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subject class:Integral Theory

formal-operational (orange) ::: The orange altitude emerged a few hundred years ago with the European Rennisance. Its modern, rational view grew in prominance through the Age of Enlightenment and came to its fullest expression during the Industrial Revolution. Fueling this age of reason and science was the emergence of formal operational cognition, or the ability to operate on thoughts themselves. No longer limited to reflection on concrete objects, cognition moves from representations to abstractions and can now operate on a range of non-tangiable propositions that may not reflect the concrete world. This is the basis of scientific reasoning through hypothesis. Orange also brings multiplistic thinking, or the realization that there are several possible ways of approaching a situation, even though one is still considered most right.
  Self-sense at orange features two shifts, first to expert and then to achiever, these moves feature an increase in self-awareness and appreciation for multiple possibilities in a given situation. Recognition that one doesnt always live up to idealized social expectations is fueled by an awareness that begins to penetrate the inner world of subjectivity. This is the beginning of introspection. An objectifiable self-sense and the capacity to take a third person perspective.
  Needs shift from belonging to self-esteem. And values land on pragmatic utiliarian approaches to life that rely on ... and thinking to earn progress, prosperity and self-reliance. Morality at orange sees right defined by universal ethical principles. The emergence of formal operational thinking at orange enables a world-centric care for universal human rights and the right of each individual for autonomy and the pursuit of happiness. A desire for individual dignity and self-respect are also driving forces behind orange morality. A significant number of the founding fathers of the United States harbored orange values. ...
  Faith at orange is called Individual Reflective and so far as identity and world-view are differentiated from others, and faith takes on an essence of critical thought. Demythologizing symbols into conceptual meanings. At orange we see the emergence of rational deism and secularism. ~ Essential Integral, 4.1-51, Formal Operational

meta-systemic operations (green) ::: As the 1950's and 60s begin to roll around the last stage of first tier emerged as a cultural force. With the Green Altitude we see the emergence of Pluralistic, Multicultural, Post-Modern world-views. Cognition is starting to move beyond formal-operations into the realm of co-ordinating systems of abstractions, in what is called Meta-systemic Cognition. While formal-operations acted upon the classes and relations between members of classes. Meta-systemic operations start at the level of relating systems to systems. The focus of these investigations is placed upon comparing, contrasting, transforming and synthesizing entire systems, rather than components of one system.
  This emergent faculty allows self-sense to focus around a heightened sense of individuality and an increased ability for emotional resonance. The recognition of individual differences, the ability to tolerate paradox and contradiction, and greater conceptual complexity all provide for an understanding of conflict as being both internally and externally caused. Context plays a major role in the creation of truth and individual perspective. With each being context dependent and open to subjective interpretation, meaning each perspective and truth are rendered relative and are not able to be judged as better or more true than any other. This fuels a value set that centers on softness over cold rationality. Sensitivity and preference over objectivity. Along with a focus on community harmony and equality. Which drives the valuing of sensitivity to others, reconcilation, consensus, dialogue, relationship, human development, bonding, and a seeking of a peace with the inner-self. Moral decisions are based on rights, values, or principles that are agreeable to all individuals composing a society based on fair and beneficial practices. All of this leads to the Equality movements and multiculturalism. And to the extreme form of relativitism which we saw earlier as context dependant nature of all truth including objective facts.
  Faith at the green altitude is called Conjunctive, and allows the self to integrate what was unrecognized by the previous stages self-certainty and cognitive and affective adaptation to reality. New features at this level of faith include the unification of symbolic power with conceptual meaning, an awareness of ones social unconscious, a reworking of ones past, and an opening to ones deeper self. ~ Essential Integral, 4.1-52, Meta-systemic Operations

middle vision logic or paradigmatic (teal) ::: (1:25) Cognition is described as middle-vision logic, or paradigmatic in that it is capable of co-ordinating the relations between systems of systems, unifying them into principled frameworks or paradigms. This is an operation on meta-systems and allows for the view described above, a view of human development itself.
  Self-sense at teal is called Autonomous or Strategist and is characterized by the emergent capacity to acknowledge and cope with inner conflicts in needs, ... and values. All of which are part of a multifacted and complex world. Teal sees our need for autonomy and autonomy itself as limited because emotional interdependence is inevitable. The contradictory aspects of self are weaved into an identity that is whole, integrated and commited to generating a fulfilling life.
  Additionally, Teal allows individuals to link theory and practice, perceive dynamic systems interactions, recognize and strive for higher principles, understand the social construction of reality, handle paradox and complexity, create positive-sum games and seek feedback from others as a vital source for growth. Values embrace magnificence of existence, flexibility, spontaneioty, functionality, the integration of differences into interdependent systems and complimenting natural egalitarianism with natural ranking.
  Needs shift to self-actualization, and morality is in both terms of universal ethical principles and recognition of the developmental relativity of those universals. Teal is the first wave that is truly able to see the limitations of orange and green morality, it is able to uphold the paradox of universalism and relativism. Teal in its decision making process is able to see ... deep and surface features of morality and is able to take into consideration both those values when engaging in moral action. Currently Teal is quite rare, embraced by 2-5% of the north american and european population according to sociological research. ~ Essential Integral, L4.1-53, Middle Vision Logic

higher mind or late vision logic (turquoise) ::: Even more rare, found stably in less than 1% of the population and even more emergent is the turquoise altitude.
  Cognition at Turquoise is called late vision-logic or cross-paradigmatic and features the ability to connect meta-systems or paradigms, with other meta-systems. This is the realm of coordinating principles. Which are unified systems of systems of abstraction to other principles. ... Aurobindo indian sage and philosopher offers a more first-person account of turquoise which he called higher-mind, a unitarian sense of being with a powerful multiple dynamism capable of formation of a multitude of aspects of knowledge, ways of action, forms and significances of becoming of all of which a spontaneous inherient knowledge.
  Self-sense at turquoise is called Construct-aware and is the first stage of Cook-Greuter's extension of Loveigers work on ego-development. The Construct-aware stage sees individuals for the first time as exploring more and more complex thought-structures with awareness of the automatic nature of human map making and absurdities which unbridaled complexity and logical argumentation can lead. Individuals at this stage begin to see their ego as a central point of reference and therefore a limit to growth. They also struggle to balance unique self-expressions and their concurrent sense of importance, the imperical and intuitive knowledge that there is no fundamental subject-object separation and the budding awareness of self-identity as temporary which leads to a decreased ego-desire to create a stable self-identity. Turquoise individuals are keenly aware of the interplay between awareness, thought, action and effects. They seek personal and spiritual transformation and hold a complex matrix of self-identifications, the adequecy of which they increasingly call into question. Much of this already points to Turquoise values which embrace holistic and intuitive thinking and alignment to universal order in a conscious fashion.
  Faith at Turquoise is called Universalising and can generate faith compositions in which conceptions of Ultimate Reality start to include all beings. Individuals at Turquoise faith dedicate themselves to transformation of present reality in the direction of transcendent actuality. Both of these are preludes to the coming of Third Tier.
  ~ Essential Integral, L4.1-54, Higher Mind

Integrative level ::: An Integrative Level or level of organization, is a set of phenomena emerging from pre-existing phenomena of a lower level. The levels concept is an intellectual framework for structuring reality. It arranges all entities, structures, and processes in the universe, or in a certain field of study, into a hierarchy, typically based on how complex their organization is. When arranged this way, each entity is three things at the same time: It is made up of parts from the previous level below. It is a whole in its own right. And it is a part of the whole that is on the next level above. Typical examples include life emerging from non-living substances, and consciousness emerging from nervous systems.

Big History
Biological organisation
Boundary problem (spatial analysis)
Hierarchy theory
Intellectual synthesis
Level of analysis
Model of hierarchical complexity
Modifiable areal unit problem
Nicolai Hartmann
Scale (analytical tool)
Spatial scale
Structuralism (biology)
The central science
Tree of knowledge system
Unity of science

see also ::: Spiral Dynamics, places, 1.7 - The Farther Reaches, 1.8 - The Depths of the Divine
see also ::: Developmental Stage Theories
see also ::: stages

see also ::: 1.7_-_The_Farther_Reaches, 1.8_-_The_Depths_of_the_Divine, Developmental_Stage_Theories, places, Spiral_Dynamics, stages

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a hundred levels
index (levels of brightness)
levels of
Levels of appreciation of Savitri
Levels of Interpretation
Levels Of Knowing And Existence Studies In General Semantics
Levels of Knowledge or Knowing
Levels of relation to God
Levels of Remembrance



levels ::: A level is a general measure of higher and lower. While the terms “structures,” “stages,” and “waves” are sometimes loosely used to refer to “levels,” each term has their own important nuances. Any specific level has an actual structure. Levels tend to unfold in a sequence and thus progress through stages. Finally, levels are not rigidly separated from each other but are rather fluid and overlapping waves. In short, levels are abstract measures that represent fluid yet qualitatively distinct classes of recurrent patterns within developmental lines. Some examples include egocentric, ethnocentric, worldcentric, planetcentric, and Kosmocentric.

levels of processing theory: Craik and Lockhart's theory that the 'deeper' information is processed, the more likely it is to be retained in memory.


AbhidharmakosabhAsya. (T. Chos mngon pa'i mdzod kyi bshad pa; C. Apidamo jushe lun; J. Abidatsuma kusharon; K. Abidalma kusa non 阿毘達磨倶舎論). In Sanskrit, "A Treasury of ABHIDHARMA, with Commentary"; an influential scholastic treatise attributed to VASUBANDHU (c. fourth or fifth century CE). The AbhidharmakosabhAsya consists of two texts: the root text of the Abhidharmakosa, composed in verse (kArikA), and its prose autocommentary (bhAsya); this dual verse-prose structure comes to be emblematic of later SARVASTIVADA abhidharma literature. As the title suggests, the work is mainly concerned with abhidharma theory as it was explicated in the ABHIDHARMAMAHAVIBHAsA, the principal scholastic treatise of the VAIBHAsIKAABHIDHARMIKAs in the SarvAstivAda school. In comparison to the MahAvibhAsA, however, the AbhidharmakosabhAsya presents a more systematic overview of SarvAstivAda positions. At various points in his expositions, Vasubandhu criticizes the SarvAstivAda doctrine from the standpoint of the more progressive SAUTRANTIKA offshoot of the SarvAstivAda school, which elicited a spirited response from later SarvAstivAda-VaibhAsika scholars, such as SAMGHABHADRA in his *NYAYANUSARA. The AbhidharmakosabhAsya has thus served as an invaluable tool in the study of the history of the later MAINSTREAM BUDDHIST SCHOOLS. The Sanskrit texts of both the kArikA and the bhAsya were lost for centuries before being rediscovered in Tibet in 1934 and 1936, respectively. Two Chinese translations, by XUANZANG and PARAMARTHA, and one Tibetan translation of the work are extant. The Kosa is primarily concerned with a detailed elucidation of the polysemous term DHARMA, the causes (HETU) and conditions (PRATYAYA) that lead to continued rebirth in SAMSARA, and the soteriological stages of the path (MARGA) leading to enlightenment. The treatise is divided into eight major chapters, called kosasthAnas. (1) DhAtunirdesa, "Exposition on the Elements," divides dharmas into various categories, such as tainted (SASRAVA) and untainted (ANASRAVA), or compounded (SAMSKṚTA) and uncompounded (ASAMSKṚTA), and discusses the standard Buddhist classifications of the five aggregates (SKANDHA), twelve sense fields (AYATANA), and eighteen elements (DHATU). This chapter also includes extensive discussion of the theory of the four great elements (MAHABHuTA) that constitute materiality (RuPA) and the Buddhist theory of atoms or particles (PARAMAnU). (2) Indriyanirdesa, "Exposition on the Faculties," discusses a fivefold classification of dharmas into materiality (rupa), thought (CITTA), mental concomitants (CAITTA), forces dissociated from thought (CITTAVIPRAYUKTASAMSKARA), and the uncompounded (ASAMSKṚTA). This chapter also has extensive discussions of the six causes (HETU), the four conditions (PRATYAYA), and the five effects or fruitions (PHALA). (3) Lokanirdesa, "Exposition on the Cosmos," describes the formation and structure of a world system (LOKA), the different types of sentient beings, the various levels of existence, and the principle of dependent origination (PRATĪTYASAMUTPADA) that governs the process of rebirth, which is discussed here in connection with the three time periods (TRIKALA) of past, present, and future. (4) Karmanirdesa, "Exposition on Action," discusses the different types of action (KARMAN), including the peculiar type of action associated with unmanifest materiality (AVIJNAPTIRuPA). The ten wholesome and unwholesome "paths of action" (KUsALA-KARMAPATHA and AKUsALA-KARMAPATHA) also receive a lengthy description. (5) Anusayanirdesa, "Exposition on the Proclivities," treats the ninety-eight types of ANUsAYA in relation to their sources and qualities and the relationship between the anusayas and other categories of unwholesome qualities, such as afflictions (KLEsA), contaminants (ASRAVA), floods (OGHA), and yokes (yoga). (6) MArgapudgalanirdesa, "Exposition on the Path and the [Noble] Persons," outlines how either insight into the four noble truths and carefully following a series of soteriological steps can remove defilements and transform the ordinary person into one of the noble persons (ARYAPUDGALA). (7) JNAnanirdesa, "Exposition on Knowledge," offers a detailed account of the ten types of knowledge and the distinctive attributes of noble persons and buddhas. (8) SamApattinirdesa, "Exposition on Attainment," discusses different categories of concentration (SAMADHI) and the attainments (SAMAPATTI) that result from their perfection. (9) Appended to this main body is a ninth section, an independent treatise titled the Pudgalanirdesa, "Exposition of the Notion of a Person." Here, Vasubandhu offers a detailed critique of the theory of the self, scrutinizing both the Buddhist PUDGALAVADA/VATSĪPUTRĪYA "heresy" of the inexpressible (avAcya) "person" (PUDGALA) being conventionally real and Brahmanical theories of a perduring soul (ATMAN). Numerous commentaries to the Kosa, such as those composed by VASUMITRA, YAsOMITRA, STHIRAMATI, and Purnavardhana, attest to its continuing influence in Indian Buddhist thought. The Kosa was also the object of vigorous study in the scholastic traditions of East Asia and Tibet, which produced many indigenous commentaries on the text and its doctrinal positions.

Action Levels ::: Regulatory levels recommended by EPA for enforcement by Food and Drug Administration and United States Department of Agriculture when pesticide residues occur in food or feed commodities for reasons other than the direct application of the pesticide. As opposed to "tolerances" which are established for residues occurring as a direct result of proper usage, action levels are set for inadvertent residues resulting from previous legal use or accidental contamination. In the Superfund program, the existence of a contaminant concentration in the environment high enough to warrant action or trigger a response under SARA and the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Contingency Plan. The term is also used in other regulatory programs.

Activities conducted after a Superfund site action is completed to ensure that the action is effective. Actions taken after construction to assure that facilities constructed to treat waste water will be properly operated and maintained to achieve normative efficiency levels and prescribed effluent limitations in an optimum manner. On-going asbestos management plan in a school or other public building, including regular inspections, various methods of maintaining asbestos in place, and removal when necessary.

ACT ONE "language, specification" A specification language. ["An Algebraic Specification Language with Two Levels of Semantics", H. Ehrig et al, Tech U Berlin 83-1983-02-03]. (1994-11-08)

ACT ONE ::: (language, specification) A specification language.[An Algebraic Specification Language with Two Levels of Semantics, H. Ehrig et al, Tech U Berlin 83-1983-02-03]. (1994-11-08)

adaptation ::: The phenomenon of sensory receptor adjustment to different levels of stimulation; critical for allowing sensory systems to operate over a wide dynamic range.

Adytum ::: Traditionally this was the innermost sanctuary of a Greek temple. Refers to the holiest layers of self and spirituality as well as to the innermost levels of the Temple.

A Fibonacci_retracement ::: is a term used in technical analysis that refers to areas of support (stops going lower) or resistance (stops going higher). Fibonacci retracement levels use horizontal lines to indicate areas of support or resistance at the key Fibonacci levels before the trend continues in the original direction. These levels are created by drawing a trendline between the high and low and then dividing the vertical distance by the key Fibonacci ratios of 23.6%, 38.2%, 50%, 61.8% and 100%.

Aggregate demand for labour curve - A curve showing the total demand for labour in the economy at different levels of real wage rates.

Ahriman: (Middle Persian) Zoroaster, in building upon an ancient Indo-Iranian antecedent, expounded a thoroughgoing dualism in which Ormazd (s.v.) is the good, Ahriman the evil principle, corresponding to the Christian God and Devil, locked in combat on all levels of thought and existence. In that they are reciprocal and of a dialectic necessity, this dualism has, philosophically, the implication of a monism which was, indeed, ethically and eschatologically elaborated in the Zoroastrian optimism that postulates the ultimate victory of Ahura Mazdah (s.v.) or Ormazd. -- K.F.L.

Air Quality Criteria ::: The levels of pollution and lengths of exposure above which adverse effects may occur on health and welfare.

AkAsAnantyAyatana. (P. AkAsAnaNcAyatana; T. nam mkha' mtha' yas skye mched; C. kong wubian chu; J. kumuhenjo; K. kong mubyon ch'o 空無邊處). In Sanskrit, "sphere of infinite space"; the first and lowest (in ascending order) of the four levels of the immaterial realm (ARuPYADHATU) and the first of the four immaterial absorptions (DHYANA). It is a realm of rebirth as well as a meditative state that is entirely immaterial (viz., there is no physical [RuPA] component to existence) in which the mind comes to an awareness of unlimited pervasive space (AKAsA) without the existence of material objects. Beings reborn in this realm are thought to live as long as forty thousand eons (KALPAS). However, as a state of being that is still subject to rebirth, even the realm of infinite space remains part of SAMSARA. Like the other levels of the realm of subtle materiality (RuPADHATU) and the immaterial realm, one is reborn in this state by achieving the specific level of meditative absorption of that state in the previous lifetime. One of the most famous and influential expositions on the subject of these immaterial states comes from the VISUDDHIMAGGA of BUDDHAGHOSA, written in the fifth century. Although there are numerous accounts of Buddhist meditators achieving immaterial states of SAMADHI, they are also used polemically in Buddhist literature to describe the attainments of non-Buddhist yogins, who mistakenly identify these exalted states within saMsAra as states of permanent liberation from rebirth. See also DHYANASAMAPATTI; DHYANOPAPATTI.

AkiNcanyAyatana. (P. AkiNcaNNAyatana; T. ci yang med pa'i skye mched; C. wu suoyou chu; J. mushousho; K. mu soyu ch'o 無所有處). In Sanskrit, "sphere of nothing whatsoever," or "absolute nothingness," the third (in ascending order) of the four levels of the immaterial realm (ARuPYADHATU) and the third of the four immaterial absorptions (SAMAPATTI). It is "above" the first two levels of the immaterial realm, called infinite space (AKAsANANTYAYATANA) and infinite consciousness (VIJNANANANTYAYATANA), but "below" the fourth level, called "neither perception nor nonperception" (NAIVASAMJNANASAMJNAYATANA). It is a realm of rebirth as well as a meditative state that is entirely immaterial (viz., there is no physical [RuPA] component to existence) in which all ordinary semblances of consciousness vanish entirely. Beings reborn in this realm are thought to live as long as sixty thousand eons (KALPAS). However, as states of being that are still subject to rebirth, all of these spheres remain part of SAMSARA. See also DHYANASAMAPATTI; DHYANOPAPATTI.

Allfather, Alfadir (Icelandic) [from al all + fadir father] Odin, father of gods and men. As Allfather, Odin occurs on many levels: as the indwelling divinity in a universe and in every part of the universe. He is also, together with his two brother-gods, the creative power of life on each level of existence. Odin (divine intelligence, Sanskrit mahat), Vile (will), and Vi or Ve (awe, sanctity) comprise the cosmic creative trinity. They spring from Bur, the quasi-manifest or Second Logos, which in turn emanated from Buri, the legendary king of cold. Buri was immersed in the ice of non-being until the cow Audhumla, symbol of fertility, uncovered his head when licking the ice blocks for salt.

Alokasyopalabdhisa. (T. nye bar thob pa'i snang ba). In Sanskrit "appearance of near-attainment," the penultimate stage in the final three stages of the dissolution of consciousness that culminates in the dawning of "clear light" (PRABHASVARA), the actual moment of death according to certain systems of ANUTTARAYOGATANTRA. After the gross elements and states of consciousness dissolve, a process that is accompanied by a series of signs, the subtler levels of consciousness appear: first an experience of radiant whiteness called appearance (Aloka) like a night sky filled with moonlight, then an experience of redness, called increase (vṛddhi) like a clear sky filled with sunlight, and finally an experience called "near attainment" (upalabdha) like a black moonless sky, so called because it is the state nearest to the most subtle level of consciousness, the mind of clear light.

Amal: “‘The flaming Hierarchies’ are the inner spiritual levels in their true order.”

Amal: “There are several levels between the mind and the Supermind. One of them is that of the Ideal. A common classification by Sri Aurobindo is: the Higher Mind, the Illumined Mind, the Intuition, the Overmind Intuition, the Overmind, the supramentalised Overmind. In an early chapter of The Life Divine, there is a triple scheme: the Phenomenal, the Ideal, the Real. The Ideal here would cover all the planes between mind and Supermind.”

Amituo jiupin yin. (J. Amida kuhon'in; K. Amit'a kup'um in 阿彌陀九品印). In Chinese, lit. "the nine-levels gesture of AMITABHA"; in East Asian Buddhist iconography, the distinctive gesture (MUDRA) associated with images of AmitAbha Buddha, whose western paradise of SUKHAVATĪ is said to have nine levels through which devotees pass in the process of attaining enlightenment. The gesture is formed with the index finger and thumbs of both hands touching each other, with one hand typically raised in the air.

A moving_average: (MA:::) is a widely used indicator in technical analysis that helps smooth out price action by filtering out the "noise" from random price fluctuations. It is a trend-following, or lagging, indicator because it is based on past prices. The two basic and commonly used moving averages are the simple_moving_average (SMA), which is the simple average of a security over a defined number of time periods, and the exponential moving average (EMA), which gives greater weight to more recent prices. The most common applications of moving averages are to identify the trend direction, and to determine support and resistance levels. While moving averages are useful enough on their own, they also form the basis for other technical indicators such as the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD).

ana ::: a term used in the last dated entry of 1920 for a plane of consciousness whose arrangement "on the lower levels of the ideal thought-powers" had then begun; in view of evidence for the connection of the term imperative with revelation or dr.s.t.i, imperative vijñana is perhaps the same as the earlier seer ideality, whose "deputed power" in the logistic ideality was mentioned in 1919.

anAgAmin. (T. phyir mi 'ong ba; C. buhuan/bulai/anahan; J. fugen/furai/anagon; K. purhwan/pullae/anaham 不還/來/阿那含). In Sanskrit and PAli, "nonreturner"; the third of the four types of Buddhist saint or "noble person" (ARYAPUDGALA) in the mainstream traditions, along with the SROTAAPANNA or "stream-enterer" (the first and lowest grade), the SAKṚDAGAMIN or "once-returner" (the second grade), and the ARHAT or "worthy-one" (the fourth and highest grade). The anAgAmin is one who has completely put aside the first five of ten fetters (SAMYOJANA) that bind one to the cycle of rebirth: (1) belief in the existence of a perduring self (SATKAYADṚstI), (2) belief in the efficacy of rites and rituals (sĪLAVRATAPARAMARsA), (3) skeptical doubt about the efficacy of the path (VICIKITSA), (4) sensual craving (KAMARAGA), and (5) malice (VYAPADA). The anAgAmin has also weakened considerably the last five of the ten fetters (including such affective fetters as pride, restlessness, and ignorance), thus enervating the power of SAMSARA. Having completely eradicated the first five fetters, which are associated with the sensuous realm (KAMADHATU), and weakened the latter five, the anAgAmin is a "nonreturner" in the sense that he will never be reborn in the kAmadhAtu again; instead, he will either complete the path and become an arhat in the present lifetime or he will be reborn in the "pure abodes," or sUDDHAVASA (corresponding to the five highest heavens in the subtle-materiality realm, or RuPADHATU); and specifically, in the AKANIstHA heaven, the fifth and highest of the pure abodes, which often serves as a way station for anAgAmins before they achieve arhatship. As one of the twenty members of the ARYASAMGHA (see VIMsATIPRABHEDASAMGHA), the anAgAmin is the name for a candidate (pratipannaka) for anAgAmin (the third fruit of the noble path). In addition, the ANAGAMIPHALASTHA is the basis for several subdivisions of the twenty members. The anAgamin may be either a follower through faith (sRADDHANUSARIN) or a follower through doctrine (DHARMANUSARIN) with either dull (MṚDVINDRIYA) or keen faculties (TĪKsnENDRIYA). The anAgAmins have eliminated all of the nine levels of afflictions that cause rebirth in the sensuous realm (kAmadhAtu) that the ordinary (LAUKIKA) path of meditation (BHAVANAMARGA) removes. Depending on their earlier career, they may be VĪTARAGAPuRVIN (those who have already eliminated sensuous-realm faults prior to reaching the path of vision) and an Anupurvin (those who reach the four fruits of the noble path in a series). Those with dull faculties are Anupurvin who have earlier been SAKṚDAGAMIPHALASTHA. Those with keen faculties reach the third fruit when they attain the VIMUKTIMARGA (path of liberation from the afflictions, or KLEsA) on the DARsANAMARGA (path of vision). See also ANABHISAMSKARAPARINIRVAYIN; SABHISAMSKARAPARINIRVAYIN; UPAPADYAPARINIRVAYIN.

ana [Greek and Sanskrit] ::: a term used in October 1920 for three levels encompassing much of what was formerly called logistic ideality; applied more specifically to the highest of these levels, also termed highest representative ideality, which corresponds to full revelatory ideality and "has to deal with three movements": actualities, potentialities and the "imperatives of the infinite".

ananda ::: ananda manifesting on the various levels of the inner being, as distinct from physical ananda; especially, the five forms of ananda called suddhananda, cidghanananda, ahaituka ananda, premananda and subjective kamananda, or any one of these.

ANANDA. ::: Delight; essential principle of delight; bliss; spiritual ecstasy; the bliss of the Spirit which is the secret source· and support of all existence.
Ānanda is the secret delight from which all things are born, by which all is sustained in existence and to which all can rise in the spiritual culmination.
It is the Divine Bliss which comes from above. It is not joy or pleasure, but something self-existent, pure and quite beyond what any joy or pleasure can be.
Something greater than peace or joy, something that, like Truth and Light, is the very nature of the supramental Divine. It can come by frequent inrushes or descents, partially or for a time, but it cannot -remain in the system so long as the system has not been prepared for it.
It can come not only with its fullest intensity but with a more enduring persistence when the mind is at peace and the heart delivered from ordinary joy and sorrow. If the mind and heart are restless, changeful, unquiet, Ānanda of a kind may come, but it is mixed with vital excitement and cannot abide. One must get peace and calm fixed in the consciousness first, then there is a solid basis on which Ānanda can spread itself and in its turn become an enduring part of the consciousness and the nature.
Ānanda (ascension into) ::: It is quite impossible to ascend to the real Ānanda plane (except in a profound trance), until after the supramental consciousness has been entered, realised and possessed; but it is quite possible and normal to feel some form of Ānanda consciousness on any level. This consciousness, wherever it is felt, is a derivation from the Ānanda plane, but it is very much diminished in power and modified to suit the lesser power of receptivity of the inferior levels.
Ānanda (divine) in the physical ::: self-existent in its essence, its manifestation is dependent only on an inner union with the Divine.
Ānanda (of the Brahman) ::: there is an absoluteness of immutable ecstasy in it, a concentrated intensity of silent and inalienable rapture.

Angel ::: Derived from the Latin for "messenger", this term means different things in different traditions. From the perspective of the Kabbalah there are orders of angels: levels of consciousness with a sense of "self-identity" that guide and interact hierarchically with humanity and other conscious forms.

AQAL matrix ::: The configuration of all quadrants, levels, lines, states, and types at any given time in any given occasion.

AQAL ::: Pronounced “ah-qwul.” Short for “all-quadrants, all-levels,” which itself is short for “allquadrants, all-levels, all-lines, all-states, and all-types.” Developed by philosopher and author, Ken Wilber, AQAL appears to be the most comprehensive approach to reality to date. It is a supertheory or metatheory that attempts to explain how the most time-tested methodologies, and the experiences those methodologies bring forth, fit together in a coherent fashion. AQAL theory’s pragmatic correlate is a series of social practices called Integral Methodological Pluralism (IMP). The personal application of AQAL is called Integral Life Practice (ILP). “AQAL” is often used interchangeably with Integral Theory, the Integral approach, the Integral map, the Integral model, and Integral Operating System (IOS).

ARM7 "processor" A {RISC} {microprocessor} architecture from {Advanced RISC Machines} Ltd. (ARM). Building upon the {ARM6} family, the goal of the ARM7 design was to offer higher levels of raw compute performance at even lower levels of power consumption. The ARM7 architecture is now (Dec 1994) the most powerful low voltage {RISC} processor available on the market. The ARM7 offers several architectural extensions which address specific market needs, encompassing fast multiply and innovative embedded {ICE} support. Software development tools are available. The ARM7 architecture is made up of a core CPU plus a range of system peripherals which can be added to a CPU core to give a complete system on a chip, e.g. 4K or 8K {cache}, {Memory Management Unit}, {Write Buffer}, {coprocessor} interface, {ICEbreaker} embedded {ICE} support and {JTAG} {boundary scan}. The {ARM710} {microprocessor} is built around the ARM7 core. {(}. (1995-01-05)

A run ::: in technical analysis, is a series of consecutive price movements that occur in the same direction for a particular security, sector, or index. A run is constituted by a prolonged uptrend or downtrend, characterized by repeated daily gains or losses. For example, if a stock’s price increased each day for five trading sessions, it would be said to be in a bull run, which may also be referred to as a rally. A bear run would consist of consecutive down days. Runs that appear in certain sequences, such as a bear run followed immediately by a bull run, are often used with charting strategies as signals to identify technical levels for entry or exit from a trade. When looking at a run, traders should consider the underlying volume behind the move as an indicator of the strength of the run. Traders may also want to consider other factors surrounding the move, including other technical indicators and chart patterns.

Ascended Dead ::: A category of the dead that have crystallized and maintained a sense of their living self-identity in such a manner that others can interact with and call upon it. Generally this refers to beings of sufficiently high levels of realization that have decided to maintain a form in more subtle levels of reality in order to teach or inspire beings at denser levels of manifestation.

Ascending arc: In theosophical occultism, the ascent of the evolving monads (q.v.) from the physical plane or globe upwards through the higher levels of existence. (Also called luminous arc.)

astavimoksa. (P. atthavimokkha; T. rnam par thar pa brgyad; C. ba jietuo; J. hachigedatsu; K. p'al haet'al 八解脱). In Sanskrit, "eight liberations"; referring to a systematic meditation practice for cultivating detachment and ultimately liberation (VIMOKsA). There are eight stages in the attenuation of consciousness that accompany the cultivation of increasingly deeper states of meditative absorption (DHYANA). In the first four dhyAnas of the realm of subtle materiality (RuPAVACARADHYANA), the first three stages entail (1) the perception of materiality (RuPA) in that plane of subtle materiality (S. rupasaMjNin, P. rupasaNNī), (2) the perception of external forms while not perceiving one's own form (S. arupasaMjNin, P. arupasaNNī), and (3) the developing of confidence through contemplating the beautiful (S. subha, P. subha). The next five stages transcend the realm of subtle materiality to take in the four immaterial dhyAnas (ARuPYAVACARADHYANA) and beyond: (4) passing beyond the material plane with the idea of "limitless space," one attains the plane of limitless space (AKAsANANTYAYATANA); (5) passing beyond the plane of limitless space with the idea of "limitless consciousness," one attains the plane of limitless consciousness (VIJNANANANTYAYATANA); (6) passing beyond the plane of limitless consciousness with the idea that "there is nothing," one attains the plane of nothingness (AKINCANYAYATANA); (7) passing beyond the plane of nothingness, one attains the plane of neither perception nor nonperception (NAIVASAMJNANASAMJNAYATANA); and (8) passing beyond the plane of neither perception nor nonperception, one attains the cessation of all perception and sensation (SAMJNAVEDAYITANIRODHA). ¶ The ABHIDHARMASAMUCCAYA and YOGACARABHuMIsASTRA give an explanation of the first three of the eight vimoksas within the larger context of bodhisattvas who compassionately manifest shapes, smells, and so on for the purpose of training others. Bodhisattvas who have reached any of the nine levels (the RuPADHATU, the four subtle-materiality DHYANAs, and four immaterial attainments) engage in this type of practice. In the first vimoksa, they destroy "form outside," i.e., those in the rupadhAtu who have not destroyed attachment to forms (to their own color, shape, smell, and so on) cultivate detachment to the forms they see outside. (Other bodhisattvas who have reached the first dhyAna and so on do this by relaxing their detachment for the duration of the meditation.) In the second vimoksa, they destroy the "form inside," i.e., they cultivate detachment to their own color and shape. (Again, others who have reached the immaterial attainments and have no attachment to their own form relax that detachment for the duration of the meditation.) In the third, they gain control over what they want to believe about forms by meditating on the relative nature of beauty, ugliness, and size. They destroy grasping at anything as having an absolute pleasant or unpleasant identity, and perceive them all as having the same taste as pleasant, or however else they want them to be. These texts finally give an explanation of the remaining five vimoksas, "to loosen the rope of craving for the taste of the immaterial levels."

asynchronous logic "architecture" A {data-driven} circuit design technique where, instead of the components sharing a common {clock} and exchanging data on clock edges, data is passed on as soon as it is available. This removes the need to distribute a common clock signal throughout the circuit with acceptable {clock skew}. It also helps to reduce power dissipation in {CMOS} circuits because {gates} only switch when they are doing useful work rather than on every clock edge. There are many kinds of asynchronous logic. Data signals may use either "dual rail encoding" or "data bundling". Each dual rail encoded {Boolean} is implemented as two wires. This allows the value and the timing information to be communicated for each data bit. Bundled data has one wire for each data bit and another for timing. Level sensitive circuits typically represent a logic one by a high voltage and a logic zero by a low voltage whereas transition signalling uses a change in the signal level to convey information. A speed independent design is tolerant to variations in gate speeds but not to propagation delays in wires; a delay insensitive circuit is tolerant to variations in wire delays as well. The purest form of circuit is delay-insensitive and uses dual-rail encoding with transition signalling. A transition on one wire indicates the arrival of a zero, a transition on the other the arrival of a one. The levels on the wires are of no significance. Such an approach enables the design of fully delay-insensitive circuits and automatic layout as the delays introduced by the layout compiler can't affect the functionality (only the performance). Level sensitive designs can use simpler, stateless logic gates but require a "return to zero" phase in each transition. {(}. (1995-01-18)

Atavistic Resurgence: The name of a Magical Formula devised by Austin Osman Spare to tap subliminal levels of consciousness in order to re-vitalize dormant superhuman powers.

A technical_correction ::: is a decrease in the market price of an asset or entire market after extensive price increases. A technical correction occurs even when there is no evidence that the increasing price trend should cease. A correction is typically a change of 10% or more from the peak high or low however traders may use varying percentage levels. A technical correction is often caused when investors temporarily slow down their purchases of securities, which commonly leads to a throwback or pullback toward resistance or support levels respectively.

A test ::: is when a stock’s price approaches an established support or resistance level set by the market. If the stock stays within the support and resistance levels, the test passes. However, if the stock price reaches new lows and/or new highs, the test fails.

A trading_channel ::: is a channel drawn on a security price series chart by graphing two trendlines drawn at resistance and support levels. Trading channels can be drawn using a variety of methodologies. Generally traders believe that security prices will remain within a trading channel. Therefore, traders use trading channels to develop buy and sell trading signals. A trading channel may also be known as a price channel.

atrium ::: n. --> A square hall lighted from above, into which rooms open at one or more levels.
An open court with a porch or gallery around three or more sides; especially at the entrance of a basilica or other church. The name was extended in the Middle Ages to the open churchyard or cemetery.
The main part of either auricle of the heart as distinct from the auricular appendix. Also, the whole articular portion of the

Autotrading ::: is a trading plan based around the buying and selling of orders placed automatically from an underlying system or program. The buy or sell orders are sent out to be executed in the market when a certain set of criteria is met.   BREAKING DOWN 'Autotrading'   Autotrading is a type of trading plan that allows investors to capitalize on market opportunities in real time. It typically involves complex programming through advanced software trading systems. Traders can program software systems to make automatic trades based on a customized trading strategy. Basic forms of autotrading can also be utilized by all types of retail investors. Overall, autotrading systems are used in a wide range of markets including stocks, futures, options and forex.   Autotrading Capabilities   Generally autotrading requires a pre-determined trading strategy. It can be structured in various ways for all types of investors. Retail investors may deploy basic autotrading plans through the use of automated investing at specific times or through conditional orders on brokerage platforms. Conditional orders allow an investor to enter trades at specified levels for automatic execution when a price is reached. Institutional investors and technical traders will use complex trading systems that allow for conditional orders and grid trading. These investors use more complex conditional orders that can be generated through advanced charting software systems, advanced trading platforms or a combination of both. Many technical day traders will subscribe to trading systems such as ProfitSource that work in connection with a trading platform to place automated trades. Brokerage platforms such as TD Ameritrade and Interactive Brokers are also popular for technical autotraders. Institutional investors will typically have their own proprietary trading platforms that allow for auto trading through algorithmic programming. (See also Choosing the Right Day-Trading Software)   Autotrading Strategies   Investors use autotrading to execute pre-programmed trades in real time. Autotrading allows all types of investors to build trading plans for capitalizing on their own trading strategies. Institutional investors may use complex algorithms that seek to place trades for investment portfolios based on defined criteria governed by a portfolio’s objective.  Technical day traders will use auto trading to invest based on technical market signals. Many day traders choose to automate investing through a grid trading strategy. Grid trading strategies can be useful for investing into a trend as they allow automated investing triggered by incremental moves of the security’s price in a specified direction. Technical day traders also commonly use complex conditional orders for auto trading. These types of orders allow an investor to specify an entry price and build a collar around the trade to institute pre-determined profit and loss levels for risk management. Autotrading is also popular for investors in the forex market. Forex autotrading also allows for customized programming. Many forex traders will choose to invest with preset autotrading platforms that offer autotrading based on trading strategies developed by the software provider. (See also Forex automation software for hands-free trading)

AvataMsakasutra. (T. Mdo phal po che; C. Huayan jing; J. Kegongyo; K. Hwaom kyong 華嚴經). In Sanskrit, "Garland Scripture"; also known as the BUDDHAVATAMSAKASuTRA ("Scripture of the Garland of Buddhas"), or *BuddhAvataMsakanAmamahAvaipulyasutra, the Sanskrit reconstruction of the title of the Chinese translation Dafangguang fo huayan jing, which is usually abbreviated in Chinese simply as the HUAYAN JING ("Flower Garland Scripture"). The sutra is one of the most influential Buddhist scriptures in East Asia and the foundational text of the indigenous East Asian HUAYAN ZONG. The first major edition of the AvataMsakasutra was said to have been brought from KHOTAN and was translated into Chinese by BUDDHABHADRA in 421; this recension consisted of sixty rolls and thirty-four chapters. A second, longer recension, in eighty rolls and thirty-nine chapters, was translated into Chinese by sIKsANANDA in 699; this is sometimes referred to within the Huayan tradition as the "New [translation of the] AvataMsakasutra" (Xin Huayan jing). A Tibetan translation similar to the eighty-roll recension also exists. The AvataMsakasutra is traditionally classified as a VAIPULYASuTRA; it is an encyclopedic work that brings together a number of heterogeneous texts, such as the GAndAVYuHA and DAsABHuMIKASuTRA, which circulated independently before being compiled together in this scripture. No Sanskrit recension of the AvataMsakasutra has been discovered; even the title is not known from Sanskrit sources, but is a reconstruction of the Chinese. (Recent research in fact suggests that the correct Sanskrit title might actually be BuddhAvataMsakasutra, or "Scripture of the Garland of Buddhas," rather than AvataMsakasutra.) There are, however, extant Sanskrit recensions of two of its major constituents, the Dasabhumikasutra and Gandavyuha. Given the dearth of evidence of a Sanskrit recension of the complete AvataMsakasutra, and since the scripture was first introduced to China from Khotan, some scholars have argued that the scripture may actually be of Central Asian provenance (or at very least was heavily revised in Central Asia). There also exists in Chinese translation a forty-roll recension of the AvataMsakasutra, translated by PRAJNA in 798, which roughly corresponds to the Gandavyuha, otherwise known in Chinese as the Ru fajie pin or "Chapter on the Entry into the DHARMADHATU." Little attempt is made to synthesize these disparate materials into an overarching narrative, but there is a tenuous organizational schema involving a series of different "assemblies" to which the different discourses are addressed. The Chinese tradition presumed that the AvataMsakasutra was the first sermon of the Buddha (see HUAYAN ZHAO), and the sutra's first assembly takes place at the BODHI TREE two weeks after he had attained enlightenment while he was still immersed in the samAdhi of oceanic reflection (SAGARAMUDRASAMADHI). The AvataMsaka is therefore believed to provide a comprehensive and definitive description of the Buddha's enlightenment experience from within this profound state of samAdhi. The older sixty-roll recension includes a total of eight assemblies held at seven different locations: three in the human realm and the rest in the heavens. The later eighty-roll recension, however, includes a total of nine assemblies at seven locations, a discrepancy that led to much ink in Huayan exegesis. In terms of its content, the sutra offers exuberant descriptions of myriads of world systems populated by buddhas and bodhisattvas, along with elaborate imagery focusing especially on radiant light and boundless space. The scripture is also the inspiration for the famous metaphor of INDRAJALA (Indra's Net), a canopy made of transparent jewels in which each jewel is reflected in all the others, suggesting the multivalent levels of interaction between all phenomena in the universe. The text focuses on the unitary and all-pervasive nature of enlightenment, which belongs to the realm of the Buddha of Pervasive Light, VAIROCANA, the central buddha in the AvataMsaka, who embodies the DHARMAKAYA. The sutra emphasizes the knowledge and enlightenment of the buddhas as being something that is present in all sentient beings (see TATHAGATAGARBHA and BUDDHADHATU), just as the entire universe, or trichiliocosm (S. TRISAHASRAMAHASAHASRALOKADHATU) is contained in a minute mote of dust. This notion of interpenetration or interfusion (YUANRONG) is stressed in the thirty-second chapter of Buddhabhadra's translation, whose title bears the influential term "nature origination" (XINGQI). The sutra, especially in FAZANG's authoritative exegesis, is presumed to set forth a distinctive presentation of dependent origination (PRATĪTYASAMUTPADA) in terms of the dependence of the whole on its parts, stressing the unity of the universe and its emptiness (suNYATA) of inherent nature; dependent origination here emerges as a profound ecological vision in which the existence of any one thing is completely dependent on the existence of all other things and all things on any one thing. Various chapters of the sutra were also interpreted as providing the locus classicus for the exhaustive fifty-two stage MahAyAna path (MARGA) to buddhahood, which included the ten faiths (only implied in the scripture), the ten abodes, ten practices, ten dedications, and ten stages (DAsABHuMI), plus the two stages of awakening itself: virtual enlightenment (dengjue) and sublime enlightenment (miaojue). This soteriological process was then illustrated through the peregrinations of the lad SUDHANA to visit his religious mentors, each of whom is identified with one of these specific stages; Sudhana's lengthy pilgrimage is described in great detail in the massive final chapter (a third of the entire scripture), the Gandavyuha, titled in the AvataMsakasutra the "Entry into the DharmadhAtu" chapter (Ru fajie pin). The evocative and widely quoted statement in the "Brahmacarya" chapter that "at the time of the initial arousal of the aspiration for enlightenment (BODHICITTOTPADA), complete, perfect enlightenment (ANUTTARASAMYAKSAMBODHI) is already achieved" was also influential in the development of the East Asian notion of sudden enlightenment (DUNWU), since it implied that awakening could be achieved in an instant of sincere aspiration, without requiring three infinite eons (ASAMKHYEYAKALPA) of religious training. Chinese exegetes who promoted this sutra reserved the highest place for it in their scriptural taxonomies (see JIAOXIANG PANSHI) and designated it the "perfect" or "consummate" teaching (YUANJIAO) of Buddhism. Many commentaries on and exegeses of the sutra are extant, among which the most influential are those written by FAZANG, ZHIYAN, CHENGGUAN, LI TONGXUAN, GUIFENG ZONGMI, WoNHYO, ŬISANG, and MYoE KoBEN.

avīci. (T. mnar med; C. abi diyu/wujian diyu; J. abijigoku/mukenjigoku; K. abi chiok/mugan chiok 阿鼻地獄/無間地獄). In Sanskrit and PAli, "interminable," "relentless," "incessant"; referring to the deepest, largest, and most tortuous of the eight great, or eight hot, hells (see NARAKA). (The Chinese use either a transcription corresponding to the first two syllables of the Sanskrit avīci or else the translation "interminable," combined with their own cultural translation of "hell" as a "subterranean prison.") This hell is said to be located twenty thousand YOJANAs below the continent of JAMBUDVĪPA and is the destination of beings whose "wholesome faculties are eradicated" (SAMUCCHINNAKUsALAMuLA) or who have committed the most heinous of acts, which, after death, result in immediate rebirth in the avīcı hell: patricide, matricide, killing an ARHAT, wounding a buddha, and causing schism in the SAMGHA (see ANANTARYAKARMAN). Because beings reborn in this hell are being constantly burned alive in hot flames, with no respite in their torture, the agony they experience is said to be "Interminable." (Editors' note: According to one esoteric lineage, there is a special level of the avīci hell reserved especially for compilers of dictionaries, where, no matter how many terms the authors have defined, an interminable list remains.) Another seven levels of the hot hells are either situated above, or in other interpretations, at the same level as avīci. The ABHIDHARMAKOsABHAsYA lists a corresponding series of bitterly cold hells beginning with the arbuda hell. Avīci and its seven companion hells each have sixteen (four in each direction) neighboring hells (PRATYEKANARAKA) or subhells (utsada), where supplementary tortures are meted out to the unfortunate inhabitants, such as plains of ash that burn their feet; swamps of excrement and corpses in which maggots eat their flesh; roads and forests of razor blades that slice off their flesh; and rivers of boiling water in which they are plunged. Like all levels of hell, however, avīci is ultimately impermanent and, once the previous unwholesome actions of the inhabitant are expiated after many eons, that being will be reborn elsewhere according to his KARMAN.

axiomatic set theory "theory" One of several approaches to {set theory}, consisting of a {formal language} for talking about sets and a collection of {axioms} describing how they behave. There are many different {axiomatisations} for set theory. Each takes a slightly different approach to the problem of finding a theory that captures as much as possible of the intuitive idea of what a set is, while avoiding the {paradoxes} that result from accepting all of it, the most famous being {Russell's paradox}. The main source of trouble in naive set theory is the idea that you can specify a set by saying whether each object in the universe is in the "set" or not. Accordingly, the most important differences between different axiomatisations of set theory concern the restrictions they place on this idea (known as "comprehension"). {Zermelo Fränkel set theory}, the most commonly used axiomatisation, gets round it by (in effect) saying that you can only use this principle to define subsets of existing sets. NBG (von Neumann-Bernays-Goedel) set theory sort of allows comprehension for all {formulae} without restriction, but distinguishes between two kinds of set, so that the sets produced by applying comprehension are only second-class sets. NBG is exactly as powerful as ZF, in the sense that any statement that can be formalised in both theories is a theorem of ZF if and only if it is a theorem of ZFC. MK (Morse-Kelley) set theory is a strengthened version of NBG, with a simpler axiom system. It is strictly stronger than NBG, and it is possible that NBG might be consistent but MK inconsistent. {NF (} ("New Foundations"), a theory developed by Willard Van Orman Quine, places a very different restriction on comprehension: it only works when the formula describing the membership condition for your putative set is "stratified", which means that it could be made to make sense if you worked in a system where every set had a level attached to it, so that a level-n set could only be a member of sets of level n+1. (This doesn't mean that there are actually levels attached to sets in NF). NF is very different from ZF; for instance, in NF the universe is a set (which it isn't in ZF, because the whole point of ZF is that it forbids sets that are "too large"), and it can be proved that the {Axiom of Choice} is false in NF! ML ("Modern Logic") is to NF as NBG is to ZF. (Its name derives from the title of the book in which Quine introduced an early, defective, form of it). It is stronger than ZF (it can prove things that ZF can't), but if NF is consistent then ML is too. (2003-09-21)

BARBARISM, STAGE OF The first or lowest of man&

Based on an ancient Midrashic source (Bereishit Rabbah 14:9) Kabbalah and Hassidism speak of five levels or gradations of the soul:

basic structures of consciousness ::: 1. “Empty” levels of consciousness used as a general measure of vertical development. A measure of the degree or “altitude” of awareness in any particular stream. These altitudes are often described using the colors of the natural rainbow: Infrared, Magenta, Red, Amber, Orange, Green, Teal, Turquoise, Indigo, Violet, Ultraviolet, and Clear Light. 2. Enduring structures that are actually laid down along these markers of altitude and thus are roughly synonymous with basic levels of consciousness. These are the rungs in any developmental ladder. Cognitive development, for instance, is often used since it is necessary but not sufficient for development in other lines.

Basing ::: refers to a period in which a stock or other traded security is showing minimal upward or downward movement. The resulting price pattern looks like a flat line or slightly rounded. Often, 'basing' is a term used by technical analysts to describe an issue that is consolidating after a period of rapid growth or decline. A stock that is basing has equal amounts of supply and demand. Basing is a common occurrence after a stock or the market has been in a lengthy decline or had a significant advance. In other words, the market is taking a break. Some stocks can form a base that lasts for several years before the trend reverses. Basing periods are accompanied by declining volume as prices consolidate. Volatility also contracts as a stock trades sideways. (For more, see: How Do I Identify a Stock That is Under Consolidation?) Stocks that are basing establish clear support and resistance levels as the bulls and bears fight for control. Institutional traders may use a basing period to accumulate a large order they are buying for a customer. Many technical analysts believe that basing is crucial, especially for stocks that have had a rapid advance. They view basing as the "breather" that allows the issue to continue climbing.

baud "communications, unit" /bawd/ (plural "baud") The unit in which the information carrying capacity or "{signalling rate}" of a communication channel is measured. One baud is one symbol (state-transition or level-transition) per second. This coincides with bits per second only for two-level {modulation} with no {framing} or {stop bits}. A symbol is a unique state of the communication channel, distinguishable by the receiver from all other possible states. For example, it may be one of two voltage levels on a wire for a direct digital connection or it might be the phase or frequency of a carrier. The term "baud" was originally a unit of telegraph signalling speed, set at one {Morse code} dot per second. Or, more generally, the reciprocal of the duration of the shortest signalling element. It was proposed at the International Telegraph Conference of 1927, and named after {J.M.E. Baudot} (1845-1903), the French engineer who constructed the first successful teleprinter. The UK {PSTN} will support a maximum rate of 600 baud but each baud may carry between 1 and 16 bits depending on the coding (e.g. {QAM}). Where data is transmitted as {packets}, e.g. characters, the actual "data rate" of a channel is R D / P where R is the "raw" rate in bits per second, D is the number of data bits in a packet and P is the total number of bits in a packet (including packet overhead). The term "baud" causes much confusion and is usually best avoided. Use "bits per second" (bps), "bytes per second" or "characters per second" (cps) if that's what you mean. (1998-02-14)

baud ::: (communications, unit) /bawd/ (plural baud) The unit in which the information carrying capacity or signalling rate of a communication channel is second. This coincides with bits per second only for two-level modulation with no framing or stop bits.A symbol is a unique state of the communication channel, distinguishable by the receiver from all other possible states. For example, it may be one of two voltage levels on a wire for a direct digital connection or it might be the phase or frequency of a carrier.The term baud was originally a unit of telegraph signalling speed, set at one Morse code dot per second. Or, more generally, the reciprocal of the duration of Conference of 1927, and named after J.M.E. Baudot (1845-1903), the French engineer who constructed the first successful teleprinter.The UK PSTN will support a maximum rate of 600 baud but each baud may carry between 1 and 16 bits depending on the coding (e.g. QAM).Where data is transmitted as packets, e.g. characters, the actual data rate of a channel is R D / P in a packet and P is the total number of bits in a packet (including packet overhead).The term baud causes much confusion and is usually best avoided. Use bits per second (bps), bytes per second or characters per second (cps) if that's what you mean. (1998-02-14)

Being, hierarchy of: (Scholastic) The Neo-Platonic conception of a hierarchy of "emanations" from the "One" persisted throughout the Middle-Ages, though it was given another meaning. Emanationism properly speaking is incompatible with the notion of creation. But the medieval writers agree that there is a hierarchy, comprising within the visible world inanimate beings, plants, animals, and rational beings, men; above them rank the immaterial substances (subsistent forms, angels) and finally God Who, however, is so far distant from any created being that he cannot be placed in line. Whatever is asserted of God is so only "analogically" (see Analogy). There is analogy also between the grades of created beings; their various levels are not of one kind, no transition exists between inanimate and animate bodies, or between material and spiritual substances. Though the original meaning has been abandoned, the term "emanation" is still used, even by Aquinas. -- R.A.

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Energy Levels - Amounts of energy an electron in an atom may have.

   Entropy - Measure of disorder in a system; ratio of heat added to temperature.


“Beyond mind on spiritual and supramental levels dwells the Presence, the Truth, the Power, the Bliss that can alone deliver us from these illusions, display the Light of which our ideals are tarnished disguises and impose the harmony that shall at once transfigure and reconcile all the parts of our nature.” Essays Divine and Human

bhAvanAmArga. (T. sgom lam; C. xiudao; J. shudo; K. sudo 修道). In Sanskrit, "the path of cultivation" or "path of meditation"; the fourth of the five stages of the path (MARGA) in the SARVASTIVADA soteriological system (also adopted in the MAHAYANA), which follows the path of vision or insight (DARsANAMARGA) and precedes the adept path where no further training is necessary (AsAIKsAMARGA). In the SarvAstivAda path schema, the path of vision consists of fifteen thought-moments, with a subsequent sixteenth moment marking the beginning of the path of cultivation (BHAVANAMARGA). This sixteenth moment, that of subsequent knowledge (ANVAYAJNANA) of the truth of the path (mArga), is, in effect, the knowledge that all of the afflictions (KLEsA) of both the subtle-materiality realm (RuPADHATU) and the immaterial realm (ARuPYADHATU) that are associated with the FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS have been abandoned. As a result, the meditator destroys all causes for future rebirth as an animal, ghost, or hell denizen, but is not liberated from rebirth altogether and may still be reborn as a human or divinity. The more deeply rooted afflictions are destroyed over the course of the path of cultivation. For each of the nine levels of the three realms of rebirth-the sensuous realm (with one level), the realm of subtle materiality (with four levels), and the immaterial realm (with four levels)-there are nine levels of afflictions (KLEsA), from the most coarse to the most insidious, making eighty-one levels of affliction to be destroyed. As was the case with the path of vision, these defilements must be destroyed in a two-step process: the actual destruction of the particular affliction and the knowledge that it has been destroyed. There are therefore 162 "moments" of the abandoning of afflictions. This process, which takes place over the course of the path of cultivation, may occur over several lifetimes. However, when the 162nd stage is reached, and the subtlest of the subtle afflictions associated with the ninth level-that is, the fourth absorption of the immaterial realm-has been abandoned, the adept is then liberated from rebirth. The bhAvanAmArga is one of the "paths of the nobles" (ARYAMARGA) and one on this stage is immune to any possibility of retrogression and is assured of eventually achieving NIRVAnA. Reference is also sometimes made to the mundane path of cultivation (LAUKIKA-bhAvanAmArga), which refers to the three trainings (TRIsIKsA) in morality (sĪLA), concentration (SAMADHI), and wisdom (PRAJNA) as they are developed before the first of the three fetters (SAMYOJANA) is eradicated and insight achieved. In the MahAyAna path system, with variations between YOGACARA and MADHYAMAKA, the bhAvanAmArga is the period in which the BODHISATTVA proceeds through the ten BHuMIs and destroys the afflictive obstructions (KLEsAVARAnA) and the obstructions to omniscience (JNEYAVARAnA).

bhukti ::: enjoyment; the "enjoyment of our liberated being which brings us into unity or union with the Supreme"; the third member of the siddhi catus.t.aya, resulting from suddhi and mukti and consisting of "the Delight of existence in itself, independent of every experience and extending itself to all experiences". It has three states (rasagrahan.a, bhoga and ananda), each with three intensities (rati, ratna and ratha), on each of seven levels corresponding to the seven planes of existence.

bhūsvarga (bhuswarga) ::: a heavenly world (svarga) belonging to the higher levels associated with the terrestrial plane (bhū) or to the subtle bhū.

bhuta. (T. 'byung po; C. zhen/gui; J. shin/ki; K. chin/kwi 眞/鬼). The past passive particle of the Sanskrit root √bhu (cognate with English "be"); in compound words in Buddhist texts, it means "element," "true," or "real"; the word alone also means a class of harm-inflicting and formless obstructing spirits (i.e., "elemental spirits"). The MAHABHuTA (literally "great elements") are the well-known elements of earth, water, fire, and wind; the BHuTAKOtI ("ultimate state") is a technical term used in the MAHAYANA to distinguish between different levels of spiritual achievement; BHuTATATHATA ("true suchness") is the eternal nature of reality that is "truly thus" and free of all conceptual elaborations. The bhuta ("elemental") spirits, who are sometimes equivalent to PRETA ("hungry ghost"), are said to inhabit the northeast quarter of the universe, or in some descriptions, all of the ten directions (DAsADIs). Because they obstruct rainfall, the bhuta are propitiated by rituals to cause precipitation, as are the NAGA ("serpent spirits, spirits of the watery subsoil") who inhabit rivers and lakes. Tibetan medical texts also identify eighteen elemental spirits ('byung po'i gdon) that invade the psyche and cause mental problems.

bhū ::: the three levels of the earth-consciousness or plane of material existence (bhū), consisting of a purely physical, a vital and a mental layer. triple d dasya

binary file "file format" Any {file format} for {digital} {data} that does not consist of a sequence of printable {characters} ({text}). The term is often used for executable {machine code}. All digital data, including characters, is actually binary data (unless it uses some (rare) system with more than two discrete levels) but the distinction between binary and text is well established. On modern {operating systems} a text file is simply a binary file that happens to contain only printable characters, but some older systems distinguish the two file types, requiring programs to handle them differently. A common class of binary files is programs in {machine language} ("{executable} files") ready to load into memory and execute. Binary files may also be used to store data output by a program, and intended to be read by that or another program but not by humans. Binary files are more efficient for this purpose because the data (e.g. numerical data) does not need to be converted between the binary form used by the {CPU} and a printable (ASCII) representation. The disadvantage is that it is usually necessary to write special purpose programs to manipulate such files since most general purpose utilities operate on text files. There is also a problem sharing binary numerical data between processors with different {endian}ness. Some communications {protocols} handle only text files, e.g. most {electronic mail} systems before {MIME} became widespread in about 1995. The {FTP} utility must be put into "binary" mode in order to copy a binary file since in its default "ascii" mode translates between the different {newline} characters used on the sending and receiving computers. Confusingly, some {word processor} files, and {rich text} files, are actually binary files because they contain non-printable characters and require special programs to view, edit and print them. (2005-02-21)

binary file ::: (file format) Any file format for digital data that does not consist of a sequence of printable characters (text). The term is often used for executable machine code.All digital data, including characters, is actually binary data (unless it uses some (rare) system with more than two discrete levels) but the distinction but some older systems distinguish the two file types, requiring programs to handle them differently.A common class of binary files is programs in machine language (executable files) ready to load into memory and execute. Binary files may also be used to files. There is also a problem sharing binary numerical data between processors with different endianness.Some communications protocols handle only text files, e.g. most electronic mail systems before MIME became widespread in about 1995. The FTP utility must be put mode translates between the different newline characters used on the sending and receiving computers.Confusingly, some word processor files, and rich text files, are actually binary files because they contain non-printable characters and require special programs to view, edit and print them.(2005-02-21)

bits per pixel "hardware, graphics" (bpp) The number of {bits} of information stored per {pixel} of an {image} or displayed by a {graphics adapter}. The more bits there are, the more colours can be represented, but the more memory is required to store or display the image. A colour can be described by the intensities of red, green and blue ({RGB}) components. Allowing 8 {bits} (1 {byte}) per component (24 bits per pixel) gives 256 levels for each component and over 16 million different colours - more than the human eye can distinguish. {Microsoft Windows} [and others?] calls this {truecolour}. An image of 1024x768 with 24 bpp requires over 2 MB of memory. "High colour" uses 16 bpp (or 15 bpp), 5 bits for blue, 5 bits for red and 6 bits for green. This reduced colour precision gives a slight loss of image quality at a 1/3 saving on memory. Standard {VGA} uses a {palette} of 16 colours (4 bpp), each colour in the palette is 24 bit. Standard {SVGA} uses a {palette} of 256 colours (8 bpp). Some graphics hardware and software support 32-bit colour depths, including an 8-bit "{alpha channel}" for transparency effects. (1999-08-01)

bodhisattvabhumi. (T. byang chub sems dpa'i sa; C. pusa di; J. bosatsuji; K. posal chi 菩薩地). In Sanskrit, lit. "ground" or "stage" (BHuMI) of a BODHISATTVA, referring to the systematic stages along the path (MARGA) of a bodhisattva's maturation into a buddha. A normative list of ten bhumis, which becomes standard in many MAHAYANA accounts of the bodhisattva path, appears in the DAsABHuMIKASuTRA, a sutra that was later incorporated into the AVATAMSAKASuTRA compilation. These ten stages (DAsABHuMI) of the Dasabhumikasutra correspond to the forty-first to fiftieth stages among the fifty-two bodhisattva stages, the comprehensive outline of the entire bodhisattva path taught in such scriptures as the AvataMsakasutra, the PUSA YINGLUO BENYE JING, and the RENWANG JING. The first bhumi begins on the path of vision (DARsANAMARGA), and the other nine bhumis occur on the path of cultivation (BHAVANAMARGA). (For detailed explication of each stage, see DAsABHuMI s.v.) The PRAJNAPARAMITA SuTRAs, and the MAHAYANASuTRALAMKARA and ABHISAMAYALAMKARA in their exegesis of these stages, explain that bodhisattvas reach each higher level along the path after completing the preparations (parikarman) for it; they set forth the same ten levels as the Dasabhumikasutra with the same names. Arya VIMUKTISENA, in his exegesis of the AbhisamayAlaMkAra, says bodhisattvas on the tenth bhumi are like TATHAGATAs who have passed beyond all stages, and lists eight other stages corresponding roughly to the stages of the eight noble persons (ARYAPUDGALA), with the first through ninth bodhisattva bhumis described as a transcendent ninth level. In contrast to the normative ten bhumis described in the Dasabhumikasutra, MAITREYANATHA/ASAnGA in the BODHISATTVABHuMI instead outlines a system of seven stages (bhumi), which are then correlated with the thirteen abodes (VIHARA). (See the following entry on the treatise for further explication.) The seven-bhumi schema of the Bodhisattvabhumi and the ten-bhumi schema of the Dasabhumikasutra are independent systematizations.

bottom-up implementation "programming" The opposite of {top-down design}. It is now received wisdom in most programming cultures that it is best to design from higher levels of abstraction down to lower, specifying sequences of action in increasing detail until you get to actual code. Hackers often find (especially in exploratory designs that cannot be closely specified in advance) that it works best to *build* things in the opposite order, by writing and testing a clean set of primitive operations and then knitting them together. [{Jargon File}] (1996-05-10)

bottom-up implementation ::: (programming) The opposite of top-down design. It is now received wisdom in most programming cultures that it is best to design from higher levels of *build* things in the opposite order, by writing and testing a clean set of primitive operations and then knitting them together.[Jargon File] (1996-05-10)

brahmacharya. ::: the first stage of life, the stage of the religious studentship with celibacy; moderation in all things; freedom from craving for all sensual enjoyments; self-restraint on all levels; dwelling in Brahman

bstan rim. (tenrim). In Tibetan, "stages of the doctrine"; a genre of Tibetan Buddhist literature similar to the "stages of the path" (LAM RIM), of which it is a precursor. Bstan rim texts present a systematic and comprehensive outline of Tibetan Buddhist thought, although they generally differ from "stages of the path" works by referring strictly to MAHAYANA doctrine and avoiding the typology of three spiritual levels of individuals (skyes bu gsum): these are, following the explanation of TSONG KHA PA in his LAM RIM CHEN MO, the individual whose practice leads to a good rebirth, a middling type of individual whose practice leads to NIRVAnA, and the great person whose MahAyAna practice as a BODHISATTVA leads to buddhahood for the sake of all beings. However, the differences between bstan rim and lam rim texts are often blurred; the THAR PA RIN PO CHE'I RGYAN ("Jewel Ornament of Liberation") by SGAM PO PA BSOD NAMS RIN CHEN, for example, is often designated as a "stages of the path" work, although it might more precisely be classified as "stages of the doctrine." Early examples of bstan rim treatises were written at GSANG PHU NE'U THOG monastery by RNGOG BLO LDAN SHES RAB and his followers.

buddhaksetra. (T. sangs rgyas zhing; C. focha; J. bussetsu; K. pulch'al 佛刹). In Sanskrit, "buddha field," the realm that constitutes the domain of a specific buddha. A buddhaksetra is said to have two aspects, which parallel the division of a world system into a BHAJANALOKA (lit. "container world," "world of inanimate objects") and a SATTVALOKA ("world of sentient beings"). As a result of his accumulation of merit (PUnYASAMBHARA), his collection of knowledge (JNANASAMBHARA), and his specific vow (PRAnIDHANA), when a buddha achieves enlightenment, a "container" or "inanimate" world is produced in the form of a field where the buddha leads beings to enlightenment. The inhabitant of that world is the buddha endowed with all the BUDDHADHARMAs. Buddha-fields occur in various levels of purification, broadly divided between pure (VIsUDDHABUDDHAKsETRA) and impure. Impure buddha-fields are synonymous with a world system (CAKRAVAdA), the infinite number of "world discs" in Buddhist cosmology that constitutes the universe; here, ordinary sentient beings (including animals, ghosts, and hell beings) dwell, subject to the afflictions (KLEsA) of greed (LOBHA), hatred (DVEsA), and delusion (MOHA). Each cakravAda is the domain of a specific buddha, who achieves enlightenment in that world system and works there toward the liberation of all sentient beings. A pure buddha-field, by contrast, may be created by a buddha upon his enlightenment and is sometimes called a PURE LAND (JINGTU, more literally, "purified soil" in Chinese), a term with no direct equivalent in Sanskrit. In such purified buddha-fields, the unfortunate realms (APAYA, DURGATI) of animals, ghosts, and hell denizens are typically absent. Thus, the birds that sing beautiful songs there are said to be emanations of the buddha rather than sentient beings who have been reborn as birds. These pure lands include such notable buddhaksetras as ABHIRATI, the buddha-field of the buddha AKsOBHYA, and SUKHAVATĪ, the land of the buddha AMITABHA and the object of a major strand of East Asian Buddhism, the so-called pure land school (see JoDOSHu, JoDO SHINSHu). In the VIMALAKĪRTINIRDEsA, after the buddha reveals a pure buddha land, sARIPUTRA asks him why sAKYAMUNI's buddha-field has so many faults. The buddha then touches the earth with his toe, at which point the world is transformed into a pure buddha-field; he explains that he makes the world appear impure in order to inspire his disciples to seek liberation.

buffer 1. An area of memory used for storing messages. Typically, a buffer will have other attributes such as an input pointer (where new data will be written into the buffer), and output pointer (where the next item will be read from) and/or a count of the space used or free. Buffers are used to decouple processes so that the reader and writer may operate at different speeds or on different sized blocks of data. There are many different algorithms for using buffers, e.g. first-in first-out (FIFO or shelf), last-in first-out (LIFO or stack), double buffering (allowing one buffer to be read while the other is being written), cyclic buffer (reading or writing past the end wraps around to the beginning). 2. An electronic device to provide compatibility between two signals, e.g. changing voltage levels or current capability.

buffer ::: 1. An area of memory used for storing messages. Typically, a buffer will have other attributes such as an input pointer (where new data will be written into the reader and writer may operate at different speeds or on different sized blocks of data.There are many different algorithms for using buffers, e.g. first-in first-out (FIFO or shelf), last-in first-out (LIFO or stack), double buffering (allowing one buffer to be read while the other is being written), cyclic buffer (reading or writing past the end wraps around to the beginning).2. An electronic device to provide compatibility between two signals, e.g. changing voltage levels or current capability.

Byzantine "jargon, architecture" A term describing any system that has so many labyrinthine internal interconnections that it would be impossible to simplify by separation into loosely coupled or linked components. The city of Byzantium, later renamed Constantinople and then Istanbul, and the Byzantine Empire were vitiated by a bureaucratic overelaboration bordering on lunacy: quadruple banked agencies, dozens or even scores of superfluous levels and officials with high flown titles unrelated to their actual function, if any. Access to the Emperor and his council was controlled by powerful and inscrutable eunuchs and by rival sports factions. [Edward Gibbon, "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire"]. (1999-01-15)

Byzantine ::: (jargon, architecture) A term describing any system that has so many labyrinthine internal interconnections that it would be impossible to simplify by separation into loosely coupled or linked components.The city of Byzantium, later renamed Constantinople and then Istanbul, and the Byzantine Empire were vitiated by a bureaucratic overelaboration bordering on lunacy: quadruple banked agencies, dozens or even scores of superfluous levels and officials with high flown titles unrelated to their actual function, if any.Access to the Emperor and his council was controlled by powerful and inscrutable eunuchs and by rival sports factions.[Edward Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire]. (1999-01-15)

Capabilities Maturity Model ::: (software) (CMM) The Software Engineering Institute's model of software engineering that specifies five levels of maturity of the processes of a expanded to cover other areas including Human Resources and Software Acquitition.The levels - focii - and key process areas are:Level 1 Initial - Heroes - None.Level 2 Repeatable - Project Management - Software Project Planning, Software Project Tracking and Oversight, Software Subcontract Management, Software Quality Assurance, Software Configuration Management, Requirements Management.Level 3 Defined - Engineering Process - Organisation Process Focus, Organisation Process Definition, Peer Reviews, Training Program, Inter-group Coordination, Software Product Engineering, Integrated Software Management.Level 4 Managed - Product and Process Quality - Software Quality Management, Quantitative Process Management.Level 5 Optimising - Continuous Improvement - Process Change Management, Technology Change Management, Defect Prevention.[Reference?](2001-04-28)

Capability Maturity Model "software" (CMM) The {Software Engineering Institute}'s model of {software engineering} that specifies five levels of maturity of the processes of a software organisation. CMM offers a framework for evolutionary process improvement. Originally applied to software development (SE-CMM), it has been expanded to cover other areas including Human Resources and Software Acquitition. The levels - focii - and key process areas are: Level 1 Initial - Heroes - None. Level 2 Repeatable - Project Management - Software Project Planning, Software Project Tracking and Oversight, Software Subcontract Management, Software Quality Assurance, Software Configuration Management, Requirements Management. Level 3 Defined - Engineering Process - Organisation Process Focus, Organisation Process Definition, Peer Reviews, Training Program, Inter-group Coordination, Software Product Engineering, Integrated Software Management. Level 4 Managed - Product and Process Quality - Software Quality Management, Quantitative Process Management. Level 5 Optimising - Continuous Improvement - Process Change Management, Technology Change Management, Defect Prevention. {(}. (2001-04-28)

Cascading Style Sheets "web" (CSS) An extension to {HTML} to allow styles, e.g. colour, {font}, size to be specified for certain elements of a {hypertext} document. Style information can be included in-line in the HTML file or in a separate CSS file (which can then be easily shared by multiple HTML files). Multiple levels of CSS can be used to allow selective overriding of styles. {(}. (2000-07-26)

Cascading Style Sheets ::: (World-Wide Web) (CSS) An extension to HTML to allow styles, e.g. colour, font, size to be specified for certain elements of a hypertext document. Style (which can then be easily shared by multiple HTML files). Multiple levels of CSS can be used to allow selective overriding of styles. .(2000-07-26)

Centralised - A management structure in which most decisions are taken at the centre, or at higher levels of management.

Chain of command - The structure within an organisation which allows instructions to be passed down from senior management to the lower levels of management.

Charles Babbage ::: (person) The british inventor known to some as the Father of Computing for his contributions to the basic design of the computer through his Analytical Engine. His previous Difference Engine was a special purpose device intended for the production of mathematical tables.Babbage was born on December 26, 1791 in Teignmouth, Devonshire UK. He entered Trinity College, Cambridge in 1814 and graduated from Peterhouse. In 1817 he Analytical Engine. In 1834 he founded the Statistical Society of London. He died in 1871 in London.Babbage also invented the cowcatcher, the dynamometer, standard railroad gauge, uniform postal rates, occulting lights for lighthouses, Greenwich time signals, and the heliograph opthalmoscope. He also had an interest in cyphers and lock-picking.[Adapted from the text by J. A. N. Lee, Copyright September 1994].Babbage, as (necessarily) the first person to work with machines that can attack problems at arbitrary levels of abstraction, fell into a trap familiar to toolsmiths since, as described here by the English ethicist, Lord Moulton:One of the sad memories of my life is a visit to the celebrated mathematician and inventor, Mr Babbage. He was far advanced in age, but his mind was still as more work to complete the Calculating Machine than to design and construct the other in its entirety, so I turned my attention to the Analytical Machine.'After a few minutes' talk, we went into the next work-room, where he showed and explained to me the working of the elements of the Analytical Machine. I asked the Analytical Machine from the stage in which I left it.' I took leave of the old man with a heavy heart.When he died a few years later, not only had he constructed no machine, but the verdict of a jury of kind and sympathetic scientific men who were deputed to was that everything was too incomplete of be capable of being put to any useful purpose.[Lord Moulton, The invention of algorithms, its genesis, and growth, in G. C. Knott, ed., Napier tercentenary memorial volume (London, 1915), p. 1-24; quoted in Charles Babbage Passage from the Life of a Philosopher, Martin Campbell-Kelly, ed. (Rutgers U. Press and IEEE Press, 1994), p. 34].Compare: uninteresting, Ninety-Ninety Rule. (1996-02-22)

Charles Babbage "person" The British inventor known to some as the "Father of Computing" for his contributions to the basic design of the computer through his {Analytical Engine}. His previous {Difference Engine} was a special purpose device intended for the production of mathematical tables. Babbage was born on December 26, 1791 in Teignmouth, Devonshire UK. He entered Trinity College, Cambridge in 1814 and graduated from Peterhouse. In 1817 he received an MA from Cambridge and in 1823 started work on the Difference Engine through funding from the British Government. In 1827 he published a table of {logarithms} from 1 to 108000. In 1828 he was appointed to the Lucasian Chair of Mathematics at Cambridge (though he never presented a lecture). In 1831 he founded the British Association for the Advancement of Science and in 1832 he published "Economy of Manufactures and Machinery". In 1833 he began work on the Analytical Engine. In 1834 he founded the Statistical Society of London. He died in 1871 in London. Babbage also invented the cowcatcher, the dynamometer, standard railroad gauge, uniform postal rates, occulting lights for lighthouses, Greenwich time signals, and the heliograph opthalmoscope. He also had an interest in cyphers and lock-picking. [Adapted from the text by J. A. N. Lee, Copyright September 1994]. Babbage, as (necessarily) the first person to work with machines that can attack problems at arbitrary levels of {abstraction}, fell into a trap familiar to {toolsmiths} since, as described here by the English ethicist, Lord Moulton: "One of the sad memories of my life is a visit to the celebrated mathematician and inventor, Mr Babbage. He was far advanced in age, but his mind was still as vigorous as ever. He took me through his work-rooms. In the first room I saw parts of the original Calculating Machine, which had been shown in an incomplete state many years before and had even been put to some use. I asked him about its present form. 'I have not finished it because in working at it I came on the idea of my {Analytical Machine}, which would do all that it was capable of doing and much more. Indeed, the idea was so much simpler that it would have taken more work to complete the Calculating Machine than to design and construct the other in its entirety, so I turned my attention to the Analytical Machine.'" "After a few minutes' talk, we went into the next work-room, where he showed and explained to me the working of the elements of the Analytical Machine. I asked if I could see it. 'I have never completed it,' he said, 'because I hit upon an idea of doing the same thing by a different and far more effective method, and this rendered it useless to proceed on the old lines.' Then we went into the third room. There lay scattered bits of mechanism, but I saw no trace of any working machine. Very cautiously I approached the subject, and received the dreaded answer, 'It is not constructed yet, but I am working on it, and it will take less time to construct it altogether than it would have token to complete the Analytical Machine from the stage in which I left it.' I took leave of the old man with a heavy heart." "When he died a few years later, not only had he constructed no machine, but the verdict of a jury of kind and sympathetic scientific men who were deputed to pronounce upon what he had left behind him, either in papers or in mechanism, was that everything was too incomplete of be capable of being put to any useful purpose." [Lord Moulton, "The invention of algorithms, its genesis, and growth", in G. C. Knott, ed., "Napier tercentenary memorial volume" (London, 1915), p. 1-24; quoted in Charles Babbage "Passage from the Life of a Philosopher", Martin Campbell-Kelly, ed. (Rutgers U. Press and IEEE Press, 1994), p. 34]. Compare: {uninteresting}, {Ninety-Ninety Rule}. (1996-02-22)

Chayah (&

colour palette "graphics, hardware" (colour look-up table, CLUT) A device which converts the {logical} colour numbers stored in each {pixel} of {video} memory into {physical} colours, normally represented as {RGB} triplets, that can be displayed on the {monitor}. The palette is simply a block of fast {RAM} which is addressed by the logical colour and whose output is split into the red, green and blue levels which drive the actual display (e.g. {CRT}). The number of entries (logical colours) in the palette is the total number of colours which can appear on screen simultaneously. The width of each entry determines the number of colours which the palette can be set to produce. A common example would be a palette of 256 colours (i.e. addressed by eight-bit pixel values) where each colour can be chosen from a total of 16.7 million colours (i.e. eight bits output for each of red, green and blue). Changes to the palette affect the whole screen at once and can be used to produce special effects which would be much slower to produce by updating pixels. (1997-06-03)

colour palette ::: (graphics, hardware) (colour look-up table, CLUT) A device which converts the logical colour numbers stored in each pixel of video memory into physical logical colour and whose output is split into the red, green and blue levels which drive the actual display (e.g. CRT).The number of entries (logical colours) in the palette is the total number of colours which can appear on screen simultaneously. The width of each entry determines the number of colours which the palette can be set to produce.A common example would be a palette of 256 colours (i.e. addressed by eight-bit pixel values) where each colour can be chosen from a total of 16.7 million colours (i.e. eight bits output for each of red, green and blue).Changes to the palette affect the whole screen at once and can be used to produce special effects which would be much slower to produce by updating pixels. (1997-06-03)

Confidence Interval::: A range of values (a1 < a < a2) determined from a sample of definite rules so chosen that, in repeated random samples from the hypothesized population, an arbitrarily fixed proportion of that range will include the true value, x, of an estimated parameter. The limits, a1 and a2, are called confidence limits; the relative frequency with which these limits include a is called the confidence coefficient; and the complementary probability is called the confidence level. As with significance levels, confidence levels are commonly chosen as 0.05 or 0.01, the corresponding confidence coefficients being 0.95 or 0.99. Confidence intervals should not be interpreted as implying that the parameter itself has a range of values; it has only one value, a. On the other hand, the confidence limits (a1, a2) being derived from a sample, are random variables, the values of which on a particular sample either do or do not include the true value a of the parameter. However, in repeated samples, a certain proportion of these intervals will include a provided that the actual population satisfied the initial hypothesis.

Confluence ::: is the combination of multiple strategies and ideas into one complete strategy. Confluence occurs when two separate ideas/strategies are used together to form an investment strategy that is in line with an investor's risk profile and goals. This term can also be used when doing technical analysis, by looking at charts and developing levels where different indicators are combined to help identify possible opportunities.

Consciousness is usually identified with mind, but mental consciousness is only the human range. There are ranges of consciousness above and below the human range, with which the normal human has no contact and they seem to it uncons- cious, — supraroental or overmental and submental ranges.
By consciousness is meant something which is essentially the same throughout but variable in status, condition and operation, in which in some grades or conditions the activities we call consciousness exist cither in a suppressed or an unorganised or a differently organised state.
It is not composed of parts, it is fundamental to being and itself formulates any parts it chooses to manifest, developing them from above downward by a progressive coming down from spiri- tual levels towards involution in matter or formulating them In an upward working in the from what wc call evolution.

Consolidation ::: is a technical analysis term referring to security prices oscillating within a corridor and is generally interpreted as market indecisiveness. Said another way, consolidation is used in technical analysis to describe the movement of a stock's price within a well-defined pattern of trading levels. Consolidation is generally regarded as a period of indecision, which ends when the price of the asset moves above or below the prices in the trading pattern. Consolidation is also defined as a set of financial statements that presents a parent and a subsidiary company as one company.

Consolidation is a technical analysis term referring to security prices oscillating within a corridor and is generally interpreted as :::market indecisiveness. Said another way, consolidation is used in technical analysis to describe the movement of a stock's price within a well-defined pattern of trading levels. Consolidation is generally regarded as a period of indecision, which ends when the price of the asset moves above or below the prices in the trading pattern. Consolidation is also defined as a set of financial statements that presents a parent and a subsidiary company as one company.

Contemplation: (Lat. contemplare, to gaze at tentively) (a) In the mystical sense: Knowledge consisting in the partial or complete identification of the knower with the object of knowledge with the consequent loss of his own individuality. In Hugo of St. Victor (1096-1141), Contemplatio is the third and highest stage of knowledge of which cogitatio and meditatio are the two earlier levels.

Contestable market - A market in which there are no sunk costs of entry or exit so that potentialentry may hold profits of existing firms to low levels-zero in the case of perfect contestability.

contrast processing: term used in the study of visual perception to describe the ability to differentiate between brightness levels in adjoining areas.

Convergence of economies - When countries achieve similar levels of growth, inflation, budget deficits as a percentage of GDP, balance of payments, etc.

cosmic mind ::: Sri Aurobindo: "Nevertheless, the fact of this intervention from above, the fact that behind all our original thinking or authentic perception of things there is a veiled, a half-veiled or a swift unveiled intuitive element is enough to establish a connection between mind and what is above it; it opens a passage of communication and of entry into the superior spirit-ranges. There is also the reaching out of mind to exceed the personal ego limitation, to see things in a certain impersonality and universality. Impersonality is the first character of cosmic self; universality, non-limitation by the single or limiting point of view, is the character of cosmic perception and knowledge: this tendency is therefore a widening, however rudimentary, of these restricted mind areas towards cosmicity, towards a quality which is the very character of the higher mental planes, — towards that superconscient cosmic Mind which, we have suggested, must in the nature of things be the original mind-action of which ours is only a derivative and inferior process.” *The Life Divine

"If we accept the Vedic image of the Sun of Truth, . . . we may compare the action of the Higher Mind to a composed and steady sunshine, the energy of the Illumined Mind beyond it to an outpouring of massive lightnings of flaming sun-stuff. Still beyond can be met a yet greater power of the Truth-Force, an intimate and exact Truth-vision, Truth-thought, Truth-sense, Truth-feeling, Truth-action, to which we can give in a special sense the name of Intuition; . . . At the source of this Intuition we discover a superconscient cosmic Mind in direct contact with the supramental Truth-Consciousness, an original intensity determinant of all movements below it and all mental energies, — not Mind as we know it, but an Overmind that covers as with the wide wings of some creative Oversoul this whole lower hemisphere of Knowledge-Ignorance, links it with that greater Truth-Consciousness while yet at the same time with its brilliant golden Lid it veils the face of the greater Truth from our sight, intervening with its flood of infinite possibilities as at once an obstacle and a passage in our seeking of the spiritual law of our existence, its highest aim, its secret Reality.” The Life Divine

"There is one cosmic Mind, one cosmic Life, one cosmic Body. All the attempt of man to arrive at universal sympathy, universal love and the understanding and knowledge of the inner soul of other existences is an attempt to beat thin, breach and eventually break down by the power of the enlarging mind and heart the walls of the ego and arrive nearer to a cosmic oneness.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

"[The results of the opening to the cosmic Mind:] One is aware of the cosmic Mind and the mental forces that move there and how they work on one"s mind and that of others and one is able to deal with one"s own mind with a greater knowledge and effective power. There are many other results, but this is the fundamental one.” Letters on Yoga

"The cosmic consciousness has many levels — the cosmic physical, the cosmic vital, the cosmic Mind, and above the higher planes of cosmic Mind there is the Intuition and above that the overmind and still above that the supermind where the Transcendental begins. In order to live in the Intuition plane (not merely to receive intuitions), one has to live in the cosmic consciousness because there the cosmic and individual run into each other as it were, and the mental separation between them is already broken down, so nobody can reach there who is still in the separative ego.” Letters on Yoga*

counter balancing: the systematic variation of the order of presentation of the levels of the independent variable (eg. Half of the participants first undergo Condition A followed by Condition B, whilst the other half do vice versa), in a repeated measures design, to avoid order and fatigue effects.

Craik and Lockhart (1972): put forward the levels of processing model of memory, as a counterpoint to the multi-store model of memory. Memory is seen as a product of the depth of processing and encoding of information; for instance shallow processing or deep processing (e.g. semantic processing).

Criteria ::: Descriptive factors taken into account by EPA in setting standards for various pollutants. These factors are used to determine limits on allowable concentration levels, and to limit the number of violations per year. When issued by EPA, the criteria provide guidance to the states on how to establish their standards.

Cyrix 6x86 "processor" (6x86) {IBM} and {Cyrix}'s {sixth-generation}, 64-bit {80x86}-compatible {microprocessor}. The 6x86 combines aspects of both {RISC} and {CISC}. It has a {superscalar}, {superpipelined} {core}, and performs {register renaming}, {speculative execution}, {out-of-order completion}, and {data dependency removal}. It has a 16-kilobyte {primary cache} and is socket-compatible with the {Pentium} P54C. It has four performance levels: PR 120+, PR 150+, PR 166+ and PR 200+. The chip was designed by Cyrix and is manufactured by IBM. The architecture of the 6x86 is more advanced than that of the Pentium, incorporating some of the features of Intel's {Pentium Pro}. At a given {clock rate} it executes most code more quickly than a Pentium would. However, its {FPU} is considerably less efficient than Intel's. {IBM FAQ (}, {Cyrix FAQ (}. (1997-05-26)

Cyrix 6x86 ::: (processor) (6x86) IBM and Cyrix's sixth-generation, 64-bit 80x86-compatible microprocessor. The 6x86 combines aspects of both RISC and has a 16-kilobyte primary cache and is socket-compatible with the Pentium P54C. It has four performance levels: PR 120+, PR 150+, PR 166+ and PR 200+.The chip was designed by Cyrix and is manufactured by IBM.The architecture of the 6x86 is more advanced than that of the Pentium, incorporating some of the features of Intel's Pentium Pro. At a given clock rate it executes most code more quickly than a Pentium would. However, its FPU is considerably less efficient than Intel's. , . (1997-05-26)

dasabhumi. (T. sa bcu; C. shidi; J. juji; K. sipchi 十地). In Sanskrit, lit., "ten grounds," "ten stages"; the ten highest reaches of the bodhisattva path (MARGA) leading to buddhahood. The most systematic and methodical presentation of the ten BHuMIs appears in the DAsABHuMIKASuTRA ("Ten Bhumis Sutra"), where each of the ten stages is correlated with seminal doctrines of mainstream Buddhism-such as the four means of conversion (SAMGRAHAVASTU) on the first four bhumis, the FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS (CATVARY ARYASATYANI) on the fifth bhumi, and the chain of dependent origination (PRATĪTYASAMUTPADA) on the sixth bhumi, etc.-as well as with mastery of one of a list of ten perfections (PARAMITA) completed in the course of training as a bodhisattva. The list of the ten bhumis of the Dasabhumikasutra, which becomes standard in most MahAyAna traditions, is as follows: (1) PRAMUDITA (joyful) corresponds to the path of vision (DARsANAMARGA) and the bodhisattva's first direct realization of emptiness (suNYATA). The bodhisattva masters on this bhumi the perfection of giving (DANAPARAMITA), learning to give away those things most precious to him, including his wealth, his wife and family, and even his body (see DEHADANA); (2) VIMALA (immaculate, stainless) marks the inception of the path of cultivation (BHAVANAMARGA), where the bodhisattva develops all the superlative traits of character incumbent on a buddha through mastering the perfection of morality (sĪLAPARAMITA); (3) PRABHAKARĪ (luminous, splendrous), where the bodhisattva masters all the various types of meditative experiences, such as DHYANA, SAMAPATTI, and the BRAHMAVIHARA; despite the emphasis on meditation in this bhumi, it comes to be identified instead with the perfection of patience (KsANTIPARAMITA), ostensibly because the bodhisattva is willing to endure any and all suffering in order to master his practices; (4) ARCIsMATĪ (radiance, effulgence), where the flaming radiance of the thirty-seven factors pertaining to enlightenment (BODHIPAKsIKADHARMA) becomes so intense that it incinerates obstructions (AVARAnA) and afflictions (KLEsA), giving the bodhisattva inexhaustible energy in his quest for enlightenment and thus mastering the perfection of vigor or energy (VĪRYAPARAMITA); (5) SUDURJAYA (invincibility, hard-to-conquer), where the bodhisattva comprehends the various permutations of truth (SATYA), including the four noble truths, the two truths (SATYADVAYA) of provisional (NEYARTHA) and absolute (NĪTARTHA), and masters the perfection of meditative absorption (DHYANAPARAMITA); (6) ABHIMUKHĪ (immediacy, face-to-face), where, as the name implies, the bodhisattva stands at the intersection between SAMSARA and NIRVAnA, turning away from the compounded dharmas of saMsAra and turning to face the profound wisdom of the buddhas, thus placing him "face-to-face" with both the compounded (SAMSKṚTA) and uncompounded (ASAMSKṚTA) realms; this bhumi is correlated with mastery of the perfection of wisdom (PRAJNAPARAMITA); (7) DuRAnGAMA (far-reaching, transcendent), which marks the bodhisattva's freedom from the four perverted views (VIPARYASA) and his mastery of the perfection of expedients (UPAYAPARAMITA), which he uses to help infinite numbers of sentient beings; (8) ACALA (immovable, steadfast), which is marked by the bodhisattva's acquiescence or receptivity to the nonproduction of dharmas (ANUTPATTIKADHARMAKsANTI); because he is now able to project transformation bodies (NIRMAnAKAYA) anywhere in the universe to help sentient beings, this bhumi is correlated with mastery of the perfection of aspiration or resolve (PRAnIDHANAPARAMITA); (9) SADHUMATĪ (eminence, auspicious intellect), where the bodhisattva acquires the four analytical knowledges (PRATISAMVID), removing any remaining delusions regarding the use of the supernatural knowledges or powers (ABHIJNA), and giving the bodhisattva complete autonomy in manipulating all dharmas through the perfection of power (BALAPARAMITA); and (10) DHARMAMEGHA (cloud of dharma), the final bhumi, where the bodhisattva becomes autonomous in interacting with all material and mental factors, and gains all-pervasive knowledge that is like a cloud producing a rain of dharma that nurtures the entire world; this stage is also described as being pervaded by meditative absorption (DHYANA) and mastery of the use of codes (DHARAnĪ), just as the sky is filled by clouds; here the bodhisattva achieves the perfection of knowledge (JNANAPARAMITA). As the bodhisattva ascends through the ten bhumis, he acquires extraordinary powers, which CANDRAKĪRTI describes in the eleventh chapter of his MADHYAMAKAVATARA. On the first bhumi, the bodhisattva can, in a single instant (1) see one hundred buddhas, (2) be blessed by one hundred buddhas and understand their blessings, (3) live for one hundred eons, (4) see the past and future in those one hundred eons, (5) enter into and rise from one hundred SAMADHIs, (6) vibrate one hundred worlds, (7) illuminate one hundred worlds, (8) bring one hundred beings to spiritual maturity using emanations, (9) go to one hundred BUDDHAKsETRA, (10), open one hundred doors of the doctrine (DHARMAPARYAYA), (11) display one hundred versions of his body, and (12) surround each of those bodies with one hundred bodhisattvas. The number one hundred increases exponentially as the bodhisattva proceeds; on the second bhumi it becomes one thousand, on the third one hundred thousand, and so on; on the tenth, it is a number equal to the particles of an inexpressible number of buddhaksetra. As the bodhisattva moves from stage to stage, he is reborn as the king of greater and greater realms, ascending through the Buddhist cosmos. Thus, on the first bhumi he is born as king of JAMBUDVĪPA, on the second of the four continents, on the third as the king of TRAYATRIMsA, and so on, such that on the tenth he is born as the lord of AKANIstHA. ¶ According to the rather more elaborate account in chapter eleven of the CHENG WEISHI LUN (*VijNaptimAtratAsiddhi), each of the ten bhumis is correlated with the attainment of one of the ten types of suchness (TATHATA); these are accomplished by discarding one of the ten kinds of obstructions (Avarana) by mastering one of the ten perfections (pAramitA). The suchnesses achieved on each of the ten bhumis are, respectively: (1) universal suchness (sarvatragatathatA; C. bianxing zhenru), (2) supreme suchness (paramatathatA; C. zuisheng zhenru), (3) ubiquitous, or "supreme outflow" suchness (paramanisyandatathatA; C. shengliu zhenru), (4) unappropriated suchness (aparigrahatathatA; C. wusheshou zhenru), (5) undifferentiated suchness (abhinnajAtīyatathatA; C. wubie zhenru), (6) the suchness that is devoid of maculations and contaminants (asaMklistAvyavadAtatathatA; C. wuranjing zhenru), (7) the suchness of the undifferentiated dharma (abhinnatathatA; C. fawubie zhenru), (8) the suchness that neither increases nor decreases (anupacayApacayatathatA; C. buzengjian), (9) the suchness that serves as the support of the mastery of wisdom (jNAnavasitAsaMnisrayatathatA; C. zhizizai suoyi zhenru), and (10) the suchness that serves as the support for mastery over actions (kriyAdivasitAsaMnisrayatathatA; C. yezizai dengsuoyi). These ten suchnessses are obtained by discarding, respectively: (1) the obstruction of the common illusions of the unenlightened (pṛthagjanatvAvarana; C. yishengxing zhang), (2) the obstruction of the deluded (mithyApratipattyAvarana; C. xiexing zhang), (3) the obstruction of dullness (dhandhatvAvarana; C. andun zhang), (4) the obstruction of the manifestation of subtle afflictions (suksmaklesasamudAcArAvarana; C. xihuo xianxing zhang), (5) the obstruction of the lesser HĪNAYANA ideal of parinirvAna (hīnayAnaparinirvAnAvarana; C. xiasheng niepan zhang), (6) the obstruction of the manifestation of coarse characteristics (sthulanimittasamudAcArAvarana; C. cuxiang xianxing zhang), (7) the obstruction of the manifestation of subtle characteristics (suksmanimittasamudAcArAvarana; C. xixiang xianxing zhang), (8) the obstruction of the continuance of activity even in the immaterial realm that is free from characteristics (nirnimittAbhisaMskArAvarana; C. wuxiang jiaxing zhang), (9) the obstruction of not desiring to act on behalf of others' salvation (parahitacaryAkAmanAvarana; C. buyuxing zhang), and (10) the obstruction of not yet acquiring mastery over all things (fa weizizai zhang). These ten obstructions are overcome by practicing, respectively: (1) the perfection of giving (dAnapAramitA), (2) the perfection of morality (sīlapAramitA), (3) the perfection of forbearance (ksAntipAramitA), (4) the perfection of energetic effort (vīryapAramitA), (5) the perfection of meditation (dhyAnapAramitA), (6) the perfection of wisdom (prajNApAramitA), (7) the perfection of expedient means (upAyapAramitA), (8) the perfection of the vow (to attain enlightenment) (pranidhAnapAramitA), (9) the perfection of power (balapAramitA), and (10) the perfection of knowledge (jNAnapAramitA). ¶ The eighth, ninth, and tenth bhumis are sometimes called "pure bhumis," because, according to some commentators, upon reaching the eighth bhumi, the bodhisattva has abandoned all of the afflictive obstructions (KLEsAVARAnA) and is thus liberated from any further rebirth. It appears that there were originally only seven bhumis, as is found in the BODHISATTVABHuMI, where the seven bhumis overlap with an elaborate system of thirteen abidings or stations (vihAra), some of the names of which (such as pramuditA) appear also in the standard bhumi schema of the Dasabhumikasutra. Similarly, though a listing of ten bhumis appears in the MAHAVASTU, a text associated with the LOKOTTARAVADA subsect of the MAHASAMGHIKA school, only seven are actually discussed there, and the names given to the stages are completely different from those found in the later Dasabhumikasutra; the stages there are also a retrospective account of how past buddhas have achieved enlightenment, rather than a prescription for future practice. ¶ The dasabhumi schema is sometimes correlated with other systems of classifying the bodhisattva path. In the five levels of the YogAcAra school's outline of the bodhisattva path (PANCAMARGA; C. wuwei), the first bhumi (pramuditA) is presumed to be equivalent to the level of proficiency (*prativedhAvasthA; C. tongdawei), the third of the five levels; while the second bhumi onward corresponds to the level of cultivation (C. xiuxiwei), the fourth of the five levels. The first bhumi is also correlated with the path of vision (DARsANAMARGA), while the second and higher bhumis correlate with the path of cultivation (BHAVANAMARGA). In terms of the doctrine of the five acquiescences (C. ren; S. ksAnti) listed in the RENWANG JING, the first through the third bhumis are equivalent to the second acquiescence, the acquiescence of belief (C. xinren; J. shinnin; K. sinin); the fourth through the sixth stages to the third, the acquiescence of obedience (C. shunren; J. junnin; K. sunin); the seventh through the ninth stages to the fourth, the acquiescence to the nonproduction of dharmas (anutpattikadharmaksAnti; C. wushengren; J. mushonin; K. musaengin); the tenth stage to the fifth and final acquiescence, to extinction (jimieren; J. jakumetsunin; K. chongmyorin). FAZANG's HUAYANJING TANXUAN JI ("Notes Plumbing the Profundities of the AVATAMSAKASuTRA") classifies the ten bhumis in terms of practice by correlating the first bhumi to the practice of faith (sRADDHA), the second bhumi to the practice of morality (sĪLA), the third bhumi to the practice of concentration (SAMADHI), and the fourth bhumi and higher to the practice of wisdom (PRAJNA). In the same text, Fazang also classifies the bhumis in terms of vehicle (YANA) by correlating the first through third bhumis with the vehicle of humans and gods (rentiansheng), the fourth through the seventh stage to the three vehicles (TRIYANA), and the eighth through tenth bhumis to the one vehicle (EKAYANA). ¶ Besides the list of the dasabhumi outlined in the Dasabhumikasutra, the MAHAPRAJNAPARAMITASuTRA and the DAZHIDU LUN (*MahAprajNApAramitAsAstra) list a set of ten bhumis, called the "bhumis in common" (gongdi), which are shared between all the three vehicles of sRAVAKAs, PRATYEKABUDDHAs, and bodhisattvas. These are the bhumis of: (1) dry wisdom (suklavidarsanAbhumi; C. ganhuidi), which corresponds to the level of three worthies (sanxianwei, viz., ten abidings, ten practices, ten transferences) in the srAvaka vehicle and the initial arousal of the thought of enlightenment (prathamacittotpAda) in the bodhisattva vehicle; (2) lineage (gotrabhumi; C. xingdi, zhongxingdi), which corresponds to the stage of the "aids to penetration" (NIRVEDHABHAGĪYA) in the srAvaka vehicle, and the final stage of the ten transferences in the fifty-two bodhisattva stages; (3) eight acquiescences (astamakabhumi; C. barendi), the causal incipiency of stream-enterer (SROTAAPANNA) in the case of the srAvaka vehicle and the acquiescence to the nonproduction of dharmas (anutpattikadharmaksAnti) in the bodhisattva path (usually corresponding to the first or the seventh through ninth bhumis of the bodhisattva path); (4) vision (darsanabhumi; C. jiandi), corresponding to the fruition or fulfillment (PHALA) level of the stream-enterer in the srAvaka vehicle and the stage of nonretrogression (AVAIVARTIKA), in the bodhisattva path (usually corresponding to the completion of the first or the eighth bhumi); (5) diminishment (tanubhumi; C. baodi), corresponding to the fulfillment level (phala) of stream-enterer or the causal incipiency of the once-returner (sakṛdAgAmin) in the srAvaka vehicle, or to the stage following nonretrogression before the attainment of buddhahood in the bodhisattva path; (6) freedom from desire (vītarAgabhumi; C. liyudi), equivalent to the fulfillment level of the nonreturner in the srAvaka vehicle, or to the stage where a bodhisattva attains the five supernatural powers (ABHIJNA); (7) complete discrimination (kṛtAvibhumi), equivalent to the fulfillment level of the ARHAT in the srAvaka vehicle, or to the stage of buddhahood (buddhabhumi) in the bodhisattva path (buddhabhumi) here refers not to the fruition of buddhahood but merely to the state in which a bodhisattva has the ability to exhibit the eighteen qualities distinctive to the buddhas (AVEnIKA[BUDDHA]DHARMA); (8) pratyekabuddha (pratyekabuddhabhumi); (9) bodhisattva (bodhisattvabhumi), the whole bodhisattva career prior to the fruition of buddhahood; (10) buddhahood (buddhabhumi), the stage of the fruition of buddhahood, when the buddha is completely equipped with all the buddhadharmas, such as omniscience (SARVAKARAJNATĀ). As is obvious in this schema, despite being called the bhumis "common" to all three vehicles, the shared stages continue only up to the seventh stage; the eighth through tenth stages are exclusive to the bodhisattva vehicle. This anomaly suggests that the last three bhumis of the bodhisattvayāna were added to an earlier srāvakayāna seven-bhumi scheme. ¶ The presentation of the bhumis in the PRAJNĀPĀRAMITĀ commentarial tradition following the ABHISAMAYĀLAMKĀRA uses the names found in the Dasabhumikasutra for the bhumis and understands them all as bodhisattva levels; it introduces the names of the ten bhumis found in the Dazhidu lun as levels that bodhisattvas have to pass beyond (S. atikrama) on the tenth bodhisattva level, which it calls the buddhabhumi. This tenth bodhisattva level is not the level of an actual buddha, but the level on which a bodhisattva has to transcend attachment (abhinivesa) to not only the levels reached by the four sets of noble persons (ĀRYAPUDGALA) but to the bodhisattvabhumis as well. See also BHuMI.

2.The third of the five levels of the soul.

There are in general three levels of the tzadik:

There are in general two levels of teshuvah:

The word Yabok equals 112 in gematria, the combined value of the two Names (referred to together as G-d&

Decentralised - A management structure in which many decisions are not taken at the centre of the business but are delegated to lower levels of management.

Declining (reducing) balance depreciation method - A method of accelerated depreciation by which the asset's book value is multiplied by a fixed depreciation rate. This method of depreciation gives larger levels of depreciation in beginning years of the asset.

Delirium Tremens (Latin) [from delirare to rave + tremere to tremble] Trembling delirium; the delirium arising from alcoholic poisoning, characterized by constant tremor, insomnia, great exhaustion, distressing illusions, and hallucinations. The abnormal consciousness displayed in this condition is graphic evidence of the existence of the astral realm interpenetrating and influencing the physical world. The characteristic hallucinations are of grotesque, vicious enemies and of various horrible animals and insects actively seeking to terrify and injure the agitated, confused sufferer who is evidently conscious on the low levels of the astral plane. Here, among the dregs in the astral light, all the vile and cruel thoughts and deeds of human life, and the worst animal impulses, are reflected back upon the earth, mankind, and beasts. Here, also, the actively evil elementaries or kama-rupic entities are instinctively drawn to any human victim who unconsciously invades their realm, attracted and vitalized by the fumes of the alcoholic liquors with which the person has saturated his body.

devaloka. (T. lha'i 'jig rten; C. tianshijie/tianjie/tianshang; J. tensekai/tengai/tenjo; K. ch'onsegye/ch'on'gye/ch'onsang 天世界/天界/天上). In Sanskrit and Pāli, the "heavenly world," the abodes of the divinities (DEVA); the highest and most salutary of the five or six rebirth destinies (GATI) of SAMSĀRA. Rebirth as a deva is considered to be the beneficial result of virtuous actions (KARMAN) performed in a previous lifetime, and all the devalokas are thus regarded as salutary levels of existence. There are a total of twenty-seven [alt. twenty-six or twenty-eight] different heavenly worlds (see DEVA), subdivided according to where their abode is located within the three realms of existence (TRAIDHĀTUKA; trailokya), viz., the sensuous or desire realm (KĀMADHĀTU), the realm of subtle materiality or form (RuPADHĀTU), and the immaterial or formless realm (ĀRuPYADHĀTU). The devalokas in Buddhist cosmology seem to be an adaptation and enhancement of pre-Buddhistic Indian notions of the cosmos. For instance, the six heavens of the sensuous realm in the Buddhist schema seem to be developed from the "six spaces" (rajāMsi), the six subdivisions of the two upper strata of the Vedic cosmos. One of the earliest formulations of the Buddhist devalokas appears in the Buddha's first sermon, the "Setting in Motion the Wheel of the Dharma" (P. DHAMMACAKKAPPAVATTANASUTTA; S. DHARMACAKRAPRAVARTANASuTRA), included in the Pāli MAHĀVAGGA, where the seven heavens are said to be comprised of the six heavens of the sensuous realm and the heaven of the BRAHMĀ gods in the realm of subtle materiality. Even so, it appears that the early Buddhists were aware of the presence of even more devalokas, since the AnGUTTARANIKĀYA notes that there are still more divinities even beyond those of the Brahmā heavens. A more or less complete roster of all the devalokas appears in the Pāli SĀlEYYAKASUTTA, which enumerates twenty-five heavens extending throughout all three realms of existence. For an extended discussion of specific heavenly realms, see DEVA.

deva. (T. lha; C. tian; J. ten; K. ch'on 天). In Sanskrit and Pāli, lit., "radiant one" or "shining one"; a "divinity," "heavenly being," or "god," as one of the five [alt. six] rebirth destinies (GATI) of SAMSĀRA. When it is said that Buddhism has "gods" but no "God," the devas are being referred to. The term deva derives from the Sanskrit root √div and is related etymologically to the English word "divinity." Rebirth as a deva is considered to be the beneficial result of virtuous actions (KARMAN) performed in a previous lifetime, and all of the many heavenly realms in Buddhist cosmology are therefore salutary levels of existence. However, they are temporary abodes within saMsāra, rather than eternal heavens. ¶ There are a total of twenty-seven [alt. twenty-six or twenty-eight] different categories of devas, which are subdivided according to where their abode (DEVALOKA) is located within the three realms of existence (TRAIDHĀTUKA, trailokya), viz., the sensuous or desire realm (KĀMADHĀTU), the materiality or form realm (RuPADHĀTU) and the immaterial or formless realm (ĀRuPYADHĀTU). ¶ There are six heavens of the sensuous realm (KĀMADHĀTU). The first two are located on Mount SUMERU; the other four are located in the sky above its summit. One is reborn into these heavens as a result of virtuous deeds done in the past, especially deeds of charity (DĀNA). They include six deva abodes:

Dhammasangani. [alt. Dhammasanganī]. In Pāli, lit. "Enumeration (sanganī) of Factors (dhamma)"; the first of the seven books of the THERAVĀDA ABHIDHAMMAPItAKA. The text undertakes a systematic analysis of all the elements of reality, or factors (dhamma; S. DHARMA), discussed in the suttapitaka, organizing them into definitive rosters. The elaborate analysis of each and every element of existence provided by the Dhammasangani is considered to be foundational to the full account of the conditional relations pertaining between all those dharmas found in the PAttHĀNA, the last book of the Pāli abhidhamma. ¶ The Dhammasangani consists of an initial "matrix" (mātikā; S. MĀTṚKĀ), followed by four main divisions: (1) mind (CITTA) and mental concomitants (CETASIKA), (2) materiality (RuPA), (3) analytical summaries (nikkhepa; S. NIKsEPA), and (4) exegesis (AttHAKATHĀ). In the opening matrix, the complete list of subjects to be treated in both the Dhammasangani, as well as the entire abhidhammapitaka, is divided into three groups. (1) The triad matrix (tikamātikā) consists of twenty-two categories of factors (dhamma; S. DHARMA), each of which is treated as triads. For example, in the case of the matrix on wholesomeness (kusala; S. KUsALA), the relevant factors are divided into wholesome factors (kusaladhamma; S. kusaladharma), unwholesome factors (akusaladhamma; S. akusaladharma), and neither wholesome nor unwholesome factors (avyākatadhamma; S. AVYĀKṚTA-DHARMA). (2) The dyad matrix (dukamātikā) consists of one hundred categories of factors, treated as dyads. For example, in the matrix on cause (HETU), factors are divided between factors that are root causes (hetudhamma) and factors that are not root causes (na hetudhamma). (3) The dyad matrix from the sutras (suttantikadukamātikā) consists of forty-six categories of factors found in the suttapitaka that are treated as dyads. According to the AttHASĀLINĪ, the commentary to the Dhammasangani, this section was added by Sāriputta (S. sĀRIPUTRA), one of the two main disciples of the Buddha, to facilitate understanding of the suttapitaka. Of the four main divisions of the Dhammasangani that follow this initial matrix, the first two, the division on mind and mental concomitants (cittuppādakanda) and the division on materiality (rupakanda), expound upon the first category in the triad matrix, the matrix on wholesomeness, so as to provide a basis for the analysis of other categories of dharmas. The division on mind and mental concomitants contains the analysis of wholesome factors, unwholesome factors, and the first two of the four categories of factors that are neither wholesome nor unwholesome (avyākata; S. AVYĀKṚTA), namely, resultant (VIPĀKA) and noncausative action (kiriya); the division on materiality (rupakanda) treats the remaining two categories of abyākatadhammas, namely, materiality (rupa) and nibbāna (S. NIRVĀnA), although nibbāna does not receive a detailed explanation. In the first division on wholesomeness in the triad category, each aspect is analyzed in relation to the various realms of existence: wholesome states of mind and mental concomitants: (1) pertaining to the sensuous realm (KĀMĀVACARA) (P. kāmāvacara-atthamahācitta), (2) pertaining to the realm of subtle materiality (rupāvacara) (P. rupāvacarakusala), (3) pertaining to the immaterial realm (arupāvacara) (P. arupāvacarakusala), (4) leading to different levels of existence within the three realms, and (5) leading to liberation from the three realms (lokuttaracitta). The third division, the division on analytical summaries (nikkhepakanda), provides a synopsis of the classifications found in all the triads and dyads, organized in eight categories: roots (mula), aggregates (khandha; S. SKANDHA), doors (dvāra), field of occurrence (BHuMI), meaning (attha; S. ARTHA), doctrinal interpretation (dhamma), nomenclature (nāma), and grammatical gender (linga). The final division on exegesis (atthakathākanda) offers additional detailed enumeration of other triads and dyads.

dharmadhātu. (P. dhammadhātu; T. chos kyi dbyings; C. fajie; J. hokkai; K. popkye 法界). In Sanskrit, "dharma realm," viz., "realm of reality," or "dharma element"; a term that has two primary denotations. In the ABHIDHARMA tradition, dharmadhātu means an "element of the dharma" or the "reality of dharma." As one of the twelve ĀYATANA and eighteen DHĀTU, the dharmadhātu encompasses every thing that is or could potentially be an object of cognition and refers to the "substance" or "quality" of a dharma that is perceived by the mind. Dhātu in this context is sometimes read as "the boundary" or "delineation" that separates one distinct dharma from the other. The ABHIDHARMAKOsABHĀsYA lists the sensation aggregate (VEDANĀ-SKANDHA), the perception aggregate (SAMJNĀ-skandha), the conditioning forces aggregate (SAMSKĀRA-skandha), unmanifest materiality (AVIJNAPTIRuPA), and unconditioned dharmas (viz., NIRVĀnA) to be the constituents of this category. ¶ In the MAHĀYĀNA, dharmadhātu is used primarily to mean "sphere of dharma," which denotes the infinite domain in which the activity of all dharmas takes place-i.e., the universe. It also serves as one of several terms for ultimate reality, such as TATHATĀ. In works such as the DHARMADHĀTUSTAVA, the purpose of Buddhist practice is to recognize and partake in this realm of reality. ¶ In East Asian Mahāyāna, there is a list of "ten dharmadhātus," which are the six traditional levels of nonenlightened existence-hell denizens (NĀRAKA), hungry ghosts (PRETA), animals (TIRYAK), demigods (ASURA), humans (MANUsYA), and divinities (DEVA)-together with the four categories of enlightened beings, viz., sRĀVAKAs, PRATYEKABUDDHAs, BODHISATTVAs, and buddhas. ¶ The Chinese HUAYAN school recognizes a set of four dharmadhātus (SI FAJIE), that is, four successively more profound levels of reality: (1) the dharmadhātu of phenomena (SHI FAJIE); (2) the dharmadhātu of principle (LI FAJIE); (3) the dharmadhātu of the unimpeded interpenetration between phenomena and principle (LISHI WU'AI FAJIE); and (4) the dharmadhātu of unimpeded interpenetration of phenomenon and phenomena (SHISHI WU'AI FAJIE). ¶ In YOGATANTRA, the dharmadhātu consists of the realms of vajradhātu (see KONGoKAI) and garbhadhātu (see TAIZoKAI), categories that simultaneously denote the bivalence in cosmological structure, in modes of spiritual practice, and in the powers and qualities of enlightened beings. Dharmadhātu is believed to be the full revelation of the body of the cosmic buddha VAIROCANA.

DharmasaMgīti. (T. Chos yang dag par sdud pa; C. Faji jing; J. Hojukyo; K. Popchip kyong 法集經). In Sanskrit, "Recitation of Dharma," a SuTRA that contains references to doctrines that become emblematic of MAHĀYĀNA and especially YOGĀCĀRA thought, such as the notion of the nominal reality of all dharmas and the eight levels of consciousness (VIJNĀNA). The sutra does not survive in Sanskrit, and is extant only in Tibetan and Chinese. The Chinese translation was made by the Indian monk BODHIRUCI (fl. sixth century) in 515 CE, during the Northern Wei dynasty, at its capital Luoyang. The DharmasaMgīti, translated in six rolls, is one of over thirty Mahāyāna sutras and treatises that Bodhiruci translated during his sojourn in China, most of which reflect the latest developments in Indian Mahāyāna. Besides the DharmasaMgīti, Bodhiruci's translations that were related to the developing Yogācāratradition include the LAnKĀVATĀRASuTRA, the SAMDHINIRMOCANASuTRA, and the SHIDIJING LUN; his translation of the latter treatise led to the development of the Yogācāra-influenced DI LUN ZONG in China.

dhyānasamāpatti. [alt. samāpattidhyāna] (P. jhānasamāpatti; T. bsam gtan snyoms 'jug; C. xiude ding; J. shutokujo; K. sudŭk chong 修得定). In Sanskrit, "meditative absorption attained through cultivation"; one of the two types of meditative absorption, along with "innate meditative absorption" (DHYĀNOPAPATTI). Whereas "innate meditative absorption" is attained once one is reborn into the "field of meditative concentration" (dhyānabhumi), i.e., the subtle-materiality realm (RuPADHĀTU) or the immaterial realm (ĀRuPYADHĀTU), this "meditative absorption attained by cultivation" is the meditative state attained in the "field of distraction" (asamāhitatva) of the sensuous realm (KĀMADHĀTU) through meditative practice. Rebirth into the subtle-materiality or immaterial realms is presumed to occur as the reward for having performed in the preceding lifetime cultivation of the subtle-material absorptions (RuPĀVACARADHYĀNA) or immaterial absorptions (ĀRuPYĀVACARADHYĀNA). The ABHIDHARMAKOsABHĀsYA and related MAHĀYĀNA accounts parse the compound dhyānasamāpatti as a dual compound (dvandva) and construe dhyāna as referring to the four levels of the dhyānas of the subtle-materiality realm and samāpatti to the four levels of dhyāna of the immaterial realm.

Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications "communications, standard" (DECT, formerly ".. European ..") A {standard} developed by the {European Telecommunication Standard Institute} from 1988, governing pan-European {digital mobile telephony}. DECT covers wireless {PBXs}, {telepoint}, residential {cordless telephones}, wireless access to the {public switched telephone network}, Closed User Groups (CUGs), {Local Area Networks}, and wireless {local loop}. DECT defines only the radio connection between two points and can be used for remote access to public and private networks. Other mobility standards, such as {GSM}, {TACS}, and {DCS 1800} add the necessary switching, signaling, and management functions that are not specified by DECT. The DECT Common Interface radio standard is a {multicarrier} {time division multiple access}, {time division duplex} (MC-TDMA-TDD) radio transmission technique using ten {radio frequency} channels from 1880 to 1930 MHz, each divided into 24 time slots of 10ms, and twelve {full-duplex} accesses per {carrier}, for a total of 120 possible combinations. A DECT base station (an RFP, Radio Fixed Part) can transmit all 12 possible accesses (time slots) simultaneously by using different frequencies or using only one frequency. All signaling information is transmitted from the RFP within a multiframe (16 frames). {Voice} signals are digitally encoded into a 32 kbit/s signal using {Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation}. The {handover} process is requested autonomously by the portable terminal and the Radio Fixed Parts, according to the carrier signal levels. A "Generic Access Profile" defines a minimum set of requirements for the support of speech telephony. {(}. (1999-04-13)

Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications ::: (communications, standard) (DECT, formerly .. European ..) A standard developed by the European Telecommunication Standard Institute from 1988, switched telephone network, Closed User Groups (CUGs), Local Area Networks, and wireless local loop.DECT defines only the radio connection between two points and can be used for remote access to public and private networks. Other mobility standards, such as GSM, TACS, and DCS 1800 add the necessary switching, signaling, and management functions that are not specified by DECT.The DECT Common Interface radio standard is a multicarrier time division multiple access, time division duplex (MC-TDMA-TDD) radio transmission technique time slots of 10ms, and twelve full-duplex accesses per carrier, for a total of 120 possible combinations.A DECT base station (an RFP, Radio Fixed Part) can transmit all 12 possible accesses (time slots) simultaneously by using different frequencies or using a multiframe (16 frames). Voice signals are digitally encoded into a 32 kbit/s signal using Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation.The handover process is requested autonomously by the portable terminal and the Radio Fixed Parts, according to the carrier signal levels. A Generic Access Profile defines a minimum set of requirements for the support of speech telephony. . (1999-04-13)

Digital Subscriber Line "communications, protocol" (DSL, or Digital Subscriber Loop, xDSL - see below) A family of {digital} {telecommunications} {protocols} designed to allow high speed data communication over the existing {copper} telephone lines between end-users and telephone companies. When two conventional {modems} are connected through the telephone system ({PSTN}), it treats the communication the same as voice conversations. This has the advantage that there is no investment required from the telephone company (telco) but the disadvantage is that the {bandwidth} available for the communication is the same as that available for voice conversations, usually 64 kb/s ({DS0}) at most. The {twisted-pair} copper cables into individual homes or offices can usually carry significantly more than 64 kb/s but the telco needs to handle the signal as digital rather than analog. There are many implementation of the basic scheme, differing in the communication {protocol} used and providing varying {service levels}. The {throughput} of the communication can be anything from about 128 kb/s to over 8 Mb/s, the communication can be either symmetric or asymmetric (i.e. the available bandwidth may or may not be the same {upstream} and {downstream}). Equipment prices and service fees also vary considerably. The first technology based on DSL was {ISDN}, although ISDN is not often recognised as such nowadays. Since then a large number of other protocols have been developed, collectively referred to as xDSL, including {HDSL}, {SDSL}, {ADSL}, and {VDSL}. As yet none of these have reached very wide deployment but wider deployment is expected for 1998-1999. {(}. {2Wire DSL provider lookup (}. ["Data Cooks, But Will Vendors Get Burned?", "Supercomm Spotlight On ADSL" & "Lucent Sells Paradine", Wilson & Carol, Inter@ctive Week Vol. 3

Digital Subscriber Line ::: (communications, protocol) (DSL, or Digital Subscriber Loop, xDSL - see below) A family of digital telecommunications protocols designed to allow high speed data communication over the existing copper telephone lines between end-users and telephone companies.When two conventional modems are connected through the telephone system (PSTN), it treats the communication the same as voice conversations. This has the offices can usually carry significantly more than 64 kb/s but the telco needs to handle the signal as digital rather than analog.There are many implementation of the basic scheme, differing in the communication protocol used and providing varying service levels. The throughput bandwidth may or may not be the same upstream and downstream). Equipment prices and service fees also vary considerably.The first technology based on DSL was ISDN, although ISDN is not often recognised as such nowadays. Since then a large number of other protocols have and VDSL. As yet none of these have reached very wide deployment but wider deployment is expected for 1998-1999. . .[Data Cooks, But Will Vendors Get Burned?, Supercomm Spotlight On ADSL & Lucent Sells Paradine, Wilson & Carol, Week Vol. 3

disk drive ::: (hardware, storage) (Or hard disk drive, hard drive, floppy disk drive, floppy drive) A peripheral device that reads and writes hard disks or a servo mechanism. It also contains the electronics to amplify the signals from the heads to normal digital logic levels and vice versa.In order for a disk drive to start to read or write a given location a read/write head must be positioned radially over the right track and rotationally over the start of the right sector.Radial motion is known as seeking and it is this which causes most of the intermittent noise heard during disk activity. There is usually one head for accessible with the heads in a given radial position are known as a cylinder. The seek time is the time taken to seek to a different cylinder.The disk is constantly rotating (except for some floppy disk drives where the motor is switched off between accesses to reduce wear and power consumption) so will be on average half a revolution but some big drives have multiple sets of heads spaced at equal angles around the disk.If seeking and rotation are independent, access time is seek time + rotational latency. When accessing multiple tracks sequentially, data is sometimes arranged so that by the time the seek from one track to the next has finished, the disk has rotated just enough to begin accessing the next track.See also sector interleave.The disks may be removable disks; floppy disks always are, removable hard disks were common on mainframes and minicomputers but less so on microcomputers until the mid 1990s(?) with products like the Zip Drive.A CD-ROM drive is not usually referred to as a disk drive.Two common interfaces for disk drives (and other devices) are SCSI and IDE. ST506 used to be common in microcomputers (in the 1980s?). (1997-04-15)

disk drive "hardware, storage" (Or "hard disk drive", "hard drive", "floppy disk drive", "floppy drive") A {peripheral} device that reads and writes {hard disks} or {floppy disks}. The drive contains a motor to rotate the disk at a constant rate and one or more read/write heads which are positioned over the desired {track} by a servo mechanism. It also contains the electronics to amplify the signals from the heads to normal digital logic levels and vice versa. In order for a disk drive to start to read or write a given location a read/write head must be positioned radially over the right track and rotationally over the start of the right sector. Radial motion is known as "{seek}ing" and it is this which causes most of the intermittent noise heard during disk activity. There is usually one head for each disk surface and all heads move together. The set of locations which are accessible with the heads in a given radial position are known as a "{cylinder}". The "{seek time}" is the time taken to seek to a different cylinder. The disk is constantly rotating (except for some {floppy disk} drives where the motor is switched off between accesses to reduce wear and power consumption) so positioning the heads over the right sector is simply a matter of waiting until it arrives under the head. With a single set of heads this "{rotational latency}" will be on average half a revolution but some big drives have multiple sets of heads spaced at equal angles around the disk. If seeking and rotation are independent, access time is seek time + rotational latency. When accessing multiple tracks sequentially, data is sometimes arranged so that by the time the seek from one track to the next has finished, the disk has rotated just enough to begin accessing the next track. See also {sector interleave}. Early disk drives had a capacity of a few {megabytes} and were housed inside a separate cabinet the size of a washing machine. Over a few decades they shrunk to fit a {terabyte} or more in a box the size of a paperback book. The disks may be {removable disks}; floppy disks always are, removable hard disks were common on {mainframes} and {minicomputers} but less so on {microcomputers} until the mid 1990s(?) with products like the {Zip Drive}. A {CD-ROM} drive is not usually referred to as a disk drive. Two common interfaces for disk drives (and other devices) are {SCSI} and {IDE}. {ST-506} used to be common in microcomputers (in the 1980s?). (1997-04-15)

divah. ::: heavens; levels of mind.

Dose-effect ::: The relationship between dose (usually an estimate of dose) and the gradation of the effect in a population, that is a biological change measured on a graded scale of severity, although at other times one may only be able to describe a qualitative effect that occurs within some range of exposure levels.

DOS requester ::: (networking) An MS-DOS client that provides transparent redirection of printing and file accesses to a network server. It handles levels 3, 4 and 5 of the Open Systems Interconnect seven layer model.A DOS requester under Novell NetWare will interface to a network card driver with an ODI interface, and will be either a single executable (netx.exe) or a set of VLMs that are loaded on demand.In the IBM/Microsoft LAN Manager/SMB world, where the name DOS redirector is more common, there will be an NDIS interface driver and a net.exe executable. . . (1998-01-05)

DOS requester "networking" An {MS-DOS} {client} that provides transparent redirection of printing and file accesses to a network {server}. It handles levels 3, 4 and 5 of the {Open Systems Interconnect} seven layer model. A DOS requester under {Novell NetWare} will interface to a {network card} driver with an {ODI} interface, and will be either a single executable (netx.exe) or a set of {VLMs} that are loaded on demand. In the {IBM}/{Microsoft} {LAN Manager}/{SMB} world, where the name {DOS redirector} is more common, there will be an {NDIS} interface driver and a net.exe executable. {NetWare Client 32 for DOS/Windows (}. {(}. (1998-01-05)

DOUBLE MOVEMENT. ::: Our yoga is a double movement of ascent and descent ; one rises to higher and higher levels of consciousness, but at the same time one brings down their power not only into mind and life, but in the end even into the body.

Down's syndrome: a chromosomal disorder that is characterised by low IQ levels.

DS level ::: (communications) (Digital Signal or Data Service level) Originally an AT&T classification of transmitting one or more voice conversations in one digital data stream. The best known DS levels are DS0 (a single conversation), DS1 (24 conversations multiplexed), DS1C, DS2, and DS3.By extension, the DS level can refer to the raw data rate necessary for transmission: DS0 64 Kb/sDS1 1.544 Mb/s technologies or standards (e.g. X.25, SMDS, ISDN, ATM, PDH).Japan uses the US standards for DS0 through DS2 but Japanese DS5 has roughly the circuit capacity of US DS4, while the European standards are rather different bits per second but rates above DS1 are not necessarily integral multiples of 1,544 kb/s. (1998-05-18)

DS level "communications" (Digital Signal or Data Service level) Originally an {AT&T} classification of transmitting one or more voice conversations in one digital data stream. The best known DS levels are {DS0} (a single conversation), {DS1} (24 conversations multiplexed), {DS1C}, {DS2}, and {DS3}. By extension, the DS level can refer to the raw data rate necessary for transmission: DS0   64 Kb/s DS1 1.544 Mb/s DS1C 3.15 Mb/s DS2 6.31 Mb/s DS3 44.736 Mb/s DS4 274.1 Mb/s (where K and M signify multiplication by 1000 and 1000000, rather than powers of two). In this sense it can be used to measure of data service rates classifying the user access rates for various point-to-point {WAN} technologies or standards (e.g. {X.25}, {SMDS}, {ISDN}, {ATM}, {PDH}). Japan uses the US standards for DS0 through DS2 but Japanese DS5 has roughly the circuit capacity of US DS4, while the European standards are rather different (see {E1}). In the US all of the transmission rates are integral multiples of 8000 bits per second but rates above DS1 are not necessarily integral multiples of 1,544 kb/s. (1998-05-18)

dynamic random-access memory "storage" (DRAM) A type of {semiconductor} memory in which the information is stored in {capacitors} on a {MOS} {integrated circuit}. Typically each {bit} is stored as an amount of electrical charge in a storage cell consisting of a capacitor and a {transistor}. Due to leakage the capacitor discharges gradually and the memory cell loses the information. Therefore, to preserve the information, the memory has to be refreshed periodically. Despite this inconvenience, the DRAM is a very popular memory technology because of its high density and consequent low price. The first commercially available DRAM chip was the {Intel 1103}, introduced in 1970. Early DRAM chips, containing up to a 16k x 1 (16384 locations of one bit each), needed 3 supply voltages (+5V, -5V and +12V). Beginning with the 64 kilobit chips, {charge pumps} were included on-chip to create the necessary supply voltages out of a single +5V supply. This was necessary to fit the device into a 16-pin {DIL} package, which was the preferred package at the time, and also made them easier to use. To reduce the pin count, thereby helping miniaturisation, DRAMs generally had a single data line which meant that a computer with an N bit wide {data bus} needed a "bank" of (at least) N DRAM chips. In a bank, the address and control signals of all chips were common and the data line of each chip was connected to one of the data bus lines. Beginning with the 256 kilobit DRAM, a tendency toward {surface mount} packaging arose and DRAMs with more than one data line appeared (e.g. 64k x 4), reducing the number of chips per bank. This trend has continued and DRAM chips with up to 36 data lines are available today. Furthermore, together with surface mount packages, memory manufacturers began to offer memory modules, where a bank of memory chips was preassembled on a little {printed circuit} board (SIP = Single Inline Pin Module, SIMM = Single Inline Memory Module, DIMM = Dual Inline Memory Module). Today, this is the preferred way to buy memory for {workstations} and {personal computers}. DRAM bit cells are arranged on a chip in a grid of rows and columns where the number of rows and columns are usually a power of two. Often, but not always, the number of rows and columns is the same. A one megabit device would then have 1024 x 1024 memory cells. A single memory cell can be selected by a 10-bit row address and a 10-bit column address. To access a memory cell, one entire row of cells is selected and its contents are transferred into an on-chip buffer. This discharges the storage capacitors in the bit cells. The desired bits are then read or written in the buffer. The (possibly altered) information is finally written back into the selected row, thereby refreshing all bits (recharging the capacitors) in the row. To prevent data loss, all bit cells in the memory need to be refreshed periodically. This can be done by reading all rows in regular intervals. Most DRAMs since 1970 have been specified such that one of the rows needs to be refreshed at least every 15.625 microseconds. For a device with 1024 rows, a complete refresh of all rows would then take up to 16 ms; in other words, each cell is guaranteed to hold the data for 16 ms without refresh. Devices with more rows have accordingly longer retention times. Many varieties of DRAM exist today. They differ in the way they are interfaced to the system - the structure of the memory cell itself is essentially the same. "Traditional" DRAMs have multiplexed address lines and separate data inputs and outputs. There are three control signals: RAS\ (row address strobe), CAS\ (column address strobe), and WE\ (write enable) (the backslash indicates an {active low} signal). Memory access procedes as follows: 1. The control signals initially all being inactive (high), a memory cycle is started with the row address applied to the address inputs and a falling edge of RAS\ . This latches the row address and "opens" the row, transferring the data in the row to the buffer. The row address can then be removed from the address inputs since it is latched on-chip. 2. With RAS\ still active, the column address is applied to the address pins and CAS\ is made active as well. This selects the desired bit or bits in the row which subsequently appear at the data output(s). By additionally activating WE\ the data applied to the data inputs can be written into the selected location in the buffer. 3. Deactivating CAS\ disables the data input and output again. 4. Deactivating RAS\ causes the data in the buffer to be written back into the memory array. Certain timing rules must be obeyed to guarantee reliable operation. 1. RAS\ must remain inactivate for a while before the next memory cycle is started to provide sufficient time for the storage capacitors to charge (Precharge Time). 2. It takes some time from the falling edge of the RAS\ or CAS\ signals until the data appears at the data output. This is specified as the Row Access Time and the Column Access Time. Current DRAM's have Row Access Times of 50-100 ns and Column Access Times of 15-40 ns. Speed grades usually refer to the former, more important figure. Note that the Memory Cycle Time, which is the minimum time from the beginning of one access to the beginning of the next, is longer than the Row Access Time (because of the Precharge Time). Multiplexing the address pins saves pins on the chip, but usually requires additional logic in the system to properly generate the address and control signals, not to mention further logic for refresh. Therefore, DRAM chips are usually preferred when (because of the required memory size) the additional cost for the control logic is outweighed by the lower price. Based on these principles, chip designers have developed many varieties to improve performance or ease system integration of DRAMs: PSRAMs (Pseudo Static Random Access Memory) are essentially DRAMs with a built-in address {multiplexor} and refresh controller. This saves some system logic and makes the device look like a normal {SRAM}. This has been popular as a lower cost alternative for SRAM in {embedded systems}. It is not a complete SRAM substitute because it is sometimes busy when doing self-refresh, which can be tedious. {Nibble Mode DRAM} can supply four successive bits on one data line by clocking the CAS\ line. {Page Mode DRAM} is a standard DRAM where any number of accesses to the currently open row can be made while the RAS signal is kept active. Static Column DRAM is similar to Page Mode DRAM, but to access different bits in the open row, only the column address needs to be changed while the CAS\ signal stays active. The row buffer essentially behaves like SRAM. {Extended Data Out DRAM} (EDO DRAM) can continue to output data from one address while setting up a new address, for use in {pipelined} systems. DRAM used for Video RAM ({VRAM}) has an additional long shift register that can be loaded from the row buffer. The shift register can be regarded as a second interface to the memory that can be operated in parallel to the normal interface. This is especially useful in {frame buffers} for {CRT} displays. These frame buffers generate a serial data stream that is sent to the CRT to modulate the electron beam. By using the shift register in the VRAM to generate this stream, the memory is available to the computer through the normal interface most of the time for updating the display data, thereby speeding up display data manipulations. SDRAM (Synchronous DRAM) adds a separate clock signal to the control signals. It allows more complex {state machines} on the chip and high speed "burst" accesses that clock a series of successive bits out (similar to the nibble mode). CDRAM (Cached DRAM) adds a separate static RAM array used for caching. It essentially combines main memory and {cache} memory in a single chip. The cache memory controller needs to be added externally. RDRAM (Rambus DRAM) changes the system interface of DRAM completely. A byte-wide bus is used for address, data and command transfers. The bus operates at very high speed: 500 million transfers per second. The chip operates synchronously with a 250MHz clock. Data is transferred at both rising and falling edges of the clock. A system with signals at such frequencies must be very carefully designed, and the signals on the Rambus Channel use nonstandard signal levels, making it incompatible with standard system logic. These disadvantages are compensated by a very fast data transfer, especially for burst accesses to a block of successive locations. A number of different refresh modes can be included in some of the above device varieties: RAS\ only refresh: a row is refreshed by an ordinary read access without asserting CAS\. The data output remains disabled. CAS\ before RAS\ refresh: the device has a built-in counter for the refresh row address. By activating CAS\ before activating RAS\, this counter is selected to supply the row address instead of the address inputs. Self-Refresh: The device is able to generate refresh cycles internally. No external control signal transitions other than those for bringing the device into self-refresh mode are needed to maintain data integrity. (1996-07-11)

dyslexia: 'developmental dyslexia' is used to explain difficulties with written and spoken language (across differing levels of intellect) that occurs as a result of development, whilst acquired dyslexia?occurs as a result of a stroke or similar injury, whereby language skills are impaired.

effective-adequate ::: (vak) combining the qualities of the two lowest levels of style.

effective illuminative ::: (vak) combining the qualities of the second and third levels of style. effective telepathy; effective vy vyapti

ekayāna. (T. theg pa gcig pa; C. yisheng; J. ichijo; K. ilsŭng 一乘). In Sanskrit, lit. "one vehicle" or "single vehicle." "Vehicle" literally means "conveyance" or "transportation," viz., the conveyance that carries sentient beings from SAMSĀRA to NIRVĀnA; the term may also refer to the actual person who reaches the destination of the path. The doctrine of a single vehicle is set forth in certain MAHĀYĀNA SuTRAs, most famously, the SADDHARMAPUndARĪKASuTRA ("Lotus Sutra"), which declares that the three vehicles of the sRĀVAKA (disciple), PRATYEKABUDDHA (solitary buddha), and BODHISATTVA are actually just three expedient devices (UPĀYAKAUsALYA) for attracting beings to the one buddha vehicle, via which they all become buddhas. It is important to note that, although it is often claimed that a central tenet of the MAHĀYĀNA is that all sentient beings will eventually achieve buddhahood, this view is not universally set forth in the Mahāyāna sutras and philosophical schools. A number of important sutras, notably the SAMDHINIRMOCANASuTRA, maintained that there are three final vehicles and that those who successfully followed the path of the srāvaka and pratyekabuddha would eventually become ARHATs and would not then go on to achieve buddhahood (cf. GOTRA; BUDDHADHĀTU). This position was also held by such major YOGĀCĀRA figures as ASAnGA. In the Saddharmapundarīkasutra, however, the Buddha reveals that his earlier teachings of the three vehicles were in fact three expedient forms suited to specific beings' capacities; the sutra's exposition of the one buddha vehicle is said to be the unifying, complete, and final exposition of his teachings. Since this one-vehicle teaching is the teaching that leads to buddhahood, it is synonymous with the "buddha vehicle" (BUDDHAYĀNA), the "great vehicle" (MAHĀYĀNA), and sometimes the "bodhisattva vehicle" (BODHISATTVAYĀNA). In East Asia, there was substantial consideration given to the precise relations among these terms. Thus, the FAXIANG school of Chinese YOGĀCĀRA interprets the "one vehicle" of the three-vehicle system as being equivalent to the bodhisattva vehicle, while the HUAYAN and TIANTAI schools distinguish between the one buddha vehicle and the bodhisattva vehicle that is included within the three vehicles. The Faxiang school also distinguishes between two levels of the ekayāna, the "inclusive" Mahāyāna (sheru dasheng) and the "derivative" Mahāyāna (chusheng dasheng). According to the explanation of KUIJI (632-682), the first is an expedient like that used in the Saddharmapundarīkasutra to attract people of indeterminate nature to the one buddha vehicle. Because this type of sentient being is incapable of immediately attaining buddhahood, this teaching does not fully correspond to the meaning of the ekayāna. However, because all members of the Saddharmapundarīkasutra's audience have the potential to become buddhas through hearing this teaching, it is still considered to be true and effective. The second type means that all teachings of the Buddha are "born from" or "derive from" a single Mahāyāna teaching; Kuiji says that this type corresponds to the teaching of the sRĪMĀLĀDEVĪSIMHANĀDASuTRA and the MAHĀPARINIRVĀnASuTRA.

electron tube "electronics" (Or tube, vacuum tube, UK: valve, electron valve, thermionic valve, firebottle, glassfet) An electronic component consisting of a space exhausted of gas to such an extent that {electrons} may move about freely, and two or more electrodes with external connections. Nearly all tubes are of the thermionic type where one electrode, called the cathode, is heated, and electrons are emitted from its surface with a small energy (typically a Volt or less). A second electrode, called the anode (plate) will attract the electrons when it is positive with respect to the cathode, allowing current in one direction but not the other. In types which are used for amplification of signals, additional electrodes, called grids, beam-forming electrodes, focussing electrodes and so on according to their purpose, are introduced between cathode and plate and modify the flow of electrons by electrostatic attraction or (usually) repulsion. A voltage change on a grid can control a substantially greater change in that between cathode and anode. Unlike {semiconductors}, except perhaps for {FETs}, the movement of electrons is simply a function of electrostatic field within the active region of the tube, and as a consequence of the very low mass of the electron, the currents can be changed quickly. Moreover, there is no limit to the current density in the space, and the electrodes which do dissapate power are usually metal and can be cooled with forced air, water, or other refrigerants. Today these features cause tubes to be the active device of choice when the signals to be amplified are a power levels of more than about 500 watts. The first electronic digital computers used hundreds of vacuum tubes as their active components which, given the reliability of these devices, meant the computers needed frequent repairs to keep them operating. The chief causes of unreliability are the heater used to heat the cathode and the connector into which the tube was plugged. Vacuum tube manufacturers in the US are nearly a thing of the past, with the exception of the special purpose types used in broadcast and image sensing and displays. Eimac, GE, RCA, and the like would probably refer to specific types such as "Beam Power Tetrode" and the like, and rarely use the generic terms. The {cathode ray tube} is a special purpose type based on these principles which is used for the visual display in television and computers. X-ray tubes are diodes (two element tubes) used at high voltage; a tungsten anode emits the energetic photons when the energetic electrons hit it. Magnetrons use magnetic fields to constrain the electrons; they provide very simple, high power, ultra-high frequency signals for radar, microwave ovens, and the like. Klystrons amplify signals at high power and microwave frequencies. (1996-02-05)

electron tube ::: (electronics) (Or tube, vacuum tube, UK: valve, electron valve, thermionic valve, firebottle, glassfet) An electronic component consisting of a when it is positive with respect to the cathode, allowing current in one direction but not the other.In types which are used for amplification of signals, additional electrodes, called grids, beam-forming electrodes, focussing electrodes and so on according change on a grid can control a substantially greater change in that between cathode and anode.Unlike semiconductors, except perhaps for FETs, the movement of electrons is simply a function of electrostatic field within the active region of the tube, tubes to be the active device of choice when the signals to be amplified are a power levels of more than about 500 watts.The first electronic digital computers used hundreds of vacuum tubes as their active components which, given the reliability of these devices, meant the unreliability are the heater used to heat the cathode and the connector into which the tube was plugged.Vacuum tube manufacturers in the US are nearly a thing of the past, with the exception of the special purpose types used in broadcast and image sensing and displays. Eimac, GE, RCA, and the like would probably refer to specific types such as Beam Power Tetrode and the like, and rarely use the generic terms.The cathode ray tube is a special purpose type based on these principles which is used for the visual display in television and computers. X-ray tubes are ultra-high frequency signals for radar, microwave ovens, and the like. Klystrons amplify signals at high power and microwave frequencies. (1996-02-05)

Electrostatic Discharge "hardware, testing" (ESD) One kind of test that hardware usually has to pass to prove it is suitable for sale and use. The hardware must still work after is has been subjected to some level of electrostatic discharge. Some organisations have their own ESD requirements which hardware must meet before it will be considered for purchase. Different countries have different legal regulations about levels of ESD. See also {Radio Frequency Interference}, {Electromagnetic Compatibility}. (1997-12-19)

Electrostatic Discharge ::: (hardware, testing) (ESD) One kind of test that hardware usually has to pass to prove it is suitable for sale and use. The hardware must still work organisations have their own ESD requirements which hardware must meet before it will be considered for purchase.Different countries have different legal regulations about levels of ESD.See also Radio Frequency Interference, Electromagnetic Compatibility. (1997-12-19)

elevator ::: n. --> One who, or that which, raises or lifts up anything
A mechanical contrivance, usually an endless belt or chain with a series of scoops or buckets, for transferring grain to an upper loft for storage.
A cage or platform and the hoisting machinery in a hotel, warehouse, mine, etc., for conveying persons, goods, etc., to or from different floors or levels; -- called in England a lift; the cage or platform itself.

Emacs ::: (text, tool) /ee'maks/ (Editing MACroS, or Extensible MACro System, GNU Emacs) A popular screen editor for Unix and most other operating systems.Emacs is distributed by the Free Software Foundation and was Richard Stallman's first step in the GNU project. Emacs is extensible - it is easy to add new display. Emacs is writen in C and the higher levels are programmed in Emacs Lisp.Emacs has an entire Lisp system inside it. It was originally written in TECO under ITS at the MIT AI lab. AI Memo 554 described it as an advanced, self-documenting, customisable, extensible real-time display editor.It includes facilities to view directories, run compilation subprocesses and send and receive electronic mail and Usenet news (GNUS). W3 is a web browser, reducing start-up time and memory consumption. Many hackers (including Denis Howe) spend more than 80% of their tube time inside Emacs.GNU Emacs is available for Unix, VMS, GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, MS Windows, MS-DOS, and other systems. Emacs has been re-implemented more than 30 times. Other variants include GOSMACS, CCA Emacs, UniPress Emacs, Montgomery Emacs, and XEmacs. Jove, epsilon, and MicroEmacs are limited look-alikes.Some Emacs versions running under window managers iconify as an overflowing kitchen sink, perhaps to suggest the one feature the editor does not (yet) Storage, and Emacs Makes A Computer Slow (see recursive acronym). See also vi.Latest version: 20.6, as of 2000-05-11. 21.1 (RSN) adds a new redisplay engine with support for proportional text, images, toolbars, tool tips, toolkit scroll bars, and a mouse-sensitive mode line.FTP from your nearest GNU archive site.E-mail: (bug reports only) .Usenet newsgroups:, gnu.emacs.bug, alt.religion.emacs, gnu.emacs.sources, gnu.emacs.announce.[Jargon File] (1997-02-04)

Emacs "text, tool" /ee'maks/ (Editing MACroS, or Extensible MACro System, GNU Emacs) A popular {screen editor} for {Unix} and most other {operating systems}. Emacs is distributed by the {Free Software Foundation} and was {Richard Stallman}'s first step in the {GNU} project. Emacs is extensible - it is easy to add new functions; customisable - you can rebind keys, and modify the behaviour of existing functions; self-documenting - there is extensive on-line, context-sensitive help; and has a real-time "what you see is what you get" display. Emacs is writen in {C} and the higher levels are programmed in {Emacs Lisp}. Emacs has an entire {Lisp} system inside it. It was originally written in {TECO} under {ITS} at the {MIT} {AI lab}. AI Memo 554 described it as "an advanced, self-documenting, customisable, extensible real-time display editor". It includes facilities to view directories, run compilation subprocesses and send and receive {electronic mail} and {Usenet} {news} ({GNUS}). {W3} is a {web browser}, the ange-ftp package provides transparent access to files on remote {FTP} {servers}. {Calc} is a calculator and {symbolic mathematics} package. There are "modes" provided to assist in editing most well-known programming languages. Most of these extra functions are configured to load automatically on first use, reducing start-up time and memory consumption. Many hackers (including {Denis Howe}) spend more than 80% of their {tube time} inside Emacs. GNU Emacs is available for {Unix}, {VMS}, {GNU}/{Linux}, {FreeBSD}, {NetBSD}, {OpenBSD}, {MS Windows}, {MS-DOS}, and other systems. Emacs has been re-implemented more than 30 times. Other variants include {GOSMACS}, CCA Emacs, UniPress Emacs, Montgomery Emacs, and {XEmacs}. {Jove}, {epsilon}, and {MicroEmacs} are limited look-alikes. Some Emacs versions running under {window managers} iconify as an overflowing kitchen sink, perhaps to suggest the one feature the editor does not (yet) include. Indeed, some hackers find Emacs too {heavyweight} and {baroque} for their taste, and expand the name as "Escape Meta Alt Control Shift" to spoof its heavy reliance on keystrokes decorated with {bucky bits}. Other spoof expansions include "Eight Megabytes And Constantly Swapping", "Eventually "malloc()'s All Computer Storage", and "Emacs Makes A Computer Slow" (see {recursive acronym}). See also {vi}. Version 21.1 added a redisplay engine with support for {proportional text}, images, {toolbars}, {tool tips}, toolkit scroll bars and a mouse-sensitive mode line. {FTP} from your nearest {GNU archive site}. E-mail: (bug reports only) "". {Usenet} newsgroups: {}, {news:gnu.emacs.bug}, {news:alt.religion.emacs}, {news:gnu.emacs.sources}, {news:gnu.emacs.announce}. [{Jargon File}] (1997-02-04)

Environmental Exposure ::: Human exposure to pollutants originating from facility emissions. Threshold levels are not necessarily surpassed, but low level chronic pollutant exposure is one of the most common forms of environmental exposure.

environmental stressors (aggressive behaviour): elements of the environment that give rise to anti-social behavior, by increasing arousal which subsequently may produce negative emotions and aggressive behavior. For instance, high temperatures, intense levels of noise, and crowding can produce high levels of aggression.

Fast moving consumer goods – Products with high levels of sales which are sold within a short period of time, such as soap powder and tinned foods.

Fechner, Gustav Theodor: (1801-1887) Philosophizing during the ascendency of modern science and the wane of metaphysical speculation, Fechner though as physicist believing in induction, analogy, history and pragmatic procedure, expounded a pure, objective idealism of Berkeley's type. With Oken and Schelling as spiritual guides, he held that everything is in consciousness, there are no substances, no things-in-themselves, everything, including animals, plants, earth, and heavens, shares the life of the soul (alles ist beseelt). In a consequent psycho-physicalism he interpreted soul (which is no substance, but the simplifying power in contrast to the diversifying physical) as appearance to oneself, and matter as appearance to others, both representing the same reality differentiated only in point of view. He applied the law of threshold to consciousness, explaining thus its relative discontinuity on one level while postulating its continuity on another, either higher or lower level. In God, as the highest rung of existence, there is infinite consciousness without an objective world. Evil arises inexplicably from darker levels of consciousness. With poetic imagination Fechner defended the "day-view" of the world in which phenomena are the real content of consciousness, against the "night-view" of science which professes knowledge of the not-sensation-conditioned colorless, soundless world.

Financial gearing - Reflects the borrowing levels that the firm has undertaken. The operating income of the firm will see increased volatility with higher levels of financial gearing i.e. borrowing.

First Tier ::: A phrase used to summarize the first six major levels of values development according to Clare Graves and Spiral Dynamics: Survival Sense, Kin Spirits, Power Gods, Truth Force, Strive Drive, and Human Bond. First-Tier stages are characterized by a belief that “my values are the only correct values.” This lies in contrast to Second-Tier levels of development, wherein individuals recognize the importance of all value systems. Integral Theory uses First Tier to refer to the first six degrees or levels of developmental altitude (Infrared, Magenta, Red, Amber, Orange, and Green).

Flat tax - One in which the income tax rate is the same for all income levels. It is a proportional tax. A pure flat tax would eliminate all deductions, exemptions, and loopholes, and tax all income at the same low tax rate.

Flexible budget (variable budget) – A budget based on different volumes of activity. It is an extremely useful tool for the comparison the actual cost incurred to the cost that are allowed for a given activity level. It is dynamic by its nature rather than static. By using the cost volume formula (or flexible budget formula), a series of budgets can be developed easily for various levels of activity. Flexible budgeting is a way of distinguishing between the fixed and variable expenses, thus allowing for a more flexible budget that is able to be automatically adjusted (via changes in variable cost totals) to the particular level of activity which is actually achieved. Thus variances between actual costs and budgeted costs are adjusted for volume ups and downs before differences due to price and quantity factors are computed. The primary use of the flexible budget is for accurate measure of performance by comparing actual costs for a given output with the budgeted costs for the same level of output.

FORTH ::: 1. (language) An interactive extensible language using postfix syntax and a data stack, developed by Charles H. Moore in the 1960s. FORTH is highly user-configurable and there are many different implementations, the following description is of a typical default configuration.Forth programs are structured as lists of words - FORTH's term which encompasses language keywords, primitives and user-defined subroutines. Forth stream and either executed immediately (interpretive execution) or compiled as part of the definition of a new word.The sequential nature of list execution and the implicit use of the data stack (numbers appearing in the lists are pushed to the stack as they are encountered) imply postfix syntax. Although postfix notation is initially difficult, experienced users find it simple and efficient.Words appearing in executable lists may be primitives (simple assembly language operations), names of previously compiled procedures or other special words. A procedure definition is introduced by : and ended with ; and is compiled as it is read.Most Forth dialects include the source language structures BEGIN-AGAIN, BEGIN-WHILE-REPEAT, BEGIN-UNTIL, DO-LOOP, and IF-ELSE-THEN, and others can be added by the user. These are compiling structures which may only occur in a procedure definition.FORTH can include in-line assembly language between CODE and ENDCODE or similar constructs. Forth primitives are written entirely in assembly language, secondaries contain a mixture. In fact code in-lining is the basis of compilation in some implementations.Once assembled, primitives are used exactly like other words. A significant difference in behaviour can arise, however, from the fact that primitives end code includes the scheduler in some multi-tasking systems so a process can be descheduled after executing a non-primitive, but not after a primitive.Forth implementations differ widely. Implementation techniques include threaded code, dedicated Forth processors, macros at various levels, or interpreters response, user-defined data structures, multitasking, floating-point arithmetic, and/or virtual memory.Some Forth systems support virtual memory without specific hardware support like MMUs. However, Forth virtual memory is usually only a sort of extended data space and does not usually support executable code.FORTH does not distinguish between operating system calls and the language. Commands relating to I/O, file systems and virtual memory are part of the same language as the words for arithmetic, memory access, loops, IF statements, and the user's application.Many Forth systems provide user-declared vocabularies which allow the same word to have different meanings in different contexts. Within one vocabulary, re-defining a word causes the previous definition to be hidden from the interpreter (and therefore the compiler), but not from previous definitions.FORTH was first used to guide the telescope at NRAO, Kitt Peak. Moore considered it to be a fourth-generation language but his operating system wouldn't let him use six letters in a program name, so FOURTH became FORTH.Versions include fig-FORTH, FORTH 79 and FORTH 83. . .FORTH Interest Group, Box 1105, San Carlos CA 94070.See also 51forth, F68K, cforth, E-Forth, FORML, TILE Forth.[Leo Brodie, Starting Forth].[Leo Brodie, Thinking Forth].[Jack Woehr, Forth, the New Model].[R.G. Loeliger, Threaded Interpretive Languages].2. FOundation for Research and Technology - Hellas. (1997-04-16)

FORTH 1. "language" An interactive extensible language using {postfix syntax} and a data stack, developed by Charles H. Moore in the 1960s. FORTH is highly user-configurable and there are many different implementations, the following description is of a typical default configuration. Forth programs are structured as lists of "words" - FORTH's term which encompasses language keywords, primitives and user-defined {subroutines}. Forth takes the idea of subroutines to an extreme - nearly everything is a subroutine. A word is any string of characters except the separator which defaults to space. Numbers are treated specially. Words are read one at a time from the input stream and either executed immediately ("interpretive execution") or compiled as part of the definition of a new word. The sequential nature of list execution and the implicit use of the data stack (numbers appearing in the lists are pushed to the stack as they are encountered) imply postfix syntax. Although postfix notation is initially difficult, experienced users find it simple and efficient. Words appearing in executable lists may be "{primitives}" (simple {assembly language} operations), names of previously compiled procedures or other special words. A procedure definition is introduced by ":" and ended with ";" and is compiled as it is read. Most Forth dialects include the source language structures BEGIN-AGAIN, BEGIN-WHILE-REPEAT, BEGIN-UNTIL, DO-LOOP, and IF-ELSE-THEN, and others can be added by the user. These are "compiling structures" which may only occur in a procedure definition. FORTH can include in-line {assembly language} between "CODE" and "ENDCODE" or similar constructs. Forth primitives are written entirely in {assembly language}, secondaries contain a mixture. In fact code in-lining is the basis of compilation in some implementations. Once assembled, primitives are used exactly like other words. A significant difference in behaviour can arise, however, from the fact that primitives end with a jump to "NEXT", the entry point of some code called the sequencer, whereas non-primitives end with the address of the "EXIT" primitive. The EXIT code includes the scheduler in some {multi-tasking} systems so a process can be {deschedule}d after executing a non-primitive, but not after a primitive. Forth implementations differ widely. Implementation techniques include {threaded code}, dedicated Forth processors, {macros} at various levels, or interpreters written in another language such as {C}. Some implementations provide {real-time} response, user-defined data structures, {multitasking}, {floating-point} arithmetic, and/or {virtual memory}. Some Forth systems support virtual memory without specific hardware support like {MMUs}. However, Forth virtual memory is usually only a sort of extended data space and does not usually support executable code. FORTH does not distinguish between {operating system} calls and the language. Commands relating to I/O, {file systems} and {virtual memory} are part of the same language as the words for arithmetic, memory access, loops, IF statements, and the user's application. Many Forth systems provide user-declared "vocabularies" which allow the same word to have different meanings in different contexts. Within one vocabulary, re-defining a word causes the previous definition to be hidden from the interpreter (and therefore the compiler), but not from previous definitions. FORTH was first used to guide the telescope at NRAO, Kitt Peak. Moore considered it to be a {fourth-generation language} but his {operating system} wouldn't let him use six letters in a program name, so FOURTH became FORTH. Versions include fig-FORTH, FORTH 79 and FORTH 83. {FAQs (}. {ANS Forth standard, dpANS6 (}. FORTH Interest Group, Box 1105, San Carlos CA 94070. See also {51forth}, {F68K}, {cforth}, {E-Forth}, {FORML}, {TILE Forth}. [Leo Brodie, "Starting Forth"]. [Leo Brodie, "Thinking Forth"]. [Jack Woehr, "Forth, the New Model"]. [R.G. Loeliger, "Threaded Interpretive Languages"]. 2. {FOundation for Research and Technology - Hellas}. (1997-04-16)

Freud, Sigmund ::: Dr. Freud is often referred to as the father of clinical psychology.  His extensive theory of personality development (psychoanalytical theory) is the cornerstone for modern psychological thought, and consists of (1) the psychosexual stages of development, (2) the structural  model of personality (id, ego, superego), and (3) levels of consciousness (conscious, subconscious, and unconscious).  See Psychoanalysis.

gati. (T. 'gro ba; C. qu; J. shu; K. ch'wi 趣). In Sanskrit and Pāli, "destiny," "destination," or "bourne," one of the five or six places in SAMSĀRA where rebirth occurs. In ascending order, these bournes are occupied by hell denizens (NĀRAKA), hungry ghosts (PRETA), animals (TIRYAK), humans (MANUsYA), and divinities (DEVA); sometimes, demigods (ASURA) are added between humans and divinities as a sixth bourne. These destinies are all located within the three realms of existence (TRILOKA[DHĀTU]), which comprises the entirety of our universe. At the bottom of the sensuous realm (KĀMADHĀTU) are located the denizens of the eight hot and cold hells (nāraka), of which the lowest is the interminable hell (see AVĪCI). These are said to be located beneath the continent of JAMBUDVĪPA. This most ill-fated of existences is followed by hungry ghosts, animals, humans, demigods, and the six sensuous-realm divinities, who live on MOUNT SUMERU or in the heavens directly above it. Higher levels of the divinities occupy the upper two realms of existence. The divinities of the BRAHMALOKA, whose minds are perpetually absorbed in one of the four meditative absorptions (DHYĀNA), occupy seventeen levels in the realm of subtle materiality (RuPADHĀTU). Divinities who are so ethereal that they do not require even a subtle material foundation occupy four heavens in the immaterial realm (ĀRuPYADHĀTU). The divinities in the immaterial realm are perpetually absorbed in formless trance states, and rebirth there is the result of mastery of one or all of the immaterial dhyānas (ĀRuPYĀVACARADHYĀNA). The bottom three destinies, of hell denizens, hungry ghosts, and animals, are referred to as the three evil bournes (DURGATI); these are destinies where suffering predominates because of the past performance of primarily unvirtuous actions. In the various levels of the divinities, happiness predominates because of the past performance of primarily virtuous deeds. By contrast, the human destiny is thought to be ideally suited for religious training because it is the only bourne where both suffering and happiness can be readily experienced in the proper balance (not intoxicated by pleasure or racked by pain), allowing one to recognize more easily the true character of life as impermanent (ANITYA), suffering (DUḤKHA), and nonself (ANĀTMAN). Some schools posit a transitional "intermediate state" (ANTARĀBHAVA) of being between past and future lives within these destinies. See also DAsADHĀTU.

GE-645 ::: (computer) A computer built by General Electric, the successor to the GE-635, designed to provide the extra CPU features required by the Multics project.The GE-645 was designed in 1965 by John Couleur and Edward Glaser at MIT. It had several security levels and instructions for handling virtual memory. Addressing increasing the theoretical memory size and making virtual memory easier to support.Design of the GE-645's successor, the GE-655, started in 1967.(2006-09-24)

GE-645 "computer" A computer built by {General Electric}, the successor to the {GE-635}, designed to provide the extra CPU features required by the {Multics} project. The GE-645 was designed in 1965 by John Couleur and Edward Glaser at MIT. It had several security levels and instructions for handling {virtual memory}. Addressing used an 18-bit segment in addition to the 18-bit address, dramatically increasing the theoretical memory size and making virtual memory easier to support. Design of the GE-645's successor, the {GE-655}, started in 1967. (2006-09-24)

Gestalt Psychology: (German, Gestalt, shape or form) A school of German psychology, founded about 1912 by M. Wertheimer, K. Koffka and W. Köhler. Gestalt psychology reacted against the psychic elements of analytic or associationist psychology (see Associationism) and substituted the concept of Gestalt or organized whole. The parts do not exist prior to the whole but derive their character from the structure of the whole. The Gestalt concept is applied at the physical and physiological as well as the psychological levels and in psychology both to the original sensory organization and to the higher intellectual and associative processes of mind. Configuration has been suggested as an English equivalent for Gestalt and the school is accordingly referred to as Configurationism. -- L.W.

GNU style "programming" An obsolete and deprecated {source code} {indent style} used throughout {GNU} {Emacs} and the {Free Software Foundation} code, and just about nowhere else. Indents are always four spaces per level, with "{" and "}" halfway between the outer and inner indent levels. if (cond) {   "body" } (2014-09-24)

gods "the necessary static elements, ::: Space, the ordered movements of the worlds, the ascending levels, the highest goal"; in later Hinduism, the Preserver of the world, one of the "three Powers and Personalities . of the One Cosmic Godhead", of which the other two are Brahma, the Creator, and Śiva or Rudra2, the Destroyer; also regarded as the Lord himself (isvara) who incarnates in the avataras, and the one deva of whom all the gods are manifestations; in the Record of Yoga, usually a subordinate aspect of Kr.s.n.a, sometimes identified with Pradyumna as the personality of the fourfold isvara whose sakti is Mahalaks.mi.Vis Visnu-Narayana

Grade ::: In the process of initiation, especially in various esoteric orders, these are distinct levels that either require certain experiences to be had or rituals undertaken.

Gravity ::: A fundamental phenomenon of the Universe. Scientifically there is still much to this that is a mystery and spiritually it is also profoundly intriguing and an active area of research. The idea, in terms of the occult sciences, is that there is a scaling effect as consciousness recursively subsets and that this tethers Spirit to matter. At distinct stages there is cohesion and stability and these are perceived as planes of reality. Divergent forms at the levels of these planes stay within that plane and once the Physical Plane is encountered in order for the complexity nodes that are our brains to emerge, a world was needed that was only formed through a scaling of masses downward through galaxy supercluster to galaxy to solar system to planet to body. The lensing effect of consciousness seems to relate to some of this orbital mathematics, especially in terms of the "shape" and "feel" of the sphere of awareness. Additionally, spacetime is warped by mass and vice-versa, so there are many interesting aspects to gravity, the perception of spacetime, and the evolution of consciousness.

guhyābhiseka. (T. gsang dbang; C. mimi guanding; J. himitsukanjo; K. pimil kwanjong 秘密灌頂). In Sanskrit, "secret empowerment," the second of the four empowerments or initiations employed in the ANUTTARAYOGA tantras, the other three being the vase empowerment (KALAsĀBHIsEKA), which precedes the secret empowerment (guhyābhiseka), and the knowledge of the consort empowerment (PRAJNĀJNĀNĀBHIsEKA) and the fourth empowerment (CATURTHĀBHIsEKA), which both follow it. The secret empowerment is intended for initiates who have already received the full vase empowerment. In the secret empowerment, the disciple presents his master with a fully qualified consort. The consort, representing wisdom (PRAJNĀ), and the master, representing method (UPĀYA), then unite sexually. A drop of the fluid that results from their union, called BODHICITTA, is then placed on the tongue of the disciple, who swallows it. In the next empowerment, "the knowledge of the consort," the disciple then engages in sexual union with the same consort, inducing increasing levels of bliss. Although later monastic exegetes would interpret these empowerments symbolically, it appears that they were actually practiced as the tantric systems developed in India, and they continued to be practiced among certain groups of adepts in Tibet.

hacker humour ::: A distinctive style of shared intellectual humour found among hackers, having the following marked characteristics:1. Fascination with form-vs.-content jokes, paradoxes, and humour having to do with confusion of metalevels (see meta). One way to make a hacker laugh: hold a red index card in front of him/her with GREEN written on it, or vice-versa (note, however, that this is funny only the first time).2. Elaborate deadpan parodies of large intellectual constructs, such as specifications (see write-only memory), standards documents, language descriptions (see INTERCAL), and even entire scientific theories (see quantum bogodynamics, computron).3. Jokes that involve screwily precise reasoning from bizarre, ludicrous, or just grossly counter-intuitive premises.4. Fascination with puns and wordplay.5. A fondness for apparently mindless humour with subversive currents of intelligence in it - for example, old Warner Brothers and Rocky & Bullwinkle Humour that combines this trait with elements of high camp and slapstick is especially favoured.6. References to the symbol-object antinomies and associated ideas in Zen Buddhism and (less often) Taoism. See has the X nature, Discordianism, zen, ha ha only serious, AI koan.See also filk and retrocomputing. If you have an itchy feeling that all 6 of these traits are really aspects of one thing that is incredibly difficult to traits are also recognizable (though in a less marked form) throughout science-fiction fandom. (1995-12-18)

hacker humour A distinctive style of shared intellectual humour found among hackers, having the following marked characteristics: 1. Fascination with form-vs.-content jokes, paradoxes, and humour having to do with confusion of metalevels (see {meta}). One way to make a hacker laugh: hold a red index card in front of him/her with "GREEN" written on it, or vice-versa (note, however, that this is funny only the first time). 2. Elaborate deadpan parodies of large intellectual constructs, such as specifications (see {write-only memory}), standards documents, language descriptions (see {INTERCAL}), and even entire scientific theories (see {quantum bogodynamics}, {computron}). 3. Jokes that involve screwily precise reasoning from bizarre, ludicrous, or just grossly counter-intuitive premises. 4. Fascination with puns and wordplay. 5. A fondness for apparently mindless humour with subversive currents of intelligence in it - for example, old Warner Brothers and Rocky & Bullwinkle cartoons, the Marx brothers, the early B-52s, and Monty Python's Flying Circus. Humour that combines this trait with elements of high camp and slapstick is especially favoured. 6. References to the symbol-object antinomies and associated ideas in Zen Buddhism and (less often) Taoism. See {has the X nature}, {Discordianism}, {zen}, {ha ha only serious}, {AI koan}. See also {filk} and {retrocomputing}. If you have an itchy feeling that all 6 of these traits are really aspects of one thing that is incredibly difficult to talk about exactly, you are (a) correct and (b) responding like a hacker. These traits are also recognizable (though in a less marked form) throughout {science-fiction fandom}. (1995-12-18)

handshaking 1. Predetermined hardware or software activity designed to establish or maintain two machines or programs in synchronisation. Handshaking often concerns the exchange of messages or {packets} of data between two systems with limited {buffers}. A simple handshaking {protocol} might only involve the receiver sending a message meaning "I received your last message and I am ready for you to send me another one." A more complex handshaking {protocol} might allow the sender to ask the receiver if he is ready to receive or for the receiver to reply with a negative acknowledgement meaning "I did not receive your last message correctly, please resend it" (e.g. if the data was corrupted en route). {Hardware handshaking} uses voltage levels or pulses on wires to carry the handshaking signals whereas {software handshaking} uses data units (e.g. {ASCII} characters) carried by some underlying communication medium. {Flow control} in bit-serial data transmission such as {EIA-232} may use either hardware or software handshaking. 2. The method used by two {modems} to establish contact with each other and to agreee on {baud rate}, {error correction} and {compression} {protocols}. 3. The exchange of predetermined signals between agents connected by a communications channel to assure each that it is connected to the other (and not to an imposter). This may also include the use of passwords and codes by an operator. [{Jargon File}] (1995-01-13)

handshaking ::: 1. Predetermined hardware or software activity designed to establish or maintain two machines or programs in synchronisation. Handshaking often concerns the negative acknowledgement meaning I did not receive your last message correctly, please resend it (e.g. if the data was corrupted en route).Hardware handshaking uses voltage levels or pulses on wires to carry the handshaking signals whereas software handshaking uses data units (e.g. ASCII characters) carried by some underlying communication medium.Flow control in bit-serial data transmission such as EIA-232 may use either hardware or software handshaking.2. The method used by two modems to establish contact with each other and to agreee on baud rate, error correction and compression protocols.3. The exchange of predetermined signals between agents connected by a communications channel to assure each that it is connected to the other (and not to an imposter). This may also include the use of passwords and codes by an operator.[Jargon File] (1995-01-13)

Health Advisory Level ::: A non-regulatory health-based reference level of chemical traces (usually in ppm) in drinking water at which there are no adverse health risks when ingested over various periods of time. Such levels are established for one day, 10 days, long term and life-time exposure periods. They contain a large margin of safety.

heap ::: 1. (programming) An area of memory used for dynamic memory allocation where blocks of memory are allocated and freed in an arbitrary order and the pattern of allocation and size of blocks is not known until run time. Typically, a program has one heap which it may use for several different purposes.Heap is required by languages in which functions can return arbitrary data structures or functions with free variables (see closure). In C functions malloc and free provide access to the heap.Contrast stack. See also dangling pointer.2. (programming) A data structure with its elements partially ordered (sorted) such that finding either the minimum or the maximum (but not both) of smallest/largest element can be done in O(log n) time, where n is the number of elements.Formally, a heap is a binary tree with a key in each node, such that all the leaves of the tree are on two adjacent levels; all leaves on the lowest level the key in the root is at least as large as the keys in its children (if any), and the left and right subtrees (if they exist) are again heaps.Note that the last condition assumes that the goal is finding the minimum quickly.Heaps are often implemented as one-dimensional arrays. Still assuming that the goal is finding the minimum quickly the invariant is heap[i] = heap[2*i] and heap[i] = heap[2*i+1] for all i, be used to implement priority queues or in sort algorithms. (1996-02-26)

heap 1. "programming" An area of memory used for {dynamic memory allocation} where blocks of memory are allocated and freed in an arbitrary order and the pattern of allocation and size of blocks is not known until {run time}. Typically, a program has one heap which it may use for several different purposes. Heap is required by languages in which functions can return arbitrary data structures or functions with {free variables} (see {closure}). In {C} functions {malloc} and {free} provide access to the heap. Contrast {stack}. See also {dangling pointer}. 2. "programming" A data structure with its elements partially ordered (sorted) such that finding either the minimum or the maximum (but not both) of the elements is computationally inexpensive (independent of the number of elements), while both adding a new item and finding each subsequent smallest/largest element can be done in O(log n) time, where n is the number of elements. Formally, a heap is a {binary tree} with a key in each {node}, such that all the {leaves} of the tree are on two adjacent levels; all leaves on the lowest level occur to the left and all levels, except possibly the lowest, are filled; and the key in the {root} is at least as large as the keys in its children (if any), and the left and right subtrees (if they exist) are again heaps. Note that the last condition assumes that the goal is finding the minimum quickly. Heaps are often implemented as one-dimensional {arrays}. Still assuming that the goal is finding the minimum quickly the {invariant} is  heap[i] "= heap[2*i] and heap[i] "= heap[2*i+1] for all i, where heap[i] denotes the i-th element, heap[1] being the first. Heaps can be used to implement {priority queues} or in {sort} algorithms. (1996-02-26)

hengchao. (J. ocho; K. hoengch'o 橫超). In Chinese, "the expeditious (lit. horizontal) deliverance/escape." In the PURE LAND traditions, it is said that deliverance through the aid of "other power" (TARIKI)-i.e., by relying on the vows and saving grace of the buddha AMITĀBHA-is a faster and easier approach to enlightenment than is that found in traditional Buddhist soteriological systems. Since the mainstream conception of transcendence from the round of rebirth (SAMSĀRA) involves a tortuous (lit. vertical) ascent (SHUCHAO) through successive levels of ever-deeper meditative absorptions (DHYĀNA) and ever-more-daunting spiritual fruitions (PHALA), pure land followers argue that their method "cuts horizontally across the three realms of existence" (hengchao sanjie) and bypasses the difficult sequential stages of mainstream approaches. The pure land "shortcut" is conceptualized as a "horizontal" approach partly because, by traveling "westward" instead of "upward"-i.e., being reborn into the western pure land (see SUKHĀVATĪ)-one is more easily liberated from the round of rebirth.

Hermetic chain: In occult teachings, a mystic chain of living entities, starting with the divine beings, and running through the demigods and sages to ordinary human beings, ending in the beings on the lower evolutionary levels.

hermetic ::: closed, sealed, esoteric; relating to hermetic ideality on its own plane or in a modified form as an element of some of the highest levels of logistic ideality.

Hevajratantra/HevajradākinījālasaMvaratantra. (T. Kye rdo rje'i rgyud; C. Dabei kongzhi jingang dajiao wang yigui jing; J. Daihi kuchi kongo daikyoo gikikyo; K. Taebi kongji kŭmgang taegyo wang ŭigwe kyong 大悲空智金剛大教王儀軌經). An important Indian Buddhist TANTRA, classified as an ANUTTARAYOGATANTRA, and within that group, a YOGINĪTANTRA and a mother tantra (MĀTṚTANTRA). Likely composed in the eighth century, the work consists of seven hundred fifty stanzas written in a mixture of Sanskrit and APABHRAMsA; it is traditionally said to be a summary of a larger work in five hundred thousand stanzas, now lost. The tantra is presumed to derive from the SIDDHA movement of north India, and the central deity, HEVAJRA, is depicted as a naked siddha. Like most tantras, the text is particularly concerned with ritual, especially those that result in the attainment of worldly (LAUKIKA) powers. It famously recommends the use of "intentional language" or "coded language" (SANDHYĀBHĀsĀ) for tantric practitioners. The widespread ANUTTARAYOGA system of the channels (NĀdĪ), winds (PRĀnA), and drops (BINDU), and the various levels of bliss achieved through the practice of sexual yoga is particularly associated with the Hevajratantra. It sets forth the so-called four joys, the greatest of which is the "innate" or "natural" (SAHAJA) joy. A Chinese translation of the Hevajratantra was made in 1055 by Dharmapāla, but neither the text nor its central deity gained particular popularity in East Asian Buddhism. The text was much more important in Tibet. The tantra was rendered into Tibetan by the Sa skya translator 'BROG MI SHĀKYA YE SHES in the early eleventh century and popularized by MAR PA, whose Indian master NĀROPA wrote a well-known commentary to the text. The scriptures associated with the Hevajratantra were the basis for the Indian adept VIRuPA's LAM 'BRAS ("path and result") systematization of tantric doctrine. This practice is central in the SA SKYA tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. The SaMputatantra is regarded as an explanatory tantra of the Hevajra. There are a number of important commentaries to this tantra written in the Indian tradition and dozens composed in Tibet.

hierarchical navigation "web" On a {web page}, any type of menu whose hierarchical structure matches that of the site to which the page belongs. A hierarchical navigation menu allows the user to jump ("navigate") directly to a section of the site several levels below the top. The menu may present only a fixed number of levels rather than the whole structure. (2003-10-01)

hierarchical navigation ::: (World-Wide Web) On a web page, any type of menu whose hierarchical structure matches that of the site to which the page belongs. A hierarchical the site several levels below the top. The menu may present only a fixed number of levels rather than the whole structure.(2003-10-01)

hierarchical routing "networking" A way of simplifying {routing} a large network like the {Internet} by breaking it into a {hierarchy} of smaller networks where each level is responsible for its own routing. The Internet has three levels: {backbone networks}, {mid-level networks} (or {transit networks}) and {stub networks}. The backbones know how to route between the mid-levels, the mid-levels know how to route between {autonomous systems} (sites) and each site knows how to route internally. {Routers} at each level cooperate by exchanging routing information. Typically, between mid-level networks this is via {Exterior Gateway Protocol} and within sites via {Interior Gateway Protocol}. (2017-12-02)

Hierarchy – The order or levels of management of a business, from lowest to highest.

higher mind ::: (c. 1931, in the diagram on page 1360) a plane of consciousness with three levels: "liberated intelligence", "intuitive [higher mind]" and "illumined [higher mind]" (in ascending order). The first level may correspond to vijñanabuddhi in the earlier terminology of the Record of Yoga. The "intuitive" and "illumined" levels may be what Sri Aurobindo soon after making the diagram began to refer to as "higher mind" (defined as "a luminous thought-mind, a mind of spiritborn conceptual knowledge") and "illumined mind" (characterised by "an intense lustre, a splendour and illumination of the spirit"); cf. logistic ideality (also called luminous reason) and hermetic ideality or srauta vijñana (distinguished by "a diviner splendour of light and blaze of fiery effulgence") in the terminology of 1919-20.

Higher Self ::: An aspect of self linked to Mental Plane archetypes and Solar Consciousness and which transcends individual lives (essentially it imparts some of the meaning that drives "lower" levels of self to manifest, including the need for a physical form). Higher Self tends to guide the soul to its optimal evolution and seeks to help one take control of their fate and learn to work Will. The HGA is often considered an aspect of Higher Self.

High income oil producing countries - Countries with very high income levels to oil exports but with the economic structures of developing countries.

High Risk Community ::: A community located within the vicinity of numerous sites or facilities or other potential sources of environmental exposure/health hazards which may result in high levels of exposure to contaminants or pollutants. In determining risk or potential risk, factors such as total weight of toxic contaminants, toxicity, routes of exposure, and other factors may be used.

Huayan wujiao zhang. (J. Kegon gokyosho; K. Hwaom ogyo chang 華嚴五教章). In Chinese, "Essay on the Five [Categories of] Teachings According to Huayan" is one of the foundational treatises on the HUAYAN ZONG; composed by DUSHUN. The essay offers a systematic analysis and classification of all major Buddhist teachings according to their thematic differences, which were discussed in reference to such basic Huayan tenets as the ten profound meanings (see HUAYAN SHIYI) and the six aspects of phenomena (LIUXIANG). Dushun's influential work is the foundation of the Huayan doctrinal taxonomy, which divided the Buddhist scriptures into five levels based on the profundity of their respective teachings: HĪNAYĀNA (viz., the ĀGAMAs), elementary MAHĀYĀNA (viz., YOGĀCĀRA and MADHYAMAKA), advanced Mahāyāna (SADDHARMAPUndARĪKASuTRA), sudden teachings (typically CHAN), and perfect teachings (AVATAMSAKASuTRA). See also HUAYAN WUJIAO.


The consciousness development in the human kingdom can be divided into five principal stages comprising a total of 777 levels of development. The table below shows which molecular consciousnesses are thereby activated.

Human mediumship is a voluntary, or more often involuntary, subjection to the lower planes of astral substance which, while more ethereal than ordinary matter, yet are of a quality more gross, more powerful, and usually more malefic. Entrance into these astral realms produces a species of astral intoxication, from the delusion of strange because unknown and often unequilibrated forces, deceptive astral pictures; and the astral intoxication is increased because of considering these experiences as wonder-phenomena. In other words, the conditions and experiences sensed are as genuine, and as unreliable and utterly useless, as are the hallucinations of the delirious or insane. Only an occultist of masterful will and great purity of life can rise consciously to the spiritual plane and, looking down on the astral levels below, understand, control, and remember what he sees. In untrained mediumship the atoms and molecules of the astrally “controlled” body which the alien astral entity uses to mold into a form and to move with its own desire-impulses, retain this astral psychomagnetic imprint. With repeated trances, the medium grows continuously and progressively less than his individual self, because of his thoughts and feelings becoming mixed with, overlaid, or blurred by ideas and emotions which per se are abnormal and misleading. He therefore becomes irresponsible as a source of genuine spiritual knowledge and prevision, and still less responsible as a guardian of sacred truths. Because of this, untrained mediumship precludes initiation into the Mysteries as the person’s faith in his astral “control” would dominate him instead of the rules of the sanctuary.

Hyper-inflation – A situation where inflation levels are very high.

Hypothesis testing - The use of a statistical test to discriminate between two hypotheses at two specific risk (or probability) levels.

IBM System/36 "computer" A mid-range {computer} introduced in 1983, which remained popular in the 1990s because of its low cost and high performance. Prices started in the $20k range for the small 5362 to $100+k for the expanded 5360. In 1994, IBM introduced the Advanced 36 for $9,000. The largest 5360 had 7MB of {RAM} and 1432MB of {hard disk}. The smallest 5362 had 256K of RAM and 30MB of hard disk. The Advanced 36 had 64MB of RAM and 4300MB of hard disk, but design issues limit the amount of storage that can actually be addressed by the {operating system}; underlying {microcode} allowed additional RAM to cache disk reads and writes, allowing the Advanced 36 to outperform the S/36 by 600 to 800%. There was only one operating system for the S/36: SSP ({System Support Product}). SSP consumed about 7-10MB of hard drive space. Computer programs on the S/36 reside in "libraries," and the SSP itself resides in a special system library called

incremental backup "operating system" A kind of {backup} that copies all files which have changed since the date of the previous backup. The first backup of a file system should include all files - a "{full backup}". Call this level 0. The next backup could also be a full level 0 backup but it is usually much quicker to do a level 1 backup which will include only those files which have changed since the level 0 backup. Together the level 0 and level 1 backups will include the latest version of every file. Level 1 backups can be made until, say, the backup tape is nearly full, after which we can switch to level 2. Each level includes those files which have changed since the last backup at a lower level. The more levels you use, the longer it will take to restore the latest version of a file (or all files) if you don't know when it was last modified. Compare {differential backup}. (2004-03-01)

indent style ::: (programming) The rules one uses to indent code in a readable fashion. There are four major C indent styles, described below; all have the aim of respect to the statement(s) they enclose and to the guard or controlling statement (if, else, for, while, or do) on the block, if any.K&R style - Named after Kernighan & Ritchie, because the examples in K&R are formatted this way. Also called kernel style because the Unix kernel is partisans. The basic indent shown here is eight spaces (or one tab) per level; four spaces are occasionally seen, but are much less common. if (cond) {body> here is eight spaces, but four spaces are just as common (especially in C++ code). if (cond){ indent per level shown here is eight spaces, but four spaces are occasionally seen. if (cond){ always four spaces per level, with { and } halfway between the outer and inner indent levels. if (cond){ screen at once. Doubtless these issues will continue to be the subject of holy wars.[Jargon File] (1995-07-24)

independent groups designs: used in experiments when separate groups of individuals participate in the different levels of the independent variable, so that each data set is independent of each other. Also known as a between subjects or unrelated design, as comparisons are made between groups rather than within them.

individualistic cultures: cultures where self-interest and individual rights are promoted, and is characterised by low levels of mutual interdependence between individuals, rather than the collective needs and interests of others.

Industry analysis - Is an analysis of various key factors relating to the industry. It may include an analysis of the industry life cycle, the history of the industry, an in-depth ratio analysis of the industries financial performance, a review of how differing trends such as seasonal fluctuations affect the industry, external influences on the industry such as government laws and a review of levels of competition both present and future for the specific industry.

In each case, the name of the realm indicates the object of meditation of the beings reborn there. Hence, in the first, for example, the beings perceive only infinite space. Rebirth in these different spheres is based on mastery of the corresponding four immaterial meditative absorptions (ĀRuPYĀVACARADHYĀNA; ārupyasamāpatti) in the previous life. While the devas of the sensuous realm and the realm of subtle materiality come to have larger and ever more splendid bodies at the more advanced levels of their heavens, the devas of the immaterial realm do not have even the subtlest foundation in materiality; their existence is so refined that it is not even possible to posit exactly where they dwell spatially. In some schools, such as the Sarvāstivāda, the immaterial realm does not even exist as a discrete place: rather, when a being who has mastered the immaterial absorptions dies, he is reborn at the very same location where he passed away, except now he is "immaterial" or "formless" and thus invisible to coarser beings. According to the Theravāda, even a mind-made body (MANOMAYAKĀYA) is excluded from this realm, for the devas here possess only the mind base (MANĀYATANA), mental objects (P. dhammāyatana), the elements of mental consciousness (P. manoviNNānadhātu), and the element of mental objects (P. dhammadhātu), needing only three nutriments (ĀHĀRA) to survive-contact (P. phassa), mental cognition (P. manosaNcetana), and consciousness (P. viNNāna). The Buddha claims to have lived among the devas of the immaterial realm in certain of his previous lives, but without offering any detailed description of those existences. ¶ In all realms, devas are born apparitionally. In the sensuous realm, devas are born in their mother's lap, appearing as if they are already five to ten years old at birth; by contrast, devas of the subtle-materiality and immaterial realms appear not to need the aid of parents; those in the subtle-materiality realm appear fully grown, while those in the immaterial realm do not appear at all, because they have no form. It is also said that, when devas are reborn, they are aware of their prior existence and of the specific KARMAN that led to their rebirth in the heavenly realms. The different deva realms are also distinguished by differences in nutriment, sexuality, requisites, and life span. The devas of the lower heavens of the sensuous realm consume ordinary food; those in the upper spheres of the sensuous realm and the lower levels of the realm of subtle materiality feed only on sensory contact; the devas of the upper levels of the realm of subtle materiality feed only on contemplation; those in the immaterial realm feed on cognition alone. Sexual differentiation remains only in the sensuous realm: in the heaven of the four heavenly kings and the heaven of the thirty-three, the devas engage in physical copulation, the devas of the yāma heaven engage in sexual union by embracing one another, the devas of the tusita heaven by holding hands, those of the nirmānarati heaven by smiling at one another, and those of the paranirmitavasavartin heaven by exchanging a single glance. Clothes are said to be used in all deva worlds except in the immaterial realm. The life spans of devas in the sensuous realm range from five hundred years for the gods of the heaven of the four heavenly kings to one thousand years for the trāyastriMsa gods, two thousand years for the yāma gods, four thousand years for the tusita gods, eight thousand years for the nirmānarati gods, and sixteen thousand years for the paranirmitavasavartin gods. However, there is a range of opinion of what constitutes a year in these heavens. For example, it is said that in the tusita heaven, four hundred human years equal one day in the life of a god of that heaven. The life spans of devas in the realm of subtle materiality are measured in eons (KALPA). The life spans of devas in the immaterial realm may appear as essentially infinite, but even those divinities, like all devas, are subject to impermanence (ANITYA) and will eventually die and be subject to further rebirths once the salutary meditative deed that caused them to be reborn there has been exhausted. The sutras say that for a deva of the sensuous realm, there are five portents of his impending death: the garlands of flowers he wears begin to fade, his clothes become soiled and his palace dusty, he begins to perspire, his body becomes opaque and loses its luster, and his throne becomes uncomfortable. At that point, the deva experiences a vision of his next place of rebirth. This vision is said to be one of the most horrible sufferings in saMsāra, because of its marked contrast to the magnificence of his current life. There are also said to be four direct reasons why devas die: exhaustion of their life spans, their previous merit, their food, and the arising of anger. ¶ Rebirth as a deva is presumed to be the reward of virtuous karman performed in previous lives and is thus considered a salutary, if provisional, religious goal. In the "graduated discourse" (P. ANUPUBBIKATHĀ; S. ANUPuRVIKATHĀ) taught by the Buddha, for example, the Buddha uses the prospect of heavenly rebirth (svargakathā), and the pleasures accruing thereto, as a means of attracting laypersons to the religious life. Despite the many appealing attributes of these heavenly beings, such as their physical beauty, comfortable lives, and long life span, even heavenly existence is ultimately unsatisfactory because it does not offer a definitive escape from the continued cycle of birth and death (saMsāra). Since devas are merely enjoying the rewards of their previous good deeds rather than performing new wholesome karman, they are considered to be stagnating spiritually. This spiritual passivity explains why they must be reborn in lower levels of existence, and especially as human beings, in order to further their cultivation. For these reasons, Buddhist soteriological literature sometimes condemns religious practice performed solely for the goal of achieving rebirth as a deva. It is only certain higher level of devas, such as the devas belonging to the five pure abodes (suddhāvāsa), that are not subject to further rebirth, because they have already eliminated all the fetters (saMyojana) associated with that realm and are destined to achieve arhatship. Nevertheless, over the history of Buddhism, rebirth in heaven as a deva has been a more common goal for religious practice, especially among the laity, than the achievement of nirvāna. ¶ The sutras include frequent reference to "gods and men" (S. devamanusya; C. tianren) as the objects of the Buddha's teachings. Despite the fact that this is how most Buddhist traditions have chosen to translate the Sanskrit compound, "gods" here is probably meant to refer to the terrestrial divinities of "princes" or "kings," rather than heavenly beings; thus, the compound should be more properly (if, perhaps, pedantically) rendered "princes and peoples." Similarly, as the "divinities" of this world, buddhas, bodhisattvas, and arhats are also sometimes referred to as devas. See also DEVALOKA; DEVATĀ.

In financial terms, A :::rebound ::: means a recovery from prior negative activity. For a security, a rebound means that it has moved higher from a lower price. For the general economy, a rebound means that economic activity has increased from lower levels, such as the bounce back following a recession. A recession is defined by economists as two consecutive quarters without economic growth. Recessions are part of the business cycle which consists of expansion, peak, recession, trough and recovery. A rebound from a recession would occur in the recovery stage.

Initiate, initiate: A person who has been introduced to the deeper levels of reality and the mystic/ Technocratic cultures involved in it. Sometimes capitalized when referring to a low-ranking mage.

Inner consciousness and outer ::: There is an inner as well as an oliter consciousness all through our being, upon all its levels.

INNER CONSCIOUSNESS (Divisions) ::: There are five main divisions. At the top above the head arc layers (or as we call them planes) of which we arc not conscious and which become conscious to us only by sadhana — those above the human mind — that is the higher consciousness. Below from the crown of the head to the throat are the layers (there are many of them) of the mind, the three principal being one at the top of the head communicating with the higher consciousness, another between the eye-brows where is the thought, sight and will, a third in the throat which is the externalising mind. A second division is from the shoulders to the navel ; these are the layers of the higher vital presided over by the heart centre where is the emotional being with the psychic behind it. From the navel downwards is the rest of the vital being containing several layers. From the bottom of the spine downward are the layers of the physical consciousness proper, the material, and below the feet is the sub- conscient which has also many levels.

In schemata where there are nine levels of the Brahmā heavens, a ninth nonperceptual heaven [asaMjNika] is added to the list as an eighteenth heaven of the rupadhātu. The last five heavens of the fourth dhyāna level (levels thirteen through seventeen) are collectively designated as the five pure abodes (sUDDHĀVĀSAKĀYIKA), and the divinities residing there are called the suddhāvāsakāyika devas. In some interpretations, the suddhāvāsa are said to be the abode of nonreturners (ANĀGĀMIN), the third of the four types of advanced adepts who are in their final rebirth before achieving arhatship (see ARHAT) and thus need never again be reborn in the sensuous realm. Since nonreturners have removed the first five fetters (SAMYOJANA) associated with the sensuous realm and weakened the latter five, they are "nonreturners" to the sensuous realm and are instead reborn into the pure abodes, whence they will complete their practice and attain enlightenment, entering NIRVĀnA from that abode. The pure abodes therefore serve as a kind of way station for advanced spiritual beings (ĀRYA) in their last lives before final liberation. In the Abhidharmakosabhāsya, the explanation of nonreturners differs: before they reach nirvāna they never take rebirth in the sensuous realm, but they may pass through each of the heavens, or skip one or more heavens, and enter into nirvāna, depending on their aptitude, in any heaven. Furthermore, certain persons with sharp faculties (TĪKsnENDRIYA) even enter nirvāna in the sensuous realm itself. In certain Mahāyāna interpretations, such as in the ABHISAMAYĀLAMKĀRA commentarial tradition, especially in Tibet, the pure abodes are adjacent to the fourth dhyāna, and the akanistha heaven pure abode is considered to be the abode of the enjoyment body (SAMBHOGAKĀYA) of a buddha. According to some accounts, the pure abodes remain empty for several eons (KALPA) when there are no buddhas. ¶ The heavens of the immaterial realm (ārupyadhātu) are comprised of four classes of devas whose existence is entirely mental, no longer requiring a body or even a subtle material foundation for their ethereal states of mind. These heavens are:

Integral Life Practice (ILP) ::: The practice of body, mind, and spirit in self, culture, and nature. The personal expression of the AQAL framework. A modular and scalable approach to personal and professional growth. ILP focuses on tailoring a customized approach to the quadrants, levels, lines, states, or types of one’s own potential.

(Integral) psychograph ::: A representation of the unique constellation of levels and lines (as well as states and types) within an individual. The AQAL matrix as it appears in an individual, with particular reference to the Upper-Left quadrant.

Intellect: (Lat. intellects from intellegere, to understand) The cognitive faculty of the mind as it operates at higher abstract and conceptual levels. -- L.W.

Intellect: The cognitive faculty of the mind as it operates at higher abstract and conceptual levels.

intermediate zone ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The intermediate zone means simply a confused condition or passage in which one is getting out of the personal consciousness and opening into the cosmic (cosmic Mind, cosmic vital, cosmic physical, something perhaps of the cosmic higher Mind) without having yet transcended the human mind levels. One is not in possession of or direct contact with the divine Truth on its own levels , but one can receive something from them, even from the overmind, indirectly. Only, as one is still immersed in the cosmic Ignorance, all that comes from above can be mixed, perverted, taken hold of for their purposes by lower, even by hostile Powers. ::: It is not necessary for everyone to struggle through the intermediate zone. If one has purified oneself, if there is no abnormal vanity, egoism, ambition or other strong misleading element, or if one is vigilant and on one"s guard, or if the psychic is in front, one can either pass rapidly and directly or with a minimum of trouble into the higher zones of consciousness where one is in direct contact with the Divine Truth.

Intermediate Zone ::: The intermediate zone means simply a confused condition or passage in which one is getting out of the personal consciousness and opening into the cosmic (cosmic Mind, cosmic vital, cosmic physical, something perhaps of the cosmic higherMind) without having yet transcended the human mind levels. One is not in possession of or direct contact with the divine Truth on its own levels, but one can receive something from them, even from the Overmind, indirectly. Only, as one is still immersed in the cosmic Ignorance, all that comes from above can be mixed, perverted, taken hold of for their purposes by lower, even by hostile Powers.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 35, Page: 118

Interperiod tax allocation - Refers to the process of apportioning the correct levels of income taxes to the correct accounting periods.

intuitivity ::: (in 1919-20) a term for intuitive mind (also called intuivity), used especially with reference to three levels ("mechanical","pragmatic" and "truth-reflecting") regarded as higher counterparts of levels of the intellectual reason; (in April 1927) apparently the same as gnostic intuition, the first degree of supramental gnosis.

*It is from the Overmind that all these different arrangements of the creative Truth of things originate. Out of the Overmind they come down to the Intuition and are transmitted from it to the Illumined and higher Mind to be arranged there for our intelligence. But they lose more and more of their power and certitude in the transmission as they come down to the lower levels. What energy of directly perceived Truth they have is lost in the human mind; for to the human intellect they present themselves only as speculative ideas, not as realised Truth, not as direct sight, a dynamic vision coupled with a concrete undeniable experience.
   Ref: CWSA Vol.28, Letters on Yoga-I, Page: 155

Jhumur: “Law is capital, it has to be! It is a very powerful dominating force, a force of resistance, a force of refusal, whatever in us denies the acceptance of light. If this law were not there then there would be an immediate rising into the light and there would be perhaps no play of the manifestation. For a long time there was a kind of a backward pull for each forward attempt so that you would have to work your way up from below and these lower levels have their very strong demands or pulls to resist. Slowly you have to take up all these movements and rise, otherwise the spirit would have risen really without any restriction and that would not have been what the divine intention was, to manifest here in the inconscient, the Divine.”

Jhumur: “These are not just images and not just there for effect. They represent certain movements in the being, certain forces that are universal, independent. It is not one man who suffers. At a certain level of existence these experiences are universal. There are forces that are at work on these levels, forces that really prey on man, really hound him in that sense. You can’t seem to escape them. When one is semi-conscious or lives as we do in an in-between state, not knowing exactly which is your direction, you have this force really at your heels, pushing you sometimes into suffering, into death. You feel that you have been deserted. Sometimes there is a notion of karma, at other times you feel that it is some force that is pushing you. These are universal forces in the field of life, in the field of the subconscient, in the unconsciousness. On these levels they are not images they are powers which Sri Aurobindo has given a certain shape, form, image.”

jiaoxiang panshi. (J. kyoso hanjaku; K. kyosang p'ansok 教相判釋). In Chinese, lit., "classification and interpretation of the characteristics of the doctrine"; also known as jiaopan or PANJIAO (tenet classification). Tenet classification was a fundamental exegetical practice in East Asian Buddhism, in which scriptures or Buddhist teachings were ranked in order of their supposed relative profundity. The practice flourished in East Asia, especially during the fifth, sixth, and seventh centuries. As more translations of Buddhist texts became available in East Asia, indigenous exegetes struggled with the question of why this plethora of scriptural material, all of which purported to have been spoken by the Buddha himself, offered such differing presentations of Buddhist thought and practice. Drawing on the notion of UPĀYA, or skill in means, exegetes began to reflect on the context and intent of the different Buddhist scriptures that were now available to them. The origin of scriptures and their teachings were analyzed and evaluated comparatively; after which the texts were organized in a hierarchical or, in some cases, chronological, order. Different exegetical traditions adopted different classification criteria. The TIANTAI ZONG, for example, based its classification schema on the different (chronological) stages of the Buddha's teaching career, the content of those teachings, and the varying methods he used in preaching to his audience (see WUSHI BAJIAO). The HUAYAN ZONG, following the lead of FAZANG and CHENGGUAN, divided scriptures into five levels based on the profundity of their respective teachings: HĪNAYĀNA (viz., the ĀGAMAs), elementary MAHĀYĀNA (viz., YOGĀCĀRA and MADHYAMAKA), advanced Mahāyāna (SADDHARMAPUndARĪKASuTRA), sudden teachings (typically CHAN), and perfect teachings (AVATAMSAKASuTRA). Most exegetes placed the central scripture of their schools at the apex of their classificatory hierarchy, thereby using the tenet-classification system as a polemical tool to demonstrate the superiority of their own traditions. See also SIDDHĀNTA.

Jingdu sanmei jing. (J. Jodo sanmaikyo; K. Chongdo sammae kyong 淨度三昧經). In Chinese, "SAMĀDHI-SuTRA on Liberation through Purification," sometimes also known as the Jingtu sanmei jing ("Samādhi-Sutra on the PURE LAND") and other variations; allegedly translated by Tanyao during the Northern Wei period (386-557) but suspected of being an indigenous Chinese scripture (see APOCRYPHA), perhaps composed in order to assist in the revival of Buddhism following the persecution (FANAN) that occurred from 446 to 452. This sanmei jing offers a detailed account of the thirty separate levels of the hells and the incumbent punishments meted out there. In order to avoid the torments of the hells and to secure the protection of guardian deities, promote long life, and ensure rebirth in the heavens, the scripture describes the merits that accrue to laypeople who observe the five precepts (PANCAsĪLA) and perform the "eight-restrictions feast" (BAGUAN ZHAI) on specific Chinese seasonal days, thus betraying its Chinese provenance. The scripture was discovered in both the DUNHUANG manuscript cache and in Japan manuscript collections.

jNānadarsana. (P. Nānadassana; T. ye shes mthong ba; C. zhijian; J. chiken; K. chigyon 知見). In Sanskrit, "knowledge and vision"; the direct insight into the reality of the three marks of existence (TRILAKsAnA)-impermanence (ANITYA), suffering (DUḤKHA), and nonself/insubstantiality (ANĀTMAN)-and one of the qualities perfected on the path leading to the stage of a worthy one (ARHAT). The term often appears in a stock description of the transition from the meditative absorption that is experienced during the four levels of DHYĀNA to the insight generated through wisdom (PRAJNĀ): after suffusing one's mind with concentration, purity, malleability, and imperturbability, the meditator directs his or her attention to "knowledge and vision." In this vision of truth, the meditator then recognizes that the self (ĀTMAN) is but the conjunction of a physical body constructed from the four great elements (MAHĀBHuTA) and a mentality (VIJNĀNA, CITTA) that is bound to and dependent upon that physical body (see NĀMARuPA). Letting go of attachment to body and mind, the meditator finally gains the knowledge that he is no longer subject to rebirth and becomes an arhat. The Pāli abhidhamma includes "knowledge and vision" within the last three types of purifications of practice (P. visuddhi; S. VIsUDDHI): the fifth "purification of the knowledge and vision of what constitutes the path" (P. MAGGĀMAGGANĀnADASSANAVISUDDHI), the sixth "purification of the knowledge and vision of the method of salvation" (P. PAtIPADĀNĀnADASSANAVISUDDHI), and finally the seventh "purification of knowledge and vision" itself (P. NĀnADASSANAVISUDDHI), which constitutes the pure wisdom that derives from the experience of enlightenment. In the MAHĀYĀNA, the perfection of knowledge and vision (jNānadarsanapāramitā) is also said to be an alternate name for the perfection of wisdom (PRAJNĀPĀRAMITĀ), one of the six or ten perfections (PĀRAMITĀ) of the BODHISATTVA path.

Joliet ::: (standard, storage) An extension of the ISO 9660:1988 ISO standard file system for CD-ROMs that allows Unicode characters in file names and other enhancements. Version 1 of Joliet was released on 1995-05-22.Joiliet supports file and directory names up to 128 bytes (64 unicode characters) long, directory names with file name extensions, a directory hierarchy deeper than 8 levels and the volume recognition sequence supports multisession.Joliet uses ISO 9660's supplementary volume descriptor (SVD) to specify Unicode files. Use of the previously unused escape sequence ISO 2022 means that Joliet is backward compatible with ISO 9660.. .(2006-09-25)

Joliet "standard, storage" An extension of the {ISO 9660:1988} {ISO} {standard} {file system} for {CD-ROMs} that allows {Unicode} characters in file names and other enhancements. Version 1 of Joliet was released on 1995-05-22. Joiliet supports file and directory names up to 128 bytes (64 unicode characters) long, directory names with file name extensions, a directory hierarchy deeper than 8 levels and the {volume recognition sequence} supports {multisession}. Joliet uses ISO 9660's "supplementary volume descriptor" (SVD) to specify Unicode files. Use of the previously unused escape sequence ISO 2022 means that Joliet is {backward compatible} with ISO 9660.. {(}. (2006-09-25)

Kabbalah ::: Also "Qabala" and "Kabala". Here we refer to Hermetic Kabbalah although this system has its roots in the Jewish mystical tradition. Kabbalah is a map that describes reality through a process of causal emanation. It describes how consciousness emerges and takes on the variety of expressions of the manifest Universe through force/form dynamics at multiple levels of Itself. See Sephirah.

kāmadhātu. (T. 'dod khams; C. yujie; J. yokukai; K. yokkye 欲界). In Sanskrit and Pāli, "sensuous realm" or "desire realm"; the lowest of the three realms of existence, so named because the beings there are attached to pleasures derived from the five sense organs (INDRIYA). The dominant force among beings born into this realm is therefore sensuality (KĀMA), and especially the sex drive. The sensuous realm includes the following six rebirth destinies (GATI), in ascending order: denizens of hell (NĀRAKA), hungry ghosts (PRETA), animals (TIRYAK), humans (MANUsYA), demigods (ASURA), and six levels of sensuous-realm divinities (DEVA). Rebirth in the sensuous realm is the result of past performance of either predominantly unwholesome deeds (in the case of hell denizens, hungry ghosts, animals, and demigods), a mix of unwholesome and wholesome deeds (as with human beings), or predominantly wholesome deeds (the divinities). The beings in the sensuous realm all have a coarser physical constituent. Above the kāmadhātu are the realm of subtle materiality (RuPADHĀTU) and the realm of immateriality (ĀRuPYADHĀTU), where sensuality exerts only minimal sway over its beings. The kāmadhātu may also be designated as a world (LOKA), worldly realm (LOKADHĀTU), or "sphere"/"domain" (AVACARA).

Kedushah [&

Ketuvim, the books of Ezra and Nehemiah are considered one book, as are the two books of Chronicles). The Bible is therefore known in Hebrew as the Tanach, the abbreviation formed by the first letters of the names of these three sections.All the books of the Bible are authored by G-d, though transmitted through prophecy via the souls of the various prophets, who are known as the &

Kundalini, Kundalini-sakti (Sanskrit) Kuṇḍalinī, Kuṇḍalinī-śakti [from kuṇḍalinī circular, spiral + śakti power, force] The circular power; one of the mystic, recondite powers in the human constitution. It “is called the ‘Serpentine’ or the annular power on account of its spiral-like working or progress in the body of the ascetic developing the power in himself. It is an electric fiery occult or Fohatic power, the great pristine force, which underlies all organic and inorganic matter”; “it is Buddhi considered as an active instead of a passive principle (which it is generally, when regarded only as the vehicle, or casket of the Supreme Spirit Atma). It is an electro-spiritual force, a creative power which when aroused into action can as easily kill as it can create” (VS 77-8, 76-7). Kundalini works in and through the human auric egg on all levels: “In its higher aspect Kundalini is a power or force following winding or circular pathways carrying or conveying thought and force originating in the Higher Triad. Abstractly, in the case of man it is of course one of the fundamental energies or qualities of the Pranas. Unskilled or unwise attempts to interfere with its normal working in the human body may readily result in insanity or malignant or enfeebling disease” (OG 83).

Lam rim chen mo. In Tibetan, "Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path"; the abbreviated title for one of the best-known works on Buddhist thought and practice in Tibet, composed by the Tibetan luminary TSONG KHA PA BLO BZANG GRAGS PA in 1402 at the central Tibetan monastery of RWA SGRENG. A lengthy treatise belonging to the LAM RIM, or stages of the path, genre of Tibetan Buddhist literature, the LAM RIN CHEN MO takes its inspiration from numerous earlier writings, most notably the BODHIPATHAPRADĪPA ("Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment") by the eleventh-century Bengali master ATIsA DĪPAMKARAsRĪJNĀNA. It is the most extensive treatment of three principal stages that Tsong kha pa composed. The others include (1) the LAM RIM CHUNG BA ("Short Treatise on the Stages of the Path"), also called the Lam rim 'bring ba ("Intermediate Treatise on the States of the Path") and (2) the LAM RIM BSDUS DON ("Concise Meaning of the Stages of the Path"), occasionally also referred to as the Lam rim chung ngu ("Brief Stages of the Path"). The latter text, which records Tsong kha pa's own realization of the path in verse form, is also referred to as the Lam rim nyams mgur ma ("Song of Experience of the Stages of the Path"). The LAM RIM CHEN MO is a highly detailed and often technical treatise presenting a comprehensive and synthetic overview of the path to buddhahood. It draws, often at length, upon a wide range of scriptural sources including the SuTRA and sĀSTRA literature of both the HĪNAYĀNA and MAHĀYĀNA; Tsong kha pa treats tantric practice in a separate work. The text is organized under the rubric of the three levels of spiritual predilection, personified as "the three individuals" (skyes bu gsum): the beings of small capacity, who engage in religious practice in order to gain a favorable rebirth in their next lifetime; the beings of intermediate capacity, who seek liberation from rebirth for themselves as an ARHAT; and the beings of great capacity, who seek to liberate all beings in the universe from suffering and thus follow the bodhisattva path to buddhahood. Tsong kha pa's text does not lay out all the practices of these three types of persons but rather those practices essential to the bodhisattva path that are held in common by persons of small and intermediate capacity, such as the practice of refuge (sARAnA) and contemplation of the uncertainty of the time of death. The text includes extended discussions of topics such as relying on a spiritual master, the development of BODHICITTA, and the six perfections (PĀRAMITĀ). The last section of the text, sometimes regarded as a separate work, deals at length with the nature of serenity (sAMATHA) and insight (VIPAsYANĀ); Tsong kha pa's discussion of insight here represents one of his most important expositions of emptiness (suNYATĀ). Primarily devoted to exoteric Mahāyāna doctrine, the text concludes with a brief reference to VAJRAYĀNA and the practice of tantra, a subject discussed at length by Tsong kha pa in a separate work, the SNGAGS RIM CHEN MO ("Stages of the Path of Mantra"). The Lam rim chen mo's full title is Skyes bu gsum gyi rnyams su blang ba'i rim pa thams cad tshang bar ston pa'i byang chub lam gyi rim pa.

lam rim. In Tibetan, "stages of the path"; a common abbreviation for byang chub lam gyi rim pa (jangchup lamkyi rimpa), or "stages of the path to enlightenment," a broad methodological framework for the study and practice of the complete Buddhist path to awakening, as well as the name for a major genre of Tibetan literature describing that path. It is closely allied to the genre known as BSTAN RIM, or "stages of the doctrine." The initial inspiration for the instructions of this system is usually attributed to the Bengali master ATIsA DĪPAMKARAsRĪJNĀNA, whose BODHIPATHAPRADĪPA ("Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment") became a model for numerous later stages of the path texts. The system presents a graduated and comprehensive approach to studying the central tenets of MAHĀYĀNA Buddhist thought and is often organized around a presentation of the three levels of spiritual predilection, personified as "three individuals" (skyes bu gsum): lesser, intermediate, and superior. The stages gradually lead the student from the lowest level of seeking merely to obtain a better rebirth, through the intermediate level of wishing for one's own individual liberation, and finally to adopting the MAHĀYĀNA outlook of the "superior individual," viz., aspiring to attain buddhahood in order to benefit all living beings. The approach is most often grounded in the teachings of the sutra and usually concludes with a brief overview of TANTRA. Although usually associated with the DGE LUGS sect, stages of the path literature is found within all the major sects of Tibetan Buddhism. One common Dge lugs tradition identifies eight major stages of the path treatises:

Level: A grade or type of existence or being which entails a special type of relatedness or of organization, with distinctive laws. The term has been used primarily in connection with theories of emergent evolution where certain so-called higher levels, e.g. life, or mind, are supposed to have emerged from the lower levels, e.g. matter, and are considered to exhibit features of novelty not predictable from the lower levels. -- A.C.B.

Level: A grade or type of existence or being which entails a special type of relatedness or of organization, with distinctive laws. The term has been used primarily in connection with theories of emergent evolution where certain so-called higher levels, e.g. life, or mind, are supposed to have emerged from the lower levels, e.g. matter, and are considered to exhibit features of novelty not predictable from the lower levels.

leveler ::: n. --> One who, or that which, levels.

One who would remove social inequalities or distinctions; a socialist.

levels ::: A level is a general measure of higher and lower. While the terms “structures,” “stages,” and “waves” are sometimes loosely used to refer to “levels,” each term has their own important nuances. Any specific level has an actual structure. Levels tend to unfold in a sequence and thus progress through stages. Finally, levels are not rigidly separated from each other but are rather fluid and overlapping waves. In short, levels are abstract measures that represent fluid yet qualitatively distinct classes of recurrent patterns within developmental lines. Some examples include egocentric, ethnocentric, worldcentric, planetcentric, and Kosmocentric.

levels of processing theory: Craik and Lockhart's theory that the 'deeper' information is processed, the more likely it is to be retained in memory.

LIFE VIEW The life view concerns the consciousness aspect of existence and is the sum total of man's attitude to life, to its meaning and goal, and his view of mankind and man&

light adaptation: the process by which the eye adjusts to increasing levels of light intensity, whereby the pupil shrinks and cones function to aid the adjustment.

lines ::: Relatively independent streams or capacities that proceed through levels of development. Howard Gardner’s theory of Multiple Intelligences is one example of the study of developmental lines. There is evidence for over a dozen developmental lines, including cognitive, moral, self-identity, aesthetic, kinesthetic, linguistic, musical, and mathematical. Integral Theory generally classifies these lines according to one of three types: cognitive lines (as studied by Jean Piaget, Robert Kegan, Kurt Fischer, etc.); selfrelated lines (e.g., morals, self-identity, needs, etc.); and capacities or talents (e.g., musical capacity, kinesthetic capacity, introspective capacity). Cognitive development is necessary but not sufficient for development in the self-related lines and appears to be necessary for most of the capacities.

logistic ideality ::: the plane of luminous reason, the lowest of the three planes of ideality; its essence is smr.ti (intuition and discrimination, the latter often regarded as inherent in the former) and it has three levels ... with three or more forms of each, based on various combinations of intuition with inspiration and revelation, the higher faculties of jñana. On each successive level, "the lower first calls down into itself and is then taken up into the higher, so that on each level all the three elevations are reproduced, but always there predominates in the thought essence the character that belongs to that level"s proper form of consciousness". The logistic ideality of 1919-20 may be correlated with the "intuitive" level of higher mind in the diagram on page 1(c. 1931).

Macroeconomics ::: is a branch of the economics that studies how the aggregate economy behaves. In macroeconomics, a variety of economy-wide phenomena is thoroughly examined such as inflation, price levels, rate of growth, national income, gross domestic product (GDP) and changes in unemployment.

Madhav: “This creation is an ordered manifestation of the Divine. There is a central Will, expressing the originating Truth-vision, impelling the whole movement. But also there are special emanations from the Divine charged with specific tasks in the organisation and maintenance of the emerging creation. These are the gods and goddesses, deities, Powers and Personalities that are in charge of their respective domains, on different levels of existence. Each world has its own guardians entrusted by the Supreme Creative Spirit with the work of building and furthering the manifestation of the particular Truth-principle that pushes for expression in that world-formula.” Readings in Savitri Vol. I.

Mahāparinibbānasuttanta. (S. MAHĀPARINIRVĀnASuTRA; C. Youxing jing/Da banniepan jing; J. Yugyokyo/Daihatsunehangyo; K. Yuhaeng kyong/Tae panyolban kyong 遊行經/大般涅槃經). In Pāli, the "Discourse on the Great Decease" or the "Great Discourse on the Final Nirvāna"; the sixteenth sutta of the Pāli DĪGHANIKĀYA and longest discourse in the Pāli canon. (There were also either Sanskrit or Middle Indic recensions of this mainstream Buddhist version of the scripture, which should be distinguished from the longer MAHĀYĀNA recension of the scripture that bears the same title; see MAHĀPARINIRVĀnASuTRA.) There are six different Chinese translations of this mainstream version of the text, including a DHARMAGUPTAKA recension in the Chinese translation of the DĪRGHĀGAMA and an independent translation in three rolls by FAXIAN. This scripture recounts in six chapters the last year of Buddha's life, his passage into PARINIRVĀnA, and his cremation. In the text, the Buddha and ĀNANDA travel from Rājagaha (S. RĀJAGṚHA) to Kusināra (S. KUsINAGARĪ) in fourteen stages, meeting with different audiences to whom the Buddha gives a variety of teachings. The narrative contains numerous sermons on such subjects as statecraft, the unity of the SAMGHA, morality, the FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS, and the four great authorities (MAHĀPADEsA) for determining the authenticity of Buddhist doctrines following the Buddha's demise. The Buddha crosses a river using his magical powers and describes to the distraught where their deceased loved ones have been reborn. Becoming progressively more ill, the Buddha decides to spend his final rains retreat (P. vassa; S. VARsĀ) with Ānanda meditating in the forest near VEnUGRĀMAKA, using his powers of deep concentration to hold his disease in check. He is eighty years old and describes his body as being like an old cart held together by straps. When the Buddha expresses his wish to address the saMgha, Ānanda assumes that there is a teaching that the Buddha has not yet taught. The Buddha replies that he was not one who taught with a "teacher's fist" (P. ācariyamutthi) or "closed fist," holding back some secret teaching, but that he has in fact already revealed everything. The Buddha also says that he is not the head of the saMgha and that after his death each monk should "be an island unto himself" with the DHARMA as his island (P. dīpa; S. dvīpa) and his refuge. ¶ While meditating at the CĀPĀLACAITYA, the Buddha mentions to Ānanda three times that a TATHĀGATA has the power to live for an eon or until the end of an eon. (The Pāli commentaries take "eon" here to mean "his full allotted lifespan," not a cosmological period.) Ānanda, however, misses the hint and does not ask him to do so. MĀRA then appears to remind the Buddha of what he told him at the time of his enlightenment: that he would not enter nibbāna (NIRVĀnA) until he had trained monks and disciples who were able to teach the dhamma (S. DHARMA). Māra tells the Buddha that that task has now been accomplished, and the Buddha eventually agrees, "consciously and deliberately" renouncing his remaining lifespan and informing Māra that he will pass away in three months' time. The earth then quakes, causing the Buddha to explain to Ānanda the eight reasons for an earthquake, one of which is that a tathāgata has renounced his life force. It is only at that point that Ānanda implores the Buddha to remain until the end of the eon, but the Buddha tells him that the appropriate time for his request has passed, and recalls fifteen occasions on which he had told Ānanda of this remarkable power and how each time Ānanda had failed to ask him to exercise it. The Buddha then explains to a group of monks the four great authorities (MAHĀPADEsA), the means of determining the authenticity of a particular doctrine after the Buddha has died and is no longer available to arbitrate. He then receives his last meal from the smith CUNDA. The dish that the Buddha requests is called SuKARAMADDAVA, lit., "pig's delight." There has been a great deal of scholarly discussion on the meaning of this term, centering upon whether it is a pork dish, such as mincemeat, or something eaten by pigs, such as truffles or mushrooms. At the meal, the Buddha announces that he alone should be served the dish and what was left over should be buried, for none but a buddha could survive eating it. Shortly after finishing the dish, the Buddha is afflicted with the dysentery from which he would eventually die. The Buddha then converts a layman named Pukkusa, who offers him gold robes. Ānanda notices that the color of the robes pales next to the Buddha's skin, and the Buddha informs him that the skin of the Buddha is particularly bright on two occasions, the night when he achieves enlightenment and the night that he passes away. Proceeding to the outskirts of the town of Kusinagarī, the Buddha lies down on his right side between twin sāla (S. sĀLA) trees, which immediately bloom out of season. Shortly before dying, the Buddha instructs Ānanda to visit Cunda and reassure him that no blame has accrued to him; rather, he should rejoice at the great merit he has earned for having given the Buddha his last meal. Monks and divinities assemble to pay their last respects to the Buddha. When Ānanda asks how monks can pay respect to the Buddha after he has passed away, the Buddha explains that monks, nuns, and laypeople should visit four major places (MAHĀSTHĀNA) of pilgrimage: the site of his birth at LUMBINĪ, his enlightenment at BODHGAYĀ, his first teaching at ṚsIPATANA (SĀRNĀTH), and his PARINIRVĀnA at Kusinagarī. Anyone who dies while on pilgrimage to one of these four places, the Buddha says, will be reborn in the heavens. Scholars have taken these instructions as a sign of the relatively late date of this sutta (or at least this portion of it), arguing that this admonition by the Buddha is added to promote pilgrimage to four already well-established shrines. The Buddha instructs the monks to cremate his body in the fashion of a CAKRAVARTIN. He says that his remains (sARĪRA) should be enshrined in a STuPA to which the faithful should offer flowers and perfumes in order to gain happiness in the future. The Buddha then comforts Ānanda, telling him that all things must pass away and praising him for his devotion, predicting that he will soon become an ARHAT. When Ānanda laments the fact that the Buddha will pass away at such a "little mud-walled town, a backwoods town, a branch township," rather than a great city, the Buddha disabuses him of this notion, telling him that Kusinagarī had previously been the magnificent capital of an earlier cakravartin king named Sudarsana (P. Sudassana). The wanderer SUBHADRA (P. Subhadda) then becomes the last person to be ordained by the Buddha. When Ānanda laments that the monks will soon have no teacher, the Buddha explains that henceforth the dharma and the VINAYA will be their teacher. As his last disciplinary act before he dies, the Buddha orders that the penalty of brahmadanda (lit. the "holy rod") be passed on CHANDAKA (P. Channa), his former charioteer, which requires that he be completely shunned by his fellow monks. Then, asking three times whether any of the five hundred monks present has a final question, and hearing none, the Buddha speaks his last words, "All conditioned things are subject to decay. Strive with diligence." The Buddha's mind then passed into the first stage of meditative absorption (P. JHĀNA; S. DHYĀNA) and then in succession through the other three levels of the subtle-materiality realm (RuPADHĀTU) and then through the four levels of the immaterial realm (ĀRuPYADHĀTU). He then passed back down through the same eight levels to the first absorption, then back up to the fourth absorption, and then passed away, at which point the earth quaked. Seven days later, his body was prepared for cremation. However, the funeral pyre could not be ignited until the arrival of MAHĀKĀsYAPA (P. Mahākassapa), who had been away at the time of the Buddha's death. After he arrived and paid his respects, the funeral pyre ignited spontaneously. The relics (sARĪRA) of the Buddha remaining after the cremation were taken by the Mallas of Kusinagarī, but seven other groups of the Buddha's former patrons also came to claim the relics. The brāhmana DROnA (P. Dona) was called upon to decide the proper procedure for apportioning the relics. Drona divided the relics into eight parts that the disputing kings could carry back to their home kingdoms for veneration. Drona kept for himself the urn he used to apportion the relics; a ninth person was given the ashes from the funeral pyre. These ten (the eight portions of relics, the urn, and the ashes) were each then enshrined in stupas. At this point the scripture's narrative ends. A similar account, although with significant variations, appears in Sanskrit recensions of the Mahāparinirvānasutra.

mahāsiddha. (T. grub thob chen po; C. dasheng; J. daisho; K. taesong 大聖). In Sanskrit, "great adept"; an epithet of a tantric YOGIN, used especially to refer to any one of a group of Indian tantric masters (in some renditions, numbering eighty or eighty-four; see "List of Lists"). These yogins, many of whom were historical figures (dating from between the seventh and twelfth centuries CE), were famous in India and Tibet and appear frequently in both hagiography and iconography. The most famous collection of hagiographies is the *CATURAsĪTISIDDHAPRAVṚTTI by Abhayadatta. Just as the ARHAT is the ideal of mainstream Buddhism and the BODHISATTVA the ideal of the MAHĀYĀNA, the MAHĀSIDDHA is the ideal of Buddhist TANTRA in India. Although many of the hagiographies of the mahāsiddhas tell stories of princes who, like the Buddha, renounced the world, others tell of enlightened masters who are neither virtuous monks nor gentle bodhisattvas but are instead drawn from the most ignoble levels of Indian society: butchers, hunters, fishermen, blacksmiths, leathersmiths, pimps; i.e., those involved in professions that were considered to be sources of pollution. If this were not enough, they also engage in activities that break taboos: they eat meat, they meditate sitting on top of corpses, they copulate with low-caste girls. If the power of the monk derives from the purity he acquires through abstaining from the things that laymen do, the power of the tantric yogin derives from his transgression of purity, engaging in acts that both violate monastic vows as well as the prescriptions regarding purity and pollution of traditional Indian society. The mahāsiddhas also perform prodigious magical feats, such as flying through the air, turning base metals into gold, diving into the earth, and restoring amputated limbs. They are regarded as enlightened beings, using what is prohibited on the path, and transforming acts that would send others to hell into the deeds of a buddha. It is unclear how many of the mahāsiddhas were historical figures, and the accounts of their deeds are obviously rich in mythological detail. Their stories are replete with what we might regard as miracles, the performance of which the Buddha was said to have discouraged. On a philosophical level, such miracles demonstrate that those who have insight into the true nature of reality are not bound by rules, their transgression of the conventions of society signifying their transcendence of the laws of nature. Those who understand the true nature of the world can manipulate it, unbound by the laws of either gravity or KARMAN. The stories of the mahāsiddhas also demonstrate the persistence of the worldly in the history of Buddhism. Tantric practice is said to produce two types of powers, called SIDDHIs. There are mundane (LAUKIKA) siddhis, such as the ability to turn base metals into gold, to find buried treasure, to gain the love of a woman, to curse an enemy, to paralyze an invading army, or to stop the sun from moving across the sky. These contrast with the supramundane (LOKOTTARA) siddhis of buddhahood. Much of the tantric literature that survives is designed to provide mundane siddhis, generally divided into four categories of deeds (CATURKARMAN): pacifying, increasing, controlling, and wrathful.

Management Information System "application" (MIS) A computer system, usually based on a {mainframe} or {minicomputer}, designed to provide management personnel with up-to-date information on an organisation's performance, e.g. inventory and sales. These systems output information in a form that is useable by managers at all levels of the organisation: strategic, tactical, and operational. A good example of an MIS report is an annual report for a stockholder (a scheduled report). [Que's Computer User's Dictionary Second Edition, 1992]. (2001-04-01)

manaskāra. [alt. manasikāra] (P. manasikāra; T. yid la byed pa; C. zuoyi; J. sai; K. chagŭi 作意). In Sanskrit, "mental engagement," or "attention"; a general term for mental activity, concentration, or attention, with at least two technical senses: as one of the five omnipresent (SARVATRAGA) or seven universal (P. sabbacittasādhārana) mental concomitants (CAITTA), it is the factor that directs the mind to a specific object; in the process of developing calmness or serenity (sAMATHA), there are four levels of increasingly powerful and continuous mental engagement with the object of concentration. See also AYONIsOMANASKĀRA.

manas. ::: mind; reason; mentality; the middle levels of mind which exist as or include the mental body &

Manchester encoding ::: (communications, protocol) A method of transmitting bits which enables the receiver to easily synchronise with the sender.A simple way of signalling bits might be to transmit a high voltage for some period for a 1-bit and a low voltage for a 0 bit: Bits Sent: 1 1 0 0 no information to the receiver about when each bit starts and stops.Manchester encoding splits each bit period into two, and ensures that there is always a transition between the signal levels in the middle of each bit. This allows the receiver to synchronise with the sender.In normal Manchester encoding, a 1-bit is transmitted with a high voltage in the first period, and a low voltage in the second, and vice verse for the 0 bit: Bits Sent: 1 1 0 0 a zero bit is indicated by a transition at the beginning of the bit.Like normal Manchester encoding, there is always a transition in the middle of the transmission of the bit. Differential Manchester Encoding when using either of the Manchester encoding schemes. (1995-11-23)

Manchester encoding "communications, protocol" A method of transmitting bits which enables the receiver to easily synchronise with the sender. A simple way of signalling bits might be to transmit a high voltage for some period for a 1-bit and a low voltage for a 0 bit: Bits Sent:       1   1   0   0 Signal:   High  ___________    Low        |___________ Time: -"      .   .   .   .   . However, when several identical bits are sent in succession, this provides no information to the receiver about when each bit starts and stops. Manchester encoding splits each bit period into two, and ensures that there is always a transition between the signal levels in the middle of each bit. This allows the receiver to synchronise with the sender. In normal Manchester encoding, a 1-bit is transmitted with a high voltage in the first period, and a low voltage in the second, and vice verse for the 0 bit: Bits Sent:       1   1   0   0 Signal:   High  __  __   __  __    Low   |__| |_____| |__| Time: -"      . ' . ' . ' . ' . In Differential Manchester encoding, a 1-bit is indicated by making the first half of the signal equal to the last half of the previous bit's signal and a 0-bit is indicated by making the first half of the signal opposite to the last half of the previous bit's signal. That is, a zero bit is indicated by a transition at the beginning of the bit. Like normal Manchester encoding, there is always a transition in the middle of the transmission of the bit.    Differential Manchester Encoding Bits Sent:      1   1  0   0 Signal:   High ____   __  __  __    Low   |_____| |__| |__| Time: -"      . ' . ' . ' . ' . With each bit period half as long, twice as much {bandwidth} is required when using either of the Manchester encoding schemes. (1995-11-23)

Mandelbrot set ::: (mathematics, graphics) (After its discoverer, Benoit Mandelbrot) The set of all complex numbers c such that | z[N] | 2 for arbitrarily large values of N, where z[0] = 0 z[n+1] = z[n]^2 + c infinite). These points are traditionally coloured black.The Mandelbrot set is the best known example of a fractal - it includes smaller versions of itself which can be explored to arbitrary levels of detail. . (1995-02-08)

Mandelbrot set ::: (mathematics, graphics) (After its discoverer, Benoit Mandelbrot) The set of all complex numbers c such that | z[N] | 2 for arbitrarily large values of N, where z[0] = 0z[n+1] = z[n]^2 + c infinite). These points are traditionally coloured black.The Mandelbrot set is the best known example of a fractal - it includes smaller versions of itself which can be explored to arbitrary levels of detail. . (1995-02-08)

Mandelbrot set "mathematics, graphics" (After its discoverer, {Benoit Mandelbrot}) The set of all {complex numbers} c such that | z[N] | " 2 for arbitrarily large values of N, where z[0] = 0 z[n+1] = z[n]^2 + c The Mandelbrot set is usually displayed as an {Argand diagram}, giving each point a colour which depends on the largest N for which | z[N] | " 2, up to some maximum N which is used for the points in the set (for which N is infinite). These points are traditionally coloured black. The Mandelbrot set is the best known example of a {fractal} - it includes smaller versions of itself which can be explored to arbitrary levels of detail. {The Fractal Microscope (}. (1995-02-08)

marana. (T. 'chi ba; C. si; J. shi; K. sa 死). In Sanskrit and Pāli, "death." In ordinary parlance, death refers to the cessation of a living being's vital signs, marking the end of a single lifetime. This fact was apparently unknown to Prince SIDDHĀRTHA, such that his observation of a dead body during an excursion outside his palace served as one of the four signs or sights (CATURNIMITTA) that led him to renounce the world and seek a state beyond death. Death is common theme throughout Buddhist literature. Birth, aging, sickness, and death are often listed as four faults of SAMSĀRA. The gods MĀRA and YAMA are closely associated with death. Throughout the Buddhist world, all manner of rituals are performed to forestall death, and there are numerous instructions on how to face death. Because death is certain to come, but its precise time is unknown, there are constant reminders to be prepared for death at any moment. Because the friends and possessions accumulated in this life cannot be taken to the next life, it is said that nothing is of benefit at the time of death except the dharma. The signs portending death in various levels of existence and the physical and psychological process of dying are described in detail in Buddhist literature. After death has occurred, rituals are typically performed to guide the consciousness of the deceased to rebirth in an auspicious realm. Together with "old age" or "senescence" (JARĀ), death constitutes the twelfth and final link in the cycle of dependent origination (PRATĪTYASAMUTPĀDA). From a philosophical perspective, death is also viewed as occurring constantly with the passage of each momentary combination of mind and matter (NĀMARuPA) or the five aggregates (SKANDHA). Viewed from this perspective, an individual dies (and is reborn) moment after moment (see KsAnIKAVĀDA), physical death being merely the final specific instance thereof. The passing away of an enlightened person is described as a special kind of death, insofar as the conditions for future existence have been eliminated in that individual and as a consequence there will be no more rebirth for that person.

Measuring_Principle ::: In techincal analysis, An intangible principle for finding mininum security price targets for traders. The measuring principle uses technical analysis to analyze chart patterns to detect stock levels that, if broken, could lead to a small down leg. More specifically, it allows traders to set a reasonable minimum price target on a stock by weighing the movements of the stock chart pattern against each other.

MEDITATION By meditating daily on desirable qualities man can acquire these in any percentage whatever. He will free himself of undesirable qualities by not attending to them and by meditating on their opposites. He will attain higher levels by meditating on the qualities of these higher levels. Without meditation, development is so slow that even after a hundred incarnations there is scarcely any noticeable progress. K 7.23.2

Medium Anything that serves as an intermediate, especially applied by modern spiritualists to a person who, alleged to be under the “control” of some other being, usually invisible, becomes a transmitting medium for phenomenal messages, feelings, or actions. These entities, mistakenly called spirits of the dead, are no part of the spiritual nature of composite man. On the contrary, these communications come from various entities in the astral world which interpenetrates and surrounds the physical earth, just as our astral model-body and aura surround and interpenetrate our physical form, cell for cell. In our present state of evolution, the astral or model-body acts normally only when conjoined to the physical — a natural provision for protection from conditions with which we are as yet evolutionally unprepared to deal. The medium, however, is one who is born with or develops a peculiarly unstable and often actually dislocated state of the elements of his inner constitution. Thereby he becomes at times disorganized physiologically and in his nervous system, which connects the inner man with the outer world, and he suffers, in effect, a psychic dislocation. Then the entranced, unconscious medium functions with magnetic sympathy with currents and entities in the astral light, especially with those in the kama-lokic levels which are nearest the earth. Of these many entities, the types usually manifesting are nature spirits or elements of various kinds; kamic remnants, the shells or spooks of the dead; and elementaries or the imperfect astral remains of excarnate human beings who when alive on earth showed marked tendencies to gross and evil living. Being fated, because of their strongly materialistic biases and appetites, to exist in the astral realm, these last are a peculiarly dangerous and demoralizing influence, especially to people of weak will or of mediumistic temperament. Without physical body or real conscience, the elementaries yet are living entities of the unexpended force of their earth-passions and desires, eager to occupy and use a living body, meantime absorbing its vital essence if they can make psychic contact with it. They are psychomagnetically drawn to such conditions as the seance room usually offers. The delicate tingling on the medium’s skin, supposed to come from angelic fingers, is actually an astral emanation of vitality to form an atmosphere or aura for the besieging control. These feathery touches are like the aurae which often precede convulsive epileptic attacks where the pale, cold, unconscious body of the ousted sufferer becomes temporarily possessed. Each time when the passive medium is controlled, his spiritual will is progressively weakened, his higher mind is blurred, and he becomes an open door for all kinds of uncanny astral influences. It is true that psychic sensitives of clean life and honest purpose, may first attract entities belonging to higher kama-lokic levels. But the finest types of supposed spirit faces that they see are generally reflections from their own mental pictures of beloved ones, or of their own innate ideals.

mere exposure effect: the higher the levels of exposure to a stimulus, the more likely we are to develop a greater attraction to it.

mesopic ::: Light levels at which both the rod and cone systems are active.

Messaging Application Programming Interface "messaging" (MAPI) A messaging architecture and a {client} interface component for applications such as {electronic mail}, scheduling, calendaring and document management. As a messaging architecture, MAPI provides a consistent interface for multiple {application programs} to interact with multiple messaging systems across a variety of {hardware} {platforms}. MAPI provides better performance and control than {Simple MAPI}, {Common Messaging Calls} (CMC) or the {Active Messaging Library}. It has a comprehensive, open, dual-purpose interface, integrated with {Microsoft Windows}. MAPI can be used by all levels and types of client application and "service providers" - driver-like components that provide a MAPI interface to a specific messaging system. For example, a {word processor} can send documents and a {workgroup} application can share and store different types of data using MAPI. MAPI separates the programming interfaces used by the client applications and the service providers. Every component works with a common, {Microsoft Windows}-based user interface. For example, a single messaging client application can be used to receive messages from {fax}, a {bulletin board} system, a host-based messaging system and a {LAN}-based system. Messages from all of these systems can be delivered to a single "universal Inbox". MAPI is aimed at the powerful, new market of workgroup applications that communicate with such different messaging systems as fax, {DEC} {All-In-1}, {voice mail} and public communications services such as {AT&T} Easylink Services, {CompuServe} and {MCI} MAIL. Because workgroup applications demand more of their messaging systems, MAPI offers much more than basic messaging in the programming interface and supports more than {local area network} (LAN)-based messaging systems. Applications can, for example, format text for a single message with a variety of fonts and present to their users a customised view of messages that have been filtered, sorted or preprocessed. MAPI is built into {Windows 95} and {Windows NT} and can be used by 16-bit and 32-bit Windows applications. The programming interface and subsystem contained in the MAPI {DLL} provide objects which conform to the {Component Object Model}. MAPI includes standard messaging client applications that demonstrate different levels of messaging support. MAPI provides cross platform support through such industry standards as {SMTP}, {X.400} and Common Messaging Calls. MAPI is the messaging component of {Windows Open Services Architecture} (WOSA). [Correct expansion? Relatonship with Microsoft?] (1997-12-03)

Messaging Application Programming Interface ::: (messaging) (MAPI) A messaging architecture and a client interface component for applications such as electronic mail, scheduling, calendaring and interface for multiple application programs to interact with multiple messaging systems across a variety of hardware platforms.MAPI provides better performance and control than Simple MAPI, Common Messaging Calls (CMC) or the Active Messaging Library. It has a comprehensive, open, example, a word processor can send documents and a workgroup application can share and store different types of data using MAPI.MAPI separates the programming interfaces used by the client applications and the service providers. Every component works with a common, Microsoft messaging system and a LAN-based system. Messages from all of these systems can be delivered to a single universal Inbox.MAPI is aimed at the powerful, new market of workgroup applications that communicate with such different messaging systems as fax, DEC All-In-1, voice variety of fonts and present to their users a customised view of messages that have been filtered, sorted or preprocessed.MAPI is built into Windows 95 and Windows NT and can be used by 16-bit and 32-bit Windows applications. The programming interface and subsystem contained MAPI includes standard messaging client applications that demonstrate different levels of messaging support.MAPI provides cross platform support through such industry standards as SMTP, X.400 and Common Messaging Calls. MAPI is the messaging component of Windows Open Services Architecture (WOSA).[Correct expansion? Relatonship with Microsoft?] (1997-12-03)

meta "philosophy" /me't*/ or /may't*/ or (Commonwealth) /mee't*/ A prefix meaning one level of description higher. If X is some concept then meta-X is data about, or processes operating on, X. For example, a {metasyntax} is {syntax} for specifying syntax, {metalanguage} is a language used to discuss language, {metadata} is data about data, and {meta-reasoning} is reasoning about reasoning. This is difficult to explain briefly, but much hacker humour turns on deliberate confusion between meta-levels. [{Jargon File}] (1999-04-06)

meta ::: (philosophy) /me't*/ or /may't*/ or (Commonwealth) /mee't*/ A prefix meaning one level of description higher. If X is some concept then meta-X is data about, or processes operating on, X.For example, a metasyntax is syntax for specifying syntax, metalanguage is a language used to discuss language, meta-data is data about data, and meta-reasoning is reasoning about reasoning.This is difficult to explain briefly, but much hacker humour turns on deliberate confusion between meta-levels.[Jargon File] (1999-04-06)

Mimir, Mimer (Icelandic, Scandinavian) In Norse mythology, the foremost of giants representing space on nine levels of existence, of which our physical space is but one — the number nine may stand for an infinite continuum rather than a precise figure.

module ::: Any aspect of human capacity that can be trained (e.g., quadrants, levels, lines, states, and types).

monitor 1. A {cathode-ray tube} and associated electronics connected to a computer's video output. A monitor may be either {monochrome} (black and white) or colour ({RGB}). Colour monitors may show either digital colour (each of the red, green and blue signals may be either on or off, giving eight possible colours: black, white, red, green, blue, cyan, magenta and yellow) or analog colour (red, green and blue signals are continuously variable allowing any combination to be displayed). Digital monitors are sometimes known as {TTL} because the voltages on the red, green and blue inputs are compatible with TTL logic chips. See also {gamut}, {multisync}, {visual display unit}. 2. A programming language construct which encapsulates variables, access procedures and initialisation code within an abstract data type. The monitor's variable may only be accessed via its access procedures and only one process may be actively accessing the monitor at any one time. The access procedures are {critical sections}. A monitor may have a queue of processes which are waiting to access it. 3. A hardware device that measures electrical events such as pulses or voltage levels in a digital computer. 4. To oversee a program during execution. For example, the monitor function in the {Unix} {C} library enables profiling of a certain range of code addresses. A histogram is produced showing how often the {program counter} was found to be at each position and how often each profiled function was called. {Unix} {man} page: monitor(3). 5. A control program within the {operating system} that manages the allocation of system resources to active programs. 6. A program that measures software performance.

monitor ::: 1. A cathode-ray tube and associated electronics connected to a computer's video output. A monitor may be either monochrome (black and white) or colour (RGB). displayed). Digital monitors are sometimes known as TTL because the voltages on the red, green and blue inputs are compatible with TTL logic chips.See also gamut, multisync, visual display unit.2. A programming language construct which encapsulates variables, access procedures and initialisation code within an abstract data type. The monitor's critical sections. A monitor may have a queue of processes which are waiting to access it.3. A hardware device that measures electrical events such as pulses or voltage levels in a digital computer.4. To oversee a program during execution. For example, the monitor function in the Unix C library enables profiling of a certain range of code addresses. A histogram is produced showing how often the program counter was found to be at each position and how often each profiled function was called.Unix man page: monitor(3).5. A control program within the operating system that manages the allocation of system resources to active programs.6. A program that measures software performance.

Monitoring ::: Periodic or continuous surveillance or testing to determine the level of compliance with statutory requirements and/or pollutant levels in various media or in humans, plants, and animals.

Monitoring Well::: A well used to obtain water quality samples or measure groundwater levels. Well drilled at a hazardous waste management facility or Superfund site to collect groundwater samples for the purpose of physical, chemical, or biological analysis to determine the amounts, types, and distribution of contaminants in the groundwater beneath the site.

Multiprotocol Label Switching ::: (networking) (MPLS) A packet switching protocol developed by the IETF. Initially developed to improve switching speed, other benefits are now seen as being more important.MPLS adds a 32-bit label to each packet to improve network efficiency and to enable routers to direct packets along predefined routes in accordance with the equivalence class (FEC) of the packet. Packets with the same FEC are routed through the network in the same way.Routers make forwarding decisions based purely on the contents of the label. This simplifies the work done by the router, leading to an increase in speed. At how to forward the packet. The label is removed when the packet leaves the MPLS network.Modern ASIC-based routers can look up routes fast enough to make the speed increase less important. However, MPLS still has some benefits. The use of FECs allows QoS levels to be guaranteed, and MPLS allows IP tunnels to be created through a network, so that VPNs can be implemented without encryption. .[RFC 3031](2002-04-14)

Multiprotocol Label Switching "networking" (MPLS) A {packet switching} {protocol} developed by the {IETF}. Initially developed to improve switching speed, other benefits are now seen as being more important. MPLS adds a 32-{bit} label to each {packet} to improve {network} efficiency and to enable {routers} to direct {packets} along predefined routes in accordance with the required {quality of service}. The label is added when the {packet} enters the MPLS {network}, and is based on an analysis of the {packet} {header}. The label contains information on the route along which the {packet} may travel, and the {forwarding equivalence class} (FEC) of the {packet}. Packets with the same {FEC} are routed through the {network} in the same way. Routers make forwarding decisions based purely on the contents of the label. This simplifies the work done by the {router}, leading to an increase in speed. At each {router}, the label is replaced with a new label, which tells the next {router} how to forward the {packet}. The label is removed when the {packet} leaves the MPLS {network}. Modern {ASIC}-based routers can look up routes fast enough to make the speed increase less important. However, MPLS still has some benefits. The use of {FECs} allows {QoS} levels to be guaranteed, and MPLS allows {IP} {tunnels} to be created through a {network}, so that {VPNs} can be implemented without {encryption}. {MPLS Resource Center (}. [RFC 3031] (2002-04-14)

MYSTIC On the highest cultural levels, the individual becomes a mystic. In the domains of emotional consciousness that he has now reached, he no longer has any use for his intellectuality as acquired up to now. Frequently in states of ecstasy he experiences the unity of life past all understanding. His imagination, which is powerfully developed, makes him lose himself in seeming infinitude. His emotional development is terminated and crowned by an incarnation as a saint. In subsequent incarnations he strives to become a mental self. K 1.34.17

The art of living is the chief interest of the mystic. (K 3.6.4)

n. 1. The horizontal line or plane in which anything is situated, with regard to its elevation. 2. A plane or position in a graded scale; position in a hierarchy. 3. On the same plane, on an equality (with). levels. *adj. 4.** *Having a surface without slope, tilt in which no part is higher or lower than another. 5. Height, position, strength, rank, plane, etc. Also fig. v. 6. Fig. To bring persons or things to an equal level; equalize. levelled, all-levelling.**

Nafs-i Ammara :::   Dominant Nafs; the first of seven main levels of nafs attained in the process of Sufi purification

Nafs-i Lawwama :::   Blaming Nafs; the second of seven main levels of nafs attained in the process of Sufi purification

Nafs-i Mardziyya :::   Satisfying Nafs; the sixth of seven main levels of nafs attained in the process of Sufi purification

Nafs-i Mulhama :::   Inspired Nafs; the third of seven main levels of nafs attained in the process of Sufi purification

Nafs-i Mutmaina :::   Tranquil Nafs; the fourth of seven main levels of nafs attained in the process of Sufi purification

Nafs-i Radziyya :::   Satisfied Nafs; the fifth of seven main levels of nafs attained in the process of Sufi purification

Nafs-i Safiyya :::   Purified Nafs; the seventh of seven main levels of nafs attained in the process of Sufi purification

naivasaMjNānāsaMjNāyatana. (P. nevasaNNānāsaNNāyatana; T. 'du shes med 'du shes med min skye mched; C. feixiang feifeixiang chu; J. hisohihisojo; K. pisang pibisang ch'o 非想非非想處). In Sanskrit, "sphere of neither perception nor nonperception," the fourth and highest of the four levels of the immaterial realm (ĀRuPYADHĀTU) and the fourth of the four immaterial absorptions (ĀRuPYĀVACARADHYĀNA). It surpasses the first three levels of the immaterial realm, viz., infinite space (AKĀsĀNANTYĀYATANA), infinite consciousness (VIJNĀNĀNANTYĀYATANA), and nothingness (ĀKINCANYĀYATANA), respectively. It is a realm of rebirth and a meditative state that is entirely immaterial (viz., there is no physical or material [RuPA] component to existence) in which perception of all mundane things vanishes entirely, but perception itself does not. Beings reborn in this realm are thought to live as long as eighty thousand eons (KALPA). However, as a state of being that is still subject to rebirth, even the sphere of neither perception nor nonperception remains part of SAMSĀRA. Like the other levels of both the subtle-materiality realm (RuPADHĀTU) and the immaterial realm, one is reborn in this state by achieving the specific level of meditative absorption associated with that state in the previous lifetime. One of the most famous and influential expositions on the subject of these immaterial states comes from the VISUDDHIMAGGA of BUDDHAGHOSA, written in the fifth century. Although there are numerous accounts of Buddhist meditators achieving immaterial states of SAMĀDHI, they are also used polemically in Buddhist literature to describe the attainments of non-Buddhist YOGINs, who mistakenly identify these exalted, but still impermanent, states of existence as the permanent liberation from rebirth. See also DHYĀNASAMĀPATTI; DHYĀNOPAPATTI.

Nārāyana. (T. Sred med kyi bu; C. Naluoyan tian; J. Naraenten; K. Narayon ch'on 那羅延天). In ancient India, Nārāyana was the son of the primordial person (purusa) and was later regarded as an avatar of the Hindu god Visnu. He was adopted into Buddhism as one of the guardian deities (DHARMAPĀLA). His image is often seen standing at the entrance to a monastery, protecting its hallowed precincts from baleful influences. Because the divinity BRAHMĀ (alt. Mahābrahmā) was born from a lotus that blossomed from the navel of Nārāyana, Nārāyana is also sometimes identified as being the mother of Brahmā, the presiding divinity in the third and highest of the three levels of the first DHYĀNA heaven in the subtle-materiality realm (RuPADHĀTU). (Like Nārāyana, Brahmā is also adopted into Buddhism as a dharmapāla.) Since Brahmā is regarded as the "father of creatures," Nārāyana is in turn called the "Origin of Human Life" (C. Renshengben). Nārāyana is said to dwell in the Diamond Grotto on WUTAISHAN in China, which leads directly to the pure land and was thought to be the site where MANJUsRĪ and VIMALAKĪRTI discussed the MAHĀYĀNA teachings in the VIMALAKĪRTINIRDEsA.

National Science Foundation Network (NSFNET) A high speed hierarchical "network of networks" in the US, funded by the {National Science Foundation}. At the highest level, it is a {backbone} network comprising 16 nodes connected to a 45Mb/s facility which spans the continental United States. Attached to that are mid-level networks and attached to the mid-levels are campus and local networks. NSFNET also has connections out of the US to Canada, Mexico, Europe, and the Pacific Rim. The NSFNET is part of the {Internet}. (1993-01-01)

navasaMjNā. (P. navasaNNā; T. 'du shes dgu; C. jiuxiang guan; J. kusokan; K. kusanggwan 九想觀). In Sanskrit, lit. "the nine perceptions," one of the so-called meditations on the impurity/foulness [of the body] (AsUBHABHĀVANĀ), the objective of which is to facilitate understanding of impermanence (ANITYA), to develop disenchantment toward one's own and others' bodies, and/or to subdue lustful thoughts. In this meditation, the adept either mentally visualizes or physically observes the progressive decay of a corpse through nine specific stages: mottled discoloration of the corpse (vinīlakasaMjNā), discharges of pus (vipuyakasaMjNā), the decay of rotten flesh (vipadumakasaMjNā), bloating and tumefaction (vyādhmātakasaMjNā), the exuding of blood and the overflow of body fluids (vilohitakasaMjNā), infestation of worms and maggots (vikhāditakasaMjNā), the dissolution of flesh and exposure of bones and sinews (viksiptakasaMjNā), the cremated remains (vidagdhakasaMjNā), and the dispersed skeletal parts (asthisaMjNā). These contemplations help to wean the meditator from the affliction of lust (RĀGA; LOBHA), but lead only to the first of the four levels of meditative absorption (DHYĀNA).

Nefesh (&

Neshamah (&

New Storage System "storage" (NSS) A major {Multics} implementation project during the 1970s. The initial Multics {file system} design had evolved from the one-huge-disk world of {CTSS}. When multiple disk units were used they were just assigned increasing ranges of disk addresses, so a {segment} could have {pages} scattered over all disks on the system. This provided good {I/O} {parallelism} but made {crash recovery} expensive. NSS redesigned the lower levels of the file system, introducing the concepts of {logical volume} and {physical volume} and a mapping from a Multics directory branch to a {VTOC} entry for each file. The new system had much better recovery performance in exchange for a small space and performance cost. (1997-01-29)

nirodhasatya. (P. nirodhasacca; T. 'gog pa'i bden pa; C. miedi; J. mettai; K. myolche 滅諦). In Sanskrit, "truth of cessation," the third of the so-called FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS (catvāry āryasatyāni) set forth by the Buddha in his first sermon, the "Setting in Motion the Wheel of the Dharma" (P. DHAMMACAKKAPPAVATTANASUTTA; S. DHARMACAKRAPRAVARTANASuTRA). In a general sense, NIRODHA as "cessation" refers to NIRVĀnA, which constitutes the cessation of all action (KARMAN) and afflictions (KLEsA) and the suffering they induce (although the term nirvāna does not appear in the first sermon). In the ABHIDHARMA, the term is applied to the specific destruction of each of the klesa associated with the three realms of existence (TRILOKA[DHĀTU]), the sensuous realm (KĀMADHĀTU), the subtle-materiality realm (RuPADHĀTU), and the immaterial realm (ĀRuPYADHĀTU) and the nine levels (the sensuous realm, the four meditative absorptions of the subtle-materiality realm, and the four absorptions of the immaterial realm). Such cessations are "true" (SATYA) in the sense that they are permanent; the particular klesa is destroyed such that it will not occur again. The eradication of all the klesas and contaminants (ĀSRAVAKsAYA) results in the achievement of liberation from rebirth as an ARHAT. The four truths are not presented in the order of cause and effect, but rather effect and cause, with the first truth of suffering (DUḤKHASATYA) being the effect of the second truth of origin (SAMUDAYASATYA). In the same way, the third truth of cessation (nirodhasatya) is said to be the effect of the fourth truth of the path (MĀRGASATYA). However, nirodha is not an effect in the ordinary sense of the term because it is a permanent state; it is classified instead as a VISAMYOGAPHALA, an effect that is a separation, i.e., the practice of the path results in the attainment of nirodha but does not produce nirodha as its effect. Nirodhyasatya has four aspects (ĀKĀRA): suffering has stopped (nirodha); nirodha is a state of peace (sānta); it is sublime (pranīta) because there is no state superior to it; and it is a definite escape (NIRYĀnA).

Nivāpasutta. (C. Lieshi jing; J. Ryoshikyo; K. Yopsa kyong 獵師經). In Pāli, "Discourse on the Snare," the twenty-fifth sutta in the MAJJHIMANIKĀYA (a separate SARVĀSTIVĀDA recension appears as the 178th SuTRA in the Chinese translation of the MADHYAMĀGAMA); preached by the Buddha to an assembly of monks at the JETAVANA grove in the town of sRĀVASTĪ (P. Sāvatthi). The Buddha speaks of the obstacles that can hinder monks along the path to liberation using a simile of a hunter, his entourage, a green pasture, and four herds of deer being hunted as prey. The hunter represents MĀRA, the personification of evil and death, who seeks to entrap beings in the cycle of rebirth (SAMSĀRA). The hunter's entourage is Māra's hordes. The pastures are the bait of sensual pleasures that Māra uses to ensnare beings, and the four herds of deer are four types of brāhmanas and recluses whom Māra tempts. Progressively deeper levels of soteriological attainment, from the meditative absorptions (P. JHĀNA; S. DHYĀNA) to the extinction of the contaminants (P. ĀSAVAKHAYA; S. ĀSRAVAKsAYA), render one free from Māra's grasp.

nonnal present mind, a succession of miracles. An evolution on the supramental levels could wcO 6e of that nature ; it could be equally, if the being so chose, a more leisurely passage of one supramental state or condition of things to something beyond but still Supramental from level to divine level, a building up of divine gradations, a free growth to the supreme Supermind or beyond it to yet undreamed levels of being, consciousness and

No Observable Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL)::: From long-term toxicological studies of agriculture chemical active ingredients, levels at which indicate a safe, lifetime exposure level for a given chemical. Used to establish tolerance for human diets. Also written, NOEL.

Nyquist Theorem "communications" A theorem stating that when an {analogue} waveform is digitised, only the frequencies in the waveform below half the {sampling frequency} will be recorded. In order to reconstruct (interpolate) a signal from a sequence of samples, sufficient samples must be recorded to capture the peaks and troughs of the original waveform. If a waveform is sampled at less than twice its frequency the reconstructed waveform will effectively contribute only {noise}. This phenomenon is called "aliasing" (the high frequencies are "under an alias"). This is why the best digital audio is sampled at 44,000 Hz - twice the average upper limit of human hearing. The Nyquist Theorem is not specific to digitised signals (represented by discrete amplitude levels) but applies to any sampled signal (represented by discrete time values), not just sound. {Nyquist (} (the man, somewhat inaccurate). (2003-10-21)

Nyquist Theorem ::: (communications) A theorem stating that when an analogue waveform is digitised, only the frequencies in the waveform below half the sampling noise. This phenomenon is called aliasing (the high frequencies are under an alias).This is why the best digital audio is sampled at 44,000 Hz - twice the average upper limit of human hearing.The Nyquist Theorem is not specific to digitised signals (represented by discrete amplitude levels) but applies to any sampled signal (represented by discrete time values), not just sound. (the man, somewhat inaccurate).(2003-10-21)

objectfuscated code "humour, programming" {Object-oriented} code which has been abstracted to so many levels that no-one can understand it anymore. A play on {obfuscated code}. [{Dodgy Coder (}]. (2014-08-01)

Occultism is in its essence man’s effort to arrive at a knowledge of secret truths and potentialities of Nature which will lift him out of slavery to his physical limits of being, an attempt in particular to possess and organise the mysterious, occult, outwardly still undeveloped direct power of Mind upon Life and of both Mind and Life over Matter. There is at the same time an endeavour to establish communication with worlds and entities belonging to the supraphysical heights, depths and intermediate levels of cosmic Being and to utilise this communion for the mastery of a higher Truth and for a help to man in his will to make himself sovereign over Nature’s powers and forces.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 21-22, Page: 906-07

Off peak - Not in the period of most frequented or getting the heaviest levels of use. This period normally has lower rates e.g. Airfares taken not winter are often off-peak fares.

One may say that these are projections of the Jivatman put there to uphold Prakriti on the various levels of the being. The Upa- nishad speaks also of a Supramental and a Bliss Purusha, and if the Supramental and the Bliss Nature were organised in the evolution on earth, we could become aware of them upholding the movements here.

opening ::: the release of the consciousness by which it begins to admit into itself the working of the Divine Life and Power; the ability of the consciousness on the various levels to receive the descent of the Higher Consciousness above.

OpenTransport "networking" (OT) A complete reimplementation of all levels of the {Macintosh} {networking} code including "Classic" {AppleTalk} and {MacTCP}. It appeared in {MacOS} revision 7.5.3 [or earlier? Date?]. (2000-08-13)

OpenTransport ::: (networking) (OT) A complete reimplementation of all levels of the Macintosh networking code including Classic AppleTalk and MacTCP. It appeared in MacOS revision 7.5.3 [or earlier? Date?].(2000-08-13)

Orange Book "security, standard" A standard from the US Government {National Computer Security Council} (an arm of the U.S. National Security Agency), "Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria, DOD standard 5200.28-STD, December 1985" which defines criteria for trusted computer products. There are four levels, A, B, C, and D. Each level adds more features and requirements. D is a non-secure system. C1 requires user log-on, but allows {group ID}. C2 requires individual log-on with password and an audit mechanism. (Most {Unix} implementations are roughly C1, and can be upgraded to about C2 without excessive pain). Levels B and A provide mandatory control. Access is based on standard Department of Defense clearances. B1 requires DOD clearance levels. B2 guarantees the path between the user and the security system and provides assurances that the system can be tested and clearances cannot be downgraded. B3 requires that the system is characterised by a mathematical model that must be viable. A1 requires a system characterized by a mathematical model that can be proven. See also {crayola books}, {book titles}. [{Jargon File}] (1997-01-09)

Orange Book ::: (security, standard) A standard from the US Government National Computer Security Council (an arm of the U.S. National Security Agency), Trusted which defines criteria for trusted computer products. There are four levels, A, B, C, and D. Each level adds more features and requirements.D is a non-secure system.C1 requires user log-on, but allows group ID.C2 requires individual log-on with password and an audit mechanism. (Most Unix implementations are roughly C1, and can be upgraded to about C2 without excessive pain).Levels B and A provide mandatory control. Access is based on standard Department of Defense clearances.B1 requires DOD clearance levels.B2 guarantees the path between the user and the security system and provides assurances that the system can be tested and clearances cannot be downgraded.B3 requires that the system is characterised by a mathematical model that must be viable.A1 requires a system characterized by a mathematical model that can be proven.See also crayola books, book titles.[Jargon File] (1997-01-09)

Organisational structure - The levels of management and division of responsibilities within an organisation.

Or pnimi (&

Overmind ::: Above the mind there are several levels of conscious of the Truth. But in between is what he has distinguished as the Overmind, the world of the cosmic Gods. Now it is this Overmind that has up to the present governed our world: it is the highest that man has been able to attain in illumined consciousness. It has been taken for the Supreme Divine and all those who have reached it have never for a moment doubted that they have touched the true Spirit. For, its splendours are so great to the ordinary human consciousness that it is absolutely dazzled into believing that here at last is the crowning reality. And yet the fact is that the Overmind is far below the true Divine. It is not the authentic home of the Truth. It is only the domain of the formateurs , all those creative powers and deities to whom men have bowed down since the beginning of history. And the reason why the true Divine has not manifested and transformed the earth-nature is precisely that the Overmind has been mistaken for the Supermind.being, among which the really divine world is what Sri Aurobindo has called the Supermind, the world. The cosmic Gods do not wholly live in the Truth-Consciousness: they are only in touch with it and represent, each of them, an aspect of its glories.

packet driver ::: (networking) IBM PC local area network software that divides data into packets which it routes to the network. It also handles incoming data, reassembling the packets so that application programs can read the data as a continuous stream.FTP Software created the specification for IBM PC packet drivers but Crynwr Software dominate the market and have done the vast majority of the implementations.Packet drivers provide a simple, common programming interface that allows multiple applications to share a network interface at the data link layer. Packet drivers demultiplex incoming packets among the applications by using the network media's standard packet type or service access point field(s).The packet driver provides calls to initiate access to a specific packet type, to end access to it, to send a packet, to get statistics on the network interface and to get information about the interface.Protocol implementations that use the packet driver can coexist and can make use of one another's services, whereas multiple applications which do not use the DECnet, Banyan's, LifeNet's, Novell's or 3Com's without the difficulties associated with pre-empting the network interface.Applications which use the packet driver can also run on new network hardware of the same class without being modified; only a new packet driver need be supplied.There are several levels of packet driver. The first is the basic packet driver, which provides minimal functionality but should be simple to implement and which The third level, the high-performance functions, support performance improvements and tuning. . (1994-12-05)

packet driver "networking" {IBM PC} {local area network} software that divides data into {packets} which it routes to the network. It also handles incoming data, reassembling the packets so that {application programs} can read the data as a continuous stream. {FTP Software} created the specification for {IBM PC} packet drivers but {Crynwr Software} dominate the market and have done the vast majority of the implementations. Packet drivers provide a simple, common programming interface that allows multiple {applications} to share a {network interface} at the {data link} layer. Packet drivers demultiplex incoming packets among the applications by using the network media's {standard packet type} or {service access point} field(s). The packet driver provides calls to initiate access to a specific packet type, to end access to it, to send a packet, to get statistics on the network interface and to get information about the interface. Protocol implementations that use the packet driver can coexist and can make use of one another's services, whereas multiple applications which do not use the driver do not coexist on one machine properly. Through use of the packet driver, a user could run {TCP/IP}, {XNS} and a proprietary protocol implementation such as {DECnet}, {Banyan}'s, {LifeNet}'s, {Novell}'s or {3Com}'s without the difficulties associated with pre-empting the network interface. Applications which use the packet driver can also run on new network hardware of the same class without being modified; only a new packet driver need be supplied. There are several levels of packet driver. The first is the basic packet driver, which provides minimal functionality but should be simple to implement and which uses very few host resources. The basic driver provides operations to broadcast and receive packets. The second driver is the extended packet driver, which is a superset of the basic driver. The extended driver supports less commonly used functions of the network interface such as {multicast}, and also gathers statistics on use of the interface and makes these available to the application. The third level, the high-performance functions, support performance improvements and tuning. {(}. (1994-12-05)

Paekp'a Kŭngson. (白坡亘璇) (1767-1852). Korean SoN master of the Choson dynasty, also known as Kusan. Paekp'a was a native of Mujang in present-day North Cholla province. In 1778, he was ordained by a certain Sihon (d.u.) at the nearby monastery of Sonŭnsa. In 1790, he moved from his original residence at the hermitage of Yongmunam on Mt. Ch'o to the Yongwonam on Mt. Pangchang, where he studied under the renowned Hwaom chong (C. HUAYAN ZONG) master, Solp'a Sangon (1707-1791). A year before Sangon passed away, Kŭngson received the full monastic precepts from him. Paekp'a established himself at the famous hermitage of Unmunam and attracted many students. He studied the teachings of the renowned CHAN master XUEFENG YICUN at Mt. Yonggu and acquired the name Paekp'a. In order to practice Son meditation, he returned to Yongmunam and revived POJO CHINUL's Samādhi and PrajNā Society (CHoNGHYE KYoLSA). He subsequently returned to Unmunam to compile his influential treatise Sonmun sugyong ("Hand Mirror of the Son School"), which was later the subject of a famous critique by the Son master CH'OŬI ŬISUN (1786-1866) in his Sonmun sabyon mano ("Prolix Words on Four Distinctive Types in the Son School"). Paekp'a was a staunch promoter of Son, who sought to resolve what he perceived to be a fundamental internal tension within the Son tradition: the radical subitism of the Imje chong (LINJI ZONG), which advocated the simultaneity of sudden awakening (DUNWU) and cultivation (K. tono tonsu; C. dunwu dunxiu), and the more moderate subitism of the Heze zong and POJO CHINUL (1158-1210), which advocated sudden awakening followed by gradual cultivation (K. tono chomsu; C. DUNWU JIANXIU). Paekp'a's goal was to demonstrate how the subitist "questioning meditation" (K. kanhwa Son; C. KANHUA CHAN) that became emblematic of both the Linji zong and the Korean Son tradition after Chinul could be reconciled with Korean Buddhism's preferred soteriological schema of moderate subitism. By contrast, Ch'oŭi was more concerned with exploring deeper levels of accommodation between Son practice and Buddhist doctrinal teachings (KYO), by demonstrating the fundamental unity of these two major strands of the religion. Their respective positions set the stage for subsequent debates during the late Choson dynasty over whether Korean Buddhism was an exclusively Son, or a broader ecumenical, tradition, an identity debate that continues into the present day. Kŭngson's many writings also include the Suson kyolsamun, T'aegoamga kwasok, Sikchisol, Ojong kangyo sagi, Sonyo ki, and Chakpop kwigam.

paNcabala. (T. stobs lnga; C. wuli; J. goriki; K. oryok 五力). In Sanskrit and Pāli, "five powers," (1) faith (sRADDHĀ), (2) effort (VĪRYA), (3) mindfulness (SMṚTI), (4) concentration (SAMĀDHI), and (5) wisdom (PRAJNĀ). These five are essential to progress on the path, serving as antidotes to unwholesome states of mind, and specifically to the five hindrances (NĪVARAnA) that obstruct the five factors of meditative absorption (DHYĀNĀnGA): faith serves as an antidote to ill will (VYĀPĀDA); effort serves as an antidote to sloth and torpor (STYĀNĀ-MIDDHA); mindfulness serves as an antidote to either heedlessness (APRAMĀDA) or sensual desire (KĀMACCHANDA); samādhi serves as an antidote to distraction or restlessness and worry (AUDDHATYA-KAUKṚTYA); and wisdom serves as an antidote to skeptical doubt (VICIKITSĀ). In the SAMYUTTANIKĀYA, the Buddha explains that faith is faith in the Buddha's enlightenment; effort is effort at the four exertions (to prevent the arising of unwholesome states that have not yet arisen, to abandon unwholesome states that have already arisen, to create wholesome states that have not yet arisen, and to maintain wholesome states that have already arisen); mindfulness is the practice of the four foundations of mindfulness (P. SATIPAttHĀNA, Skt. SMṚTYUPASTĀNA); concentration is achievement of the four dhyānas; and wisdom is discerning the FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS (catvāry āryasatyāni). The five powers constitute five of the thirty-seven aspects of enlightenment (BODHIPĀKsIKADHARMA). In the PRAJNĀPĀRAMITĀ literature, they are described as five states achieved on the forbearance (KsĀNTI) and highest worldly dharmas (LAUKIKĀGRADHARMA) levels of the path of preparation (PRAYOGAMĀRGA; see NIRVEDHABHĀGĪYA). They are preceded on the heat (usMAN) and peak (MuRDHAN) levels by the five same factors at a lesser stage of development; there they are called the "five faculties," or "dominants" (PANCENDRIYA).

Panic_selling ::: refers to wide-scale selling of an investment, causing a sharp decline in price. In most instances of panic selling, investors just want to get out of the investment, with little regard for the price at which they sell.  BREAKING DOWN 'Panic Selling'   Panic selling can be caused by various factors. It can also range in severity. In some instances, panic selling may also be known as a selloff.  Panic Selling Catalysts  Panic selling is often triggered by an event that significantly decreases investor confidence in a stock. Events can be related to a variety of factors including sales growth, revenue levels, earnings, management changes or decisions, and more. Initial selling of an investment is typically triggered by decreased strength in its fundamentals. Further losses can accumulate from price point levels that trigger programmed market trading from stop loss orders. (See also: How to Profit from Panic Selling) A significant factor in panic selling can be irrational exuberance or highly emotional trading. These trades can be driven by fear, market sentiment and overreaction to news that may only have short-term affects.  Most major stock exchanges will use trading curbs and halts to limit panic selling. This allows people to digest information on why the selling is occurring. It also limits the downside losses an investor can incur in a single day and restores some degree of normalcy to the market.  Financial Market Selloffs  Selloffs are also a common occurrence in the financial markets that may be typically less severe than dramatic panic selling. In a selloff a particular sector may see widespread selling due to the negative press from only a few companies. Selloffs also occur broadly across the market when trends in various asset classes are reported. For example, higher yielding Treasuries can lead to a selloff in equities.  Opportunities in Losses  In some cases, panic selling and broad market selloffs can create buying opportunities. This is especially true when selling is caused by short-term indicators or uncertainty. Markets are often extremely volatile and views on unfolding events can alter the outlook drastically from day to day.  Many market traders watch for selling opportunities that may make the investment more attractive at its lower price. In technical analysis, the Exhausted Selling Model is one technique traders can use to identify the price trading trough for which a reversal is likely to follow. Prices will go through a number of phases as they descend from panic selling so this model relies on following a stock’s downward trend and skillfully identifying the trough buying opportunity.

Paradise ::: (Greek, park, garden; possibly derived from Heb. pardes) Term used to describe the location of the creation of humankind as well as the destination where those favored by God will ultimately arrive (especially in Islam). Also used in apocalyptic texts for one of the heavens or levels above the inhabited earth, near God.

Pardes (lit. “orchard”) ::: acronym for four levels of Torah* study

Pardes (&

parīttasubha. (P. parittasubhā; T. dge chung; C. shaojing tian; J. shojoten; K. sojong ch'on 少淨天). In Sanskrit, "lesser purity," the lowest of the three heavens of the third meditative absorption (DHYĀNA) of the subtle-materiality realm (RuPADHĀTU). The divinities of this heaven are so named because the purity of their bliss is less than that of the gods of the other two levels of the third dhyāna. As with all the heavens of the subtle-materiality realm, one is reborn as a divinity there through achieving the same level of concentration (dhyāna) as the gods of that heaven during one's practice of meditation in a previous lifetime.

Parity price - The measuring device for price levels in terms of an index number of 100.

   analog - Information represented as continuously varying voltage or current rather than in discrete levels as opposed to digital data varying between two discrete levels.

   digital - Relating to devices or circuits that have outputs of only two discrete levels. Examples: 0 or 1, high or low, on or off, true or false etc.

   rectangular wave - Also known as a pulse wave. A repeating wave that only operates between two levels or values and remains at one of these values for a small amount of time relative to the other value.

Photon ::: The indivisible unit, or quantum, of electromagnetic radiation. The energy of the photons determines the nature of the radiation, from radio waves at the lowest energy levels, up through infra-red, visible, and ultra-violet light, to X-or gamma-rays, which have energy high enough to ionize atoms.

photopic vision ::: Vision at high light levels that is mediated entirely by cones.

physical layer "networking" Layer one, the lowest layer in the {OSI} seven layer model. The physical layer encompasses details such as electrical and mechanical connections to the network, transmission of {binary} data as changing voltage levels on wires or similar concepts on other connectors, and {data rates}. The physical layer is used by the {data link layer}. Example physical layer {protocols} are {CSMA/CD}, {token ring} and bus. (2004-06-29)

physical layer ::: (networking) Layer one, the lowest layer in the OSI seven layer model. The physical layer encompasses details such as electrical and mechanical connections to the network, transmission of binary data as changing voltage levels on wires or similar concepts on other connectors, and data rates.The physical layer is used by the data link layer.Example physical layer protocols are CSMA/CD, token ring and bus.(2004-06-29)

Potential income (Y) - The real gross domestic product that the economy could produce if its productive resources were fully employed at their normal levels of utilisation. Also called potential GDP or high employment income.

prajNājNānābhiseka. (T. shes rab ye shes kyi dbang). In Sanskrit, lit., "knowledge of the wisdom empowerment," with wisdom (PRAJNĀ) here referring to a tantric consort. It is the third of the four empowerments or initiations employed in the ANUTTARAYOGATANTRAs, the other three being the vase empowerment (KALAsĀBHIsEKA) and the secret empowerment (GUHYĀBHIsEKA) that precede it, and the fourth empowerment (CATURTHĀBHIsEKA), which follows it. Having received the vase empowerment, in the secret empowerment the disciple ingests a drop of fluid (called BODHICITTA) that results from the sexual intercourse of his master and a consort. In the knowledge of the consort empowerment, the disciple engages in sexual union with the same consort, resulting in increasing levels of bliss, which is said to result as a drop (BINDU) that ascends through the central channel (AVADHuTĪ). Although later monastic exegetes would interpret these empowerments symbolically, it appears that they were originally practiced as the tantric systems developed in India, and they continued to be practiced among certain groups of adepts in Tibet.

Prana ::: The principle of "life force" in Hindu philosophy that is found throughout the Universe at all levels. Generally translates as "breath". See also Azoth.

pratipaksa. (P. patipakkha; T. gnyen po; C. duizhi; J. taiji; K. taech'i 對治). In Sanskrit, lit., "opposite"; a "counteragent" or "antidote," a factor which, when present, precludes the presence of its opposite. In Buddhist meditation theory, an antidote may be a virtuous (KUsALA) mental state (CAITTA) that is applied as a counteragent against a nonvirtuous (AKUsALA) mental state. The Buddhist premise that two contrary mental states cannot exist simultaneously leads to the development of specific meditations to be used as such counteragents, sometimes called the five "inhibitory" contemplations (C. zhiguan, tingguan): (1) lust (RĀGA) is countered by the contemplations on impurity (AsUBHABHĀVANĀ), e.g., the cemetery contemplations on the stages in the decomposition of a corpse; (2) hatred (DVEsA) is countered by the divine abiding (BRAHMAVIHĀRA) of loving-kindness (MAITRĪ); (3) delusion (MOHA) is countered by contemplating the twelvefold chain of dependent origination (PRATĪTYASAMUTPĀDA); (4) ego-conceit (asmimāna) is countered by the contemplation on the eighteen sense-fields (DHĀTU); and (5) discursive thought (VITARKA) is countered by mindfulness of breathing (ĀNĀPĀNASMṚTI). Progress on the path to liberation is also described technically in terms of the abandonment of a specific afflictive state (KLEsA) through the application of its specific antidote. Thus, afflictions and their antidotes are enumerated for the nine levels of SAMSĀRA (the sensuous realm, or KĀMADHĀTU, the four levels of the subtle-materiality realm, or RuPADHĀTU, and the four levels of the immaterial realm, or ARuPYADHĀTU). In each case, the antidote is an increasingly powerful level of wisdom (PRAJNĀ) that displaces increasingly subtle levels of the afflictions. Both the four types of noble persons (ĀRYAPUDGALA) and the ten stages (BHuMI) of the bodhisattva are defined by which antidotes have been successfully applied to eradicate specific afflictions. Thus, the accumulation and application of various antidotes is one of the practices that a bodhisattva must learn to perfect. The Buddha is said to have taught 84,000 antidotes for the 84,000 afflictions.

prayogamārga. (T. sbyor lam; C. jiaxing dao; J. kegyodo; K. kahaeng to 加行道). In Sanskrit, "path of preparation," the second stage of the five-path (PANCAMĀRGA) soteriological schema, which follows the path of accumulation (SAMBHĀRAMĀRGA) and precedes the path of vision (DARsANAMĀRGA). It is said to provide the "preparation" for the direct perception of reality that will occur on the path of vision. The path of preparation begins with the attainment of an understanding of reality at a level of concentration that is equal to or exceeding the state of serenity (sAMATHA). This understanding corresponds to the "wisdom generated by meditation" (BHĀVANĀMAYĪPRAJNĀ). The path of preparation has four levels (see NIRVEDHABHĀGĪYA): heat (usMAN), peak (MuRDHA), forbearance (KsĀNTI), and supreme worldly dharmas (LAUKIKĀGRADHARMA). Like the preceding path of accumulation, it is not a "noble path" (ĀRYAMĀRGA) because the direct perception of reality has not yet not occurred here. With the completion of the path of preparation and the attainment of the path of vision, one passes from the state of being an ordinary being (PṚTHAGJANA) to that of a noble person (ĀRYA).

presence ::: 1. The state or fact of being present; current existence or occurrence. 2. A divine, spiritual, or supernatural spirit or influence felt or conceived as present. 3. The immediate proximity of someone or something.

Sri Aurobindo: "It is intended by the word Presence to indicate the sense and perception of the Divine as a Being, felt as present in one"s existence and consciousness or in relation with it, without the necessity of any further qualification or description. Thus, of the ‘ineffable Presence" it can only be said that it is there and nothing more can or need be said about it, although at the same time one knows that all is there, personality and impersonality, Power and Light and Ananda and everything else, and that all these flow from that indescribable Presence. The word may be used sometimes in a less absolute sense, but that is always the fundamental significance, — the essential perception of the essential Presence supporting everything else.” *Letters on Yoga

"Beyond mind on spiritual and supramental levels dwells the Presence, the Truth, the Power, the Bliss that can alone deliver us from these illusions, display the Light of which our ideals are tarnished disguises and impose the harmony that shall at once transfigure and reconcile all the parts of our nature.” Essays Divine and Human

"But if we learn to live within, we infallibly awaken to this presence within us which is our more real self, a presence profound, calm, joyous and puissant of which the world is not the master — a presence which, if it is not the Lord Himself, is the radiation of the Lord within.” *The Life Divine

"The true soul secret in us, — subliminal, we have said, but the word is misleading, for this presence is not situated below the threshold of waking mind, but rather burns in the temple of the inmost heart behind the thick screen of an ignorant mind, life and body, not subliminal but behind the veil, — this veiled psychic entity is the flame of the Godhead always alight within us, inextinguishable even by that dense unconsciousness of any spiritual self within which obscures our outward nature. It is a flame born out of the Divine and, luminous inhabitant of the Ignorance, grows in it till it is able to turn it towards the Knowledge. It is the concealed Witness and Control, the hidden Guide, the Daemon of Socrates, the inner light or inner voice of the mystic. It is that which endures and is imperishable in us from birth to birth, untouched by death, decay or corruption, an indestructible spark of the Divine.” *The Life Divine

"If we need any personal and inner witness to this indivisible All-Consciousness behind the ignorance, — all Nature is its external proof, — we can get it with any completeness only in our deeper inner being or larger and higher spiritual state when we draw back behind the veil of our own surface ignorance and come into contact with the divine Idea and Will behind it. Then we see clearly enough that what we have done by ourselves in our ignorance was yet overseen and guided in its result by the invisible Omniscience; we discover a greater working behind our ignorant working and begin to glimpse its purpose in us: then only can we see and know what now we worship in faith, recognise wholly the pure and universal Presence, meet the Lord of all being and all Nature.” *The Life Divine

"The presence of the Spirit is there in every living being, on every level, in all things, and because it is there, the experience of Sachchidananda, of the pure spiritual existence and consciousness, of the delight of a divine presence, closeness, contact can be acquired through the mind or the heart or the life-sense or even through the physical consciousness; if the inner doors are flung sufficiently open, the light from the sanctuary can suffuse the nearest and the farthest chambers of the outer being.” *The Life Divine

"There is a secret divine Will, eternal and infinite, omniscient and omnipotent, that expresses itself in the universality and in each particular of all these apparently temporal and finite inconscient or half-conscient things. This is the Power or Presence meant by the Gita when it speaks of the Lord within the heart of all existences who turns all creatures as if mounted on a machine by the illusion of Nature.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

"For what Yoga searches after is not truth of thought alone or truth of mind alone, but the dynamic truth of a living and revealing spiritual experience. There must awake in us a constant indwelling and enveloping nearness, a vivid perception, a close feeling and communion, a concrete sense and contact of a true and infinite Presence always and everywhere. That Presence must remain with us as the living, pervading Reality in which we and all things exist and move and act, and we must feel it always and everywhere, concrete, visible, inhabiting all things; it must be patent to us as their true Self, tangible as their imperishable Essence, met by us closely as their inmost Spirit. To see, to feel, to sense, to contact in every way and not merely to conceive this Self and Spirit here in all existences and to feel with the same vividness all existences in this Self and Spirit, is the fundamental experience which must englobe all other knowledge.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

"One must have faith in the Master of our life and works, even if for a long time He conceals Himself, and then in His own right time He will reveal His Presence.” *Letters on Yoga

"They [the psychic being and the Divine Presence in the heart] are quite different things. The psychic being is one"s own individual soul-being. It is not the Divine, though it has come from the Divine and develops towards the Divine.” *Letters on Yoga

"For it is quietness and inwardness that enable one to feel the Presence.” *Letters on Yoga

"Beyond mind on spiritual and supramental levels dwells the Presence, the Truth, the Power, the Bliss that can alone deliver us from these illusions, display the Light of which our ideals are tarnished disguises and impose the harmony that shall at once transfigure and reconcile all the parts of our nature.” *Essays Divine and Human

The Mother: "For, in human beings, here is a presence, the most marvellous Presence on earth, and except in a few very rare cases which I need not mention here, this presence lies asleep in the heart — not in the physical heart but the psychic centre — of all beings. And when this Splendour is manifested with enough purity, it will awaken in all beings the echo of his Presence.” Words of the Mother, MCW, Vol. 15.

Presentational Immediacy: (Lat. praesens ppr. of praeesse, and in + medius, middle) Presentational immediacy characterizes any items which are in the direct cognitive presence of the mind such as sense data, images, emotional and affective data. Immediacy is ascribed by some epistemologists to higher levels of knowledge, e.g. perception and memory and by the mystic to the knowledge of God. -- L.W.

Prophetic dream: “A dream is prophetic when the dreamer is able to become not only fully conscious upon superior levels, but when he is able to transmit his experiences thereon to his brain and waking consciousness.” (G. A. Gaskell.)

Proportional tax - A tax that takes a constant percentage of income at all levels of income and is thus progressive nor regressive. In many country’s company tax or profits tax is proportional.

Purchases budget - A budget of the expected levels of usage of materials that will be used in the production process and the purchase of those direct materials that are required.

Purchasing power parity theory - The theory that over the long term, the exchange rate between two currencies adjusts to reflect relative price levels (relative purchasing power).

Pure Land ::: Also "Buddha-Field". In Buddhism, these are realms of reality that have been created by highly realized Mahasiddhas for rebirth by those who practice phowa and attune to that particular world at the time of death. For eference, imagine a constructed world of your choosing that exists as an astral abode and imagine it at peak lucidity. Pure lands are like that but a stable home for the mind at much higher levels of bliss, clarity, and form freedom. These are the idealized afterlives of various traditions and religions.

quan shi. (J. gonjitsu; K. kwon sil 權實). In Chinese, "provisional versus definitive" or "conventional versus absolute," a bifurcation used in the TIANTAI school to refer to either the different grades of the Buddhist teachings or the different levels of truth to which the teaching points. In the former context, quan is equivalent to "provisional" as in "provisional teaching" (NEYĀRTHA), and shi is synonymous with "definitive" as in "definitive teaching" (NĪTĀRTHA). In the latter context, quan is equivalent to "conventional" as in the "conventional truth" (SAMVṚTISATYA, e.g., the relative existence of a "self"), and shi is equivalent to "absolute" as in the "absolute truth" (PARAMĀRTHASATYA, e.g., all dharma lack a "self"). Used adjectivally, these two Sinographs modify a variety of other Chinese characters to form new compounds. See also FAXING ZONG.

QUASI-OCCULTISM The planetary hierarchy asserts emphatically that man cannot on his own acquire knowledge of higher worlds than the physical. All true knowledge of superphysical reality is a gift from the planetary hierarchy. Ever since esoterics began to be publicized in 1875, people ignorant of esoterics (also discarnate people in the emotional world) have put together their own systems on the basis of esoteric facts they have misunderstood and complemented with their own fanciful speculation. The result of this ongoing distortion has been that most of what is today presented as

Rainbow Body ::: Also "Jalü". A type of sheath attained through high levels of realization and meditative practice. The physical body is said to be consciously dissolved and replaced by a different sheath suiting the will and compassion of the one who cultivated this body.

Range ::: refers to the difference between the low and high prices for a security or index over a specific time period. Range defines the price spread for a defined period, such as a day, month or year, and indicates the security’s price volatility. The more volatile the security or index, the wider the range. The range expands over greater time periods; a security’s daily range is typically smaller than its 52-week range, which in turn is tighter than its five-year or 10-year range. Technical analysts closely follow ranges since they are useful in pinpointing entry and exit points for trades. Investors and traders may refer to a range, as a price range or trading range.   BREAKING DOWN 'Range'  The range depends on the type of security; and for a stock, the sector in which it operates. For example, the range for fixed-income instruments is much tighter than that for commodities and equities, which are more volatile in price. Even for fixed-income instruments, a Treasury bond or government security typically has a smaller trading range than a junk bond or convertible security.  Many factors affect a security’s price, and hence its range. Macroeconomic factors such as the economic cycle and interest rates have a significant bearing on the price of securities over lengthy time periods. A recession, for instance, can dramatically widen the price range for most equities as they plunge in price. For example, most technology stocks had wide price ranges between 1998 to 2002, as they soared to lofty levels in the first half of that period and then slumped – many to single-digit prices – in the aftermath of the dotcom bust. Similarly, the 2007-08 financial crisis considerably widened the trading range for equities due to the broad correction that saw most indices plunge over 50% in price. Stock ranges have narrowed significantly since the Great Recession as volatility has reduced during a nine-year bull market.   Ranges and Volatility   Since price volatility is equivalent to risk, a security’s trading range is a good indicator of risk. A conservative investor prefers securities with smaller price fluctuations compared to securities that are susceptible to significant gyrations. Such an investor may prefer to invest in more stable sectors like utilities, healthcare and telecommunications, rather than in more cyclical (or high-beta) sectors like financials, technology and commodities. Generally speaking, high-beta sectors may have wider ranges than low-beta sectors.   Range Support and Resistance   A security's range can effectively highlight support and resistance levels. If the bottom of a stock's range has been around $10 on a number of occasions spanning many months or years, then the $10 region would be considered an area of strong support. If the stock breaks below that level (especially on heavy volume), traders interpret it as a bearish signal. Conversely, a breakout above a price that has marked the top of the range on numerous occasions is considered as a breach of resistance and provides a bullish signal. (To learn more, see: How do I Effectively Create a Range-Bound Trading Strategy?)

Recommended Maximum Contaminant Level (RMCL)::: The maximum level of a contaminant in drinking water at which no known or anticipated adverse affect on human health would occur, and that includes an adequate margin of safety. Recommended levels are non-enforceable health goals.

Reference Dose ::: Toxicity value for evaluating noncarcinogenic (systemic) effects of daily exposure to contaminant levels without appreciable deleterious effects during a lifetime. See our toxicity values.

Related party transaction – Refers to a transaction between different two parties, one of those parties can be considered to exercise control and/or significant levels of influence over the operating practices and policies of the other. A special relationship may be said to exist, e.g. a company and its largest shareholder.

Renwang jing. (J. Ninnogyo; K. Inwang kyong 仁王經). In Chinese, "Scripture for Humane Kings"; an influential indigenous Chinese scripture (see APOCRYPHA), known especially for its role in "state protection Buddhism" (HUGUO FOJIAO) and for its comprehensive outline of the Buddhist path of practice (MĀRGA). Its full title (infra) suggests that the scripture belongs to the "perfection of wisdom" (PRAJNĀPĀRAMITĀ) genre of literature, but it includes also elements drawn from both the YOGĀCĀRA and TATHĀGATAGARBHA traditions. The text's audience and interlocutors are not the typical sRĀVAKAs and BODHISATTVAs but instead kings hailing from the sixteen ancient regions of India, who beseech the Buddha to speak this sutra in order to protect both their states and their subjects from the chaos attending the extinction of the dharma (MOFA; SADDHARMAVIPRALOPA). By having kings rather than spiritual mentors serve as the interlocutors, the scripture thus focuses on those qualities thought to be essential to governing a state founded on Buddhist principles. The text's concepts of authority, the path, and the world draw analogies with the "humane kings" of this world who serve and venerate the transcendent monks and bodhisattvas. The service and worship rendered by the kings turns them into bodhisattvas, while the soteriological vocation of the monks and bodhisattvas conversely renders them kings. Thus, the relationship between the state and the religion is symbiotic. The sutra is now generally presumed to be an indigenous Chinese scripture that was composed to buttress imperial authority by exalting the benevolent ruler as a defender of the dharma. The Renwang jing is also known for including the ten levels of faith (sRADDHĀ) as a preliminary stage of the Buddhist path prior to the arousal of the thought of enlightenment (BODHICITTOTPĀDA). It is one of a number of Chinese Buddhist apocrypha that seek to provide a comprehensive elaboration of all fifty-two stages of the path, including the PUSA YINGLUO BENYE JING and the YUANJUE JING. The Renwang jing is not known in Sanskrit sources, but there are two recensions of the Chinese text. The first, Renwang bore boluomi jing, is purported to have been translated by KUMĀRAJĪVA and is dated to c. 402, and the latter, titled Renwang huguo bore boluomiduo jing, is attributed to AMOGHAVAJRA and dated to 765. The Amoghavajra recension is based substantially on the Kumārajīva text, but includes additional teachings on MAndALA, MANTRA, and DHĀRAnĪ, additions that reflect Amoghavajra's place in the Chinese esoteric Buddhist tradition. Furthermore, because Amoghavajra was an advisor to three Tang-dynasty rulers, his involvement in contemporary politics may also have helped to shape the later version. Chinese scriptural catalogues (JINGLU) were already suspicious about the authenticity of the Renwang jing as least as early as Fajing's 594 Zhongjing mulu; Fajing lists the text together with twenty-one other scriptures of doubtful authenticity (YIJING), because its content and diction do not resemble those of the ascribed translator. Modern scholars have also recognized these content issues. One of the more egregious examples is the RENWANG JING's reference to four different perfection of wisdom (prajNāpāramitā) sutras that the Buddha is said to have proclaimed; two of the sutras listed are, however, simply different Chinese translations of the same text, the PANCAVIMsATISĀHASRIKĀPRAJNĀPĀRAMITĀSuTRA, a blunder that an Indian author could obviously not have committed. Another example is the scripture's discussion of a three-truth SAMĀDHI (sandi sanmei), in which these three types of concentrations are named worldly truth (shidi), authentic truth (zhendi), and supreme-meaning truth (diyiyidi). This schema is peculiar, and betrays its Chinese origins, because "authentic truth" and "supreme-meaning truth" are actually just different Chinese renderings of the same Sanskrit term, PARAMĀTHASATYA. Based on other internal evidence, scholars have dated the composition of the sutra to sometime around the middle of the fifth century. Whatever its provenance, the text is ultimately reclassified as an authentic translation in the 602 catalogue Zongjing mulu by Yancong and continues to be so listed in all subsequent East Asian catalogues. See also APOCRYPHA; SANDI.

Repository ::: A permanent resting place for radioactive wastes, which will finally decay to natural levels of radioactivity.

Resistance ::: or a resistance_level:, is the price point at which the rise in the price of a stock or a stock index is halted by the emergence of a growing number of sellers who wish to sell the stock at that price. Resistance levels can be short lived if new information comes to light that changes the overall market’s attitude toward a stock, or they can be long lasting.

reticular formation: a diffuse network of nerve fibres which runs through the brain stem and limbic system, with connections both up to the cortex and down to the spinal cord; that alerts the cerebral cortex to incoming sensory signals and serves to regulate arousal levels, maintain consciousness and awakening from sleep.

Risk Assessment ::: The process of establishing information regarding acceptable levels of a risk and/or levels of risk for an individual, group, society, or the environment.

rods ::: Photoreceptors specialized for operating at low light levels.

Ruach (&

rupadhātu. (T. gzugs khams; C. sejie; J. shikikai; K. saekkye 色界). In Sanskrit and Pāli, the "realm of subtle materiality" or "form realm," which together with the sensuous, or desire, realm (KĀMADHĀTU) and the immaterial, or formless, realm (ĀRuPYADHĀTU) constitute the three realms (TRAIDHĀTUKA) of SAMSĀRA; the term is synonymous with rupāvacara. The subtle-materiality realm is located above the heavens of the sensuous realm, which are situated on and above Mount SUMERU. This realm is divided into four meditative heavens associated with the four meditative concentrations of the subtle-materiality realm (RuPĀVACARADHYĀNA). These meditative heavens are places of rebirth in saMsāra and are accessible only through mastery of a specific rupāvacaradhyāna; the beings reborn there are classified as BRAHMĀ gods. Rebirth in these meditative heavens is the result of a specific kind of virtuous action, called an "immovable action" (S. ANINJYAKARMAN), in which the action has the definite and specific effect of bringing about rebirth in either the subtle-materiality or immaterial heavens. The immovable action that would result in rebirth in, for example, the second concentration of the subtle-materiality realm, is the achievement of that specific state of dhyāna as a human in the immediately preceding lifetime. This realm is called the "subtle-materiality realm" because the beings there are free of the desires of the sensuous realm yet retain at least some semblance of physicality, albeit extremely subtle, and have a vestigial attachment to form (RuPA). Only three of the five sensory objects remain in the subtle-materiality realm: visual objects, auditory objects, and objects of touch; hence, the deities there have only three physical sense organs, of sight, hearing, and touch. Each of the four concentrations of the subtle-materiality realm has its own sublevels, with three levels in the the first heaven, three in the second, three in the third, and eight in the fourth, totaling seventeen. In each ascending level, the heaven is situated farther above Mount Sumeru, the height of its beings grows taller, and their life spans increase. Although the characteristics of the various heavens within the subtle-materiality realm are described in some detail, the greater emphasis in Buddhist literature is on the states of meditative absorption that characterize each, how they are achieved, and how they differ from each other, with particular attention paid to the highest of the four, the fourth dhyāna of the subtle-materiality realm. The first three absorptions are characterized by a feeling of physical rapture (PRĪTI) and mental ease or bliss (SUKHA), whereas the fourth and subtlest of these dhyānas is characterized by one-pointedness of mind (CITTAIKĀGRATĀ) and equanimity (UPEKsĀ). It is therefore considered an ideal state from which to achieve NIRVĀnA: for example, when the Buddha entered PARINIRVĀnA, his mind passed through each of the four subtle-materiality and immaterial absorptions before passing into nirvāna directly from the fourth absorption. The fourth absorption also received particular attention as a place of rebirth. While the first three concentrations each have only three divisions, the fourth concentration has eight, with the additional five reserved for those beings who become ĀRYA, or noble beings, through direct insight into the nature of reality. In the fourfold division of noble persons (ĀRYAPUDGALA; viz., stream-enterer, once-returner, nonreturner, and ARHAT), the nonreturner (ANĀGĀMIN) is defined as that noble person who is never again reborn in the sensuous realm. Such a person may be reborn in the subtle-materiality realm, however, and the upper five heavens of the fourth absorption are a special place of rebirth called the pure abodes (sUDDHĀVĀSA) that are reserved just for such beings. See also DEVA.

SahāMpati. (P. Sahampati; T. Mi mjed kyi bdag po; C. Suopo shijie zhu; J. Shabasekaishu; K. Saba segye chu 娑婆世界主). In Sanskrit, "Lord of the Sahā World," the epithet of a BRAHMĀ deity. The first concentration (DHYĀNA) of the realm of subtle materiality (RuPADHĀTU; see RuPĀVACARADHYĀNA) has three levels, called BRAHMAKĀYIKA, BRAHMAPUROHITA, and MAHĀBRAHMĀ. The most senior of the deities of this third and highest level within the first concentration is called Brahmā SahāMpati. He plays a crucial role in the inception of the Buddhist teaching (sĀSANA). After his enlightenment, the newly enlightened Buddha is said to have wondered whether there was anyone in this world who would be able to understand his teaching. Brahmā SahāMpati then appeared to him and implored him to teach, convincing him that there were persons "with little dust in their eyes" who would be able to understand his teachings. According to BUDDHAGHOSA, the Buddha had every intention to teach but feigned reluctance in order that Brahmā SahāMpati would make the request, knowing that if the most powerful divinity in the SAHĀLOKA implored the Buddha to teach, those who honored Brahmā would heed the Buddha's teachings. Brahmā SahāMpati also assured the Buddha that in their last lifetimes, none of the buddhas of the past had had a teacher other than the DHARMA they discovered themselves. According to some accounts, he is divinity not of the mahābrahmā realm but rather of the sUDDHĀVĀSA.

sakṛdāgāmin. (P. sakadāgāmi; T. lan gcig phyir 'ong ba; C. yilai/situohan; J. ichirai/shidagon; K. illae/sadaham 一來/斯陀含). In Sanskrit, lit. "once-returner"; the second (in ascending order) of the four grades of noble person (ĀRYAPUDGALA), the others being the SROTAĀPANNA or "stream-enterer" (the first grade), the ANĀGĀMIN or "nonreturner" (the next grade above sakṛdāgāmin), and the ARHAT or "worthy one" (the highest grade). The sakṛdāgāmin is one who has completely put aside the first three of ten fetters (SAMYOJANA) that bind one to the cycle of rebirth; namely, (1) belief in the existence of a self in relation to the body (SATKĀYADṚstI), (2) doubt about the efficacy of the path (VICIKITSĀ), (3) belief in the efficacy of rites and rituals (sĪLAVRATAPARĀMARsA); and in addition, he has made progress in substantially overcoming the fourth and fifth fetters, namely, (4) sensual craving (KĀMARĀGA), and (5) malice (VYĀPĀDA). Having put aside the first three fetters completely and mitigated the fourth and fifth fetters, the sakṛdāgāmin is destined to be reborn in the sensuous realm (KĀMADHĀTU) at most one more time, although he may be reborn in the realm of subtle materiality (RuPADHĀTU) or the immaterial realm (ĀRuPYADHĀTU) before attaining NIRVĀnA. Both SAKṚDĀGĀMIPHALAPRATIPANNAKA and SAKṚDĀGĀMIPHALASTHA are once-returners. The sakṛdāgāmin is also one of the twenty members of the ĀRYASAMGHA (see VIMsATIPRABHEDASAMGHA). In this context sakṛdāgāmin is the name for candidates (pratipannaka) for the fruition of sakṛdāgāmin SAKṚDĀGĀMIPHALAPRATIPANNAKA). They may be either a follower through faith (sRADDHĀNUSĀRIN) or a follower through doctrine (DHARMĀNUSĀRIN) with either dull (MṚDVINDRIYA) or keen faculties (TĪKsnENDRIYA). In all cases they are those who, before reaching the path of vision (DARsANAMĀRGA), have eliminated six or seven of the levels of afflictions (KLEsA) that cause rebirth in the sensuous realm (KĀMADHĀTU) that the ordinary (LAUKIKA) path of meditation (BHĀVANĀMĀRGA) removes, but they will not have eliminated the eighth or ninth level. Were they to have done so, they would be called candidates for the third fruit of nonreturner (ANĀGĀMIPHALAPRATIPANNAKA).

sakṛdāgāmiphalastha. (P. sakadāgāmiphala; T. phyir 'ong 'bras gnas; C. zheng yilai guo; J. shoichiraika; K. chŭng illae kwa 證一來果). In Sanskrit, "one who has reached, or is the recipient of, the fruit of once-returner"; this term is paired with the SAKṚDĀGĀMIPHALAPRATIPANNAKA, one who is a candidate for the fruit of once-returner. Both refer to the "once-returner" (SAKṚDĀGĀMIN), one of the four types of noble persons (ĀRYA); the sakṛdāgāmiphalapratipannaka has, however, only reached the ĀNANTARYAMĀRGA (unimpeded path), while the sakṛdāgāmiphalastha has reached the VIMUKTIMĀRGA (path of freedom). In general, according to the ABHIDHARMAKOsABHĀsYA, a noble person reaches the goal of ARHAT by becoming free of all the afflictions (KLEsA) of the three realms, from the sensuous realm to the BHAVĀGRA, the highest level of the immaterial realm. There are nine levels to the three realms: the level of the sensous realm is counted as one, and each of the four meditative absorptions (DHYĀNA) of the realms of both subtle materiality and and immateriality are counted as one each. The path of vision (DARsANAMĀRGA) has sixteen instants, eight ānantaryamārga and eight vimuktimārga. The first four instants (consisting of two pairs of ānantaryamārga and vimuktimārga) are focused on the truth of suffering as it pertains to the sensuous realm, and then to the remaining eight levels of the two upper realms. The second four instants are focused on the truth of origination as it pertains to the sensuous realm, and then to the remaining eight levels of the two upper realms (see DHARMAKsĀNTI). In this way, during sixteen instants that systematize the path of vision, all the afflictions to be eliminated by the path of vision are removed. The sharpest people (TĪKsnENDRIYA), with the finest store of previous actions, like the Buddha, know all three realms are equally conditioned by suffering (SAMSKĀRADUḤKHATĀ) and feel disgust for all of it equally as SAMSĀRA; they enter into the path of vision, eliminate the fetters, and awaken as arhats. Others have gradations of good fortune, ranging from those who will reach the final goal after death, to those who spend many lives taking rebirth in different heavens in the upper two realms before finally reaching the goal of arhatship. Those whose prior store of actions is such that, prior to reaching the path of vision, they have eliminated all, some, or none of the nine sets of afflictions that specifically cause rebirth in the sensuous realm reach the intermediate fruits of nonreturner, once-returner, and stream-enterer, respectively, when they reach the path of vision. The number of births they will take, and the places they take them, give rise to an āryasaMgha made up of twenty different persons (VIMsATIPRABHEDASAMGHA). In the Mahāyāna didactic reformulations of ABHIDHARMA, sakṛdāgāmin is a name for celestial bodhisattvas who are in their last life before taking birth in the TUsITA heaven prior to becoming complete and perfect buddhas (samyaksaMbuddha).

samādhi. (T. ting nge 'dzin; C. sanmei; J. sanmai; K. sammae 三昧). In Sanskrit, "concentration"; a foundational term in Buddhist meditation theory and practice, which is related to the ability to establish and maintain one-pointedness of mind (CITTAIKĀGRATĀ) on a specific object of concentration. The SARVĀSTIVĀDA school of ABHIDHARMA and the YOGĀCĀRA school list samādhi as one of a group of five determinative (VINIYATA) mental concomitants (CAITTA), whose function is to aid the mind in ascertaining or determining its object. The five are: aspiration or desire-to-act (CHANDA), determination or resolve (ADHIMOKsA), mindfulness or memory (SMṚTI), concentration (SAMĀDHI), and wisdom or cognition (PRAJNĀ). According to ASAnGA, these five determinative factors accompany wholesome (KUsALA) states of mind, so that if one is present, all are present. In Pāli ABHIDHAMMA materials, concentration is one of the seven mental factors (P. cetasika) that are invariably associated with all moments of consciousness (CITTA, MANAS, or VIJNĀNA). Concentration occurs in many other important lists, including as the second of the three trainings (TRIsIKsĀ), and the last stage of the eightfold path (ĀRYĀstĀnGAMĀRGA). Concentration is distinguished according to the quality of consciousness with which it is associated. "Right concentration" (SAMYAKSAMĀDHI, P. sammāsamādhi) is concentration associated with wholesome (KUsALA) states of mind; it is listed not only as one element of the eightfold noble path, but as one of seven factors of enlightenment (BODHYAnGA, P. bojjhanga), and, in an incipient state, as one of five powers (BALA) and the other categories that together make up the BODHIPĀKsIKADHARMA (thirty-seven factors associated with awakening). High degrees of concentration can be developed through the practice of meditation (BHĀVANĀ). Concentration of such intensity receives the designation "one-pointedness of mind" (cittaikāgratā). When developed to its greatest degree, mental concentration leads to the attainment of DHYĀNA (P. JHĀNA), "meditative absorption." It is also the main mental factor defining the four magical powers (ṚDDHIPĀDA, P. iddhipāda). The cultivation of concentration for the purposes of attaining meditative absorption is called tranquillity meditation (sAMATHA). In the Pāli abhidhamma, three levels of concentration are distinguished in the practice of tranquility meditation: (1) preparatory concentration (PARIKAMMASAMĀDHI) is the degree of concentration established at the beginning of a meditation session. (2) Access or neighborhood concentration (UPACĀRASAMĀDHI) arises just as the practitioner approaches but does not enter the first level of meditative absorption; it is marked by the appearance in the mind of a representational image (PAtIBHĀGANIMITTA) of the object of meditation. (3) "Attainment" or "full" concentration (APPANĀSAMĀDHI) is the level of concentration that arises upon entering and abiding in any of the meditative absorptions. In the MAHĀYĀNA sutras, a wide variety of profound meditative experiences are described as samādhis and are mentioned as attainments of the bodhisattva as he ascends through the ten BHuMIs. The MAHĀVYUTPATTI lists 118 different samādhis that are specified by name in the PRAJNĀPĀRAMITĀ sutras, such as candravimala (stainless moon), sarvadharmodgata (surpassing all dharmas), siMhavikrīdita (lion's play), anantaprabha (limitless light), and acala (immovable). See also YATHĀBHuTAJNĀNADARsANA.

samāpatti. (T. snyom 'jug; C. dengzhi/zhengshou; J. toji/shoju; K. tŭngji/chongsu 等至/正受). In Sanskrit and Pāli, "attainment" or "trance," a state of deep concentration produced through the practice of meditation; the term literally means "correct entrance." Specifically, samāpatti refers to eight levels of attainment, which correlate with the eight meditative absorptions (DHYĀNA), the four absorptions of the realm of subtle materiality (RuPĀVACARADHYĀNA) and the four of the immaterial realm (ĀRuPYĀVACARADHYĀNA). However, unlike the dhyāna model, samāpatti may also add a ninth attainment, called either the attainment of the cessation of perception and sensation (SAMJNĀVEDAYITANIRODHA) or the trance of cessation (NIRODHASAMĀPATTI). The four attainments of the realm of subtle materiality are named for the order in which they occur. Thus, in ascending order, they are the first concentration (prathamadhyāna, P. pathamajjhāna), the second concentration (dvitīyadhyāna, P. dutiyajjhāna), the third concentration (tṛtīyadhyāna, P. tatiyajjhāna), and the fourth concentration (caturthadhyāna, P. catutthajjhāna). The four levels of the immaterial realm are the attainment of the sphere of boundless space (ākāsānantyāyatanasamāpatti, P. ākāsānanNcāyatanasamāpatti), attainment of the sphere of boundless consciousness (vijNānānantyāyatanasamāpatti, P. vinNnNānānNcāyatanasamāpatti), attainment of the sphere of nothingness (ākinNcanyāyatanasamāpatti, P. ākiNcaNNāyatanasamāpatti), and attainment of the sphere of neither perception nor nonperception (naivasaMjNānāsaMjNāyatanasamāpatti, P. nevasanNNānāsaNNāyatanasamāpatti). As indicated earlier, a ninth stage, the attainment of the cessation of perception and sensation (saMjNāvedayitanirodha) or the attainment of cessation (nirodhasamāpatti), is often added to these latter four. These eight or nine states are also known as the "successive dwellings" (anupurvavihāra). By achieving one of these states of absorption through the practice of meditation while still a human being, one will be reborn in the respective level of these realms of existence in the next lifetime. Similar samāpatti schemes, which present stratified levels of meditative attainment, also appear in non-Buddhist yogic systems. See also ASAMJNĀSAMĀPATTI.

saMsāra. (T. 'khor ba; C. lunhui/shengsi lunhui; J. rinne/shojirinne; K. yunhoe/saengsa yunhoe 輪迴/生死輪迴). In Sanskrit and Pāli, "wandering," viz., the "cycle of REBIRTH." The realms that are subject to rebirth are typically described as composed of six rebirth destinies (GATI): divinities (DEVA), demigods or titans (ASURA), humans (MANUsYA), animals (TIRYAK), ghosts (PRETA), and hell denizens (NĀRAKA). These destinies are all located within the three realms of existence (TRAIDHĀTUKA), which comprises the entirety of our universe (see also AVACARA; LOKADHĀTU). At the bottom of the sensuous realm (KĀMADHĀTU; kāmāvacara) are located the denizens of the hells (NĀRAKA), the lowest of which is named the interminable (AVĪCI). This most ill-fated of existences is followed by ghosts, animals, humans, demigods, and the divinities of the six heavens of the sensuous realm. Higher levels of the divinities occupy the upper two realms of existence, the subtle-materiality realm (RuPADHĀTU) and the immaterial realm (ĀRuPYADHĀTU). The bottom three destinies, of hell denizens, hungry ghosts, and animals, are referred to as the three evil bournes (DURGATI); these are destinies where suffering predominates because of the past performance of unwholesome (AKUsALA) actions (KARMAN). In the various levels of the divinities, happiness predominates, because of the past performance of wholesome (KUsALA) actions. By contrast, the human destiny is thought to be ideally suited for religious training, because it is the only bourne where both suffering and happiness can be readily experienced, allowing the adept to recognize more easily the true character of life as impermanent (ANITYA), suffering (DUḤKHA), and nonself (ANĀTMAN). SaMsāra is said to have no beginning and to come to end only for those individuals who achieve liberation from rebirth through the practice of the path (MĀRGA) to NIRVĀnA. SaMsāra is depicted iconographically as a "wheel of existence" (BHAVACAKRA), which shows the six rebirth destinies, surrounding a pig, a rooster, and a snake, which symbolize ignorance (AVIDYĀ), desire (LOBHA), and hatred (DVEsA), respectively. Around the edge of the wheel are scenes representing the twelve links of dependent origination (PRATĪTYASAMUTPĀDA). The relation between saMsāra and nirvāna is discussed at length in Buddhist texts, with NĀGĀRJUNA famously declaring that there is not the slightest difference between them, because the true nature of both is emptiness (suNYATĀ).

samyaksamādhi. (P. sammāsamādhi; T. yang dag pa'i ting nge 'dzin; C. zhengding; J. shojo; K. chongjong 正定). In Sanskrit, "right concentration" or "correct concentration," the eighth constituent of the noble eightfold path (ĀRYĀstĀnGAMĀRGA). It is defined generally as the concentration of the mind on wholesome objects. When fully developed, such concentration results in the attainment of the four levels of meditative absorption (DHYĀNA) associated with the realm of subtle materiality (RuPADHĀTU). In this context, two types of samyaksamādhi are described. The first, called mundane, or LAUKIKA, is associated with all forms of ordinary concentration up to and including the four stages of dhyāna. The second type is associated with the attainment of the four supramundane (LOKOTTARA) paths of the stream-enterer, once-returner, nonreturner, and arhat.

sanmei jing. (S. samādhisutra; J. sanmaikyo; K. sammae kyong 三昧經). In Chinese, "SAMĀDHI scriptures"; a category of MAHĀYĀNA sutras that are primarily or exclusively concerned with the practice or experience of meditation (SAMĀDHI), or whose title contains the term sanmei. The earliest reference to sanmei jing as a scriptural category appears in the oldest extant Chinese scriptural catalogue, CHU SANZANG JIJI ("Compilation of Notices on the Translation of the TRIPItAKA"), compiled by SENGYOU (445-518) around 515; there, Sengyou remarks that Zhu Fahu (DHARMARAKsA) translated several sanmei jings. The Chinese Buddhist canon (DAZANGJING) contains more than fifty sutras that use the term sanmei in their titles. These include sanmei jings whose Sanskrit titles do not use the term samādhi and to which the term sanmei was added when these scriptures were translated into Chinese. There are also other scriptures of uncertain provenance whose titles in earlier Chinese translations did not contain the term sanmei. An examination of successive Chinese Buddhist scriptural catalogues (JINGLU) in fact reveals that there were several sutras that circulated first with one title, and later with a revised title that added sanmei to the original. Furthermore, there are a number of indigenous Chinese Buddhist scriptures (see APOCRYPHA), that were not entered into the canon, which call themselves sanmei jing. This phenomenon began early in the history of Chinese Buddhism. DAO'AN's 374 CE scriptural catalogue (ZONGLI ZHONG-JING MULU), which is no longer extant but portions of which are excerpted in Sengyou's Chu sanzang jiji, lists twenty-six scriptures of dubious authenticity; of these, six are titled sanmei jing. Several sanmei jings, such as the Banzhou sanmeijing (S. PRATYUTPANNABUDDHASAMMUKHĀVASTHITASAMĀDHISuTRA), offer instruction regarding the full range of practices involved in cultivating a specific samādhi technique. The majority of sanmei jings, however, are instead concerned with the various states of mind that the Buddha or BODHISATTVAs attained through samādhi, praising that samādhi, and/or emphasizing the merit gained through keeping and transmitting the text of the sanmei jing. The popularity of the sanmei jing genre in Chinese Buddhism can be at least partially attributed to Chinese Buddhists' faith and interest in the religious practice of copying and reciting scriptures, which most sanmei jings encourage as a means of attaining enlightenment. Higher meditative states like samādhi sometime seem ancillary to the topic of certain sanmei jings: the JINGDU SANMEI JING, for example, offers a detailed account of thirty separate levels of the hells and the incumbent punishments meted out there; in order to avoid the torments of hell, the scripture exhorts laypeople not to meditate, but instead to observe the five precepts (PANCAsĪLA) and perform the "eight-restrictions fast" (BAGUAN ZHAI) on specific Chinese seasonal days.

saptakṛdbhavaparama. (T. re ltar thogs na srid pa lan bdun pa; C. jiqi fanyou; J. gokushippon'u; K. kŭkch'il panyu 極七返有). In Sanskrit, "one who takes up to seven existences" before NIRVĀnA; a specific type of stream-enterer (SROTAĀPANNA), one of the twenty members of the ĀRYASAMGHA (see VIMsATIPRABHEDASAMGHA). According to the ABHIDHARMAKOsABHĀsYA, they are those who, on reaching the path of vision (DARsANAMĀRGA), have not yet eliminated even one of the set of nine levels of afflictions (KLEsA) that cause rebirth in the sensuous realm (KĀMADHĀTU), these being the impediments to the first DHYĀNA that the mundane (LAUKIKA) path of cultivation (BHĀVANĀMĀRGA) removes; they will therefore take up to a maximum of seven rebirths in the sensuous realm before they reach the goal of ARHAT.

sarana. (P. sarana; T. skyabs; C. guiyi; J. kie; K. kwiŭi 歸依). In Sanskrit, "refuge," "shelter," or "haven"; referring specifically to the "three refuges" (TRIsARAnA) of the Buddha, DHARMA, and SAMGHA, where Buddhists seek safe haven. The recitation of the three refuges is one of the foundational ritual practices in Buddhism: "I go for refuge to the Buddha (buddhaM saranaM gacchāmi). I go for refuge to the dharma (dharmaM saranaM gacchāmi). I go for refuge to the saMgha (saMghaM saranaM gacchāmi)." Reciting this formula three times was one of the first ways supplicants gained admittance to the Buddhist community, which initially began with wandering monks and later expanded into different levels of both clergy and lay. Separate rituals for each level of ordination developed, but the trisarana recitation is found in them all. In general, after identifying the three objects of refuge through their special features and unique qualities, supplicants are instructed to keep a set of rules; the most basic rule is associated with the dharma ("the actual refuge"), i.e., not willfully hurting any living being (AHIMSĀ). It is not clear how the trisarana recitation became associated with conversion (see AMBEDKAR, BHIMRAO RAMJI), although in modern contexts it is often the formula associated with that religious event. See TRIsARAnA; RATNATRAYA.

Satisficing - A hypothesised objective of firms to achieve levels of performance deemed satisfactory rather than to maximise some objective. 2) To decide on and pursue a course of action that will satisfy the minimum requirements necessary to achieve a particular goal.

Satisficing ::: is a decision-making strategy that aims for a satisfactory or adequate result, rather than the optimal solution. Rather than put maximum exertion towards attaining the most ideal outcome, satisficing focuses on pragmatic effort when confronted with tasks. This is because aiming for the optimal solution may necessitate needless expenditure of time, energy and resources. The strategy can include adopting a minimalist approach in regards to achieving the first attainable resolution that meets basic acceptable outcomes. Satisficing narrows the scope of options that are considered to achieve those outcomes, setting aside options that would call for more intensive, complex, or unfeasible efforts to attempt attain more optimal results. The term "satisfice" was coined by American scientist and Noble-laureate Herbert Simon in 1956.  BREAKING DOWN 'Satisficing'   The theory of satisficing finds application in a number of fields including economics, artificial intelligence and sociology. Satisficing implies that a consumer, when confronted with a plethora of choices for a specific need, will select a product or service that is "good enough," rather than expending effort and resources on finding the best possible or optimal choice.  If a consumer were to require a tool to process and resolve a problem, under a satisficing strategy they would look to the simplest, most readily accessible piece of equipment regardless of more effective options being available at greater cost and time. For instance, that may include the use of a single software title versus procuring an entire software suite that includes supplemental features.   How Satisficing Is Applied   Organizations that adopt satisficing as a strategy might seek to meet the minimal expectations for revenue and profit set by the board of directors and other shareholders. This contrasts with attempting to maximize profits through concerted efforts that put higher demands on the performance of the organization across sales, marketing, and other departments.  By aspiring to targets that are more attainable, the effort put forth may be equitable with the final results. Such a strategy might also be applied if a company’s leadership chooses to put only nominal effort towards one objective in order to prioritize resources to achieve optimal solutions for another goal. Reducing staffing at a tertiary worksite to minimal operational levels could allow for personnel to be reassigned to other divisions and projects where more substantial labor is required for maximized results. A limitation of satisficing is that the definition of what constitutes a satisfactory result has not necessarily been determined, nor is it universally clear that such a result differs from pursuit of an optimal outcome.

SEA. ::: In this yoga one sees many levels of consciousness which appear as skies or else as seas.

Secondary Drinking Water Regulations ::: Non-enforceable regulations applying to public water systems and specifying the maximum contamination levels that, in the judgment of EPA, are required to protect the public welfare. These regulations apply to any contaminants that may adversely affect the odor or appearance of such water and consequently may cause people served by the system to discontinue its use.

Second Tier ::: Used to summarize the Flex Flow and Global View stages of value systems development from the Spiral Dynamics model. These stages are defined by their capacity to see the relative importance of all value systems, as opposed to First-Tier value systems, which declare their values to be the only correct values. Integral Theory uses Second Tier to refer to the Teal and Turquoise levels of developmental altitude.

self-system ::: A third-person descriptor for the overall self. The self-system is the locus of identification, will, defenses, metabolism, and integration (i.e., balancing the various levels, lines, states, and types of consciousness).

Sephiroth ::: Also Sephirot and sometimes described as spheres. The singular form is Sephirah (also Sephira and Sefirah). The ten (sometimes eleven if Da'ath is included) states of conscious experience that are used to describe the roadmap of reality that is the Kabbalah. The various levels of these spheres and their interactions with the others seek to encompass all of the detailed and exotic permutations of consciousness and movements of the Universe.

Set Priority Level (SPL) The way traditional {Unix} {kernels} implement {mutual exclusion} by running code at high {interrupt priority levels} and thus blocking lower level interrupts. (1994-11-23)

Set Priority Level ::: (SPL) The way traditional Unix kernels implement mutual exclusion by running code at high interrupt priority levels and thus blocking lower level interrupts. (1994-11-23)

shi. (J. ji; K. sa 事). In Chinese, "phenomenon," "event," "object"; the specific elements of the empirical world as they are experienced conventionally. In East Asian Buddhism, shi is typically used in distinction to "principle" (LI): li refers to the fundamental pattern or principle that underlies all phenomena, thus representing the true nature of reality; shi by contrast refers to all the particular expressions of this li in the phenomenal world. This interrelationship thus implies the inherent presence of li within shi. Teachers within the TIANTAI ZONG were among the first to employ the two terms in their systematic analysis of Buddhist thought. TIANTAI ZHIYI (538-597), the systematizer of the Tiantai zong, applied the terms to refer not only to doctrinal but also to the practical dimensions of Buddhism. In the contexts of Buddhist practice, shi refers to such specific ritual and meditative activities as repentance, circumambulation, reciting the sutras, and sitting meditation, which could lead to the realization of the principle of emptiness or the truth of the median (see SANDI). The term shi is especially crucial in HUAYAN doctrinal analysis, where it is deployed in the taxonomy of the four realms of reality (DHARMADHĀTU), four successively more profound levels of experience (see SI FAJIE). According to Huayan doctrine, because each and every individual phenomenon (shi) is pervaded by principle (li), all the various discrete phenomena pervade, and are in turn pervaded by, each and every other discrete phenomenon in the experience of what Huayan terms the "dharma-realm of the unimpeded interpenetration between phenomenon and phenomena" (SHISHI WU'AI FAJIE). As the individual products of dependent origination (PRATĪTYASAMUTPĀDA), shi thus represents the organic totality of reality, in which every phenomenon is in multivalent interaction with everything else in the universe, mutually creating, and being created by, all other things.

Siddhi ::: Abilities deemed supernatural by society that arise from meditative practices and higher levels of realization.

si fajie. (J. shihokai/shihokkai; K. sa popkye 四法界). In Chinese, "four DHARMADHĀTUS"; four successively more profound levels of reality as outlined in the HUAYAN ZONG: (1) the dharmadhātu of phenomena (SHI FAJIE); (2) the dharmadhātu of principle (LI FAJIE); (3) the dharmadhātu of the unimpeded interpenetration between phenomena and principle (LISHI WU'AI FAJIE); (4) the dharmadhātu of the unimpeded interpenetration between phenomenon and phenomena (SHISHI WU'AI FAJIE). This understanding of four successive levels of reality is widely used in Huayan classificatory schemata (see JIAOXIANG PANSHI; HUAYAN WIJIAO) of Buddhist doctrines and is also employed as a justification for the different soteriological techniques prescribed by the various Buddhist schools. See also DHARMADHĀTU.

siksāpada. (P. sikkhāpada; T. bslab pa'i gzhi; C. xuechu; J. gakusho; K. hakch'o 學處). In Sanskrit, lit. "training step"; "training rules," "precepts," or "moral instructions"; viz., various rules of conduct incumbent on both lay and monastic adherents of Buddhism. Theoretically, the number of siksāpadas, in the sense of situations where it is incumbent on an adherent to maintain proper moral decorum, is infinite, but the number of rules a specific adherent was expected to follow depended on his or her level of commitment. All these moral instructions are administered in the formula, "I undertake the training rule (siksāpada) to abstain from..." Thus, the Buddhist moral codes are not regarded as commandments handed down from on high, but steps in training that are found to be useful in promoting wholesome actions (KUsALA-KARMAN) and in weaning the individual from clinging and attachment. It is generally understood that the practitioner must become adept in following these basic rules of training before he or she can go on to higher levels of training: the effective engagement in the cultivation of concentration (SAMĀDHI), wisdom (PRAJNĀ), and so on. The five basic rules of conduct required of all Buddhists, and specifically the laity, are the five precepts (PANCAsĪLA), viz., "undertaking the training rule to abstain from": (1) killing, (2) stealing, (3) sexual misconduct, (4) false speech, and (5) intoxicants. On full- and new-moon days (S. UPOsADHA, P. uposatha), the laity had the option of increasing the number of siksāpada for their training in morality and keeping an expanded set of eight precepts (P. uposathasīla, see AstĀnGASAMANVĀGATAM UPAVĀSAM) as a sort of temporary renunciation. These added three precepts to the preceding list of five, viz., abstaining from: (6) eating after midday, (7) dancing, singing, music, and other unseemly forms of entertainment, and using garlands, perfumes, and unguents (viz., cosmetics) to adorn the body, and (8) using high and luxurious beds and couches. Additionally on that day, the layperson was also expected to abstain from all sexual activity, rather than just sexual misconduct defined specifically for the lay person. Ordination as a male novice (sRĀMAnERA) or female novice (sRĀMAnERIKĀ) required the ordinand to increase the number of siksāpada (grounds for moral training) to ten (DAsAsĪLA) in the Pāli VINAYA, a number expanded to thirty-six in the MuLASARVĀSTIVĀDA VINAYA. Fully ordained monks (BHIKsU) and nuns (BHIKsUnĪ) observed, in turn, a greatly expanded set of siksāpada codified in hundreds of specific training rules, set out in great detail in the various vinaya traditions. In MAHĀYĀNA and tantric Buddhist traditions, the siksāpada are expanded to include various activities, even those that seem antithetical to morality, under the general rubric of skillful means (UPĀYA). See also sĪLA; SAMVARA; PRĀTIMOKsA.

SimCity 2000 "games" An upgraded version of the game/simulation {SimCity} by {Maxis Software}. In the new version you can raise, lower and level terrain; build roads and railways at 45-degree angles; name things in your city by planting "signs"; build raised highways, subways, and train and bus stations, schools, colleges, hospitals, electricity, water, recreational marinas and zoos. There are three levels of zoom, and the view may be rotated to look at your city from any of the four directions. A query feature which will tell you the zoning, land value, etc. of any square. You get newspapers, advice from council members, graphs, and charts. (1995-02-08)

SimCity 2000 ::: (games) An upgraded version of the game/simulation SimCity by Maxis Software. In the new version you can raise, lower and level terrain; build roads build raised highways, subways, and train and bus stations, schools, colleges, hospitals, electricity, water, recreational marinas and zoos.There are three levels of zoom, and the view may be rotated to look at your city from any of the four directions. A query feature which will tell you the zoning, land value, etc. of any square. You get newspapers, advice from council members, graphs, and charts. (1995-02-08)

Siming shiyi shu. (J. Shimei jugisho; K. Samyong sibŭi so 四明十義書). In Chinese, "Siming's Letters on Ten Issues"; a collection of letters compiled by the TIANTAI monk SIMING ZHILI (960-1028) and edited together in 1006. The Siming shiyi shu is a valuable source of information on the SHANJIA SHANWAI, or "Home-Mountain/Off-Mountain," debate within the Song-dynasty Tiantai school. Two recensions of TIANTAI ZHIYI's commentary on the SUVARnAPRABHĀSOTTAMASuTRA, an expanded and an abridged version, were known to have circulated during the late Tang and early Five Dynasties period. Zhili and the Shanjia faction, which later came to define Tiantai orthodoxy, defended the expanded recension when the monk Ciguang Wu'en (912-986) and others of the so-called Shanwai faction began questioning the authenticity of certain of its passages, particularly the ten modes of contemplation found in the text. The Siming shiyi shu speaks of Zhiyi's teachings on contemplation in ten general points: (1) not discerning the subject of contemplation, (2) not discerning the object of contemplation, (3) not distinguishing between inside and outside, (4) not constructing the duality of principle and phenomena, (5) not elucidating the workings of contemplation, (6) not lingering on the difficulties of the mind, (7) not knowing the levels of contemplation, (8) not collecting the meanings of contemplation, (9) not being skilled at collecting passages, (10) not being skilled at studying principle.

situational variables: confounding effects as a result of environmental influences, such as lighting, noise levels and temperature.

Sky ::: A symbol of the mental consciousness (or the psychic) or other consciousnesses above the mind. The higher conscious- ness In any of its levels is seen usually us a sky or ether but when felt through the vital it is often p>erceived as a sea. In this yoga one sees many levels of consciousness which appear as skies or seas.

Slope Factor ::: Toxicity value for evaluating the probability of an individual developing cancer from exposure to contaminant levels over a lifetime. See our toxicity values.

SL "processor" Features of some {Intel} processors, including the {Pentium}, for reducing power consumption. These features operate at two levels: the {microprocessor} and the system. The processor can enter a low power state during non-{processor intensive} tasks (such as {word processing}), or a very low-power state when the computer is not in use ("sleep" mode). At the system level, {system management mode} can slow down, suspend, or completely shut down various system components to save energy. (1995-05-06)

SL ::: (processor) Features of some Intel processors, including the Pentium, for reducing power consumption. These features operate at two levels: the system management mode can slow down, suspend, or completely shut down various system components to save energy. (1995-05-06)

soil ::: “I think you said in a letter that in the line light falling upon the lower levels of the earth, not on the soul. No doubt, the whole thing is symbolic, but the symbol has to be kept in the front and the thing symbolised has to be concealed or only peep out from behind, it cannot come openly into the front and push aside the symbol.” Letters on Savitri—1946

‘soil" was an error for ‘soul". But ‘soil" is correct; for I am describing the revealing light falling upon the lower levels of the earth, not on the soul. No doubt, the whole thing is symbolic, but the symbol has to be kept in the front and the thing symbolised has to be concealed or only peep out from behind, it cannot come openly into the front and push aside the symbol.” Letters on Savitri — 1946

span ::: The number of holons on any given level. While “span” refers to the horizontal dimension of a holon, “depth” refers to its vertical dimension (i.e., the number of levels within a holon). See depth.

spiritualised mind (gradations of) ::: higher ranges of Mind overtopping our normal Mind and leading to Supermind; these successive states, levels or graded powers of being are hidden in our own superconscious parts. In ascending order the gradations of spiritualised mind are:

spiritual ::: The word “spiritual” has at least four major usages: 1. “Spiritual” refers to the highest levels in any developmental line (e.g., transrational cognition, transpersonal self-identity, etc.). 2. “Spiritual” is a separate developmental line itself (e.g., Fowler’s stages of faith). 3. “Spiritual” refers to a state or peak experience (e.g., nature mysticism). 4. “Spiritual” means a particular attitude or orientation, like openness, wisdom, or compassion, which can be present at virtually any state or stage.

sprul sku. A Tibetan term often seen transcribed in English as "tulku"; it is the Tibetan translation of the Sanskrit term NIRMĀnAKĀYA, the third of the three bodies of a buddha (TRIKĀYA), the "emanation body" that appears in the world for the benefit of sentient beings. Although the term retains this standard Buddhological meaning in Tibetan, sprul sku is used by extension to refer to an "incarnate lama," and the term is sometimes translated as such. It is not believed in every case that each incarnate lama is the emanation body of a buddha. However, the implication is that there is a difference in the processes whereby ordinary beings and incarnate lamas take birth in the world. For the former, rebirth is process over which one has no control, with a strong possibility that one's new life will be in the lower rebirth destinies (DURGATI) as an animal, hungry ghost, or hell denizen. The rebirth of an "emanation body" is instead considered to be a voluntary choice. The sprul sku are said to exercise control over their rebirth; a dying incarnation will often leave instructions for his disciples as to where to find his next rebirth. The practice of identifying children as the incarnations of deceased masters may date from as early as the eleventh or twelfth century. By the fifteenth century, all sects of Tibetan Buddhism had adopted the practice of identifying the successive rebirths of a great teacher, the most famous instance of which are the DALAI LAMAs. There were some three thousand lines of incarnation in Tibet (only several of whom are female). It was also the case that a single lama may have more than one incarnation; there were sometimes three, which were considered individual incarnations of the body, speech, and mind of the deceased master. The institution of the incarnate lama became a central component of Tibetan society, providing the means by which authority and charisma, both symbolic and material, was passed from one generation to another. The spread of Tibetan Buddhism can be traced by the increasingly large geographical areas in which incarnate lamas have been discovered. A variety of types and levels of sprul sku are identified. A mchog gi sprul sku (choki tulku) (UTTAMANIRMĀnAKĀYA) is a buddha, such as sĀKYAMUNI, who appears in the world with a body adorned with the major and minor marks of a MAHĀPURUsA. A skye ba'i sprul sku (kyewe tulku) (JANMANIRMĀnAKĀYA) is the appearance of a buddha in the form of an animal, human, or divinity. Tibetan incarnate lamas would fall into this category. Also in this category would be those cases in which a buddha appears as an inanimate object that provides benefit to sentient beings, such as a bridge across a river, a path, a tree, or a cooling breeze. A bzo bo sprul sku (sowo tulku) (sILPANIRMĀnAKĀYA) is an artisan or craftsman or a particular manifestation of artistic beauty that subdues the afflictions (KLEsA). Within the the large DGE LUGS PA monasteries, a monk with the title of tshogs chen sprul sku (tsokchen tulku, "great assembly tulku") is excused from performing regular assembly duties. In Tibetan, an incarnate lama is addressed and referred to as RIN PO CHE (precious one), although that term is also used for abbots and other holders of high ecclesiastical office; it may also be used for one's teacher, even if he or she is not an incarnate lama. The term BLA MA (lama) is typically used to refer to incarnations but is also used widely for a teacher.

sraddhānusārin. (P. saddhānusāri; T. dad pa'i rjes su 'brang ba; C. suixin xing; J. zuishingyo; K. susin haeng 隨信行). In Sanskrit, "follower of faith." The SARVĀSTIVĀDA (e.g., ABHIDHARMAKOsABHĀsYA) and Pāli (e.g., VISUDDHIMAGGA) traditions of mainstream Buddhism both recognize seven types of noble ones (ĀRYA, P. ariya): (1) follower of faith (S. sraddhānusārin; P. saddhānusāri); (2) follower of the dharma (S. DHARMĀNUSĀRIN, P. dhammānusāri); (3) one liberated through faith (S. sRADDHĀVIMUKTA; P. saddhāvimutta); (4) one who has formed right view (S. DṚstIPRĀPTA; P. ditthippatta), by developing both faith and wisdom; (5) the bodily witness (S. KĀYASĀKsIN; P. kāyasakkhi), viz., through the temporary suspension of mentality in the equipoise of cessation (NIRODHASAMĀPATTI); (6) one who is freed by wisdom (S. PRAJNĀVIMUKTA; P. paNNāvimutta), by freeing oneself through analysis; and (7) one who is freed both ways (S. UBHAYATOBHĀGAVIMUKTA; P. ubhatobhāgavimutta), by freeing oneself through both meditative absorption and wisdom. A follower of faith is a person who has attained the fruit of stream-enterer (SROTAĀPANNA) and in whom the faculty (INDRIYA) of faith (sRADDHĀ) is predominant. Such a person will eventually become one who is freed through faith (sRADDHĀVIMUKTA). In the Abhidharmakosabhāsya, there is a basic division of path types and personality types, where a faith-follower and a dharma-follower eliminate hindrances to goals all at once or in a series, and respectively either pass through the intermediate stages of once-returner and nonreturner, or else skip such stages completely, before finally becoming ARHATs. In general, dharma-followers are those who proceed based on knowledge of the FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS as it pertains to all three realms of existence; they eliminate hindrances to all goals all at once, while the achievements of faith-followers are more progressive. According to the Sarvāstivāda VAIBHĀsIKA school of ABHIDHARMA, an ARHAT whose liberation is grounded in faith may be subject to backsliding from that state, whereas those who are dharmānusārin are unshakable (AKOPYA), because they have experienced the knowledge of nonproduction (ANUTPĀDAJNĀNA), viz., that the afflictions (KLEsA) can never occur again, the complement of the knowledge of extinction (KsAYAJNĀNA). In the MAHĀYĀNA interpretation of the terms, bodhisattvas who are dharma-followers have knowledge of emptiness (suNYATĀ), i.e., they have gained a knowledge of the way things are (TATTVA) even at early stages of the path and will never revert to the HĪNAYĀNA; the faith-followers are not irreversible (AVAIVARTIKA) in that way until higher levels of the path. The sraddhānusārin is also found in the list of the members of the saMgha when it is subdivided into twenty (VIMsATIPRABHEDASAMGHA). Among the sraddhānusārin, there are candidates for the fruit of stream-enterer (SROTAĀPANNAPHALAPRATIPANNAKA), once-returner (SAKṚDĀGĀMIPHALAPRATIPANNAKA), and nonreturner (ANĀGĀMIPHALAPRATIPANNAKA). The first has eliminated up to five of the nine sets of afflictions (KLEsA) that cause rebirth in the sensuous realm (KĀMADHĀTU), the second all but the final set, and the last all of the afflictions. The first takes a number of births (never more than seven) in the sensuous realm before reaching nirvāna, the second has only one rebirth in the sensuous realm left, and the nonreturner will never again take rebirth in the sensuous realm prior to reaching nirvāna.

sraddhāvimukta. (P. saddhāvimutta; T. dad pas rnam par grol ba; C. xinshengjie; J. shinshoge; K. sinsŭnghae 信勝解). In Sanskrit, "liberated through faith." In the Kītāgirisutta of the MAJJHIMANIKĀYA, the Buddha describes seven types of noble persons (ĀRYAPUDGALA, P. ariyapuggala). They are: (1) the follower of faith (sRADDHĀNUSĀRIN, P. saddhānusāri), (2) the one liberated through faith (sraddhāvimukta), (3) the bodily witness (KĀYASĀKsIN, P. kāyasakkhi), (4) the one liberated both ways (UBHAYATOBHĀGAVIMUKTA, P. ubhatobhāgavimutta), (5) the follower of the dharma (DHARMĀNUSĀRIN, P. dhammānusāri), (6) the one who has attained understanding (DṚstIPRĀPTA, P. ditthippatta), and (7), the one liberated through wisdom (PRAJNĀVIMUKTA, P. paNNāvimutta). A person liberated through faith is a noble person at any stage of the path, from the fruit of stream-enterer to the path of the arhat, who has understood the FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS and eliminated some of the defilements, but has not attained any of the DHYĀNA levels of the immaterial realm and who has a predominance of faith. Such a person may or may not have attained the levels of the subtle-materiality realm. The sraddhāvimukta is also found in the list of the members of the saMgha when it is subdivided into twenty (VIMsATIPRABHEDASAMGHA). There are three sraddhāvimukta: recipients of the fruit of stream-enterer (SROTAĀPANNAPHALASTHA), once-returner (SAKṚDĀGĀMIPHALASTHA), and nonreturner (ANĀGĀMIPHALASTHA). These parallel the three sraddhānusārin that are candidates for these same first three fruits of the noble path. See ĀRYAPUDGALA; ĀRYAMĀRGAPHALA.

  Sri Aurobindo: ". . . thought in itself, in its origin on the higher levels of consciousness, is a perception, a cognitive seizing of the object or of some truth of things which is a powerful but still a minor and secondary result of spiritual vision, a comparatively external and superficial regard of the self upon the self, the subject upon itself or something of itself as object.” *The Life Divine

stages ::: A term used to emphasize the sequential unfolding of levels of development. See levels.

Standard Generalized Markup Language "language, text" (SGML) A generic {markup} language for representing documents. SGML is an International Standard that describes the relationship between a document's content and its structure. SGML allows document-based information to be shared and re-used across applications and computer {platforms} in an open, vendor-neutral format. SGML is sometimes compared to {SQL}, in that it enables companies to structure information in documents in an open fashion, so that it can be accessed or re-used by any SGML-aware application across multiple platforms. SGML is defined in "ISO 8879:1986 Information processing -- Text and office systems -- Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)", an {ISO} standard produced by {JTC} 1/SC 18 and amended by "Amendment 1:1988". Unlike other common document file formats that represent both content and presentation, SGML represents a document's content {data} and structure (interrelationships among the data). Removing the presentation from content establishes a neutral format. SGML documents and the information in them can easily be re-used by publishing and non-publishing {applications}. SGML identifies document elements such as titles, paragraphs, tables, and chapters as distinct objects, allowing users to define the relationships between the objects for structuring data in documents. The relationships between document elements are defined in a {Document Type Definition} (DTD). This is roughly analogous to a collection of {field} definitions in a {database}. Once a document is converted into SGML and the information has been 'tagged', it becomes a database-like document. It can be searched, printed or even programmatically manipulated by SGML-aware applications. Companies are moving their documents into SGML for several reasons: Reuse - separation of content from presentation facilitates multiple delivery formats like {CD-ROM} and {electronic publishing}. Portability - SGML is an international, platform-independent, standard based on {ASCII} text, so companies can safely store their documents in SGML without being tied to any one vendor. Interchange - SGML is a core data standard that enables SGML-aware applications to inter-operate and share data seamlessly. A central SGML document store can feed multiple processes in a company, so managing and updating information is greatly simplified. For example, when an aeroplane is delivered to a customer, it comes with thousands of pages of documentation. Distributing these on paper is expensive, so companies are investigating publishing on CD-ROM. If a maintenance person needs a guide for adjusting a plane's flight surfaces, a viewing tool automatically assembles the relevant information from the document {repository} as a complete document. SGML can be used to define attributes to information stored in documents such as security levels. There are few clear leaders in the SGML industry which, in 1993, was estimated to be worth US $520 million and is projected to grow to over US $1.46 billion by 1998. A wide variety tools can be used to create SGML systems. The SGML industry can be separated into the following categories: Mainstream Authoring consists of the key {word processing} vendors like {Lotus}, {WordPerfect} and {Microsoft}. SGML Editing and Publishing includes traditional SGML authoring tools like {ArborText}, {Interleaf}, {FrameBuilder} and {SoftQuad Author}/Editor. SGML Conversions is one of the largest sectors in the market today because many companies are converting legacy data from mainframes, or documents created with mainstream word processors, into SGML. Electronic Delivery is widely regarded as the most compelling reason companies are moving to SGML. Electronic delivery enables users to retrieve information on-line using an intelligent document viewer. Document Management may one day drive a major part of the overall SGML industry. SGML Document Repositories is one of the cornerstone technologies that will affect the progress of SGML as a data standard. Since 1998, almost all development in SGML has been focussed on {XML} - a simple (and therefore easier to understand and implement) subset of SGML. {"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN" (} defines some characters. [How are these related to {ISO 8859}-1?]. {ISO catalogue entry (}. SGML parsers are available from {VU, NL (}, {FSU (}, {UIO, Norway (}. See also {sgmls}. {Usenet} newsgroup: {news:comp.text.sgml}. ["The SGML Handbook", Charles F. Goldfarb, Clarendon Press, 1991, ISBN 0198537379. (Full text of the ISO standard plus extensive commentary and cross-referencing. Somewhat cheaper than the ISO document)]. ["SGML - The User's Guide to ISO 8879", J.M. Smith et al, Ellis Harwood, 1988]. [Example of some SGML?] (2000-05-31)

Standard Generalized Markup Language ::: (language, text) (SGML) A generic markup language for representing documents. SGML is an International Standard that describes the relationship that it can be accessed or re-used by any SGML-aware application across multiple platforms.SGML is defined in ISO 8879:1986 Information processing -- Text and office systems -- Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), an ISO standard produced by JTC 1/SC 18 and amended by Amendment 1:1988.Unlike other common document file formats that represent both content and presentation, SGML represents a document's content data and structure establishes a neutral format. SGML documents and the information in them can easily be re-used by publishing and non-publishing applications.SGML identifies document elements such as titles, paragraphs, tables, and chapters as distinct objects, allowing users to define the relationships between becomes a database-like document. It can be searched, printed or even programmatically manipulated by SGML-aware applications.Companies are moving their documents into SGML for several reasons:Reuse - separation of content from presentation facilitates multiple delivery formats like CD-ROM and electronic publishing.Portability - SGML is an international, platform-independent, standard based on ASCII text, so companies can safely store their documents in SGML without being tied to any one vendor.Interchange - SGML is a core data standard that enables SGML-aware applications to inter-operate and share data seamlessly.A central SGML document store can feed multiple processes in a company, so managing and updating information is greatly simplified. For example, when an can be used to define attributes to information stored in documents such as security levels.There are few clear leaders in the SGML industry which, in 1993, was estimated to be worth US $520 million and is projected to grow to over US $1.46 billion by 1998.A wide variety tools can be used to create SGML systems. The SGML industry can be separated into the following categories:Mainstream Authoring consists of the key word processing vendors like Lotus, WordPerfect and Microsoft.SGML Editing and Publishing includes traditional SGML authoring tools like ArborText, Interleaf, FrameBuilder and SoftQuad Author/Editor.SGML Conversions is one of the largest sectors in the market today because many companies are converting legacy data from mainframes, or documents created with mainstream word processors, into SGML.Electronic Delivery is widely regarded as the most compelling reason companies are moving to SGML. Electronic delivery enables users to retrieve information on-line using an intelligent document viewer.Document Management may one day drive a major part of the overall SGML industry.SGML Document Repositories is one of the cornerstone technologies that will affect the progress of SGML as a data standard.Since 1998, almost all development in SGML has been focussed on XML - a simple (and therefore easier to understand and implement) subset of SGML. defines some characters. [How are these related to ISO 8859-1?]. .SGML parsers are available from , , .See also sgmls.Usenet newsgroup: comp.text.sgml.[The SGML Handbook, Charles F. Goldfarb, Clarendon Press, 1991, ISBN 0198537379. (Full text of the ISO standard plus extensive commentary and cross-referencing. Somewhat cheaper than the ISO document)].[SGML - The User's Guide to ISO 8879, J.M. Smith et al, Ellis Harwood, 1988].[Example of some SGML?](2000-05-31)

storeys ::: floors or levels in a building (in modern usage, stories).

structure ::: The stable pattern of any occasion. In Integral Theory, structure most often refers to the unique, enduring pattern and actual structure of a level of development. See levels.

style ::: a quality of vak, the inward speech expressing a higher knowledge, which "may frame itself in the language now employed to express the ideas and perceptions and impulses of the intellect and the sense mind, but it uses it in a different way and with an intense bringing out of the intuitive or revelatory significances of which speech is capable"; this "seeing speech" has "different grades of its power of vision and expression of vision", the main levels of which are the adequate, effective, illuminative, inspired and inevitable styles.

Subchronic ::: Of intermediate duration, usually used to describe studies or levels of exposure between 5 and 90 days.

Sunaksatra. (P. Sunakkhatta; T. Legs pa'i skar ma; C. Shanxing; J. Zensho; K. Sonsong 善星). The Sankrit proper name of the man who, according to some sources, was the Buddha's half-brother and personal attendant prior to that position being held by ĀNANDA. Despite his personal connection to the Buddha and his extensive knowledge of his teachings, Sunaksatra had no respect for the Buddha, saying that in his twenty-four years of service to him, he saw no difference whatsoever between the Buddha and himself apart from the fact that the Buddha had a six-foot aura. One week after resigning from his position, he died and was reborn as a PRETA. His story is often told as a cautionary tale about disparaging one's teacher. He appears in several Pāli suttas, both before and after he left the order, living longer than seven days after disparaging the Buddha. There, he is described as a Licchavi prince from Vesāli (S. VAIsĀLĪ), who served as the Buddha's personal attendant but then left the order to become a disciple of the naked ascetic Korakkhattiya, the "dog man" who walked on all fours, barked like a dog, and ate like a dog without using his hands. Sunaksatra (P. Sunakkhatta) disparaged the Buddha and said that the dharma did not put an end to suffering, criticizing the Buddha for not performing miracles and showing the origin of things. The Buddha warned him that Korakkhattiya would die in seven days and be reborn as an ASURA, which in fact occurred. Sunaksatra then became the disciple of another naked ascetic, who also died according to the Buddha's prediction. In the MAHĀPARINIRVĀnASuTRA, Sunaksatra is described as a monk who achieved the four levels of DHYĀNA but later, under the influence of other teachers, came to lose faith in the Buddha.

superlife ::: A word coined by Sri Aurobindo. super. A prefix occurring originally in loanwords from Latin with the basic meaning”above, beyond.” An individual, thing, or property that exceeds customary norms or levels.

superlife ::: a word coined by Sri Aurobindo. super. A prefix occurring originally in loanwords from Latin with the basic meaning "above, beyond.” An individual, thing, or property that exceeds customary norms or levels.

Supermind ::: The Supermind [Supramental consciousness] is in its very essence a truth-consciousness, a consciousness always free from the Ignorance which is the foundation of our present natural or evolutionary existence and from which nature in us is trying to arrive at self-knowledge and world-knowledge and a right consciousness and the right use of our existence in the universe. The Supermind, because it is a truth-consciousness, has this knowledge inherent in it and this power of true existence; its course is straight and can go direct to its aim, its field is wide and can even be made illimitable. This is because its very nature is knowledge: it has not to acquire knowledge but possesses it in its own right; its steps are not from nescience or ignorance into some imperfect light, but from truth to greater truth, from right perception to deeper perception, from intuition to intuition, from illumination to utter and boundless luminousness, from growing widenesses to the utter vasts and to very infinitude. On its summits it possesses the divine omniscience and omnipotence, but even in an evolutionary movement of its own graded self-manifestation by which it would eventually reveal its own highest heights, it must be in its very nature essentially free from ignorance and error: it starts from truth and light and moves always in truth and light. As its knowledge is always true, so too its will is always true; it does not fumble in its handling of things or stumble in its paces. In the Supermind feeling and emotion do not depart from their truth, make no slips or mistakes, do not swerve from the right and the real, cannot misuse beauty and delight or twist away from a divine rectitude. In the Supermind sense cannot mislead or deviate into the grossnesses which are here its natural imperfections and the cause of reproach, distrust and misuse by our ignorance. Even an incomplete statement made by the Supermind is a truth leading to a further truth, its incomplete action a step towards completeness. All the life and action and leading of the Supermind is guarded in its very nature from the falsehoods and uncertainties that are our lot; it moves in safety towards its perfection. Once the truth-consciousness was established here on its own sure foundation, the evolution of divine life would be a progress in felicity, a march through light to Ananda. Supermind is an eternal reality of the divine Being and the divine Nature. In its own plane it already and always exists and possesses its own essential law of being; it has not to be created or to emerge or evolve into existence out of involution in Matter or out of non-existence, as it might seem to the view of mind which itself seems to its own view to have so emerged from life and Matter or to have evolved out of an involution in life and Matter. The nature of Supermind is always the same, a being of knowledge, proceeding from truth to truth, creating or rather manifesting what has to be manifested by the power of a pre-existent knowledge, not by hazard but by a self-existent destiny in the being itself, a necessity of the thing in itself and th
   refore inevitable. Its -manifestation of the divine life will also be inevitable; its own life on its own plane is divine and, if Supermind descends upon the earth, it will bring necessarily the divine life with it and establish it here. Supermind is the grade of existence beyond mind, life and Matter and, as mind, life and Matter have manifested on the earth, so too must Supermind in the inevitable course of things manifest in this world of Matter. In fact, a supermind is already here but it is involved, concealed behind this manifest mind, life and Matter and not yet acting overtly or in its own power: if it acts, it is through these inferior powers and modified by their characters and so not yet recognisable. It is only by the approach and arrival of the descending Supermind that it can be liberated upon earth and reveal itself in the action of our material, vital and mental parts so that these lower powers can become portions of a total divinised activity of our whole being: it is that that will bring to us a completely realised divinity or the divine life. It is indeed so that life and mind involved in Matter have realised themselves here; for only what is involved can evolve, otherwise there could be no emergence. The manifestation of a supramental truth-consciousness is th
   refore the capital reality that will make the divine life possible. It is when all the movements of thought, impulse and action are governed and directed by a self-existent and luminously automatic truth-consciousness and our whole nature comes to be constituted by it and made of its stuff that the life divine will be complete and absolute. Even as it is, in reality though not in the appearance of things, it is a secret self-existent knowledge and truth that is working to manifest itself in the creation here. The Divine is already there immanent within us, ourselves are that in our inmost reality and it is this reality that we have to manifest; it is that which constitutes the urge towards the divine living and makes necessary the creation of the life divine even in this material existence. A manifestation of the Supermind and its truth-consciousness is then inevitable; it must happen in this world sooner or later. But it has two aspects, a descent from above, an ascent from below, a self-revelation of the Spirit, an evolution in Nature. The ascent is necessarily an effort, a working of Nature, an urge or nisus on her side to raise her lower parts by an evolutionary or revolutionary change, conversion or transformation into the divine reality and it may happen by a process and progress or by a rapid miracle. The descent or self-revelation of the Spirit is an act of the supreme Reality from above which makes the realisation possible and it can appear either as the divine aid which brings about the fulfilment of the progress and process or as the sanction of the miracle. Evolution, as we see it in this world, is a slow and difficult process and, indeed, needs usually ages to reach abiding results; but this is because it is in its nature an emergence from inconscient beginnings, a start from nescience and a working in the ignorance of natural beings by what seems to be an unconscious force. There can be, on the contrary, an evolution in the light and no longer in the darkness, in which the evolving being is a conscious participant and cooperator, and this is precisely what must take place here. Even in the effort and progress from the Ignorance to Knowledge this must be in part if not wholly the endeavour to be made on the heights of the nature, and it must be wholly that in the final movement towards the spiritual change, realisation, transformation. It must be still more so when there is a transition across the dividing line between the Ignorance and the Knowledge and the evolution is from knowledge to greater knowledge, from consciousness to greater consciousness, from being to greater being. There is then no longer any necessity for the slow pace of the ordinary evolution; there can be rapid conversion, quick transformation after transformation, what would seem to our normal present mind a succession of miracles. An evolution on the supramental levels could well be of that nature; it could be equally, if the being so chose, a more leisurely passage of one supramental state or condition of things to something beyond but still supramental, from level to divine level, a building up of divine gradations, a free growth to the supreme Supermind or beyond it to yet undreamed levels of being, consciousness and Ananda.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 13, Page: 558-62

supramental ::: (before 1920) same as vijñanamaya or ideal (sometimes restricted to the lower levels of vijñana); (in 1926-27 before 29October 1927) having the nature of supermind and related planes as defined before the introduction of the term overmind and the elevation of "supermind" above "overmind", sometimes applied especially to the planes below supreme supermind; ("the supramental" in some entries of January 1927) the next plane of consciousness above supramentality; (after 29 October 1927) expressing the working of supermind (in the latest sense) on its own plane or in the overmind, where "supramental" movements are sometimes regarded as higher than supramentalised and lower than gnostic.

supramentality ::: (in 1927-28) the first plane above the highest ideality, evidently the beginning of what came to be called the overmind system; its levels are referred to as "the supramentalities".

Suttung, Suttungr (Icelandic) In the Norse Edda, a giant who guards the mead (of experience) in the depths of matter, where the gods must find it and raise it to higher levels. Odin is said to have enlisted the aid of a squirrel or bore to penetrate the mountain in which the mead was hidden, and to have entered through the borehole in the guise of a serpent. Once in, he seduced Suttung’s daughter into giving him a draft of the precious mead.

svarga. (P. sagga; T. mtho ris; C. tianshang; J. tenjo; K. ch'onsang 天上). In Sanskrit, "heaven," the realm of the divinities within the cycle of rebirth (SAMSĀRA). The terms encompasses the six heavens of the sensuous realm (KĀMADHĀTU) as well as the heavens of the subtle-materiality realm (RuPADHĀTU) and the immaterial realm (ĀRuPYADHĀTU). Although sublime states, none of these are permanent abodes; the beings reborn there eventually die and are reborn elsewhere when the causes that led to their celestial births are exhausted. However, the Buddha repeatedly teaches the virtues that result in rebirth in heaven, and such rebirth has been one of the primary goals of Buddhist practice, especially among the laity, throughout the history of Buddhism. Rebirth as a divinity (DEVA) is presumed to be the reward of wholesome acts (KUsALA-KARMAN) performed in previous lives and is thus considered a salutary, if provisional, religious goal. For example, in his typical "graduated discourse" (P. ANUPUBBIKATHĀ) the Buddha uses the prospect of heavenly rebirth, and its attendant pleasures, as one means of attracting laypersons to the religious life. Despite the many appealing attributes of these heavenly beings, such as their physical beauty, comfortable lives, and long life spans, even heavenly existence is ultimately unsatisfactory because it does not offer permanent release from the continued cycle of birth and death (SAMSĀRA). Since devas are merely enjoying the rewards of their previous good deeds rather than performing new wholesome actions, they are considered to be spiritually stagnant, such that when the karmic effect of the deed that led to rebirth in heaven is exhausted, they are inevitably reborn in a lower realm of existence (GATI), perhaps even in one of the baleful destinies (DURGATI). For these reasons, Buddhist soteriological literature sometimes condemns religious practice performed solely for the goal of achieving rebirth in the heavens. It is only in certain higher level of the heavens, such as the those belonging to the five pure abodes (sUDDHĀVĀSA), that beings are not subject to further rebirth, because they have already eliminated all the fetters (SAMYOJANA) associated with that realm and are destined to achieve ARHATship. ¶ In traditional Indian cosmology, the heavens of the sensuous realm are thought to rest on and extend far above the peak of Mt. SUMERU, the axis mundi of the universe. They are ranked according to their elevation, so the higher the heaven, the greater the enjoyments of their inhabitants. The lowest of these heavens is the heaven of the four heavenly kings (CĀTURMAHĀRĀJAKĀYIKA), who are protectors of the dharma (DHARMAPĀLA). The highest is the heaven of the divinities who have power over the creations of others, or the divinities who partake of the pleasures created in other heavens (PARANIRMITAVAsAVARTIN), which is said to be the heaven where MĀRA resides. TUsITA, the heaven into which sĀKYAMUNI was born as the divinity sVETAKETU in his penultimate life, is the fourth of the kāmadhātu heavens, in ascending order. ¶ The heavens of the subtle-materiality realm are grouped into four categories that correspond to the four stratified levels of DHYĀNA-states of profound meditative concentration. Thus, rebirth into any one of these heavens is dependent on the attainment of the dhyāna to which it corresponds in the immediately preceding lifetime. Each of the four dhyāna has various heavens. The lowest of these heavens is the heaven of brahmā's retainers (BRAHMAKĀYIKA), which corresponds to the first subtle-materiality absorption (RuPĀVACARADHYĀNA), and the highest is the highest heaven (AKANIstHA), which is also classified as one of the "pure abodes," or sUDDHĀVĀSA. ¶ The heavens of the immaterial realm similarly correspond to the four immaterial dhyānas (ĀRuPYĀVACARADHYĀNA), beginning with the sphere of infinite space (ĀKĀsĀNANTYĀYATANA) and so on up to the sphere of neither perception nor nonperception (NAIVASAMJNĀNĀSAMJNĀYATANA). As noted, despite their many enjoyments, none of these realms is eternal and all are thus understood to fall within the realm of saMsāra. For a full account of all the heavens, see DEVA.

Swedenborgianism: A highly developed religious philosophy arising from Emanuel Swedenborg (Jan. 29, 1688-March 29, 1772). Swedenborg claimed direct spiritual knowledge. He recognized three descending levels or "degress of being in God"; Love the Celestial, Spirit or the End; then Wisdom, the Spiritual or Soul, Cause; and finally the degree of Use, the Natural and Personal, the realm of Effects. Swedenborgism was formally launched in London in 1783 and is often called the New (or New Jerusalem) Church. -- F.K.

Sympathy: On psychological levels, a participation in and feeling for other living beings in adversity or other emotional phases, not always painful, which may or may not lead to participating or alleviating action, explained naturalistically as a general instinct inherent in all creatures, ethically sometimes as an original altruism, sociologically as acquired in the civilisatory process through needs of co-operation, mutual aid, and fellow-feeling in family and group action. Stressed particularly in Hinduism, fostered along with pity (q.v.) in Christianity, discussed and recommended as a shrewd social expedient by such men as Hobbes, Bentham, and Adam Smith, Schopenhauer raised sympathy Mitleid), as an equivalent to love, into an ethical principle which Nietzsche repudiated because to him it increases suffering and through weakness hinders development. Sympathy, as a cultural force, becomes progressively more evident in the increasing establishment of benevolent institutions, such as hospitals, asylums, etc., a more general altruism and ejection (Clifford), an extension of kindness even to animals (first taught by Buddhism, see Ahimsa), reform and relief movements of all kinds, etc. Still regarded highly as a praiseworthy virtue, it has been gradually rid of its dependence on individual ethical culture by scientific conditioning in social planning on a huge scale. See v. Orelli, Die philosophischen Auffassungen des Mttleids (1912); Scheler, Wesen und Formen der Sympathie (1926). -- K.F.L.

Technical/Office Protocol (TOP) An {applications layer} {network} {application} and {protocol stack} for {office automation} developed by {Boeing} following the {OSI model}. This {protocol} is very similar to {MAP} except at the lowest levels, where it uses {Ethernet} ({IEEE} {802.3}) rather than {Token Bus} ({IEEE} {802.4}).

Technical/Office Protocol ::: (TOP) An applications layer network application and protocol stack for office automation developed by Boeing following the OSI model. This protocol is very similar to MAP except at the lowest levels, where it uses Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) rather than Token Bus (IEEE 802.4).

Temple, William: For many years Archbishop of York, Temple (born 1881) has written extensively on the philosophy of religion. In Mens Creatrix and most recently in Nature Man and God, he has argued for a universe of levels, culminating in value, and pointing to God as Supreme Value and hence Ultimate Reality. Recent work on the nature of revelation has given him the definition of revelation as "coincidence of divinely guided event and divinely guided apprehension", in this setting he places (see Christ the Truth) the Incarnation as central and most significant event apprehended by the Christian community. He is a Platonist in tendency, although within recent years this has been modified by scholasticism, and a study of Marxian philosophy. -- W.N.P.

Terminal Oriented Social Science "project" (TOSS) The Cambridge Project {Project MAC} was an ARPA-funded political science computing project. They worked on topics like survey analysis and simulation, led by Ithiel de Sola Pool, J.C.R. Licklider and Douwe B. Yntema. Yntema had done a system on the {MIT} Lincoln Labs {TX-2} called the {Lincoln Reckoner}, and in the summer of 1969 led a Cambridge Project team in the construction of an experiment called TOSS. TOSS was like {Logo}, with {matrix} operators. A major feature was multiple levels of {undo}, back to the level of the {login} session. This feature was cheap on the Lincoln Reckoner, but absurdly expensive on {Multics}. (1997-01-29)

test coverage "testing" A measure of the proportion of a program exercised by a {test suite}, usually expressed as a percentage. This will typically involve collecting information about which parts of a program are actually executed when running the test suite in order to identify which branches of {conditional statements} which have been taken. The most basic level of test coverage is {code coverage testing} and the most methodical is {path coverage testing}. Some intermediate levels of test coverage exist, but are rarely used. The standard {Unix} tool for measuring test coverage is {tcov}, which annotates {C} or {Fortran} source with the results of a test coverage analysis. {GCT} is a {GNU} equivalent. (2001-05-20)

Test coverage ::: (testing) A measure of the proportion of a program exercised by a test suite, usually expressed as a percentage. This will typically involve collecting the test suite in order to identify which branches of conditional statements which have been taken.The most basic level of test coverage is code coverage testing and the most methodical is path coverage testing. Some intermediate levels of test coverage exist, but are rarely used.The standard Unix tool for measuring test coverage is tcov, which annotates C or Fortran source with the results of a test coverage analysis. GCT is a GNU equivalent.(2001-05-20)

texture "graphics" A measure of the variation of the intensity of a surface, quantifying properties such as smoothness, coarseness and regularity. It's often used as a {region descriptor} in {image analysis} and {computer vision}. The three principal approaches used to describe texture are statistical, structural and spectral. Statistical techniques characterise texture by the statistical properties of the grey levels of the points comprising a surface. Typically, these properties are computed from the grey level {histogram} or grey level {cooccurrence matrix} of the surface. Structural techniques characterise texture as being composed of simple primitives called "texels" (texture elements), that are regularly arranged on a surface according to some rules. These rules are formally defined by {grammars} of various types. Spectral techiques are based on properties of the Fourier spectrum and describe global periodicity of the grey levels of a surface by identifying high energy peaks in the spectrum. (1995-05-11)

texture ::: (graphics) A measure of the variation of the intensity of a surface, quantifying properties such as smoothness, coarseness and regularity. It's often used as a region descriptor in image analysis and computer vision.The three principal approaches used to describe texture are statistical, structural and spectral. Statistical techniques characterise texture by the Typically, these properties are computed from the grey level histogram or grey level cooccurrence matrix of the surface.Structural techniques characterise texture as being composed of simple primitives called texels (texture elements), that are regularly arranged on a surface according to some rules. These rules are formally defined by grammars of various types.Spectral techiques are based on properties of the Fourier spectrum and describe global periodicity of the grey levels of a surface by identifying high energy peaks in the spectrum. (1995-05-11)

“The cosmic consciousness has many levels—the cosmic physical, the cosmic vital, the cosmic Mind, and above the higher planes of cosmic Mind there is the Intuition and above that the overmind and still above that the supermind where the Transcendental begins. In order to live in the Intuition plane (not merely to receive intuitions), one has to live in the cosmic consciousness because there the cosmic and individual run into each other as it were, and the mental separation between them is already broken down, so nobody can reach there who is still in the separative ego.” Letters on Yoga

The four heavenly kings of the first and lowest of the six heavens are DHṚTARĀstRA in the east, VIRudHAKA in the south, VIRuPĀKsA in the west, and VAIsRAVAnA in the north. There are many devas inhabiting this heaven: GANDHARVAs in the east, KUMBHĀndAs in the south, NĀGAs in the west, and YAKsAs in the north. As vassals of sAKRO DEVĀNĀM INDRAḤ (lit. "sakra, the lord of the gods"; see INDRA; sAKRA; DEVARĀJAN), the four heavenly kings serve as protectors of the dharma (DHARMAPĀLA) and of sentient beings who are devoted to the dharma. They dwell at the four gates in each direction at the midslope of the world's central axis, Mt. Sumeru. The thirty-three gods of the second heaven are the eight vāsava, two asvina, eleven rudra, and twelve āditya. They live on the summit of Mt. Sumeru and are arrayed around the city of Sudarsana, the capital of their lord sakra. sakra is also known as Indra, the war god of the Āryans, who became a devotee of the Buddha as well as a protector of the dharma. The remaining four heavens are located in the sky above Mt. Sumeru. At the highest level of the sensuous realm, the paranirmitavasavartin heaven, dwells MĀRA, the Evil One. The four heavenly kings and the thirty-three gods are called the "divinities residing on the ground" (bhumyavacaradeva) because they dwell on Mt. Sumeru, while the gods from the Yāma heaven up to the gods of the realm of subtle materiality are known as "divinities residing in the air" (antariksavāsin, antarīksadeva), because they reside in the sky above the mountain. The higher one ascends into the heavens of both the sensuous realm and the subsequent realm of subtle materiality, the larger and more splendid the bodies of those gods become and the longer their life spans. Related to the devas of the sensuous realm are the demigods or titans (S. ASURA), jealous gods whom Indra drove out of the heaven of the thirty-three; they now live in exile in the shadows of Mt. Sumeru. ¶ The heavens of the realm of subtle materiality (rupadhātu) consist of sixteen (according to the SARVĀSTIVĀDA school), seventeen (the SAUTRĀNTIKA school), or eighteen (the THERAVĀDA/STHAVIRANIKĀYA school) levels of devas. These levels, which are collectively called the BRAHMALOKA (world of the Brahmā gods), are subdivided into the four classes of the dhyāna or "concentration" heavens, and rebirth there is dependent on specific meditative attainments in previous lives. One of the most extensive accounts on these heavens appears in the ABHIDHARMAKOsABHĀsYA, which presents seventeen levels of the subtle-materiality devas. Whereas rebirth in the heavens of the sensuous realm are the result of a variety of virtuous deeds done in a previous life, rebirth in the heavens of the realm of subtle materiality or in the immaterial realm is the result of what is called a "nonfluctuating" or "unwavering" action (ANINJYAKARMAN). Here, the only cause that will produce rebirth in one of these heavens is the achievement of the level of meditative concentration or absorption of that particular heaven in the immediately preceding lifetime. Such meditation is called a "nonfluctuating deed" because it always produces the effect of that particular type of rebirth. The first set of dhyāna heavens, where those who practiced the first meditative absorption in the previous lifetime are born, is comprised of three levels:

The inhabitants of these heavens lack olfactory and gustatory sense organs, and thus do not need to consume food, but do possess the other sense organs of sight, hearing, and touch, as well as mentality (MANENDRIYA). According to Buddhist accounts, Mahābrahmā, the inhabitant of the highest of the first dhyāna heavens, presumed himself to be the creator of the world and father of all beings, but after being taught by the Buddha he subsequently realized how arrogant had been his misapprehension; he became the Buddha's follower and protector of his teachings (dharmapāla), along with the four heavenly kings and sakra. The second set of dhyāna heavens, where those who practiced the second meditative absorption in their previous lifetime are reborn, is also comprised of three levels:

“The intermediate zone means simply a confused condition or passage in which one is getting out of the personal consciousness and opening into the cosmic (cosmic Mind, cosmic vital, cosmic physical, something perhaps of the cosmic higher Mind) without having yet transcended the human mind levels. One is not in possession of or direct contact with the divine Truth on its own levels , but one can receive something from them, even from the overmind, indirectly. Only, as one is still immersed in the cosmic Ignorance, all that comes from above can be mixed, perverted, taken hold of for their purposes by lower, even by hostile Powers.

The philosophy of Aristotle was continued after his death by other members of the Peripatetic school, the most important of whom were Theophrastus, Eudemus of Rhodes, and Strato of Lampsacus. In the Alexandrian Age, particularly after the editing of Aristotle's works by Andronicus of Rhodes (about 50 B.C.), Aristotelianism was the subject of numerous expositions and commentaries, such as those of Alexander of Aphrodisias, Themistius, John Philoponus, and Simplicius. With the closing of the philosophical schools in the sixth century the knowledge of Aristotle, except for fragments of the logical doctrine, almost disappeared in the west. It was preserved, however, by Arabian and Syrian scholars; from whom, with the revival of learning in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, it passed again to western Europe and became in Thomas Aquinas the philosophical basis of Christian theology. For the next few centuries the prestige of Aristotle was immense; he was "the philosopher," "the master of those who know." With the rise of modern science his authority has greatly declined. Yet Aristotelianism is still a force in modern thought: in Neo-Scholasticism; in recent psychology, whose behavioristic tendencies are in part a revival of Aristotelian modes of thought; in the various forms of vitalism in contemporary biology; in the dynamism of such thinkers as Bergson; and in the more catholic naturalism which has succeeded the mechanistic materialism of the last century, and which, whether by appeal to a doctrine of levels or by emphasis on immanent teleology, seems to be striving along Aristotelian lines for a conception of nature broad enough to include the religious, moral and artistic consciousness. Finally, a very large part of our technical vocabulary, both in science and in philosophy, is but the translation into modern tongues of the terms used by Aristotle, and carries with it, for better or worse, the distinctions worked out in his subtle mind. -- G.R.M.

The_risk-return_tradeoff ::: states that the potential return rises with an increase in risk. Using this principle, individuals associate low levels of uncertainty with low potential returns, and high levels of uncertainty or risk with high potential returns. According to the risk-return tradeoff, invested money can render higher profits only if the investor will accept a higher possibility of losses.

These heavens are said to be equal in size to a medium chiliocosm; its inhabitants also possess only the mind organ and experience great joy. The fourth set of dhyāna heavens, where those who practiced the fourth meditative concentration in the previous lifetime are reborn, is comprised of eight levels:

These heavens are said to be equal in size to a small chiliocosm. The third set of dhyāna heavens, where those who practiced the third meditative concentration in the previous lifetime are reborn, is also comprised of three levels:

The Singularity ::: A point of phase change of conscious experience. There does seem to be a connection between this and astrophysics but we will refer to the more occult usages of the term. The Singularity between Kether and The Veils of Non-Existence is the main one. However between each "world" (levels of stable conscious awareness) and the next there is a point of density through which consciousness collapses and stabilizes into the next level. See also Da'ath.

The soul is the principle of all vital actions and, though these vital operations on the biological, sensory and intellectual levels are attributed to various "faculties", these faculties are not really distinct from the essence of the soul. In this life the human intellect cannot operate without the aid of images supplied by sense perception. An intellectual concept of a single individual thing may be formed directly and then a universal concept of the common nature of many sensible things within a class may be developed by the intellect through the process of abstraction. The will is the faculty of rational appetite, it is free in the ultimate choice of its object, which is called a "good." Suarez emphasizes the psychological and moral supremacy of the will. The Suarezian theory of knowledge is what would be called naive realism today.

The symbology connected with this deity is multiform and complex, as he functions on many levels. Thor’s various names indicate his many aspects as electromagnetic force which he represents in all its spectrum. His “shelf” (plane) is Thrudvang, his mansion Bilskirnir (flash, from bil momentary + skirnir shining). He is comparable to the Greek Eros, the Vedic Kama, the primal motive power which gave rise to the creative divinities from whom emanated the cosmos. In this capacity he is named Trudgalmer (sound of Thor, Icelandic Thrudgelmir), the sustaining power that maintains the cosmos as a viable functioning entity throughout its existence. Trudgalmer has two sons in space: Mode (force) and Magne (strength), the forces of repulsion and attraction recognized in radiation and gravitation or as centrifugal and centripetal force. As the life force in all living beings Thor is called Vior; as electricity on earth his name is Lorride. The terrestrial Lorride has two adopted children, Tjalfe (speed) and Roskva (work).

Third Tier ::: Conventionally, a tier is just an arbitrary grouping of stages. Integral Theory often highlights three tiers: First Tier, which consists of the levels up to and including Green altitude; Second Tier, which consists of Teal and Turquoise altitude; and Third Tier, which includes all post-Turquoise levels of development (Indigo, Violet, Ultraviolet, and Clear Light).

This opening is a throwing wide of all the nature on ail its levels and in all its parts to receive into itself without limits the greater divine Consciousness which is there already above and behind and englobing this mortal half-conscious existence.

Thoughts ::: Thought in itself, in its origin on the higher levels of consciousness, is a perception, a cognitive seizing of the object or of some truth of things which is a powerful but still a minor and secondary result of spiritual vision, a comparatively external and superficial regard of the self upon the self, the subject upon itself or something of itself as object.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 21-22, Page: 979-80

thought ::: “… thought in itself, in its origin on the higher levels of consciousness, is a perception, a cognitive seizing of the object or of some truth of things which is a powerful but still a minor and secondary result of spiritual vision, a comparatively external and superficial regard of the self upon the self, the subject upon itself or something of itself as object.” The Life Divine

Three senses of "Ockhamism" may be distinguished: Logical, indicating usage of the terminology and technique of logical analysis developed by Ockham in his Summa totius logicae; in particular, use of the concept of supposition (suppositio) in the significative analysis of terms. Epistemological, indicating the thesis that universality is attributable only to terms and propositions, and not to things as existing apart from discourse. Theological, indicating the thesis that no tneological doctrines, such as those of God's existence or of the immortality of the soul, are evident or demonstrable philosophically, so that religious doctrine rests solely on faith, without metaphysical or scientific support. It is in this sense that Luther is often called an Ockhamist.   Bibliography:   B. Geyer,   Ueberwegs Grundriss d. Gesch. d. Phil., Bd. II (11th ed., Berlin 1928), pp. 571-612 and 781-786; N. Abbagnano,   Guglielmo di Ockham (Lanciano, Italy, 1931); E. A. Moody,   The Logic of William of Ockham (N. Y. & London, 1935); F. Ehrle,   Peter von Candia (Muenster, 1925); G. Ritter,   Studien zur Spaetscholastik, I-II (Heidelberg, 1921-1922).     --E.A.M. Om, aum: (Skr.) Mystic, holy syllable as a symbol for the indefinable Absolute. See Aksara, Vac, Sabda. --K.F.L. Omniscience: In philosophy and theology it means the complete and perfect knowledge of God, of Himself and of all other beings, past, present, and future, or merely possible, as well as all their activities, real or possible, including the future free actions of human beings. --J.J.R. One: Philosophically, not a number but equivalent to unit, unity, individuality, in contradistinction from multiplicity and the mani-foldness of sensory experience. In metaphysics, the Supreme Idea (Plato), the absolute first principle (Neo-platonism), the universe (Parmenides), Being as such and divine in nature (Plotinus), God (Nicolaus Cusanus), the soul (Lotze). Religious philosophy and mysticism, beginning with Indian philosophy (s.v.), has favored the designation of the One for the metaphysical world-ground, the ultimate icility, the world-soul, the principle of the world conceived as reason, nous, or more personally. The One may be conceived as an independent whole or as a sum, as analytic or synthetic, as principle or ontologically. Except by mysticism, it is rarely declared a fact of sensory experience, while its transcendent or transcendental, abstract nature is stressed, e.g., in epistemology where the "I" or self is considered the unitary background of personal experience, the identity of self-consciousness, or the unity of consciousness in the synthesis of the manifoldness of ideas (Kant). --K.F.L. One-one: A relation R is one-many if for every y in the converse domain there is a unique x such that xRy. A relation R is many-one if for every x in the domain there is a unique y such that xRy. (See the article relation.) A relation is one-one, or one-to-one, if it is at the same time one-many and many-one. A one-one relation is said to be, or to determine, a one-to-one correspondence between its domain and its converse domain. --A.C. On-handedness: (Ger. Vorhandenheit) Things exist in the mode of thereness, lying- passively in a neutral space. A "deficient" form of a more basic relationship, termed at-handedness (Zuhandenheit). (Heidegger.) --H.H. Ontological argument: Name by which later authors, especially Kant, designate the alleged proof for God's existence devised by Anselm of Canterbury. Under the name of God, so the argument runs, everyone understands that greater than which nothing can be thought. Since anything being the greatest and lacking existence is less then the greatest having also existence, the former is not really the greater. The greatest, therefore, has to exist. Anselm has been reproached, already by his contemporary Gaunilo, for unduly passing from the field of logical to the field of ontological or existential reasoning. This criticism has been repeated by many authors, among them Aquinas. The argument has, however, been used, if in a somewhat modified form, by Duns Scotus, Descartes, and Leibniz. --R.A. Ontological Object: (Gr. onta, existing things + logos, science) The real or existing object of an act of knowledge as distinguished from the epistemological object. See Epistemological Object. --L.W. Ontologism: (Gr. on, being) In contrast to psychologism, is called any speculative system which starts philosophizing by positing absolute being, or deriving the existence of entities independently of experience merely on the basis of their being thought, or assuming that we have immediate and certain knowledge of the ground of being or God. Generally speaking any rationalistic, a priori metaphysical doctrine, specifically the philosophies of Rosmini-Serbati and Vincenzo Gioberti. As a philosophic method censored by skeptics and criticists alike, as a scholastic doctrine formerly strongly supported, revived in Italy and Belgium in the 19th century, but no longer countenanced. --K.F.L. Ontology: (Gr. on, being + logos, logic) The theory of being qua being. For Aristotle, the First Philosophy, the science of the essence of things. Introduced as a term into philosophy by Wolff. The science of fundamental principles, the doctrine of the categories. Ultimate philosophy; rational cosmology. Syn. with metaphysics. See Cosmology, First Principles, Metaphysics, Theology. --J.K.F. Operation: "(Lit. operari, to work) Any act, mental or physical, constituting a phase of the reflective process, and performed with a view to acquiring1 knowledge or information about a certain subject-nntter. --A.C.B.   In logic, see Operationism.   In philosophy of science, see Pragmatism, Scientific Empiricism. Operationism: The doctrine that the meaning of a concept is given by a set of operations.   1. The operational meaning of a term (word or symbol) is given by a semantical rule relating the term to some concrete process, object or event, or to a class of such processes, objectj or events.   2. Sentences formed by combining operationally defined terms into propositions are operationally meaningful when the assertions are testable by means of performable operations. Thus, under operational rules, terms have semantical significance, propositions have empirical significance.   Operationism makes explicit the distinction between formal (q.v.) and empirical sentences. Formal propositions are signs arranged according to syntactical rules but lacking operational reference. Such propositions, common in mathematics, logic and syntax, derive their sanction from convention, whereas an empirical proposition is acceptable (1) when its structure obeys syntactical rules and (2) when there exists a concrete procedure (a set of operations) for determining its truth or falsity (cf. Verification). Propositions purporting to be empirical are sometimes amenable to no operational test because they contain terms obeying no definite semantical rules. These sentences are sometimes called pseudo-propositions and are said to be operationally meaningless. They may, however, be 'meaningful" in other ways, e.g. emotionally or aesthetically (cf. Meaning).   Unlike a formal statement, the "truth" of an empirical sentence is never absolute and its operational confirmation serves only to increase the degree of its validity. Similarly, the semantical rule comprising the operational definition of a term has never absolute precision. Ordinarily a term denotes a class of operations and the precision of its definition depends upon how definite are the rules governing inclusion in the class.   The difference between Operationism and Logical Positivism (q.v.) is one of emphasis. Operationism's stress of empirical matters derives from the fact that it was first employed to purge physics of such concepts as absolute space and absolute time, when the theory of relativity had forced upon physicists the view that space and time are most profitably defined in terms of the operations by which they are measured. Although different methods of measuring length at first give rise to different concepts of length, wherever the equivalence of certain of these measures can be established by other operations, the concepts may legitimately be combined.   In psychology the operational criterion of meaningfulness is commonly associated with a behavioristic point of view. See Behaviorism. Since only those propositions which are testable by public and repeatable operations are admissible in science, the definition of such concepti as mind and sensation must rest upon observable aspects of the organism or its behavior. Operational psychology deals with experience only as it is indicated by the operation of differential behavior, including verbal report. Discriminations, or the concrete differential reactions of organisms to internal or external environmental states, are by some authors regarded as the most basic of all operations.   For a discussion of the role of operational definition in phvsics. see P. W. Bridgman, The Logic of Modern Physics, (New York, 1928) and The Nature of Physical Theory (Princeton, 1936). "The extension of operationism to psychology is discussed by C. C. Pratt in The Logic of Modem Psychology (New York. 1939.)   For a discussion and annotated bibliography relating to Operationism and Logical Positivism, see S. S. Stevens, Psychology and the Science of Science, Psychol. Bull., 36, 1939, 221-263. --S.S.S. Ophelimity: Noun derived from the Greek, ophelimos useful, employed by Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923) in economics as the equivalent of utility, or the capacity to provide satisfaction. --J.J.R. Opinion: (Lat. opinio, from opinor, to think) An hypothesis or proposition entertained on rational grounds but concerning which doubt can reasonably exist. A belief. See Hypothesis, Certainty, Knowledge. --J.K.F- Opposition: (Lat. oppositus, pp. of oppono, to oppose) Positive actual contradiction. One of Aristotle's Post-predicaments. In logic any contrariety or contradiction, illustrated by the "Square of Opposition". Syn. with: conflict. See Logic, formal, § 4. --J.K.F. Optimism: (Lat. optimus, the best) The view inspired by wishful thinking, success, faith, or philosophic reflection, that the world as it exists is not so bad or even the best possible, life is good, and man's destiny is bright. Philosophically most persuasively propounded by Leibniz in his Theodicee, according to which God in his wisdom would have created a better world had he known or willed such a one to exist. Not even he could remove moral wrong and evil unless he destroyed the power of self-determination and hence the basis of morality. All systems of ethics that recognize a supreme good (Plato and many idealists), subscribe to the doctrines of progressivism (Turgot, Herder, Comte, and others), regard evil as a fragmentary view (Josiah Royce et al.) or illusory, or believe in indemnification (Henry David Thoreau) or melioration (Emerson), are inclined optimistically. Practically all theologies advocating a plan of creation and salvation, are optimistic though they make the good or the better dependent on moral effort, right thinking, or belief, promising it in a future existence. Metaphysical speculation is optimistic if it provides for perfection, evolution to something higher, more valuable, or makes room for harmonies or a teleology. See Pessimism. --K.F.L. Order: A class is said to be partially ordered by a dyadic relation R if it coincides with the field of R, and R is transitive and reflexive, and xRy and yRx never both hold when x and y are different. If in addition R is connected, the class is said to be ordered (or simply ordered) by R, and R is called an ordering relation.   Whitehcid and Russell apply the term serial relation to relations which are transitive, irreflexive, and connected (and, in consequence, also asymmetric). However, the use of serial relations in this sense, instead ordering relations as just defined, is awkward in connection with the notion of order for unit classes.   Examples: The relation not greater than among leal numbers is an ordering relation. The relation less than among real numbers is a serial relation. The real numbers are simply ordered by the former relation. In the algebra of classes (logic formal, § 7), the classes are partially ordered by the relation of class inclusion.   For explanation of the terminology used in making the above definitions, see the articles connexity, reflexivity, relation, symmetry, transitivity. --A.C. Order type: See relation-number. Ordinal number: A class b is well-ordered by a dyadic relation R if it is ordered by R (see order) and, for every class a such that a ⊂ b, there is a member x of a, such that xRy holds for every member y of a; and R is then called a well-ordering relation. The ordinal number of a class b well-ordered by a relation R, or of a well-ordering relation R, is defined to be the relation-number (q. v.) of R.   The ordinal numbers of finite classes (well-ordered by appropriate relations) are called finite ordinal numbers. These are 0, 1, 2, ... (to be distinguished, of course, from the finite cardinal numbers 0, 1, 2, . . .).   The first non-finite (transfinite or infinite) ordinal number is the ordinal number of the class of finite ordinal numbers, well-ordered in their natural order, 0, 1, 2, . . .; it is usually denoted by the small Greek letter omega. --A.C.   G. Cantor, Contributions to the Founding of the Theory of Transfinite Numbers, translated and with an introduction by P. E. B. Jourdain, Chicago and London, 1915. (new ed. 1941); Whitehead and Russell, Princtpia Mathematica. vol. 3. Orexis: (Gr. orexis) Striving; desire; the conative aspect of mind, as distinguished from the cognitive and emotional (Aristotle). --G.R.M.. Organicism: A theory of biology that life consists in the organization or dynamic system of the organism. Opposed to mechanism and vitalism. --J.K.F. Organism: An individual animal or plant, biologically interpreted. A. N. Whitehead uses the term to include also physical bodies and to signify anything material spreading through space and enduring in time. --R.B.W. Organismic Psychology: (Lat. organum, from Gr. organon, an instrument) A system of theoretical psychology which construes the structure of the mind in organic rather than atomistic terms. See Gestalt Psychology; Psychological Atomism. --L.W. Organization: (Lat. organum, from Gr. organon, work) A structured whole. The systematic unity of parts in a purposive whole. A dynamic system. Order in something actual. --J.K.F. Organon: (Gr. organon) The title traditionally given to the body of Aristotle's logical treatises. The designation appears to have originated among the Peripatetics after Aristotle's time, and expresses their view that logic is not a part of philosophy (as the Stoics maintained) but rather the instrument (organon) of philosophical inquiry. See Aristotelianism. --G.R.M.   In Kant. A system of principles by which pure knowledge may be acquired and established.   Cf. Fr. Bacon's Novum Organum. --O.F.K. Oriental Philosophy: A general designation used loosely to cover philosophic tradition exclusive of that grown on Greek soil and including the beginnings of philosophical speculation in Egypt, Arabia, Iran, India, and China, the elaborate systems of India, Greater India, China, and Japan, and sometimes also the religion-bound thought of all these countries with that of the complex cultures of Asia Minor, extending far into antiquity. Oriental philosophy, though by no means presenting a homogeneous picture, nevertheless shares one characteristic, i.e., the practical outlook on life (ethics linked with metaphysics) and the absence of clear-cut distinctions between pure speculation and religious motivation, and on lower levels between folklore, folk-etymology, practical wisdom, pre-scientiiic speculation, even magic, and flashes of philosophic insight. Bonds with Western, particularly Greek philosophy have no doubt existed even in ancient times. Mutual influences have often been conjectured on the basis of striking similarities, but their scientific establishment is often difficult or even impossible. Comparative philosophy (see especially the work of Masson-Oursel) provides a useful method. Yet a thorough treatment of Oriental Philosophy is possible only when the many languages in which it is deposited have been more thoroughly studied, the psychological and historical elements involved in the various cultures better investigated, and translations of the relevant documents prepared not merely from a philological point of view or out of missionary zeal, but by competent philosophers who also have some linguistic training. Much has been accomplished in this direction in Indian and Chinese Philosophy (q.v.). A great deal remains to be done however before a definitive history of Oriental Philosophy may be written. See also Arabian, and Persian Philosophy. --K.F.L. Origen: (185-254) The principal founder of Christian theology who tried to enrich the ecclesiastic thought of his day by reconciling it with the treasures of Greek philosophy. Cf. Migne PL. --R.B.W. Ormazd: (New Persian) Same as Ahura Mazdah (q.v.), the good principle in Zoroastrianism, and opposed to Ahriman (q.v.). --K.F.L. Orphic Literature: The mystic writings, extant only in fragments, of a Greek religious-philosophical movement of the 6th century B.C., allegedly started by the mythical Orpheus. In their mysteries, in which mythology and rational thinking mingled, the Orphics concerned themselves with cosmogony, theogony, man's original creation and his destiny after death which they sought to influence to the better by pure living and austerity. They taught a symbolism in which, e.g., the relationship of the One to the many was clearly enunciated, and believed in the soul as involved in reincarnation. Pythagoras, Empedocles, and Plato were influenced by them. --K.F.L. Ortega y Gasset, Jose: Born in Madrid, May 9, 1883. At present in Buenos Aires, Argentine. Son of Ortega y Munillo, the famous Spanish journalist. Studied at the College of Jesuits in Miraflores and at the Central University of Madrid. In the latter he presented his Doctor's dissertation, El Milenario, in 1904, thereby obtaining his Ph.D. degree. After studies in Leipzig, Berlin, Marburg, under the special influence of Hermann Cohen, the great exponent of Kant, who taught him the love for the scientific method and awoke in him the interest in educational philosophy, Ortega came to Spain where, after the death of Nicolas Salmeron, he occupied the professorship of metaphysics at the Central University of Madrid. The following may be considered the most important works of Ortega y Gasset:     Meditaciones del Quijote, 1914;   El Espectador, I-VIII, 1916-1935;   El Tema de Nuestro Tiempo, 1921;   España Invertebrada, 1922;   Kant, 1924;   La Deshumanizacion del Arte, 1925;   Espiritu de la Letra, 1927;   La Rebelion de las Masas, 1929;   Goethe desde Adentio, 1934;   Estudios sobre el Amor, 1939;   Ensimismamiento y Alteracion, 1939;   El Libro de las Misiones, 1940;   Ideas y Creencias, 1940;     and others.   Although brought up in the Marburg school of thought, Ortega is not exactly a neo-Kantian. At the basis of his Weltanschauung one finds a denial of the fundamental presuppositions which characterized European Rationalism. It is life and not thought which is primary. Things have a sense and a value which must be affirmed independently. Things, however, are to be conceived as the totality of situations which constitute the circumstances of a man's life. Hence, Ortega's first philosophical principle: "I am myself plus my circumstances". Life as a problem, however, is but one of the poles of his formula. Reason is the other. The two together function, not by dialectical opposition, but by necessary coexistence. Life, according to Ortega, does not consist in being, but rather, in coming to be, and as such it is of the nature of direction, program building, purpose to be achieved, value to be realized. In this sense the future as a time dimension acquires new dignity, and even the present and the past become articulate and meaning-full only in relation to the future. Even History demands a new point of departure and becomes militant with new visions. --J.A.F. Orthodoxy: Beliefs which are declared by a group to be true and normative. Heresy is a departure from and relative to a given orthodoxy. --V.S. Orthos Logos: See Right Reason. Ostensible Object: (Lat. ostendere, to show) The object envisaged by cognitive act irrespective of its actual existence. See Epistemological Object. --L.W. Ostensive: (Lat. ostendere, to show) Property of a concept or predicate by virtue of which it refers to and is clarified by reference to its instances. --A.C.B. Ostwald, Wilhelm: (1853-1932) German chemist. Winner of the Nobel prize for chemistry in 1909. In Die Uberwindung des wissenschaftlichen Materialistmus and in Naturphilosophie, his two best known works in the field of philosophy, he advocates a dynamic theory in opposition to materialism and mechanism. All properties of matter, and the psychic as well, are special forms of energy. --L.E.D. Oupnekhat: Anquetil Duperron's Latin translation of the Persian translation of 50 Upanishads (q.v.), a work praised by Schopenhauer as giving him complete consolation. --K.F.L. Outness: A term employed by Berkeley to express the experience of externality, that is the ideas of space and things placed at a distance. Hume used it in the sense of distance Hamilton understood it as the state of being outside of consciousness in a really existing world of material things. --J.J.R. Overindividual: Term used by H. Münsterberg to translate the German überindividuell. The term is applied to any cognitive or value object which transcends the individual subject. --L.W. P

Three Worlds Model ::: A model of levels of reality described in some shamanic traditions. The role of the shaman is one of mediation and hence the Physical Plane finds itself in the middle. The Heavens make up the world of archetypes and non-dual awareness and the Underworld refers to the Astral domains as well as to the Hell realms.

Time series analysis - A method which allows a business to predict future levels from past figures.

To higher levels persuades his parents’ steps,

Tolerances ::: Permissible residue levels for pesticides in raw agricultural produce and processed foods. Whenever a pesticide is registered for use on a food or a feed crop, a tolerance (or exemption from the tolerance requirement) must be established. EPA establishes the tolerance levels, which are enforced by the Food and Drug Administration and the Department of Agriculture.

top-down design "programming" (Or "stepwise refinement"). The software design technique which aims to describe functionality at a very high level, then partition it repeatedly into more detailed levels one level at a time until the detail is sufficient to allow coding. This approach to software design probably originated at {IBM}, and grew out of {structured programming} practices. (1996-08-04)

Toxicity Profile ::: An examination, summary, and interpretation of a hazardous substance to determine levels of exposure and associated health effects. See our toxicity profiles.

trīndriya. (T. dbang po gsum; C. sangen; J. sankon; K. samgŭn 三根). In Sanskrit, "three capacities," or "three faculties"; a division of disciples of the Buddha or of a particular teaching, based on relative levels of aptitude, understanding, or profundity. The three are as follows: those of dull faculties (MṚDVINDRIYA), those of intermediate faculties (MADHYENDRIYA), and those of sharp faculties (TĪKsnENDRIYA). The term is often used polemically to describe one's preferred teaching as intended only for those of sharp faculties, while dismissing other competing teachings as intended for those of dull or intermediate faculties. See also INDRIYA.

trisu sanusu ::: on the three levels (body, life and mind) . [Ved.]

two-binary, one-quaternary "communications" (2B1Q) A {physical layer} encoding used for {Integrated Services Digital Network} {basic rate interface}. 2B1Q represents two {bits} (2B - a "dibit") using one of four signal levels (1Q - a "quadratude"). The first bit of the dibit is indicated by polarity: positive indicates a binary 1 and negative indicates a 0. The second half of the dibit is indicated by voltage magnitude: 1 Volt indicates a binary 1 and 3 Volts indicates binary 0. (2003-01-10)

UFO ::: (language) (United Functions and Objects) A hybrid functional and object-oriented language designed by John Seargant at Manchester University for general-purpose parallel computation.To a first approximation, UFO is a strict, higher-order functional language with an object-oriented type system, and strong support for numeric computation in at various different levels of granularity, thereby facilitating implementations on a wide range of parallel architectures.It is planned to run it on a 64 processor KSR machine. (1996-08-22)

UFO "language" (United Functions and Objects) A hybrid {functional} and {object-oriented} language designed by John Seargant at {Manchester University} for general-purpose parallel computation. To a first approximation, UFO is a strict, higher-order functional language with an object-oriented type system, and strong support for numeric computation in the form of SISAL-style arrays and loops. Parallelism is implicit, and applies at various different levels of granularity, thereby facilitating implementations on a wide range of parallel architectures. It is planned to run it on a 64 processor {KSR} machine. (1996-08-22)

upeksā. (P. upekkhā; T. btang snyoms; C. she; J. sha; K. sa 捨). In Sanskrit, "equanimity," a term with at least four important denotations: (1) as a sensation of neutrality that is neither pleasurable nor painful; (2) as one of eleven virtuous mental concomitants (KUsALA-CAITTA), referring to a state of evenness of mind, without overt disturbance by sensuality, hatred, or ignorance; (3) as a state of mental balance during the course of developing concentration, which is free from lethargy and excitement; and (4) one of the four "divine abidings" (BRAHMAVIHĀRA), along with loving-kindness (MAITRĪ), compassion (KARUnĀ), and sympathetic joy (MUDITĀ). As a divine abiding, upeksā indicates an even-mindedness toward all beings, regarding them with neither attachment nor aversion, as neither intimate nor remote; in some descriptions of the four "divine abidings," there is the additional wish that all beings attain such equanimity. In the VISUDDHIMAGGA, equanimity is listed as one of the meditative topics for the cultivation of tranquillity meditation (samathābhāvanā; see S. sAMATHA). Of the four divine abidings, equanimity is capable of producing all four levels of meditative absorption (P. JHĀNA; S. DHYĀNA), while the other divine abidings are capable of producing only the first three of four. The text indicates that, along with the other three divine abidings, equanimity is used only for the cultivation of tranquillity, not for insight training (P. vipassanābhāvanā; see S. VIPAsYANĀ).

urdhvasrotas. (T. gong du 'pho ba; C. shangliu ban/shangliu banniepan; J. joruhatsu/joruhatsunehan; K. sangnyu pan/sangnyu panyolban 上流般/上流般涅槃). In Sanskrit, "one who goes higher" or "upstreamer"; a specific type of nonreturner (ANĀGĀMIN), one of the twenty members of the ĀRYASAMGHA (see VIMsATIPRABHEDASAMGHA). There are different accounts of the types of urdhvasrotas. According to Ārya VIMUKTISENA's explanation of the list of āryasaMgha found in the ABHISAMAYĀLAMKĀRAVṚTTI, based on the ABHIDHARMAKOsABHĀsYA, there are four: the pluta (those who leap over), ardhapluta (those who leap over half), sarvasthānacyuta (those who die in every place), and bhavāgraparama (those who journey to the summit of existence). All cultivate a meditation that enters and exits uncontaminated (ANĀSRAVA) states that cause them to take birth in the sUDDHĀVĀSA (pure abodes). This meditation allows them to jump at will from one meditative state (a DHYĀNA or SAMĀPATTI) to another without having to go through the intermediate stages. The pluta enters the first dhyāna, is reborn among the BRAHMAKĀYIKA divinities of the first meditative absorption and, through the force of earlier meditative development, emerges from that level of absorption, forsakes all levels in between, and is reborn in the pure abode region of the AKANIstHA heaven of the highest divinities, where he enters NIRVĀnA. The ardhapluta is similarly reborn among the brahmakāyika divinities of the first meditative absorption, also forsakes the levels in between the first and fourth absorption, and is reborn in the pure abodes, but not each in turn. Omitting some of them, he is then born in the AKANIstHA heaven, where he enters nirvāna. The sarvasthānacyuta, as the name suggests, is born among the brahmakāyika divinities of the first meditative absorption and then goes through the process of taking birth in every other heaven in the subtle materiality and immaterial realms except the great Brahmā heaven until he enters nirvāna in the akanistha heaven. The bhavāgraparama are born as divinities in the heavens up to the level of the BṚHATPHALA (great fruition) heaven, forsake the pure abodes, and, having taken rebirths in stages in the immaterial realm (ĀRuPYADHĀTU), enter nirvāna in the BHAVĀGRA (the summit of existence) heaven.

vaikhari ::: [the fourth and lowest of the four levels of speech; articulate utterance].

Variable cost - A cost that varies with output levels.

VEGETABLE KINGDOM The second natural kingdom, or the lowest but one.

In this kingdom the monad acquires the ability to distinguish between attractive and repulsive vibrations, thereby having achieved contact with the emotional world (48:7).
Vegetable monads develop most quickly by being consumed by animals and men, thereby being subjected to the strong vibrations in their emotional envelopes. By learning to perceive these vibrations they become able gradually to attain higher levels in their kingdom. K 1.33.6

vijNānānantyāyatana. (P. viNNānaNcāyatana; T. rnam shes mtha' yas skye mched; C. shi wubian chu; J. shikimuhenjo; K. sik mubyon ch'o 識無邊處). In Sanskrit, "sphere of infinite consciousness"; the second (in ascending order) of the four levels of the immaterial realm (ĀRuPYADHĀTU) and the second of the four immaterial absorptions (ĀRuPYĀVACARADHYĀNA). It is "above" the first level of the immaterial realm, called infinites space (AKĀsĀNANTYĀYATANA), and "below" the third and fourth levels, "nothingness" (ĀKIMCANYĀYATANA) and "neither perception nor nonperception" (NAIVASAMJNĀNĀSAMJNĀYATANA). It is a realm of rebirth as well as a meditative state that is entirely immaterial (viz., there is no physical, or form [RuPA], component to existence), in which the mind seems to expand to the point that it is essentially infinite. Beings reborn in this realm are thought to live as long as forty thousand eons (KALPA). However, as a state of being that is still subject to rebirth, even the realm of infinite consciousness remains part of SAMSĀRA. Like the other levels of the realm of subtle materiality (RuPADHĀTU) and the immaterial realm, one is reborn in this state by achieving the specific level of meditative absorption of that state in the previous lifetime. One of the most famous and influential expositions on the subject of these immaterial states comes from the VISUDDHIMAGGA of BUDDHAGHOSA, written in the fifth century. Although there are numerous accounts of Buddhist meditators achieving immaterial states of SAMĀDHI, they are also used polemically in Buddhist literature to describe the attainments of non-Buddhist YOGINs, who mistakenly identify these exalted states within saMsāra as states of permanent liberation from rebirth. See also DHYĀNASAMĀPATTI; DHYĀNOPAPATTI.

vimoksa. (P. vimokkha; T. rnam par thar pa; C. jietuo; J. gedatsu; K. haet'al 解). In Sanskrit, "liberation" or "deliverance"; the state of freedom from rebirth, achieved by the sRĀVAKA, PRATYEKABUDDHA, or BODHISATTVA paths (MĀRGA). In mainstream Buddhist literature, this liberation is said to be of three types, corresponding to the three "doors to deliverance" (VIMOKsAMUKHA): (1) emptiness (sUNYATĀ), (2) signlessness (ĀNIMITTA), and (3) wishlessness (APRAnIHITA). Another set of eight grades of liberation (vimoksa) is associated with the attainment of meditative absorption (DHYĀNA). In Pāli sources, these grades refer to eight levels in the extension of consciousness that accompany the cultivation of increasingly more advanced states of dhyāna (P. JHĀNA). The eight grades are (1) the perception of material form (RuPA) while remaining in the subtle-materiality realm; (2) the perception of external material forms while not perceiving one's own form; (3) the development of confidence through contemplating the beautiful; (4) passing beyond the material plane with the idea of "limitless space," one attains the plane of limitless space (ĀKĀsĀNANTYĀYATANA), the first level of the immaterial realm; (5) passing beyond the plane of limitless space with the idea of "limitless consciousness," one attains the plane of limitless consciousness (VIJNĀNĀNANTYĀYATANA); (6) passing beyond the plane of limitless consciousness with the idea "there is nothing," one attains the plane of nothingness (ĀKINCANYĀYATANA); (7) passing beyond the plane of nothingness one attains the plane of neither perception nor nonperception (NAIVASAMJNĀNĀSAMJNĀYATANA); and (8) passing beyond the plane of neither perception nor nonperception one attains the cessation of consciousness (viz., NIRODHASAMĀPATTI). In the Mahāyāna ABHIDHARMA, it is said that the first two grades enable bodhisattvas to manifest different forms for the sake of others, the third controls their attitude toward those forms (by seeing that beauty and ugliness are relative), and the remaining five enable them to live at ease in order to help others.

vita prstha ::: the wide (the straight open) levels. [cf. RV 4.2.11]

Water Quality Criteria::: Levels of water quality expected to render a body of water suitable for its designated use. Criteria are based on specific levels of pollutants that would make the water harmful if used for drinking, swimming, farming, fish production, or industrial processes.

waves ::: A synonym for stages emphasizing the fluid, overlapping nature of levels of development. See levels.

way shaft ::: --> A rock shaft.
An interior shaft, usually one connecting two levels.

XYY syndrome: a chromosomal abnormality where there are three sex chromosomes. People who possess this abnormality are males who are of above average height with typically low levels of fertility. There used to be considerable interest in the possible links between this condition and aggressive behaviour, although this has never been proven.

Yechidah (&

Zuse "language" (After {Konrad Zuse}) A descendant of {Ada}, {Modula-2}, {Mesa} and {Oberon-1}, described by Christian Collberg "" in his PhD thesis 1991. Zuse supports several levels of information hiding. The Zuse type system includes fully hidden types (similar to {Modula-2} {opaque types} but without any implementation restriction), semi-open pointer types (same as {Modula-2} {opaque types}), extensible {record types} (similar to {Oberon-1} public projection types but without the compiler hint), {enumeration} types, extensible enumeration types, and extensible {subrange types}. A type can also be protected by specifying the operations that particular modules may perform (similar to {C++} {friend classes} and {Ada} {private types}). Zuse also includes hidden and extensible constants and hidden inline procedures. In order to support the higher levels of information hiding the implementation employs partial intermediate code linking. A version for {Sun-3} is available. (1999-02-18)

Zuse ::: (language) (After Konrad Zuse) A descendant of Ada, Modula-2, Mesa and Oberon-1, described by Christian Collberg in his PhD thesis 1991.Zuse supports several levels of information hiding. The Zuse type system includes fully hidden types (similar to Modula-2 opaque types but without any without the compiler hint), enumeration types, extensible enumeration types, and extensible subrange types.A type can also be protected by specifying the operations that particular modules may perform (similar to C++ friend classes and Ada private types). Zuse order to support the higher levels of information hiding the implementation employs partial intermediate code linking.A version for Sun-3 is available. (1999-02-18)

QUOTES [42 / 42 - 1500 / 3111]

KEYS (10k)

   20 Sri Aurobindo
   3 The Mother
   2 Ken Wilber?
   1 Yogani
   1 Stratford Caldecott
   1 Sri Aurobindo
   1 Satprem
   1 Nolini Kanta Gupta
   1 M P Pandit
   1 KGentle
   1 Ken Wilber
   1 Jean Piaget
   1 Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
   1 Frederick Dodson
   1 Dr Robert A Hatch
   1 Dion Fortune
   1 Carl Sagan
   1 Bonaventure
   1 Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
   1 Abraham Maslow


   39 Anonymous
   29 Frederick Lenz
   14 Robert M Sapolsky
   13 Mark Sisson
   10 Gary Taubes
   9 Hal Elrod
   8 Sri Aurobindo
   7 Terence McKenna
   7 Robert Greene
   7 Jason Fung
   6 Richard Rohr
   6 Donald Trump
   5 Terry Pratchett
   5 Steve Maraboli
   5 Stephen Harrod Buhner
   5 Rush Limbaugh
   5 Ralph Waldo Emerson
   5 Jack Kerouac
   5 Bill Bryson
   5 Amit Ray

1:You experience the world not as it is, but as you are." ~ Frederick Dodson, "Levels of Energy,", (2010).,
2:The vital can take part in a movement but it must not be in control. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV, The Vital and Other Levels of Being,
3:A poet's largeness and ease of execution,—succeeds more amply on the inferior levels of his genius. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Future Poetry, The Poets of the Dawn - II,
4:Nothing has to be rejected, all has to be raised to the pure levels of the divine consciousness. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Secret of the Veda, Indra and the Thought-Forces,
5:Not mental control but some descent of a control from above the mind is the power demanded in the realisation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV, The Vital and Other Levels of Being,
6:The peace and spontaneous knowledge are in the psychic being and from there they spread to mind and vital and physical. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV, Levels of the Physical Being,
7:We may gather that the universe is like a book reflecting, representing, and describing its Maker, the Trinity, at three different levels of expression: as a trace, an image, and a likeness. ~ Bonaventure, Breviloquium II.12.1,
8:It is said that man is the only being that has a fourfold nature exactly corresponding in its levels to the cosmos. The angels lack the lower planes, and the animals lack the higher planes.
   ~ Dion Fortune, The Mystical Qabalah,
9:I am convinced that there are genuine and valid levels of perception available with cannabis (and probably with other drugs) which are, through the defects of our society and our educational system, unavailable to us without such drugs. ~ Carl Sagan,
10:There are higher levels of the mind than any we now conceive and to these we must one day reach and rise beyond them to the heights of a greater, a spiritual existence. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays in Philosophy and Yoga, Perfection of the Body,
11:But these structures, forming different levels, are to be regarded as succeeding one another according to a law of development, such that each one brings about a more inclusive and stable equilibrium for the processes that emerge from the preceding level. ~ Jean Piaget,
12:I am with you because I am you or you are me.
   I am with you, that signifies a world of things, because I am with you on all levels, on all planes, from the supreme consciousness down to my most physical consciousness. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother I, [T4],
13:Artificer of Ideal and Idea,
Mind, child of Matter in the womb of Life,
To higher levels persuades his parents' steps:
Inapt, they follow ill the daring guide. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Gospel of Death and Vanity of the Ideal,
14:Transcendence refers to the very highest and most inclusive or holistic levels of human consciousness, behaving and relating, as ends rather than means, to oneself, to significant others, to human beings in general, to other species, to nature, and to the cosmos. ~ Abraham Maslow, 1971, p269,
15:Beyond mind on spiritual and supramental levels dwells the Presence, the Truth, the Power, the Bliss that can alone deliver us from these illusions, display the Light of which our ideals are tarnished disguises and impose the harmony that shall at once transfigure and reconcile all the parts of our nature. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays Divine and Human
16:A practice that is suitable for one person is not necessarily suitable for someone else, and a practice that is appropriate for one person at one time is not necessarily appropriate for that same person at another time. Buddha did not expect us to put all his teachings into practice right away--they are intended for a great variety of practitioners of different levels and dispositions. ~ Geshe Kelsang Gyatso,
17:The best relief for the brain, he writes in one of them, is when the thinking takes place outside the body and above the head (or in space or at other levels but still outside the body). At any rate it was so in my case; for as soon as that happened there was an immense relief; I have felt body strain since then but never any kind of brain fatigue.
   ~ Satprem, Sri Aurobindo Or The Adventure of Consciousness, 325,
18:the Divine Personalities :::
   But behind all these and in them he has felt a Divinity who is all these things, a Bringer of Light, a Guide and All-Knower, a Master of Force, A Giver of Bliss, Friend, Helper, Father, Mother, Playmate in the world-game, an absolute Master of his being, his souls Beloved and Lover. All relations known to human personality are there in the souls contact with the Divine; but they rise towards superhuman levels and compel him towards a divine nature.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga,
19:4. Study Every Day ::: Establish a daily routine where you study in one place a minimum of 4 -5 hours each day. There are different kinds and 'levels' of study discussed below. What is important is that study becomes the centerpiece of your day and the continuous element in your work week. Do not wait for exam-time to study. Exams offer the opportunity to refine what you know and to sharpen your communication skills. The best way to focus your view of things is to present it clearly in writing. Writing is a ritual for thinking. ~ Dr Robert A Hatch, How to Study,
20:To take symbolism seriously is to accept the 'analogy of being' between different levels of reality... More than the sum of its parts, the figure is the appearing-to-us of an infinite depth that cannot be fully revealed in time. Every symbol is a kind of gestalt, in which a universal meaning can be glimpsed. Eventually, every created thing can be seen as a manifestation of its own interior essence, and the world is transformed into a radiant book to be read with eyes sensitive to spiritual light. ~ Stratford Caldecott, Beauty for Truth's Sake: On the Re-enchantment of Education,
21:    The faculty of knowledge of the Rishis was based on this subtle realisation. And this subtle realisation has its different levels, classifications and variations which the Vedic seers have termed Ila, Saraswati, Sarama and Dakshina. These four names have been plausibly interpreted as sruti (Revelation), smrti (Inspiration), bodhi (Intuition) and viveka (Discrimination). We are not going to probe further into the mystery. We just want to point out the difference between the outlook of the ancients and that of the moderns. ~ Nolini Kanta Gupta, 08, 36.07 - An Introduction To The Vedas,
22:We have in this figure of various psychological levels, each considered as a world in itself, a key to the conceptions of the Vedic Rishis.
And it is the causal Truth, represented in the person of Surya Savitri, that is the creator of all its forms. For it is the causal Idea in the infinite being,—the idea, not abstract, but real and dynamic,—that originates the law, the energies, the formations of things and the working out of their potentialities in determined forms by determined processes. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Secret of the Veda, Selected Hymns, Surya Savitri - Creator and Increaser,
23:That status of knowledge is then the aim of this path and indeed of all paths when pursued to their end, to which intellectual discrimination and conception and all concentration and psychological self-knowledge and all seeking by the heart through love and by the senses through beauty and by the will through power and works and by the soul through peace and joy are only keys, avenues, first approaches and beginnings of the ascent which we have to use and to follow till the wide and infinite levels are attained and the divine doors swing open into the infinite Light.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga,
24:It is from the Overmind that all these different arrangements of the creative Truth of things originate. Out of the Overmind they come down to the Intuition and are transmitted from it to the Illumined and higher Mind to be arranged there for our intelligence. But they lose more and more of their power and certitude in the transmission as they come down to the lower levels. What energy of directly perceived Truth they have is lost in the human mind; for to the human intellect they present themselves only as speculative ideas, not as realised Truth, not as direct sight, a dynamic vision coupled with a concrete undeniable experience.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - I, 155,
25:The intermediate zone means simply a confused condition or passage in which one is getting out of the personal consciousness and opening into the cosmic (cosmic Mind, cosmic vital, cosmic physical, something perhaps of the cosmic higherMind) without having yet transcended the human mind levels. One is not in possession of or direct contact with the divine Truth on its own levels, but one can receive something from them, even from the Overmind, indirectly.Only, as one is still immersed in the cosmic Ignorance, all that comes from above can be mixed, perverted, taken hold of for their purposes by lower, even by hostile Powers.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Himself And The Ashram, 118,
26:As if from Matter's plinth and viewless base
   To a top as viewless, a carved sea of worlds
   Climbing with foam-maned waves to the Supreme
   Ascended towards breadths immeasurable;
   It hoped to soar into the Ineffable's reign:
   A hundred levels raised it to the Unknown.
   So it towered up to heights intangible
   And disappeared in the hushed conscious Vast
   As climbs a storeyed temple-tower to heaven
   Built by the aspiring soul of man to live
   Near to his dream of the Invisible.
   Infinity calls to it as it dreams and climbs;
   Its spire touches the apex of the world;
   Mounting into great voiceless stillnesses
   It marries the earth to screened eternities.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The World-Stair,
27:Finally, in terms of overall spiritual intelligence-which we have been briefly tracking-on the other side of the leading edge of evolution we have 3 or 4 higher, at this point mostly potential, levels of development, including levels of spiritual intelligence. Individually, their basic strcture-rungs are referred to as para-mind, meta-mind, overmind, and supermind; collectively, they are called 3rd tier. What all 3rd-tier structures have in common is some degree of direct transpersonal identity and experience. Further, each 3rd-tier structure of consciousness is integrated, in some fashion, with a particular state of consciousness (often, para-mental with the gross, meta-mental with subtle, overmind with causal/Witnessing, and supermind with nondual, although this varies with each individual's actual history).
   ~ Ken Wilber?,
28:higher mind: (c. 1931, in the diagram on page 1360) a plane of consciousness with three levels: liberated intelligence, intuitive [higher mind] and illumined [higher mind] (in ascending order). The first level may correspond to vijnanabuddhi in the earlier terminology of the Record of Yoga. The intuitive and illumined levels may be what Sri Aurobindo soon after making the diagram began to refer to as higher mind (defined as a luminous thought-mind, a mind of spiritborn conceptual knowledge) and illumined mind (characterised by an intense lustre, a splendour and illumination of the spirit); cf. logistic ideality (also called luminous reason) and hermetic ideality or srauta vijnana(distinguished by a diviner splendour of light and blaze of fiery effulgence) in the terminology of 1919-20.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Record Of Yoga,
29:For the last three weeks I've been working on a open world game in Inform 7. The initial seed for my idea came when I was playing Rune Factory 3 a game for my DS. And I thought, Hey look if I can run a farm here why can't I somehow implement this in a interactive fiction. So I sat myself down and began to type away furiously at my keyboard. And the more I sat the more complicated my farming implementation got, requiring water and fertilizer, levels of sunlight ect

And then, finally, I finished it. And my mind began to wander. Why just stop there why not keep going. And soon I was adding mining, weather and a form of crafting items. Now if I get this done, and don't fall into the trap of to create everything, of which I am slowly making the maddening descent, I could have a open world IF game ready within a few months. Maybe more than a few. ~ KGentle,,
30:The fourth condition is study. One must cultivate the mind, know what others have thought, open the mental being to this impact of the higher vibrations of knowledge. A mental knowledge is not tantamount to realization, it is true, but still one must know mentally where one is going, what has happened to others, how they have achieved, what are the hindrances and the helping points. This education of oneself by study, study of spiritual writings, suddhydya as it is called, a disciplined reading and incorporation of the knowledge contained in scriptures and authentic texts - that is a very important part. Even when you don't understand a text, still if you persist at it, the force that is in that book creates certain new grooves in your brain and the second or the third time when you read it, it begins to make some meaning. This is the meaning of studying, of exposing your mind to the constant vibrations of higher levels of knowledge. Incidentally, the mind gets developed, a mental climate is created, a climate of spiritual culture.
   ~ M P Pandit, The Advent 1981, 30,
31:Meditation is a deliberate attempt to pierce into the higher states of consciousness and finally go beyond it. The art of meditation is the art of shifting the focus of attention to ever subtler levels, without losing one's grip on the levels left behind. In a way it is like having death under control. One begins with the lowest levels: social circumstances, customs and habits; physical surroundings, the posture and the breathing of the body, the senses, their sensation s and perceptions; the mind, its thoughts and feelings; until the entire mechanism of personality is grasped and firmly held. The final stage of meditation is reached when the sense of identity goes beyond the 'I-am-so-and-so', beyond 'so-l-am', beyond 'I-am-the-witness-only', beyond 'there-is', beyond all ideas into the impersonally personal pure being. But you must be energetic when you take to meditation. It is definitely not a part-time occupation. Limit your interests and activities to what is needed for you and your dependents' barest needs.
Save all your energies and time for breaking the wall your mind had built around you. Believe me, you will not regret. ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj,
32:The Twenty Tenets of Holons
1. Reality as a whole is not composed of things, or processes, but of holons.
2. Holons display four fundamental capacities:
a. self-preservation,
b. self-adaptation,
c. self-transcendence.
d. self-dissolution.
3. Holons emerge.
4. Holons emerge holarchically.
5. Each emergent holon transcends but includes its predecessor.
6. The lower sets the possibilities of the higer; the higher sets the probabilities of the lower.
7. "The number of levels which a hierarchy comprises determines whether it is 'shallow' or 'deep'; and the number of holons on any given level we shall call its 'span'" (A. Koestler).
8. Each successive level of evolution produces greater depth and less span.
9. Destroy any type of holon, and you will destroy all of the holons above it and none of the holons below it.
10. Holarchies coevolve.
11. The micro is in relational exchange with the macro at all levels of its depth.
12. Evolution has directionality:
a. Increasing complexity.
b. Increasing differentiation/integration.
c. Increasing organisation/structuration.
d. Increasing relative autonomy.
e. Increasing telos.
   ~ Ken Wilber, Sex Ecology Spirituality, 1995, p. 35-78.,
33:Inspiration is always a very uncertain thing; it comes when it chooses, stops suddenly before it has finished its work, refuses to descend when it is called. This is a well-known affliction, perhaps of all artists, but certainly of poets. There are some who can command it at will; those who, I think, are more full of an abundant poetic energy than careful for perfection; others who oblige it to come whenever they put pen to paper but with these the inspiration is either not of a high order or quite unequal in its levels. Again there are some who try to give it a habit of coming by always writing at the same time; Virgil with his nine lines first written, then perfected every morning, Milton with his fifty epic lines a day, are said to have succeeded in regularising their inspiration. It is, I suppose, the same principle which makes Gurus in India prescribe for their disciples a meditation at the same fixed hour every day. It succeeds partially of course, for some entirely, but not for everybody. For myself, when the inspiration did not come with a rush or in a stream,-for then there is no difficulty,-I had only one way, to allow a certain kind of incubation in which a large form of the thing to be done threw itself on the mind and then wait for the white heat in which the entire transcription could rapidly take place. But I think each poet has his own way of working and finds his own issue out of inspiration's incertitudes.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Future Poetry, Inspiration and Effort - I,
34:Supermind, on the other hand, as a basic structure-rung (conjoined with nondual Suchness) can only be experienced once all the previous junior levels have emerged and developed, and as in all structure development, stages cannot be skipped. Therefore, unlike Big Mind, supermind can only be experienced after all 1st-, 2nd-, and 3rd-tier junior stages have been passed through. While, as Genpo Roshi has abundantly demonstrated, Big Mind state experience is available to virtually anybody at almost any age (and will be interpreted according to the View of their current stage), supermind is an extremely rare recognition. Supermind, as the highest structure-rung to date, has access to all previous structures, all the way back to Archaic-and the Archaic itself, of course, has transcended and included, and now embraces, every major structural evolution going all the way back to the Big Bang. (A human being literally enfolds and embraces all the major transformative unfoldings of the entire Kosmic history-strings to quarks to subatomic particles to atoms to molecules to cells, all the way through the Tree of Life up to its latest evolutionary emergent, the triune brain, the most complex structure in the known natural world.) Supermind, in any given individual, is experienced as a type of omniscience-the supermind, since it transcends and includes all of the previous structure-rungs, and inherently is conjoined with the highest nondual Suchness state, has a full and complete knowledge of all of the potentials in that person. It literally knows all, at least for the individual.
   ~ Ken Wilber?,
35:need for the soul's spiritualization :::
   And yet even the leading of the inmost psychic being is not found sufficient until it has succeeded in raising itself out of this mass of inferior Nature to the highest spiritual levels and the divine spark and flame descended here have rejoined themselves to their original fiery Ether. For there is there no longer a spiritual consciousness still imperfect and half lost to itself in the thick sheaths of human mind, life and body, but the full spiritual consciousness in its purity, freedom and intense wideness. There, as it is the eternal Knower that becomes the Knower in us and mover and user of all knowledge, so it is the eternal All-Blissful who is the Adored attracting to himself the eternal divine portion of his being and joy that has gone out into the play of the universe, the infinite Lover pouring himself out in the multiplicity of his own manifested selves in a happy Oneness. All Beauty in the world is there the beauty of the Beloved, and all forms of beauty have to stand under the light of that eternal Beauty and submit themselves to the sublimating and transfiguring power of the unveiled Divine Perfection. All Bliss and Joy are there of the All-Blissful, and all inferior forms of enjoyment, happiness or pleasure are subjected to the shock of the intensity of its floods or currents and either they are broken to pieces as inadequate things under its convicting stress or compelled to transmute themselves into the forms of the Divine Ananda. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Ascent of the Sacrifice - 2, 168,
36:But even before that highest approach to identity is achieved, something of the supreme Will can manifest in us as an imperative impulsion, a God-driven action; we then act by a spontaneous self-determining Force but a fuller knowledge of meaning and aim arises only afterwards. Or the impulse to action may come as an inspiration or intuition, but rather in the heart and body than in the mind; here an effective sight enters in but the complete and exact knowledge is still deferred and comes, if at all, lateR But the divine Will may descend too as a luminous single command or a total perception or a continuous current of perception of what is to be done into the will or into the thought or as a direction from above spontaneously fulfilled by the lower members. When the Yoga is imperfect, only some actions can be done in this way, or else a general action may so proceed but only during periods of exaltation and illumination. When the Yoga is perfect, all action becomes of this character. We may indeed distinguish three stages of a growing progress by which, first, the personal will is occasionally or frequently enlightened or moved by a supreme Will or conscious Force beyond it, then constantly replaced and, last, identified and merged in that divine Power-action. The first is the stage when we are still governed by the intellect, heart and senses; these have to seek or wait for the divine inspiration and guidance and do not always find or receive it. The second is the stage when human intelligence is more and more replaced by a high illumined or intuitive spiritualised mind, the external human heart by the inner psychic heart, the senses by a purified and selfless vital force. The third is the stage when we rise even above spiritualised mind to the supramental levels. In all three stages the fundamental character of the liberated action is the same, a spontaneous working of Prakriti no longer through or for the ego but at the will and for the enjoyment of the supreme Purusha. At a higher level this becomes the Truth of the absolute and universal Supreme expressed through the individual soul and worked out consciously through the nature, - no longer through a half-perception and a diminished or distorted effectuation by the stumbling, ignorant and all-deforming energy of lower nature in us but by the all-wise transcendent and universal Mother. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Supreme Will, 218,
   Sometimes while reading a text one has ideas, then Sweet Mother, how can one distinguish between the other person's idea and one's own?

Oh! This, this doesn't exist, the other person's idea and one's own idea.
   Nobody has ideas of his own: it is an immensity from which one draws according to his personal affinity; ideas are a collective possession, a collective wealth.
   Only, there are different stages. So there is the most common level, the one where all our brains bathe; this indeed swarms here, it is the level of "Mr. Everybody". And then there is a level that's slightly higher for people who are called thinkers. And then there are higher levels still - many - some of them are beyond words but they are still domains of ideas. And then there are those capable of shooting right up, catching something which is like a light and making it come down with all its stock of ideas, all its stock of thoughts. An idea from a higher domain if pulled down organises itself and is crystallised in a large number of thoughts which can express that idea differently; and then if you are a writer or a poet or an artist, when you make it come lower down still, you can have all kinds of expressions, extremely varied and choice around a single little idea but one coming from very high above. And when you know how to do this, it teaches you to distinguish between the pure idea and the way of expressing it.
   Some people cannot do it in their own head because they have no imagination or faculty for writing, but they can do it through study by reading what others have written. There are, you know, lots of poets, for instance, who have expressed the same idea - the same idea but with such different forms that when one reads many of them it becomes quite interesting to see (for people who love to read and read much). Ah, this idea, that one has said it like this, that other has expressed it like that, another has formulated it in this way, and so on. And so you have a whole stock of expressions which are expressions by different poets of the same single idea up there, above, high above. And you notice that there is an almost essential difference between the pure idea, the typal idea and its formulation in the mental world, even the speculative or artistic mental world. This is a very good thing to do when one loves gymnastics. It is mental gymnastics.
   Well, if you want to be truly intelligent, you must know how to do mental gymnastics; as, you see, if you want really to have a fairly strong body you must know how to do physical gymnastics. It is the same thing. People who have never done mental gymnastics have a poor little brain, quite over-simple, and all their life they think like children. One must know how to do this - not take it seriously, in the sense that one shouldn't have convictions, saying, "This idea is true and that is false; this formulation is correct and that one is not and this religion is the true one and that religion is false", and so on and so forth... this, if you enter into it, you become absolutely stupid.
   But if you can see all that and, for example, take all the religions, one after another and see how they have expressed the same aspiration of the human being for some Absolute, it becomes very interesting; and then you begin... yes, you begin to be able to juggle with all that. And then when you have mastered it all, you can rise above it and look at all the eternal human discussions with a smile. So there you are master of the thought and can no longer fly into a rage because someone else does not think as you, something that's unfortunately a very common malady here.
   Now, there we are. Nobody has any questions, no?
   That's enough? Finished! ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1955,
38:The recurring beat that moments God in Time.
Only was missing the sole timeless Word
That carries eternity in its lonely sound,
The Idea self-luminous key to all ideas,
The integer of the Spirit's perfect sum
That equates the unequal All to the equal One,
The single sign interpreting every sign,
The absolute index to the Absolute.

There walled apart by its own innerness
In a mystical barrage of dynamic light
He saw a lone immense high-curved world-pile
Erect like a mountain-chariot of the Gods
Motionless under an inscrutable sky.
As if from Matter's plinth and viewless base
To a top as viewless, a carved sea of worlds
Climbing with foam-maned waves to the Supreme
Ascended towards breadths immeasurable;
It hoped to soar into the Ineffable's reign:
A hundred levels raised it to the Unknown.
So it towered up to heights intangible
And disappeared in the hushed conscious Vast
As climbs a storeyed temple-tower to heaven
Built by the aspiring soul of man to live
Near to his dream of the Invisible.
Infinity calls to it as it dreams and climbs;
Its spire touches the apex of the world;
Mounting into great voiceless stillnesses
It marries the earth to screened eternities.
Amid the many systems of the One
Made by an interpreting creative joy
Alone it points us to our journey back
Out of our long self-loss in Nature's deeps;
Planted on earth it holds in it all realms:
It is a brief compendium of the Vast.
This was the single stair to being's goal.
A summary of the stages of the spirit,
Its copy of the cosmic hierarchies
Refashioned in our secret air of self
A subtle pattern of the universe.
It is within, below, without, above.
Acting upon this visible Nature's scheme
It wakens our earth-matter's heavy doze
To think and feel and to react to joy;
It models in us our diviner parts,
Lifts mortal mind into a greater air,
Makes yearn this life of flesh to intangible aims,
Links the body's death with immortality's call:
Out of the swoon of the Inconscience
It labours towards a superconscient Light.
If earth were all and this were not in her,
Thought could not be nor life-delight's response:
Only material forms could then be her guests
Driven by an inanimate world-force.
Earth by this golden superfluity
Bore thinking man and more than man shall bear;
This higher scheme of being is our cause
And holds the key to our ascending fate;

It calls out of our dense mortality
The conscious spirit nursed in Matter's house.
The living symbol of these conscious planes,
Its influences and godheads of the unseen,
Its unthought logic of Reality's acts
Arisen from the unspoken truth in things,
Have fixed our inner life's slow-scaled degrees.
Its steps are paces of the soul's return
From the deep adventure of material birth,
A ladder of delivering ascent
And rungs that Nature climbs to deity.
Once in the vigil of a deathless gaze
These grades had marked her giant downward plunge,
The wide and prone leap of a godhead's fall.
Our life is a holocaust of the Supreme.
The great World-Mother by her sacrifice
Has made her soul the body of our state;
Accepting sorrow and unconsciousness
Divinity's lapse from its own splendours wove
The many-patterned ground of all we are.
An idol of self is our mortality.
Our earth is a fragment and a residue;
Her power is packed with the stuff of greater worlds
And steeped in their colour-lustres dimmed by her drowse;
An atavism of higher births is hers,
Her sleep is stirred by their buried memories
Recalling the lost spheres from which they fell.
Unsatisfied forces in her bosom move;
They are partners of her greater growing fate
And her return to immortality;
They consent to share her doom of birth and death;
They kindle partial gleams of the All and drive
Her blind laborious spirit to compose
A meagre image of the mighty Whole.
The calm and luminous Intimacy within
~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The World-Stair,
39:To what gods shall the sacrifice be offered? Who shall be invoked to manifest and protect in the human being this increasing godhead?

Agni first, for without him the sacrificial flame cannot burn on the altar of the soul. That flame of Agni is the seven-tongued power of the Will, a Force of God instinct with Knowledge. This conscious and forceful will is the immortal guest in our mortality, a pure priest and a divine worker, the mediator between earth and heaven. It carries what we offer to the higher Powers and brings back in return their force and light and joy into our humanity.

Indra, the Puissant next, who is the power of pure Existence self-manifested as the Divine Mind. As Agni is one pole of Force instinct with knowledge that sends its current upward from earth to heaven, so Indra is the other pole of Light instinct with force which descends from heaven to earth. He comes down into our world as the Hero with the shining horses and slays darkness and division with his lightnings, pours down the life-giving heavenly waters, finds in the trace of the hound, Intuition, the lost or hidden illuminations, makes the Sun of Truth mount high in the heaven of our mentality.

Surya, the Sun, is the master of that supreme Truth, - truth of being, truth of knowledge, truth of process and act and movement and functioning. He is therefore the creator or rather the manifester of all things - for creation is out-bringing, expression by the Truth and Will - and the father, fosterer, enlightener of our souls. The illuminations we seek are the herds of this Sun who comes to us in the track of the divine Dawn and releases and reveals in us night-hidden world after world up to the highest Beatitude.

Of that beatitude Soma is the representative deity. The wine of his ecstasy is concealed in the growths of earth, in the waters of existence; even here in our physical being are his immortalising juices and they have to be pressed out and offered to all the gods; for in that strength these shall increase and conquer.

Each of these primary deities has others associated with him who fulfil functions that arise from his own. For if the truth of Surya is to be established firmly in our mortal nature, there are previous conditions that are indispensable; a vast purity and clear wideness destructive of all sin and crooked falsehood, - and this is Varuna; a luminous power of love and comprehension leading and forming into harmony all our thoughts, acts and impulses, - this is Mitra; an immortal puissance of clear-discerning aspiration and endeavour, - this is Aryaman; a happy spontaneity of the right enjoyment of all things dispelling the evil dream of sin and error and suffering, - this is Bhaga. These four are powers of the Truth of Surya. For the whole bliss of Soma to be established perfectly in our nature a happy and enlightened and unmaimed condition of mind, vitality and body are necessary. This condition is given to us by the twin Ashwins; wedded to the daughter of Light, drinkers of honey, bringers of perfect satisfactions, healers of maim and malady they occupy our parts of knowledge and parts of action and prepare our mental, vital and physical being for an easy and victorious ascension.

Indra, the Divine Mind, as the shaper of mental forms has for his assistants, his artisans, the Ribhus, human powers who by the work of sacrifice and their brilliant ascension to the high dwelling-place of the Sun have attained to immortality and help mankind to repeat their achievement. They shape by the mind Indra's horses, the chariot of the Ashwins, the weapons of the Gods, all the means of the journey and the battle. But as giver of the Light of Truth and as Vritra-slayer Indra is aided by the Maruts, who are powers of will and nervous or vital Force that have attained to the light of thought and the voice of self-expression. They are behind all thought and speech as its impellers and they battle towards the Light, Truth and Bliss of the supreme Consciousness.

There are also female energies; for the Deva is both Male and Female and the gods also are either activising souls or passively executive and methodising energies. Aditi, infinite Mother of the Gods, comes first; and there are besides five powers of the Truthconsciousness, - Mahi or Bharati, the vast Word that brings us all things out of the divine source; Ila, the strong primal word of the Truth who gives us its active vision; Saraswati, its streaming current and the word of its inspiration; Sarama, the Intuition, hound of heaven who descends into the cavern of the subconscient and finds there the concealed illuminations; Dakshina, whose function is to discern rightly, dispose the action and the offering and distribute in the sacrifice to each godhead its portion. Each god, too, has his female energy.

All this action and struggle and ascension is supported by Heaven our Father and Earth our Mother Parents of the Gods, who sustain respectively the purely mental and psychic and the physical consciousness. Their large and free scope is the condition of our achievement. Vayu, master of life, links them together by the mid-air, the region of vital force. And there are other deities, - Parjanya, giver of the rain of heaven; Dadhikravan, the divine war-horse, a power of Agni; the mystic Dragon of the Foundations; Trita Aptya who on the third plane of existence consummates our triple being; and more besides.

The development of all these godheads is necessary to our perfection. And that perfection must be attained on all our levels, - in the wideness of earth, our physical being and consciousness; in the full force of vital speed and action and enjoyment and nervous vibration, typified as the Horse which must be brought forward to upbear our endeavour; in the perfect gladness of the heart of emotion and a brilliant heat and clarity of the mind throughout our intellectual and psychical being; in the coming of the supramental Light, the Dawn and the Sun and the shining Mother of the herds, to transform all our existence; for so comes to us the possession of the Truth, by the Truth the admirable surge of the Bliss, in the Bliss infinite Consciousness of absolute being. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Hymns to the Mystic Fire, The Doctrine of the Mystics,
40:The Supermind [Supramental consciousness] is in its very essence a truth-consciousness, a consciousness always free from the Ignorance which is the foundation of our present natural or evolutionary existence and from which nature in us is trying to arrive at self-knowledge and world-knowledge and a right consciousness and the right use of our existence in the universe. The Supermind, because it is a truth-consciousness, has this knowledge inherent in it and this power of true existence; its course is straight and can go direct to its aim, its field is wide and can even be made illimitable. This is because its very nature is knowledge: it has not to acquire knowledge but possesses it in its own right; its steps are not from nescience or ignorance into some imperfect light, but from truth to greater truth, from right perception to deeper perception, from intuition to intuition, from illumination to utter and boundless luminousness, from growing widenesses to the utter vasts and to very infinitude. On its summits it possesses the divine omniscience and omnipotence, but even in an evolutionary movement of its own graded self-manifestation by which it would eventually reveal its own highest heights, it must be in its very nature essentially free from ignorance and error: it starts from truth and light and moves always in truth and light. As its knowledge is always true, so too its will is always true; it does not fumble in its handling of things or stumble in its paces. In the Supermind feeling and emotion do not depart from their truth, make no slips or mistakes, do not swerve from the right and the real, cannot misuse beauty and delight or twist away from a divine rectitude. In the Supermind sense cannot mislead or deviate into the grossnesses which are here its natural imperfections and the cause of reproach, distrust and misuse by our ignorance. Even an incomplete statement made by the Supermind is a truth leading to a further truth, its incomplete action a step towards completeness. All the life and action and leading of the Supermind is guarded in its very nature from the falsehoods and uncertainties that are our lot; it moves in safety towards its perfection. Once the truth-consciousness was established here on its own sure foundation, the evolution of divine life would be a progress in felicity, a march through light to Ananda. Supermind is an eternal reality of the divine Being and the divine Nature. In its own plane it already and always exists and possesses its own essential law of being; it has not to be created or to emerge or evolve into existence out of involution in Matter or out of non-existence, as it might seem to the view of mind which itself seems to its own view to have so emerged from life and Matter or to have evolved out of an involution in life and Matter. The nature of Supermind is always the same, a being of knowledge, proceeding from truth to truth, creating or rather manifesting what has to be manifested by the power of a pre-existent knowledge, not by hazard but by a self-existent destiny in the being itself, a necessity of the thing in itself and therefore inevitable. Its -manifestation of the divine life will also be inevitable; its own life on its own plane is divine and, if Supermind descends upon the earth, it will bring necessarily the divine life with it and establish it here. Supermind is the grade of existence beyond mind, life and Matter and, as mind, life and Matter have manifested on the earth, so too must Supermind in the inevitable course of things manifest in this world of Matter. In fact, a supermind is already here but it is involved, concealed behind this manifest mind, life and Matter and not yet acting overtly or in its own power: if it acts, it is through these inferior powers and modified by their characters and so not yet recognisable. It is only by the approach and arrival of the descending Supermind that it can be liberated upon earth and reveal itself in the action of our material, vital and mental parts so that these lower powers can become portions of a total divinised activity of our whole being: it is that that will bring to us a completely realised divinity or the divine life. It is indeed so that life and mind involved in Matter have realised themselves here; for only what is involved can evolve, otherwise there could be no emergence. The manifestation of a supramental truth-consciousness is therefore the capital reality that will make the divine life possible. It is when all the movements of thought, impulse and action are governed and directed by a self-existent and luminously automatic truth-consciousness and our whole nature comes to be constituted by it and made of its stuff that the life divine will be complete and absolute. Even as it is, in reality though not in the appearance of things, it is a secret self-existent knowledge and truth that is working to manifest itself in the creation here. The Divine is already there immanent within us, ourselves are that in our inmost reality and it is this reality that we have to manifest; it is that which constitutes the urge towards the divine living and makes necessary the creation of the life divine even in this material existence. A manifestation of the Supermind and its truth-consciousness is then inevitable; it must happen in this world sooner or lateR But it has two aspects, a descent from above, an ascent from below, a self-revelation of the Spirit, an evolution in Nature. The ascent is necessarily an effort, a working of Nature, an urge or nisus on her side to raise her lower parts by an evolutionary or revolutionary change, conversion or transformation into the divine reality and it may happen by a process and progress or by a rapid miracle. The descent or self-revelation of the Spirit is an act of the supreme Reality from above which makes the realisation possible and it can appear either as the divine aid which brings about the fulfilment of the progress and process or as the sanction of the miracle. Evolution, as we see it in this world, is a slow and difficult process and, indeed, needs usually ages to reach abiding results; but this is because it is in its nature an emergence from inconscient beginnings, a start from nescience and a working in the ignorance of natural beings by what seems to be an unconscious force. There can be, on the contrary, an evolution in the light and no longer in the darkness, in which the evolving being is a conscious participant and cooperator, and this is precisely what must take place here. Even in the effort and progress from the Ignorance to Knowledge this must be in part if not wholly the endeavour to be made on the heights of the nature, and it must be wholly that in the final movement towards the spiritual change, realisation, transformation. It must be still more so when there is a transition across the dividing line between the Ignorance and the Knowledge and the evolution is from knowledge to greater knowledge, from consciousness to greater consciousness, from being to greater being. There is then no longer any necessity for the slow pace of the ordinary evolution; there can be rapid conversion, quick transformation after transformation, what would seem to our normal present mind a succession of miracles. An evolution on the supramental levels could well be of that nature; it could be equally, if the being so chose, a more leisurely passage of one supramental state or condition of things to something beyond but still supramental, from level to divine level, a building up of divine gradations, a free growth to the supreme Supermind or beyond it to yet undreamed levels of being, consciousness and Ananda.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays In Philosophy And Yoga, 558,
41:How to Meditate
Deep meditation is a mental procedure that utilizes the nature of the mind to systematically bring the mind to rest. If the mind is given the opportunity, it will go to rest with no effort. That is how the mind works.
Indeed, effort is opposed to the natural process of deep meditation. The mind always seeks the path of least resistance to express itself. Most of the time this is by making more and more thoughts. But it is also possible to create a situation in the mind that turns the path of least resistance into one leading to fewer and fewer thoughts. And, very soon, no thoughts at all. This is done by using a particular thought in a particular way. The thought is called a mantra.
For our practice of deep meditation, we will use the thought - I AM. This will be our mantra.
It is for the sound that we will use I AM, not for the meaning of it.
The meaning has an obvious significance in English, and I AM has a religious meaning in the English Bible as well. But we will not use I AM for the meaning - only for the sound. We can also spell it AYAM. No meaning there, is there? Only the sound. That is what we want. If your first language is not English, you may spell the sound phonetically in your own language if you wish. No matter how we spell it, it will be the same sound. The power of the sound ...I AM... is great when thought inside. But only if we use a particular procedure. Knowing this procedure is the key to successful meditation. It is very simple. So simple that we will devote many pages here to discussing how to keep it simple, because we all have a tendency to make things more complicated. Maintaining simplicity is the key to right meditation.
Here is the procedure of deep meditation: While sitting comfortably with eyes closed, we'll just relax. We will notice thoughts, streams of thoughts. That is fine. We just let them go by without minding them. After about a minute, we gently introduce the mantra, ...I AM...
We think the mantra in a repetition very easily inside. The speed of repetition may vary, and we do not mind it. We do not intone the mantra out loud. We do not deliberately locate the mantra in any particular part of the body. Whenever we realize we are not thinking the mantra inside anymore, we come back to it easily. This may happen many times in a sitting, or only once or twice. It doesn't matter. We follow this procedure of easily coming back to the mantra when we realize we are off it for the predetermined time of our meditation session. That's it.
Very simple.
Typically, the way we will find ourselves off the mantra will be in a stream of other thoughts. This is normal. The mind is a thought machine, remember? Making thoughts is what it does. But, if we are meditating, as soon as we realize we are off into a stream of thoughts, no matter how mundane or profound, we just easily go back to the mantra.
Like that. We don't make a struggle of it. The idea is not that we have to be on the mantra all the time. That is not the objective. The objective is to easily go back to it when we realize we are off it. We just favor the mantra with our attention when we notice we are not thinking it. If we are back into a stream of other thoughts five seconds later, we don't try and force the thoughts out. Thoughts are a normal part of the deep meditation process. We just ease back to the mantra again. We favor it.
Deep meditation is a going toward, not a pushing away from. We do that every single time with the mantra when we realize we are off it - just easily favoring it. It is a gentle persuasion. No struggle. No fuss. No iron willpower or mental heroics are necessary for this practice. All such efforts are away from the simplicity of deep meditation and will reduce its effectiveness.
As we do this simple process of deep meditation, we will at some point notice a change in the character of our inner experience. The mantra may become very refined and fuzzy. This is normal. It is perfectly all right to think the mantra in a very refined and fuzzy way if this is the easiest. It should always be easy - never a struggle. Other times, we may lose track of where we are for a while, having no mantra, or stream of thoughts either. This is fine too. When we realize we have been off somewhere, we just ease back to the mantra again. If we have been very settled with the mantra being barely recognizable, we can go back to that fuzzy level of it, if it is the easiest. As the mantra refines, we are riding it inward with our attention to progressively deeper levels of inner silence in the mind. So it is normal for the mantra to become very faint and fuzzy. We cannot force this to happen. It will happen naturally as our nervous system goes through its many cycles ofinner purification stimulated by deep meditation. When the mantra refines, we just go with it. And when the mantra does not refine, we just be with it at whatever level is easy. No struggle. There is no objective to attain, except to continue the simple procedure we are describing here.

When and Where to Meditate
How long and how often do we meditate? For most people, twenty minutes is the best duration for a meditation session. It is done twice per day, once before the morning meal and day's activity, and then again before the evening meal and evening's activity.
Try to avoid meditating right after eating or right before bed.
Before meal and activity is the ideal time. It will be most effective and refreshing then. Deep meditation is a preparation for activity, and our results over time will be best if we are active between our meditation sessions. Also, meditation is not a substitute for sleep. The ideal situation is a good balance between meditation, daily activity and normal sleep at night. If we do this, our inner experience will grow naturally over time, and our outer life will become enriched by our growing inner silence.
A word on how to sit in meditation: The first priority is comfort. It is not desirable to sit in a way that distracts us from the easy procedure of meditation. So sitting in a comfortable chair with back support is a good way to meditate. Later on, or if we are already familiar, there can be an advantage to sitting with legs crossed, also with back support. But always with comfort and least distraction being the priority. If, for whatever reason, crossed legs are not feasible for us, we will do just fine meditating in our comfortable chair. There will be no loss of the benefits.
Due to commitments we may have, the ideal routine of meditation sessions will not always be possible. That is okay. Do the best you can and do not stress over it. Due to circumstances beyond our control, sometimes the only time we will have to meditate will be right after a meal, or even later in the evening near bedtime. If meditating at these times causes a little disruption in our system, we will know it soon enough and make the necessary adjustments. The main thing is that we do our best to do two meditations every day, even if it is only a short session between our commitments. Later on, we will look at the options we have to make adjustments to address varying outer circumstances, as well as inner experiences that can come up.
Before we go on, you should try a meditation. Find a comfortable place to sit where you are not likely to be interrupted and do a short meditation, say ten minutes, and see how it goes. It is a toe in the water.
Make sure to take a couple of minutes at the end sitting easily without doing the procedure of meditation. Then open your eyes slowly. Then read on here.
As you will see, the simple procedure of deep meditation and it's resulting experiences will raise some questions. We will cover many of them here.
So, now we will move into the practical aspects of deep meditation - your own experiences and initial symptoms of the growth of your own inner silence. ~ Yogani, Deep Meditation,
   Can a Yogi attain to a state of consciousness in which he can know all things, answer all questions, relating even to abstruse scientific problems, such as, for example, the theory of relativity?

Theoretically and in principle it is not impossible for a Yogi to know everything; all depends upon the Yogi.

   But there is knowledge and knowledge. The Yogi does not know in the way of the mind. He does not know everything in the sense that he has access to all possible information or because he contains all the facts of the universe in his mind or because his consciousness is a sort of miraculous encyclopaedia. He knows by his capacity for a containing or dynamic identity with things and persons and forces. Or he knows because he lives in a plane of consciousness or is in contact with a consciousness in which there is the truth and the knowledge.

   If you are in the true consciousness, the knowledge you have will also be of the truth. Then, too, you can know directly, by being one with what you know. If a problem is put before you, if you are asked what is to be done in a particular matter, you can then, by looking with enough attention and concentration, receive spontaneously the required knowledge and the true answer. It is not by any careful application of theory that you reach the knowledge or by working it out through a mental process. The scientific mind needs these methods to come to its conclusions. But the Yogi's knowledge is direct and immediate; it is not deductive. If an engineer has to find out the exact position for the building of an arch, the line of its curve and the size of its opening, he does it by calculation, collating and deducing from his information and data. But a Yogi needs none of these things; he looks, has the vision of the thing, sees that it is to be done in this way and not in another, and this seeing is his knowledge.

   Although it may be true in a general way and in a certain sense that a Yogi can know all things and can answer all questions from his own field of vision and consciousness, yet it does not follow that there are no questions whatever of any kind to which he would not or could not answer. A Yogi who has the direct knowledge, the knowledge of the true truth of things, would not care or perhaps would find it difficult to answer questions that belong entirely to the domain of human mental constructions. It may be, he could not or would not wish to solve problems and difficulties you might put to him which touch only the illusion of things and their appearances. The working of his knowledge is not in the mind. If you put him some silly mental query of that character, he probably would not answer. The very common conception that you can put any ignorant question to him as to some super-schoolmaster or demand from him any kind of information past, present or future and that he is bound to answer, is a foolish idea. It is as inept as the expectation from the spiritual man of feats and miracles that would satisfy the vulgar external mind and leave it gaping with wonder.

   Moreover, the term "Yogi" is very vague and wide. There are many types of Yogis, many lines or ranges of spiritual or occult endeavour and different heights of achievement, there are some whose powers do not extend beyond the mental level; there are others who have gone beyond it. Everything depends on the field or nature of their effort, the height to which they have arrived, the consciousness with which they have contact or into which they enter.

   Do not scientists go sometimes beyond the mental plane? It is said that Einstein found his theory of relativity not through any process of reasoning, but through some kind of sudden inspiration. Has that inspiration anything to do with the Supermind?

The scientist who gets an inspiration revealing to him a new truth, receives it from the intuitive mind. The knowledge comes as a direct perception in the higher mental plane illumined by some other light still farther above. But all that has nothing to do with the action of Supermind and this higher mental level is far removed from the supramental plane. Men are too easily inclined to believe that they have climbed into regions quite divine when they have only gone above the average level. There are many stages between the ordinary human mind and the Supermind, many grades and many intervening planes. If an ordinary man were to get into direct contact even with one of these intermediate planes, he would be dazzled and blinded, would be crushed under the weight of the sense of immensity or would lose his balance; and yet it is not the Supermind.

   Behind the common idea that a Yogi can know all things and answer all questions is the actual fact that there is a plane in the mind where the memory of everything is stored and remains always in existence. All mental movements that belong to the life of the earth are memorised and registered in this plane. Those who are capable of going there and care to take the trouble, can read in it and learn anything they choose. But this region must not be mistaken for the supramental levels. And yet to reach even there you must be able to silence the movements of the material or physical mind; you must be able to leave aside all your sensations and put a stop to your ordinary mental movements, whatever they are; you must get out of the vital; you must become free from the slavery of the body. Then only you can enter into that region and see. But if you are sufficiently interested to make this effort, you can arrive there and read what is written in the earth's memory.

   Thus, if you go deep into silence, you can reach a level of consciousness on which it is not impossible for you to receive answers to all your questions. And if there is one who is consciously open to the plenary truth of the supermind, in constant contact with it, he can certainly answer any question that is worth an answer from the supramental Light. The queries put must come from some sense of the truth and reality behind things. There are many questions and much debated problems that are cobwebs woven of mere mental abstractions or move on the illusory surface of things. These do not pertain to real knowledge; they are a deformation of knowledge, their very substance is of the ignorance. Certainly the supramental knowledge may give an answer, its own answer, to the problems set by the mind's ignorance; but it is likely that it would not be at all satisfactory or perhaps even intelligible to those who ask from the mental level. You must not expect the supramental to work in the way of the mind or demand that the knowledge in truth should be capable of being pieced together with the half-knowledge in ignorance. The scheme of the mind is one thing, but Supermind is quite another and it would no longer be supramental if it adapted itself to the exigencies of the mental scheme. The two are incommensurable and cannot be put together.

   When the consciousness has attained to supramental joys, does it no longer take interest in the things of the mind?

The supramental does not take interest in mental things in the same way as the mind. It takes its own interest in all the movements of the universe, but it is from a different point of view and with a different vision. The world presents to it an entirely different appearance; there is a reversal of outlook and everything is seen from there as other than what it seems to the mind and often even the opposite. Things have another meaning; their aspect, their motion and process, everything about them, are watched with other eyes. Everything here is followed by the supermind; the mind movements and not less the vital, the material movements, all the play of the universe have for it a very deep interest, but of another kind. It is about the same difference as that between the interest taken in a puppet-play by one who holds the strings and knows what the puppets are to do and the will that moves them and that they can do only what it moves them to do, and the interest taken by another who observes the play but sees only what is happening from moment to moment and knows nothing else. The one who follows the play and is outside its secret has a stronger, an eager and passionate interest in what will happen and he gives an excited attention to its unforeseen or dramatic events; the other, who holds the strings and moves the show, is unmoved and tranquil. There is a certain intensity of interest which comes from ignorance and is bound up with illusion, and that must disappear when you are out of the ignorance. The interest that human beings take in things founds itself on the illusion; if that were removed, they would have no interest at all in the play; they would find it dry and dull. That is why all this ignorance, all this illusion has lasted so long; it is because men like it, because they cling to it and its peculiar kind of appeal that it endures.

   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1929-1931, 93?


1:Life levels all men. Death reveals the eminent. ~ george-bernard-shaw, @wisdomtrove
2:Education levels the playing field, allowing everyone to compete. ~ joyce-meyer, @wisdomtrove
3:For danger levels man and brute And all are fellows in their need. ~ john-dryden, @wisdomtrove
4:People have different emotional levels. Especially when you're young. ~ bob-dylan, @wisdomtrove
5:There is intersubjectivity woven into the very fabric of the Kosmos at all levels. ~ ken-wilber, @wisdomtrove
6:You have the ability, right now, to exceed all your previous levels of accomplishment ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
7:Meditation is a vehicle for opening to the truth of this impermanence on deeper and deeper levels. ~ jack-kornfield, @wisdomtrove
8:The mind has these four levels: physical, vital, buddhi, higher mind. The Supermind is far above these. ~ sri-aurobindo, @wisdomtrove
9:Life isn't much more than a big dig through layers of doubt and fear into new levels of power and potential. ~ robin-sharma, @wisdomtrove
10:In lower levels things are dark, gray, experiences are shallow. You become alienated from those around you. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
11:The earth is like a one-room schoolhouse in which students of different grade levels are assembled together. ~ brian-l-weiss, @wisdomtrove
12:Excessive (population) growth may reduce output per worker, repress levels of living for the masses and engender strife ~ confucius, @wisdomtrove
13:The development of the individual can be described as a succession of new births at consecutively higher levels. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
14:Your environment (your home, your office, the magazines you read etc.) dramatically affects your levels of achievement ~ robin-sharma, @wisdomtrove
15:To take charge of destiny means to play a very convoluted chess game on multiple levels of consciousness and existence. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
16:The person of power uses their power to open up their mind to higher levels all the time, which creates tremendous happiness. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
17:Spirituality can not be separate from how we treat our bodies, construct our lifestyles, and keep our energy at higher levels. ~ james-redfield, @wisdomtrove
18:It takes someone with a vision of the possibilities to attain new levels of experience. Someone with the courage to live his dreams. ~ les-brown, @wisdomtrove
19:On all levels American society is rigged. I am troubled by the cynical immorality of my country. It cannot survive on this basis. ~ john-steinbeck, @wisdomtrove
20:Taking the inventory of your current work at all levels will automatically produce greater focus, alignment, and sense of priorities. ~ david-allen, @wisdomtrove
21:Great spiritual teachings do not change, but we do. As we grow older and wiser, we can receive the teachings at deeper levels. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
22:This is the feeling for syllable and rhythm, penetrating far below the conscious levels of thought and feeling, invigorating every word. ~ t-s-eliot, @wisdomtrove
23:Where'er a noble deed is wrought, Where'er is spoken a noble thought, Our hearts in glad surprise To higher levels rise. ~ henry-wadsworth-longfellow, @wisdomtrove
24:Nothing is true in self-discovery unless it is true in your own experience. This is the only protection against the robot levels of the mind. ~ barry-long, @wisdomtrove
25:Women have so many levels. There's the physical level, which is a lot of fun. There's this emotional level, which is extremely mercurial. ~ robin-williams, @wisdomtrove
26:Celibacy and suicide are a similar levels of understanding, suicide and a martyr's death not so by any means, perhaps marriage and a martyr's death. ~ franz-kafka, @wisdomtrove
27:Nobody got murdered before lunch. But nobody. People weren't up to it. You needed a good lunch to get both the blood-sugar and blood-lust levels up. ~ douglas-adams, @wisdomtrove
28:The day that you stop learning is the day that you start decreasing your rewards and start suffering from frustration and lower levels of satisfaction. ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
29:Ambient Music must be able to accommodate many levels of listening attention without enforcing one in particular; it must be as ignorable as it is interesting. ~ brian-eno, @wisdomtrove
30:The deeper side of the study occurs on levels of attention your mind is not aware of, but that your superconscious mind is - what don Juan calls the nagual. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
31:Every enterprise is learning and teaching institution. Training and development must be built into it on all levels, training and development that never stop. ~ peter-drucker, @wisdomtrove
32:A person who has power has an open mind. Their mind is open and they can see on other levels. Seeing is a quality that comes to a person who has personal power. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
33:The Four Levels of Comedy: Make your friends laugh, Make strangers laugh, Get paid to make strangers laugh, and Make people talk like you because it's so much fun. ~ jerry-seinfeld, @wisdomtrove
34:Take chaotic mathematics, for instance. The universe is chaos. But chaos is whimping out. There is no chaos. There are just different levels of order in the universe. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
35:The ten thousand states of mind that we talk about in Zen are all levels of perception. You can think of each of the ten thousand states of mind as a dimensional plane. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
36:Times of happiness, bliss, and sheer delight intensify as the higher levels of our minds are opened within us One our life on earth is over, these levels keep rising forever. ~ emanuel-swedenborg, @wisdomtrove
37:Emotional control is essential for attaining higher levels of mind. The thing that the teacher looks for in a student is the degree of self-control, not coldness that someone has. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
38:Reincarnation is a cyclic process. There are endless levels of creation, different universes. In each one something similar is taking place, the evolution of spirit through matter. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
39:Our conflict is in relationship, at all levels of our existence; and the understanding of this relationship, completely and extensively, is the only real problem that each one has. ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
40:Passionately obsessed by anything we love - an avalanche of magic flattens the way ahead, levels, rules, reasons, dissents, bears us with it over chasms, fears, doubts. Without the power of that love. ~ richard-bach, @wisdomtrove
41:Everything starts within your own mind. The physical choices you make, drain your power or give you power. If your power is low, then you stay in lower levels of mind and you don't see opportunities. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
42:Chakras really are dimensions. We think of them as objects, but they're not really. They're dimensional access points, whereby we can enter into different levels of mind, and that happens automatically. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
43:If, at the office or in different exchanges in daily living, you have to spend time with people who are at lower power levels, then you have to be aware of that and keep your awareness very much within. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
44:The high priests and priestesses taught the children the secret meditation techniques, along with methods and ways of living that would increase their pranic levels and help them develop their psychic skills. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
45:Countries with high levels of atheism are . . . the most charitable both in terms of the percentage of their wealth they devote to social welfare programs and the percentage they give in aid to the developing world. ~ sam-harris, @wisdomtrove
46:All great leaders find a sense of balance through their levels of reception. For instance, those who support a leader may soften him, those who ignore him may challenge him, and those who oppose him may stroke his ego. ~ criss-jami, @wisdomtrove
47:When you realize that the real breakthroughs come from levels of higher consciousness, then you also realize that the achievement of maturity and wisdom is the most powerful generator of new beginnings possible. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
48:Few scientists now dispute that today's soaring levels of carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere will cause global temperature averages to rise by as much as nine degrees Fahrenheit sometime after the year 2000. ~ carl-sagan, @wisdomtrove
49:While I enjoy teaching people on the basic and intermediate levels to work them up to advanced levels, my real talent is for the advanced students. You could say that I'm like a ninth-degree black belt in martial arts. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
50:Lower rates of taxation will stimulate economic activity and so raise the levels of personal and corporate income as to yield within a few years an increased - not a reduced - flow of revenues to the federal government. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
51:Setting customer expectations at a level that is aligned with consistently deliverable levels of customer service requires that your whole staff, from product development to marketing, works in harmony with your brand image. ~ richard-branson, @wisdomtrove
52:In Buddhism you study how to release the kundalini to the levels that would certainly afford career success. If we move it further, into the planes of knowledge and wisdom, it enables the practitioner to do just about anything. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
53:Life is not an entrance exam for the after-death state, just as dreaming is not an entrance exam for the waking state. We naturally pass between all of these states because they are different levels in the holarchy of consciousness. ~ tim-freke, @wisdomtrove
54:I will work on myself, since the work on myself is going to be the highest thing I can do for it all, since I understand that as man up-levels his own consciousness, he sees more creative solutions to the problems that he's confronting. ~ ram-das, @wisdomtrove
55:Expand your reality to the point where you pursue what you love doing and excel at it. Involve yourself in high- energy levels of trust, optimism, appreciation, reverence, joy, and love when you engage in every activity in your life.   ~ wayne-dyer, @wisdomtrove
56:I have many levels to my individuality. In a dream, I appear to be my dream persona. In the waking state, I appear to be my life persona. It seems to me that there is a yet more conscious level of my individuality, and this is my daemon. ~ tim-freke, @wisdomtrove
57:There are so many levels of understanding and experience when it comes to this thing we call love. In our human relationships, it can be vastly complicated. Each of us has our own unique love-history, perceptions, and expectations. ~ michael-beckwith, @wisdomtrove
58:The word which gives the key to the national vice is waste. And people who are wasteful are not wise, neither can they remain young and vigorous. In order to transmute energy to higher and more subtle levels one must first conserve it. ~ henry-miller, @wisdomtrove
59:People have different emotional levels. Especially when you're young. Back then I guess most of my influences could be thought of as eccentric. Mass media had no overwhelming reach so I was drawn to the traveling performers passing through. ~ bob-dylan, @wisdomtrove
60:Just like there are different roads that lead to different places, so there are different levels of awareness that lead to different places and we shift in and out of them. These are the ten thousand states of mind that we study in Zen. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
61:We are approaching levels - if we're not beyond levels - of threshold for the number of messages that consumers can take in in a given day. There is a kind of hunger for some kind of new approach to getting the word out about something. ~ malcolm-gladwell, @wisdomtrove
62:I can't verbalize the internal meaning of pictures whatsoever. Some of my friends can at very mystical levels, but I prefer to say that, if I feel something strongly, I would make a photograph, that would be the equivalent of what I saw and felt. ~ amsel-adams, @wisdomtrove
63:People say that I'm a tree hugger, but I do a lot more than hug trees. I like having my drinking water without faecal matter, that's really nice. Or acceptable levels of strychnine. I'm an air breather, I've gotten used to that over the years. ~ robin-williams, @wisdomtrove
64:We all place ourselves at various levels, and we are constantly falling from these heights. It is the falls we are ashamed of. Self-esteem is the cause of our shame, of our fall. It is this self-esteem that must be understood, and not the fall. ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
65:The most striking feature of the perennial philosophy/psychology is that it presents being and consciousness as a hierarchy of dimensional levels, moving from the lowest, densest, and most fragmentary realms to the highest, subtlest, and most unitary ones. ~ ken-wilber, @wisdomtrove
66:Q: Is there a world beyond, or outside the mind?  M: All space and time are in the mind. Where will you locate a supramental world? There are many levels of the mind and each projects its own version, yet all are in the mind and created by the mind. ~ sri-nisargadatta-maharaj, @wisdomtrove
67:Religion does what philosophy could never do; it shows the equal dealings of Heaven to the happy and the unhappy, and levels all human enjoyments to nearly the same standard. It gives to both rich and poor the same happiness hereafter, and equal hopes to aspire after it. ~ oliver-goldsmith, @wisdomtrove
68:Born of necessity, the little fellow literally freed us of immediate worry. He provided the means for expanding our organization to its present dimensions and for extending the medium of cartoon animation toward new entertainment levels. He spelled production liberation for us. ~ walt-disney, @wisdomtrove
69:It seems to me that everyone on this planet whom I know or have worked with is suffering from self-hatred and guilt to one degree or another. The more self-hatred and guilt we have, the less our lives work. The less self-hatred and guilt we have, the better our lives work, on all levels. ~ louise-hay, @wisdomtrove
70:In reading the biographies of very successful men and women, one theme frequently surfaces: such people have a strong bias for action. Those who achieve high levels of success in some areas of life tend to take a LOT more action than those who settle for average or below average results. ~ steve-pavlina, @wisdomtrove
71:The extraordinary thing is not that people in a lifetime turn out worse or better than we had prophesied; particularly in America that is to be expected. The extraordinary thing is how people keep their levels, fulfill their promises, seem actually buoyed up by an inevitable destiny. ~ f-scott-fitzgerald, @wisdomtrove
72:Subpersonalities can exist at different levels or memes, however, so that one can indeed have a purple subpersonality, a blue subpersonality, and so on. These often are context-triggered, so that one can have quite different types of moral responses, affects, needs, etc., in different situations. ~ ken-wilber, @wisdomtrove
73:Socrates told us, "The unexamined life is not worth living." I think he's calling for curiosity, more than knowledge. In every human society at all times and at all levels, the curious are at the leading edge.  Roger Ebert ~ socrates, @wisdomtrove
74:Your life and work are made up of outcomes and actions. When your operational behavior is grooved to organize everything that comes your way, at all levels, based upon those dynamics, a deep alignment occurs, and wondrous things emerge. You become highly productive. You make things up, and you make them happen. ~ david-allen, @wisdomtrove
75:The Infinite alone exists and is Real; the finite is passing and false. The Original Whim in the Beyond caused the apparent descent of the Infinite into the realm of the seeming finite. This is the Divine Mystery and Divine Game in which Infinite Consciousness for ever plays on all levels of finite consciousness. ~ meher-baba, @wisdomtrove
76:To see reality is as simple as to see one's face in a mirror. Only the mirror must be clear and true. A quiet mind, undistorted by desires and fears, free from ideas and opinions, clear on all the levels, is needed to reflect the reality. Be clear and quiet -alert and detached, all else will happen by itself. ~ sri-nisargadatta-maharaj, @wisdomtrove
77:If the economy of today were operating close to capacity levels with little unemployment, or if a sudden change in our military requirements should cause a scramble for men and resources, then I would oppose tax reductions as irresponsible and inflationary; and I would not hesitate to recommend a tax increase if that were necessary. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
78:The labor movement was the principal force that transformed misery and despair into hope and progress. Out of its bold struggles, economic and social reform gave birth to unemployment insurance, old age pensions, government relief for the destitute, and, above all, new wage levels that meant not mere survival but a tolerable life. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
79:Socrates said, our only knowledge was "To know that nothing could be known;" a pleasant Science enough, which levels to an ass Each Man of Wisdom, future, past, or present. Newton, (that Proverb of the Mind,) alas! Declared, with all his grand discoveries recent, That he himself felt only "like a youth Picking up shells by the great Ocean-Truth." ~ lord-byron, @wisdomtrove
80:So if your goal is to avoid pain and escape suffering, I would not advise you to seek higher levels of consciousness or spiritual evolution. First, you cannot achieve them without suffering, and second, insofar as you do achieve them, you are likely to be called on to serve in ways more painful to you, or at least demanding of you, than you can now imagine. ~ m-scott-peck, @wisdomtrove
81:Consciousness is an ever-unfolding, deepening, and expanding process with no end point. We are infinite and complex beings, and our human journey involves not just a spiritual awakening, but the development of all levels of our being - spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical - and the integration of all these aspects into a healthy and balanced daily life. ~ shakti-gawain, @wisdomtrove
82:Devotion gradually progresses to higher levels. . . . One type goes to God and asks Him to remove his suffering. Another one will ask for money or material things. A third will request liberation or release from his bondage. And the fourth will not ask for anything. He will just enjoy praying and praising his Lord. That is the highest form of prayer. ~ swami-satchidananda-saraswati, @wisdomtrove
83:It is extremely important that adequate provision be made for reasonable levels of income to them, for the care of the children which they must leave at home or in school, and for protection of the family unit. One of the prime objectives of the Commission on the Status of Women, which I appointed 18 months ago, is to develop a program to accomplish these purposes. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
84:It is my fervent goal and hope... that we will someday no longer have to rely on nuclear weapons to deter aggression and assure world peace. To that end the United States is now engaged in a serious and sustained effort to negotiate major reductions in levels of offensive nuclear weapons with the ultimate goal of eliminating these weapons from the face of the earth. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
85:The same comparison holds true within the United States itself: Southern and Midwestern states, characterized by the highest levels of religious literalism, are especially plagued by [high rates of homicide, abortion, teen pregnancy, sexually transmitted disease, and infant mortality], while the comparatively secular states of the Northeast conform to European standards. ~ sam-harris, @wisdomtrove
86:History is a great teacher. Now everyone knows that the labor movement did not diminish the strength of the nation but enlarged it. By raising the living standards of millions, labor miraculously created a market for industry and lifted the whole nation to undreamed of levels of production. Those who attack labor forget these simple truths, but history remembers them. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
87:As I love and accept myself exactly as I am, right here and right now with all my so-called flaws and imperfections, I find it easier to accept others in the same way. As I open my consciousness to tap into unconditional love, I connect with new levels of spiritual power. I see a blanket of benevolence covering the planet, helping to transform Earth’s consciousness from fear to love. ~ louise-hay, @wisdomtrove
88:Worship at its best is a social experience with people of all levels of life coming together to realize their oneness and unity under God. Whenever the church, consciously or unconsciously caters to one class it loses the spiritual force of the "whosoever will, let him come, doctrine and is in danger of becoming a little more than a social club with a thin veneer of religiosity. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
89:But the real intent of my writing is not to say, you must think in this way. The real intent is to enrich: here are some of the many important facets of this extraordinary Kosmos; have you thought of including them in your worldview? My work is an attempt to make room in the Kosmos for all the dimensions, levels, domains, waves, memes, modes, individuals, cultures, and so on ad infinitum. ~ ken-wilber, @wisdomtrove
90:I discovered early on that the player who learned the fundamentals of basketball is going to have a much better chance of succeeding and rising through the levels of competition than the player who was content to do things his own way. A player should be interested in learning why things are done a certain way. The reasons behind the teaching often go a long way to helping develop the skill. ~ john-wooden, @wisdomtrove
91:When love is accompanied with deep intimacy, it raises us to the highest level of human experience. In this exalted space, we can surrender our egos, become vulnerable and know levels of joy and well-being unique among life experiences. We attain a glimpse of the rapture that can be ours. Boundaries are blurred, there are no limitations and we rejoice in union. We become one and, at the same time, both. ~ leo-buscaglia, @wisdomtrove
92:The practice of yogasana for the sake of health, to keep fit, or to maintain flexibility is the external practice of yoga. While this is a legitimate place to begin, it is not the end. Even in simple asanas, one is experiencing the three levels of quest: the external quest, which brings firmness of the body; the internal quest, which brings steadiness of intelligence; and the innermost quest, which brings benevolence of spirit. ~ b-k-s-iyengar, @wisdomtrove
93:Your goal in life should be to enjoy the highest levels of health and energy possible. This requires that you eat the right foods and fewer of them. It requires you to get regular exercise and move every joint of your body daily. To enjoy superb physical health, you must get lots of rest and recreation. Above all, you maintain a positive mental attitude, looking for the good in every situation, and remain determined to be a completely positive person. ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
94:Q: Are there levels of awareness?  M:  There are levels in consciousness, but not in awareness. It is of one block, homogeneous. Its reflection in the mind is love and understanding. There are levels of clarity in understanding and intensity in love, but not in their source. The source is simple and single, but its gifts are infinite.  Only do not take the gifts for the source. realise yourself as the source and not as the river; that is all. ~ sri-nisargadatta-maharaj, @wisdomtrove
95:Authority never matches responsibility. That's one of the great myths and delusions of all times. Winning managers and individual performers at all levels know that effectiveness means building your own network and creating your own authority. Those who succeed always reach far beyond formal deputation, take initiatives, and take the heat when things go awry. That's true in the military in times of war, true for 200 person manufacturing firms, and true at giant automakers or software companies. ~ tom-peters, @wisdomtrove
96:You will learn that at higher levels of energy, our fields of prayer act very quickly to bring us exactly what we expect. If we fear, it brings to us what we fear. If we hate, it brings us more of what we hate. Thankfully when we go into these negative expectations, our prayer-fields collapse rather quickly because we lose our connection with the divine and are no longer outflowing love. But a fear expectation can still be powerful. That is why you must monitor your expectations carefully and set your field consciously. ~ james-redfield, @wisdomtrove
97:“Most of us can learn to live in perfect comfort on higher levels of power. Everyone knows that on any given day there are energies slumbering in him or her which the incitements of that day do not call forth.  Compared with what we ought to be, we are only half-awake. It is evident that our organism has stored-up reserves of energy that are ordinarily not called upon, deeper and deeper strata of explosible material, ready for use by anyone who probes so deep.  The human individual usually lives far within his or her limits. ” ~ william-james, @wisdomtrove
98:When we are in touch with our universal Self, we are immune to criticism, but responsive to feedback. This means that on the emotional, psychological, and spiritual levels, we feel neither beneath nor superior to anyone else. This doesn’t mean we are arrogant or cocky, but a quiet confidence and dignity radiate from us that result in a fearlessness and readiness to creatively take on any challenge. It also means we are never the victim of self- importance, knowing that all self- importance is a form of self- pity in disguise.    ~ deepak-chopra, @wisdomtrove
99:The methods I present here are all based on three key objectives: (1) capturing all the things that might need to get done or have usefulness for you—now, later, someday, big, little, or in between—in a logical and trusted system outside your head and off your mind; (2) directing yourself to make front-end decisions about all of the inputs you let into your life so that you will always have a workable inventory of next actions that you can implement or renegotiate in the moment; and (3) curating and coordinating all of that content, utilizing the recognition of the multiple levels of commitments with yourself and others you will have at play, at any point in time. ~ david-allen, @wisdomtrove
100:In the twentieth century per capita GDP was perhaps the supreme yardstick for evaluating national success. From this perspective, Singapore, each of whose citizens produces on average $56,000 worth of goods and services a year, is a more successful country than Costa Rica, whose citizens produce only $14,000 a year. But nowadays thinkers, politicians and even economists are calling to supplement or even replace GDP with GDH – gross domestic happiness. After all, what do people want? They don’t want to produce. They want to be happy. Production is important because it provides the material basis for happiness. But it is only the means, not the end. In one survey after another Costa Ricans report far higher levels of life satisfaction than Singaporeans. Would you rather be a highly productive but dissatisfied Singaporean, or a less productive but satisfied Costa Rican? ~ yuval-noah-harari, @wisdomtrove

*** NEWFULLDB 2.4M ***

1:There are seven levels! ~ Paul McCartney,
2:We got to mediate our greedy levels, ~ Q Tip,
3:Your attic has levels of storage. ~ Anonymous,
4:There are many levels of truth. ~ Alan Dershowitz,
5:We all have levels of performance. ~ Angela Lansbury,
6:Roll back federal spending to 2008 levels. ~ Rand Paul,
7:Levels are the classic story-ordering device. ~ Anonymous,
8:My mind works on several levels at once.1 ~ Jonathan Stroud,
9:Hope comes as a surprise, at several levels at once. ~ N T Wright,
10:My existence went up about 12 levels of intensity. ~ Wolfman Jack,
11:I think multiple levels of undo would be wonderful, too. ~ Bill Joy,
12:We understood each other on other levels of madness. ~ Jack Kerouac,
13:Life is lived on levels and arrived at in stages. ~ Edwin Louis Cole,
14:of grades concerned (by type of use and for ISCED levels ~ Anonymous,
15:(There are four biosafety levels, BSL-1 to BSL-4.) ~ Douglas Preston,
16:Life levels all men. Death reveals the eminent. ~ George Bernard Shaw,
17:It's difficult for them to do a deal at these levels. ~ Lakshmi Mittal,
18:...Domestic violence occurs at all socioeconomic levels. ~ Asa Don Brown,
19:I got eight O-levels at in every subject. ~ Paul Gascoigne,
20:There is no death. There are only different levels of life. ~ Tom Robbins,
21:I'm easily destroyed and I operate on emotional levels. ~ Rickie Lee Jones,
22:... drink levels all mankind. It is the ultimate democrat ~ Terry Pratchett,
23:I believe we should appeal to people at the higher levels. ~ Burt Lancaster,
24:I don't like to be crazy on different levels all of the time. ~ Tony Gilroy,
25:The jealousy I feel twards Orlando Bloom exists on many levels. ~ Sean Astin,
26:Wit makes its own welcome and levels all distinctions. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
27:A carpet of despair which lay underneath the levels of fury. ~ Lionel Shriver,
28:I can tell women's confidence levels rise when they wear heels. ~ Eric Mabius,
29:The best game designers create feel at different levels of skill. ~ Anonymous,
30:Wit makes its own welcome, and levels all distinctions. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
31:I'm learning new levels of patience, perseverance and desire. ~ Kevin Jorgeson,
32:You just can't help topping your own levels of crazy,can you? ~ Kiersten White,
33:If all the ice sheets melted, sea levels would rise by 60 metres. ~ Bill Bryson,
34:I've got many, many demons that affect me on many, many levels. ~ Ozzy Osbourne,
35:Thought, word, and deed are the three levels of creation. ~ Neale Donald Walsch,
36:Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are on entirely different levels. ~ Allan Nairn,
37:few people can understand more than three levels of nested ifs ~ Steve McConnell,
38:For danger levels man and brute And all are fellows in their need. ~ John Dryden,
39:I am disturbed by the presence of inordinate levels of coincidence ~ Jim Butcher,
40:I think my pregnancy is sending my hormone levels on the fritz. “So ~ Elle Casey,
41:Nevertheless we understood each other on all levels of madness... ~ Jack Kerouac,
42:I still hate [the Eagles]…. There’s levels of evil in it to me. ~ Stephen Malkmus,
43:Just like music, sports elevates us to new levels of achievment. ~ Randy Castillo,
44:Nonetheless we understood each other on other levels of madness... ~ Jack Kerouac,
45:People have different emotional levels. Especially when you're young. ~ Bob Dylan,
46:Even if virtually anything can be art, there are levels of quality. ~ Thomas Hoving,
47:I've been really at the highest levels of American political life. ~ Hillary Clinton,
48:slavery was a system that depended on the creation of deep levels of fear. ~ 50 Cent,
49:The real ladder of opportunity is ascending levels of consciousness. ~ Bryant McGill,
50:The ride into town reached funeral-procession levels of somberness. ~ Hailey Edwards,
51:The story of evolution unfolds with increasing levels of abstraction. ~ Ray Kurzweil,
52:Feeling good about ourselves affects how we approach life on many levels. ~ Anonymous,
53:by the end of this century, CO2 levels could reach a level not seen ~ Elizabeth Kolbert,
54:Most people have extremely high tolerance levels for intolerance. ~ Mokokoma Mokhonoana,
55:Change, if it is to be long lasting, must occur on the unseen levels first ~ Geneen Roth,
56:Children who are readers will develop acceptable levels of literacy. ~ Stephen D Krashen,
57:The debate over troop levels will rage for years; it is...beside the point. ~ Rich Lowry,
58:It was a gift of mine. Annoying people to immeasurable levels of hatred. ~ Shayne Silvers,
59:There are levels of poverty in South Africa that are totally unacceptable. ~ Desmond Tutu,
60:I didn't have any qualifications when I left school - I had three O-levels. ~ Simon Cowell,
61:The environment was only a step away from a whorehouse on so many levels. ~ Laurelin Paige,
62:Bad guys, in their various forms, on their various levels, didn’t take time off. ~ J D Robb,
63:many suppressive forces that direct our thinking toward mediocre levels. ~ David J Schwartz,
64:No player can represent Sri Lanka in future without good fitness levels ~ Sanath Jayasuriya,
65:To be inclusive you must accommodate different levels of sophistication. ~ Jeffrey Eugenides,
66:You got to remember that slavery's very complex. It has a lot of levels to it. ~ Paul Mooney,
67:Everyone is in the same situation, at different levels and in different places. ~ Lauryn Hill,
68:We're not all nice, and there are a lot of levels of ambition and niceness. ~ Heather Donahue,
69:You can't even communicate in English. Real life is not a series of levels. ~ Sophie Kinsella,
70:Awareness levels the playing field. We are all humans doing the best we can. ~ Sharon Salzberg,
71:Hanging a noose on my door reeks of cowardice and fear on many, many levels. ~ Madonna Ciccone,
72:Horses have different levels of intelligence and different levels of work ethic. ~ Anson Mount,
73:Rising inequality is a cultural and economic cancer on a lot of different levels. ~ Kevin Drum,
74:Television is a big roulette table on so many levels. That's all it is for actors. ~ Gary Cole,
75:The last time Earth was 1°C warmer than today, sea levels were 20 feet higher. ~ Joseph J Romm,
76:There is a single theme behind all our work-we must reduce population levels. ~ Thomas Ferguson,
77:There is intersubjectivity woven into the very fabric of the Kosmos at all levels. ~ Ken Wilber,
78:There is no such thing as perfect security, only varying levels of insecurity. ~ Salman Rushdie,
79:We're going to have a tax cut. Today's American family is overtaxed at all levels. ~ Dick Armey,
80:We stared at each other. The level of politeness had risen to dangerous levels. ~ Ilona Andrews,
81:Low blood sugar levels turn out to predict a wide range of willpower failures, ~ Kelly McGonigal,
82:When insulin levels are elevated, even a little, fat accumulates in the fat cells. ~ Gary Taubes,
83:All the answers that sprang to mind were true, but there were levels to the truth. ~ Louise Penny,
84:companies with high levels of workplace trust enjoy higher stock market returns. ~ Jeffrey Pfeffer,
85:Obama is ratcheting up his class warfare to levels that would make Marxists blush. ~ David Limbaugh,
86:Staying with empathy we allow speakers to touch deeper levels of themselves. ~ Marshall B Rosenberg,
87:The greatest leverage for healing is found at the subtlest levels of function. ~ Rudolph Ballentine,
88:Stand-up comedy is like the lowest medium in all of show business in levels of respect. ~ Chris Rock,
89:That was like watching my dad French-kiss a raccoon-I feel violated on so many levels. ~ Sarah Cross,
90:That was offensive on so many levels. You can't just tell someone they look like a Jew. ~ Kelley York,
91:The second you change the way you look at a situation, your stress levels drop. ~ Gabrielle Bernstein,
92:Paul and I know each other on a lot of different levels that very few people know about. ~ John Lennon,
93:Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe. ~ Steven Chu,
94:as authority is delegated, technical knowledge at all levels takes on a greater importance. ~ Anonymous,
95:Canada, more than any nation, will be affected by rising sea levels from global warming. ~ David Suzuki,
96:Combating climate change requires collaboration with many levels of government. ~ Arnold Schwarzenegger,
97:Even on the highest levels it was smoke and mirrors; everyone was furnishing a stage set. ~ Donna Tartt,
98:Humor levels the playing field. I understood that early on - that was something I had. ~ Robert Mankoff,
99:The inability to delegate is one of the biggest problems I see with managers at all levels. ~ Eli Broad,
100:A dynamic praying church must be built from the inside out, employing all four levels of ~ Richard Burr,
101:I have to be cautious, have my thyroid levels checked, and as long as I do that, I'm fine. ~ Gail Devers,
102:New York has been the best gift, in that the city pushes me to so many next levels. ~ Baratunde Thurston,
103:Or perhaps that's just me assigning subterranean levels to every goddamn breath he takes. ~ Mackenzi Lee,
104:Leaders provide opportunities for people to exceed their previous levels of performance. ~ James M Kouzes,
105:Mostly, your success depends on how diligent you are in keeping dietary insulin levels low, ~ Mark Sisson,
106:[We need] to keep immigration levels measured by population share within historical norms. ~ Donald Trump,
107:I was able to make many different kinds of movies. They enriched me on many different levels. ~ Andrew Lau,
108:Little by little, bit by bit, family by family, so much good can be done on so many levels ~ Elinor Ostrom,
109:Over the long run, education and technology are the decisive determinants of wage levels. ~ Thomas Piketty,
110:Condition White, one of the four Cooper Color Codes describing levels of situational awareness ~ Dean Koontz,
111:Raising the debt limit on some levels is a ministerial act. It doesn't involve any new spending. ~ Jacob Lew,
112:Your body's really only meant to compete at the highest levels of combat sports for a few years. ~ Joe Rogan,
113:A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels. ~ Albert Einstein,
114:No matter how many levels of consciousness one reaches, the problem always goes deeper. ~ Shulamith Firestone,
115:Then why go through this farce?” “Just like hell has multiple levels, so does disgrace. ~ Denise Grover Swank,
116:There are no levels of Reality; there are only levels of experience for the individual. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
117:It’s nearly impossible to make a skill-driven game that’s balanced for players of all skill levels ~ Anonymous,
118:L.A. is full of screenwriters. I don't know why. On many levels, it's such a thankless occupation. ~ Nick Cave,
119:Most individual and institutional decisions are designed to regulate the levels in stocks. ~ Donella H Meadows,
120:Our daily decisions and habits have a huge impact upon both our levels of happiness and success. ~ Shawn Achor,
121:Split-levels were an architectural train wreck that demanded an immediate choice: up or down? ~ Laura Spinella,
122:There are three levels of happiness: the pleasant life, the good life, and the meaningful life. ~ Joel Garreau,
123:I have a passing fondness for explosions."

That was concerning on so many levels. ~ Jennifer Lynn Barnes,
124:I think we have reached such saturation levels, the money at this point doesn't swing election. ~ Judy Woodruff,
125:It was the way most people lived their lives, on upper levels, not stopping to peer underneath. And ~ Yaa Gyasi,
126:Licorice has highly negative effects on men’s androgen levels and hormonal functioning. ~ Stephen Harrod Buhner,
127:The same set of statistics can produce opposite conclusions at different levels of aggregation. ~ Thomas Sowell,
128:What we consider imagination is a reality in some form on levels beyond the normal sensory world. ~ Ted Andrews,
129:I didn't go to university. Didn't even finish A-levels. But I have sympathy for those who did. ~ Terry Pratchett,
130:if she let you live, she would use her apparently endless levels of influence to ruin your life, ~ Charles Soule,
131:It consisted of nine levels, with docking facilities that could handle almost ten thousand ships, ~ Mike Resnick,
132:Tim Curley and Gary Schultz operate at the highest levels of honesty, integrity and compassion. ~ Graham Spanier,
133:We're all in the same game, just different levels. Dealing with the same hell, just different devils. ~ Jadakiss,
134:When testosterone levels are low, vitamin D potentiates abnormal prostate tissue growth. ~ Stephen Harrod Buhner,
135:You can see that most people are living on the two middle levels, where people have most of their ~ Hans Rosling,
136:Success in everything from athletics to chess to the stock market boosts testosterone levels. ~ Robert M Sapolsky,
137:What most brands miss, however, is that there are three levels of problems a customer encounters. ~ Donald Miller,
138:As an actor, you always want to do the juicy stuff. But, it's important to get the levels right. ~ Joanne Froggatt,
139:Do I think I'm under-educated? Academically, absolutely. I never took any exams, no O- or A-levels. ~ Hayley Mills,
140:I really want to have actors contribute their own ideas, with phrasings and ideas on all levels. ~ Lasse Hallstrom,
141:I truly believe that we have infinite levels of power that we don't even know are available to us. ~ Michael J Fox,
142:We are all in the same game, just different levels, dealing with the same hell, just different devils. ~ Anonymous,
143:Afghanistan had collapsed and everyone's life now lies broken at different levels within the rubble. ~ Nadeem Aslam,
144:Meditation is a vehicle for opening to the truth of this impermanence on deeper and deeper levels. ~ Jack Kornfield,
145:Narcissism levels are higher for Americans than for citizens of many other countries and regions, ~ Jeffrey Pfeffer,
146:No organism can afford to be conscious of matters with which it could deal at unconscious levels. ~ Gregory Bateson,
147:Economic storm is coming and the stress levels are going to increase because of financial worries. ~ David Wilkerson,
148:In Count Julian I simply proposed to create a text which would allow for diverse levels of reading. ~ Juan Goytisolo,
149:Public unions are the country's foremost advocates for increased taxes at all levels of government. ~ Jonah Goldberg,
150:We want free trade but we want free trade that is good. We want free trade that levels the playing field. ~ Paul Ryan,
151:narcissism levels have increased significantly among college students over the past several decades. ~ Jeffrey Pfeffer,
152:Sustainability is the key to our survival on this planet and will also determine success on all levels. ~ Shari Arison,
153:There were so many levels to the unknown, from safe to dangerous to outright nebulous, scariest of all. ~ Sarah Dessen,
154:I'd like to see college debt levels drop by a lot, but I'm not quite sure what the best way to do that is. ~ Kevin Drum,
155:Madness is confusion of levels of fact. . . . Madness is not seeing visions but confusing levels. ~ William S Burroughs,
156:The mind has these four levels: physical, vital, buddhi, higher mind. The Supermind is far above these. ~ Sri Aurobindo,
157:There are levels of outrage, and there's a point at which you can't be trespassed upon anymore. ~ Marian Wright Edelman,
158:To provide optimal levels of protective micronutrients, a diet must be vegetable-based, not grain-based. ~ Joel Fuhrman,
159:Truth ain't be in secret site to be found.
It lies within certain levels of understanding and knowledge. ~ Toba Beta,
160:We've seen the weakest economic recovery since World War II, and massive levels of inequality and debt. ~ Kshama Sawant,
161:Bold, breakthrough change requires leaders at all levels who can demonstrate courage and inspiration. ~ David S Pottruck,
162:Edward Heath and Richard Nixon took personal awkwardness with each other to new and excruciating levels. ~ David Cameron,
163:If you dont measure yourself by achievement, how are you going to set achievement levels for other people? ~ Bing Gordon,
164:My view of the afterlife is that it's made of different levels, depending on how spiritual a life we live. ~ John Edward,
165:on the higher levels of the spiritual path, celibacy is considered a most important aspect of the training. ~ Ayya Khema,
166:Something deep in the human psyche has always seemed to yearn for ever more enhanced levels of savagery. ~ Robert Dunbar,
167:The matter of social security and these grants is to help to address the levels of poverty in the country. ~ Thabo Mbeki,
168:The most fattening foods are the ones that have the greatest effect on our blood sugar and insulin levels. ~ Gary Taubes,
169:the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth" were three entirely separate levels of information ~ Hester Browne,
170:When you look back at your career, there are moments that are levels that you hit and you bounce off them. ~ Guido Palau,
171:As Far As People Who Ran The Show, It Was The Highest Levels of NATO, the U.S., MI6, CIA And The Pentagon ~ Sibel Edmonds,
172:Churches are like announcement factories that pump toxic levels of noise pollution into the atmosphere. ~ Scott McClellan,
173:God is a metaphor for that which transcends all levels of intellectual thought. It's as simple as that. ~ Joseph Campbell,
174:My timeline is computers will be at human levels, such as you can have a human relationship with them, 15 years from now.,
175:I'm not from a lower social level, but I think I relate more to lower levels then to people who've got money. ~ Gaspar Noe,
176:Most of the computers were dead, too. They couldn’t take high levels of radiation any more than humans could. ~ B V Larson,
177:There's 5 levels of fatness! Fluffy is one of the levels. There's big, healthy, husky, fluffy and damn. ~ Gabriel Iglesias,
178:When leaders put control into the hands of their people, at all levels, they unlock incalculable potential. ~ Dennis Bakke,
179:Life isn't much more than a big dig through layers of doubt and fear into new levels of power and potential. ~ Robin Sharma,
180:Most people who are able to handle LLI have high levels of empathy and are often very perceptive of others. ~ Bella Forrest,
181:Our choices at all levels-individual, community, corporate and government-affect nature. And they affect us. ~ David Suzuki,
182:Poverty is not only about income levels, but for lack of freedom that comes from physical insecurity ~ Jacqueline Novogratz,
183:In lower levels things are dark, gray, experiences are shallow. You become alienated from those around you. ~ Frederick Lenz,
184:Love like Death,, Levels all ranks, and lays the shepherd's crook Beside the scepter ~ Edward Bulwer Lytton 1st Baron Lytton,
185:The earth is like a one-room schoolhouse in which students of different grade levels are assembled together: ~ Brian L Weiss,
186:The thing about global warming is that you can address it on a great number of levels - in fact you have to. ~ Bill McKibben,
187:A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels. —Albert Einstein Some ~ Dave Gray,
188:Augmentation is a technological enhancement that enables us to overcome our normal physiological levels. ~ Andr s Oppenheimer,
189:Income and wealth inequality in America today has reached levels not seen since the 1920s. Corporate ~ Hillary Rodham Clinton,
190:it takes the average country eight years after a financial crisis to reach its pre-crisis income levels. ~ Timothy F Geithner,
191:Levels are just numbers. In this world, strength is just an illusion. There are more important things -Kirito ~ Reki Kawahara,
192:abnormal levels of norepinephrine were associated with depression, and of dopamine with schizophrenia, ~ Bessel A van der Kolk,
193:I suck, she thought. I have achieved levels of suckitude unrivaled by anyone ever in the entire history of suck. ~ Bryan Smith,
194:Normally, what you’re envious of is a book, not a writer: standards, ideas, levels … almost nonexistent things. ~ James Salter,
195:The enthusiasm, the swell of sweet courage he heard in her voice, filled him with Seattle-grunge levels of despair. ~ Joe Hill,
196:We live on two levels ... the realistic level and the fantastic level, and which is the real one, really? ~ Tennessee Williams,
197:If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to Earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels. ~ Prince Philip,
198:I think New York has the most diverse and best quality representation of so many different cuisines at all levels. ~ Bobby Flay,
199:On so many levels [S.E. Cupp]’s a perfect demonstration of the necessity of the work Planned Parenthood does. ~ Keith Olbermann,
200:Processed carbohydrates, lacking in fiber, fail to slow sugar absorption, causing wide swings in glucose levels. ~ Joel Fuhrman,
201:Relationships can be happy with low levels of love and high levels of compassion, but not the other way around. ~ Steven Stosny,
202:The Blood Type Diet has made such a difference - not so much to my shape, but to how I feel and my energy levels. ~ Cheryl Cole,
203:There is nothing like fear to complicate one's consciousness, inducing previously unknown levels of reflection ~ Thomas Ligotti,
204:Consciousness, like a complex system of software, has thousands of levels of nested, self-accessing subroutines ~ Frederick Lenz,
205:I'd say people respond to me on four levels and four levels only; they want to pray to me, be me, do me or kill me. ~ Katy Evans,
206:Since 1978, total cholesterol levels among US adults have fallen from an average of 213 mg/dL down to 203 mg/dL. ~ Nina Teicholz,
207:This is women's moment to shift the tectonic plates of power on both the personal life and the leadership levels. ~ Gloria Feldt,
208:When we awaken to the beauty of nature, the doors to our true self are opened up wide, for divine healing on all levels. ~ Robyn,
209:Any pursuit—be it physical or cognitive—that supports high levels of skill can also generate a sense of sacredness. ~ Cal Newport,
210:Remember the four income levels from chapter 1? In the year 1800, roughly 85 percent of humanity lived on Level 1, ~ Hans Rosling,
211:The source of extraversion or introversion was in the varying levels of excitability of the brain; the driver ~ Tom Butler Bowdon,
212:Effective readers, even at their earliest levels, read in five to seven word phrases rather than word by word. ~ Richard Allington,
213:homicide levels in English medieval villages matched those of the most violent US cities of the twentieth century. ~ Chris Wickham,
214:However tiny or ramshackle they may be, don't ever despise the stairs which take you up to the higher levels! ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
215:You begging me to do things no man has done before ?" His deep, sexy voice dipped to melt-her -panties-off levels. ~ Robin Bielman,
216:You can be a model to the masses, but to go to the higher levels of influence, you have to work with individuals. ~ John C Maxwell,
217:During meditation, our breathing slows, our blood pressure and heart rate decrease, and stress hormone levels fall. ~ Deepak Chopra,
218:Excessive (population) growth may reduce output per worker, repress levels of living for the masses and engender strife ~ Confucius,
219:Food brings people together on many different levels. It's nourishment of the soul and body; it's truly love. ~ Giada De Laurentiis,
220:The development of the individual can be described as a succession of new births at consecutively higher levels. ~ Maria Montessori,
221:The fact that there's a Stairway to Heaven and a Highway to Hell really tells a lot about the anticipated traffic levels. ~ Unknown,
222:All positive traits, states, and experiences have costs that at high levels may begin to outweigh their benefits. ~ Malcolm Gladwell,
223:Enlightenment is transcending the three levels of consciousness protoself, core consciousness and extended consciousness. ~ Amit Ray,
224:he smirked, his lids lowering to half-mast. Twinkling, hot-lava, sexy cake, sex-on-a-stick, obscene levels of charisma. ~ Penny Reid,
225:According to the University of Illinois' Arctic Climate Research Center, global sea ice levels now equal those of 1979. ~ George Will,
226:And the data on everything from air quality to commodity prices to levels of violence show improvement over time. ~ Erik Brynjolfsson,
227:As we progress, various shades of meaning and deeper levels of understanding will complement this initial effort. ~ Gustavo Gutierrez,
228:Certain levels of human understanding cannot be attained, it is claimed, until the brain can work in more than one way. ~ Idries Shah,
229:If you are willing to devote your life to continued growth, there are virtually no limits to the levels you can reach. ~ Aryeh Kaplan,
230:in a story, there are three levels of problems that work together to capture a reader’s or a moviegoer’s imagination. ~ Donald Miller,
231:Instead of dividing the world into two groups I will divide it into four income levels, as set out in the image below. ~ Hans Rosling,
232:There is no such thing as being done with an artistic life. Frustrations and rewards exist at all levels on the path. ~ Julia Cameron,
233:What can one do with levels of gloom and guilt, fear and disbelief, of bewilderment above one's capacity to register? ~ Darin Strauss,
234:Your environment (your home, your office, the magazines you read etc.) dramatically affects your levels of achievement ~ Robin Sharma,
235:In the past, I've never tried to discount or stop what people are saying because on some levels I find it interesting. ~ Crispin Glover,
236:study shows that exercise—or at least the resulting fitness levels—can have a powerful impact on that fundamental skill. ~ John J Ratey,
237:Demonic activity levels? Do they have a device that measures whether the demons inside the house are doing power yoga? ~ Cassandra Clare,
238:Every civilized human being, whatever his conscious development, is still an archaic man at the deeper levels of his psyche. ~ Carl Jung,
239:Nobody can teach you love. Love you have to find yourself, within your being, by raising your consciousness to higher levels. ~ Rajneesh,
240:The wonderful thing about films is how they can be understood by so many different people on so many different levels. ~ Lina Wertmuller,
241:To take charge of destiny means to play a very convoluted chess game on multiple levels of consciousness and existence. ~ Frederick Lenz,
242:Becoming a good listener, you are able to connect with others on more levels and develop stronger, deeper relationships. ~ John C Maxwell,
243:Clarity means people at all levels of an organization clearly and completely understand what the organization is about. ~ L David Marquet,
244:For many years quantum physics had been giving indications that there are levels of reality other than the material level. ~ Amit Goswami,
245:Most of the time, there is no truth, only various levels of interpretation. Fact is a construct we provide to the public. ~ Lauren Willig,
246:New levels bring new devils. Stay unapologetically committed to your goals and let go of anyone who poisons your spirit. ~ Steve Maraboli,
247:There's different levels of where we do well throughout Europe. Fortunately, for us, it's pretty great all throughout it. ~ John Petrucci,
248:The rich fantasy life of the Beta Male may often spill over into reality, manifesting in near-genius levels of self-delusion. ~ Anonymous,
249:Pseudoscience is like a virus. At low levels, it's no big deal, but when it reaches a certain threshold it becomes sickening. ~ Phil Plait,
250:Somehow kids are supposed to match the levels of calm and composure we might find in mature forty-seven-year-olds. Estimates ~ Tyler Cowen,
251:Therefore, wheat products elevate blood sugar levels more than virtually any other carbohydrate, from beans to candy bars. ~ William Davis,
252:Throughout the season, I look into my players eyes to gauge feelings, confidence levels, and to establish instant trust. ~ Mike Krzyzewski,
253:With age, life becomes complex and difficult, often fraught with risk on several levels, from the practical to the fiscal. ~ Henry Rollins,
254:By the end of the 1940s, it was widely known that the levels of protein in the transforming principle were effectively zero. ~ Matthew Cobb,
255:We have made a great effort to maintain all levels of Buddhist education; it has helped us have a kind of renaissance, really. ~ Dalai Lama,
256:Carbon dioxide levels throughout the northern hemisphere hit 400 parts per million for the first time in human history in April, ~ Anonymous,
257:Every single organization - or career, for that matter - exists on three levels: WHAT you do, HOW you do it and WHY you do it. ~ Simon Sinek,
258:The histone acetylation levels in the hippocampus and cortex were increased in the mice in the more entertaining surroundings. ~ Nessa Carey,
259:the rate at which we are trying to kill or seriously injure each other, might be at the highest levels in peacetime history. ~ Dave Grossman,
260:There is no greater prediction in the research of our levels of happiness than the breadth and depth of our relationships. ~ Michelle Gielan,
261:within my tolerance levels of never living more than fifteen minutes from the nearest source of Madagascan vanilla extract. ~ Simon Majumdar,
262:The best parts about writing a show are [its] first, second and 10th anniversaries. Everything else is relative levels of hell. ~ Alan Menken,
263:The great scandal of American life is that we pay for German levels of government without enjoying the related benefits. ~ Kevin D Williamson,
264:You just slipped down two levels on the hot-o-meter,” I informed him snottily. “I’ll survive,” he shot back and turned away. ~ Kristen Ashley,
265:even the worst men wanted to be perceived as better than they were. How else could hypocrisy have risen to such delirious levels? ~ Donna Leon,
266:Honestly, Flav is not much of a video game player these days. BUT, I used to spend hours on Time Crisis. I beat all levels, man. ~ Flavor Flav,
267:Imagine Smaug’s treasure hoard. Now imagine Smaug with crippling levels of obsessive-compulsive disorder and fanatic good taste. ~ Jim Butcher,
268:Mutual commiseration also typically promotes a spontaneous opening into many levels of light-hearted and spontaneous connecting. ~ Pete Walker,
269:The person of power uses their power to open up their mind to higher levels all the time, which creates tremendous happiness. ~ Frederick Lenz,
270:You can have relatively high levels of class consciousness with a lower level of class militancy than one would have expected. ~ Ernest Mandel,
271:I was never concretely aware of the extent of anti-Semitism in the United States and in the upper levels of the State Department. ~ Erik Larson,
272:Just about every available female--and some unavailable--seemed to think the way to his heart was through his blood sugar levels. ~ Kelly Moran,
273:[My novels] introduce levels of intelligence ... moral doubt [and] self-doubt, which may not pertain [to real-world espionage]. ~ John le Carre,
274:our minds sense the world around us, compare our Environment and actions against internal Reference Levels, and act accordingly. ~ Josh Kaufman,
275:Spirituality can not be separate from how we treat our bodies, construct our lifestyles, and keep our energy at higher levels. ~ James Redfield,
276:The people who really run organizations are usually found several levels down, where it is still possible to get things done. ~ Terry Pratchett,
277:before 1923 there was almost no lead in the atmosphere, and that since that time lead levels had climbed steadily and dangerously. ~ Bill Bryson,
278:If we build our military up to Ronald Reagan levels, [Vladimir] Putin's not going to push us anywhere because he can't match us. ~ Rudy Giuliani,
279:The vital can take part in a movement but it must not be in control. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV, The Vital and Other Levels of Being,
280:When a sports movie really works, it gets you on all levels, because the stakes are high. It's black and white. It's win or lose. ~ Carla Gugino,
281:I really know the implications, and you don’t. We’re not talking about a better breed of catapults or . . . or D&D hit levels. ~ S M Stirling,
282:I think that strength levels go hand in hand with building a great physique. You've got to lift heavy weight to get big - period. ~ Branch Warren,
283:our levels of success will rarely exceed our level of personal development, because success is something we attract by who we become. ~ Hal Elrod,
284:We all come from different levels, and I think every human has their own relationship to violence, athletic violence and fighting. ~ Jon Bernthal,
285:When we realize that Jesus is the one who takes the initiative and invites us to follow him, everything changes-on multiple levels. ~ David Platt,
286:Winning companies win because they have good leaders who nurture the development of other leaders at all levels of the organization. ~ Noel Tichy,
287:As a DJ I am never 100 percent in charge of the sound. The sound levels are controlled by someone at the sound board of the venue. ~ DJ Jazzy Jeff,
288:On a good day, the animosity levels between us were usually at CODE RED. Bad days they were at CODE I’M GOING TO KILL YOU. ~ Jennifer L Armentrout,
289:On all levels American society is rigged. I am troubled by the cynical immorality of my country. It cannot survive on this basis. ~ John Steinbeck,
290:Production cutbacks have remained in place in the third quarter and this has helped to further reduce inventory levels worldwide. ~ Lakshmi Mittal,
291:Spending longer thinking about the problem before you dive in is likely to lead to higher levels of creativity in the final product. ~ Jeremy Dean,
292:The acceptance of vertical differentiation with the built-in principle of self-determination must apply on as many levels as possible. ~ P W Botha,
293:In between levels, he looked at me and asked the question that turns every boy into a man: "Wanna see some boobs?" My time had come. ~ Tyler Oakley,
294:My ministry's always been one of social activism. I think a responsible minister must be at some levels involved in the social order. ~ Al Sharpton,
295:Taking the inventory of your current work at all levels will automatically produce greater focus, alignment, and sense of priorities. ~ David Allen,
296:The career of a young theoretical physicist consists of treating the harmonic oscillator in ever-increasing levels of abstraction. ~ Sidney Coleman,
297:There is no reason to think today's levels of [drug] addiction are anywhere near the levels that would be reached under legalization. ~ George Will,
298:You don't know whether chimps are going to kill you or kiss you. They're very open on some levels and much more evil in a certain way. ~ Tim Burton,
299:A society in which there are high levels of voluntary activity will simply be a better, happier place than one where there are not. ~ Jonathan Sacks,
300:courage necessary to make radical and life-giving changes in your mind and body that will allow you to flourish on all levels. ~ Christiane Northrup,
301:Great spiritual teachings do not change, but we do. As we grow older and wiser, we can receive the teachings at deeper levels. ~ Marianne Williamson,
302:Insulin controls how efficiently a calorie makes you fat. The solution to lasting weight loss is to maintain normal insulin levels. ~ Sara Gottfried,
303:My father made sure that I had lots of levels of education – from ballroom-dancing to painting, commando training, theatre and magic. ~ Baz Luhrmann,
304:Our levels of desire, patience, persistence and confidence end up playing a much larger role in success than sheer reasoning powers. ~ Carmine Gallo,
305:There are eight levels of charity.... The highest is when you strengthen a man's hand until he need no longer be dependent upon others. ~ Maimonides,
306:Therefore, the hormonal theory of obesity takes shape: chronically high cortisol raises insulin levels, which in turn leads to obesity. ~ Jason Fung,
307:This is the feeling for syllable and rhythm, penetrating far below the conscious levels of thought and feeling, invigorating every word. ~ T S Eliot,
308:Based on decades of observation, I propose that sudden high levels of praise always trigger an equal amount of inner self-loathing. ~ Chuck Palahniuk,
309:It's life isn't it? You plow ahead and make a hit. And you plow on and someone passes you. Then someone passes them. Time levels. ~ Katharine Hepburn,
310:Our levels of desire, patience, persistence, and confidence end up playing a much larger role in success than sheer reasoning powers. ~ Robert Greene,
311:Some books were little stairways, different levels of the self telling the same stories at progressively higher levels of the ladder. ~ Tantra Bensko,
312:There is too much distraction at the day-to-day, hour-to-hour level of commitments to allow for appropriate focus on the higher levels. ~ David Allen,
313:When you release a trauma on one level of your energetic being, you will experience relief on all other levels simultaneously. ~ Dashama Konah Gordon,
314:Where'er a noble deed is wrought, Where'er is spoken a noble thought, Our hearts in glad surprise To higher levels rise. ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,
315:At the very highest levels, competence models for leadership typically consist of anywhere from 80 to 100 percent EI-based abilities. ~ Daniel Goleman,
316:But Mallory’s fiancé, Alex Parker, bothered Ashley on so many levels she tried to keep her female colleague at a safe distance. “Agent ~ Toni Anderson,
317:In varying degrees and and upon different levels all gods and goddesses represent aspects of One God Which is both 'male' and 'female'. ~ Dion Fortune,
318:It's difficult to have any animosity towards someone if you recognize that on so many levels they're exactly the same as you. ~ Jonathan Taylor Thomas,
319:Skin color is basically a measure of the local ultraviolet levels, and it is controlled by relatively minor adaptive changes in the genome. ~ Bill Nye,
320:There are different levels of trust, and I need to get back to the point where he trusts me so much he no longer has to say it aloud. ~ Brandy Colbert,
321:Being careful requires you to take actions cautiously—and there is no way that you will ever hit 10X activity levels by being cautious. ~ Grant Cardone,
322:I believe that people of my income group should pay more, and I explained why, but that won't necessarily lift overall wage levels. ~ William J Clinton,
323:I look at my contemporaries, and we're all at different stages and levels, and all choosing different routes, different ways to do things. ~ Jamie Bell,
324:In meditation practice, we build the energy of awareness until it grows powerful enough to see entirely different levels of reality. ~ Joseph Goldstein,
325:It seemed to me that people do a rather good job of creating levels of hell all by themselves, and this was something worth writing about. ~ Liza Dalby,
326:Research has found that loss of bone density may be an even better predictor of death from atherosclerotic disease than cholesterol levels. ~ Anonymous,
327:We're improving and taking our levels of customer satisfaction higher and higher....Our customers are happier than they were before. ~ Ralph de la Vega,
328:And despite the unprecedented levels of incarceration in the African American community, the civil rights community is oddly quiet. ~ Michelle Alexander,
329:Children from a given family background, when put in schools of different social compositions, will achieve at quite different levels. ~ James S Coleman,
330:If your goal is to avoid pain and escape suffering, I would not advise you to seek higher levels of consciousness or spiritual evolution. ~ M Scott Peck,
331:In schools where parent involvement is greater, you do have higher achievement levels and better functioning, better performing schools. ~ Michelle Rhee,
332:It was the root of street cool, too, the knowing posture that implied connection, invisible lines up to the hidden levels of influence. ~ William Gibson,
333:One study found that people who just thought about watching their favorite movie actually raised their endorphin levels by 27 percent. ~ Daniel Kahneman,
334:Quebecers have rarely in their history been better represented than they are right now - at the highest levels of the federal government. ~ Kim Campbell,
335:Scientific research is validating the connection between lack of sleep and hormone levels that hamper fat metabolism or increase appetite. ~ Mark Sisson,
336:The lack of belongingness causes various undesirable effects, including a decrease in the levels of health, happiness, and adjustment.1 ~ Lysa TerKeurst,
337:What I do believe in is other worlds and spirits. There is some other power in control - levels of energy that perhaps we don't see. ~ Melissa Etheridge,
338:I am more and more convinced that some people are put in our lives solely to try our patience and tamper with our tolerance levels. ~ Richelle E Goodrich,
339:It's difficult to get large groups of people, to the extreme levels of focus and productivity that you need, for a startup to be successful. ~ Sam Altman,
340:Love one another and help others to rise to the higher levels, simply by pouring out love. Love is infectious and the greatest healing energy. ~ Sai Baba,
341:Perhaps the essence of our evolution as human beings is to keep answering, on deeper and deeper levels, the basic question: Who am I? ~ Nathaniel Branden,
342:The PS3 is a total disaster on so many levels, I think It's really clear that Sony lost track of what customers and what developers wanted. ~ Gabe Newell,
343:Too many of Disney animators, and a lot try to emulate Disney, are trying to hit what they call quality levels. They're boring mannerisms. ~ Ralph Bakshi,
344:In fact, the most important reforms are those needed, without new laws, at various levels of Government, in work practices and procedures. ~ Narendra Modi,
345:Kitsch is deceptive. It has many different levels, and some of them are high enough to be dangerous to the naive seeker of true light. ~ Clement Greenberg,
346:Nothing is true in self-discovery unless it is true in your own experience. This is the only protection against the robot levels of the mind. ~ Barry Long,
347:Research has found that loss of bone density may be an even better predictor of death from atherosclerotic disease than cholesterol levels. ~ Atul Gawande,
348:that firms that use more IT tend to have higher levels of productivity and faster productivity growth than their industry competitors. ~ Erik Brynjolfsson,
349:Women have so many levels. There's the physical level, which is a lot of fun. There's this emotional level, which is extremely mercurial. ~ Robin Williams,
350:Accuracy, accuracy, precision in execution of everything at all levels. No sloppiness. Game-level focus was the price of admission. Obviously, ~ Bill Walsh,
351:Do not forget that children are like rainbows; they come in an array of personalities, levels of resiliency, and a variety of temperaments. ~ Asa Don Brown,
352:On the environmental front there's concern about global warming and high levels of carbon dioxide, and trees take in CO2 and store carbon. ~ Clive Anderson,
353:Demonic activity levels? Do they have a device that measures whether the demons inside the house are doing power yoga?”
-Simon, pg.340- ~ Cassandra Clare,
354:Don't think that just because you made it to the next level that the haters and naysayers disappear. Remember, new levels bring new devils. ~ Steve Maraboli,
355:Leadership is the art of creating a working climate that inspires others to achieve extraordinary goals and levels of performance. ~ John Michael Montgomery,
356:To ask for power is forcing uphill a stone which after all rolls back again from the summit and seeks in headlong haste the levels of the plain. ~ Lucretius,
357:You are able to create an environment so that the creative process can take place and that you can get people to perform at their highest levels. ~ John Kao,
358:A Christian high school is just like any other high school in the sense of the politics and all of these levels of who's cool and what to wear. ~ Jena Malone,
359:The levels of technology investment in the energy sciences pales compared to the kinds of investment we make in the computer and bio-sciences. ~ Ted Nordhaus,
360:There is tremendous power in making a clear declaration that you are willing to ready yourself on all levels for attracting your life partner. ~ Arielle Ford,
361:The truth is that creative activity is one that involves the entire self - our emotions, our levels of energy, our characters, and our minds. ~ Robert Greene,
362:When you're doing the same scene over and over, all day long, you need to keep your levels up for your own performance and for the other actors. ~ Iwan Rheon,
363:Deep Learning is about learning multiple levels of representation and abstraction that help to make sense of data such as images, sound, and text. ~ Anonymous,
364:Focused, directed thoughts reach the subjective levels; they must be of a certain degree of intensity. Intensity is acquired by concentration. ~ Joseph Murphy,
365:How you wake up each day and your morning routine (or lack thereof) dramatically affects your levels of success in every single area of your life. ~ Hal Elrod,
366:Materialistic people, who think happiness comes from accumulating stuff and a superior status, had much higher levels of depression and anxiety. ~ Johann Hari,
367:HUMAN BEHAVIOR IS the product of an endless stream of perceptions, feelings, and thoughts, at both the conscious and the unconscious levels. ~ Leonard Mlodinow,
368:If enough of us stop looking away and decide that climate change is a crisis worthy of Marshall Plan levels of response, then it will become one. ~ Naomi Klein,
369:If your intent is that athletics and sports are tools or devices to reach higher levels of mind, then your workout sessions become meditation. ~ Frederick Lenz,
370:make it a mandate to turn off all screens at least 90 minutes before bedtime in order to allow melatonin and cortisol levels to normalize. If ~ Shawn Stevenson,
371:The complexity embedded in the different levels of meaning that go along with the words "I love you" ought to be a whole mindfuck of a video game ~ Rachel Cohn,
372:The desire to do something because you find it deeply satisfying and personally challenging inspires the highest levels of creativity, whether ~ Teresa Amabile,
373:The nature of existence is founded upon cooperation, and everything occurs for a distinct and significant purpose on all levels of reality. ~ Barbara Marciniak,
374:To be a white middle-class child in a small southern town must be on certain levels the most golden way for a child to live in the United States. ~ Joan Didion,
375:When we are adding to those around us, the world, ourselves, it feels good and right on levels we cannot even consciously connect with. ~ Michael Adam Hamilton,
376:Any one who wants to live in peace and freedom will be to live by toil, demonstration of high levels of discipline and tolerance for one another. ~ Yahya Jammeh,
377:as authority is delegated, technical knowledge at all levels takes on a greater importance. There is an extra burden for technical competence. ~ L David Marquet,
378:Love sets our energy free. It opens us and puts us in a flow with spirit and life on many levels. Love is the true secret behind manifestation. ~ David Spangler,
379:Philip Murdstone sat considering the phrase ‘depths of despair’. Its plural implied that there were, even now, levels of it he had yet to experience. ~ Mal Peet,
380:There are lots of levels of fear and complaint about the government getting involved in business. First and foremost, of course, is incompetence. ~ P J O Rourke,
381:There is an easy way to measure our inner levels of abjectness and friendliness to ourselves: we should examine how well we response to noise. ~ Alain de Botton,
382:there really is no such thing as equality, just different levels of inequality, and how hard are you willing to fight for it all? Fuck. Did ~ Laurell K Hamilton,
383:And people do enjoy the plays at completely different levels. And, likewise, they enjoy the authorship question... at completely different levels. ~ Mark Rylance,
384:nor the egg making you fat–it’s the carbs! The carbs cause high levels of insulin which steer both carbs and fat (and protein) into your fat cells. ~ Mark Sisson,
385:Those who advocate devaluation are calling for a reduction in the wage levels and the real wage standards of every member of the working class. ~ James Callaghan,
386:Women are afraid of being raped and murdered all the time and sometimes that’s more important to talk about than protecting male comfort levels. ~ Rebecca Solnit,
387:Celibacy and suicide are a similar levels of understanding, suicide and a martyr's death not so by any means, perhaps marriage and a martyr's death. ~ Franz Kafka,
388:It's about human imagination and curiosity. What's out there? What's in the great beyond? What exists at levels we can't see with our five senses? ~ James Cameron,
389:Numerous studies confirm that low blood glucose levels lead to impaired attention as well as to difficulties regulating emotions and behavior. ~ Olivia Fox Cabane,
390:Public office is supposed to be a public trust. This is a clear sign of the rampant corruption at the highest levels of the Republican leadership. ~ Bob Etheridge,
391:She glided away towards the lift, which seemed hardly needed, with its earthly and mechanical paraphernalia, to bear her up to the higher levels. ~ Anthony Powell,
392:Wit makes its own welcome, and levels all distinctions. No dignity, no learning, no force of character, can make any stand against good wit. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
393:A poet’s largeness and ease of execution,—succeeds more amply on the inferior levels of his genius. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Future Poetry, The Poets of the Dawn - II,
394:However, neither occasion quite matched the levels of hilarity that ensued on the day Mr Miller sat on the corner of his desk and farted it to pieces. ~ Simon Pegg,
395:Scientific prayer is the harmonious interaction of the conscious and subconscious levels of mind scientifically directed toward a specific purpose. ~ Joseph Murphy,
396:We do live, all of us, on many different levels, and for most artists the world of imagination is more real than the world of the kitchen sink. ~ Madeleine L Engle,
397:You must consciously and deliberately counter the pull of the comfort zone as you move upward and onward toward ever higher levels of accomplishment. ~ Brian Tracy,
398:Adopting a new healthier lifestyle can involve changing diet to include more fresh fruit and vegetables as well as increasing levels of exercise. ~ Linford Christie,
399:Every kid, Megan thought, is a frustrated lawyer, finding loopholes, demanding impossible levels of proof, attacking even the most minute of minutia. ~ Harlan Coben,
400:I do love fish, and I thought it was healthy without understanding the high mercury levels that fish like tuna, swordfish and halibut can contain. ~ Penny Lancaster,
401:Inadequate sleep—even moderate reductions for just one week—disrupts blood sugar levels so profoundly that you would be classified as pre-diabetic. ~ Matthew Walker,
402:Men with high baseline levels of testosterone marry less frequently, have more adulterous affairs, commit more spousal abuse, and divorce more often. ~ Helen Fisher,
403:Nobody got murdered before lunch. But nobody. People weren't up to it. You needed a good lunch to get both the blood-sugar and blood-lust levels up. ~ Douglas Adams,
404:Remind yourself once again that you are not pulled to high levels of success. Rather, you are lifted there by those working beside and below you. ~ David J Schwartz,
405:Women are afraid of being raped and murdered all the time and sometimes that’s more important to talk about than protecting male comfort levels. Or ~ Rebecca Solnit,
406:Allied powers provided for their own peoples levels of nourishment which they denied to others, including societies notionally under their protection. ~ Max Hastings,
407:A snowball is simple, direct and familiar to most of us. I use this simplicity as a container for feelings and ideas that function on many levels. ~ Andy Goldsworthy,
408:I like keeping my work so open that it can be interpreted on different levels. Art can't be compared with journalism; it can't discuss concrete issues. ~ Mona Hatoum,
409:inflammation in the body) is a very healthy 0.01, and all of my other indexes (for heart disease, diabetes, and other conditions) are at ideal levels. ~ Ray Kurzweil,
410:I want to experience a performance on all levels - I want goose bumps and I want to leave the movie or play arguing about something that's unresolved. ~ Julie Taymor,
411:Systems thinkers see the world as a collection of stocks along with the mechanisms for regulating the levels in the stocks by manipulating flows. ~ Donella H Meadows,
412:The German birthrate is below replacement levels, meaning the population is shrinking, meaning fewer and fewer people of age to join the labor force. ~ Rush Limbaugh,
413:be sure your communication goes beyond words. How can you do that? By connecting on four levels: visually, intellectually, emotionally, and verbally. ~ John C Maxwell,
414:If a scene doesn't work on three levels - it's not advancing the story, the characters, and telling me something new - then put it in the trash. ~ Catherine Hardwicke,
415:The main problem with the Democrats is their utter negativity. They're made up of schumucks and hypocrites. They also have higher levels of immorality. ~ Jackie Mason,
416:The studies I’ve seen suggest low levels of cortisol, which affects our ability to feel fear. Without fear, they have no concept of consequences.” “Does ~ Sue Grafton,
417:Leadership is not just some empty formulas but establishing deep connection at soul levels through service, integrity, passion, perseverance and equanimity. ~ Amit Ray,
418:Nothing has to be rejected, all has to be raised to the pure levels of the divine consciousness. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Secret of the Veda, Indra and the Thought-Forces,
419:Only if you mix knowledge with attitude, character, perseverance, vision, diligence, and extreme levels of work will your college degree produce for you. ~ Dave Ramsey,
420:Some people need a picture. Any great religion has to be inclusive. And to be inclusive you have to accommodate different levels of sophistication. ~ Jeffrey Eugenides,
421:Obesity is a hormonal disorder of fat regulation. Insulin is the major hormone that drives weight gain, so the rational therapy is to lower insulin levels. ~ Jason Fung,
422:Small men, seeking great wealth or power, have too often and too long turned even the highest levels of public service into mere personal opportunity. ~ Barry Goldwater,
423:Conservatism is like plaque; even once scraped away, it builds up again to problematic levels, so that what is now permissible can yet again become taboo - ~ Steve Toltz,
424:Healthy relationships should always begin at the spiritual and intellectual levels - the levels of purpose, motivation, interests, dreams,and personality. ~ Myles Munroe,
425:I have become increasingly unnerved by the depth of corruption that exists at many different levels. I'm less upset with politicians than [with] the media. ~ Jon Stewart,
426:In every change, ignite the new levels of creativity from the golden state of mind shake up long-standing beliefs with conviction and allow the sparks to fly. ~ Amit Ray,
427:It was the most improbably wise move any aristocrat has ever made. Paxton leaped into the job with levels of energy and application that simply dazzled. He ~ Bill Bryson,
428:Leaders at the highest levels of our government are undertaking a deliberate and systematic effort to redefine our government, our economy and our country. ~ Marco Rubio,
429:Terrorism is a big danger to Pakistan's independence. We will fight this danger for the sake of independence of Pakistan and will defeat it at all levels. ~ Shaukat Aziz,
430:The failures of urban renewal reflect a failure at all levels of government to realize that people, not structures, really determine a city’s success. ~ Edward L Glaeser,
431:The job of taste was to thin the insane torrent of human creativity down to manageable levels. But the job of appetite was never to be happy with taste. ~ Richard Powers,
432:The work to eradicate corruption must begin from the top. It is spread like termite in our country. We have to work at all levels to eradicate corruption ~ Narendra Modi,
433:Yes,” Maldynado said, “but I thought Books bright enough to see past a man’s painstakingly cultivated levels of insouciance.” He wriggled his eyebrows. ~ Lindsay Buroker,
434:About fifty million years ago...geological evidence indicates CO2 levels were several thousand ppm, much higher than now. And life flourished abundantly. ~ William Happer,
435:Information is just simply bootstrapping itself to higher and higher levels of self-reflection and self-coordination using whatever means are necessary. ~ Terence McKenna,
436:I think it is incumbent on anyone who can to lift human dignity to the highest possible levels, maintaining one's own and helping to raise that of others. ~ Henry Rollins,
437:Kugel was a firm believer that death was not always a bad thing - that life often reached such levels of crapitude that dying was preferable to living. ~ Shalom Auslander,
438:The frequent claims that empty churches and low levels of religious activity in Europe today reflect a steep decline in piety are wrong—it was always thus. ~ Rodney Stark,
439:The MDGs have been useful in moving human rights and development discourse together and in highlighting the need for greater accountability at all levels. ~ Mary Robinson,
440:When you develop confidence, those around you—friends, family, and associates—will increase in their own confidence levels. Confidence breeds confidence. ~ John C Maxwell,
441:You are not alone with a guy until you are a proper age. You don't go to certain levels with men until you are married or you have a certain relationship. ~ Daisy Fuentes,
442:Ambient Music must be able to accommodate many levels of listening attention without enforcing one in particular; it must be as ignorable as it is interesting. ~ Brian Eno,
443:A muscle in the Commander's jaw jumps, and he levels his fierce glare on Willow. "You have a big mouth."
"I need a big mouth to keep up with my big brain. ~ C J Redwine,
444:By forcefully telling nasty people off, or performing other cathartic acts, you will supposedly stop your aggressive energy from building to harmful levels. ~ Albert Ellis,
445:I am about as pro-Google a person as you're going to find in the media. I've had friends at all levels of the company since its founding, and still do now. ~ James Fallows,
446:I don’t speak bird … or bitch,” I snarled at her. Not a total lie, I really didn’t speak bird, but I was damned fluent in bitch. Some would say expert levels. ~ Jaymin Eve,
447:I learned a long time ago that place matters to me, on many levels, and maybe more than it should, but it is generally counter-productive for me to resist it. ~ Val Kilmer,
448:We know that advanced economies with stable governments that borrow in their own currency are capable of running up very high levels of debt without crisis. ~ Paul Krugman,
449:By the time executives get to high levels, they are good at making others feel confident in their judgment, even if there's no strong basis for the judgment. ~ Gary A Klein,
450:I started studying shyness in adults in 1972. Shyness operates at so many different levels. Out of that research came the Stanford shyness clinic in 1977. ~ Philip Zimbardo,
451:Leadership, in short, is power governed by principle, directed toward raising people to their highest levels of personal motive and social morality. ~ James MacGregor Burns,
452:North America’s natural gas base, now estimated at 3,000 trillion cubic feet, could provide for current levels of consumption for over a hundred years—plus. ~ Daniel Yergin,
453:The highest levels of performance come to people who are centered, intuitive, creative, and reflective - people who know to see a problem as an opportunity. ~ Deepak Chopra,
454:We in Government have begun to recognize the critical work which must be done at all levels-local, State and Federal-in ending the pollution of our waters. ~ Robert Kennedy,
455:After 32 years as a priest , I think its fair to say that most institutional churches are very limited in addressing higher levels of spiritual consciousness. ~ Richard Rohr,
456:A university should not be an island where academics attain higher and higher levels of knowledge without sharing any of this knowledge with its neighbours. ~ Muhammad Yunus,
457:Chile is a country that sells cheap and buys expensive, because we have to pay for manufactured goods from countries at much higher levels of development. ~ Salvador Allende,
458:If all the ice sheets melted, sea levels would rise by 60 metres—the height of a twenty-storey building—and every coastal city in the world would be inundated. ~ Bill Bryson,
459:If you are pure in intention and in alignment with beauty and love, in body and mind, the highest levels of your spiritual self will subsume your weaknesses. ~ Bryant McGill,
460:Men and women are most alike at their most mature and soulful levels. Men and women are most different only at their most immature and merely physical levels. ~ Richard Rohr,
461:On human levels of consciousness one may emphasize getting and having as the prime goals, in spiritual consciousness he seeks the way of giving and being. ~ Eric Butterworth,
462:Success is not a matter of mastering subtle, sophisticated theory but rather of embracing common sense with uncommon levels of discipline and persistence. ~ Patrick Lencioni,
463:The deeper side of the study occurs on levels of attention your mind is not aware of, but that your superconscious mind is - what don Juan calls the nagual. ~ Frederick Lenz,
464:The teacher is not a person; they're a field of energy. They're a series of levels of attention. While they have a body and appear to be there, they're not. ~ Frederick Lenz,
465:And I suggested to change very simple way to Olympic Games, in one competition, two different levels. Separate from, until sixteen, and after sixteen years old. ~ Olga Korbut,
466:And the drawing near of Death, which alike levels all, alike impresses all with a last revelation, which only an author from the dead could adequately tell. ~ Herman Melville,
467:Every enterprise is learning and teaching institution. Training and development must be built into it on all levels, training and development that never stop. ~ Peter Drucker,
468:I think if we continue to create jobs at levels that I'm creating jobs, I think that's going to have a tremendous impact - positive impact - on race relations. ~ Donald Trump,
469:my parents’ ideals are good ones, and I support them to the highest. But my parents could only promote us to the levels to which they themselves had been exposed. ~ T D Jakes,
470:Our government needs to adopt a pro-market agenda that doesn't pick winners and losers, but it invites competition and it levels the playing field for everyone. ~ Sarah Palin,
471:The various levels of problems and issues are interwoven, so that solving any one of them without simultaneously addressing the others rarely works for long. ~ Arnold Mindell,
472:A Mozart symphony is very much like a Pixar movie - in the sense that Pixar movies are hugely successful because they operate on several levels at the same time. ~ Eric Weiner,
473:In corporate levels, it's all about tailoring your shirt and which tennis club you belong to and which watch you are wearing and what did you shoot last week? ~ Ron Livingston,
474:It's always challenging when you're shooting a film. Shooting things out of order and keeping continuity on all levels is always for me the most challenging thing. ~ Amy Adams,
475:stress is lowest in the morning and rises steadily throughout the day. But the presence of dogs kept self-reported stress at their morning levels all day long. ~ Gregory Berns,
476:There are literally several levels of SCO being wrong. And even if we were to live in that alternate universe where SCO would be right, they'd still be wrong. ~ Linus Torvalds,
477:With the coldest winter ever recorded, with snow setting record levels up and down the coast, the Nobel committee should take the Nobel Prize back from Al Gore. ~ Donald Trump,
478:Yalow and Berson showed that those who had developed diabetes as adults had levels of circulating insulin significantly higher than those of healthy individuals— ~ Gary Taubes,
479:In the United States, both the upper levels of the Republican and Democratic Parties are in the pay of the corporate media and communication giants. ~ Robert Waterman McChesney,
480:A person who has power has an open mind. Their mind is open and they can see on other levels. Seeing is a quality that comes to a person who has personal power. ~ Frederick Lenz,
481:Every enterprise is a learning and teaching institution. Training and development must be built into it on all levels—training and development that never stop. ~ Peter F Drucker,
482:I raised five children. They all have different personalities. All of them have different issues, different levels of success. That was a learning experience for me. ~ T D Jakes,
483:This conference is like a tour through the various levels of Hell, he thought. The only things missing are a respectable Virgil and hordes of people screaming. ~ Sylvain Reynard,
484:When I found out I got this job, I cried, of course - I'm a girly-girl - and then I called my dad, and he cried, too. On so many levels, this is a thrill for me. ~ Lisa Guerrero,
485:Although technical discussions are interesting to composers, I suspect that the truly magical and spiritual powers of music arise from deeper levels of our psyche. ~ George Crumb,
486:Ask José Mourinho, he wouldn't know a thing about me, my sport - he knows football, and to get to high levels you have to be insane, nothing else means anything. ~ Conor McGregor,
487:extraordinary levels of misallocated capital, billions of dollars of post-crisis stimulus has simply disappeared into the opaque pockets of Communist Party officials. ~ Anonymous,
488:Increasing the levels of zinc in the body can have an immediate, powerful effect on sperm motility, production, and even testosterone levels in the blood. ~ Stephen Harrod Buhner,
489:In this world people are at different levels of evolution. The more advanced soul has learned that fulfillment does not come from simply leading a physical life. ~ Frederick Lenz,
490:It's such an intimate experience, being a director, artistically. It's deep and it's satisfying and it's wonderful, on so many levels, but it's also really scary. ~ Russell Crowe,
491:When the conscious mind expands to embrace deeper levels of thinking, the thought wave becomes more powerful and results in added energy and intelligence. ~ Maharishi Mahesh Yogi,
492:Different people have different levels of understanding of the many things around them, and science is about trying to deepen our understanding of those many things. ~ Martin Ford,
493:I never talk much about my family, but my grandfather was friendly with these guys, with magicians and ventriloquists on the highest levels, and I was just interested. ~ Ricky Jay,
494:I think it's very, very tough to compare postseason and in-season, just for the simple fact that there's the heightened levels of energy on both sides of the ball. ~ Ndamukong Suh,
495:The one impulse in man which cannot be erased is his impulse toward freedom, his impulse toward sanity, toward higher levels of attainment in all of his endeavors. ~ L Ron Hubbard,
496:There is only one person with whom to compete and that is yourself. Keep aiming to surpass your own best performance and ever strive to reach higher levels. ~ Norman Vincent Peale,
497:If you don't break your own standards, you will not reach new heights and levels. It is by stretching our limits that we move beyond boundaries. Keep improving! ~ Israelmore Ayivor,
498:The Cox Report documents a systematic, well-planned effort by the Chinese military at the highest levels to target and acquire technology for military modernization. ~ Charles Bass,
499:The Four Levels of Comedy: Make your friends laugh, Make strangers laugh, Get paid to make strangers laugh, and Make people talk like you because it's so much fun. ~ Jerry Seinfeld,
500:It is the photographer's decision at the two levels of seeing the picture - when it is shot and when it is chosen and printed that determines his personal style. ~ Alexey Brodovitch,
501:The infinite vibratory levels, the dimensions of interconnectedness are without end. There is nothing independent. All beings and things are residents in your awareness. ~ Alex Grey,
502:The true miracle of modern medicine is diabolical. It consists in making not only individuals but whole populations survive on inhumanly low levels of personal health. ~ Ivan Illich,
503:The world's a mean place. It's unfair, then it's fair. It's hateful, then it's loving. It's a very peculiar place on philosophical and metaphysical and religious levels. ~ Tim Allen,
504:You unlock the door to greater levels of excellence and success when you accept who you are. It is from the point of acceptance that we can create a masterful life. ~ Steve Maraboli,
505:Bokassa’s coronation as Emperor of the Central African Empire in 1977 alone cost US$22 million.7 Across many African states, corruption was running at epidemic levels. ~ Dambisa Moyo,
506:[Donald] Trump's path to victory depends on getting historic levels of support from white voters, and particularly large numbers of white, non-college-educated voters. ~ Mara Liasson,
507:I’m feeling a lot lamer than usual. I mean, I know I’m half-lame most of the time, with flat comebacks and unintentional demonic glares. But I’m reaching new levels. ~ Krista Ritchie,
508:In a perfect world, you would be able to hold onto everyone. But It's not realistic. The changes with NYPD have been progressive and have taken the show to new levels. ~ Dennis Franz,
509:Notice that the curve falls steeply at the beginning and then gradually levels off. This reflects what might be called the “decreasing marginal disutility of losses. ~ Barry Schwartz,
510:One learns much more by writing fiction, because the insights come from those deeper subconscious levels where the greater and more interesting truths lie. ~ Francine du Plessix Gray,
511:Pete Ahrens at Rockefeller University and Margaret Albrink of Yale had suggested that triglyceride levels were a better predictor of heart disease than was cholesterol. ~ Gary Taubes,
512:When people get hungry and desperate, things get ugly. And I'll tell you where it's really going to get ugly: crime is going to go to levels we've never seen before. ~ Gerald Celente,
513:All science asks is to employ the same levels of skepticism we use in buying a used car or in judging the quality of analgesics or beer from their television commercials. ~ Carl Sagan,
514:I didn't want to be the rebel who was bottom of the class, so I worked hard. They wanted me to stay on for A-Levels, but football came calling - that was my real love. ~ Frank Lampard,
515:In fact, the habit of setting and achieving ever-larger goals is absolutely indispensable to the development of ever-higher levels of self-confidence and personal power. ~ Brian Tracy,
516:Life is a hierarchy of nested levels, like Russian dolls: genes within chromosomes within cells within individual organisms within hives, societies, and other groups. ~ Jonathan Haidt,
517:Life isn't fair. It's true, and you still have to deal with it. Whining about it rarely levels the playing field, but learning to rise above it is the ultimate reward. ~ Harvey Mackay,
518:Take chaotic mathematics, for instance. The universe is chaos. But chaos is whimping out. There is no chaos. There are just different levels of order in the universe. ~ Frederick Lenz,
519:The Kyoto theorists have put the cart before the horse. It is global warming that triggers higher levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, not the other way round. ~ Andrey Kapitsa,
520:The mask possesses equal levels of sorcery and functionality. It has been both handed down from ancient times with darkness and sent back from the future with light. ~ Haruki Murakami,
521:There is no leveller like Christianity—but it levels by lifting to a lofty table-land, accessible only to humility. He only who is humble can rise, and rising lift. ~ George MacDonald,
522:The spirits talk of many levels. It's not a physical level where you go up the steps to get to the next one. It's consciousness and how evolved spiritually you are. ~ James Van Praagh,
523:We have played a very good side, playing at the sort of level we are aspiring to. We need to come up a couple of levels ourselves because at the moment we are not there. ~ David Moyes,
524:being extraordinary—which leads to extraordinary levels of success—is a result of choosing to learn, grow, and be a little bit better each day than you’ve been in the past. ~ Hal Elrod,
525:Heading the show very thrilling personally, and an incredibly rare opportunity for growth on many levels in terms of workload and just pure skill. It's been fantastic. ~ David Giuntoli,
526:I don't think people realize that what we eat and your stress levels impact the way that you look. Not just your body, but your face and your overall well-being. ~ Rachele Brooke Smith,
527:Meditation deals with levels of consciousness that lie deeper than conceptual thought. Therefore, some of the experiences of meditation just won’t fit into words. ~ Henepola Gunaratana,
528:I am working right at both the levels- with the most wealthy clients in the world, but also the poorest. I spend half my time designing for people that have nothing. ~ William McDonough,
529:I've never had a movie that got great reviews. I've had movies that got different levels of good and bad reviews, but you can more or less count on plenty of bad reviews. ~ Wes Anderson,
530:One view at the highest levels of the U.S. embassy in Kabul by summer’s end was that Karzai “was a very clever madman—just because he was insane doesn’t mean he was stupid. ~ Steve Coll,
531:Spontaneity at all levels is guided by the goal of getting it right; being clearly “forced” to come to some conclusion is not its negation, but its highest fulfillment. ~ Charles Taylor,
532:The most important thing for me is the moment, going from one thing to the next and hitting all the different levels and different points that make the whole what it is. ~ Lenny Kravitz,
533:The ten thousand states of mind that we talk about in Zen are all levels of perception. You can think of each of the ten thousand states of mind as a dimensional plane. ~ Frederick Lenz,
534:Abundance Pyramid The Abundance Pyramid outlines the increasing levels of needs enabled by technology. This is loosely based on Maslow’s (pyramid) hierarchy of needs. ~ Peter H Diamandis,
535:A trait which differentiated New York from European cities was the incredible freedom and ease in which life, including sexual life, could be carried on, on many levels. ~ Jerzy Kosinski,
536:It’s through giving that we receive; it’s through acts of kindness directed toward others that our immune systems are strengthened and even our serotonin levels increased! ~ Wayne W Dyer,
537:Language supplies us with ways to express ever subtler levels of meaning, but does that imply language gives meaning, or robs us of it when we are at a loss to name things? ~ Lucy Grealy,
538:Not mental control but some descent of a control from above the mind is the power demanded in the realisation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV, The Vital and Other Levels of Being,
539:The only inequalities that matter begin in the mind. It is not income levels but differences in mental equipment that keep people apart, breed feelings of inferiority. ~ Jacquetta Hawkes,
540:You may think things didn't change much after the 60s 'revolution' - but they did. The levels of prescriptive disapproval for anyone who stepped outside the norm receded. ~ Vashti Bunyan,
541:Each element has a characteristic atomic spectrum, due to the absorption and emission of light associated with the unique energy levels of its orbiting electrons. ~ Hugh Aldersey Williams,
542:People who are making decisions about the future often don't have access to some of the best ideas in the company, which may be at the periphery or at lower levels. ~ Rosabeth Moss Kanter,
543:The history of science has been one long series of violent brainstorms, as successive generations have come to terms with increasing levels of queerness in the universe. ~ Richard Dawkins,
544:Value investing was once the purchase of tangible assets at levels below their market value. Value investing today is buying sustainable competitive advantages at a good price. ~ John Kay,
545:When you meditate you will be able to get in touch with that part of yourself which knows what it wants, as opposed to the levels and layers of conditioning in your mind. ~ Frederick Lenz,
546:Everyone does it."

"But no one talks about it," Gloria said. "About the different levels of skill involved. You have to practice before you become a great masturbator. ~ Ursula Hegi,
547:Routines help us do this by setting expectations about availability, aligning our workflow with our energy levels, and getting our minds into a regular rhythm of creating. ~ Jocelyn K Glei,
548:The peace and spontaneous knowledge are in the psychic being and from there they spread to mind and vital and physical. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV, Levels of the Physical Being,
549:The whole idea is just to continue to make movies that I enjoy playing and that audiences are going to enjoy me in... just to put out quality on a lot of different levels. ~ Dwayne Johnson,
550:as in the first experiment, the individuals who were more creative also had higher levels of dishonesty. Intelligence, however, wasn’t correlated to any degree with dishonesty. ~ Dan Ariely,
551:American experience seems to suggest that people are virtually unlimited in their need to give themselves away, on various levels. Some just prefer to do it in secret. ~ David Foster Wallace,
552:Exercise is the single best thing you can do for yourself. It’s way more important than dieting, and easier to do. Exercise works at so many levels—except one: your weight. ~ Robert H Lustig,
553:If we were building our navy, rather than reducing our navy to pre-World War I levels, China would not be thinking about increasing its navy to take over the South China Sea. ~ Rudy Giuliani,
554:I love involving actors at all levels - and they have to know that I want to hear their contributions, with dialogue, with story suggestions, with script changes, whatever. ~ Lasse Hallstrom,
555:In any case, decisions on troop levels in the American system of government are not made by any general or set of generals but by the civilian leadership of the war effort. ~ William Kristol,
556:You have to surpass the levels of success that you have already achieved, and that's the challenge. But, it's a welcome challenge. I appreciate it because it brings the best out of me. ~ T I,
557:You see the unemployment rate is at a very, very low level. Job enthusiasm and manufacturing, business enthusiasm is at record levels; never been higher... We've got it going. ~ Donald Trump,
558:A self that is very robust, that has many, many levels of organization, from simple to complex, and that functions as a sort of witness to what is going on in our organisms. ~ Antonio Damasio,
559:As long as you fight the system, all of the things that are part of the tonal of the times, then you will be imbalanced and will not do well in the other levels of attention. ~ Frederick Lenz,
560:But the federal government, our collective government, has responsibilities that none of these other levels of government can fulfill; and chief among these is national defense. ~ Don Nickles,
561:Cold didn’t worry him unduly. Given that his normal body temperature was way below human levels, the dip in the river had been no more than refreshing, certainly not deadly. ~ Marcus Sedgwick,
562:Feminism is a struggle to end sexist oppression. Therefore, it is necessarily a struggle to eradicate the ideology of domination that permeates Western culture on various levels. ~ Bell Hooks,
563:makes me nervous on about five different levels. “Oh, no. He frosted under heavy guard. He’s still under lock and key. But I’ve talked to him,” Haymitch says. “Face-to-face? ~ Suzanne Collins,
564:Superficial cannot discover the deep, because both live in different levels and likewise the deep cannot meet the deepest! Change your level to reach at different levels! ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
565:Every time you post something online you have a choice. You can either make it something that adds to the happiness levels in the world—or you can make it something that takes away. ~ Zoe Sugg,
566:Our task is tough, and our time is limited. Party organizations and governments at all levels must give priority to emission reduction and bring the idea deep into people's hearts. ~ Hu Jintao,
567:People generally report higher levels of stress, depression, and tension after watching TV. It seems that TV's main virtue is that it occupies the mind undemandingly. ~ Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi,
568:We need women at all levels, including the top, to change the dynamic, reshape the conversation, to make sure women’s voices are heard and heeded, not overlooked and ignored. ~ Sheryl Sandberg,
569:Whereas being extraordinary—which leads to extraordinary levels of success—is a result of choosing to learn, grow, and be a little bit better each day than you’ve been in the past. ~ Hal Elrod,
570:Americans in all places and levels of government have begun to consider the areas where we need to prepare ourselves from future threats, including the latest weapon: bio-terror. ~ Paul Gillmor,
571:In our world riddled with male violence, the problem isn’t that testosterone can increase levels of aggression. The problem is the frequency with which we reward aggression. ~ Robert M Sapolsky,
572:Teachers at all levels encourage the idea that you have to talk about things in order to understand them, because they wouldn't have jobs, otherwise. But it's phony, you know. ~ Denise Levertov,
573:I did a study of soldiers returning from Iraq, and their levels of PTSD were much higher if they had had to shoot a woman or child, even if they knew the person was a suicide bomber. ~ Mia Bloom,
574:I find it deeply upsetting when I see justice not being served. How do we as human beings deal with the unknown? The West Memphis Three trial is a joke on so many different levels. ~ Atom Egoyan,
575:In its latest audit of the federal government, the GAO concluded there are significant and material weaknesses in the accounting performed at all levels of the federal government. ~ Mark R Levin,
576:Low levels of vitamin D in older people can double the risk of developing dementia in later life, according to one of the biggest studies of its kind into the nutritional supplement. ~ Anonymous,
577:Painting, especially much better than words, allows oneself to express the various stages of thought, including the deeper levels, the underground stages of the mental process. ~ Claes Oldenburg,
578:Such leadership occurs when one or more persons engage with others in such a way that leaders and followers raise one another to higher levels of motivation and morality. ~ James MacGregor Burns,
579:The organizations that will truly excel in the future will be the organizations that discover how to tap people's commitment and capacity to learn at all levels in an organization. ~ Peter Senge,
580:Wit makes its own welcome, and levels all distinctions. No dignity, no learning, no force of character, can make any stand against good wit. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, Letters and Social Aims (1876),
581:All nonwhites were systematically classified into various groups and subgroups. Then these groups were given differing levels of rights and privileges in order to keep them at odds. ~ Trevor Noah,
582:Clientelism is an efficient form of political mobilization in societies with low levels of income and education, and is therefore best understood as an early form of democracy. ~ Francis Fukuyama,
583:*Hong Kong’s maximum tax (the “standard rate”) has normally been 15 percent, effectively capping the marginal rate at high income levels (in exchange for no personal exemptions). ~ Robert H Frank,
584:It's actually pretty complex, because there's two levels of reality in the narrative. One is what really took place, and the other is Spider's poisoned version of what took place. ~ Gabriel Byrne,
585:Politicians who lack the vision to lead the community on big issues like public transport often hide their inaction by blaming other levels of government when anyone complains. ~ Anthony Albanese,
586:She was in charge of the 'red team,' the group taking blood samples. (The group collecting urine to check pesticide exposure levels called themselves the 'gold team' in response.) ~ Maryn McKenna,
587:Times of happiness, bliss, and sheer delight intensify as the higher levels of our minds are opened within us One our life on earth is over, these levels keep rising forever. ~ Emanuel Swedenborg,
588:Emotional control is essential for attaining higher levels of mind. The thing that the teacher looks for in a student is the degree of self-control, not coldness that someone has. ~ Frederick Lenz,
589:Every time you post something online, you have a choice.
You can either make it something that adds to the happiness levels in the world—or you can make it something that takes away. ~ Zoe Sugg,
590:I think the idea of embodying the physical presence of a character is the same on stage and screen. There are just different levels of expression to keep in mind for each platform. ~ Amanda Schull,
591:The basic Buddhist stand on the question of equality between the genders is age-old. At the highest tantric levels, at the highest esoteric level, you must respect women: every woman. ~ Dalai Lama,
592:There are two levels of vampirism: one is the regular vampire, which is just like it has always been; and then there's the super vampires, which are a new breed we've created. ~ Guillermo del Toro,
593:All the great organizations have great managers at all levels who recognize where their culture is getting stronger and where it is getting weaker. There are always reasons why. ~ Marcus Buckingham,
594:At some point performance improvement levels off and does not outweigh the added costs of increased overhead and measurements—unless you decouple cycles from overhead, like Kanban does. ~ Anonymous,
595:Believing in the Jesus of the Bible makes life risky on a lot of levels because it is absolute surrender of every decision we make, every dollar we spend, our lives belong to another. ~ David Platt,
596:Discomfort levels in our societies are rising, or so it would seem. In theory, we invoke diversity and tolerance. But in real life, we raise our hackles and withdraw into ourselves. ~ Tariq Ramadan,
597:I think massive migration is inevitable. As sea levels rise, as climate change happens, as fertile fields become arid, as wars are fought, people are going to move. They always have. ~ Mohsin Hamid,
598:I was heartened to hear the President say that as we make progress on the ground, and Iraqi forces increasingly take the lead, we should be able to further decrease our troop levels. ~ Howard Coble,
599:I was still trying to get my adrenaline levels down to an acceptable level. If a cop gave me a sobriety test right now, I would look like a meth addict in the midst of a giant tweaking. ~ Mark Tufo,
600:Reincarnation is a cyclic process. There are endless levels of creation, different universes. In each one something similar is taking place, the evolution of spirit through matter. ~ Frederick Lenz,
601:the health of the body is determined to a great degree by our mental processes: what we think of life and especially of ourselves, at both the conscious and the unconscious levels. ~ James Redfield,
602:women with variants of genes that produce higher levels of oxytocin or oxytocin receptors average higher levels of touching their infants and more synchronized gazing with them. ~ Robert M Sapolsky,
603:By a divine paradox, wherever there is one slave there are two. So in the wonderful reciprocities of being, we can never reach the higher levels until all our fellows ascend with us. ~ Edwin Markham,
604:Global warming has melted the polar ice caps, raised the levels of the oceans and flooded the earth's great cities. Despite its evident prosperity, New Jersey is scarcely Utopia. ~ Godfried Danneels,
605:If, with the nation watching, three black women at three different levels can't get justice... for this community, you tell me where you're going to get it in our country. ~ Stephanie Rawlings Blake,
606:There is no such thing as chance in a text. Any text is the result of a repertoire, on conscious and unconscious levels, and can only be decoded by someone privy to the same repertoire. ~ Ivan ngelo,
607:We don't need flowery words about inequality to tell us that, and we don't need a party that has led while poverty and hunger rose to record levels to give us lectures about suffering. ~ Artur Davis,
608:We need to take our passion and effect real change at the local, state, and federal levels, to help elect progressive leaders, and to stem the tide of division, fear and scapegoating. ~ George Takei,
609:When it comes to decreasing inequalities of wealth for good or reducing unusually high levels of public debt, a progressive tax on capital is generally a better tool than inflation. ~ Thomas Piketty,
610:a staff increase may produce a temporary improvement, but the promotion process eventually produces its effect on the newcomers and they, too, rise to their levels of incompetence. ~ Laurence J Peter,
611:Constantly scanning the world for the negative comes with a great cost. It undercuts our creativity, raises our stress levels, and lowers our motivation and ability to accomplish goals. ~ Shawn Achor,
612:I just find that each year I try something new. You can't fight the march of time. To balance that out, each year you should develop one more good habit. It levels the playing field. ~ Cindy Crawford,
613:No one should be held back from realising their potential by fears that they will not be able to afford to go to university or that they will graduate with unmanageable levels of debt. ~ Gordon Brown,
614:The completion of my undergraduate training at the University of California (Berkeley) provided just the needed touches of rigor at advanced levels in both economics and mathematics. ~ Lawrence Klein,
615:You can close this book and put it away right now as long as you can incorporate this crucial dietary change into your life: consume high levels of fruits, green vegetables, and beans. ~ Joel Fuhrman,
616:Above all else, we need a reaffirmation of political commitment at the highest levels to reducing the dangers that arise both from existing nuclear weapons and from further proliferation. ~ Kofi Annan,
617:All our parents have levels of deviousness. We're driven to write about this discrepancy between the bright shining selves they invented and the monsters lurking underneath. ~ Francine du Plessix Gray,
618:As a concept [androgyny] raise[s] anxiety levels by conjuring up a conformist, unisex vision, the very opposite of the individuality and uniqueness that feminism actually has in mind. ~ Gloria Steinem,
619:Because the lower performers are not willing to step up and take responsibility to increase their production, they can only seek to tear down those who are performing at higher levels. ~ Grant Cardone,
620:Freedoms in Iran are genuine, true freedoms. Iranian people are free. Women in Iran enjoy the highest levels of freedom. In Iran, we don't have homosexuals, like in your country. ~ Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,
621:I think in the corridors of power these dangerous kinds of orders are issued in a much more vague way, passed down two or three levels of command before they're given to the assassin. ~ Eddie Campbell,
622:A building is no good if someone's got to explain to you why it's good. You can't say you don't know enough about architecture - that's ridiculous. It's got to work on many levels. ~ David Chipperfield,
623:All good fairy tales have meaning to many levels," Bruno Bettleheim observes in The Uses of Enchantment. "Only the child can know which meanings are significance to him at the moment. ~ Kate Bernheimer,
624:Every time you post something online you have a choice.

You can either make it something that adds to the happiness levels in the world - or you can make it something that takes away. ~ Zoe Sugg,
625:I live 50 miles from London and we've got some of the highest levels of teenage and childhood poverty in the country. It's disgusting. Just because it's a rural area, it gets forgotten. ~ Roger Daltrey,
626:I've learned a lot about the limits of what I can do, as an artist, or what I'm willing to do. It's a lot of responsibility to carry a show and to speak to people on different levels. ~ Tatiana Maslany,
627:I wanted control over the merchandising, the actual packaging of the product. That was a big factor. The only way for me to exercise control on all those levels was to start my own label. ~ Helen Reddy,
628:Our conflict is in relationship, at all levels of our existence; and the understanding of this relationship, completely and extensively, is the only real problem that each one has. ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti,
629:People should only work for four days a week to reduce their stress levels, allow them to take more exercise and see their families, one of Britain's leading public health doctors has said. ~ Anonymous,
630:The Latin American drug cartels have stretched their tentacles much deeper into our lives than most people believe. It's possible they are calling the shots at all levels of government. ~ William Colby,
631:The Strange Loop phenomenon occurs whenever, by moving upwards (or downwards) through levels of some hierarchial system, we unexpectedly find ourselves right back where we started. ~ Douglas Hofstadter,
632:We have an Army that hasn't been in this position since World War II, in terms of levels and in terms of readiness and in terms of everything else. We are not capable like we have to be. ~ Donald Trump,
633:You know, I can sort of control it now," I tell him, beaming. "I can moderate my strength levels."
"Good for you. I'll buy you a balloon the minute the world stops shitting on itself. ~ Tahereh Mafi,
634:I like to think my sense of humor is sort of smart and dumb at the same time. I like to work on multiple levels - smart and dumb, funny and sad, profound and mundane, cynical and hopeful. ~ Robert Lopez,
635:I'm always talking to the writers because I find it so fascinating, how they're able to go to these different levels with the different stories, and have all these layers to peel back. ~ Taraji P Henson,
636:I would regret it if I'd failed at school and university, because if I had, I would have lacked the levels of education necessary to making a serious contribution to building South Africa. ~ Thabo Mbeki,
637:Kids did really well in their A levels, how do we respond? 'A Levels are getting easier, in my day you had to do fifty questions in a minute, if you got one wrong, they killed your dad! ~ Russell Howard,
638:The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that living with pets can decrease blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels, as well as alleviate feelings of loneliness. ~ Gregory Berns,
639:There is an awful lot of work to do to protect trans folks. We are still disproportionally poor and administratively and institutionally discriminated against at all levels of society. ~ Chelsea Manning,
640:They're brutal, moronic, they have the ethical consciousness of apes and the initiative levels of sheep. But you took the field against the reptiles for them nonetheless. Why?” Ringil ~ Richard K Morgan,
641:Ensuring that high quality water is provided to all Arizona's citizens is the responsibility of elected officials at all levels and I am happy to do all I can to assist the city's efforts. ~ J D Hayworth,
642:I learned pretty quickly that it's your WORK ETHIC that LEVELS THE PLAYING FIELD. Education helps, but I've met failures who have Ph.D.s. I believe the hardest worker is always going to win. ~ Chris Rock,
643:In 2014, researchers at Penn State found that women who juggle work and home were proportionately much more likely to experience higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol than were men. ~ Tiffany Dufu,
644:My work on human capital began with an effort to calculate both private and social rates of return to men, women, blacks, and other groups from investments in different levels of education. ~ Gary Becker,
645:Of this excellent use is the Law: it converts the soul, opens the eyes, prepares the way of the Lord in the desert, rends the rocks, levels the mountains, makes a people prepared for the Lord ~ Anonymous,
646:The desire to do something because you find it deeply satisfying and personally challenging inspires the highest levels of creativity, whether
it's in the arts, sciences, or business. ~ Teresa Amabile,
647:What I've observed, and I think it's fair to give credit to the psychedelic experience for this, what I've observed is that nature builds on previously established levels of complexity. ~ Terence McKenna,
648:Asian countries produce eight times as many engineering bachelors as the United States, and the number of U.S. students graduating at the masters and PhD levels in these areas is declining. ~ Mark Kennedy,
649:Free love, man, Free Love! Which, by the way, was the single greatest concept a young man has ever heard. About three years late, women got wise an my frustration returned to normal levels. ~ Steve Martin,
650:I did Scottish footballer of the year this year, attempted to do some comedy at that. Not the brightest people in the world. There were seven O-Levels in that room, and they were all mine. ~ Frankie Boyle,
651:I think the reason men liked her was because she gave off high levels of carnality. You looked at her and just knew - this one's up for anything. It's sexy, but you can't really stand it. ~ Nic Pizzolatto,
652:Most of us have achieved levels of affluence and comfort unthought of two generations ago. We've never had it so good, most of us. Nor have we ever complained so bitterly about our problems. ~ Mario Cuomo,
653:Nowhere in the Bible, however, do we find God distinguishing between levels of sin. God doesn't share our rating system. To him, all sin is equally evil, and all sinners are equally lovable. ~ Judah Smith,
654:People with high levels of personal mastery...cannot afford to choose between reason and intuition, or head and heart, any more than they would choose to walk on one leg or see with one eye. ~ Peter Senge,
655:people with the highest levels of intelligence (IQ) outperform those with average IQs just 20% of the time, while people with average IQs outperform those with high IQs 70% of the time. ~ Travis Bradberry,
656:recent study conducted at Stanford that evaluated the performance levels of multi-taskers. The researchers found that people who focus on one task consistently outperform those who multi-task. ~ S J Scott,
657:the chaos of the world that counted people as different levels of worthy, the Library served all equally. All genders, races, levels of ability. It was the one place they could all be safe. ~ Rachel Caine,
658:We may, perhaps, imagine that the creation was finished long ago. But that would be quite wrong. It continues still more magnificently, and at the highest levels of the world. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin,
659:You find in life that there are different levels of being in love with someone, and maybe everyone doesn't find that undeniable, indescribable... I can't describe it, it's indescribable. ~ Kristen Stewart,
660:After all the black man has been through in this world, he can still often reach levels of spirituality the most pampered white man cannot touch. Maybe what he's been through is the reason why. ~ Ben Stein,
661:if you’re predisposed to get fat and want to be as lean as you can be without compromising your health, you have to restrict carbohydrates and so keep your blood sugar and insulin levels low. ~ Gary Taubes,
662:levels, regulate the HPA axis, balance the immune system, and improve cognitive functioning. Over and over again the research pointed to one treatment in particular—meditation. Though ~ Nadine Burke Harris,
663:The process of change does not occur on superficial levels, through mere 'positive thinking.' It involves exploring, discovering, and changing our deepest, most basic attitudes toward life. ~ Shakti Gawain,
664:The trouble is it's very difficult to pin-point the most important thing because Aids affects everyone in different levels of society, differently and you have to respond to it differently. ~ Emma Thompson,
665:What I've realized is that a film operates both on the intellectual and emotional levels, and if you can find a way to tell a riveting story and draw ideas out of that, it's very powerful. ~ Dinesh D Souza,
666:When testosterone levels are low, vitamin D potentiates abnormal prostate tissue growth. With sufficient testosterone levels, it promotes normal prostate growth and cellular health. ~ Stephen Harrod Buhner,
667:Work on a good piece of writing proceeds on three levels: a musical one, where it is composed, an architectural one, where it is constructed, and finally a textile one, where it is woven. ~ Walter Benjamin,
668:You’d work your way through different levels of tunnels, leaving offerings and drinking special potions—” “Special potions,” Leo muttered. “Yum.” Jason flashed him a look like, Dude, enough. ~ Rick Riordan,
669:deeper—integration might be the principle underlying health at all levels of our experience, from the microcosm of our inner world to our interpersonal relationships and life in our communities. ~ Anonymous,
670:Eurobonds are absolutely wrong. In order to bring about common interest rates, you need similar competitiveness levels, similar budget situations. You don't get them by collectivizing debts. ~ Angela Merkel,
671:People with high levels of personal mastery...cannot afford to choose between reason and intuition, or head and heart, any more than they would choose to walk on one leg or see with one eye. ~ Peter M Senge,
672:Since it's fiction, the book resonates, at least for me, on various levels, some of which intimate ideas about history but none of which have the kind of directly causal reasoning you cite. ~ Rachel Kushner,
673:Something like Nightmare On Elm Street, to me, was kind of an examination of levels of consciousness and the pain of facing the truth, and how easy it is to fall asleep, or want to fall asleep. ~ Wes Craven,
674:The last time the world was three degrees warmer than today-which is what we expect later this century-sea levels were 25m higher. So that is what we can look forward to if we don't act soon. ~ James Hansen,
675:There is rising concern about pesticides, used on plants for food, causing endocrine disruption, meaning that the residual pesticides appear to be changing hormone levels in our populations. ~ Daniel G Amen,
676:THE WORLD HAS BECOME more and more interdependent, so that a lasting peace on the national, regional, and global levels is possible only if we take the interests of all people into account. ~ Dalai Lama XIV,
677:Work on a good piece of writing proceeds on three levels: a musical one, where it is composed; an architectural one, where it is constructed; and finally, a textile one, where it is woven. ~ Walter Benjamin,
678:Artists are part of the information process... Visual history is important in providing a record of what is going on - levels of intention, levels of confidence, levels of aggression or control. ~ Leon Golub,
679:At its core, naked service boils down to the ability of a service provider to be vulnerable—to embrace uncommon levels of humility, selflessness, and transparency for the good of a client. ~ Patrick Lencioni,
680:But theres a huge blessing that comes from being a part of a show like The Cosby Show that sets such a high standard of quality - it touched so many people on so many different levels. ~ Malcolm Jamal Warner,
681:More than four billion people live within a stone's throw of the ocean, so what happens to it affects them immediately, daily, whether pollution, more frequent storms, or rising sea levels. ~ Jon Bowermaster,
682:The game of negotiation takes place at two levels. At one level, negotiation addresses the substance; at another, it focuses—usually implicitly—on the procedure for dealing with the substance. ~ Roger Fisher,
683:The one thing we absolutely have to do if we want to get leaner—if we want to get fat out of our fat tissue and burn it—is to lower our insulin levels and to secrete less insulin to begin with. ~ Gary Taubes,
684:An environment-based education movement--at all levels of education--will help students realize that school isn't supposed to be a polite form of incarceration, but a portal to the wider world. ~ Richard Louv,
685:Enlightened teachers are not logical. They don't function from levels that are understandable to the human mind. They're not religious. Religions form around them, usually after they've died. ~ Frederick Lenz,
686:In 2012 researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute showed that two hours of exposure to a bright tablet screen at night, like an iPad or a Kindle, reduced melatonin levels by 22 percent. ~ Rebecca Skloot,
687:The new century will see unimaginable levels of wastefulness and extravagance, but it will also be an age in which the individual human being acquires a true and universally recognised value. ~ Peter Robinson,
688:your need to consume calories on a regular schedule will diminish substantially when blood glucose levels are moderated and you start burning fat and ketones more efficiently through low-insulin ~ Mark Sisson,
689:Delusional levels of grandiosity, impulsivity, and the compulsions of mental impairment, when combined with an authoritarian cult of personality and contempt for the rule of law, are a toxic mix. ~ Bandy X Lee,
690:The psychological profiling [of a programmer] is mostly the ability to shift levels of abstraction, from low level to high level. To see something in the small and to see something in the large. ~ Donald Knuth,
691:There were so few black men who were successful and who successfully conveyed black male fear - how America can make you feel crazy, and how America can create interesting levels of contradiction. ~ Hilton Als,
692:You want success on different levels. I wouldn't be honest if I said I don't look over there in the pop world and say, "Man, that's attractive" - Adele selling 100,000 albums a week. A week. ~ Anthony Hamilton,
693:I'm not going to get into details, but every band has their moments when things are tough. Just logistically, tough on your body, stress levels, psychologically tough, relationships can be tough. ~ Andrew Wyatt,
694:One individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of pure love and reverence for all of life will counterbalance the negativity of 750,000 individuals who calibrate at the lower weakening levels. ~ Wayne Dyer,
695:That Zsadist was late was no big surprise. Z was one giant, violent fuck-you to the world. A walking, sometimes talking, usually cursing SOB who took hatred, especially toward females, to new levels. ~ J R Ward,
696:As individuals we tend to climb to our levels of incompetence. We behave as though up is better and more is better, and yet all around us we see the tragic victims of this mindless escalation. ~ Laurence J Peter,
697:humor bears the closest relation to emotion, either bubbling up as from a deep and happy wellspring, or in an opposite fashion rising like a re-birth of feeling from dead levels after turmoil. ~ Constance Rourke,
698:Success in confronting terrorism on the regional or international levels is contingent upon addressing its root causes and protecting the right of peoples under foreign occupation to resistance ~ Farouk of Egypt,
699:The extraordinarily detailed picture of the behavior of subatomic particles at the minutest levels imaginable brings home the Buddha’s teaching on the dynamically transient nature of all things. ~ Dalai Lama XIV,
700:You tried to kidnap me, Luc.
Hmm, he murmured. That means I like you.
I arched a brow. Okay. That's messed up on about a thousand different levels.
Probably, I don't people well. ~ Jennifer L Armentrout,
701:Personal healing on all levels - physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual comes when we get in touch with our disowned energies.... Through integrating all aspects of ourselves, we become whole. ~ Shakti Gawain,
702:Population is linked directly to fertility. Today the majority of developed countries have fertility rates at or below replacement levels—meaning that population is either stable or declining. ~ Peter H Diamandis,
703:Such being the nature of mental life, the business of psychology is primarily to describe in detail the various forms which attention or conation assumes upon the different levels of that life. ~ Samuel Alexander,
704:Ballroom dancing: it's a wonderful thing at so many levels because you've got to follow the rules. They used to call those rules etiquette once upon a time, but you don't really have that any more. ~ Anton du Beke,
705:Electing clean-energy leaders into the Senate, the House, and the Oval Office - and getting it done in the next few years - is the only real solution to climate stabilization at acceptable levels. ~ Eban Goodstein,
706:I got beat up by the comic-book kids when I was younger! They were cooler than me. Talk about levels of geekdom, I was a couple rungs below the kids who read comic books. Yeah. Not so cool, man. ~ James Badge Dale,
707:It seems to me that information is the thing which uses matter, uses light, uses spirit, uses whatever it can put its hands on to organize itself into higher and higher levels of self-reflection. ~ Terence McKenna,
708:Let me state what the official IPCC prediction is: Sea levels could go up as much as three-quarters of a meter in this century, but there is a reasonable probability it could be much higher than that. ~ Steven Chu,
709:The emphasis on winning is preventing kids from learning how to pass, which is the skill they ultimately need at the highest levels. The proposed solution is for top youth players to play fewer games. ~ Po Bronson,
710:Water is an issue, and, clearly, what's happening with the filth in our environment and the levels of carbon monoxide in our atmosphere are the really scary issues right now, the very troubling ones. ~ Don Cheadle,
711:You’re not limited to your body as you’ve known your body. In the deepest levels of you being in your deepest body, there is nowhere that your body is not, and with that body you’re able to think. ~ John de Ruiter,
712:After six months of Premarin, I had another round of levels taken. I was found to have 59 nanograms of estrogen in my system. The average for an adult male is 6. The mean for females is 26. ~ Jennifer Finney Boylan,
713:For real happiness, for real lasting stable happiness, one has to make a journey deep within oneself and see that one gets rid of all the unhappiness and misery stored in the deeper levels of the mind. ~ S N Goenka,
714:I know that you should eat a lot of the Indian spice turmeric, as it fights cancer. Also that you should avoid the Indian spice turmeric, as it might contain dangerous levels of lead. One or the other. ~ A J Jacobs,
715:My image of what a city should be - the super-rich and all the poor and desperate and the people who have some kind of a desire. It's a surviving game, people trying to survive on many different levels. ~ Ai Weiwei,
716:People's position on immigration, once they get "sophisticated," and they rise to the higher levels of commentary or government, it's usually determined solely by economics. And not by anything else. ~ Mark Helprin,
717:The brain becomes over stimulated when GABA levels are too low, resulting in rapid speech, insomnia, hyper sexuality, excessive spending, reckless decisions, risk-taking behavior, and grandiose ideas. ~ Ken Dickson,
718:The term refers to cascading disruptions that can pass between trophic levels—that is, between different categories of interrelated organisms in the hierarchy of energy transfer within an ecosystem. ~ David Quammen,
719:Eradication of this unquenchable shrub [tamarisk] will save water, lower salinity levels and create a more congenial habitat for the Southwest Willow Flycatcher and a number of other riparian species. ~ Wayne Allard,
720:His mental health symptoms, including impulsive blame-shifting, claims of unearned superiority, and delusional levels of grandiosity, have been present in his words from his very first campaign speech: ~ Bandy X Lee,
721:I like that we text, we talk, we spend time together just hanging out. We work on so many levels that aren’t sexual that the fact we go off like an atomic bomb in the sack is just the icing on the cake. ~ B J Harvey,
722:MAO-A variants show other important gene/environment interactions. For example, in one study the low-activity MAO-A variant predicts criminality, but only if coupled with high testosterone levels ~ Robert M Sapolsky,
723:Passionately obsessed by anything we love - an avalanche of magic flattens the way ahead, levels, rules, reasons, dissents, bears us with it over chasms, fears, doubts. Without the power of that love. ~ Richard Bach,
724:The air was still. It was that hour before evening when the sun sheds great horizontal beams just above the horizon and the air itself reveals levels of dust and insect life previously unthought of. ~ Valerie Martin,
725:Times of upheaval require not just more leadership but more leaders. People at all organizational levels, whether anointed or self-appointed, must be empowered to share leadership responsibilities. ~ Rosalynn Carter,
726:When you’re a perfect hormonal specimen, your pancreas produces exactly the right amount of insulin to have your blood sugar softly rise and fall within a narrow range (fasting levels of 70 to 85 mg/dL). ~ Anonymous,
727:By geo-historical standards, today's atmospheric CO2 levels are remarkably - indeed dangerously - low. We need CO2 in the air to support plant growth and agricultural yields, and more would be better. ~ Roger Helmer,
728:Everything starts within your own mind. The physical choices you make, drain your power or give you power. If your power is low, then you stay in lower levels of mind and you don't see opportunities. ~ Frederick Lenz,
729:In societies where incomes and educational levels are low, it is often far easier to get supporters to the polls based on a promise of an individual benefit rather than a broad programmatic agenda. ~ Francis Fukuyama,
730:I think like a lot of people in this country I want to see a vision. And, again, that would be true of candidates on all levels. It's time to see a clear, bold vision for progressive economic change. ~ Bill de Blasio,
731:Mindfulness is when you are engaged in activities but the mind is set into the meditative state all the time. Meditation is to be aware of many different levels. It's not just the absence of thought. ~ Frederick Lenz,
732:Spiritual education is not a distinct and separate discipline; it is part and parcel of all types and levels of education, In fact, it is the very foundation on which a lasting edifice can be built. ~ Sathya Sai Baba,
733:While other state governments stiff their vendors, close parks, delay tax refunds, and ignore unacceptably poor service levels, Indiana state employees are setting national standards for efficiency. ~ Mitch McConnell,
734:Always consider the level of competing distractions before you call your dog to come when he’s still in training. We find it useful to think of come training like levels of mathematical ability. ~ Patricia B McConnell,
735:If [Hillary] Clinton can't boost African-American turnout, even with all that help, the question becomes whether she can make up for it with historic levels of support from Hispanics and suburban women. ~ Mara Liasson,
736:I think civilization is going to get to a point where we suddenly become responsible, stewards of the whole evolutionary process. This requires domains of consciousness, not just levels and frequencies. ~ Jean Houston,
737:Neither a light nor a dark lesson is more justified than the other, neither is more powerful, both equal in their opportunity to gift you new insight, new levels of compassion, and a new meaning to love. ~ Emma Mildon,
738:Passionately obsessed by anything we love--an avalanche of magic flattens the way ahead, levels, rules, reasons, dissents, bears us with it over chasms, fears, doubts. Without the power of that love.... ~ Richard Bach,
739:The eye of understanding is like the eye of the sense; for as you may see great objects through small crannies or levels, so you may see great axioms of nature through small and contemptible instances. ~ Francis Bacon,
740:What the genetic epistemology proposes is discovering the roots of the different varieties of knowledge, since its elementary forms, following to the next levels, including also the scientific knowledge. ~ Jean Piaget,
741:With the increasing price levels, the farmers are benefiting. Dal, atta, vegetables have all become expensive. I am happy with this price rise. The more the prices rise the better it is for farmers ~ Beni Prasad Verma,
742:If we change the way the electricity sector operates, we can bring down our levels of carbon pollution, and continue the crucial task of tackling climate change. Putting a price on carbon would do this. ~ Julia Gillard,
743:In private many scientists admit that science has no explanation for the beginning of life... Darwin never imagined the exquisitely profound complexity that exists even at the most basic levels of life. ~ Michael Behe,
744:Lowers blood sugar levels Improves insulin sensitivity Increases energy Improves fat-burning Lowers blood cholesterol Prevents Alzheimer’s disease Extends life Reverses aging process Decreases inflammation ~ Jason Fung,
745:There are as many strata at different levels of life as there are leaves in a book. When on the higher levels we can remember the lower levels, but when on the lower we cannot remember the higher. ~ Henry David Thoreau,
746:Today it’s no secret that movie studios release blockbuster action films to meet the higher energy levels of summer audiences, more intellectual fare for the winter months, and romantic comedies for spring. ~ Anonymous,
747:To make a movie charming, you have to be playful on all levels and open to ideas, and you have to have an idea for how to do that within the confines of the shooting schedule and editing and all that. ~ Lasse Hallstrom,
748:We are the products of a long selection process of chemical, biological, and cultural structures that at different levels have interacted for a long time in order to shape the funny process that we are. ~ Carlo Rovelli,
749:Chakras really are dimensions. We think of them as objects, but they're not really. They're dimensional access points, whereby we can enter into different levels of mind, and that happens automatically. ~ Frederick Lenz,
750:If, at the office or in different exchanges in daily living, you have to spend time with people who are at lower power levels, then you have to be aware of that and keep your awareness very much within. ~ Frederick Lenz,
751:I simply wanted to bring out the ways that each of us (though on vastly different levels) is dedicated to music. That was my original motive, and I like to think that, to some extent, I have succeeded. ~ Haruki Murakami,
752:It takes a long time to really be married. One marries many times at many levels within that marriage. If you have more marriages than you have divorces within the marriage, you’re lucky and you stick it out. ~ Ruby Dee,
753:Superforecasting does require minimum levels of intelligence, numeracy, and knowledge of the world, but anyone who reads serious books about psychological research probably has those prerequisites. So ~ Philip E Tetlock,
754:As a general rule, moderate levels of arousal facilitate deployment of skills, whereas high arousal disrupts it. This is especially true of complex activities requiring intricate organization of behavior ~ Albert Bandura,
755:His green eyes blazed with desire; such a different look than I'd known before. Chase had studied me, reading my feelings. Tucker was only trying to see his own reflection. Disturbing on several levels. ~ Kristen Simmons,
756:I believe that the levels of taxation advocated by liberals render those taxes a veiled form of theft. 'Give me more than half of your honestly earned money or you will be arrested' is legalized thievery. ~ Dennis Prager,
757:It think acceptance levels sort of swings back and forth. Like in the 60's there was a lot more freedom with sex that doesn't exist today. Language has gotten pushed a bit farther and violence is way far out. ~ Bob Saget,
758:Oh, measure it all out! Acceptable levels of misery and suffering!’ The cane swung down, thumped hard on the ground. ‘Acceptable? Who the fuck says any level is acceptable? What sort of mind thinks that? ~ Steven Erikson,
759:Optimal levels of homocysteine are between 7 and 10 micromoles per liter of blood; normal levels of methylmalonic acid are between 0.08 and 0.56 mmol/L (in my experience, this is a less sensitive measure). ~ Kelly Brogan,
760:Our individual consciousness is actually part of a larger system. There are many levels of consciousness, and the creativity used in composing the music comes from another level that is not purely personal. ~ Eyvind Kang,
761:Piety has Three Levels
1. Protecting the heart and limbs against sin and forbidden actions.
2. Protecting them against undesirable matters.
3. Protecting against curiosity and whatever is not of one’s concern. ~,
762:Remember when we had trouble beating the last few levels of Zelda? We pooled our allowances and bought the walk-through guide to help us out.' He softly adds, 'You should've asked for help before cheating. ~ Adam Silvera,
763:Fear creates its own self-fulfilling dynamic- as people give into it, they lose energy and momentum. Their lack of confidence translates into inaction that lowers confidence levels even further, on and on. ~ Robert Greene,
764:If we look at Houston, which is a very environmentally toxic place, we find that it has one of the highest levels of young men going to prison and also among the highest levels of illiteracy in the country. ~ Danny Glover,
765:Male love circuits get an extra kick when stress levels are high. After an intense physical challenge, for instance, males will bond quickly and sexually with the first willing female they lay eyes on. ~ Louann Brizendine,
766:The third stage was the reaction that came when the body struggled to compensate for its ills - when, for instance, the white count not only returned to normal but increased to much higher than normal levels. ~ John Hersey,
767:They spoke, at length, about the realms “above” this one. Levels at which the progressing soul becomes at one with God—formless, independent of time and substance though still aware of personal identity. ~ Richard Matheson,
768:Enlightened teachers can do certain miracles, but they are not really miracles. They just know how to use energy on other levels of consciousness. A miracle is in the eye of the beholder, as is all of life. ~ Frederick Lenz,
769:If genes strongly influence average levels of a trait, that trait is strongly inherited. If genes strongly influence the extent of variability around that average level, that trait has high heritability. ~ Robert M Sapolsky,
770:Not poverty and need, but excess and greed reduce life to a merely material level. Natural life is co-ordinated and vibrates in many levels and thereby gains dignity and beauty. ~ Erich Jantsch, The Self-Organizing Universe,
771:Socrates told us, "the unexamined life is not worth living." I think he's calling for curiosity, more than knowledge. In every human society at all times and at all levels, the curious are at the leading edge. ~ Roger Ebert,
772:This blend of musicians on '90 Millas' is historically significant on a number of levels. This is the first and quite possibly the last time that all of these legendary artists will play together on one CD. ~ Gloria Estefan,
773:A recent study suggests that 75 per cent of the weight-loss response in obesity is predicted by insulin levels.29 Not willpower. Not caloric intake. Not peer support or peer pressure. Not exercise. Just insulin. ~ Jason Fung,
the image of his father wearing bell-bottoms,
smoking a joint, and calling his mother a “totally
groovy chick” was wrong on so many levels he
wanted to erase the whole thing from his memory ~ Julie James,
775:In sharp contrast to the idea that this stage of life is enviable, we hear high levels of anxiety about getting old, anxieties about health, mobility, access to facilities, simple routine care and attention. ~ Rowan Williams,
776:In the 1880s Chicago was experiencing explosive growth that propelled land values to levels no one could have imagined, especially within the downtown “Loop,” named for the turn-around loops of streetcar lines. ~ Erik Larson,
777:You know, we have to take these characters - who, granted, have their separate personalities but, on a lot of levels, are pretty two-dimensional - and make them into people with flaws, with insecurities. ~ Rachael Leigh Cook,
778:A national survey ongoing since 1974 has shown that Americans have never been less likely to be friends with their neighbors as they are now. The lowest levels of neighborliness were recorded in the suburbs.33 ~ Bella DePaulo,
779:But in China, even as rates of divorce have climbed, so much of the culture revolves around family and offspring that 98 percent of the female population eventually marries—one of the highest levels in the world. ~ Evan Osnos,
780:In hundreds of interviews with people at all levels I’ve made this discovery: The bigger the person, the more apt he is to encourage you to talk; the smaller the person, the more apt he is to preach to you. ~ David J Schwartz,
781:My thesis is that at many levels of human interaction there is the opportunity to conflate discomfort with threat, to mistake internal anxiety for exterior danger, and in turn to escalate rather than resolve. ~ Sarah Schulman,
782:New love might replace an earlier love, but the old love is always there, no matter what. You live your life on two levels, probably to avoid falling through without a trace if a hole appears in one of them. ~ Henning Mankell,
783:Normal life? Nothing about this is normal, Novice. I’m Death, not a Genie. I don’t go granting wishes unless absolutely necessary.” He levels his face to mine. “You do remember your family’s souls, don’t you? ~ Cecilia Robert,
784:Rejecting the notion that democracy and markets are the same, young people are calling for an end to the poverty, grotesque levels of economic inequality, the suppression of dissent and the permanent war state. ~ Henry Giroux,
785:The high priests and priestesses taught the children the secret meditation techniques, along with methods and ways of living that would increase their pranic levels and help them develop their psychic skills. ~ Frederick Lenz,
786:What’s a heritability score? “What does a gene do?” is at least two questions. How does a gene influence average levels of a trait? How does a gene influence variation among people in levels of that trait? ~ Robert M Sapolsky,
787:I could, I think, quite easily have gone to Oxford. I got four good A levels, but my father's income was such that I wouldn't have got a grant, and he wouldn't let me go to university, and that was the end of it. ~ Colin Baker,
788:I just feel compelled to continue to be transparent. It just really levels the playing field and eradicates the shame that I have, or that one might have, about being human. So I'm going to just keep going. ~ Alanis Morissette,
789:Oily, cold-water fish from remote, pollution-free waters (anchovies, herring, mackerel, salmon, sardines) are some of the most nutrient-rich foods on the planet: no other food comes close to their omega-3 levels. ~ Mark Sisson,
790:Over three-quarters of the American people are saying it's time to open up the debates. We have rejected these two candidates [Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump] at the highest levels of disapproval in our history. ~ Jill Stein,
791:Pollution is a problem, and there's the whole problem of the spoiling of the commons, but we've addressed the pollution problem on a variety of different levels in a variety of ways, and it's worked pretty well. ~ P J O Rourke,
792:the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Job gains continued in professional and business services, health care, and mining. Employment levels in other major private-sector industries were little changed ~ Anonymous,
793:Christian art should grow out of the robust confidence that nothing is unredeemable—that Jesus himself entered into the darkest levels of human experience and transformed them into sources of life and renewal. ~ Nancy R Pearcey,
794:Sensitivity to dopamine also declines because dopamine receptors, anticipating high levels, have down-regulated. This may explain Goethe’s famous remark, ‘Nothing is harder to bear than a succession of fair days. ~ John J Ratey,
795:The afterlife is all about overlapping planes. We all live in the same physical space, but on different metaphysical levels, and someone who’s passed before you might have reached a consciousness you haven’t yet. ~ Jodi Picoult,
796:Without sounding too grandiose, the survival of the planet itself is at stake, you have rising sea levels, acidification of the oceans, immigration sparked by climate change, droughts that are much more severe. ~ Laurent Fabius,
797:Without strength and courage it's really hard to perform at the highest levels of international figure skating, because you're alone on the ice and you only have seven minutes over two nights to prove yourself. ~ Scott Hamilton,
798:Classics aren't books that are read for pleasure. Classics are books that are imposed on unwilling students, books that are subjected to analyses of "levels of significance" and other blatt, books that are dead. ~ Alexei Panshin,
799:Countries with high levels of atheism are . . . the most charitable both in terms of the percentage of their wealth they devote to social welfare programs and the percentage they give in aid to the developing world. ~ Sam Harris,
800:I am a character, so that's the problem. There are many, many levels to how I behave. Some people might associate being Marilyn Manson as having lipstick on, but I don't really have some sort of other lifestyle. ~ Marilyn Manson,
801:I eat healthy and drink a lot of water. I eliminated most white sugar and dairy from my diet. It's done wonders for me not only in maintaining a healthy weight, but it's increased my energy levels and immunity. ~ Candace Cameron,
802:The record from the Vostok core shows that CO2 levels and temperatures have varied in tandem. Current CO2 levels are unprecedented in the last 420,000 years. Credit: J.R. Petit et al, Nature, vol. 399 (1999). ~ Elizabeth Kolbert,
803:There was, quite simply, no way that my experiences, with their intensely sophisticated visual and aural levels, and their high degree of perceived meaning, were the product of the reptilian portion of my brain. ~ Eben Alexander,
804:We expect Serbian authorities to bring to justice all individuals at all levels who are responsible for their deaths without further delay. This also remains a high priority on our bilateral agenda with Serbia. ~ Victoria Nuland,
805:What I like about Tibetan Buddhism is it was taken to Tibet in the 7th century and then again in the 11th. It has everything that had been collected in India up until that time. And so on all levels, it's so vast. ~ Tenzin Palmo,
806:Breathing affects your respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal, muscular, and psychic systems, and also has a general affect on your sleep, memory, ability to concentrate, and your energy levels. ~ Donna Farhi,
807:For artists, scientists, inventors, schoolchildren, and the rest of us, intrinsic motivation—the drive do something because it is interesting, challenging, and absorbing—is essential for high levels of creativity. ~ Daniel H Pink,
808:I know a lot of people in the city, at all levels, horizontally and vertically - and that to me is a privilege, to me as a person but also a writer. I've dined with billionaires, and I play soccer with busboys. ~ Aleksandar Hemon,
809:I'm deciding where I am best for this president-elect [Donald Trump] and this vice president-elect [Mike Pence] in due course. But there are many qualified men and women who can serve him at the highest levels. ~ Kellyanne Conway,
810:It is historically the case that virtually every new zone incorporated into the world-economy established levels of real remuneration which were at the bottom of the world-system's hierarchy of wage-levels. ~ Immanuel Wallerstein,
811:It is said that man is the only being that has a fourfold nature exactly corresponding in its levels to the cosmos. The angels lack the lower planes, and the animals lack the higher planes.
   ~ Dion Fortune, The Mystical Qabalah,
812:Vitamin D: This is an essential nutrient for your brain and your skin. Low levels are associated with depression and memory problems, and problems with your skin like psoriasis. Get your vitamin D level optimized. ~ Daniel G Amen,
813:According to Eliade, the shamanic ladder is the earliest version of the idea of an axis of the world, which connects the different levels of the cosmos, and is found in numerous creation myths in the form of a tree. ~ Jeremy Narby,
814:But as far as being an American and loving this country and getting a chance to travel across it every day and meeting people on the road and folks in the military, I love this country on so many different levels. ~ Dierks Bentley,
815:figure, said Freud.) Durkheim argued, in contrast, that Homo sapiens was really Homo duplex, a creature who exists at two levels: as an individual and as part of the larger society. From his studies of religion he ~ Jonathan Haidt,
816:The advanced levels which the democratic world has attained at the end of lengthy processes may have created the perception in the region that democracy is a distant concept; this perception can be addressed ~ Recep Tayyip Erdogan,
817:The key to success is letting the relationships in your life grow to the highest levels they possibly can . . . not putting yourself first in life and remembering that the more you give away, the more you have. ~ Christopher Reeve,
818:All great leaders find a sense of balance through their levels of reception. For instance, those who support a leader may soften him, those who ignore him may challenge him, and those who oppose him may stroke his ego. ~ Criss Jami,
819:Because consistently high insulin levels are the root cause of all the diseases of metabolic syndrome, it’s especially important for those with metabolic syndrome to consider how foods stimulate the release of insulin. ~ Jason Fung,
820:Breast-fed babies of macrobiotic mothers may be getting lower levels of vitamin B12, calcium, and magnesium, according to some research, which may result in these babies having delayed physical and cognitive growth. ~ Chris Kresser,
821:Geneva is a city where the living conditions and hospitality provided by both the population and authorities of Geneva - at all levels - are exemplary and greatly facilitate the work and daily life of WHO employees. ~ Margaret Chan,
822:I did not like prizes at school. I didn't like tests or exams, or the 11+, or O-levels. Later I hated B.A.s and M.A.s. The reason I hated them is that I don't like being tested, failed or falsely praised by anyone. ~ Billy Childish,
823:I would rather keep all the levels lower and stick to the sequester, but there are people in leadership who live outside of reality and want to increase things that Republicans like and pretend Democrats don't exist. ~ Justin Amash,
824:Learning to accept failure on multiple levels is, to my way of thinking, the key to become a world-class therapist. But that means humility, and setting your ego aside, while you develop superb new technical skills. ~ David D Burns,
825:The mantra is a very preliminary exercise for the student to begin to grasp a sense of focus. When they are used by persons who have reached very high levels of attention, they can open up doorways to other worlds. ~ Frederick Lenz,
826:Transcendental Meditation is a mental technique, so you travel to this field through subtler levels of mind, and then subtler levels of intellect, and then, at the border of intellect, you transcend and experience it. ~ David Lynch,
827:When you get to the fourth, fifth and sixth years of a show, it's really good to have held back, so that you have somewhere to go. That also applies to levels of violence, levels of humor, levels of production value. ~ Bruno Heller,
828:A leader continuously communicates the benefits of an ever-changing organization. A leader endorses an organization that is continuously reinventing itself to higher and higher levels of productivity and innovation. ~ Steve Chandler,
829:For artists, scientists, inventors, schoolchildren, and the rest of us, intrinsic motivation-the drive to do something because it is interesting, challenging, and absorbing-is essential for high levels of creativity. ~ Daniel H Pink,
830:On a personal note, a legacy he left me, aside from being a friend who was important to me on many levels, was that the decades I knew Sam [Fuller] happened to be the decades that were his least happy professionally. ~ Curtis Hanson,
831:There are no redundant levels of security in the zone. That had been instructor Ben-Haim, back in my Ops 4-10 days. I’d learned all my paranoia from him. In the paranoia stakes, I was not worthy to secure his sandals. ~ Mark Henwick,
832:We are compelled to drive toward total knowledge, right down to the levels of the neuron and the gene. When we have progressed enough to explain ourselves in these mechanistic terms...the result might be hard to accept. ~ E O Wilson,
833:When insulin is secreted, or the level of insulin in the circulation is abnormally elevated, fat accumulates in the fat tissue. When insulin levels are low, fat escapes from the fat tissue, and the fat deposits shrink. ~ Gary Taubes,
834:When mice are exposed to toxin from Aspergillus, a genus of toxic molds common in food and moldy buildings, VIP levels drop.15 It’s likely that humans experience a drop in VIP when exposed to toxic molds as well. Since ~ Dave Asprey,
835:America is not all white people. It's not all black people. It's not all Mexican people. We together, and we all relate on certain levels, so if you actually scaring people away, they can't relate to what you're saying. ~ Lupe Fiasco,
836:Courage is the capacity to meet the anxiety which arises as one achieves freedom. It is the willingness to differentiate, to move from the protecting realms of parental dependence to new levels of freedom and integration. ~ Rollo May,
837:Good stories develop their meaning across many levels. To summarize them into statements is to void them of their images, metaphors, allegories. The meanings and knowledge are not in the summary, but in the art itself. ~ Simon Sarris,
838:In what ways has God changed you to become more holy because of Jesus’ blessing? How is God inviting you to make further changes in your life to live at greater levels of obedience and holiness to reflect Christ more? ~ Mark Driscoll,
839:I think playing night after night is when you get a lot better as a musician because you need to add different levels of intensity and experiment a little bit with the existing songs just to keep everything interesting. ~ James Walsh,
840:No tools have yet been met with in any of the gravels occurring at the higher levels of the valley of the Seine; but no importance can be attached to this negative fact, as so little search has yet been made for them. ~ Charles Lyell,
841:Show appropriate levels of emotional reaction. If you're able to do this properly, this lets them know that you care about what they're talking about. Also, what they are saying is as important to you as it is to them. ~ Patrick King,
842:Swimming is great because there are levels of goals. First, when I was four, it was making it to the other end and overcoming the fear of standing up in front of everybody at a swim meet because I was such a shy kid. ~ Summer Sanders,
843:When you realize that the real breakthroughs come from levels of higher consciousness, then you also realize that the achievement of maturity and wisdom is the most powerful generator of new beginnings possible. ~ Marianne Williamson,
844:Few scientists now dispute that today's soaring levels of carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere will cause global temperature averages to rise by as much as nine degrees Fahrenheit sometime after the year 2000. ~ Carl Sagan,
845:Shoes are money well spent and a good metaphor for life: everything else in life may be awful but a shoe will cheer me up, lift my body and take an outfit up five levels. Plus, shoes are easy to carry and fun to collect. ~ Sarah Lewis,
846:There have been several recent studies on oxytocin—the so-called love hormone—that show humans experience increased oxytocin levels whenever we gaze into the eyes of dogs. Canines also exhibit increased oxytocin levels. ~ Alan Russell,
847:There was a research article I read with the headline, “Love Is A Single Act Committed By Two Brains,” because of the way oxytocin levels rose in a mother and a son when they hugged. I wish more poets became scientists ~ Iain S Thomas,
848:We have to consciously build the elements of a world based on a culture of peace and disarmament. This is a task for everyone. It is multidimensional in scope, requiring meaningful participation of people at all levels. ~ Widad Akreyi,
849:An electrician isn't an opinion former, but a graphic designer is. My argument is that all graphic designers hold high levels of responsibility in society. We take invisible ideas and make them tangible. That's our job. ~ Neville Brody,
850:Ascension through all levels of consciousness and awareness can only happen when you live life as you, and not how others think you should live. How could self-realization possibly be anything other than being yourself? ~ Bryant McGill,
851:So many people, if the truth were known, live their lives on two levels. The principles they fight about are often at odds with the complicated and often frustrated lives they live. This is why there is so much intensity. ~ Walter Wink,
852:We are driven, kicking and screaming, toward ever higher levels of union and ability to include (to forgive others for being “other”), it seems to me. “Everything that rises must converge,” as Teilhard de Chardin put it. ~ Richard Rohr,
853:While I enjoy teaching people on the basic and intermediate levels to work them up to advanced levels, my real talent is for the advanced students. You could say that I'm like a ninth-degree black belt in martial arts. ~ Frederick Lenz,
854:But not everyone can learn to tolerate bitter, even as adults. Some people are genetically endowed “super-tasters” with so many bitter receptors that the responses to certain bitter foods are amplified to intolerable levels. ~ Anonymous,
855:First and most obvious, bring out the three old warhorses of competition - cost, quality, and service - and drive them to new levels, making every person in the organization see them for what they are, a matter of survival. ~ Jack Welch,
856:If we do not work on all three levels -- body, feeling, mind -- the symptoms of our distress will keep returning, as the body goes on repeating the story stored in its cells until it is finally listened to and understood. ~ Alice Miller,
857:Lower rates of taxation will stimulate economic activity and so raise the levels of personal and corporate income as to yield within a few years an increased - not a reduced - flow of revenues to the federal government. ~ John F Kennedy,
858:They keep saying that sea levels are rising an' all this. It's nowt to do with the icebergs melting, it's because there's too many fish in it. Get rid of some of the fish and the water will drop. Simple. Basic science. ~ Karl Pilkington,
859:You have to believe in yourself. You have to believe there's a reason you're trying to pursue the highest levels you can go. That's because you can do it and you can do it well and you can do it better than anybody else. ~ Rush Limbaugh,
860:Being Americans, we prosecute wars to win them, not to have reasonable response, not to have appropriate levels of retaliation. Our theory is you start bombing our cities; we're going to defeat you and make it impossible. ~ Newt Gingrich,
861:By some estimates, income and wealth inequality are near their highest levels in the past hundred years, much higher than the average during that time span and probably higher than for much of American history before then. ~ Janet Yellen,
862:I believe music is like medicine. Like a good tonic, it can open your mind, strengthen and possibly even cure you. Music can work on many levels, and nothing I know of possesses the healing force that exists within music. ~ Burning Spear,
863:As a vibrant force in civil society, women continue to press for their rights, equal participation in decision-making, and the upholding of the principles of the revolution by the highest levels of leadership in Egypt. ~ Michelle Bachelet,
864:Chance plays a powerful role in every life - our brains and personalities are just chemical soup, after all; a few drops here or there matter enormously - but consequences often become more serious as income levels go down. ~ Mohsin Hamid,
865:In this regard, a hotly disputed topic is whether the spiritual/transpersonal stages themselves can be conceived as higher levels of cognitive development. The answer, I have suggested, depends on what you mean by “cognitive. ~ Ken Wilber,
866:Starting with a 1979 study, low levels of serotonin in the brain were shown to be associated with elevated levels of human aggression, with end points ranging from psychological measures of hostility to overt violence. ~ Robert M Sapolsky,
867:Artificer of Ideal and Idea,
Mind, child of Matter in the womb of Life,
To higher levels persuades his parents’ steps:
Inapt, they follow ill the daring guide. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Gospel of Death and Vanity of the Ideal,
868:Don’t go around year after year expecting the same thing the same way. God is a God of increase. He has greater levels. Where you are is not where you’re supposed to stay. You’re supposed to rise higher. Have a bigger vision. ~ Joel Osteen,
869:Eating low-carbohydrate, grain-free meals will not only result in immediate gratification in the form of regulated energy levels, but it can help you succeed with long-term weight management and quite possibly save your life. ~ Mark Sisson,
870:I am ambitious. I set goals; not because I am ungrateful for what I have, but because I am happy with who I am. I enjoy the experience of rising above my perceived limitations and discovering new levels of my capabilities. ~ Steve Maraboli,
871:Low levels of vitamin D in the population as a whole suggest that most people need to take a vitamin D supplement. This may be especially true for seniors, as the ability to synthesize vitamin D in the skin declines with age. ~ Andrew Weil,
872:There are various levels above and below the human through which the individual soul may pass in the course of its reincarnations—the angelic, the titanic, the animal, the purgatories, and the realm of the frustrated ghosts. ~ Alan W Watts,
873:This moment is yours and yours alone! Take charge, seize this moment and allow it to propel you to the high levels of an empowered life. Allow upon this fertile moment to be planted the seeds of your happiness and success. ~ Steve Maraboli,
874:U.S. foreign policy is akin to government-sponsored terrorism these day. It was not a mistake that there was a huge security stand down on September 11 last year. I am SOLO. I will continue to disrupt at the highest levels. ~ Gary McKinnon,
875:We have carbon in the atmosphere. That is a material in the wrong place problem. It's just like what I said about the lead. Lead in the biosphere is not good. Carbon in the atmosphere (over natural levels) is a problem. ~ William McDonough,
876:Yantras are specific designs that have a great deal of power in them, as do mantras, which are words of power. Yantras are designs of power that tap into other levels of attention. They remind us of things in other worlds. ~ Frederick Lenz,
877:You don't have to be Dave Halberstam to see that the American role in both conflicts [the Iraq war and the Vietnam conflict] is characterized by arrogance, ignorance and self-delusion at the highest levels of government. ~ Jonathan Yardley,
878:I love the universality of music and how it can viscerally connect people from culture to culture, regardless of anything. It kind of levels everything out and connects us. That universal sound thing is a big deal to me. ~ Alanis Morissette,
879:There are higher levels of the mind than any we now conceive and to these we must one day reach and rise beyond them to the heights of a greater, a spiritual existence. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays in Philosophy and Yoga, Perfection of the Body,
880:When you move the deeper levels in you and the deeper levels in your body, you'll be relating to that mystery in her. You'll relate to it directly and you'll lay hold of it through the deeper levels in you and in your body. ~ John de Ruiter,
881:But with sea levels rising along the East Coast—a natural phenomenon accelerated by climate change—scientists project that in our lifetimes what was once considered a hundred-year flood will happen every three to twenty years. ~ Deborah Blum,
882:Capacity to Tolerate Boredom and Low Levels of Stimulation” is one of the recommended attributes on a Space Shuttle–era document drafted by the NASA In-House Working Group on Psychiatric and Psychological Selection of Astronauts. ~ Anonymous,
883:exercise has yet to be embraced as a medical treatment. It doesn’t simply raise serotonin or dopamine or norepinephrine. It adjusts all of them, to levels that, we can only presume, have been optimally programmed by evolution. ~ John J Ratey,
884:People are finally able to look around and say, 'I can see the drought, I can see the rising sea levels, I can see the crops dying. Okay, now I get it.' It is finally beginning to sink in that there has been a lot of damage. ~ Robert Redford,
885:The persistent and sustained reliance on falsehoods as the basis of policy, even in the face of massive and well-understood evidence to the contrary, seems to many Americans to have reached levels that were previously unimaginable. ~ Al Gore,
886:When we deny the poor and the vulnerable their own human dignity and capacity for freedom and choice, it becomes self-denial. It becomes a denial of both our collective and individual dignity, at all levels of society. ~ Jacqueline Novogratz,
887:as the world’s most populous nation approaches middle-income levels, its credit-fuelled, investment-led growth model, with its reliance on low wages, polluting industries and real estate construction, is also running out of steam. ~ Anonymous,
888:Capacity to Tolerate Boredom and Low Levels of Stimulation” is one of the recommended attributes on a Space Shuttle–era document drafted by the NASA In-House Working Group on Psychiatric and Psychological Selection of Astronauts. ~ Mary Roach,
889:Dreams either mean nothing or everything - and when they mean everything, they almost always come as messages from... well, from other levels of the tower.' He gazed at Eddie shrewdly. 'And not all messages are sent by friends. ~ Stephen King,
890:I think the asset management industry, especially in the US, is going through a pretty tough time. If you talk to the CEO of a US asset manager, morale would be at a low, even though stock markets are at almost record levels. ~ Martin Gilbert,
891:I wasn’t fed; I was presented with lukewarm appetitive stimuli. I wasn’t punished, but broken of my unconditioned reflexes. I wasn’t loved, but brought up in an atmosphere of calculated intimacy and intense levels of commitment. ~ Paul Beatty,
892:Setting customer expectations at a level that is aligned with consistently deliverable levels of customer service requires that your whole staff, from product development to marketing, works in harmony with your brand image. ~ Richard Branson,
893:The lowest of the low-poverty countries manage to get along in the world with similar levels of single mother parenting just fine. . . . We plunge more than 1 in 5 of our nation’s children into poverty because we choose to. ~ Rebecca Traister,
894:There’s nothing intrinsic about the manual trades when it comes to generating this particular source of meaning. Any pursuit—be it physical or cognitive—that supports high levels of skill can also generate a sense of sacredness. ~ Cal Newport,
895:To suffer in love is not to suffer in vain. To suffer in love is creative; it takes you to higher levels of consciousness. To suffer without love is utterly a waste; it leads you nowhere, it keeps you moving in the same vicious circle. ~ Osho,
896:In all likelihood, we could raise more revenue by increasing marginal tax rates on the highest income earners, for instance by introducing new tax brackets at the one-million- and ten-million-dollar levels of annual income. ~ Erik Brynjolfsson,
897:It is astounding how much the immune system is strengthened by reducing daily mental stress levels with either visualization or meditation. The other great tonic for the immune system is love—loving ourselves as well as others. ~ Bernie Siegel,
898:Obesity now contributes to the death of more than 360,000 Americans a year. The incidence of childhood obesity is now at epidemic levels. Alarm bells are going off all over the place. But our government has done virtually nothing. ~ Tom Harkin,
899:Usually being a young actor, you've got to go through certain levels of hierarchy, going through bit parts and extra roles and then kind of progressing up the food chain and having the size of your roles grow in that sense. ~ James Frecheville,
900:I don’t want to make an incremental change in some technology in my life. I want to create a whole new technology, and one that is aimed at helping humanity at all levels regardless of geography or ethnicity or age or gender. ~ Elizabeth Holmes,
901:If I had known there was such a thing as Islamic Calligraphy, I would never have started to paint. I have strived to reach the highest levels of artistic mastery, but I found that Islamic Calligraphy was there ages before I was. ~ Pablo Picasso,
902:In Buddhism you study how to release the kundalini to the levels that would certainly afford career success. If we move it further, into the planes of knowledge and wisdom, it enables the practitioner to do just about anything. ~ Frederick Lenz,
903:One thing governors feel, Democrats and Republicans alike, is that we have a health care system that, if you're on Medicaid, you have unlimited access to health care, at unlimited levels, at no cost. No wonder it's running away. ~ Mike Huckabee,
904:There is no correlation between dietary cholesterol and blood cholesterol levels. Framingham residents who ate the most cholesterol, saturated fat, and total calories actually weighed the least and were the most physically active. ~ Mark Sisson,
905:UC Santa Cruz biologist had discovered elevated levels of radiation in fish swimming among some of the 47,500 barrels of nuclear waste that the navy had dumped in a 540-square-mile area around the Farallones between 1946 and 1970. ~ Susan Casey,
906:I don’t care if you eat worms and cardboard; if you eat 35% fewer calories, you will lose weight and your cholesterol levels will improve50 in the short run, but that is not to say that worms and cardboard form a healthy diet. ~ T Colin Campbell,
907:In fact, the effect of the expensive placebo was not significantly different from that of levodopa, the most effective medication for Parkinson’s disease. Levodopa acts by raising levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain. ~ Anonymous,
908:The explains why basal levels of testosterone have little to do with subsequent aggression, and why increases in testosterone due to puberty, sexual stimulation, or the start of mating season don’t increase aggression either. ~ Robert M Sapolsky,
909:Wake up! No one is going to save you. No one is going to take care of your family or your retirement. No one is going to “make things” work out for you. The only way to do so is to utilize every moment of every day at 10X levels. ~ Grant Cardone,
910:We need to understand the more government spends, the more freedom is lost...Instead of simply debating spending levels, we ought to be debating whether the departments, agencies, and programs funded by the budget should exist at all. ~ Ron Paul,
911:When the results came back and were all calculated out, Tim was struck by the results: materialistic people, who think happiness comes from accumulating stuff and a superior status, had much higher levels of depression and anxiety. ~ Johann Hari,
912:Hierarchies are 'dissectible' into their constituent branches, on which the holons form the 'nodes'. The number of levels which a hierarchy comprises is called its 'depth', and the number of holons on any given level its 'span'. ~ Arthur Koestler,
913:I like the challenge of getting players to rise to certain levels, but that's the easy part. The biggest challenge is to get them to believe in what we're doing. They have to understand that it's O.K. to have good days and bad days. ~ Dawn Staley,
914:We want playing our games to entertain people on many different levels. Deeper down, I want to make a connection with the player, and it's the way, to me, of saying to the person playing the game that they're not alone in the world. ~ Tim Schafer,
915:When the results came back4 and were all calculated out, Tim was struck by the results: materialistic people, who think happiness comes from accumulating stuff and a superior status, had much higher levels of depression and anxiety. ~ Johann Hari,
916:While Asian Americans make up between 35 and 60 percent of the workforce in top tech companies like Google and Facebook, they are less than half as likely to reach management levels in the tech industry as their white counterparts.8 ~ Ijeoma Oluo,
917:Because systems of mass communication can communicate only officially acceptable levels of reality, no one can know the extent of the secret unconscious life. No one in America can know what will happen. No one is in real control. ~ Allen Ginsberg,
918:Hearing a succession of mediocre singers does not add up to a single outstanding performance.” In other words, talent is not a commodity you can buy in bulk and combine to reach the needed levels: There’s a premium to being the best. ~ Cal Newport,
919:I will work on myself, since the work on myself is going to be the highest thing I can do for it all, since I understand that as man up-levels his own consciousness, he sees more creative solutions to the problems that he's confronting. ~ Ram Dass,
920:President Obama has called for economic and political empowerment of women globally. The Equal Futures Partnership promotes removal of policy, legal, and regulatory barriers that hold women back at local, state and national levels. ~ Lael Brainard,
921:We have always thought about design as being so much more than just the way something looks. It's the whole thing: the way something works on so many different levels. Ultimately, of course, design defines so much of our experience. ~ Jonathan Ive,
922:Whether there is such a thing as Reality, of which the various levels are only partial aspects, or whether there are only levels, is something that literature cannot decide. Literature recognizes rather the *reality of the levels.* ~ Italo Calvino,
923:Being an art buyer these days is comprehensively and indisputably vulgar. It is the sport of the Eurotrashy, Hedge-fundy, Hamptonites; of trendy oligarchs and oiligarchs; and of art dealers with masturbatory levels of self-regard. ~ Charles Saatchi,
924:Compassionate Artificial Superintelligence or "AI 5.0", empowers humanity and machine with super-intelligence, super-creativity and super-compassion, which will help humanity and machine to reach new levels of evolution of consciousness. ~ Amit Ray,
925:My life is essentially not so unique. On some deeper levels we feel the same, we know the same things. Therefore if I show my life 365 days, moments from those days, it will reflect and it will have connection with lives of all of us. ~ Jonas Mekas,
926:Resilience is the maintenance of high levels of positive affect and well-being in the face of adversity. It is not that resilient individuals never experience negative affect, but rather that the negative affect does not persist. ~ Richard Davidson,
927:When we understand clearly that inner peace is the real source of happiness, and how, through spiritual practice, we can experience progressively deeper levels of inner peace, we will develop tremendous enthusiasm to practice ~ Geshe Kelsang Gyatso,
928:When you have much higher ethical values than the ethical values of your own people, you stop belonging to your own people, to your own country because your people and your country are now located in the low levels of humanity! ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
929:When you put aside your preconceived ideas, your self-centered scale of values, and let intuition have its way with you, you open up by this act new levels of the world. Such an opening-up is the most practical of all activities. ~ Evelyn Underhill,
930:Self-actualizing people - highly functioning people who live at extraordinary levels of awareness - train their minds to focus on what they intend to create and what they intend to manifest, and they won't let anybody change their mind. ~ Wayne Dyer,
931:Some people should have more levels of maturity than others, but you know to have a show that's grounded, tethered to reality, if you follow a group of people for six years and you show no maturity, I think that would be inaccurate. ~ Alex Karpovsky,
932:There are many instances in which those at the uppermost levels of the White House were feeling the President [Barack Obama] was not fully informed of the flow of events and, in some cases, where policies were going in the White House. ~ Ron Suskind,
933:Unless you deplete lots of muscle glycogen every day, there is no physiological reason for you to consume high levels of carbohydrates. In fact, carbohydrates are not required in the human diet for survival the way fat and protein are. ~ Mark Sisson,
934:When you think about the real cost of so-called cheap energy that has driven our prosperity to unprecedented levels, for some of us, to our horror, we've realized that this has the potential for burning brightly and then snuffing out. ~ Sylvia Earle,
935:Work ethic is not a moral virtue that can be cultivated simply by wanting to be a better person. It’s actually a biochemical condition that can be fostered, purposefully, through activity that increases dopamine levels in the brain. ~ Jane McGonigal,
936:-I haven't been writing for years. I lost faith. it's not for me. Too many levels.
-What levels?
-All those levels of existence. us down here, and up there, high above us. the ceiling of the universe. I've chosen nothingness. ~ Tadeusz Konwicki,
937:There are so many levels of understanding and experience when it comes to this thing we call love. In our human relationships, it can be vastly complicated. Each of us has our own unique love-history, perceptions, and expectations. ~ Michael Beckwith,
938:The word which gives the key to the national vice is waste. And people who are wasteful are not wise, neither can they remain young and vigorous. In order to transmute energy to higher and more subtle levels one must first conserve it. ~ Henry Miller,
939:as long as their salespeople maintain sales from existing clients at past levels or above, give them 100 percent of the profit on the first sale for every new client they bring in. They’ll be ten times more motivated to sell new clients. ~ Jay Abraham,
940:Casein, which makes up 87% of cow’s milk protein, promoted all stages of the cancer process. What type of protein did not promote cancer, even at high levels of intake? The safe proteins were from plants, including wheat and soy. As ~ T Colin Campbell,
941:During its short time in Venezuela, the US Army suffered casualties that approached Vietnam War levels, and it eventually had to withdraw. The defeat of the strong at the hands of the weak made Rey Diaz a hero for the twenty-first century. ~ Liu Cixin,
942:In order for the study of consciousness to be complete, we need a methodology that would account not only for what is occurring at the neurological and biochemical levels but also for the subjective experience of consciousness itself. ~ Dalai Lama XIV,
943:The results showed a fivefold increase in breast cancer risk among women with high levels of serum DDT or its metabolites.59 DDT does cause cancer, it does affect human health, and it does cost human lives. Rachel Carson was not wrong. ~ Naomi Oreskes,
944:They look like they’ve just seen the world for the first time, and it’s turning out to be a much shittier place than they thought. And they’re right. The world just went from semi-shitty to never before seen levels of shittiness. ~ Sarah Lyons Fleming,
945:To the extent that children with similar characteristics achieve comparable performance levels, using the performances of similar peers is likely to yield more accurate self-appraisal than using the accomplishments of dissimilar peers ~ Albert Bandura,
946:Extra virgin coconut oil is an excellent food source on so many levels. It’s antibacterial, antiviral, known to help weight loss … even a great wound healer and hair treatment! I highly encourage you to look into this amazing food. ~ Caroline A Shearer,
947:People have different emotional levels. Especially when you're young. Back then I guess most of my influences could be thought of as eccentric. Mass media had no overwhelming reach so I was drawn to the traveling performers passing through. ~ Bob Dylan,
948:Reality, as you currently experience it, is something like a waking dream. It is disguising deeper and more intensified levels of being and knowing. For those who are ready and willing, the doors to those other levels now stand open. ~ Daniel Pinchbeck,
949:The difference between highly functioning people and people who live with ordinary levels of consciousness is that the self-actualizers never put their intention on what they don't want. They know that what you think about is what expands. ~ Wayne Dyer,
950:We're talking about a prison-industrial complex. We're talking about a war on drugs that's generating unprecedented levels of incarcerated folk. We're talking about dilapidated housing. We're talking about joblessness and underemployment. ~ Cornel West,
951:You look at what the world is doing to us at every level, whether it's militarily, or in trade, or in so many other levels, the world is taking advantage of the United States and it's driving us into literally being a third world nation. ~ Donald Trump,
952:I am pretty relentless about exercise. I love working out and doing cardiovascular workouts. I'm now doing the Whole Life Challenge to discover the unhealthy patterns in my diet and to adjust them to more reasonable levels. And more yoga! ~ Tim Matheson,
953:Just like there are different roads that lead to different places, so there are different levels of awareness that lead to different places and we shift in and out of them. These are the ten thousand states of mind that we study in Zen. ~ Frederick Lenz,
954:Life in Ravensbruck took place on two separate levels, mutually impossible. One, the observable, external life, grew every day more horrible. The other, the life we lived with God, grew daily better, truth upon truth, glory upon glory. ~ Corrie ten Boom,
955:No matter what our curriculum requires us to teach or how little class time we have, children must read a lot in order to attain even minimum levels of reading achievement. This requires a daily commitment to reading at school and home. ~ Donalyn Miller,
956:Similarly, dance is not just a raging sea of unrelated bodily movements; the relationship of those movements to one another is what creates integrity and integrality, a coherence and cohesion that the higher levels of our brain process. ~ Daniel Levitin,
957:You can access that on many levels and the human spirit and the human mind responds to those themes because they recognise the veracity of them. That they are real things. Sometimes it even goes beyond logic, it's just a sense of something. ~ Mel Gibson,
958:I have taught history on the high school and college levels, and am or have been a lecturer at the Smithsonian, The National Institutes of Health, and numerous colleges and universities, mostly on science fiction and technology subjects. ~ Jack L Chalker,
959:In a typical study, higher testosterone levels would be observed in those male prisoners with higher rates of aggression. But being aggressive stimulates testosterone secretion; no wonder more aggressive individuals had higher levels. ~ Robert M Sapolsky,
960:I think it would be nearly impossible to find someone who has contributed more to South Carolina than Carroll Campbell. His efforts to transform South Carolina's economy and raise our state's income levels are still paying dividends today. ~ Mark Sanford,
961:The benefits of morning exercise are too many to ignore. From waking you up and enhancing your mental clarity, to helping you sustain higher levels of energy throughout the day, exercising soon after rising can improve your life in many ways. ~ Hal Elrod,
962:There are two levels to your pain: the pain that you create now, and the pain from the past that still lives on in your mind and body. Ceasing to create pain in the present and dissolving past pain - this is what I want to talk about now. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
963:The study of connectedness shows us that the ‘world’ exists at many levels: transport links, phone lines, email paths all create networks of interconnections that bind us together in unlikely ways. Everything is rather closer than we thought. ~ Anonymous,
964:After Kelsey had been taken, she’d quickly learned that people had a finite tolerance for the suffering of others. Empathy went only so far before their personal comfort levels maxed out, and they started backing away from displays of grief. ~ Kylie Brant,
965:the third principle: Morality binds and blinds. The central metaphor of these four chapters is that human beings are 90 percent chimp and 10 percent bee. Human nature was produced by natural selection working at two levels simultaneously. ~ Jonathan Haidt,
966:The world is beset by challenges including the ongoing danger of international terrorism, and the significant political and economic threats posed by factors such as the high levels of corporate and sovereign debt and persistent unemployment. ~ Dan Quayle,
967:We are approaching levels - if we're not beyond levels - of threshold for the number of messages that consumers can take in in a given day. There is a kind of hunger for some kind of new approach to getting the word out about something. ~ Malcolm Gladwell,
968:I am convinced that there are genuine and valid levels of perception available with cannabis (and probably with other drugs) which are, through the defects of our society and our educational system, un-available to us without such drugs. ~ Lester Grinspoon,
969:I don't have a philosophy. If I had a philosophy, it's that I'm kind of literal minded. For example, I would never translate poetry - it's too hard, there are too many levels. Not that prose doesn't have many levels, but it's more grounded. ~ Ann Goldstein,
970:I got my first computer in the 6th grade or so. As soon as I got it, I was interested in finding out how it worked and how the programs worked and then figuring out how to write programs at just deeper and deeper levels within the system. ~ Mark Zuckerberg,
971:The [Donald] Trump plan would increase the national debt a little over a $1 trillion a year, the Trump plan would reduce taxes at all income levels with, of course, the biggest tax cuts going to the richest taxpayers as they always do. ~ Lawrence O Donnell,
972:Things maybe take longer usually when it comes to TV - especially network TV. There are usually multiple levels that you have to go through in terms of the casting director, the producers, the studio, the network, reading with other people. ~ Andre Holland,
973:What is most important is that these individual’s visions became genuinely shared among people throughout all levels of their companies—focusing the energies of thousands and creating a common identity among enormously diverse people.”12 ~ Richard P Rumelt,
974:I'm doing my part, building plants at a record rate, having historic conservation levels. The only people not doing their part is the federal government that is siding with the energy companies against the interests of the people of California. ~ Gray Davis,
975:Thanks to TripAdvisor, a formerly sleepy spot like the Magic Castle Hotel in Los Angeles—ranked number one in the city—is, says Hanson, “able to generate rates and occupancy levels that from a hotel-analyst point of view are quite extraordinary. ~ Anonymous,
976:This rebel would but toss his head, and men,slaves,horses, towers...all the accursed levels above him...would come tumbling down. God always works in this way. Deep in the foundations of wrong he buries the small despised cry of justice. ~ Nikos Kazantzakis,
977:Begin to live in other levels of attention all the time whether you're at work, driving or running on the beach. When you begin to be in a more meditative state all the time you will find that it fits rather well with everything that you do. ~ Frederick Lenz,
978:Comedians have varying levels of training. It can range from classically trained actors (like Robin Williams) to people who took comedy classes to folks who just started doing it. That's the beauty of comedy: it's close to a pure meritocracy. ~ Ted Alexandro,
979:It's a big culture of mind control too, MK-Ultra mind control rules in Hollywood. If you don't know that, google it and look into it. It's really hard for artists to find their voice in the media. It's levels of brainwashing and mind control. ~ Roseanne Barr,
980:It was these secondary levels of life, these extrasensory flashes and floating nuances of being, these pockets of rapport forming unexpectedly, that made me believe we were a magic act, adults and children together, sharing unaccountable things ~ Don DeLillo,
981:My monologues aren't always funny. They're generally thoughtful. Sometimes at different levels of aggravation. And sometimes no aggravation. But the pressure on me is not to be joke-efficient when I'm talking on this mic. And that sets the tone. ~ Marc Maron,
982:Our levels of desire, patience, persistence, and confidence end up playing a much larger role in success than sheer reasoning powers. Feeling motivated and energized, we can overcome almost anything. Feeling bored and restless, our minds shut ~ Robert Greene,
983:The “fragmentary information on what maneuvers will lead to an increase in HDL cholesterol levels,” Gordon and his collaborators wrote, “suggests that physical activity, weight loss and a low carbohydrate intake may be beneficial” (my italics). ~ Gary Taubes,
984:While 45 of the 50 States have either a State constitutional amendment or a statute that preserves the current definition of marriage, left-wing activist judges and officials at the local levels have struck down State laws protecting marriage. ~ John Boehner,
985:From a Buddhist point of view, the first thing to help is yourself, to get your own mind together. And to really understand how to benefit beings, not just on the physical level, but on all levels. Then there are endless beings you can benefit. ~ Tenzin Palmo,
986:I grew up in Ohio, where civil-rights accomplishments had already begun to accelerate before Martin Luther King appeared. In hindsight, we know that many people, black and white, were instrumental in changing the Jim Crow status quo on all levels. ~ Rita Dove,
987:The argument is irrelevant, for at the higher levels, science and art are the same. There is a point where high science transcends the technologic and enters the poetic, there is a point where high art transcends technique and enters the poetic. ~ Tom Robbins,
988:The crisis is a concrete threatening reality today. It stands to get catastrophically worse unless we take action before the accumulation [of] this global warming pollution reaches such toxic levels that the problem becomes bigger than we can solve. ~ Al Gore,
989:I always remain optimistic. There are three levels of music production: the majors, indies, and what I call "inties," music distributed via the Internet. The Internet is one area that I have used pretty effectively to break free of corporate control. ~ Chuck D,
990:I can't verbalize the internal meaning of pictures whatsoever. Some of my friends can at very mystical levels, but I prefer to say that, if I feel something strongly, I would make a photograph, that would be the equivalent of what I saw and felt. ~ Ansel Adams,
991:Jokie: Wait, what’s a time-slice, sire?

Historical Scientist: A time-slice is the tiniest possible interval of time. It is time taken for a single cycle of the radiation produced by the transition between two levels of the cesium 133 atom. ~ Varun Sayal,
992:People say that I'm a tree hugger, but I do a lot more than hug trees. I like having my drinking water without faecal matter, that's really nice. Or acceptable levels of strychnine. I'm an air breather, I've gotten used to that over the years. ~ Robin Williams,
993:That's an important Obama accomplishment: he raised taxes back to Bill Clinton levels, and made a major dent in inequality doing so. That's certain to be reversed, that's going to disappear. The Republicans are going to slash the rich's taxes. ~ Jonathan Chait,
994:Without that passion and urge, there is a gradual oozing out of hope and vitality, a settling down on lower levels of existence, a slow merging into non-existence. We become prisoners of the past and some part of its immobility sticks to us. ~ Jawaharlal Nehru,
995:I should note that the Fayroll world was seamless, so you never had to wait for new levels to load. Noobland, that safe cradle where players were never bothered and almost never threatened, was, therefore, indistinguishable from the big world. ~ Andrey Vasilyev,
996:It has altered,” Leven says, “but only slightly. Nitrogen and oxygen, thank God, are still the main components. But the makeup is now one percent more oxygen, one percent less nitrogen. Greenhouse gases have returned to pre–Industrial Age levels. ~ Blake Crouch,
997:She proceeded with a rather credible and sharply focused verbal flensing that included commentary on parentage, unlikely applications of bodily parts, and ended with imprecations of toxic levels of insectile infestation of certain body cavities. ~ Nathan Lowell,
998:I am with you because I am you or you are me.
   I am with you, that signifies a world of things, because I am with you on all levels, on all planes, from the supreme consciousness down to my most physical consciousness. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother I, [T4],
999:I see a comparison between the two [Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump]. Peace through strength. What Chris Matthews don't grasp is that day Donald Trump gave a speech in which he said he's going to build the U.S. military up to Ronald Reagan levels. ~ Rudy Giuliani,
1000:I want to hide in the plain and boring subtexts of my own life, instead of whatever levels he’s operating on. His levels are big and masculine and laidback and handsome. My levels are uneven, and I keep sliding down them into nonsense and mess. ~ Charlotte Stein,
1001:I was glad, though, for those boys whom we helped to get places at Paddington Coll e of Education. Eighteen months later one boy got his two ' A' levels. And to think that when I first met him his greatest ambition was to kill a white policeman! ~ Buchi Emecheta,
1002:To promote the healing response, you must get past all the grosser levels of the body - cells, tissues, organs and systems -- and arrive at a junction point between mind and matter, the point where consciousness actually starts to have an effect. ~ Deepak Chopra,
1003:What's right with America and what's right with Islam have a lot in common. At their highest levels, both worldviews reflect an enlightened recognition that all of humankind shares a common Creator - that we are, indeed, brothers and sisters. ~ Feisal Abdul Rauf,
1004:I can’t think of anybody…who knows the sum and substance of what I know and feel and cry about in my secret self all the time when I don’t feel strong, the sorrows of time and personality, and can therefore on all levels make it all the way with me ~ Jack Kerouac,
1005:I got a cable from New York saying that what I'd written about the growth of Soviet agricultural production didn't make sense because the same levels were reached under the czars. I wanted to confirm it, but by then the censors were on to me. ~ Harrison Salisbury,
1006:I'm proud of the lyrics because I take a lot of care in writing them. I try to make it so people will want to go in and get really into the lyrics. I hope there are different corners to them, with lots of levels-without sounding pretentious. ~ Andrew VanWyngarden,
1007:I think there's an audience for The Wombles at almost all levels. We thought it was going to be confined to people in their late twenties, early thirties, who remembered it from before - they were maybe 10 or 12 in the Seventies when it was happening. ~ Mike Batt,
1008:People at all levels and in all roles in organizations are wrestling with the challenges of modern life, trying to find ways to create harmony among the different parts of their lives while aiming to achieve their goals and live with purpose. ~ Stewart D Friedman,
1009:The dueling maturity levels in high school is such a source of comedy to me. I was always such a late developer. I was last to walk. I was last to ride a bike. I was last to have sex. That's why it's fun to portray one side of your childhood onscreen. ~ Paul Feig,
1010:When the fear, hurt and loneliness of the shame in a dysfunctional family reaches high levels of intensity, one person, often the most sensitive, becomes the family Scapegoat. The function of this role is to lessen the pain all the members are in. ~ John Bradshaw,
1011:I'm shocked every time that I've reached so many finals or won against so many players or whatever record it is. It strikes me and makes me obviously very happy and very proud that I've been able to do it for so many years at the highest of levels. ~ Roger Federer,
1012:Myth speaks to us on emotional and imaginative levels and extends our minds beyond current thought structures. Myth portrays universal truths and fundamental human patterns which do not alter, and which stand outside the trends of any particular time. ~ Liz Greene,
1013:There are different levels of scripting that we all use; I think I'm the most improvised of the three, and probably Andrew's the most written. But all of that is in pursuit of similar things, and I think that we kind of recognize that in each other. ~ Joe Swanberg,
1014:We need to be open minded to understand that there are lots of different levels of things going on and we shouldn't be so quick to judge - and certainly not to judge a whole race, a whole religion or a whole people - and a lot of that is going on. ~ Angelina Jolie,
1015:A lot of my friends are gangsters. Not like gangsters - well, yeah, all sorts of levels of criminality - but not the types that are preying on innocent people. I have no interest in the type of criminality that has no respect for collateral damage. ~ Charlie Hunnam,
1016:Another change is that all three levels may show up in a small local theater of operations. A troop unit may have a beat, much as police do—an area where they are responsible for maintaining order and perhaps delivering other vital public services. ~ William S Lind,
1017:I can't think of anybody...who knows the sum and substance of what I know and feel and cry about in my secret self all the time when I don't feel strong, the sorrows of time and personality, and can therefore on all levels make it all the way with me ~ Jack Kerouac,
1018:Not one example of significant self-generation or self-organization can be found in the entire realm of nature.... Without causation, nothing happens and without organization by an intelligent being, systems tend to lower and lower levels of complexity. ~ Hugh Ross,
1019:On some levels, you can also have this feeling that we are being duped, somehow. And that the world is at play for something you would understand more if it were pure ideology. It is a very strange time and also basic things are being taken away. ~ Edwidge Danticat,
1020:Since artists are politically impotent, they must use this time to develop at deeper emotional levels. Your work, your war work, is to cultivate your talent, and go in the direction it demands. Warfare, as we remarked, is the enemy of creative activity. ~ Anonymous,
1021:We all place ourselves at various levels, and we are constantly falling from these heights. It is the falls we are ashamed of. Self-esteem is the cause of our shame, of our fall. It is this self-esteem that must be understood, and not the fall. ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti,
1022:We have an obligation to spread amateur baseball both at home and abroad. Building up the game at all levels - Little League, Babe Ruth Leagues, the colleges - is in our own self-interest. That's where the pool of talent is - and also of fans. ~ A Bartlett Giamatti,
1023:[Barack] Obama did not run on anything. Obama ran on (Obama impression) "I'll be whatever you want me be. If you want me to reduce the sea levels, I'll do it. If you want me to cool the planet, I'll cool the planet. You want health care, I'll do it." ~ Rush Limbaugh,
1024:Everybody gets mean stuff on the Internet, Mom. You shouldn’t take it so seriously. Just ignore them. They’ll go away.” That, I think, is a maddening thing to say on so many levels. As if the Internet is a fantasy world, inhabited by imaginary people. ~ Rachel Caine,
1025:Get your testosterone level checked and start with natural ways to normalize it when it is low. What Steals Your Testosterone Levels     • Abdominal fat     • Stress     • Excess sugar, processed foods, and insulin     • Zinc deficiency     • Alcohol ~ Daniel G Amen,
1026:I thought Hillary Clinton was remarkably elegant and intelligent and focusing on the issues even though her opponent was trying to bring the talk always to vulgar, low levels. Even his presence was bullying, was lurking, and was just mainly creepy. ~ Natalie Portman,
1027:Research has shown that people with Metabolic Syndrome or type 2 diabetes all have elevated levels of both triglycerides and these small, dense LDL particles. Of course, these same people have substantially increased risks for heart disease and stroke. ~ Mark Sisson,
1028:There are many examples of companies and countries that have improved their competitiveness and efficiency by adopting open source strategies. The creation of skills through all levels is of fundamental importance to both companies and countries. ~ Mark Shuttleworth,
1029:I'm looking forward to finding someone in life that I can be truly happy with and relate to on all levels - someone I can bounce my stuff off. Right now, though, I'm not searching for that. But I still like knowing it will be out there sometime later. ~ Josh Hartnett,
1030:The demands of leadership have changed. The highest levels if leadership require mastery of a new task: job creation. Traditional leadership through politics, military force, religion, or personal values won't work in the future like it has in the past. ~ Jim Clifton,
1031:The therapist, after a deeply upsetting investigation of normality at this time and place, was bound to conclude that a normal person, functioning well on the upper levels of a prosperous, industrialized society, can hardly hear his conscience at all. ~ Kurt Vonnegut,
1032:Tribalism is a social form which can exist at any level of technology. It's a complete illusion to associate it with low levels of technology. It is probably, in fact, a form of social organization second only to the family in its ability to endure. ~ Terence McKenna,
1033:Everybody has many people inside of them; I think we tend to present the one we feel is most appropriate at first, in order to gain acceptance or achieve what we want. It gets really interesting when this technique fails, and other levels are revealed. ~ Rupert Friend,
1034:My interest in food really began with a months cookery course in Frome, Somerset, after my A-levels. I left the course not an incredible cook, alas, but a real enthusiast. Food and cooking is at the core of entertaining, and my passion grew and grew. ~ Pippa Middleton,
1035:SETH said: When the intellect is used properly, it thinks of a goal and automatically sets the body in motion toward it, and automatically arouses the other levels of communication unknown to it, so that all forces work together toward the achievement. ~ Jane Roberts,
1036:The first work of the director is to set a mood so that the actor's work can take place, so that the actor can create. And in order to do that, you have to communicate, communicate with the actors. And direction is about communication on all levels. ~ William Friedkin,
1037:The subjective emotion we feel is the brain’s best predictive guess that explains the [incoming] interoceptive information at a whole bunch of hierarchical levels,” said Seth. “It’s not just cognition looking down at physiology and interpreting it. ~ Anil Ananthaswamy,
1038:The unprecedented powers that science now makes available must be accompanied by unprecedented levels of ethical focus and concern by the scientific community—as well as the most broadly based public education into the importance of science and democracy. ~ Carl Sagan,
1039:A lot of people trash their subtle physical body with psychedelic drugs. While they do certainly give you experiences in altered levels of attention, you pay a price for it. They definitely screw up the subtle physical. Hatha Yoga can be good for that. ~ Frederick Lenz,
1040:An animal is not cruel; it lives wholly in the instant leap on its prey, in the present taste of marrow or blood. Cruelty begins with the memory, and the pleasures of the memory are impure; they draw their strength along levels where no sun has reached. ~ Storm Jameson,
1041:As blood cholesterol levels decreased from 170 mg/dL to 90 mg/dL, cancers of the liver,II rectum,I colon,II male lung,I female lung, breast, childhood leukemia, adult leukemia,I childhood brain, adult brain,I stomach and esophagus (throat) decreased. ~ T Colin Campbell,
1042:But these structures, forming different levels, are to be regarded as succeeding one another according to a law of development, such that each one brings about a more inclusive and stable equilibrium for the processes that emerge from the preceding level. ~ Jean Piaget,
1043:I live on the other side of Charles Darwin and I can no longer see human light as having been created perfect and falling into sin, I see us rather emerging into higher and higher levels of consciousness and higher and higher levels of complication. ~ John Shelby Spong,
1044:I'm inordinately proud of Smash, on so many levels. The complexity of producing that show, every week, is just incredible. As a television producer and as a Broadway producer, which I once was, I am in awe of what we can do on that show, every week. ~ Robert Greenblatt,
1045:It [9/11 tragedy] has affected us on so many levels: economically, morally, spiritually, ethically. It's been all over the place. A new American identity emerged - we now live in a very different America. This is the power of the definitive event. ~ Porochista Khakpour,
1046:The basic trouble with all long-range population projections is that they are driven by assumptions about birth levels - and there is still no reliable method for predicting fertility levels a generation from now, to say nothing of a century hence. ~ Nicholas Eberstadt,
1047:The most striking feature of the perennial philosophy/psychology is that it presents being and consciousness as a hierarchy of dimensional levels, moving from the lowest, densest, and most fragmentary realms to the highest, subtlest, and most unitary ones. ~ Ken Wilber,
1048:Though Grant’s productivity depends on many factors, there’s one idea in particular that seems central to his method: the batching of hard but important intellectual work into long, uninterrupted stretches. Grant performs this batching at multiple levels. ~ Cal Newport,
1049:Three studies have focused on nonanemic iron deficiency leading to fatigue. Two studies showed that oral iron supplementation reduces fatigue, with no significant change in hemoglobin levels, in women with a ferritin level of less than 50 ng per milliliter, ~ Anonymous,
1050:You want people to go see it by the hoards. And for there to be talk of the possibility of continuing the journey and the ride, if you will, with these characters that we spent so much time honing, and executing this film on all levels, is super exciting. ~ Will Packer,
1051:But these structures, forming different levels, are to be regarded as succeeding one another according to a law of development, such that each one brings about a more inclusive and stable equilibrium for the processes that emerge from the preceding level. ~ Jean Piaget,
1052:I have no doubt that in the future, wearable devices like Fitbit will know my blood pressure, hydration levels and blood sugar levels as well. All of this data has the potential to transform modern medicine and create a whole new era of personalized care. ~ Michael Dell,
1053:There are many levels of Christianity. There are many notions about God. To believe that God is a person is just one of the notions of God that you can find in Christianity. So, we should not say that there is one Christianity. There are many Christianities. ~ Nhat Hanh,
1054:Under President Barack Obama, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus has been invited into the White House and given a seat at the table. Hispanics are serving in unprecedented numbers at the highest levels of this administration, including in the Cabinet. ~ Charlie Gonzalez,
1055:Going out to a place where crowds of drunken people congregate would not make it onto any list of things I like to do. When you get so many people in the same place with lowered inhibitions and increased levels of self-importance, you tend you get trouble. ~ Steve McHugh,
1056:He's a man," Themla said.
"I guess that explains it."
"Hairy, Neanderthalic," Thelma said, "perpetually half-crazed from excessive levels of testosterone, plagued by racial memories of the lost glory of mammoth-hunting expeditions - they're all alike. ~ Dean Koontz,
1057:He was good at this because he had a variety of speeds and levels. He could go slow and be gentle or he could go fast and be hungry. It usually started with one and then moved gradually (and never fast enough but definitely good enough) through the rest. ~ Kristen Ashley,
1058:It's not that I'm necessarily looking for things that are so dark and emotional. But if I see something where the character goes through enormous change, it's very appealing to play all those levels, and that is probably going to involve some dark moments. ~ Tracy Pollan,
1059:As far as the lyrics go, I think I was negotiating a moment in my life where I didn't feel happy. I think I had some existential frustration and I was wrestling with that on a few different levels. I was feeling like I wanted to change a lot of things. ~ Rostam Batmanglij,
1060:For three decades following the war, economists, politicians, commentators and citizens all agreed that high public expenditure, administered by local or national authorities with considerable latitude to regulate economic life at many levels, was good policy. ~ Tony Judt,
1061:If you have low levels of the pituitary peptide oxytocin—sometimes called the master chemical of sociability—and high quantities of the hormone vasopressin, which may suppress your need for affection, you tend to require fewer interpersonal relationships. ~ Michael Finkel,
1062:May your cortisol levels stay low, your dopamine levels high, your oxytocin run thick and rich, your serotonin build to a lovely plateau, and your ability to watch your brain at work keep you fascinated until your last breath. I wish you well on your journey. ~ David Rock,
1063:On the political as on the economic front it's important not to fall into the "not as bad as" trap. High unemployment isn't O.K. just because it hasn't hit 1933 levels; ominous political trends shouldn’t be dismissed just because there’s no Hitler in sight. ~ Paul Krugman,
1064:...these bizarre images... reminded her of the slides of exposed spinal levels in Travis’s office. They hung on the enamelled walls like the codes of insoluble dreams, the keys to a nightmare in which she had begun to play a more willing and calculated role. ~ J G Ballard,
1065:They also explained how the sensors can monitor the levels of acetone on people's breath, and this can be used to tell people who suffer from diabetes when their next insulin shot is due. This is a more discreet method than what is currently on the market. ~ Anne Campbell,
1066:This sucks on so many levels." Dialogue from "Jason X" Rare for a movie to so frankly describe itself. "Jason X" sucks on the levels of storytelling, character development, suspense, special effects, originality, punctuation, neatness and aptness of thought. ~ Roger Ebert,
1067:World War II put feminism on hold for a long time; the men went away to fight, a lot of women in those years got jobs both in teaching and in factories - at all social levels - which they enjoyed very much. A lot of them were quite happy during the war. ~ Margaret Drabble,
1068:You have to realize that most of these guys get in there and fight on heart. I fight with smarts. There is no fighter that is smarter than me. Most of these fighters are ABC, 1-2-3. I am like 4-5-6 levels above them; that's why I'm able to beat them. ~ Floyd Mayweather Jr,
1069:All existing machines and memories use "direct addressing," which is to say that every word in the memory has a numerical address of its own that characterizes it and its position within the memory (the total aggregate of all hierarchic levels) uniquely. ~ John von Neumann,
1070:As with Cesc Fabregas, some players who go and play for foreign clubs improve on a cultural level. It makes them grow on many levels; intellectually, because you have to learn a new language and adapt to another culture, and on a footballing level too. ~ Vicente del Bosque,
1071:If you've been to China, you know there are over 100 cities in China, and the pollution levels are just horrific - 60,000 people a year die in Chinese factories and facilities, because they don't have any safety regulations. It's a carnage; it's Dickensian. ~ Peter Navarro,
1072:Ironically it is GMO plants—many of which are designed to resist insects and other forms of blight and thereby require greatly reduced levels of chemicals, if any—that offer the best hope for reversing environmental assault from chemicals such as pesticides. ~ Ray Kurzweil,
1073:The Golden Rule reminds us of our responsibility to protect and defend human life at every stage of its development. This conviction has led me, from the beginning of my ministry, to advocate at different levels for the global abolition of the death penalty. ~ Pope Francis,
1074:The Occupy movement found places where people who were feeling that anger could come and share it - and that is, as we all know, extremely important in any political movement. The Occupy sites became a way you could gauge the levels of anger and discontent. ~ Arundhati Roy,
1075:You are working up to Mr. Fantastic Fiction levels of Zombie Expert, which is like playing Guitar Hero on some level that actually melts the guitar controller, burning your fingers with searing hot plastic till you scream in pain. Only with words. And zombies. ~ Libba Bray,
1076:An exasperated woman remarked to me, “What do they want—a cookie for not hitting, raping, or threatening women?” Women are afraid of being raped and murdered all the time and sometimes that’s more important to talk about than protecting male comfort levels. ~ Rebecca Solnit,
1077:I really enjoy playing 'Tiger Woods' on the Wii, and you can set the levels to easy, medium, or hard, so I think it's definitely a good way for kids to learn the motion of a golf swing if they want to get into the sport. It makes it more fun for them as well. ~ Rory McIlroy,
1078:I tried eHarmony, because I liked the white hair and glasses of that guy on the commercials, and his manner was gentle, but eHarmony told me that the system and it's twenty nine levels of compatibility couldn't find anyone for me.
That hurt my feelings. ~ Craig Lancaster,
1079:People who reach certain levels of frailty, more important than getting their mammogram, more important than getting their blood pressure tweaked, they're at high risk of falling. If they fall and break their hip, they not only die sooner, they die miserably. ~ Atul Gawande,
1080:What I want to write is that I lay there until morning, with tear-stained eyes, a tear-stained pillow, a tear-stained life. What can one do with levels of gloom and guilt, fear and disbelief, of bewilderment above one's capacity to register? I slept soundly. ~ Darin Strauss,
1081:And then other times life just sucks and there is nothing to learn. You just get used to it sucking until something else happens to make it worse. Maybe nothing ever gets better, you just grow accustomed to constantly increasing levels of bad.” “Life does suck. ~ Liz Schulte,
1082:As the inevitable discussion proceeds in the months ahead, this memo should provide both perspective and a reality check. President Bush's approval numbers will again fall back to more realistic levels fairly quickly. All were quite successful on Election Day. ~ Matthew Dowd,
1083:I shall argue that the problem of grace is fundamentally a problem of integration and what is to be integrated is the diverse parts of the mind - especially those multiple levels of which one extreme is called 'consciousness' and the other the 'unconscious' ~ Gregory Bateson,
1084:Stock prices have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau. I do not feel there will be soon if ever a 50 or 60 point break from present levels, such as (bears) have predicted. I expect to see the stock market a good deal higher within a few months. ~ Irving Fisher,
1085:The privilege of a lifetime is beingwho you are.The goal of the hero tripdown to the jewel pointis to find those levels in the psychethat open, open, openand finally open to the mystery of your Selfbeing Buddha consciousnessor the Christ.That's the journey. ~ Joseph Campbell,
1086:All the impoverishing effects of socialism are with us in the U.S.: reduced levels of investment and saving, the misallocation of resources, the overutilization and vandalization of factors of production, and the inferior quality of products and services. ~ Hans Hermann Hoppe,
1087:Artwork operates on two different levels: On one level there's artwork as a mode of expressivity, and then there's the other side, where the image is a construction that is meant to engage in a discursive field in order to preform a particular function. ~ Kerry James Marshall,
1088:Depth on different levels is so important to me. You look at a band like The Beatles, all their material has so much depth to it. And I want people to be able to run away with my melodies and get lost in them and take the lyrics and be able to relate to them. ~ Haley Reinhart,
1089:I personally always find something really scary about watching little girls learning to manipulate their dads by baby talking. Then they grow up and use the same technique on their boyfriends or husbands. That scares me because it's just so sick on so many levels. ~ Megan Fox,
1090:State Farm combines skills scores with drivers’ biometric data (indicating emotional states), captured from a variety of sensors and cameras. Its data analytics lets the company customize its rates to more closely match actual risk and driver safety levels. ~ Paul R Daugherty,
1091:Naturally, I do blame Françoise. I blame her for having N in the first place. She was young, she was beautiful, she was married to a doctor, and she was intelligent. She could have abstained from producing her first son. It was wrong on a variety of levels. ~ Suzanne Finnamore,
1092:To make flexibility work, it is not only necessary to change our attitude about who is a good worker and who is not, but we have to train managers at all levels to recognize the difference between the number of hours worked and the quality of work produced. ~ Madeleine M Kunin,
1093:I think that fact alone levels everything. Slapstick amazes me, the folly of humans today, the Ponzi schemes, giving birth to eight babies at once, it's amazing... And I know, it's horrible to have your money stolen and all that, but those are amazing stories. ~ Laurel Nakadate,
1094:To be rigorous means consistently applying exacting standards at all times and at all levels, especially in upper management. To be rigorous, not ruthless, means that the best people need not worry about their positions and can concentrate fully on their work. ~ James C Collins,
1095:We can understand first of all that what is happening in the world of becoming, the world we all experience as beings, is that novelty is entering into being, and it is changing the modalities of the real world toward greater and greater levels of integration. ~ Terence McKenna,
1096:I like to look good, but I like my body to function well more than anything. For me, it's as spiritual and intellectual as it is physical. And emotional. I'm a better husband, I'm a better father, if my body is physically functioning at the highest possible levels. ~ Willi Smith,
1097:I think that's pretty crucial for it to succeed and be something more than just something you put your kid in front of and turn on the DVD. We wouldn't have got involved if it were just for little kids. We wanted to write something that works on both levels. ~ John Francis Daley,
1098:I thought Rounders was a comic movie in its way. First time I directed a movie, I wanted to do a comedy. I don't like things that are superficially one thing or another, mainly. My favorite comedies are really smart, too, and have a lot of levels to them as well. ~ Edward Norton,
1099:My message to the kids and our fans is hockey's a great game. There's a lot of hockey being played at all levels. Get involved, do it. We will be back and we will be back better than ever and hopefully as soon as possible. Don't give up on the game. It's too good. ~ Gary Bettman,
1100:Normally, stress is lowest in the morning and rises steadily throughout the day. But the presence of dogs kept self-reported stress at their morning levels all day long. The researchers also found that the presence of dogs increased communication between workers. ~ Gregory Berns,
1101:The practice of mindfulness is one of the most powerful reset buttons we have. When we learn how to slow down internally, we begin to see our habitual reactive patterns. We start to understand how fear, even on subtle levels, may dictate our choices around our work. ~ Maia Duerr,
1102:When you are in the mundane from what is deeper than your self, you realize the mundane to be more than your self, and your self opens. It opens in its structuring and in its form, enabling you as the form of your self to move in the deeper levels of the mundane ~ John de Ruiter,
1103:Across many domains of psychology, one finds that X increases Y to a point, and then it decreases Y....There is no such thing as an unmitigated good. All positive traits, states, and experiences have costs that at high levels may begin to outweigh their benefits. ~ Barry Schwartz,
1104:If we enter the levels of personal existence which have been rediscovered by depth psychology, we encounter the past, the ancestors, the collective unconscious, the living substance in which all living beings participate. ~ Paul Tillich [quoted by Tacey in The Postsecular Sacred],
1105:Ironically, the main task of chess software companies today is to find ways to make the program weaker, not stronger, and to provide enough options that any user can pick from different levels and the machine will try to make enough mistakes to give him a chance. ~ Garry Kasparov,
1106:people did not lie if the situation did not call for it: at levels of zero complexity (i.e., our control condition), 100% of our participants were truthful. On the other hand, people were surprisingly “quick” to falsify at the first hint of substantial complexity. One ~ Anonymous,
1107:Fishing provides that connection with the whole living world. It gives you the opportunity of being totally immersed, turning back into yourself in a good way. A form of meditation, some form of communion with levels of yourself that are deeper than the ordinary self. ~ Ted Hughes,
1108:If you have got high-ranking officials reaching down five levels in the bureaucracy to drag an analyst up to their office to berate them and threaten their jobs because they don't like the conclusions about an intelligence matter, that, in my view, is dangerous. ~ Christopher Dodd,
1109:Part of our training in advance of flying on the shuttle was meant to let us experience and recognize the symptoms of high CO2; we each went into a booth in the flight medicine clinic to put on a breathing mask that gave us slowly increasing levels of carbon dioxide. ~ Scott Kelly,
1110:Three Levels of Processing: Visceral, Behavioral, and Reflective. Visceral and behavioral levels are subconscious and the home of basic emotions. The reflective level is where conscious thought and decision-making reside, as well as the highest level of emotions. ~ Donald A Norman,
1111:If we believe empathy is finite, like pizza, and practicing empathy with someone leaves fewer slices for others, then perhaps comparing levels of suffering would be necessary. Luckily, however, empathy is infinite and renewable. The more you give, the more we all have. ~ Bren Brown,
1112:I suggest that the introductory courses in science, at all levels from grade school through college, be radically revised. Leave the fundamentals, the so-called basics, aside for a while, and concentrate the attention of all students on the things that are not known. ~ Lewis Thomas,
1113:The two things in the world we all share in this world are laughter and pain. We've all got problems. The levels of those problems vary, but we've all got problems. When you can take things that are painful and make them funny, that's a gift - to you and your audience. ~ Kevin Hart,
1114:because of their higher baseline levels of oxytocin and estrogen (which regulates oxytocin instead of dampening it like male hormones do), most women experience the “tend and befriend” response—oxytocin primes them to care for and connect with others when stressed.10 ~ Paul Coughlin,
1115:From a personal experience and the examination of literature, I feel that we cannot take for granted that a dialogue, without information and perhaps without understanding, is possible between any individuals or groups on all levels. So the prerequisite is information. ~ Idries Shah,
1116:I think, when you're great, not everyone's going to give you your props, and you can't really worry about that. In my eyes, I'm still climbing. I'm still taking myself to the next levels in my career, and that's fine with me. When it's time for my rewards, I will get them. ~ Lil Kim,
1117:No human enterprise can succeed at the highest levels without consistency; if you bring no coherent unifying concept and disciplined methodology to your endeavors, you’ll be whipsawed by changes in your environment and cede your fate to forces outside your control. ~ James C Collins,
1118:The field as a whole is defined as a system of deviations on different levels and nothing, either in the institutions or in the agents, the acts or discourses they produce, has meaning except relationally, by virtue of the interplay of oppositions and distinctions. ~ Pierre Bourdieu,
1119:At the core of IFS is the notion that the mind of each of us is like a family in which the members have different levels of maturity, excitability, wisdom, and pain. The parts form a network or system in which change in any one part will affect all the others. ~ Bessel A van der Kolk,
1120:I'm a nice middle class public schoolboy who underachieved and wasn't going anywhere fast. I didn't get any GCSEs or A-levels. But everyone was like: "Please, will you do something?" And I was thinking: "Well, I kind of like the idea of joining the French Foreign Legion." ~ Tom Hardy,
1121:Love for me is my North Star. It's the highest form of grace. And I love that there's different levels and different ways of showing it, and different representations of it. Whether it's love shown to a stranger, love to a sibling, your child, your parents, your partner. ~ Ben Harper,
1122:One feels so despairing on some levels about what's going on in our culture, in regards to things like gender inequality. But there is progress. There is enhanced empathy and respect for others, we are fighting the tide, even though it seems like a tug of war sometimes. ~ Uma Thurman,
1123:You will have your own examples of a work environment that seems to be firing on all cylinders. It will be a place where performance levels are consistently high, where turnover levels are low, and where a growing number of loyal customers join the fold every day. ~ Marcus Buckingham,
1124:I remember back in the day, when Jordan wore the 7s, something magical always happened. He always performed at high levels, but it was something different when he laced up the 7s. Some of the Jordans still have that juice that MJ left in them, and the 7 is one of them. ~ Nate Robinson,
1125:I think the success of 'Downton' is partly because there are effectively 18 leading characters, all given equal importance, so it's enormously involving on many levels. But also, it's a new story. It's not like Dickens or Austen, where everyone knows the denouement. ~ Michelle Dockery,
1126:This is really skin privilege, the ranking of color in terms of its closeness to white people or white-skinned people and its devaluation according to how dark one is and the impact that has on people who are dedicated to the privileges of certain levels of skin color. ~ Toni Morrison,
1127:Genghis and his immediate descendants killed upwards of 40 million people, causing millions of acres of farmland to go untended and return to the wild. This massive destruction caused global carbon levels to plummet and the first and only case of man-made global cooling. ~ Michael Rank,
1128:If you want to make good decisions as the day wears on, watch for signs of fatigue. Even seemingly trivial levels damage performance. Build in ways for yourself and others to take breaks, whether it’s getting a bite to eat or taking a few minutes to stretch your legs. ~ Robert I Sutton,
1129:I'm just trying to spread the word and upturn the myth that actually you should be resting after cancer treatment. You shouldn't; you should be getting out and doing any kind of exercise you can. You don't have to run a marathon, but you just have to up your activity levels. ~ Jo Brand,
1130:NVC can be effectively applied at all levels of communication and in diverse situations: intimate relationships, families, schools, organizations and institutions, therapy and counseling, diplomatic and business negotiations, disputes and conflicts of any nature. ~ Marshall B Rosenberg,
1131:The bureaucracy is a circle from which one cannot escape. Its hierarchy is a hierarchy of knowledge. The top entrusts the understanding of detail to the lower levels, whilst the lower levels credit the top with understanding of the general, and so all are mutually deceived. ~ Karl Marx,
1132:There can be conceptual skeletons on several different levels of abstraction. For instance, the "isomorphism" between Bongard problems 70 and 71, already pointed out, involves higher-level conceptual skeleton than that needed to solve either problem in isolation. ~ Douglas R Hofstadter,
1133:Well, what there ought to be is an international labor organization, a confederation of the trade unions of all the countries speaking for the workers who are competing with one another, and talking about the difference in wage levels between, say, Europe and Indonesia. ~ Richard Rorty,
1134:Wisdom was distinguished from mere knowledge by Isaiah (11:2), by Paul (1 Corinthians 12:8–9), and by Scholastic philosophy, which spoke of analytic intelligence and intuitive or “connatural” intelligence (“like knows like”) as two very different levels of consciousness. ~ Richard Rohr,
1135:Don’t fall into the trap of being negative, complacent, or just taking whatever life brings your way. Set the tone for victory, for success, for new levels. Enlarge your vision. Make room for God to do something new. You haven’t touched the surface of what He has in store. ~ Joel Osteen,
1136:Everywhere I went, in every country, people complained about their education system. It was a universal truth and a strangely reassuring one. No one was content, and rightly so. Educating all kids to high levels was hard, and every country—every one—still had work to do. ~ Amanda Ripley,
1137:For me, makeup is about being your best self. If I wake up in a foul mood and have to deal with temper tantrums and an exploding diaper--I know taking 10 minutes to get my game face on will reset my stress levels. It's a chance to check in and remind myself--you got this. ~ Jessica Alba,
1138:It is not the poor who are joining – persons of all income levels are equally likely to join. Men are almost as likely as women to become Protestants and the unmarried are not different from the married. Young people are slightly more likely than those over 50 to convert. ~ Rodney Stark,
1139:One level completely contains all levels; It is not matter, mind nor activity. In an instant eighty-thousand teachings are fulfilled; In a twinkling the evil of eons is destroyed.

~ Hsuan Chueh of Yung Chia, 37 - One level completely contains all levels (from The Shodoka)
1140:Other children would be sent to England for school and they would come back to form an elite class.” Next to him, Marjorie shifted her weight, and Marcus tried not to look at her. It was the way most people lived their lives, on upper levels, not stopping to peer underneath. ~ Yaa Gyasi,
1141:St. Catherine of Genoa's life combined the noblest forms of Christian service with the highest levels of contemplative prayer. May her life and her doctrine help us, too, to live out our Christian discipleship, inspired by the love of God she taught and exemplified. ~ Catherine of Siena,
1142:The Antarctic ice sheet has reached record levels in the midst of so-called climate change and global warming. It's the same thing at the North Pole. Arctic ice sheet levels are at record levels. The North Pole is supposed to have been melted by now, according to Algore. ~ Rush Limbaugh,
1143:We cannot talk with [animals] as we can with human beings, yet we can communicate with them on mental and emotional levels. They should, however, be accorded equality in that they should receive both compassion and respect; it is unworthy of us to exploit them in any way. ~ Rebecca Hall,
1144:Earlier generations of machines decreased the complexity of tasks. In contrast, information technologies can increase the intellectual content of work at all levels. Work comes to depend on an ability to understand, respond to, manage, and create value from information. ~ Shoshana Zuboff,
1145:I don't think you understand what levels or what fears until you have a child of your own. I mean, I've never loved someone so much and I've never been so afraid in my life. And the truth is I would kill someone, whoever tried to hurt him. I would. I have no doubt about it. ~ Maria Bello,
1146:I have seen that those who eat low carbohydrate meals are able to control the change in their glucose levels far easier; that is the rise from the pre-meal reading to the post-meal reading. The lower the rise the better the control and this leads to better long term results. ~ Tim Noakes,
1147:I think you have moments of doubt and moments where it feels really hard. You certainly have to be patient, and I'm a very impatient person. It's been like when Yoda teaches Luke to be a Jedi; the things that I do professionally have taught me new levels of patience. ~ Henry Lloyd Hughes,
1148:Now, you can just get a laptop, get some software, put a microphone on it and make a record. You have to know how to do it. It does help if you've had 35 or 40 years of experience in the studio. But, it still levels the playing field so artists can record their own stuff. ~ Roger McGuinn,
1149:Of course, wonders can be accomplished with the right individual selections, bought at the right levels, and later sold after a huge rise and before the probable decline. But the average investor can no more expect to accomplish this than to find money growing on trees. ~ Benjamin Graham,
1150:The state of our civilization manifests itself both in the non-problems that terrify us beyond all reason - rising sea levels - and in the real problems we pay no heed to [population decline]...In reality, much of the planet will be uninhabited long before it's uninhabitable ~ Mark Steyn,
1151:We are not primarily biological, with mind emerging as a kind of iridescence, a kind of epiphenomenon at the higher levels of organization of biology. We are hyperspatial objects of some sort that cast a shadow into matter. The shadow in matter is our physical organism. ~ Terence McKenna,
1152:At the smallest levels, the universe operates according to very different rules from those of the sensual world. There are contradictions and impossibilities, paradoxes and strangenesses, a Lewis Carroll logic; yet this is the most accurate description of how reality works. ~ Ian McDonald,
1153:Lots of kids when they get their first instrument hammer away at it but they don't realise there are so many levels of dynamics with a guitar. You can play one note on a guitar and it really gets to people if it is the right note in the right place played by the right person. ~ Gary Moore,
1154:Pirenne was quite right that the ancient trading economy continued after the first invasions and the establishment of the mixed Romano-barbarian successor kingdoms. Some kind of connectivity by sea endured continuously, even if at very low levels (Horden and Purcell 2000). ~ Henri Pirenne,
1155:Today the common man is celebrated so long as he is no longer common. Respect isn't automatically granted to people who do working-class jobs. Instead, it goes to those who grab the slipper levels of social mobility and climb out on the backs of those they leave behind. ~ James Bloodworth,
1156:You may have heard the expression “greater levels, greater devils.” This typically implies that when you are promoted spiritually, you should expect more intense warfare in your life. Yet what we sometimes fail to realize is that when God promotes us, He also protects us. ~ Kris Vallotton,
1157:A crisis allows us the opportunity to dig deep into the reservoirs of our very being, to rise to levels of confidence, strength, and resolve that otherwise we didn't think we possessed. Through adversity, we come face to face with who we really are and what really counts. ~ Jon Huntsman Jr,
1158:Alcohol consumption raises estrogen levels and—the bad news—slows down fat burning because your liver is busy processing alcohol instead of fat. Studies in postmenopausal women show that estrogen levels increase dramatically with each serving of alcohol you drink each day. ~ Sara Gottfried,
1159:Another factor that seems to me to be equally important is the great myth and rationale of 'the modern,' that it places dynamite at the foot of old error and levels its shrines and monuments. Contempt for the past surely accounts for a consistent failure to consult it. ~ Marilynne Robinson,
1160:I found that people had all kinds of levels of consciousness, all kinds of levels of education, but that Cubans in general were very educated politically. I could go sit in a bus and get into a conversation with someone and that person had a wealth of knowledge. And energy! ~ Assata Shakur,
1161:In a globally integrated economy, the biggest challenge is to make sure there is adequate global aggregate demand, achieved through spending, when countries like China feel they must save high levels of dollar reserves to protect against international currency volatility. ~ Joseph Stiglitz,
1162:Religion does what philosophy could never do; it shows the equal dealings of Heaven to the happy and the unhappy, and levels all human enjoyments to nearly the same standard. It gives to both rich and poor the same happiness hereafter, and equal hopes to aspire after it. ~ Oliver Goldsmith,
1163:THE DELAYED MATURATION of the frontal cortex suggests an obvious scenario, namely that early in adolescence the frontal cortex has fewer neurons, dendritic branches, and synapses than in adulthood, and that levels increase into the midtwenties. Instead, levels decrease. ~ Robert M Sapolsky,
1164:The kind of theater that I do is sort of ‘narrative realism,’ which I think in the broadest sense is legitimate to say is mainstream. I mean, in a certain sense, Suzan-Lori's plays have had mainstream levels of success. But Suzan-Lori is in some ways not a narrative realist. ~ Tony Kushner,
1165:If our government won't spend the money to protect New Orleans sufficiently today, what are the chances we will spend the money to protect dozens of coastal cities post-2050, once everyone knows that sea levels will keep rising and intense hurricanes will occur relentlessly? ~ Joseph J Romm,
1166:In no way have we contemplated the intervention of the army in tasks that belong to police at the different levels of government. What is contemplated .. is support from the army in these tasks but not in direct actions that correspond to municipal, state and federal police. ~ Ruben Aguilar,
1167:In the twenty-first century, the most successful leaders will focus on sustaining superior performance by aligning people around mission and values, and empowering leaders at all levels, while concentrating on serving customers and collaborating throughout the organization. ~ Daniel Goleman,
1168:Of course, there are different truths on different levels. Things are true relative to other things; "long" and "short" relate to each other, "high" and "low," and so on. But is there any absolute truth? Something self-sufficient, independently true in itself? I don't think so. ~ Dalai Lama,
1169:There’s support for the idea—three of my favorites are that (a) forcing depressed people to smile makes them feel better; (b) instructing people to take on a more “dominant” posture makes them feel more so (lowers stress hormone levels); and (c) muscle relaxants decrease ~ Robert M Sapolsky,
1170:Today, the stranglehold of the controlling negative forces upon Earth is extremely advanced and is choking the very life from our planet. The effects of this are evident everywhere in the form of fear, separation, war, disease and multifarious kinds of disharmony on all levels. ~ David Icke,
1171:To try to write love is to confront the muck of language; that region of hysteria where language is both too much and too little, excessive (by the limitless expansion of the ego, by emotive submersion) and impoverished (by the codes on which love diminishes and levels it). ~ Roland Barthes,
1172:We look for opportunities to play together including basketball, tennis, swimming, riding bikes and touch football. I try to provide a loving environment where we can play. I think that's good on so many levels - emotionally, for family interactions and, of course, physically. ~ Alan Thicke,
1173:Alcohol consumption raises estrogen levels and���the bad news—slows down fat burning because your liver is busy processing alcohol instead of fat. Studies in postmenopausal women show that estrogen levels increase dramatically with each serving of alcohol you drink each day. ~ Sara Gottfried,
1174:And it's absolutely true that male sexual behaviour and female responses to male demands change a lot when they start communicating - and the levels of the communication that I've seen on the ground in very, very poor areas are so high and I think why don't we have that here? ~ Emma Thompson,
1175:As a young woman in politics, it also gives me great pleasure to see additional female cabinet representation here today. You know, these are very high levels of representation for women around the cabinet table and I think that that's something that's very important to me. ~ Michelle Rempel,
1176:Born of necessity, the little fellow literally freed us of immediate worry. He provided the means for expanding our organization to its present dimensions and for extending the medium of cartoon animation toward new entertainment levels. He spelled production liberation for us. ~ Walt Disney,
1177:Darquesse is the sorcerer who destroys the world," Finbar said. "And I mean she levels it. I've seen cities flattened, like a nuke had gone off. Everything's burning. I see little snippets as it happens. This woman in black... Mevolent was nothing compared to this kind of evil. ~ Derek Landy,
1178:There are many levels of life which we cannot see and know, yet which certainly exist. There is a larger world, vast enough to include immortality.... Our spiritual natures belong to this larger world ... If death is apparently an outward fact, immortality is an inner certainty. ~ Manly Hall,
1179:Grassroots organizing tends to be most available to big campaigns, but it's actually most useful to small ones. You can't win a presidential campaign without going on TV, but you can win a local election simply by organizing your community. NationBuilder levels the playing field. ~ Joe Greene,
1180:Increased government spending can provide a temporary stimulus to demand and output but in the longer run higher levels of government spending crowd out private investment or require higher taxes that weaken growth by reducing incentives to save, invest, innovate, and work. ~ Martin Feldstein,
1181:I think we should be prepared, given environmental and political change for large-scale migration. If sea levels rise and 200 million people in Bangladesh and 300 million people in Indonesia need to move, and the entire Chinese seaboard, New York City - that's going to be huge. ~ Mohsin Hamid,
1182:study of a religious forty-day fast found that baseline growth hormone levels increased from 0.73 ng/mL to peak at 9.86 ng/mL. That is a 1250 percent increase in growth hormone, all done without drugs. And a 1992 study showed a fivefold increase in growth hormone in response to a ~ Jason Fung,
1183:The Great Leveller," Dogman whispered to himself, since he was in a thoughtful frame of mind. That's what the hillmen call him. Death, that is. He levels all differences. Named Men and nobodies, south or north. He catches everyone in the end, and he treats each man the same. ~ Joe Abercrombie,
1184:The Great Leveller,' Dogman whispered to himself, since he was in a thoughtful frame of mind. That's what the hillmen call him. Death, that is. He levels all differences. Named Men and nobodies, south or north. He catches everyone in the end, and he treats each man the same. ~ Joe Abercrombie,
1185:The Great Leveller,” Dogman whispered to himself, since he was in a thoughtful frame of mind. That’s what the hillmen call him. Death, that is. He levels all differences. Named Men and nobodies, south or north. He catches everyone in the end, and he treats each man the same. ~ Joe Abercrombie,
1186:Transcendence refers to the very highest and most inclusive or holistic levels of human consciousness, behaving and relating, as ends rather than means, to oneself, to significant others, to human beings in general, to other species, to nature, and to the cosmos. ~ Abraham Maslow, 1971, p269,
1187:You're going to see crime levels in America that are going to rival that of a Third World country. Welcome Mexico City. You're going to start seeing people being kidnapped in this country like they do in other underdeveloping nations. It's going to be very violent in America. ~ Gerald Celente,
1188:Einstein also recognized the power of simplicity, and it was the key to his breakthroughs in physics. He noted that the five ascending levels of intellect were, “Smart, Intelligent, Brilliant, Genius, Simple.” For Einstein, simplicity was simply the highest level of intellect. ~ Mohnish Pabrai,
1189:I decided this early on at Justice: if the traditional way was the most effective way of doing something, then we'd maintain it. But if it was not functioning at optimum levels, we would be doing the country a disservice by continuing to do things "like we've always done them." ~ John Ashcroft,
1190:If you want to attract, create, and sustain extraordinary levels of success and income, you must first figure out how to become the person that is capable of easily and consistently attracting, creating, and sustaining the extraordinary levels of success and income that you desire. ~ Hal Elrod,
1191:It was the kiss. For that brief moment, the volume of her world had been cranked up to Metallica levels, and she had loved the booming bass, and the spinning and twirling, and the sense that her heart had taken flight and not left her body, but taken her physical form along with it. ~ J R Ward,
1192:On average, women need to be asked to run seven times before they actually do. While men, who are more likely to run, usually decide to do so on their own. We should be asking more women we know to run for offices across the spectrum - at the local, state, and federal levels. ~ Tammy Duckworth,
1193:For me the most important issue is climate change because it in some ways trumps every other issue. Everything else we care about falls by the wayside if the Greenland ice shelf falls into the sea. And if suddenly sea levels rise 21 feet, everything we hold near and dear ceases to exist. ~ Moby,
1194:In my years of public service at both the federal and state levels, I have had the privilege of representing most of the communities that make up Congressional District 21, including Hialeah, Westchester, Doral, Kendall, Miami Lakes, Hialeah Gardens, Medley and Palmetto Bay. ~ Mario Diaz Balart,
1195:I think a portfolio standard should go beyond wind, solar and geothermal energy to include renewable energy like hydropower and clean alternatives such as coal gasification, clean coal, nuclear energy and, finally, credits for achieving new levels of efficiency and conservation. ~ Pete Domenici,
1196:I think there [are] great economies that can be made starting with a round of base closings, ... I want the president to veto these pork-barrel spending bills which have grown to incredible obscene levels. I believe there are a number of weapons systems that have to be eliminated. ~ John McCain,
1197:Our levels of desire, patience, persistence, and confidence end up playing a much larger role in success than sheer reasoning powers. Feel motivated and energized, we can overcome almost anything. Feeling bored and restless, our minds shut off and we become increasingly passive. ~ Robert Greene,
1198:Republicans are significantly less likely to view fact-checkers favorably. Among those with lower levels of political knowledge, the difference between Republican and Democratic voters is fairly small — 29 percent of Republicans have a favorable view, versus 36 percent of Democrats. ~ Anonymous,
1199:Books had become a symbol of trust and libraries places of peace and stability. In all the chaos of the world that counted people as different levels of worthy, the Library served all equally. All genders, races, levels of ability. It was the one place they could all be safe, p195 ~ Rachel Caine,
1200:I think that's the job of each of us - to show our best toys and our best tricks that lift us and our friends to higher and higher levels. There is no end to this bootstrapping process. The future of the human mind and body and the future of humans together is endlessly bright. ~ Terence McKenna,
1201:It sometimes happens that you just know... You have a feeling that things are coinciding, and that they operate and work on a number of levels - obviously visual aesthetics, but also content and narrative in terms of the bigger picture. When document and metaphor come together. ~ Paolo Pellegrin,
1202:Managers at lower levels lack the perspective and the confidence to maintain a strategy. There will be constant pressures to compromise, relax trade-offs, and emulate rivals. One of the leader’s jobs is to teach others in the organization about strategy—and to say no. Strategy ~ Michael E Porter,
1203:Many studies have shown that athletes will continue to get in better shape from exercise until they start exercising too much.3 When that happens, they actually begin gaining weight. The reason is that overtraining elevates cortisol4 levels, and cortisol turns on the FAT Programs.5 ~ Jon Gabriel,
1204:My original idea- and I still want to do it -for Pinko Records, would be to create a platform for other artists to do the same thing I did. They could create their own levels of donation and final goal. I have no idea how I would make any money on that -but I don't think like that. ~ Jill Sobule,
1205:Competition can be viewed in two ways. It can be viewed in a negative light and be seen as destructive, but one can also have the view that it is competition that drives people and institutions to higher and higher levels of excellence and, therefore, to more and more opportunity. ~ Lee R Raymond,
1206:I also think now that Islamic terrorism is going to be front and center, there is going to be a new focus on whether this administration, the administration of Hillary Clinton at State, was permeated at the highest levels by Saudi intelligence and others who are not loyal Americans. ~ Roger Stone,
1207:I was told very sternly at the hospital to avoid boys at all costs. Mess up your levels."

"Oh, they do that!" Amy laughs. "Probably best to leave them alone for a while. The secret, though, is to start with one you're not that bothered about."

What is the point in that? ~ Teri Terry,
1208:Testosterone is a sex hormone, and I think it is the most social of hormones. The major social effect of testosterone is to orient us toward issues of sex and power. By the end of puberty testosterone levels in males are 8 to 10 times higher than in females, but decrease with age. ~ James McBride,
1209:The bottom line is something that’s been known (and mostly ignored) for over forty years. The one thing we absolutely have to do if we want to get leaner—if we want to get fat out of our fat tissue and burn it—is to lower our insulin levels and to secrete less insulin to begin with. ~ Gary Taubes,
1210:The two highest levels of influence are achieved when 1) people follow you because of what you've done for them, and 2) people follow you because of who you are. In other words, the highest levels of influence are reached when generosity and trustworthiness surround your behavior. ~ Dale Carnegie,
1211:We need to heal the environment - that's a big thing - because we messed it up and we have a responsibility to heal and clean up what we have messed up before we think about leaving here. We can't really heal the outer environment on those levels until we heal our families. ~ Drunvalo Melchizedek,
1212:If we can take young people who excel at the highest levels, put them on the same kind of pedestal as the all-state basketball player and the all-state football player, and begin to get the same kind of recognition, it will have a profound effect, and we are finding that it does. ~ Benjamin Carson,
1213:The reality remains that teamwork ultimately comes down to practicing a small set of principles over a long period of time. Success is not a matter of mastering subtle, sophisticated theory, but rather of embracing common sense with uncommon levels of discipline and persistence. ~ Patrick Lencioni,
1214:The two highest levels of influence are achieved when (1) people follow you because of what you’ve done for them and (2) people follow you because of who you are. In other words, the highest levels of influence are reached when generosity and trustworthiness surround your behavior. ~ Dale Carnegie,
1215:They really do feel under attack, rank-and-file officers and much of American police leadership, that they feel they're under attack from the federal government at the highest levels. So that's something we need to understand also, this sense of perception that becomes a reality. ~ William Bratton,
1216:This “holy man,” a peasant from Siberia, had somehow gained entry to the highest levels of St. Petersburg society by preaching that people should sin as much as possible to find their path to God. He fully embodied his mantra by drinking to excess and hosting orgies at his home. ~ Gwendolyn Womack,
1217:This test measures serum levels of this important hormone-vitamin. I test all of my patients for not just vitamin D (expressed clinically as 25OH), but also its receptor-activating metabolite (1,25). Ideally 25OH should be between 50 and 80 ng/mL; 1,25 should be within normal range. ~ Kelly Brogan,
1218:Watch your thoughts as you watch the street traffic. People come and go; you register without response. It may not be easy in the beginning, but with some practice you will find that your mind can function on many levels at the same time and you can be aware of them all. ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj,
1219:According to a cluster of recent behavioral science studies, autonomous motivation promotes greater conceptual understanding, better grades, enhanced persistence at school and in sporting activities, higher productivity, less burnout, and greater levels of psychological well-being.3 ~ Daniel H Pink,
1220:Growth in philosophical understanding, or just plain wisdom, is always a matter of being able to distinguish between levels of truth, and frames of reference, at the same time being able to see one's own life in its intimate relation to these differing and ever more universal levels. ~ Alan W Watts,
1221:Not just as an actress, but on a human-being level, I've experienced frustration on many different levels. [With my] career, it would be more the frustration of not always finding challenging material or inspiring material ... [Acting is] therapeutic for me. I'm pretty accommodating. ~ Vera Farmiga,
1222:Social media requires that business leaders start thinking like small-town shop owners. This means taking the long view and avoiding short-term benchmarks to gauge progress. It means allowing the personality, heart and soul of the people who run all levels of the business to show. ~ Gary Vaynerchuk,
1223:There was no association of cortisol with fertility. But those whose alpha-amylase   levels were in the highest third, a sign of longstanding stress, had more than double the risk of infertility. The scientists controlled for age, race, income and other health and socioeconomic factors. ~ Anonymous,
1224:Too much of the income gains go to too few people, even though all of the stakeholders worked together to make their companies successful. By failing to put enough income into more hands, the GDP grows slower and consumers manage to meet their needs by incurring high levels of debt. ~ Philip Kotler,
1225:We are not paying taxes, we are investing in our society. We are purchasing quality of life. The key to understanding the high levels of well-being in Denmark is the welfare model’s ability to reduce risk, uncertainty, and anxiety among its citizens and to prevent extreme unhappiness. ~ Meik Wiking,
1226:It’s] pretty clear that times of high carbon dioxide—and especially times when carbon dioxide levels rapidly rose—coincided with the mass extinctions,” writes University of Washington paleontologist and End-Permian mass extinction expert Peter Ward. “Here is the driver of extinction. ~ Peter Brannen,
1227:The Great Leveller,’ Dogman whispered to himself, since he was in a thoughtful frame of mind. That’s what the hillmen call him. Death, that is. He levels all differences. Named Men and nobodies, south or north. He catches everyone in the end, and he treats each man the same. Seemed ~ Joe Abercrombie,
1228:The sciences are sometimes likened to different levels of a tall building: logic in the basement, mathematics on the ground floor, then particle physics, then the rest of physics and chemistry, and so forth, all the way up to psychology, sociology – and the economists in the penthouse. ~ Bill Bryson,
1229:By the way, the next time you get your cholesterol checked, make a note of the season. Because sunlight converts cholesterol to vitamin D, cholesterol levels can be higher in winter months, when we continue to make and eat cholesterol but there’s less sunlight available to convert it. ~ Sharon Moalem,
1230:It seems to me that everyone on this planet whom I know or have worked with is suffering from self-hatred and guilt to one degree or another. The more self-hatred and guilt we have, the less our lives work. The less self-hatred and guilt we have, the better our lives work, on all levels. ~ Louise Hay,
1231:[It’s] pretty clear that times of high carbon dioxide—and especially times when carbon dioxide levels rapidly rose—coincided with the mass extinctions,” writes University of Washington paleontologist and End-Permian mass extinction expert Peter Ward. “Here is the driver of extinction. ~ Peter Brannen,
1232:Our levels of desire, patience, persistence, and confidence end up playing a much larger role in success than sheer reasoning powers. Feeling motivated and energized, we can overcome almost anything. Feeling bored and restless, our minds shut off and we become increasingly passive. In ~ Robert Greene,
1233:People are weird. We do live on all levels at the same time and you can be fighting and flirting, and there can be fury and sexual tension. All that stuff can co-exist so it's just a testament to how complex we are. Or maybe it's a testament to how boringly we try and simplify everything. ~ Alice Eve,
1234:Science is showing us that there are neurological (brain) factors that contribute to self-control and willpower, along with learning and upbringing. And when these brain systems are functioning improperly or become damaged, normal levels of self-control and willpower are impossible. ~ Russell Barkley,
1235:The main difference lies in wage levels, which is because our workers are not yet as well trained as in other countries. We are a poor country. This is why we must accept the conditions that prevail in international markets. But our trade unions do represent the rights of workers. ~ Nguyen Minh Triet,
1236:I strongly believe that non-violence should be taught at school levels as an important subject. Specially experiments with non-violence should be taught with due importance. I urge the United Nations to play its role to spread the value of non-violence in the school levels across the world. ~ Amit Ray,
1237:We're now seeing levels of inequality raise their heads that we haven't seen since the age of the robber barons. If somebody watched The Deuce, and understood the allegory about capital and labor, and understands what happens when one side is vulnerable to the other, that would be swell. ~ David Simon,
1238:What we're talking about is the endless, gullible elevation of necessary levels of comfort and status and everything else at the complete expense of all around us. It's going to take us a long time to learn how to climb down a little bit from the heights on which we have put ourselves. ~ Bill McKibben,
1239:At the moment, the 4 percent of us in this country produce a quarter of the world's carbon dioxide - once you look at maps of rising sea levels and spreading mosquitoes, you realize that we've probably never figured out a way to hate our neighbors around the world much more effectively. ~ Bill McKibben,
1240:Fairytales work on two levels. On a conscious level, they are stories of true love and triumph and overcoming difficult odds and so are pleasurable to read. But they work on a deeper and symbolic level in that they play out our universal psychological dramas and hidden desires and fears. ~ Kate Forsyth,
1241:If parents simply read for pleasure at home on their own, their children were more likely to enjoy reading, too. That pattern held fast across very different countries and different levels of family income. Kids could see what parents valued, and it mattered more than what parents said. ~ Amanda Ripley,
1242:I wanted to die – this time, in addition to actually wanting to die, I meant it in the metaphorical sense too. Oh, come on now, I thought to myself, almost amused; just how desperately, on how many levels, does a person have to wish to die before it’s actually allowed to happen? Please? ~ Gail Honeyman,
1243:None of the books were in alphabetical order, which made it necessary to cock my head sideways to read each one of the spines. By the end of the third shelf I began to realize why librarians were sometimes able to achieve such pinnacle levels of crankiness: It's because they're in agony. ~ Alan Bradley,
1244:Some people use NVC to respond compassionately to themselves, some to create greater depth in their personal relationships, and still others to build effective relationships at work or in the political arena. Worldwide, NVC is used to mediate disputes and conflicts at all levels. ~ Marshall B Rosenberg,
1245:The balcony encircled the entire room and provided access to two levels of towering carved oak bookshelves. A huge domed ceiling loomed above her, featuring an eighteenth-century Italian fresco. A large weather-beaten Coleman tent had been set up in front of a massive stone fireplace. ~ Janet Evanovich,
1246:The token of a true cosmos is in fact a particular kind of design, referred to in the book of Genesis in the phrase ‘God created Man in his own image’. This ‘divine image’, the characteristics of which we must study in detail, can be found on all levels, and is the hallmark of a cosmos. ~ Rodney Collin,
1247:The affective intensity of an event is another predictor of later recall: Events that are "affectively charged," or have high levels of emotionality associated with them, either positive or negative, tend to be well recalled (e.g., Brewer, 1988; Thompson, 1998; Wagenaar, 1986; White, 2002). ~ Ibid, p.36,
1248:If you want to obtain the secrets of such wonderful techniques, drill yourself, harden yourself, undergo severe training, abandoned body and mind; follow this course for years and you will naturally reach the profoundest levels. To know if water is hot or cold you must taste it yourself. ~ Yamaoka Tesshu,
1249:Investor demand for distressed property has been healthy, as rents rise to levels that can cover investors' costs while they wait for properties to appreciate. Giving investors a small tax break should further juice up demand, supporting prices for distressed homes and the market in general. ~ Mark Zandi,
1250:strength; just the ability to generate a focused thrust with speed. But a tense muscle is a slow one. So the high levels of training in the martial arts teach and demand balance and relaxation as much as anything else. Clearing the mind to being open and appropriately responsive is the key. ~ David Allen,
1251:Terico’s father had always told him that creatures capable of saving lives were generally just as capable of taking them. Humans were the prime example of this, but at this moment, three levels down an underground cave, Terico felt that the carnivorous pitcher plant worked just as nicely. ~ Aaron McGowan,
1252:The extraordinary thing is not that people in a lifetime turn out worse or better than we had prophesied; particularly in America that is to be expected. The extraordinary thing is how people keep their levels, fulfill their promises, seem actually buoyed up by an inevitable destiny. ~ F Scott Fitzgerald,
1253:While no solutions seem obvious, there is general agreement throughout the industry that if local newspapers go away and some entity does not rise to do what we have come to expect of them—that is, keep an eye on local government—we will experience corruption at levels we have never seen. ~ Bob Schieffer,
1254:For starters, circulating oxytocin levels are elevated in couples when they’ve first hooked up. Furthermore, the higher the levels, the more physical affection, the more behaviors are synchronized, the more long-lasting the relationship, and the happier interviewers rate couples to be. ~ Robert M Sapolsky,
1255:In February 2017, inspectors concluded that ‘there was not a single establishment that we inspected in England and Wales in which it was safe to hold children and young people’.46 Prison deaths are at record levels: 354 prisoners died in custody in 2016. Of these, 119 were suicides. ~ The Secret Barrister,
1256:In quantum physics, the study of material at the subatomic level, you get down to the tiniest levels. When they take these subatomic particles, put them in particle accelerators and collide them, quantum physicists discover there's nothing there. There's no one home - no ghost in the machine. ~ Wayne Dyer,
1257:Our expectations set the limits for our lives. If you expect little, you’re going to receive little. If you don’t anticipate things to get better, then they won’t. But if you expect more favor, more good breaks, a promotion, and an increase, then you will see new levels of favor and success. ~ Joel Osteen,
1258:Such utterly free and gratuitous love is the only love that validates, transforms, and changes us at the deepest levels of consciousness. It is what we all desire and what we were created for. Once you allow it for yourself, you will almost naturally become a conduit of the same for others. ~ Richard Rohr,
1259:Yudkin also fed high-sugar diets to college students and reported that it raised their cholesterol and particularly their triglycerides; their insulin levels rose, and their blood cells became stickier, which he believed could explain the blood clots that seemed to precipitate heart attacks. ~ Gary Taubes,
1260:Among typical Indigos, you can find exceptionally open-minded individuals who develop the world to greater levels. Some are respected authorities. Others, sadly, are less successful; unable to withstand the huge responsibility and pressure that come with the precious gift of being special. ~ Sahara Sanders,
1261:Frankly, I'm not sure how far I would get if I attended public school today. It's not just that public schools aren't producing the results we want - it's that we're not giving them what they need to help students achieve at high levels. K-12 education in the United States is deeply antiquated. ~ Eli Broad,
1262:If no forces interfere with the process of entry by competitors, profitability will be driven to levels at which efficient firms earn no more than a “normal” return on their invested capital. It is barriers to entry, not differentiation by itself, that creates strategic opportunities. ~ Bruce C N Greenwald,
1263:In Japan, a young man pedals a stationary bike as scientists use infrared light sensors to monitor the blood flow in his brain. Just fifteen minutes of biking is sufficient to increase activity in circuits responsible for emotional control and to raise levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin.2 ~ Alex Korb,
1264:I want to see far more decisions taken far closer to the patients, the passengers and the pupils. Far more power for locally and regionally elected politicians who understand best the needs of their areas. And far more say too for the dedicated staff at all levels in health and education. ~ Charles Kennedy,
1265:The key solution is to invest in innovation and entrepreneurship within the company. Reducing waste - although probably not eliminating it - and do so at all levels of government would probably generate the capital needed. Alas, that will probably not happen because it makes too much sense. ~ Philip Kotler,
1266:America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known. ~ Pat Buchanan,
1267:Being chronically underslept, overexercising, or experiencing chronic psychological stress—a hallmark of modern life—can all trigger unhealthy levels of cortisol in the body. But so can prolonged periods of not eating (extended fasting) or eating too little (excessive calorie restriction). ~ Melissa Hartwig,
1268:Empathy with someone else's pain or lack and a desire to help need to be balanced with a deeper realization of the eternal nature of all life and the illusion of all pain. Then let your peace flow into whatever you do, and you will be working on the levels of effect and cause simultaneously. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
1269:I was at a small private school in London. I wasn't very academic. My dad said to me, 'OK, you might as well leave, since you're not working very hard'. When I told I him wanted to stay on for my A-levels, he said I'd have to pay my own fees, then he'd pay me back if I got good grades. ~ Robert Pattinson,
1270:Read any of the top-selling business books, all of them talk about moving away from a top down manner of leading to a more inclusive one. It's not happening over night, but if you read the winds of change in most of the democracies in the world we are moving toward shared levels of power. ~ Elizabeth Lesser,
1271:So now the polar ice caps are melting, sea levels are rising,
and the weather is all messed up. Plants and animals are dying off in record
numbers, and lots of people are starving and homeless. And we’re still
fighting wars with each other, mostly over the few resources we have left. ~ Ernest Cline,
1272:The certainty that our football, the football of Spain, is recognised, that's very important to us - perhaps more important than the successes and the joy that you can create. Football hasn't always been appreciated, and luckily our football is appreciated now, at all levels of society. ~ Vicente del Bosque,
1273:Wealthy parents today, she argues, are more likely than others to be emotionally distant from their children while at the same time insisting on high levels of achievement, a potentially toxic blend of influences that can create “intense feelings of shame and hopelessness” in affluent children. ~ Paul Tough,
1274:Many Americans simply don't want the pinheads in Washington or the various state capitals to be telling us how to live. But we are absolutely going in that direction. President Obama is hell-bent on imposing a bureaucracy that levels all playing fields at great expense in coin and in freedom. ~ Bill O Reilly,
1275:Of course, kids don't always like repetition. Whatever they are watching has to be complex enough to allow, upon repeated exposure, for deeper and deeper levels of comprehension. At the same time, it can't be so complex that the first time around it baffles the children and turns them off. ~ Malcolm Gladwell,
1276:What bothers me is when music becomes entertainment. Of course, music is supposed to be entertaining, but go back to any period of time - music had a cultural significance on different levels, whether it was folk music, it was the news of the village, or it had to do with the rites of passage. ~ Billy Corgan,
1277:I use Jimmy Galanos gowns for real special occasions and things - television, special occasions where I know I'm being filmed. But I never really wear his gowns on stage. My stage gowns are more costumey. There's different levels of things that I wear.I would never wear my stage gowns to a party. ~ Diana Ross,
1278:Subpersonalities can exist at different levels or memes, however, so that one can indeed have a purple subpersonality, a blue subpersonality, and so on. These often are context-triggered, so that one can have quite different types of moral responses, affects, needs, etc., in different situations. ~ Ken Wilber,
1279:America washes its dirty linen in public. When scandals such as this one hit, they do sully America's image in the world. But what usually also gets broadcast around the world is the vivid reality that the United States forces accountability and punishes wrongdoing, even at the highest levels. ~ Fareed Zakaria,
1280:Draconian limits on economic growth and on the use of the automobile should not be necessary in order to give Americans clean air at levels they are willing to pay for, but it will require significant Federal, State, and local leadership and innovative approaches from government and industry. ~ George H W Bush,
1281:Great teachers and schools expect and nurture quality work and quality performance. Great teachers inspire and demand quality, ever urging their students to higher levels of excellence. They shun mere conformity and expect their students to think and perform to their ever-increasing potential. ~ Oliver DeMille,
1282:Life cannot be lived nor can death be faced without anxiety. Anxiety is guide as well as enemy and can point the way to authentic existence. The task of the therapist is to reduce anxiety to comfortable levels and then to use this existing anxiety to increase a patient's awareness and vitality. ~ Irvin D Yalom,
1283:Success will be measured by change in the appallingly high levels of violence directed at women online and in the physical world, and change in the low levels of women's participation in public life.That change will require collective action, just as the changes so far have taken collective action. ~ Tara Moss,
1284:We have different levels of slavery. We've got educational slavery. All the major religions of the world, even Christianity and Islam, are engaged in some form of servitude of people. I don't look favorably on either one although I think properly practiced all religions are basically good. ~ John Henrik Clarke,
1285:Although moderate levels of time pressure don’t harm creativity,” says Amabile, “extreme time pressure can stifle creativity, because people can’t deeply engage with the problem. Creativity usually requires an incubation period; people need time to soak in a problem and let the ideas bubble up.” We ~ Carl Honor,
1286:I'm active even on bad days; it's tough to pin me down. People ask me if I'm a morning or night person. I'm an all-the-time person. I like drinking coffee, but I do it with lots of milk because my energy levels are high even without caffeine. You could call me Obelix, except I don't have a belly. ~ Bipasha Basu,
1287:Robin Simon, a sociology professor at Florida State University and researcher on parenting and happiness, told The Daily Beast in 20083 that parents “experience lower levels of emotional well-being, less frequent positive emotions and more frequent negative emotions than their childless peers. ~ Jessica Valenti,
1288:The media have become masters at packaging stimuli in ways that our brains find irresistible, just as food engineers have become expert in creating “hyperpalatable” foods by manipulating levels of sugar, fat, and salt.11 Distractibility might be regarded as the mental equivalent of obesity. ~ Matthew B Crawford,
1289:The working of the central nervous system is a hierarchic affair in which functions at the higher levels do not deal directly with the ultimate structural units, such as neurons or motor units, but operate by activating lower patterns that have their own relatively autonomous structural unity. ~ Arthur Koestler,
1290:Well, there are certain pockets of improvement. The one that I think is most important is that state and local law enforcement levels have started to do a lot more educative efforts within their organizations to understand the kind of threat we're facing. They've given up on the federal level. ~ Michael Scheuer,
1291:Beyond the borders of wealthy countries like the United States, in developing countries where most people in the world live, the impacts of climate change are much more deadly, from the growing desertification of Africa to the threats of rising sea levels and the submersion of small island nations. ~ Amy Goodman,
1292:Each letter in S.A.V.E.R.S. represents one of the best practices of the most successful salespeople on the planet. And they’re also the same activities that bring new levels of peace, clarity, motivation, and energy to your life. They are:  Silence Affirmations Visualization Exercise Reading Scribing ~ Hal Elrod,
1293:People whose skills the federal government had spent years or decades developing were not being moved into positions of greater or parallel responsibility. Instead they were reassigned to jobs well below their skill levels, often to jobs not connected with their education or work experience. ~ David Cay Johnston,
1294:Sex was like a world so mysterious to me, I really couldn't believe there was this fantastic texture to life that I was getting to has all these different levels, from lust and fearful, violent sex to the real spiritual thing at the other end. It's the key to some fantastic mystery of life. ~ David Lynch,
1295:The biggest challenge is how to get people to wake up and realize this is a one-shot deal. If we fail, we are witting participants in the biggest experiment humans have ever done: moving CO2 levels to twice their value in the past 670.000 years and hoping it turns out okay for generations to come. ~ Nathan Lewis,
1296:The hateful mood of a migraine—depressed and withdrawn, or furious and irascible—tends to melt away in the stage of lysis, to melt away with the physiological secretion. “Resolution by secretion” thus resembles a catharsis on both physiological and psychological levels, like weeping for grief. The ~ Oliver Sacks,
1297:While the mind remains so fixed in its own personal affairs, be they little or large, it has no chance to open up its higher levels. When attention and emotion are kept so confined, the chance they offer of this higher use is missed. The peace, truth, and goodness which could be had are untouched. ~ Paul Brunton,
1298:Facebook users have higher levels of total narcissism, exhibitionism, and leadership than Facebook nonusers,” the study’s authors wrote. “In fact, it could be argued that Facebook specifically gratifies the narcissistic individual’s need to engage in self-promoting and superficial behavior. ~ Siddhartha Mukherjee,
1299:I still make paintings and use the figure; it's hard to do and hard to succeed. On some levels, because I am working with black figures and black pigment, it's even harder because I have to be more responsible for the image. I try to be really careful about the presence the figure projects. ~ Kerry James Marshall,
1300:Point of Crisis” A fixed point in the “Malthusian Catastrophe,” where population levels exceed the food production and distribution capacity of a system—resulting in a crisis that can only be regulated by famine, war or disease. – From Thomas Malthus’s Essay on the Principle of Population (1798). ~ Steven Konkoly,
1301:We should never pretend to know what we don't know, we should not feel ashamed to ask and learn from people below, and we should listen carefully to the views of the cadres at the lowest levels. Be a pupil before you become a teacher; learn from the cadres at the lower levels before you issue orders. ~ Mao Zedong,
1302:What the science was showing was that our levels of well-being, resilience, and impulse control were not simply God-given traits, our portion of which we had to accept as a fait accompli. The brain, the organ of experience, through which our entire lives are led, can be trained. Happiness is a skill. ~ Dan Harris,
1303:Despite his profound incompetence on many levels, Obama has been an adept propagandist who has blamed capitalism for problems caused and magnified by socialist remedies to justify further socialist solutions. He's now doing the same thing all over again as his new socialist solutions are failing. ~ David Limbaugh,
1304:Nothing has a greater impact on spiritual growth than reflection on Scripture. If churches could do only one thing to help people at all levels of spiritual maturity grow in their relationship with Christ, their choice is clear. They would inspire, encourage, and equip their people to read the Bible.1 ~ Max Lucado,
1305:The cultivation of a single staple grain was, in itself, an important step in legibility and hence, appropriation. Monoculture fosters uniformity at many different levels. . .A society shaped powerfully by monoculture was easier to monitor, assess, and tax than one shaped by agricultural diversity. ~ James C Scott,
1306:Arsenic turned out to work even better, and was cheaper. Until it was banned in the 1890s, it was used widely, and heavy arsenic levels are sometimes a problem for archaeologists examining some old U.S. graveyards. What they generally find is that the bodies decomposed anyway, but the arsenic stayed. ~ Alan Weisman,
1307:Becoming a modern society is about industrialization, urbanization, and rising levels of literacy, education, and wealth. The qualities that make a society Western, in contrast, are special: the classical legacy, Christianity, the separation of church and state, the rule of law, civil society. ~ Samuel P Huntington,
1308:I believe that horses bring out the best in us. They judge us not by how we look, what we're wearing or how powerful or rich we are, they judge us in terms of sensitivity, consistency, and patience. They demand standards of behavior and levels of kindness that we, as humans, then strive to maintain. ~ Clare Balding,
1309:In every physical action, unless it is purely mechanical, there is concealed some inner action, some feelings. This is how the two levels of life in a part are created, the inner and the outer. They are intertwined. A common purpose brings them together and reinforces the unbreakable bond. ~ Constantin Stanislavski,
1310:In every physical action, unless it is purely mechanical, there is concealed some inner action, some feelings. This is how the two levels of life in a part are created, the inner and the outer. They are intertwined. A common purpose brings them together and reinforces the unbreakable bond. ~ Konstantin Stanislavski,
1311:I think Pep Guardiola is a top manager. There's no doubt about that. Not only did he manage Messi and Iniesta, but he made them better and took them to levels they'd never been before. The best team I've ever seen is Pep Guardiola's Barcelona. I'm sure his management got something to do with that. ~ Jamie Carragher,
1312:The reverse can also happen: as a man becomes more and more attached to his family, levels of testosterone can decline. In fact, at the birth of a child, expectant fathers experience a significant decline in levels of testosterone.66 Even when a man holds a baby, levels of testosterone decrease. This ~ Helen Fisher,
1313:Art's effect is due to the tension resulting from the clash of the collocation of elements of two (or more) systems of interpretation. This conflict has the function of breaking down automatism of perception and occurs simultaneously on the many levels of a work of art ... All levels may carry meaning. ~ Yuri Lotman,
1314:It is the primary form of “dying to the self” that Jesus lived personally and the Buddha taught experientially. The growing consensus is that, whatever you call it, such calm, egoless seeing is invariably characteristic of people at the highest levels of doing and loving in all cultures and religions. ~ Richard Rohr,
1315:So here we are moving toward the exit of the twentieth century with a religious community largely adjusted to the status quo, standing as a taillight behind other community agencies rather than a headlight leading men to higher levels of justice. ~ Martin Luther King, Jr., Letter from Birmingham Jail, April 16, 1963,
1316:True thought is pre-physical. This is the thinking-behind-the-thinking responsible for all the genuinely consequential choices we make in the world. A thinking that is not dependent on linear deduction, but that moves fast as lightning, making connections on different levels, bringing them together. ~ Eben Alexander,
1317:Whatever the validity of that claim, there is no doubt that it is among the greatest American novels, rich in allegory and symbolism, capable of being appreciated on many different levels; a book of profound depths and sonorities that continue to resonate in the mind long after one has put it down. ~ Herman Melville,
1318:Around the time I began starving, in the early eighties, the visual image had begun to supplant text as culture's primary mode of communication, a radical change because images work so differently than words: They're immediate, they hit you at levels way beneath intellect, they come fast and furious. ~ Caroline Knapp,
1319:I know only one thing. when i sleep, i know no fear, no, trouble no bliss. blessing on him who invented sleep. the common coin that purchases all things, the balance that levels shepherd and king, fool and wise man. there is only one bad thing about sound sleep. They say it closely resembles death. ~ Andrei Tarkovsky,
1320:I know only one thing. when i sleep, i know no fear, no, trouble no bliss. blessing on him who invented sleep. the common coin that purchases all things, the balance that levels shepherd and king, fool and wise man. there is only one bad thing about sound sleep. they say it closely resembles death. ~ Andrei Tarkovsky,
1321:It is time to celebrate the New Black Americans - those who have sealed the Deal, who aren't beholden to liberal indulgence any more than they are to the disdain of the hard Right. It is time to praise blacks who are merely undeniable in their individuality and exemplary in their levels of achievement . ~ John Ridley,
1322:Reality is contradictory. And it's paradoxical. If there's any one word -- if you had to pick one word to describe the nature of the universe -- I think that word would be paradox. That's true at the subatomic level, right through sociological, psychological, philosophical levels on up to cosmic levels. ~ Tom Robbins,
1323:War is big business. It's a lot of money going to and fro, and unfortunately a lot of angst, and a lot of fear, and a lot of doubt. And eventually a lot of wonderful people, like soldiers, like men and women that are out there trying to do the best they can, they come back being wounded on many levels. ~ Jon Anderson,
1324:We're all moving at such a high rate that we have to grab frozen dinners and McDonald's. We can't make it a way of life - we have to get back to real, simple, clean good foods. It will save our lives on so many levels; not just spina bifida, but obesity, diabetes, everything. Food is our medicine. ~ Nicole Ari Parker,
1325:I do believe that healing takes place on a number of different levels and that in fact black healing can be deepened by trying to heal across as well as within. But it could be that to call for black and Jewish healing without acknowledging the need for intra-black healing puts the cart before the horse. ~ Cornel West,
1326:The forecasts that are potentially valuable are those that correctly foresee deviation from long-term trends and recent levels. If a forecaster makes a non-conforming, non-extrapolation prediction that turns out to be correct, the outcome is likely to come as a surprise to the other market participants. ~ Howard Marks,
1327:The medical literature on the causes of food poisoning is full of euphemisms and dry scientific terms: coliform levels, aerobic plate counts, sorbitol, MacConkey agar, and so on. Behind them lies a simple explanation for why eating a hamburger can now make you seriously ill: There is shit in the meat. ~ Eric Schlosser,
1328:When you're dealing with a symbol in a realistic play, it is also a realistic fact. You must expect the audience's mind to work on both levels, symbolically and realistically. But we're trained so much in pure, realistic theater that it's difficult for us to handle things on two levels at the same time. ~ Edward Albee,
1329:I realized we'd pulled into a parking garage. We drove around two levels, pulled into a spot, then immediately pulled out again. Along with four other black Bentley SUVs. "What's going on?" I asked, as we headed back toward the exit with two Bentleys in front of us and two behind us. "Shell game," he said. ~ Sylvia Day,
1330:Recently, another warning was issued by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) in its 2014 annual budget outlook, in which it announced that Social Security (and other entitlement programs) is “unsustainable” and will drive federally held debt to historic levels, thereby threatening the overall economy.24 ~ Mark R Levin,
1331:The assumption that each event is independent of its predecessors is a very powerful one that allows us to make a striking prediction about how likely it is that there will be a record – irrespective of what the record is for. It could be rain, snow, fall of leaves, water levels, wind speeds or temperature. ~ Anonymous,
1332:American prisons have become warehouses for the mentally ill. Mass incarceration has been largely ruled by misguided drug policy and excessive sentencing, but the internment of hundreds of thousands of poor and mentally ill people has been a driving force in achieving our record levels of imprisonment. ~ Bryan Stevenson,
1333:Because the ancients didn’t differentiate as easily as you do between fact and fiction. Myths illuminate a society’s behavior and beliefs on multiple levels all at the same time. So you can learn more ‘truth’ from a fictional epic than you can from a bunch of bone shards. No offense.” “Some taken. ~ Jordanna Max Brodsky,
1334:Being chronically underslept, constantly over-exercising, or experiencing chronic psychological stress—a hallmark of modern life—can all trigger unhealthy levels of cortisol in the body. But so can prolonged periods of not eating (extended fasting), or eating too little (excessive calorie restriction). ~ Melissa Hartwig,
1335:By 2006 Steele held a senior post at MI6’s Russia desk in London. There were ominous signs that Putin was taking Russia in an aggressive direction. The number of hostile Russian agents in the United Kingdom grew, surpassing Cold War levels. Steele tracked a new campaign of subversion and covert influence. ~ Luke Harding,
1336:By exposing yourself to risk, you're exposing yourself to heavy-duty learning, which gets you on all levels. It becomes a very emotional experience as well as an intellectual experience. Each time you make a mistake, you're learning from the school of hard knocks, which is the best education available. ~ Gifford Pinchot,
1337:Perhaps we see equations as simple because they are easily expressed in terms of mathematical notation already invented at an earlier stage of development of the science, and thus what appears to us as elegance of description really reflects the interconnectedness of Nature's laws at different levels. ~ Murray Gell Mann,
1338:Shit, if it didn’t already have one, the FBI should print a recruitment brochure: Join us! Openings at all levels! Human? Become immortal. Who cares if you need to drink blood for the rest of your life? Natural vampire? Turn humans for fun and profit. Opportunities for advancement at major government agency. ~ Anonymous,
1339:The more administrative machinery we construct, be it the most modern, the less place there is for the Spirit, the less place there is for the Lord, and the less freedom there is. It is my opinion that we ought to begin an unsparing examination of conscience on this point at all levels in the Church. ~ Pope Benedict XVI,
1340:We have reached the end of problem solving as a mode of inquiry capable of inspiring, mobilizing, and sustaining human system change. The future of Organization Development belongs to methods that affirm, compel, and accelerate anticipatory learning involving larger and larger levels of collectivity. ~ David Cooperrider,
1341:A soldier: "I know where heaven is and it's Lithuania ... The women are beautiful, pagan, with a practical view towards sex. Who says communism was bad? You're working three levels of advantages: you're a foreign male, you're a rich, exotic American, and their men are a bunch of drunken, criminal slobs. ~ Robert D Kaplan,
1342:A study of figure skaters found that sub-elite skaters spent lots of time working on the jumps they could already do, while skaters at the highest levels spent more time on the jumps they couldn’t do, the kind that ultimately win Olympic medals and that involve lots of falling down before they’re mastered. ~ Geoff Colvin,
1343:It has to be an actress like Marion Cotillard [in Allied] because there are so many levels to it. It's set in the Second World War, when lots of people were doing things that, outside of a war, you wouldn't do, like killing and dropping bombs. She's doing things that one wouldn't approve of, but it's war. ~ Steven Knight,
1344:levels SUPPLEMENTS GABA, B6, magnesium MEDICATIONS Anticonvulsants, such as Topamax, Neurontin TYPE 6. Temporal Lobe Addicts SYMPTOMS Temper problems, mood instability, memory problems, learning disabilities BRAIN FINDINGS/NEURO-TRANSMITTER ISSUE Abnormal TL SUPPLEMENTS GABA, B6, magnesium for calming, or ~ Daniel G Amen,
1345:Today, people idolize athletes and celebrities - and yes, highly successful and visionary business people like Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, but not the innovators who perhaps have not seen such high-flying levels of success. Can anyone name the inventors of GPS, which has such a huge impact on our lives today? ~ Naveen Jain,
1346:Efficiency and smooth progress, prudence in all matters, recognizing true courage, recognizing different levels of morale, instilling confidence, and realizing what can and cannot be reasonably expected—such are the matters on the mind of the master carpenter. The principle of martial arts is like this. ~ Miyamoto Musashi,
1347:In this view, capitalism—the system that supports the democracies of the West and has raised the living standards of hundreds of millions of human beings to levels that only royalty enjoyed in the past—is barbarism, while the system that murdered millions and impoverished whole continents is civilization. ~ David Horowitz,
1348:The most productive firms reinvented and reorganized decision rights, incentives systems, information flows, hiring systems, and other aspects of organizational capital to get the most from the technology. This, in turn, required radically different and, generally, higher skill levels in the workforce. ~ Erik Brynjolfsson,
1349:We must recognise that in a globalised world, we cannot remain insulated from external developments. India's trade performance in the current year has been robust, surpassing pre-crisis export levels and pre-crisis export growth trends. We have diversified our export baskets and our export destinations. ~ Pranab Mukherjee,
1350:Where scientific observation addresses all phenomena existing in the real world, scientific experimentation addresses all possible real worlds, and scientific theory addresses all conceivable real worlds, the humanities encompass all three of these levels and one more, the infinity of all fantasy worlds. ~ Edward O Wilson,
1351:You believe in entropy, which postulates that all phenomena tend to sink to lower levels of organization and energy, and in evolution, which postulates that the history of life has been just the opposite. People like you credit both theories. It’s de rigueur. Is that reason rational? I say, f*ck off. ~ Mark Helprin,
1352:Dr Lustig blames the modern diet, rich in sugar and refined carbs, for pumping up our insulin levels, a claim supported by many other leading obesity experts, including Dr David Ludwig, a paediatrician from Harvard Medical School, and Dr Mark Friedman, head of the Nutrition Science Initiative in San Diego. ~ Michael Mosley,
1353:following a strength-training program featuring natural, total-body movements (squats, pushups, pull-ups, etc.) helps you develop and maintain lean muscle mass, increase metabolism to maintain low levels of body fat, increase bone density, prevent injuries, and enjoy balanced hormone and blood glucose levels. ~ Mark Sisson,
1354:John [Coltrane] was like a visitor to this planet. He came in peace and he left in peace; but during his time here, he kept trying to reach new levels of awareness, of peace, of spirituality. That's why I regard the music he played as spiritual music -- John's way of getting closer and closer to the Creator. ~ Albert Ayler,
1355:One advantage of exhibiting a hierarchy of systems in this way is that it gives us some idea of the present gaps in both theoretical and empirical knowledge. Adequate theoretical models extend up to about the fourth level, and not much beyond. Empirical knowledge is deficient at practically all levels. ~ Kenneth E Boulding,
1356:The color of the emitted light depends on the relative heights of the starting and ending energy levels. A crash between closely spaced levels (such as two and one) releases a pulse of low-energy reddish light, while a crash between more widely spaced levels (say, five and two) releases high-energy purple light. ~ Sam Kean,
1357:Unbalanced and low levels of hormones have been associated with numerous chronic problems and age-related conditions. Along with many other actions, hormones are chemical messengers; they signal the cells to become younger or older, to slow or increase multiplication, to be immunologically responsive or lazy. ~ David Wolfe,
1358:Even the guerrilla war in Iraq hasn’t forced any substantive changes to our defense structure. This isn’t due to a nefarious plot at the highest levels of government. It is due to the fundamental inability of the nation-state to conceptualize a role that makes sense in fighting and deterring the emerging threat. ~ John Robb,
1359:I firmly believe that every six years, a person goes through a serious change. Think about it: At 6, you start school. At about 12, you start hitting puberty. And then it goes on. You start hitting these different mental levels, and people change. I think that's part of the reason the divorce rate is so high. ~ Randy Houser,
1360:It’s normal to have higher cortisol levels first thing in the morning, but artificial light (including the light from your TV, computer, and mobile phone) after dark tells your body it’s still daytime. This does not allow you to hormonally “wind down” in the evening, which promotes that “tired but wired” effect. ~ Anonymous,
1361:Once we awaken to the Tathagata-Zen, The six noble deeds and the ten thousand good actions Are already complete within us. In our dream we see the six levels of illusion clearly; After we awaken the whole universe is empty.

~ Hsuan Chueh of Yung Chia, 4 - Once we awaken to the Tathagata-Zen (from The Shodoka)
1362:The Freemen have 987 levels of membership, the first three of which are achieved merely by filling out an application. The 8th level is granted upon full acceptance into the local lodge, the 13th following Initiation, the 21st at the end of the Initiate's second week, and the 89th the first time he brings snacks. ~ Adam Rex,
1363:Yes, the kingdom of Christianity and the Church has been one of the most destructive forces in history, and there are levels of bastardization of religious beliefs. But the unique thing about Christianity is that it is so amorphous and not reductive to culture or place or anything. It's extremely malleable. ~ Sufjan Stevens,
1364:Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets for the work force asking for zero defects and new levels of productivity. Such exhortations only create adversarial relationships, as the bulk of the causes of low quality and low productivity belong to the system and thus lie beyond the power of the work force ~ W Edwards Deming,
1365:Growing up in D.C. there are so many different types of educational and professional levels. They call D.C. 'Chocolate City' but just because we're all chocolate doesn't mean we're all the same. In D.C., everyone co-exists harmoniously but the lines are still drawn. And people don't really step over those lines. ~ Laz Alonso,
1366:I have read many, many of these first-time published efforts and often, even though some are absolutely at pro levels of production, and have very costly printing and presentation, they lack a purpose, they merely emulate successful comics that already exist... I can't stress this enough. Have something to say. ~ Gail Simone,
1367:increasing cognitive loadfn8 should make people more conservative. This is precisely the case. The time pressure of snap judgments is a version of increased cognitive load. Likewise, people become more conservative when tired, in pain or distracted with a cognitive task, or when blood alcohol levels rise. ~ Robert M Sapolsky,
1368:Indeed the three policy pillars of the neoliberal age-privatization of the public sphere, deregulation of the corporate sector, and the lowering of income and corporate taxes, paid for with cuts to public spending-are each incompatible with many of the actions we must take to bring our emissions to safe levels. ~ Naomi Klein,
1369:In many animals testosterone levels fluctuate over the course of the year, and in humans these levels rise until the autumn, and then fall until the spring. This autumnal drop in testosterone can lead animals into a condition called “irritable male syndrome,” in which they become moody, withdrawn and depressed. ~ John Coates,
1370:Physical fitness takes commitment to exercise just as it requires good nutrition. But it doesn't have to be painful. Just the opposite: Vigorous exercise actually is stimulating. It boosts your energy levels, invigorates your mind, and just feels good afterward. The hardest part, of course, is getting started. ~ Jack LaLanne,
1371:Through his web of contacts in the highest levels of American business, with those corporate groups who form the bony structure of what is commonly called “the military-industrial complex, ” Clifford was also absorbing another input: even the military-industrial complex was adamantly opposed to escalation. ~ Theodore H White,
1372:What she had forever seen as her calling -- this living apart and serving the greater good -- now felt more a curse. Her life had been taken from her. Squeezed into pulp. The juice of her efforts and sacrificed years had dripped down through a silo that, just forty levels below her, hardly knew and barely cared. ~ Hugh Howey,
1373:Your life and work are made up of outcomes and actions. When your operational behavior is grooved to organize everything that comes your way, at all levels, based upon those dynamics, a deep alignment occurs, and wondrous things emerge. You become highly productive. You make things up, and you make them happen. ~ David Allen,
1374:All that we do see and touch is not as it seems, having no solidity whatsoever when examined at the smallest levels. Instead, matter seems to act simultaneously as waves of energy and as seemingly solid particles that are continuously popping into and out of material existence at a rate too fast for us to detect. ~ Ziad Masri,
1375:A miracle worker who can do more with less, pacify rival groups, endure chronic second guessing, tolerate low levels of support, process large volumes of paper, and work double shifts. He or she will have carte blanche to innovate, but cannot spend much money, replace any personnel, or upset any constituency. ~ Michael Fullan,
1376:Art historians agree that Da Vinci's paintings contain hidden levels of meaning that go well beneath the surface of the paint. Many scholars believe his work intentionally provides clues to a powerful secret... a secret that remains protected to this day by a clandestine brotherhood of which Da Vinci was a member. ~ Dan Brown,
1377:High sodium intake leads to obesity in teens, no matter the amount of calories they consume, according to the Medical College of Georgia. Adolescents who ate too much salt had high levels of leptin, a hormone that normally suppresses appetite and burns fat, but too much of the hormone produces the opposite effect. ~ Anonymous,
1378:More abundance can lead to more competition. If ordinary people live at subsistence levels, powerful people can’t really take much away from them—not if they want to come back and take more the next time there’s a harvest. But the more ordinary people are able to produce, the more powerful people can confiscate. ~ Tim Harford,
1379:See, I’ve always pictured life as one of those ladders you find on playground sliding boards—a sort of ladder of years where you climb higher and higher, and then, oops!, you fall over the edge and others move up behind you. I keep asking myself: couldn’t Thelma have found us a place with a few more levels to it? ~ Anne Tyler,
1380:The Infinite alone exists and is Real; the finite is passing and false. The Original Whim in the Beyond caused the apparent descent of the Infinite into the realm of the seeming finite. This is the Divine Mystery and Divine Game in which Infinite Consciousness for ever plays on all levels of finite consciousness. ~ Meher Baba,
1381:This...Godless society operates in an extremely efficient manner at least in its higher levels of leadership...It follows a perfectly mapped out strategy. It holds almost complete sway in international organizations, in financial circles, in the field of mass communications; press, cinema, radio and television. ~ Pedro Arrupe,
1382:You have different levels of players. There's are Premier League, international and world-class levels. The world-class level is players at the peak of their career and there's only maybe 50 maximum in the whole world. Stevie moved from a Premier League player to an international player and then world class. ~ Gerard Houllier,
1383:Conventional sports have undergone an evolution in training methods during the last fifty years. Curiosity and the inherent improvement brought about by competition have driven this evolution to a state of high refinement such that today's athletes have a very specialized approach to training at the elite levels. ~ Steve House,
1384:I realized we’d pulled into a parking garage. We drove around two levels, pulled into a spot, then immediately pulled out again. Along with four other black Bentley SUVs.
“What’s going on?” I asked, as we headed back toward the exit with two Bentleys in front of us and two behind us.
“Shell game,” he said… ~ Sylvia Day,
1385:Not only is patriotism disdained, the very basis for pride in one's country and culture is systematically undermined in our educational institutions at all levels. The achievements of western civilization are buried in histories that portray every human sin found here as if they were peculiarities of the west. ~ Thomas Sowell,
1386:Sometimes I do feel exposed. I have this kind of theory about different channels or levels of relaying experience - when I tell someone, one on one, in a personal context, about something that's happened to me - that has a very different valence, a different charge, than when/if I've said it in a public forum. ~ Leslie Jamison,
1387:The divorce rate in 1945 shot up to double that of the prewar years, to 31 divorces for every 100 marriages—or 502,000 in all. Although the divorce rate dropped in 1946 and returned to prewar levels by the early 1950s, its jump in 1945 exposed the rise of domestic tensions in the immediate aftermath of war. ~ James T Patterson,
1388:There's cleanliness to how I eat now. I'm much more in tune with my body, so now that I'm so in tune based on having become a semivegan, I can tell what foods affect energy levels. I can tell when I've been eating particularly high nutrient foods or I can tell when my glycemic levels are all over the place. ~ Alanis Morissette,
1389:He wondered...if the journey of a life with pain was simply finding more ad more layers of acceptance, that at best the most constant tether would be that he would never really find the bottom, that the bottom had different levels, and that no matter how good he tried to be, sometimes he would sink into a hole. ~ Heidi Cullinan,
1390:I think the issue that millennials have is that the return on asset classes such as bonds, cash, are so low now compared to the historical levels that it's very difficult for them to save enough to be able to retire comfortably. If interest rates do trend back upwards, it may be less of a problem going forward. ~ Martin Gilbert,
1391:British journalists tend to believe that people who become good at something do so because they seek fame and fortune. This is because these are the sole motives of people who become British journalists. But some people, operating at higher levels of mental health, pursue activities because they actually love them. ~ John Cleese,
1392:Cognitive skills such as big-picture thinking and long-term vision were particularly important. But when I calculated the ratio of technical skills, IQ, and emotional intelligence as ingredients of excellent performance, emotional intelligence proved to be twice as important as the others for jobs at all levels. ~ Daniel Goleman,
1393:Douglas rejected medicine, in part because he wanted to be a writer-performer (although at least four top British writer-performers have been doctors—Jonathan Miller, Graham Chapman, Graeme Garden and Rob Buckman), and in part because it would have meant going off for another two years to get a new set of A-levels. ~ Neil Gaiman,
1394:On human rights, civil rights and environmental quality, I consider myself to be very liberal. On the management of government, on openness of government, on strengthening individual liberties and local levels of government, I consider myself a conservative. And I don't see that the two attitudes are incompatible. ~ Jimmy Carter,
1395:St. John of the Cross points out that the divine music can best be heard in solitude and silence. The sonorous music is not a physical sound that vibrates the eardrum but something transcending the senses. Physical solitude and silence remove the distracting noises that prevent us from hearing on deeper levels. ~ Charles Cumming,
1396:There is a liberal bias. It's demonstrable. You look at some statistics. About 85 percent of the reporters who cover the White House vote Democratic, they have for a long time. There is a, particularly at the networks, at the lower levels, among the editors and the so-called infrastructure, there is a liberal bias. ~ Evan Thomas,
1397:It's really hard to fit a complex idea into a 3-minute pop song. And when you're dealing with issues that you're passionate about, usually they have various levels. And within a poem, you can get around the issue of space, and in a song the same way, by simply leaving holes and alluding to what you're talking about. ~ Jon Foreman,
1398:Obeying the Spirit instead of your own self-centered whims will lead you to places you've never been, challenge you in ways you have never been challenged, and invite levels of sacrifice you never dreamed you could make. This is the power and the promise of full-throttle faith, of living a life fueled solely by God. ~ Bill Hybels,
1399:On so many levels, acting in film and TV is so much the sum of its parts, and somewhere in there, there's an alchemical thing that makes something happen or not - that makes something connect or not. Now, of course you want to make work that people see, but the enjoyment I get out of acting is playing characters. ~ Eddie Redmayne,
1400:- That may be better left unsaid. No, ignorance is bliss, perhaps, - Utsurigi said without any shyness, - Still, you are quite gloomy. Despite those dead-fish eyes of yours.
- Saying they are like dead fish is a bit much. The Professor said "good eyes".
- Good eyes they are. Truly impressive levels of rotting. ~ NisiOisiN,
1401:The difference in sex does not hinder the ability of being strong on the levels of thinking, giving, having a strong willpower and the ability to take the right decision and the right position after studying all options, once the circumstances that favor creativity and rational thinking are available. ~ Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah,
1402:The kiss started out rough and got tender and then rough again as they fought for some kind of foothold, any dominance. It quickly grew to holy fuck I can’t stop this levels. Hard and soft, and it lit his entire body on fire, and oh holy Mother Mary, he was going down hard. But he’d make sure Prophet went down harder. ~ S E Jakes,
1403:I am interested in levels of brain discourse. How articulate are the voices in your head? You know, there's a different voice for the phone, and a different voice if you're talking in bed. When you're starting off with a narrator, it's interesting to think, where is their voice coming from, what part of their brain? ~ Anne Enright,
1404:It’s just not possible any longer to figure it out from the top, and have everyone else following the orders of the “grand strategist.” The organizations that will truly excel in the future will be the organizations that discover how to tap people’s commitment and capacity to learn at all levels in an organization. ~ Peter M Senge,
1405:Once we understand that obesity is a hormonal imbalance, we can begin to treat it. If we believe that excess calories cause obesity, then the treatment is to reduce calories. But this method has been a complete failure. However, if too much insulin causes obesity, then it becomes clear we need to lower insulin levels. ~ Jason Fung,
1406:Too many people are apt to redeem their profits too quickly. In a huge bull market they wind up with piddling profits, only to watch their former holdings soar. That usually prompts them into making mistakes later when, believing that the market owes them some money, they buy at the wrong time at much higher levels. ~ Martin Zweig,
1407:We have all forgotten what we really are. All that we call common sense and rationality and practicality and positivism only means that for certain dead levels of our life we forget that we have forgotten. All that we call spirit and art and ecstasy only means that for one awful instant we remember that we forget. ~ G K Chesterton,
1408:Any child may go through periods during which they become less outspoken with their parents or teachers. But girls, like boys, live in many different worlds - they have their friends and their classroom and their parents - and within these different domains, they may have different levels of expressiveness. ~ Christina Hoff Sommers,
1409:A study at Newcastle University in 2014 found that organic fruit and vegetables had higher levels of antioxidants than non-organic varieties. This isn't too surprising – since plants make antioxidants to fight off insects, organic farmers normally grow varieties that naturally produce larger amounts of these substances. ~ Anonymous,
1410:By 2008, illegitimacy had reached extraordinary levels: 72 percent for blacks, 66 percent for American Indians, 53 percent for Hispanics, 29 percent for whites, and 17 percent for Asians.185 A majority of black, Hispanic, and Indian children are therefore coming into the world without the support of a married couple. ~ Jared Taylor,
1411:If you're going to run for president as the anti-Clinton, you should know that Democrats and their media friends will do whatever it takes to make you look Clintonian... The questions won't go away because Democrats are desperate to define Republican deviancy down to Clinton levels. The ugliness is just getting started. ~ Paul Gigot,
1412:In Coffeeville, Miss., at 6 p.m., there was a golden light and a child swinging in it, swinging from a big tree, over a big lawn, back and forth in front of a big airy house. To be a white middle-class child in a small southern town must be on certain levels the most golden way for a child to live in the United States. ~ Joan Didion,
1413:The actions of a leader are always criticised by scholars as well as common men. A scholar has no obligation to produce result, so he is free to rebuke leaders for not sticking to noble means. Common men envy leaders their position and power, thus feeling happy in vilifying them to pull them down to their own levels. ~ Awdhesh Singh,
1414:To live your best life now, you must start looking at life through eyes of faith, seeing yourself rising to new levels. See your business taking off. See your marriage restored. See your family prospering. See your dreams coming to pass. You must conceive it and believe it is possible if you ever hope to experience it. ~ Joel Osteen,
1415:Black cohosh is highly estrogenic and is often used for normalizing female hormonal levels during menopause and to alleviate menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes. It has shown an antagonist activity toward the production and release of luteinizing hormone (LH), which is essential in testosterone production. ~ Stephen Harrod Buhner,
1416:Each rune is a complete representation of wyrd. Just as one drop of water reflects a perfect image of all that is around it, so each rune reflects the totality of wyrd. The rhythm of wyrd may be observed at all levels, whether it be the movement of the stars across the sky or the cutting of shapes into a patch of earth. ~ Brian Bates,
1417:Henry Blodget says, "It is not clear what, if any, power and influence [Steven Lerner] currently wields. His main message - that Wall Street won the financial crisis, that inequality in this country is hitting record levels, and that there appears to be no other way to stop the trend - will almost certainly resonate." ~ Rush Limbaugh,
1418:As a student of Tony Robbins, Matt had been using affirmations and incantations for years to create extraordinary levels of success. Owning five homes and one of the top network engineers in the country (all by age 25), I should have figured Matt knew what he was doing. After all, I was the one renting a room in his house. ~ Hal Elrod,
1419:I don't care what anyone says. You have to wake up and say to yourself, 'I accept that I have diabetes, and I'm not going to let it run my entire life.' It's a fine line, a Catch-22, a balancing act. I work to enjoy my life like a regular human being and at the same time keep my blood sugar levels as decent as possible. ~ Bret Michaels,
1420:OUr teachers at LT&C had their A levels and the odd teaching certificate. It is astonishing how a black crepe robe worn over a coat or blouse gives a Cockney punter or a Covent Garden flower girl the gravitas of an Oxford don. Accent be damned in Africa, as long as it's foreign and you have the right skin colour. ~ Abraham Verghese,
1421:There is no doubt that healthy-mindedness is inadequate as a philosophical doctrine, because the evil facts which it positively refuses to account for are a genuine portion of reality; and they may after all be the best key to life's significance, and possibly the only openers of our eyes to the deepest levels of truth. ~ William James,
1422:There is no doubt that healthy-mindedness is inadequate as a philosophical doctrine, because the evil facts which it refuses positively to account for are a genuine portion of reality; and they may after all be the best key to life's significance, and possibly the only openers of our eyes to the deepest levels of truth. ~ William James,
1423:From the founding of the Republic to 1929, spending by governments at all levels, federal, state, and local, never exceeded 12 percent of the national income except in time of major war, and two-thirds of that was state and local spending. Federal spending typically amounted to 3 percent or less of the national income. ~ Milton Friedman,
1424:Living in, and promoting a eugenic White society. This means that we take particular care in not only assuring the perpetuation of our precious White Race, but we take deliberate care that the misfits are culled and that each generation advances to higher and more salubrious levels, physically, aesthetically, and mentally. ~ Ben Klassen,
1425:The best way to think about anarchism is as a combination of three levels. On the one hand, the sort of instinctual revulsion against forms of inequality in power; on the other hand, a reappraisal of what one is already doing in egalitarian relations; and then the projection of these principles on all sorts of relations. ~ David Graeber,
1426:The violent Hindu retaliation to the Godhra carnage is unconditionally condemnable. Many credible voices have adequately shown that in 2002 it was the lack of adequate response at the highest levels of the Gujarat government that led to a Hindu-Muslim bloodbath, that both sides lost lives but that the Muslims lost more. ~ Rajiv Malhotra,
1427:To see Reality is as simple as to see one’s face in a mirror. Only, the mirror must be clear and true. A quiet mind, undistorted by desires and fears, free from ideas and opinions, clear on all the levels, is needed to reflect the Reality. Be clear and quiet; alert and detached, all else will happen by itself. ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj,
1428:We have all forgotten what we really are. All that we call common sense and rationality and practicality and positivism only means that for certain dead levels of our life we forget that we have forgotten. All that we call spirit and art and ecstasy only means that for one awful instant we remember that we forget. ~ Gilbert K Chesterton,
1429:Insulin creates insulin resistance. But insulin resistance also causes high insulin – a classic vicious, or self-reinforcing, cycle. Insulin drives up insulin resistance. This, in turn drives up insulin levels. The cycle keeps going around and around, one element reinforcing the other, until insulin is driven up to extremes. ~ Tim Noakes,
1430:I want to show it's possible to be happy and enjoy life, even if things seem awful. Did you know that, after a few years, lottery winners go back to the exact same levels of happiness as before they won? And people in serious accidents do, too, once they've adjusted to their changed lives? Happiness is a state of mind, Annie. ~ Eva Woods,
1431:Someone like you is brilliant and amazing,' I said. 'Why can't you see that in yourself?' The unfairness of it was starting to sink in. If she could only see herself like I did, there wouldn't be a problem. But she didn't, and she never would, and that was so many levels of wrong and unfair I almost couldn't comprehend it. ~ Sara Barnard,
1432:The best time to assault somebody is right before dawn. It's called "Before Morning Nautical Twilight." (BMNT) Its that time when the world is still and the light makes things look sort of blue. You can't tell a white thread from a black. It's not dawn; it's not night. Night vision systems get screwed up by the light levels. ~ John Ringo,
1433:I am oblique; I think that has to do with my own nature. I like trying to do things which work on many levels, because I think it is terribly important to give an audience a lot of things they might not get as well as those they will, so that finally the film does take on a texture and is not just simplistic communication. ~ Alan J Pakula,
1434:When blood insulin levels are high, those same fat cells store not only the excess glucose but the fat you ate at your last meal. Moreover, high insulin signals the fat cells to hold on to the fat and not release it for energy. If the pattern of high insulin-generating meals continues, fat cells swell up and you gain weight. ~ Mark Sisson,
1435:I mean, what if love isn't a yes-or-no question? It's not either you're in love or you're not. I mean, aren't these different levels? And maybe these things, like words and expectations and whatever, don't go on top of the love. Maybe it's like a map, and they have all their own place, and when you see it from the sky - whoa. ~ Rachel Cohn,
1436:The education is the answer to everything, really, and on so many different levels. The minutiae of life require analytical skills that you learn in being educated, an ability to navigate the very systems that constitute life. They all require some degree of education, and if you don't get it, you're at a real disadvantage. ~ Naomie Harris,
1437:The work of neuroscientist Antonio Damasio offers insight into the origins of this guilt. Damasio describes two levels of experiencing pain. The first is a physical response to a painful stimulus. The second, a far more complex reaction, is an emotion associated with pain. This is an internal representation of the physical. ~ Sherry Turkle,
1438:Truly great creative achievements require hundreds, if not thousands, of hours of work, and we have to make time every single day to put in those hours. Routines help us do this by setting expectations about availability, aligning our workflow with our energy levels, and getting our minds into a regular rhythm of creating. ~ Jocelyn K Glei,
1439:What binds us together is not common education, common race, common income levels, common politics, common nationality, common accents, common jobs, or anything else of that sort. Christians come together because they have all been loved by Jesus himself. They are a band of natural enemies who love one another for Jesus' sake. ~ D A Carson,
1440:I've been a proud mentor to many women seeking public office, because I believe we need more women at all levels of government. Women have an equal stake in our future and should have an equal voice in our politics. These are challenging times, but I believe getting more women to run for office is a big part of the solution. ~ Kamala Harris,
1441:The one thing I have learned as a CEO is that leadership at various levels is vastly different. When I was leading a function or a business, there were certain demands and requirements to be a leader. As you move up the organization, the requirements for leading that organization don't grow vertically; they grow exponentially. ~ Indra Nooyi,
1442:He also got visited by some of the most powerful men in the Church’s hierarchy. Not, of course, the six Archpriests or the Cenobiarch himself. They weren’t that important. They were merely at the top. The people who really run organisations are usually found several levels down, where it’s still possible to get things done. ~ Terry Pratchett,
1443:Oh, you are a little ray of sunshine today, aren’t you? Now, look at your progesterone levels. Still higher than normal. Are you pregnant? Have you been throwing up?”
“No. But I get cravings. Will I get stretch marks?” said Fi.
Gilamar kept a straight face. “Yeah, say goodbye to your figure. Everything sags from now on. ~ Karen Traviss,
1444:Studies of the people named and described in earliest Christian texts show that, right from the earliest years, they included craftsmen, merchants, and owners of businesses. Of course, there were also slaves and poor among believers. By at least the second century, there were also believers from upper levels of Roman society. ~ Larry Hurtado,
1445:A lot of the creature comforts and the things we take for granted, are not sustainable, especially at current population levels. And so, it's not just simply a matter of changing over to solar. It's a matter of changing our philosophies. Of learning to live, more or less, mid- or post-apocalyptic, whatever apocalyptic means. ~ Jeff VanderMeer,
1446:He also got visited by some of the most powerful men in the Church's hierarchy. Not, of course, the six Archpriests or the Cenobiarch himself. They weren't that important. They were merely at the top. The people who really run organizations are usually found several levels down, where it is still possible to get things done. ~ Terry Pratchett,
1447:Safe care saves lives and saves money. Adverse events like high levels of infection, blood clots or falls in hospital, emergency readmissions and pressure sores cost the NHS billions of pounds every year. There is a serious human cost, too, with patients ending up injured, or even dead. Most are avoidable with the right care. ~ Andrew Lansley,
1448:The difficulty is the levels of secrecy we had to maintain around the project at all different times. We had to keep it a secret while making it so we could move under the radar so we could get the stories. Before it came out we had to keep it on lock down to protect the safety and security of some people who appear in the film. ~ Amy Ziering,
1449:Truly great creative achievements require hundreds, if not thousands, of hours of work, and we have to make time every single day to put in those hours. Routines help us do this by setting expectations about availability, aligning our workflow with our energy levels, and getting our minds into a regular rhythm of creating. At ~ Jocelyn K Glei,
1450:You will find the most pronounced hatred of other nations on the lowest cultural levels. There is, though, a level where the hatred disappears completely and where one so to speak stands above the nations and where one experiences fortune or misfortune of a neighboring country as if they had happened to one's own. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
1451:A lot of the things that involve power on the highest levels sometimes involve the darker side of human psychology. People can be very passive aggressive or they can be aggressive and they can conceal their intentions. There's this world that exists that nobody writes about or describes it's like a dirty little secret or taboo. ~ Robert Greene,
1452:I mean, what if love isn't a yes-or-no question? It's not either you're in love or you're not. I mean, aren't there different levels? And maybe these things, like words and expectations and whatever, don't go on top of the love. Maybe it's like a map, and they all have their own place, and then when you see it from the sky--whoa. ~ Rachel Cohn,
1453:Many otherwise decent men and women could find no other solution. They are willing to degrade themselves to their basest levels to prevent the traditional laborer from rising in status or, to put it bluntly, from “winning,” even though what he wins has been rightfully his from the moment he was born into the human race. I ~ John Howard Griffin,
1454:Oh, measure it all out! Acceptable levels of misery and suffering!' The cane swung down, thumped hard on the ground. 'Acceptable? Who the fuck says any level is acceptable? What sort of mind thinks that?'

Karsa grinned, 'Why, a civilized one.'

'Indeed!' Shadowthrone turned to Cotillion. 'And you doubted this one! ~ Steven Erikson,
1455:Boredom reigns on all levels. The rain is a welcome change. I have seen the pond swell and the creek surge. I press my palm against the glass, imagining the drops on my skin, imagining where they started out, where they will go, feeling them like a river, rushing, combining, becoming something greater than how they started out. ~ Mary E Pearson,
1456:The occupation is really terrible on a variety of levels. It's terrible on the "shooting people and torturing people in prison" level. But I think the thing that is very hard to convey is that it's also this bureaucratic grinding-down and daily humiliation that I think would probably be as horrible as the spectacular violence. ~ Molly Crabapple,
1457:Let me just say that to imagine racism does not exist is imagination. And to imagine that it does not create its own set of problems is true imagination. So let's not imagine that racism is gone, extinguished, because it's not. We are seeing this in the top levels of the political arena, and we are seeing it very, very plainly. ~ Phylicia Rashad,
1458:Love is the means of entry and our guide. Love keeps us on the labyrinthine path. If we can honor love as it presents itself, taking shapes and directions we would never have predicted or desired, then we are on the way toward discovering the lower levels of soul, where meaning and value reveal themselves slowly and paradoxically. ~ Thomas Moore,
1459:Most of history is indisputably written by the winners, yet "winning" at Poitiers actually meant that the economic, scientific, and cultural levels that Europeans attained in the thirteenth century could almost certainly have been achieved more than three centuries earlier had they been included in the Muslim world empire. ~ David Levering Lewis,
1460:No, not really,” Lucifer said, sounding bored, but she knew him well enough to know that he’d reached level one in his complicated, yet entertaining, highly devised system that he’d developed over the years to properly display the various levels that made up his temper which would one day lead him to his very own episode of Cops. ~ R L Mathewson,
1461:Some 3 million years ago, when the earth was a little more than 3°C warmer than preindustrial levels (about 2.2°C warmer than today), Antarctica had far less ice and sea levels were a stunning 25 meters higher than today. If we stay on our current emissions path, the planet will almost certainly be that warm by the century's end. ~ Joseph J Romm,
1462:Wit makes its own welcome, and levels all distinction. No dignity, no learning, no force of character, can make any stand against good wit. It is like ice, on which no beauty of form, no majesty of carriage, can plead any immunity; they must walk gingerly, according to the laws of ice, or down they must go, dignity and all. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
1463:I am convinced that unconditional love is the most powerful known stimulant of the immune system. If I told patients to raise their blood levels of immune globulins or killer T cells, no one would know how. But if I can teach them to love themselves and others fully, the same changes happen automatically. The truth is: love heals. ~ Bernie Siegel,
1464:I contend that the time has come to develop what I call "integrated spiritual masters." These are individuals that have a full-on experience of all levels of life spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, and yes... physically. In other words they can soar into the realms of the mystic and yet still keep their feet in the sand. ~ James Arthur Ray,
1465:If you want to immediately reduce your stress levels, to begin each day with the kind of calm, clarity, and peace of mind that will allow you to stay focused on what’s most important in your life, and even dance on the edge of enlightenment—do the opposite of what most people do—start every morning with a period of purposeful Silence. ~ Hal Elrod,
1466:I work on two levels. I occupy my conscious mind with things to do, lines to draw, movements to organize, rhythms to invent. In fact, I keep myself occupied. But that allows other things to happen which I'm not controlling... the more I exercise my conscious mind, the more open the other things may find that they can come through. ~ Bridget Riley,
1467:Job insecurity, debt servitude, poverty, incarceration and a growing network of real and symbolic violence have entrapped too many young people in a future that portends zero opportunities and zero hopes. This is a generation that has become the new register for disposability, redundancy, and new levels of surveillance and control. ~ Henry Giroux,
1468:Our children remind us, if we let them, that there are not only many types of dreams but many levels of dreaming, that we do not have to go to sleep in order to dream and that when we imagine something vividly we are doing far more than 'making things up': we may be punching a hole in the world, opening a path into a larger reality. ~ Robert Moss,
1469:People in low-lying countries like Bangladesh with almost 140 million people who are managing to feed themselves, whose carbon emissions can't really be calculated (they are a rounding error in the UN's attempts to do national comparisons), and yet, most of whose people are at risk from increased flooding due to rising sea levels. ~ Bill McKibben,
1470:The light is there and if you only half open your eyes, you will not see the sun.
The sun is always there and does not turn its back on the earth.
The earth turns her back to the sun and the result is night.
There is no night or levels in the sun.
Your own light and wisdom waits for you, but you have been postponing it. ~ H W L Poonja,
1471:Very often we claim to know something. We get an idea about what to do or not do, yet, for some reason our behavior doesn’t change. At times, we just can’t seem to do what we know. This is known as mental healing. Something has shifted in your thinking, but it has not reach the other levels of your being—the heart and the spirit. ~ Iyanla Vanzant,
1472:by the end of 2007, capital levels at the five SEC-regulated Wall Street investment banks—Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, and Goldman Sachs—were just 3 percent of assets. At the mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, they would drop to barely 1 percent of the assets they owned and guaranteed. ~ Timothy F Geithner,
1473:I mean, what if love isn't a yes-or-no question? It's not either you're in love or you're not. I mean, aren't there different levels? And maybe these things, like words and expectations and whatever, don't go on top of the love. Maybe it's like a map, and they all have their own place, and then when you see it from the sky - whoa. ~ David Levithan,
1474:Pop takes a sip of coffee and puts it next to his iPad mini, which is only used for mah jong and some game called Ant Smasher. Then he folds his knobbled hands over his belly and levels a cut-the-bullshit stare at me. I call it the Vietnam look. It’s a look that says, I was in a fucking think you can pull one over on me? ~ Laurelin Paige,
1475:And we did. A study of middle-class families in Los Angeles found that just one in four families could fit a car in its garage. (It also found that mothers’ stress levels rose as they described their household mess.) Americans who struggled to afford health insurance and college could nevertheless buy lots of stuff, sometimes on credit. ~ Anonymous,
1476:I support lowering the level of legal immigration by a moderate amount at this time. Legal immigration reform must be based upon principles that are pro-family, pro-work, and pro-naturalization, retaining opportunities for family reunification as the levels are lowered. We must not let this issue become divisive in this country. ~ William J Clinton,
1477:The American people elected us here to cut spending so we can create an environment for jobs in America. The House has acted. We have demonstrated that we want to see spending, discretionary spending, brought down to levels of 2008. We've seen no counteraction. We have seen no position that has been expressed by the other side at all. ~ Eric Cantor,
1478:A wave of emotion swept over him as he brushed the damp hair from her face. The feeling scared him. He has no business bedding a potential suspect, much less falling for her. The sex had been mind-blowing, yet wrong on so many levels. He was supposed to think of her as a mark, a means to furthering his investigation, and he just couldn't. ~ Jo Davis,
1479:Graham states, “Because average country income levels do not matter to happiness, but relative distances from the average do, the poor Honduran is happier because their distance from mean income is smaller.” And in Honduras, the poor are much closer in wealth to the middle class than the poor are in Chile, so they feel better off. ~ Malcolm Gladwell,
1480:If the economy of today were operating close to capacity levels with little unemployment, or if a sudden change in our military requirements should cause a scramble for men and resources, then I would oppose tax reductions as irresponsible and inflationary; and I would not hesitate to recommend a tax increase if that were necessary. ~ John F Kennedy,
1481:Most important, Kennedy's commission encouraged women activists on both the state and federal levels to develop networks and to talk seriously about curbing long-standing divisions within their ranks. In this way, Kennedy unintentionally aroused expectations that encouraged a much more self-conscious feminist movement after 1964. ~ James T Patterson,
1482:Some people have set up sort of "gotcha" algorithms that apparently crawl through psychology articles and look for fraudulent p-values [a measure of the likelihood that experimental results weren't a fluke]. But they're including rounding errors that don't change the significance levels of the results, and they're doing it anonymously. ~ Susan Fiske,
1483:The CIA falsely claimed credit for the arrest and wrested back control of the interrogation. Its officers blasted the prisoner with noise, froze him with cold, and buried him in a mock coffin. Soufan and Gaudin protested. The CIA officers told them the techniques had been approved at the highest levels of the American government. Soufan ~ Tim Weiner,
1484:The contrasts between what is spent today to educate a child in the poorest New York City neighborhoods, where teacher salaries are often even lower than the city averages, and spending levels in the wealthiest suburban areas are daunting challenges to any hope New Yorkers might retain that even semblances of fairness still prevail. ~ Jonathan Kozol,
1485:In new-style classes (optional in 2.X and standard in 3.X), the attribute search is usually as before, but in diamond patterns proceeds across by tree levels before moving up, in a more breadth-first fashion. This order is usually called the new-style MRO, for method resolution order, though it’s used for all attributes, not just methods. ~ Mark Lutz,
1486:It wasn't professional, but it was a few levels below the top level. I loved playing football, but my passion was always music. It didn't become a possibility to me until I started playing songs I thought were good. I think it happened during my third song. The dream to become a musician appeared in my heart, and that happened about 2010. ~ Vance Joy,
1487:Scientists generally agree that the more HDL you have, the lower your risk for heart disease. As you might have imagined, people with Metabolic Syndrome and type 2 diabetes also typically have low levels of beneficial HDL. Exercise is one of the cheapest, easiest, and most effective ways to raise HDL. Consuming saturated fat is another! ~ Mark Sisson,
1488:The political scientist Francis Fukuyama, who wrote a classic book in 1996 on why the most successful states and societies exhibit high levels of trust—Trust: The Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity—noted that “social capital is a capability that arises from the prevalence of trust in a society or in certain parts of it. ~ Thomas L Friedman,
1489:If you call me sweetheart, do I get to call you something, ah, special, too?”
“I’m not one for nicknames. What did you have in mind?”
“Something simple.”
I could live with that. “Like?”
“Dick,” she stated with a straight face.
“Why not? It’s a short form of your name, and it, ah, suits you, on so many levels. ~ Melanie Moreland,
1490:Sometimes, after you have taken part in a seven, one or two-day retreat, you could feel that your level of practice had risen. That was because we had given our undivided attention to breaking through our level of practice. We knew that was the sole purpose of coming to a retreat here, so our levels were uplifted and our karma left behind. ~ Ching Hai,
1491:There is often an inverse relationship between levels of intragroup and intergroup aggression. In other words, groups with highly hostile interactions with neighbors tend to have minimal internal conflict. Or, to spin this another way, groups with high levels of internal conflict are too distracted to focus hostility on the Others. ~ Robert M Sapolsky,
1492:The role of campaign contributions in our political system and the role of lobbyists have now reached levels that are quite unhealthy for the operations of our democracy. But the antidote, as in past eras of lobbyist excess, is for more involvement by citizens to build pressure on members of the House and Senate to serve the public interest. ~ Al Gore,
1493:The single most important requirement to improve your fat metabolism and succeed with long-term weight management is to reduce the total amount of insulin you produce. High insulin levels promote fat storage and disease. Moderated insulin levels (typical of Primal Blueprint eating) stimulate fat burning and good health. It’s that simple. ~ Mark Sisson,
1494:Evolution is never total adaptation. It always requires destabilization, the reaching out, the self-presentation which offers new symbiotic relations, the risk accompanying all innovation. Evolution at all levels includes freedom of action as well as the recognition of a ubiquitous systemic interdependence. ~ Erich Jantsch, The Self-Organizing Universe,
1495:For all the jokes about students living off ramen, undergraduates are significantly more likely to experience high levels of food insecurity (in technical terms: “hunger”) than to live in a dorm. 7 Millennials have changed what it means to be a college student in practice, but the American “Town vs. Gown” imaginary hasn’t been updated. ~ Malcolm Harris,
1496:One of the study's authors, Dr. Lee Berk, is actually a humor researcher because, when you get right down to it, laughter is serious business. He noted that laughter decreases cortisol levels and blood pressure while boosting the immune system. So even though it's easier said than done, "don't worry, be happy" is a valuable piece of advice. ~ Anonymous,
1497:The capacity is there, the crisis is the catalyst. But is crisis the only catalyst? And how long are we able to sustain extraordinary levels of performance? Some of this potential can be accessed by coaching, and performance can be sustainable, perhaps not at superhuman levels but certainly at levels far higher than we generally accept. ~ John Whitmore,
1498:when women have a conversation, they’re communicating on five levels. They follow the conversation that they’re actually having, the conversation that is specifically being avoided, the tone being applied to the overt conversation, the buried conversation that is being covered only in subtext, and finally the other person’s body language. ~ Jim Butcher,
1499:If instead of looking at income, you look at levels of consumption, if anything that's become more equal. The fraction of families that have a dishwasher, that have a sewing machine, that have a television set. In respect to consumption, it's very hard to avoid the view that people have been getting more equal rather than more unequal. ~ Milton Friedman,
1500:It is also important to consider the cognitive aspect of compassion, in other words understanding the different levels of suffering and its manifest or latent causes. We will be able thus to place ourselves in the service of others by helping them effectively while still preserving our inner strength, our kindness, and our inner peace. ~ Matthieu Ricard,

IN CHAPTERS [150/424]

  230 Integral Yoga
   13 Philosophy
   11 Fiction
   11 Christianity
   10 Psychology
   10 Poetry
   9 Yoga
   9 Occultism
   6 Integral Theory
   4 Buddhism
   3 Theosophy
   3 Science
   3 Cybernetics
   2 Kabbalah
   1 Hinduism
   1 Education
   1 Alchemy

  182 Sri Aurobindo
   82 Nolini Kanta Gupta
   61 The Mother
   50 Satprem
   10 H P Lovecraft
   10 A B Purani
   9 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
   8 Carl Jung
   8 Aldous Huxley
   7 Swami Krishnananda
   4 Thubten Chodron
   4 Jordan Peterson
   4 George Van Vrekhem
   4 Bokar Rinpoche
   3 Norbert Wiener
   3 Ken Wilber
   3 Alice Bailey
   2 Walt Whitman
   2 Sri Ramakrishna
   2 Rabbi Moses Luzzatto
   2 Plotinus
   2 Lucretius
   2 Hsuan Chueh of Yung Chia

   40 The Synthesis Of Yoga
   23 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03
   22 Record of Yoga
   17 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04
   15 The Life Divine
   15 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01
   14 Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness
   11 Essays In Philosophy And Yoga
   10 Questions And Answers 1953
   10 Lovecraft - Poems
   10 Letters On Yoga III
   10 Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo
   9 Letters On Yoga IV
   8 The Perennial Philosophy
   8 Savitri
   8 Letters On Yoga I
   8 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 07
   7 The Study and Practice of Yoga
   7 Questions And Answers 1929-1931
   7 Agenda Vol 02
   6 On the Way to Supermanhood
   6 Letters On Yoga II
   6 Essays Divine And Human
   6 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 08
   6 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02
   6 Agenda Vol 03
   5 The Phenomenon of Man
   5 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 05
   4 The Secret Of The Veda
   4 The Human Cycle
   4 Tara - The Feminine Divine
   4 Preparing for the Miraculous
   4 On Thoughts And Aphorisms
   4 Maps of Meaning
   4 Hymns to the Mystic Fire
   4 How to Free Your Mind - Tara the Liberator
   4 Agenda Vol 07
   3 The Future of Man
   3 The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious
   3 Sex Ecology Spirituality
   3 Questions And Answers 1957-1958
   3 Cybernetics
   3 A Treatise on Cosmic Fire
   3 Agenda Vol 08
   3 Agenda Vol 06
   3 Agenda Vol 04
   2 Whitman - Poems
   2 Vedic and Philological Studies
   2 The Practice of Psycho therapy
   2 The Integral Yoga
   2 The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
   2 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
   2 Questions And Answers 1954
   2 Of The Nature Of Things
   2 Letters On Poetry And Art
   2 General Principles of Kabbalah
   2 Aion
   2 Agenda Vol 12
   2 Agenda Vol 10
   2 Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2E

00.02 - Mystic Symbolism, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   And there is such a commensurability or parallelism between the various Levels of consciousness, in and through all the differences that separate them from one another. Thus an object or a movement apprehended on the physical plane has a sort of line of re-echoing images extended in a series along the whole gradation of the inner planes; otherwise viewed, an object or movement in the innermost consciousness translates itself in varying modes from plane to plane down to the most material, where it appears in its grossest form as a concrete three-dimensional object or a mechanical movement. This parallelism or commensurability by virtue of which the different and divergent states of consciousness can portray or represent each other is the source of all symbolism.
   A symbol symbolizes something for this reason that both possess in common a certain identical, at least similar, quality or rhythm or vibration, the symbol possessing it in a grosser or more apparent or sensuous form than the thing symbolized does. Sometimes it may happen that it is more than a certain quality or rhythm or vibration that is common between the two: the symbol in its entirety is the thing symbolized but thrown down on another plane, it is the embodiment of the latter in a more concrete world. The light and the fire that Saint Paul and Moses saw appear to be of this kind.
   Man being an embodied soul, his external consciousness (what the Upanishad calls jgrat) is the milieu in which his soul-experiences naturally manifest and find their play. It is the forms and movements of that consciousness which clo the and give a concrete habitation and name to perceptions on the subtler ranges of the inner existence. If the experiences on these planes are to be presented to the conscious memory and to the brain-mind and made communicable to others through speech, this is the inevitable and natural process. Symbols are a translation in mental and sensual (and vocal) terms of experiences that are beyond the mind and the sense and the speech and yet throw a kind of echoing vibrations upon these lesser Levels.

00.03 - Upanishadic Symbolism, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The three fires are named elsewhere Garhapatya, Dakshina, and Ahavaniya.9 They are the three tongues of the one central Agni, that dwells secreted in the hearth of the soul. They manifest as aspirations that flame up from the three fundamental Levels of our being, the body, the life and the mind. For although the spiritual consciousness is the natural element of the soul and is gained in and through the soul, yet, in order that man may take possession of it and dwell in it consciously, in order that the soul's empire may be established, the external being too must respond to the soul's impact and yearn for its truth in the Spirit. The mind, the life and the body which are usually obstructions in the path, must discover the secret flame that is in them tooeach has his own portion of the Soul's Fireand mount on its ardent tongue towards the heights of the Spirit.
   Garhapatya is the Fire in the body-consciousness, the fire of Earth, as it is sometimes called; Dakshina is the Fire of the moon or mind, and Ahavaniya that of life.10 The earthly fire is also the fire of the sun; the sun is the source of all earth's heat and symbolises at the same time the spiritual light manifested in the physical consciousness. The lunar fire is also the fire of the stars, the stars, mythologically, being the consorts or powers of the moon and they symbolise, in Yogic experience, the intuitive thoughts. The fire of the life-force has its symbol in lightning, electric energy being its vehicle.
   It would be interesting to know what the five ranges or Levels or movements of consciousness exactly are that make up the Universal Brahman described in this passage. It is the mystic knowledge, the Upanishad says, of the secret delight in thingsmadhuvidy. The five ranges are the five fundamental principles of delightimmortalities, the Veda would say that form the inner core of the pyramid of creation. They form a rising tier and are ruled respectively by the godsAgni, Indra, Varuna, Soma and Brahmawith their emanations and instrumental personalities the Vasus, the Rudras, the Adityas, the Maruts and the Sadhyas. We suggest that these refer to the five well-known Levels of being, the modes or nodi of consciousness or something very much like them. The Upanishad speaks elsewhere of the five sheaths. The six Chakras of Tantric system lie in the same line. The first and the basic mode is the physical and the ascent from the physical: Agni and the Vasus are always intimately connected with the earth and -the earth-principles (it can be compared with the Muladhara of the Tantras). Next, second in the line of ascent is the Vital, the centre of power and dynamism of which the Rudras are the deities and Indra the presiding God (cf. Swadhishthana of the Tantras the navel centre). Indra, in the Vedas, has two aspects, one of knowledge and vision and the other of dynamic force and drive. In the first aspect he is more often considered as the Lord of the Mind, of the Luminous Mind. In the present passage, Indra is taken in his second aspect and instead of the Maruts with whom he is usually invoked has the Rudras as his agents and associates.
   The third in the line of ascension is the region of Varuna and the Adityas, that is to say, of the large Mind and its lightsperhaps it can be connected with Tantric Ajnachakra. The fourth is the domain of Soma and the Marutsthis seems to be the inner heart, the fount of delight and keen and sweeping aspirations the Anahata of the Tantras. The fifth is the region of the crown of the head, the domain of Brahma and the Sadhyas: it is the Overmind status from where comes the descending inflatus, the creative Maya of Brahma. And when you go beyond, you pass into the ultimate status of the Sun, the reality absolute, the Transcendent which is indescribable, unseizable, indeterminate, indeterminable, incommensurable; and once there, one never returns, neverna ca punarvartate na ca punarvartate.

0.00 - INTRODUCTION, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
   The anguish of the inner soul of India found expression through these passionate words of the young Gadadhar. For what did his unsophisticated eyes see around him in Calcutta, at that time the metropolis of India and the centre of modem culture and learning? Greed and lust held sway in the higher Levels of society, and the occasional religious practices were merely outer forms from which the soul had long ago departed. Gadadhar had never seen anything like this at Kamarpukur among the simple and pious villagers. The sadhus and wandering monks whom he had served in his boyhood had revealed to him an altogether different India. He had been impressed by their devotion and purity, their self-control and renunciation. He had learnt from them and from his own intuition that the ideal of life as taught by the ancient sages of India was the realization of God.
   When Ramkumar reprimanded Gadadhar for neglecting a "bread-winning education", the inner voice of the boy reminded him that the legacy of his ancestors — the legacy of Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Sankara, Ramanuja, Chaitanya — was not worldly security but the Knowledge of God. And these noble sages were the true representatives of Hindu society. Each of them was seated, as it were, on the crest of the wave that followed each successive trough in the tumultuous course of Indian national life. All demonstrated that the life current of India is spirituality. This truth was revealed to Gadadhar through that inner vision which scans past and future in one sweep, unobstructed by the barriers of time and space. But he was unaware of the history of the profound change that had taken place in the land of his birth during the previous one hundred years.

01.02 - Natures Own Yoga, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   An organ in the human being has been especially developed to become the effective instrument of this accelerated Yogic process the self-consciousness which I referred to as being the distinctive characteristic of man is a function of this organ. It is his soul, his psychic being; originally it is the spark of the Divine Consciousness which came down and became involved in Matter and has been endeavouring ever since to release itself through the upward march of evolution. It is this which presses on continually as the stimulus to the evolutionary movement; and in man it has attained sufficient growth and power and has come so far to the front from behind the veil that it can now lead and mould his external consciousness. It is also the channel through which the Divine Consciousness can flow down into the inferior Levels of human nature. It is the being no bigger than the thumb ever seated within the heart, spoken of in the Upanishads. It is likewise the basis of true individuality and personal identity. It is again the reflection or expression in evolutionary Nature of one's essential selfjivtman that is above, an eternal portion of the Divine, one with the Divine and yet not dissolved and lost in it. The psychic being is thus on the one hand in direct contact with the Divine and the higher consciousness, and on the other it is the secret upholder and controller' (bhart, antarymin) of the inferior consciousness, the hidden nucleus round which the body and the life and the mind of the individual are built up and organised.
   The first decisive step in Yoga is taken when one becomes conscious of the psychic being, or, looked at from the other side, when the psychic being comes forward and takes possession of the external being, begins to initiate and influence the movements of the mind and life and body and gradually free them from the ordinary round of ignorant nature. The awakening of the psychic being means, as I have said, not only a deepening and heightening of the consciousness and its release from the obscurity and limitation of the inferior Prakriti, confined to the lower threefold status, into what is behind and beyond; it means also a return of the deeper and higher consciousness upon the lower hemisphere and a consequent purification and illumination and regeneration of the latter. Finally, when the psychic being is in full self-possession and power, it can be the vehicle of the direct supramental consciousness which will then be able to act freely and absolutely for the entire transformation of the external nature, its transfiguration into a perfect body of the Truth-consciousness in a word, its divinisation.

01.04 - The Intuition of the Age, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   All movementswhe ther of thought or of life, whether in the individual or in the massproceed from a fundamental intuition which lies in the background as the logical presupposition, the psychological motive and the spiritual force. A certain attitude of the soul, a certain angle of vision is what is posited first; all other thingsall thoughts and feelings and activities are but necessary attempts to express, to demonstrate, to realise on the conscious and dynamic Levels, in the outer world, the truth which has thus already been seized in some secret core of our being. The intuition may not, of course, be present to the conscious mind, it may not be ostensibly sought for, one may even deny the existence of such a preconceived notion and proceed to establish truth on a tabula rasa; none the less it is this hidden bias that judges, this secret consciousness that formulates, this unknown power that fashions.
   Now, what is the intuition that lies behind the movements of the new age? What is the intimate realisation, the underlying view-point which is guiding and modelling all our efforts and achievementsour science and art, our poetry and philosophy, our religion and society? For, there is such a common and fundamental note which is being voiced forth by the human spirit through all the multitude of its present-day activities.
   Certainly this does not go far enough into the motive of the change. The cosmic order does not mean mentalised vitalism which is also in its turn a section of the integral reality. It means the order of the spirit, it means the transfiguration of the physical, the vital and the intellectual into the supernal Substance, Power and Light of that Spirit. The real transcendence of humanity is not the transcendence of one or other of its Levels but the total transcendence to an altogether different status and the transmutation of humanity in the mould of that statusnot a Nietzschean Titan nor a Bergsonian Dionysus but the tranquil vision and delight and dynamism of the Spirit the incarnation of a god-head.

01.04 - The Poetry in the Making, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   When we say one is conscious, we usually mean that one is conscious with the mental consciousness, with the rational intelligence, with the light of the brain. But this need not be always so. For one can be conscious with other forms of consciousness or in other planes of consciousness. In the average or normal man the consciousness is linked to or identified with the brain function, the rational intelligence and so we conclude that without this wakeful brain activity there can be no consciousness. But the fact is otherwise. The experiences of the mystic prove the point. The mystic is conscious on a level which we describe as higher than the mind and reason, he has what may be called the overhead consciousness. (Apart from the normal consciousness, which is named jagrat, waking, the Upanishad speaks of three other increasingly subtler states of consciousness, swapna, sushupti and turiya.)And then one can be quite unconscious, as in samadhi that can be sushupti or turiyaorpartially consciousin swapna, for example, the external behaviour may be like that of a child or a lunatic or even a goblin. One can also remain normally conscious and still be in the superconscience. Not only so, the mystic the Yogican be conscious on infraconscious Levels also; that is to say, he can enter into and identify with the consciousness involved in life and even in Matter; he can feel and realise his oneness with the animal world, the plant world and finally the world of dead earth, of "stocks and stones" too. For all these strands of existence have each its own type of consciousness and all different from the mode of mind which is normally known as consciousness. When St. Francis addresses himself to the brother Sun or the sister Moon, or when the Upanishad speaks of the tree silhouetted against the sky, as if stilled in trance, we feel there is something of this fusion and identification of consciousness with an infra-conscient existence.
   I said that the supreme artist is superconscious: his consciousness withdraws from the normal mental consciousness and becomes awake and alive in another order of consciousness. To that superior consciousness the artist's mentalityhis ideas and dispositions, his judgments and valuations and acquisitions, in other words, his normal psychological make-upserves as a channel, an instrument, a medium for transcription. Now, there are two stages, or rather two lines of activity in the processus, for they may be overlapping and practically simultaneous. First, there is the withdrawal and the in-gathering of consciousness and then its reappearance into expression. The consciousness retires into a secret or subtle worldWords-worth's "recollected in tranquillity"and comes back with the riches gathered or transmuted there. But the purity of the gold thus garnered and stalled in the artistry of words and sounds or lines and colours depends altogether upon the purity of the channel through which it has to pass. The mental vehicle receives and records and it can do so to perfection if it is perfectly in tune with what it has to receive and record; otherwise the transcription becomes mixed and blurred, a faint or confused echo, a poor show. The supreme creators are precisely those in whom the receptacle, the instrumental faculties offer the least resistance and record with absolute fidelity the experiences of the over or inner consciousness. In Shakespeare, in Homer, in Valmiki the inflatus of the secret consciousness, the inspiration, as it is usually termed, bears down, sweeps away all obscurity or contrariety in the recording mentality, suffuses it with its own glow and puissance, indeed resolves it into its own substance, as it were. And the difference between the two, the secret norm and the recording form, determines the scale of the artist's creative value. It happens often that the obstruction of a too critically observant and self-conscious brain-mind successfully blocks up the flow of something supremely beautiful that wanted to come down and waited for an opportunity.
   But the Yogi is a wholly conscious being; a perfect Yogi is he who possesses a conscious and willed control over his instruments, he silences them, as and when he likes, and makes them convey and express with as little deviation as possible truths and realities from the Beyond. Now the question is, is it possible for the poet also to do something like that, to consciously create and not to be a mere unconscious or helpless channel? Conscious artistry, as we have said, means to be conscious on two Levels of consciousness at the same time, to be at home in both equally and simultaneously. The general experience, however, is that of "one at a time": if the artist dwells more in the one, the other retires into the background to the same measure. If he is in the over-consciousness, he is only half-conscious in his brain consciousness, or even not conscious at allhe does not know how he has created, the sources or process of his creative activity, he is quite oblivious of them" gone through them all as if per saltum. Such seems to have been the case with the primitives, as they are called, the elemental poetsShakespeare and Homer and Valmiki. In some others, who come very near to them in poetic genius, yet not quite on a par, the instrumental intelligence is strong and active, it helps in its own way but in helping circumscribes and limits the original impulsion. The art here becomes consciously artistic, but loses something of the initial freshness and spontaneity: it gains in correctness, polish and elegance and has now a style in lieu of Nature's own naturalness. I am thinking of Virgil and Milton and Kalidasa. Dante's place is perhaps somewhere in between. Lower in the rung where the mental medium occupies a still more preponderant place we have intellectual poetry, poetry of the later classical age whose representatives are Pope and Dryden. We can go farther down and land in the domain of versificationalthough here, too, there can be a good amount of beauty in shape of ingenuity, cleverness and conceit: Voltaire and Delille are of this order in French poetry.
   The three or four major orders I speak of in reference to conscious artistry are exampled characteristically in the history of the evolution of Greek poetry. It must be remembered, however, at the very outset that the Greeks as a race were nothing if not rational and intellectual. It was an element of strong self-consciousness that they brought into human culture that was their special gift. Leaving out of account Homer who was, as I said, a primitive, their classical age began with Aeschylus who was the first and the most spontaneous and intuitive of the Great Three. Sophocles, who comes next, is more balanced and self-controlled and pregnant with a reasoned thought-content clothed in polished phrasing. We feel here that the artist knew what he was about and was exercising a conscious control over his instruments and materials, unlike his predecessor who seemed to be completely carried away by the onrush of the poetic enthousiasmos. Sophocles, in spite of his artistic perfection or perhaps because of it, appears to be just a little, one remove, away from the purity of the central inspiration there is a veil, although a thin transparent veil, yet a veil between which intervenes. With the third of the Brotherhood, Euripides, we slide lower downwe arrive at a predominantly mental transcription of an experience or inner conception; but something of the major breath continues, an aura, a rhythm that maintains the inner contact and thus saves the poetry. In a subsequent age, in Theocritus, for example, poetry became truly very much 'sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought', so much of virtuosity and precocity entered into it; in other words, the poet then was an excessively self-conscious artist. That seems to be the general trend of all literature.
   But should there be an inherent incompatibility between spontaneous creation and self-consciousness? As we have seen, a harmony and fusion can and do happen of the superconscious and the normally conscious in the Yogi. Likewise, an artist also can be wakeful and transparent enough so that he is conscious on both the Levels simultaneouslyabove, he is conscious of the source and origin of his inspiration, and on the level plain he is conscious of the working of the instrument, how the vehicle transcribes and embodies what comes from elsewhere. The poet's consciousness becomes then divalent as it werethere is a sense of absolute passivity in respect of the receiving apparatus and coupled and immisced with it there is also the sense of dynamism, of conscious agency as in his secret being he is the master of his apparatus and one with the Inspirerin other words, the poet is both a seer (kavih) and a creator or doer (poits).
   Not only so, the future development of the poetic consciousness seems inevitably to lead to such a consummation in which the creative and the critical faculties will not be separate but form part of one and indivisible movement. Historically, human consciousness has grown from unconsciousness to consciousness and from consciousness to self-consciousness; man's creative and artistic genius too has moved pari passu in the same direction. The earliest and primitive poets were mostly unconscious, that is to say, they wrote or said things as they came to them spontaneously, without effort, without reflection, they do not seem to know the whence and wherefore and whither of it all, they know only that the wind bloweth as it listeth. That was when man had not yet eaten the fruit of knowledge, was still in the innocence of childhood. But as he grew up and progressed, he became more and more conscious, capable of exerting and exercising a deliberate will and initiating a purposive action, not only in the external practical field but also in the psychological domain. If the earlier group is called "primitives", the later one, that of conscious artists, usually goes by the name of "classicists." Modern creators have gone one step farther in the direction of self-consciousness, a return upon oneself, an inlook of full awareness and a free and alert activity of the critical faculties. An unconscious artist in the sense of the "primitives" is almost an impossible phenomenon in the modern world. All are scientists: an artist cannot but be consciously critical, deliberate, purposive in what he creates and how he creates. Evidently, this has cost something of the old-world spontaneity and supremacy of utterance; but it cannot be helped, we cannot comm and the tide to roll back, Canute-like. The feature has to be accepted and a remedy and new orientation discovered.

01.08 - A Theory of Yoga, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   This is the real meaning and sense of the moral struggle in man, the continuous endeavour towards a transvaluation of the primary and aboriginal instincts and impulses. Looked at from one end, from below up the ascending line, man's ethical and spiritual ideals are a dissimulation and sublimation of the animal impulsions. But this is becauseas we see, if we look from the other end, from above down the descending lineman is not all instinct, he is not a mere blind instrument in the hands of Nature forces. He has in him another source, an opposite pole of being from which other impulsions flow and continually modify the structure of the lower Levels. If the animal is the foundation of his nature, the divine is its summit. If the bodily demands form his manifest reality, the demands of the spirit enshrine his higher reality. And if as regards the former he is a slave, as regards the latter he is the Master. It is by the interaction of these double forces that his whole nature has been and is being fashioned. Man does not and cannot give carte blanche to his vital, inclinations, since there is a pressure upon them of higher forces coming down from his mental and spiritual Levels. It is these latter which have deviated him from the direct line of the pure animal life.
   Thus then we may distinguish three types of control on three Levels. First, the natural control, secondly the conscious, i.e. to say the mental the ethical and religious control, and thirdly the spiritual or divine control. Now the spirit is the ultimate truth and reality, behind the forces that act in the mind and in the body, so that the natural control and the ethical control are mere attempts to establish and realise the spiritual control. The animal impulses feel the hidden stress of the divine urges that are their real essence and thus there rises first an unconscious conflict in the natural life and then a conscious conflict in the higher ethical life. But when both of these are transcended and the conflict is carried on to a still higher level, then do we find their real significance and arrive at the consummation to which they move. Yoga is the ultimate transvaluation of physical (and of moral) values, it is the trans-substantiation of life-power into its spiritual substance.

01.14 - Nicholas Roerich, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   A Russian artist (Monsieur Benois) has stressed upon the primitivealmost aboriginalelement in Roerich and was not happy over it. Well, as has been pointed out by other prophets and thinkers, man today happens to be so sophisticated, artificial, material, cerebral that a [all-back seems to be necessary for him to take a new leap forward on to a higher ground. The pure aesthete is a closed system, with a consciousness immured in an ivory tower; but man is something more. A curious paradox. Man can reach the highest, realise the integral truth when he takes his leap, not from the relatively higher Levels of his consciousness his intellectual and aesthetic and even moral status but when he can do so from his lower Levels, when the physico-vital element in him serves as the springing-board. The decent and the beautiful the classic grace and aristocracyform one aspect of man, the aspect of "light"; but the aspect of energy and power lies precisely in him where the aboriginal and the barbarian find also a lodging. Man as a mental being is naturally sattwic, but prone to passivity and weakness; his physico-vital reactions, on the other hand, are obscure and crude, simple and vehement, but they have life and energy and creative power, they are there to be trained and transfigured, made effective instruments of a higher illumination.
   All elemental personalities have something of the unconventional and irrational in them. And Roerich is one such in his own way. The truths and realities that he envisages and seeks to realise on earth are elemental and fundamental, although apparently simple and commonplace.

0 1961-01-22, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It has been deferred because I was still down below; I had not yet returned to the upper Levels. Anyhow.
   But they are furious! There is evidently a whole alignment of forces (they must be vital forces) between here and my domain. Theyre furious! They set up explosions, demolitions. And I could see all the settings they were quite artificial, nothing real, but dangerous nonetheless.

0 1961-02-07, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And its absolutely truetrue at each stage, on all Levels. Whatever level you have attained, even the very highest, if you concentrate on that [the body], it is finished! And all the difficulties begin, you know, with that very concentration that tries to draw down Light and Poweryogic concentration itself.
   So it would seem that if one wants to use his individuality, his body, to transform the whole that is, if one wants to use his bodily presence to act upon the universal corporeal substance theres no end to it. No end to the difficulties, no end to the battle BATTLE!

0 1961-02-18, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Anyhow. Only Sri Aurobindo can speak of Sri Aurobindo. And as for their notes, its still Sri Aurobindo A la Z, or Sri Aurobindo A la A, and all the more so since Sri Aurobindo wrote in very different ways depending upon the person he was writing to (gesture indicating different Levels).
   Well, if you feel the time will be found, it will surely be found.

0 1961-03-11, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   In my view, all these old Scriptures and ancient traditions have a graduated content (gesture showing different Levels of understanding), and according to the needs of the epoch and the people, one symbol or another was drawn upon. But a time comes when one goes beyond these things and sees them from what Sri Aurobindo calls the other hemisphere, where one realizes that they are only modes of expression to put one in contacta kind of bridge or link between the lower way of seeing and the higher way of knowing.
   A time comes when all these disputesAh, no, this is like this, that is like thatseem so silly, so silly! And there is nothing more comical than this spontaneous reply so many people give: Oh, thats impossible! Because with even the most rudimentary intellectual development, you would know you couldnt even think of something if it werent possible!

0 1961-03-25, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It was mainly on your right side I banged on it. But strangely enough, it didnt break it became supple, but then it lost its beauty. (It was so beautiful, as though sculptured!) I tried to pass through it, but to do so (this is what I found interesting), instead of passing through at this level (the chest), the psychic plane the level of the souls vibration I had to climb up above and then descend; and finally, without even realizing it, I found myself inside I had entered through sheer force of concentration. There, at the vital level, the emotional vital (solar plexus), I put two flowers: one very large Endurance in the Most Material Vital [zinnia] and another flower like the one X just gave me [cosmos] but bigger and pure white (it concerns sexual movements, light in sexual movements). But curiously enough, I passed inside through a trance; I was quite busy trying to make it more fluid when all at once, poof! I found myself inside. But since I entered through a trance it became completely objective: no more thought, nothing. And I saw I had put these two flowers there (at the Levels of the abdomen and chest), one more active, a very large, dark purple Endurance flower, and another much smaller, pure white, slightly lower down. While I was watching this I think the clock must have struck something pulled me and it all faded away.
   And I found it interesting that when I received your letter yesterday evening I concentrated for a moment, almost out of curiosity: Why doesnt he ever feel he has an experience? Why doesnt he feel anything? I wanted to know precisely what type of experience would give you the feeling of having an experience!
   Several times in my life I have met with the particular phenomenon of having an absolutely exceptional and unique experience and at the same time feeling that a part of my being was unaware of it! I would tell myself, if I hadnt been both here and there at the same moment (Mother indicates two different Levels in her consciousness), I might have had all these experiences and never known it! And this happened not just once but many times. Some were utterly unique, like certain ancient Vedic experiencesutterly unique. When I recounted them to Sri Aurobindo, he told me, Oh, its extremely rare! Some people try all their lives to attain that. And it happened to me not just once but often: the experience took place there (gesture above) and something up there knew, and yet there was something down here that would never have known if the other hadnt (same gesture). Nevertheless the total experience was there.
   Its very difficult to explain, its extremely subtle.

0 1961-11-06, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But GENERALLY it is by REDESCENDING through the Levels of the being with a supramentalized consciousness that one can accomplish the permanent transformation of physical nature.
   There is no proof that the Rishis used another method, although, to effect this transformation (if they ever did), they must necessarily have fought their way through the powers of inconscience and obscurity.

0 1961-11-07, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It is by rising to the summit of consciousness through a progressive ascent (thats what I meant just now by leaving the body, but without going into details), that one unites with the Supermind. But as soon as the union is achieved, one knows and one sees that the Supermind exists in the heart of the Inconscient as well. When one is in that state, there is neither high nor low. But GENERALLY, (I emphasized this to make it clear that I am not making an absolute assertion) it is by REDESCENDING through the Levels of the being with a supramentalized consciousness that one can accomplish the permanent transformation of physical nature. (This can be experienced in all sorts of ways, but what WE want and what Sri Aurobindo spoke of is a change that will never be revoked, that will persist, that will be as durable as the present terrestrial conditions. That is why I put permanent.) There is no proof that the Rishis used another method, although, to effect this transformation (if they ever did) they must necessarily have fought their way through the powers of inconscience and obscurity.
   Yes, the Rishis give an absolutely living description of what you experience and experience continuallyas soon as you descend into the Subconscient: all these battles with the beings who conceal the Light and so on. I experienced these things continually at Tlemcen and again with Sri Aurobindo when we were doing the Workits raging quite merrily even now!

0 1962-02-03, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Thats what I have been studying these past two daysnot for you in particular, but the general effect of japa, the reason for it in the organization of ones life. I cant say I have made any discoveries (maybe for myself, I dont know); but my study is not on higher Levels, its right here.
   It would take too long to give the details; I can summarize, but I dont want to make a doctrine, and for it to be living its bound to be long.

0 1962-07-21, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The old way of yoga failed to bring about the harmony or unity of Spirit and life: it instead dismissed the world as Maya [Illusion] or a transient Play. The result has been loss of life-power and the degeneration of India. As was said in the Gita, These peoples would perish if I did not do worksthese peoples of India have truly gone down to ruin. A few sannyasins and bairagis [renunciants] to be saintly and perfect and liberated, a few bhaktas [lovers of God] to dance in a mad ecstasy of love and sweet emotion and Ananda [Bliss], and a whole race to become lifeless, void of intelligence, sunk in deep tamas [inertia]is this the effect of true spirituality? No, we must first attain all the partial experiences possible on the mental level and flood the mind with spiritual delight and illumine it with spiritual light, but afterwards we must rise above. If we cannot rise above, to the supramental level, that is, it is hardly possible to know the worlds final secret and the problem it raises remains unsolved. There, the ignorance which creates a duality of opposition between the Spirit and Matter, between truth of spirit and truth of life, disappears. There one need no longer call the world Maya. The world is the eternal Play of God, the eternal manifestation of the Self. Then it becomes possible to fully know and fully realize Godto do what is said in the Gita, To know Me integrally. The physical body, the life, the mind and understanding, the supermind and the Ananda these are the spirits five Levels. The higher man rises on this ascent the nearer he comes to the state of that highest perfection open to his spiritual evolution. Rising to the Supermind, it becomes easy to rise to the Ananda. One attains a firm foundation in the condition of the indivisible and infinite Ananda, not only in the timeless Parabrahman [Absolute] but in the body, in life, in the world. The integral being, the integral consciousness, the integral Ananda blossoms out and takes form in life. This is the central clue of my yoga, its fundamental principle.
   This is no easy change to make. After these fifteen years I am only now rising into the lowest of the three Levels of the Supermind and trying to draw up into it all the lower activities. But when this siddhi will be complete, then I am absolutely certain that through me God will give to others the siddhi of the Supermind with less effort. Then my real work will begin. I am not impatient for success in the work. What is to happen will happen in Gods appointed time. I have no hasty or disorderly impulse to rush into the field of work in the strength of the little ego. Even if I did not succeed in my work I would not be shaken. This work is not mine but Gods. I will listen to no other call; when God moves me then I will move.
   I know very well that Bengal is not really ready. The spiritual flood which has come is for the most part a new form of the old. It is not the real transformation. However this too was needed. Bengal has been awakening in itself the old yogas and exhausting their samskaras [old habitual tendencies], extracting their essence and with it fertilizing the soil. At first it was the time of VedantaAdwaita, Sannyasa, Shankaras Maya and the rest. It is now the turn of Vaishnava DharmaLila, love, the intoxication of emotional experience. All this is very old, unfitted for the new age and will not endure for such excitement has no capacity to last. But the merit of the Vaishnava Bhava [emotional enthusiasm] is that it keeps a connexion between God and the world and gives a meaning to life; but since it is a partial bhava the whole connexion, the full meaning is not there. The tendency to create sects which you have noticed was inevitable. The nature of the mind is to take a part and call it the whole and exclude all other parts. The Siddha [illuminated being] who brings the bhava, although he leans on its partial aspect, yet keeps some knowledge of the integral whole, even though he may not be able to give it form. But his disciples do not get that knowledge precisely because it is not in a form. They are tying up their little bundles, let them. The bundles will open of themselves when God manifests himself fully. These things are the signs of incompleteness and immaturity. I am not disturbed by them. Let the force of spirituality play in the country in whatever way and in as many sects as may be. Afterwards we shall see. This is the infancy or the embryonic condition of the new age. It is a first hint, not even the beginning.

0 1962-07-25, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Next came the period of learning and developing, but on an ordinary mental Levelschool years.1 Curiosity made me want to learn to read. Did I tell you how it happened? When I was around seven, just under seven, my brother, who was eighteen months older, used to bring big pictures home from school with him (you know, pictures for children with captions at the bottom; theyre still used nowadays) and he gave me one of them. Whats written there? I asked. Read it! he said. Dont know how, I replied. Then learn! All right, I told him, show me the letters. He brought me an A-B-C book. I knew it within two days and on the third day I started reading. Thats how I learned. Oh-oh, they used to say, this child is backward! Seven years old and she still cant readdisgraceful! The whole family fretted about it. And then lo and behold, in about a week I knew what should have taken me years to learnit made them think twice!
   Then, school years. I was a very bright student, always for the same reason: I wanted to understand. I wasnt interested in learning things by heart like the others did I wanted to understand them. And what a memory I had, a fantastic memory for sounds and images! I had only to read a poem aloud at night, and the next morning I knew it. And after I had studied or read a book and someone mentioned a passage to me, I would say, Ah, yes thats on page so and so. I would find the page. Nothing had faded, it was all still fresh. But this is the ordinary period of development.

0 1962-09-05, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   For a long, long time, that was also the one thing I felt was worth living forConsciousness. When I met Thon and came to understand the mechanism, I also understood why I wasnt conscious at a certain level. I think Ive told you how I spent ten months one year working to connect two layerstwo layers of consciousness; the contact wasnt established and so I couldnt have the spontaneous experience of a whole spectrum of things. Madame Thon told me, Its because theres an undeveloped layer between this part and that part. I was very conscious of all the gradations: Thon had explained it all in the simplest terms, so you didnt need to be, as I said, a genius to understand. He had made a quadruple division, and each of them was divided into four, and then again into four, making innumerable divisions of the being; but with that mental simplification you could make in-depth psychological studies of your own being. And so by observation and elimination I eventually discovered that between this and that (gesture indicating two Levels of Mothers consciousness), there was an undeveloped layerit wasnt conscious. So I worked for ten months on nothing but that: absolutely no results. I didnt care, I kept right on, telling myself, Well, it may take me fifty years to get anywhere, who knows. And then I left for the country (I was living in Paris at the time). I lay down on the grass, and all at once, with the contact of earth and grass, poof! There was a sort of inner explosion the link was established, and full consciousness came, along with all the ensuing experiences. Well, I said to myself, it was worth all the trouble!
   And I am sure thats how the work is done, slowly, imperceptibly, like a chick being formed in the egg: you see the shell, you see only the shell, you dont know whats inside, whether its just an egg or a chick (normally, I meanof course, you could see through with special instruments) and then the beak goes peck-peck! And then cheep! Out comes the chick, just like that. Its the same thing exactly for the contact with the psychic being. For months on end, sometimes years, you may be sitting before a closed door, push, push, pushing, and feeling, feeling the pressure (it hurts!), and theres nothing, no results. Then all at once, you dont know why or how, you sit down and poof! Everything bursts wide open, everything is ready, everything is doneits over, you emerge into a full psychic consciousness and become intimate with your psychic being. Then everything changeseverything changesyour life completely changes, its a total reversal of your whole existence.

0 1962-09-26, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Ive had conscious contacts with all the beings of the tradition Theon made known to me, and with all the beings described in Indian tradition; in fact, as far as I know Ive had contacts with all the deities of all the religions. Theres a gradation (gesture of Levels). These beings are found all the way from there are even some in the vital; in the mental realm, man has deified many things: he has readily made gods out of whatever didnt seem exactly like him. If you are eclectic, you can have contacts with them all. And they all have their own reality and existence.
   This region just overlooks the earth and the mind (including the very highest mind). But evolution I mean TERRESTRIAL evolution, with its particular rhythm which is more condensed, more concentrated and, you could say, more focused than universal evolution as a wholethis terrestrial evolution has, with the human species, created a kind of higher intellectuality capable of passing through the overmental region, the region of the gods, and reaching a higher Principle directly.

0 1962-10-27, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It is a world of creation with several Levels or degrees.
   Yes, Id like to understand how it works. I have to talk about it in the book.
   Yes. But its the higher level of the musical zone. Each of these zones contains several Levels, and the top of the musical zone is already starting to be waves, waves of vibration. But its still directly related to music, while those colored forces I am speaking of have to do with terrestrial transformations and actionsgreat actions. They are powers of action. This zone where you hear no sound eventually becomes sounds and music. It is the summit. Each zone contains several Levels.
   In short, when one rises to that Origin, one finds a single vibration, which can be expressed as music or thought or architectural or pictorial formsis that right?

0 1963-05-18, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother asks for a box of paints to demonstrate practically the gradation of colors of the Levels of consciousness, from the most material Nature to the Supreme. The point is to illustrate the symbol of Infinity, the figure 8, which Mother explained in the conversation of May 11: the infinite play of the Supreme reaching down to Nature and Nature rising toward the Supreme. Mother speaks in English in the presence of a disciple, who is a painter, so that he may convey her explanations to H., the disciple who is preparing illustrations for "Savitri".)
   Of course, all these things are lights, so you cant reproduce them. But still, it must be a violet that is not dull and not dark (Mother starts from the most material Nature). What she has put is too red, but if its too blue, it wont be good eitheryou understand the difficulty? Then after violet there is blue, which must be truly blue, not too light, but it must be a bright blue. Not too light because there are three consecutive blues: there is the blue of the Mind, and then comes the Higher Mind, which is paler, and then the Illumined Mind, which is the color of the flag [Mothers flag], a silver blue, but naturally paler than that. And after this comes yellow, a yellow that is the yellow of the Intuitive Mind; it must not be golden, it must be the color of cadmium. Then after this yellow, which is pale, we have the Overmind with all the colors they must all be bright colors, not dark: blue, red, green, violet, purple, yellow, all of them, all the colors. And after that, we then have all the golds of the Supermind, with its three layers. And then, after that, there is one layer of golden whiteit is white, but a golden white. After this golden white, there is silver whitesilver white: how can I explain that? (H. has sent me some ridiculous pictures of a sun shining on waterit has nothing to do with that.) If you put silver, silver gray (Mother shows a silver box nearby shining brilliantly in the sun), silver gray together with white that is, it is white, but if you put the four whites together you see the difference. There is a white white, then there is a white with a touch of pink, then a silvery white and a golden white. It makes four worlds.

0 1963-07-06, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But I can still see Sri Aurobindo, a little taller than me, and myself bent forward and smiling, pointing to the left, and he said, Yes. And I could see I saw lots of people. Because its a strange thing, the eyesight is absolutely different (its in the subtle physical), the sight is absolutely different from physical sight: you see thousands of miles away and very near at the same time, and distance is implied only by a given place in the atmosphere (I dont know how to explain this), but whats far away is as near from the standpoint of action as whats very close by. You see, the action is just as concrete and close, but it is as though differently placed (Mother shows different Levels in the atmosphere). I never gave it a thought, but probably in that activity of the subtle physical we are physically much taller, I think; yet the proportions remain the same; but things are smaller [than Mother or Sri Aurobindo]. Its the same for going up or down, it doesnt have the meaning it has here. And that country I was pointing to was to the left, a little not backward, a little forward and lower down, like this (gesture).
   Sri Aurobindo was very tall there. But I, too, was tall.

0 1963-12-07 - supramental ship, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Last night, for instance, early in the morning, there were several layers of cells,1 as it were, and each cell was I cant say the property, but the possession of someone: what was under his direct control and reflected his mood, as it is customarily called, his way of being. And there were many Levels: you could go upstairs and downstairs. And the impression I had of myself was that I was much, much taller and that I towered above it all; and I had a different texture, as if I were made of a different substance, not quite the same as the others. It was as if all that were inside me without being inside me (I cant explain): I was looming over everything and at the same time acting inside. And then, according to the action, people were going upstairs or downstairs, going and coming; but everyone had his own little boxthey were BEGINNING to have it, it was beginning to get organized. Each cell was more or less precise: some were very precise, others more blurred, as if on the way to becoming precise. And the whole experience, last night, had a kind of precision about it. I was like something very big, outside, and I was laughing, talking to everyone, but they werent aware of the action [of Mother]. You see, they seemed to me this tall (gesture: four inches), tiny. But quite alive: they were going and coming, moving about. And I was talking to them, but they didnt know where the voice was coming from. So I laughed, I found it funny, I said to some, There! You see, thats your idea of things. And it was oh, if I compare it to last year, there is a tremendous difference of CONSCIOUSNESS, from the point of view of consciousness. Before, all the movements were reflexes, instincts, as if people were impelled by a force which they were totally unconscious of and considered to be their character, most of the time, or else Destiny (either their character or Fate, Destiny). They were all like puppets on strings. Now, they are conscious beings theyre BEGINNING, theyre beginning to be conscious.
   The proportion has changed.

0 1965-03-10, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And I learned the exact place, the relationship of those who work. But I cannot reveal it. But what I always told you about your place and your work was perfectly true I saw it at that moment. Perfectly true. Some things were revelations about other peoplenot many people; not many, but those who have a true relationship with me for the work. And very different relationships, in different worlds, on different Levels and for different activities. But they arent very numerous, and it was very precise. And then I saw that what I had seen for you was perfectly correct, and that he is HERE, you understand: to do the work, he is with you. When I told you he was in your book, its an absolute fact.
   That was one of the things I had decided to tell you one day, because

0 1965-03-20, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Yes, he said there were different Levels in the Supramental but that (smiling) is the sauce that makes things more easily digestible (!) Everyone says things in the way he finds the easiest to assimilate.
   But the experience the experienceis always beyond words, always.

0 1965-08-07, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   P.S. There may be a certain vanity in saying, Why Sri Aurobindo?Because this and that; that is still our mind trying to catch hold of things in order to put its explanations on them, as if nothing could be without its clarifications. Yet, the most potent events in our lives are those we do not explain, because their force goes on working in us without being frozen by ONE explanation there are many other Levels of explanation, and there is a mute explanation that remains quietly in the depths, like an ever-calm water, as clear as a childs gaze. And there is still more vanity in saying that Sri Aurobindo is this but not tha the is this and that, and many other things, too; he is with the yes and the no, the for and the against, and with all that seeks without knowing, because everything seeks after Joy, through the yes and the no, through the darkness or the light, slowly and over the tottering centuries or all at once in an all-seizing light. From age to age, that Light comes down on the earth to help it become sooner what it always was and seeks after in its troubled heart; and that Light is clothed in one word or another, it takes on a sweet or a terrible face, or a vast and powerful one like an all-embracing sea, but it is the same Light always, and the soul that opens itself in that ray secretly recognizes a Face it has loved many a time. From century to century it uncovers itself the same child with folded hands, gazing at the world with love.
   August 12, 1965

0 1966-03-26, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But during the day, there are perpetual lessons, all the time, all the time, for everything, all the time. The lesson is least pronounced when I have to write something or see people; but there, too, the exact quality of peoples vibration (not their permanent vibration but the vibration in them at that minute), the quality of their consciousness is immediately made known to me through certain reactions in my body (gesture on different Levels of the body). The nerves began only a few months ago their work of transfer of power. (What I call transfer of power is that instead of the nerves being moved by and obeying complex and organized forces of Nature, of the character, of the material consciousness in the body, they attune themselves to and directly obey the divine Will.) Its the transfer from one to the other thats difficult: there is the entire old habit, and then the new habit to be formed. It was a rather difficult moment. But now there remain enough old vibrations to be able to gauge exactly (and this has nothing to do with thought, it isnt expressed in words or thoughts or anything like all that: just vibrations), to know exactly the state people near me are in. From that point of view the lesson is going on, its very interesting. And whats wonderful is that more often than not the most receptive vibration, conforming the most to what it should be, is in children, but the very small ones, the tiny tots. I see lots of people, but now I understand why: I learn enormously that way, through that contact (with people whom I dont know, sometimes whom I see for the first time, or whom I havent seen for years). Its very interesting.
   But when nobody is there or I am alone, or when I dont speak or I am not busy with other people, its the inner lesson: the whole change in the vibration and how the world is organized. This morning, it was really extraordinarily amusing to see the mass of things that lie behind this appearance, an appearance that seems complicated enough as it is, but its nothing! Its thin, flimsy, without complexity in comparison with the MASS of things behind, which (drilling gesture) which bore their way through to reach the surface. Its amusing. But certainly ninety-nine people in a hundred would be seized with panic if they knew, if they saw. I had always been told (I read it, Sri Aurobindo often said it to me, Thon too often said it to me, so did Madame Thon) that its the Grace that keeps people from knowing. Because if they knew, they would be terrified! All, but all the things that are constantly there, moving behindbehind the appearancesall the complexities that are the true causes of or the instruments for all those small events, which to us are absolutely unimportant, but because of which one day you feel everything is harmonious, and another day you feel it takes a labor to do anything at all. And thats how it is. And naturally, when you know, you have the key. But if you know before you have the key, its a little frightening. I think that when people take leave of their senses, its because they are put in contact with the vibrations before having the knowledge, the sufficient knowledge, the sufficient state of consciousness.

0 1966-10-26, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There is a big work of transformation of the material states of consciousness going on: the states of consciousness nearest to the Inconscient, the most material states of consciousness. They come like that [to present themselves to Mother], with one or two examples of their previous manifestation (perhaps even their first emergence from the Inconscient), and then I see the transition (along with what has transformed them, changed them or even simply altered them through successive manifestations), the transition up to the point when they are now presented before the supreme Consciousness for the final transformation. This is a perpetual work, so to speak, because, interestingly, its a work I can go on doing while seeing people. Generally my work was interrupted when I saw people, because I was busy with them and that diminished and limited the work: they represented a small aggregate of difficulties that enormously shrank the Action [of Mother]. But now its no longer like that. And the interesting point is that it places people in this or that curve of transformation of the consciousness. For some time I have been seeing a considerable number of people I had never seen before (with all the old or familiar people there was no difficulty, but with the new ones it generally caused a shrinking of the work), and now with this study of states of consciousness, people are placed: here, there, here (Mother draws different Levels in space). And if they are receptive, they must go away [after seeing Mother] with a new impulse to transform themselves. Those who arent receptive just miss it; but they are no longer a disturbance: they come in and go out. And from that I know what state they are in I can even do it with photos, but when I see people its much more complete. Photos are no more than one moment of their being, while here, even what isnt being manifested is there, hidden behind, and can be seen, so I see the person more completely. Its very interesting. It transforms this whole burden of visitors into something interesting.
   On October 21.

0 1966-11-03, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Mother does not mean "beings" in the sense of entities, but Levels of being.
   Mother does not refer to a category of so-called higher "beings," but to higher Levels of being or states of being.
   If it is the battle of Magenta, it is not Murat but MacMahon. It seems more likely to be Murat and another battle.

0 1966-11-30, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The organ is in good condition, it doesnt have any lesion. But the sight isnt the same with this eye as with that one. With this one (the right), its only an overall, slightly blurred vision. With that one (the left), its a precise, clear vision, but theres a tiny spot in the corner, like a black spot, because of which I see everything clearly but with a patch in the corner. Then if I concentrate, I see that patch grow bright and luminous, like a dark blue star, and that star moves in front of me (it doesnt depend on the eye), it moves about, and if I fix my eyes on someone, for instance, I see that dark blue star go and rest here or there (gesture at different Levels of the person), at the exact spot where some work has to be done. So it means it doesnt depend on the eye, its independent of the eye. And also if I look at a photo, with a certain position between the right eye and the left, I suddenly see the photo come alive, in three dimensions, with the persons head sticking out. Thats how I can see the character. Its really strange, like an attempt to teach me to see in a different way.
   We are learning our lesson.

0 1967-05-06, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There are three different layers or Levels of consciousness that are the origin of that suffering. They are as if juxtaposed, superimposed, but dont intermingle. You pass from one to the other in alternation, without fixed order.
   Its not quite like that. It has become so rigid! Never mind, read on.

0 1967-05-17, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its the same thing as magnetic force. Its all the same Force! Basically it seems to be the expression of the Power, mixed according to the states (gesture in Levels): the mental, the vital, or the purely material form where it would become electricity.2
   I think thats what it is.
   In fact, it is all the same, its only different aspects of the same thing (same gesture in Levels).
   I remember, the first time I gave X (a Tantric) a flower, my fingers touched his and he almost jumped; then, when he went out, he said to someone that there was a kind of vibration or (I forget his words) a current, I dont know, which went through his whole body, like an electric current. He simply touched my fingers when I gave him the flower.

0 1967-12-30, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I dont understand what they mean by passive (because I spoke in French, then they put it into English). What can they mean by passive? It would be rather on different planes or Levels of consciousness.
   You meant that those who basically are sages, who work within, wont have to

0 1969-11-22, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Yes, one feels quite evidently the consciousness thats behind this book and touches people, because all of them have the same reaction: all of them, everywhere, at all Levels, the more intellectual as much as the less intellectual.
   Yes, as in A.R.s case, for instance.

0 1969-11-29, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Yes, its the intermediary Levels that are missing. He has no discernment. So it may simply be someone with a considerable vital force which he felt. Thats just why Id like to know who it is. I told T. to see and write what this famous guru is like.
   But you know, I had a very strange dream with A.R. some two or three weeks ago. One night I met him, and I went to him very affectionately; it seemed to me he was affectionate towards me too, and I was as if pressed against him, or he had pressed himself against me. Then at one point I felt he was uttering a sort of mantra, which had an increasingly powerful rhythm. It was very odd, the vibration of that mantra, it was like something being hammered with an increasingly powerful pace. And as I felt that, I was at the same time conscious that it was a mantra to exorcize demons. The second I felt that, I called the Force. I called the Force and said OM. And then I became much taller than him and made this gesture (Abhay1): let him be in peace. And everything stopped.

0 1971-04-07, #Agenda Vol 12, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Oh yes, yes! I completely agree. Because Falsehood has many Levels.1
   Well, anyway I say the habit of lying, I dont say the Falsehood.
   (Mother laughs) What I say there concerns the crudest of all Levels: they lie to me to get me to do certain things. Just these last few days. And its so spontaneous on their part that they dont even realize that I am going to find out.
   The first case was M.2

0 1971-05-08, #Agenda Vol 12, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You see, there are different (what shall I say?) theyre like layers of conditioning (gesture of Levels), and I always try to lead people to the highest layer so that things happen without too much difficulty; but they always insist on being on the lowest layer, the nearest one. So that causes. Thats how things get complicated. If those who are capable of pulling down from above at one stroke were there [in the government], things would go swiftly and smoothly, but its those who have the nearest conditioning and naturally understand the nearest who are therethose people are there [in the government]. And so things have to follow a certain (meandering gesture) path, and its endless.
   Well, that means the world is not ready!

02.01 - Metaphysical Thought and the Supreme Truth, #The Integral Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  It is the spiritual way, the road that leads beyond the intellectual Levels, the passage from the outer being to the inmost Self, which has been lost by the over-intellectuality of the mind of Europe.
  In the extracts you have sent me from Bradley and Joachim, it is still the intellect thinking about what is beyond itself and coming to an intellectual, a reasoned speculative conclusion about it. It is not dynamic for the change which it attempts to describe. If these writers were expressing in mental terms some realisation, even mental, some intuitive experience of this "Other than Thought", then one ready for it might feel it through the veil of the language they use and himself draw near to the same experience. Or if, having reached the intellectual conclusion, they had passed on to the spiritual realisation, finding the way or following one already found, then in pursuing their thought, one might be preparing oneself for the same transition. But there is nothing of the kind in all this strenuous thinking. It remains in the domain of the intellect and in that domain it is no doubt admirable; but it does not become dynamic for spiritual experience.

02.01 - The World-Stair, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
      A hundred Levels raised it to the Unknown.

02.01 - The World War, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   This war is a great menace; it is also a great opportunity. It can land humanity into a catastrophe; it can also raise it to Levels which would not have been within its reach but for the occasion. The Forces of Darkness have precipitated themselves with all their might upon the world, but by their very downrush have called upon the higher Forces of Light also to descend. The true' use of the opportunity offered to man would be to bring about a change, better still, a reversal, in his consciousness, that is to say, it will be of highest utility if it forces upon him by the pressure of inexorable circumstancessince normally he is so unwilling and incapable to do it through a spontaneous inner awakening the inescapable decision that he must change and shall change; and the change is to be for or towards the birth of a spiritual consciousness in earthly life. Indeed the war might be viewed" as the birth-pangs of such a spiritual consciousness. Whether the labour would be sublimely fruitful here and how or end in barrenness is the question the Fates and the gods are asking of man the mortal beingtoday.

02.02 - Lines of the Descent of Consciousness, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Between the Overmind and the Mind proper, varying according to the degree of immixture of the two, according to the degree of descent and of emergence of one and the other respectively, there are several Levels of consciousness of which three main ones have been named and described by Sri Aurobindo. The first one nearest to the Overmind and the least contaminated by the Mind is pure Intuition; next, the intermediary one is called the Illumined Mind, and last comes the Higher Mind. They are all powers of the Overmind functioning in the Mind. The higher ranges are always more direct, intense, synthetic, dynamic than the lower ones where consciousness is slower, duller, more uncertain, more disintegrated. The lower the consciousness descends the more veiled it becomes, losing more and more the directness, the sureness, the intensity and force and the synthetic unity native to the highest ranges of our consciousness and being.
   A further descent into obscurity occurs when consciousness passes from Mind to Life. Darkness is almost visible here: there is a greater withdrawal on the part of each unit from its surrounding reality, a narrower concentration upon one's own separative existenceshades of the prison-house have gathered close around. The light, already dulled and faint in the mind, has become a lurid glare here. Passion has arisen and desire and hunger and battle and combat.
   Here also in the vital three ranges can be distinguished the lower becoming more and more turbid and turbulent and fierce or more and more self-centred and selfish. These Levels can best be seen by their impact on our vital being and formations there. The first, the highest one, the meeting or confluence of the Mind and the Vital is the Heart, the centre of emotion, the knot of the external or instrumental vehicle, of the frontal consciousness, behind which is born and hides the true individualised consciousness, the psyche. The mid-region is the Higher Vital consisting of larger (egoistic) dynamisms, such as high ambition, great enterprise, heroic courage, capacity for work, adventure, masterfulness, also such movements as sweeping violences, mighty hungers, and intense arrogances. The physical seat of this movement is, as perhaps the Tantras would say, the domain ranging between the heart and the navel. Lower down ranges the Lower Vital which consists of small desires, petty hankerings, blind cravingsall urges and impulses that are more or less linked up with the body and move to gross physical satisfactions.
   But always the Consciousness is driving towards a yet greater disintegration and fragmentation, obscuration and condensation of self-oblivion. The last step in the process of transmutation or involution is Matter where consciousness has wiped itself out or buried itself within so completely and thoroughly that it has become in its outward form totally dark, dense, hard, pulverised into mutually exclusive grains. The supreme luminous Will of Consciousness in its gradual descent and self obliteration finally ends in a rigid process of mere mechanised drive.
   Thus we see that evolution, the unfolding of consciousness follows exactly the line of its involution, only the other way round: the mounting consciousness re-ascends step by step the same gradient, retraces the same path along which it had descended. The descending steps are broadly speaking (I) Existence-Consciousness-Bliss, (2) Supermind and its secondary form Overmind, (3) Mind(i) mind proper and (ii) the intermediary psyche, (4) Life, (5) Matter. The ascending consciousness starting from Matter rises into Life, passes on through Life and Psyche into Mind, driving towards the Supermind and Sachchidananda. At the present stage of evolution, consciousness has arrived at the higher Levels of Mind; it is now striving to cross it altogether and enter the Overmind and the Supermind. It will not rest content until it arrives at the organisation in and through the Supermind: for that is the drive and purpose of Nature in the next cycle of evolution.
   Physical Science speaks of irreversibility and entropy in Nature's process. That is to say, it is stated that Nature is rushing down and running down: she is falling irrevocably from a higher to an ever lower potential of energy. The machine that Nature is, is driven by energy made available by a break-up of parts and particles constituting its substance. This katabolic process cannot be stopped or retraced; it can end only when the break-up ceases at dead equilibrium. You cannot lead the river up the channel to its source, it moves inevitably, unceasingly towards the sea in which it exhausts itself and finds its last repose andextinction. But whatever physical Science may say, the science of the spirit declares emphatically that Nature's process is reversible, that a growing entropy can be checked and countermanded: in other words, Nature's downward current resulting in a continual loss of energy and a break-up of substance is not the only process of her activity. This aspect is more than counterbalanced by another one of upward drive and building up, of re-energisation and re-integration. Indeed, evolution, as we have explained it, is nothing but such a process of synthesis and new creation.
   Evolution, which means the return movement of consciousness, consists, in its apparent and outward aspect, of two processes, or rather two parallel lines in a single process. First, there is the line of sublimation, that is to say, the lower purifies and modifies itself into the higher; the denser, the obscurer, the baser mode of consciousness is led into and becomes the finer, the clearer, the nobler mode. Thus it is that Matter rises into Life, Life into Psyche and Mind, Mind into Overmind and Supermind. Now this sublimation is not simply a process of refinement or elimination, something in the nature of our old Indian nivtti or pratyhra, or what Plotinus called epistrophe (a turning back, withdrawal or reabsorption): it includes and is attended by the process of integration also. That is to say, as the lower rises into the higher, the lower does not cease to exist thereby, it exists but lifted up into the higher, infused and modified by the higher. Thus when Matter yields Life, Matter is not destroyed: it means Life has appeared in Matter and exists in and through Matter and Matter thereby has attained a new mode and constitution, for it is no longer merely a bundle of chemical or mechanical reactions, it is instinct with life, it has become organic matter. Even so, when Lire arrives at Mind, it is not dissolved into Mind but both Life and Matter are taken up by the mental stuff, life becomes dynamic sentience and Matter is transformed into the grey substance of the brain. Matter thus has passed through a first transformation in Life and a second transformation in Mind; it awaits other transformations on other Levels beyond Mind. Likewise, Life has passed through a first transformation in Mind and there are stages in this transformation. In the plant, Life is in its original pristine mode; in the animal, it has become sentient and centralised round a rudimentary desire-soul; in man, life-force is taken up by the higher mind and intelligence giving birth to idealism and ambition, dynamisms of a forward-looking purposive will.
   We have, till now, spoken of the evolution of consciousness as a movement of ascension, consisting of a double process of sublimation and integration. But ascension itself is only one line of a yet another larger double process. For along with the visible movement of ascent, there is a hidden movement of descent. The ascent represents the pressure from below, the force of buoyancy exerted by the involved and secreted consciousness. But the mere drive from below is not sufficient all by itself to bring out or establish the higher status. The higher status itself has to descend in order to be manifest. The urge from below is an aspiration, a yearning to move ever upward and forward; but the precise goal, the status to be arrived at is not given there. The more or less vague and groping surge from below is canalised, if assumes a definite figure and shape, assumes a local habitation and a name when the higher descends at the crucial moment, takes the lower at its peak-tide and fixes upon it its own norm and form. We have said that all the Levels of consciousness have been createdloosened outby a first Descent; but in the line of the first Descent the only level that stands in front at the outset is Matter all the other Levels are created no doubt but remain invisible in the background, behind the gross veil of Matter. Each status stands confined, as it were, to its own region and bides its time when each will be summoned to concretise itself in Matter. Thus Life was already there on the plane of Life even when it did not manifest itself in Matter, when mere Matter, dead Matter was the only apparent reality on the material plane. When Matter was stirred and churned sufficiently so as to reach a certain tension and saturation, when it was raised to a certain degree of maturity, as it were, then Life appeared: Life appeared, not because that was the inevitable and unavoidable result of the churning, but because Life descended from its own level to the level of Matter and took Matter up in its embrace. The churning, the development in Matter was only the occasion, the condition precedent. For, however much one may shake or churn Matter, whatever change one may create in it by a shuffling and reshuffling of its elements, one can never produce Life by that alone. A new and unforeseen factor makes its appearance, precisely because it comes from elsewhere. It is true all the planes are imbedded, submerged, involved in the complex of Matter; but, in point of fact, all planes are involved in every other plane. The appearance or manifestation of a new plane is certainly prepared, made ready to the last the last but onedegree by the urge of the inner, the latent mode of consciousness that is to be; still the actualisation, the bursting forth happens only when the thing that has to manifest itself descends, the actual form and pattern can be imprinted and established by that alone. Thus, again, when Life attains a certain level of growth and maturity, a certain tension and orientationa definite vector, so to say, in the mathematical languagewhen it has, for example, sufficiently organised itself as a vehicle of the psychic element of consciousness, then it buds forth into Mind, but only when the Mind has descended upon it and into it. As in the previous stage, here also Life cannot produce Mind, cannot develop into Mind by any amount of mechanical or chemical operations within itself, by any amount of permutation and combination or commutation and culture of its constituent elements, unless it is seized on by Mind itself. After the Mind, the next higher grade of consciousness shall come by the same method and process, viz. first by an uplifting of the mental consciousnessa certain widening and deepening and katharsis of the mental consciousness and then by a descent, gradual or sudden, of the level or Levels that lie above it.
   This, then, is the nature of creation and its process. First, there is an Involution, a gradual foreshorteninga disintegration and concretisation, an exclusive concentration and self-oblivion of consciousness by which the various Levels of diminishing consciousness are brought forth from the plenary light of the one supreme Spirit, all the Levels down to the complete eclipse in the unconsciousness of the multiple and disintegrate Matter. Next, there is an Evolution, that is to say, embodiment in Matter of all these successive states, appearing one by one from the down most to the topmost; Matter incarnates, all other states contri bute to the incarnation and uphold it, the higher always transforming the lower in a new degree of consciousness.
   Creation, the universe in its activity, is thus not simply a meaningless play, a pointless fancy. It has a purpose, an end, a goal, a fulfilment, and it follows naturally a definite pattern of process. The goal is the concretisation, the materialisation (which includes, of course, vitalisation and mentalisation) of the Spirit and the spiritual values. It means the establishment of divine names and forms in terrestrial individuals leading a divine life, individually and collectively here below.
   The various movements or forces of consciousness that play in the various fields or Levels of creation are not merely states or degrees and magnitudes, currents and streams of consciousness: they are also personalities with definite forms and figuresnot physical indeed, yet very definite even when subtle and fluidic. Thus the supreme Reality, which is usually described as the perfect status of Existence-Consciousness-Bliss, is not merely a principle but a personality. It is the Supreme Person with his triune nature (Purushottama). It is the Divine as the supreme Knower and Doer or Creator and Lover. The creation in or from that status of consciousness is not simply a play or result of the force of consciousness, it is even more truly the embodiment of a conscious Will; it is the will of the Divine Father executed by the Divine Mother.
   Now, as the Reality along with its consciousness, in the downward involutionary course towards materialisation, has been gradually disintegrating itself, multiplying itself, becoming more and more obscure and dense in separated and isolated units, even so the Person too has been following a parallel course of disintegration and multiplication and obscuration and isolation. At the origin lies, as we have said, the Perfect Person, the Supreme Person, in his dual aspect of being and nature, appearing as the supreme purua and the supreme prakti, our Father and our Mother in the highest heaven.

02.02 - Rishi Dirghatama, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   About the Word, the mystery which Dirghatama unveils is an extraordinary revelationso curious, so illuminating. In later times many lines of spiritual discipline have adopted his scheme and spread it far and wide. Dirghatama himself was an uncommon wizard of words. The truths he saw and clothed in mantras have attained, as I have already said, general celebrity. He says: "The Word is off our categories. It has four stations or Levels or gradations." The Rishi continues: "Three of them are unmanifested, unbodied; only the fourth one is manifest and bodied, on the tongue of man." This terminology embodying a fundamental principle has had many commentaries and explanations. Of these the most well-known is that given by the Tantras. They have named the fourfold words as (1) par, supreme; (2) payant, the seeing one; (3) madhyam, the middle one or the one within and (4) vaikhar, the articulate word. In modern language we may say that the first one is the self-vibration of the Supreme Being or Consciousness; the second is the vibration of the higher-mind or the pure intelligence; the third is the vibration of the inner heart; and the fourth the vibration of physical sound, of voice. In philosophical terms of current English we may name these as (1) revelatory, (2) intuitive, (3) inspirational and (4) vocal.
   Now in conclusion I will just speak of the fundamental vision of the rishi. His entire realisation, the whole Veda of his life, he has, it appears, pressed into one single k We have heard it said that the entire range of all scriptures is epitomised in the Gita and the Gita' itself is epitomised in one slokasarvadharmn parityajya... Even so we may say that Rishi Dirghatama has summarised his experience, at least the fundamental basic one, and put it into a sutra. It is the famous k with which he opens his long hymn to Surya:
   This is again a sphinx puzzle indeed. But what is the meaning? The universe, the creation has its fundamental truth in a Trinity: Agni (the Fire-god) upon earth, Vayu (the Wind-god) in the middle regions and in heaven the Sun. In other words, breaking up the symbolism we may say that the creation is a triple reality, three principles constitute its nature. Matter, Life and Consciousness or status, motion and Light. This triplicity however does not exhaust the whole of the mystery. For the ultimate mystery is imbedded within the heart of the third brother, for our rishis saw there the Universal Divine Being and his seven sons. In our familiar language we may say it is the Supreme Being, God himself (Purushottama) and his seven lines of self-manifestation. We have often heard of the seven worlds or Levels of being and consciousness, the seven chords of the Divine Music. In more familiar terms we say that body and life and mind form the lower half of the cosmic reality and its upper half consists of Sat-Chit-Ananda (or Satya- Tap as-Jana). And the link, the nodus that joins the two spheres is the fourth principle (Turya), the Supermind, Vijnana. Such is the vision of Rishi Dirghatama, its fundamental truth in a nutshell. To know this mystery is the whole knowledge and knowing this, one need know nothing else.
   A word is perhaps necessary to complete the sense of the commentary. Agni has been called old and ancient (Palita), but why? Agni is the first among the gods. He has come down upon earth, entered into matter with the very creation of the material existence. He is the secret energy hidden in the atom which is attracting, invoking all the other gods to manifest themselves. It is he who drives the material consciousness in its evolutionary re-course upward towards the radiant fullness in the solar Supra-Consciousness at the summit. He is however not only energy, he is also delight (vma). For he is the Soma, the nectarous flow, occult in the Earth's body. For Earth is the storehouse of the sap of Life, the source of the delightful growths of Life here below.

02.02 - The Kingdom of Subtle Matter, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  On the celestial Levels is its home:
  Descending, it can bring those heavens here.

02.06 - The Integral Yoga and Other Yogas, #The Integral Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  India culminated in Mayavada. Our Yoga is a double movement of ascent and descent; one rises to higher and higher Levels of consciousness, but at the same time one brings down their power not only into mind and life, but in the end even into the body.
  And the highest of these Levels, the one at which it aims is the supermind. Only when that can be brought down is a divine transformation possible in the earth-consciousness.
  There are a thousand ways of approaching and realising the Divine and each way has its own experiences which have their own truth and stand really on a basis, one in essence but complex in aspects, common to all, but not expressed in the same way by all. There is not much use in discussing these variations; the important thing is to follow one's own way well and thoroughly. In this

02.06 - The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Greater Life, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Her larger Levels are of sorceries made.
  There the enigma shows its splendid prism,

02.11 - The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Greater Mind, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  But wide the terrains were those Levels serve.
  In front of the ascending epiphany

03.01 - The Malady of the Century, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The ancient Rishis were worshippers of the Sun and the Day; they were called Finders of the Day, Discoverers of the Solar World. They knew what they were about and they sought to make their meaning plain to others who cared to go to them. They were clear in their thought, direct in their perception; their feelings, however deep, were never obscure. We meet in their atmosphere and in their creative activity no circum-ambulating chiaroscuro, nothing of the turbid magic that draws us today towards the uncertain, the unexpected and the disconcerting. It is a world of certitude, of solid realityeven if it be on the highest spiritual Levels of consciousness presenting a bold and precise and clear outline. When we hear them speak we feel they are uttering self-evident truths; there is no need to pause and question. At least so they were to their contemporaries; but the spokesman of our age must needs be a riddle even to ourselves.
   To the moderns truth is merely relative; the absolute is an ever-receding reality and has only a theoretical existence. The true reality, whatever it is, we can never reach or possess; we may say that we are approaching it nearer and nearer, but shall never come up to itthere is no end to our pursuit. An eternally progressive rapprochement between our knowledge or realization and the object of it is our destiny and also perhaps our privilege. It is this movement without end or finality that is life and all its zest and beauty. The ancients, on the other hand, aimed and worked at siddhi, that is to say, definite and final achievement. This did not mean, however, that there was a dead stop and they stagnated after siddhi. It means that the consciousness having undergone a change in character, takes a different kind of movement altogether: it proceeds now from truth to truth, from light to light, from siddhi to siddhi. The modern consciousness moves, on the other hand, from uncertainty to uncertainty, at best, from the more obscure to the less obscure.

03.04 - The Body Human, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The human frame is the abode of the gods; it is a temple of God, as we all know. But the most significant thing about it is that the gods alone do not dwell there: all being, all creatures crowd there, even the ungodly and the undivine. The Pashu (the animal), the Pishacha (the demon), the Asura (the Titan), and the Deva (the god), all find comfortable lodging in itthere are many chambers indeed in this mansion of the Lord. Man was made after the image of God and yet Lucifer had access into that tabernacle and all his entire host with him. This duality of the divine and the undivine, the characteristic mark of human nature as it is, presents a field and a labour through which man's progress has to be worked out. The soul, the divine flame, has, been placed in Ignorance, that is to say, what is apparent Ignorance, the frame of Matter, just because this Matter in Ignorance is to be smelted, purified, given its original and intrinsic substance, shape and character. The human person in its actual form is not obviously something absolutely perfect and divine. The type, the norm it represents is divine, but it has been overlaid with all obscure and base elementsit has to be washed and cleaned thoroughly, smelted and reconditioned. The dark ungodly elements mar and vitiate; they must be removed on the one hand, but on the other, they point out and test the salvaging work that has to be done and is being done. Man is always at the crossroads. This is his especial difficulty and this is also his unique opportunity. His consciousness has a double valency, in contradistinction to the animal's which is, it can be said, monovalent, in that it is amoral, has not the sense of divided loyalty and hence the merit of choice. The movements of the animal follow a fixed stereotyped pattern; it has not got to deviate from the beaten track of its instincts. But man with his sense of the moral, of the good, of the progressive is at every step of his life faced with a dilemma, has to pause at a parting of the ways, always looks before and after and is puzzled at a cas de conscience. That, we have said, has been made for him the condition of growth, of a conscious and willed change with an ever-increasing tempo towards perfect perfection. That furnishes the occasion and circumstance by which he rises to divinity itself, becomes the Divine. He becomes the Divine thus not merely in the own home of the Divine, but on all the Levels of the manifestation: all the planes of consciousness with all the hierarchy of beingspowers and personalitiesfind a new play of harmony, a supreme and global fulfilment in the transfigured human vehicle. The frame itself that encases the human consciousness acts as a living condenser: the very contour in its definiteness seems to exert a pressure towards an ever larger and higher synthesis, it may be compared to a kind of field office (Einsteinian, for example) that controls, regulates, moves and configurates all elements within its range. The human frame even as a frame possesses a magic virtue.
   Vaishnavism sees the Divine as a human person, the human person par excellence. Krishna's body is a radiant form of consciousness (cinmaya), no doubt, but it is as definite, determinate, and concrete as the physical body, it is the physical itself but in its true substance. And its exquisiteness consists in its being human in form. The Vedantin's Maya does not touch it, it is beyond the illusory consciousness. For they say Goloka stands above Brahmaloka.

03.06 - The Pact and its Sanction, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The Pact if it is to be a success must be implemented at three Levels. First of all, at the highest level, at the source itself, that is to say, between the Governments who initiated the move. The ministers and members at the top should themselves maintain an entente cordiale (in the literal and true sense of the phrase) and set an example by their word and deed, and what is more difficult and important, in their thought and feeling. They that are on either side of the fence should meet and talk and intermix as real friends and comrades, devise ways and means as to how best to carry out what they sincerely wish and desire. If they do not believe in the agreement in their heart of hearts, if they accept it simply because forced by compelling circumstances and because there was no other way out, if they entertain doubts and reservations and take it up as a pis aller, than surely more than half the force of the Pact is already gone. If the Pact is not sealed by the truth of our heart, then it becomes a mere scrap of paper and is sure to go the way of all such papers. It will not be stronger than the hundred and one contracts that are made between states only to be broken at the earliest opportunity. We have taken as the motto of our government the flaming mantra of the Upanishad, Truth alone leads to victory; we should not forget the continuation of the text, and not false hood.
   The leaders overhead should be actuated by the truth of the soul (indeed for that they should have first a soul). A mainly political deal covers up the fissure, an apparent solution or easing of the situation hides a festering sore. We should have understood by now, it has been the bitter lesson of the epoch comprising the last two great wars that mere politics does not save, on the contrary, it leads you into a greater and greater mess. And still if governments have not learnt the lesson, if they follow the old system of real-politick, well, we can say only God save us, for we are heading straight over the precipicea final crash or a terrible revolution.
   The Pact has to be implemented not only at the top but equally at the bottom. Here the matter seems somewhat easier. For in reality the common people have no interest in quarrels, they would prefer to live and let live peacefully; the burden of daily life is sufficient for them and they are not normally inclined to be busy about things that would disturb their routine work. Difference in religion or caste or creed is not such a serious matter with them. They tolerate and accommodate themselves to any variety easily and if there is a clash on an occasion, they forget it soon, and live amicably together as before. That has been the life in the villages for millennia. And if there is a formal Pact on the upper Levels, it is what is normal and natural to the common mass.
   The difficulty comes from the middle region, from the second element of the tripartite sanction. It is the "middle class", not quite in the economic but in the ideological sense. In other words, in every society there are people who have risen or are attempting to rise above the mass level. They look around and above: they are not satisfied with their lot, they aspire towards higher and wider ideals. They are the material out of which what we call reformers and revolutionaries are made. In the general mass who are more or less contented, they are the discontented: they form the leaven of cells that move and stir and work for change. Now all depends on what kind of leaven it is, what is the quality of the force that is called up, the nature of the ideal or idea that is invoked. For it can be either way, for good or for evil. There are elements that belong to the light, and there are elements that belong to darkness. There are mixtures in men no doubt, but on the whole there are these two types: one helps humanity's progress, the other retards and sometimes blocks completely. If the mass of mankind is tamasinertia there is a kind of rajasdynamism that drives towards greater tamas, as the Upanishad says, towards disintegration, under the garb of reformation it brings about disruption.

03.09 - Art and Katharsis, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   There is a didactic Art that looks openly and crudely to moral hygiene. And because of this, there arose, as a protest and in opposition, a free-lance art that sought to pursue art for art's sake and truth for truth's sakeeven if that truth and that art were unpleasant and repellent to the morality-ridden sophisticated consciousness. Or perhaps it may have been the other way round: because of the degeneracy of Art from its high and serious and epic nobility and sublimity to lesser Levels of sthetic hedonism and dilettantism that the didactic took its rise and sought to yoke art to duty, to moral welfare and social service. Not that there is an inherent impossibility of moralising art becoming good art in its own way; but great art is essentially a-moralnot in the sense of being infra-moral, but in the sense of being supra-moral.
   Art does not tend towards the Good in the manner of the moralist. It does not teach or preach that virtue is to be pursued and vice to be shunned, that a good deed is rewarded and a wrong one punished. Poetic justice, of the direct and crude style, is a moral code or dogma, and, if imposed upon the sthetic movement, serves only to fetter and curb and twist it. Art opens the vision to a higher good than what the conventions of moral idealism can frame. Great art does not follow the lines laid down by the ethical mentality, not only because this mentality cannot embody the true truth, but also because it does not give us the Good which art should aim at, that is to say, the purest and the highest good.

03.10 - Sincerity, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   This central sincerity, however, has to be worked out in actual life. For, one may be true in the spirit, but falseweak, that is to sayin the flesh. The light of the central being usually finds its way first into the mind. One becomes then mentally sincere: in other words, one has the idea, the thought that the Divine is the goal and nothing else can or shall satisfy. With the light in the mind, one sees also in oneself more and more the dark spots, the weaknesses, the obstaclesone becomes conscious of one's feelings, discovers elements that have to be corrected or purged. But this mental sincerity, this recognition in the understanding is not enough: it remains mostly ineffective and barren with regard to life and character. One appears at this stage to lead a double life: one knows and understands, to some extent at least, but one is unable to act up even to that much knowledge and understanding. It is only when the power of sincerity descends still further and assumes a concreter form, when the vital becomes sincere and' is converted, then the urge is there not only to see and understand, but to do and achieve. Without the vital's sincerity, its will to be transformed, one remains at best a witness, one has an inner perception of consciousness of the Divine, but in actual living one lets the old ordinary nature to go its own way. It is the sincerity in the vital,-its win to possess the Divine and the Divine alone, its ardour to collaborate with the Divine the conscious that brings about the crucial, the most dynamic change. Sadhana instead of being a mere mental occupation, an intellectual pursuit, acquires the urgency of living and doing and achieving. Finally, the vital sincerity, when it reaches its climax, calls for the ultimate sinceritysincerity in the body. When the body consciousness becomes sincere then we cannot but be and act as decided and guided by the divine consciousness; we live and move and have our being wholly in the divine manner. Then what the inmost being, the psychic, envisages in the divine light, the body inevitably and automatically executes. There is no gap between the two. The spirit and the fleshsoul and bodyare soldered, fused together in one single compact entity. One starts with the central sincerity in the psychic being and progress of sadhana means the extension of this sincerity gradually to all the outlying parts and Levels of the being till, when the body is reached, the whole consciousness becomes, as it were, a massive pyramid of loyalty.

03.12 - The Spirit of Tapasya, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Real Tapasya, however, is not in relation to the body and its comforts and discomforts; it is in relation to the inner being, the consciousness and its directives and movements. Tapasya, austerity, consists in reacting to the downward pull of the ordinary consciousness, turning and attuning it to the rhythm of higher Levels. To oppose the force of gravitation, to move ceaselessly towards purer and luminous heights of being and consciousness, that is Tapasya, Askesis, true asceticism.
   Virgil, the great poet of a diviner order in human life, expressed the idea most beautifully and aptly in those well-known lines, one of the characteristic passages showing his genius at its best:

03.16 - The Tragic Spirit in Nature, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The Evil, we have said, is nothing else than the basis of unconsciousness or Inconscience in Nature. It is this which pulls the beingwhatever structure of consciousness can be reared upon itdown to decay and frustration. It is the force of gravitation or inertia. Matter is unconsciousness; the body, formed basically of matter, is unconsciousness too. The natural tendency of Matter is towards disintegration and dissolution; the body, therefore, is mortalbhasmntamidam arram. The scope and range of mortality is measured by the scope and range of unconsciousness. Matter is the most concrete and solid form of unconsciousness; but it casts its shadow upon the higher Levels toolife and mind always lie in the penumbra of this original evil.
   A great personality means a great rise in consciousness, therefore it means also a strain upon the normal consciousness and hence a snap or scission sometime and somewhere. As the poet describes the tragic phenomenon

04.01 - The March of Civilisation, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The Light as it descends from its own home above to the lower Levels of our being expresses itself no doubt in one way, but also gets diminished, modified, even deformed in another respect. The work of purification certainly goes on and until that is complete and there comes the fullest expression, it will continue. The action of light on the physical plane, for example, on the body of the Cosmic Being is so blurred and confusing apparently that it looks almost like the action of Darkness. And yet the Dark Night of the soul is not simply the obscurity of Ignorance. It is only the mud that lay diffused or settled in the being which has come up in its gathered mass in the process of churning and cleaning and appears like an obscure screen.

04.02 - A Chapter of Human Evolution, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The Greek Mind, as I said, is the bridge thrown across the gulf existing between the spiritual, the occult, the intuitive and the sensuous, the physical, the material. Since the arrival of the Hellenes a highway has been built up, a metalled macada-mised road connecting these two Levels of human experience and there is possible now a free and open communication from the one to the other. We need not speak any more of God and the gods and the divine principles indirectly through symbols and similes, but in mental terms which are closer to our normal understanding and we can also utilise the form of our intellection and reasoning to represent and capture something of what lies beyond intellect and reason.
   In India we have an echo of the transition, rather perhaps, she held up the type of the transition required. For here the evolution seems to have been more gradual and the steps are more clearly visible leading one to the other. India maintained an unbroken continuity in the cyclic change of the human consciousness. She was coeval with Egypt and Chaldea, Sumeria and Babylon: she communed with them perhaps in similar and parallel terms. And yet she changed or evolved and knew to express herself in other terms in other times. She had talked in mystic terms with the mystics and later on she talked in rational terms with rationalists. And today we see signs of her parleying with the Scientists in scientific terms. That is how India still lives, while Egypt and Chaldea have gone the way of Atlantis and Gondwanaland. For something is enshrined there which is eternal, something living and dynamic which is pressing forward to manifest and embody itself, some supreme truth and reality of the future which she is fostering within her to deliver to nature and humanitya new humanity with a new nature.

04.02 - The Growth of the Flame, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Unable to mount to Levels too sublime,
  They yearned to draw her down to their own earth.

04.03 - Consciousness as Energy, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   We have spoken of the Inner Consciousness. But there is also, we must now point out, an Inmost Consciousness. As the Superconsciousness is a consciousness-energy in height, the Inmost Consciousness is a consciousness-energy in depth, the deepest depth, beyond or behind the Inner Consciousness. If we wish to put it geometrically, we can say, the vertical section of consciousness represents the line from the superconsciousness to the subconscious or vice versa; the horizontal section represents the normal waking state of consciousness; and there is a transverse section leading from the surface first to the Inner and finally to the Inmost. This inmost consciousness the consciousness most profound and secreted in the cave of the heart, guhhitam gahvaretham,is the consciousness of the soul, the Psychic Being, as Sri Aurobindo calls it: it is the immortal in the mortal. It is, as has often been described, the nucleus round which is crystallised and organised the triple nature of man consisting of his mind and life and body, the centre of dynamic energy that secretly vivifies them, gradually purifies and transforms them into higher functions and embodiments of consciousness. As a matter of fact, it is this inmost consciousness that serves as the link, at least as the most powerful link, between the higher and lower forms of consciousness, between the Superconscient and the Subsconscient or Inconscient. It takes up within itself all the elements of consciousness that the past in its evolutionary career from the very lowest and basic Levels has acquired and elaborated, and by its inherent pressure and secret gestation delivers what was crude and base and unformed as the purest luminous noble substance of the perfectly organised superconscient reality. Indeed, that is the mystic alchemy which the philosophers experimented in the Middle Ages. In this context, the Inner Consciousness, we may note, serves as a medium through which the action of the Inmost (as well as that of the Uppermost) takes place.
   We can picture the whole phenomenon in another way and say in the devotional language of the Mystics that the Inmost Consciousness is the Divine Child, the Superconscient is the Divine Father and the Inferior Consciousness is the Great Mother (Magna Mater): the Inner and the Outer Consciousness are the field of play and the instrument of action as well of this Divine Trinity.

04.04 - A Global Humanity, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Humanity as a race will then present the figure of a homogeneous unitit will be a unity of many diversified elements, not simply, however, a composition of discrete individuals, but of varied aggregations of individualseven as the body is not merely composed of cells, but also these cells are collected in aggregates forming various limbs and systems, each again with its own identity and function. Indeed, the cosmic or global humanity is very likely to be pyramidal in structurenot a flat and level construction. There will be an overall harmony and integration containing a rich variety of gradationsgradations of consciousness, as even now there are: only the whole will be more luminous, that is to say, more conscious and more concordant; for at the top, on the higher Levels, new lights will show themselves and men embodying those lights. They will radiate and spread out, infiltrate into the lower ranges something of their enlightenment and harmony and happiness which will bring about a global purification and a new dispensation; even the material world, the vegetable and mineral domains too may be taken up into this luminous consummation and earth become the Garden of Eden that it once was, suffused with a new glory.

04.04 - Evolution of the Spiritual Consciousness, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The Divine or the spiritual consciousness, instead of being a simple unitary entity, is a vast, complex, stratified reality. There are many chambers in my Father's mansion, says the Bible: many chambers on many stories, one may add. Also there are different Levels or approaches that serve different seekers each with his own starting-point, his point de repaire. When one speaks of union with the Divine or of entering into the spiritual consciousness, one does not refer to the same identical truth or reality as any other. There is a physical Divine, a vital Divine, a mental Divine; and beyond the mindfrom where one may consider that the region of true spirit begins there are other innumerable modes, aspects, manifestations of the Divine.
   As we say, there are not only aspects of the Divine, but there are also Levels in him. The spiritual consciousness rises tier upon tier and each spur has its own view and outlook, rhythm and character. Now, as long as man was chiefly preoccupied with his physico-vital or mentalised physico-vital activities, as long as the burden of his body and life and even mind lay heavy on him and their gravitational pull was normally very strong, almost irresistible, the spiritual impulse in him acted generally and fundamentally as a movement of escape from them into some thing beyond. It was a negative movement on the whole and it was enough to dissociate, reject, sublimate the lower status and somehow rise into something which is not that (neti): the question was not important at that stage of the human consciousness about a scientific scrutiny of the Beyond, its precise constitution and composition.
   But once there is the possibility gained of a more normalised, familiar and wider reconnaissance of the Beyond, when the human being has been mentalised to a degree and in a manner that makes it inevitable for him to overpass to a higher status and live there habitually, then it becomes an urgent matter of concern to know and find out where one goes exactly, on which level and in what domain, once one is beyond. The question, it is true, engaged the attention of the ancients too; but it was more or less an interesting inquiry, a good part speculative and theoretical; it had not the reality and insistence of the need of the hour. We have today chalked out an almost exhaustive science of the inferior consciousness, of the lower hemisphereof course, so far as it is possible for such a science to be exhaustive moving in the light of the partial and inferior consciousness. In the same way we need at the present hour a complete and precise science of the Divine Consciousness. As there is a logic of the finite, there is also a logic of the infinite, not merely its magic, and that too has to be discovered and laid out.
   Thus, the highest and most comprehensive description of the Divine is perhaps the formula Sat-chit-ananda. But even so, it is a very general and, after all, an inadequate description. It has to be filled in and supplemented by other categories as well, if one may say so. For Sat-chit-ananda presents to us the Sat Brahman. There is also the Asat Brahman. And again we must accept a reality which is neither Sat nor Asatnsadsnno sadst, says the Veda. And as for the filling up of the details in an otherwise almost blank and featureless infinity, Sri Aurobindo's charting of that vast unknownwith the categories of the Supermind and its various Levels, of the Overmind and its Levels too, all forming the Divine Status and Consciousness is a new, almost a revolutionary revelation, just the required science which the present world needs and demands and for which it has been prepared through all the cycles of evolution.
   This means to say that with the knowledge that is given us today, one can determine more or less definitely the altitudes to which the various spiritual realisations of the past rose and one can see also the degrees or graded stages of the evolution of the spiritual consciousness. A broad landmark can be noted here which concerns us at the present moment. The spiritual consciousness has been rising to higher and higher peaks and possessing them one after another. At the present moment we are at a crisis, at a crucial crossing. The spiritual consciousness attained till now and securely held in human possession (in man's inner nature) is confined to the highest level of the mind with some infiltration from the Overmind and through that, as a springing board, a leap into an indefinite, almost a blank Beyond. Now the time is come and the conditions are ready for the spiritual consciousness in humanity to arrive at the status above the Overmind to the Supermind, and make that a living reality and build in and through that its normal consciousness.

04.05 - The Freedom and the Force of the Spirit, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The soldier of an ideal, the martyr, bears testimony to the reality of this mental condition: the Yogi is he who is supremely indifferent to outside contacts (mtrsparah), fixed as he is in inner union with the Divine. Secondly, the freedom of the will not only liberates the inner person, but exerts a pressure on the outside also, upon the field and circumstances, obliging them to change or move in the direction and according to the demand of the will. Consciousness has this power: only all depends on the nature of the consciousness and the will it embodies. For consciousness-will has varying degrees and Levels of its potential. A will belonging to the purely mental consciousness can have only a very limited result and may not even show itself at all in any external modification. For it is only one among a million contending forces and its effect will depend upon the allies it can count on its side. Similar is the case with a vital will or a physico-vital will: these are more effective apparently but always in a narrow field; the narrower the field, the greater the possibility of the effectiveness. Moreover, a mental will affects chiefly the mental field, a vital will is directly operative in the vital world, even as a physical force is effective on physical things: each is largely confined to its own domains, the effect on other domains is for the most part indirect and remote.
   But the truly effective will, that can produce an all-round change, comes from a still higher or deeper source. Indeed, the will that never fails, that turns even the external circumstances, adverse and obstructive though they appear to be, to serve it, is the will of the soul, the spiritual being in us. And man is man, not a mere animal, because he has been called upon to seek and find his soul, to get at his inner and inmost being and from there comm and his external nature and outside circumstances too. The orthodox name for this endeavour is spiritual discipline or Yoga.
   On lower Levels, a conscious will made up of a compound energy of the mental and vital and physical will, when in sufficient proportions, has considerable effective force: great men of action have this distinction. Even then, however, theirs is not that type which is absolute or never-failing, nor that especial category which will bring about a collective change, a fundamental change, intensive as well as extensive, needed at this evolutionary crisis of earth and humanity.
   The ordinary average man is part and parcel of Nature's movement and his life is almost wholly moulded by circumstances: he has not developed an independent inner being that can react against the universal Nature's current, that is to say, the Nature as it is, as it is actually and dynamically expressed. He is the creature, described graphically in the Gita, as being moved helplessly on the circling wheel of Ignorance.2 But even among the average men there are many who are called men of will, they are not entirely submerged in Nature's current, but endeavour to have their own way even against that current. Their psycho-vital, aided often by their physical consciousness, has an independent formation, being a strong centre of self-driven force, and can impress upon the outer Nature and circumstances its own pattern and disposition. Naturally, all depends upon the degree and character of that consciousness.

04.06 - Evolution of the Spiritual Consciousness, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The Divine or the spiritual consciousness, instead of being a simple unitary entity, is a vast, complex stratified reality. "There are many chambers in my Father's mansions", says the Bible: many chambers on many storeys, one may add. Also there are different Levels or approaches that serve different seekers, each with his own starting-point, his point de repre. When one speaks of union with the Divine or of entering into the spiritual consciousness, one does not refer to the same identical truth or reality as any other. There is a physical Divine, a vital Divine, a mental Divine; and beyond the mindfrom where one may consider that the region of true spirit begins there are other innumerable modes, aspects, manifestations of the Divine.
   As we say, there are not only aspects of the Divine, but there are also Levels in him. The spiritual consciousness rises tier upon tier and each spur has its own view and outlook, rhythm and character. Now, as long as man was chiefly preoccupied with his physico-vital or mentalised physico-vital activities, as long as the burden of his body and life and even mind lay heavy on him and their gravitational pull was normally very strong, almost irresistible, the spiritual impulse in him acted generally and fundamentally as a movement of escape, from them into something beyond. It was a negative movement on the whole and it was enough to dissociate, reject, sublimate the lower status and somehow rise into something which is not that (neti): the question was not important at that stage of the human consciousness about a scientific scrutiny of the Beyond, its precise constitution and composition.
   But once there is the possibility gained of a more normalised, familiar and wider reconnaissance of the Beyond, when the human being has been mentalised to a degree and in a manner that makes it inevitable for him to overpass to a higher status and live there habitually, then it becomes an urgent matter of concern to know and find out where one goes exactly, on which level and in what domain, once one is beyond. The question, it is true, engaged the attention of the ancients too; but it was more or less an interesting enquiry, a good part speculative and theoretical; it had not the reality and insistence of the need of the hour. We have today chalked out an almost exhaustive science of the inferior consciousness, of the lower hemisphereof course, so far as it is possible for such a science to be exhaustive moving in the light of the partial and inferior consciousness. In the same way we need at the present hour a complete and precise science of the Divine Consciousness. As there is a logic of the finite, there is also a logic of the infinite, not merely its magic, and that too has to be discovered and laid out.
   Thus, the highest and most comprehensive description of the Divine is perhaps the formula Sat-chit-ananda. But even so, it is a very general and, after all, an inadequate description. It has to be filled in and supplemented by other categories as well, if one may say so. For Sat-chit-ananda presents to us the Sat Brahman. There is also the Asat Brahman. And again we must accept a reality which is neither Sat nor Asatnsadsnno sadst, says the Veda. And as for the filling up of the details in an otherwise almost blank and featureless infinity, Sri Aurobindo's charting of that vast unknownwith the categories of the Supermind and its various Levels, of the Overmind and its Levels too, all forming the Divine Status and Consciousness is a new, almost a revolutionary revelation, just the required science which the present world needs and demands and for which it has been prepared through all the cycles of evolution.
   This means that with the knowledge that is given us today one can determine more or less definitely the altitudes to which the various spiritual realisations of the past rose and one can see also the degrees or graded stages of the evolution of the spiritual consciousness. A broad landmark can be noted here which concerns us at the present moment. The spiritual consciousness has been rising to higher and higher peaks and possessing them one after another. At the present moment we are at a crisis, at a crucial crossing. The spiritual consciousness attained till now and securely held in human possession (in man's inner nature) is confined to the highest level of the mind with some infiltration from the Overmind and through that, as a springing board, a leap into an indefinite, almost a blank Beyond. Now the time is come and the conditions are ready for the spiritual consciousness in humanity to arrive at the status above the Overmind, the Supermind, and make that a living reality and build in and through that its normal consciousness.

05.01 - Man and the Gods, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Man possesses characters that mark him as an entity sui generis and give him the value that is his. First, toil and suffering and more failures than success have given him the quality of endurance and patience, of humility and quietness. That is the quality of earth-natureearth is always spoken of by the poets and seers as all-bearing and all-forgiving. She never protests under any load put upon her, never rises in revolt, never in a hurry or in worry, she goes on with her appointed labour silently, steadily, calmly, unflinchingly. Human consciousness can take infinite pains, go through the infinite details of execution, through countless repetitions and mazes: patience and perseverance are the very badge and blazon of the tribe. Ribhus, the artisans of immortalitychildren of Mahasaraswatiwere originally men, men who have laboured into godhood. Human nature knows to wait, wait infinitely, as it has all the eternity before it and can afford and is prepared to continue and persist life after life. I do not say that all men can do it and are of this nature; but there is this essential capacity in human nature. The gods, who are usually described as the very embodiment of calmness and firmness, of a serene and concentrated will to achieve, nevertheless suffer ill any delay or hindrance to their work. Man has not perhaps the even tenor, the steadiness of their movement, even though intense and fast flowing; but what man possesses is persistence through ups and downshis path is rugged with rise and fall, as the poet says. The steadiness or the staying power of the gods contains something of the nature of indifference, something hard in its grain, not unlike a crystal or a diamond. But human patience, when it has formed and taken shape, possesses a mellowness, an understanding, a sweet reasonableness and a resilience all its own. And because of its intimacy with the tears of things, because of its long travail and calvary, human consciousness is suffused with a quality that is peculiarly human and humane that of sympathy, compassion, comprehension, the psychic feeling of closeness and oneness. The gods are, after all, egoistic; unless in their supreme supramental status where they are one and identical with the Divine himself; on the lower Levels, in their own domains, they are separate, more or less immiscible entities, as it were; greater stress is laid here upon their individual functioning and fulfilment than upon their solidarity. Even if they have not the egoism of the Asuras that sets itself in revolt and antagonism to the Divine, still they have to the fullest extent the sense of a separate mission that each has to fulfil, which none else can fulfil and so each is bound rigidly to its own orbit of activity. There is no mixture in their workingsna me thate, as the Vedas say; the conflict of the later gods, the apple of discord that drove each to establish his hegemony over the rest, as narrated in the mythologies and popular legends, carry the difference to a degree natural to the human level and human modes and reactions. The egoism of the gods may have the gait of aristocracy about it, it has the aloofness and indifference and calm nonchalance that go often with nobility: it has a family likeness to the egoism of an ascetic, of a saintit is sttwic; still it is egoism. It may prove even more difficult to break and dissolve than the violent and ebullient rjasicpride of a vital being. Human failings in this respect are generally more complex and contain all shades and rhythms. And yet that is not the whole or dominant mystery of man's nature. His egoism is thwarted at every stepfrom outside, by, the force of circumstances, the force of counter-egoisms, and from inside, for there is there the thin little voice that always cuts across egoism's play and takes away from it something of its elemental blind momentum. The gods know not of this division in their nature, this schizophrenia, as the malady is termed nowadays, which is the source of the eternal strain of melancholy in human nature of which Matthew Arnold speaks, of the Shelleyan saddest thoughts: Nietzsche need not have gone elsewhere in his quest for the origin and birth of Tragedy. A Socrates discontented, the Christ as the Man of Sorrows, and Amitabha, the soul of pity and compassion are peculiarly human phenomena. They are not merely human weaknesses and failings that are to be brushed aside with a godlike disdain; but they contain and yield a deeper sap of life and out of them a richer fulfilment is being elaborated.
   Human understanding, we know, is a tangled skein of light and shademore shade perhaps than lightof knowledge and ignorance, of ignorance straining towards knowledge. And yet this limited and earthly frame that mind is has something to give which even the overmind of the gods does not possess and needs. It is indeed a frame, even though perhaps a steel frame, to hold and fix the pattern of knowledge, that arranges, classifies, consolidates effective ideas, as they are translated into facts and events. It has not the initiative, the creative power of the vision of a god, but it is an indispensable aid, a precious instrument for the canalisation and expression of that vision, for the intimate application of the divine inspiration to physical life and external conduct. If nothing else, it is a sort of blue print which an engineer of life cannot forego if he has to execute his work of building a new life accurately and beautifully and perfectly.

05.02 - Gods Labour, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The Divine brings down with himself his shaft of light, and the light, as it spreads, begins to scatter and dissolve the clouds of ignorance. The Divine comes here below and as he formulates and concentrates his consciousness in or as an individualised channel, the power of the consciousness becomes dynamic and concrete and works out the desired change in th material plane. In the descent the Divine has to assume the lower potentials on the inferior Levels and this involves an apparent veiling and lessening of his higher and divine degrees. In other words, the Divine in becoming human accepts and embraces in that embodiment all that humanity normally means, its weaknesses and frailties, its obstacles and difficulties, all the ignorance and inconscience. This sacrifice he has agreed to, has undertaken in order to create out of it a golden body, a radiant matter, a heavenly or divinised earth.
   God made man, the spirit become flesh: this is Grace, the benediction of the Holy One upon the sinful earth. The working of Grace in one of its characteristic movements has been beautifully envisaged in esoteric Christianity. The burden of sin that is to say, of weakness, impurity and ignorancelies so heavy upon man, the force of gravitation is so absolute, that it is divine intervention alone, and in the most physical sense, which can save him. God takes upon himself man's load and relieves him of it: thus freed he can soar up easily and join the company of the Happy in heaven alongside God. This is the ransom paid by God to His Enemy, the vicarious atonement suffered by the Divine, the cross he has to bear when he comes upon this earth, into this vale of tears. I t is said, in terms of human feeling, pity so moved him that he left the happy abode of heaven, came down among men and lived like one of them, sharing their sorrow and pain and, what is divine, taking up the evil into himself, drinking, as it were, out of the poisoned bowl, so that man, frail mortal creature, may escape his doom.
   The Divine incarnates, as an individual in the concrete material actuality, this double aspect of the utter truth and reality. There are, what may be called, intermediary incarnations, some representing powersaspects of the Divinein the higher mental or overmental Levels of consciousness, others those of the inner heart, yet others again those of the dynamic vital consciousness. But the integral Divine, he who unites and reconciles in his body the highest height and the lowest depth, who has effectuated in him something like the "marriage of Heaven and Hell" is an event of the futureeven perhaps of the immediate future. The descent into hell is an image that has been made very familiar to man, but all its implications have not been sounded. For what we were made familiar with was more or less an image of hell, not hell itself, a region or experience in the vital (may be even in the mental): real hell is not the mass of desires or weaknesses of the flesh, not "living flesh", but dead Matter whose other name is Inconscience. In the older disciplines the central or key truth, the heart of reality where the higher and the lowerBrahman and Maya, the Absolute and the Contingency, the One and the Many, God and the Worldmet and united in harmony was bypassed: one shot from below right into the supreme Absolute; the matrix of truth-creation was ignored. Even so, at the other end, the reality of brute matter was not given sufficient weight, the spiritual light disdained to reach it (vijigupsate).
   The integral Divine not merely suffers (as in the Christian tradition) a body material, He accepts it in his supernal delight, for it is his own being and substance: it is He in essence and it will become He in actuality. When he comes into the world, it is not as though it were a foreign country; he comes to his own,only he seeks to rebuild it on another scale, the scale of unity and infinity, instead of the present scale of separativism and finiteness. He comes among men not simply because he is' moved by human miseries; he is no extra-terrestrial person, a bigger human being, but is himself this earth, this world, all these miseries; he is woven into the fabric of the universe, he is the warp and woof that constitute creation. It is not a mere movement of sympathy or benevolence that actuates him, it is a total and absolute identification that is the ground and motive of his activity. When he assumes the frame of mortality, it is not that something outside and totally incongruous is entering into him, it is part and parcel of himself, it is himself in one of his functions and phases. Consequently, his work in and upon the material world and life may be viewed as that of self-purification and self-illumination, self-discipline and selfrealisation. Also, the horrors of material existence, being part of the cosmic play and portion of his infinity, naturally find shelter in the individual divine incarnation, are encompassed in his human embodiment. It is the energy of his own consciousness that brought out or developed even this erring earth from within it: that same energy is now available, stored up in the individual formation, for the recreation of that earth. The advent and acceptance of material existence meant, as a kind of necessity in a given scheme of divine manifestation, the appearance and play of Evil, the negation of the very divinity. Absolute Consciousness brought forth absolute unconsciousness the inconscientbecause of its own self-pressure, a play of an increasingly exclusive concentration and rigid objectivisation. That same consciousness repeats its story in the individual incarnation: it plunges into the material life and matter and identifies itself with Evil. But it is then like a pressed or tightened spring; it works at its highest potential. In other words, the Divine in the body now works to divinise the body itself, to make of the negation a concrete affirmation. The inconscient will be embodied consciousness.

05.03 - Bypaths of Souls Journey, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Let us repeat here what we have often said elsewhere. The creation and development of souls is a twofold process. First, there is the process of growth from below, and secondly there is the process of manifestation or expression from above, the movements of ascent and descent, as spoken of by Sri Aurobindo. The souls start on their evolutionary journey on the material plane as infinitesimal specks of consciousness imbedded in the vast expanse of the Inconscient; but they are parts and parcels of a homogeneous mass: in fact they are not distinguishable from each other at that level. There is as it were a secret vibration of consciousness with which the material infinity all around is shot through. With evolution, that is to say, with the growth and coming forward of the consciousness, there arise sparks, glowing centres here and there, forms shape and isolate themselves in the bosom of the original formless mass; they rise and they subside, others rise, coalesce, separatesome grow, others disappear. These sparks or centres, as they develop or evolve, slowly assume definiteness,of form and function,attain an individuality and finally a personality. Looked at from below there is no counting of these sparks or rudimentary souls; they are innumerable and infinitely variable. It is something like the nebula out of which the galaxies are supposed to be formed. The line of descent, however, presents a different aspect. Looked from above, at the summit there is the infinite supreme Being and Consciousness and Bliss (Sachchidananda) and in it too there cannot be a limit to the number of Jivatmas that are its formulations, like the waves in the bosom of the sea, according to the familiar figure. This is the counterpart of the infinity at the other end, where also the rudimentary souls or potential individualities are infinite. Moving down along the line of descent at a certain stage, under a certain modality of the creative process, certain types or fundamental formations are put forward that give the ground-plan, embody the matrix of the subsequent creation or manifestation. The Four Great Personalities (Chaturvyuha), the Seven Seers, the Fourteen Manus or Human Ancestors point to the truth of a fixed number of archetypes that are the source and origin of emanations forming in the end the texture of earthly lives and existences. The number and scheme depends upon a given purpose in view and is not an eternal constant. The types and archetypes with which we, human beings, are concerned in the present cycle of evolution belong to the supramental and overmental planes of consciousness; they are the beings known familiarly as gods and presiding deities. They too have emanations, each one of them, and these emanations multiply as they come down the scale of manifestation to lower and lower Levels, the mental, the vital and the physical, for example. And they enter into human embodiments, the souls evolving and ascending from the lower end; they may even take upon themselves human character and shape.
   There are thus chains linking the typal beings in the world above with their human embodiments in the physical world; an archetype in the series of emanations branches out, as it were, into its commensurables and cognates in human bodies. Hence it is quite natural that many persons, human embodiments, may have so to say one common ancestor in the typal being (that gives their spiritual gotra); they all belong to the same geneological tree. Souls aspiring and ascending to the higher and fuller consciousness, because of their affinity, because together they have to fulfil a special role, serve a particular purpose in the cosmic plan, because of their spiritual consanguinity, call on the same godhead as their Master-soul or Over-soul, the Soul of their souls. Their growth and development are along similar or parallel lines, they are moulded and shaped in the pattern set by the original being. This must not be understood to mean that a soul is bound exclusively to its own family and cannot step out of its geneological system. As I have said in the beginning, souls are not material particles hard and rigid and shut out from each other, they are not obliged to obey the law of impenetrability that two bodies cannot occupy the same place at the same time. They meet, touch, interchange, interpenetrate, even coalesce, although they may not belong to the same family but follow different lines of, evolution. Apart from the fact that in the ultimate reality each is in all and all is in each, not only so, each is all and all is eachthus beings on no account can be kept in water-tight compartmentsapart from this spiritual truth, there is also a more normal and apparent give and take between souls. The phenomenon known as "possession", for example, is a case in point. "Possession", however, need not be always a ghostly possession in the modern sense of the possession by evil spirits, it may be also in a good sense, the sense that the word carried among mediaeval mystics, viz.,spiritual.
   This perhaps is not the general rule, especially on the higher Levels, where the beings possess well developed and well organised individual personalities. It is more common in the earlier stages when the souls are just developing and are pliant and supple and can easily intermingle. But even on the higher reaches a merger is possible and does happen, when some special work has to be done. A god sometimes literally descends into a man, takes up the human soul within himself and becomes the man, transformed and transfigured, even as an Asura also may do the same thing. And human beings too on high altitudes of spiritual growth, major souls, can combine and fuse together to form a single soulsuch may be the demand of their individual lines of growth or the demand of a Higher Will and Purpose.
   Reverting to the original question with which we started, we can say now that the birth of a soul is not like the birth of a living being or organism, that is to say, it does not happen at a given point of time. A soul is truly aja, unborn; it was always there imbedded as the element of secret consciousness in the bosom of the inconscient material Nature. Only it grew out, manifested itself, attaining gradually an individuality and an integrated personality. Neither can it be said that all souls originally, that is to say, at the very beginning of their evolutionary course, were of the same magnitude, equal in all respects. As we know the ultimate material particles the atoms of the different elements or their constituents, protons, etc.have not all the same mass or charge, even so the spiritual elements too have not the same potency or vibration: they are of varying sizes and strengths. The stress of the evolutionary urge in life expressed itself in multiple and varied figures and dispositions, variation being an inherent virtue of the stress. And the development too follows a chequered line: the direction, the tempo, the degree, the manner of the march all differ according to the case, each spark is or tends to be unique and sui generisand even erratic perhapsin its behaviour, like its physical counterpart, the indeterminate and indeterminable material particle. And yet all move towards a heightening, enlarging, deepening of the consciousness rivers flowing and broadening out in their meandering course to the sea: what was unformed, rudimentary, scarcely distinguishable from out of a homogeneous mass, detaches itself gradually, shapes itself into an organised individual entity and finally the fully conscious personality. But, as I have said, the growth does not follow a single one-track straight line: there can be a fusion of souls, the descent and integration of a being or soul from another level of consciousness into a developing soul or psychic element from out of Nature. In this sense then there can be a birth of souls too. The astronomers speak of novae, new stars that suddenly flare out in the sky, as if from nowhereeven though they or their elements were existent before the phenomenon happened. Souls too can come to birth in an analogous way. That is to say, it is due to a special descent of a formed being or consciousness into the human vehicle. The conception of the "twice-born caste" may be remembered in this connection. There is a physical birth and there is a spiritual birth: the latter takes place when the being on the physical plane, yet wholly belonging to evolving Nature, suddenly (it usually happens suddenly) opens and receives into itself a higher principle and becomes a conscious personality.

05.03 - The Body Natural, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The body, precisely because of its negative natureits dumb inertia, as it is calledprecisely because it has no axe of its own to grind, that is to say, as it has no fancies and impulsions, plans and schemes upon which it can pride itself, precisely because of this childlike innocence, it has a wonderful plasticity and a calm stability, when it is not troubled by the mind or vital. Indeed, the divine qualities that are secreted in the body, which the body seeks to conserve and express are a stable harmony, a balance and equilibrium, capable of supporting the whole weight of all the Levels of consciousness from the highest peak to the lowest abysses even as physically it bears the weight of the entire depth of the atmosphere so lightly as it were, without feeling the burden in the least.

05.04 - The Immortal Person, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   In the process of making the body personal and divine and immortal, death or what appears as such may be a needed operation. It is no longer an ineluctable destiny forced upon you, but an instrument which you use consciously for a definite purpose. It is a mystic or occult work (kriy:) which we can try to understand by an analogy. The evolution of the ideal or divine man, the assumption of the mortal by the immortal involves a twofold operation: rejection and integration. Rejection means throwing out the elements that belong exclusively to the lower grade and cannot be taken up and incorporated into the higher; while integration means taking up and absorbing utilisable elements of the lower into the higher. This double process goes on on all the Levels, on the mental, on the vital, on the subtle physical and even on the physical level. At a certain stage or in a concentrated process of alchemy the process of rejection may demand a mode of reshuffling and redisposition which physically appears like death, but it is inevitably followed or accompanied by the process of integration or recreation.
   Perhaps this supreme and dangerous gesture only the Master can makeas the pioneer and pathfinder and he has made it.

05.04 - The Measure of Time, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   It is when things are arranged in this manner, the right thing in the right place, that divine perfection, the Realisation in the material, is attained. And for this consummation to come about, the process that is followed is a greater and greater infiltration of higher and higher forces into the field of disorder, of our normal life and consciousness. The time taken simply indicates that the process is being worked out; it is an expression of the rhythm of procedure. But to the Divine; the Supreme Consciousness that works, time itself has no separate meaning or intrinsic value; for it a thousand or a million years do not mean more than what is one moment for us. Indeed, the slowness of time simply marks the steps of events in the lower ranges of creation: as we rise higher and higher, forces from there come down into the lower field, and the tempo of events quickens; finally, when the highest peak is attained and its forces descend and intervene in the ordering of the lowest Levels, then the change, the arrangement that is being worked out, is accomplished immediately and without delay: the time lag is abolished altogether. Time may be compared to a kind of elastic bond connecting the highest and the lowest and running through the intermediate zones. It contracts as one moves upward and is telescoped, as it were, at the top.

05.06 - Physics or philosophy, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The truth of the matter is that the integral reality is to be seized by an integral organon. To an integralised consciousness the integral reality is directly and immediately presented, each aspect is apprehended in and through its own truth and substance. The synthesis or integration is reached by a consciousness which is the basis and continent of all, collectively and severally, and of which all are various formations and expressions on various Levels and degrees. This is the knowledge and experience given by the supreme spiritual consciousness.
   The constancy of the velocity of light, it must be noted, is not altogether an objective fact: it is a supposition by which Einstein tried to explain certain anomalies in previous theories. It is really, as some have pointed out (e.g. Hans ReichenbachAtom and Cosmosp 136), a mental formula, part of a built-in structure, arbitrary to a certain extent which is so arranged that the speed becomes constant and equal for systems in different states of motion.

05.12 - The Soul and its Journey, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Indeed, although it may sound somewhat strange and wonderful, nevertheless it is literally true that the body is the fortress par excellence for the individual being: it is not merely an ugly dirty clothing that has to be cast off so that one may go straight to the enjoyment of the beatitude of Paradise; on the contrary, it is, as it were, an armour, a steel-frame that protects the subtle body against the attacks or harsh and cruel touches of other worlds and their beings. Once outside the body, there is every danger for the individual to go astray and be hurt, unless he is guided and protected by a guardian angel, as Dante has had Virgil as his Maestro. We may note here that the passage of Dante from Hell through Purgatory to Heaven across their various Levels is almost an exact image of what happens to a soul after death. The highest Heaven where Dante meets Beatrice may be considered as the psychic world and Beatrice herself the Divine Grace that bathes, illumines and comforts the psychic being.
   If one has, however, within oneself an ardent and sincere and un flickering flame, one can go through more or less easily and unscathed; but that is rare. Even when alive, in sleep one goes out often into other worlds and the foreign and unpleasant contacts and experiences he has there are recorded in the brain-mind as nightmares: on such occasions the best way to escape is to rush back into the body, the best place of safety. Many have this experience of rushing headlong into the bodydropping into the body, as it werein order to escape from a threatening danger in sleep and waking up all on a sudden to find to one's relief that all was illusion and hallucination.

05.32 - Yoga as Pragmatic Power, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The ordinary man does works, achieves the object he aims at, through processes and means which, however powerful and effective, can be only moderately and approximately so. The amount of time and energy wasted is not proportionate to the result obtained. Man knows to utilise only a fraction of the energy collected in a system: the best of dispositions and organisation can harness just a modicum of the total stock, the rest is frittered away or locked up, whether it is vital energy or mental energy or even physical energy. That is because the central power that drives, the consciousness that controls the whole mechanism is of an inferior quality, of a lower potential. The Yogi views all energy as various forms and gradations of consciousness. So what he proposes, as a good scientist, is to lift up the consciousness and thus raise its potential and effectivity and minimise the waste. The higher the consciousness, the greater the effectivity, that is to say, the pragmatic value. As we rise in the scale there is less and less waste and greater and greater utilisation until we reach a climax, a critical degree, where there is absolutely no waste and where there is the utmost, the total utilisation of the whole energy. This supreme peak of consciousness that is absolute energy Sri Aurobindo names the Supermind. But on lesser Levels too the spiritual consciousness is dynamic and effectivepragmatic in a way that the ordinary, limited, externally pragmatic consciousness cannot hope to be.
   Sometimes it is urged that in the worldly affairs we should move according to the worldly procedure, otherwise to import into mundane things spiritual values would merely confuse issues and end in failure in both the fieldsfallen from hence, lost from thence". Of course there are spiritual points of view that go ill with the mundane, as indeed there are mundane considerations that do not match with the spiritual. The two categories of view-point have been succinctly and luminously named by Sri Aurobindo as the Materialist Denial and the Ascetic Refusal.1 But there are other points of view, .other lines of approach which seek a harmony and union between Spirit and Matter, that envisage the marriage of Heaven and Earth.

06.04 - The Conscious Being, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The mind, however, has a central consciousness which may be called the Witness Mind, the Purusha in the mind. It stands apart and observes whatever is happening in the mind and in other parts as well; it is in fact the observer of the whole dhra. The other parts are the vital and the physical. The vital too has its own central consciousness, its witness Purusha, which observes all the vital movements and also through its own angle the other parts. Likewise the physical has a Purusha and it too observes through its own consciousness. The mental Purusha says, I see I am thinking, reasoning, etc.; the vital Purusha says, I see I am angry, violent or enjoying, energising, etc.; the physical Purusha says, I see I am acting, walking, running, etc. Now each of these three Purushas, in an ordinary person, stands separately, each is conscious in its own way; they are not clearly conscious of each other; they intermix, but not happily, they are more often than not at cross purposes. Very rarely are they unified and harmonised or bound together as a team for serving a common purpose, a single aim. That union and harmonisation can be done only through the supreme Purusha, the Divine Witness who is the true conscious Being, the one Purusha behind or above all the others, whose light first of all centralises in the psychic being and then through it is canalised into its delegates or emanations on the lower Levels, the mind, the vital and the physical.
   What is consciousness? It is the inverse of Inconscience. It is the creative essence of the universe: without consciousness there is no creation. Inconscience means non-existence. The supreme Non-manifest becomes conscious of itself, that is, objectifies itself, sees itself created or reflected in multiple centres: that is the origin of all creation. By consciousness all is, by unconsciousness nothing is. Consciousness is light, consciousness is life.

06.05 - The Story of Creation, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   In the graded descent, in the hierarchy of planes and Levels, there appeared forces and beings also proper to each domain. The earliest, the first among them are the Asuras, rather the original Asuras the first quaternary (some memory of them seemed to linger in the Greek legend of Chronos and his brood). For they embody the powers of division, of Inconscience: they are the Affirmations of the Negation. Against the Asuras there came and ranged-at the first line of division, on the one side of the descent of the Light the first godheads, the major powers and personalities of the Divine Consciousness. The battle of the gods and Titans for the possession of the earth has been going on ever since. The end will come one day: it will mean the dissolution of the forces of Negation, at least within the earthly sphere, and the establishment there of the reign of ,Light.

06.15 - Ever Green, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Whenever you go inside and seek your poise, do not look for your old acquaintances, the familiar experiences, do not carry upon your back the load of the past, but go ahead, as if through a virgin tract, making quite new discoveries, and opening unexpected vistas at each step. You can make an experiment even on your physical body, i.e. take the physical consciousness too to share in your adventure of ever new discovery. Thus you may, for example, forget your habit of eating or even walking, truly forget and try to learn over again, even as you did for the first time as a child. You have to acquire consciously a capacity of the body that has become an almost unconscious reflex action. It is a wonderful and exhilarating experience. Naturally you cannot repeat too often or carry too far an experiment of this kind on the physical plane. But you can freely deal with your inner life and consciousness. You can make your mind and your vital a clean slate, as much as you like: not once in your life, but every moment of your life. And then see how the world impinges upon your consciousness, what fresh discoveries and awakenings come to you endlessly! You can always rid yourself of the accustomed vibrations on the normal Levels of your existence, the physical, vital and mental; and even you can go beyond your psychic formation and be the wide, the vast, the limitless, the Infinite itself, void of all name and form. And then with that virgin consciousness drop straight into the world of material life and form, into your body and bodily reactions. The world will give itself up to you in its pristine purity, its original beauty and truth, always luminous and glorious. This experience has to be the normal mode of your living, not simply the culmination or acme of your being, a fixed and stagnant status, even if considered the highest, the summum bonum. That is how you can keep yourself and the world around you ever fresh and young and new.
   The preacher who speaks of the truth and delivers it to his hearers is usually effective for the first time or for a first few occasions only, when he feels the truth of his truth and is sincere while delivering. But as time wears on, his truth too wears out, for it becomes stereotyped, a matter of mere habit. The experience is no longer lived, but mechanically doled out. You are sincere only when the experience is new and fresh and living, it should be made so every moment, otherwise it is dead letter, letter that killeth.

06.24 - When Imperfection is Greater Than Perfection, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The gods are perfect; but it is said, they have to become men, come down upon earth and assume human proportions that is, imperfections,if they wish to progress further, attain still higher Levels of consciousness. For, the gods are perfect each in his own limited and well-defined and therefore unchangeable type; but man means an aspiring soul, that is to say, infinityhis very imperfection is a sign and symbol of ever greater possibility; the fluidity of his nature means an opportunity.

06.32 - The Central Consciousness, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The key is to find the poise where both the extremes meet, the junction of the two Levels of consciousness, the transcendent and the manifested, where the two not only do not contradict or oppose each other, but are aspects or modes of the same Truth, indissolubly united and unified. It is just the border-line, the last point of the manifested world and the first point of the Unmanifest (as one goes upward). If you are able to find the point you have not to make a choice between two irreconcilables, either the Brahman or the world. It is only when you miss the point that you are forced to the choice: some choose the other side of the border, the static consciousness, the eternal immutable pure being, self-absorbed and self-sufficient; others who dare not do that, turn to the world and remain entangled and drowned in its darkness, ignorance, travail, undelight, impotency and misery. But, as I have said, this is not the necessary or inevitable solutionif solution it is at allof the enigma.
   The first condition, however, to arrive at the crucial or synthetic state of consciousness (which is, in fact, the basic supramental consciousness, as Sri Aurobindo calls it) is the realisation that the world, that is to say, physical consciousness does not exist by itself. By itself, it is nothing. As the Prayer says, it knows nothing, it can do nothing, it is nothing.1 This realisation must not be merely a mental perception, a perception in the inner consciousness alone; but the body, the physical existence itself must be conscious and in that consciousness see and experience the truth that by itself it is a void, non-existence: it becomes so however only to find that it is real, supremely real when it is suffused with its true substance, when it is the embodiment or vehicle of the supramental consciousness.

06.33 - The Constants of the Spirit, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The Divine exists in three modes: (I) Existence, (2) Consciousness and (3) Bliss. Pure existence, pure consciousness and pure blissSat-Chit-Ananda these are the three fundamental elements out of which the world is made; they are everywhere in all things, in all beings, in all domains and Levels of being. Sachchidananda is the supreme reality that is behind all, even here below, behind the mind, behind the life and behind the body too and behind each form in each of these domains. It is that which upholds and sustains everything. Therefore in order to realise it, it is not necessary to mount up, leaving behind the mental, the vital and physical existence and go beyond. Usually when one seeks Sachchidananda one looks for it outside the universe, above and beyond the creation, in the transcendent. In reality, however, one can meet it from any place where one happens to be, either in the mind or in the vital or even in the physical; one has only to withdraw and sink down, or get behind: it is there always. To meet Sachchidananda in and through the physical existence is not very much more difficult or rare a thing than the other ways; it is more difficult and rare to maintain it there constantly and consciously, to make of it a dynamic physical possession. That is the work to be done and for which Sri Aurobindo came.

06.35 - Second Sight, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   As it is well known, there are three Levels of consciousness: the physical, the vital and the mental; for the present we leave out of consideration the fourth or the spiritual (including the psychic). Not only so, in each level or plane all the others are also involved i.e. lie secreted. Thus, in the mind there is a vital mind and a physical mind, in the vital there is a mental vital and a physical vital. So, in the physical too there are these three grades: (l) physical physical, (2) vital physical and (3) mental physical.
   We will now better understand the process of contact in sense perception. The purely material contact, physical vibration touching the physical nerves of the particular organ is an instance of the physical physical perception: the dog smelling or the elephant hearing at extraordinary distances. We have heard of men who, by putting their ear upon the ground, are able to catch sounds coming from a great distance and practically inaudible to others standing by. But there is another class where the material vibration is not at issue, it is the vital vibration in the physical touching the vital physical of the receiver. The elephant finding the water or sensing the hollow road is an instance in point. The mental physical, the last of the three is a kind of intuition in the physical, that is what is usually called instinct. A cat, for example, put in a sack and banished miles away from its home, will find its way back; a dog will go round the world almost and find and recognise its master even many years after (the first to recognise Ulysses was his dog). In man too the vital physical, more especially the mental physical not unoften finds room for play, although his physical physical i.e. purely material sensibility is extremely limited. This limitation of the physical sensibility in general, to whatever sphere it may belong, is due to the intellectual or rational bias that has developed in him. In the more unsophisticated races or types the sensibility is still maintained. Man can, however, cultivate, consciously develop these faculties: it then becomes what is called a system of Yoga. A familiar example of the mental physical action as cultivated in man is offered by the water diviner or dowser, as he is called. But, as I have said, the normal effect of human rationality is to inhibit the spontaneous action of the senses as it is natural with the animal.

06.36 - The Mother on Herself, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   And yet there is a compulsion. It is the secret pressure of one's own nature that drives it forward through all vicissitudes back again to its original source. When it is said that the Divine Grace can and should do all, it means nothing more and nothing less than that: the Divine Grace only accelerates the process of return and recognition. But on the side of the journeying element, the soul, there must be awakened a conscious collaboration, an initial consent and a constantly renewed adhesion. It is this that brings out, at least helps to establish outside on the physical level, the force that is already and has always been at work within and on the subtler and higher Levels. That is the pattern of the play, the system of conditions under which the game is carried out. The Grace works and incarnates in and through a body of willing and conscious collaborators; these become themselves part and parcel of the Force that works.
   The truth I bring will manifest itself and will be embodied upon earth; for, it is the earth's and world's inevitable destiny. The question of time is not relevant. In one respect the truth which I say will be made manifest is already fully manifest, is already realised and established: there is no question of time there. It is in a consciousness timeless or eternally present. There is a process, a play of translation between that timeless poise and the poise in time that we know here below. The measure of that hiatus is very relative, relative to the consciousness that measures, long or short according to the yardstick each one brings. But that is not the essence of the problem: the essence is that the truth is there active, in the process of materialisation, only one should have the eye to see it and the soul to greet it.

07.01 - Realisation, Past and Future, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The whole material and physical world, the whole earth I mention earth, because we are concerned directly and much more with it than other regionshas been till now governed by forces of consciousness that come from what Sri Aurobindo calls the Overmind. Even the thing man has named God is a force, a power in the Overmind. The entire universe has been, so to say, under the domination of this status of consciousness. Even then, you have to pass through many intermediary grades, or Levels to arrive at the Overmind and when you reach there the first impression is that of a dazzling light that almost blinds you. But one can and has to press on and go beyond. Sri Aurobindo says, the rule of the Overmind is precisely coming to its end and the rule of the Supermind will replace it. All the past spiritual experiences were concerned with the Overmind: so it is a thing known to all who have found the Divine and are identified with Him. What Sri Aurobindo says is this that there is something more than the Overmind, something that lies a step higher and that it is now the turn of this higher status to come down and reign. We need not talk much of Overmind, because all the saints and seers, all religions and spiritual disciplines, scriptures and philosophies have spoken about it at length. All the gods known and familiar to men are there in its Pantheon. What we want, what is needed at present is a new revelation, a manifestation in a new manner of which very few were conscious in the past. We are not here merely to repeat the past.
   But it is so difficult. It is difficult for people to come out of experiences they have had, of what they have heard and read about always and everywhere. It is difficult for them not to think of the Supermind in terms of the Overmind, not to confuse the Supermind with the Overmind. They are unable to conceive of anything beyond or different. Sri Aurobindo used to say always that his Yoga Began where all the past Yogas ended: in order to realise his Yoga one must have already arrived at the extreme limit of what the ancients realised. In other words, one must have had already the perception of the Divine, the union and identification with the Divine. This divinity, Sri Aurobindo says, is the Divine of the Overmind which is itself something quite unthinkable for the human consciousness, and even to reach there one has to rise through many planes of consciousness and, as I said, one gets dazzled and dazed even at this level.

07.06 - Record of World-History, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   It is the image of reading a book that I have given you. But it is, as I said, only an image. What it is really is a kind of perception. And the perception may be in the form of an image, it may be in the form of a narrative. At other times it may be a simple answer to a particular question. There are many kinds and varieties of record, different according to the types or Levels of consciousness that you go to.
   Naturally the process is not easy and available to every-body, as an ordinary book. It requires a special aptitude and special discipline.

07.25 - Prayer and Aspiration, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   There are many kinds of prayers. There is one external and physical, that is to say, simply words learnt by rote and repeated mechanically. It does not mean much. It has usually one result, however, making you quiet. If you go on repeating a few words or sounds for some time, it puts you into a state of calmness in the end. There is another kind which is the natural expression of a wish; you want a particular thing and you express it clearly. You can pray for an, object or for a circumstance, you can pray also for a person or for yourself. There is still another kind in which the prayer borders on aspiration and the two meet: it is the spontaneous formulation of a living experience; it shoots out of the depth of your being, it is the utterance of something lived within: it wants to express gratitude for the experience, asks for its continuation or seeks an explanation. It is then, what I said, almost an aspiration. Aspiration, however, does not necessarily formulate itself in words; if it uses words at all, it makes of them a kind of invocation. Thus, you wish to be in a certain condition. You have, for example, found in you something which is not in harmony with your ideal, a movement of obscurity or ignorance or even bad will. You wish to see it changed. You do not express the thing in so many words, but it rises up in you like a flame, an ardent offering of the experience itself which seeks increase and greatening to be made more clear and precise. It is true all this is capable of being expressed in words, if one tries to recall and note down the experience. But the experience, the aspiration itself is, as I say, like a flame shooting up and contains within it the very thing it asks for. I say asks for, but the movement is not at all that of a desire; it is truly a flame, the flame of purifying will carrying at its centre the very object which it wished to be realised. The discovery of a fault in you impels you to make it an occasion for more progress, for greater self-discipline, for further ascension towards the Divine. It opens out a door upon your future, which you wish to be clearer, truer, intenser; all that gathers in you like a concentrated force and tosses you up in a movement of ascension. It needs no expression in words. It is indeed a flame that leaps up. Such is true aspiration. Prayer usually is something much more external; it is about a very precise object. It is always formulated; for the formulation itself makes what a prayer is. You may have an aspiration and you can transcribe it into a prayer, but the aspiration itself exceeds the prayer. It is something much more intimate, much more self-forgetful, living only in the object it wishes to be or the thing to do, almost identified with it. A prayer can be of a very high quality. Instead of being a request for a fulfilment of your particular desire, it may express your thankfulness and gratefulness for what the Divine has done and is doing for you. You are not busy with your little self and its egoistic interests, you ask for the Divine's ways in you and in the world. This leads you to the border of aspiration. For aspiration too has many degrees and it is expressed on many Levels. But the core of aspiration is in the psychic being, it is there at its purest, for there is its origin and source. Prayers come from the other, the lower or secondary Levels of being. That is to say, there are physical or material prayers, asking for physical or material things, vital prayers, mental prayers; there are psychic prayers and spiritual prayers too. Each has its own character and its own value. I say again there is a certain type of prayer which is so spontaneous and so disinterested, more like an appeal or a call, generally not for one's own sake, but acting sometimes like an intercession with the Divine on behalf of others. Such a prayer is extremely powerful. I have seen innumerable cases where such a prayer had brought about its immediate fulfilment. It means a great faith, a great fervour, a great sincerity and also a great simplicity of heart, something which does not calculate, which does not bargain or barter, does not give with the idea of receiving. The majority of prayers are precisely made with the idea of giving so that one may receive. But I was speaking of the rarer variety which also does exist, which is a kind of thanksgiving, a canticle or a hymn.
   To sum up then it can be said that a prayer is always formed of words. Words have different values, according to the state of consciousness of the person when he formulates it. But always prayer is a formulated thing. But one can aspire without formulating. And then, prayer needs a person to whom one prays. There is, of course, a certain class of people whose conception of the universe is such that there is no room in it for the Divine (the famous French scientist Laplace, for example). Such people are not likely to favour the existence of any being superior to themselves to whom they can appeal or look up for guidance and help. There is no question of prayer for them. But even they, though they may not pray, may aspire. They may not believe in God, but they may believe, for example, in progress. They may conceive of the world as a progressive movement, that it is becoming better and better, rising higher and higher, growing constantly to a nobler fulfilment. They can ask for, will for, aspire for such progress; they need not look for the Divine. Aspiration requires faith, certainly, but not faith necessarily in a personal God. But prayer is always addressed to a person, a person who hears and grants it. There lies the great difference between the two. Intellectual people admit aspiration, but prayer they consider as something inferior, fit for unintellectual persons. The mystics say, aspiration is quite all right, but if your aspiration is to be heard and fulfilled, you must also pray, know how to pray and to whomwho else but the Divine? The aspiration need not be towards any person; the aspiration is not for a person, but for a state of consciousness, a knowledge, a realisation. Prayer adds to it the relation to a person. Prayer is a personal thing addressed to a person for a thing which he alone can grant.

08.27 - Value of Religious Exercises, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   From this standpoint it is good that for a time humanity should come out of the religious atmosphere, full of fear and blind superstitious submission by which the adverse forces have profited so monstrously. The age of negation, of atheism and positivism is from this view quite indispensable for man's liberation from sheer ignorance. It is only when you have come out of this, this abject submission to the evil forces of the Vital that you can rise to truly spiritual heights and then become there collaborators and right instruments of the forces of the Truth and Consciousness and Power. The superstitions of the lower Levels you must leave far behind to rise high.

10.01 - Cycles of Creation, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   A supramentalised material universe or rather physical earth may itself put on a different, a radiant appearance and also the beings and creatures of the other Levels of life and physical existence may also undergo a sea change, but of that nothing need be or can be previewed at present.

10.02 - The Gospel of Death and Vanity of the Ideal, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  To higher Levels persuades his parents' steps:
  Inapt, they follow ill the daring guide.

10.04 - The Dream Twilight of the Earthly Real, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Thought fell towards lower Levels; hard and tense
  It passioned for some crude reality.

10.07 - The World is One, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Now if one goes to the very source, the very root of the matter, the cardinal fact of unity is that of the supreme Consciousness, the original oneness of the one Divine Existence. It is the Ultimate One, inviolate, inviolableekam sat. That unity is transferred or translated or imaged on all the Levels and strands of creation. That is the basic reality that holds together all tiered multiplicities. True, there has been side by side a movement of aberration, denial, disjunction in the multiple formulations and translations of the One. A reunion remains to be achieved conveying and embodying the basic unity.
   The disturbing factor in the universal sway of unity is the sense of individualisation, the sense of ego. That is the dark ray that cuts across the radiant harmony and produces the apparent discordance and disunion with all its attendant and consequent evil and bale.

1.00b - DIVISION B - THE PERSONALITY RAY AND FIRE BY FRICTION, #A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, #Alice Bailey, #Occultism
  The karma of form is likewise a vast subject, too [76] involved for average comprehension but a factor of real importance which should not be overlooked in connection with the evolution of a world, a synthesis of worlds, or of a system when viewed from higher Levels. Everything is, in its totality, the result of action taken by cosmic Essences and Entities in earlier solar systems, which is working out through the individual atoms, and through those congeries of atoms which we call forms. The effect of the personality Ray upon the internal fires is therefore, in effect, the result of the influence of the planetary Logos of whatever ray is implicated, as He works out that portion of Karma which falls to His share in any one cycle, greater or lesser. He thus brings about and eventually transmutes, the effects of causes which He set in motion earlier in relation to His six Brothers, the other planetary Logoi. We get an illustrative parallel in the effect which one individual will have upon another in worldly contact, in moulding and influencing, in stimulating or retarding. We have to remember that all fundamental influence and effects are felt on the astral plane and work thence through the etheric to the dense physical thereby bringing matter under its sphere of influence, yet not itself originating on the physical plane.

1.00c - DIVISION C - THE ETHERIC BODY AND PRANA, #A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, #Alice Bailey, #Occultism
  When the Logos has expanded His Consciousness on cosmic Levels He can then transcend the logoic etheric web, and escape beyond the ring-pass-not of His objective manifestation. In thinking out this analogy we must hold closely in mind the fact that the seven major planes of our solar system are the seven subplanes of the cosmic physical or the lowest cosmic plane.
  We might note here the accurate working out of the correspondence in matter and the radiatory correspondence is equally accurate.
  When a man takes the fourth Initiation, he functions in the fourth plane vehicle, the buddhic, and has escaped permanently from the personality ring-pass-not, on the fourth subplane of the mental. There is naught to hold him to the three worlds. At the first Initiation he escapes from the ring-pass-not in a more temporary sense, but he has yet to escape from the three higher mental Levels, which are the mental correspondences to the higher ethers, and to develop full consciousness on these three higher subplanes. We have here a correspondence to the work to be done by the initiate after he has achieved the fourth solar plane, the buddhic. There yet remains the development of full consciousness on the three higher planes of spirit before he can escape from the solar ring-pass-not, which is achieved at the seventh Initiation, taken somewhere in the system, or in its cosmic correspondence reached by the cosmic sutratma, or cosmic thread of life [liii]51
  This fourth earth chain is in this connection one of the most important, for it is the appointed place for the domination of the etheric body by the human monad, with the aim in view of both human and planetary escape from limitations. This earth chain, though not one of the seven sacred planetary chains, is of vital importance at this time to the planetary Logos, who temporarily employs it as a medium of incarnation, and of expression. This fourth round finds the solution of its strenuous and chaotic life in the very simple fact of the shattering of [115] the etheric web in order to effect liberation, and permit a later and more adequate form to be employed.
  A further chain of ideas may be followed up in the remembrance that the fourth ether is even now being studied and developed by the average scientist, and is already somewhat harnessed to the service of man; that the fourth subplane of the astral plane is the normal functioning ground of the average man and that in this round escape from the etheric vehicle is being achieved; that the fourth subplane of the mental plane is the present goal of endeavor of one-fourth of the human family; that the fourth manvantara will see the solar ring-pass-not offering avenues of escape to those who have reached the necessary point; that the four planetary Logoi will perfect Their escape from Their planetary environment, and will function with greater ease on the cosmic astral plane, paralleling on cosmic Levels the achievement of the human units who are the cells in Their bodies.
  Our solar Logos, being a Logos of the fourth order, will begin to co-ordinate His cosmic buddhic body, and as He develops cosmic mind He will gradually achieve, by the aid of that mind, the ability to touch the cosmic buddhic plane.
  Second, that we are only concerning ourselves with the physical etheric body and not with its correspondences on all planes. This is because our system is on the cosmic etheric Levels, and hence is of prime importance to us.
  2. Cosmic and Systemic Ethers
  j. On these etheric Levels, therefore, the Logos of our [121] system repeats, as a grand totality, the experiences of His tiny reflections on the physical planes; He co-ordinates His cosmic astral body, and attains continuity of consciousness when He has mastered the three cosmic ethers.
  k. It is to be observed that just as in man the dense physical body in its three gradesdense, liquid and gaseousis not recognised as a principle, so in the cosmic sense the physical (dense) astral (liquid) and mental (gaseous) Levels are likewise regarded as non-existing, and the solar system has its location on the fourth ether. The seven sacred planets are composed of matter of this fourth ether, and the seven Heavenly Men, whose bodies they are, function normally on the fourth plane of the system, the buddhic or the fourth cosmic ether. When man has attained the consciousness of the buddhic plane, he has raised his consciousness to that of the Heavenly Man in whose body he is a cell. This is achieved at the fourth Initiation, the liberating initiation. At the fifth Initiation he ascends with the Heavenly Man on to the fifth plane (from the human standpoint), the atmic, and at the sixth he has dominated the second cosmic ether and has monadic consciousness and continuity of function. At the seventh Initiation he dominates the entire sphere of matter contained in the lowest cosmic plane, escapes from all etheric contact, and functions on the cosmic astral plane.
  The past solar system saw the surmounting of the three lowest cosmic physical planes viewed from the matter standpoint and the co-ordination of the dense threefold physical form in which all life is found, dense matter, liquid matter, gaseous matter. A correspondence may be seen here in the work achieved in the first three rootraces. [lviii]56, [lix]57
  Simultaneously with the activity of these fires of matter and of Spirit, the fires of mind, or manas, burn with greater intensity. These are the fires given at individualisation. They are fed continuously by the fire of matter, and their heat is augmented by solar emanatory fire, which originates on the cosmic Levels of mind. It is this aspect of the manasic fire that develops under the forms of instinct, animal memory, and functional recollection which are so apparent in the little evolved man. As time progresses the fire of mind burns more brightly and thus reaches a point where it begins to burn through the etheric web that portion of the web that can be found guarding the centre at the very top of the head, and admitting entrance to the downflow from the Spirit. By its means certain things are brought about:
  The kundalini fire is consciously directed and controlled by the mind or will aspect from the mental plane. The two fires of matter by the power of the mind of man are blended first with each other, and, secondly, with the fire of mind.
  The downrush of Spirit, and the uprising of the inner fires of matter (controlled and directed by the conscious action of the fire of mind) produce corresponding results on the same Levels on the astral and mental planes, so that a paralleling contact is brought about, and the great work of liberation proceeds in an ordered manner.
  The three first initiations see these results perfected, [126] and lead to the fourth, where the intensity of the united fires results in the complete burning away of all barriers, and the liberation of the Spirit by conscious directed effort from out its threefold lower sheath. Man has consciously to bring about his own liberation. These results are self-induced by the man himself, as he is emancipated from the three worlds, and has broken the wheel of rebirth himself instead of being broken upon it.

1.00e - DIVISION E - MOTION ON THE PHYSICAL AND ASTRAL PLANES, #A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, #Alice Bailey, #Occultism
  This force originates on cosmic mental Levels, from certain great foci there, descends to the cosmic astral, forming corresponding cosmic focal points, and on the fourth cosmic etheric level (the buddhic plane of our solar system) finds its outlet in certain great centres. These [166] centres are again reflected or reproduced in the three worlds of human endeavor. The Heavenly Men, therefore, have centres on three solar planes, a fact to be remembered.
  a. On the monadic plane, the plane of the seven Rays.
  Here again we can trace the microcosmic correspondence: In the human being the centres are found on the mental plane from which originates the impulse for physical plane existence, or the will to incarnate; from thence they can be traced to the astral level, and eventually to the etheric Levels, to the fourth ether, where they practically go through the same evolution that the planetary centres went through, and are instrumental in bringing about objectivity,being the force centres.
  The centres are formed entirely of streams of force, pouring down from the Ego, who transmits it from the Monad. In this we have the secret of the gradual vibratory quickening of the centres as the Ego first comes into control, or activity, and later (after initiation) the Monad, thus bringing about changes and increased vitality within these spheres of fire or of pure life force.
  a. The Heavenly Men. The Heavenly Men, in Themselves, embody centres just as does a human being, and on Their Own plane these centres of force can be found. Again we need to recollect that these centres of force on cosmic Levels, and in manifestation in the objective system, demonstrate as the great force centres of which any particular group of adepts and Their pupils are the exponents. Every group of Masters and all the human beings incarnate or discarnatewho are held within the periphery of Their consciousness are centres of force of some particular kind or quality. This is a fact generally recognised, but students should be urged to link up this fact with the information imparted on the centres of the human being, and see if much is not thereby learnt. These centres of force will demonstrate on etheric Levels and on the subtler planes just as they do in a man, and they will be vivified as are the human centres by planetary kundalini, progressing in the desired triangles.
  Two hints can here be given for thoughtful consideration. In connection with one of the Heavenly Men (which one cannot at this juncture be pointed out) we have one triangle of force to be seen in the following three centres:
  Hearing on the mental plane is simply an extension of the faculty of differentiating sound. The hearing dealt with on all these planes is the hearing that has to do with the form, that concerns the vibration of matter, and that is occupied with the not-self. It has not to do with the psyche, or the telepathic communication that proceeds from mind to mind, but with the sound of the form or that power whereby one separated unit of consciousness is aware of another unit who is not himself. Bear this carefully in mind. When the extension of hearing becomes such that it concerns the psyche, then we call it telepathy or that wordless communication that is the synthesis of hearing on all the three lower planes and which is known by the Ego in the causal body on the formless Levels of the mental plane.
  On the buddhic plane, hearing (now of the synthetic quality called telepathy) demonstrates as complete comprehension, for it has involved two things:
  e. In the Heavenly Man and His body, a chain of globes [lxxxix]87 likewise can be seen and we need here to remember very carefully that the seven chains of a scheme are the expression of a planetary Logos. The Heavenly Men are expressing Themselves through a scheme of seven chains and the emphasis has been laid unduly, perhaps, upon the dense physical planet in any particular chain. This has caused the fact of the chain importance to be somewhat overlooked. Each of the seven chains might be looked upon as picturing the seven centres of one of the Heavenly Men. The idea of groups of Egos forming centres in the Heavenly Men is nevertheless correct, but in this connection the reference is to the centres of force on buddhic and monadic Levels. [xc]88
  c. By the application of the Rod of Initiation the downflow of force from the Ego to the personality is tripled, the direction of that force being dependent upon whether the centres receiving attention are the etheric, or the astral at the first and second Initiations, or whether the initiate is standing before the LORD OF THE WORLD. In the latter case, his mental centres or their corresponding force vortices on higher Levels, will receive stimulation. When the World Teacher initiates at the first and second Initiations, the direction of the Triadal force is turned to the vivification of the heart, and throat centres, and the ability to synthesise the force of the lower centres is greatly increased. When the One Initiator applies the Rod of His Power, the downflow is from the Monad, and though the throat and heart intensify vibration as a response, the main direction of the force is to the seven head centres, and finally (at liberation) to the radiant head centre above, and synthesising the lesser seven head centres.
  d. The centres at initiation receive a fresh access of [209] vibratory capacity and of power, and this results, in the exoteric life, as:
  Fourth. A gradual grasp of the Law of Vibration as an aspect of the basic law of building; the initiate learns consciously to build, to manipulate thought matter for the perfecting of the plans of the Logos, to work in mental essence, and to apply the law of mental Levels and thereby affect the physical plane. Motion originates cosmically on cosmic mental Levels, and in the microcosm the same order will be seen. There is an occult hint here that will reveal much if pondered upon. At initiation, at the moment of the application of the Rod, the initiate consciously realises the meaning of the Law of Attraction in form building, and in the synthesis of the three fires. Upon his ability to retain that realisation and himself to apply the law, will depend his power and progress.
  e. By the application of the Rod, the fire of kundalini is aroused, and its upward progress directed. The fire at the base of the spine, and the fire of mind are [210] directed along certain routes, or triangles, by the action of the Rod as it moves in a specified manner. There is a definite occult reason, under the Laws of Electricity, behind the known fact that every initiate, presented to the Initiator, is accompanied by two of the Masters, who stand one on either side of him. The three of them together form a triangle which makes the work possible.
  When the Rods of Initiation are held in the hands of the Initiator in His position of power, and at the stated seasons, they act as transmitters of electric force from very high Levels,so high indeed that the "Flaming Diamond" at certain of the final initiations (the sixth and seventh) transmits force, via the Logos, from outside the system altogether. We need to remember that this major Rod is the one used on this planet, but that within the system there are several such Rods of Power, and that they are to be found in three grades, if it may be so expressed.
  First. The Rod of Initiation used for the first two initiations and wielded by the Great Lord, the Christ, the World Teacher. It is magnetised by application of the "Flaming Diamond"the magnetisation being repeated when each new world Teacher takes office. There is a wonderful ceremony performed at the time that a new World Teacher takes up His work. During the ceremony He receives His Rod of Power the same Rod as used since the foundation of our planetary Hierarchy and holds it forth to the Lord of the World, Who touches it [211] with His own mighty Rod, causing a fresh re-charging of its electric capacity. This ceremony takes place at Shamballa. [xci]89, [xcii]90

10.10 - A Poem, #Writings In Bengali and Sanskrit, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  As if Gupta Maheshwar, - innumerable Levels,
  Silent, calm, invisible, -

10.15 - The Evolution of Language, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The Vedic rishis speak of the different Levels of speech the human language is only one form of speech, its lowest, in fact the crudest formulation. There are other forms of speech that are subtler and subtler as one rises in the scale of consciousness. The highest formulation of language, the supreme Word vkis 'OM'ndaabda-brahma. That is the supreme speech-vibration, the rhythmic articulation of the Supreme Consciousness Sachchidananda; the expression there is nearest to silence, almost merges into silence.
   Our human language cannot expect to attain that supreme height of felicity of expression but wherever something of the vibration has been communicated to it by the magic hand of the creative poet, we have the 'mantra', the supreme, the mantric poetry.

10.17 - Miracles: Their True Significance, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   A miracle is nothing but the intervention of a force from another plane of consciousness. It must be recognised at the very outset that the physical plane of existence is not the only reality, there are many other planes superimposed' one upon another, each having its own special consciousness and power, its own laws of being and action. Obviously we all know apart from the material or physical being there is the vital being, the life-force and there is the mental being, the mind-force. And there are many other Levels like these. A miracle happens, that is to say, a material formation behaves in an abnormal way because a force has come down from the vital region and has influenced or taken control of the material object. So the material object instead of obeying the material law is obliged to obey a vital law which is of a much greater potency. Yogis who do miracles possess this vital power, they have acquired it through a regular discipline and training. Spirit-calling, table-turning, even curing diseases and ailments in a moment and many other activities of the kind are manifestations of very elementary energies of life. From the occult point of view these are very crude and rudimentary examples of what a different kind of force can achieve on a different plane. Even the vital plane possesses deeper and higher energies whose action on the material plane is of deeper and higher category. A deeper or higher vital power can change radically your character and long-standing habits, help to mould them into a different, nobler and more beautiful pattern. The mind too is capable of performing miracles, a strong mental energy can dictate its terms to life and even to the body. Only the miracles here are not of a dazzling kind that astound or confound you. They have a subtler composition, yet they belong to the same category. In the mind itself miracles happen also when a higher light, a superior consciousness intuition, inspiration, revelationdescends into the normal mental working and creates there a thing that is abnormal in beauty and truth and reality. Thus for example, a matter of fact mind is seen turned into a fine poet or a workaday hand is transmuted into a consummate artist.
   A miracle can be said to be doubly a miracle; first of all, because it means an intervention from another plane, a superior level of being, and secondly because the process or the action of the intervention is not deployed or staged out but is occult and telescoped, the result being almost simultaneous with the pressure of the moving force. .

1.01 - Adam Kadmon and the Evolution, #Preparing for the Miraculous, #George Van Vrekhem, #Integral Yoga
  all worlds and Levels of existence were perfect heavens, and
  the nether part, ruled by the blind god (by the Gnostics also
  means created by Nature on her lower Levels to attain her
  ends. In this way the Genesis myth of the creation of Adam

1.01 - Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious, #The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  has evolved. Especially on the higher Levels of esoteric teaching
  the archetypes appear in a form that reveals quite unmistakably

1.01 - Fundamental Considerations, #The Ever-Present Origin, #Jean Gebser, #Integral
  Our concern is to render transparent everything latent behind and before the world - to render transparent our own origin, our entire human past, as well as the present, which already contains the future. We are shaped and determined not only by today and yesterday, but by tomorrow as well. The author is not interested in outlining discrete segments, steps or Levels of man, but in disclosing the transparency of man as a whole and the interplay of the various consciousness structures which constitute him. This transparency or diaphaneity of our existence is particularly evident during transitional periods, and it is from the experiences of man in transition, experiences which man has had with the concealed and latent aspects of his dawning future as he became aware of them, that will clarify our own experiencing of the present.
  It is perhaps unnecessary to reiterate that we cannot employ the methods derived from and dependent an our present consciousness structure to investigate different structures of consciousness, but will have to adapt our method to the specific structure under investigation. Yet if we relinquish a unitary methodology we do not necessarily regress to an unmethodological or irrational attitude, or to a kind of conjuration or mystical contemplation. Contemporary methods employ predominantly dualistic procedures that do not extend beyond simple subject-object relationships; they limit our understanding to what is commensurate with the present Western mentality. Even where the measurements of contemporary methodologies are based primarily an quantitative criteria, they are all vitiated by the problem of the antithesis between measure and mass (as we will discuss later in detail). Our method is not just a measured assessment, but above and beyond this an attempt at diaphany or rendering transparent. With its aid, whatever lies behind (past) and ahead of (future) the currently dominant mentality becomes accessible to the new subject-object relationship. Although this new relationship is no longer dualistic, it does not threaten man with a loss of identity, or with his being equated with an object.

1.01 - Isha Upanishad, #Isha Upanishad, #unset, #Zen
  13 Sin, in the conception of the Veda, from which this verse is taken bodily, is that which excites and hurries the faculties into deviation from the good path. There is a straight road or road of naturally increasing light and truth, r.juh. panthah., r.tasya panthah., leading over infinite Levels and towards infinite vistas, vtani pr.s.t.hani, by which the law of our nature should normally take us towards our fulfilment. Sin compels it instead to travel with stumblings amid uneven and limited tracts and along crooked windings
  (duritani, vr.jinani).

1.01 - Necessity for knowledge of the whole human being for a genuine education., #The Essentials of Education, #unset, #Zen
  When one human being encounters another, a fully conscious knowledge of each others being doesnt develop between them such a thing would be absurd. We couldnt begin to interact socially if we were to view one another such that we ask: Whats going on in that other person? But we all carry an unconscious knowledge4 of the other within ourselves as unconscious perceptions, feelings, and, most importantly, impulses that underlie the will. We will see that knowledge of human nature has suffered a great deal in the modern world, and this has given rise to many social evils. In a sense, however, knowledge of human beings has only withdrawn to deeper Levels of the unconscious than ever before. Nevertheless, it is still available to us, since, if it werent, we would pass each other with no means of understanding one another.
  It is certainly true that when one person meets another whether or not we are aware of itsympathies and antipathies arise, and impressions are formed. They tell us whether the other person can be allowed to get close, or if we would prefer to stay clear of that other person. Other impressions arise as well. Imme- diately, we may say, This is an intelligent person, or that per- son is not very gifted. I could mention hundreds and hundreds of impressions that spring from the depths of the soul. During most of our life, such impressions are pushed back down again, where they become a part of our souls attitude toward the other person; we guide our behavior toward that person in terms of these first impressions. Then, too, what we call empathywhich is essentially one of the most significant impulses of human moralityalso belongs to such unconscious knowledge of other human beings.

1.01 - Tara the Divine, #Tara - The Feminine Divine, #unset, #Zen
  always remind ourselves of the two Levels of reality:
  - Ultimate truth, beyond notions of subject and object,
  being, then she passed through all of the Levels of the
  path, and she finally attained the result and became a
  often find ourselves afraid at various Levels, from
  worry to fright.

1.01 - THAT ARE THOU, #The Perennial Philosophy, #Aldous Huxley, #Philosophy
  Here it may be remarked that the cult of unity on the political level is only an idolatrous ersatz for the genuine religion of unity on the personal and spiritual Levels. Totalitarian regimes justify their existence by means of a philosophy of political monism, according to which the state is God on earth, unification under the heel of the divine state is salvation, and all means to such unification, however intrinsically wicked, are right and may be used without scruple. This political monism leads in practice to excessive privilege and power for the few and oppression for the many, to discontent at home and war abroad. But excessive privilege and power are standing temptations to pride, greed, vanity and cruelty; oppression results in fear and envy; war breeds hatred, misery and despair. All such negative emotions are fatal to the spiritual life. Only the pure in heart and poor in spirit can come to the unitive knowledge of God. Hence, the attempt to impose more unity upon societies than their individual members are ready for makes it psychologically almost impossible for those individuals to realize their unity with the divine Ground and with one another.
  Among the Christians and the Sufis, to whose writings we now return, the concern is primarily with the human mind and its divine essence.

1.01 - The Mental Fortress, #On the Way to Supermanhood, #Satprem, #Integral Yoga
  This implacable duality which assails the whole life of mental man a life that is only the life of death is obviously insoluble at the level of the Duality. One might as well fight the right hand with the left. Yet, that is exactly what the human mind has done, without much success, at all Levels of its existence, offsetting its heaven with hell, matter with spirit, individualism with collectivism, or any other isms that proliferate in this sorry system. But one does not get out by the decrees of any ism pushed to its perfection: deprived of its heaven, our earth is a poor whirling machine; deprived of its matter, our heaven is a pale nebula filled with the silent medusas of the disembodied spirit; deprived of the individual, our societies are dreadful anthills; and deprived even of his sins, the individual loses a focus of tension that helped him to grow. The fact is, no idea, however lofty it may seem, has the power to undo the Artifice for the very good reason that the Artifice has its value and season. But it has also its season, like the winged seed tumbling over the prairies, until the day it finds its propitious ground and bursts open.
  Indeed, we shall not get out through an idea but through an organic Fact.

1.01 - Who is Tara, #How to Free Your Mind - Tara the Liberator, #Thubten Chodron, #unset
  Tara can be understood on many different Levels. First, she is a historical
  gure, a person who generated bodhichitta the altruistic intention to attain

10.23 - Prayers and Meditations of the Mother, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   We have spoken of the three notes or strains in the Prayers and Meditations. Apart from this triple theme which after all means mode or modulation in expression, there is a triplicity in depth. Along with the strains, there are strands. Besides the value or quality of the things, the thing itself is a composite reality containing different Levels. It is not a single, unilateral, one-dimensional world, but it is multi-dimensional consisting of many worlds, one within another, all telescoped as it were, to form a single indivisible whole.
   Now these prayerswho prays? And to whom? These meditationswho meditates? And who is the object of the meditation? First of all there is the apparent obvious meaning, that is on the very surface. It is the Mother's own prayers offered to her own beloved Lord. It is her own personal aspiration, the preoccupation of the individual human being that she is. It is the secret story, the inner history of all that she desires, asks for, questions, all that she has 'experienced and realised and the farther more that she is to achieve, the revelations of a terrestrial creature of the particular name and form that she happens to possess. Thus for example, the very opening passage of these prayers:
   I have spoken of the triple status, the three Levels of her ascending reality, these are in view of her manifestation of world-labour. There is however, yet another status beyondbeyond the beyond It is the relation between the Supreme Lord and the Divine Mother in itself apart from their work, their purpose in manifestation, it is their own 'Lila' between themselves, exclusively their own. The delight of this exclusively personal play behind and beyond the creation sheds a secret aroma in and through all this existence here and it is also the source of the hidden magic that these utterances of the Prayers and Meditations contain, it is to this status surpassing all wonder that Sri Aurobindo refers so wistfully and so sweetly in those famous opening lines, in "A God's Labour':25
   I have gathered my dreams in a silver air

1.024 - Affiliation With Larger Wholes, #The Study and Practice of Yoga, #Swami Krishnananda, #Yoga
  Patanjali's point is that as long as diverse realities are cognised by the mind, it is impossible to withdraw the mind from them, because the mind has already been convinced that they are realities and, therefore, it has to relate itself to these realities in a particular manner. There is no question of control of the mind as long as there are realities which are multifarious in character. The rays of the mind, which go out in the form of cognition, can be drawn back and the energy of the mind is conserved but this can be done only when there is a flowing of the mind towards a single reality. Our difficulty is that there is no such thing as a single reality in this world. Where is that One Reality, of which Patanjlai speaks or advises? Every reality is as good as any other reality, under different conditions. The One Reality of which Patanjali speaks, and of which yoga speaks in general, is that transcendent comprehensiveness where the lower realities are subsumed so that the mind will not find a need to go to the lower Levels because of the satisfaction it achieves through contact with the higher real.
  The question may be asked, what is the higher real and what is the lower real? Here again, we have the analogy of the comparative reality between dream and waking. A beggar who has very little to eat in his waking state will not be sorry that he has missed his beautiful dinner in dream. Let us suppose a beggar was dreaming that he was an emperor, and a delicious meal was served to him in his dream palace, and suddenly he awakens to the discovery that he is a beggar on the street. Will he feel sorry and cry, "Oh, what has happened to me? I was an emperor. I was enjoying my life, but now I have become a beggar. It would be better to go back to that condition of emperorship." The beggar will not be grieved over his waking from dream. He will not think that he has lost something valuable, though it is true that he has lost a great thing that he has lost his kingdom, wealth and joys and is now sitting on the street like a beggar. From a certain viewpoint, it is a loss. But the beggar would rather be on the street with a crumb of bread in the waking condition than to be rejoicing in emperorship in dream. This is because a higher degree of reality is experienced by his consciousness during waking.
  For the purpose of controlling the mind, we have to adjust ourself to the concept of a higher reality. That is what is meant by ekatattva abhyasah, by which there is pratisedha or checking of the modifications of the mind. The introduction of the concept of a higher reality into the mind can be done either by logical analysis or by reliance upon scriptural statements. Great texts like the Upanishads, the Vedas and such other mystical texts, proclaim the existence of a Universal Reality which can be reached through various grades of ascent into more and more comprehensive Levels. The happiness of the human being is not supposed to be complete happiness.
  In the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad and the Taittareya Upanishad we have, for instance, an enumeration of the gradations of happiness, which is a wonderful incentive for the mind to concentrate on higher values. In the Taittariya Upanishad we are told that human happiness is the lowest kind of happiness, and not the highest happiness, as we imagine. We think that perhaps we are superior to animals, plants and stones, etc., and biologists of the modern world are likely to tell us that we are Homo sapiens, far advanced in the process of evolution, perhaps having reached the topmost level of evolution. It is not true. The Upanishad says that we are in a very low condition.
  The urge that we feel from within to acquire more and more things, and to enjoy greater and greater degrees of happiness, is an insignia of the existence of such states where we can have that type of experience. An intellectual urge, moral urge, spiritual urge and aesthetic urge are all indications of the presence of certain values which cannot be comprehended at present by the powers of sense and reasoning. There is an irresistible desire to ask for more and more, and we cannot ask for more and more unless this 'more' exists. We will not ask for an empty thing. The idea of the more cannot arise in a mind which has not sensed the presence of that 'more' in some subtle manner. The mind has various Levels of perception. Although through the conscious level it cannot directly perceive the existence of these higher Levels of reality, it can sense the presence of these higher realities through other forms of apparatus that it has within, and it is due to the action of these inward sensations that it feels agonised and restless in any given condition of lower experience.
  If we are not possessed of even the least tendency to recognise a higher value of life, we will be happy we will be perfectly contented. It is the impact of a higher state of life upon the present condition of existence that is the cause for our unhappiness and restlessness. If that impact were not to be there at all, there would be no contact between the present state of existence and the future possible state. When this contact is not there, there will be no asking for it, no aspiration for it, no feeling about it and, therefore, no unhappiness about the present state of affairs. So, we should be perfectly contented, but we are not; we are unhappy. We do not want the present condition to continue because we feel that there is inadequacy, shortcoming and all sorts of ugliness which we want to overcome and rectify, but which we cannot execute and achieve unless a higher condition does exist, and becomes practicable.

10.24 - Savitri, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Such is the mode of human aspiration. And Ashwapati in his quest begins to explore the world and see what it is, the way it is built up. He observes it rising tier upon tier, level upon level of consciousness. He mounts these stairs, takes cognisance of the modes and functions of each and passes on enriched by the experiences that each contri butes to his developing consciousness. The ascent he finds is from ignorance to knowledge. The human being starts from the darkest bed of ignorance, the solid basis of rock as it were, the body, the material existence. Ignorance here is absolute inconscience. Out of the total absence of consciousness, the being begins to awake and rise to a gradually developingwidening, deepening and heighteningconsciousness. That is how Ashwapati advances, ascends from a purely bodily life and consciousness, to the next rung of the ladder, the first appearance and expression of life-force, the vital consciousness energies and forms of the small lower vital. He moves on, moves upward, there is a growing light in And mixed with the obscurity; ignorance begins to shed its hard and dark coatings one and gives place to directed and motivated energies. He meets beings and creatures appropriate to those Levels crawling and stirring and climbing, moved by the laws governing the respective regions. In this way Ashwapati passes on into the higher vital, into the border of the mental.
   Ashwapati now observes with a clear vividness that all these worlds and the beings and forces that inhabit them are stricken as it were with a bar sinister branded upon their bodies. In spite of an inherent urge of ascension the way is not a straight road but devious and crooked breaking into by-lanes and blind alleys. There is a great corruption and perversion of natural movements towards Truth: falsehoods and pretensions, arrogance of blindness reign here in various degrees. Ashwapati sought to know the wherefore of it all. So he goes behind, dives down and comes into a region that seems to be the source and basis of all ignorance and obscurity and falsehood. He comes into the very heart of the Night, the abyss of consciousness. He meets there the Mother of Evil and the sons of darkness. He stands before

1.025 - Sadhana - Intensifying a Lighted Flame, #The Study and Practice of Yoga, #Swami Krishnananda, #Yoga
  The animalistic way of thinking persists in the human level also, and often many times, in fact the urge to assert one's bodily individuality vehemently gains the upper hand, though rationally it would not be possible for anyone to justify the exclusive reality of a bodily personality. Such was the primitive condition of people in prehistoric times, or Paleolithic times, as they say, when human beings were not yet evolved to the present condition of social understanding. In the biological history of mankind, right from creation as far as the mind can go, it is said that the evolution of the human individual, right from the lowest Levels, included certain conditions of human existence which were inseparable from animal life. The caveman, the Neanderthal man and such other primitive types of existence point to an animal mind operating through a human body, where cannibalism was not unfamiliar. One could eat another, because the animal mind was not completely absent even in the human body, and there was insecurity on account of it being possible for one man to eat another man. As history tells us, it took ages for the primitive mind to realise the necessity for individuals to come into agreement among themselves for the purpose of security. If I start jumping upon you and you start jumping upon me, both of us will be unhappy and insecure, and you would not know whether you will be safe and I cannot know if I will be safe. This sort of thing would be most undesirable.
  It is said by anthropologists, historian's of mankind's evolution, and political historians, that a state was reached when it was felt necessary to organise people into groups, and this was the beginning of the governmental system. A government is nothing but an agreement among people in order that there may not be warfare among individuals and attacks every day. Otherwise there would be chaos and confusion, and anyone could attack at any moment, for any reason whatsoever. Therefore, an agreement was made, an organisation was set up, a rule was framed and a system was brought forth under which it was obligatory on the part of individuals to obey certain principles laid down by groups, of which some people were made leaders. It does not mean that these leaders were kings or autocrats; they were the governors of law, the dispensers of justice, and the instruments for the maintenance of order in the group of people who found it necessary to bring about this system.

10.27 - Consciousness, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   This essential consciousness is an unchanging reality existing everywhere in the universe but it expresses itself in different modes and apparent forms, its essential quality does not change but acquires a different colour and vibration in accordance with its degree and level of expression. For example, the body has a consciousness, life-force has a consciousness, mind has a consciousness, and the Levels above the mind, each has a consciousness. All these types or modes or, as I have said, dimensions of consciousness are essentially the same consciousness. The vessels are different, their shape and colour differ but they all hold as it were the same transparent, clear water. We all know the different movements of light, seen and unseen; but however much they differ in their vibration, all have the same speed of light. And it is always the same composition, as scientists have taught us a light particle is a fusion of an electron and a positron; even so consciousness is also an invariable entity.
   Mother said of love the same thing as I have been saying of consciousness. She says, there is only one love, the divine love and none other. There are various expressions of that love according to the conditions in which it manifests, to the degree or status of being but everywhere it is the same divine love behind in essence. Because of inadequate expression it becomes blurred or faint and muddy but the living fire is there below the ashes. You have simply to shake off the outer coating to allow the inner reality to shine forth in its own nature.
   When we speak of the dimensions of consciousness, it means these different Levels or status of ascending expression. They also form according to the mode of expression each one a world of its own. We may compare the mounting consciousness to a growing tree, it is the same sap-substance that appears at the outset as a seed, then as the seed opens out and develops it appears or throws up a stem or trunk and as it proceeds it throws up branches and higher up leaves and then flowers and fruit. Apparently however different and diverse these formulations, they are but expressions of the same sap-substance in the original seed. Even so an original seed-consciousness is the basis and essential reality of all the forms in the material universe.
   It must now be apparent that consciousness is not merely consciousness, simple awareness, it is also power or energy. The Vedic word is cit-tapas, consciousness-energy. It is one indivisible, entity: consciousness is energy. It is not however in the sense as when we say knowledge is power: It does not mean consciousness has power or gives power, but consciousness is power. The nearer analogy would be with light-energy. Light, we know today, thanks to modern science, does not merely illumine, it energises, activises, moves things, that is to say, matter and material objects. The ray of light, we know now, acts even more effectively than the surgeon's knife. The inherent quality of light is energy. This energy has been discovered to be electro-magnetic energy, a photon (unit-light or light-unit) is, as we have said, an electro-magnetic quantum.

1.028 - Bringing About Whole-Souled Dedication, #The Study and Practice of Yoga, #Swami Krishnananda, #Yoga
  As we had occasion to observe, the practice commences with being seated in a particular posture; and sitting in a particular posture is itself a practice. Often we may be under the wrong notion that 'sitting' is not a very important part of yoga, because yoga is mental concentration. Yes, it is true, but the concentration of the mind will not be possible when we are seated in an awkward posture. We must remember that there is a vital connection obtaining among every part of our psychophysical organism. Right from the skin, which is the outermost part of our body, to the deepest level of our psychological being, there is an internal relationship. Any kind of disturbance that is felt in any part of this organic structure will be sympathetically felt to a particular degree in other parts or Levels of this organic structure. The posture or asana, the steady seatedness in a particular mood not only of the mind, but also of the body, the nerves and the pranas is essential for the concentration of the mind on the objective.
  This practice becomes fixed and successful when it is continued under certain conditions. It has to be continued every day this is one thing to remember. Every day the practice should be taken up in right earnest, and it has to be done at a given time, if possible at a fixed time, at the same time, and not changing the hours of the day because this practice is not a hobby. We are not merely engaging ourselves in a sort of diversion for the sake of freedom from boredom in life. The practice of yoga is a serious undertaking and, therefore, it has to be taken up with the earnestness of a scientist who is bent upon achieving his objective by the adoption of all technical devices available.
  Likewise, to know everything that will happen in the future also cannot be regarded as a happy state of affairs for minds that are incapable of understanding all aspects of things. Inasmuch as the prarabdhas in us have a restraining force upon us, all the gates will not open at one stroke. There is a gradual opening of the personality, like the blossoming of a flower from the state of a bud. Just as we grow from childhood to youth, etc., and do not suddenly jump into the skies, there is a gradual opening up of consciousness into higher and higher Levels by the intensity of the daily practice. Each day we will find that there is a little progress, though it may not be all that we expect. All that we expect cannot come in one day, for reasons that we know very well. But there is bound to be progress, even if the practice is very little, provided that it is done with ardour and with great affection, intensity and wholeheartedness.
  The condition mentioned in the sutra of Patanjali is: sa tu drghakla nairantarya satkra sevita dhabhmi (I.14). A very, very affectionate attitude towards this practice is one condition. We cannot have a greater love for anything in this world than we have for this practice. In fact, this practice is like a parent to us it will take care of us, protect us and provide us with everything that we need. This practice of yoga should be continued until the point of realisation, without asking for immediate results. Karmanyevdhikraste m phaleu kadcana(B.G. II.47), says Bhagavan Sri Krishna in the Bhagavadgita. Our duty is to act according to the discipline prescribed, and not to expect results. The results will follow in the long run, in due course of time.
  I have always been saying that our personality is not merely at the conscious level. The larger part of our personality is in Levels which are deeper than the conscious one. Until all of the Levels come up and merge into a focused attention in the practice of yoga, we cannot expect the desired result. But once this whole-souled dedication is achieved, once it becomes part of our conscious life, it immediately speaks in the language of ultimate success.

1.02 - MAPS OF MEANING - THREE LEVELS OF ANALYSIS, #Maps of Meaning, #Jordan Peterson, #Psychology
  object:1.02 - MAPS OF MEANING - THREE Levels OF ANALYSIS
  author class:Jordan Peterson
  Human beings are prepared, biologically, to respond to anomalous information to novelty. This
  hard; we wont work for sex, if we are satisfied with our present Levels of sexual activity, and we might be
  very pleased to go hungry, if that means our enemy will starve. Our predictions, expectations, and desires
  temperature, ensuring proper caloric intake, and monitoring Levels of plasma carbon dioxide (for example).
  Each of these subsystems has a job to do. If that job is not done, within a certain variable span of time, the
  (whether to pause, consume, stop, or move backwards or forwards, at the most basic of Levels; whether to
  feel anxious, satisfied, hurt, or hopeful). Some things or situations may be evidently satisfying or punishing
  higher cortical Levels of processing. It just looks passive, when observed under relatively trivial
  circumstances. It is in reality always the consequence of active exploration and subsequent modification of
  of animals at virtually all Levels of the evolutionary scale) provided the foundation for motivation, as such.
  The nature of these two systems can best be understood by relating emotional state to motor activity, as we
  stages of mental development to well-defined neurological Levels, the fact remains that, in spite of the
  information can cycle up and down Levels of consciousness with the social environment as necessary
  intermediary transforming itself and expanding as it moves. Development of narrative means verbal
  The fact that the many stories we live by can be coded and transmitted at different Levels of
  abstraction, ranging from the purely motoric or procedural (transmitted through imitation) to the more
  of phenomena. However, we can also shift Levels of abstraction which means, can voluntarily focus our
  attention, when necessary, on stories that map out larger or smaller areas of space-time (excuse the
  mean? You shift your apprehension up several Levels of spatial-temporal resolution. Maybe there is
  something wrong with the wiring of the house, itself! The lamp is now forgotten. Ensuring that your house
  correctly) at multiple and multiply informative Levels of analysis. This gives good stories their
  polysemous quality. It is for this reason that Frye can state:
  operations dependent upon the intact prefrontal cortex can move up and down these Levels, so to speak,
  fixating at one, and allowing for determinate action, when that is deemed most appropriate (making the
  others implicit at that place and time); reorganizing and reconstituting the Levels and their respective
  statuses, when that becomes necessary. Figure 15: Bounded Revolution sheds light on this process and,
  at all possible Levels of analysis, simultaneously. This would constitute an impossible cognitive burden. It
  seems that the cortex must temporarily fixate at a chosen level, and then act as if that is the only
  communication of the strategies and results thereof. Our natural Levels of apprehension that is to say,
  the stories that most easily or by default occupy our attention have contents that are relatively accessible
  share? is really to ask at what Levels of analysis might two or more things be considered the same? and
  at what Levels different? It is the particulars of our individuality our specific time and place that
  differentiate us from one another. What unites us is the fact of those particulars, however the fact that we
  most basic of Levels are in fact habitual, procedural, motoric, behavioral. You can use them without
  thinking. Those that are not can only be applied slowly, with full conscious attention, and with effort.
  present themselves to us. The higher and lower Levels of category that surround these naturally
  apprehensible basic-level phenomena might be regarded, in contrast, as achievements of the imagination,
  written and can be read validly on many Levels. The phenomena of polysemy discussed in some detail
  later in this manuscript arises when the relationship of objects within a particular cognitive model is
  represented the god, and this, on the archaic Levels of culture, also implied that he was in a way he
  whom he personified. In any case, as mediator between the world of men and the world of the gods, the
  viewpoint? What is it that can be conceptualized at all spatial and temporal Levels of analysis

1.02 - Meditating on Tara, #How to Free Your Mind - Tara the Liberator, #Thubten Chodron, #unset
  liberate. In one interpretation, these liberate us from the obstacles to generating the paths of the three Levels of practitionerinitial, intermediate,
  and advanced. An initial practitioner wants to avoid unfortunate rebirths and
  the method to attain enlightenment. By actualizing these three Levels of the
  path, our body, speech, and mind are puried, and we attain Taras body,

1.02 - SOCIAL HEREDITY AND PROGRESS, #The Future of Man, #Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, #Christianity
  At what Levels and by what mechanisms does this predeter-
  mined additivity of characteristics show itself in the living being?
  and although it operates successively on two different Levels (that of
  the purely organic functioning of the mother, and that of her con-
  phases, on different Levels, of the same event?
  To postulate the truth of the second alternative that is to say,

1.02 - Taras Tantra, #Tara - The Feminine Divine, #unset, #Zen
  because the words they use cover various Levels of
  meaning. A literal expression can sometimes be
  various Levels. There are treatises explaining it on the
   Levels of Kriya Tantra, others at the level of the

1.02 - The 7 Habits An Overview, #The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, #Stephen Covey, #unset
  The being/seeing change is an upward process -- being changing, seeing, which in turn changes being, and so forth, as we move in an upward spiral of growth. By working on knowledge, skill, and desire, we can break through to new Levels of personal and interpersonal effectiveness as we break with old paradigms that may have been a source of pseudo-security for years.
  It's sometimes a painful process. It's a change that has to be motivated by a higher purpose, by the willingness to subordinate what you think you want now for what you want later. But this process produces happiness, "the object and design of our existence." Happiness can be defined, in part at least, as the fruit of the desire and ability to sacrifice what we want now for what we want eventually.
  Habit 7 is the habit of renewal -- a regular, balanced renewal of the four basic dimensions of life. It circles and embodies all the other habits. It is the habit of continuous improvement that creates the upward spiral of growth that lifts you to new Levels of understanding and living each of the habits as you come around to them on a progressively higher plane.
  The diagram on the next page is a visual representation of the sequence and the interdependence of the Seven Habits, and will be used throughout this book as we explore both the sequential relationship between the habits and also their synergy -- how, in relating to each other, they create bold new forms of each other that add even more to their value. Each concept or habit will be highlighted as it is introduced.
  For example, a person in charge of a physical asset, such as a machine, may be eager to make a good impression on his superiors. Perhaps the company is in a rapid growth stage and promotions are coming fast. So he produces at optimum Levels -- no downtime, no maintenance. He runs the machine day and night. The production is phenomenal, costs are down, and profits skyrocket.
  Within a short time, he's promoted. Golden eggs.
  As you progress to deeper Levels of understanding and implementation, you can go back time and again to the principles contained in each habit and work to expand your knowledge, skill, and desire.
  Second, I would suggest that you shift your paradigm of your own involvement in this material from the role of learner to that of teacher. Take an Inside-Out approach, and read with the purpose in mind of sharing or discussing what you learn with someone else within 48 hours after you learn it.

1.02 - The Doctrine of the Mystics, #Hymns to the Mystic Fire, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  The development of all these godheads is necessary to our perfection. And that perfection must be attained on all our Levels, - in the wideness of earth, our physical being and consciousness; in the full force of vital speed and action and enjoyment and nervous vibration, typified as the Horse which must be brought forward to upbear our endeavour; in the perfect gladness of the heart of emotion and a brilliant heat and clarity of the mind throughout our intellectual and psychical being; in the coming of the supramental Light, the Dawn and the Sun and the shining Mother of the herds, to transform all our existence; for so comes to us the possession of the Truth, by the Truth the admirable surge of the Bliss, in the Bliss infinite Consciousness of absolute being.
  Three great Gods, origin of the Puranic Trinity, largest puissances of the supreme Godhead, make possible this development and upward evolution; they support in its grand lines and fundamental energies all these complexities of the cosmos.

1.02 - THE NATURE OF THE GROUND, #The Perennial Philosophy, #Aldous Huxley, #Philosophy
  Coming as it does from a devout Catholic of the Counter-Reformation, this statement may seem somewhat startling. But we must remember that Olier (who was a man of saintly life and one of the most influential religious teachers of the seventeenth century) is speaking here about a state of consciousness, to which few people ever come. To those on the ordinary Levels of being he recommends other modes of knowledge. One of his penitents, for example, was advised to read, as a corrective to St. John of the Cross and other exponents of pure mystical theology, St. Gertrudes revelations of the incarnate and even physiological aspects of the deity. In Oliers opinion, as in that of most directors of souls, whether Catholic or Indian, it was mere folly to recommend the worship of God-without-form to persons who are in a condition to understand only the personal and the incarnate aspects of the divine Ground. This is a perfectly sensible attitude, and we are justified in adopting a policy in accordance with itprovided always that we clearly remember that its adoption may be attended by certain spiritual dangers and disadvantages. The nature of these dangers and disadvantages will be illustrated and discussed in another section. For the present it will suffice to quote the warning words of Philo: He who thinks that God has any quality and is not the One, injures not God, but himself.
  Thou must love God as not-God, not-Spirit, not-person, not-image, but as He is, a sheer, pure absolute One, sundered from all two-ness, and in whom we must eternally sink from nothingness to nothingness.

1.02 - THE WITHIN OF THINGS, #The Phenomenon of Man, #Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, #Christianity
  ' spheres ' or ' Levels ' of different kinds in the unity of nature,
  each of them distinguished by the dominance of certain factors

10.32 - The Mystery of the Five Elements, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   It must be noted, however, that parallelism means similarity but also difference. The manner of approach to the reality, the way of expressing it is different in the east and in the west. The ancients express a truth or a fact symbolically, the moderns express it in a straightforward matter-of-fact way. The ancients used symbols; for they wanted a multiple way of expression, that is to say, a symbol embodying a movement refers at the same time to many forms of the same movement on different Levels, along different lines, in diverse applications. It is like the multiple meanings of a verbal root in Sanskrit. The scientific terms, on the other hand, are very specific; they connote only one thing at a time. Each term with its specific sense is unilateral in its movement.
   Now furthermore, the Great Five need not be restricted to the domain of matter alone as being its divisions and Levels and functions, but they may be extended to represent the whole existence, the cosmos as a whole. Indeed they are often taken to symbolise the stair of existence as a whole, the different Levels of cosmic being and consciousness. Thus at the lowest rung of the ladder as always is the earth representing precisely matter and material existence; next, water represents life and the vital movement; then, fire represents the heart centre from where wells up all impulse and drive for progression. It holds the evolutionary urge: we call it the Divine Agni, the Flame of the Inner Heart, the radiant Energy of Aspiration. The fourth status or level of creation is mind or the mental world, represented by air, the Vedic Marut; finally, Vyom or space represents all that is beyond the mind, the Infinite Existence and Consciousness. The five then give the chart, as it were, of nature's constitution, they mark also the steps of her evolutionary journey through unfolding time.
   Science, that is modem Science, will perhaps demur a little; for Science holds sound to be the exclusive property of air, it is the vibration of air that comes to the ear as sound, Where there is no air, there is no sound. But Science itself admits now that sound audible to the human ear is only a section of a whole gamut of vibrations of which the ear catches only a portion, vibrations of certain length and frequency. Those that are outside this limit, below or above, are not seized by the ear. So there is a sound that is unheard. The poets speak of unheard melodies. The vibrations the sound-vibrationsare in fact not merely in the air; but originally and fundamentally in a more subtle material medium, referred to by the ancients as vyom.. The air-vibrations are derivations or translations, in a more concrete and gross medium, of these subtler vibrations. These too are heard as sound by a subtle hearing. The very original seed-sound is, of course, Om, nda. That, however, is another matter.

10.33 - On Discipline, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Mother speaks of three lines of this higher law. First of all, the individual law which at its lowest and its most common form is the law of selfishness. It is the most elementary and superficial degree of consciousness when the being is confined to its own little person, confined mostly to its hungers and desires, to its sense of possession and appropriation. The human being starts with- this addiction to selfishness but he moves towards a gradual enlargement and rearrangement of this sense of personal value and importance. Therefore he is given a family, a nation, a grouping more or less large in which he can find other selves to meet and learn to live with harmoniously. A collective life whether in a nation or in the family or in any other group formation demands a control over the selfish impulses and egoistic urges. That is the discipline, that is to say, the necessity of submitting the law of one's ego-self to the law of collective selves, needed for the realisation of a collective ideal. When you playa game you have to obey the rule of the game and you have to dovetail your movements into the movements of your comrades, you cannot move as you please but must integrate your gestures with those of others. Even so as a member of a particular family or as a citizen of a particular country you have to rearrange your personal habits and movements in accordance with a more general and wider plan of living. The extent of this obedience depends upon the ideal that a particular collectivity pursues and the value of the obedience depends on the ideal thus pursued. And the largest collectivity is of course the human race, the humanity as a whole. The submission of the personal law to the law of humanity in general is also a discipline demanded of man but there too the value of the submission depends upon the exact nature of the humanity to which one is asked to submit. For as I have said, there are degrees of consciousness and Levels of being mounting higher and higher in an increasing value in respect of width and intensity and essential character. For along with the widening of the consciousness there must be a heightening of it, a horizontal movement of the being must be supported or accentuated by a vertical movement. Even the widest consciousness, a consciousness one with the universe, as wide as creation itself, can still have a core of ego-sense left behind, however attenuated it may be; the ego-sense can be abolished only by a transcendence even of the universal consciousness and rise into the supra-conscious. And this brings us to the other line of discipline, the supreme discipline which means obedience not merely, not even to the cosmic law but to the transcendent Divine Law. Here the individual is absolutely, utterly, free from his little self, the minor self-law, he is totally merged in the Divine, his being and living becomes the Divine's own law of existence.
   Discipline then is the obedience of a learner to an ever-expanding and ever-ascending law of consciousness and being, until the law of the supreme status is realised which is the law of divine living: it is the utter submission or total obedience to the Divine Himself, when one is identified with the Divine in being and nature, where Law and Person are one and the same.

1.036 - The Rise of Obstacles in Yoga Practice, #The Study and Practice of Yoga, #Swami Krishnananda, #Yoga
  These obstacles are of varying categories physical, psychological and social, and we have to be prepared to meet any obstacle that comes on the way. As it is difficult to know what sort of obstacle will come before us, it is better that we be prepared for everything even the worst thing conceivable. We should conceive of the worst possible thing, and be ready for it. At present it is not possible to have a clear idea of what is ahead of us. The obstacles, as I mentioned, are external reactions produced by certain internal potentialities. The hidden latencies in us, on the subconscious and unconscious Levels, stimulate certain centres outside, and there is an apparent reaction set up by these centres in relation to the wire-pullers that are within us, within ourselves.
  The centres of potentiality within our own selves, subconsciously and unconsciously present, are instruments in evoking the action or reaction of corresponding centres outside in the world of perception. So, there is a relativity of action and reaction even in the confronting of obstacles. We cannot wholly blame others for the sufferings of mankind or for the pains that we are undergoing in life. There is a corresponding action from outside in relation to the presence of potentialities inside.
  That is the reason why we have different types of feeling in respect of persons and things at different times, and we frequently go on changing our attitude towards persons and things. The reason is that our relationships with externals are not necessarily the conscious relationships, but the invisible potentialities and the urges that are present on the subconscious and the unconscious Levels. They are more powerful than those on the conscious Levels, and they are the real personality. Psychoanalysts tell us that the conscious level is like the tip of an iceberg in the ocean, the larger portion of it being submerged and invisible. We do not see it at all, but it is so hard that it can severely damage a ship if the ship hits it. Likewise, our larger personality is hidden inside, and a very insignificant part comes out as what we appear to be in conscious life.
  So, the obstacles are not necessarily the outcome of conscious action, perception and cognition. The obstacles are the reactions set up by our deeper personality. It is not merely the intelligible relationships of waking consciousness that are the causes of our experiences, but the unintelligible inner hidden latencies which become these powers. So we ourselves cannot know what mood will come to us tomorrow, what we will do tomorrow, what we will utter tomorrow, and in what direction we will move tomorrow. "Oh, something occurred to me, and so I went somewhere," is how we will put it. Why should something just occur to us and make us go somewhere? The reason is that the causes of our moods and actions are not always on the conscious level, and as long as they are there, even unconsciously, they shall be the determining factors of our future; and these are the obstacles which have to be faced with a deliberate, conscious practice of yoga.

10.37 - The Golden Bridge, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   This creation as an expression of the Divine Truth may not be altogether a falsehood. It is an inadequate expression, as it stands at present, as it has been till now; but it is a growing, a progressive expression. In other words, the instruments of expression, to start with, are not fully developed, they have to be developed; they are being developed, through the evolutionary movement of Nature, in the course of advancing time. Indeed evolution in Nature means that and a great deal of that. Take for example, speech, which is a special organ of expression for man. Now, originally speech, that is to say, the vocabulary on man's tongue consisted of vocables related only to the familiar objects around him, in the ordinary day to day movement of life. The field was narrow and limited, level to the ground. Observe the language also, the written language. The original written language started with images, pictorial diagrams: there was no alphabet but things and movements were presented, that is represented, almost actually. Thus for man a figure of man was drawn, that is to say, straight lines sticking out representing hands and legs and a dot for the head; the sun was a circle and so on. As consciousness grew and as the mind developed and reason became active, the images, the figures and the symbols gradually changed into more and more abstract signs. At first there was the pictogram, then the ideogram, and then, at the end, came the alphabet. Evidently, it appears, language could not develop so quickly as the consciousness or the mind did, for we see even in the earlier epochs of human civilisation and culture, man could and did come in contact with the Truth and Realities beyond his normal sense-bound consciousness. And the experiences the seers had on those Levels were of such a kind that whenever they sought to express them, communicate them to others in the outward mind and speech, they had to take refuge in symbolism: they had to use the words of everyday life as signs and symbols pointing to other realities, other-worldly and unfamiliar. Thus, horse was to them life-force, cow the radiance of truth, the wind thought energies, the sun consciousness or Truth, night as ignorance, light as knowledge, wine (soma means both wine and moon) as delight and ecstasy, the sky as infinity or transcendence. And so on.
   Indeed, that is the hiatus, the inadequacy that still cripples and stultifies the mind, the physical mind in its attempt to seize other realities beyond. It is the mind which gives the formal structure, the pattern of expression in the material frame. The mind being bound to the life of the ignorant and outgoing senses is constitutionally incapable of receiving or holding or expressing facts of the higher life, the life beyondwhat we name as the spiritual or the divine. Not only so, the mind in trying to express the higher or supraterrestrial truths inevitably diminishes, dilutes, devalues, even negates and annuls them. The attempt through parables and allegories is the story of the difficulty the impossibility of expressing through the mind truths beyond the mind. We land into the weird and confused worlds of myths and mythologies,myths and mythologies for example about popular Radha and Krishna, and Kali or Shiva. We are compelled to reduce to our human measures, to accentuate our human failings in order to present graphically to us the inexpressible intensities or extensions of the high experiences above. The Vaishnava lyrics or the songs of Solomon become to us high spiritual documents.

1.03 - Invocation of Tara, #Tara - The Feminine Divine, #unset, #Zen
  corresponding to various Levels of practice.
  The sutra tradition likewise possesses its rituals,
  These three Levels form a profound succession that
  is easy to follow and easily may form the practice of
  Things may be understood on various Levels. When
  it is said, for example, that the person who wants a
  that correspond to various lineages, tantras, or Levels
  of practice. For Tara, there is an external practice, an

1.03 - PERSONALITY, SANCTITY, DIVINE INCARNATION, #The Perennial Philosophy, #Aldous Huxley, #Philosophy
  What we do depends in large measure upon what we think, and if what we do is evil, there is good empirical reason for supposing that our thought patterns are inadequate to material. mental or spiritual reality. Because Christians believed that there had been only one Avatar, Christian history has been disgraced by more and bloother crusades, interdenominational wars, persecutions and proselytizing imperialism than has the history of Hinduism and Buddhism. Absurd and idolatrous doctrines, affirming the quasi-divine nature of sovereign states and their rulers, have led oriental, no less than Western, peoples into innumerable political wars; but because they have not believed in an exclusive revelation at one sole instant of time, or in the quasi-divinity of an ecclesiastical organization, oriental peoples have kept remarkably clear of the mass murder for religions sake, which has been so dreadfully frequent in Christendom. And while, in this important respect, the level of public morality has been lower in the West than in the East, the Levels of exceptional sanctity and of ordinary individual morality have not, so far as one can judge from the available evidence, been any higher. If the tree is indeed known by its fruits, Christianitys departure from the norm of the Perennial Philosophy would seem to be philosophically unjustifiable.
  The Logos passes out of eternity into time for no other purpose than to assist the beings, whose bodily form he takes, to pass out of time into eternity. If the Avatars appearance upon the stage of history is enormously important, this is due to the fact that by his teaching he points out, and by his being a channel of grace and divine power he actually is, the means by which human beings may transcend the limitations of history. The author of the Fourth Gospel affirms that the Word became flesh; but in another passage he adds that the flesh profiteth nothingnothing, that is to say, in itself, but a great deal, of course, as a means to the union with immanent and transcendent Spirit. In this context it is very interesting to consider the development of Buddhism. Under the forms of religious or mystical imagery, writes R. E. Johnston in his Buddhist China, the Mahayana expresses the universal, whereas Hinayana cannot set itself free from the domination of historical fact. In the words of an eminent orientalist, Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, The Mahayanist believer is warnedprecisely as the worshipper of Krishna is warned in the Vaishnavite scriptures that the Krishna Lila is not a history, but a process for ever unfolded in the heart of man that matters of historical fact are without religious significance (except, we should add, insofar as they point to or themselves constitute the meanswhe ther remote or proximate, whether political, ethical or spiritualby which men may come to deliverance from selfness and the temporal order.)

1.04 - Feedback and Oscillation, #Cybernetics, or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine, #Norbert Wiener, #Cybernetics
  tion must be kept at adequate Levels; our heart rate and blood
  pressure must neither be too high nor too low; our sex cycle

1.04 - GOD IN THE WORLD, #The Perennial Philosophy, #Aldous Huxley, #Philosophy
  To its heights we can always come. For those of us who are still splashing about in the lower ooze, the phrase has a rather ironical ring. Nevertheless, in the light of even the most distant acquaintance with the heights and the fulness, it is possible to understand what its author means. To discover the Kingdom of God exclusively within oneself is easier than to discover it, not only there, but also in the outer world of minds and things and living creatures. It is easier because the heights within reveal themselves to those who are ready to exclude from their purview all that lies without. And though this exclusion may be a painful and mortificatory process, the fact remains that it is less arduous than the process of inclusion, by which we come to know the fulness as well as the heights of spiritual life. Where there is exclusive concentration on the heights within, temptations and distractions are avoided and there is a general denial and suppression. But when the hope is to know God inclusivelyto realize the divine Ground in the world as well as in the soul, temptations and distractions must not be avoided, but submitted to and used as opportunities for advance; there must be no suppression of outward-turning activities, but a transformation of them so that they become sacramental. Mortification becomes more searching and more subtle; there is need of unsleeping awareness and, on the Levels of thought, feeling and conduct, the constant exercise of something like an artists tact and taste.
  It is in the literature of Mahayana and especially of Zen Buddhism that we find the best account of the psychology of the man for whom Samsara and Nirvana, time and eternity, are one and the same. More systematically perhaps than any other religion, the Buddhism of the Far East teaches the way to spiritual Knowledge in its fulness as well as in its heights, in and through the world as well as in and through the soul. In this context we may point to a highly significant fact, which is that the incomparable landscape painting of China and Japan was essentially a religious art, inspired by Taoism and Zen Buddhism; in Europe, on the contrary, landscape painting and the poetry of nature worship were secular arts which arose when Christianity was in decline, and derived little or no inspiration from Christian ideals.

1.04 - Magic and Religion, #The Golden Bough, #James George Frazer, #Occultism
  that have risen to higher Levels of culture. It was rife in ancient
  India and ancient Egypt; it is by no means extinct among European

1.04 - THE APPEARANCE OF ANOMALY - CHALLENGE TO THE SHARED MAP, #Maps of Meaning, #Jordan Peterson, #Psychology
  (revolutionary) Levels of organization. A prolonged drought, for example, at the social level or the
  occurrence of a serious illness or disability, on the personal can force the re-construction of behavior
  and individuals may share some Levels of the known, but not others. The similarities account for shared
  group identity, insofar as that exists; the differences, for the identification of the other with the forces of
  communicative hero. The more-encompassing, outer Levels of organization may be extant purely in
  behavior that is, the individual in question may have little or no explicit imagistic or semantic knowledge
  sharing features in common at higher, more implicit Levels. Figure 48: The Known: Nested Groups and
  Individuals portrays three such groups although this number is arbitrary. Catholic, Protestant and Greek
  their effect at different Levels, as we have seen. The most profound threats undermine the stability of the
  personalities that encompass the largest number of people, have the deepest historical roots, are most
  highest Levels of order are clearly the most profound, and are likely to engender the most thorough
  reactions. Observation of response to such threats may be complicated, however, by the problem of time
  fact that threats posed to the highest Levels of order are the most profound is complicated, to say it
  another way, by the implicitness of those Levels, and their invisibility. Furthermore, the structures
  nested within a given personality may have enough intrinsic strength to stand for a long while after the
  comprehensible and conscious Levels of analyses). Every culture represents an idiosyncratic paradigm, a
  pattern of behaving in the face of the unknown, and the paradigm cannot be shifted (its basic axioms cannot
  level (procedural, imagistic or episodic, explicit or semantic) threatens all Levels simultaneously. This
  means that the casual criticism of a given explicit presupposition can come, over time, to undermine
  verbally mediated now becomes threat to that presupposition, and everything that rests on it, at all Levels.
  The socially-mediated capacity to abstract to reason and represent, in behavior, imagination and word
  redemption. The undermining and reconstruction of more basic Levels is, as we have seen, a revolutionary
  act, even in the scientific domain. The normal scientist works within the constraints of great models; the
  note, therefore, that its theme also informs the most fundamental Levels of Western sensibility. The JudeoChristian tale of redemption is predicated upon representation of the individual subject, marred with
  Original Sin, fallen from grace, conscious of life and the borders of life, irretrievably blessed and cursed

1.04 - The Gods of the Veda, #Vedic and Philological Studies, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  There are here a number of words whose exact meaning is exceedingly important for any fruitful enquiry into the religious significance of the Vedas. The most important, the decisive & capital word in the passage is Ritam. Whatever it may be held to mean, it will decide for us the essential character of Varuna & his constant comradeMitra. I have already suggested in my first chapter the sense in which I understand Ritam. It is its ordinary sense in Sanscrit. Ritam is Truth, Law, that which is straight, upright, direct, rectum; it is that which gives everything its place & its motion (ritu), that which constitutes reason (ratio) in mind and rectitude in morals,it is the rightness or righteousness which makes the stars move in their orbits, the seasons occur in their order, thought & speech move towards truth, trees grow according to their seed, animals act according to their species & nature, & man walk in the paths which God has prescribed for him. It is that in the Akasha the Akasha where Varuna is lordwhich develops arrangement & order, it is the element of law in Nature. But not only in material Nature, not only in the moral akasha even,the akasha of the heart of which the Rishis spoke, but on higher Levels also. I have pointed out that Ritam is the law of the Truth, of vijnana. It is this ideal Truth, the Truth of being, by which everything animate or inanimate knows in its fibres of being & serves in action & feeling the truth of itself, in which Law is born. This Law which belongs to Satyam, to the Mahas, is Ritam. Neither of the English words,Law & Truth, gives the idea; they have to be combined in order to be equivalent to ritam. Well, then Varuna is represented to us as increasing in his nature by this Truth & Law, attaining to it or possessing it; Law & Truth are the source of his strength, the means by which he has arrived at his present force & mightiness.
  But he is more than that; he is tuvijata, urukshaya. Uru, we shall find in other hymns, the Vast, is a word used as equivalent to Brihat to describe the ideal level of consciousness, the kingdom of ideal knowledge, in its aspect of joyous comprehensive wideness and capacity. It is clearly told us that men by overcoming & passing beyond the two firmaments of Mind-invitality, Bhuvar, & mind in intellectuality, Swar, arrive in the Vast, Uru, and make it their dwelling place. Therefore Uru must be taken as equivalent to Brihat; it must mean Mahas. Our Vedic Varuna, then, is a dweller in Mahas, in the vastness of ideal knowledge. But he is not born there; he is born or appears first in tuvi, that is, in strength or force. Since Uru definitely means the Vast, means Mahas, means a particular plane of consciousness, is, in short, a fixed term of Vedic psychology, it is inevitable that tuvi thus coupled with it and yet differentiated, must be another fixed term of Vedic psychology & must mean another plane of consciousness. We have found the meaning of Mahas by consulting Purana & Vedanta as well as the Veda itself. Have we any similar light on the significance of Tuvi? Yes. The Puranas describe to us three worlds above Maharloka,called, respectively, in the Puranic system, Jana, Tapas and Satya. By a comparison with Vedantic psychology we know that Jana must be the world of Ananda of which the Mahajana Atma is the sustaining Brahman as the Mahan Atma is the sustaining Brahman of the vijnana, and we get this light on the subject that, just as Bhur, Bhuvah, Swar are the lower or human half of existence, the aparardha of the Brahmanda, (the Brahma-circle or universe of manifest consciousness), and answer objectively to the subjective field covered by Annam, Prana & Manas, just as Mahas is the intermediate world, link between the divine & human hemispheres, and corresponds to the subjective region of Vijnana, so Jana, Tapas & Satya are the divine half of existence, & answer to the Ananda with its two companion principles Sat andChit, the three constituting the Trinity of those psychological states which are, to & in our consciousness, Sacchidananda,God sustaining from above His worlds. But why is the world of Chit called Tapoloka? According to our conceptions this universe has been created by & in divine Awareness by Force, Shakti, or Power which [is] inherent in Awareness, Force of Awareness or Chit Shakti that moves, forms & realises whatever it wills in Being. This force, this Chit-shakti in its application to its work, is termed in the ancient phraseology Tapas. Therefore, it is told us that when Brahma the Creator lay uncreative on the great Ocean, he listened & heard a voice crying over the waters OM Tapas! OM Tapas! and he became full of the energy of the mantra & arose & began creation. Tapas & Tu or Tuvi are equivalent terms. We can see at once the meaning. Varuna, existing no doubt in Sat, appears or is born to us in Tapas, in the sea of force put out in itself by the divine Awareness, & descending through divine delight which world is in Jana, in production or birth by Tapas, through Ananda, that is to say, into the manifest world, dwells in ideal knowledge & Truth and makes there Ritam or the Law of the Truth of Being his peculiar province. It is the very process of all creation, according to our Vedic&Vedantic Rishis. Descending into the actual universe we find Varuna master of the Akash or ether, matrix and continent of created things, in the Akash watching over the development of the created world & its peoples according to the line already fixed by ideal knowledge as suitable to their nature and purposeya thatathyato vihitam shashwatibhyah samabhyah and guiding the motion of things & souls in the line of theritam. It is in his act of guidance and bringing to perfection of the imperfect that he increases by the law and the truth, desires it and naturally attains to it, has the spriha & the sparsha of the ritam. It is from his fidelity to ideal Truth that he acquires the mighty power by which he maintains the heavens and orders its worlds in their appointed motion.

1.04 - The Praise, #Tara - The Feminine Divine, #unset, #Zen
  Shatters the seven underground Levels.
  - 89 -
  categories of gods in more subtle Levels), the sphere of
  formless (other categories of gods in even more subtle
   THE SEVEN WORLDS: seven Levels of existence
  inhabited by seven classes of beings
   THE SEVEN UNDERGROUND Levels: Taranatha's
  commentary gives the list of the seven underground
  oceans and continents are placed. The seven Levels are
  listed as follows:

1.04 - The Sacrifice the Triune Path and the Lord of the Sacrifice, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  There is another basic realisation, the most extreme of all, that yet comes sometimes as the first decisive opening or an early turn of the Yoga. It is the awakening to an ineffable high transcendent Unknowable above myself and above this world in which I seem to move, a timeless and spaceless condition or entity which is at once, in some way compelling and convincing to an essential consciousness in me, the one thing that is to it overwhelmingly real. This experience is usually accompanied by an equally compelling sense either of the dreamlike or shadowy illusoriness of all things here or else of their temporary, derivative and only half-real character. For a time at least all around me may seem to be a moving of cinematographic shadow forms or surface figures and my own action may appear as a fluid formulation from some Source ungrasped as yet and perhaps unseizable above or outside me. To remain in this consciousness, to carry out this initiation or follow out this first suggestion of the character of things would be to proceed towards the goal of dissolution of self and world in the Unknowable,Moksha, Nirvana. But this is not the only line of issue; it is possible, on the contrary, for me to wait till through the silence of this timeless unfilled liberation I begin to enter into relations with that yet ungrasped Source of myself and my actions; then the void begins to fill, there emerges out of it or there rushes into it all the manifold Truth of the Divine, all the aspects and manifestations and many Levels of a dynamic Infinite. At first this experience imposes on the mind and then on all our being an absolute, a fathomless, almost an abysmal peace and silence. Overpowered and subjugated, stilled, liberated from itself, the mind accepts the Silence itself as the Supreme. But afterwards the seeker discovers that all is there for him contained or new-made in that silence or through it descends upon him from a greater concealed transcendent Existence. For this Transcendent, this Absolute is not a mere peace of signless emptiness; it has its own infinite contents and riches of which ours are debased and diminished values. If there were not that Source of all things, there could be no universe; all powers, all works and activities would be an illusion, all creation and manifestation would be impossible.
  These are the three fundamental realisations, so fundamental that to the Yogin of the way of Knowledge they seem ultimate, sufficient in themselves, destined to overtop and replace all others. And yet for the integral seeker, whether accorded to him at an early stage suddenly and easily by a miraculous grace or achieved with difficulty after a long progress and endeavour, they are neither the sole truth nor the full and only clues to the integral truth of the Eternal, but rather the unfilled beginning, the vast foundation of a greater divine Knowledge. Other realisations there are that are imperatively needed and must be explored to the full limit of their possibilities; and if some of them appear to a first sight to cover only Divine Aspects that are instrumental to the activity of existence but not inherent in its essence, yet, when followed to their end through that activity to its everlasting Source, it is found that they lead to a disclosure of the Divine without which our knowledge of the Truth behind things would be left bare and incomplete. These seeming Instrumentals are the key to a secret without which the Fundamentals themselves would not unveil all their mystery. All the revelatory aspects of the Divine must be caught in the wide net of the integral Yoga.
  This extreme opposition of view from the two poles of one Existence creates no fundamental difficulty for the seeker of the integral Yoga; for his whole experience has shown him the necessity of these double terms and their currents of Energy, negative and positive in relation to each other, for the manifestation of what is within the one Existence. For himself Personality and Impersonality have been the two wings of his spiritual ascension and he has the prevision that he will reach a height where their helpful interaction will pass into a fusion of their powers and disclose the integral Reality and release into action the original force of the Divine. Not only in the fundamental Aspects but in all the working of his sadhana he has felt their double truth and mutually complementary working. An impersonal Presence has dominated from above or penetrated and occupied his nature; a Light descending has suffused his mind, life-power, the very cells of his body, illumined them with knowledge, revealed him to himself down to his most disguised and unsuspected movements, exposing, purifying, destroying or brilliantly changing all that belonged to the Ignorance. A Force has poured into him in currents or like a sea, worked in his being and all its members, dissolved, new-made, reshaped, transfigured everywhere. A Bliss has invaded him and shown that it can make suffering and sorrow impossible and turn pain itself into divine pleasure. A Love without limits has joined him to all creatures or revealed to him a world of inseparable intimacy and unspeakable sweetness and beauty and begun to impose its law of perfection and its ecstasy even amidst the disharmony of terrestrial life. A spiritual Truth and Right have convicted the good and evil of this world of imperfection or of falsehood and unveiled a supreme good and its clue of subtle harmony and its sublimation of action and feeling and knowledge. But behind all these and in them he has felt a Divinity who is all these things, a Bringer of Light, a Guide and All-Knower, a Master of Force, a Giver of Bliss, Friend, Helper, Father, Mother, Playmate in the world-game, an absolute Master of his being, his souls Beloved and Lover. All relations known to human personality are there in the souls contact with the Divine; but they rise towards superhuman Levels and compel him towards a divine nature.
  It is an integral knowledge that is being sought, an integral force, a total amplitude of union with the All and Infinite behind existence. For the seeker of the integral Yoga no single experience, no one Divine Aspect,however overwhelming to the human mind, sufficient for its capacity, easily accepted as the sole or the ultimate reality,can figure as the exclusive truth of the Eternal. For him the experience of the Divine Oneness carried to its extreme is more deeply embraced and amply fathomed by following out to the full the experience of the Divine Multiplicity. All that is true behind polytheism as well as behind monotheism falls within the scope of his seeking; but he passes beyond their superficial sense to human mind to grasp their mystic truth in the Divine. He sees what is aimed at by the jarring sects and philosophies and accepts each facet of the Reality in its own place, but rejects their narrownesses and errors and proceeds farther till he discovers the One Truth that binds them together. The reproach of anthropomorphism and anthropolatry cannot deter him,for he sees them to be prejudices of the ignorant and arrogant reasoning intelligence, the abstracting mind turning on itself in its own cramped circle. If human relations as practised now by man are full of smallness and perversity and ignorance, yet are they disfigured shadows of something in the Divine and by turning them to the Divine he finds that of which they are a shadow and brings it down for manifestation in life. It is through the human exceeding itself and opening itself to a supreme plenitude that the Divine must manifest itself here, since that comes inevitably in the course and process of the spiritual evolution, and therefore he will not despise or blind himself to the Godhead because it is lodged in a human body, mnu tanum ritam. Beyond the limited human conception of God, he will pass to the one divine Eternal, but also he will meet him in the faces of the Gods, his cosmic personalities supporting the World-Play, detect him behind the mask of the Vibhutis, embodied World-Forces or human Leaders, reverence and obey him in the Guru, worship him in the Avatar. This will be to him his exceeding good fortune if he can meet one who has realised or is becoming That which he seeks for and can by opening to it in this vessel of its manifestation himself realise it. For that is the most palpable sign of the growing fulfilment, the promise of the great mystery of the progressive Descent into Matter which is the secret sense of the material creation and the justification of terrestrial existence.

1.04 - The Silent Mind, #Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness, #Satprem, #Integral Yoga
  distract ourselves or "think of something else." Gradually, this pressure takes on a more definite form, and we actually begin to feel a descending current, a current of force that does not resemble an unpleasant electric current but rather a flowing mass. We then begin to realize that the "pressure" or false headache was caused simply by our own resistance to the descent of this Force, and that the obvious thing to be done is not to obstruct the passage by blocking the current in the head, but to allow it to flow through all the Levels of our being, from head to toe. This current is at first rather spasmodic, irregular; a slight,
  conscious effort is required of us to reconnect with it when it vanishes;

1.05 - CHARITY, #The Perennial Philosophy, #Aldous Huxley, #Philosophy
  Our present economic, social and international arrangements are based, in large measure, upon organized lovelessness. We begin by lacking charity towards Nature, so that instead of trying to co-operate with Tao or the Logos on the inanimate and subhuman Levels, we try to dominate and exploit, we waste the earths mineral resources, ruin its soil, ravage its forests, pour filth into its rivers and poisonous fumes into its air. From lovelessness in relation to Nature we advance to lovelessness in relation to arta lovelessness so extreme that we have effectively killed all the fundamental or useful arts and set up various kinds of mass production by machines in their place. And of course this lovelessness in regard to art is at the same time a lovelessness in regard to the human beings who have to perform the fool-proof and grace-proof tasks imposed by our mechanical art-surrogates and by the interminable paper work connected with mass production and mass distribution. With mass-production and mass-distribution go mass-financing, and the three have conspired to expropriate ever-increasing numbers of small owners of land and productive equipment, thus reducing the sum of freedom among the majority and increasing the power of a minority to exercise a coercive control over the lives of their fellows. This coercively controlling minority is composed of private capitalists or governmental bureaucrats or of both classes of bosses acting in collaborationand, of course, the coercive and therefore essentially loveless nature of the control remains the same, whether the bosses call themselves company directors or civil servants. The only difference between these two kinds of oligarchical rulers is that the first derive more of their power from wealth than from position within a conventionally respected hierarchy, while the second derive more power from position than from wealth. Upon this fairly uniform groundwork of loveless relationships are imposed others, which vary widely from one society to another, according to local conditions and local habits of thought and feeling. Here are a few examples: contempt and exploitation of coloured minorities living among white majorities, or of coloured majorities governed by minorities of white imperialists; hatred of Jews, Catholics, Free Masons or of any other minority whose language, habits, appearance or religion happens to differ from those of the local majority. And the crowning superstructure of uncharity is the organized lovelessness of the relations between state and sovereign statea lovelessness that expresses itself in the axiomatic assumption that it is right and natural for national organizations to behave like thieves and murderers, armed to the teeth and ready, at the first favourable opportunity, to steal and kill. (Just how axiomatic is this assumption about the nature of nationhood is shown by the history of Central America. So long as the arbitrarily delimited territories of Central America were called provinces of the Spanish colonial empire, there was peace between their inhabitants. But early in the nineteenth century the various administrative districts of the Spanish empire broke from their allegiance to the mother country and decided to become nations on the European model. Result: they immediately went to war with one another. Why? Because, by definition, a sovereign national state is an organization that has the right and duty to coerce its members to steal and kill on the largest possible scale.)
  Lead us not into temptation must be the guiding principle of all social organization, and the temptations to be guarded against and, so far as possible, eliminated by means of appropriate economic and political arrangements are temptations against charity, that is to say, against the disinterested love of God, Nature and man. First, the dissemination and general acceptance of any form of the Perennial Philosophy will do something to preserve men and women from the temptation to idolatrous worship of things in timechurch-worship, state-worship, revolutionary future-worship, humanistic self-worship, all of them essentially and necessarily opposed to charity. Next come decentralization, widespread private ownership of land and the means of production on a small scale, discouragement of monopoly by state or corporation, division of economic and political power (the only guarantee, as Lord Acton was never tired of insisting, of civil liberty under law). These social rearrangements would do much to prevent ambitious individuals, organizations and governments from being led into the temptation of behaving tyrannously; while co-operatives, democratically controlled professional organizations and town meetings would deliver the masses of the people from the temptation of making their decentralized individualism too rugged. But of course none of these intrinsically desirable reforms can possibly be carried out, so long as it is thought right and natural that sovereign states should prepare to make war on one another. For modern war cannot be waged except by countries with an over-developed capital goods industry; countries in which economic power is wielded either by the state or by a few monopolistic corporations which it is easy to tax and, if necessary, temporarily to nationalize; countries where the labouring masses, being without property, are rootless, easily transferable from one place to another, highly regimented by factory discipline. Any decentralized society of free, uncoerced small owners, with a properly balanced economy must, in a war-making world such as ours, be at the mercy of one whose production is highly mechanized and centralized, whose people are without property and therefore easily coercible, and whose economy is lop-sided. This is why the one desire of industrially undeveloped countries like Mexico and China is to become like Germany, or England, or the United States. So long as the organized lovelessness of war and preparation for war remains, there can be no mitigation, on any large, nation-wide or world-wide scale, of the organized lovelessness of our economic and political relationships. War and preparation for war are standing temptations to make the present bad, God-eclipsing arrangements of society progressively worse as technology becomes progressively more efficient.

1.05 - Consciousness, #Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness, #Satprem, #Integral Yoga
  in the metal, in the atom, in electricity, in everything that belongs to physical nature; we shall find even that it is not really in all respects a lower or more limited mode than the mental; on the contrary, it is in many "inanimate" forms more intense, rapid, poignant, though less evolved towards the surface.43 The task of the beginning yogi is therefore to become conscious in every way, at all the Levels of his being and all the degrees of universal existence, not just mentally; to become conscious in himself and in others and in all things, while awake and in sleep; and finally, to learn to become conscious in what people call "death," because, to the extent that we have been conscious in our life, we shall be conscious in our death.
  But we do not have to take Sri Aurobindo's word for it. On the contrary, he strongly urges us to see for ourselves. We must therefore strive to unravel that in us which connects all our modes of being
  waiting for the first opportunity to fly in our faces. But the seeker who has silenced his mind will begin to discern all these states in their bare reality, without their mental veneer; he will feel, at various Levels of his being, certain centers of concentration, or nodes of force, each with its own particular vibratory quality or frequency. We have all experienced, at least once in our lives, vibrations radiating at different Levels of our being and with different densities; a great revelatory vibration, for example, when a veil seems to be suddenly rent and we are shown a whole vision of truth, without words, without our even knowing exactly what the revelation consists of; something simply vibrates, which makes the world inexplicably wider, lighter, and clearer; or heavier vibrations of anger or fear, vibrations of desire,
  vibrations of sympathy. Thus, there is in us an entire gamut of vibratory nodules or centers of consciousness, each specialized in a specific type of vibration, which can be distinguished and perceived directly according to the degree of our silence and the acuity of our perceptions. The mind is only one of these centers, one type of vibration, one of the forms of consciousness, though it seeks to take first place.
  including the mind, are only its openings on the different Levels of universal reality, its instruments of transcription and expression. It is the traveller of the worlds,51 the explorer of the planes of consciousness; it connects our various modes of being together, from waking to sleep to death, when the small outer mind is no longer there to inform or guide us; it pervades the entire range of universal existence and communicates everywhere.
  In other words, we have discovered consciousness. We have isolated what in ordinary man is constantly mixed with other things,
  as the plant is absorbed in its photosyn thesis, as our own consciousness can be absorbed in a book or a desire, oblivious to all the other Levels of its own reality. All evolutionary progress is ultimately measured by the capacity to extricate and free the element of consciousness from its element of force this is what is meant by "individualization of consciousness." At the spiritual or yogic stage of evolution, consciousness is completely freed, released from its mental,
  vital, and physical turmoil; it is its own master and can move through the entire range of vibrations of consciousness, from the atom to the Spirit; the Force has totally become Consciousness, totally remembered Itself. Finally, to remember oneself is to remember everything, because it is the Spirit in us remembering the Spirit in everything.

1.05 - The Ascent of the Sacrifice - The Psychic Being, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
     This then is the true relation between divine and human knowledge; it is not a separation into disparate fields, sacred and profane, that is the heart of the difference, but the character of the consciousness behind the working. All is human knowledge that proceeds from the ordinary mental consciousness interested in the outside or upper layers of things, in process, in phenomena for their own sake or for the sake of some surface utility or mental or vital satisfaction of Desire or of the Intelligence. But the same activity of knowledge can become part of the Yoga if it proceeds from the spiritual or spiritualising consciousness which seeks and finds in all that it surveys or penetrates the presence of the timeless Eternal and the ways of manifestation of Eternal in Time. It is evident that the need of a concentration indispensable for the transition out of the Ignorance may make it necessary for the seeker to gather together his energies and focus them only on that which will help the transition and to leave aside or subordinate for the time all that is not directly turned towards the one object. He may find that this or that pursuit of human knowledge with which he was accustomed to deal by the surface power of the mind still brings him, by reason of this tendency or habit, out of the depths to the surface or down from the heights which he has climbed or is nearing, to lower Levels. These activities then may have to be intermitted or put aside until secure in a higher consciousness he is able to turn its powers on all the mental fields; then, subjected to that light or taken up into it, they are turned, by the transformation of his consciousness, into a province of the spiritual and divine. All that cannot be so transformed or refuses to be part of a divine consciousness he will abandon without hesitation, but not from any preconceived prejudgment of its emptiness or its incapacity to be an element of the new inner life. There can be no fixed mental test or principle for these things; he will therefore follow no unalterable rule, but accept or repel an activity of the mind according to his feeling, insight or experience until the greater Power and Light are there to turn their unerring scrutiny on all that is below and choose or reject their material out of what the human evolution has prepared for the divine labour.
     How precisely or by what stages this progression and change will take place must depend on the form, need and powers of the individual nature. In the spiritual domain the essence is always one, but there is yet an infinite variety and, at any rate in the integral Yoga, the rigidity of a strict and precise mental rule is seldom applicable; for, even when they walk in the same direction, no two natures proceed on exactly the same lines, in the same series of steps or with quite identical stages of their progress. It may yet be said that a logical succession of the states of progress would be very much in this order. First, there is a large turning in which all the natural mental activities proper to the individual nature are taken up or referred to a higher standpoint and dedicated by the soul in us, the psychic being, the priest of the sacrifice, to the divine service; next, there is an attempt at an ascent of the being and a bringing down of the Light and Power proper to some new height of consciousness gained by its upward effort into the whole action of the knowledge. Here there may be a strong concentration on the inward central change of the consciousness and an abandonment of a large part of the outward-going mental life or else its relegation to a small and subordinate place. At different stages it or parts of it may be taken up again from time to time to see how far the new inner psychic and spiritual consciousness can be brought into its movements, but that compulsion of the temperament or the nature which, in human beings, necessitates one kind of activity or another and makes it seem almost an indispensable portion of the existence, will diminish and eventually no attachment will be left, no lower compulsion or driving force felt anywhere. Only the Divine will matter, the Divine alone will be the one need of the whole being; if there is any compulsion to activity it will be not that of implanted desire or of force of Nature, but the luminous driving of some greater Consciousness-Force which is becoming more and more the sole motive power of the whole existence. On the other hand, it is possible at any period of the inner spiritual progress that one may experience an extension rather than a restriction of the' activities; there may be an opening of new capacities of mental creation and new provinces of knowledge by the miraculous touch of the Yoga-shakti. Aesthetic feeling, the power of artistic creation in one field or many fields together, talent or genius of literary expression, a faculty of metaphysical thinking, any power of eye or ear or hand or mind-power may awaken where none was apparent before. The Divine within may throw these latent riches out from the depths in which they were hidden or a Force from above may pour down its energies to equip the instrumental nature for the activity or the creation of which it is meant to be a channel or a builder. But, whatever may be the method or the course of development chosen by the hidden Master of the Yoga, the common culmination of this stage is the growing consciousness of him above as the mover, decider, shaper of all the movements of the mind and all the activities of knowledge.

1.05 - The Destiny of the Individual, #The Life Divine, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  7:We will guard ourselves also against the excessive importance that the mind attaches to particular points of view at which it arrives in its more powerful expansions and transitions. The perception of the spiritualised mind that the universe is an unreal dream can have no more absolute a value to us than the perception of the materialised mind that God and the Beyond are an illusory idea. In the one case the mind, habituated only to the evidence of the senses and associating reality with corporeal fact, is either unaccustomed to use other means of knowledge or unable to extend the notion of reality to a supraphysical experience. In the other case the same mind, passing beyond to the overwhelming experience of an incorporeal reality, simply transfers the same inability and the same consequent sense of dream or hallucination to the experience of the senses. But we perceive also the truth that these two conceptions disfigure. It is true that for this world of form in which we are set for our selfrealisation, nothing is entirely valid until it has possessed itself of our physical consciousness and manifested on the lowest Levels in harmony with its manifestation on the highest summits. It is equally true that form and matter asserting themselves as a selfexistent reality are an illusion of Ignorance. Form and matter can be valid only as shape and substance of manifestation for the incorporeal and immaterial. They are in their nature an act of divine consciousness, in their aim the representation of a status of the Spirit.
  8:In other words, if Brahman has entered into form and represented Its being in material substance, it can only be to enjoy self-manifestation in the figures of relative and phenomenal consciousness. Brahman is in this world to represent Itself in the values of Life. Life exists in Brahman in order to discover Brahman in itself. Therefore man's importance in the world is that he gives to it that development of consciousness in which its transfiguration by a perfect self-discovery becomes possible. To fulfil God in life is man's manhood. He starts from the animal vitality and its activities, but a divine existence is his objective.

1.05 - THE HOSTILE BROTHERS - ARCHETYPES OF RESPONSE TO THE UNKNOWN, #Maps of Meaning, #Jordan Peterson, #Psychology
  in Africa) and on various cultural Levels. A certain number of variants seem to be the result of
  dissemination, first from Mesopotamia and then from India. It is equally possible that one or several
  consequence of his guilt. Both of these Levels of description have their merits. But the fact remains that he
  saw the Devil, and that the vision accompanied or even was the event that destroyed him.
  Wittgensteins lead, demonstrated that objects have their basic Levels their Levels of resolution, essentially, that
  appear most easily and rapidly learned by children, and constant across cultures [Brown, R. (1986)].
  is asserted on both physical and spiritual Levels (the daily {epiousion} bread of the Lords Prayer might also be
  regarded as supersubstantial bread). The body of Christ is not only to be eaten, to be divided, to be drunk, in the
  special regulatory mechanisms. This is so at all Levels of development, from the elementary regulators of motivation
  (needs and interests) up to will for affectivity and from perceptual and sensorimotor regulations up to operations for

1.05 - THE NEW SPIRIT, #The Future of Man, #Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, #Christianity
  sified on other Levels as physical or moral, natural or artificial, or-
  ganic or collective, biological or juridical. All things are seen to be
  genetic links running through all the Levels of Time and Space be-
  tween the elements of a convergent world, the Christ-influence,

1.06 - Man in the Universe, #The Life Divine, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  5:The universe and the individual are the two essential appearances into which the Unknowable descends and through which it has to be approached; for other intermediate collectivities are born only of their interaction. This descent of the supreme Reality is in its nature a self-concealing; and in the descent there are successive Levels, in the concealing successive veils. Necessarily, the revelation takes the form of an ascent; and necessarily also the ascent and the revelation are both progressive. For each successive level in the descent of the Divine is to man a stage in an ascension; each veil that hides the unknown God becomes for the God-lover and God-seeker an instrument of His unveiling. Out of the rhythmic slumber of material Nature unconscious of the Soul and the Idea that maintain the ordered activities of her energy even in her dumb and mighty material trance, the world struggles into the more quick, varied and disordered rhythm of Life labouring on the verges of self-consciousness. Out of Life it struggles upward into Mind in which the unit becomes awake to itself and its world, and in that awakening the universe gains the leverage it required for its supreme work, it gains self-conscious individuality. But Mind takes up the work to continue, not to complete it. It is a labourer of acute but limited intelligence who takes the confused materials offered by Life and, having improved, adapted, varied, classified according to its power, hands them over to the supreme Artist of our divine manhood. That Artist dwells in supermind; for supermind is superman. Therefore our world has yet to climb beyond Mind to a higher principle, a higher status, a higher dynamism in which universe and individual become aware of and possess that which they both are and therefore stand explained to each other, in harmony with each other, unified.
  6:The disorders of life and mind cease by discerning the secret of a more perfect order than the physical. Matter below life and mind contains in itself the balance between a perfect poise of tranquillity and the action of an immeasurable energy, but does not possess that which it contains. Its peace wears the dull mask of an obscure inertia, a sleep of unconsciousness or rather of a drugged and imprisoned consciousness. Driven by a force which is its real self but whose sense it cannot yet seize nor share, it has not the awakened joy of its own harmonious energies.

1.06 - MORTIFICATION, NON-ATTACHMENT, RIGHT LIVELIHOOD, #The Perennial Philosophy, #Aldous Huxley, #Philosophy
  It is by long obedience and hard work that the artist comes to unforced spontaneity and consummate mastery. Knowing that he can never create anything on his own account, out of the top layers, so to speak, of his personal consciousness, he submits obediently to the workings of inspiration; and knowing that the medium in which he works has its own self-nature, which must not be ignored or violently overriden, he makes himself its patient servant and, in this way, achieves perfect freedom of expression. But life is also an art, and the man who would become a consummate artist in living must follow, on all the Levels of his being, the same procedure as that by which the painter or the sculptor or any other craftsman comes to his own more limited perfection.
  Prince Huis cook was cutting up a bullock. Every blow of his knife, every heave of his shoulders, every tread of his foot, every whshh of rent flesh, every chhk of the chopper, was in perfect harmonyrhythmical like the Dance of the Mulberry Grove, simultaneous like the chords of the Ching Shou.

1.06 - Quieting the Vital, #Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness, #Satprem, #Integral Yoga
  the blows are small, the joys are small; we are protected by our very smallness. But when we emerge into the universal Vital, we find the same vibrations, or forces, on a gigantic, universal scale, for these are the very forces that move the world as they move us; and if we have not acquired a perfect equanimity or inner immobility, we are blown away. This is true not only of the universal Vital but of all the planes of consciousness. Indeed, one can, one must (at least the integral seeker) realize the cosmic consciousness on all Levels: in the Superconscient, the mind, the vital, and even in the body. When he rises into the Superconscient, the seeker will find out that the intensities of the Spirit also can be overpowering (it is actually always the same divine Force, the same Consciousness-Force above or below,
  in Matter or in Life, in the Mind or higher up, but the farther it descends, the darker, more distorted and broken up it becomes by the medium it has to pass through), and if the seeker, just emerging from his heavy density, tries to rise too rapidly, to skip some stages without having first established a clear and firm foundation, he may well burst like a boiler. Vital clarity, therefore, is not a matter of morality, but a technical or even organic requirement, one could say. In practice, the great Solicitude is always there to keep us from premature experiences; perhaps we are narrow and small only as long as we need to be narrow and small.

1.06 - The Ascent of the Sacrifice 2 The Works of Love - The Works of Life, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  And yet even the leading of the inmost psychic being is not found sufficient until it has succeeded in raising itself out of this mass of inferior Nature to the highest spiritual Levels and the divine spark and flame descended here have rejoined themselves to their original fiery Ether. For there is there no longer a spiritual consciousness still imperfect and half lost to itself in the thick sheaths of human mind, life and body, but the full spiritual consciousness in its purity, freedom and intense wideness. There, as it is the eternal Knower that becomes the Knower in us and mover and user of all knowledge, so it is the eternal All-Blissful who is the Adored attracting to himself the eternal divine portion of his being and joy that has gone out into the play of the universe, the infinite Lover pouring himself out in the multiplicity of his own manifested selves in a happy Oneness.
  All Beauty in the world is there the beauty of the Beloved, and all forms of beauty have to stand under the light of that eternal Beauty and submit themselves to the sublimating and transfiguring power of the unveiled Divine Perfection. All Bliss and Joy are there of the All-Blissful, and all inferior forms of enjoyment, happiness or pleasure are subjected to the shock of the intensity of its floods or currents and either they are broken to pieces as inadequate things under its convicting stress or compelled to transmute themselves into the forms of the Divine Ananda. Thus for the individual consciousness a Force is manifested which can deal sovereignly in it with the diminutions and degradations of the values of the Ignorance. At last it begins to be possible to bring down into life the immense reality and intense concreteness of the love and joy that are of the Eternal. Or at any rate it will be possible for our spiritual consciousness to raise itself out of mind into the supramental Light and Force and Vastness; there in the light and potency of the supramental Gnosis are the splendour and joy of a power of divine self-expression and selforganisation which could rescue and re-create even the world of the Ignorance into a figure of the Truth of the Spirit.
  But here there is the dilemma that it is impossible to reach the supramental heights with the burden of an unregenerated LifeForce on our shoulders and equally impossible to regenerate radically the Will-in-Life without bringing down the infallible light and unconquerable power that belong to the spiritual and supramental Levels. The Supramental Consciousness is not only a Knowledge, a Bliss, an intimate Love and Oneness, it is also a Will, a principle of Power and Force, and it cannot descend till the element of Will, of Power, of Force in this manifested
  Nature is sufficiently developed and sublimated to receive and bear it. But Will, Power, Force are the native substance of the
  It is therefore on the accomplishment of this ascent and on the possibility of a full dynamism from these highest Levels descending into earth-consciousness that is dependent the justification of Life, its salvation, its transformation into a Divine
  Life in a transfigured terrestrial Nature.

1.07 - A Song of Longing for Tara, the Infallible, #How to Free Your Mind - Tara the Liberator, #Thubten Chodron, #unset
  the correct view. Some people think they get an initial glimpse into emptiness and thats it, Now Im an arya! Well, not exactly. There are many Levels of realization of emptiness, some inferential and conceptual, others direct
  and non-conceptual. We need to know the stages of the path and to check our
  point of practice is highly regulated. A practitioner is capable of doing different practices at different Levels of the path. If one does them without adequate preparation or respect for the vows involved, it may adversely affect
  their Dharma practice. For this reason, its essential to understand tantra

1.07 - Bridge across the Afterlife, #Preparing for the Miraculous, #George Van Vrekhem, #Integral Yoga
  manifests all Levels of existence and also transcends them,
  could perform a task like building bridges across the planes

1.07 - Cybernetics and Psychopathology, #Cybernetics, or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine, #Norbert Wiener, #Cybernetics
  many Levels of accessibility and is much richer and more varied
  than that which is accessible by direct unaided introspection;

1.07 - Hymn of Paruchchhepa, #Hymns to the Mystic Fire, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  5. We meditate on3 that fullness of him on the upper Levels,
  this Fire the vision of whom is brighter in the night than

1.07 - Note on the word Go, #Vedic and Philological Studies, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Now that we have thus substantially fixed the meaning of go and gomat, we can go back to a passage already to some extent discussed, the third verse of the seventh hymn. Indro dirghaya chakshasa a suryam rohayad divi, vi gobhir adrim airayat; Indra for far vision ascended to the sun in heaven; he sent him abroad over all the mountain with his rays. This is so plainly the meaning of the verse that I cannot understand, once it is perceived & understood, how we can accept any other rendering. I have already discussed the relations of Indra, Surya & the Mountain of our graded ascent in beingSri Ramakrishnas staircase to the Sad Brahman. The far vision is the unlimited knowledge acquired in Mahas, in the wide supra-rational movement of our consciousness as opposed to the contracted rational or infrarational vision which works only on details or from & by details, the alpam; for that Mind has to ascend to the Sun in Heaven, the principle of Mahas on the higher Levels of mind itself, not on the supra-rational level, not swe dame. Because it is not swe dame, the full illumination is not possible, we cannot become practically omniscient; all Indra can do is to send down the sun, not in itself, but in its rays to various parts of the mountain of being, all over it, it is true, but still revealing only the higher truth in its parts, not in its full sum of knowledge. The language is so precise, once we understand the Vedic terminology, that I do not think we can be mistaken in this interpretation, which, moreover, agrees perfectly with Yogic experience and the constant theme of Madhuchchhandas. He is describing the first dawn & development of the higher knowledge in the mind, still liable to attack & obstruction, (yujam vritreshu vajrinam), still uncertain in quantity (Indram vayam mahadhane indram arbhe havamahe). Irayat is naturally transitive, bears the meaning it has in prerana, prerita, and can have no object but Surya, unless we suppose, which is less natural, that it is Surya who sends Indra to the mountain accompanied by his rays.
  There is only one other passage we have now left for examination but it is of considerable importance & interest. It is in the hymn ascribed to the son of Madhuchchhanda, though very probably it isMadhuchchhandas own, the eleventh hymn and the fifth verse. Twam Valasya gomato apavar adrivo bilam, Twam deva abibhyushas tujyamanasa avishuh. Thou, O dweller on the mountain, didst uncover the lair of Vala the luminous, Thee the gods entered unfearing & protected. Indra, the dweller on the mountain of being, he who established in Swarga looks ever upward, has, to assist the strivings of man, uncovered the lair of Vala the luminous. Who is Vala the luminous? Does gomat mean the fellow who has the cows & is Vala a demon of cloud or darkness afflicted with the cow-stealing propensities, the Titanic bovi-kleptomania attributed by tradition to the Panis? He is, I suggest, one of the Titans who deny a higher ascent to man, a Titan who possesses but withholds & hides the luminous realms of ideal truth from man,interposing the hiranmayam patram of the Isha Upanishad, the golden cover or lid, by which the face of truth is concealed, satyasyapihitam mukham. Tat twam Pushan apavrinu, cries the Vedantic sage, using the same word apavri, but he calls to Surya, not to Indra, because he seeks the possession of the Vedanta, the sight of the rupam kalyanatamam which belongs to those who can meet Surya in his own home. The Vedic seer, at an earlier stage of the struggle, is satisfied with the minor conquests of Indra. He does not yet rise to those heights where Indra working in the mind is no longer a supreme helper, but may even be, as the Puranas tell us, an obstacle and an opponentbecause activity of mind even the highest, so long as it is not abandoned and overpassed, interferes with a yet higher attainment. It is only by rejecting Indra that we can dwell with Surya in his luminous halls, Tena tyaktena bhunjithah. Nevertheless the conquest over Bala is for humanity in its present stage a great conquest, and when & because it is accomplished the other gods can enter safely into the mental force & work in it, fearless because protected by Indras victorious might. For he is now Balabhid; he has pierced Bala & is no longer liable to that fear which overtook him when Vritra only had been overthrowna fear due to his perceiving the immensity of the task that still remained & the more formidable enemies beyond. We shall come again to Bala & the Titans & the meaning of these divine battles,viryani yani chakara prathamani vajri.

1.07 - Savitri, #Twelve Years With Sri Aurobindo, #Nirodbaran, #Integral Yoga
  Then, with regard to hard labour on Savitri, he wrote: "That is very simple. I used Savitri as a means of ascension. I began with it on a certain mental level, each time I could reach a higher level I rewrote from that level. Moreover I was particular if part seemed to me to come from any lower Levels I was not satisfied to leave it because it was good poetry. All had to be as far as possible of the same mint. In fact, Savitri has not been regarded by me as a poem to be written and finished; but as a field of experimentation to see how far poetry could be written from one's own Yogic consciousness and how that could be made creative. I did not rewrite Rose of God or the sonnets except for two or three verbal alterations made at the moment."
  All this was written to me in 1936. Since then the work proceeded slowly and gradually until between 1939 and 1950 he succeeded to a great extent in achieving what he aimed at, as stated in the letter above. I am sure if he had more time at his disposal and could work by himself, he would have raised it to his ideal of perfect perfection. As it is, Savitri is, I suppose, the example par excellence of the Future Poetry he speaks of in his book The Future Poetry. Founder of the New Age, pioneer in the field of poetry, as in many others, he has left us an inexhaustible heritage of words, images, ideas, suggestions and hints about which we can only say here is God's plenty. Rameshwar Gupta very aptly calls it Eternity in Words.[5] Generation after generation will drink in its soul's nectar from this perennial source. The life span of the English language itself has increased a thousandfold. Shakespeare, it is said, increased the life span of the English language by centuries. Sri Aurobindo said about Shakespeare, "That kind of spear does not shake everywhere." Now we find another far greater that will shake the world to its very roots. If for no other reason, the English speaking races ought to be eternally grateful to the supreme poet of the grand epic for this miracle.

1.07 - The Farther Reaches of Human Nature, #Sex Ecology Spirituality, #Ken Wilber, #Philosophy
  Of course, this does not prevent the various contemplative traditions from possessing their own particular and culture-bound trappings, contexts, and interpretations. But to the extent that the contemplative endeavor discloses universal aspects of the Kosmos, then the deep structures of the contemplative traditions (but not their surface structures) would be expected to show cross-cultural similarities at the various Levels of depth created/disclosed by the meditative injunctions and paradigms.
  In other words, the deep structures of worldspaces (archaic, magic, mythic, rational, and transpersonal) show cross-cultural and largely invariant features at a deep level of abstraction, whereas the surface structures (the actual subjects and objects in the various worldspaces) are naturally and appropriately quite different from culture to culture. Just as the human mind universally grows images and symbols and concepts (even though the actual contents of those structures vary considerably), so the human spirit universally grows intuitions of the Divine, and those developmental signifieds unfold in an evolutionary and reconstructible fashion, just like any other holon in the Kosmos (and their referents are just as real as any other similarly disclosed data).

1.07 - The Fire of the New World, #On the Way to Supermanhood, #Satprem, #Integral Yoga
  And we return again to our question: What is this new consciousness? Where did it come from if it is not the fruit of our precious brain?... At bottom, the dread of the materialist is to find himself suddenly face to face, without warning, with a God to adore, and we certainly sympathize with him when we see the puerile pictures the religions have painted of Him. The apes, too, if they had such an idea, would have painted as childish a picture of the supernatural and divine powers of man. Is to be worshipped what makes us wider, more beautiful, more sunlit; and ultimately, that wideness, beauty and sunlight are accessible to us only because they are already there in us, otherwise we would not recognize them. Only the like recognizes the like. This growing likeness is the only godhead worthy of worship. But we want to believe that it does not stop with the gilded mediocrity of our scientific feats, any more than it stopped with the prowess of the Pithecanthropus. This new consciousness is therefore not so new; it is our look which is new, the likeness which is growing more perfect (we should perhaps say the world's exactitude which is drawing closer). This world, as we now all know, is not as it appears; this matter, so solid to our eyes, this water so crystalline, this exquisite rose vanish into something else, and the rose never was rose, nor the water crystalline; this water flows and bubbles as much as this table and this rock, and nothing is immobile. We have widened our field of vision. But what destroyed the rose? Which is right, the microscope or our eyes? Probably both, and neither completely. The microscope neither cancels nor negates our superficial vision; it only touches another degree of reality, a second level of the same thing. And because the microscope sees differently, it can act differently and open up to us a whole spectrum of rays that are going to change our surface. But there may be a third, unexplored level of the same eternal Thing yet another look, for what is new under the stars except our look at the stars? And most likely there are still more Levels, infinitely more Levels awaiting our discovery, for what could possibly put a final stop to the great efflorescence? There is no stop, no distant Goal; there is our growing look and a Goal which is here at each instant. There is a great blossoming gradually stripping its marvel, petal by petal. And each new look changes our world and all the surface laws as drastically as the laws of Einstein have changed Newton's world. To see differently is to be able to do differently. That third level is the new consciousness. And it cancels neither the rose nor the microscope nothing is canceled in the end, except, gradually, our folly. It only links that rose to the great total blossoming, and that bubbling water, that chance pebble, that little being alone in his corner, to the great flow of the one and only Power which gradually molds us into the golden likeness of a great inner Look. And perhaps it will open for us the door to less monstrous miracles: tiny natural miracles that bring the great Goal alive at each instant and reveal the totality of the marvel in one point.
  But where is the mysterious key to that third level? In reality, it is not mysterious after all, although it is full of mysteries. It does not depend on complicated instruments, does not hide under a secret knowledge, does not fall from the sky for the elect it is there, almost visible to the naked eye, utterly simple and natural. It has been there since the beginning of time, in that seed harboring a smoldering fire: a need to reach out and take; in that great nebula gathering its grains of atoms: a need to grow and be; under those sleeping waters already simmering with an impatient fire of life: a need for air and open space. And everything began to move, impelled by the same fire: the heliotrope toward the sun, the dove toward its companion and man toward we know not what. An immense Need in the heart of the worlds, all the way to the galaxies out there, to the limits of Andromeda, which drew each other into a mortal gravitational embrace. That need we see at our own level; it is small or less small, it asks for air or sunlight, a companion and children, books, art and music, objects by the millions but it has really only one object, it asks for only one music, a single sun and a single air. It is a need for infinity. For it was born out of infinity. And so long as it does not meet its one object, it will not stop, nor will the galaxies stop devouring each other, nor men struggling and toiling to seize the one thing they think they do not have, but which pushes and prods inside, poking its unsatisfied fire until we attain the ultimate satisfaction and at once the plenitude of millions of vain objects, of an ephemeral rose and a trivial little gesture. It is this Fire that is the key, because it is born out of the supreme Power that set the world on fire; it is this Fire that sees, because it is born out of the supreme Vision that conceived this seed; it is this Fire that knows, because it recognizes itself everywhere, in things and beings, in the pebble and the stars. This is the Fire of the new world which burns in the heart of man, This that wakes in the sleepers, says the Upanishad.14 And it will not rest until everything is restored to its full truth, and the world to its joy, for it is born of Joy and for Joy.

1.07 - The Psychic Center, #Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness, #Satprem, #Integral Yoga
  In the course of our exploration, we have encountered various centers or Levels of consciousness, and we have seen that a consciousness-force was alive behind each of these centers,
  connecting our various states of being (the prime result of mental silence and of quieting the vital has even been to separate this consciousness-force from the mental and vital activities in which it is usually embroiled), and we have felt this current of force, or consciousness, as the fundamental reality of our being behind our various states. But this consciousness-force must be the consciousness of someone. Who or what is conscious in us? Where is the center, the master? Are we merely the puppets of some universal Being, who is our true center, since all the mental, vital and physical activities are in fact universal ones? The truth is twofold, but in no way are we puppets, except when we insist on mistaking the frontal being for our self, for it is a puppet. We do have an individual center, which Sri Aurobindo calls the psychic being, and a cosmic center or central being. Step by step, we must recover the one and the other, and become Master of all our states. For the moment, we will try to discover our individual center, the psychic being, which others call the soul.
  however, from the very beginning, we embrace everything in our search, all the Levels of our being, all of life, instead of rejecting worldly activities for an exclusive quest of the soul, then we will achieve an integral and integrated life in which we are the same outside and inside. On the other hand, if we exclude everything to arrive at so-called spiritual goals, it becomes very difficult afterward to retrace our steps, to descend from our fragile heights, to widen and
  universalize the mind, to liberate and universalize the vital, to clean the subconscient and finally to labor in the physical grime in order to divinize it; we are far too comfortable above to stir up all that mud,

1.089 - The Levels of Concentration, #The Study and Practice of Yoga, #Swami Krishnananda, #Yoga
  object:1.089 - The Levels of Concentration
  author class:Swami Krishnananda
  Chapter 89: The Levels of Concentration
  The next sutra, which follows the descriptions given earlier, is tasya bhmiu viniyoga (III.6). The practice of absorption has to be applied to the different stages, or by different stages. The adjustment of thought in samyama is a total reconstitution of the mind, and it has to adapt itself in every way to the nature of the object of samyama. There should not be even the least tinge of personality or self-affirmativeness when this adjustment with the object is called for. We know very well that even to be a good friend, we have to do a lot of sacrifice. We cannot be an adamant egoist and then be a good friend of anybody, because friendship with anyone implies a capacity to adjust oneself with the living conditions of another person. If we stick to our own guns, we cannot have any friends.
  That is what we are trying to achieve by samyama. Tasya bhmiu viniyoga (III.6). The bhumis, or the Levels of concentration, which are suggested in this sutra are the Levels mentioned in the Samadhi Pada where the various Levels of samadhis, or samapattis, are described. The grossest form of the object as it is visible to the ordinary, conceptual mind is the first stage of concentration. We take the object as it is, in the manner we are able to conceive it, think of it, etc. Then, we try to free it from the associations that we have created in respect of it by thinking of it as lovable or not loveable, pleasurable or otherwise, liked or not liked, tall or short, etc. An object is neither tall nor short this also is a very important thing to remember. Tallness and shortness, thickness and thinness, etc., are relative terms. If I bring before you a shirt and ask you, Is it a big shirt or a small shirt? you cannot say it is big or small because it depends upon the person. If it is a small child, he will say it is too big; if it is for a big man, he will say it is too small. We cannot say anything about any object unless we compare it with something else. This comparison should be removed. We must take it as it is; and nothing can be more difficult than this task.
  We cannot take anything as it is. We cannot take our own selves as we really are. Even we are invested with certain false values. We are really something different from what we appear. Everyone knows that. Likewise, everything else is different from what we think about it, so that there is a complete confusion in every kind of perception of the world. This is why we call it a world of relativities, where every characteristic hangs on something else. Independently, nothing is known. Hence the stages, or the bhumis, or the Levels of the practice of samyama are the gradual characterisations of the object, going deeper and deeper, freeing it more and more from external association.
  Ultimately, what is in the mind of Patanjali is that we have to meditate upon the various stages through which prakriti passes in the manifestation of this world, the grossest of them being the five elements earth, water, fire, air and ether of which every physical object is made. What he expects us to do is to resolve every object into the five elements. We do not see a son, a daughter, etc.; we see only the five elements, because they are resolvable into these five elements. The body of that person, the body of this object, or whatever it is, is capable of reduction to the level of the five physical elements of which they are constituted.
  Then Patanjali wants us to go above to the tanmatras, the subtle rudimentary principles out of which the physical elements are made. Then he wants us to go above to the cosmical principle of ahamkara tattva, the Universal I which affirms the manifestation of this cosmos on one side as the physical universe, and on the other side as the individual perceivers jivas. And so it goes up, stage by stage, until the supreme purusha is realised. That ultimate union is the aim of yoga; but for that we have to attain union by stages at lower Levels. We have to attain this communion, or absorption, or samyama, at each level of practice. These different Levels of absorption are called the bhumis.


--- Overview of noun level

The noun level has 8 senses (first 6 from tagged texts)
1. (69) degree, grade, level ::: (a position on a scale of intensity or amount or quality; "a moderate grade of intelligence"; "a high level of care is required"; "it is all a matter of degree")
2. (22) grade, level, tier ::: (a relative position or degree of value in a graded group; "lumber of the highest grade")
3. (15) degree, level, stage, point ::: (a specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or especially in a process; "a remarkable degree of frankness"; "at what stage are the social sciences?")
4. (5) level ::: (height above ground; "the water reached ankle level"; "the pictures were at the same level")
5. (1) level, spirit level ::: (indicator that establishes the horizontal when a bubble is centered in a tube of liquid)
6. (1) horizontal surface, level ::: (a flat surface at right angles to a plumb line; "park the car on the level")
7. level, layer, stratum ::: (an abstract place usually conceived as having depth; "a good actor communicates on several levels"; "a simile has at least two layers of meaning"; "the mind functions on many strata simultaneously")
8. floor, level, storey, story ::: (a structure consisting of a room or set of rooms at a single position along a vertical scale; "what level is the office on?")

--- Overview of verb level

The verb level has 6 senses (first 3 from tagged texts)
1. (4) level ::: (aim at; "level criticism or charges at somebody")
2. (1) level, raze, rase, dismantle, tear down, take down, pull down ::: (tear down so as to make flat with the ground; "The building was levelled")
3. (1) flush, level, even out, even ::: (make level or straight; "level the ground")
4. charge, level, point ::: (direct into a position for use; "point a gun"; "He charged his weapon at me")
5. level ::: (talk frankly with; lay it on the line; "I have to level with you")
6. level, level off ::: (become level or even; "The ground levelled off")

--- Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun level

8 senses of level                          

Sense 1
degree, grade, level
   => property
     => attribute
       => abstraction, abstract entity
         => entity

Sense 2
grade, level, tier
   => rank
     => status, position
       => state
         => attribute
           => abstraction, abstract entity
             => entity

Sense 3
degree, level, stage, point
   => state
     => attribute
       => abstraction, abstract entity
         => entity

Sense 4
   => altitude, height
     => elevation
       => distance
         => spacing, spatial arrangement
           => placement, arrangement
             => position, spatial relation
               => relation
                 => abstraction, abstract entity
                   => entity

Sense 5
level, spirit level
   => indicator
     => device
       => instrumentality, instrumentation
         => artifact, artefact
           => whole, unit
             => object, physical object
               => physical entity
                 => entity

Sense 6
horizontal surface, level
   => surface
     => artifact, artefact
       => whole, unit
         => object, physical object
           => physical entity
             => entity

Sense 7
level, layer, stratum
   => place
     => cognition, knowledge, noesis
       => psychological feature
         => abstraction, abstract entity
           => entity

Sense 8
floor, level, storey, story
   => structure, construction
     => artifact, artefact
       => whole, unit
         => object, physical object
           => physical entity
             => entity

--- Hyponyms of noun level

6 of 8 senses of level                        

Sense 1
degree, grade, level
   => quality, caliber, calibre
   => intensity, intensiveness
   => grind
   => depth
   => highness
   => high
   => low
   => lowness
   => extreme
   => amplitude level
   => moderation, moderateness
   => immoderation, immoderateness
   => sun protection factor, SPF

Sense 2
grade, level, tier
   => biosafety level
   => A level
   => General Certificate of Secondary Education, GCSE, O level
   => college level

Sense 3
degree, level, stage, point
   => ladder
   => acme, height, elevation, peak, pinnacle, summit, superlative, meridian, tiptop, top
   => extent
   => resultant, end point
   => standard of living, standard of life
   => plane
   => state of the art
   => ultimacy, ultimateness
   => quickening
   => climax

Sense 5
level, spirit level
   => mason's level

Sense 6
horizontal surface, level
   => floor, flooring
   => paved surface
   => platform

Sense 8
floor, level, storey, story
   => basement, cellar
   => ground floor, first floor, ground level
   => loft, attic, garret
   => loft
   => mezzanine, mezzanine floor, entresol

--- Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun level

8 senses of level                          

Sense 1
degree, grade, level
   => property

Sense 2
grade, level, tier
   => rank

Sense 3
degree, level, stage, point
   => state

Sense 4
   => altitude, height

Sense 5
level, spirit level
   => indicator

Sense 6
horizontal surface, level
   => surface

Sense 7
level, layer, stratum
   => place

Sense 8
floor, level, storey, story
   => structure, construction

--- Coordinate Terms (sisters) of noun level

8 senses of level                          

Sense 1
degree, grade, level
  -> property
   => actinism
   => isotropy, symmetry
   => anisotropy
   => characteristic, device characteristic
   => connectivity
   => duality, wave-particle duality
   => heredity, genetic endowment
   => age
   => manner, mode, style, way, fashion
   => constitution, composition, physical composition, makeup, make-up
   => consistency, consistence, eubstance, body
   => disposition
   => tactile property, feel
   => optics
   => visual property
   => olfactory property, smell, aroma, odor, odour, scent
   => sound property
   => fullness, mellowness, richness
   => taste property
   => saltiness
   => edibility, edibleness
   => bodily property
   => physical property
   => chemical property
   => sustainability
   => strength
   => concentration
   => weakness
   => temporal property
   => viability
   => spatial property, spatiality
   => magnitude
   => degree, grade, level
   => size
   => hydrophobicity
   => analyticity
   => compositeness
   => primality
   => selectivity
   => vascularity
   => extension
   => solvability, solubility
   => unsolvability, insolubility

Sense 2
grade, level, tier
  -> rank
   => first, number one
   => second
   => third
   => fourth
   => fifth
   => sixth
   => seventh
   => eighth
   => ninth
   => tenth
   => eleventh
   => twelfth
   => thirteenth
   => fourteenth
   => fifteenth
   => sixteenth
   => seventeenth
   => eighteenth
   => nineteenth
   => twentieth
   => thirtieth
   => fortieth
   => fiftieth
   => sixtieth
   => seventieth
   => eightieth
   => ninetieth
   => hundredth
   => thousandth
   => millionth
   => billionth
   => last
   => grade, level, tier
   => gradation, step
   => second class
   => military rank, military rating, paygrade, rating
   => archidiaconate
   => baronetcy, barony
   => dukedom
   => earldom
   => kingship
   => princedom
   => viscountcy, viscounty

Sense 3
degree, level, stage, point
  -> state
   => feeling
   => skillfulness
   => cleavage
   => medium
   => ornamentation
   => condition
   => condition, status
   => conditionality
   => ground state
   => nationhood
   => situation, state of affairs
   => relationship
   => relationship
   => tribalism
   => utopia
   => dystopia
   => wild, natural state, state of nature
   => isomerism
   => degree, level, stage, point
   => office, power
   => status, position
   => being, beingness, existence
   => nonbeing
   => death
   => employment, employ
   => unemployment
   => order
   => disorder
   => hostility, enmity, antagonism
   => conflict
   => illumination
   => freedom
   => representation, delegacy, agency
   => dependence, dependance, dependency
   => motion
   => motionlessness, stillness, lifelessness
   => dead letter, non-issue
   => action, activity, activeness
   => inaction, inactivity, inactiveness
   => temporary state
   => imminence, imminency, imminentness, impendence, impendency, forthcomingness
   => readiness, preparedness, preparation
   => flux, state of flux
   => kalemia
   => enlargement
   => separation
   => union, unification
   => maturity, matureness
   => immaturity, immatureness
   => grace, saving grace, state of grace
   => damnation, eternal damnation
   => omniscience
   => omnipotence
   => perfection, flawlessness, ne plus ultra
   => integrity, unity, wholeness
   => imperfection, imperfectness
   => receivership
   => ownership
   => obligation
   => end, destruction, death
   => revocation, annulment
   => merchantability
   => turgor
   => homozygosity
   => heterozygosity
   => neotony
   => plurality
   => polyvalence, polyvalency
   => polyvalence, polyvalency, multivalence, multivalency
   => paternity
   => utilization

Sense 4
  -> altitude, height
   => level
   => ceiling
   => ceiling

Sense 5
level, spirit level
  -> indicator
   => annunciator
   => cursor, pointer
   => dial
   => fuel gauge, fuel indicator
   => gnomon
   => level, spirit level
   => pilot light, pilot lamp, indicator lamp
   => pointer
   => scale
   => test paper
   => tidemark

Sense 6
horizontal surface, level
  -> surface
   => bed
   => board, gameboard
   => face
   => ground
   => horizontal surface, level
   => Klein bottle
   => meniscus
   => miter, mitre
   => Mobius strip
   => plaster, plasterwork
   => screen, silver screen, projection screen
   => side
   => skin
   => spandrel, spandril
   => superficies
   => tread
   => vertical surface
   => work surface

Sense 7
level, layer, stratum
  -> place
   => level, layer, stratum

Sense 8
floor, level, storey, story
  -> structure, construction
   => airdock, hangar, repair shed
   => altar
   => arcade, colonnade
   => arch
   => area
   => balcony
   => balcony
   => bascule
   => boarding
   => body
   => bridge, span
   => building, edifice
   => building complex, complex
   => catchment
   => coil, spiral, volute, whorl, helix
   => colonnade
   => column, pillar
   => corner, quoin
   => cross
   => deathtrap
   => defensive structure, defense, defence
   => door
   => entablature
   => erection
   => establishment
   => false bottom
   => floor, level, storey, story
   => fountain
   => guide
   => house of cards, cardhouse, card-house, cardcastle
   => housing, lodging, living accommodations
   => hull
   => jungle gym
   => lamination
   => landing, landing place
   => lookout, observation tower, lookout station, observatory
   => masonry
   => memorial, monument
   => mound, hill
   => obstruction, obstructor, obstructer, impediment, impedimenta
   => partition, divider
   => platform, weapons platform
   => porch
   => post and lintel
   => prefab
   => projection
   => public works
   => sail
   => set-back, setoff, offset
   => shelter
   => shoebox
   => signboard, sign
   => stadium, bowl, arena, sports stadium
   => superstructure
   => supporting structure
   => tower
   => transept
   => trestlework
   => vaulting
   => ways, shipway, slipway
   => wellhead
   => wind tunnel
   => honeycomb
   => balance, equilibrium, equipoise, counterbalance

--- Grep of noun level
a level
abney level
amplitude level
background level
biosafety level
biosafety level 1
biosafety level 2
biosafety level 3
biosafety level 4
blood-oxygenation level dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging
brightness level
carpenter's level
college level
dumpy level
energy level
fuel level
ground level
groundwater level
high-level formatting
high-level language
high-level radioactive waste
intensity level
level best
level crossing
low-level formatting
low-level radioactive waste
low level flight
mason's level
noise level
o level
plumb level
poverty level
pressure level
price level
sea-level pressure
sea level
signal level
sound pressure level
spirit level
support level
surveyor's level
threshold level
water level

IN WEBGEN [10000/4171]

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Wikipedia - Afore Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Agarabi Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Ahi Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Aiya Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Albiges-Mablep Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - A levels
Wikipedia - A-Level
Wikipedia - A level
Wikipedia - All Ghillied Up -- Level from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Wikipedia - Almami Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Alotau Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Altai Krai -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Altai Republic -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Altered level of consciousness -- Measure of arousal other than normal
Wikipedia - Alticor -- American holding company for multi-level marketing business
Wikipedia - Amanab Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Amazon Bay Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Ambenob Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Ambit Energy -- American multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Ambum Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Ambunti Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - American open-wheel car racing -- Category of professional-level automobile racing in North America
Wikipedia - Amphoe -- Second level administrative subdivision of Thailand
Wikipedia - Amsoil -- American multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Amur Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Amway -- American multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Angelica Pozo -- Clay artist from Cleveland
Wikipedia - Anglimp Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Angoram-Middle Sepik Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Ank Bijleveld -- Dutch politician
Wikipedia - Anneke Levelt Sengers -- Dutch physicist
Wikipedia - Anti-diabetic medication -- Substances which lower blood glucose levels
Wikipedia - AP English Language and Composition -- College level English class offered to high school students as part of the AP programs
Wikipedia - Apotheosis -- Glorification of a subject to divine level
Wikipedia - Application-level gateway -- Security component that augments a firewall or NAT employed in a computer network
Wikipedia - Application-Level Profile Semantics (ALPS) -- Data format
Wikipedia - Aptitude -- Ability; competence to do a certain kind of work at a certain level
Wikipedia - Arabaka Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Araki-Sucher correction -- A leading-order correction to the energy levels of atoms and molecules due to effects of quantum electrodynamics
Wikipedia - Arawa Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Area code 216 -- Telephone area code for Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Arkhangelsk Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Aroma Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Arthur Cleveland Bent
Wikipedia - Ashley Cleveland -- American singer/songwriter
Wikipedia - Association for Middle Level Education -- National Middle School Association
Wikipedia - Astrakhan Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Astrolabe Bay Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Atolls Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Attorney General of the Gambia -- Cabinet-level position in the Gambia
Wikipedia - Aua-Wuvulu Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Audio normalization -- Application of gain to a recording to achieve a target level
Wikipedia - Aundh Experiment -- Early test of village-level self-government in British India
Wikipedia - Australian National Physics Competition -- Student competition in university-level physics
Wikipedia - Automaticity -- The ability to do things without occupying the mind with the low-level details required
Wikipedia - Automotive Safety Integrity Level
Wikipedia - Autonomous communities of Spain -- First-level political and administrative division of Spain
Wikipedia - Autonomous diver -- International minimum standard for entry level recreational scuba diver certification
Wikipedia - Autonomous scuba diver -- International minimum standard for entry level recreational scuba diver certification
Wikipedia - Auxiliary nurse midwife -- Village-level female health worker in India
Wikipedia - Aviation safety -- A state in which risks associated with aviation are at an acceptable level
Wikipedia - A-weighting -- Curves used to weigh sound pressure level
Wikipedia - Awi-Pori Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Axial line (dermatomes) -- Line between two adjacent dermatomes that are not represented by immediately adjacent spinal levels
Wikipedia - Baby Tooth Survey -- Survey examining levels of radioactive material absorbed into the deciduous teeth of children
Wikipedia - Baimuru Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Baiyer Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Balanataman Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Balimo Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bali-Witu Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Ballantine scale -- A biologically defined scale for measuring the degree of exposure level of wave action on a rocky shore
Wikipedia - Balopa Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bamu Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bana Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bandolero racing -- Entry level auto racing
Wikipedia - Barbara Cleveland -- Australian performance art collective
Wikipedia - Barbara Palmer, 1st Duchess of Cleveland -- English royal mistress from the Villiers family
Wikipedia - Barrios of Puerto Rico -- Local level of territorial organization in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Base level -- Lowest limit for erosion processes
Wikipedia - Base load -- Minimum level of demand on an electrical grid over a span of time
Wikipedia - Base-richness -- bases' water or soil level
Wikipedia - Bashkortostan -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Beachbody -- American multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Behavioral modeling in computer-aided design -- High-level circuit modeling technique where behavior of logic is modeled
Wikipedia - Belgorod Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Bell X-1 -- Experimental rocket-powered aircraft, the first airplane to break the sound barrier in level flight
Wikipedia - Benjamin Cleveland -- Colonel in Revolutionary militia
Wikipedia - Benthic zone -- the region at the lowest level of a body of water including the sediment surface and some sub-surface layers
Wikipedia - Betamax -- Consumer-level analog video tape recording and cassette form factor standard
Wikipedia - Betterware -- British multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Bewani-Wutung Onei Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bialla Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bi-level positive airway pressure
Wikipedia - Bilevel rail car -- Railway carriage with two levels (double decker)
Wikipedia - Bill Cleveland -- American politician
Wikipedia - Bioelectricity -- Regulation of cell, tissue, and organ-level patterning and behavior as the result of endogenous electrically-mediated signaling.
Wikipedia - Biomagnification -- Any concentration of a toxin in tissues of tolerant organisms at successively higher levels in a food chain
Wikipedia - Bisikani-Soparibeu Kabin Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bitapaka Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bit-level parallelism
Wikipedia - Bitwise operation -- Computer operation that operates on values at the level of their individual bits
Wikipedia - Black Level (film) -- 2017 film
Wikipedia - Bloch sphere -- Geometrical representation of the pure state space of a two-level quantum mechanical system
Wikipedia - Block-level storage
Wikipedia - Blood lead level -- Level of lead in blood
Wikipedia - Blood-oxygen-level-dependent imaging
Wikipedia - Blood-oxygen-level dependent
Wikipedia - Bobby Cleveland -- American politician
Wikipedia - Bodansky unit -- Obsoleto test to measure blook alkaline phosphatase levels
Wikipedia - Boikin-Dagua Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bomai-Gumai Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bomana Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bombardier BiLevel Coach -- Bi-level passenger rail car
Wikipedia - Bombardier Double-deck Coach -- Bi-level passenger rail car
Wikipedia - Bombardier MultiLevel Coach -- Bi-level passenger rail car
Wikipedia - Boon Gould -- English musician, member of Level 42
Wikipedia - Boroko-Korobosea Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Borough (Connecticut) -- Level of government in Connecticut
Wikipedia - Boss Level -- Upcoming science fiction action film by Joe Carnahan
Wikipedia - Brackish marsh -- Marsh with brackish level of salinity
Wikipedia - Bradley County Courthouse Annex -- Historic building in Cleveland, Tennessee
Wikipedia - Bradley Square Mall -- Shopping mall in Cleveland, Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - Brazilian jiu-jitsu ranking system -- colored belts signifying a practitioner's skill level in Brazilian jiu-jitsu
Wikipedia - Brightness -- Perception of light level
Wikipedia - British Rail Mark 3 -- Single-level rail passenger carriage
Wikipedia - Bryansk Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Buang Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Buick -- Mid-level luxury division of General Motors
Wikipedia - Buin Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Buka Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bumbita-Muhian Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Bundi Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - BurnLounge -- American multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Burui-Kunai Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Burum-Kwat Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Buryatia -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Business school -- University-level institution granting degrees in business administration
Wikipedia - Bwanabwana Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - C1 (railcar) -- Class of American bi-level passenger car
Wikipedia - Caisson (engineering) -- Rigid structure to provide workers with a dry working environment below water level
Wikipedia - Caitlin Cleveland -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - Call gate (Intel) -- A mechanism in Intel's x86 architecture for changing the privilege level
Wikipedia - Canal pound -- Stretch of level water impounded between two canal locks
Wikipedia - Capital city -- Primary governing city of a top-level (country) or first-level subdivision (country, state, province, etc) political entity
Wikipedia - Cap (sport) -- Term for a player's appearance in a game at international level
Wikipedia - Carol Cleveland -- British-American actress and comedian
Wikipedia - Cascais tide gauge -- first tide gauge installed in Portugal, also used to establish the country's mean sea level
Wikipedia - Case Western Reserve University -- Private research university in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Category:Businesspeople from Cleveland
Wikipedia - Category:Cleveland State University alumni
Wikipedia - Category:Function-level languages
Wikipedia - Category:High-level programming languages
Wikipedia - Category:Low-level programming languages
Wikipedia - Category:Saint Ignatius High School (Cleveland) alumni
Wikipedia - Category:Scientists from Cleveland
Wikipedia - Category:Writers from Cleveland
Wikipedia - Central Gazelle Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Central-Inland Pomio Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Central Kerema Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Central-Mid-Levels escalator -- outdoor escalator and walkway system in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - CEV Challenge Cup -- Annual European third-tier level volleyball competition
Wikipedia - Chandpara Bani Vidhay Bithi -- Upper-level secondary school of North 24 Pgns. District in Chandpara, West Bengal
Wikipedia - Chart datum -- The level of water from which depths displayed on a nautical chart are measured
Wikipedia - Chechnya -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Chelyabinsk Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Cheri Dennis -- American R&B singer from Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Chief innovation officer -- Executive-level position
Wikipedia - Chief minister (Sri Lanka) -- Provincial-level government official
Wikipedia - Chief technology officer -- Executive-level position focusing on scientific and technological issues
Wikipedia - Chongqing -- Megacity and provincial-level municipality in southwest China
Wikipedia - Chuave Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Chukotka Autonomous Okrug -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee) -- Pentecostal Christian denomination
Wikipedia - Chuvashia -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - City with special status -- Type of first-level administrative division of Ukraine
Wikipedia - CKHL-FM -- Radio station in High Level, Alberta
Wikipedia - Cleveland Abbe Jr. -- American geographer
Wikipedia - Cleveland Abbe -- American meteorologist and advocate of time zones
Wikipedia - Cleveland Air Route Traffic Control Center -- Air traffic control center in Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Cleveland Amory
Wikipedia - Cleveland Bay -- A breed of horse that originated in England
Wikipedia - Cleveland/Bradley County Greenway -- Public walking path in Tennessee, U.S.
Wikipedia - Cleveland Bridge -- Bridge in Bath, England
Wikipedia - Cleveland Brown -- Family Guy and The Cleveland Show character
Wikipedia - Cleveland Cavaliers all-time roster -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Cleveland Cavaliers Radio Network -- Regional play-by-play radio network
Wikipedia - Cleveland Cavaliers
Wikipedia - Cleveland Centennial half dollar -- 1936 US coin
Wikipedia - Cleveland City Schools -- School district in Cleveland, Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - Cleveland Clinic fire of 1929 -- 1929 fire in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Cleveland Clinic
Wikipedia - Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati Railroad -- Railroad in Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indianapolis Railway -- Railroad in the United States (1868-1889)
Wikipedia - Cleveland Commercial Historic District -- Historic district in Cleveland, Tennessee
Wikipedia - Cleveland County Clerk's Building -- Historic building in Rison, Arkansas
Wikipedia - Cleveland Eaton -- American musician
Wikipedia - Cleveland Elementary School shooting (San Diego) -- School shooting in San Diego, California (USA)
Wikipedia - Cleveland Elementary School shooting (Stockton) -- Mass shooting in the United States
Wikipedia - Cleveland, England -- Geographic area of the East Coast of Northern England
Wikipedia - Cleveland Forde -- Guyanese athletics competitor
Wikipedia - Cleveland Hall (Nashville, Tennessee) -- Antebellum mansion
Wikipedia - Cleveland High School (Tennessee) -- American public high school
Wikipedia - Cleveland Hoadley Dodge -- American businessman and philanthropist
Wikipedia - Cleveland Jaybirds -- Professional softball team
Wikipedia - Cleveland Jewish News
Wikipedia - Cleveland Lumberjacks -- Ice hockey team
Wikipedia - Cleveland M. Bailey -- American politician
Wikipedia - Cleveland, Minnesota -- City in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Cleveland Mitchell -- British actor
Wikipedia - Cleveland Motorcycle Manufacturing Company -- Former American motorcycle manufacturer
Wikipedia - Cleveland Mountain Rescue Team -- Mountain Rescue Team based in North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Cleveland National Forest -- Southernmost National forest of California
Wikipedia - Cleveland News -- Former major newspaper in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Cleveland, Painesville and Ashtabula Railroad (1848-1869) -- 19th-century American railroad
Wikipedia - Cleveland Point Light -- Lighthouse in Australia
Wikipedia - Cleveland Press -- Former major newspaper in Cleveland, Ohi
Wikipedia - Cleveland Public Library
Wikipedia - Cleveland Railway (England) -- Early English railway company
Wikipedia - Cleveland School fire -- Fire in Camden, South Carolina
Wikipedia - Cleveland Stadium -- Former multi-purpose stadium in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Cleveland State University -- University
Wikipedia - Cleveland Street scandal -- Discovery in 1889 of male brothel in London
Wikipedia - Cleveland Township, Le Sueur County, Minnesota -- Township in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Cleveland Township, Lyon County, Iowa -- Township in Iowa, USA
Wikipedia - Cleveland
Wikipedia - Clevelin Hills -- Range of hills in California
Wikipedia - Cloudy Bay Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - CMAS* scuba diver -- Entry level recreational diving certification from CMAS
Wikipedia - Coffman-Graham algorithm -- Method for partitioning partial orders into levels
Wikipedia - Colaiste Raithin -- Second level school in Bray, County Wicklow, Ireland
Wikipedia - College athletics -- The non-professional, collegiate and university-level competitive sports
Wikipedia - Colleges and Universities Sports Association of Ireland -- Coordinating body for certain sports at third level in Ireland
Wikipedia - Commendation Medal -- Mid-level United States military decoration
Wikipedia - Commune-level subdivisions (Vietnam)
Wikipedia - Company Level Intelligence Cell
Wikipedia - Complete information -- Level of information in economics and game theory
Wikipedia - Composer (software) -- Software; application level dependency manager for the PHP programming language
Wikipedia - Computerized adaptive testing -- A form of computer-based test that adapts to the examinee's ability level
Wikipedia - Comune -- Third-level administrative divisions of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - Contaminated water -- Water containing high levels of hazardous materials
Wikipedia - Contra (video game) -- Multilevel shooter video game released in 1987
Wikipedia - Copper deficiency -- Insufficient level of copper in the body, leading to anaemia and nervous symptoms
Wikipedia - Cork Institute of Technology -- Third-level educational institution in Cork, Ireland
Wikipedia - Correspondence (theology) -- Theological term referring to the relationship between two levels of existence
Wikipedia - Council of Indigenous Peoples -- ministry-level body of the Taiwanese government
Wikipedia - Counties of Estonia -- First-level administrative subdivisions of Estonia
Wikipedia - Country code top-level domain
Wikipedia - County-level city
Wikipedia - Cultural leveling
Wikipedia - Cumulus cloud -- Genus of clouds, low-level cloud
Wikipedia - Cunningham Sanitarium -- Health institution in Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.
Wikipedia - Current sea level rise
Wikipedia - Cutler J. Cleveland
Wikipedia - Cynthia Eloise Cleveland -- American novelist, WCTU activist (1845-1932)
Wikipedia - Cytopathology -- A branch of pathology that studies and diagnoses diseases on the cellular level
Wikipedia - Da'as Elyon and Da'as Tachton -- Two alternative levels of perception of reality in Hasidic thought
Wikipedia - Daga Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Daire Keogh -- Irish historian and third-level educational leader
Wikipedia - Daru Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Davis Cleveland -- American actor
Wikipedia - DBm -- Power level referenced to one milliwatt
Wikipedia - Decompression (altitude) -- Reduction in ambient pressure due to ascent above sea level
Wikipedia - Decompression status -- The theoretical level of inert gas content of the body tissues
Wikipedia - Deed of Grant in Trust -- System of community-level land trust established in Queensland to administer Aboriginal land
Wikipedia - Degenerate energy levels
Wikipedia - Dei Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Density of states -- Describes the number of states per interval of energy at each energy level available to be occupied in a system
Wikipedia - Destiny Group -- Bangladeshi multilevel marketing company
Wikipedia - Deyamos Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Difficulty level
Wikipedia - Discovery Toys -- Multi-level marketing company specializing in educational toys
Wikipedia - Distributed Interactive Simulation -- IEEE standard for real-time platform-level wargaming across multiple host computers
Wikipedia - District Level Examination -- Nepali standardized test
Wikipedia - District-level town (Vietnam) -- Type of second-tier subdivision of Vietnam
Wikipedia - Districts of Bangladesh -- administrative subdivision of the South Asian country below the division level but above the upazila level
Wikipedia - Districts of England -- Level of subnational division of England used for the purposes of local government
Wikipedia - Districts of Ethiopia -- Third-level administrative divisions of Ethiopia
Wikipedia - Districts of Indonesia -- Third-level administrative subdivision of Indonesia
Wikipedia - Districts of Libya -- First-level administrative subdivisions of the State of Libya
Wikipedia - Diver lift -- Movable platform for lifting a diver from the water to deck level
Wikipedia - Divisions of Bangladesh -- first-level administrative units of the Asian country
Wikipedia - Dobu Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Double-decker bus -- Bus that has two levels or decks
Wikipedia - Draft:System Level Solutions -- American marketing software company
Wikipedia - Dreikikier Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Duau Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Dublin Institute of Technology -- Large former third-level institution, amalgamated into Technological University Dublin
Wikipedia - Duke of York Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Dunantina Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Dungeon Master Option: High-Level Campaigns
Wikipedia - Dunkirk transgression -- Events of rising sea levels around the shores of the Low Countries in the late Roman period.
Wikipedia - Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology -- Creative arts and media third level institution in suburban Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - Dysglycemia -- Abnormality in blood glucose levels
Wikipedia - Early Holocene sea level rise -- Sea level rise between 12,000 and 17,000 years ago
Wikipedia - Earthworks (archaeology) -- General term to describe artificial changes in land level in history and pre-history
Wikipedia - East Aitape Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - East Kerema Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - East Kikori Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - East Okapa Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - East Pangia Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - East Pomio Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - East Wapei Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - East Yangoru Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Ecological pyramid -- Graphical representation designed to show the biomass or biomass productivity at each trophic level in a given ecosystem
Wikipedia - Education for justice -- The process of promoting a culture of lawfulness through educational activities at all levels
Wikipedia - Effect and Cause -- Level from 2016 video game Titanfall 2
Wikipedia - Elevated railway -- rapid transit railway with the tracks above street level
Wikipedia - Elimbari Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Embarrassment -- Emotional state that is associated with mild to severe levels of discomfort
Wikipedia - Emeline Horton Cleveland -- American physician
Wikipedia - Emergency bleeding control -- Procedures to rapidly limit dangerous levels of bleeding
Wikipedia - Emergent Cyclical Levels of Existence Theory
Wikipedia - Emergent cyclical levels of existence
Wikipedia - Energy level
Wikipedia - Energy (psychological) -- Concept of a postulated unconscious mental functioning on a level between biology and consciousness
Wikipedia - Epic Level Handbook
Wikipedia - Erave Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Ernest Albert Cleveland -- Canadian engineer
Wikipedia - Escarpment -- Steep slope or cliff separating two relatively level regions
Wikipedia - Esplanade -- Long, open, level area where people may walk
Wikipedia - European Green Party -- Political party at European level
Wikipedia - European political party -- Type of political party operating on a pan-European level
Wikipedia - Eusociality -- Highest level of animal sociality a species can attain
Wikipedia - Eustatic sea level -- The distance from the center of the earth to the sea surface
Wikipedia - Evaluation Assurance Level
Wikipedia - Execute Channel Program -- Operating System low level I/O API
Wikipedia - Exposed riverine sediments -- Sediments deposited by streams exposed when water level falls
Wikipedia - Expression quantitative trait loci -- Genomic loci that explain variation in mRNA expression levels
Wikipedia - Familial hypercholesterolemia -- Genetic disorder characterized by high cholesterol levels
Wikipedia - Fault (technology) -- Abnormal condition or defect at the component, equipment, or sub-system level which may lead to a failure
Wikipedia - Fayantina Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Fermi level -- The total chemical potential for electrons (or electrochemical potential for electrons) and is usually denoted by M-BM-5 or EF
Wikipedia - Filesystem-level encryption
Wikipedia - Fillauer Brothers Building -- Building in Cleveland, Tennessee
Wikipedia - Finschhafen Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Fire and movement -- Basic modern military low-level unit tactic
Wikipedia - First inauguration of Grover Cleveland -- 25th United States presidential inauguration
Wikipedia - Fishkill Correctional Facility -- Multi-security level prison in New York, US
Wikipedia - Flat (landform) -- A relatively level surface of land within a region of greater relief
Wikipedia - Fluoride toxicity -- Condition in which there are elevated levels of the fluoride ion in the body
Wikipedia - Folate deficiency -- Abnormally low level of folate (vitamin B9) in the body
Wikipedia - Food prices -- Average price level for food across countries, regions and on a global scale
Wikipedia - Foot Levelers -- American health company
Wikipedia - Forever Living Products -- American multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Frances Cleveland -- First Lady of the United States
Wikipedia - Francis Parker Shepard -- An American sedimentologist known for work on submarine canyons and associated sea level change
Wikipedia - Franck-Hertz experiment -- Experiment confirming quantisation of energy levels
Wikipedia - Freeboard (nautical) -- Distance from the waterline to the upper deck level of a ship
Wikipedia - Freewinds -- ship on which the Church of Scientology delivers its high-level courses
Wikipedia - From the Heart (Another Level song) -- 1999 single by Another Level
Wikipedia - Fuel Freedom International -- American multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Full pond -- hydrological American lake/reservoir/other fresh water/pond body water level phrase terminology
Wikipedia - Fulton Road Bridge -- Bridges in Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Function-level programming
Wikipedia - Gadsup-Tairora Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Gahuku Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Gama Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Gary Cleveland -- American weightlifter
Wikipedia - Gasmata Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Gawanga Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Gawi Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Gazetted Officer (India) -- Executive/managerial level ranked public servants in India
Wikipedia - GCE Advanced Level (United Kingdom) -- School leaving qualification in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - GCE Advanced Level -- Subject-based qualification conferred as part of the General Certificate of Education
Wikipedia - Gena-Waugla Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Generic top-level domain
Wikipedia - George Cleveland Hall -- American physician and activist
Wikipedia - George Cleveland -- American actor
Wikipedia - George V. Voinovich Bridges -- Bridges on Interstate 90 in Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Gerehu Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Glass ceiling -- Metaphor used to represent an invisible barrier that keeps a given group from rising beyond a certain level in a hierarchy
Wikipedia - Global Drifter Program -- Collecting measurements of surface ocean currents, sea surface temperature and sea-level atmospheric pressure using drifters
Wikipedia - Global Sea Level Observing System -- An Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission program to measure sea level globally for long-term climate change studies
Wikipedia - Gloom -- Level of light so dim that there are physiological and psychological effects
Wikipedia - Glossary of levelling terms -- Wikipedia glossary
Wikipedia - Gloucester Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - GNU Debugger -- Source-level debugger
Wikipedia - Gogodala Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - GOLOG -- High-level logic programming language
Wikipedia - Goodenough Island Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Gordons-Saraga Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Goroka Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Grade I listed buildings in Leicestershire -- Top-level listed buildings in Leicestershire, England
Wikipedia - Grading (earthworks) -- Civil engineering term; the work of ensuring a level base, or one with a specified slope, for a construction work
Wikipedia - Graduate assistant -- Support personnel at college level
Wikipedia - Graduate-level
Wikipedia - Graves's emergent cyclical levels of existence
Wikipedia - Gray Drug -- Drugstore chain in Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Gray level size zone matrix -- Advanced statistical matrix
Wikipedia - Great Lakes Theater -- Professional classic theater company in Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Green Hill Zone -- First level in Sonic the Hedgehog
Wikipedia - Green River Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Ground-level power supply -- Alternative method of third rail electrical pick-up for street trams
Wikipedia - Ground Level -- Australian band
Wikipedia - Grover Cleveland Golf Course -- Historic golf course in Buffalo, New York, U.S.
Wikipedia - Grover Cleveland -- 22nd and 24th President of the United States
Wikipedia - Guaranteed (Level 42 song) -- 1991 single by Level 42
Wikipedia - Guari Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Guilin -- Prefecture-level city in Guangxi, People's Republic of China
Wikipedia - Gumine Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Half-Life 2: Lost Coast -- Additional level for the 2004 video game Half-Life 2
Wikipedia - Harmful algal bloom -- Population explosion of organisms (usually [[algae]]) that can severely lower oxygen levels in natural waters, killing marine life
Wikipedia - Hawaiian-Emperor seamount chain -- A mostly undersea mountain range in the Pacific Ocean that reaches above sea level in Hawaii.
Wikipedia - Hayapuga Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Health Level 7 -- Set of standards for transfer of clinical and administrative data
Wikipedia - Health Level Seven International -- Organization involved in healthcare informatics interoperability standards
Wikipedia - Health -- Level of functional or metabolic efficiency of a living being
Wikipedia - Height above sea level -- Elevation of a location in reference to a historic mean sea level taken as a vertical datum
Wikipedia - Henry Vane, 2nd Duke of Cleveland -- British Army general
Wikipedia - Herbalife Nutrition -- Global multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Hicksian demand function -- Demand of a consumer over a bundle of goods that minimizes their expenditure while delivering a fixed level of utility.
Wikipedia - Higaturu Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Higbee's -- Defunct Cleveland, OH department store
Wikipedia - High- and low-level
Wikipedia - High Court judge (England and Wales) -- The third highest level of judge in the courts of England and Wales
Wikipedia - Higher education accreditation -- Verification of University level qualifications
Wikipedia - High-level architecture
Wikipedia - High Level Architecture -- Standard for distributed simulation
Wikipedia - High-level assembler
Wikipedia - High Level Assembly
Wikipedia - High level bombing -- Tactic of dropping bombs from a high altitude
Wikipedia - High Level Bridge -- Road-rail bridge in Tyneside, England
Wikipedia - High-Level Data Link Control
Wikipedia - High-level design
Wikipedia - High level language
Wikipedia - High-level language
Wikipedia - High-level programming languages
Wikipedia - High-level programming language -- Programming language with strong abstraction from details of hardware
Wikipedia - High-level shader language
Wikipedia - High-Level Shading Language
Wikipedia - High-level synthesis
Wikipedia - Hilary Cleveland -- American political scientist
Wikipedia - Hi-Level -- Class of American bilevel railroad passenger cars
Wikipedia - H-index -- Author-level metric that attempts to measure the productivity and citation impact of the publications of a person
Wikipedia - Hiri Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Historical and Cultural Sites Protected at the County Level
Wikipedia - Historical and Cultural Sites Protected at the Provincial Level
Wikipedia - Home roasting coffee -- Level of roasting
Wikipedia - Honeywell Level 6
Wikipedia - Hope Memorial Bridge -- Art deco truss bridge crossing the Cuyahoga River in Cleveland, Ohio, US
Wikipedia - Horizon (railcar) -- Single-level passenger railcar model
Wikipedia - Hoskins Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Hot in Cleveland -- American sitcom
Wikipedia - Hough riots -- Period of civil unrest and rioting in Cleveland, Ohio in July 1966
Wikipedia - HP: To the Highest Level Na! -- Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Hube Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Huhu Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Hulia Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Hypercalcaemia -- High calcium (Ca2+) level in the blood serum
Wikipedia - Hypercapnia -- Abnormally high tissue carbon dioxide levels
Wikipedia - Hypercholesterolemia -- High levels of cholesterol in the blood
Wikipedia - Hyperlipidemia -- Abnormally elevated levels of lipids or lipoproteins in the blood
Wikipedia - Hypertriglyceridemia -- High triglyceride blood levels
Wikipedia - Hypoxemia -- Abnormally low level of oxygen in the blood
Wikipedia - Hypoxia (environmental) -- Low environmental oxygen levels
Wikipedia - Hypoxia (medical) -- Condition in which the body or a region of the body is deprived of adequate oxygen at the tissue level
Wikipedia - Iabu Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Ialibu Basin Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Ialibu Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - IBM High Level Assembler -- Modern assembler for programs on IBM's z/Architecture systems
Wikipedia - Ice class -- A notation assigned by a classification society or a national authority to denote the additional level of strengthening and other arrangements that enable a ship to navigate through sea ice
Wikipedia - I Corps (German Empire) -- Corps level command of the Prussian and then the Imperial German Armies
Wikipedia - Ihu Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Imbonggu Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Immaculate Heart of Mary Church (Cleveland, Ohio) -- Church in Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Improved sanitation -- A term used to categorize types or levels of sanitation for monitoring purposes
Wikipedia - Indicator bacteria -- Types of bacteria used to detect and estimate the level of fecal contamination of water
Wikipedia - Ingression coast -- A generally low coastline that is shaped by the penetration of the sea as a result of crustal movements or a rise in the sea level
Wikipedia - Inland Baining Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Inland sea (geology) -- A shallow sea that covers central areas of continents during periods of high sea level that result in marine transgressions
Wikipedia - Innerbelt Bridge -- A former truss arch bridge in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Institute of Technology, Blanchardstown -- Former third-level college, amalgamated into Technological University Dublin
Wikipedia - Institute of Technology, Tallaght -- Former third-level college in Ireland, amalgamated into Technological University Dublin
Wikipedia - Instruction level parallelism
Wikipedia - Instruction-level parallelism
Wikipedia - Integrative level
Wikipedia - Intel 5-level paging -- Processor extension for the x86-64 line of processors
Wikipedia - Intel Management Engine -- Firmware and software that runs on all modern Intel CPUs at a higher level than user-facing operating system
Wikipedia - Intermediate disturbance hypothesis -- Model proposing regional biodiversity is increased by a moderate level of ecological disturbance
Wikipedia - International development -- Concept concerning the level of development on an international scale
Wikipedia - International Innovation Index -- Global index measuring the level of innovation of a country
Wikipedia - International Islamic Halal Organization -- An NGO which aims to spread awareness of the importance of Halal foods in Saudi Arabia and at possible international levels
Wikipedia - Internationalized country code top-level domain -- Special type of top-level domain
Wikipedia - International Space Station Multilateral Coordination Board -- The highest-level cooperative body in the International Space Station programme
Wikipedia - International Standard Classification of Education -- Education levels
Wikipedia - IPUMS -- World's largest individual-level population database
Wikipedia - Irish Times Debate -- Third level debating competition, Ireland
Wikipedia - Irkutsk Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Isagenix -- multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - ISO/IEC 2022 -- Higher-level 7-bit and 8-bit character encoding system
Wikipedia - Ivanovo Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - James Cleveland -- American musician
Wikipedia - James Fall (priest) -- Archdeacon of Cleveland
Wikipedia - JavaScript -- High-level programming language
Wikipedia - Jeep Compass -- Entry level C segment crossover SUV
Wikipedia - Jimi Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Johanna Levelt Sengers
Wikipedia - John Cleveland (politician) -- American politician from Maine
Wikipedia - Joint Bi-level Image Experts Group
Wikipedia - Joint Level Interface Protocol -- Video equipment control data standard
Wikipedia - Josephstaal Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Jumanji: The Next Level -- 2019 film directed by Jake Kasdan
Wikipedia - Junior Cycle -- Educational programme for Irish second-level schools
Wikipedia - JW Marriott Hotels -- Mid-level luxury hotel brand
Wikipedia - Kafentina Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kagua Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kainantu Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kaintiba Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kaliningrad Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Kalmykia -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Kaluga Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Kamano No. 1 Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kamano No. 2 Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kamchatka Krai -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Kandep Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kandrian Coastal Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kandrian Inland Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kapao Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Karachay-Cherkessia -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Karawari Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kardashev scale -- Method of measuring a civilization's level of technological advancement
Wikipedia - Karimui Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Karints Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Karkar Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kavieng Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - KCTO -- Radio station in Cleveland, Missouri, United States
Wikipedia - KDPM (Cleveland) -- Former experimental shortwave radio station in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Kemerovo Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Keram Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kerema Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kerowagi Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kewabi Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - KeyBank -- American regional bank headquartered in Cleveland
Wikipedia - Key Stage 3 -- British three-year education level
Wikipedia - Keystroke level model
Wikipedia - Khabarovsk Krai -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Kilakila-Kaugere Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kimbe Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kira Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kiriwina Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kiunga Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kiunga Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kiwai Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - KJDL-FM -- Radio station in Levelland, Texas
Wikipedia - Knowledge level modeling
Wikipedia - Koiari Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kokoda Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kokopo-Vunamami Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kol Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Komba Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kombiu Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kome Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Komi Republic -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Komo Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kompiam Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Konoagil Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kostroma Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Kotewall Road -- Street in Mid-Levels, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Kotidanga Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kotna Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kotte Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kove-Kaliai Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kovon Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kraj -- First-level administrative division in various countries
Wikipedia - Krasnodar Krai -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Krasnoyarsk Krai -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - K-system -- Audio level measuring technique
Wikipedia - Kuare Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kundiawa Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kunua Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kup Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kurgan Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Kursk Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Kuznets curve -- Empirical relationship between economic development and inequality level
Wikipedia - Labuta Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Lady Bird Cleveland -- American painter (b. 1926, d. 2015)
Wikipedia - Lae Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Lagaip Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Lai Valley Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Laiwu -- former prefecture-level city in Shandong, China
Wikipedia - Lakekamu-Tauri Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Lake Kopiago Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Lake Kutubu Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Lake Murray Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Laloki-Napanapa Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Lamari Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Lamborghini Jalpa -- Entry level sports car manufactured by Lamborghini from 1981-1988
Wikipedia - Laser level -- Control tool for surveying and construction
Wikipedia - Lassul Baining Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Latin honors -- Latin phrases used to denote levels of academic distinction
Wikipedia - Lead-crime hypothesis -- Hypothesized effect of blood lead levels on criminal behavior
Wikipedia - LegalShield -- American multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Legum Doctor -- Doctorate-level honorary or academic law degree
Wikipedia - Lelemadih-Bupichupeu Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Leningrad Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Letterkenny Institute of Technology -- Third-level educational institution in Letterkenny, County Donegal, Ireland
Wikipedia - Level 10 (band) -- Heavy metal supergroup
Wikipedia - Level 2 cache
Wikipedia - Level 3 Communications
Wikipedia - Level-5 Comcept -- Video game developer
Wikipedia - Level 5 Motorsports -- American racecar team
Wikipedia - Level (computer and video games)
Wikipedia - Level Crossing Removal Project -- Infrastructure program of the government of Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - Level crossing -- Place where a road crosses a railway at the same level
Wikipedia - Level C -- Manga and direct-to-video anime
Wikipedia - LevelDB -- Open-source key-value store by Google
Wikipedia - Level designer
Wikipedia - Level design
Wikipedia - Level editor
Wikipedia - Level E -- Japanese manga series
Wikipedia - Level Five (film) -- 1997 film
Wikipedia - Level-index arithmetic
Wikipedia - Leveling mechanism
Wikipedia - Leveling (philosophy)
Wikipedia - Leveling
Wikipedia - Level junction -- Type of railway junction
Wikipedia - Levelland UFO case -- UFO incident in Texas, United States in 1957
Wikipedia - Levellers (band) -- English folk rock band
Wikipedia - Levellers -- Political movement during the English Civil War, committed to popular sovereignty, extended suffrage, equality before the law and religious tolerance
Wikipedia - Level Mountain -- Mountain in Canada
Wikipedia - Levelock Airport -- Public airport in Alaska, United States of America
Wikipedia - Level of analysis
Wikipedia - Level of Concern -- Twenty One Pilots song
Wikipedia - Level of consciousness (esotericism)
Wikipedia - Level of consciousness (Esotericism) -- Concept that addresses human awareness
Wikipedia - Level of detail (computer graphics) -- Adjusting the complexity of a 3D model representation to save storage and computation
Wikipedia - Level of invention
Wikipedia - Level of measurement -- distinction between nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio numbers
Wikipedia - Level of support for evolution -- Variation in support for the theory of evolution
Wikipedia - Level Plains, Alabama -- City in Alabama, United States
Wikipedia - Level playing field -- Ensuring fairness
Wikipedia - Levels (Avicii song) -- |Song by Avicii
Wikipedia - Level sensor -- Sensor to detect the level of substances that flow
Wikipedia - Level-set method
Wikipedia - Level set
Wikipedia - Level Seven (hacking group) -- Hacker group
Wikipedia - Levels of adequacy
Wikipedia - Levels of measurement
Wikipedia - Levels-of-processing effect
Wikipedia - Level staff -- Graduated rod used to measure differences between heights
Wikipedia - Level Up (Ciara song) -- 2018 single by Ciara
Wikipedia - Level Up (South Korean TV series) -- 2019 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Level (video games) -- In a video game, space available to the player in completing an objective
Wikipedia - Level (video gaming)
Wikipedia - Lhasa (prefecture-level city)
Wikipedia - Licensed mariner -- Sailor who holds a license from a maritime authority to hold senior officer-level positions
Wikipedia - Lifelong learning institutes -- Organized group for college-level study
Wikipedia - Line level -- Audio industry standard
Wikipedia - Lipetsk Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - List of Advanced Level subjects -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of alumni of Saint Ignatius High School (Cleveland) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of animals representing first-level administrative country subdivisions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cambridge International Examinations Advanced Level subjects -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cambridge International Examinations Ordinary Level subjects -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Chinese prefecture-level cities by GDP per capita -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Chinese prefecture-level cities by GDP -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Barons players -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Blues (NL) managers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Bulldogs players -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Cavaliers broadcasters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Cavaliers head coaches -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Cavaliers seasons -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Crusaders players -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Force (1978-88) players -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Gladiators seasons -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Indians broadcasters -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Indians first-round draft picks -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Indians managers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Indians minor league affiliates -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Indians no-hitters -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Indians Opening Day starting pitchers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Indians owners and executives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Indians seasons -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Indians team records -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland-Marshall College of Law alumni -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Panthers players -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Spiders managers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Spiders Opening Day starting pitchers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland sports teams -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland State University people -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cleveland Thunderbolts seasons -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of countries ranked by ethnic and cultural diversity level -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of country second level subdivisions by area -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of country subdivisions by population -- List of the most populous first-level administrative country subdivisions in the world
Wikipedia - List of district-level subdivisions in Vietnam
Wikipedia - List of first-level administrative country subdivisions by nominal GDP per capita -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Hot in Cleveland episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Internet top-level domains -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of level crossing crashes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of level editors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of multi-level bridges -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of multi-level marketing companies -- List of companies which use multi-level marketing
Wikipedia - List of museums in Cleveland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of people from Cleveland -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of people who have held multiple United States Cabinet-level positions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of places on land with elevations below sea level -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of politicians from Cleveland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Puerto Rico Cabinet-level officers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of schools in Redcar and Cleveland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of second-level administrative divisions of North Korea
Wikipedia - List of Sites of Special Scientific Interest in Cleveland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest buildings in Cleveland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Cleveland Show characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Cleveland Show episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of top level minor league sports teams in the United States by city -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of township-level divisions of Gansu -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of township-level divisions of Hebei -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of township-level divisions of Henan -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of township-level divisions of Jiangsu -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of township-level divisions of Liaoning -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of township-level divisions of Shandong -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of township-level divisions of Shanxi -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of township-level divisions of Zhejiang -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of village-level divisions of Shandong -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary -- A level representing a mechanical difference between layers in EarthM-bM-^@M-^Ys inner structure
Wikipedia - Livuan-Reimber Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Local government in England -- System of state administration on a local level in England
Wikipedia - Local government in Northern Ireland -- System of state administration on a local level in Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Local government in Scotland -- System of state administration on a local level in Scotland
Wikipedia - Local government in the United Kingdom -- System of state administration on a local level in Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Local government in the United States -- Governmental jurisdictions below the level of the state
Wikipedia - Local government in Wales -- System of state administration on a local level in Wales
Wikipedia - Local-level governments of Papua New Guinea -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Local municipality (South Africa) -- Third level government structure in South Africa by contrast to metropolitan municipality
Wikipedia - Location-based service -- General class of computer program-level services that use location data to control features
Wikipedia - Lodging (agriculture) -- Agricultural term, bending over of the stems near ground level of crops
Wikipedia - Logic level -- one of a finite number of states that a digital signal can inhabit
Wikipedia - London deep-level shelters -- Air-raid shelters under London Underground stations
Wikipedia - Look Out Cleveland
Wikipedia - Loop-level parallelism
Wikipedia - Lorengau Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Los Negros Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Loudness war -- increasing audio levels in recorded music
Wikipedia - Louisiade Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Lovongai Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Lower Asaro Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Lower Benna Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Lower level language
Wikipedia - Lower Mendi Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Lower Wage Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Low-level design
Wikipedia - Low-level injection -- Phenomenon
Wikipedia - Low-level programming language
Wikipedia - Low level
Wikipedia - LuLaRoe -- American multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Lumusa Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Luna Park, Cleveland -- Former amusement park in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Lyoness -- multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Mach Loop -- Low-level aircraft training area, UK
Wikipedia - Macroevolution -- Evolution on a scale at or above the level of species
Wikipedia - Madang Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Magadan Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Magnesium deficiency -- Condition of low level of magnesium in the body
Wikipedia - Maimai Wanwan Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Maip Muritaka Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Major Historical and Cultural Site Protected at the National Level
Wikipedia - Makamaka Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Malthusian catastrophe -- Prediction of a forced return to subsistence-level conditions once population growth has outpaced agricultural production
Wikipedia - Mania -- State of abnormally elevated or irritable mood, arousal, and/or energy levels
Wikipedia - Mannatech -- Multinational multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Manor House School, Raheny -- Second level school for girls in Raheny, Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - Maprik-Wora Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Maramatana Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Maramuni Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Marcus Kleveland -- Norwegian snowboarder
Wikipedia - Mari El -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Marienberg Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Marine regression -- A geological process of areas of submerged seafloor being exposed above the sea level.
Wikipedia - Marine transgression -- Geologic event in which sea level rises relative to the land
Wikipedia - Markaz (country subdivision) -- Type of second-level country subdivision in the Middle East
Wikipedia - Market America -- American multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Masonry trowel -- A hand trowel used in brickwork or stonework for leveling, spreading and shaping mortar or concrete
Wikipedia - Master Instructor -- A certificate given in recognition of a minimum level of experience in training divers after certification as a Diving Instructor, issued by PADI and SSI
Wikipedia - Master Levels for Doom II
Wikipedia - Master of Fine Arts -- graduate level university degree
Wikipedia - Matalai Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Mathematical Association of America -- American organization that focuses on undergraduate-level mathematics
Wikipedia - Maurice Level -- French writer
Wikipedia - Mawase Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Maynooth Post Primary School -- Second-level school in Co. Kildare, Ireland
Wikipedia - Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science -- Private nonprofit university focused on biomedical research and graduate-level education.
Wikipedia - MCI Management Center Innsbruck -- University-level business school located in Innsbruck, Austria
Wikipedia - McLaren 570S -- Entry-level sports car manufactured by British automobile manufacturer McLaren
Wikipedia - Mean high water springs -- Average level of the spring high tides over a fairly long period of time
Wikipedia - Mean low water spring -- Average level of the spring low tides over a fairly long period of time
Wikipedia - Mean sea level
Wikipedia - Mekeo Kuni Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Melkoi Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Meltwater pulse 1A -- A period of rapid post-glacial sea level rise
Wikipedia - Meltwater pulse 1B -- A period of either rapid or just accelerated post-glacial sea level rise
Wikipedia - Memory-level parallelism
Wikipedia - Mendi Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Mental health -- Describes a level of psychological well-being, or an absence of a mental disorder
Wikipedia - Meritorious Unit Commendation -- Mid-level unit award of the United States Armed Forces
Wikipedia - Message precedence -- Indicator attached to telegraph message indicating its level of urgency
Wikipedia - Meta-level
Wikipedia - Method of levels
Wikipedia - Metropolitan county -- Type of county-level administrative division of England
Wikipedia - Michael Cleveland -- American bluegrass fiddle player
Wikipedia - MicroMasters -- Series of online graduate level courses offered by universities
Wikipedia - Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland (UK Parliament constituency) -- Parliamentary constituency in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Middle school -- School offering the lower levels of secondary education, in some countries, between elementary and high school
Wikipedia - Mid-level practitioner
Wikipedia - Milkman Conspiracy -- Level from 2005 video game Psychonauts
Wikipedia - Millicode -- Higher level of microcode
Wikipedia - Mimanalo Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Mind-body interventions -- Health and fitness interventions that are supposed to work on a physical and mental level such as yoga, tai chi, and pilates.
Wikipedia - Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (South Korea) -- Cabinet-level division of the government of South Korea
Wikipedia - Ministry of Communications (Brazil) -- Cabinet-level federal ministry in Brazil
Wikipedia - Ministry of Housing and Communal Services (Bashkortostan) -- State-level government ministry
Wikipedia - Ministry of Industry, Trade and Small Industries -- Cabinet level department in the government of Egypt
Wikipedia - Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries -- Cabinet-level division of the government of South Korea
Wikipedia - Mitnande Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Module:Effective protection level
Wikipedia - Molecular biology -- Branch of biology which studies biological activity at the molecular level
Wikipedia - Molecular genetics -- Scientific study of genes at the molecular level
Wikipedia - Mordovia -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Morehead Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Morobe Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Mosa Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Moscow Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Mount Bosavi Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Mount Digine Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Mount Giluwe Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Mount Hagen Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Mount Hagen Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Mount Michael Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Mul Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Multi-level cell
Wikipedia - Multi-level dive -- Scuba diving in consecutively shallower depth ranges on one dive
Wikipedia - Multilevel feedback queue
Wikipedia - Multilevel Flow Modeling -- Industrial modeling framework
Wikipedia - Multi-level marketing -- Controversial marketing strategy
Wikipedia - Multilevel modeling
Wikipedia - Multilevel models
Wikipedia - Multilevel model
Wikipedia - MultiLevel Recording -- Proposed technology to increase the capacity of optical discs
Wikipedia - Multilevel security
Wikipedia - Multilevel streets in Chicago -- Tiered streets
Wikipedia - Mumeng Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Murat Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Murmansk Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Murua Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Muscle architecture -- Physical arrangement of muscle fibers at the macroscopic level
Wikipedia - Nabak Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Naho Rawa Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Nali Sopat-Penabu Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Namatanai Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Namea Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Nanchang -- Prefecture-level city in Jiangxi, People's Republic of China
Wikipedia - Nanima Kariba Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - National Certificate -- Technological third level qualification in several countries
Wikipedia - National College of Ireland -- Third-level institution in Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - National Middle School Association -- Association for Middle Level Education
Wikipedia - National Tidal and Sea Level Facility -- Organisation responsible for monitoring sea levels in the UK
Wikipedia - National Women's Soccer League -- Professional soccer league, highest level of women's soccer in the United States
Wikipedia - Nayudo Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Neal's Yard Remedies -- A UK-based multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Nebilyer Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Nembi Plateau Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Nenets Autonomous Okrug -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Nested RAID levels -- Stacked combination of two or more standard RAID levels
Wikipedia - Neways -- American multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Newcomb Cleveland Prize
Wikipedia - New Jersey Coalition for Vaccination Choice -- State-level anti-vaccination group
Wikipedia - Newpark Comprehensive School -- Mixed second-level State school in Blackrock, Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - New York State Department of Environmental Conservation -- New York's state-level environmental regulator
Wikipedia - New York Supreme Court -- Trial-level court in New York state
Wikipedia - Next Level Games -- Canadian video game developer
Wikipedia - Night-vision device -- Device that allows images to be produced in levels of light approaching total darkness
Wikipedia - Niglkande Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Nigoherm Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Nile Level Texts -- Thebes' temple of Karnak's cult-terrace-inscribed texts
Wikipedia - Nilometer -- Structure for measuring the Nile River's clarity and [[water level]] during the annual flood season
Wikipedia - Nimamar Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Ningerum Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Nipa Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Nissan Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Nizhny Novgorod Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Noise floor -- Level of background noise in a signal
Wikipedia - Nokia 1 -- Nokia-branded entry-level smartphone
Wikipedia - Nomad Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Nomane Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Nondugl Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Normanby, Redcar and Cleveland -- Part of Redcar and Cleveland unitary authority, North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Normocapnia -- Normal arterial carbon dioxide levels
Wikipedia - North Atlantic oscillation -- A weather phenomenon in the North Atlantic Ocean of fluctuations in the difference of atmospheric pressure at sea level between the Icelandic Low and the Azores High
Wikipedia - North Koroba Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - North Ossetia-Alania -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - North Staffordshire and South Cheshire League -- Top level of competitive club cricket in North Staffordshire and South Cheshire, England
Wikipedia - North Waghi Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - North Wosera Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - No Russian -- Controversial level from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Wikipedia - Not eXactly C -- High-level programming language for the Lego Mindstorms NXT
Wikipedia - Novgorod Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Novosibirsk Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Numbor Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Oblasts of Ukraine -- Type of first-level administrative division of Ukraine
Wikipedia - Odessa Cleveland -- American film and television actress
Wikipedia - Oksapmin Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Oldsmobile -- Former entry-level luxury division of General Motors
Wikipedia - O level
Wikipedia - Olsobip Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Omsk Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - One University Circle -- Building in Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Wikipedia - Onga-Waffa Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - On the Level (1917 film) -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - On the Level (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Open Water Diver -- An entry-level autonomous diver certification for recreational scuba diving
Wikipedia - Operating system-level virtualization
Wikipedia - Operating-system-level virtualization
Wikipedia - Operational level of war -- Between strategic and tactical warfare
Wikipedia - Operation Dark Winter -- Senior-level U.S. bio-terrorist attack simulation exercise
Wikipedia - Optimum sustainable yield -- Profit-maximizing level of ecological yield
Wikipedia - Orenburg Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Oriomo-Bituri Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Oro Bay Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Oryol Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - OS-level virtualisation
Wikipedia - OS-level virtualization -- Operating system paradigm allowing multiple isolated user space instances
Wikipedia - OWOW Radio -- Internet radio station in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Oxygen tent -- A canopy placed over a patient to provide oxygen at a higher level than normal
Wikipedia - Pacing (activity management) -- technique for managing fatigue or pain levels in people with chronic illnesses or disabilities
Wikipedia - Paiela-Hewa Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Pallor -- Pale skin caused by low levels of oxyhaemoglobin
Wikipedia - Palmai Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Pampered Chef -- American multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Paper candidate -- Candidate who stands for a political party in an electoral division where the party in question enjoys only low levels of support
Wikipedia - Parasitism (social offense) -- Pejorative that is leveled against a group or class which is considered to be detrimental to society
Wikipedia - Parterre -- Formal garden feature of symmetrical and level plant beds with gravel paths laid between
Wikipedia - Party of European Socialists -- Social-democratic political party at European level
Wikipedia - Pat Cleveland -- American fashion model
Wikipedia - Paul Huff Parkway -- Thoroughfare in Cleveland, Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - Paul Matthews Cleveland -- American diplomat
Wikipedia - Penza Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level -- A repository for tide gauge data used in the measurement of long-term sea level change
Wikipedia - Perm Krai -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Pershing Rifles -- Military-oriented fraternal organization for college-level students
Wikipedia - Phylum -- A high level taxonomic rank for organisms sharing a similar body plan
Wikipedia - Physical layer -- the lowest-level electronic or optical transmission functions of a network
Wikipedia - Physiographic province -- Mid-level region in the Fenneman model of physiographic regionalization
Wikipedia - Pilikambi Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - PILOT -- Simple high-level programming language developed in the 1960s
Wikipedia - Pixel art -- Digital art created using raster graphics edited on the pixel level
Wikipedia - Plane (esotericism) -- A subtle state, level, or region of reality
Wikipedia - Pobuma Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Political party strength in Montana -- Representation of parties at the Montana state level
Wikipedia - Political party strength in U.S. states -- Representation of parties at the state level
Wikipedia - Pomutu-Kurti-Andra Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Popondetta Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Porgera Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Poroma Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Porsche 968 -- Entry-level sports car manufactured by German automobile manufacturer Porsche as a successor to the 944 from 1991&ndash;1995
Wikipedia - Portfolio school -- Higher-level learning institution providing education for art and creative advertising
Wikipedia - Post Secondary Enrollment Options -- Academic option in some US states to take college level classes in high schools
Wikipedia - Post-transcriptional regulation -- Control of gene expression at the RNA level, between transcription and translation
Wikipedia - Powerleveling
Wikipedia - Power MOSFET -- MOSFET that can handle significant power levels
Wikipedia - Preparatory school (United Kingdom) -- In the UK, school preparing children for secondary level
Wikipedia - Pressure system -- Relative peak or lull in the sea level pressure distribution
Wikipedia - Prestige (sociolinguistics) -- Level of respect towards a language variety in a speech community
Wikipedia - Price gouging -- Raising of prices to an unreasonably high level after a demand or supply shock
Wikipedia - Price level
Wikipedia - Primerica -- American multi-level marketing insurance company
Wikipedia - Primorsky Krai -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Professor Layton -- Japanese video game series developed by Level-5
Wikipedia - Progressive meshes -- Technique used in dynamic level of detail
Wikipedia - Protandim -- American multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Provinces and territories of Canada -- Top-level subdivisions of Canada
Wikipedia - Provinces of Afghanistan -- First-level administrative territorial entity of Afghanistan
Wikipedia - Provinces of Argentina -- Top level administrative division of Argentina
Wikipedia - Provinces of Costa Rica -- First level administrative subdivision in Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Provinces of Indonesia -- First-level subdivision of Indonesia
Wikipedia - Provinces of Thailand -- 1st level administrative subdivision of Thailand
Wikipedia - Provinces of the Netherlands -- First-level administrative division in the Netherlands
Wikipedia - Pseudocode -- Informal high-level description of the operation of a computer program or other algorithm
Wikipedia - Pseudo-top-level domain
Wikipedia - Pskov Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Public Square, Cleveland -- Historic central plaza in Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.
Wikipedia - Puerto Rico Office of Management and Budget -- Cabinet-level office within the Office of the Governor of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Pure Romance -- American multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Q clearance -- U.S. Dept. of Energy security clearance level
Wikipedia - Qnet -- Hong Kong based multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Quad-level cell
Wikipedia - Rabaul Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Race (biology) -- Informal rank in the taxonomic hierarchy, below the level of subspecies
Wikipedia - Radioresistance -- Level of ionizing radiation that organisms are able to withstand
Wikipedia - Rai Coast Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Raised beach -- A beach or wave-cut platform raised above the shoreline by a relative fall in the sea level
Wikipedia - Raised shoreline -- An ancient shoreline exposed above current water level.
Wikipedia - Rajasthan Pradesh Congress Committee -- Indian state-level political party
Wikipedia - Raluana Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Rapatona Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Recombinant DNA -- DNA molecules formed by human agency at a molecular level generating novel DNA sequences
Wikipedia - Recreational scuba certification levels -- Competence represented by recreational scuba certification
Wikipedia - Redcar and Cleveland -- Unitary authority area in North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Red Level, Florida -- Unincorporated community in Florida, US
Wikipedia - Regional planning -- Land use planning at the meta (crossing one or more municipal boundaries) level
Wikipedia - Regions of Italy -- First-level administrative divisions
Wikipedia - Register-transfer level
Wikipedia - Religiosity and education -- Relationship between the level of religiosity and the level of education
Wikipedia - Renault Kwid -- Entry-level crossover produced by the French car manufacturer Renault
Wikipedia - Republic of Crimea -- First-level administrative division of Russia, annexed territory of Ukraine
Wikipedia - Republic of Karelia -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Republics of the Soviet Union -- Top-level political division of the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Resident commissioner -- Official title for representatives of any level of government
Wikipedia - RFL League 1 -- Third level of British rugby league
Wikipedia - Richard Falley Cleveland -- American minister, father of Grover Cleveland
Wikipedia - Richard Gilmour -- 19th-century Roman Catholic Bishop of Cleveland
Wikipedia - Rigo Central Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Rigo Coastal Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Rigo Inland Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Risk score -- Calculated number that reflects the level of risk in the presence of some risk factors
Wikipedia - Rock and Roll Hall of Fame -- Hall of fame and museum located on Lake Erie in downtown Cleveland, Ohio, US
Wikipedia - Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse -- Arena in downtown Cleveland Ohio
Wikipedia - Rodan + Fields -- American multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Rookie -- person new to a level of sport or profession
Wikipedia - Rose Cleveland -- First Lady of the United States
Wikipedia - Rosetta-lang -- System-level specification language
Wikipedia - Rostov Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - RTA Rapid Transit -- An intermodal public transit network in Cleveland, East Cleveland, and Shaker Heights, Ohio, with 1 rapid transit line, 3 light rail lines and 9 bus rapid transit (BRT) lines (including branches)
Wikipedia - Ruby (programming language) -- High-level programming language first released in 1995
Wikipedia - Running in the Family (song) -- 1987 single by Level 42
Wikipedia - Ruth Cleveland -- Daughter of Grover Cleveland
Wikipedia - Ryazan Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Safety engineering -- Engineering discipline which assures that engineered systems provide acceptable levels of safety
Wikipedia - Safety integrity level
Wikipedia - Safia Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Saint Ignatius High School (Cleveland)
Wikipedia - Sakha -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Salamaua Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Saltburn Gill -- SSSI in Cleveland, England
Wikipedia - Salt Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Samara Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Sangeet Natak Akademi -- Indian national level academy for performing arts
Wikipedia - Sanjak of Gelibolu -- Second-level Ottoman province
Wikipedia - Sanjak -- Second-level province of the Ottoman Empire
Wikipedia - San Juan Natatorium -- Olympic-level aquatic sports facility
Wikipedia - Saratov Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Sausso Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Scentsy -- American multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Sea Level (band) -- American band
Wikipedia - Sea-level curve -- The graphic representation of changes of sea level through geological history
Wikipedia - Sea level rise -- The current long-term trend for sea levels to rise mainly in response to global warming
Wikipedia - Sea level -- Geographical reference point
Wikipedia - Secondary education in France -- penultimate level of French public education
Wikipedia - Secondary education in the United States -- Last seven years of statutory formal education before higher level education
Wikipedia - Second inauguration of Grover Cleveland -- 27th United States presidential inauguration
Wikipedia - Second-level domain -- Domain that is directly below a top-level domain
Wikipedia - Secretariat of Security and Civilian Protection (Mexico) -- Mexican cabinet-level government agency
Wikipedia - Secretary of State for Air -- Former cabinet-level position in British government
Wikipedia - Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs -- Former cabinet-level position in British government
Wikipedia - Secretary of State for Economic Affairs -- Former cabinet-level position in British government
Wikipedia - Secretary of State for India -- Former cabinet-level position in British government
Wikipedia - Security level -- Measure of cryptographic strength
Wikipedia - Selau-Suir Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Selepet Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - SeneGence -- American multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Sentral Niu Ailan Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Service level agreement
Wikipedia - Service-level agreement -- Official commitment between a service provider and a customer
Wikipedia - Service-level objective -- Key element of a service-level agreement
Wikipedia - Service level
Wikipedia - Seven Heavens -- Seven levels or divisions of Heaven in religious or mythological cosmology
Wikipedia - SGI Origin 200 -- Entry-level server by Silicon Graphics
Wikipedia - Shiva Vishnu Hindu Temple of Greater Cleveland -- Hindu temple in Cleveland Metropolitan Area US
Wikipedia - Shooting of Tamir Rice -- 2014 police killing of an African-American boy in Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Shooting of Timothy Russell and Malissa Williams -- Killing of two homeless Black people in Cleveland
Wikipedia - Shooting sports in Canada -- Recreational and competitive-level shooting in Canada
Wikipedia - Shooting sports in India -- Recreational and competitive level shooting in India
Wikipedia - Sialum Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Siane Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Siassi Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Siemens Venture -- single-level passenger railcar model
Wikipedia - Simbai Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Simen Mustroens besynderlige opplevelser -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Single-level store
Wikipedia - Sinivit Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Siwai Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Small hydro -- Hydroelectric project at the local level with a few MW production
Wikipedia - Smolensk Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Software architecture -- High level structures of a software system
Wikipedia - Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument (Cleveland) -- Monument in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Somerset Levels -- Coastal plain and wetland area of Somerset, England
Wikipedia - South Koroba Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - South Waghi Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - South Wosera Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Sparkling wine -- Wine with significant levels of carbon dioxide
Wikipedia - Spirit level -- Tool to indicate whether a surface is level or plumb
Wikipedia - Spiritual Assembly -- Elected councils that govern the BahaM-JM-
Wikipedia - Stadler KISS -- Bilevel electric multiple unit commuter train
Wikipedia - Standard RAID levels -- Any of a set of standard configurations of Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks
Wikipedia - Stand level modelling
Wikipedia - Star Mountains Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Starvation -- Severe deficiency in caloric energy intake, below the level needed to maintain an organism's life
Wikipedia - State governments of the United States -- State-level governments of the 50 states which comprise the United States of America
Wikipedia - State health agency -- American state-level government agency
Wikipedia - State of the art -- English phrase referring to the highest level of general development, as of a device, technique, or scientific field achieved at a particular time
Wikipedia - State park -- Protected area managed at the federated state level
Wikipedia - States of Germany -- First-level administrative subdivisions of the Federal Republic of Germany
Wikipedia - States of Sudan -- Highest level administrative sub-division of Sudan
Wikipedia - Statin -- Class of drugs used to lower cholesterol levels
Wikipedia - Stavropol Krai -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Steamship William G. Mather Maritime Museum -- Museum ship in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Steve Dettelbach -- American lawyer from Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Stilts (architecture) -- Poles, posts or pillars that raise a structure above ground or water level
Wikipedia - St Mac Dara's Community College -- Second-level school in Templeogue, Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - Stockton-on-Tees -- Market town in Cleveland-England
Wikipedia - Storage area network -- Network which provides access to consolidated, block-level data storage
Wikipedia - Strange loop -- Cyclic structure that goes through several levels in a hierarchical system.
Wikipedia - Street-level bureaucracy
Wikipedia - Structure of observed learning outcome -- Model of levels of increasing complexity in understanding
Wikipedia - Suai Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Suau Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Subdivisions of Egypt -- Three-layer hierarchy below the governorate levels
Wikipedia - Submarine groundwater discharge -- Flow of groundwater into the sea below sea level
Wikipedia - Submergent coastline -- Stretches of coast that have been inundated by the sea by a relative rise in sea levels from either isostacy or eustacy
Wikipedia - Submersible bridge -- Movable bridge that lowers the bridge deck below the water level to permit waterborne traffic to use the waterway
Wikipedia - Subpage -- Lower level page in a website
Wikipedia - Sumgilbar Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Sun Newspapers -- Suburban Cleveland newspaper chain
Wikipedia - Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels -- 1986 platform video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Supermax prison -- Most secure levels of custody in the prison systems of certain countries
Wikipedia - Superscalar processor -- CPU that implements instruction-level parallelism within a single processor
Wikipedia - Suppressive fire -- Weapons fire that degrades the performance of an enemy force below the level needed to fulfill its mission
Wikipedia - Sweet Track -- Ancient causeway in the Somerset Levels, England
Wikipedia - Switch-reference -- Any clause-level morpheme that signals whether certain prominent arguments in 'adjacent' clauses are coreferential
Wikipedia - SYCL -- Higher-level programming model for OpenCL
Wikipedia - Symmetric level-index arithmetic
Wikipedia - System on module -- A board-level circuit that integrates a system function in a single module
Wikipedia - Tabare Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Tagali Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Talasea Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Tamata Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Tambov Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Tanir Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Tapini Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Tari Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Task-level parallelism
Wikipedia - Tatarstan -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Taxation in the United States -- Taxes are imposed in the United States at each of levels; taxes on income, payroll, property, sales, capital gains, dividends, imports, estates and gifts, as well as various fees
Wikipedia - Taxonomic rank -- Level in a taxonomic hierarchy
Wikipedia - Tazkiah -- Process of transforming the nafs (carnal self or desires) from its deplorable state of self-centrality through various spiritual stages towards the level of purity and submission to the Will of Allah
Wikipedia - Tcl -- High-level programming language
Wikipedia - Tebi Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Technology readiness level
Wikipedia - Techno-thriller -- Thriller sub-genre with high level of technical detail
Wikipedia - Teesville -- Part of the unitary authority of Redcar and Cleveland, North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Telecom Plus -- British multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Telefomin Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Telexfree -- American multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Template talk:Levels of technological manipulation of matter
Wikipedia - Terminal Tower -- Landmark skyscraper in downtown Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Tertiary education -- Advanced level of education, usually for adults
Wikipedia - Tetidu Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - The Bruun Rule -- Formula for estimating the magnitude of shoreline retreat due to changes in sea level
Wikipedia - The Cat Who Came for Christmas -- 1987 book by Cleveland Amory
Wikipedia - The Cleveland Show -- American animated sitcom
Wikipedia - The Cobra Group -- Multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - The George Gund Foundation -- Private foundation based in Cleveland, Ohio, in the U.S.
Wikipedia - The Level, Brighton -- Park in Brighton, UK
Wikipedia - The Levelling -- 2016 film by Hope Dickson Leach
Wikipedia - Theory of two-level planning
Wikipedia - The Plain Dealer -- Major newspaper of Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.
Wikipedia - The Silent Cartographer -- Level in the video game Halo: Combat Evolved
Wikipedia - The Tenth Level
Wikipedia - The Ultimate Dance Battle -- Dutch and Flemish dance competition for professional level choreographers and dancers
Wikipedia - Third Federal S&L -- American regional bank headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Thomas H. White -- Cleveland, Ohio industrialist and philanthropist
Wikipedia - Thomas Jamieson -- A Scottish geologist, working principally on sea level and glacial rebound
Wikipedia - Three-dimensional chess -- Any of various chess variants that use multiple boards at different levels
Wikipedia - Three-level diamond interchange -- Type of highway interchange
Wikipedia - Threshold of originality -- Level of authorship required to claim copyright of a work
Wikipedia - Tianjin -- City and province-level municipality of China
Wikipedia - Tibet Area (administrative division) -- former province-level administrative division of China
Wikipedia - Tide gauge -- Device for measuring the change in sea level relative to a datum
Wikipedia - Tikana Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Tinputz Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Tissue (biology) -- | Cellular organization level between cell and organ
Wikipedia - Tokarara-Hohola Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Tomsk Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Top-level domains
Wikipedia - Top-Level Domain
Wikipedia - Top level domain
Wikipedia - Top-level domain -- Domain at the highest level of the DNS hierarchy
Wikipedia - Torokina Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Tower City station -- Rapid transit station in Cleveland
Wikipedia - Town-Hanuabada Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Townships of China -- PRC township-level subdivision
Wikipedia - Transgogol Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Tree fern -- Ferns that grow with a trunk elevating the fronds above ground level
Wikipedia - Tree house -- Platform or building constructed around, next to or among the trunk or branches of one or more mature trees while above ground level
Wikipedia - Trophic levels
Wikipedia - Tropical cyclone -- Rotating storm system with a closed, low-level circulation
Wikipedia - TRS-80 Level I BASIC
Wikipedia - TRS-80 Level II BASIC
Wikipedia - Tsak Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Tufi Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Tula Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Tunap-Hunstein Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Turubu Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Tuva -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Tver Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Two-level utilitarianism
Wikipedia - Tyumen Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Udmurtia -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - UK National Tide Gauge Network -- Part of the National Tidal and Sea Level Facility
Wikipedia - Ulyanovsk Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Umi-Atzera Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Umi-Atzero Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Unavi Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Undergraduate education -- Academic programs up to the level of a bachelor's degree
Wikipedia - Unggai Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - United Daughters of the Confederacy Monument (Cleveland, Tennessee) -- Monument in Cleveland, Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - United States Department of Energy -- Cabinet-level department of the United States government concerned with U.S. policies regarding energy and safety in handling nuclear material
Wikipedia - United States Department of the Interior -- Cabinet level department of the United States federal government
Wikipedia - United States national arena soccer team -- Indoor soccer team that represents the United States at international level
Wikipedia - Upazila -- Third-level administrative divisions of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Upper Asaro Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Upper Benna Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Upper-Lower Koronigl Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Upper Mendi Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Upper Wage Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Usino Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - USS Cleveland (CL-55) -- Cleveland class light cruiser
Wikipedia - USS Cleveland (LCS-31) -- Littoral combat ship of the United States Navy
Wikipedia - Value-level programming
Wikipedia - Vanimo Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Vdigam Level -- Hip hop song
Wikipedia - Vectorman -- Multilevel platform video game series for Sega
Wikipedia - Vector Marketing -- American multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Very high-level programming language
Wikipedia - VHS -- Consumer-level analog video tape recording and cassette form factor standard
Wikipedia - Video 2000 -- Consumer-level analog video tape recording and cassette form factor standard
Wikipedia - Village (United States) -- Administrative division at the local government level in the United States
Wikipedia - VI Reserve Corps (German Empire) -- Corps level command of the German Army
Wikipedia - ViSalus -- American multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Vitamin B12 deficiency -- Disorder resulting from low blood levels of vitamin B12
Wikipedia - Vladimir Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Vocational school -- Higher-level learning institution providing education needed for specific occupations
Wikipedia - Volgograd Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Vologda Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Voronezh Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Vunadidir-Toma Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Wabag Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Wabag Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Wade Park (Cleveland park) -- Park in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Wafer-level package
Wikipedia - Wafer-level packaging -- Packaging an integrated circuit while still part of the wafer, or, bare dies that are used as integrated circuits without any packaging
Wikipedia - Wage Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Waigani-University Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Wain-Erap Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Waiye Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - WAKS-HD2 -- Digital subchannel of Cleveland market radio station WAKS (96.5 FM)
Wikipedia - WAKS -- Contemporary hit radio station in Akron, Ohio, serving Cleveland
Wikipedia - Wakunai Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - WALI -- Radio station in Dayton-Cleveland, Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - Wallens Ridge State Prison -- Level 5 state prison located in Big Stone Gap, Virginia, US
Wikipedia - Walsa Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Wampar Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Wantoat-Leron Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Wapenamanda Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Wapi Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Wapi-Yengis Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Wards and electoral divisions of the United Kingdom -- Electoral districts at sub-national level represented by one or more councillors
Wikipedia - Waria Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Wasu Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Watabung Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Water level (device) -- Device used for matching elevations
Wikipedia - Water-level task
Wikipedia - Water level -- Elevation of the free surface of a stream, lake or reservoir relative to a specified vertical datum
Wikipedia - Watom Island Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Watut Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Wau-Bulolo Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Wau Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Wave setup -- The increase in mean water level due to the presence of breaking waves
Wikipedia - WCCD -- Radio station in Parma, Ohio, serving Cleveland
Wikipedia - WCPN -- Public radio station in Cleveland
Wikipedia - WCRF-FM -- Moody Radio station in Cleveland
Wikipedia - WCSB (FM) -- Radio station at Cleveland State University
Wikipedia - WDOK -- Adult contemporary radio station in Cleveland
Wikipedia - WDSW-LP -- Low-power FM radio station at Delta State University in Cleveland, Mississippi
Wikipedia - Welfare economics -- Use of microeconomic techniques to evaluate well-being at the aggregate level
Wikipedia - WENZ -- Urban radio station in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Weraura Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - WERE -- Talk radio station in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, serving Cleveland
Wikipedia - West Aitape Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - West Ferguson Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - West Kikori Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - West Okapa Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - West Pomio-Mamusi Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - West Wapei Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - West Yangoru Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Wewak Islands Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Wewak Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Wewak Urban LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - WEWS-TV -- ABC affiliate in Cleveland
Wikipedia - WFHM-FM -- Contemporary Christian music radio station in Cleveland
Wikipedia - WFLI-TV -- CW/MyNetworkTV affiliate in Cleveland, Tennessee
Wikipedia - WGAR-FM -- Country music radio station in Cleveland
Wikipedia - WHK (AM) -- Talk radio station in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - WHKW -- Christian radio station in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - WHLK -- Adult hits radio station in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:User access levels -- Wikipedia page describing different levels of user permissions
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/1 -- List of 10 most important articles for the English Wikipedia
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/2 -- List of 100 most important articles for the English Wikipedia
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 -- List of 10,000 most important articles for the English Wikipedia
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/5 -- List of 50,000 most important articles for the English Wikipedia
Wikipedia - Willem Levelt
Wikipedia - Wilson Cleveland -- American actor, producer and writer
Wikipedia - Wiru Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - WJMO -- Urban gospel radio station in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - WJW (TV) -- Fox affiliate in Cleveland
Wikipedia - WKBF-TV -- Defunct TV station in Cleveland
Wikipedia - WKNR -- Sports radio station in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - WKRK-FM -- Sports radio station in Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Wikipedia - WKYC -- NBC affiliate in Cleveland
Wikipedia - WLFM-LD -- LPTV station in Cleveland
Wikipedia - WMJI -- Classic hits radio station in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - WMMS-HD2 -- Digital subchannel of Cleveland radio station WMMS (100.7 FM)
Wikipedia - WMMS -- Rock radio station in Cleveland
Wikipedia - WNCX -- Classic rock radio station in Cleveland
Wikipedia - WNWV -- Alternative rock radio station in Elyria, Ohio, serving Cleveland
Wikipedia - Woitape Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - World 1-1 -- First level in Super Mario Bros.
Wikipedia - World Financial Group -- Multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicles Test Procedure -- Technical standard for determining fuel consumption and level of emissions of vehicles
Wikipedia - WQAL -- Hot adult contemporary radio station in Cleveland
Wikipedia - WQHS-DT -- Univision TV station in Cleveland
Wikipedia - WTAM -- Clear-channel news/talk radio station in Cleveland
Wikipedia - WTNB-CD -- Class A TV station in Cleveland, Tennessee
Wikipedia - WUSY -- Radio station in Cleveland-Chattanooga, Tennessee
Wikipedia - WWGK -- Sports radio station in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - WXVT-LD -- CBS affiliate in Cleveland, Mississippi
Wikipedia - WZAK -- Urban adult contemporary radio station in Cleveland
Wikipedia - X-Level Studios -- Recording studio in Sweden
Wikipedia - Yabim-Mape Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Yagaria Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Yaleyamba Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Yamil-Tamaui Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Yangkok Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Yapsie Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Yaroslavl Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Yawar Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Yelia Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Yeshiva of Cleveland -- Orthodox yeshiva in Ohio
Wikipedia - Yonggomugl Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Young Living -- American multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Younique -- American multi-level marketing company
Wikipedia - Yuat Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Yus Rural LLG -- Local-level government in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Zabaykalsky Krai -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - ZA Central Registry -- Non-profit that operates various second-level domains in South Africa
Wikipedia - Zarja Singing Society -- choral group based in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Zigbee -- IEEE 802.15.4-based specification for a suite of high-level communication protocols
Grover Cleveland ::: Born: March 18, 1837; Died: June 24, 1908; Occupation: 24th U.S. President;
Harlan Cleveland ::: Born: January 19, 1918; Died: May 30, 2008; Occupation: Diplomat;\
Goodreads author - Eddie_Cleveland
Goodreads author - Karen_Cleveland
Goodreads author - Maurice_Level
Goodreads author - Thacher_E_Cleveland
Goodreads author - Christena_Cleveland
Goodreads author - SmolkaFarm_Heroes_Saga_Cheatss_Level_40_93020_DVDR_Custom_NTSC_Espa5tilde_ol_Latino
Goodreads author - Simon_Cleveland,_Ohio's_collapsing_level,_Tennessee)'an#Levels_of_meaning
Kheper - levels_of_being -- 69
Kheper - Steiner-levels_of_self -- 52
Kheper - exoteric-esoteric-levels -- 64
Kheper - exoteric-esoteric-levels -- 52
Kheper - levels_of_self -- 62
Kheper - shocklevelanalysis -- 35
Kheper - levels -- 30
auromere - vedic-vak-four-levels-of-sound
auromere - vedic-vak-four-levels-of-sound
Integral World - Can you be at a level of development?, Edward Berge
Integral World - Four levels of the Informational Storehouse in the Self-Organizing Dynamical System of the Kosmos, Joe Corbett
Integral World - The Unholy Marriage of Red, Orange, and Blue Levels of Development in American Culture and Society, Joe Corbett
Integral World - Core concepts: DIE ZEHN EBENEN
Integral World - The Kohlberg-Wilber Fallacy, Part 2: Why your level of moral judgment does not predict your morality
Integral World - Why Humanity Remains Locked in a Mid-Prepersonal Level of Development, Part I: Why We Do Not Recognize that Our Development is Fixated, Joseph Dillard
Integral World - Why Humanity Remains Locked in a Mid-Prepersonal Level of Development, Part 2: Ways Integral AQAL Supports the Thesis That Our Development is Fixated at an Early Developmental Stage, Joseph Dillard
Integral World - "Aperspectival Madness", Why and How AQAL Grossly Overestimates Your Level of Development, Joseph Dillard
Integral World - Levels of Consciousness, by Ken Wilber (Greek)
Integral World - Ken Wilber Was Right: The Next Level Is Psychic, David Lane
Integral World - Core concepts: the ten levels
Integral World - Conveyor Belt or Escalator Going Down, What Drives the Cosmos at the Deepest Level?, Frank Visser
Avatar: The Many Levels of Pandora
How to Level Up Your Parenting
Power, Privilege, and Fragility: Leveling Up Our Conversations About Race and Racism
Today’s Next-Level Organizations
Trumps War Cabinet Drops a Developmental Level
selforum - highest level of critical scholarship
selforum - this supramental level is to be
selforum - inner awakening on psychological level
selforum - humans are capable of high levels of
dedroidify.blogspot - levels-of-consciousness-spiral-dynamics
dedroidify.blogspot - at-this-level
dedroidify.blogspot - cleveland-teens-missing-for-10-years
Psychology Wiki - Integral_psychology_(Sri_Aurobindo)#Higher_levels_of_Mind
Psychology Wiki - Integral_theory_(philosophy)#Levels_or_stages
Psychology Wiki - Level_of_consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Positive_psychology#Changes_in_happiness_levels
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - levels-org-biology,_Ohio.svg
Hulk Hogan's Rock 'n' Wrestling (1985 - 1986) - Professional wrestling had been around long before television, but the mid-80s brought new levels of popularity to the much-maligned "sport." Due to the business savvy of Vince McMahon, pro wrestling became one of the most successful entertainment ventures in the world. Relying heavily on the "good...
Battletoads (1991 - 1991) - The Battletoads gained fame in their 1991 Nintendo game. The game featured pretty decent graphics for the time, and an insane difficulty level that made you want throw the controller at the TV. The cartoon, which came out shortly after the game, serves as a prequel and looks into how the toads becam...
Make the Grade (1989 - 1991) - Nickelodeon game show where contestants had to answer school questions for points and "graduate school" by winning the game. Contestants sat at red, green, and blue desks and had to answer question on a 7x7 game board. Grade levels from elementary school and grades 7-12 ran across the top and six ba...
The Cleveland Show (2009 - 2013) - The Cleveland Show is an American adult animated sitcom created by Seth MacFarlane, Mike Henry, and Richard Appel for the Fox Broadcasting Company as a spin-off of Family Guy. The series centers on the Browns and Tubbs, two dysfunctional families consisting of parents Cleveland Brown and Donna Tubbs...
WWF Wrestling Challenge (1986 - 1996) - Wrestling Challenge was the "B" show of the WWF's syndicated programming, behind WWF Superstars of Wrestling. The show was typical of televised wrestling fare of the era: Matches pitting top tier and mid-level talent vs. jobbers; pre-taped interviews with the WWF's roster of superstars; and promos f...
The Wire (2002 - 2008) - Set in Baltimore, this show centers around the city's inner-city drug scene. It starts as mid-level drug dealer, D'Angelo Barksdale beats a murder rap. After a conversation with a judge, Det. James McNulty has been assigned to lead a joint homicide and narcotics team, in order to bring down drug kin...
Turn A Gundam (1999 - 2000) - Gundam's "Big Bang" 20th Anniversary work, signifying creator Yoshiyuki Tomino's return to the Gundam franchise. The year is Correct Century 2345. The civilization of Earth is at about the level it was during World War I. Long ago, humanity traveled through space, but the people of Earth have long...
Superhost (1969 - 1989) - Superhost was the Saturday afternoon program block on WUAB Cleveland hosted by the late WUAB announcer/floor director Marty Sullivan.The show consisted of comedy skits,Three Stooges shorts,and two sci- fi movies.
Sonic Soldier Borgman (1988 - 1988) - AD 199X, Tokyo. Four giant meteorites appearing out of nowhere crash on the city, destroying much of it. Thirty years later, Tokyo has been completely rebuilt under the name of Megalocity, enojoying a high level of prosperity and technology. However, the city is often under attack from extradimensio...
Kappa Mikey (2006 - 2008) - Mikey Simon is a teenage actor from Cleveland, Ohio who wins a scratch-off card contest and a trip to Japan to star in the country's formerly popular anime series, LilyMu.
Inazuma Eleven (2008 - 2011) - Inazuma Irebun, lit. "Lightning Eleven") is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Tenya Yabuno based on a series of video games created by Level-5. The manga has been published by Shogakukan in CoroCoro Comic since the June 2008 issue. The manga series won the 2010 Kodansha Manga Award...
Master of Epic (2007 - Current) - a free Japanese MMORPG. It has not been released outside of Japan. It was adapted into an anime (Master of Epic: The Animation Age) by Gonzo and Palm Studio, and aired on TV Tokyo in 2007. Unlike many MMORPGs, Master of Epic has dispensed with levels and instead the player has an extensive list of s...
WJW-TV Newscasts (1949 - Current) - WJW-TV in Cleveland presently broadcasts 68 hours of locally produced newscasts each week.
Mobile Suit Gundam AGE (2011 - 2012) - (Japanese: AGE Hepburn: Kid Senshi Gandamu Eiji) is a 2011 Japanese science fiction anime television series and the twelfth installment in Sunrise's long-running Gundam franchise. The series was first announced in the July issue of Shogakukan's CoroCoro Comic, and has gaming company Level-5...
Good Morning America (1975 - Current) - ABC News' weekday morning morning news and talk show. The show first launched in 1975 as AM America as a competitor to NBC's "Today". After failing, ABC looked to station WEWS in Cleveland who were airing a show called The Morning Exchange and re-branded their program as Good Morning America. The sh...
Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? (2007 - Current) - Hosted by Jeff Foxworthy a single contestant must answer ten questions from between first and fifth grade textbook levels for a chance to win $1,000,000. Each contestant can get help from answering questions from a student classmate. If the contestant gets a question wrong or chooses to end the gam...
Battletoads (1991 - 1991) - The Battletoads gained fame in their 1991 NES game. The game featured pretty decent graphics for the time, and an insane difficulty level that made you want throw the controller at the TV. The cartoon, which came out shortly after the game, serves as a prequel and looks into how the toads became who...
Hickory Hideout (1981 - 1991) - 1980's Cleveland, Ohio based live action children's show that featured humans, and puppets, tackling children's issues of that era. Actress Kathryn Hahn("Crossing Jordan") got her start on this show.
A Christmas Story(1983) - Picture it, Cleveland Ohio in the 1940's. What does every young boy want? You can safely assume it's not a video game system. No, it's a Red Rider BB Gun, the prefered weapon of every wild west imaginary hero. And Ralphie is no different than any other boy. But while his head is in the clouds thinki...
The Last Dragon(1985) - A young man searches for the "master" to obtain the final level of martial arts mastery known as the glow. Along the way he must fight an evil martial arts expert and an rescue a beautiful singer from an obsessed musi
Carlito's Way(1993) - Carlito's Way is a tale of a former hood trying to escape his former life. Al Pacino is Carlito Brigante, a high-level Puerto Rican drug dealer sprung from a three-decade jail sentence after only five years, thanks to a technicality and his sleazy, cocaine-addled lawyer, Dave Kleinfeld (Sean Penn)....
Major League II(1994) - Those Cleveland Indians are at it again! After losing in the ALCS the year before, the Indians are determined to make it into the World Series this time! First, though, they have to contend with Rachel Phelps again when she buys back the team. Also, has Rick "Wild Thing" Vaughn lost his edge? Are Ja...
Nightmares(1983) - Four tales of horror including an escaped psychopath on the run while a housewife is taking a trip to the market, a teenage arcade whiz attempting to reach the 13th level to a mysterious arcade game, a priest questioning his faith and being encountered by a demonic truck, and a suburban family with...
Michael Jordan to the Max(2000) - Michael Jordan was the most famous, most honored, and probably the greatest professional basketball player of his generation, an athlete whose intelligence, charisma, and dazzling on-court skill helped earn his game a new level of popularity and won Jordan a record six NBA title rings. Michael Jorda...
Spanish Judges(1999) - One day Jack (Matthew Lillard) shows up at the antiques-laden warehouse apartment of Max (Vincent D'Onofrio) and Jamie (Valeria Golino), two ruthless low-level criminals with higher aspirations than the two-bit thieving they do now. Jack insists he's Max's brother, but Jamie, whose hobby is collecti...
House 3: The Horror Show(1989) - Detective Lucas McCarthy finally apprehends "Meat Cleaver Max" and watches the electric chair execution from the audience. But killing Max Jenke only elevated him to another level of reality. Now Lucas' family is under attack, his sanity in question, and his house haunted. Aided by a disreputable co...
Slums of Beverly Hills(1998) - Being young is tough on many levels, but for Vivian Abromowitz (Natasha Lyonne), things are especially strenuous. It's 1976 and she and her family have moved to Beverly Hills, but not the glamorous Beverly Hills that everyone is familiar with. The reason for the constant moving is because her parent...
The Star Chamber(1983) - The justice system is in very bad condition, or so an idealistic judge named Steven Hardin (Michael Douglas) believes. He eventually comes across a group of judges who take the concept of the kangaroo court to a deadly level.
Funny About Love(1990) - Everybody has a biological clock ticking away and one man's is about to go off. Famed political cartoonist Duffy Bergman has just found the love of his life in gourmet chef, Meg Lloyd. After they marry, they find that love isn't enough and want to take things to a new level as the couple try to ha...
An Eye For An Eye(1981) - Sean Kane (Chuck Norris) lost his partner when he was murdered. It drove him so crazy that he was let go from the force. Continuing his narcotics work off the force, he finds that violence goes to very high levels.
Basic Training(1985) - Melinda (Ann Dusenberry) is a lower-level worker at the Pentagon. She uses her feminine wiles (and other things) to help improve the government and even relations with other countries.
Critical Condition(1987) - Eddie Lenahan (Richard Pryor) is faking it on many levels. He's been framed for a jewel-related crime, and to avoid jail, he pretends to be insane. He's then taken to a hospital and, during a blackout, he ends up pretending to be a doctor. With an oddball staff and criminals in the hospital, Lenahan...
Man Bites Dog(1992) - Woah! This film is so darkly comical it's set a higher level for films to work at. This movie actually won an oscar in the cannes film festival and was said to be probably the best film o
Memoirs of an Invisible Man(1992) - Chevy Chase stars, though not always visibly, as Nick Halloway, a low-level businessman with an acerbic approach to life and work, whose humdrum existence utterly bores him. Nick gets an unexpected jolt of excitement when, nursing a hangover, he's the only one not to evacuate an office building that...
Money Talks(1997) - A low-level criminal and a struggling newsman become unlikely partners in this comedy. Franklin Hatchett (Chris Tucker) is a fast-talking hustler who runs a small time ticket-scalping business. A TV news story by reporter James Russell (Charlie Sheen) brings Franklin's business to the attention of t...
Going My Way(1944) - Youthful Father Chuck O'Malley led a colorful life of sports, song, and romance before joining the Roman Catholic clergy, but his level gaze and twinkling eyes make it clear that he knows he made the right choice. After joining a parish, O'Malley's worldly knowledge helps him connect with a gang of...
Broken(2006) - The aspirant singer Hope leaves Cleveland to Los Angeles expecting to succeed in the career of rock-and-roll singer. She meets the funny Will on the beach and they fall in love for each other. However, Will addicts Hope in heroin, destroying her dreams. Later, Hope escapes from Will, trying to put h...
Down Twisted(1987) - When a levelheaded waitress decides to help her shady friend against her better judgment, she becomes a target of a deadly international gang of thieves who are after a priceless San Lucas' relic. A bumbling stranger helps her.
WXIII: Patlabor the Movie 3(2002) - When the level of Labor accidents begin to escalate around Tokyo Bay, police detectives Kusumi and Hata are assigned to investigate. What they discover leads to a series of government cover-ups, conspiracy concerning a new biological weapon entitled WXIII-Wasted Thirteen and a tragic, personal conne...
F.I.S.T(1978) - A rebellious Cleveland warehouse worker rises through the ranks of a trucking industry union to become union president but his organized crime links cause his eventual downfall.
Gorky Park(1983) - A Moscow police officer investigates a vicious triple homicide and stumbles upon a high-level international political conspiracy.
Ghost in the Shell (2017)(2017) - In the near future, Major is the first of her kind: a human who is cyber-enhanced to be a perfect soldier devoted to stopping the world's most dangerous criminals. When terrorism reaches a new level that includes the ability to hack into people's minds and control them, Major is uniquely qualified t...
WALL-E(2008) - In the year 2805, a robot known as the Waste Allocation Load Lifter-Earth class(WALL-E) is left on his daily duties having to clean a desolate Earth, after the mass consumerism by the Buy-N-Large megacorporation polluted the planet to uninhabitable levels and humans were forced to evacuate. One day,...
Destination Moon(1950) - One of the first science fiction films to attempt a high level of accurate technical detail tells the story of the first trip to the moon.
xXx: State of the Union(2005) - xXx: State of the Union, released as xXx: The Next Level outside the United States and Canada, is a 2005 action film directed by Lee Tamahori. It is a sequel to the 2002 film xXx (pronounced "triple x"). The film was produced by Revolution Studios for Columbi
Made(2001) - Two aspiring boxers, lifelong friends, get involved in a money-laundering scheme through a low-level organized crime group.
Manic(2001) - Lyle Jensen is subject to sudden and violent outbursts, and he is committed to the juvenile wing of the Northwood Mental Institution. Several other youths are there with a variety of serious problems. Lyle interacts with other patients and staff on a human, and sometimes not so human level. The psyc...
Jumanji: The Next Level(2019) - Based on the book "Jumanji" by Chris Van Allsberg. Three years after Welcome to the Jungle, the same group of teenagers, along with an old friend and two unwitting additions, become trapped in Jumanji. There, they all find themselves facing new problems and challenges with both old and new avatars,...
The Angry Birds Movie 2(2019) - Three years after the first film, the flightless birds and scheming green pigs take their feud to the next level when a new foe named Eagle is tired of being on his own island and wants to take the island of the Pigs and the Birds. In North America the short "Hair Love" was shown in theaters before... -- Comedy, Sci-Fi, Shounen
Arrested Development ::: TV-14 | 22min | Comedy | TV Series (20032019) -- Level-headed son Michael Bluth takes over family affairs after his father is imprisoned. But the rest of his spoiled, dysfunctional family are making his job unbearable. Creator:
A Shock to the System (1990) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 28min | Comedy, Crime, Thriller | 23 March 1990 (USA) -- When you think you're at the top of the corporate ladder and then discover they have managed to pull that ladder away, sometimes you have to take it upon yourself to "level" the playing ... S Director: Jan Egleson Writers:
Beautiful Boy (2010) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 40min | Drama | 4 November 2011 (Brazil) -- A married couple on the verge of separation are leveled by the news their 18-year-old son committed a mass shooting at his college, then took his own life. Director: Shawn Ku Writers:
Bessie (2015) ::: 6.7/10 -- TV-MA | 1h 55min | Biography, Drama, Music | TV Movie 16 May 2015 -- The story of legendary blues performer Bessie Smith, who rose to fame during the 1920s and '30s. Director: Dee Rees Writers: Dee Rees (screenplay), Christopher Cleveland (screenplay) | 3 more
Blast of Silence (1961) ::: 7.5/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 17min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 17 August 1962 -- Blast of Silence Poster A hired killer from Cleveland has a job to do on a second-string mob boss in New York. But a special girl from his past, and a fat gun dealer with pet rats, each gets in his way. Director: Allen Baron Writers: Allen Baron (screenplay), Waldo Salt (narration written by) (as Mel Davenport)
Boss Level (2020) ::: 6.9/10 -- TV-MA | 1h 34min | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi | 5 March 2021 (USA) -- A retired special forces officer is trapped in a never ending time loop on the day of his death. Director: Joe Carnahan Writers: Chris Borey (screenplay by), Eddie Borey (screenplay by) | 3 more
Chicago Fire ::: TV-14 | 43min | Action, Drama | TV Series (2012 ) -- The story of firefighters in Chicago, both on a personal and professional level Creators: Derek Haas, Michael Brandt
Cleveland Abduction (2015) ::: 6.7/10 -- TV-14 | 1h 28min | Biography, Crime, Drama | TV Movie 2 May 2015 -- A single mother who becomes the first victim of kidnapper Ariel Castro finds herself trapped in his home for 11 years, where she eventually becomes a friend and sister to two other women who are taken captive by Castro. Director: Alex Kalymnios Writers:
Designated Survivor ::: TV-14 | 1h | Action, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (20162019) -- A low-level Cabinet member becomes President of the United States after a catastrophic attack kills everyone above him in the line of succession. Creator:
Duckman: Private Dick/Family Man ::: TV-PG | 30min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | TV Series (19941997) A crass, womanizing duck works as a private eye with his level-headed pig sidekick, all the while raising a family as a single dad. Creators: Everett Peck, Gabor Csupo, Arlene Klasky | 5 more credits Stars:
Find Me Guilty (2006) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 2h 5min | Biography, Comedy, Crime | 17 March 2006 (USA) -- In the late 1980s, a low level gangster named Jackie DiNorscio defends himself in court in what became the longest criminal trial in American judicial history. Director: Sidney Lumet Writers:
F.I.S.T. (1978) ::: 6.5/10 -- F.I.S.T (original title) -- F.I.S.T. Poster A rebellious Cleveland warehouse worker rises through the ranks of a trucking industry union to become union president but his organized crime links cause his eventual downfall. Director: Norman Jewison Writers: Joe Eszterhas (story), Joe Eszterhas (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Friends with Benefits (2011) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 49min | Comedy, Romance | 22 July 2011 (USA) -- A young man and woman decide to take their friendship to the next level without becoming a couple, but soon discover that adding sex only leads to complications. Director: Will Gluck Writers:
Gorky Park (1983) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 2h 8min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 16 December 1983 (USA) -- A Moscow police officer investigates a vicious triple homicide and stumbles upon a high-level international political conspiracy. Director: Michael Apted Writers: Martin Cruz Smith (based upon the novel by), Dennis Potter (screenplay by) Stars:
Hot in Cleveland ::: TV-PG | 30min | Comedy | TV Series (20102015) -- Three 40-something best friends from Los Angeles are flying to Paris when their plane makes an emergency landing in Cleveland. Realizing that all the norms from Los Angeles don't apply anymore, they decide to celebrate a city that values real women and stay where they're still considered hot.
Jimmy's Hall (2014) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 49min | Biography, Drama, History | 30 May 2014 (UK) -- During the Depression, Jimmy Gralton returns home to Ireland after ten years of exile in America. Seeing the levels of poverty and oppression, the activist in him reawakens and he looks to re-open the dance hall that led to his deportation. Director: Ken Loach Writer:
Jumanji: The Next Level (2019) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 3min | Action, Adventure, Comedy | 13 December 2019 (USA) -- In Jumanji: The Next Level, the gang is back but the game has changed. As they return to rescue one of their own, the players will have to brave parts unknown from arid deserts to snowy mountains, to escape the world's most dangerous game. Director: Jake Kasdan Writers:
Kill the Irishman (2011) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 46min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 11 May 2012 (Mexico) -- The true story of Danny Greene, a tough Irish thug working for mobsters in Cleveland during the 1970's. Director: Jonathan Hensleigh Writers: Jonathan Hensleigh (screenplay), Jeremy Walters (screenplay) | 1 more
Koroshiya 1 (2001) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 2h 9min | Action, Comedy, Crime | 22 December 2001 (Japan) -- As sadomasochistic yakuza enforcer Kakihara searches for his missing boss he comes across Ichi, a repressed and psychotic killer who may be able to inflict levels of pain that Kakihara has only dreamed of achieving. Director: Takashi Miike Writers:
Lethal Weapon ::: TV-14 | 44min | Action, Comedy, Crime | TV Series (20162019) -- A slightly unhinged cop is partnered with a veteran detective trying to maintain a low stress level in his life. Creator: Matthew Miller
Made (2001) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 31 August 2001 (USA) -- Two aspiring boxers, lifelong friends, get involved in a money-laundering scheme through a low-level organized crime group. Director: Jon Favreau Writer: Jon Favreau
Made (2001) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 31 August 2001 (USA) -- Two aspiring boxers, lifelong friends, get involved in a money-laundering scheme through a low-level organized crime group.
Major League (1989) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Comedy, Sport | 7 April 1989 (USA) -- The new owner of the Cleveland Indians puts together a purposely horrible team so they'll lose and she can move the team. But when the plot is uncovered, they start winning just to spite her. Director: David S. Ward (as David Ward) Writer:
Miracle Workers ::: TV-14 | 22min | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy | TV Series (2019 ) -- A comedy set in the offices of Heaven Inc. When God plans to destroy the Earth, two low-level angels must convince their boss to save humanity. They bet him they can pull off their most impossible miracle yet: help two humans fall in love. Creator:
Niagara (1953) ::: 7.0/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 32min | Film-Noir, Thriller | February 1953 (USA) -- As two couples are visiting Niagara Falls, tensions between one wife and her husband reach the level of murder. Director: Henry Hathaway Writers: Charles Brackett, Walter Reisch | 1 more credit
Of Mice and Men (1939) ::: 7.9/10 -- Passed | 1h 46min | Adventure, Drama | 12 January 1940 (USA) -- A mentally disabled giant and his level headed guardian find work at a sadistic cowboy's ranch in depression era America. Director: Lewis Milestone Writers: John Steinbeck (by), Eugene Solow (screen play) Stars:
Salvation ::: TV-14 | 43min | Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller | TV Series (20172018) -- An MIT grad student and a tech superstar bring a low-level Pentagon official a staggering discovery--that an asteroid is just six months away from colliding with Earth. Creators:
Scott & Bailey ::: TV-14 | 45min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (20112016) Two female detectives, one motherly, the other emotionally immature, have varying levels of success applying their eccentric outlooks on life to their police cases and private lives. Creators: Sally Wainwright, Diane Taylor Stars:
State of the Union (1948) ::: 7.3/10 -- Approved | 2h 4min | Comedy, Drama | 30 April 1948 (USA) -- An industrialist is urged to run for President, but this requires uncomfortable compromises on both political and marital levels. Director: Frank Capra Writers: Howard Lindsay (play), Russel Crouse (play) | 2 more credits Stars:
The Angry Birds Movie 2 (2019) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG | 1h 37min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 14 August 2019 (USA) -- The flightless birds and scheming green pigs take their feud to the next level. Directors: Thurop Van Orman, John Rice (co-director) Writers: Peter Ackerman (screenplay by), Eyal Podell (screenplay by) | 1 more
The Baby of Mcon (1993) ::: 7.0/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 2min | Drama, History | 17 September 1993 (UK) -- A movie about the corruption in all levels of society. A baby is born from a supposed-to-be virgin woman, so a chain of hysteria about divine intervention in the birth takes place. Director: Peter Greenaway Writer: Peter Greenaway Stars:
The Friends of Eddie Coyle (1973) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Crime, Drama | 27 June 1973 (USA) -- After his last crime has him looking at a long prison sentence for repeat offenses, a low level Boston gangster decides to snitch on his friends to avoid jail time. Director: Peter Yates Writers:
The Last Dragon (1985) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 49min | Action, Comedy, Drama | 22 March 1985 (USA) -- In New York City, a young man searches for a Master to obtain the final level of martial arts mastery known as the Glow. Director: Michael Schultz Writer: Louis Venosta
The Platform (2019) ::: 7.0/10 -- El hoyo (original title) -- The Platform Poster -- A vertical prison with one cell per level. Two people per cell. Only one food platform and two minutes per day to feed. An endless nightmare trapped in The Hole. Director: Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia Writers:
Zindagi Gulzar Hai ::: 42min | Romance | TV Series (20122013) A school teacher was left by her husband with her 3 daughters and marries another women for the sake of getting a male child. The story focuses on gender biasness and the difference between the classes in terms of the affluence level. Stars: Sanam Saeed, Fawad Khan, Samina Peerzada,_the_halogens_(AS)'s_Guide_(Leveling),_Icha_Love_shimasu.'s_Highway_(Level)'s_and_Up,_Jr.'s_Level_Packs,_Hell,_and_Secret_Cow_Levels's_Vengeace_6_-_Posted_by_PortugueseHero_(SMF2_Level_Editor)'s_Level's_Arcane_Remedy_(Level_110_Crate)'s_Caustic_Poison_(Level_100_Crate)'s_Elemental_Remedy_(Level_110_Crate)'s_Essence_of_Health_(Level_100_Crate)'s_Essence_of_Health_(Level_110_Crate)'s_Essence_of_Health_(Level_90_Crate)'s_Essence_of_Health_(Level_95_Crate)'s_Essence_of_Power_(Level_100_Crate)'s_Essence_of_Power_(Level_110_Crate)'s_Essence_of_Power_(Level_90_Crate)'s_Essence_of_Power_(Level_95_Crate)'s_Hemotoxin_(Level_100_Crate)'s_Noxious_Remedy_(Level_110_Crate)'s_Trauma_Remedy_(Level_110_Crate)'s_Vitality_Breach_(Level_100_Crate)'s_Vitality_Breach_(Level_90_Crate)'s_Vitality_Breach_(Level_95_Crate)'Ntasi's_Mantle_(Level_65)'Ntasi's_Mantle_(Level_70)'s_Underground_2:Leave_level_boundries!_GX_Next_Level!_GX_Next_Level_-_Nameless_Rhapsody's_Monstrosity_Level_Guide,_Chant,_Prayer,_Awaken't_Always_Go_Your_Way,_and_Try_Not_to_Laugh's_Footsteps's_Footsteps?'s_Overcome_this_Together's_Sword_-_Lacerate_('s_Guild,_Life,_and_Spirit's_Guide_For_Jumping_The_Levels've_Been_Killing_Slimes_For_300_Years_And_Maxed_Out_My_Level_(Anime),_Shiranai_Uchi_ni_Level_Max_ni_Nattemashita_(Manga),_Shiranai_Uchi_ni_Level_Max_ni_Nattemashita_(Novel)'s_Dungeon's_Souls!_(Part_1)'s_Souls!_(Part_2)'s_Red_Gate_Incident,216's_My_Water?,_Jr.,_level_51),_level_71),_level_14),_level_5),_level_61),_level_71),_level_81)
Accel World -- -- Sunrise -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Game Sci-Fi Romance School -- Accel World Accel World -- Haruyuki Arita is an overweight, bullied middle schooler who finds solace in playing online games. But his life takes a drastic turn one day, when he finds that all his high scores have been topped by Kuroyukihime, the popular vice president of the student council. She then invites him to the student lounge and introduces him to "Brain Burst," a program which allows the users to accelerate their brain waves to the point where time seems to stop. Brain Burst also functions as an augmented reality fighting game, and in order to get more points to accelerate, users must win duels against other players. However, if a user loses all their points, they will also lose access to Brain Burst forever. -- -- Kuroyukihime explains that she chose to show Haruyuki the program because she needs his help. She wants to meet the creator of Brain Burst and uncover the reason of why it was created, but that's easier said than done; to do so, she must defeat the "Six Kings of Pure Color," powerful faction leaders within the game, and reach level 10, the highest level attainable. After the girl helps Haruyuki overcome the bullies that torment him, he vows to help her realize her goal, and so begins the duo's fight to reach the top. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 612,411 7.30
A-Channel+smile -- -- Studio Gokumi -- 2 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy School Seinen Slice of Life -- A-Channel+smile A-Channel+smile -- Following the everyday lives of four high school girls: the flighty Run, the reckless Tooru, the timid Yuuko, and the level-headed Nagi. -- -- Mountain of Pancakes -- Kitou-sensei injures her hand during class and has to deal with it while Tooru brings cat Tansan to school with her to meet Yutaka and Miho. Later, the girls decide to get pancakes at a café where Miho happens to be working, facing trouble when Yutaka shows up out of the blue. -- -- A Picture of a Wish -- Yuuko catches a cold so the others pay her a visit and help look after her. Later, the girls get together for the New Year's shrine visit. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- OVA - Mar 21, 2012 -- 20,185 7.12
Akiba's Trip The Animation -- -- Gonzo -- 13 eps -- Game -- Action Comedy Supernatural Ecchi -- Akiba's Trip The Animation Akiba's Trip The Animation -- Otaku siblings Tamotsu and Niwaka Denkigai are shopping in Akihabara when it is overrun by vampiric cosplaying monsters! These creatures, known as "Bugged Ones," can possess anyone they bite and soon they begin causing mayhem across the city. As Tamotsu finds himself at the mercy of one of these creatures, he is rescued by the mysterious baseball bat-wielding Matome Mayonaka. Together, they fight through several more encounters with the Bugged Ones, but before long, Tamotsu is fatally wounded protecting Matome. With no other choice, she revives him as a high level Bugged One—just like her! -- -- Tamotsu and Matome, along with excitable otaku cosplayer Arisa Ahokainen, make up the group "The Electric Mayonnaise" and they begin dispatching the Bugged Ones in the only way they know how: by ripping off their clothes and exposing them to sunlight! -- -- 116,298 6.54
Akiba's Trip The Animation -- -- Gonzo -- 13 eps -- Game -- Action Comedy Supernatural Ecchi -- Akiba's Trip The Animation Akiba's Trip The Animation -- Otaku siblings Tamotsu and Niwaka Denkigai are shopping in Akihabara when it is overrun by vampiric cosplaying monsters! These creatures, known as "Bugged Ones," can possess anyone they bite and soon they begin causing mayhem across the city. As Tamotsu finds himself at the mercy of one of these creatures, he is rescued by the mysterious baseball bat-wielding Matome Mayonaka. Together, they fight through several more encounters with the Bugged Ones, but before long, Tamotsu is fatally wounded protecting Matome. With no other choice, she revives him as a high level Bugged One—just like her! -- -- Tamotsu and Matome, along with excitable otaku cosplayer Arisa Ahokainen, make up the group "The Electric Mayonnaise" and they begin dispatching the Bugged Ones in the only way they know how: by ripping off their clothes and exposing them to sunlight! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 116,298 6.54
Amagami SS+ Plus -- -- AIC -- 13 eps -- Visual novel -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance School -- Amagami SS+ Plus Amagami SS+ Plus -- In the aftermath of Amagami SS, high school student Junichi Tachibana continues his relationships with the girls at his school. Amagami SS+ Plus offers a glimpse into what happened after the resolution of each girl's individual story. -- -- New events begin to take place between each of the girls and Junichi. Tsukasa Ayatsuji, the class representative, runs for student council president; Rihoko Sakurai, who has taken over the Tea Club with Junichi, still wants to confess her feelings to him; Ai Nanasaki questions the future of her relationship with Junichi when he leaves for college; Kaoru Tanamachi wonders if her relationship with Junichi will ever go any further; Sae Nakata and Junichi deal with classmates who still can't believe that someone so cute is his girlfriend; and Haruka Morishima wants to take their relationship to the next level and get married. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jan 6, 2012 -- 135,953 7.43
Amagami SS+ Plus -- -- AIC -- 13 eps -- Visual novel -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance School -- Amagami SS+ Plus Amagami SS+ Plus -- In the aftermath of Amagami SS, high school student Junichi Tachibana continues his relationships with the girls at his school. Amagami SS+ Plus offers a glimpse into what happened after the resolution of each girl's individual story. -- -- New events begin to take place between each of the girls and Junichi. Tsukasa Ayatsuji, the class representative, runs for student council president; Rihoko Sakurai, who has taken over the Tea Club with Junichi, still wants to confess her feelings to him; Ai Nanasaki questions the future of her relationship with Junichi when he leaves for college; Kaoru Tanamachi wonders if her relationship with Junichi will ever go any further; Sae Nakata and Junichi deal with classmates who still can't believe that someone so cute is his girlfriend; and Haruka Morishima wants to take their relationship to the next level and get married. -- -- TV - Jan 6, 2012 -- 135,953 7.43
Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova -- -- SANZIGEN -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Seinen -- Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova -- In the year 2039, the drastic effects of global warming have caused sea levels to rise, resulting in major loss of land. To ensure humanity learns its lesson, a fleet of powerful warships equipped with advanced weaponry emerges, causing overwhelming defeat for naval forces throughout the world. Calling themselves the Fleet of Fog, each ship has a "Mental Model," a humanoid avatar which represents the ship's heart, its "Union Core." Each model has a different personality but all follow an unknown authority known as the Admiralty Code, who have implemented a blockade to prevent humans from traveling across the sea. -- -- Seventeen years after the blockade, Gunzou Chihaya, a National Marine Academy alumnus, stumbles upon I-401 and its Mental Model, Iona, who sides with mankind for unknown reasons. Utilizing this newfound hope of achieving peace for humanity, Gunzou and his friends form a group of privateers, known as the Blue Steel, as they set out on a dangerous journey. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Discotek Media -- 133,603 7.39
Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova DC -- -- SANZIGEN -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Seinen -- Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova DC Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova DC -- Recap of the Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova TV series, with approximately 40 minutes of new material. -- -- By 2039, global warming had caused sea levels to rise and large amount of territory to be lost. As though in response, a mysterious group of warships clad in mist, "the Fleet of Mist," appeared in every corner of the ocean, and began attacking human ships. In spite of humanity mustering all their strength, they were utterly defeated by the Mist's overwhelming force. All of humanity's trade routes were blockaded by the Fleet of Mist, their political economy was destroyed, and the human race was steadily beaten down. Seven years later, the Fleet of Mist's submarine I-401 appears before cadet Gunzo Chihaya. The humanoid life form that pilots the sub, who should be their enemy, is instead offering her services to mankind. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Jan 31, 2015 -- 23,000 7.44
Baby Steps 2nd Season -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Sports Romance School Shounen -- Baby Steps 2nd Season Baby Steps 2nd Season -- After having decided to play tennis at the professional level, Eiichirou Maruo now needs to convince his parents to support his decision. To do so, he makes a wager: if he cannot win the All-Japan Junior Tennis Tournament, he will give up on his dream. However, he will need to improve his skills quickly if he wants to qualify for the tournament and have any chance of defeating the best players in the country. For this reason, his new coach Ryuuhei Aoi suggests that Eiichirou travel abroad to train at the Florida Tennis Academy. -- -- Baby Steps 2nd Season takes the action to America as Eiichirou begins his two-week training program, getting a taste of what tennis is like outside of Japan. With this exciting experience awaiting him, Eiichirou hopes that his training will get him closer to his goal of becoming a professional player. -- -- 77,606 8.05
Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Romance School Super Power -- Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu -- Fumizuki Academy isn't a typical Japanese high school. This unique institution has implemented a new and innovative system to sort its students. At the end of their freshman year, students take a test that divides up the student body. The highest scorers are placed into A class, all the way down until F class, for the lowest of the low. -- -- Unfortunately for Akihisa Yoshii, his supposedly "great" intellect wasn't quite enough for such a test, and he's now stuck at the bottom of F class. Naturally, F class has the worst facilities: not only rotten tatami mats and broken tables, but also outdated equipment and worn out furniture. On the bright side, his friend Yuuji Sakamoto is in the same class, and to everyone's surprise, the genius girl Mizuki Himeji has also ended up in the same class due to an unforeseen fever on the day of the test. -- -- Unsatisfied with their perquisites, F class rallies behind Yuuji, determined to take on the higher-tiered classes in order to seize their perks by using the school's Examinations Summon Battle system. The participants can summon fantasy characters—whose power levels are equal to their student's test scores—in an all-out battle. Will F class be able to rise to the top, or will they live up to everyone's expectations and fail? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 542,160 7.58
Blame! -- -- Group TAC -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Mecha -- Blame! Blame! -- The story takes place in a city where it's said that has thousands of levels. -- -- In a shutdown area, thousands of levels overlap each other, you couldn't tell the sky from the ground and you couldn't tell which way is up or which way is down. Maybe the original purpose of this story is to unravel the mysteries bound in this time and world. For the humans who found this vast rare multi-level city, the mysterious main character "Kirii" wanders to search for the "Net Terminal Genes" that were not infected. Kirii's burden and his search for the "Net Terminal Genes" is a goal like no other and is very much the mystery of this story. Log1~Log6 contains the story of Cibo that wasn't done in the original works. The Cibo who strayed away with Kirii and wanders about. A disc thrown away in the rubble. Cibo starts downloading. Just who's "Memory" will he end up with? -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Note: These clips are meant as a bonus to the manga, and should only be taken as such. Do not expect any plot in these. They are merely animated (short) scenes from the manga. -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- ONA - Oct 24, 2003 -- 26,099 5.97
Blame! Movie -- -- Polygon Pictures -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Psychological Drama Mecha Seinen -- Blame! Movie Blame! Movie -- A young girl named Zuru sets out on an expedition through a post-apocalyptic city controlled by machines in a desperate hunt for food. Things go awry when her team accidently triggers the city's AI defense program called the Safeguard. Attacked by the machines, her companions are on the verge of being annihilated when a mysterious man named Killy arrives and exterminates the hostile units. -- -- Despite his heroic intervention, Zuru is hesitant to trust Killy and questions his motives. He reveals to have come from thousands of levels below the city in order to find humans possessing the Net Terminal Genes—a trait that would allow humans to regain control of their civilization and shut down the Safeguard. After hearing his story, Zuru and the rest of her team join Killy and embark on a journey in search of the Genes that could prove to be mankind's last hope of survival. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Movie - May 20, 2017 -- 83,997 7.11
Blame! Movie -- -- Polygon Pictures -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Psychological Drama Mecha Seinen -- Blame! Movie Blame! Movie -- A young girl named Zuru sets out on an expedition through a post-apocalyptic city controlled by machines in a desperate hunt for food. Things go awry when her team accidently triggers the city's AI defense program called the Safeguard. Attacked by the machines, her companions are on the verge of being annihilated when a mysterious man named Killy arrives and exterminates the hostile units. -- -- Despite his heroic intervention, Zuru is hesitant to trust Killy and questions his motives. He reveals to have come from thousands of levels below the city in order to find humans possessing the Net Terminal Genes—a trait that would allow humans to regain control of their civilization and shut down the Safeguard. After hearing his story, Zuru and the rest of her team join Killy and embark on a journey in search of the Genes that could prove to be mankind's last hope of survival. -- -- Movie - May 20, 2017 -- 83,997 7.11
Blame! Prologue -- -- Production I.G -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Mecha Sci-Fi -- Blame! Prologue Blame! Prologue -- Based on the manga Blame! by Nihei Tsutomu, serialised in Monthly Afternoon. -- -- In a city that is said to have thousands of levels, making it impossible to tell the sky from the ground, the mysterious Killy wanders the bizarre and foreboding levels of this mega-structure, where the boundaries between machine and living organism have been obscured. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - Sep 7, 2007 -- 8,844 5.46
Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 -- -- AIC -- 26 eps -- Original -- Adventure Mecha Sci-Fi Shounen -- Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 -- After a mysterious eathquake levels Tokyo, Genom becomes a powerful influence providing their artificial organic lifeforms called Boomers to rebuild and act as a labor class to humanity. However, some of them ocasionally run amok, and even the specially created AD Police are at a loss to stop them. Lina Yamazaki travels to Tokyo for employment but also hopes to join a vigilante force called the Knight Sabers, who pilot powered suits to destroy these rogue Boomers. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- 31,326 7.10
Canvas 2: Niji-iro no Sketch -- -- Zexcs -- 24 eps -- Visual novel -- Comedy Drama Romance Slice of Life -- Canvas 2: Niji-iro no Sketch Canvas 2: Niji-iro no Sketch -- Kamikura Hiroki is an art student at the local school Nadesico Academy (High School and college level) whom intends to be an art teacher in the future. He is also the advisor to the high school arts society where his cousin, Housen Elis, attends. While Elis is a painter like Hiroki, Hiroki seems to have given up on his dreams and no longer paints. There appears to be some mysterious trauma in the both of their pasts which may have changed them. Meanwhile, the high school hires a new PE teacher, Kikyo Kiri. On the first day, she bumps into Hiroki and is stunned. Here is the boy she confessed to and he refused her... -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Oct 2, 2005 -- 24,663 6.77
Choukou Tenshi Escalayer -- -- - -- 3 eps -- Visual novel -- Demons Hentai Sci-Fi Super Power -- Choukou Tenshi Escalayer Choukou Tenshi Escalayer -- Sayuka Kouenji, is the Escalayer, guardian of the Earth against the dark forces of the Dielast. By her side is the android Madoka, and it is Madoka's job to track and recharge the source of Sayuka's power, the Doki Doki Dynamo. Located within Sayuka's body, the Doki Doki Dynamo can only be recharged when Sayuka experiences a high level of sexual arousal which, until recently, Madoka has been able to provide her. With unacceptably low energy levels facing them, Madoka brings in the assistance of Kyohei Yanase, a boy from Sayuka's school. Kyohei once harboured a crush for Sayuka, and his sexual prowess could not have come sooner. For now arrayed against these three defenders of the Earth is the Dielast version of the escalayer, the FM77, who is ruthless in combat, and brimming with violent desire. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Kitty Media, Media Blasters -- OVA - Sep 27, 2002 -- 9,733 6.53
Coppelion -- -- GoHands -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Seinen -- Coppelion Coppelion -- In 2016, a meltdown of a nuclear power plant creates a big catastrophe in Tokyo. 20 years later, the city has become a ghost town due to the high levels of radiation. From that area a distress signal is received. The Self Defense forces dispatch three girls from the special unit Coppelion to search for survivors. But why aren't they wearing any protection against radiation? -- -- (Source: MU, edited) -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- TV - Oct 2, 2013 -- 107,782 6.48
Coppelion -- -- GoHands -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Seinen -- Coppelion Coppelion -- In 2016, a meltdown of a nuclear power plant creates a big catastrophe in Tokyo. 20 years later, the city has become a ghost town due to the high levels of radiation. From that area a distress signal is received. The Self Defense forces dispatch three girls from the special unit Coppelion to search for survivors. But why aren't they wearing any protection against radiation? -- -- (Source: MU, edited) -- TV - Oct 2, 2013 -- 107,782 6.48
Danganronpa 3: The End of Kibougamine Gakuen - Mirai-hen -- -- Lerche -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Mystery Horror Psychological -- Danganronpa 3: The End of Kibougamine Gakuen - Mirai-hen Danganronpa 3: The End of Kibougamine Gakuen - Mirai-hen -- After Makoto Naegi and his fellow survivors escaped Hope's Peak Academy to the world beyond, they soon join the Future Foundation, an organization dedicated to combating despair. Just when all seems to be looking up, Naegi is arrested and tried for betrayal due to defending a malicious group of Remnants of Despair. Standing before all of the Future Foundation executives, he finds himself, along with Kyouko Kirigiri and Aoi Asahina, facing an unknown fate. -- -- The matter at hand only escalates when the organization's supposedly impenetrable security is hacked into by a -- familiar face: Monokuma. Much to Naegi's horror, the mechanical bear immediately announces the beginning of a new killing game, as moments later, the first victim appears as a signal for despair to resume its brutal conquest. -- -- In the conclusion to Danganronpa's gripping tale of hope and despair, Naegi, the Super High School-Level Lucky Student, must once again unravel the mystery as his colleagues and friends begin falling around him. However, there are no more class trials; among the 16 desperate participants, there is only one killer—and their death means the end of this infernal game. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 269,450 7.33
Danganronpa 3: The End of Kibougamine Gakuen - Zetsubou-hen -- -- Lerche -- 11 eps -- Game -- Action Mystery Horror Psychological School -- Danganronpa 3: The End of Kibougamine Gakuen - Zetsubou-hen Danganronpa 3: The End of Kibougamine Gakuen - Zetsubou-hen -- Hope's Peak Academy's unconventional class 77-B is about to have an even more eccentric addition: Chisa Yukizome, an alumna with the title of Super High School-Level Housekeeper—and their new homeroom teacher. Cheerful, passionate, and capable, Chisa immediately sets about correcting the students' problematic behavior and strengthening their relationships. It may not be easy dealing with diverse pupils ranging from princesses and nurses to yakuza and impossibly lucky students, but anything is possible with the power of hope. -- -- Meanwhile, Hajime Hinata, an unremarkable boy from the school's Reserve Course, longs for a talent. One day, he has an unexpected meeting with class 77-B's Super High School-Level Gamer Chiaki Nanami, who presents to him a new, hope-filled outlook on life. However, unbeknownst to him, the school's upper echelon is about to execute a sinister project centered around Hajime that will bring Hope's Peak—and the rest of the world—to its knees. -- -- Zetsubou-hen chronicles the daily lives carried out at the talent-cultivating academy, and the darkness that lurks beneath. As despair slowly infects hope, plans are put into motion to start the Biggest, Most Awful, Most Tragic Event in Human History, and the end begins. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 239,647 7.47
Danganronpa: Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei The Animation -- -- Lerche -- 13 eps -- Game -- Mystery Horror Psychological School -- Danganronpa: Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei The Animation Danganronpa: Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei The Animation -- Hope's Peak Academy is an elite high school that accepts only the most talented students. Individuals who successfully enroll receive their own unique titles, suitably reflective of their skills and traits. Of the fifteen candidates admitted to the peculiar school that year, Makoto Naegi is a completely ordinary individual who has been accepted by sheer chance, with the title of "Super High School-Level Luck." -- -- Naegi and his fellow classmates are initially ecstatic to be chosen to study at this prestigious institution, but these feelings of happiness are short-lived. They are soon confronted by Monokuma, the principal and resident bear, who traps them inside the school. The pupils' hopes of escape and graduation hinge on one of them successfully murdering one of their peers without being discovered. However, if the killer is caught, he or she will be executed, and the remaining survivors will be left to continue the deathmatch until only a single victor remains. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 724,543 7.27
Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyousoukyoku -- -- Connect, SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Fantasy Harem -- Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyousoukyoku Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyousoukyoku -- Ichirou Suzuki, a programmer nearing his thirties, is drowning in work. Worn out, he eventually has a chance to catch up on sleep, only to wake up and discover himself in a fantasy RPG world, which is mashed together from the games he was debugging in reality. In this new place, he realizes that not only has his appearance changed to a younger version of himself, but his name has also changed to Satou, a nickname he used while running beta tests on games. -- -- However, before Satou can fully grasp his situation, an army of lizardmen launch an assault on him. Forced to cast a powerful spell in retaliation, Satou wipes them out completely and his level is boosted to 310, effectively maximizing his stats. Now, as a high-leveled adventurer armed with a plethora of skills and no way to return to reality, Satou sets out to explore this magical new world. -- -- 350,234 6.51
Diamond no Ace -- -- Madhouse, Production I.G -- 75 eps -- Manga -- Comedy School Shounen Sports -- Diamond no Ace Diamond no Ace -- With a stray pitch that completely missed the batter, Eijun Sawamura loses his final middle school baseball game. Frustrated by this defeat, Eijun and his teammates vow to reach the national tournament once they are in high school. But everything changes when a scout unexpectedly invites him to Tokyo's prestigious Seidou High School after seeing the potential in his unusual pitching style. Encouraged by his teammates, Eijun accepts the offer, ready to improve his skills and play at a much more competitive level of baseball. -- -- However, now surrounded by a large number of skilled players, Eijun struggles to find his place on the team. He declares that he will one day become the team's ace, but that's only if fellow first year Satoru Furuya doesn't take the title first, with his breakneck fastballs that earn him a coveted spot on the starting roster. With the addition of these talented new players to an already powerful lineup, the Seidou baseball team aims to become the best in Japan, facing off against a number of formidable foes that stand in their way. -- -- 188,213 8.11
Dogs: Bullets & Carnage -- -- David Production -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Action Seinen -- Dogs: Bullets & Carnage Dogs: Bullets & Carnage -- It is sometime in the future, where a certain European city extends far underground, even secret, dark levels that have the key to the past. Ex-assassin Mihai has returned and is living with Kiri, who now runs a restaurant. Sword-wielding Naoto, Haine (white hair), a mysterious product of genetic engineering and his sometime partner Badou (eyepatch). -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - May 19, 2009 -- 56,156 7.34
Dokyuu Hentai HxEros -- -- Project No.9 -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Ecchi School Shounen Supernatural -- Dokyuu Hentai HxEros Dokyuu Hentai HxEros -- Five years ago, alien beings known as the "Kiseichuu'' invaded the world. With the species endangered, the Kiseichuu are determined to take over Earth through a deadly plan that would gradually wipe out the human race: take away humanity's sexual drive using various methods, letting them die out. In response to the Kiseichuus' scheme, the HxEros device was developed—a powerful weapon that only those with high levels of erotic energy can utilize at its maximum capacity. -- -- Retto Enjou, a high schooler harboring an immense hatred toward the Kiseichuu, joins a group of HxEros users to fight against them and protect humankind. With their gear reliant on erotic energy as a source of power, the team must work together to maintain high levels of libido to ensure their readiness for combat at any given time. Moreover, as he lives in a house full of lustful girls, Enjou should not expect a shortage of power anytime soon. -- -- 85,308 5.73
Dokyuu Hentai HxEros -- -- Project No.9 -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Ecchi School Shounen Supernatural -- Dokyuu Hentai HxEros Dokyuu Hentai HxEros -- Five years ago, alien beings known as the "Kiseichuu'' invaded the world. With the species endangered, the Kiseichuu are determined to take over Earth through a deadly plan that would gradually wipe out the human race: take away humanity's sexual drive using various methods, letting them die out. In response to the Kiseichuus' scheme, the HxEros device was developed—a powerful weapon that only those with high levels of erotic energy can utilize at its maximum capacity. -- -- Retto Enjou, a high schooler harboring an immense hatred toward the Kiseichuu, joins a group of HxEros users to fight against them and protect humankind. With their gear reliant on erotic energy as a source of power, the team must work together to maintain high levels of libido to ensure their readiness for combat at any given time. Moreover, as he lives in a house full of lustful girls, Enjou should not expect a shortage of power anytime soon. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 85,308 5.73
Dragon, Ie wo Kau. -- -- Signal.MD -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon, Ie wo Kau. Dragon, Ie wo Kau. -- When a dragon fails to live up to the fearsome standards set for him, his family kicks him out. He embarks on a quest to find a new home, but soon finds that life on the road is no place for a cowardly beast of legend. In a fantasy world full of elves, dwarves, and other mythical creatures, where everyone wants a piece of him—literally!—the frustrations of house-hunting reach a whole new level. -- -- (Source: Seven Seas Entertainment) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 26,266 5.90
Druaga no Tou: The Aegis of Uruk -- -- Gonzo -- 12 eps -- Game -- Adventure Comedy Fantasy -- Druaga no Tou: The Aegis of Uruk Druaga no Tou: The Aegis of Uruk -- It is said that every few years, there is what's known as the "Summer of Anu." During that summer, thanks to the divine protection of the sky-god Anu, all of the demons in the tower lose their power. The country of Uruk has begun an invasion of the tower in order to suppress the demons. They've built up positions inside the tower, with their sights set on getting to the upper levels. The Uruk army knows that this is the third Summer of Anu-a perfect time to launch a mission to suppress the monster Druaga once and for all. The army soldiers aren't the only ones in the tower, though. An enitre city called Meskia has formed inside the tower's first floor. It plays host not just to soldiers, but also to adventurers who have heard rumors about a legendary treasure called the Blue Crystal Rod, which is said to rest at the very top of the tower. With all these different groups in the mix, each with its own agenda, one can only guess how things will play out during this unusual summer. -- -- (Source: Newtype Magazine) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 5, 2008 -- 105,591 7.18
Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka II -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Comedy Romance Fantasy -- Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka II Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka II -- It is business as usual in the massive city of Orario, where legions of adventurers gather to explore the monster-infested "Dungeon." Among them is the easily flustered yet brave Bell Cranel, the sole member of the Hestia Familia. With the help of his demi-human supporter Liliruca Arde and competent blacksmith Welf Crozzo, Bell has earned the title of Little Rookie by becoming Orario's fastest-growing adventurer thanks to his endeavors within the deeper levels of the Dungeon. -- -- Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka II continues Bell's adventures as he tries to bring glory to his goddess and protect those he cares about. However, various familias and gods across the city begin to take notice of his achievements and attempt to add him to their ranks. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 537,542 7.23
Eve no Jikan (Movie) -- -- Studio Rikka -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Slice of Life -- Eve no Jikan (Movie) Eve no Jikan (Movie) -- In the Japan of the future, employing androids for various purposes is nothing out of the ordinary. However, treating androids on the same level as humans is frowned upon, and there is constant paranoia surrounding the possibility of robots defying humans, their masters. Those who appear too trustworthy of their androids are chided and labeled "dori-kei," or "android-holics." -- -- High school student Rikuo Sakisaka notices when his house droid, Sammy, starts behaving curiously—she has been leaving the house without his instruction. When he inspects the movement logs in her database, a cryptic line grabs his attention: "Are you enjoying the time of EVE?" Accompanied by his friend Masakazu Masaki, Rikuo tracks the whereabouts of his houseroid to a cafe called Time of Eve, where it is forbidden for customers to display prejudice against one another. The cafe, Rikuo realizes, is frequented by both man and machine, with no evidence to tell either apart. -- -- Each customer—from the cheerful Akiko, to a robot dangerously close to breaking down—has their own story and challenges to overcome. While Rikuo tries to reveal Sammy's intentions, he begins to question the legitimacy of the fear that drives humans to regard androids as nothing more than mere tools. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NYAV Post, Pied Piper -- Movie - Mar 6, 2010 -- 108,248 8.04
Eve no Jikan (Movie) -- -- Studio Rikka -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Slice of Life -- Eve no Jikan (Movie) Eve no Jikan (Movie) -- In the Japan of the future, employing androids for various purposes is nothing out of the ordinary. However, treating androids on the same level as humans is frowned upon, and there is constant paranoia surrounding the possibility of robots defying humans, their masters. Those who appear too trustworthy of their androids are chided and labeled "dori-kei," or "android-holics." -- -- High school student Rikuo Sakisaka notices when his house droid, Sammy, starts behaving curiously—she has been leaving the house without his instruction. When he inspects the movement logs in her database, a cryptic line grabs his attention: "Are you enjoying the time of EVE?" Accompanied by his friend Masakazu Masaki, Rikuo tracks the whereabouts of his houseroid to a cafe called Time of Eve, where it is forbidden for customers to display prejudice against one another. The cafe, Rikuo realizes, is frequented by both man and machine, with no evidence to tell either apart. -- -- Each customer—from the cheerful Akiko, to a robot dangerously close to breaking down—has their own story and challenges to overcome. While Rikuo tries to reveal Sammy's intentions, he begins to question the legitimacy of the fear that drives humans to regard androids as nothing more than mere tools. -- -- Movie - Mar 6, 2010 -- 108,248 8.04
Fate/Extra: Last Encore - Illustrias Tendousetsu -- -- Shaft -- 3 eps -- Game -- Action Fantasy Magic -- Fate/Extra: Last Encore - Illustrias Tendousetsu Fate/Extra: Last Encore - Illustrias Tendousetsu -- After defeating the various Floor Masters of the six prior levels, Hakuno Kishinami and Saber arrive at the top floor of the Moon Cell. Their opponent will be Leonardo B. Harwey—the strongest Master in the history of the Holy Grail War and the current fan favorite, following his previous victory. -- -- As they reach a field of flowers among floating isles, Hakuno, Saber, and Rin Toosaka come across a hooded man tending to the blossoms. Saber immediately draws her blade before the cloaked figure, who reveals himself as Prince Gawain: the Platinum Saber and Knight of the Round Table. However, when Gawain insists that he has no interest in fighting, the four discuss the infinite possibilities for the Holy Grail, with Hakuno determined to return the Moon Cell to its original form. -- -- Their discussion ends with a clangor from afar, ringing through the skies. The threadbare Gawain, knowing its significance, informs the three that not much time remains for their lives. He beckons them towards the final battleground, where the two Sabers shall duel once more to determine the future of mankind. -- -- TV - Jul 29, 2018 -- 48,706 6.54
Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot 2 - Paladin; Agateram -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot 2 - Paladin; Agateram Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot 2 - Paladin; Agateram -- Part two of Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot - Wandering; Agateram; an adaptation of the the Sixth Holy Grail War, The Sacred Round Table Realm Camelot Singularity of Fate/Grand Order. -- -- (Source: TYPE-MOON Wiki) -- Movie - May 8, 2021 -- 29,606 N/A -- -- .hack//G.U. Trilogy -- -- CyberConnect2 -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Fantasy Game Sci-Fi -- .hack//G.U. Trilogy .hack//G.U. Trilogy -- Based on the CyberConnect2 HIT GAME, now will be released in a CG Movie! -- -- The Movie will be placed in the storyline of each .hack//G.U. games trilogy. The story follows Haseo, a player in the online MMORPG called The World:R2 at first depicted as a PKK (Player Killer Killer) known as the "Terror of Death", a former member of the disbanded Twilight Brigade guild. Haseo encounters Azure Kite (believing him to be Tri-Edge and blaming him for what happened to Shino) but is hopelessly outmatched. Azure Kite easily defeats Haseo and Data Drains him, reducing his level from 133 to 1 and leaving him without any items, weapons, or member addresses. He is left with a mystery on his hands as to the nature of the Data Drain and why Azure Kite is in possession of such a skill. -- -- Eventually Haseo gains the "Avatar" of Skeith. Acquiring the ability to call Skeith and wield his abilities, such as Data Drain. With Skeith as his strength, Haseo begins the quest for a way to save Shino. -- -- He is seen seeking out a PK (Player Killer) known as Tri-Edge, whose victims supposedly are unable to return to The World after he PKs them. Haseo's friend, Shino, was attacked six months prior to the events of the game by Tri-Edge, and the player herself, Shino Nanao, was left in a coma. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- Movie - Mar 25, 2008 -- 29,585 7.13
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya: Undoukai de Dance! -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy Magic Fantasy -- Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya: Undoukai de Dance! Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya: Undoukai de Dance! -- Tatsuko of class 5-1 is really excited about the upcoming school sports festival, her proposal for a new "Eel Scooping" event is less than enthusiastically received though, especially by Suzuka. Illya mentions the main event dance to Miyu, and as teacher Taiga Fujimura points out, it entails a huge reward, but will require quite a bit of practice. -- -- And so the close friends: sarcastic Nanaki, level-headed Suzuka, excitable Tatsuko, energetic Illya, shy Mimi, and reserved but athletic Miyu are off to win the dance event for the honour of their class and for Fujimura, who seems to have some saucy bet going on that she most definitely needs to win, or so the girls misunderstand. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- OVA - Mar 10, 2014 -- 43,046 6.72
Free!: Dive to the Future -- -- Animation Do, Kyoto Animation -- 12 eps -- Original -- Comedy Drama School Slice of Life Sports -- Free!: Dive to the Future Free!: Dive to the Future -- With the seniors having graduated from high school, the determined swimmers eagerly take on their futures with a dream to fulfill. -- -- Now attending Hidaka University in Tokyo, Haruka Nanase unexpectedly runs into Shiina Asahi, an old teammate and friend from his middle school days. Consequently, the troubling memories regarding his middle school swim team resurface, as it was a time when Haruka's views on swimming became negative and led him to quit the team. Haruka later reconnects with his other middle school classmates; all except for Ikuya Kirishima, who still resents Haruka for quitting the team, resulting in its disbandment. Aware of the issues between them, Haruka resolves to improve his friendship with Ikuya. However, he quickly realizes that making amends with an old friend isn't his only obstacle. -- -- Facing the reality and challenges of encountering higher calibre swimmers, Haruka must work hard to establish himself if he dreams of competing on an international level. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 123,137 7.58
GA: Geijutsuka Art Design Class -- -- AIC PLUS+ -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School Seinen -- GA: Geijutsuka Art Design Class GA: Geijutsuka Art Design Class -- The Ayanoi High School features the Geijutsuka Art Design Class (GA) that focuses on the arts. Five close friends — the energetic "hime"-prankster Noda Miki; the level-headed, cynical Nozaki Namiko; the intelligent, observant, and kind Oomichi Miyabi; the lively and mischievous tomboy Tomokane; and the curious, innocent, glasses-wearing Yamaguchi Kisaragi — attend this class with great enthusiasm, learning about the many art techniques. Every day seems to pose a new and interesting challenge, be it struggling with the latest assignment or when dealing with the daily strangeness of school life. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- TV - Jul 7, 2009 -- 17,651 7.14
.hack//G.U. Trilogy -- -- CyberConnect2 -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Fantasy Game Sci-Fi -- .hack//G.U. Trilogy .hack//G.U. Trilogy -- Based on the CyberConnect2 HIT GAME, now will be released in a CG Movie! -- -- The Movie will be placed in the storyline of each .hack//G.U. games trilogy. The story follows Haseo, a player in the online MMORPG called The World:R2 at first depicted as a PKK (Player Killer Killer) known as the "Terror of Death", a former member of the disbanded Twilight Brigade guild. Haseo encounters Azure Kite (believing him to be Tri-Edge and blaming him for what happened to Shino) but is hopelessly outmatched. Azure Kite easily defeats Haseo and Data Drains him, reducing his level from 133 to 1 and leaving him without any items, weapons, or member addresses. He is left with a mystery on his hands as to the nature of the Data Drain and why Azure Kite is in possession of such a skill. -- -- Eventually Haseo gains the "Avatar" of Skeith. Acquiring the ability to call Skeith and wield his abilities, such as Data Drain. With Skeith as his strength, Haseo begins the quest for a way to save Shino. -- -- He is seen seeking out a PK (Player Killer) known as Tri-Edge, whose victims supposedly are unable to return to The World after he PKs them. Haseo's friend, Shino, was attacked six months prior to the events of the game by Tri-Edge, and the player herself, Shino Nanao, was left in a coma. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- Movie - Mar 25, 2008 -- 29,585 7.13
Haikyuu!!: Riku vs. Kuu -- -- Production I.G -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Sports Drama School Shounen -- Haikyuu!!: Riku vs. Kuu Haikyuu!!: Riku vs. Kuu -- An intense battle rages on at the Tokyo Qualifiers for the three remaining spots in the national volleyball competition. Nekoma High School, Fukurodani High School, Nohebi Academy, and Itachiyama Academy all passionately strive to participate in the tournament. Despite various issues on the court, Nekoma especially wishes to prove they are worthy of moving on to the national level. -- -- As the teams aim to secure their place by overcoming both their opponents and their own weaknesses, the Tokyo Qualifiers determine which teams will reign victorious and join the national competition. -- -- OVA - Jan 22, 2020 -- 175,515 7.81
Haikyuu!! Second Season -- -- Production I.G -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Sports Drama School Shounen -- Haikyuu!! Second Season Haikyuu!! Second Season -- Following their participation at the Inter-High, the Karasuno High School volleyball team attempts to refocus their efforts, aiming to conquer the Spring tournament instead. -- -- When they receive an invitation from long-standing rival Nekoma High, Karasuno agrees to take part in a large training camp alongside many notable volleyball teams in Tokyo and even some national level players. By playing with some of the toughest teams in Japan, they hope not only to sharpen their skills, but also come up with new attacks that would strengthen them. Moreover, Hinata and Kageyama attempt to devise a more powerful weapon, one that could possibly break the sturdiest of blocks. -- -- Facing what may be their last chance at victory before the senior players graduate, the members of Karasuno's volleyball team must learn to settle their differences and train harder than ever if they hope to overcome formidable opponents old and new—including their archrival Aoba Jousai and its world-class setter Tooru Oikawa. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 954,913 8.70
Hoozuki no Reitetsu -- -- Wit Studio -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Demons Supernatural Fantasy Seinen -- Hoozuki no Reitetsu Hoozuki no Reitetsu -- Hell is a bureaucracy, and business is running smoother than ever thanks to the demonic efficiency of Hoozuki, chief deputy to Lord Enma, the King of Hell. Whether offering counsel to the Momotarou of Japanese folklore or receiving diplomatic missions from the Judeo-Christian Hell, the demon who runs the show from behind the king's imposing shadow is ready to beat down any challenges coming his way into a bloody pulp. Metaphorically, of course... -- -- The poster boy for micromanagement and armed with negotiation skills worthy of Wall Street, Hoozuki no Reitetsu follows the sadistic and level-headed Hoozuki as he spends his days troubleshooting hell. With an abundance of familiar faces from popular Japanese legends and East Asian mythology working middle management positions, this referential and anachronistic dark comedy brings new meaning to the phrase "employer liability." Just how hard could it be to manage employees from hell, anyway? -- -- 107,557 7.79
Hoozuki no Reitetsu -- -- Wit Studio -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Demons Supernatural Fantasy Seinen -- Hoozuki no Reitetsu Hoozuki no Reitetsu -- Hell is a bureaucracy, and business is running smoother than ever thanks to the demonic efficiency of Hoozuki, chief deputy to Lord Enma, the King of Hell. Whether offering counsel to the Momotarou of Japanese folklore or receiving diplomatic missions from the Judeo-Christian Hell, the demon who runs the show from behind the king's imposing shadow is ready to beat down any challenges coming his way into a bloody pulp. Metaphorically, of course... -- -- The poster boy for micromanagement and armed with negotiation skills worthy of Wall Street, Hoozuki no Reitetsu follows the sadistic and level-headed Hoozuki as he spends his days troubleshooting hell. With an abundance of familiar faces from popular Japanese legends and East Asian mythology working middle management positions, this referential and anachronistic dark comedy brings new meaning to the phrase "employer liability." Just how hard could it be to manage employees from hell, anyway? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 107,557 7.79
Hundred -- -- Production IMS -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Sci-Fi Harem Romance Ecchi Mecha School -- Hundred Hundred -- When an extraterrestrial organism known as "Savage" attacks mankind, the only technology capable of combating the enemy is a weapon known as “Hundred.” A survivor of a Savage attack, Hayato Kisaragi is a teenager boasting the highest compatibility level with the aforementioned technology and as a result, is invited to master his skills at Little Garden, a prestigious military academy aboard a battleship. -- -- Over the course of his intense training for the battle ahead, he immediately attracts the interest of multiple female peers and gets drawn into a number of incidents as he tries to fight against the creatures that now inhabit Earth and threaten its safety. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 284,732 6.35
Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu -- -- Ajia-Do -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Ecchi Fantasy Harem Magic -- Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu -- When it comes to the fantasy MMORPG Cross Reverie, none can match the power of the Demon King Diablo. Possessing the game's rarest artifacts and an unrivaled player level, he overpowers all foolish enough to confront him. But despite his fearsome reputation, Diablo's true identity is Takuma Sakamoto, a shut-in gamer devoid of any social skills. Defeating hopeless challengers day by day, Takuma cares about nothing else but his virtual life—that is, until a summoning spell suddenly transports him to another world where he has Diablo's appearance! -- -- In this new world resembling his favorite game, Takuma is greeted by the two girls who summoned him: Rem Galeu, a petite Pantherian adventurer, and Shera L. Greenwood, a busty Elf summoner. They perform an Enslavement Ritual in an attempt to subjugate him, but the spell backfires and causes them to become his slaves instead. With the situation now becoming more awkward than ever, Takuma decides to accompany the girls in finding a way to unbind their contract while learning to adapt to his new existence as the menacing Demon King. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 470,797 6.95
Itai no wa Iya nano de Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu. -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Game Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Fantasy -- Itai no wa Iya nano de Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu. Itai no wa Iya nano de Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu. -- After an enthusiastic invitation from her friend, Kaede Honjou reluctantly agrees to try New World Online: a very popular VRMMO played by thousands of people across Japan. Naming her in-game character Maple, she sets out on her journey. As a complete novice to such games, she allocates all of her stat points into vitality, desiring to not get hurt. With not a single point in any other stat, Maple has extraordinarily high defense, but she can't move quickly or hit hard. -- -- This doesn't end badly for her, however. Due to her high defense, Maple acquires overpowered skills such as Total Defense, Poison Immunity, and Devour. These skills, along with the incredibly powerful items she obtains, allow her to obliterate most enemies in a single hit. After only a few days of playing the game, Maple claims third place in a server-wide event, gaining a reputation as a player who is both unkillable and absurdly powerful. -- -- Despite her overpowered character, Kaede has much to learn. As she progresses through the game, she meets new friends and acquaintances, helping her complete new levels and events. Through all of her adventures, she may even pick up some other crazy skills that exceed all expectations. -- -- 302,524 7.57
Itai no wa Iya nano de Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu. -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Game Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Fantasy -- Itai no wa Iya nano de Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu. Itai no wa Iya nano de Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu. -- After an enthusiastic invitation from her friend, Kaede Honjou reluctantly agrees to try New World Online: a very popular VRMMO played by thousands of people across Japan. Naming her in-game character Maple, she sets out on her journey. As a complete novice to such games, she allocates all of her stat points into vitality, desiring to not get hurt. With not a single point in any other stat, Maple has extraordinarily high defense, but she can't move quickly or hit hard. -- -- This doesn't end badly for her, however. Due to her high defense, Maple acquires overpowered skills such as Total Defense, Poison Immunity, and Devour. These skills, along with the incredibly powerful items she obtains, allow her to obliterate most enemies in a single hit. After only a few days of playing the game, Maple claims third place in a server-wide event, gaining a reputation as a player who is both unkillable and absurdly powerful. -- -- Despite her overpowered character, Kaede has much to learn. As she progresses through the game, she meets new friends and acquaintances, helping her complete new levels and events. Through all of her adventures, she may even pick up some other crazy skills that exceed all expectations. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 302,524 7.57
Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae -- -- Studio Deen -- 26 eps -- Original -- Mystery Psychological Supernatural -- Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae -- Following the events of Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori, Ai Enma, the Hell Girl, has disappeared. Her former companions decide to lead normal lives, until their absent mistress returns to them with a new companion, and in a way that none of them anticipated. -- -- Yuzuki Mikage is a normal schoolgirl who soon comes to understand the Hell Girl on an intimate level. During a dream-like trance in the bathtub, Ai kisses Yuzuki and possesses her. So when Yuzuki's friend decides to type in the name of their teacher in the Hell Correspondence website, Ai makes use of Yuzuki's body to accomplish her own task of ferrying the teacher's soul to hell. Yuzuki is disturbed by her new circumstances and wonders why she was chosen to continue Ai's work. Unfortunately for her, the Hell Girl and her assistants resume operation of Hell Correspondence, and she is dragged along for the ride towards hell itself. -- -- 89,990 7.65
Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae -- -- Studio Deen -- 26 eps -- Original -- Mystery Psychological Supernatural -- Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae -- Following the events of Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori, Ai Enma, the Hell Girl, has disappeared. Her former companions decide to lead normal lives, until their absent mistress returns to them with a new companion, and in a way that none of them anticipated. -- -- Yuzuki Mikage is a normal schoolgirl who soon comes to understand the Hell Girl on an intimate level. During a dream-like trance in the bathtub, Ai kisses Yuzuki and possesses her. So when Yuzuki's friend decides to type in the name of their teacher in the Hell Correspondence website, Ai makes use of Yuzuki's body to accomplish her own task of ferrying the teacher's soul to hell. Yuzuki is disturbed by her new circumstances and wonders why she was chosen to continue Ai's work. Unfortunately for her, the Hell Girl and her assistants resume operation of Hell Correspondence, and she is dragged along for the ride towards hell itself. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 89,990 7.65
Koukaku Kidoutai Arise: Ghost in the Shell - Border:1 Ghost Pain -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Police Psychological Mecha -- Koukaku Kidoutai Arise: Ghost in the Shell - Border:1 Ghost Pain Koukaku Kidoutai Arise: Ghost in the Shell - Border:1 Ghost Pain -- The anime's story is set in 2027, one year after the end of the fourth non-nuclear war. New Port City is still reeling from the war's aftermath when it suffers a bombing caused by a self-propelled mine. Then, a military member implicated in arms-dealing bribes is gunned down. -- -- During the investigation, Public Security Section's Daisuke Aramaki encounters Motoko Kusanagi, the cyborg wizard-level hacker assigned to the military's 501st Secret Unit. Batou, a man with the "eye that does not sleep," suspects that Kusanagi is the one behind the bombing. The Niihama Prefectural Police detective Togusa is pursuing his own dual cases of the shooting death and a prostitute's murder. Motoko herself is being watched by the 501st Secret Unit's head Kurutsu and cyborg agents. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Jun 22, 2013 -- 53,787 7.46
Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex -- -- Production I.G -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Military Sci-Fi Police Mecha Seinen -- Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex -- In the not so distant future, mankind has advanced to a state where complete body transplants from flesh to machine is possible. This allows for great increases in both physical and cybernetic prowess and blurring the lines between the two worlds. However, criminals can also make full use of such technology, leading to new and sometimes, very dangerous crimes. In response to such innovative new methods, the Japanese Government has established Section 9, an independently operating police unit which deals with such highly sensitive crimes. -- -- Led by Daisuke Aramaki and Motoko Kusanagi, Section 9 deals with such crimes over the entire social spectrum, usually with success. However, when faced with a new A level hacker nicknamed "The Laughing Man," the team is thrown into a dangerous cat and mouse game, following the hacker's trail as it leaves its mark on Japan. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Manga Entertainment -- TV - Oct 1, 2002 -- 332,809 8.44
Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka? -- -- Millepensee -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Mystery Comedy Magic Fantasy -- Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka? Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka? -- The day is as normal as it can be in high school as the students peacefully go about their everyday activities until an unprecedented catastrophe strikes the school, killing every person in its wake. Guided by what seems to be a miracle, a handful of students are fortunate enough to be reincarnated into another world as nobles, princes, and other kinds of people with prestigious backgrounds. -- -- One girl, however, is not so lucky. Being reborn as a spider of the weakest kind, she immediately experiences the hardships of her dire situation. Even so, she must press on to survive the numerous threats that endanger her life. Discovering that her new world has a system like that of an RPG, she tries her best to hunt prey and defeat monsters to level up and evolve. As she gradually grows stronger, she hopes one day her efforts will be rewarded, and that she will be granted a better life. -- -- 182,578 7.26
Level E -- -- David Production, Studio Pierrot -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Sci-Fi Shounen -- Level E Level E -- Tokyo-born schoolboy Yukitaka Tsutsui is moving to Yamagata Prefecture for high school on a baseball scholarship. Since he went to the top middle school in Japan for baseball, the townsfolk are very excited about his arrival. However, when he arrives in his apartment, he encounters a strange man nonchalantly reading and wearing his clothes! The stranger claims to be an alien who crash-landed on Earth and has nowhere to go. Revealing himself to be Baka Ki El Dogra, the crown prince of the planet Dogra, he is just one of the hundreds of aliens that have already made Earth their home. -- -- Despite his regal origins, the prince is an infamous intergalactic fool who thinks nothing of inconveniencing others for his own amusement. Whether he is running ridiculous tests on his subordinates, giving strange powers to random children, or just generally being a nuisance, nobody is safe from the idiot prince's antics! -- -- TV - Jan 11, 2011 -- 82,693 7.45
Major S3 -- -- Studio Hibari -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Drama Shounen Sports -- Major S3 Major S3 -- Having bid farewell to his former teammates at Kaido High School's baseball club, Gorou Honda returns to his hometown eager to continue playing. Attending a new high school proves to be more difficult than he initially expected, as Tetsufumi Egashira's merciless slandering of his name prevents Gorou from being accepted into any school with an existing baseball team. -- -- Left with no other options, Gorou joins Seishuu High School, where his childhood friend Kaoru Shimizu also attends. However, Seishuu has always been an all-girls school until two years ago, so there is not yet a dedicated men’s baseball team. -- -- But nothing will stop Gorou in his pursuit of Koshien. He must now create a baseball team from scratch with the seven male students at Seishuu, but all of them are complete amateurs! He decides to train the incompetent team up to nationally competitive levels, but such a feat is easier said than done. Will Gorou once again perform miracles? Or will he give up on achieving his goal of defeating Kaido with his own team? -- -- TV - Jan 6, 2007 -- 57,739 8.26
Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Action Demons Magic Fantasy School -- Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e -- In the distant past, a war between humans and demons brought about widespread chaos and bloodshed. To put an end to this seemingly endless conflict, Demon King Anos Voldigoad willingly sacrificed his life, hoping to be reborn in a peaceful future. -- -- In preparation for their king's return, the demon race created the Demon King Academy, an elite institution tasked with determining Anos' identity when he reawakens. He reincarnates two millennia later, but to his surprise, he soon learns that the level of magic in the world has drastically waned during his absence. Moreover, when he enrolls at the academy to reclaim his rightful title, he finds out that demonkind remembers him differently. His personality, his deeds, and even his legacy are all falsified—masked beneath the name of an impostor. This "lack" of common knowledge renders him the academy's outlier—a misfit never before seen in history. -- -- Despite these drawbacks, Anos remains unfazed. As he sets out to uncover those altering his glorious past, he takes it upon himself to make his descendants recognize that their ruler has finally returned. -- -- 402,347 7.33
Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Action Demons Magic Fantasy School -- Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e -- In the distant past, a war between humans and demons brought about widespread chaos and bloodshed. To put an end to this seemingly endless conflict, Demon King Anos Voldigoad willingly sacrificed his life, hoping to be reborn in a peaceful future. -- -- In preparation for their king's return, the demon race created the Demon King Academy, an elite institution tasked with determining Anos' identity when he reawakens. He reincarnates two millennia later, but to his surprise, he soon learns that the level of magic in the world has drastically waned during his absence. Moreover, when he enrolls at the academy to reclaim his rightful title, he finds out that demonkind remembers him differently. His personality, his deeds, and even his legacy are all falsified—masked beneath the name of an impostor. This "lack" of common knowledge renders him the academy's outlier—a misfit never before seen in history. -- -- Despite these drawbacks, Anos remains unfazed. As he sets out to uncover those altering his glorious past, he takes it upon himself to make his descendants recognize that their ruler has finally returned. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 402,347 7.33
Master of Epic: The Animation Age -- -- Gonzo, Palm Studio -- 12 eps -- Game -- Fantasy Game Comedy -- Master of Epic: The Animation Age Master of Epic: The Animation Age -- Over millions of years, there have been many ages - war, gods, and future to name a few. Each of these was infinitely less exciting than the current Animation Age! In this RPG-esque existence, becoming stronger is paramount to one's survival and leveling up is a must. From pacifists to news casting, from fishing woes to love advice, there's nothing the Animation Age can't show or teach us about life in a game world! Armed with healing spells, changes of clothes and plenty of summoned familiars, the characters of Master of Epic will do what it takes to level up and live to fight another day! -- -- (Source: Anime-Planet) -- TV - Jan 8, 2007 -- 1,687 6.05
Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Drama Mecha -- Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash -- —Do you know the Nejen? -- If you know it, then I'll take you there— -- -- The year is U.C. 0105. Twelve years have passed since the end of the second Neo Zeon War (Char's Rebellion). Even after "the Axis Shock," which seemed to indicate the future of humanity and the Universal Century, the world is still in a chaotic situation where intermittent military conflicts continue to break out. The Earth Federation government is more corrupt than ever, and its leadership has not only accelerated Earth's pollution, but also implemented an inhuman "Man Hunting" policy in which civilians are forcibly exiled to outer space. -- -- The anti-Federation government organization "Mafty," led by someone called "Mafty Navue Erin," has taken a stand against the corruption of the Earth Sphere. Mafty carries out fierce acts of terrorism, assassinating high officials of the Federation government one after another, but it gains a certain level of support from the populace who are growing more opposed to the Federation government. -- -- The person who calls himself "Mafty" and leads this organization is Hathaway Noa, the son of Bright Noa, an officer of the Earth Federation Forces who once participated in the One Year War. Hathaway himself joined the forces trying to stop Char’s Rebellion. With firsthand knowledge of the ideals and ideologies of Amuro Ray and Char Aznable, he has become a warrior following in their footsteps, and plans to clear a path forward through armed resistance. His destiny, however, is drastically altered as he encounters the Federation Forces officer Kenneth Sleg and a mysterious young beauty named Gigi Andalucia. -- -- (Source: -- Movie - May 7, 2021 -- 6,999 N/A -- -- MD Geist II: Death Force -- -- Zero-G Room -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Mecha -- MD Geist II: Death Force MD Geist II: Death Force -- After unleashing the Death Force machines all over the planet Jerra, Geist has kept himself busy by dismantling them one by one. But now he faces a formidable opponent in the form of Krauser, another M.D.S. (Most Dangerous Soldier) who has aligned himself as the only savior of mankind. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- OVA - Mar 1, 1996 -- 6,817 5.03
Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Drama Mecha -- Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash -- —Do you know the Nejen? -- If you know it, then I'll take you there— -- -- The year is U.C. 0105. Twelve years have passed since the end of the second Neo Zeon War (Char's Rebellion). Even after "the Axis Shock," which seemed to indicate the future of humanity and the Universal Century, the world is still in a chaotic situation where intermittent military conflicts continue to break out. The Earth Federation government is more corrupt than ever, and its leadership has not only accelerated Earth's pollution, but also implemented an inhuman "Man Hunting" policy in which civilians are forcibly exiled to outer space. -- -- The anti-Federation government organization "Mafty," led by someone called "Mafty Navue Erin," has taken a stand against the corruption of the Earth Sphere. Mafty carries out fierce acts of terrorism, assassinating high officials of the Federation government one after another, but it gains a certain level of support from the populace who are growing more opposed to the Federation government. -- -- The person who calls himself "Mafty" and leads this organization is Hathaway Noa, the son of Bright Noa, an officer of the Earth Federation Forces who once participated in the One Year War. Hathaway himself joined the forces trying to stop Char’s Rebellion. With firsthand knowledge of the ideals and ideologies of Amuro Ray and Char Aznable, he has become a warrior following in their footsteps, and plans to clear a path forward through armed resistance. His destiny, however, is drastically altered as he encounters the Federation Forces officer Kenneth Sleg and a mysterious young beauty named Gigi Andalucia. -- -- (Source: -- Movie - May 7, 2021 -- 6,999 N/A -- -- Vandread: Taidou-hen -- -- Gonzo -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Ecchi Mecha Sci-Fi Space -- Vandread: Taidou-hen Vandread: Taidou-hen -- Vandread The First Stage (season one) was immediately followed up by this TV special. This TV special, also known as Vandread Taidouhen Stage (The Movement Stage) was a recap of the first 13 episodes with additional footage. So, Vandread Taidouhen is not really a bridge between Vandread The First Stage and Vandread The Second Stage (season two). It was made to bring new viewers up to date as to what happened during the first season -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- OVA - Jan 21, 2001 -- 6,833 6.79
Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Game Comedy Drama -- Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] -- Iride Akatsuki has unlocked hidden content in the game he's playing, 'Nakanohito Genome,' and it turns out that this content is a real-life game! -- He soon wakes up to find that he has been kidnapped and taken to a strange place, along with a number of other teammates. Each of them specializes in a certain sort of game, like cultivation games, fighting games, puzzle games, etc. -- A llama-headed 'teacher' gathers them after level 1 is cleared to explain how the game will proceed. -- Will this group of gamers succeed, and make it back to their real lives? -- -- (Source: MangaHelpers) -- 90,395 6.87
Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Game Comedy Drama -- Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] -- Iride Akatsuki has unlocked hidden content in the game he's playing, 'Nakanohito Genome,' and it turns out that this content is a real-life game! -- He soon wakes up to find that he has been kidnapped and taken to a strange place, along with a number of other teammates. Each of them specializes in a certain sort of game, like cultivation games, fighting games, puzzle games, etc. -- A llama-headed 'teacher' gathers them after level 1 is cleared to explain how the game will proceed. -- Will this group of gamers succeed, and make it back to their real lives? -- -- (Source: MangaHelpers) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 90,395 6.87
Ongaku Shoujo (TV) -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Original -- Music Slice of Life -- Ongaku Shoujo (TV) Ongaku Shoujo (TV) -- There are eleven girls that consist the C-class Ongaku Shoujo idol unit under Pine Records. Despite generating red sales marks and not being very popular, Producer Ikebashi and the members are trying their very best to up their levels. Nevertheless, Ikebashi suggests recruiting a new member for Ongaku Shoujo; someone who can act as a catalyst for the success of the group. Thus, an audition was opened, leading to the soon-to-be legendary group's meeting to a girl named Hanako. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- 13,134 5.95
Psycho-Pass -- -- Production I.G -- 22 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Police Psychological -- Psycho-Pass Psycho-Pass -- Justice, and the enforcement of it, has changed. In the 22nd century, Japan enforces the Sibyl System, an objective means of determining the threat level of each citizen by examining their mental state for signs of criminal intent, known as their Psycho-Pass. Inspectors uphold the law by subjugating, often with lethal force, anyone harboring the slightest ill-will; alongside them are Enforcers, jaded Inspectors that have become latent criminals, granted relative freedom in exchange for carrying out the Inspectors' dirty work. -- -- Into this world steps Akane Tsunemori, a young woman with an honest desire to uphold justice. However, as she works alongside veteran Enforcer Shinya Kougami, she soon learns that the Sibyl System's judgments are not as perfect as her fellow Inspectors assume. With everything she has known turned on its head, Akane wrestles with the question of what justice truly is, and whether it can be upheld through the use of a system that may already be corrupt. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,266,562 8.37
Quanzhi Fashi II -- -- - -- 12 eps -- Novel -- Action Magic Fantasy School -- Quanzhi Fashi II Quanzhi Fashi II -- After defeating Yu Ang at the cost of revealing his lightning element, Mo Fan has been granted seven days to train in the Underground Holy Spring, where it is said that one can greatly increase their power level. -- -- However, Mo Fan's training is abruptly cut short when fierce monsters mysteriously appear all around Bo City, something which should be impossible given the city’s border defenses. An emergency is declared, and Mo Fan is tasked with delivering the Underground Holy Spring—now condensed into a small bottle—to a special refuge zone that is protected from the havoc in the city. -- -- The path there is long, dangerous, and riddled with bloodthirsty beasts. To worsen matters, the malicious Black Order threatens to halt his advance. How will Mo Fan stop the sacred spring from falling into the wrong hands? -- -- ONA - Sep 15, 2017 -- 47,397 6.73
RD Sennou Chousashitsu -- -- Production I.G -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi -- RD Sennou Chousashitsu RD Sennou Chousashitsu -- 2061 AD. Fifty years have passed since mankind developed the Network society. It was anticipated that this new infrastructure would realize a utopia where people connected with each other at the level of consciousness. However, new social problems such as personal data leaks and proliferation of manipulated information began to surface. Nevertheless, people still relied on the Network to exchange information, and proved unable to opt to abandon it. -- -- In due course, a new Network realm with more effective security measures was developed. This was called Meta Real Network, usually abbreviated as "the Metal." -- -- The Metal accommodated personal memory data within protected virtual stand-alone organic cyber enclaves called bubble shells and eventually pervaded the everyday lives of people. -- -- However, people gradually learned to release and explode their instincts within the secure environment of the Metal. The unleashed instincts pushed each individual's consciousness to drown in the sea of information and to be exposed to the pressures of desire. Meanwhile, norms and regulations continued to bind their real world lives. Thus, strange friction between the two worlds began to manifest themselves as aberrations beyond the bounds of the imaginable. -- -- Experts who challenged the deep sea of the Metal to investigate and decipher such aberrations were called cyber divers. -- -- This is a story of a cyber diver, Masamichi Haru, who investigates the incidents that lie between Reality and the Metal. -- -- (Source: Production I.G) -- 23,293 7.12
Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita. -- -- Zero-G -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy Romance -- Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita. Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita. -- It is widely believed that science can provide rational explanations for the countless phenomena of our universe. However, there are many aspects of our existence that science has not yet found a solution to and cannot decipher with numbers. The most notorious of these is the concept of love. While it may seem impossible to apply scientific theory to such an intricate and complex emotion, a daring pair of quick-witted Saitama University scientists aim to take on the challenge. -- -- One day the bold and beautiful Ayame Himuro outwardly declares that she is in love with Shinya Yukimura, her fellow logical and level-headed scientist. Acknowledging his own lack of experience with romance, Yukimura questions what factors constitute love in the first place and whether he is in love with Himuro or not. Both clueless in the dealings of love, the pair begin to conduct detailed experiments on one another to test the human characteristics that indicate love and discern whether they demonstrate these traits towards each other. -- -- As Himuro and Yukimura begin their intimate analysis, can the two scientists successfully apply scientific theory, with the help of their friends, to quantify the feelings they express for one another? -- -- ONA - Jan 11, 2020 -- 185,005 7.35
Ryuu no Haisha -- -- Khara -- 2 eps -- Original -- Adventure Fantasy -- Ryuu no Haisha Ryuu no Haisha -- War rages between two neighboring countries, but one side has an ace up their sleeve: an ancient dragon bound by a pact to protect the nation. Despite these overpowering creatures being capable of leveling entire battlefields, they are rendered useless by cavities. And so, a special unit—the dragon dentists—has the important duty of caring for the dragon's teeth. -- -- Nonoko Kishii was the only one of many brave volunteers who survived a recent round of recruitment; in order to join the dragon dentists, one has to witness their future demise and accept it without a fight. Knowing the exact circumstances of their fated ends, the dragon dentists devote themselves to their work. One day, they gain a new member who did not undergo the test: Bernard "Bel" Octavius, a young enemy officer killed by his own men and revived by the dragon's teeth. Despite his appearance being an omen of a great disaster, he is placed under the care of Nonoko as a dentist-in-training. Will Bel come around to the dragon dentists' attitudes toward death and help them face the painful future that is to come? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Special - Feb 18, 2017 -- 35,602 7.42
Ryuuou no Oshigoto! -- -- Project No.9 -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Game Slice of Life -- Ryuuou no Oshigoto! Ryuuou no Oshigoto! -- Shogi, a Japanese game similar to chess, is one of the most popular board games in the country, played by everyone from children to the elderly. Some players are talented enough to take the game to a professional level. The title of Ryuuou, meaning "the dragon king," is only awarded to the person who reaches the pinnacle of competitive shogi. -- -- Yaichi Kuzuryuu has just become the youngest Ryuuou after winning the grand championship. However, the shogi community is unwelcoming to his victory, some even calling him the worst Ryuuou in history. Moreover, he forgets about the agreement he made with Ai Hinatsuru, a little girl he promised to coach if he won. After she shows up at his doorstep, he reluctantly agrees to uphold his promise and makes Ai his disciple. -- -- Together, they aim to improve and exceed the limits of their shogi prowess: Ai, to unlock her hidden talents; Yaichi, to prove to the world that he deserves his accomplishments. -- -- 140,877 6.90
Saishuu Heiki Kanojo -- -- Gonzo -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Drama Military Romance School Sci-Fi -- Saishuu Heiki Kanojo Saishuu Heiki Kanojo -- Chise is an ordinary schoolgirl: small, frail, and not particularly intelligent. Her greatest joy is her budding romance with her classmate and childhood friend, Shuuji. They both live in a small military town in Hokkaido, where high schoolers have few concerns other than who is dating whom and complaining about the steep climb up "Hell Hill" every day before school. -- -- One day, Shuuji and his friends make a trip to Sapporo to buy gifts for their girlfriends. A massive air raid on Sapporo that day kills thousands, including one of Shuuji's friends, and signals the beginning of a war. Fleeing from the carnage, Shuuji spots Chise, though now she has steel wings and a massive gun where her right arm should be. Against her will, she has been transformed into the ultimate cyborg weapon, capable of leveling entire cities. -- -- As the war rages closer and closer to their hometown, Chise and Shuuji's relationship is strained by her transformation, and they are left to wonder whether she is even still human. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks, VIZ Media -- TV - Jul 2, 2002 -- 84,240 7.17
Saishuu Heiki Kanojo -- -- Gonzo -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Drama Military Romance School Sci-Fi -- Saishuu Heiki Kanojo Saishuu Heiki Kanojo -- Chise is an ordinary schoolgirl: small, frail, and not particularly intelligent. Her greatest joy is her budding romance with her classmate and childhood friend, Shuuji. They both live in a small military town in Hokkaido, where high schoolers have few concerns other than who is dating whom and complaining about the steep climb up "Hell Hill" every day before school. -- -- One day, Shuuji and his friends make a trip to Sapporo to buy gifts for their girlfriends. A massive air raid on Sapporo that day kills thousands, including one of Shuuji's friends, and signals the beginning of a war. Fleeing from the carnage, Shuuji spots Chise, though now she has steel wings and a massive gun where her right arm should be. Against her will, she has been transformed into the ultimate cyborg weapon, capable of leveling entire cities. -- -- As the war rages closer and closer to their hometown, Chise and Shuuji's relationship is strained by her transformation, and they are left to wonder whether she is even still human. -- -- TV - Jul 2, 2002 -- 84,240 7.17
Sakamoto Desu ga? -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School Seinen -- Sakamoto Desu ga? Sakamoto Desu ga? -- Sophisticated, suave, sublime; all words which describe the exceedingly handsome and patently perfect Sakamoto. Though it is only his first day in high school, his attractiveness, intelligence, and charm already has the girls swooning and the guys fuming with jealousy. No one seems able to derail him, as all attempts at tripping him up are quickly foiled. His sangfroid is indomitable, his wits peerless. Will any of Sakamoto's classmates, or even teachers, be able to reach his level of excellence? Probably not, but they just might learn a thing or two trying... -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 571,751 7.58
Saki Zenkoku-hen -- -- Studio Gokumi -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Game Slice of Life School -- Saki Zenkoku-hen Saki Zenkoku-hen -- Saki Miyanaga, along with the rest of Kiyosumi High School's mahjong team, proceeds to the national level of the Interhigh Mahjong Championship. However, reaching the top will prove difficult as she faces opponents on par with and, quite possibly, exceeding her skills. Even so, she refuses to back down, vowing to stop at nothing to fulfill her goal: to see her sister face-to-face once more. -- -- 29,673 7.42
Shinchou Yuusha: Kono Yuusha ga Ore Tueee Kuse ni Shinchou Sugiru -- -- White Fox -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy -- Shinchou Yuusha: Kono Yuusha ga Ore Tueee Kuse ni Shinchou Sugiru Shinchou Yuusha: Kono Yuusha ga Ore Tueee Kuse ni Shinchou Sugiru -- There is a popular saying: "you can never be too careful." It is very important to prepare for every situation you may face, even if it seems like an unnecessary waste of time. Also, in games like RPGs, it is good to exceed the level of your enemies to achieve total victory. -- -- These words describe Seiya Ryuuguuin a little too perfectly. After being summoned by the goddess Ristarte to save the world of Gaeabrande from destruction, the hero prepares himself for his noble journey. While this might be normal, he spends a very long time training himself, despite having overpowered stats. He fights weak enemies using his strongest skills and buys excessive amounts of supplies and potions—all to stay safe. -- -- While his attitude may be a bit annoying, it might just be the saving grace of Gaeabrande, especially considering that it is a world where the forces of evil dominate each and every expectation. -- -- 383,578 7.53
Shinchou Yuusha: Kono Yuusha ga Ore Tueee Kuse ni Shinchou Sugiru -- -- White Fox -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy -- Shinchou Yuusha: Kono Yuusha ga Ore Tueee Kuse ni Shinchou Sugiru Shinchou Yuusha: Kono Yuusha ga Ore Tueee Kuse ni Shinchou Sugiru -- There is a popular saying: "you can never be too careful." It is very important to prepare for every situation you may face, even if it seems like an unnecessary waste of time. Also, in games like RPGs, it is good to exceed the level of your enemies to achieve total victory. -- -- These words describe Seiya Ryuuguuin a little too perfectly. After being summoned by the goddess Ristarte to save the world of Gaeabrande from destruction, the hero prepares himself for his noble journey. While this might be normal, he spends a very long time training himself, despite having overpowered stats. He fights weak enemies using his strongest skills and buys excessive amounts of supplies and potions—all to stay safe. -- -- While his attitude may be a bit annoying, it might just be the saving grace of Gaeabrande, especially considering that it is a world where the forces of evil dominate each and every expectation. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 383,578 7.53
Shin Tennis no Ouji-sama -- -- M.S.C, Production I.G -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Sports Shounen -- Shin Tennis no Ouji-sama Shin Tennis no Ouji-sama -- It takes a lot to reach the top when it comes to tennis. No one knows that better than Ryouma Echizen, a young prodigy tennis player, and his teammates at the Seishun Academy. It was only because they pushed themselves to the limit, spending countless hours preparing for every pulse-pounding match, that they managed to claim victory in the All-Japan National Tournament. -- -- New Prince of Tennis begins with Ryouma and his teammates heading to the U-17 Selection training camp, after receiving a special invitation due to their victory in the Nationals. The training camp is renowned for producing strong tennis players, so the boys of Seishun Academy can’t wait to take their game to the next level. However, not everyone is happy to have them among their ranks, and they’ll have to weather the intense training to prove they belong among the best of the up-and-coming players of their generation. -- TV - Jan 5, 2012 -- 50,376 7.56
Sidonia no Kishi -- -- Polygon Pictures -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Mecha Sci-Fi Seinen Space -- Sidonia no Kishi Sidonia no Kishi -- After destroying Earth many years ago, the alien race Gauna has been pursuing the remnants of humanity—which, having narrowly escaped, fled across the galaxy in a number of giant seed ships. In the year 3394, Nagate Tanikaze surfaces from his lifelong seclusion deep beneath the seed ship Sidonia in search of food on the upper levels, only to find himself dragged into events unfolding without his knowledge. -- -- When the Gauna begin their assault on Sidonia, it's up to Tanikaze—with the help of his fellow soldiers and friends Shizuka Hoshijiro, Izana Shinatose, and Yuhata Midorikawa—to defend humanity's last hope for survival, and defeat their alien foes. Sidonia no Kishi follows Tanikaze as he discovers the world that has been above him his entire life, and becomes the hero Sidonia needs. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 11, 2014 -- 200,208 7.68
Slime Taoshite 300-nen, Shiranai Uchi ni Level Max ni Nattemashita -- -- Revoroot -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Fantasy -- Slime Taoshite 300-nen, Shiranai Uchi ni Level Max ni Nattemashita Slime Taoshite 300-nen, Shiranai Uchi ni Level Max ni Nattemashita -- Suddenly dying from overwork, salarywoman Azusa Aizawa finds herself before an angel, who allows her to reincarnate into a new world as an immortal witch, where she spends her days killing slimes for money on an otherwise eternal vacation. But even the minimal experience points from slimes will add up after hundreds of years, and Azusa discovers that she accidentally reached the maximum level! Fearing that her strong abilities will attract work and force her back to a life of overexertion, she decides to hide her strength in order to preserve her peaceful lifestyle. -- -- Despite her efforts, tales of the max level "Witch of the Plateau" spread across the land, and a proud dragon named Raika shows up looking to test their strength against her. Even though Azusa defeats and befriends Raika, problems arise as both friends and foes come looking for the secluded witch. -- -- 116,142 7.31
Sol Bianca -- -- AIC -- 2 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Space -- Sol Bianca Sol Bianca -- Five female pirates pilot the Sol Bianca, a starship with a higher level of technology than any other known. With it, they seek out riches, such as the Gnosis, an legendary item of power, and pasha, the most valuable mineral in the galaxy. Along the way, they must consider a stowaway's quest to save the one he loves, and seek revenge against those that have wronged them. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- OVA - Mar 21, 1990 -- 4,975 6.34
Strike Witches OVA -- -- Gonzo -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Ecchi Magic Military Sci-Fi -- Strike Witches OVA Strike Witches OVA -- In 1939, after the world has been devastated by an invasion of the "Neuroi"—alien war machines of unknown origin—humanity continues to struggle in an uneven fight. With no conventional arms able to pierce through the aliens' hardy armor, resistance forces spare no expense in their search for a way to level the playing field. -- -- Eventually, the so-called "Striker Unit" is designed—a state-of-the-art device utilizing the innate magical powers of young girls and turning them into deadly weapons. The women who are now gathering from all around the world to fight for the survival of the human race are known as "Witches," with the 501st Joint Fighter Wing—the "Strike Witches"—standing at the forefront of the deadly conflict. -- -- OVA - Jan 1, 2007 -- 23,841 6.28
Sword Art Online -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 25 eps -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Romance Fantasy -- Sword Art Online Sword Art Online -- In the year 2022, virtual reality has progressed by leaps and bounds, and a massive online role-playing game called Sword Art Online (SAO) is launched. With the aid of "NerveGear" technology, players can control their avatars within the game using nothing but their own thoughts. -- -- Kazuto Kirigaya, nicknamed "Kirito," is among the lucky few enthusiasts who get their hands on the first shipment of the game. He logs in to find himself, with ten-thousand others, in the scenic and elaborate world of Aincrad, one full of fantastic medieval weapons and gruesome monsters. However, in a cruel turn of events, the players soon realize they cannot log out; the game's creator has trapped them in his new world until they complete all one hundred levels of the game. -- -- In order to escape Aincrad, Kirito will now have to interact and cooperate with his fellow players. Some are allies, while others are foes, like Asuna Yuuki, who commands the leading group attempting to escape from the ruthless game. To make matters worse, Sword Art Online is not all fun and games: if they die in Aincrad, they die in real life. Kirito must adapt to his new reality, fight for his survival, and hopefully break free from his virtual hell. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 2,331,007 7.23
Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Romance Fantasy -- Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria -- "There's no way to beat this game. The only difference is when and where you die..." -- -- One month has passed since Akihiko Kayaba's deadly game began, and the body count continues to rise. Two thousand players are already dead. -- -- Kirito and Asuna are two very different people, but they both desire to fight alone. Nonetheless, they find themselves drawn together to face challenges from both within and without. Given that the entire virtual world they now live in has been created as a deathtrap, the surviving players of Sword Art Online are starting to get desperate, and desperation makes them dangerous to loners like Kirito and Asuna. As it becomes clear that solitude equals suicide, will the two be able to overcome their differences to find the strength to believe in each other, and in so doing survive? -- -- Sword Art Online: Progressive is a new version of the Sword Art Online tale that starts at the beginning of Kirito and Asuna's epic adventure—on the very first level of the deadly world of Aincrad! -- -- (Source: Yen Press) -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - ??? ??, 2021 -- 94,949 N/A -- -- Chihayafuru 3 -- -- Madhouse -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Game Slice of Life Sports Drama School Josei -- Chihayafuru 3 Chihayafuru 3 -- Winning the high school team tournament was a great accomplishment for the Mizusawa members. Each of them has made great strides in improving themselves, and the victory symbolizes how far they've come. But after accomplishing one goal, their individual aims are within reach. Chihaya Ayase has her sights set on Wakamiya Shinobu and the title of Queen, and now that Taichi Mashima has made it into Class A, he can finally compete against Arata Wataya. Everyone in Mizusawa wants to get better, and there's no telling what the future holds if they keep trying. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 94,380 8.50
Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Romance Fantasy -- Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria -- "There's no way to beat this game. The only difference is when and where you die..." -- -- One month has passed since Akihiko Kayaba's deadly game began, and the body count continues to rise. Two thousand players are already dead. -- -- Kirito and Asuna are two very different people, but they both desire to fight alone. Nonetheless, they find themselves drawn together to face challenges from both within and without. Given that the entire virtual world they now live in has been created as a deathtrap, the surviving players of Sword Art Online are starting to get desperate, and desperation makes them dangerous to loners like Kirito and Asuna. As it becomes clear that solitude equals suicide, will the two be able to overcome their differences to find the strength to believe in each other, and in so doing survive? -- -- Sword Art Online: Progressive is a new version of the Sword Art Online tale that starts at the beginning of Kirito and Asuna's epic adventure—on the very first level of the deadly world of Aincrad! -- -- (Source: Yen Press) -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - ??? ??, 2021 -- 94,949 N/A -- -- Rozen Maiden: Träumend -- -- Nomad -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Drama Magic Seinen -- Rozen Maiden: Träumend Rozen Maiden: Träumend -- As the story of Rozen Maiden closes, a new chapter begins in Rozen Maiden: Träumend. Shinku and the other sentient dolls of the Rozen Maiden collection are living life as usual at Jun Sakurada's house. Having settled into his role as Shinku's partner in the deadly Alice Game, Jun overcomes his former fears and prepares to return to school. And although Shinku and the other dolls idly pass the days by in the comfort of Jun's home, dark times lie ahead as a new foe presents herself: Barasuishou, the seventh Rozen Maiden. -- -- But Barasuishou is a mystery even to her sisters, none of whom have ever laid eyes on her until now. Shinku considers this a sign that the Alice Game is coming to an end, meaning the dolls will soon be forced to fight one another. Haunted by the upcoming battle and nightmares concerning another doll, Shinku begins distancing herself from the others. If she wishes to claim victory, it will come at a high cost—the lives of her sisters. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA, Sentai Filmworks -- 94,726 7.64
Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Romance Fantasy -- Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria -- "There's no way to beat this game. The only difference is when and where you die..." -- -- One month has passed since Akihiko Kayaba's deadly game began, and the body count continues to rise. Two thousand players are already dead. -- -- Kirito and Asuna are two very different people, but they both desire to fight alone. Nonetheless, they find themselves drawn together to face challenges from both within and without. Given that the entire virtual world they now live in has been created as a deathtrap, the surviving players of Sword Art Online are starting to get desperate, and desperation makes them dangerous to loners like Kirito and Asuna. As it becomes clear that solitude equals suicide, will the two be able to overcome their differences to find the strength to believe in each other, and in so doing survive? -- -- Sword Art Online: Progressive is a new version of the Sword Art Online tale that starts at the beginning of Kirito and Asuna's epic adventure—on the very first level of the deadly world of Aincrad! -- -- (Source: Yen Press) -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - ??? ??, 2021 -- 94,949 N/ADragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu Dragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu -- Gohan Son and Piccolo are peacefully playing when they sense a powerful entity approaching Earth. It soon reaches everyone's ears that this entity is in fact a small planet on a deadly collision course with Earth. Gokuu Son and Kuririn attempt to change the small planet's path with a Kamehameha, but the attack fails and the two warriors are blown away. However, after coming very close to Earth's surface, the object changes direction on its own and explodes soon after. -- -- The small planet reveals itself to be a vehicle for what seems to be a castle. A large army emerges out of the structure and declares that the planet is now in possession of Slug, king of the universe. While defending the city against the invaders' attack, Gohan loses his Dragon Ball, allowing Slug to take it. After reading Bulma's mind and stealing her Dragon Radar, Slug commands his army to collect the wish-granting relics. With the Dragon Balls in his possession, he uses them to wish his youth back. Now young, wise, and very powerful, Slug commences world domination. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Mar 9, 1991 -- 94,615 6.58
Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken -- -- 8bit -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Comedy Demons Magic Fantasy -- Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken -- Thirty-seven-year-old Satoru Mikami is a typical corporate worker, who is perfectly content with his monotonous lifestyle in Tokyo, other than failing to nail down a girlfriend even once throughout his life. In the midst of a casual encounter with his colleague, he falls victim to a random assailant on the streets and is stabbed. However, while succumbing to his injuries, a peculiar voice echoes in his mind, and recites a bunch of commands which the dying man cannot make sense of. -- -- When Satoru regains consciousness, he discovers that he has reincarnated as a goop of slime in an unfamiliar realm. In doing so, he acquires newfound skills—notably, the power to devour anything and mimic its appearance and abilities. He then stumbles upon the sealed Catastrophe-level monster "Storm Dragon" Veldora who had been sealed away for the past 300 years for devastating a town to ashes. Sympathetic to his predicament, Satoru befriends him, promising to assist in destroying the seal. In return, Veldora bestows upon him the name Rimuru Tempest to grant him divine protection. -- -- Now, liberated from the mundanities of his past life, Rimuru embarks on a fresh journey with a distinct goal in mind. As he grows accustomed to his new physique, his gooey antics ripple throughout the world, gradually altering his fate. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 823,286 8.08
Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator -- -- A.C.G.T., J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Super Power Supernatural Fantasy School -- Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator -- Academy City stands at the forefront of scientific and technological progress, best known for their development of espers: those capable of wielding superhuman abilities that alter the rules of reality. The most powerful among them are the Level 5s, and the one known as Accelerator reigns supreme, even after being weakened by a severe brain injury. By his side is the young girl known as Last Order, whom despite his cold demeanor, he holds closely and vows to protect at all costs. -- -- Though Accelerator may be recovering from his injury, the dark side of Academy City never rests, and so he finds himself unwillingly caught up in the midst of a new conflict. When a mysterious young woman approaches Accelerator in pursuit of Last Order, the highest-ranked esper is confronted by a venomous organization that has taken root in Anti-Skill, Academy City's peacekeeping organization. With dangerous forces on the move that threaten to put Last Order and her sisters at risk, the self-proclaimed villain prepares to step into the darkness once again. -- -- 161,567 7.17
Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator -- -- A.C.G.T., J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Super Power Supernatural Fantasy School -- Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator -- Academy City stands at the forefront of scientific and technological progress, best known for their development of espers: those capable of wielding superhuman abilities that alter the rules of reality. The most powerful among them are the Level 5s, and the one known as Accelerator reigns supreme, even after being weakened by a severe brain injury. By his side is the young girl known as Last Order, whom despite his cold demeanor, he holds closely and vows to protect at all costs. -- -- Though Accelerator may be recovering from his injury, the dark side of Academy City never rests, and so he finds himself unwillingly caught up in the midst of a new conflict. When a mysterious young woman approaches Accelerator in pursuit of Last Order, the highest-ranked esper is confronted by a venomous organization that has taken root in Anti-Skill, Academy City's peacekeeping organization. With dangerous forces on the move that threaten to put Last Order and her sisters at risk, the self-proclaimed villain prepares to step into the darkness once again. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 161,567 7.17
Toaru Kagaku no Railgun -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Super Power -- Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Toaru Kagaku no Railgun -- The student-filled Academy City is at the forefront of scientific advancement and home to the esper development program. The seven "Level 5" espers are the most powerful in Academy City, and ranked third among them is middle schooler Mikoto Misaka, an electricity manipulator known as "The Railgun." -- -- When strange incidents begin occurring throughout the city, she finds each crime to be connected to the elusive "Level Upper," a legendary device that allegedly increases the esper level of its user. As the situation escalates, it becomes apparent that there is more to the Level Upper than meets the eye, and that Academy City may be a far more twisted place than the glamorous utopia it appears to be. -- -- Toaru Kagaku no Railgun focuses on Mikoto and her friends—and the dangerous situations they find themselves in—as they get caught up in the matter of the Level Upper. As Mikoto says, "There's never a dull moment in this city." -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 480,015 7.71
Toaru Kagaku no Railgun: Misaka-san wa Ima Chuumoku no Mato Desu kara -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Super Power -- Toaru Kagaku no Railgun: Misaka-san wa Ima Chuumoku no Mato Desu kara Toaru Kagaku no Railgun: Misaka-san wa Ima Chuumoku no Mato Desu kara -- Continuing after the Level Upper incident, another phenomenon torments Misaka. A phenomenon called "Someone's Watching," its effect feels like the electricity in one's body flow backwards. With the help of her friends, Misaka fights against the unknown enemy. -- OVA - Sep 26, 2010 -- 58,235 7.47
Toaru Majutsu no Index III -- -- J.C.Staff -- 26 eps -- Light novel -- Action Sci-Fi Super Power Magic -- Toaru Majutsu no Index III Toaru Majutsu no Index III -- Touma Kamijou can't catch a break. After the invasion of Academy City, political tensions continue to rise as both the science and magic factions collide head on. It appears that Academy City intends to declare war against the Roman Catholic Church, consequently plunging the whole world into global warfare. Touma soon finds himself on the front lines once again, striving to protect his friends and allies. -- -- Toaru Majutsu no Index III serves as the last installment of the original franchise as Touma, Accelerator, and the true Level 0 Shiage Hamazura continue their separate journeys, leading up to the final act of the original light novel series. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 183,688 6.76
Val x Love -- -- Hoods Entertainment -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Harem Comedy Supernatural Romance Ecchi School Shounen -- Val x Love Val x Love -- Valkyries—legendary female warriors from the land of gods, Asgard—are sent by Odin to protect Earth against the growing threat of demons. To overcome these threats, nine valkyries under the guise of the Saotome sisters will have to level up by performing a variety of romantic acts with their official lover, Einherjar. -- -- Meanwhile, the socially anxious Takuma Akutsu learns that Odin has chosen him as the valkyries' lover. Despite his utter horror, however, he agrees to let the sisters stay in his big yet empty house to help them in their war against demons. With nine beautiful women sharing his roof, will Takuma manage to prevail over his fear of society and become someone worthy of saving the world? -- -- 64,777 5.88
Val x Love -- -- Hoods Entertainment -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Harem Comedy Supernatural Romance Ecchi School Shounen -- Val x Love Val x Love -- Valkyries—legendary female warriors from the land of gods, Asgard—are sent by Odin to protect Earth against the growing threat of demons. To overcome these threats, nine valkyries under the guise of the Saotome sisters will have to level up by performing a variety of romantic acts with their official lover, Einherjar. -- -- Meanwhile, the socially anxious Takuma Akutsu learns that Odin has chosen him as the valkyries' lover. Despite his utter horror, however, he agrees to let the sisters stay in his big yet empty house to help them in their war against demons. With nine beautiful women sharing his roof, will Takuma manage to prevail over his fear of society and become someone worthy of saving the world? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 64,777 5.88
WXIII Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Police Mecha -- WXIII Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor WXIII Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor -- When the level of Labor accidents begin to escalate around Tokyo Bay, police detectives Kusumi and Hata are assigned to investigate. What they discover leads to a series of government cover-ups, conspiracy concerning a new biological weapon entitled WXIII-Wasted Thirteen and a tragic, personal connection to Hata. The only hope to stop this threat is to cooperate with the military and lead WXIII into a showdown with the Labors of Special Vehicle Division 2. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA, Maiden Japan -- Movie - Mar 30, 2002 -- 9,619 6.74
Yakitate!! Japan -- -- Sunrise -- 69 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Shounen -- Yakitate!! Japan Yakitate!! Japan -- While countries such as France, England, and Germany all have their own internationally celebrated bread, Japan simply does not have one that can match in reputation. -- -- Thus after discovering the wonders of breadmaking at a young age, Kazuma Azuma embarks on a quest to create Japan's own unique national bread. And being blessed with unusually warm hands that allow dough to ferment faster, Azuma is able to bring his baking innovations to another level. -- -- As he begins working at the prestigious Japanese bakery chain, Pantasia, Azuma encounters other talented bakers and experiences firsthand the competitive world of baking. Along with his newfound friends and rivals, Azuma strives to create new and unparalleled bread that will start a baking revolution. -- -- TV - Oct 12, 2004 -- 81,617 7.95
Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki Sansatsume -- -- Creators in Pack, LEVELS -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School Shounen -- Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki Sansatsume Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki Sansatsume -- Third season of Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki. -- 9,021 6.29"Cleveland_and_Hendricks_Committee"_Ribbon,_ca._1884_(4359958732).jpg,_17th_century_-_The_Annunciation_-_1955.73_-_Cleveland_Museum_of_Art.tif,_Bavaria_(possibly_Prufening_or_Augsburg),_13th_century_-_Leaf_from_a_Psalter(?)-_Annunciation_(recto);_Leaf_from_a_Psalter-_Nativity_-_1951.447_-_Cleveland_Museum_of_Art.tif,_Nara_Period_-_Head_of_Bodhisattva_-_1982.264_-_Cleveland_Museum_of_Art.tif,_series_C-_Liberal_Arts,_28)_-_1924.432.28_-_Cleveland_Museum_of_Art.tif
1973 Kecskemt level crossing disaster
1994 Cleveland Indians corked bat incident
2001 Marconi Grand Prix of Cleveland
2004 Kyrgyzstan Second Level
2005 Grand Prix of Cleveland
2005 Kyrgyzstan Second Level
2006 Grand Prix of Cleveland
2007 Grand Prix of Cleveland
2019 Cleveland Challenger Doubles
2019 Cleveland Challenger Singles
2020 Cleveland Challenger Doubles
2020 Cleveland Challenger Singles
2020 UK GCSE and A-Level grading controversy
7th Level
99 Levels to Hell
Aaron Cleveland
.ac (second-level domain)
Action level
Acute Exposure Guideline Levels
Advanced level mathematics
Aggregate Level Simulation Protocol
Al Cleveland
Alfred Cleveland Blumenthal
Alfred Cleveland Weed
Altered level of consciousness
Ambient noise level
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Inc. v. Hydrolevel Corp.
Ank Bijleveld
Anneke Levelt Sengers
Another Level
Another Level (Another Level album)
Another Level (group)
Application-level gateway
Archdeacon of Cleveland
Arthur Cleveland Bent
Arthur Cleveland Coxe
Article-level metrics
se Kleveland
Asiatown, Cleveland
Association for Preserving Liberty and Property against Republicans and Levellers
Astragalus clevelandii
Audio leveler
Authorized Bootleg: Live Agara Ballroom Cleveland, Ohio
Author-level metrics
Automotive Safety Integrity Level
A Whole New Level of Sickness
Background level
Bacon Level, Alabama
Barbara Cleveland
Barbara Palmer, 1st Duchess of Cleveland
Base level
Bedford Level Corporation
Bedford Level experiment
BellairePuritas, Cleveland
Benjamin Cleveland
Big Levels salamander
Bijleveld (Westfalen)
Bilevel optimization
Bilevel rail car
Bill Cleveland
Biosafety level
Biosafety Level 4 Zoonotic Laboratory Network
Birmingham Snow Hill to Wolverhampton Low Level Line
Bit-level parallelism
Black level
Blackpool North and Cleveleys (UK Parliament constituency)
Blood lead level
Blood-oxygen-level-dependent imaging
Blood sugar level
Bloomeria clevelandii
Bombardier BiLevel Coach
Bombardier MultiLevel Coach
Boss Level
Brecksville-Northfield High Level Bridge
British Steel Corp v Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Co Ltd
Burlington Heights, Cleveland
Caldicot and Wentloog Levels
Call Level Interface
Calvary Cemetery (Cleveland)
Campeonato Acreano (lower levels)
Campeonato Brasiliense (lower levels)
Campeonato Mineiro (lower levels)
Cape Cleveland
Carlton in Cleveland
Carol Cleveland
Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist (Cleveland, Ohio)
Central, Cleveland
CentralMid-Levels escalator
Central YMCA (Cleveland, Ohio)
Chalk Level
Charles Cleveland
Charles Cleveland Nutting
Charles FitzRoy, 2nd Duke of Cleveland
Charles G. Cleveland
ChattanoogaClevelandDalton, TNGAAL Combined Statistical Area
Chauncey Fitch Cleveland
Children's Museum of Cleveland
Chinatown, Cleveland
Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee)
Church of the Covenant (Cleveland)
Circuit-level gateway
City Club of Cleveland
CityMusic Cleveland
City of Cleveland
Clark's level
Cleveland (30 Rock)
Cleveland Abbe
Cleveland Abbe Jr.
Cleveland Abbott
Cleveland, Alabama
Cleveland Amory
Cleveland and Copeland
Cleveland and Whitby (UK Parliament constituency)
Cleveland A. Newton
Cleveland Apollo
Cleveland Arcade
Cleveland (automobile)
Cleveland Bailey
Cleveland Baker
Cleveland Ballet
Cleveland Ballet (disambiguation)
Cleveland Barons
Cleveland Barons (19371973)
Cleveland Barons (20012006)
Cleveland Barons (NHL)
Cleveland Bay
Cleveland Bay (Queensland)
Cleveland Bearcats
Cleveland Blues
Cleveland Blues (NL) all-time roster
Cleveland Board of Education v. LaFleur
Cleveland Board of Education v. Loudermill
Cleveland Botanical Garden
Cleveland Bridge & Engineering Company
Cleveland Brown
Cleveland Brown Jr.
Cleveland Browns
Cleveland Browns Radio Network
Cleveland Browns relocation controversy
Cleveland Bruell Insurance
Cleveland Buckeyes
Cleveland Bulldogs
Cleveland Burke Lakefront Airport
Cleveland Bypass
Cleveland Cavaliers
Cleveland Cavaliers draft history
Cleveland Cavaliers Radio Network
Cleveland Centre, Middlesbrough
Cleveland child abuse scandal
Cleveland Circle
Cleveland Circle and Reservoir
Cleveland City Council
Cleveland City Stars
Cleveland-class cruiser
Cleveland Classic
Cleveland-Cliffs Inc.
Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland Clinic Akron General
Cleveland Clinic Children's Hospital
Cleveland Clinic fire of 1929
Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine
Cleveland Cobras
Cleveland commuter rail
Cleveland Court Apartments 620638
Cleveland Cram
Cleveland crime family
Cleveland Cripple Survey
Cleveland Crunch
Cleveland Cultural Gardens
Cleveland CycleWerks
Cleveland Daily Banner
Cleveland Diesel Engine Division
Cleveland (disambiguation)
Cleveland Division of Fire
Cleveland Division of Police
Cleveland Dyke
Cleveland East Ledge Light
Cleveland East Ohio Gas explosion
Cleveland Eaton
Cleveland E. Dodge Jr.
Cleveland Elites
Cleveland EMS
Cleveland, England
Cleveland Feast of the Assumption Festival
Cleveland, Florida
Cleveland Force
Cleveland Force (197888)
Cleveland Forest Citys
Cleveland Free Times
Cleveland Fusion
Cleveland, Georgia
Cleveland Gladiators
Cleveland Golf
Cleveland Hall (Nashville, Tennessee)
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Cleveland Hill, New York
Cleveland Hills
Cleveland Hoadley Dodge
Cleveland Home for Aged Colored People
Cleveland Hopkins International Airport
Cleveland Hungarian Museum
Cleveland Hustles
Clevelndia do Norte
Cleveland, Illinois
Cleveland Indians
Cleveland Indians (disambiguation)
Cleveland Indians (NFL 1931)
Cleveland Indians Radio Network
Cleveland Institute of Art
Cleveland Institute of Electronics
Cleveland Institute of Music
Cleveland International Film Festival
Cleveland International Piano Competition
Cleveland International Records
Cleveland in the American Civil War
Cleveland Jaybirds
Cleveland Jewish News
Cleveland Jr. Barons
Cleveland Junior Naval Academy
Cleveland, Kansas
Cleveland Landmarks Commission
Cleveland Lewis
Cleveland Line
Cleveland Live!
Cleveland Mall
ClevelandMarshall College of Law
Cleveland Masonic Temple
Cleveland M. Bailey
Cleveland Memorial Shoreway
Cleveland Metro
Cleveland Metroparks
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
Cleveland metropolitan area, Tennessee
Cleveland Mine Engine House Number 3
Cleveland Miners' and Quarrymen's Association
Cleveland, Minneapolis
Cleveland, Minnesota
Cleveland, Mississippi
Cleveland, Missouri
Cleveland Monsters
Cleveland motorcycle
Cleveland Municipal Airport
Cleveland Municipal Airport (Mississippi)
Cleveland Municipal Airport (Texas)
Cleveland Museum of Art
Cleveland Museum of Natural History
Cleveland National Air Show
Cleveland News
Cleveland Night Express
Cleveland, North Carolina
Cleveland, North Dakota
Cleveland, Oklahoma
Cleveland Open
Cleveland open-cup method
Cleveland Orchestra
Cleveland Orchestra discography
Cleveland Park
Cleveland Philharmonic Orchestra
Cleveland Pioneer Cemetery
Cleveland Play House
Cleveland Point Light
Cleveland Police
Cleveland Pools
Cleveland Pops Orchestra
Cleveland Press
Cleveland Public Power
Cleveland Public Theatre
Cleveland Quartet
Cleveland, Queensland
Cleveland Regional Jetport
Cleveland Robinson
Cleveland Rocks
Cleveland Rolling Mill
Cleveland Rosenblums
Cleveland Scene
Cleveland Spiders
Cleveland sports curse
Cleveland Square
Cleveland S. Rockwell
Cleveland Stadium
Cleveland Stars
Cleveland Street
Cleveland Street, London
Cleveland Street scandal
Cleveland Street Workhouse
Cleveland (surname)
Cleveland, Tennessee
Cleveland Terminal and Valley R. Co. v. Cleveland S. S. Co.
Cleveland Terminal Subdivision
Cleveland, Texas
Cleveland Thunderbolts
Cleveland Tigers
Cleveland Tigers (NFL)
Cleveland Torso Murderer
Cleveland Township
Cleveland Township, Michigan
Cleveland Township, Nebraska
Cleveland Traction Wars
Cleveland Trust Company Building
Cleveland Union Depot
Cleveland Unit
Cleveland University-Kansas City
Cleveland, Utah
Cleveland velodrome
Cleveland (village), Wisconsin
Cleveland vs. Harrison
Cleveland, Washington
Cleveland Watkiss
Cleveland Youth Wind Symphony
College Level Examination Program
College Now Greater Cleveland
Column level encryption
Commune-level subdivisions (Vietnam)
Computerized Achievement Levels Test
Concrete leveling
Convention on the Participation of Foreigners in Public Life at Local Level
.co (second-level domain)
Council of European National Top Level Domain Registries
Country code second-level domain
Country code top-level domain
Cross-Strait high-level talks
Crowne Plaza Cleveland at Playhouse Square
Cryptantha clevelandii
Cutler J. Cleveland
Cynthia Eloise Cleveland
Davis Cleveland
Dayeveningnight noise level
Day-night average sound level
Debt levels and flows
Deep-level transient spectroscopy
Deep-level trap
Degenerate energy levels
Demographics of Cleveland
Dennis Cleveland Stewart
Derived no-effect level
Destination Cleveland
Detroit and Cleveland Navigation Company
Dialect levelling
Dialect levelling in Britain
Diplacus clevelandii
District Level Examination
District-level town (Vietnam)
Dodecatheon clevelandii
Don W. Cleveland
Dorion level crossing accident
Downtown Cleveland
Draft:End of Level Boss
Drive-level capacitance profiling
Duchess of Cleveland
Duke of Cleveland
Dungeon Master Option: High-Level Campaigns
Early Holocene sea level rise
East 4th Street District (Cleveland)
East Cleveland
East Cleveland, Ohio
East Cleveland, Tennessee
Economy of Greater Cleveland
E. E. Cleveland
Electoral district of Cleveland
Electronic system-level design and verification
E.L.E. (Extinction Level Event): The Final World Front
Embedded Wafer Level Ball Grid Array
Energy level
Engineer's spirit level
Entity-level controls
Entry Level
Entry-level job
Equilibrium level
Error level analysis
Esther Cleveland
Euclid Avenue (Cleveland)
Eustachius de Leveland
Eustatic sea level
Evaluation Assurance Level
Extinction Level Event
Extinction Level Event 2: The Wrath of God
Eye Level Learning
Fan-out wafer-level packaging
Faure level crossing accident
FBI Cleveland Field Office
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Cincinnati Branch
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Pittsburgh Branch
Fermi level
Field of Streams (The Cleveland Show)
Filesystem-level encryption
First inauguration of Grover Cleveland
First-level NUTS of the European Union
Flag of Cleveland
Flight level
Float (liquid level)
Focus Level
Focus level
Fountas and Pinnell reading levels
Four Level Interchange
Frances Cleveland
Frances Cleveland Axtell
Francis Cleveland
Frankfurt (Main) Hauptbahnhof (low level)
Frederick Albert Cleveland
Frederick Cleveland Smith
Freezing level
Frog Level
Function-level programming
Gal Level
GCE Advanced Level
GCE Advanced Level in Sri Lanka
GCE Advanced Level (United Kingdom)
GCE Ordinary Level
GCE Ordinary Level in Sri Lanka
GCE Ordinary Level (United Kingdom)
General MIDI Level 2
Generic top-level domain
George Cleveland
George G. Cleveland
Glenville, Cleveland
Global Sea Level Observing System
Glossary of levelling terms
Governor Cleveland
Grand Prix Cleveland
Grand Prix of Cleveland
Graves's emergent cyclical levels of existence
Gray level size zone matrix
Greater Cleveland
Greater Cleveland Aquarium
Greater Cleveland Film Commission
Greater Cleveland Open
Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority
Greater Cleveland Sports Hall of Fame
Green Level, North Carolina
Ground level
Ground-level power supply
Grover Cleveland
Grover Cleveland 1884 presidential campaign
Grover Cleveland 1888 presidential campaign
Grover Cleveland 1892 presidential campaign
Grover Cleveland Alexander
Grover Cleveland Bergdoll
Grover Cleveland Birthplace
Grover Cleveland Golf Course
Guaranteed (Level 42 album)
Harry Powlett, 4th Duke of Cleveland
H. Augustus and Agnes Cleveland O'Dell House
Health Level 7
Health Level Seven International
Hebrew Academy of Cleveland
Height above ground level
Height above sea level
Hello Cleveland!
High- and low-level
High Level
High level
High Level Airport
High Level Architecture
High-level assembler
High level bombing
High Level Bridge (Edmonton)
High Level Bridge Streetcar
High-Level Conference on World Food Security
High-Level Data Link Control
High-level design
High-level equilibrium trap
High Level/Footner Lake Water Aerodrome
High-level language computer architecture
High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change
High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development
High-level programming language
High-level radioactive waste management
High-level synthesis
High-level verification
High-level waste
High Sheriff of Cleveland
Hippodrome Theater (Cleveland, Ohio)
History of Cleveland
History of the Cleveland Browns
History of the Cleveland Indians
History of the Cleveland Rams
History of the Jews in Greater Cleveland
HMS Cleveland
Honeywell Level 6
Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination
Hong Kong Higher Level Examination
Hopkins, Cleveland
Horace Cleveland
Horkelia clevelandii
Hot air solder leveling
Hot in Cleveland
Hough, Cleveland
HP: To the Highest Level Na!
Humberhead Levels
I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level
IBM High Level Assembler
Inauguration of Grover Cleveland
Instruction-level parallelism
Integrative level
Intel 5-level paging
Internationalized country code top-level domain
Invert level
Irish SecondLevel Students' Union
Item-level tagging
Jack Cleveland Casino
James Cleveland
James Colgate Cleveland
J. Cleveland Frug
J. D. Maarleveld
Jesse Franklin Cleveland
Jimmy Cleveland
Joaqun Pia Batllevell
John Cleveland
John Cleveley
John Cleveley the Elder
John Cleveley the Younger
Joint Bi-level Image Experts Group
Joint Level Interface Protocol
Joke Bijleveld
Jonathan Cleveland
Jumanji: The Next Level
Kasganj level crossing disaster
KDPM (Cleveland)
Keystroke-level model
Knowledge level modeling
Lady Bird Cleveland
Langenweddingen level crossing disaster
Laser level
Lon Level
Level 0
Level 1
Level 10
Level 10 Comics
Level 16
Level 2
Level 26
Level 3
Level 3 Communications
Level 3 (Last Chance to Reason album)
Level3 (Perfume album)
Level 3 (TV series)
Level 4
Level 42
Level 42 (album)
Level 5
Level-5 Comcept
Level-5 (company)
Level 5 Judgelight
Level 7
Level 7 (novel)
Level (7) with Me
Level 9
Level 9 Computing
Level (airline brand)
Level ancestor problem
Level and incline running
Level C
Level Comics
Level control valve
Level Cross
Level crossing
Level Crossing Removal Project
Level crossing signals
Level crossings in the United Kingdom
Level E
Leveler (album)
Level Europe
Level Headed
Leveling and sharpening
Leveling effect
Leveling mechanism
Leveling seat
Leveling the Plane of Existence
Level (instrument)
Levelized cost of energy
Level junction
Levelland, Texas
Levelland UFO case
Levellers (band)
Levellers discography
Levelling (disambiguation)
Levelling the Land
Level (logarithmic quantity)
Level luffing crane
Level, Maryland
Level Mountain
Level (music)
Levelock Airport
Levelock, Alaska
Level of analysis
Level of consciousness (Esotericism)
Level of detail
Level of detail (computer graphics)
Level of effort
Level of invention
Level of measurement
Level of service
Level of service (transportation)
Level of support for evolution
Level, Ohio
Level One (The Eleventh House album)
Level Park-Oak Park, Michigan
Level Plains, Alabama
Level Plane Records
Level playing field
Level probe
Levels (Avicii song)
Level-sensitive scan design
Level sensor
Level set
Level set (data structures)
Level-set method
Level Seven (hacking group)
Level shifter
Levels of adequacy
Levels of identity security
Levels of Knowing and Existence
Levels of Processing model
Level-spacing distribution
Level staff
Level structure (algebraic geometry)
Level Studios
Level (The Raconteurs song)
Level Up
Level Up (American TV series)
Level Up (British TV series)
Level (video games)
Lhasa (prefecture-level city)
Lifted condensation level
Light level geolocator
Lightning activity level
Line level
List of Advanced Level subjects
List of animals representing first-level administrative country subdivisions
List of ATP Tour Top-level tournament singles champions
List of biosafety level 4 organisms
List of Cambridge International Examinations Advanced Level subjects
List of Cambridge International Examinations Ordinary Level subjects
List of Chinese prefecture-level cities by GDP
List of Chinese prefecture-level cities by GDP per capita
List of Cleveland Barons players
List of Cleveland Browns first-round draft picks
List of Cleveland Browns head coaches
List of Cleveland Browns starting quarterbacks
List of Cleveland Cavaliers head coaches
List of Cleveland Force (197888) players
List of Cleveland Indians first-round draft picks
List of Cleveland Indians managers
List of Cleveland Indians (NFL 1923) players
List of Cleveland Indians (NFL 1931) players
List of Cleveland Indians (NFL) players
List of Cleveland Indians owners and executives
List of ClevelandMarshall College of Law alumni
List of Cleveland Spiders managers
List of Cleveland Tigers (NFL) players
List of colleges and seminaries affiliated with the Church of God (Cleveland)
List of countries by level of military equipment
List of country second level subdivisions by area
List of country third-level subdivisions by area
List of current district-level leaders of Beijing
List of district-level subdivisions in Vietnam
List of federal judges appointed by Grover Cleveland
List of first-level administrative country subdivisions by nominal GDP per capita
List of Hot in Cleveland episodes
List of Internet top-level domains
List of Level 42 members
List of level crossing crashes
List of mass media in Cleveland
List of mayors of Cleveland
List of multi-level marketing companies
List of people from Cleveland
List of places on land with elevations below sea level
List of provincial-level governors in South Korea
List of references to Cleveland in popular culture
List of second-level administrative divisions of North Korea
List of Sites of Special Scientific Interest in Cleveland
List of tallest buildings in Cleveland
List of The Cleveland Show characters
List of The Cleveland Show episodes
List of township-level divisions of Anhui
List of township-level divisions of Beijing
List of township-level divisions of Fujian
List of township-level divisions of Gansu
List of township-level divisions of Guangdong
List of township-level divisions of Guangxi
List of township-level divisions of Guizhou
List of township-level divisions of Hebei
List of township-level divisions of Heilongjiang
List of township-level divisions of Henan
List of township-level divisions of Jiangsu
List of township-level divisions of Jiangxi
List of township-level divisions of Jilin
List of township-level divisions of Liaoning
List of township-level divisions of Shandong
List of township-level divisions of Shanghai
List of township-level divisions of Shanxi
List of township-level divisions of the Tibet Autonomous Region
List of township-level divisions of Tianjin
List of township-level divisions of Xinjiang
List of township-level divisions of Zhejiang
List of West Indian first-level country subdivisions
Local-level governments of Papua New Guinea
Logic level
Logos and uniforms of the Cleveland Browns
London deep-level shelters
Loop-level parallelism
Lord Lieutenant of Cleveland
Lowest-observed-adverse-effect level
Low Level Bridge
Low-level design
Low-level equilibrium trap
Low-level injection
Low-level laser therapy
Low Level Owl
Low Level Owl: Volume I
Low Level Owl: Volume II
Low-level programming language
Low-Level Radioactive Waste Storage Site
Low-Level Reader Protocol
Low-level waste
Low Level Waste Repository
Low-level windshear alert system
Low light level television
LubbockLevelland combined statistical area
Luna Park, Cleveland
Made in Cleveland
Major Historical and Cultural Site Protected at the National Level
Malacothrix clevelandii
Manufacturing readiness level
Maximum Contaminant Level
Membership levels of the Girl Scouts of the USA
Memory-level parallelism
Method of levels
Michael Cleveland
Middle Level Navigations
Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland (UK Parliament constituency)
Mid-level practitioner
Mid Levels East (constituency)
Modeling Maturity Levels
Moisture sensitivity level
Moore v. City of East Cleveland
Morphological leveling
Mortimer Cleveland
Mount Cleveland
Mount Cleveland (Alaska)
Mount Sinai Hospital (Cleveland)
Mouth to Mouth (Levellers album)
Multilevel Antimicrobial Polymer
Multi-level cell
Multi-level converter
Multilevel feedback queue
Multilevel Flow Modeling
Multi-level governance
Multilevel groundwater monitoring systems
Multi-level marketing
Multilevel model
Multilevel modeling for repeated measures
Multilevel Monte Carlo method
MultiLevel Recording
Multilevel regression with poststratification
Multilevel security
Multilevel streets in Chicago
Multi-level technique
Multiple single-level
Murray Takes It to the Next Level
Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland
Myriopteris clevelandii
National Classification of Levels of Training
National Register of Historic Places listings in Cleveland
National Tidal and Sea Level Facility
Nested RAID levels
Neutral level
New Cleveland, Ohio
Newcomb Cleveland Prize
New Level
Next Generation Bi-Level Passenger Rail Car
Next Level
Next Level (film)
Nexus (Another Level album)
Nicotiana clevelandii
Nile Level Texts
Noise level
Non-standard RAID levels
No-observed-adverse-effect level
Normanby, Redcar and Cleveland
North Cleveland Park
North Cleveland, Texas
North Somerset Levels
Nosaby level crossing accident
Nova Iguau level crossing disaster
Nuclear emergency level classification responses
Ohio City, Cleveland
Ohio Theatre (Cleveland, Ohio)
Old All Saints Church, Skelton-in-Cleveland
Old Cleveland Court House
Old Stone Church (Cleveland, Ohio)
On a Level
On the Level
On the Level (1917 film)
Opera Cleveland
Operational-level agreement
Operational level of war
OS-level virtualization
Packera clevelandii
Peat extraction on the Somerset Levels
Penstemon clevelandii
Pilot (The Cleveland Show)
Pine Level, Alabama
Pine Level, Florida
Pine Level, North Carolina
PNC Center (Cleveland)
Polgahawela level crossing accident
Political foundation at European level
Pong: The Next Level
Poplar Level, Louisville
Power level
Prefecture-level city
Presidencies of Grover Cleveland
Price level
Production leveling
Programme for Research in Third Level Institutions
Programme level
Project-Level Aid Database
Proposed top-level domain
Pseudo-top-level domain
Public Square, Cleveland
Public transport accessibility level
Quantum level
Quasi Fermi level
Query-level feature
RAID levels
Redcar & Cleveland College
Redcar and Cleveland
Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council
Red Level
Red Level, Alabama
Reduced level
Regional climate levels in viticulture
Register-transfer level
Remains of the 13 Levels
Renaissance Cleveland Hotel
Replacement level
Resource leveling
Richard Cleveland
Richard Falley Cleveland
Richard F. Cleveland
Richard Overton (Leveller)
Rick Cleveland
Robert Cleveland
Robert Cleveley
Roman Catholic Diocese of Cleveland
Rose Cleveland
Run-time estimation of system and sub-system level power consumption
Safety integrity level
Saint Joseph Academy (Cleveland, Ohio)
Salvia clevelandii
Sarah Cleveland
Sarah M. Cleveland
SAT Subject Test in Mathematics Level 1
SAT Subject Test in Mathematics Level 2
Satu Level
Scalp Level, Pennsylvania
Scholarship level
Sea level
Sea Level (band)
Sea-level curve
Sea Level, North Carolina
Sea level rise
Secondary Level English Proficiency test
Second inauguration of Grover Cleveland
Second Level Address Translation
Second-level domain
Security level
Self-leveling concrete
Self-levelling suspension
Senator Cleveland
Service level
Service-level agreement
Service level indicator
Service-level objective
Service-level requirement
Seventh Level Records
Shana Cleveland
Shire of Cleveland
Singapore-Cambridge GCE Advanced Level
Singapore-Cambridge GCE Normal Level
Singapore-Cambridge GCE Ordinary Level
Single-letter second-level domain
Single-Level Dome
Single-level store
Sister Street Fighter Fifth Level Fist
Smithton High-Level Bridge
Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument (Cleveland)
Somerset Levels
Something About You (Level 42 song)
Sound level
Sound level meter
Sound Pressure Level
South Cleveland, Tennessee
Southworth House (Cleveland, Ohio)
Speech interference level
Spirit level
Spirit level (disambiguation)
Split level
Split-level home
Sponsored top-level domain
Sports in Cleveland
Spurious trip level
SSC Combined Graduate Level Examination
SS Cleveland
SS President Cleveland
SS President Cleveland (1920)
SS President Cleveland (1947)
Standard Building (Cleveland, Ohio)
Standard RAID levels
Standard sea-level conditions
Stefan Cleveland
St. Elizabeth of Hungary Catholic Church (Cleveland, Ohio)
Stepping level
Steve Cleveland
Stewart Cleveland Cureton
St. John African Methodist Episcopal Church (Cleveland, Ohio)
St. Luke's Hospital (Cleveland, Ohio)
St Paul's Anglican Church, Cleveland
St. Paul's Episcopal Church of East Cleveland
Streetcars in Cleveland
Street-level bureaucracy
Street-level characters of The Wire
Structural level
St. Stephen's Catholic Church (Cleveland, Ohio)
St. Vitus's Church, Cleveland
Substrate-level phosphorylation
Summit-level canal
Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels
Symmetric level-index arithmetic
Talk:Drinking Water Equivalent Level
Talk:Service-level objective
Tavern Club (Cleveland, Ohio)
Technology readiness level
Temple Adath Israel (Cleveland, Mississippi)
The 9 Cleveland
The African American Museum in Cleveland
The Cleveland Foundation
The Cleveland Gazette
The Cleveland Leader
The ClevelandLoretta Quagmire
The Cleveland Show
The Cool Ghoul (Cleveland)
The Daily Cleveland Herald
The Definitive Collection (Level 42 album)
The Food Defect Action Levels
The High Level Ranters
The Kid from Cleveland
The Leveller
The Levels
The Mall (Cleveland)
Theory of two-level planning
The Pied Piper of Cleveland
The Spirit Level (book)
The Spirit Level (poetry collection)
The Starfires (Cleveland band)
The Tenth Level
The Very Best of Level 42
Third-level education in the Republic of Ireland
Thomas S. Cleveland
Thomas Wentworth, 1st Earl of Cleveland
Threat level
Three-level diamond interchange
Three levels of leadership model
Tibial-plateau-leveling osteotomy
Timeline of Cleveland history
Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland
Top Level Design
Top-level domain
Topographic Abney level
Transaction-level modeling
Transmission level point
Trapped on Cleveland 3
Tremont, Cleveland
Tri-level sync
Trim level (automobile)
Trinity Cathedral (Cleveland, Ohio)
Trophic level
Trough level
True Colours (Level 42 album)
Twenty-fourth Level
Two-level utilitarianism
UK Threat Levels
United Daughters of the Confederacy Monument (Cleveland, Tennessee)
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
Unsponsored top-level domain
US Bank Centre Cleveland
User:Ryecatcher773/Userboxes/WP Cleveland
USS Cleveland (C-19)
USS Cleveland (CL-55)
USS Cleveland (LPD-7)
Vacuum level
Value-level programming
Vdigam Level
Very high-level programming language
Village-level operation and maintenance (pumps)
Villa Soldati level crossing tragedy
Volcanic Alert Level
W. A. Cleveland
Wafer-level packaging
Warehouse District, Cleveland
Water level
Water level (device)
Water levels of the Birmingham Canal Navigations
Wear leveling
Welcome to the Next Level
Westin Hotel Cleveland
West Park, Cleveland
Whiskey Island (Cleveland)
Wilhelmina Powlett, Duchess of Cleveland
Willard Park (Cleveland park)
Willem Levelt
William Cleveland
William FitzRoy, 3rd Duke of Cleveland
William S. Cleveland
William Vane, 1st Duke of Cleveland
William Vane, 3rd Duke of Cleveland
Wilmer Cleveland Wells
Wilton Castle (Redcar and Cleveland)
Wilton, Redcar and Cleveland
Winter flooding of 201314 on the Somerset Levels
Worsley Navigable Levels
X-Level Studios
Yeshiva Derech Hatorah (Cleveland)
Yeshiva of Cleveland
Zeitgeist (Levellers album)
Zero-level elevation
Zion Lutheran Church (Cleveland, Ohio)

convenience portal:
recent: Section Maps - index table - favorites
Savitri -- Savitri extended toc
Savitri Section Map -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
authors -- Crowley - Peterson - Borges - Wilber - Teresa - Aurobindo - Ramakrishna - Maharshi - Mother
places -- Garden - Inf. Art Gallery - Inf. Building - Inf. Library - Labyrinth - Library - School - Temple - Tower - Tower of MEM
powers -- Aspiration - Beauty - Concentration - Effort - Faith - Force - Grace - inspiration - Presence - Purity - Sincerity - surrender
difficulties -- cowardice - depres. - distract. - distress - dryness - evil - fear - forget - habits - impulse - incapacity - irritation - lost - mistakes - obscur. - problem - resist - sadness - self-deception - shame - sin - suffering
practices -- Lucid Dreaming - meditation - project - programming - Prayer - read Savitri - study
subjects -- CS - Cybernetics - Game Dev - Integral Theory - Integral Yoga - Kabbalah - Language - Philosophy - Poetry - Zen
6.01 books -- KC - ABA - Null - Savitri - SA O TAOC - SICP - The Gospel of SRK - TIC - The Library of Babel - TLD - TSOY - TTYODAS - TSZ - WOTM II
8 unsorted / add here -- Always - Everyday - Verbs

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