the orders he gives to beings or powers are equivalent to the will and orders of the Infinite, the Divine, and must therefore be unconditionally respected by the beings and powers the magician has conjured up. If the magician, during such an operation, has not the right attitude towards his doings, he degrades himself to a sorcerer, a charlatan, who simply mimics and has no true contact with the Highest. The magician's authority would, in such a case, be rather doubtful. Moreover, he would be in danger of losing his control over such beings and powers, or, what would even be worse, he could be mocked by them, not to speak of other unwanted and unforeseen surprises and accompanying phenomena that he would be exposed, especially if negative forces were involved.

1.02 - THE NATURE OF THE GROUND, #The Perennial Philosophy, #Aldous Huxley, #Philosophy
  The extract which follows next is of great historical significance, since it was mainly through the Mystical Theology and the Divine Names of the fifth-century author who wrote under the name of Dionysius the Areopagite that mediaeval Christendom established contact with Neoplatonism and thus, at several removes, with the metaphysical thought and discipline of India. In the ninth century Scotus Erigena translated the two books into Latin and from that time forth their influence upon the philosophical speculations and the religious life of the West was wide, deep and beneficent. It was to the authority of the Areopagite that the Christian exponents of the Perennial Philosophy appealed, whenever they were menaced (and they were always being menaced) by those whose primary interest was in ritual, legalism and ecclesiastical organization. And because Dionysius was mistakenly identified with St. Pauls first Athenian convert, his authority was regarded as all but apostolic; therefore, according to the rules of the Catholic game, the appeal to it could not lightly be dismissed, even by those to whom the books meant less than nothing. In spite of their maddening eccentricity, the men and women who followed the Dionysian path had to be tolerated. And once left free to produce the fruits of the spirit, a number of them arrived at such a conspicuous degree of sanctity that it became impossible even for the heads of the Spanish Inquisition to condemn the tree from which such fruits had sprung.
  The simple, absolute and immutable mysteries of divine Truth are hidden in the super-luminous darkness of that silence which revealeth in secret. For this darkness, though of deepest obscurity, is yet radiantly clear; and, though beyond touch and sight, it more than fills our unseeing minds with splendours of transcendent beauty. We long exceedingly to dwell in this translucent darkness and, through not seeing and not knowing, to see Him who is beyond both vision and knowledgeby the very fact of neither seeing Him nor knowing Him. For this is truly to see and to know and, through the abandonment of all things, to praise Him who is beyond and above all things. For this is not unlike the art of those who carve a life-like image from stone; removing from around it all that impedes clear vision of the latent form, revealing its hidden beauty solely by taking away. For it is, as I believe, more fitting to praise Him by taking away than by ascription; for we ascribe attri butes to Him, when we start from universals and come down through the intermediate to the particulars. But here we take away all things from Him going up from particulars to universals, that we may know openly the unknowable, which is hidden in and under all things that may be known. And we behold that darkness beyond being, concealed under all natural light.

1.02 - The Principle of Fire, #Initiation Into Hermetics, #Franz Bardon, #Occultism
  Bible we read: Fiat Lux There shall be light. The origin of the light, of course, is to be sought in the fire. Each element and therefore that of fire, too, has two polarities, i.e., the active and the passive one, which means positive (+) and negative (-). Plus will always signify the constructive, the creative, the productive sources whereas minus stands for all that is destructive or dissecting. There are always two basic qualities, which must be clearly distinguished in each element. Religions have always imputed the good to the active and the evil to the passive side. But fundamentally spoken, there are no such things as good or bad; they are nothing but human conceptions. In the Universe there is neither good nor evil, because everything has been created according to immutable rules, wherein the Divine Principle is reflected and only by knowing these rules, shall we be able to come near to the Divinity.
  As mentioned before, the fiery principle owns the expansion, which I shall call electrical fluid for the sake of better comprehension. This definition does not just point to the roughly material electricity in spite of its having a certain analogy to it.

1.02 - The Stages of Initiation, #Knowledge of the Higher Worlds, #Rudolf Steiner, #Theosophy
   wish, the gratification of some desire, has been granted. If the same rules and precautions be adopted as in the previous instance, spiritual insight will once more be attained. A spiritual insight will once more be attained. A spiritual flame-form will be distinguished, creating an impression of yellow in the center and green at the edges.
  By such observation of his fellow-creatures, the student may easily lapse into a moral fault. He may become cold-hearted. Every conceivable effort must be made to prevent this. Such observation should only be practiced by one who has already risen to the level on which complete certainty is found that thoughts are real things. He will then no longer allow himself to think of his fellow-men in a way that is incompatible with the highest reverence for human dignity and human liberty. The thought that a human being could be merely an object of observation must never for a moment be entertained. Self-education must see to it that this insight into human nature should go hand in hand with an unlimited respect for the personal privilege of each individual, and with the recognition of the sacred and inviolable nature of that which dwells in each human being. A feeling
  Thanks to this language the student also learns certain rules of conduct and certain duties of which he formerly knew nothing. Having learned these he is able to perform actions endowed with a significance and a meaning such as the actions of one not initiated can never possess. He acts out of the higher worlds. Instructions concerning such action can only be read and understood in the writing in question.
  Yet it must be emphasized that there are people unconsciously gifted with the ability and faculty of performing such actions, though they have never undergone an esoteric training. Such helpers of the world and of humanity pass through life bestowing blessings and performing good deeds. For reasons here not to be discussed, gifts have been bestowed on them which appear supernatural. What distinguishes them from the
  At this stage of initiation there are duties to be performed for which no outward stimulus is given. The candidate will not be moved to action by external pressure, but only through adherence to the rules of conduct revealed to him in the occult script. He must now show in this second trial that, led by such rules, he can act with the same firmness and precision with which, for instance, an official performs the duties that belong to him. For this purpose, and in the course of his further training, he will find himself faced by a certain definite task. He must perform some action in consequence of observations made on the basis of what he has learned during preparation and enlightenment. The nature of this action can be understood by means of the occult script with
   p. 87
   measure of initiation thus unconsciously acquired in life will, as a rule, be indispensable for success in this second trial. For even as it is difficult for those who have not learned to spell correctly in their childhood to make good this deficiency when fully grown up, so too it is difficult to develop the necessary degree of self-control at the moment of looking into the higher worlds, if this ability has not been acquired to a certain degree in ordinary life. The objects of the physical world do not alter, whatever the nature of our wishes, desires, and inclinations. In the higher worlds, however, our wishes, desires, and inclinations are causes that produce effects. If we wish to produce a particular effect in these worlds, we must strictly follow the right rules and subdue every arbitrary impulse.
  One human quality is of very special importance at this stage of initiation, namely, an unquestionably sound judgment. Attention should be paid to the training of this faculty during all the previous stages; for it now remains to be proved whether the candidate is shaping in a way that shows him to be fit for the truth path of knowledge.

1.02 - The Three European Worlds, #The Ever-Present Origin, #Jean Gebser, #Integral
  Some dozen years later, the three Commentarii of Lorenzo Ghiberti also treat of this same perspective; but despite his attempt to remain within the tradition, his treatises describe in a novel way not only perspective but also anatomy and a theory of drawing (teorica del disegno). It is significant that he corrects his principal model, Vitruvius, by inserting a chapter an "perspective" where Vitruvius would have included a chapter an the "knowledge of rules," and consequently intentionally 'elevates perspectivity to a basic axiom of his time.
  There is yet another major artist of that age who continues the discussion of this subject in advance of the definitive statements of Leonardo. Toward the end of his life, Pierodella Francesca furnishes a penetrating theory of perspective compared to which Alberti's seems amateurish and empirical. In his three books De Perspectiva Pingendi based anEuclid, which were written in collaboration with Luca Pacioli, he defines for the first time costruzionepittorica as perspective. He had himself been successful in the practical application of perspective during the time ofFoquet, i.e., the latter half of the fifteenth century, though after the brothers van Eyck (to mention only the outstanding figures). This had facilitated the ultimate achievement of perspectivity, the "aerial perspective" of Leonardo's Last Supper.

1.02 - THE WITHIN OF THINGS, #The Phenomenon of Man, #Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, #Christianity
  considered by science. Can we go further and define the rules
  according to which this second face, for the most part entirely

1.032 - Our Concept of God, #The Study and Practice of Yoga, #Swami Krishnananda, #Yoga
  Love of God is something different from ordinary love, because God is not something which we need today and do not need tomorrow. God is not an object of a temporal necessity. He is not a requisite of a particular period of time, or of a given condition. God is a necessity of every condition, of all times, and for every person, at every place. The reason is that God is the presupposition of every condition of being, and hence the love of God cannot be conditional; it is always unconditional. While every other love can be conditioned by circumstances and needs of the time, no such condition can apply to the love of God. But our concept of God is here a very important factor, which rules the destiny of our love for God. If God is extra-cosmic, which means to say that He is outside the world, as a carpenter is outside the table or the chair, then there should be some means of communication between the table and the carpenter, or the world and God. The means of communication is, of course, the very same means that we adopt in coming in contact with anything else in this world. How do we come in contact with any person or thing in this world? We adopt the same means also in respect of God. We cry and shout loudly so that the person will hear us, if the person is far away, and yearn from within for vision and contact of that something which we love.
  Now, the yearning or the love, when it is directed to an object outside, becomes a psychological condition, and if love of God is also to become a psychological condition, then it may change according to the conditions of the mind. No condition of the mind can be perpetual, because it is related to the structure of the body also. In different incarnations, different types of births that we take, the states of mind may change, and so the attitudes which the mind has towards things also may vary in different incarnations. So the love of God may become conditioned if He is to be treated as an extra-cosmic something which has to be reached by a temporal affection in the form of a mental emotion, as we have in respect of ordinary objects in this world.

10.33 - On Discipline, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   But obedience to a person is in the last analysis a symbolsymbol of obedience to a principle. The person signifies and embodies a principle, a law to which we render our obedience. In normal life it is these principles or laws that demand our obedience. These laws or rules are meant for the welfare of collective living and therefore individuals are expected to restrain or forego their personal impulses, their so-called liberties in order to live together in harmony. Discipline is meant exactly to control one's personal idiosyncrasies, place them under the yoke of the common collective law. All laws or rules that make for a harmonious collective living, that is, social or national welfare, are limbs of discipline. By submitting himself to such a process of self-abnegation the individual gains in self-control and self-mastery. But there are rules and rules, laws and laws. For that depends on the ideal or the purpose set before oneself. If the purpose is narrow, limited, superficial, the rules are necessarily likewise, and although effective in a particular field, they have a restricting, even deadening effect on the consciousness of the individual. If discipline means obedience, the obedience must be to a larger and higher law, and the perfect discipline will come only from obedience to the highest law.
   The heart of discipline then is the effort to surmount oneself. Instead of a lower self following the law of an inferior consciousness one is to rise to a higher level of consciousness and a greater law of being. Discipline thus is only another term for tapasy, replacing the lower law gradually by a higher and higher law.

10.35 - The Moral and the Spiritual, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   A strange fascination for the forbidden fruit has gripped the modern mentality and the most significant part of the thing is that the forbidding comes from within oneself, not from any authority outside It is self-forbidden. We are reminded here of the Kantian moral absolute the categorical imperative. This is a gospel based upon the Christian and Semitic tradition, polished by the Greek (that is, Socratic) touch, quickened and sharpened by the intellectual and social stress of European Culture. India admitted no such moral absolute or mental categorical imperative. The urge of her spiritual consciousness was always to go beyond, beyond the dualities, beyond the trinities (the three gunas)all mental or scriptural rules and regulations. For her there is only one absolute the transcendent, the Supreme Divine himself the Brahman, nothing else, netaram.
   The Indian spiritual consciousness considers the secular distinction of good and evil as otiose: both are maya, there must neither be attachment to the Good, nor repulsion from Evil, the two, dwandwas, belong to the same category of relativity, that is, unreality.

1.035 - The Recitation of Mantra, #The Study and Practice of Yoga, #Swami Krishnananda, #Yoga
  In Indian tradition, we have the mantras which are also associated with certain factors other than merely a combination of words, one aspect of which is what is known as chandas. This a peculiar feature of the formation of a mantra. A chandas is a particular method of combining words according to a rule called ghana shastra, which is known in mystical circles in India. A particular word, when it is combined with another particular word, produces a particular effect. Rhetoricians are well acquainted with this subject. Great novelists and poets in India, especially those endowed with special genius and charged with divine power, such as Kalidasa, followed this technique of ghana shastra, and knowing the power of words, composed their poems or their works in such a way that they follow the rules of accepted rhetoric. Ordinary literature is not acquainted with this secret of Sanskrit literature. The greatness of a poet can be judged from the way he starts the work. How does he start the work? What is the word that he uses in the beginning? It is the belief among great writers in India that the initial phrases at the commencement of the work tell upon the nature of the entire work that is to follow.
  This system of the combination of particular words with other words of the requisite character is followed in the composition of a mantra, which literally means, 'that which protects a person who thinks of it'. Mananat trayate iti mantrah a mantra is that which protects us when we chant it. It protects us like armour, like a shield that we wear in a war, by generating in us a resisting power against any kind of influence which is extraneous in nature, and which is unwanted for the purpose on hand. Chandas is the peculiar chemical combination of the letters, we may say. Particular chemical substances produce special results or effects when they are combined with certain types of other chemical components. But when they are mixed together, they may create a third force altogether.

1.03 - APPRENTICESHIP AND ENCULTURATION - ADOPTION OF A SHARED MAP, #Maps of Meaning, #Jordan Peterson, #Psychology
  The capacity to abide by social rules, regardless of the specifics of the discipline, can therefore be
  regarded as a necessary transitional stage in the movement from childhood to adulthood.

1.03 - BOOK THE THIRD, #Metamorphoses, #Ovid, #Poetry
  By ev'ry God, that rules the sea or sky,
  The perjur'd villains promise to comply,

1.03 - Invocation of Tara, #Tara - The Feminine Divine, #unset, #Zen
  of tantras, each having its own rules as to
  accomplishing rituals.
  Ilother rules all our perceptions. Imagining that we
  are the deity and visualizing the deity in front of us at

1.03 - Meeting the Master - Meeting with others, #Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo, #unset, #Zen
   Sri Aurobindo: We do not make rules in this Yoga. Of course, if you followed the direct Supramental Yoga then it would be compulsory. But even in a preparatory yoga it is better if you can observe Brahmacharya. You have to grow from humanity into something higher and so you must get away from the animal level. In the Supramental Yoga no lower movements should be indulged in from the lower poise.
   Athavale: So it is better to observe Brahmacharya?

1.03 - Questions and Answers, #Book of Certitude, #unset, #Zen
  ANSWER: Many Tablets were revealed and dispatched in their original form without being checked and reviewed. Consequently, as bidden, they were again read out in the Holy Presence, and brought into conformity with the grammatical conventions of the people in order to forestall the cavils of opponents of the Cause. Another reason for this practice is that the new style inaugurated by the Herald, may the souls of all else but Him be offered up for His sake, was seen to be marked by substantial latitude in adherence to the rules of grammar; sacred verses therefore were then revealed in a style which is for the most part in conformity with current usage for ease of understanding and concision of expression.
  58. QUESTION: Concerning the blessed verse, "When travelling, if ye should stop and rest in some safe spot, perform ye ... a single prostration in place of each unsaid Obligatory Prayer": is this compensation for the Obligatory Prayer missed by reason of insecure circumstances, or is obligatory prayer completely suspended during travel, and doth the prostration take its place?

1.03 - Self-Surrender in Works - The Way of The Gita, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Nature, - not as she is in her divine Truth, the conscious Power of the Eternal, but as she appears to us in the Ignorance,- is executive Force, mechanical in her steps, not consciously intelligent to our experience of her, although all her works are instinct with an absolute intelligence. Not in herself master, she is full of a self-aware Power2 which has an infinite mastery and, because of this Power driving her, she rules all and exactly fulfils the work intended in her by the Ishwara. Not enjoying but enjoyed, she bears in herself the burden of all enjoyments. Nature as Prakriti is an inertly active Force, - for she works out a movement imposed upon her; but within her is One that knows,- some Entity sits there that is aware of all her motion and process. Prakriti works containing the knowledge, the mastery, the delight of the Purusha, the Being associated with her or seated within her; but she can participate in them only by subjection and reflection of that which fills her. Purusha knows and is still and inactive; he contains the action of Prakriti within his consciousness and knowledge and enjoys it. He gives the sanction to Prakriti's works and she works out what is sanctioned by him for his pleasure. Purusha himself does not execute; he maintains Prakriti in her action and allows her to express in energy and process and formed result what he perceives in his knowledge.
  This is the distinction made by the Sankhyas; and although it is not all the true truth, not in any way the highest truth either of Purusha or of Prakriti, still it is a valid and indispensable practical knowledge in the lower hemisphere of existence.

1.03 - Some Practical Aspects, #Knowledge of the Higher Worlds, #Rudolf Steiner, #Theosophy
  In the following pages some practical aspects of the higher education of soul and spirit will be treated in greater detail. They are such that anyone can put them into practice regardless of other rules, and thereby be led some distance further into spiritual science.
  A particular effort must be made to cultivate the quality of patience. Every symptom of impatience produces a paralyzing, even a destructive effect on the higher faculties that slumber in us. We must not expect an immeasurable view into the higher worlds from one day to the next, for we should assuredly be disappointed. Contentment with the smallest fragment attained, repose and tranquility, must more and more take possession of the soul. It is quite understandable that the student should await results with impatience; but he will achieve nothing so long as he fails to master this impatience. Nor is it of any use to combat this impatience merely in the ordinary sense, for it will become only that much stronger. We overlook
   it in self-deception while it plants itself all the more firmly in the depths of the soul. It is only when we ever and again surrender ourselves to a certain definite thought, making it absolutely our own, that any results can be attained. This thought is as follows: I must certainly do everything I can for the training and development of my soul and spirit; but I shall wait patiently until higher powers shall have found me worthy of definite enlightenment. If this thought becomes so powerful in the student that it grows into an actual feature of his character, he is treading the right path. This feature soon sets its mark on his exterior. The gaze of his eye becomes steady, the movement of his body becomes sure, his decisions definite, and all that goes under the name of nervousness gradually disappears. rules that appear trifling and insignificant must be taken into account. For example, supposing someone affronts us. Before our training we should have directed our resentment against the offender; a wave of anger would have surged up within us. In a similar case, however, the thought is immediately present in the mind of the student that such an affront makes no difference
   p. 101
  Special attention must be paid in esoteric training to the education of the life of desires. This does not mean that we are to become free of desire, for if we are to attain something we must also desire it, and desire will always tend to fulfillment if backed by a particular force. This force is derived from a right knowledge. Do not desire at all until you know what is right in any one sphere. That is one of the golden rules for the student. The wise man first ascertains the laws of the world, and then his desires become powers which realize themselves. The following example brings this out clearly. There are certainly many people who would like to learn from their own observation something about their life before birth. Such a desire is altogether useless and leads to no result so long as the person in question has not acquired a knowledge of the laws that govern the nature of the eternal, a knowledge of these laws in their subtlest and most intimate character, through the study of spiritual science. But if, having really acquired this knowledge,
   p. 104

1.03 - Sympathetic Magic, #The Golden Bough, #James George Frazer, #Occultism
  law, that is, as a statement of the rules which determine the
  sequence of events throughout the world, it may be called
  to have reached their destination, the strictness of these rules is
  somewhat relaxed; but during the whole time that the voyage lasts
  strictly observe an elaborate code of rules while the men are away
  fighting. Some of the rules are negative and some are positive, but
  all alike are based on the principles of magical homoeopathy and
  ago all these rules and more were observed by the women of Banting,
  while their husbands were fighting for the English against rebels.
  abstention or rules of avoidance are examples of negative magic or
  taboo. Thus, for example, arguing from what may be called the

1.03 - The End of the Intellect, #Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness, #Satprem, #Integral Yoga
  Sri Aurobindo had spent fourteen years traveling the Western path; it would take him almost as much time to travel India's path and to reach the "peak" of traditional yogic realizations, the starting-point of his own work. What is most interesting for us, however, is that Sri Aurobindo traveled this traditional path, which we may therefore consider as a preparation, outside all customary rules, as a freelancer,
  as it were, or rather as an explorer who does not care about precautions and maps, and hence avoids many unnecessary detours simply because he has the courage to forge straight ahead. Thus, it was not in seclusion or in the lotus position or under the guidance of an enlightened Master that Sri Aurobindo undertook the journey, but just as we might do it ourselves, without any special knowledge, right in the midst of everyday life a life as busy and hectic as ours can be and all alone. Sri Aurobindo's first secret is probably a persistent refusal to cut life in two action vs. meditation, inner vs. outer, and the whole range of our false divisions; from the day he thought of yoga, he put everything into it, high and low, inside and outside, and he set out without ever looking back. Sri Aurobindo does not come to demonstrate exceptional qualities in an exceptional environment; he comes to show us what is possible for man, and to prove that the exceptional is only a normal possibility not yet mastered, just as the supernatural, as he said, is that the nature of which we have not attained or do not yet know, or the means of which we have not yet conquered.20 Ultimately, everything in this world is a matter of proper concentration; there is nothing that will not finally yield to a wellapplied concentration.

1.03 - The House Of The Lord, #Twelve Years With Sri Aurobindo, #Nirodbaran, #Integral Yoga
  "Did he sleep at night?" was the question very often asked. To all appearance he did sleep and quite sufficiently. The Mother and he always insist on observing normal rules of health. We must eat well and sleep well, So, if there was a physical need for food, there could be a need for sleep as with us, but with a difference. For our sleep is a heavy plunge into inconscience where we forget everything, whereas a Yogi sleeps awake. There is also a state in which the physical body is apparently asleep, while the subtle body goes out visiting various persons in their sleep. The Mother has said that she does most of the subtle work in this way at night. Sri Aurobindo wrote to me, "In former days when she was spending the night in a trance and out working in the Ashram, she brought back with her the knowledge of all that was happening to everybody... I often know from her what has happened before it is reported by anyone."
  This is the overall picture of Sri Aurobindo's outer life as we saw it and lived it together through his last twelve years. The programme remained, on the whole, constant till the end except for some minor variations due to exigencies of circumstances. I have said nothing about his inner life, for I was not given a vision or perception of that vast secret field; nor had I Arjuna's unique privilege of seeing his Vivarpa, except some glimpses of his God-like stature. Sri Aurobindo had reminded me again and again in his letters that my physical crust was too thick. All the same, the joy, peace, light and energy that constantly sustained us could come from his silent Presence alone. People used to remark that we seemed to be beings of another world. Unfortunately, that brightness and felicity gave place to a grave seriousness with the rolling of years and a shadow of gloom was over us all, though we could not account for it at the time. Besides, the dark underside of our human nature, I am talking particularly of myself also began to show its grisly face. "Mortality bears ill the Eternal's touch." Of course, Sri Aurobindo remained samam brahman. Our frailties and shortcomings he had already seen from above, and was prepared for them when he accepted us for his service; he had never shown any annoyance. On the contrary, he forgave us all. Though he was impersonal by nature, hardly looked at us while talking, rarely spoke our name while asking for something, there was an ineffable sweetness in his Presence. And during our pranam on our birthdays or Darshan days, he used to make up for all his want of expression by melting into fatherly or friendly love and affection. He would pat us on the head, press it long with his warm velvety hands and look into our eyes with the tenderness of his sweet personality. Satyendra told me that when on his birthday he used to rub some attar on Sri Aurobindo's hand, he would then put forward the other one. His constant silent love and compassion shine ever bright in the depths of our hearts.

1.03 - The Principle of Water, #Initiation Into Hermetics, #Franz Bardon, #Occultism
  In the previous chapter we have studied the origin and the qualities of the positive element of fire. In this chapter I am going to describe the opposite principle, the water. It is also derived from akasa, the etheric principle. But in comparison with fire, it has quite contrasting qualities. These basic qualities are coldness and shrinkage. The point in question are also two poles, the active one being constructive, life-giving, nourishing and protective, whereas the negative pole, similar to the one of fire, is destructive, dissecting, fermenting, and dividing. As this element owns the basic quality of shrinking and contraction, it has produced the magnetic fluid. Fire, as well as water, are operating in all regions. According to the rules of creation, the fiery principle would not be able to exist all by itself if it did not conceal inside as opposite pole the principle of water. These two elements, fire and water, are the basic elements with the help of which all has been created. In consequence of these facts, we have everywhere to reckon on two main elements. Moreover with the electrical and magnetical fluids which represent the contrasting polarities.

1.03 - Time Series, Information, and Communication, #Cybernetics, or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine, #Norbert Wiener, #Cybernetics
  numerical tools such as slide rules and computing machines.
  Their study belongs to the more conventional parts of statistical

1.04 - Descent into Future Hell, #The Red Book Liber Novus, #unset, #Zen
  But our ruler is the spirit of this time, which rules and leads in us all. It is the general spirit in which we think and act today. He is of frightful power, since he has brought immeasurable good to this world and fascinated men with unbelievable pleasure. He is bejeweled with the most beautiful heroic virtue, and wants to drive men up to the brightest solar heights, in everlasting ascent. 100 The hero wants to open up everything that he can. But the nameless spirit of the depths evokes everything that man cannot. Incapacity prevents further ascent. Greater height requires greater virtue. We do not possess it.
  We must first create it by learning to live with our incapacity. We must give it life. For how else shall it develop into ability?

1.04 - Hymns of Bharadwaja, #Hymns to the Mystic Fire, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  8. To the seer, the Master of creatures who rules over the eternal generations of peoples, the Smiter, the Bull of those that
  see, the mover to the journey beyond who drives us, the

1.04 - Magic and Religion, #The Golden Bough, #James George Frazer, #Occultism
  conforms to the rules of his art, or to what may be called the laws
  of nature as conceived by him. To neglect these rules, to break
  these laws in the smallest particular, is to incur failure, and may
  search for general rules whereby to turn the order of natural
  phenomena to his own advantage, and in the long search he has
  and some of them mere dross. The true or golden rules constitute the
  body of applied science which we call the arts; the false are magic.

1.04 - On blessed and ever-memorable obedience, #The Ladder of Divine Ascent, #Saint John of Climacus, #unset
  If you have bound yourself by obligations and notice that your souls eye is making no progress, do not get leave to quit. The genuine are genuine everywhere, and the reverse is equally true. In the world slander has caused many separations; but in communities greed produces all the falls and rejections. If you rule over your mistress (i.e. your stomach), every place of residence will give you dispassion; but if she rules over you, then outside the tomb you will be in danger everywhere.
  The Lord who makes wise the blind2 opens the eyes of the obedient to the virtues of their guide, and He blinds them to his defects. But the hater of good does the opposite.

1.04 - Religion and Occultism, #Words Of The Mother III, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Most of the religions affirm the existence of a God and the rules to follow to obey Him, but there are some Godless religions, such as the socio-political organisations which, in the name of an Ideal or the State, claim the same right to be obeyed.
  Mans right is to pursue the Truth freely and to approach it freely in his own way. But each one ought to know that his discovery is good for him alone and is not to be imposed upon others.
  tape-recorders of physical conditions. They do not rule the future of the soul. There is something beyond, which rules the stars themselves and everything else. The soul belongs to this
  Supreme Being. And if it is doing Yoga, then all the more it should never believe in the power of the stars or in any other power.

1.04 - Sounds, #Walden, and On The Duty Of Civil Disobedience, #Henry David Thoreau, #Philosophy
  Late in the evening I heard the distant rumbling of wagons over bridges,a sound heard farther than almost any other at night,the baying of dogs, and sometimes again the lowing of some disconsolate cow in a distant barn-yard. In the mean while all the shore rang with the trump of bullfrogs, the sturdy spirits of ancient wine-bibbers and wassailers, still unrepentant, trying to sing a catch in their Stygian lake,if the Walden nymphs will pardon the comparison, for though there are almost no weeds, there are frogs there,who would fain keep up the hilarious rules of their old festal tables, though their voices have waxed hoarse and solemnly grave, mocking at mirth, and the wine has lost its flavor, and become only liquor to distend their paunches, and sweet intoxication never comes to drown the memory of the past, but mere saturation and waterloggedness and distention. The most aldermanic, with his chin upon a heart-leaf, which serves for a napkin to his drooling chaps, under this northern shore quaffs a deep draught of the once scorned water, and passes round the cup with the ejaculation _tr-r-r-oonk, tr-r-r-oonk, tr-r-r-oonk!_ and straightway comes over the water from some distant cove the same password repeated, where the next in seniority and girth has gulped down to his mark; and when this observance has made the circuit of the shores, then ejaculates the master of ceremonies, with satisfaction, _tr-r-r-oonk!_ and each in his turn repeats the same down to the least distended, leakiest, and flabbiest paunched, that there be no mistake; and then the bowl goes round again and again, until the sun disperses the morning mist, and only the patriarch is not under the pond, but vainly bellowing _troonk_ from time to time, and pausing for a reply.
  I am not sure that I ever heard the sound of cock-crowing from my clearing, and I thought that it might be worth the while to keep a cockerel for his music merely, as a singing bird. The note of this once wild Indian pheasant is certainly the most remarkable of any birds, and if they could be naturalized without being domesticated, it would soon become the most famous sound in our woods, surpassing the clangor of the goose and the hooting of the owl; and then imagine the cackling of the hens to fill the pauses when their lords clarions rested! No wonder that man added this bird to his tame stock,to say nothing of the eggs and drumsticks. To walk in a winter morning in a wood where these birds abounded, their native woods, and hear the wild cockerels crow on the trees, clear and shrill for miles over the resounding earth, drowning the feebler notes of other birds,think of it! It would put nations on the alert. Who would not be early to rise, and rise earlier and earlier every successive day of his life, till he became unspeakably healthy, wealthy, and wise? This foreign birds note is celebrated by the poets of all countries along with the notes of their native songsters. All climates agree with brave Chanticleer. He is more indigenous even than the natives. His health is ever good, his lungs are sound, his spirits never flag. Even the sailor on the Atlantic and

1.04 - THE APPEARANCE OF ANOMALY - CHALLENGE TO THE SHARED MAP, #Maps of Meaning, #Jordan Peterson, #Psychology
  integrated state action, imagination and explicit verbal thought are isomorphic: explicit and imagemediated beliefs and actual behaviors form a coherent unit. Verbal theories of morality (explicit rules)
  match traditional images of moral behavior, and action undertaken remains in concordance with both. This
  the explicit and statable moral rules that characterize a given culture tend to exist for reasons that are still
  implicit and fundamental. The capacity to abstract which has facilitated the communication of very
  (socially-verified) rules. These rules cannot be questioned, while the game is on (or, if they are, that is a
  different game. Children arguing about how to play football are not playing football. They are engaging,
  formulation of rules and assumptions. Indeed, the existence of a paradigm need not even imply that any
  full set of rules exists.
  He continues, in a footnote:
  corresponding impotence to the fertility of the land he rules.... When sacrificed, the divine king is
  immediately replaced by a successor, and his body is then eaten and his blood drunk in a ritual
  partially implicit (and poorly understood). Some of these partially implicit rules are likely to exist for
  completely implicit (and therefore completely invisible) reasons. It is rules like these on the ragged edge
  of comprehension that are likely to attract ill-informed but nonetheless potentially devastating criticism.
  tries to extend its relevant domain. The revolutionary scientist, who alters the rules of the game themselves,
  is playing a different game (with different and dangerous rules, from a within-the-game perspective). Kuhn
  like the good citizen opposes the heretic in part because alteration of the rules changes the motivational
  significance of (previously valued) action and thought often, apparently, reducing it to zero (which means
  dedicated plodder); in part, because restructuring of the rules temporarily returns everything to a state of
  (anxiety-provoking) chaos. Kuhn states:
  upon the resistant problem will have followed the paradigm rules quite closely. But with continuing
  resistance, more and more of the attacks upon it w Ill have involved some minor or not so minor articulation of the paradigm, no two of them quite alike, each partially successful, but none sufficiently so to be
  frequently they will come to be described as ad hoc adjustments), the rules of normal science become
  increasingly blurred. Though there still is a paradigm, few practitioners prove to be entirely agreed about
  of meta-morality (which is the morality designed to update moral rules) that the strange may be tolerated
  even welcomed.
  unknown; it provides them with rules for achieving what they desire most, and, therefore, for expressing
  the (essentially undeclarable) meaning of their lives.
  presumptions of the game to call the rules into question; to dissolve impetus for action and to disinhibit
  existential anxiety. A game is fun until the rules appear childish. Then the fun disappears. This might be
  progress, in time. Until a new game appears, however, it is merely troublesome. The process of abstract
  everything falls, and the unknown once again rules. Western morality, western behavior, is for example
  predicated on the assumption that every individual is sacred. This belief was already extant in its nascent
  transformation). Such limitation which is the inability to play games with the rules of the games means
  dangerous restriction of behavioral and representational flexibility, and increased susceptibility to the
  fantasy, following its own rules, governed by its own denizens, with its own non-individual transcendent
  existence. The fact that the axis mundi unites earth and heaven means that it may serve ritual purpose as a

1.04 - The Divine Mother - This Is She, #Twelve Years With Sri Aurobindo, #Nirodbaran, #Integral Yoga
  If the Mother was thus equipped with all necessities for Sri Aurobindo's comfort, Sri Aurobindo on his part was as solicitous about the Mother's well-being. He followed closely all her outer activities and enveloped her with an aura of protection against the dark forces. His accident was due, he said, to his being busy protecting the Mother and unmindful about himself, under the assumption that the adverse forces would not dare to attack him. "That was my mistake," he said. The Mother herself could take any risk, launch upon any adventure, for she had entire faith and reliance upon Sri Aurobindo's mighty force and protection. Anybody who has come in contact with the Mother knows that her dynamic nature makes light of all difficulties and dangers and she is the least concerned about herself 'when some special work has to be done. At one time her health suffered from a chronic trouble, indicated by a swelling of the feet. I observed that every time the Mother entered or left the room, Sri Aurobindo's eyes were fixed on her feet till after a number of years the limbs regained their normalcy. Not about her health alone, about all her movements and activities the Mother always used to keep him informed: before going to the meditation and after it, before going for a drive and after it, or before seeing any visitor, she would come and see him. Sri Aurobindo also would inquire about her from Champaklal, whether she had finished her food and gone to bed or not, and as I have said, until she had retired, he kept awake. If by chance she was late in returning from a drive Sri Aurobindo would inquire again and again. As the Mother's routine was crammed with activities, quite often she used to be late for her meal. Sometimes she would report the fact. But he would never interfere with her activities, only mildly suggest some change if necessary. Imposition of rules, compulsion of any sort was against his nature, either on the Mother or on sadhaks. So is it with the Mother. Sri Aurobindo did not want us to detain her in any way. He would cut short his walk, or hurry his meal to suit her convenience.
  There was a period when the Mother was in a state of almost continuous trance. It was a very trying phase, indeed. She would enter Sri Aurobindo's room with a somnolent walk and go back swaying from side to side leaving us in fear and wonder about the delicate balancing. Sri Aurobindo would watch her intently till she was out of sight, but it was a matter of surprise how she maintained her precarious balance. Sometimes in the midst of doing his hair, her hand would stop moving at any stage; either the comb remained still, or the ribbon tied to his plaits got loose. While serving meals too, the spoon would stand still or the knife would not cut and Sri Aurobindo had to, by fictitious coughs or sounds, draw her out. Fifteen minutes' work thus took double the time and then she would hasten in order to make up for it. Such trance moods were more particularly manifest at night during the collective meditation below, and in that condition she would come to Sri Aurobindo's room with a heap of letters, reports, account-books, etc., to read, sign or answer during Sri Aurobindo's walking time. But her pious intention would come to nothing, for no sooner did she begin than the trance overtook her. Sri Aurobindo took a few extra rounds and sat in his chair watching the Mother while she with the book open, pen in hand, had travelled into another world from whose bourne it was perhaps difficult to return. He would watch her with an indulgent smile and try all devices to bring her down to earth. We would stand by, favoured spectators of the delectable scene. When at last the Mother did wake up, Sri Aurobindo would say with a smile, "We haven't made much progress!" She would then take a firm resolve, and finish all work in a dash or go back if the trance was too heavy. Once Sri Aurobindo saw that she was writing on the book with her fountain pen unopened. He kept on watching. Suddenly she realised her mistake and Sri Aurobindo broke into a gracious smile. During the time of meditation too, her condition was most extraordinary. Someone coming for pranam would remain standing before her trance-mood for fifteen to thirty minutes, another had her hand on his bowed head for a pretty long time; all was unpredictable. There was an exceptional circumstance when Sri Aurobindo intervened in the Mother's work. On her way from Sri Aurobindo's room to the collective meditation below, she went for a while to her room to take some rest, as it was probably too early to go down. But once she sat down, time and space vanished and she was deep in trance, while below the crowd was waiting till it was about 1 a.m. Sri Aurobindo, on being informed, sent word that all should disperse and go home. The Mother, on waking up, prepared herself to go to the meditation when she was told what had happened.

1.04 - The Gods of the Veda, #Vedic and Philological Studies, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  (3) Corresponding to Mahas is Maharloka or Mahi Dyaus, the great heavens (pure Buddhi or Vijnana, the ideal world). The Pranava in its three essentialities rules over the three supreme worlds, the Satyaloka (divine being), Tapoloka (divine Awareness & Force), Anandaloka (divine Bliss) of the Puranas, which constitute Amritam, immortality or the true kingdom of heaven of the Vedic religion. These are the Vedic sapta dhamani & the seven different movements of consciousness to which they correspond are the sapta sindhu of the hymns.
  (4) According to the Vedanta, man has five koshas or sheaths of existence, the material (Annamaya), vital (Pranamaya), mental (Manomaya) which together make up the aparardha or lower half of our conscious-being; the ideal (vijnanamaya) which links the lower to the parardha or higher half; the divine or Anandamaya in which the divine existence (Amrita) is concentrated for communion with our lower human being. These are the pancha kshitis, five earths or rather dwelling places of the Veda. But in Yoga we speak usually of the five koshas but the sapta bhumis, seven not five. The Veda also speaks of sapta dhamani.

1.04 - The Paths, #A Garden of Pomegranates - An Outline of the Qabalah, #Israel Regardie, #Occultism
  ' shining one ', the deity of light, also rules over the fair appearance of the inner world of fantasies. The higher truth, the perfection of these states in contrast to the only partially intelligible everyday world, ay, the deep con- sciousness of nature, healing and helping in sleep and dream, is at the same time the symbolical analogue of the faculty of soothsaying and, in general of all the arts, through which life is made possible and worth living."
  Janus is an attri bution, since he is represented with two faces, each looking in a different direction. Hoo-paar-
  Leo, the Lion. Pasht, Sekket, and Mau, are attri buted because they are eat goddesses. Ra-Hoor-Khuit is another correspondence, representing the Sun which rules Leo.
  Demeter and Venus as Agricultural Goddesses, are also attri buted to Tes.
   find that it is Njord who rules over the winds and storms, and checks the fury of the sea and fire ; he is, moreover, the guardian of wealth and gives possessions to those who call upon him.
  Caph is entitled " The Conciliatory Intelligence " ; its jewels are Lapiz Lazuli and Amethyst ; plants Hyssop and
  The correspondences again appear to follow the astrolo- gical interpretation, which is n\ Scorpio, the reptile fabled to sting itself to death. $ Mars rules Scorpio, and its Greek
  God is, therefore, Mars ; its Roman God Ares. Apep, the

1.04 - The Sacrifice the Triune Path and the Lord of the Sacrifice, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  In this Duality too there is possible a separative experience. At one pole of it the seeker may be conscious only of the Master of Existence putting forth on him His energies of knowledge, power and bliss to liberate and divinise; the Shakti may appear to him only an impersonal Force expressive of these things or an attribute of the Ishwara. At the other pole he may encounter the World-Mother, creatrix of the universe, putting forth the Gods and the worlds and all things and existences out of her spirit-substance. Or even if he sees both aspects, it may be with an unequal separating vision, subordinating one to the other, regarding the Shakti only as a means for approaching the Ishwara. There results a one-sided tendency or a lack of balance, a power of effectuation not perfectly supported or a light of revelation not perfectly dynamic. It is when a complete union of the two sides of the Duality is effected and rules his consciousness that he begins to open to a fuller power that will draw him altogether out of the confused clash of Ideas and Forces here into a higher Truth and enable the descent of that Truth to illumine and deliver and act sovereignly upon this world of Ignorance. He has begun to lay his hand on the integral secret which in its fullness can be grasped only when he overpasses the double term that reigns here of Knowledge inextricably intertwined with an original Ignorance and crosses the border where spiritual mind disappears into supramental Gnosis. It is through this third and most dynamic dual aspect of the One that the seeker begins with the most integral completeness to enter into the deepest secret of the being of the Lord of the Sacrifice.
  For it is behind the mystery of the presence of personality in an apparently impersonal universeas in that of consciousness manifesting out of the Inconscient, life out of the inanimate, soul out of brute Matter that is hidden the solution of the riddle of existence. Here again is another dynamic Duality more pervading than appears at first view and deeply necessary to the play of the slowly self-revealing Power. It is possible for the seeker in his spiritual experience, standing at one pole of the Duality, to follow Mind in seeing a fundamental Impersonality everywhere. The evolving soul in the material world begins from a vast impersonal Inconscience in which our inner sight yet perceives the presence of a veiled infinite Spirit; it proceeds with the emergence of a precarious consciousness and personality that even at their fullest have the look of an episode, but an episode that repeats itself in a constant series; it arises through experience of life out of mind into an infinite, impersonal and absolute Superconscience in which personality, mind-consciousness, life-consciousness seem all to disappear by a liberating annihilation, Nirvana. At a lower pitch he still experiences this fundamental impersonality as an immense liberating force everywhere. It releases his knowledge from the narrowness of personal mind, his will from the clutch of personal desire, his heart from the bondage of petty mutable emotions, his life from its petty personal groove, his soul from ego, and it allows them to embrace calm, equality, wideness, universality, infinity. A Yoga of works would seem to require Personality as its mainstay, almost its source, but here too the impersonal is found to be the most direct liberating force; it is through a wide egoless impersonality that one can become a free worker and a divine creator. It is not surprising that the overwhelming power of this experience from the impersonal pole of the Duality should have moved the sages to declare this to be the one way and an impersonal Superconscience to be the sole truth of the Eternal.

1.056 - Lack of Knowledge is the Cause of Suffering, #The Study and Practice of Yoga, #Swami Krishnananda, #Yoga
  In the discussion of the yoga sutra [II.4] whose meaning we are trying to understand at present, the great point that is insisted upon finally is that a mere tackling of the effect, or an attempt at subjugating the effect while allowing the cause to remain as it is, will not yield beneficial results. Most of the endeavours in spiritual practice become failures on account of the causes being left untouched and the effects being taken into consideration with great ardour and force of concentration. This is partly due to circumstantial reasons. We should say that the internal causes of ones mental suffering are such that, in most cases, society is not sympathetic with these presences. It is an unfortunate historical circumstance, but nevertheless it is there, so that mankind is perpetually kept in an artificial state of inward tension merely because of its own peculiar ethics. It has created its own bondage by creating rules which are ultimately no good. But this situation is there, whatever be the analytical reasons behind the worthwhileness of such a condition.
  Avidy ketram uttare prasupta tanu vicchinna udrm (II.4) is a very important sutra which has psychological importance and practical significance. The root cause of our sufferings is an ignorance with which we are perpetually associated, which is our constant friend, and whom we can never leave even for a moment. This friend, called ignorance, is with us day in and day out. Inside and outside, this friend is with us and becomes one with our nature so that our very thoughts are based on ignorance. Therefore, any effort even in the so-called right direction may not yield the desired results, because there is a basis of ignorance even before the rectitude which society parades so much.
  The point they make out is that if we are in tune with the way in which society expects us to live, we are normal. If we are not able to live in that manner, we are abnormal. The laws of society are supposed to be what they call the super-ego in psychoanalytical language. It has nothing to do with the ego that we are speaking of in philosophy; it is something different altogether. The superego is a Freudian word which implies the check that is put upon individual instincts and desires by the laws of human society outside. On account of this pressure that is exerted perpetually upon inward desires by the reality of social rules and regulations outside, every human being is kept in tension. Therefore, there is a tendency to revolt against society. No one is really happy with society, ultimately. There is a disrespect and a dislike and a discontent, but because we cannot wag our tail before this monster called society, we keep quiet. But sometimes we become vehement, and then so many consequences follow inwardly as well as outwardly.
  The attunement of the inward conduct and character of the individual with the conditions prevailing outside in human society is supposed to be the normal behaviour of the mind, according to psychoanalysis. The word used for this prevailing condition outside is reality, because that is what persists always, whereas individual instincts may go on changing. But the definition of reality as applied to the social laws would not hold water for long, because anything that is subject to change cannot be called real. The constitution of human society is subject to transformation on account of the mutations of history the changes that we see in the world through the process of evolution. Therefore, laws will change, and our concept of normalcy also will change.

1.057 - The Four Manifestations of Ignorance, #The Study and Practice of Yoga, #Swami Krishnananda, #Yoga
  Anitya auci dukha antmasu nitya uci sukha tma khyti avidy (II.5). To sum up what this sutra tells us, while it is true that ignorance is the breeding ground for all the effects thereof like, dislike, and so on this ignorance has a fourfold prong with which it moves into action. These four manifestations, which have been mentioned, are: the appearing of the not-Self as the Self, the regarding of impermanent things as permanent, painful experiences as pleasures, and impure things as pure. This is a frightening disclosure, indeed, of the facts of our experiences in this world, because there is no experience which is free from these defects. We cannot humanly imagine a kind of experience which is not involved in these defects. It means to say that ignorance rules the world and, therefore, pain cannot be avoided. Where erroneous perception is present, a sort of sorrow naturally should follow.
  Every one of these effects of avidya is properly being described. While the nature of ignorance is of this particular feature mentioned, its immediate progeny, which is asmita, or the self-affirming faculty which becomes egoism later on, is again a kind of mix-up of values between the perceiver and what is perceived. This is what is known in Vedanta as adhyasa the character of the Self getting transferred to the object and, vice versa, the character of the object getting transferred to the Self. The confirmation that one exists as an individual the rootedness of oneself in the feeling I am as a separate individual is called asmita. This feeling that you exist, or I exist, is also a mistake. It is not wisdom, because the affirmation I am is the outcome of a confusion between two types of character: the character that belongs to Pure Consciousness, and the character that belongs to what is not the Self. The conviction that one exists is due to the Being of Consciousness. The atman or the purusha that is within is responsible for this affirmation.

1.05 - Adam Kadmon, #A Garden of Pomegranates - An Outline of the Qabalah, #Israel Regardie, #Occultism
  Memory is the very stuff of consciousness itself. It is, to use a figure of speech, the mortar of the architecture of the mind, that integrating faculty binding together all the various sensations and impressions. The Will is a colour- less principle moved by, and comparable to, desire. It is the power of the spiritual Self in action. In ordinary life it is not, as it should be, the servant of the man, but rules him with a rod of iron binding him to those very things from which he essays to escape.
  Imagination is a faculty much misunderstood, most people thinking of it as sheer fantasy used in day-dreaming.

1.05 - BOOK THE FIFTH, #Metamorphoses, #Ovid, #Poetry
  And Neptune, who rules them, have been thy slaves;
  Shall Hell be free? The tyrant strike, my son,

1.05 - Buddhism and Women, #Tara - The Feminine Divine, #unset, #Zen
  Question: In the code of monastic rules as written in the
  Vinaya, a bikshu must follow 253 precepts while a bikshuni

1.05 - CHARITY, #The Perennial Philosophy, #Aldous Huxley, #Philosophy
  The distinguishing marks of charity are disinterestedness, tranquillity and humility. But where there is disinterestedness there is neither greed for personal advantage nor fear for personal loss or punishment; where there is tranquillity, there is neither craving nor aversion, but a steady will to conform to the divine Tao or Logos on every level of existence and a steady awareness of the divine Suchness and what should be ones own relations to it; and where there is humility there is no censoriousness and no glorification of the ego or any projected alter-ego at the expense of others, who are recognized as having the same weaknesses and faults, but also the same capacity for transcending them in the unitive knowledge of God, as one has oneself. From all this it follows that charity is the root and substance of morality, and that where there is little charity there will be much avoidable evil. All this has been summed up in Augustines formula: Love, and do what you like. Among the later elaborations of the Augustinian theme we may cite the following from the writings of John Everard, one of those spiritually minded seventeenth-century divines whose teachings fell on the deaf ears of warring factions and, when the revolution and the military dictatorship were at an end, on the even deafer ears of Restoration clergymen and their successors in the Augustan age. (Just how deaf those ears could be we may judge by what Swift wrote of his beloved and morally perfect Houyhnhnms. The subject matter of their conversations, as of their poetry, consisted of such things as friendship and benevolence, the visible operations of nature or ancient traditions; the bounds and limits of virtue, the unerring rules of reason. Never once do the ideas of God, or charity, or deliverance engage their minds. Which shows sufficiently clearly what the Dean of St. Patricks thought of the religion by which he made his money.)
  Turn the man loose who has found the living Guide within him, and then let him neglect the outward if he can! Just as you would say to a man who loves his wife with all tenderness, You are at liberty to beat her, hurt her or kill her, if you want to.

1.05 - Computing Machines and the Nervous System, #Cybernetics, or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine, #Norbert Wiener, #Cybernetics
  all the rules for combining them, in the form of instructions
  covering every situation which may arise in the course of the
  complicated rules. Multiplication in the binary system, as in
  the decimal, may be reduced to the multiplication table and the
  addition of numbers, and the rules for multiplication for binary
  numbers take on the peculiarly simple form given by the table
  gencies I and O, depending according to a fixed set of rules on
  the decisions already made. In other words, the structure of the
  logical machine following definite rules need never come to
  a conclusion. It may go on grinding through different stages

1.05 - Hymns of Bharadwaja, #Hymns to the Mystic Fire, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
    8. To the seer, the Master of creatures who rules over the eternal generations of peoples, the Smiter, the Bull of those that see, the mover to the journey beyond who drives us, the purifying Flame, the Power in the sacrifice, Fire the Regent of the Treasures!
    9. O Fire, the mortal has done his sacrifice and achieved his labour who has worked out the gift of the oblation with the fuel of thy flame and wholly learned the way of the offering by his prostrations of surrender; he lives in thy guard and holds in himself all desirable things.

1.05 - Morality and War, #Words Of The Mother III, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  You can break the moral rules only when you observe the Divine

1.05 - Pratyahara and Dharana, #Raja-Yoga, #Swami Vivkenanda, #unset
  The Yogi must always practice. He should try to live alone; the companionship of different sorts of people distracts the mind; he should not speak much, because to speak distracts the mind; not work much, because too much work distracts the mind; the mind cannot be controlled after a whole day's hard work. One observing the above rules becomes a Yogi. Such is the power of Yoga that even the least of it will bring a great amount of benefit. It will not hurt anyone, but will benefit everyone. First of all, it will tone down nervous excitement, bring calmness, enable us to see things more clearly. The temperament will be better, and the health will be better. Sound health will be one of the first signs, and a beautiful voice. Defects in the voice will be changed. This will be among the first of the many effects that will come. Those who practise hard will get many other signs. Sometimes there will be sounds, as a peal of bells heard at a distance, commingling, and falling on the ear as one continuous sound. Sometimes things will be seen, little specks of light floating and becoming bigger and bigger; and when these things come, know that you are progressing fast.
  Those who want to be Yogis, and practice hard, must take care of their diet at first. But for those who want only a little practice for everyday business sort of life, let them not eat too much; otherwise they may eat whatever they please. For those who want to make rapid progress, and to practice hard, a strict diet is absolutely necessary. They will find it advantageous to live only on milk and cereals for some months. As the organisation becomes finer and finer, it will be found in the beginning that the least irregularity throws one out of balance. One bit of food more or less will disturb the whole system, until one gets perfect control, and then one will be able to eat whatever one likes.

1.05 - Problems of Modern Psycho therapy, #The Practice of Psycho therapy, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  and rules. There are only individual cases with the most heterogeneous
  needs and demandsso heterogeneous that we can virtually never know in

1.05 - Solitude, #Walden, and On The Duty Of Civil Disobedience, #Henry David Thoreau, #Philosophy
  Society is commonly too cheap. We meet at very short intervals, not having had time to acquire any new value for each other. We meet at meals three times a day, and give each other a new taste of that old musty cheese that we are. We have had to agree on a certain set of rules, called etiquette and politeness, to make this frequent meeting tolerable and that we need not come to open war. We meet at the post-office, and at the sociable, and about the fireside every night; we live thick and are in each others way, and stumble over one another, and I think that we thus lose some respect for one another.
  Certainly less frequency would suffice for all important and hearty communications. Consider the girls in a factory,never alone, hardly in their dreams. It would be better if there were but one inhabitant to a square mile, as where I live. The value of a man is not in his skin, that we should touch him.

1.05 - THE HOSTILE BROTHERS - ARCHETYPES OF RESPONSE TO THE UNKNOWN, #Maps of Meaning, #Jordan Peterson, #Psychology
  Evil, like good, is not something static: it does not merely mean breaking the rules, for example,
  and is not simply aggression, anger, force, pain, disappointment, anxiety, or horror. Life is of course
  rebellion in heaven. He was defeated, and cast, unrepentant, into Hell, where he rules eternally over the
  spirits of the sinful dead. I had no real idea what this story meant, although it was obvious to me that these
  That is to say: the liar chooses his own game, sets his own rules, and then cheats. This cheating is failure to
  grow, to mature; is rejection of the process of consciousness itself.
  possible, but only as destructive, where lack of faith in the heroic rules. All that lives, however, grows.
  When conservatism destroys the capacity for individual creativity when it becomes tyranny then it
  unreliable; rules are arbitrary; accomplishment is illusory. Why do anything, under such circumstances?
  But he is living on borrowed time feeding, like a parasite, on the uncomprehended body of the past. If he
  game can be played, the rules have to be established; before the game can be altered, the rules have to be
  made manifest. A game (at least in its final stages) is played by constructing an image of the world in
  imagination, in accordance with certain presuppositions which are the rules (the environment) of the
  game and then by acting in that imaginary world. This game construction, playing and modifying is a
  The game itself, at its first stages, is played at the procedural level; the rules remain implicit. Once a
  representation of the game has been established, then the game can be shared; later, the rules themselves
  can be altered. Piaget discusses the formulation of the rules of childrens games:
  From the point of view of the practice or application of rules four successive stages can be
  schemas, but since play is still purely individual, one can only talk of motor rules and not of truly
  collective rules.
  The second may be called egocentric for the following reasons. This stage begins at the moment
  when the child receives from outside the example of codified rules, that is to say, some time between the
  ages of two and five. But though the child imitates this example, he continues to play either by himself
  codification of rules. This dual character, combining imitation of others with a purely individual use of
  the examples received, we have designated by the term Egocentrism.
  control and of unification of the rules. But while a certain agreement may be reached in the course of
  one game, ideas about the rules in general are still rather vague. In other words, children of 7-8, who
  belong to the same class at school and are therefore constantly playing with each other, give, when they
  are questioned separately, disparate and often entirely contradictory accounts of the rules observed in
  playing marbles.
   rules. Not only is every detail of procedure in the game fixed, but the actual code of rules to be observed
  is known to the whole society. There is remarkable concordance in the information given by children of
  10-12 belonging to the same class at school, when they are questioned on the rules of the game and their
  possible variations....
  If, now, we turn to the consciousness of rules we shall find a progression that is even more elusive in
  detail, but no less clearly marked if taken on a big scale. We may express this by saying that the
  this co-operating stage and the whole of the stage marked by the codification of rules.
  During the first stage rules are not yet coercive in character, either because they are purely motor, or
  else (at the beginning of the egocentric stage) because they are received, as it were, unconsciously, and
  During the second stage (apogee of egocentric and first half of cooperating stage) rules are regarded
  as sacred and untouchable, emanating from adults and lasting forever. Every suggested alteration strikes
  The correlation between the three stages in the development of the consciousness of rules and the
  four stages relating to their practical observance is of course only a statistical correlation and therefore
  form of the list. A list of laws of moral rules straightforwardly and simply defines what constitutes
  acceptable behavior and what does not. An explicit list serves as an admirable guide for the adolescent,
  And Moses called unto them; and Aaron and all the rules of the congregation returned unto him: and
  Moses talked with them.
  derives rules from behavior. Application of the rules alters the environment, including procedural and
  episodic representations thereof. Thus the cycle continues.
  follow the rules is a necessary precondition to adult flexibility, but should not be confused with truly
  adult morality, which is the capacity to produce new sets of rules, with (updated) adaptive utility. This is
  also not to say, idiotically, that Jewish morality is adolescent, and Christian adult. Examples of
  Do not lay down any rules beyond what I appointed for you, and do not give a law like the lawgiver lest
  you be constrained by it. 559 560
  of constraint from morality of cooperation,563 describing the former as a system of rules564 that
  affective life makes use of to control behavior:565
  ... since he takes rules literally and things of good only in terms of obedience, the child will at first
  evaluate acts not in accordance with the motive that has prompted them but in terms of their exact
  conformity with established rules.566
  Piaget associates morality of constraint with an earlier level of cognitive development a level that
  Younger children also are much harsher in assigning punishment to those who break the rules. They
  seem to want to emphasize the punishment for its own sake, whereas older children use punishment
  affectivity into considerations of morality. Authoritarian constraint rules through feelings of anxiety and
  fear, but when mutual respect exists among people, a morality of cooperation can occur.569
  Such balance, vital to maintenance of group stability, is established long before the rules governing such
  establishment can be modelled in episodic or semantic memory, from the phylo- and onto-genetic
  social interaction the rules or patterns that characterize such interactions? and, if so what might those
   rules be? Primeval group culture determines the nature of social interaction among the members of the
  This is most truly death of unthinking adherence to authority, as in the archaic society, the past rules:
  In normal times, when culture is stable and the paternal canon remains in force for generations, the
  a game cannot be played without rules and the rules say what cannot be done, as much as what can.
  Perhaps the world is not possible, as a world, without its borders without its rules. Maybe existence
  wouldnt be possible, in the absence of our painful limitations.
  even in your absence, I was compelled to follow the rules which you followed (and which I learned through
  imitation, and which you instilled into me, through praise and punishment). Sometimes that image of you,
  But you see it is the case that the rules that you followed and which I learned from you were not
   rules that you yourself created, but rather those that you handed to me just as you had been handed them
  the rules which governed the way you acted (and that I learned while watching you) were implicit in your
  behavior, and are now implicit in mine. It was exactly in this manner that I learned language mostly from
  commonly so) to speak correctly and yet to be unable to describe the rules of grammar that underly the
  production of language, it is possible to act upon the world and make assumptions about its nature without
  biologically, and the rules which govern that development are the consequence of the pyschological
  expression of neurophysiological structures. (This thesis will be the most difficult for me to prove, but I
  denied, hatred for life and the wish for its destruction inevitably rules.
  If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you.
  furthermore, that the game has not only rules, but a point. [Wittgenstein, L. (1968). p. 150e].
  Wittgenstein was driving at a general principle: an object is defined even perceived (categorized as a unity,
  individual) rules, in contrast to presumptious rationality. In the former, rational meaninglessness prevails absolutely
  although it remains thinly veiled by urban pleasantry and pretence.

1.05 - The Magical Control of the Weather, #The Golden Bough, #James George Frazer, #Occultism
  Professor Oldenberg has given of the rules to be observed by a
  Brahman who would learn a particular hymn of the ancient Indian
  from one to twelve years, he had to observe certain rules of life,
  among which were the following. Thrice a day he had to touch water;
  as Professor Oldenberg well points out, that "all these rules are
  intended to bring the Brahman into union with water, to make him, as
  precisely opposite rules of conduct. In the tropical island of Java,
  where the rich vegetation attests the abundance of the rainfall,
  he begins to regulate his behaviour by certain rules as soon as his
  customer has departed. He must observe a fast, and may neither drink

1.05 - The Second Circle The Wanton. Minos. The Infernal Hurricane. Francesca da Rimini., #The Divine Comedy, #Dante Alighieri, #Christianity
  She held the land which now the Sultan rules.
  The next is she who killed herself for love,

1.05 - True and False Subjectivism, #The Human Cycle, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Secondly, since the State is supreme, the representative of the Divine or the highest realised functioning of human existence, and has a divine right to the obedience, the unquestioning service and the whole activity of the individual, the service of State and community is the only absolute rule of morality. Within the State this may include and sanction all other moral rules because there no rebel egoism can be allowed, for the individual ego must be lost in that of the State or become part of it and all condition of covert or overt war must be abrogated in obedience to the collective good as determined by the collective will. But in relation to other States, to other collective egos the general condition, the effective law is still that of war, of strife between sharply divided egoisms each seeking to fulfil itself, each hampered and restricted in its field by the others. War then is the whole business of the State in its relation to other States, a war of arms, a war of commerce, a war of ideas and cultures, a war of collective personalities each seeking to possess the world or at least to dominate and be first in the world. Here there can enter no morality except that of success, though the pretence of morality may be a useful stratagem of war. To serve the State, the German collectivity which is his greater and real self is the business of the German individual whether at home or abroad, and to that end everything which succeeds is justifiable. Inefficiency, incompetence, failure are the only immorality. In war every method is justified which leads to the military success of the State, in peace every method which prepares it; for peace between nations is only a covert state of war. And as war is the means of physical survival and domination, so commerce is the means of economic survival and domination; it is in fact only another kind of war, another department of the struggle to live, one physical, the other vital. And the life and the body are, so Science has assured us, the whole of existence.
  Thirdly, since the survival of the best is the highest good of mankind and the survival of the best is secured by the elimination of the unfit and the assimilation of the less fit, the conquest of the world by German culture is the straight path of human progress. But culture is not, in this view, merely a state of knowledge or a system or cast of ideas and moral and aesthetic tendencies; culture is life governed by ideas, but by ideas based on the truths of life and so organised as to bring it to its highest efficiency. Therefore all life not capable of this culture and this efficiency must be eliminated or trodden down, all life capable of it but not actually reaching to it must be taken up and assimilated. But capacity is always a matter of genus and species and in humanity a matter of race. Logically, then, the Teutonic5 race is alone entirely capable, and therefore all Teutonic races must be taken into Germany and become part of the German collectivity; races less capable but not wholly unfit must be Germanised; others, hopelessly decadent like the Latins of Europe and America or naturally inferior like the vast majority of the Africans and Asiatics, must be replaced where possible, like the Hereros, or, where not possible, dominated, exploited and treated according to their inferiority. So evolution would advance, so the human race grow towards its perfection.6

1.05 - Vishnu as Brahma creates the world, #Vishnu Purana, #Vyasa, #Hinduism
  [10]: The text is, ### which is, as rendered in the text, 'creation preceded by, or beginning with Buddhi, intelligence.' The rules of euphony would however admit of a mute negative being inserted, or 'preceded by ignorance;' that is, by the chief principle, crude nature or Pradhāna, which is one with ignorance: but this seems to depend on notions of a later date, and more partial adoption, than those generally prevailing in our authority; and the first reading therefore has been preferred. It is also to be observed, that the first unintellectual creation was that of immovable objects (as in p. 35), the original of which is, ### and all ambiguity of construction is avoided. The reading is also established by the text of the Li
  ga Purāṇa, which enumerates the different series of creation in the words of the Viṣṇu, except in this passage, which is there transposed, with a slight variation of the reading. Instead of ### it is ### 'The first creation was that of Mahat: Intellect being the first in manifestation.' The reading of the Vāyu P. is still more tautological, but confirms that here preferred: See also n. 12.

1.05 - War And Politics, #Twelve Years With Sri Aurobindo, #Nirodbaran, #Integral Yoga
  For all the war-news we had to depend on the daily newspapers, since members of the Ashram were not supposed to have radios. Somebody in the town began to supply us with short bulletins; when the War had taken a full-fledged turn, the radio news was transmitted to Sri Aurobindo's room so he might follow the war-movements from hour to hour. Here we find a notable instance of the spiritual flexibility of his rules and principles. What had been laid down for a particular time and condition, would not be inviolable under altered circumstances. Sri Aurobindo, who was once a mortal opponent of British rule in India, came to support the Allies against the threat of world-domination by Hitler. "Not merely a non-cooperator but an enemy of British Imperialism", he now listened carefully to the health bulletins about Churchill when he had pneumonia, and, we believe, even helped him with his Force to recover. It is the rigid mind that cries for consistency under all circumstances. I still remember Sri Aurobindo breaking the news of Hitler's march and England's declaration of war. For a time the world hung in suspense wondering whether Hitler would flout Holland's neutrality and then penetrate into Belgium. We had very little doubt of his intention. It was evening; Sri Aurobindo was alone in his room. As soon as I entered, he looked at me and said, "Hitler has invaded Holland. Well, we shall see." That was all. Two or three such laconic but pregnant remarks regarding the War still ring in my ears. At another crucial period when Stalin held a threatening pistol at England and was almost joining hands with Hitler, we were dismayed and felt that there would be no chance for the Divine, were such a formidable alliance to take place. Sri Aurobindo at once retorted, "Is the Divine going to be cowed by Stalin?" When, seeing Hitler sweeping like a meteor over Europe, a sadhak cried in despair to the Guru, "Where is the Divine? Where is your word of hope?" Sri Aurobindo replied calmly, "Hitler is not immortal." Then the famous battle of Dunkirk and the perilous retreat, the whole Allied army exposed to enemy attack from land and air and the bright summer sun shining above. All of a sudden a fog gathered from nowhere and gave unexpected protection to the retreating army. We said, "It seems the fog helped the evacuation." To which Sri Aurobindo remarked, "Yes, the fog is rather unusual at this time." We, of course, understood what he meant. It was after the fall of Dunkirk and the capitulation of France that Sri Aurobindo began to apply his Force more vigorously in favour of the Allies, and he had "the satisfaction of seeing the rush of German victory almost immediately arrested and the tide of war begin to turn in the opposite direction".
  Thus, we see, Sri Aurobindo was not simply a passive witness, a mere verbal critic of the Allied war policy. When India was asked to participate in the war effort, and the Mother and Sri Aurobindo, much to the surprised indignation of our countrymen, contributed to the War Fund, he, for the first time, made clear to the nation what issues were involved in the War. I remember the Mother darting into Sri Aurobindo's room quite early in the morning with a sheet of paper in her hand. I guessed that something private was going to be discussed and discreetly withdrew. Then Purani came most unexpectedly. "Ah! here is something afoot," I said to myself. A couple of days later the secret was revealed in all the newspapers: Sri Aurobindo had made a donation to the War Fund! Of course, he explained why he had done so. He stated that the War was being waged "in defence of civilisation and its highest attained social, cultural and spiritual values and the whole future of humanity...." Giving the lead, he acted as an example for others to follow. But, all over the country, protests, calumnies and insinuations were his lot. Even his disciples were nonplussed in spite of his explanation why he had made that singular gesture. A disciple wrote to the Mother, "The Congress is asking us not to contribute to the War Fund. What shall we do?" The answer given was: "Sri Aurobindo has contributed for a divine cause. If you help, you will be helping yourselves." Some were wishing for the victory of the Nazis because of their hatred for the British. The Mother had to give a stern admonition. She wrote: "It has become necessary to state emphatically and clearly that all who by their thoughts and wishes are supporting and calling for the victory of the Nazis are by that very fact collaborating with the Asura against the Divine and helping to bring about the victory of the Asura."

1.06 - MORTIFICATION, NON-ATTACHMENT, RIGHT LIVELIHOOD, #The Perennial Philosophy, #Aldous Huxley, #Philosophy
  Anybody who wishes to do so can get all, and indeed more than all, the mortification he wants out of the incidents of ordinary, day-to-day living, without ever resorting to harsh bodily penance. Here are the rules laid down by the author of Holy Wisdom for Dame Gertrude More.
  First, that she should do all that belonged to her to do by any law, human or Divine. Secondly, that she was to refrain from doing those things that were forbidden her by human or Divine Law, or by Divine inspiration. Thirdly, that she should bear with as much patience or resignation as possible all crosses and contradictions to her natural will, which were inflicted by the hand of God. Such, for instance, were aridities, temptations, afflictions or bodily pain, sickness and infirmity; or again, the loss of friends or want of necessaries and comforts. All this was to be endured patiently, whether the crosses came direct from God or by means of His creatures. These indeed were mortifications enough for Dame Gertrude, or for any other soul, and there was no need for anyone to advise or impose others.
  It has been found, as a matter of experience, that it is dangerous to lay down detailed and inflexible rules for right livelihooddangerous, because most people see no reason for being righteous overmuch and consequently respond to the imposition of too rigid a code by hypocrisy or open rebellion. In the Christian tradition, for example, a distinction is made between the precepts, which are binding on all and sundry, and the counsels of perfection, binding only upon those who feel drawn towards a total renunciation of the world. The precepts include the ordinary moral code and the commandment to love God with all ones heart, strength and mind, and ones neighbour as oneself. Some of those who make a serious effort to obey this last and greatest commandment find that they cannot do so whole-heartedly, unless they follow the counsels and sever all connections with the world. Nevertheless it is possible for men and women to achieve that perfection, which is deliverance into the unitive knowledge of God, without abandoning the married state and without selling all they have and giving the price to the poor. Effective poverty (possessing no money) is by no means always affective poverty (being indifferent to money). One man may be poor, but desperately concerned with what money can buy, full of cravings, envy and bitter self-pity. Another may have money, but no attachment to money or the things, powers and privileges that money can buy. Evangelical poverty is a combination of effective with affective poverty; but a genuine poverty of spirit is possible even in those who are not effectively poor. It will be seen, then, that the problems of right livelihood, in so far as they lie outside the jurisdiction of the common moral code, are strictly personal. The way in which any individual problem presents itself and the nature of the appropriate solution depend upon the degree of knowledge, moral sensibility and spiritual insight achieved by the individual concerned. For this reason no universally applicable rules can be formulated except in the most general terms. Here are my three treasures, says Lao Tzu. Guard and keep them! The first is pity, the second frugality, the third refusal to be foremost of all things under heaven. And when Jesus is asked by a stranger to settle a dispute between himself and his brother over an inheritance, he refuses (since he does not know the circumstances) to be a judge in the case and merely utters a general warning against covetousness.
  Ga-San instructed his adherents one day: Those who speak against killing, and who desire to spare the lives of all conscious beings are right. It is good to protect even animals and insects. But what about those persons who kill time, what about those who destroy wealth, and those who murder the economy of their society? We should not overlook them. Again, what of the one who preaches without enlightenment? He is killing Buddhism.
  No infallible method for controlling the political manifestations of the lust for power has ever been devised. Since power is of its very essence indefinitely expansive, it cannot be checked except by colliding with another power. Hence, any society that values liberty, in the sense of government by law rather than by class interest or personal decree, must see to it that the power of its rulers is divided. National unity means national servitude to a single man and his supporting oligarchy. Organized and balanced disunity is the necessary condition of liberty. His Majestys Loyal Opposition is the loyalest, because the most genuinely useful section of any liberty-loving community. Furthermore, since the appetite for power is purely mental and therefore insatiable and impervious to disease or old age, no community that values liberty can afford to give its rulers long tenures of office. The Carthusian Order, which was never reformed because never deformed, owed its long immunity from corruption to the fact that its abbots were elected for periods of only a single year. In ancient Rome the amount of liberty under law was in inverse ratio to the length of the magistrates terms of office. These rules for controlling the lust for power are very easy to formulate, but very difficult, as history shows, to enforce in practice. They are particularly difficult to enforce at a period like the present, when time-hallowed political machinery is being rendered obsolete by rapid technological change and when the salutary principle of organized and balanced disunity requires to be embodied in new and more appropriate institutions.
  Acton, the learned Catholic historian, was of opinion that all great men are bad; Rumi, the Persian poet and mystic, thought that to seek for union with God while occupying a throne was an undertaking hardly less senseless than looking for camels among the chimney pots. A slightly more optimistic note is sounded by St. Franois de Sales, whose views on the matter were recorded by his Boswellizing disciple, the young Bishop of Belley.

1.06 - On Induction, #The Problems of Philosophy, #Bertrand Russell, #Philosophy
  The problem we have to discuss is whether there is any reason for believing in what is called 'the uniformity of nature'. The belief in the uniformity of nature is the belief that everything that has happened or will happen is an instance of some general law to which there are no exceptions. The crude expectations which we have been considering are all subject to exceptions, and therefore liable to disappoint those who entertain them. But science habitually assumes, at least as a working hypothesis, that general rules which have exceptions can be replaced by general rules which have no exceptions. 'Unsupported bodies in air fall' is a general rule to which balloons and aeroplanes are exceptions. But the laws of motion and the law of gravitation, which account for the fact that most bodies fall, also account for the fact that balloons and aeroplanes can rise; thus the laws of motion and the law of gravitation are not subject to these exceptions.
  The belief that the sun will rise to-morrow might be falsified if the earth came suddenly into contact with a large body which destroyed its rotation; but the laws of motion and the law of gravitation would not be infringed by such an event. The business of science is to find uniformities, such as the laws of motion and the law of gravitation, to which, so far as our experience extends, there are no exceptions.

1.06 - On Thought, #Words Of Long Ago, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  You will observe within yourself certain thoughts that are stronger and more tenacious than others, thoughts concerning social usages, customs, moral rules and even general laws that govern earth and man.
  They are your opinions on these subjects or at least those you profess and by which you try to act.
  With your hearts overflowing with compassion, go forth into this world torn by pain, be instructors, and wherever the darkness of ignorance rules, there light a torch.
  15 December 1911

1.06 - Quieting the Vital, #Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness, #Satprem, #Integral Yoga
  secondly, it does not really prevent anything it merely represses. The vital is a force of its own, entirely independent of our rational or moral arguments. If we try to overpower it or ill-treat it by radical asceticism or discipline, the slightest letup can bring on an open rebellion and it knows how to take revenge with interest. Or, if we have enough willpower to impose our mental or moral rules upon it, we may prevail, but at the cost of drying up the life-force in ourselves, because 56
  The Life Divine, 18:48

1.06 - The Ascent of the Sacrifice 2 The Works of Love - The Works of Life, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Two rules alone there are that will diminish the difficulty and obviate the danger. One must reject all that comes from the ego, from vital desire, from the mere mind and its presumptuous reasoning incompetence, all that ministers to these agents of the
  Ignorance. One must learn to hear and follow the voice of the inmost soul, the direction of the Guru, the comm and of the Master, the working of the Divine Mother Whoever clings to the desires and weaknesses of the flesh, the cravings and passions of the vital in its turbulent ignorance, the dictates of his personal mind unsilenced and unillumined by a greater knowledge, cannot find the true inner law and is heaping obstacles in the way of the divine fulfilment. Whoever is able to detect and renounce those obscuring agencies and to discern and follow the true Guide within and without will discover the spiritual law and reach the goal of the Yoga.

1.06 - The Breaking of the Limits, #On the Way to Supermanhood, #Satprem, #Integral Yoga
  Yet this other way of being is not without logic, and that logic is what we should try to capture, if possible, if we want to pass consciously into the other state, not only in our inner life but in our outer one as well. We must know the rules of the passage.
  To tell the truth, they do not reveal themselves easily because they are too simple. It takes tireless experimenting, looking, observing, and above all above all looking at the microscopic. We imagine that the great primates of the past that were uncertainly progressing toward manhood must have discovered the secret of the other state gradually, in thousands of little split seconds, when they noticed that the mysterious little vibration that came between them and their mechanical act had the power to make their gesture and the result of their gesture different: a nonmaterial principle was surreptitiously starting to change matter and the laws of tree climbing. And, we further image, they were perhaps eventually struck by the insignificance of the movement that triggered such formidable consequences (which is why it escaped them for so long; it was too simple): It never concerned itself with big things, the great affairs of apes, but with minuscule gestures, the chance pebble one picks up on the edge of the path and holds a moment in one's palm, the ray of sun playing on one young sapling among millions of other identical but vain saplings in the forest. But that sapling and that pebble are looked at differently. And everything is in that difference.
  Armed with these two rules, firmly established in his sunlit position, that quiet clearing, the seeker of the new world moves within a greater self, perhaps infinite, which embraces this street and these beings and all the little gestures of the hour; he moves steadily on, as though carried by a great rhythm, which also carries the beings and things around him, the thousands of encounters sprung from nowhere and disappearing into the distance; he looks at this little walking shadow, which seems to have walked so long, walked for many lives perhaps, repeated the same small gestures, stumbled here and there, exchanged the same comments on the mood of the times; and it all seems so similar, so mixed with sweetness that this street and these beings and passing encounters seem to be cast from the same mold, issued from the depths of night, recalled from the same identical story, under the sky of Egypt or India or Vermont, today, yesterday or five thousand years ago and what has really changed? There is a little being walking with his fire of truth, his fire of need, so intense amid the turmoil of time a fire is perhaps the only thing that is truly he, a call of being from the depths of time, an unchanging cry amid the immense flow of things. And what is he calling for, this being; what is he crying for? Is he not in that vast and growing sunlight, in that rhythm carrying everything? He is and he is not. He has one foot in an untroubled eternity and the other stumbling and groping in the dark the other in a little self of fire yearning to fill this second of time, this empty gesture, this step among thousands of similar steps, with a fullness of true existence as complete as all the millennia put together, with as unfailing an exactness as the crisscrossing of the stars above our heads; yearning for everything to be true, true, completely true and filled with meaning, in this enormous whirlwind of vanity; yearning for this line he crosses, this street he goes down, this hand he extends, this word he utters to be linked to the great flowing of the worlds, to the rhythm of the stars, to the lines, the countless lines that furrow this universe and form a total song, a truth filled with the whole and each fragment of the whole. So he looks at all these little passing things, he fills them with his fire of entreaty, he looks and looks at that little truth everywhere as if it were going to burst out, forced into being by his fire.
  And it is true that the world starts changing before our eyes and that nothing is insignificant anymore, nothing is separate from the rest. We witness a great, total birth. Our simple look has strange extensions, our little gesture a reverberating echo. But here again, it is a timid birth; it is more like scattered little hints of birth. The seeker stops and stares at a scattering of little outbreaks, of happenings with no apparent connection, a little like the ancient hominid staring at a pliant branch here and a vine and a piece of flint over there before tying them into a bow and felling his prey in full career. He does not know the connections they almost have to be invented. But our inventions are only a discovery of what is already there, like the river and the vine in the forest. A new world is a discovery of new connections. Now, ours is the age of introspection of the second kind, when the invention, the true invention, is no longer one that will bring two material objects together by means of the subtle phenomenon of thought, but one that will be able to bring together that same matter and the subtler phenomenon of a second degree of consciousness, silent and without thought. The task of our age is no longer to perfect matter through matter, to enlarge matter by adding more matter to it we are already suffocating under the monstrous plethora which fetters us and which, at bottom, is only an improvement of the ape's technique but to transform matter through that subtler power, or rather, perhaps, to make it reveal its own innate power of truth.

1.06 - THE MASTER WITH THE BRAHMO DEVOTEES, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  Vijay sat on a raised stool and conducted the worship according to the rules of the Brahmo Samaj. Afterwards he sat by the Master.
  MASTER (to Vijay): "Will you tell me one thing? Why did you harp so much on sin? By repeating a hundred times, 'I am a sinner', one verily becomes a sinner. One should have such faith as to be able to say, 'What? I have taken the name of God; how can I be a sinner?' God is our Father and Mother. Tell Him, 'O Lord, I have committed sins, but I won't repeat them.' Chant His name and purify your body and mind. Purify your tongue by singing God's holy name."

1.06 - The Objective and Subjective Views of Life, #The Human Cycle, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  The principle of subjectivism entering into human thought and action, while necessarily it must make a great difference in the view-point, the motive-power and the character of our living, does not at first appear to make any difference in its factors. Subjectivism and objectivism start from the same data, the individual and the collectivity, the complex nature of each with its various powers of the mind, life and body and the search for the law of their self-fulfilment and harmony. But objectivism proceeding by the analytical reason takes an external and mechanical view of the whole problem. It looks at the world as a thing, an object, a process to be studied by an observing reason which places itself abstractly outside the elements and the sum of what it has to consider and observes it thus from outside as one would an intricate mechanism. The laws of this process are considered as so many mechanical rules or settled forces acting upon the individual or the group which, when they have been observed and distinguished by the reason, have by ones will or by some will to be organised and applied fully much as Science applies the laws it discovers. These laws or rules have to be imposed on the individual by his own abstract reason and will isolated as a ruling authority from his other parts or by the reason and will of other individuals or of the group, and they have to be imposed on the group itself either by its own collective reason and will embodied in some machinery of control which the mind considers as something apart from the life of the group or by the reason and will of some other group external to it or of which it is in some way a part. So the State is viewed in modern political thought as an entity in itself, as if it were something apart from the community and its individuals, something which has the right to impose itself on them and control them in the fulfilment of some idea of right, good or interest which is inflicted on them by a restraining and fashioning power rather than developed in them and by them as a thing towards which their self and nature are impelled to grow. Life is to be managed, harmonised, perfected by an adjustment, a manipulation, a machinery through which it is passed and by which it is shaped. A law outside oneself,outside even when it is discovered or determined by the individual reason and accepted or enforced by the individual will,this is the governing idea of objectivism; a mechanical process of management, ordering, perfection, this is its conception of practice.
  Subjectivism proceeds from within and regards everything from the point of view of a containing and developing self-consciousness. The law here is within ourselves; life is a self-creating process, a growth and development at first subconscious, then half-conscious and at last more and more fully conscious of that which we are potentially and hold within ourselves; the principle of its progress is an increasing self-recognition, self-realisation and a resultant self-shaping. Reason and will are only effective movements of the self, reason a process in self-recognition, will a force for self-affirmation and self-shaping. Moreover, reason and intellectual will are only a part of the means by which we recognise and realise ourselves. Subjectivism tends to take a large and complex view of our nature and being and to recognise many powers of knowledge, many forces of effectuation. Even, we see it in its first movement away from the external and objective method discount and belittle the importance of the work of the reason and assert the supremacy of the life-impulse or the essential Will-to-be in opposition to the claims of the intellect or else affirm some deeper power of knowledge, called nowadays the intuition, which sees things in the whole, in their truth, in their profundities and harmonies while intellectual reason breaks up, falsifies, affirms superficial appearances and harmonises only by a mechanical adjustment. But substantially we can see that what is meant by this intuition is the self-consciousness feeling, perceiving, grasping in its substance and aspects rather than analysing in its mechanism its own truth and nature and powers. The whole impulse of subjectivism is to get at the self, to live in the self, to see by the self, to live out the truth of the self internally and externally, but always from an internal initiation and centre.

1.06 - The Three Mothers or the First Elements, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  The three that produce love are the heart and the ears; the three that produce hatred are the liver, the gall and the tongue; the three animators are the two nostrils and the milt; and the three destroyers are the mouth and the two openings of the body; and God, the faithful King, rules over all from His holy habitation to all eternity. He is one above three, three are above seven, seven above twelve, and all are linked together.

1.07 - A Song of Longing for Tara, the Infallible, #How to Free Your Mind - Tara the Liberator, #Thubten Chodron, #unset
  The various sets of vows are not external rules imposed upon us by someone
  reflections on a song of longing for tara, the infallible

1.07 - Medicine and Psycho therapy, #The Practice of Psycho therapy, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  number of methods, rules, prescriptions, views, and doctrines, and the
  remarkable thing is that any given therapeutic procedure in any given

1.07 - Standards of Conduct and Spiritual Freedom, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  4:But what then must be the spiritual position of the personal worker? What is his true relation in dynamic Nature to this one cosmic Being and this one total movement? He is a centre only - a centre of differentiation of the one personal consciousness, a centre of determination of the one total movement; his personality reflects in a wave of persistent individuality the one universal Person, the Transcendent, the Eternal. In the Ignorance it is always a broken and distorted reflection because the crest of the wave which is our conscious waking self throws back only an imperfect and falsified similitude of the divine Spirit. All our opinions, standards, formations, principles are only attempts to represent in this broken, reflecting and distorting mirror something of the universal and progressive total action and its many-sided movement towards some ultimate self-revelation of the Divine. Our mind represents it as best it can with a narrow approximation that becomes less and less inadequate in proportion as its thought grows in wideness and light and power; but it is always an approximation and not even a true partial figure. The Divine Will acts through the aeons to reveal progressively not only in the unity of the cosmos, not only in the collectivity of living and thinking creatures, but in the soul of each individual something of its divine Mystery and the hidden truth of the Infinite. Therefore there is in the cosmos, in the collectivity, in the individual, a rooted instinct or belief in its own perfectibility, a constant drive towards an ever increasing and more adequate and more harmonious self-development nearer to the secret truth of things. This effort is represented to the constructing mind of man by standards of knowledge, feeling, character, aesthesis and action, - rules, ideals, norms and laws that he essays to turn into universal dharmas.
  5:If we are to be free in the spirit, if we are to be subject only to the supreme Truth, we must discard the idea that our mental or moral laws are binding on the Infinite or that there can be anything sacrosanct, absolute or eternal even in the highest of our existing standards of conduct. To form higher and higher temporary standards as long as they are needed is to serve the Divine in his world march; to erect rigidly an absolute standard is to attempt the erection of a barrier against the eternal waters in their onflow. Once the nature-bound soul realises this truth, it is delivered from the duality of good and evil. For good is all that helps the individual and the world towards their divine fullness, and evil is all that retards or breaks up that increasing perfection. But since the perfection is progressive, evolutive in Time, good and evil are also shifting quantities and change from time to time their meaning and value. This thing which is evil now and in its present shape must be abandoned was once helpful and necessary to the general and individual progress. That other thing which we now regard as evil may well become in another form and arrangement an element in some future perfection. And on the spiritual level we transcend even this distinction; for we discover the purpose and divine utility of all these things that we call good and evil. Then have we to reject the falsehood in them and all that is distorted, ignorant and obscure in that which is called good no less than in that which is called evil. For we have then to accept only the true and the divine, but to make no other distinction in the eternal processes.
  7:This, then, stands fixed for us that all standards by which we may seek to govern our conduct are only our temporary, imperfect and evolutive attempts to represent to ourselves our stumbling mental progress in the universal self-realisation towards which Nature moves. But the divine manifestation cannot be bound by our little rules and fragile sanctities; for the consciousness behind it is too vast for these things. Once we have grasped this fact, disconcerting enough to the absolutism of our reason, we shall better be able to put in their right place in regard to each other the successive standards that govern the different stages in the growth of the individual and the collective march of mankind. At the most general of them we may cast a passing glance. For we have to see how they stand in relation to that other standardless spiritual and supramental mode of working for which Yoga seeks and to which it moves by the surrender of the individual to the divine Will and, more effectively, through his ascent by this surrender to the greater consciousness in which a certain identity with the dynamic Eternal becomes possible.
  8:There are four main standards of human conduct that make an ascending scale. The first is personal need, preference and desire; the second is the law and good of the collectivity; the third is an ideal ethic; the last is the highest divine law of the nature.

1.07 - The Magic Wand, #The Practice of Magical Evocation, #Franz Bardon, #Occultism
  It is, indeed, very easy to make a magic wand of any of the kinds of wood mentioned. Cut a twig, approximately 3/8 to 3/4 ins. in diameter and about 12-20 ins. in length, remove its skin and smooth it. Often the cutting of a magic wand has been restricted to special astrological periods, and the magician acquainted with astrology is free to make use of his knowledge when making a wand. But such a procedure is by no means necessary, since the magician knows very well that the stars may have a certain influence, but that they cannot force the wise to do anything, as he actually rules them. Thus anybody may, if he likes, make by himself a magic wand out of one of the materials mentioned above. If the magic wand is to serve ritual purposes, you are recommended to use a new knife when cutting the twig.
  The knife may later be used for other ritual purposes or other magical operations. It should, in that case, never be employed for any common purpose. If the magician does not expect to use the knife again after having cut and smoothed the twig for the magic 42 wand, he should bury it in order to prevent it from ever coming into the hands of anyone else.

1.07 - The Psychic Center, #Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness, #Satprem, #Integral Yoga
  the only thing that does not fail us: "A conscious being is at the center of the self, who rules past and future; he is like a fire without smoke. . . . That, one must disengage with patience from one's own body," says the Upanishad.80 It is "the child suppressed in the secret cavern" of the Rig Veda (V.2.1), "the son of heaven by the body of the earth" (III.25.1), "he that is awake in those who sleep" (Katha Upanishad V.8). "He is there in the middle of the house" (Rig Veda I.70.2); "He is like the life and the breath of our existence, he is like our eternal child" (I.66.1); he is "the shining King who was hidden from us" (I.23.14). This is the Center, the Master, the place where everything communicates:
  The sunlit space where all is for ever known.81

1.08 - Attendants, #Twelve Years With Sri Aurobindo, #Nirodbaran, #Integral Yoga
  I may as well narrate how I was made the recipient of a favour. Champaklal and I used to attend on Sri Aurobindo when he washed his face and mouth. Once in the course of doing it, he made a gesture of giving me something as I was holding the bowl for gargling. I immediately stretched out my left hand and he softly deposited something without any look or comment. I felt a sudden thrill and drew back into the light to see if it could be a tooth. Yes, it was indeed a whole side-tooth. I showed it to Champaklal who was busy doing some work. His eyes rolled in astonishment. Then he extracted from me the story of how I received the extraordinary present! Of course I handed it over to him for safe custody. Later several times he commented on my unusual luck! Or perhaps how he had missed it! Truly speaking, these things belonged to his domain, but the Divine sometimes oversteps our human rules and rights. Many such instances come to our notice but since they are more a question of inner perception, no rational proof can be adduced as to their truth. Only the person involved knows that his inner aspiration has found an answer. I will give an illustration. I have stated that when Sri Aurobindo resumed walking, instead of using crutches he leaned on Purani and Champaklal. After a few months Champaklal alone was retained. He stood on the left side while Sri Aurobindo used a stick on the right. Champaklal would of course never miss his chance as well as his duty. He would not be Champaklal if he did! Now, a desire was growing within me to hold, like him, Sri Aurobindo's arm on my shoulder, at least once. But being by nature a bit shy and fearing that my unsubstantial body would be too weak to bear the divine weight and substance, I stifled my desire before it raised its head. It so happened that one day the Mother came for Sri Aurobindo's walk long before the appointed time and Champaklal was not present; only I was there. What to do? To my excited surprise the Mother said, "You can give the support!" Very cautiously and almost palpitatingly I sat by his left side on the couch and put my right hand around his waist; he put his left arm over my shoulder and stood up. We had hardly taken a round or two when Champaklal arrived running. I could guess what must have been his feeling at that momentous sight! Then I withdrew and he took his place and the Master must have felt an immense relief! But a minute's soft velvety touch is unforgettable. If such was my experience, I don't know what Purani and Champaklal, who had supported the Lord for months, must have felt! Somebody rightly appreciated the value of the touch when he said that Champaklal's shoulders should be wrapped in gold! Each one of us had his chance, as we called it; whatever we had inwardly aspired for had its proper response and he who received it could alone testify to the truth of the phenomenon, ye yatha mam prapadyante.[1] This is the divine play between the devotee and the Lord!
  I shall quote another instance at the risk of being mocked at by the rationalists and being dubbed an apostate, for was I not once a materialist myself? As I have said, Sri Aurobindo used to take a peppermint pastille while he was dictating Savitri and Champaklal's role was to offer it, when wanted. He would wait and wait even if not called at the due hour, he would sometimes hurry his meal so as not to miss the occasion. I thought, "Why should I not get one chance, at least?" But my friend would hear the call even if it was whispered and would run from wherever he might be in the room. Here again, Sri Aurobindo consciously or unconsciously responded to my silent wish by asking one day for the pastille much earlier than the usual time, when Champaklal was not present. He came up and waited for the call. I put on a very innocent face though now and again a mischievous smile tried to betray it. Then at last, very much piqued, Champaklal asked me, "What's the matter? He is not asking for the pastille?" I could not help breaking into laughter. He understood but enquired exactly when he had asked, who had given it, etc., etc. All these incidents were our little pranks played among ourselves and between us and the Master. I shall not protest if anyone calls me too credulous and finds these as nothing but sentimental outpourings of bhaktas. These instances do illustrate why I call Champaklal a real bhakta and have looked upon his service as having the true spirit. No wonder that the Lord, during his last hours, amply recompensed him by repeatedly embracing him, to our great bewildered delight.

1.08 - Information, Language, and Society, #Cybernetics, or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine, #Norbert Wiener, #Cybernetics
  chess in the sense of following the rules of the game, irrespective
  of the merit of the play. This is essentially no more difficult than

1.08 - RELIGION AND TEMPERAMENT, #The Perennial Philosophy, #Aldous Huxley, #Philosophy
  Traditionally Christian good manners outlawed all expressions of pleasure in the satisfaction of physical appetites. You may love a screeching owl, but you must not love a roasted fowlsuch was the rhyme on which children were brought up in the nurseries of only fifty years ago. Today the young unceasingly proclaim how much they love and adore different kinds of food and drink; adolescents and adults talk about the thrills they derive from the stimulation of their sexuality. The popular philosophy of life has ceased to be based on the classics of devotion and the rules of aristocratic good breeding, and is now moulded by the writers of advertising copy, whose one idea is to persuade everybody to be as extraverted and uninhibitedly greedy as possible, since of course it is only the possessive, the restless, the distracted, who spend money on the things that advertisers want to sell. Technological progress is in part the product of the somatotonic revolution, in part the producer and sustainer of that revolution. The extraverted attention results in technological discoveries. (Significantly enough, a high degree of material civilization has always been associated with the large-scale and officially sanctioned practice of polytheism.) In their turn, technological discoveries have resulted in mass production; and mass production, it is obvious, cannot be kept going at full blast except by persuading the whole population to accept the somatotonic Weltanschauung and act accordingly.
  Like technological progress, with which it is so closely associated in so many ways, modern war is at once a cause and a result of the somatotonic revolution. Nazi education, which was specifically education for war, had two principal aims: to encourage the manifestation of somatotonia in those most richly endowed with that component of personality, and to make the rest of the population feel ashamed of its relaxed amiability or its inward-looking sensitiveness and tendency towards self-restraint and tender-mindedness. During the war the enemies of Nazism have been compelled, of course, to borrow from the Nazis educational philosophy. All over the world millions of young men and even of young women are being systematically educated to be tough and to value toughness beyond every other moral quality. With this system of somatotonic ethics is associated the idolatrous and polytheistic theology of nationalisma pseudo-religion far stronger at the present time for evil and division than is Christianity, or any other monotheistic religion, for unification and good. In the past most societies tried systematically to discourage somatotonia. This was a measure of self-defense; they did not want to be physically destroyed by the power-loving aggressiveness of their most active minority, and they did not want to be spiritually blinded by an excess of extraversion. During the last few years all this has been changed. What, we may apprehensively wonder, will be the result of the current world-wide reversal of an immemorial social policy? Time alone will show.

1.08 - The Four Austerities and the Four Liberations, #On Education, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  This leads us quite naturally to liberation in action. For, in ones action, one must be free from all social conventions, all moral prejudices. However, this does not mean that one should lead a life of licence and dissoluteness. On the contrary, one imposes on oneself a rule that is far stricter than all social rules, for it tolerates no hypocrisy and demands a perfect sincerity. Ones entire physical activity should be organised to help the body to grow in balance and strength and beauty. For this purpose, one must abstain from all pleasure-seeking, including sexual pleasure. For every sexual act is a step towards death. That is why from the most ancient times, in the most sacred and secret schools, this act was prohibited to every aspirant towards immortality. The sexual act is always followed by a longer or shorter period of unconsciousness that opens the door to all kinds of influences and causes a fall in consciousness. But if one wants to prepare oneself for the supramental life, one must never allow ones consciousness to slip into laxity and inconscience under the pretext of pleasure or even of rest and relaxation. One should find relaxation in force and light, not in darkness and weakness. Continence is therefore the rule for all those who aspire for progress. But especially for those who want to prepare themselves for the supramental manifestation, this continence must be replaced by a total abstinence, achieved not by coercion and suppression but by a kind of inner alchemy, as a result of which the energies that are normally used in the act of procreation are transmuted into energies for progress and integral transformation. It is obvious that for the result to be total and truly beneficial, all sexual impulses and desires must be eliminated from the mental and vital consciousness as well as from the physical will. All radical and durable transformation proceeds from within outwards, so that the external transformation is the normal, almost inevitable result of this process.
  A decisive choice has to be made between lending the body to Natures ends in obedience to her demand to perpetuate the race as it is, and preparing this same body to become a step towards the creation of the new race. For it is not possible to do both at the same time; at every moment one has to decide whether one wants to remain part of the humanity of yesterday or to belong to the superhumanity of tomorrow.
  And yet men have invented all kinds of moral and social rules in the hope of controlling this force of love, of making it amenable and docile. But these rules seem to have been made only to be broken; and the restraint they impose on its free activity merely increases its explosive power. For it is not by rules that the movements of love can be disciplined. Only a greater, higher and truer power of love can subdue the uncontrollable impulses of love. Only love can rule over love by enlightening, transforming and exalting it. For here too, more than anywhere else, control does not consist of suppression and abolition but of transmutationa sublime alchemy. This is because, of all the forces at work in the universe, love is the most powerful, the most irresistible. Without love the world would fall back into the chaos of inconscience.
  Consciousness is indeed the creatrix of the universe, but love is its saviour. Conscious experience alone can give a glimpse of what love is, of its purpose and process. Any verbal transcription is necessarily a mental travesty of something which eludes all expression in every way. Philosophers, mystics, occultists, have all tried to define love, but in vain. I have no pretension of succeeding where they have failed. But I wish to state in the simplest possible terms what in their writings takes such an abstract and complicated form. My words will have no other aim than to lead towards the living experience, and I wish to be able to lead even a child to it.

1.08 - The Gods of the Veda - The Secret of the Veda, #Vedic and Philological Studies, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  If indeed the philology of the Europeans were an exact science or its conclusions inevitable results from indisputable premises, there would be no room for any reopening of the subject. But the failure of comparative philology to develop a sound scientific basis & to create a true science of language has been one of the conspicuous intellectual disappointments of the nineteenth century. There can be no denial of that failure. This so-called science is scouted by scientific minds and even the possibility of an etymological science has been disputed. The extravagances of the philological sun myth weavers have been checked by a later method which prefers the evidence of facts to the evidence of nouns & adjectives. The later ethnological theories ignore the conclusions & arguments of the philologists. The old theory of Aryan, Semite, Dravidian & Turanian races has everywhere been challenged and is everywhere breached or rejected. The philologists have indeed established some useful identities and established a few rules of phonetical modification and detrition. But the rest is hypothesis and plausible conjecture. The capacity of brilliant conjecture, volatile inference and an ingenious imagination have been more useful to the modern Sanscrit scholar than rigorous research, scientific deduction or patient and careful generalisation. We are therefore at liberty even on the ground of European science & knowledge to hesitate before the conclusions of philological scholarship.
  But for my own part I do not hold myself bound by European research&European theories.My scepticism of nineteenth century results goes farther than is possible to any European scepticism. The Science of comparative religion in Europe seems to me to be based on a blunder. The sun & star theory of comparative mythology with its extravagant scholastic fancies & lawless inferences carries no conviction to my reason. I find in the Aryan & Dravidian tongues, the Aryan and Dravidian races not separate & unconnected families but two branches of a single stock. The legend of the Aryan invasion & settlement in the Panjab in Vedic times is, to me, a philological myth. The naturalistic interpretation of theVedas I accept only as a transference or adhyaropa of European ideas into the Veda foreign to the mentality of the Vedic Rishis & Max Mullers discovery of Vedic henotheism as a brilliant & ingenious error. Whatever is sound & indisputable in European ideas & discoveries, I am bound to admit & shall use, but these large generalisations & assumptions ought, I think, no longer to pass current as unchallengeable truth or the final knowledge about the Vedas. My method is rather to make a tabula rasa of all previous theories European or Indian & come back to the actual text of the Veda for enlightenment, the fundamental structure & development of the old Sanscrit tongue for a standard of interpretation and the connection of thought in the hymns for a guide to their meaning. I have arrived as a result at a theory of the Vedic religion, of which this book is intended to give some initial indications.

1.08 - THE QUEEN'S CROQUET GROUND, #Alice in Wonderland, #Lewis Carroll, #Fiction
  "I don't think they play at all fairly," Alice said, in a rather complaining tone; "and they all quarrel so dreadfully one can't hear oneself speak--and they don't seem to have any rules in particular."
  "How do you like the Queen?" said the Cat in a low voice.

1.08 - The Supreme Will, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  1:IN THE light of this progressive manifestation of the Spirit, first apparently bound in the Ignorance, then free in the power and wisdom of the Infinite, we can better understand the great and crowning injunction of the Gita to the Karmayogin, "Abandoning all dharmas, all principles and laws and rules of conduct, take refuge in me alone." All standards and rules are temporary constructions founded upon the needs of the ego in its transition from Matter to Spirit. These makeshifts have a relative imperativeness so long as we rest satisfied in the stages of transition, content with the physical and vital life, attached to the mental movement, or even fixed in the ranges of the mental plane that are touched by the spiritual lustres. But beyond is the unwalled wideness of a supramental infinite consciousness and there all temporary structures cease. It is not possible to enter utterly into the spiritual truth of the Eternal and Infinite if we have not the faith and courage to trust ourselves into the hands of the Lord of all things and the Friend of all creatures and leave utterly behind us our mental limits and measures. At one moment we must plunge without hesitation, reserve, fear or scruple into the ocean of the free, the infinite, the Absolute. After the Law, Liberty; after the personal, after the general, after the universal standards there is something greater, the impersonal plasticity, the divine freedom, the transcendent force and the supernal impulse. After the strait path of the ascent the wide plateaus on the summit.
  2:There are three stages of the ascent, - at the bottom the bodily life enslaved to the pressure of necessity and desire, in the middle the mental, higher emotional and psychic rule that feels after greater interests, aspirations, experiences, at the summits first a deeper psychic and spiritual state and then a supramental eternal consciousness in which all our aspirations and seekings discover their own intimate significance. In the bodily life first desire and need and then the practical good of the individual and the society are the governing consideration, the dominant force. In the mental life ideas and ideals rule, ideas that are halflights wearing the garb of Truth, ideals formed by the mind as a result of a growing but still imperfect intuition and experience. Whenever the mental life prevails and the bodily diminishes its brute insistence, man the mental being feels pushed by the urge of mental Nature to mould in the sense of the idea or the ideal the life of the individual, and in the end even the vaguer more complex life of the society is forced to undergo this subtle process. In the spiritual life, or when a higher power than Mind has manifested and taken possession of the nature, these limited motive-forces recede, dwindle, tend to disappear. The spiritual or supramental Self, the Divine Being, the supreme and immanent Reality, must be alone the Lord within us and shape freely our final development according to the highest, widest, most integral expression possible of the law of our nature. In the end that nature acts in the perfect Truth and its spontaneous freedom; for it obeys only the luminous power of the Eternal. The individual has nothing further to gain, no desire to fulfil; he has become a portion of the impersonality or the universal personality of the Eternal. No other object than the manifestation and play of the Divine Spirit in life and the maintenance and conduct of the world in its march towards the divine goal can move him to action. Mental ideas, opinions, constructions are his no more; for his mind has fallen into silence, it is only a channel for the Light and Truth of the divine knowledge. Ideals are too narrow for the vastness of his spirit; it is the ocean of the Infinite that flows through him and moves him for ever.

1.08 - THINGS THE GERMANS LACK, #Twilight of the Idols, #Friedrich Nietzsche, #Philosophy
  mediocre basis. Everywhere, too, a hastiness which is unbecoming rules
  supreme; just as if something would be forfeited if the young man were

1.09 - BOOK THE NINTH, #Metamorphoses, #Ovid, #Poetry
  This nymph, compress'd by him who rules the day,
  Whom Delphi, and the Delian isle obey,
  And virtue's rules by their cold morals state;
  Their ebbing joys give leisure to enquire,

1.09 - Civilisation and Culture, #The Human Cycle, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  But in a civilised society there is still the distinction between the partially, crudely, conventionally civilised and the cultured. It would seem therefore that the mere participation in the ordinary benefits of civilisation is not enough to raise a man into the mental life proper; a farther development, a higher elevation is needed. The last generation drew emphatically the distinction between the cultured man and the Philistine and got a fairly clear idea of what was meant by it. Roughly, the Philistine was for them the man who lives outwardly the civilised life, possesses all its paraphernalia, has and mouths the current stock of opinions, prejudices, conventions, sentiments, but is impervious to ideas, exercises no free intelligence, is innocent of beauty and art, vulgarises everything that he touches, religion, ethics, literature, life. The Philistine is in fact the modern civilised barbarian; he is often the half-civilised physical and vital barbarian by his unintelligent attachment to the life of the body, the life of the vital needs and impulses and the ideal of the merely domestic and economic human animal; but essentially and commonly he is the mental barbarian, the average sensational man. That is to say, his mental life is that of the lower substratum of the mind, the life of the senses, the life of the sensations, the life of the emotions, the life of practical conduct the first status of the mental being. In all these he may be very active, very vigorous, but he does not govern them by a higher light or seek to uplift them to a freer and nobler eminence; rather he pulls the higher faculties down to the level of his senses, his sensations, his unenlightened and unchastened emotions, his gross utilitarian practicality. His aesthetic side is little developed; either he cares nothing for beauty or has the crudest aesthetic tastes which help to lower and vulgarise the general standard of aesthetic creation and the aesthetic sense. He is often strong about morals, far more particular usually about moral conduct than the man of culture, but his moral being is as crude and undeveloped as the rest of him; it is conventional, unchastened, unintelligent, a mass of likes and dislikes, prejudices and current opinions, attachment to social conventions and respectabilities and an obscure dislikerooted in the mind of sensations and not in the intelligenceof any open defiance or departure from the generally accepted standard of conduct. His ethical bent is a habit of the sensemind; it is the morality of the average sensational man. He has a reason and the appearance of an intelligent will, but they are not his own, they are part of the group-mind, received from his environment; or so far as they are his own, merely a practical, sensational, emotional reason and will, a mechanical repetition of habitual notions and rules of conduct, not a play of real thought and intelligent determination. His use of them no more makes him a developed mental being than the daily movement to and from his place of business makes the average Londoner a developed physical being or his quotidian contri butions to the economic life of the country make the bank-clerk a developed economic man. He is not mentally active, but mentally reactive,a very different matter.
  The Philistine is not dead,quite the contrary, he abounds,but he no longer reigns. The sons of Culture have not exactly conquered, but they have got rid of the old Goliath and replaced him by a new giant. This is the sensational man who has got awakened to the necessity at least of some intelligent use of the higher faculties and is trying to be mentally active. He has been whipped and censured and educated into that activity and he lives besides in a maelstrom of new information, new intellectual fashions, new ideas and new movements to which he can no longer be obstinately impervious. He is open to new ideas, he can catch at them and hurl them about in a rather confused fashion; he can understand or misunderstand ideals, organise to get them carried out and even, it would appear, fight and die for them. He knows he has to think about ethical problems, social problems, problems of science and religion, to welcome new political developments, to look with as understanding an eye as he can attain to at all the new movements of thought and inquiry and action that chase each other across the modern field or clash upon it. He is a reader of poetry as well as a devourer of fiction and periodical literature,you will find in him perhaps a student of Tagore or an admirer of Whitman; he has perhaps no very clear ideas about beauty and aesthetics, but he has heard that Art is a not altogether unimportant part of life. The shadow of this new colossus is everywhere. He is the great reading public; the newspapers and weekly and monthly reviews are his; fiction and poetry and art are his mental caterers, the theatre and the cinema and the radio exist for him: Science hastens to bring her knowledge and discoveries to his doors and equip his life with endless machinery; politics are shaped in his image. It is he who opposed and then brought about the enfranchisement of women, who has been evolving syndicalism, anarchism, the war of classes, the uprising of labour, waging what we are told are wars of ideas or of cultures,a ferocious type of conflict made in the very image of this new barbarism,or bringing about in a few days Russian revolutions which the century-long efforts and sufferings of the intelligentsia failed to achieve. It is his coming which has been the precipitative agent for the reshaping of the modern world. If a Lenin, a Mussolini, a Hitler have achieved their rapid and almost stupefying success, it was because this driving force, this responsive quick-acting mass was there to carry them to victorya force lacking to their less fortunate predecessors.

1.09 - Man - About the Body, #Initiation Into Hermetics, #Franz Bardon, #Occultism
  With the help of certain exercises as well as by a correct attitude and an exact observance of these rules, the capacitance, strength and influence of this electromagnetic fluid or Od can be increased or diminished according to whatever necessity requires. The way of doing it will exhaustively be illustrated in the practical part of the present work.
  The electrical as well as the magnetical fluid in the human body have nothing to do with the kind of electricity or magnetism we know, although a certain analogy exists.

1.09 - Sleep and Death, #Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness, #Satprem, #Integral Yoga
  Therefore, there are no general rules regarding sleep and death,
  because everything is possible, just as it is in our physical waking state. We can at most outline some general features.

1.09 - The Worship of Trees, #The Golden Bough, #James George Frazer, #Occultism
  first ancestor and that it rules their destiny. Sometimes there is a
  sacred grove near a village, where the trees are suffered to rot and

11.01 - The Eternal Day The Souls Choice and the Supreme Consummation, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  A black and blinding border rules below:
  His mind is closed between two firmaments.

1.10 - Fate and Free-Will, #Essays In Philosophy And Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  A question which has hitherto divided human thought and received no final solution, is the freedom of the human being in his relation to the Power intelligent or unintelligent that rules the world. We strive for freedom in our human relations, to freedom we move as our goal, and every fresh step in our human progress is a further approximation to our ideal. But are we free in ourselves? We seem to be free, to do that which we choose and not that which is chosen for us; but it is possible that the freedom may be illusory and our apparent freedom may be a real and iron bondage. We may be bound by predestination, the will of a Supreme Intelligent Power, or blind inexorable Nature, or the necessity of our own previous development.
  The first is the answer of the devout and submissive mind in its dependence on God, but, unless we adopt a Calvinistic fatalism, the admission of the guiding and overriding will of God does not exclude the permission of freedom to the individual. The second is the answer of the scientist; Heredity determines our Nature, the laws of Nature limit our action, cause and effect compel the course of our development, and, if it be urged that we may determine effects by creating causes, the answer is that our own actions are determined by previous causes over which we have no control and our action itself is a necessary response to a stimulus from outside. The third is the answer of the Buddhist and of post-Buddhistic Hinduism. It is our fate, it is written on our forehead, when our Karma is exhausted, then alone our calamities will pass from us;this is the spirit of tamasic inaction justifying itself by a misreading of the theory of Karma.

1.10 - The Methods and the Means, #Bhakti-Yoga, #Swami Vivekananda, #Hinduism
  These two explanations are apparently conflicting, yet both are true and necessary. The manipulating and controlling of what may be called the finer body, viz the mood, are no doubt higher functions than the controlling of the grosser body of flesh. But the control of the grosser is absolutely necessary to enable one to arrive at the control of the finer. The beginner, therefore, must pay particular attention to all such dietetic rules as have come down from the line of his accredited teachers; but the extravagant, meaningless fanaticism, which has driven religion entirely to the kitchen, as may be noticed in the case of many of our sects, without any hope of the noble truth of that religion ever coming out to the sunlight of spirituality, is a peculiar sort of pure and simple materialism. It is neither Jnna, nor Bhakti, nor Karma; it is a special kind of lunacy, and those who pin their souls to it are more likely to go to lunatic asylums than to Brahmaloka. So it stands to reason that discrimination in the choice of food is necessary for the attainment of this higher state of mental composition which cannot be easily obtained otherwise.
  Controlling the passions is the next thing to be attended to. To restrain the Indriyas (organs) from going towards the objects of the senses, to control them and bring them under the guidance of the will, is the very central virtue in religious culture. Then comes the practice of self-restraint and self-denial.

11.14 - Our Finest Hour, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   For man the root-cause is that he is being imprisoned more and more, and circumstances of his life are such that he is losing all free movements and is being hemmed in on all sides. The walls are, as it were, pressing upon him, even to the point of suffocation. In all fields of life rules and regulations, restrictions and impediments are mounting high and are, becoming an unbearable burden more and more. Whichever way he turns a few steps lead to a dead wall, and he knocks his head against something hard and hostile and irremovable. Hence his natural urge is to knock more and more, to break and destroy and come out that seems to be the only issue. Destroy and live dangerously that is the one way left. In destroying what stands against you if you happen to destroy yourself it matters very little, you will be destroyed willy-nilly either way.
   Indeed an urge to destroy pure and simple leads to self-destruction. Violence is a boomerang which turns back upon its own source. There is a joy in violence, perverse though it be, even when directed against oneself. Perhaps in the occult view it is the movement against oneself that is the secret source of the movement against others. The enormous increase in the incidence of suicides is a characteristic phenomenon of our age. It is not explained merely by the force majeure of actual circumstances. A dark spirit broods over the waters of existence today which aims at the annihilation of consciousness itself, the one source of life and creation.

11.15 - Sri Aurobindo, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Standing on the mental plane, immured within the dimensions of Reason and mental intelligence, it is not easy to contemplate the type of consciousness that will be; even as it was difficult for the ape to envisage the advent of his successor, man. But certain characteristic signs, rudimentary or fragmentary movements of the higher status are visible in the mental consciousness even as it is: the ape likewise was not without a glimmer of Reason and logic, even the faculty of ratiocination that seems to be the exclusive property of man. There is, for example, a movement we call Intuition, so different from Reason to which even Scientists and Mathematicians acknowledge their debt of gratitude for so many of their discoveries and inventions. There is also the other analogous movement called Inspiration that rules the poet and the artist disclosing to them a world of beauty and reality that is not available to the normal human consciousness. Again, there is yet another group of human beings at the top of the ladder of evolutionmystics and sageswho see the truth, possess the truth direct through a luminous immediacy of perception, called Revelation. Now, all these functionings of consciousness that happen frequently enough within the domain of normal humanity are still expressions of a higher mode of consciousness: they are not the product or play of Reason or logical intelligence which marks the character, the differentia of human consciousness.
   But, as at present, these are mere glimmers and glimpses from elsewhere and man has no comm and or control over them. They are beyond the habitual conscious will, they come and go as they like, happy visitations from another world, they do not abide our question and are not at our beck and call. The Supermind, on the contrary, is in full possession of that consciousness of which these are faint beginnings and distant echoes. The Superman will be born when man has risen above his mind and emerged into the supramental consciousness.

1.11 - BOOK THE ELEVENTH, #Metamorphoses, #Ovid, #Poetry
  Who rules the swelling surges with his nod,
  Assuming each a mortal shape, combine
  Who rules the night by visions with a nod,
  Prepare a dream, in figure, and in form

1.11 - The Kalki Avatar, #Preparing for the Miraculous, #George Van Vrekhem, #Integral Yoga
  Nature and it uses it according to the rules of the game
  though also sometimes to change the rules of the game. 2
  An Avatar, roughly speaking, is one who is conscious
  about the rules of the game, the world-arrangement
  and the arrangement of the omnipotent Divine in Nature.

1.11 - The Master of the Work, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
     But that is the end of a long and difficult journey, and the Master of works does not wait till then to meet the seeker on the path of Yoga and put his secret or half-shown Hand upon him and upon his inner life and actions. Already he was there in the world as the Originator and Receiver of works behind the dense veils of the Inconscient, disguised in force of Life, visible to the Mind through symbol godheads and figures. It may well be in these disguises that he first meets the soul destined to the way of the integral Yoga. Or even, wearing still vaguer masks, he may be conceived by us as an Ideal or mentalised as an abstract Power of Love, Good, Beauty or Knowledge; or, as we turn our feet towards the Way, he may come to us veiled as the call of Humanity or a Will in things that drives towards the deliverance of the world from the grasp of Darkness and Falsehood and Death and Suffering-the great quaternary of the Ignorance. Then, after we have entered the path, he envelops us with his wide and mighty liberating Impersonality or moves near to us with the face and form of a personal Godhead. In and around us we feel a Power that upholds and protects and cherishes; we hear a Voice that guides; a conscious Will greater than ourselves rules us; an imperative Force moves our thought and actions and our very body; an ever-widening Consciousness assimilates ours, a living Light of Knowledge lights all within, or a Beatitude invades us; a Mightiness presses from above, concrete, massive and overpowering, and penetrates and pours itself into the very stuff of our nature; a Peace sits there, a Light, a Bliss, a Strength, a Greatness. Or there are relations, personal, intimate as life itself, sweet as love, encompassing like the sky, deep like deep waters. A Friend walks at our side; a Lover is with us in our heart's secrecy; a Master of the Work and the Ordeal points our way; a Creator of things uses us as his instrument; we are in the arms of the eternal Mother All these more seizable aspects in which the Ineffable meets us are truths and not mere helpful symbols or useful imaginations; but as we progress, their first imperfect formulations in our experience yield to a larger vision of the one Truth that is behind them. At each step their mere mental masks are shed and they acquire a larger, a profounder, a more intimate significance. At last on the supramental borders all these Godheads combine their sacred forms and, without at all ceasing to be, coalesce together. On this path the Divine Aspects have not revealed themselves only in order to be cast away, they are not temporary spiritual conveniences or compromises with an illusory Consciousness or dream-figures mysteriously cast upon us by the incommunicable superconscience of the Absolute; on the contrary, their power increases and their absoluteness reveals itself as they draw near to the Truth from which they issue.
     For that now superconscient Transcendence is a Power as well as an Existence. The supramental Transcendence is not a vacant Wonder, but an inexpressible which contains for ever all essential things that have issued from it; it holds them there in their supreme everlasting reality and their own characteristic absolutes. The diminution, division, degradation that create here the sense of an unsatisfactory puzzle, a mystery of Maya, themselves diminish and fall from us in, our ascension, and the Divine Powers assume their real forms and appear more and more as the terms of a Truth in process of realisation here. A soul of the Divine is here slowly awaking out of its involution and concealment in the material Inconscience. The Master of our works is not a Master of illusions, but a supreme Reality who is working out his self-expressive realities delivered slowly from the cocoons of the Ignorance in which for the purposes of an evolutionary manifestation they were allowed for a while to slumber. For the supramental Transcendence is not a thing absolutely apart and unconnected with our present existence. It is a greater Light out of which all this has come for the adventure of the Soul lapsing into the Inconscience and emerging out of it, and, while that adventure proceeds, it waits superconstient above our minds till it can become conscious in us. Hereafter it will unveil itself and by the unveiling reveal to us all the significance of our own being and our works; for it will disclose the Divine whose fuller manifestation in the world will release and accomplish that covert significance.

1.11 - The Reason as Governor of Life, #The Human Cycle, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  To some this godhead is Life itself or a secret Will in life; they claim that this must rule and that the intelligence is only useful in so far as it serves that and that Life must not be repressed, minimised and mechanised by the arbitrary control of reason. Life has greater powers in it which must be given a freer play; for it is they alone that evolve and create. On the other hand, it is felt that reason is too analytical, too arbitrary, that it falsifies life by its distinctions and set classifications and the fixed rules based upon them and that there is some profounder and larger power of knowledge, intuition or another, which is more deeply in the secrets of existence. This larger intimate power is more one with the depths and sources of existence and more able to give us the indivisible truths of life, its root realities and to work them out, not in an artificial and mechanical spirit but with a divination of the secret Will in existence and in a free harmony with its large, subtle and infinite methods. In fact, what the growing subjectivism of the human mind is beginning obscurely to see is that the one sovereign godhead is the soul itself which may use reason for one of its ministers, but cannot subject itself to its own intellectuality without limiting its potentialities and artificialising its conduct of existence.
  The highest power of reason, because its pure and characteristic power, is the disinterested seeking after true knowledge. When knowledge is pursued for its own sake, then alone are we likely to arrive at true knowledge. Afterwards we may utilise that knowledge for various ends; but if from the beginning we have only particular ends in view, then we limit our intellectual gain, limit our view of things, distort the truth because we cast it into the mould of some particular idea or utility and ignore or deny all that conflicts with that utility or that set idea. By so doing we may indeed make the reason act with great immediate power within the limits of the idea or the utility we have in view, just as instinct in the animal acts with great power within certain limits, for a certain end, yet finds itself helpless outside those limits. It is so indeed that the ordinary man uses his reasonas the animal uses his hereditary, transmitted instinctwith an absorbed devotion of it to the securing of some particular utility or with a useful but hardly luminous application of a customary and transmitted reasoning to the necessary practical interests of his life. Even the thinking man ordinarily limits his reason to the working out of certain preferred ideas; he ignores or denies all that is not useful to these or does not assist or justify or actually contradicts or seriously modifies them,except in so far as life itself compels or cautions him to accept modifications for the time being or ignore their necessity at his peril. It is in such limits that mans reason normally acts. He follows most commonly some interest or set of interests; he tramples down or through or ignores or pushes aside all truth of life and existence, truth of ethics, truth of beauty, truth of reason, truth of spirit which conflicts with his chosen opinions and interests; if he recognises these foreign elements, it is nominally, not in practice, or else with a distortion, a glossing which nullifies their consequences, perverts their spirit or whittles down their significance. It is this subjection to the interests, needs, instincts, passions, prejudices, traditional ideas and opinions of the ordinary mind1 which constitutes the irrationality of human existence.
  Reason can indeed make itself a mere servant of life; it can limit itself to the work the average normal man demands from it, content to furnish means and justifications for the interests, passions, prejudices of man and clo the them with a misleading garb of rationality or at most supply them with their own secure and enlightened order or with rules of caution and self-restraint sufficient to prevent their more egregious stumbles and most unpleasant consequences. But this is obviously to abdicate its throne or its highest office and to betray the hope with which man set forth on his journey. It may again determine to found itself securely on the facts of life, disinterestedly indeed, that is to say, with a dispassionate critical observation of its principles and processes, but with a prudent resolve not to venture too much forward into the unknown or elevate itself far beyond the immediate realities of our apparent or phenomenal existence. But here again it abdicates; either it becomes a mere critic and observer or else, so far as it tries to lay down laws, it does so within very narrow limits of immediate potentiality and it renounces mans drift towards higher possibilities, his saving gift of idealism. In this limited use of the reason subjected to the rule of an immediate, an apparent vital and physical practicality man cannot rest long satisfied. For his nature pushes him towards the heights; it demands a constant effort of self-transcendence and the impulsion towards things unachieved and even immediately impossible.
  On the other hand, when it attempts a higher action reason separates itself from life. Its very attempt at a disinterested and dispassionate knowledge carries it to an elevation where it loses hold of that other knowledge which our instincts and impulses carry within themselves and which, however imperfect, obscure and limited, is still a hidden action of the universal KnowledgeWill inherent in existence that creates and directs all things according to their nature. True, even Science and Philosophy are never entirely dispassionate and disinterested. They fall into subjection to the tyranny of their own ideas, their partial systems, their hasty generalisations and by the innate drive of man towards practice they seek to impose these upon the life. But even so they enter into a world either of abstract ideas or of ideals or of rigid laws from which the complexity of life escapes. The idealist, the thinker, the philosopher, the poet and artist, even the moralist, all those who live much in ideas, when they come to grapple at close quarters with practical life, seem to find themselves something at a loss and are constantly defeated in their endeavour to govern life by their ideas. They exercise a powerful influence, but it is indirectly, more by throwing their ideas into Life which does with them what the secret Will in it chooses than by a direct and successfully ordered action. Not that the pure empiric, the practical man really succeeds any better by his direct action; for that too is taken by the secret Will in life and turned to quite other ends than the practical man had intended. On the contrary, ideals and idealists are necessary; ideals are the savour and sap of life, idealists the most powerful diviners and assistants of its purposes. But reduce your ideal to a system and it at once begins to fail; apply your general laws and fixed ideas systematically as the doctrinaire would do, and Life very soon breaks through or writhes out of their hold or transforms your system, even while it nominally exists, into something the originator would not recognise and would repudiate perhaps as the very contradiction of the principles which he sought to eternise.

1.11 - The Three Purushas, #Essays In Philosophy And Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  The personality of the Supreme Soul is universal, not individual. Whatever is in all creatures, character, idea, imagination, experience, sensation, motion, is contained by Him as an object of spiritual enjoyment without limiting or determining Him. He is all things at once. Such a universality is necessary to support and supply individual existence, but it cannot be the determining limit of individual existence. Something has to be reserved, something put forward, and this partial manifestation is the individual. It is verily an eternal part of Me that in the world of individual existence becomes the Jiva or individual. The Jiva or individual is kara purua, and between him and the Supreme stands the akara purua, the bird on the summit of the tree, joyous in his own bliss, undisturbed by the play of Nature, impartially watching it, receiving its images on his calm immovable existence without being for a moment bound or affected, eternally self-gathered, eternally free. This akara purua is our real self, our divine unity with God, our inalienable freedom from that which is transient and changing. If it did not exist, there would be no escape from the bondage of life and death, joy and grief, sin and virtue; we should be prisoners in a cage without a door, beating our wings against the bars in vain for an exit; life and death, joy and grief, sin and virtue would be eternal, ineffugable realities, not temporary rules determining the great game of life, and we should be unwilling actors, not free playmates of God able to suspend and renew the game when we will. It is by realising our oneness with the akara purua that we get freedom from ignorance, freedom from the cords of desire, freedom from the imperative law of works. On the other hand if the akara purua were all, as the Sankhya philosophy contends, there would be no basis for different experience, no varying personality, every individual existence would be precisely like every other individual existence, the development and experience of one soul in Nature an exact replica of the development and experience of another soul. It is the kara purua who is all creatures, and the variety of experience, character and development is effected by a particular part of the universal swabhava or nature of conscious existence in phenomena being attached to a particular individual or Jiva. This is what is meant by saying that it is a part of God which becomes the Jiva. This swabhava, once determined, does not change; but it manifests various parts of itself, at various times, under various circumstances, in various forms of action and various bodies suited to the action or development it has to enjoy. It is for this reason that the Purusha in Nature is called kara, fluid, shifting, although it is not in reality fluid or shifting, but constant, eternal and immutable, santana. It is the variety of its enjoyment in Time, Space and Causality that makes it kara. The enjoyment of the akara purua is self-existent, beyond Time, Space and Causality, aware of but undisturbed by the continual multitudinous flux and reflux of Prakriti. The enjoyment of Purushottama is both in Prakriti and beyond it, it embraces and is the reality of all experience and enjoyment.
  Development is determined by the kara purua, but not conducted by him. It is Prakriti, the Universal Energy, that conducts development under the law of cause and effect, and is the true agent. The soul is not the agent, but the lord who enjoys the results of the action of his agent, Prakriti or Nature; only by his attachment to Prakriti he forgets himself and identifies himself with her so as to have the illusion of agency and, by thus forgetting himself, ceases to be lord of himself, becomes subject to Causality, imprisoned in Time and Space, bound by the work which he sanctions. He himself, being a part of God, is made in His image, of one nature with Him. Therefore what God is, he also is, only with limitation, subject to Time, Space and Causality, because he has, of his own will, accepted that bondage. He is the witness, and if he ceased to watch, the drama would stop. He is the source of sanction, and what he declares null and void, drops away from the development. He is the enjoyer, and if he became indifferent, that individual development would be arrested. He is the upholder, and if he ceased to sustain the dhra, the vehicle, it would fall and cease. He is the lord, and it is for his pleasure that Nature acts. He is the spirit, and matter is only his vehicle, his robe, his means of self-expression. But all his sanctions, refusals, behests act not at once, not there and then, not by imperative absolute compulsion, but subject to lapse of time, change of place, working of cause to effect. The lapse may be brief or long, a moment or centuries; the change small or great, here or in another world; the working direct or indirect, with the rapid concentration of processes which men call a miracle or with the careful and laboured evolution in which every step is visibly ordered and deliberate; but so long as the Jiva is bound, his lordship is limited and constitutional, not despotic and absolute. His sanction and signature are necessary, but it is the Lords spiritual and temporal of his mind and body, the Commons in his external environment who do the work of the State, execute, administer, legislate.

1.1.2 - Commentary, #Kena and Other Upanishads, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  to the knowledge of that which rules within him and missions
  his mind to its mark, sends forth his speech, impels the life-force

1.12 - SOME REFLECTIONS ON THE RIGHTS OF MAN, #The Future of Man, #Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, #Christianity
  but one where it is impossible to lay down rules for particular cases,
  since they vary according to the level of education and the pro-

1.12 - The Divine Work, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  lives and acts," says the Gita, "he lives and acts in Me." The rules
  which the intellect of men lays down cannot apply to the liberated soul, - by the external criteria and tests which their mental
  action, all fixed and external rules of conduct, all constructions
  of the outward or surface Nature, dharmas, and take refuge in

1.12 - THE FESTIVAL AT PNIHTI, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  Behold, the two have come, who shatter all the rules of caste, Embracing everyone as brother, even the outcaste shunned by men;
  Who lose themselves in Hari's name, making the whole world mad;

1.12 - The Office and Limitations of the Reason, #The Human Cycle, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Meanwhile, the intellect performs its function; it leads man to the gates of a greater self-consciousness and places him with unbandaged eyes on that wide threshold where a more luminous Angel has to take him by the hand. It takes first the lower powers of his existence, each absorbed in its own urge, each striving with a blind self-sufficiency towards the fulfilment of its own instincts and primary impulses; it teaches them to understand themselves and to look through the reflecting eyes of the intelligence on the laws of their own action. It enables them to discern intelligently the high in themselves from the low, the pure from the impure and out of a crude confusion to arrive at more and more luminous formulas of their possibilities. It gives them self-knowledge and is a guide, teacher, purifier, liberator. For it enables them also to look beyond themselves and at each other and to draw upon each other for fresh motives and a richer working. It streng thens and purifies the hedonistic and the aesthetic activities and softens their quarrel with the ethical mind and instinct; it gives them solidity and seriousness, brings them to the support of the practical and dynamic powers and allies them more closely to the strong actualities of life. It sweetens the ethical will by infusing into it psychic, hedonistic and aesthetic elements and ennobles by all these separately or together the practical, dynamic and utilitarian temperament of the human being. At the same time it plays the part of a judge and legislator, seeks to fix rules, provide systems and regularised combinations which shall enable the powers of the human soul to walk by a settled path and act according to a sure law, an ascertained measure and in a balanced rhythm. Here it finds after a time that its legislative action becomes a force for limitation and turns into a bondage and that the regularised system which it has imposed in the interests of order and conservation becomes a cause of petrifaction and the sealing up of the fountains of life. It has to bring in its own saving faculty of doubt. Under the impulse of the intelligence warned by the obscure revolt of the oppressed springs of life, ethics, aesthetics, the social, political, economic rule begin to question themselves and, if this at first brings in again some confusion, disorder and uncertainty, yet it awakens new movements of imagination, insight, self-knowledge and self-realisation by which old systems and formulas are transformed or disappear, new experiments are made and in the end larger potentialities and combinations are brought into play. By this double action of the intelligence, affirming and imposing what it has seen and again in due season questioning what has been accomplished in order to make a new affirmation, fixing a rule and order and liberating from rule and order, the progress of the race is assured, however uncertain may seem its steps and stages.
  But the action of the intelligence is not only turned downward and outward upon our subjective and external life to understand it and determine the law and order of its present movement and its future potentialities. It has also an upward and inward eye and a more luminous functioning by which it accepts divinations from the hidden eternities. It is opened in this power of vision to a Truth above it from which it derives, however imperfectly and as from behind a veil, an indirect knowledge of the universal principles of our existence and its possibilities; it receives and turns what it can seize of them into intellectual forms and these provide us with large governing ideas by which our efforts can be shaped and around which they can be concentrated or massed; it defines the ideals which we seek to accomplish. It provides us with the great ideas that are forces (ides forces), ideas which in their own strength impose themselves upon our life and compel it into their moulds. Only the forms we give these ideas are intellectual; they themselves descend from a plane of truth of being where knowledge and force are one, the idea and the power of self-fulfilment in the idea are inseparable. Unfortunately, when translated into the forms of our intelligence which acts only by a separating and combining analysis and synthesis and into the effort of our life which advances by a sort of experimental and empirical seeking, these powers become disparate and conflicting ideals which we have all the difficulty in the world to bring into any kind of satisfactory harmony. Such are the primary principles of liberty and order, good, beauty and truth, the ideal of power and the ideal of love, individualism and collectivism, self-denial and self-fulfilment and a hundred others. In each sphere of human life, in each part of our being and our action the intellect presents us with the opposition of a number of such master ideas and such conflicting principles. It finds each to be a truth to which something essential in our being responds,in our higher nature a law, in our lower nature an instinct. It seeks to fulfil each in turn, builds a system of action round it and goes from one to the other and back again to what it has left. Or it tries to combine them but is contented with none of the combinations it has made because none brings about their perfect reconciliation or their satisfied oneness. That indeed belongs to a larger and higher consciousness, not yet attained by mankind, where these opposites are ever harmonised and even unified because in their origin they are eternally one. But still every enlarged attempt of the intelligence thus dealing with our inner and outer life increases the width and wealth of our nature, opens it to larger possibilities of self-knowledge and self-realisation and brings us nearer to our awakening into that greater consciousness.

1.12 - The Superconscient, #Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness, #Satprem, #Integral Yoga
  Since cosmic consciousness and Nirvana do not give us the evolutionary key we are seeking, let us resume our quest, with Sri Aurobindo, where he had left it at Baroda prior to his two great experiences. The first step is the ascent into the Superconscient. As we have said, as silence settles in the seeker's mind, as he quiets his vital and frees himself from his absorption in the physical, the consciousness emerges from the countless activities in which it was indiscernibly commingled, scattered, and it takes on an independent existence. It becomes like a separate being within the being, a compact and increasingly intense Force. And the more it grows, the less it is satisfied with being confined in a body; we notice that it radiates outward, first during sleep, then during meditation, and finally with our eyes wide open. But this outward movement is not just lateral, as it were, toward the universal Mind, universal Vital, and universal Physical; the consciousness also seeks to go upward. This ascending urge may not even be the result of a conscious discipline; it may be a natural and spontaneous need (we should never forget that our efforts in this life are the continuation of many other efforts in many other lives, hence the unequal development of different individuals and the impossibility of setting up fixed rules). We may spontaneously feel something above our head drawing us, like an expanse or a light, or like a magnetic pole that is the origin of all our actions and thoughts, a zone of concentration above our head. The seeker has not silenced his mind to become like a slug; his silence is not dead, but alive; he is tuned in upward because he senses a life there. Silence is not an end but a means, just as learning to read notes is a means to capture music, and there are many kinds of music. Day after day, as his consciousness becomes increasingly concrete, he has hundreds of almost imperceptible experiences springing from this Silence above. He might think about nothing, when suddenly a thought crosses his mind not even a thought, a tiny spark and he knows exactly what he has to do and how he has to do it, down to the smallest detail, as if the pieces of a puzzle were suddenly falling into place, and with a sense of absolute certainty (below, everything is always uncertain, with always at least two solutions to every problem). Or a tiny impulse might strike him: "Go and see so-and-so"; he does, and "coincidentally" this person needs him. Or "Don't do this"; he persists, and has a bad fall. Or for no reason he is impelled toward a certain place, to find the very circumstances that will help him. Or, if some problem has to be solved, he remains immobile, silent, calling above, and the answer comes, clear and irrefutable.
  When he speaks or writes, he can feel very tangibly an expanse above his head, from which he draws his thoughts like the luminous thread of a cocoon; he does not move, simply remaining under the current and transcribing, while nothing stirs in his own head. But if he allows his mind to become the least involved, everything vanishes or, rather, becomes distorted, because the mind tries to imitate the intimations from above (the mind is an inveterate ape) and mistakes its own puny fireworks for true illuminations. The more the seeker learns to listen above and to trust these intimations (which are not commanding and loud but scarcely perceptible, like a breath, more akin to feelings than thoughts, and astonishingly rapid), the more numerous, accurate, and irresistible they will become. Gradually, he will realize that all his acts, even the most insignificant, can be unerringly guided by the silent source above, that all his thoughts originate from there, luminous and beyond dispute, and that a kind of spontaneous knowledge dawns within him. He will begin to live a life of constant little miracles. If mankind only caught a glimpse of what infinite enjoyments, what perfect forces, what luminous reaches of spontaneous knowledge, what wide calms of our being lie waiting for us in the tracts which our animal evolution has not yet conquered, they would leave all and never rest till they had gained these treasures. But the way is narrow, the doors hard to force, and fear, distrust and scepticism are there, sentinels of Nature to forbid the turning away of our feet from less ordinary pastures.173

1.13 - BOOK THE THIRTEENTH, #Metamorphoses, #Ovid, #Poetry
  Not Jove, the Jove you dream, that rules the skies,
  Bears such a bulk, or is so largely spread:

1.13 - Conclusion - He is here, #Twelve Years With Sri Aurobindo, #Nirodbaran, #Integral Yoga
  Along with his mysterious self-immolation another question which is also somewhat mysterious puzzles us: Why did he choose the "natural way" to leave his body when he could have easily left it in the yogic way, as Yogis usually do? The answer that I have found is that Sri Aurobindo's life has respected the rules and laws of Nature, what he has called the conditions of the game. But even these conditions are adapted to a new direction of which Nature, though not pursuing it, is secretly capable. Thus Nature is put to a supernatural use. Whenever any directly miraculous or special intervention has been made either in his own case or in the case of others, then too it is not by utter flouting of those rules and laws, a freakish and ultimately inconsequential movement. A process is still followed. Sri Aurobindo sums up the several sides of the Divine's action thus: "The Divine also acts according to the conditions of the game. He may change them, but he has to change them first, not proceed, while maintaining the conditions, to act by a series of miracles." In following this course of Nature, he probably wanted to have the concrete experience of Death which would help him in the conquest of the Power of Death for the world from across the barrier. Also this natural way created conditions of crisis which would bring about an urgent and extraordinary response from the spiritual Force so that side by side with the progression towards death there would be the precipitation of the Supramental Light. A sign of what was being done may be seen from the Mother's statement: "As soon as Sri Aurobindo withdrew from his body, what he had called the Mind of Light got realised in me." We can understand also how after death and as a result of it, the Supramental Light suffused his body for several days.
  The shock and desolation, however, that we felt can be more imagined than described. Though we could see the Master only four times a year, his Presence was vibrant in the very air we breathed, in our sleep, in every moment of our life; particularly after the accident, even physically he seemed to have come nearer. So the sudden absence was felt like a yawning abyss ready to engulf our very existence. I wonder what would have happened to the vast life qf the Ashram, if the Mother was not there to envelop all of us, the whole earth, in the embrace of her infinite love and compassion. Yet, have we any measure of knowing what she must have felt, though she is the Divine? Just as he "worked, struggled, suffered", so did she suffer and bear. We witnessed it in the early period of the accident; but the command was upon her from the Lord to carry on his work. And the immense vacuum that was created could be filled by her alone. From these verses in Savitri in a different context we get such an indication:
  The second effect whose purport will not be evident to those who are unfamiliar with Sri Aurobindo's Yoga was, to quote the Mother, "As soon as Sri Aurobindo withdrew from his body, what he had called the Mind of Light got realised here. The Supermind had descended long ago very long ago in the mind and even in the vital: it was working in the physical also, but indirectly through those intermediaries. The question now was about the direct action of the Supermind in the physical. Sri Aurobindo said it could be possible only if the physical mind received the supramental light: the physical mind was the instrument for direct action upon the most material. This physical mind receiving the supramental light Sri Aurobindo called the Mind of Light."[1] It is because the Mother as his supreme collaborator was there to receive the Light and continue his work that Sri Aurobindo could make that holocaust of himself. The holocaust has also had one effect which cannot but be regarded as being eminently in accord with Sri Aurobindo's own vision. It is clear that the Ashram "instead of dwindling after the Master's self-withdrawal has leaped gloriously forward under the Mother's leadership". Earlier Sri Aurobindo's towering personality, though in seclusion, dominated the scene. Now the picture, as I said, is entirely different. We can see that all the world is coming to the Mother and accepting her as the Divine Mother, the Shakti who rules, guides and saves. This is what Sri Aurobindo had wanted and laid down since the Mother took charge of the Ashram, as the prime desideratum of his Supramental Yoga. It has been rendered possible and quickly effective by his unprecedented sacrifice. It is also in keeping with his nature. He had admitted that temperamentally he was always prone to act from behind the veil, the way of the Supreme to move men and forces without their knowledge. His political life, except for a short period, and life in Pondicherry, bear testimony to its truth. So the final retirement was consistent with that disposition and is its highest culmination. This culmination has carried the Mother even more to the forefront. There she stands now and plays the role of Shakti and, as she has said, is doing Sri Aurobindo's work and giving his final dream, of which he has spoken in his Independence Day message, a concrete shape on this earth. Sri Aurobindo constantly helps her from behind. The Mother has said in the Bulletin, as I have stated before, what a vast amount of work Sri Aurobindo has done in the occult field in consequence of which the work of transformation of the physical has become easier. Similarly, can we have any idea of his world-action, particularly in the political field, for example his occult contribution to the liberation of Bangladesh? Let us remember Sri Aurobindo's prophetic voice, "Division must go." His Force has not ceased to act in that direction. On the contrary it is moving powerfully towards the realisation of this prophecy. These are his works on a cosmic scale that we are aware of. In our individual cases too his Presence and his dynamic action have been testified to by devotees and disciples all over India and in the West We hear his voice, get his touch, protection, active intervention. The Mother told me more than once that she always saw Sri Aurobindo working on me. I had a personal proof of his surprisingly direct intervention, saving me from a critical situation that could have otherwise put my sadhana in peril. I have mentioned another occult phenomenon in the preface of my Talks with Sri Aurobindo, Vol. I to illustrate his subtle help. A third small instance will suffice: when the Ashram was passing through a financial difficulty, the Mother reported the matter to Sri Aurobindo. He replied, "Ask Prodyot." And it is well known that Prodyot brings a lot of money for the Ashram.
  Still, it cannot be denied that we do miss his physical Presence, especially those of us whom he had drawn near by his personal intimacy and those who had the exceptional privilege of living with him and serving him. "Nirod is no doctor to me; he has come to serve me," is one of his few utterances I cannot forget, though I know too well how poorly I served him. Sometimes when we think of the old days that will never come back, when I go over his unparalleled correspondence with me, a void, a sore loss fills my heart. A few days after Sri Aurobindo's departure, the Mother asked a group of sadhaks what was the greatest loss caused by his absence. Different answers were given, but the Mother replied, "No, not these; the biggest loss is that I can no longer approach him for his advice. For instance, if he were there, I could have gone and asked him to stop the rain." (It was raining heavily at that moment.) To this, someone said, "But, Mother, you can look into yourself." She kept quiet. Here I may speculate on this incident. To deal with any serious problem needs a degree of concentration. The Mother has always been a very busy person; She often fell back on Sri Aurobindo to do the concentration needed. The more important point, however, seems to be that certain problems are better dealt with by an embodied spiritual force than a disembodied one, problems concerned perhaps with the most outward material aspect of existence. We see how our difficulties and problems get quickly solved by the Mother's direct intervention. Apropos of the above incident, I may further ask: Did not the Mother hint at something more poignant? The difference between a physical presence and a subtle one? Whenever there was an intricate situation to face, some crucial stage to be crossed, she quietly came and laid the burden at his feet with an utter trust, that he would see it through. The ineffable physical Presence of an Avatar of Sri Aurobindo's stature, one whose work ultimately was transformation and divinisation of the very body, was a heavenly boon to our corporeal earthly life. The incarnation itself would have otherwise lost much of its significance.

1.13 - Gnostic Symbols of the Self, #Aion, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  to the macrocosm), rules the physical body. 114 His synonyms are
  the Adech, Archeus, Protothoma, Ides, Idechtrum, etc. He is the

1.13 - (Plot continued.) What constitutes Tragic Action., #Poetics, #Aristotle, #Philosophy
  Oedipus, Orestes, Meleager, Thyestes, Telephus, and those others who have done or suffered something terrible. A tragedy, then, to be perfect according to the rules of art should be of this construction. Hence they are in error who censure Euripides just because he follows this principle in his plays, many of which end unhappily. It is, as we have said, the right ending. The best proof is that on the stage and in dramatic competition, such plays, if well worked out, are the most tragic in effect; and Euripides, faulty though he may be in the general management of his subject, yet is felt to be the most tragic of the poets.
  In the second rank comes the kind of tragedy which some place first.

1.13 - Posterity of Dhruva, #Vishnu Purana, #Vyasa, #Hinduism
  [5]: A Cakra-verttī, or, according to the text, one in whom the Cakra, the discus of Viṣṇu, abides (varttate); such a figure being delineated by the lines of the hand. The grammatical etymology is, 'he who abides in, or rules over, an extensive territory called a Cakra.'
  [6]: From rāga, 'passion' or 'affection;' but the more obvious etymology is rāj, to shine' or 'be splendid.'

1.13 - SALVATION, DELIVERANCE, ENLIGHTENMENT, #The Perennial Philosophy, #Aldous Huxley, #Philosophy
  In what does salvation consist? Not in any historic faith or knowledge of anything absent or distant, not in any variety of restraints, rules and methods of practising virtue, not in any formality of opinion about faith and works, repentance, forgiveness of sins, or justification and sanctification, not in any truth or righteousness that you can have from yourself, from the best of men and books, but solely and wholly from the life of God, or Christ of God, quickened and born again in you, in other words in the restoration and perfect union of the first twofold life in humanity.
  William Law

1.14 - INSTRUCTION TO VAISHNAVS AND BRHMOS, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  "One day he was reading the Git. He was so strict about his monastic rules that he would not read a holy book looking at a worldly man. So he turned his face toward me and his back on Mathur, who was also present. It was this holy man who told me of Nrada's path of devotion as suited to the people of the Kaliyuga."
  M: "Are not sdhus of his class followers of the Vednta?"
  Soon the service began according to the rules of the Brahmo Samaj. The preacher was seated on the dais. After the opening prayer he recited holy texts of the Vedas and was joined by the congregation in the invocation to the Supreme Brahman. They chanted in chorus: "Brahman is Truth, Knowledge, and Infinity. It shines as Bliss and Immortality.
  Brahman is Peace, Blessedness, the One without a Second; It is pure and unstained by sin." The minds of the devotees were stilled, and they closed their eyes in meditation.

1.14 - The Structure and Dynamics of the Self, #Aion, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  Soma had become psychized {liixpvxov): "God rules this world
  as much through the devil as through the Son, for both are in his

1.14 - The Succesion to the Kingdom in Ancient Latium, #The Golden Bough, #James George Frazer, #Occultism
  determined by certain rules which have moulded early society in many
  parts of the world, namely exogamy, _beena_ marriage, and female
  relaxation of moral rules on certain occasions, when men and women
  reverted for a season to the licence of an earlier age. Such

1.14 - The Suprarational Beauty, #The Human Cycle, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  The art-creation which lays a supreme stress on reason and taste and on perfection and purity of a technique constructed in obedience to the canons of reason and taste, claimed for itself the name of classical art; but the claim, like the too trenchant distinction on which it rests, is of doubtful validity. The spirit of the real, the great classical art and poetry is to bring out what is universal and subordinate individual expression to universal truth and beauty, just as the spirit of romantic art and poetry is to bring out what is striking and individual and this it often does so powerfully or with so vivid an emphasis as to throw into the background of its creation the universal, on which yet all true art romantic or classical builds and fills in its forms. In truth, all great art has carried in it both a classical and a romantic as well as a realistic element,understanding realism in the sense of the prominent bringing out of the external truth of things, not the perverse inverted romanticism of the real which brings into exaggerated prominence the ugly, common or morbid and puts that forward as the whole truth of life. The type of art to which a great creative work belongs is determined by the prominence it gives to one element and the subdual of the others into subordination to its reigning spirit. But classical art also works by a large vision and inspiration, not by the process of the intellect. The lower kind of classical art and literature,if classical it be and not rather, as it often is, pseudo-classical, intellectually imitative of the external form and process of the classical,may achieve work of considerable, though a much lesser power, but of an essentially inferior scope and nature; for to that inferiority it is self-condemned by its principle of intellectual construction. Almost always it speedily degenerates into the formal or academic, empty of real beauty, void of life and power, imprisoned in its slavery to form and imagining that when a certain form has been followed, certain canons of construction satisfied, certain rhetorical rules or technical principles obeyed, all has been achieved. It ceases to be art and becomes a cold and mechanical workmanship.
  This predominance given to reason and taste first and foremost, sometimes even almost alone, in the creation and appreciation of beauty arises from a temper of mind which is critical rather than creative; and in regard to creation its theory falls into a capital error. All artistic work in order to be perfect must indeed have in the very act of creation the guidance of an inner power of discrimination constantly selecting and rejecting in accordance with a principle of truth and beauty which remains always faithful to a harmony, a proportion, an intimate relation of the form to the idea; there is at the same time an exact fidelity of the idea to the spirit, nature and inner body of the thing of beauty which has been revealed to the soul and the mind, its svarpa and svabhva. Therefore this discriminating inner sense rejects all that is foreign, superfluous, otiose, all that is a mere diversion distractive and deformative, excessive or defective, while it selects and finds sovereignly all that can bring out the full truth, the utter beauty, the inmost power. But this discrimination is not that of the critical intellect, nor is the harmony, proportion, relation it observes that which can be fixed by any set law of the critical reason; it exists in the very nature and truth of the thing itself, the creation itself, in its secret inner law of beauty and harmony which can be seized by vision, not by intellectual analysis. The discrimination which works in the creator is therefore not an intellectual self-criticism or an obedience to rules imposed on him from outside by any intellectual canons, but itself creative, intuitive, a part of the vision, involved in and inseparable from the act of creation. It comes as part of that influx of power and light from above which by its divine enthusiasm lifts the faculties into their intense suprarational working. When it fails, when it is betrayed by the lower executive instruments rational or infrarational, and this happens when these cease to be passive and insist on obtruding their own demands or vagaries,the work is flawed and a subsequent act of self-criticism becomes necessary. But in correcting his work the artist who attempts to do it by rule and intellectual process, uses a false or at any rate an inferior method and cannot do his best. He ought rather to call to his aid the intuitive critical vision and embody it in a fresh act of inspired creation or recreation after bringing himself back by its means into harmony with the light and law of his original creative initiation. The critical intellect has no direct or independent part in the means of the inspired creator of beauty.
  In the appreciation of beauty it has a part, but it is not even there the supreme judge or law-giver. The business of the intellect is to analyse the elements, parts, external processes, apparent principles of that which it studies and explain their relations and workings; in doing this it instructs and enlightens the lower mentality which has, if left to itself, the habit of doing things or seeing what is done and taking all for granted without proper observation and fruitful understanding. But as with truth of religion, so with the highest and deepest truth of beauty, the intellectual reason cannot seize its inner sense and reality, not even the inner truth of its apparent principles and processes, unless it is aided by a higher insight not its own. As it cannot give a method, process or rule by which beauty can or ought to be created, so also it cannot give to the appreciation of beauty that deeper insight which it needs; it can only help to remove the dullness and vagueness of the habitual perceptions and conceptions of the lower mind which prevent it from seeing beauty or which give it false and crude aesthetic habits: it does this by giving to the mind an external idea and rule of the elements of the thing it has to perceive and appreciate. What is farther needed is the awakening of a certain vision, an insight and an intuitive response in the soul. Reason which studies always from outside, cannot give this inner and more intimate contact; it has to aid itself by a more direct insight springing from the soul itself and to call at every step on the intuitive mind to fill up the gap of its own deficiencies.

1.14 - TURMOIL OR GENESIS?, #The Future of Man, #Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, #Christianity
  most, a few elementary rules safeguarding the living-space of the
  individual) we find the whole structure of politico-economico-

1.15 - The element of Character in Tragedy., #Poetics, #Aristotle, #Philosophy
  These then are rules the poet should observe. Nor should he neglect those appeals to the senses, which, though not among the essentials, are the concomitants of poetry; for here too there is much room for error.
  But of this enough has been said in our published treatises.

1.15 - The Worship of the Oak, #The Golden Bough, #James George Frazer, #Occultism
  the air; he it is who rules thunder and lightning, wind and rains,
  fine weather and crops." In these respects, therefore, the Teutonic

1.16 - MARTHAS GARDEN, #Faust, #Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, #Poetry
  If one is prim and good, as ancient rules compel:
  If there he's led, they think, he'll follow them as well.

1.16 - On Concentration, #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  For concentration does indeed unlock all doors; it lies at the heart of every practice as it is of the essence of all theory; and almost all the various rules and regulations are aimed at securing adeptship in this matter. All the subsidiary work awareness, one-pointedness, mind- fullness and the rest is intended to train you to this.
  All the greetings, salutations, "Saying Will," periodical adorations, even saying "apo pantos kakodaimonos" with a downward and outward sweep of the arm, the eyes averted, when one sees a person dressed in a religious (Christian) uniform: all these come under "Don't stroke the cat the wrong way!" or, in the modern pseudo-scientific journalese jargon "streamlining life."
  The rules, strangely enough, are identical in both cases; at least, until your "Magick" is perfect; Yoga merely goes on a step further. In Beta you have reduced all movements from many to One; in Alpha you reduce that One to Zero.
  Now then, with a sigh of relief, know you this: that every possible incident in the Beta training is mutatis mutandis, perfectly familiar to the engineer.

1.16 - THE ESSENCE OF THE DEMOCRATIC IDEA, #The Future of Man, #Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, #Christianity
  no hard-and-fast rules can be laid down, but which, in each par-
  ticular case, every nation is perfectly capable of solving in its own

1.16 - The Suprarational Ultimate of Life, #The Human Cycle, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Up to a certain point this recoil has its uses and may easily even, by tapasy, by the law of energy increasing through compression, develop for a time a new vigour in the life of the society, as happened in India in the early Buddhist centuries. But beyond a certain point it tends, not really to kill, for that is impossible, but to discourage along with the vital instincts the indispensable life-energy of which they are the play and renders them in the end inert, feeble, narrow, unelastic, incapable of energetic reaction to force and circumstance. That was the final result in India of the agelong pressure of Buddhism and its supplanter and successor, Illusionism. No society wholly or too persistently and pervadingly dominated by this denial of the life dynamism can flourish and put forth its possibilities of growth and perfection. For from dynamic it becomes static and from the static position it proceeds to stagnation and degeneration. Even the higher being of man, which finds its account in a vigorous life dynamism, both as a fund of force to be transmuted into its own loftier energies and as a potent channel of connection with the outer life, suffers in the end by this failure and contraction. The ancient Indian ideal recognised this truth and divided life into four essential and indispensable divisions, artha, kma, dharma, moka, vital interests, satisfaction of desires of all kinds, ethics and religion, and liberation or spirituality, and it insisted on the practice and development of all. Still it tended not only to put the last forward as the goal of all the rest, which it is, but to put it at the end of life and its habitat in another world of our being, rather than here in life as a supreme status and formative power on the physical plane. But this rules out the idea of the kingdom of God on earth, the perfectibility of society and of man in society, the evolution of a new and diviner race, and without one or other of these no universal ideal can be complete. It provides a temporary and occasional, but not an inherent justification for life; it holds out no illumining fulfilment either for its individual or its collective impulse.
  Let us then look at this vital instinct and life dynamism in its own being and not merely as an occasion for ethical or religious development and see whether it is really rebellious in its very nature to the Divine. We can see at once that what we have described is the first stage of the vital being, the infrarational, the instinctive; this is the crude character of its first native development and persists even when it is trained by the growing application to it of the enlightening reason. Evidently it is in this natural form a thing of the earth, gross, earthy, full even of hideous uglinesses and brute blunders and jarring discords; but so also is the infrarational stage in ethics, in aesthetics, in religion. It is true too that it presents a much more enormous difficulty than these others, more fundamentally and obstinately resists elevation, because it is the very province of the infrarational, a first formulation of consciousness out of the Inconscient, nearest to it in the scale of being. But still it has too, properly looked at, its rich elements of power, beauty, nobility, good, sacrifice, worship, divinity; here too are highreaching gods, masked but still resplendent. Until recently, and even now, reason, in the garb no longer of philosophy, but of science, has increasingly proposed to take up all this physical and vital life and perfect it by the sole power of rationalism, by a knowledge of the laws of Nature, of sociology and physiology and biology and health, by collectivism, by State education, by a new psychological education and a number of other kindred means. All this is well in its own way and in its limits, but it is not enough and can never come to a truly satisfying success. The ancient attempt of reason in the form of a high idealistic, rational, aesthetic, ethical and religious culture achieved only an imperfect discipline of the vital man and his instincts, sometimes only a polishing, a gloss, a clothing and mannerising of the original uncouth savage. The modern attempt of reason in the form of a broad and thorough rational, utilitarian and efficient instruction and organisation of man and his life is not succeeding any better for all its insistent but always illusory promise of more perfect results in the future. These endeavours cannot indeed be truly successful if our theory of life is right and if this great mass of vital energism contains in itself the imprisoned suprarational, if it has, as it then must have, the instinctive reaching out for something divine, absolute and infinite which is concealed in its blind strivings. Here too reason must be overpassed or surpass itself and become a passage to the Divine.

1.16 - WITH THE DEVOTEES AT DAKSHINESWAR, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  Completely satisfied with his own Ideal Deity, he never directed his attention to any other god or goddess. One of the inflexible rules of his devotions was to worship the Deity daily till almost midday. He would never deviate from this practice, even at the risk of his wealth or his kingdom. Learning this secret, an enemy king invaded the kingdom during the morning hours. Jayamal's soldiers could not fight without his command; so they watched the invasion silently. Slowly the enemy surrounded the moat of the capital; yet Jayamal did not come out of his shrine room. His mother came to him and wept bitterly, trying to persuade the king to fight. He said to her calmly: "Why are you worried? Syamalasundara gave me this kingdom. What can I do if He has decided to take it away? On the other hand, none will be able to do me harm if He protects me. Our own efforts are vain! "
  And actually, in the mean time, Syamalasundara, the Deity Himself, had taken the king's horse from the stable and had ridden fully armed to the field. Alone He faced the hostile king and alone destroyed his army. Having crushed the enemy forces, the Deity returned to the temple and fastened the horse near by.

1.17 - Astral Journey Example, How to do it, How to Verify your Experience, #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
    "There is help & hope in other spells. Wisdom says: be strong! Then canst thou bear more joy. Be not animal; refine thy rapture! If thou drink, drink by the eight and ninety rules of art: if thou love, exceed by delicacy; and if thou do aught joyous, let there be subtlety therein!
    "But exceed! exceed!
  The mystic's idea of deliberately stupefying and stultifying himself is an "abomination unto the Lord." This, by the way, does not conflict with the rules of Yoga. That kind of suppression is comparable to the restrictions in athletic training, or diet in sickness.
  Now we get back to the Qabalah how to make use of it.

1.17 - Practical rules for the Tragic Poet., #Poetics, #Aristotle, #Philosophy
  object:1.17 - Practical rules for the Tragic Poet.
  In constructing the plot and working it out with the proper diction, the poet should place the scene, as far as possible, before his eyes. In this way, seeing everything with the utmost vividness, as if he were a spectator of the action, he will discover what is in keeping with it, and be most unlikely to overlook inconsistencies. The need of such a rule is shown by the fault found in Carcinus. Amphiaraus was on his way from the temple. This fact escaped the observation of one who did not see the situation. On the stage, however, the piece failed, the audience being offended at the oversight.

1.17 - The Burden of Royalty, #The Golden Bough, #James George Frazer, #Occultism
  incarnation of the sun goddess, the deity who rules the universe,
  gods and men included; once a year all the gods wait upon him and
  priest a strict conformity to those rules, the observance of which
  is deemed necessary for his own preservation, and consequently for
  moments. These rules have been disregarded in recent times." The
  king of Dahomey himself is subject to the prohibition of beholding
  However, there is reason to think that these rules were observed,
  not by the ancient Pharaohs, but by the priestly kings who reigned
  the rules of life prescribed for the Flamen Dialis at Rome, who has
  been interpreted as a living image of Jupiter, or a human embodiment
  the same rules, and others of her own besides. She might not ascend
  more than three steps of the kind of staircase called Greek; at a

1.17 - The Transformation, #Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness, #Satprem, #Integral Yoga
  which were at everyone's disposal (as well as all other teachings, in fact, both traditional and nontraditional). There were no rules, either.
  A disciple had to discover everything for himself, within himself, in the midst of a very active life. He was left to himself. How could mental rules possibly be drawn up for a work embracing all the levels of evolution mental, vital, and psychic, all the human types and all the traditions and cultures (some disciples had been raised as Christians, others as Taoists, Moslems, Buddhists, atheists, etc.)? Each one had to find his own truth, which is never the same as the next man's truth. Some people in the Ashram believed in the virtues of asceticism in spite of all Sri Aurobindo had said about it and they lived as ascetics; others favored judo or football; others liked books and studies, while still others did not; some were involved in business,
  or manufactured stainless steel, perfumes, and even tons of sugar in a modern sugar mill. There was something to satisfy every taste. Those who liked painting painted; those who liked music had every possible instrument, Indian and Western, at their disposal; those who liked teaching became teachers at the International Centre of Education,
  Although the sea was nearby, there was also an Olympic-sized swimming pool, as well as basketball and volleyball courts, running tracks, a gymnasium, a boxing ring, a dojo for judo, etc. Every possible sport was practiced there, with participants from the ages of five to eighty. There was also a theater and a cinema. Yet sports were not an article of faith; nothing was an article of faith, except, of course, for the faith in man's divine possibilities and in a truer life upon the earth. All of you here, my children, live in exceptional freedom, the Mother would say to the youngest . . . No social constraints, no moral constraints, no intellectual constraints, no rules; nothing but a Light which is here. But it was a very demanding Light, and this was where the terrestrial work began.
  How can anything be "terrestrial" with 1,200 disciples, or even a hundred thousand? The Ashram was actually only a concentrated point for the work. The real Ashram is in fact everywhere in the

1.18 - Asceticism, #Initiation Into Hermetics, #Franz Bardon, #Occultism
  In the interest of his mago-mystic development, the magician must be moderate in eating and drinking, and observe a reasonable mode of life. It is impossible to fix precise rules or prescriptions, the magic way of life being quite individual. Each and all must know best what agrees or disagrees with them. It is a sacred duty to keep the balance everywhere. There are three kinds of asceticism: (1), intellectual or mental asceticism, (2) psychic or astral asceticism, 93) physical or material asceticism. The first kind has to do with the discipline of thoughts, the second kind is engaged in ennobling the soul through control of passions and instincts, and the third kind is concerned with harmonizing the body through a moderate and natural way of life.
  Without these three kinds of asceticism, which must be developed at the same tie and parallel to each other, a correct magical rise is unthinkable. To avoid any one-sided development, none of the three kinds may be neglected, and none of them may prevail. Further information about how to accomplish this task will be given in the practical training course of this book.

1.18 - Evocation, #The Practice of Magical Evocation, #Franz Bardon, #Occultism
  Since, for the magician, the saying is true that the stars influence, but do not force, it is left to the magician to fix the time for the evocation according to astrological rules, provided that he has a fundamental knowledge of astrology and is therefore able to fix the favourable planetary moments in respect of the relevant beings.
  All the various ways of evocation described in grimoires are not for magicians but for sorcerers. Therefore, for a true magician, the instructions given in a grimoire are useless, and consequently the magician will put them aside. He knows the true path of initiation, he knows, too, how an evocation is to be carried out, and he is therefore convinced that he will fully succeed in his operations.

1.18 - Further rules for the Tragic Poet., #Poetics, #Aristotle, #Philosophy
  object:1.18 - Further rules for the Tragic Poet.
  Every tragedy falls into two parts,--Complication and Unravelling or

1.18 - THE HEART OF THE PROBLEM, #The Future of Man, #Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, #Christianity
  thropogenesis, because it rules out the existence of an irreversible
  Center at its consummation, can neither justify nor sustain its mo-

1.18 - The Perils of the Soul, #The Golden Bough, #James George Frazer, #Occultism
  prohibitions or taboos, which are nothing but rules intended to
  ensure either the continued presence or the return of the soul. In

1.19 - Dialogue between Prahlada and his father, #Vishnu Purana, #Vyasa, #Hinduism
  When the devices of Samvara were all frustrated, and the blighting wind had perished, the prudent prince repaired to the residence of his preceptor. His teacher instructed him daily in the science of polity, as essential to the administration of government, and invented by Uśanas for the benefit of kings; and when he thought that the modest prince was well grounded in the principles of the science, he told the king that Prahlāda was thoroughly conversant with the rules of government as laid down by the descendant of Bhrigu. Hiraṇyakaśipu therefore summoned the prince to his presence, and desired him to repeat what he had learned; how a king should conduct himself towards friends or foes; what measures he should adopt at the three periods (of advance, retrogression, or stagnation); how he should treat his councillors, his ministers, the officers of his government and of his household, his emissaries, his subjects, those of doubtful allegiance, and his foes; with whom should he contract alliance; with whom engage in war; what sort of fortress he should construct; how forest and mountain tribes should be reduced; how internal grievances should be rooted out: all this, and what else he had studied, the youth was commanded by his father to explain. To this, Prahlāda having bowed affectionately and reverentially to the feet of the king, touched his forehead, and thus replied:-
  "It is true that I have been instructed in all these matters by my venerable preceptor, and I have learnt them, but I cannot in all approve them. It is said that conciliation, gifts, punishment, and sowing dissension are the means of securing friends (or overcoming foes)[1]; but I, father-be not angry-know neither friends nor foes; and where no object is to be accomplished, the means of effecting it are superfluous. It were idle to talk of friend or foe in Govinda, who is the supreme soul, lord of the world, consisting of the world, and who is identical with all beings. The divine Viṣṇu is in thee, father, in me, and in all every where else; and hence how can I speak of friend or foe, as distinct from myself? It is therefore waste of time to cultivate such tedious and unprofitable sciences, which are but false knowledge, and all our energies should be dedicated to the acquirement of true wisdom. The notion that ignorance is knowledge arises, father, from ignorance. Does not the child, king of the Asuras, imagine the fire-fly to be a spark of fire. That is active duty, which is not for our bondage; that is knowledge, which is for our liberation: all other duty is good only unto weariness; all other knowledge is only the cleverness of an artist. Knowing this, I look upon all such acquirement as profitless. That which is really profitable hear me, oh mighty monarch, thus prostrate before thee, proclaim. He who cares not for dominion, he who cares not for wealth, shall assuredly obtain both in a life to come. All men, illustrious prince, are toiling to be great; but the destinies of men, and not their own exertions, are the cause of greatness. Kingdoms are the gifts of fate, and are bestowed upon the stupid, the ignorant, the cowardly, and those to whom the science of government is unknown. Let him therefore who covets the goods of fortune be assiduous in the practice of virtue: let him who hopes for final liberation learn to look upon all things as equal and the same. Gods, men, animals, birds, reptiles, all are but forms of one eternal Viṣṇu, existing as it were detached from himself. By him who knows this, all the existing world, fixed or movable, is to be regarded as identical with himself, as proceeding alike from Viṣṇu, assuming a universal form. When this is known, the glorious god of all, who is without beginning or end, is pleased; and when he is pleased, there is an end of affliction."
  [4]: Acts of devotion-sacrifices, oblations, observance of rules of purification, almsgiving, and the like-opposed to ascetic and contemplative worship, which dispenses with the ritual.
  [5]: Havya and Kavya, oblations of ghee or oiled butter; the former presented to the gods, the latter to the Pitris.

1.19 - Tabooed Acts, #The Golden Bough, #James George Frazer, #Occultism
  more fully presently, by a very exact code of rules. May we not then
  conjecture that these rules are in fact the very safeguards which we
  should expect to find adopted for the protection of the king's life?
  An examination of the rules themselves confirms this conjecture. For
  from this it appears that some of the rules observed by the kings
  are identical with those observed by private persons out of regard
  king. I will now enumerate some of these royal rules or taboos,
  offering on each of them such comments and explanations as may serve
  and stringency of the rules he observes. Now of all sources of
  danger none are more dreaded by the savage than magic and
  might cast a fatal spell over the monarch. The rules observed by the
  neighbouring king of Cacongo were similar; it was thought that the

1.19 - THE MASTER AND HIS INJURED ARM, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  "Why all these strict rules for a sannyasi? It is for the welfare of mankind as well as for his own good. A sannyasi may himself lead an unattached life and may have controlled his passion, but he must renounce 'woman and gold' to set an example to the world.
  "A man will have the courage to practise renunciation if he sees one hundred percent renunciation in a sannyasi. Then only will he try to give up 'woman and gold'. If a sannyasi does not set this example, then who will?

12.02 - The Stress of the Spirit, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The universe is a close-knit pattern in which each part, each point is inextricably linked with every other part and point. Each element acts and reacts upon every other: the karma of one is echoed and re-echoed in the karma of all others. An inevitable, inescapable mutuality rules the behaviour of the constituent entities of a whole; in other words, there is only one Force, one Presence that permeates all, even constitutes the All.
   The material universe makes one single block of reality, homogeneous and indivisible. Modern knowledge has proved the fact to the hilt. It is one continuous extension like the ocean's rippling wet sheet. If you pull at one point the tension is felt in the whole at every other point. That is Einstein's gravitational field constituting the universe: a change of disposition at one point changes the disposition of the whole universe. The very character of this world is its rigorous determinism: the part is absolutely and completely a portion and parcel of the whole. Somewhat paradoxically one might say that the part is the whole, nothing but the whole, only on a reduced scale.

12.05 - Beauty, #The Integral Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  There is a certain state of Yogic consciousness in which all things become beautiful to the eye of the seer, simply because they spiritually are - because they are a rendering in line and form of the quality and force of existence, of the consciousness, of the Ananda that rules the worlds, - of the hidden Divine. What a thing is to the exterior sense may not be, often is not beautiful for the ordinary aesthetic vision, but the Yogin sees in it the something More which the external does not see, he sees the soul behind, the self and spirit, he sees to the lines, hues, harmonies and expressive dispositions which are not to the first surface sight visible or something that is in himself, transmutes it by adding out of his own being to it - as the artist too does something of the same kind but in another way. It is not quite that however, - what the Yogin sees, what the artist sees, is there - his is a transmuting vision because it is a revealing vision; he discovers behind what the object appears to be the something More that it is. And so from this point of view of a realised supreme harmony all is or can be subject-matter for the artist because in all he can discover and reveal the Beauty that is everywhere. Again we land ourselves in a devastating catholicity; for here too one cannot pull up short at any given line. It may be a hard saying that one must or may discover and reveal beauty in a pig or its poke or in a parish pump or an advertisement of somebody's pills, and yet something like that seems to be what modern Art and literature are trying with vigour and a conscientious labour to do. By extension one ought to be able to extract beauty equally well out of morality or social reform or a political caucus or allow at least that all these things can, if he wills, become legitimate subjects for the artist. Here too one cannot say that it is on condition he thinks of beauty only and does not make moralising or social reform or a political idea his main object. For if with that idea foremost in his mind he still produces a great work of art, discovering Beauty as he moves to his aim, proving himself in spite of his unaesthetic preoccupations a great artist, it is all we can justly ask from him - whatever his starting point - to be a creator of Beauty. Art is discovery and revelation of Beauty and we can say nothing more by way of prohibition or limiting rule.
    But there is one thing more that can be said, and it makes a big difference. In the Yogin's vision of universal beauty all becomes beautiful, but all is not reduced to a single level. There are gradations, there is a hierarchy in this All-Beauty and we see that it depends on the ascending power (vibhuti) of consciousness and Ananda that expresses itself in the object. All is the Divine, but some things are more divine than others. In the artist's vision too there are or can be gradations, a hierarchy of values.

1.20 - RULES FOR HOUSEHOLDERS AND MONKS, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  object:1.20 - rules FOR HOUSEHOLDERS AND MONKS
  subject class:Yoga
  These are rules for meditation given in the scriptures. But you may meditate wherever you like. Every place is filled with Brahman-Consciousness. Is there any place where It does not exist? Narayana, in Vali's presence, covered with two steps the heavens, the earth, and the interspaces. Is there then any place left uncovered by God? A dirty place is as holy as the bank of the Ganges. It is said that the whole creation is the Virat, the Universal Form of God.
  Two forms of meditation

1.20 - Tabooed Persons, #The Golden Bough, #James George Frazer, #Occultism
  infringes upon any of these rules, it is firmly expected that he
  will swell up and die."
  observing the same rules with regard to eating and drinking as at
  her monthly periods. The case is still worse, the pollution is still
   rules of ceremonial purity identical with rules observed by Maoris
  and Australian blackfellows on the war-path. The vessels they used
  IF THE READER still doubts whether the rules of conduct which we
  have just been considering are based on superstitious fears or
  dissipated when he learns that rules of the same sort are often
  imposed even more stringently on warriors after the victory has been
  being attained by a variety of rules, which oblige the men or women
  to live in separate huts or in the open air, to shun the commerce of
  taken their first scalps were obliged to observe certain rules of
  abstinence for six months. They might not sleep with their wives nor
  these rules, they believed that the soul of the man they had killed
  would work their death by magic, that they would gain no more
  murderer was spared, he had to observe certain stringent rules for a
  period which varied from two to four years. He must walk barefoot,
  purpose which these rules and ceremonies are supposed to serve, we
  may with some probability assume that, just as the dread of the
  go on the war-path. rules of the same sort are, or were formerly,
  observed by Malagasy whalers. For eight days before they went to sea

1.20 - The End of the Curve of Reason, #The Human Cycle, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  The pity of it is that this excellent theory, quite as much as the individualist theory that ran before it, is sure to stumble over a discrepancy between its set ideas and the actual facts of human nature; for it ignores the complexity of mans being and all that that complexity means. And especially it ignores the soul of man and its supreme need of freedom, of the control also of his lower members, no doubt,for that is part of the total freedom towards which he is struggling,but of a growing self-control, not a mechanical regulation by the mind and will of others. Obedience too is a part of its perfection,but a free and natural obedience to a true guiding power and not to a mechanised government and rule. The collective being is a fact; all mankind may be regarded as a collective being: but this being is a soul and life, not merely a mind or a body. Each society develops into a sort of sub-soul or group-soul of this humanity and develops also a general temperament, character, type of mind, evolves governing ideas and tendencies that shape its life and its institutions. But the society has no discoverable common reason and will belonging alike to all its members; for the group-soul rather works out its tendencies by a diversity of opinions, a diversity of wills, a diversity of life, and the vitality of the group-life depends largely upon the working of this diversity, its continuity, its richness. Since that is so, government by the organised State must mean always government by a number of individuals,whether that number be in theory the minority or the majority makes in the end little fundamental difference. For even when it is the majority that nominally governs, in fact it is always the reason and will of a comparatively few effective men and not really any common reason and will of all that rules and regulates things with the consent of the half-hypnotised mass.1 There is no reason to suppose that the immediate socialisation of the State would at all alter, the mass of men not being yet thoroughly rationalised and developed minds, this practical necessity of State government.
  In the old infrarational societies, at least in their inception, what governed was not the State, but the group-soul itself evolving its life organised into customary institutions and self-regulations to which all had to conform; for the rulers were only its executors and instruments. This entailed indeed a great subjection of the individual to the society, but it was not felt, because the individualistic idea was yet unborn and such diversities as arose were naturally provided for in one way or another,in some cases by a remarkable latitude of social variation which government by the State tends more and more to suppress. As State government develops, we have a real suppression or oppression of the minority by the majority or the majority by the minority, of the individual by the collectivity, finally, of all by the relentless mechanism of the State. Democratic liberty tried to minimise this suppression; it left a free play for the individual and restricted as much as might be the role of the State. Collectivism goes exactly to the opposite extreme; it will leave no sufficient elbow-room to the individual free-will, and the more it rationalises the individual by universal education of a highly developed kind, the more this suppression will be felt,unless indeed all freedom of thought is negated and the minds of all are forced into a single standardised way of thinking.

1.21 - Families of the Daityas, #Vishnu Purana, #Vyasa, #Hinduism
  Diti, having lost her children, propitiated Kaśyapa; and the best of ascetics, being pleased with her, promised her a boon; on which she prayed for a son of irresistible prowess and valour, who should destroy Indra. The excellent Muni granted his wife the great gift she had solicited, but with one condition: "You shall bear a son," he said, "who shall slay Indra, if with thoughts wholly pious, and person entirely pure, you carefully carry the babe in your womb for a hundred years." Having thus said, Kaśyapa departed; and the dame conceived, and during gestation assiduously observed the rules of mental and personal purity. When the king of the immortals, learnt that Diti bore a son destined for his destruction, he came to her, and attended upon her with the utmost humility, watching for an opportunity to disappoint her intention. At last, in the last year of the century, the opportunity occurred. Diti retired one night to rest without performing the prescribed ablution of her feet, and fell asleep; on which the thunderer divided with his thunderbolt the embryo in her womb into seven portions. The child, thus mutilated, cried bitterly; and Indra repeatedly attempted to console and silence it, but in vain: on which the god, being incensed, again divided each of the seven portions into seven, and thus formed the swift-moving deities called Mārutas (winds). They derived this appellation from the words with which Indra had addressed them (Mā rodīh, 'Weep not'); and they became forty-nine subordinate divinities, the associates of the wielder of the thunderbolt[24].
  Footnotes and references:

1.2.1 - Mental Development and Sadhana, #Letters On Yoga IV, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Merely following external rules cannot of course be sufficient. They are only an aid to the inner effort until the inner consciousness is thoroughly established. Usually much reading of newspapers in the ordinary way keeps one attached to the ordinary view and vision of things and interested in thatwhen one has the inner consciousness one can see things happening in the world with another eye of knowledge and then reading can be of some use, though even then most of what is published is empty and futile. But the mere not-reading by itself is not effective. Also if one has need of a distraction, reading newspapers serves the purpose.

1.21 - My Theory of Astrology, #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  There are a few completely quack systems, such as those which mix up the science with Toshosophical[35] hypotheses; naturally you discard these. But even of generally acceptable forms of Astrology, such as Mundane and Horary, I tend to be distrustful. I ask, for instance, why, if Taurus rules Poland and Ireland, as is no doubt the case, the crash and massacres of 1939 e.v. and later in the one did not take place in the other. All the seaports of the world naturally come under one of the three watery signs; but we do not find that an affliction of Pisces, which hits Tunis, should do harm to all the other harbours similarly ruled.
  This brings us to the first Big Jump in the steeplechase of the whole science. We hear of thousands of people being killed at the same time (within an hour or two, perhaps a minute or two) by earthquake, shipwreck, explosion, battle or other form of violence. Was the horoscope of every one of the victims marked with the probability of some such end? I have known very strange cases of coincidence, but not to that extent!

1.21 - Tabooed Things, #The Golden Bough, #James George Frazer, #Occultism
  THUS in primitive society the rules of ceremonial purity observed by
  divine kings, chiefs, and priests agree in many respects with the
  time after birth; among other rules he is forbidden to kill anything
  or to see blood. In the Pelew Islands when a raid has been made on a
  neither knots nor rings. These rules are probably of kindred
  significance, and may conveniently be considered together. To begin

1.21 - WALPURGIS-NIGHT, #Faust, #Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, #Poetry
  The pack of devils by no rules is daunted:
  We are so wise, and yet is Tegel haunted.

1.22 - ADVICE TO AN ACTOR, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  Strict rules for sannyasi's life
  MASTER (to Vijay and the others): "The musician sang rightly: 'A sannyasi must not look at a woman.' This is the sannyasi's dharma. What a lofty ideal!"
  MASTER: "Others learn from the sannyasi's example. That is why such strict rules are prescribed for him. A sannyasi must not look even at the portrait of a woman. What a strict rule! The slaughtering of a black goat is prescribed for the worship of the Divine Mother; but a goat with even a slight wound cannot be offered. A sannyasi must not only not have intercourse with woman; he must not even talk to her"
  VIJAY: "Young Haridas talked with a pious woman. For that reason Chaitanya banished him from his presence."
  "The rules for the life of a sannyasi are very strict indeed. If a man takes the garb of a sannyasi, he must act exactly like one. Haven't you noticed in the theatre that the man who takes the part of the king acts like a king, and the man who takes the part of a minister acts like a minister?
  "But on attaining the state of the paramahamsa one becomes like a child. A child five years old doesn't know the difference between a man and a woman. But even a paramahamsa must be careful, so as not to set a bad example to others."

1.22 - Tabooed Words, #The Golden Bough, #James George Frazer, #Occultism
  very difficult, "for no definite rules can be given for the
  formation of these substituted words, nor is it possible to form a
  his presence. Transgressions of these rules are punished with fines.
  In Sunda it is thought that a particular crop would be spoilt if a

1.2.2 - The Place of Study in Sadhana, #Letters On Yoga IV, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  It [the study of logic] is a theoretical training; you learn by it some rules of logical thinking. But the application depends on your own intelligence. In any sphere of knowledge or action a man may be a good theorist but a poor executant. A very good military theorist and critic if put in comm and of an army might very well lose all his battles, not being able to suit the theories rightly to the occasion. So a theoretical logician may bungle the problems of thought by want of insight, of quickness of mind or of plasticity in the use of his capacities. Besides, logic is not the whole of thinking; observation, intuition, sympathy, many-sidedness are more important.

1.23 - Our Debt to the Savage, #The Golden Bough, #James George Frazer, #Occultism
  constrained by them to conform to such rules as the wit of early man
  has devised for averting the ills to which flesh is heir, including
  the last ill, death. These rules, as an examination of them has
  shown, are nothing but the maxims with which, on the primitive view,
  the rules is left to the choice of the individual, in the case of
  the god-man it is enforced under penalty of dismissal from his high
  it deduces for the practical guidance of life a system of rules
  which in general hangs well together and forms a fairly complete and

1.240 - 1.300 Talks, #Talks, #Sri Ramana Maharshi, #Hinduism
  M.: Their conduct is not regulated according to any rules or codes.
  Q.: When visitors want to stay here, say two or three days, do they take your permission?

1.240 - Talks 2, #Talks, #Sri Ramana Maharshi, #Hinduism
  M.: Their conduct is not regulated according to any rules or codes.
  Q.: When visitors want to stay here, say two or three days, do they take your permission?

1.25 - ADVICE TO PUNDIT SHASHADHAR, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  My Mother's play, declares Prasad, shatters all rules and laws: Strive hard for purity, O mind,
  And understand my Mother's ways.
  MASTER (to the Pundit): "Let me tell you something. There are three kinds of nanda, joy: the joy of worldly enjoyment, the joy of worship, and the Joy of Brahman. The joy of worldly enjoyment is the joy of 'woman and gold', which people always enjoy. The joy of worship one enjoys while chanting the name and glories of God. And the Joy of Brahman is the joy of God-vision. After experiencing the joy of God-vision the rishis of olden times went beyond all rules and conventions.
  Three states of God-Consciousness "Chaitanyadeva used to experience three spiritual states: the inmost, the semi-conscious, and the conscious. In the inmost state he would see God and go into samdhi. He would be in the state of jada samdhi. In the semi-conscious state he would be partially conscious of the outer world. In the conscious state he could sing the name and glories of God."

1.25 - Critical Objections brought against Poetry, and the principles on which they are to be answered., #Poetics, #Aristotle, #Philosophy
  First as to matters which concern the poet's own art. If he describes the impossible, he is guilty of an error; but the error may be justified, if the end of the art be thereby attained (the end being that already mentioned), if, that is, the effect of this or any other part of the poem is thus rendered more striking. A case in point is the pursuit of Hector. If, however, the end might have been as well, or better, attained without violating the special rules of the poetic art, the error is not justified: for every kind of error should, if possible, be avoided.
  Again, does the error touch the essentials of the poetic art, or some accident of it? For example,--not to know that a hind has no horns is a less serious matter than to paint it inartistically.
  Things that sound contradictory should be examined by the same rules as in dialectical refutation whether the same thing is meant, in the same relation, and in the same sense. We should therefore solve the question by reference to what the poet says himself, or to what is tacitly assumed by a person of intelligence.
  The element of the irrational, and, similarly, depravity of character, are justly censured when there is no inner necessity for introducing them. Such is the irrational element in the introduction of Aegeus by

1.27 - On holy solitude of body and soul., #The Ladder of Divine Ascent, #Saint John of Climacus, #unset
  66. The life of those practising solitude, and especially those who are quite alone, should be guided by conscience and common sense. He who runs his race in the right way, and performs all his undertakings, utterances, thoughts, each step, every intention and every movement according to the Lord, works for the Lords sake with spiritual fervour as though in the Lords presence. If he is robbed, he is not yet living by the rules of virtue.
  67. I will expound, says someone, my proposition and my will on the harp,1 according to my still imperfect judgment. As for me, I shall offer my will to God in prayer, and from Him I shall receive assurance.

13.02 - A Review of Sri Aurobindos Life, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 05, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   I have spoken of Sri Aurobindo's life as a series of radical turns that changed the movement, the mode of life, almost radically every time the turn came. The turn meant a break with the past and a moving into the future. We have a word for this phenomenon of radical and unforeseen change. You know the word, it is intervention. Intervention means, as the Mother has explained to us more than once, the entry of a higher, a greater force from another world into the already existent world. Into the familiar established mode of existence that runs on the routine of some definite rules and regulations, the Law of the present, there drops all on a sudden another mode of being and consciousness and force, a Higher Law which obliterates or changes out of recognition the familiar mode of living; it is thus that one rises from level to level, moves out into wider ranges of being, otherwise one stands still, remains for ever what he is, stagnant, like an unchanging clod or at the most a repetitive animal.
   The higher the destiny, the higher also the source of intervention, that is to say, more radicalmore destructive yet more creativedestructive of the past, creative of the future.

1.3.04 - Peace, #Letters On Yoga II, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
   objects is one of the first rules of Yoga, for this non-attachment liberates the inner being into peace and the true consciousness.
  It is only when one sees the Divine in all things that objects get a value for the Yoga, but even then not for their own sake or as objects of desire, but for the sake of the Divine within and as a means of the divine work and manifestation.

1.30 - Concerning the linking together of the supreme trinity among the virtues., #The Ladder of Divine Ascent, #Saint John of Climacus, #unset
  36. Tell us, fairest of virtues, where thou feedest thy flock, where thou restest at noon.1 Enlighten us, quench our thirst, guide us, take us by the hand; for we wish at last to soar to thee. Thou rulest over all. And now thou hast ravished my soul. I cannot contain thy flame. So I will go forward praising thee. Thou rulest the power of the sea, and stillest the surge of its waves and puttest it to death. Thou hast humbled the proud the proud thoughtlike a wounded man. With the arm of thy power thou hast scattered thy enemies,2 and thou hast made thy lovers invincible.
  1 Song of Songs I, 6.

1.33 - Count Ugolino and the Archbishop Ruggieri. The Death of Count Ugolino's Sons., #The Divine Comedy, #Dante Alighieri, #Christianity
  Is taken from him, who thereafter rules it,
  Until his time has wholly been revolved.

1.33 - The Golden Mean, #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  You would think that one who like myself has the Sun, the Lord of His Horoscope, in Libra, with Venus who rules that sign in close conjunction with him, with Saturn trine, Uranus sextile, Mars square and Luna quincunx to him, would wear the Golden Mean as a breastplate, flaunt it on my banneret, quarter it on my escutcheon, and grave it on the two-edged blade of my thrice trusty falchion!
  Just so, objects that instinct itself! "Had you been born a few hours earlier, with Aries rising, its lord Mars aggravated by the square of Sol and Venus, you would indeed have bee a Wild Man of the Woods, arrogant, bigoted, domineering, incapable of seeing a second side to any question, headstrong, haughty, a seething hell-broth of hate; and this fact disables your judgment."

1.39 - Prophecy, #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  So naturally you need a Book of the rules, and a list of the classes of offensive people, whether prostitutes, policemen, or verminous persons. (I quote from the Regulations for secular Pubs!) who think the easiest of all possible refuges from their Fear (see other letters!) is reliance upon the mouldy mumblings of moth-eater mountebanks.
  Perhaps it will be best to begin by setting down the necessary conditions for a genuine prophecy. We shall find that most of the famous predictions are excluded without need of more specific examination.
  3. The prophecy must be precise. This rules out cases where alternative verifications are possible.
  4. The prophecy must be more than a reasonable calculation of probability. This rules out stuff like "The Burden of Nineveh"[71] and the like. Incidentally, "The Burden of Damascus" does not seem to have had much luck so far! By latest accounts, the old burg wasn't feeling too badly.
  We may also refer to the Second Advent: "Behold! I come quickly."[72]

1.4.02 - The Divine Force, #Letters On Yoga II, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
   acts in the void or without any process. Nor is it a machine which acts in the same way on everybody or in all conditions and circumstances; it is not a physical but a spiritual Force and its action cannot be reduced to rules.
  It [the higher Force] acts by awakening the inner consciousness gradually or swiftly, by replacing the principle of ego-service by the principle of service of the Divine, by making him watch his actions and see his own defects and pushing him to rectify them, by establishing a connection between his consciousness and the

1.4.03 - The Guru, #Letters On Yoga II, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  It is a deficiency of psychic perception and spiritual discrimination that makes people speak like that [in a depreciatory way] and ignore the importance of obedience. It is the mind wanting to follow its own way of thinking and the vital seeking freedom for its desires which argue in this manner. If you do not follow the rules laid down by the spiritual guide or obey one who is leading you to the Divine, then what or whom are you to follow? Only the ideas of the individual mind and the desires of the vital: but these things never lead to siddhi in Yoga. The rules are laid down in order to guard against certain influences and their dangers and to keep a right atmosphere in the Asram favourable to spiritual development; the obedience is necessary so as to get away from one's own mind and vital and learn to follow the Truth.
  Yes, it [obedience] is difficult, but once achieved it is immensely fruitful.

14.05 - The Golden Rule, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 05, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Today I shall speak to you of the golden rule. When we were children we were taught, specially at school, at home too, certain golden rules. If you observe these rules you become good, good boys and good girls, you are loved and appreciated by all. These rules are simple and very commonplace; you know them all and must have tried them. For example such things as "speak the truth, do not tell a lie, obey your parents, respect your teachers, do not hurt anybody" etc., etc. That was the basis on which one was to build one's character, mould one's nature, prepare for a pure stainless noble life.
   They are good, these rules, so far as they go: but to say the truth, they do not go very far. They do not touch you intimately. They enter, as it is said, your head through one ear and pass out through the other. They do not quicken your heart and involve your soul. You follow if you are very earnest one rule or another for a few days and then you forget.
   The other day I spoke to you of Yajnavalkya; he gave a better rule that was nearer to the golden rule. What he said in effect was that instead of following these outward rules or formulas you must leave them aside, go within yourself and find your self. Yajnavalkya said: you love your neighbour, not because he is your neighbour or brother, but because you find yourself in him. Find the Self, that is the golden rule. Find the Self that is in you, you will find that very Self in your neighbour, in all.
   Here however you must take care not to confuse yourself with your Self. When it is said that you find your Self it is not your personal self that you find in another as if you grasp it as your own, exclusively your own possession. This Self is not the ego, it is beyond ego, it is not the kind of self-hood that Shakespeare depicts in King Richard where the King, deprived of everything, left all alone in the whole world, exclaims: "Richard loves Richard; that is, I am I"1, for it is not a separative illness; the other I's are dissolved as well as the one I that I am, and all become one person or self. It is all one self, one soul although they may appear different, as different I's.

14.06 - Liberty, Self-Control and Friendship, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 05, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   We are a larger assembly here todaywe have increased in number.... Now, we all want to be good boys and good girls, is it not? Nobody wants to be a bad boy or a bad girl; but the problem is how to be a good boyar girl and how not to be a bad boy or girl. In what does goodness consist? You all know the fine gesture that Mother taught us once. Gesture means a physical movemen there a physical movement to control yourself; control, self-control is a very important, a very necessary item of our life. So the Mother once said; supposing you are very angry and you are inclined to give a blow to your comrade, then, the Mother's advice is, instead of stretching your hand towards your friend to give him a blow, put it in your pocket; that is a fine gesture and it brings you a fine result: you feel a kind of release, a joy and peace, something new arid fresh comes into you. Your anger is gone, you are almost a new person. That is the lesson Mother taught us in the matter of controlling ourselves. Usually we are moved by our impulses and passions particularly towards wrong things, then what you need is to check yourself, to control yourself. You must note that this control you are taught is self-control, that is to say, it is a thing not forced upon you, you are not compelled to do it. You do it because of your own will, because you like to do it, because it is a fine gesture that attracts you. Usually the control is imposed upon you, out of fear of punishment, because of inconvenient or unpleasant results that might follow your loss of control. So instead of an outsider ruling you, you rule yourself voluntarily. The Mother adds also, illustrating the point: to train, that is to say, to control a wild horse what you do is to put a bridle in its mouth and hold it and check it. That is good for an animal who does not know what he is; for a man, he can do better; he can put the bridle himself in his own mouth, that is what controlling oneself is. It means as a human being you have been given freedom; it is given so that you may choose yourself what is to be done and what is not to be done. Instead of being forced to do the right thing you are given the alternatives either to do the right or do the wrong, to choose between the two and choose the right thing of your free will. Here in the Ashram, the Mother has said very many times, you have been given almost infinite freedom. There are of course certain rules and regulations; naturally when you live in society and have common work to do, there must be some rules and regulations. But the beauty here is that even if you break a rule, even a very important rule, you are not punished. In other words, the choice is left to you, you have broken the rule, you yourself find that you have broken the rule and then you try and rectify yourself, do the right thing. That is the true function of freedomit is not freedom to do anything you like but to discipline yourself, to follow the right of one's own free will. A discipline here is not inflicted upon you, you are not ordered to do one thing and not to do another under pain of punishment, but you find the truth by yourself and for yourself and you do it yourself, and you have the joy, the pleasure of doing the right thing and the happiness of growing, maturing in your consciousness. You have infinite freedom here so that you may grow in your consciousness infinitely.
   I was speaking of self-control, self-discipline in your inner being, that is to say, with regard to your desires and impulses and feelings. It is however the same discipline as you follow with regard to your body in the playground. Physical education means nothing else than controlling and disciplining the body. You control and discipline the body through physical exercises and these mean controlled and guided movements. You have to make these movements in a regular, persistent, ordered and a neat way, it is the way to make your body strong and beautiful. As by means of this physical discipline you secure a strong and beautiful body, even so by the inner discipline, by controlling your passions and impulsions you build an inner body strong and beautiful. Yes, even like a physical body you have a subtle body, a body as it were within this material frame. It is not, however, for that reason, something vague and imprecise, on the contrary, it is very concrete and has a definite shape. As I said, by controlled and directed movements you make this outer body strong and beautiful; the inner body also in the same way through controlled and directed inner movements can be made strong and beautiful. In properly doing the physical exercises, you know, two things are needed: first of all, doing the physical movements according to the rules, in other words, exercising the muscles in a given manner, and then along with it relaxation. Relaxation and exercise should alternate. Relaxation restores the muscles, brings repose to the system and serves as a kind of basic support. In the field of the inner discipline, this relaxation corresponds to what I have called freedom. And the muscular exercises correspond to the exercise of your will and consciousness in regard to the inner body.
   The building up of the inner beautiful body has a great influence upon the building of the physical body, it adds something, it gives a feeling of inherent capacity, firmness and charm even to the physical frame.

1.40 - Coincidence, #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  Chance blindly rules the Universe. But what is Chance? And where does purpose intervene? To what extent?
  I shall now conduct you, no less firmly than Mr. E. Phillips Oppenheim, to Monte Carlo.

1.439, #Talks, #Sri Ramana Maharshi, #Hinduism
  The wise one is wide awake just where darkness rules for others.
  You must certainly wake up from the sleep which is holding you

1.44 - Serious Style of A.C., or the Apparent Frivolity of Some of my Remarks, #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  To this rule there is, as usual with rules, an exception. Some states of mind are of the same structure as poetry, where the "one step from the sublime to the ridiculous" is an easy and fatal step. But even so, pedantry is as bad as ribaldry. Personally, I have tried to avoid the dilemma by the use of poetic language and form; for instance, in AHA!
  It is all difficult, dammed difficult; but if it must be that one's most sacred shrine be profaned, let it be the clean assault of laughter rather than the slimy smear of sactimoniousness!

1.46 - The Corn-Mother in Many Lands, #The Golden Bough, #James George Frazer, #Occultism
   rules of taboo for three days, the rules being in many respects
  identical with those which have to be observed for three days after

1.47 - Lityerses, #The Golden Bough, #James George Frazer, #Occultism
  the crop; in the Scotch and Styrian rules that when the corn-spirit
  is conceived as the Maiden the last corn shall be cut by a young

1.49 - Ancient Deities of Vegetation as Animals, #The Golden Bough, #James George Frazer, #Occultism
  by women called "drawers," who, after observing rules of ceremonial
  purity for three days, descended into the caverns, and, frightening
  For whereas both rules may, and one rule must, be explained on the
  supposition that the pig was sacred; neither rule must, and one rule

1.50 - A.C. and the Masters; Why they Chose him, etc., #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  You must understand that the arrival of a New Aeon knocks all the rules sideways. I imagine that even the very strict Magical Code of Ethics looks like a cocked hat before They have done with it!
  My theory is that They chose me for (a) my literary skill, knowledge and judgment; (b) my scientific training; (c) my familiarity with Eastern ways, habits of thought, and sympathetic predisposition; (d) my stern adherence to Truth; (e) my moral courage; (f) my dour persistence; and (g) my Karma as aforesaid.

1.52 - Killing the Divine Animal, #The Golden Bough, #James George Frazer, #Occultism
  mountains; I am descended from the divine one who rules in the
  mountains," meaning by "the god of the mountains" no other than the

1.53 - The Propitation of Wild Animals By Hunters, #The Golden Bough, #James George Frazer, #Occultism
  observing rules of ceremonial purity, and when they have gone out to
  fish, the women at home must keep strict silence or the fish would

1.56 - Marriage - Property - War - Politics, #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  There is just one exception to the general idea of ruthlessness; some shadowy vision of a chivalrous type of warfare is granted to us in AL III, 59: Significant, perhaps, that this and a restatement of Thelema came immediately before "There is an end of the word of the God enthroned in Ra's seat, lightening the girders of the soul." (AL III, 61) And this is "As brothers fight ye!" Perhaps the Aeon may give birth to some type of warfare "under Queensbery rules" so to say. A baptism of those who assert their right to belong to the Master class. Something, in short, not wholly dissimilar from the jousts of Feudal times. But on such points I should not care to adventure any very positive opinion.
  The last part of your question refers to politics. "The word politics surprises by himself," as Count Smorltork observed. Practically all those parts of the Book which deal with social matters may be considered as political in the old an proper sense of the word; of modern politics it disdains to speak.

1.57 - Public Scapegoats, #The Golden Bough, #James George Frazer, #Occultism
  case, the extraordinary relaxation of all ordinary rules of conduct
  on such occasions is doubtless to be explained by the general

1.58 - Do Angels Ever Cut Themselves Shaving?, #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  We have made a set of queerly-shapen marks on a sheet of paper, given them names, attached a particular sound to each, made up (God knows how and why!) combinations of these, given names and sounds to them too, and attached a meaning hardly ever the same for you as for me to them, made combinations of these too according to a set of quite arbitrary rules, agreed so far as agreement is possible, or even thinkable to label a thought with some such arrangement: and there we are! You have in this fantastically artificial way succeeded in conveying your thought to my mind.
  Now, turn back to Magick; read there how we work to establish intelligible intercourse between ourselves and the "angels."

1.60 - Between Heaven and Earth, #The Golden Bough, #James George Frazer, #Occultism
  It will be well to begin by noticing two of those rules or taboos by
  which, as we have seen, the life of divine kings or priests is
  regulated. The first of the rules to which I would call the reader's
  attention is that the divine personage may not touch the ground with
  one of the rules laid down for him, he was deemed infamous and
  forfeited all his rights to the throne. So, too, the heir to the
  NOW it is remarkable that the foregoing two rules--not to touch the
  ground and not to see the sun--are observed either separately or
  observe a number of rules, such as not to be seen by a strange man,
  not to eat flesh or fish, and so on. She goes nowhere, not even to
  illustrated above, namely, the rules that the girls may not touch
  the ground nor see the sun. The general effect of these rules is to
  keep her suspended, so to say, between heaven and earth. Whether
  the rules, she would suffer from sores on various parts of her body.
  In short, the girl is viewed as charged with a powerful force which,
  The same explanation applies to the observance of the same rules by
  divine kings and priests. The uncleanness, as it is called, of girls
  the rules in question fall under the head of the taboos which we
  examined in an earlier part of this book; they are intended to

1.62 - The Fire-Festivals of Europe, #The Golden Bough, #James George Frazer, #Occultism
  Various rules were also laid down as to the kind of persons who
  might or should make the need-fire. Sometimes it was said that the

1.67 - The External Soul in Folk-Custom, #The Golden Bough, #James George Frazer, #Occultism
  death, to observe the rules of the Kakian society, and never to
  reveal what has passed in the Kakian house. The novices are also

1.69 - Farewell to Nemi, #The Golden Bough, #James George Frazer, #Occultism
  without paying copyright royalties. Special rules, set forth
  below, apply if you wish to copy and distribute this eBook

1.70 - Morality 1, #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  But as to your own wit of judgment as to the general rules of your own private Code of Morals, what is "right" and what is "wrong" for you, that will emerge only from long self-analysis such as is the chief work of the Sword in the process of your Initiation.
  Love is the law, love under will.

1.72 - Education, #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  Nobody knows why the alphabet has the order which we know; it is quite senseless. One could construct a much more rational order: e.g. the Mother, the Single and the Double letters, all in the natural order of the elements, planets and signs. Again, we have the "Missionary" Alphabet, arranged "scientifically" as Gutturals, modified ditto, Dentals, Labials, vowels and so on; a most repulsive concoction! But I would not accept any emendation from the God Thoth himself; it is infinitely simpler to stick to the familiar order. But explain to the child that this is only for convenience, like the rule of the road; indeed, like almost any rules!
  But when your teaching is of the disputable kind, explain that too; encourage him to question, to demand a reason and to disagree. Get him to fence with you; sharpen his wits by dialectic; lure him into thinking for himself. I want tricks which will show him the advantages of a given subject of study; make him pester you to teach him. We did this most successfully at the Abbey of Thelema in Cefalu; let me give you an instance: reading. One of us would take the children shopping and bring up the subject of ice-cream. Where, oh where could we get some? Presently one would exclaim and point to a placard and say, "I really do believe there'll be some there" and lo! it was so. Then they would wonder how one knew, and one would say: Why, there's "Helados" printed on that piece of card in the window. They would want to learn to read at once. We would discourage them, saying what hard work it was, and how much crying it cost, at the same time giving another demonstration of the advantages. They would insist, and we should yield to active, eager children, not to dullards that hated the idea of "lessons." So with pretty well everything; we first excited the child's will in the desired direction.
  P.P.P.P.S. There is a game, an improvement on the "Spelling Bee" I have anti-christened it "Fore and aft" so as to be natty and naval which is in my opinion one of the three or four best indoor games for two ever invented. Here are the rules, in brief: any disputed points? Apply to me.
  1. A "Word" consists of four or more letters.

1.80 - Life a Gamble, #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  Where's the The Book of Lies? Ah, here we are. "It is Pure Chance that rules the Universe; therefore, and only therefore, life is good."[158]
  Then, is it mere fatuity and folly to make plans? Was not the IXth Atu, the Hermit, also at one time called "Prudence?"[159] Of course. Abstract philosophy rarely coincides with common-sense. We should plan as carefully as we can; but we should always allow a margin for every conceivable accident.

1914 02 07p, #Prayers And Meditations, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   To make rules for oneself and to make them as general, that is, as supple as possible, is good, but provided one considers them only as artificial lights which should not be used except when the full natural light of communion with Thee fails. Besides, a constant revision of these rules is imperative, for they can be only the expression of a present knowledge and must necessarily gain by all growth and improvement of knowledge.
   That is why when meditating upon the attitude one should have towards all those who come to us, in order not only to refrain from doing them any harm but, above all, to strive to do them the utmost possible good that is, to help them as best one can in making the supreme discovery, the discovery of Thee within them I saw clearly that no rule was vast and supple enough to be perfectly adapted to Thy law, and that the only true solution was to be always in communion with Thee, so that it could be adapted perfectly to all the infinite variety of circumstances.

1914 02 12p, #Prayers And Meditations, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   When, conscious with Thy supreme consciousness, one considers all earthly circumstances, one sees their complete relativity and says, To do this thing or that, after all that is not of much importance; yet a particular mode of action will be the best utilisation of a certain faculty, a certain temperament. All actions, whatever they may be, even the most contradictory in appearance, can be an expression of Thy law to the extent that they are infused with the consciousness of that law, which is not a law of practical application that can be translated into principles or rules in the ordinary human consciousness but a law of attitude, of a constant and prevailing consciousness, something that cannot be expressed in formulas but may be lived.
   But as soon as one falls back into the ordinary consciousness, nothing should be treated lightly and with indifference, the least circumstances, the smallest acts have a great importance and should be seriously considered; for we must try at every moment to do that which will make the identification of our consciousness with the eternal consciousness easy, and avoid carefully all that could be an obstacle to this identification. It is then that the rules of conduct having as their foundation perfect personal disinterestedness should find their full value.
   With peace in my heart, with light in my mind, the hope born of certitude in all my being, I greet Thee, O Lord, divine Master of eternal love.

1914 04 23p, #Prayers And Meditations, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   All rules have vanished, the regularity of the discipline is gone, all effort has ceased; not by my own will nor, I believe, through negligence, but because circumstances are working together to bring this about. It seems that this inner will, always alert, like a steersman holding the rudder, has evaporated or fallen asleep, and my being is only something peacefully surrendered which lets itself be carried along by the stream. Till now, it seems to me, the course has always been in a straight line, and I would keep the hope that it is Thou, O Lord, who guidest the stream; but surely if I have erred at times through too great a rigidity, a lack of suppleness and spontaneity, it could very well be that now I err through the opposite excess. I have come to accept peacefully the state I am in and to tell myself that Thou wilt bestow upon me the true Consciousness, the absolute Consciousness when Thou thinkest it best.
   I look at all this changing world as a game unfolding itself, and I take part in this game with the same energy and conviction with which I would if I believed it real and important. All this is very new. But what is certain is that never before were my mind and heart in so complete a repose. What will come out of that, I do not know. But I trust in Thee, O Lord; Thou knowest the best way of using and developing Thy instrument.

19.20 - The Path, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 05, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Of all the Paths the best is the Eightfold one, of all the Truths the .best is the Fourfold one, of all the rules of life the best is detachment and of all men the best is one who has eyes.

1929-05-19 - Mind and its workings, thought-forms - Adverse conditions and Yoga - Mental constructions - Illness and Yoga, #Questions And Answers 1929-1931, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  It is not an absolute rule; and much depends upon the person. Adverse conditions come to many as a test for the weak points in their nature. The indispensable basis for Yoga, which must be well established before you can walk freely on the path, is equanimity. Naturally, from that point of view, all disturbances are tests which you have to pass. But they are necessary too in order to break down the limits which your mental constructions have built around you and which prevent your opening to the Light and the Truth. The whole mental world in which you live is limited, even though you may not know or feel its limitations, and something must come and break down this building in which your mind has shut itself and liberate it. For instance, you have some fixed rules, ideas or principles to which you attribute an absolute importance; most often it is an adherence to certain moral principles or precepts, such as the commandment Honour thy father and mother or Thou shalt not kill and the rest. Each man has some fad or one preferred shibboleth or another, each thinks that he is free from this or that prejudice from which others suffer and is willing to regard such notions as quite false; but he imagines that his is not like theirs, it is for him the truth, the real truth. An attachment to a rule of the mind is an indication of a blindness still hiding somewhere. Take, for example, the very universal superstition, prevalent all over the world, that asceticism and spirituality are one and the same thing. If you describe someone as a spiritual man or a spiritual woman, people at once think of one who does not eat or sits all day without moving, one who lives in a hut in great poverty, one who has given away all he had and keeps nothing for himself. This is the picture that immediately arises in the minds of ninety-nine people out of a hundred, when you speak of a spiritual man; the one proof of spirituality for them is poverty and abstinence from everything that is pleasant or comfortable. This is a mental construction which must be thrown down if you are to be free to see and follow the spiritual truth. For you come to the spiritual life with a sincere aspiration and you want to meet the Divine and realise the Divine in your consciousness and in your life; and then what happens is that you arrive in a place which is not at all a hut and meet a Divine One who is living a comfortable life, eating freely, surrounded by beautiful or luxurious things, not distributing what he has to the poor, but accepting and enjoying all that people give him. At once with your fixed mental rule you are bewildered and cry, Why, what is this? I thought I was to meet a spiritual man! This false conception has to be broken down and disappear. Once it is gone, you find something that is much higher than your narrow ascetic rule, a complete openness that leaves the being free. If you are to get something, you accept it, and if you are to give up the very same thing, you with an equal willingness leave it. Things come and you take them up; things go and you let them pass, with the same smile of equanimity in the taking or the leaving.
  Or, again, you have adopted as your golden rule, Thou shalt not kill, and have a horror for cruelty and slaughter. Do not be surprised if you are immediately put in the presence of killing, not only once but repeatedly, until you understand that your ideal is no more than a mental principle and that a seeker of the spiritual truth should not be bound and attached to a mental rule. And when once you are free from it, you will find perhaps that all these scenes which troubled youand were indeed sent in order to trouble you and shake you out of your mental buildinghave, singularly enough, ceased altogether to happen in your presence.

1929-06-09 - Nature of religion - Religion and the spiritual life - Descent of Divine Truth and Force - To be sure of your religion, country, family-choose your own - Religion and numbers, #Questions And Answers 1929-1931, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Religion belongs to the higher mind of humanity. It is the effort of mans higher mind to approach, as far as lies in its power, something beyond it, something to which humanity gives the name God or Spirit or Truth or Faith or Knowledge or the Infinite, some kind of Absolute, which the human mind cannot reach and yet tries to reach. Religion may be divine in its ultimate origin; in its actual nature it is not divine but human. In truth we should speak rather of religions than of religion; for the religions made by man are many. These different religions, even when they had not the same origin, have most of them been made in the same way. We know how the Christian religion came into existence. It was certainly not Jesus who made what is known as Christianity, but some learned and very clever men put their heads together and built it up into the thing we see. There was nothing divine in the way in which it was formed, and there is nothing divine either in the way in which it functions. And yet the excuse or occasion for the formation was undoubtedly some revelation from what one could call a Divine Being, a Being who came from elsewhere bringing down with him from a higher plane a certain Knowledge and Truth for the earth. He came and suffered for his Truth; but very few understood what he said, few cared to find and hold to the Truth for which he suffered. Buddha retired from the world, sat down in meditation and discovered a way out of earthly suffering and misery, out of all this illness and death and desire and sin and hunger. He saw a Truth which he endeavoured to express and communicate to the disciples and followers who gathered around him. But even before he was dead, his teaching had already begun to be twisted and distorted. It was only after his disappearance that Buddhism as a full-fledged religion reared its head founded upon what the Buddha is supposed to have said and on the supposed significance of these reported sayings. But soon too, because the disciples and the disciples disciples could not agree on what the Master had said or what he meant by his utterances, there grew up a host of sects and sub-sects in the body of the parent religiona Southern Path, a Northern Path, a Far Eastern Path, each of them claiming to be the only, the original, the undefiled doctrine of the Buddha. The same fate overtook the teaching of the Christ; that too came to be made in the same way into a set and organised religion. It is often said that, if Jesus came back, he would not be able to recognise what he taught in the forms that have been imposed on it, and if Buddha were to come back and see what has been made of his teaching, he would immediately run back discouraged to Nirvana! All religions have each the same story to tell. The occasion for its birth is the coming of a great Teacher of the world. He comes and reveals and is the incarnation of a Divine Truth. But men seize upon it, trade upon it, make an almost political organisation out of it. The religion is equipped by them with a government and policy and laws, with its creeds and dogmas, its rules and regulations, its rites and ceremonies, all binding upon its adherents, all absolute and inviolable. Like the State, it too administers rewards to the loyal and assigns punishments for those that revolt or go astray, for the heretic and the renegade.
  The first and principal article of these established and formal religions runs always, Mine is the supreme, the only truth, all others are in falsehood or inferior. For without this fundamental dogma, established credal religions could not have existed. If you do not believe and proclaim that you alone possess the one or the highest truth, you will not be able to impress people and make them flock to you.

1929-07-28 - Art and Yoga - Art and life - Music, dance - World of Harmony, #Questions And Answers 1929-1931, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  When they are so, it is because they live usually in the vital plane, and the vital part in them is extremely sensitive to the forces of that world and receives from it all kinds of impressions and impulsions over which they have no controlling power. And often too they are very free in their minds and do not believe in the petty social conventions and moralities that govern the life of ordinary people. They do not feel bound by the customary rules of conduct and have not yet found an inner law that would replace them. As there is nothing to check the movements of their desire-being, they lead easily a life of liberty or license. But this does not happen with all. I lived ten years among artists and found many of them to be bourgeois to the core; they were married and settled, good fathers, good husbands, and lived up to the most strict moral ideas of what should and what should not be done.
  There is one way in which Yoga may stop the artists productive impulse. If the origin of his art is in the vital world, once he becomes a Yogi he will lose his inspiration or, rather, the source from which his inspiration used to come will inspire him no more, for then the vital world appears in its true light; it puts on its true value, and that value is very relative. Most of those who call themselves artists draw their inspiration from the vital world only; and it carries in it no high or great significance. But when a true artist, one who looks for his creative source to a higher world, turns to Yoga, he will find that his inspiration becomes more direct and powerful and his expression clearer and deeper. Of those who possess a true value the power of Yoga will increase the value, but from one who has only some false appearance of art even that appearance will vanish or else lose its appeal. To one earnest in Yoga, the first simple truth that strikes his opening vision is that what he does is a very relative thing in comparison with the universal manifestation, the universal movement. But an artist is usually vain and looks on himself as a highly important personage, a kind of demigod in the human world. Many artists say that if they did not believe what they do to be of a supreme importance, they would not be able to do it. But I have known some whose inspiration was from a higher world and yet they did not believe that what they did was of so immense an importance. That is nearer the spirit of true art. If a man is truly led to express himself in art, it is the way the Divine has chosen to manifest in him, and then by Yoga his art will gain and not lose. But there is all the question: is the artist appointed by the Divine or self-appointed?

1951-03-03 - Hostile forces - difficulties - Individuality and form - creation, #Questions And Answers 1950-1951, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   This is an altogether subjective way of speaking. To act, you have to make some classifications and it is just for this that the mind is useful: it organises, it puts each thing in its place, it plays the game; and it is this activity which creates the rules of the game and by obeying these rules it can win the game. But true knowledge comes from elsewhere.
   Mental faith is not sufficient; it must be completed and enforced by a vital and even a physical faith, a faith of the body. If you can create in yourself an integral force of this kind in all your being, then nothing can resist it; but you must fix the faith in the very cells of the body. There is, for instance, now abroad the beginning of a knowledge among the scientists that death is not a necessity. But the whole of humanity believes firmly in death. If this belief could be cast out first from the conscious mind, then from the vital nature and the subconscious physical layers, death would no longer be inevitable.

1951-03-08 - Silencing the mind - changing the nature - Reincarnation- choice - Psychic, higher beings gods incarnating - Incarnation of vital beings - the Lord of Falsehood - Hitler - Possession and madness, #Questions And Answers 1950-1951, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   For past lives, are there any general rules, broad outlines, or is everything possible?
   All depends on the category to which one belongs, and the degree of the psychic beings development. If the psychic being is in an advanced stage, near maturity, the choice before death, about which I spoke to you the other day, is quite real and this choice means that everything is possible; but in other cases, the rebirth takes place almost automatically. The will of the psychic being is not developed and it does not choose. Hence, there are no rules. It depends very much on circumstances, and especially on the line of formation which the psychic being will follow, and that depends on its origin. It is difficult to say. In the matter of sex, that may vary for a long time. As the consciousness grows and gains some unity of action, of consciousness, it can choose to follow one line to the exclusion of another, but before this choice, through innumerable creations you have been undoubtedly of different sexes. That is why perhaps some women have a masculine character, and vice versa, or have tendencies opposite to their sex. But at the time of the choice one may decide to belong to the creatrix Consciousness or to the immobile Witness. That depends upon the origin.
   Have all psychic beings the same origin?

1951-04-12 - Japan, its art, landscapes, life, etc - Fairy-lore of Japan - Culture- its spiral movement - Indian and European- the spiritual life - Art and Truth, #Questions And Answers 1950-1951, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Now, I ought to say, to complete my picture, that the four years I was there I found a dearth of spirituality as entire as could be. These people have a wonderful morality, live according to quite strict moral rules, they have a mental construction even in the least detail of life: one must eat in a certain way and not another, one must bow in a certain way and not another, one must say certain words but not all; when addressing certain people one must express oneself in a certain way; when speaking with others, one must express oneself in another. If you go to buy something in a shop, you must say a particular sentence; if you dont say it, you are not served: they look at you quizzically and do not move! But if you say the word, they wait upon you with full attention and bring, if necessary, a cushion for you to sit upon and a cup of tea to drink. And everything is like that. However, not once do you have the feeling that you are in contact with something other than a marvellously organised mental-physical domain. And what energy they have! Their whole vital being is turned into energy. They have an extraordinary endurance but no direct aspiration: one must obey the rule, one is obliged. If one does not submit oneself to rules there, one may live as Europeans do, who are considered barbarians and looked upon altogether as intruders, but if you want to live a Japanese life among the Japanese you must do as they do, otherwise you make them so unhappy that you cant even have any relation with them. In their house you must live in a particular way, when you meet them you must greet them in a particular way. I think I have already told you the story of that Japanese who was an intimate friend of ours, and whom I helped to come into contact with his soul and who ran away. He was in the countryside with us and I had put him in touch with his psychic being; he had the experience, a revelation, the contact, the dazzling inner contact. And the next morning, he was no longer there, he had taken flight! Later, when I saw him again in town after the holidays, I asked him, But what happened to you, why did you go away?Oh! You understand, I discovered my soul and saw that my soul was more powerful than my faith in the country and the Mikado; I would have had to obey my soul and I would no longer have been a faithful subject of my emperor. I had to go away. There you are! All this is au thentically true.
   Why are great artists born at the same time in the same country?


--- Overview of noun rule

The noun rule has 12 senses (first 5 from tagged texts)
1. (15) rule, regulation ::: (a principle or condition that customarily governs behavior; "it was his rule to take a walk before breakfast"; "short haircuts were the regulation")
2. (15) convention, normal, pattern, rule, formula ::: (something regarded as a normative example; "the convention of not naming the main character"; "violence is the rule not the exception"; "his formula for impressing visitors")
3. (10) rule, prescript ::: (prescribed guide for conduct or action)
4. (7) rule, linguistic rule ::: ((linguistics) a rule describing (or prescribing) a linguistic practice)
5. (3) principle, rule ::: (a basic generalization that is accepted as true and that can be used as a basis for reasoning or conduct; "their principles of composition characterized all their works")
6. rule ::: (the duration of a monarch's or government's power; "during the rule of Elizabeth")
7. dominion, rule ::: (dominance or power through legal authority; "France held undisputed dominion over vast areas of Africa"; "the rule of Caesar")
8. rule ::: (directions that define the way a game or sport is to be conducted; "he knew the rules of chess")
9. rule ::: (any one of a systematic body of regulations defining the way of life of members of a religious order; "the rule of St. Dominic")
10. principle, rule ::: (a rule or law concerning a natural phenomenon or the function of a complex system; "the principle of the conservation of mass"; "the principle of jet propulsion"; "the right-hand rule for inductive fields")
11. rule, formula ::: ((mathematics) a standard procedure for solving a class of mathematical problems; "he determined the upper bound with Descartes' rule of signs"; "he gave us a general formula for attacking polynomials")
12. rule, ruler ::: (measuring stick consisting of a strip of wood or metal or plastic with a straight edge that is used for drawing straight lines and measuring lengths)

--- Overview of verb rule

The verb rule has 7 senses (first 4 from tagged texts)
1. (12) govern, rule ::: (exercise authority over; as of nations; "Who is governing the country now?")
2. (9) rule, decree ::: (decide with authority; "The King decreed that all firstborn males should be killed")
3. (2) predominate, dominate, rule, reign, prevail ::: (be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance; "Money reigns supreme here"; "Hispanics predominate in this neighborhood")
4. (1) rule, find ::: (decide on and make a declaration about; "find someone guilty")
5. rule ::: (have an affinity with; of signs of the zodiac)
6. rule ::: (mark or draw with a ruler; "rule the margins")
7. rule, harness, rein ::: (keep in check; "rule one's temper")

--- Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun rule

12 senses of rule                          

Sense 1
rule, regulation
   => concept, conception, construct
     => idea, thought
       => content, cognitive content, mental object
         => cognition, knowledge, noesis
           => psychological feature
             => abstraction, abstract entity
               => entity

Sense 2
convention, normal, pattern, rule, formula
   => practice
     => cognition, knowledge, noesis
       => psychological feature
         => abstraction, abstract entity
           => entity

Sense 3
rule, prescript
   => direction, instruction
     => message, content, subject matter, substance
       => communication
         => abstraction, abstract entity
           => entity

Sense 4
rule, linguistic rule
   => concept, conception, construct
     => idea, thought
       => content, cognitive content, mental object
         => cognition, knowledge, noesis
           => psychological feature
             => abstraction, abstract entity
               => entity

Sense 5
principle, rule
   => generalization, generalisation, generality
     => idea, thought
       => content, cognitive content, mental object
         => cognition, knowledge, noesis
           => psychological feature
             => abstraction, abstract entity
               => entity

Sense 6
   => duration, continuance
     => time period, period of time, period
       => fundamental quantity, fundamental measure
         => measure, quantity, amount
           => abstraction, abstract entity
             => entity

Sense 7
dominion, rule
   => dominance, ascendance, ascendence, ascendancy, ascendency, control
     => condition, status
       => state
         => attribute
           => abstraction, abstract entity
             => entity

Sense 8
   => direction, instruction
     => message, content, subject matter, substance
       => communication
         => abstraction, abstract entity
           => entity

Sense 9
   => direction, instruction
     => message, content, subject matter, substance
       => communication
         => abstraction, abstract entity
           => entity

Sense 10
principle, rule
   => law, law of nature
     => concept, conception, construct
       => idea, thought
         => content, cognitive content, mental object
           => cognition, knowledge, noesis
             => psychological feature
               => abstraction, abstract entity
                 => entity

Sense 11
rule, formula
   => procedure, process
     => activity
       => act, deed, human action, human activity
         => event
           => psychological feature
             => abstraction, abstract entity
               => entity

Sense 12
rule, ruler
   => measuring stick, measure, measuring rod
     => measuring instrument, measuring system, measuring device
       => instrument
         => device
           => instrumentality, instrumentation
             => artifact, artefact
               => whole, unit
                 => object, physical object
                   => physical entity
                     => entity

--- Hyponyms of noun rule

11 of 12 senses of rule                        

Sense 1
rule, regulation
   => restriction, limitation
   => guidepost, guideline, rule of thumb
   => cy pres, rule of cy pres, cy pres doctrine
   => working principle, working rule

Sense 2
convention, normal, pattern, rule, formula
   => mores
   => code of conduct, code of behavior
   => universal

Sense 3
rule, prescript
   => bylaw
   => rubric
   => order, rules of order, parliamentary law, parliamentary procedure
   => rule of evidence
   => Miranda rule
   => principle, precept
   => golden rule
   => GIGO
   => dictate
   => regulation, ordinance
   => canon
   => etiquette
   => protocol, communications protocol

Sense 4
rule, linguistic rule
   => universal, linguistic universal
   => grammatical rule, rule of grammar
   => morphological rule, rule of morphology

Sense 5
principle, rule
   => pillar
   => yang
   => yin
   => feng shui

Sense 6
   HAS INSTANCE=> Regency
   => regency

Sense 7
dominion, rule
   => paramountcy
   => raj
   => reign, sovereignty
   => suzerainty

Sense 8
   => ground rule

Sense 10
principle, rule
   => Gestalt law of organization, Gestalt principle of organization
   => Le Chatelier's principle, Le Chatelier's law, Le Chatelier principle, Le Chatelier-Braun principle
   => Gresham's Law
   => mass-energy equivalence
   => Naegele's rule
   => Occam's Razor, Ockham's Razor, principle of parsimony, law of parsimony
   => principle of equivalence
   => principle of liquid displacement
   => principle of superposition, Huygens' principle of superposition
   => principle of superposition, superposition principle, superposition
   => mass-action principle, mass action
   => localization of function, localisation of function, localization principle, localisation principle, localization, localisation

Sense 11
rule, formula
   => metarule
   => algorithm, algorithmic rule, algorithmic program
   => heuristic, heuristic rule, heuristic program
   => recursion

Sense 12
rule, ruler
   => carpenter's rule
   => foot rule
   => meterstick, metrestick
   => yardstick, yard measure

--- Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun rule

12 senses of rule                          

Sense 1
rule, regulation
   => concept, conception, construct

Sense 2
convention, normal, pattern, rule, formula
   => practice

Sense 3
rule, prescript
   => direction, instruction

Sense 4
rule, linguistic rule
   => concept, conception, construct

Sense 5
principle, rule
   => generalization, generalisation, generality

Sense 6
   => duration, continuance

Sense 7
dominion, rule
   => dominance, ascendance, ascendence, ascendancy, ascendency, control

Sense 8
   => direction, instruction

Sense 9
   => direction, instruction

Sense 10
principle, rule
   => law, law of nature

Sense 11
rule, formula
   => procedure, process

Sense 12
rule, ruler
   => measuring stick, measure, measuring rod

--- Coordinate Terms (sisters) of noun rule

12 senses of rule                          

Sense 1
rule, regulation
  -> concept, conception, construct
   => conceptualization, conceptualisation, conceptuality
   => notion
   => category
   => rule, regulation
   => property, attribute, dimension
   => abstraction, abstract
   => quantity
   => part, section, division
   => whole
   => law, natural law
   => law, law of nature
   => lexicalized concept
   => hypothesis, possibility, theory
   => fact
   => rule, linguistic rule

Sense 2
convention, normal, pattern, rule, formula
  -> practice
   => custom, tradition
   => convention, normal, pattern, rule, formula
   => heritage

Sense 3
rule, prescript
  -> direction, instruction
   => rule
   => rule, prescript
   => rubric
   => misdirection
   => address, destination, name and address
   => markup
   => prescription
   => recipe, formula
   => rule
   => stage direction
   => style
   => system command

Sense 4
rule, linguistic rule
  -> concept, conception, construct
   => conceptualization, conceptualisation, conceptuality
   => notion
   => category
   => rule, regulation
   => property, attribute, dimension
   => abstraction, abstract
   => quantity
   => part, section, division
   => whole
   => law, natural law
   => law, law of nature
   => lexicalized concept
   => hypothesis, possibility, theory
   => fact
   => rule, linguistic rule

Sense 5
principle, rule
  -> generalization, generalisation, generality
   => principle, rule

Sense 6
  -> duration, continuance
   => clocking
   => longueur
   => residence time
   => span
   => stretch, stint
   => time scale
   => value, time value, note value
   => rule

Sense 7
dominion, rule
  -> dominance, ascendance, ascendence, ascendancy, ascendency, control
   => ascendant, ascendent
   => domination, mastery, supremacy
   => predominance, predomination, prepotency
   => dominion, rule
   => regulation
   => absolutism, tyranny, despotism
   => monopoly

Sense 8
  -> direction, instruction
   => rule
   => rule, prescript
   => rubric
   => misdirection
   => address, destination, name and address
   => markup
   => prescription
   => recipe, formula
   => rule
   => stage direction
   => style
   => system command

Sense 9
  -> direction, instruction
   => rule
   => rule, prescript
   => rubric
   => misdirection
   => address, destination, name and address
   => markup
   => prescription
   => recipe, formula
   => rule
   => stage direction
   => style
   => system command

Sense 10
principle, rule
  -> law, law of nature
   => all-or-none law
   => principle, rule
   => Archimedes' principle, law of Archimedes
   => Avogadro's law, Avogadro's hypothesis
   => Bernoulli's law, law of large numbers
   => Benford's law
   => Bose-Einstein statistics
   => Boyle's law, Mariotte's law
   => Coulomb's Law
   => Dalton's law, Dalton's law of partial pressures, law of partial pressures
   => distribution law
   => equilibrium law, law of chemical equilibrium
   => Fechner's law, Weber-Fechner law
   => Fermi-Dirac statistics
   => Gay-Lussac's law, Charles's law, law of volumes
   => Henry's law
   => Hooke's law
   => Hubble's law, Hubble law
   => Kepler's law, Kepler's law of planetary motion
   => Kirchhoff's laws
   => law of averages
   => law of constant proportion, law of definite proportions
   => law of diminishing returns
   => law of effect
   => law of equivalent proportions, law of reciprocal proportions
   => law of gravitation, Newton's law of gravitation
   => law of multiple proportions, Dalton's law
   => law of mass action
   => law of thermodynamics
   => Mendel's law
   => Newton's law of motion, Newton's law, law of motion
   => Ohm's law
   => Pascal's law, Pascal's law of fluid pressures
   => Pauli exclusion principle, exclusion principle
   => periodic law, Mendeleev's law
   => Planck's law
   => Planck's radiation law
   => principle of relativity
   => Stevens' law, power law, Stevens' power law
   => Weber's law

Sense 11
rule, formula
  -> procedure, process
   => Bertillon system
   => fingerprinting
   => genetic profiling, genetic fingerprinting
   => diagnostic procedure, diagnostic technique
   => emergency procedure
   => experimental procedure
   => calculation, computation, computing
   => medical procedure
   => mapping, chromosome mapping
   => operating procedure
   => stiffening
   => indirection
   => rigmarole, rigamarole
   => routine, modus operandi
   => condition, experimental condition
   => rule, formula

Sense 12
rule, ruler
  -> measuring stick, measure, measuring rod
   => board rule
   => rule, ruler
   => size stick

--- Grep of noun rules
robert's rules of order
rules of order
system of rules

Grep of noun rule
algorithmic rule
best evidence rule
board rule
carpenter's rule
exclusionary rule
foot rule
gag rule
golden rule
grammatical rule
ground rule
hearsay rule
heuristic rule
home rule
linguistic rule
lord of misrule
majority rule
miranda rule
morphological rule
naegele's rule
one-man rule
parol evidence rule
plumb rule
procrustean rule
rule book
rule of cy pres
rule of evidence
rule of grammar
rule of law
rule of morphology
rule of thumb
rules of order
slide rule
work to rule
working rule

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Wikipedia - Artaxiad dynasty of Iberia -- Armenian dynasty which ruled Iberia (ancient Georgia) from c. 90 BC to 30 AD
Wikipedia - Artemisia II of Caria -- 4th-century BC female ruler of Caria
Wikipedia - Articles of Agreement (cricket) -- First formally agreed rules in cricket
Wikipedia - Artnerseh -- Armenian ruler of Khachen (853 to c. 870s)
Wikipedia - Arulenus Rusticus
Wikipedia - Arvada, Colorado -- Home Rule Municipality in Colorado, United States
Wikipedia - Ashurbanipal -- Assyrian ruler
Wikipedia - Aspavarma -- Indo-Scythian ruler (ruled c. 15 CE - c. 45 CE)
Wikipedia - Assassination -- Murder of a prominent person, often a political leader or ruler
Wikipedia - Association rule learning
Wikipedia - Association rule mining
Wikipedia - Atahualpa -- Ruler of the Inca Empire
Wikipedia - Ata Tadakage -- Japanese de facto ruler
Wikipedia - Atomic Rulers of the World -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Atrocities in the Congo Free State -- Atrocities perpetrated in the Congo Free State under the personal rule of King Leopold II of Belgium
Wikipedia - Attila -- 5th-century ruler of the Hunnic Empire
Wikipedia - Augustinian Rule
Wikipedia - Aurora, Colorado -- Home Rule Municipality in Colorado, United States
Wikipedia - Australian rules football culture
Wikipedia - Australian rules football in Africa
Wikipedia - Australian rules football in Samoa
Wikipedia - Austro-Hungarian rule in Bosnia and Herzegovina -- 1878-1918 period of rule over Bosnia and Herzegovina by Austria-Hungary
Wikipedia - Away goals rule -- Method of breaking ties in sports
Wikipedia - Awwal Ibrahim -- Nigerian traditional ruler
Wikipedia - Azteca coeruleipennis -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Badi IV -- Ruler of Sennar
Wikipedia - Bagratid Armenia -- 885-1045 Armenian state ruled by the Bagratuni dynasty
Wikipedia - Baixa de Cassanje revolt -- 1961 revolt against Portuguese rule of Angola
Wikipedia - Bandy Playing Rules -- The rule book for the winter team sport of bandy
Wikipedia - Ban of Croatia -- Historical title of rulers and viceroys in Croatian history
Wikipedia - Barrule (band) -- Manx folk band
Wikipedia - Basalt, Colorado -- home rule municipality in Colorado, USA
Wikipedia - Basarab I of Wallachia -- First independent ruler of Wallachia
Wikipedia - Basmachi movement -- Uprising against Russian Imperial and Soviet rule by the Muslim peoples of Central Asia (1916-1934)
Wikipedia - Battle of al-Kafr -- Battle in 1925 during the Great Syrian Revolt against French rule
Wikipedia - Bayes estimator -- Estimator or decision rule that minimizes the posterior expected value of a loss function
Wikipedia - Bayes rule
Wikipedia - Bayes' rule
Wikipedia - Bedrule Castle -- Scottish castle
Wikipedia - Before We Ruled the Earth -- Television documentary
Wikipedia - Belgian Revolution -- 1830 revolution in Belgium against Dutch rule
Wikipedia - Benedictine Rule
Wikipedia - Benedictine rule
Wikipedia - Beneficiary rule -- Rule in motor racing
Wikipedia - Benin Bronzes -- metal plaques and sculptures seized during the British M-bM-^@M-^\punitive expeditionM-bM-^@M-^] against the Benin ruler in 1897
Wikipedia - Beni-oui-oui -- Derogatory term for Muslims considered to be collaborators with the French colonial institutions in North Africa during the period of French rule
Wikipedia - Berber kings of Roman-era Tunisia -- History of the Berber kings of the House of Masinissa who ruled in Numidia
Wikipedia - Berenice (daughter of Herod Agrippa) -- 1st century CE member of the Herodian Dynasty that ruled the Roman province of Judaea
Wikipedia - Bergmann's rule
Wikipedia - Between Me and You -- 2000 single by Ja Rule
Wikipedia - Bhaskaravarman -- Ruler of Kamarupa kingdom in ancient India from 600-650 CE
Wikipedia - Bioche's rules -- Aids the computation of indefinite integrals involving sines and cosines
Wikipedia - Bishopric of Verdun -- Former state of the Holy Roman Empire ruled by the Bishop of Verdun
Wikipedia - BitM-CM-2n Coulibaly -- Ruler of the Bambara Empire
Wikipedia - Blue wall of silence -- American term used to denote an informal rule for police officers not to report on fellow officer reported misconduct
Wikipedia - Blum's speedup theorem -- Rules out assigning to arbitrary functions their computational complexity
Wikipedia - Board game -- game that involves counters or pieces moved or placed on a pre-marked surface or "board", according to a set of rules
Wikipedia - Born rule
Wikipedia - Boronia coerulescens -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Boulder, Colorado -- Home rule municipality in Colorado, United States
Wikipedia - Brazilian imperial family -- Branch of the House of Braganza that ruled the Empire of Brazil
Wikipedia - Bright-line rule -- Judicial test using clearly defined and objective factors
Wikipedia - Brighton, Colorado -- Home Rule Municipality in Colorado, United States
Wikipedia - Brinno -- 1st century ruler of the Canninefates, a Germanic tribe
Wikipedia - British Empire -- States and dominions ruled by the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - British Raj -- British rule on the Indian subcontinent, 1858-1947
Wikipedia - British rule in India
Wikipedia - Brule Formation -- Rock formation in the western United States
Wikipedia - Brulette -- French-bred Thoroughbred racehorse
Wikipedia - Building code -- Set of rules that specify the standards for constructed objects such as buildings and nonbuilding structures
Wikipedia - Buluqhan Khatun -- 13th-century Mongol princess and principal wife of Ilkhanid ruler, Abaqa
Wikipedia - Business judgment rule
Wikipedia - Business rules engine
Wikipedia - Business rules
Wikipedia - Business rule
Wikipedia - Buyid dynasty -- Iranian dynasty which ruled over Iraq and central and southern Iran (934-1062)
Wikipedia - Cacicazgo -- Phonetic Spanish transliteration of the Taino word for the lands ruled by a cacique
Wikipedia - Canons regular -- Roman Catholic priests living in community under a religious rule
Wikipedia - Caonabo -- A Taino ruler at the time of Columbus
Wikipedia - Capitulations of Santa Fe -- Signed document between Christopher Columbus and the rulers of Spain
Wikipedia - Caratacus's last battle -- Battle of Caer Caradoc was the final battle in Caratacus's resistance to Roman rule (50 AD)
Wikipedia - Carmelite Rule of St. Albert
Wikipedia - Carpenter's rule problem -- Can a simple planar polygon be moved continuously so all vertices are in convex position?
Wikipedia - Case law -- Set of past rulings by tribunals that meet their respective jurisdictions' rules to be cited as precedent
Wikipedia - Category:10th-century rulers in Asia
Wikipedia - Category:10th-century rulers in Europe
Wikipedia - Category:10th-century rulers of Bavaria
Wikipedia - Category:10th-century women rulers
Wikipedia - Category:11th-century BC biblical rulers
Wikipedia - Category:11th-century rulers in Europe
Wikipedia - Category:11th-century rulers of Bavaria
Wikipedia - Category:11th-century women rulers
Wikipedia - Category:13th-century women rulers
Wikipedia - Category:14th-century women rulers
Wikipedia - Category:16th-century rulers in Europe
Wikipedia - Category:1st-century BC Hasmonean rulers
Wikipedia - Category:1st-century BC Herodian rulers
Wikipedia - Category:1st-century BC legendary rulers
Wikipedia - Category:1st-century BC rulers in Africa
Wikipedia - Category:1st-century BC rulers in Asia
Wikipedia - Category:1st-century BC rulers in Europe
Wikipedia - Category:1st-century BC rulers
Wikipedia - Category:1st-century BC Seleucid rulers
Wikipedia - Category:1st-century BC women rulers
Wikipedia - Category:3rd-century BC rulers
Wikipedia - Category:4th-century BC rulers
Wikipedia - Category:7th-century rulers in Europe
Wikipedia - Category:7th-century women rulers
Wikipedia - Category:9th-century rulers in Europe
Wikipedia - Category:Cellular automaton rules
Wikipedia - Category:Medieval child rulers
Wikipedia - Category:Revolutionaries of Bengal during British Rule
Wikipedia - Category:Rulers of Finland
Wikipedia - Category:Rulers of Kievan Rus'
Wikipedia - Category:Rulers of Moldavia
Wikipedia - Category:Rulers of Transylvania
Wikipedia - Category:Rulers of Wallachia
Wikipedia - Category:Rulers who died as children
Wikipedia - Category:Rules of thumb
Wikipedia - Category:Rules
Wikipedia - Category:Turkic rulers
Wikipedia - Censorship in Communist Romania -- Communist Romania strict rules
Wikipedia - Centennial, Colorado -- Home Rule Municipality in Colorado, United States
Wikipedia - Cerulean, Kentucky -- Human settlement in Kentucky, United States of America
Wikipedia - Cerulean -- Shade of blue (color)
Wikipedia - Chaghri Beg -- Co-ruler of the Seljuq empire
Wikipedia - Chain rule for Kolmogorov complexity
Wikipedia - Chain rule (probability)
Wikipedia - Chain rule -- Method of differentiating composed functions
Wikipedia - Chakravarti (Sanskrit term) -- Ancient Indian term used to refer to an ideal universal ruler
Wikipedia - Chang Hsueh-liang -- Ruler of Manchuria
Wikipedia - Chargaff's rules
Wikipedia - Charles II of Spain -- King of Spain; last Habsburg ruler of the Spanish Empire
Wikipedia - Chatham House Rule -- System for holding debates and discussions on controversial issues
Wikipedia - Chaulukya dynasty -- Indian dynasty that ruled Gujarat from c. 940 to 1244
Wikipedia - Cheating in online games -- Practice of subverting video game rules or mechanics to gain an unfair advantage
Wikipedia - Cherry Hills Village, Colorado -- Home Rule Municipality in State of Colorado, United States
Wikipedia - Chowta dynasty (Tulu Nadu) -- Jain dynasty that ruled parts of the Tulu Nadu region during the 12th{{snd
Wikipedia - Chrocus -- Ancient Alamannic ruler
Wikipedia - Churaman -- Ruler of Bharatpur India from 1695 to 1721
Wikipedia - Ciubar Voda -- Ruler of Moldavia
Wikipedia - Civic Warriors of Maruleng -- Political party in South Africa
Wikipedia - Cleverpath AION Business Rules Expert
Wikipedia - Clinical prediction rule
Wikipedia - Codd's 12 rules
Wikipedia - Code of Points (artistic gymnastics) -- Rulebook that defines the scoring system in artistic gymnastics
Wikipedia - Code of practice -- A set of written rules which specifies how people working in a particular occupation should behave
Wikipedia - Code -- System of rules to convert information into another form or representation
Wikipedia - Coeruleodraco -- Extinct genus of choristoderan
Wikipedia - Colonial Assam -- Period when Assam was under British rule
Wikipedia - Colonial India -- European rule in India
Wikipedia - Commerce City, Colorado -- Home rule municipality in Colorado, United States
Wikipedia - Committee of the whole -- Meeting of a deliberative assembly according to modified rules based on those of a committee
Wikipedia - Common Rule
Wikipedia - Communication -- Act of conveying intended meanings from one entity or group to another through the use of mutually understood signs and rules
Wikipedia - Community Rule -- One of the Dead Sea Scrolls
Wikipedia - Company rule in India -- Rule or dominion of the British East India Company on the Indian subcontinent
Wikipedia - Company rule in Rhodesia
Wikipedia - Composite rules shinty-hurling -- Hybrid sport between shinty and hurling
Wikipedia - Computer architecture -- Set of rules and methods that describe the functionality, organization, and implementation of computer systems
Wikipedia - Conomor -- Breton ruler, king of Dumnonia (fl c. 540)
Wikipedia - Conospermum caeruleum -- Species of Australian shrub in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Conospermum coerulescens -- Species of shrub in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Conquest dynasty -- Dynasties in the history of China ruled by non-Han ethnicities
Wikipedia - Conscientiousness -- Personality trait of being orderly and following the rules
Wikipedia - Consistency model -- A set of formally specified rules that guarantee (or explicitly disclaim) certain consistencies in the event of concurrent reads or writes to shared memory
Wikipedia - Constraint Handling Rules
Wikipedia - Cope's Rule
Wikipedia - Cosimo de' Medici -- First ruler of the Medici political dynasty
Wikipedia - Count of Flanders -- Ruler or sub-ruler of the county of Flanders
Wikipedia - Counts of Walbeck -- Rulers of medieval Walbeck in present-day Saxony-Anhalt
Wikipedia - Cramer's rule
Wikipedia - Criteria of truth -- Standards and rules used to judge the accuracy of statements and claims
Wikipedia - Crocodile (pharaoh) -- Provisional name of an Egyptian predynastic ruler
Wikipedia - Cromwell's rule
Wikipedia - Cronus -- Ruler of the Titans in Ancient Greek mythology
Wikipedia - Crown -- Form of headwear, symbolizing the power of a ruler
Wikipedia - C syntax -- Set of rules governing writing of software in the language
Wikipedia - Cube root rule -- Concept in political science
Wikipedia - Curragh incident -- Threatened mutiny of British Army officers against orders to enforce Irish Home Rule in 1914
Wikipedia - Curule seat
Wikipedia - Cyberocracy -- Form of government that rules by the use of information
Wikipedia - Daeso -- Ruler of the Korean kingdom of Dongbuyeo (60 BC - 22 AD)
Wikipedia - Dafydd ap Gruffydd -- Prince of Wales and last independent ruler of Wales
Wikipedia - Danelaw -- Historical name given to part of England ruled by the Danes
Wikipedia - Danielle Brulebois -- French politician
Wikipedia - Daubert standard -- Expert witness evidence rule - U.S. Supreme Court
Wikipedia - Dawlat Khatun -- 14th century Khorshidi dynasty ruler of Little Lorestan in Persia
Wikipedia - Death of Cleopatra -- Death of the Egyptian Ptolemaic ruler in 30 BC
Wikipedia - Decision rules
Wikipedia - Decolonisation of Oceania -- Independence of Oceanic countries from colonial rule
Wikipedia - Decolonization of the Americas -- Process by which the countries in the Americas gained their independence from European rule
Wikipedia - Decolonization -- Process of leaving colonial rule, mostly occurring during the 20th century
Wikipedia - Decree -- Rule of law usually issued by a head of state
Wikipedia - Delay of game (ice hockey) -- Ice hockey rule to prevent traditional longevity
Wikipedia - Delhi Sultanate -- Successive Islamic dynasties that ruled large parts of the Indian subcontinent (1206-1526)
Wikipedia - Delta rule
Wikipedia - Demetrius I Soter -- Ruler of the Seleucid Empire
Wikipedia - Democracy promotion -- Foreign policy seeking to spread democratic rule
Wikipedia - Dengizich -- Hunnic ruler and son of Atilla (died in 469 AD)
Wikipedia - Denizgorulen, DoM-DM-^_anyurt -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Derg -- Military junta that ruled Ethiopia from 1974 to 1987
Wikipedia - Descartes' rule of signs -- Link between the number of positive roots of a polynomial and the signs of its coefficients
Wikipedia - Designated Player Rule -- Major League Soccer rule
Wikipedia - Dey -- Title given to the rulers of the Regency of Algiers (Algeria), Tripoli, and Tunis under the Ottoman Empire
Wikipedia - Dhimmitude -- Permanent status of subjection in which Jews and Christians have been held under Islamic rule
Wikipedia - Diego Lopez I de Haro -- 3rd Lord of Biscay and ruler of M-CM-^Alava
Wikipedia - Differentiation rules -- Wikimedia list article with rules for computing the derivative of a function in calculus
Wikipedia - Diloba caeruleocephala -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Disjunctive syllogism -- Inference rule in logics : with "A or B" and "not A" deduce "B"
Wikipedia - Display rules
Wikipedia - Divide and rule -- Strategy in politics and sociology
Wikipedia - Divisibility rule -- Shorthand way of determining whether a given number is divisible by a fixed divisor
Wikipedia - DM-EM-^MjM-EM-^M kun -- Japanese martial arts term literally meaning (training hall) rules
Wikipedia - Doge of Genoa -- Ruler of the Republic of Genoa
Wikipedia - Dominion theology -- Ideology seeking Christian rule in the USA.
Wikipedia - Draft:Edidem Efik Eburutu -- Traditional ruler of the Efik people
Wikipedia - Draft:Igwe Oranu Chidume -- Nigerian traditional ruler
Wikipedia - Draft:Mansfield Rule -- Law firm policy
Wikipedia - Draft:Nayaks of Vellore -- Rulers of Vellore, India from 15th to 16th century CE
Wikipedia - Draft:Oranu Chris Chidume -- Nigerian traditional ruler
Wikipedia - Druze power struggle (1658-1667) -- Tribal disputes during Ottoman rule in the Levant
Wikipedia - Duchy of Aosta -- Italian Duchy ruled by Savoy
Wikipedia - Duchy of Brunswick-Luneburg -- Duchy in Holy Roman Empire 1235-1269; title of "Duke of Brunswick-Luneburg" used by rulers of all successor states
Wikipedia - Duchy -- Territory, fief, collection of counties, or domain ruled by, or representing the title of, a duke or duchess
Wikipedia - Dudleya pulverulenta
Wikipedia - Duke Ai of Qin -- ruler of the Chinese state of Qin (r. 536 BC-501 BC)
Wikipedia - Duke Dao of Cao -- Ruler of the Chinese vassal State of Cao (r. 523 BCE- 515 BCE)
Wikipedia - Duke of Burgundy -- Title used by the rulers of the Duchy of Burgundy
Wikipedia - Duke of Normandy -- Medieval ruler of the Duchy of Normandy
Wikipedia - Duke Qing of Jin -- Ruler of the Chinese State of Jin (r. 525 BC - 512 BC)
Wikipedia - Dummy pronoun -- Pronoun having no referent, only used to fulfill grammatical rules; e.g. "it" as in "it rains"
Wikipedia - Dungeons & Dragons Immortals Rules -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - Dungeons & Dragons Master Rules -- Tabletop role-playing game supplement for Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia -- Rule book for tabletop role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons
Wikipedia - Dungeons > Dragons Immortals Rules
Wikipedia - Dungeons > Dragons Master Rules
Wikipedia - Dungeons > Dragons Rules Cyclopedia
Wikipedia - Dynasty -- Sequence of rulers considered members of the same family
Wikipedia - Dyteutus -- 1st-century AD Galatian priest and ruler of Comana in Cappadocia
Wikipedia - Eadwulf Evil-child -- 10th century ruler of Bamburgh
Wikipedia - Eanhere of Hwicce -- Ruler of Hwicce
Wikipedia - Earl of Carrick -- Title applied to the ruler of Carrick
Wikipedia - Earls of Lade -- Dynasty of rulers of Trondelag and HM-CM-%logaland in Norway from the 9th century to the 11th century
Wikipedia - Early Kassite rulers
Wikipedia - Economy of India under Company rule -- Overview of the economy of India under Company rule
Wikipedia - Education in the Philippines during American rule -- Overview of the education in the Philippines during American rule
Wikipedia - Education policy -- Rules which govern schooling systems
Wikipedia - Eduruleni Manishi -- 2001 film by D. Siva Prasad Reddy
Wikipedia - Elective monarchy -- Monarchy ruled by an elected monarch
Wikipedia - Elton Rule -- American television executive
Wikipedia - Emmanuel Noi Omaboe -- Ghanaian economist and traditional ruler
Wikipedia - Emperor He of Han -- Emperor of the Han dynasty (79-106) (ruled 88-106)
Wikipedia - Emperor Jing of Han -- Emperor of the Han dynasty (188-141 BC) (ruled 157-141 BC)
Wikipedia - Emperor Ming of Han -- Emperor of the Han dynasty (AD 28-75) (ruled 58-75)
Wikipedia - Emperor of Ethiopia -- Hereditary rulers of the Ethiopian Empire
Wikipedia - Emperor Xizong of Tang -- Chinese ruler (862-888
Wikipedia - Emperor Yao -- Legendary Chinese ruler, one of the Five Emperors
Wikipedia - End of Basque home rule in France -- End of Basque native laws and institutions during French revolultion
Wikipedia - End of Basque home rule in Spain -- Final period of the Basque self-government within the Crown of Castile and Spain
Wikipedia - End of Roman rule in Britain -- Period from 383-410
Wikipedia - Englewood, Colorado -- Home Rule Municipality in Colorado, United States
Wikipedia - Equal-time rule -- U.S. radio and television law
Wikipedia - Erejuwa II -- Nigerian traditional ruler
Wikipedia - Eric Bloodaxe -- 10th-century Norwegian ruler
Wikipedia - Eupithecia rulena -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - European Prison Rules
Wikipedia - Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Wikipedia - Ewuare II -- traditional ruler of Benin, crowned in 2016
Wikipedia - Exacum caeruleum -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Exception that proves the rule -- Figure of speech
Wikipedia - Exclusionary rule -- U.S. rule against evidence that came through a government violation of the defendant's constitutional rights
Wikipedia - Extreme Rules (2009) -- 2009 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Extreme Rules (2010) -- 2010 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Extreme Rules (2011) -- 2011 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Extreme Rules (2012) -- 2012 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Extreme Rules (2013) -- 2013 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Extreme Rules (2014) -- 2014 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Extreme Rules (2015) -- 2015 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Extreme Rules (2016) -- 2016 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Extreme Rules (2017) -- 2017 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Extreme Rules (2018) -- 2018 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Extreme Rules (2019) -- 2019 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Ezana of Axum -- 320-360 ruler of the Kingdom of Aksum
Wikipedia - Fairy chess -- Chess compositions with nonstandard rules (e.g. with fairy pieces)
Wikipedia - Farighunids -- Early medieval Iranian dynasty that ruled northern Afghanistan
Wikipedia - Fat Kid Rules the World -- Book by KL Going
Wikipedia - Favourite -- Intimate companion of a ruler or other important person
Wikipedia - Federal Rules of Civil Procedure -- Rules that govern civil procedure in United States district courts
Wikipedia - Federal Rules of Evidence
Wikipedia - Fencing rules -- Set of protocols and behaviors used in competititve fencing
Wikipedia - Fermi's golden rule -- A formula that describes the transition rate from one energy eigenstate of a quantum system into other energy eigenstates
Wikipedia - Ferrule -- A ring used for fastening or joining
Wikipedia - Fiction and Other Truths: A Film About Jane Rule -- 1995 Canadian documentary film
Wikipedia - Fifty-move rule
Wikipedia - First Chinese domination of Vietnam -- First Han Dynasty rule of Vietnam (111 BC-40 AD)
Wikipedia - Five-card draw -- Set of poker rules
Wikipedia - Five-minute rule
Wikipedia - Five-second rule -- Western cultural food hygiene myth
Wikipedia - Flag of Elba -- Flag of the Mediterranean island during Napoleon's rule.
Wikipedia - Flavian dynasty -- Roman imperial dynasty (ruled AD 69-96)
Wikipedia - FM Non-Duplication Rule -- U.S. government regulation requiring 50% original content on FM radio stations
Wikipedia - Follow the Rules (song) -- 1996 single by Livin' Joy
Wikipedia - Follow the Rules -- Television series
Wikipedia - Forced labour under German rule during World War II -- use of unfree labour in Nazi Germany and throughout German-occupied Europe during the Second World War
Wikipedia - Formal language -- Words whose letters are taken from an alphabet and are well-formed according to a specific set of rules
Wikipedia - Formation rule
Wikipedia - Formula One regulations -- International motorsport rules
Wikipedia - Francia -- Territory inhabited and ruled by the Franks during Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages
Wikipedia - Freeman on the land -- Group of individuals with erroneous views on the rule of law
Wikipedia - French colonial empire -- Set of territories that were under French rule primarily from the 17th century to the late 1960s
Wikipedia - French military administration in Fezzan -- 1947-1951 French rule of southwestern Libya as part of the Allied administration
Wikipedia - French rule in Algeria
Wikipedia - Fumblerules -- Rule of language or linguistic style that breaks the rule
Wikipedia - Funkuro Godrules Ambare -- Anglican bishop of Nigeria
Wikipedia - Fustat -- First capital of Egypt under Muslim rule, in Old Cairo
Wikipedia - Fuzzy rule
Wikipedia - Gaius Asinius Gallus Saloninus -- Roman politician and writer active during the rule of Emperors Augustus and Tiberius
Wikipedia - Gaius Fufius Geminus (consul 2 BC) -- Roman senator and consul during the rule of Augustus
Wikipedia - Gaius Julius Alexander -- 1st century AD ruler of Cetis and Cilicia
Wikipedia - Game design -- Game development process of designing the content and rules of a game
Wikipedia - Game mechanics -- Construct, rule, or method designed for interaction with a game's state
Wikipedia - Game Without Rules -- 1967 short story collection by Michael Gilbert
Wikipedia - Gaming the system -- Abusing the rules
Wikipedia - Gariba II -- Traditional ruler of the Kingdom of Dagbon in Ghana
Wikipedia - Garuleum -- Genus of plants
Wikipedia - General Leibniz rule
Wikipedia - Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (United States) -- Accounting principles and rules used in the United States
Wikipedia - Generative science -- Study of how complex behaviour can be generated by deterministic and finite rules and parameters
Wikipedia - Genetic code -- Rules by which information encoded within genetic material is translated into proteins.
Wikipedia - Geniocracy -- Framework for a system of government ruled by intellectuals
Wikipedia - George Ali Murad Khan -- Ex-ruler of the princely state of Khairpur.
Wikipedia - George Fitz-Hardinge Berkeley -- Anglo-Irish soldier and Home Rule supporter
Wikipedia - Georges Brule -- French modern pentathlete
Wikipedia - Georgia Rule -- 2007 American film by Garry Marshall
Wikipedia - Gerontocracy -- Oligarchical rule by the elderly
Wikipedia - Get Da Money -- 2000 single by Ja Rule and Erick Sermon
Wikipedia - Ghabdula Chelbir -- Ruler of Volga Bulgaria from 1178-1225
Wikipedia - Ghazan -- Ruler of the Mongol Empire's Ilkhanate division (1271-1304) (r. 1295-1304)
Wikipedia - Ghazi of Iraq -- King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Iraq (1912-1939) (ruled 1933-1939)
Wikipedia - Gilbert Rule -- Scottish cleric and Principal of Edinburgh University
Wikipedia - Gilgamesh -- Sumerian ruler and protagonist of the Epic of Gilgamesh
Wikipedia - Girindrawardhana -- Ruler of Majapahit Empire, 1478-1489
Wikipedia - Girls' Rule -- 2013 single by Nogizaka46
Wikipedia - Giru of Baekje -- king of the Baekje dynasty of Korea (ruled 77-128)
Wikipedia - Glendale, Colorado -- Home Rule Municipality in State of Colorado, United States
Wikipedia - Gnaeus Arulenus Caelius Sabinus -- 1st century AD Roman senator and consul
Wikipedia - Godfrey of Bouillon -- French noble, a leader of the First Crusade and first ruler of the Kingdom of Jerusalem (1060-1100)
Wikipedia - Golden Rule Kate -- 1917 film by Reginald Barker
Wikipedia - Golden rule (law) -- Traditional rule of statutory interpretation in English law
Wikipedia - Golden rule
Wikipedia - Golden Rule -- Principle of treating others as oneself would wish to be treated, found in most religions and cultures
Wikipedia - Gomphosus caeruleus -- Species of bird wrasse
Wikipedia - Gong Wei -- Ruler of the Kingdom of Linjiang
Wikipedia - Gotse Delchev -- revolutionary figure in Ottoman-ruled Macedonia and Thrace
Wikipedia - Government of Ireland Act 1920 -- UK parliamentary Act of 1920 establishing Home Rule institutions in Southern and Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Grammar -- Structural rules that govern the composition of clauses, phrases, and words in a natural language
Wikipedia - Grammaticality -- Judgement on the well-formedness of a linguistic utterance, based on whether the sentence is produced and interpreted in accordance with the rules and constraints of the relevant grammar
Wikipedia - Grandfather clause -- Provision in which existing cases are exempt from a new rule which will apply to future cases
Wikipedia - Grandfather rule -- Rule allowing sports players to play for country of their ancestors
Wikipedia - Grand Junction, Colorado -- Home rule municipality in Colorado, United States
Wikipedia - Great Conspiracy -- Uprising against Roman rule of Britain (367-368)
Wikipedia - Greenspun's tenth rule -- Computing aphorism
Wikipedia - Greenwood Village, Colorado -- Home Rule Municipality in Colorado, United States
Wikipedia - Grito de Lares -- The first major revolt against Spanish rule in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Gurjara-Pratihara dynasty -- Indian dynasty that ruled much of Northern India from the mid-8th century to the 11th century
Wikipedia - Gyrolite -- Rare phyllosilicate mineral crystallizing in spherules
Wikipedia - Haber's rule -- Toxicology relationship between the concentration of a poisonous gas and duration breathed
Wikipedia - Habrona caerulescens -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - Hafiz-i Abru -- Persian historian at the court of Timurid rulers of Central Asia
Wikipedia - Hakea florulenta -- Species of shrub in the family Proteaceae endemic to eastern Australia
Wikipedia - Hamilton's rule
Wikipedia - Hammiradeva -- King who ruled modern Ranthambore, Rajasthan, India
Wikipedia - Harsha -- Indian emperor who ruled North India (c. 590-647) (ruled 606-647)
Wikipedia - Hart's Rules -- Authoritative reference book and style guide published in England by Oxford University Press
Wikipedia - Hawaiian sovereignty movement -- Grassroots movement to gain self-determination and rule for Hawaiians
Wikipedia - Hedan II -- Ruler of Thuringia
Wikipedia - Helcystogramma arulensis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Helius (freedman) -- A prominent Roman freedman during the rule of Emperor Nero
Wikipedia - Hellenistic ruler cult
Wikipedia - Helots -- A Greek population ruled by Sparta
Wikipedia - Henry II of England -- 12th-century King of England, Duke of Aquitaine, and ruler of other European lands
Wikipedia - Henry VII of Brzeg -- Duke of Brzeg and ruler of Niemcza
Wikipedia - Heraios -- early 1st century CE Kushan ruler
Wikipedia - Herod of Chalcis -- Roman client king of Chalcis in Iturea (ruled 41-48 AD)
Wikipedia - Hisham III of Cordoba -- Last Umayyad ruler in the Al-Andalus
Wikipedia - History of Egypt under the British -- Egypt under British rule
Wikipedia - History of Hong Kong Police -- History of the police force under British and Chinese rule
Wikipedia - History of Lebanon under Ottoman rule
Wikipedia - HMS Puncher (D79) -- 1944 Ruler-class escort aircraft carrier
Wikipedia - HMS Trumpeter (D09) -- 1943 Ruler-class escort aircraft carrier
Wikipedia - Home Rule Bill
Wikipedia - Home rule in the United States -- Type of self-government
Wikipedia - Hormizd I Kushanshah -- Ruler of the Kushano-Sasanian Kingdom
Wikipedia - Hospitaller Malta -- History of the island of Malta under the rule of the Knights Hospitaller.
Wikipedia - House of Capet -- Rulers of the Kingdom of France from 987 to 1328
Wikipedia - House of Lambakanna I -- Powerful clan that ruled Sri Lanka in the first half of the first millennium
Wikipedia - House of Vijaya -- First recorded Sinhalese royal dynasty that ruled over Sri Lanka
Wikipedia - House Rules (season 8) -- Australian reality television series
Wikipedia - House rules
Wikipedia - Hoysala architecture -- The building style developed under the rule of the Hoysala Empire between the 11th and 14th centuries, in the region known today as Karnataka, in India
Wikipedia - Hoysala Empire -- Kannadiga empire that ruled most of what is now Karnataka, India (10th-14th centuries)
Wikipedia - Huckel's rule -- Method of determining aromaticity in organic molecules
Wikipedia - Hudde's rules -- Two properties of polynomial roots
Wikipedia - Hulagu Khan -- Western Asian Mongol ruler (c.1215-1265)
Wikipedia - Humaid bin Rashid Al Nuaimi III -- ruler of Ajman
Wikipedia - Hung king -- Vietnamese rulers of the HM-aM-;M-^Sng Bang period
Wikipedia - Hyblaea subcaerulea -- Moth species in family Hyblaeidae
Wikipedia - Hyder Ali -- First Sultan and de facto ruler of the Kingdom of Mysore
Wikipedia - Hypercorrection -- Non-standard language usage from the over-application of a perceived prescriptive rule
Wikipedia - Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity -- 2020 hack and slash video game published by Nintendo and Koei Tecmo
Wikipedia - Hyrule Warriors -- 2014 hack and slash video game published by Nintendo and Koei Tecmo
Wikipedia - I before E except after C -- Mnemonic rule of thumb for English spelling
Wikipedia - Ibrahim Usman Jibril -- Nigerian traditional ruler
Wikipedia - Icing (ice hockey) -- Ice hockey rule
Wikipedia - I Cry (Ja Rule song) -- 2001 single by Ja Rule and Lil' Mo
Wikipedia - Idris Alooma -- Ruler of the West African empire of Bornu
Wikipedia - Iestyn ap Gwrgant -- Last independent ruler of Morgannwg (1014-1093)
Wikipedia - Ignore all rules -- The first rule of Wikipedia
Wikipedia - Ikenwoli Godfrey Emiko -- Nigerian traditional ruler
Wikipedia - IkkM-EM-^M-ikki -- mobs of peasant farmers, Buddhist monks, Shinto priests and local nobles who rose up against daimyM-EM-^M rule in 15th- and 16th-century Japan
Wikipedia - Ilyas Khoja -- Turco-Mongol ruler of Moghulistan (14th century)
Wikipedia - Imperialism -- Policy or ideology of extending a nation's rule over foreign nations
Wikipedia - Implementation Rule -- Chinese regulations
Wikipedia - India Home Rule movement
Wikipedia - Indian Civil Service -- The civil service of India during British rule from 1858 to 1947
Wikipedia - Indian Home Rule movement
Wikipedia - Indian independence movement -- Indian national movement seeking to end British rule (1857-1947)
Wikipedia - Indian Rebellion of 1857 -- 1857-58 Indian uprising against the rule of the British East India Company
Wikipedia - Indravasu -- Indo-Scythian king of the Apracas in Bajaur, western Pakistan; ruled circa 15 CE
Wikipedia - Inference rule
Wikipedia - Instruction creep -- the usual increase in complex and number of rules
Wikipedia - Instrument flight rules
Wikipedia - Intentona de Yauco -- Second and final major revolt against Spanish colonial rule in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - International law -- Generally accepted rules, norms and standards in international relations
Wikipedia - International monetary systems -- Internationally agreed rules, conventions and supporting institutions that facilitate international trade
Wikipedia - International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea -- Navigation rules to be followed by ships and other vessels at sea to prevent collisions between two or more vessels.
Wikipedia - In the Labyrinth (supplement) -- Fantasy tabletop role-playing game rules expansion
Wikipedia - Investiture Controversy -- 11th- and 12th-century dispute between secular rulers and the papacy
Wikipedia - Ionian Revolt -- military rebellions by Greek cities in Asia Minor against Persian rule (499 BC-493 BC)
Wikipedia - Iridomyrmex coeruleus -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Irish backstop -- proposed rule about Brexit and the Irish border, to come into effect only if alternative arrangements have not succeeded
Wikipedia - Irish Home Rule Movement
Wikipedia - Irish Home Rule movement
Wikipedia - Irish Rebellion of 1798 -- Uprising against British rule in Ireland
Wikipedia - Ivan Asen II -- Emperor of Bulgaria (ruled 1218-1241)
Wikipedia - IWRG La Ruleta de la Muerte Mascaras (2019) -- Mexican professional wrestling show
Wikipedia - IWRG Ruleta de la Muerte (2009) -- 2009 International Wrestling Revolution Group event
Wikipedia - IWRG Ruleta de la Muerte (2012) -- 2012 International Wrestling Revolution Group event
Wikipedia - IWRG Ruleta de la Muerte (2013) -- 2013 International Wrestling Revolution Group event
Wikipedia - IWRG Ruleta de la Muerte (April 2015) -- 2015 International Wrestling Revolution Group event
Wikipedia - IWRG Ruleta de la Muerte (November 2015) -- 2015 International Wrestling Revolution Group event
Wikipedia - Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah -- 13th Ruler of Kuwait and 3rd Emir of the State of Kuwait
Wikipedia - Jack Rule Jr. -- American golfer
Wikipedia - Jahangir III -- 16th century ruler of the Paduspanid branch of Nur
Wikipedia - Jahangir IV -- 16th century ruler of the Paduspanid branch of Kojur
Wikipedia - Jahan Zeb of Swat -- ruler of Swat
Wikipedia - Jan Muhammad Khan -- Asian ruler
Wikipedia - Ja Rule discography -- Discography
Wikipedia - Ja Rule -- American rapper, singer, and actor from New York
Wikipedia - Jayavarman Kaundinya -- Past Fu-nan ruler
Wikipedia - Jean-Jacques Dessalines -- leader of Haitian Revolution and first ruler of independent Haiti (1758-1806)
Wikipedia - John C. Rule -- American historian, 1929-2013
Wikipedia - John Trait -- Australian rules umpire
Wikipedia - John van der Puije -- Gold Coast merchant, newspaper publisher, traditional ruler and politician
Wikipedia - Jose M-CM-^Alvarez de Toledo y Dubois -- Politician and military leader against Spanish rule in Texas
Wikipedia - Judo rules -- Rules of Judo
Wikipedia - Julien Brule -- French archer
Wikipedia - Junaid Khan (de facto ruler of Khiva) -- Military commander, statesman
Wikipedia - Junta (Habsburg) -- Administrative body ruled in personal union with the Spanish Habsburgs
Wikipedia - Jury instructions -- Legal rules from a judge to jurors
Wikipedia - Kalevi (mythology) -- Ancient Finnish ruler, known from the Finnish epic Kalevala
Wikipedia - Kamehameha I (Gould) -- Bronze sculpture depicting the founder and first ruler of the Kingdom of Hawaii
Wikipedia - Kamsa -- Tyrant ruler of Mathura in Hindu mythology
Wikipedia - Kanak Pal -- Ruler of Garhwal Uttarakhand
Wikipedia - Kanazukai -- Orthographic rules for spelling
Wikipedia - Karbir Pande -- Nepali Ruler
Wikipedia - Karikala -- historical Chola king who ruled southern India
Wikipedia - KDB Darulehsan -- Darussalam-class Offshore Patrol Vessels
Wikipedia - Kew Rule -- Historical rule for derterming synonyms in botany
Wikipedia - Khalji dynasty -- Islamic dynasty of Turkic ethnicity who ruled the Delhi Sultanate from 1290-1320
Wikipedia - Khan (title) -- Historical title for a ruler or military leader
Wikipedia - Kharahostes -- Indo-Scythian king who ruled in northern India (r. c.10 BC-c.10 AD)
Wikipedia - Khmer Rouge rule of Cambodia
Wikipedia - Khorshidi dynasty -- A dynasty that ruled Little Lorestan between 1184 and 1597
Wikipedia - Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il portraits -- Mandatory depictions of the North Korean rulers
Wikipedia - Kinetic Rule Language
Wikipedia - Kingdom of Hejaz -- Western part of Arabian peninsula ruled by the Hashemite dynasty (1916-1925)
Wikipedia - King of Hanover -- Head of state and hereditary ruler of the Kingdom of Hanover
Wikipedia - King of Italy -- Ruler who ruled part or all of the Italian Peninsula after the fall of the Western Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Kirat Singh -- Indian ruler
Wikipedia - Kiya Buzurg-Ummid -- 12th-century Isma'ili ruler of Alamut
Wikipedia - Kleptocracy -- Government with exploitative rulers who seek to extend their personal wealth and power
Wikipedia - KM-JM-7etwores rule -- Sound rule of the Proto-Indo-European language
Wikipedia - Knightmare Chess -- Chess variant played with rule-modifying cards
Wikipedia - Korea during Japanese rule
Wikipedia - Korean independence movement -- 1900s-1940s movement against Japanese rule of Korea
Wikipedia - Korea under Japanese rule -- Japanese occupation of Korea from 1910-1945
Wikipedia - Krishnadevaraya -- Emperor of the Vijayanagara Empire (ruled 1509-1529)
Wikipedia - Kutlugh Turkan -- Ruler of Kirman (r. 1257-1282)
Wikipedia - Labaya -- 14th-century BCE ruler or warlord in the central hill country of southern Canaan
Wikipedia - Labour Party Rule Book -- Governing document for the Labour Party in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Lagertha -- Legendary Viking shieldmaiden and ruler
Wikipedia - Langton's loops -- Self-reproducing patterns in a particular cellular automaton rule, investigated in 1984 by Christopher Langton
Wikipedia - Latastia caeruleopunctata -- Species of lizard
Wikipedia - Laws of Cricket -- Rules of the game of cricket
Wikipedia - Law -- System of rules and guidelines, generally backed by governmental authority
Wikipedia - Lazar of Serbia -- medieval Serbian ruler
Wikipedia - Lead and Copper Rule -- US drinking water regulation
Wikipedia - Learning rule
Wikipedia - Leave the gate as you found it -- Rule of courtesy in rural areas
Wikipedia - Legal fiction -- Fact assumed or created by courts which is then used in order to apply a legal rule
Wikipedia - Leg before wicket -- Cricket rule
Wikipedia - Leibniz integral rule -- Differentiation under the integral sign formula
Wikipedia - Lerche-Newberger sum rule -- Finds the sum of certain infinite series involving Bessel functions of the first kind
Wikipedia - Lesbian rule -- A flexible strip of lead that could be bent to the curves of a molding, and used to measure or reproduce irregular curves
Wikipedia - Lex fori -- Choice of law rule
Wikipedia - Lexical implication rule
Wikipedia - Lex loci protectionis -- Choice of law rule for intellectual property rights
Wikipedia - L'Hopital's rule -- Mathematical rule for evaluating certain limits
Wikipedia - L'Hpital's rule
Wikipedia - List of 8 Simple Rules episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ayyubid rulers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of conflicts in Eastern Europe during Turco-Mongol rule
Wikipedia - List of consorts of rulers of China -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of countries by consultation on rule-making -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Dungeons & Dragons rulebooks -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Dungeons > Dragons rulebooks
Wikipedia - List of Greenlandic rulers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Khitan rulers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Mongol rulers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers and officers of Galway 1230-1485 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers in the British Isles -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers named Henry -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers named Rhun -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Aleppo
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Asante -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Austria -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Bassein -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Bavaria -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Belarus -- Wikimedia list article on the historical political leaders of Belarus
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Bengal -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Bithynia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Bosnia -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Brittany -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Cappadocia -- the Achaemenid satraps and Hellenistic kings of Cappadocia
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Clandeboye -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Commagene -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Crete -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Croatia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Damascus -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Elam -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Estonia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of France -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Frisia
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Galicia and Volhynia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Ga (Nkran) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Gwynedd -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Hesse -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Iceland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Ife -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of India -- Wikipedia list of lists article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of individual Emirates of the United Arab Emirates -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Islamic Egypt -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Japan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Kano -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Kongo -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Leqa Naqamte -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Lithuania -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Lorraine -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Luba -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Makuria -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Malwa -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Matamba -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Mecklenburg -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Mitanni -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Moab -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Moldavia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Mombasa -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Monaco -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Montenegro -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Montferrat -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Morocco -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Mosul -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Nanumba -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Odisha -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Oman -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Orungu -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Paphlagonia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Partitioned Poland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Pate -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Pegu -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Provence -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Saba and Himyar -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Saudi Arabia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Saxony -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Schleswig-Holstein -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Shan states -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of the Akan state of Akuapem -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of the Akan state of Akyem Abuakwa -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of the Akan state of Manya Krobo -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of the Bamum
Wikipedia - List of rulers of the Berba state of Gwande -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of the Electoral Palatinate
Wikipedia - List of rulers of the Gurma Mossi state of Nungu -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of the Huns -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of the Jolof Empire -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of the Kingdom of the Isles -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of the Lunda Empire -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of the Maasai -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of the Mahi state of Fitta -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of the Nandi -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of the Netherlands -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of the pre-Achaemenid kingdoms of Iran -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of the Rharhabe -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of the Yoruba state of Oyo -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Thrace and Dacia -- lists of rulers of Thrace and Dacia including mythical rulers
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Thuringia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Tibet -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Transylvania -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Tuscany -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Tyrone -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Wales -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Wallachia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Wanga -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Waterford -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Welayta -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rulers of Witu -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rules of Engagement episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rules of inference -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Russian rulers
Wikipedia - List of Scottish monarchs -- Kings and queens that ruled Scotland
Wikipedia - List of Serbian rulers
Wikipedia - List of state leaders in 2017 -- Heads of state, heads of governments, and other rulers in the year 2017
Wikipedia - List of state leaders in 2018 -- List of heads of state, heads of governments, and other rulers in the year 2018
Wikipedia - List of Tenochtitlan rulers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Texcoco rulers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Tlatelolco rulers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ukrainian rulers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Vanderpump Rules episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Wallachian rulers
Wikipedia - Lists of rulers of Egypt -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of rulers of Greece -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of rulers of Ireland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of rulers of Kenya -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of rulers of Spain -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lithospermum purpurocaeruleum -- Species of flowering plant in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Littleton, Colorado -- Home Rule Municipality in Colorado, United States
Wikipedia - Livin' It Up (Ja Rule song) -- 2001 single by Ja Rule and Case
Wikipedia - Lobesia virulenta -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Locus coeruleus
Wikipedia - London Prize Ring Rules -- List of boxing rules promulgated in 1838 and revised in 1853
Wikipedia - Lonicera caerulea -- Honeysuckle plant
Wikipedia - Lord of Galloway -- medieval Scottish ruler
Wikipedia - Lord of Misrule
Wikipedia - Lord of misrule
Wikipedia - Louis I, Landgrave of Thuringia -- ruler of Thuringia from 1123 to 1140
Wikipedia - Lusaka Manifesto -- 1969 declaration of African heads of state on human rights and white supremacy rule
Wikipedia - Lyubov Bruletova -- Russian judoka
Wikipedia - Magic: The Gathering rules
Wikipedia - Mahamanikya -- Ruler of Assam, India
Wikipedia - Mahanaga, Prince of Ruhuna -- 3rd century BC ruler of the Sri Lankan kingdom of Ruhuna
Wikipedia - Maharaja of Mysore -- principal title of the ruler of the Kingdom of Mysore in India
Wikipedia - Maharaja -- Hindu Indian ruler title
Wikipedia - Maharana Pratap -- 16th century ruler of Mewar, India
Wikipedia - Mahmud Shah II -- Infant ruler of Bengal
Wikipedia - Majority Rule (band) -- American hardcore punk band
Wikipedia - Majority rule -- Decision rule that selects alternatives which have a majority
Wikipedia - Malek Ashraf -- Chupanid ruler
Wikipedia - Malichus II -- Ruler of Nabatea from 40 to 70 AD
Wikipedia - Mallabhum -- Kingdom ruled by the Malla kings of Bishnupur, in present-day West Bengal, India
Wikipedia - Manasseh II -- Jewish ruler of the Khazars
Wikipedia - Manikongo -- Title of the rulers of the Kingdom of Kongo
Wikipedia - Mansa Musa -- Historical ruler in West Africa
Wikipedia - Manuel Doukas -- 13th-century ruler (despotes) of Thessalonica
Wikipedia - Maratha conquest of North-west India -- End of Muslim rule in North-West India
Wikipedia - March 1st Movement -- 1919 Korean public display of resistance against Japanese rule
Wikipedia - Margaret Rule -- British archaeologist who led the ''Mary Rose'' project
Wikipedia - Maria I of Portugal -- Queen of Portugal (1734-1816) (ruled 1777-1816)
Wikipedia - Maria Palaiologina -- Byzantine wife of 13th century Mongol ruler, Abaqa Khan
Wikipedia - Maria Theresa -- Ruler of the Habsburg dominions and the last of the House of Habsburg
Wikipedia - Markovnikov's rule
Wikipedia - Marquis Wu of Jin -- Ruler of the State of Jin
Wikipedia - Martial law in the United States -- Displacement of civil law by military rule in America
Wikipedia - Mary, Queen of Scots -- 16th-century Scottish ruler and queen consort of France
Wikipedia - Material implication (rule of inference) -- Rule of replacement in propositional logic
Wikipedia - Mature minor doctrine -- American rule of law
Wikipedia - Maupeou Triumvirate -- Powerful trio of ministers that ruled Ancien Regime France from 1771 to 1774
Wikipedia - Mavhungu Lerule-Ramakhanya -- South African politician
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Flfwynn -- 10th-century ruler of Mercia
Wikipedia - M-CM-^FthelflM-CM-&d -- 9th and 10th-century ruler of Mercia in England
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Fthelheard of Hwicce -- Ruler of Hwicce
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Fthelred, Lord of the Mercians -- 9th and 10th-century ruler of Mercia in England
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Slafr GuM-CM-0roM-CM-0arson (died 1237) -- Thirteenth-century ruler of the Isle of Man and parts of the Hebrides
Wikipedia - M-DM-^PuraM-DM-^Q Brankovic -- Despot of the Serbian Kingdom of Rascia (1377-1456) (ruled 1427-1456)
Wikipedia - Megachile aurulenta -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Sakra (Buddhism) -- Ruler of the TrayastriM-aM-9M-^CM-EM-^[a Heaven
Wikipedia - Merulempista cingillella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Merulempista ragonoti -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Merulempista turturella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Mesmerize (song) -- 2002 single by Ja Rule
Wikipedia - Mexican Texas -- Time period when Texas was under Mexican rule.
Wikipedia - Mian Shahul Mouhammed Kalhoro -- Sindi Kalhora Dynasty ruler (1620-1657)
Wikipedia - Mieszko I -- Duke of Poland (c. 930-992) (ruled c. 960-992)
Wikipedia - Military dictatorship -- A dictatorship ruled by the military
Wikipedia - Minimax -- Decision rule used for minimizing the possible loss for a worst case scenario
Wikipedia - Minjung of Goguryeo -- King of the Goguryeo dynasty of Korea (ruled 44-48 AD)
Wikipedia - Minority rule
Wikipedia - Mir Najaf Ali Khan -- Descendent of the Nizam dynasty, former rulers of Hyderabad in India
Wikipedia - Mischief rule -- Traditional rule of statutory interpretation in English law
Wikipedia - Mixed martial arts rules -- Mixed martial arts competitions rules
Wikipedia - M'Naghten Rules
Wikipedia - Mob rule
Wikipedia - Modus ponens -- Rule of logical inference
Wikipedia - Modus tollens -- Rule of logical inference
Wikipedia - Mohammed Zahir Shah -- King of Afghanistan (1914-2007) (ruled 1933-1973)
Wikipedia - Monarchism -- Advocacy of a monarch or monarchical rule
Wikipedia - Monarchy of Sweden -- Rulers of Sweden
Wikipedia - Monastic rule
Wikipedia - Mongolia during Qing rule
Wikipedia - Mongolia under Qing rule
Wikipedia - Moruleng Stadium -- Sports stadium in Moruleng, South Africa
Wikipedia - Motion Picture Production Code -- American film studio self-censorship rules
Wikipedia - Mottos of Francoist Spain -- Short phrases stating the ideals of the rule of Spain by Francisco Franco
Wikipedia - Movimiento Nacional -- Nationalist inspired mechanism during Francoist rule in Spain
Wikipedia - Muhammad Al-Sabah -- 6th Ruler of Kuwait
Wikipedia - Muhammad ibn Tughj al-Ikhshid -- Autonomous ruler of Egypt and Syria
Wikipedia - Muhammad Kwassau -- Last independent ruler of Zazzau
Wikipedia - Muhammad's letters to the heads of state -- Messages to rulers of the world, inviting them to Islam
Wikipedia - Muhammad XII of Granada -- Last Nasrid ruler of Grenada
Wikipedia - Mu'in ad-Din Unur -- 12th century ruler of Damascus
Wikipedia - Muisca Confederation -- Loose confederation of different Muisca rulers (zaques, zipas, iraca and tundama) in the central Andean highlands of present-day Colombia before the Spanish conquest of northern South America
Wikipedia - Multiple-classification ripple-down rules
Wikipedia - Munzir ibn Sawa Al-Tamimi -- Ruler of Bahrain
Wikipedia - Musa of Parthia -- Co-ruler of the Parthian Empire
Wikipedia - Must-carry -- Rules requiring cable companies to carry local broadcast television stations
Wikipedia - My Kitchen Rules (series 11) -- Series of television show
Wikipedia - Nader Shah -- Shah of Iran (1688-1747) (ruled 1736-1747)
Wikipedia - Nafata of Gobir -- Hausa Ruler
Wikipedia - Nagavanshi -- Community of rulers in ancient India
Wikipedia - Nahda -- Cultural movement in the Arabic-speaking world, especially Egypt and the Ottoman-ruled Levant
Wikipedia - Na'od -- Ethiopian Emperor (ruled 1494 - 1508)
Wikipedia - Nasir Jung -- 18th-century ruler of Hyderabad
Wikipedia - National anthem of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan -- National anthem of Afghanistan between 1978 and 1992 during the socialist rule
Wikipedia - National Council for the Revolutionary Command -- Council set up to rule Syria after the 1963 Syrian coup d'M-CM-)tat
Wikipedia - National Stadium, Lagos -- Multi-purpose stadium in Surulere, Lagos State, Nigeria
Wikipedia - Nawab -- Mughal title given to Muslim rulers of princely states in the Indian subcontinent
Wikipedia - Nayaks of Gingee -- Rulers of Gingee, India from 16th to 18th century CE
Wikipedia - Nazi rule over the Danube River -- Period of international river management
Wikipedia - Nemfidius -- 8th century ruler of Provence
Wikipedia - New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules -- administrative law body
Wikipedia - New Rules -- 2017 single by Dua Lipa
Wikipedia - Nicaraguan Revolution -- 1978-1990 Sandinista rule of Nicaragua
Wikipedia - Nigerian traditional rulers -- Subnational monarchs in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Ninety-ninety rule
Wikipedia - Ninurta coeruleopunctatus -- Species of lizard from South Africa
Wikipedia - Niven's laws -- Author Larry Niven's rules about how the universe works
Wikipedia - Nomenclature codes -- Rulebooks of taxonomic nomenclature, in biology
Wikipedia - Non-cooperation movement -- Resistance of British rule in India through non violent means
Wikipedia - Norman Rule -- Australian sports shooter
Wikipedia - Northern Fujiwara -- Japanese noble family that ruled the TM-EM-^Mhoku region of Japan during the 12th century
Wikipedia - No Rules (film) -- 2005 film
Wikipedia - Nymphaea caerulea
Wikipedia - Nymphaea nouchali var. caerulea -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Oba C. D. Akran -- Nigerian politician and traditional ruler
Wikipedia - Octet rule -- Chemical rule of thumblets
Wikipedia - Oedipoda caerulescens -- Species of grasshopper
Wikipedia - Offside (ice hockey) -- Ice hockey rule
Wikipedia - Off-side rule
Wikipedia - Ofori Panyin I -- Ghanaian ruler
Wikipedia - Olu Abejoye -- Nigerian traditional ruler
Wikipedia - Olu Akengboye -- Nigerian traditional ruler
Wikipedia - Olu Akengbuwa -- Nigerian traditional ruler
Wikipedia - Olu Akenjoye -- Nigerian traditional ruler
Wikipedia - Olu Atogbuwa -- Nigerian traditional ruler
Wikipedia - Olu Atorongboye -- Nigerian traditional ruler
Wikipedia - Olu Atuwatse II -- Nigerian traditional ruler
Wikipedia - Olu Atuwatse I -- Nigerian traditional ruler
Wikipedia - Olu Erejuwa I -- Nigerian traditional ruler
Wikipedia - Olu Esigie -- Nigerian traditional ruler
Wikipedia - Olu Ginuwa II -- Nigerian traditional ruler
Wikipedia - Olu Ginuwa -- Nigerian traditional ruler
Wikipedia - Olu Ijijen -- Nigerian traditional ruler
Wikipedia - Olu Irame -- Nigerian traditional ruler
Wikipedia - Olu Ojoluwa -- Nigerian traditional ruler
Wikipedia - Olu Omagboye (Miguel) -- Nigerian traditional ruler
Wikipedia - Olu Omoluyiri -- Nigerian traditional ruler
Wikipedia - Olu Oyenakpagha (Olu Obanighenren) -- Nigerian traditional ruler
Wikipedia - Omar I of Kanem -- Ruler of Kanem and founder of the Bornu Empire
Wikipedia - One Definition Rule -- A rule of programming language C++
Wikipedia - One-drop rule
Wikipedia - Open-fields doctrine -- U.S. legal rule allowing warrantless searches of private property not near houses
Wikipedia - Operations against the Marri and Khetran tribes -- 1918 rebellion against British rule in India
Wikipedia - Oshere of Hwicce -- Ruler of Hwicce
Wikipedia - Osric of Hwicce -- Ruler of Hwicce
Wikipedia - Oxford University Australian Rules Football Club
Wikipedia - Pacorus II -- King of Kings of the Parthian Empire (ruled 78-110)
Wikipedia - Pacorus of Media Atropatene -- 1st century AD Parthian prince who ruled Media Atropatene
Wikipedia - Padishah Khatun -- Qutlugh-Khanid dynasty ruler of Kirman (1256-1295) (r.1292-1295)
Wikipedia - Paika Rebellion -- Armed rebellion against the British East India Company's rule in Odisha in 1817
Wikipedia - Pal Gropa -- Feudal Albanian ruler
Wikipedia - Parol evidence rule -- Rule in the common law that governs what kinds of evidence parties to a contract dispute can introduce
Wikipedia - Parsing -- Analysing a string of symbols, according to the rules of a formal grammar
Wikipedia - Part 15 (FCC rules)
Wikipedia - Pasa of Silla -- Ruler of the Korean kingdom of Silla (ruled 80-112)
Wikipedia - Pasenadi -- ruler of Kosala
Wikipedia - Passiflora caerulea -- Species of flowering plant in the passion flower family Passifloraceae
Wikipedia - Patrobius -- A prominent Roman freedman during the rule of Emperor Nero
Wikipedia - Penalty (ice hockey) -- Punishment for breaking the rules in ice hockey
Wikipedia - People's Republic of Bulgaria -- Socialist republic ruled by the Bulgarian Communist Party (1946-1990)
Wikipedia - Pepi I Meryre -- Egyptian pharaoh, third ruler of the Sixth Dynasty of Egypt in the late 24th century BC
Wikipedia - Persecution of black people in Nazi Germany -- Experiences of black people in Germany under the rule of the Nazis
Wikipedia - Personal boundaries -- Guidelines, rules or limits that a person creates to identify reasonable, safe and permissible ways for other people to behave towards them and how they will respond when someone passes those limits.
Wikipedia - Personal Rule -- 1629 to 1640, when Charles I ruled without parliament.
Wikipedia - Petubastis III -- Native Egyptian leader (r.c. 522 - 520 BC) who led revolt against Persian rule
Wikipedia - Phacelia coerulea -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Pharaoh -- Title of Ancient Egyptian rulers
Wikipedia - Phase rule
Wikipedia - Philetaerus -- Governor and autonomous ruler of Pergamon
Wikipedia - Philip Francis, Prince of Leyen -- Ruler of the Principality of Leyen
Wikipedia - Philip IV of France -- King of France (1268-1314) (ruled 1285-1314)
Wikipedia - Philippine House Committee on Rules -- Standing committee of the House of Representatives of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Rules -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philip the Tetrarch -- Son of Herod the Great and ruler of the northeast part of his father's kingdom (c. 26 BCE-34 CE) (r. 4 BCE-34 CE)
Wikipedia - Philosopher king -- King who rules through love and knowledge, as described by Plato
Wikipedia - Philosophical razor -- Principle or rule of thumb that allows one to eliminate unlikely explanations for a phenomenon
Wikipedia - Phonological rule
Wikipedia - Phrase structure rules
Wikipedia - Piero di Cosimo de' Medici -- Italian nobleman and de facto ruler of Florence
Wikipedia - Pieter Gysbert Noodt -- South African ruler
Wikipedia - Pimple -- Blister containing purulent fluid
Wikipedia - Plain meaning rule -- Traditional rule of statutory interpretation in English law
Wikipedia - Plateau's laws -- Set of mathematical rules governing the structure of soap films
Wikipedia - Platyptilia pulverulenta -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Polemonium caeruleum -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Pollack's Rule
Wikipedia - Pollack's rule
Wikipedia - Ponsonby Rule -- Former constitutional convention regarding treaty ratification in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Pope Benedict XIII -- Head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States from 29 May 1724 to his death in 1730
Wikipedia - Pope Clement VIII -- head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States (1536-1605) (r.1592-1605)
Wikipedia - Pope Gregory V -- Pope and ruler of the Papal States (c.972-999) (r.996-999)
Wikipedia - Pope Pius VII -- Head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States from 1800 to 1823
Wikipedia - Popiel -- Legendary Polish ruler
Wikipedia - Power rule
Wikipedia - Pradyumna Shah -- Ruler of Garhwal Uttarakhand
Wikipedia - Precedent -- Principle or rule established in a previous legal case that is either binding on or persuasive for a court
Wikipedia - President's rule -- Suspension of state government and imposition of direct Central Government rule in a state under Article 356 of the Indian constitution
Wikipedia - Prime Time Access Rule -- American broadcasting regulation
Wikipedia - Prince regent -- Prince who rules in place of a monarch due to incapacity or absence
Wikipedia - Principle -- Rule that has to be followed or is an inevitable consequence of something, such as the laws observed in nature
Wikipedia - Priority to the right -- Road rule
Wikipedia - Production (computer science) -- In computer science, a rewrite rule specifying a substitution that can be recursively performed to generate new sequences
Wikipedia - Product rule -- Formula for the derivative of a product
Wikipedia - Prule Bridge -- Bridge in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Pseudomathematics -- Mathematics-like activity that does not fit into the framework of formally accepted rules
Wikipedia - Ptolemaic dynasty -- Macedonian Greek royal family which ruled Egypt
Wikipedia - Pulakeshin II -- 610-642 ruler of the Chalukya dynasty of Vatapi, present-day India
Wikipedia - Purposive approach -- Rule of statutory interpretation
Wikipedia - Purulent
Wikipedia - Put It on Me (Ja Rule song) -- 2000 single by Ja Rule and Lil' Mo
Wikipedia - Puya coerulea -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Pythodoris II -- 1st century AD Roman client ruler of the Odrysian kingdom of Thrace
Wikipedia - QariM-JM-> -- Person who recites the Qur'an with the proper rules of recitation
Wikipedia - Queen regnant -- Female monarch who rules a country in her own right
Wikipedia - Quenya grammar -- Grammatical rules of late Quenya
Wikipedia - Queuing Rule of Thumb
Wikipedia - Quota rule -- Rule in math and political science
Wikipedia - Quotient rule
Wikipedia - Qutb al-Din Aibak -- General and ruler of the Delhi Sultanate (1150-1210) (ruled 1206-1210)
Wikipedia - Qutb al-Din Mohammad -- Qutlughanid ruler of Kerman (r.1252-1257)
Wikipedia - Rabbel II Soter -- King of the Nabataean Kingdom (ruled AD 70-106)
Wikipedia - Rafael Trujillo -- Ruler of the Dominican Republic from 1930 to 1961
Wikipedia - Raja Dhaj -- Historical ruler of Sindh
Wikipedia - Raja -- Monarch or princely ruler in the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia
Wikipedia - Rajuvula -- Indo-Scythian king who ruled the Mathura region in northern India (c. 10 CE)
Wikipedia - Rakoczi's War of Independence -- Insurrection in Hungary against Habsburg rule
Wikipedia - Raku rules
Wikipedia - Ramesses VI -- Fifth ruler of the Twentieth dynasty of Egypt
Wikipedia - Rana dynasty -- Nepali Kshetri dynasty of rulers
Wikipedia - Rank-maximal allocation -- Rule for fair division of invisible items
Wikipedia - Ranmal -- 15th century ruler
Wikipedia - Rao Bahadur -- Honour bestowed during British rule in India
Wikipedia - Rao Surjan Singh -- Ruler of Bundi
Wikipedia - Ratio decompression -- Rule of thumb for estimating a decompression schedule for a given set of breathing gases
Wikipedia - Ratnadeva II -- 12th century ruler of Ratnapura, India
Wikipedia - Raven banner -- Flag used by various Scandinavian rulers during the Viking age
Wikipedia - Reassertion of British sovereignty over the Falkland Islands (1833) -- The re-establishment of British rule on the Falkland Islands in 1833
Wikipedia - Recreational Dive Planner -- A PADI no-decompression dive table also available as a circular slide rule and electronic calculator
Wikipedia - Referee -- A person or authority who oversees and rules match's activities in competitive sport
Wikipedia - Regime -- Form of government or the set of rules, cultural or social norms, etc. that regulate the operation of a government or institution and its interactions with society
Wikipedia - Regulation -- General term for rules, including delegated legislation and self-regulation
Wikipedia - RegulM-CM-& Juris -- Term for general rules of the interpretation of canon laws of the Catholic Church
Wikipedia - Reign -- Period in which a sovereign rules
Wikipedia - Rewrite rule
Wikipedia - Rhadamistus -- 1st century AD ruler of the Kingdom of Armenia
Wikipedia - Rheinheimera coerulea -- Genus of bacteria
Wikipedia - Rhescuporis II -- King of the Odrysian kingdom of Thrace (ruled c.12-c.18 AD)
Wikipedia - Rhoemetalces III -- 1st century client ruler of the Odrysian kingdom of Thrace under the Romans
Wikipedia - Right-hand rule
Wikipedia - Ripple Down Rules
Wikipedia - Ripple down rules
Wikipedia - Ripple-down rules
Wikipedia - Robert's Rules of Order -- Book on parliamentary procedure by Henry Martyn Robert
Wikipedia - Roman emperor -- Ruler of the Roman Empire in imperial period
Wikipedia - Romania in the Middle Ages -- history of Romania from the withdrawal of the Mongols to the rule of Michael the Brave
Wikipedia - Roman Kingdom -- period of Roman history when the city and its territory were ruled by kings (c.753-c.509 BC)
Wikipedia - Roman Ruler (horse) -- American thoroughbred racehorse
Wikipedia - Rome Rule
Wikipedia - Royal entry -- Ceremonies accompanying a formal entry by a ruler into a city
Wikipedia - Ruffini's rule
Wikipedia - Rule 110 -- elementary cellular automaton
Wikipedia - Rule 184 -- elementary cellular automaton
Wikipedia - Rule 27 -- Former Gaelic sports rule
Wikipedia - Rule 30 -- Elementary cellular automaton
Wikipedia - Rule 34 -- Internet joke stating that internet pornography exists concerning every conceivable topic
Wikipedia - Rule 63 -- Internet meme involving gender reversal of an existing male/female character
Wikipedia - Rule 90 -- elementary cellular automaton
Wikipedia - Rule according to higher law -- Belief that universal principles of morality override unjust laws
Wikipedia - Rule against perpetuities -- Legal rule prohibiting very long temporary interests in property
Wikipedia - Rule a Wife and Have a Wife
Wikipedia - Rule-based machine learning
Wikipedia - Rule-based machine translation
Wikipedia - Rule-based programming
Wikipedia - Rule-based system
Wikipedia - Rule Britannia (novel) -- 1972 novel by Daphne du Maurier
Wikipedia - Rule, Britannia! -- British patriotic song; music by Thomas Arne, 1740
Wikipedia - Rule by decree
Wikipedia - Ruled Britannia -- 2002 alternate history novel by Harry Turtledove
Wikipedia - Ruled paper -- Writing paper with lines
Wikipedia - Rule egoism
Wikipedia - Rule engine
Wikipedia - Rule-following paradox
Wikipedia - Rule-following
Wikipedia - Rule induction
Wikipedia - Rule Interchange Format
Wikipedia - Rulemaking
Wikipedia - Rule of 72 -- Methods of estimating the doubling time of an investment
Wikipedia - Rule of Benedict
Wikipedia - Rule of Faith -- Ultimate authority or standard in Christian belief
Wikipedia - Rule of inference
Wikipedia - Rule of law doctrine in Singapore -- Law doctrine in Singapore
Wikipedia - Rule of law -- Political situation where every citizen is subject to the law
Wikipedia - Rule of reason -- American legal doctrine
Wikipedia - Rule of recognition
Wikipedia - Rule of replacement
Wikipedia - Rule of Saint Albert
Wikipedia - Rule of Saint Augustine -- Document that outlines religious life of oldest monastic rule in the Western Church
Wikipedia - Rule of Saint Benedict
Wikipedia - Rule of Saint Francis -- Monastic rule followed by the Order of Friars Minor
Wikipedia - Rule of Sarrus -- Mnemonic device for calculating 3 by 3 matrix determinants
Wikipedia - Rule of St. Augustine
Wikipedia - Rule of St Benedict
Wikipedia - Rule of St. Benedict
Wikipedia - Rule of the Franciscan Order
Wikipedia - Rule of the Master
Wikipedia - rule of the shorter term
Wikipedia - Rule of the shorter term -- Provision of international copyright law
Wikipedia - Rule of thirds (diving) -- Rule of thumb for scuba gas management
Wikipedia - Rule of three (writing) -- Writing principle recommending trios
Wikipedia - Rule of thumb -- Principle with broad application that is not intended to be strictly accurate or reliable for every situation
Wikipedia - Rule of tincture -- Rule of color composition in heraldic design
Wikipedia - Rule of twelfths -- An approximation to a sine curve used as a rule of thumb for estimating a changing quantity where both the quantity and the steps are easily divisible by 12
Wikipedia - Ruler-and-compass constructions
Wikipedia - Ruler and compass
Wikipedia - Ruler-class escort carrier -- Royal Navy escort aircraft carrier class
Wikipedia - Rulers of India series
Wikipedia - Rulers of Kievan Rus
Wikipedia - Rulers of Nations -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - Rulers of the Hawaiian Islands -- Monarchs of the Hawaiian Islands
Wikipedia - Rulers of the Sea -- 1939 film by Frank Lloyd
Wikipedia - Rulers of Thuringia
Wikipedia - Rulers of Transylvania
Wikipedia - Ruler -- An instrument used to measure distances or to draw straight lines
Wikipedia - Rules Compendium
Wikipedia - Rules (Doja Cat song) -- 2019 single by Doja Cat
Wikipedia - Rules for Archival Description -- Archival descriptive standard
Wikipedia - Rules for landowners -- Book by Florentine writer Marco Lastri
Wikipedia - Rules for the Direction of the Mind
Wikipedia - Rules of chess -- Rules of play for the game of chess
Wikipedia - Rules of Engagement (film) -- 2000 film by William Friedkin
Wikipedia - Rules of Go -- Details of the rules for the abstract strategy board game for two players
Wikipedia - Rules of inference
Wikipedia - Rules of origin -- Rules to attribute a country of origin to a product
Wikipedia - Rules of Play
Wikipedia - Rules of Survival -- Online battle royale video game
Wikipedia - Rules of the Sociological Method
Wikipedia - Rules of thumb
Wikipedia - Ruleta de la Muerte (1998) -- Mexican Professional wrestling show
Wikipedia - Ruleta de la Muerte (1999) -- Mexican Professional wrestling show
Wikipedia - Rule the World (2 Chainz song) -- 2019 single by 2 Chainz featuring Ariana Grande
Wikipedia - Rule utilitarianism
Wikipedia - Ruzi Ying -- last ruler of the Chinese Western Han Dynasty (5-25 CE)
Wikipedia - Ryan Holle -- American convicted under the felony murder rule for lending a car to a friend
Wikipedia - Saad Al-Salim Al-Sabah -- 14th Ruler of Kuwait and 4th Emir of the State of Kuwait
Wikipedia - Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah -- 15h Ruler of Kuwait and 5th Emir of the State of Kuwait
Wikipedia - Sabah Al-Salim Al-Sabah -- 12th Ruler of Kuwait and 2nd Emir of the State of Kuwait
Wikipedia - Sabotain: Break the Rules -- 2004 video game
Wikipedia - Sagara Haruhiro -- Daimyo who ruled a region in Higo Province
Wikipedia - Sajid dynasty -- Iranian Muslim dynasty that ruled from 889-890 until 929
Wikipedia - Salic law -- Major body of Frankish law governing all the Franks of Frankia under the rule of its kings during the Old Frankish Period
Wikipedia - Salim bin Sultan Al Qasimi -- Ruler of Sharjah
Wikipedia - Salvia albocaerulea -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Samanid Empire -- Iranian empire ruled by the Samanids
Wikipedia - Sancho III of Pamplona -- 11th century King of Pamplona and ruler of Aragaon
Wikipedia - Sapadbizes -- Late 1st century BC ruler of western Bactria
Wikipedia - Satrap -- Ruler of a province in ancient Persia
Wikipedia - Saud bin Abdulaziz bin Muhammad -- 19th-century ruler of the House of Saud
Wikipedia - Saulius AmbruleviM-DM-^Mius -- Lithuanian figure skater
Wikipedia - Sayf al-Dawla -- 10th-century Muslim ruler of northern Syria
Wikipedia - Sceptre -- Staff held by a ruler to symbolize authority
Wikipedia - Schematron -- Rule-based validation language for XML
Wikipedia - Secret of Cerulean Sand -- Japanese anime television series
Wikipedia - Secrets of RM-CM-&tikon -- Video game published by Broken Rules
Wikipedia - Seleucus II Callinicus -- Ruler of the Seleucid Empire
Wikipedia - Semantic Web Rule Language
Wikipedia - Seth-Peribsen -- Ancient Egyptian ruler
Wikipedia - Severan dynasty -- Roman imperial dynasty (ruled 193 to 235)
Wikipedia - Shah Rukh -- Timurid ruler
Wikipedia - Shamkhal (title) -- Historical title used for the rulers of Kumyk people in Dagestan
Wikipedia - Sharifian Solution -- British plan to install Hashemite family rulers in Middle East territories
Wikipedia - Shunzhi Emperor -- 2nd Emperor of the Qing Dynasty, 1st Qing Dynasty emperor to rule over China proper
Wikipedia - Siege of Nicomedia -- Successful Ottoman siege of Byzantine-ruled Nicomedia
Wikipedia - Silver Rule
Wikipedia - Simpson's rule -- Method for numerical integration
Wikipedia - Skandagupta -- Gupta Emperor who ruled parts of Indian subcontinent during c. 455-467
Wikipedia - S. K. B. Asante -- Ghanaian lawyer and traditional ruler
Wikipedia - Slide Rule (horse) -- American Thoroughbred racehorse
Wikipedia - Slide rule
Wikipedia - Slovak Uprising of 1848-49 -- 19th-century uprising of Slovaks against Hungarian rule
Wikipedia - SM-EM-^M Sukekuni -- Japanese Warrior and Ruler of Tsushima
Wikipedia - Social rule
Wikipedia - Sogdianus -- Illegitimate son of Artaxerxes I, brief ruler of the Achaemenid Empire
Wikipedia - Sohaemus of Emesa -- Roman Client Priest King of the Emesan kingdom (ruled AD 54-73)
Wikipedia - Sojunghwa -- 17th century Korean ideology which sees the Koreans as the true heirs to Chinese civilization after the fall of Ming dynasty by the Manchu-ruled Qing dynasty
Wikipedia - Solecism -- Phrase that transgresses the rules of grammar
Wikipedia - Sophy (Safavid Empire) -- Term for the ruler of the Safavid dynasty of Iran
Wikipedia - South African environmental law -- The legal rules in South Africa relating to management of the environment
Wikipedia - South Carolina High School League -- Organization that rules and regulates school athletics in the state of South Carolina
Wikipedia - Stentor coeruleus
Wikipedia - Strattis of Chios -- Greek tyrant who ruled the Aegean island of Chios during the late 6th and early 5th centuries BC
Wikipedia - Strict rules, hard efforts -- The motto of Harbin Institute of Technology
Wikipedia - Structural rule -- Inference rule that does not refer to any logical connective, but instead operates on the judgment or sequents directly
Wikipedia - Stymie -- Archaic rule in the game of golf
Wikipedia - Succession to the Spanish throne -- Rules of succession to the Throne of Spain
Wikipedia - Sudarshan Shah -- Ruler of Garhwal Uttarakhand
Wikipedia - Sui dynasty -- Dynasty that ruled over China from 581 to 618
Wikipedia - Suleiman II of Persia -- Safavid pretender and briefly ruler of parts of Iran (1714-1763)
Wikipedia - Sultan Adi Korklu Bey I -- First Ruler of the Elisu Sultanate
Wikipedia - Sultan Satuq Bughra Khan -- Kara-Khanid ruler
Wikipedia - Sum rule in differentiation
Wikipedia - Sur Empire -- Historical empire that ruled the northern part of the Indian subcontinent between 1540 and 1556
Wikipedia - Susan Cerulean -- American naturalist and writer
Wikipedia - Svatopluk I of Moravia -- Ruler of Great Moravia
Wikipedia - Swaraj -- Self-rule concept and movement in India
Wikipedia - Syntax (logic) -- Rules used for constructing, or transforming the symbols and words of a language
Wikipedia - Taiwan under Japanese rule
Wikipedia - Taiwan under Qing rule -- 1683-1895 period in Taiwanese history
Wikipedia - Tajwid -- Rules governing pronunciation during recitation of the Quran
Wikipedia - Tantalus (son of Broteas) -- Son of Broteas and ruler of Lydia in Greek mythology
Wikipedia - Tape measure -- Flexible ruler used to measure size or distance
Wikipedia - Tardu -- a medieval ruler in Turkic Khaganate
Wikipedia - Tarkhun -- 8th-century ruler of Samarkand
Wikipedia - Tarrasch rule
Wikipedia - Tautology (rule of inference)
Wikipedia - Taylor rule -- Rule from monetary policy
Wikipedia - Template talk:Rulers of Ancient Israel
Wikipedia - Template talk:Rulers of the Ancient Near East
Wikipedia - Template talk:Safavid Rulers
Wikipedia - Template talk:Transformation rules
Wikipedia - Tenkasi Pandyas -- Rulers of Pandya dynasty
Wikipedia - Teres I -- First king of the Odrysian state (ruled c. 460-445 BC)
Wikipedia - Territorial spirit -- Angels or demons who rule over certain geographical areas
Wikipedia - Tetrarchy -- Period of Roman history when power was divided among four rulers
Wikipedia - That Golden Rule -- 2009 single by Biffy Clyro
Wikipedia - The Bruun Rule -- Formula for estimating the magnitude of shoreline retreat due to changes in sea level
Wikipedia - The Cider House Rules (film) -- 1999 American drama film directed by Lasse Hallstrom
Wikipedia - The Cider House Rules -- 1985 novel by John Irving
Wikipedia - The Comey Rule -- American drama miniseries
Wikipedia - The Country Code -- Sets of rules for walkers in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - The Forty Rules of Love -- A novel by Elif Safak
Wikipedia - The Horror Show at Extreme Rules -- 2020 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia -- Book by Nintendo
Wikipedia - The Lion King (franchise) -- Disney media franchise about lions who rule an African savannah
Wikipedia - The No Asshole Rule -- Book by Robert I. Sutton
Wikipedia - Theonomy -- Christian form of government in which society is ruled by divine law
Wikipedia - The Rule of Four (book)
Wikipedia - The Rule of Four -- Book by Ian Caldwell
Wikipedia - The Rule of Names
Wikipedia - The Rule of Phase Applied to History
Wikipedia - The Rule of the Blessing
Wikipedia - The Rule of the Congregation
Wikipedia - The Rules of Attraction (film) -- 2002 film by Roger Avary
Wikipedia - The Rules of Sociological Method
Wikipedia - The Rules of the Game -- 1939 French film directed by Jean Renoir
Wikipedia - The Rules of the Sociological Method
Wikipedia - The Utopia of Rules -- Book by David Graeber
Wikipedia - Thlaspi caerulescens -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Thomas Palaiologos -- Despot of the Morea (1409-1465) (ruled 1428-1460)
Wikipedia - Three Laws of Robotics -- Set of rules devised by the science fiction author Isaac Asimov
Wikipedia - Three Rules of Discipline and Eight Points for Attention -- 1928 military doctrine of Mao Zedong
Wikipedia - Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors -- Mythic rulers and culture heroes of ancient China
Wikipedia - Tiberius Julius Aspurgus -- Roman client king of the Bosporan Kingdom (ruled 8 BC-38 AD)
Wikipedia - Tiberius Julius Mithridates -- 1st century AD ruler of the Bosporan Kingdom
Wikipedia - Tibet under Qing rule
Wikipedia - Tibet under Yuan rule -- Time period in Tibet from approximately 1270 to 1350
Wikipedia - Tigranes the Younger -- Artaxiad prince who briefly ruled the Kingdom of Sophene in 65 BC
Wikipedia - Time discipline -- Social rules and conventions governing time
Wikipedia - Tipu Sultan -- Ruler of the Kingdom of Mysore, South India
Wikipedia - Toghrul -- Kerait ruler
Wikipedia - Tomara dynasty -- Indian dynasty who ruled parts of present-day Delhi and Haryana during 9th-12th century
Wikipedia - Touch-move rule -- Chess rule requiring a player to move or capture a piece deliberately touched
Wikipedia - Traditional English pronunciation of Latin -- Basic pronunciation rules
Wikipedia - Training Rules -- 2009 documentary film by Dee Mosbacher and Fawn Yacker
Wikipedia - Transfer pricing -- Rules and methods for pricing transactions between enterprises under common ownership
Wikipedia - Transformation rule
Wikipedia - Trapezoidal rule -- Numerical integration method
Wikipedia - Trilochanapala -- Ruler of the Kabul Shahi
Wikipedia - Trung sisters' rebellion -- Vietnamese rebellion against Chinese rule (AD 40-43)
Wikipedia - Tsarina -- title of a female autocratic ruler of Bulgaria or Russia
Wikipedia - Tudor period -- Historical era in England coinciding with the rule of the Tudor dynasty
Wikipedia - Twenty-fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution -- Article of amendment to the U.S. Constitution, enumerating rules of presidential succession
Wikipedia - Two-man rule
Wikipedia - Two-second rule -- Rule of thumb in driving
Wikipedia - Tyrant -- Absolute ruler unrestrained by law or constitution
Wikipedia - Uchchala -- Ruler of Kashmir
Wikipedia - Udul-kalama -- Sumerian ruler
Wikipedia - Uhtred of Galloway -- Scottish ruler (1120-1174)
Wikipedia - Ulugh Beg -- Timurid ruler as well as an astronomer, mathematician and sultan (1394-1449)
Wikipedia - Umaru bin Ali -- Nigerian traditional ruler
Wikipedia - Umayyad dynasty -- Rulers of Umayyad Caliphate
Wikipedia - Unruled Paper (film) -- 2001 film
Wikipedia - Unspoken rule -- rules that are not written down
Wikipedia - Uptick rule -- Trading restriction that states that short selling a stock is only allowed on an uptick
Wikipedia - Urraca of Leon -- Queen of Leon, Castile, and Galicia (1079-1126) (ruled 1109-1126)
Wikipedia - Utricularia caerulea -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Uyghur women under Qing rule -- Uyghur women in the 18th century Qing-dynasty
Wikipedia - Valley of the Thracian Rulers -- Terminology for Kazanlak Valley
Wikipedia - Vanderpump Rules After Show -- Television series
Wikipedia - Vanderpump Rules -- American reality television series
Wikipedia - Vangio and Sido -- Co-rulers of a Roman client kingdom in Bohemia in the 1st century AD
Wikipedia - Vardanes I -- King of the Parthian Empire (ruled AD 40-46)
Wikipedia - Vehicular cycling -- Practice of riding bicycles on roads while obeying roadway rules
Wikipedia - Vikramaditya Singh -- Ruler of Mewar Kingdom
Wikipedia - Vinaya -- Buddhist monastic rules
Wikipedia - Virulence -- Degree to which a pathogen is capable of infecting or damaging its host
Wikipedia - Virulent Newcastle disease -- Contagious viral avian disease
Wikipedia - Vushmgir -- 10th century ruler of the Ziyarids
Wikipedia - Wars of Augustus -- Military campaigns undertaken by the Romans during the rule of emperor Augustus
Wikipedia - We Broke the Rules -- 2002 studio album by Aventura
Wikipedia - Wee Rule -- 1988 single by Wee Papa Girl Rappers
Wikipedia - Western Satraps -- Indo-Scythian rulers of western and central India (35-405 CE)
Wikipedia - Wheeler Incremental Inductance Rule -- A rule of thumb for estimating skin effect resistance of parallel transmission lines.
Wikipedia - When Women Rule the World -- Television series
Wikipedia - Whitstone and Bridgerule railway station -- Former railway station in Devon, England
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Ignore all rules -- Wikipedia page explaining the policy that Wikipedia does not have firm rules
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Simplified ruleset -- Basic rules of WIkipedia editing
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Terms of use -- Rules for using Wikipedia
Wikipedia - Willful violation -- Deliberate or negligent violation of workplace rules and policies
Wikipedia - Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language
Wikipedia - Women Who Ruled: Queens, Goddesses, Amazons, 1500-1650 -- 2002 exhibition of Renaissance and baroque art
Wikipedia - Wonderful (Ja Rule song) -- 2004 single by Ja Rule
Wikipedia - Words and Rules
Wikipedia - Work-to-rule -- Industrial action in which employees do no more than the minimum required
Wikipedia - Wuqu-BatzM-JM-< -- Ruler of Iximche, capital of the Late Postclassic Kaqchikel Maya kingdom
Wikipedia - WWE Extreme Rules -- WWE pay-per-view series
Wikipedia - Xerxes II -- Son of Artaxerxes I, brief ruler of the Achaemenid Empire
Wikipedia - Xicomecoatl -- Ruler of Cempola and ally of Cortes in the Aztec Empire
Wikipedia - Xunhua Incident -- Uprising against the rule of the Communist Party of China
Wikipedia - Yakhan Begum -- 16th century Karkiya princess and daughter of the Karkiya ruler Khan Ahmad Khan
Wikipedia - Yakub Shah Chak -- Ruler of Kashmir
Wikipedia - Yakubu II -- Ruler of Dagbon Kingdom
Wikipedia - Yama -- god of death and the ruler of the hell, in Hinduism, Buddhism, and various Indo-European mythologies
Wikipedia - Yamtuan Besar -- Royal title of a Malaysian ruler
Wikipedia - Yan Emperor -- Legendary ancient Chinese ruler
Wikipedia - Yang Nandi -- Chouchi ruler
Wikipedia - Yantin-'Ammu -- Middle Bronze Age ruler
Wikipedia - Yarkent Khanate -- historic state ruled by the Mongols
Wikipedia - Yazdegerd III -- last Sasanian King of Iran (ruled 632-651)
Wikipedia - Year of the Four Emperors -- Four emperors ruled the Roman Empire in succession in 69 AD
Wikipedia - Yes, and... -- Rule-of-thumb in improvisational comedy
Wikipedia - Young Bosnia -- Revolutionary movement during Austro-Hungarian rule in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Wikipedia - Young Turk Revolution -- 1908 restoration of constitutional rule in the Ottoman Empire
Wikipedia - Yousuf Shah Chak -- Ruler of Kashmir
Wikipedia - Yusuf II, Almohad caliph -- Caliph of Almohads (c.1203-1224) (ruled 1213-1224)
Wikipedia - Zaitsev's rule
Wikipedia - Zero one infinity rule
Wikipedia - Zurab Shervashidze -- Ruler of Abkhazia
Wikipedia - Zygocarpum caeruleum -- Species of plant
Ja Rule ::: Born: February 29, 1976; Occupation: Rapper;
Maria Theresa ::: Born: May 13, 1717; Died: November 29, 1780; Occupation: Ruler;
Norodom Sihamoni ::: Born: May 14, 1953; Occupation: Ruler of Cambodia;
Farouk of Egypt ::: Born: February 11, 1920; Died: March 18, 1965; Occupation: Ruler;\\\
Goodreads author - Leslie_Rule
Goodreads author - Jane_Rule
Goodreads author - Bryan_Gruley
Goodreads author - Ann_Rule Wiki:Rules'
Integral World - Are We The Exception that Proves the Rule?, A Spectrum of Opinions on the Rarity of Complexity, Frank Visser
Change the Rules: New Structures to Drain the Swamp
Mueller, Trump & Collusion: The Rule of Law Pushes Back
dedroidify.blogspot - secret-rulers-of-world-presentpast-part
dedroidify.blogspot - red-knight-dragon-rulers-and-tree-of
dedroidify.blogspot - parable-new-breed-rulers-of-humanity
wiki.auroville - News_&_Notes_647:Auroville's_Culture_of_Fear_M-bM-^@M-^S_Entry,_Health,_Policies,_Rules...
Dharmapedia - Category:Islamic_rule_in_the_Indian_subcontinent
Dharmapedia - Islamic_rulers_in_South_Asia
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - consequentialism-rule
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - rule-of-law
The Legend of Zelda (1989 - 1990) - The Legend of Zelda is an animated series that aired on NBC Saturday Mornings. It is based on popular NES game by the same name. Link and Zelda travel across Hyrule to protect the Triforce of Wisdom from Ganon, who has the Triforce of Power. Only 13 episodes were made.
G.I. Joe (1983 - 1987) - G.I. Joe is the code name for Americas daring, highly trained special mission force. Its purpose: to defend human freedom against Cobra, a ruthless terrorist organization determined to rule the world! And from 1983 to 1987, it entertained children six days a week with realistic animation (for the d...
MTV's Celebrity Deathmatch (1998 - Current) - In this claymation series boxing and wrestling become one with no rules involved except one: A celebrity has to die. Or both celebrities fighting in a deathmatch could die, which did often happen. The show was very popular and thrived in the days of Tom Green and other MTV memorables. The show also...
The Bugs Bunny and Tweety Show (1986 - 2000) - ABC's remade version of "The Bugs Bunny Show" after ABC picked it back up. In the first year, the show was a half-hour and aired Sylvester & Tweety cartoons along with Bugs Bunny. The show expanded to an hour in 1988. The show survived the FCC's 1996 educational/informational television rule and air...
Pirates of Dark Water (1991 - 1992) - When Ren rescues a stranger foundering in the rocks near his home, he learns the man was his true father, a great king. Given a magic compass crystal, Ren is to a dragon who shows him that the only way to claim his heritage is to find the Thirteen Treasures of Rule. Unfortunately, a pirate ship capt...
Mutant League (1994 - 1996) - Welcome to Mutant League. The series delivers a new breed of ultimate athletes. Each episode that targeted a specific sport like basketball up to football. The teams were made up of mutant creatures who only cared about one thing, winning. Because of that, there were no rules in these games. The gam...
Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog (1998 - 1999) - Queen Maeve of Terma wants to rule the land of her birth, the peaceful kingdom of Kells. She calls upon the dark fairy Mider, who gives her a crystal that allows Maeve to use sorcery to summon mystical creatures. King Conchobar of Kells hears of Maeve's evil plain and must find a way to stop her and...
Disney's Hercules: The TV Series (1998 - 1999) - Teenage Hercules trains to be a hero and battles Hades, the ruler of the Underworld while attending high school.
The Maxx (1995 - 1995) - Maxx is a purple-clad superhero living in a cardboard box. His only friend is Julie Winters, a freelance social worker. Maxx often finds himself shifting back and forth between the "real" world and a more primitive outback world where he rules, and protects Julie. Mr. Gone, a self-proclaimed "studen...
Spellbinder (1995 - 1997) - When a prank on a school trip goes drastically wrong, 15-year-old Paul Reynolds is blasted into an alternative reality where the advanced ideas of science are thought to be heretical magic, and outlawed. The regressive heirachic society is ruled by the Spellbinders, enforcers and politicians who wie...
ECW on TNN (1999 - 2000) - ECW is the definition of HARDCORE. ECW on TNN has no rules in their wrestling matches! Announced by Joey Styles & Joel Gertner, and bossed by Cyrus The Virus.
Lady Lovelylocks (1983 - 1987) - Lady Lovelylocks ruled over the land of Lovelylocks with the help of her friends the Pixietails, small magical creatures that lived inside her hair and were able to perform magical tasks. Lady, as her friends called her, was constantly protecting her land from the evil Duchess RavenWaves, who believ...
Sky Commanders (1987 - 1987) - This series is about a group of soldiers who battle the evil General Plague and his goons, who are trying to destroy the planet. Set on a new continent deep in the South Pacific created buy a powerful and unstable new element called Phata 7. He who can control it would be the ruler of the world. Gen...
The Bold and the Beautiful (1987 - Current) - In the fashion world, the Forrester family rules from their stylish mansion in Beverly Hills. But behind the glitter and glamour of the runway, the Foresters encounter many hardships, including divorces, alcoholism, and deaths
Planet of the Apes (1974 - 1975) - En route to Alpha Centuri at the start of the 1980s, a spaceship is somehow thrown forwards in time, and crashlands on a strange planet. One of the astronauts is dead, but the other two learn that it is 21 March 3085, they're on Earth, and the world is ruled by apes. Upon their capture by the ruthle...
Road Rules (1995 - 2007) - MTV series from the creators of "The Real World".
The Brittas Empire (1991 - 1997) - British sitcom starring Chris Barrie as a jobsworth Lesuire Centre Manager. Disaster strikes in every episode as Gordon Brittas' ruthless following of the company rules leads to death and destruction. Eventually Brittas is killed saving the life of a baby, only to be bizarrely brought back to life...
The Mystic Knights Of Tir Na Nog (1998 - 1999) - Long ago, oceans away on a mystical island, lived two families, divided by an ordeal that had taken place many years before. Queen Maeve, the evil amazonian ruler of Temra, believed that it was her birthright to rule the entire island, and would stop at nothing to get her way. Vowing never to give i...
A Touch of Frost (1992 - 2005) - Detective Inspector Jack Frost is a disorganised DI for the Denton Police Force and will do anything to see that justice is done, even if he has to break the rules.
Davis Rules (1991 - 1992) - A widowed,elementary school,principal raises 3 boys,with help from his silly father.The show ran for one season on ABC,and a second season on CBS.Starred Randy Quaid and Jonathan Winters.
Lady Blue (1985 - 1986) - A female Chicago detective plays by her own rules to go after drug dealers. STARRING JAMIE ROSE AND DANNY AIELLO NEVER SHOWN IN UK BUT PILOT WAS VERY BIG ON VIDEO IN UK
King Rollo (1980 - 1980) - British cartoon revolves around King Rollo,a childlike ruler,and his friends.
Psycho Armor Govarian (1983 - 1983) - The Garadain Empire has exhausted the primary resources of their native planet, so they send different space expeditions to find a new world where to live. One of their main objectives is planet Earth. However, Zeku Alba, an alien scientist, decides to rebel against the imperial rule and flees towar...
Blood Lad (2013 - 2013) - Staz Charlie Blood is a powerful vampire who rules the Eastern district of Demon World. According to rumors, he is a bloodthirsty and merciless monster, but in reality, Staz is just an otaku obsessed with Japanese culture and completely uninterested in human blood. Leaving the management of his terr...
Robot King Daioja (1981 - 1981) - Eden 1 rules over about 50 planets throughout the galaxy. With the aid of his two faithful retainers Duke Sukedo and Baron Kakusu, Prince Mito decides to undertake a royal inspection tour of the planets undercover. However, the empire is a dangerous place and is plagued with vice feudal lords and co...
Combat Mecha Xabungle (1982 - 1983) - Zora was an outlaw planet where they had a rule that one could own stolen things if he could run away keeping it for three days.
Betsy's Kindergarten Adventures (2008 - 2009) - The show follows a girl named Betsy as she starts out her school years. The series premiere shows Betsy facing the uncertainty of her first day of school and the adjustments she must make as she meets her new teacher and classmates, encounters unfamiliar rules and routines, and finds herself in an e...
Romeo x Juliet (2007 - 2007) - This is a story of a young and tragic love, set in the aerial city of Neo Verona. Tyranny rules this island in the sky after the Montague family took control 14 years prior. The disparity among the wealthy and poor is apparent in the present state, the earth dries and water stagnates. The sky itself...
The Protectors (1972 - 1973) - The Protectors was a British-produced syndicated TV adventure series about 3 international crime fighters who take on organized crime. The show starred Robert Vaughn as the boss Harry Rule, Nyree Dawn Porter as a widowed Italian noblewoman & Tony Anholt as Frenchman Paul Bouchet.
The Wonderful Galaxy of Oz (1992 - 1993) - In the year 2060, eight year old Dorothy and her dog are mysteriously swept off their planet into the wonderful, magical Galaxy of Oz. An evil witch, Gloomhilda, once ruled the Galaxy through fear and terror but was driven out by the good Dr. Oz. Now, Gloomhilda has amassed an army on the outskirts...
Rosario + Vampire (2008 - 2008) - Youkai Academy is a seemingly normal boarding school, except that its pupils are monsters learning to coexist with humans. All students attend in human form and take normal academic subjects, such as literature, gym, foreign language, and mathematics. However, there is one golden rule at Youkai Acad...
Blue Exorcist (2011 - 2011) - Humans and demons are two sides of the same coin, as are Assiah and Gehenna, their respective worlds. The only way to travel between the realms is by the means of possession, like in ghost stories. However, Satan, the ruler of Gehenna, cannot find a suitable host to possess and therefore, remains im...
Chrono Crusade (2003 - 2004) - set in the height of the Roaring Twenties, where jazz is king, bootleg liquor flows freely, and the mob rules the streets. It is a time of prosperity, luxury and decadence, and the division between rich and poor grows even wider in the wake of the First World War. It is at such times of great change...
Galaxy Fraulein Yuna (1995 - 1997) - a series of video games, anime, and other media from Japan. The Japanese title literally translates to "Galaxy Lady Legend Yuna", "Fraulein" refers to the German word "Frulein" standing for "Miss".
The Challenge (1998 - Current) - The Challenge (originally Real World/Road Rules Challenge) is a reality television game show on MTV that is both dependent on and spun off from the network's two flagship reality shows, The Real World and the now cancelled series, Road Rules. It is currently hosted by former BMX rider T.J. Lavin.
Wizards and Warriors (1983 - 1983) - The legendary kingdom is ruled by good King Baaldorf and Queen Lattinia. Their daughter, Ariel, is engaged to Prince Erik Greystone, who becomes Camarand's champion against a neighboring kingdom ruled by evil Prince Dirk Blackpool. Erik is assisted by his servant, Marko, the strongest man in the kin...
8 Simple Rules (2002 - 2005) - 8 Simple Rules was a sitcom running on ABC from 2002-2005. The sitcom revolved around the lives of sports writer Paul Hennessy and his wife, nurse Cate Hennessy as well as their awkward children. The whole series was based off the book "8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter" which is what th...
Donkey Kong Country Legend of the crystal coconut(1999) - In this film many adventers hapen Since DK was chosen to be ruler of Congo Bongo, he wanted to know EVERYTHING about the Crystal Coconut. When he asked Inka Dinka Doo the secrets of the Coconut, Inka Dinka Doo said "You must give up everything!". DK thought that he had to give up the Coconut to K.Ro...
Garbage Pail Kids(1987) - Seven disgusting kids but nevertheless of interesting personality are being made of the green mud coming out of garbage can. Once alive their master gives them rules to obey although they think that life is funnier without following stupid regulations like no television or no candy. Naturally this w...
Jaws(1975) - Directed by Steven Spielberg and based on Peter Benchley's novel of the same name. It tells the story of Police Chief of Amity Island, a fictional summer resort town, Martin Brody, in his quest to protect beachgoers from a great white shark by closing the beach. This is overruled by the town council...
Gremlins(1984) - Minature green monsters tear through the small town of Kingston Falls. Hijinks ensue as a mild-mannered bank teller releases these hideous loonies after gaining a new pet and violating two of three simple rules: No water (violated), no food after midnight (violated), and no bright light. Hilarious m...
Mortal Kombat: Annihilation(1997) - The evil Outworld emperor Shao Kahn has broken the sacred rules of the tournament and resurrects a queen named Sindel to open his portals to merge the two realms into one. Liu Kang and his comrades have only six days to stop Kahn and save both realms before they bring destruction on Earthrealm. Unle...
10 Things I Hate About You(1999) - Meet the Stratford sisters: pretty and popular Bianca, who has never had a date; and Kat, her older sibling, an ill-tempered harridan whose acerbic wit is matched only by her steadfast determination to alienate any guy who might be remotely interested in her. Unfortunately, strict rules in the Strat...
There's Something About Mary(1998) - This movie was my first real experience of Ben Stiller and in the numerous times I have seen it, I have yet to tire of it. It endures as one of my favourite movies, and I hate romantic comedies as a rule! However, this is not your usual romantic comedy by any stretch of th
Return From Witch Mountain(1978) - In this follow-up to ESCAPE TO WITCH MOUNTAIN, Tony (Ike Eisenmann) and Tia (Kim Richards) return to Earth for a vacation. However, that's cut short when egomaniacal Dr. Gannon (Christopher Lee) and his companion Letha (Bette Davis) discover Tony's powers, kidnap him, and attempt to use him to rule...
Braveheart(1995) - William Wallace Fights For His Country's Freedom From English Rule Around The End Of The 13th Century.
Vampire Hunter D(1985) - It is many thousand years in the future. Vampires once ruled the night but have seen their numbers reduced by fearless bounty hunters. One such hunter is D, the halfbreed son of a human mother and vampire father. When a girl from a rich family is taken from her home by the vampire Meier Link, her fa...
The Avengers(1998) - British Ministry agent John Steed, under direction from "Mother", investigates a diabolical plot by arch-villain Sir August de Wynter to rule the world with his weather control machine. Steed investigates the beautiful Doctor Mrs. Emma Peel, the only suspect, but simultaneously falls for her and joi...
Superman II(1980) - Three Escaped Criminals From The Planet Krypton Test Superman's Mettle, Led By General Zod, The Kryptonians Take Control Of The White House And They Partner Up With Lex Luthor To Destroy Superman And Rule Earth, But Superman Who Attempts To Make Himself Human In Order To Get Closer To Lois, He Reali...
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension(1984) - Buckaroo Banzai is a Neurosurgeon, Rock Star & Superhero to the world. When testing out his oscillation overthruster he re-starts the invasion of the evil Red Lectroids from Planet 10 (lead by Lord John Whorfin/Dr. Emilio Lizardo) who are set not only to rule the entire Earth but the galaxy as well....
Solarbabies(1986) - In a future in which most water has disappeared from the Earth, we find a group of children, mostly teenagers, who are living at an orphanage, run by the despotic rulers of the new Earth. The group in question plays a hockey based game on roller skates and is quite good. It has given them a unity th...
George of the Jungle(1997) - Baby George got into a plane crash in a jungle, stayed alive and was adopted by a wise ape. Ursula Stanhope, US noble woman is saved from death on safari by grown-up George, and he takes her to jungle to live with him. He slowly learns a rules of human relationships, while Ursula's lover Lyle is loo...
Catch Me If You Can(1989) - Melissa needs $200,000 for a good cause and playing by the rules she needs help...any kind she ca
Six-String Samurai(1998) - In 1957, The Soviet Union dropped the atomic bomb on the U.S. and won the war. The only place left where freedom is not outlawed is Las Vegas where Elvis rules as King. 40 years later Elvis has died and the message gets sent out over the radiowaves to one and all that Vegas needs a new King. Cue Bud...
That Thing You Do!(1996) - Directed by Tom Hanks, the highly entertaining story about a band who dared to break the rules in the 1960s. Guy Patterson was supposed to just be a subsitute drummer for his friend's band. After they win a talent show because of Guy's instinct to speed up the beat and rock out, their lives are turn...
Desperado(1995) - Director Robert Rodriguez picks up where his successful independent debut El Mariachi left off with this slam-bang South of the Border action saga. Bucho (Joaquim DeAlmeida) is a wealthy but casually bloodthirsty drug kingpin who rules a seedy Mexican border town. Bucho and his men make the mistake...
Rock & Rule(1983) - The war was over....the only survivors were street animals. Dogs, cats, and rats....from them a new race of mutants evolved. That was a long tim
Night of the Demons 2(1994) - Angela, the universe's most unpleasant party crasher, returns! Angela's sister, Mouse, is taken by her bullying Catholic school classmates to a party at Angela's favorite haunt, and before long, everybody's being turned into demons and only a butt-kickin' nun, who wields her ruler like a mighty swor...
Jack Frost(1979) - In this holiday classic, Jack Frost, the spirit of winter chill falls for a young maiden in a small midevil village which is under the rule of a terrible Kosak King. After asking to be human, so he may wooh his lady, he finds out that she loves a knight in golden armor. Still a true and good spirit...
The Man in the Iron Mask(1998) - In 1638 Queen Anne of France gives Birth to a boy, who will inherit the throne one day. But, only known to few, there is a twin brother born minutes later. 22 years later, King Louis XIV rules the country of France, but due to his lifestyle and the costs of war, people are forced to suffer hunger an...
Porco Rosso(2003) - Set in 1930's Italy in a world where pilots, planes and airships rule the sky, we met the world's most famous pilot, Porco Rosso. He has been cursed and now dons the face of a pig. He has now become isolated and disillusioned with the world after his career as a pilot in the Italian Air Force during...
Ernest Goes To School(1994) - Ernest (Jim Varney) works as a janitor at Chickasaw Falls High School, which is facing closure due to the School Board's decision to merge other schools in the area. There is also a new rule: All employees are required to have graduated. Ernest neve
Megaville(1991) - In a futuristic world, the U.S. is ruled by a repressive government that bans most forms of media. As part of the enforcement, a cop (Billy Zane) is sent to the rebel state of Megaville on an undercover mission to infiltrate an unlawful media organization.
Breaking The Rules(1992) - A cancer stricken man takes his two best friends whom he hasn't seen in a long time on a road trip. The two friends aren't talking to each other due to a bad fallout years ago. On the way they meet an attractive wild woman with a heart of gold.
They Saved Hitler's Brain (aka Madmen of Mandoras)(1963) - Years after World War II, Hitler still lives. He was saved by his loyal Nazi followers that had removed his head and put it into a jar so he could have another chance to rule the world once again. In the 1960's the Nazi officers that are left attempt to resurrect the Fhrer's empire in the So...
Disorderlies(1987) - As not-quite-orderlies who're downright Disorderlies, rap-music favorites The Fat Boys rule. Playing the freewheeling caretakers of the frail Dennison (Hollywood legend Ralph Bellamy), they stir up a comedic culture clash in Palm Beach society that only proves laughter is the best medicine this side...
Fantastic Planet(1973) - This film takes place on a faraway planet where giants rule, and tiny humanoids must fight for their lives and their equality. A surrealist story based on the Soviet occupation of Czechoslovakia.
Doin' Time(1985) - Duke Jarrett is sent to jail at the John Dillinger prison. However, the prison looks more like a zoo, more or less ruled by the prisoners themselves.
When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth(1971) - In this sequel to ONE MILLION YEARS B.C. (1966) a young blond escapes sacrifice and falls in love with a handsome fisherman and trains disnoaur. The special effects created by Jim Danforth, are excellent. It got nominated for an Oscar for best Special Effects, but got beaten by Disney's BEDKNOBS AND...
Project A(1983) - In late 19th Century Hong Kong the British may rule the land, but the pirates rule the waters. Reluctantly, the Coast Guard is given money to fight these pirates, but the pirates themselves have many contacts (that is, bribed officials) in the government, and seek to thwart the Coast Guard's efforts...
Mitchell(1975) - Mitchell is police detective who doesn't play by the rules. He's violent, harsh and doesn't obey orders given to him by his superiors. He out to stop a drug shipment no matter th
Cannon Movie Tales: Red Riding Hood(1989) - The high spirited daughter of the village lord and her mother have been living in the forest for seven years near her wise grandmother. They wait for her father to come home, meanwhile, her literally heartless uncle rules. He sells his soul for the aid of an enchanted wolf who turns himself human in...
The Satan Bug(1965) - A germ warfare lab has had an accident. The first theory is that one of the nasty germs has gotten free and killed several scientists. The big fear is that a more virulent strain, named The Satan Bug because all life can be killed off by it should it escape, may have been stolen.
Dune Warriors(1990) - After the end of the world, Earth is a thirsty planet ruled by vicious warlords. One woman is brave enough to fight back; she bands together five warriors to save her town and their precious water.
Wheels Of Fire(1985) - The Future is now. There are no rules and no place to hide from the deadly Highway Warriors who ravage the roads in machines of destruction
Stick It(2006) - A cocky teenager learns some important lessons about playing by her own rules in this comedy drama. Haley Graham is a gifted 17-year-old gymnast with a strong rebellious streak -- strong enough that she walked away from her teammates on the eve of a major international tournament because she'd had e...
Force: Five(1981) - A martial-arts expert leads a team of fellow martial artists to rescue a senator's daughter from an island ruled by the evil leader of a fanatical religious cult.
Women & Men 2: In Love There Are No Rules(1991) - Three short stories about women and men relationship. The first about a successful boxer in New York City, whose wife only wants to return to her home town in Kansas. The second about a man who has to take care of his wife and children because the woman is alcoholic. The third about a brief but tort...
Iznogoud (2005)(2005) - A man (Michal Youn) dreams of killing the ruler (Jacques Villeret) of his kingdom, while a sultan (Bernard Farcy) wants his daughter to marry.
The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T(1953) - Young Bart Collins enters into a surreal dream world were he and his mother are under the rule of the evil Dr. Terwilliker. Dr. Terwilliker has imprisoned all non-piano musicians. He has also hypnotized his mother into marrying him and plans on forced other boys to play a huge piano that requires 49...
Shrek the Third(2007) - Princess Fiona's father King Harold is passing away and Shrek is next in line as ruler of Far Far Away. Believing that an ogre for a king is a bad idea, Shrek, Donkey, and Puss head out to find another heir, Arthur Pendragon, a 16-year-old scrawny high-schooler attending a boarding school while Fion...
There Are Still Slaves In The World(1964) - The film documents modern slave trade through a number of Arabian and African countries, under Muslim rule.
The Time Guardian(1987) - In the distant future, the human race nears extinction and a new race of beast-like creatures rule the earth. The few surviving people live in the City, a huge protected construction with the ability to travel in both space and time. The City travels back to our time to save humanity...
Friendly Persuasion(1956) - The story of a family of Quakers in Indiana in 1862. Their religous sect is strongly opposed to violence and war. It's not easy for them to meet the rules of their religion in everyday life but when Southern troops pass the area they are in real trouble. Should they fight, despite their peaceful att...
Behind The Convent Walls(1978) - A zealous, handsome priest, who is the confessor for a convent full of women, encourages the equally zealous abbess of one such institution to enforce the same strict rules on these unfortunate women that are applied to others. In doing so, they uncover a snake pit of sexual couplings, both lesbian...
The Birth of a Nation(1915) - The Civil War divides friends and destroys families, but that's nothing compared to the anarchy in the black-ruled South after the war.
Breakin' All The Rules(2004) - Inspired by his fiance (who dumped him), a man publishes a break-up handbook for men, becoming a bestselling author in the process.
Shrieker(1998) - Clark, a young Mathematics major at University, thinks she's found the best deal for student housing: a group of squatters who live in an abandoned hospital secretly. The quirky residents let her into their community provided she follow the rules, including not telling anyone about her living arrang...
Shredderman Rules(2007) - Devon Werkheiser plays Nolan Byrd, an 8th grader who, along with many other kids, is bullied by Bubba Bixby (Andrew Caldwell) When his teacher, Mr. Green (Tim Meadows) announces that he wants his class to do a multimedia project, Nolan decides to do his project on Bubba. Nolan goes undercover, spies...
The Rules Of Attraction(2002) - The incredibly spoiled and overprivileged students of Camden College are a backdrop for an unusual love triangle between a drug dealer, a virgin and a bisexual classmate.
The Viking Queen(1967) - To honour her father's dying wish, Queen Salina shares the rule of Icena with Justinian, a fair and just Roman. This displeases the bloodthirsty Druids on one side and the more hard-line Romans on the other. As Salina and Justinian fall in love their enemies start to plot, and blood soon stains the...
Jackass 3D(2010) - Johnny Knoxville and company return for the third installment of their TV show spin-off, where dangerous stunts and explicit public displays rule.
The Nude Vampire(1970) - Wealthy and decadent industrialist Georges Radamante rules over a strange secret suicide cult and wants to achieve immortality by figuring out a way to share the biochemistry of a young mute orphaned vampire woman. Complications ensue when Radamante's son Pierre finds out what's going on and falls f...
Lone Wolf McQuade(1983) - J.J. McQuade is a Texas Ranger who doesn't exactly follow the rules, is unruly, and prefers to work alone, which earns the nickname, Lone Wolf McQuade. When he discovers some criminals have automatic weapons, he discovers that they were stolen from the military. He tries to handle on his own, as usu...
Squizzy Taylor(1982) - Account of the eponymous Australian gangster who ruled Melbourne's crime world in the 1910s as well as 1920s.
Consenting Adults(1992) - Richard and Priscilla Parker's lives take a turn for the better when Eddy and Kay move into the house next door. Eddy's a risk-taker and shows his new neighbours how to enjoy life at the expense of a rule or convention or two. What Richard doesn't realize is that Eddy's little games are just a prelu...
Breaking All The Rules(1985) - The story of two guys and two girls who meet and fall in love in an amusement park on the last day of summer. All the while outwitting three moronic would-be jewel thieves.
Pokmon: Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction(2014) - Released to Japanese theaters in 2014 and aired in 2014 on Cartoon Network in the US. In the underground Diamond Domain, where many Carbink live, the Mythical Pokmon Diancie serves as ruler. The Heart Diamond that sustains the land is beginning to fall apart, and Diancie is not yet strong enough to...
Kung Fu Panda 2(2011) - In the sequel to the smash-hit film, Po and the Furious Five battle an evil white peacock ruler named Lord Shen who has a powerful weapon that he plans to use to conquer China. Meanwhile, Po discovers a terrifying secret about his past, and discovers that Shen may have something to do with it. Compa...
The Legend of Frosty the Snowman(2005) - Frosty the Snowman befriends a young boy named Tommy Tinkerton in the town of Evergreen, an upbeat but decrepit town where every kid has to follow harsh rules and having fun is discouraged. When word gets out that Tommy has befriended a fun-loving snowman he becomes an outcast in the town. Meanwhile...
In Like Flint(1967) - Super-spy Flint takes on a cabal of women plotting to rule the world.
America 3000(1986) - In a post-apocalyptic wasteland where a tribe of women rule and all men are either ferals or slaves, one men rises up to free the men. Can they coexist in peace or will they die in war?
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules(2011) - As Greg Heffley braves his first days of seventh grade, his parents make a noble yet ill-advised attempt to help him forge a stronger bond with his mischievous older brother Rodrick, who takes twisted delight in tormenting his unsuspecting younger sibling at every opportunity.
How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World(2019) - Now chief and ruler of Berk alongside Astrid, Hiccup has created a gloriously chaotic dragon utopia. When the sudden appearance of female Light Fury coincides with the darkest threat their village has ever faced, Hiccup and Toothless must leave the only home theyve known and journey to a hidden wor... -- Comedy
8 Simple Rules ::: 8 Simple Rules... for Dating My Teenage Daughter (original tit ::: TV-PG | 30min | Comedy, Drama | TV Series (20022005) -- The Hennessy clan -- mother Cate, daughters Bridget and Kerry, and son Rory -- look to one another for guidance and support after the death of Paul, the family patriarch. Cate's parents lend a hand. Creator:
Alphaville (1965) ::: 7.1/10 -- Alphaville, une trange aventure de Lemmy Caution (original title) -- Alphaville Poster -- A U.S. secret agent is sent to the distant space city of Alphaville where he must find a missing person and free the city from its tyrannical ruler. Director: Jean-Luc Godard Writer:
American Gothic ::: TV-PG | 1h | Drama, Horror, Thriller | TV Series (19951998) -- A quiet, seemingly-quaint small town is ruled over by its charming yet evil sheriff who uses his demonic powers to remove anyone who dares to stand in his way. The only one he fears is a young boy he fathered through rape. Creator:
Appaloosa (2008) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 55min | Action, Crime, Drama | 3 October 2008 (USA) -- Two friends hired to police a small town that is suffering under the rule of a rancher find their job complicated by the arrival of a young widow. Director: Ed Harris Writers:
Bilal: A New Breed of Hero (2015) ::: 7.9/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 45min | Animation, Action, Adventure | 2 February 2018 (USA) -- A thousand years ago, one boy with a dream of becoming a great warrior is abducted with his sister and taken to a land far away from home. Thrown into a world where greed and injustice rule all, Bilal finds the courage to raise his voice and make a change. Inspired by true events, this is a story of a real hero who earned his remembrance in time and history. Directors: Khurram H. Alavi, Ayman Jamal
Brave New World ::: TV-MA | Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller | TV Series (2020) -- In a utopia whose perfection hinges upon control of monogamy and privacy, members of the collective begin to question the rules, putting their regimented society on a collision course with forbidden love and revolution. Creators:
Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule ::: TV-14 | 11min | Comedy, Talk-Show | TV Series (20102017) See Dr. Steve learn about restaurants, spend time with his family, conquer his fears, and more. Featuring guest appearances by Jan Skylar, Wayne Skylar, and David Liebe Hart. Creators: Tim Heidecker, Eric Wareheim, John C. Reilly Stars:
Click (2006) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 47min | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy | 23 June 2006 (USA) -- A workaholic architect finds a universal remote that allows him to fast-forward and rewind to different parts of his life. Complications arise when the remote starts to overrule his choices. Director: Frank Coraci Writers:
Cranford ::: TV-PG | 7h 49min | Drama | TV Series (20072010) -- In the 1840s, Cranford is ruled by the ladies. They adore good gossip, and romance and change is in the air, as the unwelcome grasp of the Industrial Revolution rapidly approaches their beloved rural market-town. Creators:
Cromwell (1970) ::: 6.9/10 -- G | 2h 19min | Biography, Drama, History | 17 July 1970 (UK) -- Oliver Cromwell can no longer tolerate King Charles' policies, and the self-interest of the ruling class, and leads a civil war to install Parliament as the ultimate ruler of England. Director: Ken Hughes Writer: Ken Hughes (screenplay) Stars:
Desperate Living (1977) ::: 7.2/10 -- X | 1h 30min | Comedy, Crime, Fantasy | 2 November 1980 (West Germany) -- A neurotic society woman murders her husband with the help of her maid and, on the lam, escape to Mortville, a homeless community ruled over by a fascist queen. Director: John Waters Writer: John Waters Stars:
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules (2011) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG | 1h 39min | Comedy, Family | 25 March 2011 (USA) -- Back in middle school after summer vacation, Greg Heffley and his older brother Rodrick must deal with their parents' misguided attempts to have them bond. Director: David Bowers Writers:
Dune (1984) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 17min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 14 December 1984 (USA) -- A Duke's son leads desert warriors against the galactic emperor and his father's evil nemesis when they assassinate his father and free their desert world from the emperor's rule. Director: David Lynch Writers:
Empire Records (1995) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 30min | Comedy, Drama, Music | 20 October 1995 (USA) -- Twenty-four hours in the lives of the young employees at Empire Records when they all grow up and become young adults thanks to each other and the manager. They all face the store joining a chain store with strict rules. Director: Allan Moyle Writer:
Eve's Bayou (1997) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 49min | Drama | 7 November 1997 (USA) -- What did little Eve see--and how will it haunt her? Husband, father and womanizer Louis Batiste is the head of an affluent family, but it's the women who rule this gothic world of secrets, lies and mystic forces. Director: Kasi Lemmons Writer:
Fantastic Planet (1973) ::: 7.8/10 -- La plante sauvage (original title) -- Fantastic Planet Poster -- On a faraway planet where blue giants rule, oppressed humanoids rebel against their machine-like leaders. Director: Ren Laloux Writers:
Fat Kid Rules the World (2012) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Comedy, Drama | 9 March 2012 (USA) -- A dropout comes to the aid of a chubby and suicidal high-school kid by recruiting him as the drummer for his upstart punk-rock band. Director: Matthew Lillard Writers: Michael M.B. Galvin (screenplay by), Peter Speakman (screenplay by) | 1
First They Killed My Father (2017) ::: 7.2/10 -- TV-MA | 2h 16min | Biography, Drama, History | 15 September 2017 (USA) -- Cambodian author and human rights activist Loung Ung recounts the horrors she suffered as a child under the rule of the deadly Khmer Rouge. Director: Angelina Jolie Writers:
Gandhi (1982) ::: 8.0/10 -- PG | 3h 11min | Biography, Drama, History | 25 February 1983 (USA) -- The life of the lawyer who became the famed leader of the Indian revolts against the British rule through his philosophy of nonviolent protest. Director: Richard Attenborough Writer:
Gentleman Jim (1942) ::: 7.6/10 -- Approved | 1h 44min | Biography, Drama, Romance | 14 November 1942 -- Gentleman Jim Poster -- As bareknuckled boxing enters the modern era, brash extrovert Jim Corbett uses new rules and dazzlingly innovative footwork to rise to the top of the top of the boxing world. Director: Raoul Walsh Writers:
Gremlins (1984) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG | 1h 46min | Comedy, Fantasy, Horror | 8 June 1984 (USA) -- A young man inadvertently breaks three important rules concerning his new pet and unleashes a horde of malevolently mischievous monsters on a small town. Director: Joe Dante Writer:
Heathers (1989) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Comedy, Crime | 31 March 1989 (USA) -- TV Program 3:13 | TV Program -- At Westerburg High where cliques rule, jerk jocks dominate and the most popular girls are all named Heather, it's going to take a Veronica and the mysterious and possibly psychotic new kid J.D. to give teen angst a body count. Director: Michael Lehmann Writer:
Heaven Can Wait (1943) ::: 7.5/10 -- Passed | 1h 52min | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy | 13 August 1943 (USA) -- An old rou arrives in Hades to review his life with Satan, who will rule on his eligibility to enter the Underworld. Director: Ernst Lubitsch Writers: Samson Raphaelson (screenplay), Leslie Bush-Fekete (play) (as Lazlo Bus-Fekete) Stars:
Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 2h | Action, Adventure, Fantasy | 11 July 2008 (USA) -- A prince of the mythical world starts a rebellion against humanity in order to rule the Earth, and Hellboy his team must fight to stop him from locating the all-powerful Golden Army. Director: Guillermo del Toro Writers:
Hunter ::: TV-PG | 48min | Action, Crime, Drama | TV Series (19841991) -- Rick Hunter is a renegade cop who bends the rules and takes justice into his own hands. Partnered with the equally stunning and rebellious Sgt. McCall, the tough-minded duo set out to crack down on L.A.'s slimiest criminals. Creator:
ID:Invaded ::: TV-MA | 24min | Animation, Crime, Drama | TV Series (2020) Episode Guide 13 episodes ID:Invaded Poster A detective is called upon to solve a murder in a virtual reality world. But how can he manage a case when its rules can and are constantly being changed? Stars: Kenjir Tsuda, Sarah Emi Bridcutt, Yoshimasa Hosoya
Indian Summers ::: TV-14 | 52min | Drama | TV Series (20152016) -- Drama set in 1932 during the final years of British colonial rule in India. Creator: Paul Rutman
Into the White (2012) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 44min | Action, Biography, Drama | 12 April 2013 (USA) -- Norway, WWII: A group of British and German soldiers find themselves stranded in the wilderness after an aircraft battle. Finding shelter in the same cabin, they realize the only way to survive the winter is to place the rules of war aside. Director: Petter Nss Writers:
Lagaan: Once Upon a Time in India (2001) ::: 8.1/10 -- PG | 3h 44min | Drama, Musical, Sport | 15 June 2001 (USA) -- The people of a small village in Victorian India stake their future on a game of cricket against their ruthless British rulers. Director: Ashutosh Gowariker Writers: Ashutosh Gowariker (story), Ashutosh Gowariker (screenplay) | 3 more
Life with Father (1947) ::: 7.2/10 -- Passed | 1h 58min | Comedy | 13 September 1947 (USA) -- A straitlaced turn-of-the-century father presides over a family of boys and the mother who really rules the roost. Director: Michael Curtiz Writers: Clarence Day (memoir "Life with Father"), Donald Ogden Stewart (screen
Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) ::: 8.1/10 -- R | 2h | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 15 May 2015 (USA) -- In a post-apocalyptic wasteland, a woman rebels against a tyrannical ruler in search for her homeland with the aid of a group of female prisoners, a psychotic worshiper, and a drifter named Max. Director: George Miller Writers:
Mangal Pandey: The Rising (2005) ::: 6.6/10 -- 14A | 2h 30min | Biography, Drama, History | 12 August 2005 (India) -- This is a film about the leader of the 1857 mutiny and his fight against the British rule. Director: Ketan Mehta Writers: H. Banerjee (Subtitles), Farrukh Dhondy (screenplay) | 1 more credit
New Amsterdam ::: TV-14 | 43min | Drama | TV Series (2018 ) -- A new medical director breaks the rules to heal the system at America's oldest public hospital. Stars: Ryan Eggold, Freema Agyeman, Jocko Sims
Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension (2011) ::: 7.4/10 -- TV-G | 1h 18min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Movie 5 August 2011 -- 1 -- Phineas and Ferb discover that Perry is a secret agent, and they all get stuck in an alternate dimension where Doofenschmirtz is the ruler of the tri-state area. Directors: Robert Hughes (as Robert F. Hughes), Dan Povenmire | 3 more credits Writers:
Phoebe in Wonderland (2008) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 36min | Drama | 2 April 2010 (Taiwan) -- Confounded by her clashes with the seemingly rule-obsessed world, a troubled young girl seeks enlightenment from her unconventional drama teacher. Director: Daniel Barnz Writer:
Rock & Rule (1983) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG | 1h 17min | Animation, Fantasy, Music | 24 July 1987 (USA) -- A malevolent rock star kidnaps a singer to force her to participate in the summoning of a demon, and her band must help her stop him. Director: Clive Smith (as Clive A. Smith) Writers: Patrick Loubert (story), Peter Sauder (story) | 7 more credits Stars:
Rules of Engagement (2000) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 2h 8min | Drama, Thriller, War | 7 April 2000 (USA) -- An attorney defends an officer on trial for ordering his troops to fire on civilians after they stormed a U.S. embassy in a Middle Eastern country. Director: William Friedkin Writers:
Rules of Engagement ::: TV-PG | 22min | Comedy, Romance | TV Series (20072013) -- Two couples and their single friend, all at different stages in their relationships, deal with the complications of dating, commitment, and marriage. Creator:
Sci-Fi | TV Series (2021- ) ::: Connections -- 2021 -- 10 episodes Foundation Poster -- A complex saga of humans scattered on planets throughout the galaxy all living under the rule of the Galactic Empire. Stars: Cassian Bilton, Laura Birn, Jared Harris
Sense and Sensibility (1995) ::: 7.6/10 -- PG | 2h 16min | Drama, Romance | 26 January 1996 (USA) -- Rich Mr. Dashwood dies, leaving his second wife and her three daughters poor by the rules of inheritance. The two eldest daughters are the title opposites. Director: Ang Lee Writers:
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005) ::: 7.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 20min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy | 19 May 2005 (USA) -- Three years into the Clone Wars, the Jedi rescue Palpatine from Count Dooku. As Obi-Wan pursues a new threat, Anakin acts as a double agent between the Jedi Council and Palpatine and is lured into a sinister plan to rule the galaxy. Director: George Lucas Writer:
The Chess Players (1977) ::: 7.7/10 -- Shatranj Ke Khilari (original title) -- The Chess Players Poster -- Wazed Ali Shah was the ruler of one of the last independent kingdoms of India. The British, intent on controlling this rich country, had sent General Outram on a secret mission to clear the... S Director: Satyajit Ray Writers:
The Cider House Rules (1999) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 6min | Drama, Romance | 7 January 2000 (USA) -- A compassionate young man, raised in an orphanage and trained to be a doctor there, decides to leave to see the world. Director: Lasse Hallstrm Writers: John Irving (novel), John Irving (screenplay)
The Court Jester (1955) ::: 7.9/10 -- Approved | 1h 41min | Adventure, Comedy, Family | 27 January 1956 (USA) -- A hapless carnival performer masquerades as the court jester as part of a plot against an evil ruler who has overthrown the rightful King. Directors: Melvin Frank, Norman Panama Writers: Norman Panama, Melvin Frank
The Dark Horse (2014) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 2h 4min | Biography, Drama | 20 November 2014 (Australia) -- A brilliant but troubled New Zealand chess champion finds purpose by teaching underprivileged children about the rules of chess and life. Director: James Napier Robertson Writer: James Napier Robertson
The Experiment (2001) ::: 7.7/10 -- Das Experiment (original title) -- The Experiment Poster -- For two weeks, 20 male participants are hired to play prisoners and guards in a prison. The "prisoners" have to follow seemingly mild rules, and the "guards" are told to retain order without using physical violence. Director: Oliver Hirschbiegel
The Indian Runner (1991) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 2h 7min | Drama | 20 September 1991 (USA) -- A Vietnam vet comes home to his small town and finds himself in conflict with rules that his brother has vowed to uphold. Director: Sean Penn Writer: Sean Penn
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (2017) ::: 9.4/10 -- Zeruda no densetsu: Buresu obu za wairudo (original title) -- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Poster -- After a century of hibernation, Link reawakens to once again save a ruined Hyrule from a great evil. Directors: Hidemaro Fujibayashi, Hiroki Hirano | 1 more credit Writer:
The Lego Batman Movie (2017) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG | 1h 44min | Animation, Action, Comedy | 10 February 2017 (USA) -- A cooler-than-ever Bruce Wayne must deal with the usual suspects as they plan to rule Gotham City, while discovering that he has accidentally adopted a teenage orphan who wishes to become his sidekick. Director: Chris McKay Writers:
The Madness of King George (1994) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 50min | Biography, Comedy, Drama | 28 December 1994 (USA) -- When King George III goes mad, his Lieutenants try to adjust the rules to run the country without his participation. Director: Nicholas Hytner Writers: Alan Bennett (play), Alan Bennett (screenplay)
The Mission (1986) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG | 2h 5min | Adventure, Drama, History | 31 October 1986 (USA) -- Eighteenth-century Spanish Jesuits try to protect a remote South American tribe in danger of falling under the rule of pro-slavery Portugal. Director: Roland Joff Writer: Robert Bolt (original story & screenplay) Stars:
The Place Beyond the Pines (2012) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 2h 20min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 19 April 2013 (USA) -- A motorcycle stunt rider turns to robbing banks as a way to provide for his lover and their newborn child, a decision that puts him on a collision course with an ambitious rookie cop navigating a department ruled by a corrupt detective. Director: Derek Cianfrance Writers:
The Rules of Attraction (2002) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 50min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 11 October 2002 (USA) -- The incredibly spoiled and overprivileged students of Camden College are a backdrop for an unusual love triangle between a drug dealer, a virgin and a bisexual classmate. Director: Roger Avary Writers:
The Rules of the Game (1939) ::: 8.0/10 -- La rgle du jeu (original title) -- The Rules of the Game Poster -- A bourgeois life in France at the onset of World War II, as the rich and their poor servants meet up at a French chateau. Director: Jean Renoir Writers:
The Twisted Tales of Felix the Cat ::: TV-G | 25min | Animation, Short, Adventure | TV Series (1995-1997) Episode Guide 21 episodes The Twisted Tales of Felix the Cat Poster -- The beyond surreal adventures of Felix The Cat and his friends set in an incredibly weird and fantastical toon world where everything is alive and only dream logic rules. Each episode has three segments. Creators:
The Year of Living Dangerously (1982) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG | 1h 55min | Drama, Romance, War | 18 February 1983 (USA) -- A young Australian reporter tries to navigate the political turmoil of Indonesia during the rule of President Sukarno with the help of a diminutive photographer. Director: Peter Weir Writers: David Williamson (screenplay), Peter Weir (screenplay) | 2 more credits
The Young Victoria (2009) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG | 1h 45min | Biography, Drama, History | 8 January 2010 (USA) -- A dramatization of the turbulent first years of Queen Victoria's rule, and her enduring romance with Prince Albert. Director: Jean-Marc Valle Writer: Julian Fellowes
Transporter: The Series ::: TV-14 | 48min | Action, Crime | TV Series (20122014) -- Frank Martin is an ex special ops, who now spends his life as a transporter on the other side of the law. With three rules, he always completes his contracts. One way, or the other. Stars:
White Gold ::: TV-MA | 30min | Comedy | TV Series (20172019) -- The story of a double-glazing showroom in Essex in 1983, led by charismatic salesman Vincent who will happily break the rules if it guarantees a sale. Creator:!_Wiki:Rules!,_New_Britannia!_The_American_Revolution_and_the_Repercussions_of_Its_Failure"Strategy"_(Map_Game)!'s_Rules,_Scooby-Doo!_Wikia:_Rules's_Clues_Wiki:Rules's_Clues_Wiki:Rules,_Gallows_(character),_Geargod_VII_(character)!!,_Under_New_Rules
100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru 2nd Season -- -- Maho Film -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Game Drama Fantasy Shounen -- 100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru 2nd Season 100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru 2nd Season -- Second season of 100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru. -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 27,971 N/A -- -- Lostorage Conflated WIXOSS -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Card game -- Game Psychological -- Lostorage Conflated WIXOSS Lostorage Conflated WIXOSS -- The peaceful days turn out to be short-lived as the shadow of another Selector Battle looms large. Kiyoi Mizushima is the first to notice that things are amiss, and she makes her move to put an end to the cycle of darkness.The Battle this time includes a new card, "Key," and has been set up with rules different than before. With both the mastermind and their motive shrouded in mystery, the darkness grows ever deeper and more menacing. Suzuko Homura, Chinatsu Morishita, Hanna Mikage, Ruuko Kominato, Yuzuki Kurebayashi, Hitoe Uemura, and Akira Aoi, the Selectors gather once again. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 25,986 7.09
Air Gear -- -- Toei Animation -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Ecchi Shounen Sports -- Air Gear Air Gear -- Air Trecks, also known as AT, are motorized and futuristic inline skates that are the new craze taking the nation by storm. Although each AT comes with a speed limiter, a community of daredevils known as the "Storm Riders" are brave enough to tamper with the device. Utilizing AT's in underground battles, individual teams wager valuable AT parts or team emblems—their symbol of pride—to dominate the streets. -- -- Living in this era is Itsuki Minami, a middle school student notorious for engaging in street fights. Always wanting to reach heights no one else is able to, the reckless punk will break through any obstacle that stands in his way, alongside his best friends Kazuma Mikura and Onigiri. However, it is when he discovers a pair of Air Trecks in his house that the path to his true desire finally opens: to rule the skies. -- -- 303,417 7.52
Air Gear -- -- Toei Animation -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Ecchi Shounen Sports -- Air Gear Air Gear -- Air Trecks, also known as AT, are motorized and futuristic inline skates that are the new craze taking the nation by storm. Although each AT comes with a speed limiter, a community of daredevils known as the "Storm Riders" are brave enough to tamper with the device. Utilizing AT's in underground battles, individual teams wager valuable AT parts or team emblems—their symbol of pride—to dominate the streets. -- -- Living in this era is Itsuki Minami, a middle school student notorious for engaging in street fights. Always wanting to reach heights no one else is able to, the reckless punk will break through any obstacle that stands in his way, alongside his best friends Kazuma Mikura and Onigiri. However, it is when he discovers a pair of Air Trecks in his house that the path to his true desire finally opens: to rule the skies. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- 303,417 7.52
Akagami no Shirayuki-hime 2nd Season -- -- Bones -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance Fantasy Shoujo -- Akagami no Shirayuki-hime 2nd Season Akagami no Shirayuki-hime 2nd Season -- Shirayuki and Zen Wistalia have finally confirmed their romantic feelings for each other, and everyone has resumed their daily lives. Shirayuki remains an apprentice court herbalist at the royal palace of Clarines, and Zen continues his duties alongside his aides. -- -- However, their daily routines are disrupted when Crown Prince Izana, Zen’s older brother, receives an invitation from Raji Shenazard, the prince of Tanbarun. The herbalist finds herself ordered to go to Tanbarun for seven days, to build a new friendship with the formerly selfish and haughty ruler who once ordered Shirayuki to become his concubine. Along the way, Shirayuki is bound to run into trouble once again, as she is sought by a mysterious boy named Kazuki, someone she has never met. -- -- 263,914 7.99
Akagami no Shirayuki-hime 2nd Season -- -- Bones -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance Fantasy Shoujo -- Akagami no Shirayuki-hime 2nd Season Akagami no Shirayuki-hime 2nd Season -- Shirayuki and Zen Wistalia have finally confirmed their romantic feelings for each other, and everyone has resumed their daily lives. Shirayuki remains an apprentice court herbalist at the royal palace of Clarines, and Zen continues his duties alongside his aides. -- -- However, their daily routines are disrupted when Crown Prince Izana, Zen’s older brother, receives an invitation from Raji Shenazard, the prince of Tanbarun. The herbalist finds herself ordered to go to Tanbarun for seven days, to build a new friendship with the formerly selfish and haughty ruler who once ordered Shirayuki to become his concubine. Along the way, Shirayuki is bound to run into trouble once again, as she is sought by a mysterious boy named Kazuki, someone she has never met. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 263,914 7.99
Aoi Bungaku Series -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Novel -- Drama Historical Psychological Seinen Thriller -- Aoi Bungaku Series Aoi Bungaku Series -- Ningen Shikkaku -- A high school student seeks solace in narcotics to escape the dispiritedness that has come over his life. As he goes through the different stages of his life, it culminates in the questioning of his existence in the world. -- -- Sakura no Mori no Mankai no Shita -- The adaptation of Ango Sakaguchi's literary work deals with the love story of a woman abducted by a mountain bandit. -- -- Kokoro -- While trying to fill the void in his life, a university student in Tokyo encounters a charismatic older man, whom he addresses as "Sensei," who offers him advice on life. However, the man is apprehensive to share his life experience, deepening the student's curiosity. Through this peculiar relationship, the student comes to ponder about the distance between him and his family and the growing desolation in his heart filled with ego and guilt. -- -- Hashire, Melos! -- The story portrays the unbreakable bond between two friends, Melos and Selinuntius, and their faith in protecting each other, all while dangling on a thread which hovers over death and misery. -- -- Kumo no Ito -- Kandata is a coldhearted criminal who, while being punished in Hell for his misdeeds, is noticed by the Buddha Shakyamuni. Despite maintaining a record of committing ruthless atrocities, Kandata had once shown mercy to a spider he encountered in the forest by letting it live. Moved by this, Shakyamuni offers him redemption by dropping a spider's thread into the searing pits of Hell, and it is up to Kandata to seize the opportunity. -- -- Jigokuhen -- Yoshihide is a great painter in the land ruled by Horikawa, a tyrant. Offered a commission to paint the "Buddhist Hell" by the lord, Yoshihide declines, as he cannot paint anything he has not witnessed himself. In an attempt to make Yoshihide understand the magnitude of his request, the lord tortures his subjects to provide inspiration for the artist, descending his domain into utter despair and darkness. -- -- TV - Oct 11, 2009 -- 174,861 7.74
Ao no 6-gou -- -- Gonzo -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Ao no 6-gou Ao no 6-gou -- The once famous and well respected scientist Zorndyke has bred a new genre of living being, one that thrives on the oceans and lives to destroy humans. Zorndyke believes it is time that the humans were relieved of their rule of the earth. It is up to Blue Submarine No. 6 and the rest of the Blue fleet to put an end to Zorndyke's madness and creations. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Discotek Media -- OVA - Oct 25, 1998 -- 47,229 7.04
Ao no Exorcist -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Action Demons Fantasy Shounen Supernatural -- Ao no Exorcist Ao no Exorcist -- Humans and demons are two sides of the same coin, as are Assiah and Gehenna, their respective worlds. The only way to travel between the realms is by the means of possession, like in ghost stories. However, Satan, the ruler of Gehenna, cannot find a suitable host to possess and therefore, remains imprisoned in his world. In a desperate attempt to conquer Assiah, he sends his son instead, intending for him to eventually grow into a vessel capable of possession by the demon king. -- -- Ao no Exorcist follows Rin Okumura who appears to be an ordinary, somewhat troublesome teenager—that is until one day he is ambushed by demons. His world turns upside down when he discovers that he is in fact the very son of Satan and that his demon father wishes for him to return so they can conquer Assiah together. Not wanting to join the king of Gehenna, Rin decides to begin training to become an exorcist so that he can fight to defend Assiah alongside his brother Yukio. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 1,485,118 7.57
Appleseed -- -- Gainax -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Police Mecha -- Appleseed Appleseed -- Appleseed takes place in the aftermath of World War III, where the General Management Control Office has constructed the experimental city known as Olympus. Built to be a paradise on Earth, Olympus is inhabited by humans, cyborgs, and bioroids (genetically engineered humans designed for increased physical capabilities and decreased emotional capabilities). Bioroids run and control all of the administrative functions of Olympus, ensuring that the city remains the utopian society it was meant to be for all of its citizens. But for some people living in Utopia, the city has become less of a home and more of a cage. -- -- Police officer Calon Mautholos has grown to despise Olympus following his wife's suicide, blaming her death on the lack of creative freedom caused by the rules binding the citizens of the city. As his hatred for the city grows, Calon conspires with the terrorist A.J. Sebastian to destroy the Legislature of the Central Management Bureau to send the rules of Olympus that killed his wife tumbling down. But when Calon discovers it is not political malcontent, but rather hatred for bioroids that motives Sebastian, Calon turns renegade and gains the attention of city officials. Deunan Knute and her partner Briareos of the ESWAT counter-terrorism unit are dispatched to hunt down and stop Calon and Sebastian... by any means necessary! -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Manga Entertainment -- OVA - Apr 21, 1988 -- 25,245 6.60
Arete Hime -- -- Studio 4°C -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Fantasy Magic -- Arete Hime Arete Hime -- Confined in the castle tower by her father, princess Arete spends her days watching the world outside her window. Sometimes she seeks out to watch the common people at work. The knights of the kingdom compete for the right to marry her and rule the land by competing to see who can find powerful magic objects made by a long dead race of sorcerers. Arete wants none of this. She longs to meet the common people and travel to exotic lands she has only seen in the books she keeps hidden under her bed. One day the sorcerer Boax arrives in a fantastic flying machine and offers to take Arete as his wife and transform her into a proper princess. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Jul 21, 2001 -- 10,365 6.91
Arslan Senki (TV) -- -- LIDENFILMS, SANZIGEN -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Drama Fantasy Historical Shounen -- Arslan Senki (TV) Arslan Senki (TV) -- The year is 320. Under the rule of the belligerent King Andragoras III, the Kingdom of Pars is at war with the neighboring empire, Lusitania. Though different from his father in many aspects, Arslan, the young prince, sets out to prove his valor on the battlefield for the very first time. However, when the king is betrayed by one of his most trusted officials, the Parsian army is decimated and the capital city of Ecbatana is sieged. With the army in shambles and the Lusitanians out for his head, Arslan is forced to go on the run. With a respected general by his side, Daryun, Arslan soon sets off on a journey in search of allies that will help him take back his home. -- -- However, the enemies that the prince faces are far from limited to just those occupying his kingdom. Armies of other kingdoms stand ready to conquer Ecbatana. Moreover, the mastermind behind Lusitania's victory, an enigmatic man hiding behind a silver mask, poses a dangerous threat to Arslan and his company as he possesses a secret that could jeopardize Arslan's right to succession. -- -- With the odds stacked against him, Arslan must find the strength and courage to overcome these obstacles, and allies who will help him fight in the journey that will help prepare him for the day he becomes king. -- -- 311,716 7.70
Arslan Senki (TV) -- -- LIDENFILMS, SANZIGEN -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Drama Fantasy Historical Shounen -- Arslan Senki (TV) Arslan Senki (TV) -- The year is 320. Under the rule of the belligerent King Andragoras III, the Kingdom of Pars is at war with the neighboring empire, Lusitania. Though different from his father in many aspects, Arslan, the young prince, sets out to prove his valor on the battlefield for the very first time. However, when the king is betrayed by one of his most trusted officials, the Parsian army is decimated and the capital city of Ecbatana is sieged. With the army in shambles and the Lusitanians out for his head, Arslan is forced to go on the run. With a respected general by his side, Daryun, Arslan soon sets off on a journey in search of allies that will help him take back his home. -- -- However, the enemies that the prince faces are far from limited to just those occupying his kingdom. Armies of other kingdoms stand ready to conquer Ecbatana. Moreover, the mastermind behind Lusitania's victory, an enigmatic man hiding behind a silver mask, poses a dangerous threat to Arslan and his company as he possesses a secret that could jeopardize Arslan's right to succession. -- -- With the odds stacked against him, Arslan must find the strength and courage to overcome these obstacles, and allies who will help him fight in the journey that will help prepare him for the day he becomes king. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 311,716 7.70
Arslan Senki (TV): Fuujin Ranbu -- -- LIDENFILMS -- 8 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Historical Supernatural Drama Fantasy Shounen -- Arslan Senki (TV): Fuujin Ranbu Arslan Senki (TV): Fuujin Ranbu -- Continuing on his quest to retake Ecbatana, Prince Arslan and his company march toward the city. But upon receiving news that the neighboring Kingdom of Turan is launching an assault on the Parsian stronghold at Peshawar Citadel, the prince is forced to turn back in order to defend the fortress. Amid holding off the invading forces, the Parsian army is met by an unexpected visitor. -- -- As Arslan returns to Peshawar, Prince Hermes takes a slight detour from his clash against his cousin to search for the legendary sword Rukhnabad, which would grant him the right to rule and take back what he believes is rightfully his. However, after unearthing the lost artifact, the blade is stolen by the Temple Knights of Lusitania, prompting the masked warrior to give chase. Meanwhile in Ecbatana, the captive King Andragoras III finds an opportunity to strike and begins to make his move. -- -- As the separate sides of the Parsian royal conflict clash, Arslan's right to the throne falls under attack. But no matter the obstacles in their way, the young prince and his loyal band of warriors charge forward to restore Pars to its former glory. -- -- 118,644 7.53
Arslan Senki (TV): Fuujin Ranbu -- -- LIDENFILMS -- 8 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Historical Supernatural Drama Fantasy Shounen -- Arslan Senki (TV): Fuujin Ranbu Arslan Senki (TV): Fuujin Ranbu -- Continuing on his quest to retake Ecbatana, Prince Arslan and his company march toward the city. But upon receiving news that the neighboring Kingdom of Turan is launching an assault on the Parsian stronghold at Peshawar Citadel, the prince is forced to turn back in order to defend the fortress. Amid holding off the invading forces, the Parsian army is met by an unexpected visitor. -- -- As Arslan returns to Peshawar, Prince Hermes takes a slight detour from his clash against his cousin to search for the legendary sword Rukhnabad, which would grant him the right to rule and take back what he believes is rightfully his. However, after unearthing the lost artifact, the blade is stolen by the Temple Knights of Lusitania, prompting the masked warrior to give chase. Meanwhile in Ecbatana, the captive King Andragoras III finds an opportunity to strike and begins to make his move. -- -- As the separate sides of the Parsian royal conflict clash, Arslan's right to the throne falls under attack. But no matter the obstacles in their way, the young prince and his loyal band of warriors charge forward to restore Pars to its former glory. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 118,644 7.53
Baki: Most Evil Death Row Convicts Special Anime -- -- Telecom Animation Film -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Martial Arts Shounen -- Baki: Most Evil Death Row Convicts Special Anime Baki: Most Evil Death Row Convicts Special Anime -- A 15-minute trailer bundled with the limited edition of 14th Baki-Dou manga volume. Despite being bundled with Baki-Dou, it will adapt part of the "Most Evil Death Row Convicts" arc from Baki: New Grappler Baki. The arc features underground ring fighters in the no-rules combat environment of death row convicts. -- OVA - Dec 6, 2016 -- 10,425 6.50
Bakumatsu Rock -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Music Comedy Historical Shoujo -- Bakumatsu Rock Bakumatsu Rock -- Ryouma Sakamoto wants everyone to know about his passion for rock 'n' roll, so he roams around town with his electric guitar willing to show anyone he encounters that he's just as skilled as the famous Shinsengumi stars they admire. Unfortunately, Japan doesn't allow anything other than that group's Heaven's Songs, for writing or performing different types of music is forbidden and can lead to harsh consequences. -- -- Agitated by these strict rules and brainwashing, Ryouma does everything he can to show people that the music he loves will bring them the freedom they deserve. Along with his bandmates Shinsaku Takasugi and Kogoru Katsura, Ryouma works hard to find places for his rock 'n' roll group to perform. Refusing to back down until their music is accepted in Japan, the trio begin to realize that there's more to their passion than they had thought. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jul 2, 2014 -- 26,390 6.05
Battle Spirits: Sword Eyes -- -- Sunrise -- 29 eps -- Card game -- Game Adventure Fantasy -- Battle Spirits: Sword Eyes Battle Spirits: Sword Eyes -- Many years ago, the death of the emperor sparked riots and civil wars that ravaged Atlantia. Upon the throning of the young king Yaiba, treacherous rebels were executed to restore the peace the country once had. However, tainted by this radical act of governance, Atlantia continues to be enveloped under the shadow of oppressive rule. -- -- Tsurugi Tatewaki is a spunky teenager who grew up in the rural countryside with little memory of his birth parents. One day in his home, he stumbles upon a mysterious sword that transforms into a Battle Spirits card. When armed forces from Atlantia confront Tsurugi with their sights set on procuring his card, the secrets behind Tsurugi's past seemingly begin to unravel. -- -- Accompanied by a droid named Bringer, Tsurugi makes his way to the capital of Atlantia and encounters supposed warriors who wield similar swords. As his world is slowly turned upside down by the gradual appearance of greater mysteries, Tsurugi may have to question everything he knows, including his very own judgment on what separates good from evil. -- -- TV - Sep 9, 2012 -- 2,050 6.54
Beelzebub -- -- Pierrot Plus -- 60 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Demons Supernatural School Shounen -- Beelzebub Beelzebub -- Ishiyama High is a school populated entirely by delinquents, where nonstop violence and lawlessness are the norm. However, there is one universally acknowledged rule—don't cross first year student Tatsumi Oga, Ishiyama's most vicious fighter. -- -- One day, Oga is by a riverbed when he encounters a man floating down the river. After being retrieved by Oga, the man splits down the middle to reveal a baby, which crawls onto Oga's back and immediately forms an attachment to him. Though he doesn't know it yet, this baby is named Kaiser de Emperana Beelzebub IV, or "Baby Beel" for short—the son of the Demon Lord! -- -- As if finding the future Lord of the Underworld isn't enough, Oga is also confronted by Hildegard, Beel's demon maid. Together they attempt to raise Baby Beel—although surrounded by juvenile delinquents and demonic powers, the two of them may be in for more of a challenge than they can imagine. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- TV - Jan 9, 2011 -- 477,746 7.90
Beelzebub -- -- Pierrot Plus -- 60 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Demons Supernatural School Shounen -- Beelzebub Beelzebub -- Ishiyama High is a school populated entirely by delinquents, where nonstop violence and lawlessness are the norm. However, there is one universally acknowledged rule—don't cross first year student Tatsumi Oga, Ishiyama's most vicious fighter. -- -- One day, Oga is by a riverbed when he encounters a man floating down the river. After being retrieved by Oga, the man splits down the middle to reveal a baby, which crawls onto Oga's back and immediately forms an attachment to him. Though he doesn't know it yet, this baby is named Kaiser de Emperana Beelzebub IV, or "Baby Beel" for short—the son of the Demon Lord! -- -- As if finding the future Lord of the Underworld isn't enough, Oga is also confronted by Hildegard, Beel's demon maid. Together they attempt to raise Baby Beel—although surrounded by juvenile delinquents and demonic powers, the two of them may be in for more of a challenge than they can imagine. -- -- TV - Jan 9, 2011 -- 477,746 7.90
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Crystal -- -- Toei Animation -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Demons Magic Romance Shoujo -- Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Crystal Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Crystal -- Though a little clumsy and easily brought to tears, Usagi Tsukino is a typical 14-year-old girl in her second year of junior high. However, all of that changes when an encounter with Luna, a mysterious talking black cat, whose head bears the mark of a crescent moon, results in the animal bestowing a magical brooch upon her. Now Usagi can transform into Sailor Moon, a magical girl in a sailor uniform who protects love and peace! -- -- Usagi is appointed as a guardian of justice and is tasked with the search for the legendary Silver Crystal, a magical artifact that holds immense power, as well as finding the other Sailor Guardians and the lost princess of Luna's home, the Moon Kingdom. Her mission isn't without opposition, however; Queen Beryl, ruler of the Dark Kingdom, wants to claim the Silver Crystal and take its power for her own. -- -- Though she still has to worry about her school, family, and love life, it is up to Sailor Moon and the other Sailor Guardians to save the day! -- -- ONA - Jul 5, 2014 -- 117,870 7.02
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars -- -- Toei Animation -- 34 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Magic Romance Shoujo -- Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars -- Like the R Season, Sailor Stars is divided into two arcs: -- -- The first arc (also filler) solves some conflicts from the SuperS season, and also sees the return of the Outer Senshi, Haruka, Michiru, Setsuna, and Hotaru (now reborn as a child). -- -- The second arc is the actual plot from the manga. Usagi bids farewell to Mamoru, who is going to America to study abroad. In his place comes the Three Lights, an idol trio consisting of three boys, Seiya, Taiki, and Yaten. The new enemy is Galaxia, a woman who desires to rule the entire galaxy by collecting the Star Seeds of humans. Three new Senshi appear, the Sailor Starlights, who also intend to stop Galaxia without Sailor Moon's help. -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- TV - Mar 9, 1996 -- 89,513 7.92
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars -- -- Toei Animation -- 34 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Magic Romance Shoujo -- Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars -- Like the R Season, Sailor Stars is divided into two arcs: -- -- The first arc (also filler) solves some conflicts from the SuperS season, and also sees the return of the Outer Senshi, Haruka, Michiru, Setsuna, and Hotaru (now reborn as a child). -- -- The second arc is the actual plot from the manga. Usagi bids farewell to Mamoru, who is going to America to study abroad. In his place comes the Three Lights, an idol trio consisting of three boys, Seiya, Taiki, and Yaten. The new enemy is Galaxia, a woman who desires to rule the entire galaxy by collecting the Star Seeds of humans. Three new Senshi appear, the Sailor Starlights, who also intend to stop Galaxia without Sailor Moon's help. -- TV - Mar 9, 1996 -- 89,513 7.92
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon SuperS -- -- Toei Animation -- 39 eps -- Manga -- Drama Magic Romance Shoujo -- Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon SuperS Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon SuperS -- SuperS centers heavily on Chibi-usa and the Sailor Team. A new enemy, the Dead Moon Circus, has now appeared. Their motive is to find the Golden Dream Mirror that would be used to rule the world. To do this, the enemy attacks innocent victims for their Dream Mirrors and test their energy. Chibi-usa also has a new ally on her side, Pegasus. This season also sees the Sailor Senshi obtaining new powers. -- 93,619 7.59
Blood Lad -- -- Brain's Base -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Demons Seinen Supernatural Vampire -- Blood Lad Blood Lad -- Staz Charlie Blood is a powerful vampire who rules the Eastern district of Demon World. According to rumors, he is a bloodthirsty and merciless monster, but in reality, Staz is just an otaku obsessed with Japanese culture and completely uninterested in human blood. Leaving the management of his territory to his underlings, Staz spends his days lazing around, indulging in anime, manga, and games. -- -- When Fuyumi Yanagi, a Japanese girl, accidentally wanders through a portal leading into the demon world, Staz is overjoyed. But just as he is starting to feel an unusual attraction to her, his territory is attacked, resulting in Fuyumi's untimely death. She turns into a wandering ghost and the crestfallen Staz vows to resurrect her as this would mean being able to travel to the human world, something he has always dreamed of. -- -- Blood Lad follows Staz and Fuyumi, soon joined by the spatial magician Bell and the half-werewolf Wolf, as they travel to find a magic that can bring humans back to life. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 554,443 7.32
Boku no Tonari ni Ankoku Hakaishin ga Imasu. -- -- EMT Squared -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School Josei -- Boku no Tonari ni Ankoku Hakaishin ga Imasu. Boku no Tonari ni Ankoku Hakaishin ga Imasu. -- In the distant past, Miguel, the God of Destruction, was sealed inside the knight who ruled over light and darkness, Sturmhurt. Alongside the knight was Gestöber, who accompanied him through countless battles. In the present day, destiny causes them to reincarnate as Kabuto Hanadori and Seri Koyuki, two classmates. -- -- Their reunion should be a joyous moment, if not for the fact that these fantasied heroes are just products of Kabuto's delusions. As the fictional "Gestöber," Seri finds himself in various embarrassing situations due to Kabuto's antics that sometimes grow out of his control. Moreover, his classmate Utsugi Tsukimiya joins the fray with his absurdly accurate mind-reading abilities, slowly destroying Seri's social life. -- -- Seri tries hard to stay away from them, refusing to acknowledge their shenanigans, however with Kabuto's chuunibyou and Utsugi's unpredictability, he is only bound to be swept by the craziness coming his way. -- -- 40,259 6.65
Bouken Ou Beet -- -- Toei Animation -- 52 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Fantasy Shounen Supernatural -- Bouken Ou Beet Bouken Ou Beet -- It is the dark century and the people are suffering under the rule of the devil, Vandel, who is able to manipulate monsters. The Vandel Busters are a group of people who hunt these devils, and among them, the Zenon Squad is known to be the strongest busters on the continent. A young boy, Beet, dreams of joining the Zenon Squad. However, one day, as a result of Beet's fault, the Zenon squad was defeated by the devil, Beltose. The five dying busters sacrificed their life power into their five weapons, Saiga. After giving their weapons to Beet, they passed away. Years have passed since then and the young Vandel Buster, Beet, begins his adventure to carry out the Zenon Squad's will to put an end to the dark century. -- 13,435 6.97
Bouken Ou Beet Excellion -- -- Toei Animation -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Fantasy Shounen Supernatural -- Bouken Ou Beet Excellion Bouken Ou Beet Excellion -- It is the dark century and the people are suffering under the rule of the devil, Vandel, who is able to manipulate monsters. The Vandel Busters are a group of people who hunt these devils, and among them, the Zenon Squad is known to be the strongest busters on the continent. A young boy, Beet, dreams of joining the Zenon Squad. However, one day, as a result of Beet's fault, the Zenon squad was defeated by the devil, Beltose. The five dying busters sacrificed their life power into their five weapons, Saiga. After giving their weapons to Beet, they passed away. Years have passed since then and the young Vandel Buster, Beet, begins his adventure to carry out the Zenon Squad's will to put an end to the dark century. -- 6,908 6.71
Boukyaku no Senritsu -- -- Gainax, J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Fantasy Horror Mecha Psychological Sci-Fi Shounen Space Supernatural -- Boukyaku no Senritsu Boukyaku no Senritsu -- A great war occurred in the 20th century between humans and monsters. Since that time, the monsters rule the world in fear but keep relatively hidden from public view. A boy named Bokka ponders the past and wonders what became of the Meros Warriors who defended the world so bravely against the demons. He soon meets Kurofune and learns of the power of the Meros and the I-bar machines they ride in battle. Warriors are the only ones who can see and hear the Melody of Oblivion, a phantom girl hidden away waiting to be rescued and be the savior of mankind. During a battle between Kurofune and a demon, Bokka discovers something only his wildest dreams could possibly imagine...he too can hear that melody. Throughout his journeys, Bokka meets many monsters and their agents, friends, and companions as he discovers the true extent of his new powers. He must continue to battle evil in the hope of releasing Boukyaku no Senritsu and free a world that has forgotten its once beautiful melody. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 16,806 6.33
Boukyaku no Senritsu -- -- Gainax, J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Fantasy Horror Mecha Psychological Sci-Fi Shounen Space Supernatural -- Boukyaku no Senritsu Boukyaku no Senritsu -- A great war occurred in the 20th century between humans and monsters. Since that time, the monsters rule the world in fear but keep relatively hidden from public view. A boy named Bokka ponders the past and wonders what became of the Meros Warriors who defended the world so bravely against the demons. He soon meets Kurofune and learns of the power of the Meros and the I-bar machines they ride in battle. Warriors are the only ones who can see and hear the Melody of Oblivion, a phantom girl hidden away waiting to be rescued and be the savior of mankind. During a battle between Kurofune and a demon, Bokka discovers something only his wildest dreams could possibly imagine...he too can hear that melody. Throughout his journeys, Bokka meets many monsters and their agents, friends, and companions as he discovers the true extent of his new powers. He must continue to battle evil in the hope of releasing Boukyaku no Senritsu and free a world that has forgotten its once beautiful melody. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA -- 16,806 6.33
Boys Be... -- -- Hal Film Maker -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance Shounen -- Boys Be... Boys Be... -- There are two sides to every love story, and Boys Be... reveals what's really going on—from the guy's point of view! -- -- Meet three normal high school guys with just one thing on their minds: girls. Quiet Kyoichi has been friends with Chiharu ever since they were young, but lately, his feelings have begun to change. Lecherous Makoto, a self-proclaimed master of the rules of romance, is ready to sweep the ladies off their feet. And Yoshihiko, a handsome sports nut, is unfortunately a bit clueless in matters of the heart. -- -- Join this hapless trio for a year of romantic misadventures that will change their lives forever! -- -- (Source: RightStuf) -- 20,259 6.44
Boys Be... -- -- Hal Film Maker -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance Shounen -- Boys Be... Boys Be... -- There are two sides to every love story, and Boys Be... reveals what's really going on—from the guy's point of view! -- -- Meet three normal high school guys with just one thing on their minds: girls. Quiet Kyoichi has been friends with Chiharu ever since they were young, but lately, his feelings have begun to change. Lecherous Makoto, a self-proclaimed master of the rules of romance, is ready to sweep the ladies off their feet. And Yoshihiko, a handsome sports nut, is unfortunately a bit clueless in matters of the heart. -- -- Join this hapless trio for a year of romantic misadventures that will change their lives forever! -- -- (Source: RightStuf) -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- 20,259 6.44
Chi's Sweet Home -- -- Madhouse -- 104 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Slice of Life -- Chi's Sweet Home Chi's Sweet Home -- One day, a small kitten named Chi is found by a young boy named Youhei and his mother. They decide to bring her back to their home to live with them despite their apartment's rules against keeping any pets. Chi, Youhei, and Youhei's parents cherish their time together as they make new friends, good memories, and have fun times together. -- -- These short adventures revolve around the daily life of Chi and her family, in addition to the many friends that they make along the way. No matter what trouble Chi ends up getting into, she knows that her family will always love her! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 55,399 7.70
Choujigen Game Neptune The Animation -- -- David Production -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Comedy Fantasy Parody Sci-Fi Supernatural -- Choujigen Game Neptune The Animation Choujigen Game Neptune The Animation -- After years of fruitless war between the four realms of Gamindustri (Planeptune, Lastation, Lowee and Leanbox) over Share energy, the source of their strength based on how much their people have faith in their goddesses, the four CPUs that rule over them have finally signed a friendship treaty. The treaty bans any attempt at claiming Share energy through military force, in hopes of bringing peace and prosperity to their worlds. Yet, a month after the treaty, Neptune, the CPU Goddess of Planeptune, spends her time goofing off and playing games rather than doing her job, leaving her land's Shares plummeting. -- -- Choujigen Game Neptune The Animation follows Neptune and her friends' attempts at raising Shares, while dealing with an external threat that could spell the end of both the Goddesses and Gamindustri itself... -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Jul 12, 2013 -- 134,162 6.97
Choujigen Game Neptune The Animation -- -- David Production -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Comedy Fantasy Parody Sci-Fi Supernatural -- Choujigen Game Neptune The Animation Choujigen Game Neptune The Animation -- After years of fruitless war between the four realms of Gamindustri (Planeptune, Lastation, Lowee and Leanbox) over Share energy, the source of their strength based on how much their people have faith in their goddesses, the four CPUs that rule over them have finally signed a friendship treaty. The treaty bans any attempt at claiming Share energy through military force, in hopes of bringing peace and prosperity to their worlds. Yet, a month after the treaty, Neptune, the CPU Goddess of Planeptune, spends her time goofing off and playing games rather than doing her job, leaving her land's Shares plummeting. -- -- Choujigen Game Neptune The Animation follows Neptune and her friends' attempts at raising Shares, while dealing with an external threat that could spell the end of both the Goddesses and Gamindustri itself... -- TV - Jul 12, 2013 -- 134,162 6.97
Choujin Densetsu Urotsukidouji: Inferno Road -- -- - -- 3 eps -- - -- Fantasy Hentai Demons Horror Sci-Fi -- Choujin Densetsu Urotsukidouji: Inferno Road Choujin Densetsu Urotsukidouji: Inferno Road -- Directly following the conclusion of Urotsukidoji III, the survivors of the Azuma kingdom genocide travel aboard a futuristic tank with Osaka as the destination. There, they plan to face both the Overfiend and their own fates as well. Along they way, the stumble upon a civilization beyond imagination, where children cruely rule over the adults. It is up to Amano Jyaku to save his friends from this sinister land and its evil ruler, Ellis. Shortly after their encounter, Sui Kaka Ju's sister Yoenhime summons Munhihausen, who transforms her into the menacing Yoenki. At last, she is strong enough to reap revenge on Amano for killing her brother. But Munhihausen has his own hidden agendas. The Urotsukidoji legend will finally reach its climax in Osaka, when Kiojo, the sweet and innocent Himi, and the Chojin meet face to face. -- OVA - Dec 21, 1993 -- 2,257 5.42
Choujin Koukousei-tachi wa Isekai demo Yoyuu de Ikinuku you desu! -- -- Project No.9 -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Fantasy -- Choujin Koukousei-tachi wa Isekai demo Yoyuu de Ikinuku you desu! Choujin Koukousei-tachi wa Isekai demo Yoyuu de Ikinuku you desu! -- Seven Japanese high school students enjoy international renown for their remarkable talents. One day, these friends survive a plane crash only to find themselves in the medieval fantasy world of Freyjagard, where two human races live side by side in a feudal society: the byuma, who have animal features and formidable strength, and the hyuma, who have a small chance of magical aptitude. After being rescued by the byuma Winona and her adopted elven daughter Lyrule, the group pledges to use their advanced skills and knowledge to pay back the people of Elm Village for their hospitality and find a way to return back home. -- -- Tsukasa Mikogami, the prime minister of Japan, acts as the leader of these young geniuses and organizes their efforts to intervene in Freyjagard and gather the information and resources necessary for achieving their goals. Believing that there is a connection between their current situation and an ancient legend about seven heroes from another world who defeated an evil dragon, Tsukasa directs the others to learn about the culture around them and search for any clues leading them back to Earth. But he also gives another instruction: to take it nice and easy, lest they ruin this world by giving it their all. -- -- 162,715 6.34
Cobra The Animation: The Psycho-Gun -- -- Magic Bus -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Mecha Sci-Fi Space -- Cobra The Animation: The Psycho-Gun Cobra The Animation: The Psycho-Gun -- When Utopia More discovers an ancient record that holds the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe, she becomes the target of the ruthless Gypsy Doc of the Pirate Guild. Utopia finds herself saved by the easy-going yet legendary space pirate, Cobra, whose custom made Psychogun makes him a force to be reckoned with. Together, the two of them attempt to stop Gypsy Doc (along with Cobra's revived arch-nemesis, Crystal Boy) and his efforts to steal the record and use its secrets to rule the universe. -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- OVA - Aug 29, 2008 -- 4,639 6.90
Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch I - Koudou -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Super Power Mecha School -- Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch I - Koudou Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch I - Koudou -- The Holy Britannian Empire is a powerful nation that uses its military strength to expand its rule, and the small island nation of Japan is yet another victim. During a worldwide conflict in 2010 known as the Second Pacific War, the once-proud country was reduced to rubble and mockingly renamed to Area 11. -- -- However, one student plans to free Japan from Britannia's control through an extraordinary rebellion. His name is Lelouch Lamperouge, and he is fueled with hatred for the Empire, plotting to wipe its accursed name off the face of the planet. Lelouch's malicious plans are unexpectedly accelerated upon meeting the mysterious woman C.C., who grants him a supernatural ability known as "Geass" that makes anyone Lelouch commands unable to defy his will. -- -- Now armed with a devastating power, Lelouch assumes the persona of Zero, a revolutionary figure who carries the hopes and dreams of the oppressed around the world. He vows to restore the glorious nation of Japan and deliver divine retribution to Britannia. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Oct 21, 2017 -- 72,043 7.92
Cop Craft -- -- Millepensee -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Fantasy Magic Police Sci-Fi -- Cop Craft Cop Craft -- Fifteen years ago, a hyperspace gate appeared in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, connecting Earth to a strange world filled with fairies and monsters. The city of San-Teresa became a home for over two million of these otherworldly visitors. Unfortunately, the population boom also brought its fair share of problems—drugs, prostitution, and trafficking. To combat the rampant crime lurking in the city's shadows, a new department was established in the San-Teresa Metropolitan Police. -- -- Former JSDF soldier Kei Matoba is one of the best cops that the department has to offer, despite his inclination to occasionally bend the rules. After a fairy trafficking case goes wrong, Kei loses Rick Fury, his friend and partner of four years, setting him on a quest for vengeance. To help him with the case, the department pairs him with Tilarna Exedilika, a noble of the Farbani Kingdom. As one of the Knights of Mirvor, her duty is to rescue the noble fairy that Kei encountered during his last case. Despite his distaste for non-humans, he accepts the arrangement at the request of his superiors. Now, the unlikely duo must come together and overcome their differences in order to return the missing fairy to her country and avenge the death of Kei's partner. -- -- 94,574 6.73
Cop Craft -- -- Millepensee -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Fantasy Magic Police Sci-Fi -- Cop Craft Cop Craft -- Fifteen years ago, a hyperspace gate appeared in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, connecting Earth to a strange world filled with fairies and monsters. The city of San-Teresa became a home for over two million of these otherworldly visitors. Unfortunately, the population boom also brought its fair share of problems—drugs, prostitution, and trafficking. To combat the rampant crime lurking in the city's shadows, a new department was established in the San-Teresa Metropolitan Police. -- -- Former JSDF soldier Kei Matoba is one of the best cops that the department has to offer, despite his inclination to occasionally bend the rules. After a fairy trafficking case goes wrong, Kei loses Rick Fury, his friend and partner of four years, setting him on a quest for vengeance. To help him with the case, the department pairs him with Tilarna Exedilika, a noble of the Farbani Kingdom. As one of the Knights of Mirvor, her duty is to rescue the noble fairy that Kei encountered during his last case. Despite his distaste for non-humans, he accepts the arrangement at the request of his superiors. Now, the unlikely duo must come together and overcome their differences in order to return the missing fairy to her country and avenge the death of Kei's partner. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 94,574 6.73
Crystal Blaze -- -- - -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi -- Crystal Blaze Crystal Blaze -- Rags Town is the garbage dump of Japan. The place where people who want to forget their pasts run to. In this town, where the rules strictly forbid asking about the past or getting to know people, there is small detective agency called S&A Detectives. -- -- The story revolves around Ayamana, the inseparable pair of misfit wannabe detectives, the case Manami takes on impulse, and the trouble that arises from it. On the case they find a woman who is abnormally hot, and who is being chased by a bunch of women with guns. After being dubbed Sara, the detectives try and figure out just what is going on with her. At the same time, all over town teenage girls are burning up and turning into glass. The government is covering everything up, but the detectives, as well as a nosy reporter and the local police, are determined to find out what is happening. -- -- Licensor: -- Maiden Japan -- 15,411 6.15
Dance in the Vampire Bund -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Supernatural Drama Romance Vampire Seinen -- Dance in the Vampire Bund Dance in the Vampire Bund -- On live television, Mina Tepes, the ruler of all vampires, reveals the existence of her species to the world and states her plan to build a sanctuary in Japan for vampires, called the Vampire Bund. Using her family's wealth to pay off the nation's debt, they have agreed to let her build this safe-haven for her fellow creatures of the night. But not everyone is so easily swayed by Mina's influence, as her announcement brings about conflict with humans who believe that the queen's quest for peace is a façade. -- -- Akira Kaburagi does not believe in vampires and gets uneasy whenever they are brought up, although he has yet to realize why. Apart from suffering a head injury a year ago, he lives on blissfully until he meets Mina. She triggers within him memories of a life he had long forgotten, and he soon begins protecting her without understanding why. But Akira's secret is far stranger than he could have ever thought possible—he discovers that he is a werewolf, sworn from birth to protect the vampire queen, even if it costs him his life. Now, as these two dance a rondo of death in the Vampire Bund, Mina and Akira find out just how deep their bond goes. -- -- 193,848 7.04
Dance in the Vampire Bund -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Supernatural Drama Romance Vampire Seinen -- Dance in the Vampire Bund Dance in the Vampire Bund -- On live television, Mina Tepes, the ruler of all vampires, reveals the existence of her species to the world and states her plan to build a sanctuary in Japan for vampires, called the Vampire Bund. Using her family's wealth to pay off the nation's debt, they have agreed to let her build this safe-haven for her fellow creatures of the night. But not everyone is so easily swayed by Mina's influence, as her announcement brings about conflict with humans who believe that the queen's quest for peace is a façade. -- -- Akira Kaburagi does not believe in vampires and gets uneasy whenever they are brought up, although he has yet to realize why. Apart from suffering a head injury a year ago, he lives on blissfully until he meets Mina. She triggers within him memories of a life he had long forgotten, and he soon begins protecting her without understanding why. But Akira's secret is far stranger than he could have ever thought possible—he discovers that he is a werewolf, sworn from birth to protect the vampire queen, even if it costs him his life. Now, as these two dance a rondo of death in the Vampire Bund, Mina and Akira find out just how deep their bond goes. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 193,848 7.04
Dance with Devils -- -- Brain's Base -- 12 eps -- Original -- Harem Demons Supernatural Romance Vampire Shoujo -- Dance with Devils Dance with Devils -- Ritsuka Tachibana has always been a good student, so she is completely shocked when she is suddenly summoned by the student council. Even more, they seem to think of Ritsuka as a troublemaker. Led by the handsome Rem Kaginuki, the student council—also consisting of Urie Sogami, Shiki Natsumizaka and Mage Nanashiro—tries to question her, but it soon becomes clear that they have ulterior motives. -- -- However, this is only the beginning. When her mother gets kidnapped, her life is turned upside down, and Ritsuka gets drawn into a world of vampires and devils. Both groups are searching for the "Grimoire," a forbidden item allowing its owner to rule the world. The return of her brother Lindo from overseas gives her hope, but even he appears to be hiding something. In a world filled with secrets, Ritsuka questions whom she can trust in this dark musical tale, while the handsome and dangerous members of the student council compete for her attention. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 97,898 6.33
Date A Bullet: Dead or Bullet -- -- GEEK TOYS -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi -- Date A Bullet: Dead or Bullet Date A Bullet: Dead or Bullet -- Soon after falling into another world, Kurumi Tokisaki takes interest in a particular white cat. Much to Kurumi's disappointment, the two part ways. -- -- Kurumi later meets Hibiki Higoromo, a white haired quasi-spirit. Hibiki explains that they are at the center of a killing game between quasi-spirits. Within the Neighboring World, the spirits compete for a single wish to be granted to the lone survivor of the death-match. -- -- Understanding the rules of the game, Kurumi and Hibiki reach a compromise—a temporary alliance. -- -- Movie - Aug 14, 2020 -- 61,817 7.51
Death Billiards -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Original -- Game Mystery Psychological Drama Thriller -- Death Billiards Death Billiards -- Two men have just arrived at a location known as Quindecim and are unable to remember how they got there. They are immediately greeted by a young woman who escorts them to a small bar, where a bartender awaits them. They are told that they will have to participate in a game, randomly chosen by roulette, and will be unable to leave until its completion; if they refuse, the consequences will be dire. In addition to the rules of the game, the two men are told to play as if their lives are at stake. -- -- The game that has been chosen is billiards. But there's more to it than just pocketing pool balls, as the two are about to find out the outcome could mean life or death. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Mar 2, 2013 -- 197,026 7.93
Deltora Quest -- -- OLM -- 65 eps -- Book -- Adventure Kids Fantasy -- Deltora Quest Deltora Quest -- Long ago, the blacksmith Adin forged a belt of seven powerful gems, one from each of the seven tribes of Deltora. Wielding the belt's unparalleled power, he repelled the Shadow Lord's attempt to overthrow the kingdom. Adin was crowned king of Deltora, but he never forgot that the enemy remained unbeaten. -- -- Centuries later, memory of the Shadow Lord has become faded and almost forgotten, and the people of Deltora see their monarchy as detached and uncaring. Much to their dismay, the Shadow Lord strikes once more, breaking the Belt of Deltora by scattering the seven gems across the continent. Jarred, a close friend of the young king Endon, assists him and his wife in escaping from the castle as the Shadow Lord takes over, and they part ways to go into hiding. -- -- The Shadow Lord now reigns over Deltora and many years pass under his tyrannical rule. However, there is a glimmer of hope in Jarred's son Lief, whom he has lovingly raised and trained to find the scattered gemstones and reassemble the Belt of Deltora. Along with his companions Barda and Jasmine, Lief must face devious enemies and dangerous beasts to oust the Shadow Lord and return peace to Deltora. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Flatiron Film Company -- TV - Jan 6, 2007 -- 23,239 7.04
Diabolik Lovers More,Blood -- -- Zexcs -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Harem School Shoujo Vampire -- Diabolik Lovers More,Blood Diabolik Lovers More,Blood -- Yui Komori, still held captive by the Sakamaki brothers—pureblood vampires after her blood—experiences yet more bizarre twists to her life following her stay at their household. Though haunted by enigmatic dreams, Yui soon deciphers their meaning when caught in a car crash, which subsequently leads to meeting four new vampires: the Mukami brothers, Ruki, Azusa, Kou, and Yuuma, who themselves capture the bewildered girl. -- -- Yui later awakens in the Mukami mansion, where the brothers reveal their plans for her: she is their "Eve," and her blood will find the "Adam" among them; together, they will have the power to rule the world. However, with the Sakamaki brothers hot on their heels, things might not go quite as smoothly as they had imagined. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 109,892 5.62
Digimon Xros Wars: Aku no Death General to Nanatsu no Oukoku -- -- Toei Animation -- 24 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Fantasy Comedy Shounen -- Digimon Xros Wars: Aku no Death General to Nanatsu no Oukoku Digimon Xros Wars: Aku no Death General to Nanatsu no Oukoku -- Returning to the Digital World, Taiki and Shoutmon learn that the Bagra Army has taken it over and reformatted the world to have Seven Kingdoms, each ruled by a general. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- 22,726 7.14
Digimon Xros Wars: Aku no Death General to Nanatsu no Oukoku -- -- Toei Animation -- 24 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Fantasy Comedy Shounen -- Digimon Xros Wars: Aku no Death General to Nanatsu no Oukoku Digimon Xros Wars: Aku no Death General to Nanatsu no Oukoku -- Returning to the Digital World, Taiki and Shoutmon learn that the Bagra Army has taken it over and reformatted the world to have Seven Kingdoms, each ruled by a general. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Flatiron Film Company -- 22,726 7.14
Dororon Enma-kun -- -- Toei Animation -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Demons Fantasy Horror Shounen Supernatural -- Dororon Enma-kun Dororon Enma-kun -- Monsters are coming to the human world from the Hell in order to get human spirits. As people's minds are getting dirty, being attracted by the dirty spirits, the monsters break the rule to go to the human world. -- -- Tsutomu, a boy who goes to Yokai Elementary School, is suddenly assaulted by monsters. Those who save him from the monsters are Enma-kun, the son of Enma, Yukiko, a snow woman, and Kapaeru. They are members of Monster Patrol that are sent to the human world to arrest monsters. -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- TV - Oct 4, 1973 -- 3,230 6.26
Doupo Cangqiong -- -- Shanghai Foch Film Culture Investment -- 12 eps -- Novel -- Action Adventure Comedy Supernatural Romance -- Doupo Cangqiong Doupo Cangqiong -- In a land where no magic is present. A land where the strong make the rules and weak have to obey. A land filled with alluring treasures and beauty, yet also filled with unforeseen danger. Three years ago, Xiao Yan, who had shown talents none had seen in decades, suddenly lost everything. His powers, his reputation, and his promise to his mother. What sorcery has caused him to lose all of his powers? And why has his fiancee suddenly shown up? -- -- (Source: -- ONA - Jan 7, 2017 -- 6,232 7.28
Dragon Ball Specials -- -- Toei Animation -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Fantasy Comedy Super Power Shounen -- Dragon Ball Specials Dragon Ball Specials -- Specials included with the original series. -- -- Goku no Koutsuuanzen (Goku's Traffic Safety) -- Goku is heading to West City to attend Bulma's birthday party, and on the way he ends up learning the rules for getting through traffic. The movie was for children to watch so it would teach them how to get across a pedestrian crossing. -- -- Goku no Shouboutai (Goku's Fire Brigade) -- An episode for kids where Goku and the others work for the Fire brigade and explain how avoid problems with fire. -- Special - Jun 8, 1988 -- 25,798 6.73
Ergo Proxy -- -- Manglobe -- 23 eps -- Original -- Psychological Mystery Sci-Fi -- Ergo Proxy Ergo Proxy -- Within the domed city of Romdo lies one of the last human civilizations on Earth. Thousands of years ago, a global ecological catastrophe doomed the planet; now, life outside these domes is virtually impossible. To expedite mankind's recovery, "AutoReivs," humanoid-like robots, have been created to assist people in their day-to-day lives. However, AutoReivs have begun contracting an enigmatic disease called the "Cogito Virus" which grants them self-awareness. Re-l Mayer, granddaughter of Romdo's ruler, is assigned to investigate this phenomenon alongside her AutoReiv partner Iggy. But what begins as a routine investigation quickly spirals into a conspiracy as Re-l is confronted by humanity's darkest sins. -- -- Elsewhere in Romdo, an AutoReiv specialist by the name of Vincent Law must also face his demons when surreal events begin occurring around him. Re-l, Iggy, Vincent, and the child AutoReiv named Pino, will form an unlikely faction as they struggle to uncover Romdo's mysteries and ultimately, discover the true purpose of the mythical beings called "Proxies." -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 494,821 7.92
Eve no Jikan -- -- Studio Rikka -- 6 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Slice of Life -- Eve no Jikan Eve no Jikan -- In future Japan, in a time when android housekeepers have become commonplace, society strictly abides by the Three Laws of Robotics, which all androids must follow. Under the influence of the Robot Ethics Committee, androids are treated the same way as lesser technology, such as household appliances. However, a minority with an adoration for androids exists, categorized as "android-holics," and are shunned by the general public. -- -- Rikuo Sakisaka was raised to accept society's precept about androids, and is perfectly aware that they are not human. That is, until the day he discovers a strange message buried within the activity logs of his household android, Sammy. This leads him to Eve no Jikan, a cafe with only one rule that its patrons must adhere to: there must be no distinction made between humans and androids. Curiosity drives Rikuo to learn more about the shop, and he attempts to unearth the reason behind Sammy's peculiar behavior. -- -- ONA - Aug 1, 2008 -- 156,275 8.07
Fairy Tail: Final Series -- -- A-1 Pictures, Bridge, CloverWorks -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Fairy Tail: Final Series Fairy Tail: Final Series -- Although Fairy Tail has been disbanded and its members are now spread far across Fiore, Natsu Dragneel hasn't given up on reuniting the guild he and others once called home. Along with his companions Happy and Lucy Heartfilia, he will stop at nothing to keep Fairy Tail and its fiery spirit alive even as they face their most difficult trial yet—the invasion of Fiore by the Alvarez Empire's immense army and their all-too-familiar ruler. -- -- 343,999 7.53
Fairy Tail: Final Series -- -- A-1 Pictures, Bridge, CloverWorks -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Fairy Tail: Final Series Fairy Tail: Final Series -- Although Fairy Tail has been disbanded and its members are now spread far across Fiore, Natsu Dragneel hasn't given up on reuniting the guild he and others once called home. Along with his companions Happy and Lucy Heartfilia, he will stop at nothing to keep Fairy Tail and its fiery spirit alive even as they face their most difficult trial yet—the invasion of Fiore by the Alvarez Empire's immense army and their all-too-familiar ruler. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 343,999 7.53
Gabriel DropOut -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Demons Supernatural School Shounen -- Gabriel DropOut Gabriel DropOut -- For centuries, Heaven has required its young angels to live and study among humans in order to become full-fledged angels. This is no different for top-of-her-class Gabriel White Tenma, who believes it is her mission to be a great angel who will bring happiness to mankind. However, Gabriel grows addicted to video games on Earth and eventually becomes a hikikomori. Proclaiming herself a "Fallen Angel," she is apathetic to everything else—much to the annoyance of Vignette April Tsukinose, a demon whom Gabriel befriended in her angelic early days on Earth. -- -- Vignette's attempts to revert Gabriel back to her previous self are in vain, as Gabriel shoots down any attempt to change her precious lifestyle. As they spend their time on Earth, they meet two eccentric personalities: the angel Raphiel Ainsworth Shiraha, Gabriel's classmate with a penchant for sadism, and the demon Satanichia McDowell Kurumizawa, a clumsy self-proclaimed future ruler of the Underworld. -- -- Gabriel DropOut follows these four friends' comedic lives as they utterly fail to understand what it truly means to be a demon or an angel. -- -- 355,891 7.48
Gendai Kibunroku Kaii Monogatari -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- - -- Horror -- Gendai Kibunroku Kaii Monogatari Gendai Kibunroku Kaii Monogatari -- The horrid stories that remain in many conversations, the chilling urban legends come to life thanks to the Ga-nime. -- -- The terrible anecdote of an old fridge thrown by a dried up river bed in “Refrigerator”. -- The grotesque encounter with an out of place sculpture standing on top of a building in “The Dharma Statue”. -- The ghost encounter experience by a boy on a long bridge at night in “The Night Bridge” -- A purchase at the flea market that brings a man to an ironic end in “US Army Surplus” -- The enigma of continuous deadly accidents near a railroad in “The Railroad Crossing” -- The mysterious experience of a boy on summer vacation in a peaceful countryside in “I Want Friends”. -- -- 6 pieces of horror put on 1 film. The Japanese urban legends, put on screen in the characteristic drawing of KIMURA Toshiyuki, whose fame reaches outside the borders of Japan, call for a scream, with the talented collaboration for the ending theme of an artist produced by SUDOH Akira, Leilani. -- -- (Source: -- OVA - Aug 1, 2006 -- 1,097 N/A -- -- Mirai Choujuu Fobia -- -- - -- 2 eps -- - -- Hentai Horror -- Mirai Choujuu Fobia Mirai Choujuu Fobia -- Iijima is no ordinary coed. She's a tempestuous time traveler from a future ruled by hideous replinoid monsters. She has come to this past to find a hero, a man strong enough to wield her futuristic sword and save the women of Earth from a grisly doom! -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - Oct 27, 1995 -- 1,065 4.88
Gilgamesh -- -- Group TAC, Japan Vistec -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Drama Fantasy Sci-Fi Supernatural -- Gilgamesh Gilgamesh -- The half-divine King of Uruk, Gilgamesh, was considered but a paltry legend... until his majestic tomb was discovered in the Middle East. This imperial crypt drew scientists from across the globe to the land, and with that came recognition of their fame. In a joint effort, they built Heaven's Gate in pursuit of advancing human knowledge. -- -- One day, a group of terrorists driven by greed attack Heaven's Gate, causing an explosion within the facility for archaeological excavation. The resulting phenomenon had much more impact than anyone could have imagined. -- -- More specifically, it triggered the birth of supernatural beings. In the midst of this mess, two siblings by the names of Kiyoko and Tatsuya encounter mysterious men with supernatural powers who, despite the scientific crisis around them, claim the ability to restore good to the world. Nevertheless, these seemingly heroic and all-powerful creatures act under the rule of factions. Are they here to save the world, or destroy it? -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- TV - Nov 2, 2003 -- 34,423 6.65
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu -- -- Artland, Magic Bus -- 110 eps -- Novel -- Military Sci-Fi Space Drama -- Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu -- The 150-year-long stalemate between the two interstellar superpowers, the Galactic Empire and the Free Planets Alliance, comes to an end when a new generation of leaders arises: the idealistic military genius Reinhard von Lohengramm, and the FPA's reserved historian, Yang Wenli. -- -- While Reinhard climbs the ranks of the Empire with the aid of his childhood friend, Siegfried Kircheis, he must fight not only the war, but also the remnants of the crumbling Goldenbaum Dynasty in order to free his sister from the Kaiser and unify humanity under one genuine ruler. Meanwhile, on the other side of the galaxy, Yang—a strong supporter of democratic ideals—has to stand firm in his beliefs, despite the struggles of the FPA, and show his pupil, Julian Mintz, that autocracy is not the solution. -- -- As ideologies clash amidst the war's many casualties, the two strategic masterminds must ask themselves what the real reason behind their battle is. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- OVA - Jan 8, 1988 -- 239,570 9.06
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Kaikou -- -- Production I.G -- 12 eps -- Novel -- Action Drama Military Sci-Fi Space -- Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Kaikou Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Kaikou -- For over a century and a half, two interstellar states have wrested for control of the Milky Way. The Galactic Empire, an absolute monarchy ruled by Kaiser Friedrich IV and an entrenched nobility, seeks to suppress the rebels daring to oppose the inviolable crown. The Free Planets Alliance, a representative democracy led by a corrupt High Council, degenerates as its elected leaders⁠ use war and conflict as a way to win popular support. -- -- But this long-standing stalemate between the Empire and the Alliance ends with the rise of two opposing military geniuses. Reinhard von Lohengramm, a minor noble and High Admiral of the Empire through his strategic brilliance and his sister's position as the favored concubine of the Kaiser, dreams of conquering the galaxy and uniting mankind under his iron fist. Meanwhile, Yang Wen-li of the Alliance, an avid historian and reluctant commodore hailed as the Hero of El Facil, uses his tactical prowess to navigate around his leaders' incompetence—and to carve the path to lasting peace. As the war rages on, Reinhard and Yang each strive for their ideals and to secure their place among the stars as the leaders of a new era of galactic heroes. -- -- 65,278 7.71
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Kaikou -- -- Production I.G -- 12 eps -- Novel -- Action Drama Military Sci-Fi Space -- Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Kaikou Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Kaikou -- For over a century and a half, two interstellar states have wrested for control of the Milky Way. The Galactic Empire, an absolute monarchy ruled by Kaiser Friedrich IV and an entrenched nobility, seeks to suppress the rebels daring to oppose the inviolable crown. The Free Planets Alliance, a representative democracy led by a corrupt High Council, degenerates as its elected leaders⁠ use war and conflict as a way to win popular support. -- -- But this long-standing stalemate between the Empire and the Alliance ends with the rise of two opposing military geniuses. Reinhard von Lohengramm, a minor noble and High Admiral of the Empire through his strategic brilliance and his sister's position as the favored concubine of the Kaiser, dreams of conquering the galaxy and uniting mankind under his iron fist. Meanwhile, Yang Wen-li of the Alliance, an avid historian and reluctant commodore hailed as the Hero of El Facil, uses his tactical prowess to navigate around his leaders' incompetence—and to carve the path to lasting peace. As the war rages on, Reinhard and Yang each strive for their ideals and to secure their place among the stars as the leaders of a new era of galactic heroes. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 65,278 7.71
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Seiran 3 -- -- Production I.G -- 4 eps -- Novel -- Action Drama Military Sci-Fi Space -- Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Seiran 3 Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Seiran 3 -- At the behest of Admiral Yang Wen-li, defected intelligence officer Commander Baghdash makes an emergency broadcast announcing that the National Salvation Military Council staged a coup under the direction of the Galactic Empire. Despite the lack of physical evidence, this debilitating declaration inspires former Rear Admiral Andrew Lynch to reveal his own role in sowing discord within the Free Planets Alliance. A fatal shootout between Lynch and Admiral Dwight Greenhill acts as the final death knell to the short-lived period of martial rule. -- -- Within the Galactic Empire, footage of Duke Otto von Braunschweig's nuclear bombing of Westerland results in the dissolution of the Lippstadt League. Marquis Reinhard von Lohengramm's decision to allow the massacre for personal gain creates a rift between him and High Admiral Siegfried Kircheis, souring the taste of their inevitable victory. Now on the cusp of achieving absolute power, Reinhard is embattled by his apparent personal failings and the heavy responsibilities of leadership. -- -- Though the civil wars in both the Alliance and the Empire are coming to a close, neither side can ever regain what is lost. Yang Wen-li and Reinhard von Lohengramm each take bitter solace in the knowledge that just on the other side of the galaxy is a worthy opponent—and a true equal. -- -- Movie - Nov 29, 2019 -- 15,742 8.22
Gintama.: Shirogane no Tamashii-hen -- -- Bandai Namco Pictures -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Historical Parody Samurai Sci-Fi Shounen -- Gintama.: Shirogane no Tamashii-hen Gintama.: Shirogane no Tamashii-hen -- After the fierce battle on Rakuyou, the untold past and true goal of the immortal Naraku leader, Utsuro, are finally revealed. By corrupting the Altana reserves of several planets, Utsuro has successfully triggered the intervention of the Tendoshuu’s greatest enemy: the Altana Liberation Army. With Earth as the main battleground in this interplanetary war, Utsuro's master plan to destroy the planet—and himself—is nearly complete. -- -- An attack on the O-Edo Central Terminal marks the beginning of the final battle to take back the land of the samurai. With the Yorozuya nowhere in sight, the bakufu all but collapsed, and the Shogun missing, the people are left completely helpless as the Liberation Army begins pillaging Edo in the name of freeing them from the Tendoshuu's rule. -- -- Caught in the crossfire between two equally imposing forces, can Gintoki, Kagura, Shinpachi, and the former students of Shouyou Yoshida put aside their differences and unite their allies to protect what they hold dear? -- -- 135,931 8.81
Godzilla 3: Hoshi wo Kuu Mono -- -- Polygon Pictures -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Sci-Fi -- Godzilla 3: Hoshi wo Kuu Mono Godzilla 3: Hoshi wo Kuu Mono -- A door opens, and a golden seal shatters a star. -- -- It is the early 21st century. Mankind has lost the battle for planet Earth to Godzilla, and has taken to the stars in search of a new home. But the search ends in vain, forcing them and their alien allies back to Earth. But 20,000 years have passed in their absence, and the Earth is a wholly different place. -- -- The planet's flora and fauna now embody and serve Godzilla. Earth is a monster's planet, ruled by the largest Godzilla ever at 300 meters in height. Godzilla Earth. -- -- Human protagonist, Captain Haruo, yearns to defeat Godzilla and retake the planet for mankind. There, he meets aboriginal descendants of the human race, the Houtua tribe. The Houtua twin sisters, Maina and Miana, lead him to the skeletal remains of Mecha-Godzilla, an old anti-Godzilla weapon, which to everyone's surprise is still alive in the form of self-generating nanometal. Taken from the Mecha-Godzilla carcass, the nanometals have gradually been rebuilding a "Mecha-Godzilla City," a potential weapon capable of destroying Godzilla Earth. -- -- As the strategy develops, a rift forms between the humans and the Bilusaludo, one of several alien races that had joined the humans on their exodus from Earth. Their leader, Galu-gu, believes that the secret to defeating Godzilla lies in the use of superhuman powers – namely, the nanometal integration – but Haruo resists, fearing that in defeating monsters, they must not become monsters themselves. Haruo ultimately uses his means for defeating Godzilla Earth to destroy the Mecha-Godzilla city so as to prevent nanometal assimilation, killing Galu-gu. However, his childhood friend, Yuuko, has been absorbed by the nanometal integration and has fallen into a brain dead coma. -- -- The human race, once again, is lost. Metphies, commander of the priestly alien race, Exif, marvels at the miraculous survival of Haruo, he begins to attract a following. The Exif has secretly harbored this outcome as their "ultimate goal." Miana and Maina issue warnings against Metphies, while Haruo begins to question mankind's next move. -- -- With no means for defeating Godzilla Earth, mankind watches as King Ghidorah, clad in a golden light, descends on the planet. The earth shakes once again with as war moves to a higher dimension. -- -- What is Godzilla exactly? Does mankind stand a chance? Is there a future vision in Haruo's eyes? Find out in the finale. -- -- (Source: Official site) -- Movie - Nov 9, 2018 -- 23,950 6.26
Granblue Fantasy The Animation -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 13 eps -- Game -- Adventure Fantasy -- Granblue Fantasy The Animation Granblue Fantasy The Animation -- This is a world of the skies, where many islands drift in the sky. A boy named Gran and a talking winged lizard named Vyrn lived in Zinkenstill, an island which yields mysteries. One day, they come across a girl named Lyria. Lyria had escaped from the Erste Empire, a military government that is trying to rule over this world using powerful military prowess. In order to escape from the Empire, Gran and Lyria head out into the vast skies, holding the letter Gran's father left behind—which said, "I will be waiting at Estalucia, Island of Stars." -- -- (Source: Aniplex of America) -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 150,110 6.68
Grancrest Senki -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Drama Fantasy Romance -- Grancrest Senki Grancrest Senki -- The continent of Atlatan once again finds itself devoured by the flames of war after a horrific event known as the Great Hall Tragedy. What was supposed to be a joyful occasion that would establish peace between the Fantasia Union and the Factory Alliance, the marriage of Sir Alexis Douse and Lady Marrine Kreische, was instead a tragedy. As the bride and groom walked down the aisle, the ceremony was suddenly interrupted by a powerful convergence of "Chaos," a dark energy from another dimension that corrupts the land and brings forth monsters and demons into the world. From within that energy appeared the Demon Lord of Diabolos, an evil being who instantly murdered the archdukes of both factions, shattering any hope for peace between them. -- -- Having failed to prevent this disaster, Siluca Meletes, an Alliance mage, is traveling through the Chaos-infested countryside to study under a master magician. When she is intercepted by a group of soldiers working with the Federation, Siluca is rescued by Theo Cornaro, a young warrior carrying a mysterious "Crest," a magical symbol that gives its wielder the ability to banish Chaos. Bearing no allegiance to a specific domain, Theo hopes to attain the rank of Lord so that he can liberate his home town of Sistina from its tyrannical ruler and the Chaos spreading within it. Impressed by his noble goal, Siluca enters into a magical contract with Theo, and the two embark on a journey to restore balance to their war-torn land. -- -- 221,418 7.24
Grancrest Senki -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Drama Fantasy Romance -- Grancrest Senki Grancrest Senki -- The continent of Atlatan once again finds itself devoured by the flames of war after a horrific event known as the Great Hall Tragedy. What was supposed to be a joyful occasion that would establish peace between the Fantasia Union and the Factory Alliance, the marriage of Sir Alexis Douse and Lady Marrine Kreische, was instead a tragedy. As the bride and groom walked down the aisle, the ceremony was suddenly interrupted by a powerful convergence of "Chaos," a dark energy from another dimension that corrupts the land and brings forth monsters and demons into the world. From within that energy appeared the Demon Lord of Diabolos, an evil being who instantly murdered the archdukes of both factions, shattering any hope for peace between them. -- -- Having failed to prevent this disaster, Siluca Meletes, an Alliance mage, is traveling through the Chaos-infested countryside to study under a master magician. When she is intercepted by a group of soldiers working with the Federation, Siluca is rescued by Theo Cornaro, a young warrior carrying a mysterious "Crest," a magical symbol that gives its wielder the ability to banish Chaos. Bearing no allegiance to a specific domain, Theo hopes to attain the rank of Lord so that he can liberate his home town of Sistina from its tyrannical ruler and the Chaos spreading within it. Impressed by his noble goal, Siluca enters into a magical contract with Theo, and the two embark on a journey to restore balance to their war-torn land. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 221,418 7.24
Guilty Crown -- -- Production I.G -- 22 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Super Power Drama Romance Mecha -- Guilty Crown Guilty Crown -- Japan, 2039. Ten years after the outbreak of the "Apocalypse Virus," an event solemnly regarded as "Lost Christmas," the once proud nation has fallen under the rule of the GHQ, an independent military force dedicated to restoring order. Funeral Parlor, a guerilla group led by the infamous Gai Tsutsugami, act as freedom fighters, offering the only resistance to GHQ's cruel despotism. -- -- Inori Yuzuriha, a key member of Funeral Parlor, runs into the weak and unsociable Shuu Ouma during a crucial operation, which results in him obtaining the "Power of Kings"—an ability which allows the wielder to draw out the manifestations of an individual's personality, or "voids." Now an unwilling participant in the struggle against GHQ, Shuu must learn to control his newfound power if he is to help take back Japan once and for all. -- -- Guilty Crown follows the action-packed story of a young high school student who is dragged into a war, possessing an ability that will help him uncover the secrets of the GHQ, Funeral Parlor, and Lost Christmas. However, he will soon learn that the truth comes at a far greater price than he could have ever imagined. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 987,495 7.49
Gundam: G no Reconguista -- -- Sunrise -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Mecha Sci-Fi Space -- Gundam: G no Reconguista Gundam: G no Reconguista -- In the year Regild Century 1014, an entire millennium has passed since the end of the fabled Universal Century, where legends like Amuro Ray and Char Aznable ruled the battlefield as ace mobile suit pilots. The Earth's surface that was once hotly contested is now mostly abandoned, with humanity preferring to live in space colonies and the surface of the moon. -- -- Capital Guard Academy student Bellri Zenam lives a peaceful academic life, but his normal days are brought to an end with the capture of pirate pilot Aida Surugan and her mobile suit G-Self. Bellri feels a strong mental connection with the G-Self and discovers that he is able to pilot it. He soon finds himself in contention with the "Capital Guard," a radical faction that follows its own secret agenda despite the wishes of the Amerian Army, who still hold power on Earth. Joining the crew of the Amerian spaceship Megafauna, Bellri and Aida must pilot the G-Self to victory against the Capital Guard and its leaders, the charismatic Colonel Kunpa Rushita and the enigmatic Captain Mask. -- -- 25,579 5.76
Haibane Renmei -- -- Radix -- 13 eps -- Other -- Slice of Life Mystery Psychological Drama Fantasy -- Haibane Renmei Haibane Renmei -- Born from a cocoon in the village of Old Home, a young Haibane—a being with a halo and small gray wings—awakens to a world she does not understand without memories of her past. Named Rakka for the dream of falling she had while inside the cocoon, she soon becomes accustomed to life in the strange town. However, there are strict rules for the Haibane, such as being forbidden to leave the village or go near the walls surrounding it. These, along with mysterious disappearances of their kind on their "Day of Flight," begin to unsettle Rakka and the others since they know almost nothing about their own kind. -- -- Haibane Renmei tells not only Rakka's story but also of those around her, as they live their lives with no memories of the past while trying to break free from their former pain and ultimately find salvation. -- -- 216,112 7.99
Haibane Renmei -- -- Radix -- 13 eps -- Other -- Slice of Life Mystery Psychological Drama Fantasy -- Haibane Renmei Haibane Renmei -- Born from a cocoon in the village of Old Home, a young Haibane—a being with a halo and small gray wings—awakens to a world she does not understand without memories of her past. Named Rakka for the dream of falling she had while inside the cocoon, she soon becomes accustomed to life in the strange town. However, there are strict rules for the Haibane, such as being forbidden to leave the village or go near the walls surrounding it. These, along with mysterious disappearances of their kind on their "Day of Flight," begin to unsettle Rakka and the others since they know almost nothing about their own kind. -- -- Haibane Renmei tells not only Rakka's story but also of those around her, as they live their lives with no memories of the past while trying to break free from their former pain and ultimately find salvation. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 216,112 7.99
Hanma Baki: Son of Ogre -- -- TMS Entertainment -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Martial Arts Shounen -- Hanma Baki: Son of Ogre Hanma Baki: Son of Ogre -- Third part of the Baki series. -- ONA - ??? ??, 2021 -- 11,668 N/ASenjuushi -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Military -- Senjuushi Senjuushi -- Despair War is a battle between ancient guns and contemporary guns. Due to a nuclear war, the world was destroyed. Under the full governance of a world empire, people are living with their freedom taken. Despite the forbidden rule of owning any weapons, there is a resistance that secretly fights against the world empire. They own ancient guns left as art and fight using these. Then, the Kijuushi appear as the souls of the ancient guns. Proud and magnificent, the "Absolute Royal" are the only ones that can give hope to this world. The story depicts the everyday life of the Kijuushi. Laughter, despair, happiness, confusion, pain; they would still pursue their own absolute loyalty to fight. What do they fight for? What should they protect? -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 11,661 4.92
Hataraku Maou-sama! 2nd Season -- -- - -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Demons Supernatural Romance Fantasy -- Hataraku Maou-sama! 2nd Season Hataraku Maou-sama! 2nd Season -- Second season of Hataraku Maou-sama! -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 98,137 N/ADance with Devils -- -- Brain's Base -- 12 eps -- Original -- Harem Demons Supernatural Romance Vampire Shoujo -- Dance with Devils Dance with Devils -- Ritsuka Tachibana has always been a good student, so she is completely shocked when she is suddenly summoned by the student council. Even more, they seem to think of Ritsuka as a troublemaker. Led by the handsome Rem Kaginuki, the student council—also consisting of Urie Sogami, Shiki Natsumizaka and Mage Nanashiro—tries to question her, but it soon becomes clear that they have ulterior motives. -- -- However, this is only the beginning. When her mother gets kidnapped, her life is turned upside down, and Ritsuka gets drawn into a world of vampires and devils. Both groups are searching for the "Grimoire," a forbidden item allowing its owner to rule the world. The return of her brother Lindo from overseas gives her hope, but even he appears to be hiding something. In a world filled with secrets, Ritsuka questions whom she can trust in this dark musical tale, while the handsome and dangerous members of the student council compete for her attention. -- -- 97,898 6.33
Hataraku Maou-sama! -- -- White Fox -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Demons Supernatural Romance Fantasy -- Hataraku Maou-sama! Hataraku Maou-sama! -- Striking fear into the hearts of mortals, the Demon Lord Satan begins to conquer the land of Ente Isla with his vast demon armies. However, while embarking on this brutal quest to take over the continent, his efforts are foiled by the hero Emilia, forcing Satan to make his swift retreat through a dimensional portal only to land in the human world. Along with his loyal general Alsiel, the demon finds himself stranded in modern-day Tokyo and vows to return and complete his subjugation of Ente Isla—that is, if they can find a way back! -- -- Powerless in a world without magic, Satan assumes the guise of a human named Sadao Maou and begins working at MgRonald's—a local fast-food restaurant—to make ends meet. He soon realizes that his goal of conquering Ente Isla is just not enough as he grows determined to climb the corporate ladder and become the ruler of Earth, one satisfied customer at a time! -- -- Whether it's part-time work, household chores, or simply trying to pay the rent on time, Hataraku Maou-sama! presents a hilarious view of the most mundane aspects of everyday life, all through the eyes of a hapless demon lord. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,131,488 7.81
Heavy Object -- -- J.C.Staff, SANZIGEN -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Military Sci-Fi Mecha -- Heavy Object Heavy Object -- In the distant future, the nature of war has changed. "Objects"—massive, spherical tanks impermeable to standard weaponry and armed with destructive firepower—rule the battlefield; their very deployment ensures victory, rendering traditional armies useless. However, this new method of warfare is about to be turned on its head. -- -- Qwenthur Barbotage, a student studying Object Design, and Havia Winchell, a radar analyst of noble birth, serve in the Legitimate Kingdom's 37th Mobile Maintenance Battalion, tasked with supporting the Baby Magnum, one of the nation's Objects. Unfortunately, a battle gone awry places the duo in a precarious situation: mere infantry stand face-to-face against the unfathomable might of an enemy Object. As they scramble to save themselves and their fellow soldiers, a glimmer of hope shines through, and the world's perception of Objects is changed forever. -- -- Heavy Object follows these two soldiers alongside Milinda Brantini, the Baby Magnum's pilot, and their commanding officer Frolaytia Capistrano as the unit treks all over the globe to fight battle after battle. Facing one impossible situation after another, they must summon all their wit and courage to overcome the insurmountable foes that are Objects. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 131,484 7.28
Heion Sedai no Idaten-tachi -- -- MAPPA -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Demons Fantasy Seinen -- Heion Sedai no Idaten-tachi Heion Sedai no Idaten-tachi -- It has been 800 years since the battle gods "Idaten", who boast overwhelming speed and strength, contained the "demons" who led the world to ruin after a fierce battle. "That battle" is now just an old tale in a distant myth. While the "peaceful generation of the gods," who have never fought since they were born, are out of peace, someone has revived the demons from a long sleep! Bring armed forces, wisdom, politics, conspiracy, whatever you can use! No-rule & no-limit three-way battle royale is about to begin!!! -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- 17,814 N/A -- -- Mai-Otome Zwei -- -- Sunrise -- 4 eps -- Original -- Action Magic -- Mai-Otome Zwei Mai-Otome Zwei -- My-Otome Zwei takes place one year after the events of My-Otome. Arika is now a full-fledged Otome (though still under the tutelage of Miss Maria) and Nagi is incarcerated in a prison somewhere in Aries. The various nations are at peace with one another and plan to hold S.O.L.T. (Strategic Otome Limitation Talks) to discuss limiting the numbers of Otome. -- -- A mission to destroy a meteor threatening to collide with Earl sets into motion a chain of events which result in a mysterious shadowy figure attacking Garderobe and several Otome as well as a new, more powerful version of Slave appearing across the planet. To make matters worse, Queen Mashiro disappears following an argument with Arika. The series follows Arika's search for Mashiro as well as Garderobe's attempts to uncover the truth behind the shadowy figure. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- OVA - Nov 24, 2006 -- 17,772 7.27
Henkei Sakuhin Dai 2-ban -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Dementia -- Henkei Sakuhin Dai 2-ban Henkei Sakuhin Dai 2-ban -- Short film by Kurosaka Keita. -- Movie - ??? ??, 1984 -- 267 N/A -- -- Rule -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Dementia -- Rule Rule -- A short animation by Taku Furukawa. -- Movie - ??? ??, 2009 -- 267 4.95
Himekishi Lilia -- -- - -- 6 eps -- Visual novel -- Hentai Horror Demons Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Himekishi Lilia Himekishi Lilia -- The princess knight Lilia Evelvine is set to succeed her father as the ruler of the Leuven kingdom, but her jealous brother, Dirk, will do anything to halt her ascension to the throne. With the aid of Kiriko, his court enchantress, and Sand, the servant of the King of Demons, the dastardly prince enacts a coup to gain control of the castle and become the next king. He succeeds, but not before being reminded of his agreement with Sand: to extract the holy energy within Lilia as a tribute to the King of Demons. Dirk then proceeds to corrupt his mother and Lilia with all sorts of perversions, hoping to fulfill his task on time while turning the two into his loyal slaves. -- -- OVA - Jun 2, 2006 -- 9,845 6.80
Hi no Tori -- -- Tezuka Productions -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Adventure Historical Supernatural Drama -- Hi no Tori Hi no Tori -- From prehistoric times to the distant future, Hi no Tori portrays how the legendary immortal bird Phoenix acts as a witness and chronicler for the history of mankind's endless struggle in search of power, justice, and freedom. -- -- The Dawn -- Since time immemorial, people have sought out the legendary Phoenix for its blood, which is known to grant eternal life. Hearing about rumored Phoenix sightings in the Land of Fire, Himiko—the cruel queen of Yamatai obsessed with immortality—sends her army to conquer the nation and retrieve the creature. Young Nagi, his elder sister Hinaku, and her foreign husband Guzuri are the only survivors of the slaughter. But while Nagi is taken prisoner by the enemy, elsewhere, Hinaku has a shocking revelation. -- -- The Resurrection -- In a distant future where Earth has become uninhabitable, Leona undergoes surgery on a space station to recover from a deadly accident. However, while also suffering from amnesia, his brain is now half cybernetic and causes him to see people as formless scraps and robots as humans. Falling in love with Chihiro, a discarded robot, they escape together from the space station to prevent Chihiro from being destroyed. Yet as his lost memories gradually return, Leona will have to confront the painful truth about his past. -- -- The Transformation -- Yearning for independence, Sakon no Suke—the only daughter of a tyrant ruler—kills priestess Yao Bikuni, the sole person capable of curing her father's illness. Consequently, she and her faithful servant, Kahei, are unexpectedly confined to the temple grounds of Bikuni's sanctuary. While searching for a way out, Sakon no Suke assumes the priestess's position and uses a miraculous feather to heal all those reaching out for help. -- -- The Sun -- After his faction loses the war, Prince Harima's head is replaced with a wolf's. An old medicine woman who recognizes his bloodline assists him and the wounded General Azumi-no-muraji Saruta in escaping to Wah Land. But their arrival at a small Wah village is met with unexpected trouble as Houben, a powerful Buddhist monk, wants Harima dead. With the aid of the Ku clan wolf gods that protect the village's surroundings, he survives the murder attempt. After tensions settle, Saruta uses his established reputation in Wah to persuade the villagers to welcome Harima into their community. Over a period of time, Harima becomes the village's respected leader under the name Inugami no Sukune. But while the young prince adapts to his new role, he must remain vigilant as new dangers soon arise and threaten his recently acquired tranquility. -- -- The Future -- Life on Earth has gradually ceased to exist, with the survivors taking refuge in underground cities. To avoid human extinction, Doctor Saruta unsuccessfully tries to recreate life in his laboratory. However, the unexpected visit of Masato Yamanobe, his alien girlfriend Tamami, and his colleague Rock Holmes reveals a disturbing crisis: the computers that regulate the subterranean cities have initiated a nuclear war that will eliminate all of mankind. -- -- TV - Mar 21, 2004 -- 7,595 7.10
Hitsugi no Chaika -- -- Bones -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Comedy Romance Fantasy -- Hitsugi no Chaika Hitsugi no Chaika -- For 500 years, the Taboo Emperor, Arthur Gaz, ruled the Gaz Empire with an iron fist and conducted inhumane experiments on his own people. But his reign came to an end five years ago, when mighty warriors—later known as the Eight Heroes—defeated him in a battle for the capital. His death ended the 300-yearlong war between the Gaz Empire and the alliance of six nations. -- -- In the present day, Tooru Acura is a former saboteur from the war who has difficulty settling into the peaceful world, as he cannot find a job where he can put his fighting skills to use. An opportunity appears before him, however, when he meets a white-haired Wizard named Chaika Trabant. With a coffin on her back, she is searching for the scattered remains of her father in order to give him a proper burial, and she hires Tooru and his adoptive sister Akari to help her. However, the six nations alliance, which have now formed the Council of Six Nations, dispatches Albéric Gillette and his men from the Kleeman Agency to pursue and apprehend the late Emperor Gaz's daughter—Chaika. -- -- With the shocking revelation of Chaika's identity, the Acura siblings must choose between helping her gather the remains of the tyrannical emperor and upholding the peace the continent strives to maintain. -- -- 317,823 7.27
Hitsugi no Chaika -- -- Bones -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Comedy Romance Fantasy -- Hitsugi no Chaika Hitsugi no Chaika -- For 500 years, the Taboo Emperor, Arthur Gaz, ruled the Gaz Empire with an iron fist and conducted inhumane experiments on his own people. But his reign came to an end five years ago, when mighty warriors—later known as the Eight Heroes—defeated him in a battle for the capital. His death ended the 300-yearlong war between the Gaz Empire and the alliance of six nations. -- -- In the present day, Tooru Acura is a former saboteur from the war who has difficulty settling into the peaceful world, as he cannot find a job where he can put his fighting skills to use. An opportunity appears before him, however, when he meets a white-haired Wizard named Chaika Trabant. With a coffin on her back, she is searching for the scattered remains of her father in order to give him a proper burial, and she hires Tooru and his adoptive sister Akari to help her. However, the six nations alliance, which have now formed the Council of Six Nations, dispatches Albéric Gillette and his men from the Kleeman Agency to pursue and apprehend the late Emperor Gaz's daughter—Chaika. -- -- With the shocking revelation of Chaika's identity, the Acura siblings must choose between helping her gather the remains of the tyrannical emperor and upholding the peace the continent strives to maintain. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 317,823 7.27
Hokuto no Ken 2 -- -- Toei Animation -- 43 eps -- Manga -- Action Super Power Drama Martial Arts -- Hokuto no Ken 2 Hokuto no Ken 2 -- In the second series after Raoh has been defeated by Kenshiro a new rival appears. The Gentou Kouken warriors. Falco the successor of the Gentou Kouken takes orders from an evil ruler by the name of Jacko. He claims to be the man chosen by the Tentei and issues orders to his subordinates to capture anyone living in order to build up his Imperial Capital. Kenshiro once again rises out of the shadows and puts an end to his tyrannical ways. Amidst the mayhem Lynn gets captured and gets taken to the land of the Shura where only ruthless fighters exist. Now Kenshiro must pursue the captor and defeat the 3 Rasho of the land in order to escape with his life and with Lynn. -- 24,312 7.55
Hokuto no Ken 2 -- -- Toei Animation -- 43 eps -- Manga -- Action Super Power Drama Martial Arts -- Hokuto no Ken 2 Hokuto no Ken 2 -- In the second series after Raoh has been defeated by Kenshiro a new rival appears. The Gentou Kouken warriors. Falco the successor of the Gentou Kouken takes orders from an evil ruler by the name of Jacko. He claims to be the man chosen by the Tentei and issues orders to his subordinates to capture anyone living in order to build up his Imperial Capital. Kenshiro once again rises out of the shadows and puts an end to his tyrannical ways. Amidst the mayhem Lynn gets captured and gets taken to the land of the Shura where only ruthless fighters exist. Now Kenshiro must pursue the captor and defeat the 3 Rasho of the land in order to escape with his life and with Lynn. -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 24,312 7.55
Hoshi no Kirby -- -- Studio Comet, Studio Sign -- 100 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Comedy Parody Fantasy -- Hoshi no Kirby Hoshi no Kirby -- A diminutive pink creature orbiting in space called "Kirby" crash lands into Dream Land. Once getting acquainted with the citizens who live there in Cappy Town, he begins to defend the town from the monsters that King Dedede, the self-proclaimed ruler of Cappy Town, orders from the evil Nightmare Enterprises. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- 4Kids Entertainment -- 23,844 6.78
Hotarubi no Mori e -- -- Brain's Base -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Drama Romance Shoujo Supernatural -- Hotarubi no Mori e Hotarubi no Mori e -- Intrigued by the tale of a mountain god, six-year-old Hotaru Takegawa loses her way in the ancient forest while visiting her uncle. Exhausted and desperate for help, Hotaru is thrilled to find a masked forest spirit named Gin. She learns the hard way that she should not touch the boy, or he would disappear. In spite of this, Gin leads Hotaru out of the forest and warns her never to return when she promises to come again with a gift. -- -- Paying no heed to his cautionary words, and despite being separated by both distance and planes of existence, Hotaru and Gin become close friends as she visits him every summer. However, their relationship and resolve are put to the test, when romantic feelings conflict with the one and only rule. -- -- Based on Yuki Midorikawa's manga of the same name, Hotarubi no Mori e is a tale of friendship and compromise of two people who should never have crossed paths, as their lives become hopelessly intertwined. -- -- Movie - Sep 17, 2011 -- 598,874 8.36
Hypnosis Mic: Division Rap Battle - Rhyme Anima -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 13 eps -- Other -- Action Sci-Fi Music -- Hypnosis Mic: Division Rap Battle - Rhyme Anima Hypnosis Mic: Division Rap Battle - Rhyme Anima -- In a world overtaken by war and conflict, "Hypnosis Microphones"—devices through which a user channels lyrics that can affect the listener's brain and even cause physical damage—were introduced to the masses by the Party of Words. Revolutionizing warfare, Hypnosis Mics have transformed words and music into the sole weapons used by gangsters, terrorists, and the military, with physical weapons having been banned from use. -- -- As a result of swooping in during the chaos, the all-female Party of Words rules over the Japanese government. Women in Japan now live in Chuuouku, while men battle over surrounding territories outside the ward through rap battles. -- -- With intentions unknown, the Party of Words begins to gather the former members of the now-disbanded legendary rap crew The Dirty Dawg to fight not for territory or war, but for their respective crew's pride and honor in the greatest rap battle of all time. The first Division Rap Battle is about to commence, and practice isn't something these rappers are going to need. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 37,829 6.76
InuYasha Movie 2: Kagami no Naka no Mugenjo -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Historical Demons Supernatural Drama Magic Romance Fantasy Shounen -- InuYasha Movie 2: Kagami no Naka no Mugenjo InuYasha Movie 2: Kagami no Naka no Mugenjo -- Inuyasha and company have finally destroyed Naraku. And each start to go in their separate ways. Sango going to find her younger brother Kohaku; Miroku back to his old home; Inuyasha, Kagome and Shippou go to gather the rest of the Shikon shards. Unfortunately this peace is not to last. Shortly afterwards the full moon rises, and just keeps rising each night bringing with it the promise of danger. Kagura and Kanna go in search of a mirror, where locked inside is the ruler of the eternal night, Kaguya. To set her free they must gather five items and drop them into the five lakes of Fuji. Setting her free means the worst danger for Inuyasha and the others. Who are forced to face this new threat. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Movie - Dec 21, 2002 -- 86,281 7.66
InuYasha Movie 2: Kagami no Naka no Mugenjo -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Historical Demons Supernatural Drama Magic Romance Fantasy Shounen -- InuYasha Movie 2: Kagami no Naka no Mugenjo InuYasha Movie 2: Kagami no Naka no Mugenjo -- Inuyasha and company have finally destroyed Naraku. And each start to go in their separate ways. Sango going to find her younger brother Kohaku; Miroku back to his old home; Inuyasha, Kagome and Shippou go to gather the rest of the Shikon shards. Unfortunately this peace is not to last. Shortly afterwards the full moon rises, and just keeps rising each night bringing with it the promise of danger. Kagura and Kanna go in search of a mirror, where locked inside is the ruler of the eternal night, Kaguya. To set her free they must gather five items and drop them into the five lakes of Fuji. Setting her free means the worst danger for Inuyasha and the others. Who are forced to face this new threat. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Dec 21, 2002 -- 86,281 7.66
I: Wish You Were Here -- -- Gonzo -- 4 eps -- Original -- Action Drama Mystery Sci-Fi -- I: Wish You Were Here I: Wish You Were Here -- In the future, a meteor crashes into Earth and brings with it a virulent form of life. This virus is known as M34 and attacks humans, turning them into vicious monsters. Most of the human population is wiped out, thus government agencies are formed to fight the virus. One of the groups, NOA, inserts nanomachines into the bodies of its soldiers; these machines allow them to transform and fight off the infected. Unfortunately, the virus mutates and becomes too strong for NOA to handle. Now the fate of the world rests in the hands of 16-year-old girl with the power to defeat the virus. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- TV - Oct 4, 2001 -- 8,758 6.07
Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun -- -- Project No.9 -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Drama Romance School -- Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun -- Fumiya Tomozaki is Japan's best player in the online game Attack Families, commonly known as "Tackfam." Despite holding such a revered title, a lack of social skills and amiability causes him to fall short in his everyday high school life. Failing to have any friends, he blames the convoluted mechanics and unfair rules of life, forcing him to give up and proclaim himself a bottom-tier character in this "game." -- -- After a fateful meeting with another top-tier Tackfam player, Fumiya is shocked to discover the player's true identity—Aoi Hinami, a popular, smart, and sociable classmate who is the complete opposite of himself. Aoi, surprised at how inept Fumiya is at everything besides Tackfam, decides to assist him in succeeding in what she calls the greatest game of them all. Through the gruesome ordeals of social interactions and relationships, Fumiya begins to advance tiers in the glorious game of life. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 179,634 7.23
Jikan no Shihaisha -- -- Project No.9 -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Supernatural Shounen -- Jikan no Shihaisha Jikan no Shihaisha -- ​Like many in her class, Koyuki Honda looks forward to her graduation ceremony. However, while her peers have family to attend, Koyuki has no one, as her only family—her brother—died years ago. While visiting his grave, she meets two brothers named Kiri and Victor Putin chasing a strange creature. They try to assure her that they are just actors shooting a movie; Victor, however, piques Koyuki's curiosity about the old legend of the clock tower at the cemetery: if you make a wish under the clock tower at midnight during a full moon, time will turn back, allowing someone to reclaim what they have lost. -- -- Deciding to make her wish, Koyuki learns the horrifying truth: the legend is a ruse for time demons called "Horologues" to steal humans' time. As they are drawn to regrets, Victor uses Koyuki as bait to lure a demon there. Kiri and Victor explain that they are Chronos Rulers, warriors who fight against the Horologues using the "Oath of Time"—an item allowing them to speed up or slow down time. -- -- With the demon destroyed and the crisis averted, Koyuki is able to go on her way free from regrets. However, she is not the only human with sorrows. The two boys must continue to hunt down Horologues in order to keep humanity safe. -- -- 60,421 6.32
Jikan no Shihaisha -- -- Project No.9 -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Supernatural Shounen -- Jikan no Shihaisha Jikan no Shihaisha -- ​Like many in her class, Koyuki Honda looks forward to her graduation ceremony. However, while her peers have family to attend, Koyuki has no one, as her only family—her brother—died years ago. While visiting his grave, she meets two brothers named Kiri and Victor Putin chasing a strange creature. They try to assure her that they are just actors shooting a movie; Victor, however, piques Koyuki's curiosity about the old legend of the clock tower at the cemetery: if you make a wish under the clock tower at midnight during a full moon, time will turn back, allowing someone to reclaim what they have lost. -- -- Deciding to make her wish, Koyuki learns the horrifying truth: the legend is a ruse for time demons called "Horologues" to steal humans' time. As they are drawn to regrets, Victor uses Koyuki as bait to lure a demon there. Kiri and Victor explain that they are Chronos Rulers, warriors who fight against the Horologues using the "Oath of Time"—an item allowing them to speed up or slow down time. -- -- With the demon destroyed and the crisis averted, Koyuki is able to go on her way free from regrets. However, she is not the only human with sorrows. The two boys must continue to hunt down Horologues in order to keep humanity safe. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 60,421 6.32
Jitsu wa Watashi wa -- -- 3xCube, TMS Entertainment -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Supernatural Romance Vampire Fantasy School Shounen -- Jitsu wa Watashi wa Jitsu wa Watashi wa -- One day after school, Asahi Kuromine stumbles upon the truth that Youko Shiragami, the girl he has a crush on, is actually a vampire. According to her father's rules, Youko must now quit school in order to keep her family safe. However, Asahi does not want her to go and promises that he will keep her true nature secret. Unfortunately, this turns out to be easier said than done, as Asahi is a man who is easy to read and is unable to keep any secrets to himself. -- -- And this is the only the beginning of his troubles—more supernatural beings enter his life, and he is forced to protect all of their identities or face the consequences. Jitsu wa Watashi wa follows Asahi as he deals with his new friends and the unique challenges they bring, struggles to keep his mouth shut, and desperately tries to win Youko's heart in the process. -- -- 202,388 6.90
Jitsu wa Watashi wa -- -- 3xCube, TMS Entertainment -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Supernatural Romance Vampire Fantasy School Shounen -- Jitsu wa Watashi wa Jitsu wa Watashi wa -- One day after school, Asahi Kuromine stumbles upon the truth that Youko Shiragami, the girl he has a crush on, is actually a vampire. According to her father's rules, Youko must now quit school in order to keep her family safe. However, Asahi does not want her to go and promises that he will keep her true nature secret. Unfortunately, this turns out to be easier said than done, as Asahi is a man who is easy to read and is unable to keep any secrets to himself. -- -- And this is the only the beginning of his troubles—more supernatural beings enter his life, and he is forced to protect all of their identities or face the consequences. Jitsu wa Watashi wa follows Asahi as he deals with his new friends and the unique challenges they bring, struggles to keep his mouth shut, and desperately tries to win Youko's heart in the process. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 202,388 6.90
Joshikousei: Girl's High -- -- Arms -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Ecchi School Slice of Life -- Joshikousei: Girl's High Joshikousei: Girl's High -- Eriko and her friends Yuma and Ayano are excited about entering high school. Their excitement leads to their breaking of the rules when they toured the school before the opening ceremony. They find out their preconceptions about the all female school may not be as true as they had first thought. Despite that, Eriko and her friends are joined by new friends. They aim to get through high school life together. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- 31,882 6.58
Joukamachi no Dandelion -- -- Production IMS -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Super Power Seinen -- Joukamachi no Dandelion Joukamachi no Dandelion -- The Sakurada siblings live a normal life in a typical Japanese household. Well, that's what their father, the king, wants for them at least. As members of the royal family, each sibling possesses a unique ability, and over two thousand security cameras have been placed around town to make sure the children are safe and sound. Moreover, all nine of them have been designated as a potential successor to the throne with the decision that the next ruler will be selected through an election. -- -- However, for the timid Akane Sakurada, the third eldest daughter who wields the power to manipulate gravity, all of this attention is a complete nightmare. With all the cameras constantly monitoring the candidates and even broadcasting their actions on the Sakurada-dedicated news channel, she decides that if she becomes king, the cameras have got to go. But just how will she convince the public that she is the most suited to rule if she can't even overcome her own shyness?! Election season is in full swing as the search for the next king begins in Joukamachi no Dandelion. -- -- 136,789 7.20
Joukamachi no Dandelion -- -- Production IMS -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Super Power Seinen -- Joukamachi no Dandelion Joukamachi no Dandelion -- The Sakurada siblings live a normal life in a typical Japanese household. Well, that's what their father, the king, wants for them at least. As members of the royal family, each sibling possesses a unique ability, and over two thousand security cameras have been placed around town to make sure the children are safe and sound. Moreover, all nine of them have been designated as a potential successor to the throne with the decision that the next ruler will be selected through an election. -- -- However, for the timid Akane Sakurada, the third eldest daughter who wields the power to manipulate gravity, all of this attention is a complete nightmare. With all the cameras constantly monitoring the candidates and even broadcasting their actions on the Sakurada-dedicated news channel, she decides that if she becomes king, the cameras have got to go. But just how will she convince the public that she is the most suited to rule if she can't even overcome her own shyness?! Election season is in full swing as the search for the next king begins in Joukamachi no Dandelion. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 136,789 7.20
Juusenki L-Gaim -- -- Sunrise -- 54 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Space Drama Mecha Shounen -- Juusenki L-Gaim Juusenki L-Gaim -- In the year 3990, the immortal Oldna Poseidal rules Pentagona, a war-torn solar system of five planets. Daba Myroad is a survivor of the Yaman Clan, just one of numerous native societies nearly wiped out by the tyrant. Living on the remote planet Koam with his friend Mirao Kyao, Daba possesses L-Gaim, a humanoid mecha known commonly as a "Heavy Metal" and the last known relic of the Yaman Clan. The pair befriend Fanneria Amu, an aspiring actress, and Lilith Fau, the last surviving fairy in Pentagona while on the run from a band of thieves attempting to steal L-Gaim. -- -- Daba promises to fulfill the dying wish of one of the thieves hunting him—an honorable act that leads him to the powerful merchant Amandara Kamandara. With their mission in sight, the ragtag group will face powerful adversaries and become entangled in a rebellion against Poseidal's reign. -- -- TV - Feb 4, 1984 -- 4,700 6.69
Kakegurui×× -- -- MAPPA -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Game Mystery Psychological School Shounen -- Kakegurui×× Kakegurui×× -- As Yumeko Jabami's fame grows and the reputation of the student council dwindles, Kirari Momobami decides to revolutionize the group. To this end, she announces an election for its next president. The rules are simple: each student in the school receives one chip. Whoever has the most chips by the end of thirty days becomes both the new president and the head of the Momobami clan. -- -- Upon receiving news of this development, the Momobami branch families spring into action. Eleven transfer students arrive at Hyakkao Private Academy, each aiming to lead both the school and the Momobami clan. Equipped with unique talents, they will compete to get as many chips as possible—but their chips are not the only things on the line. -- -- 480,876 7.28
Kamisama Hajimemashita◎ -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Demons Supernatural Romance Fantasy Shoujo -- Kamisama Hajimemashita◎ Kamisama Hajimemashita◎ -- Nanami Momozono and her familiars Tomoe and Mizuki have survived quite a few challenges since Nanami took up the mantle of Mikage Shrine's patron god. Naturally, the wind god Otohiko comes to invite Nanami to the Divine Assembly in Izumo, the home of the gods, and Nanami chooses to take Mizuki with her, leaving Tomoe to pose as her at school. However, she has an ulterior motive for attending the Divine Assembly: to discover the whereabouts of the missing Lord Mikage, the former god of the shrine. -- -- After her adventures in Izumo, Nanami meets Botanmaru, a tengu child looking for someone she knows all too well—tengu turned goth idol Shinjirou Kurama. Botanmaru needs Shinjirou, their prince, to return home to Mount Kurama and stop the tyranny of Jirou, who has taken over the rule of their hometown. However, Nanami soon discovers a force much darker than Jirou is at work on the mountain. -- -- As a fledgling god becoming more accustomed to divinity, Nanami finds herself dealing with a tengu rebellion, her blooming feelings for Tomoe, and a strange man with ties to both Tomoe's past and Nanami's future. -- -- 265,172 8.16
Kamisama Hajimemashita◎ -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Demons Supernatural Romance Fantasy Shoujo -- Kamisama Hajimemashita◎ Kamisama Hajimemashita◎ -- Nanami Momozono and her familiars Tomoe and Mizuki have survived quite a few challenges since Nanami took up the mantle of Mikage Shrine's patron god. Naturally, the wind god Otohiko comes to invite Nanami to the Divine Assembly in Izumo, the home of the gods, and Nanami chooses to take Mizuki with her, leaving Tomoe to pose as her at school. However, she has an ulterior motive for attending the Divine Assembly: to discover the whereabouts of the missing Lord Mikage, the former god of the shrine. -- -- After her adventures in Izumo, Nanami meets Botanmaru, a tengu child looking for someone she knows all too well—tengu turned goth idol Shinjirou Kurama. Botanmaru needs Shinjirou, their prince, to return home to Mount Kurama and stop the tyranny of Jirou, who has taken over the rule of their hometown. However, Nanami soon discovers a force much darker than Jirou is at work on the mountain. -- -- As a fledgling god becoming more accustomed to divinity, Nanami finds herself dealing with a tengu rebellion, her blooming feelings for Tomoe, and a strange man with ties to both Tomoe's past and Nanami's future. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 265,172 8.16
Karen Senki -- -- Next Media Animation -- 11 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi -- Karen Senki Karen Senki -- In the post-apocalyptic aftermath of a war between machines and their creators, machines rule while humans exist in a state of servitude. Titular character Karen leads Resistance Group 11, an eclectic group of humans who find themselves fighting for their lives as they are hunted by the robots in each episode. Is this the end of humanity? Are they fighting a losing battle? -- -- Through Karen, we delve into a struggle between right and wrong, between indifference and love that explores some of the deepest questions about humanity. What is the difference between a thinking machine and a human being? What is a soul? -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- ONA - Sep 27, 2014 -- 10,550 5.78
Keijo!!!!!!!! -- -- Xebec -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Sports Ecchi Shounen -- Keijo!!!!!!!! Keijo!!!!!!!! -- Japan's latest competitive sport, keijo, is dictated by a simple set of rules: female-only participants must stand on circular platforms floating in a pool—referred to as "lands"—with the goal being to knocking off opponents using only their breasts and butts. Despite this outlandish premise, the sport attracts millions of viewers across the country and boasts a lavish prize pool. Many aspiring athletes take up the challenge in hopes of becoming the next national champion. -- -- After graduating from high school, the lively 17-year-old Nozomi Kaminashi enters the world of keijo, hoping to bring home a fortune to her poor family. As a gifted gymnast, Nozomi quickly proves herself a tough competitor after stealing the spotlight in her debut tournament. Meeting new friends and rivals as she climbs the ranks, Nozomi discovers that the path to stardom as a keijo player is filled with intense competition that will challenge not only her body, but also her soul. -- -- 312,337 7.00
Keijo!!!!!!!! -- -- Xebec -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Sports Ecchi Shounen -- Keijo!!!!!!!! Keijo!!!!!!!! -- Japan's latest competitive sport, keijo, is dictated by a simple set of rules: female-only participants must stand on circular platforms floating in a pool—referred to as "lands"—with the goal being to knocking off opponents using only their breasts and butts. Despite this outlandish premise, the sport attracts millions of viewers across the country and boasts a lavish prize pool. Many aspiring athletes take up the challenge in hopes of becoming the next national champion. -- -- After graduating from high school, the lively 17-year-old Nozomi Kaminashi enters the world of keijo, hoping to bring home a fortune to her poor family. As a gifted gymnast, Nozomi quickly proves herself a tough competitor after stealing the spotlight in her debut tournament. Meeting new friends and rivals as she climbs the ranks, Nozomi discovers that the path to stardom as a keijo player is filled with intense competition that will challenge not only her body, but also her soul. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 312,337 7.00
Keishichou Tokumubu Tokushu Kyouakuhan Taisakushitsu Dainanaka: Tokunana -- -- Anima&Co. -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Police Vampire Fantasy -- Keishichou Tokumubu Tokushu Kyouakuhan Taisakushitsu Dainanaka: Tokunana Keishichou Tokumubu Tokushu Kyouakuhan Taisakushitsu Dainanaka: Tokunana -- In Tokyo, there exists a peaceful cohabitation between supernatural creatures—elves, dwarves, vampires, and more—and humans. However, contrary to history, powerful dragons once ruled over this world of creatures and humans but have since disappeared. Consequently, a diabolical group under the alias "Nine," who seek the miracles of the once godlike dragons, stirs up trouble in the streets of Tokyo, commiting mass murder and causing destruction. To combat the dangerous group of Nine, the police organize the Special 7—a group of highly skilled professionals whose abilities exceed those of ordinary humans. -- -- Caught up in a bank robbery turned hostage crisis, Seiji Nanatsuki, having recently become a detective, has a chance encounter with Shiori Ichinose, a member of Special 7. Assisting with the resolution of the robbery, Seiji is recognized for his clear sense of justice and refreshing character, suddenly earning him a spot on the elite unit. -- -- As he takes on new missions, Seiji finds that being a detective as part of Special 7 isn't the police work he expected, where working alongside a team of different species with special abilities and vibrant personalities brings unpredictability to his daily life and police work. While the everyday crime in Tokyo continues, Seiji and the Special 7 will fight not only to resolve special cases, but also obstruct the ill-intentioned plans of the merciless group of Nine. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 38,207 6.02
Kemono no Souja Erin -- -- Production I.G, Trans Arts -- 50 eps -- Novel -- Drama Fantasy Slice of Life -- Kemono no Souja Erin Kemono no Souja Erin -- In the land of Ryoza, the neighboring provinces of Shin-Ou and Tai-Kou have been at peace. Queen Shinou is the ruler of Ryoza and her greatest general, Grand Duke Taikou, defends the kingdom with his army of powerful war-lizards known as the "Touda." Although the two regions have enjoyed a long-standing alliance, mounting tensions threaten to spark a fierce civil war. -- -- Within Ake, a village in Tai-Kou tasked with raising the Grand Duke's army, lives Erin, a bright girl who spends her days watching the work of her mother Soyon, the village's head Touda doctor. But while under Soyon's care, a disastrous incident befalls the Grand Duke's strongest Touda, and the peace that Erin and her mother had been enjoying vanishes as Soyon is punished severely. In a desperate attempt to save her mother, Erin ends up falling in a river and is swept towards Shin-Ou. -- -- Unable to return home, Erin must learn to lead a new life with completely different people, all while hunting for the truth of both beasts and humanity itself, with tensions between the two regions constantly escalating. -- -- TV - Jan 10, 2009 -- 70,335 8.34
Kenran Butou Sai: The Mars Daybreak -- -- Bones -- 26 eps -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Mecha Military Romance Sci-Fi Shounen -- Kenran Butou Sai: The Mars Daybreak Kenran Butou Sai: The Mars Daybreak -- Mars is now almost entirely covered in water. Humanity exists in large city-ships that float through the open seas. But life is hard for those who live on Mars—the economy is in bad shape, work is scarce, and food is expensive and highly prized. Gram and his friends try to do the best they can, but the work keeps drying up. Some have taken to a life of piracy to combat the corruption in the government; one such group is the pirates of the feared Ship of Aurora. And the Earth government, which rules Mars, has dispatched a new team of military pilots to combat them. In their specialized mecha called Round Bucklers, they must make the seas of Mars safe for humanity. Caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, Gram finds himself on the run with the most notorious pirates on Mars. But here's the thing—he's starting to like them! -- -- (Source: Bandai Entertainment) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- TV - Apr 1, 2004 -- 18,999 7.18
Kenran Butou Sai: The Mars Daybreak -- -- Bones -- 26 eps -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Mecha Military Romance Sci-Fi Shounen -- Kenran Butou Sai: The Mars Daybreak Kenran Butou Sai: The Mars Daybreak -- Mars is now almost entirely covered in water. Humanity exists in large city-ships that float through the open seas. But life is hard for those who live on Mars—the economy is in bad shape, work is scarce, and food is expensive and highly prized. Gram and his friends try to do the best they can, but the work keeps drying up. Some have taken to a life of piracy to combat the corruption in the government; one such group is the pirates of the feared Ship of Aurora. And the Earth government, which rules Mars, has dispatched a new team of military pilots to combat them. In their specialized mecha called Round Bucklers, they must make the seas of Mars safe for humanity. Caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, Gram finds himself on the run with the most notorious pirates on Mars. But here's the thing—he's starting to like them! -- -- (Source: Bandai Entertainment) -- TV - Apr 1, 2004 -- 18,999 7.18
Kikou Kantai Dairugger XV -- -- Toei Animation -- 52 eps -- - -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Space Mecha Shounen -- Kikou Kantai Dairugger XV Kikou Kantai Dairugger XV -- In the original storyline as aired in Japan, Dairugger XV was simply an exploration robot, as well as an intended peace-keeping force. The Earth is in a time of prosperity. The president of the Terran League (the "Galaxy Alliance" in Voltron) launches a mission to explore beyond the galaxy. After commencing its mission of exploration, the starship Rugger-Guard is attacked by a ship of the Galbeston Empire. Dairugger, the super robot, is deployed in order to defend the Earth. It is somewhat by fate that they must help the people of Galbeston find a new planet before it explodes, and liberate it from its despotic Emperor. In the Japanese version, it does not have anything to do with King of the Beasts GoLion, as opposed to the U.S. version, Voltron: Defender of the Universe. -- -- There are three assault team units: Land, Air, and Sea. There are a total of 15 parts referred to as "Rugger," which can combine together to form the super-robot Dairugger. The design of the 15 separate Rugger units came from the sport of rugby, since 15 players are required to form a rugby union. The U.S. version would rename the "Galbeston Empire" to "Drule Empire," along with editing a fair amount of violence and sexual content to keep the show safe for general audience broadcast. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- -- TV - Mar 3, 1982 -- 2,020 6.40
Kill la Kill -- -- Trigger -- 24 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Super Power Ecchi School -- Kill la Kill Kill la Kill -- After the murder of her father, Ryuuko Matoi has been wandering the land in search of his killer. Following her only lead—the missing half of his invention, the Scissor Blade—she arrives at the prestigious Honnouji Academy, a high school unlike any other. The academy is ruled by the imposing and cold-hearted student council president Satsuki Kiryuuin alongside her powerful underlings, the Elite Four. In the school's brutally competitive hierarchy, Satsuki bestows upon those at the top special clothes called "Goku Uniforms," which grant the wearer unique superhuman abilities. -- -- Thoroughly beaten in a fight against one of the students in uniform, Ryuuko retreats to her razed home where she stumbles across Senketsu, a rare and sentient "Kamui," or God Clothes. After coming into contact with Ryuuko's blood, Senketsu awakens, latching onto her and providing her with immense power. Now, armed with Senketsu and the Scissor Blade, Ryuuko makes a stand against the Elite Four, hoping to reach Satsuki and uncover the culprit behind her father's murder once and for all. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 1,337,349 8.09
Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World - The Animated Series -- -- Lerche -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Slice of Life -- Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World - The Animated Series Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World - The Animated Series -- When 15-year-old Kino is feeling weighed down by heavy thoughts, one thing always manages to cheer her up: traveling. Nothing fills her heart with joy like exploring the beautiful, wonderful world around her and the fascinating ways people find to live. However, Kino is not as helpless as her cute appearance and courteous demeanor suggest. Armed with "Cannon" and "Woodsman," her trusted handguns, Kino isn’t afraid to kill anyone who would dare to get in her way. Always by her side is her best friend and loyal companion Hermes, a sentient motorcycle, who supports Kino through the sorrows and hardships of their journey. Together, they travel the vast countryside with the shared goal of always moving forward, and a single rule: never stay in one country for more than three days. -- -- As Kino and Hermes encounter new people and learn the rules of their civilizations, they grow and find out more about their own values and virtues. But as Kino slowly discovers the world around her, she also finds herself facing dangers that linger within the vast unknown. -- -- 149,872 7.59
Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World - The Animated Series -- -- Lerche -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Slice of Life -- Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World - The Animated Series Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World - The Animated Series -- When 15-year-old Kino is feeling weighed down by heavy thoughts, one thing always manages to cheer her up: traveling. Nothing fills her heart with joy like exploring the beautiful, wonderful world around her and the fascinating ways people find to live. However, Kino is not as helpless as her cute appearance and courteous demeanor suggest. Armed with "Cannon" and "Woodsman," her trusted handguns, Kino isn’t afraid to kill anyone who would dare to get in her way. Always by her side is her best friend and loyal companion Hermes, a sentient motorcycle, who supports Kino through the sorrows and hardships of their journey. Together, they travel the vast countryside with the shared goal of always moving forward, and a single rule: never stay in one country for more than three days. -- -- As Kino and Hermes encounter new people and learn the rules of their civilizations, they grow and find out more about their own values and virtues. But as Kino slowly discovers the world around her, she also finds herself facing dangers that linger within the vast unknown. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 149,872 7.59
Knights of the Zodiac: Saint Seiya -- -- Toei Animation -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Adventure Fantasy Shounen -- Knights of the Zodiac: Saint Seiya Knights of the Zodiac: Saint Seiya -- Zeus had a daughter named Athena, the goddess of war. A group of youths flocked to Athena fighting to protect her amidst heroic battles as her "Saints". Their proof of being a Saint laid with the battle protector known as Sacred Cloth. -- -- After a virtual eternity, a new struggle is about to unfold now again over the Cloth. A boy named Seiya has crossed way over to Greece to undergo the training to become a Saint and obtained the Cloth, Bronze cloth, the lowest position among Saints. Every Saint takes a constellation as their tutelary god. And Seiya's guardian star is Pegasus. Now, the saints gather together from all over the world to participate in the "Galatic War" - championship of Saints, aiming at the Gold Cloth, the symbol of ruler of the Saints. The curtain for Galatic War has been cut open. During the death battle between the Saints, Phoenix, the Black Saint, suddenly appeared on the scene and runs off with Gold Cloth in front of a full house in his ambition to become ruler of the world. Seiya and his fellow bronze cloth warriors go after Phoenix and his "Shadow Army" to retrieve the lost Gold Cloth... -- -- The battles waged among the saints, the strongest young men on earth, begin now! -- -- (Source: Toei Animation) -- ONA - Jul 19, 2019 -- 13,627 5.11
Konjiki no Gash Bell!! -- -- Toei Animation -- 150 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Demons Supernatural Magic Shounen -- Konjiki no Gash Bell!! Konjiki no Gash Bell!! -- Takamine Kiyomaro, a depressed don't-care-about-the-world guy, was suddenly given a little demon named Gash Bell to take care of. Little does he know that Gash is embroiled into an intense fight to see who is the ruler of the demon world. All of the demons have to pick a master on Earth and duke it out with other demons until one survives. Needless to say, Kiyomaro becomes Gash's master, and through their many battles, Kiyomaro learns the importance of friendship and courage. -- 100,678 7.54
Konjiki no Gash Bell!! -- -- Toei Animation -- 150 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Demons Supernatural Magic Shounen -- Konjiki no Gash Bell!! Konjiki no Gash Bell!! -- Takamine Kiyomaro, a depressed don't-care-about-the-world guy, was suddenly given a little demon named Gash Bell to take care of. Little does he know that Gash is embroiled into an intense fight to see who is the ruler of the demon world. All of the demons have to pick a master on Earth and duke it out with other demons until one survives. Needless to say, Kiyomaro becomes Gash's master, and through their many battles, Kiyomaro learns the importance of friendship and courage. -- -- Licensor: -- Flatiron Film Company, VIZ Media -- 100,678 7.54
Kujakuou -- -- - -- 3 eps -- - -- Action Demons Horror -- Kujakuou Kujakuou -- A young mystic without a past, Kujaku was born under a dark omen possessed of incredible supernatural powers. Raised by priests, he has learned to use these powers for good. But the evil Siegfried von Mittgard seeks to steal his birthright, and rule the world as the Regent of Darkness. He has dispatched bloodthirsty minions to destroy Kujaku before he can awaken to his destiny. Now, Kujaku must unravel the riddle of his past, before the power within consumes him! -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- OVA - Apr 29, 1988 -- 2,073 5.91
Kuroinu: Kedakaki Seijo wa Hakudaku ni Somaru -- -- Majin -- 6 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Hentai Fantasy -- Kuroinu: Kedakaki Seijo wa Hakudaku ni Somaru Kuroinu: Kedakaki Seijo wa Hakudaku ni Somaru -- In the land of Eostia, humans and dark elves have fought for supremacy for over a century. The dark elves rule over a race of monsters that has raided human lands for generations, capturing and defiling their women. Aided by powerful bands of mercenaries, the human kingdoms have gradually pushed back their old rivals. -- -- But the mercenaries would not settle for these victories. Led by the cruel general Volt, the sellswords declare independence. With the support of the savage orcs, their new nation attacks human and dark elf alike, carving out a kingdom where men reign supreme and women are little more than slaves. Even the dark elves' castle is conquered and their queen taken prisoner. -- -- The sole hope for peace in these lands rests with a fellowship of seven princess knights, handpicked by the goddess of the high elves. But is their power enough to cleanse the evil from their world? -- OVA - Jan 27, 2012 -- 28,428 7.39
Kurozuka -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Drama Historical Horror Romance Sci-Fi Vampire -- Kurozuka Kurozuka -- Adaptation of Takashi Noguchi's manga, which itself adapts Baku Yumemakura's supernatural romance novel. -- -- The original novel is about a 12th-century man named Minamoto no Yoshitsune (Kurou). Kurou flees into the mountains after losing to his brother Minamoto no Yoritomo, the first Shogun to rule all of Japan. History records that he committed suicide, but instead, Kurou meets a strange, beautiful woman named Kuromitsu in her mountain hermitage. Eventually, Kurou falls in love with Kuromitsu, but then realizes she conceals a dark secret. He learns that he is unable to die and continues to live for a thousand years as Japan evolves into a future society. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Oct 7, 2008 -- 83,462 6.92
Kuutei Dragons -- -- Polygon Pictures -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Fantasy Seinen -- Kuutei Dragons Kuutei Dragons -- Dragons, the rulers of the sky. To many people on the surface, they are a dire threat, but at the same time, a valuable source of medicine, oil, and food. There are those who hunt the dragons. They travel the skies in dragon-hunting airships. This is the story of one of those ships, the “Quin Zaza,” and its crew. -- -- (Source: Official site) -- ONA - Jan 9, 2020 -- 31,107 7.02
Kyoukaisenjou no Horizon II -- -- Sunrise -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Action Fantasy Sci-Fi -- Kyoukaisenjou no Horizon II Kyoukaisenjou no Horizon II -- Taking advantage of the opportunity that the Mikawa Conflict provides, Tori and his comrades attempt to rescue Horizon from the Testament Union. But even as the Floating City Musashi speeds towards its next destination, the Floating Island England, Tres España is preparing its own armada for war against the British Islanders. Now, as the quest of Horizon's emotions builds to its climax, Tori's new battle is about to begin in the land ruled by the Fairy Queen! The reenactment of the history described in the mysterious Testament continues as the secret of the Armor of Deadly Sins is unleashed in the spectacular second season of Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere! -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jul 8, 2012 -- 73,077 7.54
Kyouran Kazoku Nikki -- -- Nomad -- 26 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Sci-Fi -- Kyouran Kazoku Nikki Kyouran Kazoku Nikki -- Midarezaki Ouka is used to having strange things happen to him -after all, he is the head of the Great Japanese Empire Paranormal Phenomena Bureau of Measures. But when he catches a small cat girl in the shopping district stealing apples, his whole life rearranges to fit a new operation... -- -- OPERATION COZY FAMILY. -- -- Thousands of years ago, Enka the God of Destruction, was killed. However, with a dying breath it claimed that its child would appear and destroy humanity. Now in futuristic Japan, all of the potential children of Enka have been found and placed into a haphazard family. -- -- Teika the lion, Gekka the jellyfish, Yuuka the oni, Ginka the cross-dressing mafia son, and Hyouka the bioweapon--along with their parents Ouka and Kyouka (the ruler of a demon underworld)--all live under one roof in a family frenzy. -- TV - Apr 12, 2008 -- 26,755 7.27
Kyousou Giga (2012) -- -- Toei Animation -- 5 eps -- Original -- Action Fantasy Supernatural -- Kyousou Giga (2012) Kyousou Giga (2012) -- Three kids are stuck in a strange city causing massive mayhem through the land. They are searching for an atypical rabbit in order to return home. Koto, the eldest of the three, seems to have some sort of connection to this weird place ruled by a monk, a demon, and a priest. -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- ONA - Aug 31, 2012 -- 24,906 7.17
Lady Jewelpet -- -- Studio Comet, Zexcs -- 52 eps -- Original -- Fantasy Magic Romance Shoujo -- Lady Jewelpet Lady Jewelpet -- Momona is an ordinary junior-high school student hailing from Jewel Land. At her cousin's wedding, she envies the bride, Lady Diana, due to the fact that she is marrying the cousin who she had a slight crush on. However, once she sees Lady Diana and her cousin together, Momona begins to like her, and accepts her as her cousin's bride. Just as Lady Diana is about to properly meet her and introduce herself, Momona is transported to a snowy place in Jewel Land where the ruler, Lady Jewel, is giving a speech to the Petit Ladies, girls who are chosen as Jewel Candidates to be the next Lady Jewel. Momona meets her partner and mentor, Ruby, a white rabbit, who will guide her through the tasks in becoming Lady Jewel. Whoever passes the most tasks wins and becomes the next Lady Jewel, but standing in her way is Lillian, a girl who also aims to win the title of Lady Jewel, so she can choose her brother, Cayenne, to be her King alongside her. Momona soon also begins to fall in love with Cayenne, yet Lillian doesn't want her to get too close to him. Cayenne also seems to harbor feelings for Momona, but who will be chosen in the end as Lady Jewel to decide it all? And will Momona and Lillian ever become true friends and will Cayenne and Momona ever be together? -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- TV - Apr 5, 2014 -- 8,229 7.38
Lord El-Melloi II Sei no Jikenbo: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note -- -- TROYCA -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Fantasy Mystery Supernatural -- Lord El-Melloi II Sei no Jikenbo: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note Lord El-Melloi II Sei no Jikenbo: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note -- Ten years after facing defeat in the Fourth Holy Grail War, Waver Velvet, now Lord El Melloi II, teaches classes at the Clock Tower—the center of education for mages. However, his new status as "Lord" comes with a caveat: obey the orders of Reines, the younger sister of the deceased Kayneth El Melloi, until she is old enough to rule the House of El Melloi. -- -- Waver, along with his mysterious apprentice Gray, takes on a series of cases assigned by Reines and the Mages Association. With each case proving to be more complex than the last, could there be more to the Clock Tower than meets the eye, and what secrets does Reines hide? -- -- 112,244 7.36
Lord El-Melloi II Sei no Jikenbo: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note -- -- TROYCA -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Fantasy Mystery Supernatural -- Lord El-Melloi II Sei no Jikenbo: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note Lord El-Melloi II Sei no Jikenbo: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note -- Ten years after facing defeat in the Fourth Holy Grail War, Waver Velvet, now Lord El Melloi II, teaches classes at the Clock Tower—the center of education for mages. However, his new status as "Lord" comes with a caveat: obey the orders of Reines, the younger sister of the deceased Kayneth El Melloi, until she is old enough to rule the House of El Melloi. -- -- Waver, along with his mysterious apprentice Gray, takes on a series of cases assigned by Reines and the Mages Association. With each case proving to be more complex than the last, could there be more to the Clock Tower than meets the eye, and what secrets does Reines hide? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 112,244 7.36
Lostorage Conflated WIXOSS -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Card game -- Game Psychological -- Lostorage Conflated WIXOSS Lostorage Conflated WIXOSS -- The peaceful days turn out to be short-lived as the shadow of another Selector Battle looms large. Kiyoi Mizushima is the first to notice that things are amiss, and she makes her move to put an end to the cycle of darkness.The Battle this time includes a new card, "Key," and has been set up with rules different than before. With both the mastermind and their motive shrouded in mystery, the darkness grows ever deeper and more menacing. Suzuko Homura, Chinatsu Morishita, Hanna Mikage, Ruuko Kominato, Yuzuki Kurebayashi, Hitoe Uemura, and Akira Aoi, the Selectors gather once again. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 25,986 7.09
Lupin III: Dead or Alive -- -- Tokyo Movie Shinsha -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Mystery Comedy Seinen -- Lupin III: Dead or Alive Lupin III: Dead or Alive -- Lupin, Goemon, and Jigen take a mini-helicopter and head to the mysterious “Drifting Island” looking for a treasure rumored to be hidden somewhere on it. Through their exploration of the island, the trio encounters the lethal “Nanomachine,” the island’s security system. The trio triggers the alarm, springing “the Nanomachine” to life. The key to solving the island’s mystery lies in the small nation of Zufu. This once prosperous nation is now ruled by the ruthless, knife-collecting, General Headhunter. Fujiko does her usual probing and hacks into General Headhunter’s computer hoping to find some crucial information. Zenigata has received a video message from Lupin in which Lupin announces his desire for the priceless treasure. Oleander, a fiery blond officer with some hidden secrets of her own, steps in to help Zenigata. Armed with their newly found information, Lupin, Goemon, Jigen, and Fujiko go back to “Drifting Island,” but this time they are followed by General Headhunter. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Apr 20, 1996 -- 8,836 7.16
Machikado Mazoku 2nd Season -- -- - -- ? eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Magic -- Machikado Mazoku 2nd Season Machikado Mazoku 2nd Season -- Second season of Machikado Mazoku. -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 16,976 N/A -- -- Slayers Gorgeous -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Adventure Comedy Fantasy Magic Supernatural -- Slayers Gorgeous Slayers Gorgeous -- Sorceresses Lina Inverse and Naga the Serpent are enjoying a meal in a villiage when the residents suddenly retreat indoors and two armies - one of men and one of a young girl and a tribe of dragons. Although the ruler of the town originally tries to convince Lina that this is because of a dark legacy, in truth the dragon army is led by his daughter and their battles are over her allowance. Lina agrees to help the ruler while Naga joins his daughter, Marlene. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- Movie - Aug 1, 1998 -- 16,918 7.33
Machine Robo: Cronos no Dai Gyakushuu -- -- Production Reed -- 47 eps -- Original -- Action Martial Arts Mecha Sci-Fi Space -- Machine Robo: Cronos no Dai Gyakushuu Machine Robo: Cronos no Dai Gyakushuu -- The journey of a robot prince begins! The planet Cronos is a world of super-robotic lifeforms, ruled by the wise Master Kirai. But their peaceful existence is shattered by the conquering armies of the Gandora robots. Now, machine combats machine in an epic battle for the planet. Master Kurai's son, Rom, must lead a company of transformable mecha warriors into the fray! -- -- (Source: centralparkmedia) -- TV - Jul 3, 1986 -- 1,434 6.27
Madan no Ou to Vanadis -- -- Satelight -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Ecchi Fantasy Harem Romance -- Madan no Ou to Vanadis Madan no Ou to Vanadis -- In a fantasy version of Europe, a war between enemy countries is brewing. One of these countries, Zhcted, has its seven regions ruled by War Maidens, known as Vanadis. Equipped with powerful dragon-carved weapons, Eleonora "Elen" Viltaria, one of the Vanadis, launches an invasion against their neighboring rival country of Brune. Eventually, Tigrevurmud "Tigre" Vorn, a young archer and an earl for Brune's region of Alsace, has his entire army decimated at Elen's hands. In a strange twist of events, Elen spares Tigre, and gives him the order, "Become mine!" What could be the meaning behind this new alliance? -- -- Adapted from the light novel written by Tsukasa Kawaguchi, Madan no Ou to Vanadis is an epic adventure filled with complex war tactics and beautiful women. Trapped in a multinational conflict, Tigre and Elen are swept up in a war filled with dark secrets, conspiracies, and corruption. -- -- 274,637 7.16
Magi: The Kingdom of Magic -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Magi: The Kingdom of Magic Magi: The Kingdom of Magic -- After celebrating their victory against Al-Thamen, Aladdin and his friends depart the land of Sindria. With the end of the battle, however, comes the time for each of them to go their separate ways. Hakuryuu and Kougyoku are ordered to go back to their home country, the Kou Empire. Meanwhile Aladdin announces he needs to head for Magnostadt—a mysterious country ruled by magicians—to investigate the mysterious events occurring in this new kingdom and become more proficient in magic. For their part, encouraged by Aladdin's words, Alibaba and Morgiana also set off in pursuit of their own goals: training and going to her homeland, respectively. -- -- Magi: The Kingdom of Magic follows these friends as they all go about their separate adventures, each facing their own challenges. However, a new threat begins to rise as a great war looms over the horizon... -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 665,463 8.26
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Fantasy Magic Shounen -- Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic -- Dispersed around the world, there are several bizarre labyrinths hiding incredible treasures within them. These mysterious places, known as "Dungeons," are said to be the work of Magi, a class of rare magicians, who also help people build their empires by guiding them to a dungeon. Djinns, supernatural beings that rule over the labyrinths, grant successful conquerors access to their immense power and choose them as potential king candidates to rule the world. -- -- Having spent life in isolation, Aladdin, a kind and young magician, is eager to explore the world upon finally leaving his home behind. He begins his journey only accompanied by his mentor Ugo—a djinn that Aladdin can summon with his flute. However, Aladdin soon becomes friends with the courageous Alibaba Saluja after causing the destruction of a local merchant's supply cart. In order to pay for the damages, Alibaba suggests that they attempt to conquer the nearest dungeon, taking the first step in an epic adventure that will decide the fate of the world itself. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 807,447 8.06
Mahoujin Guruguru -- -- Nippon Animation -- 45 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Mahoujin Guruguru Mahoujin Guruguru -- There is a small village called Jimuna on the continent of Jamu Jamu. This village is home to a girl named Kukuri. She is the last descendant of the Migu Migu Tribe. She is raised by an old witch who teaches her the secret magic of the tribe, but Kukuri is not a good student. -- -- In the same village lives a boy named Nike. He has been raised by very strict parents. They discipline their son to become a brave hero of the village. Nike himself does not want to be a hero at all, but he grows up to become a mighty boy. -- -- One day the king of the village, Kodai, recruits troops to fight against the ruler of the darkness, Giri. Kukuri and Nike are accepted. The two children, the strong but reluctant hero Nike, and the eager but unskilled little witch Kukuri, set out on a wonderful journey full of adventures and friendship. -- -- (Source: Nippon Animation) -- 8,960 7.61
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei: Tsuioku-hen -- -- - -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi Supernatural Magic -- Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei: Tsuioku-hen Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei: Tsuioku-hen -- Looking at Miyuki and Tatsuya now, it might be hard to imagine them as anything other than loving siblings. But it wasn't always this way.. -- -- Three years ago, Miyuki was always uncomfortable around her older brother. The rest of their family treated him no better than a lowly servant, even though he was the perfect Guardian, watching over Miyuki while she lived a normal middle school life. But what really bothered her was that he never showed any emotions or thoughts of his own. -- -- However, when danger comes calling during a fateful trip to Okinawa, their relationship as brother and sister will change forever… -- -- (Source: Yen Press) -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 25,203 N/ASakasama no Patema: Beginning of the Day -- -- Purple Cow Studio Japan, Studio Rikka -- 4 eps -- - -- Sci-Fi -- Sakasama no Patema: Beginning of the Day Sakasama no Patema: Beginning of the Day -- This is an online distribution of the prologue of the movie, illustrating the first day of the entire story. -- -- A world, forever beyond your expectations. -- -- In a dark, cramped, underground world of endless tunnels and shafts, people wear protective suits and live out their modest yet happy lives. The princess of the underground community, Patema, goes out exploring as always, inspired by her curiosity of the unknown depths of the world. -- -- Her favorite spot is the "danger zone," an area forbidden by the "rule" of the community. Despite being frequently chastised by her caretaker Jii, she cannot hold back her curiosity for the reason behind the rule, because no one would tell her what the "danger" was. When she approaches the hidden "secret," the story begins. -- -- (Source: translation of a synopsis from the nicovideo news) -- Special - Feb 26, 2012 -- 25,203 7.38
Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku -- -- Lerche -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Fantasy Magic Supernatural Thriller -- Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku -- For many girls in N-City, playing the popular social role-playing game Magical Girl Raising Project is as close as they could come to being a real magical girl. However, for some rare players, that dream can become a reality. One such girl is Koyuki Himekawa, who receives a notification one night that she has been selected to become a magical girl, her in-game avatar Snow White. -- -- As Koyuki and other chosen players in the city begin helping those in need, they all receive yet another notification: the admins have decided that they want to reduce the number of magical girls. Whoever collects the least amount of Magical Candies—which are awarded for their magical girl activities—in their competition each week will lose their powers. But when a real-world tragedy happens to the first player that drops out, they are shown the repercussions of losing their abilities. As more participants inevitably lose the competition and more twisted rules are added, the girls soon realize that their "contest" is actually a desperate fight for survival. -- -- 131,005 6.99
Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku -- -- Lerche -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Fantasy Magic Supernatural Thriller -- Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku -- For many girls in N-City, playing the popular social role-playing game Magical Girl Raising Project is as close as they could come to being a real magical girl. However, for some rare players, that dream can become a reality. One such girl is Koyuki Himekawa, who receives a notification one night that she has been selected to become a magical girl, her in-game avatar Snow White. -- -- As Koyuki and other chosen players in the city begin helping those in need, they all receive yet another notification: the admins have decided that they want to reduce the number of magical girls. Whoever collects the least amount of Magical Candies—which are awarded for their magical girl activities—in their competition each week will lose their powers. But when a real-world tragedy happens to the first player that drops out, they are shown the repercussions of losing their abilities. As more participants inevitably lose the competition and more twisted rules are added, the girls soon realize that their "contest" is actually a desperate fight for survival. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 131,005 6.99
Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha ViVid -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Magic Martial Arts -- Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha ViVid Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha ViVid -- The series takes place four years after the events of Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS, during which, magical girl Nanoha Takamachi rescued and adopted a young girl named Vivio, who is the reincarnation of the Sankt Kaiser, Olivie Segbrecht. After entering her fourth year of elementary school, Vivio is given her own intelligence device, Sacred Heart, and gains the power to transform using her adult Sankt Kaiser mode. She soon comes across a girl named Einhart Stratos who, similar to Vivio, is the descendant of another Sankt Kaiser ruler, Claus G.S. Ingvalt. As Einhart becomes determined to prove her fighting style is the strongest, Vivio befriends her and together with her friends, enters a martial arts tournament where they fight against various magical opponents and learn more about their past lives. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- 21,958 6.73
Mahou Shoujo Pretty Sammy (1996) -- -- AIC -- 26 eps -- - -- Comedy Parody Magic Fantasy Seinen -- Mahou Shoujo Pretty Sammy (1996) Mahou Shoujo Pretty Sammy (1996) -- The carefree Tsunami is next in line to rule over the Magical Kingdom of Juraihelm. But before she is officially crowned as queen, she must restore balance to the universe that has come to favor darkness. To accomplish her goal, Tsunami gives the ordinary Sasami Kawai a magical baton that can transform her into a magical girl. She also appoints the rabbit-like creature Ryou-Ouki to aid Sasami in the battle against evil. -- -- However, Sasami refuses to become a magical girl—not because she is scared, but because she finds it too embarrassing! Meanwhile, the arrogant Ramia is plotting to overthrow Tsunami by enlisting her own magical girl—the eccentric Pixy Misa—to cause chaos and ensure that balance is never restored. As Pixy Misa terrorizes the planet with her Love-Love monsters, Sasami must learn to swallow her pride and accept her role as the universe's champion of justice, Pretty Sammy. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA -- 6,072 6.72
Mahou Shoujo-tai Arusu -- -- Studio 4°C -- 40 eps -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Fantasy Magic -- Mahou Shoujo-tai Arusu Mahou Shoujo-tai Arusu -- Arusu believes in magic. With all her heart, she believes that magic is possible and that it can be used for good deeds and fun games. But suddenly, she finds herself transported into another world, ruled by a mysterious elite of witches—and these witches don't seem to be in it for the fun. They're hard at work capturing sprites, the native magical beings of the world, and forcing them into slavery. Once Arusu realizes that her new surroundings aren't just a dream, she sets out to change things. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 25,634 7.09
Mahou Shoujo-tai Arusu -- -- Studio 4°C -- 40 eps -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Fantasy Magic -- Mahou Shoujo-tai Arusu Mahou Shoujo-tai Arusu -- Arusu believes in magic. With all her heart, she believes that magic is possible and that it can be used for good deeds and fun games. But suddenly, she finds herself transported into another world, ruled by a mysterious elite of witches—and these witches don't seem to be in it for the fun. They're hard at work capturing sprites, the native magical beings of the world, and forcing them into slavery. Once Arusu realizes that her new surroundings aren't just a dream, she sets out to change things. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- 25,634 7.09
Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Mystery Comedy Historical Demons Supernatural Fantasy School Josei -- Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist -- The story revolves around William, an aristocratic family's progeny with rare intellect. One day, his uncle lost his possessions after his business failed. Fearing that his family's name has been tarnished, William returns home and searches with his family's butler for anything that can be converted into cash. A search of the premises yields an underground room left by an ancestor. In the room is a magical seal, and William unintentionally summons a devil. The summoned devil tells William his name Dantalion, and reveals that William is the designator who can choose the acting ruler of the demon world. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 99,261 7.05
Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Mystery Comedy Historical Demons Supernatural Fantasy School Josei -- Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist -- The story revolves around William, an aristocratic family's progeny with rare intellect. One day, his uncle lost his possessions after his business failed. Fearing that his family's name has been tarnished, William returns home and searches with his family's butler for anything that can be converted into cash. A search of the premises yields an underground room left by an ancestor. In the room is a magical seal, and William unintentionally summons a devil. The summoned devil tells William his name Dantalion, and reveals that William is the designator who can choose the acting ruler of the demon world. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 99,261 7.05
Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Action Demons Magic Fantasy School -- Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e -- In the distant past, a war between humans and demons brought about widespread chaos and bloodshed. To put an end to this seemingly endless conflict, Demon King Anos Voldigoad willingly sacrificed his life, hoping to be reborn in a peaceful future. -- -- In preparation for their king's return, the demon race created the Demon King Academy, an elite institution tasked with determining Anos' identity when he reawakens. He reincarnates two millennia later, but to his surprise, he soon learns that the level of magic in the world has drastically waned during his absence. Moreover, when he enrolls at the academy to reclaim his rightful title, he finds out that demonkind remembers him differently. His personality, his deeds, and even his legacy are all falsified—masked beneath the name of an impostor. This "lack" of common knowledge renders him the academy's outlier—a misfit never before seen in history. -- -- Despite these drawbacks, Anos remains unfazed. As he sets out to uncover those altering his glorious past, he takes it upon himself to make his descendants recognize that their ruler has finally returned. -- -- 402,347 7.33
Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Action Demons Magic Fantasy School -- Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e -- In the distant past, a war between humans and demons brought about widespread chaos and bloodshed. To put an end to this seemingly endless conflict, Demon King Anos Voldigoad willingly sacrificed his life, hoping to be reborn in a peaceful future. -- -- In preparation for their king's return, the demon race created the Demon King Academy, an elite institution tasked with determining Anos' identity when he reawakens. He reincarnates two millennia later, but to his surprise, he soon learns that the level of magic in the world has drastically waned during his absence. Moreover, when he enrolls at the academy to reclaim his rightful title, he finds out that demonkind remembers him differently. His personality, his deeds, and even his legacy are all falsified—masked beneath the name of an impostor. This "lack" of common knowledge renders him the academy's outlier—a misfit never before seen in history. -- -- Despite these drawbacks, Anos remains unfazed. As he sets out to uncover those altering his glorious past, he takes it upon himself to make his descendants recognize that their ruler has finally returned. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 402,347 7.33
Maryuu Senki -- -- AIC -- 3 eps -- Original -- Fantasy Horror -- Maryuu Senki Maryuu Senki -- Once upon a time, there was a certain family having strong influence on the rule of the Imperial Court. They had their own might called "Kidou" and yet got hated because of the might itself. At last, the patriarch of the family was entrapped to his death, and all the family was doomed to ruin... The present day — the survived descendants of this family, now calling themselves "Kidousyuu" schemed to resurrect their murdered patriarch once again, and the ferocious evil spell went into action. -- -- (Source: BakaBT) -- OVA - Mar 5, 1987 -- 2,215 5.21
Mobile Fighter G Gundam -- -- Sunrise -- 49 eps -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Drama Martial Arts Mecha Romance Sci-Fi Space Sports -- Mobile Fighter G Gundam Mobile Fighter G Gundam -- In the year Future Century 0060, the many countries that once comprised Earth's surface exist as separate colonies floating in space. Their home planet now uninhabitable, the ruler of all of the colonies is decided by their unanimous participation in the intergalactic Gundam Fight Tournament—a series of battles between the champions of each colony to determine who is most fit to reign over them all. -- -- Neo-Japan's champion is Domon Kasshu, a man who accepts the role with some ulterior motives. Domon searches the galaxy for his brother, a criminal who allegedly murdered their mother and made off with the Devil Gundam, a highly advanced weapon with the power to unleash mass destruction across the galaxy. In his quest to bring his sibling to justice, Domon travels from colony to colony, meeting many of the fighters who will become his allies and enemies in the forthcoming Gundam Fight Tournament. -- -- Armed with the strength of the Shining Gundam, Domon battles to uncover the truth behind his tortured childhood, suffering great betrayal and crushing blows on his quest toward personal and national triumph. -- -- 56,683 7.56
Mobile Fighter G Gundam -- -- Sunrise -- 49 eps -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Drama Martial Arts Mecha Romance Sci-Fi Space Sports -- Mobile Fighter G Gundam Mobile Fighter G Gundam -- In the year Future Century 0060, the many countries that once comprised Earth's surface exist as separate colonies floating in space. Their home planet now uninhabitable, the ruler of all of the colonies is decided by their unanimous participation in the intergalactic Gundam Fight Tournament—a series of battles between the champions of each colony to determine who is most fit to reign over them all. -- -- Neo-Japan's champion is Domon Kasshu, a man who accepts the role with some ulterior motives. Domon searches the galaxy for his brother, a criminal who allegedly murdered their mother and made off with the Devil Gundam, a highly advanced weapon with the power to unleash mass destruction across the galaxy. In his quest to bring his sibling to justice, Domon travels from colony to colony, meeting many of the fighters who will become his allies and enemies in the forthcoming Gundam Fight Tournament. -- -- Armed with the strength of the Shining Gundam, Domon battles to uncover the truth behind his tortured childhood, suffering great betrayal and crushing blows on his quest toward personal and national triumph. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- 56,683 7.56
Mobile Suit Gundam F91 -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- - -- Drama Mecha Military Sci-Fi Space -- Mobile Suit Gundam F91 Mobile Suit Gundam F91 -- In the year 123 of the Universal Century, skirmishes between the Federation government and the rebel group Crossbones Vanguard echo across Earth's space colonies. One of these small battles breaks in the hometown of young Seabook Arno, forcing him and his friends to flee and ensnaring them in the political turmoil that is quickly evolving into an all-out war. -- -- Seabook meets Cecily Fairchild, granddaughter of the aristocrat Meitzer Ronah, who seeks to create a new political power called "Cosmo Babylonia." Using the Crossbone Vanguard as its muscle, the Ronah family schemes to restore aristocratic rule and establish an economic system that will benefit the nobility, thus devastating the quality of life for the common people of the Earth Sphere. -- -- Seabook is tasked with piloting the Gundam F91, a mobile suit created by his mother, and must choose between protecting the status Federation's status quo or cooperating with Cecily to find a better way of life for all. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Nozomi Entertainment -- Movie - Mar 16, 1991 -- 23,747 6.67
Mobile Suit Gundam F91 -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- - -- Drama Mecha Military Sci-Fi Space -- Mobile Suit Gundam F91 Mobile Suit Gundam F91 -- In the year 123 of the Universal Century, skirmishes between the Federation government and the rebel group Crossbones Vanguard echo across Earth's space colonies. One of these small battles breaks in the hometown of young Seabook Arno, forcing him and his friends to flee and ensnaring them in the political turmoil that is quickly evolving into an all-out war. -- -- Seabook meets Cecily Fairchild, granddaughter of the aristocrat Meitzer Ronah, who seeks to create a new political power called "Cosmo Babylonia." Using the Crossbone Vanguard as its muscle, the Ronah family schemes to restore aristocratic rule and establish an economic system that will benefit the nobility, thus devastating the quality of life for the common people of the Earth Sphere. -- -- Seabook is tasked with piloting the Gundam F91, a mobile suit created by his mother, and must choose between protecting the status Federation's status quo or cooperating with Cecily to find a better way of life for all. -- -- Movie - Mar 16, 1991 -- 23,747 6.67
Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans -- -- Sunrise -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Drama Mecha Sci-Fi Space -- Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans -- Over three hundred years have passed since the Calamity War, the great conflict between Earth and its outer space colonies. Now Earth is ruled over by four economic blocs, and the military organization Gjallarhorn is responsible for keeping the peace. Mars, on the other hand, depends heavily on Earth's economy. -- -- Horrified by the appalling living conditions that Mars' inhabitants have to bear, Kudelia Aina Bernstein, a young aristocrat from the Chryse Autonomous Region, gets involved in the Red Planet's independence movement. She hires the services of a local company, Chryse Guard Security (CGS), to escort her on the journey to Earth to negotiate economic conditions with the earthly bloc that controls the region. The Third Army Division—consisting of Mikazuki Augus, Orga Itsuka, and many other child soldiers—are chosen to protect her. -- -- When Gjallarhorn attacks the CGS facilities to assassinate the young revolutionary threatening their interests, Orga and his comrades must not let the attackers accomplish their goal—in fact, Gjallarhorn's actions might turn out to be the unintentional catalyst that leads the children to be the forgers of their own destiny. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 172,819 8.03
Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans - Urðr Hunt -- -- Sunrise Beyond -- ? eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Space Drama Mecha -- Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans - Urðr Hunt Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans - Urðr Hunt -- Year P.D. 323. Gjallarhorn's political intervention into the Arbrau central parliament escalated into an armed conflict using mobile suits. The incident was brought to an end by Tekkadan, a group of boys who came from Mars. -- -- News of Tekkadan's exploits has also reached the ears of Wistario Afam, a youth born and raised at the Radonitsa Colony near Venus. Venus, which lost to Mars in the contest for development, is a remote frontier planet in which the four great economic blocs show little interest. It is now used only as a penal colony for criminals, whose inhabitants don't even have IDs. -- -- Then Wistario, who hopes to change the status quo of this homeland, encounters a girl who claims to be the guide to the Urdr-Hunt. -- -- (Source: Gundam Global Portal) -- -- ONA - ??? ??, ???? -- 7,528 N/AFinal Fantasy XV: Episode Ardyn - Prologue -- -- Satelight -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action -- Final Fantasy XV: Episode Ardyn - Prologue Final Fantasy XV: Episode Ardyn - Prologue -- In an age when gods walk alongside mankind, the world of Eos finds itself falling into darkness. Calamity befalls the human race when malevolent creatures known as "daemons" scourge the land and obliterate armies with seemingly unstoppable brute force. In these dire times, nobles of House Caelum rise to prominence. Owing to their god-given healing powers, which allow them to purge the plague spread by the monsters, they earn the people's trust and allegiance. -- -- With no leader to rule the first human kingdom and guide the masses, the gods fervently seek to fill this vacancy—a man of the Caelum bloodline seems to be a desirable choice. The ambitious and charismatic pragmatist, Somnus Lucis Caelum, is pit against his humble and altruistic brother, Ardyn Lucis Caelum, in competition for the throne. As tensions rise between the rivals and anticipations surge, the fate of the world rests upon one of the two's decisive victory. -- -- ONA - Feb 17, 2019 -- 7,489 6.60
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing -- -- Sunrise -- 49 eps -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Drama Mecha -- Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Mobile Suit Gundam Wing -- The United Earth Sphere Alliance is a powerful military organization that has ruled over Earth and space colonies with an iron fist for several decades. When the colonies proclaimed their opposition to this, their leader was assassinated. Now, in the year After Colony 195, bitter colonial rebels have launched "Operation Meteor," sending five powerful mobile suits to Earth for vengeance. Built out of virtually indestructible material called Gundanium Alloy, these "Gundams" begin an assault against the Alliance and its sub organization OZ. -- -- One Gundam, whose pilot has taken the name of the slain colony leader Heero Yuy, is forced to make a crash landing into the ocean after an atmospheric battle against OZ's ace pilot Zechs Marquise. Upon coming ashore, he is found by Relena Peacecraft, daughter of a peace-seeking politician, who witnesses Heero's descent to Earth. Although neither of them realize it yet, this encounter will have a profound impact on both their lives, as well as those on Earth and in space colonies. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- 135,013 7.72
Mobile Suit Victory Gundam -- -- Studio Deen, Sunrise -- 51 eps -- Original -- Drama Mecha Military Sci-Fi Space -- Mobile Suit Victory Gundam Mobile Suit Victory Gundam -- In the year 153 of the Universal Century, the tyrannical Zanscare Empire has taken hostile control over Side 2, a space colony outside of Earth's orbit. Following in the footsteps of the long expired Principality of Zeon and the more recent Crossbone Vanguard, Zanscare rules over its subjects with cruelty, routinely using a large guillotine for public executions. -- -- Living in Central Europe, space immigrant Üso Ewin joins the League Militaire, a militia made up of civilians frustrated with the Earth Federation's inability to combat the Zanscare Empire. Üso's latent abilities as a psychic Newtype awaken and allow him to pilot the Victory Gundam, the only mobile suit capable of holding off the elite BESPA forces of the Zanscare Empire. -- -- Hoping to protect his best friend Shakti Kareen and locate his parents within the ranks of the Federation, Üso fights on with the Victory, striving to bring an end to the empire's reign. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- 21,225 6.75
Mo Dao Zu Shi Q -- -- B.CMAY PICTURES -- 30 eps -- Novel -- Comedy Historical Supernatural Magic -- Mo Dao Zu Shi Q Mo Dao Zu Shi Q -- The cultivation classes in the Cloud Recesses have started, and Wei Wuxian is as mischievous as ever. From getting in trouble for cheating to tempting the ever-so-cold and stoic Lan Wangji into breaking one of the three thousand strict rules of the Gusu Lan Clan—he's done it all. Although almost everything Wei Wuxian does is against Lan Wangji's principles, an unbreakable bond forms between the two. -- -- This chibi spin-off is a refreshing compilation of the hilarious and adorable moments of Mo Dao Zu Shi that shows not only how impish Wei Wuxian can be, but also the bashful side of the icy Lan Wangji. -- -- ONA - Jul 31, 2020 -- 11,353 8.16
Nabari no Ou -- -- J.C.Staff -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Fantasy Supernatural Comedy Drama Shounen -- Nabari no Ou Nabari no Ou -- Silent, apathetic, yet mischievous, 14-year-old Rokujou Miharu is the bearer of the hijutsu, "Shinrabanshou," a powerful technique many ninja clans desire to possess to become the ruler of Nabari. Fellow classmate Kouichi and his English teacher Kumohira are both secretly Banten clan ninjas, pledging themselves to protect Miharu from his many attackers. Keeping apathetic, Miharu attempts to reject their invitation to join their ninja "club." However, after numerous attacks, he finds no choice but to join their group as a means for his survival. Slowly, Miharu takes a step closer to becoming the ruler of Nabari. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 7, 2008 -- 149,670 7.29
Nabari no Ou -- -- J.C.Staff -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Fantasy Supernatural Comedy Drama Shounen -- Nabari no Ou Nabari no Ou -- Silent, apathetic, yet mischievous, 14-year-old Rokujou Miharu is the bearer of the hijutsu, "Shinrabanshou," a powerful technique many ninja clans desire to possess to become the ruler of Nabari. Fellow classmate Kouichi and his English teacher Kumohira are both secretly Banten clan ninjas, pledging themselves to protect Miharu from his many attackers. Keeping apathetic, Miharu attempts to reject their invitation to join their ninja "club." However, after numerous attacks, he finds no choice but to join their group as a means for his survival. Slowly, Miharu takes a step closer to becoming the ruler of Nabari. -- -- TV - Apr 7, 2008 -- 149,670 7.29
Nanatsu no Taizai -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Ecchi Fantasy Magic Shounen Supernatural -- Nanatsu no Taizai Nanatsu no Taizai -- In a world similar to the European Middle Ages, the feared yet revered Holy Knights of Britannia use immensely powerful magic to protect the region of Britannia and its kingdoms. However, a small subset of the Knights supposedly betrayed their homeland and turned their blades against their comrades in an attempt to overthrow the ruler of Liones. They were defeated by the Holy Knights, but rumors continued to persist that these legendary knights, called the "Seven Deadly Sins," were still alive. Ten years later, the Holy Knights themselves staged a coup d’état, and thus became the new, tyrannical rulers of the Kingdom of Liones. -- -- Based on the best-selling manga series of the same name, Nanatsu no Taizai follows the adventures of Elizabeth, the third princess of the Kingdom of Liones, and her search for the Seven Deadly Sins. With their help, she endeavors to not only take back her kingdom from the Holy Knights, but to also seek justice in an unjust world. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,505,474 7.84
Nazotokine -- -- Tengu Kobo -- 12 eps -- Original -- Game -- Nazotokine Nazotokine -- Tokine Amino is the young and overburdened secretary of the CEO at a talent agency. One day while cleaning, she is suddenly transported to a strange alternate dimension ruled by a floating piglike creature. The creature, Hacchin, explains that this dimension is called "Quizun," and transforms her outfit before stating that she cannot leave unless she solves a puzzle within five minutes. While Tokine manages to keep a mostly calm composure and solve the puzzle, Hacchin recognizes her talent and decides that the two will meet again. Now Tokine runs the risk of suddenly being transported to Quizun at any time, along with anyone who may be within her vicinity. -- -- 11,934 4.85
Noblesse: Awakening -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Web manga -- Action Supernatural Vampire School -- Noblesse: Awakening Noblesse: Awakening -- Long ago lived the "nobles," an ancient race of immortal supernatural beings. They were revered as rulers and gods. Among the nobles was the "Noblesse," a powerful individual shrouded in mystery named Cadis Etrama di Raizel, or "Rai." Upon awakening in South Korea after an 820-year-long sleep, Rai sets to find his loyal and devoted servant, Frankenstein, whom he discovers to be the current director of Ye Ran High School. In his wish to learn more about modern civilization, Rai enrolls as a student to better experience life in the modern world. -- -- Noblesse: Awakening details the beginning of Rai's new life as a high school student as he spends time with friends and fights threats both human and supernatural in order to prevent their schemes from harming Korea. -- -- ONA - Feb 4, 2016 -- 94,149 7.44
No Game No Life -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Game Adventure Comedy Supernatural Ecchi Fantasy -- No Game No Life No Game No Life -- No Game No Life is a surreal comedy that follows Sora and Shiro, shut-in NEET siblings and the online gamer duo behind the legendary username "Blank." They view the real world as just another lousy game; however, a strange e-mail challenging them to a chess match changes everything—the brother and sister are plunged into an otherworldly realm where they meet Tet, the God of Games. -- -- The mysterious god welcomes Sora and Shiro to Disboard, a world where all forms of conflict—from petty squabbles to the fate of whole countries—are settled not through war, but by way of high-stake games. This system works thanks to a fundamental rule wherein each party must wager something they deem to be of equal value to the other party's wager. In this strange land where the very idea of humanity is reduced to child's play, the indifferent genius gamer duo of Sora and Shiro have finally found a real reason to keep playing games: to unite the sixteen races of Disboard, defeat Tet, and become the gods of this new, gaming-is-everything world. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 1,835,953 8.17
Overlord II -- -- Madhouse -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Overlord II Overlord II -- Ainz Ooal Gown, the undead sorcerer formerly known as Momonga, has accepted his place in this new world. Though it bears similarities to his beloved virtual reality game Yggdrasil, it still holds many mysteries which he intends to uncover, by utilizing his power as ruler of the Great Tomb of Nazarick. However, ever since the disastrous brainwashing of one of his subordinates, Ainz has become wary of the impending dangers of the Slane Theocracy, as well as the possible existence of other former Yggdrasil players. Meanwhile, Albedo, Demiurge and the rest of Ainz's loyal guardians set out to prepare for the next step in their campaign: Nazarick's first war… -- -- Overlord II picks up immediately after its prequel, continuing the story of Ainz Ooal Gown, his eclectic army of human-hating guardians, and the many hapless humans affected by the Overlord's arrival. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 686,084 7.77
Petshop of Horrors -- -- Madhouse -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Horror Josei Mystery Supernatural -- Petshop of Horrors Petshop of Horrors -- Count D, a quite interesting pet shop owner from an area called Chinatown, sells rare and hard to come by pets to people longing for something special, but with each sale comes a contract. If the rules of the contract are followed, everything goes fine, but if someone should break the rules of the contract, the pet shop cannot be held responsible for anything unfortunate that might happen. Leon Orcot, a homicide detective, has linked many odd and unexplainable deaths together; they all were customers of Count D's pet shop, and he intends to find out why. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks, Urban Vision -- TV - Mar 2, 1999 -- 52,941 7.26
Petshop of Horrors -- -- Madhouse -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Horror Josei Mystery Supernatural -- Petshop of Horrors Petshop of Horrors -- Count D, a quite interesting pet shop owner from an area called Chinatown, sells rare and hard to come by pets to people longing for something special, but with each sale comes a contract. If the rules of the contract are followed, everything goes fine, but if someone should break the rules of the contract, the pet shop cannot be held responsible for anything unfortunate that might happen. Leon Orcot, a homicide detective, has linked many odd and unexplainable deaths together; they all were customers of Count D's pet shop, and he intends to find out why. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Mar 2, 1999 -- 52,941 7.26
Pokemon Movie 14 Black: Victini to Shiroki Eiyuu Reshiram -- -- OLM -- 1 ep -- Game -- Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Kids -- Pokemon Movie 14 Black: Victini to Shiroki Eiyuu Reshiram Pokemon Movie 14 Black: Victini to Shiroki Eiyuu Reshiram -- In ages past, the Kingdom of the Vale, a mighty and flourishing realm, fell into turmoil. The ruler's two sons turned against each other, unleashing the powers of their Legendary familiars—Reshiram and Zekrom—and disturbing the Dragon Force that supplied the kingdom with energy. With the help of the Mythical Pokémon Victini, balance was restored and the Dragon Force was bound by the Sword of the Vale. Should the Sword be moved, devastation will loom again. -- -- Damon, a descendant of the now scattered People of the Vale, is attempting to restore his people's kingdom to its former glory. He manages to summon Legendary Pokémon Zekrom, with the aim of lifting the Sword of the Vale and harnessing the power of the Dragon Force himself. -- -- Meanwhile, Satoshi and his companions visit Eindoak Town, located at the foot of the Sword of the Vale. Confronted with Damon’s scheme, they lend a hand to Victini, guardian of the Vale, in stopping the plan from coming to fruition and preventing a repeat of the tragedy that occurred a millennium ago. -- -- -- Licensor: -- The Pokemon Company International -- Movie - Jul 16, 2011 -- 34,932 6.61
Pokemon Movie 14 White: Victini to Kuroki Eiyuu Zekrom -- -- OLM, Production I.G, Xebec -- 1 ep -- Game -- Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Kids -- Pokemon Movie 14 White: Victini to Kuroki Eiyuu Zekrom Pokemon Movie 14 White: Victini to Kuroki Eiyuu Zekrom -- In ages past, the Kingdom of the Vale, a mighty and flourishing realm, fell into turmoil. The ruler's two sons turned against each other, unleashing the powers of their Legendary familiars—Reshiram and Zekrom—and disturbing the Dragon Force that supplied the kingdom with energy. With the help of the Mythical Pokémon Victini, balance was restored and the Dragon Force was bound by the Sword of the Vale. Should the Sword be moved, devastation will loom again. -- -- Damon, a descendant of the now scattered People of the Vale, is attempting to restore his people's kingdom to its former glory. He manages to summon Legendary Pokémon Zekrom, with the aim of lifting the Sword of the Vale and harnessing the power of the Dragon Force himself. -- -- Meanwhile, Satoshi and his companions visit Eindoak Town, located at the foot of the Sword of the Vale. Confronted with Damon's scheme, they lend a hand to Victini, guardian of the Vale, in stopping the plan from coming to fruition and preventing a repeat of the tragedy that occurred a millennium ago. -- -- -- Licensor: -- The Pokemon Company International -- Movie - Jul 16, 2011 -- 41,879 6.62
Pokemon Movie 23: Coco -- -- OLM -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Game Adventure Comedy Kids Fantasy -- Pokemon Movie 23: Coco Pokemon Movie 23: Coco -- The new film's story is set in Okoya Forest, a Pokémon paradise protected by strict rules that forbid outsiders from setting foot inside. The film centers on Coco, a boy who was raised by Pokémon and also considers himself as one, treating the Mythical Pokémon Zarude as his father. Ash and Pikachu encounter Coco during an adventure. The film focuses on the theme of a "human raised by Pokémon," instead of the previous films' focus of the "bond between a human trainer and their Pokémon." -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Dec 25, 2020 -- 9,014 6.53
Prison Lab -- -- - -- 20 eps -- Manga -- Horror Psychological -- Prison Lab Prison Lab -- A victim of endless bullying, Aito Eyama is plagued by his classmates' constant taunts and beatings. However, through a fortuitous turn of events, he receives a strange invitations for the "Captivity Game," where victory promises unbelievable wealth. To participate, he must accept the role of captor and choose one victim to imprison for a month. For Eyama, the only choice is Aya Kirishima, the ringleader of his bullies and the source of all his suffering. The rules of the game are simple: the jailer may do whatever they please with their inmate barring murder; but in order to win the game, the captor's identity must remain hidden. Exemption from the law, an isolated cell, and the funds to purchase supplies—all the necessary tools are provided. -- -- As Eyama administers his sadistic revenge and "divine" retribution, he encounters other captors, each with their own hidden agendas. Meanwhile, Aya refuses to be a compliant prisoner and will go to any length to escape captivity. However, her endeavors threaten to awaken a darkness buried inside Eyama that craves to be unleashed. -- -- ONA - Dec 28, 2018 -- 3,106 5.52
Ranma ½: Kessen Tougenkyou! Hanayome wo Torimodose! -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Shounen -- Ranma ½: Kessen Tougenkyou! Hanayome wo Torimodose! Ranma ½: Kessen Tougenkyou! Hanayome wo Torimodose! -- Ranma and the gang are invited to a boating trip with Kuno. Unfortunately, a storm destroys the yacht and everyone is stranded on a remote island. The whole situation goes even more awry when one by one, the girls disappear without a trace. Ranma then finds out that the girls are abducted by Toma, ruler of the island, as part of his personal harem. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Aug 1, 1992 -- 17,831 7.42
Re:cycle of the Penguindrum -- -- Brain's Base, Lapin Track -- 1 ep -- Original -- Mystery Comedy Dementia Psychological Drama -- Re:cycle of the Penguindrum Re:cycle of the Penguindrum -- Compilation of Mawaru Penguindrum, including new scenes. -- Movie - ??? ??, ???? -- 4,530 N/A -- -- Warau Salesman -- -- Shin-Ei Animation -- 103 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Psychological Supernatural Drama Seinen -- Warau Salesman Warau Salesman -- Each episode follows Fukuzou Moguro, a traveling salesman, and his current customer. Moguro deals in things that give his customers their heart's desire, and once his deals are made and their unhealthy desires are satisfied, Moguro's customers are often left with terrible repercussions, especially if they break the rules of his deals... -- TV - Oct 17, 1989 -- 4,528 6.65
Redline -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Cars Sports -- Redline Redline -- Every five years, an exhilarating race called Redline is held, and the universe's most anticipated competition has only one rule: that there are none. Racers are pushed to their absolute limit—a feeling that daredevil driver JP knows all too well. Having just qualified to participate in Redline, he is eager to battle against the other highly skilled drivers, particularly the beautiful rising star and the only other human that qualified, Sonoshee McLaren. -- -- But this year's Redline may be far more dangerous than usual—it has been announced to take place on the planet Roboworld with its trigger-happy military and criminals who look to turn the race to their own advantage. However, the potential danger doesn't stop the racers; in fact, it only adds to the thrill. Relying solely on his vehicle's speed, JP prepares for the event to come, aiming to take first place in the biggest race of his life. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Anchor Bay Films -- Movie - Aug 14, 2009 -- 273,654 8.29
Rosario to Vampire -- -- Gonzo -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Harem Comedy Romance Ecchi Vampire Fantasy School Shounen -- Rosario to Vampire Rosario to Vampire -- Youkai Academy is a seemingly normal boarding school, except that its pupils are monsters learning to coexist with humans. All students attend in human form and take normal academic subjects, such as literature, gym, foreign language, and mathematics. However, there is one golden rule at Youkai Academy—all humans found on school grounds are to be executed immediately! -- -- Tsukune Aono is an average teenager who is unable to get into any high school because of his bad grades. His parents inadvertently enroll him into Youkai Academy as a last-ditch effort to secure his education. As Tsukune unknowingly enters this new world, he has a run-in with the most attractive girl on campus, Moka Akashiya. Deciding to stay in the perilous realm in order to further his relationship with Moka, he does not realize that beneath her beauty lies a menacing monster—a vampire. -- -- Rosario to Vampire is a supernatural school comedy that explores Tsukune's romantic exploits, experiences, and misadventures with a bevy of beautiful but dangerous creatures. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 561,832 6.82
Saint Luminous Jogakuin -- -- Triangle Staff -- 13 eps -- Original -- Mystery Psychological Supernatural -- Saint Luminous Jogakuin Saint Luminous Jogakuin -- Kaihei is a rather normal high school student but soon discovers that his deceased grandfather has left him the chairman position of his all-girls high school, St. Luminous Mission High School. Besides being the only male student on campus, he is also now the young chairman in charge of campus rules, happenings and punishments. When Kaihei arrives however, it seems a student has gone missing. Kaihei, along with his closest friends, are now determined to solve this mystery (without getting the local police involved) before graduation. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 2,539 6.05
Saint Seiya: Kamigami no Atsuki Tatakai -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- - -- Adventure Sci-Fi Shounen -- Saint Seiya: Kamigami no Atsuki Tatakai Saint Seiya: Kamigami no Atsuki Tatakai -- In northern Europe, the reincarnation of Odin, Dolbar, rules supreme. One day, Hyoga rescues a man in Siberia so warns him about trouble in the Asgard. Athena goes out to investigate and sends Hyoga in advance but when she and the others arrive at the Asgard, Hyoga is nowhere to be found. When Dolbar captures Athena to take control of the sanctuary, the bronze saints try to help her but are attacked by the God Warriors. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- Movie - Mar 12, 1988 -- 14,442 6.90
Saint Seiya: Kamigami no Atsuki Tatakai -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- - -- Adventure Sci-Fi Shounen -- Saint Seiya: Kamigami no Atsuki Tatakai Saint Seiya: Kamigami no Atsuki Tatakai -- In northern Europe, the reincarnation of Odin, Dolbar, rules supreme. One day, Hyoga rescues a man in Siberia so warns him about trouble in the Asgard. Athena goes out to investigate and sends Hyoga in advance but when she and the others arrive at the Asgard, Hyoga is nowhere to be found. When Dolbar captures Athena to take control of the sanctuary, the bronze saints try to help her but are attacked by the God Warriors. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Mar 12, 1988 -- 14,442 6.90
Saiunkoku Monogatari -- -- Madhouse -- 39 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Historical Romance -- Saiunkoku Monogatari Saiunkoku Monogatari -- Shuurei Kou, the daughter of a noble yet impoverished family, is a clever young lady who dreams of becoming a government official and contributing toward her country. However, her dream is out of her reach as such a position is forbidden to women. While her father works a low wage job as an archivist at the palace, Shuurei has to juggle odd jobs to make ends meet. Then, one day, an unexpected visit changes her life. -- -- Shuurei is called to assist Ryuuki Shi, the new emperor who is known for slacking on his duties and preferring the company of men. Tempted by the generous compensation, she readily accepts the chance to become the young emperor's consort for six months. Luckily, she is not alone as Seiran Shi, her trusty friend, joins her as Ryuuki's bodyguard. While tasked with transforming the new emperor into a responsible ruler, court life and politics prove troublesome as Shuurei faces the challenges of her new life. -- -- Set in a fictional country, Saiunkoku Monogatari centers on the idea of meaningful leadership, its adversities and the rewards that come alongside a prospering nation. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- TV - Apr 8, 2006 -- 81,169 7.93
Saiunkoku Monogatari -- -- Madhouse -- 39 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Historical Romance -- Saiunkoku Monogatari Saiunkoku Monogatari -- Shuurei Kou, the daughter of a noble yet impoverished family, is a clever young lady who dreams of becoming a government official and contributing toward her country. However, her dream is out of her reach as such a position is forbidden to women. While her father works a low wage job as an archivist at the palace, Shuurei has to juggle odd jobs to make ends meet. Then, one day, an unexpected visit changes her life. -- -- Shuurei is called to assist Ryuuki Shi, the new emperor who is known for slacking on his duties and preferring the company of men. Tempted by the generous compensation, she readily accepts the chance to become the young emperor's consort for six months. Luckily, she is not alone as Seiran Shi, her trusty friend, joins her as Ryuuki's bodyguard. While tasked with transforming the new emperor into a responsible ruler, court life and politics prove troublesome as Shuurei faces the challenges of her new life. -- -- Set in a fictional country, Saiunkoku Monogatari centers on the idea of meaningful leadership, its adversities and the rewards that come alongside a prospering nation. -- -- TV - Apr 8, 2006 -- 81,169 7.93
Saredo Tsumibito wa Ryuu to Odoru -- -- Seven Arcs Pictures -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Drama Fantasy Sci-Fi -- Saredo Tsumibito wa Ryuu to Odoru Saredo Tsumibito wa Ryuu to Odoru -- It is a world replete with dragons and Jushiki sorcerers. Jushiki is a devastatingly powerful formula that can alter the laws of physics, capable of creating enormous TNT explosives or poisonous gas through plasma and nuclear fusion. A down-on-his-luck sorcerer named Gayus joins forces with the beautiful but cruel Jushiki practitioner, Gigina, as bounty hunters pursuing dragons. Then one day, they are presented with an odd request: to serve as security guards for a grand festival put on by Mouldeen, the ruler of their kingdom. It is then that a mysterious serial killing of Jushiki sorcerers begins. -- -- (Source: TBS Global Business) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 47,289 5.81
Seikai no Senki III -- -- Sunrise -- 2 eps -- Light novel -- Action Military Romance Sci-Fi Space -- Seikai no Senki III Seikai no Senki III -- Jinto and Lafiel were riding on a light-armed transport ship "Bokbrusue" and navigating at the planar space of the Hyde System. This was for Jinto to govern the Hyde System, which returned to Empirial rule after the Union retreated, officially as an Earl. However, the government of Martin, Jinto`s motherland, resisted obstinately against the Empirial rule. On the other side, "Daiichi Jyuurin Sentai" (the First Devastation Fleet), formed with the new ship type "Attack Vessel", travelled to the Hyde System for drilling practices, but... -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- OVA - Aug 6, 2005 -- 15,746 7.70
Seisen Cerberus: Ryuukoku no Fatalités -- -- Bridge -- 13 eps -- Game -- Adventure Fantasy -- Seisen Cerberus: Ryuukoku no Fatalités Seisen Cerberus: Ryuukoku no Fatalités -- Maintaining a delicate balance of power, the kingdoms of Amoria, Ishilfen, and Vanrodis rule over the continent of Kuna'anh. Even the slightest hint of trouble in one country could spark a continent-wide war. However, their one common fear is the evil dragon Daganzord, whose only meaning of existence is to devour and destroy all life. -- -- Ten years ago, a group of mages worked together in an effort to seal away the malevolent beast. But the ritual—later known as the "Balbagoa Tragedy"—was a failure, and many lost their lives. Though his parents died in this tragedy, Hiiro was saved by the swordsman Giruu. Under the latter's tutelage, Hiiro learned swordsmanship with the sole purpose of seeking revenge. Now a budding master himself, he sets out in search of Daganzord in order to realize his long-awaited vengeance, or to be consumed by the dragon and meet the same fate as his parents. -- -- 86,471 5.63
Sekai Saikou no Ansatsusha, Isekai Kizoku ni Tensei suru -- -- SILVER LINK., Studio Palette -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Action Fantasy -- Sekai Saikou no Ansatsusha, Isekai Kizoku ni Tensei suru Sekai Saikou no Ansatsusha, Isekai Kizoku ni Tensei suru -- "I'm going to live for myself!" -- -- The greatest assassin on Earth knew only how to live as a tool for his employers—until they stopped letting him live. Reborn by the grace of a goddess into a world of swords and sorcery, he's offered a chance to do things differently this time around, but there's a catch...He has to eliminate a super-powerful hero who will bring about the end of the world unless he is stopped. -- -- Now known as Lugh Tuatha Dé, the master assassin certainly has his hands full, particularly because of all the beautiful girls who constantly surround him. Lugh may have been an incomparable killer, but how will he fare against foes with powerful magic? -- -- (Source: Yen Press) -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 10,570 N/A -- -- Karen Senki -- -- Next Media Animation -- 11 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi -- Karen Senki Karen Senki -- In the post-apocalyptic aftermath of a war between machines and their creators, machines rule while humans exist in a state of servitude. Titular character Karen leads Resistance Group 11, an eclectic group of humans who find themselves fighting for their lives as they are hunted by the robots in each episode. Is this the end of humanity? Are they fighting a losing battle? -- -- Through Karen, we delve into a struggle between right and wrong, between indifference and love that explores some of the deepest questions about humanity. What is the difference between a thinking machine and a human being? What is a soul? -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- ONA - Sep 27, 2014 -- 10,550 5.78
Sekirei: Pure Engagement -- -- Seven Arcs -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Ecchi Harem Super Power -- Sekirei: Pure Engagement Sekirei: Pure Engagement -- The second stage of the battle royale known as the Sekirei Plan is underway. Shintou Teito has been closed off; no Sekirei or Ashikabi may leave. Minato Sahashi and his harem of Sekirei must now prepare to fight new battles as changes to the rules are put into place. However, not all groups will return to the battle: some Sekirei are loved very much by their Ashikabi partners, who would rather forfeit the prize than see them perish. -- -- In the midst of the action, someone close to Minato may be more involved than he had ever imagined, and threats lurk around every corner. There are even rumors that the "Single Numbers," the most powerful type of Sekirei, have entered the fray. In the eyes of the "Game Master" Minaka Hiroto, everything is proceeding according to plan. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Jul 4, 2010 -- 201,694 7.34
Sengoku Basara -- -- Production I.G -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Historical Martial Arts Samurai Super Power -- Sengoku Basara Sengoku Basara -- During Japan's Sengoku period, several powerful warlords fought in politics and in arms with hopes of unifying the country under a central government. Nobunaga Oda had asserted himself as being the most powerful of these rulers by possessing the strength and military resource necessary to conquer all of Japan. -- -- Shingen Takeda and his trusted warrior Yukimura Sanada led one of the main clans standing in Nobunaga’s way. One night, Sanada had been ordered to lead a sneak attack against General Kenshin Uesugi, which was then thwarted by Masamune Date and his army. Sanada and Date fought to a draw, which forged a heated rivalry out of their newfound admiration for one another. -- -- Nobunaga continues to exert his forces in Sengoku Basara by doubling down on his influence across the country. Sanada and Date find themselves having to put their differences aside in order to quell the rise of Nobunaga and save feudal Japan from his tyrannical reign. Magical, militant, and political powers fly forth as these warriors and leaders clash amongst themselves and the armies of Nobunaga. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 141,630 7.38
Sengoku Night Blood -- -- Typhoon Graphics -- 12 eps -- Game -- Historical Romance Fantasy -- Sengoku Night Blood Sengoku Night Blood -- Set in the flourishing world of Jinga that was formerly a prosperous and peaceful realm, the female protagonist is deemed to be the key to bring back order and to rule this world. -- -- Chaos started when people, specifically soldiers, who have special powers like turning into a vampire and a man-wolf, called the Getsugazoku, fight for their land. These soldiers of different species would put their life on the line and fight as they follow their own thoughts and ideals. Until one day, she was called by a mysterious lady named "Himemiko" due to the protagonist's blood bearing a mysterious power to give strength, healing, and to awake Jingazoku's real form. This is a story of love and war that she must not miss in order to rule the world. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- 35,634 6.11
Senjuushi -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Military -- Senjuushi Senjuushi -- Despair War is a battle between ancient guns and contemporary guns. Due to a nuclear war, the world was destroyed. Under the full governance of a world empire, people are living with their freedom taken. Despite the forbidden rule of owning any weapons, there is a resistance that secretly fights against the world empire. They own ancient guns left as art and fight using these. Then, the Kijuushi appear as the souls of the ancient guns. Proud and magnificent, the "Absolute Royal" are the only ones that can give hope to this world. The story depicts the everyday life of the Kijuushi. Laughter, despair, happiness, confusion, pain; they would still pursue their own absolute loyalty to fight. What do they fight for? What should they protect? -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 11,661 4.92
Sentou Mecha Xabungle -- -- Sunrise -- 50 eps -- Original -- Military Sci-Fi Mecha Shounen -- Sentou Mecha Xabungle Sentou Mecha Xabungle -- On the planet Zora exist two societies: the Innocent, an advanced culture that lives in domed cities, and the Civilians, who are forced to live in the harsh desert wilderness. As dictated by the Innocent, any Civilian that commits a crime is forgiven if they are not brought to justice within three days. -- -- Civilian Jiron Amos seeks revenge on the villainous outlaw Timp Sharon who murdered his parents, despite the fact the three-day period has long since passed. Hoping to get his revenge by stealing the mecha Xabungle from the merchant Carrying Cargo, Jiron teams up with a group of bandits known as the Sandrats and kidnaps Cargo's daughter Elchi, who ends up being sympathetic to his cause. Jiron's quest for revenge soon grows into a conflict much bigger—one that will eventually see the Civilians rise up against the Innocents' rule. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Maiden Japan -- TV - Feb 6, 1982 -- 3,947 7.20
Shihaisha no Tasogare -- -- Madhouse, Production Reed -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Horror Demons Supernatural Drama Shoujo -- Shihaisha no Tasogare Shihaisha no Tasogare -- Since the beginning of time, monstrous Demons and noble Guardians have battled for Earth - the everlasting gift of the one great Mother, creator of all life. A deep hatred burns between Demon and Guardian; the Guardians prevented the Demons from destroying humanity and the world itself. -- -- Eons later, Neo-Shinjuku City: few Demons or Guardians remain to continue their epic war. Humans rule the Earth, with no real memory of either Demons or Guardians. Yet deep within the dark underworld of the city, one supreme Demon is alive and plotting to subjugate mankind. Only one Guardian is left to do battle, and the fate of the human race is at stake. -- -- Based on the Graphic Novel -- "Twilight of the Dark Master (Shihaisha no Tasogare)" (Shinshokan) by Saki Okuse -- -- (Source: DVD Back Cover) -- -- Licensor: -- Urban Vision -- OVA - Jan 21, 1998 -- 7,475 5.82
Shihaisha no Tasogare -- -- Madhouse, Production Reed -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Horror Demons Supernatural Drama Shoujo -- Shihaisha no Tasogare Shihaisha no Tasogare -- Since the beginning of time, monstrous Demons and noble Guardians have battled for Earth - the everlasting gift of the one great Mother, creator of all life. A deep hatred burns between Demon and Guardian; the Guardians prevented the Demons from destroying humanity and the world itself. -- -- Eons later, Neo-Shinjuku City: few Demons or Guardians remain to continue their epic war. Humans rule the Earth, with no real memory of either Demons or Guardians. Yet deep within the dark underworld of the city, one supreme Demon is alive and plotting to subjugate mankind. Only one Guardian is left to do battle, and the fate of the human race is at stake. -- -- Based on the Graphic Novel -- "Twilight of the Dark Master (Shihaisha no Tasogare)" (Shinshokan) by Saki Okuse -- -- (Source: DVD Back Cover) -- OVA - Jan 21, 1998 -- 7,475 5.82
Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Ecchi School -- Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai -- With the introduction of strict new morality laws, Japan has become a nation cleansed of all that is obscene and impure. By monitoring citizens using special devices worn around their necks, authorities have taken extreme measures to ensure that society remains chaste. -- -- In this world of sexual suppression, Tanukichi Okuma—son of an infamous terrorist who opposed the chastity laws—has just entered high school, offering his help to the student council in order to get close to president Anna Nishikinomiya, his childhood friend and crush. Little does he know that the vice president Ayame Kajou has a secret identity: Blue Snow, a masked criminal dedicated to spreading lewd material amongst the sheltered public—and Tanukichi has caught the girl's interest due to his father's notoriety. -- -- Soon, Tanukichi is dragged into joining her organization called SOX, where he is forced to spread obscene propaganda, helping to launch an assault against the government's oppressive rule. With their school set as the first point of attack, Tanukichi will have to do the unthinkable when he realizes that their primary target is the person he admires most. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 590,301 7.31
Shin Choujin Densetsu Urotsukidouji Mataiden -- -- - -- 2 eps -- - -- Fantasy Hentai Demons Horror Sci-Fi -- Shin Choujin Densetsu Urotsukidouji Mataiden Shin Choujin Densetsu Urotsukidouji Mataiden -- Nazi Germany, 1944: As American bombers soar towards Berlin, a revolting Satanic rite takes place below—Hitler and his minions are using the monstrous Nazi Death Rape Machine to render the dimensional boundaries separating the Human World from the World of Man-Beasts and the World of Monster Demons. Dr. Munhihausen Sr.'s life work is about to come to fruition—the conjuring of the Overfiend! -- -- Cut to modern day Tokyo—Munhihausen Jr. searches for a monster with strength enough to conquer the omnipotent Overfiend. Since legend says that he who kills the Overfiend will rule all three worlds forever; Munhihausen is determined to slay the Overfiend and assume complete control over all three dimensions. His efforts seem fruitless—until Nagumo's cousin Takeaki, infused with Nagumo's blood after an accident, begins to develop monstrous powers. -- -- As man-beast Amano Jyaku and his sister Megumi, together with faithful accomplice Kuroko attempt to thwart Munhihausen's evil plan, nothing seems likely to prevent Munhihausen, descendant of a race of brutal tyrants, from enslaving the world under his despicable rule! -- OVA - Dec 1, 1990 -- 1,755 5.71
Shin Kujakuou -- -- Madhouse -- 2 eps -- - -- Action Demons Horror -- Shin Kujakuou Shin Kujakuou -- A young mystic without a past, Kujaku was born under a dark omen possessed of incredible supernatural powers. Raised by priests, he has learned to use these powers for good. But the evil Siegfried von Mittgard seeks to steal his birthright, and rule the world as the Regent of Darkness. He has dispatched bloodthirsty minions to destroy Kujaku before he can awaken to his destiny. Now, Kujaku must unravel the riddle of his past, before the power within consumes him! -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- OVA - May 20, 1994 -- 1,653 5.96
Shin Megami Tensei Devil Children: Light & Dark -- -- Actas -- 52 eps -- - -- Action Kids Adventure Fantasy Magic Game Supernatural Demons Sci-Fi -- Shin Megami Tensei Devil Children: Light & Dark Shin Megami Tensei Devil Children: Light & Dark -- A series based off of the Shin Megami Tensei Devil Children: Light & Dark games (known as DemiKids in the U.S.). -- -- The year is 200X. Jin, Akira and Lena are three child hood friends who like mysterious things. One day in the library, along with the mysterious transfer student Ami, they find the "Akuma Compendium". They chanted an incantation in the book and, to their surprise, devils appeared. Ami then told Jin and Akira that they are the Devil Children that will decide the fate of the world. She hands them their Devil Risers. The group then pass through the "Door of Time" to the land of Valhalla where they fight an evil ruler known as Imperius who plans on conquering all of the world. The Nakama of Jin is Rand, a Sol Lion, and Akira's is Gale, a Hylon. -- -- (Source: -- TV - Oct 5, 2002 -- 1,484 6.37
Shironeko Project: Zero Chronicle -- -- Project No.9 -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Magic Fantasy -- Shironeko Project: Zero Chronicle Shironeko Project: Zero Chronicle -- The world is divided into two kingdoms: the Kingdom of White, which floats in the heavens and is ruled by their queen Iris, and the Kingdom of Black, which stands upon desolate land below and houses the King of Darkness as its ruler. As of late, forces of evil have amassed great power, posing a threat to the entire world. Being the main representative of the Light, it is Iris' duty to maintain the balance of the world and fight off the darkness in her kingdom. -- -- Meanwhile in the Kingdom of Black, rampaging monsters annihilate a certain boy's village, leaving him the sole survivor. As he grieves in hopelessness, an armored man named Skeer notices the child and comforts him. Soon after, Skeer recognizes the boy's potential to change the kingdom's status quo and makes him his heir before passing away. The boy then vows to become the Prince of Darkness—the one who will replace the King—to bring the world back to its rightful path. -- -- As Iris and Prince of Darkness each challenge the impending doom the world faces in their own respective ways, their destinies will converge with each other, and perhaps, their bond will decide the fate of the world. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 63,136 5.29
Shokugeki no Souma: San no Sara -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Ecchi School Shounen -- Shokugeki no Souma: San no Sara Shokugeki no Souma: San no Sara -- The Moon Festival is Tootsuki Academy's annual gourmet gala, where students compete against each other to earn the most profit through selling their cuisine of choice. But for Souma Yukihira, it is also his first opportunity to challenge the Elite Ten, the supreme council that rules over the academy. -- -- However, this is only the beginning of Souma's war against the Elite Ten; a nefarious plot is underway that will provide Souma with the challenge he desires but will also shake the very foundations of Tootsuki Academy itself. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 700,825 8.11
Skull Man -- -- Bones -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Mystery Super Power -- Skull Man Skull Man -- Otomo City: where freedom and justice have atrophied to the bone; where conspiracy rules the day and death stalks the night... Death in the form of the Skull Man, a literal Grim Reaper whose skeletal grin presages grisly mayhem and murder, even to the monstrous mutants that haunt the city's underworlds! -- -- To investigate a bizarre slaying, journalist Minagami Hayato and photographer Kiriko Mamiya must stalk this ultimate predator, through a festering cadaver of a city where the corruption flows in rivers as deep and foul as the sins of the reigning elite, and unearth a secret so shocking that an entire city has been turned into a tomb to contain! In a nightmarish necropolis where nothing is as it seems, vengeance comes in the form of a living Death's-Head! -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 29, 2007 -- 26,006 6.65
Slayers Gorgeous -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Adventure Comedy Fantasy Magic Supernatural -- Slayers Gorgeous Slayers Gorgeous -- Sorceresses Lina Inverse and Naga the Serpent are enjoying a meal in a villiage when the residents suddenly retreat indoors and two armies - one of men and one of a young girl and a tribe of dragons. Although the ruler of the town originally tries to convince Lina that this is because of a dark legacy, in truth the dragon army is led by his daughter and their battles are over her allowance. Lina agrees to help the ruler while Naga joins his daughter, Marlene. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Aug 1, 1998 -- 16,918 7.33
Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Romance Fantasy Shoujo -- Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii -- In the Sun Kingdom, sunshine is part of its citizens' everyday lives, and rain is something that they have never even heard of. However, in a faraway land called the Rain Dukedom, the weather is reversed, and everybody has the power to create rain with their voices. -- -- Livius Ifrikia has conquered the entire world and expanded the Sun Kingdom's influence in the three short years since he was crowned king. Upon learning about the powers to create rain, Livius decides to marry Nike Remercier, one of the princesses of the Rain Dukedom. However, those outside the Sun Kingdom have spread a rumor that Livius is a cruel, ruthless, and tyrannical ruler, and as word reaches the princess, she begins to prepare herself for the worst. But when she finally meets her fiancé, Nike discovers that he is an entirely different person from what she originally expected. -- -- TV - Apr 6, 2014 -- 239,664 7.66
Taimadou Gakuen 35 Shiken Shoutai -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Ecchi Fantasy Harem Military Romance Supernatural -- Taimadou Gakuen 35 Shiken Shoutai Taimadou Gakuen 35 Shiken Shoutai -- In a world plagued by magical dangers and threats, there exist special warriors—known as Inquisitors—who are tasked with non-violently preventing these threats and nefarious actions. The Anti-Magic Academy is a specialized school built to educate and train these Inquisitors, which splits its students into small squads in order to train them to work together. Among these talented squads is the 35th Test Platoon, also known as the "Small Fry Platoon" due to its low ranking and incompetent members. -- -- However, everything changes when Ouka Ootori, a powerful yet rebellious former Inquisitor, is forced into joining due to her tendency to break rules and committing a serious violation: the killing of a witch. Tempers flare upon her arrival, as she clashes with their clumsy captain Takeru Kusanagi and argues with the rest of the squad over her views on witches. This eclectic group has a long way to go if they wish to succeed and climb the ranks at the Anti-Magic Academy: they must first set aside their differences and come to work together as a team. -- -- 248,539 6.88
Taimadou Gakuen 35 Shiken Shoutai -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Ecchi Fantasy Harem Military Romance Supernatural -- Taimadou Gakuen 35 Shiken Shoutai Taimadou Gakuen 35 Shiken Shoutai -- In a world plagued by magical dangers and threats, there exist special warriors—known as Inquisitors—who are tasked with non-violently preventing these threats and nefarious actions. The Anti-Magic Academy is a specialized school built to educate and train these Inquisitors, which splits its students into small squads in order to train them to work together. Among these talented squads is the 35th Test Platoon, also known as the "Small Fry Platoon" due to its low ranking and incompetent members. -- -- However, everything changes when Ouka Ootori, a powerful yet rebellious former Inquisitor, is forced into joining due to her tendency to break rules and committing a serious violation: the killing of a witch. Tempers flare upon her arrival, as she clashes with their clumsy captain Takeru Kusanagi and argues with the rest of the squad over her views on witches. This eclectic group has a long way to go if they wish to succeed and climb the ranks at the Anti-Magic Academy: they must first set aside their differences and come to work together as a team. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 248,539 6.88
Taiyou no Kiba Dagram -- -- Sunrise -- 75 eps -- - -- Mecha Military Drama Sci-Fi Shounen -- Taiyou no Kiba Dagram Taiyou no Kiba Dagram -- The story is centered around a small group of guerilla freedom fighters on a colonial planet named Deployer, who are known as the "Deployer 7", or "Sun Fang" team. In an unexpected coup, the elected Governor of Deployer becomes dictator and rules Deployer under martial law with the support of Earth's Federation. Fighting for independence from Earth's Federation influence, the freedom fighters begin a rebellion against the Federation's Combat Armors using a Combat Armor of their own: the Dougram. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- TV - Oct 23, 1981 -- 3,916 7.34
Taiyou no Ouji: Horus no Daibouken -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Other -- Adventure Drama Magic -- Taiyou no Ouji: Horus no Daibouken Taiyou no Ouji: Horus no Daibouken -- Horus is a boy that one day, hunted by silver wolves, found the sword of the sun. The day his father died he left his home to find the people from the town his father told him. Together with a small bear named Koro he starts the journey and runs into a great adventure fighting against Grunwald and his subordinates who want to rule the world. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- Movie - Jul 21, 1968 -- 6,791 6.52
Tales of Vesperia: The First Strike -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Adventure Fantasy Magic Military -- Tales of Vesperia: The First Strike Tales of Vesperia: The First Strike -- Ten years after the Great War against the demon-beasts, the empire rules over the world and prosperity relies on the massive use of aer. -- -- Yuri Lowell and Flynn Scifo are two young men who have just enrolled the ranks of the prestigious Imperial Knights. One day, they are sent to the town of Ceazontania, where abnormal aer activity has reportedly caused the proliferation of horribly mutated beasts, with serious threat for the whole region. -- -- Meanwhile, the Knights Supreme Commander Alexei Denoia and the naive Princess Estellise are involved in a behind-the-curtains struggle for power in the capital. The situation in Ceazontania deteriorates as the garrison of Imperial Knights finds that they cannot expect any immediate support from the capital. -- -- Then, Niren Fedrok, commander of the Imperial Knights in Ceazontania, takes an unexpected decision that is going to change Yuri and Flynn's destiny forever. -- -- What are the secrets behind the extraordinary events that are happening around Yuri and Flynn? Will they be able to defend the innocent people of Ceazontania and stay true to their beliefs? -- -- (Source: Funimation) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Oct 3, 2009 -- 44,388 7.61
Tekkon Kinkreet -- -- Studio 4°C -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Psychological Supernatural -- Tekkon Kinkreet Tekkon Kinkreet -- The streets of Treasure Town are said to belong to "The Cats." They know everything that goes on in the city, and no one can stir up trouble without going through them first. In reality, The Cats are a pair of orphan boys called Black and White, who aren’t afraid of anything or anyone. -- -- But their rule of the streets is challenged when the Yakuza come to town and start making changes. The wild Black and the carefree White have no one to rely on but themselves to get their Treasure Town back to the way it was. But their bond is tested as they quickly realize going back to how things were may no longer be an option. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sony Pictures Entertainment -- Movie - Dec 23, 2006 -- 88,223 7.98
Tekkon Kinkreet -- -- Studio 4°C -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Psychological Supernatural -- Tekkon Kinkreet Tekkon Kinkreet -- The streets of Treasure Town are said to belong to "The Cats." They know everything that goes on in the city, and no one can stir up trouble without going through them first. In reality, The Cats are a pair of orphan boys called Black and White, who aren’t afraid of anything or anyone. -- -- But their rule of the streets is challenged when the Yakuza come to town and start making changes. The wild Black and the carefree White have no one to rely on but themselves to get their Treasure Town back to the way it was. But their bond is tested as they quickly realize going back to how things were may no longer be an option. -- -- Movie - Dec 23, 2006 -- 88,223 7.98
Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki 3rd Season -- -- AIC -- 6 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Harem Sci-Fi Shounen Space -- Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki 3rd Season Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki 3rd Season -- Ever since his powers awakened, Tenchi Masaki has attracted the attention of many powerful galactic beings, including the mysterious Lady Takami who dispatches her best warrior, Z, to observe him. Though he is under strict orders not to harm Tenchi, Z has no intention of playing by the rules and begins plotting his demise. -- -- Meanwhile, on Earth, Tenchi tries to piece together more information about his family and the universe. But as usual, his life won't be getting any easier, as his entire household enters a state of panic when Noike Kamiki Jurai—a woman claiming to be Tenchi’s fiancée—shows up out of the blue. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- OVA - Sep 18, 2003 -- 17,940 7.31
Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki 3rd Season -- -- AIC -- 6 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Harem Sci-Fi Shounen Space -- Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki 3rd Season Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki 3rd Season -- Ever since his powers awakened, Tenchi Masaki has attracted the attention of many powerful galactic beings, including the mysterious Lady Takami who dispatches her best warrior, Z, to observe him. Though he is under strict orders not to harm Tenchi, Z has no intention of playing by the rules and begins plotting his demise. -- -- Meanwhile, on Earth, Tenchi tries to piece together more information about his family and the universe. But as usual, his life won't be getting any easier, as his entire household enters a state of panic when Noike Kamiki Jurai—a woman claiming to be Tenchi’s fiancée—shows up out of the blue. -- -- OVA - Sep 18, 2003 -- 17,940 7.31
The Big O -- -- Sunrise -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mystery Psychological Mecha -- The Big O The Big O -- Paradigm City, a city of amnesia and a place of belonging. It remains populated by forgotten pasts and the ruins of their labors due to a calamity 40 years ago. Shrouded in a fog-like mystery, it is up to people like Roger Smith to shine a light through the mist. Acting as a professional negotiator and suave agent, Roger is a self-tailored ladies man whose only love is for funeral black. However, as he gets deeply involved with his clients, what often starts as a simple negotiation evolves into Roger saving Paradigm from crime and peril. -- -- In the process, Roger stumbles even deeper into the untold folds of the city. As a rule, things are hardly ever as they appear. Serving as gray knight in a gray world, Roger is not without allies. By his side are Norman, a loyal and widely skilled butler, and Dorothy, a human-like android with deadpan snark. Together with the relic Big O, a jet-black mecha of gargantuan size and weight, they help Roger serve iron justice to Paradigm's lurking villains as he discovers the truth about 40 years ago. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Oct 13, 1999 -- 77,182 7.53
The Third: Aoi Hitomi no Shoujo -- -- Xebec -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Sci-Fi Seinen -- The Third: Aoi Hitomi no Shoujo The Third: Aoi Hitomi no Shoujo -- In the distant future, because of an interplanetary war that had continued on for centuries, civilizations were ruined. Human beings have lost everything, and only 1/5th of the population survived. A strange breed of humans, ''The Third'' is said to have appeared just after the war. They possess a third eye, as their name suggests, that appear as oval-shaped red pupils called "space eyes'' over their conventional two eyes. Using them, they can control computer systems and so on, and as such, rule the world by their superior power over technology. -- -- In this world, there is a young woman named Honoka; she is a "jack-of-all-trades" sellsword, and she accepts any job except murder. One day, she happens to find and rescue a young man named Ikus in the desert. Entering his world, and accepting a job from him, the adventure begins for Honoka and Ikus. -- -- (Source: BestAnime, modified) -- -- Licensor: -- Kadokawa Pictures USA, Nozomi Entertainment -- TV - Apr 14, 2006 -- 19,122 7.32
Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator -- -- A.C.G.T., J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Super Power Supernatural Fantasy School -- Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator -- Academy City stands at the forefront of scientific and technological progress, best known for their development of espers: those capable of wielding superhuman abilities that alter the rules of reality. The most powerful among them are the Level 5s, and the one known as Accelerator reigns supreme, even after being weakened by a severe brain injury. By his side is the young girl known as Last Order, whom despite his cold demeanor, he holds closely and vows to protect at all costs. -- -- Though Accelerator may be recovering from his injury, the dark side of Academy City never rests, and so he finds himself unwillingly caught up in the midst of a new conflict. When a mysterious young woman approaches Accelerator in pursuit of Last Order, the highest-ranked esper is confronted by a venomous organization that has taken root in Anti-Skill, Academy City's peacekeeping organization. With dangerous forces on the move that threaten to put Last Order and her sisters at risk, the self-proclaimed villain prepares to step into the darkness once again. -- -- 161,567 7.17
Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator -- -- A.C.G.T., J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Super Power Supernatural Fantasy School -- Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator -- Academy City stands at the forefront of scientific and technological progress, best known for their development of espers: those capable of wielding superhuman abilities that alter the rules of reality. The most powerful among them are the Level 5s, and the one known as Accelerator reigns supreme, even after being weakened by a severe brain injury. By his side is the young girl known as Last Order, whom despite his cold demeanor, he holds closely and vows to protect at all costs. -- -- Though Accelerator may be recovering from his injury, the dark side of Academy City never rests, and so he finds himself unwillingly caught up in the midst of a new conflict. When a mysterious young woman approaches Accelerator in pursuit of Last Order, the highest-ranked esper is confronted by a venomous organization that has taken root in Anti-Skill, Academy City's peacekeeping organization. With dangerous forces on the move that threaten to put Last Order and her sisters at risk, the self-proclaimed villain prepares to step into the darkness once again. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 161,567 7.17
Touhai Densetsu Akagi: Yami ni Maiorita Tensai -- -- Madhouse -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Game Psychological Thriller Seinen -- Touhai Densetsu Akagi: Yami ni Maiorita Tensai Touhai Densetsu Akagi: Yami ni Maiorita Tensai -- While mahjong is a game that is often played with family and friends, it is also a game that is played in the darkest corners of society. Nangou is a compulsive gambler who has accumulated debt over three million yen. In a last ditch attempt to clear his record, he decides to wager his life on a game of mahjong with the mafia. Unfortunately, as the game progresses, Nangou only moves further from the prize and closer to death. -- -- When all hope seems lost, the game parlor is suddenly intruded upon by Shigeru Akagi, a young boy on the run from the police. Desperate to turn the game around, Nangou hands the game over to Akagi after teaching him a few of the rules. The mafia can only smirk as Akagi sits down to play. However, they soon come to learn that Akagi is a natural-born gambler. An imposing figure who does not fear death. One who is destined to become a legend. -- -- TV - Oct 5, 2005 -- 83,565 7.94
Uchuu Kaizoku Sara -- -- - -- 4 eps -- Visual novel -- Hentai Sci-Fi Supernatural -- Uchuu Kaizoku Sara Uchuu Kaizoku Sara -- Sarah is a most terrible pirate knight who dances her way around the galaxy empire that has been ravaged by war. In the galaxy ruled by a number of power-hungry rival warlords, an evil sadistic web is woven around Sarah, who is slowly guided down to her destruction. When the silver knight Sylia comes across the evil aristocrats who have run the gamut of corruption in the galaxy and the slave traders of darkness, the demonic twins, a desperate predicament is visited upon Sarah!! -- -- (Source: dlsite) -- OVA - Apr 26, 2008 -- 9,857 6.87
Ueki no Housoku -- -- Studio Deen -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Super Power Supernatural Drama Shounen -- Ueki no Housoku Ueki no Housoku -- Unbeknownst to most humans, a bizarre tournament is held to decide the next ruler of the Heavenly World. In this tournament, 100 Heavenly Beings known as the "God Candidates" are required to search among the middle school students on Earth, and transfer their powers to a student of their choice. The chosen ones will then battle each other, representing their God Candidates. The victor of this tournament will be awarded the "Blank Talent"—allowing them to choose any one unique ability they so desire—while the God Candidate they represent will obtain the position of "God" and become the king of the Heavenly World. -- -- Participating in this grand tournament is Kousuke Ueki, a middle school student who is given the power to turn trash into trees by his homeroom teacher, Kobayashi. Despite the concerns of his classmate, Ai Mori, Ueki embarks on a journey to pursue his own sense of justice after witnessing the people around him misusing their powers for selfish purposes. But as he encounters talented power users such as Seiichirou Sano, Rinko Jerrard, Robert Haydn, and Hideyoshi Soya, he realizes that achieving his goal might be harder than it seems. -- -- 99,429 7.76
Ueki no Housoku -- -- Studio Deen -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Super Power Supernatural Drama Shounen -- Ueki no Housoku Ueki no Housoku -- Unbeknownst to most humans, a bizarre tournament is held to decide the next ruler of the Heavenly World. In this tournament, 100 Heavenly Beings known as the "God Candidates" are required to search among the middle school students on Earth, and transfer their powers to a student of their choice. The chosen ones will then battle each other, representing their God Candidates. The victor of this tournament will be awarded the "Blank Talent"—allowing them to choose any one unique ability they so desire—while the God Candidate they represent will obtain the position of "God" and become the king of the Heavenly World. -- -- Participating in this grand tournament is Kousuke Ueki, a middle school student who is given the power to turn trash into trees by his homeroom teacher, Kobayashi. Despite the concerns of his classmate, Ai Mori, Ueki embarks on a journey to pursue his own sense of justice after witnessing the people around him misusing their powers for selfish purposes. But as he encounters talented power users such as Seiichirou Sano, Rinko Jerrard, Robert Haydn, and Hideyoshi Soya, he realizes that achieving his goal might be harder than it seems. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 99,429 7.76
Vampire Hunter -- -- Madhouse -- 4 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Supernatural Drama Vampire Fantasy -- Vampire Hunter Vampire Hunter -- The world is a dark, brooding place populated by humans, but ruled in reality by powerful beings known as the Darkstalkers, and there is constant conflict between them as they try to determine who is the most powerful of them all. Zombies, vampires, werewolves - all of them compete in contests of strength and sheer will to attain their own personal goals. -- -- All of this becomes moot when a race of Aztec robots called the Huitzil decide that humanity isn't worth saving, and start waging war on the world, while in the sky, a solar god from outer space plots the conquest of Earth. And the Darkstalkers must become unwilling allies in order to save the world. -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, VIZ Media -- OVA - Mar 21, 1997 -- 14,746 6.62
Vampire Hunter D -- -- Production Reed -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Sci-Fi Horror Supernatural Vampire -- Vampire Hunter D Vampire Hunter D -- 10,000 years in the future, the world has become a very different place; monsters roam the land freely, and people, although equipped with high tech weapons and cybernetic horses, live a humble life more suited to centuries past. The story focuses on a small hamlet plagued by monster attacks and living under the shadow of rule by Count Magnus Lee, a powerful vampire lord who has ruled the land for thousands of years. When a young girl is bitten by the Count and chosen as his current plaything, she seeks out help of a quiet wandering stranger, D. It so happens that D is one of the world's best vampire hunters, and he takes it upon himself to cut through Magnus Lee's many minions, and put an end to the Count's rule. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks, Urban Vision -- Movie - Dec 21, 1985 -- 65,968 7.07
Vampire Hunter D -- -- Production Reed -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Sci-Fi Horror Supernatural Vampire -- Vampire Hunter D Vampire Hunter D -- 10,000 years in the future, the world has become a very different place; monsters roam the land freely, and people, although equipped with high tech weapons and cybernetic horses, live a humble life more suited to centuries past. The story focuses on a small hamlet plagued by monster attacks and living under the shadow of rule by Count Magnus Lee, a powerful vampire lord who has ruled the land for thousands of years. When a young girl is bitten by the Count and chosen as his current plaything, she seeks out help of a quiet wandering stranger, D. It so happens that D is one of the world's best vampire hunters, and he takes it upon himself to cut through Magnus Lee's many minions, and put an end to the Count's rule. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- Movie - Dec 21, 1985 -- 65,968 7.07
Wolf's Rain -- -- Bones -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Drama Fantasy Mystery Sci-Fi -- Wolf's Rain Wolf's Rain -- In a dying world, there exists an ancient legend: when the world ends, the gateway to paradise will be opened. This utopia is the sole salvation for the remnants of life in this barren land, but the legend also dictates that only wolves can find their way to this mythical realm. Though long thought to be extinct, wolves still exist and live amongst humans, disguising themselves through elaborate illusions. -- -- A lone wolf named Kiba finds himself drawn by an intoxicating scent to Freeze City, an impoverished town under the rule of the callous Lord Orkham. Here, Kiba discovers that wolves Hige, Tsume, and Toboe have been drawn in by the same aroma. By following the fragrance of "Lunar Flowers," said to be the key to opening the door to their ideal world, the wolves set off on a journey across desolate landscapes and crumbling cities to find their legendary promised land. However, they are not the only ones seeking paradise, and those with more sinister intentions will do anything in their power to reach it first. -- -- 277,381 7.82
Wolf's Rain -- -- Bones -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Drama Fantasy Mystery Sci-Fi -- Wolf's Rain Wolf's Rain -- In a dying world, there exists an ancient legend: when the world ends, the gateway to paradise will be opened. This utopia is the sole salvation for the remnants of life in this barren land, but the legend also dictates that only wolves can find their way to this mythical realm. Though long thought to be extinct, wolves still exist and live amongst humans, disguising themselves through elaborate illusions. -- -- A lone wolf named Kiba finds himself drawn by an intoxicating scent to Freeze City, an impoverished town under the rule of the callous Lord Orkham. Here, Kiba discovers that wolves Hige, Tsume, and Toboe have been drawn in by the same aroma. By following the fragrance of "Lunar Flowers," said to be the key to opening the door to their ideal world, the wolves set off on a journey across desolate landscapes and crumbling cities to find their legendary promised land. However, they are not the only ones seeking paradise, and those with more sinister intentions will do anything in their power to reach it first. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- 277,381 7.82
Yakusoku no Neverland -- -- CloverWorks -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Mystery Horror Psychological Thriller Shounen -- Yakusoku no Neverland Yakusoku no Neverland -- Surrounded by a forest and a gated entrance, the Grace Field House is inhabited by orphans happily living together as one big family, looked after by their "Mama," Isabella. Although they are required to take tests daily, the children are free to spend their time as they see fit, usually playing outside, as long as they do not venture too far from the orphanage—a rule they are expected to follow no matter what. However, all good times must come to an end, as every few months, a child is adopted and sent to live with their new family, never to be heard from again. -- -- However, the three oldest siblings have their suspicions about what is actually happening at the orphanage, and they are about to discover the cruel fate that awaits the children living at Grace Field, including the twisted nature of their beloved Mama. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 1,256,617 8.63
Yama no Susume: Kabe tte Kowakunai no? -- -- 8bit -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy Slice of Life -- Yama no Susume: Kabe tte Kowakunai no? Yama no Susume: Kabe tte Kowakunai no? -- Aoi Yukimura and her friends decide to take on a new challenge: indoor rock climbing! However, the sight of the wall flusters Aoi, who frets over its height and complexity. Fortunately, Kaede Saitou is there to explain the rules of indoor climbing, inspiring the girls to give it a try themselves. Though the wall may seem intimidating and insurmountable, Aoi finds that with a little help from her friends, she may be able to overcome this challenge. -- -- Special - May 24, 2013 -- 17,182 6.74
Yamato 2520 -- -- Studio Take Off -- 3 eps -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Adventure -- Yamato 2520 Yamato 2520 -- Set hundreds of years after the original, Yamato 2520 chronicles the adventures of the eighteenth starship to bear the name, and its battle against the Seiren Federation. -- -- On a planet harshly ruled by the Serien Federation, a group of earth teenagers discover the ancient hulk of the Earth Federation Battleship Yamato. By stealing it's data disk the teens are able to use the Serien's own automated ship yards to construct a new Yamato. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- OVA - Nov 21, 1994 -- 1,528 5.79
Yamato Takeru -- -- Nippon Animation -- 37 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Fantasy Magic Mecha Sci-Fi Shounen Space -- Yamato Takeru Yamato Takeru -- In the 25th century, a spaceship carrying 300 people leaves the earth in search of a new world in the solar system, but an unexpected accident occurs. They crash into a black hole which is connected to another universe. The people on the ship are cast adrift in an emergency capsule to a planet called Ismo. The story begins 12 years after they have reached Ismo. -- -- Ismo is a star of the Onam System, which corresponds to the Solar System in our universe. It is the only planet left in the Onam System. The Death Star called Yomi is a comet which regularly approaches the Onam System. -- -- There were once 8 planets in the Onam System. Many years ago, in the time of the gods, there was a war against the evil monster Yamatano Orochi (an 8-headed snake-like creature). The gods won the battle. Yamatano Orochi was locked into 8 stones, one of which is buried deep in the center of each planet. Nobody was supposed to have access to the core of the planets. However Tsukuyomi, an evil god who rules Yomi, succeeded in reaching the stones one after another, destroying 7 of the planets using his powerful robots, the Sky Warriors. However, when he tried to acquire the last stone from the planet Ismo, the most powerful Sky Warrior, Susanoo, got out of control and was blown away. -- -- A million years later, the Death Star Yomi is approaching the Onam System once again. Tsukuyomi, the master of Yomi, plans to take this opportunity to realize his dream of ruling the entire universe. He is desperate for the last stone containing Yamatano Orochi. If Tsukuyomi can get hold of this stone, Yamatano Orochi will return to life and its power will become his. Tsukuyomi needs Sky Warrior Susanoo to capture the stone, and sends 8 Sky Soldiers to get Susanoo back. But it is too late. Susanoo no longer belongs to Tsukuyomi. It belongs to Takeru, a 13-year-old boy from Earth, who happened to discover the buried robot Susanoo and woke it from its million-year-long sleep. Takeru becomes involved in the battle against the Sky Soldiers and their evil master, Tsukuyomi. Susanoo stands up to protect his friends and their planet. -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- 1,830 6.75
Youjuu Sensen Adventure Kid -- -- - -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Fantasy Hentai Demons Horror -- Youjuu Sensen Adventure Kid Youjuu Sensen Adventure Kid -- Episode 1: A young man named Norikazu finds a computer from World War II buried in his back garden. When he activates it, he and a girl named Midori are transported to Hell where erotic creatures and monsters of different kinds live. They meet some friends including a sexy elf type woman named Eganko who falls in love with Norikazu, and a perverted monster prince who is soon enslaved by Midori. Using their new friends the pair try to make the dangerous journey back home. -- -- Episode 2: Having made their way back home the adventure duo find the world they knew is gone, and is now ruled by the demonic computer which first sent them to Hell. They travel back in time to World War II Japan in an attempt to stop the world from being changed. Notably, in doing so they witness the atomic bomb being dropped on Hiroshima, and there is an appearance of the Enola Gay, as well as numerous symbols of Japanese culture at the time. -- -- Episode 3: This episode has a humorous love-quadrangle plot, where Eganko comes up with a plan to make Norikazu fall in love with her with a love potion, and simultaneously make Midori fall in love with an egotistical young man from her school. Unsurprisingly their plan backfires and everyone gets what they deserve. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- OVA - Jul 21, 1992 -- 1,944 5.33
Youkoso! Sukebe Elf no Mori e -- -- T-Rex -- 4 eps -- Visual novel -- Harem Hentai Supernatural Fantasy -- Youkoso! Sukebe Elf no Mori e Youkoso! Sukebe Elf no Mori e -- Alfheim, a world of elves where women only exist. The world Shrine, the source of all the elves' magical power, has started to fade and the race was in danger of extinction. Then there is a prophecy that a man from another world is destined to be the savior of the elven race. And it was not too long the hero is now brought to the world of Elves... -- -- The elves ruled they must survive by child-making with the hero. But many of the other elves refused this vulgar decision and so the elves divided into groups: Those who disdain child-making with a man and those who choose to accept the fact. But those who accepted have discovered something: It turns out if they have sex with the hero and acquire semen into their bodies, their magic powers increases. So they proceed to milk him dry... -- -- (Source: DLsite) -- OVA - Feb 2, 2018 -- 16,779 7.54
Yu☆Gi☆Oh!: Sevens -- -- Bridge -- ? eps -- Card game -- Action Game Fantasy Shounen -- Yu☆Gi☆Oh!: Sevens Yu☆Gi☆Oh!: Sevens -- In the ever-growing world of Duel Monsters, as duelists improve their skills and rise up the ranks, duels become increasingly complex. By adhering to strict rules, in addition to using and learning proven strategies, one can develop into a strong duelist. However, as a boy who loves inventions and discovering new possibilities, elementary school student Yuuga Oudou finds the current way of dueling predictable and rigid—in other words, boring. -- -- Thus, he aims to craft a new path in dueling with his exhilarating new invention: Rush Duels. His ambition soon catches the attention of Tatsuhisa Kamijou, a fellow elementary school student, who brings him to a mysterious place in an attempt to discover the potential of the new system. -- -- While Yuuga aims to implement Rush Duels as the new dueling standard and overthrow the conventions of the game, he opens the door to his ultimate goal—to make dueling exciting again. -- -- 12,476 5.39
Yuu☆Yuu☆Hakusho (Movie) -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Demons Supernatural Martial Arts Shounen -- Yuu☆Yuu☆Hakusho (Movie) Yuu☆Yuu☆Hakusho (Movie) -- Yusuke Urameshi is not exactly what you'd call an angel. In fact, some might call him down right devilish. But when he dies in an accident trying to save a child, he finds himself in the Spirit World. Unfortunately for Yusuke, his name is not listed in the Book of Enma, which means it was one big mistake! So he should return from the Spirit World, but must pass a few tests first, and become a detective of the spiritual world. -- -- So now Yusuke works in the Spirit World as a half-dead, half-alive agent for Koenma, son of the ruler of the Spirit World. This position does have its disadvantages, especially when you're trying to enjoy your summer vacation and Koenma gets kidnapped! So now Yusuke must interrupt his summer fun to find Koenma and trade the Golden Seal of King Enma for his life. But if someone other then King Enma has the Golden Seal there will be chaos in the Spirit World! What's a half-dead spirit detective to do? -- -- With the aide of his closest allies, Yusuke sets off for Magma Valley, to save the life of the one who saved his, and find out who's at the bottom of this evil conspiracy. -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Media Blasters -- Movie - Jul 10, 1993 -- 24,728 6.82[community]_Repo,_Britannia!;_My_Nanie,_O;_God_Save_the_King;_Rule_Britannia;_Dear_Is_My_Little_Native_Vale;_General_Wolfe's_Song_WDL3343.pdf,_Lepus,_hare,_ears,_Earth.png,_Archivio_parrocchiale,_n._66,_Ruler_on_binding_,_Archivio_parrocchiale,_n._66,_Ruler_on_page_'Tetrapollinia_caerulescens
107% rule
10 Rules
10 Rules for Falling in Love
12 Rules for Life
180-degree rule
18-electron rule
1972 Malagasy military rule referendum
1979 Greenlandic home rule referendum
1984 International Rules Series
1985 Bangladeshi military rule referendum
1986 International Rules Series
1987 International Rules Series
1990 International Rules Series
1997 Westar Rules Grand Final
1998 International Rules Series
1999 International Rules Series
1% rule (aviation medicine)
1% rule (Internet culture)
2000 International Rules Series
2001 International Rules Series
2002 International Rules Series
2003 International Rules Series
2004 International Rules Series
2005 International Rules Series
2006 International Rules Series
2006 Ladies' International Rules Series
2007 International Rules Series
2008 International Rules Series
2009 International Rules Series
2010 International Rules Series
2011 International Rules Series
2013 International Rules Series
2014 International Rules Series
2015 International Rules Series
2018 Vintage Yachting Games 12' Dinghy International Rule
24-year rule
30-degree rule
3-6-3 Rule
3-Way (The Golden Rule)
5-4-3 rule
6+5 rule
689599.7 rule
8 Simple Rules
Aadavari Matalaku Arthale Verule
Aaron Rule
ABA Rule of Law Initiative
Abbeyshrule Aerodrome
Abegg's rule
Abiodun (Oyo ruler)
Acacia caerulescens
Acacia subcaerulea
Acanthurus coeruleus
Acleris caerulescens
Aclytia coeruleonitans
Actinopyga caerulea
Adela caeruleella
Adi Cruleanu
Admiral-Lord Mountevans rules
Admissible decision rule
Admissible rule
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons CD-ROM Core Rules
Aegomorphus purulensis
Against the Rules
Ahaetulla pulverulenta
A Huge Ever Growing Pulsating Brain That Rules from the Centre of the Ultraworld
Alburnus caeruleus
Ali II (Bavandid ruler)
ALI rule
Alisha Rules the World
Allen's rule
Allium caeruleum
Allobates caeruleodactylus
Amarna letterslocalities and their rulers
Amata caerulescens
Amelia Rules!
American Bar Association Model Rules of Professional Conduct
American Pie Presents: Girls' Rules
American rule
Amiria Rule
Anania pulverulenta
Anderson's rule
Andrena caerulea
Andrena nigrocaerulea
Androstephium coeruleum
Angelo Rules
Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules
Animal efficacy rule
Ann Rule
Anthene coerulea
Antona caerulescens
Apiletria purulentella
Aquilegia coerulea
Arab rule in Georgia
Ardashir II (Bavandid ruler)
Arden's rule
Ardisia pulverulenta
Area rule
Argentala subcoerulea
Aristotelia coeruleopictella
ArndtSchulz rule
Arothron caeruleopunctatus
Asphalt 3: Street Rules
Association rule learning
Atomic Rulers of the World
Australian Rules (film)
Australian Rules of Racing
Austrian Chronicle of the 95 Rulers
Austro-Hungarian rule in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Avirulence on Ve1 (Ave1)
Avoidable consequences rule
Away goals rule
Bacchisa atrocoerulea
Back-pass rule
Baird's rule
Baker rules
Balacra caeruleifascia
Baldwin's rules
Balik (ruler)
Bancroft rule
Baraita of the Forty-nine Rules
Baraita on the Thirty-two Rules
Battle of the Brule
Bayou Plaquemine Brule
Before We Ruled the Earth
Bending the Rules
Beneficiary rule
Bent's rule
Bergmann's rule
Berlin Rules on Water Resources
Bernie Rule
Bert L. Rule
Betteke van Ruler
Bezauberndes Frulein
Binding corporate rules
Biological rules
Bland's rule
Blood rule
Bois Brule Creek (Cinque Hommes Creek tributary)
Bold Ruler
Bonus rule
Bookbinders' and Machine Rulers' Consolidated Union
Book of Mormon rulers
Boole's rule
Born alive rule
Born rule
Boss 2: Back to Rule
Bouklos rule
Boulevard rule
Bradypodion caeruleogula
Brain Rules
Break Every Rule World Tour
Breaking All the Rules
Breaking All the Rules (film)
Breaking All the Rules (She Moves album)
Breaking All the Rules (She Moves song)
Breaking the Rules (film)
Break the Rules
Break the Rules (album)
Break the Rules (Charli XCX song)
Bredt's rule
Bright-line rule
British NVC Community M24 (Molinia caerulea Cirsium dissectum fen-meadow)
British NVC Community M25 (Molinia caerulea Potentilla erecta mire)
British rule in Burma
British rule in Himachal Pradesh
British rule in Ireland
Brule, Alberta
Brule (CDP), Wisconsin
Brule Lake
Brule Lake (Ontario)
Brule, Nebraska
Brule, Nova Scotia
Brule, Wisconsin
Buffett Rule
Built to Rule
Buprestis aurulenta
Burnside rules
Business judgment rule
Business rule
Business rule management system
Business rules engine
Bygrave slide rule
By This Axe I Rule!
Cab-rank rule
Cadence of Hyrule
Caenoplana coerulea
Caenurgina caerulea
CahnIngoldPrelog priority rules
Caladenia aurulenta
Caladenia caerulea
Calochortus coeruleus
Cambridge rules
Camp Hyrule
Canadian Rail Operating Rules
Canadian Senate Standing Committee on Rules, Procedures and the Rights of Parliament
Candalides coerulea
Carpenter's rule problem
Carpostalagma pulverulentus
Carson bandwidth rule
Catananche caerulea
CauchyBorn rule
Caught Up (Ja Rule song)
Cayley's ruled cubic surface
Celastrina albocoeruleus
Cephetola subcoerulea
Ceratocystis coerulescens
Cerithium caeruleum
Cerulean (album)
Cerulean-capped manakin
Cerulean cuckooshrike
Cerulean, Kentucky
Cerulean kingfisher
Cerulean paradise flycatcher
Cerulean Sins
Cerulean warbler
Cerulean Warbler Bird Reserve
Chaetodontoplus caeruleopunctatus
Chain rule
Chain rule for Kolmogorov complexity
Chain rule (probability)
Champsochromis caeruleus
Chargaff's rules
Chart of ancient Near East rulers
Chart Rulership
Chatham House Rule
Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule
Chinese rule in Tibet
Christopher Rule
Chronos Ruler
Chrysiptera caeruleolineata
Cities: A Gamemaster's Guide to Encounters and Other Rules For Fantasy Games
Citizens for Home Rule
Civil Practice Law and Rules
Civil Procedure Rules
Civil Rule Party
Clark's rule
Classification rule
Clean Water Rule
Clinical prediction rule
Cloistered rule
Cnemidochroma coeruleum
Codd's 12 rules
Coggeshall slide rule
Cold weather rule
Collateral source rule
Combining rules
Committee on Rules
Committee on Rules, Privileges, and Discipline
Common Rule
Community Rule
Company rule in India
Composite rules shintyhurling
Conference of Rulers
Conospermum caeruleum
Constantine Ducas (Moldavian ruler)
Constantin Rule
Constraint Handling Rules
Cope's rule
CorlettHague rule
Correspondence rule
Cossula coerulescens
Cramer's rule
Criticism of communist party rule
Cromwell's rule
Cruiser rules
Cube rule
Cunningham's rule
Curule seat
Cyanoboletus pulverulentus
Cyanoboletus sinopulverulentus
Cylindroiulus caeruleocinctus
Damias caerulescens
Damias coeruleomarginata
Dandys Rule OK
Darantasia caerulescens
Das Frulein
Das Frulein von Scuderi
Dasia subcaerulea
Davis Rules
Default rule
Defence of India act and Defence of India rules, 1962
Defying the Rules
Delivery of the Franciscan Rule
Delta rule
Descartes' rule of signs
Deserticossus pulverulentus
Designated Player Rule
Design rule checking
Design rule for Camera File system
Dianella caerulea
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules (film)
Dichomeris caerulescens
Differentiation rules
Diphlebia coerulescens
Direct rule
Direct rule (Northern Ireland)
Discodoris coerulescens
District of Columbia home rule
District of Columbia Home Rule Act
Divide and rule
Divide and Rule (novella)
Divide and Rule: The Partition of Africa, 1880-1914
Divisibility rule
Dominating decision rule
Dominion Rules
Doomsday rule
Drago Firulescu
Drakeo the Ruler
Dressed to Rule
Dudleya pulverulenta
Dhring's rule
Duma florulenta
Dungeons & Dragons Immortals Rules
Dungeons & Dragons Master Rules
Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia
Durham rule
Early Kassite rulers
Early resistance to British rule in Malabar
Earth's Rightful Ruler
Education in the Philippines during American rule
Education in the Philippines during Spanish rule
Efficient Voter Rule
Eichler's rule
Electric wire ferrule
Electronically stored information (Federal Rules of Civil Procedure)
Eleventh and Final Report of the Royal Commissioners appointed to Inquire into the Organization and Rules of Trades Unions and Other Associations
Elton Rule
Emery's rule
Emoia aurulenta
Emoia caeruleocauda
End of Basque home rule in Spain
End of Roman rule in Britain
English rule
English rule (attorney's fees)
Enrique Cirules
Enrolled bill rule
Eois coerulea
Etvs rule
Ephysteris subcaerulea
Epinephelus flavocaeruleus
Equal authenticity rule
Equal-time rule
Estonia under Swedish rule
Eucalyptus pulverulenta
Eulepidotis caeruleilinea
Euphaedra viridicaerulea
Euriphene coerulea
European ordering rules
European Union Integrated Rule of Law Mission in Iraq
European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo
Euxoa aurulenta
Evenodd rule
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Exception that proves the rule
Exclusionary rule
Exodus (Ja Rule album)
Extreme Rules (2009)
Extreme Rules (2010)
Extreme Rules (2011)
Extreme Rules (2012)
Extreme Rules (2014)
Extreme Rules (2016)
Fajans' rules
Family Procedure Rules
Fast Rules
Fatherson rule
Fat Kid Rules the World
Fat Kid Rules the World (film)
Federal Rules Decisions
Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure
Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure
Federal Rules of Evidence
Felony murder rule
Felony murder rule (Texas)
Felony murder rule (Washington)
Fencing rules
Fermi's golden rule
FIFA eligibility rules
Fifty-move rule
Financial Interest and Syndication Rules
Finite subdivision rule
Finland under Swedish rule
Fireman's rule
Five-minute rule
Five-second rule
Fleeing felon rule
Fleming's left-hand rule for motors
Fleming's right-hand rule
Flight rules
Follow the Rules (song)
Food Rules
Food Rules!
Forced labour under German rule during World War II
Formation rule
Foster's rule
Franchise Rule
Frasera puberulenta
Frulein (1958 film)
Frulein Devil
Frulein (disambiguation)
Frulein Doktor (film)
Frulein Else
Frulein Else (1929 film)
Frulein Else (novella)
Frulein Lilli
Frulein Veronika
Frulein Wunder
FreedmanDiaconis rule
French rule in the Ionian Islands
French rule in the Ionian Islands (17971799)
French rule in the Ionian Islands (18071814)
Friedman's k-percent rule
Frontilabrus caeruleus
Frst-Plattner Rule
Galaxy Frulein Yuna
Garra nkhruletisis
Gary Ruley and Mule Train
Gastrotheca coeruleomaculatus
GenailleLucas rulers
General anti-avoidance rule (India)
General Code of Operating Rules
General Leibniz rule
Genetic Algorithm for Rule Set Production
Gentiana puberulenta
Georgia Rule
Girls' Rule
Gitmo: The New Rules of War
Gloger's rule
Glyphodes pulverulentalis
Gnevyshev-Ohl rule
Goes pulverulentus
Golden Rule
Golden Rule Airlines
Golden Rule savings rate
Golden Rule (ship)
Goldwater rule
Golomb ruler
Goodfellowiella coeruleoviolacea
Gordon Fox Rule
Goryeo under Mongol rule
Grandfather rule
GreenDaviesMingos rules
Greenspun's tenth rule
GrimmSommerfeld rule
Ground rule double
Ground rules
Guarantors' Panel on the Constitutionality of Rules
GuidottiGreenspan rule
Haber's rule
Hadesina caerulescens
HagueVisby Rules
Haldane's rule
Haliclona caerulea
Hamburg Rules
Haplochromis omnicaeruleus
Harmless Ruler
Harrison's rule
Hart's Rules
Hartwick's rule
Hasan II (Bavandid ruler)
Hastert Rule
Heavy Metal Rules
Helcystogramma arulensis
Helen Rule
Heliactinidia caerulescens
Heliura postcoeruleum
Herb Rule
Highest median voting rules
Hind Swaraj or Indian Home Rule
History of Bombay under British rule (16611947)
History of Bombay under Portuguese rule (15341661)
History of Lebanon under Ottoman rule
History of the Jews under Muslim rule
History of Tunisia under French rule
HMS Ruler
HMS Virulent (P95)
Hockey Rules Board
Holidays Rule
Homegrown Player Rule
Home rule
Home Rule Act
Home Rule Crisis
Home Rule Municipality (Pennsylvania)
Home Rule Party
Home Rule Party (Iceland)
Home Rule Party of Hawaii
Hong Kong Mahjong scoring rules
Hotelling's rule
House rule
House Rules
House Rules (Australian TV series)
House Rules (novel)
Houstonia caerulea
Hckel's rule
Hume-Rothery rules
Hund's rule of maximum multiplicity
Hund's rules
Hydrophis caerulescens
Hypolycaena coerulea
Hyrule Warriors
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity
Ice rules
I Could Rule the World If I Could Only Get the Parts
If I Ruled the World
If I Ruled the World (Imagine That)
If I Were Brittania I'd Waive the Rules
Ignore all rules
Illustrations of the rule against perpetuities
Imperial Rule and the Politics of Nationalism
Imperial Rule Assistance Association
Indian Home Rule movement
Indian Home Rule Society
Indian Wireless Telegraph (Amateur Service) Rules, 1978
Indian Wireless Telegraph Rules
Indirect rule
Inducement rule
Infield fly rule
Information Technology Intermediary Guidelines (Amendment) Rules, 2018
Ingelfinger rule
Instrument flight rules
International Network to Promote the Rule of Law
International Poker Rules
International rule (sailing)
International Rules Series
Inuyasha the Movie: Swords of an Honorable Ruler
Iris giganticaerulea
Irish Home Rule movement
Islamic Rule Party of Afghanistan
Islamization of East Jerusalem under Jordanian rule
IWRG La Ruleta de la Muerte Mscaras (2019)
IWRG Ruleta de la Muerte (2012)
IWRG Ruleta de la Muerte (April 2015)
Jack Rule Jr.
Jakub Petrulek
Jamides caerulea
Jane Rule
Japanese Mahjong scoring rules
Ja Rule
Ja Rule discography
Javal's rule
John Curulewski
Johnson's rule
Jordan Rules
Jos Antonio Irulegui
Judges' Rules
Junaid Khan (de facto ruler of Khiva)
Jungle Rules
Kasha's rule
Ketwres rule
Kevin James Rule
Kew Rule
KeynesRamsey rule
Khmer Rouge rule of Cambodia
King Krule
Kirrule-type ferry
Kiwaia caerulea
Knapp's rule
Kllner's rule
Korea under Japanese rule
Korynetes caeruleus
L'Hpital's rule
Laborec (ruler)
Labour Party Rule Book
Land interval rule
Laporte rule
La ruleta de la fortuna
La ruleta de la suerte (Uruguayan game show)
Last injurious exposure rule
Latastia caeruleopunctata
Law Reform (Year and a Day Rule) Act 1996
Lead and Copper Rule
Learning rule
Le BelVan 't Hoff rule
Leibniz's rule
Leibniz integral rule
Lempira (Lenca ruler)
Lepista pulverulenta
LercheNewberger sum rule
Lesbian rule
Les Ttes Brules
Let Love Rule
Let Love Rule (Lenny Kravitz album)
Leucanopsis pulverulenta
Lever rule
Line breaking rules in East Asian languages
Lipinski's rule of five
Listing Rules
List of 8 Simple Rules episodes
List of conflicts in Eastern Europe during Turco-Mongol rule
List of conflicts in Europe during Turco-Mongol rule
List of consorts of rulers of China
List of Dungeons & Dragons rulebooks
List of female hereditary rulers
List of Galician rulers
List of games with concealed rules
List of Greenlandic rulers
List of historical Ghanaian traditional rulers
List of Khitan rulers
List of legendary rulers of Cornwall
List of local rulers of Vojvodina
List of Mongol rulers
List of Pennsylvania municipalities and counties with home rule charters, optional charters, or optional plans
List of Roman client rulers
List of rulers and officers of Galway 12301485
List of rulers named Henry
List of rulers of Aleppo
List of rulers of Ammon
List of rulers of Aq Qoyunlu
List of rulers of Asante
List of rulers of Austria
List of rulers of Auvergne
List of rulers of Baden
List of rulers of Bagirmi
List of rulers of Bavaria
List of rulers of Belarus
List of rulers of Bengal
List of rulers of Bhutan
List of rulers of Bithynia
List of rulers of Bosha
List of rulers of Bosnia
List of rulers of Brandenburg
List of rulers of Brittany
List of rulers of Brunswick-Wolfenbttel
List of rulers of Burundi
List of rulers of Cappadocia
List of rulers of Commagene
List of rulers of Comoros
List of rulers of Copn
List of rulers of Crete
List of rulers of Croatia
List of rulers of Damascus
List of rulers of Duklja
List of rulers of Edom
List of rulers of Elam
List of rulers of Estonia
List of rulers of France
List of rulers of Frisia
List of rulers of Galicia and Volhynia
List of rulers of G (Nkran)
List of rulers of Gaza
List of rulers of Guastalla
List of rulers of Gwynedd
List of rulers of Hanau
List of rulers of Herat
List of rulers of Hesse
List of rulers of Hogbonu (Porto-Novo)
List of rulers of Iceland
List of rulers of Ife
List of rulers of India
List of rulers of individual Emirates of the United Arab Emirates
List of rulers of Iran
List of rulers of Islamic Egypt
List of rulers of Japan
List of rulers of Kabul
List of rulers of Kandahar
List of rulers of Kano
List of rulers of Kara Koyunlu
List of rulers of Kel Ahaggar
List of rulers of Kongo
List of rulers of Kosovo
List of rulers of Lanka
List of rulers of Lan Na
List of rulers of Leqa Naqamte
List of rulers of Leqa Qellam
List of rulers of Lete (Malete)
List of rulers of Limburg
List of rulers of Lithuania
List of rulers of Lorraine
List of rulers of Luba
List of rulers of Makuria
List of rulers of Malwa
List of rulers of Mantua
List of rulers of Matamba
List of rulers of Mecklenburg
List of rulers of Milan
List of rulers of Mitanni
List of rulers of Moab
List of rulers of Moldavia
List of rulers of Mombasa
List of rulers of Monaco
List of rulers of Montenegro
List of rulers of Montferrat
List of rulers of Morocco
List of rulers of Mosul
List of rulers of Namur
List of rulers of Nanumba
List of rulers of Ngwaketse
List of rulers of Ngwato (Mangwato)
List of rulers of Nkamanga
List of rulers of Nri
List of rulers of Odisha
List of rulers of Oman
List of rulers of Orungu
List of rulers of Paphlagonia
List of rulers of Pate
List of rulers of Peshawar
List of rulers of Provence
List of rulers of Remo
List of rulers of Rolong
List of rulers of Saba and Himyar
List of rulers of Safavid Georgia
List of rulers of Saxony
List of rulers of Schleswig-Holstein
List of rulers of Shewa
List of rulers of Taiwan
List of rulers of Tawana
List of rulers of the Arabian Peninsula
List of rulers of the Bamum
List of rulers of the Duala
List of rulers of the Fante Confederation
List of rulers of the Huns
List of rulers of the Jolof Empire
List of rulers of the Kingdom of Dagbon
List of rulers of the Kingdom of the Isles
List of rulers of the Lunda Empire
List of rulers of the Maasai
List of rulers of the Nandi
List of rulers of the Ngoni Dynasty of Jere (Qeko)
List of rulers of the Ngoni Dynasty of Maseko (Gomani)
List of rulers of the Pitcairn Islands
List of rulers of the pre-Achaemenid kingdoms of Iran
List of rulers of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia
List of rulers of Thrace and Dacia
List of rulers of Thuringia
List of rulers of Tibet
List of rulers of Timor
List of rulers of Tlkwa
List of rulers of Toungoo
List of rulers of Transylvania
List of rulers of Tuggurt
List of rulers of Tuscany
List of rulers of Tyrconnell
List of rulers of Tyrone
List of rulers of Wadai
List of rulers of Wales
List of rulers of Wallachia
List of rulers of Wanga
List of rulers of Waterford
List of rulers of Welayta
List of rulers of Witu
List of rulers of Wogodogo
List of rulers of Wrttemberg
List of Rules of Engagement episodes
List of Seljuk rulers in Syria (10761117)
List of Seljuk rulers of Kerman (10411187)
List of Statutory Rules and Orders of Northern Ireland
List of statutory rules of Northern Ireland
List of Tenochtitlan rulers
List of Texcoco rulers
List of the rulers of Dos Pilas
List of the rulers of Lneburg
List of Tlatelolco rulers
List of Ukrainian rulers
List of Vanderpump Rules episodes
Lists of rulers of Djibouti
Lists of rulers of Egypt
Lists of rulers of Ethiopia
Lists of rulers of Germany
Lists of rulers of Ghana
Lists of rulers of Greece
Lists of rulers of Ireland
Lists of rulers of Italy
Lists of rulers of Kenya
Lists of rulers of Madagascar
Lists of rulers of Spain
Lithospermum purpurocaeruleum
Littlewood's rule
LittlewoodRichardson rule
Livin' It Up (Ja Rule song)
Locus coeruleus
London Prize Ring Rules
Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule
Lonicera caerulea
Lord of Misrule
Lords of Misrule
Love Rules
Love Rules!
Lower Brule Indian Reservation
Lower Brule, South Dakota
Lyonetia pulverulentella
Lyubov Bruletova
M'Naghten rules
Madness Rules
Magic: The Gathering rules
Mahjong Competition Rules
Maimonides' rule
Majority rule
Majority Rules!
Makua (Oyo ruler)
Manchuria under Ming rule
Manchuria under Qing rule
Manchuria under Yuan rule
Maratha rulers
Marie Smallface Marule
Markovnikov's rule
Mark Riley (Australian rules coach)
Markup rule
Marquess of Queensberry Rules
Martian spherules
Master Nationality Rule
Mattauch isobar rule
Meeussen's rule
Mercy rule
Merulempista cingillella
Merulempista cyclogramma
Merulempista jucundella
Merulempista oppositalis
Merulempista ragonoti
Merulempista turturella
Metacrateria pulverulella
Metal Rules
Middle-third rule
Migratory bird rule
Mikhail Grulenko
Military of Macau under Portuguese rule
Military rule
Military Rule Medal
Miller's rule
Miller's rule (optics)
Miller twist rule
Minority Rules
Mischief rule
Mixed martial arts rules
Mob Rule
Mob rule
Mob Rule (disambiguation)
Mob Rules
Mob Rules (album)
Mob Rules (band)
Model Audit Rule 205
Mohd Nazrulerwan Makmor
Moises Rules!
Molinia caerulea
Money Sucks, Friends Rule
Mongolia under Qing rule
Mongolia under Yuan rule
Morbakka virulenta
Mortgage Conduct of Business rules
Moscow Rules (novel)
Mozambique rule
Mucopurulent discharge
Mughal rule in Himachal Pradesh
Muhammad (Bavandid ruler)
Muisca rulers
Multiple-classification ripple-down rules
Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board
MurnaghanNakayama rule
My Body My Rules
My Kitchen Rules
My Kitchen Rules (American TV series)
My Kitchen Rules (British TV series)
My Kitchen Rules SA
My Kitchen Rules (series 1)
My Kitchen Rules (series 2)
My Kitchen Rules (series 3)
My Kitchen Rules (series 4)
My Restaurant Rules
Naismith's rule
Nameless Gangster: Rules of the Time
Naming and Design Rules
Nanasaheb Parulekar
NASCAR rules and regulations
Neoraja caerulea
New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules
New Rules
New Rules (book)
New Rules for Boats
New York City Rules
New York Codes, Rules and Regulations
New York (Ja Rule song)
Ngola (ruler)
Nigerian traditional rulers
Night visual flight rules
Ninety-ninety rule
Ninurta coeruleopunctatus
Nitrogen rule
No-impeachment rule
No independence before majority rule
Nomination rules
No More Rules
Northeast Operating Rules Advisory Committee
Northern Subject Rule
No Rules
Notice of proposed rulemaking
Nymphaea nouchali var. caerulea
Nysten's rule
Oba (ruler)
Obi (ruler)
Objection Overruled
Octet rule
OddoHarkins rule
Oedipoda caerulescens
Off-side rule
One Definition Rule
One-drop rule
One Rule for You
Optimal virulence
Order of the Distinguished Rule of Izzuddin
Oregon Administrative Rules
Orgel's rules
Ottawa ankle rules
Our Race Will Rule Undisputed Over The World
Oxalis caerulea
Oxypetalum coeruleum
OZI rule
Pair-rule gene
Palpita pulverulenta
Parachaetolopha coerulescens
Paraclemensia caerulea
Parallel rulers
Paramount ruler
Paramount rulers in early Philippine history
Parish and Community Meetings (Polls) Rules 1987
Parol evidence rule
Party for a Rule of Law Offensive
Pascal's rule
Pasithea caerulea
Passiflora caerulea
Patella caerulea
Pauling's rules
Peakend rule
Perfect tender rule
Personal Rule
Phacelia coerulea
Phalaris coerulescens
Phase rule
Philadelphia Home Rule Charter Reform Campaign
Phlegmasia cerulea dolens
Phodoryctis caerulea
Phoenicia under Assyrian rule
Phoenicia under Babylonian rule
Phoenicia under Hellenistic rule
Phoenicia under Roman rule
Phonological rule
Phrase structure rules
Phyllodoce caerulea
Physetica caerulea
Phytoecia caerulea
Phytoecia caerulescens
Pie rule
Piletosoma caeruleonigra
Pilodeudorix caerulea
Pinguicula caerulea
Plain meaning rule
Platycephalus caeruleopunctatus
Plectorhinchus caeruleonothus
Plesiops coeruleolineatus
Policy and charging rules function
Pollack's rule
Pollanisus viridipulverulenta
Pomacentrus caeruleus
Ponsonby Rule
Portal:Dungeons & Dragons/Selected rulebook
Posting rule
Pottery Barn rule
Power rule
Pre-existing duty rule
Pre-locus coeruleus
President's rule
Presidential Rule of Law Initiative
Prime Time Access Rule
Primula pulverulenta
Production rule
Product rule
Property Rules, Liability Rules and Inalienability: One View of the Cathedral
Prophylactic rule
Prosopidia caeruleocephala
Prudent Investment Rule
Prudent man rule
Prule Bridge
Pseudophilautus caeruleus
Psilocybe caerulescens
Psilothrix viridicoerulea
Psy 6 (Six Rules), Part 1
Public charge rule
Puppet ruler
Put It on Me (Ja Rule song)
QCD sum rules
Quotient rule
Racing Rules of Sailing
Raku rules
Randomised decision rule
Rapala caerulea
RD Prule 67
Redskins Rule
Rent's rule
Republicans for the Rule of Law
Restrictive design rules
Retinia coeruleostriana
RFA Wave Ruler (A212)
RFA Wave Ruler (A390)
Rhaebo caeruleostictus
Rhizopogon subcaerulescens
Rhytiphora pulverulea
Riddick's Rules of Procedure
Rifleman's rule
Right-hand rule
Ripple-down rules
Risky is the New Safe: The Rules Have Changed
Robert's Rules of Order
Robert Rogers' 28 "Rules of Ranging"
Rock & Rule
Rodulf, Herule king
Roman Catholic Diocese of RulengeNgara
Rooney Rule
Rosa's rule
Rosyjska ruletka
Rotterdam Rules
R* rule (ecology)
Ruffini's rule
Rule 110
Rule 30
Rule 3:36
Rule 34
Rule 3 adviser
Rule 5 draft
Rule 5 draft results
Rule 63
Rule 90
Rule according to higher law
Rule against foreign revenue enforcement
Rule against perpetuities
Rule a Wife and Have a Wife
Rule based analysis of extrusion process
Rule based DFM analysis for deep drawing
Rule-based DFM analysis for direct metal laser sintering
Rule-based DFM analysis for electric discharge machining
Rule based DFM analysis for forging
Rule-based machine learning
Rule-based machine translation
Rule-based system
Rule B Attachment
Rule Breaker
Rule, Britannia!
Rule by decree
Ruled Britannia
Rule-developing experimentation
Ruled paper
Ruled surface
Ruled variety
Rule in Dearle v Hall
Rule induction
Rule in Dumpor's Case
Rule in Shelley's Case
Rule in Wild's Case
Rule (Nas song)
Rule No. 1
Rule of 1756
Rule of 72
Rule of 78s
Rule of 80's
Rule of capture
Rule of Faith
Rule of four
Rule of inference
Rule of law
Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption Center
Rule of Law in Armed Conflicts Project
Rule of Law Initiative
Rule of least power
Rule of lenity
Rule of man
Rule of marteloio
Rule of Ming and Zhang
Rule of mixtures
Rule of nines
Rule of product
Rule of reason
Rule of recognition
Rule of replacement
Rule of Rescue
Rule of Rose
Rule of Saint Albert
Rule of Saint Augustine
Rule of Saint Benedict
Rule of Saint Francis
Rule of Sarrus
Rule of seven
Rule of sevens
Rule of succession
Rule of sum
Rule of the Dukes
Rule of the Major-Generals
Rule of the Master
Rule of the shorter term
Rule of thirds
Rule of thirds (disambiguation)
Rule of thirds (diving)
Rule of three
Rule of three (aeronautics)
Rule of three (computer programming)
Rule of three (C++ programming)
Rule of three (statistics)
Rule of Three (Wicca)
Rule of three (writing)
Rule of thumb
Rule of tincture
Rule of twelfths
Rule of Wen and Jing
RULE Project
Ruler 3 (Copn)
Ruler 5 (Copn)
Ruler-class escort carrier
Ruler of the World
Ruler of Your Own World
Rulers of Bamburgh
Rulers of Mbundaland
Rulers of Siokot and Mandi
Rulers of the Hawaiian Islands
Ruler X (Rio Azul)
Rules (album)
Rules and Regulations
Rules and Regulations (album)
Rules and regulations for God-heads (Ayyavazhi)
Rules Beach, Queensland
Rules Don't Apply
Rules Don't Stop
Rules extraction system family
Rules for Radicals
Rules for the Direction of the Mind
Rules lawyer
Rules of Acquisition
Rules of Acquisition (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
Rules of Attraction (Elkeles novel)
Rules of chess
Rules of cribbage
Rules of Dating
Rules of engagement
Rules of Engagement (Alexander novel)
Rules of Engagement (disambiguation)
Rules of Engagement (film)
Rules of Engagement (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
Rules of Engagement (Star Trek novel)
Rules of Engagement (TV series)
Rules of Go
Rules of golf
Rules of netball
Rules of origin
Rules of Play
Rules of snooker
Rules of Survival
Rules of the Eurovision Song Contest
Rules of the Game (book)
Rules of the Game (song)
Rules of the Supreme Court
Rules of water polo
Rules Reservoir
Rules (song)
Ruleta (Inna song)
Rule, Texas
Rule the World
Rule the World (horse)
Rule the World (Take That song)
Rule the World: The Greatest Hits
Rule utilitarianism
Ruleville-Drew Airport
Ruleville, Mississippi
Russian spelling rules
Russula caerulea
Sambucus cerulea
Samoa rules
San Francisco Syncope Rule
Sruleti, Buzu
Sruleti, Clrai
Saulius Ambruleviius
Scale ruler
Schultz's rule
Scoparia pulverulentellus
Scoring rule
Scottish vowel length rule
Sculptures of Swedish rulers
Secret of Cerulean Sand
SEC Rule 10b-5
SEC Rule 10b5-1
SEC Rule 144A
Segmentation Rules eXchange
Self-executing rule
Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules
Serixia aurulenta
Sesleria caerulea
Seventeen Rules of Enjuin
Shapur (Bavandid ruler)
Sheffield Rules
Shoolery's rule
Shredderman Rules
Shrule Castle
Shrule-Glencorrib GAA
Simple Rules
Simpson's rule
Simpson's rules (ship stability)
Sin City Rules
Singaporean Mahjong scoring rules
Single-subject rule
Slater's rules
SlaterCondon rules
SlaterPauling rule
Slaughterhouse Rulez
Slaughter rule
Slayer rule
Slide rule
Slide Rule (album)
Slide Rule (horse)
Smilax pulverulenta
Sociology of Rulership and Religion
Soosrv opening rule
Speaker Denison's rule
Special flight rules area
Special rules of order
Special visual flight rules
Splicing rule
Sporulenol synthase
Standardised European Rules of the Air
Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice
Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners
Standing rule
Star Wars: Darth Bane: Rule of Two
Statutory rules and orders
Statutory rules of Northern Ireland
Stempfferia coerulea
Sterile Cockpit Rule
Steve Krulevitz
Steve Perrin's Quest Rules
Steve Rule
Stream Protection Rule
Street Punk Rulez!
Streptomyces coeruleofuscus
Streptomyces coeruleorubidus
Streptomyces coerulescens
Stretch rule
Strict rules of evidence
Stropharia caerulea
Structural rule
Strule Arts Centre
Sugary drinks portion cap rule
Sum rule
Sunny 16 rule
Super Secret Movie Rules
Supreme Ruler 2010
Supreme Ruler 2020
Supreme Ruler: Cold War
Susan Cerulean
Suspension of the rules
Sustainable investment rule
Systasea pulverulenta
Taiwan under Japanese rule
Taiwan under Qing rule
Talk:White minority rule
Taraguchi opening rule
Tarrasch rule
Tasaki Perule FC
Tasmanophlebi lacuscoerulei
Taylor rule
Teddy Andrulewicz
Teeth of Lions Rule the Divine
Temperature-size rule
Ten Minute Rule
Ten Rules for Air Fighting
Terana caerulea
The 34th Rule
The 50% Rule
The Age of Misrule
The Bruun Rule
The budgetary rule
The Cider House Rules
The Cider House Rules (film)
The Cognitive Rules
The Comey Rule
The Cyber House Rules
The Exception to the Rulers
The Fairly OddParents: Breakin' da Rules
The Forty Rules of Love
The Genius: Rules of the Game
The Goodies Rule O.K.?
The Horror Show at Extreme Rules
The International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law
The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia
The Merton Rule
The Mirror (Ja Rule album)
The Moscow rules
The New New Rules
The No Asshole Rule
The Platinum Rule
The Platinum Rule (How I Met Your Mother)
The Rule of Four
The Rule of the Game
The Rule of Thirds
The Ruler's Back
The Rulers
The Rules
The Rules of Attraction
The Rules of Attraction (film)
The Rules of Sociological Method
The Rules of Survival
The Rules of the Game
The Rules of the Game (disambiguation)
The Rules of the Game (play)
These Are the Rules
The Secret Rulers of the World
The Three Days Rule
The Three Types of Legitimate Rule
The Utopia of Rules
The World Ruler
Thirty-year rule
Thomas write rule
Three-click rule
Three-letter rule
Three Rules of Discipline and Eight Points for Attention
Three seconds rule
Thurmond rule
Thyreus caeruleopunctatus
Tibet under Qing rule
Tibet under Yuan rule
Timalus caeruleus
Timeline of major famines in India during British rule
Timeline of Vietnam under Chinese rule
Titular ruler
Tolman's rule
Tonicella undocaerulea
Torulene dioxygenase
Touch-move rule
Toxicodryas pulverulenta
Trachelium caeruleum
Tragocephala caerulescens
Training Rules
Trapezoidal rule
Trent Tucker Rule
Trichaea caerulealis
Tricuspidalestes caeruleus
Trigonella caerulea
Trinchesia caerulea
Triple product rule
Trouton's rule
Tuck rule
Tuck Rule Game
Two-barrier rule
Two-man rule
Two-second rule
Type rule
Udara albocaerulea
Ulmus minor 'Viminalis Pulverulenta'
Unfollow the Rules
Unirule Institute of Economics
United Nations Standard Minimum Rules
Universal Market Integrity Rules
Universal rule
Unruled Paper (film)
Unspoken rule
Uptick rule
USAAF Boeing B-17 crash on North Barrule
User:AlbinoFerret/The rules apply to everyone
User:Bibliomaniac15/Butcher's rules
User:Grutness/Croughton-London rule of stubs
User:JohnWBarber/Rule 47
User:Skomorokh/First rule
User:Tothwolf/rescued essays/Rule 0
USS Brule (APA-66)
Utricularia caerulea
Utricularia purpureocaerulea
Uyghur women under Qing rule
Valley of the Thracian Rulers
Vanda coerulea
Vanda coerulescens
Vanderpump Rules
Vanderpump Rules After Show
Vanderpump Rules: Jax And Brittany Take Kentucky
Variable rules analysis
Venetian rule in the Ionian Islands
Vietnam under Chinese rule
Virulence factor
Virulence-related outer membrane protein family
Virulent Newcastle disease
Visual flight rules
Volcker Rule
Waco: The Rules of Engagement
Waiter Rule
Walls of the Ruler
War Games Rules 1925-1950
Washington, DC Metropolitan Area Special Flight Rules Area
We Broke the Rules
Wee Rule
We Rule the Night
Westcott Rule Company
Westgard rules
When China Rules the World
When Corporations Rule the World
When Disco Ruled the World
When Rules Turn Loose
When the Moors Ruled in Europe
When Women Rule
While the City Sleeps, We Rule the Streets
Whole number rule
Who Rules America?
Why the West RulesFor Now
Wikipedia talk:Ignore all rules
Wikipedia talk:Ignore all rules/header
William Rule
William Rule (editor)
Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language
Wizard's First Rule
Women rulers in Maya society
Women Who Ruled: Queens, Goddesses, Amazons, 15001650
WongSandler mixing rule
Woodward's rules
WoodwardHoffmann rules
Work rule
WWE Extreme Rules
Wyoming Rule
Xanthichthys caeruleolineatus
Yaxchilan rulers
Yazdagird (Bavandid ruler)
Year and a day rule
Zadeh's rule
Zaitsev's rule
Za Rulem
Zaza rule
Zenobia pulverulenta
Zero one infinity rule
Zicrona caerulea
Zographus pulverulentus
Zygocarpum caeruleum

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Savitri -- Savitri extended toc
Savitri Section Map -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
authors -- Crowley - Peterson - Borges - Wilber - Teresa - Aurobindo - Ramakrishna - Maharshi - Mother
places -- Garden - Inf. Art Gallery - Inf. Building - Inf. Library - Labyrinth - Library - School - Temple - Tower - Tower of MEM
powers -- Aspiration - Beauty - Concentration - Effort - Faith - Force - Grace - inspiration - Presence - Purity - Sincerity - surrender
difficulties -- cowardice - depres. - distract. - distress - dryness - evil - fear - forget - habits - impulse - incapacity - irritation - lost - mistakes - obscur. - problem - resist - sadness - self-deception - shame - sin - suffering
practices -- Lucid Dreaming - meditation - project - programming - Prayer - read Savitri - study
subjects -- CS - Cybernetics - Game Dev - Integral Theory - Integral Yoga - Kabbalah - Language - Philosophy - Poetry - Zen
6.01 books -- KC - ABA - Null - Savitri - SA O TAOC - SICP - The Gospel of SRK - TIC - The Library of Babel - TLD - TSOY - TTYODAS - TSZ - WOTM II
8 unsorted / add here -- Always - Everyday - Verbs

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