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book class:The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
subject class:Yoga

author class:Sri Ramakrishna

Chapter 14


Sunday, September 23, 1883

SRI RAMAKRISHNA was sitting in his room at Dakshineswar with Rkhl , M., and other devotees. Hazra sat on the porch outside. The Master was conversing with the devotees.

MASTER (to a devotee): "Narendra doesn't like even you, nowadays. (To M.) Why didn't he come to see me at Adhar's house?

Eulogy of Narendra

"How versatile Narendra is! He is gifted in singing, in playing on instruments, and in studies. He is independent and doesn't care about anybody. The other day he was returning to Calcutta with Captain in his carriage. Captain begged Narendra to sit beside him, but he took a seat opposite. He didn't even look at Captain.

"What can a man achieve through mere scholarship? What is needed is prayer and spiritual discipline. Gauri of Indesh was both a scholar and a devotee. He was a worshipper of the Divine Mother. Now and then he would be overpowered with spiritual fervour. When he chanted a hymn to the Mother, the pundits would seem like earthworms beside him. I too would be overcome with ecstasy.

"At first he was a bigoted worshipper of akti. He used to pick up tulsi leaves with a couple of sticks, so as not to touch them with his fingers. (All laugh.) Then he went home. When he came back he didn't behave that way any more. He gave remarkable interpretations of Hindu mythology. He would say that the ten heads of Ravana represented the ten organs. Kumbhakarna was the symbol, of tamas, Ravana of rajas, and Bibhishana of sattva. That was why Bibhishana obtained favour with Rma."

After the Master's midday meal, while he was resting, Ram, Trak, and some other devotees arrived from Calcutta.

Nityagopal, Trak, and several others were staying with Ram, a householder disciple of the Master. Nityagopal was always in an exalted spiritual mood. Trak's mind, too, was always indrawn; he seldom exchanged words with others. Ram looked after their physical needs. Rkhl now and then spent a few days at Adhar's house.

RAM (to the Master): "We have been taking lessons on the drum."

MASTER (to Ram): "Nityagopal too?"

RAM: "No, sir. He plays a little."

MASTER: "And Trak?"

RAM: "He knows a good deal."

MASTER: "Then he won't keep his eyes on the ground so much. If the mind is much directed to something else, it doesn't dwell deeply on God."

RAM: "I have been studying the drum only to accompany the kirtan."

MASTER (to M.): "I hear that you too are taking singing lessons. Is that so?"

M: "No, sir. I just open my mouth now and then."

MASTER: "Have you practised that song: 'O Mother, make me mad with Thy love'? If you have, please sing it. The song expresses my ideal perfectly."

The conversation turned to Hazra's hatred for certain people, which Sri Ramakrishna did not like.

MASTER (to the devotees): "I used frequently to visit a certain house at Kamarpukur.

The boys of the family were of my age. The other day they came here and spent two or three days with me. Their mother, like Hazra, used to hate people. Then something happened to her foot, and gangrene set in. On account of the foul smell, no one could enter her room. I told the incident to Hazra and asked him not to hate anyone."

Master in spiritual mood

Toward evening, as Sri Ramakrishna was standing in the northwest corner of the courtyard, he went into samdhi. In those days the Master remained almost always in an ecstatic state. He would lose consciousness of the world at the slightest suggestion from outside. But for scant conversation with visiting devotees, he remained in an indrawn mood and was unable to perform his daily worship and devotions.

Coming down to the relative world, he began to talk to the Divine Mother, still standing where he was. "O Mother," he said, "worship has left me, and japa also. Please see, Mother, that I do not become an inert thing. Let my attitude toward God be that of the servant toward the master. O Mother, let me talk about Thee and chant Thy holy name.

I want to sing Thy glories. Give me a little strength of body that I may move about, that I may go to places where Thy devotees live, and sing Thy name."

In the morning Sri Ramakrishna had been to the Kli temple to offer flowers at the Mother's feet.

Continuing, the Master said: "O Mother, I offered flowers at Thy feet this morning. I thought: 'That is good. My mind is again going back to formal worship.' Then why do I feel like this now? Why art Thou turning me into a sort of inert thing?"

The moon had not yet risen. It was a dark night. The Master, still in an abstracted mood, sat on the small couch in his room and continued his talk with the Divine Mother.

He said: "Why this special discipline of the Gayatri? Why this jumping from this roof to that? Who told him to do it? Perhaps he is doing it of his own accord. . . . Well, he will practise a little of that discipline."

The previous day Sri Ramakrishna had discouraged Ishan about Vedic worship, saying that it was not suitable for the Kaliyuga. He had asked Ishan to worship God as the Divine Mother.

The Master said to M., "Are these all my fancies, or are they real?" M. remained silent with wonder at the Master's intimate relationship with the Divine Mother. He thought She must be within us as well as without. Indeed She must be very near us; or why should the Master speak to Her in a whisper?

Wednesday, September 26, 1883

There were very few devotees with the Master, for most of them came on Sundays.

Rkhl and Ltu were living with him the greater part of the time. M. arrived in the afternoon and found the Master seated on the small couch. The conversation turned to Narendra.

MASTER (to M.): "Have you seen Narendra lately? (With a smile) He said of me: 'He still goes to the Kli temple, But he will not when he truly understands.' His people are very much dissatisfied with him because he comes here now and then. The other day he came here in a hired carriage, and Surendra paid for it. Narendra's aunt almost had a row with Surendra about it."

The Master left the couch and went to the northeast verandah, where Hazra, Kishori, Rkhl , and a few other devotees were sitting.

MASTER (to M.): "How is it that you are here today? Have you no school?"

M: "Our school closed today at half past one."

MASTER: "Why so early?"

M: "Vidyasagar visited the school. He owns the school. So the boys get a half holiday whenever he comes."

Efficacy of truthfulness

MASTER: "Why doesn't Vidyasagar keep his word? 'If one who holds to truth and looks on woman as his mother does not realize God, then Tulsi is a liar.' If a man holds to truth he will certainly realize God. The other day Vidyasagar said he would come here and visit me. But he hasn't kept his word."

Difference between scholar and holy man "There is a big difference between a scholar and a holy man. The mind of a mere scholar is fixed on 'woman and gold', but the sdhu's mind is on the Lotus Feet of Hari.

A scholar says one thing and does another. But it is quite a different matter with a sdhu. The words and actions of a man who has given his mind to the Lotus Feet of God are altogether different. In Benares I saw a young sannyasi who belonged to the sect of Nanak.. He was the same age as you. He used to refer to me as the 'loving monk'. His sect has a monastery in Benares. I was invited there one day. I found that the mohant was like a housewife. I asked him, 'What is the way?' 'For the Kaliyuga', he said, 'the path of devotion as enjoined by Nrada.' He was reading a book. When the reading was over, he recited: 'Vishnu is in water, Vishnu is on land, Vishnu is on the mountain top; the whole world is pervaded by Vishnu.' At the end he said, 'Peace! Peace! Abiding Peace!'

Path of love suited to modern times

"One day he was reading the Git. He was so strict about his monastic rules that he would not read a holy book looking at a worldly man. So he turned his face toward me and his back on Mathur, who was also present. It was this holy man who told me of Nrada's path of devotion as suited to the people of the Kaliyuga."

M: "Are not sdhus of his class followers of the Vednta?"

MASTER: "Yes, they are. But they also accept the path of devotion. The fact is that in the Kaliyuga one cannot wholly follow the path laid down in the Vedas. Once a man said to me that he would perform the Purascharana of the Gayatri. I said: 'Why don't you do that according to the Tantra? In the Kaliyuga the discipline of Tantra is very efficacious.'

"It is extremely difficult to perform the rites enjoined in the Vedas. Further, at the present time people lead the life of slaves It is said that those who serve others for twelve years or so become slaves. They acquire the traits of those they serve. While serving their masters they acquire the rajas, the tamas, the spirit of violence, the love of luxury, and the other traits of their masters. Not only do they serve their masters, but they also enjoy a pension after their term of service is over.

Description of various monks

"Once a Vedantic monk came here. He used to dance at the sight of a cloud. He would go into an ecstasy of joy over a rain-storm. He would get very angry if, anyone went near him when he meditated. One day I came to him while he was meditating, and that made him very cross. He discriminated constantly, 'Brahman alone is real and the world is illusory.' Since the appearance of diversity is due to maya, he walked about with a prism from a chandelier in his hand. One sees different colours through the prism; in reality there is no such thing as colour. Likewise, nothing exists, in reality, except Brahman. But there is an appearance of the manifold because of maya, egoism. He would not look at an object more than once, lest he should be deluded by maya and attachment. He would discriminate, while taking his bath, at the sight of birds flying in the. sky. He knew grammar. He stayed here for three days. One day he heard the sound of a flute near the embankment and said that a man who had realized Brahman would go into samdhi at such a sound."

While talking about the monk, the Master showed his devotees the manners and movements of a paramahamsa: the gait of a child, face beaming with laughter, eyes swimming in joy, and body completely naked. Then he again took his seat on the small couch and poured out his soul-enthralling words.

MASTER (to M.): "I learnt Vednta from Nangta: 'Brahman alone is real; the world is illusory.' The magician performs his magic. He produces a mango-tree which even bears mangoes. But this is all sleight of hand. The magician alone is real."

M: "It seems that the whole of life is a long sleep. This much I understand, that we are not seeing things rightly. We perceive the world with a mind by which we cannot comprehend even the nature of the sky. So how can our perceptions be correct?"

MASTER: "There is another way of looking at it. We do not see the sky rightly. It looks as if the sky were touching the ground at the horizon. How can a man see correctly? His mind is delirious, like the mind of a typhoid patient."

The Master sang in his sweet voice:

What a delirious fever is this that I suffer from!

O Mother, Thy grace is my only cure. . . .

Continuing, the Master said: "Truly it is a state of delirium. Just see how worldly men quarrel among themselves. No one knows what they quarrel about. Oh, how they quarrel! 'May such and such a thing befall you!' How much shouting! How much abuse!"

M: "I said to Kishori: The box is empty; there is nothing inside. But two men pull at it from either side, thinking the box contains money.' Well, the body alone is the cause of all this mischief, isn't it? The jnanis see all this and say to themselves, 'What a relief one feels when this pillow-case of the body drops off.'"

The Master and M. went toward the Kli temple.

MASTER: "Why should you say such things? This world may be a 'frame work of illusion', but it is also said that it is a 'mansion of mirth'. Let the body remain. One can also turn this world into a mansion of mirth."

M: "But where is unbroken bliss in this world?"

MASTER: "Yes, where is it?"

Sri Ramakrishna stood in front of the shrine of Kli and prostrated himself before the Divine Mother. M. followed him. Then the Master sat on the lower floor in front of the shrine room, facing the blissful image, and leaned against a pillar of the natmandir. He wore a red-bordered cloth, part of which was on his shoulder and back. M. sat by his side.

M: "Since there is no unbroken happiness in the world, why should one assume a body at all? I know that the body is meant only to reap the results of past action. But who knows what sort of action it is performing now? The unfortunate part is that we are being crushed."

MASTER: "If a pea falls into filth, it grows into a pea-plant none the less."

M: "But still there are the eight bonds."

Divine grace removes bondage

MASTER: "They are not eight bonds, but eight fetters. But what if they are? These fetters fall off in a moment, by the grace of God. Do you know what it is like? Suppose a room has been kept dark a thousand years. The moment a man brings a light into it, the darkness vanishes. Not little by little. Haven't you seen the magician's feat? He takes string with many knots, and ties one end to something, keeping the other in his hand. Then he shakes the string once or twice, and immediately all the knots come undone. But another man cannot untie the knots however he may try. All the knots of ignorance come undone in the twinkling of an eye, through the guru's grace.

"Well, can you tell me why Keshab Sen has changed so much lately? He used to come here very often. He learnt here how to bow low before a holy man. One day I told him that one should not salute a holy man as he had been doing. Harish says rightly: 'All the cheques must be approved here. Only then will they be cashed in the bank.'"


M. listened to these words breathlessly. He began to realize that Satchidananda, in the form of the guru, passes the "cheque".

MASTER: "Do not reason. Who can ever know God? I have heard it from Nangta, once for all, that this whole universe is only a fragment of Brahman.

"Hazra is given to too much calculation. He says, 'This much of God has become the universe and this much is the balance.' My head aches at his calculations. I know that I know nothing. Sometimes I think of God as good, and sometimes as bad. What can I know of Him?"

M: "It is true, sir. Can anyone ever know God? Each thinks, with his little bit of intelligence, that he has understood all of God. As you say, an ant went to a sugar hill and, finding that one grain of. sugar filled its stomach, thought that the next time it would take the entire hill into its hole."

Surrender to the Divine Mother

MASTER: "Who can ever know God? I don't even try. I only call on Him as Mother. Let Mother do whatever She likes. I shall know Her if it is Her will; but I shall be happy to remain ignorant if She wills otherwise. My nature is that of a kitten. It only cries, 'Mew, mew!' The rest it leaves to its mother. The mother cat puts the kitten sometimes in the kitchen and sometimes on the master's bed. The young child wants only his mother. He doesn't know how wealthy his mother is, and he doesn't even want to know. He knows only, 'I have a mother; why should I worry?' Even the child of the maidservant knows that he has a mother. If he quarrels with the son of the master, he says: 'I shall tell my mother. I have a mother.' My attitude, too, is that of a child."

Suddenly Sri Ramakrishna caught M.'s attention and said, touching his own chest: "Well, there must be something here. Isn't that so?"

M. looked wonderingly at the Master. He said to himself: "Does the Mother Herself dwell in the Master's heart? Is it the Divine Mother who has assumed this human body for the welfare of humanity?"

Sri Ramakrishna was praying to the Divine Mother: "O Mother! O Embodiment of Om!

Mother, how many things people say about Thee! But I don't understand any of them. I don't know anything, Mother. I have taken refuge at Thy feet. I have sought protection in Thee. O Mother, I pray only that I may have pure love for Thy Lotus Feet, love that seeks no return. And Mother, do not delude me with Thy world-bewitching maya. I seek Thy protection. I have taken refuge in Thee."

The evening worship in the temples was over. Sri Ramakrishna was again seated in his room with M.

M. had been visiting the Master for the past two years and, had received his grace and blessings. He had been told that God was both with form and without form, that He assumed forms for the sake of His devotees. To the worshipper of the formless God, the Master said: "Hold to your conviction, but remember that all is possible with God. He has form, and again, He is formless. He can be many things more."

MASTER (to M.): "You have accepted an ideal, that of God without form-isn't that so?"

M: "Yes, sir. But I also believe what you say-that all is possible with God. It is quite possible for God to have forms.

MASTER: "Good. Remember further that, as Consciousness, He pervades the entire universe of the living and non-living."

M: "I think of Him as the consciousness in conscious beings."

MASTER: "Stick to that ideal now. There is no need of tearing down and changing one's attitude. You will gradually come to realize that the consciousness in conscious beings is the Consciousness of God. He alone is Consciousness.

"Let me ask you one thing. Do you feel attracted to money and treasures?"

M: "No, sir. But I think of earning money in order to be free from anxiety, to be able to think of God without worry."

MASTER: "Oh, that's perfectly natural."

M: "Is it greed? I don't think so."

MASTER: "You are right. Otherwise, who will look after your children? What will become of them if you feel that you are not the doer?"

M: "I have heard that one cannot attain Knowledge as long as one has the consciousness of duty. Duty is like the scorching sun."

MASTER: "Keep your present attitude. It will be different when the consciousness of duty drops away of itself."

They remained silent a few minutes.

M: "To enter the world after attaining partial knowledge! Why, it is like dying in full consciousness, as in cholera!"

MASTER: "Oh, Ram! Ram!"

The idea in M.'s mind was that just as a cholera patient feels excruciating pain at the time of death, because of retaining consciousness, so also a Jnni with partial knowledge must feel extremely miserable leading the life of the world, which he knows to be illusory.

M: "People who are completely ignorant are like typhoid patients, who remain unconscious at the time of death and so do not feel the pain."

MASTER: "Tell me, what does one attain through money? Jaygopal Sen is such a wealthy man; but he complains that his children don't obey him."

M: "Is poverty the only painful thing in the world? There are the six passions besides.

Then disease and grief."

MASTER: "And also name and fame, the desire to win people's recognition. Well, what do you think my attitude is?"

M: "It is like that of a man just awakened from sleep. He becomes aware of himself.

You are always united with God."

MASTER: "Do you ever dream of me?"

M: "Yes, sir. Many times."

MASTER: "How? Did you dream of me as giving you instruction?"

M. remained silent.

MASTER: "If you ever see me instructing you, then know that it is Satchidananda Himself that does so."

M. related his dream experiences to Sri Ramakrishna, who listened to them attentively.

MASTER (to M.): "That is very good. Don't reason any more. You are a follower of akti."

Wednesday, October 10, 1883

Visit to Adhar's house

Adhar had invited the Master to come to his house on the occasion of the Durga Puja festival. It was the third day of the worship of the Divine Mother. When Sri Ramakrishna arrived at Adhar's house, he found Adhar's friend Sarada, Balarm's father, and Adhar's neighbours and relatives waiting for him.

The Master went into the worship hall to see the evening worship. When it was over, he remained standing there in an abstracted mood and sang in praise of the Divine Mother: Glories of the Divine Mother

Out of my deep affliction rescue me, O Redeemer!

Terrified by the threats of the King of Death am I!

Left to myself, I shall perish soon;

Save me, oh, save me now, I pray!

Mother of all the worlds! Thou, the Support of mankind!

Thou, the Bewitcher of all, the Mother of all that has life!

Vrindvan's charming Radha art Thou,

Dearest playmate of Braja's Beloved.

Blissful comrade of Krishna, well-spring of Krishna's lila, Child of Himlaya, best of the gopis, beloved of Govinda!

Sacred Ganga, Giver of moksha!

akti! The universe sings Thy praise.

Thou art the Spouse of iva, the Ever-blessed, the All; Sometimes Thou takest form and sometimes art absolute.

Eternal Beloved of Mahdeva,

Who can fathom Thine infinite glories?

The Master went to Adhar's drawing-room on the second floor and took a seat, surrounded by the guests. Still in a mood of divine fervour, he said: "Gentlemen, I have eaten. Now go and enjoy the feast." Was the Master hinting that the Divine Mother had partaken of Adhar's offering? Did he identify himself with the Divine Mother and therefore say, "I have eaten"?

Then, addressing the Divine Mother, he continued: "Shall I eat, O Mother? Or will You eat? O Mother, the very Embodiment of the Wine of Divine Bliss!" Did the Master look on himself as one with the Divine Mother? Had the Mother incarnated Herself as the Son to instruct mankind in the ways of God? Was this why the Master said, "I have eaten"?

In that state of divine ecstasy Sri Ramakrishna saw the six centres in his body, and the Divine Mother dwelling in them. He sang a song to that effect.

Again he sang:

My mind is overwhelmed with wonder,

Pondering the Mother's mystery;

Her very name removes

The fear of Kala, Death himself;

Beneath Her feet lies Maha-Kala.

Why should Her hue be kala, black?

Many the forms of black, but She

Appears astoundingly black;

When contemplated in the heart,

She lights the lotus that blossoms there.

Her form is black, and She is named

Kli, the Black One. Blacker than black

Is She! Beholding Her,

Man is bewitched for evermore;

No other form can he enjoy.

In wonderment asks Ramprasad:

Where dwells this Woman so amazing?

At Her mere name, his mind

Becomes at once absorbed in Her,

Though he has never yet beheld Her.

The fear of the devotees flies away if they but seek shelter at the feet of the Divine Mother. Was that why the Master sang the following song?: I have surrendered my soul at the fearless feet of the Mother; Am I afraid of Death any more?

Unto the tuft of hair on my head

Is tied the almighty mantra, Mother Kli's name.

My body I have sold in the marketplace of the world And with it have bought Sri Durga's name.

Deep within my heart I have planted the name of Kli, The Wish-fulfilling Tree of heaven;

When Yama, King of Death, appears,

To him I shall open my heart and show it growing there.

I have cast out from me my six unflagging foes; Ready am I to sail life's sea, Crying, "To Durga, victory!"

Sarada was stricken with grief on account of his son's death. So Adhar had taken him to Dakshineswar to visit the Master. Sarada was a devotee of Sri Chaitanya. Sri Ramakrishna looked at him and was inspired with the ideal of Gaurnga.

He sang:

Why has My body turned so golden? It is not time for this to be: Many the ages that must pass, before as Gaurnga I appear.

Here in the age of Dwapara My sport is not yet at an end; How strange this transformation is!

The peacock glistens, all of gold; arid golden, too, the cuckoo gleams!

Everything around Me here has turned to gold! Naught else appears

But gold, whichever way I look.

What can it mean, this miracle, that everything I see is gold?

Ah, I can guess its meaning now:

Radha has come to Mathura, and that is why My skin is gold.

For she is like the bhramara, and so has given Me her hue.

Dark blue My body was but now; yet in the twinkling of an eye It turned to gold. Have I become Radha by contemplating her?

I cannot imagine where I am-in Mathura or Navadvip.

But how could this have come to pass?

Not yet is Balarama born as Nitai, nor has Nrada Become Srivas, nor Yaoda as Mother Sachi yet returned.

Then why should I, among them all, alone assume a golden face?

Not yet is Father Nanda born as Jagannath; then why should I Be thus transmuted into gold?

Perhaps because in Mathura sweet Radha has appeared, My skin

Has borrowed Gaurnga's golden hue.

Sri Ramakrishna sang again, still overpowered with the ideal of Gaurnga: Surely Gaurnga is lost in a state of blissful ecstasy; In an exuberance of joy, he laughs and weeps and dances and sings.

He takes a wood for Vrindvan, the Ganges for the blue Jamuna;

Loudly he sobs and weeps. Yet, though he is all gold without, He is all black within-black with the blackness of Krishna!

The Master continued to sing, assuming the attitude of a woman devotee infatuated with love for Gaurnga:

Why do my neighbours raise such a scandal?

Why do they cast aspersions upon me

Simply because of Gaurnga?

How can they understand my feelings?

How can I ever explain?

Can I ever explain at all?

Alas, to whom shall I explain it?

Ah, but they make me die of shame!

Once on a time, at the house of Srivas,

Gora was loudly singing the kirtan,

When, on the ground of the courtyard,

Falling, he rolled in an ecstasy.

I, who was standing near him,

Seeing him where he lay entranced.

Was suddenly lost to outward sense.

Until the wife of Srivas revived me.

Another day, in the bhaktas' procession,

Gora was sweetly singing the kirtan;

Clasping the outcastes to him,

He softened the unbelievers' hearts.

Through Nadia's marketplace

He chanted Lord Hari's holy name.

I followed the throng, and from close by

Caught a glimpse of his golden feet.

Once by the Ganges' bank he stood,

His body bright as the sun and moon

Charming all with his beauty.

I too had come, to fetch some water,

And, as I looked from one side,

My water-jar slipped and fell to the ground.

My sister-in-law, the gossip, saw me,

And now she is spreading it everywhere.

Balarm's father was a Vaishnava; hence the Master also sang of the divine love of the gopis for their beloved Krishna:

I have not found my Krishna, O friend! How cheerless my home without Him!

Ah, if Krishna could only be the hair upon my head, Carefully I should braid it then, and deck it with bakul-flowers; Carefully I should fashion the braids out of my Krishna-hair.

Krishna is black, and black is my hair; black would be one with black!

Ah, if Krishna could only be the ring I wear in my nose, Always from my nose He would hang, and my two lips could touch Him.

But it can never be, alas! Why should I idly dream?

Why should Krishna care at all to be the ring in my nose?

Ah, if Krishna could only be the bracelets on my arms, Always He would cling to my wrists, and proudly I should walk, Shaking my bracelets to make them sound, shaking my arms to show them;

Down the king's highway I should walk, wearing my Krishna-bracelets.

Balarm's father was a wealthy man with estates in different parts of Orissa. An orthodox member of the Vaishnava sect, he had built temples and arranged for distribution of food to the pilgrims at various holy places. He had been spending the last years of his life in Vrindvan. The Vaishnavas, for the most part, are bigoted in their religious views. Some of them harbour malicious feelings toward the followers of the Tantra and Vednta. But Sri Ramakrishna never encouraged such a narrow outlook.

According to his teachings, through earnestness and yearning all lovers of God will ultimately reach the same goal. The Master began the conversation in order to broaden the religious views of Balarm's father.

Master's harmony of religions

MASTER (to M.): "Once I thought, 'Why should I be one-sided?' Therefore I was initiated into Vaishnavism in Vrindvan and took the garb of a Vaishnava monk. I spent three days practising the Vaishnava discipline. Again, at Dakshineswar I was initiated into the mystery of Rm worship. I painted my forehead with a long mark and put on a string with a diamond round my neck. But after a few days I gave them up.

"A certain man had a tub. People would come to him to have their clothes dyed. The tub contained a solution of dye. Whatever colour a man wanted for his cloth, he would get by dipping the cloth in the tub. One man was amazed to see this and said to the dyer, 'Please give me the dye you have in your tub.' "

Was the Master hinting that people professing different religions would come to him and have their spiritual consciousness awakened according to their own ideals?

MASTER (to Balarm's father): "Don't read books any more. But you may read books on devotion, such as the life of Chaitanya.

"The whole thing is to love God and taste His sweetness. He is sweetness and the devotee is its enjoyer. The devotee drinks the sweet Bliss of God. Further, God is the lotus and the devotee the bee. The devotee sips the honey of the lotus.

"As a devotee cannot live without God, so also God cannot live without His devotee.

Then the devotee becomes the sweetness, and God its enjoyer. The devotee becomes the lotus, and God the bee. It is the Godhead that has become these two in order to enjoy Its own Bliss. That is the significance of the episode of Radha and Krishna.

"At the beginning of spiritual life the devotee should observe such rites as pilgrimage, putting a string of beads around his neck, and so forth. But outward ceremonies gradually drop off as he attains the goal, the vision of God. Then his only activity is the repetition of God's name, and contemplation and meditation on Him.

"The pennies equivalent to sixteen rupees make a great heap. But sixteen silver coins do not look like such a big amount. Again, the quantity becomes much smaller when you change the sixteen rupees into one gold mohur. And if you change the gold into a tiny piece of diamond, people hardly notice it."

Orthodox Vaishnavas insist on the outer insignia of religion. They criticize any devotee who does not wear these marks. Was that why the Master said that, after the vision of God, a devotee becomes indifferent to outer marks, giving up formal worship when the goal of spiritual life is attained?

MASTER (to Balarm's father): "The Kartabhajas group the devotees into four classes: the pravartaka, the sadhaka, the siddha, and the siddha of the siddha. The pravartaka, the beginner, puts the mark of his religion on his forehead, wears a string of beads around his neck, and observes other outer conventions. The sadhaka, the struggling devotee, does not care so much for elaborate rites. An example of this class is the Baul. The siddha, the perfect, firmly believes that God exists. The siddha of the siddha, the supremely perfect, like Chaitanya, not only has realized God but also has become intimate with Him and talks with Him all the time. This is the last limit of realization.

Different classes of spiritual aspirants

"There are many kinds of spiritual aspirants. Those endowed with sattva perform their spiritual practices secretly. They look like ordinary people, but they meditate inside the mosquito net.

"Aspirants endowed with rajas exhibit outward pomp-a string of beads around the neck, a mark on the forehead, an ochre robe, a silk cloth, a rosary with a gold bead, and so on. They are like stall-keepers advertising their wares with signboards.

"All religions and all paths call upon their followers to pray to one and the same God.

Therefore one should not show disrespect to any religion or religious opinion. It is God alone who is called Satchidananda Brahman in the Vedas, Satchidananda Krishna in the Puranas, and Satchidananda iva in the Tantras. It is one and the same Satchidananda.

"There are different sects of Vaishnavas. That which is called Brahman in the Vedas is called lekh-Niranjan by one Vaishnava sect. 'lekh' means That which cannot be pointed out or perceived by the sense-organs. According to this sect, Radha and Krishna are only two bubbles of the lekh.

"According to the Vednta, there is no Incarnation of God. The Vedantists say that Rm and Krishna are but two waves in the Ocean of Satchidananda.

"In reality there are not two. There is only One. A man may call on God by any name; if he is sincere in his prayer he will certainly reach Him. He will succeed if he has longing."

As Sri Ramakrishna spoke these words to the devotees, he was overwhelmed with divine fervour. Coming down to partial consciousness of the world, he said to Balarm's father, "Are you the father of Balarm?"

All sat in silence. Balarm's aged father was silently telling his beads.

Futility of worship without yearning

MASTER (to M. and the others): "Well, these people practise so much japa and go to so many sacred places, but why are they like this? Why, do they make no progress? In their case it seems as if the year consists of eighteen months.

"Once I said to Harish: 'What is the use of going to Benares if one does not feel restless for God? And if one feels that longing, then this very place is Benares.'

"They make so many pilgrimages and repeat the name of God so much, but why do they not realize anything? It is because they have no longing for God. God reveals Himself to the devotee if only he calls upon Him with a longing heart.

"At the beginning of a yatra performance much light-hearted restlessness is to be observed on the stage. At that time one does not see Krishna. Next the sage Nrada enters with his flute and sings longingly, 'O Govinda! O my Life! O my Soul!' Then Krishna can no longer remain away and appears with the cowherd boys."

Tuesday, October 16, 1883

Sri Ramakrishna was in his room with Rkhl , Balarm's father, Beni Pl, M., Mani Mallick, Ishan, Kishori, and other devotees.

MASTER: "Liberal-minded devotees accept all the forms of God: Krishna, Kli, iva, Rm, and so on."

BALARM'S FATHER: "Yes, sir. It is like a woman's recognizing her husband, whatever clothes he wears."

Unwavering devotion to God

MASTER: "But again, there is a thing called nishtha, single-minded devotion. When the gopis went to Mathura they saw Krishna with a turban on His head. At this they pulled down their veils and said, 'Who is this man? Where is our Krishna with the peacock feather on His crest and the yellow cloth on His body?' Hanuman also had that unswerving devotion. He came to Dwaraka in the cycle of Dwapara. Krishna said to Rukmini, His queen, 'Hanuman will not be satisfied unless he sees the form of Rm.'

So, to please Hanuman, Krishna assumed the form of Rma.

"But, my dear sir, I am in a peculiar state of mind. My mind constantly descends from the Absolute to the Relative, and again ascends from the Relative to the Absolute.

"The attainment of the Absolute is called the Knowledge of Brahman. But it is extremely difficult to acquire. A man cannot acquire the Knowledge of Brahman unless he completely rids himself of his attachment to the world. When the Divine Mother was born as the daughter of King Himalaya, She showed Her various forms to Her father.

The king said, 'I want to see Brahman.' Thereupon the Divine Mother said: 'Father, if that is your desire, then you must seek the company of holy men. You must go into solitude, away from the world, and now and then live in holy company.'

The many and the One

"The manifold has come from the One alone, the Relative from the Absolute. There is a state of consciousness where the many disappears, and the One, as well; for the many must exist as long as the One exists. Brahman is without comparison. It is impossible to explain Brahman by analogy. It is between light and darkness. It is Light, but not the light that we perceive, not material light.

"Again, when God changes the state of my mind, when He brings my mind down to the plane of the Relative, I perceive that it is He who has become all these-the Creator, maya, the living beings, and the universe.

"Again, sometimes He shows me that He has created the universe and all living beings.

He is the Master, and the universe His garden.

Knowledge and ignorance

"'He is the Master, and the universe and all its living beings belong to Him'-that is Knowledge. And, 'I am the doer', 'I am the guru', 'I am the father'-that is ignorance.

'This is my house; this is my family; this is my wealth; these are my relatives'-this also is ignorance."

BALARM'S FATHER: "That is true, sir."

MASTER: "As long as you do not feel that God is the Master, you must come back to the world, you must be born again and again. There will be no rebirth when you can truly say, 'O God, Thou art the Master.' As long as you cannot say, 'O Lord, Thou alone art real', you will not be released from the life of the world. This going and coming, this rebirth, is inevitable. There will be no liberation. Further, what can you achieve by saying, 'It is mine'? The manager of an estate may say, 'This is our garden; these are our couches and furniture.' But when he is dismissed by the master, he hasn't the right to take away even a chest of worthless mango-wood given to him for his use.

"The feeling of 'I and mine' has covered the Reality. Because of this we do not see Truth. Attainment of Chaitanya, Divine Consciousness, is not possible without the knowledge of Advaita, Non-duality. After realizing Chaitanya one enjoys Nityananda, Eternal Bliss. One enjoys this Bliss after attaining the state of a paramahamsa.

"Vednta does not recognize the Incarnation of God. According to it, Chaitanyadeva is only a bubble of the non-dual Brahman.

"Do you know what the vision of Divine Consciousness is like? It is like the sudden illumination of a dark room when a match is struck.

"The Incarnation of God is accepted by those who follow the path of bhakti. A woman belonging to the Kartabhaja sect observed my condition, and remarked: 'You have inner realization. Don't dance and sing too much. Ripe grapes must be preserved carefully in cotton. The mother-in-law lessens her daughter-in-law's activities when the daughter-in-law is with child. One characteristic of God-realization is that the activities of a man with such realization gradually drop away. Inside this man [meaning Sri Ramakrishna]

is the real Jewel.'

"Watching me eat, she remarked, 'Sir, are you yourself eating, or are you feeding someone else?'

"The feeling of ego has covered the Truth. Narendra once said, 'As the "I" of man recedes, the "I" of God approaches.' Kedr says, 'The more clay there is in the jar, the less water it holds.'

"Krishna said to Arjuna: 'Brother, you will not realize Me if you possess even one of the eight siddhis.' These give only a little power. With healing and the like one may do only a little good to others. Isn't that true?

"Therefore I prayed to the Divine Mother for pure love only, a love that does not seek any return. I never, asked for occult powers."

While talking thus, Sri Ramakrishna went into samdhi. He sat there motionless, completely forgetful of the outer world. Then, coming down to the sense world, he sang:

Ah, friend! I have not found Him yet, whose love has driven me mad. . . .

At the Master's request, Ramlal sang a song describing how Chaitanya embraced the monastic life:

Oh, what a vision I have beheld in Keshab Bharati's hut!

Gora, in all his matchless grace,

Shedding tears in a thousand streams!

Like a mad elephant

He dances in ecstasy and sings,

Drunk with an overwhelming love.

Rolling flat upon the ground and swimming in his tears, He weeps and shouts Lord Hari's name,

Piercing the very heavens with his cries,

Loud as a lion's roar;

Then most humbly he begs men's love,

To feel himself the servant of Cod.

Shorn of his locks, he has put on the yogi's ochre robe; Even the hardest heart must melt

To see his pure and heavenly love.

Smitten by man's deep woe,

He has abandoned everything

And pours out love unstintingly.

Oh, would that Premdas were his slave and, passing from door to door,

Might sing Gaurnga's endless praise!

The Master asked Mani Mallick to quote the words of Tulsidas to the effect that one who had developed love of God could not observe caste distinctions.

MANI: "The throat of the chatak bird is pierced with thirst. All around are the waters of the Ganges, the Jamuna, the Saraju, and of innumerable other rivers and lakes; but the bird will not touch any of these. It only looks up expectantly for the rain that falls when the star Svati is in the ascendant."

MASTER: "That means that love for the Lotus Feet of God is alone real, and all else illusory."

MANI: "Tulsi also said: 'At the touch of the philosopher's stone, the eight metals become gold. Likewise all castes, even the butcher and the untouchable, become pure by repeating Hari's name. Without Hari's name the people of the four castes are but butchers.'"

MASTER: "The hide that the scriptures forbid one to touch can be taken inside the temple after it has been tanned.

Chanting God's holy name

"Man becomes pure by repeating the name of God. Therefore one should practise the chanting of God's name. I said to Jadu Mallick's mother: 'In the hour of death you will think only of worldly things-of family, children, executing the will, and so forth. The thought of God will not come to your mind. The way to remember God in the hour of death is to practise, now, the repetition of His name and the chanting of His glories. If one keeps up this practice, then in the hour of death one will repeat the name of God.

When the cat pounces upon the bird, the bird only squawks and does not say, 'Rma, Rma, Hare-Krishna'.

"It is good to prepare for death. One should constantly think of God and chant His name in solitude during the last years of one's life. If the elephant is put into the stable after its bath it is not soiled again by dirt and dust."

Balarm's father, Mani Mallick, and Beni Pl were all elderly men. Did the Master give this instruction especially for their benefit?

MASTER: "Why do I ask you to think of God and chant His name in solitude? Living in the world day and night, one suffers from worries. Haven't you noticed brother killing brother for a foot of land? The Sikhs said to me, 'The cause of all worry and confusion is these three: land, woman, and money.'

"You are leading a householder's life. Why should you be afraid of the world? When Rma said to Dasaratha that He was going to renounce the world, it worried His father, and the king sought counsel of Vasishtha. Vasishtha said to Rma: 'Rma, why should You give up the world? Reason with me; Is this world outside God? What is there to renounce and what is there to accept? Nothing whatever exists but God. It is Brahman alone that appears as Isvara, maya, living beings, and the universe.' "

BALARM'S FATHER: "It is very difficult, sir."

MASTER: "The aspirant, while practising spiritual discipline, looks upon the world as a 'framework of illusion'. Again, after the attainment of Knowledge, the vision of God, this very world becomes to him a 'mansion of mirth'.

"It is written in the books of the Vaishnavas: 'God can be attained through faith alone; reasoning pushes Him far away.' Faith alone!

"What faith Krishnakishore had! At Vrindvan a low-caste man drew water for him from a well. Krishnakishore said to him, 'Repeat the name of iva.' After the man had repeated the name of iva, Krishnakishore unhesitatingly drank the water. He used to say, 'If a man chants the name of God, does he need to spend money any more for the atonement of his sins? How foolish!' He was amazed to see people worshipping God with the sacred tulsi-leaf in order to get rid of their illnesses. At the bathing-ghat here he said to us, 'Please bless me, that I may pass my days repeating Rma's holy name.'

Whenever I went to his house he would dance with joy at the sight of me. Rma said to Lakshmana, 'Brother, whenever you find people singing and dancing in the ecstasy of divine love, know for certain that I am there.' Chaitanya is an example of such ecstatic love. He laughed and wept and danced and sang in divine ecstasy. He was an Incarnation. God incarnated Himself through Chaitanya."

Sri Ramakrishna sang a song describing the divine love of Chaitanya. Then Balarm's father, Mani Mallick, Beni Pl, and several other devotees took leave of the Master.

In the evening, devotees from Kansaritola, Calcutta, arrived. The Master danced and sang with them in a state of divine fervour. After dancing, he went into a spiritual mood and said, "I shall go part of the way myself." Kishori came forward to massage his feet, but the Master did not allow anyone to touch him.

Ishan arrived. The Master was seated, still in a spiritual mood. After a while he became engaged in talk with Ishan. It was Ishan's desire to practise the Purascharana of the Gayatri.

MASTER (to Ishan): "Follow your own intuition. I hope there is no more doubt in your mind. Is there any? The path of the Vedas is not meant for the Kaliyuga. The path of Tantra is efficacious."

ISHAN: "I have almost resolved to perform an atonement ceremony."

MASTER: "Do you mean to say that one cannot follow the path of Tantra? That which is Brahman is also akti, Kli. Knowing the secret that Kli is one with the highest Brahman, I have discarded, once for all, both righteousness and sin."

ISHAN: "It is mentioned in a hymn in the Chandi that Brahman alone is the Primal Energy. Brahman is identical with akti."

MASTER: "It will not do simply to express that idea in words. Only when you assimilate it will all be well with you.

"When the heart becomes pure through the practice of spiritual discipline, then one rightly feels that God alone is the Doer. He alone has become mind, life, and intelligence. We are only His instruments. Thou it is that holdest the elephant in the mire; Thou, that helpest the lame man scale the loftiest hill.

"When your heart becomes pure, then you will realize that it is God who makes us perform such rites as the Purascharana.

Thou workest Thine own work; men only call it theirs.

"All doubts disappear after the realization of God. Then the devotee meets the favourable wind. He becomes free from worry. He is like the boatman who, when the favourable wind blows, unfurls the sail, holds the rudder lightly, and enjoys a smoke."

Ishan took his leave and Sri Ramakrishna talked with M. No one else was present. He asked M. what he thought of Narendra, Rkhl , Adhar, and Hazra, and whether they were guileless. "And", asked the Master, "what do you think of me?".

M. said: "You are simple and at the same time deep. It is extremely difficult to understand you."

Sri Ramakrishna laughed.

November 26, 1883

It was the day of the annual festival of the Sinduriapatti Brahmo Samaj. The ceremony was to be performed in Manilal Mallick's house. The worship hall was beautifully decorated with flowers, wreaths, and evergreens, and many devotees were assembled, eagerly awaiting the worship. Their enthusiasm had been greatly heightened by the news that Sri Ramakrishna was going to grace the occasion with his presence. Keshab, Vijay, Shivanath, and other leaders of the Brahmo Samaj held him in high respect. His God intoxicated state of mind, his intense love of spiritual life, his burning faith, his intimate communion with God, and his respect for women, whom he regarded as veritable manifestations of the Divine Mother, together with the unsullied purity of his character, his complete renunciation of worldly talk, his love and respect for all religious faiths, and his eagerness to meet devotees of all creeds, attracted the members of the Brahmo Samaj to him. Devotees came that day from far-off places to join the festival, for it would give them a chance to get a glimpse of the Master and listen to his inspiring talk.

Sri Ramakrishna arrived at the house before the worship began, and became engaged in conversation with Vijaykrishna Goswami and the other devotees. The lamps were lighted and the divine service was about to begin.

The Master asked if Shivanath would come to the festival. A Brahmo devotee said that he had other important things to do and was not coming.

Truthfulness leads to God

MASTER: "I feel very happy when I see Shivanath. He always seems to be absorbed in the bliss of bhakti. Further, a man who is respected by so many surely possesses some divine power. But he has one great defect: he doesn't keep his word. Once he said to me that, he would come to Dakshineswar, but he neither came nor sent me word. That is not good. It is said that truthfulness alone constitutes the spiritual discipline of the Kaliyuga. If a man clings tenaciously to truth he ultimately realizes God. Without this regard for truth, one gradually loses everything. If by chance I say that I will go to the pine-grove, I must go there even if there is no further need of it, lest I lose my attachment to truth. After my vision of the Divine Mother, I prayed to Her, taking a flower in my hands: 'Mother, here is Thy knowledge and here is Thy ignorance. Take them both, and give me only pure love. Here is Thy holiness and here is Thy unholiness. Take them both, Mother, and give me pure love. Here is Thy good and here is Thy evil. Take them both, Mother, and give me pure love. Here is Thy righteousness, and here is Thy unrighteousness. Take them both, Mother, and give me pure love.' I mentioned all these, but I could not say: 'Mother, here is Thy truth and here is Thy falsehood. Take them both.' I gave up everything at Her feet but could not bring myself to give up truth."

Soon the service began according to the rules of the Brahmo Samaj. The preacher was seated on the dais. After the opening prayer he recited holy texts of the Vedas and was joined by the congregation in the invocation to the Supreme Brahman. They chanted in chorus: "Brahman is Truth, Knowledge, and Infinity. It shines as Bliss and Immortality.

Brahman is Peace, Blessedness, the One without a Second; It is pure and unstained by sin." The minds of the devotees were stilled, and they closed their eyes in meditation.

The Master went into deep samdhi. He sat there transfixed and speechless. After some time he opened his eyes, looked around, and suddenly stood up with the words "Brahma! Brahma!" on his lips. Soon the devotional music began, accompanied by drums and cymbals. In a state of divine fervour the Master began to dance with the devotees. Vijay and the other Brahmos danced around him. The guests and the devotees were enchanted. Many of them drank the sweet bliss of God's name and forgot the world. The happiness of the material world appeared bitter to them, at least for the time being.

After the kirtan all sat around the Master, eager to hear his words.

Advice to householders

MASTER: "It is difficult to lead the life of a householder in a spirit of detachment. Once Pratap said to me: 'Sir, we follow the example of King Janaka. He led the life of a householder in a detached spirit. We shall follow him.' I said to him: 'Can one be like King Janaka by merely wishing it? How many austerities he practised in order to acquire divine knowledge! He practised the most intense form of asceticism for many years and only then returned to the life of the world.'

"Is there, then, no hope for householders? Certainly there is. They must practise spiritual discipline in solitude for some days. Thus they will acquire knowledge and devotion. Then it will not hurt them to lead the life of the world. But when you practise discipline in solitude, keep yourself entirely away from your family. You must not allow your wife, son, daughter, mother, father, sister, brother, friends, or relatives near you.

While thus practising discipline in solitude, you should think: 'I have no one else in the world. God is my all.' You must also pray to Him, with tears in your eyes, for knowledge and devotion.

"If you ask me how long you should live in solitude away from your family, I should say that it would be good for you if you could spend even one day in such a manner. Three days at a time are still better. One may live in solitude for twelve days, a month, three months, or a year, according to one's convenience and ability. One hasn't much to fear if one leads the life of a householder after attaining knowledge and devotion.

"If you break a jackfruit after rubbing your hands with oil, then its sticky milk will not smear your hands. While playing the game of hide-and-seek, you are safe if you but once touch the 'granny'. Be turned into gold by touching the philosopher's stone. After that you may remain buried underground a thousand years; when you are taken out you will still be gold.

"The mind is like milk. If you keep the mind in the world, which is like water, then the milk and water will get mixed. That is why people keep milk in a quiet place and let it set into curd, and then churn butter from it. Likewise, through spiritual discipline practised in solitude, churn the butter of knowledge and devotion from the milk of the mind. Then that butter can easily be kept in the water of the world. It will not get mixed with the world. The mind will float detached on the water of the world."

Vijay had just returned from Gaya, where he had spent a long time in solitude and holy company. He had put on the ochre robe of a monk and was in an exalted state of mind, always indrawn. He was sitting before the Master with his head bent down, as if absorbed in some deep thought.

Casting his benign glance on Vijay, the Master said: "Vijay, have you found your room?

"Let me tell you a parable: Once two holy men, in the course of their wanderings, entered a city. One of them, with wondering eyes and mouth agape, was looking at the marketplace, the stalls, and the buildings, when he met his companion. The latter said: 'You seem to be filled with wonder at the city. Where is your baggage?' He replied: 'First of all I found a room. I put my things in it, locked the door, and felt totally relieved.

Now I am going about the city enjoying all the fun.'

"So I am asking you, Vijay, if you have found your room. (To M. and the others) You see, the spring in Vijay's heart has been covered all these days. Now it is open. . .

(To V ijay) "Well, Shivanath is always in trouble and turmoil. He has to write for magzines and perform many other duties. Worldly duties bring much worry and anxiety along with them.

"It is narrated in the Bhagavata that the Avadhuta had twenty-four gurus, one of whom was a kite. In a certain place the fishermen were catching fish. A kite swooped down and snatched a fish. At the sight of the fish, about a thousand crows chased the kite and made a great noise with their cawing. Whichever way the kite flew with the fish, the crows followed it. The kite flew to the south and the crows followed it there. The kite flew to the north and still the crows followed after it. The kite went east and west, but with the same result. As the kite began to fly about in confusion, lo, the fish dropped from its mouth. The crows at once let the kite alone and flew after the fish. Thus relieved of its worries, the kite sat on the branch of a tree and thought: 'That wretched fish was at the root of all my troubles. I have now got rid of it and therefore I am at peace.'

"The Avadhuta learnt this lesson from the kite, that as long as a man has the fish, that is, worldly desires, he must perform actions and consequently suffer from worry, anxiety, and restlessness. No sooner does he renounce these desires than his activities fall away and he enjoys peace of soul.

"But work without any selfish motive is good. It does not create any worry. But it is very difficult to be totally unselfish. We may think that our work is selfless, but selfishness comes, unknown to us, from no one knows where. But if a man has already undergone great spiritual discipline, then as a result of it he may be able to do work without any selfish motive. After the vision of God a man can easily do unselfish work.

In most cases action drops away after the attainment of God. Only a few, like Nrada, work to bring light to mankind.

"The Avadhuta accepted a bee as another teacher. Bees accumulate their honey by days of hard labour. But they cannot enjoy their honey, for a man soon breaks the comb and takes it away. The Avadhuta learnt this lesson from the bees, that one should not lay things up. Sdhus should depend one hundred per cent on God. They must not gather for the morrow. But this does not apply to the householder. He must bring up his family; therefore it is necessary for him to provide. Birds and monks do not hoard. Yet birds also hoard after their chicks are hatched: they collect food in their beaks for their young ones.

"Let me tell you one thing, Vijay. Don't trust a sdhu if he keeps bag, and baggage with him and a bundle of clothes with many knots. I have seen such sdhus under the banyan tree in the Panchavati. Two or three of them were seated there. One was picking over lentils, some were sewing their clothes, and all were gossiping about a feast they had enjoyed in a rich man's house. They said among themselves, 'That rich man spent a hundred thousand rupees on the feast and fed the sdhus sumptuously with cake, sweets, and many such delicious things.' " (All laugh) VIJAY: "It is true, sir. "I have seen such sdhus at Gaya. They are called the lotawalla sdhus of Gaya."

MASTER (to Vijay): "When love of God is awakened, work drops away of itself. If God makes some men work, let them work. It is now time for you to give up everything.

Renounce all and say, 'O mind, may you and I alone behold the Mother, letting no One else intrude.' "

Saying this, Sri Ramakrishna began to sing in his soul-enthralling voice: Cherish my precious Mother Syama

Tenderly within, O mind;

May you and I alone behold Her,

Letting no one else intrude.

O mind, in solitude enjoy Her,

Keeping the passions all outside;

Take but the tongue, that now and again

It may cry out, "O Mother! Mother!"

Suffer no breath of base desire

To enter and approach us there,

But bid true knowledge stand on guard,

Alert and watchful evermore.

The Master said to Vijay: "Surrender yourself completely to God, and set aside all such things as fear and shame. Give up such feelings as, 'What will people think of me if I dance in the ecstasy of God's holy name?' The saying, 'One cannot have the vision of God as long as one has these three-shame, hatred, and fear', is very true. Shame, hatred, fear, caste, pride, secretiveness, and the like are so many bonds. Man is free when he is liberated from all these.

"When bound by ties one is jiva, and when free from ties one is iva. Prema, ecstatic love of God, is a rare thing.

Steps of bhakti

"First of all one acquires bhakti. Bhakti is single-minded devotion to God, like the devotion a wife feels for her husband. It is very difficult to have unalloyed devotion to God. Through such devotion one's mind and soul merge in Him.

"Then comes bhava, intense love. Through bhava a man becomes speechless. His nerve currents are stilled. Kumbhaka comes by itself. It is like the case of a man whose breath and speech stop when he fires a gun.

"But prema, ecstatic love, is an extremely rare thing. Chaitanya had that love. When one has prema one forgets all outer things. One forgets the world. One even forgets one's own body, which is so dear to a man."

The Master began to sing:

Oh, when will dawn the blessed day

When tears of joy will flow from my eyes

As I repeat Lord Hari's name?

Oh, when will dawn the blessed day

When all my craving for the world

Will vanish straightway from my heart,

And with the thrill of His holy name

All of my hair will stand on end?

Oh, when will dawn that blessed day?

So the talk of divine things was proceeding, when some invited Brahmo devotees entered the room. There were among them a few pundits and high government officials.

Sri Ramakrishna had said that bhava stills the nerve currents of the devotee. He continued: "When Arjuna was about to shoot at the target, the eye of a fish, his eyes were fixed on the eye of the fish, and on nothing else. He didn't even notice any part of the fish except the eye. In such a state the breathing stops and one experiences kumbhaka.

"Another characteristic of God-vision is that a great spiritual current rushes up along the spine and goes toward the brain. If then the devotee goes into samdhi, he sees God."

Looking at the Brahmo devotees who had just arrived, the Master said: "Mere pundits, devoid of divine love, talk incoherently. Pundit Samadhyayi once said, in the course of his sermon: 'God is dry. Make Him sweet by your love and devotion.' Imagine! To describe Him, as dry, whom the Vedas declare as the Essence of Bliss! It makes one feel that the pundit didn't know what God really is. That was why his words were so incoherent.

"A man once said, 'There are many horses in my uncle's cowshed.' From that one could know that the man had no horses at all. No one keeps a horse in a cowshed.

Transitoriness of earthly things

"Some people pride themselves on their riches and power-their wealth, honour, and social position. But these are only transitory. Nothing will remain with you in death.

"There is a song that runs:

Remember this, O mind! Nobody is your own:

Vain is your wandering in this world.

Trapped in the subtle snare of maya as you are, Do not forget the Mother's name.

Only a day or two men honour you on earth

As lord and master; all too soon

That form, so honoured now, must needs be cast away, When Death, the Master, seizes you.

Even your beloved wife, for whom, while yet you live, You fret yourself almost to death,

Will not go with you then; she too will say farewell, And shun your corpse as an evil thing.

"One must not be proud of one's money. If you say that you are rich, then one can remind you that there are richer men than you, and others richer still, and so on. At dusk the glowworm comes out and thinks that it lights the world. But its pride is crushed when the stars appear in the sky. The stars feel that they give light to the earth. But when the moon rises the stars fade in shame. The moon feels that the world smiles at its light and that it lights the earth. Then the eastern horizon becomes red, and the sun rises. The moon fades and after a while is no longer seen.

"If wealthy people would think that way, they would get rid of their pride in their wealth."

Manilal had provided a sumptuous feast in celebration of the festival. He entertained the Master and the other guests with great love and attention. It was late at night when they returned to their homes.

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   1 Yoga

1.14 - INSTRUCTION TO VAISHNAVS AND BRHMOS, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  subject class:Yoga
  Sunday, September 23, 1883


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Wikipedia - Barfleur (disambiguation) -- Disambiguation page providing links to topics that could be referred to by the same search term
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Wikipedia - Bibliography of works on the United States military and LGBT+ topics -- Wikipedia bibliography
Wikipedia - Bill of Rights -- Disambiguation page providing links to topics that could be referred to by the same search term
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Wikipedia - Brain size -- Topic of study
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Wikipedia - Cognitive semantics -- Topic in the field of cognitive linguistics
Wikipedia - Commune (disambiguation) -- Disambiguation page providing links to topics that could be referred to by the same search term
Wikipedia - Conference -- A meeting of people who "confer" about a topic
Wikipedia - Conversations on Serious Topics -- 2012 film
Wikipedia - Corpus Christi -- Disambiguation page providing links to topics that could be referred to by the same search term
Wikipedia - Couples therapy -- Therapy for the two persons in a couple relationship, often with their relationship as the main topic
Wikipedia - Cultural memory -- Topic in cultural studies and historiography
Wikipedia - Currant -- Disambiguation page providing links to topics that could be referred to by the same search term
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Wikipedia - David Paulides -- Self-published writer of a series of books on topics such as Bigfoot
Wikipedia - Dead cat strategy -- Introduction of a distracting topic
Wikipedia - Death in 19th-century Mormonism -- Topic in the history of Mormonism
Wikipedia - Designation of workers by collar color -- WikGrouGroups of working individuals are typically classified based on the colors of their collars worn at workps of working individuals are typically classified based on the colors of their collars worn at workipedia article covering multiple topics
Wikipedia - Dream incubation -- Thought technique aiming for a specific dream topic
Wikipedia - Ectopic pregnancy
Wikipedia - Ectopic ureter -- Congenital disorder of urinary system
Wikipedia - Edit-a-thon -- An editing collaboration on a specific topic
Wikipedia - Electron tube -- Disambiguation page providing links to topics that could be referred to by the same search term
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Wikipedia - Encyclopedia Astronautica -- Website on space topics
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Wikipedia - Epoca -- Disambiguation page providing links to topics that could be referred to by the same search term
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Wikipedia - Expert witnesses in English law -- Legal role of explaining difficult or technical topics in litigation
Wikipedia - Feminist views on transgender topics
Wikipedia - Fish for finance -- Brexit negotiations topic
Wikipedia - Geochemical Ocean Sections Study -- A global survey of the three-dimensional distributions of chemical, isotopic, and radiochemical tracers in the ocean
Wikipedia - Gunhed -- Disambiguation page providing links to topics that could be referred to by the same search term
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Wikipedia - Index of climbing topics -- Wikipedia index
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Wikipedia - Index of topics related to life extension -- Wikipedia index
Wikipedia - Info-Cult -- Canadian non-profit organization providing information on religious cults and related topics
Wikipedia - Introduction to electromagnetism -- A non-technical introduction to topics in electromagnetism
Wikipedia - Investigative journalism -- Form of journalism in which reporters deeply investigate a single topic
Wikipedia - Isotopic dilution
Wikipedia - Isotopic labeling
Wikipedia - ITZ -- Disambiguation page providing links to topics that could be referred to by the same search term
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Wikipedia - Kenneth Baker -- Disambiguation page providing links to topics that could be referred to by the same search term
Wikipedia - Language immersion -- Technique used in bilingual language education in which two languages are used for instruction in a variety of topics
Wikipedia - Leuconotopicus -- Genus of birds
Wikipedia - LGBT topics and Confucianism
Wikipedia - List of abstract algebra topics -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of topics related to protein -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of topics related to the African diaspora -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of topics
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Wikipedia - List of Trinidad and Tobago-related topics -- wikimedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of watershed topics -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - Lists of aviation topics -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - Lists of skepticism topics -- Wikipedia list article
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Wikipedia - Lists of World War II topics -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of World War I topics -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of years by topic -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lorch -- Disambiguation page providing links to topics that could be referred to by the same search term
Wikipedia - Michael Jordan (disambiguation) -- Disambiguation page providing links to topics that could be referred to by the same search term
Wikipedia - Milk and meat in Jewish law -- Topic in Jewish dietary law
Wikipedia - Mind-wandering -- The experience of thoughts not remaining on a single topic for a long period of time
Wikipedia - Minor tractate -- Tractates covering topics of halakhah not covered by the Mishnah
Wikipedia - Mock the Week -- British topical satirical celebrity panel show
Wikipedia - Modern Pagan views on LGBT people -- LGBTQ topics and issues within modern pagan spiritual and religious movements
Wikipedia - Mossbauer spectroscopy -- Probes the properties of specific isotopic nuclei in different atomic environments by analyzing the resonant absorption of gamma rays. See also Mossbauer effect.
Wikipedia - MTT -- Disambiguation page linking to topics that could be called MTT
Wikipedia - Mumtaz Ali (disambiguation) -- Disambiguation page providing links to topics that could be referred to by the same search term
Wikipedia - Nanautawi -- Disambiguation page providing links to topics that could be referred to by the same search term
Wikipedia - Natural-language understanding -- Subtopic of natural language processing in artificial intelligence
Wikipedia - New media in Ghana -- Communications topics of Ghana
Wikipedia - News-Topic -- Newspaper published in Lenoir, North Carolina
Wikipedia - Nora -- Disambiguation page providing links to topics that could be referred to by the same search term
Wikipedia - Notability in the English Wikipedia -- criterion for topic in Wikipedia
Wikipedia - Noviomagus -- Disambiguation page providing links to topics that could be referred to by the same search term
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Wikipedia - Our World in Data -- Website that presents data and statistics of socially relevant topics
Wikipedia - Outline of Albert Einstein -- Hierarchical list provided as an overview and topical guide
Wikipedia - Outline of ancient Rome -- Overview of and topical guide to ancient Rome
Wikipedia - Outline of Bible-related topics
Wikipedia - Outline of chess -- Overview of and topical guide to chess
Wikipedia - Outline of chocolate -- An overview and topical guide to chocolate
Wikipedia - Outline of environmentalism -- 1=Overview of and topical guide to environmentalism
Wikipedia - Outline of Europe -- Overview and topical guide of Europe
Wikipedia - Outline of fencing -- Overview of and topical guide to fencing
Wikipedia - Outline of festivals -- Overview of and topical guide to festivals
Wikipedia - Outline of fiction -- Overview of and topical guide to fiction
Wikipedia - Outline of film -- Overview of and topical guide to film
Wikipedia - Outline of finance -- Overview of finance and finance-related topics
Wikipedia - Outline of firefighting -- Overview of and topical guide to firefighting
Wikipedia - Outline of fisheries -- Overview of and topical guide to fisheries
Wikipedia - Outline of fishing -- Overview of and topical guide to fishing
Wikipedia - Outline of geophysics -- Topics in the physics of the Earth and its vicinity
Wikipedia - Outline of green politics -- 1=Overview of and topical guide to green politics
Wikipedia - Outline of libertarianism -- 1=Overview of and topical guide to libertarianism
Wikipedia - Outline of photography -- Overview of and topical guide to photography
Wikipedia - Outline of socialism -- 1=Overview of and topical guide to socialism
Wikipedia - Outline of the creation-evolution controversy -- An overview of and topical guide to the creation-evolution controversy
Wikipedia - Outline of the fishing industry -- Overview of and topical guide to the fishing industry
Wikipedia - Outline of the History of the British Isles -- Overview of and topical guide to the history of the British Isles
Wikipedia - Outline of the Internet -- Overview of and topical guide to the Internet
Wikipedia - Outline of the Wars of Scottish Independence -- Overview of and topical guide to the Wars of Scottish Independence
Wikipedia - Outline of transgender topics -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Outline of transhumanism -- List of links to Wikipedia articles related to the topic of Transhumanism
Wikipedia - Outline of Washington infrastructure -- Overview of and topical guide to infrastructure of the U.S. state of Washington
Wikipedia - Outline of William Shakespeare -- overview of and topical guide to the life and legacy of William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Palmarejo -- Disambiguation page providing links to topics that could be referred to by the same search term
Wikipedia - Photopic vision
Wikipedia - Political cognition -- Topic in sociology
Wikipedia - Portal:Ancient Egypt/Main topics
Wikipedia - Portal:Aviation/Categories and Main topics -- Wikimedia portal subpage
Wikipedia - Portal:Science/Categories and Main topics -- Wikimedia portal
Wikipedia - Portal:War/Topics -- Wikimedia portal subpage
Wikipedia - Presentation -- Process of presenting a topic to an audience setting the Scene on the Agenda
Wikipedia - Pre-theoretic belief -- A topic in linguistics and philosophy
Wikipedia - Pulitzer Prize for History -- American award for distinguished books on a topic of US history
Wikipedia - Questionnaire construction -- Design of a questionnaire to gather statistically useful information about a given topic
Wikipedia - Rapid reviews -- Survey of literature on a topic or question of interest
Wikipedia - Rascals, Rogues, and Rapscallions -- Men's fraternal society devoted to scholarly research on obscure topics
Wikipedia - R/changemyview -- Subreddit dedicated to presenting opposing viewpoints by discussing controversial topics
Wikipedia - Redfern Park Speech -- Speech by Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating on the topic of Indigenous disadvantage and dispossession
Wikipedia - Relevance -- Usefulness of considering certain information in the context of a given topic
Wikipedia - Renaissance Magazine -- American magazine about renaissance related topics
Wikipedia - Resinol -- Skin protectant and topical analgesic
Wikipedia - Review article -- Article that summarizes the current state of understanding on a topic
Wikipedia - Richland -- Disambiguation page providing links to topics that could be referred to by the same search term
Wikipedia - Rossum -- Disambiguation page providing links to topics that could be referred to by the same search term
Wikipedia - Rubefacient -- Substance for topical application that produces redness of the skin
Wikipedia - Rule 34 -- Internet joke stating that internet pornography exists concerning every conceivable topic
Wikipedia - Science communication -- Public communication of science-related topics to non-experts
Wikipedia - Selamectin -- topical parasiticide for dogs and cats
Wikipedia - Seleucid agriculture -- Topic in Seleucid economic history
Wikipedia - Social vision -- Subtopic of social psychology
Wikipedia - Socratic questioning -- Type of question to predict knowledge on topic
Wikipedia - Sports journalism -- Form of journalism that reports on sporting topics and competitions
Wikipedia - Spread -- Disambiguation page providing links to topics that could be referred to by the same search term
Wikipedia - Stack Overflow -- Website hosting questions and answers on a wide range of topics in computer programming
Wikipedia - Subject-matter expert -- An authority in a particular area or topic
Wikipedia - Sunscreen -- Topical skin product that helps protect against sunburn
Wikipedia - Syntopicon
Wikipedia - Template:Disambiguation page short description -- Disambiguation page providing links to topics that could be referred to by the same search term|noreplace|pagetype = Disambiguation pages
Wikipedia - Template:New language article -- <!--Put a one or two sentence description of the topic here.-->
Wikipedia - Template talk:Africa topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Africa topic
Wikipedia - Template talk:Ancient Egypt topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Ancient Greece topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Ancient Rome topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Aquatic layer topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Asia topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Asia topic
Wikipedia - Template talk:Buddhism topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:C18 year in topic
Wikipedia - Template talk:Calculus topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:China topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Color topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Complex systems topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Cosmology topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Creationism topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Czech Republic topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:D>D topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:East Asian topics
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Wikipedia - Template talk:Europe topic
Wikipedia - Template talk:France topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Geography topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Georgia (country) topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Gnosticism topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Human intelligence topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Hungary topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Islam topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Italy topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Jainism topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Kandyan period topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Kolkata topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Linguistic typology topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Lists of years in topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Math topics TOC
Wikipedia - Template talk:Music topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:North America topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:North America topic
Wikipedia - Template talk:Oceania topic
Wikipedia - Template talk:Pakistan topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Philippines topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Philosophy topics/Archive 1
Wikipedia - Template talk:Philosophy topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Poland topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Quantum mechanics topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Racism topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Religion topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Romania topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Scotland topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Serbian Orthodox general topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Soil science topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:South Africa topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:South America topic
Wikipedia - Template talk:Soviet Union topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Spirituality-related topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Statistics topics sidebar
Wikipedia - Template talk:Taiwan topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Tang dynasty topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Technology topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Theosophy topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Tibet topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Time topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:TopicTOC-Biology
Wikipedia - Template talk:TopicTOC-Computer science
Wikipedia - Template talk:TopicTOC-Philosophy
Wikipedia - Template talk:TopicTOC-Psychology
Wikipedia - Template talk:Ukraine topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Unitarian, Universalist, and Unitarian Universalist topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:United States topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:Vietnam topics
Wikipedia - Template talk:World topic
Wikipedia - The Advocate (LGBT magazine) -- Bi-monthly American magazine covering LGBT-interest topics
Wikipedia - The News Quiz -- British topical radio panel show
Wikipedia - Theology of creationism and evolution -- Topic in theology
Wikipedia - The Russell Howard Hour -- Topical comedy news show, broadcast on Sky One
Wikipedia - Tinea incognita -- Fungal skin infection caused by the presence of a topical immunosuppressive agent
Wikipedia - Title Nine -- Disambiguation page providing links to topics that could be referred to by the same search term
Wikipedia - Topical medication -- Medication applied to body surfaces
Wikipedia - Topical stamp collecting -- The collecting of postage stamps relating to a particular subject or concept
Wikipedia - Topic and comment
Wikipedia - Topic-based vector space model
Wikipedia - Topic (linguistics)
Wikipedia - Topic Maps
Wikipedia - Topic map
Wikipedia - Topic modeling
Wikipedia - Topic model
Wikipedia - Topic outline of mathematics
Wikipedia - Topics (Aristotle)
Wikipedia - Topic segmentation
Wikipedia - Transcript -- Disambiguation page providing links to topics that could be referred to by the same search term
Wikipedia - Trigonocephaly -- Congenital condition of premature fusion of the metopic suture
Wikipedia - Ultracrepidarianism -- Giving opinions on topics poorly understood
Wikipedia - Vicks VapoRub -- Mentholated topical ointment
Wikipedia - Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water -- A standard defining the isotopic composition of fresh water originating from ocean water
Wikipedia - Vusion -- Prescription-only topic antifungal drug product
Wikipedia - Walpurga -- Disambiguation page providing links to topics that could be referred to by the same search term
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Contents/Portals -- List of portals by topic
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Contents/Topics layout -- Portal
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Featured topics -- Wikipedia project page for listing identified groupings of articles
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Notability (music) -- Wikipedia guideline for the notability of music topics
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Village pump (miscellaneous) -- Central discussion page of Wikipedia for general topics not covered by the specific topic pages
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Biology -- Wikimedia subject-area collaboration on biological topics
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Sanitation -- Wikimedia subject-area collaboration for sanitation related topics
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Underwater diving -- Wikipedia subject-area collaboration for underwater diving topics
Wikipedia - WTOP -- Disambiguation page providing links to topics that WTOP could refer to,_Universalist_and_Unitarian_Universalist_topics -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - Anthroposophy -- 28
Kheper - Atlantean -- 25
Kheper - Earth_condition -- 83
Kheper - Earth -- 31
Kheper - Anthroposophy index -- 17
Kheper - Lemurian -- 43
Kheper - Saturn -- 25
Kheper - Steiner-3streams -- 39
Kheper - Steiner_and_Wilber -- 98
Kheper - Steiner-angelology -- 40
Kheper - Steiner-Christology -- 27
Kheper - Steiner-cosmology -- 54
Kheper - Steiner-etheric_world -- 21
Kheper - Steiner-higherSoC -- 19
Kheper - Steiner -- 57
Kheper - Steiner-levels_of_self -- 52
Kheper - Steiner-planes_of_existence -- 28
Kheper - Steiner-psychology -- 20
Kheper - Steiner-summing_up -- 19 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - astral_body -- 43
Kheper - astral -- 109
Kheper - astral index -- 28
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Kheper - definitions -- 32
Kheper - augoeides index -- 26
Kheper - Absolute_and_Manifestation -- 47
Kheper - Absolute -- 38
Kheper - Agenda -- 71
Kheper - Atman -- 27
Kheper - Aurobindo_cosmology -- 52
Kheper - Beyond_Man -- 44 -- 0
Kheper - books -- 33
Kheper - Central_Being -- 50
Kheper - Chart -- 1990
Kheper - Chit-Tapas -- 24
Kheper - Consciousness_of_the_Body -- 46
Kheper - distortion_of_psychic_expression -- 25
Kheper - Double_Soul -- 43
Kheper - Dpchart1 -- 1601
Kheper - Eternal_Manifestation -- 32
Kheper - evolution -- 32
Kheper - four_lines -- 34
Kheper - Gnostic_Being -- 59
Kheper - growth_of_Psychic_Being -- 40
Kheper - Higher_Mind -- 74
Kheper - HigherSelf -- 71
Kheper - Illumined_Mind -- 51
Kheper - Inconscient -- 20
Kheper - Aurobindo index -- 47 -- 0
Kheper - Inner_Being -- 27
Kheper - inner_opening_without_Psychic -- 28 -- 0
Kheper - Integral_Yoga -- 59
Kheper - intermediate_zone -- 49
Kheper - Into_the_New_Body -- 28
Kheper - Intuition -- 40
Kheper - involution-evolution -- 9 -- 0
Kheper - Jivatman_Spark-Soul_and_Psychic_Being -- 30
Kheper - Letters -- 40
Kheper - Letters_on_Yoga -- 39
Kheper - Life_Divine -- 63
Kheper - Life_Without_Death -- 40
Kheper - links -- 36
Kheper - Lives_of_Sri_Aurobindo -- 76
Kheper - Luminous_Future -- 37
Kheper - main_points -- 40
Kheper - Manifestation_in_Eternal_Time -- 63
Kheper - Master_of_the_Yoga -- 21
Kheper - Matter_becoming_Divine -- 38
Kheper - Matter -- 25
Kheper - meditation -- 23
Kheper - mental_fortress -- 27
Kheper - Mental -- 36
Kheper - mental_Mind -- 37
Kheper - mental_Vital -- 31 -- 0
Kheper - Mind -- 42
Kheper - Mirra_cosmology -- 25
Kheper - Mirra -- 53
Kheper - movement_inward -- 26
Kheper - nirvana_vs_ascent -- 24
Kheper - nirvana_vs_descent -- 30 -- 0
Kheper - objectivity -- 40
Kheper - Osho_on_Aurobindo -- 31
Kheper - Outer_Being -- 25 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - Overmind -- 35 -- 0
Kheper - photos_of_SriAurobindo -- 41
Kheper - Physical -- 23
Kheper - physical_Mind -- 36
Kheper - physical_Vital -- 28 -- 0
Kheper - Psychic_Being -- 68
Kheper - Psychicisation -- 38
Kheper - psychology -- 92
Kheper - psycho-spiritual -- 35
Kheper - Psychosynthesis_and_Integral_Psychology -- 41
Kheper - pure_I -- 31 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - resistance_of_the_physical_body -- 37
Kheper - Sachchidananda -- 26
Kheper - Satprem -- 43
Kheper - Savitri -- 24
Kheper - Seven_Suns_of_Supermind -- 28 -- 0
Kheper - Spiritualisation -- 33
Kheper - Sri_Aurobindo_and_Avatarhood -- 45 -- 0
Kheper - SriAurobindo -- 95
Kheper - Sri_Aurobindo_is_with_us -- 23
Kheper - SriAurobindo-stages -- 30
Kheper - Subconscient -- 21
Kheper - Subliminal -- 32
Kheper - Subtle_Physical -- 22
Kheper - Supermind -- 48
Kheper - Supramentalisation_and_Earth -- 38
Kheper - Supramentalisation -- 78
Kheper - Supramentalised_state -- 50
Kheper - Supramental_Ship -- 23
Kheper - Synthesis_of_Yoga -- 37
Kheper - Teilhard_and_SriAurobindo -- 48
Kheper - Temporal_Manifestation -- 37
Kheper - The_Mother -- 29
Kheper - thinking_mind -- 30
Kheper - Three_Poises -- 48
Kheper - transition -- 27
Kheper - Triple_Transformation -- 68
Kheper - True_Being -- 29
Kheper - Two_Irrefutable_Signs -- 27
Kheper - typology -- 32
Kheper - Vital -- 39 -- 0
Kheper - vital_Mind -- 32
Kheper - was_Sri_Aurobindo_a_vegetarian -- 37
Kheper - chinese -- 41
Kheper - contents -- 31
Kheper - egyptian -- 30
Kheper - hellenistic -- 33
Kheper - hypotheses -- 26
Kheper - bardo index -- 31 -- 0
Kheper - intro -- 30
Kheper - kabbalah -- 41
Kheper - mideast-medit -- 47
Kheper - multiple -- 32
Kheper - reincarnation -- 30
Kheper - spiritualism -- 51
Kheper - tibetan -- 50
Kheper - Buddhist -- 26
Kheper - blind_men_and_elephant index -- 26
Kheper - Saxe -- 26
Kheper - Sufi -- 39
Kheper - breatharian index -- 31 -- 0
Kheper - The_Process -- 32
Kheper - types_of_nourishment -- 38
Kheper - bodhisattva -- 33
Kheper - Buddha_Nature -- 26
Kheper - Buddhism -- 57
Kheper - consciousness -- 34
Kheper - dharmakaya -- 22
Kheper - dhyanibuddhas -- 61
Kheper - doctrine_of_self -- 25
Kheper - dreaming -- 31
Kheper - gautambuddha -- 29
Kheper - Buddhism index -- 30
Kheper - lokas -- 87
Kheper - Madyamika -- 24
Kheper - Mahayana -- 44
Kheper - mandala -- 32
Kheper - mudras -- 52
Kheper - sunyata -- 34
Kheper - Theravada -- 20
Kheper - trikaya -- 40
Kheper - Vajrayana -- 41
Kheper - Vijnanavada -- 47
Kheper - wheeloflife -- 25
Kheper - Yogacara -- 38
Kheper - /chakras/ -- 25
Kheper - Ajna -- 64
Kheper - Anahata -- 68
Kheper - archetypal -- 41
Kheper - Back_of_Head -- 56
Kheper - Back_of_Neck -- 64
Kheper - balancing -- 27
Kheper - Base_of_Neck -- 49
Kheper - Base_of_Throat -- 55
Kheper - books -- 124
Kheper - Brow -- 68
Kheper - chakra1 -- 54
Kheper - chakra2 -- 36
Kheper - chakra3 -- 50
Kheper - chakra4 -- 37
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Kheper - chakras-BAB -- 61
Kheper - chakras-earlydoctrines -- 20
Kheper - chakras-Haider -- 23
Kheper - chakras -- 70
Kheper - chakras-intro -- 24
Kheper - chakras-Natha -- 21
Kheper - chakras-NewAge -- 32
Kheper - chakras-Platonism -- 24
Kheper - chakras-rainbow -- 34
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Kheper - chakras-Tib -- 28
Kheper - chakras-TS -- 46
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Kheper - Coccygeal -- 74
Kheper - Crown -- 53
Kheper - devanagari -- 5
Kheper - Diaphragmatic -- 54
Kheper - Door_of_Life -- 71
Kheper - figure8s -- 15
Kheper - five_gifts_of_the_root_chakra -- 30
Kheper - Forehead -- 93
Kheper - Guru -- 33
Kheper - Heart -- 70
Kheper - Hrit -- 33
Kheper - chakras index -- 25
Kheper - Indu -- 37 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - Lalana -- 30
Kheper - Layayoga -- 16
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Kheper - major_and_minor -- 65
Kheper - Manas -- 36
Kheper - Manipura -- 67
Kheper - meta-yogi -- 46
Kheper - Mouth_of_God -- 64
Kheper - Muladhara -- 49
Kheper - nadis -- 23
Kheper - Navel -- 66
Kheper - notes -- 13
Kheper - no_unanimity -- 21
Kheper - Perineum -- 59
Kheper - primary -- 40
Kheper - Pubic -- 57
Kheper - Sacral -- 65
Kheper - Sahasrara -- 47
Kheper - Sea_of_Chi -- 67
Kheper - secondary -- 77
Kheper - Serpent_Power -- 27
Kheper - Shoulder-blades -- 78
Kheper - Solar_Plexus -- 70
Kheper - subjective_vs_genuine -- 32
Kheper - Swadhisthana -- 53
Kheper - Tansley -- 15
Kheper - tertiary -- 19
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Kheper - Thymic -- 68
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Kheper - types -- 31
Kheper - Upper_Forehead -- 68
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Kheper - ChristianMysticism -- 26
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Kheper - PseudoDionysius -- 36
Kheper - St_Francis -- 25
Kheper - St_Teresa -- 20
Kheper - themes -- 21
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Kheper - Great_Round -- 20
Kheper - Grid -- 20
Kheper - civilization index -- 19
Kheper - Network -- 22
Kheper - Pyramid -- 22
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Kheper - Sensitive_Chaos -- 20
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Kheper - doppleganger_comments -- 24
Kheper - doppleganger -- 4
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Kheper - Jung -- 21
Kheper - Leadbeater -- 25
Kheper - Monkey -- 21
Kheper - Rumpelstiltskin -- 18
Kheper - Sri_Aurobindo -- 23
Kheper - Steiner -- 21
Kheper - Stein -- 20
Kheper - East_and_West -- 60
Kheper - 6darshanas -- 32
Kheper - appeal -- 31
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Kheper - Chinese_philosophy -- 24
Kheper - easternphilosophy -- 49
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Kheper - wuxing -- 32
Kheper - Akenaten -- 40
Kheper - Akh -- 33 -- 0
Kheper - Ba -- 35
Kheper - Egypt -- 30
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Kheper - egyptian_religion_and_cosmology -- 69
Kheper - egyptian_soul -- 41
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Kheper - Ka -- 44
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Kheper - noetic_worlds -- 90 -- 0
Kheper - participation -- 38 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - empathy index -- 33
Kheper - I-Thou -- 25 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - participatory_spirituality -- 33 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0
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Kheper - different_esoteric_worldviews -- 43
Kheper - esoteric_and_exoteric -- 93
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Kheper - evolution index -- 38
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Kheper - purple -- 44
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Kheper - Spiral_Dynamics -- 118 -- 0
Kheper - spiritual -- 54
Kheper - exoteric-esoteric-levels -- 52
Kheper - exoteric -- 28
Kheper - Findhorn index -- 26
Kheper - intro -- 26
Kheper - references -- 26
Kheper - roots_01 -- 26
Kheper - roots_02 -- 26
Kheper - roots_03 -- 26 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - fractals -- 47
Kheper - mand -- 26
Kheper - accidental -- 36 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - eco-spiritual -- 73
Kheper - end_of_nature -- 32
Kheper - Gaia -- 53 -- 0
Kheper - Gaia_Hypothesis -- 52 -- 0
Kheper - history_of_Gaia -- 71
Kheper - homeostatic -- 44
Kheper - Gaia index2 -- 52
Kheper - Gaia index -- 29 -- 0
Kheper - interpretations -- 61
Kheper - Lovelock -- 31 -- 0
Kheper - spheres -- 35
Kheper - gnosis_and_esotericism -- 34
Kheper - gnosis -- 119
Kheper - Gnosis -- 29
Kheper - gnosis index -- 31
Kheper - non-gnosis -- 60
Kheper - ApocryphonJohn -- 50
Kheper - Autogenes -- 85
Kheper - books -- 50
Kheper - consummation -- 53
Kheper - Cyclic_Historical_and_Dramaturgic -- 43
Kheper - fall -- 82
Kheper - first_emanation -- 62
Kheper - glossary -- 94
Kheper - Gnosis -- 54
Kheper - Gnosticism_and_Apocalyptic -- 47
Kheper - Gnosticism_as_anti-religion -- 45
Kheper - Gnosticism-dramaturgy -- 51
Kheper - Gnosticism -- 48
Kheper - Gnosticism_Neoplatonism_and_Psychology -- 51
Kheper - Gnosticism-sources -- 38
Kheper - Gnosticism index -- 54
Kheper - intro -- 57
Kheper - Links -- 47
Kheper - Manichaean-Soul -- 42
Kheper - Manichaeism -- 29
Kheper - Pleroma -- 62
Kheper - posterchild -- 19
Kheper - savior -- 68
Kheper - Sethian -- 51
Kheper - Simon_Magus -- 37
Kheper - supreme_principle -- 51
Kheper - Valentinian -- 45
Kheper - Zoroastrianism_Mazdism_and_Zervanism -- 39 -- 0
Kheper - godhead index -- 34
Kheper - achievements -- 49
Kheper - Gooch index -- 57
Kheper - Stan_Gooch -- 32
Kheper - Total_Man -- 38 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - four_kingdoms -- 51
Kheper - greatchainofbeing index -- 31
Kheper - introduction -- 33 -- 0
Kheper - Medieval -- 23
Kheper - Philosophy -- 33
Kheper - Primordial_Tradition -- 47
Kheper - Three_Tier_Model -- 27
Kheper - book_reviews -- 24
Kheper - cosmology -- 28
Kheper - Food_Diagram -- 24
Kheper - Gurdjieff_and_Ouspensky -- 24
Kheper - Gurdjieff -- 30
Kheper - Gurdjieff_Ouspensky -- 31
Kheper - Gurdjieff -- 1616
Kheper - Gurdjieff index -- 27
Kheper - links -- 26
Kheper - Ouspensky -- 37
Kheper - preliminary -- 19
Kheper - psychobabble_triumphant -- 28
Kheper - abusive_guru -- 59
Kheper - Adidam_Revelation -- 50
Kheper - ambiguous_guru -- 61 -- 0
Kheper - Andrew_Cohen -- 254
Kheper - antagonism -- 34 -- 0
Kheper - avatar -- 64
Kheper - avidya -- 27
Kheper - books -- 34
Kheper - breaking_down_the_ego -- 36 -- 0
Kheper - crazy_wisdom -- 52
Kheper - cult -- 34
Kheper - Da-7stages -- 47
Kheper - Da -- 180 -- 0
Kheper - Da-limitations -- 57
Kheper - Da-Realization -- 27
Kheper - devotee -- 50
Kheper - disciple -- 32
Kheper - disclaimer -- 14
Kheper - eastern_gurus_in_the_west -- 66
Kheper - emotional_manipulation -- 48
Kheper - etymology -- 24
Kheper - financial_exploitation -- 34
Kheper - Gangaji -- 84
Kheper - Geoff_Falk -- 33
Kheper - glossary -- 110
Kheper - gurus -- 69
Kheper - guru_test -- 54
Kheper - H_W_L_Poonja -- 76
Kheper - IMZ_guru -- 84
Kheper - gurus index -- 53
Kheper - inflation -- 51
Kheper - IZ_guru -- 84
Kheper - key_Indian_esoteric_societies -- 37
Kheper - links -- 32
Kheper - listing -- 142
Kheper - Mataji -- 32
Kheper - mixed_light -- 27 -- 0
Kheper - Moshe_Kroy -- 49 -- 0
Kheper - Muktananda -- 12
Kheper - narcissism -- 36 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - Patrizia_Norelli-Bachelet -- 143
Kheper - power_without_gnosis -- 25 -- 0
Kheper - Presence -- 19
Kheper - Ramakrishna -- 31
Kheper - Ramana_index -- 21
Kheper - Ramana_Maharshi -- 62
Kheper - Ramana-response_to_criticism -- 26
Kheper - sadomasochism -- 22
Kheper - sahaja_yoga -- 10
Kheper - Sai_Baba -- 69
Kheper - saintly -- 25
Kheper - sexual_abuse -- 30
Kheper - slanderous_devotee -- 64
Kheper - thought_control -- 42
Kheper - Three_Cards_Trick -- 36
Kheper - true_Guru -- 30 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - Yogi_Ramsuratkumar -- 54 -- 0
Kheper - bigpicture -- 30
Kheper - Book_of_Abramelin -- 28
Kheper - Crowley -- 27
Kheper - dissident -- 14
Kheper - GoldenDawn_and_Freemasonry -- 17
Kheper - GoldenDawn -- 67
Kheper - HBoL -- 69
Kheper - Hermeticism -- 82 -- 0
Kheper - Hermeticism index -- 39
Kheper - Knights_Templars -- 8
Kheper - LBR -- 17
Kheper - links -- 22
Kheper - Mathers -- 30 -- 0
Kheper - Qabalah -- 68
Kheper - regular -- 19
Kheper - Spare -- 40
Kheper - Westcott -- 11
Kheper - Yeats -- 11
Kheper - flower_of_life -- 45
Kheper - higher_realisation index -- 63 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - collective -- 51
Kheper - cosmic -- 47
Kheper - dimension -- 82 -- 0
Kheper - hierarchy_and_holarchy -- 29
Kheper - holon -- 35
Kheper - holarchy index -- 31
Kheper - individual -- 49
Kheper - soho -- 25
Kheper - universal -- 39
Kheper - bigrams -- 32
Kheper - divination -- 24
Kheper - hexagrams -- 29
Kheper - history -- 24
Kheper - IChing_and_dna -- 35
Kheper - IChing_and_science -- 43
Kheper - IChing_and_Sefirot -- 32
Kheper - I_Ching_and_Vedas -- 19
Kheper - I_Ching -- 5
Kheper - I_Ching index -- 36 -- 0
Kheper - links -- 34
Kheper - trigrams -- 35
Kheper - Yi -- 19
Kheper - yin_and_yang -- 21
Kheper - Henry_Corbin -- 24
Kheper - imaginal -- 25
Kheper - imaginal index -- 55
Kheper - Mundus_Imaginalis -- 43
Kheper - immanent index -- 36 -- 0
Kheper - topics index -- 205
Kheper - ascending-descending -- 40 -- 0
Kheper - books -- 181
Kheper - California_Institute_of_Integral_Studies -- 45
Kheper - changing_thoughts -- 65 -- 0
Kheper - divinisation -- 40
Kheper - EnlightenNext -- 34
Kheper - evolution -- 44 -- 0
Kheper - Haridas_Chaudhuri -- 35 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - historical_development -- 195 -- 0,html -- 0
Kheper - integral index -- 87 -- 0
Kheper - links -- 158
Kheper - psychology -- 37
Kheper - schools -- 49 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - synthesis -- 52
Kheper - transmutation -- 44
Kheper - universal -- 34 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - brain -- 33
Kheper - cephalopod_brainsize -- 16
Kheper - Gooch -- 5
Kheper - Herrmann -- 38
Kheper - human_intelligence -- 19
Kheper - intelligence -- 23
Kheper - MacLean -- 37
Kheper - social_insects -- 20
Kheper - Sperry -- 24
Kheper - vertebrate_intelligence -- 21 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - intermediatezone index -- 34
Kheper - Intermediate_zone -- 62 -- 0
Kheper - definitions -- 50
Kheper - intersubjectivity index -- 43 -- 0
Kheper - definitions -- 60
Kheper - intraphysical index -- 25
Kheper - psychophysical -- 35 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - Brethren_of_Purity -- 28
Kheper - Chistiyyah -- 30
Kheper - cosmology_and_psychology -- 40
Kheper - cosmology -- 54
Kheper - Ibn_Arabi -- 44
Kheper - imaginal -- 35
Kheper - introduction -- 33
Kheper - Ishraqism -- 33
Kheper - Suhrawardi-cosmology -- 13
Kheper - Suhrawardi -- 9
Kheper - Suhrawardi-intermedworld -- 8
Kheper - Islamic_esotericism -- 37
Kheper - Ismailism -- 39
Kheper - lataif -- 50 -- 0
Kheper - Perfect_Man -- 39
Kheper - psychology -- 47
Kheper - Rumi -- 37
Kheper - Zevi -- 5
Kheper - Bektashiya -- 15
Kheper - Chistiyyah -- 4
Kheper - cosmology_and_psychology -- 19
Kheper - cosmology -- 32
Kheper - Sufism -- 39
Kheper - Ibn_Arabi -- 12
Kheper - introduction -- 5
Kheper - lataif -- 27
Kheper - latifa -- 20
Kheper - links -- 23
Kheper - Rumi -- 5
Kheper - Sufism -- 15
Kheper - Universal_Sufism -- 12
Kheper - Suhrawardi-cosmology -- 34
Kheper - Suhrawardi -- 31
Kheper - Suhrawardi-intermedworld -- 34
Kheper - Universal_Sufism -- 40
Kheper - anekantavada -- 29
Kheper - Gandhi_and_anekantavada -- 33 -- 0
Kheper - Jainism index -- 19
Kheper - Jainism -- 32
Kheper - archetypes -- 32
Kheper - collective_unconscious -- 32
Kheper - critique_of_Nolls -- 32 -- 0
Kheper - Jung index -- 36
Kheper - Jung -- 33
Kheper - Jung_on_Gurdjieff -- 37
Kheper - links -- 37
Kheper - MemoriesDreamsReflections_review -- 30 -- 0
Kheper - synchronicity_and_cosmology -- 38
Kheper - typology -- 36
Kheper - 165 -- 22
Kheper - Amirah_chart -- 23
Kheper - antinomian -- 38
Kheper - Ari-tree -- 13
Kheper - Ashlag -- 19 -- 0
Kheper - Asiyah -- 37
Kheper - Atzilut -- 29
Kheper - Atzilut-tikkun -- 22
Kheper - Atzilut-tohu -- 25
Kheper - Baal_Shem_Tov -- 60
Kheper - Berechiah -- 17
Kheper - Beriah -- 28
Kheper - BeSHT-tikkunim -- 18
Kheper - Binah -- 16
Kheper - ChristianKabbalah -- 61
Kheper - Cordovero -- 55
Kheper - Daat -- 8
Kheper - Donmeh -- 30
Kheper - emanation -- 42 -- 0
Kheper - En_Sof -- 8
Kheper - Gevurah -- 16
Kheper - Hassidism -- 12
Kheper - Hesed -- 16
Kheper - Hod -- 16
Kheper - Hokmah -- 16
Kheper - Idel index -- 14
Kheper - Kabbalah index -- 15 -- 0
Kheper - influence -- 18
Kheper - intellect_or_experience -- 15
Kheper - Jacob_Frank -- 28
Kheper - JewishMysticism -- 26
Kheper - JudaicKabbalah -- 50
Kheper - Kabbalah -- 33
Kheper - Kabb_books -- 66
Kheper - Kabb_links -- 133
Kheper - KashmirShaivite_parallels -- 11
Kheper - kavanot_and_yichudim -- 30
Kheper - kelippot -- 14
Kheper - Keter -- 16
Kheper - Krakovsky-AK -- 44
Kheper - Luria -- 14
Kheper - Lurianic-AdamKadmon -- 28
Kheper - Lurianic-Asiyah -- 19
Kheper - Lurianic-Atzilut -- 47
Kheper - Lurianic-Beriah -- 16
Kheper - LurianicCosmology -- 25
Kheper - LurianicKabbalah -- 71
Kheper - Lurianic-Yetzirah -- 20
Kheper - Luzzatto -- 15
Kheper - Malkhut -- 17
Kheper - manic-depression -- 11
Kheper - Nathan -- 23
Kheper - Netzah -- 16
Kheper - numerology-SeferYezirah-Chinese -- 26
Kheper - partzufim -- 11
Kheper - Pract_Kab-Vital -- 57
Kheper - Sabbatai_Zevi -- 53
Kheper - Sabbateanism_and_Hassidism -- 39
Kheper - Safed -- 15
Kheper - SeferYetzirah -- 66
Kheper - SeferZohar -- 68
Kheper - sefirot -- 59
Kheper - SoulLurianic -- 24
Kheper - Tifaret -- 20
Kheper - tikkun-cosmic -- 18
Kheper - tikkun-definition -- 18
Kheper - tikkun -- 69
Kheper - tikkun-individuals_task -- 14
Kheper - tikkun_of_trivial_things -- 19
Kheper - topics -- 25
Kheper - tree -- 17
Kheper - Tzimtzum-ET -- 27
Kheper - Tzimtzum -- 23
Kheper - worlds -- 22
Kheper - Yakov -- 25
Kheper - Yesod -- 16
Kheper - Yetzirah -- 33
Kheper - Zalman -- 41
Kheper - Zevi_and_Bektashi -- 25
Kheper - Zevi_and_Sufism -- 31 -- 0
Kheper - kundalini index -- 26
Kheper - kundalini_effects -- 34
Kheper - kundalini_experience -- 42
Kheper - kundalini -- 35
Kheper - kundalini_references -- 41
Kheper - links -- 29
Kheper - understanding_kundalini -- 40 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - active_vs_passive -- 20
Kheper - Buddhist_meditation -- 8
Kheper - Confucian_meditation -- 5
Kheper - meditation index -- 32
Kheper - inner_smile -- 12
Kheper - Jain_meditation -- 5
Kheper - Kabbalistic -- 12
Kheper - maharishi_effect -- 4
Kheper - meditation -- 23
Kheper - Satipatthana -- 10
Kheper - Taoist_meditation -- 4
Kheper - Upanishads -- 8
Kheper - who_are_you -- 14
Kheper - world_meditation -- 22
Kheper - ant -- 4
Kheper - How_To_Love_God -- 4
Kheper - Meher_Baba index -- 18
Kheper - MeherBaba-cosmogony -- 9
Kheper - MeherBaba-cosmology -- 12
Kheper - Meher_Baba -- 9
Kheper - MeherBaba-links -- 29
Kheper - stages -- 7
Kheper - Triune -- 7
Kheper - UniversalBody -- 5 -- 0
Kheper - memetics index -- 16
Kheper - meme-esoteric -- 20
Kheper - meme-scientific -- 15
Kheper - memes -- 38
Kheper - mlinks -- 19 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - absolute -- 94
Kheper - agency -- 24
Kheper - communion -- 27 -- 0
Kheper - dualistic -- 41
Kheper - dualities -- 45
Kheper - ego -- 39 -- 0
Kheper - form -- 29
Kheper - hypostases_and_integral_yoga -- 98
Kheper - hypostases -- 57
Kheper - immanent -- 37
Kheper - metaphysics index -- 46 -- 0
Kheper - inmost -- 43
Kheper - inner -- 64 -- 0
Kheper - inner-outer -- 30
Kheper - integral_gnostic_metaphysics -- 58
Kheper - levels_of_self -- 62
Kheper - manifest_absolute -- 54
Kheper - nonself -- 55 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - outer -- 41 -- 0
Kheper - perspectives -- 66
Kheper - Philosophical_Thesis_1 -- 69
Kheper - process -- 25 -- 0
Kheper - starting_point -- 38 -- 0
Kheper - supreme -- 37
Kheper - three_realities -- 82
Kheper - three_worlds -- 38
Kheper - transcendent -- 62
Kheper - transpersonal -- 46
Kheper - unmanifest_absolute -- 71
Kheper - vertical -- 106 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - My_definition_Gnosis -- 59
Kheper - Buddhism-unitive_state -- 20 -- 0
Kheper - formless_in_comparative_religion -- 68
Kheper - mysticism index -- 18
Kheper - Manzur -- 17
Kheper - monistic_mysticism -- 41
Kheper - Monotheistic-unitive_state -- 29
Kheper - mysticism -- 64 -- 0
Kheper - Taoism-unitive_state -- 19
Kheper - The_Savior_and_the_Godhead -- 46
Kheper - transcendent_in_comparative_religion -- 73
Kheper - Truth -- 34
Kheper - unitive_state -- 31
Kheper - Upanishads-unitive_state -- 21
Kheper - what_is_mysticism -- 40 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - hypostases -- 49
Kheper - Iamblich-beings -- 43
Kheper - Iamblichus -- 40
Kheper - Neoplatonism index -- 51 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - links -- 35
Kheper - Neoplatonism_history -- 102 -- 0
Kheper - Neoplatonism -- 35
Kheper - Neoplatonism_influence -- 40
Kheper - neopl-links -- 35
Kheper - Plotin-Nous -- 31
Kheper - Plotin-One -- 31
Kheper - Plotin-Soul -- 38
Kheper - Plotinus -- 69
Kheper - Porphyry -- 52
Kheper - Proclus-henads -- 55
Kheper - Proclus -- 39
Kheper - triad -- 37 -- 0
Kheper - books -- 29
Kheper - channeling -- 40 -- 0
Kheper - flower_of_life -- 44
Kheper - New_Age index -- 34
Kheper - It_All_Falls -- 18 -- 0
Kheper - links -- 36
Kheper - New_Age -- 27
Kheper - New_Age_Religion -- 29
Kheper - stricto-lato -- 32
Kheper - The_Secret -- 173
Kheper - where_I_stand -- 28 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - ARC-chakras1 -- 40
Kheper - ARC-chakras2 -- 26
Kheper - ARC-cosmology -- 31
Kheper - ARC -- 41
Kheper - ARC-soul -- 26
Kheper - Niscience index -- 30
Kheper - Niscience -- 38
Kheper - beyond_ego -- 25
Kheper - books -- 53
Kheper - nonduality index -- 42
Kheper - just_this_just_this -- 27
Kheper - links -- 29
Kheper - meditation -- 21
Kheper - new_language -- 26
Kheper - nonduality_and_bhakti -- 60
Kheper - nonduality_and_Sri_Aurobindo -- 34
Kheper - note_on_attaining_nonduality -- 27
Kheper - seven_stages -- 29
Kheper - sewing_to_buddhahood -- 26
Kheper - shushnuss -- 18
Kheper - Turiya_rather_than_unconsciousness -- 28
Kheper - Two_Truths -- 51
Kheper - zthuuuh -- 20 -- 0
Kheper - Norse index -- 19
Kheper - Teutonic_cosmology -- 18 -- 0
Kheper - books -- 28
Kheper - illuminati -- 37
Kheper - occultism index -- 55
Kheper - links -- 24 -- 0
Kheper - occult_teachers -- 35
Kheper - broader -- 26
Kheper - paradigms index -- 28
Kheper - links -- 36 -- 0
Kheper - paradigms -- 30
Kheper - science -- 28 -- 0
Kheper - ways_of_knowing -- 56
Kheper - books_and_links -- 41 -- 0
Kheper - perennial_philosophy index -- 28 -- 0
Kheper - perennial_philosophy -- 47
Kheper - Traditionalism -- 51 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - higher_self -- 43
Kheper - purusha index -- 27
Kheper - soul -- 31
Kheper - states_of_consciousness -- 36 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - Beyond_the_Problem_of_Evil -- 28
Kheper - emotivis -- 22
Kheper - epistemology -- 31
Kheper - German_Philosophy_and_Kabbalah -- 35
Kheper - Hegel_and_Jung -- 43
Kheper - Hegel -- 39
Kheper - Heidegger -- 21
Kheper - Idealism -- 18
Kheper - philosophy index -- 40
Kheper - Kierkegaard -- 23
Kheper - Marx_and_Hegel -- 30
Kheper - metaphysics -- 36
Kheper - philosophy -- 32
Kheper - Sartre -- 20
Kheper - Spinoza -- 24
Kheper - Spinozism_and_Christianity -- 27 -- 0
Kheper - angelic -- 35
Kheper - archai -- 42 -- 0
Kheper - archangelic -- 29 -- 0
Kheper - causal_physical -- 30
Kheper - chthonic -- 26 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - divineangelic -- 38 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - etheric -- 78
Kheper - gross -- 32
Kheper - gross_physical -- 50
Kheper - historical -- 53
Kheper - ideational -- 27
Kheper - planes index -- 74
Kheper - links -- 28
Kheper - mental -- 52 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - methodologies -- 66 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - noetic -- 91 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - orectic -- 101 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - physical -- 114
Kheper - planes -- 74 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - subtle -- 47
Kheper - subtle_physical -- 84
Kheper - transcendent_physical -- 43 -- 0
Kheper - cultural_creatives -- 47 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - postmaterialism index -- 64
Kheper - links -- 31
Kheper - newciv -- 74
Kheper - P2P -- 39 -- 0
Kheper - postmaterialism -- 29 -- 0
Kheper - translucents -- 73 -- 0
Kheper - Developmental -- 28 -- 0
Kheper - ego-shadow -- 70
Kheper - Freud -- 53 -- 0
Kheper - psychology index -- 39
Kheper - Integral -- 20 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - narcissistic_personality_disorder -- 30
Kheper - paranoid_personality_disorder -- 51
Kheper - Personality -- 28
Kheper - projection_of_the_ego -- 52
Kheper - projection_of_the_shadow -- 61
Kheper - Psychoanalysis -- 33 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - comparative1 -- 35
Kheper - comparative2 -- 44
Kheper - comparative3 -- 41
Kheper - grudges-doubts -- 32
Kheper - Psychosynthesis index -- 25
Kheper - Psychosynthesis -- 39 -- 0
Kheper - egodeath -- 38 -- 0
Kheper - realisation index -- 55
Kheper - realisation -- 65 -- 0
Kheper - transenlightened -- 53
Kheper - why_i_no_longer_say_enlightenment -- 44 -- 0
Kheper - reality index -- 41 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - books -- 28
Kheper - evolution_of_Higher_Self -- 51
Kheper - existence -- 56
Kheper - gilgul -- 27
Kheper - Heindel -- 19
Kheper - Hindu -- 35
Kheper - reincarnation index -- 49
Kheper - links -- 25
Kheper - multiple -- 33
Kheper - reincarnation -- 26
Kheper - simplified_theosophy -- 31
Kheper - soul_and_afterlife -- 52
Kheper - avatara -- 61
Kheper - Bahai -- 40
Kheper - Brahmism -- 21
Kheper - buddhaandchrist -- 38
Kheper - Catholicism -- 21
Kheper - Christianity_and_Buddhism -- 37
Kheper - Christianity -- 58
Kheper - comic_relief -- 12 -- 0
Kheper - esoteric_and_exoteric_Judaism -- 29
Kheper - faithful_translation -- 21
Kheper - fundamentalism -- 4
Kheper - God -- 51
Kheper - God_With_and_Without_Form -- 39
Kheper - Hindu_emanationism -- 29
Kheper - Hinduism -- 44
Kheper - Hinduism-more -- 47
Kheper - religion index -- 27 -- 0
Kheper - Islam -- 54
Kheper - Jesus -- 32
Kheper - Judaism -- 42
Kheper - links -- 38
Kheper - Name_of_the_Creator -- 16
Kheper - Neo-Paganism -- 51
Kheper - NT-errors -- 14
Kheper - Paganism -- 31
Kheper - prophets -- 8
Kheper - Protestantism -- 17
Kheper - Rastafarianism -- 41
Kheper - religions -- 59
Kheper - religious_universalism -- 23 -- 0
Kheper - Shaivism -- 21
Kheper - Shaktism -- 50 -- 0
Kheper - Traditionalism -- 42
Kheper - unity -- 20
Kheper - Vaishvanism -- 24
Kheper - Where -- 14
Kheper - Zoroastrianism -- 12 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - sadhana index -- 21
Kheper - gunas -- 27
Kheper - Samkhya index -- 23
Kheper - more_tattwas -- 32
Kheper - pranas -- 29
Kheper - Samkhya -- 44
Kheper - tattwa_school -- 28
Kheper - tattwas -- 27
Kheper - 5_Naams -- 20
Kheper - Birth_and_Death -- 26
Kheper - Chalice -- 297
Kheper - Chalice-sm -- 226
Kheper - Continents -- 19
Kheper - cosmology -- 61
Kheper - Cosmos_as_Copy -- 29
Kheper - CreationAnalysis -- 258
Kheper - CreationAnalysis -- 513
Kheper - Duality -- 19
Kheper - Dynamic_Evolution -- 44
Kheper - esoteric -- 17
Kheper - Heaven_and_Earth -- 18
Kheper - History -- 28
Kheper - Houses_of_Worship -- 19
Kheper - Sant_Mat index -- 46
Kheper - Journey -- 19
Kheper - Journey_into_Inner_Space -- 32
Kheper - Life-Classifications -- 24 -- 0
Kheper - Philosophy_of_Sant_Mat -- 17
Kheper - Sant_Mat_links -- 35
Kheper - Some_Further _Details -- 12
Kheper - Son_et_Lumiere -- 17
Kheper - SophiasPassion -- 48
Kheper - spiritual_grid -- 18
Kheper - Spirituality -- 18
Kheper - Staircase_large -- 435
Kheper - The_Creation -- 25
Kheper - Tree -- 20
Kheper - what_we_do -- 17
Kheper - science index -- 23
Kheper - limitations -- 10
Kheper - links -- 14
Kheper - science -- 16
Kheper - scientific_method -- 18 -- 0
Kheper - universal -- 27 -- 0
Kheper - causes -- 32
Kheper - secular_west index -- 28
Kheper - postmodernism -- 34 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - ahimsa -- 43 -- 0
Kheper - animalandrevolution -- 2500
Kheper - awareness -- 80
Kheper - Bonnie -- 25 -- 0
Kheper - Eternal_Treblinka -- 26
Kheper - Gandhi -- 30 -- 0
Kheper - sentientism index -- 65
Kheper - integral_ethics -- 49
Kheper - Isaac_Bashevis_Singer -- 35
Kheper - links -- 34 -- 0
Kheper - Marc_Bekoff -- 56
Kheper - moral_spheres -- 50
Kheper - Ovid -- 22
Kheper - painism -- 27
Kheper - Ramana_Maharshi -- 30
Kheper - refuting_objections -- 38
Kheper - Richard_Ryder -- 27
Kheper - sentientism -- 37
Kheper - speciesism -- 26 -- 0
Kheper - veganarchism -- 60 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - siddhas index -- 42 -- 0
Kheper - Shaiva_Siddhanta -- 42 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - books -- 42
Kheper - critiques -- 40
Kheper - singularity index -- 35
Kheper - links -- 51
Kheper - partnership -- 31
Kheper - shocklevelanalysis -- 35
Kheper - singularity -- 32 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - 3fold_aura -- 33 -- 0
Kheper - astral_body -- 39
Kheper - astralhol -- 80 -- 0
Kheper - aura -- 56 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - Beesley -- 39
Kheper - Brennan -- 42
Kheper - causes -- 41
Kheper - celestial -- 57
Kheper - cloud -- 23
Kheper - correspondences -- 177
Kheper - cosmichol -- 67
Kheper - cult -- 19
Kheper - emotional_body -- 61
Kheper - emotionalhol -- 90
Kheper - energetic_protection -- 19 -- 0
Kheper - ethericbodies -- 72
Kheper - etheric_body -- 74
Kheper - etherichol -- 83
Kheper - etherictemplate -- 79
Kheper - hol -- 28
Kheper - ideational_body -- 4
Kheper - subtlebody index -- 31
Kheper - ketherictemplate -- 80
Kheper - mental_body -- 59
Kheper - mentalhol -- 103
Kheper - Ostrom -- 24
Kheper - physical_body -- 23 -- 0
Kheper - physicalhol -- 32
Kheper - seven_energy_fields -- 72 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - subtle_bodies -- 133
Kheper - subtlebody -- 48 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - supreme_reality index -- 37
Kheper - systems_theory index -- 23
Kheper - cosmology -- 41
Kheper - history -- 51
Kheper - Tantra index -- 45
Kheper - Kali -- 26 -- 0
Kheper - links -- 57
Kheper - Mahavidyas -- 50
Kheper - mantra -- 33
Kheper - natha_siddhas -- 45
Kheper - Shakti -- 58
Kheper - Shaktism -- 5
Kheper - Shingon -- 33
Kheper - Shiva -- 72
Kheper - Tantra -- 64
Kheper - Tantra_today -- 76
Kheper - yantra -- 39
Kheper - circulation_of_light -- 35
Kheper - definition -- 23
Kheper - dream -- 16
Kheper - external_and_internal -- 23
Kheper - Taoism index -- 31
Kheper - lower_Tan_Tien -- 23
Kheper - Mantak_Chia -- 39
Kheper - microcosmic_orbit -- 54
Kheper - middle_Tan_Tien -- 26
Kheper - Mystfem -- 23
Kheper - Nei_Tan -- 26
Kheper - Nei_Tan_intro -- 27
Kheper - science_and_magic -- 19
Kheper - Tan_Tiens -- 13
Kheper - Taoism -- 22
Kheper - Taolinks -- 30
Kheper - upper_Tan_Tien -- 28 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - Teilhard index -- 22 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - Teilhard_biography -- 37
Kheper - Teilhard-evolution -- 37 -- 0
Kheper - Alma -- 45
Kheper - Barlet -- 72
Kheper - books -- 61
Kheper - classifications -- 93
Kheper - correlations -- 78
Kheper - cosmic_philosophy -- 55
Kheper - evolution -- 39
Kheper - experiments -- 35
Kheper - fourfold -- 47
Kheper - glossary -- 39 -- 0
Kheper - Theon index -- 53 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - Louis -- 43
Kheper - Materialisms -- 56 -- 0
Kheper - Mirra -- 42
Kheper - pantacle -- 40
Kheper - Pascal -- 38
Kheper - Pathotism -- 39
Kheper - Review -- 39
Kheper - Teresa -- 39
Kheper - Theon -- 99
Kheper - theon-large -- 264
Kheper - Tlemcen -- 40
Kheper - Tradition_1 -- 36
Kheper - Tradition_2 -- 34
Kheper - Tradition_3 -- 34 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - Tradition -- 60 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - ArthurMYoung -- 33
Kheper - formative_causation -- 46
Kheper - theoryofeverything index -- 40
Kheper - Reflexive -- 39
Kheper - Theory_of_Process -- 28
Kheper - toelinks -- 49
Kheper - torus -- 29
Kheper - Unified_Science -- 30 -- 0
Kheper - universal -- 42
Kheper - ArthurMYoung -- 33
Kheper - Theory_of_Process index -- 27
Kheper - Reflexive -- 39
Kheper - Adyar -- 28
Kheper - Alice_Bailey_and_Theosophy -- 1609
Kheper - Bailey -- 70
Kheper - Besant -- 32
Kheper - Blavatsky -- 99 -- 0
Kheper - clairvoyance -- 38
Kheper - Colton -- 5
Kheper - critique_of_spiritualism -- 22
Kheper - cycles -- 26
Kheper - doctrines -- 23
Kheper - Esoteric_Section -- 24 -- 0
Kheper - HBP-Astral_Light -- 23 -- 0
Kheper - HBP-Polarian -- 28
Kheper - HBP-Rounds -- 26
Kheper - Hierarchy -- 42
Kheper - HPB-7principles -- 36
Kheper - HPB-cosmology -- 51
Kheper - HPB-planes -- 93
Kheper - Theosophy index -- 25 -- 0
Kheper - intro -- 48
Kheper - Leadbeater -- 28
Kheper - root_races -- 44
Kheper - schools -- 69
Kheper - star -- 23
Kheper - Summit_Lighthouse -- 4
Kheper - Theosophical_teachings -- 32
Kheper - Theosophy -- 19 -- 0
Kheper - Tibetan -- 20
Kheper - vehicles -- 53 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - absolute -- 76 -- 0
Kheper - transcendent index -- 59 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - worlds -- 70
Kheper - aspects -- 40 -- 0
Kheper - collective -- 48
Kheper - cosmic -- 40
Kheper - delusional -- 36
Kheper - divinisation -- 39 -- 0
Kheper - egocentric -- 41
Kheper - emotional -- 75 -- 0
Kheper - esoteric -- 69
Kheper - ethnocentric -- 44 -- 0
Kheper - fields -- 103
Kheper - global -- 65
Kheper - group -- 94
Kheper - higher_divinisation -- 60
Kheper - higher_realisation -- 89
Kheper - higher_spiritual_mind -- 39
Kheper - holistic -- 55 -- 0
Kheper - transformation index -- 75 -- 0
Kheper - integral -- 109
Kheper - intersubjective -- 101 -- 0
Kheper - mental -- 104
Kheper - mesoteric -- 66
Kheper - partial_realisation -- 74
Kheper - physical -- 43 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - realisation -- 106 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - self-transformation -- 96
Kheper - socio-cultural -- 89
Kheper - stages -- 89
Kheper - worldcentric -- 91
Kheper - Gaians_and_Extropians -- 18
Kheper - transhumanism index -- 25
Kheper - transhumanism_and_extropianism -- 54
Kheper - What_Is_Transhumanism -- 88
Kheper - Transpersonal -- 8
Kheper - books -- 24
Kheper - consciousness_and_worlds -- 49
Kheper - emanation -- 30
Kheper - intro -- 25
Kheper - Kashmir_Shaivism -- 31 -- 0
Kheper - links -- 29
Kheper - Neoplatonism-contrasts -- 36
Kheper - Pancakrtya -- 29
Kheper - psychedelic -- 28
Kheper - Self-Limitation -- 36
Kheper - tattwas -- 33
Kheper - trika -- 86
Kheper - Trika -- 32 -- 0
Kheper - blue-type -- 28
Kheper - four_humours -- 59
Kheper - Fox_and_Hedgehog -- 33
Kheper - green-type -- 27
Kheper - typology index -- 22
Kheper - indigo-type -- 27 -- 0
Kheper - orange-type -- 29 -- 0
Kheper - red-type -- 32
Kheper - typology -- 64
Kheper - violet-type -- 24
Kheper - yellow-type -- 34
Kheper - Unified_Science index -- 30
Kheper - Chandogya -- 21
Kheper - Upanishads index -- 22
Kheper - Mandukya -- 23
Kheper - Taittiriya -- 37
Kheper - AdvaitaVedanta -- 36
Kheper - atman -- 24
Kheper - Vedanta index -- 30
Kheper - koshas -- 42 -- 0
Kheper - Ramana_on_creation -- 23
Kheper - Shankara -- 31
Kheper - Vedanta -- 48
Kheper - Dissing_Cousins -- 37
Kheper - famous -- 72
Kheper - vegan index -- 34
Kheper - links -- 66 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - abhoe -- 66
Kheper - AQAL_critique -- 74
Kheper - atman_fiasco -- 178
Kheper - axial-pranic -- 21
Kheper - biosocial -- 23
Kheper - centaur -- 54
Kheper - Cult_of_Ken_Wilber -- 41
Kheper - cycle -- 5
Kheper - Da -- 35
Kheper - daimon_of_integral_movement -- 37 -- 0
Kheper - Great_Nest_of_Being -- 63
Kheper - historical_parallels -- 52
Kheper - Wilber index -- 72
Kheper - integral -- 98 Ken_Wilber.htm -- 0
Kheper - Ken_Wilber -- 215
Kheper - levels -- 30
Kheper - linesofdevelopment -- 23 -- 0
Kheper - mental-egoic -- 21
Kheper - no_occultism -- 43 -- 0
Kheper - specialized_knowledge -- 40 -- 0
Kheper - tangle -- 24
Kheper - uroboric -- 40
Kheper - verbal-membership -- 21
Kheper - Wilber_and_Aurobindo -- 56
Kheper - Wilber-Combs_lattice -- 31
Kheper - Wilber_I -- 37
Kheper - Wilber_II -- 85
Kheper - Wilber_III -- 30
Kheper - Wilber_IV -- 132
Kheper - Wilber_on_Aurobindo -- 135
Kheper - Wilber_on_biological_evolution -- 92
Kheper - Wilber_on_ecospirituality -- 53
Kheper - Wilbers_method-critique -- 76
Kheper - Wilbers_method -- 83
Kheper - Wilbers_monism -- 61
Kheper - Wilbers_rant -- 33
Kheper - Wilber_V -- 82 -- 0
Kheper - 5 -- 27
Kheper - acosmism -- 23
Kheper - agnosticism -- 29
Kheper - anthropocentrism -- 72
Kheper - atheism -- 32
Kheper - biocentrism -- 23
Kheper - chauvinism -- 27
Kheper - dramaturgic -- 40
Kheper - dualism -- 34
Kheper - emanationism -- 40
Kheper - henotheism -- 26
Kheper - holism -- 54
Kheper - worldviews index -- 41
Kheper - literal -- 29
Kheper - materialism -- 81
Kheper - monism_and_theism -- 31
Kheper - Monism -- 56 -- 0
Kheper - monotheism -- 41
Kheper - pancentrism -- 11
Kheper - panentheism -- 51 -- 0
Kheper - pantheism -- 57
Kheper - perspectives -- 47
Kheper - polytheism -- 26 -- 0
Kheper - scepticism -- 27
Kheper - scientism -- 40
Kheper - worldviews -- 42 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - bhakti -- 31
Kheper - yoga index -- 37
Kheper - jnana -- 32
Kheper - yogasutras -- 35 -- 0 -- 0
Integral World - Eros and Evolution, Discussing one of the most un-debated topics in the integral world; Is there a universal, spiritual drive towards increasing complexity and consciousness? Is there any place for Eros in evolution?, Frank Visser and Layman Pascal
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Mister Rogers' Neighborhood (1968 - 2001) - Originally titled "MisteRogers' Neighborhood" the show premired in 1968 on PBS's predesessor NET, first showing episodes in black & white and later in color. In each episode, long-time host and children's TV star Fred Rogers would talk with the viewer directly on camera about a wide range of topics...
Degrassi Junior High (1986 - 1991) - Degrassi Junior High is a Canadian CBC Television teen drama series that was produced from 1987 to 1989 as part of the Degrassi series. The show followed the lives of a group of students attending the titular fictional school. Many episodes tackled difficult topics such as drug use, child abuse, tee...
My So-Called Life (1995 - 1995) - My So-Called Life is the award winning dramatic series, which chronicled the life of teenager Angela Chase and her struggle to find her identity. The show followed Angela and her friends through the highs and lows of adolescence. It touched on very real topics such as hand guns in school, illiterac...
Beverly Hills, 90210 (1990 - 2000) - Teen Drama initially based around the lives of two outsiders named Brandon and Brenda Walsh who move to Beverly Hills. The show dealt with hard hitting topics such as alcoholism, drug abuse, anorexia, and what have you.
The Oprah Winfrey Show (1986 - 2011) - Chicago-based daytime talk-show host Oprah Winfrey invites a guest panel to discuss a topic, in front of a studio audience. The topics are often controversial or sensational. In its 25 year run, the show became the most watched daytime talk show on television. In 2010 Oprah announced she would be en...
Newton's Apple (1983 - 1998) - Newton's Apple was a PBS science show. Each episode included a few segments on various science related topics. In-studio demonstrations with guests, field reports, and spotlights on wildlife were used. Some common segments are: "On the Spot", "Newton's Lemons", and "Science Try-its". "Science of...
Penn & Teller: Bullshit! (2003 - 2010) - Documentary series hosted by magician's Penn Jillette and his sidekick Teller. Each episode they debate, criticizes and debunk various topics which they dubbed "Bullshit". Often there would be interviews with experts on both sides with interjections of Penn's blunt and comedic commentary.
Ben Rants (2009 - 2015) - Ben T Looney shares his opinions on variois topics including the downfall of Cartoon Network and Disney Channel.
The View (ABC) (1997 - Current) - The longest-running female-oriented talk show that features topics, entertainment and others. Barbara Walters and Whoppi Goldberg were the most-remained panelists on The View for many years.
Yo Gabba Gabba! (2007 - 2015) - an American live action/puppet educational children's television show starring five costumed toys come to life and their friend DJ Lance Rock. The series premiered on Nick Jr. August 20, 2007 and ended on November 12, 2015. There is a single topic in each episode, e.g. "Adventure", "Friends", and "D...
The Morton Downey Jr. Show (1987 - 1989) - A precursor to shows like "The Jerry Springer Show" and "Jenny Jones", Morton Downey Jr. presided over a series of outrageous topics and equally outrageous guests. Trash-talking, fights, shocking statements...It all happened on here.
Jonovision (1996 - 2001) - This is the talk show for teens hosted by Jonathan Torrens. Aired on CBC in the afternoons. It featured topics pertinent to teens such as sex, politics, relationships, wierd friends, etc. They had a battle of the bands as well called "Jonopalooza" in which the winning band won the Golden Ear trop...
Mister Rogers' Neighborhood (1968 - 2001) - Originally titled "MisteRogers' Neighborhood" the show premired in 1968 on PBS's predesessor NET, first showing episodes in black & white and later in color. In each episode, long-time host and children's TV star Fred Rogers would talk with the viewer directly on camera about a wide range of topics...
Dr. Phil (2002 - Current) - Created by Phil McGraw after the success of his segments on the Oprah Winfrey Show. The show covers a wide variety of topics where McGraw offers help to people who need it.
Cosmos: A Personal Voyage (1980 - 1980) - Cosmos: A Personal Voyage is an educational television series written and narrated by astronomer and writer Carl Sagan in 1980, and was also published in book form. It is best known for its presentation of a wide variety of scientific topics astronomy, physics, biology, evolution, environmentalism...
In The News (1971 - 1986) - In the News is a series of two-minute televised video segments that summarized topical news stories for children and pre-teens. The segments were broadcast in the United States on the CBS television network from 1971 until 1986, between Saturday morning animated cartoon programs, alongside features...
Roseanne and Tom: Behind the Scenes(1994) - Bio-pic about the rise and fall of the relationship of Roseanne Barr (Patrika Darbo) and Tom Arnold (Stephen Lee). The second film to tread cover this topic in October of '94, the film premiered on Halloween. Darbo had previously appeared as the Roseanne-like object of Dan's affection in an episod...
William Shatner's Star Trek Memories(1995) - William Shatner spent many years as Captain James T. Kirk, the captain of Star Trek's Enterprise and its intrepid crew. This video features Shatner and various other original cast members as they recollect some of the series' most interesting moments. Among the topics covered are the origins of the...
Brazil (1985) ::: 7.9/10 -- R | 2h 12min | Drama, Sci-Fi | 18 December 1985 (USA) -- A bureaucrat in a dystopic society becomes an enemy of the state as he pursues the woman of his dreams. Director: Terry Gilliam Writers: Terry Gilliam (screenplay by), Tom Stoppard (screenplay by) | 1 more
Conan ::: TV-14 | 42min | Comedy, Music, Talk-Show | TV Series (2010 ) -- Conan O'Brien and his co-host Andy Richter discuss current news topics and interview celebrities and personalities. Creators: Conan O'Brien, Andy Richter
Key and Peele ::: TV-14 | 30min | Action, Adventure, Comedy | TV Series (2012-2015) Episode Guide 55 episodes Key and Peele Poster -- Project sees Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele in front of a live studio audience bantering about a topic weaved between filmed shorts and sketches. Creators:
Key and Peele ::: TV-14 | 30min | Action, Adventure, Comedy | TV Series (20122015) -- Project sees Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele in front of a live studio audience bantering about a topic weaved between filmed shorts and sketches. Creators:
Mister Rogers' Neighborhood ::: TV-Y | 30min | Family, Fantasy, Music | TV Series (19682001) -- Fred Rogers explores various topics for young viewers through presentations and music, both in his world and in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe. Stars:
Penn & Teller: Bullshit! ::: TV-MA | 30min | Comedy, Documentary | TV Series (20032010) -- The comedy illusionist duo explore various topics and debunk what they consider misconceptions about them. Creators: Randall Moldave, Eric Small
Real Time with Bill Maher ::: TV-MA | 1h | Comedy, News, Talk-Show | TV Series (2003 ) -- Comedian and political satirist Bill Maher discusses topical events with guests from various backgrounds. Stars: Bill Maher, Andrew Sullivan, Michael Moore
RoboCop (1987) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Action, Crime, Sci-Fi | 17 July 1987 (USA) -- In a dystopic and crime-ridden Detroit, a terminally wounded cop returns to the force as a powerful cyborg haunted by submerged memories. Director: Paul Verhoeven Writers:
Sincerely Louis CK (2020) ::: 8.4/10 -- 1h | Comedy | Video 4 April 2020 -- In the long anticipated and controversial comeback of Louis CK, he doesn't hold back when discussing topics like religion, god, pedophilia, traveling Europe, and of course his sexual misconduct accusations in his brand new special. Director: Louis C.K. Writer: Louis C.K.
The Filthy Frank Show ::: 12min | Comedy, Fantasy, Music | TV Series (20112017) Filthy Frank and his disease ridden friends talk about various topics and take part in multiple life-threatening shenanigans. Stars: Joji, Artemis Holdenberry, Zeeq  
The Universe -- 45min | Documentary, History | TV Series (20072015) ::: This educational show explores many scientific questions and topics about the universe (Big Bang, the Sun, the planets, black holes, other galaxies, astrobiology etc.) through latest CGI, data and interviews with scientists. Stars:,_speculation_and_off-topic's_Hot_Topic_Takeover's_Pub_The_Topic_of_Remakes
Appleseed Alpha -- -- Sola Digital Arts -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Police Mecha Military Sci-Fi Seinen -- Appleseed Alpha Appleseed Alpha -- Set in a different series of events, this story does not follow the previous Appleseed movie canon (despite being directed by the same director of the previous movies); it is an alternate story to their beginnings. Briareos is already a cyborg and did not become separated from Deunan to be later reunited in Olympus to join ESWAT. -- -- Appleseed Alpha depicts the early days of Deunan Knute and Briareos in the 22nd century, as they embark on a journey throughout dystopic ruins of New York in search of the city of Olympus. They are hired by Two Horns, the warlord of the ruined city, to eliminate bipedal combat machines. During the fight, they encounter Iris and Olson, both on a mission. Deunan and Briareos befriend them and decide to join their mission. -- -- Iris is tasked with preventing the malevolent cyborg Talos from capturing a secret weapon humans were building. Talos uses Iris to activate the gigantic war machine. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- Movie - Jan 17, 2015 -- 15,823 7.03
ChäoS;HEAd -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Sci-Fi Harem Mystery Psychological Supernatural -- ChäoS;HEAd ChäoS;HEAd -- Throughout Shibuya, a series of murders dubbed the "New Generation Madness" gained widespread attention As these crimes gained infamy, they became a hot topic of discussion among the people of the area. Nonetheless, these "New Gen" murders do not capture the interest of Takumi Nishijou, a high school otaku who frequently experiences delusions and feels that he is constantly being watched. -- -- Having no concern for the real world, Takumi spends his time playing online games and watching anime. However, his ordinary life is disrupted when he receives a horrifying image of a man staked to a wall from a user named Shogun. After calming himself at an internet cafe, Takumi sees the exact same murder scene as the image portrayed happen right before his eyes, along with a pink-haired girl covered in blood calling out his name. -- -- Conflicted with the nature of reality, Takumi finds it difficult to judge where to place his trust as he gets caught up in the "New Gen" murders, believing that the murderer is out to get him. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Oct 9, 2008 -- 260,693 6.36
Glamorous Heroes -- -- drop -- 10 eps -- Game -- Action Game -- Glamorous Heroes Glamorous Heroes -- A hot-blooded anime on the topic of e-sports based on the real Chinese online game 300 Da Zuozhan (300 Heroes). -- -- Former top professional gamer Aoba Kaito returns to the gaming circle to regain his professional qualification which was deprived due to a doping suspicion. He and his friends confront against the conspiracy and rise to the top of the leaderboards. -- 4,107 4.46
Joshiraku -- -- J.C.Staff -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Shounen -- Joshiraku Joshiraku -- Joshiraku follows the conversations of five rakugo storyteller girls relating the odd things that happen to them each day. Their comedic and satirical chatting covers all kinds of topics, from pointless observations of everyday life, to politics, manga, and more. Each girl has something new to add to the discussion, and the discourse never ends in the same place it began. -- -- Each of the rakugo girls has their own unique personality, with the energetic but immature Marii Buratei; the seemingly cute Kigurumi Haroukitei; the inherently lucky and carefree Tetora Bouhatei; the calm and violent Gankyou Kuurubiyuutei; and the pessimistic and unstable Kukuru Anrakutei. These girls—and their mysterious friend in a wrestling mask—give their observations to the audience, either backstage at the rakugo theater or in various famous locations around Tokyo. -- -- TV - Jul 6, 2012 -- 117,626 7.49
Oshiete! Galko-chan -- -- feel. -- 12 eps -- Digital manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School -- Oshiete! Galko-chan Oshiete! Galko-chan -- At first glance, Galko, Otako, and Ojou are three high school girls who seem like they wouldn’t have anything to do with each other. Galko is a social butterfly with a reputation for being a party animal, even though she is actually innocent and good-hearted despite her appearance. Otako is a plain-looking girl with a sarcastic personality and a rabid love of manga. And Ojou is a wealthy young lady with excellent social graces, though she can be a bit absent-minded at times. Despite their differences, the three are best friends, and together they love to talk about various myths and ask candid questions about the female body. -- -- Oshiete! Galko-chan is a lighthearted and humorous look at three very different girls and their frank conversations about themselves and everyday life. No topic is too safe or too sensitive for them to joke about—even though every so often, Galko seems to get a bit embarrassed by their discussions! -- -- 144,170 7.10
Prayer X -- -- PERIMETRON -- 1 ep -- Original -- Music Dementia -- Prayer X Prayer X -- Music video directed and animated by Ryoji Yamada for the song Prayer X by King Gnu -- -- In the music video Prayer X, King Gnu takes an abstract and animated approach to mental health topics such as paranoia, anxiety, depression, and suicide. The setting is in a grey monotonous world where the main character is trapped inside a repetitive schedule which slowly drives him insane. -- -- (Source: JROCK NEWS) -- Music - Aug 6, 2018 -- 483 6.84
Strawberry Panic -- -- Imagin, Madhouse -- 26 eps -- Other -- Drama Romance School Shoujo Ai -- Strawberry Panic Strawberry Panic -- Nagisa Aoi begins her new school life as a transfer student at St. Miator’s Girls Academy, one of three prestigious all-girls institutions atop Astraea Hill. Getting lost on her first day, Nagisa encounters a mysterious student whose elegance and charm is so bewitching, she ends up in the infirmary. -- -- There to greet her when she awakens is Tamao Suzumi, her roommate, who enthusiastically introduces Nagisa to the daily life and social structure on campus. Most notably, Tamao informs her of the existence of an exceptional student representative among all three schools—the Etoile, or "star." Eager to meet this person, Nagisa learns that the ethereal beauty she met earlier, Shizuma Hanazono, is the one and only Etoile herself! Not only that, Shizuma seems openly interested in Nagisa! Her interactions with Shizuma naturally make her a hot topic on campus; yet despite being so captivated, Nagisa can’t help but wonder if something is off. -- -- Strawberry Panic! follows the everyday routines of Nagisa, Shizuma, and her friends at St. Miator’s, St. Spica, and St. Lulim as they navigate through the challenge of relationships while confronting hidden feelings, lingering regrets, and new possibilities. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- 116,121 7.30
Umineko no Naku Koro ni -- -- Studio Deen -- 26 eps -- Visual novel -- Mystery Horror Psychological Supernatural -- Umineko no Naku Koro ni Umineko no Naku Koro ni -- Considered as the third installment in the highly popular When They Cry series by 07th Expansion, Umineko no Naku Koro ni takes place on the island of Rokkenjima, owned by the immensely wealthy Ushiromiya family. As customary per year, the entire family is gathering on the island for a conference that discusses the current financial situations of each respective person. Because of the family head's poor health, this year involves the topic of the head of the family's inheritance and how it will be distributed. -- -- However, the family is unaware that the distribution of his wealth is the least of Ushiromiya Kinzou's (family head) concerns for this year's family conference. After being told that his end was approaching by his longtime friend and physician, Kinzou is desperate to meet his life's true love one last time: the Golden Witch, Beatrice. Having immersed himself in black magic for many of the later years in his life, Kinzou instigates a ceremony to revive his beloved upon his family's arrival on Rokkenjima. Soon after, a violent typhoon traps the family on the island and a string of mysterious murders commence, forcing the eighteen people on the island to fight for their lives in a deadly struggle between fantasy and reality. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NIS America, Inc. -- TV - Jul 2, 2009 -- 187,996 7.11
Umineko no Naku Koro ni -- -- Studio Deen -- 26 eps -- Visual novel -- Mystery Horror Psychological Supernatural -- Umineko no Naku Koro ni Umineko no Naku Koro ni -- Considered as the third installment in the highly popular When They Cry series by 07th Expansion, Umineko no Naku Koro ni takes place on the island of Rokkenjima, owned by the immensely wealthy Ushiromiya family. As customary per year, the entire family is gathering on the island for a conference that discusses the current financial situations of each respective person. Because of the family head's poor health, this year involves the topic of the head of the family's inheritance and how it will be distributed. -- -- However, the family is unaware that the distribution of his wealth is the least of Ushiromiya Kinzou's (family head) concerns for this year's family conference. After being told that his end was approaching by his longtime friend and physician, Kinzou is desperate to meet his life's true love one last time: the Golden Witch, Beatrice. Having immersed himself in black magic for many of the later years in his life, Kinzou instigates a ceremony to revive his beloved upon his family's arrival on Rokkenjima. Soon after, a violent typhoon traps the family on the island and a string of mysterious murders commence, forcing the eighteen people on the island to fight for their lives in a deadly struggle between fantasy and reality. -- -- TV - Jul 2, 2009 -- 187,996 7.11,_organizations_and_institutions
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