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230h Personality and its Transformations
Information Science
integraltransformation - links-list
Intelligent Life Buddhist Psychology of Self-Transformation
Ontology (information science)
The Divinization of Matter Lurianic Kabbalah, Physics, and the Supramental Transformation
the Information Age





formation ::: an organized structure or arrangement; creation. formations.

formation ::: n. --> The act of giving form or shape to anything; a forming; a shaping.
The manner in which a thing is formed; structure; construction; conformation; form; as, the peculiar formation of the heart.
A substance formed or deposited.
Mineral deposits and rock masses designated with reference to their origin; as, the siliceous formation about geysers;


1. A loose pliable covering for the head and neck, often attached to a robe or jacket. 2. Something resembling this in shape or use. 3. In animals, a conformation of parts (as in the cobra and the hooded seal), or arrangement of colour about the head or neck, resembling or suggesting a hood. hoods.

1. Lacking education or knowledge. 2. Unaware because of a lack of relevant information or knowledge.

282 Transformation

abortion ::: n. --> The act of giving premature birth; particularly, the expulsion of the human fetus prematurely, or before it is capable of sustaining life; miscarriage.
The immature product of an untimely birth.
Arrest of development of any organ, so that it remains an imperfect formation or is absorbed.
Any fruit or produce that does not come to maturity, or anything which in its progress, before it is matured or perfect; a

ACCIDENT. ::: There is no such thing as a mere accident. There is some - perhaps a slight - unconsciousness in the physical and it is taken advantage of by these small beings of the vital physical plane, who are more mischievous than consciously hostile.
It has often been seen that when an accident takes place at a particular spot, there is a tendency for some time for other accidents to happen there. There is the same tendency with suicides at a particular place. It is a sort of powerful formation that remains there with or without a vital being (spirit) in charge of the’ formation.

accrementition ::: n. --> The process of generation by development of blastema, or fission of cells, in which the new formation is in all respect like the individual from which it proceeds.

A complete freedom from fatigue is possible, but that comes only when there is a complete transformation of the law of the body and by the full descent of a supramental Force into the earth-nature.

advertise ::: v. t. --> To give notice to; to inform or apprise; to notify; to make known; hence, to warn; -- often followed by of before the subject of information; as, to advertise a man of his loss.
To give public notice of; to announce publicly, esp. by a printed notice; as, to advertise goods for sale, a lost article, the sailing day of a vessel, a political meeting.

advice ::: n. --> An opinion recommended or offered, as worthy to be followed; counsel.
Deliberate consideration; knowledge.
Information or notice given; intelligence; as, late advices from France; -- commonly in the plural.
Counseling to perform a specific illegal act.

advisement ::: n. --> Counsel; advice; information.
Consideration; deliberation; consultation.

advise ::: v. t. --> To give advice to; to offer an opinion, as worthy or expedient to be followed; to counsel; to warn.
To give information or notice to; to inform; -- with of before the thing communicated; as, we were advised of the risk.
To consider; to deliberate.
To take counsel; to consult; -- followed by with; as, to advise with friends.

age ::: n. **1. A great period or stage of the history of the Earth. 2. Hist. Any great period or portion of human history distinguished by certain characters real or mythical, as the Golden Age, the Patriarchal Age, the Bronze Age, the Age of the Reformation, the Middle Ages, the Prehistoric Age. 3. A generation or a series of generations. 4. Advanced years; old age. age"s, ages, ages". v. 5.** To grow old; to become aged.

AGNI. ::: Fire; Fire of Sacrifice; the Fire-God; Flame of Divine Force; illumined will; Divine Will; Fire of human aspiration; flame of purification or transformation in the psychic being; psychic fire.
The psychic fire is the fire of aspiration, purification and Tapasya.
Without Agni the sacrificial flame cannot bum on the altar of the soul. That flame of Agni is the seven-tongued power of the Will, a Force of God instinct with Knowledge. This conscious and forceful will is the immortal guest in our mortality, a pure priest and a divine worker, the mediator between earth and heaven. It carries what we offer to the higher Powers and brings back in return their force and light and joy into our humanity.
Agni and colours ::: the principle of Fire can manifest all the colours and the pure white fire is that which contains in itself all the colours.

AHAMKARA. ::: Ego; ego-idea; egoism; the separative egosense; the divisional principle of ego-formation.
rājasika ahamkāra ::: dynamic egoism.
sāllvika ahamkāra ::: egoism as expressed in the sense of goodness and virtue.
tāmasika ahamkāra ::: egoism as expressed in ignorance and inertia.

alarm ::: n. --> A summons to arms, as on the approach of an enemy.
Any sound or information intended to give notice of approaching danger; a warning sound to arouse attention; a warning of danger.
A sudden attack; disturbance; broil.
Sudden surprise with fear or terror excited by apprehension of danger; in the military use, commonly, sudden apprehension of being attacked by surprise.

alignment ::: n. --> The act of adjusting to a line; arrangement in a line or lines; the state of being so adjusted; a formation in a straight line; also, the line of adjustment; esp., an imaginary line to regulate the formation of troops or of a squadron.
The ground-plan of a railway or other road, in distinction from the grades or profile.

". . . all creation is a formation of the Spirit, . . . .” The Secret of the Veda*

“… all creation is a formation of the Spirit, …” The Secret of the Veda

  "All world is a movement of the Spirit in itself and is mutable and transient in all its formations and appearances; its only eternity is an eternity of recurrence, its only stability a semblance caused by certain fixities of relation and grouping.” *The Upanishads

“All world is a movement of the Spirit in itself and is mutable and transient in all its formations and appearances; its only eternity is an eternity of recurrence, its only stability a semblance caused by certain fixities of relation and grouping.” The Upanishads

alum shale ::: --> A variety of shale or clay slate, containing iron pyrites, the decomposition of which leads to the formation of alum, which often effloresces on the rock.

amblypoda ::: n. pl. --> A group of large, extinct, herbivorous mammals, common in the Tertiary formation of the United States.

amendment ::: n. --> An alteration or change for the better; correction of a fault or of faults; reformation of life by quitting vices.
In public bodies; Any alternation made or proposed to be made in a bill or motion by adding, changing, substituting, or omitting.
Correction of an error in a writ or process.

A mental formation stamped by the thoughts and feelings of a departed human being on the atmosphere of a place or locality, wandering about there or repeating itself, till that formation either exhausts itself or is dissolved by one means or another. This is the explanation of such phenomena as the haunted house in which the scenes attending or surrounding or preceding a murder are repeated over and over again and many other similar phenomena.

anamorphosis ::: n. --> A distorted or monstrous projection or representation of an image on a plane or curved surface, which, when viewed from a certain point, or as reflected from a curved mirror or through a polyhedron, appears regular and in proportion; a deformation of an image.
Same as Anamorphism, 2.
A morbid or monstrous development, or change of form, or degeneration.

And it is the repeated and constant descent of the Divine Cons- ciousness and its Force that is the means for the transformation of the whole being and (he whole nature. Once this descent becomes habitual, the Divine Force, the Power of the Mother, begins to work, no longer from above only or from behind the veil, but consciously in the udhara itself, and deals with its diffi- culties and possibilities and carries the Yoga

(and through the supramental into nature of Ananda) — thk Is the third or supnnental transformation.

anglo-catholic ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to a church modeled on the English Reformation; Anglican; -- sometimes restricted to the ritualistic or High Church section of the Church of England. ::: n. --> A member of the Church of England who contends for its catholic character; more specifically, a High Churchman.

angulation ::: n. --> A making angular; angular formation.

ankylosis ::: n. --> Stiffness or fixation of a joint; formation of a stiff joint.
The union of two or more separate bones to from a single bone; the close union of bones or other structures in various animals.
Same as Anchylosis.

annulation ::: n. --> A circular or ringlike formation; a ring or belt.

Another cause of these alternations, when one is receiving, is the nature's need of closing *up to assimilate. It can take per- haps a great deal, but while the experience is going on it cannot absorb properly what h brings, so it closes do^vn for assimila- tion. A third cause comes in the period of transformation, — one part of the nature changes and one feels for a time as if there had been a complete and permanent change. But one is disappointed to find it cease and a period of barrenness or lowered consciousness follow. This is because another part of the cons- ciousness comes up for change and a period of preparation and veiled working follows which seems to he one of uoeolightenment or worse. These things alarm, disappoint or perplex the eager- ness and impatience of the sadhaka ; but if one takes them quietly and knows how to use them or adopt the right attitude, one can make these unenlightened periods also a part of the conscious sadhana.

anthracitic ::: a. --> Of, pertaining to, or like, anthracite; as, anthracitic formations.

anthropomorphosis ::: n. --> Transformation into the form of a human being.

antilithic ::: a. --> Tending to prevent the formation of urinary calculi, or to destroy them when formed. ::: n. --> An antilithic medicine.

apogamy ::: n. --> The formation of a bud in place of a fertilized ovule or oospore.

apostemation ::: n. --> The formation of an aposteme; the process of suppuration.

Apparitions which are the formations of one"s own mind and take to the senses an objective appearance.

Apparitions which are the formations of one’s own mind and take to the senses an objective appearance.

apprise ::: v. t. --> To give notice, verbal or written; to inform; -- followed by of; as, we will apprise the general of an intended attack; he apprised the commander of what he had done. ::: n. --> Notice; information.

a reference book containing an alphabetical list of words with information about them.

. are there, or if by any means they can be born and -grow cons- tantly and seize all the nature, then and then only a supramentaJ uplifting and transformation becomes possible.

arraigned ::: called (an accused person) before a court to answer the charge made against him or her by indictment, information, or complaint, or brought before a court to answer to an indictment; accused, charged with fault.

asaphus ::: n. --> A genus of trilobites found in the Lower Silurian formation. See Illust. in Append.

ASCENT AND RETURN. ::: Once the being or its different parts begin to ascend to the planes above, any part of the being may do it, frontal or other. The samskāra that one cannot come back must be got rid of. One can have the experience of Nirvana at the summit of the mind or anywhere in those planes that are now superconscient to the mind; the mind spiritualised by the ascent into Self has the sense of laya, dissolution of itself, its thoughts, movements, samskāras into a superconscient Silence and Infinity which it is unable to grasp, - the Unknowable. But this would bring or lead to some form of Nirvana only if one makes Nirvana the goal, if one is tied to the mind and accepts its dissolution into the Infinite as one’s own dissolution or if one has not the capacity to reorganise experience on a higher than the mental plane. But otherwise what was superconscient becomes conscient, one begins to possess or else to be the instrument of the dynamis of the higher planes and there is a movement, not of liberation into Nirvana but of liberation and transformation. However high one goes one can always return, unless one has the will not to do so.

"A SPIRITUAL evolution, an evolution of consciousness in Matter in a constant developing self-formation till the form can reveal the indwelling Spirit, is then the keynote, the central significant motive of the terrestrial existence. This significance is concealed at the outset by the involution of the Spirit, the Divine Reality, in a dense material Inconscience; a veil of Inconscience, a veil of insensibility of Matter hides the universal Consciousness-Force which works within it, so that the Energy, which is the first form the Force of creation assumes in the physical universe, appears to be itself inconscient and yet does the works of a vast occult Intelligence.” The Life Divine

“A SPIRITUAL evolution, an evolution of consciousness in Matter in a constant developing self-formation till the form can reveal the indwelling Spirit, is then the keynote, the central significant motive of the terrestrial existence. This significance is concealed at the outset by the involution of the Spirit, the Divine Reality, in a dense material Inconscience; a veil of Inconscience, a veil of insensibility of Matter hides the universal Consciousness-Force which works within it, so that the Energy, which is the first form the Force of creation assumes in the physical universe, appears to be itself inconscient and yet does the works of a vast occult Intelligence.” The Life Divine

asterophyllite ::: n. --> A fossil plant from the coal formations of Europe and America, now regarded as the branchlets and foliage of calamites.

ASURA. ::: Titan; a being of ignorant egoism as opposed to the Deva or god, who is a being of Light; sons of Darkness and Division.
Asuras are really the dark side of the mental, or more strictly, of the vital mind plane. This mind is the very field of the Asuras. Their main characteristic is egoistic strength and struggle, which refuse the higher law. The Asura has self-control, tapas, and intelligence, but all that for the sake of his ego.
There are no Asuras on the higher planes where the Truth prevails, except in the Vedic sense -“ the Divine in its strength “. The mental and vital Asuras are only a deviation of that power.
There are two kinds of Asuras - one kind were divine in their origin but have fallen from their divinity by self-will and opposition to the intention of the Divine; they are spoken in the Hindu scriptures as the former or earlier gods; these can be converted and their conversion is indeed necessary for the ultimate purpose of the universe. But the ordinary Asura is not of this character, is not an evolutionary but a typal being and represents a fixed principle of the creation which does not evolve or change and is not intended to do so. These Asuras, as also the other hostile beings, Rakshasas, Pishachas and others resemble the devils of the Christian tradition and oppose the divine intention and the evolutionary purpose in the human being; they don’t change the purpose in them for which they exist which is evil, but have to be destroyed like the evil. The Asura has no soul, no psychic being which has to evolve to a higher state; he has only an ego and usually a very powerful ego; he has a mind, sometimes even a highly intellectual mind; but the basis of his thinking and feeling is vital and not mental, at the service of his desire and not truth. He is a formation assumed by the life-principle for a particular kind of work and not a divine formation or soul.
Some kinds of Asuras are very religious, very fanatical about their religion, very strict about rules of ethical conduct. There are others who use spiritual ideas without believing in them to give them a perverted twist and delude the sadhaka.

  At times he calls himself the ‘Lord of Nations." It is he who sets all wars in motion and only by thwarting his plans could the last war be won . . . This one does not want to be converted, not at all. He wants neither the physical transformation not the supramental world, for that would spell his end. The Mother"s talk of 26 March 1959.

At times he calls himself the ‘Lord of Nations.’ It is he who sets all wars in motion and only by thwarting his plans could the last war be won . . . This one does not want to be converted, not at all. He wants neither the physical transformation not the supramental world, for that would spell his end. The Mother’s talk of 26 March 1959.

authentic ::: n. --> Having a genuine original or authority, in opposition to that which is false, fictitious, counterfeit, or apocryphal; being what it purports to be; genuine; not of doubtful origin; real; as, an authentic paper or register.
Of approved authority; true; trustworthy; credible; as, an authentic writer; an authentic portrait; authentic information.
Vested with all due formalities, and legally attested.

aviso ::: n. --> Information; advice.
An advice boat, or dispatch boat.

bed rock ::: --> The solid rock underlying superficial formations. Also Fig.

bliss ::: “For from the divine Bliss, the original Delight of existence, the Lord of Immortality comes pouring the wine of that Bliss, the mystic Soma, into these jars of mentalised living matter; eternal and beautiful, he enters into these sheaths of substance for the integral transformation of the being and nature.” The Life Divine

Body transjormauon If the transformation is complete that means no subjection to death it does not mean that one will be bound to keep the same body for all time One creates a new body for oneself when one wants to change but how it will be done cannot be said now The present method is by physical birth — some occultists suppose that a time will come when that will not be necessary *— but the question must be left for the

Brahmacharya, the transformation of retas into oJas and the raising of its energies upward so that they change into a spiritual force.

Brahma ::: Sri Aurobindo: “Brahma is the Power of the Divine that stands behind formation and the creation.” Letters on Yoga

breeding ::: p. pr. & vb. n. --> of Breed ::: n. --> The act or process of generating or bearing.
The raising or improving of any kind of domestic animals; as, farmers should pay attention to breeding.
Nurture; education; formation of manners.

bufonite ::: n. --> An old name for a fossil consisting of the petrified teeth and palatal bones of fishes belonging to the family of Pycnodonts (thick teeth), whose remains occur in the oolite and chalk formations; toadstone; -- so named from a notion that it was originally formed in the head of a toad.

bulletin ::: n. --> A brief statement of facts respecting some passing event, as military operations or the health of some distinguished personage, issued by authority for the information of the public.
Any public notice or announcement, especially of news recently received.
A periodical publication, especially one containing the proceeding of a society.

But these things are not universal in Westerners ; they are super-structural formations, not the very grain of the being. They cannot permanently stand in the way of the soul, if the soul’s aspiration is strong and firm, if the spiritual aim is the chief thing in the life.

"By Force I mean not mental or vital energy but the Divine Force from above — as peace comes from above and wideness also, so does this Force (Shakti). Nothing, not even thinking or meditating can be done without some action of Force. The Force I speak of is a Force for illumination, transformation, purification, all that has to be done in the yoga, for removal of hostile forces and the wrong movements — it is also of course for external work, whether great or small in appearance does not matter — if that is part of the Divine Will. I do not mean any personal force egoistic or rajasic.” Letters on Yoga

“By Force I mean not mental or vital energy but the Divine Force from above—as peace comes from above and wideness also, so does this Force (Shakti). Nothing, not even thinking or meditating can be done without some action of Force. The Force I speak of is a Force for illumination, transformation, purification, all that has to be done in the yoga, for removal of hostile forces and the wrong movements—it is also of course for external work, whether great or small in appearance does not matter—if that is part of the Divine Will. I do not mean any personal force egoistic or rajasic.” Letters on Yoga

calamite ::: n. --> A fossil plant of the coal formation, having the general form of plants of the modern Equiseta (the Horsetail or Scouring Rush family) but sometimes attaining the height of trees, and having the stem more or less woody within. See Acrogen, and Asterophyllite.

calcification ::: n. --> The process of change into a stony or calcareous substance by the deposition of lime salt; -- normally, as in the formation of bone and of teeth; abnormally, as in calcareous degeneration of tissue.

calcify ::: v. t. --> To make stony or calcareous by the deposit or secretion of salts of lime. ::: v. i. --> To become changed into a stony or calcareous condition, in which lime is a principal ingredient, as in the formation of teeth.

call our mind ; in fact they come to us from a vast mental space or ether either as mind-waves of mind-force that carry a sigoi^cance which takes shape in our personal mind or as thought-formations ready made which we adopt and call ours.

callus ::: n. --> Same as Callosity
The material of repair in fractures of bone; a substance exuded at the site of fracture, which is at first soft or cartilaginous in consistence, but is ultimately converted into true bone and unites the fragments into a single piece.
The new formation over the end of a cutting, before it puts out rootlets.

catalysis ::: n. --> Dissolution; degeneration; decay.
A process by which reaction occurs in the presence of certain agents which were formerly believed to exert an influence by mere contact. It is now believed that such reactions are attended with the formation of an intermediate compound or compounds, so that by alternate composition and decomposition the agent is apparenty left unchanged; as, the catalysis of making ether from alcohol by means of sulphuric acid; or catalysis in the action of soluble ferments (as

catskill period ::: --> The closing subdivision of the Devonian age in America. The rocks of this period are well developed in the Catskill mountains, and extend south and west under the Carboniferous formation. See the Diagram under Geology.

cephalaspis ::: n. --> A genus of fossil ganoid fishes found in the old red sandstone or Devonian formation. The head is large, and protected by a broad shield-shaped helmet prolonged behind into two lateral points.

certify ::: v. t. --> To give cetain information to; to assure; to make certain.
To give certain information of; to make certain, as a fact; to verify.
To testify to in writing; to make a declaration concerning, in writing, under hand, or hand and seal.

change ::: v. 1. To make the form, nature, content, future course, etc. of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone. 2. To become different or undergo alteration. changes, changed, changing, ever-changing.* n. 3. The act or fact of changing; transformation or modification of anything. Change, changes, soul-change.

chart ::: n. --> A sheet of paper, pasteboard, or the like, on which information is exhibited, esp. when the information is arranged in tabular form; as, an historical chart.
A map; esp., a hydrographic or marine map; a map on which is projected a portion of water and the land which it surrounds, or by which it is surrounded, intended especially for the use of seamen; as, the United States Coast Survey charts; the English Admiralty charts.
A written deed; a charter.

charts ::: visual displays of information, as maps, graphs, tables, or sheets of information in the form of a diagram delineating a particular subject.

chastise ::: v. t. --> To inflict pain upon, by means of stripes, or in any other manner, for the purpose of punishment or reformation; to punish, as with stripes.
To reduce to order or obedience; to correct or purify; to free from faults or excesses.

CHEIROMANCY. ::: Each man is an individual by himself with his own peculiar formation different from others and made by minute variations in the general human plan, — this is true of small physical characteristics, it is evidently equally true of psychological characteristics ; it is not unreasonable to suppose a correlation between the two. On that basis cheiromancy may very well have a truth in it, for it is a known fact that the lines in an individual hand are different from the lines in others and that this, as well as differences of physiognomy, may carry in it psychological indications is not impossible.

chondrification ::: n. --> Formation of, or conversion into, cartilage.

chylification ::: n. --> The formation of chyle. See Chylifaction.

chylopoetic ::: a. --> Concerned in the formation of chyle; as, the chylopoetic organs.

cicatrisive ::: a. --> Tending to promote the formation of a cicatrix; good for healing of a wound.

cicatrizant ::: n. --> A medicine or application that promotes the healing of a sore or wound, or the formation of a cicatrix.

cicatrize ::: v. t. --> To heal or induce the formation of a cicatrix in, as in wounded or ulcerated flesh. ::: v. i. --> To heal; to have a new skin.

Citta-suddhi (purification of the mental or moral habits form- ed in the citta) was preached by the yogins as a first movement towards realisation and they got by it the saintliness of the saint and the quietude of the sage but the transformation of the nature of which w« speak Is something more than that, and this trans- formation does not come by contemplation alone.

cliff limestone ::: --> A series of limestone strata found in Ohio and farther west, presenting bluffs along the rivers and valleys, formerly supposed to be of one formation, but now known to be partly Silurian and partly Devonian.

coinage ::: v. t. --> The act or process of converting metal into money.
Coins; the aggregate coin of a time or place.
The cost or expense of coining money.
The act or process of fabricating or inventing; formation; fabrication; that which is fabricated or forged.

colonization ::: n. --> The act of colonizing, or the state of being colonized; the formation of a colony or colonies.

colorado group ::: --> A subdivision of the cretaceous formation of western North America, especially developed in Colorado and the upper Missouri region.

COLOURS. ::: When the colours begin to lake definite shapes in the visions, it is a sign of some dynamic work of formation in the consciousness. The waves of colour mean a dynamic rush of forces.

columns ::: long, narrow formations of troops in which there are more members in line in the direction of movement than at right angles to the direction.—(distinguished from line).

communicated ::: 1. Had an interchange, as of ideas. 2. Conveyed information about; imparted knowledge of; made known. communicates, communicating.

communicate ::: v. i. --> To share in common; to participate in.
To impart; to bestow; to convey; as, to communicate a disease or a sensation; to communicate motion by means of a crank.
To make known; to recount; to give; to impart; as, to communicate information to any one.
To administer the communion to.
To share or participate; to possess or enjoy in common; to have sympathy.

communicatory ::: a. --> Imparting knowledge or information.

complaint ::: n. --> Expression of grief, regret, pain, censure, or resentment; lamentation; murmuring; accusation; fault-finding.
Cause or subject of complaint or murmuring.
An ailment or disease of the body.
A formal allegation or charge against a party made or presented to the appropriate court or officer, as for a wrong done or a crime committed (in the latter case, generally under oath); an information; accusation; the initial bill in proceedings in equity.

compsognathus ::: n. --> A genus of Dinosauria found in the Jurassic formation, and remarkable for having several birdlike features.

conceive ::: v. t. --> To receive into the womb and begin to breed; to begin the formation of the embryo of.
To form in the mind; to plan; to devise; to generate; to originate; as, to conceive a purpose, plan, hope.
To apprehend by reason or imagination; to take into the mind; to know; to imagine; to comprehend; to understand. ::: v. i.

conception ::: n. --> The act of conceiving in the womb; the initiation of an embryonic animal life.
The state of being conceived; beginning.
The power or faculty of apprehending of forming an idea in the mind; the power of recalling a past sensation or perception.
The formation in the mind of an image, idea, or notion, apprehension.
The image, idea, or notion of any action or thing which

conformation ::: n. --> The act of conforming; the act of producing conformity.
The state of being conformed; agreement; hence; structure, as depending on the arrangement of parts; form; arrangement.

conjecture ::: the formation of conclusions from incomplete evidence; guess. conjecture"s, world-conjecture"s.

constitution ::: n. --> The act or process of constituting; the action of enacting, establishing, or appointing; enactment; establishment; formation.
The state of being; that form of being, or structure and connection of parts, which constitutes and characterizes a system or body; natural condition; structure; texture; conformation.
The aggregate of all one&

consulter ::: n. --> One who consults, or asks counsel or information.

consult ::: v. i. --> To seek the opinion or advice of another; to take counsel; to deliberate together; to confer. ::: v. t. --> To ask advice of; to seek the opinion of; to apply to for information or instruction; to refer to; as, to consult a physician; to consult a dictionary.

cornification ::: n. --> Conversion into, or formation of, horn; a becoming like horn.

correspondent ::: a. --> Suitable; adapted; fit; corresponding; congruous; conformable; in accord or agreement; obedient; willing. ::: n. --> One with whom intercourse is carried on by letter.
One who communicates information, etc., by letter or telegram to a newspaper or periodical.

corroboration ::: n. --> The act of corroborating, strengthening, or confirming; addition of strength; confirmation; as, the corroboration of an argument, or of information.
That which corroborates.

cosmoplastic ::: a. --> Pertaining to a plastic force as operative in the formation of the world independently of God; world-forming.

creation ::: n. --> The act of creating or causing to exist. Specifically, the act of bringing the universe or this world into existence.
That which is created; that which is produced or caused to exist, as the world or some original work of art or of the imagination; nature.
The act of constituting or investing with a new character; appointment; formation.

cretaceous ::: a. --> Having the qualities of chalk; abounding with chalk; chalky; as, cretaceous rocks and formations. See Chalk.

criminate, see what is mental formation or snh- to dis

CRITICISM. ::: The habit of criticism — mostly ignorant criti- cism of others — mixed with alJ sorts of iujagmstions, inferences, exaggerations, false interpretations, even gross inventions is one of the universal illnesses. It is a disease of the vital aided by the physical mind which makes itself an instrument of the plea- sure taken in this barren and harmful pursuit of the vital. Control of speech, refusal of this disease and the itch of the vital is very necessary, if inner experience has to have any true effect of transformation in the outer life.

CROSS. ::: Sign of the Divine Descent barred and marred by the transversal line of a cosmic deformation which turns life into a state of sufFering and misfortune.

cross ::: Sri Aurobindo: ". . . the cross is the sign of the Divine Descent barred and marred by the transversal line of a cosmic deformation which turns it into a stake of suffering and misfortune. Only by the ascent to the original Truth can the deformation be healed and all the works of love, as too all the works of knowledge and of life, be restored to a divine significance and become part of an integral spiritual existence.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

cross ::: “… the cross is the sign of the Divine Descent barred and marred by the transversal line of a cosmic deformation which turns it into a stake of suffering and misfortune. Only by the ascent to the original Truth can the deformation be healed and all the works of love, as too all the works of knowledge and of life, be restored to a divine significance and become part of an integral spiritual existence.” The Synthesis of Yoga

croupous ::: a. --> Relating to or resembling croup; especially, attended with the formation of a deposit or membrane like that found in membranous croup; as, croupous laryngitis.

crystallographer ::: n. --> One who describes crystals, or the manner of their formation; one versed in crystallography.

crystallography ::: n. --> The doctrine or science of crystallization, teaching the system of forms among crystals, their structure, and their methods of formation.
A discourse or treatise on crystallization.

curiosity ::: n. --> The state or quality or being curious; nicety; accuracy; exactness; elaboration.
Disposition to inquire, investigate, or seek after knowledge; a desire to gratify the mind with new information or objects of interest; inquisitiveness.
That which is curious, or fitted to excite or reward attention.

dakota group ::: --> A subdivision at the base of the cretaceous formation in Western North America; -- so named from the region where the strata were first studied.

DEFECTS. ::: Each defect of the nature of the Ignorance is a deformation of something in the higher nature — a deformation which amounts to a perversion even.

deformation ::: 1. The result of deforming; change of form, esp. for the worse. 2. An altered form. deformation"s.

deformation ::: n. --> The act of deforming, or state of anything deformed.
Transformation; change of shape.

delamination ::: n. --> Formation and separation of laminae or layers; one of the methods by which the various blastodermic layers of the ovum are differentiated.

deltafication ::: n. --> The formation of a delta or of deltas.

delved ::: carried an intensive and thorough research for data, information, or the like; investigated. delves.

dentation ::: n. --> Formation of teeth; toothed form.

"Destruction is always a simultaneous or alternate element which keeps pace with creation and it is by destroying and renewing that the Master of Life does his long work of preservation. More, destruction is the first condition of progress. Inwardly, the man who does not destroy his lower self-formations, cannot rise to a greater existence. Outwardly also, the nation or community or race which shrinks too long from destroying and replacing its past forms of life, is itself destroyed, rots and perishes and out of its debris other nations, communities and races are formed. By destruction of the old giant occupants man made himself a place upon earth. By destruction of the Titans the gods maintain the continuity of the divine Law in the cosmos. Whoever prematurely attempts to get rid of this law of battle and destruction, strives vainly against the greater will of the World-Spirit.” Essays on the Gita

“Destruction is always a simultaneous or alternate element which keeps pace with creation and it is by destroying and renewing that the Master of Life does his long work of preservation. More, destruction is the first condition of progress. Inwardly, the man who does not destroy his lower self-formations, cannot rise to a greater existence. Outwardly also, the nation or community or race which shrinks too long from destroying and replacing its past forms of life, is itself destroyed, rots and perishes and out of its debris other nations, communities and races are formed. By destruction of the old giant occupants man made himself a place upon earth. By destruction of the Titans the gods maintain the continuity of the divine Law in the cosmos. Whoever prematurely attempts to get rid of this law of battle and destruction, strives vainly against the greater will of the World-Spirit.” Essays on the Gita

devaporation ::: n. --> The change of vapor into water, as in the formation of rain.

devitrification ::: n. --> The act or process of devitrifying, or the state of being devitrified. Specifically, the conversion of molten glassy matter into a stony mass by slow cooling, the result being the formation of crystallites, microbites, etc., in the glassy base, which are then called devitrification products.

devonian ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to Devon or Devonshire in England; as, the Devonian rocks, period, or system. ::: n. --> The Devonian age or formation.

diaster ::: n. --> A double star; -- applied to the nucleus of a cell, when, during cell division, the loops of the nuclear network separate into two groups, preparatory to the formation of two daughter nuclei. See Karyokinesis.

differentiation ::: n. --> The act of differentiating.
The act of distinguishing or describing a thing, by giving its different, or specific difference; exact definition or determination.
The gradual formation or production of organs or parts by a process of evolution or development, as when the seed develops the root and the stem, the initial stem develops the leaf, branches, and flower buds; or in animal life, when the germ evolves the

diffuse ::: v. t. --> To pour out and cause to spread, as a fluid; to cause to flow on all sides; to send out, or extend, in all directions; to spread; to circulate; to disseminate; to scatter; as to diffuse information. ::: v. i. --> To pass by spreading every way, to diffuse itself.

Divine supporting it there — this psychic being takes charge of the sadhana and turns the whole being to the Truth, the Divine, with results in the mind, the wtal and the physical conscious- ness ; that is the first transformation.

document ::: n. --> That which is taught or authoritatively set forth; precept; instruction; dogma.
An example for instruction or warning.
An original or official paper relied upon as the basis, proof, or support of anything else; -- in its most extended sense, including any writing, book, or other instrument conveying information in the case; any material substance on which the thoughts of men are represented by any species of conventional mark or symbol.

document ::: something, such as a recording or a photograph, that can be used to furnish evidence or information. documents.

Dreams on the vital plane ::: It is the vital being that goes out in the vital worlds and has the sense of floating in the air ?a its own (vital) body.

These are formations of the vital plane, sometimes things that try to happen but not necessarily effective. One can observe and understand, but not allow them to influence the mind ; for often adverse forces try to influence the mind by suggestion through these dream experiences.

DREAMS. ::: Sometimes they are the formations of your own mind or vital ; sometimes they are the formations of other minds wth an exact or modified transcription in yours ; sometimes for- mations come that are made by the non-human forces or beings of these other planes. These things are not true and need not become true in the physical world, but they may still have effects on the physical if they are framed wlh that purpose or that tendency and, if they are allowed, they may realise their events or their meaning — for they are most often symbolic or sche- ‘ matic — in the inner or the outer life.

There are other dreams that have not the same character but are a representation or transcription of things that actually hap- pen on other planes, in other worlds under other conditions than ours. There are, again, some dreams that are purely symbolic and some that indicate existing movements and propensities in us.

Symbolic dreams may symbolize anything, forces at play, the underlying structure and tissue of things done or experienced, actual or potential happenings, real or suggested movements or changes in the inner or outer nature. The exact meaning varies with the mind and the condition of the one who sees them.

dyas ::: n. --> A name applied in Germany to the Permian formation, there consisting of two principal groups.

echelon ::: n. --> An arrangement of a body of troops when its divisions are drawn up in parallel lines each to the right or the left of the one in advance of it, like the steps of a ladder in position for climbing. Also used adjectively; as, echelon distance.
An arrangement of a fleet in a wedge or V formation. ::: v. t.

ectostosis ::: n. --> A process of bone formation in which ossification takes place in the perichondrium and either surrounds or gradually replaces the cartilage.

efflorescence ::: n. --> Flowering, or state of flowering; the blooming of flowers; blowth.
A redness of the skin; eruption, as in rash, measles, smallpox, scarlatina, etc.
The formation of the whitish powder or crust on the surface of efflorescing bodies, as salts, etc.
The powder or crust thus formed.

efformation ::: n. --> The act of giving shape or form.

Ego is constituted by Nature and is at once a mental, vital and physical formation meant to aid in centralising and indivi- dualising the outer consciousness and action. When the true being is discovered, the utility of tbe ego is over and this forma- tion has to disappear — the true being is felt in its place.

elaboration ::: n. --> The act or process of producing or refining with labor; improvement by successive operations; refinement.
The natural process of formation or assimilation, performed by the living organs in animals and vegetables, by which a crude substance is changed into something of a higher order; as, the elaboration of food into chyme; the elaboration of chyle, or sap, or tissues.

embryogony ::: n. --> The formation of an embryo.

embryology ::: n. --> The science which relates to the formation and development of the embryo in animals and plants; a study of the gradual development of the ovum until it reaches the adult stage.

embryoplastic ::: n. --> Relating to, or aiding in, the formation of an embryo; as, embryoplastic cells.

encystment ::: n. --> A process which, among some of the lower forms of life, precedes reproduction by budding, fission, spore formation, etc.
A process by which many internal parasites, esp. in their larval states, become inclosed within a cyst in the muscles, liver, etc. See Trichina.

endostosis ::: n. --> A process of bone formation in which ossification takes place within the substance of the cartilage.

eocene ::: a. --> Pertaining to the first in time of the three subdivisions into which the Tertiary formation is divided by geologists, and alluding to the approximation in its life to that of the present era; as, Eocene deposits. ::: n. --> The Eocene formation.

epizootic ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to an epizoon.
Containing fossil remains; -- said of rocks, formations, mountains, and the like.
Of the nature of a disease which attacks many animals at the same time; -- corresponding to epidemic diseases among men. ::: n.

epoch ::: n. --> A fixed point of time, established in history by the occurrence of some grand or remarkable event; a point of time marked by an event of great subsequent influence; as, the epoch of the creation; the birth of Christ was the epoch which gave rise to the Christian era.
A period of time, longer or shorter, remarkable for events of great subsequent influence; a memorable period; as, the epoch of maritime discovery, or of the Reformation.
A division of time characterized by the prevalence of

ethology ::: n. --> A treatise on morality; ethics.
The science of the formation of character, national and collective as well as individual.

evaporation ::: n. --> The process by which any substance is converted from a liquid state into, and carried off in, vapor; as, the evaporation of water, of ether, of camphor.
The transformation of a portion of a fluid into vapor, in order to obtain the fixed matter contained in it in a state of greater consistence.
That which is evaporated; vapor.
See Vaporization.

evolution ::: n. --> The act of unfolding or unrolling; hence, in the process of growth; development; as, the evolution of a flower from a bud, or an animal from the egg.
A series of things unrolled or unfolded.
The formation of an involute by unwrapping a thread from a curve as an evolute.
The extraction of roots; -- the reverse of involution.
A prescribed movement of a body of troops, or a vessel

explosion ::: n. --> The act of exploding; detonation; a chemical action which causes the sudden formation of a great volume of expanded gas; as, the explosion of gunpowder, of fire damp,etc.
A bursting with violence and loud noise, because of internal pressure; as, the explosion of a gun, a bomb, a steam boiler, etc.
A violent outburst of feeling, manifested by excited language, action, etc.; as, an explosion of wrath.

extent ::: a. --> Extended. ::: n. --> Space or degree to which a thing is extended; hence, superficies; compass; bulk; size; length; as, an extent of country or of line; extent of information or of charity.
Degree; measure; proportion.

farse ::: n. --> An addition to, or a paraphrase of, some part of the Latin service in the vernacular; -- common in English before the Reformation.

federalist ::: n. --> An advocate of confederation; specifically (Amer. Hist.), a friend of the Constitution of the United States at its formation and adoption; a member of the political party which favored the administration of president Washington.

fermentation ::: n. --> The process of undergoing an effervescent change, as by the action of yeast; in a wider sense (Physiol. Chem.), the transformation of an organic substance into new compounds by the action of a ferment, either formed or unorganized. It differs in kind according to the nature of the ferment which causes it.
A state of agitation or excitement, as of the intellect or the feelings.

fetation ::: n. --> The formation of a fetus in the womb; pregnancy.

Fhh ::: Moving vital mind making alt sorts of formations.

file ::: n. --> An orderly succession; a line; a row
A row of soldiers ranged one behind another; -- in contradistinction to rank, which designates a row of soldiers standing abreast; a number consisting the depth of a body of troops, which, in the ordinary modern formation, consists of two men, the battalion standing two deep, or in two ranks.
An orderly collection of papers, arranged in sequence or classified for preservation and reference; as, files of letters or of

flysch ::: n. --> A name given to the series of sandstones and schists overlying the true nummulitic formation in the Alps, and included in the Eocene Tertiary.

FOREHEAD CENTRE. ::: In the forehead between the eyes but a little above is the afha cakra, the centre of the inner will, also of the inner vision, the dynamic mind etc. (This is not the ordinary outer mental will and sight, but something more power- ful, belonging to the inner being). When this centre opens and the Force there is active, then there is the opening of a greater will, power of decision, formation, effectiveness, beyond what the ordinary mind can achieve.

forenotice ::: n. --> Notice or information of an event before it happens; forewarning.

forewarn ::: v. t. --> To warn beforehand; to give previous warning, admonition, information, or notice to; to caution in advance.

formation ::: an organized structure or arrangement; creation. formations.

formation ::: n. --> The act of giving form or shape to anything; a forming; a shaping.
The manner in which a thing is formed; structure; construction; conformation; form; as, the peculiar formation of the heart.
A substance formed or deposited.
Mineral deposits and rock masses designated with reference to their origin; as, the siliceous formation about geysers;

“For Mind as we know it is a power of the Ignorance seeking for Truth, groping with difficulty to find it, reaching only mental constructions and representations of it in word and idea, in mind formations, sense formations,—as if bright or shadowy photographs or films of a distant Reality were all that it could achieve.” The Life Divine

fritting ::: p. pr. & vb. n. --> of Frit ::: n. --> The formation of frit or slag by heat with but incipient fusion.

garnishment ::: n. --> Ornament; embellishment; decoration.
Warning, or legal notice, to one to appear and give information to the court on any matter.
Warning to a person in whose hands the effects of another are attached, not to pay the money or deliver the goods to the defendant, but to appear in court and give information as garnishee.
A fee. See Garnish, n., 4.

geanticlinal ::: n. --> An upward bend or flexure of a considerable portion of the earth&

gelatification ::: n. --> The formation of gelatin.

gemmation ::: n. --> The formation of a new individual, either animal or vegetable, by a process of budding; an asexual method of reproduction; gemmulation; gemmiparity. See Budding.
The arrangement of buds on the stalk; also, of leaves in the bud.

generation ::: n. --> The act of generating or begetting; procreation, as of animals.
Origination by some process, mathematical, chemical, or vital; production; formation; as, the generation of sounds, of gases, of curves, etc.
That which is generated or brought forth; progeny; offspiring.
A single step or stage in the succession of natural

genesee epoch ::: --> The closing subdivision of the Hamilton period in the American Devonian system; -- so called because the formations of this period crop out in Genesee, New York.

genesis ::: n. --> The act of producing, or giving birth or origin to anything; the process or mode of originating; production; formation; origination.
The first book of the Old Testament; -- so called by the Greek translators, from its containing the history of the creation of the world and of the human race.
Same as Generation.

geogonical ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to geogony, or to the formation of the earth.

geogony ::: n. --> The branch of science which treats of the formation of the earth.

glauconite ::: n. --> The green mineral characteristic of the greensand of the chalk and other formations. It is a hydrous silicate of iron and potash. See Greensand.

glucoside ::: n. --> One of a large series of amorphous or crystalline substances, occurring very widely distributed in plants, rarely in animals, and regarded as influental agents in the formation and disposition of the sugars. They are frequently of a bitter taste, but, by the action of ferments, or of dilute acids and alkalies, always break down into some characteristic substance (acid, aldehyde, alcohol, phenole, or alkaloid) and glucose (or some other sugar); hence the name. They are of the nature of complex and compound ethers, and

glycogenesis ::: n. --> The production or formation of sugar from gycogen, as in the liver.

goniatite ::: n. --> One of an extinct genus of fossil cephalopods, allied to the Ammonites. The earliest forms are found in the Devonian formation, the latest, in the Triassic.

granulation ::: n. --> The act or process of forming or crystallizing into grains; as, the granulation of powder and sugar.
The state of being granulated.
One of the small, red, grainlike prominences which form on a raw surface (that of wounds or ulcers), and are the efficient agents in the process of healing.
The act or process of the formation of such prominences.

guideboard ::: n. --> A board, as upon a guidepost having upon it directions or information as to the road.

guidebook ::: n. --> A book of directions and information for travelers, tourists, etc.

gum ammoniac ::: n. --> The concrete juice (gum resin) of an umbelliferous plant, the Dorema ammoniacum. It is brought chiefly from Persia in the form of yellowish tears, which occur singly, or are aggregated into masses. It has a peculiar smell, and a nauseous, sweet taste, followed by a bitter one. It is inflammable, partially soluble in water and in spirit of wine, and is used in medicine as an expectorant and resolvent, and for the formation of certain plasters.

hadrosaurus ::: n. --> An American herbivorous dinosaur of great size, allied to the iguanodon. It is found in the Cretaceous formation.

haematogenesis ::: n. --> The origin and development of blood.
The transformation of venous arterial blood by respiration; hematosis.

hastings sands ::: --> The lower group of the Wealden formation; -- so called from its development around Hastings, in Sussex, England.

heading ::: p. pr. & vb. n. --> of Head ::: n. --> The act or state of one who, or that which, heads; formation of a head.
That which stands at the head; title; as, the heading of a paper.

hearken ::: v. i. --> To listen; to lend the ear; to attend to what is uttered; to give heed; to hear, in order to obey or comply.
To inquire; to seek information. ::: v. t. --> To hear by listening.
To give heed to; to hear attentively.

hematosis ::: n. --> Sanguification; the conversion of chyle into blood.
The arterialization of the blood in the lungs; the formation of blood in general; haematogenesis.

heterochrony ::: n. --> In evolution, a deviation from the typical sequence in the formation of organs or parts.

heterogenetic ::: a. --> Relating to heterogenesis; as, heterogenetic transformations.

heteroplasm ::: n. --> An abnormal formation foreign to the economy, and composed of elements different from those are found in it in its normal condition.

histogenesis ::: n. --> The formation and development of organic tissues; histogeny; -- the opposite of histolysis.
Germ history of cells, and of the tissues composed of cells.

histogenetic ::: a. --> Tissue-producing; connected with the formation and development of the organic tissues.

histonomy ::: n. --> The science which treats of the laws relating to organic tissues, their formation, development, functions, etc.

history ::: n. --> A learning or knowing by inquiry; the knowledge of facts and events, so obtained; hence, a formal statement of such information; a narrative; a description; a written record; as, the history of a patient&

homoplasty ::: n. --> The formation of homologous tissues.

How these magnificent lines from Savitri continue to reverberate in the mind and heart and soul I do not know. I know only this, that Savitri, as Mother has said, is”a mantra for the transformation of the world.” As understanding grows within, not in the mind but in the inner cathedral which is always drenched in light, certain lines repeat themselves as mantra and I share what comes to me in a spirit of wonder and hushed elation.

humanity ::: “The universe is a manifestation of the Reality, and there is a truth of the universal existence, a Power of cosmic being, an all-self or world-spirit. Humanity is a formation or manifestation of the Reality in the universe, and there is a truth and self of humanity, a human spirit, a destiny of human life.” The Life Divine

hypnocyst ::: n. --> A cyst in which some unicellular organisms temporarily inclose themselves, from which they emerge unchanged, after a period of drought or deficiency of food. In some instances, a process of spore formation seems to occur within such cysts.

(I) An actual contact with the soul of a human being in its subtle body and transcribed to our mind by the appearance of an image or the hearing of a voice. (2) A mental formation stamped by the thoughts and fccBngs of a departed human being on the atmosphere of a pbee or locality, wandering about there or repeating itself, till that formation either exhausts itself or is dissolved by one means or another- This is the explanation of such phenomena as the haunted house in which the scenes attend- ing or surrounding or preceding a murder are repeated over and over again and many other similar phenomena. (3) A being

ichthyornis ::: n. --> An extinct genus of toothed birds found in the American Cretaceous formation. It is remarkable for having biconcave vertebrae, and sharp, conical teeth set in sockets. Its wings were well developed. It is the type of the order Odontotormae.

ichthyosaurus ::: n. --> An extinct genus of marine reptiles; -- so named from their short, biconcave vertebrae, resembling those of fishes. Several species, varying in length from ten to thirty feet, are known from the Liassic, Oolitic, and Cretaceous formations.

iconism ::: n. --> The formation of a figure, representation, or semblance; a delineation or description.

idea ::: Madhav: “Each form in Creation is governed by the Real-Idea which has impelled it into existence. Behind every object in manifestation, every formation that comes into being, there is a truth which demands fulfilment in and through it. It is a truth from the Being of the Divine that seeks expression. Each truth that so urges to manifest forms itself into a source-Idea, a concentration of the perception and the power to effectuate it. This Idea is always there in the depths of every manifestation ruling its forms and its movements according to its Will in execution. All formation and activities proceed according to the law of this indwelling Truth-Idea.” Readings in Savitri, Vol. I.

If there is no surrender there can be no transformation of the whole being.

If the Supramental Power is allowed by man’s discerning assent . and vigilant surrender to act according to Us own profound and subtle insight and flexible potency, it will bring about slowly or swiftly a divine transformation of our fallen and imperfect nature.

ignorance ::: the state or fact of being ignorant; lack of knowledge, learning, information. Ignorance, ignorance"s, Ignorance"s, ignorance", world-ignorance, World-Ignorance.

Sri Aurobindo: "Ignorance is the absence of the divine eye of perception which gives us the sight of the supramental Truth; it is the non-perceiving principle in our consciousness as opposed to the truth-perceiving conscious vision and knowledge.” *The Life Divine

"Ignorance is the consciousness of being in the successions of Time, divided in its knowledge by dwelling in the moment, divided in its conception of self-being by dwelling in the divisions of Space and the relations of circumstance, self-prisoned in the multiple working of the unity. It is called the Ignorance because it has put behind it the knowledge of unity and by that very fact is unable to know truly or completely either itself or the world, either the transcendent or the universal reality.” The Life Divine

"Ignorance means Avidya, the separative consciousness and the egoistic mind and life that flow from it and all that is natural to the separative consciousness and the egoistic mind and life. This Ignorance is the result of a movement by which the cosmic Intelligence separated itself from the light of the Supermind (the divine Gnosis) and lost the Truth, — truth of being, truth of divine consciousness, truth of force and action, truth of Ananda. As a result, instead of a world of integral truth and divine harmony created in the light of the divine Gnosis, we have a world founded on the part truths of an inferior cosmic Intelligence in which all is half-truth, half-error. . . . All in the consciousness of this creation is either limited or else perverted by separation from the integral Light; even the Truth it perceives is only a half-knowledge. Therefore it is called the Ignorance.” The Mother

". . . all ignorance is a penumbra which environs an orb of knowledge . . . .”The Life Divine

"This world is not really created by a blind force of Nature: even in the Inconscient the presence of the supreme Truth is at work; there is a seeing Power behind it which acts infallibly and the steps of the Ignorance itself are guided even when they seem to stumble; for what we call the Ignorance is a cloaked Knowledge, a Knowledge at work in a body not its own but moving towards its own supreme self-discovery.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

"Knowledge is no doubt the knowledge of the One, the realisation of the Being; Ignorance is a self-oblivion of Being, the experience of separateness in the multiplicity and a dwelling or circling in the ill-understood maze of becomings: . . . .” The Life Divine*

ILLNESS. ::: A deformation of the physical nature just as lust, anger, jealousy, etc. are deformations of the vital nature and error and prejudice and indulgence of falsehood are deforma- tions of the mental nature.

indication ::: n. --> Act of pointing out or indicating.
That which serves to indicate or point out; mark; token; sign; symptom; evidence.
Discovery made; information.
Explanation; display.
Any symptom or occurrence in a disease, which serves to direct to suitable remedies.

indoctrination ::: n. --> The act of indoctrinating, or the condition of being indoctrinated; instruction in the rudiments and principles of any science or system of belief; information.

Inertia and exercise ::: Physical tamas In its roots can be removed only by the descent and the transformation, but physical exercise and regular activity of the body can always prevent a tamasic condition from prevailing In the body.-

informant ::: v. t. --> One who, or that which, informs, animates, or vivifies.
One who imparts information or instruction.
One who offers an accusation; an informer. See Informer.

information ::: v. t. --> The act of informing, or communicating knowledge or intelligence.
News, advice, or knowledge, communicated by others or obtained by personal study and investigation; intelligence; knowledge derived from reading, observation, or instruction.
A proceeding in the nature of a prosecution for some offens against the government, instituted and prosecuted, really or nominally, by some authorized public officer on behalt of the

informatory ::: a. --> Full of, or conveying, information; instructive.

In mental vision the images arc invented by the mind and are partly true, partly a play of possibilities. Or a mental vision like the vital may be only a suggestion, — that is, a formation of some possibility on the menial or vital plane which presents itself to the sadhaka in the hope of being accepted and helped to rcalbe itself.

INNER SIGHT. ::: When one tries to meditate, the first obstacle in the beginning is sleep. When you get over this obstacle, there comes a condition in which, with the eyes closed, you begin to see things, people, scenes of all kinds. It is a good sign and means that you are making progress in yoga. There is, besides the outer physical sight which sees external objects, an inner .sight in us which can see things yet unseen and unknown, things at a distance, things belonging to another place or time or to other worlds.

Inner vision is vivid like actual sight, always precise and contains a truth in it. In mental vision the images are invented by the mind and are partly true, partly a play of possibilities. Or a mental vision like the vital may be only a suggestion,- that is a formation of some possibility on the mental or vital plane which presents itself to the sādhaka in the hope of being accepted and helped to realise itself.

inquire ::: v. i. --> To ask a question; to seek for truth or information by putting queries.
To seek to learn anything by recourse to the proper means of knoledge; to make examination. ::: v. t. --> To ask about; to seek to know by asking; to make

inquiry ::: a seeking or request for truth, information, or knowledge.

inquiry ::: n. --> The act of inquiring; a seeking for information by asking questions; interrogation; a question or questioning.
Search for truth, information, or knoledge; examination into facts or principles; research; invextigation; as, physical inquiries.

inquisitiveness ::: n. --> The quality or state of being inquisitive; the disposition to seek explanation and information; curiosity to learn what is unknown; esp., uncontrolled and impertinent curiosity.

instruct ::: a. --> Arranged; furnished; provided.
Instructed; taught; enlightened. ::: v. t. --> To put in order; to form; to prepare.
To form by communication of knowledge; to inform the mind of; to impart knowledge or information to; to enlighten; to teach;

instruction ::: n. --> The act of instructing, teaching, or furnishing with knowledge; information.
That which instructs, or with which one is instructed; the intelligence or information imparted
Precept; information; teachings.
Direction; order; command.

INTEGRAL WAY TO THE TRUTH ::: To pass from the external to a direct and intimate inner consciousness; to widen consciousness out of the limits of the ego and the body; to heighten it by an inner will and aspiration and opening to the height till it passes in its ascent beyond Mind, to bring down a descent of the supramental Divine through self-giving and surrender with a consequent transformation of mind, life and body.

INTEGRAL YOGA ::: This yoga accepts the value of cosmic existence and holds it to be a reality; its object is to enter into a higher Truth-Consciousness or Divine Supramental Consciousness in which action and creation are the expression not of ignorance and imperfection, but of the Truth, the Light, the Divine Ānanda. But for that, the surrender of the mortal mind, life and body to the Higher Consciousnessis indispensable, since it is too difficult for the mortal human being to pass by its own effort beyond mind to a Supramental Consciousness in which the dynamism is no longer mental but of quite another power. Only those who can accept the call to such a change should enter into this yoga.

Aim of the Integral Yoga ::: It is not merely to rise out of the ordinary ignorant world-consciousness into the divine consciousness, but to bring the supramental power of that divine consciousness down into the ignorance of mind, life and body, to transform them, to manifest the Divine here and create a divine life in Matter.

Conditions of the Integral Yoga ::: This yoga can only be done to the end by those who are in total earnest about it and ready to abolish their little human ego and its demands in order to find themselves in the Divine. It cannot be done in a spirit of levity or laxity; the work is too high and difficult, the adverse powers in the lower Nature too ready to take advantage of the least sanction or the smallest opening, the aspiration and tapasyā needed too constant and intense.

Method in the Integral Yoga ::: To concentrate, preferably in the heart and call the presence and power of the Mother to take up the being and by the workings of her force transform the consciousness. One can concentrate also in the head or between the eye-brows, but for many this is a too difficult opening. When the mind falls quiet and the concentration becomes strong and the aspiration intense, then there is the beginning of experience. The more the faith, the more rapid the result is likely to be. For the rest one must not depend on one’s own efforts only, but succeed in establishing a contact with the Divine and a receptivity to the Mother’s Power and Presence.

Integral method ::: The method we have to pursue is to put our whole conscious being into relation and contact with the Divine and to call Him in to transform Our entire being into His, so that in a sense God Himself, the real Person in us, becomes the sādhaka of the sādhana* as well as the Master of the Yoga by whom the lower personality is used as the centre of a divine transfiguration and the instrument of its own perfection. In effect, the pressure of the Tapas, the force of consciousness in us dwelling in the Idea of the divine Nature upon that which we are in our entirety, produces its own realisation. The divine and all-knowing and all-effecting descends upon the limited and obscure, progressively illumines and energises the whole lower nature and substitutes its own action for all the terms of the inferior human light and mortal activity.

In psychological fact this method translates itself into the progressive surrender of the ego with its whole field and all its apparatus to the Beyond-ego with its vast and incalculable but always inevitable workings. Certainly, this is no short cut or easy sādhana. It requires a colossal faith, an absolute courage and above all an unflinching patience. For it implies three stages of which only the last can be wholly blissful or rapid, - the attempt of the ego to enter into contact with the Divine, the wide, full and therefore laborious preparation of the whole lower Nature by the divine working to receive and become the higher Nature, and the eventual transformation. In fact, however, the divine strength, often unobserved and behind the veil, substitutes itself for the weakness and supports us through all our failings of faith, courage and patience. It” makes the blind to see and the lame to stride over the hills.” The intellect becomes aware of a Law that beneficently insists and a Succour that upholds; the heart speaks of a Master of all things and Friend of man or a universal Mother who upholds through all stumblings. Therefore this path is at once the most difficult imaginable and yet in comparison with the magnitude of its effort and object, the most easy and sure of all.

There are three outstanding features of this action of the higher when it works integrally on the lower nature. In the first place, it does not act according to a fixed system and succession as in the specialised methods of Yoga, but with a sort of free, scattered and yet gradually intensive and purposeful working determined by the temperament of the individual in whom it operates, the helpful materials which his nature offers and the obstacles which it presents to purification and perfection. In a sense, therefore, each man in this path has his own method of Yoga. Yet are there certain broad lines of working common to all which enable us to construct not indeed a routine system, but yet some kind of Shastra or scientific method of the synthetic Yoga.

Secondly, the process, being integral, accepts our nature such as it stands organised by our past evolution and without rejecting anything essential compels all to undergo a divine change. Everything in us is seized by the hands of a mighty Artificer and transformed into a clear image of that which it now seeks confusedly to present. In that ever-progressive experience we begin to perceive how this lower manifestation is constituted and that everything in it, however seemingly deformed or petty or vile, is the more or less distorted or imperfect figure of some elements or action in the harmony of the divine Nature. We begin to understand what the Vedic Rishis meant when they spoke of the human forefathers fashioning the gods as a smith forges the crude material in his smithy.

Thirdly, the divine Power in us uses all life as the means of this integral Yoga. Every experience and outer contact with our world-environment, however trifling or however disastrous, is used for the work, and every inner experience, even to the most repellent suffering or the most humiliating fall, becomes a step on the path to perfection. And we recognise in ourselves with opened eyes the method of God in the world, His purpose of light in the obscure, of might in the weak and fallen, of delight in what is grievous and miserable. We see the divine method to be the same in the lower and in the higher working; only in the one it is pursued tardily and obscurely through the subconscious in Nature, in the other it becomes swift and selfconscious and the instrument confesses the hand of the Master. All life is a Yoga of Nature seeking to manifest God within itself. Yoga marks the stage at which this effort becomes capable of self-awareness and therefore of right completion in the individual. It is a gathering up and concentration of the movements dispersed and loosely combined in the lower evolution.

Key-methods ::: The way to devotion and surrender. It is the psychic movement that brings the constant and pure devotion and the removal of the ego that makes it possible to surrender.

The way to knowledge. Meditation in the head by which there comes the opening above, the quietude or silence of the mind and the descent of peace etc. of the higher consciousness generally till it envelops the being and fills the body and begins to take up all the movements.
Yoga by works ::: Separation of the Purusha from the Prakriti, the inner silent being from the outer active one, so that one has two consciousnesses or a double consciousness, one behind watching and observing and finally controlling and changing the other which is active in front. The other way of beginning the yoga of works is by doing them for the Divine, for the Mother, and not for oneself, consecrating and dedicating them till one concretely feels the Divine Force taking up the activities and doing them for one.

Object of the Integral Yoga is to enter into and be possessed by the Divine Presence and Consciousness, to love the Divine for the Divine’s sake alone, to be tuned in our nature into the nature of the Divine, and in our will and works and life to be the instrument of the Divine.

Principle of the Integral Yoga ::: The whole principle of Integral Yoga is to give oneself entirely to the Divine alone and to nobody else, and to bring down into ourselves by union with the Divine Mother all the transcendent light, power, wideness, peace, purity, truth-consciousness and Ānanda of the Supramental Divine.

Central purpose of the Integral Yoga ::: Transformation of our superficial, narrow and fragmentary human way of thinking, seeing, feeling and being into a deep and wide spiritual consciousness and an integrated inner and outer existence and of our ordinary human living into the divine way of life.

Fundamental realisations of the Integral Yoga ::: The psychic change so that a complete devotion can be the main motive of the heart and the ruler of thought, life and action in constant union with the Mother and in her Presence. The descent of the Peace, Power, Light etc. of the Higher Consciousness through the head and heart into the whole being, occupying the very cells of the body. The perception of the One and Divine infinitely everywhere, the Mother everywhere and living in that infinite consciousness.

Results ::: First, an integral realisation of Divine Being; not only a realisation of the One in its indistinguishable unity, but also in its multitude of aspects which are also necessary to the complete knowledge of it by the relative consciousness; not only realisation of unity in the Self, but of unity in the infinite diversity of activities, worlds and creatures.

Therefore, also, an integral liberation. Not only the freedom born of unbroken contact of the individual being in all its parts with the Divine, sāyujya mukti, by which it becomes free even in its separation, even in the duality; not only the sālokya mukti by which the whole conscious existence dwells in the same status of being as the Divine, in the state of Sachchidananda ; but also the acquisition of the divine nature by the transformation of this lower being into the human image of the divine, sādharmya mukti, and the complete and final release of all, the liberation of the consciousness from the transitory mould of the ego and its unification with the One Being, universal both in the world and the individual and transcendentally one both in the world and beyond all universe.

By this integral realisation and liberation, the perfect harmony of the results of Knowledge, Love and Works. For there is attained the complete release from ego and identification in being with the One in all and beyond all. But since the attaining consciousness is not limited by its attainment, we win also the unity in Beatitude and the harmonised diversity in Love, so that all relations of the play remain possible to us even while we retain on the heights of our being the eternal oneness with the Beloved. And by a similar wideness, being capable of a freedom in spirit that embraces life and does not depend upon withdrawal from life, we are able to become without egoism, bondage or reaction the channel in our mind and body for a divine action poured out freely upon the world.

The divine existence is of the nature not only of freedom, but of purity, beatitude and perfection. In integral purity which shall enable on the one hand the perfect reflection of the divine Being in ourselves and on the other the perfect outpouring of its Truth and Law in us in the terms of life and through the right functioning of the complex instrument we are in our outer parts, is the condition of an integral liberty. Its result is an integral beatitude, in which there becomes possible at once the Ānanda of all that is in the world seen as symbols of the Divine and the Ānanda of that which is not-world. And it prepares the integral perfection of our humanity as a type of the Divine in the conditions of the human manifestation, a perfection founded on a certain free universality of being, of love and joy, of play of knowledge and of play of will in power and will in unegoistic action. This integrality also can be attained by the integral Yoga.

Sādhanā of the Integral Yoga does not proceed through any set mental teaching or prescribed forms of meditation, mantras or others, but by aspiration, by a self-concentration inwards or upwards, by a self-opening to an Influence, to the Divine Power above us and its workings, to the Divine Presence in the heart and by the rejection of all that is foreign to these things. It is only by faith, aspiration and surrender that this self-opening can come.

The yoga does not proceed by upadeśa but by inner influence.

Integral Yoga and Gita ::: The Gita’s Yoga consists in the offering of one’s work as a sacrifice to the Divine, the conquest of desire, egoless and desireless action, bhakti for the Divine, an entering into the cosmic consciousness, the sense of unity with all creatures, oneness with the Divine. This yoga adds the bringing down of the supramental Light and Force (its ultimate aim) and the transformation of the nature.

Our yoga is not identical with the yoga of the Gita although it contains all that is essential in the Gita’s yoga. In our yoga we begin with the idea, the will, the aspiration of the complete surrender; but at the same time we have to reject the lower nature, deliver our consciousness from it, deliver the self involved in the lower nature by the self rising to freedom in the higher nature. If we do not do this double movement, we are in danger of making a tamasic and therefore unreal surrender, making no effort, no tapas and therefore no progress ; or else we make a rajasic surrender not to the Divine but to some self-made false idea or image of the Divine which masks our rajasic ego or something still worse.

Integral Yoga, Gita and Tantra ::: The Gita follows the Vedantic tradition which leans entirely on the Ishvara aspect of the Divine and speaks little of the Divine Mother because its object is to draw back from world-nature and arrive at the supreme realisation beyond it.

The Tantric tradition leans on the Shakti or Ishvari aspect and makes all depend on the Divine Mother because its object is to possess and dominate the world-nature and arrive at the supreme realisation through it.

This yoga insists on both the aspects; the surrender to the Divine Mother is essential, for without it there is no fulfilment of the object of the yoga.

Integral Yoga and Hatha-Raja Yogas ::: For an integral yoga the special methods of Rajayoga and Hathayoga may be useful at times in certain stages of the progress, but are not indispensable. Their principal aims must be included in the integrality of the yoga; but they can be brought about by other means. For the methods of the integral yoga must be mainly spiritual, and dependence on physical methods or fixed psychic or psychophysical processes on a large scale would be the substitution of a lower for a higher action. Integral Yoga and Kundalini Yoga: There is a feeling of waves surging up, mounting to the head, which brings an outer unconsciousness and an inner waking. It is the ascending of the lower consciousness in the ādhāra to meet the greater consciousness above. It is a movement analogous to that on which so much stress is laid in the Tantric process, the awakening of the Kundalini, the Energy coiled up and latent in the body and its mounting through the spinal cord and the centres (cakras) and the Brahmarandhra to meet the Divine above. In our yoga it is not a specialised process, but a spontaneous upnish of the whole lower consciousness sometimes in currents or waves, sometimes in a less concrete motion, and on the other side a descent of the Divine Consciousness and its Force into the body.

Integral Yoga and other Yogas ::: The old yogas reach Sachchidananda through the spiritualised mind and depart into the eternally static oneness of Sachchidananda or rather pure Sat (Existence), absolute and eternal or else a pure Non-exist- ence, absolute and eternal. Ours having realised Sachchidananda in the spiritualised mind plane proceeds to realise it in the Supramcntal plane.

The suprcfhe supra-cosmic Sachchidananda is above all. Supermind may be described as its power of self-awareness and W’orld- awareness, the world being known as within itself and not out- side. So to live consciously in the supreme Sachchidananda one must pass through the Supermind.

Distinction ::: The realisation of Self and of the Cosmic being (without which the realisation of the Self is incomplete) are essential steps in our yoga ; it is the end of other yogas, but it is, as it were, the beginning of outs, that is to say, the point where its own characteristic realisation can commence.

It is new as compared with the old yogas (1) Because it aims not at a departure out of world and life into Heaven and Nir- vana, but at a change of life and existence, not as something subordinate or incidental, but as a distinct and central object.

If there is a descent in other yogas, yet it is only an incident on the way or resulting from the ascent — the ascent is the real thing. Here the ascent is the first step, but it is a means for the descent. It is the descent of the new coosdousness attain- ed by the ascent that is the stamp and seal of the sadhana. Even the Tantra and Vaishnavism end in the release from life ; here the object is the divine fulfilment of life.

(2) Because the object sought after is not an individual achievement of divine realisation for the sake of the individual, but something to be gained for the earth-consciousness here, a cosmic, not solely a supra-cosmic acbievement. The thing to be gained also is the bringing of a Power of consciousness (the Supramental) not yet organised or active directly in earth-nature, even in the spiritual life, but yet to be organised and made directly active.

(3) Because a method has been preconized for achieving this purpose which is as total and integral as the aim set before it, viz., the total and integral change of the consciousness and nature, taking up old methods, but only as a part action and present aid to others that are distinctive.

Integral Yoga and Patanjali Yoga ::: Cilia is the stuff of mixed mental-vital-physical consciousness out of which arise the movements of thought, emotion, sensation, impulse etc.

It is these that in the Patanjali system have to be stilled altogether so that the consciousness may be immobile and go into Samadhi.

Our yoga has a different function. The movements of the ordinary consciousness have to be quieted and into the quietude there has to be brought down a higher consciousness and its powers which will transform the nature.

Integration means a harmonisation of the conflicting parts of the personality brought about by the control and the working of a higher principle ; a transformation more or less complete so as to admit of a total changed working of the whole being and nature.

intelligence ::: n. --> The act or state of knowing; the exercise of the understanding.
The capacity to know or understand; readiness of comprehension; the intellect, as a gift or an endowment.
Information communicated; news; notice; advice.
Acquaintance; intercourse; familiarity.
Knowledge imparted or acquired, whether by study, research, or experience; general information.

intelligencing ::: a. --> Informing; giving information; talebearing.

intelligentiary ::: n. --> One who gives information; an intelligencer.

INTERCHANGE. ::: When one is with another for sometime talking etc., there is always some vital interchange, unless one rejects what comes from others instinctively or deliberately. If one is impressionable, there may be a strong impression or influence from the others. Then when one goes to another per- son it is possible to pass it on to the other. That is a thing which is constantly happening. But this happens without the knowledge of the transmitter. When one is conscious, one can prevent it happening.

Every letter means an interchange with the person who writes It ; for something is there behind the words, something of hfs person or of the forces he has put out or had around him while w’riting. Our thougiifs and feeJinp arc also forces and can hav« effects upon others. One has to grow conscious of the movement of these forces and then one can control one's own mental and vital formations and cease to be affected by those of others.

interviewer ::: n. --> One who interviews; especially, one who obtains an interview with another for the purpose of eliciting his opinions or obtaining information for publication.

interview ::: n. --> A mutual sight or view; a meeting face to face; usually, a formal or official meeting for consultation; a conference; as, the secretary had an interview with the President.
A conservation, or questioning, for the purpose of eliciting information for publication; the published statement so elicited. ::: v. t.

In the iransiiioD there may well be a period in which we take up all life and action and offer them to the Divine for purifica- tion, change and deliverance of the truth within them, another period in which we draw back and build a spiritual wall around us admitting through its gates only such activities as consent to undergo the Jaw of the spiritual transformation, a third In which a free and all-cmbracing action, with new forms fit for the utter

In this yoga the position is that one must overcome sex, other- wise there can be no transformation of the lower vital and phjsi- cal nature. All physical sexual connections should cease, other- wise one exposes oneself to serious dangers. The sex-push must also be overcome but it is not a fact that there can be no sadhana or no experience before it is entirely overcome, only without that conquest one cannot go to the end and it must be clearly recog- nised as one of the more serious obstacles and indulgence of it as a cause of considerable disturbance.

invariant ::: n. --> An invariable quantity; specifically, a function of the coefficients of one or more forms, which remains unaltered, when these undergo suitable linear transformations.

isagel ::: n. --> One of two or more objects containing the same information.

isagelous ::: a. --> Containing the same information; as, isagelous sentences.

“It is indeed as a result of our evolution that we arrive at the possibility of this transformation. As Nature has evolved beyond Matter and manifested Life, beyond Life and manifested Mind, so she must evolve beyond Mind and manifest a consciousness and power of our existence free from the imperfection and limitation of our mental existence, a supramental or truth-consciousness and able to develop the power and perfection of the spirit. Here a slow and tardy change need no longer be the law or manner of our evolution; it will be only so to a greater or less extent so long as a mental ignorance clings and hampers our ascent; but once we have grown into the truth-consciousness its power of spiritual truth of being will determine all. Into that truth we shall be freed and it will transform mind and life and body. Light and bliss and beauty and a perfection of the spontaneous right action of all the being are there as native powers of the supramental truth-consciousness and these will in their very nature transform mind and life and body even here upon earth into a manifestation of the truth-conscious spirit. The obscurations of earth will not prevail against the supramental truth-consciousness, for even into the earth it can bring enough of the omniscient light and omnipotent force of the spirit conquer. All may not open to the fullness of its light and power, but whatever does open must that extent undergo the change. That will be the principle of transformation.” The Supramental Manifestation

I use transformation in a special sense, a change of conscious- ness radical and complete and of a certain specific kind which is so conceived as to bring about a strong and assured step fonvard in the spiritual evolution of the being of a greater and higher kind and of a larger sweep and completeness than what took place when a mentalised being first appeared in a vital and matciiaV ammal world.

jurassic ::: a. --> Of the age of the middle Mesozoic, including, as divided in England and Europe, the Lias, Oolite, and Wealden; -- named from certain rocks of the Jura mountains. ::: n. --> The Jurassic period or formation; -- called also the Jura.

knowing ::: possessing knowledge, information, or understanding; comprehending. ::: knowings.

know ::: n. --> Knee. ::: v. i. --> To perceive or apprehend clearly and certainly; to understand; to have full information of; as, to know one&

labyrinthodonta ::: n. pl. --> An extinct order of Amphibia, including the typical genus Labyrinthodon, and many other allied forms, from the Carboniferous, Permian, and Triassic formations. By recent writers they are divided into two or more orders. See Stegocephala.

laelaps ::: n. --> A genus of huge, carnivorous, dinosaurian reptiles from the Cretaceous formation of the United States. They had very large hind legs and tail, and are supposed to have been bipedal. Some of the species were about eighteen feet high.

lateritic ::: a. --> Consisting of, containing, or characterized by, laterite; as, lateritic formations.

learn ::: v. t. --> To gain knowledge or information of; to ascertain by inquiry, study, or investigation; to receive instruction concerning; to fix in the mind; to acquire understanding of, or skill; as, to learn the way; to learn a lesson; to learn dancing; to learn to skate; to learn the violin; to learn the truth about something.
To communicate knowledge to; to teach. ::: v. i.

leucocytogenesis ::: n. --> The formation of leucocytes.

liassic ::: a. --> Of the age of the Lias; pertaining to the Lias formation. ::: n. --> Same as Lias.

"Life is the dynamic expression of Consciousness-Force when thrown outward to realise itself in concrete harmonies of formation.” Letters on Yoga

“Life is the dynamic expression of Consciousness-Force when thrown outward to realise itself in concrete harmonies of formation.” Letters on Yoga

lithiasis ::: n. --> The formation of stony concretions or calculi in any part of the body, especially in the bladder and urinary passages.

lithic ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to stone; as, lithic architecture.
Pertaining to the formation of uric-acid concretions (stone) in the bladder and other parts of the body; as, lithic diathesis.
Pertaining to or denoting lithium or some of its compounds. ::: n.

lituite ::: n. --> Any species of ammonites of the genus Lituites. They are found in the Cretaceous formation.

llandeilo group ::: --> A series of strata in the lower Silurian formations of Great Britain; -- so named from Llandeilo in Southern Wales. See Chart of Geology.

logic ::: n. --> The science or art of exact reasoning, or of pure and formal thought, or of the laws according to which the processes of pure thinking should be conducted; the science of the formation and application of general notions; the science of generalization, judgment, classification, reasoning, and systematic arrangement; correct reasoning.
A treatise on logic; as, Mill&

lytta ::: n. --> A fibrous and muscular band lying within the longitudinal axis of the tongue in many mammals, as the dog. M () M, the thirteenth letter of the English alphabet, is a vocal consonant, and from the manner of its formation, is called the labio-nasal consonant. See Guide to Pronunciation, // 178-180, 242. html{color:

malaxation ::: n. --> The act of softening by mixing with a thinner substance; the formation of ingredients into a mass for pills or plasters.

malconformation ::: n. --> Imperfect, disproportionate, or abnormal formation; ill form; disproportion of parts.

maleconformation ::: n. --> Malconformation.

maleformation ::: n. --> See Malformation.

malformation ::: n. --> Ill formation; irregular or anomalous formation; abnormal or wrong conformation or structure.

mark ::: n. --> A license of reprisals. See Marque.
An old weight and coin. See Marc.
The unit of monetary account of the German Empire, equal to 23.8 cents of United States money; the equivalent of one hundred pfennigs. Also, a silver coin of this value.
A visible sign or impression made or left upon anything; esp., a line, point, stamp, figure, or the like, drawn or impressed, so as to attract the attention and convey some information or intimation;

“Material Nature is not ethical; the law which governs it is a co-ordination of fixed habits which take no cognisance of good and evil, but only of force that creates, force that arranges and preserves, force that disturbs and destroys impartially, non-ethically, according to the secret Will in it, according to the mute satisfaction of that Will in its own self-formations and self-dissolutions.” The Life Divine

". . . matter is a formation of life that has no real existence apart from the informing universal spirit which gives it its energy and substance.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“… matter is a formation of life that has no real existence apart from the informing universal spirit which gives it its energy and substance.” The Synthesis of Yoga

maturation ::: n. --> The process of bringing, or of coming, to maturity; hence, specifically, the process of suppurating perfectly; the formation of pus or matter.

medina epoch ::: --> A subdivision of the Niagara period in the American upper Silurian, characterized by the formations known as the Oneida conglomerate, and the Medina sandstone. See the Chart of Geology.

meloplastic ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to meloplasty, or the artificial formation of a new cheek.

Mental transformation ::: All the works of the mind and intellect must first be heightened and widened, then illumined, lifted into the domains of a higher Intelligence, afterwards translated into workings of a greater non-mental Intuition, then again trans- formed into the dynamic outpourings of the Overmind radiance, and these transfigured into the full light and sovereignty of the supramental Gnosis.

merismatic ::: a. --> Dividing into cells or segments; characterized by separation into two or more parts or sections by the formation of internal partitions; as, merismatic growth, where one cell divides into many.

mesozoic ::: a. --> Belonging, or relating, to the secondary or reptilian age, or the era between the Paleozoic and Cenozoic. See Chart of Geology. ::: n. --> The Mesozoic age or formation.

metameric ::: a. --> Having the same elements united in the same proportion by weight, and with the same molecular weight, but possessing a different structure and different properties; as, methyl ether and ethyl alcohol are metameric compounds. See Isomeric.
Of or pertaining to a metamere or its formation; as, metameric segmentation.

metamorphosis ::: n. --> Change of form, or structure; transformation.
A change in the form or function of a living organism, by a natural process of growth or development; as, the metamorphosis of the yolk into the embryo, of a tadpole into a frog, or of a bud into a blossom. Especially, that form of sexual reproduction in which an embryo undergoes a series of marked changes of external form, as the chrysalis stage, pupa stage, etc., in insects. In these intermediate stages sexual reproduction is usually impossible, but they

metaphysis ::: n. --> Change of form; transformation.

micraster ::: n. --> A genus of sea urchins, similar to Spatangus, abounding in the chalk formation; -- from the starlike disposal of the ambulacral furrows.

MIND. ::: Part of the nature which has to do with cognillon and intelligence, with ideas, with mental or thought perceptions, the reactions of thought to things, siith the truly mental mos’c- ments and formations, mental visions and will etc. that arc part of the intelligence.

mind ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The ‘Mind" in the ordinary use of the word covers indiscriminately the whole consciousness, for man is a mental being and mentalises everything; but in the language of this yoga the words ‘mind" and ‘mental" are used to connote specially the part of the nature which has to do with cognition and intelligence, with ideas, with mental or thought perceptions, the reactions of thought to things, with the truly mental movements and formations, mental vision and will, etc., that are part of his intelligence.” *Letters on Yoga

"Mind in its essence is a consciousness which measures, limits, cuts out forms of things from the indivisible whole and contains them as if each were a separate integer.” The Life Divine

"Mind is an instrument of analysis and synthesis, but not of essential knowledge. Its function is to cut out something vaguely from the unknown Thing in itself and call this measurement or delimitation of it the whole, and again to analyse the whole into its parts which it regards as separate mental objects.” The Life Divine

"The mind proper is divided into three parts — thinking Mind, dynamic Mind, externalising Mind — the former concerned with ideas and knowledge in their own right, the second with the putting out of mental forces for realisation of the idea, the third with the expression of them in life (not only by speech, but by any form it can give).” Letters on Yoga

"The difference between the ordinary mind and the intuitive is that the former, seeking in the darkness or at most by its own unsteady torchlight, first, sees things only as they are presented in that light and, secondly, where it does not know, constructs by imagination, by uncertain inference, by others of its aids and makeshifts things which it readily takes for truth, shadow projections, cloud edifices, unreal prolongations, deceptive anticipations, possibilities and probabilities which do duty for certitudes. The intuitive mind constructs nothing in this artificial fashion, but makes itself a receiver of the light and allows the truth to manifest in it and organise its own constructions.” The Synthesis of Yoga

"He [man] has in him not a single mentality, but a double and a triple, the mind material and nervous, the pure intellectual mind which liberates itself from the illusions of the body and the senses, and a divine mind above intellect which in its turn liberates itself from the imperfect modes of the logically discriminative and imaginative reason.” The Synthesis of Yoga

"Our mind is an observer of actuals, an inventor or discoverer of possibilities, but not a seer of the occult imperatives that necessitate the movements and forms of a creation. . . .” *The Life Divine

"The human mind is an instrument not of truth but of ignorance and error.” Letters on Yoga

"For Mind as we know it is a power of the Ignorance seeking for Truth, groping with difficulty to find it, reaching only mental constructions and representations of it in word and idea, in mind formations, sense formations, — as if bright or shadowy photographs or films of a distant Reality were all that it could achieve.” The Life Divine

The Mother: "The true role of the mind is the formation and organization of action. The mind has a formative and organizing power, and it is that which puts the different elements of inspiration in order for action, for organizing action. And if it would only confine itself to that role, receiving inspirations — whether from above or from the mystic centre of the soul — and simply formulating the plan of action — in broad outline or in minute detail, for the smallest things of life or the great terrestrial organizations — it would amply fulfil its function. It is not an instrument of knowledge. But is can use knowledge for action, to organize action. It is an instrument of organization and formation, very powerful and very capable when it is well developed.” Questions and Answers 1956, MCW Vol. 8.*

mind ::: “The ‘Mind’ in the ordinary use of the word covers indiscriminately the whole consciousness, for man is a mental being and mentalises everything; but in the language of this yoga the words ‘mind’ and ‘mental’ are used to connote specially the part of the nature which has to do with cognition and intelligence, with ideas, with mental or thought perceptions, the reactions of thought to things, with the truly mental movements and formations, mental vision and will, etc., that are part of his intelligence.” Letters on Yoga

Mind, vital, physical are properly instruments for the soul and spirit ; when they work for themselves then they produce ignorant and imperfect things — if they can be made into conscious instruments of the psychic and the spirit, then they get their own diviner fulfilment ; that Is the idea contained in what we call transformation in this yoga.

misformation ::: n. --> Malformation.

misinformation ::: n. --> Untrue or incorrect information.

misinformer ::: n. --> One who gives or incorrect information.

misinform ::: v. t. --> To give untrue information to; to inform wrongly. ::: v. i. --> To give untrue information; (with against) to calumniate.

misintelligence ::: n. --> Wrong information; misinformation.
Disagreement; misunderstanding.

modeling ::: p. pr. & vb. n. --> of Model ::: n. --> The act or art of making a model from which a work of art is to be executed; the formation of a work of art from some plastic material. Also, in painting, drawing, etc., the expression or indication of solid form.

monition ::: n. --> Instruction or advice given by way of caution; an admonition; a warning; a caution.
Information; indication; notice; advice.
A process in the nature of a summons to appear and answer.
An order monishing a party complained against to obey under pain of the law.

monogenesis ::: n. --> Oneness of origin; esp. (Biol.), development of all beings in the universe from a single cell; -- opposed to polygenesis. Called also monism.
That form of reproduction which requires but one parent, as in reproduction by fission or in the formation of buds, etc., which drop off and form new individuals; asexual reproduction.
The direct development of an embryo, without metamorphosis, into an organism similar to the parent organism; --

monogenetic ::: a. --> One in genesis; resulting from one process of formation; -- used of a mountain range.
Relating to, or involving, monogenesis; as, the monogenetic school of physiologists, who admit but one cell as the source of all beings.

"Moreover we see that this cosmic action or any cosmic action is impossible without the play of an infinite Force of Existence which produces and regulates all these forms and movements; and that Force equally presupposes or is the action of an infinite Consciousness, because it is in its nature a cosmic Will determining all relations and apprehending them by its own mode of awareness, and it could not so determine and apprehend them if there were no comprehensive Consciousness behind that mode of cosmic awareness to originate as well as to hold, fix and reflect through it the relations of Being in the developing formation or becoming of itself which we call a universe.” The Life Divine

“Moreover we see that this cosmic action or any cosmic action is impossible without the play of an infinite Force of Existence which produces and regulates all these forms and movements; and that Force equally presupposes or is the action of an infinite Consciousness, because it is in its nature a cosmic Will determining all relations and apprehending them by its own mode of awareness, and it could not so determine and apprehend them if there were no comprehensive Consciousness behind that mode of cosmic awareness to originate as well as to hold, fix and reflect through it the relations of Being in the developing formation or becoming of itself which we call a universe.” The Life Divine

morphonomy ::: n. --> The laws of organic formation.

mucigenous ::: a. --> Connected with the formation of mucin; resembling mucin.

muschelkalk ::: n. --> A kind of shell limestone, whose strata form the middle one of the three divisions of the Triassic formation in Germany. See Chart, under Geology.

myzostomata ::: n. pl. --> An order of curious parasitic worms found on crinoids. The body is short and disklike, with four pairs of suckers and five pairs of hook-bearing parapodia on the under side. N () the fourteenth letter of English alphabet, is a vocal consonent, and, in allusion to its mode of formation, is called the dentinasal or linguanasal consonent. Its commoner sound is that heard in ran, done; but when immediately followed in the same word by the sound of g hard or k (as in single, sink, conquer), it usually represents the same

neocomian ::: n. --> A term applied to the lowest deposits of the Cretaceous or chalk formation of Europe, being the lower greensand. ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to the lower greensand.

neoplasm ::: n. --> A new formation or tissue, the product of morbid action.

nerve ::: 1. Any of the cordlike bundles of fibers made up of neurons through which sensory stimuli and motor impulses pass between the brain or other parts of the central nervous system and the eyes, glands, muscles, and other parts of the body. Nerves form a network of pathways for conducting information throughout the body. 2. Fortitude; stamina. Forceful quality; boldness. nerve"s, nerves, nerve-beat.

neuropteris ::: n. --> An extensive genus of fossil ferns, of which species have been found from the Devonian to the Triassic formation.

news ::: n --> A report of recent occurences; information of something that has lately taken place, or of something before unknown; fresh tindings; recent intelligence.
Something strange or newly happened.
A bearer of news; a courier; a newspaper.

newsy ::: a. --> Full of news; abounding in information as to current events.

Next is the spiritual transformation in Vifaich all is merged in the Divine in the cosmic consdousness.

“Non-Being is only a word. When we examine the fact it represents, we can no longer be sure that absolute non-existence has any better chance than the infinite Self of being more than an ideative formation of the mind. We really mean by this Nothing something beyond the last term to which we can reduce our purest conception and our most abstract or subtle experience of actual being as we know or conceive it while in this universe. This Nothing then is merely a something beyond positive conception. And when we say that out of Non-Being Being appeared, we perceive that we are speaking in terms of Time about that which is beyond Time.” The Life Divine

non-Being ::: Sri Aurobindo: "Non-Being is only a word. When we examine the fact it represents, we can no longer be sure that absolute non-existence has any better chance than the infinite Self of being more than an ideative formation of the mind. We really mean by this Nothing something beyond the last term to which we can reduce our purest conception and our most abstract or subtle experience of actual being as we know or conceive it while in this universe. This Nothing then is merely a something beyond positive conception. And when we say that out of Non-Being Being appeared, we perceive that we are speaking in terms of Time about that which is beyond Time.” The Life Divine ::: Non-Being"s, Non-being"s, non-being, non-being"s,

notice ::: n. --> The act of noting, remarking, or observing; observation by the senses or intellect; cognizance; note.
Intelligence, by whatever means communicated; knowledge given or received; means of knowledge; express notification; announcement; warning.
An announcement, often accompanied by comments or remarks; as, book notices; theatrical notices.
A writing communicating information or warning.

notification ::: n. --> The act of notifying, or giving notice; the act of making known; especially, the act of giving official notice or information to the public or to individuals, corporations, companies, or societies, by words, by writing, or by other means.
Notice given in words or writing, or by signs.
The writing which communicates information; an advertisement, or citation, etc.

nototherium ::: n. --> An extinct genus of gigantic herbivorous marsupials, found in the Pliocene formation of Australia.

nuncius ::: n. --> A messenger.
The information communicated.

odontoblast ::: n. --> One of the more or less columnar cells on the outer surface of the pulp of a tooth; an odontoplast. They are supposed to be connected with the formation of dentine.
One of the cells which secrete the chitinous teeth of Mollusca.

of Force. The Force I speak of is a Force for illumination, transformation, purification, all that has to be done in the yoga, for removal of hostile forces and the wrong movements—it is also of course for external work, whether great or small in appearance does not matter—if that is part of the Divine Will. I do not mean any personal force egoistic or rajasic.” Letters on Yoga

“One thing you must know and never forget: in the work of transformation all that is true and sincere will always be kept; only what is false and insincere will disappear.” Words of the Mother, MCW Vol. 15.

onomatopoeia ::: n. --> The formation of words in imitation of sounds; a figure of speech in which the sound of a word is imitative of the sound of the thing which the word represents; as, the buzz of bees; the hiss of a goose; the crackle of fire.

operation ::: n. --> The act or process of operating; agency; the exertion of power, physical, mechanical, or moral.
The method of working; mode of action.
That which is operated or accomplished; an effect brought about in accordance with a definite plan; as, military or naval operations.
Effect produced; influence.
Something to be done; some transformation to be made

ordovician ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to a division of the Silurian formation, corresponding in general to the Lower Silurian of most authors, exclusive of the Cambrian. ::: n. --> The Ordovician formation.

oreodon ::: n. --> A genus of extinct herbivorous mammals, abundant in the Tertiary formation of the Rocky Mountains. It is more or less related to the camel, hog, and deer.

originally ::: adv. --> In the original time, or in an original manner; primarily; from the beginning or origin; not by derivation, or imitation.
At first; at the origin; at the time of formation or costruction; as, a book originally written by another hand.

Or it may be a pressure from above ; let us say, some supra- mental or mental power precipitating its formation from above and developing forms and movements on the vital level as a means of transit to its self-creation in the material world. Or it may be all these things acting together, in which case there is the greatest possibility of an effective creation.

Or universal Self brings the sense of liberation, it is this which is necessary for the supreme spiritual deliverance ::: but for the transformation of the life and nature the awakening of the psy- chic being and its rule over the nature are indispensable.

ossification ::: n. --> The formation of bone; the process, in the growth of an animal, by which inorganic material (mainly lime salts) is deposited in cartilage or membrane, forming bony tissue; ostosis.
The state of being changed into a bony substance; also, a mass or point of ossified tissue.

osteogenetic ::: a. --> Connected with osteogenesis, or the formation of bone; producing bone; as, osteogenetic tissue; the osteogenetic layer of the periosteum.

osteogeny ::: n. --> The formation or growth of bone.

ostosis ::: n. --> Bone formation; ossification. See Ectostosis, and Endostosis.

“Our first decisive step out of our human intelligence, our normal mentality, is an ascent into a higher Mind, a mind no longer of mingled light and obscurity or half-light, but a large clarity of the Spirit. Its basic substance is a unitarian sense of being with a powerful multiple dynamisation capable of the formation of a multitude of aspects of knowledge, ways of action, forms and significances of becoming, of all of which there is a spontaneous inherent knowledge. It is therefore a power that has proceeded from the Overmind,—but with the Supermind as its ulterior origin,—as all these greater powers have proceeded: but its special character, its activity of consciousness are dominated by Thought; it is a luminous thought-mind, a mind of Spirit-born conceptual knowledge. An all-awareness emerging from the original identity, carrying the truths the identity held in itself, conceiving swiftly, victoriously, multitudinously, formulating and by self-power of the Idea effectually realising its conceptions, is the character of this greater mind of knowledge.” The Life Divine

Our notion of free will is apt to be tainted with the excessive individualism of the human ego and to assume the figure of an independent will acting on its own isolated account, in a complete liberty without any determination other than its own choice and single unrelated movement. This idea ignores the fact that our natural being is a part of cosmic Nature and our spiritual being exists only by the supreme Transcendence. Our total being can rise out of subjection to fact of present Nature only by an identification with a greater Truth and a greater Nature. The will of the individual, even when completely free, could not act in an isolated independence, because the individual being and nature are included in the universal Being and Nature and dependent on the all-overruling Transcendence. There could indeed be in the ascent a dual line. On one line the being could feel and behave as an independent self-existence uniting itself with its own impersonal Reality; it could, so self-conceived, act with a great force, but either this action would be still within an enlarged frame of its past and present self-formation of power of Nature or else it would be the cosmic or supreme Force that acted in it and there would be no personal initiation of action, no sense therefore of individual free will but only of an impersonal cosmic or supreme Will or Energy at its work. On the other line the being would feel itself a spiritual instrument and so act as a power of the Supreme Being, limited in its workings only by the potencies of the Supernature, which are without bounds or any restriction except its own Truth and self-law, and by the Will in her. But in either case there would be, as the condition of a freedom from the control of a mechanical action of Nature-forces, a submission to a greater conscious Power or an acquiescent unity of the individual being with its intention and movement in his own and in the world’s existence.” The Life Divine

"Our thoughts are not really created within ourselves independently in the small narrow thinking machine we call our mind; in fact, they come to us from a vast mental space or ether either as mind-waves or waves of mind-force that carry a significance which takes shape in our personal mind or as thought-formations ready-made which we adopt and call ours. Our outer mind is blind to this process of Nature; but by the awakening of the inner mind we can become aware of it.” Letters on Yoga

“Our thoughts are not really created within ourselves independently in the small narrow thinking machine we call our mind; in fact, they come to us from a vast mental space or ether either as mind-waves or waves of mind-force that carry a significance which takes shape in our personal mind or as thought-formations ready-made which we adopt and call ours. Our outer mind is blind to this process of Nature; but by the awakening of the inner mind we can become aware of it.” Letters on Yoga

Overmind, for in any of these the Self can be realised. It brings about a subjective transformation ; the instrumental nature is only so far transformed that it beaimes an instrument for the

ovulation ::: n. --> The formation of ova or eggs in the ovary, and the discharge of the same. In the mammalian female the discharge occurs during menstruation.

paleocrystic ::: a. --> Of, pertaining to, or derived from, a former glacial formation.

paleosaurus ::: n. --> A genus of fossil saurians found in the Permian formation.

pantology ::: n. --> A systematic view of all branches of human knowledge; a work of universal information.

paradoxides ::: n. --> A genus of large trilobites characteristic of the primordial formations.

paraschematic ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to a change from the right form, as in the formation of a word from another by a change of termination, gender, etc.

parostosis ::: n. --> Ossification which takes place in purely fibrous tracts; the formation of bone outside of the periosteum.

parthenogenesis ::: n. --> The production of new individuals from virgin females by means of ova which have the power of developing without the intervention of the male element; the production, without fertilization, of cells capable of germination. It is one of the phenomena of alternate generation. Cf. Heterogamy, and Metagenesis.
The production of seed without fertilization, believed to occur through the nonsexual formation of an embryo extraneous to the embrionic vesicle.

pelicosauria ::: n. pl. --> A suborder of Theromorpha, including terrestrial reptiles from the Permian formation.

penitentiary ::: a. --> Relating to penance, or to the rules and measures of penance.
Expressive of penitence; as, a penitentiary letter.
Used for punishment, discipline, and reformation. ::: n. --> One who prescribes the rules and measures of penance.

percept ::: 1. A mental impression of something perceived by the senses, viewed as the basic component in the formation of concepts; a sense datum. 2. The act of perceiving; an impression or sensation of something perceived.

permian ::: a. --> Belonging or relating to the period, and also to the formation, next following the Carboniferous, and regarded as closing the Carboniferous age and Paleozoic era. ::: n. --> The Permian period. See Chart of Geology.

personality ::: “Personality is only a temporary mental, vital, physical formation which the being, the real Person, the psychic entity, puts forward on the surface,—it is not the self in its abiding reality.” The Life Divine

phacops ::: n. --> A genus of trilobites found in the Silurian and Devonian formations. Phacops bufo is one of the most common species.

phalanx ::: an ancient military formation of serried ranks surrounded by shields; hence, any crowded mass of people or group united for a common purpose. phalanxes, phalanxed.

Physical consciousness ::: There is the universal physical cons- ciousness of Nature and there is our own which is a part of it, moved by it, and used by the central being for the support of its expression in the physical world and for a direct dealing with all these external objects and movements and forces. This physical consciousness-plane receives from the other planes their powers and influences and makes formations of them in its own province. Therefore we have a physical mind as well as a vital mind and the mind proper ; we have a vital-physical part in us

PHYSICAL EXERCISE. ::: It is very necessary to keep off tamas. Physical tamas in its roots can be removed only by the descent and the transformation, but physical exercise and regu- lar activity of the body can always prevent a tamasic condition from prevailing in the body.

placentation ::: n. --> The mode of formation of the placenta in different animals; as, the placentation of mammals.
The mode in which the placenta is arranged or composed; as, axile placentation; parietal placentation.

polysynthesis ::: n. --> The act or process of combining many separate elements into a whole.
The formation of a word by the combination of several simple words, as in the aboriginal languages of America; agglutination.

porotic ::: n. --> A medicine supposed to promote the formation of callus.

Power, Ananda, Peace, Knowledge, infinite Wideness and that must be possessed and descend into the whole being. Otherwise one can get multi but not perfection or transformation (except a relative psycho-spiritual change).

Power of the Tantrics, meets the Brahman and Ss liberated into the Divine Being. These centres are closed or half-closed within us and have to be op>ened before their full potentiality can be manifested in our physical.- nature ::: but once they are opened and completely active, no limit can easily be set to the develop- ment of their potencies and the total transformation to be possible.

Power will do even the surrender for you. The Supreme demands your surrender to her, but docs not impose it ::: you are free at every moment, till the irrevocable transformation comes, to deny and to reject the Divine or to recall your self-giving, if you are willing to suffer the spiritual consequence. Your surren- der must be self-made and free ; It must be the surrender of a living being, not of an inert automaton or mechanical tool.

precipitant ::: a. --> Falling or rushing headlong; rushing swiftly, violently, or recklessly; moving precipitately.
Unexpectedly or foolishly brought on or hastened; rashly hurried; hasty; sudden; reckless. ::: n. --> Any force or reagent which causes the formation of a

preformation ::: n. --> An old theory of the preexistence of germs. Cf. Embo/tement.

premonition ::: n. --> Previous warning, notice, or information; forewarning; as, a premonition of danger.

proembryo ::: n. --> The series of cells formed in the ovule of a flowering plant after fertilization, but before the formation of the embryo.
The primary growth from the spore in certain cryptogamous plants; as, the proembryo, or protonema, of mosses.

programma ::: n. --> Any law, which, after it had passed the Athenian senate, was fixed on a tablet for public inspection previously to its being proposed to the general assembly of the people.
An edict published for public information; an official bulletin; a public proclamation.
See Programme.
A preface.

proliferation ::: n. --> The continuous development of cells in tissue formation; cell formation.
The production of numerous zooids by budding, especially when buds arise from other buds in succession.

protoplasmic ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to the first formation of living bodies.
Of or pertaining to protoplasm; consisting of, or resembling, protoplasm.

punishment ::: n. --> The act of punishing.
Any pain, suffering, or loss inflicted on a person because of a crime or offense.
A penalty inflicted by a court of justice on a convicted offender as a just retribution, and incidentally for the purposes of reformation and prevention.

quaternary ::: a. --> Consisting of four; by fours, or in sets of four.
Later than, or subsequent to, the Tertiary; Post-tertiary; as, the Quaternary age, or Age of man. ::: n. --> The number four.
The Quaternary age, era, or formation. See the Chart of

questmonger ::: n. --> One who lays informations, and encourages petty lawsuits.

rank ::: 1. A relative position in a society. 2. A line of persons, esp. soldiers, standing abreast in close-order formation (distinguished from file). 3. Orderly arrangement; array. 4. A row, line, series, or range. ranks, ranked.

reality ::: “There is a Reality, a truth of all existence which is greater and more abiding than all its formations and manifestations; . . . . This Reality is there within each thing and gives to each of its formations its power of being and value of being.” The Life Divine

rearguard ::: (Military) A detachment detailed to protect the rear of a military formation, esp. in retreat.

REASON. ::: The reason has its place especially with regard to certain physical things and general worldly questions — though even there it is a very fallible judge — or in the forma- tion of metaphysical conclusions and generalisations ; but its claim to be the decisive aulhori^ in matters of yoga or in spiritual things is untenable. The activities of the outward intellect there lead only to the formation of personal opinions, not to the discovery of Truth. It has always been understood in India that the reason and its logic or its judgment cannot give you the realisation of spiiitua] truths but can only assist in an intellectual presentation of ideas; realisation comes by intuition and inner experience. Reason and intellectuality cannot make you see the Divine, it is the soul that sees. Mind and the other instruments can only share in the vision when it is imparted to them by the soul and welcome and rejoice in it. But also the mind may prevent it or at least stand long in the way of the realisation of the vision. For its prepossessions. prKonceived

reconnaissance ::: an inspection or exploration of an area to gather information.

recording ::: that records, sets down in writing or commits to memory for the purpose of preserving information.

record ::: n. **1. An account, as of information or facts, set down especially in writing as a means of preserving knowledge. 2. Information or knowledge preserved in writing or the like. records. v. 3. To set down or register in some permanent form. records, recorded.**

re-creation ::: n. --> A forming anew; a new creation or formation.

refer ::: v. t. --> To carry or send back.
Hence: To send or direct away; to send or direct elsewhere, as for treatment, aid, information, decision, etc.; to make over, or pass over, to another; as, to refer a student to an author; to refer a beggar to an officer; to refer a bill to a committee; a court refers a matter of fact to a commissioner for investigation, or refers a question of law to a superior tribunal.
To place in or under by a mental or rational process; to

reformalize ::: v. i. --> To affect reformation; to pretend to correctness.

re-formation ::: n. --> The act of forming anew; a second forming in order; as, the reformation of a column of troops into a hollow square.

reformation ::: n. --> The act of reforming, or the state of being reformed; change from worse to better; correction or amendment of life, manners, or of anything vicious or corrupt; as, the reformation of manners; reformation of the age; reformation of abuses.
Specifically (Eccl. Hist.), the important religious movement commenced by Luther early in the sixteenth century, which resulted in the formation of the various Protestant churches.

reformatory ::: a. --> Tending to produce reformation; reformative. ::: n. --> An institution for promoting the reformation of offenders.

reformed ::: a. --> Corrected; amended; restored to purity or excellence; said, specifically, of the whole body of Protestant churches originating in the Reformation. Also, in a more restricted sense, of those who separated from Luther on the doctrine of consubstantiation, etc., and carried the Reformation, as they claimed, to a higher point. The Protestant churches founded by them in Switzerland, France, Holland, and part of Germany, were called the Reformed churches.
Amended in character and life; as, a reformed gambler or

reformer ::: n. --> One who effects a reformation or amendment; one who labors for, or urges, reform; as, a reformer of manners, or of abuses.
One of those who commenced the reformation of religion in the sixteenth century, as Luther, Melanchthon, Zwingli, and Calvin.

regeneration ::: n. --> The act of regenerating, or the state of being regenerated.
The entering into a new spiritual life; the act of becoming, or of being made, Christian; that change by which holy affectations and purposes are substituted for the opposite motives in the heart.
The reproduction of a part which has been removed or destroyed; re-formation; -- a process especially characteristic of a

rejuvenescence ::: n. --> A renewing of youth; the state of being or growing young again.
A method of cell formation in which the entire protoplasm of an old cell escapes by rupture of the cell wall, and then develops a new cell wall. It is seen sometimes in the formation of zoospores, etc.

relator ::: n. --> One who relates; a relater.
A private person at whose relation, or in whose behalf, the attorney-general allows an information in the nature of a quo warranto to be filed.

remit ::: v. t. --> To send back; to give up; to surrender; to resign.
To restore.
To transmit or send, esp. to a distance, as money in payment of a demand, account, draft, etc.; as, he remitted the amount by mail.
To send off or away; hence: (a) To refer or direct (one) for information, guidance, help, etc. "Remitting them . . . to the works of Galen." Sir T. Elyot. (b) To submit, refer, or leave

rogatory ::: a. --> Seeking information; authorized to examine witnesses or ascertain facts; as, a rogatory commission.

rotalite ::: n. --> Any fossil foraminifer of the genus Rotalia, abundant in the chalk formation. See Illust. under Rhizopod.

rugosa ::: n. pl. --> An extinct tribe of fossil corals, including numerous species, many of them of large size. They are characteristic of the Paleozoic formations. The radiating septs, when present, are usually in multiples of four. See Cyathophylloid.

rumour ::: 1. Din or clamour. 2. Unverified information received from another; hearsay. rumour"s, rumours.

Sadhana is the opening of the consciousness to the Divine, the change of the present consciousness to the psychic and spiritual consciousness. In this yoga it means also the offering of all consciousness and its activities to the Divine for possession and use by the Divine and for transformation.

savitri ::: "In the Mahabharata, the heroine of the tale of Satyavan and Savitri; . . . . She was the daughter of King Ashwapati, and lover of Satyavan, whom she married although she was warned by Narada that he had only one year to live. On the fatal day, when Yama carried off Satyavan"s spirit, she followed him with unswerving devotion. Ultimately Yama was constrained to restore her husband to life.” *Glossary and Index of Proper Names in Sri Aurobindo"s Works

  Sri Aurobindo: "Savitri is the Divine Word, daughter of the Sun, goddess of the supreme Truth who comes down and is born to save; . . . .” (Author"s note at beginning of Savitri.)

  "Savitri is represented in the poem as an incarnation of the Divine Mother . . . .” Letters on Savitri

The Mother: "Savitri [the poem] is a mantra for the transformation of the world.” Spoken to Udar

scout ::: n. 1. One sent out or posted to obtain information. v. 2. To spy on or explore carefully in order to obtain information.

“Self-will in thought and action has, we have already seen, to be quite renounced if we would be perfect in the way of divine works; it has equally to be renounced if we are to be perfect in divine knowledge. This self-will means an egoism in the mind which attaches itself to its preferences, its habits, its past or present formations of thought and view and will because it regards them as itself or its own, weaves around them the delicate threads of I-ness’’ andmy-ness’’ and lives in them like a spider in its web. It hates to be disturbed, as a spider hates attack on its web, and feels foreign and unhappy if transplanted to fresh view-points and formations as a spider feels foreign in another web than its own. This attachment must be entirely excised from the mind.” The Synthesis of Yoga

shell ::: 1. An exterior or enclosing cover or case; an external part. Also fig. 2. Something without substance; hollow. Also fig. 3. The outer covering of crustaceans, molluscs, and other invertebrates, often with reference to the formation of pearls within the shells of molluscs. conch-shells.* See under *conch.

Shruti: “List or set of controls. Life and death, formation and dissolution.”

Shruti: “The prelude to the destruction or dissolution of the body, the mind, the ego, where any breaking down of any formation is painful. So the hounds are agents which lead to dissolution.”

sidelight ::: fig. Incidental or contrasting information on a subject.

sign ::: n. 1. An act or gesture used to convey an idea, a desire, information, or a command. 2. Any object, action, event, pattern, etc., that conveys a meaning. 3. A mark used to mean something; a symbol that sets something apart from others of its kind. 4. Something that indicates or acts as a token of a fact, condition, etc., that is not immediately or outwardly observable. 5. A signal. 6. A conventional figure or device that stands for a word, phrase, or operation; a symbol, as in mathematics or in musical notation. 7. A displayed structure such as a banner bearing lettering or symbols. 8. An act or significant event that is experienced as indication of divine intervention. 9. A portent of things to come. Sign, sign"s, signs, signless, sign-burdened, flame-signs. v. 10. To affix one"s signature to. 11. To indicate by or as if by a sign; betoken. signs, signed, signing.

Since the Consciousness-Force of the eternal Existence is the universal creatrix, the nature of a given world will depend on whatever self-formulation of that Consciousness expresses itself in that world. Equally, for each individual being, his seeing or representation to himself of the world he lives in will depend on the poise or make which that Consciousness has assumed in him. Our human mental consciousness sees the world in sections cut by the reason and sense and put together in a formation which is also sectional; the house it builds is planned to accommodate one or another generalised formulation of Truth, but excludes the rest or admits some only as guests or dependents in the house. Overmind Consciousness is global in its cognition and can hold any number of seemingly fundamental differences together in a reconciling vision. Thus the mental reason sees Person and the Impersonal as opposites: it conceives an impersonal Existence in which person and personality are fictions of the Ignorance or temporary constructions; or, on the contrary, it can see Person as the primary reality and the impersonal as a mental abstraction or only stuff or means of manifestation. To the Overmind intelligence these are separable Powers of the one Existence which can pursue their independent self-affirmation and can also unite together their different modes of action, creating both in their independence and in their union different states of consciousness and being which can be all of them valid and all capable of coexistence. A purely impersonal existence and consciousness is true and possible, but also an entirely personal consciousness and existence; the Impersonal Divine, Nirguna Brahman, and the Personal Divine, Saguna Brahman, are here equal and coexistent aspects of the Eternal. Impersonality can manifest with person subordinated to it as a mode of expression; but, equally, Person can be the reality with impersonality as a mode of its nature: both aspects of manifestation face each other in the infinite variety of conscious Existence. What to the mental reason are irreconcilable differences present themselves to the Overmind intelligence as coexistent correlatives; what to the mental reason are contraries are to the Overmind intelligence complementaries. Our mind sees that all things are born from Matter or material Energy, exist by it, go back into it; it concludes that Matter is the eternal factor, the primary and ultimate reality, Brahman. Or it sees all as born of Life-Force or Mind, existing by Life or by Mind, going back into the universal Life or Mind, and it concludes that this world is a creation of the cosmic Life-Force or of a cosmic Mind or Logos. Or again it sees the world and all things as born of, existing by and going back to the Real-Idea or Knowledge-Will of the Spirit or to the Spirit itself and it concludes on an idealistic or spiritual view of the universe. It can fix on any of these ways of seeing, but to its normal separative vision each way excludes the others. Overmind consciousness perceives that each view is true of the action of the principle it erects; it can see that there is a material world-formula, a vital world-formula, a mental world-formula, a spiritual world-formula, and each can predominate in a world of its own and at the same time all can combine in one world as its constituent powers. The self-formulation of Conscious Force on which our world is based as an apparent Inconscience that conceals in itself a supreme Conscious-Existence and holds all the powers of Being together in its inconscient secrecy, a world of universal Matter realising in itself Life, Mind, Overmind, Supermind, Spirit, each of them in its turn taking up the others as means of its self-expression, Matter proving in the spiritual vision to have been always itself a manifestation of the Spirit, is to the Overmind view a normal and easily realisable creation. In its power of origination and in the process of its executive dynamis Overmind is an organiser of many potentialities of Existence, each affirming its separate reality but all capable of linking themselves together in many different but simultaneous ways, a magician craftsman empowered to weave the multicoloured warp and woof of manifestation of a single entity in a complex universe. …

"Soma is the Gandharva, the Lord of the hosts of delight, and guards the true seat of the Deva, the level or plane of the Ananda; gandharva itthâ padam asya rakshati. He is the Supreme, standing out from all other beings and over them, other than they and wonderful, adbhuta, and as the supreme and transcendent, present in the worlds but exceeding them, he protects in those worlds the births of the gods, pâti devânâm janimâni adbhutah. The ‘births of the gods" is a common phrase in the Veda by which is meant the manifestation of the divine principles in the cosmos and especially the formation of the godhead in its manifold forms in the human being.” The Secret of the Veda

“Soma is the Gandharva, the Lord of the hosts of delight, and guards the true seat of the Deva, the level or plane of the Ananda; gandharva itthâ padam asya rakshati. He is the Supreme, standing out from all other beings and over them, other than they and wonderful, adbhuta, and as the supreme and transcendent, present in the worlds but exceeding them, he protects in those worlds the births of the gods, pâti devânâm janimâni adbhutah. The ‘births of the gods’ is a common phrase in the Veda by which is meant the manifestation of the divine principles in the cosmos and especially the formation of the godhead in its manifold forms in the human being.” The Secret of the Veda

“Soma is the Gandharva, the Lord of the hosts of delight, and guards the true seat of the Deva, the level or plane of the Ananda; gandharvaitthâpadamasyarakshati. He is the Supreme, standing out from all other beings and over them, other than they and wonderful, adbhuta, and as the supreme and transcendent, present in the worlds but exceeding them, he protects in those worlds the births of the gods, pâtidevânâmjanimâniadbhutah. The ‘births of the gods’ is a common phrase in the Veda by which is meant the manifestation of the divine principles in the cosmos and especially the formation of the godhead in its manifold forms in the human being.” The Secret of the Veda

soul ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The word ‘soul", as also the word ‘psychic", is used very vaguely and in many different senses in the English language. More often than not, in ordinary parlance, no clear distinction is made between mind and soul and often there is an even more serious confusion, for the vital being of desire — the false soul or desire-soul — is intended by the words ‘soul" and ‘psychic" and not the true soul, the psychic being.” *Letters on Yoga

  "The word soul is very vaguely used in English — as it often refers to the whole non-physical consciousness including even the vital with all its desires and passions. That was why the word psychic being has to be used so as to distinguish this divine portion from the instrumental parts of the nature.” *Letters on Yoga

  "The word soul has various meanings according to the context; it may mean the Purusha supporting the formation of Prakriti, which we call a being, though the proper word would be rather a becoming; it may mean, on the other hand, specifically the psychic being in an evolutionary creature like man; it may mean the spark of the Divine which has been put into Matter by the descent of the Divine into the material world and which upholds all evolving formations here.” *Letters on Yoga

  "A distinction has to be made between the soul in its essence and the psychic being. Behind each and all there is the soul which is the spark of the Divine — none could exist without that. But it is quite possible to have a vital and physical being supported by such a soul essence but without a clearly evolved psychic being behind it.” *Letters on Yoga

  "The soul and the psychic being are practically the same, except that even in things which have not developed a psychic being, there is still a spark of the Divine which can be called the soul. The psychic being is called in Sanskrit the Purusha in the heart or the Chaitya Purusha. (The psychic being is the soul developing in the evolution.)” *Letters on Yoga

  "The soul or spark is there before the development of an organised vital and mind. The soul is something of the Divine that descends into the evolution as a divine Principle within it to support the evolution of the individual out of the Ignorance into the Light. It develops in the course of the evolution a psychic individual or soul individuality which grows from life to life, using the evolving mind, vital and body as its instruments. It is the soul that is immortal while the rest disintegrates; it passes from life to life carrying its experience in essence and the continuity of the evolution of the individual.” *Letters on Yoga

  ". . . for the soul is seated within and impervious to the shocks of external events. . . .” *Essays on the Gita

  ". . . the soul is at first but a spark and then a little flame of godhead burning in the midst of a great darkness; for the most part it is veiled in its inner sanctum and to reveal itself it has to call on the mind, the life-force and the physical consciousness and persuade them, as best they can, to express it; ordinarily, it succeeds at most in suffusing their outwardness with its inner light and modifying with its purifying fineness their dark obscurities or their coarser mixture. Even when there is a formed psychic being able to express itself with some directness in life, it is still in all but a few a smaller portion of the being — ‘no bigger in the mass of the body than the thumb of a man" was the image used by the ancient seers — and it is not always able to prevail against the obscurity or ignorant smallness of the physical consciousness, the mistaken surenesses of the mind or the arrogance and vehemence of the vital nature.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

". . . the soul is an eternal portion of the Supreme and not a fraction of Nature.” The Life Divine

"The true soul secret in us, — subliminal, we have said, but the word is misleading, for this presence is not situated below the threshold of waking mind, but rather burns in the temple of the inmost heart behind the thick screen of an ignorant mind, life and body, not subliminal but behind the veil, — this veiled psychic entity is the flame of the Godhead always alight within us, inextinguishable even by that dense unconsciousness of any spiritual self within which obscures our outward nature. It is a flame born out of the Divine and, luminous inhabitant of the Ignorance, grows in it till it is able to turn it towards the Knowledge. It is the concealed Witness and Control, the hidden Guide, the Daemon of Socrates, the inner light or inner voice of the mystic. It is that which endures and is imperishable in us from birth to birth, untouched by death, decay or corruption, an indestructible spark of the Divine.” The Life Divine

*Soul, soul"s, Soul"s, souls, soulless, soul-bridals, soul-change, soul-force, Soul-Forces, soul-ground, soul-joy, soul-nature, soul-range, soul-ray, soul-scapes, soul-scene, soul-sense, soul-severance, soul-sight, soul-slaying, soul-space,, soul-spaces, soul-strength, soul-stuff, soul-truth, soul-vision, soul-wings, world-soul, World-Soul.

Speech is a formation which in the past has worked much more as an expression of the vital in man than of the mental will. Speech breaks out as the expression of the vital and its habits, without caring to wait for the control of the mind ; the tongue has been spoken of as the unruly membet- Not to he under the control of the impulse to speech, to be able to do without it as a necessity and to speak only when one sees that it is li^t to do so and only what one sees to be right to say, is a very necessary part of yogic self-control.

spire ::: poet. A structure or formation, such as a steeple, that tapers to a point at the top.

Spirit is an act of the supreme Reality from above which makes the realisation possible and it can appear either as the divine aid which brings about the fulfilment of the progress and process or as the sanction of the miracle. Evolution, as we see it in this world, is a slow and difficult process and, indeed, needs usual- ly ages to reach abiding results ; but this is because it is in its nature an emergence from ioconscient beginnings, a start from nescience and a working in the ignorance of natural beings by what seems to be an unconscious force. There can be, on the contrary, an evolution in the light and no longer in the darkness, in which the evolving being is a conscious participant and co- operator, and this is precisely what must take place here. Even in the effort and progress from the Ignorance to Knowledge this must be in part if not wholly the endeavour to be made on the heights of the nature and it must be wholly that in the final movement towards the spiritual change, realisation, transforma- tion. It must be still more so when there is a transition across the dividing line between the Ignorance and the Knowledge and the evolution is from knowledge to greater knowledge, from consciousness to greater consciousness, from being to greater being. There is then no longer any necessity for the slow pace of the ordinary evolution; there can be rapid consersion. quick transformation after transformation, what would seem to our

Spiritualisation and transformation ::: Spiritual experiences can fix themselves in the inner consciousness and alter it, transform it, if you like ; one can realise the Divine everywhere, the Self in qU and all in the Self, the universal Shakti doing all things ; one can feel merged in the Cosmic Self or full of ecstatic bhakti or Ananda. But one may and usually does still go on in the outer parts of Nature thinking with the intellect or at best the intuitive mind, willing with a menial will, feeling joy and sorrow on the vital surface, undergoing physical oHIictions and suffering from the struggle of life in the body with death and disease.

Spiritual transformation Is a putting on of the spiritual cons- ciousness, dynamic as well as static, in every part of the being down to the subconscient.

squads ::: mil. The smallest military formations, typically comprising a dozen soldiers, used esp. as a drill formation.

Sri Aurobindo: "Brahma is the Power of the Divine that stands behind formation and the creation.” Letters on Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: “Brahma is the Power of the Divine that stands behind formation and the creation.” Letters on Yoga

*Sri Aurobindo: "For from the divine Bliss, the original Delight of existence, the Lord of Immortality comes pouring the wine of that Bliss, the mystic Soma, into these jars of mentalised living matter; eternal and beautiful, he enters into these sheaths of substance for the integral transformation of the being and nature.” The Life Divine

Sri Aurobindo: "Material Nature is not ethical; the law which governs it is a co-ordination of fixed habits which take no cognisance of good and evil, but only of force that creates, force that arranges and preserves, force that disturbs and destroys impartially, non-ethically, according to the secret Will in it, according to the mute satisfaction of that Will in its own self-formations and self-dissolutions.” *The Life Divine

Sri Aurobindo: "Personality is only a temporary mental, vital, physical formation which the being, the real Person, the psychic entity, puts forward on the surface, — it is not the self in its abiding reality.” *The Life Divine

*Sri Aurobindo: "There is a Reality, a truth of all existence which is greater and more abiding than all its formations and manifestations; . . . . This Reality is there within each thing and gives to each of its formations its power of being and value of being.” The Life Divine

Sri Aurobindo: "There is no ignorance that is not part of the Cosmic Ignorance, only in the individual it becomes a limited formation and movement, while the Cosmic Ignorance is the whole movement of world consciousness separated from the supreme Truth and acting in an inferior motion in which the Truth is perverted, diminished, mixed and clouded with falsehood and error.” Letters on Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: "The universe is a manifestation of the Reality, and there is a truth of the universal existence, a Power of cosmic being, an all-self or world-spirit. Humanity is a formation or manifestation of the Reality in the universe, and there is a truth and self of humanity, a human spirit, a destiny of human life.” The Life Divine

SSdharmya-mukii ; liberation by the acquisition of the divine nature, by the transformation of this lower being info the human

STAMMER. ::: I do not think stammering has anything to do with insuflScient lung-power not is it caused by malformation of the vocal organs ; it is commonly a nervous (physico-nervous) impediment and is perfectly curable. People have used various kinds of devices to get over it, but behind them all will-power and a patient discipline of the utterance are indispensable.

Stars ::: Signifies a creation or formation or the promise or power of a creation or formation. The star is always a promise of the Light to come ; the star changes into a sun when there is the descent of the Light. Stars indicate beginnings or pro- mises of Light.

Statuses of transformation ::: First is the psychic transforation in which all is in contact with the Divine through the individua psyciiic consciousness.

(supported by the lowest part of the vital proper) is therefore the agent of most of the lesser movements of our external life ; its habitual reactions and obstinate pettinesses are the chief stumbling-block in the way of transformation of the outer cons- ciousness by the yoga. It is also largely responsible for most of the suffering and disease of mind or body to which the physical being is subject in Nature.

swathes ::: formations such as those of clouds, or mists that appear to envelope something.

Tehmi: “Formations.”

That is itot the transformation I envisage.

— that is the second transformation.

The ascent is necessarily an effort, a working of Nature, an urge or nisus on her side to raise her lower parts by an evolu- tionary or revolutionary change, conversion or transformation into the divine reality and it may happen by a process and pro- gress or by a rapid miracle. The descent or self-revelalion of the

"The collectivity is a mass, a field of formation; the individual is the diviner of truth, the form-maker, the creator.” The Life Divine

“The collectivity is a mass, a field of formation; the individual is the diviner of truth, the form-maker, the creator.” The Life Divine

The deeper the emotion, the more intense the Bhakti, the greater is the force for realisation and transformation. It is oftenest through intensity of emotion that the psychic being awakes and there is an opening of the inner doors to the Divine.

The Divine reveals himself in the world around us when we look upon that with a spiritual desire of delight that seeks him in all things. There is often a sudden opening by which the veil of forms is itself turned Into a revelation. A universal spiri- tual Presence, a universal peace, a universal infinite Delight has manifested, immanent, embracing, aU-penetraling. This Presence by our love of It, our delight in it, our constant thought of It returns and grows upon us ; it becomes the thing that we see and all else is only its habitation, form and symbol. Even all that is most outward, the body, the form, the sound, "whatever our senses seize, are seen as this Presence ; they cease to be physical and are changed into a substance of spirit. This trans- formation means a transformation of our own inner conscious- ness ; we are taken by the surrounding Presence into itself and

"The evil forces are perversions of the Truth by the Ignorance — in any complete transformation they must disappear and the Truth behind them be delivered.” Letters on Yoga

“The evil forces are perversions of the Truth by the Ignorance—in any complete transformation they must disappear and the Truth behind them be delivered.” Letters on Yoga

"The first word of the supramental Yoga is surrender; its last word also is surrender. It is by a will to give oneself to the eternal Divine, for lifting into the divine consciousness, for perfection, for transformation, that the Yoga begins; it is in the entire giving that it culminates; for it is only when the self-giving is complete that there comes the finality of the Yoga, the entire taking up into the supramental Divine, the perfection of the being, the transformation of the nature.” Essays Divine and Human

“The first word of the supramental Yoga is surrender; its last word also is surrender. It is by a will to give oneself to the eternal Divine, for lifting into the divine consciousness, for perfection, for transformation, that the Yoga begins; it is in the entire giving that it culminates; for it is only when the self-giving is complete that there comes the finality of the Yoga, the entire taking up into the supramental Divine, the perfection of the being, the transformation of the nature.” Essays Divine and Human

the house consecrated lo the Divine. The transformation must be integral, and integral therefore the rejection of all that with- stands it.

"The ‘I" or the little ego is constituted by Nature and is at once a mental, vital and physical formation meant to aid in centralising and individualising the outer consciousness and action. When the true being is discovered, the utility of the ego is over and this formation has to disappear — the true being is felt in its place.” Letters on Yoga

“The ‘I’ or the little ego is constituted by Nature and is at once a mental, vital and physical formation meant to aid in centralising and individualising the outer consciousness and action. When the true being is discovered, the utility of the ego is over and this formation has to disappear—the true being is felt in its place.” Letters on Yoga

The Mother: “Savitri [the poem] is a mantra for the transformation of the world.” Spoken to Udar. Savitri’s.

The Mother: “Savitri [the poem] is a mantra for the transformation of the world.” Spoken to Udar

The Mother: “The true role of the mind is the formation and organization of action. The mind has a formative and organizing power, and it is that which puts the different elements of inspiration in order for action, for organizing action. And if it would only confine itself to that role, receiving inspirations—whether from above or from the mystic centre of the soul—and simply formulating the plan of action—in broad outline or in minute detail, for the smallest things of life or the great terrestrial organizations—it would amply fulfil its function. It is not an instrument of knowledge. But is can use knowledge for action, to organize action. It is an instrument of organization and formation, very powerful and very capable when it is well developed.” Questions and Answers 1956, MCW Vol. 8.

The Mother: “Transformation. The change by which all the elements and all the movements of the being become ready to manifest the supramental Truth.”

:::   The Mother: "With the Divine"s Love is the power of Transformation. It has this power because it is for the sake of Transformation that it has given itself to the world and manifested everywhere. Not only into man but into all the atoms of Matter it has infused itself in order to bring the world back to the original Truth. The moment you open to it, you also receive its power of Transformation.” Words of the Mother, MCW Vol. 15.

The Mother: “With the Divine’s Love is the power of Transformation. It has this power because it is for the sake of Transformation that it has given itself to the world and manifested everywhere. Not only into man but into all the atoms of Matter it has infused itself in order to bring the world back to the original Truth. The moment you open to it, you also receive its power of Transformation.” Words of the Mother, MCW Vol. 15.

theory ::: 1. A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena, especially one that has been repeatedly tested or is widely accepted and can be used to make predictions about natural phenomena. 2. An assumption based on limited information or knowledge; a conjecture. theory"s, theories.

The overmind is the region of the gods, the beings of divine origin who have been charged with supervising, directing and organising the evolution of the universe; and more specifically, since the formation of the earth they have served as messengers and intermediaries to bring to the earth the aid of the higher regions and to preside over the formation of the mind and its progressive ascension. It is usually to the gods of the overmind that the prayers of the various religions are addressed. These religions most often choose, for various reasons, one of these gods and transform him for their personal use into the supreme God.

:::   ". . . the Person puts forward the personality as his role, character, persona, in the present act of his long drama of manifested existence. But the Person is larger than his personality, and it may happen that this inner largeness overflows into the surface formation; the result is a self-expression of being which can no longer be described by fixed qualities, normalities of mood, exact lineaments, or marked out by any structural limits.” *The Life Divine

“… the Person puts forward the personality as his role, character, persona, in the present act of his long drama of manifested existence. But the Person is larger than his personality, and it may happen that this inner largeness overflows into the surface formation; the result is a self-expression of being which can no longer be described by fixed qualities, normalities of mood, exact lineaments, or marked out by any structural limits.” The Life Divine

The Power of the Divine that stands behind formation and creation '

The process of the integral yoga has three stages, not indeed sharply distingnlsbed or ^parate, but in a certain measure suc- cessive. There must be, first, the effort towards at least an initial and enabling self-transcendence and contact with the Divine ; next, the reception of that which transcends, that with which we have gained communion, into ourselves for the transformation of our whole conscious being ; fast, the utilisation of our trans- formed hiunanity as a divine centre in the world.

The process of the Kundalini awakened rising through the centres as also the purification of the centres is a Taniric know- ledge. In our yoga there is no willed process of the punfication and opening of the centres, no raising up of the Kundalini by a set process either. Another method is used, but stiff there is the ascent of the consciousness from and through the different fc\cls to join the higher consciousness above ; there is the open- ing of the centres and of the planes (mental, vital, physical) which these centres command ; there is also the descent which is the main key of the spiritual transformation.

  "The progress of Life involves the development and interlocking of an immense number of things that are in conflict with each other and seem often to be absolute oppositions and contraries. To find amid these oppositions some principle or standing-ground of unity, some workable lever of reconciliation which will make possible a larger and better development on a basis of harmony and not of conflict and struggle, must be increasingly the common aim of humanity in its active life-evolution, if it at all means to rise out of life"s more confused, painful and obscure movement, out of the compromises made by Nature with the ignorance of the Life-mind and the nescience of Matter. This can only be truly and satisfactorily done when the soul discovers itself in its highest and completest spiritual reality and effects a progressive upward transformation of its life-values into those of the spirit; for there they will all find their spiritual truth and in that truth their standing-ground of mutual recognition and reconciliation. The spiritual is the one truth of which all others are the veiled aspects, the brilliant disguises or the dark disfigurements, and in which they can find their own right form and true relation to each other.” *The Human Cycle, etc.

“The progress of Life involves the development and interlocking of an immense number of things that are in conflict with each other and seem often to be absolute oppositions and contraries. To find amid these oppositions some principle or standing-ground of unity, some workable lever of reconciliation which will make possible a larger and better development on a basis of harmony and not of conflict and struggle, must be increasingly the common aim of humanity in its active life-evolution, if it at all means to rise out of life’s more confused, painful and obscure movement, out of the compromises made by Nature with the ignorance of the Life-mind and the nescience of Matter. This can only be truly and satisfactorily done when the soul discovers itself in its highest and completest spiritual reality and effects a progressive upward transformation of its life-values into those of the spirit; for there they will all find their spiritual truth and in that truth their standing-ground of mutual recognition and reconciliation. The spiritual is the one truth of which all others are the veiled aspects, the brilliant disguises or the dark disfigurements, and in which they can find their own right form and true relation to each other.” The Human Cycle, etc.

"The real motive power of the life of the soul is Will; desire is only a deformation of will in the dominant bodily life and physical mind. The essential turn of the soul to possession and enjoyment of the world consists in a will to delight, and the enjoyment of the satisfaction of craving is only a vital and physical degradation of the will to delight. It is essential that we should distinguish between pure will and desire, between the inner will to delight and the outer lust and craving of the mind and body.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“The real motive power of the life of the soul is Will; desire is only a deformation of will in the dominant bodily life and physical mind. The essential turn of the soul to possession and enjoyment of the world consists in a will to delight, and the enjoyment of the satisfaction of craving is only a vital and physical degradation of the will to delight. It is essential that we should distinguish between pure will and desire, between the inner will to delight and the outer lust and craving of the mind and body.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“There is no ignorance that is not part of the Cosmic Ignorance, only in the individual it becomes a limited formation and movement, while the Cosmic Ignorance is the whole movement of world consciousness separated from the supreme Truth and acting in an inferior motion in which the Truth is perverted, diminished, mixed and clouded with falsehood and error.” Letters on Yoga

There is the danger that he may become the instrument of some apparently brilliant but ignorant formation ; for these inter* mediate planes arc full of little Gods or strong Daityas or smaller beings who want to create, to materialise something or to enforce a mental and vital formation in the earth life and are eager to use or influence or even possess the thought and will of the sadhaka and make him (heir instrument for the purpose.

The supramental is necessary for the transformation of terres- trial life and being, not for reaching the Self.

"The true essence of sacrifice is not self-immolation, it is self-giving; its object not self-effacement, but self-fulfilment; its method not self-mortification, but a greater life, not self-mutilation, but a transformation of our natural human parts into divine members, not self-torture, but a passage from a lesser satisfaction to a greater Ananda.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“The true essence of sacrifice is not self-immolation, it is self-giving; its object not self-effacement, but self-fulfilment; its method not self-mortification, but a greater life, not self-mutilation, but a transformation of our natural human parts into divine members, not self-torture, but a passage from a lesser satisfaction to a greater Ananda.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“The word soul has various meanings according to the context; it may mean the Purusha supporting the formation of Prakriti, which we call a being, though the proper word would be rather a becoming; it may mean, on the other hand, specifically the psychic being in an evolutionary creature like man; it may mean the spark of the Divine which has been put into Matter by the descent of the Divine into the material world and which upholds all evolving formations here.” Letters on Yoga

Third is the supramental transformation in which all becomes supramentalised in the divine gnostic consciousness. It is only with the latter that there can begin the complete transformation of mind, life and body.

Thirdly, by this working the inner pans of the being are opened and freed ; you are liberated from the limitations of the ordinary personal mind, vital and physical and become aware of a wider consciousness in which you can be more capable of the needed transformation.

::: "This conception of the Person and Personality, if accepted, must modify at the same time our current ideas about the immortality of the soul; for, normally, when we insist on the soul"s undying existence, what is meant is the survival after death of a definite unchanging personality which was and will always remain the same throughout eternity. It is the very imperfect superficial I'' of the moment, evidently regarded by Nature as a temporary form and not worth preservation, for which we demand this stupendous right to survival and immortality. But the demand is extravagant and cannot be conceded; theI"" of the moment can only merit survival if it consents to change, to be no longer itself but something else, greater, better, more luminous in knowledge, more moulded in the image of the eternal inner beauty, more and more progressive towards the divinity of the secret Spirit. It is that secret Spirit or divinity of Self in us which is imperishable, because it is unborn and eternal. The psychic entity within, its representative, the spiritual individual in us, is the Person that we are; but the I'' of this moment, theI"" of this life is only a formation, a temporary personality of this inner Person: it is one step of the many steps of our evolutionary change, and it serves its true purpose only when we pass beyond it to a farther step leading nearer to a higher degree of consciousness and being. It is the inner Person that survives death, even as it pre-exists before birth; for this constant survival is a rendering of the eternity of our timeless Spirit into the terms of Time.” The Life Divine

“This conception of the Person and Personality, if accepted, must modify at the same time our current ideas about the immortality of the soul; for, normally, when we insist on the soul’s undying existence, what is meant is the survival after death of a definite unchanging personality which was and will always remain the same throughout eternity. It is the very imperfect superficial I’’ of the moment, evidently regarded by Nature as a temporary form and not worth preservation, for which we demand this stupendous right to survival and immortality. But the demand is extravagant and cannot be conceded; theI’’ of the moment can only merit survival if it consents to change, to be no longer itself but something else, greater, better, more luminous in knowledge, more moulded in the image of the eternal inner beauty, more and more progressive towards the divinity of the secret Spirit. It is that secret Spirit or divinity of Self in us which is imperishable, because it is unborn and eternal. The psychic entity within, its representative, the spiritual individual in us, is the Person that we are; but the I’’ of this moment, theI’’ of this life is only a formation, a temporary personality of this inner Person: it is one step of the many steps of our evolutionary change, and it serves its true purpose only when we pass beyond it to a farther step leading nearer to a higher degree of consciousness and being. It is the inner Person that survives death, even as it pre-exists before birth; for this constant survival is a rendering of the eternity of our timeless Spirit into the terms of Time.” The Life Divine

thought, iwill, t vision, !govenisi*the dynamic . mind, will, vision, mental formation. (Colour: white ;• petals ::: two.), Iv n

thought-Mind ::: Sri Aurobindo: "Our first decisive step out of our human intelligence, our normal mentality, is an ascent into a higher Mind, a mind no longer of mingled light and obscurity or half-light, but a large clarity of the Spirit. Its basic substance is a unitarian sense of being with a powerful multiple dynamisation capable of the formation of a multitude of aspects of knowledge, ways of action, forms and significances of becoming, of all of which there is a spontaneous inherent knowledge. It is therefore a power that has proceeded from the Overmind, — but with the Supermind as its ulterior origin, — as all these greater powers have proceeded: but its special character, its activity of consciousness are dominated by Thought; it is a luminous thought-mind, a mind of Spirit-born conceptual knowledge. An all-awareness emerging from the original identity, carrying the truths the identity held in itself, conceiving swiftly, victoriously, multitudinously, formulating and by self-power of the Idea effectually realising its conceptions, is the character of this greater mind of knowledge. " *The Life Divine

Three transformations ::: In this yoga one can realise the psychic being as a portion of the Divine seated in the heart with the

Transformation and supramentalisation . To merge the cons- ciousness in the Divine and lo keep the psychic being controlling and changing all the nature and keeping it turned to the Divine till the whole being can live in the Divine is the transformation we seek. There is further the supramentalisation, but this only carries the transformation to its own highest and largest possi-

“‘Transformation’ is a word that I have brought in myself (like ‘supermind’) to express certain spiritual concepts and spiritual facts of the integral yoga. People are now taking them up and using them in senses which have nothing to do with the significance which I put into them. Purification of the nature by the ‘influence’ of the Spirit is not what I mean by transformation; purification is only part of a psychic change or a psycho-spiritual change—the word besides has many senses and is very often given a moral or ethical meaning which is foreign to my purpose.” Letters on Yoga

Transformation is something progressive, but certainly there must be realisation before the aim of transformation is possible.

Transformation of the gunas ::: If the force and the Inner consciousness are very strong, then there is a tendency for rafas to become like some inferior fapas and the lamas to become like a kind of inert Sama. That Is how the transformation begins, but usually it is very slow in Its process.

Transformation of the nature always takes time and cannot be done at one stroke, in a moment. One may become aware of a rapid change in this or that detail of the transformation, but even this is the rapid result of a long working.


transformation ::: Sri Aurobindo: "Transformation means that the higher consciousness or nature is brought down into the mind, vital and body and takes the place of the lower. There is a higher consciousness of the true self, which is spiritual, but it is above; if one rises above into it, then one is free as long as one remains there, but if one comes down into or uses mind, vital or body — and if one keeps any connection with life, one has to do so, either to come down and act from the ordinary consciousness or else to be in the self but use mind, life and body, then the imperfections of these instruments have to be faced and mended — they can only be mended by transformation.” *Letters on Yoga

  "‘Transformation" is a word that I have brought in myself (like ‘supermind") to express certain spiritual concepts and spiritual facts of the integral yoga. People are now taking them up and using them in senses which have nothing to do with the significance which I put into them. Purification of the nature by the ‘influence" of the Spirit is not what I mean by transformation; purification is only part of a psychic change or a psycho-spiritual change — the word besides has many senses and is very often given a moral or ethical meaning which is foreign to my purpose.” *Letters on Yoga

"It is indeed as a result of our evolution that we arrive at the possibility of this transformation. As Nature has evolved beyond Matter and manifested Life, beyond Life and manifested Mind, so she must evolve beyond Mind and manifest a consciousness and power of our existence free from the imperfection and limitation of our mental existence, a supramental or truth-consciousness and able to develop the power and perfection of the spirit. Here a slow and tardy change need no longer be the law or manner of our evolution; it will be only so to a greater or less extent so long as a mental ignorance clings and hampers our ascent; but once we have grown into the truth-consciousness its power of spiritual truth of being will determine all. Into that truth we shall be freed and it will transform mind and life and body. Light and bliss and beauty and a perfection of the spontaneous right action of all the being are there as native powers of the supramental truth-consciousness and these will in their very nature transform mind and life and body even here upon earth into a manifestation of the truth-conscious spirit. The obscurations of earth will not prevail against the supramental truth-consciousness, for even into the earth it can bring enough of the omniscient light and omnipotent force of the spirit conquer. All may not open to the fullness of its light and power, but whatever does open must that extent undergo the change. That will be the principle of transformation.” The Supramental Manifestation

The Mother: "Transformation. The change by which all the elements and all the movements of the being become ready to manifest the supramental Truth.”

"One thing you must know and never forget: in the work of transformation all that is true and sincere will always be kept; only what is false and insincere will disappear.” Words of the Mother, MCW Vol. 15.


TRANSFORMATION. ::: The change by which all the ele- ments and all the movements of the being become ready to manifest the supramental Truth.

transformation ::: “Transformation means that the higher consciousness or nature is brought down into the mind, vital and body and takes the place of the lower. There is a higher consciousness of the true self, which is spiritual, but it is above; if one rises above into it, then one is free as long as one remains there, but if one comes down into or uses mind, vital or body—and if one keeps any connection with life, one has to do so, either to come down and act from the ordinary consciousness or else to be in the self but use mind, life and body, then the imperfections of these instruments have to be faced and mended—they can only be mended by transformation.” Letters on Yoga

transformed ::: changed, undergone a transformation.

Two things render that culmination more facile than it would otherwise be. Overmind in the descent towards material creation has originated modifications of itself,—Intuition especially with its penetrative lightning flashes of truth lighting up local points and stretches of country in our consciousness,—which can bring the concealed truth of things nearer to our comprehension, and, by opening ourselves more widely first in the inner being and then as a result in the outer surface self also to the messages of these higher ranges of consciousness, by growing into them, we can become ourselves also intuitive and overmental beings, not limited by the intellect and sense, but capable of a more universal comprehension and a direct touch of truth in its very self and body. In fact flashes of enlightenment from these higher ranges already come to us, but this intervention is mostly fragmentary, casual or partial; we have still to begin to enlarge ourselves into their likeness and organise in us the greater Truth activities of which we are potentially capable. But, secondly, Overmind, Intuition, even Supermind not only must be, as we have seen, principles inherent and involved in the Inconscience from which we arise in the evolution and inevitably destined to evolve, but are secretly present, occult actively with flashes of intuitive emergence in the cosmic activity of Mind, Life and Matter. It is true that their action is concealed and, even when they emerge, it is modified by the medium, material, vital, mental in which they work and not easily recognisable. Supermind cannot manifest itself as the Creator Power in the universe from the beginning, for if it did, the Ignorance and Inconscience would be impossible or else the slow evolution necessary would change into a rapid transformation scene. Yet at every step of the material energy we can see the stamp of inevitability given by a supramental creator, in all the development of life and mind the play of the lines of possibility and their combination which is the stamp of Overmind intervention. As Life and Mind have been released in Matter, so too must in their time these greater powers of the concealed Godhead emerge from the involution and their supreme Light descend into us from above. …

Two transformations ::: The first is when the psychic being comes forward and controls and changes the nature. The second is the descent of the Mother’s consciousness from above the head and its transformation of the whole being and nature.

\Vhile this transformation is being done it is more than ever necessary to keep yourself free from all taint of the perversions of the ego. Let no demand or insistence creep in to stain the purity of the self-giving and the sacrifice. There must be no attachment to the work or the result, no laying doNvn of condi- tions, no claim to possess the Power that should possess you, no pride of the instrument, no vani^’ or arrogance. Nothing in the mind or in the vital or physical parts should be suffered to distort to its own use or seize for its own personal and separate satisfaction the greatness of the forces that are acting through you. Let your faith, your sincerity, your purity of aspiration be absolute and pervasive of all the planes and layers of the being ; then every disturbing element and distorting influence will pro- gressively fall away from your nature.

Visions — colours: When i!»c colours begin lo take definite shapes in the >jslons, it is a sign of some dynamic work of formation in the consciousness ::: a square, for instance, means that some kind of creation is in process in some field of the being ; the square indicates that the creation is to be complete in itself ; while the rectangle indicates somcihws partial and preliminary.

"We are not the body, but the body is still something of ourselves. With realisation the erroneous identification ceases — in certain experiences the existence of the body is not felt at all. In the full realisation the body is within us, not we in it, it is an instrumental formation in our wider being, — our consciousness exceeds but also pervades it, — it can be dissolved without our ceasing to be the self.” Letters on Yoga

“We are not the body, but the body is still something of ourselves. With realisation the erroneous identification ceases—in certain experiences the existence of the body is not felt at all. In the full realisation the body is within us, not we in it, it is an instrumental formation in our wider being,—our consciousness exceeds but also pervades it,—it can be dissolved without our ceasing to be the self.” Letters on Yoga

". . . what is this strongly separative self-experience that we call ego? It is nothing fundamentally real in itself but only a practical constitution of our consciousness devised to centralise the activities of Nature in us. We perceive a formation of mental, physical, vital experience which distinguishes itself from the rest of being, and that is what we think of as ourselves in nature — this individualisation of being in becoming. We then proceed to conceive of ourselves as something which has thus individualised itself and only exists so long as it is individualised, — a temporary or at least a temporal becoming; or else we conceive of ourselves as someone who supports or causes the individualisation, an immortal being perhaps but limited by its individuality. This perception and this conception constitute our ego-sense.” The Life Divine

“… what is this strongly separative self-experience that we call ego? It is nothing fundamentally real in itself but only a practical constitution of our consciousness devised to centralise the activities of Nature in us. We perceive a formation of mental, physical, vital experience which distinguishes itself from the rest of being, and that is what we think of as ourselves in nature—this individualisation of being in becoming. We then proceed to conceive of ourselves as something which has thus individualised itself and only exists so long as it is individualised,—a temporary or at least a temporal becoming; or else we conceive of ourselves as someone who supports or causes the individualisation, an immortal being perhaps but limited by its individuality. This perception and this conception constitute our ego-sense.” The Life Divine

"When the Peace is established, this higher or Divine Force from above can descend and work in us. It descends usually first into the head and liberates the inner mind centres, then into the heart centre and liberates fully the psychic and emotional being, then into the navel and other vital centres and liberates the inner vital, then into the Muladhara and below and liberates the inner physical being. It works at the same time for perfection as well as liberation; it takes up the whole nature part by part and deals with it, rejecting what has to be rejected, sublimating what has to be sublimated, creating what has to be created. It integrates, harmonises, establishes a new rhythm in the nature. It can bring down too a higher and yet higher force and range of the higher nature until, if that be the aim of the sadhana, it becomes possible to bring down the supramental force and existence. All this is prepared, assisted, farthered by the work of the psychic being in the heart centre; the more it is open, in front, active, the quicker, safer, easier the working of the Force can be. The more love and bhakti and surrender grow in the heart, the more rapid and perfect becomes the evolution of the sadhana. For the descent and transformation imply at the same time an increasing contact and union with the Divine.” Letters on Yoga

“When the Peace is established, this higher or Divine Force from above can descend and work in us. It descends usually first into the head and liberates the inner mind centres, then into the heart centre and liberates fully the psychic and emotional being, then into the navel and other vital centres and liberates the inner vital, then into the Muladhara and below and liberates the inner physical being. It works at the same time for perfection as well as liberation; it takes up the whole nature part by part and deals with it, rejecting what has to be rejected, sublimating what has to be sublimated, creating what has to be created. It integrates, harmonises, establishes a new rhythm in the nature. It can bring down too a higher and yet higher force and range of the higher nature until, if that be the aim of the sadhana, it becomes possible to bring down the supramental force and existence. All this is prepared, assisted, farthered by the work of the psychic being in the heart centre; the more it is open, in front, active, the quicker, safer, easier the working of the Force can be. The more love and bhakti and surrender grow in the heart, the more rapid and perfect becomes the evolution of the sadhana. For the descent and transformation imply at the same time an increasing contact and union with the Divine.” Letters on Yoga

Wideness and calmness are the foundation of the yogic cons- ciousness and the best condition for inner growth and experi- ence. If a wide calm can be established in the physical cons- ciousness, occupying and filling the very body and all its cells, that can become (he basis for its transformation ; in fact, with- out this wideness and calmness (he transformation is hardly possible.

"Wideness and calmness are the foundation of the yogic consciousness and the best condition for inner growth and experience. If a wide calm can be established in the physical consciousness, occupying and filling the very body and all its cells, that can become the basis for its transformation; in fact, without this wideness and calmness the transformation is hardly possible.” Letters on Yoga*

“Wideness and calmness are the foundation of the yogic consciousness and the best condition for inner growth and experience. If a wide calm can be established in the physical consciousness, occupying and filling the very body and all its cells, that can become the basis for its transformation; in fact, without this wideness and calmness the transformation is hardly possible.” Letters on Yoga

WIDENESS. ::: Wideness and calmness are the foundation of the yogic consciousness and Ibe best condition for inner groyrt and experience. If a wide calm can be established in the physica consciousness, occupying and filling the very body and^ all J * cells, that can become the basis for its transformation ; m ac . without this wideness and calmness the transformation is har y possible.

will, free ::: Sri Aurobindo: Our notion of free will is apt to be tainted with the excessive individualism of the human ego and to assume the figure of an independent will acting on its own isolated account, in a complete liberty without any determination other than its own choice and single unrelated movement. This idea ignores the fact that our natural being is a part of cosmic Nature and our spiritual being exists only by the supreme Transcendence. Our total being can rise out of subjection to fact of present Nature only by an identification with a greater Truth and a greater Nature. The will of the individual, even when completely free, could not act in an isolated independence, because the individual being and nature are included in the universal Being and Nature and dependent on the all-overruling Transcendence. There could indeed be in the ascent a dual line. On one line the being could feel and behave as an independent self-existence uniting itself with its own impersonal Reality; it could, so self-conceived, act with a great force, but either this action would be still within an enlarged frame of its past and present self-formation of power of Nature or else it would be the cosmic or supreme Force that acted in it and there would be no personal initiation of action, no sense therefore of individual free will but only of an impersonal cosmic or supreme Will or Energy at its work. On the other line the being would feel itself a spiritual instrument and so act as a power of the Supreme Being, limited in its workings only by the potencies of the Supernature, which are without bounds or any restriction except its own Truth and self-law, and by the Will in her. But in either case there would be, as the condition of a freedom from the control of a mechanical action of Nature-forces, a submission to a greater conscious Power or an acquiescent unity of the individual being with its intention and movement in his own and in the world"s existence.” *The Life Divine

will, self ::: Sri Aurobindo: "Self-will in thought and action has, we have already seen, to be quite renounced if we would be perfect in the way of divine works; it has equally to be renounced if we are to be perfect in divine knowledge. This self-will means an egoism in the mind which attaches itself to its preferences, its habits, its past or present formations of thought and view and will because it regards them as itself or its own, weaves around them the delicate threads of I-ness'' andmy-ness"" and lives in them like a spider in its web. It hates to be disturbed, as a spider hates attack on its web, and feels foreign and unhappy if transplanted to fresh view-points and formations as a spider feels foreign in another web than its own. This attachment must be entirely excised from the mind.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

Wm/ttJ, and other well-known phenomena. (5j Apparitions which arc formations of one's ow-n mind and tale to the senses an objec- tive appearance. (6) Temporary possession of people by vital beings who somclimcs pretend to be departed refatives etc. (7)

Work can be of two kinds ::: the work that is a field of expen- cnce used for the sadhana, for a progressive harmonisation and transformation of the being and its activities ; and work that is a realised expression of the Divine.

WORLDS. ::: The physical is not the only world ; there are others that we become aware of through dream records, through the subtle senses, through influences and contacts, through imagination, Intuition and vision. There are worlds of a larger subtler life than ours, vital worlds ; worlds in which Mind builds its own forms and figures, mental worlds ; psychic worlds which are the soul’s home ; others above with which we have littfe contact. In each of us there is a mental plane of consciousness, a psychic, a vital, a subtle physical as w’cll as the gross physical and material plane. The same planes are repeated in the cons- ciousness of general Nature. It is when we enter or contact these other planes that we come into conoeciion with the worlds above the physical. In sleep we leave the physical body, only a sub- conscient residue remaining, and enter all planes and all sorts of worlds. In each we see scenes, meet beings, share in happen- ings, come across formations, influences, suggestions which belong to these planes. Even when we are awake, part of us moves in these planes, but their activity goes on behind the veil ; our waking minds are not aware of it. Dreams are often only incoherent constructions of our subcooscient, but others are records (often much mixed and distorted) or transcripts of experiences in these supraphystcal planes. When we do sadbana, this kind of dream becomes very common ; then subconscious dreams cease to predominate.

QUOTES [41 / 41 - 897 / 897]

KEYS (10k)

   18 Sri Aurobindo
   2 Joseph Campbell
   2 The Mother
   2 Sri Ramakrishna
   1 Vladimir Solovyov
   1 Thales
   1 Our Lady how this thread
   1 Norbert Wiener
   1 Napoleon Bonaparte
   1 Ludwig Wittgenstein
   1 ken-wilber
   1 Jiddu Krishnamurti
   1 Jean Baudrillard
   1 Jalaluddin Rumi
   1 Fulgentius of Ruspe
   1 Eckhart Tolle
   1 Diogenes of Apollonia
   1 Claudio Naranjo
   1 Albert Einstein
   1 Abhidhamrnatthasangaha
   1 ?


   22 Anonymous
   13 James Gleick
   9 Albert Einstein
   6 Mark Twain
   5 W Edwards Deming
   5 Nassim Nicholas Taleb
   5 Joan Didion
   4 Timothy Ferriss
   4 Stephen King
   4 Ruth Ozeki
   4 Ram Dass
   4 Paulo Coelho
   4 Norbert Wiener
   4 Nate Silver
   4 Kevin Horsley
   4 Idries Shah
   4 Deepak Chopra
   3 T S Eliot
   3 The Mother
   3 Terence McKenna

1:Absolute equality is non-existent in this world. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle, The Formation of the Nation-Unit - The Three Stages,
2:Our humanity is not the whole of the Reality or its best possible self-formation or self-expression. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, The Divine Life,
3:Our philosopher adheres to the three following things: first, contemplation; second, the fulfillment of the commandments; and third, the formation of people of virtue. ~ Clement of Alexandria, Stromata 2.10.46,
4:The collectivity is a mass, a field of formation; the individual is the diviner of truth, the form-maker, the creator. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, The Progress to Knowledge - God, Man and Nature,
5:Matter is a formation of life that has no real existence apart from the informing universal spirit which gives it its energy and substance. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Psychology of Self-Perfection,
6:An instrument good for a certain work and set of conditions, if it is still retained when other work has to be done and conditions change, becomes necessarily an obstacle. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle, The Formation of the Nation-Unit - The Three Stages,
7:Misery and difficulties come at times to strengthen our character. They are like examinations. We must prepare and pass them. Know that they are very good for the formation of character. The more we meet with difficulties, the more we remember our Mother for protection.~ Swami Paramananda,
8:328. There is nothing small in God's eyes; let there be nothing small in thine. He bestows as much labour of divine energy on the formation of a shell as on the building of an empire. For thyself it is greater to be a good shoemaker than a luxurious and incompetent king. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays Divine And Human,
9:It is not sufficient to worship Krishna, Christ or Buddha without, if there is not the revealing and the formation of the Buddha, the Christ or Krishna in ourselves. And all other aids equally have no other purpose; each is a bridge between mans unconverted state and the revelation of the Divine within him.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga,
10:And even the All is at first too hard for him; for he himself in his active consciousness is a limited and selective formation and can open himself only to that which is in harmony with his limited nature. There are things in the All which are too hard for his comprehension or seem too terrible to his sensitive emotions and cowering sensations.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga,
11:The poet-philosopher or the philosopher-poet, whichever way we may put it, is a new formation of the human consciousness that is coming upon us. A wide and rationalising (not rationalistic) intelligence deploying and marshalling out a deep intuitive and direct Knowledge that is the pattern of human mind developing in the new age. Bergson's was a harbinger, a definite landmark on the way. Sri Aurobindo's The Life Divine arrives and opens the very portals of the marvellous temple city of a dynamic integral knowledge. ~ Nolini Kanta Gupta, Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, The Philosopher as an Artist and Philosophy as an Art,
12:Our first decisive step out of our human intelligence, our normal mentality, is an ascent into a higher Mind, a mind no longer of mingled light and obscurity or half-light, but a large clarity of the spirit. Its basic substance is a unitarian sense of being with a powerful multiple dynamisation capable of the formation of a multitude of aspects of knowledge, ways of action, forms and significances of becoming, of all of which there is a spontaneous inherent knowledge. It is therefore a power that has proceeded from the Overmind,-but with the Supermind as its ulterior origin,-as all these greater powers have proceeded: but its special character, its activity of consciousness are dominated by Thought; it is a luminous thought-mind, a mind of spirit-born conceptual knowledge.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine,
13:Two general and basic principles are proposed for the formation of categories: The first has to do with the function of category systems and asserts that the task of category systems is to provide maximum information with the least cognitive effort [("cognitive economy")]; the second has to do with the structure of the information so provided and asserts that the perceived world comes as structured information rather than than arbitrary or unpredictable attributes [("perceived world structure")]. Thus maximum information with least cognitive effort is achieved if categories map the perceived world structure as closely as possible. This condition can be achieved either by the mapping of categories to given attribute structures or by the definition or redefinition of attributes to render a given set of categories appropriately structured.
   ~ Rosch, 1978, p. 28,
14:The sadhaka of the integral Yoga will make use of all these aids according to his nature; but it is necessary that he should shun their limitations and cast from himself that exclusive tendency of egoistic mind which cries, "My God, my Incarnation, my Prophet, my Guru," and opposes it to all other realisation in a sectarian or a fanatical spirit. All sectarianism, all fanaticism must be shunned; for it is inconsistent with the integrity of the divine realisation.
   On the contrary, the sadhaka of the integral Yoga will not be satisfied until he has included all other names and forms of Deity in his own conception, seen his own Ishta Devata in all others, unified all Avatars in the unity of Him who descends in the Avatar, welded the truth in all teachings into the harmony of the Eternal Wisdom.
   Nor should he forget the aim of these external aids which is to awaken his soul to the Divine within him. Nothing has been finally accomplished if that has not been accomplished. It is not sufficient to worship Krishna, Christ or Buddha without, if there is not the revealing and the formation of the Buddha, the Christ or Krishna in ourselves. And all other aids equally have no other purpose; each is a bridge between man's unconverted state and the revelation of the Divine within him. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga,
15:In a letter the question raised was: "Is not all action incompatible with Sri Aurobindo's yoga"?
   Sri Aurobindo: His idea that all action is incompatible with this yoga is not correct. Generally, it is found that all Rajasic activity does not go well with this yoga: for instance, political work.
   The reasons for abstaining from political activity are:
   1. Being Rajasic in its nature, it does not allow that quiet and knowledge on the basis of which the work should really proceed. All action requires a certain inner formation, an inner detached being. The formation of this inner being requires one to dive into the depth of the being, get the true Being and then prepare the true Being to come to the surface. It is then that one acquires a poise - an inner poise - and can act from there. Political work by Rajasic activity which draws the being outwards prevents this inner formation.
   2. The political field, together with certain other fields, is the stronghold of the Asuric forces. They have their eye on this yoga, and they would try to hamper the Sadhana by every means. By taking to the political field you get into a plane where these forces hold the field. The possibility of attack in that field is much greater than in others. These Asuric forces try to lead away the Sadhaka from the path by increasing Kama and Krodha - desire and anger, and such other Rajasic impulses. They may throw him permanently into the sea of Rajasic activity. ~ Sri Aurobindo, EVENING TALKS WITH SRI AUROBINDO
16:But what has fixed the modes of Nature? Or who has originated and governs the movements of Force? There is a Consciousness - or a Conscient - behind that is the lord, witness, knower, enjoyer, upholder and source of sanction for her works; this consciousness is Soul or Purusha. Prakriti shapes the action in us; Purusha in her or behind her witnesses, assents, bears and upholds it. Prakriti forms the thought in our minds; Purusha in her or behind her knows the thought and the truth in it. Prakriti determines the result of the action; Purusha in her or behind her enjoys or suffers the consequence. Prakriti forms mind and body, labours over them, develops them; Purusha upholds the formation and evolution and sanctions each step of her works. Prakriti applies the Will-force which works in things and men; Purusha sets that Will-force to work by his vision of that which should be done. This Purusha is not the surface ego, but a silent Self, a source of Power, an originator and receiver of Knowledge behind the ego. Our mental "I" is only a false reflection of this Self, this Power, this Knowledge. This Purusha or supporting Consciousness is therefore the cause, recipient and support of all Nature's works, but he is not himself the doer. Prakriti, NatureForce, in front and Shakti, Conscious-Force, Soul-Force behind her, - for these two are the inner and outer faces of the universal Mother, - account for all that is done in the universe. The universal Mother, Prakriti-Shakti, is the one and only worker. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Supreme Will, 214,
17:[the value of sublimation:]
   And since Yoga is in its essence a turning away from the ordinary material and animal life led by most men or from the more mental but still limited way of living followed by the few to a greater spiritual life, to the way divine, every part of our energies that is given to the lower existence in the spirit of that existence is a contradiction of our aim and our self-dedication. On the other hand, every energy or activity that we can convert from its allegiance to the lower and dedicate to the service of the higher is so much gained on our road, so much taken from the powers that oppose our progress. It is the difficulty of this wholesale conversion that is the source of all the stumblings in the path of Yoga. For our entire nature and its environment, all our personal and all our universal self, are full of habits and of influences that are opposed to our spiritual rebirth and work against the whole-heartedness of our endeavour.
   In a certain sense we are nothing but a complex mass of mental, nervous and physical habits held together by a few ruling ideas, desires and associations, - an amalgam of many small self-repeating forces with a few major vibrations. What we propose in our Yoga is nothing less than to break up the whole formation of our past and present which makes up the ordinary material and mental man and to create a new centre of vision and a new universe of activities in ourselves which shall constitute a divine humanity or a superhuman nature.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Self-Consecration, [71] [T1],
18:This ego or "I" is not a lasting truth, much less our essential part; it is only a formation of Nature, a mental form of thought centralisation in the perceiving and discriminating mind, a vital form of the centralisation of feeling and sensation in our parts of life, a form of physical conscious reception centralising substance and function of substance in our bodies. All that we internally are is not ego, but consciousness, soul or spirit. All that we externally and superficiallyare and do is not ego but Nature. An executive cosmic force shapes us and dictates through our temperament and environment and mentality so shaped, through our individualised formulation of the cosmic energies, our actions and their results. Truly, we do not think, will or act but thought occurs in us, will occurs in us, impulse and act occur in us; our ego-sense gathers around itself, refers to itself all this flow of natural activities. It is cosmic Force, it is Nature that forms the thought, imposes the will, imparts the impulse. our body, mind and ego are a wave of that sea of force in action and do not govern it, but by it are governed and directed. The Sadhaka in his progress towards truth and self-knowledge must come to a point where the soul opens its eyes of vision and recognises this truth of ego and this truth of works. He gives up the idea of a mental, vital, physical, "I" that acts or governs action; he recognises that Prakriti, Force of cosmic nature following her fixed modes, is the one and only worker in him and in all things and creatures.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Supreme Will, 214,
19:[God is] The Hindu discipline of spirituality provides for this need of the soul by the conceptions of the Ishta Devata, the Avatar and the Guru. By the Ishta Devata, the chosen deity, is meant, - not some inferior Power, but a name and form of the transcendent and universal Godhead. Almost all religions either have as their base or make use of some such name and form of the Divine. Its necessity for the human soul is evident. God is the All and more than the All. But that which is more than the All, how shall man conceive? And even the All is at first too hard for him; for he himself in his active consciousness is a limited and selective formation and can open himself only to that which is in harmony with his limited nature. There are things in the All which are too hard for his comprehension or seem too terrible to his sensitive emotions and cowering sensations. Or, simply, he cannot conceive as the Divine, cannot approach or cannot recognise something that is too much out of the circle of his ignorant or partial conceptions. It is necessary for him to conceive God in his own image or in some form that is beyond himself but consonant with his highest tendencies and seizable by his feelings or his intelligence. Otherwise it would be difficult for him to come into contact and communion with the Divine.
   Even then his nature calls for a human intermediary so that he may feel the Divine in something entirely close to his own humanity and sensible in a human influence and example. This call is satisfied by the Divine manifest in a human appearance, the Incarnation, the Avatar - Krishna, Christ, Buddha.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Four Aids, 65 [T9],
20:Thoughts are forms and have an individual life, independent of their author: sent out from him into the world, they move in it towards the realisation of their own purpose of existence. When you think of anyone, your thought takes a form and goes out to find him; and, if your thinking is associated with some will that is behind it, the thought-form that has gone out from you makes an attempt to realise itself. Let us say, for instance, that you have a keen desire for a certain person to come and that, along with this vital impulse of desire, a strong imagination accompanies the mental form you have made; you imagine, "If he came, it would be like this or it would be like that." After a time you drop the idea altogether, and you do not know that even after you have forgotten it, your thought continues to exist. For it does still exist and is in action, independent of you, and it would need a great power to bring it back from its work. It is working in the atmosphere of the person touched by it and creates in him the desire to come. And if there is a sufficient power of will in your thought-form, if it is a well-built formation, it will arrive at its own realisation. But between the formation and the realisation there is a certain lapse of time, and if in this interval your mind has been occupied with quite other things, then when there happens this fulfilment of your forgotten thought, you may not even remember that you once harboured it; you do not know that you were the instigator of its action and the cause of what has come about. And it happens very often too that when the result does come, you have ceased to desire or care for it.
   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1929-1931,
21:Sweet Mother, how can we cut the knot of the ego?
   How to cut it? Take a sword and strike it (laughter), when one becomes conscious of it. For usually one is not; we think it quite normal, what happens to us; and in fact it is very normal but we think it quite good also. So to begin with one must have a great clear-sightedness to become aware that one is enclosed in all these knots which hold one in bondage. And then, when one is aware that there's something altogether tightly closed in there - so tightly that one has tried in vain to move it - then one imagines one's will to be a very sharp sword-blade, and with all one's force one strikes a blow on this knot (imaginary, of course, one doesn't take up a sword in fact), and this produces a result. Of course you can do this work from the psychological point of view, discovering all the elements constituting this knot, the whole set of resistances, habits, preferences, of all that holds you narrowly closed in. So when you grow aware of this, you can concentrate and call the divine Force and the Grace and strike a good blow on this formation, these things so closely held, like that, that nothing can separate them. And at that moment you must resolve that you will no longer listen to these things, that you will listen only to the divine Consciousness and will do no other work except the divine work without worrying about personal results, free from all attachment, free from all preference, free from all wish for success, power, satisfaction, vanity, all this.... All this must disappear and you must see only the divine Will incarnated in your will and making you act. Then, in this way, you are cured.
   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1954,
22:Sweet Mother, how can we cut the knot of the ego?

   How to cut it? Take a sword and strike it (laughter), when one becomes conscious of it. For usually one is not; we think it quite normal, what happens to us; and in fact it is very normal but we think it quite good also. So to begin with one must have a great clear-sightedness to become aware that one is enclosed in all these knots which hold one in bondage. And then, when one is aware that there's something altogether tightly closed in there - so tightly that one has tried in vain to move it - then one imagines one's will to be a very sharp sword-blade, and with all one's force one strikes a blow on this knot (imaginary, of course, one doesn't take up a sword in fact), and this produces a result. Of course you can do this work from the psychological point of view, discovering all the elements constituting this knot, the whole set of resistances, habits, preferences, of all that holds you narrowly closed in. So when you grow aware of this, you can concentrate and call the divine Force and the Grace and strike a good blow on this formation, these things so closely held, like that, that nothing can separate them. And at that moment you must resolve that you will no longer listen to these things, that you will listen only to the divine Consciousness and will do no other work except the divine work without worrying about personal results, free from all attachment, free from all preference, free from all wish for success, power, satisfaction, vanity, all this.... All this must disappear and you must see only the divine Will incarnated in your will and making you act. Then, in this way, you are cured.
   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1954,
23:A supreme divine Love is a creative Power and, even though it can exist in itself silent and unchangeable, yet rejoices in external form and expression and is not condemned to be a speechless and bodiless godhead. It has even been said that creation itself was an act of love or at least the building up of a field in which Divine Love could devise its symbols and fulfil itself in act of mutuality and self-giving, and, if not the initial nature of creation, this may well be its ultimate object and motive. It does not so appear now because, even if a Divine Love is there in the world upholding all this evolution of creatures, yet the stuff of life and its action is made up of an egoistic formation, a division, a struggle of life and consciousness to exist and survive in an apparently indifferent, inclement or even hostile world of inanimate and inconscient Matter. In the confusion and obscurity of this struggle all are thrown against each other with a will in each to assert its own existence first and foremost and only secondarily to assert itself in others and very partially for others; for even man's altruism remains essentially egoistic and must be so till the soul finds the secret of the divine Oneness. It is to discover that at its supreme source, to bring it from within and to radiate it out up to the extreme confines of life that is turned the effort of the Yoga. All action, all creation must be turned into a form, a symbol of the cult, the adoration, the sacrifice; it must carry something that makes it bear in it the stamp of a dedication, a reception and translation of the Divine Consciousness, a service of the Beloved, a self-giving, a surrender. This has to be done wherever possible in the outward body and form of the act; it must be done always in its inward emotion and an intentsity that shows it to be an outflow from the soul towards the Eternal.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Ascent of the Sacrifice - 2, 164,
24:The most disconcerting discovery is to find that every part of us -- intellect, will, sense-mind, nervous or desire self, the heart, the body-has each, as it were, its own complex individuality and natural formation independent of the rest; it neither agrees with itself nor with the others nor with the representative ego which is the shadow cast by some central and centralising self on our superficial ignorance. We find that we are composed not of one but many personalities and each has its own demands and differing nature. Our being is a roughly constituted chaos into which we have to introduce the principle of a divine order. Moreover, we find that inwardly too, no less than outwardly, we are not alone in the world; the sharp separateness of our ego was no more than a strong imposition and delusion; we do not exist in ourselves, we do not really live apart in an inner privacy or solitude. Our mind is a receiving, developing and modifying machine into which there is being constantly passed from moment to moment a ceaseless foreign flux, a streaming mass of disparate materials from above, from below, from outside. Much more than half our thoughts and feelings are not our own in the sense that they take form out of ourselves; of hardly anything can it be said that it is truly original to our nature. A large part comes to us from others or from the environment, whether as raw material or as manufactured imports; but still more largely they come from universal Nature here or from other worlds and planes and their beings and powers and influences; for we are overtopped and environed by other planes of consciousness, mind planes, life planes, subtle matter planes, from which our life and action here are fed, or fed on, pressed, dominated, made use offer the manifestation of their forms and forces. The difficulty of our separate salvation is immensely increased by this complexity and manifold openness and subjection to tile in-streaming energies of the universe. Of all this we have to take account, to deal with it, to know what is the secret stuff of our nature and its constituent and resultant motions and to create in it all a divine centre and a true harmony and luminous order. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, 1.02,
25:higher mind or late vision logic ::: Even more rare, found stably in less than 1% of the population and even more emergent is the turquoise altitude.

Cognition at Turquoise is called late vision-logic or cross-paradigmatic and features the ability to connect meta-systems or paradigms, with other meta-systems. This is the realm of coordinating principles. Which are unified systems of systems of abstraction to other principles. ... Aurobindo indian sage and philosopher offers a more first-person account of turquoise which he called higher-mind, a unitarian sense of being with a powerful multiple dynamism capable of formation of a multitude of aspects of knowledge, ways of action, forms and significances of becoming of all of which a spontaneous inherient knowledge.

Self-sense at turquoise is called Construct-aware and is the first stage of Cook-Greuter's extension of Loveigers work on ego-development. The Construct-aware stage sees individuals for the first time as exploring more and more complex thought-structures with awareness of the automatic nature of human map making and absurdities which unbridaled complexity and logical argumentation can lead. Individuals at this stage begin to see their ego as a central point of reference and therefore a limit to growth. They also struggle to balance unique self-expressions and their concurrent sense of importance, the imperical and intuitive knowledge that there is no fundamental subject-object separation and the budding awareness of self-identity as temporary which leads to a decreased ego-desire to create a stable self-identity. Turquoise individuals are keenly aware of the interplay between awareness, thought, action and effects. They seek personal and spiritual transformation and hold a complex matrix of self-identifications, the adequecy of which they increasingly call into question. Much of this already points to Turquoise values which embrace holistic and intuitive thinking and alignment to universal order in a conscious fashion.

Faith at Turquoise is called Universalising and can generate faith compositions in which conceptions of Ultimate Reality start to include all beings. Individuals at Turquoise faith dedicate themselves to transformation of present reality in the direction of transcendent actuality. Both of these are preludes to the coming of Third Tier. ~ Essential Integral, L4.1-54, Higher Mind,
26:complexity of the human constitution :::
   There is another direction in which the ordinary practice of Yoga arrives at a helpful but narrowing simplification which is denied to the Sadhaka of the integral aim. The practice of Yoga brings us face to face with the extraordinary complexity of our own being, the stimulating but also embarrassing multiplicity of our personality, the rich endless confusion of Nature. To the ordinary man who lives upon his own waking surface, ignorant of the self's depths and vastnesses behind the veil, his psychological existence is fairly simple. A small but clamorous company of desires, some imperative intellectual and aesthetic cravings, some tastes, a few ruling or prominent ideas amid a great current of unconnected or ill-connected and mostly trivial thoughts, a number of more or less imperative vital needs, alternations of physical health and disease, a scattered and inconsequent succession of joys and griefs, frequent minor disturbances and vicissitudes and rarer strong searchings and upheavals of mind or body, and through it all Nature, partly with the aid of his thought and will, partly without or in spite of it, arranging these things in some rough practical fashion, some tolerable disorderly order, -- this is the material of his existence. The average human being even now is in his inward existence as crude and undeveloped as was the bygone primitive man in his outward life. But as soon as we go deep within ourselves, -- and Yoga means a plunge into all the multiple profundities of' the soul, -- we find ourselves subjectively, as man in his growth has found himself objectively, surrounded by a whole complex world which we have to know and to conquer.
   The most disconcerting discovery is to find that every part of us -- intellect, will, sense-mind, nervous or desire self, the heart, the body-has each, as it were, its own complex individuality and natural formation independent of the rest; it neither agrees with itself nor with the others nor with the representative ego which is the shadow cast by some central and centralising self on our superficial ignorance. We find that we are composed not of one but many personalities and each has its own demands and differing nature. Our being is a roughly constituted chaos into which we have to introduce the principle of a divine order.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Self-Consecration, 74-75,
27:Why do we forget things?

   Ah! I suppose there are several reasons. First, because one makes use of the memory to remember. Memory is a mental instrument and depends on the formation of the brain. Your brain is constantly growing, unless it begins to degenerate, but still its growth can continue for a very, very long time, much longer than that of the body. And in this growth, necessarily some things will take the place of others. And as the mental instrument develops, things which have served their term or the transitory moment in the development may be wiped out to give place to the result. So the result of all that you knew is there, living in itself, but the road traversed to reach it may be completely blurred. That is, a good functioning of the memory means remembering only the results so as to be able to have the elements for moving forward and a new construction. That is more important than just retaining things rigidly in the mind.
   Now, there is another aspect also. Apart from the mental memory, which is something defective, there are states of consciousness. Each state of consciousness in which one happens to be registers the phenomena of a particular moment, whatever they may be. If your consciousness remains limpid, wide and strong, you can at any moment whatsoever, by concentrating, call into the active consciousness what you did, thought, saw, observed at any time before; all this you can remember by bringing up in yourself the same state of consciousness. And that, that is never forgotten. You could live a thousand years and you would still remember it. Consequently, if you don't want to forget, it must be your consciousness which remembers and not your mental memory. Your mental memory will be wiped out inevitably, get blurred, and new things will take the place of the old ones. But things of which you are conscious you do not forget. You have only to bring up the same state of consciousness again. And thus one can remember circumstances one has lived thousands of years ago, if one knows how to bring up the same state of consciousness. It is in this way that one can remember one's past lives. This never gets blotted out, while you don't have any more the memory of what you have done physically when you were very young. You would be told many things you no longer remember. That gets wiped off immediately. For the brain is constantly changing and certain weaker cells are replaced by others which are much stronger, and by other combinations, other cerebral organisations. And so, what was there before is effaced or deformed.
   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1954,
   "Without conscious occult powers, is it possible to help or protect from a distance somebody in difficulty or danger? If so, what is the practical procedure?"

Then a sub-question:

   "What can thought do?"

We are not going to speak of occult processes at all; although, to tell the truth, everything that happens in the invisible world is occult, by definition. But still, practically, there are two processes which do not exclude but complete each other, but which may be used separately according to one's preference.

   It is obvious that thought forms a part of one of the methods, quite an important part. I have already told you several times that if one thinks clearly and powerfully, one makes a mental formation, and that every mental formation is an entity independent of its fashioner, having its own life and tending to realise itself in the mental world - I don't mean that you see your formation with your physical eyes, but it exists in the mental world, it has its own particular independent existence. If you have made a formation with a definite aim, its whole life will tend to the realisation of this aim. Therefore, if you want to help someone at a distance, you have only to formulate very clearly, very precisely and strongly the kind of help you want to give and the result you wish to obtain. That will have its effect. I cannot say that it will be all-powerful, for the mental world is full of innumerable formations of this kind and naturally they clash and contradict one another; hence the strongest and the most persistent will have the best of it.

   Now, what is it that gives strength and persistence to mental formations? - It is emotion and will. If you know how to add to your mental formation an emotion, affection, tenderness, love, and an intensity of will, a dynamism, it will have a much greater chance of success. That is the first method. It is within the scope of all those who know how to think, and even more of those who know how to love. But as I said, the power is limited and there is great competition in that world.

   Therefore, even if one has no knowledge at all but has trust in the divine Grace, if one has the faith that there is something in the world like the divine Grace, and that this something can answer a prayer, an aspiration, an invocation, then, after making one's mental formation, if one offers it to the Grace and puts one's trust in it, asks it to intervene and has the faith that it will intervene, then indeed one has a chance of success.

   Try, and you will surely see the result.

   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1956, 253,
   The ultimate invocation, that of Kia, cannot be performed. The paradox is that as Kia has no dualized qualities, there are no attributes by which to invoke it. To give it one quality is merely to deny it another. As an observant dualistic being once said:
   I am that I am not.
   Nevertheless, the magician may need to make some rearrangements or additions to what he is. Metamorphosis may be pursued by seeking that which one is not, and transcending both in mutual annihilation. Alternatively, the process of invocation may be seen as adding to the magician's psyche any elements which are missing. It is true that the mind must be finally surrendered as one enters fully into Chaos, but a complete and balanced psychocosm is more easily surrendered.
   The magical process of shuffling beliefs and desires attendant upon the process of invocation also demonstrates that one's dominant obsessions or personality are quite arbitrary, and hence more easily banished.
   There are many maps of the mind (psychocosms), most of which are inconsistent, contradictory, and based on highly fanciful theories. Many use the symbology of god forms, for all mythology embodies a psychology. A complete mythic pantheon resumes all of man's mental characteristics. Magicians will often use a pagan pantheon of gods as the basis for invoking some particular insight or ability, as these myths provide the most explicit and developed formulation of the particular idea's extant. However it is possible to use almost anything from the archetypes of the collective unconscious to the elemental qualities of alchemy.
   If the magician taps a deep enough level of power, these forms may manifest with sufficient force to convince the mind of the objective existence of the god. Yet the aim of invocation is temporary possession by the god, communication from the god, and manifestation of the god's magical powers, rather than the formation of religious cults.
   The actual method of invocation may be described as a total immersion in the qualities pertaining to the desired form. One invokes in every conceivable way. The magician first programs himself into identity with the god by arranging all his experiences to coincide with its nature. In the most elaborate form of ritual he may surround himself with the sounds, smells, colors, instruments, memories, numbers, symbols, music, and poetry suggestive of the god or quality. Secondly he unites his life force to the god image with which he has united his mind. This is accomplished with techniques from the gnosis. Figure 5 shows some examples of maps of the mind. Following are some suggestions for practical ritual invocation.
   ~ Peter J Carroll, Liber Null,
30:10000 ::: The True Object of Spiritual Seeking:
   To find the Divine is indeed the first reason for seeking the spiritual Truth and the spiritual life; it is the one thing indispensable and all the rest is nothing without it. The Divine once found, to manifest Him,-that is, first of all to transform one's own limited consciousness into the Divine Consciousness, to live in the infinite Peace, Light, Love, Strength, Bliss, to become that in one's essential nature and, as a consequence, to be its vessel, channel, instrument in one's active nature. To bring into activity the principle of oneness on the material plane or to work for humanity is a mental mistranslation of the Truth-these things cannot be the first or true object of spiritual seeking. We must find the Self, the Divine, then only can we know what is the work the Self or the Divine demands from us. Until then our life and action can only be a help or means towards finding the Divine and it ought not to have any other purpose. As we grow in the inner consciousness, or as the spiritual Truth of the Divine grows in us, our life and action must indeed more and more flow from that, be one with that. But to decide beforehand by our limited mental conceptions what they must be is to hamper the growth of the spiritual Truth within. As that grows we shall feel the Divine Light and Truth, the Divine Power and Force, the Divine Purity and Peace working within us, dealing with our actions as well as our consciousness, making use of them to reshape us into the Divine Image, removing the dross, substituting the pure gold of the Spirit. Only when the Divine Presence is there in us always and the consciousness transformed, can we have the right to say that we are ready to manifest the Divine on the material plane. To hold up a mental ideal or principle and impose that on the inner working brings the danger of limiting ourselves to a mental realisation or of impeding or even falsifying by a half-way formation the true growth into the full communion and union with the Divine and the free and intimate outflowing of His will in our life. This is a mistake of orientation to which the mind of today is especially prone. It is far better to approach the Divine for the Peace or Light or Bliss that the realisation of Him gives than to bring in these minor things which can divert us from the one thing needful. The divinisation of the material life also as well as the inner life is part of what we see as the Divine Plan, but it can only be fulfilled by an outflowing of the inner realisation, something that grows from within outward, not by the working out of a mental principle.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II, [T1],
31:It is then by a transformation of life in its very principle, not by an external manipulation of its phenomena, that the integral Yoga proposes to change it from a troubled and ignorant into a luminous and harmonious movement of Nature. There are three conditions which are indispensable for the achievement of this central inner revolution and new formation; none of them is altogether sufficient in itself, but by their united threefold power the uplifting can be done, the conversion made and completely made. For, first, life as it is is a movement of desire and it has built in us as its centre a desire-soul which refers to itself all the motions of life and puts in them its own troubled hue and pain of an ignorant, half-lit, baffled endeavour: for a divine living, desire must be abolished and replaced by a purer and firmer motive-power, the tormented soul of desire dissolved and in its stead there must emerge the calm, strength, happiness of a true vital being now concealed within us. Next, life as it is is driven or led partly by the impulse of the life-force, partly by a mind which is mostly a servant and abettor of the ignorant life-impulse, but in part also its uneasy and not too luminous or competent guide and mentor; for a divine life the mind and the life-impulse must cease to be anything but instruments and the inmost psychic being must take their place as the leader on the path and the indicator of a divine guidance. Last, life as it is is turned towards the satisfaction of the separative ego; ego must disappear and be replaced by the true spiritual person, the central being, and life itself must be turned towards the fulfilment of the Divine in terrestrial existence; it must feel a Divine Force awaking within it and become an obedient instrumentation of its purpose.
   There is nothing that is not ancient and familiar in the first of these three transforming inner movements; for it has always been one of the principal objects of spiritual discipline. It has been best formulated in the already expressed doctrine of the Gita by which a complete renouncement of desire for the fruits as the motive of action, a complete annulment of desire itself, the complete achievement of a perfect equality are put forward as the normal status of a spiritual being. A perfect spiritual equality is the one true and infallible sign of the cessation of desire, - to be equal-souled to all things, unmoved by joy and sorrow, the pleasant and the unpleasant, success or failure, to look with an equal eye on high and low, friend and enemy, the virtuous and the sinner, to see in all beings the manifold manifestation of the One and in all things the multitudinous play or the slow masked evolution of the embodied Spirit. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Ascent of the Sacrifice - 2, 176,
32:- for every well-made and significant poem, picture, statue or building is an act of creative knowledge, a living discovery of the consciousness, a figure of Truth, a dynamic form of mental and vital self-expression or world-expression, - all that seeks, all that finds, all that voices or figures is a realisation of something of the play of the Infinite and to that extent can be made a means of God-realisation or of divine formation. But the Yogin has to see that it is no longer done as part of an ignorant mental life; it can be accepted by him only if by the feeling, the remembrance, the dedication within it, it is turned into a movement of the spiritual consciousness and becomes a part of its vast grasp of comprehensive illuminating knowledge.
   For all must be done as a sacrifice, all activities must have the One Divine for their object and the heart of their meaning. The Yogin's aim in the sciences that make for knowledge should be to discover and understand the workings of the Divine Consciousness-Puissance in man and creatures and things and forces, her creative significances, her execution of the mysteries, the symbols in which she arranges the manifestation. The Yogin's aim in the practical sciences, whether mental and physical or occult and psychic, should be to enter into the ways of the Divine and his processes, to know the materials and means for the work given to us so that we may use that knowledge for a conscious and faultless expression of the spirit's mastery, joy and self-fulfilment. The Yogin's aim in the Arts should not be a mere aesthetic, mental or vital gratification, but, seeing the Divine everywhere, worshipping it with a revelation of the meaning of its own works, to express that One Divine in ideal forms, the One Divine in principles and forces, the One Divine in gods and men and creatures and objects. The theory that sees an intimate connection between religious aspiration and the truest and greatest Art is in essence right; but we must substitute for the mixed and doubtful religious motive a spiritual aspiration, vision, interpreting experience. For the wider and more comprehensive the seeing, the more it contains in itself the sense of the hidden Divine in humanity and in all things and rises beyond a superficial religiosity into the spiritual life, the more luminous, flexible, deep and powerful will the Art be that springs from that high motive. The Yogin's distinction from other men is this that he lives in a higher and vaster spiritual consciousness; all his work of knowledge or creation must then spring from there: it must not be made in the mind, - for it is a greater truth and vision than mental man's that he has to express or rather that presses to express itself through him and mould his works, not for his personal satisfaction, but for a divine purpose. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Ascent of the Sacrifice - 1, 142 [T4],
33:Sweet Mother, there's a flower you have named "The Creative Word".


What does that mean?

It is the word which creates.

There are all kinds of old traditions, old Hindu traditions, old Chaldean traditions in which the Divine, in the form of the Creator, that is, in His aspect as Creator, pronounces a word which has the power to create. So it is this... And it is the origin of the mantra. The mantra is the spoken word which has a creative power. An invocation is made and there is an answer to the invocation; or one makes a prayer and the prayer is granted. This is the Word, the Word which, in its sound... it is not only the idea, it is in the sound that there's a power of creation. It is the origin, you see, of the mantra.

In Indian mythology the creator God is Brahma, and I think that it was precisely his power which has been symbolised by this flower, "The Creative Word". And when one is in contact with it, the words spoken have a power of evocation or creation or formation or transformation; the words... sound always has a power; it has much more power than men think. It may be a good power and it may be a bad power. It creates vibrations which have an undeniable effect. It is not so much the idea as the sound; the idea too has its own power, but in its own domain - whereas the sound has a power in the material world.

I think I have explained this to you once; I told you, for example, that words spoken casually, usually without any re- flection and without attaching any importance to them, can be used to do something very good. I think I spoke to you about "Bonjour", "Good Day", didn't I? When people meet and say "Bonjour", they do so mechanically and without thinking. But if you put a will into it, an aspiration to indeed wish someone a good day, well, there is a way of saying "Good Day" which is very effective, much more effective than if simply meeting someone you thought: "Ah! I hope he has a good day", without saying anything. If with this hope in your thought you say to him in a certain way, "Good Day", you make it more concrete and more effective.

It's the same thing, by the way, with curses, or when one gets angry and says bad things to people. This can do them as much harm - more harm sometimes - than if you were to give them a slap. With very sensitive people it can put their stomach out of order or give them palpitation, because you put into it an evil force which has a power of destruction.

It is not at all ineffective to speak. Naturally it depends a great deal on each one's inner power. People who have no strength and no consciousness can't do very much - unless they employ material means. But to the extent that you are strong, especially when you have a powerful vital, you must have a great control on what you say, otherwise you can do much harm. Without wanting to, without knowing it; through ignorance.

Anything? No? Nothing?

Another question?... Everything's over? ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1955, 347-349,
34:If the Divine that is all love is the source of the creation, whence have come all the evils abounding upon earth?"

   "All is from the Divine; but the One Consciousness, the Supreme has not created the world directly out of itself; a Power has gone out of it and has descended through many gradations of its workings and passed through many agents. There are many creators or rather 'formateurs', form-makers, who have presided over the creation of the world. They are intermediary agents and I prefer to call them 'Formateurs' and not 'Creators'; for what they have done is to give the form and turn and nature to matter. There have been many, and some have formed things harmonious and benignant and some have shaped things mischievous and evil. And some too have been distorters rather than builders, for they have interfered and spoiled what was begun well by others." - Questions and Answers 1929 - 1931 (30 June 1929)

   You say, "Many creators or rather 'formateurs', formmakers, have presided over the creation of the world." Who are these 'formateurs'?

   That depends. They have been given many names. All has been done by gradations and through individual beings of all kinds. Each state of being is inhabited by entities, individualities and personalities and each one has created a world around him or has contributed to the formation of certain beings upon earth. The last creators are those of the vital world, but there are beings of the Overmind (Sri Aurobindo calls this plane the Overmind), who have created, given forms, sent out emanations, and these emanations again had their emanations and so on. What I meant is that it is not the Divine Will that acted directly on Matter to give to the world the required form, it is by passing through layers, so to say, planes of the world, as for example, the mental plane - there are so many beings on the mental plane who are form-makers, who have taken part in the formation of some beings who have incarnated upon earth. On the vital plane also the same thing happens.

   For example, there is a tradition which says that the whole world of insects is the outcome of the form-makers of the vital world, and that this is why they take such absolutely diabolical shapes when they are magnified under the microscope. You saw the other day, when you were shown the microbes in water? Naturally the pictures were made to amuse, to strike the imagination, but they are based on real forms, so magnified, however, that they look like monsters. Almost the whole world of insects is a world of microscopic monsters which, had they been larger in size, would have been quite terrifying. So it is said these are entities of the vital world, beings of the vital who created that for fun and amused themselves forming all these impossible beasts which make human life altogether unpleasant.

   Did these intermediaries also come out of the Divine Power?
   Through intermediaries, yes, not directly. These beings are not in direct contact with the Divine (there are exceptions, I mean as a general rule), they are beings who are in relation with other beings, who are again in relation with others, and these with still others, and so on, in a hierarchy, up to the Supreme.(to be continued....) ~ The Mother, Question and Answers,
35:(Novum Organum by Francis Bacon.)
   34. "Four species of idols beset the human mind, to which (for distinction's sake) we have assigned names, calling the first Idols of the Tribe, the second Idols of the Den, the third Idols of the Market, the fourth Idols of the Theatre.
   40. "The information of notions and axioms on the foundation of true induction is the only fitting remedy by which we can ward off and expel these idols. It is, however, of great service to point them out; for the doctrine of idols bears the same relation to the interpretation of nature as that of the confutation of sophisms does to common logic.
   41. "The idols of the tribe are inherent in human nature and the very tribe or race of man; for man's sense is falsely asserted to be the standard of things; on the contrary, all the perceptions both of the senses and the mind bear reference to man and not to the Universe, and the human mind resembles these uneven mirrors which impart their own properties to different objects, from which rays are emitted and distort and disfigure them.
   42. "The idols of the den are those of each individual; for everybody (in addition to the errors common to the race of man) has his own individual den or cavern, which intercepts and corrupts the light of nature, either from his own peculiar and singular disposition, or from his education and intercourse with others, or from his reading, and the authority acquired by those whom he reverences and admires, or from the different impressions produced on the mind, as it happens to be preoccupied and predisposed, or equable and tranquil, and the like; so that the spirit of man (according to its several dispositions), is variable, confused, and, as it were, actuated by chance; and Heraclitus said well that men search for knowledge in lesser worlds, and not in the greater or common world.
   43. "There are also idols formed by the reciprocal intercourse and society of man with man, which we call idols of the market, from the commerce and association of men with each other; for men converse by means of language, but words are formed at the will of the generality, and there arises from a bad and unapt formation of words a wonderful obstruction to the mind. Nor can the definitions and explanations with which learned men are wont to guard and protect themselves in some instances afford a complete remedy-words still manifestly force the understanding, throw everything into confusion, and lead mankind into vain and innumerable controversies and fallacies.
   44. "Lastly, there are idols which have crept into men's minds from the various dogmas of peculiar systems of philosophy, and also from the perverted rules of demonstration, and these we denominate idols of the theatre: for we regard all the systems of philosophy hitherto received or imagined, as so many plays brought out and performed, creating fictitious and theatrical worlds. Nor do we speak only of the present systems, or of the philosophy and sects of the ancients, since numerous other plays of a similar nature can be still composed and made to agree with each other, the causes of the most opposite errors being generally the same. Nor, again, do we allude merely to general systems, but also to many elements and axioms of sciences which have become inveterate by tradition, implicit credence, and neglect. ~ Alfred Korzybski, Manhood of Humanity,
36:If this is the truth of works, the first thing the sadhaka has to do is to recoil from the egoistic forms of activity and get rid of the sense of an "I" that acts. He has to see and feel that everything happens in him by the plastic conscious or subconscious or sometimes superconscious automatism of his mental and bodily instruments moved by the forces of spiritual, mental, vital and physical Nature. There is a personality on his surface that chooses and wills, submits and struggles, tries to make good in Nature or prevail over Nature, but this personality is itself a construction of Nature and so dominated, driven, determined by her that it cannot be free. It is a formation or expression of the Self in her, - it is a self of Nature rather than a self of Self, his natural and processive, not his spiritual and permanent being, a temporary constructed personality, not the true immortal Person. It is that Person that he must become. He must succeed in being inwardly quiescent, detach himself as the observer from the outer active personality and learn the play of the cosmic forces in him by standing back from all blinding absorption in its turns and movements. Thus calm, detached, a student of himself and a witness of his nature, he realises that he is the individual soul who observes the works of Nature, accepts tranquilly her results and sanctions or withholds his sanction from the impulse to her acts. At present this soul or Purusha is little more than an acquiescent spectator, influencing perhaps the action and development of the being by the pressure of its veiled consciousness, but for the most part delegating its powers or a fragment of them to the outer personality, - in fact to Nature, for this outer self is not lord but subject to her, anı̄sa; but, once unveiled, it can make its sanction or refusal effective, become the master of the action, dictate sovereignly a change of Nature. Even if for a long time, as the result of fixed association and past storage of energy, the habitual movement takes place independent of the Purusha's assent and even if the sanctioned movement is persistently refused by Nature for want of past habit, still he will discover that in the end his assent or refusal prevails, - slowly with much resistance or quickly with a rapid accommodation of her means and tendencies she modifies herself and her workings in the direction indicated by his inner sight or volition. Thus he learns in place of mental control or egoistic will an inner spiritual control which makes him master of the Nature-forces that work in him and not their unconscious instrument or mechanic slave. Above and around him is the Shakti, the universal Mother and from her he can get all his inmost soul needs and wills if only he has a true knowledge of her ways and a true surrender to the divine Will in her. Finally, he becomes aware of that highest dynamic Self within him and within Nature which is the source of all his seeing and knowing, the source of the sanction, the source of the acceptance, the source of the rejection. This is the Lord, the Supreme, the One-in-all, Ishwara-Shakti, of whom his soul is a portion, a being of that Being and a power of that Power. The rest of our progress depends on our knowledge of the ways in which the Lord of works manifests his Will in the world and in us and executes them through the transcendent and universal Shakti. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Supreme Will, 216,
37:summary of the entire process of psychic awakening :::
You have asked what is the discipline to be followed in order to convert the mental seeking into a living spiritual experience. The first necessity is the practice of concentration of your consciousness within yourself. The ordinary human mind has an activity on the surface which veils the real Self. But there is another, a hidden consciousness within behind the surface one in which we can become aware of the real Self and of a larger deeper truth of nature, can realise the Self and liberate and transform the nature. To quiet the surface mind and begin to live within is the object of this concentration. Of this true consciousness other then the superficial there are two main centres, one in the heart (not the physical heart, but the cardiac centre in the middle of the chest), one in the head. The concentration in the heart opens within and by following this inward opening and going deep one becomes aware of the soul or psychic being, the divine element in the individual. This being unveiled begins to come forward, to govern the nature, to turn it an d all its movements towards the Truth, towards the Divine, and to call down into it all that is above. It brings the consciousness of the Presence, the dedication of the being to the Highest and invites the descent into our nature of a greater Force and Consciousness which is waiting above us. To concentrate in the heart centre with the offering of oneself to the Divine and the aspiration for this inward opening and for the Presence in the heart is the first way and, if it can be done, the natural beginning; for its result once obtained makes the spiritual path far more easy and safe than if one begins the other way.
   That other way is the concentration in the head, in the mental centre. This, if it brings about the silence of the surface mind, opens up an inner, larger, deeper mind within which is more capable of receiving spiritual experience and spiritual knowledge. But once concentrated here one must open the silent mental consciousness upward to all that is above mind. After a time one feels the consciousness rising upward and it the end it rises beyond the lid which has so long kept it tied in the body and finds a centre above the head where it is liberated into the Infinite. There it behind to come into contact with the universal Self, the Divine Peace, Light, Power, Knowledge, Bliss, to enter into that and become that, to feel the descent of these things into the nature. To concentrate in the head with the aspiration for quietude in the mind and the realisation of the Self and Divine above is the second way of concentration. It is important, however, to remember that the concentration of the consciousness in the head is only a preparation for its rising to the centre above; otherwise, one may get shut up in one's own mind and its experiences or at best attain only to a reflection of the Truth above instead of rising into the spiritual transcendence to live there. For some the mental consciousness is easier, for some the concentration in the heart centre; some are capable of doing both alternatively - but to begin with the heart centre, if one can do it, is the more desirable.
   The other side of the discipline is with regard to the activities of the nature, of the mind, of the life-self or vital, of the physical being. Here the principle is to accord the nature with the inner realisation so that one may not be divided into two discordant parts. There are here several disciplines or processes possible. One is to offer all the activities to the Divine and call for the inner guidance and the taking up of one's nature by a Higher Power. If there is the inward soul-opening, if the psychic being comes forward, then there is no great difficulty - there comes with it a psychic discrimination, a constant intimation, finally a governance which discloses and quietly and patiently removes all imperfections, bring the right mental and vital movements and reshapes the physical consciousness also. Another method is to stand back detached from the movements of the mind, life, physical being, to regard their activities as only a habitual formation of general Nature in the individual imposed on us by past workings, not as any part of our real being; in proportion as one succeeds in this, becomes detached, sees mind and its activities as not oneself, life and its activities as not oneself, the body and its activities as not oneself, one becomes aware of an inner Being within us - inner mental, inner vital, inner physical - silent, calm, unbound, unattached which reflects the true Self above and can be its direct representative; from this inner silent Being proceeds a rejection of all that is to be rejected, an acceptance only of what can be kept and transformed, an inmost Will to perfection or a call to the Divine Power to do at each step what is necessary for the change of the Nature. It can also open mind, life and body to the inmost psychic entity and its guiding influence or its direct guidance. In most cases these two methods emerge and work together and finally fuse into one. But one can being with either, the one that one feels most natural and easy to follow.
   Finally, in all difficulties where personal effort is hampered, the help of the Teacher can intervene and bring above what is needed for the realisation or for the immediate step that is necessary.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II, 6, {871},
   Mother, when one imagines something, does it not exist?

When you imagine something, it means that you make a mental formation which may be close to the truth or far from the truth - it also depends upon the quality of your formation. You make a mental formation and there are people who have such a power of formation that they succeed in making what they imagine real. There are not many of these but there are some. They imagine something and their formation is so well made and so powerful that it succeeds in being realised. These are creators; there are not many of them but there are some.

   If one thinks of someone who doesn't exist or who is dead?

Ah! What do you mean? What have you just said? Someone who doesn't exist or someone who is dead? These are two absolutely different things.

   I mean someone who is dead.

Someone who is dead!

   If this person has remained in the mental domain, you can find him immediately. Naturally if he is no longer in the mental domain, if he is in the psychic domain, to think of him is not enough. You must know how to go into the psychic domain to find him. But if he has remained in the mental domain and you think of him, you can find him immediately, and not only that, but you can have a mental contact with him and a kind of mental vision of his existence.

   The mind has a capacity of vision of its own and it is not the same vision as with these eyes, but it is a vision, it is a perception in forms. But this is not imagination. It has nothing to do with imagination.

   Imagination, for instance, is when you begin to picture to yourself an ideal being to whom you apply all your conceptions, and when you tell yourself, "Why, it should be like this, like that, its form should be like this, its thought like that, its character like that," when you see all the details and build up the being. Now, writers do this all the time because when they write a novel, they imagine. There are those who take things from life but there are those who are imaginative, creators; they create a character, a personage and then put him in their book later. This is to imagine. To imagine, for example, a whole concurrence of circumstances, a set of events, this is what I call telling a story to oneself. But it can be put down on paper, and then one becomes a novelist. There are very different kinds of writers. Some imagine everything, some gather all sorts of observations from life and construct their book with them. There are a hundred ways of writing a book. But indeed some writers imagine everything from beginning to end. It all comes out of their head and they construct even their whole story without any support in things physically observed. This truly is imagination. But as I say, if they are very powerful and have a considerable capacity for creation, it is possible that one day or other there will be a physical human being who realises their creation. This too is true.

   What do you suppose imagination is, eh? Have you never imagined anything, you?

   And what happens?

   All that one imagines.

You mean that you imagine something and it happens like that, eh? Or it is in a dream...

   What is the function, the use of the imagination?

If one knows how to use it, as I said, one can create for oneself his own inner and outer life; one can build his own existence with his imagination, if one knows how to use it and has a power. In fact it is an elementary way of creating, of forming things in the world. I have always felt that if one didn't have the capacity of imagination he would not make any progress. Your imagination always goes ahead of your life. When you think of yourself, usually you imagine what you want to be, don't you, and this goes ahead, then you follow, then it continues to go ahead and you follow. Imagination opens for you the path of realisation. People who are not imaginative - it is very difficult to make them move; they see just what is there before their nose, they feel just what they are moment by moment and they cannot go forward because they are clamped by the immediate thing. It depends a good deal on what one calls imagination. However...

   Men of science must be having imagination!

A lot. Otherwise they would never discover anything. In fact, what is called imagination is a capacity to project oneself outside realised things and towards things realisable, and then to draw them by the projection. One can obviously have progressive and regressive imaginations. There are people who always imagine all the catastrophes possible, and unfortunately they also have the power of making them come. It's like the antennae going into a world that's not yet realised, catching something there and drawing it here. Then naturally it is an addition to the earth atmosphere and these things tend towards manifestation. It is an instrument which can be disciplined, can be used at will; one can discipline it, direct it, orientate it. It is one of the faculties one can develop in himself and render serviceable, that is, use it for definite purposes.

   Sweet Mother, can one imagine the Divine and have the contact?

Certainly if you succeed in imagining the Divine you have the contact, and you can have the contact with what you imagine, in any case. In fact it is absolutely impossible to imagine something which doesn't exist somewhere. You cannot imagine anything at all which doesn't exist somewhere. It is possible that it doesn't exist on the earth, it is possible that it's elsewhere, but it is impossible for you to imagine something which is not already contained in principle in the universe; otherwise it could not occur.

   Then, Sweet Mother, this means that in the created universe nothing new is added?

In the created universe? Yes. The universe is progressive; we said that constantly things manifest, more and more. But for your imagination to be able to go and seek beyond the manifestation something which will be manifested, well, it may happen, in fact it does - I was going to tell you that it is in this way that some beings can cause considerable progress to be made in the world, because they have the capacity of imagining something that's not yet manifested. But there are not many. One must first be capable of going beyond the manifested universe to be able to imagine something which is not there. There are already many things which can be imagined.

   What is our terrestrial world in the universe? A very small thing. Simply to have the capacity of imagining something which does not exist in the terrestrial manifestation is already very difficult, very difficult. For how many billions of years hasn't it existed, this little earth? And there have been no two identical things. That's much. It is very difficult to go out from the earth atmosphere with one's mind; one can, but it is very difficult. And then if one wants to go out, not only from the earth atmosphere but from the universal life!

   To be able simply to enter into contact with the life of the earth in its totality from the formation of the earth until now, what can this mean? And then to go beyond this and enter into contact with universal life from its beginnings up to now... and then again to be able to bring something new into the universe, one must go still farther beyond.

   Not easy!
   That's all?
   (To the child) Convinced?
   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1955, [T1],
39:[The Gods and Their Worlds]

   [...] According to traditions and occult schools, all these zones of realities, these planes of realities have got different names; they have been classified in a different way, but there is an essential analogy, and if you go back far enough into the traditions, you see only the words changing according to the country and the language. Even now, the experiences of Western occultists and those of Eastern occultists offer great similarities. All who set out on the discovery of these invisible worlds and make a report of what they saw, give a very similar description, whether they be from here or there; they use different words, but the experience is very similar and the handling of forces is the same.

   This knowledge of the occult worlds is based on the existence of subtle bodies and of subtle worlds corresponding to those bodies. They are what the psychological method calls "states of consciousness", but these states of consciousness really correspond to worlds. The occult procedure consists then in being aware of these various inner states of being or subtle bodies and in becoming sufficiently a master of them so as to be able to go out of them successively, one after another. There is indeed a whole scale of subtleties, increasing or decreasing according to the direction in which you go, and the occult procedure consists in going out of a denser body into a subtler body and so on again, up to the most ethereal regions. You go, by successive exteriorisations, into bodies or worlds more and more subtle. It is somewhat as if every time you passed into another dimension. The fourth dimension of the physicists is nothing but the scientific transcription of an occult knowledge. To give another image, one can say that the physical body is at the centre - it is the most material, the densest and also the smallest - and the inner bodies, more subtle, overflow more and more the central physical body; they pass through it, extending themselves farther and farther, like water evaporating from a porous vase and forming a kind of steam all around. And the greater the subtlety, the more the extension tends to unite with that of the universe: one ends by universalising oneself. And it is altogether a concrete process which gives an objective experience of invisible worlds and even enables one to act in these worlds.

   There are, then, only a very small number of people in the West who know that these gods are not merely subjective and imaginary - more or less wildly imaginary - but that they correspond to a universal truth.

   All these regions, all these domains are filled with beings who exist, each in its own domain, and if you are awake and conscious on a particular plane - for instance, if on going out of a more material body you awake on some higher plane, you have the same relation with the things and people of that plane as you had with the things and people of the material world. That is to say, there exists an entirely objective relation that has nothing to do with the idea you may have of these things. Naturally, the resemblance is greater and greater as you approach the physical world, the material world, and there even comes a time when the one region has a direct action upon the other. In any case, in what Sri Aurobindo calls the overmental worlds, you will find a concrete reality absolutely independent of your personal experience; you go back there and again find the same things, with the differences that have occurred during your absence. And you have relations with those beings that are identical with the relations you have with physical beings, with this difference that the relation is more plastic, supple and direct - for example, there is the capacity to change the external form, the visible form, according to the inner state you are in. But you can make an appointment with someone and be at the appointed place and find the same being again, with certain differences that have come about during your absence; it is entirely concrete with results entirely concrete.

   One must have at least a little of this experience in order to understand these things. Otherwise, those who are convinced that all this is mere human imagination and mental formation, who believe that these gods have such and such a form because men have thought them to be like that, and that they have certain defects and certain qualities because men have thought them to be like that - all those who say that God is made in the image of man and that he exists only in human thought, all these will not understand; to them this will appear absolutely ridiculous, madness. One must have lived a little, touched the subject a little, to know how very concrete the thing is.

   Naturally, children know a good deal if they have not been spoilt. There are so many children who return every night to the same place and continue to live the life they have begun there. When these faculties are not spoilt with age, you can keep them with you. At a time when I was especially interested in dreams, I could return exactly to a place and continue a work that I had begun: supervise something, for example, set something in order, a work of organisation or of discovery, of exploration. You go until you reach a certain spot, as you would go in life, then you take a rest, then you return and begin again - you begin the work at the place where you left off and you continue it. And you perceive that there are things which are quite independent of you, in the sense that changes of which you are not at all the author, have taken place automatically during your absence.

   But for this, you must live these experiences yourself, you must see them yourself, live them with sufficient sincerity and spontaneity in order to see that they are independent of any mental formation. For you can do the opposite also, and deepen the study of the action of mental formation upon events. This is very interesting, but it is another domain. And this study makes you very careful, very prudent, because you become aware of how far you can delude yourself. So you must study both, the dream and the occult reality, in order to see what is the essential difference between the two. The one depends upon us; the other exists in itself; entirely independent of the thought that we have of it.

   When you have worked in that domain, you recognise in fact that once a subject has been studied and something has been learnt mentally, it gives a special colour to the experience; the experience may be quite spontaneous and sincere, but the simple fact that the subject was known and studied lends a particular quality. Whereas if you had learnt nothing about the question, if you knew nothing at all, the transcription would be completely spontaneous and sincere when the experience came; it would be more or less adequate, but it would not be the outcome of a previous mental formation.

   Naturally, this occult knowledge or this experience is not very frequent in the world, because in those who do not have a developed inner life, there are veritable gaps between the external consciousness and the inmost consciousness; the linking states of being are missing and they have to be constructed. So when people enter there for the first time, they are bewildered, they have the impression they have fallen into the night, into nothingness, into non-being!

   I had a Danish friend, a painter, who was like that. He wanted me to teach him how to go out of the body; he used to have interesting dreams and thought that it would be worth the trouble to go there consciously. So I made him "go out" - but it was a frightful thing! When he was dreaming, a part of his mind still remained conscious, active, and a kind of link existed between this active part and his external being; then he remembered some of his dreams, but it was a very partial phenomenon. And to go out of one's body means to pass gradually through all the states of being, if one does the thing systematically. Well, already in the subtle physical, one is almost de-individualised, and when one goes farther, there remains nothing, for nothing is formed or individualised.

   Thus, when people are asked to meditate or told to go within, to enter into themselves, they are in agony - naturally! They have the impression that they are vanishing. And with reason: there is nothing, no consciousness!

   These things that appear to us quite natural and evident, are, for people who know nothing, wild imagination. If, for example, you transplant these experiences or this knowledge to the West, well, unless you have been frequenting the circles of occultists, they stare at you with open eyes. And when you have turned your back, they hasten to say, "These people are cranks!" Now to come back to the gods and conclude. It must be said that all those beings who have never had an earthly existence - gods or demons, invisible beings and powers - do not possess what the Divine has put into man: the psychic being. And this psychic being gives to man true love, charity, compassion, a deep kindness, which compensate for all his external defects.

   In the gods there is no fault because they live according to their own nature, spontaneously and without constraint: as gods, it is their manner of being. But if you take a higher point of view, if you have a higher vision, a vision of the whole, you see that they lack certain qualities that are exclusively human. By his capacity of love and self-giving, man can have as much power as the gods and even more, when he is not egoistic, when he has surmounted his egoism.

   If he fulfils the required condition, man is nearer to the Supreme than the gods are. He can be nearer. He is not so automatically, but he has the power to be so, the potentiality.

   If human love manifested itself without mixture, it would be all-powerful. Unfortunately, in human love there is as much love of oneself as of the one loved; it is not a love that makes you forget yourself. - 4 November 1958

   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother III, 355
40:The Science of Living

To know oneself and to control oneself

AN AIMLESS life is always a miserable life.

Every one of you should have an aim. But do not forget that on the quality of your aim will depend the quality of your life.

   Your aim should be high and wide, generous and disinterested; this will make your life precious to yourself and to others.

   But whatever your ideal, it cannot be perfectly realised unless you have realised perfection in yourself.

   To work for your perfection, the first step is to become conscious of yourself, of the different parts of your being and their respective activities. You must learn to distinguish these different parts one from another, so that you may become clearly aware of the origin of the movements that occur in you, the many impulses, reactions and conflicting wills that drive you to action. It is an assiduous study which demands much perseverance and sincerity. For man's nature, especially his mental nature, has a spontaneous tendency to give a favourable explanation for everything he thinks, feels, says and does. It is only by observing these movements with great care, by bringing them, as it were, before the tribunal of our highest ideal, with a sincere will to submit to its judgment, that we can hope to form in ourselves a discernment that never errs. For if we truly want to progress and acquire the capacity of knowing the truth of our being, that is to say, what we are truly created for, what we can call our mission upon earth, then we must, in a very regular and constant manner, reject from us or eliminate in us whatever contradicts the truth of our existence, whatever is opposed to it. In this way, little by little, all the parts, all the elements of our being can be organised into a homogeneous whole around our psychic centre. This work of unification requires much time to be brought to some degree of perfection. Therefore, in order to accomplish it, we must arm ourselves with patience and endurance, with a determination to prolong our life as long as necessary for the success of our endeavour.

   As you pursue this labour of purification and unification, you must at the same time take great care to perfect the external and instrumental part of your being. When the higher truth manifests, it must find in you a mind that is supple and rich enough to be able to give the idea that seeks to express itself a form of thought which preserves its force and clarity. This thought, again, when it seeks to clothe itself in words, must find in you a sufficient power of expression so that the words reveal the thought and do not deform it. And the formula in which you embody the truth should be manifested in all your feelings, all your acts of will, all your actions, in all the movements of your being. Finally, these movements themselves should, by constant effort, attain their highest perfection.

   All this can be realised by means of a fourfold discipline, the general outline of which is given here. The four aspects of the discipline do not exclude each other, and can be followed at the same time; indeed, this is preferable. The starting-point is what can be called the psychic discipline. We give the name "psychic" to the psychological centre of our being, the seat within us of the highest truth of our existence, that which can know this truth and set it in movement. It is therefore of capital importance to become conscious of its presence in us, to concentrate on this presence until it becomes a living fact for us and we can identify ourselves with it.

   In various times and places many methods have been prescribed for attaining this perception and ultimately achieving this identification. Some methods are psychological, some religious, some even mechanical. In reality, everyone has to find the one which suits him best, and if one has an ardent and steadfast aspiration, a persistent and dynamic will, one is sure to meet, in one way or another - outwardly through reading and study, inwardly through concentration, meditation, revelation and experience - the help one needs to reach the goal. Only one thing is absolutely indispensable: the will to discover and to realise. This discovery and realisation should be the primary preoccupation of our being, the pearl of great price which we must acquire at any cost. Whatever you do, whatever your occupations and activities, the will to find the truth of your being and to unite with it must be always living and present behind all that you do, all that you feel, all that you think.

   To complement this movement of inner discovery, it would be good not to neglect the development of the mind. For the mental instrument can equally be a great help or a great hindrance. In its natural state the human mind is always limited in its vision, narrow in its understanding, rigid in its conceptions, and a constant effort is therefore needed to widen it, to make it more supple and profound. So it is very necessary to consider everything from as many points of view as possible. Towards this end, there is an exercise which gives great suppleness and elevation to the thought. It is as follows: a clearly formulated thesis is set; against it is opposed its antithesis, formulated with the same precision. Then by careful reflection the problem must be widened or transcended until a synthesis is found which unites the two contraries in a larger, higher and more comprehensive idea.

   Many other exercises of the same kind can be undertaken; some have a beneficial effect on the character and so possess a double advantage: that of educating the mind and that of establishing control over the feelings and their consequences. For example, you must never allow your mind to judge things and people, for the mind is not an instrument of knowledge; it is incapable of finding knowledge, but it must be moved by knowledge. Knowledge belongs to a much higher domain than that of the human mind, far above the region of pure ideas. The mind has to be silent and attentive to receive knowledge from above and manifest it. For it is an instrument of formation, of organisation and action, and it is in these functions that it attains its full value and real usefulness.

   There is another practice which can be very helpful to the progress of the consciousness. Whenever there is a disagreement on any matter, such as a decision to be taken, or an action to be carried out, one must never remain closed up in one's own conception or point of view. On the contrary, one must make an effort to understand the other's point of view, to put oneself in his place and, instead of quarrelling or even fighting, find the solution which can reasonably satisfy both parties; there always is one for men of goodwill.

   Here we must mention the discipline of the vital. The vital being in us is the seat of impulses and desires, of enthusiasm and violence, of dynamic energy and desperate depressions, of passions and revolts. It can set everything in motion, build and realise; but it can also destroy and mar everything. Thus it may be the most difficult part to discipline in the human being. It is a long and exacting labour requiring great patience and perfect sincerity, for without sincerity you will deceive yourself from the very outset, and all endeavour for progress will be in vain. With the collaboration of the vital no realisation seems impossible, no transformation impracticable. But the difficulty lies in securing this constant collaboration. The vital is a good worker, but most often it seeks its own satisfaction. If that is refused, totally or even partially, the vital gets vexed, sulks and goes on strike. Its energy disappears more or less completely and in its place leaves disgust for people and things, discouragement or revolt, depression and dissatisfaction. At such moments it is good to remain quiet and refuse to act; for these are the times when one does stupid things and in a few moments one can destroy or spoil the progress that has been made during months of regular effort. These crises are shorter and less dangerous for those who have established a contact with their psychic being which is sufficient to keep alive in them the flame of aspiration and the consciousness of the ideal to be realised. They can, with the help of this consciousness, deal with their vital as one deals with a rebellious child, with patience and perseverance, showing it the truth and light, endeavouring to convince it and awaken in it the goodwill which has been veiled for a time. By means of such patient intervention each crisis can be turned into a new progress, into one more step towards the goal. Progress may be slow, relapses may be frequent, but if a courageous will is maintained, one is sure to triumph one day and see all difficulties melt and vanish before the radiance of the truth-consciousness.

   Lastly, by means of a rational and discerning physical education, we must make our body strong and supple enough to become a fit instrument in the material world for the truth-force which wants to manifest through us.

   In fact, the body must not rule, it must obey. By its very nature it is a docile and faithful servant. Unfortunately, it rarely has the capacity of discernment it ought to have with regard to its masters, the mind and the vital. It obeys them blindly, at the cost of its own well-being. The mind with its dogmas, its rigid and arbitrary principles, the vital with its passions, its excesses and dissipations soon destroy the natural balance of the body and create in it fatigue, exhaustion and disease. It must be freed from this tyranny and this can be done only through a constant union with the psychic centre of the being. The body has a wonderful capacity of adaptation and endurance. It is able to do so many more things than one usually imagines. If, instead of the ignorant and despotic masters that now govern it, it is ruled by the central truth of the being, you will be amazed at what it is capable of doing. Calm and quiet, strong and poised, at every minute it will be able to put forth the effort that is demanded of it, for it will have learnt to find rest in action and to recuperate, through contact with the universal forces, the energies it expends consciously and usefully. In this sound and balanced life a new harmony will manifest in the body, reflecting the harmony of the higher regions, which will give it perfect proportions and ideal beauty of form. And this harmony will be progressive, for the truth of the being is never static; it is a perpetual unfolding of a growing perfection that is more and more total and comprehensive. As soon as the body has learnt to follow this movement of progressive harmony, it will be possible for it to escape, through a continuous process of transformation, from the necessity of disintegration and destruction. Thus the irrevocable law of death will no longer have any reason to exist.

   When we reach this degree of perfection which is our goal, we shall perceive that the truth we seek is made up of four major aspects: Love, Knowledge, Power and Beauty. These four attributes of the Truth will express themselves spontaneously in our being. The psychic will be the vehicle of true and pure love, the mind will be the vehicle of infallible knowledge, the vital will manifest an invincible power and strength and the body will be the expression of a perfect beauty and harmony.

   Bulletin, November 1950

   ~ The Mother, On Education,
41:Mental Education

OF ALL lines of education, mental education is the most widely known and practised, yet except in a few rare cases there are gaps which make it something very incomplete and in the end quite insufficient.

   Generally speaking, schooling is considered to be all the mental education that is necessary. And when a child has been made to undergo, for a number of years, a methodical training which is more like cramming than true schooling, it is considered that whatever is necessary for his mental development has been done. Nothing of the kind. Even conceding that the training is given with due measure and discrimination and does not permanently damage the brain, it cannot impart to the human mind the faculties it needs to become a good and useful instrument. The schooling that is usually given can, at the most, serve as a system of gymnastics to increase the suppleness of the brain. From this standpoint, each branch of human learning represents a special kind of mental gymnastics, and the verbal formulations given to these various branches each constitute a special and well-defined language.

   A true mental education, which will prepare man for a higher life, has five principal phases. Normally these phases follow one after another, but in exceptional individuals they may alternate or even proceed simultaneously. These five phases, in brief, are:

   (1) Development of the power of concentration, the capacity of attention.
   (2) Development of the capacities of expansion, widening, complexity and richness.
   (3) Organisation of one's ideas around a central idea, a higher ideal or a supremely luminous idea that will serve as a guide in life.
   (4) Thought-control, rejection of undesirable thoughts, to become able to think only what one wants and when one wants.
   (5) Development of mental silence, perfect calm and a more and more total receptivity to inspirations coming from the higher regions of the being.

   It is not possible to give here all the details concerning the methods to be employed in the application of these five phases of education to different individuals. Still, a few explanations on points of detail can be given.

   Undeniably, what most impedes mental progress in children is the constant dispersion of their thoughts. Their thoughts flutter hither and thither like butterflies and they have to make a great effort to fix them. Yet this capacity is latent in them, for when you succeed in arousing their interest, they are capable of a good deal of attention. By his ingenuity, therefore, the educator will gradually help the child to become capable of a sustained effort of attention and a faculty of more and more complete absorption in the work in hand. All methods that can develop this faculty of attention from games to rewards are good and can all be utilised according to the need and the circumstances. But it is the psychological action that is most important and the sovereign method is to arouse in the child an interest in what you want to teach him, a liking for work, a will to progress. To love to learn is the most precious gift that one can give to a child: to love to learn always and everywhere, so that all circumstances, all happenings in life may be constantly renewed opportunities for learning more and always more.

   For that, to attention and concentration should be added observation, precise recording and faithfulness of memory. This faculty of observation can be developed by varied and spontaneous exercises, making use of every opportunity that presents itself to keep the child's thought wakeful, alert and prompt. The growth of the understanding should be stressed much more than that of memory. One knows well only what one has understood. Things learnt by heart, mechanically, fade away little by little and finally disappear; what is understood is never forgotten. Moreover, you must never refuse to explain to a child the how and the why of things. If you cannot do it yourself, you must direct the child to those who are qualified to answer or point out to him some books that deal with the question. In this way you will progressively awaken in the child the taste for true study and the habit of making a persistent effort to know.

   This will bring us quite naturally to the second phase of development in which the mind should be widened and enriched.

   You will gradually show the child that everything can become an interesting subject for study if it is approached in the right way. The life of every day, of every moment, is the best school of all, varied, complex, full of unexpected experiences, problems to be solved, clear and striking examples and obvious consequences. It is so easy to arouse healthy curiosity in children, if you answer with intelligence and clarity the numerous questions they ask. An interesting reply to one readily brings others in its train and so the attentive child learns without effort much more than he usually does in the classroom. By a choice made with care and insight, you should also teach him to enjoy good reading-matter which is both instructive and attractive. Do not be afraid of anything that awakens and pleases his imagination; imagination develops the creative mental faculty and through it study becomes living and the mind develops in joy.

   In order to increase the suppleness and comprehensiveness of his mind, one should see not only that he studies many varied topics, but above all that a single subject is approached in various ways, so that the child understands in a practical manner that there are many ways of facing the same intellectual problem, of considering it and solving it. This will remove all rigidity from his brain and at the same time it will make his thinking richer and more supple and prepare it for a more complex and comprehensive synthesis. In this way also the child will be imbued with the sense of the extreme relativity of mental learning and, little by little, an aspiration for a truer source of knowledge will awaken in him.

   Indeed, as the child grows older and progresses in his studies, his mind too ripens and becomes more and more capable of forming general ideas, and with them almost always comes a need for certitude, for a knowledge that is stable enough to form the basis of a mental construction which will permit all the diverse and scattered and often contradictory ideas accumulated in his brain to be organised and put in order. This ordering is indeed very necessary if one is to avoid chaos in one's thoughts. All contradictions can be transformed into complements, but for that one must discover the higher idea that will have the power to bring them harmoniously together. It is always good to consider every problem from all possible standpoints so as to avoid partiality and exclusiveness; but if the thought is to be active and creative, it must, in every case, be the natural and logical synthesis of all the points of view adopted. And if you want to make the totality of your thoughts into a dynamic and constructive force, you must also take great care as to the choice of the central idea of your mental synthesis; for upon that will depend the value of this synthesis. The higher and larger the central idea and the more universal it is, rising above time and space, the more numerous and the more complex will be the ideas, notions and thoughts which it will be able to organise and harmonise.

   It goes without saying that this work of organisation cannot be done once and for all. The mind, if it is to keep its vigour and youth, must progress constantly, revise its notions in the light of new knowledge, enlarge its frame-work to include fresh notions and constantly reclassify and reorganise its thoughts, so that each of them may find its true place in relation to the others and the whole remain harmonious and orderly.

   All that has just been said concerns the speculative mind, the mind that learns. But learning is only one aspect of mental activity; the other, which is at least equally important, is the constructive faculty, the capacity to form and thus prepare action. This very important part of mental activity has rarely been the subject of any special study or discipline. Only those who want, for some reason, to exercise a strict control over their mental activities think of observing and disciplining this faculty of formation; and as soon as they try it, they have to face difficulties so great that they appear almost insurmountable.

   And yet control over this formative activity of the mind is one of the most important aspects of self-education; one can say that without it no mental mastery is possible. As far as study is concerned, all ideas are acceptable and should be included in the synthesis, whose very function is to become more and more rich and complex; but where action is concerned, it is just the opposite. The ideas that are accepted for translation into action should be strictly controlled and only those that agree with the general trend of the central idea forming the basis of the mental synthesis should be permitted to express themselves in action. This means that every thought entering the mental consciousness should be set before the central idea; if it finds a logical place among the thoughts already grouped, it will be admitted into the synthesis; if not, it will be rejected so that it can have no influence on the action. This work of mental purification should be done very regularly in order to secure a complete control over one's actions.

   For this purpose, it is good to set apart some time every day when one can quietly go over one's thoughts and put one's synthesis in order. Once the habit is acquired, you can maintain control over your thoughts even during work and action, allowing only those which are useful for what you are doing to come to the surface. Particularly, if you have continued to cultivate the power of concentration and attention, only the thoughts that are needed will be allowed to enter the active external consciousness and they then become all the more dynamic and effective. And if, in the intensity of concentration, it becomes necessary not to think at all, all mental vibration can be stilled and an almost total silence secured. In this silence one can gradually open to the higher regions of the mind and learn to record the inspirations that come from there.

   But even before reaching this point, silence in itself is supremely useful, because in most people who have a somewhat developed and active mind, the mind is never at rest. During the day, its activity is kept under a certain control, but at night, during the sleep of the body, the control of the waking state is almost completely removed and the mind indulges in activities which are sometimes excessive and often incoherent. This creates a great stress which leads to fatigue and the diminution of the intellectual faculties.

   The fact is that like all the other parts of the human being, the mind too needs rest and it will not have this rest unless we know how to provide it. The art of resting one's mind is something to be acquired. Changing one's mental activity is certainly one way of resting; but the greatest possible rest is silence. And as far as the mental faculties are concerned a few minutes passed in the calm of silence are a more effective rest than hours of sleep.

   When one has learned to silence the mind at will and to concentrate it in receptive silence, then there will be no problem that cannot be solved, no mental difficulty whose solution cannot be found. When it is agitated, thought becomes confused and impotent; in an attentive tranquillity, the light can manifest itself and open up new horizons to man's capacity. Bulletin, November 1951

   ~ The Mother, On Education,


1:The natural formation of the country is the soldier's best ally ~ sun-tzu, @wisdomtrove
2:The good thing is, we have household formation in this country. ~ warren-buffet, @wisdomtrove
3:The formation of one's character ought to be everyone's chief aim. ~ johann-wolfgang-von-goethe, @wisdomtrove
4:From my Christian formation've gotten my ideals and technique Gandhi action ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
5:One of the commonest ailments of the present day is the premature formation of opinion. ~ kin-hubbard, @wisdomtrove
6:Character formation cannot be taught. It comes from experience and not from explanation. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
7:Capital formation is shifting from the entrepreneur who invests in the future to the pension trustee who invests in the past. ~ peter-drucker, @wisdomtrove
8:Since every individual is accountable ultimately to the self, the formation of that self demands our utmost care and attention. ~ frank-herbert, @wisdomtrove
9:The formation of different languages and of distinct species and the proofs that both have been developed through a gradual process, are curiously parallel. ~ charles-darwin, @wisdomtrove
10:For me the university has always been an ideal context for spiritual formation. I always felt that if you want to offer spiritual formation at the university, you can. ~ henri-nouwen, @wisdomtrove
11:So a military force has no constant formation, water has no constant shape: the ability to gain victory by changing and adapting according to the opponent is called genius. ~ sun-tzu, @wisdomtrove
12:Theological formation is the gradual and often painful discovery of God's incomprehensibility. You can be competent in many things, but you cannot be competent in God. ~ henri-nouwen, @wisdomtrove
13:There is only that inevitable danger as long as there is lack of understanding; but the moment the individual understands, there will be no formation of religion. ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
14:It is not that the university as such is against spiritual formation. It is just that often the university does not know how to integrate spiritual formation within its academic disciplines. ~ henri-nouwen, @wisdomtrove
15:Pause you who read this, and think for a moment of the long chain of iron or gold, of thorns or flowers, that would never have bound you, but for the formation of the first link on one memorable day. ~ charles-dickens, @wisdomtrove
16:There can be no limitation of that authority which is to provide for the defence and protection of the community in any matter essential to the formation, direction, or support of the NATIONAL FORCES. ~ alexander-hamilton, @wisdomtrove
17:The defense against childish helplessness is what lends its characteristic features to the adult's reaction to the helplessness which he has to acknowledge - a reaction which is precisely the formation of religion. ~ sigmund-freud, @wisdomtrove
18:The dilemma of modern society: the conflict between the need for capital formation at a high rate and the popular condemnation of interest and dividends as "unearned income" and "capitalist," if not as sinful and wicked. ~ peter-drucker, @wisdomtrove
19:The natural formation of the country is the soldier's best ally; but a power of estimating the adversary,  of controlling the forces of victory,  and of shrewdly calculating difficulties, dangers and distances,  constitutes the test of a great general. ~ sun-tzu, @wisdomtrove
20:The present tax codes inhibit the mobility and formation of capital, add complexities and inequities which undermine the morale of the taxpayer, and make tax avoidance rather than market factors a prime consideration in too many economic decisions. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
21:... what is really inspiriting and ennobling in the doctrine of freewill, is the conviction that we have real power over the formation of our own character; that our will, by influencing some of our circumstances, can modify our future habits or capabilities of willing. ~ john-stuart-mill, @wisdomtrove
22:One of the most beautiful ways for spiritual formation to take place is to let your insecurity lead you closer to the Lord. Natural hypersensitivity can become an asset; it makes you aware of your need to be with people and it allows you to be more willing to look at their needs. ~ henri-nouwen, @wisdomtrove
23:It is only the dull, sleepy mind that creates and clings to habit. A mind that is attentive from moment to moment - attentive to what it is saying, attentive to the movement of its hands, of its thoughts, of its feelings - will discover that the formation of further habits has come to an end. ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
24:This whole which is visible in different ways in bodies, as far as formation, constitution, appearance, colors and other properties and common qualities, is none other than the diverse face of the same substance a changeable, mobile face, subject to decay, of an immobile, permanent and eternal being. ~ giordano-bruno, @wisdomtrove
25:Whether moral and social phenomena are really exceptions to the general certainty and uniformity of the course of nature; and how far the methods, by which so many of the laws of the physical world have been numbered among truths irrevocably acquired and universally assented to, can be made instrumental to the gradual formation of a similar body of received doctrine in moral and political science. ~ john-stuart-mill, @wisdomtrove
26:Times have changed, and science has made great progress, and so has our work; but our principles have only been confirmed, and along with them our conviction that mankind can hope for a solution to its problems, among which the most urgent are those of peace and unity, only by turning its attention and energies to the discovery of the child and to the development of the great potentialities of the human personality in the course of its formation. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
27:This is education, understood as a help to life; an education from birth, which feeds a peaceful revolution and unites all in a common aim, attracting them as to a single centre. Mothers, fathers, politicians: all must combine in their respect and help for this delicate work of formation, which the little child carries on in the depth of a profound psychological mystery, under the tutelage of an inner guide. This is the bright new hope for mankind. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
28:Someone has said, "the Universe has imagined it even better than you have." And we like to add to that: The Universe got all of its information about what you like from you, and it has remembered every piece of it and has put it together in perfect formation. And so, the things that are on their way to you are so much better than you even know that you want. And as you allow them, the essence all of these things that the Universe knows that you are wanting make their way to you and appear in perfect timing for you. ~ esther-hicks, @wisdomtrove
29:But just in proportion as this process of extermination has acted on an enormous scale, so must the number of intermediate varieties, which have formerly existed, be truly enormous. Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and serious objection which can be urged against the theory. The explanation lies, as I believe, in the extreme imperfection of the geological record. ~ charles-darwin, @wisdomtrove
30:It is evident that there are three means for the formation of faith in man: the first is, approaching the Lord; the second, learning truths from the Word; and the third, living in conformity to them. Now these three means being each distinct from the other, it follows that they may be separated; as for instance, a person may approach the Lord, and yet be acquainted with no truths concerning God and the Lord, except such as are historical; so another may be acquainted with abundance of truths derived from the Word, and yet not live in conformity with them; but in such cases, where the three means are separated, that is, where one is without the other, there can be no faith profitable to salvation. ~ emanuel-swedenborg, @wisdomtrove
31:T hat wisdom (which all men by their very nature desire to know and consequently seek after with such great affection of mind) is known in no other way than that it is higher than all knowledge and utterly unknowable and unspeakable in all language. It is unintelligible to all understanding, immeasurable by all measure, improportionable by every proportion, incomparable by all comparison, infigurable by all figuration, unformable by all. formation, ... imimaginable by all imagination, ... inapprehensible in all apprehension and unaffirmable in all affirmation, undeniable in all negation, indoubtable in ail doubt, inopinionable in all opinion; and because in all speech it is inexpressible, there can be no limit to the means of expressing it, being incognitable in all cognition… ~ nicholas-of-cusa, @wisdomtrove
32:It is by participation of species that we call every sensible object beautiful. Thus, since everything void of form is by nature fitted for its reception, as far as it is destitute of reason and form it is base and separate from the divine reason, the great fountain of forms; and whatever is entirely remote from this immortal source is perfectly base and deformed. And such is matter, which by its nature is ever averse from the supervening irradiations of form. Whenever, therefore, form accedes, it conciliates in amicable unity the parts which are about to compose a whole; for being itself one it is not wonderful that the subject of its power should tend to unity, as far as the nature of a compound will admit. Hence beauty is established in multitude when the many is reduced into one, and in this case it communicates itself both to the parts and to the whole. But when a particular one, composed from similar parts, is received it gives itself to the whole, without departing from the sameness and integrity of its nature. Thus at one and the same time it communicates itself to the whole building and its several parts; and at another time confines itself to a single stone, and then the first participation arises from the operations of art, but the second from the formation of nature. And hence body becomes beautiful through the communion supernally proceeding from divinity. ~ plotinus, @wisdomtrove

*** NEWFULLDB 2.4M ***

1:bunched formation of fighter planes, it ~ Jojo Moyes,
2:Fixed formation is bad. Study this well. ~ Miyamoto Musashi,
3:Society is a crucible of character formation. ~ George F Will,
4:Capital formation is the greatest charity of all. ~ F A Harper,
5:Everything is a formation or an aggregate of love. ~ Frederick Lenz,
6:education is most fundamentally a matter of formation, ~ James K A Smith,
7:The natural formation of the country is the soldier's best ally ~ Sun Tzu,
8:Education has for its object the formation of character. ~ Herbert Spencer,
9:Leaders take eagles and teach them to fly in formation. ~ D Wayne Calloway,
10:Nations are not formed in a day, the formation requires years. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
11:The good thing is, we have household formation in this country. ~ Warren Buffett,
12:the focus of spiritual formation is the formation of our spirit. ~ Dallas Willard,
13:And the formation of man is the most pressing problem facing humanity. ~ Bruce Chatwin,
14:spiritual formation is a matter of reworking all aspects of the self. ~ Dallas Willard,
15:strategy formation walks on two feet, one deliberate, the other emergent. ~ Lawrence Freedman,
16:The formation of one's character ought to be everyone's chief aim. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
17:He has compelled her to submit to laws, in the formation of which she had no voice. ~ Howard Zinn,
18:She watched a serrated formation of brown pelicans slice the sky and leave no scar. ~ Dean Koontz,
19:The mind has three operations: the formation of ideas, judgements and reasoning. ~ Fulton J Sheen,
20:From my Christian formation've gotten my ideals and technique Gandhi action ~ Martin Luther King Jr,
21:Give it to 'em!" Take 'em down!" First Aleran!" Kick their furry--" Assault formation! ~ Jim Butcher,
22:It is the absolute right of the State to supervise the formation of public opinion. ~ Joseph Goebbels,
23:the first sign of habit formation is decreased resistance, which makes perfect sense. ~ Stephen Guise,
24:It’s okay to have butterflies in your stomach, as long as you make them fly in formation, ~ Dana Perino,
25:And if I am elected, I promise the formation of a new party, a third party, a wild party. ~ Alice Cooper,
26:There arises from a bad and unapt formation of words a wonderful obstruction to the mind. ~ Francis Bacon,
27:There arises from a bad and inapt formation of words, a wonderful obstruction to the mind. ~ Francis Bacon,
28:Character formation cannot be taught. It comes from experience and not from explanation. ~ Maria Montessori,
29:Formation of Network of people for common purpose leads to Society with common objectives. ~ Santosh Kalwar,
30:When will the arbitrary be granted the place it deserves in the formation of works and ideas? ~ Andre Breton,
31:Whatever it is, it clearly appears to be technological and is by no means a natural formation. ~ David Wilcock,
32:The most urgent task is that of the biblical and liturgical formation of the people of God. ~ Pope John Paul II,
33:Besides clarity of values, another kind of clarity supports habit formation: clarity of action. ~ Gretchen Rubin,
34:Give it to 'em!"
Take 'em down!"
First Aleran!"
Kick their furry--"
Assault formation! ~ Jim Butcher,
35:Of all the things in nature, the formation and endowment of man was singled out by the ancients. ~ Francis Bacon,
36:Spiritual formation in Christ moves toward a total interchange of our ideas and images for his. ~ Dallas Willard,
37:It's all right to have butterflies in your stomach...but you've got to make them fly in formation. ~ Andrew Klavan,
38:The self is not something ready-made, but something in continuous formation through choice of action. ~ John Dewey,
39:All the nuns in the world are not worth as much as one mother in the formation of a young girl's soul. ~ Victor Hugo,
40:I see ranks ready for battle, stretching out. Five, six horses across, ranks in formation. Endlessly. ~ Janet Morris,
41:It’s OK to get butterfly in your stomach; the key is to learn how to make them fly in formation. ~ Georges St Pierre,
42:The Kel virtue had been loyalty. Formation instinct deprived them of the chance to choose to be loyal. ~ Yoon Ha Lee,
43:The first time I came across the birds and the bees in actual flight, I couldn't identify the formation. ~ Bill Cosby,
44:The formation of a herd is a significant victory and advance in the struggle against depression. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche,
45:Choice forms the divider which is responsible for the formation of all futures that can be possible. ~ Stephen Richards,
46:The Noösphere, in short, is a stupendous thinking machine. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, The Formation of the Noösphere,
47:The shell is America's most active contribution to the formation of character. A tough hide. Grow it early. ~ Anais Nin,
48:I, therefore, demand the formation of a consolidated Muslim State in the best interest of India and Islam. ~ Muhammad Iqbal,
49:Spiritual formation into Christlikeness—true change of character—comes from living in relationship to God. ~ Dallas Willard,
50:Discipline is aimed at formation for a specific end, and that end is determined by our founding narrative. ~ James K A Smith,
51:I think there's true drama in the formation of everything that we know and are standing on the shoulders of. ~ Kevin Costner,
52:We’ve been over this formation a thousand times so they better remember it or I’ll jam bamboo up their arses. ~ Suzanne Wright,
53:Being a geological formation gives you a lot of time to think. Also, I subscribed to a number of learned journals. ~ Neil Gaiman,
54:Information is a basic human right and the fundamental foundation for the formation of democratic institutions. ~ Nelson Mandela,
55:Francis Bacon once said, “There arises from a bad and unapt formation of words a wonderful obstruction to the mind. ~ Dan Simmons,
56:Symbiogenesis is the formation of more complex life-forms from the union of two dissimilar, simpler ones. ~ Stephen Harrod Buhner,
57:The formation of Stalin’s character is particularly important because the nature of his rule was so personal. ~ Simon Sebag Montefiore,
58:[To] me organized religion, the formalities and routines, [is] like being marched in formation to look at a sunset. ~ John D MacDonald,
59:Absolute equality is non-existent in this world. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle, The Formation of the Nation-Unit - The Three Stages,
60:Nothing is more important than the formation of fictional concepts, which teach us at last to understand our own. ~ Ludwig Wittgenstein,
61:Individualization, ego formation, and heroism belong to the very life of the male group and are in fact its expressions. ~ Erich Neumann,
62:The essential thing is the formation of the political will of the nation: that is the starting point for political action. ~ Adolf Hitler,
63:He looked as though I'd just run over his pet puppy (though no actual puppies were harmed in the formation of that metaphor). ~ Ally Carter,
64:No government can be free that does not allow all its citizens to participate in the formation and execution of her laws. ~ Thaddeus Stevens,
65:This light unglues the formation and structure of the being for a certain period of time. It will reassemble automatically. ~ Frederick Lenz,
66:A sudden cloud formation of birds was swallowed up by the moon, and he was just as suddenly penned in by four walls-the demons' pen. ~ Mo Yan,
67:A sudden cloud formation of birds was swallowed up by the moon, and he was just as suddenly penned in by four walls—the demons’ pen. ~ Mo Yan,
68:Being a geological formation gives you a lot of time to think," said Splod. "Also, I subscribe to a number of learned journals. ~ Neil Gaiman,
69:Capital formation is shifting from the entrepreneur who invests in the future to the pension trustee who invests in the past. ~ Peter Drucker,
70:Planning is really the hallmark of any large military formation, and it's typically a weakness in new formations and new armies. ~ John R Allen,
71:sense of shared citizenship. This sentiment was crucial to the formation of modern states and the peaceful societies they governed. ~ Tony Judt,
72:Since every individual is accountable ultimately to the self, the formation of that self demands our utmost care and attention. ~ Frank Herbert,
73:As in Rorschach ink blots, an unlikely formation, such as a human head and shoulders, made itself privately known to the viewer. ~ Michael Lewis,
74:It is more necessary than ever to intensify liturgical life ... by means of an appropriate formation ... of all the faithful. ~ Pope John Paul II,
75:Many companies have found success in driving new habit formation by identifying how changing user interactions can create new routines. ~ Nir Eyal,
76:The two chief weapons which parties use in order to ensure success are the public press and the formation of associations. ~ Alexis de Tocqueville,
77:The indirectness of communication conceals the formation of schisms—different team members use terms differently but don’t realize it. ~ Eric Evans,
78:By phonemic trans-formation into visual terms, the alphabet became a universal, abstract, static container of meaningless sounds. ~ Marshall McLuhan,
79:Technology has no function except to save labor. Yet how often do we hear that the purpose of new capital formation is to create jobs? ~ Louis O Kelso,
80:Our humanity is not the whole of the Reality or its best possible self-formation or self-expression. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, The Divine Life,
81:Every good piece of art... involves first essentially the evidence of human skill, and the formation of an actually beautiful thing by it. ~ John Ruskin,
82:I have never worked on race and ethnicity as a kind of subcategory; I have always worked on the whole social formation which is racialised ~ Stuart Hall,
83:Education commences at the mother's knee, and every word spoken within hearsay of little children tends toward the formation of character. ~ Hosea Ballou,
84:Mastering fear doesn't mean getting rid of the butterflies in your stomach. It means teaching them to fly in formation. (Thanks, David Lynch!) ~ Anonymous,
85:The intelligent minority are a “specialized class” who are responsible for setting policy and for “the formation of a sound public opinion, ~ Noam Chomsky,
86:According to the basic narrative of the Old Testament, God’s answer to human dysfunction was the formation of a people after his own heart. ~ Robert E Barron,
87:Conrad regarded the formation of a representative government in Russia as unfeasible and foresaw a transition from autocracy to dictatorship. ~ Joseph Conrad,
88:For Marx the solutions of the internal contradictions within the base must already exist or be in formation before social revolution is possible. ~ Anonymous,
89:I feel like I should have a formation and make the plantoon sergeants demonstrate how to put a condom on the correct way."
~Evan Loehr ~ Jessica Scott,
90:The assailants spread out in a formation, giving her the opportunity to turn her back. But she couldn’t. Cinderella scrunched her nose up. “Blast. ~ K M Shea,
91:Walter [Alvarez] dubbed the formation the "Crater of Doom." It became more widely known, after the nearest town, as the Chicxulub crater. ~ Elizabeth Kolbert,
92:The first recorded Kel formation was a suicide formation. She had learned that at academy sometime and forgotten it. Now she would never forget. ~ Yoon Ha Lee,
93:My moral and spiritual formation does not allow me to be a dictator... If I were a dictator, You can be sure that many things have happened. ~ Augusto Pinochet,
94:Teacher preparation should go beyond the technical preparation of teachers and be rooted in the ethical formation both of selves and of history. ~ Paulo Freire,
95:The orientation of the heart happens from the bottom up, through the formation of our habits of desire. Learning to love (God) takes practice. ~ James K A Smith,
96:Nothing supplies the place of this instinct. All the nuns in the world are not worth as much as one mother in the formation of a young girl's soul. ~ Victor Hugo,
97:State formation has been a brutal project, with many hideous consequences. But the results exist, and their pernicious aspects should be overcome. ~ Noam Chomsky,
98:By raising the soul from the soma, extracting the fish from the waters, by the formation of an image through dreaming, the body could begin to heal. ~ Erel Shalit,
99:Prose fills a space, like a liquid poured in from the top, but poetry occupies it, arrays itself in formation, sets up camp and refuses to budge. ~ Simon Armitage,
100:If you looked at the map of idea formation that Dunbar created, the ground zero of innovation was not the microscope. It was the conference table. ~ Steven Johnson,
101:Once we have chosen the right formation in the centre we have created opportunities for our pieces and laid the foundation of subsequent victory. ~ Alexander Kotov,
102:The missionary experience is part of Christian formation and it is important for adolescents and young people to be able to live it personally. ~ Pope Benedict XVI,
103:Paul may be an excellent source for those interested in the early formation of Christianity, but he is a poor guide for uncovering the historical Jesus. ~ Reza Aslan,
104:This newish image shows the Lagoon Nebula, a turbulent star-formation region. The Lagoon Nebula is ~4000 light years away, 55 light-years wide and 20 light-years tall,
105:Dhanneth slid into place down at the end of the table, his face composed. If this was what formation instinct did for you, Jedao wanted some for himself. ~ Yoon Ha Lee,
106:I have made the Bhagwad Gita as the main source of my inspiration and guide for the purpose of scientific investigations and formation of my theories. ~ Albert Einstein,
107:That we must proceed slowly and critically in this attempt to construct an “anatomy” of society is evident. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, The Formation of the Noösphere,
108:Public opinion is presumptively an input to policy formation in a democracy because politicians respond to it or at least are believed to respond [to it]. ~ Alan Blinder,
109:We all know that any thing which retards in any way the free circulation of the sap, also prevents to a certain extent the formation of wood and leaves. ~ Robert Fortune,
110:I feel like I should have a formation and make the plantoon sergeants demonstrate how to put a condom on the correct way."
~ Jessica ScottEvan Loehr ~ Jessica Scott,
111:the end of Christian education has been seen to be the dissemination and communication of Christian ideas rather than the formation of a peculiar people. ~ James K A Smith,
112:Education commences at the mother's knee, and every word spoken within the hearsay of little children tends towards the formation of character. ~ Hosea Ballou, MS, Sermons.,
113:I don't find pastors and professors, for the most part, very interested in matters of formation in holiness. They have higher profile things to tend to. ~ Eugene H Peterson,
114:A herd of minuscule lightning bugs poured out of One-Eye's nostrils. Good soldiers all, they fell into formation, spelling out the words Goblin is a Poof. ~ Glen Cook,
115:So my fifth point is this: spiritual formation is the process whereby the inmost being of the individual takes on the quality or character of Jesus himself. ~ Dallas Willard,
116:The formation of different languages and of distinct species and the proofs that both have been developed through a gradual process, are curiously parallel. ~ Charles Darwin,
117:In the kitchen Enid dredged the Promethean meat in flour and laid it in a Westinghouse electric pan large enough to fry nine eggs in ticktacktoe formation. ~ Jonathan Franzen,
118:The intellectual evolution of the race consists in an increase in the number, delicacy, complexity, permanence and speed of formation of such associations. ~ Edward Thorndike,
119:supernova explosions could have generated the necessary heat to create the heavy elements that led to the formation of rocky planets and, eventually, us. (credit ~ Bill Bryson,
120:I never supported violence. Before the formation of TMC, I was a member of the Congress Party. Gandhi's Congress. Non-violence is a philosophy that runs deep. ~ Mamata Banerjee,
121:I believe that the first step in the setting of a real external world is the formation of the concept of bodily objects and of bodily objects of various kinds. ~ Albert Einstein,
122:I liked books - the respite and privacy of them - books about plants and the formation of ice and the business of world wars. Whenever I sank into them I felt free. ~ Tim Winton,
123:The Strategy of Scheduling, of setting a specific, regular time for an activity to recur, is one of the most familiar and powerful strategies of habit formation ~ Gretchen Rubin,
124:This growth in the number, speed of formation, permanence, delicacy and complexity of associations possible for an animal reaches its acme in the case of man. ~ Edward Thorndike,
125:The superego is, however, not simply a residue of the earliest object-choices of the id; it also represents an energetic reaction-formation against those choices. ~ Sigmund Freud,
126:Only three constants are significant for star formation: the gravitational constant, the fine structure constant, and a constant that governs nuclear reaction rates. ~ Ian Stewart,
127:The formation of the News America Publishing Group will lead to greater editorial excitement, new business opportunities and greater efficiencies and coordination. ~ Peter Chernin,
128:I think that the formation of [DNA's] structure by Watson and Crick may turn out to be the greatest developments in the field of molecular genetics in recent years. ~ Linus Pauling,
129:The best speakers know enough to be scared…the only difference between the pros and the novices is that the pros have trained the butterflies to fly in formation. ~ Edward R Murrow,
130:brittle air. Rachel slid her machete from its canvas sheath, but the crow veered wildly and then rejoined the broken formation heading south toward the distant city ~ Scott Nicholson,
131:For me the university has always been an ideal context for spiritual formation. I always felt that if you want to offer spiritual formation at the university, you can. ~ Henri Nouwen,
132:So a military force has no constant formation, water has no constant shape: the ability to gain victory by changing and adapting according to the opponent is called genius. ~ Sun Tzu,
133:Theological formation is the gradual and often painful discovery of God's incomprehensibility. You can be competent in many things, but you cannot be competent in God. ~ Henri Nouwen,
134:Before the development of tourism, travel was conceived to be like study, and its fruits were considered to be the adornment of the mind and the formation of judgement. ~ Paul Fussell,
135:There is only that inevitable danger as long as there is lack of understanding; but the moment the individual understands, there will be no formation of religion. ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti,
136:The Twelve Signs of the Zodiac represents the twelve lessons of human existence, the 12 qualities to be developed in the formation of the perfect man (and woman). ~ Vera Stanley Alder,
137:Spiritual formation in Christ is the process whereby the inmost being of the individual (the heart, will, or spirit) takes on the quality or character of Jesus himself. ~ Dallas Willard,
138:And then what seemed to Gameknight like the most beautiful thing in the world happened. Heavily armed cavalry smashed through the spider formation, crushing the monsters ~ Mark Cheverton,
139:Theological formation is the gradual and often painful discovery of God's incomprehensibility. You can be competent in many things, but you cannot be competent in God. ~ Henri J M Nouwen,
140:Before the development of tourism, travel was conceived to be like study, and it's fruits were considered to be the adornment of the mind and the formation of the judgment. ~ Paul Fussell,
141:Each social formation, through each of its material activities, exerts its influence upon the civic whole; and each of its ideas and ideals wins also its place and power. ~ Patrick Geddes,
142:The glut of information that is spayed at us on a daily basis is an important factor in the formation of our ideologies, and it's not even actually happening in front of us. ~ Andrew Neel,
143:The good thing is, we have household formation in this country. We have a country where I don't know whether it's a million households a year or more, but good form. ~ Howard Warren Buffett,
144:Christian spiritual formation rests on this indispensable foundation of death to self and cannot proceed except insofar as that foundation is being firmly laid and sustained. ~ Dallas Willard,
145:Life and consciousness are no longer chance anomalies in nature; rather, we find in biology a complement to the physics of matter. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, The Formation of the Noösphere,
146:With respect to Committees as you would perceive I am very jealous of their formation. I mean working committees. I think business is always better done by few than by many. ~ Michael Faraday,
147:Each day I deceived myself, unlike you who could never deceive yourself. Anxiety was trapped in the depths of my heart, like a formation of black clouds I could not break free of. ~ Osamu Dazai,
148:How can a man who, for a significant phase of his formation, shared his master’s opposition to rhetoric have in maturity composed a masterpiece of the formal study of rhetoric? This ~ Aristotle,
149:this kind of increased synaptic strength is a key to the formation of enduring neuronal circuits and has become known by the maxim “Cells that fire together, wire together. ~ Jeffrey M Schwartz,
150:Chaga is one of the weirdest mushrooms you may ever see. A fungal parasite found on birch trees, Chaga is a hardened, blackened, crusty formation that looks like a bursting tumor. ~ Paul Stamets,
151:The GP appeared in its typical V formation. “Goose on the lawn,” Luc said. “Goose?” I asked. “That V formation. I like to use derogatory terms to describe the GP whenever possible. ~ Chloe Neill,
152:When we changed the channel from violent television to tamer fare, kids just ended up learning the advanced skills of clique formation, friendship withdrawal, and the art of the insult. ~ Po Bronson,
153:Consciousness is a phase of mental life which arises in connection with the formation of new habits. When habit is formed, consciousness only interferes to spoil our performance. ~ William Ralph Inge,
154:Any counseling that does not pursue spiritual formation through an intimate relationship with Jesus by faith as one of its chief goals is not worthy to be called BIBLICAL counseling. ~ James MacDonald,
155:I do believe in the power of story. I believe that stories have an important role to play in the formation of human beings, that they can stimulate, amaze and inspire their listeners. ~ Hayao Miyazaki,
156:The collectivity is a mass, a field of formation; the individual is the diviner of truth, the form-maker, the creator. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, The Progress to Knowledge - God, Man and Nature,
157:What you see happening right now with some of the consolidation is all about more spectrum and capital formation that give you the scale, scope and resources to invest in that 3G world. ~ Steve Largent,
158:Mount Harris is of basaltic formation, but I could not observe any columnar regularity in it, although large blocks are exposed above the ground. The rock is extremely hard and sonorous. ~ Charles Sturt,
159:Formation of a new race takes place when, over several generations, individuals in one group reproduce more frequently among themselves than they do with individuals in other groups. ~ J Philippe Rushton,
160:I did have an occasion in 1951 to have two days of observation of many flights of them, they were of different sizes, flying in fighter formation, generally from east to west over Europe. ~ Gordon Cooper,
161:I'm using the grid as formation. I wanted a relationship between the paintings and videos so that way when you are looking at the videos there's a direct relationship to the paintings. ~ Mickalene Thomas,
162:It is not that the university as such is against spiritual formation. It is just that often the university does not know how to integrate spiritual formation within its academic disciplines. ~ Henri Nouwen,
163:I was not one man only but the steady advance hour after hour of an army in close formation, in which there appeared, according to the moment, impassioned men, indifferent men, jealous men. ~ Marcel Proust,
164:My place is in the realm of ideas – the brainwork, as it were. I put my brain at your disposal for the formation of schemes and stratagems, and then you, the muscular ones, carry them out. ~ Gerald Durrell,
165:So he grew up not only with a sense of having once been abandoned, but also with a sense that he was special. In his own mind, that was more important in the formation of his personality. ~ Walter Isaacson,
166:It is because the body is a machine that education is possible. Education is the formation of habits, a superinducing of an artificial organization upon the natural organization of the body. ~ Thomas Huxley,
167:If we knew that tonight we were going to go blind, we would take a long, last real look at every blade of grass, every cloud formation, every speck of dust, every rainbow, raindrop-everything. ~ Pema Chodron,
168:Marijuana-steeped conversations concerning questions of wave formation often take on mystical dimensions. Oceanographers and meteorologists can get even farther out there. They smoke math. ~ Patrick E McLean,
169:My leg was made for kicking things. Doesn't matter the circumstance, style or formation. It's all about putting your foot on the right spot of the ball and letting your leg velocity do the rest. ~ Pat McAfee,
170:I have never believed that there is a secret United Nations plot to take over the US... But, for the first time in my life, I think the formation of some sort of world government is plausible. ~ Gideon Rachman,
171:That a man can take pleasure in marching in formation to the strains of a band is enough to make me despise him. He has only been given his big brain by mistake; a backbone was all he needed. ~ Albert Einstein,
172:If you put a ten dollar bill under the rug instead of spending it, that is capital formation. It represents ten dollars' worth of something that might have been immediately consumed, but wasn't. ~ Garet Garrett,
173:of oxygen, whether we think of it as ‘good’ or ‘bad’, is the formation of free radicals. As conventionally stated, the idea that breathing oxygen causes ageing is disarmingly simple. We produce free ~ Nick Lane,
174:The knowledge of God, the formation of ideas, the mastery of desire and passion, the distinction between that which is to be chosen and that which is to be rejected, all these man owes to his form. ~ Maimonides,
175:The moral virtues, then, are produced in us neither by nature nor against nature. Nature, indeed, prepares in us the ground for their reception, but their complete formation is the product of habit. ~ Aristotle,
176:Before the development of tourism, travel was conceived to be like study, and its fruits were considered to be the adornment of the mind and the formation of the judgment. —PAUL FUSSELL, Abroad ~ Timothy Ferriss,
177:Science describes the world; it doesn't explain it: it can describe the universe's formation, but it cannot explain why such an event would have occurred, how something can come from nothing. ~ Christina Meldrum,
178:The drive toward the formation of metaphors is the fundamental human drive, which one cannot for a single instant dispense with in thought , for one would thereby dispense with man himself. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche,
179:The founding of a company, making money in the market, or the formation of an idea is messy. Reducing it to a narrative retroactively creates a clarity that never was and never will be there. When ~ Ryan Holiday,
180:Ethics as formation, then, is the venture of speaking about the form of Christ taking form in our world neither abstractly nor casuistically, neither programmatically nor purely reflectively. ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer,
181:This country was founded with the understanding that we shall be allowed to hold slaves. It was a condition of the formation. That shall not change regardless of the rhetoric coming from the North. ~ Laila Ibrahim,
182:Matter is a formation of life that has no real existence apart from the informing universal spirit which gives it its energy and substance. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Psychology of Self-Perfection,
183:formation of moral values in society doesn’t come from the evolution of the consensus. No, it is the most intolerant person who imposes virtue on others precisely because of that intolerance. ~ Nassim Nicholas Taleb,
184:Character formation of the paranoid typology becomes so autonomous that, once it has solidified, it is practically meaningless to try to find an explanation for its existence in a particular individual. ~ Bandy X Lee,
185:The teleology of maroon societies is unequivocal in spite of challenges to their formation and longevity: freedom as existence away from slavocracy in the farthest, hardest to reach expanses of states. ~ Neil Roberts,
186:Pause you who read this, and think for a moment of the long chain of iron or gold, of thorns or flowers, that would never have bound you, but for the formation of the first link on one memorable day. ~ Charles Dickens,
187:Where did I learn to understand sculpture? In the woods by looking at the trees, along roads by observing the formation of clouds, in the studio by studying the model, everywhere except in the schools. ~ Auguste Rodin,
188:Collateral learning in the way of formation of enduring attitudes, of likes and dislikes, may be and often is much more important than the spelling lesson or lesson in geography or history that is learned. ~ John Dewey,
189:Democritus believed that the soul was made up of special round, smooth 'soul atoms.' When a human being died, the soul atoms flew in all directions, and could then become part of a new soul formation. ~ Jostein Gaarder,
190:Every other basic right, such as the Formation of Government and the Right to Freedom of Organization, are simply practical extensions of the Right to Free Speech. On this law democracy stands or falls. ~ Stieg Larsson,
191:If these influences are reversed—and they can be—an environment designed around the true needs of individuals, conducive to the formation of community and preservation of the landscape, becomes possible. ~ Andr s Duany,
192:The Kalachakra texts claim that, prior to its formation, any particular universe remains in the state of emptiness, where all its material elements exist in the form of potentiality as “space particles. ~ Dalai Lama XIV,
193:The photogram, image formation outside the camera is the real key to photography,it embodies the essence... that allows us to capture light on light sensitive material without the use of any camera. ~ Laszlo Moholy Nagy,
194:I think periods of browsing during which no occupation is imposed from without are important in youth because they give time for the formation of these apparently fugitive but really vital impressions. ~ Bertrand Russell,
195:In recent poems, I have abandoned the theme of not being able to write for an even more obsessive subject, the nature of language, particularly English, in the formation of my imagination and being. ~ Shirley Geok lin Lim,
196:Pessimism negates the existing world. Yet its negating is ambiguous. It can simply will decay and nothingness, but it can also renounce what exists and thus open a path for a new formation of the world. ~ Martin Heidegger,
197:There can be no limitation of that authority which is to provide for the defense and protection of the community in any matter essential to the formation, direction, or support of the NATIONAL FORCES. ~ Alexander Hamilton,
198:Discipleship and spiritual formation are less about erecting an edifice of knowledge than they are a matter of developing a Christian know-how that intuitively understands the world in light of the Gospel. ~ James K A Smith,
199:In particular, the efforts to reestablish peace after the World War have been directed toward the formation of states and the regulation of their frontiers according to a consciously national program. ~ Christian Lous Lange,
200:So by looking in X-rays, you are seeing aspects of nature which we did not even suspect existed but which are very important in the formation, evolution, and dynamics of the structures in the universe. ~ Neil deGrasse Tyson,
201:poverty ... is very bad for the formation of a personality. ... Not until I knew for certain where my next meal would come from could I give myself up to ignoring that next meal; I could think of other things. ~ Helen Westley,
202:But taking love itself—God’s kind of love—into the depths of our being through spiritual formation will, by contrast, enable us to act lovingly to an extent that will be surprising even to ourselves, at first. ~ Dallas Willard,
203:the next day he was formally charged with ‘breaking ranks while in formation, felonious assault, indiscriminate behavior, mopery, high treason, provoking, being a smart guy, listening to classical music and so on’. ~ Anonymous,
204:there is hardly anything as beautiful as
a woman in a long dress
not even the sunrise
not even the geese flying south
in the long V formation
in the bright freshness
of early morning. ~ Charles Bukowski,
205:It can be difficult to see trends, and especially challenging when all of the changes leading up to a trend’s formation are relatively uninteresting, or when they threaten to upend our established, cherished beliefs. ~ Amy Webb,
206:Christian spiritual formation is inescapably a matter of recognizing in ourselves the idea systems of evil that govern the present age and respective culture, as well as those that constitute life away from God. ~ Dallas Willard,
207:One thing that continually astonishes me is the degree to which we’re influenced by sheer convenience. The amount of effort, time, or decision making required by an action has a huge influence on habit formation. ~ Gretchen Rubin,
208:Examining the numerous prophetic passages in Liber Novus, it becomes clear that at the heart of Jung’s experience there abides a vision of the formation of a new god-image. ~ Murray Stein, Thomas Arzt, Jung's Red Book for Our Time,
209:The defense against childish helplessness is what lends its characteristic features to the adult's reaction to the helplessness which he has to acknowledge - a reaction which is precisely the formation of religion. ~ Sigmund Freud,
210:The ideas of the past, although half destroyed, being still very powerful, and the ideas which are to replace them being still in process of formation, the modern age represents a period of transition and anarchy. ~ Gustave Le Bon,
211:The entrance into the Kingdom is through the panging pains of repentance crashing into a man's respectable goodness; then the Holy Ghost, who produces these agonies begins the formation of the Son God in the life. ~ Oswald Chambers,
212:Why has not anyone seen that fossils alone gave birth to a theory about the formation of the earth, that without them, no one would have ever dreamed that there were successive epochs in the formation of the globe. ~ Georges Cuvier,
213:You will see war not as a beautiful, orderly, and gleaming formation, with music and beaten drums, streaming banners and generals on prancing horses, but war in its authentic expression - as blood suffering and death. ~ Leo Tolstoy,
214:and if we can change
things that have
already happened

if those planes can fly in
uneasy formation

if that splinter moon
can blow away the shadows

then anything,
anything at all. ~ Jaclyn Moriarty,
215:Knowledge emerged about synapses, neurotransmitter-ology was born, and this idea was modified—a new memory requires the formation of a new synapse, a new connection between an axon terminal and a dendritic spine. ~ Robert M Sapolsky,
216:fire. A blood-chilling caw cracked the brittle air. Rachel slid her machete from its canvas sheath, but the crow veered wildly and then rejoined the broken formation heading south toward the distant city of mutants. ~ Scott Nicholson,
217:I love crystals, the beauty of their forms and formation; liquids, dormant, distilling, sloshing! The fumes, the odors good or bad, the rainbow of colors; the gleaming vessels of every size, shape and purpose. ~ Robert Burns Woodward,
218:I sometimes say animals are closer to God than humans. They are closer to the source. The humans are more lost in the mind forms. Being is more obscured to the human because of the overlay of ego and mental formation. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
219:The immediate aim of the Communist is the same as that of all the other proletarian parties: formation of the proletariat into a class, overthrow of the bourgeois supremacy, conquest of political power by the proletariat. ~ Karl Marx,
220:Christ-formation is God’s ultimate goal for every follower of Christ—that slowly, over time, we will begin to think like Jesus, see things as Jesus would see them, and treat people the same as Jesus would treat them. ~ Warren W Wiersbe,
221:do. A goose instinctively heads south in a V-formation in a V formed of other geese instinctively heading south. It doesn’t check out the beach and experiment with a sandpiper lifestyle. It does what it’s designed to do. ~ Helen DeWitt,
222:The danger of crippling thought, the danger of obstructing the formation of the public mind by specially suppressing ... representations is far greater than any real danger that there is from such representations. ~ George Bernard Shaw,
223:Or you can turn your figures into, for instance, a flock of seagulls, and the formation they fly in and the way in which the wings of each gull beat will be determined by the performance of each division of your company. ~ Douglas Adams,
224:The dilemma of modern society: the conflict between the need for capital formation at a high rate and the popular condemnation of interest and dividends as "unearned income" and "capitalist," if not as sinful and wicked. ~ Peter Drucker,
225:The most fundamental element of reality is the quantum vacuum, the energy- and in-formation-filled plenum that underlies, generates, and interacts with our universe, and with whatever universes may exist in the Metaverse. ~ Ervin Laszlo,
226:I wondered whether music might not be the unique example of what might have been - if the invention of language, the formation of words, the analysis of ideas had not intervened - the means of communication between souls. ~ Marcel Proust,
227:Looking up, Missouri saw a formation of low-flying P-47's on the horizon, heading up the coast from Naples...Sergeant Missouri laughed aloud. "They're sending us the Air Force, Chico, and we made it with a donkey," he said. ~ Maureen Daly,
228:Relationality [is] not only [a] descriptive or historical fact of our formation, but also an ongoing normative dimension of our social and political lives, one in which we are compelled to take stock of our interdependence. ~ Judith Butler,
229:Spiritual formation is not about steps or stages on the way to perfection. It’s about the movements from the mind to the heart through prayer in its many forms that reunite us with God, each other, and our truest selves. ~ Henri J M Nouwen,
230:The life of Abraham Lincoln is by most accounts an amazing study in character formation. Yet he was notoriously disorganized; he even had a file in his law office labeled If you can't find it anywhere else, try looking here. ~ John Ortberg,
231:The immediate aim of the Communist is the same as that of all the other proletarian parties: formation of the proletariat into a class, overthrow of the bourgeois supremacy, conquest of political power by the proletariat. ~ Friedrich Engels,
232:...Be holy men and women! Do not forget that the fruits of the apostolate depend on the depth of the spiritual life, on the intensity of prayer, of continual formation and sincere adhesion to the directives of the Church. ~ Pope John Paul II,
233:The interval between the decay of the old and the formation and establishment of the new constitutes a period of transition which must always necessarily be one of uncertainty, confusion, error, and wild and fierce fanaticism. ~ John C Calhoun,
234:Neurologists tell us a startling truth that has major implications for spiritual formation: Our choices and experience shape our brain, both literally and physiologically. What we choose cognitively helps make us into who we are. ~ Gary L Thomas,
235:It took the OSS nearly two years after the IOR’s formation before it stumbled across intelligence that Hitler’s Reichsbank was transferring money to the Vatican and disguising its origin by using a Swiss bank as an intermediary.62 ~ Gerald Posner,
236:The formation of scales and of the web of harmony is a product of artistic invention, and is in no way given by the natural structure or by the natural behaviour of our hearing, as used to be generally maintained hitherto. ~ Hermann von Helmholtz,
237:The knowledge of God, the formation of ideas, the mastery of desire and passion, the distinction between that which is to be chosen and that which is to be rejected, all these man owes to his form... ~ Maimonides, Guide for the Perplexed (c. 1190),
238:Her Squire, Celena, Ms. Blood Rite, I-kill-anything-that-breaks-formation, is on her way over here to have a word with you. Since Celena isn’t real big on conversation, I’m taking that as a euphemism for ‘kick your ass.’ (Rafael) ~ Sherrilyn Kenyon,
239:The dove act? I'm still working on it. I don't think it's perfect yet. I got my first pair of doves when I was 14 years old. That was the beginning of the formation of that act. So it's been 24 years now that I've been working on it. ~ Lance Burton,
240:The framers of our Constitution never exhausted so much labor, wisdom, and forbearance in its formation, and surrounded it with so many guards and securities, if it was intended to be broken by every member of the Confederacy at will. ~ Robert E Lee,
241:Education is a holistic endeavor that involves the whole person, including our bodies, in a process of formation that aims our desires, primes our imagination, and orients us to the world - all before we ever start 'thinking' about it ~ James K A Smith,
242:A number of families constituted a grama, a word used later for village, suggesting that the families in the early settlements were related. Another view holds that grama was the formation made up of wagons used by the mobile pastoralists ~ Romila Thapar,
243:Imaging studies have shown that exercise increases blood volume in a region of the brain called the dentate gyrus. That’s a big deal. The dentate gyrus is a vital constituent of the hippocampus, a region deeply involved in memory formation. ~ John Medina,
244:I'm going to tell you the story about the geese which fly 5,000 miles from Canada to France. They fly in V-formation but the second ones don't fly. They're the subs for the first ones. And then the second ones take over - so it's teamwork. ~ Alex Ferguson,
245:Anna's spiritual formation was relegated to cultural expressions of faith: the Christmas Baby Jesus and his gifts, the Easter risen Christ and his chocolate bunnies, and a copy of The Thorn Birds pulled from her mother's bookshelf. ~ Jill Alexander Essbaum,
246:The way in which these factors—displacement, condensation, and over-determination—interact in the process of dream-formation, and the question of which becomes dominant and which secondary, are things we shall set aside for later inquiries. ~ Sigmund Freud,
247:An instrument good for a certain work and set of conditions, if it is still retained when other work has to be done and conditions change, becomes necessarily an obstacle. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle, The Formation of the Nation-Unit - The Three Stages,
248:Apparently this was based on postings on the Internet, and I thought it all ridiculous, not quite sure who these Ripperologists were. I joked that their threat brought to mind Klingons in formation ready to fire upon the U.S.S. Enterprise. ~ Patricia Cornwell,
249:culture comes into play at precisely the point where biological individuals become subjects, and that what lies between the two is not some automatically constituted ‘natural’ process of socialization but much more complex processes of formation ~ Stuart Hall,
250:In human affairs, no single person, organisation or social formation ever has a final or an absolutely correct position. It is through conversation, debate and critical discussion that we approach positions that may provide workable solutions. ~ Nelson Mandela,
251:We don’t become better because we acquire new information. We become better because we acquire better loves. We don’t become what we know. Education is a process of love formation. When you go to a school, it should offer you new things to love. ~ David Brooks,
252:[E]ducation is a holistic endeavor that involves the whole person, including our bodies, in a process of formation that aims our desires, primes our imagination, and orients us to the world -- all before we ever start thinking about it. ~ James K A Smith,
253:Man is really not freeing many aspects. He is dependent on his social circumstances, but he is free in his thinking, and here is the point of origin of sculpture. For me the formation of the thought is already sculpture. The thought is sculpture. ~ Joseph Beuys,
254:The Bible is primarily a book not of information but of formation, not merely a book to be analyzed, scrutinized, and discussed but a sacred book to nurture us, to unify our hearts and minds, and to serve as a constant source of contemplation ~ Henri J M Nouwen,
255:Hope and light and motion, her soul whispered. Hope and formation and fusion, Hope and heat and accretion. The miracle of gravity. The miracle of transformation. Each precious thing is destroyed and each precious thing is saved. Hope, hope, hope. ~ Kelly Barnhill,
256:The common myth is that you can establish a habit in 21 or 30 days. Some books are wholly based around this false concept. The truth is a bit uglier and harder to predict—18 to 254 days until habit formation, depending on the habit and the person. ~ Stephen Guise,
257:The natural formation of the country is the soldier's best ally; but a power of estimating the adversary, of controlling the forces of victory, and of shrewdly calculating difficulties, dangers and distances, constitutes the test of a great general. ~ Sun Tzu,
258:The present tax codes inhibit the mobility and formation of capital, add complexities and inequities which undermine the morale of the taxpayer, and make tax avoidance rather than market factors a prime consideration in too many economic decisions. ~ John F Kennedy,
259:If a man had a little button sewn on the inner pocket of his coat 'on principle' his otherwise unimportant and quite serviceable action would become charged with importance--it is not improbable that it would result in the formation of a society. ~ S ren Kierkegaard,
260:I take a bite of the stale bread and convince myself I’m eating at a Michelin-starred restaurant. That’s not water, it’s champagne, and that line of ants trailing along the baseboard over there in perfect formation? That’s called having dinner and a show. ~ R S Grey,
261:Myths and legends, either about divinities or the formation and history of peoples and races, began to look like pictures on a jigsaw puzzle, slightly different from one another but always built with the same pieces, though not in the same order. ~ Carlos Ruiz Zaf n,
262:Disease is a resistance of the opposing forces in your body. The result of this resistance could be anything from formation of mucus or pus, to more serious cysts or lumps and ulcers, to terminal illnesses; cancers, strokes, haemorrhages and heart attacks. ~ Om Swami,
263:The only sustainable way to increase demand for vacant houses is to spur the formation of new households. Admitting more skilled immigrants, who tend to earn enough to buy homes, would accomplish that while paying other dividends to the U.S. economy. ~ Alan Greenspan,
264:A double-time march in low gravity was probably more suited to a bad physical comedy show than a military formation, but as long as they kept upright and moving, Ramirez was more than willing to overlook his Marines bouncing off each other and the walls. ~ Evan Currie,
265:A food waste reduction hierarchy-feeding people first, then animals, then recycling, then composting-serves to show how productive use can be made of much of the excess food that is currently contributing to leachate and methane formation in landfills. ~ Carol Browner,
266:Two kinds of clarity support habit formation: clarity of values and clarity of action. The clearer I am about what I value, and what action I expect from myself—not what other people value, or expect from me—the more likely I am to stick to my habits. ~ Gretchen Rubin,
267:The only legitimate use for a glove is to cover an injury... A desire to prevent callus formation (possibly so as to not snag one's pantyhose) does not constitute a legitimate use. And if you do insist on wearing gloves, make sure they match your purse. ~ Mark Rippetoe,
268:Ego consciousness is a sense organ which perceives the world and the unconscious by means of images, but this image-forming capacity is itself a psychic product, not a quality of the world. Image formation alone makes perception and assimilation possible. ~ Erich Neumann,
269:Ego formation can only proceed by way of distinction from the nonego and consciousness only emerge where it detaches itself from what is unconscious; and the individual only arrives at individuation when he marks himself off from the anonymous collective. ~ Erich Neumann,
270:The hypermnesia of dreams and their command of childhood material have become the two pillars on which our theory rests; our theory of dreams has ascribed to wishes deriving from childhood the part of indispensable moving-force in the formation of dreams. ~ Sigmund Freud,
271:There is nothing that so raises a young man's self-esteem, that so contributes to the formation of his character as for him to find himself unexpectedly confronted with a task which he has to accomplish entirely on his own initiative and by his own efforts. ~ Stefan Zweig,
272:According to the local historians, Mrs. Cottonwood invested the money in diamonds and sapphires. The largest piece in the collection was a necklace called The Seven Sisters. It was seven sapphires, with two diamonds, set in the swirling formation of the stars. ~ M L Bullock,
273:A Christian school should be a place where young men and young women go through a period of spiritual formation and development so that they come out incredibly more proficient at living out their calling than they would have been had they not gone to school. ~ Tony Campolo,
274:I am confident that there are hedge funds, banks or investment companies that could allocate five percent of their portfolios for risky investments. In any event, for countries like Afghanistan the formation of an entrepreneurial class is of vital importance. ~ Ahmed Rashid,
275:[I]n fairy tales there is a pattern which fits into the unconscious of everybody and is therefore retained more securely. We know now that memory formation has to do with emotion. The more emotionally impressive something is, the more it sticks in the memory. ~ ML von Franz,
276:The probability for the chance of formation of the smallest, simplest form of living organism known is 1 to 10340,000,000.... The size of this figure is truly staggering, since there are only supposed to be approximately 10 electrons in the whole universe! ~ Harold Morowitz,
277:Determined not to be caught shorthanded in case of war, Hamilton supported “an annual purchase of military weapons” to aid “the formation of arsenals.”57 So vital were supplies to national security that Hamilton did not rule out government-owned arms factories. ~ Ron Chernow,
278:Any good job is a good job. This whole concept of a dead-end job? It's not true. I've heard it my whole life. Jobs lead to dignity. If you're good at the first, then you can get the second. Jobs lead to household formation. Jobs are a better solution for society. ~ Jamie Dimon,
279:Each time I caught sight of geese swooping in formation across the sky, I wondered how our life below might look from their perspective, and imagined that, were they ever to indulge in such speculation, the high-rises might seem to them like firs massed in a grove. ~ Teju Cole,
280:If the power of attraction between simple atoms is so great, what may we not expect if similar bonds are contracted between human molecules? Humanity, as I have said, is building its composite brain beneath our eyes. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, The Formation of the Noösphere,
281:Trans rights formation that mimics the models and strategies of the lesbian and gay rights framework is growing, and there are many significant strategy disagreements between those building that work and those doing racial and economic justice centered trans work. ~ Dean Spade,
282:If television once could be seen as ranking among a number of vehicles for conveying expression or information from which we could choose, we no longer have that choice: the televisual has become an intrinsic and determining element of our cultural formation. ~ Philip Auslander,
283:Let me formulate the artistic disposition as follows: it is reacting with one's ideal to the flaw in oneself and in the world, and somehow making that reaction formation solid enough in the medium so that it indeed becomes an improved bit of real world for others. ~ Paul Goodman,
284:religion, the most powerful of the elements which have entered into the formation of moral feeling, having almost always been governed either by the ambition of a hierarchy, seeking control over every department of human conduct, or by the spirit of Puritanism. ~ John Stuart Mill,
285:Military formation is like water—the form of water is to avoid the high and go to the low, the form of a military force is to avoid the full and attack the empty; the flow of water is determined by the earth, the victory of a military force is determined by the opponent. ~ Sun Tzu,
286:There are no “little obediences.” Every opportunity given us by God, either to obey or to disobey, is an opportunity for that character formation and strengthening of faith that can prepare us for the greater challenges of faith God has in mind for us in the future. ~ Bruce A Ware,
287:Mankind always sets itself only such tasks as it can solve; since, looking at the matter more closely, we will always find that the task itself arises only when the material conditions necessary for its solution already exist or are at least in the process of formation. ~ Karl Marx,
288:To an increasing extent every machine comes into being as a function of every other machine; and, again to an increasing extent, all the machines on earth, taken together, tend to form a single, vast, organized mechanism. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, The Formation of the Noösphere,
289:Of all difficulties which impede the progress of thought, and the formation of well-grounded opinions on life and social arrangements, the greatest is now the unspeakable ignorance and inattention of mankind in respect to the influences which form human character. ~ John Stuart Mill,
290:That intellectuals, including academics, would become a "new class" of technocrats, claiming the name of science while cooperating with the powerful, was predicted by [Mikhail] Bakunin in the early days of the formation of the modern intelligentsia in the 19th century. ~ Noam Chomsky,
291:The economic base of a social formation, the infrastructure, includes the social relations of production the produce the material necessities of life. In doing so, it produces the superstructure, that is, ideology, belief, religion, and juridical controls. ~ James David Lewis Williams,
292:The word "lost" comes from the Old Norse "los," meaning the disbanding of an army, and this origin suggests soldiers falling out of formation to go home, a truce with the wide world. I worry now that many people never disband their armies, never go beyond what they know. ~ Rebecca Solnit,
293:a judicial or quasi-judicial act on the other hand implies more than mere application of the mind or the formation of the opinion. It is a reference to the mode or manner in which that opinion is formed. It implies a ‘proposal’, an ‘opposition’ and the ‘decision’ on the issue. ~ Anonymous,
294:... what is really inspiriting and ennobling in the doctrine of freewill, is the conviction that we have real power over the formation of our own character; that our will, by influencing some of our circumstances, can modify our future habits or capabilities of willing. ~ John Stuart Mill,
295:Lenin refused to accept the result and announced the formation of a faction, which he called Bolsheviks (majoritarians) because he had won a majority on other, secondary questions. Martov’s majority, incredibly, allowed itself to become known as Mensheviks (minoritarians). ~ Stephen Kotkin,
296:The appointment of senators by the state legislatures . . . is recommended by the double advantage of favoring a select appointment, and of giving to the state governments such an agency in the formation of the federal government, as must secure the authority of the former. ~ James Madison,
297:The genesis of a poem for me is usually a cluster of words. The only good metaphor I can think of is a scientific one: dipping a thread into a supersaturated solution to induce crystal formation. I don't think I solve problems in my poetry; I think I uncover the problems. ~ Margaret Atwood,
298:Man had to invent and create out of himself the limitations of perception and the equanimity to live on this planet. And so to the core of psychodynamics, the formation of the human character, is a study in human self-limitation and in the terrifying costs of that limitation. ~ Ernest Becker,
299:The formation and consolidation of the conscious system and its struggle for autonomy and self-preservation are just as important a factor in the history of psychic development as the relativizing of this autonomy through the constant tension between conscious and unconscious. ~ Erich Neumann,
300:The Big Bang, the formation of sars and planets, the origin and evolution of life on this planet, the advent of human consciousness and the resultant evolution of cultures - this is the story, the one story, that has the potential to unite us, because it happens to be true. ~ Ursula Goodenough,
301:One of the most beautiful ways for spiritual formation to take place is to let your insecurity lead you closer to the Lord. Natural hypersensitivity can become an asset; it makes you aware of your need to be with people and it allows you to be more willing to look at their needs. ~ Henri Nouwen,
302:No, no." I motion vaguely. "Relax. Don't look so... guardlike." They drop formation at once, glancing at one another shamefaced. Hector draped an arm around my shoulder as if we were out for a companionable stroll. He leans down and says, "So. Horrible heat we've been having lately. ~ Rae Carson,
303:Precisely because Galilean science is, in the formation of its concepts, the technic of a specific Lebenswelt , it does not and cannot transcend this Lebenswelt . It remains essentially within the basic experiential framework and within the universe of ends set by this reality. ~ Herbert Marcuse,
304:By cracking down on these informal and seasonal movements – something that began in the early 1990s with the formation of the EU – Europe turned migration into an all-or-nothing proposition: Once you were in Europe, legally or otherwise, you stayed, because you might not get in again. ~ Anonymous,
305:Ordinarily the factors leading individuals to form attitudes of prejudice are not piecemeal. Rather, their formation is functionally related to becoming a group member – to adopting the group and its values (norms) as the main anchorage in regulating experience and behavior” (p. 218). ~ Anonymous,
306:this lack cf ' Moebins. op. tit. synthesis favours the formation of certain parasitic ideas which develop completely and in isolation under the shelter of the control of the personal consciousness and which manifest themselves by the most varied disturbances, apparently only physical. ~ Anonymous,
307:How much more do they deserve our reverence and praise, whose lives are devoted to the formation of institutions, which, when they and their children are mingled in the common dust, may continue to cherish the principles and the practice of liberty in perpetual freshness and vigour. ~ Joseph Story,
308:Festus just detected a large group of eagles behind us—long-range radar, still not in sight.” Piper leaned over the console. “Are you sure they’re Roman?” Leo rolled his eyes. “No, Pipes. It could be a random group of giant eagles flying in perfect formation. Of course they’re Roman! ~ Rick Riordan,
309:In all our relationships each one of us builds an image about the other and these two images have relationship, not the human beings themselves... The actual relationship between two human beings or between many human beings completely ends when there is the formation of images. ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti,
310:the crows turned, and its eyes flashed with fire. A blood-chilling caw cracked the brittle air. Rachel slid her machete from its canvas sheath, but the crow veered wildly and then rejoined the broken formation heading south toward the distant city of mutants. DeVontay Jones chuckled ~ Scott Nicholson,
311:Cyrus Pembridge, the Never Land’s captain, was widely regarded as the most incompetent man to comman a ship since the formation of water. “Who in the name of common sense would put to sea on that ship with that man in charge?” wondered Mack. “Well,” Alf answered, “we are.” “True,” Mack said. ~ Dave Barry,
312:Festus just detected a large group of eagles behind us—long-range radar, still not in sight.”
Piper leaned over the console. “Are you sure they’re Roman?”
Leo rolled his eyes. “No, Pipes. It could be a random group of giant eagles flying in perfect formation. Of course they’re Roman! ~ Rick Riordan,
313:This theory rapidly became an article of faith because it appealed to the factors that, according to John Kenneth Galbraith, most contribute to the formation of conventional wisdom: the ease with which an idea may be understood and the degree to which it affects our personal well-being. ~ Steven D Levitt,
314:As Wilhelm Reich demonstrated in his groundbreaking work on the formation of character, the personality is built on these points of self-estrangement; the paradox is that what we take to be so real, our selves, is constructed out of a reaction against just what we do not wish to acknowledge. ~ Mark Epstein,
315:Ideas and opinions are not spontaneously "born" in each individual brain: they have had a centre of formation, or irradiation, of dissemination, of persuasion-a group of men, or a single individual even, which has developed them and presented them in the political form of current reality. ~ Antonio Gramsci,
316:Books have formed the soul of me. I know that spiritual formation is of God, but I also know—mainly because I learned it from books—that there are other kinds of formation, too, everyday gifts, and that God uses the things of this earth to teach us and shape us, and to help us find truth. ~ Karen Swallow Prior,
317:In the Shadow of Slavery covers two and a half centuries of black life in New York City, and skillfully interweaves the categories of race and class as they affected the formation of African American identity. Leslie Harris has made a major contribution to our understanding of the black experience. ~ Eric Foner,
318:That for which Paul lived and died so gloriously; that for which Jesus gave himself to be crucified; the end that animated the thousand martyrs and heroes who have followed his steps, was to redeem us from a formal religion, and teach us to seek our well-being in the formation of the soul. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
319:The elementary parts of all tissues are formed of cells in an analogous, though very diversified manner, so that it may be asserted, that there is one universal principle of development for the elementary parts of organisms, however different, and that this principle is the formation of cells. ~ Theodor Schwann,
320:328. There is nothing small in God's eyes; let there be nothing small in thine. He bestows as much labour of divine energy on the formation of a shell as on the building of an empire. For thyself it is greater to be a good shoemaker than a luxurious and incompetent king. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays Divine And Human,
321:Psychologically, faith has two entirely different meanings. It can be the expression of an inner relatedness to mankind and affirmation of life; or it can be a reaction formation against a fundamental feeling of doubt, rooted in the isolation of the individual and his negative attitude toward life. ~ Erich Fromm,
322:We're creating multiple personas. We're creating a thespian sense of personality where we see ourselves as works of art, and we see everything in our environment as a prop, as a set, as a stage, as a backdrop for filling ourselves in. We don't see ourselves as ever completed. We are in-formation. ~ Jeremy Rifkin,
323:We would like a church that again asserts that God, not nations, rules the world, that the boundaries of God's kingdom transcend those of Caesar, and that the main political task of the church is the formation of people who see clearly the cost of discipleship and are willing to pay the price. ~ Stanley Hauerwas,
324:We would like a church that again asserts that God, not nations, rules the world, that the boundaries of God’s kingdom transcend those of Caesar, and that the main political task of the church is the formation of people who see clearly the cost of discipleship and are willing to pay the price. ~ Stanley Hauerwas,
325:As soon as there are no more classes, as soon as boundaries between classes are effaced, as soon as only a few but non-fundamental differences between various strata of the socialist society remain - there can no longer be nourishing ground for the formation of parties struggling among themselves. ~ Joseph Stalin,
326:It is a measure of our enculturation that the various acts of ministry (for example, counseling, administration, even liturgy) have taken on lives and functions of their own rather than being seen as elements of the one prophetic ministry of formation and reformation of alternative community. ~ Walter Brueggemann,
327:It is only the dull, sleepy mind that creates and clings to habit. A mind that is attentive from moment to moment - attentive to what it is saying, attentive to the movement of its hands, of its thoughts, of its feelings - will discover that the formation of further habits has come to an end. ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti,
328:(Space programs are) a force operating on educational pipelines that stimulate the formation of scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians... They're the ones that make tomorrow come. The foundations of economies... issue forth from investments we make in science and technology. ~ Neil deGrasse Tyson,
329:In the space beyond was Hedra Ka. A cracking scab of a planet, choked with storms and veins of lava. A mist of rocks floated in orbit, a reminder of its recent formation. It was a young world, unwelcoming, resentful of its existence. ‘That is the angriest looking thing I’ve ever seen,’ Ashby said. ~ Becky Chambers,
330:This whole which is visible in different ways in bodies, as far as formation, constitution, appearance, colors and other properties and common qualities, is none other than the diverse face of the same substance a changeable, mobile face, subject to decay, of an immobile, permanent and eternal being. ~ Giordano Bruno,
331:In later life, as in earlier, only a few persons influence the formation of our character; the multitude pass us by like a distant army. One friend, one teacher, one beloved, one club, one dining table, one work table are the means by which one's nation and the spirit of one's nation affect the individual. ~ Jean Paul, lay in the true function of the university to promote that interplay of view, that discussion and dispute, that cumulative narrowing down of possibilities that led to the formation of accurate opinion. The students could be, as it were (he said), the rubbing post for the thought of his teacher. ~ Malcolm Bradbury,
333:Art employs method for the symmetrical formation of beauty, as science employs it for the logical exposition of truth; but the mechanical process is, in the last, ever kept visibly distinct, while in the first it escapes from sight amid the shows of color and the curves of grace. ~ Edward Bulwer Lytton 1st Baron Lytton,
334:The creek that was once a fishery for Atlantic salmon, a swimming hole for kids, and a focal point of community life now runs as brown as chocolate milk. Allied Chemical and its successors deny any role in the formation of the mudboils. They claim it was an act of God. What kind of God would that be? ~ Robin Wall Kimmerer,
335:In brief, the goal of sexual suppression is that of producing an individual who is adjusted to the authoritarian order and who will submit to it in spite of all misery and degradation. . . The formation of the authoritarian structure takes place through the anchoring of sexual inhibition and sexual anxiety. ~ Wilhelm Reich,
336:It’s not that Jackson had a “dark side,” as his apologists rationalize and which all human beings have, but rather that Jackson was the Dark Knight in the formation of the United States as a colonialist, imperialist democracy, a dynamic formation that continues to constitute the core of US patriotism. ~ Roxanne Dunbar Ortiz,
337:The fundamental problem in the origin of species is not the origin of differences in appearance, since these arise at the level of the geographical race, but the origin of genetic segregation. The test of species-formation is whether, when two forms meet, they interbreed and merge, or whether they keep distinct. ~ David Lack,
338:The marital relationship is singular in the way each partner shapes and forms the other. The good habits practiced by one partner contribute to the positive formation of the other. The same is true of bad habits. This mutuality doubles the effects of one person’s habits, whether positively or negatively. ~ Karen Swallow Prior,
339:I am sure the man who powders most, perfumes most, embroiders most, and talks most nonsense, is most admired. Though to be candid, there are some who have too much good sense to esteem such monkey-like animals as these, in whose formation, as the saying is, the tailors and barbers go halves with God Almighty. ~ Thomas Jefferson,
340:A comprehensively reductive conception is favored by the belief that the propensity for the development of organisms with a subjective view must have been there from the beginning, just as the propensity for the formation of atoms, molecules, galaxies, and organic compounds must have been there from the beginning. ~ Thomas Nagel,
341:Slavery existed before the formation of this Union. It derived from the Constitution that recognition which it would not have enjoyed without the confederation. If the States had not united together, there would have been no obligation on adjoining States to regard any species of property unknown to themselves. ~ Jefferson Davis,
342:Epistemology is still a central issue in philosophy, and we moderns are particularly vexed with the question of how we can come to know anything outside what we already know, that is, how we can climb out of our own culture’s basic assumptions, and how we can hope to see beyond our brains’ basic formation. ~ Jennifer Michael Hecht,
343:leave upon it different pictures, and the result of these combined impressions is what is called man’s “character.” If you take the character of any man it really is but the aggregate of tendencies, the sum-total of the bent of his mind; you will find that misery and happiness are equal factors in the formation ~ Swami Vivekananda,
344:Upper-class parents enable their kids to form weak ties by exposing them more often to organized activities, professionals, and other adults. Working-class children, on the other hand, are more likely to interact regularly only with kin and neighborhood children, which limits their formation of valuable weak ties. ~ Robert D Putnam,
345:Our frenetic and flattened culture is not conducive to wrestling with thick ideas, ideas with depth, complexity, and personal implications. It is a culture of immediacy, simple emotions, snap judgments, optics, and identity formation. In such a world, is it any wonder that Christians so often speak past their listeners? ~ Alan Noble,
346:If spiritual formation is the purpose of the church, then personal transformation should intentionally be the purpose of the small group ministry. Bible study is great. Fellowship is wonderful. Evangelism is essential. But changing and growing to be more like Christ should be the purpose of the small group ministry. ~ James MacDonald,
347:Wars are battles of words, not just bullets. From 1861, the Confederacy had the task of demonizing its foe as debased, abnormal, and vile. Southerners had to make themselves feel viscerally superior, and to convince themselves that their very existence depended on the formation of a separate country, free of Yankees. ~ Nancy Isenberg,
348:We might be competent in many subjects, but we cannot become an expert in the things of God. God is greater than our minds and cannot be caught within the boundaries of our finite concepts. Thus, spiritual formation leads not to a proud understanding of divinity, but to docta ignorantia, an “articulate not-knowing. ~ Henri J M Nouwen,
349:Spiritual formation is for everyone. Just as there is an 'outer you' that is being formed and shaped all the time, like it or not, by accident or on purpose, so there is an 'inner you.' You have a spirit. And it's constantly being shaped and tugged at: by what you hear and watch and say and read and think and experience. ~ John Ortberg,
350:The order of battle used by the Roman army is very difficult to break through, since it allows every man to fight both individually and collectively; the effect is to offer a formation that can present a front in any direction, since the maniples that are nearest to the point where danger threatens wheels in order to meet it. ~ Polybius,
351:Compassion is not an idea or something we can imagine. It is a mental formation that has an immediate result in action of body, speech, or mind. It is rooted in understanding. When we understand why we suffer we can be compassionate to ourselves. When we understand how others suffer then we can be compassionate to them. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
352:If we thus recognise
that the aim is to equip the group with the
attributes of the individual, we shall be reminded
of a valuable remark of Trotter's, to the effect that
the tendency towards the formation of groups is biologically
a continuation of the multicellular character
of all the higher organisms. ~ Sigmund Freud,
353:We're fundamentally opposed to the expansion of nuclear-weapons arsenals. This is why we have proposed the formation of an unbiased organization and the disarmament of the nuclear powers. We don't need any weapons. We're a civilized, cultured people, and our history shows that we have never attacked another country. ~ Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,
354:When experimental psychology limits itself to rats and kittens, squabs and eyelids, philosophy of nature has little opportunity for formation. But when experimental psychology delivers over its findings concerning phenomenal manifestations of the mind, then the philosophy of nature may apply his philosophical principles. ~ Fulton J Sheen,
355:But its the same with any life. Imagine one selected day struck out of it and think how different its course would have been. Pause you who read this and think for a moment of the long chain of iron or gold, of thorns or flowers, that would never have bound you but for the formation of the first link on one memorable day. ~ Charles Dickens,
356:He had given her a copy of a recently published paper that held that the power of entropy weakens near the event horizon of a vanishing black hole. The weakening of entropy, by extension, could give rise to the formation of structure, and this could suffice to furnish the unique conditions necessary for the emergence of life. ~ K ji Suzuki,
357:Darkness, though, grows like a cave formation. Slow drips from the uneasiness harden over the surface of a slick knob of pain. Over time, the darkness crusts in unpredictable layers, growing at such a pace that one doesn’t notice it has filled every cavern under the skin until movement becomes difficult or even impossible. ~ Maggie Stiefvater,
358:On était dans son bureau obscur, décoré avec des affiches à visée éducative. L'une d'elles représentait des oies sauvages volant en formation, avec une légende qui disait : << Si tu sais où tu vas, tu iras loin. >>Pour ma part, je ne risquais pas d'aller bien loin, car on m'avait pris mes vêtements et mes chaussures. ~ Gayle Forman,
359:Social reform is not to be secured by noise and shouting; by complaints and denunciation; by the formation of parties, or the making of revolutions; but by the awakening of thought and the progress of ideas. Until there be correct thought, there cannot be right action; and when there is correct thought, right action will follow. ~ Henry George,
360:To simply withdraw from the arena of ideas, from public discourse on public issues, from the value formation of the young—to shrug our shoulders and say, “I don’t know” or, worse, “I don’t care about those things anymore”—is to abandon the young to the mercy of their own ideas without the benefit of experience to guide them. ~ Joan D Chittister,
361:The revolution of Jesus is in the first place and continuously a revolution of the human heart or spirit. It did not and does not proceed by means of the formation of social institutions and laws, the outer forms of our existence, intending that these would then impose a good order of life upon people who come under their power. ~ Dallas Willard,
362:water,” he rasped softly whenever he was thirsty. It never sounded like a request, but an observation, as though he was seeing in his mind some mountain stream whose crystal clear water was babbling through a formation of rocks. He would repeat the words at almost exact intervals, never certain anybody was close enough to hear. I was ~ Tom Upton,
363:A great part of the disaster of contemporary life lies in the fact that it is organized around feelings. People nearly always act on their feelings, and think it only right. The will is then left at the mercy of circumstances that evoke feelings. Christian spiritual formation today must squarely confront this fact and overcome it. ~ Dallas Willard,
364:I am thinking, of course, in the first place of the extraordinary network of radio and television communications which, perhaps anticipating the direct syntonization of brains through the mysterious power of telepathy, already link us all in a sort of “etherized” universal consciousness. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, The Formation of the Noösphere,
365:To avoid a split between what men consciously know because they are aware of having learned it by a specific job of learning, and what they unconsciously know because they have absorbed it in the formation of their characters by intercourse with others, becomes an increasingly delicate task with every development of special schooling. ~ John Dewey,
366:It is not sufficient to worship Krishna, Christ or Buddha without, if there is not the revealing and the formation of the Buddha, the Christ or Krishna in ourselves. And all other aids equally have no other purpose; each is a bridge between mans unconverted state and the revelation of the Divine within him.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga,
367:I would like to see the Punjab, North-West Frontier Province, Sind and Baluchistan amalgamated into a single State. Self-government within the British Empire, or without the British Empire, the formation of a consolidated North-West Indian Muslim State appears to me to be the final destiny of the Muslims, at least of North-West India. ~ Muhammad Iqbal,
368:When a guitar string is plucked or when children jiggle a jump rope, the shape that appears is a sine wave. The ripples on a pond, the ridges of sand dunes, the stripes of a zebra—all are manifestations of nature’s most basic mechanism of pattern formation: the emergence of sinusoidal structure from a background of bland uniformity. ~ Steven H Strogatz,
369:THE COSMOLOGICAL ARGUMENT: A SIMPLE FORMATION Everything that exists has an explanation of its existence, either in the necessity of its own nature or in an external cause. If the universe has an explanation of its existence, that explanation is God. The universe exists. Therefore, the explanation of the universe’s existence is God. ~ William Lane Craig,
370:A group of soldiers were standing at formation when their instructor said, “All right, all you dummies fall out.” Only one man in the squad stayed at attention while the rest wandered off. The instructor walked over to the soldier who hadn’t left and met him eye to eye. The soldier smiled and said, “Sure was a lot of them, huh, sir?” Best ~ Mariana Zapata,
371:The other dragons wheeled into formation around the one bearing the great dog, their long, graceful necks still arched as they sang. They brought their noses close to Nugget’s wet, battered body. Together they lifted the dog into the air so that he appeared to float atop the streams of a fountain, and then they bore him below the surface. ~ Andrew Peterson,
372:Too often, investors are the target of fraudulent schemes disguised as investment opportunities. As you know, if the balance is tipped to the point where investors are not confident that there are appropriate protections, investors will lose confidence in our markets, and capital formation will ultimately be made more difficult and expensive. ~ Mary Schapiro,
373:What the hell is he talking about? Then he saw them, gathering in formation like tiny jets on a strafing run. He thought at first they were doves, but that made no sense, because doves didn’t congregate in such coordinated patterns and they were too far inland to be seagulls. He couldn’t judge their size or distance, so high and feathery was ~ Scott Nicholson,
374:Are coral reefs growing from the depths of the oceans? ... [The] reply is a simple negative; and a single fact establishes its truth. The reef-forming coral zoophytes, as has been shown, cannot grow at greater depths than 100 or 120 feet; and therefore in seas deeper than this, the formation or growth of reefs over the bottom is impossible. ~ James Dwight Dana,
375:What has not yet been sufficiently taken into account, although it explains everything, is the extent to which this process of mechanization is a collective affair, and the way in which it finally creates, on the periphery of the human race, an organism that is collective in its nature and amplitude. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, The Formation of the Noösphere,
376:I think therefore I am, right?"
"No, not really. A fuller formation of Descartes's philosophy would be Dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum. 'I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I am.' Descartes wanted to know if you could really know that anything was real, but he believed his ability to doubt reality proved that, while it might not be real, he was. ~ John Green,
377:But if they are well-founded and just, they can be no less than the high requirements of heaven, addressed by the voice of God to the reason and understanding of man, concerning things deeply affecting his relations to his sovereign, and essential to the formation of his character and of course to his destiny, both for this life and for the life. ~ Simon Greenleaf,
378:It is comfortable to see the standard of reason at length erected, after so many ages, during which the human mind has been held in vassalage by kings, priests, and nobles; and it is honorable for us to have produced the first legislature who had the courage to declare that the reason of man may be trusted with the formation of his own opinions. ~ Thomas Jefferson,
379:Research from the Life and Health Sciences Research Institute in Portugal suggests a possible explanation: sustained stress causes us to fall back on familiar routines. The part of our brain associated with decision-making and goal-directed behaviors shrinks and the brain regions associated with habit formation grow when we’re under chronic stress. ~ Jocelyn K Glei,
380:Each community has its own idiosyncrasies and their own intrinsic values, which must be respected. No two communities are the same: there are different characteristics that are influenced by the geographical location, race, and finally, a number of circumstances that bear upon the formation of that community. (Juan Peron, The organised community 1974) ~ Kerry Bolton,
381:I think that the formation of [DNA's] structure by Watson and Crick may turn out to be the greatest developments in the field of molecular genetics in recent years. ~ Linus Pauling,
382:Education has for its object the formation of character. To curb restive propensities, to awaken dormant sentiments, to strengthen the perceptions, and cultivate the tastes, to encourage this feeling and repress that, so as finally to develop the child into a man of well proportioned and harmonious nature, this is alike the aim of parent and teacher. ~ Herbert Spencer,
383:if you are what you love and if love is a virtue, then love is a habit. This means that our most fundamental orientation to the world—the longings and desires that orient us toward some version of the good life—is shaped and configured by imitation and practice. This has important implications for how we approach Christian formation and discipleship. ~ James K A Smith,
384:One substantial hunk of junk led to the formation of the Moon. The unexpected scarcity of iron and other higher-mass elements in the Moon, derived from lunar samples returned by Apollo astronauts, indicates that the Moon most likely burst forth from Earth’s iron-poor crust and mantle after a glancing collision with a wayward Mars-sized protoplanet. ~ Neil deGrasse Tyson,
385:The Trump administration's economic agenda is the right agenda. Corporate taxes have been driving capital and brains and companies overseas for a decade. It has caused huge damage in investment and jobs and productivity. It was a mistake. We have to fix it. Counterintuitively, that usually helps middle-class wages, and lower-class wages, and job formation. ~ Jamie Dimon,
386:[A]t bottom it is the same with traveling as with reading. How often do we complain that we cannot remember one thousandth part of what we read! In both cases, however, we may console ourselves with the reflection that the things we see and read make an impression on the mind before they are forgotten, and so contribute to its formation and nurture… ~ Arthur Schopenhauer,
387:No one can deny that a network (a world network) of economic and psychic affiliations is being woven at ever-increasing speed which envelops and constantly penetrates more deeply within each of us. With every day that passes it becomes a little more impossible for us to act or think otherwise than collectively. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, The Formation of the Noösphere,
388:If you talk to anyone involved in business - forget banks and big business - talk to small businesses - do it yourself, don't ask me - they'll tell you it's crippling. Small-business formation is the lowest it has ever been in a recovery, and it's really for two reasons. One is regulations and the second is access to capital for people starting new businesses. ~ Jamie Dimon,
389:Who knows for certain?
Who shall here declare it?
Whence was it born, whence came creation?
The gods are later than
this world's formation;
Who then can know the origins of the world?
None knows whence creation arose;
And whether he has or has not made it;
He who surveys it from the lofty skies.
Only he knows-
or perhaps he knows not. ~ Anonymous,
390:The boat heaves and plunges, temporarily weightless awash. Juliet believes it is unsinkable. She also believes that taxis and buses never crash, that every movie that ever makes it to the theatre must be objectively good, and that her own hands clasped in a certain special formation across her waist will act as effectively as a seatbelt in a moment of emergency. ~ Carrie Snyder,
391:We have real difficulty here because everyone thinks of changing the world, but where, oh where, are those who think of changing themselves? People may genuinely want to be good, but seldom are they prepared to do what it takes to produce the inward life of goodness that can form the soul. Personal formation into the likeness of Christ is arduous and lifelong. ~ Richard J Foster,
392:As a child I scribbled; and my favorite pastime during the hours given me for recreation was to ‘write stories’. Still, I had a dearer pleasure than this, which was the formation of castles in the air – the indulging in waking dreams – the following up trains of thought, which had for their subject the formation of a succession of imaginary incidents. ~ Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley,
393:THE COSMOLOGICAL ARGUMENT: A SIMPLE FORMATION Everything that exists has an explanation of its existence, either in the necessity of its own nature or in an external cause. If the universe has an explanation of its existence, that explanation is God. The universe exists. Therefore, the explanation of the universe’s existence is God. Logically speaking, this is ~ William Lane Craig,
394:Virtually every person who uses the WFPB diet loses weight, reduces their blood sugar and insulin levels, and resolves diabetes and related diseases. A plant protein–based diet (as in the high-carb WFPB diet) also decreases total blood cholesterol and the formation of plaques that lead to heart disease, effects not seen from a low-carb, animal protein–based diet. ~ T Colin Campbell,
395:The likelihood of the formation of life from inanimate matter is 1 to a number with 40,000 noughts after it (1040,000).... It is big enough to bury Darwin and the whole theory of evolution. There was no primeval soup, neither on this planet nor any other, and if the beginnings of life were not random, they must therefore have been the product of purposeful intelligence. ~ Fred Hoyle,
396:Looking back, a big reason we hit our goal early was that we decided to invest our time, money, and resources into three key areas: customer service (which would build our brand and drive word of mouth), culture (which would lead to the formation of our core values), and employee training and development (which would eventually lead to the creation of our Pipeline Team). ~ Tony Hsieh,
397:Similarly, if I am going to be a teacher of virtue, I need to be a virtuous teacher. If I hope to invite students into a formative educational project, then I, too, need to relinquish any myth of independence, autonomy, and self-sufficiency and recognize that my own formation is never final. Virtue is not a one-time accomplishment; it requires a maintenance program. ~ James K A Smith,
398:the aim of spiritual formation is the transformation of the self, and that it works through transformation of thought, transformation of feeling, transformation of social relations, transformation of the body, and transformation of the soul. When we work with all these, transformation of the spirit (heart, will) very largely, though not entirely, takes care of itself. ~ Dallas Willard,
399:And even the All is at first too hard for him; for he himself in his active consciousness is a limited and selective formation and can open himself only to that which is in harmony with his limited nature. There are things in the All which are too hard for his comprehension or seem too terrible to his sensitive emotions and cowering sensations.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga,
400:There are a lot of people who believe that the individual can't make it himself. And that's why people want to join up in various herds - herd formation. So you become part of a herd, a group. Group power of some kind. There's an awful lot of group power people in our country [the USA] - Black power, Chinese power, Indian power, woman power. Everyone is putting in together. ~ Frank Capra,
401:American philosopher William James wrote of the mysterious formation of identity, “that the best way to define a man’s character would be to seek out the particular mental or moral attitude in which, when it came upon him, he felt himself most deeply and intensely alive and active. At such moments, there is a voice inside which speaks and says, ‘This is the real me! ~ Doris Kearns Goodwin,
402:There must be some definite cause why, whenever snow begins to fall, its initial formation invariably displays the shape of a six-cornered starlet. For if it happens by chance, why do they not fall just as well with five corners or with seven? . . . Who carved the nucleus, before it fell, into six horns of ice? —From “On the Six-Cornered Snowflake,” by Johannes Kepler, 1610 ~ Anthony Doerr,
403:Clay consists primarily of ultra-fine-grained microscopic mineral bits that soak up water and form sticky, gooey masses. If you’ve ever gotten your foot or your car stuck in deep, wet clay, you won’t soon forget. A principal mode of clay mineral formation is weathering, especially weathering by chemical alteration under the wet, acidic conditions of the late Neoproterozoic. ~ Robert M Hazen,
404:Progression through the archetypal phases, the patriarchal orientation of consciousness, the formation of the superego as the representative of collective values within the personality, the existence of a collective value-canon, all these things are necessary conditions of normal, ethical development. If any one of these factors is inhibited, developmental disturbances result. ~ Erich Neumann,
405:It was cold and windy, scarcely the day to take a walk on that long beach Everything was withdrawn as far as possible, indrawn: the tide far out, the ocean shrunken, seabirds in ones or twos. The rackety, icy, offshore wind numbed our faces on one side; disrupted the formation of a lone flight of Canada geese; and blew back the low, inaudible rollers in upright, steely mist. ~ Elizabeth Bishop,
406:For Adams it was especially distressing to witness such conspicuous failure “in the first formation of Government erected by the People themselves on their own Authority, without the poisonous Interposition of Kings and Priests.” There was, to be sure, such a thing as “The Cause,” but the glorious potency of that concept did not translate to “The People of the United States.”16 ~ Joseph J Ellis,
407:They formed it almost as soon as they had a political existence; nay, at a time when their habitations were in flames, when many of their citizens were bleeding, and when the progress of hostility and desolation left little room for those calm and mature inquiries and reflections which must ever precede the formation of a wise and well-balanced government for a free people. ~ Alexander Hamilton,
408:The salamanders,
like tiny birds, locked into formation,
fly down into the endless mysteries

of the transforming water,
and how could anyone believe
that anything in this world
is only what it appears to be—

that anything is ever final—
that anything, in spite of its absence,
ever dies
a perfect death?

(from the poem 'What Is It?') ~ Mary Oliver,
409:We mean the formation of that complex ensemble of ideas and images by means of which it is necessary to represent to oneself the act of laying hold of a particular object. This synthesis is not exactly the same for one object as for another, and it is this synthesis, on her part, which is difficult with Marcelle, while the repetition of this same synthesis, when already made, is easy. ~ Anonymous,
410:Mountains have been formed by one [or other] of the causes of the formation of stone, most probably from agglutinative clay which slowly dried and petrified during ages of which we have no record. It seems likely that this habitable world was in former days uninhabitable and, indeed, submerged beneath the ocean. Then, becoming exposed little by little, it petrified in the course of ages. ~ Avicenna,
411:That was a memorable day to me, for it made great changes in me. But it is the same with any life. Imagine one selected day struck out of it and how different its course would have been. Pause you who read this, and think for a moment of the long chain of iron or gold of thorns or flowers, that never would have bound you, but for the formation of the first link on one memorable day. ~ Charles Dickens,
412:My friend Keerthik Sasidharan suggested to me, in twenty-first-century terms, that Hinduism is analogous to an open-source operating system on top of which others can build applications to be deployed in the receptive hardware of human brains. All Hinduism demands before the formation of any belief is analytical and logical consistency. Even the existence of God is subject to this test. ~ Shashi Tharoor,
413:That was a memorable day to me, for it made great changes in me. But, it is the same with any life. Imagine one selected day struck out of it, and think how different its course would have been. Pause you who read this, and think for a moment of the long chain of iron or gold, of thorns or flowers, that would have bound you, but for the formation of the first link on one memorable day. ~ Charles Dickens,
414:it’s cold enough to freeze the nuts off a brass monkey,” Mikey said. The kids giggled. “Mikey said nuts,” Nina said. Kate held up a hand, the sign for silence. “The saying comes from the Civil War days, when the cannonballs were stacked in a pyramid formation called a brass monkey. When it got extremely cold outside they’d crack and break off. Breaking the nuts off the brass monkey. Get it? ~ Jill Shalvis,
415:Pause you who read this, and think for a moment of the long chain of iron or gold, of thorns or flowers, that would never have bound you, but for the formation of the first link on one memorable day. Chapter Ten The felicitous idea occurred to me a morning or two later when I woke, that the best step I could take towards making myself uncommon was to get out of Biddy everything she knew. ~ Charles Dickens,
416:Working rightly, the brain is the highest form of "instinctual wisdom." Thus it should work like the homing instinct of pigeons and the formation of the foetus in the womb - without verbalizing the process of knowing "how" it does it. The self-conscious brain, like the self-conscious heart, is a disorder, and manifests itself in the acute feeling of separation between "I" and my experience. ~ Alan W Watts,
417:That was a memorable day to me, for it made great changes in me. But it is the same with any life. Imagine one selected day struck out of it, and think how different its course would have been. Pause you who read this, and think for a moment of the long chain of iron or gold, of thorns or flowers, that would never have bound you, but for the formation of the first link on one memorable day ~ Charles Dickens,
418:That was a memorable day to me, for it made great changes in me. But it is the same with any life. Imagine one selected day struck out of it, and think how different its course would have been. Pause you who read this, and think for a moment of the long chain of iron or gold, of thorns or flowers, that would never have bound you, but for the formation of the first link on one memorable day. ~ Charles Dickens,
419:That was a memorable day to me, for it made great changes in me. But, it is the same with any life. Imagine one selected day struck out of it, and think how different its course would have been. Pause you who read this, and think for a moment of the long chain of iron or gold, of thorns or flowers, that would never have bound you, but for the formation of the first link on one memorable day. ~ Charles Dickens,
420:To some degree, the entirety of human culture and civilization has been built upon survival and death avoidance. From the creation of society and family, to the formation of every religion, to our sense of morality and justice, to our very concept of self-identity and our place in the universe. All of it comes from what little we can comprehend about the wonders of life, and the mystery of death. ~ Tim Seeley,
421:Most people in America, when they are exposed to the Christian faith, are not being transformed. They take one step into the door, and the journey ends. They are not being allowed, encouraged, or equipped to love or to think like Christ. Yet in many ways a focus on spiritual formation fits what a new generation is really seeking. Transformation is a process, a journey, not a one-time decision. ~ David Kinnaman,
422:The classification of facts and the formation of absolute judgments upon the basis of this classification-judgments independent of the idiosyncrasies of the individual mind-essentially sum up the aim and method of modern science. The scientific man has above all things to strive at self-elimination in his judgments, to provide an argument which is as true for each individual mind as for his own. ~ Karl Pearson,
423:To most people raised in a secular culture and educated in a secular school system, the words we use to talk about even the most basic principles of the Faith are jargon-words. They have no substantial content for the non-Christian—and indeed, often not much meaning for the Christian either, which is why one of the most important tasks for apologists is catechesis and formation inside the Church. ~ Holly Ordway,
424:Every function in the child's cultural development appears twice: first, on the social level, and later, on the individual level; first, between people (interpsychological) and then inside the child (intrapsychological). This applies equally to voluntary attention, to logical memory, and to the formation of concepts. All the higher functions originate as actual relationships between individuals. ~ Lev S Vygotsky,
425:These principles with due regard to time and place, must, in accordance with Christian prudence, be applied to all schools, particularly in the most delicate and decisive period of formation, that, namely, of adolescence; and in gymnastic exercises and deportment special care must be had of Christian modesty in young women and girls which is so gravely impaired by any kind of exhibition in public. ~ Pope Pius XI,
426:Of the two great political parties which have divided the opinions and feelings of our country, the candid and the just will now admit that both have contributed splendid talents, spotless integrity, ardent patriotism, and disinterested sacrifices to the formation and administration of this Government, and that both have required a liberal indulgence for a portion of human infirmity and error. ~ John Quincy Adams,
427:You’re right,” she said. “Selene doesn’t need you to be warriors. Maha Kesley certainly wasn’t, but she was brave and believed in our cause. That resolve is what this revolution needs.”

“A few more warriors wouldn’t hurt,” Strom muttered, grabbing a stick away from the nearest civilian, who shrank away. “Everyone—back in formation! Let’s see if we can’t make you look a little less pathetic. ~ Marissa Meyer,
428:The formation in geological time of the human body by the laws of physics (or any other laws of similar nature), starting from a random distribution of elementary particles and the field is as unlikely as the separation of the atmosphere into its components. The complexity of the living things has to be present within the material, from which they are derived, or in the laws, governing their formation. ~ Kurt Godel,
429:While other Americans dreamed of a brand-new society that would expunge all traces of effete European civilization, Hamilton humbly studied those societies for clues to the formation of a new government. Unlike Jefferson, Hamilton never saw the creation of America as a magical leap across a chasm to an entirely new landscape, and he always thought the New World had much to learn from the Old. Probably ~ Ron Chernow,
430:The modern process of identity formation, however, tells you to go out and create a self from scratch. You must identify your dreams, especially the most vivid ones, and fulfill them—or feel like a failure. That prospect crushes those in many segments of our society where money, looks, power, success, sophistication, and romantic love all become not just good things but necessary identity factors. ~ Timothy J Keller,
431:Whether moral and social phenomena are really exceptions to the general certainty and uniformity of the course of nature; and how far the methods, by which so many of the laws of the physical world have been numbered among truths irrevocably acquired and universally assented to, can be made instrumental to the gradual formation of a similar body of received doctrine in moral and political science. ~ John Stuart Mill,
432:Deep spiritual formation is required, involving the whole person—body, mind, and heart. Formation in the mind of Christ, “who did not cling to power but emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, who did not cling” (Phil. 2:6-8) is not what most seminaries are about. But to the degree that such formation is being sought after and realized, there is hope for the church of the twenty-first century. ~ Henri J M Nouwen,
433:The classification of facts and the formation of absolute judgments upon the basis of this classification—judgments independent of the idiosyncrasies of the individual mind—essentially sum up the aim and method of modern science. The scientific man has above all things to strive at self-elimination in his judgments, to provide an argument which is as true for each individual mind as for his own. ~ Karl Pearson,
434:The thing the nature of which is totally unknown to you is usually what you need to find, and finding it is a matter of getting lost. The word "lost" comes from the Old Norse los, meaning the disbanding of an army, and this origin suggests soldiers falling out of formation to go home, a truce with the wide world. I worry now that many people never disband their armies, never go beyond what they know. ~ Rebecca Solnit,
435:The work of an intellectual is not to mould the political will of others; it is, through the analyses that he does in his own field, to re-examine evidence and assumptions, to shake up habitual ways of working and thinking, to dissipate conventional familiarities, to re-evaluate rules and institutions and to participate in the formation of a political will (where he has his role as citizen to play). ~ Michel Foucault,
436:Education has for its object the formation of character. To curb restive propensities, to awaken dormant sentiments, to strengthen the perceptions, and cultivate the tastes, to encourage this feeling and repress that, so as finally to develop the child into a man of well proportioned and harmonious nature—this is alike the aim of parent and teacher. ~ Herbert Spencer, Social Statics, part 2, chapter 17, p. 180 (1851).,
437:Emotional neglect, alone, causes children to abandon themselves, and to give up on the formation of a self. They do so to preserve an illusion of connection with the parent and to protect themselves from the danger of losing that tenuous connection. This typically requires a great deal of self-abdication, e.g., the forfeiture of self-esteem, self-confidence, self-care, self-interest, and self-protection. ~ Pete Walker,
438:The Serrana Bank, a formation of shoals and low cays 250 miles out in the western Caribbean off the northeast coast of Nicaragua, is named after its own castaway. Pedro Serrano was shipwrecked there in the first half of the sixteenth century — the date is uncertain — and his survival story is so extreme as to beggar belief. He maintained that he lived for seven years on an island that had no fresh water. ~ Tim Severin,
439:If, when we compare two versions of a story, the second known to be a retelling of the first, and find that the second has more of a miraculous element, we may reasonably conclude we have legendary (or midrashic or whatever) embellishment. The tale has grown in the telling. This sort of comparison is common in extrabiblical research and no one holds that it cannot properly indicate legend formation there. ~ Robert M Price,
440:Spiritual formation is relational formation. It is easier, and therefore more talked about, to practice spiritual disciplines in an effort to feel God's presence than to practice them in order to draw on the Spirit's power to love well. Spiritually forming people may or may not regularly experience God with them. But spiritually forming people will grow to increasingly reveal God's nature by how they relate. ~ Larry Crabb,
441:I stared at the Ohio River every day as a child, a thing that for me is almost more symbol than river. The formation of personality is inextricable from place. It strikes me as an interesting example of dependent co-arising; land shapes the organism, which then reshapes - literally and figuratively - the land. This because of this; not that because not that. Nothing is separate, least of all the literary mind. ~ C E Morgan,
442:When you first start a band all you think about and spend your time doing is writing songs, play shows, in the simplest way and the simplest formation of the band. It's about the gear, and that guitar that one day you will buy. It's a beautiful time. I'm grateful for having that time. Then life flips upside down, all of a sudden you are strapped to a rocket ship, you get a hit, then it is tough to keep grounded. ~ Joe King,
443:The principle of self-reproduction, which is of decisive importance for life, is not based on matter transfer, but on information transfer. To be precise, it is process programs which are transferred and which provide guidance for the formation of structures—not only material structures but also structures of relations and processes—in other words, dynamic space-time structures. ~ Erich Jantsch, The Self-Organizing Universe,
444:THE PERSON AND GOSPEL of Jesus Christ—building on simple “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so”—is the only complete answer to the false and destructive images and ideas that control the life of those away from God. The process of spiritual formation in Christ is one of progressively replacing those destructive images and ideas with the images and ideas that filled the mind of Jesus himself. ~ Dallas Willard,
445:Moreover, the detailed arrangement of connections and synapses in a given region is a direct product of how extensively that region is used. As brain scanning has attained sufficiently high resolution to detect dendritic-spine growth and the formation of new synapses, we can see our brain grow and adapt to literally follow our thoughts. This gives new shades of meaning to Descartes’ dictum “I think therefore I am. ~ Ray Kurzweil,
446:Please join me in applauding the ESA - European Space Agency’s historic efforts with the Rosetta Mission and landing a spacecraft on rotating comet. It may seem like a work of fiction, but it is very real, very impressive, and will help us to further uncover the mysteries surrounding the formation of the solar system. They made a beautiful short film using an imaginary landscape to illustrate today’s historic feat. ~ Stephen Hawking,
447:Solidarity is learned through 'contact' rather than 'concepts.' Students in the course of their formation, must let the gritty reality of this world into their lives, so they can learn to feel it, think about it critically, respond to its suffering and engage it constructively. They should learn to perceive, think, judge, choose and act for the rights of others, especially the disadvantaged and the oppressed. ~ Peter Hans Kolvenbach,
448:To my mind, every emergency room should have a low-intensity laser for people with stroke or head trauma. This therapy would be especially important for head injuries, because there is no effective drug therapy for traumatic brain injury. Uri Oron has also shown that low-intensity laser light can reduce scar formation in animals that have had heart attacks; perhaps lasers should be used in emergency rooms for cardiac ~ Norman Doidge,
449:44 7 The Energy Exchange Gradient: Gibbs Energy (G) Table 7.1 Standard Gibbs energy of formation (∆G ◦ ) for some well-known biological materials Substance ∆G ◦ (kJ mol −1 ) C 0 C6H12O6 −910.52 O2 0 H2 0 H2O −237.13 CO2 −394.36 Similar to the [products–reactants] methodology seen previously with ∆H and ∆S, the change in Gibbs energy of a given chemical reaction is defined as: ∆G ◦ reaction = ∆G ◦ products − ∆G ◦ reactants ~ Anonymous,
450:A central economic problem of developed societies during the next twenty or thirty years is surely going to be capital formation; only in Japan is it still adequate for the economy’s needs. We therefore can ill afford to have activities conducted as ‘non-profit’, that is, as activities that devour capital rather than form it, if they can be organized as activities that form capital, as activities that make a profit. ~ Peter F Drucker,
451:The United States of America have exhibited, perhaps, the first example of governments erected on the simple principles of nature. . . . [In] the formation of the American governments . . . it will never be pretended that any persons employed in that service had interviews with the gods, or were in any degree under the influence of heaven. . . . These governments were contrived merely by the use of reason and the senses. ~ John Adams,
452:Emma Willard told the legislature that the education of women "has been too exclusively directed to fit them for displaying to advantage the charms of youth and beauty" The problem, she said, was that "the taste of men, whatever it might happen to be, has made into a standard for the formation of the female character." Reason and religion teach us, she said, that "we too are primary existences...not the satellites of men. ~ Howard Zinn,
453:One pleasing trait of his character must not be overlooked. He superintended the formation of a subscription library in the parish, and took the whole management of it upon himself. These institutions, though common now, were not so short at the period of which we write; and it should never be forgotten that Burns was amongst the first, if not the very first, of their founders in the rural districts of southern Scotland. ~ Thomas Carlyle,
454:The Arabs were Germany's natural friends...They were therefore prepared to cooperate with Germany with all their hearts and stood ready to participate in a war, not only negatively in the commission of acts of sabotage and the instigation of revolutions, but also positively by the formation of the Arab Legion. In this struggle, the Arabs were striving for the independence and the unity of Palestine, Syria and Iraq. ~ Haj Amin al Husseini,
455:The death of a dear friend, wife, brother, lover, which seemed nothing but privation, somewhat later assumes the aspect of a guide or genius; for it commonly operates revolutions in our way of life, terminates an epoch of infancy or of youth which was waiting to be closed, breaks up a wonted occupation, or a household, or style of living, and allows the formation of new ones more friendly to the growth of character. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
456:One can, then, conceive the production, by purely mineral means, of all natural hydrocarbons. The intervention of heat, of water, and of alkaline metals - lastly, the tendency of hydrocarbons to unite together to form the more condensed material - suffice to account for the formation of these curious compounds. Moreover, this formation will be continuous because the reactions which started it are renewed incessantly. ~ Marcellin Berthelot,
457:The same diversity in their ways of formation and the same rules for its solution hold good also for the innumerable medley of dream contents, examples of which I need scarcely adduce. Their strangeness quite disappears when we resolve not to place them on a level with the objects of perception as known to us when awake, but to remember that they represent the art of dream condensation by an exclusion of unnecessary detail. ~ Sigmund Freud,
458:Individualism • The first of these practical philosophies is individualism. When most people today are faced with a decision, the question that seems to dominate their inner dialogue is, “What’s in it for me?” This question is the creed of individualism, which is based on an all-consuming concern for self. In the present climate, the most dominant trend governing the decision-making process—and therefore the formation of our ~ Matthew Kelly,
459:The integrative powers of life are manifested in the phenomena of symbiosis between organelles, in the varied forms of partnership within the same species or between different species; in the phenomena of regeneration, in lower species, of complete individuals from their fragments; in the re-formation of scrambled embryonic organs, etc. The self-assertive tendency is equally ubiquitous in the competitive struggle for life. ~ Arthur Koestler,
460:We surely stand at the threshold of a great adventure of the human spiritó a new synthesis of knowledge, a potential integration of art and science, a deeper grasp of human psychology, a deepening of the symbolic representations of our existence and feelings as given in religion and culture, the formation of an international order based on cooperation and nonviolent competition. It seems not too much to hope for these things. ~ Heinz Pagels,
461:The Chinese parsley, too, he chopped up finely. He peeled the shrimp and washed them at the sink. Spreading a paper towel, he laid the shrimp out in neat rows, like troops in formation. When the edamame were finished boiling, he drained them in a colander and left them to cool. Next he warmed a large frying pan and dribbled in some sesame oil and spread it over the bottom. He slowly fried the chopped ginger over a low flame. ~ Haruki Murakami,
462:There is, I think, no point in the philosophy of progressive education which is sounder than its emphasis upon the importance of the participation of the learner in the formation of the purposes which direct his [sic] activities in the learning process, just as there is no defect in traditional education greater than its failure to secure the active cooperation of the pupil in construction of the purposes involved in his studying. ~ John Dewey,
463:Besides clarity of values, another kind of clarity supports habit formation: clarity of action. The more specific I am about what action to take, the more likely I am to form a habit. A habit to “be more mindful,” for instance, is too vague to be a habit, but “have a moment of gratitude every time I walk into my apartment building” or “take a photo of something interesting every day” are concrete actions that can become habits. ~ Gretchen Rubin,
464:On the one hand we have a single brain, formed of nervous nuclei, and on the other a Brain of brains. It is true that between these two organic complexes a major difference exists. Whereas in the case of the individual brain thought emerges from a system of nonthinking nervous fibers, in the case of the collective brain each separate unit is in itself an autonomous center of reflection. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, The Formation of the Noösphere,
465:Remember that there exists a certain malevolence about the formation of any social order. It is the struggle for existence by an artificial entity. Despotism and slavery hover at the edges. Many injuries occur and, thus, the need for laws. The law develops its own power structure, creating more wounds and new injustices. Such trauma can be healed by cooperation, not by confrontation. The summons to cooperate identifies the healer. ~ Frank Herbert,
466:Sir Guy Campbell's classic account of the formation of the links, beginning with Genesis and moving step by step to the thrilling arrival of 'tilth' on the fingers of coastal land, suggests that such notable features of our planet as dinosaurs, the prairies, the Himalayas, the seagull, the female of the species herself, were accidental by-products of the Almighty's preoccupation with the creation of the Old Course at St. Andrews. ~ Alistair Cooke,
467:the landscape tells - or rather is - a story. It enfolds the lives and times of predecessors who, over the generations, have moved around in it and played their part in its formation. To perceive the landscape is therefore to carry out an act of remembrance, and remembering is not so much a matter of calling up an internal image, stored in the mind, as of engaging perpetually with the environment that is itself pregnant with the past ~ Tim Ingold,
468:Oxytocin and vasopressin facilitate mother-infant bond formation and monogamous pair-bonding, decrease anxiety and stress, enhance trust and social affiliation, and make people more cooperative and generous. But this comes with a huge caveat—these hormones increase prosociality only toward an Us. When dealing with Thems, they make us more ethnocentric and xenophobic. Oxytocin is not a universal luv hormone. It’s a parochial one. ~ Robert M Sapolsky,
469:That was a memorable day to me, for it made great changes in me. But, it is the same with any life. Imagine one selected day struck out of it and think how different its course would have been. Pause, you who read this, and think for a long moment of the long chain of iron or gold, of thorns or flowers, that would never have bound you, but for the formation of the first link on that memorable day.’ Charles Dickens, Great Expectations ~ David Nicholls,
470:The formation of our beliefs is fraught with superstitions—even today (I might say, especially today). Just as one day some primitive tribesman scratched his nose, saw rain falling, and developed an elaborate method of scratching his nose to bring on the much-needed rain, we link economic prosperity to some rate cut by the Federal Reserve Board, or the success of a company with the appointment of the new president “at the helm. ~ Nassim Nicholas Taleb,
471:One of the last holdouts, Hawking finally came to agree that quantum theory requires that information is preserved in black hole formation and evaporation. The implications? “There is no baby universe branching off, as I once thought. The information remains firmly in our universe. I’m sorry to disappoint science fiction fans, but if information is preserved, there is no possibility of using black holes to travel to other universes. ~ William Lane Craig,
472:During my stay in the United States, I witnessed the spontaneous formation of committees in a country for the pursuit and prosecution of a man who had committed a great crime. In Europe, a criminal is an unhappy man who is struggling for his life against the agents of power, whilst the people are merely a spectator of the conflict: in America, he is looked upon as an enemy of the human race, and the whole of mankind is against him. ~ Alexis de Tocqueville,
473:Earth as we know it came into being through its four great components: land, water, air, and life, all interacting in the light and energy of the sun. Although there was a sequence in the formation of the land sphere, the atmosphere, the water sphere, and the life sphere, these have so interacted with one another in the shaping of the Earth that we must somehow think of these as all present to one another and interacting from the beginning. ~ Thomas Berry,
474:The era I love most is the Federal period, just after the Revolution and the formation of the United States. The birth of America as a nation coincided with the Romantic era and I've always been thoroughly into the Romantics and I've always been thoroughly into America, particularly at the time when it was a brand new idea, when it was something brand new in the world. It was a very exciting time in the world because of the birth of America ~ William Monahan,
475:But once you realize that we are not just thinking things but creatures of habit, you’ll then realize that temptation isn’t just about bad ideas or wrong decisions; it’s often a factor of de-formation and wrongly ordered habits. In other words, our sins aren’t just discrete, wrong actions and bad decisions; they reflect vices.25 And overcoming them requires more than just knowledge; it requires rehabituation, a re-formation of our loves. One ~ James K A Smith,
476:a leap of faith, doesn’t happen when you are ready to make it. It happens, Zornberg says, when you are not quite ready. The leap is made by one who is hurried, troubled, a little nervous but still ecstatic and energetic. Exodus is not just describing a ragtag group of people wandering around in the desert. It is describing how resilient people are made. It’s an eternal story of spiritual and moral formation that happens again and again and again. ~ David Brooks,
477:We are in love with the word. We are proud of it. The word precedes the formation of the state. The word comes to us from every avatar of early human existence. As writers, we are obliged more than others to keep our lives attached to the primitive power of the word. From India, out of the Vedas, we still hear: On the spoken word, all the gods depend, all beasts and men; in the world live all creatures...The word is the name of the divine world. ~ Norman Mailer,
478:Language makes it possible for a child to incorporate his parents' verbal prohibitions, to make them part of himself....We don't speak of a conscience yet in the child who is just acquiring language, but we can see very clearly how language plays an indispensable role in the formation of conscience. In fact, the moral achievement of man, the whole complex of factors that go into the organization of conscience is very largely based upon language. ~ Selma Fraiberg,
479:Papa is a preferable mode of address', observed Mrs General. 'Father is rather vulgar, my dear. The word Papa, besides, gives a pretty form to the lips. Papa, potatoes, poultry, prunes and prism, are all very good words for the lips: especially prunes and prism. You will find it serviceable, in the formation of a demeanour, if you sometimes say to yourself in company - on entering a room, for instance - Papa, potatoes, poultry, prunes and prism. ~ Charles Dickens,
480:Personal change, growth, development, identity formation--these tasks that once were thought to belong to childhood and adolescence alone now are recognized as part of adult life as well. Gone is the belief that adulthood is, or ought to be, a time of internal peace and comfort, that growing pains belong only to the young; gone the belief that these are marker events--a job, a mate, a child--through which we will pass into a life of relative ease. ~ Lillian B Rubin,
481:Times have changed, and science has made great progress, and so has our work; but our principles have only been confirmed, and along with them our conviction that mankind can hope for a solution to its problems, among which the most urgent are those of peace and unity, only by turning its attention and energies to the discovery of the child and to the development of the great potentialities of the human personality in the course of its formation. ~ Maria Montessori,
482:There's an interesting question, whether the anarchists had alternatives [in Spain]. If they did tend to support the government that had been destroyed, what were the alternatives? There was actually a proposal by Camillo Berneri, an Italian anarchist who was in Spain at the time, which is not a crazy notion in my opinion. He opposed participation in government and was against the formation of an army, meaning a major army to fight [Francisco] Franco. ~ Noam Chomsky,
483:One can make a compound formation of events and of places in the same way as of people, provided always that the single events and localities have something in common which the latent dream emphasizes. It is a sort of new and fleeting concept of formation, with the common element as its kernel. This jumble of details that has been fused together regularly results in a vague indistinct picture, as though you had taken several pictures on the same film. ~ Sigmund Freud,
484:This is education, understood as a help to life; an education from birth, which feeds a peaceful revolution and unites all in a common aim, attracting them as to a single centre. Mothers, fathers, politicians: all must combine in their respect and help for this delicate work of formation, which the little child carries on in the depth of a profound psychological mystery, under the tutelage of an inner guide. This is the bright new hope for mankind. ~ Maria Montessori,
485:The prospect of an early death sits differently upon each person. In some it gifts maturity far outweighing their age and experience: calm acceptance blossoms into a beautiful nature and soft countenance. In others, however, it leads to the formation of a tiny ice flint in their heart. Ice that, though at times concealed, never properly melts.

Rose, though she would have liked to be one of the former, knew herself deep down to be one of the latter. ~ Kate Morton,
486:Foucault. The seemingly disturbing, even Nietzschean claim that “power is knowledge” should push us to realize what MTV learned long ago: (a) the cultural power of formation and discipline, and hence (b) the necessity of the church to enact counterformation by counterdisciplines. In other words, we need to think about discipline as a creational structure that needs proper direction. Foucault has something to tell us about what it means to be a disciple. ~ James K A Smith,
487:Strictly speaking, the mass, as a psychological fact, can be defined without waiting for individuals to appear in mass formation. In the presence of one individual we can decide whether he is "mass" or not. The mass is all that which sets no value on itself good or ill based on specific grounds, but which feels itself "just like everybody," and nevertheless is not concerned about it; is, in fact, quite happy to feel itself as one with everybody else. ~ Jose Ortega y Gasset,
488:The development of the Vertebrate proceeds from an axis upward, in two layers, which coalesce at the edges, and also downward, in two layers, which likewise coalesce at the edges. Thus two main tubes are formed, one above the other. During the formation of these, the embryo separates into strata, so that the two main tubes are composed of subordinate tubes which enclose each other as fundamental organs, and are capable of developing into all the organs. ~ Karl Ernst von Baer,
489:He flipped through the book as he ambled toward her. "Good God. There are whole pages of description. The roguish wave of my hair. My chiseled profile. I have eyes like... like diamonds?"
"Not real diamonds. Bristol diamonds."
"What are Bristol diamonds?"
"They're a kind of rock formation. On the outside, they look like ordinary pebbles. Round, brownish gray. But when you crack them open, inside they're filled with crystals in a hundred different shades. ~ Tessa Dare,
490:Students who excel in active listening also contribute much to the formation of community. This is also true of students who may not speak often but when they speak (sometimes only when reading required writing) the significance of what they have to say far exceeds those of other students who may always openly discuss ideas. And of course there are times when an active silence, one that includes pausing to think before one speaks, adds much to classroom dynamics. ~ bell hooks,
491:I believe that with the complete formation of the global Zionist network, they have seized control of the fate of the European governments, and of the US government. To the independent countries in the world, I would like to say: You should know that the influence of the Zionist network on your culture, your politics, and your economy is tantamount to a violation of your independence. They cling like ticks. The moment they gain influence, they never stop. ~ Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,
492:But the cultivation and expression of virtue (and vice) and the formation of conscience is not merely an individual act but also a communal one. In addition to shaping individual experience and character, great literature has a role in forming the communal conscience and public virtue. We can understand a great deal about culture—its strengths, its weakness, its blind spots, and its struggles—when we examine the literature it not only produces but reveres. ~ Karen Swallow Prior,
493:Thought awoke feeling, and the fire-worlds were born, and our system, celestial and terrestrial, existed as a flaming nebula. [...] Feeling gave birth to impulse [...] Finally, the crystallization of humidity resulted in the formation of the solid earth, referred to as the black man, often called in India the sudra, or the creature born into slavery, doomed to live in chains until the night of the gods dissolved its shackles. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
494:Amos and I called our first joint article “Belief in the Law of Small Numbers.” We explained, tongue-in-cheek, that “intuitions about random sampling appear to satisfy the law of small numbers, which asserts that the law of large numbers applies to small numbers as well.” We also included a strongly worded recommendation that researchers regard their “statistical intuitions with proper suspicion and replace impression formation by computation whenever possible. ~ Daniel Kahneman,
495:Attn: Service Corps, Imperial Army General Staff Office We guide him always, abandon him never, go where there is no path, never yielding, forever on the battlefield. Everything we do, we do for victory. We seek mages for the worst battlefields, the smallest rewards, days darkened by a forest of swords and hails of bullets, and constant danger with no guarantee of survival. To those who return go the glory and the honor. General Staff Office 601st Formation Committee ~ Carlo Zen,
496:A woman of color formation might decide to work around immigration issues. This political commitment is not based on the specific histories of racialized communities or its constituent members, but rather constructs an agenda agreed upon by all who are a part of it. In my opinion, the most exciting potential of women of color formations resides in the possibility of politicizing this identity – basing the identity on politics rather than the politics on identity. ~ Angela Y Davis,
497:They were going away to spend three days with their teachers and lots of farmyard animals at a ‘granja escuela’ – ‘a school farm’. This had been sold to us as a further, intensive round of group-formation training and, therefore, key to their education. I felt a pang of envy as I watched my child go. He already belonged to that noisy, congenial mass known as Spaniards in a way that I – with my innate, sometimes awkward, anglosajón individualism – find impossible. ~ Giles Tremlett,
498:It’s a way of life to be always texting and when you looks at these texts it really is thoughts in formation. I do studies where I just sit for hours and hours at red lights watching people unable to tolerate being alone. Its as though being along has become a problem that needs to be solved and then technology presents itself as a solution to this problem…Being alone is not a problem that needs to be solved. The capacity for solitude is a very important human skill. ~ Sherry Turkle,
499:Your deepest desire,” he observes, “is the one manifested by your daily life and habits.”6 This is because our action—our doing—bubbles up from our loves, which, as we’ve observed, are habits we’ve acquired through the practices we’re immersed in. That means the formation of my loves and desires can be happening “under the hood” of consciousness. I might be learning to love a telos that I’m not even aware of and that nonetheless governs my life in unconscious ways. ~ James K A Smith,
500:Once a price move exceeds its median historical age, any method you use to analyze the market, whether it be fundamental or technical, is likely to be far more accurate. For example, if a chartist interprets a particular pattern as a top formation, but the market is only up 10% from the last low, the odds are high that the projection will be incorrect. However, if the market is up 25% to 30%, then the same type of formation should be given a great deal more weight. ~ Victor Sperandeo,
501:I do know where it is,” Daniel said. “At least, I know what it was.
“You’ve got a circuitous sense of direction, Daniel.”
“Arriane.” Roland used the warning tone he reserved for those too frequent occasions when Arriane went too far. “Let him concentrate.”
“Yeah yeah yeah.” Arriane rolled her eyes. “Better return to ‘formation.’” Arriane beat her wings the way some girls batted their eyelashes, flashed a peace sign with her fingers, and fell back. ~ Lauren Kate,
502:He studied the nail-formation, and prodded the finger-tips, now sharply, and again softly, gauging the nerve-sensations produced. It fascinated him, and he grew suddenly fond of this subtle flesh of his that worked so beautifully and smoothly and delicately. Then he would cast a glance of fear at the wolf-circle drawn expectantly about him, and like a blow the realization would strike him that this wonderful body of his, this living flesh, was no more than so much meat... ~ Jack London,
503:Nature works by steps. The atoms form molecules, the molecules form bases, the bases direct the formation of amino acids, the amino acids form proteins, and proteins work in cells. The cells make up first of all the simple animals, and then sophisticated ones…. The stable units that compose one level or stratum are the raw material for … the climbing of a ladder from simple to complex by steps, each of which is stable in itself. ~ Tyler Volk, Metapatterns - Across Space, Time, and Mind,
504:The commentaries usually mention nine kinds of internal formations: desire, hatred, pride, ignorance, stubborn views, attachment, doubt, jealousy, and selfishness. Among these, the fundamental internal formation is ignorance, the lack of clear seeing. Ignorance is the raw material out of which the other internal formations are made. Although there are nine internal formations, because “desire” is always listed first, it is often used to represent all the internal formations. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
505:Cancer can be attacked directly by metabolic enzymes and then be assisted by the enzyme diet programme. The second greatest cancer breakthrough of the 20th century is the metabolic organic effect on malignant tumours of correcting the body fluid pH to a non-acidic pH 7.1 to 7.5. A neutral pH 7.0 resists cancer formation. An acid body fluid pH of 6.44 and below permits tumours to biochemically become malignant. At pH 7.5 cancer may become inactive; at 8.5 tumours may disintegrate. ~ Benjamin Carson,
506:In your school you take part in various activities that habituate you not to shut yourselves in on yourselves or in your small world, but to be open to others, especially to the poorest and neediest, to work to improve the world in which we live. Be men and women with others and for others, real champions in the service of others. To be magnanimous with interior liberty and a spirit of service, spiritual formation is necessary. Dear children, dear youths, love Jesus Christ ever more! ~ Pope Francis,
507:Of all the things we could have said to the people of other planets, we chose to fire into space a capsule containing the model for the double helix structure, the composition of DNA and the formation of nucleotides. Not a message that declared: it is sunny here it also rains a lot we love colours and dope we sign and we dance we cook up a storm with anything we can find we are fucked up in too many ways but we are a funny bunch so may we request the pleasure of your company ~ Meena Kandasamy,
508:We have heard projects with some of the writers, who we've been in business with for a long time at the studio, that we've heard as a studio - often, pitches that are still in their formation stage where we or the writers have wanted our input on developing them. We've probably heard more pitches with the network hat on. Certainly all of the outside pitches are that way, and many of the pitches that have been in great shape coming out of the studio we've heard from a network perspective. ~ Gary Numan,
509:Consider: cells had to encase large amounts of DNA in a bounded nucleus (the evolution of the relatively large eukaryotic cell) before groupings of such cells could differentiate into tissues and start evolving as unities called fungi, plants, and animals. So perhaps the relatively large nation-state, with formalized government and constitution, may be a stage of political evolution necessarily prior to the formation of an as-yet unrealized unity. ~ Tyler Volk, Metapatterns - Across Space, Time, and Mind,
510:This topic brings me to that worst outcrop of the herd nature, the military system, which I abhor. That a man can take pleasure in marching in formation to the strains of a band is enough to make me despise him. He has only been given his big brain by mistake; a backbone was all he needed. This plague-spot of civilization ought to be abolished with all possible speed. Heroism by order, senseless violence, and all the pestilent nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism-how I hate them! ~ Albert Einstein,
511:Acidosis can lead to chronic headaches, sleepiness or even insomnia, vertigo, seizures, diarrhoea, shortness of breath, chronic cough, palpitation, indigestion, reflux, heartburn, loss of calcium in the body, weakness in the bones, dry skin and other skin disorders including rashes, acne, body odour, increased risk of formation of kidney and bladder stones, accelerated ageing, degenerative diseases, fatigue and hormonal and glandular disorders. And I have only just scraped the surface here. When ~ Om Swami,
512:After Bruno's death, during the first half of the seventeenth century, Descartes seemed about to take the leadership of human thought... in promoting an evolution doctrine as regards the mechanical formation of the solar system... but his constant dread of persecution, both from Catholics and Protestants, led him steadily to veil his thoughts and even to suppress them. ...Since Roger Bacon, perhaps, no great thinker had been so completely abased and thwarted by theological oppression. ~ Andrew Dickson White,
513:Our anger is a formation, a mental formation. Some mental formations are present all the time and are called “universal” (contact, attention, feeling, perception, and volition). Some arise only under particular circumstances (zeal, determination, mindfulness, concentration, and wisdom). Some are uplifting and help us transform our suffering (wholesome, or beneficial, mental formations), and others are heavy and imprison us in our suffering (unwholesome, or unbeneficial, mental formations). ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
514:It is not enough to say, 'We are Muslims and have an ideology or our own': we must also be in a position to show that our ideology is vital enough to withstand the pressure of the changing times, and to decided in what way the fact of our being Muslims will affect the course of our lives: in other words, we must find out whether Islam can offer us precise directives for the formation of our society, and whether its inspiration is strong enough in us to translate these directives into practice. ~ Muhammad Asad,
515:The revolution of Jesus is in the first place and continuously a revolution of the human heart or spirit. It did not and does not proceed by means of the formation of social institutions and laws, the outer forms of our existence, intending that these would then impose a good order of life upon people who come under their power. Rather, his is a revolution of character, which proceeds by changing people from the inside through ongoing personal relationship to God in Christ and to one another. ~ Dallas Willard,
516:If there was a single event that galvanized conservative donors to try to wrest control of higher education in America, it might have been the uprising at Cornell University on April 20, 1969. That afternoon, during parents’ weekend at the Ithaca, New York, campus, some eighty black students marched in formation out of the student union, which they had seized, with their clenched fists held high in black power salutes. To the shock of the genteel Ivy League community, several were brandishing guns. ~ Jane Mayer,
517:Ministers should be the most political of animals because, in contrast to much of what passes as politics in our time, those in the ministry cannot help but be about the formation of a people who can know they need one another to survive. To ask those in the ministry to take seriously your political responsibilities may well entail a radical reorientation of what those in the ministry do. That is particularly true if you believe as I do that we are living at the end of Christendom. Recovering ~ Stanley Hauerwas,
518:The timing & characteristics of state intervention affect not only organizational tactics and strategies, but the content and definition of interest itself... Some scholars have directly stressed that state interventions create corporatist forms... the formation, let alone the political capabilities, of such purely socioeconomic phenomena as interest groups and classes depends in significant measure on the structures and activities of the very states the social actors, in turn, seek to influence. ~ Theda Skocpol,
519:A much better, albeit less obvious way to gain satisfaction is not by working to satisfy our desires but by working to master them. In particular, we need to take steps to slow down the desire-formation process within us. Rather than working to fulfill whatever desires we find in our head, we need to work at preventing certain desires from forming and eliminating many of the desires that have formed. And rather than wanting new things, we need to work at wanting the things we already have. This ~ William B Irvine,
520:Loss of the hippocampus in both cerebral hemispheres disrupts the formation of and access to long-term memory of integrated scenes. Unique events are no longer recalled even if objects and events can still be recognized outside a unique context. One is able to recognize a house as a house, but not the particular house where one has lived. The contextual, episodic knowledge acquired by personal, individual experience is no longer accessible. The generic, semantic knowledge is still recoverable. ~ Ant nio R Dam sio,
521:We are the only major developed nation that isn't investing meaningfully in high-speed rail, and I believe we're making a mistake. Transportation systems that are fast and efficient and environmentally clean are going to enable the formation of these new mega-regions, the heart of the spatial fix. We need to be able to accelerate the movement of people, goods, and services - the very movement of ideas, knowledge, and creativity - between our major population centers. We have to build these links. ~ Richard Florida,
522:How much more interior can you get, after all, than the interior of bones? It's the center of the center of things. If marrow were a geological formation, it would be magma roiling under the earth's mantle. If it were a plant, it would be a delicate moss that grows only in the highest crags of Mount Everest, blooming with tiny white flowers for three days in the Nepalese spring. If it were a memory, it would be your first one, your most painful and repressed one, the one that has made you who you are. ~ Julie Powell,
523:If the rocky ejecta from an impact hails from a planet with life, then microscopic fauna could have stowed away in the rocks’ nooks and crannies. Third, recent evidence suggests that shortly after the formation of our solar system, Mars was wet, and perhaps fertile, even before Earth was.

Collectively, these findings tell us it’s conceivable that life began on Mars and later seeded life on Earth, a process known as panspermia. So all Earthlings might—just might—be descendants of Martians. ~ Neil deGrasse Tyson,
524:I do not desire to give myself any fresh political label. Though the formation of the Union of Democratic Control it has been possible for me to work in close co-operation with several of your leaders and this joint effort on the part of the Labour members and radicals is having I think a very beneficial effect. I do not desire to alienate myself from any of my former political associates but rather to endeavour to urge them along the same path which I myself am treading. ~ Arthur Ponsonby 1st Baron Ponsonby of Shulbrede,
525:The formation of the life of a person in the womb is the work of God, and it is not merely a mechanical process but a work on the analogy of weaving or knitting: "Thou didst knit me together in my mother's womb" (psalm 139:13). The life of the unborn is the knitting of God, and what He is knitting is a human being in His own image, unlike any other creature in the universe... The destruction of conceived human life - whether embryonic, fetal, or viable - is an assault on the unique person-forming work of God. ~ John Piper,
526:Protection, therefore, against tyranny of the magistrate is not enough: there needs protection also against the tyranny of the prevailing opinion and feeling; against the tendency of society to impose, by other means than civil penalties, its own ideas and practices as rules of conduct on those who dissent from them; to fetter the development, and, if possible, prevent the formation, of any individuality not in harmony with its ways, and compel all characters to fashion themselves upon the model of its own. ~ John Stuart Mill,
527:The ravens play individually, in pairs, or in samll groups; they circle high, dive, fold their wings, and shoot up or down with one or several of their fellows. They chase and frolic, tarry, turn loops; they make croaks, high cries, and rattling sounds. They do anything but fly in formation. They remind you of a bunch of schoolboys wandering down a lonely road, kicking a ball along. The geese fly mechanically, calling unvaryingly and beating their wings at a steady disciplined rhythm like soldiers marching off. ~ Bernd Heinrich,
528:Alan Rocke's Image and Reality does so many things vividly and convincingly: it shows how visual images led chemistry step by step to the reality of the microscopic world; how simple portrayals of the logic of substitution and combination were reified; brings to our attention the imaginative, neglected work of Williamson and Kopp; and takes a critical look at Kekule's daydream. And it beautifully delineates the essential place the imagination has in science. A rewarding, lively picture of chemistry in formation. ~ Roald Hoffmann,
529:For example: never underestimate the formative power of the family supper table. This vanishing liturgy is a powerful site of formation. Most of the time it will be hard to keep the cathedral in view, especially when dinner is the primary occasion for sibling bickering. Yet even then, members of your little tribe are learning to love their neighbor. And your children are learning something about the faithful promises of a covenant-keeping Lord in the simple routine of that daily promise of dinner together. Then ~ James K A Smith,
530:Networking is a fundamental operating principle of the human brain. All knowledge within the brain is based on networking. Thus, any one piece of information can be potentially linked with any other. Indeed, creativity can be thought of as the formation of novel and original linkages. James Burke refers to this as the pinball effect. Rather than training ourselves in narrow specialties, suggests Burke, we should train ourselves “to think in a different way about knowledge and how it should be used.” Philosophers ~ Richard Restak,
531:Protection, therefore, against the tyranny of the magistrate is not enough: there needs protection also against the tyranny of the prevailing opinion and feeling; against the tendency of society to impose, by other means than civil penalties, its own ideas and practices as rules of conduct on those who dissent from them; to fetter the development, and, if possible, prevent the formation, of any individuality not in harmony with its ways, and compel all characters to fashion themselves upon the model of its own. ~ John Stuart Mill,
532:But then, Cap'n Crunch in a flake form would be suicidal madness; it would last about as long, when immersed in milk, as snowflakes sifting down into a deep fryer. No, the cereal engineers at General Mills had to find a shape that would minimize surface area, and, as some sort of compromise between the sphere that is dictated by Euclidean geometry and whatever sunken treasure related shapes that the cereal aestheticians were probably clamoring for, they came up with this hard-to-pin-down striated pillow formation. ~ Neal Stephenson,
533:The stables of Versailles in December were not renowned for illumination, but Eliza could hear the gentleman’s satins hissing and his linens creaking as he bowed. She made curtseying noises in return. This was answered by a short burst of scratching and rasping as the gentleman adjusted his wig. She cleared her throat. He called for a candle and got a whole silver candelabra, a chevron of flames bobbing and banking like a formation of fireflies through the ambient miasma of horse breath, manure gas and wig powder. ~ Neal Stephenson,
534:But then, Cap'n Crunch in a flake form would be suicidal madness; it would last about as long, when immersed in milk, as snowflakes sifting down into a deep fryer. No, the cereal engineers at General Mills had to find a shape that would minimize surface area, and, as some sort of compromise between the sphere that is dictated by Euclidean geometry and whatever sunken treasure related shapes that the cereal aestheticians were probably clamoring for, they came up with this hard -to-pin-down striated pillow formation. ~ Neal Stephenson,
535:A debate is not what a debate used to be; the House is not what the House used to be; even a Cabinet is not what it formerly was. He perceives with astonishment that supposing the present government to be overthrown, the limited choice of the Crown, in the formation of a new ministry, would lie between Lord Coodle and Sir Thomas Doodle—supposing it to be impossible for the Duke of Foodle to act with Goodle, which may be assumed to be the case in consequence of the breach arising out of that affair with Hoodle. Then, ~ Charles Dickens,
536:It is as if the formation of patterns within the unconscious mind is accompanied by physical patterns in the outer world. In particular, as psychic patterns are on the point of reaching consciousness, the synchronicities reach their peak; moreover, they generally disappear as the individual becomes consciously aware of a new alignment of forces within his or her own personality...It is as if the internal restructuring produces external resonance, or as if a burst of 'mental energy' is propagated outward onto the world. ~ F David Peat,
537:doubts about the reductionist account of life go against the dominant scientific consensus, but that consensus faces problems of probability that I believe are not taken seriously enough, both with respect to the evolution of life forms through accidental mutation and natural selection and with respect to the formation from dead matter of physical systems capable of such evolution. The more we learn about the intricacy of the genetic code and its control of the chemical processes of life, the harder those problems seem. ~ Thomas Nagel,
538:Ohio Geologists in Ohio have for the first time linked earthquakes in a geologic formation deep under the Appalachians to hydraulic fracturing, leading the state to issue new permit conditions Friday in certain areas that are among the nation’s strictest. A state investigation of five small tremors last month in the Youngstown area, in the Appalachian foothills, found the injection of sand and water that accompanies hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, in the Utica Shale may have increased pressure on a small, unknown fault, ~ Anonymous,
539:that the Egyptians were a nation of mast-head standers, is an assertion based upon the general belief among archaeologists, that the first pyramids were founded for astronomical purposes: a theory singularly supported by the peculiar stairlike formation of all four sides of those edifices; whereby, with prodigious long upliftings of their legs, those old astronomers were wont to mount to the apex, and sing out for new stars; even as the look-outs of a modern ship sing out for a sail, or a whale just bearing in sight. ~ Herman Melville,
540:Protection, therefore, against the tyranny of the magistrate is not enough: there needs protection also against the tyranny of the prevailing opinion and feeling; against the tendency of society to impose, by other means than civil penalties, its own ideas and practices as rules of conduct on those who dissent from them; to fetter the development, and, if possible, prevent the formation, of any individuality not in harmony with its ways, and compel all characters to fashion themselves upon the model of its own. There ~ John Stuart Mill,
541:The work of an intellectual is not to form the political will of others; it is, through the analyses he does in his own domains, to bring assumptions and things taken for granted again into question, to shake habits, ways of acting and thinking, to dispel the familiarity of the accepted, to take the measure of rules and institutions and, starting from that re-problemitisation (where he plays his specific role as intellectual) to take part in the formation of a political will (where he has his role to play as citizen). ~ Michel Foucault,
542:In-formation, or phylogenetic history frozen into syntactically ordered form (such as genetic code, a social law, or a work of art) is “brought to life,” or placed in a time perspective, by in-struction from a higher level of coordination (bringing into play semantics, or the functional relations of a space-time structure to its environment); the result is in-tuition, or learning from within by re-ligio (connecting through a space-time continuum to one’s own origin.) ~ Erich Jantsch, Evolution and Consciousness - Human Systems in Transition,
543:The first historical notice that we have of the formation of a supreme controlling body of the fraternity, is in the "Gothic Constitutions" which assert that, in the year 287, St. Alban, the protomartyr of England, who was a zealous patron of the craft, obtained from Carausius, the British Emperor, "a charter for the Masons to hold a general council, and gave it the name of assembly." The record further states, that St. Alban attended the meeting and assisted in making Masons, giving them "good charges and regulations." We ~ Albert G MacKey,
544:A Duke regenerative biologist, Imke Kirste, working with mice, found that two hours of complete silence per day prompted cell development in the hippocampus, the brain region related to the formation of memory. Studies of humans in the United States, Great Britain, Holland, and Canada have shown that after passing time in quiet, rural settings, subjects were calmer and more perceptive, less depressed and anxious, with improved cognition and a stronger memory. Time amid the silence of nature, in other words, makes you smarter. ~ Michael Finkel,
545:The original castle back in Edinburgh was the seat of Scottish nationalism. It symbolized everything to the diehard believers. Despite all the changes and defeats they endured, the castle stood solid at the center of their capital. They waited for generations for the Scottish nation to be properly reborn after their Bonnie Prince was lost. There were times when the cause seemed impossible, or even cursed; they regained their independence from the English only to lose it again right away with the formation of Federal Europe. ~ Peter F Hamilton,
546:Alert> Five Chikoya approaching, open assault formation. Multiple target acquisition. Armed> Disruptor pulse. Maximum power rating. Sequential fire. U-shadow update: landing exit capsule behind Building-D. Armed> Neutron lasers. Maximum power rating. Sequential fire. U-shadow update: decoy capsules on collision vector. Mach eight. Accelerating. Armed> Microkinetics. Enhanced explosive warheads. Free fire authority. Armed> Ariel smartseeker stealth mines. Chikoya profile loaded. Dispense. Alert> New targets. ~ Peter F Hamilton,
547:As the Lebanese sociologist Samir Khalaf summed it up: “Though the average Lebanese derives much … social support and psychological reinforcement from … local and communal allegiances, these forces are the same elements that … prompt him on occasion to violate and betray his society’s normative standards. The Lebanese is being demoralized, in other words, by the very forces that are supposed to make him a more human and sociable being … The formation and deformation of Lebanon, so to speak, are rooted in the same forces.” I ~ Thomas L Friedman,
548:Mental progress stops when the mind is
blocked on its path, and a new mental path is needed. Imagination is the formation
of an image, something that the mind can “see,” and which therefore provides a
form of knowledge. Imagination can be understood via this metaphor as the power
to arrive at knowledge by constructing an image, say, an image that allows one to
overcome blockage by reperceiving the situation unconventionally. We say, for
example, “Use your imagination to find some way around this impasse. ~ George Lakoff,
549:In point of fact there are a certain number of values and of forces which are of decisive importance in our world civilization: the primacy of production, the continual growth of the power of the State and the formation of the National State, the autonomous development of technics, etc. These, among others - far more than the ownership of the means of production or any totalitarian doctrine - are the constitutive elements of the modern world. So long as these elements continue to be taken for granted, the world is standing still. ~ Jacques Ellul,
550:The more Adams thought about the future of his country, the more convinced he became that it rested on education. Before any great things are accomplished, he wrote to a correspondent, a memorable change must be made in the system of education and knowledge must become so general as to raise the lower ranks of society nearer to the higher. The education of a nation instead of being confined to a few schools and universities for the instruction of the few, must become the national care and expense for the formation of the many. ~ David McCullough,
551:…episodic memories are the only ones with direct reference to the past. As Tulving (1999, p.15) points out: “episodic memory is the only form of memory that, at the time of retrieval, is oriented toward the past: retrieval in episodic memory means ‘mental time travel’ through and to one’s past. All other forms of memory, including semantic, declarative and procedural memory, are, at retrieval oriented to the present” ~ Ofengenden Tzofit (2014). "Memory formation and belief" (PDF). Dialogues in Philosophy, Mental and Neuro Sciences. 7 (2): p.37-38,
552:Music, in fact, plays a central role in the creation of identity and the formation of real communities. Musical memories are some of the strongest and most easily evoked. You can often remember events in your life by what songs were playing at the time. Simon Frith writes that music “provides us with an intensely subjective sense of being sociable. It both articulates and offers the immediate experience of collective identity. Music regularly sound tracks our search for ourselves and for spaces in which we can feel at home.”20 It ~ Richard Florida,
553:We are living at a time when the Prostestant church is rediscovering the truth that transformation in Christ occurs through the disciplines of formation. Finally, Adele Calhoun has pulled all of these together into one volume, complete with clear definitions and practices of a variety of ways that God uses to grow our lives. No longer do you have to root through scattered pieces of paper, nor a chapter here and there to get the big picture of the tried and true disciplines. This is one resource you will want to have at your fingertips. ~ Greg Oden,
554:Actually, the entire ascent of life can be presented as an adaptive radiation in the time dimension. From the beginning of replicating molecules to the formation of membrane-bounded cells, the formation of chromosomes, the origin of nucleated eukaryotes, the formation of multicellular organisms, the rise of endothermy, and the evolution of a large and highly complex central nervous system, each of these steps permitted the utilization of a different set of environmental resources, that is, the occupation of a different adaptive zone. ~ Ernst W Mayr,
555:But just in proportion as this process of extermination has acted on an enormous scale, so must the number of intermediate varieties, which have formerly existed, be truly enormous. Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and serious objection which can be urged against the theory. The explanation lies, as I believe, in the extreme imperfection of the geological record. ~ Charles Darwin,
556:In the Schreber case-history projection has a very different role: it is described as occurring during the period of ‘symptom-formation’*. This approach tends to bring the mechanism of paranoia closer to that of the neuroses: in a first phase, the intolerable feeling (homosexual love) is said to be repressed inwards, into the unconscious, and transformed into its opposite; a subsequent phase sees its projection into the outside world. Projection here is the way in which what has been repressed into the unconscious makes its return. This ~ Jean Laplanche,
557:Tengo chopped a lot of ginger to a fine consistency. Then he sliced some celery and mushrooms into nice-sized pieces. The Chinese parsley, too, he chopped up finely. He peeled the shrimp and washed them at the sink. Spreading a paper towel, he laid the shrimp out in neat rows, like troops in formation. When the edamame were finished boiling, he drained them in a colander and left them to cool. Next he warmed a large frying pan and dribbled in some sesame oil and spread it over the bottom. He slowly fried the chopped ginger over a low flame. ~ Haruki Murakami,
558:A different conception of society, very different from that which now prevails, is in process of formation. Under the name of Anarchy, a new interpretation of the past and present life of society arises, giving at the same time a forecast as regards its future, both conceived in the same spirit as the above-mentioned interpretation in natural sciences. Anarchy, therefore, appears as a constituent part of the new philosophy, and that is why Anarchists come in contact, on so many points, with the greatest thinkers and poets of the present day. ~ Peter Kropotkin,
559:In Unistat, due to the strong encouragement of individualistic third-and fourth-circuit (semantic-moral) functions, slavery had grown so repugnant that it was formally “abolished” within a century after the formation of the pack constitution; it lingered on through inertia in the form of “wage slavery,” which required that all primates not born into the sixty families that “owned” almost everything would have to “work” for those families or their corporations in order to get the tickets (called “money”) which were necessary for survival. ~ Robert Anton Wilson,
560:Spiritual formation prepares us for a life in which we move away from our fears, compulsions, resentments, and sorrows, to serve with joy and courage in the world, even when this leads us to places we would rather not go. Spiritual formation helps us to see the face of God in the midst of a hardened world and in our own heart. This freedom helps us to use our skills and our very lives to make that face visible to all who live in bondage and fear. As Jesus told his disciples: “So, if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36). ~ Henri J M Nouwen,
561:In talking about human rights today, we are referring primarily to the following demands: protection of the individual against arbitrary infringement by other individuals or by the government; the right to work and to adequate earnings from work; freedom of discussion and teaching; adequate participation of the individual in the formation of his government. These human rights are nowadays recognised theoretically, although, by abundant use of formalistic, legal manoeuvres, they are being violated to a much greater extent than even a generation ago. ~ Albert Einstein,
562:Democracy, in the United States rhetoric refers to a system of governance in which elite elements based in the business community control the state by virtue of their dominance of the private society, while the population observes quietly. So understood, democracy is a system of elite decision and public ratification, as in the United States itself. Correspondingly, popular involvement in the formation of public policy is considered a serious threat. It is not a step towards democracy; rather it constitutes a 'crisis of democracy' that must be overcome. ~ Noam Chomsky,
563:In our solar system life first evolved surprisingly soon after the formation of a hospitable terrestrial environment. There is something unusual about this. Suppose the typical time that it takes for life to evolve is called t(bio), then from the evidence of our solar system, which is about 4.6 billion years old, it seems that the time it takes for stars to settle down and create a stable source of heat and light, t(star), is not very different to t(bio) because we have found simple forms of terrestrial bacterial life that are several billion years old. ~ John D Barrow,
564:In recent years, annual trading in stocks—necessarily creating, by reason of the transaction costs involved, negative value for traders—averaged some $33 trillion. But capital formation—that is, directing fresh investment capital to its highest and best uses, such as new businesses, new technology, medical breakthroughs, and modern plant and equipment for existing business—averaged some $250 billion. Put another way, speculation represented about 99.2 percent of the activities of our equity market system, with capital formation accounting for 0.8 percent. ~ John C Bogle,
565:The selection process has been powerful enough to produce one indisputable outcome: the family is a universal human institution. . . . In virtually every society into which historians or anthropologists have inquired, one finds people living together on the basis of kinship ties and having responsibility for raising children. . . . Even in societies where men and women have relatively unrestricted sexual access to one another beginning at an early age, marriage is still the basis for family formation. It is desired by the partners and expected by society. ~ James Q Wilson,
566:Any author who uses mathematics should always express in ordinary language the meaning of the assumptions he admits, as well as the significance of the results obtained. The more abstract his theory, the more imperative this obligation. In fact, mathematics are and can only be a tool to explore reality. In this exploration, mathematics do not constitute an end in itself, they are and can only be a means. ~ Maurice Allais, La formation scientifique, Une communication du Prix Nobel d’économie, Maurice Allais, address to the Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques (1997).,
567:If the seminary is too large, it ought to be divided into smaller communities with formators who are equipped really to accompany those in their charge. Dialogue must be serious, without fear, sincere. It is important to recall that the language of young people in formation today is different from that in the past: we are living through an epochal change. Formation is a work of art, not a police action. We must form their hearts. Otherwise we are creating little monsters. And then these little monsters mold the People of God. This really gives me goose bumps. ~ Pope Francis,
568:The emergence of a unified cognitive moment relies on the coordination of scattered mosaics of functionally specialized brain regions. Here we review the mechanisms of large-scale integration that counterbalance the distributed anatomical and functional organization of brain activity to enable the emergence of coherent behaviour and cognition. Although the mechanisms involved in large-scale integration are still largely unknown, we argue that the most plausible candidate is the formation of dynamic links mediated by synchrony over multiple frequency bands. ~ Francisco Varela,
569:IF A PROBLEM PERSISTS for generations, it is no longer a crisis. It’s a condition. The identity crisis facing our faith, our families, and our world has prevailed so long it is now a condition—a condition of shadows and storms, yielding a world of confusion and conflict, unruly souls, and unraveling societies. As both consequence and contributing factor, eating has become not so much a God-designed daily routine of identity formation as a function, a procedure to ingest the energy we need to keep going, or a therapy of comfort foods to alleviate our anxieties. ~ Leonard Sweet,
570:The appearance in nineteenth-century psychiatry, jurisprudence, and literature of a whole series of discourses on the species and subspecies of homosexuality, inversion, pederasty, and "psychic hermaphroditism" made possible a strong advance of social controls into this area of "perversity"; but it also made possible the formation of a "reverse" discourse: homosexuality began to speak in its own behalf, to demand that its legitimacy or "naturality" be acknowledged, often in the same vocabulary, using the same categories by which it was medically disqualified. ~ Michel Foucault,
571:Following their line of vision, he found the distraction. The damn tennis team, running the perimeter of the football field in some half-assed formation, following their fearless leader. They weren’t looking at the field, weren’t yelling or causing a scene. Just concentrating on keeping up with Chris.
Having been a teenage boy himself, the draw was obvious. Teenage girls. Short shorts. No brainer. At thirty-four, he was past that.
Except his eyes didn’t seem to get the “I’m Too Old For This” memo. They were tracking Chris like a hawk tracks a field mouse. ~ Jeanette Murray,
572:In counting the Crusades as some sort of black stain on Christianity or Western civilization, Obama left out any mention of the Umayyad Caliphate’s conquest of Spain, or the fall of Constantinople, or any of the other Muslim aggressions in Europe, which, on balance, were at least as bloody and barbaric, if not more so. Interestingly enough, Muslims to this day occupy every city vital to the formation of Christianity except for Jerusalem, and none of those other cities enjoy the standard of living, human rights, or basic freedoms available throughout the Western world. ~ Anonymous,
573:Protection, therefore, against the tyranny of the magistrate is not enough: there needs protection also against the tyranny of the prevailing opinion and feeling; against the tendency of society to impose, by other means than civil penalties, its own ideas and practices as rules of conduct on those who dissent from them; to fetter the development, and, if possible, prevent the formation, of any individuality not in harmony with its ways, and compel all characters to fashion themselves upon the model of its own. There is a limit to the legitimate interference of ~ John Stuart Mill,
574:No brain region is an island, and the formation of circuits connecting far-flung brain regions is crucial—how else can the frontal cortex use its few myelinated neurons to talk to neurons in the brain’s subbasement to make you toilet trained?2 As we saw, mammalian fetuses overproduce neurons and synapses; ineffective or unessential synapses and neurons are pruned, producing leaner, meaner, more efficient circuitry. To reiterate a theme from the last chapter, the later a particular brain region matures, the less it is shaped by genes and the more by environment.3 ~ Robert M Sapolsky,
575:Before the formation of this Constitution it had been affirmed as a self evident truth, in the Declaration of Independence, very deliberately made by the Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled that 'all men are created equal, and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights' This declaration of Independence was received and ratified by all the States in the Union & has never been disannuled. May we not from hence conclude, that the doctrine of Liberty and Equality is an article in the political creed of the United States. ~ Samuel Adams,
576:I. A remembrance may be insufificient because it has been incorrectly acquired, badly organised, from the beginning of its formation. When a patient passes through a period during which he is particularly feeble and syn-thetises very badly not only his images, but even his actual sensations, he is incapable at that moment of laying a foundation for future remembrances. Later on, even if he is better, he will not recall the remembrances of this unfortunate period, while he will recover remembrances of a neighbouring period when the syntheses have been more fully effected. ~ Anonymous,
577:Prayer itself, born in Catholic families, nurtured by programs of Christian formation, strengthened by the grace of the sacraments, is the first means by which we come to know the Lord’s will for our lives. To the extent that we teach young people to pray, and to pray well, we will be cooperating with God’s call. Programs, plans and projects have their place; but the discernment of a vocation is above all the fruit of an intimate dialogue between the Lord and his disciples. Young people, if they know how to pray, can be trusted to know what to do with God’s call. ~ Pope Benedict XVI,
578:The incidence of Type 1 diabetes is rising rapidly in many parts of the world at an annual rate of 3–5%. 44 It is time to become more vigorous in sharing with the public the evidence we have on cow’s milk and its products. Waiting for the evidence to be perfect (it never will be) is an unacceptable strategy, especially when cow’s milk protein has long been shown to have other effects of serious concern, including increased blood cholesterol, 45 formation of early atherogenesis (cardiovascular disease46), and promotion of experimental cancer, 47 among other effects. ~ T Colin Campbell,
579:I have issued the command, and I'll have anybody who utters but one word of criticism executed by a firing squad, that our war aim does not consist in reaching certain lines, but in the physical destruction of the enemy. Accordingly, I have placed my death's-head formation in readiness, for the present only in the East, with orders to them to send to death mercilessly and without compassion, men, women, and children of Polish derivation and language. Only thus shall we gain the living space which we need. Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians? ~ Adolf Hitler,
580:In 1967 the broom world was galvanised by the formation of the Nimbus Racing Broom Company. Nothing like the Nimbus 1000 had ever been seen before. Reaching speeds of up to a hundred miles per hour, capable of turning 360 degrees at a fixed point in mid-air, the Nimbus combined the reliability of the old Oakshaft 79 with the easy handling of the best Cleansweeps. The Nimbus immediately became the broom preferred by professional Quidditch teams across Europe, and the subsequent models (1001, 1500, and 1700) have kept the Nimbus Racing Broom Company at the top of the field. ~ J K Rowling,
581:Every writer on the Orient (and this is true even of Homer) assumes some Oriental precedent, some previous knowledge of the Orient, to which he refers and on which he relies. Additionally, each work on the Orient affiliates itself with other works, with audiences, with institutions, with the Orient itself. The ensemble of relationships between works, audiences, and some particular aspects of the Orient therefore constitutes an analyzable formation[…]whose presence in time, in discourse, in institutions (schools, libraries, foreign services) gives it strength and authority. ~ Edward W Said,
582:Our disagreement rises with the timing of the formation of these rock layers! Where the evolutionists say the fossiliferous rock layers “were laid down slowly over millions of years without any major catastrophes,” the creationists say that “most of these rock layers were deposited by the Flood of Noah’s day.” So it is the same evidence based on the same observations, but we simply have two different interpretations of that evidence. Creationists start with God’s Word, which informs us of the global Flood (e.g., Genesis 7:19–201) that was a major catastrophe about 4,300 years ago ~ Ken Ham,
583:The globby aliens went a very pale green. The pirates, shiny-black-hair-men, and the piranhas looked at them puzzled, seeking some kind of explanation, as did the wumpires.

"If two things that are the same thing touch," proclaimed the volcano god, "then the whole Universe shall end. Thus sayeth the great and unutterable Splod."

"How does a volcano know so much about transtemporal meta-science?" asked one of the pale green aliens.

"Being a geological formation gives you a lot of time to think," said Splod. "Also, I subscribe to a number of learned journals. ~ Neil Gaiman,
584:But when we look beyond human affairs and the properties of the surrounding bodies: When we carry our speculations into the two eternities, before and after the present state of things; into the creation and formation of the universe; the existence and properties of spirits; the powers and operations of one universal spirit, existing without beginning and without end; omnipotent, omniscient, immutable, infinite, and incomprehensible: We must be far removed from the smallest tendency to scepticism not to be apprehensive, that we have here got quite beyond the reach of our faculties. ~ David Hume,
585:called state formation. One of the key turning points in many early societies is the rudimentary, usually very partial, codification of law. In ancient Athens, for example, the work of Draco in the seventh century BCE, though now a byword for harshness (‘draconian’), was notable as the first attempt there to put what had been oral rules into writing; a thousand years before that in Babylon, Hammurabi’s code did something similar. The Twelve Tables are much on that pattern. They are a long way from being a comprehensive legal code and may well never have been intended as such. Unless ~ Mary Beard,
586:Experience was of no ethical value. It was merely the name men gave to their mistakes. Moralists had, as a rule, regarded it as a mode of warning, had claimed for it a certain ethical efficacy in the formation of character, had praised it as something that taught us what to follow and showed us what to avoid. But there was no motive power in experience. It was as little of an active cause as conscience itself. All that it really demonstrated was that our future would be the same as our past, and that the sin we had done once, and with loathing, we would do many times, and with joy. ~ Oscar Wilde,
587:The dawn came - not the flaming sky that promises storm, but a golden dawn of infinite promise. The birds came flying up out of the east in wedge-shaped formation, and the mist lifted in soft wreaths of sun-shot silver. Colour came back to the world. The grass glowed with a green so vivid that it seemed pulsing, like flame, from some hidden fire in the earth, the distant woods took on all the amazing deep crimsons and purples of their winter colouring, the banks were studded with their jewels of lichens and bright moss, and above the wet hedges shone with sun-shot orbs of light. ~ Elizabeth Goudge,
588:The population on the limited surface of this planet which bears us is increasing in almost geometrical progression; while at the same time the scope of each human molecule, in terms of movement, information, and influence, is becoming rapidly coextensive with the whole surface of the globe. A state of tightening compression, in short; but even more, thanks to the biological intermingling developed to its uttermost extent by the appearance of reflection, a state of organized compenetration, in which each element is linked with every other. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, The Formation of the Noösphere,
589:The study by energy consultants EnerNex was commissioned by the city’s Local Agency Formation Commission and states the city doesn’t need to contract with an outside company and could easily administer CleanPowerSF through the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission. The often-fractured Board of Supervisors has coalesced around the program, known as community choice aggregation, or CCA, and continued to push for some iteration of it even after the PUC commission last year refused to set rates and bring in Shell Energy North America to be the city’s power broker for at least five years. ~ Anonymous,
590:Of all difficulties which impede the progress of thought, and the formation of well-grounded opinions on life and social arrangements, the greatest is now the unspeakable ignorance and inattention of mankind in respect to the influences which form human character. Whatever any portion of the human species now are, or seem to be, such, it is supposed, they have a natural tendency to be: even when the most elementary knowledge of the circumstances in which they have been placed, clearly points out the causes that made them what they are. —John Stuart Mill, The Subjection of Women (1869) ~ Cordelia Fine,
591:Will you lead us?” asked Tubal-cain. “No,” said Mikael. “You will. We archangels have gods to bind.” They could see the armies of the gods moving into formation on the dry plains before them: Phalanxes of humans, followed by battalions of falcon-headed, hawk-headed, dog- and wolf-headed soldiers. Behind them, platoons of Nephilim finished off a demonic army of genetically mutated beasts. They were twenty thousand strong. Then the three lead generals of the gods came forward from the rear. They were Enki, Ninhursag, and Enlil, mounted on special harnesses on the backs of monstrous Nephilim. ~ Brian Godawa,
592:In so far as they have paid any attention to infantile sexuality the educators behave as if they shared our views concerning the formation of the moral forces of defence at the cost of sexuality, and as if they knew that sexual activity makes the child uneducable; for the educators consider all sexual manifestations of the child as an "evil" in the face of which little can be accomplished. We have, however, every reason for directing our attention to those phenomena so much feared by the educators, for we expect to find in them the solution of the primitive formation of the sexual impulse. ~ Sigmund Freud,
593:This is where I would've taken Daniel. I would've told him to write poetry about space rocks and impact craters. The sheer number of actions and reactions it's taken to form our solar system, our galaxy, our universe, is astonishing. The number of things that had to go exactly right is overwhelming.

Compared to that, what is falling in love? A series of small coincidences that we say means everything because we want to believe that our tiny lives matter on a galactic scale. But falling in love doesn't even begin to compare to the formation of the universe.

It's not even close ~ Nicola Yoon,
594:To serve means to minister, to love and care for others, and to recognize in them the heart of God. A true disciple of Jesus will always go to where people are feeling weak, broken, sick, in pain, poor, lonely, forgotten, anxious, and lost. It is often hard to go to places of weakness and rejection to offer consolation and comfort. It is possible only when we discover the presence of Jesus among the poor and weak and realize the many gifts they have to offer. Therefore, spiritual formation always includes responding from the heart to the needs of the poor in a spirit of true compassion. ~ Henri J M Nouwen,
595:Twenty minutes later, Three Body’s Von Neumann architecture human-formation computer had begun full operations under the Qin 1.0 operating system. “Run solar orbit computation software ‘Three Body 1.0’!” Newton screamed at the top of his lungs. “Start the master computing module! Load the differential calculus module! Load the finite element analysis module! Load the spectral method module! Enter initial condition parameters … and begin calculation!” The motherboard sparkled as the display formation flashed with indicators in every color. The human-formation computer began the long computation. ~ Liu Cixin,
596:Shiva is saying: the body is a product of nature and your will to do. The nature is merely the source, the womb. Your ego functions like a seed in it. Your will to do this or that, to achieve this or that, to become this or that – acts like a seed. And the moment the art of your doing meets the womb of nature, a body is formed.
Therefore, buddhas say: ”Give up all desires, only then will you be liberated.: If you desired for heaven, you will become an angel, but that won’t be liberation either. Because as long as desires persist, there can never be any liberation. All desires lead to the formation of bodies. ~ Osho,
597:many pairs of legs and with two great bat-like wings in the middle of the back. They sometimes walked on all their legs, and sometimes on the hindmost pair only, using the others to convey large objects of indeterminate nature. On one occasion they were spied in considerable numbers, a detachment of them wading along a shallow woodland watercourse three abreast in evidently disciplined formation. Once a specimen was seen flying—launching itself from the top of a bald, lonely hill at night and vanishing in the sky after its great flapping wings had been silhouetted an instant against the full moon. These ~ H P Lovecraft,
598:Nature forms patterns. Some are orderly in space but disorderly in time, others orderly in time but disorderly in space. Some patterns are fractal, exhibiting structures self-similar in scale. Others give rise to steady states or oscillating ones. Pattern formation has become a branch of physics and of materials science, allowing scientists to model the aggregation of particles into clusters, the fractured spread of electrical discharges, and the growth of crystals in ice and metal alloys. The dynamics seem so basic—shapes changing in space and time—yet only now are the tools available to understand them. ~ James Gleick,
599:Every Navy warship assigned to the Sol protection fleet flashed in towards Earth, knitting together in a defensive formation that extended out beyond lunar orbit. Weapons platforms that had spent decades stealthed in high orbit emerged to join the incredible array of firepower lining up on the Swarm. All over the planet, force fields powered up, shielding the remaining cities. Anyone outside an urban area was immediately teleported in to safety. The T-sphere itself was integrated into the defence organization, ready to ward off energy assaults against the planet by rearranging spacetime in a sharp curve. ~ Peter F Hamilton,
600:Then he saw them. The gulls. Out there, riding the seas.
What he had thought at first to be the white caps of the waves were gulls. Hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands... They rose and fell in the trough of the seas, heads to the wind, like a mighty fleet at anchor, waiting on the tide. To eastward, and to the west, the gulls were there. They stretched as far as his eye could reach, in close formation, line upon line. Had the sea been still they would have covered the bay like a white cloud, head to head, body packed to body. Only the east wind, whipping the sea to breakers, hid them from the shore. ~ Daphne du Maurier,
601:recent research that has introduced a distinction between two selves, the experiencing self and the remembering self, which do not have the same interests. For example, we can expose people to two painful experiences. One of these experiences is strictly worse than the other, because it is longer. But the automatic formation of memories—a feature of System 1—has its rules, which we can exploit so that the worse episode leaves a better memory. When people later choose which episode to repeat, they are, naturally, guided by their remembering self and expose themselves (their experiencing self) to unnecessary pain. ~ Daniel Kahneman,
602:If you take the character of any man, it really is but the aggregate of tendencies, the sum total of the bent of his mind; you will find that misery and happiness are equal factors in the formation of that character. Good and evil have an equal share in moulding character, and in some instances misery is a greater teacher than happiness. In studying the great characters the world has produced, I dare say, in the vast majority of cases, it would be found that it was misery that taught more than happiness, it was poverty that taught more than wealth, it was blows that brought out their inner fire more than praise. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
603:passive revolution, where a modernizing state and its constituency in the bourgeoisie and bureaucracy has to adapt its transformative agenda to the realities of pre-capitalist power. In terms of narrative form, the political compromise at the level of the state is represented by what Prasad calls the `feudal family romance'. This form releases a series of new drives - to individual romantic fulfillment and the formation of the couple for the nuclear family, consumerist orientations, affiliations to an impersonal state form - but ultimately subordinates them to the rule of `traditionally regulated social relationships'. This ~ Anonymous,
604:A sense of collectivity, arising in our minds out of the evolutionary sense, has imposed a framework of entirely new dimensions upon all our thinking; so that mankind has come to present itself to our gaze less and less as a haphazard and extrinsic association of individuals, and increasingly as a biological entity wherein, in some sort, the proceedings and the necessities of the universe in movement are furthered and achieve their culmination. We feel that the relation between Society and Social Organism is no longer a matter of symbolism but must be treated in realistic terms. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, The Formation of the Noösphere,
605:The three-volume work on Jesus Christ, on its own, makes this pontificate unique. With it, Benedict XVI created a handbook for the future of theology, catechesis and priestly formation – in short, a foundation for the teaching of the faith for the third millennium. It was not on a professorial chair, but on the chair of Peter, that things could come full circle. And there was no one else with the educational formation, the background, the strength and the inspiration, to make the image of Jesus transparent again, with intellectual meticulousness and a level-headed spirituality, after it had been obscured beyond recognition. ~ Benedict XVI,
606:Of special interest are ecosystems whose evolution may be observed within long periods of time. The biomass, i.e. the mass of all life in the system, increases, usually also the primary production from direct photosynthesis (plants) as well. But these two factors do not increase at the same ratio. With the formation of a complex system of trophic levels the energy derived from the same primary production may be handed on from level to level, even if only to a relatively small extent. The total system’s efficiency of energy utilization increases and so does the total energy stored in the system. ~ Erich Jantsch, The Self-Organizing Universe,
607:Pašić dealt intelligently with this delicate situation. He made personal overtures to individual conspirators with a view to disrupting the formation of an anti-government coalition. Despite protests from Radical Party colleagues, he backed a generous funding package for the army that made up some of the ground lost since the departure of King Father Milan; he publicly acknowledged the legitimacy of the coup of 1903 (a matter of great symbolic importance to the conspirators) and opposed efforts to bring the regicides to trial. At the same time, however, he worked steadily towards curtailing their presence in public life. ~ Christopher Clark,
608:The Shampoo
The still explosions on the rocks,
the lichens, grow
by spreading, gray, concentric shocks.
They have arranged
to meet the rings around the moon, although
within our memories they have not changed.
And since the heavens will attend
as long on us,
you've been, dear friend,
precipitate and pragmatical;
and look what happens. For Time is
nothing if not amenable.
The shooting stars in your black hair
in bright formation
are flocking where,
so straight, so soon?
--Come, let me wash it in this big tin basin,
battered and shiny like the moon.
~ Elizabeth Bishop,
609:A fever, a mutilation, a cruel disappointment, a loss of wealth, a loss of friends, seems at the moment unpaid loss, and unpayable. But the sure years reveal the deep remedial force that underlies all facts. The death of a dear friend, wife, brother, lover, which seemed nothing but privation, somewhat later assumes the aspect of a guide or genius; for it commonly operates revolutions in our way of life, terminates an epoch of infancy or of youth which was waiting to be closed, breaks up a wonted occupation, or a household, or style of living, and allows the formation of new ones more friendly to the growth of character. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
610:This then contributes to the formation of an experience in which these static and fragmented features are often so intense that the more transitory and subtle features of the unbroken flow (e.g., the ‘transformations’ of musical notes) generally tend to pale into such seeming insignificance that one is, at best, only dimly conscious of them. Thus, an illusion may arise in which the manifest static and fragmented content of consciousness is experienced as the very basis of reality and from this illusion one may apparently obtain a proof of the correctness of that mode of thought in which this content is taken to be fundamental.19 ~ David Bohm,
611:Des bourses de doctorat académique-privé (conventions industrielles de formation par la recherche ou Cifre) s’ajoutent à la panoplie (on en comptait 1 350 en 2012). « Il y a clairement un encouragement aux relations entre les laboratoires publics et les entreprises. Et il faut encore progresser dans ces liens », estime Denis Randet, délégué général de l’Association nationale recherche technologie (ANRT). « Certes, on n’a pas inventé l’électricité en cherchant à perfectionner la bougie, mais tous les chercheurs ont en tête des problèmes à résoudre. Et on ne peut pas se priver des questions posées par les entreprises », complète-t-il. ~ Anonymous,
612:Politics of Friendship is, in other words, only a book between covers. For the real text, you must enter the classroom, put yourself to school, as a preview of the formation of collectivities. A single “teacher's” “students,” flung out into the world and time, is, incidentally, a real-world example of the precarious continuity of a Marxism “to come,” aligned with grassroots counterglobalizing activism in the global South today, with little resemblance to those varieties of “Little Britain” leftism that can take on board the binary opposition of identity politics and humanism, shifting gears as the occasion requires. ~ Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak,
613:Two centuries ago, a New Faith came to this land. Many found it an alien creed. Others merged it in with the old ideas and values. But in that interval, between the decaying and disappearance of the Old Faith and the formation and establishment of the New Faith, there was always a period of danger. Some people would become uncertain; others confused or even frightened. Emerging on both sides, there could be a wild fanaticism as each tried to protect their own beliefs. Unfortunately, claiming one deity as an ally for partisan values leads to the worst fanaticism of all. It is a step towards barbarism which destroys our humanity. ~ Peter Tremayne,
614:Those narrow straits of Sunda divide Sumatra from Java; and standing midway in that vast rampart of islands, buttressed by that bold green promontory, known to seamen as Java Head; they not a little correspond to the central gateway opening into some vast walled empire: and considering the inexhaustible wealth of spices, and silks, and jewels, and gold, and ivory, with which the thousand islands of that oriental sea are enriched, it seems a significant provision of nature, that such treasures, by the very formation of the land, should at least bear the appearance, however ineffectual, of being guarded from the all-grasping western world. ~ Herman Melville,
615:But there is a more catholic understanding of the term apostolic: it means missional. The apostles were those called together to learn (as disciples) so they could be sent out on a mission (which is what both the Greek root for apostle and the Latin root for mission mean). From this vantage point, disciples are apostles-in-training; Christian discipleship (or spiritual formation ) is training for apostleship, training for mission. From this understanding we place less emphasis on whose lineage, rites, doctrines, structures, and terminology are right and more emphasis on whose actions, service, outreach, kindness, and effectiveness are good. ~ Brian D McLaren,
616:The Spanish philosopher and physician Ibn Rushd (1126–98), better known as Averroës in the West, pushed al-Jabbar’s conception of truth to its limit by proposing a “two truths” theory of knowledge in which religion and philosophy are placed in opposition to each other. According to Ibn Rushd, religion simplifies the truth for the masses by resorting to easily recognizable signs and symbols, regardless of the doctrinal contradictions and rational incongruities that inevitably result from the formation and rigid interpretation of dogma. Philosophy, however, is itself truth; its purpose is merely to express reality through the faculty of human reason. ~ Reza Aslan,
617:Appendix 1 I have discussed evidence from Edinburgh that in 1615 the Masons of York requested advice from the Lodge of Edinburgh on the detail of the ritual of the then main degrees of Freemasonry. This is said to be the formation of what is still known today as the York Rite of Freemasonry. [Lamgton (1995)] Preston says that this lodge at York dates from at least 1567 and seems to have the same rights over other lodges as lodge Kilwinning successfully claimed over its adjacent lodges in the Second Schaw statue of 1599. Did the lodge of York have a similar, but undocumented role, in England, to that of Lodge Mother Kilwinning in Scotland I wondered? ~ Robert Lomas,
618:Similarly, we see a common discriminatory assumption embedded in our view of a woman’s caregiving years spent out of the paid workforce as a yawning gap on her résumé and our failure to include the hundred million–plus hours of unpaid care work done in households across the country every year in our national GDP. In both cases we assume that care work is not work that really matters, even though it is essential to the dignity and the wellbeing of the elderly and the sick and to the very brain formation and growth of the young. Nor do we assume that it can in any way benefit the caregiver in ways that are individually valuable and desirable in other contexts. ~ Anne Marie Slaughter,
619:For our Christian groups and their leaders, it means that there is a simple, straightforward way in which congregations of Jesus’ people can, without exception, fulfill his call to be an ecclesia, his “called out” ones: a touch point between heaven and earth, where the healing of the Cross and the Resurrection can save the lost and grow the saved into the fullness of human beings in Christ. No special facilities, programs, talents, or techniques are required. It doesn’t even require a budget. Just faithfulness to the process of spiritual formation in Christlikeness exposed in the Scriptures and in the lives of his “peculiar people” through the ages (Titus 2:14, KJV). ~ Dallas Willard,
620:The revolution of Jesus is in the first place and continuously a revolution of the human heart or spirit. It did not and does not proceed by means of the formation of social institutions and laws, the outer forms of our existence, intending that these would then impose a good order of life upon people who come under their power. Rather, his is a revolution of character, which proceeds by changing people from the inside through ongoing personal relationship to God in Christ and to one another. It is one that changes their ideas, beliefs, feelings, and habits of choice, as well as their bodily tendencies and social relations. It penetrates to the deepest layers of their soul. ~ Dallas Willard,
621:Crows lined the crumbling and contaminated road that led to Stonewall. As Rachel Wheeler approached, they lifted one by one against the hazy October sky. A muted lime-green aurora shimmered behind the clouds as if the black birds were swimming against a frothy tide. The hardwood trees on the surrounding Appalachian slopes were gone to gold and scarlet, and the strange light hinted at the gray winter waiting ahead. One of the crows turned, and its eyes flashed with fire. A blood-chilling caw cracked the brittle air. Rachel slid her machete from its canvas sheath, but the crow veered wildly and then rejoined the broken formation heading south toward the distant city of mutants. ~ Scott Nicholson,
622:Creoles tend to express variations in time by having a string of helping verbs rather than by having complicated word formation rules. In other words, they are more like English in this respect than like a language such as Italian:

English: I thought she might have been sleeping.
Italian: Pensavo che dormisse.

The idea of potential (in the English "might"), completed or whole action (in the English "have"), and stretched-out activity (in the English "been") that go with "sleeping" are all expressed in the ending on the Italian verb dormisse. (Dorm is the root for "sleep"; isse is the ending that carries all the meaning about the time frame.) ~ Donna Jo Napoli,
623:Meiosis is an elegant process but in any organism errors in meiosis sometimes occur. These errors may be the result of mistakes in separation of the chromosomes during division or of an incorrect exchange of genetic information during chiasma formation. Many genetic disorders in humans can be traced back to errors in the formation of the gametes in meiosis. Mistakes in meiosis can result in an abnormal number of chromosomes in an egg or sperm cell. If this egg or sperm is then involved in fertilization, the zygote will exhibit an abnormal number of chromosomes. The child produced from this zygote (following mitosis and differentiation) will have cells with too few or too many chromosomes ~ Anonymous,
624:The traditions of . . . bygone times, even to the smallest social particular, enable one to understand more clearly the circumstances with contributed to the formation of character. The daily life into which people are born, and into which they are absorbed before they are well aware, forms chains which only one in a hundred has moral strength enough to despise, and to break when the right time comes - when an inward necessity for independent individual action arises, which is superior to all outward conventionalities. Therefore it is well to know what were the chains of daily domestic habit which were the natural leading-strings of our forefathers before they learnt to go alone. ~ Elizabeth Gaskell,
625:But besides this trend of development there is another, equally legitimate, which is self-related or “centroverted,” and which makes for the development of personality and for individual realization. This development may derive its contents from outside and inside equally, and is fed by introversion as much as by extraversion. Its center of gravity, however, lies not in objects and objective dealings, irrespective of whether the objects be external or internal, but in self-formation; that is to say, in the building up and filling out of a personality which, as the nucleus of all life’s activities, uses the objects of the inner and outer worlds as building material for its own wholeness. ~ Erich Neumann,
626:When fructose is metabolized in the liver, for instance, it accelerates the breakdown of a molecule called ATP, which is the primary source of energy for cellular reactions and is loaded with purines. (“ATP” stands for “adenosine triphosphate”; adenosine is a form of adenine, a purine.) This in turn increases the formation of uric acid. Alcohol raises uric acid levels through the same mechanism (although beer also has purines in it). The effect of fructose on ATP also works to stimulate the synthesis of purines, and the metabolism of fructose leads to the production of lactic acid, which reduces the excretion of uric acid by the kidney and thereby raises uric acid concentrations indirectly. ~ Gary Taubes,
627:Briefly, these imaging studies have shown that there is no single attention center in the brain. Rather, there are multiple distributed systems, including those in the prefrontal cortex (involved in task-related memory and planning), parietal cortex (bodily and environmental awareness), and anterior cingulate (motivation). Also activated are the underlying cerebellum and basal ganglia (habit formation and coordination of movement). That’s all very nice, but it doesn’t really tell us much about how attention works (that’s the trouble with the neural-correlates approach). Fortunately some brain imaging studies have gone beyond this, to reveal some truly interesting things about attention. ~ Jeffrey M Schwartz,
628:Good writing, on the other hand, teaches the learning writer about style, graceful narration, plot development, the creation of believable characters, and truth-telling. A novel like The Grapes of Wrath may fill a new writer with feelings of despair and good old-fashioned jealousy—“I’ll never be able to write anything that good, not if I live to be a thousand”—but such feelings can also serve as a spur, goading the writer to work harder and aim higher. Being swept away by a combination of great story and great writing—of being flattened, in fact—is part of every writer’s necessary formation. You cannot hope to sweep someone else away by the force of your writing until it has been done to you. ~ Stephen King,
629:Many of the fathers of the church believed in an actual ontological, metaphysical, objective union between humanity and God, which alone would allow Jesus to take us “back with him” into the life of the Trinity (John 17:23–24, 14:3, 12:26). This was how real “participation” was for many in the early church. It changed people and offered them their deepest identity and form (“trans-formation”). We had thought our form was merely human, but Jesus came to tell us that our actual form is human-divine, just as he is. He was not much interested in proclaiming himself the exclusive or exclusionary son of God, but he went out of his way to communicate an inclusive sonship and daughterhood to the crowds. ~ Richard Rohr,
630:About midnight excited hails were heard from a boat about a couple of miles out at sea to the southeast of Sidmouth, and a lantern was seen waving in a strange manner to and fro and up and down. The nearer boats at once hurried towards the alarm. The adventuresome occupants of the boat, a seaman, a curate, and two schoolboys, had actually seen the monsters passing under their boat. The creatures, it seems, like most deep-sea organisms, were phosphorescent, and they had been floating, five fathoms deep or so, like creatures of moonshine through the blackness of the water, their tentacles retracted and as if asleep, rolling over and over, and moving slowly in a wedge-like formation towards the southeast. ~ H G Wells,
631:The British Library’s series of Crime Classics concentrates on stories associated with “the Golden Age of murder” , during which the formation of the Detection Club marked a valiant attempt to raise the standards of crime writing. Membership of the Club was by election, and confined to those authors whose work was regarded by their peers as exemplary. Edgar Wallace was among those not deemed eligible to join, because of his focus on writing thrillers rather than carefully plotted whodunnits. In terms of literary merit, his work was often slapdash, but neither Wallace nor his stories were ever lacking in energy or exuberance, and he is represented here by a tale written with his characteristic verve. ~ Martin Edwards,
632:the distorted understanding of worldview that dominates current models assumes a rationalist, intellectualist, cognitivist model of the human person; as a result, it fails to honor the fact that we are embodied, material, fundamentally desiring animals who are, whether we recognize it or not (and perhaps most when we don’t recognize it), every day being formed by the material liturgies of other pedagogies—at the mall, at the stadium, on television, and so forth. As such, Christian education becomes a missed opportunity because it fails to actually counter the cultural liturgies that are forming us every day. An important part of revisioning Christian education is to see it as a mode of counter-formation. ~ James K A Smith,
633:Pliny was persuaded to explore a peculiar cloud formation that appeared to be coming from the summit of the local mountain, Vesuvius. He was duly rowed ashore, visited a local village to calm the panicked inhabitants—and was promptly caught up in a massive eruption. He died of asphyxiation by volcanic gases on August 24, leaving behind him a vast reputation and, as memorial, a single word in the lexicon of modern vulcanology, Plinian. A Plinian eruption is now defined as an almighty, explosive eruption that all but destroys the entire volcano from which it emanates. And the most devastating Plinian event of the modern era occurred 1,804 years, almost to the day, after Pliny the Elder’s death: at Krakatoa.) ~ Simon Winchester,
634:While formally or structurally speaking, there are mechanisms of discipline operative in both the convent and the prison, in both the factory and the monastery, more specifically these disciplines and practices are aimed at very different ends. And here we must make an important distinction: we can distinguish good discipline from bad discipline by its telos, its goal or end. So the difference between the disciplines that form us into disciples of Christ and the disciplines of contemporary culture that produce consumers is precisely the goal they are aiming at. Discipline and formation are good insofar as they are directed toward the end, or telos, that is proper to human beings: to glorify God and enjoy him forever. ~ James K A Smith,
635:For all these reasons (...) working class intellectuals like big words and their sentence formation is excessively ornate. It's what they think of as 'smart'. Pomposity. It's an embarrassing condition of being unsophisticated and not knowing what is truly smart which is simplicity and modernism; certainly it was twenty years ago that I learned to write. But the working class person is above all afraid to seem dumb so in acting 'smart' and footnoting everything they betray the insecurity and weightiness of the unexperienced conclusion, which is an imitation of what writers are like. In general I think writers are not smart. They are something else and each writer can fill in a word here, but smart is not what that word is. ~ Eileen Myles,
636:Subjectivation is not a flowering of autonomy and freedom; it’s the end product of procedures that train an individual in compliance and docility. One accepts structuring codes in exchange for an internal psychic coherence. Becoming yourself is not a growth process but a surrender of possibilities that we learn to regard as egregious, unbecoming. “Being yourself” is inherently limiting. It is liberatory only in the sense of freeing one temporarily from existential doubts. (Not a small thing!) So the social order is protected not by preventing “self-expression” and identity formation but encouraging it as a way of forcing people to limit and discipline themselves — to take responsibility for building and cleaning their own cage. ~ Anonymous,
637:Chemistry is not a primitive science, like geometry or astronomy; it is constructed from the debris of a previous scientific formation; a formation half chimerical and half positive, itself founded on the treasure slowly amassed by the practical discoveries of metallurgy, medicine, industry, and domestic economy. It has to do with alchemy, which pretended to enrich its adepts by teaching them to manufacture gold and silver, to shield them from diseases by the preparation of the panacea, and finally to obtain for them perfect felicity by identifying them with the soul of the world and the universal spirit. ~ Marcellin Berthelot Les Origines de l'Alkimie (1885) as quoted by M. M. Pattison Muir, A History of Chemical Theories and Laws (1907) Ch.1, p. 2.,
638:A radical process of differentiation and segregation is taking place within the human mass. And it is following precisely the course we would expect: the spontaneous individualization and separation of that which moves and rises from that which remains immobile: the irresistible multiplication and aggregation, over the whole extent of the globe, of elements activated by a (hominized) reawakening of the phyletic sense; the gradual formation and emergence, at variance with former categories, of a new noöspheric zone in which human collectivization, hitherto enforced, is at last entering its sympathetic phase under the influence of the newly manifest Sense of Evolution. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, A Great Event Foreshadowed - The Planetization of Mankind,
639:In the last few years, we’ve learned that the formation and maintenance of categories have their roots in known biological processes in the brain. Neurons are living cells, and they can connect to one another in trillions of different ways. These connections don’t just lead to learning—the connections are the learning. The number of possible brain states that each of us can have is so large that it exceeds the number of known particles in the universe. The implications of this are mind-boggling: Theoretically, you should be able to represent uniquely in your brain every known particle in the universe, and have excess capacity left over to organize those particles into finite categories. Your brain is just the tool for the information age. ~ Daniel J Levitin,
640:Built-in shelves line my bedroom, adjacent to my Japanese platform bed, purchased for its capacious rim, the better to hold those books that must be immediately accessible. Yet still they pile on my nightstand, and the grid of shelves continues in floor-to-ceiling formation across the wall, stampeding over the doorway in disorderly fashion, political memoirs mixed in with literary essays, Victorian novels fighting for space with narrative adventure, the Penguin classics never standing together in a gracious row no matter how hard I try to impose order. The books compete for attention, assembling on the shelf above the sofa on the other side of the room, where they descend by the window, staring back at me. As I lie in bed with another book, they lie in wait. ~ Pamela Paul,
641:You're imprisoned within a self that doesn't feel wholly yours...But also, to you that self often feels deeply contaminated."
I nodded.
"But you give your thoughts too much power, Aza. Thoughts are only thoughts. They are not you. You do belong to yourself, even when your thoughts don't."
"But your thoughts are you. I think therefore I am, right?"
"No, not really. A fuller formation of Descartes's philosophy would be Dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum. 'I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I am.' Descartes wanted to know if you could really know that anything was real, but he believed his ability to doubt reality proved that, while it might not be real, he was. You are as real as anyone, and your doubts make you more real, not less. ~ John Green,
642:I should be inclined, therefore, as I have hinted before, to consider the world and this life as the mighty process of God, not for the trial, but for the creation and formation of mind, a process necessary to awaken inert, chaotic matter into spirit, to sublimate the dust of the earth into soul, to elicit an ethereal spark from the clod of clay. And in this view of the subject, the various impressions and excitements which man receives through life may be considered as the forming hand of his Creator, acting by general laws, and awakening his sluggish existence, by the animating touches of the Divinity, into a capacity of superior enjoyment. The original sin of man is the torpor and corruption of the chaotic matter in which he may be said to be born. ~ Thomas Robert Malthus,
643:And there, in a moment, was laid bare the prime deficiency of the English game. Football is not about players, or at least not just about players; it is about shape and about space, about the intelligent deployment of players, and their movement within that deployment. (I should, perhaps, make clear that by ‘tactics’ I mean a combination of formation and style: one 4-4-2 can be as different from another as Steve Stone from Ronaldinho.) The Argentinian was, I hope, exaggerating for effect, for heart, soul, effort, desire, strength, power, speed, passion and skill all play their parts, but, for all that, there is also a theoretical dimension, and, as in other disciplines, the English have, on the whole, proved themselves unwilling to grapple with the abstract. ~ Jonathan Wilson,
644:We begin to catch sight of it in the study of an all too familiar phenomenon, disquieting in appearance, but in fact highly revealing and reassuring—the phenomenon of unemployment. Owing to the extraordinarily rapid development of the machine a rapidly increasing number of workers, running into tens of millions, are out of work. The experts gaze in dismay at this economic apparatus, their own creation, which instead of absorbing all the units of human energy with which they furnish it rejects an increasing number, as though the machine they devised were working to defeat their purpose. Economists are horrified by the growing number of idle hands. Why do they not look a little more to biology for guidance and enlightenment? ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, The Formation of the Noösphere,
645:the mob member is nothing more and nothing less than the archetype for a person of color, in the white supremacist imagination. It was this same archetype that was drawn on to create the concept of race, primarily in the Virginia colony, as transplanted aristocrats had to divide and conquer an unruly labor force of exiled Irish, kidnapped poor from the English cities, Africans stolen from their homes, and enslaved Natives. In the early years, these enslaved underclasses often ran away together to the mountains or the swamps, and from time to time they rebelled together, killing their masters and breaking their chains. It is this image that is preserved in the figure of the mob, and this elite fear that we reproduce when we also spurn, disparage, or avoid such a formation. ~ Anonymous,
646:There is also a keen pleasure (and after all, what else should the pursuit of science produce?) in meeting the riddle of the initial blossoming of man's mind by postulating a voluptuous pause in the growth of the rest of nature, a lolling and loafing which allowed first of all the formation of Homo poeticus-- without which sapiens could not have been evolved. "Struggle for life" indeed! The curse of battle and toil leads man back to the boar, to the grunting beast's crazy obsession with the search for food. You and I have frequently remarked upon that maniacal glint in a housewife's scheming eye as it roves over food in a grocery or about the morgue of a butcher's shop. Toilers of the world, disband! Old books are wrong. The world was made on a Sunday. ~ Vladimir Nabokov,
647:Accordingly, identification, or the formation of composite figures, serves different purposes: first, to represent a feature both persons have in common; secondly, to represent a displaced common feature; but thirdly, to find expression for a common feature that is merely wished for. Since wishing it to be the case that two people have something in common is often the same as exchanging them, this relation too is expressed in the dream by identification. In the dream of Irma's injection, I wish to exchange this patient for another, that is, I wish that the other were my patient, as Irma is; the dream takes account of the wish in showing me a figure who is called Irma, but who is examined in a posture in which I have only had occasion to see the other. ~ Sigmund Freud,
648:The formation of society serves not only for defensive purposes, but is also very useful, and, indeed, absolutely necessary, as rendering possible the division of labor. If men did not render mutual assistance to each other, no one would have either the skill or the time to provide for his own sustenance and preservation: for all men are not equally apt for all work, and no one would be capable of preparing all that he individually stood in need of. Strength and time, I repeat, would fail, if every one had in person to plow, to sow, to reap, to grind corn, to cook, to weave, to stitch and perform the other numerous functions required to keep life going; to say nothing of the arts and sciences which are also entirely necessary to the perfection and blessedness of human nature. ~ Baruch Spinoza,
649:I wish either my father or my mother, or indeed both of them, as they were in duty both equally bound to it, had minded what they were about when they begot me; had they duly considered how much depended upon what they were then doing; that not only the production of a rational Being was concerned in it, but that possibly the happy formation and temperature of his body, perhaps his genius and the very cast of his mind;—and, for aught they knew to the contrary, even the fortunes of his whole house might take their turn from the humours and dispositions which were then uppermost: Had they duly weighed and considered all this, and proceeded accordingly, I am verily persuaded I should have made a quite different figure in the world, from that, in which the reader is likely to see me. ~ Laurence Sterne,
650:Our first decisive step out of our human intelligence, our normal mentality, is an ascent into a higher Mind, a mind no longer of mingled light and obscurity or half-light, but a large clarity of the spirit. Its basic substance is a unitarian sense of being with a powerful multiple dynamisation capable of the formation of a multitude of aspects of knowledge, ways of action, forms and significances of becoming, of all of which there is a spontaneous inherent knowledge. It is therefore a power that has proceeded from the Overmind,-but with the Supermind as its ulterior origin,-as all these greater powers have proceeded: but its special character, its activity of consciousness are dominated by Thought; it is a luminous thought-mind, a mind of spirit-born conceptual knowledge.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine,
651:We repeat, these hybrid constructions are not the least interesting for the artist, the antiquary and the historian. They make us aware to what extent architecture is a primitive thing, demonstrating as they do, like the cyclopean remains, the pyramids of Egypt, or the gigantic Hindu pagodas, that architecture's greatest products are less individual than social creations; the offspring of nations in labour rather than the outpouring of men of genius; the deposit let behind by a nation; the accumulation of the centuries; the residue from the successive evaporations of human society; in short, a kind of formation. Each wave of time lays down its alluvium, each race deposits its own stratum on the monument, each individual contributes his stone. Thus do the beavers, and the bees; and thus does man. ~ Victor Hugo,
652:It’s not that Jackson had a “dark side,” as his apologists rationalize and which all human beings have, but rather that Jackson was the Dark Knight in the formation of the United States as a colonialist, imperialist democracy, a dynamic formation that continues to constitute the core of US patriotism. The most revered presidents—Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, Wilson, both Roosevelts, Truman, Kennedy, Reagan, Clinton, Obama—have each advanced populist imperialism while gradually increasing inclusion of other groups beyond the core of descendants of old settlers into the ruling mythology. All the presidents after Jackson march in his footsteps. Consciously or not, they refer back to him on what is acceptable, how to reconcile democracy and genocide and characterize it as freedom for the people. ~ Roxanne Dunbar Ortiz,
653:This precocious advance may have had a lot to do with the nature of the plain between the Yangtze and Yellow rivers. The territory is well suited both for agriculture, which leads to population growth, and for warfare, the two principal propellants of state formation. A relentless process of consolidation forced tribal systems to yield to states. In 2000 BC, a large number of political entities—traditionally put at 10,000—existed in the Yellow River valley. By the time of the Shang dynasty in 1500 BC, these had dwindled to some 3,000 tribal chiefdoms. The Eastern Zhou dynasty began in 771 BC with 1,800 chiefdoms and ended with 14 entities that were much closer to states. During the ensuing Warring States period, which lasted from around 475 BC to 221 BC, the 7 remaining states were reduced to 1. China ~ Nicholas J Wade,
654:The nuggets themselves are pillow-shaped and vaguely striated to echo piratical treasure chests. Now, with a flake-type of cereal, Randy’s strategy would never work. But then, Cap’n Crunch in a flake form would be suicidal madness; it would last about as long, when immersed in milk, as snowflakes sifting down into a deep fryer. No, the cereal engineers at General Mills had to find a shape that would minimize surface area, and, as some sort of compromise between the sphere that is dictated by Euclidean geometry and whatever sunken-treasure-related shapes that the cereal-aestheticians were probably clamoring for, they came up with this hard-to-pin-down striated pillow formation. The important thing, for Randy’s purposes, is that the individual pieces of Cap’n Crunch are, to a very rough approximation, shaped ~ Neal Stephenson,
655:They eyed with mounting alarm the red flags and banners and portraits of Lenin, Stalin and Largo Caballero on huge placards, and listened to the chanting of the demonstrators, demanding the formation of a proletarian government and a people’s army. But it was not just these obvious political symbols that frightened them. The workers in the street had a new confidence or, in their view, insolence. Beggars had started to ask for alms, not for the love of God, but in the name of revolutionary solidarity. Girls walked freely and started to ridicule convention. On 4 May José Antonio delivered a diatribe from prison against the Popular Front. He claimed that it was directed by Moscow, fomented prostitution and undermined the family. ‘Have you not heard the cry of Spanish girls today: “Children, yes! Husbands, no!”? ~ Antony Beevor,
656:In all major socializing forces you will find an underlying movement to gain and maintain power through the use of words. From witch doctor to priest to bureaucrat it is all the same. A governed populace must be conditioned to accept power-words as actual things to confuse the symbolized system with the tangible universe. In the maintenance of such a power structure, certain symbols are kept out of the reach of common understanding—symbols such as those dealing with economic manipulation or those which define the local interpretation of sanity. Symbol-secrecy of this form leads to the development of fragmented sub-languages, each being a signal that its users are accumulating some form of power. With this insight into a power process, our Imperial Security Force must be ever alert to the formation of sub-languages. ~ Frank Herbert,
657:For example, during auditory processing, sound inputs flow through the ear, then the brain stem reticular formation, then the medial septum (these two being called the lemniscal pathway), then the hippocampal region (which also includes the amygdala), then the thalamus, then the auditory cortex, then finally the cerebral cortex. These latter three being called the nonsensical, I mean the nonlemniscal, pathway The central clearing center, as it were, for all sensory inputs is the hippocampus. It is here that all pathways converge. It is this organ that is concerned with orienting us—in both physical space and the rich field of meanings through which we move every day of our lives It is the part of us that works most deeply with meanings, with the meanings that are embedded within every sensory input we receive ~ Stephen Harrod Buhner,
658:Converging evidence and new research methodologies from across the neurosciences permit the neuroscientific study of the role of sleep in off-line memory reprocessing, as well as the nature and function of dreaming. Evidence supports a role for sleep in the consolidation of an array of learning and memory tasks. In addition, new methodologies allow the experimental manipulation of dream content at sleep onset, permitting an objective and scientific study of this dream formation and a renewed search for the possible functions of dreaming and the biological processes subserving it. ~ R. Stickgold, J.A. Hobson, R. Fosse, M. Fosse1 (November 2001). "Sleep, Learning, and Dreams: Off-line Memory Reprocessing". Science. 294 (5544): 1052–1057. doi:10.1126/science.1063530. PMID 11691983.,
659:What's this?" Dan said, pointing to a funny squiggly formation.
Uh, an M," said Nellie. "Or if you look at it the other way, a W. Or sideways, kind of S-ish..."
Maybe it's palm trees," Dan said. "Like in the movie It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. You know? No? These guys need to find hidden money, and the only clue they have is it's under a big W? And no one sees what it means-but then, near the end of the movie, there's this grove of four palm trees rising up in the shape of... you-know-what! Classic!"
Amy, Alistair, Natalie, Ian and Nellie all looked at him blankly.
There is no W in the Korean language," Alistair replied. "Or palm trees in Korea. I might be maple trees..."
Mrrp," said Saladin, rubbing his face against Dan's knee.
I'll tell you the rest of the plot later," Dan whispered to the Mau. ~ Peter Lerangis,
660:Herpes simplex encephalitis used to be a prominent cause of such a disabling loss, but Alzheimer’s disease has now become the most frequent culprit. Specific cells within the hippocampal circuitry and its gateway, the entorhinal cortex, are compromised by Alzheimer’s disease. The gradual disruption no longer permits effective learning or recall of integrated events. The result is a progressive loss of spatial and temporal orientation. Unique people, events, and objects can no longer be recalled or recognized. No new ones can be learned. It is now clear that the hippocampus is an important site for neurogenesis, the process of generating new neurons that become incorporated in the local circuitry. New memory formation partly depends on neurogenesis. Interestingly, it is known that stress, which impairs memory, reduces neurogenesis. ~ Ant nio R Dam sio,
661:The Reticular Activating System The May 1957 issue of Scientific American magazine contains an article describing the discovery of the reticular formation at the base of the brain. The reticular formation is basically the gateway to your conscious awareness; it’s the switch that turns on your perception of ideas and data, the thing that keeps you asleep even when music’s playing but wakes you if a special little baby cries in another room. Your automatic creative mechanism is teleological. That is, it operates in terms of goals and end results. Once you give it a definite goal to achieve, you can depend upon its automatic guidance system to take you to that goal much better than “you” ever could by conscious thought. “You” supply the goal by thinking in terms of end results. Your automatic mechanism then supplies the means whereby. —Maxwell Maltz ~ David Allen,
662:Two general and basic principles are proposed for the formation of categories: The first has to do with the function of category systems and asserts that the task of category systems is to provide maximum information with the least cognitive effort [("cognitive economy")]; the second has to do with the structure of the information so provided and asserts that the perceived world comes as structured information rather than than arbitrary or unpredictable attributes [("perceived world structure")]. Thus maximum information with least cognitive effort is achieved if categories map the perceived world structure as closely as possible. This condition can be achieved either by the mapping of categories to given attribute structures or by the definition or redefinition of attributes to render a given set of categories appropriately structured.
   ~ Rosch, 1978, p. 28,
663:National Security demanded that this entire matter be kept quiet at all costs. No cost was spared in doing so. But there was one very large and busy fly in this ointment: The ETs were flying over the skies of America, sometimes in formation and before thousands of witnesses. How do you hide that? The answer is―the mind hides it. In an Orwellian twist, it was found from past psychological warfare efforts that if you told a lie often enough and the lie is repeated by “respected” authority figures, the public will believe it. One of the masters of psychological warfare during WWII was put in charge of this diversionary tactic in the late 1940s. General Walter Bedell Smith helped coordinate the psychological warfare components of this ET problem and launched the big lie: UFOs, even though thousands of people had reported seeing them, did not exist. ~ Steven M Greer,
664:Feminism is a tremendously underestimated force, viewed in the present context primarily as a woman's concern. The understanding has not yet percolated throughout society that the advancement of women is a program vitally connected to the survival of human beings as a species. The reason for this is simply that institutions take on the character of the atoms which compose them, and what we are most menaced by in the twentieth century are dehumanized institutions. If women played a major role in policy formation and execution on the part of these institutions, I think they would have a far more benign and ecologically sensitive kind of character. So I see feminism not as a kind of war between the sexes or any of these stereotypic images, but as actually a kind of effort to shift the ratios of our emphasis that is expressed through our institutions. ~ Terence McKenna,
665:I fear for the world the Internet is creating. Before the advent of the web, if you wanted to sustain a belief in far-fetched ideas, you had to go out into the desert, or live on a compound in the mountains, or move from one badly furnished room to another in a series of safe houses. Physical reality—the discomfort and difficulty of abandoning one’s normal life—put a natural break on the formation of cults, separatist colonies, underground groups, apocalyptic churches, and extreme political parties.

But now, without leaving home, from the comfort of your easy chair, you can divorce yourself from the consensus on what constitutes “truth.” Each person can live in a private thought bubble, reading only those websites that reinforce his or her desired beliefs, joining only those online groups that give sustenance when the believer’s courage flags. ~ Ellen Ullman,
666:Papen’s plan was not as stupid as it now looks. He had planned that soon after its formation, the new cabinet would place an enabling law (Ermächtigungsgesetz) before the Reichstag. This was a law which gave the government the power to initiate legislation for a certain period of time. With Hitler’s help, Papen believed there would be no problem raising the two-thirds majority needed to get the law through the Reichstag. The deadlock between cabinet and Reichstag could at last be broken. And since laws would be passed by a vote within the cabinet, the conservative majority provided a guarantee that the Nazis would be held in check by their conservative colleagues. Papen did not foresee the radicalization that followed the Reichstag fire and the role of the Nazi political machine in intimidating and marginalizing conservative, nationalist political leaders. ~ Anonymous,
667:Here is where Taylor locates the most significant shift in the post-’60s West: while ideals of tolerance have always been present in the modern social imaginary, in earlier forms (Locke, the early American republic, etc.) this value was contained and surrounded by other values that were a scaffolding of formation (e.g., the citizen ethic; p. 484). What erodes in the last half century is precisely these limits on individual fulfillment (p. 485). The Place of the Sacred in Our Secular Age What is the “imagined place of the sacred” in a society governed by expressivist individualism (p. 486)? Taylor has already hinted that such a society seems to forge its own “festive” rendition of the sacred — “moments of fusion in a common action/feeling, which both wrench us out of the everyday, and seem to put us in touch with something exceptional, beyond ourselves. ~ James K A Smith,
668:Understanding, discovery, invention… From the first awakening of its reflective consciousness, humanity has been possessed by the demon of discovery; but until a very recent epoch this profound need remained latent, diffused and unorganized in the human mass. In every past generation true seekers, those by vocation or profession, are to be found; but in the past they were no more than a handful of individuals, generally isolated, and of a type that was virtually abnormal—the “inquisitive.” Today, without our having noticed it, the situation is entirely changed. In fields embracing every aspect of physical matter, life, and thought, the research-workers are to be numbered in hundreds of thousands, and they no longer work in isolation but in teams endowed with penetrative powers that it seems nothing can withstand. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, The Formation of the Noösphere,
669:[French Revolution rejected] the sacred foundation both of history and of the state. History was no longer measured on the basis of an idea of God that had preceded it and given it shape. The state came to be understood in purely secular terms, based on rationalism and the will of citizens.
The secular state arose for the first time, abandoning and excluding any divine guarantee or legitimation of the political element as a mythological vision of the world and declaring that God is a private question that does not belong to the public sphere or to the democratic formation of the public will. Public life was now considered the realm of reason alone, which had no place for a seemingly unknowable God. From this perspective, religion and faith in God belonged to the realm of sentiment, not of reason. God and His will therefore ceased to be relevant to public life. ~ Benedict XVI,
670:In symbiosis, each system sacrifices part of its individual autonomy and gains in exchange the participation in a superordinate system and a new level of autonomy, with which the superordinate system establishes itself in the environment. Autopoiesis becomes modified in such a way that it plays now simultaneously at two semantic levels, the level of the individual subsystems and the level of the overall system. Thus, symbiosis leads to the formation of hierarchical organization in which, however, the lower levels partially maintain their autonomy. Societies and ecosystems are special forms of symbiotic systems. Just as the symbiosis of organelles secures the metabolism of the cell and the symbiosis of cells the metabolism of the organism, symbiotic systems of organisms secure the metabolism at the sociobiological or ecological level. ~ Erich Jantsch, The Self-Organizing Universe,
671:There are two different kinds of glee club in this world. The first sing barbershop favourites and Gershwin tunes, they swing gently, moving from side to side and sometimes clicking their fingers and winking. Howard could basically deal with that type. He had got through those occasions graced by glee clubs of that type. But these boys were not of that type. Swaying and clicking and winking were just how they got warmed up. Tonight this glee club had chosen as their opener ‘Pride (In the Name of Love)’ by U2, which they had taken the trouble to transform into a samba. They swayed, they clicked, they winked. They did coordinated spins. They switched places with each other. They moved forward, they moved back – always retaining their formation. They smiled the kind of smile you might employ when trying to convince a lunatic to quit holding a gun to your mother’s head. ~ Zadie Smith,
672:Let the theorists consider themselves. How are they capable of reasoning at all if not because within them their visceral system has been taught to function automatically, while around them society is so well organized that they have both the strength and the leisure to calculate and reflect? What is true for each individual man is precisely what is happening at this moment on the higher level of mankind. Like a heavenly body that heats as it contracts, such, and in a twofold respect, is the Noösphere: first in intensity, the degree in which its tension and psychic temperature are heightened by the coming together and mutual stimulation of thinking centers throughout its extent; and also quantitatively through the growing number of people able to use their brains because they are freed from the need to labor with their hands. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, The Formation of the Noösphere,
673:Our strength consists in our speed and in our brutality. Genghis Khan led millions of women and children to slaughter—with premeditation and a happy heart. History sees in him solely the founder of a state. It’s a matter of indifference to me what a weak western European civilization will say about me. I have issued the command—and I’ll have anybody who utters but one word of criticism executed by a firing squad—that our war aim does not consist in reaching certain lines, but in the physical destruction of the enemy. Accordingly, I have placed my death-head formation in readiness—for the present only in the East—with orders to them to send to death mercilessly and without compassion, men, women, and children of Polish derivation and language. Only thus shall we gain the living space (Lebensraum) which we need. Who, after all, speaks to-day of the annihilation of the Armenians? ~ Adolf Hitler,
674:Classically, cosmetics companies will take highly theoretical, textbookish information about the way that cells work—the components at a molecular level or the behavior of cells in a glass dish—and then pretend it’s the same as the ultimate issue of whether something makes you look nice. “This molecular component,” they say, with a flourish, “is crucial for collagen formation.” And that will be perfectly true (along with many other amino acids which are used by your body to assemble protein in joints, skin, and everywhere else), but there is no reason to believe that anyone is deficient in it or that smearing it on your face will make any difference to your appearance. In general, you don’t absorb things very well through your skin, because its purpose is to be relatively impermeable. When you sit in a bath of baked beans for charity, you do not get fat, nor do you start farting. ~ Ben Goldacre,
675:The morning, the surf, could not have been more perfect. A clean swell, three to five feet out of the southwest. Paper-thin walls with long workable faces turned toward the sun. While he surfed, a school of porpoise arrived to join him for a time in the waves, passing in a leisurely fashion, slapping at the water with their bodies, calling to one another with strange sounds. They passed so close he could have reached them in a single stroke. A group of pelicans cruised by in formation, their bodies within inches of the sea. They circled the point and passed him once more, this time just inside the lineup, actually skimming along the faces of the waves, the last bird just ahead of the falling crest so it was like they were surfing, at play on the empty point, and he joined them in the waves, letting jewel-strung faces slip beneath his board, carving lines out of crisp morning glass. He ~ Kem Nunn,
676:The church has lost its ability to lament!” This heartfelt cry came from a seminary student as she prayed with other graduate students, faculty and staff who gathered together to seek God for racial justice and reconciliation throughout our nation. As we cried and prayed together we realized that our theology and spiritual formation hadn’t given us sufficient permission, language or tools to adequately sit with the despair and sadness of recent racial injustices, senseless acts of gun violence and social unrest taking place in the world around us. We even saw this on social media where people also seemed paralyzed and helpless to know what to do and how to respond. Sincere, well-meaning Christian people asked, “What should we do?” while people who were fed up with the seeming indifference of those around them expressed their outrage through a hashtag that proclaimed “Silence is Violence! ~ Soong Chan Rah,
677:This topic brings me to that worst outcrop of the herd nature, the military system, which I abhor. That a man can take pleasure in marching in formation to the strains of a band is enough to make me despise him. He has only been given his big brain by mistake; a backbone was all he needed. This plague-spot of civilization ought to be abolished with all possible speed. Heroism by order, senseless violence, and all the pestilent nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism—how I hate them! War seems to me a mean, contemptible thing: I would rather be hacked in pieces than take part in such an abominable business. And yet so high, in spite of everything, is my opinion of the human race that I believe this bogey would have disappeared long ago, had the sound sense of the nations not been systematically corrupted by commercial and political interests acting through the schools and the Press. ~ Albert Einstein,
678:The ground in front of his camp was ideal for deploying the army for action. The low hill on which the camp stood was of just the right width, on the side facing the enemy, for the legions to occupy in battle formation; on each flank it descended steeply to the plain, while in front it formed a slight ridge and then sloped gently down. On either side of the hill Caesar had a trench dug, running for about six hundred and fifty yards at right angles to the line along which the troops would be drawn up, and placed redoubts and artillery at both ends of each trench, to prevent the enemy from using their numerical superiority to envelop his men from the flanks while they were fighting. He left the two newly enrolled legions in camp, to be used as reinforcements wherever they were needed, and drew up the other six in front in line of battle. The enemy also had marched out and deployed for action. ~ Gaius Julius Caesar,
679:A clearer picture of what is happening in the brain during non-REM sleep,14 during sleepwalking,15 and during confused arousals16 has been achieved through neuroimaging and EEG. It appears that the brain is half awake and half asleep: the cerebellum and brainstem are active, while the cerebrum and cerebral cortex have minimal activity. The pathways involved with control of complex motor behavior and emotion generation are buzzing, while those pathways projecting to the frontal lobe, involved in planning, attention, judgment, emotional face recognition, and emotional regulation are zoned out. Sleepwalkers don’t remember their escapades, nor can they be awakened by noise or shouts, because the parts of the cortex that contribute to sensory processing and the formation of new memories are snoozing, temporarily turned off, disconnected, and not contributing any input to the flow of consciousness. ~ Michael S Gazzaniga,
680:The individual who rebels against the arrangements of society is ostracized, branded, stoned. So be it. I am willing to take the risk; my principles are very pagan. I will live my own life as it pleases me. I am willing to do without your hypocritical respect; I prefer to be happy.
The inventors of the Christian marriage have done well, simultaneously to invent immortality. I, however, have no wish to live eternally. When with my last breath everything as far as Wanda von Dunajew is concerned comes to an end here below, what does it profit me whether my pure spirit joins the choirs of angels, or whether my dust goes into the formation of new beings?
Shall I belong to one man whom I don't love, merely because I have once loved him? No, I do not renounce; I love everyone who pleases me, and give happiness to everyone who loves me.
Is that ugly? No, it is more beautiful by far. ~ Leopold von Sacher Masoch,
681:...Communism, it's a reactive formation derived from capitalism. For this reason it's less flexible and has a lower survival potential. The days of laissez-faire capitalism are completely dead, and the assumptions of nineteenth-century Communism are equally dead, because they were based on laissez-faire capitalism. While there's hardly a trace of it left in capitalist countries, Communism is still reacting to something that's been dead for over a hundred years.
And present-day Communism clings to this outmoded concepts, refusing to acknowledge the contradictions and failures of the Marxist system. Communism doesn't have any capacity to change. Capitalism is flexible, and it's changing all the time, and it's changed immeasurably. Communism apparently are still asserting that they are not changing, they're following the same Marxist principles. We don't have any principles. It's an advantage. ~ William S Burroughs,
682:The first paradox of Illuminism, then, was that it was a network that craved an elaborate hierarchical structure, even as it inveighed against existing hierarchies. In his 1782 ‘Address to the newly promoted Illuminati dirigenti’, Weishaupt set out his worldview. In the state of nature, man had been free, equal and happy; division into classes, private property, personal ambition and state formation had come later, as the ‘great unholy mainsprings and causes of our misery’. Mankind had ceased to be ‘one great family, a single empire’ because of the ‘desire of men to differentiate themselves from one another’. But Enlightenment, spread by the activities of secret societies, could overcome this stratification of society. And then ‘princes and nations would disappear from the earth without any need for violence, the human race would become one family, and the world would become the habitation of rational beings ~ Niall Ferguson,
683:There’s a moment,” she said, “near the end of Ulysses when the character Molly Bloom appears to speak directly to the author. She says, ‘O Jamesy let me up out of this.’ You’re imprisoned within a self that doesn’t feel wholly yours, like Molly Bloom. But also, to you that self often feels deeply contaminated.” I nodded. “But you give your thoughts too much power, Aza. Thoughts are only thoughts. They are not you. You do belong to yourself, even when your thoughts don’t.” “But your thoughts are you. I think therefore I am, right?” “No, not really. A fuller formation of Descartes’s philosophy would be Dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum. ‘I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I am.’ Descartes wanted to know if you could really know that anything was real, but he believed his ability to doubt reality proved that, while it might not be real, he was. You are as real as anyone, and your doubts make you more real, not less. ~ John Green,
684:The most solid thing was the light. It smashed through the rows of windows in the south aisle, so that they exploded with colour, it slanted before him from right to left in an exact formation, to hit the bottom yard of the pillars on the north side of the nave. Everywhere, fine dust gave these rods and trunks of light the importance of a dimension. He blinked at them again, seeing, near at hand, how the individual grains of dust turned over each other, or bounced all together, like mayfly in a breath of wind. He saw how further away they drifted cloudily, coiled, or hung in a moment of pause, becoming, in the most distant rods and trunks, nothing but colour, honey-colour slashed across the body of the cathedral. Where the south transept lighted the crossways from a hundred and fifty foot of grisaille, the honey thickened in a pillar that lifted straight as Abel’s from the men working with crows at the pavement. ~ William Golding,
685:How does that happen? I’m suggesting that Christian education has, for too long, been concerned with information rather than formation; thus Christian colleges have thought it sufficient to provide a Christian perspective, an intellectual framework, because they see themselves as fostering individual “minds in the making.”[6] Hand in hand with that, such an approach reduces Christianity to a denuded intellectual framework that has diminished bite because such an intellectualized rendition of the faith doesn’t touch our core passions. This is because such intellectualization of Christianity allows it to be unhooked from the thick practices of the church. When the Christianity of “Christian education” is reduced to the intellectual elements of a Christian worldview or a Christian perspective, the result is that Christianity is turned “into a belief system available to the individual without mediation by the church.”[ ~ James K A Smith,
686:She was made after the time of ribs and mud. By papal decree there were to be no more people born of the ground or from the marrow of bones. All would be created from the propulsions and mounts performed underneath bedsheets- rare exception granted for immaculate conceptions. The mixing pits were sledged and the cutting tables, where ribs were extracted from pigs and goats, were sawed in half. Although the monks were devout and obedient to the thunder of Rome, the wool of their robes was soaked not only by the salt of sweat but also by that of tears. The monks rolled down their heavy sleeves, hid their slaughter knives in the burlap of their scrips, and wiped the hoes clean. They closed the factory down, chained the doors with Vatican-crested locks, and marched off in holy formation. Three lines, their faces staring down in humility, closing their eyes when walking over puddles, avoiding their unshaven reflections. ~ Salvador Plascencia,
687:It has to do with conquest, with oppression. If you’re robbing somebody, oppressing them, dictating their lives, it’s a very rare person who can say: Look, I’m a monster. I’m doing this for my own good. Even Himmler didn’t say that. A standard technique of belief formation goes along with oppression, whether it’s throwing them in gas chambers or charging them too much at a corner store, or anything in between. The standard reaction is to say: It’s their depravity. That’s why I’m doing it. Maybe I’m even doing them good. If it’s their depravity, there’s got to be something about them that makes them different from me. What’s different about them will be whatever you can find. And that’s the justification. Then it becomes racism. You can always find something—they have a different color hair or eyes, they’re too fat, or they’re gay. You find something that’s different enough. Of course you can lie about it, so it’s easier to find. ~ Noam Chomsky,
688:Society can and does execute its own mandates: and if it issues wrong mandates instead of right, or any mandates at all in things with which it ought not meddle, it practices a social tyranny more formidable than many kinds of political oppression, since, though not usually upheld by such extreme penalties, it leaves fewer means of escape, penetrating much more deeply into the details of life, and enslaving the soul itself. Protection, therefore, against the tyranny of the magistrate is not enough: there needs protection also against the tyranny of the prevailing opinion and feeling; against the tendency of society to impose, by other means than civil penalties, its own ideas and practices as rules of conduct on those who dissent from them; to fetter the development, and, if possible, prevent the formation of any individuality not in harmony with its ways, and compel all characters to fashion themselves upon the model of its own ~ John Stuart Mill,
689:At its most basic, the logic of 'meritocracy' is ironclad: putting the most qualified, best equipped people into the positions of greates responsibility and import...But my central contention is that our near-religious fidelity to the meritocratic model comes with huge costs. We overestimate the advantages of meritocracy and underappreciate its costs, because we don't think hard enough about the consequences of the inequality it produces. As Americans, we take it as a given that unequal levels of achievement are natural, even desirable. Sociologist Jermole Karabel, whose work looks at elite formation, once said he 'didnt think any advanced democracy is as obsessed with equality of opportunity or as relatively unconcerned with equality of condition' as the United States. This is our central problem. And my proposed solution for correcting the excesses of our extreme version of meritocracy is quite simple: make America more equal ~ Christopher L Hayes,
690:On Westminster Bridge, Arthur was struck by the brightness of the streetlamps running across like a formation of stars. They shone white against the black coats of the marching gentlefold and fuller than the moon against the fractal spires of Westminster. They were, Arthur quickly realized, the new electric lights, which the city government was installing, avenue by avenue, square by square, in place of the dirty gas lamps that had lit London's public spaces for a century. These new electric ones were brighter. They were cheaper. They required less maintenance. And they shone farther into the dime evening, exposing every crack in the pavement, every plump turtle sheel of stone underfoot. So long to the faint chiaroscuro of London, to the ladies and gentlemen in black-on-black relief. So long to the era of mist and carbonized Newcastle coal, to the stench of the Blackfriars foundry. Welcome to the cleasing glare of the twentieth century. ~ Graham Moore,
691:So we must not refer a history of sexuality to the agency of sex; but rather show how "sex" is historically subordinate to sexuality. We must not place sex on the side of reality, and sexuality on that of confused ideas and illusions; sexuality is a very real historical formation; it is what gave rise to the notion of sex, as a speculative element necessary to its operation. We must not think that by saying yes to sex, one says no to power; on the contrary, one tracks along the course laid out by the general deployment of sexuality. It is the agency of sex that we must break away from, if we aim – through a tactical reversal of the various mechanisms of sexuality – to counter the grips of power with the claims of bodies, pleasures, and knowledges, in their multiplicity and their possibility of resistance. The rallying point for the counterattack against the deployment of sexuality ought not to be sex-desire, but bodies and pleasures. ~ Michel Foucault,
692:At the present, a plausible nominee for the neural substrate of consciousness is one of the most important neurological discoveries of our time. T h is is that tangle of tiny internuncial neurons called the reticular formation, which has long lain hidden and unsuspected in the brainstem. It extends f rom the top of the spinal cord through the brainstem on up into the thalamus and hypothalamus, attracting collaterals from sensory and motor nerves, almost like a system of wire-tabs on the communication lines that pass near it. But this is not all. It also has direct lines of command to half a dozen major areas of the cortex and probably all the nuclei of the brainstem, as we ll as sending fibers down the spinal cord where it influences the peripheral sensory and motor systems. Its function is to sensitize or “awaken” selected nervous circuits and desensitize others, such that those who pioneered in this work christened it “ t he waking b r a i n ~ Anonymous,
693:Though birds use vocal warnings to exclude others from their territory, language for long served man as a unifying agent to keep his separate communal organizations within bounds. Linguistically, each group is surrounded by an invisible wall of silence, in the form of a different language group. The multiplicity of existing languages and dialects (some four thousand in all), despite the unifying processes of trade, transportation, and travel, suggests that the expressive and emotive functions of language remained as important in the formation of a culture as the function of communication: if nothing else, they prevented a flattening out of human potentiality through mechanization. Hence one of the first efforts of a political conqueror is to suppress the popular language of the conquered; and the most effective means of defence against such suppression, first suggested by Rousseau, is the revival of the national language and its literature. ~ Lewis Mumford,
694:Man can hardly be defined, after the fashion of Carlyle, as an animal who makes tools; ants and beavers and many other animals make tools, in the sense that they make an apparatus. Man can be defined as an animal that makes dogmas. As he piles doctrine on doctrine and conclusion on conclusion in the formation of some tremendous scheme of philosophy and religion, he is, in the only legitimate sense of which the expression is capable, becoming more and more human. When he drops one doctrine after another in a refined scepticism, when he declines to tie himself to a system, when he says that he has outgrown definitions, when he says that he disbelieves in finality, when, in his own imagination, he sits as God, holding no form of creed but contemplating all, then he is by that very process sinking slowly backwards into the vagueness of the vagrant animals and the unconsciousness of the grass. Trees have no dogmas. Turnips are singularly broad-minded. ~ G K Chesterton,
695:… not only the women of the Qurashi aristocracy were highly enough esteemed as a social group to come, like the men, to swear allegiance and to take part in the negotiations with the new military leader of the city, but also that they could express a boldly critical attitude toward Islam. They were not going to accept the new religion without knowing exactly how it would improve their situation. This critical spirit on the part of women toward the political leader remained alive and well during the first decades of Islam. It only disappeared with the onset of absolutism, with Mu'awiya and the turning of Islam into a dynastic system. This meant, on the one hand, the disappearance of the tribal aristocratic spirit with the formation of the Muslim state, and, on the other hand, the disappearance of Islam as the Prophet's experiment in living, in which equality, however merely potential it might be, opened the door to the dream of a practicing democracy. ~ Fatema Mernissi,
696:The most common definition [of the word information] is: "the action of informing; formation or molding of the mind or character, training, instruction, teaching; communication of instructive knowledge.

This definition remained fairly constant until the years immediately following World War II, when it came in vogue to use 'information' as a technological term to define anything that was sent over an electric or mechanical channel. 'Information' became part of the vocabulary of the science of messages. And, suddenly, the appellation could be applied to something that didn't necessarily have to inform. This definition was extrapolated to general usage as something told or communicated, whether or not it made sense to the receiver. Now, the freedom engendered by such an amorphous definition has, as you might expect, encouraged its liberal deployment. It has become the single most important word of our decade, the suspense of our lives and our work. ~ Richard Saul Wurman,
697:The most common definition of [the word information] is: "the action of informing; formation or molding of the mind or character, training, instruction, teaching; communication of instructive knowledge.

This definition remained fairly constant until the years immediately following World War II, when it came in vogue to use 'information' as a technological term to define anything that was sent over an electric or mechanical channel. 'Information' became part of the vocabulary of the science of messages. And, suddenly, the appellation could be applied to something that didn't necessarily have to inform. This definition was extrapolated to general usage as something told or communicated, whether or not it made sense to the receiver. Now, the freedom engendered by such an amorphous definition has, as you might expect, encouraged its liberal deployment. It has become the single most important word of our decade, the suspense of our lives and our work. ~ Richard Saul Wurman,
698:Inclusive economic and political institutions do not emerge by themselves. They are often the outcome of significant conflict between elites resisting economic growth and political change and those wishing to limit the economic and political power of existing elites. Inclusive institutions emerge during critical junctures, such as during the Glorious Revolution in England or the foundation of the Jamestown colony in North America, when a series of factors weaken the hold of the elites in power, make their opponents stronger, and create incentives for the formation of a pluralistic society. The outcome of political conflict is never certain, and even if in hindsight we see many historical events as inevitable, the path of history is contingent. Nevertheless, once in place, inclusive economic and political institutions tend to create a virtuous circle, a process of positive feedback, making it more likely that these institutions will persist and even expand. The ~ Daron Acemo lu,
699:When we live with another person, we should help each other transform the internal formations that we have produced in each other. By practicing understanding and loving speech, we can help each other a great deal. Happiness is no longer an individual matter. If the other person is not happy, we will not be happy either. Therefore, to transform the internal formations in the other is to bring about our own happiness as well. A person can create internal formations in her partner, and her partner can do so for her, and if they continue to create knots in each other, one day they’ll have no happiness left. A person needs to recognize quickly any newly formed knot inside herself. She should take the time to observe it and, with her partner’s help, transform the internal formation. She might say, “Darling, I have an internal formation. Can you please help me?” This is easy when the states of mind of both partners are still light and not loaded with many internal formations. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
700:It is now increasingly agreed that the Old Testament in its final form is a product of and response to the Babylonian Exile. This premise needs to be stated more precisely. The Torah (Pentateuch) was likely completed in response to the exile, and the subsequent formation of the prophetic corpus and the “writings” [poetic and wisdom texts] as bodies of religious literature (canon) is to be understood as a product of Second Temple Judaism [postexilic period]. This suggests that by their intention, these materials are . . . an intentional and coherent response to a particular circumstance of crisis. . . . Whatever older materials may have been utilized (and the use of old materials can hardly be doubted), the exilic and/ or postexilic location of the final form of the text suggests that the Old Testament materials, understood normatively, are to be taken [understood] precisely in an acute crisis of displacement, when old certitudes—sociopolitical as well as theological—had failed.[ ~ Peter Enns,
701:As he piled wood on the fire he discovered an appreciation of his own body which he had never felt before. He watched his moving muscles and was interested in the cunning mechanism of his fingers. By the light of the fire he crooked his fingers slowly and repeatedly now one at a time, now all together, spreading them wide or making quick gripping movements. He studied the nail-formation, and prodded the fingertips, now sharply, and again softly, gauging the while the nerve-sensations produced. It fascinated him, and he grew suddenly fond of this subtle flesh of his that worked so beautifully and smoothly and delicately. Then he would cast a glance of fear at the wolf-circle drawn expectantly about him, and like a blow the realization would strike him that this wonderful body of his, this living flesh, was no more than so much meat, a quest of ravenous animals, to be torn and slashed by their hungry fangs, to be sustenance to them as the moose and the rabbit had often been sustenance to him. ~ Jack London,
702:We blasted out of the crater and rocketed around the moon’s opposite side, and the fragile Earth became visible to us once again, hovering in the blackness ahead. Over the comm channel, I heard my father gasp at the sight—one he hadn’t seen with his own eyes in an entire lifetime. My lifetime. “There it is,” he said softly. “Home sweet home. Man, I really missed it.” I’d missed it, too, I realized. And I’d been gone less than a day. As our five ships moved into formation and turned homeward, toward Earth, I checked my scope and saw that the three unmanned Interceptors were heading in the opposite direction, out into space, toward whatever destination my father had programmed into them. I turned my gaze back to Earth and watched it begin to grow in size as we approached, until its blue curve completely filled the view outside of my spacecraft. My father sent a tactical map to the display screens inside our cockpits. “They’re dividing their forces in half again,” my father said over the comm. “See? ~ Ernest Cline,
703:Some consider... all wants of the body as shame, disgrace, and defect to which they are compelled to attend; this is chiefly the case with the sense of touch, which is a disgrace to us according to Aristotle, and which is the cause of our desire for eating, drinking, and sensuality. Intelligent persons must, as much as possible, reduce these wants, guard against them, abstain from speaking of them, discussing them, and attending to them in company of others. Man must have control over all these desires, reduce them as much as possible, and only retain of them as much as is indispensable. His aim must be the aim of man as man, viz., the formation of ideas, and nothing else. The best and sublimest among them is the idea which man forms of God, angels, and the rest of the creation according to his capacity. Such men are always with God, and of them it is said, "Ye are princes, and all of you are children of the Most High." (Ps. lxxxii. 6) This is man's task and purpose. ~ Maimonides, Guide for the Perplexed (c. 1190),
704:...I believe there is a legitimate aim of transcendence that is more modest and perhaps more realistic. We may not be able to rule out the skeptical possibility, and we may not be able to ground our normal capacity for understanding on something in which we can have even greater confidence; but it may still be possible to show how we can reasonably retain our natural confidence in the exercise of understanding, in spite of the apparent contingencies of our nature and formation. The hope is not to discover a foundation that makes our knowledge unassailably secure but to find a way of understanding ourselves that is not radically self-undermining, and that does not require us to deny the obvious. The aim would be to offer a plausible picture of how we fit into the world.

Even in this more modest enterprise both theism and naturalistic reductionism fall short. Theism does not offer a sufficiently substantial explanation of our capacities, and naturalism does not offer a sufficiently reassuring one. ~ Thomas Nagel,
705:Affect detection. First, a person must detect a change in the emotional disposition of someone else. In the behavioral sciences, “affect” means the external expression of an emotion or mood, generally associated with an idea or an action. Kids who are autistic usually don’t get to this step; as a result, they rarely behave with empathy. • Imaginative transposition. Once a person detects an emotional change, he transposes what he observes onto his own psychological interiors. He “tries on” the perceived feelings as if they were clothes, then observes how he would react given similar circumstances. For those of you in the theater, this is the heart of Stanislavski’s Method Acting. For those of you about to have children, you have just begun to learn how to have a fair fight with them, not to mention your spouse. • Boundary formation. The person who is empathizing realizes at all times that the emotion is happening to the other person, never to the observer. Empathy is powerful, but it is also has boundaries. ~ John Medina,
706:As a result of extensive work with this technique a kind of secondary memory will arise, an alter ego with who we can constantly communicate. It proves to be similar to our own memory in that it does not have a thoroughly constructed order of its entirety, not hierarchy, and most certainly no linear structure like a book. Just because of this, it gets its own life, independent of its author. The entirety of these notes can only be described as a disorder, but at the very least it is a disorder with non-arbitrary internal structure. Some things will get lost (versickern), some notes we will never see again. On the other hand, there will be preferred centers, formation of lumps and regions with which we will work more often than with others. There will be complexes of ideas that are conceived at large, but which will never be completed; there will be incidental ideas which started as links from secondary passages and which are continuously enriched and expand so that they will tend increasingly to dominate system. ~ Anonymous,
707:When the Earth was only about a third of its eventual size, it was probably already beginning to form an atmosphere, mostly of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, methane and sulphur. Hardly the sort of stuff that we would associate with life, and yet from this noxious stew life formed. Carbon dioxide is a powerful greenhouse gas. This was a good thing, because the Sun was significantly dimmer back then. Had we not had the benefit of a greenhouse effect, the Earth might well have frozen over permanently25, and life might never have got a toehold. But somehow life did. For the next 500 million years the young Earth continued to be pelted relentlessly by comets, meteorites and other galactic debris, which brought water to fill the oceans and the components necessary for the successful formation of life. It was a singularly hostile environment, and yet somehow life got going. Some tiny bag of chemicals twitched and became animate. We were on our way. Four billion years later, people began to wonder how it had all happened. ~ Bill Bryson,
708:The first fact of the world is that it repeats itself. I had been taught to believe that the freshness of children lay in their capacity for wonder at the vividness and strangeness of the particular, but what is fresh in them is that they still experience the power of repetition, from which our first sense of the power of mastery comes. Though predictable is an ugly little world in daily life, in our first experience of it we are clued to the hope of a shapeliness in things. To see that power working on adults, you have to catch them out: the look of foolish happiness on the faces of people who have just sat down to dinner is their knowledge that dinner will be served. Probably, that is the psychological basis for the power and the necessity of artistic form...Maybe our first experience of form is the experience of our own formation...And I am not thinking mainly of poems about form; I’m thinking of the form of a poem, the shape of its understanding. The presence of that shaping constitutes the presence of poetry. ~ Robert Hass,
709:A writer, who calls himself Aristeas, says that when Ptolemy Philadelphus was engaged in the formation of the Alexandrian Library, he was advised by Demetrius Phalereus to procure a translation of the sacred books of the Jews. The king accordingly, as a preliminary, purchased the freedom of more than one hundred thousand Jewish captives, and he then sent a deputation, of which Aristeas himself was one, to Eleazar the high-priest to request a copy of the Jewish Law and seventy-two interpreters, six out of each tribe. To this the priest is represented to have agreed; and after the arrival of the translators and their magnificent reception by the king, they are said to have been conducted to an island by Demetrius, who wrote down the renderings on ivhich they agreed by mutual conference; and thus the work is stated to have been completed in seventy-two days. The translators are then said to ha\"e received from the king most abundant rewards; and the Jews are stated to have asked permission to take copies of the version. Other ~ Anonymous,
710:(...) aucun des grands périodiques consacrés aux études arabes n'est publié actuellement dans le monde arabe, aucune des institutions d'enseignement arabe n'est capable de rivaliser avec des centres comme Oxford, Harvard, UCLA dans l'étude du monde arabe, moins encore dans n'importe quel domaine non oriental. Résultat à prévoir : les étudiants orientaux (et les professeurs orientaux) souhaitent toujours venir s'asseoir aux pieds des orientalistes américains, avant de répéter devant le public local les clichés que j'ai décrits comme des dogmes de l'orientalisme. Avec un système de reproduction comme celui-ci, il est inévitable que le savant oriental se serve de sa formation américaine pour se sentir supérieur à ses compatriotes, du fait qu'il est capable de maîtriser le système orientaliste ; dans ses relations avec ses supérieurs, les orientalistes européens ou américains, il ne sera qu' "informateur indigène". Et c'est bien en cela que consiste son rôle en Occident, s'il a la chance d'y rester une fois ses études supérieurs terminés. ~ Edward W Said,
711:His hand reached out and really touched the sky, The blue dome wasn't sky at all- it was ceiling. The realization struck him like a thunderbolt. He was in a giant room. What he had thought were tree trunks were the legs of chairs. The horizon was a wall. That strange formation to the south was actually a bed. There was a dressing table, a cupboard, a wardrobe. The 'hill' he'd used as a launch pad was a crumpled garment somebody had left lying on the floor. Not a giant room. Not a giant room at all! Henry had shrunk. It all came together now. The strange perspectives. The missing biofilter on the portal control. He had reached the palace all right- he was in somebody's bedroom- but he had undergone a transformation in the process. He fluttered down to the dressing table and examined himself in the towering mirror. He was a fairy creature. Except for the patterns on his wings, he looked like Pyrgus had looked like the first time they met. He was a fairy creature who could fly! He felt like dancing with delight.
Then he saw the spider. ~ Herbie Brennan,
712:A Plan for the Improvement of English Spelling

For example, in Year 1 that useless letter "c" would be dropped to be replased either by "k" or "s", and likewise "x" would no longer be part of the alphabet. The only kase in which "c" would be retained would be the "ch" formation, which will be dealt with later.
Year 2 might reform "w" spelling, so that "which" and "one" would take the same konsonant, wile Year 3 might well abolish "y" replasing it with "i" and Iear 4 might fiks the "g/j" anomali wonse and for all. Jenerally, then, the improvement would kontinue iear bai iear with Iear 5 doing awai with useless double konsonants, and Iears 6-12 or so modifaiing vowlz and the rimeining voist and unvoist konsonants.
Bai Iear 15 or sou, it wud fainali bi posibl tu meik ius ov thi ridandant letez "c", "y" and "x" -- bai now jast a memori in the maindz ov ould doderez -- tu riplais "ch", "sh", and "th" rispektivli. Fainali, xen, aafte sam 20 iers ov orxogrefkl riform, wi wud hev a lojikl, kohirnt speling in ius xrewawt xe Ingliy-spiking werld. ~ Mark Twain,
713:Barack Obama seemed to suggest he was on the side of those who favored radical overhaul, but he has governed as a man who believes in reform at the margins. This is the heart of why his presidency has been so frustrating for so many: He campaigned as an insurrectionist and has governed as an institutionalist. And how could he do anything but? He is, after all, a product of the very institutions that are now in such manifest crisis. The central tragic irony of the presidency of Barack Obama is that his election marked the crowning achievement of the post-1960s meritocracy, just at the moment that the system was imploding on itself. Like all ruling orders, the meritocracy tends to cultivate within its most privileged members an abiding devotion. Many of the figures who feature most prominently in this era’s chronicle of woe, are, like Obama himself, products of the process of elite formation we call the meritocracy, the interlocking institutions that purport to select the brightest, most industrious, and most ambitious members of the society and cultivate them into leaders: ~ Christopher L Hayes,
714:Mais la chair et le sang qui est en elle sont arrosés de lait, en retour de ce qu'ils le produisent, et lui doivent une nouvelle reproduction. Car la formation de l'enfant, dans le sein de sa mère, a lieu par suite du mélange de la semence de l'homme avec le sang de la femme, après la purification mensuelle. Cette semence a la faculté de réunir le sang en globules autour d'elle, comme la presure fait coaguler le lait, et forme enfin une substance, qui devient le corps de l'enfant, ni trop froide, ni trop ardente ; une nature bien tempérée est généralement productive ; les tempéraments dont les qualités sont extrêmes, sont une cause de stérilité. C'est ainsi que le grain pourrit dans une terre trop délayée par les eaux, et qu'il se flétrit dans une terre excessivement sèche. Au contraire, une terre où les sucs abondent, ni trop humide, ni trop ferme, conserve le grain et le fait pousser. Quelques naturalistes établissent que la semence des animaux est l'écume de leur sang. Aussi Diogène Apolloniate a appelé ces opérations aphrodisia, mot qui veut dire provenant de l'écume. ~ Clement of Alexandria,
715:The contrast to his life of subjection at Donnaz; the precocious initiation into motives that tainted the very fount of filial piety; the taste of this mingled draught of adulation and disillusionment, might have perverted a nature more self-centred than his. From this perversion, and from many subsequent perils he was saved by a kind of imaginative sympathy, a wondering joy in the mere spectacle of life, that tinged his most personal impressions with a streak of the philosophic temper. If this trait did not save him from sorrow, it at least lifted him above pettiness; if it could not solve the difficulties of life it could arm him to endure them. It was the best gift of the past from which he sprang; but it was blent with another quality, a deep moral curiosity that ennobled his sensuous enjoyment of the outward show of life; and these elements were already tending in him, as in countless youths of his generation, to the formation of a new spirit, the spirit that was to destroy one world without surviving to create another. Of all this none could have been less conscious than the lad ~ Edith Wharton,
716:Dragons that, like butterflies, have two stages to their lives. They hatch from eggs into sea serpents. They roam the seas, growing to a vast size. And when the time is right, when enough years have passed that they have attained dragon size, they migrate back to the home of their ancestors. The adult dragons would welcome them and escort them up the rivers. There, they spin their cocoons of sand – sand that is ground memory-stone – and their own saliva. In times past, adult dragons helped them spin those cases. And with the saliva of the adult dragons went their memories, to aid in the formation of the young dragons. For a full winter, they slumbered and changed, as the grown dragons watched over them to protect them from predators. In the hot sunlight of summer, they hatched, absorbing much of their cocoon casing as they did so. Absorbing, too, the memories stored in it. Young dragons emerged, full-formed and strong, ready to fend for themselves, to eat and hunt and fight for mates. And eventually to lay eggs on a distant island. The island of the Others. Eggs that would hatch into serpents. ~ Robin Hobb,
717:Although the strategy of gaining happiness by working to get whatever it is we find ourselves wanting is obvious and has been used by most people throughout recorded history and across cultures, it has an important defect, as thoughtful people throughout recorded history and across cultures have realized: For each desire we fulfill in accordance with this strategy, a new desire will pop into our head to take its place. This means that no matter how hard we work to satisfy our desires, we will be no closer to satisfaction than if we had fulfilled none of them. We will, in other words, remain dissatisfied. A much better, albeit less obvious way to gain satisfaction is not by working to satisfy our desires but by working to master them. In particular, we need to take steps to slow down the desire-formation process within us. Rather than working to fulfill whatever desires we find in our head, we need to work at preventing certain desires from forming and eliminating many of the desires that have formed. And rather than wanting new things, we need to work at wanting the things we already have. This ~ William B Irvine,
718:the difference between hard transparent diamond and soft black graphite is not to do with their atoms: in both cases, they are made of exactly the same pure element, carbon. It is by changing how they are arranged, by altering them from a cubic structure into layers of hexagonal sheets, that the radical differences in their material properties are brought about. These structures are not arbitrary—you cannot create any structure—but are governed by the rules of quantum mechanics, which treat atoms not as singular particles but as an expression of many waves of probability. (This is why it makes sense to refer to the atoms themselves as structures, as well as their formation when they bond with one another.) Some of these quantum structures create electrons that can move, and this results in a material that can conduct electricity. Graphite has such a structure, and so conducts electricity. Exactly the same atoms in a diamond but in a different structure do not allow the electrons to move so easily within the crystal, and so diamonds do not conduct electricity. It is also why they are transparent. This ~ Mark Miodownik,
719:The resulting financial overhead consists of claims on the economy’s actual means of production. Yet most people think of these bonds, bank loans and stocks and creditor claims as wealth, not its antithesis on the debit side of the balance sheet. This inside-out doublethink is a precondition for the bubble economy to be applauded by the mass media, keeping its corrosive momentum expanding. From the corporate sphere and real estate to personal budgets, the distinguishing feature over the past half-century has been the rise in debt/equity and debt/income ratios. Just as debt leveraging has hiked corporate break-even costs of doing business, so the cost of living has been increased as homes and office buildings have been bid up on mortgage credit. “Creating wealth” in a debt-financed way makes economies high-cost, exacerbated by the tax shift onto labor and consumers instead of capital gains and “free lunch” rent. These financial and fiscal policies have enabled financial managers to siphon off the industrial profits that were expected to fund capital formation to increase productivity and living standards. The ~ Michael Hudson,
720:Someone described a writer's world as tormented, and I had to laugh.  A tormented writer?  I personally wouldn't have put those two words together.  
Emotions have the power to torment a soul, yes, I agree to that.  But writers, through the formation of our characters, delve so often into the depths of a vast range of emotions that we earn the advantage.  For we've examined every little thrumming, fracture, spark, pang, and darkening of the heart to a point that we understand and appreciate the necessity and strength of emotions as well as the cause and effects manipulating them.  
We understand.  
We can imagine.  
We sympathize.  
Our knowledge is power over the torment of emotional ignorance.  
I would suggest that those truly tormented are the readers of our works because those poor souls shall never know with such clarity and sentiment all the tiny little details that make our characters breath, move, and live before our very eyes.  
Perhaps, if torment does lurk among writers, it comes simply through knowing more about an imagined friend than can ever be adequately expressed in words. ~ Richelle E Goodrich,
721:When scientists underestimate complexity, they fall prey to the perils of unintended consequences. The parables of such scientific overreach are well-known: foreign animals, introduced to control pests, become pests in their own right; the raising of smokestacks, meant to alleviate urban pollution, releases particulate effluents higher in the air and exacerbates pollution; stimulating blood formation, meant to prevent heart attacks, thickens the blood and results in an increased risk of blood clots to the heart. But when nonscientists overestimate complexity—“No one can possibly crack this code”—they fall into the trap of unanticipated consequences. In the early 1950s, a common trope among some biologists was that the genetic code would be so context dependent—so utterly determined by a particular cell in a particular organism and so horribly convoluted—that deciphering it would prove impossible. The truth turned out to be quite the opposite: just one molecule carries the code, and just one code pervades the biological world. If we know the code, we can intentionally alter it in organisms, and ultimately in humans. ~ Siddhartha Mukherjee,
722:We have established on thermodynamic grounds that to make a cell from scratch requires a continuous flow of reactive carbon and chemical energy across rudimentary catalysts in a constrained through-flow system. Only hydrothermal vents provide the requisite conditions, and only a subset of vents – alkaline hydrothermal vents – match all the conditions needed. But alkaline vents come with both a serious problem and a beautiful answer to the problem. The serious problem is that these vents are rich in hydrogen gas, but hydrogen will not react with CO2 to form organics. The beautiful answer is that the physical structure of alkaline vents – natural proton gradients across thin semiconducting walls – will (theoretically) drive the formation of organics. And then concentrate them. To my mind, at least, all this makes a great deal of sense. Add to this the fact that all life on earth uses (still uses!) proton gradients across membranes to drive both carbon and energy metabolism, and I’m tempted to cry, with the physicist John Archibald Wheeler, ‘Oh, how could it have been otherwise! How could we all have been so blind for so long!’ Let ~ Nick Lane,
723:Having fallen prey to the intellectualism of modernity, both Christian worship and Christian pedagogy have underestimated the importance of this body/story nexus—this inextricable link between imagination, narrative, and embodiment—thereby forgetting the ancient Christian sacramental wisdom carried in the historic practices of Christian worship and the embodied legacies of spiritual and monastic disciplines. Failing to appreciate this, we have neglected formational resources that are indigenous to the Christian tradition, as it were; as a result, we have too often pursued flawed models of discipleship and Christian formation that have focused on convincing the intellect rather than recruiting the imagination. Moreover, because of this neglect and our stunted anthropology, we have failed to recognize the degree and extent to which secular liturgies do implicitly capitalize on our embodied penchant for storied formation. This becomes a way to account for Christian assimilation to consumerism, nationalism, and various stripes of egoisms. These isms have had all the best embodied stories. The devil has had all the best liturgies. ~ James K A Smith,
724:Henceforth let no man of us lie, for we have seen that openness wins the inner and outer world and that there is no single exception, and that never since our earth gathered itself in a mass have deceit or subterfuge or prevarication attracted its smallest particle or the faintest tinge of a shade—and that through the enveloping wealth and rank of a state or the whole republic of states a sneak or sly person shall be discovered and despised. . . . and that the soul has never been once fooled and never can be fooled. . . . and thrift without the loving nod of the soul is only a foetid puff. . . . and there never grew up in any of the continents of the globe nor upon any planet or satellite or star, nor upon the asteroids, nor in any part of ethereal space, nor in the midst of density, nor under the fluid wet of the sea, nor in that condition which precedes the birth of babes, nor at any time during the changes of life, nor in that condition that follows what we term death, nor in any stretch of abeyance or action afterward of vitality, nor in any process of formation or reformation anywhere, a being whose instinct hated the truth. ~ Walt Whitman,
725:mental activity such as directing attention, actually shape the structure of the brain?” As we’ve seen, experience means neural firing. When neurons fire together, the genes in their nuclei—their master control centers—become activated and “express” themselves. Gene expression means that certain proteins are produced. These proteins then enable the synaptic linkages to be constructed anew or to be strengthened. Experience also stimulates the production of myelin, the fatty sheath around axons, resulting in as much as a hundredfold increase in the speed of conduction down the neuron’s length. And as we now know, experience can also stimulate neural stem cells to differentiate into wholly new neurons in the brain. This neurogenesis, along with synapse formation and myelin growth, can take place in response to experience throughout our lives. As discussed before, the capacity of the brain to change is called neuroplasticity We are now discovering how the careful focus of attention amplifies neuroplasticity by stimulating the release of neurochemicals that enhance the structural growth of synaptic linkages among the activated neurons. ~ Daniel J Siegel,
726:Formation may be the best name for what happens in a circle of trust, because the word refers, historically, to soul work done in community. But a quick disclaimer is in order, since formation sometimes means a process quite contrary to the one described in this book----a process in which the pressure of orthodox doctrine, sacred text, and institutional authority is applied to the misshapen soul in order to conform it to the shape dictated by some theology. This approach is rooted in the idea that we are born with souls deformed by sin, and our situation is hopeless until the authorities "form" us properly. But all of that is turned upside down by the principles of a circle of trust: I applaud the theologian who said that "the idea of humans being born alienated from the Creator would seem an abominable concept." Here formation flows from the belief that we are born with souls in perfect form. As time goes on, we subject to powers of deformation, from within as well as without, that twist us into shapes alien to the shape of the soul. But the soul never loses its original form and never stops calling us back to our birhtright integrity. ~ Parker J Palmer,
727:Roles appear as soon as a common stock of knowledge containing reciprocal typifications of conduct is in process of formation, a process that, as we have seen, is endemic to social interaction and prior to institutionalization proper. The question as to which roles become institutionalized is identical with the question as to which areas of conduct are affected by institutionalization, and may be answered the same way. All institutionalized conduct involves roles. Thus roles share in the controlling character of institutionalization. As soon as actors are typified as role performers, their conduct is ipso facto susceptible to enforcement. Compliance and non-compliance with socially defined role standards ceases to be optional, though, of course, the severity of sanctions may vary from case to case. The roles represent the institutional order.38 This representation takes place on two levels. First, performance of the role represents itself. For instance, to engage in judging is to represent the role of judge. The judging individual is not acting “on his own,” but qua judge. Second, the role represents an entire institutional nexus of conduct. ~ Peter L Berger,
728:The Umayyad period (661-750) produced a frankly profane and worldly art, the like of which was never to be seen again on Islamic soil where there is normally no distinction between the sacred and the secular except in the use to which works of are put, and not in their forms; a house is built in a style in no way differing from a mosque. This worldly art of the Umayyads can be explained by the fact that Islamic art at this period was still in the process of formation, and by the sovereigns' need to surround themselves with a certain ostentatious display that would not fall behind that of their predecessors. But the works of art that adorn the hunting pavilions or the winter residences of the Umayyad princes are not only eclectic--paintings in the Hellenistic mode, Sasanid or Coptic sculpture and Roman mosaics--but are examples of actual paganism, even without judging them according to the standards and example of the Prophet's Companions. The sight of these scenes of hunting and bathing, those naively opulent statues of dancing-girls and acrobats and effigies of triumphant sultans, would have filled someone like the Caliph 'Umar with holy anger ~ Titus Burckhardt,
729:Worse, the long, sleepless night in a room stored with mementoes of Alton's life confronted Rusty with the tracks of a ghost. Like a mattress sagging under the weight of an unseen body and a fluffed pillow impressed with the indentation of its head, the room seemed to mold itself around Alton's absence. The shirts that hung over creased pants in the small armoire remembered the boy's shoulders. Toy soldiers, headless and one-legged after a childhood of tabletop battles, did not desert the formation Alton had last ordered. A half-finished model airplane on his desk did not complete itself. As Rusty pitched from side to side in the narrow bed, his eyes fell upon object after object, which each in its own voice seemed to utter Alton's name as a kind of question--a question, he well knew, that would never be answered.
THe chorus of Alton's things, silently protesting their perplexed abandonment, disturbed Rusty's sleep like crickets chirping in the dark. It felt to him as if everything is the room was hardening around Alton's absence And what was a ghost, anyway, he began to understand while lying in a dead man's bed, but a felt absence, a keen unpresence? ~ John Biguenet,
730:But should we accept this negative view of power? Is power all bad? Specifically, can Christians share in this devaluation of power and discipline as inherently evil? Can we who claim to be disciples - who are called and predestined to be conformed to the likeness of the Son (Rom. 8:29) - be opposed to discipline and formation as such? Can we who are called to be subject to the Lord of life really agree with the liberal Enlightenment notion of the autonomous self? Are we not above all called to subject ourselves to our Domine and conform to his image? Of course, we are called not to conform to the patterns of 'this world' (Rom. 12:2) or to our previous evil desires (1 Peter 1:14), but that is a call not to nonconformity as such but rather to an alternative conformity through a counterformation in Christ, a transformation and renewal directed toward conformity to his image. By appropriating the liberal Enlightenment notion of negative freedom and participating in its nonconformist resistance to discipline (and hence a resistance to the classical spiritual disciplines), Christians are in fact being conformed to the patterns of this world (contra Rom. 12:2). ~ James K A Smith,
731:while we observe how God has destined all things for our good and salvation, we at the same time feel his power and grace, both in ourselves and in the great blessings which he has bestowed upon us; thence stirring up ourselves to confidence in him, to invocation, praise, and love. Moreover, as I lately observed, the Lord himself, by the very order of creation, has demonstrated that he created all things for the sake of man. Nor is it unimportant to observe, that he divided the formation of the world into six days, though it had been in no respect more difficult to complete the whole work, in all its parts, in one moment than by a gradual progression. But he was pleased to display his providence and paternal care towards us in this, that before he formed man, he provided whatever he foresaw would be useful and salutary to him. How ungrateful, then, were it to doubt whether we are cared for by this most excellent Parent, who we see cared for us even before we were born! How impious were it to tremble in distrust, lest we should one day be abandoned in our necessity by that kindness which, antecedent to our existence, displayed itself in a complete supply of all good things! ~ John Calvin,
732:Private capital tends to become concentrated in few hands, partly because of competition among the capitalists, and partly because technological development and the increasing division of labor encourage the formation of larger units of production at the expense of smaller ones. The result of these developments is an oligarchy of private capital the enormous power of which cannot be effectively checked even by a democratically organized political society. This is true since the members of legislative bodies are selected by political parties, largely financed or otherwise influenced by private capitalists who, for all practical purposes, separate the electorate from the legislature. The consequence is that the representatives of the people do not in fact sufficiently protect the interests of the underprivileged sections of the population. Moreover, under existing conditions, private capitalists inevitably control, directly or indirectly, the main sources of information (press, radio, education). It is thus extremely difficult, and indeed in most cases quite impossible, for the individual citizen to come to objective conclusions and to make intelligent use of his political rights. ~ Albert Einstein,
733:Society can and does execute its own mandates: and if it issues wrong mandates instead of right, or any mandates at all in things with which it ought not to meddle, it practises a social tyranny more formidable than many kinds of political oppression, since, though not usually upheld by such extreme penalties, it leaves fewer means of escape, penetrating much more deeply into the details of life, and enslaving the soul itself. Protection, therefore, against the tyranny of the magistrate is not enough: there needs protection also against the tyranny of the prevailing opinion and feeling; against the tendency of society to impose, by other means than civil penalties, its own ideas and practices as rules of conduct on those who dissent from them; to fetter the development, and, if possible, prevent the formation, of any individuality not in harmony with its ways, and compel all characters to fashion themselves upon the model of its own. There is a limit to the legitimate interference of collective opinion with individual independence: and to find that limit, and maintain it against encroachment, is as indispensable to a good condition of human affairs, as protection against political despotism. ~ Anonymous,
734:Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent, [...] came to teach [the ancient inhabitants of Mexico] the benefits of settled agriculture and the skills necessary to build temples. Although this deity is frequently depicted as a serpent, he is more often shown in human form--the serpent being his symbol and his alter ego--and is usually described as "a tall bearded white man" ... "a mysterious person ... a white man with a strong formation of body, broad forehead, large eyes and a flowing beard." Indeed, [...] the attributes and life history of Quetzalcoatl are so human that it is not improbable that he may have been an actual historical character ... the memory of whose benefactions lingered after his death, and whose personality was eventually deified. The same could very well be said of Oannes--and just like Oannes at the head of the Apkallu (likewise depicted as prominently bearded) it seems that Quetzalcoatl traveled with his own brotherhood of sages and magicians. We learn that they arrived in Mexico "from across the sea in a boat that moved by itself without paddles," and that Quetzalcoatl was regarded as having been "the founder of cities, the framer of laws and the teacher of the calendar. ~ Graham Hancock,
735:Not one but many Djunas descended the staircase of the barge, one layer formed by the parents, the childhood, another molded by her profession and her friends, still another born of history geology, climate, race, economics, and all the backgrounds and backdrops, the sky and nature of the earth, the pure sources of birth, the influence of a tree, a word dropped carelessly, an image seen, and all the corrupted sources: books, art, dogmas, tainted friendships, and all the places where a human being is wounded...
People add up their physical mishaps, the stubbed toes, the cut finger, the burn scar, the fever, the cancer, the microbe, the infection, the wounds and broken bones. They never add up the accumulated bruises and scars of the inner lining, forming a complete universe of reactions, a reflected world through which no event could take place without being subjected to a personal private interpretation, through this kaleidoscope of memory, through the peculiar formation of the psyche's sensitive photographic plates, to this assemblage of emotional chemicals through which every word, every event, every experience is filtered, digested, deformed, before it is projected again upon people and relationships. ~ Ana s Nin,
736:In the early years of contemporary feminist movement, solidarity between women was often equated with the formation of "safe" spaces where groups of presumably like-minded women could come together, sharing ideas and experiences without fear of silencing or rigorous challenges. Groups sometimes disintegrated when the speaking of diverse opinion lead to contestation, confrontation, and out-and-out conflict. It was common for individual dissenting voices to be silenced by the collective demand for harmony. Those voices were at times punished by exclusion and ostracization. Before it became politically acceptable to discuss issues of race and racism within feminist circles, I was one of those "undesirable" voices. Always a devout advocate of feminist politics, I was, and am, also constantly interrogating and, if need be, harsh in my critique. I learned powerful lessons from hanging in there, continuing to engage in feminist movement even when that involvement was not welcomed. Significantly, I learned that any progressive political movement grows and matures only to the degree that it passionately welcomes and encourages, in theory and in practice, diversity of opinion, new ideas, critical exchange, and dissent. ~ bell hooks,
737:Tell me," replied Faria, "what has hindered you from knocking down your father with a piece of wood torn from your bedstead, dressing yourself in his clothes, and endeavoring to escape?"
"Simply the fact that the idea never occurred to me," answered Dantes.
"Because," said the old man, "the natural repugnance to the commission of such a crime prevented you from thinking of it; and so it ever is because in simple and allowable things our natural instincts keep us from deviating from the strict line of duty. The tiger, whose nature teaches him to delight in shedding blood, needs but the sense of smell to show him when his prey is within his reach, and by following this instinct he is enabled to measure the leap necessary to permit him to spring on his victim; but man, on the contrary, loathes the idea of blood - it is not alone that the laws of social life inspire him with a shrinking dread of taking life; his natural construction and physiological formation" - Dantes was confused and silent at this explanation of the thoughts which had unconsciously been working in his mind, or rather soul; for there are two distinct sorts of ideas, those that proceed from the head and those that emanate from the heart. ~ Alexandre Dumas,
738:Every individual is multicultural; cultures are not monolithic islands but criss-crossed alluvial plains. Individual identity stems from the encounter of multiple collective identities within one and the same person; each of our various affiliations contributes to the formation of the unique creature that we are. Human beings are not all similar, or entirely different; they are all plural within themselves, and share their constitutive traits with very varied groups, combining them in an individual way. The cohabitation of different types of belonging within each one of us does not in general cause any problems- and this ought , in turn, to arouse admiration: like a juggler, we keep all the balls of our identity in the air at once, with the greatest ease!
Individual identity results from the interweaving of several collective identities; it is not alone in this respect. What is the origin of the culture of a human group? The reply- paradoxically- is that it comes from previous cultures. A new culture arises from the encounter between several smaller cultures, or from the decomposition of a bigger culture, or from interaction with neighboring culture. There is never a human life prior to the advent of culture. ~ Tzvetan Todorov,
739:In truth, the crossing from nature to culture and vice versa has always stood wide open. It leads across an easily accessible bridge: the practising life. People have committed themselves to its construction since they came into existence - or rather, people only came into existence by applying themselves to the building of said bridge. The human being is the pontifical creature that, from its earliest evolutionary stages, has created tradition-compatible connections between the bridgeheads in the bodily realm and those in cultural programes. From the start, nature and culture are linked by a broad middle ground of embodied practices - containing languages, rituals and technical skills, in so far as these factors constitute the universal forms of automatized artificialities. This intermediate zone forms a morphologically rich, variable and stable region that can, for the time being, be referred to sufficiently clearly with such conventional categories as education, etiquette, custom, habit formation, training and exercise - without needing to wait for the purveyors of the 'human sciences', who, with all their bluster about culture, create the confusion for whose resolution they subsequently offer their services. ~ Peter Sloterdijk,
740:Converging lines of evidence indicate that stress either before or after learning influences memory. Surprisingly little is known about how memory is affected when people learn while they are stressed. Here, we examined the impact of learning under stress in 48 healthy young men and women. Participants were exposed to stress (socially evaluated cold pressor test) or a control condition while they learned emotional words and neutral words that were either conceptually associated with or unrelated to the stressor. Memory was assessed in free recall and recognition tests 24h after learning. Learning under stress reduced both free recall and recognition performance, irrespective of the emotionality and the stress context relatedness of the words. While the effect of stress was comparable in men and women, women outperformed men in the free recall test. These findings show a memory impairing effect of learning under stress in humans and challenge some assumptions of current theories about the impact of stress around the time of learning on memory formation. ~ Schwabe, L.; Wolf, O.T. (2010). "Learning under stress impairs memory formation". Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 93 (2): 183–188. doi:10.1016/j.nlm.2009.09.009. PMID 19796703.,
741:And here it becomes evident that the bourgeoisie is unfit any longer to be the ruling class in society and to impose its conditions of existence upon society as an over-riding law. It is unfit to rule because it is incompetent to assure an existence to its slave within his slavery, because it cannot help letting him sink into such a state that it has to feed him instead of being fed by him. Society can no longer live under this bourgeoisie; in other words, its existence is no longer compatible with society.

The essential condition for the existence, and for the sway of the bourgeois class, is the formation and augmentation of capital; the condition for capital is wage-labor. Wage-labor rests exclusively on competition between the laborers. The advance of industry, whose involuntary promoter is the bourgeoisie, replaces the isolation of the laborers, due to competition, by their revolutionary combination, due to association. The development of modern industry, therefore, cuts from under its feet the very foundation on which the bourgeoisie produces and appropriates products. What the bourgeoisie therefore produces, above all, are its own grave diggers. Its fall and the victory of the proletariat are equally inevitable. ~ Karl Marx,
742:There is nothing in which mankind have been more unanimous [founding nations upon superstition]; yet nothing can be inferred from it more than this, that the multitude have always been credulous, and the few artful. The United States of America have exhibited, perhaps, the first example of governments erected on the simple principles of nature: and if men are now sufficiently enlightened to disabuse themselves of artifice, imposture, hypocrisy, and superstition, they will consider this event as an era in their history... [T]he detail of the formation of the American governments... may hereafter become an object of curiosity. It will never be pretended that any persons employed in that service had any interviews with the gods, or were in any degree under the inspiration of heaven... it will for ever be acknowledged that these governments were contrived merely by the use of reason and the senses... Thirteen governments thus founded on the natural authority of the people alone, without a pretence of miracle or mystery, which are destined to spread over the northern part of that whole quarter of the globe, are a great point gained in favour of the rights of mankind.

[A Defence of the Constitutions of the United States of America, 1787] ~ John Adams,
743:This book is an essay in what is derogatorily called "literary economics," as opposed to mathematical economics, econometrics, or (embracing them both) the "new economic history." A man does what he can, and in the more elegant - one is tempted to say "fancier" - techniques I am, as one who received his formation in the 1930s, untutored. A colleague has offered to provide a mathematical model to decorate the work. It might be useful to some readers, but not to me. Catastrophe mathematics, dealing with such events as falling off a height, is a new branch of the discipline, I am told, which has yet to demonstrate its rigor or usefulness. I had better wait. Econometricians among my friends tell me that rare events such as panics cannot be dealt with by the normal techniques of regression, but have to be introduced exogenously as "dummy variables." The real choice open to me was whether to follow relatively simple statistical procedures, with an abundance of charts and tables, or not. In the event, I decided against it. For those who yearn for numbers, standard series on bank reserves, foreign trade, commodity prices, money supply, security prices, rate of interest, and the like are fairly readily available in the historical statistics. ~ Charles P Kindleberger,
744:SCENE: Apollo jogs along the beachfront, shooting arrows backwards from his golden bow. He's followed by campers dressed in combat gear, jogging in military formation.

APOLLO: I don't know but I've been told!
CAMPERS: We don't know but we've been told!
APOLLO: The sun god's got a bow of gold!
CAMPERS: The sun god's got a bow of gold!
APOLLO: He's the best shot in the land!
CAMPERS: He's the best shot in the land!
APOLLO: Augh! [Apollo trips and lands on his backside] I've fallen in the sand!
CAMPERS [jogging circles around him]: Augh! He's fallen in the sand!
APOLLO: I meant to do that, so don't laugh!
CAMPERS: He meant to do that, so don't laugh!
APOLLO [tries to get up but falls back again]: Ow! I hurt my godly calf!
CAMPERS: Ow! He hurt his godly calf!
APOLLO [glowering and starting to glow]: If you want to live another day ...
CAMPERS: If we want to live another day ...
APOLLO [radiating brighter]: STOP REPEATING WHAT I SAY!
- Military cadence written, chanted and abruptly ended by Apollo

Best. Scene. Ever. - P. J. ~ Rick Riordan,
745:Strangling fear surged up his throat. Amy, skirts flying, blond hair a gleaming target, was running in a straight line for the wagons, Loretta right behind her. Between the opposing forces. The white, spying the women, had stopped shooting, but in his peripheral vision Hunter saw a brave aim his rifle.
Ka, no!” Hunter zigzagged his mount into the man’s line of fire. “No!”
With a vicious kick, Hunter sent his black into a mighty forward lunge, gaining several yards on the advancing warriors, many of whom were from another band. They wouldn’t recognize Amy or Loretta. Unless Hunter could stop the shooting, his woman and her little sister would be killed. When he felt certain everyone in the formation could see him, he wheeled his horse to face them and lifted his rifle high overhead, signaling a cease-fire.
Still trailing Amy, Loretta spotted Hunter the moment his horse drew out in front of the others. Heaving for air, she stumbled to a stop and glanced over her shoulder. Hunter, broad back to the wagons, sat tall on his stallion, waving his rifle above his head.
As if in a dream, she whirled. The sight of Hunter making a target of himself would be painted in full color across the canvas of her mind for the rest of her life. ~ Catherine Anderson,
746:If all art is conceptual, the issue is rather simple. For concepts, like pictures, cannot be true or false. They can only be more or less useful for the formation of descriptions. The words of a language, like pictorial formulas, pick out from the flux of events a few signposts which allow us to give direction to our fellow speakers in that game of "Twenty Questions" in which we are engaged. Where the needs of users are similar, the signposts will tend to correspond. We can mostly find equivalent terms in English, French, German, and Latin, and hence the idea has taken root that concepts exist independently of language as the constituents of "reality." But the English language erects a signpost on the roadfork between "clock" and "watch" where the German has only "Uhr." The sentence from the German primer, "Meine Tante hat eine Uhr," leaves us in doubt whether the aunt has a clock or watch. Either of the two translations may be wrong as a description of a fact. In Swedish, by the way, there is an additional roadfork to distinguish between aunts who are "father's sisters," those who are "mother's sisters," and those who are just ordinary aunts. If we were to play our game in Swedish we would need additional questions to get at the truth about the timepiece. ~ E H Gombrich,
747:We sometimes find ourselves changing our minds without any resistance or heavy emotion, but if we are told we are wrong, we resent the imputation and harden our hearts. We are incredibly heedless in the formation of our beliefs, but find ourselves filled with an illicit passion for them when anyone proposes to rob us of their companionship. It is obviously not the ideas themselves that are dear to us, but our self-esteem which is threatened . . . The little word ‘my’ is the most important one in human affairs, and properly to reckon with it is the beginning of wisdom. It has the same force whether it is ‘my’ dinner, ‘my’ dog, and ‘my’ house, or ‘my’ father, ‘my’ country, and ‘my’ God. We not only resent the imputation that our watch is wrong, or our car shabby, but that our conception of the canals of Mars, of the pronunciation of ‘Epictetus,’ of the medicinal value of salicin, or of the date of Sargon I is subject to revision. We like to continue to believe what we have been accustomed to accept as true, and the resentment aroused when doubt is cast upon any of our assumptions leads us to seek every manner of excuse for clinging to it. The result is that most of our so-called reasoning consists in finding arguments for going on believing as we already do. ~ Dale Carnegie,
748:One of those was Gary Bradski, an expert in machine vision at Intel Labs in Santa Clara. The company was the world’s largest chipmaker and had developed a manufacturing strategy called “copy exact,” a way of developing next-generation manufacturing techniques to make ever-smaller chips. Intel would develop a new technology at a prototype facility and then export that process to wherever it planned to produce the denser chips in volume. It was a system that required discipline, and Bradski was a bit of a “Wild Duck”—a term that IBM originally used to describe employees who refused to fly in formation—compared to typical engineers in Intel’s regimented semiconductor manufacturing culture. A refugee from the high-flying finance world of “quants” on the East Coast, Bradski arrived at Intel in 1996 and was forced to spend a year doing boring grunt work, like developing an image-processing software library for factory automation applications. After paying his dues, he was moved to the chipmaker’s research laboratory and started researching interesting projects. Bradski had grown up in Palo Alto before leaving to study physics and artificial intelligence at Berkeley and Boston University. He returned because he had been bitten by the Silicon Valley entrepreneurial bug. ~ John Markoff,
749:In fact, objects are known only through the subject, while the subject can know himself or her- self only by acting on objects materially and men- tally. Indeed, if objects are innumerable and sci- ence indefinitely diverse, all knowledge of the sub- ject brings us back to psychology, the science of the subject and the subject's actions.
The fourth remark: People may say that I thus engage in philosophy or epistemology and no longer in scientific psychology. But, in the research that we pursue, it is impossible to dissociate psychology from epistemology. Indeed, if we study only one level of development (for example, that of the adult or adolescent), it is easy to distinguish the prob- lems: psychological experience, emotions, intelli- gence and its functions, etc., on the one hand, and the broad problems of knowledge (epistemology), etc., on the other. But if we want to study cogni- tive functions and pursue a developmental point of view in order to study the formation and trans- formations of human intelligence (and this is why I specialized in child psychology), then the prob-
lems must be formulated very differently: How is knowledge acquired, how does it increase, and how does it become organized or reorganized? These are the very questions that must be answered. ~ Jean Piaget,
750:It's perfectly simple," said Wednesday. "In other countries, over the years, people recognized the places of power. Sometimes it would be a natural formation, sometimes it would just be a place that was, somehow, special. They knew that something important was happening there, that there was some focusing point, some channel, some window to the Immanent. And so they would build temples or cathedrals, or erect stone circles, or...well, you get the idea."

"There are churches all across the States, though," said Shadow.

"In every town. Sometimes on every block. And about as significant, in this context, as dentists' offices. No, in the USA, people still get the call, or some of them, and they feel themselves being called to from the transcendent void, and they respond to it by building a model out of beer bottles of somewhere they've never visited, or by erecting a gigantic bat house in some part of the country that bats have traditionally declined to visit. Roadside attractions: people feel themselves pulled to places where, in other parts of the world, they would recognize that part of themselves that is truly transcendent, and buy a hot dog, and walk around, feeling satisfied on a level they cannot truly describe, and profoundly dissatisfied on a level beneath that. ~ Neil Gaiman,
751:People used to think that learning to read evidenced human progress; they still celebrate the decline of illiteracy as a great victory; they condemn countries with a large proportion of illiterates; they think that reading is a road to freedom. All this is debatable, for the important thing is not to be able to read, but to understand what one reads, to reflect on and judge what one reads. Outside of that, reading has no meaning (and even destroys certain automatic qualities of memory and observation). But to talk about critical faculties and discernment is to talk about something far above primary education and to consider a very small minority. The vast majority of people, perhaps ninety percent, know how to read, but do not exercise their intelligence beyond this. They attribute authority and eminent value to the printed word, or, conversely, reject it altogether. As these people do not possess enough knowledge to reflect and discern, they believe — or disbelieve — in toto what they read. And as such people, moreover, will select the easiest, not the hardest, reading matter, they are precisely on the level at which the printed word can seize and convince them without opposition. They are perfectly adapted to propaganda. ~ Jacques Ellul, Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes (1965, 1973),
752:The sadhaka of the integral Yoga will make use of all these aids according to his nature; but it is necessary that he should shun their limitations and cast from himself that exclusive tendency of egoistic mind which cries, "My God, my Incarnation, my Prophet, my Guru," and opposes it to all other realisation in a sectarian or a fanatical spirit. All sectarianism, all fanaticism must be shunned; for it is inconsistent with the integrity of the divine realisation.
   On the contrary, the sadhaka of the integral Yoga will not be satisfied until he has included all other names and forms of Deity in his own conception, seen his own Ishta Devata in all others, unified all Avatars in the unity of Him who descends in the Avatar, welded the truth in all teachings into the harmony of the Eternal Wisdom.
   Nor should he forget the aim of these external aids which is to awaken his soul to the Divine within him. Nothing has been finally accomplished if that has not been accomplished. It is not sufficient to worship Krishna, Christ or Buddha without, if there is not the revealing and the formation of the Buddha, the Christ or Krishna in ourselves. And all other aids equally have no other purpose; each is a bridge between man's unconverted state and the revelation of the Divine within him. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga,
753:That thing the nature of which is totally unknown to you is usually what you need to find, and finding it is a matter of getting lost. The word “lost” comes from the Old Norse los, meaning the disbanding of an army, and this origin suggests soldiers falling out of formation to go home, a truce with the wide world. I worry now that many people never disband their armies, never go beyond what they know. Advertising, alarmist news, technology, incessant busyness, and the design of public and private space conspire to make it so. A recent article about the return of wildlife to suburbia described snow-covered yards in which the footprints of animals are abundant and those of children are entirely absent. As far as the animals are concerned, the suburbs are an abandoned landscape, and so they roam with confidence. Children seldom roam, even in the safest places. Because of their parents’ fear of the monstrous things that might happen (and do happen, but rarely), the wonderful things that happen as a matter of course are stripped away from them. For me, childhood roaming was what developed self-reliance, a sense of direction and adventure, imagination, a will to explore, to be able to get a little lost and then figure out the way back. I wonder what will come of placing this generation under house arrest. ~ Rebecca Solnit,
754:By [anticipatory anxiety] I mean that the patient reacts to an event with a fearful expectation of its recurrence. However, fear tends to make happen precisely that which one fears, and so does anticipatory anxiety. Thus a vicious circle is established. A symptom evokes a phobia and the phobia provokes the symptom. The recurrence of the symptom then reinforces the phobia. The patient is caught in a cocoon. […] [Obsessive-compulsives] fear the potential effects or the potential cause of the strange thoughts. The phobic pattern of flight from fear is paralleled by the obsessive-compulsive pattern. Obsessive-compulsive neurotics also display fear. But theirs is not 'fear of fear' but rather fear of themselves, and their response is to fight against obsessions and compulsions. But the more the patients fight, the stronger their symptoms become. In other words, alongside the circle formation built up by anticipatory anxiety in phobic cases, there is another feedback mechanism which we encounter in the obsessive-compulsive neurotic. Pressure induces counter-pressure, and counter-pressure, in turn, increases pressure. If one succeeds in making the patient stop fighting his obsessions and compulsions -- and this may well be accomplished by paradoxical intention -- these symptoms soon diminish and finally atrophy. ~ Viktor E Frankl,
755:A given symptom is responded to by a phobia, the phobia triggers the symptom, and the symptom, in turn, reinforces the phobia. A similar chain of events, however, can be observed in obsessive-compulsive cases in which the patient fights the ideas which haunt him. Thereby, however, he increases their power to disturb him, since pressure precipitates counter-pressure. Again the symptom is reinforced! On the other hand, as soon as the patient stops fighting his obsessions and instead tries to ridicule them by dealing with them in an ironical way-by applying paradoxical intention-the vicious circle is cut, the symptom diminishes and finally atrophies. In the fortunate case where there is no existential vacuum which invites and elicits the symptom, the patient will not only succeed in ridiculing his neurotic fear but finally will succeed in completely ignoring it.

As we see, anticipatory anxiety has to be counteracted by paradoxical intention; hyper-intention as well as hyper-reflection have to be counteracted by dereflection; dereflection, however, ultimately is not possible except by the patient's orientation toward his specific vocation and mission in life.

It is not the neurotic's self-concern, whether pity or contempt, which breaks the circle formation; the cue to cure is self-transcendence. ~ Viktor E Frankl,
756:Just a few years ago the left-cyberutopians claimed that ‘the disgust had become a network’ and that establishment old media could no longer control politics, that the new public sphere was going to be based on leaderless user-generated social media. This network has indeed arrived, but it has helped to take the right, not the left, to power. Those on the left who fetishized the spontaneous leaderless Internet-centric network, declaring all other forms of doing politics old hat, failed to realize that the leaderless form actually told us little about the philosophical, moral or conceptual content of the movements involved. Into the vacuum of ‘leaderlessness’ almost anything could appear. No matter how networked, ‘transgressive’, social media savvy or non-hierarchical a movement may be, it is the content of its ideas that matter just as much as at any point in history, as Evgeny Morozov cautioned at the time. The online environment has undoubtedly allowed fringe ideas and movements to grow rapidly in influence and while these were left leaning it was tempting for politically sympathetic commentators to see it as a shiny new seductive shortcut to transcending our ‘end of history’. What we’ve since witnessed instead is that this leaderless formation can express just about any ideology even, strange as it may seem, that of the far right. ~ Angela Nagle,
757:This was true of any and every aspect of knowledge; you figured out how to learn it, and you exposed yourself to people who were willing to make their understanding public if you thought it could be a worthwhile part of your endeavor. That is the basis for the formation of universities in the Middle Ages—places where thinkers were willing to spend their time making their thoughts public. The only ones who got to stay were the ones whom other people (“students”) found relevant enough to their own personal quests to make listening to them worthwhile. By the way, this attitude toward teaching has not disappeared. When quantum theory was being developed in the second quarter of the twentieth century, aspiring atomic physicists traveled to the various places where different theorists were developing their thoughts, often in radically different directions. Students traveled to Bohr’s institute to find out how he viewed quantum theory, then to Heisenberg, to Einstein, to Schrodinger, to Dirac, and so on. What was true of physics was equally true of art, name it. It is still true today. One does not go to Pei to learn “architecture”; one goes to learn how he does it—that is, to see him “teach” by telling and showing you his approach. Schools should enable people to go where they want to go, not where others want them to. The ~ Russell L Ackoff,
758:So she ignored Mrs. Arbuthnot's remark and raised forefinger, and said with marked coldness—at least, she tried to make it sound marked— that she supposed they would be going to breakfast, and that she had had hers; but it was her fate that however coldly she sent forth her words they came out sounding quite warm and agreeable. That was because she had a sympathetic and delightful voice, due entirely to some special formation of her throat and the roof of her mouth, and having nothing whatever to do with what she was feeling. Nobody in consequence ever believed they were being snubbed. It was most tiresome. And if she stared icily it did not look icy at all, because her eyes, lovely to begin with, had the added loveliness of very long, soft, dark eyelashes. No icy stare could come out of eyes like that; it got caught and lost in the soft eyelashes, and the persons stared at merely thought they were being regarded with a flattering and exquisite attentiveness. And if ever she was out of humour or definitely cross— and who would not be sometimes in such a world?—-she only looked so pathetic that people all rushed to comfort her, if possible by means of kissing. It was more than tiresome, it was maddening. Nature was determined that she should look and sound angelic. She could never be disagreeable or rude without being completely misunderstood. ~ Elizabeth von Arnim,
759:The Hapless Army
“A soldier braving disease and death on
the battlefield has a seven times better chance
of life than a new-born baby.”—Secretary of
War, U.S.A.
The Hapless Army from the dark
That lies beyond creation,
All blinded by the solar spark,
And leaderless in lands forlorn,
Come stumbling through the mists of morn;
And foes in close formation,
With taloned fingers dripping red,
Bestrew the sodden world with dead.
The Hapless Army bears no sword;
Fell destiny fulfilling,
It marches where the murder horde,
Amid the fair new urge of life,
With poison stream, and shot, and knife,
Make carnival of killing.
No war above black Hell's abyss
Knows evil grim and foul as this.
In pallid hillocks lie the slain
The callous heaven under;
Like twisted hieroglyphs of pain
They fleck earth to oblivion's brink,
As far as human mind may think,
Accusing God with thunder
Of dreadful silence. Nought it serves—
Fate ever calls the doomed reserves!
Still with Death's own monotony
The innocents are falling,
Like dead leaves in a forest dree;
And still the conscript armies come.
No banners theirs, no beat of drum,
No merry bugles calling!
Mad ally in the Slayers' train,
Man slaps and sorrows for the slain!
~ Edward George Dyson,
760:Like other tyrannies, the tyranny of the majority was at first, and is still vulgarly, held in dread, chiefly as operating through the acts of the public authorities. But reflecting persons perceived that when society is itself the tyrant—society collectively, over the separate individuals who compose it—its means of tyrannizing are not restricted to the acts which it may do by the hands of its political functionaries. Society can and does execute its own mandates: and if it issues wrong mandates instead of right, or any mandates at all in things with which it ought not to meddle, it practices a social tyranny more formidable than many kinds of political oppression, since, though not usually upheld by such extreme penalties, it leaves fewer means of escape, penetrating much more deeply into the details of life, and enslaving the soul itself. Protection, therefore, against the tyranny of the magistrate is not enough: there needs protection also against the tyranny of the prevailing opinion and feeling; against the tendency of society to impose, by other means than civil penalties, its own ideas and practices as rules of conduct on those who dissent from them; to fetter the development, and, if possible, prevent the formation, of any individuality not in harmony with its ways, and compel all characters to fashion themselves upon the model of its own. ~ John Stuart Mill,
761:Many aspects of how the Chinese political class manages its economy are antithetical to the Western values of democracy and free markets. But this stance has not put off foreign investors, who are attracted to the government’s willingness to prioritize physical infrastructure, political security, and stability over the health of the population, transparency in decision making, and transparency in the rule of law (if not necessarily the system of governance). In essence, the pursuit of economic growth overrides any views on the political system they invest in. Currently China’s political class has a strategy to evolve from an investment-led exporting economy to one more in line with Western economies, relying on domestic consumption. The transition to this new economic equilibrium will not be linear. China will likely experience significant economic volatility and market gyrations as the structure of its economy shifts. There is also mounting skepticism about China’s ability to manage its debt levels, and the country’s lack of individual political freedoms will continue to hamper its growth prospects. But Chinese policymakers will, no doubt, be focused on continuing to show economic progress in advance of two target dates: 2021—one hundred years after the formation of the Communist Party—and 2049, one hundred years after the formation of the People’s Republic of China. ~ Dambisa Moyo,
762:Dylan's friend Linus Millberg appears out of the crowd with a cup of beer and shouts, 'Dorothy is John Lennon, the Scarecrow is Paul McCartney, the Tin Woodman is George Harrison, the Lion's Ringo.'
'Star Trek,' commands Dylan over the lousy twangy country CB's is playing between sets.
'Easy,' Linus shouts back. "Kirk's John, Spock's Paul, Bones is George, Scotty is Ringo. Or Chekov, after the first season. Doesn't matter, it's like a Scotty-Chekov-combination Ringo. Spare parts are always surplus Georges or Ringos.'
'But isn't Spock-lacks-a-heart and McCoy-lacks-a-brain like Woodman and Scarecrow? So Dorothy's Kirk?'
'You don't get it. That's just a superficial coincidence. The Beatle thing is an archetype, it's like the basic human formation. Everything naturally forms into a Beatles, people can't help it.'
'Say the types again.'
'Responsible-parent genius-parent genius-child clown-child.'
'Okay, do Star Wars.'
'Luke Paul, Han Solo John, Chewbacca George, the robots Ringo.'
'Tonight Show.'
'Uh, Johnny Carson Paul, the guest John, Ed McMahon Ringo, whatisname George.'
'Doc Severinson.'
'Yeah, right. See, everything revolves around John, even Paul. That's why John's the guest.'
'And Severinson's quiet but talented, like a Wookie.'
'You begin to understand. ~ Jonathan Lethem,
763:exchanging practically all the British infantry and artillery in India for Territorial batteries and battalions, and the formation of the 27th, 28th and 29th Divisions of regular troops. The New Zealand contingent must be escorted to Australia and there, with 25,000 Australians, await convoys to Europe. Meanwhile the leading troops of the Canadian Army, about 25,000 strong, had to be brought across the Atlantic. All this was of course additional to the main situation in the North Sea and to the continued flow of drafts, reinforcements and supplies across the Channel. Meanwhile the enemy’s Fleet remained intact, waiting, as we might think, its moment to strike; and his cruisers continued to prey upon the seas. To strengthen our cruiser forces we had already armed and commissioned twenty-four liners as auxiliary cruisers, and had armed defensively fifty-four merchantmen. Another forty suitable vessels were in preparation. In order to lighten the strain in the Indian Ocean and to liberate our light cruisers for their proper work of hunting down the enemy, I proposed the employment of our old battleships (Canopus class) as escorts to convoys. Besides employing these old battleships on convoy, we had also at the end of August sent three others abroad as rallying points for our cruisers in case a German heavy cruiser should break out: thus the Glory was sent to Halifax, the Albion to ~ Winston S Churchill,
764:This is a roadside attraction,” said Wednesday. “One of the finest. Which means it is a place of power.” “Come again?” “It’s perfectly simple,” said Wednesday. “In other countries, over the years, people recognized the places of power. Sometimes it would be a natural formation, sometimes it would just be a place that was, somehow, special. They knew that something important was happening there, that there was some focusing point, some channel, some window to the Immanent. And so they would build temples, or cathedrals, or erect stone circles, or…well, you get the idea.” “There are churches all across the States, though,” said Shadow. “In every town. Sometimes on every block. And about as significant, in this context, as dentists’ offices. No, in the USA, people still get the call, or some of them, and they feel themselves being called to from the transcendent void, and they respond to it by building a model out of beer bottles of somewhere they’ve never visited, or by erecting a gigantic bat-house in some part of the country that bats have traditionally declined to visit. Roadside attractions: people feel themselves being pulled to places where, in other parts of the world, they would recognize that part of themselves that is truly transcendent, and buy a hot dog and walk around, feeling satisfied on a level they cannot truly describe, and profoundly dissatisfied on a level beneath that. ~ Neil Gaiman,
765:Tonight At Noon (For Charles Mingus And The Clayton
Tonight at noon
Supermarkets will advertise 3d EXTRA on everything
Tonight at noon
Children from happy families will be sent to live in a home
Elephants will tell each other human jokes
America will declare peace on Russia
World War I generals will sell poppies in the streets on November 11th
The first daffodils of autumn will appear
When the leaves fall upwards to the trees
Tonight at noon
Pigeons will hunt cats through city backyards
Hitler will tell us to fight on the beaches and on the landing fields
A tunnel full of water will be built under Liverpool
Pigs will be sighted flying in formation over Woolton and Nelson will
not only get his eye back but his arm as well
White Americans will demonstrate for equal rights in front of the Black House
and the Monster has just created Dr Frankenstein
Girls in bikinis are moonbathing
Folksongs are being sung by real folk
Artgalleries are closed to people over 21
Poets get their poems in the Top 20
Politicians are elected to insane asylums
There's jobs for everyone and nobody wants them
In back alleys everywhere teenage lovers are kissing in broad daylight
In forgotten graveyards everywhere the dead will quietly
bury the living
You will tell me you love me
Tonight at noon
~ Adrian Henri,
766:Ah, Belikov," said Abe, shaking Dimitri's hand. "I'd been hoping we'd run into each other. I'd really like to get to know you better. Maybe we can set aside some time to talk, learn more about life, love, et cetera. Do you like to hunt? You seem like a hunting man. That's what we should do sometime. I know a great spot in the woods. Far, far away. We could make a day of it. I've certainly got a lot of question to ask you. A lot of things I'd like to tell you."
I shot a panicked look at my mother, silently begging her to stop this. Abe had spent a good deal of time talking to Adrian when we dated, explaining in vivid and gruesome detail exactly how Abe expected his daughter to be treated. I did not want Abe taking Dimitri off alone into the wilderness, especially if firearms were involved.
"Actually," said my mum casually."I'd like to come along. I also have a number of questions-especially about when you two were back at St. Vladimir's."
"Don't you guys have somewhere to be?" I asked hastily. "We're about to start."
That, at least, was true. Nearly everyone was in formation, and the crowd was quieting. "of course," said Abe. To my astonishment, he brushed a kiss over my forehead before stepping away. "I'm glad you're back." Then, with a wink, he said to Dimitri:"Looking forward to our chat."
"Run," I said when they were gone. "If you slip out now, maybe they won't notice. Go back to Siberia. ~ Richelle Mead,
767:According to Richard Lints in The Fabric of Theology, four factors influence the formation of a theological vision. The foundation is, of course, listening to the Bible to arrive at our doctrinal beliefs (pp. 57 – 80). The second is reflection on culture (pp. 101 – 16), as we ask what modern culture is and which of its impulses are to be criticized and which are to be affirmed. A third is our particular understanding of reason (pp. 117 – 35). Some see human reason as being able to lead a nonbeliever a long way toward the truth, while others deny this. Our view of the nature of human rationality will shape how we preach to, evangelize, argue with, and engage with non-Christians. The fourth factor is the role of theological tradition (pp. 83 – 101). Some believers are antitraditionalists who feel free to virtually reinvent Christianity each generation without giving any weight to the interpreters of the Christian community in the past. Others give great weight to tradition and are opposed to innovation with regard to communicating the gospel and practicing ministry. Lints argues that what we believe about culture, reason, and tradition will influence how we understand what Scripture says. And even if three ministers arrive at the same set of doctrinal beliefs, if they hold different views of culture, reason, and tradition, then their theological visions and the shapes of their ministries will be very different. ~ Timothy J Keller,
768:Almost everyone can remember losing his or her virginity, and most writers can remember the first book he/she walked away from thinking, "I can do better that this. Hell, I am doing better than this!" What could be more encouraging to the struggling writer than to realize that his/her work is unquestionably better than that of someone who actually got paid for his/her stuff? Good writing on the other hand, teaches the learning writer about style, graceful narration, plot development, the creation of believable characters, and truth-telling. A novel like The Grapes of Wrath may fill a new writer with feelings of despair and good old-fashioned jealousy--"I'll never be able to write anything that good, not if I live to be a thousand"--but such feelings can also serve as a spur, goading the writer to work harder and aim higher. Being swept away by a combination of great story and great writing--of being flattened, in fact--is part of every writer's necessary formation. You cannot hope to sweep someone else away by the force of your writing until it has been done to you. So we read to experience the mediocre and the outright rotten; such experience helps us to recognize those things when they begin to creep into our own work, and to steer clear of them. We also read in order to measure ourselves against the good and the great, to get a sense of all that can be done. And we read in order to experience different styles. ~ Stephen King,
769:It is strange that people should talk so much about ending all war at a time when the ravages it causes are greater than they have ever been, not only because the means of destruction have been multiplied, but also because, as wars are no longer fought between comparatively small armies composed solely of professional soldiers, all the individuals on both sides are flung against each other indiscriminately, including those who are the least qualified for this kind of function. Here again is a striking example of modern confusion, and it is truly portentous, for those who care to reflect upon it, that a 'mass uprising' or a 'general mobilization' should have come to be considered quite natural, and that with very few exceptions the minds of all should have accepted the idea of an 'armed nation'. In this also can be seen an outcome of the belief in the power of numbers alone: it is in keeping with the quantitative character of modern civilization to set in motion enormous masses of combatants; and at the same time, egalitarianism also finds its expression here, as well as in systems such as 'compulsory education' and 'universal suffrage'. Let it be added that these generalized wars have only been made possible by another specifically modern phenomenon, that is, by the formation of 'nations' -a consequence on the one hand of the destruction of the feudal system, and on the other of the disruption of the higher unity of medieval Christendom. ~ Ren Gu non,
770:In order to grasp these types of behavior, it’s important to review the nature of human emotions. E-motions are energy in motion. They are the energy that moves us—our human fuel. Our emotions are also like the red light oil gauge on our car signaling us about a need, a loss or a satiation. Our anger is our strength; our fear is our discernment; our sadness is our healing feeling; our guilt is our conscience former; our shame signals our essential limitation and is the source of our spirituality. When our emotions are shamed, they are repressed. Repression involves tensing muscles and shallow breathing. One set of muscles is mobilized to block the energy of the emotion we’re ashamed to feel. Sadness is commonly converted into a false smile (reactive formation). I have often smiled when I felt sad. Once the energy is blocked, we no longer feel it. However, it is still a form of energy. It is dynamic. I already gave you the example of how repressed anger intensifies. Our anger explodes because it cannot be repressed anymore. In reenactment, the emotional energy is “acted out” or “acted in.” The behavior that set up the shaming event is repeated with surrogates who reenact the original shaming scene, or a person shames himself in the way he was originally shamed. This can occur through destructive self-talk, or it can happen when a person cuts himself or drives himself mercilessly, refusing to take breaks, get proper rest or take legitimate vacations. ~ John Bradshaw,
771:When a general examination of the rhyme scheme in the Qur'an is
made, we see that around 80% of the rhymes consist of just three
sounds (n, m, a) consisting of the letters Alif, Mim, Ya and Nun258.
Excluding the letter "Nun," 30% of the verses are rhymed with "Mim,"
"Alif" or "Ya."

The formation of rhymed prose with just two or three sounds in a
poem of 200-300 lines may give that work an important quality, sufficient
for it to be described as a masterpiece by literary critics today.
However, bearing in mind the length of the Qur'an, the information it
contains and its wise exposition, the extraordinary manner in which its
rhymed prose system is used becomes even clearer and more beautiful.
The Qur'an indeed contains an ocean of information relating to a wide
variety of subjects. They include: religious and moral guidance, lessons
from the lives of the peoples of the past, the message of the prophets
and messengers of Allah, the physical sciences and historical accounts
of important events. But all of this, although wonderful in itself, is
delivered with the most fantastic literary rhythm and excellence. It is
simply not possible for so much rhymed prose by use of so few sounds
in the Qur'an, with its varied and knowledgeable subject matter, to be
achieved by human endeavour. From that point of view, it is not surprising
that Arab linguists describe the Qur'an as "very definitely inimitable. ~ Harun Yahya,
772:Thus the no boundary proposal is a good scientific theory in the sense of Karl Popper: it could have been falsified by observations but instead its predictions have been confirmed. In an expanding universe in which the density of matter varied slightly from place to place, gravity would have caused the denser regions to slow down their expansion and start contracting. This would lead to the formation
of galaxies, stars, and eventually even insignificant creatures like ourselves. Thus all the complicated structures that we see in the universe might be explained by the no boundary condition for the universe together with the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics.
The idea that space and time may form a closed surface without boundary also has profound implications for the role of God in the affairs of the universe. With the success of scientific theories in describing events, most people have
come to believe that God allows the universe to evolve according to a set of laws and does not intervene in the universe to break these laws. However, the laws do not tell us what the universe should have looked like when it started – it would still be up to God to wind up the clockwork and choose how to start it off. So long as the universe had a beginning, we could suppose it had a creator. But if the universe is really completely self-contained, having no boundary or edge, it would have neither beginning nor end: it would simply be. What place, then, for a creator? ~ Stephen Hawking,
773:What is education for? And more specifically, what is at stake in a distinctly Christian education? What does the qualifier Christian mean when appended to education? It is usually understood that education is about ideas and information (though it is also too often routinely reduced to credentialing for a career and viewed as a ticket to a job). And so distinctively Christian education is understood to be about Christian ideas--which usually requires a defense of the importance of "the life of the mind." On this account, the goal of a Christian education is the development of a Christian perspective, or more commonly now, a Christian worldview, which is taken to be a system of Christian beliefs, ideas, and doctrines.

But what if this line of thinking gets off on the wrong foot? What if education ... is not primarily about the absorption of ideas and information, but about the formation of hearts and desires? What if we began by appreciating how education not only gets into our head but also (and more fundamentally) grabs us by the gut? What if education was primarily concerned with shaping our hopes and passions - our visions of 'the good life' - and not merely about the dissemination of data and information as inputs to our thinking? What if the primary work of education was the transforming of our imagination rather than the saturation of our intellect? ...

What if education wasn't first and foremost about what we know, but about what we love? ~ James K A Smith,
774:The weaker sex has in no previous age been treated with so much respect by men as at present — this belongs to the tendency and fundamental taste of democracy, in the same way as disrespectfulness to old age — what wonder is it that abuse should be immediately made of this respect? They want more, they learn to make claims, the tribute of respect is at last felt to be well-nigh galling; rivalry for rights, indeed actual strife itself, would be preferred: in a word, woman is losing modesty. And let us immediately add that she is also losing taste. She is unlearning to fear man: but the woman who 'unlearns to fear' sacrifices her most womanly instincts. That woman should venture forward when the fear-inspiring quality in man — or more definitely, the man in man — is no longer either desired or fully developed, is reasonable enough and also intelligible enough; what is more difficult to understand is that precisely thereby — woman deteriorates. This is what is happening nowadays: let us not deceive ourselves about it! Wherever the industrial spirit has triumphed over the military and aristocratic spirit, woman strives for the economic and legal independence of a clerk: ''woman as clerkess' is inscribed on the portal of the modern society which is in course of formation.

While she thus appropriates new rights, aspires to be 'master,' and inscribes 'progress' of woman on her flags and banners, the very opposite realises itself with terrible obviousness: woman retrogrades. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche,
775:Thus the no boundary proposal is a good scientific theory in the sense of Karl Popper: it could have been falsified by observations but instead its predictions have been confirmed. In an expanding universe in which the density of matter varied slightly from place to place, gravity would have caused the denser regions to slow down their expansion and start contracting. This would lead to the formation
of galaxies, stars, and eventually even insignificant creatures like ourselves. Thus all the complicated structures that we see in the universe might be explained by the no boundary condition for the universe together with the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics.
The idea that space and time may form a closed surface without boundary also has profound implications for the role of God in the affairs of the universe. With the success of scientific theories in describing events, most people have
come to believe that God allows the universe to evolve according to a set of laws and does not intervene in the
universe to break these laws. However, the laws do not tell us what the universe should have looked like when it
started – it would still be up to God to wind up the clockwork and choose how to start it off. So long as the universe
had a beginning, we could suppose it had a creator. But if the universe is really completely self-contained, having no
boundary or edge, it would have neither beginning nor end: it would simply be. What place, then, for a creator? ~ Stephen Hawking,
776:American planes full of holes and wounded men and corpses took off backwards from an airfield in England. Over France a few German fighter planes flew at them backwards sucked bullets and shell fragments from some of the planes and crewmen. They did the same for wrecked American bombers on the ground and those planes flew up backwards to join the formation.

The formation flew backwards over a German city that was in flames. The bombers opened their bomb bay doors exerted a miraculous magnetism which shrunk the fires gathered them into cylindrical steel containers and lifted the containers into the bellies of the planes. The containers were stored neatly in racks. The Germans below had miraculous devices of their own which were long steel tubes. They used them to suck more fragments from the crewmen and planes. But there were still a few wounded Americans though and some of the bombers were in bad repair. Over France though German fighters came up again made everything and everybody as good as new.

When the bombers got back to their base the steel cylinders were taken from the racks and shipped back to the United States of America where factories were operating night and day dismantling the cylinders separating the dangerous contents into minerals. Touchingly it was mainly women who did this work. The minerals were then shipped to specialists in remote areas. It was their business to put them into the ground to hide them cleverly so they would never hurt anybody ever again. ~ Kurt Vonnegut,
777:George Washington possessed the gift of inspired simplicity, a clarity and purity of vision that never failed him. Whatever petty partisan disputes swirled around him, he kept his eyes fixed on the transcendent goals that motivated his quest. As sensitive to criticism as any other man, he never allowed personal attacks or threats to distract him, following an inner compass that charted the way ahead. For a quarter century, he had stuck to an undeviating path that led straight to the creation of an independent republic, the enactment of the constitution and the formation of the federal government. History records few examples of a leader who so earnestly wanted to do the right thing, not just for himself but for his country. Avoiding moral shortcuts, he consistently upheld such high ethical standards that he seemed larger than any other figure on the political scene. Again and again, the American people had entrusted him with power, secure in the knowledge that he would exercise it fairly and ably and surrender it when his term of office was up. He had shown that the president and commander-in-chief of a republic could possess a grandeur surpassing that of all the crowned heads of Europe. He brought maturity, sobriety, judgement and integrity to a political experiment that could easily have grown giddy with its own vaunted success and he avoided the back biting envy and intrigue that detracted from the achievements of other founders. He had indeed been the indispensable man of the american revolution. ~ Ron Chernow,
778:If we accept the generally agreed date of between AD 350 and 550 for the end of the -- at least semi-historical -- 'Third Sangam', then this gives us a fixed reference point on which to anchor the chronology of the myth [...]. The date of 9600 BC for the formation of the First Sangam (or 9800 BC or 9400 BC for that matter) coincides closely enough with Plato's date for the inundation of Atlantis -- also 9600 BC -- to raise the hairs on the back of my neck.
And the question continues to be this: how could Plato less than 2500 years ago, or Nakirar less than 1500 years ago, have managed by chance to select the epoch of 9600 BC in which to set, on the one hand, the sinking under the waves of the Atlantic Ocean of the great antediluvian civilization of Atlantis and, on the other, the foundation of the First Sangam in Kumari Kandam -- a doomed Indian Ocean landmass that was itself destined to be swallowed by the sea?
If Plato and Nakirar were pure 'fabulists' working independently of any real tradition or real events, then isn't it much more likely that they would have chosen different imaginary epochs in which to set their flood stories?
Why didn't they choose 20,000 or 30,000 years ago -- or even 300,000 years ago, or three million years ago -- instead of the tenth millennium BC?
And was it just luck that this slot turns out to have been in the midst of the meltdown of the last Ice Age -- the only episode of truly global flooding to have hit the earth in the last 125,000 years? ~ Graham Hancock,
779:So what is this place?” asked Shadow, as they walked through the parking lot toward a low, unimpressive wooden building. “This is a roadside attraction,” said Wednesday. “One of the finest. Which means it is a place of power.” “Come again?” “It’s perfectly simple,” said Wednesday. “In other countries, over the years, people recognized the places of power. Sometimes it would be a natural formation, sometimes it would just be a place that was, somehow, special. They knew that something important was happening there, that there was some focusing point, some channel, some window to the Immanent. And so they would build temples, or cathedrals, or erect stone circles, or…well, you get the idea.” “There are churches all across the States, though,” said Shadow. “In every town. Sometimes on every block. And about as significant, in this context, as dentists’ offices. No, in the USA, people still get the call, or some of them, and they feel themselves being called to from the transcendent void, and they respond to it by building a model out of beer bottles of somewhere they’ve never visited, or by erecting a gigantic bat-house in some part of the country that bats have traditionally declined to visit. Roadside attractions: people feel themselves being pulled to places where, in other parts of the world, they would recognize that part of themselves that is truly transcendent, and buy a hot dog and walk around, feeling satisfied on a level they cannot truly describe, and profoundly dissatisfied on a level beneath that. ~ Neil Gaiman,
780:In a letter the question raised was: "Is not all action incompatible with Sri Aurobindo's yoga"?
   Sri Aurobindo: His idea that all action is incompatible with this yoga is not correct. Generally, it is found that all Rajasic activity does not go well with this yoga: for instance, political work.
   The reasons for abstaining from political activity are:
   1. Being Rajasic in its nature, it does not allow that quiet and knowledge on the basis of which the work should really proceed. All action requires a certain inner formation, an inner detached being. The formation of this inner being requires one to dive into the depth of the being, get the true Being and then prepare the true Being to come to the surface. It is then that one acquires a poise - an inner poise - and can act from there. Political work by Rajasic activity which draws the being outwards prevents this inner formation.
   2. The political field, together with certain other fields, is the stronghold of the Asuric forces. They have their eye on this yoga, and they would try to hamper the Sadhana by every means. By taking to the political field you get into a plane where these forces hold the field. The possibility of attack in that field is much greater than in others. These Asuric forces try to lead away the Sadhaka from the path by increasing Kama and Krodha - desire and anger, and such other Rajasic impulses. They may throw him permanently into the sea of Rajasic activity. ~ Sri Aurobindo, EVENING TALKS WITH SRI AUROBINDO
781:When scientists underestimate complexity, they fall prey to the perils of unintended consequences. The parables of such scientific overreach are well-known: foreign animals, introduced to control pests, become pests in their own right; the raising of smokestacks, meant to alleviate urban pollution, releases particulate effluents higher in the air and exacerbates pollution; stimulating blood formation, meant to prevent heart attacks, thickens the blood and results in an increased risk of blood clots in the heart.

But when nonscientists overestimate [italicized, sic] complexity- 'No one can possibly crack this [italicized, sic] code" - they fall into the trap of unanticipated consequences. In the early 1950s , a common trope among some biologists was that the genetic code would be so context dependent- so utterly determined by a particular cell in a particular organism and so horribly convoluted- that deciphering it would be impossible. The truth turned out to be quite the opposite: just one molecule carries the code, and just one code pervades the biological world. If we know the code, we can intentionally alter it in organisms, and ultimately in humans. Similarly, in the 1960s, many doubted that gene-cloning technologies could so easily shuttle genes between species. by 1980, making a mammalian protein in a bacterial cell, or a bacterial protein in a mammalian cell, was not just feasible, it was in Berg's words, rather "ridiculously simple." Species were specious. "Being natural" was often "just a pose. ~ Siddhartha Mukherjee,
782:There is a question that has been haunting me,’ he replied over the sound of the first horns announcing column formation. ‘How does a mortal win over a god? Has it ever happened before, even? Has the old order been overturned? Or is this just … special circumstance? A moment unique in all of history?’

‘You have won the Worm of Autumn to her cause, Priest?’

At Lostara’s question, Banaschar frowned. He studied her for a moment, and then glanced at Ruthan Gudd. ‘You look shocked,’ he said to him. ‘Is it that I somehow possessed that power? Or is it the very idea that what we do in this mortal world – with our lives, with our will – could make a god kneel before us?’ Then he shook his head. ‘But you both misunderstood me. I was not speaking of myself at all. I cannot win over a god, even when I am the last priest in that god’s House. Don’t you understand? It’s her. She did it. Not me.’

‘She spoke to your god?’

Banaschar grunted. ‘No, Lostara. She rarely speaks at all – you of all people should know that by now. No. Instead, she simply refused to waver from her path, and by that alone she has humbled the gods. Do you understand me? Humbled them.’

Ruthan Gudd shook his head. ‘The gods are too arrogant to ever be humbled.’

‘A year ago, lying drunk on my cot, I would have agreed with you, Captain. So tell me now, will you fight for her?’

His eyes were thinned as he studied Banaschar, and then he said, ‘With all my heart.’

The gasp that came from Lostara was almost a sob. ~ Steven Erikson,
783:Well, Gordon assigned me to write a major piece of software for the Apple Macintosh. Financial spreadsheet, accounting, that sort of thing, powerful, easy to use, lots of graphics. I asked him exactly what he wanted in it, and he just said, ‘Everything. I want the top piece of all-singing, all-dancing business software for that machine.’ And being of a slightly whimsical turn of mind I took him literally. “You see, a pattern of numbers can represent anything you like, can be used to map any surface, or modulate any dynamic process—and so on. And any set of company accounts are, in the end, just a pattern of numbers. So I sat down and wrote a program that’ll take those numbers and do what you like with them. If you just want a bar graph it’ll do them as a bar graph, if you want them as a pie chart or scatter graph it’ll do them as a pie chart or scatter graph. If you want dancing girls jumping out of the pie chart in order to distract attention from the figures the pie chart actually represents, then the program will do that as well. Or you can turn your figures into, for instance, a flock of seagulls, and the formation they fly in and the way in which the wings of each gull beat will be determined by the performance of each division of your company. Great for producing animated corporate logos that actually mean something. “But the silliest feature of all was that if you wanted your company accounts represented as a piece of music, it could do that as well. Well, I thought it was silly. The corporate world went bananas over it. ~ Douglas Adams,
784:So what is this place?” asked Shadow, as they walked through the parking lot toward a low, unimpressive wooden building.

“This is a roadside attraction,” said Wednesday. “One of the finest. Which means it is a place of power.”

“Come again?”

“It’s perfectly simple,” said Wednesday. “In other countries, over the years, people recognized the places of power. Sometimes it would be a natural formation, sometimes it would be a place that was, somehow, special. They knew that something important was happening there, that there was some focusing point, some channel, some window to the Immanent. And so they would build temples or cathedrals, or erect stone circles, or…well, you get the idea.”

“There are churches all across the States, though,” said Shadow.

“In every town. Sometimes on every block. And about as significant, in this context, as dentists’ offices. No, in the USA people still get the call, or some of them, and they feel themselves being called to from the transcendent void, and they respond to it by building a model out of beer bottles of somewhere they’ve never visited, or by erecting a giant bat house in some part of the country that bats have traditionally declined to visit. Roadside attractions: people feel themselves being pulled to places where, in other parts of the world, they would recognize that part of themselves that is truly transcendent, and buy a hot dog and walk around, feeling satisfied on a level they cannot truly describe, and profoundly dissatisfied on a level beneath that. ~ Neil Gaiman,
785:But what has fixed the modes of Nature? Or who has originated and governs the movements of Force? There is a Consciousness - or a Conscient - behind that is the lord, witness, knower, enjoyer, upholder and source of sanction for her works; this consciousness is Soul or Purusha. Prakriti shapes the action in us; Purusha in her or behind her witnesses, assents, bears and upholds it. Prakriti forms the thought in our minds; Purusha in her or behind her knows the thought and the truth in it. Prakriti determines the result of the action; Purusha in her or behind her enjoys or suffers the consequence. Prakriti forms mind and body, labours over them, develops them; Purusha upholds the formation and evolution and sanctions each step of her works. Prakriti applies the Will-force which works in things and men; Purusha sets that Will-force to work by his vision of that which should be done. This Purusha is not the surface ego, but a silent Self, a source of Power, an originator and receiver of Knowledge behind the ego. Our mental "I" is only a false reflection of this Self, this Power, this Knowledge. This Purusha or supporting Consciousness is therefore the cause, recipient and support of all Nature's works, but he is not himself the doer. Prakriti, NatureForce, in front and Shakti, Conscious-Force, Soul-Force behind her, - for these two are the inner and outer faces of the universal Mother, - account for all that is done in the universe. The universal Mother, Prakriti-Shakti, is the one and only worker. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Supreme Will, 214,
786:If the introduction and increase of machinery means the displacement of millions of manual by a few machine-workers, improvement in machinery means the displacement of more and more of the machine-workers themselves. It means, in the last instance, the production of a number of available wage-workers in excess of the average needs of capital, the formation of a complete industrial reserve army, as I called it in 1845, available at the times when industry is working at high pressure, to be cast out upon the street when the inevitable crash comes, a constant dead-weight upon the limbs of the working class in its struggle for existence with capital, a regulator for the keeping of wages down to the low level that suits the interests of capital. Thus it comes about, to quote Marx, that machinery becomes the most powerful weapon in the war of capital against the working class; that the instruments of labour constantly tear the means of subsistence out of the hands of the labourer; that the very product of the worker is turned into an instrument for his subjugation. Thus it comes about that the evolutioni of the instruments of labour becomes at the same time, from the outset, the most reckless waste of labour-power, and robbery based upon the normal conditions under which labour functions; that machinery, the most powerful instrument for shortening labour-time, becomes the most unfailing means for placing every moment of the labourer’s time and that of his family at the disposal of the capitalist for the purpose of expanding the value of his capital. ~ Friedrich Engels,
787:[the value of sublimation:]
   And since Yoga is in its essence a turning away from the ordinary material and animal life led by most men or from the more mental but still limited way of living followed by the few to a greater spiritual life, to the way divine, every part of our energies that is given to the lower existence in the spirit of that existence is a contradiction of our aim and our self-dedication. On the other hand, every energy or activity that we can convert from its allegiance to the lower and dedicate to the service of the higher is so much gained on our road, so much taken from the powers that oppose our progress. It is the difficulty of this wholesale conversion that is the source of all the stumblings in the path of Yoga. For our entire nature and its environment, all our personal and all our universal self, are full of habits and of influences that are opposed to our spiritual rebirth and work against the whole-heartedness of our endeavour.
   In a certain sense we are nothing but a complex mass of mental, nervous and physical habits held together by a few ruling ideas, desires and associations, - an amalgam of many small self-repeating forces with a few major vibrations. What we propose in our Yoga is nothing less than to break up the whole formation of our past and present which makes up the ordinary material and mental man and to create a new centre of vision and a new universe of activities in ourselves which shall constitute a divine humanity or a superhuman nature.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Self-Consecration, [71] [T1],
788:Some years ago a leading media personality had a high-level conference in Aspen, Colorado, on the topic of evil. (Shouldn’t that meeting have been held elsewhere? South Los Angeles or Soweto?) The outcome was that one or two participants out of a large group thought that there was such a thing as evil. But most were either noncommittal on the point or certain that evil did not exist at all. When you heard their comments it was clear that they simply could not conceptualize the evil to be seen flourishing abundantly around them in the twentieth century. One of the most glaring evidences of the bankruptcy of contemporary ethical thinking is that it cannot deal with evil. A recent proposal to found a field of “Evil Studies” within academia will not be enthusiastically received.7 We should be very sure that the ruined soul is not one who has missed a few more or less important theological points and will flunk a theological examination at the end of life. Hell is not an “oops!” or a slip. One does not miss heaven by a hair, but by constant effort to avoid and escape God. “Outer darkness” is for one who, everything said, wants it, whose entire orientation has slowly and firmly set itself against God and therefore against how the universe actually is. It is for those who are disastrously in error about their own life and their place before God and man.8 The ruined soul must be willing to hear of and recognize its own ruin before it can find how to enter a different path, the path of eternal life that naturally leads into spiritual formation in Christlikeness. ~ Dallas Willard,
789:There is still another test that demonstrates Nature's protective mechanisms. Ordinarily, when the pulp of a tooth is exposed by dental caries, the pulp becomes not only infected, but dies opening up a highway of infection direct from the infected mouth to the inside of the fort at the end of the root. One expression of this is a dental abscess, the existence of which is usually unknown to the individual for sometime and the infecting germs pass more or less freely throughout the body by way of the blood stream and lymph channels. This infection may start the degeneration of organs and tissues of other parts of the body. Among some of the primitive races, whose nutritional programs provided a very high factor of safety, even though the teeth were worn down to the gum line and into what was formerly the pulp chamber, the pulp was not exposed. Nature had built a protecting zone, not in the cavity of the tooth in this case, but within the pulp chamber. This entirely blocked off a threatened exposure and kept the walls of the fort sealed against bacteria. This process does not occur in many instances in people of our modern civilization. Pulp chambers that are opened by wear provide exposed pulp which becomes infected with subsequent abscess formation. If a reinforced nutrition as efficient as that of many of the primitive races, is adopted, the pulp tissue will seal up the opening made by decalcification of the dentine, by building in a new layer of normal dentine which is vital and quite unlike the petrified decay exposed to the saliva, thus completely walling off the impending danger. ~ Anonymous,
790:This ego or "I" is not a lasting truth, much less our essential part; it is only a formation of Nature, a mental form of thought centralisation in the perceiving and discriminating mind, a vital form of the centralisation of feeling and sensation in our parts of life, a form of physical conscious reception centralising substance and function of substance in our bodies. All that we internally are is not ego, but consciousness, soul or spirit. All that we externally and superficiallyare and do is not ego but Nature. An executive cosmic force shapes us and dictates through our temperament and environment and mentality so shaped, through our individualised formulation of the cosmic energies, our actions and their results. Truly, we do not think, will or act but thought occurs in us, will occurs in us, impulse and act occur in us; our ego-sense gathers around itself, refers to itself all this flow of natural activities. It is cosmic Force, it is Nature that forms the thought, imposes the will, imparts the impulse. our body, mind and ego are a wave of that sea of force in action and do not govern it, but by it are governed and directed. The Sadhaka in his progress towards truth and self-knowledge must come to a point where the soul opens its eyes of vision and recognises this truth of ego and this truth of works. He gives up the idea of a mental, vital, physical, "I" that acts or governs action; he recognises that Prakriti, Force of cosmic nature following her fixed modes, is the one and only worker in him and in all things and creatures.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Supreme Will, 214,
791:WHY HABITS ARE GOOD FOR BUSINESS If our programmed behaviors are so influential in guiding our everyday actions, surely harnessing the same power of habits can be a boon for industry. Indeed, for those able to shape them in an effective way, habits can be very good for the bottom line. Habit-forming products change user behavior and create unprompted user engagement. The aim is to influence customers to use your product on their own, again and again, without relying on overt calls to action such as ads or promotions. Once a habit is formed, the user is automatically triggered to use the product during routine events such as wanting to kill time while waiting in line. However, the framework and practices explored in this book are not “one size fits all” and do not apply to every business or industry. Entrepreneurs should evaluate how user habits impact their particular business model and goals. While the viability of some products depends on habit-formation to thrive, that is not always the case. For example, companies selling infrequently bought or used products or services do not require habitual users—at least, not in the sense of everyday engagement. Life insurance companies, for instance, leverage salespeople, advertising, and word-of-mouth referrals and recommendations to prompt consumers to buy policies. Once the policy is bought, there is nothing more the customer needs to do. In this book I refer to products in the context of businesses that require ongoing, unprompted user engagement and therefore need to build user habits. I exclude companies that compel customers to take action through ~ Nir Eyal,
792:When a high IQ-test score is accompanied by subpar performance in some other domain, this is thought "surprising," and a new disability category is coined to name the surprise. So, similarly, the diagnostic criterion for mathematics disorder (sometimes termed dyscalculia) in DSM IV is that "Mathematical ability that falls substantially below that expected for the individual's chronological age, measured intelligence, and age-appropriate education" (p. 50)-
The logic of discrepancy-based classification based on IQ-test performance
has created a clear precedent whereby we are almost obligated to create a new disability category when an important skill domain is found to be somewhat dissociated from intelligence. It is just this logic that I exploited in creating a new category of disability- dysrationalia.T he proposed definition of the disability was as follows:
Dysrationalia is the inability to think and behave rationally despite adequate intelligence. It is a general term that refers to a heterogeneous group of disorders manifested by significant difficulties in belief formation, in the assessment of belief consistency, and/or in the determination of action to achieve one's goals. Although dysrationalia may occur concomitantly with other handicapping conditions (e.g., sensory impairment), dysrationalia is not the result of those conditions. The key diagnostic criterion for dysrationalia is a level of rationality, as demonstrated in thinking and behavior, that is significantly below the level of the individual's intellectual capacity (as determined by an individually administered IQ test). ~ Keith E Stanovich,
793:Of all the metals there is none more essential to life than iron. It is the
accumulation of iron in the center of a star which triggers a supernova
explosion and the subsequent scattering of the vital atoms of life
throughout the cosmos. It was the drawing by gravity of iron atoms to
the center of the primeval earth that generated the heat which caused the
initial chemical differentiation of the earth, the outgassing of the early
atmosphere, and ultimately the formation of the hydrosphere. It is molten
iron in the center of the earth which, acting like a gigantic dynamo, generates
the earth's magnetic field, which in turn creates the Van Allen radiation
belts that shield the earth's surface from destructive high-energypenetrating
cosmic radiation and preserve the crucial ozone layer from
cosmic ray destruction…
Without the iron atom, there would be no carbon-based life in the cosmos;
no supernovae, no heating of the primitive earth, no atmosphere or
hydrosphere. There would be no protective magnetic field, no Van Allen
radiation belts, no ozone layer, no metal to make hemoglobin [in human
blood], no metal to tame the reactivity of oxygen, and no oxidative
The intriguing and intimate relationship between life and iron, between
the red color of blood and the dying of some distant star, not only indicates
the relevance of metals to biology but also the biocentricity of the
This account clearly indicates the importance of the iron atom. The
fact that particular attention is drawn to iron in the Qur'an also emphasises
the importance of the element. ~ Harun Yahya,
794:It was a movie about American bombers in World War II and the gallant men who flew them. Seen backwards by Billy, the story went like this: American planes, full of holes and wounded men and corpses took off backwards from an airfield in England. Over France, a few German fighter planes flew at them backwards, sucked bullets and shell fragments from some of the planes and crewmen. They did the same for wrecked American bombers on the ground, and those planes flew up backwards to join the formation.

The formation flew backwards over a German city that was in flames. The bombers opened their bomb bay doors, exerted a miraculous magnetism which shrunk the fires, gathered them into cylindrical steel containers , and lifted the containers into the bellies of the planes. The containers were stored neatly in racks. The Germans below had miraculous devices of their own, which were long steel tubes. They used them to suck more fragments from the crewmen and planes. But there were still a few wounded Americans though and some of the bombers were in bad repair. Over France though, German fighters came up again, made everything and everybody as good as new.

When the bombers got back to their base, the steel cylinders were taken from the racks and shipped back to the United States of America, where factories were operating night and day, dismantling the cylinders, separating the dangerous contents into minerals. Touchingly, it was mainly women who did this work. The minerals were then shipped to specialists in remote areas. It was their business to put them into the ground, to hide them cleverly, so they would never hurt anybody ever again. ~ Kurt Vonnegut,
795:In focusing on “cultural change” and “conflict between cultures,” these studies avoid fundamental questions about the formation of the United States and its implications for the present and future. This approach to history allows one to safely put aside present responsibility for continued harm done by that past and the questions of reparations, restitution, and reordering society.9 Multiculturalism became the cutting edge of post-civil-rights-movement US history revisionism. For this scheme to work—and affirm US historical progress—Indigenous nations and communities had to be left out of the picture. As territorially and treaty-based peoples in North America, they did not fit the grid of multiculturalism but were included by transforming them into an inchoate oppressed racial group, while colonized Mexican Americans and Puerto Ricans were dissolved into another such group, variously called “Hispanic” or “Latino.” The multicultural approach emphasized the “contributions” of individuals from oppressed groups to the country’s assumed greatness. Indigenous peoples were thus credited with corn, beans, buckskin, log cabins, parkas, maple syrup, canoes, hundreds of place names, Thanksgiving, and even the concepts of democracy and federalism. But this idea of the gift-giving Indian helping to establish and enrich the development of the United States is an insidious smoke screen meant to obscure the fact that the very existence of the country is a result of the looting of an entire continent and its resources. The fundamental unresolved issues of Indigenous lands, treaties, and sovereignty could not but scuttle the premises of multiculturalism. ~ Roxanne Dunbar Ortiz,
796:When I reached the end of the patch of forest I was ready to run out into the bright sunshine--but before I’d passed the last tree I saw a line of riders racing across a distant field.
Ducking instinctively behind the tree, I peered over a branch, shading my eyes against the glare of the sun, and saw that they rode in two-by-two formation, and that they were not following any road.
Now, it might have been the riders had nothing to do with me, but I was not about to take that chance. As I looked out across the rolling terrain, I realized that they probably had me boxed in. They knew approximately where I was---that business the night before made it pretty clear--but not exactly. As for my part, I had to spot their perimeter…and cross it.
And get something to eat.
Without endangering any innocent people.
Standing there watching the diminishing formation, I was intensely aware of how alone I was--but it was not the same terrible, helpless feeling I’d had when I first discovered that I was a prisoner. Then I couldn’t walk and couldn’t get free. Now I was free, and I could walk, and as I remembered what Ara had said about that accursed Shevraeth and his abominable friend making sport of finding me, I got angry. There is nothing like good, honest, righteous anger to infuse a person with energy.
All right, I thought. Either I keep blundering about in all four directions, or else I locate these searchers--they have to be a limited number--and then move when and where they are least expecting it.
And so I turned my steps west and started stumping along in the direction the cross-country racers had gone. ~ Sherwood Smith,
797:Just play this out as a thought experiment,” he said. “Imagine if you had genuine, high-quality early-childhood education for every child, and suddenly every black child in America—but also every poor white child or Latino [child], but just stick with every black child in America—is getting a really good education. And they’re graduating from high school at the same rates that whites are, and they are going to college at the same rates that whites are, and they are able to afford college at the same rates because the government has universal programs that say that you’re not going to be barred from school just because of how much money your parents have. “So now they’re all graduating. And let’s also say that the Justice Department and the courts are making sure, as I’ve said in a speech before, that when Jamal sends his résumé in, he’s getting treated the same as when Johnny sends his résumé in. Now, are we going to have suddenly the same number of CEOs, billionaires, etc., as the white community? In ten years? Probably not, maybe not even in twenty years. “But I guarantee you that we would be thriving, we would be succeeding. We wouldn’t have huge numbers of young African American men in jail. We’d have more family formation as college-graduated girls are meeting boys who are their peers, which then in turn means the next generation of kids are growing up that much better. And suddenly you’ve got a whole generation that’s in a position to start using the incredible creativity that we see in music, and sports, and frankly even on the streets, channeled into starting all kinds of businesses. I feel pretty good about our odds in that situation. ~ Ta Nehisi Coates,
798:would go back to the body dump site. The prison interviews helped us see and understand the wide variety of motivation and behavior among serial killers and rapists. But we saw some striking common denominators as well. Most of them come from broken or dysfunctional homes. They’re generally products of some type of abuse, whether it’s physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, or a combination. We tend to see at a very early age the formation of what we refer to as the “homicidal triangle” or “homicidal triad.” This includes enuresis—or bed-wetting—at an inappropriate age, starting fires, and cruelty to small animals or other children. Very often, we found, at least two of these three traits were present, if not all three. By the time we see his first serious crime, he’s generally somewhere in his early to mid-twenties. He has low self-esteem and blames the rest of the world for his situation. He already has a bad track record, whether he’s been caught at it or not. It may be breaking and entering, it may have been rape or rape attempts. You may see a dishonorable discharge from the military, since these types tend to have a real problem with any type of authority. Throughout their lives, they believe that they’ve been victims: they’ve been manipulated, they’ve been dominated, they’ve been controlled by others. But here, in this one situation, fueled by fantasy, this inadequate, ineffectual nobody can manipulate and dominate a victim of his own; he can be in control. He can orchestrate whatever he wants to do to the victim. He can decide whether this victim should live or die, how the victim should die. It’s up to him; he’s finally calling the shots. ~ John Edward Douglas,
799:[God is] The Hindu discipline of spirituality provides for this need of the soul by the conceptions of the Ishta Devata, the Avatar and the Guru. By the Ishta Devata, the chosen deity, is meant, - not some inferior Power, but a name and form of the transcendent and universal Godhead. Almost all religions either have as their base or make use of some such name and form of the Divine. Its necessity for the human soul is evident. God is the All and more than the All. But that which is more than the All, how shall man conceive? And even the All is at first too hard for him; for he himself in his active consciousness is a limited and selective formation and can open himself only to that which is in harmony with his limited nature. There are things in the All which are too hard for his comprehension or seem too terrible to his sensitive emotions and cowering sensations. Or, simply, he cannot conceive as the Divine, cannot approach or cannot recognise something that is too much out of the circle of his ignorant or partial conceptions. It is necessary for him to conceive God in his own image or in some form that is beyond himself but consonant with his highest tendencies and seizable by his feelings or his intelligence. Otherwise it would be difficult for him to come into contact and communion with the Divine.
   Even then his nature calls for a human intermediary so that he may feel the Divine in something entirely close to his own humanity and sensible in a human influence and example. This call is satisfied by the Divine manifest in a human appearance, the Incarnation, the Avatar - Krishna, Christ, Buddha.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Four Aids, 65 [T9],
800:Thoughts are forms and have an individual life, independent of their author: sent out from him into the world, they move in it towards the realisation of their own purpose of existence. When you think of anyone, your thought takes a form and goes out to find him; and, if your thinking is associated with some will that is behind it, the thought-form that has gone out from you makes an attempt to realise itself. Let us say, for instance, that you have a keen desire for a certain person to come and that, along with this vital impulse of desire, a strong imagination accompanies the mental form you have made; you imagine, "If he came, it would be like this or it would be like that." After a time you drop the idea altogether, and you do not know that even after you have forgotten it, your thought continues to exist. For it does still exist and is in action, independent of you, and it would need a great power to bring it back from its work. It is working in the atmosphere of the person touched by it and creates in him the desire to come. And if there is a sufficient power of will in your thought-form, if it is a well-built formation, it will arrive at its own realisation. But between the formation and the realisation there is a certain lapse of time, and if in this interval your mind has been occupied with quite other things, then when there happens this fulfilment of your forgotten thought, you may not even remember that you once harboured it; you do not know that you were the instigator of its action and the cause of what has come about. And it happens very often too that when the result does come, you have ceased to desire or care for it.
   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1929-1931,
801:Felke realized that prescribing herbal teas, homeopathic remedies, diet and water applications was not sufficient. Inspired by the examples of Rikli and Just, he envisioned a therapeutic setting close to nature where patients could escape their accustomed environments and enjoy the benefits of light, air, sun and healthful food. Surprisingly, the residents of the small rural town of Repelen immediately warmed to their new pastor's idea. A delegation undertook the arduous and costly journey to the Hartz mountains to inspect Just's Jungborn. This visit resulted in the formation of the Repelen Jungborn Society, Ltd., with eighty-one associates, mostly members of a local homeopathic lay society. With a capital of 50,000 goldmark, quite a high sum, the group purchased sixty acres of land, which included a forested area and a dead channel of the Rhine abounding in fish. Two large light and air parks, one for women and the other for men, were created and surrounded with high wooden fences. Naked patients took light, air, water and loam baths and engaged in gymnastics twice a day. Felke himself often directed the male patients. Inside the two parks approximately 50 air huts with two or four rooms each were erected. To guarantee maximum access to fresh air they had no doors or windows, only curtains for privacy. An open wooden hall in the center of the park was used for walking during the day, for gymnastics during bad weather and for sleeping on straw mats at night. In the beginning the spa offered friction sitz baths in flat zinc tubs as the only cold water application. Felke also took up Just's earth-and-sand bath, but it was not until he introduced the loam bath in 1912 that he gained fame as the "loam pastor. ~ Anonymous,
802:Sweet Mother, how can we cut the knot of the ego?
   How to cut it? Take a sword and strike it (laughter), when one becomes conscious of it. For usually one is not; we think it quite normal, what happens to us; and in fact it is very normal but we think it quite good also. So to begin with one must have a great clear-sightedness to become aware that one is enclosed in all these knots which hold one in bondage. And then, when one is aware that there's something altogether tightly closed in there - so tightly that one has tried in vain to move it - then one imagines one's will to be a very sharp sword-blade, and with all one's force one strikes a blow on this knot (imaginary, of course, one doesn't take up a sword in fact), and this produces a result. Of course you can do this work from the psychological point of view, discovering all the elements constituting this knot, the whole set of resistances, habits, preferences, of all that holds you narrowly closed in. So when you grow aware of this, you can concentrate and call the divine Force and the Grace and strike a good blow on this formation, these things so closely held, like that, that nothing can separate them. And at that moment you must resolve that you will no longer listen to these things, that you will listen only to the divine Consciousness and will do no other work except the divine work without worrying about personal results, free from all attachment, free from all preference, free from all wish for success, power, satisfaction, vanity, all this.... All this must disappear and you must see only the divine Will incarnated in your will and making you act. Then, in this way, you are cured.
   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1954,
803:Sweet Mother, how can we cut the knot of the ego?

   How to cut it? Take a sword and strike it (laughter), when one becomes conscious of it. For usually one is not; we think it quite normal, what happens to us; and in fact it is very normal but we think it quite good also. So to begin with one must have a great clear-sightedness to become aware that one is enclosed in all these knots which hold one in bondage. And then, when one is aware that there's something altogether tightly closed in there - so tightly that one has tried in vain to move it - then one imagines one's will to be a very sharp sword-blade, and with all one's force one strikes a blow on this knot (imaginary, of course, one doesn't take up a sword in fact), and this produces a result. Of course you can do this work from the psychological point of view, discovering all the elements constituting this knot, the whole set of resistances, habits, preferences, of all that holds you narrowly closed in. So when you grow aware of this, you can concentrate and call the divine Force and the Grace and strike a good blow on this formation, these things so closely held, like that, that nothing can separate them. And at that moment you must resolve that you will no longer listen to these things, that you will listen only to the divine Consciousness and will do no other work except the divine work without worrying about personal results, free from all attachment, free from all preference, free from all wish for success, power, satisfaction, vanity, all this.... All this must disappear and you must see only the divine Will incarnated in your will and making you act. Then, in this way, you are cured.
   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1954,
804:As long as the nascent institutions are constructed and maintained only in the interaction of A and B, their objectivity remains tenuous, easily changeable, almost playful, even while they attain a measure of objectivity by the mere fact of their formation. To put this a little differently, the routinized background of A’s and B’s activity remains fairly accessible to deliberate intervention by A and B. Although the routines, once established, carry within them a tendency to persist, the possibility of changing them or even abolishing them remains at hand in consciousness. A and B alone are responsible for having constructed this world. A and B remain capable of changing or abolishing it. What is more, since they themselves have shaped this world in the course of a shared biography which they can remember, the world thus shaped appears fully transparent to them. They understand the world that they themselves have made. All this changes in the process of transmission to the new generation. The objectivity of the institutional world “thickens” and “hardens,” not only for the children, but (by a mirror effect) for the parents as well. The “There we go again” now becomes “This is how these things are done.” A world so regarded attains a firmness in consciousness; it becomes real in an ever more massive way and it can no longer be changed so readily. For the children, especially in the early phase of their socialization into it, it becomes the world. For the parents, it loses its playful quality and becomes “serious.” For the children, the parentally transmitted world is not fully transparent. Since they had no part in shaping it, it confronts them as a given reality that, like nature, is opaque in places at least. Only ~ Peter L Berger,
805:Si quelques personnes veulent s'opiniâtrer à dire que l'apôtre, sous le symbole du lait, a entendu parler des premières instructions qui sont comme la première nourriture de l'âme, et que par les aliments plus solides il a entendu les connaissances spirituelles qui leur servent de degré pour arriver à une plus haute science, qu'ils sachent, lorsqu'ils disent que la chair et le sang de Jésus-Christ sont une nourriture solide, que cette science, dont ils sont si vains, les abuse. Le sang est, en effet, la première chose qui se fasse dans la formation du corps de l'homme. C'est même pour cela que quelques philosophes n'ont pas craint de le regarder comme l'essence de l'âme. Le sang, après que la femme a conçu, change de nature comme par une espèce de coction. Il s'épaissit, il se décolore, il perd de la vie. L'amour maternel croît en même temps pour assurer l'existence de l'en- 34 fant. Le sang est plus fluide que la chair ; car il est comme une espèce de chair liquide, et le lait est la partie la plus douce et la plus subtile du sang. Cependant il n'est que du sang qui change de forme et monte vers les mamelles qui commencent alors à se gonfler, par l'ordre de Dieu, auteur de la génération et qui nourrit tout : là, changeant de nature, à l'aide d'une douce chaleur, il s'élabore en une nourriture très agréable à l'enfant. Le lait provient donc du sang. Partant des veines nombreuses qui traversent en tous sens les mamelles, le sang se réfugie dans les réservoir naturels où se forme le lait. Ce sang, agité par les esprits vitaux, blanchit comme blanchissent les vagues de ja mer lorsque bouleversées par le souffle impétueux des vents, elles vomissent leur écume sur le rivage. Cependant la substance du sang ne change pas, pour nous servir de l'expression des poètes. ~ Clement of Alexandria,
806:Not only the iron on Earth, but also the iron in the entire Solar
System, comes from outer space, since the temperature in the Sun is
inadequate for the formation of iron. The Sun has a surface temperature
of 6,000 degrees Celsius (11,000oF), and a core temperature of approximately
20 million degrees (36 million degrees Fahrenheit). Iron can
only be produced in much larger stars than the Sun, where the temperature
reaches a few hundred million degrees. When the amount of iron
exceeds a certain level in a star, the star can no longer accommodate it,
and it eventually explodes in what is called a "nova" or a "supernova."
These explosions make it possible for iron to be given off into space.40
One scientific source provides the following information on this
There is also evidence for older supernova events: Enhanced levels of
iron-60 in deep-sea sediments have been interpreted as indications that a
supernova explosion occurred within 90 light-years of the sun about 5
million years ago. Iron-60 is a radioactive isotope of iron, formed in
Allah's Miracles in the Qur'an
supernova explosions, which decays with a half life of 1.5 million years.
An enhanced presence of this isotope in a geologic layer indicates the
recent nucleosynthesis of elements nearby in space and their subsequent
transport to the earth (perhaps as part of dust grains).41
All this shows that iron did not form on the Earth, but was carried
from supernovas, and was "sent down," as stated in the verse. It is clear
that this fact could not have been known in the 7th century, when the
Qur'an was revealed. Nevertheless, this fact is related in the Qur'an, the
word of Allah, Who encompasses all things in His infinite knowledge. ~ Harun Yahya,
807:Four times during the first six days they were assembled and briefed and then sent back. Once, they took off and were flying in formation when the control tower summoned them down. The more it rained, the worse they suffered. The worse they suffered, the more they prayed that it would continue raining. All through the night, men looked at the sky and were saddened by the stars. All through the day, they looked at the bomb line on the big, wobbling easel map of Italy that blew over in the wind and was dragged in under the awning of the intelligence tent every time the rain began. The bomb line was a scarlet band of narrow satin ribbon that delineated the forward most position of the Allied ground forces in every sector of the Italian mainland.

For hours they stared relentlessly at the scarlet ribbon on the map and hated it because it would not move up high enough to encompass the city.

When night fell, they congregated in the darkness with flashlights, continuing their macabre vigil at the bomb line in brooding entreaty as though hoping to move the ribbon up by the collective weight of their sullen prayers. "I really can't believe it," Clevinger exclaimed to Yossarian in a voice rising and falling in protest and wonder. "It's a complete reversion to primitive superstition. They're confusing cause and effect. It makes as much sense as knocking on wood or crossing your fingers. They really believe that we wouldn't have to fly that mission tomorrow if someone would only tiptoe up to the map in the middle of the night and move the bomb line over Bologna. Can you imagine? You and I must be the only rational ones left."

In the middle of the night Yossarian knocked on wood, crossed his fingers, and tiptoed out of his tent to move the bomb line up over Bologna. ~ Joseph Heller,
808:Since McDougall contrasts the behaviour of a
highly organised group with what has just been described,
we shall be particularly interested to learn
in what this organisation consists, and by what
factors it is produced. The author enumerates five
principal conditions '
for raising collective mental
life to a higher level.
The first and fundamental condition is that there
should be some degree of continuity of existence in
the group. This may be either material or formal:
the former, if the same individuals persist in the
group for some time; and the latter, if there is
developed within the group a system of fixed positions
which are occupied by a succession of individuals.
The second condition is that in the individual
member of the group some definite idea should be
formed of the nature, composition, functions and
capacities of the group, so that from this he may
develop an emotional relation to the group as a
The third is that the group should be brought
into interaction (perhaps in the form of rivalry) with
other groups similar to it but differing from it in
many respects.
The fourth is that the group should possess
traditions, customs and habits, and especially such as
determine the relations of its members to one
The fifth is that the group should have a definite
structure, expressed in the specialisation and differentiation
of the functions of its constituents.
According to McDougall, if these conditions
are fulfilled, the psychological disadvantages of the
group formation are removed. The collective lowering
of intellectual ability is avoided by withdrawing
the performance of intellectual tasks from the group
and reserving them for individual members of it. ~ Sigmund Freud,
Elizabeth Alexander, 1962

I am lazy, the laziest
girl in the world. I sleep during
the day when I want to, ‘til
my face is creased and swollen,
‘til my lips are dry and hot. I
eat as I please: cookies and milk
after lunch, butter and sour cream
on my baked potato, foods that
slothful people eat, that turn
yellow and opaque beneath the skin.
Sometimes come dinnertime Sunday
I am still in my nightgown, the one
with the lace trim listing because
I have not mended it. Many days
I do not exercise, only
consider it, then rub my curdy
belly and lie down. Even
my poems are lazy. I use
syllabics instead of iambs,
prefer slant to the gong of full rhyme,
write briefly while others go
for pages. And yesterday,
for example, I did not work at all!
I got in my car and I drove
to factory outlet stores, purchased
stockings and panties and socks
with my father’s money.

To think, in childhood I missed only
one day of school per year. I went
to ballet class four days a week
at four-forty-five and on
Saturdays, beginning always
with plie, ending with curtsy.
To think, I knew only industry,
the industry of my race
and of immigrants, the radio
tuned always to the station
that said, Line up your summer
job months in advance. Work hard
and do not shame your family,
who worked hard to give you what you have.
There is no sin but sloth. Burn
to a wick and keep moving.

I avoided sleep for years,
up at night replaying
evening news stories about
nearby jailbreaks, fat people
who ate fried chicken and woke up
dead. In sleep I am looking
for poems in the shape of open
V’s of birds flying in formation,
or open arms saying, I forgive you, all. ~ Elizabeth Alexander,
810:From the woods that surrounded the burgh came a mass of men. Some rode, others ran. All carried weapons, mainly axes or spears. A few wore mail shirts and cloaks, but most just leather aketons. Among them were a handful of men clad in the short tunics favoured by Highlanders. These men were bare from
thigh to foot, an alarming sight to Ormesby, who had only heard rumour of these wild men of the north. As
they came, they roared a multitude of battle cries. Ormesby caught one name in the din, issuing from a group of mailed riders who followed a burly man on a finely caparisoned horse.
‘For Douglas!’ they howled. ‘For Douglas!’
Below, the townsfolk were scattering. The English soldiers had formed a tight knot outside the hall, blades drawn, but even as Ormesby watched, the forlorn group of beggars he had seen threw off their ragged skins and furs, revealing thickly muscled warriors. They fell upon the soldiers with savage cries,
daggers thrusting.
Footsteps sounded on the hall stairs. The door burst open and two soldiers appeared. ‘We must go, sir!’
The clerks and officials were already hastening across the chamber. Donald was running with them.
Ormesby remained rooted. ‘Who are they?’ he demanded, his voice high as he turned back to the window, seeing the horde rushing into the town. His eyes fixed on a giant of a man running, almost loping
in the front lines. Taller than all those around him, agile in the stride, he wore a simple dark blue tunic
and wide-brimmed kettle hat. The other men seemed to be running in unruly formation around him. But it was the blade in the man’s hands that Ormesby’s eyes were drawn to. He had never seen such a sword, so broad and long the giant had to grasp it in both hands as he came. Another name now became audible in the roar of the mob.
‘Wallace! Wallace! ~ Robyn Young,
811:American planes, full of holes and wounded men and corpses took off backwards from an airfield in England. Over France, a few German fighter planes flew at them backwards, sucked bullets and shell fragments from some of the planes and crewmen. They did the same for wrecked American bombers on the ground, and those planes flew up backwards to join the formation. The formation flew backwards over a German city that was in flames. The bombers opened their bomb bay doors, exerted a miraculous magnetism which shrunk the fires, gathered them into cylindrical steel containers, and lifted the containers into the bellies of the planes. The containers were stored neatly in racks. The Germans below had miraculous devices of their own, which were long steel tubes. They used them to suck more fragments from the crewmen and planes. But there were still a few wounded Americans, though, and some of the bombers were in bad repair. Over France, though, German fighters came up again, made everything and everybody as good as new. •  •  • When the bombers got back to their base, the steel cylinders were taken from the racks and shipped back to the United States of America, where factories were operating night and day, dismantling the cylinders, separating the dangerous contents into minerals. Touchingly, it was mainly women who did this work. The minerals were then shipped to specialists in remote areas. It was their business to put them into the ground, to hide them cleverly, so they would never hurt anybody ever again. The American fliers turned in their uniforms, became high school kids. And Hitler turned into a baby, Billy Pilgrim supposed. That wasn’t in the movie. Billy was extrapolating. Everybody turned into a baby, and all humanity, without exception, conspired biologically to produce two perfect people named Adam and Eve, he supposed. ~ Kurt Vonnegut,
812:The superego is the inner voice that is always putting us down for not living up to certain standards or rewarding our ego when we fulfill its demands . . .

In fact, our superego is one of the most powerful agents of the personality: it is the "inner critic" that keeps us restricted to certain limited possibilities for ourselves.

A large part of our initial transformational work centers on becoming more aware of the superego's "voice" in its many guises, both positive and negative. Its voices continually draw us back into identifying with our personality and acting out in self-defeating ways. When we are present, we are able to hear our superego voices without identifying with them; we are able to see the stances and positions of the superego as if they were characters in a play waiting in the wings, ready to jump in and control or attack us once again. When we are present, we hear the superego's voice but we do not give it any energy; the "all-powerful" voice then becomes just another aspect of the moment.

However, we must also be on the lookout for the formation of new layers of superego that come from our psychological and spiritual work . . . In fact, one of the biggest dangers that we face in using the Enneagram is our superego's tendency to take over our work and start criticizing us, for example, for not moving up the Levels of Development or going in the Direction of Integration fast enough. The more we are present, however, the more we will recognize the irrelevance of these voices and successfully resist giving them energy. Eventually, they lose their power, and we can regain the space and quiet we need to be receptive to other, more life-giving forces within us.

. . . If we feel anxious, depressed, lost, hopeless, fearful, wretched, or weak, we can be sure that our superego is on duty. ~ Don Richard Riso,
813:I answer that, It was necessary for woman to be made, as the Scripture says, as a "helper" to man; not, indeed, as a helpmate in other works, as some say, since man can be more efficiently helped by another man in other works; but as a helper in the work of generation. This can be made clear if we observe the mode of generation carried out in various living things. Some living things do not possess in themselves the power of generation, but are generated by some other specific agent, such as some plants and animals by the influence of the heavenly bodies, from some fitting matter and not from seed: others possess the active and passive generative power together; as we see in plants which are generated from seed; for the noblest vital function in plants is generation. Wherefore we observe that in these the active power of generation invariably accompanies the passive power. Among perfect animals the active power of generation belongs to the male sex, and the passive power to the female. And as among animals there is a vital operation nobler than generation, to which their life is principally directed; therefore the male sex is not found in continual union with the female in perfect animals, but only at the time of coition; so that we may consider that by this means the male and female are one, as in plants they are always united; although in some cases one of them preponderates, and in some the other. But man is yet further ordered to a still nobler vital action, and that is intellectual operation. Therefore there was greater reason for the distinction of these two forces in man; so that the female should be produced separately from the male; although they are carnally united for generation. Therefore directly after the formation of woman, it was said: "And they shall be two in one flesh" (Gn. 2:24). ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica (1265–1274),
814:It is common to assume that multi-racialism is inevitable, and that racial identity will disappear as races mix. Americans prefer to think that the “tragic mulatto,” welcome in neither community, was either a myth or a reflection of outmoded racist thinking. Research suggests things may not be so simple.
A 2003 study of 90,000 middle-school and high-school students found that black/white mixed-race children had more health and psychological problems than children who were either black or white. They were more likely to be depressed, sleep badly, skip school, smoke, drink, consider suicide, and have sex. White/Asian children showed similar symptoms. The principal author concluded that the cause was “the struggle with identity formation, leading to lack of self-esteem, social isolation and problems of family dynamics in biracial households.”
The authors of a 2008 study reached the same conclusion: “When it comes to engaging in risky/anti-social adolescent behavior, however, mixed race adolescents are stark outliers compared to both blacks and whites. . . . Mixed race adolescents—not having a natural peer group—need to engage in more risky behaviors to be accepted.”
A study of white/Asian children found that they were twice as likely as mono-racial children—34 percent vs. 17 percent—to suffer from psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression or drug abuse.
Yoonsun Choi of the University of Chicago found that in Seattle middle schools, a clear racial identity seemed to protect against certain problems. Bi-racial children were the group most likely to smoke, take drugs, have been in fights, hurt someone badly, or carry a gun. Prof. Choi believes mixed-race children suffer because no racial group accepts them. “There is some indication that a strong ethnic identity helps protect kids from these [undesirable] behaviors,” she said. ~ Jared Taylor,
815:The hadith, insofar as they addressed issues not dealt with in the Quran, would become an indispensable tool in the formation of Islamic law. However, in their earliest stages, the hadith were muddled and totally unregulated, making their authentication almost impossible. Worse, as the first generation of Companions passed on, the community had to rely increasingly on the reports that the second generation of Muslims (known as the Tabiun) had received from the first; when the second generation died, the community was yet another step removed from the actual words and deeds of the Prophet. Thus, with each successive generation, the “chain of transmission,” or isnad, that was supposed to authenticate the hadith grew longer and more convoluted, so that in less than two centuries after Muhammad’s death, there were already some seven hundred thousand hadith being circulated throughout the Muslim lands, the great majority of which were unquestionably fabricated by individuals who sought to legitimize their own particular beliefs and practices by connecting them with the Prophet. After a few generations, almost anything could be given the status of hadith if one simply claimed to trace its transmission back to Muhammad. In fact, the Hungarian scholar Ignaz Goldziher has documented numerous hadith the transmitters of which claimed were derived from Muhammad but which were in reality verses from the Torah and Gospels, bits of rabbinic sayings, ancient Persian maxims, passages of Greek philosophy, Indian proverbs, and even an almost word-for-word reproduction of the Lord’s Prayer. By the ninth century, when Islamic law was being fashioned, there were so many false hadith circulating through the community that Muslim legal scholars somewhat whimsically classified them into two categories: lies told for material gain and lies told for ideological advantage. In ~ Reza Aslan,
816:In the center of the movement, as the motor that swings it onto motion, sits the Leader. He is separated from the elite formation by an inner circle of the initiated who spread around him an aura of impenetrable mystery which corresponds to his “intangible preponderance.” His position within this intimate circle depends upon his ability to spin intrigues among its members and upon his skill in constantly changing its personnel. He owes his rise to leadership to an extreme ability to handle inner-party struggles for power rather than to demagogic or bureaucratic-organizational qualities. He is distinguished from earlier types of dictators in that he hardly wins through simple violence. Hitler needed neither the SA nor the SS to secure his position as leader of the Nazi movement; on the contrary, Röhm, the chief of the SA and able to count upon its loyalty to his own person, was one of Hitler’s inner-party enemies. Stalin won against Trotsky, who not only had a far greater mass appeal but, as chief of the Red Army, held in his hands the greatest power potential in Soviet Russia at the time. Not Stalin, but Trotsky, moreover, was the greatest organizational talent, the ablest bureaucrat of the Russian Revolution. On the other hand, both Hitler and Stalin were masters of detail and devoted themselves in the early stages of their careers almost entirely to questions of personnel, so that after a few years hardly any man of importance remained who did not owe his position to them. ~ Hannah Arendt,
817:They began to invent humourless, glum jokes of their own and disastrous rumours about the destruction awaiting them at Bologna.
Yossarian sidled up drunkenly to Colonel Korn at the officers' club one night to kid with him about the new Lepage gun that the Germans had moved in.
'What Lepage gun?' Colonle Korn inquired with curiousity.
'The new three-hundred-and-forty-four-millimeter Lepage glue gun,' Yossarian answered. 'It glues a whole formation of planes together in mid-air.'
Colonel Korn jerked his elbow free from Yossarian's clutching fingers in startled affront. 'Let go of me, you idiot!' he cried out furiously, glaring with vindictive approval as Nately leaped upon Yossarian's back and pulled him away.
'Who is that lunatic anyway?'
Colonel Cathcart chortled merrily. 'That's the man you made me give a medal to after Ferrara. You had me promote him to captain, too, remember? It serves you right.'
Nately was lighter than Yossarian and had great difficulty maneuvering Yossarian's luching bulk across the room to an unoccupied table. 'Are you crazy?' Nately kept hissing with trepidation. 'That was Colonel Korn. Are you crazy?'
Yossarian wanted another drink and promised to leave quietly if Nately bought him one. Then he made Nately bring him two more. When Nately finally coaxed him to the door, Captain Black came stomping in from outside, banging his sloshing shoes down hard on the wood floor and spilling water from his eaves like a high roof.
'Boy, are you bastards in for it!' he announced exuberantly, splashing away from the puddle forming at his feet. 'I just got a call from Colonel Korn. Do you know what they've got waiting for you at Bologna? Ha! Ha! They've got the new Lepage glue gun. It glues a whole formation of planes together in mid-air.'
'My God, it's true!' Yossarian shrieked, and collapsed against Nately in terror. ~ Joseph Heller,
818:But one of the dangers of eagerly diving in to the political sphere is that it tends to underestimate the strength of the currents already swirling around in that “sphere.” In other words, such Pylesque eagerness tends to think of politics just as a matter of strategy (and hence getting the right strategy in place), as something that we do, and underestimates the formative impact of political practices, that they do something to us.16 It is here that I think Augustine’s more nuanced analysis of the politics of the empire has something to teach us in the twenty-first century. Because he defines the political in terms of love, and because the formation of our loves is bound up with worship, Augustine is primed to recognize what we might call the “liturgical” power of political practices, which engenders critical nuance. As we noted in Augustine’s definition of a “people” (City of God 19.24), the earthly city’s different political configurations qualify as “commonwealths,” but they fail to be just because they are aimed at the wrong objects of love (that is, they wrongly constitute objects of love). So Augustine’s revised account of the empire yields a fundamentally critical evaluation, nothing like the rather rosy affirmation of the “earthly city” we tend to hear from those who (mistakenly) invoke Augustine as if he fathered the Holy Roman Empire.17 In this respect, Augustine’s “liturgical” analysis of the political enables him to be attentive to an antithesis that evangelical (Pylesque) enthusiasm for political activism seems to not recognize: that at stake in participation in the political configurations of the earthly city are matters of worship and religious identity. The public practices of the empire are not “merely political” or “merely temporal”; they are “loaded,” formative practices aimed at a telos that is ultimately antithetical to the city of God. ~ James K A Smith,
819:According to the [evolutionist explanation of the instinct of animals], instinct is the expression of the heredity of a species, of an accumulation of analogous experiences down the ages. This is how they explain, for example, the fact that a flock of sheep hastily gathers together around the lambs the moment it perceives the shadow of a bird of prey, or that a kitten while playing already employs all the tricks of a hunter, or that birds know how to build their nests. In fact, it is enough to watch animals to see that their instinct has nothing of an automatism about it. The formation of such a mechanism by a purely cumulative . . . process is highly improbable, to say the least. Instinct is a nonreflective modality of the intelligence; it is determined, not by a series of automatic reflexes, but by the “form”—the qualitative determination—of the species. This form is like a filter through which the universal intelligence is manifested. . . The same is also true for man: his intelligence too is determined by the subtle form of his species. This form, however, includes the reflective faculty, which allows of a singularization of the individual such as does not exist among the animals. Man alone is able to objectivize himself. He can say: “I am this or that.” He alone possesses this two-edged faculty. Man, by virtue of his own central position in the cosmos, is able to transcend his specific norm; he can also betray it, and sink lower; "The corruption of the best is corruption at its worst." A normal animal remains true to the form and genius of its species; if its intelligence is not reflective and objectifying, but in some sort existential, it is nonetheless spontaneous; it is assuredly a form of the universal intelligence even if it is not recognized as such by men who, from prejudice or ignorance, identify intelligence with discursive thought exclusively. ~ Titus Burckhardt,
820:The events of the last forty years have inflicted such a blow to the self confidence of Western civilization and to the belief in progress which was so strong during the nineteenth century, that men tend to go too far in the opposite direction: in fact the modern world is experiencing the same kind of danger which was so fatal to the ancient world--the crisis of which Gilbert Murray writes in his Four Stages of Greek Religion as "The Loss of Nerve.”
There have been signs of this in Western literature for a long time past, and it has already had a serious effect on Western culture an education. This is the typical tragedy of the intelligentsia as shown in nineteenth century Russia and often in twentieth century Germany: the case of a society or class devoting enormous efforts to higher education and to the formation of an intellectual elite and then finding that the final result of the system is to breed a spirit of pessimism and nihilism and revolt. There was something seriously wrong about an educational system which cancelled itself out in this way, which picked out the ablest minds in a society and subjected them to an intensive process of competitive development which ended in a revolutionary or cynical reaction against the society that produced it. But behind these defects of an over-cerebralized and over-competitive method of education, there is the deeper cause in the loss of the common spiritual background which unifies education with social life. For the liberal faith in progress which inspired the nineteenth century was itself a substitute for the simpler and more positive religious faith which was the vital bond of the Western community. If we wish to understand our past and the inheritance of Western culture, we have to go behind the nineteenth century development and study the old spiritual community of Western Christendom as an objective historical reality. ~ Christopher Henry Dawson,
821:September 1995: Mark and I had our well documented book entitled TRANCE Formation of America published, complete with irrefutable graphic details which are in themselves evidence to present to Congress, all factions of law enforcement including the FBI, CIA, DIA, DEA, TBI, NSA, etc., all major news media groups, national and international human rights advocates, both American Psychological and Psychiatric Associations, the National Institute of Mental Health, and more… to no avail. TRANCE thoroughly exposes many of the perpe-TRAITORS and their agenda replete with names, which raises the question “why haven't we been sued?” The obvious answer is that the same “National Security Act” that continues to block our access to all avenues of justice and public exposure also prevents these criminals from inevitably bringing mind control to light through court procedures, an opportunity we would welcome. Meanwhile, as reported by both APAs, survivors of U.S. Government sponsored mind control began to surface all across our nation. The first to encounter the vast number of survivors were law enforcement and mental health professionals, and these professionals began to ask questions. in other countries, answers are being provided through somewhat less controlled media, reflecting the CIA's involvement in Project MK Ultra human rights atrocities. A television documentary entitled The Sleep Room aired across Canada by the Canadian Broadcast Corp. in the spring of 1998. Dr. Martin Orne, an associate boasted by Dr. William Mitchell M.D., Ph.D. who thrust Kelly into Vanderbilt's cover-up attempt (re: p.14), is named as an accomplice to Dr. Ewing Cameron's MK Ultra 'experiments' in Montreal, Quebec. Additionally, it should be known that Dr. Cameron went on to found the American Psychiatric Association, which has helped to maintain America's mental health profession in the dark ages of information control. ~ Cathy O Brien,
822:Two recent books that make this case are by James K. A. Smith: Desiring the Kingdom: Worship, Worldview, and Cultural Formation (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2009); and Imagining the Kingdom: How Worship Works (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2013). Smith builds on Augustine’s idea that what makes us what we are is the order of our loves, and therefore what changes us is changing not what we think but what we love. Smith rightly critiques an approach to ministry that is too rationalistic and focused on information transfer and the transmission of right doctrine and beliefs. His response is that we change not by changing what we think as much as by changing what we worship—what we love and fill our imaginations with. He gives much more attention, however, to the liturgy and the shape of worship services, and little to preaching. I believe preaching can carry much of the weight of the ministry task of reshaping the heart. True to Smith’s critique, however, there is a relative dearth of evangelical books on preaching to the heart, in comparison with how to exegete and explain a biblical text. Some exceptions are Sinclair Ferguson, “Preaching to the Heart,” in Feed My Sheep: A Passionate Plea for Preaching (Grand Rapids, MI: Soli Deo Gloria, 2002), pp. 190–217; Samuel T. Logan, “The Phenomenology of Preaching,” in The Preacher and Preaching (Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1986), pp. 129–60; and Josh Moody and Robin Weekes, Burning Hearts: Preaching to the Affections (Ross-shire, Scotland: Christian Focus, 2014). I would add that “preaching to the heart” not only is quite biblical but also is an important way to adapt to our secular age, in which inherited religion will be on the decline. People will be coming to church not because they ought to, because it is an entailment of being part of a social body or community, but only if they choose with their hearts to do so. ~ Timothy J Keller,
823:A supreme divine Love is a creative Power and, even though it can exist in itself silent and unchangeable, yet rejoices in external form and expression and is not condemned to be a speechless and bodiless godhead. It has even been said that creation itself was an act of love or at least the building up of a field in which Divine Love could devise its symbols and fulfil itself in act of mutuality and self-giving, and, if not the initial nature of creation, this may well be its ultimate object and motive. It does not so appear now because, even if a Divine Love is there in the world upholding all this evolution of creatures, yet the stuff of life and its action is made up of an egoistic formation, a division, a struggle of life and consciousness to exist and survive in an apparently indifferent, inclement or even hostile world of inanimate and inconscient Matter. In the confusion and obscurity of this struggle all are thrown against each other with a will in each to assert its own existence first and foremost and only secondarily to assert itself in others and very partially for others; for even man's altruism remains essentially egoistic and must be so till the soul finds the secret of the divine Oneness. It is to discover that at its supreme source, to bring it from within and to radiate it out up to the extreme confines of life that is turned the effort of the Yoga. All action, all creation must be turned into a form, a symbol of the cult, the adoration, the sacrifice; it must carry something that makes it bear in it the stamp of a dedication, a reception and translation of the Divine Consciousness, a service of the Beloved, a self-giving, a surrender. This has to be done wherever possible in the outward body and form of the act; it must be done always in its inward emotion and an intentsity that shows it to be an outflow from the soul towards the Eternal.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Ascent of the Sacrifice - 2, 164,
824:Logotherapy bases its technique called “paradoxical intention” on the twofold fact that fear brings about that which one is afraid of, and that hyper-intention makes impossible what one wishes. In German I described paradoxical intention as early as 1939.11 In this approach the phobic patient is invited to intend, even if only for a moment, precisely that which he fears. Let me recall a case. A young physician consulted me because of his fear of perspiring. Whenever he expected an outbreak of perspiration, this anticipatory anxiety was enough to precipitate excessive sweating. In order to cut this circle formation I advised the patient, in the event that sweating should recur, to resolve deliberately to show people how much he could sweat. A week later he returned to report that whenever he met anyone who triggered his anticipatory anxiety, he said to himself, “I only sweated out a quart before, but now I’m going to pour at least ten quarts!” The result was that, after suffering from his phobia for four years, he was able, after a single session, to free himself permanently of it within one week. The reader will note that this procedure consists of a reversal of the patient’s attitude, inasmuch as his fear is replaced by a paradoxical wish. By this treatment, the wind is taken out of the sails of the anxiety. Such a procedure, however, must make use of the specifically human capacity for self-detachment inherent in a sense of humor. This basic capacity to detach one from oneself is actualized whenever the logotherapeutic technique called paradoxical intention is applied. At the same time, the patient is enabled to put himself at a distance from his own neurosis. A statement consistent with this is found in Gordon W. Allport’s book, The Individual and His Religion: “The neurotic who learns to laugh at himself may be on the way to self-management, perhaps to cure.”12 Paradoxical intention is the empirical validation and clinical application of Allport’s statement. ~ Viktor E Frankl,
825:The immediate catalyst for the emergence of the Enlightenment in the eighteenth century was the scientific revolution of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, which included three momentous discoveries in astronomy: Johannes Kepler delineated the rules that govern the movement of the planets, Galileo Galilei placed the sun at the center of the universe, and Isaac Newton discovered the force of gravity, invented calculus (Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz independently discovered it at the same time), and used it to describe the three laws of motion. In so doing, Newton joined physics and astronomy and illustrated that even the deepest truths in the universe could be revealed by the methods of science. These contributions were celebrated in 1660 with the formation of the first scientific society in the world: the Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge, which elected Isaac Newton as its president in 1703. The founders of the Royal Society thought of God as a mathematician who had designed the universe to function according to logical and mathematical principles. The role of the scientist—the natural philosopher—was to employ the scientific method to discover the physical principles underlying the universe and thereby decipher the codebook that God had used in creating the cosmos. Success in the realm of science led eighteenth-century thinkers to assume that other aspects of human action, including political behavior, creativity, and art, could be improved by the application of reason, leading ultimately to an improved society and better conditions for all humankind. This confidence in reason and science affected all aspects of political and social life in Europe and soon spread to the North American colonies. There, the Enlightenment ideas that society can be improved through reason and that rational people have a natural right to the pursuit of happiness are thought to have contributed to the Jeffersonian democracy that we enjoy today in the United States. ~ Eric R Kandel,
826:transient and in the context of eternity ephemeral, only perceived as having such characteristics as ―solidity‖, ―liquidity‖, ―form‖ and other physically discernible characteristics through the mediation of the five physical senses, which in turn perpetuate these illusions. Earth Herself, the suns, planets, galaxies and other creations in the physical Universe were created by the Mind of The Source during an act of creation that commenced with The Source, The First Cause, God, projecting outwards with ever decreasing vibration and increasing density, until finally differentiating into matter, finally resulting in the formation of the physical Universe.Nevertheless, the physical Universe is still transient to the extent they can only exist in its present form while The Source chooses to continue to maintain the Thought Forms that constitute the physical Universe and all its manifestations. The discovery of the characteristics of Quanta further underlines the extremely important fact that everyone without exception creates their own reality. These factors equally apply to the inner worlds, including the Astral worlds to where most people will transition after physical death, and where anything can be manifested instantly through the focused powers of the Mind in the form of thoughts, intent and imagination. We will discuss manifestation with the power of the Mind in much more detail in later sections of this book. The Astral and inner dimensions or spheres of reality exist at a much higher level of vibration or Energy than the physical world, and Quanta of Energy, identical to vibration or Light in the Universal sense, are much more easily influenced by the power of the Mind―the inner spheres of life being ―Mind worlds‖. Physicist Nick Herbert likened the behaviour of Quanta to ―a radically ambiguous and ceaselessly flowing quantum soup‖. Nick Herbert goes on to observe that ―humans can never experience the true nature of quantum reality, Life, the Universe and Destiny of Mankind 74 ~ Anonymous,
827:Yeah, in my opinion the heart of the problem is Marxism-Leninism itself―the very idea that a "vanguard party" can, or has any right to, or has any capacity to lead the stupid masses towards some future they're too dumb to understand for themselves. I think what it's going to lead them towards is "I rule you with a whip." Institutions of domination have a nice way of reproducing themselves―I think that's kind of like an obvious sociological truism.

And actually, if you look back, that was in fact Bakunin's prediction half a century before―he said this was exactly what was going to happen. I mean, Bakunin was talking about the people around Marx, this was before Lenin was born, but his prediction was that the nature of the intelligentsia as a formation in modern industrial society is that they are going to try to become the social managers. Now, they're not going to become the social managers because they own capital, and they're not going to become the social managers because they've got a lot of guns. They are going to become the social managers because they can control, organize, and direct what's called "knowledge"―they have the skills to process information, and to mobilize support for decision-making, and so on and so forth. And Bakunin predicted that these people would fall into two categories. On the one hand, there would be the "left" intellectuals, who would try to rise to power on the backs of mass popular movements, and if they could gain power, they would then beat the people into submission and try to control them. On the other hand, if they found that they couldn't get power that way themselves, they would become the servants of what we would nowadays call "state-capitalism," though Bakunin didn't use the term. And either of these two categories of intellectuals, he said, would be "beating the people with the people's stick"―that is, they'd be presenting themselves as representatives of the people, so they'd be holding the people's stick, but they would be beating the people with it. ~ Noam Chomsky,
828:I will here give a brief sketch of the progress of opinion on the Origin of Species. Until recently the great majority of naturalists believed that species were immutable productions, and had been separately created. This view has been ably maintained by many authors. Some few naturalists, on the other hand, have believed that species undergo modification, and that the existing forms of life are the descendants by true generation of pre existing forms. Passing over allusions to the subject in the classical writers (Aristotle, in his "Physicae Auscultationes" (lib.2, cap.8, s.2), after remarking that rain does not fall in order to make the corn grow, any more than it falls to spoil the farmer's corn when threshed out of doors, applies the same argument to organisation; and adds (as translated by Mr. Clair Grece, who first pointed out the passage to me), "So what hinders the different parts (of the body) from having this merely accidental relation in nature? as the teeth, for example, grow by necessity, the front ones sharp, adapted for dividing, and the grinders flat, and serviceable for masticating the food; since they were not made for the sake of this, but it was the result of accident. And in like manner as to other parts in which there appears to exist an adaptation to an end. Wheresoever, therefore, all things together (that is all the parts of one whole) happened like as if they were made for the sake of something, these were preserved, having been appropriately constituted by an internal spontaneity; and whatsoever things were not thus constituted, perished and still perish." We here see the principle of natural selection shadowed forth, but how little Aristotle fully comprehended the principle, is shown by his remarks on the formation of the teeth.), the first author who in modern times has treated it in a scientific spirit was Buffon. But as his opinions fluctuated greatly at different periods, and as he does not enter on the causes or means of the transformation of species, I need not here enter on details. ~ Charles Darwin,
829:[...] l’esprit occidental est presque entièrement d’essence chrétienne dans tout ce qu’il a de positif. Il n’est pas au pouvoir des hommes de se défaire, par leurs propres moyens, c’est-à-dire par de simples idéologies, d’une si profonde hérédité ; leurs intelligences s’exercent selon des habitudes séculaires, même lorsqu’elles inventent des erreurs. On ne peut faire abstraction de cette formation intellectuelle et mentale, si diminuée soit-elle (1) ; s’il en est ainsi, et si le point de vue traditionnel subsiste inconsciemment même chez ceux qui estiment ne plus devoir se réclamer d’aucune tradition, ou chez ceux qui, par simple souci d’impartialité, veulent se placer en dehors du point de vue chrétien ou juif, comment pourrait-on supposer que les éléments constitutifs d’une autre tradition puissent être interprétés dans leur véritable sens ? N’est-il pas frappant que les opinions courantes sur l’Islam par exemple, soient à peu près identiques chez la majorité des Occidentaux, qu’ils se disent chrétiens ou qu’ils se flattent de ne plus l’être ? Les réserves qu’ils formulent à l’égard de l’Islam, — pour ne rien dire des cas d’ignorance pure et simple ou d’une hostilité franchement moderniste, — proviennent généralement beaucoup moins d’une juste appréciation des choses, qu’elles ne sont le fait d’une hérédité mentale et psychique, qui subsiste dans la pensée occidentale et qui souvent n’y est plus autre chose que le résidu de la vraie spiritualité chrétienne."
1. Les erreurs philosophiques elles-mêmes ne seraient pas concevables, si elles ne représentaient la négation de certaines vérités, et si ces négations n’étaient des réactions directes ou indirectes contre certaines limitations formelles de la tradition ; on voit par là qu’aucune erreur, philosophique ou religieuse, ne peut prétendre à une parfaite indépendance et autonomie vis-à-vis de la tradition ou de la conception traditionnelle qu’elle rejette ou qu’elle défigure.

"Christianisme et Islam", in Etudes Traditionnelles numéro spécial Tradition islamique, 1934. ~ Frithjof Schuon,
830:There are two ways in which the human machine goes wrong. One is when human individuals drift apart from one another, or else collide with one another and do one another damage, by cheating or bullying. The other is when things go wrong inside the individual—when the different parts of him (his different faculties and desires and so on) either drift apart or interfere with one another. You can get the idea plain if you think of us as a fleet of ships sailing in formation. The voyage will be a success only, in the first place, if the ships do not collide and get in one another’s way; and, secondly, if each ship is seaworthy and has her engines in good order. As a matter of fact, you cannot have either of these two things without the other. If the ships keep on having collisions they will not remain seaworthy very long. On the other hand, if their steering gears are out of order they will not be able to avoid collisions. Or, if you like, think of humanity as a band playing a tune. To get a good result, you need two things. Each player’s individual instrument must be in tune and also each must come in at the right moment so as to combine with all the others. But there is one thing we have not yet taken into account. We have not asked where the fleet is trying to get to, or what piece of music the band is trying to play. The instruments might be all in tune and might all come in at the right moment, but even so the performance would not be a success if they had been engaged to provide dance music and actually played nothing but Dead Marches. And however well the fleet sailed, its voyage would be a failure if it were meant to reach New York and actually arrived at Calcutta. Morality, then, seems to be concerned with three things. Firstly, with fair play and harmony between individuals. Secondly, with what might be called tidying up or harmonising the things inside each individual. Thirdly, with the general purpose of human life as a whole: what man was made for: what course the whole fleet ought to be on: what tune the conductor of the band wants it to play. You ~ C S Lewis,
831:Marco Cirrini had been skiing on the north face of Bald Slope Mountain since he was a boy, using the old skis his father brought with him from Italy. The Cirrinis had shown up out of nowhere, walking into town in the middle of winter, their hair shining like black coal in the snow. They never really fit in. Marco tried, though. He tried by leading groups of local boys up the mountain in the winter, showing them how to make their own skis and how to use them. He charged them pennies and jars of bean chutney and spiced red cabbage they would sneak out of their mothers' sparse pantries. When he was nineteen, he decided he could take this one step further. He could make great things happen in the winter in Bald Slope. Cocky, not afraid of hard work and handsome in that mysterious Mediterranean way that excluded him from mountain society, he gathered investors from as far away as Asheville and Charlotte to buy the land. He started construction on the lodge himself while the residents of the town scoffed. They were the sweet cream and potatoes and long-forgotten ballads of their English and Irish and Scottish ancestors, who settled the southern Appalachians. They didn't want change. It took fifteen years, but the Bald Slope Ski Resort was finally completed and, much to everyone's surprise, it was an immediate success.
Change was good!
Stores didn't shut down for the winter anymore. Bed-and-breakfasts and sports shops and restaurants sprouted up. Instead of closing up their houses for the winter, summer residents began to rent them out to skiers. Some summer residents even decided to move to Bald Slope permanently, moving into their vacation homes with their sleeping porches and shade trees, thus forming the high society in Bald Slope that existed today. Marco himself was welcomed into this year-round society. He was essentially responsible for its formation in the first place, after all. Finally it didn't matter where he came from. What mattered was that he saved Bald Slope by giving it a winter economy, and he could do no wrong.
This town was finally his. ~ Sarah Addison Allen,
832:At the lab my professor suggested that, since it was such an amazing day, perhaps I could take the exam outside in the wetland wilderness reserve that surrounded the lab. The view of the swamp was stunning! Somehow it had never seemed beautiful to me before. She asked that I take my notebook and pencil out. “Please draw for me the complete development of the chick from fertilization to hatching. That is the only question.” I gasped, “But that is the entire course!” “Yes, I suppose it is, but make-up exams are supposed to be harder than the original, aren’t they?” I couldn’t imagine being able to regurgitate the entire course. As I sat there despondently, I closed my eyes and was flooded with grief. Then I noticed that my inner visual field was undulating like a blanket that was being shaken at one end. I began to see a movie of fertilization! When I opened my eyes a few minutes later, I realized that the movie could be run forward and back and was clear as a bell in my mind’s eye, even with my physical eyes open. Hesitantly, I drew the formation of the blastula, a hollow ball of cells that develops out of the zygote (fertilized egg). As I carefully drew frame after frame of my inner movie, it was her turn to gape! The tiny heart blossomed. The formation of the notochord, the neural groove, and the beginnings of the nervous system were flowing out of my enhanced imagery and onto the pages. A stupendous event—the animated wonder of embryonic growth and the differentiation of cells—continued at a rapid pace. I drew as quickly as I could. To my utter amazement, I was able to carefully and completely replicate the content of the entire course, drawing after drawing, like the frames of animation that I was seeing as a completed film! It took me about an hour and a quarter drawing as fast as I could to reproduce the twenty-one-day miracle of chick formation. Clearly impressed, my now suddenly lovely professor smiled and said, “Well, I suppose you deserve an A!” The sunlight twinkled on the water, the cattails waved in the gentle breeze, and the gentle wonder of life was everywhere. Reports: ~ James Fadiman,
833:And then I saw it. My father's wood: thick by then with twenty years' growth, but still not fully mature. A half-grown wood of oak trees around that little clearing, which, with my new perspective, I could see made the shape of a heart.
I stared down at the clearing. The heart was unmistakable; tapered at the base with the strawberry field in the centre; a stand of trees to form the cleft. How long had it taken my father, I thought, to plan the formation, to plant out the trees? How many calculations had he made to create this God's-eye view? I thought of the years I had been at school; the years I had felt his absence. I remembered the contempt I'd felt at his little hobby. And finally I understood what he'd tried to say to me on the night of my wedding.
'Love is the thing that only God sees.'
I'd wondered at the time what he meant. My father seldom spoke of love; rarely showed affection. Perhaps that was Tante Anna's influence, or maybe the few words he'd had were all spent on Naomi. But here it was at last, I saw: the heart-shaped meadow in the wood, a silent testament to grief; a last, enduring promise.
Love is the thing that only God sees. I suppose
you'dsay that's because he sees into our hearts. Well, if he ever looks in mine, he'll see no more than I've told you. Confession may be good for the soul. But love is even better. Love redeems us even when we think ourselves irredeemable. I never really loved my wife- not in the way that she deserved. My children and I were never close. Perhaps that was my fault, after all. But Mimi- yes, I loved Mimi. And I loved Rosette Rocher, who was so very like her. One day I hope Rosette will see the heart-shaped meadow in the wood, and know that love surrounds her, whether see can see it or not. And you, Reynaud. I hope one day you can feel what only God sees, but which grows from the hearts of people like us: the flawed; the scarred; the broken. I hope you find it one day, Reynaud. Till then, look after Rosette for me. Make sure she knows my story. Tell her to take care of my wood. And keep picking the strawberries. ~ Joanne Harris,
834:And then I saw it. My father's wood: thick by then with twenty years' growth, but still not fully mature. A half-grown wood of oak trees around that little clearing, which, with my new perspective, I could see made the shape of a heart.
I stared down at the clearing. The heart was unmistakable; tapered at the base with the strawberry field in the centre; a stand of trees to form the cleft. How long had it taken my father, I thought, to plan the formation, to plant out the trees? How many calculations had he made to create this God's-eye view? I thought of the years I had been at school; the years I had felt his absence. I remembered the contempt I'd felt at his little hobby. And finally I understood what he'd tried to say to me on the night of my wedding.
'Love is the thing that only God sees.'
I'd wondered at the time what he meant. My father seldom spoke of love; rarely showed affection. Perhaps that was Tante Anna's influence, or maybe the few words he'd had were all spent on Naomi. But here it was at last, I saw: the heart-shaped meadow in the wood, a silent testament to grief; a last, enduring promise.
Love is the thing that only God sees. I suppose
you'd say that's because he sees into our hearts. Well, if he ever looks in mine, he'll see no more than I've told you. Confession may be good for the soul. But love is even better. Love redeems us even when we think ourselves irredeemable. I never really loved my wife- not in the way that she deserved. My children and I were never close. Perhaps that was my fault, after all. But Mimi- yes, I loved Mimi. And I loved Rosette Rocher, who was so very like her. One day I hope Rosette will see the heart-shaped meadow in the wood, and know that love surrounds her, whether see can see it or not. And you, Reynaud. I hope one day you can feel what only God sees, but which grows from the hearts of people like us: the flawed; the scarred; the broken. I hope you find it one day, Reynaud. Till then, look after Rosette for me. Make sure she knows my story. Tell her to take care of my wood. And keep picking the strawberries. ~ Joanne Harris,
835:We live in an extraordinary age. These are times of stunning changes in social organization, economic well-being, moral and ethical precepts, philosophical and religious perspectives, and human self-knowledge, as well as in our understanding of that vast universe in which we are imbedded like a grain of sand in a cosmic ocean. As long as there have been human beings, we have posed the deep and fundamental questions, which evoke wonder and stir us into at least a tentative and trembling awareness, questions on the origins of consciousness; life on our planet; the beginnings of the Earth; the formation of the Sun; the possibility of intelligent beings somewhere up there in the depths of the sky; as well as, the grandest inquiry of all - on the advent, nature and ultimate destiny of the universe. For all but the last instant of human history these issues have been the exclusive province of philosophers and poets, shamans and theologians. The diverse and mutually contradictory answers offered demonstrate that few of the proposed solutions have been correct. But today, as a result of knowledge painfully extracted from nature, through generations of careful thinking, observing, and experimenting, we are on the verge of glimpsing at least preliminary answers to many of these questions.

...If we do not destroy ourselves, most of us will be around for the answers. Had we been born fifty years earlier, we could have wondered, pondered, speculated about these issues, but we could have done nothing about them. Had we been born fifty years later, the answers would, I think, already have been in. Our children will have been taught the answers before most of them will have had the opportunity to even formulate the questions. By far the most exciting, satisfying and exhilarating time to be alive is the time in which we pass from ignorance to knowledge on these fundamental issues; the age where we begin in wonder and end in understanding. In all of the four-billion-year history of the human family, there is only one generation priveleged to live through that unique transitional moment: that generation is ours. ~ Carl Sagan,
836:The church's theology bought into this ahistoricism in different ways: along a more liberal, post-Kantian trajectory, the historical particularities of Christian faith were reduced to atemporal moral teachings that were universal and unconditioned. Thus it turned out that what Jesus taught was something like Kant's categorical imperative - a universal ethics based on reason rather than a set of concrete practices related to a specific community. Liberal Christianity fostered ahistoricism by reducing Christianity to a universal, rational kernel of moral teaching. Along a more conservative, evangelical trajectory (and the Reformation is not wholly innocent here), it was recognized that Christians could not simply jettison the historical particularities of the Christian event: the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. However, there was still a quasi-Platonic, quasi-gnostic rejection of material history such that evangelicalism, while not devolving to a pure ahistoricism, become dominated by a modified ahistoricism we can call primitivism. Primitivism retains the most minimal commitment to God's action in history (in the life of Christ and usually in the first century of apostolic activity) and seeks to make only this first-century 'New Testament church' normative for contemporary practice. This is usually articulated by a rigid distinction between Scripture and tradition (the latter then usually castigated as 'the traditions of men' as opposed to the 'God-give' realities of Scripture). Such primitivism is thus anticreedal and anticatholic, rejecting any sense that what was unfolded by the church between the first and the twenty-first centuries is at all normative for current faith and practice (the question of the canon's formation being an interesting exception here). Ecumenical creeds and confessions - such as the Apostles' Creed or the Nicene Creed - that unite the church across time and around the globe are not 'live' in primitivist worship practices, which enforce a sense of autonomy or even isolation, while at the same time claiming a direct connection to first-century apostolic practices. ~ James K A Smith,
837:Abe held my gaze a bit longer and then broke into an easy smile. ʺOf course, of course. This is a family gathering. A celebration. And look: hereʹs our newest member.ʺ

Dimitri had joined us and wore black and white like my mother and me. He stood beside me, conspicuously not touching. ʺMr. Mazur,ʺ he said formally, nodding a greeting to both of them. ʺGuardian Hathaway.ʺ

Dimitri was seven years older than me, but right then, facing my parents, he looked like he was sixteen and about to pick me up for a date.

ʺAh, Belikov,ʺ said Abe, shaking Dimitriʹs hand. ʺIʹd been hoping weʹd run into each other. Iʹd really like to get to know you better. Maybe we can set aside some time to talk, learn more about life, love, et cetera. Do you like to hunt? You seem like a hunting man. Thatʹs what we should do sometime. I know a great spot in the woods. Far, far away. We could make a day of it. Iʹve certainly got a lot of questions Iʹd like to ask you. A lot of things Iʹd like to tell you too.ʺ

I shot a panicked look at my mother, silently begging her to stop this. Abe had spent a good deal of time talking to Adrian when we dated, explaining in vivid and gruesome detail exactly how Abe expected his daughter to be treated. I did not want Abe taking Dimitri off alone into the wilderness, especially if firearms were involved.

ʺActually,ʺ said my mom casually. ʺIʹd like to come along. I also have a number of questions—especially about when you two were back at St. Vladimirʹs.ʺ

ʺDonʹt you guys have somewhere to be?ʺ I asked hastily. ʺWeʹre about to start.ʺ

That, at least, was true. Nearly everyone was in formation, and the crowd was quieting. ʺOf course,ʺ said Abe. To my astonishment, he brushed a kiss over my forehead before stepping away. ʺIʹm glad youʹre back.ʺ Then, with a wink, he said to Dimitri:

ʺLooking forward to our chat.ʺ

ʺRun,ʺ I said when they were gone. ʺIf you slip out now, maybe they wonʹt notice. Go back to Siberia."

"Actually," said Dimitri, "I'm pretty sure Abe would notice. Don't worry, Roza. I'm not afraid. I'll take whatever heat they give me over being with you. It's worth it. ~ Richelle Mead,
838:My mother delayed my enrollment in the Fascist scouts, the Balilla, as long as possible, firstly because she did not want me to learn how to handle weapons, but also because the meetings that were then held on Sunday mornings (before the Fascist Saturday was instituted) consisted mostly of a Mass in the scouts' chapel. When I had to be enrolled as part of my school duties, she asked that I be excused from the Mass; this was impossible for disciplinary reasons, but my mother saw to it that the chaplain and the commander were aware that I was not a Catholic and that I should not be asked to perform any external acts of devotion in church.

In short, I often found myself in situations different from others, looked on as if I were some strange animal. I do not think this harmed me: one gets used to persisting in one's habits, to finding oneself isolated for good reasons, to putting up with the discomfort that this causes, to finding the right way to hold on to positions which are not shared by the majority.

But above all I grew up tolerant of others' opinions, particularly in the field of religion, remembering how irksome it was to hear myself mocked because I did not follow the majority's beliefs. And at the same time I have remained totally devoid of that taste for anticlericalism which is so common in those who are educated surrounded by religion.

I have insisted on setting down these memories because I see that many non-believing friends let their children have a religious education 'so as not to give them complexes', 'so that they don't feel different from the others.' I believe that this behavior displays a lack of courage which is totally damaging pedagogically. Why should a young child not begin to understand that you can face a small amount of discomfort in order to stay faithful to an idea?

And in any case, who said that young people should not have complexes? Complexes arise through a natural attrition with the reality that surrounds us, and when you have complexes you try to overcome them. Life is in fact nothing but this triumphing over one's own complexes, without which the formation of a character and personality does not happen. ~ Italo Calvino,
839:— Je suis un demi-dieu, une divinité mineure, un archange… Choisis le terme que tu préfères. Tu peux t’adresser à moi en m’appelant « maître », car tu n’as pas le droit de connaître mon nom. (Il se laissa tomber en position assise.) J’ai choisi cette forme parce qu’elle m’amuse et ne t’effraie pas. Wallie ne fut pas impressionné. — Pourquoi jouer avec moi ? J’aurais pu croire en toi beaucoup plus tôt si tu t’étais présenté sous un aspect plus divin – ou même avec un simple halo… Il avait dépassé les bornes. Les joues de l’enfant se gonflèrent sous le coup de la colère. — Très bien, puisque c’est ton souhait. Voici un petit aperçu. Wallie cria et se couvrit les yeux, mais trop tard. La caverne était déjà brillante, mais elle s’enflamma soudain d’un éclat magnificent aussi aveuglant que celui d’un soleil. L’enfant était demeuré un enfant, mais une infime partie de sa divinité flamboya un bref instant – et ce fut assez pour plonger un simple mortel dans une terreur sans nom. Dans ce fragment de majesté, Wallie vit que l’âge de cet être dépassait l’imagination – il existait bien avant la formation des galaxies et perdurerait bien après la disparition de feux d’artifice aussi éphémères ; son quotient intellectuel se mesurait en trillions et il était capable de connaître chaque pensée de chaque créature dans l’univers ; sa puissance aurait pu détruire une planète aussi facilement qu’on se cure les ongles ; comparés à sa noblesse et à sa pureté, les êtres humains ressemblaient à des bêtes infâmes et inutiles ; rien n’était capable de résister à ses objectifs froids et inébranlables ; sa compassion dépassait l’entendement humain et connaissait la souffrance des mortels ainsi que leurs raisons d’être, mais il ne pouvait pas la supprimer sans supprimer l’essence mortelle à la base de cette douleur. Wallie sentit aussi quelque chose de plus profond et de plus terrible encore, une présence que nul mot ne pouvait décrire, mais qu’un mortel aurait apparentée à l’ennui ou à la résignation. Il y avait des côtés négatifs à l’immortalité : le fardeau de l’omniscience et l’absence de futur limité, plus la moindre surprise, plus de fin même après la fin des temps, à jamais et à jamais… Wallie réalisa qu’il était à plat ~ Dave Duncan,
840:The most disconcerting discovery is to find that every part of us -- intellect, will, sense-mind, nervous or desire self, the heart, the body-has each, as it were, its own complex individuality and natural formation independent of the rest; it neither agrees with itself nor with the others nor with the representative ego which is the shadow cast by some central and centralising self on our superficial ignorance. We find that we are composed not of one but many personalities and each has its own demands and differing nature. Our being is a roughly constituted chaos into which we have to introduce the principle of a divine order. Moreover, we find that inwardly too, no less than outwardly, we are not alone in the world; the sharp separateness of our ego was no more than a strong imposition and delusion; we do not exist in ourselves, we do not really live apart in an inner privacy or solitude. Our mind is a receiving, developing and modifying machine into which there is being constantly passed from moment to moment a ceaseless foreign flux, a streaming mass of disparate materials from above, from below, from outside. Much more than half our thoughts and feelings are not our own in the sense that they take form out of ourselves; of hardly anything can it be said that it is truly original to our nature. A large part comes to us from others or from the environment, whether as raw material or as manufactured imports; but still more largely they come from universal Nature here or from other worlds and planes and their beings and powers and influences; for we are overtopped and environed by other planes of consciousness, mind planes, life planes, subtle matter planes, from which our life and action here are fed, or fed on, pressed, dominated, made use offer the manifestation of their forms and forces. The difficulty of our separate salvation is immensely increased by this complexity and manifold openness and subjection to tile in-streaming energies of the universe. Of all this we have to take account, to deal with it, to know what is the secret stuff of our nature and its constituent and resultant motions and to create in it all a divine centre and a true harmony and luminous order. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, 1.02,
841:Almost unnoticed, in the niches and hollows of the market system, whole swathes of economic life are beginning to move to a different rhythm. Parallel currencies, time banks, cooperatives and self-managed spaces have proliferated, barely noticed by the economics profession, and often as a direct result of the shattering of old structures after the 2008 crisis. New forms of ownership, new forms of lending, new legal contracts: a whole business subculture has emerged over the past ten years, which the media has dubbed the ‘sharing economy’. Buzzterms such as the ‘commons’ and ‘peer-production’ are thrown around, but few have bothered to ask what this means for capitalism itself. I believe it offers an escape route – but only if these micro-level projects are nurtured, promoted and protected by a massive change in what governments do. This must in turn be driven by a change in our thinking about technology, ownership and work itself. When we create the elements of the new system we should be able to say to ourselves and others: this is no longer my survival mechanism, my bolt-hole from the neoliberal world, this is a new way of living in the process of formation. In the old socialist project, the state takes over the market, runs it in favour of the poor instead of the rich, then moves key areas of production out of the market and into a planned economy. The one time it was tried, in Russia after 1917, it didn’t work. Whether it could have worked is a good question, but a dead one. Today the terrain of capitalism has changed: it is global, fragmentary, geared to small-scale choices, temporary work and multiple skill-sets. Consumption has become a form of self-expression – and millions of people have a stake in the finance system that they did not have before. With the new terrain, the old path is lost. But a different path has opened up. Collaborative production, using network technology to produce goods and services that work only when they are free, or shared, defines the route beyond the market system. It will need the state to create the framework, and the postcapitalist sector might coexist with the market sector for decades. But it is happening." (from "PostCapitalism: A Guide to Our Future" by Paul Mason) ~ Paul Mason,
842:Whether the human mind can advance or not, is a question too little discussed, for nothing can be more dangerous than to found our social philosophy on any theory which is debatable but has not been debated. But if we assume, for the sake of argument, that there has been in the past, or will be in the future, such a thing as a growth or improvement of the human mind itself, there still remains a very sharp objection to be raised against the modern version of that improvement. The vice of the modern notion of mental progress is that it is always something concerned with the breaking of bonds, the effacing of boundaries, the casting away of dogmas. But if there be such a thing as mental growth, it must mean the growth into more and more definite convictions, into more and more dogmas. The human brain is a machine for coming to conclusions; if it cannot come to conclusions it is rusty. When we hear of a man too clever to believe, we are hearing of something having almost the character of a contradiction in terms. It is like hearing of a nail that was too good to hold down a carpet; or a bolt that was too strong to keep a door shut. Man can hardly be defined, after the fashion of Carlyle, as an animal who makes tools; ants and beavers and many other animals make tools, in the sense that they make an apparatus. Man can be defined as an animal that makes dogmas. As he piles doctrine on doctrine and conclusion on conclusion in the formation of some tremendous scheme of philosophy and religion, he is, in the only legitimate sense of which the expression is capable, becoming more and more human. When he drops one doctrine after another in a refined scepticism, when he declines to tie himself to a system, when he says that he has outgrown definitions, when he says that he disbelieves in finality, when, in his own imagination, he sits as God, holding no form of creed but contemplating all, then he is by that very process sinking slowly backwards into the vagueness of the vagrant animals and the unconsciousness of the grass. Trees have no dogmas. Turnips are singularly broad-minded.

If then, I repeat, there is to be mental advance, it must be mental advance in the construction of a definite philosophy of life. ~ G K Chesterton,
843:Nazism, fascism, and communism were belief systems adopted passionately by millions of well-educated men and women. Taken together, all of the totalitarian ideologies were self-contained and delivered through a one-way flow of propaganda that prevented the people who were enmeshed in the ideology from actively participating in challenging its lack of human values. Unfortunately, the legacy of the twentieth century’s ideologically driven bloodbaths has included a new cynicism about reason itself—because reason was so easily used by propagandists to disguise their impulse to power by cloaking it in clever and seductive intellectual formulations. In an age of propaganda, education itself can become suspect. When ideology is so often woven into the “facts” that are delivered in fully formed and self-contained packages, people naturally begin to develop some cynicism about what they are being told. When people are subjected to ubiquitous and unrelenting mass advertising, reason and logic often begin to seem like they are no more than handmaidens for the sophisticated sales force. And now that these same techniques dominate the political messages sent by candidates to voters, the integrity of our democracy has been placed under the same cloud of suspicion. Many advocacy organizations—progressive as well as conservative—often give the impression that they already have exclusive possession of the truth and merely have to “educate” others about what they already know. Resentment toward this attitude is also one of the many reasons for a resurgence of the traditional anti-intellectual strain in America. When people don’t have an opportunity to interact on equal terms and test the validity of what they’re being “taught” in the light of their own experience, and share with one another in a robust and dynamic dialogue that enriches what the “experts” are telling them with the wisdom of the groups as a whole, they naturally begin to resist the assumption that the experts know best. If well-educated citizens have no effective way to communicate their ideas to others and no realistic prospect of catalyzing the formation of a critical mass of opinion supporting their ideas, then their education is for naught where the vitality of our democracy is concerned. ~ Al Gore,
844:Billy looked at the clock on the gas stove. He had an hour to kill before the saucer came. He went into the living room, swinging the bottle like a dinner bell, turned on the television. He came slightly unstuck in time, saw the late movie backwards, then forwards again. It was a movie about American bombers in the Second World War and the gallant men who flew them. Seen backwards by Billy, the story went like this: American planes, full of holes and wounded men and corpses took off backwards from an airfield in England. Over France a few German fighter planes flew at them backwards, sucked bullets and shell fragments from some of the planes and crewmen. They did the same for wrecked American bombers on the ground, and those planes flew up backwards to join the formation.
The formation flew backwards over a German city that was in flames. The bombers opened their bomb bay doors, exerted a miraculous magnetism which shrunk the fires, gathered them into cylindrical steel containers, and lifted the containers into the bellies of the planes. The containers were stored neatly in racks. The Germans below had miraculous devices of their own, which were long steel tubes. They used them to suck more fragments from the crewmen and planes. But there were still a few wounded Americans, though, and some of the bombers were in bad repair. Over France, though, German fighters came up again, made everything and everybody as good as new.
When the bombers got back to their base, the steel cylinders were taken from the racks and shipped back to the United States of America, where factories were operating night and day, dismantling the cylinders, separating the dangerous contents into minerals. Touchingly, it was mainly women who did this work. The minerals were then shipped to specialists in remote areas. It was their business to put them into the ground., to hide them cleverly, so they would never hurt anybody ever again.
The American fliers turned in their uniforms, became high school kids. And Hitler turned into a baby, Billy Pilgrim supposed. That wasn't in the movie. Billy was extrapolating. Everybody turned into a baby, and all humanity, without exception, conspired biologically to produce two perfect people named Adam and Eve, he supposed. ~ Kurt Vonnegut,
845:The rose is a symbol of the inner mysteries of Witchcraft. A red rose symbolizes the mysteries as they reside in Nature, within the living things. The white rose symbolizes the Otherworld and the mysteries hidden in secret places. When a single rose appears with white petals in the center of red petals, this represents the mysteries joined together within one reality. Thorns appearing with the rose represent challenges and the dedication required to fully grasp the enlightenment of the rose. One of the symbolisms associated with the rose reveals the covenant between the Witch and the Faery. In this, we find that both are stewards of the portal that opens to the inner mysteries. The Faery holds the celestial key, and the Witch bears the terrestrial key. When the two are joined together, they form an X—the sign of the crossroads. In this formation, where the keys cross we find a third point, the in-between place at the center. This is where the portal exists, and this is where it opens between the worlds. Look at the shape of the X and you can see four pointed tip markers (the V shapes). The upper half of the X points down, and the lower half points up. On the sides of the X, you can see that the left and right halves point to the center. This shows us that when the celestial and terrestrial realms join, they pull together the left ways and the right ways. These are occult terms for esoteric and exoteric modes of consciousness. In the fusion, everything briefly loses its distinction, its ability to mask the opposite reality, and in doing so, the secret third reality emerges in the center of it all. If this sounds confusing or nonsensical, then the guardian of that portal is doing its job well. The material in this book will connect you with an entity connected to the rose and its mystery. This is the previously mentioned She of the Thorn-Blooded Rose. With her guidance, you can be directed to the portal, and through it you can meet a variety of beings and entities. However, her primary task is to connect you with the Greenwood Realm and the plant spirits within it. In your journey to encounter these spirits, you will pass through the organic memory of the earth. You'll walk upon roads of mystical concepts and be accompanied by the Old Ones of ~ Raven Grimassi,
846:Like other living cre a t u res, plants' structural characteristics are encoded in the DNA in their cells. In other words, how a plant will re p roduce, how it will breathe, how it will come by its nutrients, its colour, smell, taste, the amount of sugar in it, and other such information, is without exception to be found in all of that plant's cells. The cells in the roots of the plant possess the knowledge of how the leaves will carry out photosynthesis, and the cells in the leaves possess the knowledge of how the roots will take water from the soil. In short, there exist a code and a blueprint for the formation of a complete new plant in every extension that leaves a plant. All the features of the mother plant, based on its inbuilt genetic information, are to be found, complete, down to the last
detail in every cell of every little part that splits off from it. So, in that case, how and by whom was the information that can form a complete new plant installed in every part of the plant? The probability of all the information being totally complete and the same inside every cell of a plant cannot be attributed to chance. Nor can it be attributed to the plant itself, or the minerals in the soil that carry out this process. These are all parts of the system which make up the plant. Just as it takes a factory engineer to program production line robots, since the robots cannot come by the instructions themselves, so there must be some being which gives to plants the necessary formula for growth and
re p roduction, since the plants, like the robots, cannot acquire these by themselves. It is, of course God who implanted the necessary information in the plants' cells, as in all other living things in the world. It is He who without any doubt created everything in complete form, and who is aware of all creation. God draws attention to this truth in several holy verses: He created the seven heavens one above the other. You will find no flaw in the creation of the All-Merciful. Look again-do you see any gaps? Then look again and again. Your eyes will become dazzled and exhausted. (Surat al-Mulk: 3-4) Do you not see that God sends down water from the sky and then in the morning the earth is covered in green? God is All-Subtle, AllAware. (Surat al-Hajj: 63) ~ Harun Yahya,
847:God created man out of dust from the ground. At a basic level, the Creator picked up some dirt and threw Adam together. The Hebrew word for God forming man is yatsar,[11] which means “to form, as a potter.” A pot usually has but one function. Yet when God made a woman, He “made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man” (Genesis 2:22). He created her with His own hands. He took His time crafting and molding her into multifaceted brilliance. The Hebrew word used for making woman is banah, meaning to “build, as a house, a temple, a city, an altar.”[12] The complexity implied by the term banah is worth noting. God has given women a diverse makeup that enables them to carry out multiple functions well. Adam may be considered Human Prototype 1.0, while Eve was Human Prototype 2.0. Of high importance, though, is that Eve was fashioned laterally with Adam’s rib. It was not a top-down formation of dominance or a bottom-up formation of subservience. Rather, Eve was an equally esteemed member of the human race. After all, God spoke of the decision for their creation as one decision before we were ever even introduced to the process of their creation. The very first time we read about both Eve and Adam is when we read of the mandate of rulership given to both of them equally. We are introduced to both genders together, simultaneously. This comes in the first chapter of the Bible: Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:26–27) Both men and women have been created equally in the image of God. While within that equality lie distinct and different roles (we will look at that in chapter 10), there is no difference in equality of being, value, or dignity between the genders. Both bear the responsibility of honoring the image in which they have been made. A woman made in the image of God should never settle for being treated as anything less than an image-bearer of the one true King. As Abraham Lincoln said, “Nothing stamped with the Divine image and likeness was sent in the world to be trodden on.”[13] Just as men, women were created to rule. ~ Tony Evans,
848:[...] These observations will allow us to understand more precisely in what sense one can say, as we did at the beginning, that the limits of the indefinite can never be reached through any analytical procedure, or, in other words, that the indefinite, while not absolutely and in every way inexhaustible, is at least analytically inexhaustible. In this regard, we must naturally consider those procedures analytical which ,in order to reconstitute a whole, consist in taking its elements distinctly and successively; such is the procedure for the formation of an arithmetical sum, and it is precisely in this regard that it differs essentially from integration. This is particularly interesting from our point of view, for one can see in it, as a very clear example, the true relationship between analysis and synthesis: contrary to current opinion, accordng to which analysis is as it were a preparation for synthesis, or again something leading to it, so much so that one must always begin with analysis, even when one does not intend to stop there, the truth is that one can never actually arrive at synthesis through analysis. All synthesis, in the true sense of the word, is something immediate, so to speak, something that is not preceded by any analysis and is entirely indfependent of it, just as integration is an operation carried out in a single stroke, by no means presupposing the consideration of elements comparable to those of an arithmetical sum; and as this arithmetical sum can yield no means of attaining and exhausting the indefinite, this latter must, in every domain, be one of those things that by their very nature resist analysis and can be known only through synthesis.[3]
[3]Here, and in what follows, it should be understood that we take the terms 'analysis' and 'synthesis' in their true and original sense, and one must indeed take care to distinguish this sense from the completely different and quite improper sense in which one currently speaks of 'mathematical analysis', according to which integration itself, despite its essentially synthetic character, is regarded as playing a part in what one calls 'infinitesimal analysis'; it is for this reason, moreorever, that we prefer to avoid using this last expression, availing ourselves only of those of 'the infinitesimal calculus' and 'the infinitesimal method', which lead to no such equivocation. ~ Ren Gu non,
849:Slowly the big gates opened. Red-gold fire glow from inside silhouetted a number of figures who moved out toward the bridge, where the strengthening light picked out the drawn swords, the spears, the dark cloaks, and the helmed heads of the Renselaeus warriors. They were wearing their own colors, and battle gear. No liveries, no pretense of being mere servants. In the center of their formation were Khesot and the four others--unarmed.
There were no shouts, no trumpets, nothing but the ringing of iron-shod boots on the stones of the bridge, and the clank of ready weaponry.
Could we rescue them? I could not see Khesot’s face, but in the utter stillness with which they stood, I read hopelessness.
I readied myself once again--
Then from the center of their forces stepped a single equerry, with a white scarf tied to a pole. He started up the path that we meant to descend. As he walked the light strengthened, now illuminating details. Still with that weird detachment I looked at his curly hair, the freckles on his face, his small nose. We could cut him down in moments, I thought, and then winced the thought away. We were not Galdran. I waited.
He stopped not twenty-five paces from me and said loudly, “Countess, we request a parley.”
Which made it obvious they knew we were there.
Questions skittered through my mind. Had Khesot talked? How otherwise could the enemy have seen us? The only noise now was the rain, pattering softly with the magnificent indifference of nature for the tangled passions of humans.
I stood up. “Here. State your message.”
“A choice. You surrender, and your people can then disperse to their homes. Otherwise, we start with them.” He pointed to the bridge. “Then everyone else.” He lifted his hand, indicating the ridge up behind us.
I turned, and shock burned through me when I saw an uncountable host lined along the rocks we’d descended from half a night ago.
They had us boxed.
Which meant that we had walked right into a waiting trap.
I looked down at the bridge again. Through the curtain of rain the figures were clearer now. Khesot, in the center, stood next to a tall slim man with pale yellow hair.
I closed my eyes, fought for control, then opened my eyes again. “Everyone goes to their homes? Including Khesot and the four down there?”
“Everyone,” the boy said flatly, “except you, Countess. ~ Sherwood Smith,
850:higher mind or late vision logic ::: Even more rare, found stably in less than 1% of the population and even more emergent is the turquoise altitude.

Cognition at Turquoise is called late vision-logic or cross-paradigmatic and features the ability to connect meta-systems or paradigms, with other meta-systems. This is the realm of coordinating principles. Which are unified systems of systems of abstraction to other principles. ... Aurobindo indian sage and philosopher offers a more first-person account of turquoise which he called higher-mind, a unitarian sense of being with a powerful multiple dynamism capable of formation of a multitude of aspects of knowledge, ways of action, forms and significances of becoming of all of which a spontaneous inherient knowledge.

Self-sense at turquoise is called Construct-aware and is the first stage of Cook-Greuter's extension of Loveigers work on ego-development. The Construct-aware stage sees individuals for the first time as exploring more and more complex thought-structures with awareness of the automatic nature of human map making and absurdities which unbridaled complexity and logical argumentation can lead. Individuals at this stage begin to see their ego as a central point of reference and therefore a limit to growth. They also struggle to balance unique self-expressions and their concurrent sense of importance, the imperical and intuitive knowledge that there is no fundamental subject-object separation and the budding awareness of self-identity as temporary which leads to a decreased ego-desire to create a stable self-identity. Turquoise individuals are keenly aware of the interplay between awareness, thought, action and effects. They seek personal and spiritual transformation and hold a complex matrix of self-identifications, the adequecy of which they increasingly call into question. Much of this already points to Turquoise values which embrace holistic and intuitive thinking and alignment to universal order in a conscious fashion.

Faith at Turquoise is called Universalising and can generate faith compositions in which conceptions of Ultimate Reality start to include all beings. Individuals at Turquoise faith dedicate themselves to transformation of present reality in the direction of transcendent actuality. Both of these are preludes to the coming of Third Tier. ~ Essential Integral, L4.1-54, Higher Mind,
851:complexity of the human constitution :::
   There is another direction in which the ordinary practice of Yoga arrives at a helpful but narrowing simplification which is denied to the Sadhaka of the integral aim. The practice of Yoga brings us face to face with the extraordinary complexity of our own being, the stimulating but also embarrassing multiplicity of our personality, the rich endless confusion of Nature. To the ordinary man who lives upon his own waking surface, ignorant of the self's depths and vastnesses behind the veil, his psychological existence is fairly simple. A small but clamorous company of desires, some imperative intellectual and aesthetic cravings, some tastes, a few ruling or prominent ideas amid a great current of unconnected or ill-connected and mostly trivial thoughts, a number of more or less imperative vital needs, alternations of physical health and disease, a scattered and inconsequent succession of joys and griefs, frequent minor disturbances and vicissitudes and rarer strong searchings and upheavals of mind or body, and through it all Nature, partly with the aid of his thought and will, partly without or in spite of it, arranging these things in some rough practical fashion, some tolerable disorderly order, -- this is the material of his existence. The average human being even now is in his inward existence as crude and undeveloped as was the bygone primitive man in his outward life. But as soon as we go deep within ourselves, -- and Yoga means a plunge into all the multiple profundities of' the soul, -- we find ourselves subjectively, as man in his growth has found himself objectively, surrounded by a whole complex world which we have to know and to conquer.
   The most disconcerting discovery is to find that every part of us -- intellect, will, sense-mind, nervous or desire self, the heart, the body-has each, as it were, its own complex individuality and natural formation independent of the rest; it neither agrees with itself nor with the others nor with the representative ego which is the shadow cast by some central and centralising self on our superficial ignorance. We find that we are composed not of one but many personalities and each has its own demands and differing nature. Our being is a roughly constituted chaos into which we have to introduce the principle of a divine order.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Self-Consecration, 74-75,
852:The negative perception of a changed city aligned with dispensational eschatology. A drastic change from above would be required to stop the flood of secularism and societal decay. With their embrace of dispensationalism, evangelicals shifted their focus radically from social amelioration to individual regeneration. Having diverted their attention from the construction of the millennial realm, evangelicals concentrated on the salvation of souls and, in so doing, neglected reform efforts.8 An individualistic soul-saving soteriology emerged from a dispensational theology. Theologically conservative Christians had shifted their priority from concern for both the individual and larger society to more exclusively a concern for the individual, and the first half of the twentieth century witnessed the formation of this shift. In The Great Reversal, David Moberg asserts that “there was a time when evangelicals had a balanced position that gave proper attention to both evangelism and social concern, but a great reversal in the [twentieth] century led to a lopsided emphasis upon evangelism and omission of most aspects of social involvement.”9 Marsden notes that “the ‘Great Reversal’ took place from about 1900 to about 1930, when all progressive social concern, whether political or private, became suspect among revivalist evangelicals and was relegated to a very minor role.”10 Fundamentalists developed a suspicion about social engagement and withdrew from social concerns spurred by their rejection of larger society. This rejection of secular culture arose from anxiety about the changes that occurred in the early part of the twentieth century when fundamentalists felt they were under siege from secular society. Marsden recognizes that “fundamentalism was the response of traditionalist evangelicals who declared war on these modernizing trends. In fundamentalist eyes the war had to be all-out and fought on several fronts. At stake was nothing less than the gospel of Jesus’ blood and righteousness.”11 The twentieth century witnessed fearful white Protestants yielding to the temptation to withdraw from the city and engaging in the exact opposite behavior demanded by Jeremiah 29:7 to “seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile.” There was an intentional abandonment of the city in favor of safety and comfort. Jerusalem was to be rebuilt in the suburbs. ~ Soong Chan Rah,
853:Tim Tigner began his career in Soviet Counterintelligence with the US Army Special Forces, the Green Berets. That was back in the Cold War days when, “We learned Russian so you didn't have to,” something he did at the Presidio of Monterey alongside Recon Marines and Navy SEALs. With the fall of the Berlin Wall, Tim switched from espionage to arbitrage. Armed with a Wharton MBA rather than a Colt M16, he moved to Moscow in the midst of Perestroika. There, he led prominent multinational medical companies, worked with cosmonauts on the MIR Space Station (from Earth, alas), chaired the Association of International Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, and helped write Russia’s first law on healthcare. Moving to Brussels during the formation of the EU, Tim ran Europe, Middle East, and Africa for a Johnson & Johnson company and traveled like a character in a Robert Ludlum novel. He eventually landed in Silicon Valley, where he launched new medical technologies as a startup CEO. In his free time, Tim has climbed the peaks of Mount Olympus, hang glided from the cliffs of Rio de Janeiro, and ballooned over Belgium. He earned scuba certification in Turkey, learned to ski in Slovenia, and ran the Serengeti with a Maasai warrior. He acted on stage in Portugal, taught negotiations in Germany, and chaired a healthcare conference in Holland. Tim studied psychology in France, radiology in England, and philosophy in Greece. He has enjoyed ballet at the Bolshoi, the opera on Lake Como, and the symphony in Vienna. He’s been a marathoner, paratrooper, triathlete, and yogi.  Intent on combining his creativity with his experience, Tim began writing thrillers in 1996 from an apartment overlooking Moscow’s Gorky Park. Decades later, his passion for creative writing continues to grow every day. His home office now overlooks a vineyard in Northern California, where he lives with his wife Elena and their two daughters. Tim grew up in the Midwest, and graduated from Hanover College with a BA in Philosophy and Mathematics. After military service and work as a financial analyst and foreign-exchange trader, he earned an MBA in Finance and an MA in International Studies from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton and Lauder Schools.  Thank you for taking the time to read about the author. Tim is most grateful for his loyal fans, and loves to correspond with readers like you. You are welcome to reach him directly at ~ Tim Tigner,
854:The Dark Depths of the Seas And Internal Waves

Or [the unbelievers' state] are like the darkness of a fathomless sea
which is covered by waves above which are waves above which are
clouds, layers of darkness, one upon the other. If he puts out his hand,
he can scarcely see it. Those Allah gives no light to, they have no light.
(Qur'an, 24:40)
In deep seas and oceans, the darkness is found at a depth of 200
meters (660 feet) and deeper. At this depth, there is almost no light, and
below a depth of 1,000 meters (3,280 feet) there is no light at all.65
Today, we know about the general formation of the sea, the characteristics
of the living things in it, its salinity, as well as the amount of
water it contains, and its surface area and depth. Submarines and special
equipment, developed with modern technology, have enabled scientists
to obtain such information.
Human beings are not able to dive to a depth of more than 70
meters (230 feet) without the aid of special equipment. They cannot
survive unaided in the dark depths of the oceans, such as at a depth of
200 meters (660 feet). For these reasons, scientists have only recently
been able to discover detailed information about the seas. However,
that the depth of the sea is dark was revealed in the Qur'an 1,400 years
ago. It is certainly one of the miracles of the Qur'an that such information
was given at a time where no equipment to enable man to dive into
the depths of the oceans was available.

In addition, the statement in Surat an-Nur 40 "…like the darkness
of a fathomless sea which is covered by waves above which are
waves above which are clouds…" draws our attention to another miracle
of the Qur'an.
Scientists have only recently discovered that there are sub-surface
waves, which "occur on density interfaces between layers of different
densities." These internal waves cover the deep waters of seas and
oceans because deep water has a higher density than the water above
it. Internal waves act like surface waves. They can break, just like surface
waves. Internal waves cannot be discerned by the human eye, but
they can be detected by studying temperature or salinity changes at a
given location.66
The statements in the Qur'an run parallel precisely the above
explanation. Certainly, this fact, which scientists has discovered very
recently, shows once again that the Qur'an is the word of Allah. ~ Harun Yahya,
855:Likewise, we “trusted the process,” but the process didn’t save Toy Story 2 either. “Trust the Process” had morphed into “Assume that the Process Will Fix Things for Us.” It gave us solace, which we felt we needed. But it also coaxed us into letting down our guard and, in the end, made us passive. Even worse, it made us sloppy. Once this became clear to me, I began telling people that the phrase was meaningless. I told our staff that it had become a crutch that was distracting us from engaging, in a meaningful way, with our problems. We should trust in people, I told them, not processes. The error we’d made was forgetting that “the process” has no agenda and doesn’t have taste. It is just a tool—a framework. We needed to take more responsibility and ownership of our own work, our need for self-discipline, and our goals. Imagine an old, heavy suitcase whose well-worn handles are hanging by a few threads. The handle is “Trust the Process” or “Story Is King”—a pithy statement that seems, on the face of it, to stand for so much more. The suitcase represents all that has gone into the formation of the phrase: the experience, the deep wisdom, the truths that emerge from struggle. Too often, we grab the handle and—without realizing it—walk off without the suitcase. What’s more, we don’t even think about what we’ve left behind. After all, the handle is so much easier to carry around than the suitcase. Once you’re aware of the suitcase/handle problem, you’ll see it everywhere. People glom onto words and stories that are often just stand-ins for real action and meaning. Advertisers look for words that imply a product’s value and use that as a substitute for value itself. Companies constantly tell us about their commitment to excellence, implying that this means they will make only top-shelf products. Words like quality and excellence are misapplied so relentlessly that they border on meaningless. Managers scour books and magazines looking for greater understanding but settle instead for adopting a new terminology, thinking that using fresh words will bring them closer to their goals. When someone comes up with a phrase that sticks, it becomes a meme, which migrates around even as it disconnects from its original meaning. To ensure quality, then, excellence must be an earned word, attributed by others to us, not proclaimed by us about ourselves. It is the responsibility of good leaders to make sure that words remain attached to the meanings and ideals they represent. ~ Ed Catmull,
856:When she dies, you are not at first surprised. Part of love is preparing for death. You feel confirmed in your love when she dies. You got it right. This is part of it all.
Afterward comes the madness. And then the loneliness: not the spectacular solitude you had anticipated, not the interesting martyrdom of widowhood, but just loneliness. You expect something almost geological-- vertigo in a shelving canyon -- but it's not like that; it's just misery as regular as a job. What do we doctors say? I'm deeply sorry, Mrs Blank; there will of course be a period of mourning but rest assured you will come out of it; two of these each evening, I would suggest; perhaps a new interst, Mrs Blank; can maintenance, formation dancing?; don't worry, six months will see you back on the roundabout; come and see me again any time; oh nurse, when she calls, just give her this repeat will you, no I don't need to see her, well it's not her that's dead is it, look on the bright side. What did she say her name was?
And then it happens to you. There's no glory in it. Mourning is full of time; nothing but time.... you should eat stuffed sow's heart. I might yet have to fall back on this remedy. I've tried drink, but what does that do? Drink makes you drunk, that's all it's ever been able to do. Work, they say, cures everything. It doesn't; often, it doesn't even induce tiredness: the nearest you get to it is a neurotic lethargy. And there is always time. Have some more time. Take your time. Extra time. Time on your hands.
Other people think you want to talk. 'Do you want to talk about Ellen?' they ask, hinting that they won't be embarrassed if you break down. Sometimes you talk, sometimes you don't; it makes little difference. The word aren't the right ones; or rather, the right words don't exist. 'Language is like a cracked kettle on which we beat out tunes for bears to dance to, while all the time we long to move the stars to pity.' You talk, and you find the language of bereavement foolishly inadequate. You seem to be talking about other people's griefs. I loved her; we were happy; I miss her. She didn't love me; we were unhappy; I miss her. There is a limited choice of prayers on offer: gabble the syllables.
And you do come out of it, that's true. After a year, after five. But your don't come out of it like a train coming out of a tunnel, bursting through the Downs into sunshine and that swift, rattling descent to the Channel; you come out of it as a gull comes out of an oil-slick. You are tarred and feathered for life. ~ Julian Barnes,
857:The crust [of the earth] is very thin. Estimates of its thickness range from a minimum of about twenty to a maximum of about forty miles. The crust is made of comparatively rigid, crystalline rock, but it is fractured in many places, and does not have great strength. Immediately under the crust is a layer that is thought to be extremely weak, because it is, presumably, too hot to crystallize. Moreover, it is thought that pressure at that depth renders the rock extremely plastic, so that it will yield easily to pressures. The rock at that depth is supposed to have high viscosity; that is, it is fluid but very stiff, as tar may be. It is known that a viscous material will yield easily to a comparatively slight pressure exerted over a long period of time, even though it may act as a solid when subjected to a sudden pressure, such as an earthquake wave. If a gentle push is exerted horizontally on the earth's crust, to shove it in a given direction, and if the push is maintained steadily for a long time, it is highly probable that the crust willl be displaced over this plastic and viscous lower layer. The crust, in this case, will move as a single unit, the whole crust at the same time. This idea has nothing whatever to do with the much discussed theory of drifting continents, according to which the continents drifted separately, in different directions.
Let us visualize briefly the consequences of a displacement of the whole crustal shell of the earth. First, there will be the changes in latitude. Places on the earth's surface will change their distances from the equator. Some will be shifted nearer the equator, and others farther away. Points on opposite sides of the earth will move in opposite directions. For example, if New York should be moved 2,000 miles south, the Indian Ocean, diametrically opposite, would have to be shifted 2,000 miles north. [...] Naturally, climatic changes will be more or less proportionate to changes in latitude, and, because areas on opposite sides of the globe will be moving in opposite directions, some areas will be getting colder while others get hotter; some will be undergoing radical changes of climate, some mild changes of climate, and some no changes at all.
Along with the climatic changes, there will be many other consequences of a displacement of the crust. Because of the slight flattening of the earth, there will be stretching and compressional effects to crack and fold the crust, possibly contributing to the formation of mountain ranges. there will be changes in sea level, and many other consequences. ~ Charles H Hapgood,
858:All we’ve got to do now is to trace the development of language in the same way and then we’ve really and truly progressed from the insect-eater to man.” “Let’s see. When does an animal emit a sound? In pain or in surprise; in anger, or on recognizing danger.” “Take the recognition of danger: the springbok whistles; the baboon roars. Each recognition produces a feeling based on experience. The tone will differ according to whether the object recognized by the baboon is a snake or a leopard. Recognition is based on recollection. Where an animal relies on its eyes recollection consists primarily of pictures. Animals which live together in herds experience the same things together; isn’t it therefore possible that the same sound produces the same picture in the recollection of all of them? And oughtn’t we to look for the beginning of word formation there?” “So long as the shock of the experience produces the sound, as in the case of the baboons, we can’t talk of word or language. But with growing intelligence and the capacity to learn, children increasingly imitate—in play—the behavior of the adults and also the sounds they make. In play the sounds are separated from the experience which produced them, and by association they call up the appropriate picture or pictures in the mind. Thus pictures can be conjured up again and again merely by the repetition of the appropriate sounds. In short, children can play with danger—without danger. In this way and because of the long duration of childhood, speech can develop from children’s games.” “Deliberately reproduced pictures in the mind represent the beginning of thought. Thus thought and speaking are twins; they develop hand in hand. As soon as a certain store of words has been collected pictures can be conjured up and linked together at will. What the thinker has not yet experienced in reality he can now experience in thought and at the same time he can foresee future experiences. Life no longer consists merely of past and present as it does with animals; it has a future too. Thus with speaking and thinking man creates a new dimension for himself. It’s astonishing what life can produce with an unburdened childhood at its disposal. “Yes, it’s quite true: without a protected childhood in which there’s time for play, mankind would probably never have risen above an animal existence. And perhaps in the future the playing of children will be recognized as more important than technical developments, wars and revolutions. Woe betide the people which forces its children and their games into the strait-jacket of adult politics! ~ Henno Martin,
859:Why do we forget things?

   Ah! I suppose there are several reasons. First, because one makes use of the memory to remember. Memory is a mental instrument and depends on the formation of the brain. Your brain is constantly growing, unless it begins to degenerate, but still its growth can continue for a very, very long time, much longer than that of the body. And in this growth, necessarily some things will take the place of others. And as the mental instrument develops, things which have served their term or the transitory moment in the development may be wiped out to give place to the result. So the result of all that you knew is there, living in itself, but the road traversed to reach it may be completely blurred. That is, a good functioning of the memory means remembering only the results so as to be able to have the elements for moving forward and a new construction. That is more important than just retaining things rigidly in the mind.
   Now, there is another aspect also. Apart from the mental memory, which is something defective, there are states of consciousness. Each state of consciousness in which one happens to be registers the phenomena of a particular moment, whatever they may be. If your consciousness remains limpid, wide and strong, you can at any moment whatsoever, by concentrating, call into the active consciousness what you did, thought, saw, observed at any time before; all this you can remember by bringing up in yourself the same state of consciousness. And that, that is never forgotten. You could live a thousand years and you would still remember it. Consequently, if you don't want to forget, it must be your consciousness which remembers and not your mental memory. Your mental memory will be wiped out inevitably, get blurred, and new things will take the place of the old ones. But things of which you are conscious you do not forget. You have only to bring up the same state of consciousness again. And thus one can remember circumstances one has lived thousands of years ago, if one knows how to bring up the same state of consciousness. It is in this way that one can remember one's past lives. This never gets blotted out, while you don't have any more the memory of what you have done physically when you were very young. You would be told many things you no longer remember. That gets wiped off immediately. For the brain is constantly changing and certain weaker cells are replaced by others which are much stronger, and by other combinations, other cerebral organisations. And so, what was there before is effaced or deformed.
   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1954,
   "Without conscious occult powers, is it possible to help or protect from a distance somebody in difficulty or danger? If so, what is the practical procedure?"

Then a sub-question:

   "What can thought do?"

We are not going to speak of occult processes at all; although, to tell the truth, everything that happens in the invisible world is occult, by definition. But still, practically, there are two processes which do not exclude but complete each other, but which may be used separately according to one's preference.

   It is obvious that thought forms a part of one of the methods, quite an important part. I have already told you several times that if one thinks clearly and powerfully, one makes a mental formation, and that every mental formation is an entity independent of its fashioner, having its own life and tending to realise itself in the mental world - I don't mean that you see your formation with your physical eyes, but it exists in the mental world, it has its own particular independent existence. If you have made a formation with a definite aim, its whole life will tend to the realisation of this aim. Therefore, if you want to help someone at a distance, you have only to formulate very clearly, very precisely and strongly the kind of help you want to give and the result you wish to obtain. That will have its effect. I cannot say that it will be all-powerful, for the mental world is full of innumerable formations of this kind and naturally they clash and contradict one another; hence the strongest and the most persistent will have the best of it.

   Now, what is it that gives strength and persistence to mental formations? - It is emotion and will. If you know how to add to your mental formation an emotion, affection, tenderness, love, and an intensity of will, a dynamism, it will have a much greater chance of success. That is the first method. It is within the scope of all those who know how to think, and even more of those who know how to love. But as I said, the power is limited and there is great competition in that world.

   Therefore, even if one has no knowledge at all but has trust in the divine Grace, if one has the faith that there is something in the world like the divine Grace, and that this something can answer a prayer, an aspiration, an invocation, then, after making one's mental formation, if one offers it to the Grace and puts one's trust in it, asks it to intervene and has the faith that it will intervene, then indeed one has a chance of success.

   Try, and you will surely see the result.

   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1956, 253,
861:10000 ::: The True Object of Spiritual Seeking:
   To find the Divine is indeed the first reason for seeking the spiritual Truth and the spiritual life; it is the one thing indispensable and all the rest is nothing without it. The Divine once found, to manifest Him,-that is, first of all to transform one's own limited consciousness into the Divine Consciousness, to live in the infinite Peace, Light, Love, Strength, Bliss, to become that in one's essential nature and, as a consequence, to be its vessel, channel, instrument in one's active nature. To bring into activity the principle of oneness on the material plane or to work for humanity is a mental mistranslation of the Truth-these things cannot be the first or true object of spiritual seeking. We must find the Self, the Divine, then only can we know what is the work the Self or the Divine demands from us. Until then our life and action can only be a help or means towards finding the Divine and it ought not to have any other purpose. As we grow in the inner consciousness, or as the spiritual Truth of the Divine grows in us, our life and action must indeed more and more flow from that, be one with that. But to decide beforehand by our limited mental conceptions what they must be is to hamper the growth of the spiritual Truth within. As that grows we shall feel the Divine Light and Truth, the Divine Power and Force, the Divine Purity and Peace working within us, dealing with our actions as well as our consciousness, making use of them to reshape us into the Divine Image, removing the dross, substituting the pure gold of the Spirit. Only when the Divine Presence is there in us always and the consciousness transformed, can we have the right to say that we are ready to manifest the Divine on the material plane. To hold up a mental ideal or principle and impose that on the inner working brings the danger of limiting ourselves to a mental realisation or of impeding or even falsifying by a half-way formation the true growth into the full communion and union with the Divine and the free and intimate outflowing of His will in our life. This is a mistake of orientation to which the mind of today is especially prone. It is far better to approach the Divine for the Peace or Light or Bliss that the realisation of Him gives than to bring in these minor things which can divert us from the one thing needful. The divinisation of the material life also as well as the inner life is part of what we see as the Divine Plan, but it can only be fulfilled by an outflowing of the inner realisation, something that grows from within outward, not by the working out of a mental principle.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II, [T1],
   The ultimate invocation, that of Kia, cannot be performed. The paradox is that as Kia has no dualized qualities, there are no attributes by which to invoke it. To give it one quality is merely to deny it another. As an observant dualistic being once said:
   I am that I am not.
   Nevertheless, the magician may need to make some rearrangements or additions to what he is. Metamorphosis may be pursued by seeking that which one is not, and transcending both in mutual annihilation. Alternatively, the process of invocation may be seen as adding to the magician's psyche any elements which are missing. It is true that the mind must be finally surrendered as one enters fully into Chaos, but a complete and balanced psychocosm is more easily surrendered.
   The magical process of shuffling beliefs and desires attendant upon the process of invocation also demonstrates that one's dominant obsessions or personality are quite arbitrary, and hence more easily banished.
   There are many maps of the mind (psychocosms), most of which are inconsistent, contradictory, and based on highly fanciful theories. Many use the symbology of god forms, for all mythology embodies a psychology. A complete mythic pantheon resumes all of man's mental characteristics. Magicians will often use a pagan pantheon of gods as the basis for invoking some particular insight or ability, as these myths provide the most explicit and developed formulation of the particular idea's extant. However it is possible to use almost anything from the archetypes of the collective unconscious to the elemental qualities of alchemy.
   If the magician taps a deep enough level of power, these forms may manifest with sufficient force to convince the mind of the objective existence of the god. Yet the aim of invocation is temporary possession by the god, communication from the god, and manifestation of the god's magical powers, rather than the formation of religious cults.
   The actual method of invocation may be described as a total immersion in the qualities pertaining to the desired form. One invokes in every conceivable way. The magician first programs himself into identity with the god by arranging all his experiences to coincide with its nature. In the most elaborate form of ritual he may surround himself with the sounds, smells, colors, instruments, memories, numbers, symbols, music, and poetry suggestive of the god or quality. Secondly he unites his life force to the god image with which he has united his mind. This is accomplished with techniques from the gnosis. Figure 5 shows some examples of maps of the mind. Following are some suggestions for practical ritual invocation.
   ~ Peter J Carroll, Liber Null,
863:The “love” of formerly abused children for their parents is not love. It is an attachment fraught with expectations, illusions, and denials, and it exacts a high price from all those involved in it. The price of this attachment is paid primarily by the next generation of children, who grow up in a spirit of mendacity because their parents automatically inflict on them the things they believe “did them good.” Young parents themselves also frequently pay for their denial with serious damage to their health because their “gratitude” stands in contradiction to the knowledge stored in their bodies. The frequent failure of therapy can be explained by the fact that most therapists are themselves caught up in the snare of traditional morality and attempt to drag their clients into the same kind of captivity because it is all they know. As soon as clients start to feel and become capable of roundly condemning the deeds, say, of an incestuous father, therapists will probably be assailed by fear of punishment at the hands of their own parents if they should dare to look their own truth in the face and express it for what it is. How else can we explain the fact that forgiveness is declared to be an instrument of healing? Therapists frequently propose this to reassure themselves, just as the parents did. But because it sounds very similar to the messages communicated to them in childhood by their parents, albeit expressed in a more friendly way, some patients may need some time to see through the pedagogic angle of it. And even once they finally have recognized it, they can hardly leave their therapist, especially if a new toxic attachment has already formed, if for them, the therapist has become like a mother who has helped them to a new birth (because in this new relationship they have started to feel). So they may continue to expect salvation from the therapist instead of listening to their body and accepting the aid its signals represent. Once clients, accompanied by an enlightened witness, have lived through and understood their fear of their parents (or parental figures), they can gradually start to break off destructive attachments. The positive reaction of the body will not be long in coming: its communications will become more and more comprehensible; it will cease to express itself in mysterious symptoms. Then clients will realize that their therapists have deceived them (frequently involuntarily) because forgiveness actually prevents the formation of scar tissue over the old wounds, not to speak of complete recovery. And it can never dispel the compulsion to repeat the same pattern over and over again. This is something we can all find out from our own experience. ~ Alice Miller,
864:All at once he found his mind drawing a parallel between that destiny and his own existence; all at once questions of life arose before his vision, like owls in an ancient ruin flushed from sleep by a stray ray of sunlight. Somehow he felt pained and grieved at his arrested development, at the check which had taken place in his moral growth, at the weight which appeared to be pressing upon his every faculty. Also gnawing at his heart there was a sense of envy that others should be living a life so full and free, while all the time the narrow, pitiful little pathway of his own existence was being blocked by a great boulder. And in his hesitating soul there arose a torturing consciousness that many sides of his nature had never yet been stirred, that others had never even been touched, and that not one of them had attained complete formation. Yet with this there went an aching suspicion that, buried in his being, as in a tomb, there still remained a moribund element of sweetness and light, and that it was an element which, though hidden in his personality, as a nugget lies lurking in the bowels of the earth, might once have become minted into sterling coin. But the treasure was now overlaid with rubbish--was now thickly littered over with dust. 'Twas as though some one had stolen from him, and besmirched, the store of gifts with which life and the world had dowered him; so that always he would be prevented from entering life's field and sailing across it with the aid of intellect and of will.
Yes, at the very start a secret enemy had laid a heavy hand upon him and diverted him from the road of human destiny. And now he seemed to be powerless to leave the swamps and wilds in favour of that road.
All around him was a forest, and ever the recesses of his soul were growing dimmer and darker, and the path more and more tangled, while the consciousness of his condition kept awaking within him less and
less frequently--to arouse only for a fleeting moment his slumbering faculties. Brain and volition alike had become paralysed, and, to all appearances, irrevocably--the events of his life had become whittled
down to microscopical proportions. Yet even with them he was powerless to cope--he was powerless to pass from one of them to another. Consequently they bandied him to and fro like the waves of the ocean. Never was he able to oppose to any event elasticity of will; never was he able to conceive, as the result of any event, a reasoned-out impulse. Yet to confess this, even to himself, always cost him a bitter pang: his fruitless regrets for lost opportunities, coupled with burning reproaches of conscience, always pricked him like needles, and led him to strive to put away such reproaches and to discover a scapegoat. ~ Ivan Goncharov,
865:The End Of March
For John Malcolm Brinnin and Bill Read: Duxbury
It was cold and windy, scarcely the day
to take a walk on that long beach
Everything was withdrawn as far as possible,
indrawn: the tide far out, the ocean shrunken,
seabirds in ones or twos.
The rackety, icy, offshore wind
numbed our faces on one side;
disrupted the formation
of a lone flight of Canada geese;
and blew back the low, inaudible rollers
in upright, steely mist.
The sky was darker than the water
--it was the color of mutton-fat jade.
Along the wet sand, in rubber boots, we followed
a track of big dog-prints (so big
they were more like lion-prints). Then we came on
lengths and lengths, endless, of wet white string,
looping up to the tide-line, down to the water,
over and over. Finally, they did end:
a thick white snarl, man-size, awash,
rising on every wave, a sodden ghost,
falling back, sodden, giving up the ghost...
A kite string?--But no kite.
I wanted to get as far as my proto-dream-house,
my crypto-dream-house, that crooked box
set up on pilings, shingled green,
a sort of artichoke of a house, but greener
(boiled with bicarbonate of soda?),
protected from spring tides by a palisade
of--are they railroad ties?
(Many things about this place are dubious.)
I'd like to retire there and do nothing,
or nothing much, forever, in two bare rooms:
look through binoculars, read boring books,
old, long, long books, and write down useless notes,
talk to myself, and, foggy days,
watch the droplets slipping, heavy with light.
At night, a grog a l'américaine.
I'd blaze it with a kitchen match
and lovely diaphanous blue flame
would waver, doubled in the window.
There must be a stove; there is a chimney,
askew, but braced with wires,
and electricity, possibly
--at least, at the back another wire
limply leashes the whole affair
to something off behind the dunes.
A light to read by--perfect! But--impossible.
And that day the wind was much too cold
even to get that far,
and of course the house was boarded up.
On the way back our faces froze on the other side.
The sun came out for just a minute.
For just a minute, set in their bezels of sand,
the drab, damp, scattered stones
were multi-colored,
and all those high enough threw out long shadows,
individual shadows, then pulled them in again.
They could have been teasing the lion sun,
except that now he was behind them
--a sun who'd walked the beach the last low tide,
making those big, majestic paw-prints,
who perhaps had batted a kite out of the sky to play with.
~ Elizabeth Bishop,
866:It is then by a transformation of life in its very principle, not by an external manipulation of its phenomena, that the integral Yoga proposes to change it from a troubled and ignorant into a luminous and harmonious movement of Nature. There are three conditions which are indispensable for the achievement of this central inner revolution and new formation; none of them is altogether sufficient in itself, but by their united threefold power the uplifting can be done, the conversion made and completely made. For, first, life as it is is a movement of desire and it has built in us as its centre a desire-soul which refers to itself all the motions of life and puts in them its own troubled hue and pain of an ignorant, half-lit, baffled endeavour: for a divine living, desire must be abolished and replaced by a purer and firmer motive-power, the tormented soul of desire dissolved and in its stead there must emerge the calm, strength, happiness of a true vital being now concealed within us. Next, life as it is is driven or led partly by the impulse of the life-force, partly by a mind which is mostly a servant and abettor of the ignorant life-impulse, but in part also its uneasy and not too luminous or competent guide and mentor; for a divine life the mind and the life-impulse must cease to be anything but instruments and the inmost psychic being must take their place as the leader on the path and the indicator of a divine guidance. Last, life as it is is turned towards the satisfaction of the separative ego; ego must disappear and be replaced by the true spiritual person, the central being, and life itself must be turned towards the fulfilment of the Divine in terrestrial existence; it must feel a Divine Force awaking within it and become an obedient instrumentation of its purpose.
   There is nothing that is not ancient and familiar in the first of these three transforming inner movements; for it has always been one of the principal objects of spiritual discipline. It has been best formulated in the already expressed doctrine of the Gita by which a complete renouncement of desire for the fruits as the motive of action, a complete annulment of desire itself, the complete achievement of a perfect equality are put forward as the normal status of a spiritual being. A perfect spiritual equality is the one true and infallible sign of the cessation of desire, - to be equal-souled to all things, unmoved by joy and sorrow, the pleasant and the unpleasant, success or failure, to look with an equal eye on high and low, friend and enemy, the virtuous and the sinner, to see in all beings the manifold manifestation of the One and in all things the multitudinous play or the slow masked evolution of the embodied Spirit. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Ascent of the Sacrifice - 2, 176,
867:- for every well-made and significant poem, picture, statue or building is an act of creative knowledge, a living discovery of the consciousness, a figure of Truth, a dynamic form of mental and vital self-expression or world-expression, - all that seeks, all that finds, all that voices or figures is a realisation of something of the play of the Infinite and to that extent can be made a means of God-realisation or of divine formation. But the Yogin has to see that it is no longer done as part of an ignorant mental life; it can be accepted by him only if by the feeling, the remembrance, the dedication within it, it is turned into a movement of the spiritual consciousness and becomes a part of its vast grasp of comprehensive illuminating knowledge.
   For all must be done as a sacrifice, all activities must have the One Divine for their object and the heart of their meaning. The Yogin's aim in the sciences that make for knowledge should be to discover and understand the workings of the Divine Consciousness-Puissance in man and creatures and things and forces, her creative significances, her execution of the mysteries, the symbols in which she arranges the manifestation. The Yogin's aim in the practical sciences, whether mental and physical or occult and psychic, should be to enter into the ways of the Divine and his processes, to know the materials and means for the work given to us so that we may use that knowledge for a conscious and faultless expression of the spirit's mastery, joy and self-fulfilment. The Yogin's aim in the Arts should not be a mere aesthetic, mental or vital gratification, but, seeing the Divine everywhere, worshipping it with a revelation of the meaning of its own works, to express that One Divine in ideal forms, the One Divine in principles and forces, the One Divine in gods and men and creatures and objects. The theory that sees an intimate connection between religious aspiration and the truest and greatest Art is in essence right; but we must substitute for the mixed and doubtful religious motive a spiritual aspiration, vision, interpreting experience. For the wider and more comprehensive the seeing, the more it contains in itself the sense of the hidden Divine in humanity and in all things and rises beyond a superficial religiosity into the spiritual life, the more luminous, flexible, deep and powerful will the Art be that springs from that high motive. The Yogin's distinction from other men is this that he lives in a higher and vaster spiritual consciousness; all his work of knowledge or creation must then spring from there: it must not be made in the mind, - for it is a greater truth and vision than mental man's that he has to express or rather that presses to express itself through him and mould his works, not for his personal satisfaction, but for a divine purpose. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Ascent of the Sacrifice - 1, 142 [T4],
868:Jarvious Cotton cannot vote. Like his father, grandfather, great-grandfather, and great-great-grandfather, he has been denied the right to participate in our electoral democracy. Cotton’s family tree tells the story of several generations of black men who were born in the United States but who were denied the most basic freedom that democracy promises—the freedom to vote for those who will make the rules and laws that govern one’s life. Cotton’s great-great-grandfather could not vote as a slave. His great-grandfather was beaten to death by the Ku Klux Klan for attempting to vote. His grandfather was prevented from voting by Klan intimidation. His father was barred from voting by poll taxes and literacy tests. Today, Jarvious Cotton cannot vote because he, like many black men in the United States, has been labeled a felon and is currently on parole.1 Cotton’s story illustrates, in many respects, the old adage “The more things change, the more they remain the same.” In each generation, new tactics have been used for achieving the same goals—goals shared by the Founding Fathers. Denying African Americans citizenship was deemed essential to the formation of the original union. Hundreds of years later, America is still not an egalitarian democracy. The arguments and rationalizations that have been trotted out in support of racial exclusion and discrimination in its various forms have changed and evolved, but the outcome has remained largely the same. An extraordinary percentage of black men in the United States are legally barred from voting today, just as they have been throughout most of American history. They are also subject to legalized discrimination in employment, housing, education, public benefits, and jury service, just as their parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents once were. What has changed since the collapse of Jim Crow has less to do with the basic structure of our society than with the language we use to justify it. In the era of colorblindness, it is no longer socially permissible to use race, explicitly, as a justification for discrimination, exclusion, and social contempt. So we don’t. Rather than rely on race, we use our criminal justice system to label people of color “criminals” and then engage in all the practices we supposedly left behind. Today it is perfectly legal to discriminate against criminals in nearly all the ways that it was once legal to discriminate against African Americans. Once you’re labeled a felon, the old forms of discrimination—employment discrimination, housing discrimination, denial of the right to vote, denial of educational opportunity, denial of food stamps and other public benefits, and exclusion from jury service—are suddenly legal. As a criminal, you have scarcely more rights, and arguably less respect, than a black man living in Alabama at the height of Jim Crow. We have not ended racial caste in America; we have merely redesigned it. ~ Michelle Alexander,
869:About 4.6 billion years ago, a great swirl of gas and dust some 15 billion miles across accumulated in space where we are now and began to aggregate. Virtually all of it—99.9 percent of the mass of the solar system—went to make the Sun. Out of the floating material that was left over, two microscopic grains floated close enough together to be joined by electrostatic forces. This was the moment of conception for our planet. All over the inchoate solar system, the same was happening. Colliding dust grains formed larger and larger clumps. Eventually the clumps grew large enough to be called planetesimals. As these endlessly bumped and collided, they fractured or split or recombined in endless random permutations, but in every encounter there was a winner, and some of the winners grew big enough to dominate the orbit around which they traveled. It all happened remarkably quickly. To grow from a tiny cluster of grains to a baby planet some hundreds of miles across is thought to have taken only a few tens of thousands of years. In just 200 million years, possibly less, the Earth was essentially formed, though still molten and subject to constant bombardment from all the debris that remained floating about. At this point, about 4.5 billion years ago, an object the size of Mars crashed into Earth, blowing out enough material to form a companion sphere, the Moon. Within weeks, it is thought, the flung material had reassembled itself into a single clump, and within a year it had formed into the spherical rock that companions us yet. Most of the lunar material, it is thought, came from the Earth’s crust, not its core, which is why the Moon has so little iron while we have a lot. The theory, incidentally, is almost always presented as a recent one, but in fact it was first proposed in the 1940s by Reginald Daly of Harvard. The only recent thing about it is people paying any attention to it. When Earth was only about a third of its eventual size, it was probably already beginning to form an atmosphere, mostly of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, methane, and sulfur. Hardly the sort of stuff that we would associate with life, and yet from this noxious stew life formed. Carbon dioxide is a powerful greenhouse gas. This was a good thing because the Sun was significantly dimmer back then. Had we not had the benefit of a greenhouse effect, the Earth might well have frozen over permanently, and life might never have gotten a toehold. But somehow life did. For the next 500 million years the young Earth continued to be pelted relentlessly by comets, meteorites, and other galactic debris, which brought water to fill the oceans and the components necessary for the successful formation of life. It was a singularly hostile environment and yet somehow life got going. Some tiny bag of chemicals twitched and became animate. We were on our way. Four billion years later people began to wonder how it had all happened. And it is there that our story next takes us. ~ Bill Bryson,
870:About 4.6 billion years ago, a great swirl of gas and dust some 24 billion kilometres across accumulated in space where we are now and began to aggregate. Virtually all of it – 99.9 per cent of the mass of the solar system21 – went to make the Sun. Out of the floating material that was left over, two microscopic grains floated close enough together to be joined by electrostatic forces. This was the moment of conception for our planet. All over the inchoate solar system, the same was happening. Colliding dust grains formed larger and larger clumps. Eventually the clumps grew large enough to be called planetesimals. As these endlessly bumped and collided, they fractured or split or recombined in endless random permutations, but in every encounter there was a winner, and some of the winners grew big enough to dominate the orbit around which they travelled. It all happened remarkably quickly. To grow from a tiny cluster of grains to a baby planet some hundreds of kilometres across is thought to have taken only a few tens of thousands of years. In just 200 million years, possibly less22, the Earth was essentially formed, though still molten and subject to constant bombardment from all the debris that remained floating about. At this point, about 4.4 billion years ago, an object the size of Mars crashed into the Earth, blowing out enough material to form a companion sphere, the Moon. Within weeks, it is thought, the flung material had reassembled itself into a single clump, and within a year it had formed into the spherical rock that companions us yet. Most of the lunar material, it is thought, came from the Earth’s crust, not its core23, which is why the Moon has so little iron while we have a lot. The theory, incidentally, is almost always presented as a recent one, but in fact it was first proposed in the 1940s by Reginald Daly of Harvard24. The only recent thing about it is people paying any attention to it. When the Earth was only about a third of its eventual size, it was probably already beginning to form an atmosphere, mostly of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, methane and sulphur. Hardly the sort of stuff that we would associate with life, and yet from this noxious stew life formed. Carbon dioxide is a powerful greenhouse gas. This was a good thing, because the Sun was significantly dimmer back then. Had we not had the benefit of a greenhouse effect, the Earth might well have frozen over permanently25, and life might never have got a toehold. But somehow life did. For the next 500 million years the young Earth continued to be pelted relentlessly by comets, meteorites and other galactic debris, which brought water to fill the oceans and the components necessary for the successful formation of life. It was a singularly hostile environment, and yet somehow life got going. Some tiny bag of chemicals twitched and became animate. We were on our way. Four billion years later, people began to wonder how it had all happened. And it is there that our story next takes us. ~ Bill Bryson,
871:Sweet Mother, there's a flower you have named "The Creative Word".


What does that mean?

It is the word which creates.

There are all kinds of old traditions, old Hindu traditions, old Chaldean traditions in which the Divine, in the form of the Creator, that is, in His aspect as Creator, pronounces a word which has the power to create. So it is this... And it is the origin of the mantra. The mantra is the spoken word which has a creative power. An invocation is made and there is an answer to the invocation; or one makes a prayer and the prayer is granted. This is the Word, the Word which, in its sound... it is not only the idea, it is in the sound that there's a power of creation. It is the origin, you see, of the mantra.

In Indian mythology the creator God is Brahma, and I think that it was precisely his power which has been symbolised by this flower, "The Creative Word". And when one is in contact with it, the words spoken have a power of evocation or creation or formation or transformation; the words... sound always has a power; it has much more power than men think. It may be a good power and it may be a bad power. It creates vibrations which have an undeniable effect. It is not so much the idea as the sound; the idea too has its own power, but in its own domain - whereas the sound has a power in the material world.

I think I have explained this to you once; I told you, for example, that words spoken casually, usually without any re- flection and without attaching any importance to them, can be used to do something very good. I think I spoke to you about "Bonjour", "Good Day", didn't I? When people meet and say "Bonjour", they do so mechanically and without thinking. But if you put a will into it, an aspiration to indeed wish someone a good day, well, there is a way of saying "Good Day" which is very effective, much more effective than if simply meeting someone you thought: "Ah! I hope he has a good day", without saying anything. If with this hope in your thought you say to him in a certain way, "Good Day", you make it more concrete and more effective.

It's the same thing, by the way, with curses, or when one gets angry and says bad things to people. This can do them as much harm - more harm sometimes - than if you were to give them a slap. With very sensitive people it can put their stomach out of order or give them palpitation, because you put into it an evil force which has a power of destruction.

It is not at all ineffective to speak. Naturally it depends a great deal on each one's inner power. People who have no strength and no consciousness can't do very much - unless they employ material means. But to the extent that you are strong, especially when you have a powerful vital, you must have a great control on what you say, otherwise you can do much harm. Without wanting to, without knowing it; through ignorance.

Anything? No? Nothing?

Another question?... Everything's over? ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1955, 347-349,
872:Understandably, given public anger at bailouts, support had been gathering from both the right and the left for breaking up the largest institutions. There were also calls to reinstate the Depression-era Glass-Steagall law, which Congress had repealed in 1999. Glass-Steagall had prohibited the combination within a single firm of commercial banking (mortgage and business lending, for example) and investment banking (such as bond underwriting). The repeal of Glass-Steagall had opened the door to the creation of “financial supermarkets,” large and complex firms that offered both commercial and investment banking services. The lack of a new Glass-Steagall provision in the administration’s plan seemed to me particularly easy to defend. A Glass-Steagall–type statute would have offered little benefit during the crisis—and in fact would have prevented the acquisition of Bear Stearns by JPMorgan and of Merrill Lynch by Bank of America, steps that helped stabilize the two endangered investment banks. More importantly, most of the institutions that became emblematic of the crisis would have faced similar problems even if Glass-Steagall had remained in effect. Wachovia and Washington Mutual, by and large, got into trouble the same way banks had gotten into trouble for generations—by making bad loans. On the other hand, Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers were traditional Wall Street investment firms with minimal involvement in commercial banking. Glass-Steagall would not have meaningfully changed the permissible activities of any of these firms. An exception, perhaps, was Citigroup—the banking, securities, and insurance conglomerate whose formation in 1998 had lent impetus to the repeal of Glass-Steagall. With that law still in place, Citi likely could not have become as large and complex as it did. I agreed with the administration’s decision not to revive Glass-Steagall. The decision not to propose breaking up some of the largest institutions seemed to me a closer call. The truth is that we don’t have a very good understanding of the economic benefits of size in banking. No doubt, the largest firms’ profitability is enhanced to some degree by their political influence and markets’ perception that the government will protect them from collapse, which gives them an advantage over smaller firms. And a firm’s size contributes to the risk that it poses to the financial system. But surely size also has a positive economic value—for example, in the ability of a large firm to offer a wide range of services or to operate at sufficient scale to efficiently serve global nonfinancial companies. Arbitrary limits on size would risk destroying that economic value while sending jobs and profits to foreign competitors. Moreover, the size of a financial firm is far from the only factor that determines whether it poses a systemic risk. For example, Bear Stearns, which was only a quarter the size of the firm that acquired it, JPMorgan Chase, wasn’t too big to fail; it was too interconnected to fail. And severe financial crises can occur even when most financial institutions are small. ~ Ben S Bernanke,
873:We’re in a period right now where nobody asks any questions about psychology. No one has any feeling for human motivation. No one talks about sexuality in terms of emotional needs and symbolism and the legacy of childhood. Sexuality has been politicized--“Don’t ask any questions!” "No discussion!" “Gay is exactly equivalent to straight!” And thus in this period of psychological blindness or inertness, our art has become dull. There’s nothing interesting being written--in fiction or plays or movies. Everything is boring because of our failure to ask psychological questions.

So I say there is a big parallel between Bill Cosby and Bill Clinton--aside from their initials! Young feminists need to understand that this abusive behavior by powerful men signifies their sense that female power is much bigger than they are! These two people, Clinton and Cosby, are emotionally infantile--they're engaged in a war with female power. It has something to do with their early sense of being smothered by female power--and this pathetic, abusive and criminal behavior is the result of their sense of inadequacy.

Now, in order to understand that, people would have to read my first book, "Sexual Personae"--which of course is far too complex for the ordinary feminist or academic mind! It’s too complex because it requires a sense of the ambivalence of human life. Everything is not black and white, for heaven's sake! We are formed by all kinds of strange or vague memories from childhood. That kind of understanding is needed to see that Cosby was involved in a symbiotic, push-pull thing with his wife, where he went out and did these awful things to assert his own independence. But for that, he required the women to be inert. He needed them to be dead! Cosby is actually a necrophiliac--a style that was popular in the late Victorian period in the nineteenth-century.

It's hard to believe now, but you had men digging up corpses from graveyards, stealing the bodies, hiding them under their beds, and then having sex with them. So that’s exactly what’s happening here: to give a woman a drug, to make her inert, to make her dead is the man saying that I need her to be dead for me to function. She’s too powerful for me as a living woman. And this is what is also going on in those barbaric fraternity orgies, where women are sexually assaulted while lying unconscious. And women don’t understand this! They have no idea why any men would find it arousing to have sex with a young woman who’s passed out at a fraternity house. But it’s necrophilia--this fear and envy of a woman’s power.

And it’s the same thing with Bill Clinton: to find the answer, you have to look at his relationship to his flamboyant mother. He felt smothered by her in some way. But let's be clear--I’m not trying to blame the mother! What I’m saying is that male sexuality is extremely complicated, and the formation of male identity is very tentative and sensitive--but feminist rhetoric doesn’t allow for it. This is why women are having so much trouble dealing with men in the feminist era. They don’t understand men, and they demonize men. ~ Camille Paglia,
874:The forestland thickened at one point, and without warning it opened onto a road. Fading back behind a screen of ferns, I watched the traffic. It appeared I’d reached a major crossroads. A stone marker at the intersection indicated the Akaeriki road downhill, and to the north lay the town of Thoresk.
A town. Surely one anonymous female could lose herself in a town? And while she was at it, find some shelter?
Big raindrops started plopping in the leaves around me. The coming storm wouldn’t be warded by tree branches and leaves, that was for certain. Clutching my half-empty basket to my side, I started up the road, careful not to limp if anyone came into view from the opposite direction.
I saw a line of slow wagons up ahead, with a group of small children gamboling around them. I hurried my pace slightly so I would look like I belonged with them; I had nearly caught up when a deep thundering noise seemed to vibrate up from the ground.
“Cavalcade! Cavalcade!” a high childish voice shrieked.
The farmers clucked at their oxen and the wagons hulked and swung, metal frames creaking, over to one side. The children ran up the grassy bank beside the road, hopping and shrieking with excitement.
Feeling my knees go suddenly watery, I scrambled up the bank as well, then sat in the grass with my basket on my lap. I checked my kerchief surreptitiously and snatched my hand down as two banner-carrying outriders galloped into view around the bend I’d walked so shortly before.
Behind them a single rider cantered on a nervous white horse. The rider was short but strongly built. A gray beard, finicky mustache, and long hair marked him as a noble; his mouth and eyes were narrowed, whether in habit or in anger I didn’t know--but my instinctive reaction to him was fear.
He wore the plumed helm of a commander, and his battle tunic was brown velvet. He had passed by before I realized that I had very nearly come face-to-face with Baron Nenthar Debegri, Galdran Merindar’s former--and now present--commander.
Then behind him came row on row of soldiers, all formidably armed, riding three abreast. Dust and mud flew from the horses’ hooves, and the noise was enough to set the oxen bellowing in distress and pulling at their traces. Seven, eight, nine ridings--a full wing.
A full wing of warriors, all to search for me? I didn’t know whether to laugh or to faint in terror. So I just sat there numbly and watched them all ride by--a very strange kind of review.
As the end of the cavalcade at last drew nigh, the children were already skidding down the bank. My eyes, caught by a change in color, lifted. Instead of rows of brown-and-green battle gear, the last portion were in blue with black and white, their device three stars above a coronet. As my astonished mind registered that this was the Renselaeus device, my gaze was drawn to the single rider leading their formation.
A single rider on a dapple-gray. Tall in the saddle, long blond hair flying in the wind, hat so low it shadowed the upper portion of his face, the Marquis of Shevraeth rode by.
And as he drew abreast, his head lifted slightly, turned, and he stared straight into my eyes. ~ Sherwood Smith,
875:You’re the one that whupped Galdran Merindar?”
Unbidden, Shevraeth’s voice spoke inside my head: “You have never lied to me…” I thought desperately, Better late than never! And for a brief moment I envisioned myself snarling Yes, ha ha! And I minced fifty more like him, so you’d better run! Except it wasn’t going to stop them; I could see it in their eyes and in the way the woman gripped her sword.
“No,” I said. “He knocked me off my horse. But I’d taken an oath, so I had to do my best.” I drew in a shaky breath. “I know I can’t fight forty of you, but I’m going to stand here and block you until you either go away or my arms fall off, because this, too, is an oath I took.”
The woman muttered something in their home language. Her stance, her tone, made it almost clear it was “I don’t like this.”
And he said something in a hard voice, his eyes narrowed. It had to mean “We have no choice. Better her than us.” And he took up a guard position again, his muscles tightening.
My sweaty hand gripped my sword, and I raised it, gritting my teeth--
And there came the beat of hooves on the ground. All three of us went still. Either this was reinforcements for them, in which case I was about to become a prisoner--or a ghost--or…
Blue and black and white tunicked riders thundered down through the trees toward the wagons. On the other side of the road, another group rounded the rise, and within the space of ten heartbeats, the wagons were surrounded by nine ridings of warriors, a full wing, all with lances pointed and swords at the ready.
One of them flashed a grin my way--Nessaren! Then my attention was claimed when the wing commander trotted up, stopped, and bowed low over his horse’s withers. “Your orders, my lady?”
He was utterly serious, but the impulse to dissolve into helpless laughter was shaking my already watery insides. “These gentle people may unload their stones, and pile them neatly for the locals to collect,” I said. “And then the drivers and their companions are yours. I think local villagers might be hired to drive the cargo of the wagons to the sea. Brine-soaked kinthus won’t hurt anyone and becomes mere wood. The wagons then might be offered to said villagers as partial payment.”
The wing commander bowed again, turned, and issued orders. I noted from the salutes that Nessaren had risen in rank--she now appeared to have three ridings under her.
Within a very short time, the prisoners were marched off in one direction and the wagons trundled slowly in another, driven by warriors whose fellows had taken their horses’ reins.
All except for one riding. Nessaren presented herself to me and said, “My lady, if it pleases you, I have specific orders.”
“And they are?”
“You’re to come with us to the nearest inn, where you are to sleep for at least two candles. And then--”
I didn’t even hear the “and then.” Suddenly, very suddenly, it was all I could do to climb back onto my pony. Nessaren saw this and, with a gesture, got her group to surround me. In tight formation we rode slowly back down the mountain…
And I dismounted…
And walked inside the inn…
I don’t even remember falling onto the bed. ~ Sherwood Smith,
876:"If the Divine that is all love is the source of the creation, whence have come all the evils abounding upon earth?"

   "All is from the Divine; but the One Consciousness, the Supreme has not created the world directly out of itself; a Power has gone out of it and has descended through many gradations of its workings and passed through many agents. There are many creators or rather 'formateurs', form-makers, who have presided over the creation of the world. They are intermediary agents and I prefer to call them 'Formateurs' and not 'Creators'; for what they have done is to give the form and turn and nature to matter. There have been many, and some have formed things harmonious and benignant and some have shaped things mischievous and evil. And some too have been distorters rather than builders, for they have interfered and spoiled what was begun well by others." - Questions and Answers 1929 - 1931 (30 June 1929)

   You say, "Many creators or rather 'formateurs', formmakers, have presided over the creation of the world." Who are these 'formateurs'?

   That depends. They have been given many names. All has been done by gradations and through individual beings of all kinds. Each state of being is inhabited by entities, individualities and personalities and each one has created a world around him or has contributed to the formation of certain beings upon earth. The last creators are those of the vital world, but there are beings of the Overmind (Sri Aurobindo calls this plane the Overmind), who have created, given forms, sent out emanations, and these emanations again had their emanations and so on. What I meant is that it is not the Divine Will that acted directly on Matter to give to the world the required form, it is by passing through layers, so to say, planes of the world, as for example, the mental plane - there are so many beings on the mental plane who are form-makers, who have taken part in the formation of some beings who have incarnated upon earth. On the vital plane also the same thing happens.

   For example, there is a tradition which says that the whole world of insects is the outcome of the form-makers of the vital world, and that this is why they take such absolutely diabolical shapes when they are magnified under the microscope. You saw the other day, when you were shown the microbes in water? Naturally the pictures were made to amuse, to strike the imagination, but they are based on real forms, so magnified, however, that they look like monsters. Almost the whole world of insects is a world of microscopic monsters which, had they been larger in size, would have been quite terrifying. So it is said these are entities of the vital world, beings of the vital who created that for fun and amused themselves forming all these impossible beasts which make human life altogether unpleasant.

   Did these intermediaries also come out of the Divine Power?
   Through intermediaries, yes, not directly. These beings are not in direct contact with the Divine (there are exceptions, I mean as a general rule), they are beings who are in relation with other beings, who are again in relation with others, and these with still others, and so on, in a hierarchy, up to the Supreme.(to be continued....) ~ The Mother, Question and Answers,
877:(Novum Organum by Francis Bacon.)
   34. "Four species of idols beset the human mind, to which (for distinction's sake) we have assigned names, calling the first Idols of the Tribe, the second Idols of the Den, the third Idols of the Market, the fourth Idols of the Theatre.
   40. "The information of notions and axioms on the foundation of true induction is the only fitting remedy by which we can ward off and expel these idols. It is, however, of great service to point them out; for the doctrine of idols bears the same relation to the interpretation of nature as that of the confutation of sophisms does to common logic.
   41. "The idols of the tribe are inherent in human nature and the very tribe or race of man; for man's sense is falsely asserted to be the standard of things; on the contrary, all the perceptions both of the senses and the mind bear reference to man and not to the Universe, and the human mind resembles these uneven mirrors which impart their own properties to different objects, from which rays are emitted and distort and disfigure them.
   42. "The idols of the den are those of each individual; for everybody (in addition to the errors common to the race of man) has his own individual den or cavern, which intercepts and corrupts the light of nature, either from his own peculiar and singular disposition, or from his education and intercourse with others, or from his reading, and the authority acquired by those whom he reverences and admires, or from the different impressions produced on the mind, as it happens to be preoccupied and predisposed, or equable and tranquil, and the like; so that the spirit of man (according to its several dispositions), is variable, confused, and, as it were, actuated by chance; and Heraclitus said well that men search for knowledge in lesser worlds, and not in the greater or common world.
   43. "There are also idols formed by the reciprocal intercourse and society of man with man, which we call idols of the market, from the commerce and association of men with each other; for men converse by means of language, but words are formed at the will of the generality, and there arises from a bad and unapt formation of words a wonderful obstruction to the mind. Nor can the definitions and explanations with which learned men are wont to guard and protect themselves in some instances afford a complete remedy-words still manifestly force the understanding, throw everything into confusion, and lead mankind into vain and innumerable controversies and fallacies.
   44. "Lastly, there are idols which have crept into men's minds from the various dogmas of peculiar systems of philosophy, and also from the perverted rules of demonstration, and these we denominate idols of the theatre: for we regard all the systems of philosophy hitherto received or imagined, as so many plays brought out and performed, creating fictitious and theatrical worlds. Nor do we speak only of the present systems, or of the philosophy and sects of the ancients, since numerous other plays of a similar nature can be still composed and made to agree with each other, the causes of the most opposite errors being generally the same. Nor, again, do we allude merely to general systems, but also to many elements and axioms of sciences which have become inveterate by tradition, implicit credence, and neglect. ~ Alfred Korzybski, Manhood of Humanity,
878:What in water did Bloom, waterlover, drawer of water, watercarrier, returning to the range, admire?

Its universality: its democratic equality and constancy to its nature in seeking its own level: its vastness in the ocean of Mercator's projection: its unplumbed profundity in the Sundam trench of the Pacific exceeding 8000 fathoms: the restlessness of its waves and surface particles visiting in turn all points of its seaboard: the independence of its units: the variability of states of sea: its hydrostatic quiescence in calm: its hydrokinetic turgidity in neap and spring tides: its subsidence after devastation: its sterility in the circumpolar icecaps, arctic and antarctic: its climatic and commercial significance: its preponderance of 3 to 1 over the dry land of the globe: its indisputable hegemony extending in square leagues over all the region below the subequatorial tropic of Capricorn: the multisecular stability of its primeval basin: its luteofulvous bed: its capacity to dissolve and hold in solution all soluble substances including millions of tons of the most precious metals: its slow erosions of peninsulas and islands, its persistent formation of homothetic islands, peninsulas and downwardtending promontories: its alluvial deposits: its weight and volume and density: its imperturbability in lagoons and highland tarns: its gradation of colours in the torrid and temperate and frigid zones: its vehicular ramifications in continental lakecontained streams and confluent oceanflowing rivers with their tributaries and transoceanic currents, gulfstream, north and south equatorial courses: its violence in seaquakes, waterspouts, Artesian wells, eruptions, torrents, eddies, freshets, spates, groundswells, watersheds, waterpartings, geysers, cataracts, whirlpools, maelstroms, inundations, deluges, cloudbursts: its vast circumterrestrial ahorizontal curve: its secrecy in springs and latent humidity, revealed by rhabdomantic or hygrometric instruments and exemplified by the well by the hole in the wall at Ashtown gate, saturation of air, distillation of dew: the simplicity of its composition, two constituent parts of hydrogen with one constituent part of oxygen: its healing virtues: its buoyancy in the waters of the Dead Sea: its persevering penetrativeness in runnels, gullies, inadequate dams, leaks on shipboard: its properties for cleansing, quenching thirst and fire, nourishing vegetation: its infallibility as paradigm and paragon: its metamorphoses as vapour, mist, cloud, rain, sleet, snow, hail: its strength in rigid hydrants: its variety of forms in loughs and bays and gulfs and bights and guts and lagoons and atolls and archipelagos and sounds and fjords and minches and tidal estuaries and arms of sea: its solidity in glaciers, icebergs, icefloes: its docility in working hydraulic millwheels, turbines, dynamos, electric power stations, bleachworks, tanneries, scutchmills: its utility in canals, rivers, if navigable, floating and graving docks: its potentiality derivable from harnessed tides or watercourses falling from level to level: its submarine fauna and flora (anacoustic, photophobe), numerically, if not literally, the inhabitants of the globe: its ubiquity as constituting 90 percent of the human body: the noxiousness of its effluvia in lacustrine marshes, pestilential fens, faded flowerwater, stagnant pools in the waning moon. ~ James Joyce,
879:If this is the truth of works, the first thing the sadhaka has to do is to recoil from the egoistic forms of activity and get rid of the sense of an "I" that acts. He has to see and feel that everything happens in him by the plastic conscious or subconscious or sometimes superconscious automatism of his mental and bodily instruments moved by the forces of spiritual, mental, vital and physical Nature. There is a personality on his surface that chooses and wills, submits and struggles, tries to make good in Nature or prevail over Nature, but this personality is itself a construction of Nature and so dominated, driven, determined by her that it cannot be free. It is a formation or expression of the Self in her, - it is a self of Nature rather than a self of Self, his natural and processive, not his spiritual and permanent being, a temporary constructed personality, not the true immortal Person. It is that Person that he must become. He must succeed in being inwardly quiescent, detach himself as the observer from the outer active personality and learn the play of the cosmic forces in him by standing back from all blinding absorption in its turns and movements. Thus calm, detached, a student of himself and a witness of his nature, he realises that he is the individual soul who observes the works of Nature, accepts tranquilly her results and sanctions or withholds his sanction from the impulse to her acts. At present this soul or Purusha is little more than an acquiescent spectator, influencing perhaps the action and development of the being by the pressure of its veiled consciousness, but for the most part delegating its powers or a fragment of them to the outer personality, - in fact to Nature, for this outer self is not lord but subject to her, anı̄sa; but, once unveiled, it can make its sanction or refusal effective, become the master of the action, dictate sovereignly a change of Nature. Even if for a long time, as the result of fixed association and past storage of energy, the habitual movement takes place independent of the Purusha's assent and even if the sanctioned movement is persistently refused by Nature for want of past habit, still he will discover that in the end his assent or refusal prevails, - slowly with much resistance or quickly with a rapid accommodation of her means and tendencies she modifies herself and her workings in the direction indicated by his inner sight or volition. Thus he learns in place of mental control or egoistic will an inner spiritual control which makes him master of the Nature-forces that work in him and not their unconscious instrument or mechanic slave. Above and around him is the Shakti, the universal Mother and from her he can get all his inmost soul needs and wills if only he has a true knowledge of her ways and a true surrender to the divine Will in her. Finally, he becomes aware of that highest dynamic Self within him and within Nature which is the source of all his seeing and knowing, the source of the sanction, the source of the acceptance, the source of the rejection. This is the Lord, the Supreme, the One-in-all, Ishwara-Shakti, of whom his soul is a portion, a being of that Being and a power of that Power. The rest of our progress depends on our knowledge of the ways in which the Lord of works manifests his Will in the world and in us and executes them through the transcendent and universal Shakti. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Supreme Will, 216,
880:Swift came to the table and bowed politely. “My lady,” he said to Lillian, “what a pleasure it is to see you again. May I offer my renewed congratulations on your marriage to Lord Westcliff, and…” He hesitated, for although Lillian was obviously pregnant, it would be impolite to refer to her condition. “…you are looking quite well,” he finished.
“I’m the size of a barn,” Lillian said flatly, puncturing his attempt at diplomacy.
Swift’s mouth firmed as if he was fighting to suppress a grin. “Not at all,” he said mildly, and glanced at Annabelle and Evie.
They all waited for Lillian to make the introductions.
Lillian complied grudgingly. “This is Mr. Swift,” she muttered, waving her hand in his direction. “Mrs. Simon Hunt and Lady St. Vincent.”
Swift bent deftly over Annabelle’s hand. He would have done the same for Evie except she was holding the baby.
Isabelle’s grunts and whimpers were escalating and would soon become a full-out wail unless something was done about it.
“That is my daughter Isabelle,” Annabelle said apologetically. “She’s teething.”
That should get rid of him quickly, Daisy thought. Men were terrified of crying babies.
“Ah.” Swift reached into his coat and rummaged through a rattling collection of articles. What on earth did he have in there? She watched as he pulled out his pen-knife, a bit of fishing line and a clean white handkerchief.
“Mr. Swift, what are you doing?” Evie asked with a quizzical smile.
“Improvising something.” He spooned some crushed ice into the center of the handkerchief, gathered the fabric tightly around it, and tied it off with fishing line. After replacing the knife in his pocket, he reached for the baby without one trace of self-consciusness.
Wide-eyed, Evie surrendered the infant. The four women watched in astonishment as Swift took Isabelle against his shoulder with practiced ease. He gave the baby the ice-filled handkerchief, which she proceeded to gnaw madly even as she continued to cry.
Seeming oblivious to the fascinated stares of everyone in the room, Swift wandered to the window and murmured softly to the baby. It appeared he was telling her a story of some kind. After a minute or two the child quieted.
When Swift returned to the table Isabelle was half-drowsing and sighing, her mouth clamped firmly on the makeshift ice pouch.
“Oh, Mr. Swift,” Annabelle said gratefully, taking the baby back in her arms, “how clever of you! Thank you.”
“What were you saying to her?” Lillian demanded.
He glanced at her and replied blandly, “I thought I would distract her long enough for the ice to numb her gums. So I gave her a detailed explanation of the Buttonwood agreement of 1792.”
Daisy spoke to him for the first time. “What was that?”
Swift glanced at her then, his face smooth and polite, and for a second Daisy half-believed that she had dreamed the events of that morning. But her skin and nerves still retained the sensation of him, the hard imprint of his body.
“The Buttonwood agreement led to the formation of the New York Stock and Exchange Board,” Swift said. “I thought I was quite informative, but it seemed Miss Isabelle lost interest when I started on the fee-structuring compromise.”
“I see,” Daisy said. “You bored the poor baby to sleep.”
“You should hear my account of the imbalance of market forces leading to the crash of ’37,” Swift said. “I’ve been told it’s better than laudanum. ~ Lisa Kleypas,
881:Social capital is a capability that arises from the prevalence of trust in a society or in certain parts of it. It can be embodied in the smallest and most basic social group, the family, as well as the largest of all groups, the nation, and in all the other groups in between. Social capital differs from other forms of human capital insofar as it is usually created and transmitted through cultural mechanisms like religion, tradition, or historical habit. Economists typically argue that the formation of social groups can be explained as the result of voluntary contract between individuals who have made the rational calculation that cooperation is in their long-term self-interest. By this account, trust is not necessary for cooperation: enlightened self-interest, together with legal mechanisms like contracts, can compensate for an absence of trust and allow strangers jointly to create an organization that will work for a common purpose. Groups can be formed at any time based on self-interest, and group formation is not culture-dependent. But while contract and self-interest are important sources of association, the most effective organizations are based on communities of shared ethical values. These communities do not require extensive contract and legal regulation of their relations because prior moral consensus gives members of the group a basis for mutual trust. The social capital needed to create this kind of moral community cannot be acquired, as in the case of other forms of human capital, through a rational investment decision. That is, an individual can decide to “invest” in conventional human capital like a college education, or training to become a machinist or computer programmer, simply by going to the appropriate school. Acquisition of social capital, by contrast, requires habituation to the moral norms of a community and, in its context, the acquisition of virtues like loyalty, honesty, and dependability. The group, moreover, has to adopt common norms as a whole before trust can become generalized among its members. In other words, social capital cannot be acquired simply by individuals acting on their own. It is based on the prevalence of social, rather than individual virtues. The proclivity for sociability is much harder to acquire than other forms of human capital, but because it is based on ethical habit, it is also harder to modify or destroy. Another term that I will use widely throughout this book is spontaneous sociability, which constitutes a subset of social capital. In any modern society, organizations are being constantly created, destroyed, and modified. The most useful kind of social capital is often not the ability to work under the authority of a traditional community or group, but the capacity to form new associations and to cooperate within the terms of reference they establish. This type of group, spawned by industrial society’s complex division of labor and yet based on shared values rather than contract, falls under the general rubric of what Durkheim labeled “organic solidarity.”7 Spontaneous sociability, moreover, refers to that wide range of intermediate communities distinct from the family or those deliberately established by governments. Governments often have to step in to promote community when there is a deficit of spontaneous sociability. But state intervention poses distinct risks, since it can all too easily undermine the spontaneous communities established in civil society. ~ Francis Fukuyama,
882:I MEDITATE upon a swallow's flight,
Upon a aged woman and her house,
A sycamore and lime-tree lost in night
Although that western cloud is luminous,
Great works constructed there in nature's spite
For scholars and for poets after us,
Thoughts long knitted into a single thought,
A dance-like glory that those walls begot.
There Hyde before he had beaten into prose
That noble blade the Muses buckled on,
There one that ruffled in a manly pose
For all his timid heart, there that slow man,
That meditative man, John Synge, and those
Impetuous men, Shawe-Taylor and Hugh Lane,
Found pride established in humility,
A scene well Set and excellent company.
They came like swallows and like swallows went,
And yet a woman's powerful character
Could keep a Swallow to its first intent;
And half a dozen in formation there,
That seemed to whirl upon a compass-point,
Found certainty upon the dreaming air,
The intellectual sweetness of those lines
That cut through time or cross it withershins.
Here, traveller, scholar, poet, take your stand
When all those rooms and passages are gone,
When nettles wave upon a shapeless mound
And saplings root among the broken stone,
And dedicate eyes bent upon the ground,
Back turned upon the brightness of the sun
And all the sensuality of the shade
A moment's memory to that laurelled head.
UNDER my window-ledge the waters race,
Otters below and moor-hens on the top,
Run for a mile undimmed in Heaven's face
Then darkening through "dark' Raftery's "cellar' drop,
Run underground, rise in a rocky place
In Coole demesne, and there to finish up
Spread to a lake and drop into a hole.
What's water but the generated soul?
Upon the border of that lake's a wood
Now all dry sticks under a wintry sun,
And in a copse of beeches there I stood,
For Nature's pulled her tragic buskin on
And all the rant's a mirror of my mood:
At sudden thunder of the mounting swan
I turned about and looked where branches break
The glittering reaches of the flooded lake.
Another emblem there! That stormy white
But seems a concentration of the sky;
And, like the soul, it sails into the sight
And in the morning's gone, no man knows why;
And is so lovely that it sets to right
What knowledge or its lack had set awry,
So arrogantly pure, a child might think
It can be murdered with a spot of ink.
Sound of a stick upon the floor, a sound
From somebody that toils from chair to chair;
Beloved books that famous hands have bound,
Old marble heads, old pictures everywhere;
Great rooms where travelled men and children found
Content or joy; a last inheritor
Where none has reigned that lacked a name and fame
Or out of folly into folly came.
A spot whereon the founders lived and died
Seemed once more dear than life; ancestral trees,
Or gardens rich in memory glorified
Marriages, alliances and families,
And every bride's ambition satisfied.
Where fashion or mere fantasy decrees
We shift about all that great glory spent
Like some poor Arab tribesman and his tent.
We were the last romantics chose for theme
Traditional sanctity and loveliness;
Whatever's written in what poets name
The book of the people; whatever most can bless
The mind of man or elevate a rhyme;
But all is changed, that high horse riderless,
Though mounted in that saddle Homer rode
Where the swan drifts upon a darkening flood.

~ William Butler Yeats, Coole Park 1929
883:The Historical Setting of Genesis Mesopotamia: Sumer Through Old Babylonia Sumerians. It is not possible at this time to put Ge 1–11 into a specific place in the historical record. Our history of the ancient Near East begins in earnest after writing has been invented, and the earliest civilization known to us in the historical record is that of the Sumerians. This culture dominated southern Mesopotamia for over 500 years during the first half of the third millennium BC (2900–2350 BC), known as the Early Dynastic Period. The Sumerians have become known through the excavation of several of their principal cities, which include Eridu, Uruk and Ur. The Sumerians are credited with many of the important developments in civilization, including the foundations of mathematics, astronomy, law and medicine. Urbanization is also first witnessed among the Sumerians. By the time of Abraham, the Sumerians no longer dominate the ancient Near East politically, but their culture continues to influence the region. Other cultures replace them in the political arena but benefit from the advances they made. Dynasty of Akkad. In the middle of the twenty-fourth century BC, the Sumerian culture was overrun by the formation of an empire under the kingship of Sargon I, who established his capital at Akkad. He ruled all of southern Mesopotamia and ranged eastward into Elam and northwest to the Mediterranean on campaigns of a military and economic nature. The empire lasted for almost 150 years before being apparently overthrown by the Gutians (a barbaric people from the Zagros Mountains east of the Tigris), though other factors, including internal dissent, may have contributed to the downfall. Ur III. Of the next century little is known as more than 20 Gutian kings succeeded one another. Just before 2100 BC, the city of Ur took control of southern Mesopotamia under the kingship of Ur-Nammu, and for the next century there was a Sumerian renaissance in what has been called the Ur III period. It is difficult to ascertain the limits of territorial control of the Ur III kings, though the territory does not seem to have been as extensive as that of the dynasty of Akkad. Under Ur-Nammu’s son Shulgi, the region enjoyed almost a half century of peace. Decline and fall came late in the twenty-first century BC through the infiltration of the Amorites and the increased aggression of the Elamites to the east. The Elamites finally overthrew the city. It is against this backdrop of history that the OT patriarchs emerge. Some have pictured Abraham as leaving the sophisticated Ur that was the center of the powerful Ur III period to settle in the unknown wilderness of Canaan, but that involves both chronological and geographic speculation. By the highest chronology (i.e., the earliest dates attributed to him), Abraham probably would have traveled from Ur to Harran during the reign of Ur-Nammu, but many scholars are inclined to place Abraham in the later Isin-Larsa period or even the Old Babylonian period. From a geographic standpoint it is difficult to be sure that the Ur mentioned in the Bible is the famous city in southern Mesopotamia (see note on 11:28). All this makes it impossible to give a precise background of Abraham. The Ur III period ended in southern Mesopotamia as the last king of Ur, Ibbi-Sin, lost the support of one city after another and was finally overthrown by the Elamites, who lived just east of the Tigris. In the ensuing two centuries (c. 2000–1800 BC), power was again returned to city-states that controlled more local areas. Isin, Larsa, Eshnunna, Lagash, Mari, Assur and Babylon all served as major political centers. ~ Anonymous,
884:The charge that Anarchism is destructive, rather than constructive, and that, therefore, Anarchism is opposed to organization, is one of the many falsehoods spread by our opponents. They confound our present social institutions with organization; hence they fail to understand how we can oppose the former, and yet favor the latter. The fact, however, is that the two are not identical. “The State is commonly regarded as the highest form of organization. But is it in reality a true organization? Is it not rather an arbitrary institution, cunningly imposed upon the masses? “Industry, too, is called an organization; yet nothing is farther from the truth. Industry is the ceaseless piracy of the rich against the poor. “We are asked to believe that the Army is an organization, but a close investigation will show that it is nothing else than a cruel instrument of blind force. “The Public School! The colleges and other institutions of learning, are they not models of organization, offering the people fine opportunities for instruction? Far from it. The school, more than any other institution, is a veritable barrack, where the human mind is drilled and manipulated into submission to various social and moral spooks, and thus fitted to continue our system of exploitation and oppression. “Organization, as WE understand it, however, is a different thing. It is based, primarily, on freedom. It is a natural and voluntary grouping of energies to secure results beneficial to humanity. “It is the harmony of organic growth which produces variety of color and form, the complete whole we admire in the flower. Analogously will the organized activity of free human beings, imbued with the spirit of solidarity, result in the perfection of social harmony, which we call Anarchism. In fact, Anarchism alone makes non-authoritarian organization of common interests possible, since it abolishes the existing antagonism between individuals and classes. “Under present conditions the antagonism of economic and social interests results in relentless war among the social units, and creates an insurmountable obstacle in the way of a co-operative commonwealth. “There is a mistaken notion that organization does not foster individual freedom; that, on the contrary, it means the decay of individuality. In reality, however, the true function of organization is to aid the development and growth of personality. “Just as the animal cells, by mutual co-operation, express their latent powers in formation of the complete organism, so does the individual, by co-operative effort with other individuals, attain his highest form of development. “An organization, in the true sense, cannot result from the combination of mere nonentities. It must be composed of self-conscious, intelligent individualities. Indeed, the total of the possibilities and activities of an organization is represented in the expression of individual energies. “It therefore logically follows that the greater the number of strong, self-conscious personalities in an organization, the less danger of stagnation, and the more intense its life element. “Anarchism asserts the possibility of an organization without discipline, fear, or punishment, and without the pressure of poverty: a new social organism which will make an end to the terrible struggle for the means of existence,—the savage struggle which undermines the finest qualities in man, and ever widens the social abyss. In short, Anarchism strives towards a social organization which will establish well-being for all. “The germ of such an organization can be found in that form of trades unionism which has done away with centralization, bureaucracy, and discipline, and which favors independent and direct action on the part of its members. ~ Emma Goldman,
885:Every ritual repetition of the cosmogony is preceded by a symbolic retrogression to Chaos. In order to be created anew, the old world must first be annihilated. The various rites performed in connection with the New Year can be put in two chief categories: (I) those that signify the return to Chaos (e.g., extinguishing fires, expelling 'evil' and sins, reversal of habitual behavior, orgies, return of the dead); (2) those that symbolize the cosmogony (e.g., lighting new fires, departure of the dead, repetition of the acts by which the Gods created the world, solemn prediction of the weather for the ensuing year). In the scenario of initiatory rites, 'death' corresponds to the temporary return to Chaos; hence it is the paradigmatic expression of the end of a mode of being the mode of ignorance and of the child's irresponsibility. Initiatory death provides the clean slate on which will be written the successive revelations whose end is the formation of a new man. We shall later describe the different modalities of birth to a new, spiritual life. But now we must note that this new life is conceived as the true human existence, for it is open to the values of spirit. What is understood by the generic term 'culture,' comprising all the values of spirit, is accessible only to those who have been initiated. Hence participation in spiritual life is made possible by virtue of the religious experiences released during initiation.

All the rites of rebirth or resurrection, and the symbols that they imply, indicate that the novice has attained to another mode of existence, inaccessible to those who have not undergone the initiatory ordeals, who have not tasted death. We must note this characteristic of the archaic mentality: the belief that a state cannot be changed without first being annihilated-in the present instance, without the child's dying to childhood. It is impossible to exaggerate the importance of this obsession with beginnings, which, in sum, is the obsession with the absolute beginning, the cosmogony. For a thing to be well done, it must be done as it was done the first time. But the first time, the thing-this class of objects, this animal, this particular behavior-did not exist: when, in the beginning, this object, this animal, this institution, came into existence, it was as if, through the power of the Gods, being arose from nonbeing.

Initiatory death is indispensable for the beginning of spiritual life. Its function must be understood in relation to what it prepares: birth to a higher mode of being. As we shall see farther on, initiatory death is often symbolized, for example, by darkness, by cosmic night, by the telluric womb, the hut, the belly of a monster. All these images express regression to a preformal state, to a latent mode of being (complementary to the precosmogonic Chaos), rather than total annihilation (in the sense in which, for example, a member of the modern societies conceives death). These images and symbols of ritual death are inextricably connected with germination, with embryology; they already indicate a new life in course of preparation. Obviously, as we shall show later, there are other valuations of initiatory death-for example, joining the company of the dead and the Ancestors. But here again we can discern the same symbolism of the beginning: the beginning of spiritual life, made possible in this case by a meeting with spirits.

For archaic thought, then, man is made-he does not make himself all by himself. It is the old initiates, the spiritual masters, who make him. But these masters apply what was revealed to them at the beginning of Time by the Supernatural Beings. They are only the representatives of those Beings; indeed, in many cases they incarnate them. This is as much as to say that in order to become a man, it is necessary to resemble a mythical model. ~ Mircea Eliade,
886:The cultural Left has contributed to the formation of this politically useless unconscious not only by adopting “power” as the name of an invisible, ubiquitous, and malevolent presence, but by adopting ideals which nobody is yet able to imagine being actualized.

Among these ideals are participatory democracy and the end of capitalism. Power will pass to the people, the Sixties Left believed only when decisions are made by all those who may be affected by the results. This means, for example, that economic decisions will be made by stakeholders rather than by shareholders, and that entrepreneurship and markets will cease to play their present role. When they do, capitalism as we know it will have ended, and something new will have taken its place.

[…] Sixties leftists skipped lightly over all the questions which had been raised by the experience of non market economies in the so-called socialist countries. They seemed to be suggesting that once we were rid of both bureaucrats and entrepreneurs, “the people” would know how to handle competition from steel mills or textile factories in the developing world, price hikes on imported oil, and so on. But they never told us how “the people” would learn how to do this.

The cultural Left still skips over such questions. Doing so is a consequence of its preference for talking about “the system” rather than about specific social practices and specific changes in those practices. The rhetoric of this Left remains revolutionary rather than reformist and pragmatic. Its insouciant use of terms like “late capitalism” suggests that we can just wait for capitalism to collapse, rather than figuring out what, in the absence of markets, will set prices and regulate distribution. The voting public, the public which must be won over if the Left is to emerge from the academy into the public square, sensibly wants to be told the details. It wants to know how things are going to work after markets are put behind us. It wants to know how participatory democracy is supposed to function.

The cultural Left offers no answers to such demands for further information, but until it confronts them it will not be able to be a political Left. The public, sensibly, has no interest in getting rid of capitalism until it is offered details about the alternatives. Nor should it be interested in participatory democracy –– the liberation of the people from the power of technocrats –– until it is told how deliberative assemblies will acquire the same know-how which only the technocrats presently possess. […]

The cultural Left has a vision of an America in which the white patriarchs have stopped voting and have left all the voting to be done by members of previously victimized groups, people who have somehow come into possession of more foresight and imagination than the selfish suburbanites. These formerly oppressed and newly powerful people are expected to be as angelic as the straight white males were diabolical. If I shared this expectation, I too would want to live under this new dispensation. Since I see no reason to share it, I think that the left should get back into the business of piecemeal reform within the framework of a market economy. This was the business the American Left was in during the first two-thirds of the century.

Someday, perhaps, cumulative piecemeal reforms will be found to have brought about revolutionary change. Such reforms might someday produce a presently unimaginable non market economy, and much more widely distributed powers of decision making. […] But in the meantime, we should not let the abstractly described best be the enemy of the better. We should not let speculation about a totally changed system, and a totally different way of thinking about human life and affairs, replace step-by-step reform of the system we presently have. ~ Richard M Rorty,
887:It was the general opinion of ancient nations, that the divinity alone was adequate to the important office of giving laws to men... and modern nations, in the consecrations of kings, and in several superstitious chimeras of divine rights in princes and nobles, are nearly unanimous in preserving remnants of it... Is the jealousy of power, and the envy of superiority, so strong in all men, that no considerations of public or private utility are sufficient to engage their submission to rules for their own happiness? Or is the disposition to imposture so prevalent in men of experience, that their private views of ambition and avarice can be accomplished only by artifice? — … There is nothing in which mankind have been more unanimous; yet nothing can be inferred from it more than this, that the multitude have always been credulous, and the few artful. The United States of America have exhibited, perhaps, the first example of governments erected on the simple principles of nature: and if men are now sufficiently enlightened to disabuse themselves of artifice, imposture, hypocrisy, and superstition, they will consider this event as an era in their history. Although the detail of the formation of the American governments is at present little known or regarded either in Europe or America, it may hereafter become an object of curiosity. It will never be pretended that any persons employed in that service had any interviews with the gods, or were in any degree under the inspiration of heaven, any more than those at work upon ships or houses, or labouring in merchandize or agriculture: it will for ever be acknowledged that these governments were contrived merely by the use of reason and the senses. As Copley painted Chatham, West, Wolf, and Trumbull, Warren and Montgomery; as Dwight, Barlow, Trumbull, and Humphries composed their verse, and Belknap and Ramzay history; as Godfrey invented his quadrant, and Rittenhouse his planetarium; as Boylston practised inoculation, and Franklin electricity; as Paine exposed the mistakes of Raynal, and Jefferson those of Buffon, so unphilosophically borrowed from the Recherches Philosophiques sur les Américains those despicable dreams of de Pauw — neither the people, nor their conventions, committees, or sub-committees, considered legislation in any other light than ordinary arts and sciences, only as of more importance. Called without expectation, and compelled without previous inclination, though undoubtedly at the best period of time both for England and America, to erect suddenly new systems of laws for their future government, they adopted the method of a wise architect, in erecting a new palace for the residence of his sovereign. They determined to consult Vitruvius, Palladio, and all other writers of reputation in the art; to examine the most celebrated buildings, whether they remain entire or in ruins; compare these with the principles of writers; and enquire how far both the theories and models were founded in nature, or created by fancy: and, when this should be done, as far as their circumstances would allow, to adopt the advantages, and reject the inconveniences, of all. Unembarrassed by attachments to noble families, hereditary lines and successions, or any considerations of royal blood, even the pious mystery of holy oil had no more influence than that other of holy water: the people universally were too enlightened to be imposed on by artifice; and their leaders, or more properly followers, were men of too much honour to attempt it. Thirteen governments thus founded on the natural authority of the people alone, without a pretence of miracle or mystery, which are destined to spread over the northern part of that whole quarter of the globe, are a great point gained in favour of the rights of mankind.

[Preface to 'A Defence of the Constitutions of the United States of America', 1787] ~ John Adams,
Dear Ned, I now take up my pen to write
you these few lines,
And hopin' how they find you fit. Gorbli',
it seems an age
Since Jumbo ducked the Port, 'n' drilled 'n'
polished to the nines,
He walked his pork on Collins like a hero off
the stage,
Then hiked a rifle 'cross the sea this bleedin'
war to wage.
The things what's 'appened lately calls to
Jumbo's mind that day
Our push took on the Peewee pack, 'n'
belted out their lard,
With twenty cops to top it off. But now I'm
stowed away,
A bullet in me gizzard where I took it good
and hard,
A-dealin'-stoush 'n' mullock to the Prussian
flamin' Guard.
At Bullcoor mortal charnce had dumped a
mutton-truck of us
From good ole Port ker-flummox where we
didn't orter be,
All in a 'elpless hole-the Pug, Bill Carkeek,
Son, 'n' Gus,
Don, Steve, 'n' Jack, 'n' seven more, 'n', as
it 'appens, me,
With nothin' in since breakfast, 'n' a week
to go for tea.
Worked loose from Caddy's bunch, we went
it gay until we found
We'd took to 'arf the ragin' German Hempire
on our own.
Then down we went so 'umble, with our noses
in the ground,
Takin' cover in the rubble. If a German head
was shown
It was fare-the-well to Herman with a bullet
through the bone.
We slogged the cows remorseless, 'n' they
laid for us a treat.
We held that stinkin' cellar, though, 'n' when
the day was done
Son pussied on his bingie where a Maxie trim
'n' neat
Had spit out loaded lightnin', and he slugged
a tubby Hun,
Then choked a Fritzie with his dukes, 'n'
pinched the sooner's gun!
We rigged her on her knuckle-bones. Cri',
how she lapped 'em up!
We hosed 'em out with livin' lead. That was
the second day.
Me left eye I'd 'ave give for jest a bubble in a
Three fingers I'd 'ave parted for a bone I've
flung away;
But the butcher wasn't callin', 'n' the fountain
didn't play.
T'was rotten mozzle, Neddo. We had blown
out ever clip,
'N' 'blooed the hammunition for the little box
of tricks.
Each took a batten in his fist. Sez Billy
“Let 'er rip!”
But Son he claws his stubble. Sez—he:
“Hold a brace of ticks.”
Then “Yow!” he pipes 'n' “Strewth!” he
sez, “it's bricks, you blighters,
There's more than 'arf a million spilt where
somethin' hit a pub;
We creeps among 'n' sorts 'em, stack afore,
'n' stack behind;
The Hun is comin' at us with his napper like
a tub—
You couldn't 'ope to miss it, pickled, paralysed, 'n' blind.
Sez Sonny: “Lay 'em open! Give 'em
blotches on the rind!”
Then bricks was flyin' in the wind. Mine
dinted Otto's chin;
Ole Nosey got his brother, which he never
more will roam.
When Ulrich stopped a Port bookay he rolled
his alley in.
Their fire was somethin' fierce. Poor Son
was blowin' blood 'n' foam,
“Fill up,” he coughs, “'n' plug 'em! S'elp
me Gord, we're goin' 'ome!”
With bricks we drove right at 'em 'n' we
wanged 'em best we could.
'Twas either bed 'n' breakfast or a scribble
and a wreath.
Haynes bust a Prussian's almond, took the
bay'net where he stood,
Then heaved his last 'arf-Brunswick, split
the demon's grinnin' teeth,
And Son went down in glory, with a German
We'd started out with gibbers in our clobber
and our 'ats.
They gave us floatin' lead enough to stop an
army cor.
We yelled like fiends, 'n' countered with a
lovely flight of bats,
Then rushed in close formation, heavin' cottages, n' tore
Through blinded, bleedin' Bosches, 'n' lor
love yeh, it was war!
We came peltin', headfirst, 'elpless, in a drain
among a lot
Of dirty, damned old Tommies (Gord! The
best that ever blew!)
Eight left of us, all punctured, each man
holdin' what he'd got.
Me wild, a rat hole in me lung, but in me
mauley, too,
A bull-nosed brick with whiskers where no
whiskers ever grew.
There's nothin' doin' now. I wear me blankets like a toff.
The way this fat nurse pets me, strewth, it's
well to be so sick,
A-dreamin' of our contract 'n' the way we
pulled it off.
I reckon Haig is phonin' Hughes: “Hullo,
there, Billy. Quick—
A dozen of the pushes and a thousan' tons
of brick!”
~ Edward George Dyson,
889:Waiting For Water
’TWAS old Flynn, the identity, told us
That the creek always ran pretty high,
But that fossicking veteran sold us,
And he lied as his quality lie.
Through a tangle of ranges and ridges,
Down a track that is blazed with our hide,
Over creeks minus crossings and bridges,
High and low, mere impertinent midges
Trying falls with the mighty Divide,
We came, hauling the boxes and stampers,
Or just nipping them in with a winch;
Now and then in unfortunate scampers
Missing smash by the eighth of an inch;
Round the spurs very daintily crawling,
With one team pulling out in a row,
And another lot heavenward hauling,
Lest the whole bag-of-tricks should go sprawling
Into regions unheard of below,
We came through with the shanks and the shafting,
And the frames, and the wonderful wheel;
Then we put in a month of hard grafting
Ere we nailed down the last scrap of deal.
She beat true, and with scarce a vibration,
And we voted her queen of the mills,
And a push from the wide desolation
Drifted in to our jollification
When her drumming was heard in the hills.
Now the discs by the cam-shaft are rusting,
And the stamps in the boxes are still,
And a silence that’s deep and disgusting
Seems to hang like a pall on the mill.
Just a fortnight she ran—then she rested,
And we’ve little to do but complain;
For a bird in the feed-pipe has nested,
And we’ve spent every stiver invested,
And are praying for tucker and rain.
Billy’s Creek—theme of eloquent fables—
Drips like sweat on the breast of the wheel,
And the blankets are dry on the tables,
And the sluice-box is warped like an eel;
Sudden dust-clouds run lunatic races
In the red, rocky bed down below,
And the porcupine scrambles in places
Where Flinn swears by the faith he embraces,
Fourteen inches of water should flow.
For a time we were proof against sorrow,
And we harboured a cheerful belief
In the plenteous rains of to-morrow
As we belted away at the reef.
We piled quartz in the paddocks and hopper,
And the pack-horse came in once a week:
Now our credit is not worth a copper
At the township, and highly improper
Is the language the storekeepers speak.
We no longer talk brightly, or snivel
Of our luck, but we loaf very hard,
Too disgusted to care to be civil,
And too lazy to look at a card.
Only George finds some slight consolation
Crushing prospects—a couple a day—
And then proving by multiplication
How much metal is in the formation,
And the ‘divvies’ she’ll probably pay.
But our leisure is qualified slightly
By the cattle from over the Fly—
Who have taken to pegging out nightly
In our limited water supply.
And the snakes have assisted in keeping
Things alive, for the man, you’ll agree,
Will be spry who may find he’s been sleeping
With a tiger—or chance on one creeping
In the water he wanted for tea.
Though our sweltering sky never changes,
Squatter Clark, up at Crowfoot, complains
That prospectors out over the ranges
Have been chased out of camp by the rains.
Veal, the Methodist preacher at Spence’s,
Who the Cousin Jacks say is ‘some tuss’
As a rain-making parson commences
To enlarge on our sins and offences,
And to blame all his failures on us.
We don’t go to his church down the mountain:
Seven miles is a wearisome trot,
With the glass playing up like a fountain,
And the prayers correspondingly hot.
So on Sunday each suffering sinner
Has a simple, convivial spree,—
A roast porcupine, maybe, for dinner;
For we daily grow thinner and thinner
On the week’s bread and treacle and tea.
We’ve been scared, too, of late by Golightly,
Him who kept up his chin best of all,
And predicted with confidence nightly
Heavy rains that neglected to fall,
And enlarged on the sure indications
(While we listened, and wearily groaned)
Of tremendous climatic sensations,
Fearful tempests, and great inundations,
That, it happened, were always postponed.
He’s gone daft through our many reverses,
Or the sun has got on to his brain,
For he cowers all day, and he curses
To a fretful and wearing refrain;
And at midnight he dolefully screeches
In the gloom of the desolate mill;
Or he goes in his shirt, making speeches
To the man in the moon, whom he reaches
From the summit of Poverty Hill.
So we’re waiting, and watching, and longing
With an impotent, bitter desire,
And new troubles and old ones come thronging,
Drought, and fever, and famine, and fire;
And we know—our misfortunes reviewing—
All the pangs that in Hades betide,
Where the damned sit eternally stewing,
And, through days never ending, are suing
For the water that’s ever denied.
~ Edward George Dyson,
890:summary of the entire process of psychic awakening :::
You have asked what is the discipline to be followed in order to convert the mental seeking into a living spiritual experience. The first necessity is the practice of concentration of your consciousness within yourself. The ordinary human mind has an activity on the surface which veils the real Self. But there is another, a hidden consciousness within behind the surface one in which we can become aware of the real Self and of a larger deeper truth of nature, can realise the Self and liberate and transform the nature. To quiet the surface mind and begin to live within is the object of this concentration. Of this true consciousness other then the superficial there are two main centres, one in the heart (not the physical heart, but the cardiac centre in the middle of the chest), one in the head. The concentration in the heart opens within and by following this inward opening and going deep one becomes aware of the soul or psychic being, the divine element in the individual. This being unveiled begins to come forward, to govern the nature, to turn it an d all its movements towards the Truth, towards the Divine, and to call down into it all that is above. It brings the consciousness of the Presence, the dedication of the being to the Highest and invites the descent into our nature of a greater Force and Consciousness which is waiting above us. To concentrate in the heart centre with the offering of oneself to the Divine and the aspiration for this inward opening and for the Presence in the heart is the first way and, if it can be done, the natural beginning; for its result once obtained makes the spiritual path far more easy and safe than if one begins the other way.
   That other way is the concentration in the head, in the mental centre. This, if it brings about the silence of the surface mind, opens up an inner, larger, deeper mind within which is more capable of receiving spiritual experience and spiritual knowledge. But once concentrated here one must open the silent mental consciousness upward to all that is above mind. After a time one feels the consciousness rising upward and it the end it rises beyond the lid which has so long kept it tied in the body and finds a centre above the head where it is liberated into the Infinite. There it behind to come into contact with the universal Self, the Divine Peace, Light, Power, Knowledge, Bliss, to enter into that and become that, to feel the descent of these things into the nature. To concentrate in the head with the aspiration for quietude in the mind and the realisation of the Self and Divine above is the second way of concentration. It is important, however, to remember that the concentration of the consciousness in the head is only a preparation for its rising to the centre above; otherwise, one may get shut up in one's own mind and its experiences or at best attain only to a reflection of the Truth above instead of rising into the spiritual transcendence to live there. For some the mental consciousness is easier, for some the concentration in the heart centre; some are capable of doing both alternatively - but to begin with the heart centre, if one can do it, is the more desirable.
   The other side of the discipline is with regard to the activities of the nature, of the mind, of the life-self or vital, of the physical being. Here the principle is to accord the nature with the inner realisation so that one may not be divided into two discordant parts. There are here several disciplines or processes possible. One is to offer all the activities to the Divine and call for the inner guidance and the taking up of one's nature by a Higher Power. If there is the inward soul-opening, if the psychic being comes forward, then there is no great difficulty - there comes with it a psychic discrimination, a constant intimation, finally a governance which discloses and quietly and patiently removes all imperfections, bring the right mental and vital movements and reshapes the physical consciousness also. Another method is to stand back detached from the movements of the mind, life, physical being, to regard their activities as only a habitual formation of general Nature in the individual imposed on us by past workings, not as any part of our real being; in proportion as one succeeds in this, becomes detached, sees mind and its activities as not oneself, life and its activities as not oneself, the body and its activities as not oneself, one becomes aware of an inner Being within us - inner mental, inner vital, inner physical - silent, calm, unbound, unattached which reflects the true Self above and can be its direct representative; from this inner silent Being proceeds a rejection of all that is to be rejected, an acceptance only of what can be kept and transformed, an inmost Will to perfection or a call to the Divine Power to do at each step what is necessary for the change of the Nature. It can also open mind, life and body to the inmost psychic entity and its guiding influence or its direct guidance. In most cases these two methods emerge and work together and finally fuse into one. But one can being with either, the one that one feels most natural and easy to follow.
   Finally, in all difficulties where personal effort is hampered, the help of the Teacher can intervene and bring above what is needed for the realisation or for the immediate step that is necessary.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II, 6, {871},
   Mother, when one imagines something, does it not exist?

When you imagine something, it means that you make a mental formation which may be close to the truth or far from the truth - it also depends upon the quality of your formation. You make a mental formation and there are people who have such a power of formation that they succeed in making what they imagine real. There are not many of these but there are some. They imagine something and their formation is so well made and so powerful that it succeeds in being realised. These are creators; there are not many of them but there are some.

   If one thinks of someone who doesn't exist or who is dead?

Ah! What do you mean? What have you just said? Someone who doesn't exist or someone who is dead? These are two absolutely different things.

   I mean someone who is dead.

Someone who is dead!

   If this person has remained in the mental domain, you can find him immediately. Naturally if he is no longer in the mental domain, if he is in the psychic domain, to think of him is not enough. You must know how to go into the psychic domain to find him. But if he has remained in the mental domain and you think of him, you can find him immediately, and not only that, but you can have a mental contact with him and a kind of mental vision of his existence.

   The mind has a capacity of vision of its own and it is not the same vision as with these eyes, but it is a vision, it is a perception in forms. But this is not imagination. It has nothing to do with imagination.

   Imagination, for instance, is when you begin to picture to yourself an ideal being to whom you apply all your conceptions, and when you tell yourself, "Why, it should be like this, like that, its form should be like this, its thought like that, its character like that," when you see all the details and build up the being. Now, writers do this all the time because when they write a novel, they imagine. There are those who take things from life but there are those who are imaginative, creators; they create a character, a personage and then put him in their book later. This is to imagine. To imagine, for example, a whole concurrence of circumstances, a set of events, this is what I call telling a story to oneself. But it can be put down on paper, and then one becomes a novelist. There are very different kinds of writers. Some imagine everything, some gather all sorts of observations from life and construct their book with them. There are a hundred ways of writing a book. But indeed some writers imagine everything from beginning to end. It all comes out of their head and they construct even their whole story without any support in things physically observed. This truly is imagination. But as I say, if they are very powerful and have a considerable capacity for creation, it is possible that one day or other there will be a physical human being who realises their creation. This too is true.

   What do you suppose imagination is, eh? Have you never imagined anything, you?

   And what happens?

   All that one imagines.

You mean that you imagine something and it happens like that, eh? Or it is in a dream...

   What is the function, the use of the imagination?

If one knows how to use it, as I said, one can create for oneself his own inner and outer life; one can build his own existence with his imagination, if one knows how to use it and has a power. In fact it is an elementary way of creating, of forming things in the world. I have always felt that if one didn't have the capacity of imagination he would not make any progress. Your imagination always goes ahead of your life. When you think of yourself, usually you imagine what you want to be, don't you, and this goes ahead, then you follow, then it continues to go ahead and you follow. Imagination opens for you the path of realisation. People who are not imaginative - it is very difficult to make them move; they see just what is there before their nose, they feel just what they are moment by moment and they cannot go forward because they are clamped by the immediate thing. It depends a good deal on what one calls imagination. However...

   Men of science must be having imagination!

A lot. Otherwise they would never discover anything. In fact, what is called imagination is a capacity to project oneself outside realised things and towards things realisable, and then to draw them by the projection. One can obviously have progressive and regressive imaginations. There are people who always imagine all the catastrophes possible, and unfortunately they also have the power of making them come. It's like the antennae going into a world that's not yet realised, catching something there and drawing it here. Then naturally it is an addition to the earth atmosphere and these things tend towards manifestation. It is an instrument which can be disciplined, can be used at will; one can discipline it, direct it, orientate it. It is one of the faculties one can develop in himself and render serviceable, that is, use it for definite purposes.

   Sweet Mother, can one imagine the Divine and have the contact?

Certainly if you succeed in imagining the Divine you have the contact, and you can have the contact with what you imagine, in any case. In fact it is absolutely impossible to imagine something which doesn't exist somewhere. You cannot imagine anything at all which doesn't exist somewhere. It is possible that it doesn't exist on the earth, it is possible that it's elsewhere, but it is impossible for you to imagine something which is not already contained in principle in the universe; otherwise it could not occur.

   Then, Sweet Mother, this means that in the created universe nothing new is added?

In the created universe? Yes. The universe is progressive; we said that constantly things manifest, more and more. But for your imagination to be able to go and seek beyond the manifestation something which will be manifested, well, it may happen, in fact it does - I was going to tell you that it is in this way that some beings can cause considerable progress to be made in the world, because they have the capacity of imagining something that's not yet manifested. But there are not many. One must first be capable of going beyond the manifested universe to be able to imagine something which is not there. There are already many things which can be imagined.

   What is our terrestrial world in the universe? A very small thing. Simply to have the capacity of imagining something which does not exist in the terrestrial manifestation is already very difficult, very difficult. For how many billions of years hasn't it existed, this little earth? And there have been no two identical things. That's much. It is very difficult to go out from the earth atmosphere with one's mind; one can, but it is very difficult. And then if one wants to go out, not only from the earth atmosphere but from the universal life!

   To be able simply to enter into contact with the life of the earth in its totality from the formation of the earth until now, what can this mean? And then to go beyond this and enter into contact with universal life from its beginnings up to now... and then again to be able to bring something new into the universe, one must go still farther beyond.

   Not easy!
   That's all?
   (To the child) Convinced?
   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1955, [T1],
892:[The Gods and Their Worlds]

   [...] According to traditions and occult schools, all these zones of realities, these planes of realities have got different names; they have been classified in a different way, but there is an essential analogy, and if you go back far enough into the traditions, you see only the words changing according to the country and the language. Even now, the experiences of Western occultists and those of Eastern occultists offer great similarities. All who set out on the discovery of these invisible worlds and make a report of what they saw, give a very similar description, whether they be from here or there; they use different words, but the experience is very similar and the handling of forces is the same.

   This knowledge of the occult worlds is based on the existence of subtle bodies and of subtle worlds corresponding to those bodies. They are what the psychological method calls "states of consciousness", but these states of consciousness really correspond to worlds. The occult procedure consists then in being aware of these various inner states of being or subtle bodies and in becoming sufficiently a master of them so as to be able to go out of them successively, one after another. There is indeed a whole scale of subtleties, increasing or decreasing according to the direction in which you go, and the occult procedure consists in going out of a denser body into a subtler body and so on again, up to the most ethereal regions. You go, by successive exteriorisations, into bodies or worlds more and more subtle. It is somewhat as if every time you passed into another dimension. The fourth dimension of the physicists is nothing but the scientific transcription of an occult knowledge. To give another image, one can say that the physical body is at the centre - it is the most material, the densest and also the smallest - and the inner bodies, more subtle, overflow more and more the central physical body; they pass through it, extending themselves farther and farther, like water evaporating from a porous vase and forming a kind of steam all around. And the greater the subtlety, the more the extension tends to unite with that of the universe: one ends by universalising oneself. And it is altogether a concrete process which gives an objective experience of invisible worlds and even enables one to act in these worlds.

   There are, then, only a very small number of people in the West who know that these gods are not merely subjective and imaginary - more or less wildly imaginary - but that they correspond to a universal truth.

   All these regions, all these domains are filled with beings who exist, each in its own domain, and if you are awake and conscious on a particular plane - for instance, if on going out of a more material body you awake on some higher plane, you have the same relation with the things and people of that plane as you had with the things and people of the material world. That is to say, there exists an entirely objective relation that has nothing to do with the idea you may have of these things. Naturally, the resemblance is greater and greater as you approach the physical world, the material world, and there even comes a time when the one region has a direct action upon the other. In any case, in what Sri Aurobindo calls the overmental worlds, you will find a concrete reality absolutely independent of your personal experience; you go back there and again find the same things, with the differences that have occurred during your absence. And you have relations with those beings that are identical with the relations you have with physical beings, with this difference that the relation is more plastic, supple and direct - for example, there is the capacity to change the external form, the visible form, according to the inner state you are in. But you can make an appointment with someone and be at the appointed place and find the same being again, with certain differences that have come about during your absence; it is entirely concrete with results entirely concrete.

   One must have at least a little of this experience in order to understand these things. Otherwise, those who are convinced that all this is mere human imagination and mental formation, who believe that these gods have such and such a form because men have thought them to be like that, and that they have certain defects and certain qualities because men have thought them to be like that - all those who say that God is made in the image of man and that he exists only in human thought, all these will not understand; to them this will appear absolutely ridiculous, madness. One must have lived a little, touched the subject a little, to know how very concrete the thing is.

   Naturally, children know a good deal if they have not been spoilt. There are so many children who return every night to the same place and continue to live the life they have begun there. When these faculties are not spoilt with age, you can keep them with you. At a time when I was especially interested in dreams, I could return exactly to a place and continue a work that I had begun: supervise something, for example, set something in order, a work of organisation or of discovery, of exploration. You go until you reach a certain spot, as you would go in life, then you take a rest, then you return and begin again - you begin the work at the place where you left off and you continue it. And you perceive that there are things which are quite independent of you, in the sense that changes of which you are not at all the author, have taken place automatically during your absence.

   But for this, you must live these experiences yourself, you must see them yourself, live them with sufficient sincerity and spontaneity in order to see that they are independent of any mental formation. For you can do the opposite also, and deepen the study of the action of mental formation upon events. This is very interesting, but it is another domain. And this study makes you very careful, very prudent, because you become aware of how far you can delude yourself. So you must study both, the dream and the occult reality, in order to see what is the essential difference between the two. The one depends upon us; the other exists in itself; entirely independent of the thought that we have of it.

   When you have worked in that domain, you recognise in fact that once a subject has been studied and something has been learnt mentally, it gives a special colour to the experience; the experience may be quite spontaneous and sincere, but the simple fact that the subject was known and studied lends a particular quality. Whereas if you had learnt nothing about the question, if you knew nothing at all, the transcription would be completely spontaneous and sincere when the experience came; it would be more or less adequate, but it would not be the outcome of a previous mental formation.

   Naturally, this occult knowledge or this experience is not very frequent in the world, because in those who do not have a developed inner life, there are veritable gaps between the external consciousness and the inmost consciousness; the linking states of being are missing and they have to be constructed. So when people enter there for the first time, they are bewildered, they have the impression they have fallen into the night, into nothingness, into non-being!

   I had a Danish friend, a painter, who was like that. He wanted me to teach him how to go out of the body; he used to have interesting dreams and thought that it would be worth the trouble to go there consciously. So I made him "go out" - but it was a frightful thing! When he was dreaming, a part of his mind still remained conscious, active, and a kind of link existed between this active part and his external being; then he remembered some of his dreams, but it was a very partial phenomenon. And to go out of one's body means to pass gradually through all the states of being, if one does the thing systematically. Well, already in the subtle physical, one is almost de-individualised, and when one goes farther, there remains nothing, for nothing is formed or individualised.

   Thus, when people are asked to meditate or told to go within, to enter into themselves, they are in agony - naturally! They have the impression that they are vanishing. And with reason: there is nothing, no consciousness!

   These things that appear to us quite natural and evident, are, for people who know nothing, wild imagination. If, for example, you transplant these experiences or this knowledge to the West, well, unless you have been frequenting the circles of occultists, they stare at you with open eyes. And when you have turned your back, they hasten to say, "These people are cranks!" Now to come back to the gods and conclude. It must be said that all those beings who have never had an earthly existence - gods or demons, invisible beings and powers - do not possess what the Divine has put into man: the psychic being. And this psychic being gives to man true love, charity, compassion, a deep kindness, which compensate for all his external defects.

   In the gods there is no fault because they live according to their own nature, spontaneously and without constraint: as gods, it is their manner of being. But if you take a higher point of view, if you have a higher vision, a vision of the whole, you see that they lack certain qualities that are exclusively human. By his capacity of love and self-giving, man can have as much power as the gods and even more, when he is not egoistic, when he has surmounted his egoism.

   If he fulfils the required condition, man is nearer to the Supreme than the gods are. He can be nearer. He is not so automatically, but he has the power to be so, the potentiality.

   If human love manifested itself without mixture, it would be all-powerful. Unfortunately, in human love there is as much love of oneself as of the one loved; it is not a love that makes you forget yourself. - 4 November 1958

   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother III, 355
893:directed many of his own productions, and according to ancient critics, he is said
to have brought the Furies onstage in so realistic a manner that women
miscarried in the audience.
Although ~ Aeschylus

is said to have written over ninety plays, only seven have
survived. His first extant work, The Suppliants, reveals a young ~ Aeschylus

struggling with the problems of choral drama. The tale revolves around the fifty
daughers of Danaus who seek refuge in Argos from the attentions of the fifty
sons of Aegyptus. His second extant drama, The Persians, recounts the battle of
Salamis--in which ~ Aeschylus

and his brother actually fought--and deals primarily
with the reception of the news at the imperial court. This play contains the first
"ghost scene" of extant drama.
In his third surviving play, Prometheus Bound, ~ Aeschylus

tackles the myth of
Prometheus, the world's first humanitarian. As the play begins, the titan is being
fastened against his will to a peak in the Caucasian mountains for giving mankind
the gift of fire without the consent of the gods. Prometheus knows Zeus is
destined to fall. In fact, he holds the secret of the Olympian's doom--a certain
woman that will be his undoing--but Prometheus will not reveal her name. Even
amid the fire from heaven that is hurled at him in a frightening climax,
Prometheus remains fearless and silent.
In Seven Against Thebes, ~ Aeschylus

deals with themes of patricide and incest. He
was not, however, willing to settle for the conventional explanation of the "family
curse". Instead, ~ Aeschylus

delved deeper, suggesting that heredity is nothing
more than a predisposition--that the true cause of such "acts of wickedness" is
ambition, greed, and a lack of moral fortitude. Thus, eliminating the gods as an
excuse for wickedness, ~ Aeschylus

demanded that men take responsibility for
their actions.
The Oresteia, a trilogy, was performed in 458 BC, less than two years before
~ Aeschylus

' death. Once again, he dealt with the tragedy of a royal house, a
"hereditary curse" which began in a dim, legendary world in which Tantalus was
cast into the pit of Tartarus for revealing to mankind the secrets of the gods. This
situation paralleled events in ~ Aeschylus

' own life. He was reportedly charged with
"impiety" for revealing the Eleusinian mysteries--the secret rites of the city of his
birth--to outsiders. It is likely, however, that these charges were politically
motivated, and he was not convicted.
Legend has it that ~ Aeschylus

met his death when an eagle mistook his bald head
for a rock and dropped a tortoise on it. Whatever the cause of his death, his life
laid the groundwork the dramatic arts would need to flourish, and by the time of
his death, there were two notable successors ready to take his place--
~ Aeschylus

claims at lines 1026-7 that he "taught the Athenians to desire always
to defeat their enemies." ~ Aeschylus

goes on to say at lines 1039ff. that his plays
inspired the Athenians to be brave and virtuous.
Influence outside of Greek Culture
~ Aeschylus

's works were influential beyond his own time. Hugh Lloyd-Jones
(Regius Professor of Greek Emeritus at Oxford University) draws attention to
Wagner's reverence of ~ Aeschylus

. Michael Ewans argues in his Wagner and
~ Aeschylus

. The Ring and the Oresteia (London: Faber. 1982) that the influence
was so great as to merit a direct character by character comparison between
Wagner's Ring and ~ Aeschylus

's Oresteia. A critic of his book however, while not
denying that Wagner read and respected ~ Aeschylus

, has described his arguments
as unreasonable and forced.
Sir J. T. Sheppard argues in the second half of his ~ Aeschylus

and Sophocles:
Their Work and Influence that ~ Aeschylus

, along with Sophocles, have played a
major part in the formation of dramatic literature from the Renaissance to the
present, specifically in French and Elizabethan drama. He also claims that their
influence went beyond just drama and applies to literature in general, citing
During his presidential campaign in 1968, Senator Robert F. Kennedy quoted the
Edith Hamilton translation of ~ Aeschylus

on the night of the assassination of
Martin Luther King, Jr. Kennedy was notified of King's murder before a campaign
stop in Indianapolis, Indiana and was warned not to attend the event due to
fears of rioting from the mostly African-American crowd. Kennedy insisted on
attending and delivered an impromptu speech that delivered news of King's
death to the crowd. Acknowledging the audience's emotions, Kennedy referred to
his own grief at the murder of his brother, President John F. Kennedy and,
quoting a passage from the play Agamemnon, said: "My favorite poet was
~ Aeschylus

. He once wrote: 'Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop
by drop upon the heart, until in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom
through the awful grace of God.' What we need in the United States is not
division; what we need in the United States is not hatred; what we need in the
United States is not violence or lawlessness; but love and wisdom, and
compassion toward one another, and a feeling of justice toward those who still
suffer within our country, whether they be white or they be black... Let us
dedicate ourselves to what the Greeks wrote so many years ago: to tame the
savageness of man and make gentle the life of this world." The speech is
considered to be Kennedy's finest. The quotation from ~ Aeschylus

was later
inscribed on a memorial at the gravesite of Robert Kennedy following his own
A Prayer For Artemis
Though Zeus plan all things right,
Yet is his heart's desire full hard to trace;
Nathless in every place
Brightly it gleameth, e'en in darkest night,
Fraught with black fate to man's speech-gifted race.
Steadfast, ne'er thrown in fight,
The deed in brow of Zeus to ripeness brought;
For wrapt in shadowy night,
Tangled, unscanned by mortal sight,
Extend the pathways of his secret thought.
From towering hopes mortals he hurleth prone
To utter doom; but for their fall
No force arrayeth he; for all
That gods devise is without effort wrought.
A mindful Spirit aloft on holy throne
By inborn energy achieves his thought.
But let him mortal insolence behold:-How with proud contumacy rife,
Wantons the stem in lusty life
My marriage craving;--frenzy over-bold,
Spur ever-pricking, goads them on to fate,
By ruin taught their folly all too late.
Thus I complain, in piteous strain,
Grief-laden, tear-evoking, shrill;
Ah woe is me! woe! woe!
Dirge-like it sounds; mine own death-trill
I pour, yet breathing vital air.
Hear, hill-crowned Apia, hear my prayer!
Full well, O land,
My voice barbaric thou canst understand;
While oft with rendings I assail
My byssine vesture and Sidonian veil.
My nuptial right in Heaven's pure sight
Pollution were, death-laden, rude;
Ah woe is me! woe! woe!
Alas for sorrow's murky brood!
Where will this billow hurl me? Where?
Hear, hill-crowned Apia, hear my prayer;
Full well, O land,
My voice barbaric thou canst understand,
While oft with rendings I assail
My byssine vesture and Sidonian veil.
The oar indeed and home with sails
Flax-tissued, swelled with favoring gales,
Staunch to the wave, from spear-storm free,
Have to this shore escorted me,
Nor so far blame I destiny.
But may the all-seeing Father send
In fitting time propitious end;
So our dread Mother's mighty brood,
The lordly couch may 'scape, ah me,
Unwedded, unsubdued!
Meeting my will with will divine,
Daughter of Zeus, who here dost hold
Steadfast thy sacred shrine,-Me, Artemis unstained, behold,
Do thou, who sovereign might dost wield,
Virgin thyself, a virgin shield;
So our dread Mother's mighty brood
The lordly couch may 'scape, ah me,
Unwedded, unsubdued!
~ Aeschylus,
894:The Science of Living

To know oneself and to control oneself

AN AIMLESS life is always a miserable life.

Every one of you should have an aim. But do not forget that on the quality of your aim will depend the quality of your life.

   Your aim should be high and wide, generous and disinterested; this will make your life precious to yourself and to others.

   But whatever your ideal, it cannot be perfectly realised unless you have realised perfection in yourself.

   To work for your perfection, the first step is to become conscious of yourself, of the different parts of your being and their respective activities. You must learn to distinguish these different parts one from another, so that you may become clearly aware of the origin of the movements that occur in you, the many impulses, reactions and conflicting wills that drive you to action. It is an assiduous study which demands much perseverance and sincerity. For man's nature, especially his mental nature, has a spontaneous tendency to give a favourable explanation for everything he thinks, feels, says and does. It is only by observing these movements with great care, by bringing them, as it were, before the tribunal of our highest ideal, with a sincere will to submit to its judgment, that we can hope to form in ourselves a discernment that never errs. For if we truly want to progress and acquire the capacity of knowing the truth of our being, that is to say, what we are truly created for, what we can call our mission upon earth, then we must, in a very regular and constant manner, reject from us or eliminate in us whatever contradicts the truth of our existence, whatever is opposed to it. In this way, little by little, all the parts, all the elements of our being can be organised into a homogeneous whole around our psychic centre. This work of unification requires much time to be brought to some degree of perfection. Therefore, in order to accomplish it, we must arm ourselves with patience and endurance, with a determination to prolong our life as long as necessary for the success of our endeavour.

   As you pursue this labour of purification and unification, you must at the same time take great care to perfect the external and instrumental part of your being. When the higher truth manifests, it must find in you a mind that is supple and rich enough to be able to give the idea that seeks to express itself a form of thought which preserves its force and clarity. This thought, again, when it seeks to clothe itself in words, must find in you a sufficient power of expression so that the words reveal the thought and do not deform it. And the formula in which you embody the truth should be manifested in all your feelings, all your acts of will, all your actions, in all the movements of your being. Finally, these movements themselves should, by constant effort, attain their highest perfection.

   All this can be realised by means of a fourfold discipline, the general outline of which is given here. The four aspects of the discipline do not exclude each other, and can be followed at the same time; indeed, this is preferable. The starting-point is what can be called the psychic discipline. We give the name "psychic" to the psychological centre of our being, the seat within us of the highest truth of our existence, that which can know this truth and set it in movement. It is therefore of capital importance to become conscious of its presence in us, to concentrate on this presence until it becomes a living fact for us and we can identify ourselves with it.

   In various times and places many methods have been prescribed for attaining this perception and ultimately achieving this identification. Some methods are psychological, some religious, some even mechanical. In reality, everyone has to find the one which suits him best, and if one has an ardent and steadfast aspiration, a persistent and dynamic will, one is sure to meet, in one way or another - outwardly through reading and study, inwardly through concentration, meditation, revelation and experience - the help one needs to reach the goal. Only one thing is absolutely indispensable: the will to discover and to realise. This discovery and realisation should be the primary preoccupation of our being, the pearl of great price which we must acquire at any cost. Whatever you do, whatever your occupations and activities, the will to find the truth of your being and to unite with it must be always living and present behind all that you do, all that you feel, all that you think.

   To complement this movement of inner discovery, it would be good not to neglect the development of the mind. For the mental instrument can equally be a great help or a great hindrance. In its natural state the human mind is always limited in its vision, narrow in its understanding, rigid in its conceptions, and a constant effort is therefore needed to widen it, to make it more supple and profound. So it is very necessary to consider everything from as many points of view as possible. Towards this end, there is an exercise which gives great suppleness and elevation to the thought. It is as follows: a clearly formulated thesis is set; against it is opposed its antithesis, formulated with the same precision. Then by careful reflection the problem must be widened or transcended until a synthesis is found which unites the two contraries in a larger, higher and more comprehensive idea.

   Many other exercises of the same kind can be undertaken; some have a beneficial effect on the character and so possess a double advantage: that of educating the mind and that of establishing control over the feelings and their consequences. For example, you must never allow your mind to judge things and people, for the mind is not an instrument of knowledge; it is incapable of finding knowledge, but it must be moved by knowledge. Knowledge belongs to a much higher domain than that of the human mind, far above the region of pure ideas. The mind has to be silent and attentive to receive knowledge from above and manifest it. For it is an instrument of formation, of organisation and action, and it is in these functions that it attains its full value and real usefulness.

   There is another practice which can be very helpful to the progress of the consciousness. Whenever there is a disagreement on any matter, such as a decision to be taken, or an action to be carried out, one must never remain closed up in one's own conception or point of view. On the contrary, one must make an effort to understand the other's point of view, to put oneself in his place and, instead of quarrelling or even fighting, find the solution which can reasonably satisfy both parties; there always is one for men of goodwill.

   Here we must mention the discipline of the vital. The vital being in us is the seat of impulses and desires, of enthusiasm and violence, of dynamic energy and desperate depressions, of passions and revolts. It can set everything in motion, build and realise; but it can also destroy and mar everything. Thus it may be the most difficult part to discipline in the human being. It is a long and exacting labour requiring great patience and perfect sincerity, for without sincerity you will deceive yourself from the very outset, and all endeavour for progress will be in vain. With the collaboration of the vital no realisation seems impossible, no transformation impracticable. But the difficulty lies in securing this constant collaboration. The vital is a good worker, but most often it seeks its own satisfaction. If that is refused, totally or even partially, the vital gets vexed, sulks and goes on strike. Its energy disappears more or less completely and in its place leaves disgust for people and things, discouragement or revolt, depression and dissatisfaction. At such moments it is good to remain quiet and refuse to act; for these are the times when one does stupid things and in a few moments one can destroy or spoil the progress that has been made during months of regular effort. These crises are shorter and less dangerous for those who have established a contact with their psychic being which is sufficient to keep alive in them the flame of aspiration and the consciousness of the ideal to be realised. They can, with the help of this consciousness, deal with their vital as one deals with a rebellious child, with patience and perseverance, showing it the truth and light, endeavouring to convince it and awaken in it the goodwill which has been veiled for a time. By means of such patient intervention each crisis can be turned into a new progress, into one more step towards the goal. Progress may be slow, relapses may be frequent, but if a courageous will is maintained, one is sure to triumph one day and see all difficulties melt and vanish before the radiance of the truth-consciousness.

   Lastly, by means of a rational and discerning physical education, we must make our body strong and supple enough to become a fit instrument in the material world for the truth-force which wants to manifest through us.

   In fact, the body must not rule, it must obey. By its very nature it is a docile and faithful servant. Unfortunately, it rarely has the capacity of discernment it ought to have with regard to its masters, the mind and the vital. It obeys them blindly, at the cost of its own well-being. The mind with its dogmas, its rigid and arbitrary principles, the vital with its passions, its excesses and dissipations soon destroy the natural balance of the body and create in it fatigue, exhaustion and disease. It must be freed from this tyranny and this can be done only through a constant union with the psychic centre of the being. The body has a wonderful capacity of adaptation and endurance. It is able to do so many more things than one usually imagines. If, instead of the ignorant and despotic masters that now govern it, it is ruled by the central truth of the being, you will be amazed at what it is capable of doing. Calm and quiet, strong and poised, at every minute it will be able to put forth the effort that is demanded of it, for it will have learnt to find rest in action and to recuperate, through contact with the universal forces, the energies it expends consciously and usefully. In this sound and balanced life a new harmony will manifest in the body, reflecting the harmony of the higher regions, which will give it perfect proportions and ideal beauty of form. And this harmony will be progressive, for the truth of the being is never static; it is a perpetual unfolding of a growing perfection that is more and more total and comprehensive. As soon as the body has learnt to follow this movement of progressive harmony, it will be possible for it to escape, through a continuous process of transformation, from the necessity of disintegration and destruction. Thus the irrevocable law of death will no longer have any reason to exist.

   When we reach this degree of perfection which is our goal, we shall perceive that the truth we seek is made up of four major aspects: Love, Knowledge, Power and Beauty. These four attributes of the Truth will express themselves spontaneously in our being. The psychic will be the vehicle of true and pure love, the mind will be the vehicle of infallible knowledge, the vital will manifest an invincible power and strength and the body will be the expression of a perfect beauty and harmony.

   Bulletin, November 1950

   ~ The Mother, On Education, #self-knowledge,
895:Mental Education

OF ALL lines of education, mental education is the most widely known and practised, yet except in a few rare cases there are gaps which make it something very incomplete and in the end quite insufficient.

   Generally speaking, schooling is considered to be all the mental education that is necessary. And when a child has been made to undergo, for a number of years, a methodical training which is more like cramming than true schooling, it is considered that whatever is necessary for his mental development has been done. Nothing of the kind. Even conceding that the training is given with due measure and discrimination and does not permanently damage the brain, it cannot impart to the human mind the faculties it needs to become a good and useful instrument. The schooling that is usually given can, at the most, serve as a system of gymnastics to increase the suppleness of the brain. From this standpoint, each branch of human learning represents a special kind of mental gymnastics, and the verbal formulations given to these various branches each constitute a special and well-defined language.

   A true mental education, which will prepare man for a higher life, has five principal phases. Normally these phases follow one after another, but in exceptional individuals they may alternate or even proceed simultaneously. These five phases, in brief, are:

   (1) Development of the power of concentration, the capacity of attention.
   (2) Development of the capacities of expansion, widening, complexity and richness.
   (3) Organisation of one's ideas around a central idea, a higher ideal or a supremely luminous idea that will serve as a guide in life.
   (4) Thought-control, rejection of undesirable thoughts, to become able to think only what one wants and when one wants.
   (5) Development of mental silence, perfect calm and a more and more total receptivity to inspirations coming from the higher regions of the being.

   It is not possible to give here all the details concerning the methods to be employed in the application of these five phases of education to different individuals. Still, a few explanations on points of detail can be given.

   Undeniably, what most impedes mental progress in children is the constant dispersion of their thoughts. Their thoughts flutter hither and thither like butterflies and they have to make a great effort to fix them. Yet this capacity is latent in them, for when you succeed in arousing their interest, they are capable of a good deal of attention. By his ingenuity, therefore, the educator will gradually help the child to become capable of a sustained effort of attention and a faculty of more and more complete absorption in the work in hand. All methods that can develop this faculty of attention from games to rewards are good and can all be utilised according to the need and the circumstances. But it is the psychological action that is most important and the sovereign method is to arouse in the child an interest in what you want to teach him, a liking for work, a will to progress. To love to learn is the most precious gift that one can give to a child: to love to learn always and everywhere, so that all circumstances, all happenings in life may be constantly renewed opportunities for learning more and always more.

   For that, to attention and concentration should be added observation, precise recording and faithfulness of memory. This faculty of observation can be developed by varied and spontaneous exercises, making use of every opportunity that presents itself to keep the child's thought wakeful, alert and prompt. The growth of the understanding should be stressed much more than that of memory. One knows well only what one has understood. Things learnt by heart, mechanically, fade away little by little and finally disappear; what is understood is never forgotten. Moreover, you must never refuse to explain to a child the how and the why of things. If you cannot do it yourself, you must direct the child to those who are qualified to answer or point out to him some books that deal with the question. In this way you will progressively awaken in the child the taste for true study and the habit of making a persistent effort to know.

   This will bring us quite naturally to the second phase of development in which the mind should be widened and enriched.

   You will gradually show the child that everything can become an interesting subject for study if it is approached in the right way. The life of every day, of every moment, is the best school of all, varied, complex, full of unexpected experiences, problems to be solved, clear and striking examples and obvious consequences. It is so easy to arouse healthy curiosity in children, if you answer with intelligence and clarity the numerous questions they ask. An interesting reply to one readily brings others in its train and so the attentive child learns without effort much more than he usually does in the classroom. By a choice made with care and insight, you should also teach him to enjoy good reading-matter which is both instructive and attractive. Do not be afraid of anything that awakens and pleases his imagination; imagination develops the creative mental faculty and through it study becomes living and the mind develops in joy.

   In order to increase the suppleness and comprehensiveness of his mind, one should see not only that he studies many varied topics, but above all that a single subject is approached in various ways, so that the child understands in a practical manner that there are many ways of facing the same intellectual problem, of considering it and solving it. This will remove all rigidity from his brain and at the same time it will make his thinking richer and more supple and prepare it for a more complex and comprehensive synthesis. In this way also the child will be imbued with the sense of the extreme relativity of mental learning and, little by little, an aspiration for a truer source of knowledge will awaken in him.

   Indeed, as the child grows older and progresses in his studies, his mind too ripens and becomes more and more capable of forming general ideas, and with them almost always comes a need for certitude, for a knowledge that is stable enough to form the basis of a mental construction which will permit all the diverse and scattered and often contradictory ideas accumulated in his brain to be organised and put in order. This ordering is indeed very necessary if one is to avoid chaos in one's thoughts. All contradictions can be transformed into complements, but for that one must discover the higher idea that will have the power to bring them harmoniously together. It is always good to consider every problem from all possible standpoints so as to avoid partiality and exclusiveness; but if the thought is to be active and creative, it must, in every case, be the natural and logical synthesis of all the points of view adopted. And if you want to make the totality of your thoughts into a dynamic and constructive force, you must also take great care as to the choice of the central idea of your mental synthesis; for upon that will depend the value of this synthesis. The higher and larger the central idea and the more universal it is, rising above time and space, the more numerous and the more complex will be the ideas, notions and thoughts which it will be able to organise and harmonise.

   It goes without saying that this work of organisation cannot be done once and for all. The mind, if it is to keep its vigour and youth, must progress constantly, revise its notions in the light of new knowledge, enlarge its frame-work to include fresh notions and constantly reclassify and reorganise its thoughts, so that each of them may find its true place in relation to the others and the whole remain harmonious and orderly.

   All that has just been said concerns the speculative mind, the mind that learns. But learning is only one aspect of mental activity; the other, which is at least equally important, is the constructive faculty, the capacity to form and thus prepare action. This very important part of mental activity has rarely been the subject of any special study or discipline. Only those who want, for some reason, to exercise a strict control over their mental activities think of observing and disciplining this faculty of formation; and as soon as they try it, they have to face difficulties so great that they appear almost insurmountable.

   And yet control over this formative activity of the mind is one of the most important aspects of self-education; one can say that without it no mental mastery is possible. As far as study is concerned, all ideas are acceptable and should be included in the synthesis, whose very function is to become more and more rich and complex; but where action is concerned, it is just the opposite. The ideas that are accepted for translation into action should be strictly controlled and only those that agree with the general trend of the central idea forming the basis of the mental synthesis should be permitted to express themselves in action. This means that every thought entering the mental consciousness should be set before the central idea; if it finds a logical place among the thoughts already grouped, it will be admitted into the synthesis; if not, it will be rejected so that it can have no influence on the action. This work of mental purification should be done very regularly in order to secure a complete control over one's actions.

   For this purpose, it is good to set apart some time every day when one can quietly go over one's thoughts and put one's synthesis in order. Once the habit is acquired, you can maintain control over your thoughts even during work and action, allowing only those which are useful for what you are doing to come to the surface. Particularly, if you have continued to cultivate the power of concentration and attention, only the thoughts that are needed will be allowed to enter the active external consciousness and they then become all the more dynamic and effective. And if, in the intensity of concentration, it becomes necessary not to think at all, all mental vibration can be stilled and an almost total silence secured. In this silence one can gradually open to the higher regions of the mind and learn to record the inspirations that come from there.

   But even before reaching this point, silence in itself is supremely useful, because in most people who have a somewhat developed and active mind, the mind is never at rest. During the day, its activity is kept under a certain control, but at night, during the sleep of the body, the control of the waking state is almost completely removed and the mind indulges in activities which are sometimes excessive and often incoherent. This creates a great stress which leads to fatigue and the diminution of the intellectual faculties.

   The fact is that like all the other parts of the human being, the mind too needs rest and it will not have this rest unless we know how to provide it. The art of resting one's mind is something to be acquired. Changing one's mental activity is certainly one way of resting; but the greatest possible rest is silence. And as far as the mental faculties are concerned a few minutes passed in the calm of silence are a more effective rest than hours of sleep.

   When one has learned to silence the mind at will and to concentrate it in receptive silence, then there will be no problem that cannot be solved, no mental difficulty whose solution cannot be found. When it is agitated, thought becomes confused and impotent; in an attentive tranquillity, the light can manifest itself and open up new horizons to man's capacity. Bulletin, November 1951

   ~ The Mother, On Education,
896: Ahana

(Ahana, the Dawn of God, descends on the world where amid the strife and trouble of mortality the Hunters of Joy, the
Seekers after Knowledge, the Climbers in the quest of Power are toiling up the slopes or waiting in the valleys. As she stands on the mountains of the East, voices of the Hunters of Joy are the first to greet her.)
Vision delightful alone on the hills whom the silences cover,
Closer yet lean to mortality; human, stoop to thy lover.

Wonderful, gold like a moon in the square of the sun where thou strayest
Glimmers thy face amid crystal purities; mighty thou playest
Sole on the peaks of the world, unafraid of thy loneliness. Glances
Leap from thee down to us, dream-seas and light-falls and magical trances;
Sun-drops flake from thy eyes and the heart's caverns packed are with pleasure
Strange like a song without words or the dance of a measureless measure.

Tread through the edges of dawn, over twilight's grey-lidded margin;
Heal earth's unease with thy feet, O heaven-born delicate virgin.

Children of Time whose spirits came down from eternity, seizing
Joys that escape us, yoked by our hearts to a labour unceasing,
Earth-bound, torn with our longings, our life is a brief incompleteness.

Thou hast the stars to sport with, the winds run like bees to thy sweetness.

Art thou not heaven-bound even as I with the earth? Hast thou ended
All desirable things in a stillness lone and unfriended?
Only is calm so sweet? is our close tranquillity only?
Cold are the rivers of peace and their banks are leafless and lonely.

Heavy is godhead to bear with its mighty sun-burden of lustre.

Art thou not weary of only the stars in their solemn muster,
Sky-hung the chill bare plateaus and peaks where the eagle rejoices
In the inhuman height of his nesting, solitude's voices
Making the heart of the silence lonelier? strong and untiring,
Deaf with the cry of the waterfall, lonely the pine lives aspiring.

Two are the ends of existence, two are the dreams of the Mother:


Pondicherry, c. 1910 - 1920

Heaven unchanging, earth with her time-beats yearn to each other, -
Earth-souls needing the touch of the heavens peace to recapture,
Heaven needing earth's passion to quiver its peace into rapture.

Marry, O lightning eternal, the passion of a moment-born fire!
Out of thy greatness draw close to the breast of our mortal desire!
Is he thy master, Rudra the mighty, Shiva ascetic?
Has he denied thee his world? In his dance that they tell of, ecstatic,
Slaying, creating, calm in the midst of the movement and madness,
Stole there no rhythm of an earthly joy and a mortal sadness?
Wast thou not made in the shape of a woman? Sweetness and beauty
Move like a song of the gods in thy limbs and to love is thy duty
Graved in thy heart as on tablets of fate; joy's delicate blossom
Sleeps in thy lids of delight; all Nature hides in thy bosom
Claiming her children unborn and the food of her love and her laughter.

Is he the first? was there none then before him? shall none come after?
He who denies and his blows beat down on our hearts like a hammer's,
He whose calm is the silent reply to our passion and clamours!
Is not there deity greater here new-born in a noble
Labour and sorrow and struggle than stilled into rapture immobile?
Earth has beatitudes warmer than heaven's that are bare and undying,
Marvels of Time on the crest of the moments to Infinity flying.

Earth has her godheads; the Tritons sway on the toss of the billows,
Emerald locks of the Nereids stream on their foam-crested pillows,
Dryads peer out from the branches, Naiads glance up from the waters;
High are her flame-points of joy and the gods are ensnared by her daughters.

Artemis calls as she flees through the glades and the breezes pursue her;
Cypris laughs in her isles where the ocean-winds linger to woo her.

Here thou shalt meet amid beauty forgotten the dance of the Graces;
Night shall be haunted for ever with strange and delicate faces.

Music is here of the fife and the flute and the lyre and the timbal,
Wind in the forests, bees in the grove, - spring's ardent cymbal
Thrilling, the cry of the cuckoo; the nightingale sings in the branches,
Human laughter is heard and the cattle low in the ranches.

Frankly and sweetly she gives to her children the bliss of her body,
Breath of her lips and the green of her garments, rain-pourings heady
Tossed from her cloud-carried beaker of tempest, oceans and streamlets,
Dawn and the mountain-air, corn-fields and vineyards, pastures and hamlets,



Tangles of sunbeams asleep, mooned dream-depths, twilight's shadows,
Taste and scent and the fruits of her trees and the flowers of her meadows,
Life with her wine-cup of longing under the purple of her tenture,
Death as her gate of escape and rebirth and renewal of venture.

Still must they mutter that all here is vision and passing appearance,
Magic of Maya with falsehood and pain for its only inherence.

One is there only, apart in his greatness, the End and Beginning, -
He who has sent through his soul's wide spaces the universe spinning.

One eternal, Time an illusion, life a brief error!
One eternal, Master of heaven - and of hell and its terror!
Spirit of silence and purity rapt and aloof from creation, -
Dreaming through aeons unreal his splendid and empty formation!
Spirit all-wise in omnipotence shaping a world but to break it, -
Pushed by what mood of a moment, the breath of what fancy to make it?
None is there great but the eternal and lonely, the unique and unmated,
Bliss lives alone with the self-pure, the single, the forever-uncreated.

Truths? or thought's structures bridging the vacancy mute and unsounded
Facing the soul when it turns from the stress of the figures around it?
Solely we see here a world self-made by some indwelling Glory
Building with forms and events its strange and magnificent story.

Yet at the last has not all been solved and unwisdom demolished,
Myth cast out and all dreams of the soul, and all worship abolished?
All now is changed, the reverse of the coin has been shown to us; Reason
Waking, detecting the hoax of the spirit, at last has arisen,
Captured the Truth and built round her its bars that she may not skedaddle,
Gallop again with the bit in her teeth and with Fancy in the saddle.

Now have the wise men discovered that all is the craft of a superMagic of Chance and a movement of Void and inconscient Stupor.

Chance by a wonderful accident ever her ripples expanding
Out of a gaseous circle of Nothingness, implacably extending
Freak upon freak, repeating rigidly marvels on marvels,
Making a world out of Nothing, started on the arc of her travels.

Nothingness born into feeling and action dies back to Nothing.

Sea of a vague electricity, romping through space-curves and clothing
Strangely the Void with a semblance of Matter, painfully flowered
Into this giant phenomenon universe. Man who has towered
Out of the plasm and struggled by thought to Divinity's level,


Pondicherry, c. 1910 - 1920

Man, this miniature second creator of good and of evil,
He too was only a compost of Matter made living, organic,
Forged as her thinking tool by an Energy blind and mechanic.

Once by an accident queer but quite natural, provable, simple,
Out of blind Space-Nought lashed into life, wearing Mind as its wimple,
Dupe of a figment of consciousness, doped with behaviour and feature,
Matter deluded claimed to be spirit and sentient creature.

All the high dreams man has dreamed and his hopes and his deeds, his soul's greatness
Are but a food-seeking animal's acts with the mind for their witness, -
Mind a machine for the flickers of thought, Matter's logic unpremissed, -
Are but a singular fireworks, chemistry lacking the chemist,
Matter's nervous display; the heart's passion, the sorrow and burning
Fire of delight and sweet ecstasy, love and its fathomless yearning,
Boundless spiritual impulses making us one with world-being,
Outbursts of vision opening doors to a limitless seeing,
Gases and glands and the genes and the nerves and the brain-cells have done it,
Brooded out drama and epic, structured the climb of the sonnet,
Studied the stars and discovered the brain and the laws of its thinking,
Sculptured the cave-temple, reared the cathedral, infinity drinking
Wrought manufacturing God and the soul for the uplift of Nature, -
Science, philosophy, head of his mystical chemical stature,
Music and painting revealing the godhead in sound and in colour,
Acts of the hero, thoughts of the thinker, search of the scholar,
All the magnificent planning, all the inquiry and wonder
Only a trick of the atom, its marvellous magical blunder.

Who can believe it? Something or someone, a Force or a Spirit
Conscious, creative, wonderful shaped out a world to inherit
Here for the beings born from its vast universal existence, -
Fields of surprise and adventure, vistas of light-haunted distance,
Play-routes of wisdom and vision and struggle and rapture and sorrow,
Sailing in Time through the straits of today to the sea of tomorrow.

Worlds and their wonders, suns and their flamings, earth and her nations,
Voyages endless of Mind through the surge of its fate-tossed creations,
Star upon star throbbing out in the silence of infinite spaces,
Species on species, bodies on bodies, faces on faces,



Souls without number crossing through Time towards eternity, aeons
Crowding on aeons, loving and battle, dirges and paeans,
Thoughts ever leaping, hopes ever yearning, lives ever streaming,
Millions and millions on trek through the days with their doings and dreaming,
Herds of the Sun who move on at the cry of the radiant drover, -
Countless, surviving the death of the centuries, lost to recover,
Finished, but only to begin again, who is its tireless creator,
Cause or the force of its driving, its thinker or formless dictator?
Surely no senseless Vacancy made it, surely 'twas fashioned
By an almighty One million-ecstasied, thousand-passioned.

Self-made? then by what self from which thought could arise and emotion,
Waves that well up to the surface, born from what mysteried ocean?
Nature alone is the fountain. But what is she? Is she not only
Figure and name for what none understands, though all feel, or a lonely
Word in which all finds expression, spirit-heights, dumb work of Matter, -
Vague designation filling the gaps of our thought with its clatter?
Power without vision that blunders in man into thinking and sinning?
Rigid, too vast inexhaustible mystery void of a meaning?
Energy blindly devising, unconsciously ranging in order?
Chance in the march of a cosmic Insanity crossing the border
Out of the eternal silence to thought and its strangeness and splendour?
Consciousness born by an accident until an accident end her?
Nought else is she but the power of the Spirit who dwells in her ever,
Witness and cause of her workings, lord of her pauseless endeavour.

All things she knows, though she seems here unseeing; even in her slumber
Wondrous her works are, design and its magic and magic of number,
Plan of her mighty cosmic geometry, balance of forces,
Universe flung beyond universe, law of the stars and their courses,
Cosmos atomic stretched to the scale of the Infinite's measure.

Mute in the trance of the Eternal she sleeps with the stone and the azure.

Now she awakes; for life has just stirred in her, stretching first blindly
Outward for sense and its pleasure and pain and the gifts of the kindly
Mother of all, for her light and her air and the sap from her flowing,
Pleasure of bloom and inconscient beauty, pleasure of growing.

Then into mind she arises; heart's yearning awakes and reflection
Looks out on struggle and harmony, - conscious, her will of selection


Pondicherry, c. 1910 - 1920

Studies her works and illumines the choice of her way; last, slowly
Inward she turns and stares at the Spirit within her. Holy
Silences brood in her heart and she feels in her ardent recesses
Passions too great for her frame, on her body immortal caresses.

Into the calm of the Greatness beyond her she enters, burning
Now with a light beyond thought's, towards Self and Infinity turning,
Turned to beatitude, turned to eternity, spiritual grandeur,
Power without limit, ecstasy imperishable, shadowless splendour.

Then to her mortals come, flashing, thoughts that are wisdom's fire-kernel;
Leaping her flame-sweeps of might and delight and of vision supernal
Kindle the word and the act, the Divine and humanity fusing,
Illuminations, trance-seeds of silence, flowers of musing, -
Light of our being that yet has to be, its glory and glimmer
Smiting with sunrise the soul of the sage and the heart of the dreamer.

Or is it all but a vain expectation and effort ungrounded,
Wings without body, sight without object, waters unsounded,
Hue of a shimmer that steals through some secret celestial portal,
Glory of a gleam or a dream in an animal brief-lived and mortal?
Are they not radiances native to heaven's more fortunate ether,
Won when we part from this body, this temporal house of a nether
Mystery of life lived in vain? Upon earth is the glory forbidden,
Nature for ever accursed, frustrated, grief-vexed, fate-ridden?
Half of the glory she dreamed of forgotten or lost in earth's darkness,
Half of it mangled and missed as the death-wheels whirl in their starkness,
Cast out from heaven a goddess rebellious with mind for her mirror,
Cursed with desire and self-will and doomed to self-torture and error,
Came she to birth then with God for her enemy? Were we created
He unwilling or sleeping? did someone transgress the fated
Limits he set, outwitting God? In the too hasty vision
Marred of some demiurge filmed there the blur of a fatal misprision,
Making a world that revolves on itself in a circuit of failure,
Aeons of striving, death for a recompense, Time for our tenure?
Out of him rather she came and for him are her cry and her labour;
Deep are her roots in him; topless she climbs, to his greatness a neighbour.

All is himself in her, brooding in darkness, mounting the sun-ways;
Air-flight to him is man's journey with heaven and earth for the runways.

He is the witness and doer, he is the loved and the lover,



He the eternal Truth that we look in ourselves to discover.

All is his travel in Time; it is he who turns history's pages,
Act and event and result are the trail that he leaves through the ages;
Form and idea are his signs and number and sound are his symbols,
Music and singing, the word and its rhythm are Divinity's cymbals,
Thunder and surge are the drums of his marching. Through us, with urges
Self-ward, form-bound, mute, motionless, slowly inevitably emerges
Vast as the cosmos, minute as the atom, the Spirit eternal.

Often the gusts of his force illumining moments diurnal
Flame into speech and idea; transcendences splendid and subtle
Suddenly shoot through the weft of our lives from a magical shuttle;
Hid in our hearts is his glory; the Spirit works in our members.

Silence is he, with our voices he speaks, in our thoughts he remembers.

Deep in our being inhabits the voiceless invisible Teacher;
Powers of his godhead we live; the Creator dwells in the creature.

Out of his Void we arise to a mighty and shining existence,
Out of Inconscience, tearing the black Mask's giant resistance;
Waves of his consciousness well from him into these bodies in Nature,
Forms are put round him; his oneness, divided by mind's nomenclature,
High on the summits of being ponders immobile and single,
Penetrates atom and cell as the tide drenches sand-grain and shingle.

Oneness unknown to us dwells in these millions of figures and faces,
Wars with itself in our battles, loves in our clinging embraces,
Inly the self and the substance of things and their cause and their mover
Veiled in the depths which the foam of our thoughts and our life's billows cover,
Heaves like the sea in its waves; like heaven with its star-fires it gazes
Watching the world and its works. Interned in the finite's mazes,
Still shall he rise to his vast superconscience, we with him climbing;
Truth of man's thought with the truth of God's spirit faultlessly timing,
That which was mortal shall enter immortality's golden precincts,
Hushed breath of ecstasy, honey of lotus depths where the bee sinks,
Timeless expanses too still for the voice of the hours to inveigle,
Spaces of spirit too vast for the flight of the God-bearing eagle, -
Enter the Splendour that broods now unseen on us, deity invading,
Sight without error, light without shadow, beauty unfading,
Infinite largeness, rapture eternal, love none can sever,


Pondicherry, c. 1910 - 1920

Life, not this death-play, but a power God-driven and blissful for ever.

"No," cry the wise, "for a circle was traced, there was pyloned a limit
Only we escape through dream's thin passages. None can disclaim it;
All things created are made by their borders, sketched out and coded;
Vain is the passion to divinise manhood, humanise godhead.

None can exceed himself; even to find oneself hard for our search is:
Only we see as in night by a lustre of flickering torches.

To be content with our measure, our space is the law of our living.

All of thyself to thy manhood and Nature and Circumstance giving,
Be what thou must be or be what thou canst be, one hour in an era.

Knowing the truth of thy days, shun the light of ideal and chimera:
Curb heart's impatience, bind thy desires down, pause from self-vexing."
Who is the nomad then? who is the seeker, the gambler risking
All for a dream in a dream, the old and the sure and the stable
Flung as a stake for a prize that was never yet laid on the table?
Always the world is expanding and growing from minute to minute;
Playing the march of the adventure of Time with our lives for her spinet
Maya or Nature, the wonderful Mother, strikes out surprising
Strains of the spirit disprisoned; creation heavenward rising
Wrestles with Time and Space and the Unknown to give form to the Formless.

Bliss is her goal, but her road is through whirlwind and death-blast and storm-race.

All is a wager and danger, all is a chase and a battle.

Vainly man, crouched in his corner of safety, shrinks from the fatal
Lure of the Infinite. Guided by Powers that surround and precede us
Fearful and faltering steps are our perishing efforts that lead us
On through the rooms of the finite till open the limitless spaces
And we can look into all-seeing eyes and imperishable faces.

But we must pass through the aeons; Space is a bar twixt our ankles,
Time is a weight that we drag and the scar of the centuries rankles:
Caught by the moments, held back from the spirit's timelessness, slowly
Wading in shallows we take not the sea-plunge vastly and wholly.

Hard is the way to the Eternal for the mind-born will of the mortal
Bound by the body and life to the gait of the house-burdened turtle.

Here in this world that knows not its morrow, this reason that stumbles
Onward from error to truth and from truth back to error while crumbles
All that it fashioned, after the passion and travail are ended,



After the sacrifice offered when the will and the strength are expended,
Nothing is done but to have laid down one stone of a road without issue,
Added our quota of evil and good to an ambiguous tissue.

Destiny's lasso, its slip-knot tied by delight and repining,
Draws us through tangles of failure and victory's inextricable twining.

In the hard reckoning made by the grey-robed accountant at even
Pain is the ransom we pay for the smallest foretaste of heaven.

Ignorance darkens, death and inconscience gape to absorb us;
Thick and persistent the Night confronts us, its hunger enormous
Swallowing our work and our lives. Our love and our knowledge squandered
Lie like a treasure refused and trod down on the ways where we wandered;
All we have done is effaced by the thousands behind us arriving.

Trapped in a round fixed for ever circles our thought and our living.

Fiercely the gods in their jealousy strike down the heads that have neighboured
Even for a moment their skies; in the sands our achievements are gravured.

Yet survives bliss in the rhythm of our heart-beats, yet is there wonder,
Beauty's immortal delight, and the seals of the mystery sunder.

Honied a thousand whispers come, in the birds, in the breezes,
Moonlight, the voices of streams; with a hundred marvellous faces
Always he lures us to love him, always he draws us to pleasure
Leaving remembrance and anguish behind for our only treasure.

Passionate we seek for him everywhere, yearn for some sign of him, calling,
Scanning the dust for his footprints, praying and stumbling and falling;
Nothing is found and no answer comes from the masks that are passing.

Memories linger, lines from the past like a half-faded tracing.

He has passed on into silence wearing his luminous mantle.

Out of the melodied distance a laugh rings pure-toned, infantile,
Sole reminder that he is, last signal recalling his presence.

There is a joy behind suffering; pain digs our road to his pleasance.

All things have bliss for their secret; only our consciousness falters
Fearing to offer itself as a victim on ecstasy's altars.

Is not the world his disguise? when that cloak is tossed back from his shoulders,
Beauty looks out like a sun on the hearts of the ravished beholders.

Mortals, your end is beatitude, rapture eternal his meaning:
Joy, which he most now denies, is his purpose: the hedges, the screening


Pondicherry, c. 1910 - 1920

Were but the rules of his play; his denials came to lure farther.

These too were magic of Maya, smiles of the marvellous Mother.

Oh, but the cruelty! oh, but the empty pain we go rueing!
Edges of opposite sweetness, calls to a closer pursuing.

All that we meet is a symbol and gateway; cryptic intention
Lurks in a common appearance, smiles from a casual mention:
Opposites hide in each other; in the laughter of Nature is danger,
Glory and greatness their embryos form in the womb of her anger.

Why are we terrified? wherefore cry out and draw back from the smiting -
Blows from the hands of a lover to direr exactions exciting,
Fiery points of his play! Was he Rudra only the mighty?
Whose were the whispers of sweetness, whose were the murmurs of pity?
Something opposes our grasp on the light and the sweetness and power,
Something within us, something without us, trap-door or tower,
Nature's gap in our being - or hinge! That device could we vanquish,
Once could we clasp him and hold, his joy we could never relinquish.

Then we could not be denied, for our might would be single and flawless.

Sons of the Eternal, sovereigns of Nature absolute and lawless,
Termlessly our souls would possess as he now enjoys and possesses,
Termlessly probe the delight of his laughter's lurking recesses,
Chasing its trail to the apex of sweetness and secrecy. Treasured
Close to the beats of Eternity's heart in a greatness unmeasured,
Locked into a miracle and mystery of Light we would live in him, - seated
Deep in his core of beatitude ceaselessly by Nature repeated,
Careless of Time, with no fear of an end, with no need for endeavour
Caught by his ecstasy dwell in a rapture enduring for ever.

What was the garden he built when the stars were first set in their places,
Soul and Nature together mid streams and in cloudless spaces
Naked and innocent? Someone offered a fruit of derision,
Knowledge of good and of evil, cleaving in God a division.

Though He who made all said, "It is good; I have fashioned perfection,"
"No, there is evil," someone whispered, "'tis screened from detection."
Wisest he of the beasts of the field, one cunning and creeping;
"See it," he said, "be wise; you shall be as the gods are, unsleeping,
They who know all." And they ate. The roots of our being were shaken;
Hatred and weeping and wrath at once trampled a world overtaken,
Terror and fleeing and anguish and shame and desires unsated;



Cruelty stalked like a lion; Revenge and her brood were created.

Out to the desert he drove the rebellious. Flaming behind them
Streamed out the sword of his wrath and it followed leaping to find them,
Stabbing at random. The pure and the evil, the strong and the tempted,
All are confounded in punishment; justly is no one exempted.

Virtuous? yes, there are many, but who is there innocent? Toiling
Therefore we seek, but find not that Eden. Planting and spoiling,
"This is the garden," we say, "lo, the trees and this is the river."
Vainly redeemers came, not one has availed to deliver.

Never can Nature go back to her careless and childlike beginning,
Laugh of the babe and the song of the wheel in its delicate spinning,
Smile of the sun upon flowers and earth's beauty, life without labour
Plucking the fruits of the soil and rejoicing in cottage and arbour.

Once we have chosen to be as the gods, we must follow that motion.

Knowledge must grow in us, might like a Titan's, bliss like an ocean,
Calmness and purity born of the spirit's gaze on the Real,
Rapture of his oneness embracing the soul in a clasp hymeneal.

Was it not he once in Brindavan? Woods divine to our yearning,
Memorable always! O flowers, O delight on the tree-tops burning,
Grasses his herds have grazed and crushed by his feet in the dancing,
Yamuna flowing with song, through the greenness always advancing,
You unforgotten remind; for his flute with its sweetness ensnaring
Sounds in our ears in the night and our souls of their teguments baring
Hales us out naked and absolute, out to his woodlands eternal,
Out to his moonlit dances, his dalliance sweet and supernal,
And we go stumbling, maddened and thrilled to his dreadful embraces,
Slaves of his rapture to Brindavan crowded with amorous faces,
Luminous kine in the green glades seated, soft-eyed gazing,
Flowers on the branches distressing us, moonbeams unearthly amazing,
Yamuna flowing before us, laughing low with her voices,
Brindavan arching o'er us where Shyama sports and rejoices.

Inly the miracle trembles repeated; mist-walls are broken
Hiding that country of God and we look on the wonderful token,
Clasp the beautiful body of the Eternal; his flute-call of yearning
Cries in our breast with its blissful anguish for ever returning;
Life flows past us with passionate voices, a heavenly river,
All our being goes back as a bride of his bliss to the Giver.

Pondicherry, c. 1910 - 1920

Even an hour of the soul can unveil the Unborn, the Everlasting,
Gaze on its mighty Companion; the load of mortality casting,
Mind hushes stilled in eternity; waves of the Infinite wander
Thrilling body and soul and its endless felicity squander;
All world-sorrow is finished, the cry of the parting is over;
Ecstasy laughs in our veins, in our heart is the heart of the Lover.

As when a stream from a highl and plateau green mid the mountains
Draws through broad lakes of delight the gracious sweep of its fountains,
Life from its heaven of desire comes down to the toil of the earth-ways;
Streaming through mire it pours still the mystical joy of its birthplace,
Green of its banks and the green of its trees and the hues of the flower.

Something of child-heart beauty, something of greatness and power,
Dwell with it still in its early torrent laughter and brightness,
Call in the youth of its floods and the voice of the wideness and whiteness.

But in its course are set darkness and fall and the spirit's ordeal.

Hating its narrowness, forced by an ardour to see all and be all,
Dashed on the inconscient rocks and straining through mud, over gravel,
Flows, like an ardent prisoner bound to the scenes of his travail,
Life, the river of the Spirit, consenting to anguish and sorrow
If by her heart's toil a loan-light of joy from the heavens she can borrow.

Out of the sun-rays and moon-rays, the winds' wing-glimmer and revel,
Out of the star-fields of wonder, down to earth's danger and evil
Headlong cast with a stridulant thunder, the doom-ways descending,
Shuddering below into sunless depths, across chasms unending,
Baulked of the might of its waters, a thread in a mountainous vastness,
Parcelled and scanted it hurries as if storming a Titan fastness,
Carving the hills with a sullen and lonely gigantic labour.

Hurled into strangling ravines it escapes with a leap and a quaver,
Breaks from the channels of hiding it grooves out and chisels and twistens,
Angry, afraid, white, foaming. A stony and monstrous resistance
Meets it piling up stubborn limits. Afflicted the river
Treasures a scattered sunbeam, moans for a god to deliver,
Longing to lapse through the plain's green felicity, yearning to widen
Joined to the ocean's shoreless eternity far-off and hidden.

High on the cliffs the Great Ones are watching, the Mighty and Deathless,
Soaring and plunging the roadway of the Gods climbs uplifted and breathless;



Ever we hear in the heart of the peril a flute go before us,
Luminous beckoning hands in the distance invite and implore us.

Ignorant, circled with death and the abyss, we have dreamed of a human
Paradise made from the mind of a man, from the heart of a woman,
Dreamed of the Isles of the Blest in a light of perpetual summer,
Dreamed of the joy of an earthly life with no pain for incomer.

Never, we said, can these waters from heaven be lost in the marshes,
Cease in the sands of the desert, die where the simoom parches;
Plains are beyond, there are hamlets and fields where the river rejoices
Pacing once more with a quiet step and with amical voices:
Bright amid woodlands red with the berries and cool with the breezes
Glimmer the leaves; all night long the heart of the nightingale eases
Sweetly its burden of pity and sorrow. There amid flowers
We shall take pleasure in arbours delightful, leng thening the hours,
Time for our servitor waiting our fancy through moments unhasting,
Under the cloudless blue of those skies of tranquillity resting,
Lying on beds of lilies, hearing the bells of the cattle
Tinkle, and drink red wine of life and go forth to the battle,
Fight and unwounded return to our beautiful home by the waters,
Fruit of our joy rear tall strong sons and radiant daughters.

Then shall the Virgins of Light come down to us clad in clear raiment
Woven from sunbeam and moonbeam and lightnings, limitless payment
Bring of our toil and our sorrow, carrying life-giving garlands
Plucked by the fountains of Paradise, bring from imperishable star-lands
Hymn-words of wisdom, visions of beauty, heaven-fruit ruddy,
Wine-cups of ecstasy sending the soul like a stream through the body.

Fate shall not know; if her spies come down to our beautiful valley,
They shall grow drunk with its grapes and wander in woodl and and alley.

There leaps the anger of Rudra? there will his lightnings immortal
Circle around with their red eye of cruelty stabbing the portal?
Fearless is there life's play; I shall sport with my dove from his highlands,
Drinking her laughter of bliss like a god in my Grecian islands.

Life in my limbs shall grow deathless, flesh with the God-glory tingle,
Lustre of Paradise, light of the earth-ways marry and mingle.

These are but dreams and the truth shall be greater. Heaven made woman!
Flower of beatitude! living shape of the bliss of the Brahman!
Art thou not she who shall bring into life and time the Eternal?


Pondicherry, c. 1910 - 1920

Body of the summer of the Gods, a sweetness virginal, vernal,
Breathes from thy soul into Nature; Love sits dreaming in thy bosom,
Wisdom gazes from thy eyes, thy breasts of God-rapture are the blossom.

If but the joy of thy feet once could touch our spaces smiting
Earth with a ray from the Unknown, on the world's heart heaven's script writing,
All then would change into harmony and beauty, Time's doors shudder
Swinging wide on their hinges into Eternity, other
Voices than earth's would be fire in our speech and make deathless our thinking.

One who is hidden in Light would grow visible, multitudes linking,
Lyres of a single ecstasy, throbs of the one heart beating,
Wonderful bodies and souls in the spirit's identity meeting
Even as stars in sky-vastness know their kindred in grandeur.

Yet may it be that although in the hands of our destiny stands sure
Fixed to its hour the Decree of the Advent, still it is fated
Only when kindling earth's bodies a mightier Soul is created.

Far-off the gold and the greatness, the rapture too splendid and dire.

Are not the ages too young? too low in our hearts burns the fire.

Bringest thou only a gleam on the summits, a cry in the distance,
Seen by the eyes that are wakened, heard by a spirit that listens?
Form of the formless All-Beautiful, lodestar of Nature's aspirance,
Music of prelude giving a voice to the ineffable Silence,
First white dawn of the God-Light cast on these creatures that perish,
Word-key of a divine and eternal truth for mortals to cherish,
Come! let thy sweetness and force be a breath in the breast of the future
Making the god-ways alive, immortality's golden-red suture:
Deep in our lives there shall work out a honeyed celestial leaven,
Bliss shall grow native to being and earth be a kin-soil to heaven.

Open the barriers of Time, the world with thy beauty enamour.

Trailing behind thee the purple of thy soul and the dawn-moment's glamour,
Forcing the heart of the Midnight where slumber and secrecy linger,
Guardians of Mystery, touching her bosom with thy luminous finger,
Daughter of Heaven, break through to me moonlike, mystic and gleaming;
Tread through the margins of twilight, cross over borders of dreaming.

Vision delightful alone on the peaks whom the silences cover,
Vision of bliss, stoop down to mortality, lean to thy lover.


Voice of the sensuous mortal, heart of eternal longing,
Thou who hast lived as in walls, thy soul with thy senses wronging!
But I descend at last. Fickle and terrible, sweet and deceiving,
Poison and nectar one has dispensed to thee, luring thee, leaving.

We two together shall capture the flute and the player relentless.

Son of man, thou hast crowned thy life with the flowers that are scentless,
Chased the delights that wound. But I come and midnight shall sunder.

Lo, I come, and behind me Knowledge descends and with thunder
Filling the spaces Strength, the Angel, bears on his bosom
Joy to thy arms. Thou shalt look on her face like a child's or a blossom,
Innocent, free as in Eden of old, not afraid of her playing,
When thy desires I have seized and devoured like a lioness preying.

Thou shalt not suffer always nor cry to me lured and forsaken:
I have a snare for his footsteps, I have a chain for him taken.

Come then to Brindavan, soul of the joyous; faster and faster
Follow the dance I shall teach thee with Shyama for slave and for master.

Follow the notes of the flute with a soul aware and exulting;
Trample Delight that submits and crouch to a sweetness insulting.

Then shalt thou know what the dance meant, fathom the song and the singer,
Hear behind thunder its rhymes, touched by lightning thrill to his finger,
Brindavan's rustle shalt understand and Yamuna's laughter,
Take thy place in the Ras1 and thy share of the ecstasy after.
1 The dance-round of Krishna with the cowherdesses in the moonlit groves of Brindavan, type of the dance of Divine Delight with the souls of men liberated in the world of
Bliss secret within us.
Poems from Manuscripts
Circa 1912 - 1913
~ Sri Aurobindo, - Ahana


The Speeches of Ajax and Ulysses

The chiefs were set; the soldiers crown'd the field:
To these the master of the seven-fold shield
Upstarted fierce: and kindled with disdain.
Eager to speak, unable to contain
His boiling rage, he rowl'd his eyes around
The shore, and Graecian gallies hall'd a-ground.
Then stretching out his hands, O Jove, he cry'd,
Must then our cause before the fleet be try'd?
And dares Ulysses for the prize contend,
In sight of what he durst not once defend?
But basely fled that memorable day,
When I from Hector's hands redeem'd the flaming prey.
So much 'tis safer at the noisie bar
With words to flourish, than ingage in war.
By diff'rent methods we maintain our right,
Nor am I made to talk, nor he to fight.
In bloody fields I labour to be great;
His arms are a smooth tongue, and soft deceit:
Nor need I speak my deeds, for those you see,
The sun, and day are witnesses for me.
Let him who fights unseen, relate his own,
And vouch the silent stars, and conscious moon.
Great is the prize demanded, I confess,
But such an abject rival makes it less;
That gift, those honours, he but hop'd to gain,
Can leave no room for Ajax to be vain:
Losing he wins, because his name will be
Ennobled by defeat, who durst contend with me.
Were my known valour question'd, yet my blood
Without that plea wou'd make my title good:
My sire was Telamon, whose arms, employ'd
With Hercules, these Trojan walls destroy'd;
And who before with Jason sent from Greece,
In the first ship brought home the golden fleece.
Great Telamon from Aeacus derives
His birth (th' inquisitor of guilty lives
In shades below; where Sisyphus, whose son
This thief is thought, rouls up the restless heavy stone),

Just Aeacus, the king of Gods above
Begot: thus Ajax is the third from Jove.
Nor shou'd I seek advantage from my line,
Unless (Achilles) it was mix'd with thine:
As next of kin, Achilles' arms I claim;
This fellow wou'd ingraft a foreign name
Upon our stock, and the Sisyphian seed
By fraud, and theft asserts his father's breed:
Then must I lose these arms, because I came
To fight uncall'd, a voluntary name,
Nor shunn'd the cause, but offer'd you my aid?
While he long lurking was to war betray'd:
Forc'd to the field he came, but in the reer;
And feign'd distraction to conceal his fear:
'Till one more cunning caught him in the snare
(Ill for himself); and dragg'd him into war.
Now let a hero's arms a coward vest,
And he who shunn'd all honours, gain the best:
And let me stand excluded from my right,
Robb'd of my kinsman's arms, who first appear'd in fight,

Better for us, at home had he remain'd,
Had it been true the madness which he feign'd,
Or so believ'd; the less had been our shame,
The less his counsell'd crime, which brands the Grecian name;

Nor Philoctetes had been left inclos'd
In a bare isle, to wants and pains expos'd,
Where to the rocks, with solitary groans,
His suff'rings, and our baseness he bemoans:
And wishes (so may Heav'n his wish fulfill)
The due reward to him, who caus'd his ill.
Now he, with us to Troy's destruction sworn,
Our brother of the war, by whom are born
Alcides' arrows, pent in narrow bounds,
With cold and hunger pinch'd, and pain'd with wounds,
To find him food and cloathing, must employ
Against the birds the shafts due to the fate of Troy.
Yet still he lives, and lives from treason free,
Because he left Ulysses' company;
Poor Palamede might wish, so void of aid,
Rather to have been left, than so to death betray'd.
The coward bore the man immortal spight,
Who sham'd him out of madness into fight:
Nor daring otherwise to vent his hate,
Accus'd him first of treason to the state;
And then for proof produc'd the golden store,
Himself had hidden in his tent before:
Thus of two champions he depriv'd our host,
By exile one, and one by treason lost.
Thus fights Ulysses, thus his fame extends,
A formidable man, but to his friends:
Great, for what greatness is in words, and sound,
Ev'n faithful Nestor less in both is found:
But that he might without a rival reign,
He left this faithful Nestor on the plain;
Forsook his friend ev'n at his utmost need,
Who tir'd, and tardy with his wounded steed,
Cry'd out for aid, and call'd him by his name;
But cowardice has neither ears nor shame;
Thus fled the good old man, bereft of aid,
And, for as much as lay in him, betray'd:
That this is not a fable forg'd by me,
Like one of his, an Ulyssean lie,
I vouch ev'n Diomede, who tho' his friend,
Cannot that act excuse, much less defend:
He call'd him back aloud, and tax'd his fear;
And sure enough he heard, but durst not hear.

The Gods with equal eyes on mortal look,
He justly was forsaken, who forsook:
Wanted that succour, he refus'd to lend,
Found ev'ry fellow such another friend:
No wonder, if he roar'd that all might hear;
His elocution was increas'd by fear:
I heard, I ran, I found him out of breath,
Pale, trembling, and half dead with fear of death.
Though he had judg'd himself by his own laws,
And stood condemn'd, I help'd the common cause:
With my broad buckler hid him from the foe
(Ev'n the shield trembled as he lay below);
And from impending Fate the coward freed:
Good Heav'n forgive me for so bad a deed!
If still he will persist, and urge the strife,
First let him give me back his forfeit life:
Let him return to that opprobrious field;
Again creep under my protecting shield:
Let him lie wounded, let the foe be near,
And let his quiv'ring heart confess his fear;
There put him in the very jaws of Fate;
And let him plead his cause in that estate:
And yet when snatch'd from death, when from below
My lifted shield I loos'd, and let him go;
Good Heav'ns, how light he rose, with what a bound
He sprung from earth, forgetful of his wound;
How fresh, how eager then his feet to ply;
Who had not strength to stand, had speed to fly!

Hector came on, and brought the Gods along;
Fear seiz'd alike the feeble, and the strong:
Each Greek was an Ulysses; such a dread
Th' approach, and ev'n the sound of Hector bred:
Him, flesh'd with slaughter, and with conquest crown'd,
I met, and over-turn'd him to the ground;
When after, matchless as he deem'd in might,
He challeng'd all our host to single fight;
All eyes were fix'd on me: the lots were thrown;
But for your champion I was wish'd alone:
Your vows were heard; we fought, and neither yield;
Yet I return'd unvanquish'd from the field.
With Jove to friend, th' insulting Trojan came,
And menac'd us with force, our fleet with flame.
Was it the strength of this tongue-valiant lord,
In that black hour, that sav'd you from the sword?
Or was my breast expos'd alone, to brave
A thousand swords, a thousand ships to save?
The hopes of your return! And can you yield,
For a sav'd fleet, less than a single shield?
Think it no boast, o Grecians, if I deem
These arms want Ajax, more than Ajax them:
Or, I with them an equal honour share;
They honour'd to be worn, and I to wear.
Will he compare my courage with his sleight?
As well he may compare the day with night.
Night is indeed the province of his reign:
Yet all his dark exploits no more contain
Than a spy taken, and a sleeper slain;
A priest made pris'ner, Pallas made a prey:
But none of all these actions done by day:
Nor ought of these was done, and Diomede away.
If on such petty merits you confer
So vast a prize, let each his portion share;
Make a just dividend; and if not all,
The greater part to Diomede will fall.
But why for Ithacus such arms as those,
Who naked, and by night invades his foes?
The glitt'ring helm by moonlight will proclaim
The latent robber, and prevent his game:
Nor cou'd he hold his tott'ring head upright
Beneath that morion, or sustain the weight;
Nor that right arm cou'd toss the beamy lance;
Much less the left that ampler shield advance;
Pond'rous with precious weight, and rough with cost
Of the round world in rising gold emboss'd.
That orb would ill become his hand to wield,
And look as for the gold he stole the shield;
Which, shou'd your error on the wretch bestow,
It would not frighten, but allure the foe:
Why asks he, what avails him not in fight,
And wou'd but cumber, and retard his flight,
In which his only excellence is plac'd?
You give him death, that intercept his haste.
Add, that his own is yet a maiden-shield,
Nor the least dint has suffer'd in the field,
Guiltless of fight: mine batter'd, hew'd, and bor'd,
Worn out of service, must forsake his lord,
What farther need of words our right to scan?
My arguments are deeds, let action speak the man.
Since from a champion's arms the strife arose,
Go cast the glorious prize amid the foes;
Then send us to redeem both arms, and shield,
And let him wear, who wins 'em in the field.

He said: a murmur from a multitude,
Or somewhat like a stifled shout, ensu'd:
'Till from his seat arose Laertes' son,
Look'd down a while, and paus'd, e'er he begun;
Then, to th' expecting audience, rais'd his look,
And not without prepar'd attention spoke:
Soft was his tone, and sober was his face;
Action his words, and words his action grace.

If Heav'n, my lords, had heard our common pray'r,
These arms had caus'd no quarrel for an heir;
Still great Achilles had his own possess'd,
And we with great Achilles had been bless'd;
But since hard Fate, and Heav'n's severe decree,
Have ravish'd him away from you, and me
(At this he sigh'd, and wip'd his eyes, and drew,
Or seem'd to draw, some drops of kindly dew),
Who better can succeed Achilles lost,
Than he, who gave Achilles to your hoast?
This only I request, that neither he
May gain, by being what he seems to be,
A stupid thing; nor I may lose the prize,
By having sense, which Heav'n to him denies:
Since great or small, the talent I enjoy'd
Was ever in the common cause employ'd;
Nor let my wit, and wonted eloquence,
Which often has been us'd in your defense,
And in my own, this only time be brought
To bear against my self, and deem'd a fault.
Make not a crime, where Nature made it none;
For ev'ry man may freely use his own.
The deeds of long-descended ancestors
Are but by grace of imputation ours,
Theirs in effect; but since he draws his line
From Jove, and seems to plead a right divine;
From Jove, like him, I claim my pedigree,
And am descended in the same degree:
My sire Laertes was Arcesius' heir,
Arcesius was the son of Jupiter:
No parricide, no banish'd man, is known
In all my line: let him excuse his own.
Hermes ennobles too my mother's side,
By both my parents to the Gods ally'd.
But not because that on the female part
My blood is better, dare I claim desert,
Or that my sire from parricide is free;
But judge by merit betwixt him, and me:
The prize be to the best; provided yet
That Ajax for a while his kin forget,
And his great sire, and greater uncle's name,
To fortifie by them his feeble claim:
Be kindred and relation laid aside,
And honour's cause by laws of honour try'd:
For if he plead proximity of blood;
That empty title is with ease withstood.
Peleus, the hero's sire, more nigh than he,
And Pyrrhus, his undoubted progeny,
Inherit first these trophies of the field;
To Scyros, or to Pthia, send the shield:
And Teucer has an uncle's right; yet he
Waves his pretensions, nor contends with me.

Then since the cause on pure desert is plac'd,
Whence shall I take my rise, what reckon last?
I not presume on ev'ry act to dwell,
But take these few, in order as they fell.

Thetis, who knew the Fates, apply'd her care
To keep Achilles in disguise from war;
And 'till the threatning influence was past,
A woman's habit on the hero cast:
All eyes were cozen'd by the borrow'd vest,
And Ajax (never wiser than the rest)
Found no Pelides there: at length I came
With proffer'd wares to this pretended dame;
She, not discover'd by her mien, or voice,
Betray'd her manhood by her manly choice;
And while on female toys her fellows look,
Grasp'd in her warlike hand, a javelin shook;
Whom, by this act reveal'd, I thus bespoke:
O Goddess-born! resist not Heav'n's decree,
The fall of Ilium is reserv'd for thee;
Then seiz'd him, and produc'd in open light,
Sent blushing to the field the fatal knight.
Mine then are all his actions of the war;
Great Telephus was conquer'd by my spear,
And after cur'd: to me the Thebans owe,
Lesbos, and Tenedos, their overthrow;
Syros and Cylla: not on all to dwell,
By me Lyrnesus, and strong Chrysa fell:
And since I sent the man who Hector slew,
To me the noble Hector's death is due:
Those arms I put into his living hand,
Those arms, Pelides dead, I now demand.

When Greece was injur'd in the Spartan prince,
And met at Aulis to avenge th' offence,
'Twas a dead calm, or adverse blasts, that reign'd,
And in the port the wind-bound fleet detain'd:
Bad signs were seen, and oracles severe
Were daily thunder'd in our gen'ral's ear;
That by his daughter's blood we must appease
Diana's kindled wrath, and free the seas.
Affection, int'rest, fame, his heart assail'd:
But soon the father o'er the king prevail'd:
Bold, on himself he took the pious crime,
As angry with the Gods, as they with him.
No subject cou'd sustain their sov'reign's look,
'Till this hard enterprize I undertook:
I only durst th' imperial pow'r controul,
And undermin'd the parent in his soul;
Forc'd him t' exert the king for common good,
And pay our ransom with his daughter's blood.
Never was cause more difficult to plead,
Than where the judge against himself decreed:
Yet this I won by dint of argument;
The wrongs his injur'd brother underwent,
And his own office, sham'd him to consent.

'Tis harder yet to move the mother's mind,
And to this heavy task was I design'd:
Reasons against her love I knew were vain;
I circumvented whom I could not gain:
Had Ajax been employ'd, our slacken'd sails
Had still at Aulis waited happy gales.

Arriv'd at Troy, your choice was fix'd on me,
A fearless envoy, fit for a bold embassy:
Secure, I enter'd through the hostile court,
Glitt'ring with steel, and crowded with resort:
There, in the midst of arms, I plead our cause,
Urge the foul rape, and violated laws;
Accuse the foes, as authors of the strife,
Reproach the ravisher, demand the wife.
Priam, Antenor, and the wiser few,
I mov'd; but Paris, and his lawless crew
Scarce held their hands, and lifted swords; but stood
In act to quench their impious thirst of blood:
This Menelaus knows; expos'd to share
With me the rough preludium of the war.

Endless it were to tell, what I have done,
In arms, or council, since the siege begun:
The first encounter's past, the foe repell'd,
They skulk'd within the town, we kept the field.
War seem'd asleep for nine long years; at length
Both sides resolv'd to push, we try'd our strength
Now what did Ajax, while our arms took breath,
Vers'd only in the gross mechanick trade of death?
If you require my deeds, with ambush'd arms
I trapp'd the foe, or tir'd with false alarms;
Secur'd the ships, drew lines along the plain,
The fainting chear'd, chastis'd the rebel-train,
Provided forage, our spent arms renew'd;
Employ'd at home, or sent abroad, the common cause pursu'd.

The king, deluded in a dream by Jove,
Despair'd to take the town, and order'd to remove.
What subject durst arraign the Pow'r supream,
Producing Jove to justifie his dream?
Ajax might wish the soldiers to retain
From shameful flight, but wishes were in vain:
As wanting of effect had been his words,
Such as of course his thundring tongue affords.
But did this boaster threaten, did he pray,
Or by his own example urge their stay?
None, none of these: but ran himself away.
I saw him run, and was asham'd to see;
Who ply'd his feet so fast to get aboard, as he?
Then speeding through the place, I made a stand,
And loudly cry'd, O base degenerate band,
To leave a town already in your hand!
After so long expence of blood, for fame,
To bring home nothing, but perpetual shame!
These words, or what I have forgotten since
(For grief inspir'd me then with eloquence),
Reduc'd their minds; they leave the crowded port,
And to their late forsaken camp resort:
Dismay'd the council met: this man was there,
But mute, and not recover'd of his fear:
Thersites tax'd the king, and loudly rail'd,
But his wide opening mouth with blows I seal'd.
Then, rising, I excite their souls to fame,
And kindle sleeping virtue into flame.
From thence, whatever he perform'd in fight
Is justly mine, who drew him back from flight.

Which of the Grecian chiefs consorts with thee?
But Diomede desires my company,
And still communicates his praise with me.
As guided by a God, secure he goes,
Arm'd with my fellowship, amid the foes:
And sure no little merit I may boast,
Whom such a man selects from such an hoast;
Unforc'd by lots I went without affright,
To dare with him the dangers of the night:
On the same errand sent, we met the spy
Of Hector, double-tongu'd, and us'd to lie;
Him I dispatch'd, but not 'till undermin'd,
I drew him first to tell, what treach'rous Troy design'd:

My task perform'd, with praise I had retir'd,
But not content with this, to greater praise aspir'd:
Invaded Rhesus, and his Thracian crew,
And him, and his, in their own strength I slew;
Return'd a victor, all my vows compleat,
With the king's chariot, in his royal seat:
Refuse me now his arms, whose fiery steeds
Were promis'd to the spy for his nocturnal deeds:
Yet let dull Ajax bear away my right,
When all his days out-balance this one night.

Nor fought I darkling still: the sun beheld
With slaughter'd Lycians when I strew'd the field:
You saw, and counted as I pass'd along,
Alastor, Chromius, Ceranos the strong,
Alcander, Prytanis, and Halius,
Noemon, Charopes, and Ennomus;
Coon, Chersidamas; and five beside,
Men of obscure descent, but courage try'd:
All these this hand laid breathless on the ground;
Nor want I proofs of many a manly wound:
All honest, all before: believe not me;
Words may deceive, but credit what you see.

At this he bar'd his breast, and show'd his scars,
As of a furrow'd field, well plow'd with wars;
Nor is this part unexercis'd, said he;
That gyant-bulk of his from wounds is free:
Safe in his shield he fears no foe to try,
And better manages his blood, than I:
But this avails me not; our boaster strove
Not with our foes alone, but partial Jove,
To save the fleet: this I confess is true
(Nor will I take from any man his due):
But thus assuming all, he robs from you.
Some part of honour to your share will fall,
He did the best indeed, but did not all.
Patroclus in Achilles' arms, and thought
The chief he seem'd, with equal ardour fought;
Preserv'd the fleet, repell'd the raging fire,
And forc'd the fearful Trojans to retire.

But Ajax boasts, that he was only thought
A match for Hector, who the combat sought:
Sure he forgets the king, the chiefs, and me:
All were as eager for the fight, as he:
He but the ninth, and not by publick voice,
Or ours preferr'd, was only Fortune's choice:
They fought; nor can our hero boast th' event,
For Hector from the field unwounded went.

Why am I forc'd to name that fatal day,
That snatch'd the prop and pride of Greece away?
I saw Pelides sink, with pious grief,
And ran in vain, alas! to his relief;
For the brave soul was fled: full of my friend
I rush'd amid the war, his relicks to defend:
Nor ceas'd my toil, 'till I redeem'd the prey,
And, loaded with Achilles, march'd away:
Those arms, which on these shoulders then I bore,
'Tis just you to these shoulders should restore.
You see I want not nerves, who cou'd sustain
The pond'rous ruins of so great a man:
Or if in others equal force you find,
None is endu'd with a more grateful mind.

Did Thetis then, ambitious in her care,
These arms thus labour'd for her son prepare;
That Ajax after him the heav'nly gift shou'd wear!
For that dull soul to stare with stupid eyes,
On the learn'd unintelligible prize!
What are to him the sculptures of the shield,
Heav'n's planets, Earth, and Ocean's watry field?
The Pleiads, Hyads; less, and greater Bear,
Undipp'd in seas; Orion's angry star;
Two diff'ring cities, grav'd on either hand;
Would he wear arms he cannot understand?

Beside, what wise objections he prepares
Against my late accession to the wars?
Does not the fool perceive his argument
Is with more force against Achilles bent?
For if dissembling be so great a crime,
The fault is common, and the same in him:
And if he taxes both of long delay,
My guilt is less, who sooner came away.
His pious mother, anxious for his life,
Detain'd her son; and me, my pious wife.
To them the blossoms of our youth were due,
Our riper manhood we reserv'd for you.
But grant me guilty, 'tis not much my care,
When with so great a man my guilt I share:
My wit to war the matchless hero brought,
But by this fool I never had been caught.

Nor need I wonder, that on me he threw
Such foul aspersions, when he spares not you:
If Palamede unjustly fell by me,
Your honour suffer'd in th' unjust decree:
I but accus'd, you doom'd: and yet he dy'd,
Convinc'd of treason, and was fairly try'd:
You heard not he was false; your eyes beheld
The traytor manifest; the bribe reveal'd.

That Philoctetes is on Lemnos left,
Wounded, forlorn, of human aid bereft,
Is not my crime, or not my crime alone;
Defend your justice, for the fact's your own:
'Tis true, th' advice was mine; that staying there
He might his weary limbs with rest repair,
From a long voyage free, and from a longer war.
He took the counsl, and he lives at least;
Th' event declares I counsell'd for the best:
Though faith is all in ministers of state;
For who can promise to be fortunate?
Now since his arrows are the Fate of Troy,
Do not my wit, or weak address, employ;
Send Ajax there, with his persuasive sense,
To mollifie the man, and draw him thence:
But Xanthus shall run backward; Ida stand
A leafless mountain; and the Grecian band
Shall fight for Troy; if, when my councils fail,
The wit of heavy Ajax can prevail.

Hard Philoctetes, exercise thy spleen
Against thy fellows, and the king of men;
Curse my devoted head, above the rest,
And wish in arms to meet me breast to breast:
Yet I the dang'rous task will undertake,
And either die my self, or bring thee back.

Nor doubt the same success, as when before
The Phrygian prophet to these tents I bore,
Surpriz'd by night, and forc'd him to declare
In what was plac'd the fortune of the war,
Heav'n's dark decrees, and answers to display,
And how to take the town, and where the secret lay:
Yet this I compass'd, and from Troy convey'd
The fatal image of their guardian-maid;
That work was mine; for Pallas, though our friend,
Yet while she was in Troy, did Troy defend.
Now what has Ajax done, or what design'd?
A noisie nothing, and an empty wind.
If he be what he promises in show,
Why was I sent, and why fear'd he to go?
Our boasting champion thought the task not light
To pass the guards, commit himself to night;
Not only through a hostile town to pass,
But scale, with steep ascent, the sacred place;
With wand'ring steps to search the cittadel,
And from the priests their patroness to steal:
Then through surrounding foes to force my way,
And bear in triumph home the heavn'ly prey;
Which had I not, Ajax in vain had held,
Before that monst'rous bulk, his sev'nfold shield.
That night to conquer Troy I might be said,
When Troy was liable to conquest made.

Why point'st thou to my partner of the war?
Tydides had indeed a worthy share
In all my toil, and praise; but when thy might
Our ships protected, did'st thou singly fight?
All join'd, and thou of many wert but one;
I ask'd no friend, nor had, but him alone:
Who, had he not been well assur'd, that art,
And conduct were of war the better part,
And more avail'd than strength, my valiant friend
Had urg'd a better right, than Ajax can pretend:
As good at least Eurypilus may claim,
And the more mod'rate Ajax of the name:
The Cretan king, and his brave charioteer,
And Menelaus bold with sword, and spear:
All these had been my rivals in the shield,
And yet all these to my pretensions yield.
Thy boist'rous hands are then of use, when I
With this directing head those hands apply.
Brawn without brain is thine: my prudent care
Foresees, provides, administers the war:
Thy province is to fight; but when shall be
The time to fight, the king consults with me:
No dram of judgment with thy force is join'd:
Thy body is of profit, and my mind.
By how much more the ship her safety owes
To him who steers, than him that only rows;
By how much more the captain merits praise,
Than he who fights, and fighting but obeys;
By so much greater is my worth than thine,
Who canst but execute, what I design.
What gain'st thou, brutal man, if I confess
Thy strength superior, when thy wit is less?
Mind is the man: I claim my whole desert,
From the mind's vigour, and th' immortal part.

But you, o Grecian chiefs, reward my care,
Be grateful to your watchman of the war:
For all my labours in so long a space,
Sure I may plead a title to your grace:
Enter the town, I then unbarr'd the gates,
When I remov'd their tutelary Fates.
By all our common hopes, if hopes they be
Which I have now reduc'd to certainty;
By falling Troy, by yonder tott'ring tow'rs,
And by their taken Gods, which now are ours;
Or if there yet a farther task remains,
To be perform'd by prudence, or by pains;
If yet some desp'rate action rests behind,
That asks high conduct, and a dauntless mind;
If ought be wanting to the Trojan doom,
Which none but I can manage, and o'ercome,
Award, those arms I ask, by your decree:
Or give to this, what you refuse to me.

He ceas'd: and ceasing with respect he bow'd,
And with his hand at once the fatal statue show'd.
Heav'n, air and ocean rung, with loud applause,
And by the gen'ral vote he gain'd his cause.
Thus conduct won the prize, when courage fail'd,
And eloquence o'er brutal force prevail'd.

The Death of Ajax

He who cou'd often, and alone, withstand
The foe, the fire, and Jove's own partial hand,
Now cannot his unmaster'd grief sustain,
But yields to rage, to madness, and disdain;
Then snatching out his fauchion, Thou, said he,
Art mine; Ulysses lays no claim to thee.
O often try'd, and ever-trusty sword,
Now do thy last kind office to thy lord:
'Tis Ajax who requests thy aid, to show
None but himself, himself cou'd overthrow:
He said, and with so good a will to die,
Did to his breast the fatal point apply,
It found his heart, a way 'till then unknown,
Where never weapon enter'd, but his own.
No hands cou'd force it thence, so fix'd it stood,
'Till out it rush'd, expell'd by streams of spouting blood.

The fruitful blood produc'd a flow'r, which grew
On a green stem; and of a purple hue:
Like his, whom unaware Apollo slew:
Inscrib'd in both, the letters are the same,
But those express the grief, and these the name.

The Story of Polyxena and Hecuba

The victor with full sails for Lemnos stood
(Once stain'd by matrons with their husbands' blood),
Thence great Alcides' fatal shafts to bear,
Assign'd to Philoctetes' secret care.
These with their guardian to the Greeks convey'd,
Their ten years' toil with wish'd success repaid.
With Troy old Priam falls: his queen survives;
'Till all her woes compleat, transform'd she grieves
In borrow'd sounds, nor with an human face,
Barking tremendous o'er the plains of Thrace.
Still Ilium's flames their pointed columns raise,
And the red Hellespont reflects the blaze.
Shed on Jove's altar are the poor remains
Of blood, which trickl'd from old Priam's veins.
Cassandra lifts her hands to Heav'n in vain,
Drag'd by her sacred hair; the trembling train
Of matrons to their burning temples fly:
There to their Gods for kind protection cry;
And to their statues cling 'till forc'd away,
The victor Greeks bear off th' invidious prey.
From those high tow'rs Astyanax is thrown,
Whence he was wont with pleasure to look down.
When oft his mother with a fond delight
Pointed to view his father's rage in fight,
To win renown, and guard his country's right.

The winds now call to sea; brisk northern gales
Sing in the shrowds, and court the spreading sails.
Farewel, dear Troy, the captive matrons cry;
Yes, we must leave our long-lov'd native sky.
Then prostrate on the shore they kiss the sand,
And quit the smoking ruines of the land.
Last Hecuba on board, sad sight! appears;
Found weeping o'er her children's sepulchres:
Drag'd by Ulysses from her slaughter'd sons,
Whilst yet she graspt their tombs, and kist their mouldring bones.

Yet Hector's ashes from his urn she bore,
And in her bosom the sad relique wore:
Then scatter'd on his tomb her hoary hairs,
A poor oblation mingled with her tears.

Oppos'd to Ilium lye the Thracian plains,
Where Polymestor safe in plenty reigns.
King Priam to his care commits his son,
Young Polydore, the chance of war to shun.
A wise precaution! had not gold, consign'd
For the child's use, debauch'd the tyrant's mind.
When sinking Troy to its last period drew,
With impious hands his royal charge he slew;
Then in the sea the lifeless coarse is thrown;
As with the body he the guilt could drown.

The Greeks now riding on the Thracian shore,
'Till kinder gales invite, their vessels moor.
Here the wide-op'ning Earth to sudden view
Disclos'd Achilles, great as when he drew
The vital air, but fierce with proud disdain,
As when he sought Briseis to regain;
When stern debate, and rash injurious strife
Unsheath'd his sword, to reach Atrides' life.
And will ye go? he said. Is then the name
Of the once great Achilles lost to fame?
Yet stay, ungrateful Greeks; nor let me sue
In vain for honours to my Manes due.
For this just end, Polyxena I doom
With victim-rites to grace my slighted tomb.

The phantom spoke; the ready Greeks obey'd,
And to the tomb led the devoted maid
Snatch'd from her mother, who with pious care
Cherish'd this last relief of her despair.
Superior to her sex, the fearless maid,
Approach'd the altar, and around survey'd
The cruel rites, and consecrated knife,
Which Pyrrhus pointed at her guiltless life,
Then as with stern amaze intent he stood,
"Now strike," she said; "now spill my genr'ous blood;
Deep in my breast, or throat, your dagger sheath,
Whilst thus I stand prepar'd to meet my death.
For life on terms of slav'ry I despise:
Yet sure no God approves this sacrifice.
O cou'd I but conceal this dire event
From my sad mother, I should dye content.
Yet should she not with tears my death deplore,
Since her own wretched life demands them more.
But let not the rude touch of man pollute
A virgin-victim; 'tis a modest suit.
It best will please, whoe'er demands my blood,
That I untainted reach the Stygian flood.
Yet let one short, last, dying prayer be heard;
To Priam's daughter pay this last regard;
'Tis Priam's daughter, not a captive, sues;
Do not the rites of sepulture refuse.
To my afflicted mother, I implore,
Free without ransom my dead corpse restore:
Nor barter me for gain, when I am cold;
But be her tears the price, if I am sold:
Time was she could have ransom'd me with gold".

Thus as she pray'd, one common shower of tears
Burst forth, and stream'd from ev'ry eye but hers.
Ev'n the priest wept, and with a rude remorse
Plung'd in her heart the steel's resistless force.
Her slacken'd limbs sunk gently to the ground,
Dauntless her looks, unalter'd by the wound.
And as she fell, she strove with decent pride
To hide, what suits a virgin's care to hide.
The Trojan matrons the pale corpse receive,
And the whole slaughter'd race of Priam grieve,
Sad they recount the long disastrous tale;
Then with fresh tears, thee, royal maid, bewail;
Thy widow'd mother too, who flourish'd late
The royal pride of Asia's happier state:
A captive lot now to Ulysses born;
Whom yet the victor would reject with scorn,
Were she not Hector's mother: Hector's fame
Scarce can a master for his mother claim!
With strict embrace the lifeless coarse she view'd;
And her fresh grief that flood of tears renew'd,
With which she lately mourn'd so many dead;
Tears for her country, sons, and husb and shed.
With the thick gushing stream she bath'd the wound;
Kiss'd her pale lips; then weltring on the ground,
With wonted rage her frantick bosom tore;
Sweeping her hair amidst the clotted gore;
Whilst her sad accents thus her loss deplore.

"Behold a mother's last dear pledge of woe!
Yes, 'tis the last I have to suffer now.
Thou, my Polyxena, my ills must crown:
Already in thy Fate, I feel my own.
'Tis thus, lest haply of my numerous seed
One should unslaughter'd fall, even thou must bleed:
And yet I hop'd thy sex had been thy guard;
But neither has thy tender sex been spar'd.
The same Achilles, by whose deadly hate
Thy brothers fell, urg'd thy untimely fate!
The same Achilles, whose destructive rage
Laid waste my realms, has robb'd my childless age.
When Paris' shafts with Phoebus' certain aid
At length had pierc'd this dreaded chief, I said,
Secure of future ills, he can no more:
But see, he still pursues me as before.
With rage rekindled his dead ashes burn;
And his yet murd'ring ghost my wretched house must mourn.

This tyrant's lust of slaughter I have fed
With large supplies from my too-fruitful bed.
Troy's tow'rs lye waste; and the wide ruin ends
The publick woe; but me fresh woe attends.
Troy still survives to me; to none but me;
And from its ills I never must be free.
I, who so late had power, and wealth, and ease,
Bless'd with my husband, and a large encrease,
Must now in poverty an exile mourn;
Ev'n from the tombs of my dead offspring torn:
Giv'n to Penelope, who proud of spoil,
Allots me to the loom's ungrateful toil;
Points to her dames, and crys with scorning mien:
See Hector's mother, and great Priam's queen!
And thou, my child, sole hope of all that's lost,
Thou now art slain, to sooth this hostile ghost.
Yes, my child falls an offering to my foe!
Then what am I, who still survive this woe?
Say, cruel Gods! for what new scenes of death
Must a poor aged wretch prolong this hated breath?
Troy fal'n, to whom could Priam happy seem?
Yet was he so; and happy must I deem
His death; for O! my child, he saw not thine,
When he his life did with his Troy resign.
Yet sure due obsequies thy tomb might grace;
And thou shalt sleep amidst thy kingly race.
Alas! my child, such fortune does not wait
Our suffering house in this abandon'd state.
A foreign grave, and thy poor mother's tears
Are all the honours that attend thy herse.
All now is lost!- Yet no; one comfort more
Of life remains, my much-lov'd Polydore.
My youngest hope: here on this coast he lives,
Nurs'd by the guardian-king, he still survives.
Then let me hasten to the cleansing flood,
And wash away these stains of guiltless blood."

Streit to the shore her feeble steps repair
With limping pace, and torn dishevell'd hair
Silver'd with age. "Give me an urn," she cry'd,
"To bear back water from this swelling tide":
When on the banks her son in ghastly hue
Transfix'd with Thracian arrows strikes her view.
The matrons shriek'd; her big-swoln grief surpast
The pow'r of utterance; she stood aghast;
She had nor speech, nor tears to give relief;
Excess of woe suppress'd the rising grief.
Lifeless as stone, on Earth she fix'd her eyes;
And then look'd up to Heav'n with wild surprise.
Now she contemplates o'er with sad delight
Her son's pale visage; then her aking sight
Dwells on his wounds: she varys thus by turns,
Wild as the mother-lion, when among
The haunts of prey she seeks her ravish'd young:
Swift flies the ravisher; she marks his trace,
And by the print directs her anxious chase.
So Hecuba with mingled grief, and rage
Pursues the king, regardless of her age.
She greets the murd'rer with dissembled joy
Of secret treasure hoarded for her boy.
The specious tale th' unwary king betray'd.
Fir'd with the hopes of prey: "Give quick," he said
With soft enticing speech, "the promis'd store:
Whate'er you give, you give to Polydore.
Your son, by the immortal Gods I swear,
Shall this with all your former bounty share."
She stands attentive to his soothing lyes,
And darts avenging horrour from her eyes.
Then full resentment fires her boyling blood:
She springs upon him, 'midst the captive crowd
(Her thirst of vengeance want of strength supplies):
Fastens her forky fingers in his eyes:
Tears out the rooted balls; her rage pursues,
And in the hollow orbs her hand imbrews.

The Thracians, fir'd, at this inhuman scene,
With darts, and stones assail the frantick queen.
She snarls, and growls, nor in an human tone;
Then bites impatient at the bounding stone;
Extends her jaws, as she her voice would raise
To keen invectives in her wonted phrase;
But barks, and thence the yelping brute betrays.
Still a sad monument the place remains,
And from this monstrous change its name obtains:
Where she, in long remembrance of her ills,
With plaintive howlings the wide desart fills.

Greeks, Trojans, friends, and foes, and Gods above
Her num'rous wrongs to just compassion move.
Ev'n Juno's self forgets her ancient hate,
And owns, she had deserv'd a milder fate.

The Funeral of Memnon

Yet bright Aurora, partial as she was
To Troy, and those that lov'd the Trojan cause,
Nor Troy, nor Hecuba can now bemoan,
But weeps a sad misfortune, more her own.
Her offspring Memnon, by Achilles slain,
She saw extended on the Phrygian plain:
She saw, and strait the purple beams, that grace
The rosie morning, vanish'd from her face;
A deadly pale her wonted bloom invades,
And veils the lowring skies with mournful shades.
But when his limbs upon the pile were laid,
The last kind duty that by friends is paid,
His mother to the skies directs her flight,
Nor cou'd sustain to view the doleful sight:
But frantick, with her loose neglected hair,
Hastens to Jove, and falls a suppliant there.
O king of Heav'n, o father of the skies,
The weeping Goddess passionately cries,
Tho' I the meanest of immortals am,
And fewest temples celebrate my fame,
Yet still a Goddess, I presume to come
Within the verge of your etherial dome:
Yet still may plead some merit, if my light
With purple dawn controuls the Pow'rs of night;
If from a female hand that virtue springs,
Which to the Gods, and men such pleasure brings.
Yet I nor honours seek, nor rites divine,
Nor for more altars, or more fanes repine;
Oh! that such trifles were the only cause,
From whence Aurora's mind its anguish draws!
For Memnon lost, my dearest only child,
With weightier grief my heavy heart is fill'd;
My warrior son! that liv'd but half his time,
Nipt in the bud, and blasted in his prime;
Who for his uncle early took the field,
And by Achilles' fatal spear was kill'd.
To whom but Jove shou'd I for succour come?
For Jove alone cou'd fix his cruel doom.
O sov'reign of the Gods accept my pray'r,
Grant my request, and sooth a mother's care;
On the deceas'd some solemn boon bestow,
To expiate the loss, and ease my woe.

Jove, with a nod, comply'd with her desire;
Around the body flam'd the fun'ral fire;
The pile decreas'd, that lately seem'd so high,
And sheets of smoak roll'd upward to the sky:
As humid vapours from a marshy bog,
Rise by degrees, condensing into fog,
That intercept the sun's enliv'ning ray,
And with a cloud infect the chearful day.
The sooty ashes wafted by the air,
Whirl round, and thicken in a body there;
Then take a form, which their own heat, and fire
With active life, and energy inspire.
Its lightness makes it seem to fly, and soon
It skims on real wings, that are its own;
A real bird, it beats the breezy wind,
Mix'd with a thousand sisters of the kind,
That, from the same formation newly sprung,
Up-born aloft on plumy pinions hung.
Thrice round the pile advanc'd the circling throng.
Thrice, with their wings, a whizzing consort rung.
In the fourth flight their squadron they divide,
Rank'd in two diff'rent troops, on either side:
Then two, and two, inspir'd with martial rage,
From either troop in equal pairs engage.
Each combatant with beak, and pounces press'd,
In wrathful ire, his adversary's breast;
Each falls a victim, to preserve the fame
Of that great hero, whence their being came.
From him their courage, and their name they take,
And, as they liv'd, they dye for Memnon's sake.
Punctual to time, with each revolving year,
In fresh array the champion birds appear;
Again, prepar'd with vengeful minds, they come
To bleed, in honour of the souldier's tomb.

Therefore in others it appear'd not strange,
To grieve for Hecuba's unhappy change:
But poor Aurora had enough to do
With her own loss, to mind another's woe;
Who still in tears, her tender nature shews,
Besprinkling all the world with pearly dews.

The Voyage of Aeneas

Troy thus destroy'd, 'twas still deny'd by Fate,
The hopes of Troy should perish with the state.
His sire, the son of Cytherea bore,
And household-Gods from burning Ilium's shore,
The pious prince (a double duty paid)
Each sacred bur then thro' the flames convey'd.
With young Ascanius, and this only prize,
Of heaps of wealth, he from Antandros flies;
But struck with horror, left the Thracian shore,
Stain'd with the blood of murder'd Polydore.
The Delian isle receives the banish'd train,
Driv'n by kind gales, and favour'd by the main.

Here pious Anius, priest, and monarch reign'd,
And either charge, with equal care sustain'd,
His subjects rul'd, to Phoebus homage pay'd,
His God obeying, and by those obey'd.

The priest displays his hospitable gate,
And shows the riches of his church, and state
The sacred shrubs, which eas'd Latona's pain,
The palm, and olive, and the votive fane.
Here grateful flames with fuming incense fed,
And mingled wine, ambrosial odours shed;
Of slaughter'd steers the crackling entrails burn'd:
And then the strangers to the court return'd.

On beds of tap'stry plac'd aloft, they dine
With Ceres' gift, and flowing bowls of wine;
When thus Anchises spoke, amidst the feast:
Say, mitred monarch, Phoebus' chosen priest,
Or (e'er from Troy by cruel Fate expell'd)
When first mine eyes these sacred walls beheld,
A son, and twice two daughters crown'd thy bliss?
Or errs my mem'ry, and I judge amiss?

The royal prophet shook his hoary head,
With snowy fillets bound, and sighing, said:
Thy mem'ry errs not, prince; thou saw'st me then,
The happy father of so large a train;
Behold me now (such turns of chance befall
The race of man!), almost bereft of all.
For (ah!) what comfort can my son bestow,
What help afford, to mitigate my woe!
While far from hence, in Andros' isle he reigns,
(From him so nam'd) and there my place sustains.
Him Delius praescience gave; the twice-born God
A boon more wond'rous on the maids bestow'd.
Whate'er they touch'd, he gave them to transmute
(A gift past credit, and above their suit)
To Ceres, Bacchus, and Minerva's fruit.
How great their value, and how rich their use,
Whose only touch such treasures could produce!

The dire destroyer of the Trojan reign,
Fierce Agamemnon, such a prize to gain
(A proof we also were design'd by Fate
To feel the tempest, that o'erturn'd your state),
With force superior, and a ruffian crew,
From these weak arms, the helpless virgins drew:
And sternly bad them use the grant divine,
To keep the fleet in corn, and oil, and wine.
Each, as they could, escap'd: two strove to gain
Euboea's isle, and two their brother's reign.
The soldier follows, and demands the dames;
If held by force, immediate war proclaims.
Fear conquer'd Nature in their brother's mind,
And gave them up to punishment assign'd.
Forgive the deed; nor Hector's arm was there,
Nor thine, Aeneas, to maintain the war;
Whose only force upheld your Ilium's tow'rs,
For ten long years, against the Grecian pow'rs.
Prepar'd to bind their captive arms in bands,
To Heav'n they rear'd their yet unfetter'd hands,
Help, Bacchus, author of the gift, they pray'd;
The gift's great author gave immediate aid;
If such destruction of their human frame
By ways so wond'rous, may deserve the name;
Nor could I hear, nor can I now relate
Exact, the manner of their alter'd state;
But this in gen'ral of my loss I knew,
Transform'd to doves, on milky plumes they flew,
Such as on Ida's mount thy consort's chariot drew.

With such discourse, they entertain'd the feast;
Then rose from table, and withdrew to rest.
The following morn, ere Sol was seen to shine,
Th' inquiring Trojans sought the sacred shrine;
The mystick Pow'r commands them to explore
Their ancient mother, and a kindred shore.
Attending to the sea, the gen'rous prince
Dismiss'd his guests with rich munificence,
In old Anchises' hand a sceptre plac'd,
A vest, and quiver young Ascanius grac'd,
His sire, a cup; which from th' Aonian coast,
Ismenian Therses sent his royal host.
Alcon of Myle made what Therses sent,
And carv'd thereon this ample argument.

A town with sev'n distinguish'd gates was shown,
Which spoke its name, and made the city known;
Before it, piles, and tombs, and rising flames,
The rites of death, and quires of mourning dames,
Who bar'd their breasts, and gave their hair to flow,
The signs of grief, and marks of publick woe.
Their fountains dry'd, the weeping Naiads mourn'd,
The trees stood bare, with searing cankers burn'd,
No herbage cloath'd the ground, a ragged flock
Of goats half-famish'd, lick'd the naked rock,
Of manly courage, and with mind serene,
Orion's daughters in the town were seen;
One heav'd her chest to meet the lifted knife,
One plung'd the poyniard thro' the seat of life,
Their country's victims; mourns the rescu'd state,
The bodies burns, and celebrates their Fate.
To save the failure of th' illustrious line,
From the pale ashes rose, of form divine,
Two gen'rous youths; these, fame Coronae calls,
Who join the pomp, and mourn their mother's falls.

These burnish'd figures form'd of antique mold,
Shone on the brass, with rising sculpture bold;
A wreath of gilt Acanthus round the brim was roll'd.

Nor less expence the Trojan gifts express'd;
A fuming censer for the royal priest,
A chalice, and a crown of princely cost,
With ruddy gold, and sparkling gems emboss'd.

Now hoisting sail, to Crete the Trojans stood,
Themselves remembring sprung from Teucer's blood;
But Heav'n forbids, and pestilential Jove
From noxious skies, the wand'ring navy drove.
Her hundred cities left, from Crete they bore,
And sought the destin'd land, Ausonia's shore;
But toss'd by storms at either Strophas lay,
'Till scar'd by Harpies from the faithless bay.
Then passing onward with a prosp'rous wind,
Left sly Ulysses' spacious realms behind;
Ambracia's state, in former ages known.
The strife of Gods, the judge transform'd to stone
They saw; for Actian Phoebus since renown'd,
Who Caesar's arms with naval conquest crown'd;
Next pass'd Dodona, wont of old to boast
Her vocal forest; and Chaonia's coast,
Where king Molossus' sons on wings aspir'd,
And saw secure the harmless fewel fir'd.

Now to Phaeacia's happy isle they came,
For fertile orchards known to early fame;
Epirus past, they next beheld with joy
A second Ilium, and fictitious Troy;
Here Trojan Helenus the sceptre sway'd,
Who show'd their fate and mystick truths display'd.
By him confirm'd Sicilia's isle they reach'd,
Whose sides to sea three promontories stretch'd,
Pachynos to the stormy south is plac'd,
On Lilybaeum blows the gentle west,
Peloro's cliffs the northern bear survey,
Who rolls above, and dreads to touch the sea.
By this they steer, and favour'd by the tide,
Secure by night in Zancle's harbour ride.

Here cruel Scylla guards the rocky shore,
And there the waves of loud Charybdis roar:
This sucks, and vomits ships, and bodies drown'd;
And rav'nous dogs the womb of that surround,
In face a virgin; and (if ought be true
By bards recorded) once a virgin too.

A train of youths in vain desir'd her bed;
By sea-nymphs lov'd, to nymphs of seas she fled;
The maid to these, with female pride, display'd
Their baffled courtship, and their love betray'd.

When Galatea thus bespoke the fair
(But first she sigh'd), while Scylla comb'd her hair:
You, lovely maid, a gen'rous race pursues,
Whom safe you may (as now you do) refuse;
To me, tho' pow'rful in a num'rous train
Of sisters, sprung from Gods, who rule the main,
My native seas could scarce a refuge prove,
To shun the fury of the Cyclops' love,

Tears choak'd her utt'rance here; the pity'ng maid
With marble fingers wip'd them off, and said:

My dearest Goddess, let thy Scylla know,
(For I am faithful) whence these sorrows flow.

The maid's intreaties o'er the nymph prevail,
Who thus to Scylla tells the mournful tale.

The Story of Acis, Polyphemus and Galatea

Acis, the lovely youth, whose loss I mourn,
From Faunus, and the nymph Symethis born,
Was both his parents' pleasure; but, to me
Was all that love could make a lover be.
The Gods our minds in mutual bands did join:
I was his only joy, and he was mine.
Now sixteen summers the sweet youth had seen;
And doubtful down began to shade his chin:
When Polyphemus first disturb'd our joy;
And lov'd me fiercely, as I lov'd the boy.
Ask not which passion in my soul was high'r,
My last aversion, or my first desire:
Nor this the greater was, nor that the less;
Both were alike, for both were in excess.
Thee, Venus, thee both Heav'n, and Earth obey;
Immense thy pow'r, and boundless is thy sway.
The Cyclops, who defy'd th' aetherial throne,
And thought no thunder louder than his own,
The terror of the woods, and wilder far
Than wolves in plains, or bears in forests are,
Th' inhuman host, who made his bloody feasts
On mangl'd members of his butcher'd guests,
Yet felt the force of love, and fierce desire,
And burnt for me, with unrelenting fire.
Forgot his caverns, and his woolly care,
Assum'd the softness of a lover's air;
And comb'd, with teeth of rakes, his rugged hair.
Now with a crooked scy the his beard he sleeks;
And mows the stubborn stubble of his cheeks:
Now in the crystal stream he looks, to try
His simagres, and rowls his glaring eye.
His cruelty, and thirst of blood are lost;
And ships securely sail along the coast.

The prophet Telemus (arriv'd by chance
Where Aetna's summets to the seas advance,
Who mark'd the tracts of every bird that flew,
And sure presages from their flying drew)
Foretold the Cyclops, that Ulysses' hand
In his broad eye shou'd thrust a flaming brand.
The giant, with a scornful grin, reply'd,
Vain augur, thou hast falsely prophesy'd;
Already love his flaming brand has tost;
Looking on two fair eyes, my sight I lost,
Thus, warn'd in vain, with stalking pace he strode,
And stamp'd the margin of the briny flood
With heavy steps; and weary, sought agen
The cool retirement of his gloomy den.

A promontory, sharp'ning by degrees,
Ends in a wedge, and overlooks the seas:
On either side, below, the water flows;
This airy walk the giant lover chose.
Here on the midst he sate; his flocks, unled,
Their shepherd follow'd, and securely fed.
A pine so burly, and of length so vast,
That sailing ships requir'd it for a mast,
He wielded for a staff, his steps to guide:
But laid it by, his whistle while he try'd.
A hundred reeds of a prodigious growth,
Scarce made a pipe, proportion'd to his mouth:
Which when he gave it wind, the rocks around,
And watry plains, the dreadful hiss resound.
I heard the ruffian-shepherd rudely blow,
Where, in a hollow cave, I sat below;
On Acis' bosom I my head reclin'd:
And still preserve the poem in my mind.

Oh lovely Galatea, whiter far
Than falling snows, and rising lillies are;
More flowry than the meads, as chrystal bright:
Erect as alders, and of equal height:
More wanton than a kid, more sleek thy skin,
Than orient shells, that on the shores are seen,
Than apples fairer, when the boughs they lade;
Pleasing, as winter suns, or summer shade:
More grateful to the sight, than goodly plains;
And softer to the touch, than down of swans;
Or curds new turn'd; and sweeter to the taste
Than swelling grapes, that to the vintage haste:
More clear than ice, or running streams, that stray
Through garden plots, but ah! more swift than they.

Yet, Galatea, harder to be broke
Than bullocks, unreclaim'd, to bear the yoke,
And far more stubborn, than the knotted oak:
Like sliding streams, impossible to hold;
Like them, fallacious, like their fountains, cold.
More warping, than the willow, to decline
My warm embrace, more brittle, than the vine;
Immovable, and fixt in thy disdain:
Tough, as these rocks, and of a harder grain.
More violent, than is the rising flood;
And the prais'd peacock is not half so proud.
Fierce, as the fire, and sharp, as thistles are,
And more outragious, than a mother-bear:
Deaf, as the billows to the vows I make;
And more revengeful, than a trodden snake.
In swiftness fleeter, than the flying hind,
Or driven tempests, or the driving wind.
All other faults, with patience I can bear;
But swiftness is the vice I only fear.

Yet if you knew me well, you wou'd not shun
My love, but to my wish'd embraces run:
Wou'd languish in your turn, and court my stay;
And much repent of your unwise delay.

My palace, in the living rock, is made
By Nature's hand; a spacious pleasing shade:
Which neither heat can pierce, nor cold invade.
My garden fill'd with fruits you may behold,
And grapes in clusters, imitating gold;
Some blushing bunches of a purple hue:
And these, and those, are all reserv'd for you.
Red strawberries, in shades, expecting stand,
Proud to be gather'd by so white a hand.
Autumnal cornels latter fruit provide;
And plumbs, to tempt you, turn their glossy side:
Not those of common kinds; but such alone,
As in Phaeacian orchards might have grown:
Nor chestnuts shall be wanting to your food,
Nor garden-fruits, nor wildings of the wood;
The laden boughs for you alone shall bear;
And yours shall be the product of the year.

The flocks you see, are all my own; beside
The rest that woods, and winding vallies hide;
And those that folded in the caves abide.
Ask not the numbers of my growing store;
Who knows how many, knows he has no more.
Nor will I praise my cattle; trust not me,
But judge your self, and pass your own decree:
Behold their swelling dugs; the sweepy weight
Of ewes, that sink beneath the milky freight;
In the warm folds their tender lambkins lye;
Apart from kids, that call with human cry.
New milk in nut-brown bowls is duely serv'd
For daily drink; the rest for cheese reserv'd.
Nor are these household dainties all my store:
The fields, and forests will afford us more;
The deer, the hare, the goat, the savage boar.
All sorts of ven'son; and of birds the best;
A pair of turtles taken from the nest.
I walk'd the mountains, and two cubs I found
(Whose dam had left 'em on the naked ground),
So like, that no distinction could be seen:
So pretty, they were presents for a queen;
And so they shall; I took them both away;
And keep, to be companions of your play.

Oh raise, fair nymph, your beauteous face above
The waves; nor scorn my presents, and my love.
Come, Galatea, come, and view my face;
I late beheld it, in the watry glass;
And found it lovelier, than I fear'd it was.
Survey my towring stature, and my size:
Not Jove, the Jove you dream, that rules the skies,
Bears such a bulk, or is so largely spread:
My locks (the plenteous harvest of my head)
Hang o'er my manly face; and dangling down,
As with a shady grove, my shoulders crown.
Nor think, because my limbs and body bear
A thick-set underwood of bristling hair,
My shape deform'd; what fouler sight can be,
Than the bald branches of a leafless tree?
Foul is the steed without a flowing mane:
And birds, without their feathers, and their train.
Wool decks the sheep; and Man receives a grace
From bushy limbs, and from a bearded face.
My forehead with a single eye is fill'd,
Round, as a ball, and ample, as a shield.
The glorious lamp of Heav'n, the radiant sun,
Is Nature's eye; and she's content with one.
Add, that my father sways your seas, and I,
Like you, am of the watry family.
I make you his, in making you my own;
You I adore; and kneel to you alone:
Jove, with his fabled thunder, I despise,
And only fear the lightning of your eyes.
Frown not, fair nymph; yet I cou'd bear to be
Disdain'd, if others were disdain'd with me.
But to repulse the Cyclops, and prefer
The love of Acis (Heav'ns!) I cannot bear.
But let the stripling please himself; nay more,
Please you, tho' that's the thing I most abhor;
The boy shall find, if e'er we cope in fight,
These giant limbs, endu'd with giant might.
His living bowels from his belly torn,
And scatter'd limbs shall on the flood be born:
Thy flood, ungrateful nymph; and fate shall find,
That way for thee, and Acis to be join'd.
For oh! I burn with love, and thy disdain
Augments at once my passion, and my pain.
Translated Aetna flames within my heart,
And thou, inhuman, wilt not ease my smart.

Lamenting thus in vain, he rose, and strode
With furious paces to the neighb'ring wood:
Restless his feet, distracted was his walk;
Mad were his motions, and confus'd his talk.
Mad, as the vanquish'd bull, when forc'd to yield
His lovely mistress, and forsake the field.

Thus far unseen I saw: when fatal chance,
His looks directing, with a sudden glance,
Acis and I were to his sight betray'd;
Where, nought suspecting, we securely play'd.
From his wide mouth a bellowing cry he cast,
I see, I see; but this shall be your last:
A roar so loud made Aetna to rebound:
And all the Cyclops labour'd in the sound.
Affrighted with his monstrous voice, I fled,
And in the neighbouring ocean plung'd my head.
Poor Acis turn'd his back, and Help, he cry'd,
Help, Galatea, help, my parent Gods,
And take me dying to your deep abodes.
The Cyclops follow'd; but he sent before
A rib, which from the living rock he tore:
Though but an angle reach'd him of the stone,
The mighty fragment was enough alone,
To crush all Acis; 'twas too late to save,
But what the Fates allow'd to give, I gave:
That Acis to his lineage should return;
And rowl, among the river Gods, his urn.
Straight issu'd from the stone a stream of blood;
Which lost the purple, mingling with the flood,
Then, like a troubled torrent, it appear'd:
The torrent too, in little space, was clear'd.
The stone was cleft, and through the yawning chink
New reeds arose, on the new river's brink.
The rock, from out its hollow womb, disclos'd
A sound like water in its course oppos'd,
When (wond'rous to behold), full in the flood,
Up starts a youth, and navel high he stood.
Horns from his temples rise; and either horn
Thick wreaths of reeds (his native growth) adorn.
Were not his stature taller than before,
His bulk augmented, and his beauty more,
His colour blue; for Acis he might pass:
And Acis chang'd into a stream he was,
But mine no more; he rowls along the plains
With rapid motion, and his name retains.

The Story of Glaucus and Scylla

Here ceas'd the nymph; the fair assembly broke,
The sea-green Nereids to the waves betook:
While Scylla, fearful of the wide-spread main,
Swift to the safer shore returns again.
There o'er the sandy margin, unarray'd,
With printless footsteps flies the bounding maid;
Or in some winding creek's secure retreat
She baths her weary limbs, and shuns the noonday's heat.

Her Glaucus saw, as o'er the deep he rode,
New to the seas, and late receiv'd a God.
He saw, and languish'd for the virgin's love;
With many an artful blandishment he strove
Her flight to hinder, and her fears remove.
The more he sues, the more she wings her flight,
And nimbly gains a neighb'ring mountain's height.
Steep shelving to the margin of the flood,
A neighb'ring mountain bare, and woodless stood;
Here, by the place secur'd, her steps she stay'd,
And, trembling still, her lover's form survey'd.
His shape, his hue, her troubled sense appall,
And dropping locks that o'er his shoulders fall;
She sees his face divine, and manly brow,
End in a fish's wreathy tail below:
She sees, and doubts within her anxious mind,
Whether he comes of God, or monster kind.
This Glaucus soon perceiv'd; and, Oh! forbear
(His hand supporting on a rock lay near),
Forbear, he cry'd, fond maid, this needless fear.
Nor fish am I, nor monster of the main,
But equal with the watry Gods I reign;
Nor Proteus, nor Palaemon me excell,
Nor he whose breath inspires the sounding shell.
My birth, 'tis true, I owe to mortal race,
And I my self but late a mortal was:
Ev'n then in seas, and seas alone, I joy'd;
The seas my hours, and all my cares employ'd,
In meshes now the twinkling prey I drew;
Now skilfully the slender line I threw,
And silent sat the moving float to view.
Not far from shore, there lies a verdant mead,
With herbage half, and half with water spread:
There, nor the horned heifers browsing stray,
Nor shaggy kids, nor wanton lambkins play;
There, nor the sounding bees their nectar cull,
Nor rural swains their genial chaplets pull,
Nor flocks, nor herds, nor mowers haunt the place,
To crop the flow'rs, or cut the bushy grass:
Thither, sure first of living race came I,
And sat by chance, my dropping nets to dry.
My scaly prize, in order all display'd,
By number on the greensward there I lay'd,
My captives, whom or in my nets I took,
Or hung unwary on my wily hook.
Strange to behold! yet what avails a lye?
I saw 'em bite the grass, as I sate by;
Then sudden darting o'er the verdant plain,
They spread their finns, as in their native main:
I paus'd, with wonder struck, while all my prey
Left their new master, and regain'd the sea.
Amaz'd, within my secret self I sought,
What God, what herb the miracle had wrought:
But sure no herbs have pow'r like this, I cry'd;
And strait I pluck'd some neighb'ring herbs, and try'd.
Scarce had I bit, and prov'd the wond'rous taste,
When strong convulsions shook my troubled breast;
I felt my heart grow fond of something strange,
And my whole Nature lab'ring with a change.
Restless I grew, and ev'ry place forsook,
And still upon the seas I bent my look.
Farewel for ever! farewel, land! I said;
And plung'd amidst the waves my sinking head.
The gentle Pow'rs, who that low empire keep,
Receiv'd me as a brother of the deep;
To Tethys, and to Ocean old, they pray
To purge my mortal earthy parts away.
The watry parents to their suit agreed,
And thrice nine times a secret charm they read,
Then with lustrations purify my limbs,
And bid me ba the beneath a hundred streams:
A hundred streams from various fountains run,
And on my head at once come rushing down.
Thus far each passage I remember well,
And faithfully thus far the tale I tell;
But then oblivion dark, on all my senses fell.
Again at length my thought reviving came,
When I no longer found my self the same;
Then first this sea-green beard I felt to grow,
And these large honours on my spreading brow;
My long-descending locks the billows sweep,
And my broad shoulders cleave the yielding deep;
My fishy tail, my arms of azure hue,
And ev'ry part divinely chang'd, I view.
But what avail these useless honours now?
What joys can immortality bestow?
What, tho' our Nereids all my form approve?
What boots it, while fair Scylla scorns my love?

Thus far the God; and more he wou'd have said;
When from his presence flew the ruthless maid.
Stung with repulse, in such disdainful sort,
He seeks Titanian Circe's horrid court.



IN CHAPTERS [300/790]

  477 Integral Yoga
   36 Christianity
   25 Philosophy
   20 Occultism
   16 Psychology
   14 Science
   12 Fiction
   8 Theosophy
   8 Poetry
   7 Integral Theory
   7 Education
   4 Yoga
   2 Mythology
   1 Thelema
   1 Sufism
   1 Mysticism
   1 Kabbalah
   1 Cybernetics
   1 Alchemy

  292 Sri Aurobindo
  270 The Mother
  149 Satprem
  106 Nolini Kanta Gupta
   22 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
   16 Carl Jung
   12 Plotinus
   12 H P Lovecraft
   10 A B Purani
   7 Rudolf Steiner
   7 Aleister Crowley
   6 George Van Vrekhem
   5 Paul Richard
   4 Plato
   3 Lucretius
   3 Jordan Peterson
   3 Alice Bailey
   2 Swami Krishnananda
   2 Saint Augustine of Hippo
   2 Jorge Luis Borges
   2 Jean Gebser
   2 Friedrich Nietzsche

   70 The Synthesis Of Yoga
   45 The Life Divine
   33 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03
   29 Record of Yoga
   28 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04
   24 Letters On Yoga IV
   22 Questions And Answers 1953
   21 Agenda Vol 03
   18 Questions And Answers 1956
   18 Questions And Answers 1950-1951
   18 Letters On Yoga I
   17 Agenda Vol 01
   15 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01
   14 Questions And Answers 1957-1958
   14 Questions And Answers 1955
   14 Letters On Yoga II
   14 Agenda Vol 04
   13 Essays In Philosophy And Yoga
   12 Lovecraft - Poems
   12 Agenda Vol 08
   12 Agenda Vol 06
   12 Agenda Vol 02
   11 Questions And Answers 1954
   11 Agenda Vol 09
   10 The Future of Man
   10 Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo
   10 Agenda Vol 07
   10 Agenda Vol 05
   8 Questions And Answers 1929-1931
   8 On Thoughts And Aphorisms
   8 Isha Upanishad
   8 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02
   8 Agenda Vol 10
   7 Vedic and Philological Studies
   7 The Phenomenon of Man
   7 The Mother With Letters On The Mother
   7 Essays Divine And Human
   7 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 07
   7 Agenda Vol 12
   7 Agenda Vol 11
   6 The Secret Doctrine
   6 The Human Cycle
   6 Some Answers From The Mother
   6 Preparing for the Miraculous
   6 On Education
   5 Theosophy
   5 Savitri
   5 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 03
   5 Essays On The Gita
   5 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 08
   5 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 05
   4 The Secret Of The Veda
   4 The Practice of Psycho therapy
   4 The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious
   4 Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness
   4 Mysterium Coniunctionis
   4 Liber ABA
   4 Letters On Yoga III
   4 Let Me Explain
   4 Aion
   4 Agenda Vol 13
   3 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 04
   3 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 02
   3 Of The Nature Of Things
   3 Maps of Meaning
   3 Hymns to the Mystic Fire
   3 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 06
   3 A Treatise on Cosmic Fire
   2 Words Of Long Ago
   2 Twilight of the Idols
   2 The Study and Practice of Yoga
   2 The Integral Yoga
   2 The Ever-Present Origin
   2 Talks
   2 Magick Without Tears
   2 A Garden of Pomegranates - An Outline of the Qabalah

00.01 - The Approach to Mysticism, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The mystic's knowledge is a part and a Formation of his life. That is why it is a knowledge not abstract and remote but living and intimate and concrete. It is a knowledge that pulsates with delight: indeed it is the radiance that is shed by the purest and intensest joy. For this reason it may be that in approaching through the heart there is a chance of one's getting arrested there and not caring for the still higher, the solar lights; but this need not be so. In the heart there is a golden door leading to the deepest delights, but there is also a diamond door opening up into the skies of the brightest luminosities.
   For it must be understood that the heart, the mystic heart, is not the external thing which is the seat of emotion or passion; it is the secret heart that is behind, the inner heartantarhdaya of the Upanishadwhich is the centre of the individual consciousness, where all the divergent lines of that consciousness meet and from where they take their rise. That is what the Upanishad means when it says that the heart has a hundred channels which feed the human vehicle. That is the source, the fount and origin, the very substance of the true personality. Mystic knowledge the true mystic knowledge which saves and fulfilsbegins with the awakening or the entrance into this real being. This being is pure and luminous and blissful and sovereignly real, because it is a portion, a spark of the Divine Consciousness and Nature: a contact and communion with it brings automatically into play the light and the truth that are its substance. At the same time it is an uprising flame that reaches out naturally to higher domains of consciousness and manifests them through its translucid dynamism.

00.03 - Upanishadic Symbolism, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The Gods are the Formations or particularisations of the Truth-consciousness, the multiple individualisations of the One spirit. The Pitris are the Divine Fathers, that is to say, souls that once laboured and realised here below, and now have passed beyond. They dwell in another world, not too far removed from the earth, and from there, with the force of their Realisation, lend a more concrete help and guidance to the destiny that is being worked out upon earth. They are forces and Formations of consciousness in an intermediate region between Here and There (antarika), and serve to bring men and gods nearer to each other, inasmuch as they belong to both the categories, being a divinised humanity or a humanised divinity. Each fixation of the Truth-consciousness in an earthly mould is a thing of joy to the Pitris; it is the Svadh or food by which they live and grow, for it is the consolidation and also the resultant of their own realisation. The achievements of the sons are more easily and securely reared and grounded upon those of the forefa thers, whose formative powers we have to invoke, so that we may pass on to the realisation, the firm embodiment of higher and greater destinies.
   III. The Path of the Fathers and the Path of the Gods
   Air is Mind, the world of thought, of conscious Formation; it is where life-movements are taken up and given a shape or articulate formula for an organised expression. The forms here have not, however, the concrete rigidity of Matter, but are pliant and variable and fluidin fact, they are more in the nature of possibilities, rather than actualities. The Vedic Maruts are thought-gods, and lndra (the Luminous Mind), their king, is called the Fashioner of perfect forms.
   Ether or Space is the infinitude of the Spirit, the limitless Presence that dwells in and yet transcends the body, the life the heart and the mind.
   The biological process, described in what may seem to be crude and mediaeval terms, really reflects or echoes a more subtle and psychological process. The images used form perhaps part of the current popular notion about the matter, but the esoteric sense goes beyond the outer symbols. The sky seems to be the far and tenuous region where the soul rests and awaits its next birthit is the region of Soma, the own Home of Bliss and Immortality. Now when the time or call comes, the soul stirs and journeys down that is the Rain. Next, it enters the earth atmosphere and clothes itself with the earth consciousness. Then it waits and calls for the Formation of the material body, first by the contri bution of the father and then by that of the mother; when these two unite and the material body is formed, the soul incarnates.
   Apart from the question whether the biological phenomenon described is really a symbol and a cloak for another order of reality, and even taking it at its face value, what is to be noted here is the idea of a cosmic cycle, and a cosmic cycle that proceeds through the principle of sacrifice. If it is asked what there is wonderful or particularly spiritual in this rather naf description of a very commonplace happening that gives it an honoured place in the Upanishads, the answer is that it is wonderful to see how the Upanishadic Rishi takes from an event its local, temporal and personal colour and incorporates it in a global movement, a cosmic cycle, as a limb of the Universal Brahman. The Upanishads contain passages which a puritanical mentality may perhaps describe as 'pornographic'; these have in fact been put by some on the Index expurgatorius. But the ancients saw these matters with other eyes and through another consciousness.
   In Yajnavalkya's enumeration, however, it is to be noted, first of all, that he stresses on the number three. The principle of triplicity is of very wide application: it permeates all fields of consciousness and is evidently based upon a fundamental fact of reality. It seems to embody a truth of synthesis and comprehension, points to the order and harmony that reigns in the cosmos, the spheric music. The metaphysical, that is to say, the original principles that constitute existence are the well-known triplets: (i) the superior: Sat, Chit, Ananda; and (ii) the inferior: Body, Life and Mindthis being a reflection or translation or concretisation of the former. We can see also here how the dual principle comes in, the twin godhead or the two gods to which Yajnavalkya refers. The same principle is found in the conception of Ardhanarishwara, Male and Female, Purusha-Prakriti. The Upanishad says 14 yet again that the One original Purusha was not pleased at being alone, so for a companion he created out of himself the original Female. The dual principle signifies creation, the manifesting activity of the Reality. But what is this one and a half to which Yajnavalkya refers? It simply means that the other created out of the one is not a wholly separate, independent entity: it is not an integer by itself, as in the Manichean system, but that it is a portion, a fraction of the One. And in the end, in the ultimate analysis, or rather synthesis, there is but one single undivided and indivisible unity. The thousands and hundreds, very often mentioned also in the Rig Veda, are not simply multiplications of the One, a graphic description of its many-sidedness; it indicates also the absolute fullness, the complete completeness (prasya pram) of the Reality. It includes and comprehends all and is a rounded totality, a full circle. The hundred-gated and the thousand-pillared cities of which the ancient Rishis chanted are Formations and embodiments of consciousness human and divine, are realities whole and entire englobing all the layers and grades of consciousness.
   Besides this metaphysics there is also an occult aspect in numerology of which Pythagoras was a well-known adept and in which the Vedic Rishis too seem to take special delight. The multiplication of numbers represents in a general way the principle of emanation. The One has divided and subdivided itself, but not in a haphazard way: it is not like the chaotic pulverisation of a piece of stone by hammer-blows. The process of division and subdivision follows a pattern almost as neat and methodical as a genealogical tree. That is to say, the emanations form a hierarchy. At the top, the apex of the pyramid, stands the one supreme Godhead. That Godhead is biune in respect of manifestation the Divine and his creative Power. This two-in-one reality may be considered, according to one view of creation, as dividing into three forms or aspects the well-known Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra of Hindu mythology. These may be termed the first or primary emanations.
   Now, each one of them in its turn has its own emanations the eleven Rudriyas are familiar. These are secondary and there are tertiary and other graded emanations the last ones touch the earth and embody physico-vital forces. The lowest Formations or beings can trace their origin to one or other of the primaries and their nature and function partake of or are an echo of their first ancestor.
   Man, however, is an epitome of creation. He embraces and incarnates the entire gamut of consciousness and comprises in him all beings from the highest Divinity to the lowest jinn or elf. And yet each human being in his true personality is a lineal descendant of one or other typal aspect or original Personality of the one supreme Reality; and his individual character is all the more pronounced and well-defined the more organised and developed is the being. The psychic being in man is thus a direct descent, an immediate emanation along a definite line of devolution of the supreme consciousness. We may now understand and explain easily why one chooses a particular Ishta, an ideal god, what is the drive that pushes one to become a worshipper of Siva or Vishnu or any other deity. It is not any rational understanding, a weighing of pros and cons and then a resultant conclusion that leads one to choose a path of religion or spirituality. It is the soul's natural call to the God, the type of being and consciousness of which it is a spark, from which it has descended, it is the secret affinity the spiritual blood-relation as it were that determines the choice and adherence. And it is this that we name Faith. And the exclusiveness and violence and bitterness which attend such adherence and which go "by the "name of partisanship, sectarianism, fanaticism etc., a;e a de Formation in the ignorance on the physico-vital plane of the secret loyalty to one's source and origin. Of course, the pattern or law is not so simple and rigid, but it gives a token or typal pattern. For it must not be forgotten that the supreme source or the original is one and indivisible and in the highest integration consciousness is global and not exclusive. And the human being that attains such a status is not bound or wholly limited to one particular Formation: its personality is based on the truth of impersonality. And yet the two can go together: an individual can be impersonal in consciousness and yet personal in becoming and true to type.
   The number of gods depends on the level of consciousness on which we stand. On this material plane there are as many gods as there are bodies or individual forms (adhar). And on the supreme height there is only one God without a second. In between there are gradations of types and sub-types whose number and function vary according to the aspect of consciousness that reveals itself.

00.05 - A Vedic Conception of the Poet, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   'Kavi' is an invariable epithet of the gods. The Vedas mean by this attribute to bring out a most fundamental character, an inalienable dharma of the heavenly host. All the gods are poets; and a human being can become a poet only in so far as he attains to the nature and status of a god. Who is then a kavi? The Poet is he who by his poetic power raises forms of beauty in heavenkavi kavitv divi rpam sajat.1Thus the essence of poetic power is to fashion divine Beauty, to reveal heavenly forms. What is this Heaven whose forms the Poet discovers and embodies? HeavenDyaushas a very definite connotation in the Veda. It means the luminous or divine Mind 2the mind purified of its obscurity and limitations, due to subjection to the external senses, thus opening to the higher Light, receiving and recording faithfully the deeper and vaster movements and vibrations of the Truth, giving them a form, a perfect body of the right thought and the right word. Indra is the lord of this world and he can be approached only with an enkindled intelligence, ddhay man,3a faultless understanding, sumedh. He is the supreme Artisan of the poetic power,Tash, the maker of perfect forms, surpa ktnum.4 All the gods turn towards Indra and become gods and poets, attain their Great Names of Supreme Beauty.5 Indra is also the master of the senses, indriyas, who are his hosts. It is through this mind and the senses that the poetic creation has to be manifested. The mind spreads out wide the Poet's weaving;6 the poet is the priest who calls down and works out the right thinking in the sacrificial labour of creation.7 But that creation is made in and through the inner mind and the inner senses that are alive to the subtle Formation of a vaster knowledge.8 The poet envisages the golden forms fashioned out of the very profundity of the consciousness.9 For the substance, the material on which the Poet works, is Truth. The seat of the Truth the poets guard, they uphold the supreme secret Names.10 The poet has the expressive utterance, the creative word; the poet is a poet by his poetic creation-the shape faultlessly wrought out that unveils and holds the Truth.11The form of beauty is the body of the Truth.
   The poet is a trinity in himself. A triune consciousness forms his personality. First of all, he is the Knower-the Seer of the Truth, kavaya satyadrara. He has the direct vision, the luminous intelligence, the immediate perception.12 A subtle and profound and penetrating consciousness is his,nigam, pracetas; his is the eye of the Sun,srya caku.13 He secures an increased being through his effulgent understanding.14 In the second place, the Poet is not only Seer but Doer; he is knower as well as creator. He has a dynamic knowledge and his vision itself is power, ncak;15 he is the Seer-Will,kavikratu.16 He has the blazing radiance of the Sun and is supremely potent in his self-Iuminousness.17 The Sun is the light and the energy of the Truth. Even like the Sun the Poet gives birth to the Truth, srya satyasava, satyya satyaprasavya. But the Poet as Power is not only the revealer or creator,savit, he is also the builder or fashioner,ta, and he is the organiser,vedh is personality. First of all, he is the Knower-the Seer of the Truth, kavaya satyadrara, of the Truth.18 As Savita he manifests the Truth, as Tashta he gives a perfected body and form to the Truth, and as Vedha he maintains the Truth in its dynamic working. The effective marshalling and organisation of the Truth is what is called Ritam, the Right; it is also called Dharma,19 the Law or the Rhythm, the ordered movement and invincible execution of the Truth. The Poet pursues the Path of the Right;20 it is he who lays out the Path for the march of the Truth, the progress of the Sacrifice.21 He is like a fast steed well-yoked, pressing forward;22 he is the charger that moves straight and unswerving and carries us beyond 23into the world of felicity.

0.00 - The Book of Lies Text, #The Book of Lies, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
     The theory of the Formation of the Ego is that of the Hindus,
    whose Ahamkara is itself a function of the mind, whose ego it
     In the first three paragraphs this Formation of the
    hexagram is explained; it is a symbol of the mutual

0.01 - I - Sri Aurobindos personality, his outer retirement - outside contacts after 1910 - spiritual personalities- Vibhutis and Avatars - transformtion of human personality, #Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo, #unset, #Zen
   Sri Aurobindo has explained the mystery of personality in some of his writings. Ordinarily by personality we mean something which can be described as "a pattern of being marked out by a settled combination of fixed qualities, a determined character.... In one view personality is regarded as a fixed structure of recognisable qualities expressing a power of being"; another idea regards "personality as a flux of self-expressive or sensitive and responsive being.... But flux of nature and fixity of nature" which some call character "are two aspects of being neither of which, nor indeed both together, can be a definition of personality.... But besides this flux and this fixity there is also a third and occult element, the Person behind of whom the personality is a self-expression; the Person puts forward the personality as his role, character, persona, in the present act of his long drama of manifested existence. But the Person is larger than his personality, and it may happen that this inner largeness overflows into the surface Formation; the result is a self-expression of being which can no longer be described by fixed qualities, normalities of mood, exact lineaments, or marked out by structural limits."[4]
   The gospel of the Supermind which Sri Aurobindo brought to man envisages a new level of consciousness beyond Mind. When this level is attained it imposes a complete and radical reintegration of the human personality. Sri Aurobindo was not merely the exponent but the embodiment of the new, dynamic truth of the Supermind. While exploring and sounding the tremendous possibilities of human personality in his intense spiritual Sadhana, he has shown us that practically there are no limits to its expansion and ascent. It can reach in its growth what appears to man at present as a 'divine' status. It goes without saying that this attainment is not an easy task; there are conditions to be fulfilled for the trans Formation from the human to the divine.

0.02 - Letters to a Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  avoided. Your mental Formation may be strong, but the contrary
   Formation is at least as strong as yours - and we must never
  It is a mental Formation prompted by a desire of the vital,
  which protests and rebels because it cannot be fulfilled. These
  necessary force for it to become an effective Formation charged
  with the power of realisation, and I said that the work could
  of X's apartment, perhaps more than a year ago.) My Formation
  was so living, so real, so active, that I made the mistake of
  if you do not grasp my Formation in a very precise way, you must
  ask me to explain it to you. When I do not do so, it is because I
  think you are receptive enough for the Formation to act and fulfil
  itself without my needing to speak about it, and in fact this often
  and so the Formation did not have a power of truth sufficient to
  dissolve X's counter- Formation. (This is true "occultism".)

0.02 - The Three Steps of Nature, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
   displayed, if not constantly, then occasionally or with some regularity of recurrence, in primary Formations or in others more developed and, it may well be, even in some, however rare, that are near to the highest possible realisation of our present humanity. For the march of Nature is not drilled to a regular and mechanical forward stepping. She reaches constantly beyond herself even at the cost of subsequent deplorable retreats.
  She has rushes; she has splendid and mighty outbursts; she has immense realisations. She storms sometimes passionately forward hoping to take the kingdom of heaven by violence.

0.03 - III - The Evening Sittings, #Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo, #unset, #Zen
   These sittings, in fact, furnished Sri Aurobindo with an occasion to admit and feel the outer atmosphere and that of the group living with him. It brought to him the much-needed direct contact of the mental and vital make-up of the disciples, enabling him to act on the atmosphere in general and on the individual in particular. He could thus help to remould their mental make-up by removing the limitations of their minds and opinions, and correct temperamental tendencies and Formations. Thus, these sittings contributed at least partly to the creation of an atmosphere amenable to the working of the Higher Consciousness. Far more important than the actual talk and its content was the personal contact, the influence of the Master, and the divine atmosphere he emanated; for through his outer personality it was the Divine Consciousness that he allowed to act. All along behind the outer manifestation that appeared human, there was the influence and presence of the Divine.
   What was talked in the small group informally was not intended by Sri Aurobindo to be the independent expression of his views on the subjects, events or the persons discussed. Very often what he said was in answer to the spiritual need of the individual or of the collective atmosphere. It was like a spiritual remedy meant to produce certain spiritual results, not a philosophical or metaphysical pronouncement on questions, events or movements. The net result of some talks very often was to point out to the disciple the inherent incapacity of the human intellect and its secondary place in the search for the ultimate Reality.

0.03 - The Threefold Life, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  The characteristic energy of pure Mind is change, and the more our mentality acquires elevation and organisation, the more this law of Mind assumes the aspect of a continual enlargement, improvement and better arrangement of its gains and so of a continual passage from a smaller and simpler to a larger and more complex perfection. For Mind, unlike bodily life, is infinite in its field, elastic in its expansion, easily variable in its Formations. Change, then, self-enlargement and selfimprovement are its proper instincts. Mind too moves in cycles, but these are ever-enlarging spirals. Its faith is perfectibility, its watchword is progress.
  The characteristic law of Spirit is self-existent perfection and immutable infinity. It possesses always and in its own right the immortality which is the aim of Life and the perfection which is the goal of Mind. The attainment of the eternal and the realisation of that which is the same in all things and beyond all things, equally blissful in universe and outside it, untouched by the imperfections and limitations of the forms and activities in which it dwells, are the glory of the spiritual life.

0.04 - The Systems of Yoga, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Ineffable and merges its separate existence in that transcendent unity. And always it is the individual, the Self conditioned in its experience by Nature and working through her Formations, that attains to the Self unconditioned, free and transcendent.
  In practice three conceptions are necessary before there can be any possibility of Yoga; there must be, as it were, three consenting parties to the effort, - God, Nature and the human soul or, in more abstract language, the Transcendental, the Universal

0.06 - Letters to a Young Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  mental Formations work. That is why one must state only what
  one wishes to see realised.
  Yes, your mind gets too excited about things. It makes Formations (it thinks forcefully: this must be like that, that must be
  otherwise, etc.) and unknowingly it clings to its own Formations
  in such a way that when they are contradicted it gets a shock

0.08 - Letters to a Young Captain, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  since the Formation of the earth they have served as messengers
  and intermediaries to bring to the earth the aid of the higher
  regions and to preside over the Formation of the mind and its
  progressive ascension. It is usually to the gods of the overmind

01.01 - The One Thing Needful, #The Integral Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  To find the Divine is indeed the first reason for seeking the spiritual Truth and the spiritual life; it is the one thing indispensable and all the resit is nothing without it. The Divine once found, to manifest Him, - that is, first of all to transform one's own limited consciousness into the Divine Consciousness, to live in the infinite Peace, Light, Love, Strength, Bliss, to become that in one's essential nature and, as a consequence, to be its vessel, channel, instrument in one's active nature. To bring into activity the principle of oneness on the material plane or to work for humanity is a mental mistranslation of the Truth - these things cannot be the first true object of spiritual seeking. We must find the Self, the Divine, then only can we know what is the work the Self or the Divine demands from us. Until then our life and action can only be a help or a means towards finding the Divine and it ought not to have any other purpose. As we grow in inner consciousness, or as the spiritual Truth of the Divine grows in us, our life and action must indeed more and more flow from that, be one with that. But to decide beforeh and by our limited mental conceptions what they must be is to hamper the growth of the spiritual Truth within. As that grows we shall feel the Divine Light and Truth, the Divine Power and Force, the Divine Purity and Peace working within us, dealing with our actions as well as our consciousness, making use of them to reshape us into the Divine Image, removing the dross, substituting the pure Gold of the Spirit. Only when the Divine Presence is there in us always and the consciousness transformed, can we have the right to say that we are ready to manifest the Divine on the material plane. To hold up a mental ideal or principle and impose that on the inner working brings the danger of limiting ourselves to a mental realisation or of impeding or even falsifying by a halfway Formation the truth growth into the full communion and union with the Divine and the free and intimate outflowing of His will in our life. This is a mistake of orientation to which the mind of today is especially prone. It is far better to approach the Divine for the Peace or Light or Bliss that the realisation of Him gives than to bring in these minor things which can divert us from the one thing needful. The divinisation of the material life also as well as the inner life is part of what we see as the Divine Plan, but it can only be fulfilled by an ourflowing of the inner realisation, something that grows from within outwards, not by the working out of a mental principle.
  The realisation of the Divine is the one thing needful and the rest is desirable only in so far as it helps or leads towards that or when it is realised, extends and manifests the realisation. Manifestation and organisation of the whole life for the divine work, - first, the sadhana personal and collective necessary for the realisation and a common life of God-realised men, secondly, for help to the world to move towards that, and to live in the Light - is the whole meaning and purpose of my Yoga. But the realisation is the first need and it is that round which all the rest moves, for apart from it all the rest would have no meaning.

01.02 - Natures Own Yoga, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The first contact that one has with this static supra-reality is through the higher ranges of the mind: a direct and closer communion is established through a plane which is just above the mind the Overmind, as Sri Aurobindo calls it. The Overmind dissolves or transcends the ego-consciousness which limits the being to its individualised Formation bounded by an outward and narrow frame or sheath of mind, life and body; it reveals the universal Self and Spirit, the cosmic godhead and its myriad forces throwing up myriad forms; the world-existence there appears as a play of ever-shifting veils upon the face of one ineffable reality, as a mysterious cycle of perpetual creation and destructionit is the overwhelming vision given by Sri Krishna to Arjuna in the Gita. At the same time, the initial and most intense experience which this cosmic consciousness brings is the extreme relativity, contingency and transitoriness of the whole flux, and a necessity seems logically and psychologically imperative to escape into the abiding substratum, the ineffable Absoluteness.
   This has been the highest consummation, the supreme goal which the purest spiritual experience and the deepest aspiration of the human consciousness generally sought to attain. But in this view, the world or creation or Nature came in the end to be looked upon as fundamentally a product of Ignorance: ignorance and suffering and incapacity and death were declared to be the very hallmark of things terrestrial. The Light that dwells above and beyond can be made to shed for a while some kind of lustre upon the mortal darkness but never altogether to remove or change itto live in the full light, to be in and of the Light means to pass beyond. Not that there have not been other strands and types of spiritual experiences and aspirations, but the one we are considering has always struck the major chord and dominated and drowned all the rest.

01.04 - The Poetry in the Making, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Still, it must be noted that Coleridge is a rare example, for the recording apparatus is not usually so faithful but puts up its own Formations that disturb and alter the perfection of the original. The passivity or neutrality of the intermediary is relative, and there are infinite grades of it. Even when the larger waves that play in it in the normal waking state are quieted down, smaller ripples of unconscious or half-conscious habitual Formations are thrown up and they are sufficient to cause the scattering and dispersal of the pure light from above.
   The absolute passivity is attainable, perhaps, only by the Yogi. And in this sense the supreme poet is a Yogi, for in his consciousness the higher, deeper, subtler or other modes of experiences pass through and are recorded with the minimum aberration or diffraction.

01.05 - The Yoga of the King - The Yoga of the Spirits Freedom and Greatness, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  A brief Formation drifting in the void:
  Apings of knowledge, unfinished arcs of power,

0.10 - Letters to a Young Captain, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Mental Formations are not enough, of course!
  It means that what you do should not be done with a personal,
  The real landmarks on the way are the spontaneous experiences, not those that come from a mental Formation and are
  always unreliable.
  necessitates the Formation of a group, hierarchicised, if
  What is usually called "conscience" is a mental Formation based
  on the idea of good and evil, a moral entity or rather an element of goodwill which tries to keep the individual on what is

01.10 - Nicholas Berdyaev: God Made Human, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Eastern spirituality does not view sorrow and sufferingevilas an integral part of the Divine Consciousness. It is born out of the Divine, no doubt, as nothing can be outside the Divine, but it is a local and temporal Formation; it is a disposition consequent upon certain conditions and with the absence or elimination of those conditions, this disposition too disappears. God and the Divine Consciousness can only be purity, light, immortality and delight. The compassion that a Buddha feels for the suffering humanity is not at all a feeling of suffering; pain or any such normal human reaction does not enter into its composition; it is the movement of a transcendent consciousness which is beyond and purified of the normal reactions, yet overarching them and entering into them as a soothing and illumining and vivifying presence. The healer knows and understands the pain and suffering of his patient but is not touched by them; he need not contract the illness of his patient in order to be in sympathy with him. The Divine the Soulcan be in flesh and yet not smirched with its mire; the flesh is not essentially or irrevocably the ooze it is under certain given conditions. The divine physical body is composed of radiant matter and one can speak of it even as of the soul that weapons cannot pierce it nor can fire burn it.

01.11 - The Basis of Unity, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   History abounds in instances of racial and cultural immixture. Indeed, all major human groupings of today are invariably composite Formations. Excepting, perhaps, some primitiveaboriginal tribes there are no pure races existent. The Briton, the Dane, the Anglo-Saxon, and the Norman have combined to form the British; a Frenchman has a Gaul, a Roman, a Frank in him; and a Spaniard's blood would show an Iberian, a Latin, a Gothic, a Moorish element in it. And much more than a people, a culture in modern times has been a veritable cockpit of multifarious and even incongruous elements. There are instances also in which a perfect fusion could not be accomplished, and one element had to be rejected or crushed out. The complete disappearance of the Aztecs and Mayas in South America, the decadence of the Red Indians in North America, of the Negroes in Africa as a result of a fierce clash with European peoples and European culture illustrate the point.
   Nature, on the whole, has solved the problem of blood fusion and mental fusion of different peoples, although on a smaller scale. India today presents the problem on a larger scale and on a higher or deeper level. The demand is for a spiritual fusion and unity. Strange to say, although the Spirit is the true bed-rock of unitysince, at bottom, it means identityit is on this plane that mankind has not yet been able to really meet and coalesce. India's genius has been precisely working in the line of a perfect solution of this supreme problem.
   Islam comes with a full-fledged spiritual soul and a mental and vital Formation commensurable with that inner being and consciousness. It comes with a dynamic spirit, a warrior mood, that aims at conquering the physical world for the Lord, a temperament which Indian spirituality had not, or had lost long before, if she had anything of it. This was, perhaps, what Vivekananda meant when he spoke graphically of a Hindu soul with a Muslim body. The Islamic dispensation, however, brings with it not only something complementary, but also something contradictory, if not for anything else, at least for the strong individuality which does not easily yield to assimilation. Still, in spite of great odds, the process of assimilation was going on slowly and surely. But of late it appears to have come to a dead halt; difficulties have been presented which seem insuperable.
   If religious toleration were enough, if that made up man's highest and largest achievement, then Nature need not have attempted to go beyond cultural fusion; a liberal culture is the surest basis for a catholic religious spirit. But such a spirit of toleration and catholicity, although it bespeaks a widened consciousness, does not always enshrine a profundity of being. Nobody is more tolerant and catholic than a dilettante, but an ardent spiritual soul is different.

0.11 - Letters to a Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  the emanator, whereas the Formation is made up of a substance
  external to the formator.

0.14 - Letters to a Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  The psychic is conscious of its progressive Formation during successive lives upon earth, so it has the memory of the important
  moments in its previous lives.

0 1955-03-26, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Mother, without Mahakalis grace, I shall never be able to get out of this mechanical round, to shatter these old Formations, ever the same, which keep coming back. Mother, I beg of you, help. me to BREAK this shell in which I am suffocating. Deliver me from myself, deliver me in spite of myself. Alone, I am helpless; sometimes I cannot even call you! May your force come and burn all my impurities, shatter my resistances.
   Signed: Bernard2

0 1958-07-02, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   No, but I know all these people, I know them thoroughly! I know Chaitanya, Ramakrishna and Ramdas thoroughly. They are utterly familiar to me. It doesnt bother them. These are people who live with a certain feeling, who have an entirely concrete experience and live in this experience, but they dont care at all if their Formation they have not even crystallized it, they leave it like that, vaguecontains things that are mutually contradictory, because, in appearance, they reconcile them. They do not raise any questions, they do not have the need for an absolutely clear vision; their feeling is absolutely clear, and thats enough for them. Ramakrishna was like that; he said the most contradictory things without being bothered in the least, and they are all exactly and equally true.
   But this crystal clear vision Sri Aurobindo had, where everything is in its place, where contradictions no longer existthey never soared to that height. This was the thing, this really crystalline, perfect supramental vision, even from the standpoint of understanding and knowledge. They never went that far.

0 1958-10-04, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   When you left on your journey,2 for example, I made a specie! concentration for all to go well so that nothing untoward happen to you. I even made a Formation and asked for a constant, special help over you. Then I renewed my concentration every day, which is how I came to notice that you were invoking me very regulary. I Saw you everyday, everyday, with a very regular precision. It was something that imposed itself on me, but it imposed itself only because l had initially made a Formation to follow you.
   For people here in the Ashram, my work is not the same. It is more like a kind of atmosphere that extends everywherea very conscious atmospherewhich I let work for each one according to his need. I dont have a special action for each person, unless something requires my special attention. When I would tune into you while you were travelling, I clearly saw your image appear before me, as though you were looking at me, but now that you have returned here, I no longer see it. Rather, I receive a sensation or an impression; and as these sensations and impressions are innumerable, its rather like one element among many. It no longer imposes itself in such an entirely distinct way nor does it appear before me in the same manner, as a clear image of yourself, as though you wanted to know something.

0 1958-11-04 - Myths are True and Gods exist - mental formation and occult faculties - exteriorization - work in dreams, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
  object:0_1958-11-04 - Myths are True and Gods exist - mental Formation and occult faculties - exteriorization - work in dreams
  author class:The Mother
   They are beings who belong to the progressive creation of the universe and who have themselves presided over its Formation from the most etheric or subtle regions to the most material regions. They are a descent of the divine creative Spirit that came to repair the mischief in short, to repair what the Asuras had done. The first makers created disorder and darkness, an unconsciousness, and then it is said that there was a second lineage of makers to repair that evil, and the gods gradually descended through realities that were ever moreone cant say dense because it isnt really dense, nor can one even say material, since matter as we know it does not exist on these planesthrough more and more concrete substances.
   All these zones, these planes of reality, received different names and were classified in different ways according to the occult schools, according to the different traditions, but there is an essential similarity, and if we go back far enough into the various traditions, hardly anything but words differ, depending upon the country and the language. The descriptions are quite similar. Moreover, those who climb back up the ladderor in other words, a human being who, through his occult knowledge, goes out of one of his bodies (they are called sheaths in English) and enters into a more subtle bodyin order to ACT in a more subtle body and so forth, twelve times (you make each body come out from a more material body, leaving the more material body in its corresponding zone, and then go off through successive exteriorizations), what they have seen, what they have discovered and seen through their ascensionwhe ther they are occultists from the Occident or occultists from the Orientis for the most part analogous in description. They have put different words on it, but the experience is very analogous.
   However, you must have at least a little experience of these things to understand them. Otherwise, if you are convinced that all this is just human fancy or mental Formations, if you believe that these gods have such and such a form because men have imagined them to be like that, or that they have such and such defects or qualities because men have envisioned it that wayas with all those who say God is created in the image of man and exists only in human thoughtall such people wont understand, it will seem absolutely ridiculous to them, a kind of madness. You must live a little, touch the subject a little to know how concrete it is.
   Naturally, children know a great dealif they have not been spoiled. There are many children who return to the same place night after night and continue living a life they have begun there. When these faculties are not spoiled with age, they can be preserved within one. There was a time when I was especially interested in dreams, and I could return exactly to the same place and continue some work I had begun there, visit something, for example, or see to something, some work of organization or some discovery or exploration; you go to a certain place, just as you go somewhere in life, then you rest a while, then you go back and begin againyou take up your work just where you left it, and you continue. You also notice that there are things entirely independent of you, certain variations which were not at all created by you and which occurred automatically during your absence.
   But then, you must LIVE these experiences yourself; you yourself must see, you must live them with enough sincerity to see (by being sincere and spontaneous) that they are independent of any mental Formations. Because one can take the opposite line and make an intensive study of the way mental Formations act upon eventswhich is very interesting. But thats another field. And this study makes you very careful, very prudent, because you start noticing to what extent you can delude yourself. Therefore, both one and the other, the mental Formation and the occult reality, must be studied to see what the ESSENTIAL difference is between them. The one exists in itself, entirely independent of what we think about it, and the other
   That was a grace. I was given every experience without knowing ANYTHING of what it was all aboutmy mind was absolutely blank. There was no active correspondence in the formative mind. I only knew about what had happened or the laws governing these happenings AFTERWARDS, when I was curious and inquired to find out what it related to. Then I found out. But otherwise, I didnt know. So that was the clear proof that these things existed entirely outside of my imagination or thought.
   (Later, the disciple asks Mother for some clarification on the essential difference between the occult reality and mental Formations)
   Once you have worked in this field, you realize that when you have studied a subject, when you have mentally understood something, it gives a special tonality to the experience. The experience may be quite spontaneous and sincere, but the simple fact of having known this subject and of having studied it gives a particular tonality; on the other hand, if you have learned nothing of the subject, if you know nothing at all, well, when the experience comes, the notation of it is entirely spontaneous and sincere. It can be more or less adequate, but it is not the result of a former mental Formation.
   What happened in my life is that I never studied or knew things until AFTER having the experienceonly BECAUSE OF the experience and because I wanted to understand it would I study things related to it.

0 1958-11-22, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   At that point, sometimes a great courage is needed, sometimes a great endurance is needed, sometimes a true love is enough, sometimes, oh! if only faith were there, one thing, one tiny little thing is enough, and everything can be swept away. I have done it often; there are times when I have failed. But more often than not I have been able to remove it. But then, what is needed is a great, stoical courage or a capacity to endure and to SEE IT THROUGH. The resistance (especially in cases of former suicide), the resistance to the temptation of renewing this stupidity creates a terrible Formation. Or else this habit of fleeing when suffering comes: flee, flee, instead of absorbing the difficulty, holding on.
   But just this, a faith in the Grace, or an awareness of the Grace, or the intensity of the call, or else naturally the response the response, the thing that opens, that breaks the response to this marvelous love of the Grace.

0 1958-11-28, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   As it is, the physical body is really only a very disfigured shadow of the eternal life of the Self, but this physical body is capable of a progressive development; the physical substance progresses through each individual Formation, and one day it will be able to build a bridge between physical life as we know it and the supramental life that is to manifest.

0 1959-03-10 - vital dagger, vital mass, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I spent a nighta night of battlewhen, for some reason or other, a multitude of vital Formations of all kinds entered into the room: beings, things, embryos of beings, residues of beingsall kinds of things And it was a frightful assault, absolutely disgusting.
   In this swarming mass, I noticed the presence of some slightly more conscious willswills of the vital plane and I saw how they try to awaken a reaction in the consciousness of human beings to make them think or want, or if possible, do certain things.
   For example, I saw one of them trying to incite anger in someone so that this person would deliver a blowa spiritual blow. And this Formation had a dagger in his hand (a vital dagger, you see, it was a vital being: gray and slimy, horrible), he was holding a very sharp dagger which he was flaunting, saying, When a person has done something like that (pretending that someone had done an unforgivable thing), this is what he deserves and the scenario was complete: the being rushed forward, vitally, with his dagger.
   I, who know the consequences of these things, stopped him just in time I gave him a blow. Then I had enough of all this and it was over, I cleaned the place out. It was almost a physical cleaning, for I had my hands clasped together (I was in a semitrance) and I threw them apart in an abrupt movement, left and right, powerfully, as if to sweep something away, and frrt! immediately everything was gone.
   But had that not happened I was watching, not exactly with curiosity, but in order to learnto learn what kind of atmosphere people live in! And it is ALWAYS like that! They are always pestered by HORDES of little Formations that are absolutely swarming and disgusting, each one making its nasty little suggestion.
   Take these movements of anger, for example, when someone is carried away by his passion and does things which, in his normal state, he would never do: he is not doing it, it is done by these little Formations which are there, swarming in the atmosphere, just waiting for an occasion to rush in.
   When you see them, oh! its suffocating. When youre in contact with that Really, you wonder how anyone can brea the in such an atmosphere. And yet people CONSTANTLY live in that atmosphere! They live in it. Only when they rise above are they NOT in it. Or else there are those who are entirely below; but those are the toys of these things, and their reactions are sometimes not only unexpected but absolutely dreadfulbecause they are puppets in the hands of these things.
   And I express this in my own way when I say1 that thoughts come and go, flow in and out. But thoughts concerning material things are Formations originating in that world, they are kinds of wills coming from the vital plane which try to express themselves, and most often they are truly deadly. If you are annoyed, for example, if someone says something unpleasant to you and you react It always happens in the same way; these little entities are there waiting, and when they feel its the right moment, they introduce their influence and their suggestions. This is what is vitally symbolized by the being with his dagger rushing forward to stab youand in the back, at that! Not even face to face! This then expresses itself in the human consciousness by a movement of anger or rage or indignation: How intolerable! How ! And the other fellow says, Yes! We shall put an end to it!
   It is quite interesting to watch it once, but it isnt very pleasant.

0 1960-05-21 - true purity - you have to be the Divine to overcome hostile forces, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   For example, there was one difficulty he helped me resolve. I have always been literally pestered, constantly, night and day, by all kinds of thoughts coming from peopleall kinds of calls, questions, Formations2 that have naturally to be answered. For I have trained myself to be conscious of everything, always. But it disturbed me in the work, particularly when I needed absolute concentration and I could never cut myself off from people or cut myself off from the world. I had to answer all these calls and these questions, I had to send the necessary force, the necessary light, the healing power, I constantly had to purify all these Formations, these thoughts, these wills, these false movements that were falling on me.
   What was needed was to effect a shift, a sort of transference upwards, a lifting up of all these things that come to meso that each one, each thing, each circumstance could directly and automatically receive the force from above, the light, the response from above, and I would be a mere intermediary and a channel of the Light and the Force.
   Formations, in occult language, refer to all the psychological movements and impulses, conscious or unconscious, constantly emanating from the disciples and others, and which leave an imprint in the subtle atmosphere or a wandering entity seeking to fulfill itself.

0 1960-06-04, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Just as you are drifting off, you can make a Formation and say, I shall wake up at such-and-such time (children do it very easily).
   You should count on at least three hours for the first part of your sleep; for the last part, one hour is enough. But the first should be a minimum of three hours. In fact, it is best to remain in bed for at least seven hours; with six, you dont have the time to do much (of course, Im speaking from the standpoint of sadhana, to make the nights useful).

0 1960-07-12 - Mothers Vision - the Voice, the ashram a tiny part of myself, the Mothers Force, sparkling white light compressed - enormous formation of negative vibrations - light in evil, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
  object:0_1960-07-12 - Mothers Vision - the Voice, the ashram a tiny part of myself, the Mothers Force, sparkling white light compressed - enormous Formation of negative vibrations - light in evil
  author class:The Mother
   Last night something happened to me that I found quite amusing. I was awakened by a Voice, or rather it roused me from one trance to put me into another. It happened at about 11 oclock. Not a human Voice. I dont exactly recall its words any longer, but it had to do with the Ashramits protection, its success, its power. And what was interesting was that when I woke up, I was in a state in which this Formation that is the Ashram and the Force that is condensed here to realize what this Voice wanted, seemed a very tiny, tiny part of myself.
   I heard the Voice and awoke with the feeling of this Power, this Light, this Force of realization concentrated here which sets everything in motion (as always, it is always the same, a Power in motion). It was a dazzling white light. But then, what I found funny was that there I was, quite in my natural state, and this, the Ashram, was a tiny, tiny part of myself. And throughout the whole experience, it remained like thata very tiny part of myself. Everything else was I cant say deconcentrated, but an entirely general, overall activity, as it normally is every night. And I saw the Ashram quite clearlyit was something special, made for special reasons, but whereas I seemed to have an immense body, that was very small, very small. It went on for an hour. Thats what I found amusing; the other things just happen, and they may be interesting, but this was so spontaneous; I was watching it (I dont know where my head was), I was looking down from above so tiny, so tiny.
   What was me was up above, and the Ashram was It began just here (the navel) and went that way (downwards), and it was encircled, to show that it was a special Formationencircled in the inconscience of the terrestrial creation. And I was everything else, with the usual vibrations of power and light. And then one current and another current and another were passing into it, into this Formation, and they kept going in and in and in, accumulating. They kept going in, and yet they did not come out, they did not leave. It was not an undulatory movement, but rather a pulsating movementit had no beginning, it didnt go out, and yet it kept moving. Its very difficult to describe.
   The Formation represented by the Ashram was located approximately here, at the height of the navel in relation to what I was but although the body was not delimited, it had certain attributes or undefined forms, each one of which was situated in relation to the other as though each represented one part of the body; each was symbolic of either an activity or a part of the world or a mode of manifestation. So the Formation started from about here, near the navel, and went down towards the appendix Here, Ill draw you a sketch:
   Image 1
   It reminded me of tantric things. I have seen tantric Formations and how forces are systematically separated by themeach vibration, each color. Its very interesting. They are all one, and yet each is distinct. That is, they are separated in order to be distinguished and for each one to be used individually. Each one represents a particular action for obtaining something in particular. This is the special knowledge the tantrics have, I believe. Or its the reflection of their knowledge. And my impression is that when they do their pujas or say their mantras, what they are trying to do is recombine all that into the white light. Im not sure. I know they use each one separately for a separate purpose, but when they speak of their puja succeeding, it may mean that they have been able to recombine the light. But I say this very guardedly. For I would have to see X do his puja one day to really knowfrom afar Im not so sure. Its merely an impression.
   This is what I am constantly seeing now, but along with this Divine Force or this Divine Consciousness that Sri Aurobindo speaks of when he says, Mothers Force is with you. When it comes, it is sparkling white, perfectly white and perfectly luminous. And as it accumulates inside, it makes living vibrations of every color. And it goes on and on and on. Sometimes it lasts half an hour, three-quarters of an hour, an hournothing goes out. And it keeps constantly entering. And it piles up. Its as if it is all being accumulated or compressed together.

0 1960-09-20, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   After that, I made a kind of pact with them the trouble, you see, is that there are constantly new ones. If only they were the same! They are constantly coming in new floods, so there was the need of a permanent Formation over there. Ive tried to make this permanent Formation, to take and absorb them, to calm them down and scatter them a little so they dont accumulate in one spot, which in the end could be dangerous.
   I found this quite amusing.

0 1960-10-11, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I am just finishing The Synthesis of Yoga, and what Sri Aurobindo says is exactly what has happened to me throughout my life. And he explains how you can still make mistakes as long as you are not supramentalized. Sri Aurobindo describes all the ways by which images are sent to youand they are not always images or reflections of the truth of things past, present or future; there are also all the images that come from human mental Formations and all the various things that want to be considered. It is very, very interesting. And interestingly enough, in these few pages I have found a description of the work I have spent my whole life doing, trying to SIFT out all we see.
   I can only be sure of something once a certain type of picture comes, and then the whole world could tell me, But things didnt happen like that; I would reply, Sorry, but I see it. And that type of picture is certain, for I have studied it, I have studied their differences in quality and the texture of the pictures. It is very interesting.

0 1960-10-25, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   When I found this out, I immediately thought, Good, this boy caught the Formation2 X had made for the other one, and it got him back. For its really miraculous that he succeeded. But the other one, the nephew, was left stranded, nowhere to be found. It was obviously the same gang and the same method.
   Then the police got involved. They wanted to take him back to the countryside around Poona (naturally I suppose they nursed him in the meantime), but not much came out of it. Seems that wherever he remembered seeing these people, when he said he had seen them, he fainted. Finally, I was told the story, and the poor family wrote to me saying, Who are these demons with such a great power that even it withstands Mothers force as well as that of Xand who are holding our son? So X was again informed and, knowing the story of the elder brothers friend, he said, Ah, now I know where the other one is, and I hope it wont take too long. But then September 26 passedgeneral despair in the family. They wrote to me, and I concentrated.
   But I was mainly interested by the fact that I felt the danger these people representednot because they were brigands, but because they had some powerbrigands with a power and from what I saw, it was not merely an hypnotic power. There must have been a tantric force in it, otherwise they would not have been so powerful, and especially so powerful from a distance. I had said to myself, They MUST be caught. Which was why (the Force kept on working, you see). And yesterday, the newspaper said that a gang of five men, eight women and half a dozen children had been arrested by the police in Allahabad for using what the newspaper called mesmeric means to rob people, attack them, etc. (They were operating in Poona, Bombay and Ahmedabad, but they were caught in Allahabad). Probably when they realized that the boy was gone, they got frightened and fled to the North. And they were arrested in Allahabad I had made a very strong Formation and had said, They MUST be caught.
   As of now, I have no other news Theyve been caught, so they cant do any wrong OUTWARDLY, but still their power is there. Were going to have to be And everyone here says the same thinglike a black veil of unconsciousness that has fallen upon us. Even those who arent accustomed to such things have felt it. Im presently cleaning the whole placeits not easy. Everything is upside down.
   In occult language, a ' Formation' is a concentration of power towards a specific end. In this case, the tantric guru's Formation to save the nephew.
   The yearly ritual worship in honor of Durga, the universal Mother.

0 1960-11-08, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   What I saw is this world, this realm where people are like that, they live that, for its necessary to get out from below and this is a wayits a way, the only way. It was the only way for the vital Formation and the vital creation to enter into the material world, into inert matter. An intellectualized vital, a vital of ideas, an artist; it even fringes upon or has the first drops of Poetrythis Poetry which upon its peaks goes beyond the mind and becomes an expression of the Spirit. Well, when these first drops fall on earth, it stirs up mud.
   And I wondered why people are so rigid and severe, why they condemn others (but one day Ill understand this as well). I say this because very often I run into these two states of mind in my activities (the grave and serious mind which sees hypocrisy and vice, and the religious and yogic mind which sees the illusion that prevents you from nearing the Divine)and without being openly criticized, Im criticized Ill tell you about this one day

0 1960-11-15, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I had seen this earlier from another angle. In the beginning, when I started having the consciousness of immortality and when I brought together this true consciousness of immortality and the human conception of it (which is entirely different), I saw so clearly that when a human (even quite an ordinary human, one who is not a collectivity in himselfas is a writer, for example, or a philosopher or statesman) projects himself through his imagination into what he calls immortality (meaning an indefinite duration of time) he doesnt project himself alone but rather, inevitably and always, what is projected along with himself is a whole agglomeration, a collectivity or totality of things which represent the life and the consciousness of his present existence. And then I made the following experiment on a number of people; I said to them, Excuse me, but lets say that through a special discipline or a special grace your life were to continue indefinitely. What you would most likely extend into this indefinite future are the circumstances of your life, this Formation you have built around yourself that is made up of people, relationships, activities, a whole collection of more or less living or inert things.
   But that CANNOT be extended as it is, for everything is constantly changing! And to be immortal, you have to follow this perpetual change; otherwise, what will naturally happen is what now happensone day you will die because you can no longer follow the change. But if you can follow it, then all this will fall from you! Understand that what will survive in you is something you dont know very well, but its the only thing that can survive and all the rest will keep falling off all the time Do you still want to be immortal?Not one in ten said yes! Once you are able to make them feel the thing concretely, they tell you, Oh no! Oh no! Since everything else is changing, the body might as well change too! What difference would it make! But what remains is THAT; THAT is what you must truly hold on to but then you must BE THAT, not this whole agglomeration. What you now call you is not THAT, its a whole collection of things..

0 1960-11-26, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   But immediately, the following dayDarshan dayas the thing developed (you see, something was working inside), I could again turn my attention to the people who were there. And oddly enough, just when you came, there was suddenly a kind of little shock, like an electric shock, and a spark leapt out. And at that moment the Power acted for perhaps a split second You see, there has been this bad karma, this old Formation around you for a very long time, and it hadnt I recall telling you several years ago, I shall be able to cure such cases as yours only when the Supramental descends. And this feeling of incapacity, of something resisting, was still present, still aliveof not having the right power to dominate it. But just as you went by, for a second, there was this flash of like a spark when two electric wires touch. It was a golden spark, a resplendent lightzzzt! And it leapt out. Ah! I thought; its good.
   That was it.

0 1960-12-20, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   And now, all these different attitudes which individuals, groups and categories of men hold are coming from every direction (while Im walking upstairs) to assert their own points of view as the true thing. And I see that for myself, Im being forced to deal with a whole mass of things, most of which are quite futile from an ordinary point of viewnot to mention the things of which these moral or religious types disapprove. Quite interestingly, all kinds of mental Formations come like arrows while Im walking for my japa upstairs (Mother makes a gesture of little arrows in the air coming into her mental atmosphere from every direction); and yet, Im entirely in what I could call the joy and happiness of my japa, full of the energy of walking (the purpose of walking is to give a material energy to the experience, in all the bodys cells). Yet in spite of this, one thing after another comes, like this, like that (Mother draws little arrows in the air): what I must do, what I must answer to this person, what I must say to that one, what has to be done All kinds of things, most of which might be considered most futile! And I see that all this is SITUATED in a totality, and this totality I could say that its nothing but the body of the Divine. I FEEL it, actually, I feel it as if I were touching it everywhere (Mother touches her arms, her hands, her body). And all these things neither veil nor destroy nor divert this feeling of being entirely this a movement, an action in the body of the Divine. And its increasing from day to day, for it seems that He is plunging me more and more into entirely material things with the will that THERE TOO it must be done that all these things must be consciously full of Him; they are full of Him, in actual fact, but it must become conscious, with the perception that it is all the very substance of His being which is moving in everything
   It was quite beautiful on the balcony this morning

0 1961-02-11, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It all began with some extremely violent attacks. So if your dream is not premonitory, then it must be the result of their Formation, by which they intend to disseminate the conviction everywhere, as much as possible, that this is the end. Two years ago, when I had to retire to my room, a formidable campaign was set into operation upon all the Ashram people; and all those who were a little receptive, either in dreams or through an openness to suggestions, heard it clearly announced: On the 9th of December of this year [1958], Mother will leave. Theres no doubt about it, its sure. It was said to me as well: This will be the end, you will leave. It was repeated to everybody, everybody, a great many people heard itthey were virtually awaiting it. And this is why (you know how extremely ill I was at the time, I was really ill), this is why I didnt react, but all the same I didnt go to the lake [the lake estate where Mother was to have gone on the 9th of December], because I told myself, If anything happens there, it will be awkward I had better not go. But still I knew it wasnt true, I knew it.
   Now this kind of attack has stopped, it is no longer like that. But there are beings who send dreams. For example, some dreams were sent to Z (who, as you know, is quite clairvoyant), in which she was told I would be broken to pieces. She was very upset and I had to intervene. Is your dream of this nature, or are you being forewarned? I dont know, I cant say. If the doctor were asked, perhaps he would say that if it continues like this, obviously (you see, one thing after another is getting disorganized), if it continues in this way, how long can the body last?
   Two nights ago, I saw a Formation of illness over the entire Ashram, a kind of adverse Formation trying to prevent me from leaving my room, and I had to hide to get out, leave clandestinely. Oh, what a terrible atmosphere, so heavy, so grayeverybody was ill. And this Formation had some actual effects because many people fell ill who normally never do. It is an adverse Formation and theres no reason to concede its victory; its simply a force which doesnt want us to succeed, of courseso we need not pay attention.
   The trouble is, if I were thirty or forty years old, people wouldnt be affected. But unfortunately they think about how old I am all the time and it creates a bad atmosphere. After all, they keep saying, Mother is old and. All the usual nonsense.
   You see, theres a curious fluctuation possibly indicating that your dream is part of the present attack which continues with such violence. The night before last, between midnight and half-past, there was a formidable attack. When I emerged from it, I felt that something had lifted, a victory had been won and that the bodys condition had improved. It happens like that, the horizon clears and this Certainty comes with. (The presence is always hereSri Aurobindo and I are together almost every night but the night when I saw that Formation, the illness spell over the Ashram, Sri Aurobindo was quite sick in his bed, just as I saw him in 1950.) So when it lifts, all is well: once again there is harmony, there is joy, there is force and again the whole thing continues, the effort continues, consciously. Yet there is a kind of fluctuation: it will go on like that for a few moments or a few hours and then suddenly everything becomes muddled again and I am beset by a fatigue. A fatigue which is I cant say almost unbearable, because nothing in the consciousness feels it to be unbearable but it makes me like this (Mother clenches her fist tightly in a tension to hold on).
   For example, at five-thirty in the evening, after Ive spent an hour and a half here with people, its a labor to climb the stairs; and by the time I get upstairs, I feel strained to the breaking point. Then I begin to walk (I dont stop, I dont rest), I immediately begin to walk with my japa, and within half an hour, pfft! it has lifted.

0 1961-02-18, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I tell you this because just now as we were speaking about the book and you were saying it would come all at once in a single flow, I saw a kind of globe, like a suna sun shedding a twinkling dust of incandescent light (the sun was moving forward and this dust came twinkling in front of it), like this (gesture). It came towards you, then made a circle around you as if to say, Here is the Formation. It was magnificent! There was a creative warmth in it, a warmth like the sunsa power of Truth. And here again, I was given the same impression: that what Sri Aurobindo has come to bring is not a teaching, not even a revelation, but a FORMIDABLE action coming direct from the Supreme.
   It is something pouring over the world.

0 1961-03-17, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And it all exists PRIMARILY because each individual is shut up in his own little personal Formation (Mother forms an eggshell), a Formation of the most ordinary mind, the mind that fabricates the details of everyday life; its like being cramped into a narrow prison.
   Satprem later asked if this 'on earth' wasn't superfluous and Mother replied: 'This precision is not superfluous; I said "on earth" meaning that man does not belong only to the earth: in his essence, man is a universal being, but he has a special manifestation on earth.'

0 1961-03-27, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its best to wait and see. I put a certain force into that note I wrote this morning (I wrote it at a very early hour) and you know that a Formation4 is created when I write; I willed it to go to himand he may have received it. Well see what happens. Its better not to speak of it because it might speaking is too external.
   On other occasions (as I have told you) I had difficulties with X on the mental plane; now all that has cleared up, cleared up very well. But this present situation is on another plane, so lets wait. Perhaps probably it will clear up.
   In the occult sense, a ' Formation' signifies a concentration of power or force directed towards a particular goal. it is like a bullet of force going inexorably to its target. In fact, all beings are constantly making ' Formations' with their thoughts and desires, but these Formations have scarcely any power other than that of clinging to the one who has made them or returning upon him like a boomerang.
   The following undated note (which could date from this or any number of other times!) was found among Mother's scattered papers: Now the situation has become very critical, all the reserves have been swallowed up, there are debts, many important works remain unfinished and the daily life has become a problem. It is the subsistence of more than 1,200 people which is in question.

0 1961-05-19, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But this body is still much too open to peoples mental Formations, so it has to struggle against oh!
   Thats my reproach to itwhy does it struggle? Why, suddenly, do I have a terrible fatigue falling over me and have to brace myself? The body, naturally, does only one thingit automatically repeats the mantra; then all becomes quiet, all is set in order. But why is this effort necessary? It should be done automatically [the sweeping away of bad vibrations]. Why is there a need to remember or to put up a struggle? Oh, a battle!

0 1961-06-27, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I have what could be called a tactile sensation that the contents of the subtle atmosphere are increasing. This atmosphere is not part of material space as we conceive of or see it physically, where one thing has to give place to another (Mother changes the position of an eraser on the table)and even that (laughing) I believe is an illusion! It only SEEMS like that to us! Its not on the wholly material plane, but just behind or within (how to put it?), and its contents are increasing. And as its happening within inner dimensions, it can augment, so to speak, indefinitely; things become more and more interwoven, if you see what I meanwhere there was one phenomenon of consciousness there may now be hundreds, interwoven with each other in the inner dimensions; which means, for example, considering only our tiny planet, that the earth is becoming more and more compact and rich with all that has been since the beginning of its Formationbecause its all there, it is all still there.
   Actually, as soon as one is not totally, totally tied down by the physical sense organs. For example, I am more and more frequently experiencing changes in the quality of vision. Quite recently, yesterday or the day before, I was sitting in the bathroom drying my face before going out and I raised my eyes (I was sitting before a mirror, although I dont usually look at myself); I raised my eyes and looked, and I saw many things (Mother laughs, greatly amused). At that moment, I had an experience which made me say to myself, Ah! Thats why, from the physical, purely material standpoint, my vision seems to be a bit blurred. Because what I was seeing was MUCH clearer and infinitely more expressive than normal physical sight. And I recalled that it is with these clearer eyes that I see and recognize all my people at balcony darshan. (From the balcony I recognize all my people.) And its that vision (but with open eyes!) which. It is of another order.

0 1961-07-07, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I am putting this purposely into rather childish terms so that it will be clearly understood. But this is the way it is. I am sure of it because I have observed it in myself for a VERY long time, and I had to. Due to the whole subconscious Formation of childhoodenvironment, education, and so forthwe have to DRUM into this (Mother touches her body) the consciousness of Unity : the absolute, EXCLUSIVE unity of the Divineexclusive in the sense that nothing exists apart from this Unity, even the things which seem most repulsive.
   Sri Aurobindo also had to struggle against this because he too received a Christian education. And these Aphorisms are the result the floweringof the necessity to struggle against the subconscious Formation which has produced such questions (Mother takes on a scandalized tone): How can God be weak? How can God be foolish? How. But there is nothing but God! He alone exists, there is nothing outside of Him. And whatever seems repugnant to us is something He no longer wishes to existHe is preparing the world so that this no longer manifests, so that the manifestation can pass beyond this state to something else. So of course we violently reject everything in us that is destined to leave the active manifestation. There is a movement of rejection.
   Yet it is He. There is nothing other than He! This should be repeated from morning to night, from night to morning, because we forget it every minute.

0 1961-07-15, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   For example, as I was saying at the beginning, the bodys Formation has a very minimal, a quite subordinate importance for a saint or a sage. But for this supramental work, the way the body is formed has an almost crucial importance, and not at all in relation to spiritual elements nor even to mental power: these aspects have no importance AT ALL. The capacity to endure, to last is the important thing.
   Well, in that respect, it is absolutely undeniable that my body has an infinitely greater capacity than Sri Aurobindos had.

0 1961-07-18, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Pralaya: The destruction of a universe at the end of a cycle. According to Hindu cosmology, the Formation of each universe begins with an 'age of truth' (satya-yuga) which slowly degenerates, like the stars, till there is no truth left at all; it becomes a 'dark age'(kali-yuga) like ours, and ends with a cataclysm. Then a new universe is reborn out of this cataclysm and the cycle begins again. There is a correspondence here with a modern cosmological theory according to which a phase of contraction, of galaxies collapsing upon themselves, follows a phase of expansion and precedes a new explosion ('Big Bang') of the 'primal egg'and so on, in a recurring and apparently endless and aimless series of cosmic births which, like our own human births, develop, attain some sort of 'summit,' then collapse, always to begin again. According to Theon, our present universe is the seventh but where is the 'beginning'?
   Note that modern astronomy is divided between the theory of endless phases of contraction-explosion-expansion, and the theory of a universe in infinite expansion starting with a 'Big Bang,' which seems quite as catastrophic, since the universe is then plunging at vertiginous speed into an increasingly cold, empty, and fatal infinity, like a bullet released from all restraints of gravity, until... until what? According to astronomers, an exact measurement of the quantity of matter in a cubic meter of the present universe (one atom for every 400 liters of space) should enable us to decide between these two theories and learn which way it will be best for us to die. If there is more than one atom per 400 liters of space, this quantity of matter will create sufficient gravitation to halt the present expansion of galaxies and induce a contraction, ending with an explosion within an infinitesimal space. If there is less than one atom per 400 liters of space, the quantity of matter and thus the gravitational effect will be insufficient to retain the galaxies within their invisible net, and everything will spin off endlesslyunless we discover, with Mother, a third position, that of a 'progressive equilibrium,' in which the quantity of matter in the universe proves in fact to be a quantity of consciousness, whose contraction or expansion will be regulated by the laws of consciousness.

0 1961-08-02, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It was only (how can I put it?) a participation from Krishna. It made no difference for Sri Aurobindo personally: it was a Formation from the past that accepted to participate in the present creation, nothing more. It was a descent of the Supreme, from some time back, now consenting to participate in the new manifestation.
   Shiva, on the other hand, refused. No, he said, I will come only when you have finished your work. I will not come into the world as it is now, but I am ready to help. He was standing in my room that day, so tall (laughing) that his head touched the ceiling! He was bathed in his own special light, a play of red and gold magnificent! Just as he is when he manifests his supreme consciousnessa formidable being! So I stood up and (I too must have become quite tall, because my head was resting on his shoulder, just slightly below his head) then he told me, No, Im not tying myself to a body, but I will give you ANYTHING you want. The only thing I said (it was all done wordlessly, of course) was: I want to be rid of the physical ego.

0 1961-09-16, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   This morning when I was walking, the program of the day and the work ahead of me was so formidable that I felt it to be impossible. And yet simultaneously there was this immobile inner POSITION in me; as soon as I stop my movement of Formation and action, it becomes like a dance of joy: all the cells vibrating (there is a sort of vivacity, and an extraordinary music), all the cells vibrant with the joy of the Presence the divine Presence. But when I see the outside world entering and attacking, well this joy doesnt exactly disappear, but it retreats. And the result is that I always feel like sitting down and keeping stillwhen I can do that it is marvelous. But of course, all the suggestions from outside come in: suggestions of helplessness and old age, of wear and tear, of diminishing power, all thatand I know positively that its false. But calm in the body is indispensable. Well, for me also Sri Aurobindos answer is always the same: Be simple, be simple, very simple.
   And I know what he means: to deny entry to regimenting, organizing, prescriptive, judgmental though the wants none of all that. What he calls being simple is a joyous spontaneity; in action, in expression, in movement, in lifebe simple, be simple, be simple. A joyous spontaneity. To rediscover in evolution that condition he calls divine, which was a spontaneous and happy condition. He wants us to rediscover that. And for days now he has been here telling me (and the same goes for your work): Be simple, be simple, be simple. And in his simplicity was a luminous joy.

0 1961-10-15, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   One sees glimpses of it. I told you Ive often seen it with X. I also saw it with another tantric who came here (someone said to be greatly renowned in the North)this sort of very well organized mental power, a mental-physical power. But it was always vibrating or intermittent or partial, passing flashes or fluctuating Formations. Here it wasnt that; it was a feeling of eternity.
   Normally one would have said that my body was in trance; yet it could move, it could speaksince I did speak to you; but nevertheless, it was a peculiar feeling (which I still have somewhat), like having a head too large for my body. Its not painful or disagreeable, but Im not used to it.

0 1962-01-09, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Later, when he withdrew and put me in front, there was naturally a bit more activity, as well as the semblance of responsibility but it was only a semblance. What security! A sense of total, total security for thirty years. Not once. There was just a single scratch, so to speak, when he had that accident and broke his leg. There was a Formation at work (an adverse force) and he wasnt taking sufficient precautions for himself because it was directed against both of us, and more especially against me (it had tried once or twice to fracture my skull, things like that). Well, he was so intent on keeping it from seriously touching my body that it managed to sneak in and break his leg. That was a shock. But he straightened everything out again almost immediatelyit all fell back into place and went on like that till the end.
   And the feeling was so strong that even during his illness (which lasted for months, you know), I had a sense of perfect security; so much so that the idea of his life being really affected in the least by this illness couldnt even occur to me! I didnt want to believe it when the doctor said, Its over. I didnt want to believe it. And as long as I stayed in the room with me in the room he couldnt leave his body. And so there was a terrible tension in himon the one hand the inner will to depart, and then this thing holding him there in his body: the fact that I knew he was alive and could only be alive. He had to signal me to go to my room, supposedly to rest (I didnt rest); and no sooner had I left his room than he was gone.

0 1962-01-15, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The reader will remember the Formation of the Kuo-min-tang and the troubles in the Yangtze Valley which took place in October 1911 and led to the fall of the Manchu Dynasty in 1912. Thus it was in October 1906, at Tlemcen, that Mother had the encounter she relates here. It was also in 1906 that Mao Tse-tung, at the age of fourteen, came into conflict with his father, a prelude to his revolutionary career.

0 1962-02-24, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   For a long time, several months, things were constantly on the brink, and dangerously so; I felt they could go either this way or that. Then on my birthday1 something suddenly tilted. All at once a Formation seemed to have been lifted, a Formation weighing terribly on I wont say on what, because it appeared to be everything it was lifted with the sweep of a hand, exactly the same movement Sri Aurobindo used for taking away illnesses.2
   It has made a tremendous change for this body, as though I had abruptly gotten out of a very tight corner.
   But what was that Formation?
   I dont know.
   The last time X came, I was very ill the day he arrived and he was called to my room upstairsactually I wanted him to come upstairs for several reasons, so he could see certain things. But he didnt see a thing, or if he did, he was reluctant to say so. Oh, its a physical ailment, he said (it isnt true, I had no physical ailmentperhaps he didnt want to say it), its a physical ailment; something may be acting from outside, but it doesnt amount to much. But it seems to me the Formation was made a long time ago I was always feeling attacked and it must have been skillfully made!4
   It was that or else, as I often thought, some necessary preparation for the work something that had to be done.
   I began three days ago, but I keep getting entangled with the traditional Formation around it: Oh, its dangerous, its dangerous, be careful. So this morning I thought Id better speak to you about it.
   Are you doing it without instructions?
   No, the danger is MAINLY a thought Formation.
   You can achieve excellent control of the heart. But I never practiced it violently, never strained myself. I think holding for 16 is too long. I used to do it simply like this: brea the in very slowly to the count of 4, then hold for 4 like this (I still have the knack of it!), lifting the diaphragm and lowering the head8 (Mother bends her neck), closing everything and exerting pressure (this is an almost instantaneous cure for hiccupsits handy!). Then while I held the air, I would make it circulate with the force (because it contained force, you see) and with the peace as well; and I would concentrate it wherever there was a physical disorder (a pain or something wrong somewhere). Its very effective. The way I did it was: inhale, hold, exhale and emptyyou are completely empty. Its very useful; very handy for underwater swimmers, for instance!
   I dont know why, but I got entangled with that traditional Formation which says its dangerous.
   Someone put it on you, mon petit!
   I think you can safely forget about this Formation.
   But instead of doing equal amounts of time, it might be better to do less for inhaling and more for holding the breath. The holding part is extremely interesting! When the air is inside, lets say you have a headache or a sore throat or a pain in your arm, anything then you take the air (Mother demonstrates) and direct it to the unwell part very, very helpful and pleasant and interesting. You see the force go to the spot, settle in and stay there, all sorts of things.

0 1962-02-27, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   With a universal mental vision, you can see (and this is very interesting) how the mental world operates to get realized on the physical plane. You see the various mental Formations, how they converge, conflict, combine and relate to one another, which ones get the upper hand, exert a stronger influence and achieve a more total realization. Now, if you really want a higher vision, you must get out of the mental world and see the original wills as they descend to take expression. In this case, you may not have all the details, but the central FACT, the fact in its central truth, is indisputable, undeniable, absolutely correct.
   Some people also have the faculty of predicting things already existing on earth but at a distance, far from physical eyestheyre generally those who have the capacity to expand and extend their consciousness. Their vision is slightly more subtle than physical vision, and depends on an organ subtler than its purely material counterpart (what could be called the life of this organ). So, by projecting their consciousness, and having the will to see, they can clearly see things that already exist but are beyond our ordinary field of vision. Those who have this capacitysincere people who tell what they see, not blufferssee with perfect precision and exactness.

0 1962-03-11, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   To begin with, I said that the vital is peopled by small entities, small Formations, the remnants of human beings who have died. But there is a whole vital world which has nothing to do with that one, a world peopled by beings of the vital proper, beings of great power and even great beauty. Most people who dabble in occultism without having a deep enough spiritual life are immediately deluded by themsome even take them as the supreme God and worship them. Thats generally how religions are created. They are a great success. They are the supreme God of many a religion they are beings of the vital world, and can assume an appearance of overwhelming beauty. They are the biggest impostors in the world, and dangerous at that; it takes the spiritual instinct, the instinct of true spiritual purity, not to be deceived by them. Many religions and sects are founded on revelations and miracles, and every bit of it comes from vital beings.
   Its one of the greatest problems in human life; I dont mean spiritual life, but the life of people who deal with the beyond.

0 1962-05-18, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It has gradually come back, in the sense that actively. No, I cant even say thatits not true. What has come back is the increasingly precise memory of how I had organized the life of this body, the whole Formation I had made, down to the smallest details for the things I was using, how I was making use of them, how I had organized all the objects around the body, all that. What has come back is the memoryis it memory? The awareness of all that has returned, as if I were putting the two back into contact. And so, instead of the body being left totally in the hands of those around me, the Formation I had made is coming back, with certain changes, certain improvements and simplifications (but mind you, I had neither the intention nor the will to change anythingthose things are simply coming back into the consciousness like that, with certain changes made). In short, its a kind of conscious Formation recrystallizing around this body.
   And I have the perception a sensation, really, the sensation of something not at all me, but entrusted to me. More and more now, there is the feeling of something being entrusted to me in the universal organization for a definite purpose. Thats really the sensation I have now (the mind is very calm, so its difficult to express I dont think all these things, they are more like perceptions). And its not the usual kind of sensation: the ONLY (I insist on this), the ONLY sensation that remains in the old way is physical pain. And really, those points of pain they seem like the SYMBOLIC POINTS of what remains of the old consciousness.
   What is coming back is the way objects the whole mass of material substance making up this bodys environmenthad been organized; thats what is coming back, with some small changes (none of this comes through the head; the head has nothing to do with it). It is a sort of Formation reconcretizing itself for lifes outer organization.
   The old way of relating no longer exists at all.

0 1962-05-27, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Let me put it to you more clearly: your physical body, for example, should have been either stronger or more supple or endowed with certain very strong vital compensations, so that you wouldnt suffer from your working conditions. Of course, for someone following a yogic ascent, whose soul is in the process of Formation, the external conditions of life are normally what is best for inner development, whatever that may beeven if, on the surface, those conditions arent good. So the only advice you can give such a person is, Well, either renounce the spiritual life or else putup with it. But thats not your case. There is a Mission, a work, and a kind of gap between a certain physical Formation and that Mission. So if you ask me plainly what I see, I can tell you plainly, instead of saying as I would to certain sadhaks or anyone sincerely wanting to do yoga, Take it or leave it; you must learn to transform yourself inwardly to the point where you can master the body and its needs. I cant tell you that, because thats not how it is for you.
   I mean it may beit may be that even an inner trans Formation (a complete conversion of the vital being, for instance) wouldnt necessarily bring an improvement in your health. It is here where. Its not something I see imperatively. And to go back to ordinary life would be the end of everythingof your physical life and your inner life too.

0 1962-05-31, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The only thing to do is not torment yourself and to say to the Lord (in all sincerity, of course), Its up to You. Rid me of this. And it is very effective. Very effective. At times I have had old things like that dissolved in a flash; certain inveterate little habitsso stupid, but so ingrained you cant get rid of them. Then, while doing japa or walking or meditating or whatever, suddenly the flame flares up and (you have really had enough of it; it disgusts you, you want it to change, you really want the change) and you say to the Lord, I cant do it on my own. (You very sincerely know you cant do it; you have tried and tried and tried and have achieved exactly nothingyou cant do it.) Well then, I offer it to YouYou do it. Just like that. And all at once you see the thing fading away. It is simply wonderful. You know how Sri Aurobindo used to take away someones pain? Its exactly the same. Certain habits bound up with the bodys Formation.
   One day I will certainly use the same method on those room changes, but for that it will have to become very clear and distinct, well defined in the consciousness. Because that change of room (intellectually you would call it a change of consciousness, but that means nothing at all; were dealing here with something very, very material) I have sometimes gone through it without experiencing ANY CHANGE OF EFFECT, which probably means I was centered not in the material consciousness but in a higher consciousness dwelling and looking on from elsewherea witness consciousness and I was in a state where everything flows flows like a river of tranquil peace. Truly, its marvelousall creation, all life, all movements, all things, and everything like a single mass, with the body in the midst of it all, blending homogeneously with the whole and it all flows on like a river of peace, peaceful and smiling, on to infinity. And then oops! You trip (gesture of inversion2) and once again find yourself SITUATEDyou ARE somewhere, at some specific moment of time; and then theres a pain here, a pain there, a pain. And sometimes I have seen, I have witnessed the change from the one to the other WITHOUT feeling the pains or experiencing the thing concretely, which means that I wasnt at all in the body, I wasnt BOUND to the body I was seeing, only seeing, just like a witness. And its always accompanied by the kind of observation an indulgent (but not blind) friend might make: But why? Why that again? Thats how it comes. Whats the use of that? And I cant catch hold of what makes it happen.

0 1962-06-27, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You know, mon petit, I said one day that in the history of earth, wherever there was a possibility for the Consciousness to manifest, I was there1; this is a fact. Its like the story of Savitri: always there, always there, always there, in this one, that oneat certain times there were four emanations simultaneously! At the time of the Italian and French Renaissance. And again at the time of Christ, then too. Oh, you know, I have remembered so many, many things! It would take volumes to tell it all. And then, more often than not (not always, but more often than not), what took part in this or that life was a particular yogic Formation of the vital beingin other words something immortal.2 And when I came this time, as soon as I took up the yoga, they came back again from all sides, they were waiting. Some were simply waiting, others were working (they led their own independent lives) and they all gathered together again. Thats how I got those memories. One after the other, those vital beings camea deluge! I had barely enough time to assimilate one, to see, situate and integrate it, and another would come. They are quite independent, of course, they do their own work, but they are very centralized all the same. And there are all kindsall kinds, anything you can imagine! Some of them have even been in men: they are not exclusively feminine.
   At first, I used to think they were fantasies.
   But this one [the tall white Being] is not of human origin; it was not formed in a human life: it is a being that had already incarnated, and is one of those who presided over the Formation of this present being [Mother]. But, as I said, I saw it: it was sexless, neither male nor female, and as intrepid as the vital can be, with a calm but absolute power. Ah, I found a very good description of it in one of Sri Aurobindos plays, when he speaks of the goddess Athena (I think its in Perseus, but I am not sure); she has that kind of its an almighty calm, and with such authority! Yes, its in Perseuswhen she appears to the Sea-God and forces him to retreat to his own domain. Theres a description there that fits this Being quite well.3
   Besides, all the Greek gods are various aspects of a single thing: you see it this way, that way, that way, this way (turning her hand, Mother seems to show several facets of a single prism). But its simply one and the same thing.4
   Each of these Formations had an independent, immortal existence.
   A whiteness and a strength is in the skies... Virgin formidable In beauty, disturber of the ancient world!... How art thou white and beautiful and calm, Yet clothed in tumult! Heaven above thee shakes Wounded with lightnings, goddess, and the sea Flees from thy dreadful tranquil feet.

0 1962-07-11, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Some of the people concerned are here, others elsewhere that is, its the mental state (even the higher mind in some cases, not necessarily very down-to-earth) of this one or that one or. It comes individually (and the persons name along with it). And a kind of uneasiness takes hold of my body, as if I were in the presence of I dont know, in ordinary life I would say, Go away! (Mother brusquely shoos something away) But here it is presented for me to do a particular work (I know the people, some are here, others elsewhere; theyre people I am in touch with for the yoga). So I am faced with these mental Formations and each one is HELD like this (Mother grips the thing with both hands) so that I dont simply brush it aside. Then (its certainly a good opportunity to go completely crazy!) I slowly bring in the divine Vibration, and I hold it like this, without moving (Mother holds this vibration tight and drives it in like a sword of light), without moving until everything fades away into silence.
   I havent had the chance (laughing) to ask them what happened to them!

0 1962-07-14, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And simultaneously there is an automatic perception of timeclock timewhich is rather curious (everything is regulated by the comings and goings of the people around me, you see: such a thing at this time, such a thing at that time), I dont need to hear the clock I am warned just before it strikes. I repeat one part of the japa in a particular way while lying down, because the Power is greater (these arent meditations, they are actions), and another part while walking. So I stay stretched out for a certain time, I walk for a certain time, and at a fixed hour this one goes, another comes, and so on. But none of them are people; I dont tell them so, but theyre not people: they are movements of the Lord. And its extremely interestingone of the Lords movements will have this particular character, another movement will have a different type of vibration, and they all harmonize very nicely into a whole. But I know what time it is just before the clock strikes: six oclock, 6:30, 7:00, 7:30, like that. Not with the words six, seven, but: its time, its time, its time. And along with thisthis clockwork precision I have that other notion of time which is quite different, its. Although its a very rigid convention, our time is a living Formation with its own living power here in the world of action. The other time is the rhythm of consciousness. So according to the intensity of the Presence (theres a concentration and an expansion, I mean), according to this pulsationwhich can vary, its not regular and mechanicalwalking around the room takes either no time at all, or else an ENORMOUS amount of time. But this doesnt interfere with the other time, theres no contradiction. Our time is on a different plane, something far more external; but it has its usefulness and its own law, and the one doesnt hinder the other.4
   And its gradually becoming foreseeable that.5

0 1962-08-08, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I am making some interesting discoveries. They arent really discoveries, but nowadays none of these things are theoretical, not the least bit mental (the mind is in a quiet ease)theyre essentially practical. And they take unexpected forms. The other day as I was walking, an old Formation suddenly popped up, some. thing that had already tried to materialize when Sri Aurobindo was still here, but which he had stopped. It was one possibility among innumerable others, trying to manifest in this bodys existence I wont say what it is.
   It was one of the very saddest things that could manifest physically in association with a spiritual life.
   Well, wellwhy has that returned? I wondered. And then I saw that this body has been built in such a way that it instinctively ATTRACTS ordeals, painful experiences. And in the face of such Formations, it is always passive, consenting, accepting, and totally confident in the ultimate outcome, with such an ingrained certitude that even at the moment of greatest difficulty, it will be helped and saved, and that the purpose behind all those ordeals is to speed up, to gain time, and to exhaust all the I cant say the evil possibilities, but all the hindrancesthings that hamper, block the way and seem to negate the goalso that they are pushed back into the past and no longer hinder progress.
   Once I saw that, the Formation went away. It had come just to show me that. And once again the body gave its eternal assent: no matter what its burdened with, it will always be ready to receive and to bear it.
   I never thought this would have any consequences, but it did!1 Something probably needed to be exhausted. So physically speaking, yesterday was a pretty bad dayoh, only quite externally! In fact, the body was luminously conscious, profoundly happy and joyous, to the point where all suffering becomes negligibleyou dont notice it. And so it was a real opportunity for the whole entourage to make progress. That helps.
   Ive had this great formative power ever since my earliest childhood, but I had channeled it and stopped it because I considered it useless. But it came back recently, along with the sure sign that it was coming from the very highest origin: This is it, this is how things will be. But thats for later, of course. To our external reason, those things seem totally unrealizable, but they will be realizable in perhaps a few hundred years, I dont knowits the future being prepared. And indeed, that vision has a tremendous power of creation and realization, and it is always felt physically (the rest is very still), its always physical. But it triggered a kind of very rapid movement of the physical consciousness (within the most material substance), and caused a dislocation. And so2 the day before yesterday, that old Formation suddenly returned and made me understand one aspect of the bodys nature, the way the body is CONSTRUCTED and the usefulness of that construction. So now things are all right. It has been one more step.
   But when you receive those bad vibrations affecting your body,3 are they exhausted by your accepting them?
   Its not that I receive bad vibrations, but that the physical substance is not entirely (how can I explain?) in the proper movement or rhythm. For instance, between the vision of that old Formation I spoke of and this (I cant call it a toothache, but anyway, something went wrong) there was no visible connection to speak of. The toothache wasnt caused by a particular vibration, its rather as if one thing or another provided the opportunity for absorbing a certain quantity or type of vibration (its more a quantity than a typeprobably both), a vibratory MODE, in order to put it in contact with THE vibratory mode the divine one.
   But I understand your question. You want to know if this has an effect on all identical vibratory modes in the world. In principle, yes. But the effects may not be immediately visible; in the first place, our field of observation is nothingmaterially, what do we know? Only our immediate surroundings thats nothing. In 1920, for example, I had an experience of that type, which resulted in a symbolic but terrestrial action. It was a vision (I dont remember enough details to make it interesting) where each nation was represented by a symbolic entity, and there was a certain type of horrorof terror, rather. A certain will of terror was trying to manifest in that gathering of all nations. And I was witness to the whole thing. I remember it being a very conscious and rather long and detailed vision with a more intense reality than physical things have (it was in the subtle physical). And after it was over and I had done what needed to be done (I am not saying what because I dont remember all the details, and without accuracy it loses its value), when I came out of it I could say with TOTAL conviction: Terror has been overcome in the world. Of course, its not literally true, plenty of people still feel terror, but a certain type of terror was as if UNDERMINED at the foundations. What had already manifested kept on and is gradually being exhausted, but the terror that was trying to increase and dominate the life of nations was stopped cold.
   Mother's cheek is swollen from an abscessed tooth.... Note that Satprem had assumed that "I never thought this would have any consequences" referred to the visit from the old Formation. Mother corrected: "It is subtler than that! I didn't think THAT EXPERIENCE would have any consequences, because the old Formation is meaningless nowit was connected with Sri Aurobindo (I didn't want to say it, but it was connected with Sri Aurobindo's physical presence), so now it has no more meaning, it cannot be realized. He did what was necessary to make its realization utterly impossible. But this experience is like a REMINDER of what was. I didn't think it would have any consequences, but it did!"
   Mother touches her cheek.
   Later, Satprem asked if this "and so" was connected to what precedes itif the old Formation was connected to the vision of the future. Mother answered: "I think it is connected. I am not sure, but I think it is. I have the feeling that this curve of future realization is what put me in contact with the old Formations that used to come to me [ Formations of creative imagination], and this put me in contact with one of the body's habits, and so on; and that habit of the body triggered this kind of toothache."
   The abscessed tooth.

0 1962-08-14, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It seems he said that if we could make it to 1964, afterwards the difficulties would disappear. (But this is a very strong Formationwhat did he pick up? Is it Sri Aurobindos Formation? Is it the boys thought, or what?) But hes a wonderful mind-reader; he must have a marvelous power of vision in the mental world.
   It really amused me. If you asked if you asked people here, not too many would have such a clear idea: They have come to do something entirely new and very difficult.

0 1962-09-08, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Little by little, what was bound to happen has happened: you have a relationship with an X who isnt the real X, but your OWN Formation of X (I have already told you this), an ideal X youve set up inside yourself. Well, youd better stop associating your ideal with X, because they dont match!
   But how should I act outwardly, what should I do?

0 1962-09-26, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Basically, its part of the old path, a consequence of all that has happened, of the whole universal Formation as we know it. People who believe in essential Evil would say its a consequence of the accident of creation. But is it an accident? I have my doubts. It has yet to be revealed. And we wont know until until its over.
   I am speaking in riddles, but what else can I do!

0 1962-10-12, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It is quite remarkable that it was the body-consciousness that discoverednine years after his passingSri Aurobindo's abode (experience of July 24-25, 1959). The world where Mother went is thus a material world, not an "inner" world. The other Matter, the true Matter? We recall that in her very last Playground class, on November 28, 1958, Mother said: "Through each individual Formation, physical substance progresses, and one day it will be able to build a bridge between physical life as we know it and the supramental life that is to manifest."

0 1962-10-27, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   No, what you find there are thought Formations that are expressed in each persons brain in his own language. There are thought combinations for novels, plays, even philosophical systems. They are combinations of pure thought, not formulated in any language, but they are automatically expressed in each ones brain according to his particular language. It is the domain of pure thought. Thats where you work when you want to work for the whole earth; you dont send out thoughts formulated in words, you send out a pure thought, which then formulates itself in any language in any brain: in all those who are receptive. These Formations are at anyones disposalnobody can say, Its MY idea, its MY book. Anyone capable of ascending to that zone can get hold of the Formations and transcribe them materially. I once made an experiment of that kind; I wanted to see what would happen, so I made a Formation myself and let it go off on its way. And in the same year, two quite different people, who didnt even know each other, one in England and the other in America, got hold of my Formation; the one in England wrote a book, while the one in America created a play. And circumstances so arranged themselves that both the book and the play found their way to me.
   Higher up, there is a fourth zone, a zone of colored lights, plays of colored lights. Thats the order: first form, then sound, then ideas, then colored lights. But that zone is already more distant from humanity; it is a zone of forces, a zone which appears as colored lights. No formscolored lights representing forces. And one can combine these forces so that they work in the terrestrial atmosphere and bring about certain events. Its a zone of action, independent of form, sound and thought; it is above all that. A zone of active power and might you can use for a particular purposeif you have the capacity to do so.

0 1962-10-30, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   To have it (just to give you an idea) took me a year of exclusive concentration on finding that within myself that is, to enter into contact with the immanent God. I did nothing but that, thought of nothing but that, wanted nothing but that. There was even a rather funny instance, because I had resolved to do it (I had already been working for a very long time, of course; Madame Thon had told me about my mission on earth and all that, so you can imagine I am talking about the psychic being belonging to this present creation, this FormationMo ther touches her body) anyway, it was New Years Eve and I decided: Within the coming year. I had a large, almost square studio, a bit bigger than this room, with a door leading onto a patio. I opened the little door and looked at the sky and there, just as I looked, was a shooting star. You know the tradition: if you formulate an aspiration just as you see a shooting star, before the star disappears, it will be realized within the year. And there, just as I opened the door, was a shooting star I was totally in my aspiration: Union with the inner Divine. And before the end of December of the following year, I had the experience.
   But I was entirely concentrated on that. I was in Paris, and I did nothing else but that; when I walked down the street, I was thinking only of that. One day, as I was crossing the Boulevard Saint Michel, I was almost run over (Ive told you this), because I was thinking of nothing but thatconcentrating, concentrating like sitting in front of a closed door, and it was painful! (intense gesture to the chest) Physically painful, from the pressure. And then suddenly, for no apparent reason I was neither more concentrated nor anything elsepoof! It opened. And with that. It didnt just last for hours, it lasted for months, mon petit! It didnt leave me, that light, that dazzling light, that light and immensity. And the sense of THAT willing, THAT knowing, THAT ruling the whole life, THAT guiding everythingsince then, this sense has never left me for a minute. And always, whenever I had a decision to make, I would simply stop for a second and receive the indication from there.

0 1962-12-12, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And simultaneously, an old Formation I hadnt seen for a long time fell on me again: distaste for writing, desire to leave, things like that.
   Yes, there was a hostile onslaught.

0 1962-12-15, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There are four classifications of terrestrial Formations: mineral, vegetal, animal, and psycho-intellectual or human-divine. Among the four, in order, there are no divisions.
   Divine unity, embodied and manifested by collective humanity.

0 1962-12-19, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The next day it wasnt like that any more; the work had been done the day before, in one minute (it gets done very quickly, but in a very intense and violent way). I had purposely gone to the room the previous evening, to set things in order, and so the next day it was better, the work was already done. Then I sat down at the organ it was much better than I expected. It was as if a Formation were waiting, and as soon as I sat down it descended. Oh, a marvelous musical joy! I didnt have to look and when I wasnt looking, I saw everything from within: all the notes, my hands, everything, with eyes closed. And so it descended I was very happy. I must have played for a good twenty minutes.
   After twenty minutes, something said, Thats enough. And I saw that it was enough for the body, that it shouldnt exert itself further the Formation withdrew. I couldnt have played a single note more! It was very interesting. And I realized that, truly, the will that moves my body isnt at all the same as before. Previously, it was the will of the being that had been placed into and formed in this body (it wasnt personal but still very individual). While now its not that: its a Will somewhere (somewhere which is everywhere and in everything), a Will somewhere that decides, and when it says Do, the body does; when it says No, nothing in the world could make the body move. And so, that conscious something somewhere, which is like an intermediary between the higher Will and the body and its outer life, has to tell the body, This is necessary. The body never protests, because that which speaks knows VERY WELL. It says, This is necessary, all right, the body does it. But when it says, Thats enough, now, the body stops. Because (how can I express it?) FOR THE BODY, the Most High knows better than the intermediary. In regard to circumstances and the vision of the work to be done, its all one; but for taking care of and educating the body, That (gesture on high) knows best. The intermediary doesnt really care (!), but when That says do, its done; inished, and its finished. Its very interesting.
   Naturally, the whole crowd and the people around me kept asking, Now that its all set up, when will there be balcony darshans again? (Because when I came back inside I said, So! Youve built a balcony, have you?). When are we going to have them again? So the intermediary said, I dont know, its not up to me. Consternation! Then I kept very quiet for a little while, listening on high, and from high, high up there came, very slowly (it comes practically drop by drop because you have to do it VERY quietlyit comes drop by drop), what That said I had to reply: Nothing definite. I was told, It depends. It all depends I clearly see that it all depends on the special work being done on my body and on the results of that work. And it isnt formulated: I am not told, I am not told whats going to happen; I am only told, Heres how it might be. (Mother laughs) All right. Thats fine, I said.

0 1963-01-09, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Even now I have to proceed very, very slowlynot to go off at a gallop. I am surrounded by people who say, Oh, shes seriously ill! Whats going to happen? and they make things difficult for me. Because I still have to sweep it all aside with the Force: Keep quiet! Dont you go making Formations that add to the difficulty.
   You see how far we are from those romantic trans Formations where people emerge from their meditation rejuvenated, transfigured, luminousoh, dear me! That will be mere childs play. At the end, it will be nothing: well just have to do this (Mother blows one puff in the air), and it will be there.

0 1963-03-09, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   That was when he brought the supramental Force into the mental consciousness. He would bring into the mental consciousness (the mental consciousness that governs all material movements1) a supramental Formation, or power, or force, that instantly altered the organization. With immediate results that appear illogical because the process doesnt follow the course set by mental logic.
   He said it himself: it happened when he was in possession or in conscious comm and of the supramental Force and Power and when he put it on a particular spot for a particular purpose. It was irrevocable, inevitable: the effect was absolute.
   It was the same thing when I made that overmental Formation (we were heading for miracles!). One day Sri Aurobindo told me I had brought down into Amrita6 a force of the creative Brahma (its the creative Word, the Word that realizes itself automatically). And I dont know what happened something, I cant recall what, that showed me it was working very well. Then a sort of idea occurred to me: Why, we could try this power on mosquitoes: let mosquitoes cease to exist! What would happen? (We were pestered by mosquitoes at the time.) Before doing it (the meditation was over, it would have been for the next time), I said to Sri Aurobindo, Well, what if we tried with that force which responds; if we said, Let mosquitoes cease to exist, we could at least get rid of them within a certain field of action, a certain field of influence, couldnt we? So he looked at me (with a smile), kept silent, and, after a moment, turned to me and said, You are in full Overmind. That is not the Truth we want to manifest. I told you the story. It was on that occasion.
   We could have done things of that sort.

0 1963-04-20, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I told the story to our Japanese friend in whose house we were living, I told him, Well, thats what this illness isa remnant of the war; and heres the way it happens. And that being was repaid for his attempt! Naturally, the fact that I repelled his influence by turning around and fighting [dissolved the Formation]. But what power it takes to do that! Extraordinary.
   He told the story to some friends, who in turn told it to some friends, so in the end the story became known. There was even a sort of collective thanks from the city for my intervention. But the whole thing stemmed from that: What Is this illness? Youre able to find out, arent you? (Laughter) Go and catch it!

0 1963-05-11, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The deeper significance of figures There are countless traditions, countless scriptures which I took great care not to follow. But the deeper significance of figures came to me in Tlemcen, when I was in the Overmind. I dont remember the names Thon used to give to those various worlds, but it was a world that corresponded to the highest and most luminous regions of Sri Aurobindos Overmind. It was above, just above the gods region. And it was something in accord with the Overmind creation the earth under the gods influence. That was where figures took on a living meaning for menot a mental speculation: a living meaning. That was where Madame Thon recognized me, because of the Formation of twelve pearls she saw above my head; and she told me, You are that because you have this. Only that can have this! (Mother laughs) It hadnt even remotely occurred to me, thank God!
   But figures are alive for me. They have a concrete reality.

0 1963-07-03, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Then I looked, and I saw a kind of huge octopus over the earth: that Formation of the Churchof hellwith which they hold people in their grip. The fear of hell. Even when all your reason, all your intelligence, all your feeling is against it, there is, at night, that octopus of the fear of hell which comes and grips you.
   That brought home to me the magnitude of the problemits terrestrial. There are Catholics everywhere: in China, in Africa among the Negroes; people who dont give a thought to these things yet are under the sway and caught by the octopus.

0 1963-07-06, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But it isnt total Victory, no. It isnt the power of trans Formation. The other day, I told you, I think, that one of my present activities consisted of a sort of conscious concentration on one person or another, one thing or another, to obtain the desired result. For years on end, the Will and Force acted from above, and the outer conscious being [of Mother] wasnt concerned with anything further, knowing that it would only make things more complicated instead of helping them, and that the Force left to itself, directly under the supreme Impulsion, worked things out far better and far more accurately. But over these last months, there have come a will and a tendency to make the material being [of Mother] participate consciously in the details of execution. It has a kind of passive obedience, and so, once that was willed [the need for Mothers material intervention], it began to happen. There was a case recently, with a very good friend of the Ashram, a man with an important position who has been very, very useful. He had to be operated on (I wont tell the whole story, it would be too long); we received two or three wires a day, I followed the thing step by step. There was a very powerful force of destructionit was a very grim battle and there was a will to keep him, because in this body he had been very useful, he was still very useful and could still be very useful. He had a great faith, a great trust, and he was conscious (his consciousness was very sufficiently developed: I saw him constantly and constantly he came to me). He fell into a butchers hands; anyway, it was a wretched thing. Still, even though everyone expected him to leave his body, he held on and was constantly saying (we were kept informed by his son) and feeling that it was I who was keeping him alive. I could even see what they should have done and constantly I sent the Formation, the thought, But THIS is what should be done, insistently. Finally they caught my thought, but I think (I cant say, I dont know the details, the small material details), I think probably they didnt do exactly what they should have thats why I say they must have been butchers. Thus they performed three operations in a row, and after undergoing all that, he came to me (before also he used to come very oftenthey said he was drowsy all the time, in a semi-coma, but thats not it: he was living inwardly), he came to me, totally conscious as usual, but he said, I am afraid my body is irretrievably ruined, and if I survive now, instead of this body being a help and a tool of work, it will be a hindrance, an impediment, a source of difficulty, so I have come to ask to be freed I prefer to enter a new body. I answered immediately, But as you are, you are useful, very useful; the position you occupy makes you very useful; you are totally conscious; it would be good if you could recover. He listened, again insisted a little, I too insisted, and then he left.
   The next morning, he was much better. I was hoping he had decided to stay, but we were without news for about twenty-four hours, till suddenly we were told he had stopped breathing and was being given oxygen. And then he left.

0 1963-07-13, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   No, but theres their whole Formation.
   Thats on another level.

0 1963-09-07, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But for instance, I told you I spoke with the Pope for quite a long time the day of his election, and the conversation was abruptly interrupted by a reaction he had. (It was really a mental conversation we were having: I spoke, he replied, I heard his reply I dont know whether he was conscious of something probably not, but anyway; it wasnt at all a Formation of my own mind because I received quite unexpected replies.) But the conversation was interrupted abruptly by a reaction he had when I told him that God is everywhere and in all things; that everything is He; and then a great Force came down into me and I added, Even when you descend into Hell, He is there too.
   Then everything stopped dead.

0 1963-09-25, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Last night was less pleasant. There were again those things collapsing. I was below, you see, trying to go back up to my room, and every time I tried to go back up, all the means to do so disappeared or were done away with. Now Ive chased it all away because it was tiring. But one thing I do remember: I was climbing up a sort of not stairs or a ladder, it was a very queer thing, like blocks of dark red stone, and they were all crumbling and coming apart. It ended up annoying me, and I had a movement not of anger, but of self-assertive will and everything vanished. You feel its adverse Formations trying to harass you, until I cant say I lose patience, but something gets angry (is it angry? Asserts itself, rather: Ah, no! Enough!) and instantly, pfft! it all goes away. But then I found myself on a road I knew very well, but there was such a crowd! A crowd, a crowd: all the schools of the world were coming there for their holidays. There were troops of kids led by matrons and teachers, myriads and myriads of them! And also children who stopped and played on the ground; but all those children knew me very well, and when I arrived, they would take their things out of the way to let me throughweeny little kids this high. Then I met a symbolic person (not a human person) whom I know very well, she was pale blue (that is to say, a being of the higher mind, a force of Nature in the higher mind), I know her very well, she is very often with me. She explained to me her difficulties and I explained to her what she should do; I told her, Ive already told you several times, its like this and like that. She stayed beside me a very long time, and she asked me, Why do I always have to leave you? I answered her, Dont worry; everything is fine now. It went on for a long time. But it was interesting, a very pleasant, very refined contact: a beautiful girl that is, a beautiful thought or a beautiful idea. A beautiful girl. And she had in her charge an innumerable amount of kids (Mother laughs), so she was somewhat worried at times, and I explained to her what she should do.
   I feel a sort of tenderness towards that person.

0 1963-10-16, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Here is what happened: I do my usual bath of the Lord and it is arranged that, after a time, Champaklal opens the doorwhich signals to me the end of the visit. So I looked at X, just to see (I had looked at him several times before, but there was nothing particular), I looked at him and saw in front of him a sort of mass of substance, not material but responsive to a mental Formation, which means that mental thought and will can make this substance take different shapes I know it (Mother makes a gesture of fingering the substance), its very like the sort of substance mediums use for their apparitions (less material, more mental, but anyway the same kind). There was a sort of mass in front of him, which was hiding him; it wasnt luminous, not black either, but dark enough. So I looked at it, STARED at it to see what it was, and as I was staring, I saw that there was a will or an effort to give that mass of substance a shape. It was exactly in front of Xs head and shoulders. And there was a will to give it a shape (gesture of molding). As I stared very carefully, it took the shape of Sri Aurobindos head as it appears in newspapers and magazines (what I call the popular Sri Aurobindo, as he is shown in books), the substance took that form. Immediately I thought (ironic tone), Oh, its the popular form, that doesnt resemble him! And instantly, the substance rearranged itself and took the form of Cartier-Bressons Sri Aurobindo1 (the three-quarter face photo, where he is seated in his armchair). That was better! (Mother holds back a chuckle) It wasnt yet quite good, but anyway it was better (although, mind you, it had neither light nor life: it was mattera subtle matter, of courseput into shape by a mental will). So I began to wonder: Whatever is this?! Does he want me to believe that Sri Aurobindo is in him, or what? Because Xs head and shoulders had completely disappeared, there was nothing left but that. And I thought (not a strong thought, just a reflection): No, its not very good, really not very lifelike! (Mother laughs) Then there was a last attempt and it became very like the photo that was taken when he left his body (that photo which we stood on end and called Meditation), it was very like the photo, (in an ironic tone) a very good likeness. And it stayed. So I thought, Oh yes! This is the photo.
   Then I concentrated just a little and thought, Lets see, now. Whom is he trying to delude? And instantly, everything vanished. And I saw X, his head.
   At first I thought, My goodness! Who does he take me for? (Laughing) A fool who can be made to believe that the moon is made of green cheese? Then I decided I wouldnt say anything until he left: I wanted to wait till I saw him a second time. Then I made a very strong Formation and I said to Sri Aurobindo, If there was really anything of you in that, well, let it occur again next time. And yesterday, I kept watching all the time, attentively, very carefullyabsolutely nothing happened.
   I didnt like that very much.
   You understand, I know those things, I have seen thousands of them! Only, as it happens, for more than half a century I have sensed the difference in a most sharp way. I think I told you already that when I returned here from Japan, there were difficulties: once, I was in danger and I called Sri Aurobindo; he appeared, and the danger went away2he appeared, meaning, he came, something from him came, an EMANATION of him came, living, absolutely concrete. The next day (or rather later the same day), I told him my experience and how I saw him; that worried him (it was an unceasing danger, you see), and he very strongly thought that he should concentrate on me to protect me. And the next day, I saw him but it was an image, a mental Formation! I told him, Yes, you came in a mental Formation, it wasnt the same thing. Then he told me that this capacity of discernment is an extremely rare thing. But I always had it, even when I was small. Its a sensitiveness in the perception. And indeed I believe that very few people can sense the difference. So with X, my first impression was, My goodness, to do this to me! Well, really, I have some experience of the world, I cant be so easily made to believe that the moon is made of green cheese!
   And yesterday, it was all very peaceful: X was there all the time with nobody in front of him, not pretending anything. But the first time, as he expected some result, he stayed on for ten minutesprobably he was expecting some reaction (I never told him that Sri Aurobindo is with me all the time, that we talk to each other every night). Anyhow, he was probably expecting some enthusiasm on my part (!) There you are.
   He clearly knows how to put mental substance into shape but this handling of mental matter to give it a shape, everybody does it unknowingly, automatically; you only have to think a little strongly for it to be done. Only, people dont see it because they dont have the mental vision. And here, it was so funny [Xs mental Formation], because it responded so well (thats what made me think it was he who was doing it, not someone else), it responded so well to my immediate thought (and I didnt think strongly). I looked at the thing, and spontaneously, within myself, I thought, Oh, no! Almost as if Sri Aurobindo were saying, Oh, no! Thats my popular portrait, its no good! Voil.4
   There is really now a struggle against all that terrestrial Formation against, yes, the ignorance and unconsciousness of the earths primal thought.
   Its still there; even in those who have developed their higher mind, who are able to emerge from that darkness and ignorance, its still there its still there in a sort of mental or vital subconscient. And its so dark! Thoroughly stupid, you know: it can be given hundreds and thousands of proofs, it remains unaffecteda kind of incapacity to understand. And then it constantly rises to the surface, and I am constantly obliged (gesture of offering to the Heights) to present it: This is still there, that is still there, that And I see very well that the distinction between what goes on in this body and its atmosphere, and what goes on in all other bodies is I dont know if the distinction still exists, but its imperceptible. And the consciousness is aware of all those movements as if they were personal to the physical person. But the physical person (Mother touches her body) isnt just this body I am not yet sure whether the physical person isnt the whole earth (for certain things, it is the whole earth), or whether the physical person is the entirety of all the bodies of the people I am in contact with. During the last hours of the night, that is, between 2 and 4, I see precise forms; but those precise forms are themselves representative, meaning there are TYPES and those types take on the image of someone I am in contact with or was in personal contact with. But to me they are types: Oh, its such and such a type but that can be thousands of people. And the action (its always for an action), the action on the person-type has repercussions on all that he represents.
   Listen, the night before, in the middle of the night, someone came to me (someone who was dark blue, which means a mental Formation) with a plan of action, and told me, Its all arranged: on such and such a day and at such and such a time (it was meant for next year), you will have this work to do, you will have to come downstairs, and here is how everything will be arranged for you to come downthis, that, that. And I played the game very well, I answered, Oh, no! That wont do, you have to arrange it this way and that way. Then when it was all over, something suddenly made me go within (gesture of return inward), I looked at the whole thing, saw the person, saw the plan, saw everything (I was in the midst of an action), and said, Yes, all this is very well, but you see, the snag is that I am not going downstairs! And at one stroke, frrt! goneit was a construction, as if there were an entire organization, even a governmental one (!), to make me come downstairs. And when I woke up (that is, in the morning when I came out of my activity of the night), I thought, Could it be what showed itself (it was a mental Formationfrom whom, from where? I didnt bother about that), could it be what showed itself to X and made him declare with the authority of a clairvoyant: Mother will come downstairs next year? I found it very amusing.
   Things are increasingly AS THEY ARE: exact, without complications. I have noticed that with people, even the most sincere and straightforward, there is always a kind of coating, an emotive coating (even with the coldest and driest), something that belongs to the vital; an emotive coating that makes things fuzzy, uncertain and allows a game that gives them a feeling of all sorts of mysterious forces at playthings are very clear, very simple, very, oh, very simple, and that coating brings along a sort of confusion. Its not sentiment, not emotion either, its something something that LOVES uncertainty, the unknown, the unexpectednot positively chance (its not so strong), but which loves to live in that, in in fact, in Ignorance! Which loves not to know whats going to happen. Even the simplest things, the most obvious, have all that coating over them.

0 1963-10-19, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The big difficulty is that tamasic stupidity. Yesterday, in this connection, I had the experience of a young couple who came to see me. (It has become a custom nowadays that young people who are going to marry and whose families I know, or who live here, come to receive my blessings before marrying! Thats the new fashion.) So they came. The girl was educated here and the boy stayed here for quite a long time, working here; anyway, they want to marry. The boy went searching for a job; he had trust [in Mother] and found one. He is I cant say conscious because it isnt like consciousness, I would call it rather superstition (!) but its a superstition on the right target! The movement is ignorant, but well directed, so it works; not that he has an enlightened faith, but he has faith. All right. Things are fine and he does very well. So they came yesterday to receive my blessings. Then they went. And they left behind in the room a vital Formation, very bubbly, absolutely ignorant, very bubbly with a joie de vivre, a joie de vivre so blissfully ignorant of all possible difficulties, all possible miseries, and not only for oneself but for everyone! You know, that joie de vivre that says, Oh, it doesnt matter to me if we are born and dielife is short, well, let it be good, thats enough. No mental curiosity, no urge to know the why of the worldall that is nonsense, we neednt bother about it! Lets be happy, have some fun, and do as well as we can. Thats all. That Formation was so strong, you know, in the room that I saw it and had to find a place for it. It put me in contact with a whole domain of the earth, of mankind, and I had to put it in its proper place, put it in order and organize it. It took me a little time (long enough, maybe three quarters of an hour or an hour), I had to order and organize everything. Then I saw how widespread it is on earth. (Note that these young people belong to the top of society, they are regarded as very intelligent, they are very well educated, in a word, its about the best you can find in mankind! Not the dregs, far from it.) And I wondered if it isnt even more widespread in Western countries than here I think it is. At that moment I came into contact with everywhere, and, well, the everywhere was really quite extensive.
   Afterwards, I asked myself, But what the devil can be done with all this? Disturb these people? They are quite incapable of getting out of their condition in this life and will probably need many, many, many lives to awaken to the NEED TO KNOWas long as they can move about, you know (laughing), as long as they can move about and things arent too painful, theyre quite contented! And then, in addition, there is, all the way down, that whole inert mass, you know, of men who are very close to the animalwhat can be done with that? If that too has to be ready, it seems to me impossible. Because that young couple, according to human opinion, are very fine people!
   But that thing I saw yesterday, that bubbly Formation of joie de vivre, I saw clearly that its one of the greatest obstaclesone of the greatest obstacles: a vital joy that knows only itself, that knows nothing other than its own vital joy and is PERFECTLY content. I saw it was a great obstacle, because it already contained a sort of reflection of the True Thing. And then, you can only laugh, but there are stern people who say, Youll see when you get sick, youll see when you get old. (All that came because there was a whole work, which represents a whole great drama on the earths scale, there was this and that and that.) What for? Why be stern? Let them be happy, they represent why, its like foam on fresh beer!

0 1963-10-26, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   First it came from one direction, then a dead calmits always that way. You know how cyclones work? Its something that rotates, and at the center theres a dead calm; all around is a whirlwind, and it rotates as it advances. So the first part (what might be called the front of the cyclone) arrives from one direction, then it goes on rotating, and the second part comes from the opposite direction. We have an American rear admiral here who knows those things very wellall seafaring people know themhe had seen the cyclone from a distance on the sea and warned us. But its always that way, I had noticed it. The first wave arrived from the north, but as we were forewarned, everything had been closed. Then the wind died down completely, but the southern windows had been left open. And the second wave came from the other direction (it came around evening, a little before 7, I dont remember; anyway, I was sitting at the table here). And I saw I saw that whirlwind coming, and inside it there were Formations: like heaped masses, some gray-black, others reddish-brown. And I watched it all; I saw them from a distance, there were lots of them: big Formations, about as big as houses. They came in heaped masses, with kinds of Formations WITHIN the whirlwind. So I was here, just beginning to have my dinner, when a reddish-brown Formation went over, like this, right from here towards your house (Mother sweeps across the room from south to north), and it struck me. Mon petit, howling pains! And then a horrible discomfort. So naturally, my usual remedy: I stayed still and offered it all to the Lord. The Formation went past, didnt stop (it went past, struck and went away), and left behind it (afterwards the pains were dull, they could be controlled) a kind of very peculiar sense of discomfort a sort of wickedness, like big sharp claws raking ones stomach. So I was expecting something for youothers too fell sick who were in the path of the Formation. But there must have been quite a number of cases, because I saw many Formations that one did strike, you see. I saw it arrive as swiftly as the cyclone, strike, and then go on. So when I was told that you had a fever, instantly I thought, Thats it.
   Was it painful?
   The strange thing is that L., who was in the path of this Formation (gesture from south to north), was sick, like you, he had a fever: the same thing, the same painsvery particular pains. And U. too was nearly caught; but the day before, I had explained to him how to defend himself, and he told me he had used my method and it worked quite well. I had explained to him how to pass the thing on to the Lord (that is, to learn to offer it). He tried it and told me, It worked quite well, the thing didnt take root: a moment of discomfort, and it was over.
   One should learn to do that. If one does it with ones head, its useless; whats effective is when you are able to summon that sort of eternal immobility then, the effect is immediate. But generally, people know how to do it for others but not for themselves, because for themselves, they go on vibratingwhen it hurts a lot, its difficult to stop that vibrating. But it CAN be done; even when the pain is absolutely acute, almost unbearable (normally one would start screaming), one CAN, one can do it and summon that silent immobility to the painful spotimmobility of eternity. Very, very quickly, within a few seconds, the intensity disappears; there remains only a memory, which one should take care not to reawaken by thinking about it, but which lingers as a memory in the body, as when youve given yourself a good knock, a sound blow, and the acute pain has gone, but the mark stays. It stays a more or less long time. If one made the effort to stay very, very quiet, immobile, without doing anything, thinking anything, wanting anything, for a long enough time, I think there would be very little effect.

0 1963-12-11, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There was in the Subconscient a frightful battle in the night from the 8th to the 9thoh! It was like a return of the attack on me when you went to Rameswaram (long ago1); X said it was a Tantric who had made that Formation (it happened on December 9 too and I was very sick, I didnt go out). Well, it was an attack of that kind. I dont know if it comes from the same I cant say person, but from the same origin of forces. And very violent, during the night. It went on during the meditation on the 9th: for the first time during those meditations, there was a tremendous battle, in the Subconscient. And the body was in a state a not too happy state. It stops the heart, you see, so it was unpleasant.
   But afterwards, I saw that it did dislodge something, it wasnt useless. It dislodged something. But its forces with a radical ill will: they are not merely ignoranta radical ill will.
   But the reaction on the body was painful, as it was the first time. The first time (according to X and the Swami), it was supposed to kill meit didnt even make me seriously ill, but it had a very unpleasant effect. I told you at the time that it was a mantra intended to drain you of all your blood; Ive seen several examples of people who died in that way: it was found afterwards to be the result of a mantric Formation. In my case, all it succeeded in doing was to make me sick, as if everything came out I vomited terribly. Then there was something pulling me and I absolutely had to go my consciousness told me I had to go and see someone (I was all alone in my bathroom when it happened), a particular person whom I had to go and see; and when I opened the door, Z was there, waiting to prepare my bath, but I didnt see him at all and I absolutely wanted to go somewhere, into the other room, so I pushed against him, thinking, Whats this obstacle in my way? And he thought I was fainting on him! It caused quite a to-do.
   I was completely in trance, you see. I was walking, but completely in trance.

0 1963-12-25, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There is a whole zone in the most material vital which penetrates, as it were, the subtle physical thats where illnesses are formed. You see swarms of completely crooked Formationsa lack of sincerity. And it expresses itself in images: I see all kinds of people and do all kinds of things in a special zone the same people who are elsewhere are here too under a special aspect. Its a mixture of the de Formation of consciousness, the de Formation of language, the de Formation of formsswarms and swarms! For hours.
   But I was always accompanied by a form, not a very precise one, but which was the materialization in that realm of the Lords Presence. I remember having for the work entered a huge room, completely bare, without anything, in a half-light, when suddenly I felt something grabbing hold of me here (gesture at the nape of the neck), something I even felt physically (I was lying in my bed, but I felt it physically). So I pointed it out to that Form which was accompanying me everywhereso attentive, so closeto explain and show things to me; I complained, saying, Look, something has grabbed hold of me, it even hurts physically. So I saw a kind of arm come and take that thing on my neck, pull it away and present it to me: it was like one of those big bats that are called flying fox (there are some here, they eat little birds, chicks), it was clinging to my neck! He said, Oh, its nothing! Its only that. (Mother laughs) And it was a big thing like this (about three feet) which had grabbed hold of me here and had its two claws still out (he had wrenched it off my neck). It had become flat and almost inert, but it was still as vicious as anything.
   It isnt a pleasant realm. Its the realm thats just like this (Mother places one hand over the other), immediately beyond (how can I put it? Its neither higher nor deeper inside) beyond the subtle physical, and its the realm in which Formations of illness MATERIALIZE. I spent more than three hours of the night in it.
   Its a kind of study a useful one, maybe. And I noticed, I remember having complained, Oh, it hurts! (Apparently I was sound asleep, but I was very conscious of my body.) So it interested me, and I turned to the Lord: It hurts quite a bit. So He extended his hand, took that thing away and presented it to me, saying, Oh, its only that! It wasnt pretty. But then, INSTANTLY, the pain went away. I had been feeling some pain in the evening before going to bed (the nerves ached, the neck muscles hurt, it was like something weighing down heavily and clinging to me painfully); I saw His hand take it and present that animal to me, and I heard the voice say, Oh, its only that (He speaks to me in English), its only thatgone!

0 1964-01-15, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And this field of experience also includes the physical mindall the mental constructions that have a direct action on life and on the body; there is there an almost unlimited field of experiences. And everything takes the form not of a speculation or a thought, but of an experience. Ill give you an example to make myself understood. I wont tell you the thing as it occurred, but as I now know it to be. There is in France someone very devoted, born Catholic, and who was seriously ill. He wrote to me asking what he should do; he said that people around him naturally wanted him to receive extreme unction (they thought he was about to die), and he wrote to ask me if it had any influence on the progress of his inner being and whether he should refuse categorically. I knew none of this [as Mother had not yet received the letter], but I had an experience here, in which a priest and altar boys came to give me extreme unction! (Thats how it presented itself to me.) They wanted to give me extreme unction, so I watched I watched, I wanted to see; I thought, Well, before dismissing them abruptly, lets see what it is. (I had no idea why they had come, you understand; someone had sent them to give me extreme unctionnot that I felt particularly sick! But anyhow thats how it was.) So before dismissing them, I watched carefully to find out if really it had a power of action, if extreme unction had the power to disturb the progress of the soul and tie it down to old religious Formations. I watched and I saw how thin and tenuous it was, without force; I saw clearly that it could have some force only if the priest who performed it was a conscious soul and did it consciously, in relationship with an inner power or force (vital or other), but that if it was an ordinary man doing his job and giving the sacraments with the ordinary belief and nothing more, it was perfectly harmless.
   Once I had seen that, suddenly (it was as if on a screen) the whole story vanished and it was over. It had come only to make me see it, thats all. But it presented itself in that way in order to make me watch intently, seriously, not as a mental consideration: a vision and an experience.

0 1964-01-29, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And yet, difficulties pour in from everywhere, not only with regard to health (which is still linked to moral things: the mood, the state of consciousness, the thoughts and mental Formations, etc.), but to money, the paper money which refuses to come! And in this connection, lately I have seen in a fairly interesting way the difference in the material mental atmosphere: there was a sort of certainty that all that was necessary would come somehowit was impossible for it not to come (I am referring to the general atmosphere); then it was replaced by you know, like when you bang your nose against a wall! That sort of very childlike, carefree trustvanished! It just vanished So I had to look deeply at it, at what was behind, and thats how I saw this change in the Inertia (how is it going to express itself? I dont know; in what way?), which I had never seen before.
   It is something there, down below. Before, it was here (gesture to the level of the forehead), like this, in the atmosphere; now, its there (gesture at ground level), that is to say, very low.

0 1964-07-28, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Anyhow, the American doctor told him, At any rate, theres nothing else I can do for another three months. So he has waited there for three months. And I, all that timeall the time, almost constantly I kept seeing death written over the second operation. But I knew that if I sent a letter, it would be useless, it would only create an atmosphere of distrust, thats all. So I made Formation upon Formation, Formation upon Formation, on the American doctor. Finally, S. asked me for a talisman for the second operation I sent it immediately, with a great concentration of force so that nothing fatal should happen.
   Recently, on July 20, S. enters the hospital for the second operation. The American doctor keeps him two days, three days, then tells him, I cant, I wont run that risk. It seems that during those three months, he had operated on several people for whom it was also a second operation, on the other side, as for S., and all of them ended in hemorrhage, paralysis, or death. So the American doctor declared, I wont run the risk. S. replied, It doesnt matter to me, Id rather die than be crippled. But this American very cleverly told him, I wont do anything without the permission of your Mother! So they sent me a telegram saying that the American doctor refused to operate because it was too dangerous, and they asked for my opinion. I answered, No operation.

0 1964-08-22, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But the effect afterwards was queer, as if all the functionings had lost their (what can I call it?), their captain they no longer knew what to do. And in the head, at first it felt as if it had grown very, very big, and then there were vibrations You know, I often mention those Vibrations of Harmony that try to enter the vibrations of Disorder (its something I often see now, even with my eyes open: they come through, enter, there are Formations, all sorts of things), but that was going on in my head. My head was big (!), and inside, there were all those dots of the white light of Harmony, moving about with a great intensity and power, within a dark gray medium. It was interesting. But I was conscious only of that the entire relationship with the body had vanished. And the whole day long I had the feeling of a lack of government in the body, as if everything followed its own impulsion; it was very hard to keep it all together.
   Thats how it wasvery strong. The second day, it was a little less strong; the third day But there is something that has changed and isnt coming back. And that something gives the sense of a distance (its the word aloofness) from the natural body consciousness that makes the body automatically do all it has to do. It is as if that consciousness were now at a distance, had almost lost interest in whats happeningnot lost interest, because its laughing! I dont know why, I feel its laughing, as if it were making fun of me, of this body the poor old thing! (laughing) It has a lot of difficulties, it is made to do some strange things.

0 1964-09-30, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It is a strong Light, with what looks like precise little details (which probably must be translated as details of action, I dont know): they are like lines that make little marks like this (gesture). Its a Formation.
   Its a force that isnt ordinary in the material world.

0 1964-10-24a, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Before the meditation, I told him, You will let me know when you have finished I dont want to let you know. So I finished what I had to do, then I took a look and said to myself, Lets see now, lets try. And I simply made a Formation and put it on him, saying, Now, its over. Then I didnt move, I stayed very quiet. It took about half a minute, even less; he opened his eyes, and then it was over. But when I saw him again at lunchtime, I asked him, When you indicated to me it was over, what did you feel? He told me, I felt (Mother laughs) the Force was going, so I thought it was over Well, his answer showed me the exact difference. He should hew felt. Mother is calling me, Mother is telling me its over, but he felt the Force was going.
   Then, as he saw I was talking to him, he took the opportunity to ask me, I would really like to have visions. I answered him all that had to be answered, and I told him that, in the last analysis, its only the Lord who decides when we should have visions, when we shouldnt have them, when we are making progress, when we arent, and so on. Then, in the most hypocritical tone (laughing), like someone who says something to be polite but doesnt believe a word of it, he said, Oh, then we are indeed fortunate, because we have the Lord among us. I pretended to believe he was sincere, and I answered him, No, no, no! You cant say that, its not possible I AM NOT the Lord! And I explained a little the consciousness I have of the Lord, I said, You shouldnt think I am the Lord (in my thought, it was: I am not the Lord as YOU imagine Him), because if I were the Lord (Mother smiles, amused), you would have visions and you would be cured.
   And I replaced the future tense with the present, deliberately too, because it isnt something new: it has always been that way; it isnt that I now announce they will be disappointed they have always been disappointed. And asserting this fact is what had the power of dispelling a whole mass of Formations: not only Formations of beings of the vital or hostile beings, but the false mental Formations of human beings.
   And here, I wrote: Je ne dtiens pas de pouvoirs [I possess no powers], which is better than Je ne dispose pas de pouvoirs [I have no powers at my disposal]. I had chosen the word dispose in French (chosen, I mean, not mentally), but the word dispose came along with the meaning that the power wasnt at my disposal there is a nuance. I mean that if, by some aberration (it would really be an aberration), if by some aberration I had the desire to work a miracle, I wouldnt be able toit would be contrary to the supreme Will. It isnt that I am deliberately making the choice, No, I wont work miracles I cant, thats not the way, it MUST NOT be like that.

0 1964-10-30, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   So that doesnt help, because the mental atmosphere isnt favorable. Mentally, you look at it and smile; but the body feels it a little bit, it feels a little the pressure of defeatist Formations around. But it knows why those around are like thatfrom the material point of view, those around are just what is needed, just what is needed; the body needs such an atmosphere so that material difficulties arent made worse. So its perfectly happy, only it dare not be joyous; it immediately says, Oh, its still too beautiful a thing for life as it is!
   I dont know how long it will last.
   You told me this already, and I looked a great deal. It strikes me as a Formation (which may go back a rather long time), which you must have accepted at a particular moment, I dont know why, and which has remained around you. But it doesnt seem to me to correspond to a truth. I looked at it a good deal, often, and I never saw that it was the expression of a truth. I saw that its what we could call an adverse Formation, not necessarily hostile, but adverse in the sense that it isnt beneficial. But it isnt the expression of something true. And that might well be the point: if you could experience its unreality, that is, its false character, that would help a great deal.
   But its something thats all the way down, that doesnt depend on a reasonable consciousness. Because, otherwise, it doesnt bother me, I am above all that. Its only there, on the material level.

0 1964-11-12, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its hard to explain, but as an experience it was extraordinary. You see, we live INSIDE a Formation,1 which was the humanhuman Formation, all human knowledge. Because I was beginning to try to find what we know of human life and life on earth: its almost nothing at all, a very small thing (Sri Aurobindo wrote somewhere that there were billions of years BEFORE2). So what we know is practically nil. All right. So, to get out of that. And it led me quite naturally to go out of humanityout of the earth, of the universe; of the earth that has been the product of all that we know (at any rate we are explaining what happened, what was there). And then suddenly, yes, the futility, the vanity of that knowledge appeared very clearly, and there was a sort of flash of something else.
   (Mother goes into that flash and remains in contemplation)

0 1964-11-14, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But it could be a previous Formation.

0 1964-12-02, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Letters are piling up in fantastic numbers, and I havent answered. People should learn to receive: I answer very forcefully, very clearly, even with words, a precise sentence. If they learned to receive mentally, it would be good. I always answer. And when its something important and I have some peace, when I have no external action, I even repeat my answer by making a very precise mental Formation they should receive it.
   (Mother picks up at random a letter from a Western disciple who asks to change her work or stop her external work, because, she says, it doesnt correspond to her nature. She also complains about her relationship with others and their hostility. She feels the need for a new way of being and acting.)

0 1965-02-19, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Afterwards, my ordinary consciousness as you know it came back, but with a perception of movements that had become very clearperception of movements in the atmosphere, of Formations of thought, of vital possibilities. All that has become very clear.
   And with the consciousness absolutely certain, because there have been other details. Three days earlier, Kali was in a fury because things werent as they ought to be on the earth, and especially among the people whose mission it is to prepare the new world. She was she really was in a fury. She saw all the blunders everywhere, and it made such a powerful vibration in the atmosphere, as though she wanted to begin her Dance; as for me, I kept telling her, Calm down, calm down. On the morning of the 11th, she was here and she kept going on about this, that, about the blunders in the government, in the town, in the Ashram, in this and thatshe saw everything. I tried to calm her down, but really without success. Finally, when I saw there was no way, I said to the Lord, Look after her and do what needs to be done, I beg You I handed over the responsibility to Him. And then, the same evening the attack started, and I saw it was her dancing. So I thought, We really had something to learn! And I saw, I had that experience and I KNOW now (I know it in a certain, absolute and unforgettable way) which is the vibration of Truth in the Physical, in which state the Physical must be so as to respond to the Truthso as to BE the Truth. Now I know. So that I, too, have learned my lesson. But everyone has learned something, and I hope it wont be forgotten.

0 1965-02-24, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I could see the whole difference between this Vibration that had no contact with the Formation of Falsehood and violence, and then the inner tremor, which naturally made contact automatically and allowed that manifestation of Falsehood to have an action.
   It was Kalis force that came. But thats all right, thats what she wanted; she found we were nodding off!
   And it was like a preparation for what happened that night [of February 11], in which from that terrestrial physical consciousness I could see down below (as clearly as material objects) the vibration that made contact with that Formation of Falsehood, and THE Vibration, that sort of state in which nothing made contact, nothing could touch.
   Since then, several people have told me their experience, and its like a proof. For instance, on the night of the 11th, C. went out (he was safe indoors), he wanted to telephone the police and had to go across the yard. (It was literally a shower of brickbats; they had demolished the wall of the volleyball ground and were using the stones: they brought them in rickshaws to bombard us with them.) But C. himself told me that when he went out, everyone shouted to him, Come back in, come back in! You are mad! But he went across (stones were raining everywhere): not one hit him. And he felt it was impossible for them to hit him; that my protection was around him and the stones couldnt hit him. And indeed, they didnt hit himthey just fell away.

0 1965-03-20, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Because it doesnt seem possible to me (though I dont know), it doesnt seem possible to me that the state of the earth is adequate to justify an integral trans Formation. As for Sri Aurobindo, he used to say that it would come in stages, that there would first be a sort of small Formation, or a small creation that will receive the Light and be transformed, and thats what will work as a leaven for the general trans Formation.
   There are all the Christian, Buddhist theories, Shankara, all those who declare that the world is an unreal Falsehood and that it must disappear and give place to a heaven (a new world and a heaven). And this is among the most aspiring elements of mankind, those who arent content with the world as it is, who dont say, Oh, as long as I am here and alive, things are fine; afterwards, I dont careenjoy the short life. Afterwards, well, its over, and thats that; let me make the most of the moment Ive been given. What a queer conception! Thats the other extreme.

0 1965-04-17, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But the transition which is really hard to perceive is the transition from the animal creation (which is perpetuated, of course) to the supramental Formation; that transition hasnt taken place yet. The passage from that creation to the supramental creation of a body thats what we dont know. It is the passage from one to the other: how? It still is a somewhat more difficult problem than the passage from animal to man, you understand, because the process of human creation is refined, but it is the same Oh!
   (The conversation is cut short by the doctors entry)

0 1965-06-14, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   In a personal context such as this dream, fish, according to Sri Aurobindo, symbolize the "vital mind" in constant movement, making all sorts of Formations.
   This was in France with Richard, at the start of the war, after the return from Pondicherry.

0 1965-06-23, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   For a long time, I had had a plan of the ideal city, but that was during Sri Aurobindos lifetime, with Sri Aurobindo living at its center. Afterwards I was no longer interested. Then, we took up the idea of Auroville again (I was the one who called it Auroville), but from the other end: instead of the Formation having to find the place, it was the place (near the Lake) that caused the Formation to be born; and up to now I took a very secondary interest in it because I hadnt received anything direct. Then that little H. took it into her head to have a house there, near the Lake, and have a house for me next to hers to offer me. And she wrote to me all her dreams; one or two sentences suddenly awakened an old, old memory of something that had tried to manifesta creationwhen I was very small (I dont remember what age), and that had again tried to manifest at the very beginning of the century when I was with Thon. Then I had forgotten all about it. And it came back with that letter: suddenly I had my plan of Auroville. Now I have my general plan; I am waiting for R. to make the detailed plans because since the beginning I have said, R. will be the architect, and I have written to R.
   When he came here last year he went to see Chandigarh, the city built by Le Corbusier up there in Punjab, and he wasnt very happy (it seems to me rather mediocre I dont know, I havent seen it; I only saw photographs that were dreadful). And when he spoke to me, I saw that he was feeling, Oh, if I had a city to build! So I wrote to him, If you want, I have a city to build. He is so very glad, he is coming. And when he comes, Ill show him my plan, then he will build the city.1
   In the old Formation I had made, there had to be a hill and a river. A hill was necessary because Sri Aurobindos house was on top of the hill. But Sri Aurobindo was there, in the center. It was arranged according to the plan of my symbol, that is to say, a central point with Sri Aurobindo and all that concerns Sri Aurobindos life, then four large petals (which werent the same as in this drawing, they were something different), then twelve petals around (the city proper), then around that, there were the disciples residential quarters (you know my symbol: instead of [partition] lines, there are strips; well, the last circular strip formed the residential place of the disciples), and everyone had his house and his garden: a little house and a garden for everyone. And there were means of communication; I wasnt sure if it was individual transportation or collective transportation (like those small open trams in the mountains, you know) that crossed the city in all directions to bring the disciples back to the center of the city. And around all that, there was a wall with entrance gates and guards at each gate, so people entered only with permission. And there was no money: within the walls, no money; at the various entrance gates, people found banks and counters where they deposited their money and received in exchange tickets with which they could have lodging, food, this and that. But no money. And inside, absolutely nothing, no one had any money the tickets were only for visitors, who entered only with a permit. It was a fantastic organization. No money, I didnt want money!
   Oh, Ive forgotten one thing in my plan: I wanted to build a workers housing estate. But it should be part of the industrial section (perhaps an extension on the edge of the industrial section).
   Outside the walls, in my first Formation there was on one side the industrial estate, and on the other the fields, farms, etc., that were to supply the city. But that really meant a countrynot a large one, but a country. Now its much more limited; its not my symbol anymore, there are only four zones, and no walls. And there will be money. The other Formation, you know, was really an ideal attempt. But I reckoned it would take many years before we began: at the time, I expected to begin only after twenty-four years. But now, its much more modest, its a transitional experiment, and its much more realizable the other plan was I nearly had the land: it was at the time of Sir Akbar (you remember?) of Hyderabad. They sent me photographs of Hyderabad State, and there, among those photos, I found my ideal place: an isolated hill (a rather large hill), below which a big river flowed. I told him, I would like to have this place, and he arranged the whole thing (it was all arranged, they had sent me the plans, and the papers and everything declaring it to be donated to the Ashram). But they set a condition (the area was a virgin forest and uncultivated lands): they would give the place on condition, naturally, that we would cultivate it, but the products had to be used on the spot; for instance the crops, the timber had to be used on the spot, not transported away, we werent allowed to take anything out of Hyderabad State. There was even N. who was a sailor and who said he would obtain a sailing boat from England to sail up the river, collect all the products and bring them back to us hereeverything was very well seen to! Then they set that condition. I asked if it was possible to remove it, then Sir Akbar died and it was over, the whole thing fell through. Afterwards I was glad it hadnt worked out because, with Sri Aurobindo gone, I could no longer leave Pondicherry I could leave Pondicherry only with him (provided he agreed to go and live in his ideal city). At the time I told Antonin Raymond, who built Golconde, about the project, and he was enthusiastic, he told me, As soon as you start building, call me and I will come. I showed him my plan (it was on the model of my symbol, enlarged), and he was quite enthusiastic, he found it magnificent.
   It fell through. But the other project, which is just a small intermediate attempt, we can try.

0 1965-07-10, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Ah, yes, I fully agree, and scrupulously, because it represents a Formation. At least ninety percent of the doctors have goodwill, they want to cure you (some dont care one bit, but not manyninety percent of them want to cure you), so their Formation should be given full power. It shouldnt be contradicted because it loses all its effect and then its no use.
   (the hour strikes)

0 1965-07-24, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   With this sort of work to establish perfect equality, I never drive something away immediately, saying, No, thats not possible. One must be calm and collected in the face of all things. I was calm and collected, thinking, Let us see, let me wait for two days, and if he has really broken his head (laughing), Ill find out! Of course, nothing happened. And when I got your letter, I had the feeling it was the same thing, but I thought, Let us see, let us wait. I looked, and didnt see anything. Through your letter and your words I looked, but didnt see anything. And I had the feeling it was this same physical mind that made contact with a Formationa malicious Formation, because such is the habit of the physical mind.
   Now that the work is to rectify our way of being, we realize what it is! Its really disgusting. It works constantly and is constantly defeatist. As you say, you feel a little painoh, is it going to be a cancer?

0 1965-08-31, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The physical mind is the mind of the physical personality formed by the body. It grows with the body, but it isnt the mind of Matter: it is the mind of the physical being. For instance, it is the mind that makes ones character: the bodily, physical character, which is in large part formed by atavism and education. What is called physical mind is all that. Yes, its the result of atavism, of education and of the Formation of the body; thats what makes the physical character. For example, some people are patient, some are strong and so onphysically, I mean, not for vital or mental reasons, but purely physically everyone has a character. Thats the physical mind. And it is part of any integral yoga: you discipline this physical mind. I have done it for more than sixty years.
   But then, that mind, for instance, which is spontaneously defeatist, which has all sorts of fears and worries, which sees the worst, repeats the same things forever, is that the physical mind or the material mind?

0 1965-12-07, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It was what people call black magic I dont call it black magic, but it was an adverse Formation, which I saw in all its details exactly on December 5. On the 5th itself I saw it, and afterwards I understood. It was extremely interesting, but its impossible to repeat. On the 5th, at the meditation, I knew what it was (the day after you came). Extremely interesting. Maybe one day I will tell it, but its very, very private.
   On the afternoon of the 5th, after I had understood clearly and seen everything and done everything, suddenly (you know how Sri Aurobindo used to take away illnesses: it was like a hand that came and took away the disease), it went away just like that, it was taken away, literally taken away like that, and the body was INSTANTLY fine. Oh, you know, I am still flabbergasted.
   But just when it left, just half a second before that, there came How can I explain? Its so simple and natural and unsophisticated, oh, so simple that it seems childish. It was as though I were told by a voice that would be like Sri Aurobindos voice, You are the stronger and you can send the ball away, something of that sort. But the words are nothing; it was the feeling of a sort of buoyancy, as they say in English, that feeling one has when one is young, full of boldness and enthusiasm the feeling of absolutely scoffing at them and at their formidable Formation, as a lion would scoff at a rat. Absolutely that sort of relationship. And that kind of enthusiasm lasted just a flash, and at the same time, just at the same time (gesture of a hood being removed), pfft! like night and day.
   Oh, it has taught me a lot, a whole lot of things, a world of things.

0 1965-12-10, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Silence) You are still very sensitive to others Formations.
   Hes a man whom I understand well, I lived with him. He wasnt at all an ordinary man who accepted life like most people who are comfortable in life.
   But I am telling you: what has affected you is that there was in this letter a very strong vital Formation (which was influencing him too), a sort of (excuse my saying so, I dont want to harm your friendship or your memory), but its a sort of drama he was putting on for himselfbesides, all those who commit suicide are like that, WITHOUT ONE EXCEPTION. Its a drama that he was putting on for himself and living very powerfully in the vital, and the Formation came on you along with the letter and thats what has troubled you. I know this, because my first reaction while reading the letter was a smile the smile I wear in the face of the dramas of the vital. I am absolutely sure of it, you could swear to me that its not so, it would make no difference. I am absolutely sure. He was the first I might say victim, if you like, the first victim of the drama, but then it came on you, it pounced on you along with the letter. A drama in the vital. And its a drama in the vital, all these things are dramas in the vital. Listen, just these last few days the days between the 5th and the 9th I always relive the minutes I lived in 1950, and I always see them in the light of the knowledge I have acquired, and I SAW, I saw to what extent pain, sorrow, regret especially that regret of not having done what one should have done, which is another absurdity because one NECESSARILY did what one had to doone wasnt what one should have been and one must change, thats why one must change, but one did what one had to do because you cannot do anything but what the Lord makes you do, and He makes you do the thing which is at the same time the best possible for the whole and the best possible for your own progress. There. So all the regrets of I should have I shouldnt have are rubbish.
   You understand, I am saying this with all the power of the knowledge lived in all the details. I KNOW this. And this is precisely the time of the year when I know it best, in the most living and concrete way, and the most powerful.

0 1965-12-31, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But thats wonderful, mon petit! It means you have emerged from mental Formations.
   Its mental Formations that say, You are on this road or You are at that point of the realization or For me, thats deplorable! When one is in that, one is still buried in mentality.
   Yes, but insofar as one is going somewhere

0 1966-02-11, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother carries on with her translation of "Savitri": the vision of the plane where all the Formations of the human mind are found.)
   All things the past has made and slain were there1

0 1966-03-26, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   This morning, there was a very amusing story. I was rinsing my eyes and mouth; I do it before daybreak, that is, with electric light. And in my bathroom there is an emergency light. Its one of the latest inventions: its connected to the power and as long as there is power, the light remains off and a battery inside gets charged; as soon as the power fails, the light turns on and the battery is discharged to keep the light on. Its very well made, they invented it for hospitals and other places where any power failure must be avoided: as soon as the power goes, the light turns on instantaneously, and when the power returns, it goes off and gets recharged for the next time. They installed it for me in the bathroom. And this morning while I was washing my teeth, poff! the light went off. I continued, naturally, since I had that emergency light. But then, I did a study. The lights in C.s room (and everywhere) were on, it was only here, in this group of rooms. That was an odd phenomenon to begin with. Then I looked, and while I looked I noticed something I hadnt taken note of all these last few days: a will to disorganize all my personal life. And causing power failures is one of the known occult methods (I dont know how its done, in fact, but that man who wrote books and came here a very long time ago, Brunton, said it was one of the tricks known to those who practice occultism: a sudden failure of the lights). There are lots of other such tricks designed to disorganize peoples lives with the idea of frightening them or announcing catastrophes to them (I have always found this very childish). But then, I saw that there was (I think I know where, here, it comes from) a will for disorganization, and I saw the path it followed (winding gesture as if Mother were going back to the source). It had begun last night, in the middle of the night: when I got up around midnight, I saw a will wanting to preoccupy me with thoughts of money! And it was insisting: the thought that everything was going wrong, and so on. I saw that in the middle of the night. I was busy with other things, but I saw that will: Formations; and naturally I dealt with them as they deserved. But I saw that it went on, trying to disturb people, to make them uncomprehending, and then to turn the power off, all sorts of silly things. Its not the first time it has happenedits not always the same people because generally, when they have tried and got a good knock in return, they dont try a second time, theyve had enough! But there are others who think they are very clever and want to prove to me (laughing) that they are right and I am wrongbecause ultimately it always comes to that! So I spent half an hour this morning, before they restored the power and I resumed my usual activities, half an hour having huge fun following the thread (same winding gesture going back to the source) wherever there was mischief, and then I very kindly answered.
   In reality, people who live in the ordinary consciousness know very, very little of what goes on physicallyvery little. They think they know, but all they know is a very superficial appearance, just like like a sheet of paper wrapping a package; there is the whole package underneath with all that it contains, but all they see is an appearance (gesture of something as thin as cigarette paper). And they are so used to it that they always give an explanation. I asked, How is it that just this power connection here gave way? (Lights were on everywhere, only the connection here, which supplies my room, was off.) I asked to see. They told me, Oh, we dont know, maybe the wire was old and it broke! (Mother laughs) I said, Very well.

0 1966-04-23, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And the remarkable thing is that I simply told R. [the architect] the broad outlines, asking him if he was interested. Then he went back to France and he received my Formation (my old Formation, which I myself had left asleep); he received it there. I found that very interesting. He received it, he said to me, It came all at once, I seemed to be possessed by something, and in one night the whole thing was done. And the interesting point is that an architect friend of his came and worked with him and participated in the creation; he is now quite enthusiastic, and he is a man who has very extensive contacts with all Communist Europe, including Russia. And he is thrilled to pieces. So, on that side, its working well. And in America, too, it seems to be working.
   And thats precisely what I want that these two countries clashing with each other should come here, and each of them have a pavilion of their culture and ideal, and that they should be here, face to face, and shake hands.

0 1966-07-06, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   That experience came in relation to Auroville. You know, people get restless because things arent moving fast; then I had that vision of the divine Formation, the divine creation taking place underneath, all-powerful, irresistible, regardless of that whole external hubbub.

0 1966-07-27, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   No, it has made me understand something, but its something very (how can I put it?), very intimate. When Sri Aurobindo left, I knew I had to cut the link with the psychic being, otherwise I would have gone with him; and as I had promised him I would stay on and do the work, I had to do that: I literally closed the door on the psychic and said, For the moment this doesnt exist anymore. It remained like that for ten years. After ten years, it slowly, slowly began to open againit was frightening. But I was ready. It began to open again. But then, that experience surprised me when I had it; I wondered why it had been like that, why I had received that comm and and had to do it. And when there was in the body that identification with divine Love [a few days ago], after that had left, the cells were ordered to undergo a similar phenomenon [to what happened after Sri Aurobindos departure]. And I understood why the whole material world is closed: its to allow it to exist WITHOUT the experience [of divine Love]. Naturally, I had understood why I was made to close off my psychic, because because it was truly impossible, I couldnt go on existing outwardly without Sri Aurobindos presence. Well then, the cells have understood that they must go on existing and living their life without the presence of divine Love. And thats how it took place in the world: it was a necessary phenomenon for the Formation and development of the material world.
   But were perhaps nearing We are nearing the time when it will be allowed to open again.

0 1966-09-30, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Oddly, these last few days again, this has been the subject of my meditations (not willed ones: they are imposed from above). Because in all the transition from plant to animal and from animal to man (especially from animal to man), the differences of form are, ultimately, minor: the true trans Formation is the intervention of another agent of consciousness. All the differences between the life of the animal and the life of man stem from the intervention of the Mind; but the substance is essentially the same and it obeys the same laws of Formation and construction. There isnt much difference, for instance, between the calf being formed in a cows womb and the child being formed in its mothers womb. There is one difference: that of the Minds intervention. But if we envisage a PHYSICAL being, that is, as visible as the physical now is and with the same density, for instance a body that wouldnt need blood circulation and bones (especially these two things: the skeleton and blood circulation) its very hard to imagine. And as long as it is like this, with this blood circulation, this functioning of the heart, we could imaginewe can imagine the renewal of strength, of energy through a power of the Spirit, through other means than food. Its conceivable. But the rigidity, the solidity of the body, how is it possible without a skeleton? So it would be an infinitely greater trans Formation than that from animal to man; it would be a transition from man to a being that would no longer be built in the same way, that would no longer function in the same way, that would be like a densification or concretization of something. Up till now, it doesnt correspond to anything we have seen physically, unless the scientists have found something I am not aware of.
   We may conceive of a new light or force giving the cells a sort of spontaneous life, a spontaneous strength.

0 1966-10-26, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   They are particular states of consciousness that grew precise and were expressed particularly well in certain individuals at certain momentsits not during the whole life of a whole individual, its not that: its states of consciousness that reached the height of their Formation and intensity at certain moments. And then, it all comes back like a big merry-go-round (Mother draws a circular dance above her head and around her), all the time, through all times and all countries. The photo catches it, and when it comes to me, when I see it, I seem to be looking not at all at this person [Mother], but at someone I have known quite a lot, someone I have known quite well: But of course, its you, no doubt! But I cant put a name.
   Yes, its like a merry-go-round of all the moments when the Consciousness manifested in people. Its very interesting. The body is now growing very impersonal.

0 1966-11-15, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But its still a phase of preparation and adaptation: its not final. Its not final: there are experiments, trials. Its extremely supple, its in a phase of Formation, as though it were preparing for a manifestation, or rather, learning to be what it must be. Its very interesting.

0 1966-11-26, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It came with hosts of suggestions (they arent suggestions: they are Formations), adverse Formations of disorganization; like, for instance the one C. [one of Mothers attendants, who has just fallen ill] received. I was warned two days beforeh and and tried my best: I couldnt I couldnt, he gave way. So now its dragging on and on (the doctor himself says theres no reason for it to last so long), its dragging on because he gave way. So all that must be slowly won back. And it comes to everyone, to every circumstancenot to me, never to me because it has no effect on me: if the suggestion comes, I say, So what! I dont care. So it doesnt try, its useless. But it comes to everyone, to disorganize everything and everyone, one after another. This morning, it was everybody at the same time, a complete disorganization of everything. I resisted and resisted and resisted, then suddenly something (Mother makes a gesture). So the body said, All right.
   If I stay still, its over. I skipped a meal. The doctor is unhappy, but (laughing) it makes ME happy! Meals are work (a lot of work).

0 1966-11-30, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   With C. [Mothers attendant, who had fallen sick] I did think it was something of the sort, because two days beforeh and I was warned about a Formation: a Formation which came with a grimacing face and told me, Its over and done with all C.s fine work. You know, they are very small consciousnesses with a big spitefulness, and also some rage or otherwhy? Towards something they dont understand. And then, they use a rather rudimentary occult knowledge. I did what had to be done, but in the beginning I didnt think it was exactly magic: there were lots of reasons. Then, yesterday, C. himself had a dream in which someone was chasing after him (someone or something, he didnt know exactly what), and he ran and ran to escape. He ran till he woke up, and he woke up completely out of breath, as exhausted as if he had really run. Then I said to myself that what I had thought was correct.
   Last night I was attacked: I saw two huge black beasts, like bulls, or bison, rather, huge, with gigantic breastsforces, really, all black. One of them paid no attention to me, but the other came charging at me, to attack me, so I ran, and then I woke up.

0 1967-02-04, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   They are always sending me photos of people who want to get married (it has become a craze), and I am asked if they are well-matched, if its all right. And I can see straightaway I see at once the sort of life they will have together, its very amusing! Today there were three couples like that. In the first, the man was intelligent, sensitive, with an emotional side in need of something, of a response. The woman: rather stupid, rather ordinary too. Not at all made for one another. But I was looking, and as I looked I saw what had happened: one day a sort of sentimental and emotional Formation had come through her, and it so happens that on that day she met this man, who was exactly in need of that. He said to himself, This is it! All his friends told him, No, no, dont marry this woman, it will never work, and they are right. But he said, I felt something. And it was just the day when it caught hold of her and he happened to be there. So I saw all that (it was very amusing), and off I went!
   (Mother goes into meditation, then suddenly breaks off)

0 1967-04-15, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It releases from the whole habit of Formations.
   Ah, yes, that surely.

0 1967-04-19, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   This is how Mother replied to the disciple who had sent her her study on the Formation of the new child: "I have read your work with keen interestit deals with an important aspect of the problem. But a public presentation is impossible. Seeing and reading this, too many young girls would imagine they are destined to give birth to the 'solar child'that would be a disaster." Then Mother added: "In order to realize this work, one must have gone beyond all desire; and unfortunately, this is not generally the case as yet. Whereas ambition and vanity are rather widespread maladies."

0 1967-05-06, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But I found that interesting, because Its generally like this: the Force is there, working, and if something comes (a call from someone, a prayer or something), all this (gesture to the forehead) generally remains absolutely still, immobile, letting only the Force pass through, and all I sometimes do is simply (gesture of offering or presenting something upward): Lord, here is this task, its for You. Thats all, and I leave it. But in this case, I was sitting at my table (the telegram had just come), and I concentrated and quite deliberately and consciously I put him in contact with the Force. Because there was a whole world of suggestions, he expected the end: This time its the end. So because of that, I concentrated and put a Formation.

0 1967-06-07, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I told you the other day that I had met D. before she left (in search of a Tibetan guru) and we had spoken. I spoke to her of Sri Aurobindo and his teaching. And she has been converted! Yes, really. She wrote me another letter today, which Ive just received (its the second letter she has written to me from up there), in which she says she has met that famous Tibetan sage with whom she wanted to discuss. He seems to have made fun of her (she doesnt say so), but she says he constantly brings you face to face with your mental Formations (he must have shown her that she was feeding on words). And then she adds, But as for me, I feel, I do feel your love always with me, and everything is fine.Never! Its the first time in her life she has told me this.
   So it gave me the idea of writing down what I told her about Sri Aurobindos teaching:

0 1967-07-15, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I stopped taking any interest in all that when I came here it was part of the occult knowledge, not of spiritual knowledge. I stopped taking any interest in it. But now that everything is being gathered together, it comes like that, like a part of the work, because the cells, when I had those visions, participated to some extent in the sense that they had the vibration in themselves; so all those vibrations have participated in the Formation of all these cells, and now they relive it all. It gives them a possibility of breadth, of diversity, of synthesis and coordination of many, many things. And the sense of having thus lived for a long, long, long time.

0 1967-07-22, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Wait, theres something else again. Oh, poor K., he held examinations (theyre out of their minds with their exams!), he held examinations on a text or a subject he had dictated to the students in his class. In other words, they had the answer quite ready. Two of the boys (one of whom K. finds very intelligen the is, moreover and has a liking for, while he doesnt like the other) were late, and K. asked the boy he doesnt like to bring to him at home the result of their work. He brought it. K. read it, and to one of the questions, the two boys answers were not quite identical but extremely similar. It was precisely the subject K. had dictated to them, so it was natural enough that the answers should be similar. K. felt right away that the boy had copied from the other, and told him so! The boy lost his temper and spoke to him rather rudely. So K. writes to tell me the whole story in his own way, and the boy writes to tell me the whole story, in his own way, moreover expressing regret that he was rude to his teacher. But K. remains convinced that he copied. So, a flood of letters Finally I wrote to K., Send me the two texts, I will see (not see with my eyes, but like that, feeling the thing). The boy did NOT copy. But to me, its far worse, because it means K. made a mental Formation with wordswords put in a certain order and stuffed it into their brains. And they repeat it parrot fashionnaturally, it bears an extraordinary similarity to his teaching. Finally, K. told me, If I accept that the boy didnt copy, I am obliged to give him a very good mark, which I cant do! (Mother laughs) And he asks me, What should I do? I replied yesterday evening: There is a very simple way out: cancel the exam. Take all the papers, tie them into a bundle, put them away in your cupboard, and pretend it never existed and in future, no more exams! And at the end of the year, when you have to give marks to the students, well, instead of using such an artificial method, you will be obliged to observe attentively, follow the childs inner development, have a deeper contact with him (Mother laughs mockingly), and know if he has really understood or not! Then you will be able to give marks instead of basing yourself on the parrot-like repetition of something they have learned without understanding. And I sent that. So now, theyre in a fix! (Mother laughs) I find it so funny, its very amusing!
   They had to hold a teachers meeting to face up to my answer! (Mother laughs) I upset the whole School!
   I have seen something. In its totality, it is luminous, but not radiant; its extremely peaceful, and as if golden, but not dazzling (I dont know how to explain), like a creamy and golden light. Very, very peaceful. But in it there were patches (as they say in English) of three VERY bright colours that were grouped together, as it were, and as though organized. There was a dazzling red, ruby red; a bluish white, almost like a pearl-grey, very luminous too; and (Mother tries to remember) Its gone, I dont remember if it was. Yes, it was green, but an emerald green that was also luminousluminous and transparent. They were like defined groups, but their positions were changing (Mother makes a rotating gesture, like the lights in a kaleidoscope). They were almost like entities. And it was in your atmosphere. Like Formations moving about and organizing themselves (same gesture), made up of those three colours.
   The grey is the grey of spiritual light, spiritual aspiration; the red is the ruby red of the physical; and that emerald green 3

0 1967-08-02, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I saw him yesterday and spoke to him for half an hour, but he was like you know, like iron bars; he had decided in advance that he wouldnt understand anything of what I would tell him. I tried to enter deep down, but He told me (its an old Formation on him) that whatever he wants to do he does for a while, then he meets with disaster and the thing is stopped. And he says that now he is making his spiritual effort, and he has met with disaster (I dont know which one). Naturally, I told him it wasnt like that at all! That it was on the contrary the sign he had reached the point when the door could open and he could transform himself. But he refused to understand. You know, when people are obdurate like that, theres no way you can get through.
   So I thought you could perhaps talk to him.
   No, there are two problems. There is that one on the level of action, and then there is a tre-men-dous pride in the whole family; a terrible pride, its a Formation. Thats what was in him yesterday, as if coagulated. So I told him, Have a little more humility, a little more modesty.
   One doesnt want to abdicate, you understand.

0 1967-08-26, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I wouldnt like her to encroach on your life, thats clear. Because she isnt aware of it, but that may be an adverse Formation (she is a completely unconscious instrument). If you were quite sturdy, you understand, with much vital force, I would say, Never mind, well break their necks. But you need to be careful.
   You yourself say it tires you.

0 1967-09-13, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It is said (but I am not sure about this, because it was simply repeated to me), a prominent Catholic to whom I spoke my mind quite plainly, answered me, In the College of Cardinals, they are taught the truth and told this is not true. I said, God bless the cardinals, but their first duty should be to destroy this monstrous Formation.
   The most terrible thing is that she believes she is free!

0 1967-10-14, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   All of a sudden, yesterday afternoon towards evening (around six, or a little before), there came a sort of atmosphere of (what should I call it?) a kind of discouraged pessimism in which everything had become lacklustre, grey, dissatisfied. When you see things from above, in a certain atmosphere of totality, each thing plays its part and collaborates in a general manifestation, but there, it was like something shut in itself, with no reason to be except that it was. It had neither aim, nor motive nor reason to be, neither was it a special circumstance or a particular event: it was a kind of self-enclosed Formation, a state of being which was obviously morbid, but not violent, nothing violent. Yes, in which each and everything was without reason or aim, without any satisfactionnei ther oneself nor others, nor things. And I was DELIBERATELY shut in it, in order to feel it. The consciousness wondered, Why? What does it mean? Why is it like this? And at the same time (you know that yesterday was the day of Durgas Victory for those who worship Durga), so I asked myself, Why does she choose to shut me in this state just on the day of victory? What does it mean? What does it mean? It was indeed like a factual demonstration of the perfect uselessness of that way of being, which had no reason to be, which could be turned to anything, any time, without reason and without motive. It was like the symbol of disgruntled uselessness. But it went on. I looked and looked at it, trying to find the slightest clue to the cause of that state: what, when, who, how? And the curious thing is that its very, very foreign to my nature, because even when I was in real trouble, I never wasted my time being like that. And it went on, as things go on when I have to study them, understand them, and do what needs to be done. Then, at a certain point I said to myself, Oh, perhaps this is what Durga intends to conquer this year? And at the same time I remembered (like that, far away on the fringes of the consciousness), I remembered the time when Sri Aurobindo was there; every year, on the Victory day, I would tell him, Well, this is what Durga has done this year, and he would corroborate it. I would say, This is what Durga has conquered, this is what Durga Every year, over a long time. And so that memory was there, far away in the light, as if to tell me, See, do you remember that? And I said to myself, Well, this may be what Durga wants to conquer? Then I thought, But whats to be conquered in this? Its silly! Its a silly state. (Lots of people are in that state, I know, but its absolutely silly, it has neither reason nor cause nor aim, its like something that comes in without one knowing how or why.) It went on for a good while (I dont remember exactly how long). Then, when I had seen clearly, understood clearly what it was, I asked Durga, Is this what you want to do? And it was suddenly as if a very strange thing, as if it evaporated before my eyes, pfft! It went like this (gesture of bursting), and then I tried and tried the memory of it and everything had completely vanished! In one second it had completely gone.
   While it was there, it was yes, as if something without any truth in itself, something that didnt rest on any truth. A morose, dissatisfied, grumpy state, and it was grey, grey, grey, lacklustre, looking at everything from the angle of uselessness and stupidity. Then there was a sort of bursting: all of a sudden, poff! like that, and it was all over. And now its a sort of vague memory which I can hardly recapture, which no longer exists.

0 1967-10-25, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Only, I see quite clearly that they dont believe in it, there is no one who feels. So does it? And the concrete materialization of the spirit of Auroville hasnt taken place yet, it doesnt exist, there isnt in the earth atmosphere a Formation of the spirit of Auroville, which is a spirit. (Mother remains absorbed for a long time) At bottom it is: The art of building unity out of complexity. Without uniformity, you understand: unity through harmony in complexity, with each thing in its place.
   Its very difficult.
   And as the Formation descends in order to manifest, all oppositions rise up, contradictions rise up, complications come, and within you can clearly see that they dont understand. So I spend my time telling them, Dont try to organize, dont try, you are going to fossilize the whole thing before its begun.
   For my part, I wanted it to grow like that, spontaneously, with the full play of the unexpected. But then, you are confronted with all the rules and regulations: we are in a country [India]we should do it on a desert island! But that no longer exists on earth, there isnt an island left that doesnt belong to a nationwe are caught, bogged down.

0 1968-01-12, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But theyve already put (luckily theres less credulity on this side), theyve already put a Formation on the other child, A.F. [another baby the same age]: they say he is Ramses of Egypt. As for me, I know nothing about it (!), I havent seen anything. He is very nice, at any rate for the moment he is very nice.
   I hope theyre not going to that group?

0 1968-03-09, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Now all experiences, all of them, come as if to let life grow clear (its quite interesting), to put things in their place. And all preferences, all opinions, all attractions, all distastes, all that is going away in a kind of smile, in factnot in indifference, but in a smile, the smile of the extraordinary relativity of the manifestation. And there begins to come the perception of what a true manifestation would bein a sort of very supple harmony, smooth, and very vast. Its in process of Formation. Very interesting.
   And these things (showing the Playground Talk) are still too cut-and-dried. But I quite understand that if now I were to tell experiences like the one I had this morning, it would be almost incomprehensibletoo far from [peoples] consciousness.

0 1968-04-23, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   All that is going on in the bodyperhaps in different parts of the body, I dont know. There are GRADATIONS of consciousness, or more or less complete identifications, according to certain bodily functions I dont know. And beneath, there are still old undercurrents of mental influence, from what we are used to calling the higher mind (intuitive mind and so on). And then, all around, a whole play of forces, suggestions, Formations, which comes from outside. I say from outside, but theres no sense of outside; theres no such sense, no longer any sense of these people here and those people there its not like that, no longer at all, even for the body.
   (Mother abruptly goes into a long contemplation that lasts till the end)

0 1968-05-18, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It all came so spontaneously and naturally that I felt as if it was THERE. Now that youve read it back to me (laughing), I realize its not there! But it came so spontaneously: I sat there, reading those four notes, and it came one after another. Especially Abhijits, this completely objective, or anyway completely detached vision of the phenomenon: Circulation stops As if you were looking at a small instrument or tool (Mother gestures as if fingering a small object), and you remarked, Oh, its stopped now thats why it no longer works. Like that. In other words, none of those uncertainties or anxieties or aspirations. All that was emotions, sentiments, psychological phenomenait was all completely absent. A very simple little contraption (same fingering gesture) which you look at as you would a machine, and the machine stops because it no longer goes like that. There. And as a result, this body was completely detached from all human anguishfrom everything: not only from anguish, but from the habit, the whole human Formation about deathit was all gone. As if I were all the way up above, like that, and looking all the way downhup! it went away.
   Its what we might express as perfect detachment from the phenomenon.

0 1968-05-22, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But he is very consciousvery conscious, even far more conscious than the dream suggests. Very conscious For that too, the time has come for the Turning Point when all this old formidable Christian Formation which has spread over the earth like this (octopus-like gesture)and which naturally fulfilled its function, did what it had to do, came just when it was needed and so on and so forth, we know all that the time has come when it must change in order to become the instrument of tomorrows truth.
   And this Pope has done his work well, as well as he could.

0 1968-06-15, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   What complicates matters is the ENTRY from outside of Formations, with thoughts, ignorant attitudes (swarming gesture around), impressionsall kinds of impressions. Most of the time it has no effect, but sometimes it gives a shock. So that complicates matters somewhat.

0 1968-06-29, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Yes. Not so much as one thinks. Lately, for instance, Ive been trying not to say anything, but to put a strong Formationit works very well. Instead of saying, Bring me this or Do this for me, you put a strong Formation: it works very well. And the Formation doesnt at all depend on the bodynot at all. The consciousness doesnt need the body to make the Formation.
   Yes, but to be transformed, matter needs the bodily presence.

0 1968-09-21, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   So there is only one response (gesture with hands open upward): unshakable calm, and putting the Supreme here, and thats all. But it [the attack] doesnt really affect, yet its still there, that is, its not repulsed, not dissolved: its there (gesture as if encircling Mother). And its been like this since I told you right at the beginning: a formidable Formation.
   But Mother, almost every night I wake up with headaches.1 My nights are tiring, very tiring.

0 1968-11-02, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And P.L. says: That vision comes to me the very day when I am told that the Holy Father has given instructions to his closest collaborators for the Formation of a program of action to shake the lethargy of millions of Catholics asleep in the routine of unconscious religious practice.1 Here are the most important names in the committee: X Italys cardinal; Y, Frances cardinal; Z, the Popes factotum; then Msgr. Z
   That same man.

0 1968-11-09, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But there was in her mental Formation a DEEP PITY for human suffering, and especially, especially an extraordinary Compassion. Oh, precisely for the suffering of death, for that transition, that moment of transition the suffering of death. That used to preoccupy her very much. And thats what was there the whole night of her death; it was a very bad nightbad in the sense that I suffered a lot, and very difficult. Didnt sleep for one minute.
   Then, when I learned she had left, the first thing that came (gesture of mental vibration): Oh, how lonely she must have felt when she died! And it preoccupied me a lot, until her thought told me, Now its over, we wont think about it anymore. She must have had a difficult moment.

0 1968-11-13, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   For instance, its habit of building possibilities, or foreseeing (we can hardly call it building or foreseeing its a sort of very dark thing deep down) possibilities and imagining events, with the whole pessimistic and dramatic side shown in all its ridiculousness. So then, I dont know, its obviously to learn to control and direct that, but At first sight, it just has to be swept away, its absolutely useless: you waste your time with it and make a bad job. You fill the atmosphere with a quantity of thoroughly disgusting Formations with pulp-fiction imaginations.
   There is an attempt at control, but all that is still very, very dark.

0 1969-01-04, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Yes I think so, yes. I feel its the Formation thats going to permeate and express itselfpermeate and express itselfin the bodies which will be the bodies of the Supramental.
   Or maybe maybe the superman? I dont know. The intermediary between the two. Maybe the superman: it was very human, but a human of divine proportions, you understand.

0 1969-02-26, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And the two things: the true Perception, and a sort of diminished, slowed down memory of the old way; and in that old way there are all kinds of undesirable but general, universal things, which are hard to change for that reason, because the sort of Formation now in the making is foreign, so to speak, to the world.
   You understand, through people and things I am always in contact with the same Presence, but if for any reason the way of being of people and things imposes itself [on Mother], the body feels odd, the effect is odd.1

0 1969-03-26, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Renewed gives the impression that there was a stop. Its not that. It CONTINUES to be like that. Its the consciousness constantly at work, not as a sequel of what was there before, but as a result of what it perceives every instant. In the mental movement, there is the consequence of what youve done beforeits not that, its the consciousness which CONSTANTLY sees what has to be done. Its extremely important to understand that, because thats how its still working for everything. Its not at all a Formation whose development you must look after: its the consciousness which, every second, followsfollows its own movement. That allows everything! Its precisely what allows miracles, reversals, and so onit allows everything. Its the very opposite of human creations. It was like that, it continues to be like that, and it will always be like that so long as I am here.

0 1969-04-26, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There have been queer things and I thought it may again have been the result of what theyre doing there. I was looking, like that (in fact, trying to put the Light and Peace everywhere), when this new Consciousness said something to me (Mother looks for a note). It didnt say, it showed me. It showed me the vibrations of those who want to cause harm (you know how it is there), vibrations, Formations, and it showed me that when it is around someone, around a person, those vibrations come and are violently thrown back on the person who sent them. And it also showed me how, when they go back, they take just the form that can affect the person!
   It was seen, like that. Afterwards, it made me write (Mother points to her note). I first wrote it without the first line:

0 1969-05-10, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But the quantity of Formations in the earth atmosphere that we might call defeatist, its tre-men-dous! You wonder how everything isnt smashed, its so Everybody is all the time, all the time shaping catastrophesexpecting the worst, seeing the worst, observing nothing but the worst. Their reactions Oh, you know, its down to the smallest things: the body observes everything. So when the reaction is in harmony, everything is fine; when there is that reaction I now call defeatist, if someone takes an object, he drops it. It happens all the time. Theres absolutely no reason whatsoever why it should happen: its the presence of the defeatist consciousness. Someone takes an object, and drops it; he wanted to do one thing, and he is made to do another.. And if (the body having been aware of it), if it makes the mistake of telling the person the thing AS IT IS, the person is completely upset! It happened again two days agoa very simple thing, you know, that is, just as it is, and the person is completely upset!
   But you know, this Consciousness is amusing, it has put this body in contact with, if not all, at least a considerable number of desires that it should die! Everywhere, they are everywhere! It sees that, sees it as it is, but its not affected at all anymore, it doesnt care in the least. It seems to be fully protected from all the things that come. It doesnt care in the least. Most of the time, they even make it laugh. But its incredible! And then, from time to time, a little flame, its so lovely! And that Presence That Presence, that Presence These cells are like children: when they feel, everything, but everything disappears except that Presence; then there is like a sigh of relief. But outwardly, its invisible: if the body were suffering, it would amount to the same thing. Generally, when it suffers, it doesnt complain: it calls. It calls and calls and calls. And its quite aware that its absolutely useless, that if it only knew how to go into immobility, go into silence, it would be enough. As soon as it does it

0 1969-07-19, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Oh, when no one is there on the landing, some people come upstairs and into the room! (Mother laughs) Once there was a big to-do: it was in the morning and I was seeing people, when suddenly there barged in a very tall man. So everyone rushed to him and took him out. It seems that man had written to me that he wanted to see me, and I hadnt replied, so (laughing) he had decided he would come without reply! A fairly young man. Afterwards he said (he knew some people here, who told him it was a big scandal), he said, I dont even know why or how I did it! He was waiting there in front of the door on the terrace, and M. who had just seen me came out; thinking the man had come to see me, M. told him, Come with me, and the man replied, Go ahead, Ill follow you, but instead of following him he came right in here! Then he said he hadnt the least idea how or why he had done it. So it means there are Formations waiting there to get hold of people.

0 1969-10-11, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But then, I had a perception afterwards. Because when this man speaks, I always feel the Truth speaking, always, I really feel it flows like a spring; but when he told me about that business with the government of India, I felt it wasnt the Truth speaking (thats in fact why I started feeling angry), and I suddenly perceived it wasnt he who spoke, it was probably the mental Formation of those Divine Life Society people who sent you a letter of recommendation for him. I feel its their mental Formation.
   Thats right.

0 1969-12-13, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Because, even in a mental silence (I am used to always writing in mental silence), but still, even in that silence, I am wary of old Formations or reactions coming and expressing themselves in the silence.
   Ah, yes.

0 1970-03-14, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I remembered the time when Sri Aurobindo was here. You see, the inner part of the being used to enter into a consciousness that felt and saw things according to the higher consciousness they were quite different; then, when Sri Aurobindo fell ill, in fact, when there were all those things, first that accident (he broke his leg2) then the body, the BODY used to say constantly, Those are dreams, those are dreams, its not for us; for us bodies, this is how it is. (gesture underground) It was frightful. Then all that left. It left completely after so many yearsall those years of effortit left: the body itself would feel the divine Presence, and its impression was that everything necessarily had to change. So then, these last few days, that Formation which had left (a terrestrial Formation, of all mankind, which means that those who have the vision or perception of, or even just the aspiration to, that higher Truth, when they come back into the [material] Fact, they are in front of this dreadfully painful thing, this perpetual negation by all circumstances), that Formation, from which the body had completely freed itself, came back. It came back, but when it came back, when the body saw it, it saw it AS ONE SEES A FALSEHOOD. And I understood how much it had changed, because when it saw the Formation, its impression it looked at it with a smile and the impression: ah, an old Formation now devoid of truth. It was an extraordinary experience: that thing, its time is over. Its time is over. And this Pressure of the Consciousness is a pressure for things as they wereso miserable and so petty and so obscure and so apparently inescapable at the same timeall of it was (Mother gestures above her shoulder) behind, like an antiquated past. So then, I really sawsaw, understood that the work of this Consciousness (which is PITILESS, its not concerned whether its difficult or not, probably not even much concerned about apparent damage) is for the normal state to cease to be this thing which is so heavy, so obscure, so uglyso lowand for the dawn to come you know, something dawning on the horizon: a new Consciousness. That something truer and more luminous.
   What Sri Aurobindo says here about diseases is just the point: the power of habit, of all constructions, of what appears inescapable and irrevocable in diseases. With all that, experiences seem to multiply in order to show in order for one to learn that its simply a question of attitude the attitude of going beyond beyond this mental prison humanity has locked itself in, and of breathing up above.
   It looks it looks like a miracle in the body. The disappearance of this Formation really looks miraculous.
   And everything becomes clear.

0 1970-04-22, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Nights are very peculiar. And precisely because all that isnt mentalized, its hardly possible to describe or explain. But this subtle physical very concretely has the sense or feeling or perception (I dont know) of the divine Presence the divine Presence in all things, everywhere. So then, this body is one might say, partly this way and partly that way (gesture of oscillation between two worlds). That was one thing I asked this morning: how (the body asked itself), why, how, how is it that, having this divine perception almost constantly (because, as I told you, that consciousness is in the process of being established), how is it that the body feels this anguish?It lives in a sort of constant anguish. So whats that anguish? And there are no explanations or But just when it asked that, there was something like Sri Aurobindos manner, so full of humor, as if it were he (but not visible), telling me, Look carefully: in this anguish, there is Bliss. And this morning, I was sitting on my bed about to get up, and there was this kind of I cant call it suffering, but it would be more like a discomfort, I dont know, as if at the thought of the whole day ahead (but thought, its not a thought: its as if the day were weighing down), and while I was feeling that discomfort (I had to make an effort to get up and resume activity), at the same time, there was something laughing deep down, all the way down, and saying, But! And it was in bliss. But then, the body has been (that was part of its Formation) very careful to maintain commonsensenot to go off its rocker. You feel you are just on the borderline, you know: one very small movement like that, and (gesture of dissolution).
   The body was used to commonsense, practical sense and that, prrrt! seems to be crumbling away So there is a sort of What saves the situation is that I say to myself (I SEEI dont know how to explain I see its peoples reaction: in front of this, people quite naturally feel youre taking leave of your senses), so I say to myself, What do I care! What do I care what they think of mewhoever it may be, I couldnt care less. The body couldnt care less (its been a long time since the rest stopped caring, but the body). Then I see in my memory certain expressions of Sri Aurobindos, certain smiles in front of perfectly reasonable attitudes and the ridiculousness of those reasonable attitudes becomes patent. I live in that all the time.

0 1970-05-23, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The country seems to be falling apart, so there [in Delhi] they asked me what should be done. I told them that this Centenary [of Sri Aurobindo, in 1972] has come ON PURPOSE. Its certainly something thats coming now because the ONLY salvation for the country, the ONLY thing that can unify it, is for it to adopt Sri Aurobindos ideal for the countryhe had a plan, he very clearly saw how the country should be organized, he said it to me. Its there, if one reads his books seriously, one can see it. So I said that things should be so organized that THROUGHOUT India there should be study groups, libraries, lectures, anything whatever, so the whole country should know Sri Aurobindos thought and will. And the Centenary is an excellent opportunity. They asked me, Whats the way out of this chaos? On my advice, Indira has been trying to surround herself with people of value. (She had me told that she had forgotten questions of party and wants to surround herself with capable people.) The difficulty is to find upright people. So they need to be educated they dont even have a NOTION of how they can be! So I said, This Centenary should be organized right now, at once, like something covering the whole country on the occasion of the Centenary. And in what Sri Aurobindo wrote, they will find all they need to organize the country, and much better, I tell them, infinitely better than what I may say, because he knew the country infinitely better than I do, and the mental Formation and everything.
   People need occasions to do things. But this seems to have been wonderfully prepared ON PURPOSE.

0 1970-05-27, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Then what would form this (Mother points to the bodys substance), the first Formation? We can picture the elimination of wear and tear and an indefinite prolongation with a renewal of vitality, thats quite conceivable, but the first Formation?
   Yes, matter, substance.
   From a purely scientific point of view, I dont know how the child is formed in the mothers womb. In our system, food is almost dematerialized in order to be used, so for the childs Formation, is it the same thing?
   Yes, its the same food thats used for the child.

0 1970-07-29, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And now youre read me this letter. This man is very mentalvery mental but And what he wants to see isnt me: its a mental construction he has made (but that doesnt matter, one can work through anything). But there was in this letter something MORE than I thought. I always thought he was a very mental man with a vital power of attraction there may be something else. But they are caught in vital Formations. P. L. too, I always got a feeling he had to be protected.
   Did Z say when she intends to leave?

0 1970-09-30, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Instead of a stem that writhes (you dont writhe! [laughter]), you can put seven linesseven lines. Then a gathering of the seven lines here (just above the surface of the waters). This is symbolic of the books Formation. And then here (above the waters), rise straight and (Mother draws seven lines opening up at the top of a stem). You understand: seven ascents (below) and here (above) seven responses. Like this. Seven lines gathering at a point that corresponds to this [the other point where the seven lines from below gather]. Then it has a meaning.

0 1970-10-31, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Answer:) Not sex exactly, but what might be called the masculine and feminine principle. It is a difficult question [whether sex is altered in rebirth]. There are certain lines the reincarnation follows and so far as my experience goes and general experience goes, one follows usually a single line. But the alteration of sex cannot be declared impossible. There may be some who do alternate. The presence of feminine traits in a male does not necessarily indicate a past feminine birththey may come in the general play of forces and their Formations. There are besides qualities common to both sexes. Also a fragment of the psychological personality may have been associated with a birth not ones own. One can say of a certain person of the past, that was not myself, but a fragment of my psychological personality was present in him. Rebirth is a complex affair and not so simple in its mechanism as in the popular idea.
   11 January 1936
   It makes me go out completely. I lose all contact, its strange. Its the second time it has done this to me. Everything disappears: I go into a Formation of that, and its the only thing left. A very odd phenomenon. The whole world disappears. And when you stopped, it was as if I suddenly FELL from somewhere. Its strange.
   Very interesting.

0 1971-03-06, #Agenda Vol 12, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Theres this whole Formation of age like this (gesture all around Mother), an almost subconscious idea that she is old, she is old. It creates an atmosphere of resistance to the change. It almost creates a conflict in the being. Outwardly, its not so good. When I was sick, for example, I became increasingly bent over; now I would like to straighten up: the doctor says in a peremptory tone that if I tried to straighten up abruptly, I would break my back. You see, things like that. Its impossible, impossible, impossible, from every side.
   Dont repeat that; I am telling you so that you keep it.

0 1971-04-07, #Agenda Vol 12, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its obvious that India is the symbol of the New World in Formation, so India must be one, symbolically, in order for the New World to see the light of day.

0 1971-04-21, #Agenda Vol 12, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I dont very much like the destiny of the two books being mixed together. You see, I had made a special Formation [for Supermanhood], I had put a special force, but it was on that one.
   I can call him, its quite easy.

0 1971-05-12, #Agenda Vol 12, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother nods her head) No, its worse still: there is a VERY disastrous Formation over India, and theyre pulling it down, the fools!
   But precisely, Mother, one just cant keep from thinking that Kali has to intervene.

0 1971-05-15, #Agenda Vol 12, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And thats what I said to. N.S.2 sent U. expressly to ask me what she should do, because Indira doesnt listen to her at all anymorenot at alland she seems to be completely well, anyway, as though submerged by a hostile Formation.3 So I replied that I personally have only one hope (Mother clenches her fists in front of her as though clinging to something): Let the Divine Will be done, and All those who are capable of helping the contact and hastening the reception of that Will here must put all their consciousness and aspiration into it. Thats what I replied. And this (indicating the article), from the standpoint of action, is the last chancenot that people listen very much, but it creates a current of force.

0 1971-05-22, #Agenda Vol 12, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I would like. You see, the Will comes, but then all the Formations come in and decay its execution I would like I would like my atmosphere to be a limpid transmitter, utterly limpid. I dont even try to know what it is, because that too introduces an ordinary human element. A limpid, limpid transmitter: let it come like this (gesture of direct descent), pure, in all its purityeven if it is overwhelming.
   At bottom we dont know why one thing is like this, another thing is like that, and our vision is even if our vision is worldwide, it is so small, so smallso exclusive: we want this, we do not want that. First and FOREMOST to be an instrument: we must be LIMPID, limpid, things must pass through undistorted and unobstructed.

0 1971-07-14, #Agenda Vol 12, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   For me, as I see it, its a mixturea mixture of contagion I caught from people who came here and made me that gift, and at the same time certain things that want to change. You cant imagine the Formations (gesture around herself), its incredible the Formations that are whirling around me, stirring up.
   Ive found some letters by Sri Aurobindo (letters he sent me) in which he describes the current situationyou would think its now!1
   Some adverse Formations?
   Yes, of course! Everything that ought to disappear but hangs on desperately.
   For me, all those Formations (more than catastrophic, mind you), for me theyre nothing, they are totally irrelevant, but they do affect people, who go awry, and then. All things considered, the repercussions on my body are really minimal.
   The body sees plainly, very clearly, the marvelous protection it has, you know, it would otherwise be slashed to pieces.

0 1972-02-23, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   From the standpoint of the work, it was very important, but physically. I had trouble on the balcony. There was a Formation (from whom I dont know); I had seen it already for some time (I have a vague idea who it comes from, but I am not sure and in fact I dont care): I felt I was going to die on the 21st.
   It was a Formation. Naturally, it had no effect, except physically when I went out on the balcony: it was difficult.
   But you stayed out for a long time.

0 1972-02-26, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The " Formation of death" surrounding Mother, which she already mentioned on the occasion of the 21st of February, seems to have become more defined. In fact, both Satprem and Sujata remember being struck by a comment Mother made the previous year, on September 8, 1971: "The body has had moments of agony as never before in its whole lifein connection with death, which has never happened before." That remark had a strange ring to it. Mother had often mentioned before that there were a lot of desires for her body to die: "A considerable number of desires for it to die, everywhere they are everywhere!" (May 10, 1969). But the threat or Formation of death seems to have drawn closer, taken shape since that date. As if it had entered the physical realm.

0 1972-03-29a, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   To the question raised by the Swedish magazine and to the one many characters in your books ask themselves, I believe that Sri Aurobindo and his vast synthesis bring the key to a reconciliation and long-sought answer, a reconciliation between being and doing, which religion is incapable of supplying. Through our Yoga, Sri Aurobindo wrote, we propose nothing less than to break totally the past and present Formations which make up the ordinary mental and material man and create a new centre of vision, a new universe of activities in ourselves, which will form a divine humanity or a superhuman nature. This is not an idea but an experience to be lived, which Sri Aurobindo has minutely described in his extensive body of works. It is what some thousand men and women from all over the world are trying to do at the Pondicherry Ashram.
   In your reply to the Swedish magazine, you emphasize, The major obstacle to tolerance is not agnosticism but Manichaeism. That is also why religions will never be able to unite humanity, because they have remained Manichaean in their principle, because they are founded on morality, on a sense of good and evil, necessarily varying from one country to the next. Religions will not reconcile men with one another any more than they have reconciled men with themselves, or reconciled their aspiration to be with their need for action and for the same reasons, for in both cases they have dug an abyss between an ideal good, a being they have relegated to heaven, and an evil, a becoming, which reigns supreme in a world where all is vanity. I would like to quote here a passage from Sri Aurobindos Essays on the Gita which throws a clear light on the problem: To put away the responsibility for all that seems to us evil or terrible on the shoulders of a semi-omnipotent Devil, or to put it aside as part of Nature, making an unbridgeable opposition between world-nature and God-Nature, as if Nature were independent of God, or to throw the responsibility on man and his sins, as if he had a preponderant voice in the making of this world or could create anything against the will of God, are clumsily comfortable devices in which the religious thought of India has never taken refuge. We have to look courageously in the face of the reality and see that it is God and none else who has made this world in his being and that so he has made it. We have to see that Nature devouring her children, Time eating up the lives of creatures, Death universal and ineluctable and the violence of the Rudra forces in man and Nature are also the supreme Godhead in one of his cosmic figures. We have to see that God the bountiful and prodigal creator, God the helpful, strong and benignant preserver is also God the devourer and destroyer. The torment of the couch of pain and evil on which we are racked is his touch as much as happiness and sweetness and pleasure. It is only when we see with the eye of the complete union and feel this truth in the depths of our being that we can entirely discover behind that mask too the calm and beautiful face of the all-blissful Godhead and in this touch that tests our imperfection the touch of the friend and builder of the spirit in man. The discords of the worlds are Gods discords and it is only by accepting and proceeding through them that we can arrive at the greater concords of his supreme harmony.2 I believe that the characters of your books would not be seeking sacrifice and death so intensely if they did not feel the side of light and joy behind the mask of darkness in which they so passionately lose themselves.

0 1972-08-02, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The Formation of Death
   On several occasions since the beginning of this year 1972and actually even in a conversation of September 8, 1971, where some of Mothers words had a strange ring to themMo ther mentioned the Formation of death she was up against. Today, again, in the following conversation, Mother speaks of that Formation.
   In occult terms, a Formation is a strongly formed thought, or a concentration of force with a specific goal and a permanent existence of its own. Formations can be negative or positive. In everyday life, for example, wills or desires or long-nurtured suggestions one day come to their happy or sorry fruition. The day, the success, or the accident were prepared by the constant repetition of insignificant little thoughts, which eventually exude their cancer or dazzling success. Thus Mother, who for long had had no thoughts or will of her own, except what You will, was extremely sensitive and vulnerable to anything coming from the outside, precisely because there was no more outside for her, she was directly and instantly bathed in everything: she was in people. My body is excessively sensitive, she said, and needs to be protected from all those things coming in. As if it had to work inside, as in an egg.
   February 26
   Herein, we are therefore trying to find out what happened on November 17, 1973: the why of things. A tragedy does not occur at a particular minute or hour in History. It is the result of all the hours and little minutes that have prepared that particular minute or made it inevitable. As I said earlier, I was thunderstruck on that November 18, 1973. I was certainly the blindest of all the characters taking part in the tragedy, for they all seemed to know in advance that she was going to dieat least those in her immediate entourage. But that knowing in advance bears a terrible implication. Here we put our finger on the Formation of death Mother was imbibing dailya perpetual discomfort, she used to say. In those repeated little minutes we can pinpoint the cause of what happened at 7:25 p.m. on November 17,1973.
   There is no better eyewitness than Pranab, Mothers bodyguard since he was almost constantly physically present and even slept in Mothers room. Asked about the cause of Mothers departure, this is what he stated in a public speech on December 4, 1973 [in English]:
   As in all tragedies in human History, there is not a particular person to blame. Humans only incarnate certain types of force or character they come, die, triumph and vanish but the forces remain and continue to animate millions and millions of unknown little humans here and there, who are silently responsible and the invisible actors in the drama. There is no one to put on trial hereexcept millions who are but ourselves. It would therefore be absurd to say that Pranab was the author, or the sole author, of that Formation (Everywhere, there are wills that it [the body] should die! she said), but he certainly fostered it and transmitted it, and because he was physically present all the time, Mother had to brea the that horror constantly. Ultimately there remains this haunting question, the only one perhaps: Could it have been otherwise?
   There are two Formations like this (gesture confronting each other), like two wrestlers: one Formation is that I will die on Sri Aurobindos birthday; the other Formation is that I am undergoing the necessary trans Formation to span humanity to the Supramental. Both Formations are as theyre like this (same gesture facing each other) and.
   When this Formation [of death] makes itself felt, an awareness comes that theres hardly any difference between life and physical death, in that anything, at any time, can send you over to the other side. Then, with the other Formation, theres a feeling that (how can I put it?) the bodys frailty is due to a need for the consciousness to change so it can manifest the Supramental.
   And I am like this (gesture between the two).

02.01 - Metaphysical Thought and the Supreme Truth, #The Integral Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Any seeking of the supreme Truth through intellect alone must end either in Agnosticism of this kind or else in some intellectual system or mind-constructed formula. There have been hundreds of these systems and formulas and there can be hundreds more, but none can be definitive. Each may have its value for the mind, and different systems with their contrary conclusions can have an equal appeal to intelligences of equal power and competence. All this labour of speculation has its utility in training the human mind and helping to keep before it the idea of Something beyond and Ultimate towards which it must turn. But the intellectual Reason can only point vaguely or feel gropingly towards it or try to indicate partial and even conflicting aspects of its manifestation here; it cannot enter into and know it. As long as we remain in the domain of the intellect only, an impartial pondering over all that has been thought and sought after, a constant throwing up of ideas, of all the possible ideas, and the Formation of this or that philosophical belief, opinion or conclusion is all that can be done. This kind of disinterested search after Truth would be the only possible attitude for any wide and plastic intelligence. But any conclusion so arrived at would be only speculative; it could have no spiritual value; it would not give the decisive experience or the spiritual certitude for which the soul is seeking. If the intellect is our highest possible instrument and there is no other means of arriving at supraphysical Truth, then a wise and large Agnosticism must be our ultimate attitude. Things in the manifestation may be known to some degree, but the Supreme and all that is beyond the Mind must remain for ever unknowable.
  It is only if there is a greater consciousness beyond Mind and that consciousness is accessible to us that we can know and enter into the ultimate Reality. Intellectual speculation, logical reasoning as to whether there is or is not such a greater consciousness cannot carry us very far. What we need is a way to get the experience of it, to reach it, enter into it, live in it.

02.02 - Lines of the Descent of Consciousness, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   At the very outset when and where the Many has come out into manifestation in the Onehere also it must be remembered that we are using a temporal figure in respect of an extra-temporal factthere and then is formed a characteristic range of reality which is a perfect equation of the one and the many: that is to say, the one in becoming many still remains the same immaculate one in and through the many, and likewise the many in spite of its manifoldnessand because of the special quality of the manifoldnessstill continues to be the one in the uttermost degree. It is the world of fundamental realities. Sri Aurobindo names it the Supermind or Gnosis. It is something higher than but distantly akin to Plato's world of Ideas or Noumena (ideai, nooumena) or to what Plotinus calls the first divine emanation (nous). These archetypal realities are realities of the Spirit, Idea-forces, truth-energies, the root consciousness-forms, ta cit, in Vedic terminology. They are seed-truths, the original mother-truths in the Divine Consciousness. They comprise the fundamental essential many aspects and formulations of an infinite Infinity. At this stage these do not come into clash or conflict, for here each contains all and the All contains each one in absolute unity and essential identity. Each individual Formation is united with and partakes of the nature of the one supreme Reality. Although difference is born here, separation is not yet come. Variety is there, but not discord, individuality is there, not egoism. This is the first step of Descent, the earliest one-not, we must remind ourselves again, historically but psychologically and logically the descent of the Transcendent into the Cosmic as the vast and varied Supermindcitra praketo ajania vibhw of the Absolute into the relational manifestation as Vidysakti (Gnosis).
   The next steps, farther down or away, arrive when the drive towards differentiation and multiplication gathers momentum becomes accentuated, and separation and isolation increase in degree and emphasis. The lines of individuation fall more and more apart from each other, tending to form closed circles, each confining more and more exclusively to itself, stressing its own particular and special value and function, in contradistinction to or even against other lines. Thus the descent or fall from the Supermind leads, in the first instance, to the creation or appearance of the Overmind. It is the level of consciousness where the perfect balance of the One and the Many is disturbed and the emphasis begins to be laid on the many. The source of incompatibility between the two just starts here as if Many is notOne and One is not Many. It is the beginning of Ignorance, Avidya, Maya. Still in the higher hemisphere of the Overmind, the sense of unity is yet maintained, although there is no longer the sense of absolute identity of the two; they are experienced as complementaries, both form a harmony, a harmony as of different and distinct but conjoint notes. The Many has come forward, yet the unity is also there supporting it-the unity is an immanent godhead, controlling the patent reality of the Many. It is in the lower hemisphere of the Overmind that unity is thrown into the background half-submerged, flickering, and the principle of multiplicity comes forward with all insistence. Division and rivalry are the characteristic marks of its organisation. Yet the unity does not disappear altogether, only it remains very much inactive, like a sleeping partner. It is not directly perceived and envisaged, not immediately felt but is evoked as reminiscence. The Supermind, then, is the first crystallisation of the Infinite into individual centres, in the Overmind these centres at the outset become more exclusively individualised and then jealously self-centred.
   Here also in the vital three ranges can be distinguished the lower becoming more and more turbid and turbulent and fierce or more and more self-centred and selfish. These levels can best be seen by their impact on our vital being and Formations there. The first, the highest one, the meeting or confluence of the Mind and the Vital is the Heart, the centre of emotion, the knot of the external or instrumental vehicle, of the frontal consciousness, behind which is born and hides the true individualised consciousness, the psyche. The mid-region is the Higher Vital consisting of larger (egoistic) dynamisms, such as high ambition, great enterprise, heroic courage, capacity for work, adventure, masterfulness, also such movements as sweeping violences, mighty hungers, and intense arrogances. The physical seat of this movement is, as perhaps the Tantras would say, the domain ranging between the heart and the navel. Lower down ranges the Lower Vital which consists of small desires, petty hankerings, blind cravingsall urges and impulses that are more or less linked up with the body and move to gross physical satisfactions.
   But always the Consciousness is driving towards a yet greater disintegration and fragmentation, obscuration and condensation of self-oblivion. The last step in the process of transmutation or involution is Matter where consciousness has wiped itself out or buried itself within so completely and thoroughly that it has become in its outward form totally dark, dense, hard, pulverised into mutually exclusive grains. The supreme luminous Will of Consciousness in its gradual descent and self obliteration finally ends in a rigid process of mere mechanised drive.
   Next is the domain of the Supermind with which the manifestation of the Divine starts. We have said it is the world of typal realities, of the first seed-realities, where the One and the Many are united and fused in each other, where the absolute unity of the Supreme maintains itself in undiminished magnitude and expresses and formulates itself perfectly in and through the original multiplicity. Here take birth the first personalities, absolute truth-forms of the Divine. Here are the highest gods, the direct Formations of the Divine himself. Here are the Four Powers and Personalities of swara whom Sri Aurobindo has named after the Vaishnava terminology: (i) Mahavira, embodying the Brahmin quality of Knowledge and Light and wide Consciousness, (ii) Balarama, embodying the Kshatriya quality of Force and intense dynamism, (iii) Pradyumna, embodying the quality of love and beauty the Vaishya virtue of mutuality and harmony and solidarity, and (iv) Aniruddha, embodying the Sudra quality of competent service, of organisation and execution in detail. Corresponding with these Four there are the other Four Powers and Personalities of the Divine Mother war (i) Maheshwari, (ii) Mahakali, (iii) Mahalakshmi and (iv) Mahasaraswati. Next in the downward gradient comes the Overmind where the individualised powers and personalities of the Divine tend to become self-sufficient and self-regarding; their absolute unity is loosened and the lines of multiplicity begin to be more independent of each other, each aiming at a special fulfilment of its own. Still the veil that is being drawn over the unity is yet transparent which continues to be sufficiently dynamic. This is the abode of the gods, the true and high gods: it is these that the Vedic Rishis appear to have envisaged and sought after. The all gods (vive dev) were indeed acknowledged to be but different names and forms of one supreme godhead (dev) it is the one god, says Rishi Dirghatamas, who is called multifariously whether as Agni or Yam a or Matariswan; it is the one god, again, who is described as having a thousand heads and a thousand feet. And yet they are separate entities, each has his own distinct and distinctive character and attribute, each demands a characteristic way of approach and worship. The tendency towards an exclusive stress is already at work on this level and it is the perception of this truth that lies behind the term henotheism used by European scholars to describe the Vedic Religion.
   The next stage of devolution is the Mind proper. There or perhaps even before, on the lower reaches of the Overmind, the gods have become all quite separate, self-centred, each bounded in his own particular sphere and horizon. The overmind gods the true godsare creators in a world of balanced or harmoniously held difference; they are powers that fashion each a special fulfilment, enhancing one another at the same time (parasparam bhvayantah). Between the Overmind and the Mind there is a class of lesser godsthey have been called formateurs; they do not create in the strict sense of the term, they give form to what the anterior gods have created and projected. These form-makers that consolidate the encasement, fix definitely the image, have most probably been envisaged in the Indian dhynamrtis. But in the Mind the gods become still more fixed and rigid, stereotyped; the mental gods inspire exclusive systems, extreme and abstract generalisations, theories and principles and formulae that, even when they seek to force and englobe all in their cast-iron mould, can hardly understand or tolerate each other.
   The formulation or revelation of the Psyche marks another line of what we have been describing as the Descent of Consciousness. The phenomenon of individualisation has at its back the phenomenon of the growth of the Psyche. It is originally a spark or nucleus of consciousness thrown into Matter that starts growing and organising itself behind the veil, in and through the movements and activities of the apparent vehicle consisting of the triple nexus of Body (Matter) and Life and Mind. The extreme root of the psychic growth extends perhaps right into the body, consciousness of Matter, but its real physical basis and tenement is found only with the growth and Formation of the physical heart. And yet the psychic individuality behind the animal organisation is very rudimentary. All that can be said is that it is there, in potentia, it exists, it is simple being: it has not started becoming. This is man's speciality: in him the psychic begins to be dynamic; to be organised and to organise, it is a psychic personality that he possesses. Now this flowering of the psychic personality is due to an especial Descent, the descent of a Person from another level of consciousness. That Person (or Superperson) is the jvatman, the Individual Self, the central being of each individual Formation. The Jivas are centres of multiplicity thrown up in the bosom of the infinite Consciousness: it is the supreme Consciousness eddying in unit Formations to serve as the basis for the play of manifestation. They are not within the frame of manifestation (as the typal Formations in the Supermind are), they are above or beyond or beside it and stand there eternally and invariably in and as part and parcel of the one supreme RealitySachchidananda. But the Jivatman from its own status casts its projection, representation, delegated formulationemanation, in the phraseology of the neo-Platonistsinto the manifestation of the triple complex of mind, life and body, that is to say, into the human vehicle, and thus stands behind as the psychic personality or the soul. This soul, we have seen, is a developing, organising focus of consciousness growing from below and comes to its own in the human being: or we can put it the other way, that is to say, when it comes to its own, then the human being appears. And it has come to its own precisely by a descent of its own self from above, in the same manner as with the other descents already described. Now, this coming to its own means that it begins henceforth to exercise its royal power, its natural and inherent divine right, viz, of consciously and directly controlling and organising its terrestrial kingdom which is the body and life and mind. The exercise of conscious directive will, supported and illumined by a self-consciousness, I that occurs with the advent of the Mind is a function of the I Purusha, the self-conscious being, in the Mind; but this self-conscious being has been able to come up, manifest itself and be active, because of pressure of the underlying psychic personality that has formed here.
   Thus we have three characteristics of the human personality accruing from the psychic consciousness that supports and inspires it:(1) self-consciousness: an animal acts, feels and even knows, but man knows that he acts, knows that he feels, knows even that he knows. This phenomenon of consciousness turning round upon itself is the hallmark of the human being; (2) a conscious will holding together and harmonising, fashioning and integrating the whole external nature evolved till now; (3) a purposive drive, a deliberate and voluntary orientation towards a higher and ever higher status of individualisation and personalisation,not only a horizontal movement seeking to embrace and organise the normal, the already attained level of consciousness, but also a vertical movement seeking to raise the level, attain altogether a new poise of higher organisation.

02.03 - An Aspect of Emergent Evolution, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   At the very outset of the evolutionary march, when material Nature meant only a mass or masses of incandescent gaseous elements, the first miracle that happened was the Formation, the advent of water. There was Hydrogen and there was Oxygen existing and moving side by side, for millions of years perhaps, but only at a given moment did an electric current happen to pass through a certain mixture of the two elements somewhere, and behold, a liquid drop was the product, an absolutely new, unforeseen, unpredictable and wonderful object! Examples can be multiplied.
   The fact is admitted, on the whole, unless one is a Fundamentalist and prefers still to live in the consciousness of a bygone century. Difference comes in when the question of explanations and of viewpoints regarding them is raised. A materialist like Professor Broad would consider Mind and Life as fundamentally Formations of Matter, however different they might seem from each other and from the latter. Water, the so-called miracle product of Oxygen and Hydrogen, according to him, is as material as these two; even so Life and Mind, however miraculously produced, being born of Matter, are nothing but the same single reality, only in different forms. Others, who are more or less idealists, Alexander and Lloyd Morgan, for example (some of them call themselves neo-realists, however), would not view the phenomenon in the same way. Alexander says that Matter and Life and Mind are very different from each other; they are truly emergents, that is to say, novelties; but how the thing has been possible, one need not inquire; one should accept the fact with natural piety.
   Morgan proffers an explanation. He says that whatever there is, exists in God who is the all-continent. In fact, everything that is or was or shall be is in Him. And the evolutionary gradation expresses or puts in front, one by one, all the principles or types of existence that God holds in Himself. The explanation hardly explains. It simply posits the existence of Matter and Life and Mind and whatever is to come hereafter in the infinity of God, but the passage from one to another, the connecting link between two succeeding terms, and the necessity of the link, are left as obscure as before. Life is tagged on to Matter and Mind is tagged on to Life in the name of the Lord God.

02.03 - The Glory and the Fall of Life, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Mid chance Formations of an unknowing world.
  Our human ignorance moves towards the Truth

02.06 - The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Greater Life, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Its strong Formations build our growing selves;
  Its creatures are our brighter replicas,

02.10 - The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Little Mind, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Its young Formations move the mind of earth
  To labour and to dream and new-create,

02.11 - New World-Conditions, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   With this perspective in view, keeping always in front the probable shape of things to come, one must learn to consider the present, look for those forces that make for the new world and thus help the course of evolution and progress. Nature does not care for her past Formations, she is not bound to them; she is always throwing up chances and opportunitiesvariations-for new developments. Nature red in tooth and claw is only one side of the shield; and the picture is not as true today as it was even a few hundred years ago, in spite of the spells of devastating carnage she still allows in her surface movements. It may be that the very pressure and insistence of an inner harmony has brought to the fore, made acute difficulties and contraries that have to be met and solved for good.
   International co-operation has become a thing of immediate necessity, of practical utility. We met in San Francisco, not out of the spirit of sheer idealism or altruism but because we were forced to it. Circumstances have come to such a pass that even local needs, natural aspirations can be best met and served in and through international understanding. It is the solution of international problems, the amelioration of international relations first that would more easily lead to the solution of national problems than the other way round, which was perhaps the normal direction of the world-forces even a decade or two ago. Such world-organisations as the UNRRA or even the Red Cross, although they do not go deep enough into the root problems and are not powerful enough to mould or control world-forces, appearing more or less as charitable institutions, are still concrete expressions of an urgent immediate demand for mutuality and solidarity among the nations, even between warring nations.
   Now, there can be no doubt that the British wish, are even eager, to have a settlement with India: they wish to have an India free and united and strong and they are willing to lend their help as far as lies in their power and competence,not because it is an ideal, something good in the abstract and therefore worth pursuing and they are altruistic or philanthropic by nature, but because it is a matter of self-interest to them, it is a thing to be done because of the actual life conditions. A strong free and friendly India is an asset they wish to build and conserve. They feel that the old-world methods of one-sided exploitation is neither possible nor desirable any longer; they must move with the moving times. And, as I have already said, they do not move principally by ideas and notions and brain Formations, they are in closer touch with life forces and are more easily responsive to these.
   True, there are contrary voices. But as one swallow does not make a summer, even so, many such voices cannot perpetuate the past. The name, even the form of Imperialism is there, but the substance of it is how much changed, if one goes behind! The British Empire, as it stands today, is composed of three strands, we may say: the first, the front line, consists of Canada and Australia, the second, of Ireland, Egypt and Irak, and the third, mainly of India. This graded pattern shows that it is something fluid and even progressive, there is nothing rigid and final about it. The very nature of the composition seems to exert a pressure working for an equality, an equilibrium of partnership building up a genuine Commonwealth. The model is catching. An Imperialistic Russia, that has found a new avatara in Stalin, has become a champion of federalism, as the best way of preserving the imperial integrity!

02.12 - The Ideals of Human Unity, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The earliest and the most persistent unit is the family: it may be called the atomic unit of the social body, ultimate and unbreakable, considered as such at least till now. Larger units were formed in course of time or simultaneously out of this original unit. Clan, tribe are extensions of the family. For the movement of extension, of continual enlargement is natural to a living organism, and the urge of the social life in man, his gregarious instinct, his sense of solidarity with his kind is so strong and irrepressible that he cannot rest content with the family alone, but extend its boundaries or make new adhesions to it for the Formation of a still larger and more composite unit. The village was such a unit in the early days. It was a collective organization on a territorial basis: originally, however, the village too seems to have been if not wholly, at least in its major portion, an extended family. It gradually grew into a heterogeneous body, yet strongly unified, not consisting merely of blood-relations but others needed for the social economy.
   Various other regional and parochial units also developed: baronies, kingdoms and princedoms, city states, all seeking to further extend and enrich the denotation of the social unit. A critical stage was reached when, out of the welter of all these various types of social unities, yet another type, of momentous consequences, emerged, called the nation. The nation absorbed all other lesser unities and soon grew into an extremely composite and yet living unity: its strong cohesiveness, in spite of a diversity of the component elements, no less than its ardent aggressiveness, is a remarkable characteristic attending the phenomenon. It looks as thoughat least it looked so till the other dayall the other previous attempts at a larger unity, since the Formation of the original family unit, had one purpose in view, viz., the bringing forth of the national unit. Next to the family, the nation seems to be the stable unit, the other intervening ones were unstable comparatively and had only a temporary and contri butory function.
   Nationhood, however, developed into such a firm, solid, self-conscious and selfishly aggressive entity that it has now become almost a barrier to a further enlargement of the unit towards a still greater and wider unification of mankind. But nature cannot be baulked, its straight urge hampered; it takes to by-ways and indirect routes and roundabout channels for its fulfilment. On three different lines a greater and larger unification of mankind has been attempted that goes beyond the unification brought about by the ideal of the country or people or nation. First, the political, that leads to the Formation of Empires. But the faults and errors in this type of larger unit have been made very evident. It acts as a steam-roller, no doubt, crushing out and levelling parochial differences and local narrownesses; but it also means the overgrowth of a central organismcalled the metropolisat the expense of other member organisms forming part of the larger collectivity, viz., colonies and dependencies and subject races, which must in the end bring about a collapse and disruption of the whole structure. The Roman Empire was the typical example of this experiment. Next, there was what can be called the racial line. Many attempts have been made in this direction, but nothing very successful has taken shape. Pan-Slavism, Pan-Arabism, Pan-Jewry are some of the expressions of this movement. It has the fatal fault of a basis that is uncertain and doubtful: for a pure race is a myth and in modern conditions the cry must necessarily be a cry in the wilderness. Many races and peoples have in the course of human history been thrown together, they have to live together, are compelled to lead a common social, political, economic and cultural life. That indeed was the genesis of nationhood. The hegemony of a so-called Nordic race over the world was one of the monsters produced by this attempt, a reductio ad absurdum of the principle.
   The third is the religious principle. Religion, that is to say, institutional religion has also sought to unify mankind on a larger basis, as large indeed as the world itself. The aim of Christendom, of Islam was frankly a conquest of the whole human race for the one jealous Lord. Buddhism and Hinduism did not overtly or with a set purpose attempt any such worldwide proselytism, but their influence and actual working had almost a similar effect:at least in the case of the former, it was like a flood throwing down many local boundaries, overflooding distant countries, and peoples, giving them all one unified religious life and culture. But here too we meet the same objectionable feature as there is in the attempt at unity through the racial principle. For religious imperialism cannot succeed in unifying humanity, as amply demonstrated by the Roman Catholic Church; and like political imperialism it was more or less an experiment in the line, effecting nothing beyond a moral atmosphere. Even a federation of religions, contemplated by some idealists, seems hardly a practicable proposition; for it is only a mental conception and has no compelling vital force in it. At best it is only a sign-post, a pointer to the goal Nature and humanity have been endeavouring to evolve and realise.
   Now out of this complex of forces and ideals, what seems to stand out clearly is this: (i) the family unit remains for practical purposes,whatever breaking or modification affects its outward forms, the thing seems to be a permanent feature of life organization; (ii) the nation too has attained a firm stability and inviolability; it refuses to be broken or dissolved and in any larger aggregate that is formed this one has to be integrated intact as a living unit. The other types of aggregates seem to be more in the nature of experiments and temporary necessities; when they have served their purpose they fade and disappear or are thrown into the background and persist as vestigial remains. It seems to us that the clan, the tribe, the race are such Formations. Regionalism, Imperialism (political, economic or religious) are also not stable aggregates.
   Still it is difficult to say as yet what would be the exact form of the intermediate grouping between the nation and humanity at large, even if a grouping of nations appear to be a necessity as an intermediate stage, whether such groupings or commonwealths are going to be a permanent feature or whether the nation will finally remain the ultimate unit and humanity will consist of such free equal nations, independent units, all together forming a unified whole.

03.02 - The Philosopher as an Artist and Philosophy as an Art, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The poet-philosopher or the philosopher-poet, whichever way we may put it, is a new Formation of the human consciousness that is coming upon us. A wide and rationalising (not rationalistic) intelligence deploying and marshalling out a deep intuitive and direct Knowledge that is the pattern of human mind developing in the new age. Bergson's was a harbinger, a definite landmark on the way. Sri Aurobindo's The Life Divine arrives and opens the very portals of the marvellous temple city of a dynamic integral knowledge.
   Comus, I, 477-8.

03.04 - The Body Human, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The perfection of the anatomical and morphological structure in man consists precisely in its wonderful elasticity the 'infinite faculty' or multiple functioning referred to by Shakespeare. This is the very characteristic character of man both with regard to his physical and psychological make-up. The other species are, everyone of them, more or less, a specialised Formation; we have there a closed system, a fixed and definite physical mould and pattern of life. A cat or a crow of a million years ago, like 'the immemorial elm' was not very different from its descendant of today; not so with man. I mean, the human frame, in its general build, might have remained the: same from the beginning of time, but the uses to which it has been put, the works that have been demanded of it are multifarious, indeed of infinite variety. Although it is sometimes stated that the human body too has undergone a change (and is still undergoing) from what was once heavy and muscular, tall and stalwart, with a thicker skeletal system, towards something lighter and more delicate. Also an animal, like the plant, because of its rigidity of pattern, remains unchanged, keeping to its own geographical habitat. Change of climate meant for the animal a considerable change, a sea-change, a change of species, practically. But man can easilymuch more easily than an animal or a plantacclimatise himself to all sorts of variable climates. There seems to be a greater resilience in his physical system, even as a physical object. Perhaps it contains a greater variety of component elements and centres of energy which support its versatile action. The human frame, one may say, is like the solar spectrum that contains all the colour vibrations and all the lines characteristic of the different elements. The solar sphere is the high symbol for man.
   The story runs (Aitareya Upanishad) that once the gods wished to come down and inhabit an earthly frame. Several animal forms (the cow, the horse) were presented to them one after another, but they were not satisfied, none was considered adequate for their habitation. At last the human frame (with its conscious personality) was offered to them and immediately they declared that that was indeed the perfect form they neededsuktam bateti and they entered into it.
   The Divine means the All: whatever there is (manifest or beyond) is within Him and is Himself. Man too who is within that Divine is the Divine in a special way; for he is a replica or epitome of the Divine containing or embodying the threefold status and movement of the Divine the Transcendent, the Cosmic and the Individual. He is co-extensive with the Divine. Only, the Divine is conscious, supremely conscious, while Man is unconscious or at best half-conscious. God has made himself the world and its creatures, the transcendental has become the material cosmos, true; but God has made himself Man in a special sense and for a special purpose. Man is not a fabrication of the Lower Maya, a Formation thrown up in the evolutionary course by a temporary idea in the Cosmic Mind and developed through the play of forces; on the other hand, it is a typal reality, a Real-Ideaa Formation of the original truth-consciousness, the Divine's own transcendental existence. Man is the figure of the Divine Person. The Impersonal become or viewed as the Personal takes up the human aspect, the human, that is to say, as its original prototype in the superconscience.
   The conception of a personal immortality the impersonal is naturally always immortal, there is no problem thereof a physical immortality even attains a significant value looked at from this standpoint. The urge for immortality is not merely a wish to continue indefinitely an earthly life, because of its pleasures or because of an unreasoning attachment; it means regaining and establishing the immortal body that one has or that one is essentially and potentially. The body seeks to be immortal, for it contains and secretly is its immortal Formal Cause (to make use of an Aristotelian term). The materialisation of an immortal being and figure of being that is the consummation demanded of human life on earth.

03.05 - Some Conceptions and Misconceptions, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   It is to be added that the limitation in Ignorance is after all apparent; that does not mean it is unreal or illusory, in the sense of Mayavada. Here is the distinction: Mayavada holds all Formation as my, illusory, makes no difference between limitation and delimitation: according to it, all delimitation is ignorant and illusory limitation; none has real or essential existence. In Sri Aurobindo's view limitation is real, as also delimitation: only the former is a temporary reality, it is the latter itself but under certain conditions. Again, Mayavada speaks of the Brahman, the Absolute or Transcendent as the sole and true reality: it is the Stable, the Unmoving, the utter Unity cancelling, negating all movement and multiplicity. Sri Aurobindo views the highest reality as dynamic also, permeating the multiplicity and becoming the multiplicity, becoming or existing as the multiplicity in a movement of Knowledge, becoming and appearing also at first in a movement and mode of Ignorance as the material multiplicity but gradually transmuting this ignorant multiplicity into a movement and embodiment of Knowledge. For the Knowledge was always there in and behind the Ignorance, secretly informing and guiding, moulding and transforming it.
   Thus, for example, we would not say pain is an illusion, because Ananda is the root of all and is the All. We say pain is also a reality: it is a temporary and localised form of Ananda, Ananda muted and deformed, under certain stresses and conditions. Ananda is there always but not away and aloof from pain; it is not the opposite or the negation of pain. Nor is pain a superimposition, as something foreign, upon Ananda, so that when it passes away, like a cloud, Ananda appears automatically in its full glory. We consider pain as a Formation of Ananda, it is the first result of an effort of consciousness to hold Ananda in and through a form, but it need not and cannot be the last consummation.
   In fact, the Mayavadin ascribes true reality (pramrthika) to the transcendental alone; even when that reality is spoken of as within and behind and not merely beyond the world and the individual, he takes it to mean as something away and aloof from the appearances, unmixed and untouched by these, and hence practically transcendent. Sri Aurobindo gives full and independent value to each of these triple states which, united and fused together, form the true and total reality. The transcendent reality is also immanent in the cosmos as the World-Power and the World-Consciousness and the creative Delight: it is also resident in the individual as the individual godheadantarymin the conscious Energy that informs, inspires, drives and directs all local Formations towards a divine fulfilment in time and in this physical domain. In this view nothing is illusoryeven though some may be temporary they are all contri butory to thy Divine End and take their place there in a transfigured form and rhythm. We are here far from being such stuffs as dreams are made of.
   One must not forget, however, that the principle of exclusive concentration cannot be isolated I from the total action of consciousness and viewed as functioning by itself at any time. We isolated it for logical comprehension. In actuality it is integrated with the whole nisus of consciousness and operates in conjunction with and as part of the total drive. That total drive at one point results in the multiple realities of Matter. When the element of limitation in the physical plane is ascribed to the exclusiveness of a stress in consciousness, it should not be forgotten that the act is, as it were, a joint and several responsibility of the whole consciousness in its multiple functioning. And the reverse movement is also likewise a global act: there too the force that withdraws, ascends or eliminates cannot be isolated from the other force that reaffirms, re-establishes, reintegrates,the principle of exclusiveness (like that of pain) is not proved to be illusory and non-existent, but reappears in its own essential nature as a principle of centring or canalisation of consciousness.

03.05 - The World is One, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The distinctions and differences that held good in other times and climes can have no sense or value in the world of today. Race or religion can divide man no longer; even nationhood has lost much of its original force and meaning. It is strangeperhaps it is inevitable in the secret process of Nature's working that when everything in conditions and circumstances obviously demands and points to an obliteration of all frontiers of division and separationeconomically and politically tooand all drives towards a closer co-operation and intermingling, it is precisely then that the contrary spirit and impulse raises its head and seems even to gather added strength and violence. The fact may have two explanations. First of all, it may mean a defence gesture in Nature, that is to say, certain forces or Formations have a permanent place in Nature's economy and when they apprehend that they are being ousted and neglected, when there is a one-pointed drive for their exclusion, naturally they surge up and demand recognition with a vengeance: for things forgotten or left aside that form indissolubly part of Nature's fabric and pattern, one has to retrace one's steps in order to pick them up again. But also the phenomenon may mean a simple case of atavism: for we must know that there are certain old-world aboriginal habits and movements that have to go and have no place in the higher scheme of Nature and these too come up off and on, especially when the demand is there for their final liquidation. They have to be recognised as such and treated as such. Radical and religious (including ideological) egoisms seem to us to belong to this category.
   In the higher scheme of Nature, the next evolutionary status that is being forged,itis unity, harmony that is insisted upon, for that is the very basis of the new creation: whatever militates against that, whatever creates division and disruption must be banned and ruthlessly eschewed. In the reality of things, in the actual life that man lives, it will be found that on the whole, things that separate are less numerous and insistent than those which unite, man and man and nation and nation, if each one simply lives and lets live: on the contrary, it is the points of concordance and mutuality that abound. A certain knot or twist in the mind makes all the difference: it brings in the ignorance, selfishness, blind passiona possession by the dark forces of atavism that makes the mischief.

03.15 - Towards the Future, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The Buddhists consider being as a stream of consciousness, a ceaseless flow of sensations. An individual Formation, a creature, a human person has no permanent self-identity. Itis like the Heraclitean river where one does not ba the twice in the same water.
   Besides, what is more interesting, it is not an uninterrupted continuous flow with no gap or hiatus, but a movement of disconnected units. Itis an unending series of disparate moments of consciousness. The sense of continuity is a make-believe, an illusion.
   This world, this material existence is to be transmuted the portion of earthly human existence at least, with which we are most concerned. It is at present made of ignorance and sorrow and incapacity-composed of the particles of these entities; poor and sorry as they are, these have to be replaced by entities of light and joy and love, of peace and strength and wideness. Well, it is a transmutation or transubstantiation of the kind which Nature has already attempted as an experiment; I am referring to the alchemy of fossilisation. The present human Formation must be dipped and soaked-and held under high pressure in an environment of the desired material or materials that one has in view.
   Such an environment does exist. It is pressing from within or from above and is heading towards a resultant material action. It is an awakened dynamic spiritual reality which awaits and is working for its supreme and inevitable destiny.

04.01 - The Divine Man, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   But there is a still closer mystery, the mystery of mysteries. There has not been merely a general descent, the descent of a world-force on a higher plane into another world-force on a lower plane; but that there is the descent of the individual, the personal Godhead into and as an earthly human being. The Divine born as a man and leading the life of a man among us and as one of us, the secret of Divine Incarnation is the supreme secret. That is the mechanism adopted by the Divine to cure and transmute human illshimself becoming a man, taking upon himself the burden of the evil that vitiates and withers life and working it out in and through himself. Something of this truth has been caught in the Christian view of Incarnation. God sent upon earth his only begotten son to take upon himself the sins of man, suffer vicariously for him, pay the ransom and thus liberate him, so that he may reach salvation, procure his seat by the side of the Father in Heaven. Man corrupted as he is by an original sin cannot hope by his own merit to achieve salvation. He can only admit his sin and repent and wait for the Grace to save him. The Indian view of Incarnation laid more stress upon the positive aspect of the matter, viz, the role of the Incarnation as the inaugurator and establisher of a new order in lifedharmasasthpanrthya. The Avatar brings down and embodies a higher principle of human organisation, a greater consciousness which he infuses into the existing pattern, individual or collective, which has -served its purpose, has become otiose and time-barred and needs to be remodelled, has been at the most preparatory to something else. The Avatar means a new revelation and the uplift of the human consciousness into a higher mode of being. The physical form he takes signifies the physical pressure that is exerted for the corroboration and fixation of the inner illumination that he brings upon earth and in the human frame. The Indian tradition has focussed its attention upon the Goodreyasand did not consider it essential to dwell upon the Evil. For one who finds and sees the Good always and everywhere, the Evil does not exist. Sri Aurobindo lays equal emphasis on both the aspects. Naturally, however, he does not believe in an original evil, incurable upon earth and in earthly life. In conformity with the ancient Indian teaching he declares the original divinity of man: it is because man is potentially and essentially divine that he can become actually and wholly divine. The Bible speaks indeed of man becoming perfect even as the Father in Heaven is perfect: but that is due exclusively to the Grace showered upon man, not because of any inherent perfection in him. But in according full divinity to man, Sri Aurobindo does not minimise the part of the undivine in him. This does not mean any kind of Manicheism: for Evil, according to Sri Aurobindo, is not coeval or coterminous with the Divine, it is a later or derivative Formation under given conditions, although within the range and sphere of the infinite Divine. Evil exists as a stern reality; even though it may be temporary and does not touch the essential reality, it is not an illusion nor can it be ignored, brushed aside or bypassed as something superficial or momentary and of no importance. It has its value, its function and implication. It is real, but it is not irremediable. It is contrary to the Divine but not contradictory. For even the Evil in its inmost substance carries or is the reality which it opposes or denies outwardly. Did not the very first of the apostles of Christ deny his master at the crucial moment? As we have said, evil is a Formation necessitated by certain circumstances, the circumstances changed, the whole disposition as at present constituted changes automatically and fundamentally.
   The Divine then descends into the earth-frame, not merely as an immanent and hidden essencesarvabhtntratm but as an individual person embodying that essencemnu tanumritam. Man too, however earthly and impure he maybe, is essentially the Divine himself, carries in him the spark of the supreme consciousness that he is in his true and highest reality. That is how in him is bridged the gulf that apparently exists between the mortal and the immortal, the Infinite and the Finite, the Eternal and the Momentary, and the Divine too can come into him and become, so to say, his lower self.
   Thus then the embodied human person who has the embodied Divine Person before his eyes must know how to instal and incorporate the Divine Person in him, in his body and physical existence. That was perhaps the mystery sought to be conveyed in the Christian sacrament of transubstantiation. The bread and wine that the initiate has to take in representare or become actually and physically, as the Christian mystics assert the flesh and blood of Christ. One has to become the Divine Person in flesh and blood, wholly and integrally. As the fossil is a transmutation in stone, grain by grain, of a living bodyorganic elements eliminated and replaced by the inorganic in the very atomic structure and constitutioneven so, the living human structure, the mental, vital and physical Formation will be translated, grain by grain, atom by atom into the divine substance by the infusion and imposition of the Divine figure.
   The Christian mystics themselves, however, do not seem to have aimed at real physical transubstantiationalthough that might have been at the back of the older Hebrew sacrament of the Eucharist; the perfection sought by them was to be enjoyed in Heaven in company of the Father and not on this earth and in this human body: it was more a sublimation than a trans Formation that was their goal. The flesh for them was always too weak.

04.02 - Human Progress, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The old intellectualism generally and on the whole, was truly formal and even to a great extent verbal. In other words, it sought to find norms and categories in the mind itself and impose them upon, objects, objects of experience, external or internal. The first discovery of the pure mind, the joy of indulging in its own free Formations led to an abstraction that brought about a cleavage between mind and nature, and when a harmony was again attempted between the two, it meant an imposition of one (the Mind) upon another (Matter), a subsumption of the latter under the former. Such scholastic formalism, although it has the appearance of a movement of pure intellect, free from the influence of instinctive or emotive reactions, cannot but be, at bottom, a mythopoeic operation, in the Jungian phraseology; it is not truly objective in the scientific sense. The scientific procedure is to find Nature's own categories the constants, as they are called and link up mind and intellect with that reality. This is the Copernican revolution that Science brought about in the modern outlook. Philosophers like Kant or Berkeley may say another thing and even science itself just nowadays may appear hesitant in its bearings. But that is another story which it is not our purpose to consider here and which does not change the fundamental position. We say then that the objectivity of the scientific outlook, as distinguished from the abstract formalism of old-world intellectualism, has given a new degree of mental growth and is the basis of themechanistic methodology of which we have been speaking. '
   Indeed, what we lay stress upon is the methodology of modern scientific knowledge the apparatus of criticism and experimentation.

04.03 - Consciousness as Energy, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The Yogi the Hatha Yogi, the Raja Yogi, the Tantrikseeks consciously to master this life energy, to possess and use it as he wills. The Yogi, the true Yogi, aims at a higher quality, a deeper potentiality of the life energy: it may be called the Inner Life Energy. This inner life energy is in a line with, is one with the universal life energy; therefore it is said when one possesses and controls this power one has comm and over the universal power. All other energiesvisible, tangible, concretised and canalisedare particular Formations and embodiments of till, mother energy. Even the most physical and material energiesmechanical, electrical, nervous, etc.are all derivatives and lesser potentials of this fount and origin. The mastery of the inner vital energy is the whole secret of what is known as occultism, even magic, black or white, spell and other allied powers or miracles. The eight siddhis well known to the Yogis are the natural results of this mastery. With such a mastery the Yogi controls and guides his own destiny; he can also in the same way control and guide the destiny of others, even of peoples and humanity at large. That is the deeper meaning the great phrase of the Gitalokasagrahacarries. Indeed, great souls are precisely they who move with the upward current of Nature, in and through whom Nature works out vast changes, prepares the steps of evolution in the world and humanity.
   But what again is this universal vital energy? This also is an instrument, not the ultimate agent. After all, vital energy is blind by itself; it moves instinctively or intuitively, as Bergson would say; it does not know consciously beforeh and the next step it is going to take. Consciousness then is the secret. This is the power behind the throne, it is this to which the Upanishad refers in its analysis of the ultimate dynamics of things as the life of Life, prasva pr .
   Consciousness has a fourfold potential. The first is the normal consciousness, which is predominantly mental; it is the sphere comprising movements of which man is usually and habitually aware. It is what the Upanishad names Jgrat or jgaritasthna and characterises as bahipraja: it is the waking state and has cognition only of external things. In other words, the consciousness here is wholly objectivised, externalisedextrovert: it is also a strongly individualised Formation, the consciousness is hedged in, isolated and contoured by a protective ring, as it were, of a characteristically separative personality; it is a surface Formation, a web made out of day-to-day sensations and thoughts, perceptions and memories, impressions and associations. It is a system of outward actions and reactions against or in the midst of one's actual environment. The second potential is that of the Inner Consciousness: its characteristic is that the consciousness here is no longer trenchantly separative and individual, narrowly and rigidly egoistic. It feels and sees itself as part of or one with the world consciousness. It looks upon its individuality as only a wave of the universal movement. It is also sometimes called the subliminal consciousness; for it plays below or behind the normal surface range of consciousness. It is made up of the residuary powers of the normal consciousness, the abiding vibrations and stresses that settle down and remain in the background and are not immediately required or utilised for life purposes: also it contacts directly energies and movements that well out of the universal life. The phenomena of clairvoyance and clairaudience, the knowledge of the past and the future and of other worlds and persons and beings, certain more dynamic movements such as distant influence and guidance and controlling without any external means, well known in all yogic disciplines, are various manifestations of the power of this Inner Consciousness. But there is not only an outward and an inner consciousness; there is also a deeper or nether consciousness. This is the great field that has been and is being explored by modern psychologists. It is called the subconscious, sometimes also the unconscious: but really it should be named the inconscient, for it is not altogether devoid of consciousness, but is conscious in its own way the consciousness is involved or lost within itself or lies buried. It comprises those movements and impulsions, inclinations and dispositions that have no rational basis, on the contrary, have an irrational basis; they are not acquired or developed by the individual in his normal course of life experience, they are ingrained, lie imbedded in man's nature and are native to his original biological and physical make-up. As the human embryo recapitulates in the womb the whole history of man's animal evolution, even so the normal man, even the most civilised and apparently the farthest from his ancient moorings and sources, enshrines in his cells, in a miraculously living manner, the memory of vast geological epochs, the great struggles and convulsions through which earth and its inhabitants have passed, the basic urges of the crude life force, its hopes, fears, desires, hungers that constitute the rudimental and aboriginal consciousness, the atavism that links the man of today not only to his primitive ancestry but even to the plant worldeven perhaps to the mineral worldout of which his body cells have issued and evolved. Legends and fairy tales, mythologies and fables are a rationalised pattern and picture of the vibrations and urges that moved the original consciousness. It was a collectivea racial and an aboriginal consciousness. The same lies chromosomic, one can almost say, in the constitution of the individual man of today. This region of the unconscious (or the inconscient) is a veritable field of force: it lies at the root of all surface dynamisms. The surface consciousness, jgrat, is a very small portion of the whole, it is only the tip of the pyramid or an iceberg, the major portion lies submerged beyond our normal view. In reflex movements, in sudden unthinking outbursts, in dreams and day-dreams, this undercurrent is silhouetted and made visible and recognisable. Even otherwise, they exercise a profound influence upon all our conscious movements. This underground consciousness is the repository of the most dark and unenlightened elements that grew and flourished in the slime of man's original habitat. They are small, ugly, violent, anti-social, chaotic forces, their names are cruelty, lust, hunger, blind selfishness. Nowhere else than in this domain can the great Upanishadic truth find its fullest applicationHunger that is Death.
   But this is the seamy side of Nature, there is also a sunny side. If there is a nadir, there must be a corresponding zenith. In the Vedic image, if man is born of the Dark Mother, he is also a child of the White Mother (ka and vet). Or again, if Earth is our mother, the Heaven is our fatherdyaur me pit mat pthiv iyam. In other words, consciousness extends not in depth alone, but in height alsoit is vertically extended, infinite both ways. As there is a sub-consciousness or unconsciousness, so also there is at the other end super-consciousness.

04.03 - The Eternal East and West, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Such an individual will not be like the blind leading the blind, one ego, .in its half-light, with its small narrow mental Formation imposing its ignorant and ineffective will upon others in the same state of consciousness, but, as I have said, a universalised individual, who has identified himself with all and everyone in his being and consciousness, who has also at the same time transcended himself and others and attained a supreme unitary consciousness and being. It is such a person who is called the leader of human or terrestrial evolution and they who are of the same make are the pioneers who shall build heaven upon earth.
   Towards that consummation, these two great world currents, East and West, are moving carrying each its own truth and contri buting to the realisation of the integral truth that is to take body here below.

04.04 - A Global Humanity, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   This progress towards ever higher and wider consciousness means also in man's social or collective life the Formation of larger and larger aggregates, unification of mankind in ever widening groups. From man the solitary animal, through the family, the clan, the tribe to the nation the race has been increasing the circle of its sympathy and kinship. The birth of the modern nation out of regional and local groupings is a triumph of the emerging consciousness in humanity pointing to another signal and supreme triumph, the emergence of the global sense hi man that is to bind humanity as a single indissoluble indivisible unity in actual life.
   The aggregates are meant to express, apart from the growing unity, a diversity of achievements in the collective consciousness marking and enriching that unity. The highest, the largest aggregate attained at the present moment is as I have said, that of the nation, the lower and lesser aggregates have been subsumed under it. The principle of integration in its graded course is precisely this that the new unity absorbs the lesser units as its components, some find their place in it in a transmuted form and functionthose that are of use in the new dispositiono thers that had truth only for the past disappear or remain as vestiges of an extinct reality. The clan and the tribe have practically disappeared as living realities; the family has been maintaining itself still as a functioning unit, but it has considerably changed its features and in recent times it has been undergoing revolutionary transmutations. The rigours of the system prevailing in the old world have all but gone, they have been reduced to the minimum; the system has become more or less a mere outline, the substance and the details have become very vague and fluid. It may come out with quite a new connotation in the not very distant future. The nation, then, as the living unit of aggregation today, is on the move again towards a yet more enlarged aggregate. Empire was a blind and violent attempt at this greater aggregation. The Commonwealth of more recent times was a conscious, deliberate and healthier endeavour towards the same goal. The various trials with regard to a league of nations is also a conscious and deliberate, although somewhat groping experiment in the same line.

04.05 - The Freedom and the Force of the Spirit, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The ordinary average man is part and parcel of Nature's movement and his life is almost wholly moulded by circumstances: he has not developed an independent inner being that can react against the universal Nature's current, that is to say, the Nature as it is, as it is actually and dynamically expressed. He is the creature, described graphically in the Gita, as being moved helplessly on the circling wheel of Ignorance.2 But even among the average men there are many who are called men of will, they are not entirely submerged in Nature's current, but endeavour to have their own way even against that current. Their psycho-vital, aided often by their physical consciousness, has an independent Formation, being a strong centre of self-driven force, and can impress upon the outer Nature and circumstances its own pattern and disposition. Naturally, all depends upon the degree and character of that consciousness.
   But the true secret of the power to control and guide Nature's dispensation lies along a different line, not along the line of the normal activity of the mental and vital and physical consciousness. Body and life and mind belong after all, at least are closely affiliated, to one's environmental consciousness; they are indeed part of the circumstances in which one is born and lives and moves. It is when one bypasses them or passes through them beyond into one's soul, into one's true being and divine personality that one at last crosses mortality and attains immortalitymtyum trtv. . .amtam anute.3

04.05 - The Immortal Nation, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   We may compare with profit perhaps in this regard the life of an individual person with that of a people or nation. Even as an individual has a soul beyond his body and mind, a spiritual personality behind his apparent name and form, a nation too has a soul apart from its political, economic and cultural life. As in the individual, in the aggregate too a spiritual principle seeks to express and incarnate itself. It is this immortal reality in the individual man that reincarnates in life after life surviving apparent death and disintegration. But only those individuals that live consciously a soul-life, express to some extent at least the soul's light in and through the external personality of a mind and body and vitality and maintain a true individuality and a strong and durable Formation through the lives; otherwise, the soul is there no doubt, but in its own world, exerts only a very indirect influence and the rest of the personality, the dynamic members disintegrate and are taken up into the general earth atmosphere. Something of the same kind is likely to happen in the case of collective groups too. A nation like India that hitched her wagon of life to a star the supreme spiritual realityis bound to regain her life always through whatever calamities and catastrophes might befall her.
   One may note three or four crises, practically rebirths, in India's life history. They correspond roughly with the great racial infiltrations or what is described as such by anthropologists, what others may describe as operations of blood transfusion. There was an original autochthonous people, the early humanity out of the stone age, usually called proto-Dravidians, whose remnants are still found among the older and cruder aboriginal tribes. Then the Dravidian infusion which culminated in the humanity, the Indian humanity, of Harappa and Mohenjo-daro. Next the Aryan avatar. One usually begins Indian history with the Dravido-Aryan civilisation which is taken as the basic foundation, the general layout of the whole structure. The first shock or blow the edifice received was from the Greeks and then the Huns and Scythians the Tartars something that struck at the most essential element of Indian culture and character. Psychologically the new leaven was brought in and injected by Gautama Buddha the un-Vedic Buddha the external invasion and penetration was possible because of this opening already made from within. This injection was necessary as an antidote to the decline and fall that had set in sometime between the passing of Sri Krishna and the advent of Buddha. But traditional India absorbed this new leaven and came out with a renewed and enriched personality. The next major shaking came with the Islamic inundation. This meant or would have meant a great and even catastrophic reversal, but this too in the course of centuries succeeded only in invigorating and enlarging the life and consciousness of eternal India. The last and perhaps the most dangerous assault came from the Europeans, the Portuguese, the Dutch, the French and finally, most of all, from the British. An absolutely matter-of-fact vitalistic Europe overran and overwhelmed a predominantly otherworldly spirit and almost succeeded in obliterating that spirit and replacing it by a replica of its own life-pattern and Weltanschauung. Even such a blow India could survive, not only so, could utilise it for her own purpose, for the greater fulfilment of her mission in life. She is coming out of that ordeal a towering personality, a godhead for the remoulding of humanity and earth-life.
   A nation, however, that has achieved something, created something, made a strong Formation in the mental or in the vital world may die physically, but the Formation, the creation, the achievement remains and continues to be alive in the terrestrial atmosphere, in the general consciousness of man. Ancient Greece is dead, Augustan Rome is gone, but the mind of light that Greece brought into play, the cast of social character that Rome established are among the permanent acquisitions of human culture and civilisation. They have gone into the making of the warp and woof of the standard human life today. Apart, however, from this general survival, could there be a reappearance of the very soul of a nation in another nation, in the same way as an individual soul reincarnates itself in another individual body? That question is asked, as sometimes it has been suggested, from certain significant and striking similarities, that ancient Greece incarnated in modern France and that there is a Roman stamp in the British nation. The possibility may not be altogether ruled out of court. But still it must be understood that the two phenomena are not quite identical, there is a difference in nature and kind. Rebirth in the sense of reincarnation is especially an individual phenomenon, the individual forming a divine centre, a focus of consciousness which the group is not; the group is more a field and a frame for the individual in spite of a conscious existence of its own.
   In any case, the revival or renaissance of a nationa collective consciousness and beingis quite possible, and the normal curve of lifebirth and growth and deathis not even for it the ineluctable destiny. For like the individual, the group too has that in it or the possibility of that in it which is akin, toan isotope of the soul or self, the immortal conscious being.

04.06 - To Be or Not to Be, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Yes, there is one thing intrinsically evil and undivine and that has to be rejected and cast aside ruthlessly that is nothing else than the egoistic consciousness. It is this that has passions and prejudices, likes and dislikes, ideas and ideals, Formations of its own, other deities installed in place of the Divine Truth and Reality. The ego goes, indeed, and with it also those rhythms and stresses, lines and shades germane to it that bar the free flow of the Supreme Breath. But the instrument remains and the arms and the weapons they are cleansed and sanctified: instead of the Asura wielding them, it is now the gods, the Divine Himself who possess and use them.
   Canto I 5

04.08 - An Evolutionary Problem, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Evolution is purposive: not because it has had always a mentally conscious aim before it, for the mind is a later production, but because the purpose is latent within as an involved force and is gradually unrolled and worked out. It is not as indeterminate and unpredictable as Bergson would have it; it has a veiled determination, a disposition implanted in the very movement by the stress of an apparent unconsciousness seeking conscious formulation. We might also say, reverting to our analogy, that the seed sprouts towards light and air, because it had absorbed light and air in its original Formation out of the flower blooming in the open space: the impress of that contact is taken into the very grain of its substance, in its chromosomes and genesit remains there as an indelible memory (although not of the human cerebral variety). It is no wonder therefore that an inner urge towards light gradually leads towards the Formation of the instrument for sight. The organism may have no notion of the external eye, but the external eye is only a projection of an inner eye that lies imbedded in the sensory continuum. Behind the physical eye there is a subtle eye, the eye of the eye, as the Upanishad calls it, the secret gaze of an involved consciousness in the apparently unconscious.
   The whole articulation of the external organism is, as we know, contained in a secret disposition of elements within the cellnot in the way, as was once supposed, viz., that a whole full-grown tree lies in a miniature form within the seed andgrowth simply means a gradual enlargement of that form but that there is a pattern of ultimate particlesvital quantaa rhythm and vibration of life energy, that is the origin, the formal and efficient cause, of the material form. Deeper still, behind the blind instinctive urge of life, the unconsciousness that is the inertia of matter, there is a consciousness, a vision, a supernal self-conscious energy that inspires, guides, fashions the whole evolutionary scheme in the large as well as in all details.

05.01 - At the Origin of Ignorance, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The Divine Consciousness, basically and essentially one and unique, has inherent in it four cardinal attributesprinciples of its modulation, modes of its vibrationdeveloping into or appearing as four aspects and personalities. They are Light, Force, Delight and Knowledge. Originally and in the supreme status the four movements are one and indivisible and form one indissoluble identity with the Divine's pure essence and absolute unity. The differentiation or variability there in the Immutable is a play immanent in the integral self-nature of the Supreme. The one and the many form on that level a single entity, an undivided whole: the unity running in and through and holding the multiplicity and the multiplicity being the playfulness of the unity. Multiplicity, however, implies freedom of movement in the Unique. In other words, the very character of variability is the absolute freedom of the variables; the play consists precisely in the free choice and self-determination of the partners, the differentiated units. For a Formation in the Divine Consciousness, an individualised formulation of its being must necessarily have the Divine's own freedom. Now, the result of this freedom is somewhat unexpected, to put it in the human way, that is to say, it was not explicit at that point, in that field of consciousness. For the freedom, in the normal course of its play, reached a degree or arrived at a mode which brought about I a shift and an impulsion meaning a rift and a clear separation: I the momentum of the free movement carried the individual Formation beyond the range of its sense of unity and identity with all and the One. More and more it isolated itself, limiting itself to its own orbit and to its own fund of energy. This isolation, it must be noted, occurs at the origin without any sense of perversity or revolt or disobedience on the part of the free entity, as the legend formulated by the human mind imaged it. The movement of freedom and individual Formation in its urge crosses, as it were, a borderline, passes from the safe zone within the Divine's own status into a different zone, creates it, as a matter of fact, by that overzealous and self-concentrated free movement. But, as I have said, there is no premeditation or arrire pense or bad will or spirit of contradiction there at the origin of the deviation. It is no original sin: it is a spontaneous, almost a logical consequence, an inevitable expression of the freedom that particulars enjoy as part and parcel of the Divine Universal.
   And yet the result is strange and revolutionary. The game once begun develops its own scheme and pattern and modality. For that crucial step in the movement of freedom, that definite moving away, the assertion of complete independence and isolation immediately brought about a reversal of realities, a complete negation of the original attri butes. Thus Light became obscurity or Inconscience, Life became death, Delight became pain and suffering, Power became incapacity, Knowledge became Ignorance, and Truth became falsehood. In other words, Spirit became forthright Matter.

05.02 - Gods Labour, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   It is a long dredging process, tedious and arduous, requiring the utmost patience and perseverance, even to the absolute degree. For Inconscience, in essence, although a contingent reality, local and temporal, and therefore transient, is nonetheless the hardest, most obdurate and resistant reality: it lies thick and heavy upon the human vehicle. It is massed layer upon layer. Its first Formation in the higher altitudes of the mind is perhaps like a thin fluid deposit; it begins as anindividualised separative consciousness stressing more and more its exclusiveness. Through the lower ranges of the mind and the vitality it crystallises and condenses gradually; in the worlds of thinking and feeling, enjoying and dynamic activity, it has still a malleable and mixed consistency, but when it reaches and possesses the physical being, it becomes the impervious solid obscurity that Matter presents.
   The root of the Cosmic Evil is in Matter. From there it shoots up and overshadows the upper layers of our being and consciousness. Even if the mind is cleaned, the vital cleared, still if the physical consciousness is not sufficiently probed into, purified and reclaimed, then nothing permanent is done, one would build upon sand. All efforts, spiritual or other, at the regeneration and re Formation of mankind and a good many individual endeavours too have come to a sorry end, because the foundation was not laid sufficiently deep and secure. One must dig into Matter as far down as possiblelike Rishi Agastya in the Vedaeven to the other end. For there is another mystery there, perhaps the Mystery of mysteries. The deeper you go down into Matter, as you clear up the jungle and bring in the higher light, you discover and unlock strange and mighty energies of consciousness secreted there, even like the uranium pile in the atomic world. It is revealed to you that Inconscience is not total absence of consciousness, it is simply consciousness asleep, in-gathered, entranced. And this nether consciousness is, after all, one with the supreme Consciousness. It is itself the best weapon to bring about its own trans Formation. Not only the higher self, but the lower self too must be salvaged and saved by its own selftman tmnam uddharet.
   The integral Divine not merely suffers (as in the Christian tradition) a body material, He accepts it in his supernal delight, for it is his own being and substance: it is He in essence and it will become He in actuality. When he comes into the world, it is not as though it were a foreign country; he comes to his own,only he seeks to rebuild it on another scale, the scale of unity and infinity, instead of the present scale of separativism and finiteness. He comes among men not simply because he is' moved by human miseries; he is no extra-terrestrial person, a bigger human being, but is himself this earth, this world, all these miseries; he is woven into the fabric of the universe, he is the warp and woof that constitute creation. It is not a mere movement of sympathy or benevolence that actuates him, it is a total and absolute identification that is the ground and motive of his activity. When he assumes the frame of mortality, it is not that something outside and totally incongruous is entering into him, it is part and parcel of himself, it is himself in one of his functions and phases. Consequently, his work in and upon the material world and life may be viewed as that of self-purification and self-illumination, self-discipline and selfrealisation. Also, the horrors of material existence, being part of the cosmic play and portion of his infinity, naturally find shelter in the individual divine incarnation, are encompassed in his human embodiment. It is the energy of his own consciousness that brought out or developed even this erring earth from within it: that same energy is now available, stored up in the individual Formation, for the recreation of that earth. The advent and acceptance of material existence meant, as a kind of necessity in a given scheme of divine manifestation, the appearance and play of Evil, the negation of the very divinity. Absolute Consciousness brought forth absolute unconsciousness the inconscientbecause of its own self-pressure, a play of an increasingly exclusive concentration and rigid objectivisation. That same consciousness repeats its story in the individual incarnation: it plunges into the material life and matter and identifies itself with Evil. But it is then like a pressed or tightened spring; it works at its highest potential. In other words, the Divine in the body now works to divinise the body itself, to make of the negation a concrete affirmation. The inconscient will be embodied consciousness.
   The humanist said, Nothing human I reckon foreign to me," In a deeper and more absolute sense the divine Mystic of the integral Yoga says the same. He is indeed humanity incarnate, the whole mankind condensed and epitomised in his single body. Mankind as imbedded in ignorance and inconscience, the conscious soul lost in the dark depths of dead matter, is he and his whole labour consists in working in and through that obscure "gravitational" mass, to evoke and bring down the totality of the superconscient force, the creative delight which he is essentially in his inmost and topmost being. The labour within himself is conterminous with the cosmic labour, and the change effected in his being and nature means a parallel change in the world outside, at least a ready possibility of the change. All the pains and weaknesses normal humanity suffers from, the heritage of an inconscient earthly existence, the Divine takes into his incarnated bodyall and more and to the highest degreeinto a crucible as it were, and works out there the alchemy. The natural man individually shares also each other's burden in some way, for all are interconnected in lifeaction at one point has a reaction at all other points: only the sharing is done unconsciously and is suffered or imposed than accepted and it tends to be at a minimum. An ordinary mortal would break under a greater pressure. It is the Avatar who comes forward and carries on his shoulders the entire burden of earthly inconscience.

05.03 - Bypaths of Souls Journey, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Let us repeat here what we have often said elsewhere. The creation and development of souls is a twofold process. First, there is the process of growth from below, and secondly there is the process of manifestation or expression from above, the movements of ascent and descent, as spoken of by Sri Aurobindo. The souls start on their evolutionary journey on the material plane as infinitesimal specks of consciousness imbedded in the vast expanse of the Inconscient; but they are parts and parcels of a homogeneous mass: in fact they are not distinguishable from each other at that level. There is as it were a secret vibration of consciousness with which the material infinity all around is shot through. With evolution, that is to say, with the growth and coming forward of the consciousness, there arise sparks, glowing centres here and there, forms shape and isolate themselves in the bosom of the original formless mass; they rise and they subside, others rise, coalesce, separatesome grow, others disappear. These sparks or centres, as they develop or evolve, slowly assume definiteness,of form and function,attain an individuality and finally a personality. Looked at from below there is no counting of these sparks or rudimentary souls; they are innumerable and infinitely variable. It is something like the nebula out of which the galaxies are supposed to be formed. The line of descent, however, presents a different aspect. Looked from above, at the summit there is the infinite supreme Being and Consciousness and Bliss (Sachchidananda) and in it too there cannot be a limit to the number of Jivatmas that are its formulations, like the waves in the bosom of the sea, according to the familiar figure. This is the counterpart of the infinity at the other end, where also the rudimentary souls or potential individualities are infinite. Moving down along the line of descent at a certain stage, under a certain modality of the creative process, certain types or fundamental Formations are put forward that give the ground-plan, embody the matrix of the subsequent creation or manifestation. The Four Great Personalities (Chaturvyuha), the Seven Seers, the Fourteen Manus or Human Ancestors point to the truth of a fixed number of archetypes that are the source and origin of emanations forming in the end the texture of earthly lives and existences. The number and scheme depends upon a given purpose in view and is not an eternal constant. The types and archetypes with which we, human beings, are concerned in the present cycle of evolution belong to the supramental and overmental planes of consciousness; they are the beings known familiarly as gods and presiding deities. They too have emanations, each one of them, and these emanations multiply as they come down the scale of manifestation to lower and lower levels, the mental, the vital and the physical, for example. And they enter into human embodiments, the souls evolving and ascending from the lower end; they may even take upon themselves human character and shape.
   There are thus chains linking the typal beings in the world above with their human embodiments in the physical world; an archetype in the series of emanations branches out, as it were, into its commensurables and cognates in human bodies. Hence it is quite natural that many persons, human embodiments, may have so to say one common ancestor in the typal being (that gives their spiritual gotra); they all belong to the same geneological tree. Souls aspiring and ascending to the higher and fuller consciousness, because of their affinity, because together they have to fulfil a special role, serve a particular purpose in the cosmic plan, because of their spiritual consanguinity, call on the same godhead as their Master-soul or Over-soul, the Soul of their souls. Their growth and development are along similar or parallel lines, they are moulded and shaped in the pattern set by the original being. This must not be understood to mean that a soul is bound exclusively to its own family and cannot step out of its geneological system. As I have said in the beginning, souls are not material particles hard and rigid and shut out from each other, they are not obliged to obey the law of impenetrability that two bodies cannot occupy the same place at the same time. They meet, touch, interchange, interpenetrate, even coalesce, although they may not belong to the same family but follow different lines of, evolution. Apart from the fact that in the ultimate reality each is in all and all is in each, not only so, each is all and all is eachthus beings on no account can be kept in water-tight compartmentsapart from this spiritual truth, there is also a more normal and apparent give and take between souls. The phenomenon known as "possession", for example, is a case in point. "Possession", however, need not be always a ghostly possession in the modern sense of the possession by evil spirits, it may be also in a good sense, the sense that the word carried among mediaeval mystics, viz.,spiritual.
   The soul in Nature grows along a definite line and the descent also of higher principles overarching that soul happens also in the same line connecting it with its archetype in the supreme status. This we may call the major line of development through various avataras one after another: but apart from this there may also be subsidiary Formations that are its emanations or are added to it from elsewhere either temporarily or even permanently. The soul can put out derivative or ancillary emanations, parts of its being and consciousness, a mental or vital or even a subtle physical movement or Formation which can take a body creating a temporary, a transient personality or enter into another's body and another personality in order to go through a necessary experience and gather an element needed for the growth of its being and consciousness. One can recall here the famous story of Shankaracharya Who entered into the body of a king (just dead, made him alive and lead the life of the king) in order to experience love and enjoyment, things of which, being a Sannyasi, he was innocent. Similarly one can take into one-self such parts and elements from others which he wishes to utilise for his growth and evolution. It is said that a man with low carnal instincts and impulses becomes an animal of that type in his next life. But perhaps it is truer to say that a part only the vital part of animal appetiteenters into or takes shape in an animal: the soul itself, the true or the whole being of the person, once become human, does not revert to animalhood. The animal portion in man that refuses to be taken up and integrated, sublimated into the higher human consciousness has to be satisfied and exhausted, as much as possible, in the animal way.
   There is also the other question asked very often whether men and women always follow different lines of growth or whether there may be intermixture of the lines. Although the soul is sexless, still it may be said that on the whole there are these two lines, masculine and feminine; and generally a soul follows the same line in its incarnations. The soul difference is not in the sex as we know it; but there is a disposition and character that mark the difference and each type, masculine or feminine, is that because of some special role to fulfil, a particular kind of work to be done in a particular way. The difference is difficult to define exactly; but one may say, in the language of the mystics, that it "is the difference between the left hand and the right hand. The mystics refer to the two sides of consciousness, that of light and that of force (chit-tapas), that is to say, knowledge and power. It is not that the two are quite separate entities, they are together and grow together; but in actuality one aspect is more in front than the other. The masculine aspect is often termed as the right hand and the feminine as the left hand of the conscious being. And in a general way man represents the knowledge aspect the conceptual dynamism and woman represents the executive dynamism. This definition however should not be taken absolutely or rigidly. So it can be said that a woman generally remains a woman in all her births and man like-wise remains a man. Here too, although there may not be a central metamorphosis, there may be a partial change: that is to say a part of a mantoo womanish, so to saymay enter a woman and live and fulfil itself or exhaust there; and the masculine part of a woman also can identify itself with its type and pattern in a man. The difference, however, between Purusha and Prakriti, philosophically, seems to be very definite and clear; but in actuality, when they take form and embodiment, it is not easy to define the principles or qualities that mark out the two. At the source when the difference starts, it is a matter of stress and temper and not any so-called division of labour as human mind ordinarily understands it.
   The soul in its inner consciousness knows all its evolutionary Formations, remembers those of the past and foresees those of the future, when needed, and even determines them essentially. The mind ruling one incarnation cannot recall other incarnations, for it is a product of that incarnation and is meant to guide and control it; physical memory is a function of the brain in the particular body that the soul inhabits for the time. The soul carries a deeper reminiscence which is part and parcel of the self-consciousness inherent in its nature. The physical memory too can partake of this inner reminiscence if it is purified, illumined and organised around the soul as its instrument of expression. Indeed, although the journey of the soul essentially and originally is the flight of the spirit to the Spirit, yet the final consummation is towards an increasing integration of all the external instruments from the highest to the lowest, from the subtlest to the grossest into a harmonised organised whole, reflecting and embodying the Spirit in its purity and totality. The mind, the life and the body too attain a perfectly unified individuality that is the expression of the soul's truth-consciousness and escaping disruption and dissolution partake ultimately of the inherent immortality of the spiritual being.

05.04 - The Immortal Person, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   And yet the building up of an abiding individual is the secret urge of Nature's evolution: it is the hidden spring of human aspiration and the purpose of God's creation. Not mere disparate particlesof substance or energy or consciousness breaking up constantly and scattering and finally dissolving into the void (the great law of Running Downor as the Veda figures it, tucchyena abwapihitamabsorbed by the infinitesimal)but a gathering of elements, integrating them into organic wholes, moulding definite forces into definite formssuch is the secret plan behind. Indeed, ego is the first Formation, the original instrument which Nature fashioned to carry out this object of hers.
   Ego means a hardened core that is not easily broken by the impact of forces. It delimits, ,cuts out, endeavours to maintain its Formation by a strong violent self-assertion. Ego is a helper, but also it is a bar. It assists the first Formation but delays and obstructs the true and final Formation. For the ego is a Formation, an individual Formation, but on the level of universal Nature: it is of a piece with the normal cosmic movement, only bounded by a peripheral line. In the general expanse it puts up enclosures and preserves and fencings; the constituting elements remaining the same in substance and quality. Even the delimitation is illusory in reality, it is something like the membrane in the body separating the different functional organs, rigid yet allowing interaction and interpenetration. That is why, when death removes the outward fencing, the individuality also cannot long maintain itself and merges into the general. We may look upon egoism as a kind of artificial or experimental individuality, a laboratory Formation, as it were, tried and developed under given conditions. In fact, however, egoism is a shadow or an echo upon this side of our nature of the true individuality which lies and comes from elsewhere.
   And that is the soul of the man. We have spoken of the body, the life and the mind of the individual, but beside and beyond these elements which are only instruments there is this secret master and overlord. It is the particle of divinity in each, the developing consciousness the spark of Fire, the ray of Light the immortal in the mortal no bigger than one's thumb." The soul is an individual, an individual Formation of the divine reality: it is a godhead formulating an aspect or function of God. We may thus say that the whole purpose of earthly evolution is the evolution of this soul- Formation, that is to say, its growing individualisation in light and power, in the expression of the godhead. This growth is first in itself and of itself, its inherent being and consciousness; then, the growth is that of its instrumentation, in other words, the development and organisation of the mind, the life and the body.
   So the individualisation and growth of the soul means a growth and individualisation of the mental being, the vital being and also of the physical being. Normally the purpose of intellectual culture is the growth and individualisation of the mind, the purpose of moral culture is the growth and individualisation of the vital being and the true purpose of physical culture too should be a well-balanced and well-developed physical body, not only in a general sense, but' in a very individualised mode. But all these varieties and modes of culture can be truly individualised and not merely ordered or organised, more or less on the surface, only when they obey and subserve the culture of the soul. The mind, the vital and the physical each has to grow its individuality in the growing individuality of the soul. The soul, otherwise called the psychic being, is man's spiritual being: the growth of the spiritual being means the advent and establishment of the true personality.
   The individualisation of the mind, its organisation as a special Formation, as a vehicle of the true light, the light of the Psychic consciousness is comparatively easy for a man. Mind is the first member of the lower sphere that is taken up and dealt with by the soul; for it is the highest and the most characteristic element in man and less dense and less subject to the darkness inherent in human nature. The mental individual persists the longest after the dissolution of the body, it survives and may survive very long the disruption of the vital being. This vital being is next in the rung to be taken up, organised and individualised by and around the psychic being. The organisation of the vital being in view of a particular object or aim in ordinary life is common enough: the purpose is limited, the scope restricted. Great men of action have done it and one has to do it more or less to be successful in life. This, however, may be called organisation; it is not individualisation in the true sense, much less personalisation. A limb is individualised, personalised only when it is an instrument and Formation of the soul consciousness, the psychic being. And the vital is not easily amenable to such a role. For, it is the dynamic element, the effective power of life and it has acquired a strong nature and a definite function in its earthly relations. Naturally, there is a secret drive and an occult inspiration behind over-riding or guiding all immediate and apparent forces and happenings: in and through these the shape of things to come is being built up. In the meanwhile, however, actually the vital is an executive agent of the lower consciousness: it is an anonymous force of universal nature canalised into a temporary figure that is the normal individual man. The individualisation of the vital being would mean an immortal formulation of an immortal soul as energy consciousness with a specific role for the Divine to play. It maintains its identity, its personality independent of the vicissitudes of the physical body: it continues to function as a divine being, a godhead, to work for mankind and the world. The popular legend has imaged this phenomenon in the mystic figure of an immortal Aswatthama and Vibhishana still wandering in earth's atmosphere.
   Finally, it is the turn of the body to become individualised, personalised, that is to say, when it takes up the disposition and configurationof the psychic person and individual. The first stage is that of a subtle body individualised, a radiant form of etherealised elements consisting of the concentrated light particles of the divine consciousness of the Psyche. This too is an immortalisation of the personal identity which can be achieved and is achieved by the gnostic man who is to come, who will wholly psychicise and divinise his personality. The second stage is the reorganisation and individualisation of the material sheath itself. The very cells of the body are impregnated with the radiant substance of the supreme spiritual consciousness; they live the life of the spiritual individual, the personal divine embodied in the individual. When the whole process is gone through and the work clone, the individual body, physically too, shares in and attains the immortality of the soul. The body is firm enough to maintain its physical identity and yet plastic enough to change in the manner and to the degree demanded of it at any time.

05.05 - In Quest of Reality, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Consciousness or thought in man, we know, is linked with the brain: and sentience which is the first step towards thought and consciousness is linked with the nervous system (of which the brain is an extension). Now the same Indian wizard who first, scientifically speaking, linked up the non-living with the living, has also demonstrated, if not absolutely, at least to a high degree of plausibility, that the plant also possesses a kind of rudimentary nervous system (although we accept more easily a respiratory system there). All this, however, one has to admit, is still a far cry from any intimation of consciousness in Matter. Yet if life is admitted to be involved in matter and consciousness is found to be involved in life, then the unavoidable conclusion is that Matter too must contain involved in it a form of consciousness. The real difficulty in the way of attri buting consciousness to Matter is our conception of consciousness which we usually identify with articulate thought, intelligence or reason. But these are various Formations of consciousness, which in itself is something else and can exist in many other forms and formulations.
   One remarkable thing in the material world that has always attracted and captivated man's attention, since almost the very dawn of his consciousness, is the existence of a pattern, of an artistic layout in the composition and movement of material things. When the Vedic Rishi sings out: "These countless stars that appear glistening night after night, where do they vanish during the day?" he is awed by the inviolable rhythm of the Universe, which other sages in other climes sang as the music of the spheres. The presence of Design in Nature has been in the eyes of Believers an incontrovertible proof of the existence of a Designer. What we want to say is not that a watch (if we regard the universe as a watch) presupposes the existence of a watch-maker: we say the pattern itself is the expression of an idea, it involves a conception not imposed or projected from outside but inherent in itself. The Greek view of the artist's mode of operation is very illuminating in this connection. The artist, according to this view, when he carves out a statue for example, does not impose upon the stone a figure that he has only in his mind, but that the stone itself contains the figure, the artist has the vision to see it, his chisel follows the lines he sees imbedded in the stone. It is why we say that the geometry in the structure of a crystal or an atom or an astronomical system, the balance and harmony, the symmetry and polarity that govern the composition of objects and their relations, the blend of colour schemes, the marshalling of lines and the building of volumes, in a word, the artistic make-up, perfect in detail and in the ensemble that characterise all nature's body and limbs and finally the mathematical laws that embrace and picture as it were Nature's movements, all point to the existence of a truth, a reality whose characteristic marks are or are very much like those of consciousness and Idea-Force. We fight shy of the wordconsciousness for it brings in a whole association of anthropomorphism and pathetic fallacy. But in our anxiety to avoid a ditch let us not fall over a precipice. If it is blindness to see nothing but the spirit, it is not vision to see nothing but Matter.

05.05 - Man the Prototype, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Not only so. Our limited mind and senses are accustomed to view and recognise individuals alone as persons. But there are group personalities too. Thus each species has a generic personality, a consciousness and an ideal or intrinsic form also: the individuals on the physical plane are its various incarnations, projections and Formations. Old Plato was not so naive, as we of today are apt to believe, when he spoke of the real reality of general ideas. The attributes, qualities and functions of the generic personality are the source and pattern of what the individuals that form the group actually are. The group person is the king, he is also the body of the Dharma ruling the domain. Any change in the law of being of the group person is necessarily translated in a similar change in the nature and activity of the individuals of the species. What evolutionists describe as sudden variation or mutation and whose cause or genesis they are at a loss to trace, is precisely due to an occult change in the consciousness and will of the group soul.
   Man too as a species has a generic personality, his prototype. Only, in opposition to the scientific view, that is an earlier phenomenon belonging to the very origin of things. Man in his essential form and reality is found at the source and beginning of creation. When the unmanifest Transcendent steps forward to manifest, when there is the first expression of typal variations in the infinite as the basis of physical creation, then and there appears Man in his essential and eternal divine form. He is there almost as a sentinel, guarding the passage from the formless to form. Indeed, he is the first original form of the formless. A certain poet says that man is the archetype of all living forms. A bird is a flying man, a fish a swimming man, a worm a crawling man, even a plant is but a rooted man. His form belongs to a region beyond even the first principles of creation. The first principles that bring out and shape and uphold the manifested universe are the trinity: Life, Light and Delightin other terms, Sachchidananda. The whole complex of the manifest universe is resolvable into that unity of triple status. But behind even this supernal, further on towards the final disappearance into the absolute Unmanifestsumming up, as it were, in him the whole manifestationstands this original primordial form, this first person, this archetypal Man.

05.06 - Physics or philosophy, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Things need not, however, be so dismal looking. The difficulty arises because of a fundamental attitude the attitude of a purely reasoning being. But Reason or Mind is only one layer or vein of the reality, and to see and understand and explain that reality through one single track of approach will naturally bias the view, it will present only what is real or immediate to it, and all the rest will appear as secondary or a Formation of it. That is, of course, a truth that has been clearly brought out by the anti-intellectualist. But the vitalist's view is also likewise vitiated by a similar bias, as he contacts reality only through this prism of vital force. It is the old story of the Upanishad in which the seeker takes the Body, the Life and the Mind one after another and declares each in its turn to be the only and ultimate reality, the Brahman.
   The truth of the matter is that the integral reality is to be seized by an integral organon. To an integralised consciousness the integral reality is directly and immediately presented, each aspect is apprehended in and through its own truth and substance. The synthesis or integration is reached by a consciousness which is the basis and continent of all, collectively and severally, and of which all are various Formations and expressions on various levels and degrees. This is the knowledge and experience given by the supreme spiritual consciousness.
   The constancy of the velocity of light, it must be noted, is not altogether an objective fact: it is a supposition by which Einstein tried to explain certain anomalies in previous theories. It is really, as some have pointed out (e.g. Hans ReichenbachAtom and Cosmosp 136), a mental formula, part of a built-in structure, arbitrary to a certain extent which is so arranged that the speed becomes constant and equal for systems in different states of motion.

05.11 - The Soul of a Nation, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   A nation is a living personality; it has a soul, even like a human individual. The soul of a nation is also a psychic being, that is to say, a conscious being, a Formation out of the Divine Consciousness and in direct contact with it, a power and aspect of Mahashakti. A nation is not merely the sum total of the individuals that compose it, but a collective personality of which the individuals are as it were cells, like the cells of a living and conscious organism. The psychic being or soul of a nation is indeed conscious; it knows its raison d'tre, its life purpose, its destiny, the role it has to play in the divine scheme as the divine instrument. And its will for it has a will, the expression of its consciousness, the Divine's impulse in and through itis inevitable, sooner or later it will fulfil itself. Even like the soul of a man, the nation's soul is behind all the movements that form its external life, supporting, building, guiding its political, economic, social or cultural make-up. The individual can know of and come in contact with the nation's soul in and through his own soul. When one becomes conscious of his psychic being then only one is in a condition to be conscious of the psychic being of the collective person of his nation or the nation with which he has inner affinity.
   There are periods in the life cycle of a nation, critical moments, when it is in deadly peril, when its very existence is threatened, attacked by enemy forces either from within or from without. Such was the case when, for example, Britain was invaded by the Spanish Armada or when France was being subjugated by England. Those were very anxious times, but in each instance the soul of the nation came forward and inspired the nation to react and go through the ordeal and survive. Jeanne d'Arc may be considered as the embodiment of France's national soul, as on a still earlier occasion that same soul embodied itself in St. Genevieve. But a nation may fall on much more evil days, namely, when it loses contact with its very soul, goes astray, its life movement taking a wrong curve. A nation can deny its soul, even as an individual may and the result is disaster. Germany is a terrible example of such a tragedy in our own day.

05.12 - The Soul and its Journey, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The psychic being is a packet of gathered power, a charged battery, as it were; when it comes down upon earth, it calls round itself elements of mind and vital and even subtle physical needed for the purpose of the particular life experience, and even those that would go to constitute the physical body. The psychic being usually picks up these elements of mind and life and body out of the universal store-house of earth's atmosphere as it needs them, in the same way as it returns them there on the journey back after death. But as I have already said, there are beings who have developed well-formed personalities of mind and life and even of the physical consciousness. These Formations are not mere loose accretions, temporary arrangements for a life experience, but are welded, organised, given a more or less permanent shape, as the proper instrument of the psychic being, as its own expression. In such cases, the outer personality too continues to exist as an essential mode or vibration in and with the psychic consciousness itself and when the soul descends upon earth, is in contact with the earth's atmosphere, it projects out of I itself the external personality and Formation. This does not I mean certainly that the personality remains something fixed and rigid, but that it has attained an essential fullness of form and yet retains the capacity for further change and growth through further growth of the psychic being in other life experiences.
   Now the time and occasion for a particular birth of the soul depends naturally on the inner need of that being. But it must be notedas it is a fact in the occult world that the souls are not so many absolutely separate unrelated autonomous self-sufficient entities, each one coming and going as and when it chooses and likes: on the contrary, the souls form groups or families according to some secret affinity. And when they come down, they do so not unoften in company. A call goes, a bell is rung as it were intimating that the hour is come and they rush down. And it may even happen that in rushing down a psychic being is not too careful or fastidious about the instrument, the vehicle he chooses to inhabit; whatever is handy and nearest and on the whole suitable to his purpose he takes up and goes forward. He takes it all as an adventure and has the joy of battle and the warrior spirit that can taste of victory only when hard fought and won. That is how we meet not unoften a considerable discrepancy between the inner being of a man and his earthly tenement, his soul and his external character and physical nature. There is a meaning in the choice, a significance in the utilisation of unfavourable conditions: there is a method in the madness.
   This grouping will appear natural and inevitable when we bear in mind the purpose of creation and the role of the psychic consciousness. For it is not a matter of individual salvation, of the unilateral growth and development and fulfilment of an individual psychic being. The soul is a luminous point in an inconscient universe and its role is to make it conscious, at least a representative portion of it. The psychic being's activity is the means of a new creation, the trans-mutation of the earth-consciousness, the growth and advent of a divine race, the manifestation and embodiment of the Divine and his play upon earth. The souls are the warriors, playmates, the beloved of the Lord. They have to assemble and move together for the interest of the play. They have to be in companies and regiments and battalions, in associations and concert and harmonised Formations.
   The souls group themselves into natural types according to the fundamental mode of consciousness and its dynamism. And they form a hierarchy: they exist and function in an organisation, the type and pattern of which is the pyramid. At the apex is the One Supreme, at the base the infinity of individual and disparate souls, earthly sparks, that are emanations, derivations, scattered condensations, parts and parcels of that One Supreme. In between, from the top towards the bottom, lie in a graded scale Formations more and more specialised, particularised and concretised: as we rise we meet the larger, vaster more comprehensive forms of the same entities till we arrive at the typal and original, the source being. Thus we can view a soul along its line of emanation from the central source as a series of beings, the higher enclosing and encompassing the lower. Not only so, a higher entity can have several lower emanations and each of these again can emanate several others. The number of emanations multiply as one goes down and they decrease as one goes up. We can understand now what is meant when we speak of kindred souls. When there is an inexplicable natural affinity or similarity between two souls, it happens in such a case that the souls are emanations of the same Over-Soul. And it happens also sometimes that the guardian angel or daemon whom one may contact is none other than one's own Over-Soul. The term Over-Soul takes thus a literal and a profound significance.
   We may illustrate here a little. At the apex of the pyramid of existence is the Divine, the Supreme Person, the Purushottama. Even there as He begins to lean and look dawn, He expresses himself at the very outset as the dual personality of Ishwara and Shakti (the Divine Father and the Divine Mother)sa dvityam aicchat, as the Upanishad says. That is still the Divine in His highest transcendent status, partpara. Next, this dual or biune or divalent reality shows itself or throws itself further out in a fourfold valency of the dynamic truth consciousness, creating and leading the cosmic evolution. The Four Aspects of Ishwara, forming the male or purua line, are the great names: Mahavira, Balarama, Pradyumna and Aniruddha. And the corresponding four aspects of Ishwari form the other great quaternary: Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. They embody the four major attri butes of the Divine in his relation to the created universe: Knowledge, Power, Love and skill in work. They also represent thus a divine fourfold order. The first embodies the Brahmin quality of large wisdom, wide comprehension, a vast consciousness; the second has the Kshatriya quality of force, dynamism, concentration and drive of energy; the third possesses the Vaishya quality of harmony, beauty, mutuality and the fourth has the Shudra quality of perfect execution, thoroughness in detailed working, order and arrangement.

05.14 - The Sanctity of the Individual, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The sanctity of the individual, the value of the human person is one of the cardinal articles of faith of the modern consciousness. Only it has very many avatars. One such has been the characteristic mark of the group of philosophers (and mystics) who are nowadays making a great noise under the name of Existentialists. The individual personality exists, they say, and its nature is freedom. In other words, it chooses, as it likes, its course of life, at every step, and Creates its destiny. This freedom, however, may lead man and will inevitably lead him, according to one section of the group, to the perception and realisation of God, an infinite in which the individual finite lives and moves and has his being; according to others, the same may lead to a very different consummation, to Nothingness, the Great Void, Nihil. All existence is bounded by something unknown and intangible which differs according to your luck or taste,one would almost say to your line of approach, put philosophically, according either to the positive pole or the negative, God or Non-existence. The second alternative seems to be an inevitable corollary of the particular conception of the individual that is entertained by some, viz.,the individual existing only in relation to individuals. Indeed the leader of the French school, Jean-Paul Sartrenot a negligible playwright and novelistseems to conceive the individual as nothing more than the image formed in other individuals with whom he comes in contact. Existence literally means standing out or outside (ex+sistet), coming out of one-self and living in other's consciousnessas one sees one's exact image in another's eye. It is not however the old-world mystic experience of finding one's self in other selves. For here we have an exclusively level or horizontal view of the human personality. The personality is not seen in depth or height, but in line with the normal phenomenal Formation. It looks as though, to save personality from the impersonal dissolution to which all monistic idealism leads, the present conception seeks to hinge all personalities upon each other so that they may stand by and confirm each other. But the actual result seems to have been not less calamitous. When we form and fashion each other, we are not building with anything more substantial than sand. Personalities are thus mere eddies in the swirl of cosmic life, they rise up and die down, separate and melt into each other and have no consistency and no reality in the end. The freedom too which is ascribed to such individuals, even when they feel it so, is only a sham and a make-believe. Within Nature nothing is free, all is mechanical lawKarma is supreme. The Sankhya posits indeed many Purushas, free, lodged in the midst of Prakriti, but there the Purusha is hardly an active agent, it is only an inactive, passive, almost impotent, witness. The Existentialist, on the contrary, seeks to make of the individual an active agent; he is not merely being, imbedded or merged in the original Dasein, mere existence, but becoming, the entity that has come out, stood out in its will and consciousness, articulated itself in name and form and act. But the person that stands out as part and parcel of Prakriti, the cosmic movement, is, as we have said, only an instrument, a mode of that universal Nature. The true person that informs that apparent formulation is something else. .
   To be a person, it is said, one must be apart from the crowd. A person is the "single one", one who has attained his singularity, his individual wholeness. And the life's work for each individual person is to make the crowd no longer a crowd, but an association of single ones. But how can this be done? It is not simply by separating oneself from the crowd, by dwelling upon oneself that one can develop into one's true person. The individuals, even when perfect single ones, do not exist by themselves or in and through one another. The mystic or spiritual perception posits the Spirit or God, the All-self as the background and substance of all the selves. Indeed, it is only when one finds and is identified with the Divine in oneself that one is in a position to attain one's true selfhood and find oneself in other selves. And the re-creation of a crowd into such divine individuals is a cosmic work in which the individual is at best a collaborator, not the master and dispenser. Anyway, one has to come out of the human relationship, rise above the give-and-take of human individualshowever completely individual each one may beand establish oneself in the Divine's consciousness which is the golden thread upon which is strung all the assembly of individuals. It is only in and through the Divine, the Spiritual Reality and Person, that one enters into true relation and dynamic harmony with others.

05.19 - Lone to the Lone, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The quintessence of spirituality is said to consist in, as has been described in the famous phrase of the Alexandrine mystic philosopher Plotinus, the flight of the lone to the lone. God is a solitary and the other solitary is the soul: so when one solitary mingles with the supreme solitary, the result is utter solitariness, which is spirituality at its apex, its highest height. The world, in this view, is an excrescence, an epiphenomenon Illusion, Maya. God is the transcendent Reality, above and beyond all manifestation, negating all multiplicities and relativities of creation: He is indivisible, single, absolute unityekamevdvityam, kevalamneha nnsti kincana. The human being too is not in reality the individual person bounded within a body, life and mind Formation, standing in reciprocal relations with such other Formations; his inner core of truth and substance is a unitary centre of consciousness anguthamitra purua,which is aloof and apart from his apparent and assumed personality and has no dealings with such personalities. God has no updhi, phenomenal qualification, neither has the soul of man. Therefore in his spiritual aspiration, man has to divest himself of all the outer growths that cover and bury his soul: with the clear unmixed vision of his pure soul he has to look straight into the face of the Divine Transcendent, shredded too of its cosmic vesture, and rise from the station of ignorance, this level ground of clay to which it is pinned, and soar and fly and merge into the pure reality of the pure Spirit. Therefore it is said, naked we come into the vale of tears and naked we have to go back to our home. Or in terms of another imagery, it is the pure pouring into the pure, the full mixing into the full.
   Some mystics and philosophers recently come into vogue (inspired or encouraged by the Christian or the Buddhist way of Realisation) have emphasised this outlook. But it has also been counterbalanced by another way of spiritual growth and fulfilment: we may call it the modern way, for it has been a pronounced characteristic of the modern consciousness. We referred in our previous essay to the Existentialist who has attracted so much attention in these days, the linchpin of whose philosophy is the value of the individual person, especially the individual personal in relation to each other. Kierkegaard, the Danish mystic, from whom this school is supposed to originate, speaks of the Absolute as the Single One that excludes and annuls all "others", the crowd. He lays especial emphasis upon complete solitariness and total renunciation as the very condition, sine qua non, of the soul's spiritual journey and yet characterises the singlenessof the one in terms that make of it an essential whole, an integer. Man must isolate himself from his phenomenal being, certainlyas the neti netiformula enjoins but also he must first find or become his real self, realise his true individuality before he can reach God, the Divine Self, identify himself with the Transcendent. It is only a freely and truly formed individual being that can give itself to the Divine or become one with it. This true individuality is indeed a solitary being away and apart from the crowd of personalities that surround itit has been called by the Indian mystics, the Purusha in the heart, no bigger than the thumb, the Dwarf Godhead (Vmana).
   The flight then represents the freedom, the movement in height of the soul; but there is also the other, the horizontal movement leading to expansiveness and comprehension. One is transcendental, the other global or cosmic. First we have to reject, reject the false Formations one by one (sheath by sheath, as it is described in the Upanishads) and arrive at the purest core of truth and reality; but again we have to come back, take up a new, the true Formation. What was renounced has to be reintegrated in the divine becoming. While we are in Ignorance, our relations with men and the world are false and, ignorant, but once we attain our true self, we find the same self in men and things and we have no more revulsion for themtato na vijigupsate.

05.29 - Vengeance is Mine, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Do we then propose taking it all lying down, it may be asked? Is martyrdom then our ideal? Not so, for we do not believe that evil forces can be appeased or conquered or transformed by yielding to them, letting them free to have their own way. Otherwise Krishna would not have enjoined and inspired (almost incited) Arjuna to enter on a bloody battle. Still forces, whether good or bad, are conquered or quelled or transformed truly and permanently by forces that belong not to the same level of being or consciousness, but to a higher one. Instead of working in a parallelogram of forces, we must take recourse, as it were, to a pyramid of forces. We know of the ideal of soul-force standing against and seeking to persuade or peacefully subdue brute force. It is not an impossibility; only we must be able really to get to the true soul and not a semblance or substitute of it. The true soul is .man's spiritual or divine being the consciousness in which man is one in substance and nature with God. It is not a mere thought Formation, a mental and moral ideal. The only force that can succeed against a lower or undivine force is God's own force and the success can be complete and absolute by the calling in or intervention of God's force in its highest status. Anything less than that will be no more than a temporary lull or adjustment.
   The world is not changed in spite of many efforts, because man is always taking to human means, he is not allowing God to do God's work, but putting his own individual initiative in God's place, taking perhaps God's name on the lips with a secret, unconscious feeling that unless he himself does something nothing will be donekarthamiti manyate. Human means may achieve at its best a compromise, but no permanent solution: it is often the beginning of a worse situation, a greater disharmony and conflictpeace, it has been said, is only a preparation for war. That vicious circle can be and has to be cut by the razor-blade consciousness of the aspirant to life divine who by the clear and tranquil energy of his tapascan call down a divine interference in mortal affairs.

06.05 - The Story of Creation, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The birth of Matter coincided with another descent of the Supreme Consciousness; it is a descent in graded stages linking up the highest to the lowest through intermediate Formations: they are telescoped into Matter so that Matter might lodge and express them gradually through its inherent developing consciousness till the highest is revealed and embodied here as it is always self-revealed at the highest.
   In the graded descent, in the hierarchy of planes and levels, there appeared forces and beings also proper to each domain. The earliest, the first among them are the Asuras, rather the original Asuras the first quaternary (some memory of them seemed to linger in the Greek legend of Chronos and his brood). For they embody the powers of division, of Inconscience: they are the Affirmations of the Negation. Against the Asuras there came and ranged-at the first line of division, on the one side of the descent of the Light the first godheads, the major powers and personalities of the Divine Consciousness. The battle of the gods and Titans for the possession of the earth has been going on ever since. The end will come one day: it will mean the dissolution of the forces of Negation, at least within the earthly sphere, and the establishment there of the reign of ,Light.

06.12 - The Expanding Body-Consciousness, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The trains were smashed and all the passengers killed or mortally wounded. But, curious to say, the young woman, the fiance, was found, living and almost unscathed, in the midst of the debris, within a sort of cover made by a fallen beam that lay across over her. She was pulled out with only a few bruises upon her body. Here is, however, the young man's version of the story. He said that as he was working at the table, suddenly he heard the voice of his fiance calling loudly for help and he saw in a flash, as it were, the situation she was in, he rushed out, not physically indeed, and ran and threw himself over the body of his fiance to protect her; that is the only thing he could do. As a result he did in fact protect her. True, he did not rush out in his body, for that matter, if he had done, it would have been of no use. What rushed out of him was his vital body, a Formation of that life energy which is most close to the body and almost as concrete as physical energy but much more powerful and effective. This vital power concentrated and projected out of him acted as a veritable shield over the woman. The young man himself, curious to say, bore marks of bruises upon his head as if a huge load had fallen upon it. A strong impact upon the vital can and does leave scars upon the material body: it is not an uncommon phenomenon. Many of the Christian saints (Saint Francis of Assisi, for example) are reported to have borne on their body the marks the stigmataof crucifixion of Christ's body; Ramakrishna, too, it is said, once showed marks of scourging on his back when a boy was whipped in his presence.
   All this means that the physical body is not man's sole means of action in the physical world. The physical extends and expands into more and more subtle modes of activity and all the more, not less, effective for that very reason. Behind the physical lies the subtle physical, behind which again is the vital physical and then the various grades of the vital. Indeed the vital or life energy as a whole is the real dynamism of all our physical activities and if it usually acts through its bodily instruments, it can act independently of them too; normally, too, it often acts in this way, only we are not conscious or observant enough to notice. A conscious concentration of the vital energy directed upon a material object can handle it with the effectivity of material energy. When it needs physical conditions it creates them, as the protective vital energy of the young man created the physical disposition of objects that formed a covert for the girl.

06.13 - Body, the Occult Agent, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The body has an individuality of its own. It is an organised Formation and acts as a whole in each and all its parts. The human body is, par excellence, such a Formation; for it is moved and controlled by the consciousness which overshadows or informs it, which is its master, whose will it executes scrupulously.
   The body is an epitome of the world. It encases within its frame the whole world, particularly the earthearth itself being an epitome of the worldon a miniature scale, the mikros reproducing all the features and characters of the makros.

06.15 - Ever Green, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Whenever you go inside and seek your poise, do not look for your old acquaintances, the familiar experiences, do not carry upon your back the load of the past, but go ahead, as if through a virgin tract, making quite new discoveries, and opening unexpected vistas at each step. You can make an experiment even on your physical body, i.e. take the physical consciousness too to share in your adventure of ever new discovery. Thus you may, for example, forget your habit of eating or even walking, truly forget and try to learn over again, even as you did for the first time as a child. You have to acquire consciously a capacity of the body that has become an almost unconscious reflex action. It is a wonderful and exhilarating experience. Naturally you cannot repeat too often or carry too far an experiment of this kind on the physical plane. But you can freely deal with your inner life and consciousness. You can make your mind and your vital a clean slate, as much as you like: not once in your life, but every moment of your life. And then see how the world impinges upon your consciousness, what fresh discoveries and awakenings come to you endlessly! You can always rid yourself of the accustomed vibrations on the normal levels of your existence, the physical, vital and mental; and even you can go beyond your psychic Formation and be the wide, the vast, the limitless, the Infinite itself, void of all name and form. And then with that virgin consciousness drop straight into the world of material life and form, into your body and bodily reactions. The world will give itself up to you in its pristine purity, its original beauty and truth, always luminous and glorious. This experience has to be the normal mode of your living, not simply the culmination or acme of your being, a fixed and stagnant status, even if considered the highest, the summum bonum. That is how you can keep yourself and the world around you ever fresh and young and new.
   The preacher who speaks of the truth and delivers it to his hearers is usually effective for the first time or for a first few occasions only, when he feels the truth of his truth and is sincere while delivering. But as time wears on, his truth too wears out, for it becomes stereotyped, a matter of mere habit. The experience is no longer lived, but mechanically doled out. You are sincere only when the experience is new and fresh and living, it should be made so every moment, otherwise it is dead letter, letter that killeth.

06.16 - A Page of Occult History, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   At the beginning of creation, four individual Formations the first personalitiesmade their appearance. There were: (1) a Being of Light or Consciousness, (2) a Being of Truth or Reality, (3) a Being of Love or Ananda and (4) a Being of Life. And the first law of creation was freedom of decision. These Beings were manifestations in the free movement of the Divine; they themselves moved free, according to their individualised conscious will. They stood out, as if in bold relief, on the background of the Divine Existence. For originally, although they differentiated themselves from each other and from the Divine, yet they formed a unified harmony and lived and moved and had their being as different members of the same divine Body. At first they stood out, but still essentially and apparently linked on to their fount and origin. Soon, however, they stood out no longer on the Divine, but moved out of him, away and separate; they sought to fulfil their individualised will and destiny. The Divine did not impose its will or force these individualities to turn round: that would frustrate the very purpose of creation. He allowed these independent beings to enjoy their full independence, although they were born out of him and essential part and parcel of his own being. They went abroad on a journey of adventure, each carving out its own line of growth and fulfilment. The first fruit, the inevitable reaction of freedom was precisely, as is just said, a separation from the Divine, each one encircled within its ego, limited and bound to its own fund of potency: individualism means limitation. Now, once separated, the connection with the source snapped, that is to say in the outward activity, in dynamic movement or becoming (not in essential being), the Four Independents lapsed into their opposites: Light changed to Darkness, i.e. conscious-ness to unconsciousness, Truth changed to Falsehood, Delight changed to Pain and Suffering, and Life changed to Death. That is how the four undivine principles, the Powers of the Undivine came to rule and fashion the material creation.
   Into the heart of this Darkness and Falsehood and Pain and Death, a seed was sown, a grain that is to be the epitome and symbol of material creation and in and through which the Divine will claim back all the elements gone astray, the prodigal ones who will return to recognise and fulfil the Divine. That was Earth. And the earth, in her turn, in her labour towards the Divine Fulfilment, out of her bosom, threw up a being who would again symbolise and epitomise the earth and material creation. That is Man. For, man came with the soul in him, the Psychic Being, the Divine Flame, the spark of consciousness in the midst of universal unconsciousness, a miniature of the original Divine Light-Truth-Love-Life. In the meantime, to help the evolution, to join hands with the aspiring soul in the human being, there was created, on the defection of the First Lords the Asuric Quaternitya second hierarchy of luminous beingsDevas, gods. (Some-thing of this inner history of the world is reflected in the Greek legend of struggle between the Titans and the Olympians.) These gods, however, being a latter creation, perhaps because they were young and inexperienced, could not cope immediately with their strong Elders. It is why we see in the mythological legends the gods very often worsted at the hands of the Asuras: Indra hiding under the sea, Zeus threatened often with defeat and disaster. It is only an intervention from the Supreme (the Greeks called it Fate) that saved them in the end and restored the balance.

06.21 - The Personal and the Impersonal, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   And yet to arrive at this supreme Person, to come in contact with Him, it is necessary to pass through and have the experience of the formless impersonal infinity. For that breaks the inferior moulds, the narrow egoistic Formations which are only aberrations or obscure images of the true Person.
   Somewhat on the same line the vital too has to proceed to transform itself. It must get rid of its ignorant and violent impulses, its obscure Formations: it must be thoroughly cleansed and purified. For that it must learn to be quiet and silentabsolutely still and passive; and in that quiet passivity to feel, to be conscious of the Divine Presence, to be saturated with it. When once that is done, it is called upon to come out and take part in active life. Normally, however, the tendency is, when one has withdrawn and lived an inward quieted life, on coming back to outer life, to turn to the old accustomed ways and reactions; one falls back into the old groove of the consciousness. The vital should then make the experience and the realisation of the Divine Presence dynamic so that it may be a living reality; the vital must be conscious of it in the midst of all activities, not merely in the indrawn state. The energy of the vital must be put out into a complete and perfected living, but it must not run into old moulds and take up the habitual modes; with the constant sense of the Divine, the ever present truth and beauty of the Divine's consciousness, the vital will possess a new life and create a new pattern of living.

06.22 - I Have Nothing, I Am Nothing, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The whole being in all its parts acted thus like a recording or transmitting agency. It was under such conditionsat the zero point of human personality and consciousness that the instrument which so long lived apart and behind, concerned with itself more or less, was made to come forward and take up the work that the Divine demanded of it. The vessel that was completely empty, a universal and transcendental shape, came gradually to be filled, with the Divine's own will and its own Formations.

06.31 - Identification of Consciousness, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Consciousness being one and the same everywhere fundamentally, through your own consciousness you can identify yourself with the consciousness that inhabits any other particular Formation, any object or being or world. You can, for example, identify your consciousness with that of a tree. Stroll out one evening, find a quiet place in the countryside; choose a big treea mango tree, for instance and go and take your seat at its root, with your back resting or leaning against the trunk. Still yourself, be quiet and wait, see or feel what happens in you. You will feel as if something is rising up within you, from below upward, coursing like a fluid, something that makes you feel at once happy and contented and strong. It is the sap mounting in the tree with which you have come in contact, the vital force, the secret consciousness in the tree that is comforting, restful and health-giving. Well, tired travellers sit under a banyan tree, birds rest upon its spreading branches, other animalsand even beings too (you must have heard of ghosts haunting a tree)take shelter there. It is not merely for the cool or cosy shade, not merely for the physical convenience it gives, but the vital refuge or protection that it extends. Trees are so living, so sentient that they can be almost as friendly as an animal or even a human being. One feels at home, soothed, protected, streng thened under their overspreading foliage.
   I will give you one instance. There was an old mango tree in one of our gardensvery old, leafless and dried up, decrepit and apparently dying. Everybody was for cutting it down and making the place clean and clear for flowers or vegetables. I looked at the tree. Suddenly I saw within the dry bark, at the core, a column of thin and and dim light, a light greenish in colour, mounting up, something very living. I was one with the consciousness of the tree and it told me that I should not allow it to be cut down. The tree is still living and in fairly good health. As a young girl barely in my teens I used to go into the woods not far from Paris, Bois de Fontainebleau: there were huge oak trees centuries old perhaps. And although I knew nothing of meditation then, I used to sit quietly by myself and feel the life around, the living presence of something in each tree that brought to me invariably the sense of health and happiness.

07.06 - Record of World-History, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The point, however, is how to go there at all. Well, the first thing is that you must completely silence your mind. Mental cogitations, agitations you must leave behind, no thoughts must enter your consciousness, it must be tranquil and still, like a tram parent sheet of water or smooth and polished like a mirror. The description I have given of a library is only an image, the real thing is something different. However, you have in this way some idea to go upon. In the silent mind you form a point of consciousness and send it out as an emissary to gather the required in Formation. This point of consciousness must be absolutely detached and free to go as it likes; for if it were in any way kept tied to the normal movements of your own mind, then you will not go further than what is in your head. You must be able to make your brain a blank, you must have no preconceived notion, no idea that the solution of your problem might lie in this way or that. As I say, your mind has to be a thoroughly blank page, a clean slate, with nothing written on it, no mark even. There should' be instead a sincere aspiration to know the truth, without postulating beforeh and what kind of truth it might be; other-wise you will meet your own Formation in the brain.
   You can certainly test and correct the in Formation you get from your inner voyage by outside in Formation, what others have found or what are recorded in books. The inner know-ledge need not and should not replace the outer knowledge, but supplement it, both should support and complete each other. But there is a mixture about which you must be very careful. Your silent mind, your inner consciousness receives the necessary knowledge, but as you want to express it or translate in normal terms, that is to say, as your brain gets active again, it may and often does supply its own materials and Formations and the original knowledge gets disturbed and distorted. Sometimes what you may do is to dictate most passively the things you see or perceive and let another take down in writing as you proceed. You must say exactly as you see and the other take down exactly as he hears.
   It is the image of reading a book that I have given you. But it is, as I said, only an image. What it is really is a kind of perception. And the perception may be in the form of an image, it may be in the form of a narrative. At other times it may be a simple answer to a particular question. There are many kinds and varieties of record, different according to the types or levels of consciousness that you go to.

07.08 - The Divine Truth Its Name and Form, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   You expect to see a divine form in each and all things? It may happen so. But I am not sure; I have the impression that there is a large part of imagination in such experiences. You may, for example, see the form of Krishna or Christ or Buddha in every being or thing. But I say that much of human conception enters into this perception. Otherwise what I was telling you just now would not be true. I said all who have the consciousness of the Divine, all who get the contact with the Divine, wherever one may be, to whatever age or country he may belong, all have the same essential experience. If it were not so, the Hindus would always see one of their gods, the Europeans one of theirs, the Japanese a third variety and so on. This may be an addition of each one's own mental Formation, but it would not be the Reality in its essence or purity which is beyond all form. One can have a perception of the Divine Presence, a very concrete perception, one can have even a personal contact with the Divine, but it need not happen in and through the kind of form you imagine; it is something inexpressible, beyond all explanation or definition, it is evident only to one who has the experience. It may be as you are suddenly lifted up into a peculiar condition, you find yourself in the presence of the Divine which takes a form familiar to you, a form you have been accustomed to associate with the Divine, because of your education, your up-bringing and tradition. But, as I say, it is not the supreme essence of the experience: the form gives after all a limitation to the experience, takes away from it its universality and a large measure of its power.

07.10 - Diseases and Accidents, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   There is of course a relation between the mind and the body, quite a close relation. In most cases it is the mind that makes the body ill, at least it is the most important factor in the illness. I have said, there are people who keep their mind clear although their body suffers. But it is very rare and very difficult to keep the body healthy when the mind suffers or is un-balanced. It is not impossible, but very, very exceptional. For I explained to you that it is the mind which is the master of the body, the body is an obedient and obliging servant. Unfortunately, one does not usually know how to make use of one's mind, not only so, one makes bad use of it and as bad as possible. The mind possesses a considerable power of Formation and of direct action on the body. It is precisely this power which is used by people to make their body ill. As soon as there is something which does not go well, the mind begins to worry about it, makes Formations of coming catastrophes, indulges in all kinds of imaginary dangers ahead. Now, instead of thus letting the mind run amuck and play havoc, if the same energy were used for a better purpose, if good Formations were made, namely, giving self-confidence to the body, telling it that there is nothing to be anxious about, it is only a passing unease and so on, in that case, the body would be put in a right condition of receptivity and the illness pass away quietly even as it came. That is how the mind is to be taught to give good suggestions to the body and not to throw mud into it. Marvellous results follow if you do it properly.
   When an accident happens there is in it a critical moment. For example, you slip and you fall. Now between the moment when you slip and the moment when you fall, there is just a fraction of a second when you are, as it were, given the choice. It can either be nothing or something very serious. Only to make the choice you must have a perfectly awakened consciousness and your being must be constantly in contact with the psychic. There is no time to bring in the contact, one must already be in contact. So, just between the slip and the fall, if the mental and psychic Formation is sufficient, you come out unscathed. If, on the contrary, the body thinks, as it is its habit, Oh, I have slipped and becomes apprehensiveit is, as I say, a matter of a fraction of a second, even less then the catastrophe happens. You have the capacity to prevent an accident happening, you are given the choice at a momentary moment. But for that you must learn to be wide awake, to be fully conscious. When you are in that condition you can prevent an accident, you can stop an illness coming into you. But it is just the matter of a split second and you must not miss it.
   And yet there is still another moment. When you have fallen and are already hurt, you have still now the open chance whether it will turn well or ill, whether it will stop at being just a mishap or become something really serious or as serious as possible. I do not know if you have noticed that there are certain people who do not seem to miss any occasion for an accident. Every time there is a possibility, they have it. And the accident is never slight, it tends to be serious and often very serious. People say, what an unlucky fellow! Chance is never on his side! etc., etc. But all that is sheer ignorance. Everything depends absolutely upon the working of the consciousness. I could cite any number of instances and such striking ones. There are people who might have been killed but came out of the accident safe and sound. There are others for whom what was quite harmless in the beginning turns worse and worse and proves in the end, perhaps, fatal.

07.12 - This Ugliness in the World, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Everything in the world has at its source a supreme truth, how is it then that the world has become ugly in its expression? Why are things at all ugly? Because there are other things that intervene between the Source and the manifestation. For example, if I asked you: Do you know your true being? what would you say? You do not know; it would be wonderful if you did. It is the same with all beings and things. And yet you are already a sufficiently developed being, a thinking being, and have gone through many stages of refinement; you are not quite the lizard crawling on the wall! Still you cannot tell what is the truth of your being. That is the secret of the de Formation in the world. It is because there is all the unconsciousness the Inconscient that has been created by the fact of separation from one's origin. It is this inconscience which prevents the Source from manifesting in its own nature, although it is there always. It is there, therefore that all things exist, the world exists; but in its expression it is deformed, because it has to manifest itself through inconscience, through ignorance and obscurity. But how did it come about? The will to create was originally a will that projected itself towards individual Formation; what it arrived at, however, was not the true individual (or individualisation) but a breaking up of the solid unity into infinitesimal fragments. The original indivisible unity became a sum of infinitely divided unities. These unities or units were individualisations of things separate and feeling and acting as such. It is precisely the feeling of separation from others that gives you the impression that you are an individual. Otherwise you would feel that you were only a fluid mass. That is to say, you are no longer conscious simply of your rigid outer form and all that cuts you off from others and makes of you a separate individual, you are conscious of the vital forces that move about everywhere, of the inconscient that is the foundation of all, you have the impression that you are a moving mass with all kinds of contradictory movements in it, which cannot be separated from each other. You would not have the impression that you are an individual being, but that you are something like one note or vibration in a whole complex. The original will was to form individual beings capable of becoming conscious again of their divine origin. This process of individualisation created the necessity that to be an individual one must feel oneself separate: that is why one is cut off from the original consciousness, at least apparently, and is fallen into inconscience. For the Life of life is the Origin alone and if it is separated from that source, consciousness naturally turns into unconsciousness and you lose trace of the truth of your being. That is the process of the creation or Formation of the world by which the pure origin does not manifest directly in its essence and purity, but through de Formation, that is to say, unconsciousness and ignorance. That is how ugliness came in, death and disease, wickedness and misery and all. It is the movement, I say, brought in by the necessity of individual Formation that has produced these things, each and every one of them, that is the one source of the multiple evil in all its modes and vibrations. I do not say this was indispensable that problem I may take up later on. But for the moment I direct you to the source in order to show the remedy. And there is no point in questioning why it is so. As I said, the only way to settle the world problem is to be conscious again, to recover the lost consciousness. Of course, if you say like some religions that good is good and evil is evil and they will always remain so, then there is no longer any problem. An eternal struggle binds the two together and whichever wins for the moment will make the world a little better at one moment and a little worse at another. But the two exist, continue to exist eternally and indissolubly intertwined. But you have seen it is not like that; one can come out of the tangle into the perfect unity of the truth, for it is that which is the only and original source.
   It is this perfect truth, let me repeat, that has scattered itself abroad, into these innumerable little atoms, into these insignificant brain cells which, in spite of all their ignorance, are still moved by a secret stir of consciousness: these little specks of darkness reach out towards light which they can find, for it is within them. They will arrive at what they seek. It may take time more or less, but they will reach in the end. That is then the remedy: it lies in the very heart of evil itself.

07.17 - Why Do We Forget Things?, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   There are many reasons, of course. First and the most important is that we use the faculty of memory in order to remember. Memory is a mental instrument depending upon the Formation and growth of the brain. Your brain is developing constantly unless, of course, it is already degenerating; the development can continue for a long time, longer than that of the body. In the process there are necessarily things replaced by others; and as the instrument grows, elements that were useful in one state are no longer so in a subsequent state and have to give place to others more suitable. The net result of our acquisitions remains there in essence, but all that had led to it, the intermediary steps are suppressed. Indeed, a good memory means nothing more than that that is to say, to remember the results only, so that the fundamentals are sifted and stored, namely, those alone that are useful for further construction. This is more important than just trying to retain some particular items in a rigid manner.
   There is another thing. Apart from the fact that memory by itself in its very nature is a defective organ, there is the other fact that I there are different states of consciousness one following another. Each state faithfully records the phenomena of that moment, whatever they may be. Now, if your mind is calm and clear, wide and strong, you can by concentrating your consciousness on that moment bring out of it and recall in your present active state what is recorded there of your movements then; you can, that is to say, go back to the particular state of consciousness at a given moment and live it again. What is registered in your consciousness is never obliterated and hence not really forgotten. You can live a thousand years and you will not have forgotten that. Therefore, if you do not want to forget a thing, you must retain it through your consciousness, and not through your mental memory. As I have said, the mental memory fades away, new things, things of today replace old things, things of yesterday. But that of which you are conscious in your conscious-ness, you can never forget. It lies somewhere in the background, returns to you at your bidding. You have only to withdraw to that state of the consciousness where it lies imbedded. In this way you can recall things that you knew perhaps centuries ago. It is how you remember your past lives. For, a movement of consciousness never dies out, it is only the impressions on the surface brain-mind that are fugitive. What you have learnt with this superficial instrument laboriouslyonly read, heard, noted, underlinedleaves no lasting mark, but what is imbibed, breathed in into the stuff of consciousness remains. The brain is being constantly renewed and reformed. Old cells, cells that have become weak and atrophied are replaced by younger and stronger ones or the old cells combine differently or enter into other organisations. Thus the old impressions or memories they carried are obliterated.

07.19 - Bad Thought-Formation, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   When you have a bad thought, you make an evil Formation and you carry it about you or throw it out. It happens some-times that when you pass by a man, you suddenly feel unwell, you may not connect the two and you may know nothing of the matter, but in fact the man may have been entertaining an evil thought and it has pounced upon you.
   When you find out the cause, then what you have to do is to chase it away, as if it were a fly. The flies are sometimes very troublesome, the more you drive them away the more they come and take it as an amusing game. But if you are serious and have the will, you succeed in driving them out. In the same manner when an evil Formation seeks to possess or touch you, push it away immediately, push it away again and again till it disappears.
   Why should there be a bad will at all, you ask?

07.21 - On Occultism, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Of course, age is really no bar. I was doing occultism when I was twelve years old. But I must tell you I had no fear, I had fear of nothing. Here you come out of the body, you are connected with the body by the very tiniest, almost imperceptible, bit of thread, as it were. If the thread snaps, there is an end of it all, the end of your life. So you come out into another world and begin to look about and see what kind of world it is. Generally, the first things you see, as I said, are absolutely terrifying. In your normal view, the air about you is empty; there is nothingyou see the blue of the sky or the white cloud or the sunshine and everything is beautiful. But when you have the other sight, the picture is quite different. You see that the whole atmosphere is filled with a multitude of small Formations, which are the remains of desires and mental de Formations and they crowd about you in such a way that the whole thing gives you a very disagreeable impression. Indeed, it is positively ugly more often than not. They come near you, attack you, press upon you and you fear and tremble. Then they assume formidable proportions. But if you are not shaken, if you can look with the eye of a calm curiosity, you will find then there is nothing so very terrifying. Things are not beautiful perhaps, but they are not frightful either.
   I shall tell you a story to illustrate my point. I knew a Dane who was a painter, a painter of some talent.' He was interested in occultism. Some of you might have heard of him. He had come here and met Sri Aurobindo. He did a portrait too of Sri Aurobindo. It was the first Great War. He returned to France and saw me. He asked me to teach him this science. I taught him how to come out of the body, how to maintain control, etc., etc. I told him especially, what I tell you now, not to have fear. Now he came to me one day and narrated his experience of a night. He had a dream; but of course it was not a dream: he knew how to come out of the body and was out consciously. Once out he was trying to find where he was. Suddenly he saw moving towards him a tiger, huge and formidable, evidently with dire intentions. He remembered, how-ever, my advice. So he kept calm and quiet and said to himself: There is no danger, I am protected, nothing can happen to me, I am surrounded by the power of protection. And he looked straight at the animal calmly and fearlessly. As he kept on gazing, strange to say, he saw the tiger diminishing in size, shrinking and shrinking, till at last it turned into a small harmless cat!
   What did the tiger represent? I told the painter that perhaps in the course of the day or at some time he was angry with someone and indulged in violent thoughts, wishing him harm, etc. Now as in the physical world, so too in the occult world there is a law of action and reaction or return movement. You cherish a bad thought; it returns upon you as an attack from outside. So the tiger might have represented some bad thought or impulse in him which came back upon him, like, as it is said, a boomerang. It is exactly one of the reasons why one should have control over one's thoughts and feelings and sensations. For if you think ill of a person, wish unpleasant things for him, then in your dream you are likely to see the person coming to attack you, more violently perhaps than you thought of doing. In your ignorance and impulse of self-justification you say, Just see, was I not right in my feeling towards this man, he wanted to kill me! In point of fact, however, the contrary is the truth. It is a common law in occultism that if you make a Formationa mental Formation, for example, to the effect that an accident or some unpleasant thing should happen to a person and you send out the Formation to do its work, then, if it so happens that the person concerned is on a higher level of consciousness, that is to say, if he wishes harm to none, is quite disinterested and indifferent in the matter, then the Formation approaches him but does not enter into his atmosphere or touch him, it rebounds upon the sender. In that case a serious accident may happen to the sender of the Formation: if one wishes death to another, death may come to himself. That is often the result of black magic which is a de- Formation of occultism.
   Formations are of many kinds. A Formation is made for a particular work. When the work is done, the Formation too dissolves. But it is a huge and complex subject. You cannot learn the whole of chemistry in one hour.
   I shall tell you another story in this connection, for it has an occult bearing.

07.31 - Images of Gods and Goddesses, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   I have seen some of these forms in the vital world and also in the mental world; they are truly creations of man. There is a Power from beyond that manifests, but in this triple world of Ignorance man creates God Himself in his own image and beings that appear there are more or less the outcome of the creative human thought. So at times we do have things that are truly frightful. I have seen Formations that are so obscure, so un-understandable, so inexpressive! There are some divine beings that are treated worse than the others. Take, for example, this poor Mahakali. What has man made of her, wildly terrible, a nightmare beyond imagination! Such creations however live in a very inferior world, in the lowest vital world; and if there is anything there of the original being, it is such a far off reflection that it is hardly recognisable. And yet it is that which is pulled by the human consciousness. When, for example, an image is made and installed and the priest calls down into it a form, an emanation of a god, through an inner invocation there is usually a whole ceremony in this connectionif the priest is someone having the power of evocation, then the thing succeeds (what Ramakrishna did in the Kali temple). But generally priests are people with the commonest ideas and the most traditional training and education; when they think of the gods they give them attributes and appearances which are popular, which belong normally to entities of the vital world, at best to mental Formations but which do not represent in any way the truth of the beings behind. All the idols in temples or the household gods worshipped by the many are inhabited by beings who know only how to lead you to unhappiness and disaster. They are so far away from the divinity that one means to worship. There are certain family Kalis that are real monsters. I have even advised some to throw such an image into the Ganges to get rid of the evil influence emanating from it. But of course it is always the fault of man and not of the divinity. For man wishes so much to make his gods in his own image.

07.36 - The Body and the Psychic, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   That depends. There is a kind of progress sometimes. There are, for example, writers, musicians, artists, people who lived on a high mental level, who feel that they have yet something to do upon earth, they did not finish their work, fulfil their mission, reach the goal they set before themselves. So they wish to remain in the earth's atmosphere as much as possible, retain as much cohesion of their being as needed and seek to manifest themselves and progress through other living human forms. I have seen many such cases: I shall tell you the very interesting case of a musician, a pianist, a pianist of a very high order; he had hands that had become something marvellous, full of skill, accuracy, precision, force, swiftness; it was truly remarkable. The man died comparatively young and with the feeling that had he lived he would have gone on advancing in his musical self-expression. Such was the intensity of his aspiration that his subtle hands retained their form without getting dissolved and wherever there was someone passive and receptive and at the same time a good musician the hands of the dead man would enter into the living hands that played. In the case that I saw the man used to play well enough normally but quite in the ordinary way; he became, however, as he continued to play all on a sudden not only a virtuoso, but a marvellous artist; it was the hands of the other person who made use of him. The same thing may happen with regard to a painter; in his case too, the hands are the instrument. For certain writers also a like thing may happen; but here it is the brain of the dead man that retains its Formation and it is this that enters the brain of the living writer which must be receptive enough to allow the Formation in all its precision. I have seen a writer who was nothing extraordinary in his normal capacity, but used to write things much more beautiful in those moments than he was capable of doing or was doing usually. I know the case of a musical composer, not executor like the one I referred to before, which was particularly remarkable. In the case of the composer, like the writer, it is the brain that serves him; for the executor the hands are the chief instrument. Beethoven, Bach, Cesar Franck were great composers, although the last one was an executor also. The composition of music is a cerebral activity. Now the brain of a great musician used to enter in contact with that of the composer and made him compose marvellous pieces. The man was writing a musical opera. You must remember what a complicated thing an opera music is. It is a complex whole in which roles are distributed to a very large number of performers each playing differently on different instruments and they must all of them together and severally express the idea and the theme the composer has in his mind. Now, this man I am speaking of, when he sat down with the blank paper in front, used to receive the musical Formation in his brain and wrote down continuously as if he was recording something ready-made placed before him. I saw him filling up a whole page from top to bottom with all the details of orchestration. He had no need to hear any instrument, he did it all on paper; and the distribution was perfect. He himself was not very unconscious, he used to feel that something entered into him and helped him to bring out the music.
   You must note here that when I speak of a Formation entering into a living person, the Formation does not mean the man himself who is dead, that is to say, his soul or psychic being. I say that it is only a special faculty which continues to remain in the earth atmosphere, even after the death of the man to whom the faculty belonged: it was so well developed, well formed that it continues to retain its independent identity. The soul, the true being of the man is no longer there; I have told you often that after death it goes away as soon as possible to the psychic world, its own world, for rest, assimilation and preparation. Not that it cannot happen otherwise. A soul incarnating as a great musician may incarnate again in or as a great musician, although I said in another connection that a soul usually prefers to vary, even to contrast and contradict its incarnations with each other. Take for example, the great violinist, Isai; he was a Belgian and the most marvellous violinist of his century. I knew him and I am sure he was an incarnation, at least, an emanation, of the soul that was the great Beethoven. It may not have been the whole psychic being that so reincarnated, but the soul in its musical capacity. He had the same appearance, the same head. When I saw him first appearing on the stage I was greatly surprised, I said to myself, he looks so like Beethoven, the very portrait of that great genius. And then he stood, the bow poised, one stroke and there were in it three or four notes only, but three or four supreme notes, full of power, greatness and grandeur; the entire hall was charged with an atmosphere marvellous and unique. I could recognise very well the musical genius of Beethoven behind. It may be possible here too the soul of Beethoven in its entirety the whole psychic beingwas not present; the central psychic might have been elsewhere gathering more modest, commonplace experiences, as a shoemaker, for example. But what was left and what manifested itself was something very characteristic of the great musician. He had disciplined his mental and vital being and even his physical being in view of his musical capacity and this Formation remained firm and sought to reincarnate. The musical being was originally organised and fashioned around the psychic consciousness and therefore it acquired its peculiar power and its force of persistence, almost an immortality. Such Formations, though not themselves the psychic being, have a psychic quality, are independent beings, possess their own life and seek their fulfilment by manifesting and incarnating themselves whenever the occasion presents itself.
   Can a Psychic Being take two bodies at the same time?
   The matter is not so simple. I have told you often that the psychic being is the result of an evolution, that is to say, it is the expression of the divine consciousness that has entered and spread itself into Matter and slowly raises Matter and develops it so that it may return to the Divine. The psychic being is formed progressively by the divine centre through many lives or incarnations. There comes a time when it attains a kind of perfection, the perfection of its growth and Formation. It has then often an aspiration towards greater realisation, a further progress to manifest better or further the Divine. As the result of this pull, it generally draws towards itself a being of a higher order, from a higher plane, from the Overmind, as Sri Aurobindo calls it, a being of involution who incarnates in the psychic being. These overmental entities are termed gods and divinities by men. Now when the fusion takes place, of a god into a psychic being, the latter naturally increases in stature and partakes of the nature of the god and acquires also the capacity to produce emanations; that is to say it throws out of itself a part which possesses an independent existence and can incarnate in others. In this way there may be not only two but several emanations or projections of the same original being. In other words, there may be a single psycho-divine origin but many personalities coming out of it. That is how it happens sometimes that different people feel a sort of affinity and even identity, and with reason, because they carry within them the same deity, out of which they, that is, their psychic being came. It is not the same thing as the doubling of the personality where in throwing oneself out of oneself one loses a portion, as when you cut a body into two: there are only two halves. Here the projection is a whole and independent personality. If you emanate a being out of you, you remain whole and entire without losing anything of yourself and the emanation too is a being whole and entire living its independent life.

07.37 - The Psychic Being, Some Mysteries, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   There are two kinds of progress in the psychic and they are very different. One consists in its Formation and building and organisation; for the psychic begins by being only a little divine spark hidden in the inner person and out of this spark comes and gradually develops an independent conscious person who has his own will and activity. As I say, the psychic being is originally like a spark from the divine consciousness: it grows into a conscious individuality through the experiences of successive lives. This progress then is like the progress of the growing child. It is a thing in Formation and it remains so for a long time in most human beings. It is not a fully individualised being there, not fully conscious and master of itself; it needs many births, one after another, to build itself and become fully conscious. In the end, however, there does come a time when it is a completed personality, fully individualised, fully conscious of itself and its destiny. When such a psychic being incarnates in a human being, it makes a great difference. For the man is born free, so to say, he is not bound to his circumstances, his surroundings or his origin or atavism, like ordinary people. When he comes upon earth, he feels he has a work to do in the world, he has a mission to fulfil. To that extent then his cycle of progress is completed, that is to say, he has no more need to take birth in a body to make further progress. Till then rebirth is a necessity, it is compulsory; for it is through reincarnation i.e. by taking up a new body that he progresses, develops and grows. It is in the physical life and in the physical body that the soul slowly builds itself until it becomes a fully conscious being. But once it is fully formed, it is free either to take birth or not to do so at will. There then one kind of progress comes to an end. But if the fully formed being now wishes to become an instrument for the work of the Divine, if it chooses to be a worker upon earth to help in the fulfilment of the cosmic purpose of the Divine, instead of going away and resting in the psychic bliss of its own world, then he has to make a new kind of progress, a progress towards capacity to work, to organise and execute the work, to express and embody the will of the Divine. As long as the world continues, as long as he chooses to work for the Divine, he will continue to progress. But if he wishes to withdraw into the psychic world and gives up or refuses to work for the divine Plan, then he can remain in the static state beyond the range of progress. For, as I have said, progress exists only upon earth in the physical world. You cannot progress everywhere. In the psychic world there is a kind of blissful repose. You remain what and where you are without moving.
   Everything upon earth progresses, has to progress. All men, without exception, even those who have no sense of the psychic, whether they wish it or not, must progress. The psychic progresses in them in spite of themselves and they have to follow the curve of its growth and development. That is to say, man ascends in the scale of life and grows, grows exactly as a child does. In the process of growth there comes a time when one reaches the summit and one changes the direction or the plane of progress. At the outset there is the purely physical progress, like that of the child; then there comes the mental progress, later on the psychic progress and the spiritual progress, so that unless progress changes it direction, when it has reached its limit on a particular level, one has to come down the curve, that is to say, instead of progression there will be retrogression, which means in the end disintegration and decomposition. Precisely because in the purely physical world there cannot be a perpetual and constant progress, there is in this domain this curve of growth, apogee, decline and decomposition. All that does not advance must recede. This is exactly what happens in the domain of matter. Matter does not know how to progress indefinitely, it has not learnt it; so after a time it is tired of progressing or growing. Given this constitution, one cannot go beyond a limit. But there is in man side by side with his physical growth, a vital growth and a mental growth as well. The mental especially can progress long after the body has ceased to progress. The body does not grow; even when it is declining, the mind still can continue to grow, to rise to higher heights. There is a mental ascension contrariwise to the physical descent. But they who do Yoga, who become conscious of their psychic being and are identified with it, who live with its life, never cease to progress, they move upward till the last breath of their life; even when they die their progress does not stop. The body is on the decline, because it cannot keep pace with the inner march forward, it cannot transform itself and mould itself into the rhythm of the inner consciousness. The discrepancy increases so much between the two, that there is a snap at the end and that is death. However, on the purely spiritual level too there is no progress. The domain of the pure spirit means a static condition; there is no progressive movement there, for it is beyond the field of progress, beyond all manifestation. For when you are merged in the Spirit, you have come out of creation and there is no question of progress, or even of any movement.
   It depends. As I have told you now, there are psychic beings that are just on the way of Formation and growth, they usually cannot choose at the beginning, they cannot choose very much. But when they have come to a certain degree of development and consciousness, they make a choice; generally when they are still in the body, when they have gathered a certain amount of experience, they decide what is to be their next field of experience. I shall give you an illustration, although somewhat external. A psychic being, for example, needed the experience of power, authority, comm and and wanted to know the reactions of these movements and also how to turn them towards the Divine, to learn, in a word, what these things can teach. So the soul took the body of a king (or a queen). When it had the necessary experience, learnt what it had to learn, it gave up the body, being no longer useful. It is at that moment, when it decides to leave the body, that the soul still in the body makes the choice of the next experience. The choice very often takes a course of action and reaction. If the soul has experienced and studied a particular field, its choice falls upon a contrary field on the following occasion. Thus if the soul has had the experience of a kingly position and worked through that to enter into a conscious relation with the Divine, then at the moment of leaving the body that served with Power and authority and command, it perhaps would say: This time I shall take a middle position, neither high nor low, where there will be no need to lead mostly an external life, where one is neither in great luxury nor in great misery. With that resolution it returns to the psychic world for the necessary rest, for the assimilation of past experiences and preparation for the future. When the time comes for return upon earth, for the descent into a physical body, it remembers naturally the choice it had made, but from that higher and subtler plane at that moment the material world is not seen in the way we see it, it appears in a different form; still one can notice the differences in the surroundings and activities. One has not the vision of the details, but a total or global vision is there. It can choose an atmosphere, it can choose even a particular country. It has in view a certain kind of education, civilisation and influence, the kind of life that it wishes to lead. Then as it comes down and looks about, it distinguishes very clearly the different kinds of vibrations and makes its way accordingly. It aims, as it were, at the place where to drop. But it can hit the target only approximately. For there are one or two other factors besides which come into play. For there is not only its own choice, from above, there must also be a receptivity from below, an aspiration that draws to it the particular being or the particular type of being. Usually the call is from a mother, sometimes from both the parents. If the parent has some aspiration or receptivity, something that is sufficiently passive and open and looking up towards something higher, in that case, the thing appears to the psychic being as a luminous vibration which beckons it. It is the answer to its will. It shows the place it is to go to. It cannot fix the day of its birth. There will naturally be a period of uncertainty, but that is not expected to go beyond a year. The second factor that somewhat modifies or qualifies his choice comes from the nature of the birth itself. The soul, the conscious being, precipitates into the inconscience, for the physical world, even human consciousness, at its very best, is an inconscient thing when compared to the psychic consciousness. It is as though the soul fell head down-most. That makes it dazed and for a long time it does not know what is what. It does not know where it is, what it is doing nor why it is there; a complete blank possesses it. It is unable to express itself, especially as a baby, it has not the proper amount of brain to understand or manifest anything. Very rarely do children show the exceptional being that they have within them. Cases do occur indeed, but they are very few and far between. Generally it takes time for the soul to come to its own. It wakes up but slowly from its numbness, it is only gradually that it begins to understand that it is there for some reason and by choice. This oblivion is occasioned by the presence of the mind and mental education which completely shuts off the psychic consciousness. All kinds of circumstances, happenings, experiencesexternal and emotionalare then needed to strike open the doors; within, to bring the memory that one has come from elsewhere and for a very special reason. It is the normal longer process. But one may have the chance of meeting early enough some one who knows; then instead of groping and fumbling through ignorance and darkness, you get the light and the help that give you the swift and straight contact.
   The psychic will and psychic development are things that are completely outside the range of common notions. Ideas of justice and reward and punishment have no place here at all. Any people come to me and complain: What have I done in my past life that I have to be under such difficult conditions now, to suffer so much! I always reply: But don't you see it is a blessing for you, the divine grace upon you? In your past life perhaps you yourself asked for such conditions so that you may make greater progress through them! This way of looking at the thing may seem very novel. But truth lies that way.

07.38 - Past Lives and the Psychic Being, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Most people are not at all conscious of what is happening in them. Their consciousness or being is a mixture of mental, vital and physical elements, a kind of hotchpotch. There are a few, very few indeed, who are consciousconscious of what is beyond the three, viz, their psychic being. For it is only that element which endures, persists through successive lives. Certain people have known or learnt some rudiments of the matterwho believe in rebirth, but conceive it in the most childish manner. Their idea is as if the person changed his body like a robe. There are persons even who have written books describing seriously all the lives they had passed through since the time they were monkeys! As I have said, it is the psychic element alone that persists after death, all the rest gets dissolved. And in 999 cases out of 1,000, the psychic is a very small Formation lying behind and taking little part in the actual life of the person. I speak of the average man, not of the Yogi, that is to say, one who has a developed psychic being to the extent that it is capable of controlling and guiding the outer life. How often does an ordinary man get in contact with his psychic being? Years and years pass for many or most to have just a passing taste of this movement. It is this moment that abides and is carried over to the next life, all other things are simply effaced. At a given point of our life, there comes a special circumstance, there is a call within, an absolute inner necessity that brings forward the psychic and the contact is made perhaps for an instant. That experience is preserved in the psychic memory. More than the outer circumstances and the physical events, however, what is cherished in the consciousness is the intimate emotion, the vibration that accompanied the perception at the time. At the most, a word said, a phrase heard, just a passing scene is all that is stored, net and clear, engraved as it were. But above all it is the soul's state that is the most important thing. I t is these scattered elements that serve as stepping-stones or sign-posts on the soul's forward journey. They are the constants that build up the personality of a man. On rare occasions there is a larger clearing, the circumstances preserved are sufficiently definite to point to a date and a historical person. Usually, however, one cannot say, I was such a person, I lived in such a country or did such things. These psychic flashes, more in some cases, less in others, are the only genuine and au thentic records of the story of a person's lives.
   It is a being who is completely identified with his psychic, who has organised his whole person, in all its parts, around this centre, in fact, a being of one piece, entirely and solely turned to the Divine that can alone remember or hold in his consciousness something like a totality of his personal history. For in his case even when the body drops, the other parts being integrated and taken up into the soul substance maintain their individual existence; the personality formed around the psychic continues to exist with its memory intact: even it can pass from one life to another without losing the consciousness.

08.02 - Order and Discipline, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   You are sent to school, you are asked to do exercises (both mental and physical); do you think it is just to put you to trouble? No, it is because a surrounding is absolutely necessary where you can learn to form yourself. If you tried by yourself this work of individualisation, integral Formation, all alone in one corner, you would be asked nothing till you have done it; but you are not likely to do it, not a single child would do it, he would not even know how to do it or where to begin. If a child is not taught how to live, he would not be able to live, he would not know how to do anything. The most elementary movements it is not able to do unless it is taught. Therefore if every one were to go through the whole experience, unaided, in the matter of forming his individuality, he would be dead long before he could begin to exist even. That is the utility of the experiences of others, accumulated through centuries, of those who have had the experience and who tell you, "If you want to go quick, and learn in a few years what needed centuries to learnwell, do this, do that, this way, that way, read, study, attend to your lessons at school, in the playground." Once you are on the way, you can find your own method if you are a genius. But in the beginning you must know from others how to stand on your legs and walk. It is not easy to go all by oneself. That is why one needs education.

08.09 - Spirits in Trees, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Those are of a different kind. They are beings belonging to the vital world and are hostile forces. Here we were speaking of the remnants of the vital being of a dead man. But even in cases of possession by hostile forces of beings, the real truth is most often of another kind. Usually these beings or spirits, as they are called, are nothing more than creations of men. That is to say, it is fear that produces them; it is a mere mental Formation which is taken to be a reality. And the greater the fear, the more concrete and effective the Formation appears to be. I have had to deal with hundreds of such cases and I have found that there are very few which contain anything more than imagination. Some time ago, I was told of a tree nearby that was the haunt of a ghost. Our milkmen were afraid of the ghost and had seen it! I sent Amrita 1 to burn some incense there and go round the tree a few times and tell the people it was gone. Well, it was indeed gone; for it was not a very substantial being. As I said, most of the spirits are the creations of our fear.
   How long do Spirits of dead people live in their trees?
   That depends. There are entities that stay or live only for a short time; there are others that have a stronger Formation and may stay on in their shelter for a thousand years, if the trees live up to a thousand years.
   Do such spirits go out of animals also and possess trees?

08.11 - The Work Here, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   An outside view may find many things to criticise and criticise much, but from the inner view what has been done has been done well. In an outside view, you come with all kinds of mental, intellectual Formations and find there is nothing uncommon in what is done here. But thereby you miss what is behind: the sdhan. A deeper consciousness would see the march towards a realisation that surpasses all. The outside view does not see the life spiritual; it judges by its own smallness.
   There are people who write wanting to join our University 1 and they ask what kind of diploma or degree we prepare for, the career we open out. To them I say: go elsewhere, please, if you want that; there are many other places, much better than ours, even in India, in that respect. We do not have their equipment or magnificence. You will get there the kind of success you look for. We do not compete with them. We move in a different sphere, on a different level.

08.12 - Thought the Creator, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Human thought always creates forms in the mental world. It is a creative force. You are creating thought-forms constantly and sending them out into the atmosphere around; they go abroad to do their work. You are yourself surrounded always by such Formations. No doubt there are people who cannot think clearly; they form around them only a kind of whirl. But they who think clearly and strongly create thought-forms that go out to accomplish their task and return to the source. There are cases of people who are troubled by their own Formations that return to them or upon them as if to possess them and which they cannot get rid of; they do not know how to unmake a form which they make. When you have made a particularly strong Formation, it remains always linked to you; it comes back again and again hitting your head and gathering force. In the end it becomes a necessity for you. There is a whole world of mystery to learn in this matter. Men live in ignorance; they have powers of which they are thoroughly unconscious or know very little.
   Buddhists, I mean those who are in the more orthodox tradition, do not believe in God or an eternal Reality; they do not believe in gods either, that is to say, in beings who are truly divine. They, however, know admirably how to use the mind and the mind's power. The Buddhist discipline makes you master of the mental instrument. A person following the Buddhist discipline came to me once and said that he had made an experiment: he had formed a being with his thought, he had created something like a Mahatma. He knew and it is a proved fact that these mental Formations after a time begin to have a personal life, independently of the author,although they may be connected with him, yet they are quite independent, in the sense that they have a will of their own. But now he was facing a formidable difficulty. He said: "Do you know I have formed my Mahatma so well that he has become a personality quite independent of me and comes all the while to trouble me? He comes, scolds me for this and that, advises me in this matter and that and wants to control my life altogether. I am unable to get rid of him. I find it extremely difficult and do not know how to go about it. As I say, my Mahatma has become extremely troublesome. He does not leave me to be at rest. He interferes in all my activities, prevents me from doing my work and yet I know it is my own creation and I am unable to do away with it." He explained to me how he had tried to get rid of the thing. I then told him it was because he did not know the trick. I showed him the process and the next morning he came happy and beaming, saying "it has left." He could not cut the connection; even then cutting the connection is not sufficient, for the being would continue to live apart and independent. What is needed is to re-absorb what one has created, to swallow what has been put out.

08.13 - Thought and Imagination, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   When you imagine a thing, it means that you make a mental Formation which may be near to the truth or far from it according to the quality of your Formation. There are people who have this power of Formation to such an extent that they are capable of realising what they imagine. They imagine something and they make such a strong and well-shaped Formation that they succeed in materialising it. They are truly creators. There are not many like that, but there surely are a few.
   You can meet a dead person also in your thought if he continues to be in the mental world; you can be in contact with his mind and have a sort of mental vision of his life there. But if he is gone to the psychic world, then thinking of him is not sufficient; you must know how to go into the psychic world and meet him there.

08.14 - Poetry and Poetic Inspiration, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   I have said: "Poetry is sensuality of the mind". How is it so? It is because poetry is in relation with the forms and images of ideasforms, images, sensations, impressions, emotions attached to ideas are the sensual or, if you prefer to call it, the sensuous side of things. All such relations are sensuousness. And poetry concerns itself with this idea of mind and thought. It approaches the world of ideas through their appearances, through the play of sensations and emotions around them. It is not like philosophy or metaphysics which endeavours to look into the inside of ideas. Poetry, on the other hand, cannot be poetry unless it evokes, that is to say, unless it gives a form, a sensuous form to the idea. I have used an epigrammatic phrase to express this truth and even chosen the stronger word to give an edge to it. People are called sensual when they are occupied solely with the sensations of the physical life, with the forms and Formations and movements of the material world, when they live with their senses and enjoy the things of the senses. The same tendency instead of going out towards the external life, the physical world, when it turns towards objects of the mind, towards ideas gives rise to poetry. Poetry is a world under the aspect of the beauty of form. It expresses the beauty of an idea, the harmony or rhythm of a thought, giving all that a concrete shape or image: it becomes a play of images, a play of sounds, a play of words. Thus instead of a sensuality of matter, we have a sensuality of the mind. I have not taken the word in a pejorative sense, nor in a moral sense; it is simply descriptive.
   I do not mean, in other words, that such a view, the poetic view, necessarily prevents you from seeing the truth of things. It only describes the way of the poet's approach as poet. Indeed, if it were a choice between reading a book of good poetry and reading a book of metaphysics, personally I would prefer poetry, for that is less arid! My definition of poetry, I assure you, is not a condemnation, it is only a description, a statement of fact, namely, that poetry is the sensual or sensuous approach to truth. It is perhaps a somewhat paradoxical way of putting the thing: it is meant to strike the thought, to awaken it to the perception of a reality which is usually obscured by the habitual, traditional or "classical" way of thinking.

08.21 - Human Birth, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   In any case, even in the very best of situations, when a soul comes down consciously and when it has consciously worked in the Formation of the physical body, so long as the body is formed in the usual animal way, the soul will have to struggle, and to correct all that comes from this human animality.
   The parents have naturally a particular Formation, they have a particular kind of good or bad health; at the very best, they have a lot of atavistic tendencies, habits, subconscious and even conscious complexes, deriving from their own birth, their environment and the life they have led. And even if they are remarkable people, in their own way, usually they carry an amount of things, that are contrary to the true psychic life, I mean, even if they are the very best, the most conscious. And when the parents have done their utmost to give their children the best education, the children come in contact with all kinds of other people who have a great influence upon them especially when they are very young; these influences enter into the subconscious and they have to be fought against later on.
   So I say, because of the way in which the body is brought into being at present, you have to face innumerable difficulties, coming more or less from the subconscient, that rise to the surface with which you have to fight if you want to be free entirely and develop normally.

08.27 - Value of Religious Exercises, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   But if you take a truly divine being, that is not the thing he likes or appreciates. He does not like to be worshipped; worship does not give him special pleasure. But if he sees anywhere a fine intuitive sense, a good feeling, a movement of unselfishness or spiritual enthusiasm, he considers that as infinitely more valuable than prayers and Pujas. I tell you seriously, if you place a true god upon a chair and compel him to remain there all the time you are doing him Puja, he can amuse himself by letting you do it, but surely it gives him no happiness, none! He feels neither flattered nor satisfied nor glorified by your Puja. You must get that idea out of your head. There is an entire region between the spiritual world and the material, belonging to the vital beings and it is this region that is full of such things as are liked by them, because they are their food. They are happy, they feel important when men call them, pray to them, make their offerings to them: the being that has the largest number of adorers is the most satisfied, the most glorified, the most puffed up. How can you imagine that a true god, a god even of the Overmindalthough those of this region are already somewhat touched by human frailties that is to say, one who has the higher consciousness, would get any pleasure out of these things? I repeat, an act of real kindness, intelligence, unselfishness or fine understanding or sincere aspiration is for him an altogether higher and more valuable thing than any petty religious ceremony. There is no comparison. You speak of religious ceremonies. There is, for example, a being called Kali; there are many Kalis, of many varieties, installed in temples and homes. All of them almost are vital beings and forces, some are ugly and terrible. I have known people who had such a fear of Kalitheir household Kali that they trembled at the thought of offending her in any way, of committing the least fault that would displease her; for that means Kali's vengeance. I know, I know very well these entities: they are beings of the vital world, they are vital Formations the forms are given by the human mind and what forms! To think that men worship such terrible and demoniac things!
   From this standpoint it is good that for a time humanity should come out of the religious atmosphere, full of fear and blind superstitious submission by which the adverse forces have profited so monstrously. The age of negation, of atheism and positivism is from this view quite indispensable for man's liberation from sheer ignorance. It is only when you have come out of this, this abject submission to the evil forces of the Vital that you can rise to truly spiritual heights and then become there collaborators and right instruments of the forces of the Truth and Consciousness and Power. The superstitions of the lower levels you must leave far behind to rise high.

08.33 - Opening to the Divine, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   One must have around oneself an atmosphere so condensed, condensed in a spirit of total surrender, that nothing can enter without being automatically filtered. There are wicked thoughts, evil will about you, harmful Formations sent out by bad people. The air pullulates with these: dark noisome bacilli. It is so troublesome to be always on the look-out, at every step to be on one's guard, to move slowly with care and caution and precautions; even then one is not sure. But if you cover yourself with the cloak of light, the light of a happy, sincere surrender, and aspiration, that is a wonderful filter, that gives you automatic protection. The undesirable forces not only cannot enter, they are thrown back upon their originator, the attackers themselves become their own victims.

08.37 - The Significance of Dates, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The way of framing a calendar is a convention. If the convention is made general, as there is an attempt now to do, it can become a very powerful Formation. But in order to become significant for many, many must first accept it. I mean by a Formation an image infused with a force that makes it something living, an image which can be used as a symbol. There are people who may form images and use them as symbols, but all is done only for themselves, as in the case of dream-symbols. These are purely subjective and valid in so far as those people are personally concerned.
   But if your calendar is adopted by almost the whole of mankind, then the symbol is capable of acting upon a very wide field. You can act upon the major bulk population through this Formation. As it is purely conventional, I repeat, it is fruitful only in the measure in which it has been accepted. If instead of millions of people who are now following the European calendar there were only three or four persons, then it would be symbolic only for these few. The thing itself has no value, its value depends upon the use you make of it.
   The conventions are useful as symbols, I said,that is, they are a means to put you in contact with what is more subtle, to put what is material in contact with the more subtle. That is their use.

09.03 - The Psychic Being, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The progress of the psychic consists in its Formation, building and organisation. It grows into a conscious individuality through successive lives; for there can be progress only upon earth, in the physical world; it is not possible everywhere. In the psychic world there is a kind of rest, full of beatitude. One remains there as one is, still, without moving.
   The progress is like the progress of a child that grows. It is a continuous growth. For a long time, in most human beings the psychic is a continuously growing entity. It is not a fully individualised, fully conscious being and master of itself. It needs to be born in many lives one after another so that it may build itself and become fully conscious.

09.04 - The Divine Grace, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   If you have a very powerful imagination, and you build up a Formation of your desire in all details and if the structure is well made, complete and existing by itself, then you may be sure that if you live long enough the thing will be realised. What is not put at the disposal of men is the time it takes: it may be tomorrow, it may be the next moment, or it may take years and even centuries, but it will be realised.
   If to this power of imagination you can add a kind of creative power of the vital, then you raise a wholly living force. Like all living forces tending towards manifestation, this force too will exercise a pressure upon earthly events in order to realise itself and it will realise itself.
   Only personal desires and personal circumstances are things that are not persistent or stable. After a time, a thing that interested you very much does not interest you any more: you think of another thing, you have another desire, you make another Formation. But if the earlier Formation had been well thought out and built up, then after having followed its course in space it would have realised itself. You are put in front of your first desire now realised while you have already embarked upon your second, or may be your third, or your fourth. You say then almost indignantly, "But I do not want that, why does it come to me?"without however taking into account the fact that it is the result of your previous action.
   But if instead of being desires these are aspirations for things spiritual, and if you follow your line of regular progression, then it is absolutely certain that you will get one day what you have imagined. It may be sooner, or it may be later if there are very many obstacles on the way. For example, if you have made a Formation that is still foreign to the earth's atmosphere, then it may take some time to prepare the conditions for its appearance.
   But if it is something already realised many times upon earth and not too radical a trans Formation, then you can have it quickly, provided you follow the line with persistence.

09.05 - The Story of Love, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   What has been projected into space and time must be brought back to itself, without thereby annulling the world so created. That is why Love burst forth as the irresistible power of Union. It soared over darkness and unconsciousness, it scattered itself, pulverised itself into the bosom of unfathomable night. It is then that the awakening and the ascension began the slow Formation in and out of Matter and a progress without end.

10.01 - The Dream Twilight of the Ideal, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Their bold Formations are too absolute;
  Carved by an anguish of divine endeavour

10.07 - The World is One, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Likewise, the vital world is also one. It is one life that pulsates in and through all living Formationsone sea as it were, swaying and heaving and breaking into innumerable waves and ripples. In spite of infinite variations there is one overall pattern that persists through the living creation. Anatomy and more clearly physiology links in a strange way even the plant and the animal and man. And in humanity if there is a great vital upsurge somewhere, it spreads its vibration far and wide like a seismic motion. And it is because of this vital unity that there arises the phenomenon known as contagion or pest and pestilence that is to say, mass-movements are occasioned by one indivisible life-urge. A common suffering or a common elation is normal to human life.
   The fundamental unity, here too, works through discord and disunion, battle and conflict, denial and negation. Here too the drive or purpose of progress and of evolution is towards the same polarisation, that is to say, reorientation, evocation of vibrations that are a pure or harmonious expression of the unity.

1.00c - DIVISION C - THE ETHERIC BODY AND PRANA, #A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, #Alice Bailey, #Occultism
  c. Microcosmic static disorders, or a consideration of the etheric body in connection with its work of providing a ring-pass-not from the purely physical to the astral. As has been said, both here and in the books of H. P. B., the ring-pass-not [l]48a is that confining barrier which acts as a separator or a division between a system and that which is external to that system. This, as may well be seen, has its interesting correlations when the subject is viewed (as we must consistently endeavour to view it) from the point of view of a human being, a planet and a system, remembering always that in dealing with the [111] etheric body we are dealing with physical matter. This must ever be borne carefully in mind. Therefore, one paramount factor will be found in all groups and Formations, and this is the fact that the ring-pass-not acts only as a hindrance to that which is of small attainment in evolution, but forms no barrier to the more progressed. The whole question depends upon two things, which are the karma of the man, the planetary Logos, and the solar Logos, and the dominance of the spiritual indwelling entity over its vehicle.

1.00e - DIVISION E - MOTION ON THE PHYSICAL AND ASTRAL PLANES, #A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, #Alice Bailey, #Occultism
  The activity of the second Logos is carried on under the cosmic Law of Attraction. The Law of Economy has for one of its branches a subsidiary Law of marked development called the Law of Repulsion. The cosmic Laws of Attraction and Economy are therefore the raison d'tre (viewed from one angle) of the eternal repulsion that goes on as Spirit seeks ever to liberate itself from form. The matter aspect always follows the line of least resistance, and repulses all tendency to group Formation, while Spirit, governed by the Law of Attraction, seeks ever to separate itself from matter by the method of attracting an ever more adequate type of matter in the process of distinguishing the real from the unreal, and passing from one illusion to another until the resources of matter are fully utilised.
  The force of the Rod is twofold, and its power terrific. Apart and alone the initiate could not receive the voltage from the Rod without serious hurt, but in triangular Formation transmission comes safely. The two Masters Who thus sponsor the initiate, represent two polarities of the electric All; part of Their work is therefore to stand with all applicants for initiation when they come before the Great Lord.
  When the Rods of Initiation are held in the hands of the Initiator in His position of power, and at the stated seasons, they act as transmitters of electric force from very high levels,so high indeed that the "Flaming Diamond" at certain of the final initiations (the sixth and seventh) transmits force, via the Logos, from outside the system altogether. We need to remember that this major Rod is the one used on this planet, but that within the system there are several such Rods of Power, and that they are to be found in three grades, if it may be so expressed.

1.00f - DIVISION F - THE LAW OF ECONOMY, #A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, #Alice Bailey, #Occultism
  The second Aspect, the building, or Vishnu aspect, is governed by the Law of Attraction; the activities of the entities who embody this aspect are directed to the attracting of matter to Spirit, and the gradual approximation of the two poles. It results in cohesion, in the production of congeries of atoms in various Formations, and this attraction is brought about by the attractive power of Spirit itself. It shows itself in:
  1. Association,

1.00 - PREFACE - DESCENSUS AD INFERNOS, #Maps of Meaning, #Jordan Peterson, #Psychology
  a secondary reality, a compromise Formation, in making which others often have a greater share than he.
  The persona is a semblance, a two-dimensional reality, to give it a nickname.4

10.17 - Miracles: Their True Significance, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   A miracle is nothing but the intervention of a force from another plane of consciousness. It must be recognised at the very outset that the physical plane of existence is not the only reality, there are many other planes superimposed' one upon another, each having its own special consciousness and power, its own laws of being and action. Obviously we all know apart from the material or physical being there is the vital being, the life-force and there is the mental being, the mind-force. And there are many other levels like these. A miracle happens, that is to say, a material Formation behaves in an abnormal way because a force has come down from the vital region and has influenced or taken control of the material object. So the material object instead of obeying the material law is obliged to obey a vital law which is of a much greater potency. Yogis who do miracles possess this vital power, they have acquired it through a regular discipline and training. Spirit-calling, table-turning, even curing diseases and ailments in a moment and many other activities of the kind are manifestations of very elementary energies of life. From the occult point of view these are very crude and rudimentary examples of what a different kind of force can achieve on a different plane. Even the vital plane possesses deeper and higher energies whose action on the material plane is of deeper and higher category. A deeper or higher vital power can change radically your character and long-standing habits, help to mould them into a different, nobler and more beautiful pattern. The mind too is capable of performing miracles, a strong mental energy can dictate its terms to life and even to the body. Only the miracles here are not of a dazzling kind that astound or confound you. They have a subtler composition, yet they belong to the same category. In the mind itself miracles happen also when a higher light, a superior consciousness intuition, inspiration, revelationdescends into the normal mental working and creates there a thing that is abnormal in beauty and truth and reality. Thus for example, a matter of fact mind is seen turned into a fine poet or a workaday hand is transmuted into a consummate artist.
   A miracle can be said to be doubly a miracle; first of all, because it means an intervention from another plane, a superior level of being, and secondly because the process or the action of the intervention is not deployed or staged out but is occult and telescoped, the result being almost simultaneous with the pressure of the moving force. .
   The supreme miracle, the miracle of miracles happens when the Supreme, the Divine Himself descends and enters into this lower Formation and gradually lifts it up in an incredibly unforeseen way to its divine image.

1.01 - Fundamental Considerations, #The Ever-Present Origin, #Jean Gebser, #Integral
  Fundamental Considerations Anyone today who considers the emergence of a new era of mankind as a certainty and expresses the conviction that our rescue from collapse and chaos could come about by virtue of a new attitude and a new Formation of mans consciousness, will surely elicit less credence than those who have heralded the decline of the West. Contemporaries of totalitarianism, World War II, and the atom bomb seem more likely to abandon even their very last stand than to realize the possibility of a transition, a new constellation or a trans Formation, or even to evince any readiness to take a leap into tomorrow, although the harbingers of tomorrow, the evidence of trans Formation, and other signs of the new and imminent cannot have gone entirely unnoticed. Such a reaction, the reaction of a mentality headed for a fall, is only too typical of man in transition.
  The present book is, in fact, the account of the nascence of a new world and a new consciousness. It is based not an ideas or speculations but on insights into mankinds mutations from its primordial beginnings up to the present - on perhaps novel insights into the forms of consciousness manifest in the various epochs of mankind: insights into the powers behind their realization as manifest between origin and the present, and active in origin and the present.

1.01 - Necessity for knowledge of the whole human being for a genuine education., #The Essentials of Education, #unset, #Zen
  Again, if we look at the whole human life, we can trace many cases of insufficient vitality and zest for lifewhich is a patho- logical symptom exhibited by many peopleto the effects of a teachers undisciplined sanguine temperament. Without self-trans- Formation, a teachers sanguine temperament suppresses vitality, dampens the zest for life, and weakens the will that wells up from the childs individuality.
  These relationships, as revealed by an au thentic spiritual sci- ence, lead us to a genuine knowledge of human nature. With this in mind, we can realize how comprehensive the real art of educa- tion is; and, in comparison, we can see the pettiness of the usual way of looking only at whats immediately present and obvious. That isnt enough, and were faced with the essential demand of our current civilizationa civilization that has already brought enough discord to human existence.

1.01 - On knowledge of the soul, and how knowledge of the soul is the key to the knowledge of God., #The Alchemy of Happiness, #Al-Ghazali, #Sufism
  All existence is of two kinds, one is of the world of decrees, and the other is of the world of creation. "To him belongs creation and decree."2 The matters which belong to the world of decrees are those which have not superficies, [17] quantity, or form: to the world of creation belong those which do have both quantity and form. The creation spoken of in the verse is in the sense of foreordination and not of actual Formation. Hence those who say that the spirit is created, and is also from all eternity are in error, for nothing is eternal except the being and attributes of God.
  Those also, who say that the spirit is but an accident, are in error, for the spirit exists by itself in the body, and an accident is that which subsists with something else. And those who say that the spirit is matter are in error, for matter is that which can be divided, and spirit is not susceptible of division. There is spirit, beloved, which is called animal spirit, which is susceptible of division. It is found in animals. But that spirit, which has the property of knowing God, and which is called the heart, is not found in beasts, nor is it matter or an accident. The heart, on the contrary, has been created with angelic qualities. It is a substance of which it is difficult to apprehend the essence. The law does not permit it to be explained, but there is no occasion for the student being acquainted with it at the outset of his journey. That which is necessary to the student is pious ardor and zeal, and this must be called into exercise in perfection. It is God who graciously teaches the student what spirit is, as we find in the Holy Book: "We will direct in our way, all those who shall strive to propagate our worship."1 And if a man does not strive earnestly for the faith, there is no use of explaining to him the essence of spirit. It is, however, lawful to explain to him the instruments by which it operates.

1.01 - The Cycle of Society, #The Human Cycle, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Undoubtedly, wherever we can seize human society in what to us seems its primitive beginnings or early stages,no matter whether the race is comparatively cultured or savage or economically advanced or backward,we do find a strongly symbolic mentality that governs or at least pervades its thought, customs and institutions. Symbolic, but of what? We find that this social stage is always religious and actively imaginative in its religion; for symbolism and a widespread imaginative or intuitive religious feeling have a natural kinship and especially in earlier or primitive Formations they have gone always together. When man begins to be predominantly intellectual, sceptical, ratiocinative he is already preparing for an individualist society and the age of symbols and the age of conventions have passed or are losing their virtue. The symbol then is of something which man feels to be present behind himself and his life and his activities,the Divine, the Gods, the vast and deep unnameable, a hidden, living and mysterious nature of things. All his religious and social institutions, all the moments and phases of his life are to him symbols in which he seeks to express what he knows or guesses of the mystic influences that are behind his life and shape and govern or at the least intervene in its movements.
  If we look at the beginnings of Indian society, the far-off Vedic age which we no longer understand, for we have lost that mentality, we see that everything is symbolic. The religious institution of sacrifice governs the whole society and all its hours and moments, and the ritual of the sacrifice is at every turn and in every detail, as even a cursory study of the Brahmanas and Upanishads ought to show us, mystically symbolic. The theory that there was nothing in the sacrifice except a propitiation of Nature-gods for the gaining of worldly prosperity and of Paradise, is a misunderstanding by a later humanity which had already become profoundly affected by an intellectual and practical bent of mind, practical even in its religion and even in its own mysticism and symbolism, and therefore could no longer enter into the ancient spirit. Not only the actual religious worship but also the social institutions of the time were penetrated through and through with the symbolic spirit. Take the hymn of the Rig Veda which is supposed to be a marriage hymn for the union of a human couple and was certainly used as such in the later Vedic ages. Yet the whole sense of the hymn turns about the successive marriages of Sury, daughter of the Sun, with different gods and the human marriage is quite a subordinate matter overshadowed and governed entirely by the divine and mystic figure and is spoken of in the terms of that figure. Mark, however, that the divine marriage here is not, as it would be in later ancient poetry, a decorative image or poetical ornamentation used to set off and embellish the human union; on the contrary, the human is an inferior figure and image of the divine. The distinction marks off the entire contrast between that more ancient mentality and our modern regard upon things. This symbolism influenced for a long time Indian ideas of marriage and is even now conventionally remembered though no longer understood or effective.

1.01 - The Four Aids, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  26:The Hindu discipline of spirituality provides for this need of the soul by the conceptions of the Ishta Devata, the Avatar and the Gum. By the Ishta Devata, the chosen deity, is meant, -- not some inferior Power, but a name and form of the transcendent and universal Godhead. Almost all religions either have as their base or make use of some such name and form of the Divine. Its necessity for the human soul is evident. God is the All and more than the All. But that which is more than the All, how shall man conceive? And even the All is at first too hard for him; for he himself in his active consciousness is a limited and selective Formation and can open himself only to that which is in harmony with his limited nature. There are things in the All which are too hard for his comprehension or seem too terrible to his sensitive emotions and cowering sensations. Or, simply, he cannot conceive as the Divine, cannot approach or cannot recognise something that is too much out of the circle of his ignorant or partial conceptions. It is necessary for him to conceive God in his own image or at some form that is beyond himself but consonant with his highest tendencies and seizable by his feelings or his intelligence. Otherwise it would be difficult for him to come into contact and communion with the Divine.
  27:Even then his nature calls for a human intermediary so that he may feel the Divine in something entirely close to his own humanity and sensible in a human influence and example. This call is satisfied by the Divine manifest in a human appearance, the Incarnation, the Avatar-Krishna, Christ, Buddha. Or if this is too hard for him to conceive, the Divine represents himself through a less marvellous intermediary, -- Prophet or Teacher. For many who cannot conceive or are unwilling to accept the Divine Man, are ready to open themselves to the supreme man, terming him not incarnation but world-teacher or divine representative.
  31:Nor should he forget the aim of these external aids which is to awaken his soul to the Divine within him. Nothing has been finally accomplished if that has not been accomplished. It is not sufficient to worship Krishna, Christ or Buddha without, if there is not the revealing and the Formation of the Buddha, the Christ or Krishna in ourselves. And all other aids equally have no other purpose; each is a bridge between man's unconverted state and the revelation of the Divine within him.
  32:The Teacher of the integral Yoga will follow as far as he may the method of the Teacher within us. He will lead the disciple through the nature of the disciple. Teaching, example, influence, -- these are the three instruments of the Guru. But the wise Teacher will not seek to impose himself or his opinions on the passive acceptance of the receptive mind; he will throw in only what is productive and sure as a seed which will grow under the divine fostering within. He will seek to awaken much more than to instruct; he will aim at the growth of the faculties and the experiences by a natural process and free expansion. He will give a method as an aid, as a utilisable device, not as an imperative formula or a fixed routine. And he will be on his guard against any turning of the means into a limitation, against the mechanising of process. His whole business is to awaken the divine light and set working the divine force of which he himself is only a means and an aid, a body or a channel.

1.01 - The Science of Living, #On Education, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  and attentive to receive knowledge from above and manifest it. For it is an instrument of Formation, of organisation
  and action, and it is in these functions that it attains its full value and real usefulness.

1.02.1 - The Inhabiting Godhead - Life and Action, #Isha Upanishad, #unset, #Zen
  All world is a movement of the Spirit in Itself and is mutable and transient in all its Formations and appearances; its only eternity is an eternity of recurrence, its only stability a semblance caused by certain apparent fixities of relation and grouping.
  Every separate object in the universe is, in truth, itself the whole universe presenting a certain front or outward appearance of its movement. The microcosm is one with the macrocosm. - Brahman - Oneness of God and the World, #Isha Upanishad, #unset, #Zen
  Exceeding Space, It contains all Formations in Itself coincidently
  3 Prakriti, executive Nature as opposed to Purusha, which is the Soul governing, taking
  dynamic energy, Prana, and presides effectively over all arrangement and Formation.
  Universal Life establishes, involved in Matter, the septuple - Self-Realisation, #Isha Upanishad, #unset, #Zen
  changeable Formations of Nature in the separate body, the individual life and the egoistic mind, to the exclusion of the sense of
  unity with all existence and with all existences.
  We see also all minds, lives, bodies to be active Formations of
  the same existence in the extended being of the Self.

10.22 - Short Notes - 5- Consciousness and Dimensions of View, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   But physical consciousness, the consciousness that plays through the senses is only one form of it the lowest, the most material Formation. For there is a ladder of consciousness and in it we rise rung by rung to other what are known as higher formulations.
   As we rise we find that the dimensions increase in number. Our consciousness, our being becomes more and more multiple. In the physical and material, our perception is limited to the four dimensions because of two factorsone, things are spaced out that is to say, they are separate and discrete from one another. We know the law of material space that two things cannot occupy the same space. Secondly, things or events are separated in time, that is to say, there is the law of succession. But in the higher regions, higher or subtler regions, this separation due to time and space loses much of its exclusive force. Things tend to coalesce, even to get identified with each other. The obstructions that time and space offer to intercommunication are minimised more and more as our consciousness or being soars up or dives down into deeper and deeper and higher and higher regions. The dimensions increase in number; that means we begin to apprehend things from many angles and sides at the same time, we have more and more a simultaneous view of the total or global reality of an object. So instead of a four-fold view of things we may have a fivefold, sixfold, tenfold, hundredfold view of things depending on our status of consciousness. In the highest status,we call it Sachchidananda, the infinite and eternal consciousness things attain infinite dimensions, all merged in the Ultimate's unitary consciousness. - Knowledge and Ignorance, #Isha Upanishad, #unset, #Zen
  many Formations of energy in the universal Movement. Multiplicity is implicit or explicit in unity. Without it the Unity would
  be either a void of non-existence or a powerless, sterile limitation
  the idea of self to a single Formation in Time and Space of body,
  life and mind, by which the Self excludes from its view all that
  as a rush of alien forces; against them it defends its separate Formation of individuality from dissolution into Nature or mastery
  by Nature. It seeks to assert in the individual form and by its
  a false and self-regarding Formation of limited and exclusive
  But the way of attaining to immortality is not by the selfdissolution of the individual Formation into the flux of Prakriti,
  neither is it by prematurely dissolving it into the All-soul which - The Worlds - Surya, #Isha Upanishad, #unset, #Zen
  We can conceive three principal Formations.
  When Tapas or energy of self-conscience dwells upon Sat or
  a result of life evolution. This Formation is Swarloka or world
  of free, pure and luminous mentality.
  to remove this brilliant Formation of concepts and percepts and
  replaces them by the self-vision and all-vision.
  formed. In this Formation the Upanishad indicates two successive
  actions. First, there is an arrangement or marshalling of the rays - Action and the Divine Will, #Isha Upanishad, #unset, #Zen
  division, of birth and death, of Formation and dissolution. It is
  the assertion of death. Immortal man must not identify himself

1.02 - In the Beginning, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  If, restoring to the Hebrew characters their numerical value and hidden sense, we analyse the text, then we must thus read the first word of Genesis, The primary duality was in the beginning. For the sign B which corresponds to the second figure in our numerical system, represents a double original principle which the succeeding letter Resh characterises as the very head and supreme Cause of Formation. And by a remarkable, though fortuitous coincidence, we find that the sacred book of Islam, like the sacred book of Judaism commences, in the initial of its first word, with the sign of duality. The first word B-Sem-Lillah (Bismillah) placed at the head of the Koran can, when its elements are decomposed, be interpreted, Two is the name of Allah.
  And this name, Allah, itself contains the symbol of that union between the two complementary poles of being out of which the Universe is generated. Formed of twin syllables of which the first has for its initial letter Alif, the characteristic sign of the Masculine, and the second for its final letter He, the constant symbol of the Feminine, it seems to be merely the inversion in combination of one and the same essential article and can be mystically translated, as indeed it is translated by some of the Sufis,by the two pronouns He and She.

1.02 - MAPS OF MEANING - THREE LEVELS OF ANALYSIS, #Maps of Meaning, #Jordan Peterson, #Psychology
  Until about 1973, psychological experiments on category Formation conceived of human categories on
  the model of a proper set. Triangles are a proper set, which means that members of the triangle class

1.02 - Self-Consecration, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  6:And since Yoga is in its essence a turning away from the ordinary material and animal life led by most men or from the more mental but still limited way of living followed by the few to a greater spiritual life, to the way divine, every part of our energies that is given to the lower existence in the spirit of that existence is a contradiction of our aim and our self-dedication. On the other hand, every energy or activity that we can convert from its allegiance to the lower and dedicate to the service of the higher is so much gained on our road, so much taken from the powers that oppose our progress. It is the difficulty of this wholesale conversion that is the source of all the stumblings in the path of Yoga. For our entire nature and its environment, all our personal and all our universal self, are full of habits and of influences that are opposed to our spiritual rebirth and work against the whole-heartedness of our endeavour. In a certain sense we are nothing but a complex mass of mental, nervous and physical habits held together by a few ruling ideas, desires and associations, -- all amalgam of many small self-repeating forces with a few major vibrations. What we propose in our Yoga is nothing less than to break up the whole Formation of our past and present which makes up the ordinary material and mental man and to create a new centre of vision and a new universe of activities in ourselves which shall constitute a divine humanity or a superhuman nature.
  7:The first necessity is to dissolve that central faith and vision in the mind which concentrate it on its development and satisfaction and interests in the old externalised order of things. It is imperative to exchange this surface orientation for the deeper faith and vision which see only the Divine and seek only after the Divine. The next need is to compel all our lower being to pay homage to this new faith and greater vision. All our nature must make an integral surrender; it must offer itself in every part and every movement to that which seems to the unregenerated sensemind so much less real than the material world and its objects. Our whole being-soul, mind, sense, heart, will, life, body must consecrate all its energies so entirely and in such a way that it shall become a fit vehicle for the Divine. This is no easy task; for everything in the world follows the fixed habit which is to it a law and resists a radical change. And no change can be more radical than the revolution attempted in the integral Yoga. Everything in us has constantly to be called back to the central faith and will and vision. Every thought and impulse has to be reminded in the language of the Upanishad that "That is the divine Brahman and not this which men here adore." Every vital fibre has to be persuaded to accept an entire renunciation of all that hitherto represented to it its own existence. Mind has to cease to be mind and become brilliant with something beyond it. Life has to change into a thing vast and calm and intense and powerful that can no longer recognise its old blind eager narrow self or petty impulse and desire. Even the body has to submit to a mutation and be no longer the clamorous animal or the impeding clod it now is, but become instead a conscious servant and radiant instrument and living form of the spirit.
  11:The most disconcerting discovery is to find that every part of us -- intellect, will, sense-mind, nervous or desire self, the heart, the body-has each, as it were, its own complex individuality and natural Formation independent of the rest; it neither agrees with itself nor with the others nor with the representative ego which is the shadow cast by some central and centralising self on our superficial ignorance. We find that we are composed not of one but many personalities and each has its own demands and differing nature. Our being is a roughly constituted chaos into which we have to introduce the principle of a divine order. Moreover, we find that inwardly too, no less than outwardly, we are not alone in the world; the sharp separateness of our ego was no more than a strong imposition and delusion; we do not exist in ourselves, we do not really live apart in an inner privacy or solitude. Our mind is a receiving, developing and modifying machine into which there is being constantly passed from moment to moment a ceaseless foreign flux, a streaming mass of disparate materials from above, from below, from outside. Much more than half our thoughts and feelings are not our own in the sense that they take form out of ourselves; of hardly anything can it be said that it is truly original to our nature. A large part comes to us from others or from the environment, whether as raw material or as manufactured imports; but still more largely they come from universal Nature here or from other worlds and planes and their beings and powers and influences; for we are overtopped and environed by other planes of consciousness, mind planes, life planes, subtle matter planes, from which our life and action here are fed, or fed on, pressed, dominated, made use offer the manifestation of their forms and forces. The difficulty of our separate salvation is immensely increased by this complexity and manifold openness and subjection to tile in-streaming energies of the universe. Of all this we have to take account, to deal with it, to know what is the secret stuff of our nature and its constituent and resultant motions and to create in it all a divine centre and a true harmony and luminous order.
  12:In the ordinary paths of Yoga the method used for dealing with these conflicting materials is direct and simple. One or another of the principal psychological forces in us is selected as our single means for attaining to the Divine; the rest is quieted into inertia or left to starve in its smallness. The Bhakta, seizing on the emotional forces of the being, the intense activities of the heart, abides concentrated in the love of God, gathered up as into a single one-pointed tongue of fire; he is indifferent to the activities of thought, throws behind him the importunities of the reason, cares nothing for the mind's thirst for knowledge. All the knowledge he needs is his faith and the inspirations that well up from a heart in communion with the Divine. He has no use for any will to works that is not turned to the direct worship of the Beloved or the service of the temple. The man of Knowledge, self-confined by a deliberate choice to the force and activities of discriminative thought, finds release in the mind's inward-drawn endeavour. He concentrates on the idea of the self, succeeds by a subtle inner discernment in distinguishing its silent presence amid the veiling activities of Nature, and through the perceptive idea arrives at the concrete spiritual experience. He is indifferent to the play of the emotions, deaf to the hunger-call of passion, closed to the activities of Life, -- the more blessed he, the sooner they fall away from him and leave him free, still and mute, the eternal non-doer. The body is his stumbling-block, the vital functions are his enemies; if their demands can be reduced to a minimum, that is his great good fortune. The endless difficulties that arise from the environing world are dismissed by erecting firmly against them a defence of outer physical and inner spiritual solitude; safe behind a wall of inner silence, he remains impassive and untouched by the world and by others. To be alone with oneself or alone with the Divine, to walk apart with God and his devotees, to entrench oneself in the single self-ward endeavour of the mind or Godward passion of the heart is the trend of these Yogas. The problem is solved by the excision of all but the one central difficulty which pursues the only chosen motive-force; into the midst of the dividing calls of our nature the principle of an exclusive concentration comes sovereignly to our rescue.

1.02 - SOCIAL HEREDITY AND PROGRESS, #The Future of Man, #Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, #Christianity
  vidual, germinal heredity in process of Formation: as though
  organic mutation at this stage took the form of a psychic invention
  process of Formation upon the earth. It seems that where Man is
  concerned the specific function of education is to ensure the con-

1.02 - The Development of Sri Aurobindos Thought, #Preparing for the Miraculous, #George Van Vrekhem, #Integral Yoga
  lutionary Formation. This was the terrain of the battle to be
  fought out in the Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.
  Sri Krishna in a Formation of the past. The fact that the
  aura of both of them is the same, whitish blue, seems to con-

1.02 - The Doctrine of the Mystics, #Hymns to the Mystic Fire, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Our earth shaped out of the dark inconscient ocean of existence lifts its high Formations and ascending peaks heavenward; heaven of mind has its own Formations, clouds that give out their lightnings and their waters of life; the streams of the clarity and the honey ascend out of the subconscient ocean below and seek the superconscient ocean above; and from above that ocean sends downward its rivers of the light and truth and bliss even into our physical being. Thus in images of physical Nature the Vedic poets sing the hymn of our spiritual ascension.
  That ascension has already been effected by the Ancients, the human forefa thers, and the spirits of these great Ancestors still assist their offspring; for the new dawns repeat the old and lean forward in light to join the dawns of the future. Kanwa, Kutsa, Atri, Kakshiwan, Gotama, Shunahshepa have become types of certain spiritual victories which tend to be constantly repeated in the experience of humanity. The seven sages, the Angirasas, are waiting still and always, ready to chant the word, to rend the cavern, to find the lost herds, to recover the hidden Sun. Thus the soul is a battlefield full of helpers and hurters, friends and enemies. All this lives, teems, is personal, is conscious, is active.

1.02 - The Refusal of the Call, #The Hero with a Thousand Faces, #Joseph Campbell, #Mythology
  This is a basic principle of the Indian disciplines of yoga. It has been the way, also, of many creative spirits in the West. It can not be described, quite, as an answer to any specific call. Rather, it is a deliberate, terrific refusal to respond to anything but the deepest, highest, richest answer to the as yet unknown demand of some waiting void within: a kind of total strike, or rejection of the offered terms of life, as a result of which some power of trans Formation carries the problem to a plane of new magnitudes, where it is suddenly and finally resolved.
  This is the aspect of the hero-problem illustrated in the won drous Arabian Nights adventure of the Prince Kamar al-Zaman and the Princess Budur. The young and handsome prince, the only son of King Shahriman of Persia, persistently refused the repeated suggestions, requests, demands, and finally injunctions, of his father, that he should do the normal thing and take to himself a wife. The first time the subject was broached to him, the lad responded: "O my father, know that I have no lust to marry nor doth my soul incline to women; for that concerning their craft and perfidy I have read many books and heard much talk, even as saith the poet:

1.02 - The Three European Worlds, #The Ever-Present Origin, #Jean Gebser, #Integral
  Every body, to the extent that it is conceived spatially, is nothing but solidified, crystallized, substantivated, and materialized time that requires the Formation and solidification of space in order to unfold. Space represents a field of tension; and because of its latent energy, it is an agent of the critical or acute energy of time. Thus both energetic principles, the latency of space as well as the acuteness of time, are mutually dependent. When we formulate this thought in advance of our discussion, it is to emphasize the basic import that we accord to the present, for both space and time exist for the perceptual capacities of our body only in the present via presentiation. The presentiation or making present evident in Picassos drawing was possible only after he was able to actualize, that is, bring to consciousness, all of the temporal structures of the past latent in himself (and in each of us) during the course of his preceding thirty years of painting in a variety of earlier styles.
  This process was unique and original with Picasso. By drawing on his primitive, magic inheritance (his Negroid period), his mythical heritage (his Hellenistic-archaistic period), and his classicistic, rationally-accentuated formalist phase (his Ingres period), Picasso was able to achieve the concretion of time (or as we would like to designate this new style which he and his contemporaries introduced in painting, "temporic concretion"). Such temporic concretion is not just a basic characteristic of this particular drawing, but is in fact generally valid: Only where time emerges as pure present and is no longer divided into its three phases of past, present and future, is it concrete. To the extent that Picasso from the outset reached out beyond the present, incorporating the future into the present of his work, he was able to "presentiate" or make present the past. Picasso brought to the awareness of the present everything once relegated to the dormancy of forgetfulness, as well as everything still latent as something yet to come; and this temporal wholeness realized in spatiality and rendered visible and transparent in a depiction of a human form, is the unique achievement of this temporic artist.

1.02 - Twenty-two Letters, #Sefer Yetzirah The Book of Creation In Theory and Practice, #Anonymous, #Various
  But how was it done? He combined, 20 weighed and changed: the with all the other letters in succession, and all the others again with ; with all, and all again with ; and so the whole series of letters. 21 Hence it follows that there are two hundred and thirty-one 22 Formations, and that every creature and every word emanated from one names. 23

10.33 - On Discipline, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Mother speaks of three lines of this higher law. First of all, the individual law which at its lowest and its most common form is the law of selfishness. It is the most elementary and superficial degree of consciousness when the being is confined to its own little person, confined mostly to its hungers and desires, to its sense of possession and appropriation. The human being starts with- this addiction to selfishness but he moves towards a gradual enlargement and rearrangement of this sense of personal value and importance. Therefore he is given a family, a nation, a grouping more or less large in which he can find other selves to meet and learn to live with harmoniously. A collective life whether in a nation or in the family or in any other group Formation demands a control over the selfish impulses and egoistic urges. That is the discipline, that is to say, the necessity of submitting the law of one's ego-self to the law of collective selves, needed for the realisation of a collective ideal. When you playa game you have to obey the rule of the game and you have to dovetail your movements into the movements of your comrades, you cannot move as you please but must integrate your gestures with those of others. Even so as a member of a particular family or as a citizen of a particular country you have to rearrange your personal habits and movements in accordance with a more general and wider plan of living. The extent of this obedience depends upon the ideal that a particular collectivity pursues and the value of the obedience depends on the ideal thus pursued. And the largest collectivity is of course the human race, the humanity as a whole. The submission of the personal law to the law of humanity in general is also a discipline demanded of man but there too the value of the submission depends upon the exact nature of the humanity to which one is asked to submit. For as I have said, there are degrees of consciousness and levels of being mounting higher and higher in an increasing value in respect of width and intensity and essential character. For along with the widening of the consciousness there must be a heightening of it, a horizontal movement of the being must be supported or accentuated by a vertical movement. Even the widest consciousness, a consciousness one with the universe, as wide as creation itself, can still have a core of ego-sense left behind, however attenuated it may be; the ego-sense can be abolished only by a transcendence even of the universal consciousness and rise into the supra-conscious. And this brings us to the other line of discipline, the supreme discipline which means obedience not merely, not even to the cosmic law but to the transcendent Divine Law. Here the individual is absolutely, utterly, free from his little self, the minor self-law, he is totally merged in the Divine, his being and living becomes the Divine's own law of existence.
   Discipline then is the obedience of a learner to an ever-expanding and ever-ascending law of consciousness and being, until the law of the supreme status is realised which is the law of divine living: it is the utter submission or total obedience to the Divine Himself, when one is identified with the Divine in being and nature, where Law and Person are one and the same.

10.35 - The Moral and the Spiritual, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The Indian consciousness did not consider anything essentially evil, anything irrevocably and eternally condemned to perdition. Even the Asura, the anti-Divine is viewed, in the last analysis of things, also as an aspect, a Formation of the Divine himself. Diti and Aditi are sisters, twin aspects of the same Supreme Being. All the legends in narrating the life history of the Asura describe his end as a submission to the Divine Will and a merging in Him. An entire life of bitter hostility culminates in the same degree of love for the Divine. The process of enmity seems to have a deeper occult meaning conducive to the more perfect union with the Divine. We know in Savitri how Sri Aurobindo speaks of Death as only a mask of Immortality.
   In fact, evil, as we usually know it, as human mind construes it, is only a misplacement of a thing, a thing not in its placea thing need not be essentially wrong, it is wrong because it is not in its right place. Even things considered reprehensible by the moral sense are not so when they are viewed from another standpoint.

1.035 - The Recitation of Mantra, #The Study and Practice of Yoga, #Swami Krishnananda, #Yoga
  In Indian tradition, we have the mantras which are also associated with certain factors other than merely a combination of words, one aspect of which is what is known as chandas. This a peculiar feature of the Formation of a mantra. A chandas is a particular method of combining words according to a rule called ghana shastra, which is known in mystical circles in India. A particular word, when it is combined with another particular word, produces a particular effect. Rhetoricians are well acquainted with this subject. Great novelists and poets in India, especially those endowed with special genius and charged with divine power, such as Kalidasa, followed this technique of ghana shastra, and knowing the power of words, composed their poems or their works in such a way that they follow the rules of accepted rhetoric. Ordinary literature is not acquainted with this secret of Sanskrit literature. The greatness of a poet can be judged from the way he starts the work. How does he start the work? What is the word that he uses in the beginning? It is the belief among great writers in India that the initial phrases at the commencement of the work tell upon the nature of the entire work that is to follow.
  This system of the combination of particular words with other words of the requisite character is followed in the composition of a mantra, which literally means, 'that which protects a person who thinks of it'. Mananat trayate iti mantrah a mantra is that which protects us when we chant it. It protects us like armour, like a shield that we wear in a war, by generating in us a resisting power against any kind of influence which is extraneous in nature, and which is unwanted for the purpose on hand. Chandas is the peculiar chemical combination of the letters, we may say. Particular chemical substances produce special results or effects when they are combined with certain types of other chemical components. But when they are mixed together, they may create a third force altogether.

1.03 - Hieroglypics Life and Language Necessarily Symbolic, #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  But let me furthermore ask you to reflect on the Formation of language itself. Except in the case of onomatopoeic words and a few others, there is no logical connection between a thing and the sound of our name for it. "Bow-wow" is a more rational name than "dog", which is a mere convention agreed on by the English, while other nations prefer chien, hund, cane, kalb, kutta and so on. All symbols, you see, my dear child, and it's no good your kicking!
  But it doesn't stop there. When we try to convey thought by writing, we are bound to sit down solidly, and construct a holy Qabalah out of nothing. Why would a curve open to the right, sound like the ocean, open at the top, like you? And all these arbitrary symbolic letters are combined by just as symbolic and arbitrary devices to take on conventional meanings, these words again combined into phrases by no less high-handed a procedure.

1.03 - PERSONALITY, SANCTITY, DIVINE INCARNATION, #The Perennial Philosophy, #Aldous Huxley, #Philosophy
  In the West, the mystics went some way towards liberating Christianity from its unfortunate servitude to historic fact. (or, to be more accurate, to those various mixtures of contemporary record with subsequent inference and phantasy, which have, at different epochs, been accepted as historic fact). From the writings of Eckhart, Tauler and Ruysbroeck, of Boehme, William Law and the Quakers, it would be possible to extract a spiritualized and universalized Christianity, whose narratives should refer, not to history as it was, or as someone afterwards thought it ought to be, but to processes forever unfolded in the heart of man. But unfortunately the influence of the mystics was never powerful enough to bring about a radical Mahayanist revolution in the West. In spite of them, Christianity has remained a religion in which the pure Perennial Philosophy has been overlaid, now more, now less, by an idolatrous preoccupation with events and things in timeevents and things regarded not merely as useful means, but as ends, intrinsically sacred and indeed divine. Moreover such improvements on history as were made in the course of centuries were, most imprudently, treated as though they themselves were a part of historya procedure which put a powerful weapon into the hands of Protestant and, later, of Rationalist controversialists. How much wiser it would have been to admit the perfectly avowable fact that, when the sternness of Christ the Judge had been unduly emphasized, men and women felt the need of personifying the divine compassion in a new form, with the result that the figure of the Virgin, mediatrix to the mediator, came into increased prominence. And when, in course of time, the Queen of Heaven was felt to be too awe-inspiring, compassion was re-personified in the homely figure of St. Joseph, who thus became me thator to the me thatrix to the me thator. In exactly the same way Buddhist worshippers felt that the historic Sakyamuni, with his insistence on recollectedness, discrimination and a total dying to self as the principal means of liberation, was too stern and too intellectual. The result was that the love and compassion which Sakyamuni had also inculcated came to be personified in Buddhas such as Amida and Maitreyadivine characters completely removed from history, inasmuch as their temporal career was situated somewhere in the distant past or distant future. Here it may be remarked that the vast numbers of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, of whom the Mahayanist theologians speak, are commensurate with the vastness of their cosmology. Time, for them, is beginningless, and the innumerable universes, every one of them supporting sentient beings of every possible variety, are born, evolve, decay and the, only to repeat the same cycleagain and again, until the final inconceivably remote consummation, when every sentient being in all the worlds shall have won to deliverance out of time into eternal Suchness or Buddhahood This cosmological background to Buddhism has affinities with the world picture of modern astronomyespecially with that version of it offered in the recently published theory of Dr. Weiszcker regarding the Formation of planets. If the Weiszcker hypothesis is correct, the production of a planetary system would be a normal episode in the life of every star. There are forty thousand million stars in our own galactic system alone, and beyond our galaxy other galaxies, indefinitely. If, as we have no choice but to believe, spiritual laws governing consciousness are uniform throughout the whole planet-bearing and presumably life-supporting universe, then certainly there is plenty of room, and at the same time, no doubt, the most agonizing and desperate need, for those innumerable redemptive incarnations of Suchness, upon whose shining multitudes the Mahayanists love to dwell.
  For my part, I think the chief reason which prompted the invisible God to become visible in the flesh and to hold converse with men was to lead carnal men, who are only able to love carnally, to the healthful love of his flesh, and afterwards, little by little, to spiritual love.

1.03 - Physical Education, #On Education, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Physical education must be based upon knowledge of the human body, its structure and its functions. And the Formation of the habits of the body must be in consonance with that knowledge.
  The child should be taught right from the early stage the right positions, postures and movements.

1.03 - Preparing for the Miraculous, #Preparing for the Miraculous, #George Van Vrekhem, #Integral Yoga
  leading up to the Formation of the new main species.
  As the gap between the human and the superhuman or
  course of the evolution of life on Earth the Formation of a
  species with a higher consciousness, succeeding Homo sa-
  was in the process of Formation. Secondly, this phase of the
  Yoga, being the attempt at trans Formation for which Sri Au-
  dom of India; the awakening of Asia; the Formation of con-
  glomerates of nations leading up to a worldwide commu-

1.03 - The Coming of the Subjective Age, #The Human Cycle, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  It is this principle and necessity that justify an age of individualism and rationalism and make it, however short it may be, an inevitable period in the cycle. A temporary reign of the critical reason largely destructive in its action is an imperative need for human progress. In India, since the great Buddhistic upheaval of the national thought and life, there has been a series of re current attempts to rediscover the truth of the soul and life and get behind the veil of stifling conventions; but these have been conducted by a wide and tolerant spiritual reason, a plastic soul-intuition and deep subjective seeking, insufficiently militant and destructive. Although productive of great internal and considerable external changes, they have never succeeded in getting rid of the predominant conventional order. The work of a dissolvent and destructive intellectual criticism, though not entirely absent from some of these movements, has never gone far enough; the constructive force, insufficiently aided by the destructive, has not been able to make a wide and free space for its new Formation. It is only with the period of European influence and impact that circumstances and tendencies powerful enough to enforce the beginnings of a new age of radical and effective revaluation of ideas and things have come into existence. The characteristic power of these influences has been throughoutor at any rate till quite recentlyrationalistic, utilitarian and individualistic. It has compelled the national mind to view everything from a new, searching and critical standpoint, and even those who seek to preserve the present or restore the past are obliged un consciously or half-consciously to justify their endeavour from the novel point of view and by its appropriate standards of reasoning. Throughout the East, the subjective Asiatic mind is being driven to adapt itself to the need for changed values of life and thought. It has been forced to turn upon itself both by the pressure of Western knowledge and by the compulsion of a quite changed life-need and life-environment. What it did not do from within, has come on it as a necessity from without and this externality has carried with it an immense advantage as well as great dangers.
  The individualistic age is, then, a radical attempt of mankind to discover the truth and law both of the individual being and of the world to which the individual belongs. It may begin, as it began in Europe, with the endeavour to get back, more especially in the sphere of religion, to the original truth which convention has overlaid, defaced or distorted; but from that first step it must proceed to others and in the end to a general questioning of the foundations of thought and practice in all the spheres of human life and action. A revolutionary reconstruction of religion, philosophy, science, art and society is the last inevitable outcome. It proceeds at first by the light of the individual mind and reason, by its demand on life and its experience of life; but it must go from the individual to the universal. For the effort of the individual soon shows him that he cannot securely discover the truth and law of his own being without discovering some universal law and truth to which he can relate it. Of the universe he is a part; in all but his deepest spirit he is its subject, a small cell in that tremendous organic mass: his substance is drawn from its substance and by the law of its life the law of his life is determined and governed. From a new view and knowledge of the world must proceed his new view and knowledge of him self, of his power and capacity and limitations, of his claim on existence and the high road and the distant or immediate goal of his individual and social destiny.

1.03 - THE GRAND OPTION, #The Future of Man, #Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, #Christianity
  menoptera. A similar impulse of group Formation seems to have
  become operative along each zoological branch, but at very differ-
  nism of their Formation can only be conjectured; but with more re-
  cent groupings the stages of the process may still be discerned in

1.03 - The Sephiros, #A Garden of Pomegranates - An Outline of the Qabalah, #Israel Regardie, #Occultism
  Chokmah gives rise to Binah, the third Sephirah, Aimah the Mother, which is negative, female, and passive. It will be necessary to consult the accompanying diagram, to note the Formation of the Tree as it proceeds.
  Three is Binah, then, translated by Understanding, and to it is attri buted Saturn, the oldest of the Gods, and the
  Life. Sakti is that universal electric vital power which unites and brings together all forms, the constructive power that carries out, in the Formation of things, the plan of the
  1 bought Divine, which is Chokmah. Binah is Maya, the universal power of Illusion, Kwan Yin of Chinese Budd- hism, the Ym of Taoism, the goddess Kali of the orthodox

1.03 - The Two Negations 2 - The Refusal of the Ascetic, #The Life Divine, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  7:It is true that the glimpse of supraphysical realities acquired by methodical research has been imperfect and is yet ill-affirmed; for the methods used are still crude and defective. But these rediscovered subtle senses have at least been found to be true witnesses to physical facts beyond the range of the corporeal organs. There is no justification, then, for scouting them as false witnesses when they testify to supraphysical facts beyond the domain of the material organisation of consciousness. Like all evidence, like the evidence of the physical senses themselves, their testimony has to be controlled, scrutinised and arranged by the reason, rightly translated and rightly related, and their field, laws and processes determined. But the truth of great ranges of experience whose objects exist in a more subtle substance and are perceived by more subtle instruments than those of gross physical Matter, claims in the end the same validity as the truth of the material universe. The worlds beyond exist: they have their universal rhythm, their grand lines and Formations, their self-existent laws and mighty energies, their just and luminous means of knowledge. And here on our physical existence and in our physical body they exercise their influences; here also they organise their means of manifestation and commission their messengers and their witnesses.
  8:But the worlds are only frames for our experience, the senses only instruments of experience and conveniences. Consciousness is the great underlying fact, the universal witness for whom the world is a field, the senses instruments. To that witness the worlds and their objects appeal for their reality and for the one world or the many, for the physical equally with the supraphysical we have no other evidence that they exist. It has been argued that this is no relation peculiar to the constitution of humanity and its outlook upon an objective world, but the very nature of existence itself; all phenomenal existence consists of an observing consciousness and an active objectivity, and the Action cannot proceed without the Witness because the universe exists only in or for the consciousness that observes and has no independent reality. It has been argued in reply that the material universe enjoys an eternal self-existence: it was here before life and mind made their appearance; it will survive after they have disappeared and no longer trouble with their transient strivings and limited thoughts the eternal and inconscient rhythm of the suns. The difference, so metaphysical in appearance, is yet of the utmost practical import, for it determines the whole outlook of man upon life, the goal that he shall assign for his efforts and the field in which he shall circumscribe his energies. For it raises the question of the reality of cosmic existence and, more important still, the question of the value of human life.
  13:Entering into that Consciousness, we may continue to dwell, like It, upon universal existence. Then we become aware, - for all our terms of consciousness and even our sensational experience begin to change, - of Matter as one existence and of bodies as its Formations in which the one existence separates itself physically in the single body from itself in all others and again by physical means establishes communication between these multitudinous points of its being. Mind we experience similarly, and Life also, as the same existence one in its multiplicity, separating and reuniting itself in each domain by means appropriate to that movement. And, if we choose, we can proceed farther and, after passing through many linking stages, become aware of a supermind whose universal operation is the key to all lesser activities. Nor do we become merely conscious of this cosmic existence, but likewise conscious in it, receiving it in sensation, but also entering into it in awareness. In it we live as we lived before in the ego-sense, active, more and more in contact, even unified more and more with other minds, other lives, other bodies than the organism we call ourselves, producing effects not only on our own moral and mental being and on the subjective being of others, but even on the physical world and its events by means nearer to the divine than those possible to our egoistic capacity.
  14:Real then to the man who has had contact with it or lives in it, is this cosmic consciousness, with a greater than the physical reality; real in itself, real in its effects and works. And as it is thus real to the world which is its own total expression, so is the world real to it; but not as an independent existence. For in that higher and less hampered experience we perceive that consciousness and being are not different from each other, but all being is a supreme consciousness, all consciousness is selfexistence, eternal in itself, real in its works and neither a dream nor an evolution. The world is real precisely because it exists only in consciousness; for it is a Conscious Energy one with Being that creates it. It is the existence of material form in its own right apart from the self-illumined energy which assumes the form, that would be a contradiction of the truth of things, a phantasmagoria, a nightmare, an impossible falsehood.

1.03 - The Uncreated, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  But how can we conceive the Formation of this second term otherwise than by the repetition of unity? And since this unity represents the infinity of the divine Existence, how is it possible to speak of its repetition? An infinity must necessarily be incapable of self-addition, just as it is incapable of self-division.
  Need we add that it would be vain to seek in a complication of the same mystery, such as the notion of the Trinity, the cause of the world?

1.04 - Reality Omnipresent, #The Life Divine, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  6:But, still, there is the absolute withdrawal, there is the NonBeing. Out of the Non-Being, says the ancient Scripture, Being appeared.2 Then into the Non-Being it must surely sink again. If the infinite indiscriminate Existence permits all possibilities of discrimination and multiple realisation, does not the NonBeing at least, as primal state and sole constant reality, negate and reject all possibility of a real universe? The Nihil of certain Buddhist schools would then be the true ascetic solution; the Self, like the ego, would be only an ideative Formation by an illusory phenomenal consciousness.
  7:But again we find that we are being misled by words, deceived by the trenchant oppositions of our limited mentality with its fond reliance on verbal distinctions as if they perfectly represented ultimate truths and its rendering of our supramental experiences in the sense of those intolerant distinctions. NonBeing is only a word. When we examine the fact it represents, we can no longer be sure that absolute non-existence has any better chance than the infinite Self of being more than an ideative Formation of the mind. We really mean by this Nothing something beyond the last term to which we can reduce our purest conception and our most abstract or subtle experience of actual being as we know or conceive it while in this universe. This Nothing then is merely a something beyond positive conception. We erect a fiction of nothingness in order to overpass, by the method of total exclusion, all that we can know and consciously are. Actually when we examine closely the Nihil of certain philosophies, we begin to perceive that it is a zero which is All or an indefinable Infinite which appears to the mind a blank, because mind grasps only finite constructions, but is in fact the only true Existence.3
  8:And when we say that out of Non-Being Being appeared, we perceive that we are speaking in terms of Time about that which is beyond Time. For what was that portentous date in the history of eternal Nothing on which Being was born out of it or when will come that other date equally formidable on which an unreal all will relapse into the perpetual void? Sat and Asat, if they have both to be affirmed, must be conceived as if they obtained simultaneously. They permit each other even though they refuse to mingle. Both, since we must speak in terms of Time, are eternal. And who shall persuade eternal Being that it does not really exist and only eternal Non-Being is? In such a negation of all experience how shall we find the solution that explains all experience?

1.04 - Religion and Occultism, #Words Of The Mother III, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  The whole thing is from its origin a very well-made, a very strong and elaborate mental Formation, powerfully designed to catch hold of certain vital elements and forces (both outside and inside the individuals) to rule and use them and through the vital to exercise a partial power over the physical.
   Formations of this kind are numerous; they translate upon earth into secret societies. I have met many of the kind, more or less ancient, more or less powerfully organised, but all of a similar type. They are not, in their nature, spiritual. If there is any spirituality in them, it comes not from the Formation itself but from the presence, in the society, of one or several personalities with a spiritual character and achievement.
  * *
  Occult Formation
  Power of Static Fulfilment

1.04 - The Discovery of the Nation-Soul, #The Human Cycle, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  It may be said, indeed, that the last result of the something done the war, the collapse, the fierce reaction towards the rigid, armoured, aggressive, formidable Nazi State,is not only discouraging enough, but a clear warning to abandon that path and go back to older and safer ways. But the misuse of great powers is no argument against their right use. To go back is impossible; the attempt is always, indeed, an illusion; we have all to do the same thing which Germany has attempted, but to take care not to do it likewise. Therefore we must look beyond the red mist of blood of the War and the dark fuliginous confusion and chaos which now oppress the world to see why and where was the failure. For her failure which became evident by the turn her action took and was converted for the time being into total collapse, was clear even then to the dispassionate thinker who seeks only the truth. That befell her which sometimes befalls the seeker on the path of Yoga, the art of conscious self-finding,a path exposed to far profounder perils than beset ordinarily the average man,when he follows a false light to his spiritual ruin. She had mistaken her vital ego for herself; she had sought for her soul and found only her force. For she had said, like the Asura, I am my body, my life, my mind, my temperament, and become attached with a Titanic force to these; especially she had said, I am my life and body, and than that there can be no greater mistake for man or nation. The soul of man or nation is something more and diviner than that; it is greater than its instruments and cannot be shut up in a physical, a vital, a mental or a temperamental formula. So to confine it, even though the false Formation be embodied in the armour-plated social body of a huge collective human dinosaurus, can only stifle the growth of the inner Reality and end in decay or the extinction that overtakes all that is unplastic and unadaptable.
  It is evident that there is a false as well as a true subjectivism and the errors to which the subjective trend may be liable are as great as its possibilities and may well lead to capital disasters. This distinction must be clearly grasped if the road of this stage of social evolution is to be made safe for the human race.

1.04 - The Future of Man, #Let Me Explain, #Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, #Christianity
  i. socialization: Formation of thb noosphere
  The first thing to give us pause, as we survey the progress of
  The first phase was the Formation of proteins up to the stage
  of the cell. In the second phase individual cellular complexes
  beginning of a third phase, the Formation of an organico-
  social super-complex, which, as may easily be demonstrated,

1.04 - The Gods of the Veda, #Vedic and Philological Studies, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  One of the greatest deities of the Vedic Pantheon is a woman, Gna,a feminine power whether of material or moral nature,whether her functions work in the subjective or the objective. The Hindu religion has always laid an overpowering stress on this idea of the woman in Nature. It is not only in the Purana that the Woman looms so large, not only in the Shakta cult that she becomes a supreme Name. In the Upanishads it is only when Indra, in his search for the mysterious and ill-understood Mastering Brahman, meets with the Woman in the heaven of thingstasminn evakashe striyam ajagama UmamHaimavatim, In that same sky he came to the Woman, Uma, daughter of Himavan,that he is able to learn the thing which he seeks. The Stri, the Aja or unborn Female Energy, is the executive Divinity of the universe, the womb, the mother, the bride, the mould & instrument of all joy & being. The Veda also speaks of the gnah, the Women,feminine powers without whom the masculine are not effective for work & Formation; for when the gods are to be satisfied who support the sacrifice & effect it, vahnayah, yajatrah, then Medhatithi of the Kanwas calls on Agni to yoke them with female mates, patnivatas kridhi, in their activity and enjoyment. In one of his greatest hymns, the twenty-second of the first Mandala, he speaks expressly of the patnir devanam, the brides of the Strong Ones, who are to be called to extend protection, to brea the a mighty peace, to have their share the joy of the Soma wine. Indrani, Varunani, Agnayi,we can recognise these goddesses and their mastering gods; but there are threein addition to Mother Earthwho seem to stand on a different level and are mentioned without the names of their mates if they have any and seem to enjoy an independent power and activity. They are Ila,Mahi&Saraswati, the three goddesses born of Love or born of Bliss, Tisro devir mayobhuvah.
  Saraswati is known to us in the Purana,the Muse with her feet on the thousand leaved lotus of the mind, the goddess of thought, learning, poetry, of all that is high in mind and its knowledge. But, so far as we can understand from the Purana, she is the goddess of mind only, of intellect & imagination and their perceptions & inspirations. Things spiritual & the mightier supra-mental energies & illuminations belong not to her, but to other powers. Well, we meet Saraswati in the Vedas;and if she is the same goddess as our Puranic & modern protectress of learning & the arts, the Personality of the Intellect, then we have a starting pointwe know that the Vedic Rishis had other than naturalistic conceptions & could call to higher powers than the thunder-flash & the storm-wind. But there is a difficultySaraswati is the name of a river, of several rivers in India, for the very name means flowing, gliding or streaming, and the Europeans identify it with a river in the Punjab. We must be careful therefore, whenever we come across the name, to be sure which of these two is mentioned or invoked, the sweet-streaming Muse or the material river.
  Next, it is to Indra that he turns. I have already said that in my view Indra is the master of mental force. Let us see whether there is anything here to contradict the hypothesis. Indra yahi chitrabhano suta ime tu ayavah, Anwibhis tana putasah. Indrayahi dhiyeshito viprajutah sutavatah Upa brahmani vaghatah. Indrayahi tutujana upa brahmani harivah Sute dadhishwa nas chanah. There are several important words here that are doubtful in their sense, anwi, tana, vaghatah, brahmani; but none of them are of importance for our present purpose except brahmani. For reasons I shall give in the proper place I do not accept Brahma in the Veda as meaning speech of any kind, but as either soul or a mantra of the kind afterwards called dhyana, the object of which was meditation and Formation in the soul of the divine Power meditated on whether in an image or in his qualities. It is immaterial which sense we take here. Indra, sings the Rishi, arrive, O thou of rich and varied light, here are these life-streams poured forth, purified, with vital powers, with substance. Arrive, O Indra, controlled by the understanding, impelled forward in various directions to my soul faculties, I who am now full of strength and flourishing increase. Arrive, O Indra, with protection to my soul faculties, O dweller in the brilliance, confirm our delight in the nectar poured. It seems to me that the remarkable descriptions dhiyeshito viprajutah are absolutely conclusive, that they prove the presence of a subjective Nature Power, not a god of rain & tempest, & prove especially a mind-god. What is it but mental force which comes controlled by the understanding and is impelled forward by it in various directions? What else is it that at the same time protects by its might the growing & increasing soul faculties from impairing & corrupting attack and confirms, keeps safe & continuous the delight which the Aswins have brought with them? The epithets chitrabhano, harivas become at once intelligible and appropriate; the god of mental force has indeed a rich and varied light, is indeed a dweller in the brilliance. The progress of the thought is clear. Madhuchchhanda, as a result of Yogic practice, is in a state of spiritual & physical exaltation; he has poured out the nectar of vitality; he is full of strength & ecstasy This is the sacrifice he has prepared for the gods. He wishes it to be prolonged, perhaps to be made, if it may now be, permanent. The Aswins are called to give & take the delight, Indra to supply & preserve that mental force which will sustain the delight otherwise in danger of being exhausted & sinking by its own fierceness rapidly consuming its material in the soul faculties. The state and the movement are one of which every Yogin knows.
  But he is not content with the inner sacrifice. He wishes to pour out this strength & joy in action on the world, on his fellows, on the peoples, therefore he calls to the Visve Devah to come, A gata!all the gods in general who help man and busy themselves in supporting his multitudinous & manifold action. They are kindly, omasas, they are charshanidhrito, holders or supporters of all our actions, especially actions that require effort, (it is in this sense that I take charshani, again on good philological grounds), they are to distribute this nectar to all or to divide it among themselves for the action,dasvanso may have either force,for Madhuchchhanda wishes not only to possess, but to give, to distribute, he is dashush. Omasas charshanidhrito visve devasa a gata, daswanso dashushah sutam. He goes on, Visve devaso apturah sutam a ganta turnayah Usra iva swasarani. Visve devaso asridha ehimayaso adruhah, Medham jushanta vahnayah. O you all-gods who are energetic in works, come to the nectar distilled, ye swift ones, (or, come swiftly), like calves to their own stalls,(so at least we must translate this last phrase, till we can get the real meaning, for I do not believe this is the real or, at any rate, the only meaning). O you all-gods unfaltering, with wide capacity of strength, ye who harm not, attach yourselves to the offering as its supporters. And then come the lines about Saraswati. For although Indra can sustain for a moment or for a time he is at present a mental, not an ideal force; it is Saraswati full of the vijnana, of mahas, guiding by it the understanding in all its ways who can give to all these gods the supporting knowledge, light and truth which will confirm and uphold the delight, the mental strength & supply inexhaustibly from the Ocean of Mahas the beneficent & joy-giving action,Saraswati, goddess of inspiration, the flowing goddess who is the intermediary & channel by which divine truth, divine joy, divine being descend through the door of knowledge into this human receptacle. In a word, she is our inspirer, our awakener, our lurer towards Immortality. It is immortality that Madhuchchhandas prepares for himself & the people who do sacrifice to Heaven, devayantah. The Soma-streams he speaks of are evidently no intoxicating vegetable juices; he calls them ayavah, life-forces; & elsewhere amritam, nectar of immortality; somasah, wine-draughts of bliss & internal well being. It is the clear Yogic idea of the amritam, the divine nectar which flows into the system at a certain stage of Yogic practice & gives pure health, pure strength & pure physical joy to the body as a basis for a pure mental & spiritual vigour and activity.

1.04 - The Sacrifice the Triune Path and the Lord of the Sacrifice, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  On the other hand and to some this is an easier way I may see the Divinity first in the world outside me, not in myself but in others. I meet it there from the beginning as an indwelling and all-containing Infinite that is not bound up with all these forms, creatures and forces which it bears on its surface. Or else I see and feel it as a pure solitary Self and Spirit which contains all these powers and existences, and I lose my sense of ego in the silent Omnipresence around me. Afterwards it is this that begins to pervade and possess my instrumental being and out of it seem to proceed all my impulsions to action, all my light of thought and speech, all the Formations of my consciousness and all its relations and impacts with other soul-forms of this one worldwide Existence. I am already no longer this little personal self, but That with something of itself put forward which sustains a selected form of its workings in the universe.
  There is another basic realisation, the most extreme of all, that yet comes sometimes as the first decisive opening or an early turn of the Yoga. It is the awakening to an ineffable high transcendent Unknowable above myself and above this world in which I seem to move, a timeless and spaceless condition or entity which is at once, in some way compelling and convincing to an essential consciousness in me, the one thing that is to it overwhelmingly real. This experience is usually accompanied by an equally compelling sense either of the dreamlike or shadowy illusoriness of all things here or else of their temporary, derivative and only half-real character. For a time at least all around me may seem to be a moving of cinematographic shadow forms or surface figures and my own action may appear as a fluid formulation from some Source ungrasped as yet and perhaps unseizable above or outside me. To remain in this consciousness, to carry out this initiation or follow out this first suggestion of the character of things would be to proceed towards the goal of dissolution of self and world in the Unknowable,Moksha, Nirvana. But this is not the only line of issue; it is possible, on the contrary, for me to wait till through the silence of this timeless unfilled liberation I begin to enter into relations with that yet ungrasped Source of myself and my actions; then the void begins to fill, there emerges out of it or there rushes into it all the manifold Truth of the Divine, all the aspects and manifestations and many levels of a dynamic Infinite. At first this experience imposes on the mind and then on all our being an absolute, a fathomless, almost an abysmal peace and silence. Overpowered and subjugated, stilled, liberated from itself, the mind accepts the Silence itself as the Supreme. But afterwards the seeker discovers that all is there for him contained or new-made in that silence or through it descends upon him from a greater concealed transcendent Existence. For this Transcendent, this Absolute is not a mere peace of signless emptiness; it has its own infinite contents and riches of which ours are debased and diminished values. If there were not that Source of all things, there could be no universe; all powers, all works and activities would be an illusion, all creation and manifestation would be impossible.
  On another line of approach another Duality presents itself to the experience of the seeker. On one side he becomes aware of a witness recipient observing experiencing Consciousness which does not appear to act but for which all these activities inside and outside us seem to be undertaken and continue. On the other side he is aware at the same time of an executive Force or an energy of Process which is seen to constitute, drive and guide all conceivable activities and to create a myriad forms visible to us and invisible and use them as stable supports for its incessant flux of action and creation. Entering exclusively into the witness consciousness he becomes silent, untouched, immobile; he sees that he has till now passively reflected and appropriated to himself the movements of Nature and it is by this reflection that they acquired from the witness soul within him what seemed a spiritual value and significance. But now he has withdrawn that ascription or mirroring identification; he is conscious only of his silent self and aloof from all that is in motion around it; all activities are outside him and at once they cease to be intimately real; they appear now mechanical, detachable, endable. Entering exclusively into the kinetic movement, he has an opposite self-awareness; he seems to his own perception a mass of activities, a Formation and result of forces; if there is an active consciousness, even some kind of kinetic being in the midst of it all, yet there is no longer a free soul in it anywhere. These two different and opposite states of being alternate in him or else stand simultaneously over against each other; one silent in the inner being observes but is unmoved and does not participate; the other active in some outer or surface self pursues its habitual movements. He has entered into an intense separative perception of the great duality, Soul-Nature, Purusha-Prakriti.
  But as the consciousness deepens, he becomes aware that this is only a first frontal appearance. For he finds that it is by the silent support, permission or sanction of this witness soul in him that this executive nature can work intimately or persistently upon his being; if the soul withdraws its sanction, the movements of Nature in their action upon and within him become a wholly mechanical repetition, vehement at first as if seeking still to enforce their hold, but afterwards less and less dynamic and real. More actively using this power of sanction or refusal, he perceives that he can, slowly and uncertainly at first, more decisively afterwards, change the movements of Nature. Eventually in this witness soul or behind it is revealed to him the presence of a Knower and master Will in Nature, and all her activities more and more appear as an expression of what is known and either actively willed or passively permitted by this Lord of her existence. Prakriti herself now seems to be mechanical only in the carefully regulated appearance of her workings, but in fact a conscious Force with a soul within her, a self-aware significance in her turns, a revelation of a secret Will and Knowledge in her steps and figures. This Duality, in aspect separate, is inseparable. Wherever there is Prakriti, there is Purusha; wherever there is Purusha, there is Prakriti. Even in his inactivity he holds in himself all her force and energies ready for projection; even in the drive of her action she carries with her all his observing and mandatory consciousness as the whole support and sense of her creative purpose. Once more the seeker discovers in his experience the two poles of existence of One Being and the two lines or currents of their energy negative and positive in relation to each other which effect by their simultaneity the manifestation of all that is within it. Here too he finds that the separative aspect is liberative; for it releases him from the bondage of identification with the inadequate workings of Nature in the Ignorance. The unitive aspect is dynamic and effective; for it enables him to arrive at mastery and perfection; while rejecting what is less divine or seemingly undivine in her, he can rebuild her forms and movements in himself according to a nobler pattern and the law and rhythm of a greater existence. At a certain spiritual and supramental level the Duality becomes still more perfectly Two-in-one, the Master Soul with the Conscious Force within it, and its potentiality disowns all barriers and breaks through every limit. Thus this once separate, now biune Duality of Purusha-Prakriti is revealed to him in all its truth as the second great instrumental and effective aspect of the Soul of all souls, the Master of existence, the Lord of the Sacrifice.

1.05 - 2010 and 1956 - Doomsday?, #Preparing for the Miraculous, #George Van Vrekhem, #Integral Yoga
  says that the psychic Formation is a terrestrial Formation
  and that the growth of the psychic being is something that
  ness in the scale of evolution led to the Formation of Homo
  sapiens, so a higher consciousness, called supermind by

1.05 - Christ, A Symbol of the Self, #Aion, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  towards the Formation of a particular Christ-image. Thus we
  find the concept of the archetype in the history of art as well as

1.05 - Consciousness, #Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness, #Satprem, #Integral Yoga
  The appearance of stability is given by constant repetition and recurrence of the same vibrations and Formations,4 because it is always the same wavelengths that we pick up or, rather, that picks us up, consistent with the laws of our environment or education; it is always the same mental, vital or other vibrations that return through our centers, and that we appropriate automatically, unconsciously, and endlessly. In reality, everything is in a state of constant flux, and everything comes to us from a mind vaster than ours (a universal mind), a vital vaster than ours (a universal vital), from lower subconscious regions, or from higher superconscious ones. Thus this small frontal being48 is surrounded, overhung, supported, pervaded by and set in motion by a whole hierarchy of "worlds," as ancient wisdom well knew: "Without effort one world moves in the other," says the Rig Veda (II.24-5), or, as Sri Aurobindo says, by a gradation of planes of consciousness, which range without break from pure Spirit to Matter, and are directly connected to each of our centers. Yet we are conscious only of some bubbling on the surface.49
  What remains of ourselves in all this? Not much, to tell the truth,

1.05 - Mental Education, #On Education, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  All that has just been said concerns the speculative mind, the mind that learns. But learning is only one aspect of mental activity; the other, which is at least equally important, is the constructive faculty, the capacity to form and thus prepare action. This very important part of mental activity has rarely been the subject of any special study or discipline. Only those who want, for some reason, to exercise a strict control over their mental activities think of observing and disciplining this faculty of Formation; and as soon as they try it, they have to face difficulties so great that they appear almost insurmountable.
  And yet control over this formative activity of the mind is one of the most important aspects of self-education; one can say that without it no mental mastery is possible. As far as study is concerned, all ideas are acceptable and should be included in the synthesis, whose very function is to become more and more rich and complex; but where action is concerned, it is just the opposite. The ideas that are accepted for translation into action should be strictly controlled and only those that agree with the general trend of the central idea forming the basis of the mental synthesis should be permitted to express themselves in action. This means that every thought entering the mental consciousness should be set before the central idea; if it finds a logical place among the thoughts already grouped, it will be admitted into the synthesis; if not, it will be rejected so that it can have no influence on the action. This work of mental purification should be done very regularly in order to secure a complete control over one's actions.

1.05 - Problems of Modern Psycho therapy, #The Practice of Psycho therapy, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  to be met. Obviously we are dealing with a neurotic Formation, a new
  symptom directly induced by the treatment. The unmistakable outward

1.05 - Some Results of Initiation, #Knowledge of the Higher Worlds, #Rudolf Steiner, #Theosophy
   further news which does not tally with the previous in Formation. I am thereby obliged to reverse my previous judgment. The result is an unfavorable influence upon my sixteen-petalled lotus. Quite the contrary would have been the case had I, in the first place, suspended judgment, and remained silent both inwardly in thought and outwardly in word concerning the whole affair, until I had acquired reliable grounds for forming my judgment. Caution in the Formation and pronouncement of judgments becomes, by degrees, the special characteristic of the student. On the other hand his receptivity for impressions and experiences increases; he lets them pass over him silently, so as to collect and have the largest possible number of facts at his disposal when the time comes to form his opinions. Bluish-red and reddish-pink shades color the lotus flower as the result of such circumspection, whereas in the opposite case dark red and orange shades appear. (Students will recognize in the conditions attached to the development of the sixteen-petalled lotus the instructions given by the Buddha to his disciples for the Path. Yet there is no question here of teaching Buddhism,
   p. 146
  When esoteric development has progressed so far that the lotus flowers begin to stir, much has already been achieved by the student which can result in the Formation of certain quite definite currents and movements in his etheric body. The object of this development is the Formation of a kind of center in the region of the physical heart, from which radiate currents and movements in the greatest possible variety of colors and forms. The center is in reality not a mere point, but a most complicated structure, a most wonderful organ. It glows and shimmers with every shade of color and displays forms of great symmetry, capable of rapid trans Formation. Other forms and streams of color radiate from this organ to the other parts of the body, and beyond it to the astral body, completely penetrating and illuminating
   p. 166
  The twelve-petalled lotus flower has a particularly close connection with this central organ. The currents flow directly into it and through it, proceeding on the one side to the sixteen and the two-petalled lotus flowers, and on the other, the lower side, to the flowers of eight, six and four petals. It is for this reason that the very greatest care must be devoted to the development of the twelve-petalled lotus, for an imperfection in the latter would result in irregular Formation of the whole structure. The above will give an idea of the delicate and intimate nature of esoteric training, and of the accuracy needed if the development is to be regular and correct. It will also be evident beyond doubt that directions for the development of supersensible faculties can only be the concern of those who have themselves experienced everything which they propose to
   p. 167

1.05 - The Activation of Human Energy, #Let Me Explain, #Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, #Christianity
  tion' at the Formation even of a planetary consciousness. It
  is, moreover, impossible to suppose that, like the lines of

1.05 - The Ascent of the Sacrifice - The Psychic Being, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
     In sum, it may be safely affirmed that no solution offered can be anything but provisional until a supramental Truth-Consciousness is reached by which the appearances of things are put in their place and their essence revealed and that in them which derives straight from the spiritual essence. In the meanwhile our only safety is to find a guiding law of spiritual experience -- or else to liberate a light within that can lead us on the way until that greater direct Truth-Consciousness is reached above us or born within us. For all else in us that is only outward, all that is not a spiritual sense or seeing, the constructions, representations or conclusions of the intellect, the suggestions or instigations of the Life-force, the positive necessities of physical things are sometimes half-lights, sometimes false lights that can at best only serve for a while or serve a little and for the rest either detain or confuse us. The guiding law of spiritual experience can only come by an opening of human consciousness to the Divine Consciousness; there must be the power to receive in us the working and comm and and dynamic presence of the Divine shakti and surrender ourselves to her control; it is that surrender and that control which bring the guidance. But the surrender is not sure, there is no absolute certitude of the guidance so long as we are besieged by mind Formations and life impulses and instigations of ego which may easily betray us into the hands of a false experience. This danger can only be countered by the opening of a now nine-tenths concealed inmost soul or psychic being that is already there but not commonly active within us. That is the inner light we must liberate; for the light of this inmost soul is our one sure illumination so long as we walk still amidst the siege of the Ignorance and the Truth-Consciousness has not taken up the entire control of our Godward endeavour. The working of the Divine Force in us under the conditions of the transition and the light of the psychic being turning us always towards a conscious and seeing obedience to that higher impulsion and away from the demands and instigations of the Forces of the Ignorance, these between them create an ever progressive inner law of our action which continues till the spiritual and supramental can be established in our nature. In the transition there may well be a period in which we take up all life and action and offer them to the Divine for purification, change and deliverance of the truth within them, another period in which we draw back and build a spiritual wall around us admitting through its gates only such activities as consent to undergo the law of the spiritual trans Formation, a third in which a free and all-embracing action, but with new forms fit for the utter truth of the Spirit, can again be made possible. These things, however, will be decided by no mental rule but in the light of the soul within us and by the ordaining force and progressive guidance of the Divine Power that secretly or overtly first impels, then begins clearly to control and order and finally takes up the whole burden of the Yoga.
     In accordance with the triple character of the sacrifice we may divide works too into a triple order, the works of Knowledge, the works of Love, the works of the Will-in-Life, and see how this more plastic spiritual rule applies to each province and effects the transition from the lower to the higher nature.
     A Yoga turned towards an all-embracing realisation of the Supreme will not despise the works or even the dreams, if dreams they are, of the Cosmic Spirit or shrink from the splendid toil and many-sided victory which he has assigned to himself In the human creature. But its first condition for this liberality is that our works in the world too must be part of the sacrifice offered to the Highest and to none else, to the Divine shakti and to no other Power, in the right spirit and with the right knowledge, by the free soul and not by the hypnotised bondslave of material Nature. If a division of works has to be made, it is between those that are nearest to the heart of the sacred flame and those that are least touched or illumined by it because they are more at a distance, or between the fuel that burns strongly or brightly and the logs that if too thickly heaped on the altar may impede the ardour of the fire by their damp, heavy and diffused abundance. But otherwise, apart from this division, all activities of knowledge that seek after or express Truth are in themselves rightful materials for a complete offering; none ought necessarily to be excluded from the wide framework of the divine life. The mental and physical sciences which examine into the laws and forms and processes of things, those which concern the life of men and animals, the social, political, linguistic and historical and those which seek to know and control the labours and activities by which man subdues and utilises his world and environment, and the noble and beautiful Arts which are at once work and knowledge, -- for every well-made and significant poem, picture, statue or building is an act of creative knowledge, a living discovery of the consciousness, a figure of Truth, a dynamic form of mental and vital self-expression or world-expressions-all that seeks, all that finds, all that voices or figures is a realisation of something of the play of the Infinite and to that extent can be made a means of God-realisation or of divine Formation. But the Yogin has to see that it is no longer done as part of an ignorant mental life; it can be accepted by him only if by the feeling, the remembrance, the dedication within it, it is turned into a movement of the spiritual consciousness and becomes a part of its vast grasp of comprehensive illuminating knowledge.
     For all must be done as a sacrifice, all activities must have the One Divine for their object and the heart of their meaning. The Yogin's aim in the sciences that make for knowledge should be to discover and understand the workings of the Divine Consciousness-Puissance in man and creatures and things and forces, her creative significances, her execution of the mysteries, the symbols in which she arranges the manifestation. The Yogin's aim in the practical sciences, whether mental and physical or occult and psychic, should be to enter into the ways of the Divine and his processes, to know the materials and means for the work given to us so that we may use that knowledge for a conscious and faultless expression of the spirit's mastery, joy and self-fulfilment. The Yogin's aim in the Arts should not be a mere aesthetic, mental or vital gratification, but, seeing the Divine everywhere, worshipping it with a revelation of the meaning of its works, to express that One Divine in gods and men and creatures and objects. The theory that sees an intimate connection between religious aspiration and the truest and greatest Art is in essence right; but we must substitute for the mixed and doubtful religious motive a spiritual aspiration, vision, interpreting experience. For the wider and more comprehensive the seeing, the more it contains in itself the sense of the hidden Divine in humanity and in all things and rises beyond a superficial religiosity into the spiritual life, the more luminous, flexible, deep and powerful will the Art be that springs from the high motive. The Yogin's distinction from other men is this that he lives in a higher and vaster spiritual consciousness; all his work of knowledge or creation must then spring from there: it must not be made in the mind, -- for it is a greater truth and vision than mental man's that he has to express or rather that presses to express itself through him and mould his works, not for his personal satisfaction, but for a divine purpose.

1.05 - The Creative Principle, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  To create, then, means in their view to make something out of something else. And if the word keeps its value, it is because that other thing, in fact, could not give birth to aught without the power which sets it at work. It is in this sense that the word is applied to the production of the artist whose mastery has alone to be reckoned, since the only importance his material has for him is the obstacle it represents. Chaos can only discharge this negative role. But it is sufficient that it should be and that the creator should utilise it for the original act to appear as an act of Formation or rather of trans Formation antilogous to those which voluntarily or involuntarily every being is at each moment accomplishing.
  Certainly, it is quite possible that each great beginning has been the effect of an exceptional intervention of power or of will. In the great hierarchy of existence, there are formative beings who can thus create things. It is even possible that certain of them, before things took substantial form, drew from themselves the elements and the means of their creation. But does not man at each instant, by his word, by his thought, thus create without knowing it?

1.05 - The Destiny of the Individual, #The Life Divine, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  18:But we can attain to the highest without blotting ourselves out from the cosmic extension. Brahman preserves always Its two terms of liberty within and of Formation without, of expression and of freedom from the expression. We also, being That, can attain to the same divine self-possession. The harmony of the two tendencies is the condition of all life that aims at being really divine. Liberty pursued by exclusion of the thing exceeded leads along the path of negation to the refusal of that which God has accepted. Activity pursued by absorption in the act and the energy leads to an inferior affirmation and the denial of the Highest. But what God combines and synthetises, wherefore should man insist on divorcing? To be perfect as He is perfect is the condition of His integral attainment.
  19:Through Avidya, the Multiplicity, lies our path out of the transitional egoistic self-expression in which death and suffering predominate; through Vidya consenting with Avidya by the perfect sense of oneness even in that multiplicity, we enjoy integrally the immortality and the beatitude. By attaining to the Unborn beyond all becoming we are liberated from this lower birth and death; by accepting the Becoming freely as the Divine, we invade mortality with the immortal beatitude and become luminous centres of its conscious self-expression in humanity.

1.05 - THE HOSTILE BROTHERS - ARCHETYPES OF RESPONSE TO THE UNKNOWN, #Maps of Meaning, #Jordan Peterson, #Psychology
  the dictation of his desires and motor habits. This leads to the Formation of more or less ritualized
  schemas, but since play is still purely individual, one can only talk of motor rules and not of truly
  Endogenous potentials generated in the human hippocampal Formation and amygdala by infrequent
  events. Science, 210, 803-805.
  Morruzzi, G. & Magoun, H.W. (1949). Brainstem reticular Formation and activation of the EEG.
  Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1, 455-473.
  nuclei and the hippocampal Formation may serve to link affective response patterns with the encoding of perceptions in
  memory, thus providing rapid access to appropriate motivational states when complex social situations or particular

1.06 - Being Human and the Copernican Principle, #Preparing for the Miraculous, #George Van Vrekhem, #Integral Yoga
  sketch the Formation of species by natural selection, and
  had not a clue about the inheritance of the natural charac
  ding. The growth of an embryo, the Formation of a DNA
  molecule, the appearance of a new species and the increas
  dations of their Formation matter, the life forces, mind.
  Because these evolutionary gradations correspond to the

1.06 - Gestalt and Universals, #Cybernetics, or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine, #Norbert Wiener, #Cybernetics
  not the only process which leads to the Formation of our specifi-
  cally visual general ideas, or, as Locke would call them, "complex

1.06 - LIFE AND THE PLANETS, #The Future of Man, #Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, #Christianity
  celestial Formation and the speed with which it rotates upon itself.
  According to Jeans its diameter is about 200,000 light-years and it
  face of our planet. The first phase was the Formation of proteins
  up to the stage of the cell. In the second phase individual cellular
  the beginning of a third phase, the Formation of an organicosocial
  supercomplex, which, as may easily be demonstrated, can only occur

1.06 - Quieting the Vital, #Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness, #Satprem, #Integral Yoga
  they are as if drained of their power and merely flash by as if on a movie screen; interestingly, we can even see in advance the little mischief trying one more time to perpetuate its trick. Or else, we will find that certain psychological states hit us at fixed times, or recur in cycles (this is what Sri Aurobindo and Mother call a Formation, an amalgam of vibrations that, through sheer repetitions, tends to take on a kind of personality of its own); once we pick it up, we will see this 57
  The Synthesis of Yoga, 20:321

1.06 - The Ascent of the Sacrifice 2 The Works of Love - The Works of Life, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  A supreme divine Love is a creative Power and, even though it can exist in itself silent and unchangeable, yet rejoices in external form and expression and is not condemned to be a speechless and bodiless godhead. It has even been said that creation itself was an act of love or at least the building up of a field in which Divine Love could devise its symbols and fulfil itself in act of mutuality and self-giving, and, if not the initial nature of creation, this may well be its ultimate object and motive. It does not so appear now because, even if a Divine Love is there in the world upholding all this evolution of creatures, yet the stuff of life and its action is made up of an egoistic Formation, a division, a struggle of life and consciousness to exist and survive in an apparently indifferent, inclement or even hostile world of inanimate and inconscient Matter. In the confusion and obscurity of this struggle all are thrown against each other with a will in each to assert its own existence first and foremost and only secondarily to assert itself in others and very partially for others; for even man's altruism remains essentially egoistic and must be so till the soul finds the secret of the divine Oneness.
  It is to discover that at its supreme source, to bring it from within and to radiate it out up to the extreme confines of life that is turned the effort of the Yoga. All action, all creation must be turned into a form, a symbol of the cult, the adoration, the sacrifice; it must carry something that makes it bear in it the stamp of a dedication, a reception and translation of the Divine Consciousness, a service of the Beloved, a self-giving, a surrender. This has to be done wherever possible in the outward body and form of the act; it must be done always in its inward emotion and an intensity that shows it to be an outflow from the soul towards the Eternal.
   do only the works of Love and Knowledge and leave aside the works of will and power, possession and acquisition, production and fruitful expense of capacity, battle and victory and mastery, striking away from us the larger part of life because it seems to be made of the very stuff of desire and ego and therefore doomed to be a field of disharmony and mere conflict and disorder. For the division cannot really be made; or, if attempted, it must fail in its essential purpose, since it would isolate us from the total energies of the World-Power and sterilise an important part of integral Nature, just the one force in it that is a necessary instrument in any world-creative purpose. The Life-Force is an indispensable intermediary, the effectuating element in Nature here; mind needs its alliance if the works of mind are not to remain shining inner Formations without a body; the spirit needs it to give an outer force and form to its manifested possibilities and arrive at a complete self-expression incarnated in Matter. If
  Life refuses the aid of its intermediary energy to the spirit's other workings or is itself refused, they are likely to be reduced for all the effect they can have here to a static seclusion or a golden impotence; or if anything is done, it will be a partial irradiation of our action more subjective than objective, modifying existence perhaps, but without force to change it. Yet if Life brings its forces to the spirit but unregenerate, a worse result may follow since it is likely to reduce the spiritual action of Love or
  Yoga proposes to change it from a troubled and ignorant into a luminous and harmonious movement of Nature. There are three conditions which are indispensable for the achievement of this central inner revolution and new Formation; none of them is altogether sufficient in itself, but by their united threefold power the uplifting can be done, the conversion made and completely made. For, first, life as it is is a movement of desire and it has
  The Ascent of the Sacrifice - 2
  In this process and at an early stage of it it becomes evident that what we know of ourselves, our present conscious existence, is only a representative Formation, a superficial activity, a changing external result of a vast mass of concealed existence. Our visible life and the actions of that life are no more than a series of significant expressions, but that which it tries to express is not on the surface; our existence is something much larger than this apparent frontal being which we suppose ourselves to be and which we offer to the world around us. This frontal and external being is a confused amalgam of mind- Formations, lifemovements, physical functionings of which even an exhaustive analysis into its component parts and machinery fails to reveal the whole secret. It is only when we go behind, below, above into the hidden stretches of our being that we can know it; the most thorough and acute surface scrutiny and manipulation cannot give us the true understanding or the completely effective control of our life, its purposes, its activities; that inability indeed is the cause of the failure of reason, morality and every other surface action to control and deliver and perfect the life of the human race. For below even our most obscure physical consciousness is a subconscious being in which as in a covering and supporting soil are all manner of hidden seeds that sprout up, unaccountably to us, on our surface and into which we are constantly throwing fresh seeds that prolong our past and will influence our future, - a subconscious being, obscure, small in its motions, capriciously
  - not merely infer from their results, but feel directly - the action of the secret world-forces, mind-forces, life-forces, subtle physical forces that constitute universal and individual existence; we shall even be able, if we will but train ourselves to it, to lay our hands on these world-forces that throw themselves on us or surround us and more and more to control or at least strongly modify their action on us and others, their Formations, their very movements. Yet again, above our human mind are still greater reaches superconscient to it and from there secretly descend influences, powers, touches which are the original determinants of things here and, if they were called down in their fullness, could altogether alter the whole make and economy of life in the material universe. It is all this latent experience and knowledge that the Divine Force working upon us by our opening to it in the integral Yoga, progressively reveals to us, uses and works out the consequences as means and steps towards a trans Formation of our whole being and nature. Our life is thenceforth no longer a little rolling wave on the surface, but interpenetrant if not coincident with the cosmic life. Our spirit, our self rises not only into an inner identity with some wide cosmic Self but into
  The Ascent of the Sacrifice - 2
  It is thus by an integralisation of our divided being that the Divine Shakti in the Yoga will proceed to its object; for liberation, perfection, mastery are dependent on this integralisation, since the little wave on the surface cannot control its own movement, much less have any true control over the vast life around it. The Shakti, the power of the Infinite and the Eternal descends within us, works, breaks up our present psychological Formations, shatters every wall, widens, liberates, presents us with always newer and greater powers of vision, ideation, perception and newer and greater life-motives, enlarges and newmodels increasingly the soul and its instruments, confronts us with every imperfection in order to convict and destroy it, opens to a greater perfection, does in a brief period the work of many lives or ages so that new births and new vistas open constantly within us. Expansive in her action, she frees the consciousness from confinement in the body; it can go out in trance or sleep or even waking and enter into worlds or other regions of this world and act there or carry back its experience. It spreads out, feeling the body only as a small part of itself, and begins to contain what before contained it; it achieves the cosmic consciousness and extends itself to be commensurate with the universe. It begins to know inwardly and directly and not merely by external observation and contact the forces at play in the world, feels their movement, distinguishes their functioning and can operate immediately upon them as the scientist operates upon physical forces, accept their action and results in our mind, life, body or reject them or modify, change, reshape, create immense new powers and movements in place of the old small functionings of the nature. We begin to perceive the working of the forces of universal Mind and to know how our thoughts are created by that working, separate from within the truth and falsehood of our perceptions, enlarge their field, extend and illumine their significance, become master of our own minds and active to shape the movements of Mind in the world around us. We begin to perceive the flow and surge of the universal life-forces,

1.06 - The Desire to be, #unset, #Arthur C Clarke, #Fiction
  The law of Formation of the being may thus find its symbolic equivalent in that of the Formation of Matter; it is by a sort of condensation of universal forces imprisoning themselves in ever narrower limits of forms always more and more concrete that the elements of Matter are constructed as well as those of conscious individuality. And the primordial nebula whose condensation around centres of etheric revolution will form one day material worlds, is our image and translation in space of that progressive condensation of the formidable desire to be around more and more distinet and multiple centres of conscious polarisation and individual affirmation.
  So, being in its origin can be conceived as the immense desire, global and nebular, whose virtual elements, obeying the same law of mutual exclusion, are to form the indefinitely differentiated elements, the conflicting forces of the manifested world.

1.06 - The Sign of the Fishes, #Aion, #Carl Jung, #Psychology
  volved in the Formation of symbolic images, hence sexuality as well. Sex is not
  the form of the old sacrifice of the seasonal god. Significantly

1.070 - The Seven Stages of Perfection, #The Study and Practice of Yoga, #Swami Krishnananda, #Yoga
  As we have had occasion to study, these tendencies to object perception are deep-seated and they can be present sometimes actively present even when they are apparently imperceptible. The conscious non-apprehension of an object is not necessarily an indication of the absence of this tendency to object perception in the deeper layers of ones personality. The urges of the individual are nothing but the building bricks of the individuality itself. What is known as self-consciousness, or individuality, is a pattern or shape taken by this tendency to object perception. As long as the individuality-consciousness persists, even in its minimum Formation, one can safely conclude that these tendencies are still there, because when they are absent, the individuality also vanishes, just as when we pull out every brick from the house, the house itself is not there.
  This body is the house. This individuality is the vehicle that has been manufactured by these tendencies to object-perception, and they themselves form the substance of this body-mind complex. And, the presence of this vehicle is simultaneous with the attachment of consciousness to that vehicle; this is the bondage of the soul. Thus, it is hard for one to attain salvation, because it is the abolition of individuality itself a total extinction of personality that is known as nirvana, the complete vanishing from sight of the very possibility of objectivity. The blowing out of a lamp is what is actually meant by nirvana. The lamp of world-consciousness the light with which we see objects is blown out completely, and there is the return of the spirit to its own pristine purity and status.

1.07 - On Dreams, #Words Of Long Ago, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  And since desires are true dynamic centres of Formation, they tend to organise, within and around us, the combination of circumstances that is most favourable to their satisfaction.
  In this way the fruit of many efforts made by our conscious thought during the day can be destroyed in a few hours at night.

1.07 - Standards of Conduct and Spiritual Freedom, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  1:THE KNOWLEDGE on which the doer of works in Yoga has to found all his action and development has for the keystone of its structure a more and more concrete perception of unity, the living sense of an all-pervading oneness; he moves in the increasing consciousness of all existence as an indivisible whole: all work too is part of this divine indivisible whole. His personal action and its results can no longer be or seem a separate movement mainly or entirely determined by the egoistic "free" will of an individual, himself separate in the mass. Our works are part of an indivisible cosmic action; they are put or, more accurately, put themselves into their place in the whole out of which they arise and their outcome is determined by forces that overpass us. That world action in its vast totality and in every petty detail is the indivisible movement of the One who manifests himself progressively in the cosmos. Man too becomes progressively conscious of the truth of himself and the truth of things in proportion as he awakens to this One within him and outside him and to the occult, miraculous and significant process of its forces in the motion of Nature. This action, this movement, is not confined even in ourselves and those around us to the little fragmentary portion of the cosmic activities of which we in our superficial consciousness are aware; it is supported by an immense underlying environing existence subliminal to our minds or subconscious, and it is attracted by an immense transcending existence which is superconscious to our nature. Our action arises, as we ourselves have emerged, out of a universality of which we are not aware; we give it a shape by our personal temperament, personal mind and will of thought or force of impulse or desire; but the true truth of things, the true law of action exceeds these personal and human Formations. Every standpoint, every man-made rule of action which ignores the indivisible totality of the cosmic movement, whatever its utility in external practice, is to the eye of spiritual Truth an imperfect view and a law of the Ignorance.
  2:Even when we have arrived at some glimpse of this idea or succeeded in fixing it in our consciousness as a knowledge of the mind and a consequent attitude of the soul, it is difficult for us in our outward parts and active nature to square accounts between this universal standpoint and the claims of our personal opinion, our personal will, our personal emotion and desire. We are forced still to go on dealing with this indivisible movement as if it were a mass of impersonal material out of which we, the ego, the person, have to carve something according to our own will and mental fantasy by a personal struggle and effort. This is man's normal attitude towards his environment, actually false because our ego and its will are creations and puppets of the cosmic forces and it is only when we withdraw from ego into the consciousness of the divine Knowledge-Will of the Eternal who acts in them that we can be by a sort of deputation from above their master. And yet is this personal position the right attitude for man so long as he cherishes his individuality and has not yet fully developed it; for without this view-point and motiveforce he cannot grow in his ego, cannot sufficiently develop and differentiate himself out of the subconscious or half-conscious universal mass-existence.
  4:But what then must be the spiritual position of the personal worker? What is his true relation in dynamic Nature to this one cosmic Being and this one total movement? He is a centre only - a centre of differentiation of the one personal consciousness, a centre of determination of the one total movement; his personality reflects in a wave of persistent individuality the one universal Person, the Transcendent, the Eternal. In the Ignorance it is always a broken and distorted reflection because the crest of the wave which is our conscious waking self throws back only an imperfect and falsified similitude of the divine Spirit. All our opinions, standards, Formations, principles are only attempts to represent in this broken, reflecting and distorting mirror something of the universal and progressive total action and its many-sided movement towards some ultimate self-revelation of the Divine. Our mind represents it as best it can with a narrow approximation that becomes less and less inadequate in proportion as its thought grows in wideness and light and power; but it is always an approximation and not even a true partial figure. The Divine Will acts through the aeons to reveal progressively not only in the unity of the cosmos, not only in the collectivity of living and thinking creatures, but in the soul of each individual something of its divine Mystery and the hidden truth of the Infinite. Therefore there is in the cosmos, in the collectivity, in the individual, a rooted instinct or belief in its own perfectibility, a constant drive towards an ever increasing and more adequate and more harmonious self-development nearer to the secret truth of things. This effort is represented to the constructing mind of man by standards of knowledge, feeling, character, aesthesis and action, - rules, ideals, norms and laws that he essays to turn into universal dharmas.
  5:If we are to be free in the spirit, if we are to be subject only to the supreme Truth, we must discard the idea that our mental or moral laws are binding on the Infinite or that there can be anything sacrosanct, absolute or eternal even in the highest of our existing standards of conduct. To form higher and higher temporary standards as long as they are needed is to serve the Divine in his world march; to erect rigidly an absolute standard is to attempt the erection of a barrier against the eternal waters in their onflow. Once the nature-bound soul realises this truth, it is delivered from the duality of good and evil. For good is all that helps the individual and the world towards their divine fullness, and evil is all that retards or breaks up that increasing perfection. But since the perfection is progressive, evolutive in Time, good and evil are also shifting quantities and change from time to time their meaning and value. This thing which is evil now and in its present shape must be abandoned was once helpful and necessary to the general and individual progress. That other thing which we now regard as evil may well become in another form and arrangement an element in some future perfection. And on the spiritual level we transcend even this distinction; for we discover the purpose and divine utility of all these things that we call good and evil. Then have we to reject the falsehood in them and all that is distorted, ignorant and obscure in that which is called good no less than in that which is called evil. For we have then to accept only the true and the divine, but to make no other distinction in the eternal processes.
  10:If man could live to himself, - and this he could only do if the development of the individual were the sole object of the Divine in the world, - this second law would not at all need to come into operation. But all existence proceeds by the mutual action and reaction of the whole and the parts, the need for each other of the constituents and the thing constituted, the interdependence of the group and the individuals of the group. In the language of Indian philosophy the Divine manifests himself always in the double form of the separative and the collective being, vyas.t.i, samas.t.i. Man, pressing after the growth of his separate individuality and its fullness and freedom, is unable to satisfy even his own personal needs and desires except in conjunction with other men; he is a whole in himself and yet incomplete without others. This obligation englobes his personal law of conduct in a group-law which arises from the Formation of a lasting group-entity with a collective mind and life of its own to which his own embodied mind and life are subordinated as a transitory unit. And yet is there something in him immortal and free, not bound to this group-body which outlasts his own embodied existence but cannot outlast or claim to chain by its law his eternal spirit.
  11:In itself this seemingly larger and overriding law is no more than an extension of the vital and animal principle that governs the individual elementary man; it is the law of the pack or herd. The individual identifies partially his life with the life of a certain number of other individuals with whom he is associated by birth, choice or circumstance. And since the existence of the group is necessary for his own existence and satisfaction, in time, if not from the first, its preservation, the fulfilment of its needs and the satisfaction of its collective notions, desires, habits of living, without which it would not hold together, must come to take a primary place. The satisfaction of personal idea and feeling, need and desire, propensity and habit has to be constantly subordinated, by the necessity of the situation and not from any moral or altruistic motive, to the satisfaction of the ideas and feelings, needs and desires, propensities and habits, not of this or that other individual or number of individuals, but of the society as a whole. This social need is the obscure matrix of morality and of man's ethical impulse.


--- Overview of noun formation

The noun formation has 7 senses (first 5 from tagged texts)
1. (7) formation ::: (an arrangement of people or things acting as a unit; "a defensive formation"; "a formation of planes")
2. (4) formation, shaping ::: (the act of fabricating something in a particular shape)
3. (4) constitution, establishment, formation, organization, organisation ::: (the act of forming or establishing something; "the constitution of a PTA group last year"; "it was the establishment of his reputation"; "he still remembers the organization of the club")
4. (3) geological formation, formation ::: ((geology) the geological features of the earth)
5. (3) formation ::: (a particular spatial arrangement)
6. formation ::: (natural process that causes something to form; "the formation of gas in the intestine"; "the formation of crystals"; "the formation of pseudopods")
7. formation ::: (creation by mental activity; "the formation of sentences"; "the formation of memories")

--- Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun formation

7 senses of formation                        

Sense 1
   => arrangement
     => group, grouping
       => abstraction, abstract entity
         => entity

Sense 2
formation, shaping
   => fabrication, manufacture, manufacturing
     => creating from raw materials
       => creation, creative activity
         => activity
           => act, deed, human action, human activity
             => event
               => psychological feature
                 => abstraction, abstract entity
                   => entity

Sense 3
constitution, establishment, formation, organization, organisation
   => beginning, start, commencement
     => change of state
       => change
         => action
           => act, deed, human action, human activity
             => event
               => psychological feature
                 => abstraction, abstract entity
                   => entity

Sense 4
geological formation, formation
   => object, physical object
     => physical entity
       => entity

Sense 5
   => placement, arrangement
     => position, spatial relation
       => relation
         => abstraction, abstract entity
           => entity

Sense 6
   => natural process, natural action, action, activity
     => process, physical process
       => physical entity
         => entity

Sense 7
   => creating by mental acts
     => creation, creative activity
       => activity
         => act, deed, human action, human activity
           => event
             => psychological feature
               => abstraction, abstract entity
                 => entity

--- Hyponyms of noun formation

7 senses of formation                        

Sense 1
   => flight
   => military formation
   => backfield
   => secondary
   => line
   => line
   => center
   => flank, wing
   => head
   => rear

Sense 2
formation, shaping
   => filing
   => forging
   => metalworking, metalwork
   => granulation
   => grooving, rifling
   => turning

Sense 3
constitution, establishment, formation, organization, organisation
   => unionization, unionisation
   => collectivization, collectivisation
   => communization, communisation
   => federation
   => colonization, colonisation, settlement

Sense 4
geological formation, formation
   => aquifer
   => beach
   => cave
   => cliff, drop, drop-off
   => delta
   => diapir
   => folium
   => foreshore
   => ice mass
   => lakefront
   => massif
   => monocline
   => mouth
   => natural depression, depression
   => natural elevation, elevation
   => oceanfront
   HAS INSTANCE=> Pillars of Hercules
   => range, mountain range, range of mountains, chain, mountain chain, chain of mountains
   => relict
   => ridge, ridgeline
   => ridge
   => shore
   => slope, incline, side
   => spring, fountain, outflow, outpouring, natural spring
   => talus, scree
   => vein, mineral vein
   => volcanic crater, crater
   => wall
   => water table, water level, groundwater level

Sense 5
   => raster
   => rig, rigging
   => split

Sense 6
   => incrustation, encrustation
   => reticulation

Sense 7
   => affixation

--- Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun formation

7 senses of formation                        

Sense 1
   => arrangement

Sense 2
formation, shaping
   => fabrication, manufacture, manufacturing

Sense 3
constitution, establishment, formation, organization, organisation
   => beginning, start, commencement

Sense 4
geological formation, formation
   => object, physical object

Sense 5
   => placement, arrangement

Sense 6
   => natural process, natural action, action, activity

Sense 7
   => creating by mental acts

--- Coordinate Terms (sisters) of noun formation

7 senses of formation                        

Sense 1
  -> arrangement
   => flower arrangement, floral arrangement
   => lash-up, contrivance
   => scaffold
   => array
   => classification, categorization, categorisation
   => estivation, aestivation
   => tableau, tableau vivant
   => venation
   => vernation
   => formation
   => ordering, order, ordination

Sense 2
formation, shaping
  -> fabrication, manufacture, manufacturing
   => formation, shaping
   => newspeak
   => prefabrication

Sense 3
constitution, establishment, formation, organization, organisation
  -> beginning, start, commencement
   => springboard, jumping-off point, point of departure
   => activation
   => attack, tone-beginning
   => constitution, establishment, formation, organization, organisation
   HAS INSTANCE=> Creation
   => introduction, debut, first appearance, launching, unveiling, entry
   => face-off
   => first step, initiative, opening move, opening
   => groundbreaking, groundbreaking ceremony
   => housing start
   => icebreaker
   => inauguration, startup
   => initiation, founding, foundation, institution, origination, creation, innovation, introduction, instauration
   => installation, installing, installment, instalment
   => jump ball
   => kickoff
   => resumption, recommencement
   => scrum, scrummage
   => startup

Sense 4
geological formation, formation
  -> object, physical object
   => whole, unit
   => location
   => charm, good luck charm
   => curio, curiosity, oddity, oddment, peculiarity, rarity
   => draw, lot
   => film
   => hoodoo
   => je ne sais quoi
   => keepsake, souvenir, token, relic
   => makeweight, filler
   => part, portion
   => property, prop
   => snake
   => stuff
   => triviality, trivia, trifle, small beer
   => paring
   => catch
   => commemorative
   => discard
   => finding
   => floater
   => fomite, vehicle
   => geological formation, formation
   => growth
   => hail
   => head
   => ice
   => land, dry land, earth, ground, solid ground, terra firma
   => land, ground, soil
   => moon
   => neighbor, neighbour
   => remains
   => ribbon, thread
   => shiner
   => vagabond
   => wall
   => web

Sense 5
  -> placement, arrangement
   => formation
   => columniation
   => composition, composing
   => fenestration
   => proportion, proportionality, balance
   => alignment
   => misalignment
   => ramification
   => spacing, spatial arrangement
   => tandem

Sense 6
  -> natural process, natural action, action, activity
   => radiation
   => absorption
   => acidification
   => adiabatic process
   => aeration
   => antiredeposition
   => capture
   => capture
   => centrifugation
   => chemical process, chemical change, chemical action
   => chromatography
   => concretion
   => condensation
   => convection
   => curdling, clotting, coagulation
   => decay
   => demagnetization, demagnetisation
   => desorption
   => diffusion
   => dissolution, disintegration
   => distillation, distillment
   => drift
   => effervescence
   => electrophoresis, cataphoresis, dielectrolysis, ionophoresis
   => establishment, ecesis
   => extinction
   => extraction
   => feedback
   => filtration
   => flocculation
   => flow
   => formation
   => fossilization, fossilisation
   => geological process, geologic process
   => hardening, solidifying, solidification, set, curing
   => inactivation
   => ion exchange
   => ionization, ionisation
   => leach, leaching
   => magnetization, magnetisation, magnetic induction
   => materialization, materialisation
   => nuclear reaction
   => opacification
   => oscillation
   => oxygenation
   => pair production, pair creation, pair formation
   => phase change, phase transition, state change, physical change
   => precession of the equinoxes
   => release
   => saltation
   => scattering
   => sericulture
   => sink
   => soak, soakage, soaking
   => softening
   => sorption
   => source
   => stiffening, rigidifying, rigidification
   => stimulation
   => succession, ecological succession
   => survival, survival of the fittest, natural selection, selection
   => synergy, synergism
   => temperature change
   => transduction
   => transpiration
   => vitrification

Sense 7
  -> creating by mental acts
   => formation
   => design, designing
   => programming, programing, computer programming, computer programing
   => verbal creation
   => realization, realisation, actualization, actualisation
   => composing, composition
   => invention
   => conceptualization, conceptualisation, formulation

--- Grep of noun formation
affine transformation
calque formation
confidential information
counter reformation
geological formation
heat of formation
heat of transformation
inside information
insider information
intelligence information
military formation
pair formation
protestant reformation
reaction formation
reticular formation
selective information
theory of preformation

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Wikipedia - Barnett Shale -- Geological formation in Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Barra Honda Formation -- Geologic formation in Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Barranquitas-Cayey Formation -- Geologic formation in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Barrow Area Information Database -- Arctic database
Wikipedia - Barzalosa Formation -- Geological formation in the Colombian Andes
Wikipedia - Basalt fan structure -- Rock formation composed of columnar jointed basalt columns that have slumped into a fan shape
Wikipedia - Basalt Rocks -- Geologic formation in Turkey
Wikipedia - Bastion Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Bayan Shireh Formation -- Geological formation in Mongolia
Wikipedia - Bayesian efficiency -- Analog of Pareto efficiency for situations with incomplete information
Wikipedia - Bayesian information criterion
Wikipedia - Baynunah Formation -- Geologic formation in Abu Dhabi
Wikipedia - Beach cusps -- Shoreline formations made up of various grades of sediment in an arc pattern
Wikipedia - Beckman-Quarles theorem -- Transformations of Euclidean space that preserve unit distances preserve all distances
Wikipedia - Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome -- Syndrome characterized by overgrowth (macrosomia), an increased risk of childhood cancer and congenital malformations
Wikipedia - Belgian General Information and Security Service
Wikipedia - Belief perseverance -- Maintaining a belief despite new information that firmly contradicts it
Wikipedia - Benton Shale -- Geologic formation (shale) in Montana, Wyoming, and other states
Wikipedia - Berger Rucken -- Geological formation of Germany
Wikipedia - Bermont Formation -- Geologic formation in Florida. It preserves fossils that date back to the Neogene period.
Wikipedia - Bernbjerg Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Best Available Techniques Reference Document (BREF) -- EU information standard
Wikipedia - Beta sheet -- Common motif of regular secondary structure in proteins; stretch of polypeptide chain typically 3 to 10 amino acids long with backbone in an extended conformation
Wikipedia - Bet-Meir Formation -- Geologic formation in Israel
Wikipedia - Bhuj Formation -- Geologic formation in India
Wikipedia - Bibliographic database -- Database providing an authoritative source of bibliographic information
Wikipedia - Bibliography of encyclopedias: business, information and economics -- Wikipedia bibliography
Wikipedia - BIBSYS -- Supplier of library and information data for all the Norwegian university and college libraries
Wikipedia - Bill's Creek Shale -- Geologic formation in Michigan, US
Wikipedia - Bimini Road -- Underwater rock formation near North Bimini island in the Bahamas
Wikipedia - Binary prefix -- Unit prefix for multiples of units in digital information, notably the bit and the byte, to indicate multiplication by a power of two
Wikipedia - Biofeedback -- Process of gaining greater awareness of many physiological functions primarily using instruments that provide information on the activity of those same systems, with a goal of being able to manipulate them at will
Wikipedia - Biographical dictionary -- Type of encyclopedic dictionary limited to biographical information
Wikipedia - Biographical Directory of Federal Judges -- Provides basic biographical information on all past and present United States federal court Article III judges
Wikipedia - Biographical Information Blanks
Wikipedia - Birdrong Sandstone -- Early Cretaceous deologic formation in Australia
Wikipedia - Bit rate -- Information transmission rate expressed in bits per second
Wikipedia - Bit -- unit of information
Wikipedia - Black hole information paradox -- Whether information can disappear in a black hole
Wikipedia - Black Information Network -- American radio network
Wikipedia - Bladen Formation -- Geologic formation in North Carolina
Wikipedia - Blaine Formation -- Geologic formation in Oklahoma, United States
Wikipedia - Blinded experiment -- Experiment in which information about the test is masked to reduce bias
Wikipedia - Block cipher mode of operation -- Algorithm that uses a block cipher to provide an information service such as confidentiality or authenticity
Wikipedia - Blog -- Discussion or informational site published on the World Wide Web
Wikipedia - Blue Lias -- Triassic/Jurassic geological formation in the UK
Wikipedia - Bogoliubov transformation
Wikipedia - Bohemian Reformation -- Protestant movement of the 16th century
Wikipedia - Book -- Medium for recording information in the form of writing or images
Wikipedia - Boot Rock -- Rock formation in South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Border Gateway Protocol -- Protocol for communicating routing information on the Internet
Wikipedia - Born secret -- Information classified since created; generally referring to nuclear weapons
Wikipedia - Boustrophedon transform -- Mathematical transformation on sequences
Wikipedia - Breivik Formation -- Geologic formation in Norway
Wikipedia - Bridge Information Systems -- Financial news and data provider
Wikipedia - Brigade -- Large military formation (3-6 battalions / 3-10 thousand troops
Wikipedia - Brittleness -- Liability of breakage from stress without significant plastic deformation
Wikipedia - Bronlund Fjord Group -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Brothers Rocks -- Rock formation in South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Brule Formation -- Rock formation in the western United States
Wikipedia - Buen Formation -- Cambrian LagerstM-CM-$tte in northern Greenland
Wikipedia - Buffelskloof Formation -- Geological formation in the Uitenhage Group of the Algoa Basin in South Africa
Wikipedia - Building information modeling
Wikipedia - Building Information Modelling
Wikipedia - Bull Fork Formation -- Geologic formation in Ohio and Kentucky, United States
Wikipedia - Bullying in information technology
Wikipedia - Bum steer -- English-language idiom with maritime origins, referring to misinformation
Wikipedia - Bureau van Dijk -- Business information publisher based in Belgium
Wikipedia - Burgess Shale -- Rock formation in the Canadian Rockies with exceptional preservation of fossils' soft parts
Wikipedia - Burica Sandstone -- Geologic formation in Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Bushveld Sandstone -- Geological formation of the Stormberg Group in Transvaal, South Africa
Wikipedia - Business > Information Systems Engineering
Wikipedia - Business transformation
Wikipedia - Butler Machine Tool Co Ltd v Ex-Cell-O Corp (England) Ltd -- 1977 Court of Appeal case involving contract formation and standard forms
Wikipedia - Byte -- Unit of digital information commonly consisting of eight bits
Wikipedia - Caballos Formation -- Geological formation in Colombia
Wikipedia - Calcaires et marnes schisteuses -- French geologic formation
Wikipedia - California Environmental Resources Evaluation System -- program established to disseminate environmental and geoinformation electronic data about California
Wikipedia - California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology
Wikipedia - Call of the Shofar -- Organization focusing on personal and relational transformation
Wikipedia - Call stack -- Stack data structure that stores information about the active subroutines of a computer program
Wikipedia - Calm technology -- Type of information technology
Wikipedia - Caloosahatchee Formation -- Geologic formation in Florida. It preserves fossils dating back to the Neogene period.
Wikipedia - Camarillas Formation -- Geological formation in Teruel and La Rioja, Spain
Wikipedia - Cambridge Information Group -- American information company
Wikipedia - Canadian Information Processing Society
Wikipedia - Canary trap -- Method for exposing an information leak
Wikipedia - Canaseraga Formation -- Geologic formation in Pennsylvania, United States
Wikipedia - Candid (organization) -- Information service specializing in reporting on U.S. nonprofit companies
Wikipedia - Cannabis College -- Dutch Cannabis information centre
Wikipedia - Cap binding complex -- Formation on 5' ends of mRNAs
Wikipedia - Cape Schuchert Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Cape Weber Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Carcinogenesis -- The formation of cancer
Wikipedia - Carrickaness Sandstone -- Geologic formation in Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Carrier wave -- Waveform (usually sinusoidal) that is modulated (modified) with an input signal for the purpose of conveying information
Wikipedia - Carthusian Martyrs -- Members of the Carthusian monastic order who were persecuted and killed for adherence to Catholiscm during the Protestant Reformation
Wikipedia - Cass Fjord Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Castlegate Sandstone -- Mesozoic geologic formation in the United States
Wikipedia - Cat communication -- Feline means of sending or receiving information
Wikipedia - Category:Algorithmic information theory
Wikipedia - Category:American information theorists
Wikipedia - Category:Argentine information theorists
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with obsolete information from October 2009
Wikipedia - Category:British information theorists
Wikipedia - Category:Businesspeople in information technology
Wikipedia - Category:Counter-Reformation
Wikipedia - Category:Fellows of the International Society for Complexity, Information, and Design
Wikipedia - Category:Geographic data and information organizations
Wikipedia - Category:Information Age
Wikipedia - Category:Information architects
Wikipedia - Category:Information architecture
Wikipedia - Category:Information governance
Wikipedia - Category:Information, knowledge, and uncertainty
Wikipedia - Category:Information retrieval researchers
Wikipedia - Category:Information retrieval systems
Wikipedia - Category:Information retrieval
Wikipedia - Category:Information science by discipline
Wikipedia - Category:Information science
Wikipedia - Category:Information systems conferences
Wikipedia - Category:Information systems researchers
Wikipedia - Category:Information systems
Wikipedia - Category:Information technology in the Netherlands
Wikipedia - Category:Information technology management
Wikipedia - Category:Information technology organizations based in North America
Wikipedia - Category:Information technology qualifications
Wikipedia - Category:Information technology
Wikipedia - Category:Information theorists
Wikipedia - Category:Information theory
Wikipedia - Category:Information visualization experts
Wikipedia - Category:Information visualization
Wikipedia - Category:Information
Wikipedia - Category:International Federation for Information Processing
Wikipedia - Category:Mercenary units and formations
Wikipedia - Category:Ontology (information science)
Wikipedia - Category:Packets (information technology)
Wikipedia - Category:People in information technology
Wikipedia - Category:People of the United States Office of War Information
Wikipedia - Category:Pre-Reformation Anglican saints
Wikipedia - Category:Pre-Reformation saints of the Lutheran liturgical calendar
Wikipedia - Category:Protestant Reformation
Wikipedia - Category:Quantum information science
Wikipedia - Category:Quantum information scientists
Wikipedia - Category:Russian information theorists
Wikipedia - Category:Social information processing
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia basic information
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia information pages
Wikipedia - Cathedral Rock (Colorado) -- Rock formation located north of Colorado Springs
Wikipedia - Catholic Reformation
Wikipedia - Cattaraugus Formation -- Geologic formation in New York, U.S.A.
Wikipedia - Cavitation -- Formation of vapour-filled low-pressure voids in a liquid
Wikipedia - Cayo Agua Formation -- Geologic formation in Panama
Wikipedia - CBC Radio One -- Canadian public news and information radio network
Wikipedia - CDDB -- Online database of CD information
Wikipedia - CDK5RAP2 -- Protein with roles in formation and stability of microtubules
Wikipedia - CD-Text -- CD-based format that allows for song information to be stored alongside audio data
Wikipedia - Ceiswyn Formation -- Geologic formation in Wales
Wikipedia - Celsius Bjerg Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Cengage -- Publisher and seller of print and digital information services for the academic, professional and library markets
Wikipedia - Censor bars -- Basic form of text, photography and video censorship that occludes certain information or images with rectangular boxes
Wikipedia - Censorship by Google -- Google's removal or omission of information from its services or those of its subsidiary companies
Wikipedia - Censorship in Kashmir -- Information about censorship in Indian State Kashmir
Wikipedia - Censorship -- The practice of suppressing information
Wikipedia - Census -- Acquiring and recording information about the members of a given population
Wikipedia - Center for Information Technology Policy
Wikipedia - Center for Information Technology > Society
Wikipedia - Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval
Wikipedia - Center for Minorities and People with Disabilities in Information Technology
Wikipedia - Center for the Study of Language and Information
Wikipedia - Central dogma of molecular biology -- Explanation of the flow of genetic information within a biological system
Wikipedia - Central Office for Information Technology in the Security Sector -- German federal agency
Wikipedia - Centre de formation des journalistes de Paris -- Journalists' training centre in Paris, France
Wikipedia - Centre for Environmental and Geographic Information Services -- Government Agency of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Certificate signing request -- Message from an applicant to a certificate authority to apply for a digital identity certificate; lists the public key the certificate should be issued for, identifying information (e.g. domain name) and integrity protection (e.g. digital signature)
Wikipedia - Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology
Wikipedia - Certified Information Security Manager
Wikipedia - Certified Information Systems Auditor
Wikipedia - Certified Information Systems Security Professional
Wikipedia - Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control
Wikipedia - Cesar-Rancheria Basin -- Geologic formation in Colombia
Wikipedia - Chachao Formation -- Geological formation in Argentina
Wikipedia - Chainman Shale -- Geologic formation in Utah, United States
Wikipedia - Chalk Marl -- Geologic formation in England
Wikipedia - ChaM-CM-1ares Formation -- Geologic formation in Argentina
Wikipedia - Changcheng System -- geological formation
Wikipedia - Chaochuan Formation -- Geologic formation in Zhejiang, China
Wikipedia - Charco Azul Group -- Geologic formation group in Costa Rica and Panama
Wikipedia - Chari Formation -- Geologic formation in India
Wikipedia - Charkot Bugt Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Charleston Sandstone -- Geologic formation in West Virginia, United States
Wikipedia - Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
Wikipedia - Chemical bond -- Lasting attraction between atoms that enables the formation of chemical compounds
Wikipedia - Chemical energy -- Potential of a chemical substance to undergo a transformation through a chemical reaction to transform other chemical substances
Wikipedia - Chengdu University of Information Technology
Wikipedia - Chequebook journalism -- The controversial practice of news reporters paying sources for their information
Wikipedia - Chester Bjerg Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Chichali Formation -- Geologic formation in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Chief Information Officer
Wikipedia - Chief information officer -- Information technology executive
Wikipedia - Chief information security officer
Wikipedia - Chilgog Formation -- Geologic formation in South Korea
Wikipedia - China Internet Information Center -- State-run news website of the People's Republic of China
Wikipedia - Chinese information operations and information warfare -- Chinese cyberwarfare characteristics
Wikipedia - Chinle Formation -- A geological formation in the western US
Wikipedia - Chisholm Shale -- Geologic formation in Nevada, United States
Wikipedia - Chitarwata Formation -- Neo-Paleogene fossiliferous formation in Pakistan
Wikipedia - CHNW-FM -- Emergency information radio station in New Westminster, British Columbia
Wikipedia - Chocal Formation -- Geologic formation in Guatemala
Wikipedia - Choptank Formation -- Fossiliferous geologic formation in Virginia and Maryland, U.S.
Wikipedia - Christmas tree packet -- Unit of data used in information technology
Wikipedia - Chromosome conformation capture
Wikipedia - Chunk (information)
Wikipedia - Cibao Marl -- Geologic formation in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Ciechocinek Formation -- Jurassic geologic formation in Europe
Wikipedia - Ciliopathy -- Genetic disease resulting in abnormal formation or function of cilia
Wikipedia - Cipher -- Algorithm for encrypting and decrypting information
Wikipedia - Civil Defence Information Bulletin -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - CJFB-FM -- Tourist information radio station in Bolton, Ontario
Wikipedia - CKAC -- Traffic information radio station in Montreal
Wikipedia - CKML -- Emergency information radio station at Chalk River, Ontario
Wikipedia - Claggett Shale -- Geological formation in Montana
Wikipedia - Clairvoyance -- Ability to gain information about an object, person, location or physical event through extrasensory perception
Wikipedia - Clarens Formation -- Geological formation of the Stormberg Group in southern Africa
Wikipedia - Classified information -- Material that a government body claims is sensitive information that requires protection of confidentiality, integrity, or availability
Wikipedia - Clathrin -- Protein playing a major role in the formation of coated vesicles
Wikipedia - Claude Shannon -- American mathematician and information theorist (1916-2001)
Wikipedia - Claudio Tommaso Gnoli -- Italian information scientist
Wikipedia - Cloonnamna Formation -- Geologic formation in Ireland
Wikipedia - CNN Business -- US financial information website
Wikipedia - Coalition for Networked Information -- Networked information technology
Wikipedia - Coamo Formation -- Geologic formation in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Coccolithophore -- Unicellular algae responsible for the formation of chalk
Wikipedia - Code -- System of rules to convert information into another form or representation
Wikipedia - Coffee Mill Hammock Formation -- Geologic formation in Florida
Wikipedia - Cognition enhanced Natural language Information Analysis Method
Wikipedia - Colalura Sandstone -- Middle Jurassic geologic formation in Australia
Wikipedia - Collaborative information seeking
Wikipedia - Collation -- Assembly of written information into a standard order
Wikipedia - Collazo Shale -- Geologic formation in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Collinsville Formation -- Geologic formation in Connecticut, United States
Wikipedia - Colophon (publishing) -- Brief statement of a book's own information, such as publisher, location, and date of publication
Wikipedia - Combat box -- A heavy bomber formation used by the USAAF in WW2 to concentrate offensive and defensive firepower.
Wikipedia - Combat command -- Military organization/formation
Wikipedia - Comics -- Creative work in which pictures and text convey information such as narratives
Wikipedia - Committed information rate -- Bandwidth guaranteed by an internet service provider
Wikipedia - Committee on Public Information -- Former independent agency of the government of the United States
Wikipedia - Common Information Model (computing)
Wikipedia - Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures -- Catalogue of information security vulnerabilities
Wikipedia - Communications and Information Services Corps
Wikipedia - CommunityViz -- Extensions to ArcGIS Geographic Information System software
Wikipedia - Comparison of cryptographic hash functions -- Tables comparing general and technical information for common hashes
Wikipedia - Compartmentalization (information security)
Wikipedia - Complete information -- Level of information in economics and game theory
Wikipedia - Complex society -- A stage of social formation in academic disciplines
Wikipedia - Computer: A History of the Information Machine
Wikipedia - Computer and information science
Wikipedia - Computer security software -- Computer program for information security
Wikipedia - Computer vision -- Computerized information extraction from images
Wikipedia - Computerworld -- American information technology magazine
Wikipedia - Concept formation
Wikipedia - Conceptual framework -- A method of organizing information
Wikipedia - Conditional mutual information
Wikipedia - Conditions on Transformations
Wikipedia - Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
Wikipedia - Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
Wikipedia - Confirmation bias -- Tendency of people to favor information that confirms their beliefs or values
Wikipedia - Conformal gravity -- Gravity theories that are invariant under Weyl transformations
Wikipedia - Conformational ensemble
Wikipedia - Conservation Geoportal -- Online geoportal of geographic information systems
Wikipedia - Constructivity Model Viewer -- Software for viewing Building Information Models
Wikipedia - Contact mechanics -- Study of the deformation of solids that touch each other
Wikipedia - Content (media) -- Information and experiences that are directed toward an end-user or audience
Wikipedia - Continuum model of impression formation -- Model in social psychology
Wikipedia - Convergent boundary -- Region of active deformation between colliding tectonic plates
Wikipedia - Conversion (word formation)
Wikipedia - Corporate governance of information technology
Wikipedia - Cotui Limestone -- Geological formation in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Council on Library and Information Resources -- Organization that forges strategies to enhance research, teaching and learning environments
Wikipedia - Counter-Reformation in Poland
Wikipedia - Counter Reformation
Wikipedia - Counter-Reformation
Wikipedia - Counter-reformation
Wikipedia - Courtown Formation -- Geologic formation in Ireland
Wikipedia - Covert channel -- Computer security attack that creates a capability to transfer information between processes that are not supposed to be allowed to communicate
Wikipedia - COVID-19 misinformation
Wikipedia - CPT symmetry -- Invariance under simultaneous charge conjugation, parity transformation and time reversal
Wikipedia - Craie de Veulette -- Geologic formation in France
Wikipedia - Cranfield experiments -- Information retrieval experiments
Wikipedia - Creep (deformation) -- Tendency of a solid material to move slowly or deform permanently under mechanical stress
Wikipedia - Crime and violence in Latin America -- Crime information
Wikipedia - Crime in Brazil -- National crime information on Brazil
Wikipedia - Crime in Nebraska -- Crime information for the U.S. state of Nebraska
Wikipedia - Crime in Puerto Rico -- Crime information
Wikipedia - Crime in Saint Lucia -- National crime information
Wikipedia - Crime in Vatican City -- Crime information
Wikipedia - Criminal intelligence -- Information gathering to prevent or monitor criminal activity
Wikipedia - Crockett Formation -- Geologic formation in Texas
Wikipedia - Cross-language information retrieval
Wikipedia - Cross-ratio -- An invariant under projective transformations
Wikipedia - Cross-reference -- Reference in one place in a book to information at another place in the same work
Wikipedia - Cryoplanation -- Formation of plains, terraces and pediments in periglacial environments
Wikipedia - Cryptanalysis -- study of analyzing information systems in order to discover their hidden aspects
Wikipedia - Cryptek -- US information security company
Wikipedia - Crypto AG -- Swiss company specialising in communications and information security
Wikipedia - Cuche Formation -- Geological formation in the Colombian Andes
Wikipedia - Cultural learning -- Passing on of information from one group of people or animals to another
Wikipedia - Cutout (espionage) -- Mutually trusted channel for the exchange of information between agents
Wikipedia - Cybercrimes Act in Tanzania -- Law in Tanzania for criminalizing offences related to computer systems and Information Communication Technologies; provides for investigation, collection, and use of electronic evidence in Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar
Wikipedia - Cyberocracy -- Form of government that rules by the use of information
Wikipedia - Cybersecurity information technology list -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Cyclohexane conformation -- Structures of cyclohexane
Wikipedia - Dainichi Formation -- Geologic formation in Japan
Wikipedia - Dandy-Walker malformation -- Congenital malformation of the cerebellar vermis
Wikipedia - Dark chess -- Incomplete information chess variant where player can only see their own pieces and the squares they can legally move to.
Wikipedia - Darwin Information Typing Architecture
Wikipedia - Database and Collections of Information Misappropriation Act
Wikipedia - Data compression -- Process of encoding information using fewer bits than the original representation
Wikipedia - Data (information)
Wikipedia - Data storage -- Recording of information in a storage medium
Wikipedia - Data transformation (statistics)
Wikipedia - Data transformation
Wikipedia - Data -- individual units of information
Wikipedia - David Blair (information technologist)
Wikipedia - Daye Group -- Geological formation in China
Wikipedia - Dee Nunatak -- Geological formation
Wikipedia - Deep vein thrombosis -- Formation of a blood clot (thrombus) in a deep vein
Wikipedia - Defence Space Agency -- Joint formation of the Indian Armed Forces responsible for space warfare
Wikipedia - Defense Information Systems Agency
Wikipedia - Defense Technical Information Center -- US Department of Defense repository for research and engineering information
Wikipedia - Defoamer -- Chemical additive that reduces and hinders the formation of foam in liquids
Wikipedia - Deformation (engineering) -- In engineering, any changes in the shape or size of an object
Wikipedia - Deformation (mechanics)
Wikipedia - Deformation (physics) -- Transformation of a body from a reference configuration to a current configuration
Wikipedia - Deformation theory
Wikipedia - Delegated Path Discovery -- trusted-server-querying method for public key certificate information
Wikipedia - Democratic Transformation -- Political party in Ecuador
Wikipedia - Demodulation -- Process of extracting the original information-bearing signal from a carrier wave
Wikipedia - Demographics of Los Angeles County -- Demographic information on Los Angeles County, California, USA
Wikipedia - Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China -- 2011 book by Ezra Vogel
Wikipedia - Dennis Formation -- Geologic formation in Missouri, United States
Wikipedia - Department of Defense Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process -- Computer security process
Wikipedia - Department of Information and Public Relations (Kerala)
Wikipedia - Department of the Navy Central Adjudication Facility -- U.S. armed forces information security organization
Wikipedia - Depot Island Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - De Queen Formation -- A geological formation in Arkansas, United States
Wikipedia - Derby-Doerun Dolomite -- Cambrian geologic formation in the U.S. state of Missouri
Wikipedia - Derbyshire Dome -- Geological formation of the Derbyshire Peak District
Wikipedia - Development of the nervous system -- The process whose specific outcome is the progression of nervous tissue over time, from its formation to its mature state.
Wikipedia - Device fingerprint -- Information collected about a remote computing device for the purpose of full or partial identification
Wikipedia - Devil's Graveyard Formation -- Geologic formation in Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Devils Racecourse Formation -- Geologic formation in Jamaica
Wikipedia - Dev Information Technology -- Information technology organization
Wikipedia - Diesel multiple unit -- Diesel-powered railcar designed to be used in formations of 2 or more cars
Wikipedia - Difunta Formation -- Geologic formation in Mexico
Wikipedia - Digital Accessible Information System -- Technical standard for digital audiobooks, periodicals and computerized text
Wikipedia - Digital data -- Discrete, discontinuous representation of information
Wikipedia - Digital distribution of video games -- Process of delivering video game content as digital information, without the exchange or purchase of new physical media
Wikipedia - Digital divide -- Inequality of access to information and communication technologies
Wikipedia - Digital Transformation Agency -- Government digital services agency of the Australian Government
Wikipedia - Digital transformation
Wikipedia - DIKW pyramid -- Data, information, knowledge, wisdom hierarchy
Wikipedia - Dillsboro Formation -- Geologic formation in Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Dimethyl ether (data page) -- Information about a kind of ether
Wikipedia - Direct DNA damage -- Formation of pyrimidine dimers in DNA due to UVB exposure
Wikipedia - Directed information
Wikipedia - Directive on the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society
Wikipedia - Direct linear transformation
Wikipedia - Discriminant -- Function of the coefficients of a polynomial that gives information on its roots
Wikipedia - Disinformation attack -- Coordinated dissemination of false information
Wikipedia - Disinformation (book)
Wikipedia - Disinformation (company)
Wikipedia - Disinformation -- False information spread deliberately to deceive
Wikipedia - Display device -- Output device for presentation of information in visual form
Wikipedia - Distribution transformer -- Transformer that provides the final voltage transformation in an electric power distribution system
Wikipedia - DIVA-GIS -- Geographic information system software program
Wikipedia - D-Men -- Dutch rap formation
Wikipedia - DNA -- Molecule that carries genetic information
Wikipedia - Document-oriented database -- A document-oriented NoSQL database, or document store, is a computer program designed for storing, retrieving and managing semi-structured, document-oriented information.
Wikipedia - Dohoin Usa Formation -- Geologic formation in Mongolia
Wikipedia - Domain Group -- Australian digital real estate information company
Wikipedia - Domain Information Groper
Wikipedia - Domain Name System Security Extensions -- Suite of IETF specifications for securing certain kinds of information provided by DNS
Wikipedia - Dome (geology) -- geological deformation structure
Wikipedia - Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
Wikipedia - Donald Trump's disclosures of classified information -- Overview of the disclosures of classified information by Donald Trump
Wikipedia - Don Bosco Formation Center
Wikipedia - Donna Roy -- American information sharing and access specialist
Wikipedia - Dorothy E. Denning -- American information security researcher
Wikipedia - Doug Cutting -- American information theorist
Wikipedia - Dow Jones & Company -- American publishing and financial information company
Wikipedia - Downscaling -- Procedure to infer high-resolution information from low-resolution variables
Wikipedia - Draft:Construction Information Systems, Inc. -- American Construction Project Leads Company
Wikipedia - Draft:List of information and records management awards -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Draft:Misinformation related to the COVID-19 pandemic - restructure -- False information about the COVID-19 outbreak
Wikipedia - Draft:Synnex Australia -- Australian information technology company
Wikipedia - Dronabinol -- prescription formation of M-NM-^T9-THC
Wikipedia - DSMA-Notice -- official request not to publish information for reasons of national security
Wikipedia - Ductility -- Material ability to undergo significant plastic deformation before rupture
Wikipedia - Dunlap Formation -- Geologic formation in Nevada
Wikipedia - D'Urville Formation -- Geologic formation in France
Wikipedia - Dushihin Formation -- Early Cretaceous geologic formation in Mongolia
Wikipedia - Dyadic transformation
Wikipedia - Dzhulfa Formation -- Permian geologic formation in Transcaucasia
Wikipedia - Earlie Formation -- Geologic formation in Canada
Wikipedia - Eastend Formation -- Stratigraphical unit of Maastrichtian age in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin
Wikipedia - East StratCom Task Force -- European anti-disinformation group
Wikipedia - Ebelsberg Formation -- Geologic formation in Austria
Wikipedia - EBSCO Information Services -- Library resource company
Wikipedia - Ebullism -- The formation of gas bubbles in bodily fluids due to reduced environmental pressure
Wikipedia - Ecma International -- Standards organization for information and communication systems
Wikipedia - Edaga Arbi Glacials -- Palaeozoic geological formation in Africa
Wikipedia - E-democracy -- Use of information and communication technology in political and governance processes
Wikipedia - Editing -- Process of selecting and preparing media to convey information
Wikipedia - Education Resources Information Center -- US Department of Education online repository
Wikipedia - Edward Tufte -- American statistician (b.1942) noted for his writings on information design
Wikipedia - Efficient-market hypothesis -- Economic theory that asset prices fully reflect all available information
Wikipedia - EHealth Exchange -- Initiative for the exchange of healthcare information
Wikipedia - Elastic Deformation
Wikipedia - Elastic deformation
Wikipedia - Elasticity (physics) -- Physical property when materials or objects return to original shape after deformation
Wikipedia - El Cobre Canyon Formation -- Geologic formation in New Mexico, United States
Wikipedia - Eldon Formation -- Geologic formation in Canada
Wikipedia - Electronic Data Systems -- American information technology company
Wikipedia - Electronic mailing list -- Special usage of email that allows for widespread distribution of information to many Internet users
Wikipedia - Electronic Privacy Information Center
Wikipedia - Elephant walk (aeronautics) -- Aircraft taxiing in close formation before takeoff
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Yakel -- Archivist, researcher, and educator in information science
Wikipedia - Ella Island Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Elliot Formation -- Lithostratigraphic layer of the Stormberg Group in South Africa
Wikipedia - El Rayo Formation -- Geologic formation in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - El Salto Formation, Nicaragua -- Geologic formation in Nicaragua
Wikipedia - Emiliania huxleyi -- Unicellular algae responsible for the formation of chalk
Wikipedia - Emmett Leahy Award -- Award in information management
Wikipedia - ENEA AB -- Global information technology company
Wikipedia - Energy Information Administration -- One of the principal agencies of the U.S. Federal Statistical System and part of the U.S. Department of Energy
Wikipedia - Energy transformation
Wikipedia - English post-Reformation oaths
Wikipedia - English Reformation -- 16th-century separation of the Church of England from the Pope of Rome
Wikipedia - Enon Formation -- Jurassic-Cretaceous geological formation in the Uitenhage Group of South Africa
Wikipedia - Enterprise information security architecture
Wikipedia - Enterprise information system -- Type of information system
Wikipedia - Enterprise portal -- Information integration framework
Wikipedia - Entropy (information theory) -- Average rate at which information is produced by a stochastic source of data
Wikipedia - Entropy in thermodynamics and information theory
Wikipedia - Environmental Transformation Fund -- Fund dealing with climate change in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Error threshold (evolution) -- A limit on the number of base pairs a self-replicating molecule may have before mutation will destroy the information in subsequent generations of the molecule
Wikipedia - Escondido Formation -- Geologic formation in Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Espionage -- Clandestine acquisition of confidential information
Wikipedia - Esri International User Conference -- Geographic information system technology event
Wikipedia - Euromoney Institutional Investor -- UK-based information company
Wikipedia - European City of the Reformation
Wikipedia - European Conference on Information Retrieval
Wikipedia - European Conference on Information Systems
Wikipedia - European Information Technologies Certification Academy
Wikipedia - European Information Technologies Certification Institute
Wikipedia - European Journal of Information Systems
Wikipedia - European Network and Information Security Agency
Wikipedia - European Strategic Program on Research in Information Technology
Wikipedia - European Summer School in Information Retrieval
Wikipedia - European Underwater and Baromedical Society -- Source of information for diving and hyperbaric medicine
Wikipedia - Evaluation measures (information retrieval)
Wikipedia - Evidence Based Birth -- Pregnancy and childbirth information source
Wikipedia - Executive information systems
Wikipedia - Exon shuffling -- Molecular mechanism for the formation of new genes
Wikipedia - Exostosis -- Formation of new bone on the surface of a bone
Wikipedia - Expatica -- An online news and information portal
Wikipedia - Explanatory dictionary -- Dictionary that gives additional information, e. g. on pronunciation, grammar, meaning, etymology, etc.
Wikipedia - Exploration -- Act of traveling and searching for resources or for information about the land or space itself
Wikipedia - Exposition (narrative) -- Background information within a narrative; one of four rhetorical modes
Wikipedia - Eye development -- Formation of the eye during embryonic development
Wikipedia - Faceted search -- Method of information retrieval
Wikipedia - Fact-checking -- Process of verifying information in non-fictional text
Wikipedia - Fahim Hashimy -- Former Minister of Telecommunication & Information Technology
Wikipedia - Fairy circle (arid grass formation) -- Circular patches of land without vegetation but circled by growing grass in arid areas
Wikipedia - Faja Mata Sete -- geologic formation and historic settlement on the island of Sao Jorge, Azores, Portugal
Wikipedia - Fake news -- Hoax or deliberate spread of misinformation
Wikipedia - False color -- Methods of visualizing information by translating to colors
Wikipedia - Fangyan Formation -- Geologic formation in Dongyang, China
Wikipedia - Farallon Trench -- A subduction related tectonic formation off the coast of western California during the late to mid Cenozoic era
Wikipedia - Faster-than-light -- Propagation of information or matter faster than the speed of light
Wikipedia - Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information -- Position
Wikipedia - Federal Information Processing Standard
Wikipedia - Federal Office for Information Security
Wikipedia - Federation (information technology)
Wikipedia - Feminist Formations -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Ferques Formation -- Geological formation in France
Wikipedia - Ferron Formation -- Lithostratigraphic unit of Mancos Shale
Wikipedia - Fiber-optic communication -- Method of transmitting information from one place to another by sending pulses of light through an optical fiber
Wikipedia - Fibrinogen -- Soluble protein complex in blood plasma and involved in clot formation
Wikipedia - Fibrosis -- Formation of excess fibrous connective tissue in an organ or tissue in a reparative or reactive process
Wikipedia - Field research -- Collection of information outside a laboratory, library or workplace setting
Wikipedia - Field-sequential color system -- Color television system in which the primary color information is transmitted in successive images
Wikipedia - Fig Tree Formation -- Stromatolite-containing geological formation in South Africa
Wikipedia - File sharing -- Practice of distributing or providing access to digitally stored information
Wikipedia - Filter bubble -- Mind state when a website algorithm guesses what information a user would like to see
Wikipedia - Financial Information Authority (Vatican City)
Wikipedia - Financial Information System for California -- California government operations agency
Wikipedia - Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center -- Cyber-risk prevention industry consortium
Wikipedia - Finger protocol -- Simple network protocols for the exchange of human-oriented status and user information
Wikipedia - FIPS 10-4 -- Withdrawn Federal Information Processing Standard
Wikipedia - First information report -- Type of police document in South Asian and Southeast Asian countries
Wikipedia - FIS (company) -- American information technology company
Wikipedia - Fisher information
Wikipedia - Fisher transformation -- Statistical transformation
Wikipedia - Fishing expedition -- Pejorative term for a non-specific search for information
Wikipedia - Five Ws -- Questions whose answers are considered basic in information-gathering
Wikipedia - Flag semaphore -- Telegraphy system conveying information at a distance by means of visual signals
Wikipedia - Flagstaff Formation -- Geologic formation in Utah, United States
Wikipedia - Flatirons -- Rock formations near Boulder, Colorado
Wikipedia - FlightGlobal -- Online news and information website related to the aviation and aerospace industries.
Wikipedia - Floral formula -- Floral formula is a means to represent the structure of a flower using numbers, letters and various symbols, presenting substantial information about the flower in a compact form.
Wikipedia - Floresta Formation -- Geological formation in the Colombian Andes
Wikipedia - Flotilla -- Formation of small warships that may be part of a larger fleet
Wikipedia - Flying Lions Aerobatic Team -- South African formation aerobatic team.
Wikipedia - Foldedal Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Foldvik Creek Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Fomeque Formation -- Geological formation in the Colombian Andes
Wikipedia - Food processing -- Transformation of raw ingredients into food, or of food into other forms
Wikipedia - Forbes Shale -- Geologic formation in the Sacramento Valley, California, USA
Wikipedia - Forest inventory -- Systematic collection of information about a forested area for assessment or analysis
Wikipedia - Forestry Information Centre
Wikipedia - Formation and evolution of the Solar System -- Formation of the Solar System by gravitational collapse of a molecular cloud and subsequent geological history
Wikipedia - Formation evaluation -- Assessing if boreholes drilled for oil or gas are able to deliver a profitable production
Wikipedia - Formation of the Solar System
Wikipedia - Formation rule
Wikipedia - Formula -- concise way of expressing information symbolically
Wikipedia - Fort Thompson Formation -- Geologic formation in Florida. It preserves fossils dating back to the Neogene period
Wikipedia - Fortune-telling -- Practice of predicting information about a person's life
Wikipedia - Forwarding information base -- Dynamic table that maps network addresses to ports
Wikipedia - Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure
Wikipedia - Fourth Transformation -- Campaign promise of Mexican president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador
Wikipedia - Fractional CIO -- People in information technology
Wikipedia - Framing effect (psychology) -- Drawing different conclusions from the same information, depending on how that information is presented
Wikipedia - Frank Land -- British information systems researcher
Wikipedia - Freedom of Information Act (United States) -- US statute regarding access to information held by the US government
Wikipedia - Freedom of information in the United States
Wikipedia - Freedom of information laws by country -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Freedom of information -- Freedom of a person or people to publish and consume information
Wikipedia - Frequency modulation -- Encoding of information in a carrier wave by varying the instantaneous frequency of the wave
Wikipedia - Frictional contact mechanics -- The study of the deformation of bodies in the presence of frictional effects
Wikipedia - FTC Fair Information Practice
Wikipedia - Fujitsu -- Japanese multinational information technology equipment and services company
Wikipedia - Fundamental theorems of welfare economics -- Complete, full information, perfectly competitive markets are Pareto efficient
Wikipedia - Fungible information
Wikipedia - Futaba Group -- Geologic formation in Japan
Wikipedia - Galaxy formation and evolution -- Processes that formed a heterogeneous universe from a homogeneous beginning, the formation of the first galaxies, the way galaxies change over time
Wikipedia - Galaxy formation
Wikipedia - Galilean transformation -- Transform between the coordinates of two reference frames which differ only by constant relative motion within the constructs of Newtonian physics
Wikipedia - Gamaleya Rock -- Rock formation in Antactica
Wikipedia - Gambling and information theory
Wikipedia - Ganigobis Formation -- Late Carboniferous to Early Permian geological formation of the Dwyka Group in Southern Africa
Wikipedia - Gaptank Formation -- Geologic formation in Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Gara Medouar -- Rock formation in Morocco
Wikipedia - Gastric mucosal restitution -- Reformation of the gastric mucosa in response to damage
Wikipedia - Generalized vector space model -- Generalization of the vector space model used in information retrieval
Wikipedia - Genetic code -- Rules by which information encoded within genetic material is translated into proteins.
Wikipedia - Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act
Wikipedia - Geographic data and information -- Data and information having an implicit or explicit association with a location
Wikipedia - Geographic information systems in geospatial intelligence
Wikipedia - Geographic information systems
Wikipedia - Geographic information system -- System to capture, manage and present geographic data
Wikipedia - Geographic information
Wikipedia - Geographic Names Information System -- Geographical database
Wikipedia - Geoinformatics -- The application of information science methods in geography, cartography, and geosciences
Wikipedia - Geological formation -- The fundamental unit of lithostratigraphy
Wikipedia - Geologic formation
Wikipedia - Geology of Cape Town -- Geological formations and their history in the vicinity of Cape Town
Wikipedia - Geology of South Africa -- The origin and structure of the rock formations
Wikipedia - Geology of the Iberian Peninsula -- The origins, structure use and study of the rock formations of Spain, Portugal, Andorra and Gibraltar
Wikipedia - Geomarketing -- Use of geographic information in marketing activities
Wikipedia - Geomatics -- Discipline concerned with the collection, distribution, storage, analysis, processing, presentation of geographic data or geographic information
Wikipedia - Geometric transformation
Wikipedia - Geoncheonri Formation -- Early Cretaceous geologic formation in South Korea
Wikipedia - German Reformation
Wikipedia - Germplasm Resources Information Network -- US government online software project
Wikipedia - Gerster Formation -- Geologic formation in Utah
Wikipedia - Giant-impact hypothesis -- Theory of the formation of the Moon
Wikipedia - Gibbous Rocks -- Rock formation in the South Shetland Islands
Wikipedia - Gigabyte -- Unit of information
Wikipedia - Gillian Arnold (technologist) -- British Information technology leader
Wikipedia - Giorgia Lupi -- Italian information designer
Wikipedia - Glenugie Peak -- Geologic formation in New South Wales
Wikipedia - Global Biodiversity Information Facility -- Aggregator of scientific data on biodiversity; data portal
Wikipedia - Global Forest Information Service
Wikipedia - Global Forest Information System
Wikipedia - Global Information Assurance Certification
Wikipedia - Global Information Grid -- Communications project of the United States Department of Defense
Wikipedia - Global information system
Wikipedia - Glomar response -- Response to an information request that will "neither confirm nor deny" the existence of said information
Wikipedia - Glossary of library and information science -- Wikipedia glossary
Wikipedia - Gnishik Formation -- Permian geologic formation in Transcaucasia
Wikipedia - GNSS enhancement -- Techniques to improve positioning information accuracy provided by global navigation satellite systems
Wikipedia - Google Developers -- Google Developers information and code(RDS)
Wikipedia - Google effect -- Inability to remember important information because of the ease of looking online
Wikipedia - Gospel Kazako -- Entrepreneur, Malawian Minister of Information
Wikipedia - Graham Formation -- Geologic formation in Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Gram Formation -- Geologic formation in Gram, Denmark
Wikipedia - Graph transformation
Wikipedia - Great American Interchange -- Paleozoographic event resulting from the formation of the Isthmus of Panama
Wikipedia - Great Valley Sequence -- group of late Mesozoic formations in the Cental Valley of California
Wikipedia - Gres d'Antully -- Geologic formation in France
Wikipedia - Greyson Shale -- Geologic formation in Montana, United States
Wikipedia - Ground truth -- Information provided by direct observation
Wikipedia - Group action -- Operation of the elements of a group as transformations or automorphisms (mathematics)
Wikipedia - Grundflotz Formation -- Geological formation
Wikipedia - Guaduas Formation -- Geological formation in the Colombian Andes
Wikipedia - Guayanilla Formation -- Geologic formation in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Gugyedong Formation -- Geologic formation in South Korea
Wikipedia - Guiana Shield -- Precambrian geological formation in northeast South America, and one of three cratons of the South American Plate
Wikipedia - Guide book -- Book of information about a place, designed for the use of visitors or tourists
Wikipedia - Gundara Formation -- Geologic formation in Armenia
Wikipedia - Gunsight Limestone Member -- Graham Formation in Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Hadean -- First eon of geological time, beginning with the formation of the Earth about 4.6 billion years ago
Wikipedia - Haematopoiesis -- The formation of blood cellular components
Wikipedia - Hard copy -- Paper or other physical form of information
Wikipedia - Hardinsburg Formation -- Geologic formation in Illinois
Wikipedia - Hardness -- Resistance to localized plastic deformation from mechanical indentation or abrasion
Wikipedia - Hartley (unit) -- Unit of information; logM-bM-^BM-^B(10) bits
Wikipedia - Hartz Fjeld Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Harvey River Formation -- Geologic formation in Jamaica
Wikipedia - Hasandong Formation -- Geologic formation in South Korea
Wikipedia - Hatrurim Formation -- Geologic formation in Israel and Jordan
Wikipedia - Hauge Bjerge Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Hawthorn Formation -- Geologic formation in South Carolina, US
Wikipedia - Health informatics -- Applications of information processing concepts and machinery in medicine
Wikipedia - Health information exchange -- Mobilization of health care information electronically across organizations
Wikipedia - Health information management
Wikipedia - Health information on the Internet
Wikipedia - Health information on Wikipedia -- Wikipedia's content on health and medicine topics
Wikipedia - Health information system
Wikipedia - Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act -- Title XIII of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
Wikipedia - Health information technology
Wikipedia - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act -- United States federal law concerning health information
Wikipedia - Healthline -- American health information company
Wikipedia - Heat transfer physics -- Kinetics of energy storage, transport, and energy transformation by principal energy carriers: phonons, electrons, fluid particles, and photons
Wikipedia - Helen Brownson -- American information scientist and government executive
Wikipedia - Hells Bells (cave formations) -- Underwater cave formation
Wikipedia - Help:Menu/Technical information
Wikipedia - Help:Page information
Wikipedia - Help:Pronunciation respelling key -- Wikipedia information page
Wikipedia - Henson Gletscher Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Herreria Formation -- Geologic formation in Guatemala
Wikipedia - Hesteelv Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Hewlett Packard Enterprise -- American information technology company
Wikipedia - Hidden Lake Formation -- Geologic formation in Antarctica
Wikipedia - Hidden message -- Information that is not noticeable
Wikipedia - Hippocampal formation
Wikipedia - Hispanic Information and Telecommunications Network -- Spanish-language public broadcasting network
Wikipedia - Historian's fallacy -- Assumption that decision makers of the past viewed events from the same perspective and having the same information as those subsequently analyzing the decision
Wikipedia - Historical geographic information system -- GIS tracking temporal changes
Wikipedia - Historical society -- Organization that collects, researches, interprets and preserves information or items of historical interest
Wikipedia - History of Earth -- The development of planet Earth from its formation to the present day
Wikipedia - History of information technology auditing
Wikipedia - History of information theory
Wikipedia - History of Ireland (1801-1923) -- Irish history between the Acts of Union of 1800 and the formation of the Irish Free State in 1921
Wikipedia - History of library and information science
Wikipedia - History of Lorentz transformations
Wikipedia - HIV Clinical Resource -- Health information service
Wikipedia - Ho Chi Minh City University of Foreign Languages and Information Technology -- Vietnamese university
Wikipedia - Holm Dal Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Holy Island Group -- Cambro-Ordovician geologic formation in Wales
Wikipedia - Homothetic transformation
Wikipedia - Homotopy -- Continuous deformation between two continuous maps
Wikipedia - Honeywell Information Systems
Wikipedia - Honor (brand) -- A smartphone brand owned by Shenzhen Zhixin New InformationM-BM- Technology Co., Ltd.
Wikipedia - Hopper Information Services Center
Wikipedia - Hornitos Formation -- Campanian geologic
Wikipedia - Hospital information system
Wikipedia - Householder transformation -- Concept in linear algebra
Wikipedia - House of Commons Library -- Library and information resource of the lower house of the UK Parliament
Wikipedia - Huldrych Zwingli -- Protestant Reformation leader in Switzerland, Swiss Reformed Church founder (1484-1531)
Wikipedia - Human Computer Information Retrieval
Wikipedia - Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute
Wikipedia - Human Markup Language -- XML specification developed to contextually describe physical, kinesic, cultural, and social information about instances of human communicatio
Wikipedia - Human-readable medium -- representation of data or information that can be naturally read by humans
Wikipedia - Humboldt orogeny -- Geologic formation in Antarctica
Wikipedia - Humeralis Schichten Formation -- Geologic formation in France
Wikipedia - HusITa -- Human Services Information Technology Association
Wikipedia - Hypermedia -- Nonlinear medium of information that includes graphics, audio, video, plain text and hyperlinks
Wikipedia - Ialovachsk Formation -- Late Cretaceous geologic formation in Central Asia
Wikipedia - IBM Information Management Software
Wikipedia - IBM Information Management System
Wikipedia - IBus (London) -- Automatic Vehicle Location and information system for London's buses
Wikipedia - Icelandic Reformation
Wikipedia - Icing conditions -- Atmospheric conditions that can lead to the formation of ice on aircraft surfaces and lead to substantial disturbance of the aerodynamics.
Wikipedia - Identification (information) -- Mapping of a known quantity to an unknown entity so as to make it known
Wikipedia - Identity formation
Wikipedia - Identity fraud -- Use by one person of another person's personal information, without authorization
Wikipedia - Identity provider -- Entity that manages identity information
Wikipedia - IEEE Information Theory Society
Wikipedia - IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
Wikipedia - IHS Markit -- U.K.-based information company
Wikipedia - Iljig Formation -- Geologic formation in South Korea
Wikipedia - Image analysis -- Extraction of information from images via digital image processing techniques
Wikipedia - Immunization Action Coalition -- Organization providing vaccination information
Wikipedia - Imperfect information
Wikipedia - Incisive Media -- B2B information and events business based in London, UK
Wikipedia - Incomplete information
Wikipedia - Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad -- Public university in Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh
Wikipedia - Indian Institute of Information Technology, Kalyani -- Information Technology Institution in Kalyani
Wikipedia - Indian Script Code for Information Interchange -- Coding scheme for Indian writing systems
Wikipedia - Inequalities in information theory -- Concept in information theory
Wikipedia - Infobox -- Template used to collect and present a subset of information about a subject
Wikipedia - Info-Cult -- Canadian non-profit organization providing information on religious cults and related topics
Wikipedia - Infographic -- Graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly
Wikipedia - Information access
Wikipedia - Information Age Publishing
Wikipedia - Information age
Wikipedia - Information Age -- Historical period
Wikipedia - Information algebra
Wikipedia - Informational influence
Wikipedia - Informational Revolution
Wikipedia - Informational social influence
Wikipedia - Information and Communications Technology Council
Wikipedia - Information and communications technology in agriculture -- Agricultural and rural development
Wikipedia - Information and communications technology in Kosovo
Wikipedia - Information and communications technology -- Extensional term for information technology
Wikipedia - Information and communication technologies
Wikipedia - Information and Communication Technology Authority (Kenya) -- Government agency in Kenya
Wikipedia - Information and communication technology
Wikipedia - Information and Computation
Wikipedia - Information and Computer Science
Wikipedia - Information and computer science
Wikipedia - Information and Control
Wikipedia - Information and Security Service of the Republic of Moldova
Wikipedia - Information and Software Technology
Wikipedia - Information appliance
Wikipedia - Information Architecture Institute
Wikipedia - Information Architecture
Wikipedia - Information architecture
Wikipedia - Information art -- Emerging artforms inspired by data and information technology
Wikipedia - Information assurance
Wikipedia - Information asymmetry
Wikipedia - Information Awareness Office -- DARPA division overseeing the "Total Information Awareness" program
Wikipedia - Information based complexity
Wikipedia - Information-based complexity
Wikipedia - Information behavior
Wikipedia - Information Branch -- Lebanese intelligence unit
Wikipedia - Information Builders -- American software company
Wikipedia - Information capacity of the universe
Wikipedia - Information cascade
Wikipedia - Information Commissioner's Office
Wikipedia - Information content
Wikipedia - Information criticism
Wikipedia - Information design -- Communication and graphic design
Wikipedia - Information Distance
Wikipedia - Information distance
Wikipedia - Information ecology
Wikipedia - Information economics
Wikipedia - Information economy
Wikipedia - Information engineering (field)
Wikipedia - Information engineering
Wikipedia - Information entropy
Wikipedia - Information ethics
Wikipedia - Information Extraction
Wikipedia - Information extraction -- Automatically extracting structured information from un- or semi-structured machine-readable documents, such as human language texts
Wikipedia - Information field theory
Wikipedia - Information flow diagram
Wikipedia - Information flow (information theory)
Wikipedia - Information flow
Wikipedia - Information fluctuation complexity
Wikipedia - Information Gathering Satellite -- Japanese spy satellites
Wikipedia - Information geometry -- Field that applies the techniques of differential geometry to study probability theory and statistics.
Wikipedia - Information graphics
Wikipedia - Information Hiding
Wikipedia - Information hiding
Wikipedia - Information history
Wikipedia - Information industry -- Industries that are information intensive
Wikipedia - Information infrastructure
Wikipedia - Information Innovation Office
Wikipedia - Information integration
Wikipedia - Information International Inc.
Wikipedia - Information International, Inc.
Wikipedia - Informationist poetry
Wikipedia - Informationist
Wikipedia - Information laundering -- Propaganda tactic
Wikipedia - Information literacy
Wikipedia - Information Management System
Wikipedia - Information Management
Wikipedia - Information management
Wikipedia - Information mapping
Wikipedia - Information metabolism -- psychological theory of interaction between biological organisms and their environment
Wikipedia - Information mining
Wikipedia - Information modeling
Wikipedia - Information Modelling
Wikipedia - Information model
Wikipedia - Information need
Wikipedia - Information networks
Wikipedia - Information Operations (United States)
Wikipedia - Information overload
Wikipedia - Information Please -- American radio quiz show
Wikipedia - Information Presentation Facility
Wikipedia - Information Principle
Wikipedia - Information privacy
Wikipedia - Information Processing Language
Wikipedia - Information Processing Letters
Wikipedia - Information Processing Society of Japan
Wikipedia - Information processing system
Wikipedia - Information Processing Techniques Office -- United States government office
Wikipedia - Information processing technology and aging
Wikipedia - Information Processing Technology Office
Wikipedia - Information processing theory
Wikipedia - Information processing -- Process in which input information is analysed or transformed in order to produce information as output
Wikipedia - Information processor
Wikipedia - Information professional
Wikipedia - Information repository
Wikipedia - Information Research Department
Wikipedia - Information retrieval applications
Wikipedia - Information Retrieval Facility
Wikipedia - Information retrieval query language
Wikipedia - Information Retrieval
Wikipedia - Information retrieval -- Obtaining information resources relevant to an information need
Wikipedia - Information revolution -- Economic, social and technological trends beyond the Industrial Revolution
Wikipedia - Information Sciences Institute
Wikipedia - Information Sciences (journal)
Wikipedia - Information sciences
Wikipedia - Information Science
Wikipedia - Information science
Wikipedia - Information scientist
Wikipedia - Information security awareness
Wikipedia - Information Security Group
Wikipedia - Information security operations center -- Facility where enterprise information systems are monitored, assessed, and defended
Wikipedia - Information Security Oversight Office
Wikipedia - Information Security
Wikipedia - Information security
Wikipedia - Information seeking
Wikipedia - Information sensitivity
Wikipedia - Information Services Department -- Hong Kong government department
Wikipedia - Information set (game theory)
Wikipedia - Information Sharing and Analysis Center -- Nonprofit organization
Wikipedia - Information sharing
Wikipedia - Information silo -- An insular information management system
Wikipedia - Information Society (album)
Wikipedia - Information Society Directive
Wikipedia - Information society -- Form of society
Wikipedia - Information space
Wikipedia - Information storage
Wikipedia - Information structure
Wikipedia - Information studies
Wikipedia - Information superhighway
Wikipedia - Information systems (discipline)
Wikipedia - Information systems engineering
Wikipedia - Information Systems International Conference
Wikipedia - Information Systems Journal
Wikipedia - Information Systems (journal)
Wikipedia - Information systems methodologies
Wikipedia - Information Systems Research
Wikipedia - Information Systems Security Architecture Professional
Wikipedia - Information Systems Security Engineering Professional
Wikipedia - Information Systems Security Management Professional
Wikipedia - Information systems
Wikipedia - Information System
Wikipedia - Information system -- Combination of information, resources, activities and people that support tasks in an organization; a group of components that interact to produce information
Wikipedia - Information technologies
Wikipedia - Information Technology Act, 2000 -- Act of the Parliament of India
Wikipedia - Information Technology Agreement
Wikipedia - Information Technology and Innovation Foundation
Wikipedia - Information Technology Architect Certification
Wikipedia - Information technology architecture
Wikipedia - Information technology audit
Wikipedia - Information technology consulting -- Field that focuses on advising businesses on how best to use information technology
Wikipedia - Information technology controls
Wikipedia - Information technology engineering
Wikipedia - Information-Technology Engineers Examination -- Group of Japanese computing examinations
Wikipedia - Information technology in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Information Technology Industry Council
Wikipedia - Information technology in India
Wikipedia - Information technology in Morocco
Wikipedia - Information technology in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Information technology management
Wikipedia - Information technology operations
Wikipedia - Information technology outsourcing
Wikipedia - Information technology planning
Wikipedia - Information technology security audit
Wikipedia - Information technology specialist (military) -- Military occupation and Information Technology Specialists
Wikipedia - Information technology specialist
Wikipedia - Information Technology Task Force
Wikipedia - Information Technology University (Lahore)
Wikipedia - Information Technology University
Wikipedia - Information Technology
Wikipedia - Information technology -- Computer-based technology
Wikipedia - Information: The New Language of Science -- Book by Hans Christian von Baeyer
Wikipedia - Information theoretic security
Wikipedia - Information-theoretic security
Wikipedia - Information theory and measure theory
Wikipedia - Information Theory
Wikipedia - Information theory -- Theory dealing with information
Wikipedia - Information therapy -- Term related to how information aids therapy
Wikipedia - Information transfer
Wikipedia - Information visualisation
Wikipedia - Information visualization reference model
Wikipedia - Information Visualization
Wikipedia - Information visualization
Wikipedia - Information wants to be free -- Phrase
Wikipedia - Information Warfare Division -- Division within the Australian Department of Defence
Wikipedia - Information warfare -- Battlespace use and management of information and communication technology
Wikipedia - Information Week
Wikipedia - InformationWeek
Wikipedia - Information -- That which informs; the answer to a question of some kind; that from which data and knowledge can be derived
Wikipedia - Information worker
Wikipedia - Informetrics -- Study of the quantitative aspects of information
Wikipedia - Infoshop -- A space that serves as a node for the distribution of political, subcultural and radical information
Wikipedia - Infotainment -- Media consisting of both information and entertainment
Wikipedia - InfoWorld -- Information technology media business
Wikipedia - Ingetraut Dahlberg -- German philosopher, information scientist and librarian
Wikipedia - Ingo og VeM-CM-0urguM-CM-0irnir -- Icelandic musical formation
Wikipedia - INIS-8 -- 8-bit character encoding used for the International Nuclear Information System.
Wikipedia - INIS character set -- 7-bit ASCII subset used for the International Nuclear Information System
Wikipedia - Initial acquisition of microbiota -- Formation of an organism's microbiota at birth
Wikipedia - Inmagic -- American company selling information management and library services software
Wikipedia - Input/output -- Communication between an information processing system and the outside world
Wikipedia - Inside Information (1934 film) -- 1934 film by Robert F. Hill
Wikipedia - Inside Information (1939 film) -- 1939 film directed by Charles Lamont
Wikipedia - Insider trading -- Trading of a public company's stock or other securities by individuals with access to nonpublic information about the company
Wikipedia - Institut de l'information scientifique et technique
Wikipedia - Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences
Wikipedia - Institute for Research in Information and Scholarship
Wikipedia - Institute for Scientific Information
Wikipedia - Institute of Information Scientists
Wikipedia - Integrated information theory
Wikipedia - Integrated Ocean Observing System -- An organization of systems that routinely and continuously provides quality controlled data and information on current and future states of the oceans and Great Lakes
Wikipedia - Integrated Taxonomic Information System -- Authoritative taxonomic information on plants, animals, fungi, and microbes
Wikipedia - Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center -- Israeli-based research group
Wikipedia - Intelligence assessment -- Evaluation of sensitive state, military, commercial, or scientific information
Wikipedia - Intelligence (Information Gathering)
Wikipedia - Intelligence (information gathering)
Wikipedia - Intelligence source and information reliability -- Rating systems used in intelligence analysis
Wikipedia - Intelligence -- Ability to perceive, infer, retain, or apply information
Wikipedia - Interactive kiosk -- Computer terminal that provides access to information, communication, commerce, etc.
Wikipedia - Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network -- network
Wikipedia - Interested Parties Information -- Unique identifying number assigned to each Interested Party in collective rights management
Wikipedia - International Association of Agricultural Information Specialists -- International professional association
Wikipedia - International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks
Wikipedia - International Conference on Information Systems
Wikipedia - International Federation for Information Processing
Wikipedia - International Federation of Information Processing
Wikipedia - International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad -- Public engineering institution in Hyderabad, Telangana
Wikipedia - International Institutes of Information Technology -- Autonomous Indian engineering institutes
Wikipedia - International Journal of Information Technology > Decision Making
Wikipedia - International Nuclear Event Scale -- Scale to enable communication of safety information in nuclear accidents
Wikipedia - Internet Information Server
Wikipedia - Internet Information Services -- Extensible web server software by Microsoft
Wikipedia - Internet leak -- Occurs when a party's confidential information is released to the public on the Internet
Wikipedia - Interoception -- Sensory system that receives and integrates information from the body
Wikipedia - Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact -- Agreement among US states to share information on fishing, hunting, and trapping violations
Wikipedia - Interval exchange transformation
Wikipedia - Invariant (mathematics) -- Property of mathematical objects that remains unchanged for transformations applied to the objects
Wikipedia - Ion implantation-induced nanoparticle formation
Wikipedia - IP Flow Information Export -- Internet Protocol Flow Information Export
Wikipedia - Irish Civil War -- June 1922 - May 1923 war following the formation of the Irish Free State, between Irish Nationalists and Republicans
Wikipedia - Irish Folklore Commission -- Orhanization to study and collect information on the folklore and traditions of Ireland
Wikipedia - Iscayachi Formation -- Geologic formation in Bolivia
Wikipedia - ISO/IEC 27001 -- Information security standard
Wikipedia - Issue-based information system
Wikipedia - IT as a service -- Business model for providing information technology
Wikipedia - IT Examiner -- Indian information technology news website
Wikipedia - Izuki Formation -- Geologic formation in Japan
Wikipedia - Jackfork Sandstone -- Geologic formation in Oklahoma and Arkansas, United States
Wikipedia - Jacob Gitlin Library -- Archive of information on Judaism, Jewish culture and history, and the nation of Israel
Wikipedia - Jaguel Formation -- Geological formation in Argentina
Wikipedia - Jamaica Information Service -- Executive agency of the Jamaican government
Wikipedia - James Martin (author) -- British information technology consultant and writer
Wikipedia - Jane's Information Group -- British publishing company
Wikipedia - Jan Marco Leimeister -- German professor of business information systems
Wikipedia - Jeans instability -- Mechanism by which the collapse of interstellar gas clouds causes star formation
Wikipedia - Jeff De Luca -- Australian cinformation technology strategist
Wikipedia - Jefferson Formation -- Geologic formation in Montana, United States
Wikipedia - Jeff M. Allen -- Professor of information science
Wikipedia - Jeomgog Formation -- Geologic formation in South Korea
Wikipedia - Jindong Formation -- Geologic formation in Korea
Wikipedia - Jingchuan Formation -- Geologic formation in China
Wikipedia - Jinjiang Formation -- Mesozoic geologic formation in China
Wikipedia - Jinju Formation -- Early Cretaceous geologic formation in South Korea
Wikipedia - Joana Limestone -- Geologic formation in Nevada, United States
Wikipedia - Jobu Formation -- Geologic formation in Japan
Wikipedia - JOC Group -- American trade news and information company
Wikipedia - John M. Carroll (information scientist)
Wikipedia - Joint encoding -- Joining of several channels of similar information to allow more efficient encoding
Wikipedia - Joint Force Harrier -- British military formation
Wikipedia - Jordan Antiquities Database and Information System -- Computer database of antiquities in Jordan
Wikipedia - Jordan-Wigner transformation -- A transformation that maps spin operators onto fermionic creation and annihilation operators
Wikipedia - Joseph Mercola -- American alternative medicine proponent and purveyor of anti-vaccination misinformation
Wikipedia - Journalist -- Person who collects, writes and distributes news and similar information
Wikipedia - Journal of Management Information Systems
Wikipedia - Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology
Wikipedia - Journal of the Association for Information Systems
Wikipedia - Joy A. Thomas -- Indian-born American information theorist
Wikipedia - Julfa Formation -- Permian geologic formation in Transcaucasia
Wikipedia - Kagidani Formation -- Geologic formation in Japan
Wikipedia - Kaladongar Formation -- Geologic formation in India
Wikipedia - Kalahari Deposits -- Early Cretaceous geologic formation in South Africa
Wikipedia - Kallakurichi Formation -- Maastrichtian geologic formation in India
Wikipedia - Kallamedu Formation -- Geologic formation in India
Wikipedia - Kangilia Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Kanwal Ameen -- Pakistani professor of information management
Wikipedia - Kap Brewster Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Kap Dalton Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Kap Jungersen Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Kap Kobenhavn Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Kap Leslie Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Kap Stanton Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Karaali Rocks -- Geographic formation in Antarctica
Wikipedia - Karabaglyar Formation -- Permo-Triassic geologic formation in Transcaucasia
Wikipedia - Karabastau Formation -- Geologic formation in Kazakhstan
Wikipedia - Karine Nahon -- Israeli information scientist
Wikipedia - Karnataka Rajyotsava -- Karnataka formation day
Wikipedia - Katberg Formation -- Geological formation in the Beaufort Group of the Karoo Supergroup in South Africa
Wikipedia - Katiki Formation -- Late Cretaceous geologic formation in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Katrol Formation -- Geologic formation in India
Wikipedia - Katy Borner -- Information scientist
Wikipedia - Kay Raseroka -- Botswanan library, information professional and academic
Wikipedia - Kcskehat Limestone -- Geologic formation in Hungary
Wikipedia - Kern River Beds -- Rock formation in California
Wikipedia - Key Largo Limestone -- Geologic formation in Florida
Wikipedia - Khachik Formation -- Permian geologic formation in Transcaucasia
Wikipedia - Khawaja Fareed University of Engineering and Information Technology
Wikipedia - Khilok Formation -- Geologic formation in Russia
Wikipedia - Khodzhakul Formation -- Geologic formation in Uzbekistan
Wikipedia - Khodzhaosmansk Formation -- Aptian to Albian geologic formation in Kyrgyzstan
Wikipedia - Khok Kruat Formation -- Geologic formation in Thailand
Wikipedia - Kidney stone disease -- Formation of mineral 'stones' in the urinary tract
Wikipedia - Kilobit -- Unit of information
Wikipedia - Kim Fjelde Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Kinshuk (professor) -- Professor of information science
Wikipedia - Kirkwood Formation -- Cretaceous geological formation in the Uitenhage Group
Wikipedia - Kirtland Formation -- Geological formation in New Mexico and Colorado, United States
Wikipedia - Kiyosu-e Formation -- Geologic formation in Japan
Wikipedia - KKSF -- Black Information Network radio station in San Francisco
Wikipedia - Klaus Henning -- German information scientist
Wikipedia - Kleptography -- The study of stealing information securely and subliminally.
Wikipedia - KLN College of Information Technology -- Engineering college
Wikipedia - Knowledge base -- Information repository with multiple applications
Wikipedia - Knowledge commons -- open, shared information
Wikipedia - Knowledge management -- Process of creating, sharing, using and managing the knowledge and information of an organization
Wikipedia - Knowledge -- Familiarity, awareness, or understanding of information or skills acquired through experience or education
Wikipedia - KOBIL Systems -- German information security company
Wikipedia - Kojarena Sandstone -- Geologic formation in Australia
Wikipedia - Komatii Formation -- 3.475 billion year old rock formation in South Africa
Wikipedia - Kome Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Korycanar Formation -- Geologic formation in the Czech Republic
Wikipedia - Kosciusko Formation -- Geologic formation in Mississippi
Wikipedia - Krebs Formation -- Geologic formation in Missouri, United States
Wikipedia - Kugitang Svita -- Mid-Late Jurassic geologic formation in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan and geologic group in Turkmenistan
Wikipedia - Kuhnpasset Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Kukpowruk Formation -- Geologic formation in Alaska, United States
Wikipedia - Kurek Formation -- Geologic formation in Uzbekistan
Wikipedia - LabVantage -- Laboratory information management system (LIMS) provider
Wikipedia - La Cienega Formation, Bolivia -- Geologic formation in Bolivia
Wikipedia - Ladegardsaen Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Lake Church Formation -- Geologic formation in Wisconsin, United States
Wikipedia - Lameta Formation -- Geologic formation in India
Wikipedia - Lang Trang -- Cave formation in Vietnam
Wikipedia - La Quinta Formation -- Geologic formation in South America
Wikipedia - Lares Limestone -- Geologic formation in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Las Juntas Formation -- Geological formation in the Colombian Andes
Wikipedia - Las Sierras Formation -- Geologic formation in Nicaragua
Wikipedia - Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information -- Medical library in Sao Paulo, Brazil
Wikipedia - Lattes Platform -- Information system about researchers and institutions in Brazil
Wikipedia - Law of conservation of information
Wikipedia - Law of included fragments -- Clasts in a rock are older than the rock formation
Wikipedia - Learning resource center -- facility containing information sources
Wikipedia - Least publishable unit -- Smallest amount of information that can generate a publication in a peer-reviewed journal
Wikipedia - Lecture -- Oral presentation intended to present information or teach people about a particular subject
Wikipedia - Lefipan Formation -- Geologic formation in Argentina
Wikipedia - Legal research in the United States -- The process of identifying and retrieving information to support legal arguments and decisions
Wikipedia - Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information
Wikipedia - Lexicographic information cost -- Concept in lexicography
Wikipedia - LexisNexis -- Legal and business information company
Wikipedia - Library and Information Science
Wikipedia - Library and information science
Wikipedia - Library and information scientist
Wikipedia - Library House -- Defunct business information services company
Wikipedia - Library -- Organized collection of books or other information resources
Wikipedia - Lichi Formation -- Geologic formation in Taiwan
Wikipedia - Lieb conjecture -- Theorem in quantum information theory
Wikipedia - Limones Formation -- Geologic formation in Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Lindemans Bugt Formation -- Greenland geologic formation
Wikipedia - Linear transformation
Wikipedia - Line (formation) -- Tactical formation of soldiers
Wikipedia - Line marker -- Marker used on cave guide lines to provide safety information to divers
Wikipedia - Lisa M. Given -- Canadian-Australian scholar of information studies
Wikipedia - Lisa Strausfeld -- American information architect
Wikipedia - Lisbon Formation -- Geologic formation in Georgia, US
Wikipedia - List of archosaurs of the Chinle Formation -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of boiling and freezing information of solvents -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Catholic martyrs of the English Reformation
Wikipedia - List of common coordinate transformations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of dinosaurs of the Morrison Formation -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English back-formations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Fortune 500 computer software and information companies -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of geographic information systems software -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of information graphics software -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of information retrieval libraries -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Information Schools
Wikipedia - List of information system character sets -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of information systems journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of information technology acronyms
Wikipedia - List of information technology initialisms -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad people -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Iraqi Information Ministers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of largest information technology companies by revenue
Wikipedia - List of members of the National Academy of Sciences (Computer and information sciences)
Wikipedia - List of members of the National Academy of Sciences (computer and information sciences)
Wikipedia - List of narrative techniques -- List of methods used to convey information in a narrative
Wikipedia - List of news and information television programs featuring LGBT subjects -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of oldest military units and formations in continuous operation -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of personal information managers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Program Transformation Systems
Wikipedia - List of Protestant martyrs of the English Reformation
Wikipedia - List of Protestant martyrs of the Scottish Reformation
Wikipedia - List of public disclosures of classified information -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of railroads eligible to participate in the formation of Amtrak -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rock formations in India -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rock formations of New Zealand -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rock formations -- Links to Wikipedia articles about notable rock outcrops
Wikipedia - List of schools of Library and Information Science in India -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of sovereign states by date of formation -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of space forces, units, and formations -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of states by the date of adoption of the Reformation
Wikipedia - List of the largest information technology companies
Wikipedia - List of unsolved problems in information theory -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Little Albert experiment -- Experiment providing information on classical conditioning of human infantile subject
Wikipedia - Llys Helig -- Natural rock formation
Wikipedia - Lockdown -- Emergency protocol that prevents people or information from leaving an area
Wikipedia - Logic of information
Wikipedia - Lollardy -- Radical Christian reform movement in late medieval, pre-Reformation England
Wikipedia - Loma Gorda Formation -- Geological formation in the Colombian Andes
Wikipedia - London Clay -- Marine geological formation which crops out in the southeast of England.
Wikipedia - Long-term experiment -- Experimental study on the empirical extraction of information over a long period
Wikipedia - Long-term memory -- Process that deals with the storage, retrieval and modification of information a long time
Wikipedia - Loop transformation
Wikipedia - Lorentz transformation -- Family of linear transformations
Wikipedia - Lower Dharmaram Formation -- Geologic formation in India
Wikipedia - Lower Maleri Formation -- Geologic formation in India
Wikipedia - Lower North Sea Group -- A group of geologic formations in the subsurface of the Netherlands and adjacent parts of the North Sea.
Wikipedia - LSID -- Way to name and locate pieces of information on the World Wide Web
Wikipedia - Luchak Formation -- Geologic formation in Tajikistan
Wikipedia - Luohandong Formation -- Geologic formation in Inner Mongolia
Wikipedia - Lusitanian Basin -- geological formation off the coast of Portugal
Wikipedia - Lymphangioma -- Malformations of the lymphatic system characterized by lesions that are thin-walled cysts
Wikipedia - Lynn Volcanic Complex -- Geological formation
Wikipedia - Mabdi Formation -- Geologic formation in Yemen
Wikipedia - Macarao Formation -- Geological formation
Wikipedia - Magisterial Reformation
Wikipedia - Mahadek Formation -- Geologic formation in India
Wikipedia - Main Dolomite -- Rock formation in the Alps of Europe
Wikipedia - Maire O'Neill -- Northern Irish academic (engineering, information security)
Wikipedia - Maleri Formation -- Geologic formation in India
Wikipedia - Malware Information Sharing Platform -- Threat intelligence platform
Wikipedia - Mama Bhagne -- Rock formation in West Bengal
Wikipedia - Mamelon (volcanology) -- A rock formation created by eruption of relatively thick or stiff lava through a narrow vent
Wikipedia - Management information base -- Database used for managing the entities in a communication network
Wikipedia - Management Information Systems Quarterly
Wikipedia - Management information systems
Wikipedia - Management information system -- Information system used for decision-making
Wikipedia - Management of information systems
Wikipedia - Manfred Nielson -- German Admiral and Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Transformation
Wikipedia - Manrak Formation -- Geologic formation in Kazakhstan
Wikipedia - Manzanilla Formation -- Geologic formation in Trinidad and Tobago
Wikipedia - Maravillas Formation, Puerto Rico -- Geologic formation in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Maria Farinha Formation -- Geological formation in northeastern Brazil
Wikipedia - Marichuela Formation -- Geological formation in the Colombian Andes
Wikipedia - Marine Environmental Data and Information Network -- A United Kingdom organization created to curate marine environmental data
Wikipedia - MarketWatch -- American financial information website
Wikipedia - Markov information source
Wikipedia - Martindale-Hubbell -- US legal information services company
Wikipedia - Martin Luther -- Saxon priest, monk and theologian, seminal figure in Protestant Reformation
Wikipedia - Marxist archaeology -- Archaeological theory that interprets archaeological information within the framework of Marxism
Wikipedia - Mass communication -- Large-scale dissemination of information
Wikipedia - Master of Library and Information Science
Wikipedia - Master of Science in Information Technology -- Master's degree, academic title
Wikipedia - Mathiness -- Economic misinformation based on distorted mathematics
Wikipedia - Matsuo Group -- Geologic formation in Japan
Wikipedia - Mbius transformation
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Dlterer Schlier Formation -- Geologic formation in Austria
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Vosh Formation -- Geological formation in Mongolia
Wikipedia - Meade Formation -- Geologic formation in Kansas, United States
Wikipedia - Media (communication) -- Storage and delivering agent of information or data
Wikipedia - MediaInfo -- Cross-platform and open-source program that displays technical information about media files.
Wikipedia - Medical history -- Patient information gained by a physician
Wikipedia - MedlinePlus -- Online information service produced by the US National Library of Medicine
Wikipedia - Megan's Law -- United States law requiring law enforcement authorities to make information available to the public regarding registered sex offenders
Wikipedia - Meissen Formation -- Geologic formation in Germany
Wikipedia - Melk Formation -- Geologic formation in Austria
Wikipedia - Melones Formation -- Geologic formation in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Melovatka Formation -- Geologic formation in Russia
Wikipedia - M-EM-^Lya stone -- Geologic formation in Japan
Wikipedia - Memoirs and Misinformation -- Novel by Jim Carrey and Dana Vachon
Wikipedia - Metabolism -- The set of life-sustaining chemical transformations within the cells of organisms
Wikipedia - Meteora -- Rock formations and monastery in Greece
Wikipedia - Meteoric iron -- Iron originating from a meteorite rather than from the Earth since formation
Wikipedia - Methanogenesis -- Formation of methane by microbes
Wikipedia - Mexcala Formation -- Geologic formation in Guererro, Mexico
Wikipedia - Miami Limestone -- Geologic formation in Florida, USA
Wikipedia - Micro Focus -- British based multinational software and information technology business
Wikipedia - Microsoft Entourage -- Email client and personal information manager
Wikipedia - Microsoft Internet Information Server
Wikipedia - Middleton Formation -- Late middle Permian geological formation in the Eastern Cape
Wikipedia - Midyat Limestone -- Geologic formation in Turkey
Wikipedia - Mifune Group -- Geologic formation in Japan
Wikipedia - Migmatitovaya Rock -- A rock formation in Queen Maud land, Antarctica
Wikipedia - Mike Nieves -- President and CEO of Hispanic Information Television Network
Wikipedia - Military Information Division (United States)
Wikipedia - Military intelligence -- Information about military opponents
Wikipedia - Millenarianism -- Belief in a coming fundamental transformation of society
Wikipedia - Mind map -- System or map used to visually organize information
Wikipedia - Minimum message length -- Formal information theory restatement of Occam's Razor
Wikipedia - Minister for Land Information (New Zealand) -- New Zealand minister of the Crown
Wikipedia - Ministry of Communications and Information -- Singaporean government ministry
Wikipedia - Ministry of Information & Broadcasting (Pakistan) -- Pakistani ministry
Wikipedia - Ministry of Information & Cultural Affairs (West Bengal) -- Indian state government ministry
Wikipedia - Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (India) -- Ministry of India
Wikipedia - Ministry of Information (Bangladesh) -- Government ministry of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Ministry of Information, Communications, Transport and Tourism Development -- Government ministry of Kiribati
Wikipedia - Ministry of Information Technology and Electronics (West Bengal) -- Government department of West Bengal
Wikipedia - Ministry of Information (United Kingdom) -- United Kingdom government ministry
Wikipedia - Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology -- Government ministry of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Misconceptions about HIV/AIDS -- Misinformation about the HIV/AIDS and its spread
Wikipedia - Mishash Formation -- Late Cretaceous geologic formation in Israel
Wikipedia - Misinformation effect
Wikipedia - Misinformation related to the COVID-19 pandemic -- False or misleading information about the pandemic
Wikipedia - Misinformation -- False or incorrect information
Wikipedia - MIT Center for Information Systems Research
Wikipedia - Mitigating factor -- Information or evidence presented to the court that might result in reduced charges or a lesser sentence
Wikipedia - MIT Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems
Wikipedia - Mitsuse Formation -- Geologic formation in Japan
Wikipedia - Mnemonic -- Any learning technique that aids information retention or retrieval (remembering) in the human memory
Wikipedia - Model transformation
Wikipedia - Modem -- Device that modulates an analog carrier signal to encode digital information
Wikipedia - Molasse -- A type of sedimentary rock deposit associated with the formation of mountain chains.
Wikipedia - Molteno Formation -- Triassic geological formation in the Stormberg Group in Lesotho and South Africa
Wikipedia - -- British consumer finance information and discussion website
Wikipedia - Monongahela Formation -- Geologic formation in West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Moodies Group -- A geological formation in South Africa and Eswatini
Wikipedia - Mor Naaman -- Information scientist
Wikipedia - Morphology (linguistics) -- The study of words, their formation, and their relationships in a word
Wikipedia - Morrison Formation -- Rock formation in the western United States
Wikipedia - Mountain formation -- The geological processes that underlie the formation of mountains
Wikipedia - Mount Toby Formation -- Geologic formation in Massachusetts, United States
Wikipedia - Mount Whyte Formation -- Geologic formation in Canada
Wikipedia - Mount Wilson Formation -- Geologic formation in Canada
Wikipedia - MSME-Champions -- Grievance management and information portal for MSME
Wikipedia - Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf -- Former Iraqi foreign minister and information minister
Wikipedia - Mulichinco Formation -- Geological formation in Argentina
Wikipedia - Mullerian agenesis -- Congenital malformation of female reproductive organs
Wikipedia - Multimedia information retrieval
Wikipedia - Multisensory integration -- Study of how information from the different sensory modalities, such as sight, sound, touch, smell, self-motion and taste, may be integrated by the nervous system
Wikipedia - Murtoi Formation -- Geologic formation in Russia
Wikipedia - Music information retrieval
Wikipedia - Mutual information
Wikipedia - Mutual knowledge -- Information known by all participatory agents
Wikipedia - Mweelrea Formation -- Geologic formation in Ireland
Wikipedia - MyLife -- Online information broker
Wikipedia - Myogenesis -- Formation of muscular tissue, particularly during embryonic development
Wikipedia - Myomegalin -- Vertebrate protein involved in the formation of microtubules
Wikipedia - Nagatogawa Formation -- Geologic formation in Japan
Wikipedia - Nagdong Formation -- Geologic formation in South Korea
Wikipedia - Nagura Formation -- Geologic formation in Japan
Wikipedia - Nam Phong Formation -- Geologic formation in Thailand
Wikipedia - Nanoflower -- A compound that results in formations which in microscopic view resemble flowers
Wikipedia - Narwhal Sound Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Naseej -- Saudi Arabian information technology company
Wikipedia - Nashua Formation -- early Pleistocene formation in Florida
Wikipedia - NASSCOM -- Indian trade association of Information Technology (IT) and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) companies
Wikipedia - National Center for Biotechnology Information -- Database branch of the US National Library of Medicine
Wikipedia - National Center for Women > Information Technology
Wikipedia - National Centers for Environmental Information -- Active US archive of environmental data
Wikipedia - National Crime Information Center -- US central database of crime-related information
Wikipedia - National Historical Geographic Information System -- Historical GIS project
Wikipedia - National Information Exchange Model -- Common vocabulary and structure for government information exchange
Wikipedia - National Information Infrastructure
Wikipedia - National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology -- Indian institution
Wikipedia - National Internet Exchange of India -- Information technology organisation based in India
Wikipedia - National Reformation Party -- Political party
Wikipedia - National Register Information System -- Database of properties that have been listed on the United States National Register of Historic Places
Wikipedia - National Sport Information Centre -- Sports organization in Australia
Wikipedia - National Technical Information Service -- US government agency responsible for the collection and organization of scientific, technical, engineering, and business information generated by U.S. Government-sponsored research and development
Wikipedia - National Telecommunications and Information Administration -- American government agency
Wikipedia - National Transformation Movement -- Political party in Trinidad and Tobago
Wikipedia - Natural arch -- Natural rock formation where a rock arch forms
Wikipedia - Natural transformation -- Central object of study in category theory
Wikipedia - Navajo Sandstone -- Geological formation in the southwestern U.S.
Wikipedia - Navidad Formation -- Marine Neogene sedimentary formation in Central Chile
Wikipedia - Nazi hunter -- Individual who tracks down and gathers information on alleged former Nazis
Wikipedia - Neocomian Sands -- Geologic formation in Kazakhstan
Wikipedia - NetSolve -- American information technology company
Wikipedia - Network Information Service
Wikipedia - Networking and Information Technology Research and Development
Wikipedia - Neuburger WeiM-CM-^_ Formation -- Geologic formation in Germany
Wikipedia - Neural coding -- Method by which information is represented in the brain
Wikipedia - Neural decoding -- Hypothetical reconstruction of information from the brain
Wikipedia - Neural Information Processing Systems
Wikipedia - Neuroscience Information Framework
Wikipedia - New Apostolic Reformation -- Movement which seeks to establish a fifth branch within Christendom
Wikipedia - Newman Formation -- Geologic formation in Tennessee
Wikipedia - Newman Institute -- Roman Catholic faith formation charity in Ireland
Wikipedia - Newmarracarra Limestone -- Geologic formation in Australia
Wikipedia - News leak -- Unsanctioned release of confidential information to news media
Wikipedia - News -- Communication of selected information on current events
Wikipedia - New Zealand Legal Information Institute -- Institute in New Zealand providing access to legal information
Wikipedia - NHSX -- Information technology unit of NHS England and the Department of Health and Social Care
Wikipedia - Nichkesaisk Formation -- Campanian geologic formation in Kyrgyzstan
Wikipedia - Nick Smith Foundation -- American organization providing information about eating disorders
Wikipedia - Nielsen Holdings -- American information, data and measurement company
Wikipedia - Non-disclosure agreement -- Contractual agreement not to disclose specified information
Wikipedia - Nordkronen Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Norean Formation -- Early Jurassic geological formation in northern Colombia
Wikipedia - Normandien Formation -- Triassic geological formation in South Africa
Wikipedia - Northern Group of Forces -- Polish military formation
Wikipedia - Note-taking -- practice of recording information
Wikipedia - Npj Quantum Information -- Journal
Wikipedia - Nuussuaq Group -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Nyeboe Land Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - OAG (company) -- Air travel information company
Wikipedia - Obrutschew Bjerg Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Observation -- Active acquisition of information from a primary source
Wikipedia - Ocala Limestone -- Late Eocene geologic formation
Wikipedia - Ocozocoautla Formation -- Geologic formation
Wikipedia - Octet (computing) -- Unit of digital information
Wikipedia - Octopus stone -- Geologic formation in Japan
Wikipedia - Oculocerebrocutaneous syndrome -- Syndrome characterised by eye, central nervous system and skin malformations
Wikipedia - Oehlenschlager Bluff -- Geological formation
Wikipedia - Offensive Security -- American international information security company
Wikipedia - Office for Foreign Relations and Information
Wikipedia - Office of Public Sector Information -- Body responsible for the operation of Her Majesty's Stationery Office
Wikipedia - Office of the Coordinator of Information -- Defunct US intelligence agency
Wikipedia - Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology
Wikipedia - Office of War Information
Wikipedia - Official Information Act 1982 -- Act governing freedom of information in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Of Reformation
Wikipedia - Oi Formation -- Geologic formation in Japan
Wikipedia - Old Church Formation -- Geologic formation in Virginia, U.S.
Wikipedia - Old Man of the Mountain -- Former rock formation in New Hampshire, United States
Wikipedia - O'Moore Medal -- Information science award
Wikipedia - One People's Project -- Organisation founded in 2000 to monitor and publish information on alleged racists
Wikipedia - Online communication between school and home -- Use of digital telecommunication to convey information and ideas between teachers, students, parents, and school administrators
Wikipedia - Onny Shale -- A shale formation in Wales
Wikipedia - Ontology (information science) -- Specification of a conceptualization
Wikipedia - Onverwacht Group -- Series of Archaean greenstone belts and volcanic rock formations in South Africa and Eswatini
Wikipedia - Ootsa Lake Formation -- Geologic formation in British Columbia, Canada
Wikipedia - Open Source Information System
Wikipedia - OpenURL -- Standardized format for linking to information resources
Wikipedia - Operation Creek -- 1943 attack on German ship transmitting information to U-boats from Goa
Wikipedia - Operation Formation Star -- US military operation in 1968 off North Korea
Wikipedia - Operation INFEKTION -- KGB disinformation campaign
Wikipedia - Operation Transformation (TV series) -- Irish reality television health and fitness show
Wikipedia - Oregon Performance Reporting Information System -- Database of workforce system in Oregon, USA
Wikipedia - Organizational information theory
Wikipedia - Orogeny -- The formation of mountain ranges
Wikipedia - Orthogonal transformation
Wikipedia - Ostrich egg -- Egg of the ostrich, including background information and information on uses by humans
Wikipedia - Outline of information science
Wikipedia - Outline of information technology
Wikipedia - Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program -- international project to study the link between water mass transformation at high latitudes and the meridional overturning circulation in the North Atlantic
Wikipedia - P3P -- Obsolete communications protocol allowing websites to declare their intended use of information they collect about web browser users
Wikipedia - Pab Formation -- Geologic formation in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Pacacua Formation -- Geologic formation in Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Pacheco Formation -- Geologic formation in California
Wikipedia - Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems
Wikipedia - Packet (information technology)
Wikipedia - Paja Formation -- Early Cretaceous geologic formation of central Colombia
Wikipedia - Paleobiota of the Morrison Formation -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Palnatokes Bjerg Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Pamlico Formation -- Geologic formation in North Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - Pan-African orogeny -- series of major Neoproterozoic orogenic events which related to the formation of the supercontinents Gondwana and Pannotia
Wikipedia - Pan European Game Information -- European video game content rating system
Wikipedia - Paralleldal Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Parliamentary Information Technology Committee
Wikipedia - Participatory GIS -- Approach to spacial planning, information, and communications management
Wikipedia - Passenger information system
Wikipedia - Patcham Formation -- Geologic formation in India
Wikipedia - Patch (website) -- U.S. local news and information platform
Wikipedia - Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System
Wikipedia - Patient UK -- Website providing medical information
Wikipedia - Pattern formation
Wikipedia - Pautut Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Paycom -- American information technology company
Wikipedia - Pea galaxy -- Possibly a type of luminous blue compact galaxy which is undergoing very high rates of star formation
Wikipedia - Peary Land Group -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Pedogenesis -- Process of soil formation
Wikipedia - Pedosphere -- The outermost layer of the Earth that is composed of soil and subject to soil formation processes
Wikipedia - Penita Formation -- Geologic formation in Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Penitente (snow formation) -- Field of regularly spaced ice formations formed by sublimation at high altitudes
Wikipedia - Penney Farms Formation -- Geological formation in Florida
Wikipedia - Penn State College of Information Sciences and Technology
Wikipedia - Penske Media Corporation -- American digital media, publishing, and information services company
Wikipedia - Pentamerus Bjerge Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - People's Transformation Party -- Political party in Malawi
Wikipedia - Pepino Formation, Puerto Rico -- Geologic formation in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Percent-encoding -- mechanism for encoding information in a Uniform Resource Identifier
Wikipedia - Perception -- Organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory information in order to represent and understand the environment
Wikipedia - Perfect information
Wikipedia - Perot Systems -- Information technology company
Wikipedia - Personal data -- Biographical information for identifying the identity of the person to whom it relates
Wikipedia - Personal Information Management
Wikipedia - Personal information management
Wikipedia - Personal information manager
Wikipedia - Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act -- 2000 Canadian law
Wikipedia - Personally identifiable information
Wikipedia - Phalanx -- Infantry formation
Wikipedia - Phantasiai -- Concept in Hellenistic philosophy representing information from sense experience
Wikipedia - Philippine House Committee on Information and Communications Technology -- Standing committee of the House of Representatives of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine House Committee on Public Information -- Standing committee of the House of Representatives of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philippine Senate Committee on Public Information and Mass Media -- Standing committee of the Senate of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Philosophy of information
Wikipedia - Phishing -- Act of attempting to acquire sensitive information by posing as a trustworthy entity
Wikipedia - Phoulkon -- Byzantine infantry formation
Wikipedia - Phra Wihan Formation -- Geologic formation in Thailand
Wikipedia - Phu Kradung Formation -- Geologic formation in Thailand
Wikipedia - Phu Phan Formation -- Geologic formation in Thailand
Wikipedia - Phylogenetic comparative methods -- Use of information on the historical relationships of lineages to test evolutionary hypotheses
Wikipedia - Physical information security
Wikipedia - Physical information -- Form of information
Wikipedia - Pika Formation -- Geologic formation in Canada
Wikipedia - Pirate Party (Sweden) -- Swedish political party focused on information sharing
Wikipedia - Pisco Formation -- Geologic formation in Peru
Wikipedia - Pittsburg Bluff Formation -- Geologic formation in Oregon
Wikipedia - Placentation -- Formation and structure of the placenta
Wikipedia - Planet formation
Wikipedia - Planner (program) -- A free personal information manager for Emacs
Wikipedia - Plastic Deformation
Wikipedia - Plastic deformation
Wikipedia - Plasticity (physics) -- The deformation of a solid material undergoing non-reversible changes of shape in response to applied forces
Wikipedia - Point Pleasant Formation -- Geologic formation in Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Pointwise mutual information
Wikipedia - Poleo Formation -- A geologic formation in northern New Mexico, United States
Wikipedia - Police Information Technology Organisation -- Former British government agency
Wikipedia - Politics of Los Angeles County -- Information on politics of Los Angeles County residents
Wikipedia - Polynomial transformation -- Transformation of a polynomial induced by a transformation of its roots
Wikipedia - Pompeys Pillar National Monument -- Rock formation in Montana, USA
Wikipedia - Portal:Library and information science
Wikipedia - Portland Sand Formation -- Geological formation in Dorset, England
Wikipedia - Posidonia Shale -- Early Jurassic geological formation of south-western Germany
Wikipedia - Positivism -- Philosophy of science based on the view that information derived from scientific observation is the exclusive source of all authoritative knowledge
Wikipedia - Posture (psychology) -- Provides important information through nonverbal communication
Wikipedia - Poul Creek Formation -- Geologic formation in Alaska.
Wikipedia - Pozas Formation -- Geologic formation in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Prairie Bluff Chalk -- Formation in Alabama and Mississippi, United States
Wikipedia - Precision and recall -- Measures of relevance in pattern recognition, information retrieval, and machine learning
Wikipedia - Preformationism
Wikipedia - Preformation theory
Wikipedia - Prehistory of the United States -- US History from the formation of the Earth to history in written form
Wikipedia - Press release -- Information provided for public relations
Wikipedia - Pressure solution -- Rock deformation mechanism involving minerals dissolution under mechanical stress
Wikipedia - Pre-stellar core -- An early phase in the formation of low-mass stars, before gravitational collapse produces a central protostar
Wikipedia - Priesener Formation -- Geologic formation in Czech Republic
Wikipedia - Primary source -- Original source of information
Wikipedia - Princess of Hope -- Rock formation in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Principles of Information Security -- Textbook
Wikipedia - Prison Mindfulness Institute -- American non-profit organization supporting prisoners in transformation through meditation
Wikipedia - Privacy concerns regarding Google -- |Privacy concerns exist regarding the large amount of personal information that Google houses and cross-references between its services, which may be exposed to advertisers, to law enforcement, or to hackers in incidents similar to the 2009 infiltration of Google networks by Chinese operatives
Wikipedia - Privacy -- The ability of an individual or group to seclude themselves, or information about themselves
Wikipedia - Private Information -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - Problem-Oriented Medical Information System -- Hospital patient records system
Wikipedia - Process control block -- Data structure in the operating system kernel containing the information needed to manage a particular process
Wikipedia - Process of concept formation
Wikipedia - Profiling (information science)
Wikipedia - Program and System Information Protocol -- Video and audio industry protocol
Wikipedia - Program transformation
Wikipedia - Projectional radiography -- Formation of 2D images using X-rays
Wikipedia - Project management information system
Wikipedia - Proof of work -- A system that regulates the formation of blocks on a blockchain
Wikipedia - Propaganda during the Reformation
Wikipedia - Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes
Wikipedia - ProQuest -- American information company
Wikipedia - Protein Information Resource
Wikipedia - Protestant Reformation
Wikipedia - Protestant reformation
Wikipedia - Protostar -- Early stage in the process of star formation
Wikipedia - Proto-writing -- Symbol system that conveys information, but does not record language
Wikipedia - Providence Sand -- Geologic formation in Georgia, United States
Wikipedia - Pseudo-polynomial transformation -- A function used in computational complexity theory
Wikipedia - Psychic -- Person who claims to use extrasensory perception to identify information hidden from the normal senses
Wikipedia - Psychological warfare -- Military information operations aimed at promoting behaviour to assist military objectives
Wikipedia - PubChem -- Chemical information database
Wikipedia - Public information
Wikipedia - Publishing -- Process of production and dissemination of literature, music, or information
Wikipedia - Pudovinko Formation -- Late Cretaceous geologic formation in Russia
Wikipedia - Pulse-amplitude modulation -- Form of signal modulation where information is encoded in the amplitude of a series of pulses
Wikipedia - Punjab Information Technology Board
Wikipedia - Punta Judas Formation -- Geologic formation in Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Punta Pelada Formation -- Geologic formation in Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Pupa -- Life stage of some insects undergoing transformation
Wikipedia - Purlawaugh Formation -- Geologic formation in New South Wales
Wikipedia - Pyramid Formation -- Geologic formation in Nevada, US
Wikipedia - Qatar Financial Information Unit
Wikipedia - Quantities of information
Wikipedia - Quantum Computation and Quantum Information
Wikipedia - Quantum information processing
Wikipedia - Quantum information science
Wikipedia - Quantum information theory
Wikipedia - Quantum information -- Information that is held in the state of a quantum system
Wikipedia - Quantum mutual information
Wikipedia - Qubit -- Basic unit of quantum information
Wikipedia - Quebrada Chocolate Formation -- Geologic formation in Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Quebradillas Limestone -- Geologic formation in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Queries per second -- Amount of search traffic an information retrieval system receives during one second
Wikipedia - Query expansion -- Text query method in information retrieval
Wikipedia - Questionnaire construction -- Design of a questionnaire to gather statistically useful information about a given topic
Wikipedia - Questionnaire -- Research instrument consisting of a series of questions and other prompts for the purpose of gathering information from respondents
Wikipedia - Question -- Request for information
Wikipedia - Quirico Formation -- Geological formation in Brazil
Wikipedia - Quiriquina Formation -- Geological formation in Chile
Wikipedia - Qumu Corporation -- U.S. information technology company
Wikipedia - Rabbit Hill Limestone -- Geologic formation
Wikipedia - Rachel Neaman -- Specialist in digital strategy, transformation, skills and inclusion
Wikipedia - Radical Reformation -- Anabaptist movement concurrent with the Protestant Reformation
Wikipedia - Radio Data System -- Communications protocol standard for embedding small amounts of digital information in conventional FM radio broadcasts
Wikipedia - Radio -- Technology of using radio waves to carry information
Wikipedia - Ranking (information retrieval)
Wikipedia - Ranquil Formation -- Miocene and Pliocene sedimentary formation in south-central Chile
Wikipedia - Rat Rock -- Rock formation in Central Park, Manhattan, New York City
Wikipedia - Raukelv Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Ravnefjeld Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Razorback Beds -- Geologic formation in Australia
Wikipedia - RCC Institute of Information Technology -- Indian technology college
Wikipedia - RDS Info -- Canadian French-language sports information channel
Wikipedia - Reaction formation
Wikipedia - Rebecca George -- British information technologist
Wikipedia - Receiver (information theory)
Wikipedia - Recommender system -- Information filtering system to predict users' preferences
Wikipedia - Record (computer science) -- Information block that is part of a database (data row)
Wikipedia - Redline Communications -- Canadian information technology company
Wikipedia - Redundancy (information theory)
Wikipedia - Referer spoofing -- Practice in HTTP networking of intentionally sending incorrect referer information
Wikipedia - Reflections on the Formation and Distribution of Wealth -- 1770 economic treatise by Turgot
Wikipedia - Reformation Alliance Party -- Political party in Liberia
Wikipedia - Reformational philosophy
Wikipedia - Reformation Day
Wikipedia - Reformation (disambiguation)
Wikipedia - Reformation in Denmark-Norway and Holstein
Wikipedia - Reformation in Ireland
Wikipedia - Reformation in Italy
Wikipedia - Reformation in Poland
Wikipedia - Reformation in Sweden
Wikipedia - Reformation in Switzerland -- Protestant Reformation in Switzerland
Wikipedia - Reformation in the Kingdom of Hungary
Wikipedia - Reformation in Zrich
Wikipedia - Reformation Papacy
Wikipedia - Reformation Wall
Wikipedia - Reformation -- Schism within the Western Christian Church in the 16th century
Wikipedia - Regadera Formation -- Geological formation of the Colombian Andes
Wikipedia - Registered Health Information Technician -- professional certification
Wikipedia - Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances -- Database of toxicity information
Wikipedia - Regulator freezing -- Locking of a diving regulator by ice formation
Wikipedia - Relevance (information retrieval)
Wikipedia - Relevance -- Usefulness of considering certain information in the context of a given topic
Wikipedia - Religious Information Service of Ukraine
Wikipedia - RELX -- Anglo-Dutch multinational publishing and information company
Wikipedia - Remote sensing -- Acquisition of information at a significant distance from the subject
Wikipedia - Restoration Movement -- Christian movement seeking church reformation and unification
Wikipedia - Reticular formation
Wikipedia - Reuters Group -- Former British media and financial information company
Wikipedia - Reverse engineering -- Process of extracting design information from anything man-made
Wikipedia - Rhode Island Office of Library and Information Services -- State library agency of Rhode Island
Wikipedia - Richard Hamming -- American mathematician and information theorist
Wikipedia - Right to Information Act, 2005 -- Act of the Parliament of India
Wikipedia - Ringold Formation -- Sediment formation in Washington, United States
Wikipedia - Rio Guatemala Group -- Geologic formation in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Road surface marking -- Any kind of device or material used on a road surface to convey official information
Wikipedia - Roberts Mountains Formation -- Geologic formation in Nevada and Idaho
Wikipedia - Robin Hood's Stride -- Rock formation in Derbyshire, England
Wikipedia - Robinow syndrome -- Syndrome characterized by mild to moderate short stature due to growth delays after birth, distinctive craniofacial abnormalities, skeletal malformations and genital abnormalities
Wikipedia - Robin Sage -- Fictional American information technology specialist
Wikipedia - Rob Kling -- American information theorist
Wikipedia - Roche moutonnM-CM-)e -- Rock formation created by the passing of a glacier
Wikipedia - Rochester Shale -- Geologic formation
Wikipedia - Rock climbing -- Sport in which participants climb natural rock formations
Wikipedia - Rohm -- Japanese information technology company
Wikipedia - Rojava Information Center -- News agency in Syria
Wikipedia - Romanian Volunteer Corps in Russia -- Military formation of World War I
Wikipedia - Ronald Rock -- Rock formation in Pensacola Mountains, Antarctica
Wikipedia - Roque Redonde Formation -- Geologic formation in France
Wikipedia - Rosablanca Formation -- Geologic formation in the Andes
Wikipedia - Rossby radius of deformation -- The length scale at which rotational effects become as important as buoyancy or gravity wave effects in the evolution of the flow about some disturbance
Wikipedia - Rotzo Formation -- Jurassic geological formation in Italy
Wikipedia - Routing Information Protocol -- Computer network protocol
Wikipedia - Routing protocol -- Network protocol for distributing routing information to network equipment
Wikipedia - Rove Digital -- Former Estonia information technology company
Wikipedia - Rove Formation -- Sedimentary rock formation
Wikipedia - Roxby Formation -- geological formation in eastern England
Wikipedia - Roy Rada -- American Professor emeritus of information systems (b. 1951)
Wikipedia - R. R. Bowker -- American company providing bibliographic information on published works
Wikipedia - RTP Control Protocol -- Sister protocol of the Real-time Transport Protocol that provides control information
Wikipedia - Rubicon Foundation -- Non-profit organization for promoting research and information access for underwater diving
Wikipedia - Run-time type information
Wikipedia - Rupelo Formation -- Geologic formation in Spain
Wikipedia - Rutland Formation -- English geologic formation
Wikipedia - Sabana Formation -- Geological formation in the Colombian Andes
Wikipedia - Sacramentarians -- Christians during the Protestant Reformation who denied transubstantiation)
Wikipedia - Safety data sheet -- System for cataloging information, potential hazards and instructions for safe use associated with a material or product
Wikipedia - Sageworks -- Private financial information company headquartered in Raleigh, North Carolina
Wikipedia - Sagog Formation -- Early Cretaceous geologic formation in South Korea
Wikipedia - Saint Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics
Wikipedia - S&P Global Platts -- American commodity markets information provider
Wikipedia - Samuelsen Hoj Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - San Benito Formation, Bolivia -- Geologic formation in Bolivia
Wikipedia - Sangarskaya Svita -- Geologic formation in Russia
Wikipedia - Sanitization (classified information) -- Removing sensitive information from a document to allow distribution
Wikipedia - San Margarita Sandstone -- Geologic formation in California, United States
Wikipedia - Sannine Formation -- Geologic formation in Lebanon
Wikipedia - San Sebastian Limestone -- Geologic formation in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Santa Rosa Group -- Paleozoic geologic formation in Belize and Guatemala
Wikipedia - Santiago Formation, Bolivia -- Geologic formation in Bolivia
Wikipedia - Sao Khua Formation -- Early Cretaceous geological formation in Thailand
Wikipedia - Sarah T. Roberts -- Professor of Library & Information Science, author, and scholar
Wikipedia - Sara Irina Fabrikant -- Swiss geographer and geographical information scientist
Wikipedia - Sarangani Reconciliation and Reformation Organization -- Political party in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Sarhad University of Science & Information Technology -- Private university in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Satilla Formation -- Geologic formation in Georgia, United States
Wikipedia - Savanna Sandstone -- Geologic formation in Arkansas and Oklahoma
Wikipedia - Scantrust -- Swiss information technology company
Wikipedia - Schistes de Fiennes -- Geological formation in France
Wikipedia - Schistes de Saint -- Geologic formation in France
Wikipedia - School of Information Technology (New Jersey) -- Magnet high school in Passaic County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Schools Catalogue Information Service -- Australian cataloguing service created for school libraries
Wikipedia - SchoolTool -- Student information system
Wikipedia - Schrieffer-Wolff transformation -- In physics, an operator version of second-order perturbation theory
Wikipedia - Schuchert Dal Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Science Applications International Corporation -- American information technology company
Wikipedia - Science information on Wikipedia
Wikipedia - Sclerosteosis -- Disorder characterized by excessive bone formation
Wikipedia - Scoresby Land Group -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Scott information system
Wikipedia - Scottish Reformation Parliament
Wikipedia - Scottish Reformation
Wikipedia - Search by sound -- Retrieval of information based on audio input
Wikipedia - Search engine -- Software system that is designed to search for information on the World Wide Web
Wikipedia - Sebayashi Formation -- Cretaceous geologic formation in Japan
Wikipedia - Secondary source -- Document that discusses information originally presented elsewhere
Wikipedia - Second Nigerian Republic -- Second formation of Nigeria 1979-1983
Wikipedia - Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting -- Head of the Information Technology and Broadcasting Bureau who was responsible for managing Hong Kong's broadcasting services
Wikipedia - Secularization -- Transformation of a society from close identification with religious values and institutions toward nonreligious values
Wikipedia - Security clearance -- Status granted to individuals allowing them access to classified information or to restricted areas
Wikipedia - Security information and event management -- Computer security
Wikipedia - Security information management
Wikipedia - Security Information Service
Wikipedia - Security of Information Act -- An Act of the Parliament of Canada addressing national security
Wikipedia - Sekmenevsk Formation -- Cretaceous geologic formation in Russia
Wikipedia - Selective exposure theory -- Theory in psychology referring to the tendency to favor information which reinforces pre-existing views
Wikipedia - Selective Service System -- US federal government agency that maintains information on those potentially subject to military conscription
Wikipedia - Self-information
Wikipedia - Selma Group -- Geological formation in North America
Wikipedia - Sengoku Formation -- Geologic formation in Japan
Wikipedia - Sensemaking (information science)
Wikipedia - Sensitive Compartmented Information
Wikipedia - Sensory nerve -- A nerve that carries sensory information toward the central nervous system
Wikipedia - Sensory nervous system -- Part of the nervous system responsible for processing sensory information
Wikipedia - Seonso Conglomerate -- Geologic formation in South Korea
Wikipedia - Sergio Verdu -- Spanish information theorist
Wikipedia - Serpentinite -- Rock formed by hydration and metamorphic transformation of olivine
Wikipedia - Sex141 -- Hong Kong information network for sex workers
Wikipedia - Shadow profile -- Internet information privacy issue
Wikipedia - Shadow table -- Object in computer science used to improve the way machines, networks and programs handle information
Wikipedia - Shane's Chess Information Database
Wikipedia - Shannon information theory
Wikipedia - Shannon information
Wikipedia - Shared Services Canada -- Shared Services Canada is an initiative by the government of Canada to provide information technology services to the various Canadian governmental agencies.
Wikipedia - Shaximiao Formation -- Late Jurassic geological formation in China
Wikipedia - Shedhorn Sandstone -- Geologic formation in the United States
Wikipedia - Shemshak Group -- Geologic formation in Iran
Wikipedia - Shi'i Reformation in Iran: The Life and Theology of Shari'at Sangelaji -- 2015 book by Ali Rahnema
Wikipedia - Shirabad Formation -- Geologic formation in Tajikistan
Wikipedia - Shlomo Kramer -- Israeli information technology entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Short-term memory -- Process that deals with the storage, retrieval and modification of information received a short time ago
Wikipedia - Shut-in (river) -- A type of rock formation found in Ozarks streams
Wikipedia - Side-channel attack -- Any attack based on information gained from the implementation of a computer system
Wikipedia - Sify -- Indian information technology company
Wikipedia - Signal (information theory)
Wikipedia - Signaling (telecommunications) -- the electronic exchange of information required to set up a telecommunications connection
Wikipedia - Signal -- Varying physical quantity that conveys information
Wikipedia - Sikhanyiso Dlamini -- Minister of Information, Communication and Technology
Wikipedia - Siletzia -- Rock formation that forms the basement rock of the southern Pacific Northwest coast
Wikipedia - Sinuiju Formation -- Early Cretaceous formation in North Korea
Wikipedia - SIS (Sports Information Services) -- Content and production services for betting industry
Wikipedia - Site survey -- Inspections of an area where work is proposed, to gather information
Wikipedia - Sleep-learning -- Attempt to convey information to a sleeping person
Wikipedia - SMART Information Retrieval System
Wikipedia - Smart tourism -- Field of information and communication technology
Wikipedia - Snake Indian Formation -- Geologic formation in Canada
Wikipedia - Sneakernet -- An informal term for the transfer of electronic information by physically moving media.
Wikipedia - Snow Hill Island Formation -- Geologic formation in Antarctica
Wikipedia - Snyder Hill Formation -- Geologic formation in Arizona
Wikipedia - Soata Formation -- Geological formation in the Colombian Andes
Wikipedia - Social engineering (security) -- Psychological manipulation of people into performing actions or divulging confidential information
Wikipedia - Social information architecture
Wikipedia - Social information processing (theory)
Wikipedia - Social information processing
Wikipedia - Social information seeking
Wikipedia - Social media -- Internet services for sharing personal information and ideas
Wikipedia - Social Science Information
Wikipedia - Social transformation
Wikipedia - Society for Constitutional Information
Wikipedia - Software and Information Industry Association -- Trade association
Wikipedia - Solder fatigue -- Degradation of solder due to deformation under cyclic loading
Wikipedia - Soledad Beds -- Geologic formation in Mexico
Wikipedia - Sonia de Francisco -- Argentinian librarian, information professional and academic
Wikipedia - Sonoma Volcanics -- A geologic formation of volcanic origin in California
Wikipedia - Soom Shale -- Late Ordovician lagerstatte formation in South Africa
Wikipedia - Source criticism -- Process of evaluating an information source
Wikipedia - Source (journalism) -- Person, publication, or document that gives timely information
Wikipedia - Southern England Chalk Formation
Wikipedia - South Stack Formation -- Cambro-Ordovician geologic formation in Wales
Wikipedia - Spatiotemporal database -- Database managing time and space information
Wikipedia - Spechts Ferry Formation -- Geologic formation in Illinois, United States
Wikipedia - Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval
Wikipedia - Spectral efficiency -- Information rate that can be transmitted over a given bandwidth
Wikipedia - Speeton Clay Formation -- Early Cretaceous geological formation in Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Sphinx (Romania) -- Natural rock formation in the Bucegi Mountains in Romania
Wikipedia - Spiritual formation
Wikipedia - Spiritual transformation
Wikipedia - Spyware -- Malware that collects and transmits user information without their knowledge
Wikipedia - SRPX2 -- Gene involved in glutamatergic synapse formation
Wikipedia - StackPath -- U.S. information technology company
Wikipedia - Stalagmite -- Elongate mineral formation found on a cave floor
Wikipedia - Standard enthalpy change of formation (data table)
Wikipedia - Starburst galaxy -- A galaxy undergoing an exceptionally high rate of star formation
Wikipedia - Starburst region -- Region of faster than normal star formation
Wikipedia - Star formation -- Process by which dense regions of molecular clouds in interstellar space collapse to form stars
Wikipedia - State (computer science) -- Remembered information in a computer system
Wikipedia - State formation
Wikipedia - Stateless protocol -- Communications protocol in which no information is retained by either sender or receiver
Wikipedia - States Reorganisation Act, 1956 -- Act of the Parliament of India, of reformation pertaining to the boundaries of states and territories
Wikipedia - Status register -- Register containing flags giving additional information concerning a result in a processor
Wikipedia - Stefanie Barz -- Professor of Quantum Information and Technology
Wikipedia - Steinerne Rose -- Rock formation in Germany
Wikipedia - Stickelberger's theorem -- Gives information about the Galois module structure of class groups of cyclotomic fields
Wikipedia - Stiffness -- Resistance to deformation in response to force
Wikipedia - Stockpoint -- Online financial information provider
Wikipedia - Stone Forest -- Formation of sharp limestone pillars created by calcium carbonate dissolution
Wikipedia - Stormy Peters -- American information technology industry analyst
Wikipedia - Stovepiping -- Metaphorical term referring to information presented without proper context
Wikipedia - Stratigraphy -- The study of rock layers and their formation
Wikipedia - Strawn Formation -- Geologic formation in Texas
Wikipedia - Streisand effect -- phenomenon that attempting to hide information attracts more attention to it
Wikipedia - Structural alignment -- Aligning molecular sequences using sequence and structural information
Wikipedia - Structural geology -- The science of the description and interpretation of deformation in the Earth's crust
Wikipedia - Structural holes -- A gap between two individuals who have complementary sources to information
Wikipedia - Structural information theory
Wikipedia - Structure formation -- Formation of galaxies, galaxy clusters and larger structures from small early density fluctuations
Wikipedia - Structure of Management Information
Wikipedia - Student Information Processing Board
Wikipedia - Subachoque Formation -- Geological formation in South America
Wikipedia - Subiculum -- Most inferior part of the hippocampal formation
Wikipedia - Suffix (name) -- Naming tradition, follows a person's full name and provides additional information about the person
Wikipedia - Summit Creek Formation -- Geologic formation in Canada
Wikipedia - Sumo Logic -- U.S. information technology company
Wikipedia - Sundays River Formation -- Geological formation in the Uitenhage Group of the Algoa Basin in South Africa
Wikipedia - Surprise Canyon Formation -- Geologic formation in Arizona, United States
Wikipedia - Svecofennian orogeny -- A series of related orogenies that resulted in the formation of much of the continental crust in what is today Sweden and Finland plus some minor parts of Russia
Wikipedia - Swan Cay Formation -- Geologic formation in Panama
Wikipedia - Swissinfo -- Swiss news and information platform
Wikipedia - Symbols of Transformation
Wikipedia - Synaptogenesis -- Formation of neuronal junctions in the nervous system
Wikipedia - Synergy International Systems -- American information technology company
Wikipedia - Synnex -- American information technology company
Wikipedia - System Information (Mac OS)
Wikipedia - System Information (Mac)
Wikipedia - System Information (Windows)
Wikipedia - Table (information)
Wikipedia - Table Mountain Sandstone -- A group of rock formations within the Cape Supergroup sequence of rocks
Wikipedia - Tagore family -- Calcutta based family who have contributed to the fields of business, social and religious reformation, literature, art and music
Wikipedia - Takli Formation -- Geologic formation in India
Wikipedia - Tamayama Formation -- Geologic formation in Japan
Wikipedia - Tamiami Formation -- Late Miocene to Pliocene geologic formation in the southwest Florida peninsula
Wikipedia - Tangshang Formation -- Geologic formation in China
Wikipedia - Tanja Lange -- Scientific director of the Eindhoven Institute for the Protection of Systems and Information
Wikipedia - Tank corps (Soviet Union) -- World War II Soviet military formation
Wikipedia - Tanohata Formation -- Geologic formation in Japan
Wikipedia - Tantalus Formation -- Geologic formation in Canada
Wikipedia - Tassajara Formation -- Geologic unit in Northern California
Wikipedia - Tavsens Iskappe Group -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Tawanna Dillahunt -- American computer scientist and information scientist
Wikipedia - Tazukawa Formation -- Geologic formation in Japan
Wikipedia - Teekloof Formation -- Late Permian geological formation that forms part of the Beaufort Group of South Africa
Wikipedia - Telecommunication -- Transmission of information between locations using electromagnetic technology
Wikipedia - Teleconference -- Live exchange of information among several persons remote from one another
Wikipedia - Telepresence technology -- The combination of satellite technology with the Internet to broadcast information, including video in real-time
Wikipedia - Teletext -- Television information retrieval service developed in the United Kingdom in the early 1970s
Wikipedia - Template:Information page/sandbox -- sandbox|Wikipedia information page|noreplace|nocat={{{nocat|{{{demo|
Wikipedia - Template:Information page -- Wikipedia information page|noreplace
Wikipedia - Template talk:Basic information
Wikipedia - Template talk:Building information modeling
Wikipedia - Template talk:Information science
Wikipedia - Template talk:Information Security Certifications
Wikipedia - Template talk:Information security
Wikipedia - Template talk:Information theory
Wikipedia - Template talk:Major information storage companies
Wikipedia - Template talk:Portal information sidebar
Wikipedia - Template talk:Pre Reformation Bishops of Connor
Wikipedia - Template talk:Pre Reformation Bishops of Down
Wikipedia - Template talk:Quantum information
Wikipedia - Template talk:Reformation literature
Wikipedia - Template talk:Reformation
Wikipedia - Template talk:Transformation rules
Wikipedia - Temporal database -- Database that stores information relating to past, present and future time
Wikipedia - Temporal information retrieval
Wikipedia - TereM-CM-1es Formation -- Late Jurassic geologic formation in Spain
Wikipedia - Teri Takai -- American politician and Chief Information Officer.
Wikipedia - Terraba Basin Group -- Geologic formation group in Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Terry Lovejoy -- Information technologist and amateur astronomer from Queensland, Australia
Wikipedia - Tetelna Formation -- Geologic formation in Alaska, United States
Wikipedia - Text mining -- Process of analysing text to extract information from it
Wikipedia - Text Template Transformation Toolkit
Wikipedia - Thach Weave -- Aerial combat formation
Wikipedia - The Arabidopsis Information Resource
Wikipedia - The control revolution: technological and economic origins of the information society
Wikipedia - The Formation of the Economic Thought of Karl Marx -- 1967 book by Ernest Mandel
Wikipedia - The Free Dictionary -- American online dictionary and encyclopedia that gathers information from a variety of sources
Wikipedia - The Great Transformation (book)
Wikipedia - The Humps -- granite rock formation in Western Australia
Wikipedia - The Information: A History, a Theory, a Flood -- 2011 book by James Gleick
Wikipedia - The Information (company)
Wikipedia - The Information Society
Wikipedia - The National Archives (United Kingdom) -- Repository of archival information for the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - The National Map Corps -- Volunteers who devote time to provide cartographic information to the U.S. Geological Survey
Wikipedia - Theory of Motivated Information Management -- Social-psychological framework
Wikipedia - Theory of tides -- science of interpretation and prediction of deformations of astronomical bodies and their atmospheres and oceans under the gravitational loading of other astronomical bodies
Wikipedia - The Reformation of the Suffragettes -- Silent comedy film
Wikipedia - The Royal School of Library and Information Science
Wikipedia - The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere
Wikipedia - The Transformation of Dr. Bessel -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - The Transformation of Mike -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - The Transformation of the World into Music -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - The Wave (Arizona) -- Rock formation in the Vermilion Cliffs National Monument in Arizona, United States
Wikipedia - The Weather Company -- Weather forecasting and information technology company
Wikipedia - Thiourea organocatalysis -- Use of ureas and thioureas to accelerate and stereochemically alter organic transformations
Wikipedia - ThM-aM-:M-)m KhuyM-CM-*n Cave -- Cave formation in Vietnam
Wikipedia - Thomas John Flanagan -- Claimed psychic medium and felon caught in sting operation using social media information in readings.
Wikipedia - Thomas Reynolds (priest) -- English Reformation Catholic priest
Wikipedia - Thomson Corporation -- Information company
Wikipedia - Thrombosis -- Vascular disease caused by the formation of a blood clot inside a blood vessel
Wikipedia - Tiki Formation -- Geologic formation in India
Wikipedia - Timeline of information theory
Wikipedia - Timeline of the English Reformation
Wikipedia - Timeline of the formation of the universe
Wikipedia - Tire code -- Alphanumeric code on the sidewall of tires, specifying information such as dimensions and limitations
Wikipedia - Titkana Formation -- Geologic formation in Canada
Wikipedia - Titusville Till -- Geologic formation in Pennsylvania, United States
Wikipedia - Tobabe Formation -- Geologic formation in Panama
Wikipedia - Tober Colleen Formation -- Geologic formation in Ireland
Wikipedia - Tochikubo Formation -- Geologic formation in Japan
Wikipedia - Tomanova Formation -- Geologic formation in Slovakia
Wikipedia - Tongfosi Formation -- Geologic formation in China
Wikipedia - Toqui Formation -- Geologic formation in Chile
Wikipedia - Tornado myths -- Incorrect information or misconceptions about tornadoes given by unreliable sources
Wikipedia - Total Information Awareness -- US mass detection program
Wikipedia - Totality of the circumstances -- Refers to a method of analysis where decisions are based on all available information
Wikipedia - Tote board -- Large numeric or alphanumeric display used to convey information
Wikipedia - Tour guide -- Person who provides information and heritage interpretation to tourists
Wikipedia - Toutunhe Formation -- Geologic formation in China
Wikipedia - Traffic information service - broadcast -- Aviation information service
Wikipedia - Traffic information
Wikipedia - Traffic message channel -- Technology for delivering traffic and travel information to motor vehicle drivers
Wikipedia - Tralcan Formation -- Triassic age geological formation in Chile
Wikipedia - Trampas Group -- Group of geologic formations in New Mexico, US
Wikipedia - Transcend Information
Wikipedia - Transduction (genetics) -- The transfer of genetic information to a bacterium from a bacteriophage or between bacterial or yeast cells mediated by a phage vector.
Wikipedia - Transformational-generative grammar
Wikipedia - Transformational grammar
Wikipedia - Transformational leadership
Wikipedia - Transformation design
Wikipedia - Transformation (function)
Wikipedia - Transformation (genetics)
Wikipedia - Transformation geometry
Wikipedia - Transformation group
Wikipedia - Transformation language
Wikipedia - Transformation (mathematics)
Wikipedia - Transformation matrices
Wikipedia - Transformation matrix
Wikipedia - Transformation of culture
Wikipedia - Transformation problem
Wikipedia - Transformation rule
Wikipedia - Transformation theory (quantum mechanics)
Wikipedia - Travelers' information station -- Radio stations used to broadcast travel and other information
Wikipedia - Travel technology -- Application of Information Technology or Information and Communications Technology in the travel, tourism and hospitality industry
Wikipedia - Travesser Formation -- Geologic formation in New Mexico, United States
Wikipedia - Tree of Life Web Project -- Internet project providing information about the diversity and phylogeny of life
Wikipedia - Tree testing (information architecture)
Wikipedia - Trempealeau Formation -- Geologic formation in Wisconsin, United States
Wikipedia - Trial balloon -- Information given to media to assess an audience's reaction
Wikipedia - Trial -- Coming together of parties to a dispute, to present information in a tribunal
Wikipedia - Tribal knowledge -- Information or knowledge that is known within a tribe but often unknown outside of it
Wikipedia - Trichromacy -- Possessing of three independent channels for conveying color information
Wikipedia - Trolltunga -- Rock formation in Norway
Wikipedia - Trudenstein -- Rock formation in Germany
Wikipedia - Tsagaantsav Formation -- Early Cretaceous geologic formation in Mongolia
Wikipedia - Tsingy de Bemaraha National Park -- National park with sharply eroded needle-shaped limestone formations in Madagascar
Wikipedia - Tuareg Shield -- geological formation between the West African craton and the Saharan Metacraton in West Africa
Wikipedia - Tucumilla Formation -- Geologic formation in Bolivia
Wikipedia - Turginskaya Svita -- Geologic formation in Russia
Wikipedia - Turning a blind eye -- Ignoring of undesirable information
Wikipedia - Tu Rocks -- Rock formation in the South Shetland Islands
Wikipedia - TVB Finance & Information Channel -- 24-hour non-stop Cantonese finance information channel in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - TVLine -- Website devoted to information about television programs
Wikipedia - Tyne Limestone -- Geological formation in Scotland
Wikipedia - Type-II superconductor -- Superconductor characterized by the formation of magnetic vortices in an applied magnetic field
Wikipedia - Tz database -- Collaborative compilation of information about the world's time zones
Wikipedia - UC Berkeley School of Information
Wikipedia - UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies -- One of the professional graduate schools at UCLA
Wikipedia - UK Carrier Strike Group -- Formation of the British Royal Navy
Wikipedia - Ukrainian Independent Information Agency -- Ukrainian news agency
Wikipedia - Ulan Malgait Formation -- Geologic formation in Mongolia
Wikipedia - Uncertainty -- Situation which involves imperfect and/or unknown information, regarding the existing state, environment, a future outcome or more than one possible outcomes
Wikipedia - Undular bore -- Wave disturbance in the Earth's atmosphere which can be seen through unique cloud formations
Wikipedia - UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning -- Non-profit international research, training, information certre
Wikipedia - UniProt -- Database of protein sequences and functional information
Wikipedia - Unisys -- American global information technology company
Wikipedia - Unitary transformation
Wikipedia - United Nations Department of Public Information
Wikipedia - United States Army Central -- Military formation
Wikipedia - United States Information Agency
Wikipedia - United States Office of War Information -- United States government agency created during World War II
Wikipedia - Unit for Research and Development of Information Products -- Research institute in Pune, India
Wikipedia - Units of information -- Capacity of information storage and communication
Wikipedia - Universally unique identifier -- 128-bit number used to identify information in computer systems
Wikipedia - University of California, Berkeley School of Information
Wikipedia - University of Kentucky College of Communication & Information -- College of Communication and Information of the University of Kentucky in Lexington, KY, USA
Wikipedia - University of Michigan School of Information
Wikipedia - University of Oregon Department of Computer and Information Science
Wikipedia - University of Santo Tomas Institute of Information and Computing Sciences -- Philippine Catholic university
Wikipedia - University of Toronto Faculty of Information
Wikipedia - University of Washington Information School
Wikipedia - University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Information Studies -- Academic unit of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Wikipedia - Unring the bell -- Analogy in law, used to suggest the difficulty of forgetting information once it is known
Wikipedia - Unstructured data -- Information without a formal data model
Wikipedia - Upper Dharmaram Formation -- Geologic formation in India
Wikipedia - Upper information region -- Flight information region
Wikipedia - Upper Maleri Formation -- Geologic formation in India
Wikipedia - Upper ontology (information science)
Wikipedia - UP School of Library and Information Studies
Wikipedia - Uralian orogeny -- the long series of linear deformation and mountain building events that raised the Ural Mountains
Wikipedia - Urbanspoon -- Informational service
Wikipedia - Uscari Formation -- Geologic formation in Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Usme Formation -- Geological formation in the Colombian Andes
Wikipedia - Vaccine Confidence Project -- International vaccination information project
Wikipedia - Vaccine Information Statement -- Document designed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to provide information to a patient receiving a vaccine in the United States
Wikipedia - Vaccine Safety Net -- Network of medical information websites
Wikipedia - Vandever Shale -- Geologic formation in Georgia, United States
Wikipedia - Vanguard -- The leading part of a military formation
Wikipedia - Vardekloft Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Vatican Information Service
Wikipedia - Vaticinium ex eventu -- Prophecy written after the author already had information about the events being "foretold", so as to appear that the prophecy had taken place before the event, when in fact it was written after the events supposedly predicted
Wikipedia - V Cavalry Corps (German Empire) -- German Army formation in WWI
Wikipedia - Vector Map -- Vector-based collection of geographic information system (GIS) data about Earth
Wikipedia - Vegas Stats & Information Network -- gambling-oriented sports news network
Wikipedia - Venado Formation -- Geological formation in the Colombian Andes
Wikipedia - Vermeer Centre -- Dutch information center
Wikipedia - Vestibular lamina -- Formation of the vestibule (the space bordered by the junction of the gingiva and the tissue of the inner cheek)
Wikipedia - Vic formation -- Military aircraft formation
Wikipedia - Viewdata -- Information retrieval service and legacy system
Wikipedia - Virtual fixture -- An overlay of augmented sensory information upon a user's perception of a real environment
Wikipedia - Visual cortex -- Region of the brain that processes visual information
Wikipedia - Vocoder -- Voice encryption, transformation and synthesis device
Wikipedia - Voice phishing -- Form of criminal phone fraud, using social engineering over the telephone system to gain access to private personal and financial information for the purpose of financial reward
Wikipedia - Volunteered geographic information -- The harnessing of tools to create, assemble, and disseminate geographic data provided voluntarily by individual
Wikipedia - W3Schools -- Web development information website
Wikipedia - Wagad Formation -- Geologic formation in India
Wikipedia - Wagon Bed Formation -- Geologic formation in Wyoming, United States
Wikipedia - Walker Rocks -- Rock formation in Victoria Land, Antarctica
Wikipedia - Washboard moraine -- Rock formation caused by glaciers
Wikipedia - Washington Land Group -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Washington School Information Processing Cooperative -- Public non-profit cooperative
Wikipedia - Water mass -- Identifiable body of water with a common formation history which has physical properties distinct from surrounding water
Wikipedia - Watson Ranch Quartzite -- Geologic formation in Utah, United States
Wikipedia - Wave Rock -- rock formation in Western Australia
Wikipedia - WBIN (AM) -- Black Information Network radio station in Atlanta
Wikipedia - WCAY-CD -- Tourist information TV station in Key West, Florida
Wikipedia - WDFN -- Black Information Network radio station in Detroit
Wikipedia - Wear -- Damaging, gradual removal or deformation of material at solid surfaces
Wikipedia - Weather Information Network -- Filipino television channel
Wikipedia - WebFinger -- Protocol for the discovery of information about people and things identified by a URI
Wikipedia - Web mapping -- Process of using the maps delivered by geographic information systems (GIS) in World Wide Web
Wikipedia - WebMD -- American corporation which provides health information services
Wikipedia - Web tracking -- Collection of information regarding user usage by websites.
Wikipedia - Wegener Halvo Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - WeiM-CM-^_jura Formation -- Geologic formation in Germany
Wikipedia - Well logging -- Measuring of physical parameters of the formations crossed by a borehole
Wikipedia - Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show -- Annual conformation show in New York City
Wikipedia - What Hath God Wrought: The Transformation of America, 1815-1848 -- 2007 book by Daniel Walker Howe
Wikipedia - Whitehill Formation -- Early Permian geological formation in South Africa
Wikipedia - White House Office of the Press Secretary -- Information provider to the U.S. president, White House staff, and the media
Wikipedia - Whitening transformation
Wikipedia - Who's Who -- Reference publication, generally containing concise biographical information on a particular group of people
Wikipedia - Wide Area Information Servers
Wikipedia - Wide area information server
Wikipedia - Wikileaf -- American cannabis industry information site
Wikipedia - WikiLeaks -- International non-profit organisation publishing secret information, news leaks and classified media
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Autopatrolled -- Wikipedia information page
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Content assessment/A-Class criteria -- Wikipedia information page
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Database download -- Information on downloading dumps of the wiki database
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Dead-end pages -- Wikipedia information page
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Images -- Wikipedia information page
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Medical disclaimer -- Policy on medical information in Wikimedia projects
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Merging -- information page
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:New pages patrol -- Information page about patrolling new pages
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Orphan -- Wikipedia information page
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Pending changes -- Wikipedia information page
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:RedWarn/Unofficial builds -- information regarding unofficial builds of RedWarn
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Requests for comment -- Information page on the process of requests for comment on Wikipedia
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Requests for de-adminship -- Wikipedia information page
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Scripts -- Wikipedia information page
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Talk page layout -- information page
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Templates -- Wikimedia pages embedded (transcluded) into other pages to allow repeated information
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Verifiability -- Wikipedia policy on verifiability of information
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Wikidata -- information page
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Historical information -- Wikimedia subject-area collaboration
Wikipedia - Wilhelmi Formation -- Geologic formation in Illinois, United States
Wikipedia - Williams Island Formation -- Geologic formation in Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - Willowvale Shale -- Geological formation
Wikipedia - Wills Creek Formation -- Bedrock unit in the Eastern United States
Wikipedia - Windgather Rocks -- Rock formation in the Peak District
Wikipedia - Wireless Application Protocol -- Technical standard for accessing information over a mobile wireless network
Wikipedia - Witten Limestone -- Geologic formation in Virginia, United States
Wikipedia - WODT -- Black Information Network affiliate radio station in New Orleans, Louisiana
Wikipedia - Wolf Mountain Shale -- Geologic formation in the U.S. state Texas
Wikipedia - Wollaston Forland Group -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Women in the Protestant Reformation
Wikipedia - Woodbine Formation -- Geological formation in Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Word formation -- Creation of a new word
Wikipedia - Wordie Creek Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - Working memory -- Cognitive system for temporarily holding information
Wikipedia - World Basic Information Library
Wikipedia - World record loop -- Record for the highest number of aircraft to successfully complete an aerobatic loop while flying in formation
Wikipedia - World Summit on the Information Society
Wikipedia - Worshipful Company of Information Technologists -- Livery company of the City of London
Wikipedia - Wyckoff Bjerg Formation -- Geologic formation in Greenland
Wikipedia - WYNF -- Black Information Network affiliate station in Augusta, Georgia
Wikipedia - WZAB -- Black Information Network radio station in Sweetwater, Florida, United States
Wikipedia - XBIZ -- Business information for the sex industry
Wikipedia - XBRL -- Exchange format for business information
Wikipedia - Xiangning Zhang -- Chinese information technology entrepreneur, angel investor, and venture capitalist
Wikipedia - XML Information Set
Wikipedia - XSL Transformations
Wikipedia - Yamaga Formation -- Geologic formation in Japan
Wikipedia - Yankee Dutch crossing -- Dance performed in a formation of 8 couples
Wikipedia - Yeni Eskihisar -- Geologic formation in Turkey
Wikipedia - Yield (engineering) -- Phenomenon of deformation due to structural stress
Wikipedia - Yushima Formation -- Geologic formation in Japan
Wikipedia - Z39.50 -- Application layer communications protocol for searching and retrieving information from a database over a TCP/IP computer network
Wikipedia - Zarbuz Formation -- Geologic formation
Wikipedia - Zaza Formation -- Geologic formation in Russia
Wikipedia - Zebrafish Information Network
Wikipedia - Zhirkindek Formation -- Geologic formation in Kazakhstan
Wikipedia - Zhumapu Formation -- Late Cretaceous geologic formation in China
Wikipedia - Ziliujing Formation -- Geological formation in China
Wikipedia - ZoomInfo -- U.S. information technology company'Information_et_de_la_Communication's_Information_Group -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - transformation -- 40
Kheper - Transformation -- 6
Kheper - Triple_Transformation -- 68
Kheper - aspects -- 40 -- 0
Kheper - collective -- 48
Kheper - cosmic -- 40
Kheper - delusional -- 36
Kheper - divinisation -- 39 -- 0
Kheper - egocentric -- 41
Kheper - emotional -- 75 -- 0
Kheper - esoteric -- 69
Kheper - ethnocentric -- 44 -- 0
Kheper - fields -- 103
Kheper - global -- 65
Kheper - group -- 94
Kheper - higher_divinisation -- 60
Kheper - higher_realisation -- 89
Kheper - higher_spiritual_mind -- 39
Kheper - holistic -- 55 -- 0
Kheper - transformation index -- 75 -- 0
Kheper - integral -- 109
Kheper - intersubjective -- 101 -- 0
Kheper - mental -- 104
Kheper - mesoteric -- 66
Kheper - partial_realisation -- 74
Kheper - physical -- 43 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - realisation -- 106 -- 0 -- 0
Kheper - self-transformation -- 96
Kheper - socio-cultural -- 89
Kheper - stages -- 89
Kheper - worldcentric -- 91
auromere - mental-formations-powers-and-perils
auromere - mental-formations-powers-and-perils
auromere - mental-formations-powers-and-perils
auromere - ascent-experience
auromere - descent-experience
auromere - descent-experience
auromere - symbols-seen-during-spiritual-experiences
auromere - transformation
auromere - psychic
auromere - four-movements-of-consciousness
auromere - ascent-experience
auromere - descent-experience
auromere - difference-between-vision-experience-and-realization
auromere - four-movements-of-consciousness
auromere - psychi
auromere - sapta-chatushthaya
auromere - symbols-seen-during-spiritual-experiences
Integral World - Integral Education in the Information Age, Daniel Araya
Integral World - Comment on Corbett's "Social Transformation", Alexander W. Astin
Integral World - An Integral Use of Violence for Social Transformation?, Joe Corbett
Integral World - Social Transformation Toward a More Just Kosmos, Joe Corbett
Integral World - Four levels of the Informational Storehouse in the Self-Organizing Dynamical System of the Kosmos, Joe Corbett
Integral World - Information Field Theory, David Lane
Integral World - The Synthetic Self, Unlocking the Genomics of Consciousness Or How Information Theory is Transforming Science, David Lane and Andrea Diem-Lane
Integral World - The Healing Power of Psychic Transformation, Hugh & Kaye Martin
Integral World - An Enneagram-based Model of Transformation, Susan Rhodes
Integral World - Evolutionary Transphobia: Reality Sandwich, Dani Katz & Transformational Culture, Be Scofield
Integral World - Online Reviews of The Corona Conspiracy: Combatting Disinformation about the Corona Virus, Frank Visser
Integral World - The creation of information from nothing, The Big Bang and further, Gerrit Teule
Integral World - Free PDF: The Corona Conspiracy, Combatting Disinformation about the Coronavirus, Frank Visser
Integral World - Kindle version of The Corona Conspiracy: Combatting Disinformation about the Corona Virus, Frank Visser
Integral World - What it Takes to Establish an Integral Currency, Why Bitcoin is Both a Risk for Doom and an Opportunity for Transformation, Knut K. Wimberger
Corona, Climate, and Crashes: Welcome to the Transformation Age
Poetry as a Transformational Practice
The Secret to Transformation
The Metacrisis is Giving Rise to the Transformation Age
The Transformation Age: America Burning
Tracking The Transformation Age
Transformation Through Intimacy: Monogamy as a Path to Awakening
Virtual Reality: A Technology of Transformation
What is Transformational Learning?
object:integraltransformation - links-list
selforum - transformation of body
selforum - change and transformation
selforum - transformation of physical inertia
selforum - generative transformation
selforum - integral transformational practice
selforum - integral transformation
selforum - supramental transformation of world
selforum - integral self transformation of man
selforum - wilber leaves essential information out
dedroidify.blogspot - industry-7-9-transformation-rituals-sex
dedroidify.blogspot - ted-transformations-emotional
dedroidify.blogspot - nessie-formation
wiki.auroville - Death_and_Transformation_-_Talk_1_(Radio_program)
wiki.auroville - Death_and_Transformation_-_Talk_2_(Radio_program)
wiki.auroville - Formation
wiki.auroville - History_of_Information_Technology_in_Auroville
wiki.auroville - Mental_formation
wiki.auroville - Mother's_transformation
wiki.auroville - Psychic_transformation
wiki.auroville - Spiritual_transformation
wiki.auroville - Supramental_transformation
wiki.auroville - Transformation
wiki.auroville - Transformation_(community)
wiki.auroville - Transformation_for_Fourth_Graders_(Radio_program)
wiki.auroville - Transformation_of_the_mind_of_the_cells
Dharmapedia - Triple_transformation
Psychology Wiki - Additional_introductory_information
Psychology Wiki - Information
Psychology Wiki - Integral_yoga#Triple_Transformation
Psychology Wiki - National_Center_for_Biotechnology_Information
Psychology Wiki - Psychology_Wiki:Stub#Additional_information
Psychology Wiki - Psychology_Wiki:Stub#Essential_information
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - information-biological
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - information-entropy
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - information-semantic
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - information
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - logic-information
The Bugs Bunny and Tweety Show (1986 - 2000) - ABC's remade version of "The Bugs Bunny Show" after ABC picked it back up. In the first year, the show was a half-hour and aired Sylvester & Tweety cartoons along with Bugs Bunny. The show expanded to an hour in 1988. The show survived the FCC's 1996 educational/informational television rule and air...
Histeria! (1998 - 1999) - Histeria! is an American animated series created by Tom Ruegger and produced by Warner Bros. Animation. Unlike other animated series produced by Warner Bros. in the 1990s, Histeria! stood out as the most explicitly educational program in order to meet FCC requirements for educational/informational c...
Cutey Honey (1973 - 1974) - A girl who is really an android must kick evil but, her name Cutey Honey. She can change herself into different people and can really kick butt, she was also the first cartoon to have a transformation clip, she was brought back in the 90's as an 8-episode remake. In 2004, it became a live action mov...
Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket (OAV) (1989 - 1990) - In the final days of the One Year War, a Zeon special forces group infiltrates a colony to gather information on a new Gundam unit. Alfred Izuruha, a 10-year-old student, befriends Zeon rookie pilot Bernie Wiseman during a brief mobile suit combat. Meanwhile, Al meets up with Christina MacKenzie, hi...
The George Michael Sports Machine (1984 - 2012) - "The George Michael Sports Machine" combines sports highlights; features on games, teams, players and coaches; live interviews; rumors and sports gossip to bring viewers the most up-to-date information on the sports world. Traveling around the country bringing viewers live shows shot on location, Mi...
The Riddlers (1986 - 1996) - The Riddlers was first shown (feel free to correct me if I am wrong here - I'm going off information in my TV Times collection) on ITV during early lunchtime programs for children in 1986. It was made by Yorkshire television and ran for over 10 years finally being stopped in 1996. It concerned the g...
Loveline (1996 - 2000) - Mtv talk show hosted by Adam Corolla and Dr.Drew, were viewer's could call in and get information anoymously.
Code RED 1 (1981 - 1982) - Sorry sending it again, but got more information about CODE RED.
Shop 'Til You Drop (1991 - 2005) - Host Pat Finn in 1991-2003 & Host JD Roberto in 2003-2005. Shop Till You Drop took place in a studio that resembled a two-story shopping mall. For the first two rounds, the "Stunt rounds", two groups would compete in mini-games based on popular culture and consumer information. The first players wou...
Rescue Heroes (1999 - 2000) - Based on the best-selling line of Mattel toys, Rescue Heroes followed the adventures of emergency response professionals equipped with the latest information and cutting-edge technology.
Popular Mechanics for Kids (1997 - 2000) - Jay, Elisha, Tyler, and Vanessa are the hosts of this amazing television series that explains to children, about how technology in the world works and gives large amounts of information to learn from. Along the way, Charlie shows you how to build and perform different, exciting things. For the fourt...
Search (1972 - 1973) - A high-tech detective working with a team of scientists monitoring his every move and providing information and advice. Search was futuristic, suspensful, well executed and clever. NBC picked up the movie/pilot, changed the name to Probe 3, then to Search, and aired 23 episodes, Wednesday at 10:00 P...
Psycho-Pass (2012 - 2013) - The series takes place in the near future, when it is possible to instantaneously measure and quantify a person's state of mind and personality. This information is recorded and processed, and the term "Psycho-Pass" in the anime's title refers to a standard used to measure an individual's being. The...
Sword Art Online II (2014 - 2014) - One year after the SAO incident was resolved, Kazuto Kirigaya is adjusting to a normal life once again as best he can. He thinks all that death is finally behind him, until he is approached with some startling information. In the wildly popular pro shooter MMO Gun Gale Online, an ominous player has...
In The Mix (1996 - 2012) - In the Mix is an American television series for young adults that covers a wide variety of critical issues and provides useful life skill information. In the Mix is a series for, by and with teenagers and young adults 14-21. Each half-hour single theme episode typically includes several segments dev...
Wall $treet Week (1970 - 2005) - Wall Street Week (WSW) (styled Wall $treet Week [W$W]) was an investment news and information TV program that was broadcast weekly each Friday on Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) in the United States. It had a host (or hosts) and guest experts participating in discussions on the stock market and fo...
Martin Morning (2003 - 2007) - Martin, an ordinary nine-year-old boy, has one strange characteristic: every morning he awakes to find himself transformed into fantastic and legendary beings a Merlin-like wizard, a pharaoh, a caveman, a vampire, a superhero and many more transformations. Despite the transformations, he goes to s...
Green Screen Adventures (2009 - Current) - a children's television series which premiered in 2007. The series was originally produced for local broadcast on WCIU-TV (Channel 26) in Chicago, which is the flagship station of Weigel Broadcasting, and is designed to fit the FCC's educational and information programming requirements while also be...
Shin Cutey Honey (1994 - 1995) - Cosplay City is in danger when the evil Dolmeck shows up. Commanding his army of monsters, he plans on destroying everything. Only one person can stop this: Cutey Honey. After she is released from her dormancy, Honey Kisaragi becomes the multi-transformational android Cutey Honey. However, the least...
American Dragon Jake Long (2005 - 2007) - Set in New York City, this animated series tells the story of thirteen-year-old Jake Long who must balance ordinary adolescent transformation with the amazing power and ability to change into the form of a dragon.
Mission Unstoppable with Miranda Cosgrove (2019 - Current) - This American educational & informational television program is produced for children ages 13-16 that celebrates women who have become superstars in STEM-related careers (science, technology, engineering and math. Each week, our host (Miranda Cosgrove) and her intrepid team of field reporters will...
Home (1988 - 1994) - Home, also referred to as The Home Show, is a daytime informational talk show which aired on ABC from 1988 to 1994. The program was co-hosted by Robb Weller and Sandy Hill during the first season.
National Dog Show (2002 - Current) - The National Dog Show is an all-breed benched conformation show sanctioned by the American Kennel Club and the Kennel Club of Philadelphia.
Bloomberg Daybreak: Americas (2016 - Current) - This weekday morning program delivers viewers information about business and financial news from the Americas.
Short Circuit(1986) - Number 5, one of a group of experimental military robots, undergoes a sudden transformation after being struck by lightning. He develops self-awareness, consciousness, and a fear of the reprogramming that awaits him back at the factory. With the help of a young woman, Number 5 tries to evade capture...
The Girl Most Likely to...(1973) - Stockard Channing (GREASE, "The West Wing") stars as ugly duckling Miriam Knight, who is continuously mistreated by her peers at the college where she recently enrolled. But after a car accident, she has to undergo life-changing plastic surgery, which results in a drastic transformation. Miriam, n...
Day Of The Dead(1985) - The final chapter of George A. Romero's "Dead Trilogy". In an underground government installation they are searching for a cure to overcome this strange transformation into zombies. Unfortunately, the zombies from above ground have made their way into the bunker.
Perfect Blue(1998) - Pop star Mima Kirigoe decides to quit the J-Pop band "CHAM!" in pursuit of her dream in becoming an actress. After this many of her fans reject her new career and it leads her to obtain a stalker (named "Me-Mania") who runs a website "Mima's Room" which contains loads of personal information. At fir...
Universal Soldier III: Unfinished Business(1998) - This action-packed second sequel to The Universal Soldier has the title character and his lady friend searching for the doctor who possesses the information they need to expose the CIA's sinister Soldier Project to the public. Meanwhile, the two are stalked by a man who must kill them both before he...
Cyborg(1989) - Set in a post-apocalyptic future where disease is plaguing the few remaining inhabitants of Earth. Scientists are close to discovering a cure for the plague that is sweeping the country. Gibson (Van Damme) leads a group to Atlanta to gain information needed for the cure, along the way battling a gro...
Species(1995) - In an exchange of information, Earth sends a message to space, hoping that there will be aliens out there to receive it. The aliens, in turn, send Earth a message about how alien DNA can be mixed with human DNA. The result of that is sex and violence in the form of an alien named Sil (Natasha Henstr...
Woof (1990)(1990) - "A hilarious canine comedy about a young boy who keeps turning into a dog. Through a series of outrageous canine capers, the boy discovers the reason for his startling transformation
The Conversation(1974) - The Conversation is a Francis Ford Coppola thriller from 1974 about a professional surveillance man who is hired to record the conversations between two workers. Yet it looks like hes gotten into more than hes getting paid for as information about a murder may have been recorded.
Perry Mason: The Case of the Lost Love(1987) - An old flame of Mason's is one of those being considered to fill a vacated government position. Now, her husband's approached by a man who says he knows his wife's secret and that if this secret should ever get out, her appointment might not push through. So, he offers to sell the information he has...
Juggernaut(1974) - A blackmailer demands a huge ransom in exchange for information on how to disarm the seven bombs he placed aboard the transatlantic liner Britannic.
The Polar Express(2004) - Based on the children's book of the same name. A young boy boy from Grand Rapids, Michigan in the 1950's is hoping for a true belief in the Christmas spirit, but it seems every encyclopedia and source of information denies the existence of Santa at the North Pole. On Christmas Eve night a large trai...
Agent Cody Banks(2003) - Cody Banks, a 15-year-old high school student, applies for a junior position for the Central Intelligence Agency after completing his summer camp for CIA agents. Answering to his handler Agent Ronica Miles, Cody is called upon a mission to find information about a scientist named Dr. Albert Connors....
Jimi Hendrix(1973) - This documentary was made three years after Jimi Hendrix's untimely death. At the time it was an example of how a visual biography should be done, but some of the information in it needs revising in the light of new information uncovered over the years. The film contains concert footage spanning the...
Borat(2006) - Kazakh television personality Borat Sagdiyev leaves Kazakhstan for the "Greatest Country in the World," the "US and A" to make a documentary at the behest of the Kazakh Ministry of Information. He leaves behind his wife Oksana and other inhabitants of his village including "the town rapist", "the to...
Jack Brooks: Monster Slayer(2007) - As a child Jack Brooks witnessed the brutal murder of his family. Now a young man he struggles with a pestering girlfriend, therapy sessions that resolve nothing, and night classes that barely hold his interest. After unleashing an ancient curse, Jack's Professor undergoes a transformation into some...
Broken(2006) - After dating a wonderful man, Hope comes back home, sees her daughter Jennifer and goes to sleep. She wakes-up in the woods with a psychopath, fighting to survive for more than forty days and asking information about her daughter to the stranger.
The Trouble With Spies(1987) - George Trent, a British spy, has gone incommunicado in Ibiza. Appleton Porter (Donald Sutherland) is sent to find out what happened to Trent. Porter settles into a small hotel with several busybody guests. He probes them for information about Trent, their former neighbor. Meanwhile, the spy survives... -- Sci-Fi -- Military, Sci-Fi, Space, Mecha
12 Monkeys (1995) ::: 8.0/10 -- Twelve Monkeys (original title) -- 12 Monkeys Poster -- In a future world devastated by disease, a convict is sent back in time to gather information about the man-made virus that wiped out most of the human population on the planet. Director: Terry Gilliam Writers:
A.D. The Bible Continues -- 44min | Drama | TV Series (2015) ::: Follows the book of ACTS. Shows the complete message of Christ and the transformation of Saul to Paul and how the high priest of Judea does not believe in what has taken place after the Crucifixion of Christ. Stars:
Blame! ::: Not Rated | 5min | Animation, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2003- ) Episode Guide 7 episodes Blame! Poster In the post-apocalyptic future, the earth is buried in an enormous mega-structure created by machines. The last hope for mankind is information on a data disc from an engineer called "Cibo." Stars: Asuka Aizawa, Tatsunori Arakawa, Kirsten Potter
Burn After Reading (2008) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 36min | Comedy, Crime, Drama | 12 September 2008 (USA) -- A disk containing mysterious information from a CIA agent ends up in the hands of two unscrupulous and daft gym employees who attempt to sell it. Directors: Ethan Coen, Joel Coen Writers:
Cast Away (2000) ::: 7.8/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 23min | Adventure, Drama, Romance | 22 December 2000 (USA) -- A FedEx executive undergoes a physical and emotional transformation after crash landing on a deserted island. Director: Robert Zemeckis Writer: William Broyles Jr.
Corpus Christi (2019) ::: 7.7/10 -- Boze Cialo (original title) -- Corpus Christi Poster -- Daniel experiences a spiritual transformation in a detention center. Although his criminal record prevents him from applying to the seminary, he has no intention of giving up his dream and decides to minister a small-town parish. Director: Jan Komasa
Destination Tokyo (1943) ::: 7.1/10 -- Approved | 2h 15min | Adventure, History, War | 31 December 1943 (USA) -- In order to provide information for the first air raid over Tokyo, a U.S. submarine sneaks into Tokyo Bay and places a spy team ashore. Director: Delmer Daves Writers: Steve Fisher (original story), Delmer Daves (screen play) | 1 more
Eye of the Needle (1981) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Romance, Thriller, War | 24 July 1981 (USA) -- A ruthless German spy, trying to get out of Britain with vital information about D-Day, must spend time with a young woman and her crippled husband. Director: Richard Marquand Writers: Ken Follett (based on the novel by), Stanley Mann (screenplay) Stars:
Fifty Dead Men Walking (2008) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 57min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 21 August 2009 (USA) -- Martin McGartland joins the I.R.A. and feeds information to Britain's Special Branch Agent Fergus. Director: Kari Skogland Writers: Martin McGartland (inspired by the book "Fifty Dead Man Walking"),
Ghost in the Shell Arise: Border 2 - Ghost Whisper (2013) ::: 7.3/10 -- TV-MA | 57min | Animation, Action, Sci-Fi | November 2013 (USA) -- Witness the formation of the legendary Public Security Section 9. When a clandestine organization hacks every car in the city, Kusanagi recruits a lethal team of cyber operatives to clamp down on the chaos and make the city safe again. Directors: Atsushi Takeuchi, Kazuchika Kise Writers: Shirow Masamune (manga) (as Masamune Shirow), Tow Ubukata (screenplay)
Halt and Catch Fire ::: TV-14 | 1h | Drama | TV Series (2014-2017) Episode Guide 40 episodes Halt and Catch Fire Poster -- Follows some players in the 80s technological revolution that lead to information society. Creators: Christopher Cantwell, Christopher C. Rogers
Halt and Catch Fire ::: TV-14 | 1h | Drama | TV Series (20142017) -- Follows some players in the 80s technological revolution that lead to information society. Creators: Christopher Cantwell, Christopher C. Rogers
Harriet (2019) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 5min | Action, Biography, Drama | 1 November 2019 (USA) -- The extraordinary tale of Harriet Tubman's escape from slavery and transformation into one of America's greatest heroes, whose courage, ingenuity, and tenacity freed hundreds of slaves and changed the course of history. Director: Kasi Lemmons Writers:
Juggernaut (1974) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG | 1h 49min | Action, Drama, Thriller | 25 September 1974 (USA) -- A blackmailer demands a huge ransom in exchange for information on how to disarm the seven bombs he placed aboard the transatlantic liner Britannic. Director: Richard Lester Writers: Richard Alan Simmons (as Richard De Koker), Alan Plater (additional dialogue)
Luther (2003) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 3min | Biography, Drama, History | 26 September 2003 (USA) -- During the early sixteenth century, idealistic German monk Martin Luther, disgusted by the materialism in the Catholic Church, begins the dialogue that will lead to the Protestant Reformation. Director: Eric Till Writers: Camille Thomasson, Bart Gavigan Stars:
Official Secrets (2019) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 30 August 2019 (USA) -- The true story of a British whistleblower who leaked information to the press about an illegal NSA spy operation designed to push the UN Security Council into sanctioning the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Director: Gavin Hood Writers:
Star Trek: Enterprise ::: Enterprise (original tit ::: TV-PG | 1h | Action, Adventure, Drama | TV Series (20012005) -- A century before Captain Kirk's five-year mission, Jonathan Archer captains the United Earth ship Enterprise during the early years of Starfleet, leading up to the Earth-Romulan War and the formation of the Federation.
Star Wars Rebels (2014-2018) ::: 2016 Season 2 | Episode 22 Previous All Episodes (76) Next Twilight of the Apprentice: Part 2 Poster After gaining information about the Sith, Kanan, Ezra and Ahsoka battle the Inquisitors with the help of a new ally, but are overmatched when Vader arrives. Director: Dave Filoni
The 39 Steps (1935) ::: 7.6/10 -- Approved | 1h 26min | Crime, Mystery, Thriller | 1 August 1935 (USA) -- A man in London tries to help a counter-espionage Agent. But when the Agent is killed, and the man stands accused, he must go on the run to save himself and stop a spy ring which is trying to steal top secret information. Director: Alfred Hitchcock Writers:
The Big Combo (1955) ::: 7.4/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 27min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | 13 February 1955 (USA) -- A police lt. is ordered to stop investigating deadly crime boss Mr. Brown, because he hasn't been able to get any hard evidence against him. He then goes after Brown's girlfriend who despises him, for information instead. Director: Joseph H. Lewis (as Joseph Lewis) Writer: Philip Yordan (by)
The Contender (2000) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 2h 6min | Drama, Thriller | 13 October 2000 (USA) -- Senator Laine Hanson is a contender for U.S. Vice President, but information and disinformation about her past surfaces that threatens to derail her confirmation. Director: Rod Lurie Writer:
The Contender (2000) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 2h 6min | Drama, Thriller | 13 October 2000 (USA) -- Senator Laine Hanson is a contender for U.S. Vice President, but information and disinformation about her past surfaces that threatens to derail her confirmation.
The Shape of Things (2003) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 36min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 16 May 2003 (USA) -- A quiet, unassuming man begins to change in a major way as a result of meeting a new, art-student girlfriend, and his friends are unsettled by the transformation. Director: Neil LaBute Writers:
The Three Caballeros (1944) ::: 6.4/10 -- Approved | 1h 11min | Animation, Comedy, Family | 22 February 1945 -- The Three Caballeros Poster -- Donald receives his birthday gifts, which include traditional gifts and information about Brazil (hosted by Z Carioca) and Mexico (by Panchito, a Mexican Charro Rooster). Directors: Norman Ferguson, Clyde Geronimi | 3 more credits Writers:
The Two Mrs. Carrolls (1947) ::: 6.9/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 39min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | 4 March 1947 (USA) -- An artist forms an attachment with a woman on holiday in the country. As the relationship develops, his behavior and information about his past cause her increasing concern. Director: Peter Godfrey Writers:
Wall Street (1987) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 2h 6min | Crime, Drama | 11 December 1987 (USA) -- A young and impatient stockbroker is willing to do anything to get to the top, including trading on illegal inside information taken through a ruthless and greedy corporate raider who takes the youth under his wing. Director: Oliver Stone Writers:
Wu-Tang: An American Saga ::: TV-MA | 49min | Biography, Drama | TV Series (2019 ) -- The show tracks the Wu Tang Clan's formation, a vision of Bobby Diggs, who strives to unite a dozen young, black men that are torn between music and crime but eventually rise to become the unlikeliest of American success stories. Creators:'s_Reformation_(Principia_Moderni)'s_Formation'sSpaceStar17's_Information's_transformation,_before_her_more_grotesque_transformation's_transformation!_Usagi_Powers_Up'_Wiki:Adding_Information
A.F -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Space Mecha -- A.F A.F -- A 20 minutes 100% CG animation presented by "buildup", a company that brought many japanese CG movies such as Godzilla vs Biollante, Stray Dog - Kerberos Panzer Cops, Godzilla vs King Ghidora, Kappa, Gundam Mission To The Rise and D. -- -- The story takes place in the future, the year is 2124. A dangerous container is to be secretly loaded into medical transport ship which goes into the earth orbit because it's forbidden to store dangerous container on earth. -- -- It's so secret that no crew members on the ship were told about the container's contents or any possible hazzards. The truth is, the container carries a dangerous living body in some form like liquid / worm which is capable of reading DNA information of other living beings and then transforms itself as an exact copy. Of course, the original object then will be killed. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- Special - Sep 6, 2002 -- 1,081 4.42
Akuma-kun: Youkoso Akuma Land e!! -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- - -- Adventure Horror Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Akuma-kun: Youkoso Akuma Land e!! Akuma-kun: Youkoso Akuma Land e!! -- No synopsis has been added for this series yet. -- -- Click here to update this information. -- Movie - Mar 10, 1990 -- 508 5.75
Ayashi no Ceres -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Horror Psychological Supernatural Drama Romance Shoujo -- Ayashi no Ceres Ayashi no Ceres -- Ceres was a tennyo (Celestial maiden) who came down from the heavens to bathe in a stream. She hung her hagoromo (robe) on a tree nearby, which was her key to returning to the heavens. But the robe was stolen and the man who had stolen it forced her to become his wife, thus producing a family full of human and tennyo blood mixed. -- -- Now, in modern day time, Aya Mikage is a descendent of Ceres, and has quite an amount of tennyo blood. On her 16th birthday, she and her twin brother, Aki, are thrown a party. At the "party," Aya's grandpa plans to kill her, for she has tennyo powers unlike the rest of the family, and can actually become Ceres herself and destroy the Mikage family. Aya, however, can switch back, so this transformation happens quite frequently. -- -- With protector Yuuhi by her side, it is up to Aya to control Ceres and keep her from coming back, but her relationship with an ex-worker for her evil grandpa may be a distraction. -- 53,983 7.22
Ayashi no Ceres -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Horror Psychological Supernatural Drama Romance Shoujo -- Ayashi no Ceres Ayashi no Ceres -- Ceres was a tennyo (Celestial maiden) who came down from the heavens to bathe in a stream. She hung her hagoromo (robe) on a tree nearby, which was her key to returning to the heavens. But the robe was stolen and the man who had stolen it forced her to become his wife, thus producing a family full of human and tennyo blood mixed. -- -- Now, in modern day time, Aya Mikage is a descendent of Ceres, and has quite an amount of tennyo blood. On her 16th birthday, she and her twin brother, Aki, are thrown a party. At the "party," Aya's grandpa plans to kill her, for she has tennyo powers unlike the rest of the family, and can actually become Ceres herself and destroy the Mikage family. Aya, however, can switch back, so this transformation happens quite frequently. -- -- With protector Yuuhi by her side, it is up to Aya to control Ceres and keep her from coming back, but her relationship with an ex-worker for her evil grandpa may be a distraction. -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, VIZ Media -- 53,983 7.22
Baldr Force Exe Resolution -- -- Satelight -- 4 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Drama Mecha Sci-Fi -- Baldr Force Exe Resolution Baldr Force Exe Resolution -- Any network runs all over the world, and the development of the information network reaches its acme. In this age, there are two developed worlds; "the real world" and "wired", or the virtual network world. -- -- Soma Toru belongs to a hacking group, Steppen Wolf, which runs around the network world freely. They attack the database of the UN forces as their last work. During this attack, he loses Nonomura Yuya, his friend as well as the team leader. Toru is arrested by the army. In exchange for letting him free, he has to work for an anti-hacker organization, the first squad of the UN Security Force Information Administration Bureau. -- -- Working for them, he is looking for the person who killed his friend, while the other members also have their own reason to fight. -- -- The three-way fights of the terrorist group, the security enterprise, and the army, continue every day. The various events occurred during the fight seem to be independent of each other at the first glance, but they're converging on one event as if they were attracted by something. -- -- Based on the game by GIGA. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- OVA - Nov 10, 2006 -- 15,668 6.46
Bokura no -- -- Gonzo -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Psychological Drama Mecha Seinen -- Bokura no Bokura no -- 15 children, 8 boys and 7 girls, are enjoying their summer camp together when they suddenly discover a grotto by the sea. When they enter the mysterious place they find a room full of computers, as well as a man named Kokopelli, who introduces himself as the owner. He claims to be working on a game which involves a giant robot that has been designed to protect the Earth from 15 different alien invasions. Kokopelli hasn't been able to test the game yet, so he persuades all but one of the children to sign a contract in what he claims will be a fun adventure. -- -- However, as soon as the contracts are signed things start to take a much darker turn. In Bokurano, the children must now pilot the giant robot Zearth one at a time in the hopes that they will have what it takes to defeat all of the upcoming enemies. But Kokopelli has left out one very important piece of information: the giant robot Zearth's energy source. -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 154,492 7.65
Brigadoon: Marin to Melan -- -- Sunrise -- 26 eps -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Drama Mecha Sci-Fi -- Brigadoon: Marin to Melan Brigadoon: Marin to Melan -- Marin is a typical junior high school girl with a sunny disposition and a loving adoptive family. Her life takes a drastic change when a mysterious mirage is seen in the sky above the entire earth. Killer androids called Monomakia descend to earth from the formation in the sky called Brigadoon and begin to hunt down little Marin. She discovers a blue bottle in a shrine as she seeks escape and from the bottle comes a protector, a sword carrying gun slinging alien called Melan Blue, together they must save the earth and deal with family crisis, school prejudice and the police and come to an understanding of Marins past and Melans unexplained mission, as well as learn to trust each other. Set in 1969 Japan with a colorful cast of friends and enemies. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Tokyopop -- TV - Jul 21, 2000 -- 10,512 7.25
Burn Up Excess -- -- Magic Bus -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Ecchi Police Sci-Fi Shounen -- Burn Up Excess Burn Up Excess -- Follows the exploits of Team Warrior, a special anti-terror wing of the Neo-Tokyo Police force. Team Warrior is comprised of the habitually broke Rio, gun-crazy Maya, computer specialist Lillica, tech-expert Nanvel, piliot/voyeur Yuji, and is led by the enigmatic Maki. The team faces a number of missions, ranging from bodyguard duty, breaking up robbery and arms rackets, and providing security for a very powerful tank. Rio and company continually thwart the terrorist aims of Ruby, an operative for a shadowy cabal of powerful men. Before the final showdown, the circumstances behind the formation of Team Warrior, how the precocious Rio came to join it, and Maki's painful past will be revealed. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- TV - Dec 12, 1997 -- 9,423 6.54
Cat Shit One -- -- Anima -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Fantasy Military -- Cat Shit One Cat Shit One -- This bold account follows the brave exploits of Sergeant "Packy" Perkins and his unit... of rabbits! Join Packy and Private "Bota" Botasky as they resolve an Iranian hostage crisis. Watch these commando-style bunnies through an anthropomorphic lens as events unfold and violence erupts. -- -- Note: This anime has been provisionally set to "Finished Airing" due to lack of official information regarding future installments. -- ONA - Jul 17, 2010 -- 26,326 6.99
Chobits -- -- Madhouse -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Comedy Drama Romance Ecchi Seinen -- Chobits Chobits -- When computers start to look like humans, can love remain the same? -- -- Hideki Motosuwa is a young country boy who is studying hard to get into college. Coming from a poor background, he can barely afford the expenses, let alone the newest fad: Persocoms, personal computers that look exactly like human beings. One evening while walking home, he finds an abandoned Persocom. After taking her home and managing to activate her, she seems to be defective, as she can only say one word, "Chii," which eventually becomes her name. Unlike other Persocoms, however, Chii cannot download information onto her hard drive, so Hideki decides to teach her about the world the old-fashioned way, while studying for his college entrance exams at the same time. -- -- Along with his friends, Hideki tries to unravel the mystery of Chii, who may be a "Chobit," an urban legend about special units that have real human emotions and thoughts, and love toward their owner. But can romance flourish between a Persocom and a human? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 410,390 7.43
Choujin Koukousei-tachi wa Isekai demo Yoyuu de Ikinuku you desu! -- -- Project No.9 -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Fantasy -- Choujin Koukousei-tachi wa Isekai demo Yoyuu de Ikinuku you desu! Choujin Koukousei-tachi wa Isekai demo Yoyuu de Ikinuku you desu! -- Seven Japanese high school students enjoy international renown for their remarkable talents. One day, these friends survive a plane crash only to find themselves in the medieval fantasy world of Freyjagard, where two human races live side by side in a feudal society: the byuma, who have animal features and formidable strength, and the hyuma, who have a small chance of magical aptitude. After being rescued by the byuma Winona and her adopted elven daughter Lyrule, the group pledges to use their advanced skills and knowledge to pay back the people of Elm Village for their hospitality and find a way to return back home. -- -- Tsukasa Mikogami, the prime minister of Japan, acts as the leader of these young geniuses and organizes their efforts to intervene in Freyjagard and gather the information and resources necessary for achieving their goals. Believing that there is a connection between their current situation and an ancient legend about seven heroes from another world who defeated an evil dragon, Tsukasa directs the others to learn about the culture around them and search for any clues leading them back to Earth. But he also gives another instruction: to take it nice and easy, lest they ruin this world by giving it their all. -- -- 162,715 6.34
Chrno Crusade: Az demo Wakaru Chrno Crusade Kouza -- -- Gonzo -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Demons Historical Supernatural -- Chrno Crusade: Az demo Wakaru Chrno Crusade Kouza Chrno Crusade: Az demo Wakaru Chrno Crusade Kouza -- Azmaria Hendrick gives some background information on characters and the setting, with flashback scenes from the Chrno Crusade series itself. -- -- Released with DVD volumes 2-12. -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- Special - May 28, 2004 -- 10,054 6.54
Cuticle Tantei Inaba -- -- Zexcs -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Mystery Comedy Supernatural Shounen -- Cuticle Tantei Inaba Cuticle Tantei Inaba -- In a world where half-human, half-animal chimeras live and work alongside normal people, there are sure to be a few bad apples in the bunch. Unfortunately, half-human criminals means non-human clues that often leave the police stumped. That's where lone wolf detectives like Hiroshi Inaba come in. He's literally part wolf and has the amazing ability to extract critical information just by examining or tasting a sample of someone's hair! Of course, that ability has also resulted in Inaba having a little bit of a hair fetish, but that doesn't seem to be a problem for his two assistants. (Well, at least the cross-dressing one isn't complaining much.) And it's nothing compared to the strange tastes of Inaba's nemesis, the omnivorous (and half goat) crime boss Don Valentino, who has an appetite for green legal tender instead of tender young greens! Inaba's sworn to cut Valentino out of the criminal flock before the Don can wolf down more ill-gotten dough, but he's going to have to chew his way through a lot of evidence to get his goat. Can sheer dogged detective work put the baaaaad guys behind bars? -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jan 4, 2013 -- 86,515 7.29
Cuticle Tantei Inaba -- -- Zexcs -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Mystery Comedy Supernatural Shounen -- Cuticle Tantei Inaba Cuticle Tantei Inaba -- In a world where half-human, half-animal chimeras live and work alongside normal people, there are sure to be a few bad apples in the bunch. Unfortunately, half-human criminals means non-human clues that often leave the police stumped. That's where lone wolf detectives like Hiroshi Inaba come in. He's literally part wolf and has the amazing ability to extract critical information just by examining or tasting a sample of someone's hair! Of course, that ability has also resulted in Inaba having a little bit of a hair fetish, but that doesn't seem to be a problem for his two assistants. (Well, at least the cross-dressing one isn't complaining much.) And it's nothing compared to the strange tastes of Inaba's nemesis, the omnivorous (and half goat) crime boss Don Valentino, who has an appetite for green legal tender instead of tender young greens! Inaba's sworn to cut Valentino out of the criminal flock before the Don can wolf down more ill-gotten dough, but he's going to have to chew his way through a lot of evidence to get his goat. Can sheer dogged detective work put the baaaaad guys behind bars? -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- TV - Jan 4, 2013 -- 86,515 7.29
Darker than Black: Ryuusei no Gemini -- -- Bones -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mystery Super Power -- Darker than Black: Ryuusei no Gemini Darker than Black: Ryuusei no Gemini -- One night, as meteors streak across the star-studded sky, Shion Pavlichenko becomes a Contractor. Despite her brother's transformation, Shion's twin sister Suou continues to live a fairly ordinary life, attending middle school with her friends and getting caught up in the awkwardness of growing up. However, everything changes when her home is invaded by a masked man cloaked in black, destroying any sense of normality she once had. Revealed to possess latent Contractor abilities of her own, Suou is caught between family, friends, and her own sense of purpose as she ventures into the ruthless world of cutthroats and espionage that Contractors call home. -- -- Meanwhile in Tokyo, investigation surrounding Hell's Gate's sudden collapse is underway, and prophetic signs of doom point in the direction of a silver-haired doll. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Oct 9, 2009 -- 357,284 7.47
Detective Conan Movie 17: Private Eye in the Distant Sea -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Mystery Comedy Police Shounen -- Detective Conan Movie 17: Private Eye in the Distant Sea Detective Conan Movie 17: Private Eye in the Distant Sea -- The warship Aegis Destroyer is conducting public exercises in Maizuru Bay where, coincidentally, a suspicious foreign ship was recently spotted. Conan Edogawa, Ran Mouri, Kogorou Mouri, Sonoko Suzuki, and the Detective Boys all receive a ticket to attend this event. However, while the ongoing military operations are underway, one of the crew members comes across a lieutenant's severed left arm. Conan later discovers that a foreign spy may have infiltrated the warship to obtain classified information by any means necessary. If the information were to leak, Japan's line of defense would be exposed, leaving the country unprotected from hostile attack. -- -- With the help of the police at sea while other friends and allies investigate on the mainland, Conan must now prevent this national crisis and identify the spy for the sake of Japan. -- -- Movie - Apr 20, 2013 -- 29,499 7.69
Dragon Ball Z Movie 12: Fukkatsu no Fusion!! Gokuu to Vegeta -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Sci-Fi Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z Movie 12: Fukkatsu no Fusion!! Gokuu to Vegeta Dragon Ball Z Movie 12: Fukkatsu no Fusion!! Gokuu to Vegeta -- After a janitorial mishap, an unsuspecting custodian transforms into Janemba, a fat, yellow demon who wreaks havoc throughout the afterlife. Gokuu Son has been competing in martial arts tournaments for the undead since his heroic death in the battle against Cell. Soon, Janemba's chaos draws Gokuu and fellow combatant Pikkon toward him, forcing the pair to figure out a way to defeat the giant monster. -- -- After a bout with him, Gokuu witnesses Janemba undergo another transformation: the demon sheds his fat and changes color, turning into a sword-wielding enemy more powerful than anyone Gokuu has faced thus far. With the aid of his similarly deceased rival Vegeta, Gokuu must stop the terrifying Janemba from disrupting the very fabric of the universe. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Mar 4, 1995 -- 114,805 7.55
Dragon Ball Z Movie 12: Fukkatsu no Fusion!! Gokuu to Vegeta -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Sci-Fi Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z Movie 12: Fukkatsu no Fusion!! Gokuu to Vegeta Dragon Ball Z Movie 12: Fukkatsu no Fusion!! Gokuu to Vegeta -- After a janitorial mishap, an unsuspecting custodian transforms into Janemba, a fat, yellow demon who wreaks havoc throughout the afterlife. Gokuu Son has been competing in martial arts tournaments for the undead since his heroic death in the battle against Cell. Soon, Janemba's chaos draws Gokuu and fellow combatant Pikkon toward him, forcing the pair to figure out a way to defeat the giant monster. -- -- After a bout with him, Gokuu witnesses Janemba undergo another transformation: the demon sheds his fat and changes color, turning into a sword-wielding enemy more powerful than anyone Gokuu has faced thus far. With the aid of his similarly deceased rival Vegeta, Gokuu must stop the terrifying Janemba from disrupting the very fabric of the universe. -- -- Movie - Mar 4, 1995 -- 114,805 7.55
Durarara!!x2 Ten -- -- Shuka -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Supernatural -- Durarara!!x2 Ten Durarara!!x2 Ten -- In Ikebukuro, the lives of its citizens continue intertwining with each other as if their fates are predestined. Mikado Ryuugamine is now one step closer to his goal of living an exciting life, and in turn, delves deeper into the darker side of Ikebukuro. After gaining absolute control over a former rival, he uses his newfound power as he pleases, purging the Dollars from the inside to mold it into the ideal organization. This proves to be as challenging as it sounds as Mikado must now deal with unwanted outside interference, most notably a re-emerging and dearly missed friend. Meanwhile, Izaya Orihara still has some schemes up his sleeve, although a rival information exchange center has proven to be quite the hindrance, lurking within everyone’s favorite downtown district. Undoubtedly, sooner or later, chaos will strike again. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 322,624 8.00
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 3rei!! -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Fantasy Magic -- Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 3rei!! Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 3rei!! -- Waking up to find herself in a parallel version of Fuyuki City, Illyasviel "Illya" von Einzbern is lost and alone. She discovers her home in ruins, with a massive crater lying in the center of her hometown. With snow falling in the middle of summer, confusion consumes the young elementary schooler, who has no knowledge of where her friends or her wand Ruby may be. -- -- Making it to the remains of her house, she is suddenly tackled by an amnesiac girl. Wearing a gym uniform as the icy temperature sets in, the mysterious girl has no idea of where she is or why she showed up. However, this stranger, known as Tanaka, apparently has information about the location of Rin Toosaka, Miyu Edelfelt, and the rest of Illya's missing friends. -- -- Fleeing from agents of the Ainsworth family⁠—those in control of this parallel realm—where will these two end up, and how will Illya restore the present back to the world she once knew? -- -- 96,521 7.55
Frogtoise -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia Music -- Frogtoise Frogtoise -- Music video directed by Katsuki Tanaka for the Exploitation Edit of Frogtoise by German musician Schneider TM (Dirk Dresselhaus). -- Music - ??? ??, 2002 -- 185 N/A -- -- Kamen no Marionette-tachi -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Kamen no Marionette-tachi Kamen no Marionette-tachi -- Screened at the 1st Sogetsu Animation Festival in 1965, the film was made in 35mm using the animation equipment owned by animator Yoji Kuri. -- -- (Source: Collaborative Cataloging Japan) -- Movie - ??? ??, 1965 -- 184 N/A -- -- Koto no Shidai -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Music Dementia -- Koto no Shidai Koto no Shidai -- Official music video for Tamaki Roy's song Koto no Shidai, which was released on his album "Nagi" on June 21, 2017. -- Music - Jul 13, 2017 -- 184 N/A -- -- 4.Eyes Re-Mix 2005 -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- 4.Eyes Re-Mix 2005 4.Eyes Re-Mix 2005 -- A remix of the short film 4.Eyes by Keiichi Tanaami. -- Movie - ??? ??, 2005 -- 182 N/A -- -- Animatope -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Music Dementia -- Animatope Animatope -- Space Shower TV Station ID directed by Takashi Ohashi, with music by composed by Yuri Habuka and sung by PUPI. -- Special - Jan 14, 2011 -- 182 N/A -- -- Sanuki Eiga-sai Opening Eizou -- -- - -- 2 eps -- Original -- Dementia Music -- Sanuki Eiga-sai Opening Eizou Sanuki Eiga-sai Opening Eizou -- Sanuki Film Festival in 2015 and 2016 had opening animations to officially launch the beginning of the festival. -- Movie - Feb 13, 2015 -- 182 N/A -- -- Superfluid -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Music Dementia -- Superfluid Superfluid -- Short film by Kojirou Shishido originally released in 2007. A 4K version of the film was uploaded to his YouTube channel November 14, 2018. -- ONA - Apr 16, 2007 -- 182 N/A -- -- Ringing City -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia Music -- Ringing City Ringing City -- Big cities are glutted with information. Unconscious curiosity, hidden under apparent indifference, invites us into a noisy loop. -- Movie - Mar 3, 2017 -- 181 N/A -- -- Countdown -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Dementia -- Countdown Countdown -- "I would make my new animation with my New Year's cards, and my New Year's cards with my new animation." -- -- (Source: Maya Yonesho) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2002 -- 180 N/A -- -- Tansui -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Tansui Tansui -- Early experimental film by Koji Yamamura. -- Movie - May ??, 1986 -- 180 N/A -- -- Yubi no Sukima-chan -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia Music -- Yubi no Sukima-chan Yubi no Sukima-chan -- An experimental film by Tarafu Otani about hands. -- Movie - ??? ??, 2009 -- 180 5.44
Geneshaft -- -- Satelight -- 13 eps -- Original -- Adventure Mecha Sci-Fi Space -- Geneshaft Geneshaft -- In the 21st century mankind was on the brink of destruction. Through genetic engineering however they eradicated such feelings as love and the desire for power. Since women are naturally less agressive than men, women to man ratio was set to 9:1. Now people are engineered to have skills that others view as being necessary. There is a giant ring that now orbits the earth, that sits there and relays information back to an alien race that sent it. Now a team of five women will try to eradicate the alien threat. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- TV - Apr 5, 2001 -- 12,133 6.37
Ginga Patrol PJ -- -- Eiken -- 26 eps -- - -- Drama Military Sci-Fi Space -- Ginga Patrol PJ Ginga Patrol PJ -- Once Upon a Time... Space differs from the rest of the Once Upon a Time titles in the sense that the series revolve on a dramatic content rather than an educational premise. The series still has a handful of educational information (such as an episode discussing the rings of Planet Saturn). -- -- The series succeeds Once Upon a Time... Man. It reprises almost the entire totality of the characters of the previous series and adapts them into a science-fiction context. -- -- The story tells about the confrontation of many big galactic powers. Among them there is the Omega Confederation, of which Earth is a member of; the military republic of Cassiopée led by the general Le Teigneux; and a powerful supercomputer which controls an army of robots. Once Upon a Time... Space features the adventures of Pierrot (son of colonel Pierre and president Pierrette) and his friend Psi. -- TV - Oct 9, 1982 -- 882 6.63
Gintama' -- -- Sunrise -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Comedy Historical Parody Samurai Shounen -- Gintama' Gintama' -- After a one-year hiatus, Shinpachi Shimura returns to Edo, only to stumble upon a shocking surprise: Gintoki and Kagura, his fellow Yorozuya members, have become completely different characters! Fleeing from the Yorozuya headquarters in confusion, Shinpachi finds that all the denizens of Edo have undergone impossibly extreme changes, in both appearance and personality. Most unbelievably, his sister Otae has married the Shinsengumi chief and shameless stalker Isao Kondou and is pregnant with their first child. -- -- Bewildered, Shinpachi agrees to join the Shinsengumi at Otae and Kondou's request and finds even more startling transformations afoot both in and out of the ranks of the the organization. However, discovering that Vice Chief Toushirou Hijikata has remained unchanged, Shinpachi and his unlikely Shinsengumi ally set out to return the city of Edo to how they remember it. -- -- With even more dirty jokes, tongue-in-cheek parodies, and shameless references, Gintama' follows the Yorozuya team through more of their misadventures in the vibrant, alien-filled world of Edo. -- -- 384,616 9.07
Golgo 13: Queen Bee -- -- Filmlink International -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Military Drama Seinen -- Golgo 13: Queen Bee Golgo 13: Queen Bee -- Master assassin Golgo 13 is hired by the advisor of presidential candidate Robert Hardy to assassinate "Queen Bee," the beautiful and deadly leader of a South American guerilla army. Golgo, however, finds this job too easy and digs further information to find out the true connection between Hardy and Queen Bee. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Urban Vision -- OVA - May 21, 1998 -- 8,082 6.59
.hack//Tasogare no Udewa Densetsu: Offline de Aimashou -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Fantasy Game Sci-Fi -- .hack//Tasogare no Udewa Densetsu: Offline de Aimashou .hack//Tasogare no Udewa Densetsu: Offline de Aimashou -- It's a short story about the characters from .hack// Legend of the Twilight meeting offline. It's more to hear than to see. It shows only backgrounds from the real world with the heads of the charater-game-avatars; but it reveals some interesting real life informations about the characters. -- Special - Oct 24, 2003 -- 10,971 6.17
Haikyuu!!: To the Top -- -- Production I.G -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Sports Drama School Shounen -- Haikyuu!!: To the Top Haikyuu!!: To the Top -- After their triumphant victory over Shiratorizawa Academy, the Karasuno High School volleyball team has earned their long-awaited ticket to nationals. As preparations begin, genius setter Tobio Kageyama is invited to the All-Japan Youth Training Camp to play alongside fellow nationally recognized players. Meanwhile, Kei Tsukishima is invited to a special rookie training camp for first-years within the Miyagi Prefecture. Not receiving any invitations himself, the enthusiastic Shouyou Hinata feels left behind. -- -- However, Hinata does not back down. Transforming his frustration into self-motivation, he boldly decides to sneak himself into the same rookie training camp as Tsukishima. Even though Hinata only lands himself a job as the ball boy, he comes to see this as a golden opportunity. He begins to not only reflect on his skills as a volleyball player but also analyze the plethora of information available on the court and how he can apply it. -- -- As the much-anticipated national tournament approaches, the members of Karasuno's volleyball team attempt to overcome their weak points and refine their skills, all while aiming for the top! -- -- 533,572 8.37
Hanasakeru Seishounen -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 39 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance Shoujo -- Hanasakeru Seishounen Hanasakeru Seishounen -- Kajika Louisa Kugami Burnsworth is the only daughter of Harry Burnsworth, an influential and respected industrialist who has the power to move the world. There was a threat on Kajika’s life when she was just two years old, and her mother died protecting her. After this tragic incident, Harry sent his only child to an isolated island, Giviolle, where she was raised by the island’s native, Maria. Kajika’s companions during her time there include a white leopard named Mustafa and a boy named Li Ren Fang, who visited her two or three times a year. -- -- Kajika, now fourteen, returns to her father's side, only to be told to begin a game to find her future husband. Harry makes sure that Kajika willingly participates in this game by telling her that she needs to face the harshness of her fate along with the man she chooses to be her husband. She needs to decide among the three candidates that Harry has personally chosen, but it won’t be easy. Kajika must figure out who they are and where they are without any information to go on except that they all possess an irresistible brilliance and charm. All the while, the men aren't even aware that they are the chosen ones. Kajika must also choose wisely, as her partner has to willingly accept her to be his bride. -- -- Hansakeru Seishounen revolves around endearing love, intense passion, noble friendship, undying loyalty, family relations, and political intrigue. The heaviness of Kajika’s fate is real, the threat on Kajika’s life is inevitable, and the husband game is more than just a mere game. Harry needs to find a suitable partner to protect his daughter before someone discovers Kajika’s deep secret—a secret even she is unaware of. -- TV - Apr 5, 2009 -- 59,018 7.74
High School Mystery: Gakuen Nanafushigi -- -- - -- 41 eps -- - -- Horror Mystery -- High School Mystery: Gakuen Nanafushigi High School Mystery: Gakuen Nanafushigi -- No synopsis has been added for this series yet. -- -- Click here to update this information. -- TV - Apr 12, 1991 -- 874 N/A -- -- Uchida Shungicu no Noroi no One-Piece -- -- Kyoto Animation, Shin-Ei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Horror Romance Shoujo -- Uchida Shungicu no Noroi no One-Piece Uchida Shungicu no Noroi no One-Piece -- An omnibus horror TV special where three girls encounter a beautiful rose patterned yellow one-piece dress which curses them as they try to gain the attention of a man they like in their lives. -- Special - Aug 25, 1992 -- 864 5.89
Hi no Tori -- -- Tezuka Productions -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Adventure Historical Supernatural Drama -- Hi no Tori Hi no Tori -- From prehistoric times to the distant future, Hi no Tori portrays how the legendary immortal bird Phoenix acts as a witness and chronicler for the history of mankind's endless struggle in search of power, justice, and freedom. -- -- The Dawn -- Since time immemorial, people have sought out the legendary Phoenix for its blood, which is known to grant eternal life. Hearing about rumored Phoenix sightings in the Land of Fire, Himiko—the cruel queen of Yamatai obsessed with immortality—sends her army to conquer the nation and retrieve the creature. Young Nagi, his elder sister Hinaku, and her foreign husband Guzuri are the only survivors of the slaughter. But while Nagi is taken prisoner by the enemy, elsewhere, Hinaku has a shocking revelation. -- -- The Resurrection -- In a distant future where Earth has become uninhabitable, Leona undergoes surgery on a space station to recover from a deadly accident. However, while also suffering from amnesia, his brain is now half cybernetic and causes him to see people as formless scraps and robots as humans. Falling in love with Chihiro, a discarded robot, they escape together from the space station to prevent Chihiro from being destroyed. Yet as his lost memories gradually return, Leona will have to confront the painful truth about his past. -- -- The Transformation -- Yearning for independence, Sakon no Suke—the only daughter of a tyrant ruler—kills priestess Yao Bikuni, the sole person capable of curing her father's illness. Consequently, she and her faithful servant, Kahei, are unexpectedly confined to the temple grounds of Bikuni's sanctuary. While searching for a way out, Sakon no Suke assumes the priestess's position and uses a miraculous feather to heal all those reaching out for help. -- -- The Sun -- After his faction loses the war, Prince Harima's head is replaced with a wolf's. An old medicine woman who recognizes his bloodline assists him and the wounded General Azumi-no-muraji Saruta in escaping to Wah Land. But their arrival at a small Wah village is met with unexpected trouble as Houben, a powerful Buddhist monk, wants Harima dead. With the aid of the Ku clan wolf gods that protect the village's surroundings, he survives the murder attempt. After tensions settle, Saruta uses his established reputation in Wah to persuade the villagers to welcome Harima into their community. Over a period of time, Harima becomes the village's respected leader under the name Inugami no Sukune. But while the young prince adapts to his new role, he must remain vigilant as new dangers soon arise and threaten his recently acquired tranquility. -- -- The Future -- Life on Earth has gradually ceased to exist, with the survivors taking refuge in underground cities. To avoid human extinction, Doctor Saruta unsuccessfully tries to recreate life in his laboratory. However, the unexpected visit of Masato Yamanobe, his alien girlfriend Tamami, and his colleague Rock Holmes reveals a disturbing crisis: the computers that regulate the subterranean cities have initiated a nuclear war that will eliminate all of mankind. -- -- TV - Mar 21, 2004 -- 7,595 7.10
Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen OVA -- -- Ajia-Do -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Fantasy Slice of Life -- Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen OVA Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen OVA -- Eustachius no Shitamachi Sennyuu Dai Sakusen (Eustachius' Incognito Operation Downtown) -- To get more information about Myne and her strange background, Head Priest Ferdinand sends two nobles, Eustachius and Eckhard, to investigate everything regarding her life within her hometown. However, things do not go the way they expected. -- -- Corinna-sama no Otaku Houmon (Visiting Missus Corinna) -- Otto's wife, Corinna, takes an interest in the outfit that Myne wore at her baptism. Corinna summons her alongside her mother, Eva, and sister, Turi, wishing to know the procedure in making such sophisticated attire and accessories. Naturally, for Myne, she sees an excellent opportunity for profit. -- -- OVA - Mar 10, 2020 -- 23,716 7.47
Hoshizora Kiseki -- -- CoMix Wave Films -- 1 ep -- Original -- Romance Sci-Fi -- Hoshizora Kiseki Hoshizora Kiseki -- Kozue is a girl who loves astronomy, particularly the stars. One night, on an excursion to witness a meteorite, she meets Ginga, a boy who is able to help scientists discover more information about the stars through a mysterious ability of his. However, he is forced to stay in a protective suit in order to carry out his mission. Because of this, Kozue decides to convince Ginga to make his own decisions & to take off the suit using his own will. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- ONA - Jul 21, 2006 -- 10,629 5.79
Houkago no Pleiades -- -- Gainax -- 4 eps -- Original -- Magic -- Houkago no Pleiades Houkago no Pleiades -- Subaru is a young girl who likes to see the stars. One day, she opens the door to her school's observation room, only to find a large indoor garden instead! She meets a boy named Minato who says some strange things, telling her to leave soon after their meeting. As if the day wasn't weird enough, Subaru accidentally finds a strange blobby creature who runs off with her compass, leading her to stumble into a club room with girls wearing witch costumes! -- -- Subaru recognizes her friend Aoi in the group, and despite Aoi's protests, Subaru decides to join the club. Shortly after, she gets a strange automobile-like staff and a magical transformation from the club's "president," the blobby creature from earlier, known as a Pleiadian. Aoi and the other members—Itsuki, Hikaru, and Nanako—have been looking for engine fragments of the spaceship that the Pleiadian used to travel in, so that it can go back to its home. But it seems that these girls are not the only ones searching for the fragments... -- -- ONA - Feb 1, 2011 -- 16,618 6.15
Hunter x Hunter -- -- Nippon Animation -- 62 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Super Power Fantasy Shounen -- Hunter x Hunter Hunter x Hunter -- Hunters are specialized in a wide variety of fields, ranging from treasure hunting to cooking. They have access to otherwise unavailable funds and information that allow them to pursue their dreams and interests. However, being a hunter is a special privilege, only attained by taking a deadly exam with an extremely low success rate. -- -- Gon Freecss, a 12-year-old boy with the hope of finding his missing father, sets out on a quest to take the Hunter Exam. Along the way, he picks up three companions who also aim to take the dangerous test: the revenge-seeking Kurapika, aspiring doctor Leorio Paladiknight, and a mischievous child the same age as Gon, Killua Zoldyck. -- -- Hunter x Hunter is a classic shounen that follows the story of four aspiring hunters as they embark on a perilous adventure, fighting for their dreams while defying the odds. -- -- 436,333 8.41
Hunter x Hunter -- -- Nippon Animation -- 62 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Super Power Fantasy Shounen -- Hunter x Hunter Hunter x Hunter -- Hunters are specialized in a wide variety of fields, ranging from treasure hunting to cooking. They have access to otherwise unavailable funds and information that allow them to pursue their dreams and interests. However, being a hunter is a special privilege, only attained by taking a deadly exam with an extremely low success rate. -- -- Gon Freecss, a 12-year-old boy with the hope of finding his missing father, sets out on a quest to take the Hunter Exam. Along the way, he picks up three companions who also aim to take the dangerous test: the revenge-seeking Kurapika, aspiring doctor Leorio Paladiknight, and a mischievous child the same age as Gon, Killua Zoldyck. -- -- Hunter x Hunter is a classic shounen that follows the story of four aspiring hunters as they embark on a perilous adventure, fighting for their dreams while defying the odds. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 436,333 8.41
Hustle!! Tokitama-kun -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Hustle!! Tokitama-kun Hustle!! Tokitama-kun -- Director's description: "I want to show you a world that you have never seen." I think this is something that all computer graphics producers strive for. What to create?! How do you create it with computer graphics? The skill of drawing does not change that much when performed on a computer instead of paper. This work is a mixture of traditional cel-based animation, 3-D animation and 2-D computer graphics techniques, each with its own history and production standards. My theme for this production was "The Transformation of Time and Space." I used ToonShader and hand drawn animation to achieve the desired effect. I think that I have succeeded in creating a world that you have never seen. -- -- (Source: -- Special - ??? ??, 1998 -- 644 4.33
Hyouka -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 22 eps -- Novel -- Mystery School Slice of Life -- Hyouka Hyouka -- Energy-conservative high school student Houtarou Oreki ends up with more than he bargained for when he signs up for the Classics Club at his sister's behest—especially when he realizes how deep-rooted the club's history really is. Begrudgingly, Oreki is dragged into an investigation concerning the 45-year-old mystery that surrounds the club room. -- -- Accompanied by his fellow club members, the knowledgeable Satoshi Fukube, the stern but benign Mayaka Ibara, and the ever-curious Eru Chitanda, Oreki must combat deadlines and lack of information with resourcefulness and hidden talent, in order to not only find the truth buried beneath the dust of works created years before them, but of other small side cases as well. -- -- Based on the award-winning Koten-bu light novel series, and directed by Yasuhiro Takemoto of Suzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu, Hyouka shows that normal life can be full of small mysteries, be it family history, a student film, or even the withered flowers that make up a ghost story. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 993,559 8.13
ID-0 -- -- SANZIGEN -- 12 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Space Mecha -- ID-0 ID-0 -- Transferring the human consciousness into a robotic "I-Machine" is now a reality thanks to the discovery of a valuable ore called "orichalt." However, there is the possibility of the consciousness failing to return to the host's body, rendering them stuck inside their new metallic frame for good. Such is the situation of members of the Excavate Company, a reckless band of I-Machine miners led by the notorious Grayman that aims to gather orichalt for profit. -- -- During a mining incursion, the group rescues Maya Mikuri, a student who was abandoned by her crew. Accused of stealing classified information on orichalt by her former colleagues, she joins the Excavate Company in hopes of clearing her name. They then begin an adventure that will change their lives—including that of Ido, an ace member of the group with no memory of his past. For the first time, Ido might have the chance to rediscover his true identity. -- -- 17,820 6.57
Initial D Third Stage -- -- Studio Deen -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Cars Sports Drama Romance Seinen -- Initial D Third Stage Initial D Third Stage -- Takumi Fujiwara is a skilled street racer, but he suffers a crushing loss against the team Emperor's leader Kyoichi Sudou due to his AE86 experiencing an engine failure. Doubting his abilities, the recent high school graduate is then approached by the Akagi RedSuns' team leader Ryousuke Takahashi, who proposes the formation of a professional street racing team. Although it would be the ideal way to improve as a street racer, Takumi remains undecided. -- -- Does the young street racer have what it takes to become a professional? Perhaps Ryousuke and the RedSuns can help him reevaluate his own doubts and misconceptions concerning street racing. However, first and foremost, Takumi decides to settle the score with Kyoichi Sudou... -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Jan 13, 2001 -- 119,184 7.89
Joker Game -- -- Production I.G -- 12 eps -- Novel -- Military Historical Drama -- Joker Game Joker Game -- With World War II right around the corner, intelligence on other countries' social and economic situation has become a valuable asset. As a result, Japan has established a new spy organization known as the "D Agency" to obtain this weapon. -- -- Under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Yuuki, eight agents have been assigned to infiltrate and observe some of the most powerful countries, reporting on any developments associated with the war. In order to carry out these dangerous tasks, these men have trained their bodies to survive in extreme conditions and studied numerous fields such as communications and languages. However, their greatest strength lies in their ability to manipulate people in order to obtain the information necessary to give their nation the upper hand. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 184,426 7.05
Kara no Kyoukai 5: Mujun Rasen -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Supernatural Drama Romance Thriller -- Kara no Kyoukai 5: Mujun Rasen Kara no Kyoukai 5: Mujun Rasen -- In November 1998, a double homicide occurs at the newly constructed Ogawa apartment complex in the heart of Mifune City. The murderer, Tomoe Enjou, has fled in a panic. To his astonishment, he is not pursued by the police and news of the incident has not been reported through media outlets. After Shiki Ryougi defends Tomoe from a group of thugs, she allows him to use her residence as a hideout. However, a few days later, Tomoe is shaken to discover that his mother is alive, even though he is convinced that he killed her. -- -- Coincidentally, Mikiya Kokutou is investigating a tip that his associate Touko Aozaki receives regarding the murder at the unique apartment complex. As he uncovers more information about the incident, Mikiya takes a particular interest in Tomoe. Deciding to investigate him further, Mikiya soon discovers the disturbing truth of the foreboding Ogawa complex. -- -- The fifth installment of the Kara no Kyoukai film series, Mujun Rasen combines an intricately constructed mystery with established themes and characters to produce a dark, thought-provoking story. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Aug 16, 2008 -- 193,577 8.56
Kara no Kyoukai 5: Mujun Rasen -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Supernatural Drama Romance Thriller -- Kara no Kyoukai 5: Mujun Rasen Kara no Kyoukai 5: Mujun Rasen -- In November 1998, a double homicide occurs at the newly constructed Ogawa apartment complex in the heart of Mifune City. The murderer, Tomoe Enjou, has fled in a panic. To his astonishment, he is not pursued by the police and news of the incident has not been reported through media outlets. After Shiki Ryougi defends Tomoe from a group of thugs, she allows him to use her residence as a hideout. However, a few days later, Tomoe is shaken to discover that his mother is alive, even though he is convinced that he killed her. -- -- Coincidentally, Mikiya Kokutou is investigating a tip that his associate Touko Aozaki receives regarding the murder at the unique apartment complex. As he uncovers more information about the incident, Mikiya takes a particular interest in Tomoe. Deciding to investigate him further, Mikiya soon discovers the disturbing truth of the foreboding Ogawa complex. -- -- The fifth installment of the Kara no Kyoukai film series, Mujun Rasen combines an intricately constructed mystery with established themes and characters to produce a dark, thought-provoking story. -- -- Movie - Aug 16, 2008 -- 193,577 8.56
Kara no Kyoukai: Mirai Fukuin -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Drama Mystery Seinen Supernatural -- Kara no Kyoukai: Mirai Fukuin Kara no Kyoukai: Mirai Fukuin -- ​Shiki Ryougi, Mikiya Kokutou, and Touko Aozaki begin investigating a bomber after they witness a nearby explosion. That same night, Shiki catches a glimpse of the bomber, and as a result, he becomes fixated on her. To get rid of her, the madman plays a game of cat and mouse in attempts to lure her to an empty parking garage. And bombs are not the only thing he has in his arsenal: he also possesses the ability to see the future, and he intends to bring an end to Shiki. -- -- Elsewhere a few days prior, a student at Reien Girls' Academy, Shizune Seo, plans to head home for the summer. However, while exiting a bus, she has a vision of the future involving a nearby stranger's death. While trying to warn the stranger, she meets Mikiya—who succeeds in utilizing Shizune's information effectively. -- -- Subsequently, an employee is sent on a job with his employer's 10-year-old daughter in tow. However, the subject of his investigation turns out to be a ghost from both of their pasts. -- -- Mirai Fukuin tells the stories set during the main timeline of the Kara no Kyoukai films, as well as one set in the future. -- -- Movie - Sep 28, 2013 -- 89,191 8.03
Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World - Tou no Kuni - Free Lance -- -- A.C.G.T. -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Adventure Psychological Fantasy -- Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World - Tou no Kuni - Free Lance Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World - Tou no Kuni - Free Lance -- Waking up from a nap, Kino is relieved to see that a certain tower from afar is still proudly standing. Located in the heart of the Tower Country, the immensely tall tower stretches high into the sky, reaching seemingly infinite heights. The tower looks like something out of a dream, but the breathtaking construction is unmistakably real. Intrigued, the traveling partners Kino and Hermes—the talking motorcycle—journey to the tower to get a closer look at the building. -- -- Despite already being unbelievably tall, the tower is still being built by the townspeople to this day. Puzzled by the origins of the tower, Kino and Hermes ask around the town for information, but they fail to obtain any definitive answer. They continue to observe both the tower and the townspeople during their stay, hoping to understand the reasoning behind building a tower that requires so much effort. After all, there is always something to learn... even from the strangest of countries. -- -- Special - Oct 19, 2005 -- 33,066 7.60
Kishin Douji Zenki -- -- Studio Deen -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Drama Ecchi Fantasy Horror Magic Shounen -- Kishin Douji Zenki Kishin Douji Zenki -- In ancient times, a great battle was waged between a master mage, Enno Ozuno, and an evil demon goddess, Karuma. Unfortunately, Enno didn't have the strength to defeat her alone and was forced to call upon Zenki, a powerful protector demon. After Karuma was defeated, Enno sealed Zenki away in a pillar located inside his temple. -- -- 1,200 years after this epic battle, Enno's descendant, Chiaki, spends her days showing tourists around her hometown of Shikigami-cho and doing exorcisms to pay the bills. One day, two thieves enter the town in hopes of opening a seal in the Ozuno temple and releasing the hidden treasure from within. However, what actually pops out is a dark entity that attaches itself to the henchmen, transforming them into demonic beings. After this transformation, they begin a rampage through the temple, terrorizing poor Chiaki. -- -- It is now up to this young progeny to unleash her family's powers to summon Zenki and save Shikigami-cho from these demons, as well as the evil entities sure to follow in their footsteps. -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- 11,177 6.97
Kono Yo no Hate de Koi wo Utau Shoujo YU-NO -- -- feel. -- 26 eps -- Visual novel -- Sci-Fi Drama -- Kono Yo no Hate de Koi wo Utau Shoujo YU-NO Kono Yo no Hate de Koi wo Utau Shoujo YU-NO -- Takuya Arima is a young student whose father, a historian who has conducted various researches, disappeared recently. During a summer vacation Takuya receives a peculiar package from his missing father, along with a letter containing information about the existence of various parallel worlds. At first Takuya doesn't take it seriously, but soon he realizes that he possesses a device that allows him to travel to alternate dimensions. Is his father alive, after all? If so, where is he? -- -- (Source: VNDB) -- 106,190 6.57
Kono Yo no Hate de Koi wo Utau Shoujo YU-NO -- -- feel. -- 26 eps -- Visual novel -- Sci-Fi Drama -- Kono Yo no Hate de Koi wo Utau Shoujo YU-NO Kono Yo no Hate de Koi wo Utau Shoujo YU-NO -- Takuya Arima is a young student whose father, a historian who has conducted various researches, disappeared recently. During a summer vacation Takuya receives a peculiar package from his missing father, along with a letter containing information about the existence of various parallel worlds. At first Takuya doesn't take it seriously, but soon he realizes that he possesses a device that allows him to travel to alternate dimensions. Is his father alive, after all? If so, where is he? -- -- (Source: VNDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, NBCUniversal Entertainment Japan -- 106,190 6.57
Lupin III: Dead or Alive -- -- Tokyo Movie Shinsha -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Mystery Comedy Seinen -- Lupin III: Dead or Alive Lupin III: Dead or Alive -- Lupin, Goemon, and Jigen take a mini-helicopter and head to the mysterious “Drifting Island” looking for a treasure rumored to be hidden somewhere on it. Through their exploration of the island, the trio encounters the lethal “Nanomachine,” the island’s security system. The trio triggers the alarm, springing “the Nanomachine” to life. The key to solving the island’s mystery lies in the small nation of Zufu. This once prosperous nation is now ruled by the ruthless, knife-collecting, General Headhunter. Fujiko does her usual probing and hacks into General Headhunter’s computer hoping to find some crucial information. Zenigata has received a video message from Lupin in which Lupin announces his desire for the priceless treasure. Oleander, a fiery blond officer with some hidden secrets of her own, steps in to help Zenigata. Armed with their newly found information, Lupin, Goemon, Jigen, and Fujiko go back to “Drifting Island,” but this time they are followed by General Headhunter. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Apr 20, 1996 -- 8,836 7.16
Luv Wave -- -- - -- 3 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Drama Hentai Horror Mystery Police Romance Sci-Fi -- Luv Wave Luv Wave -- Takikawa Kanako, a secret agent that specialize in information and assassination. He has a robot girl for assistant. So far, they have 100% success rate, but their new target doesn't seem to want to stay dead. While finding out what's going on, they have to deal with a world network stopping virus and a strange new drug. Can he remember and how much does she love him? -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- NuTech Digital -- OVA - Mar 31, 2000 -- 2,551 5.89
Made in Abyss Movie 1: Tabidachi no Yoake -- -- Kinema Citrus -- 1 ep -- Web manga -- Adventure Drama Fantasy Mystery Sci-Fi -- Made in Abyss Movie 1: Tabidachi no Yoake Made in Abyss Movie 1: Tabidachi no Yoake -- The movie is a compilation of episodes 1-8 of the 2017 television series with new scenes added for the introduction. It covers the period from when Riko descends into the Abyss with her robot companion Reg, reaching the second layer where they meet the White Whistle Ozen who reveals information about Riko's mother. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Jan 4, 2019 -- 66,640 8.13
Made in Abyss Movie 1: Tabidachi no Yoake -- -- Kinema Citrus -- 1 ep -- Web manga -- Adventure Drama Fantasy Mystery Sci-Fi -- Made in Abyss Movie 1: Tabidachi no Yoake Made in Abyss Movie 1: Tabidachi no Yoake -- The movie is a compilation of episodes 1-8 of the 2017 television series with new scenes added for the introduction. It covers the period from when Riko descends into the Abyss with her robot companion Reg, reaching the second layer where they meet the White Whistle Ozen who reveals information about Riko's mother. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- Movie - Jan 4, 2019 -- 66,640 8.13
Maetel Legend -- -- Vega Entertainment -- 2 eps -- - -- Space Drama Sci-Fi -- Maetel Legend Maetel Legend -- The artificial sun that lights the frozen planet La Metalle is dying, threatening to extinguish what little life is left there. Queen La Andromeda Prometheum decides that the only way for her people to survive is for them to submit to Hardgear's transformation process, which will turn everyone's body into machines. The Queen's daughters, Emeraldas and Maetel, refuse to submit to this process, and fight to stay human. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- OVA - Dec 13, 2000 -- 3,562 6.41
Mahou Shoujo Ore -- -- Pierrot Plus -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy Fantasy Magic -- Mahou Shoujo Ore Mahou Shoujo Ore -- Saki Uno is an average 15-year-old girl with a side hustle as a member of the exceptionally unpopular idol duo Magical Twins. Despite this, she absolutely loves the time she spends with her best friend Sakuyo Mikage as she strives to become closer with her childhood crush, Sakuyo's brother Mohiro. Her peaceful life, however, unravels when she finds a yakuza-looking thug trying to enter her house. Forced to invite him inside, Saki learns that her mother used to be a demon fighting Magical Girl, and that her brutish guest is actually a mascot named Kokoro-chan looking to recruit a replacement. Dumbfounded and skeptical, Saki is hesitant accept the request until Kokoro-chan reveals that Mohiro is a target of some cute, squirrel-tailed demons. -- -- Rushing to his side, Saki's overwhelming desire to save Mohiro activates her Love Power, and a daring confession awakens her as a Magical Girl. However, because her body is not suitable for combat, Saki's transformation turns her into a muscle-bound man clad in a pretty dress. Now, as a fully-fledged Magical Girl, Saki must team up with Sakuyo to protect the love of her life from the fluffy, demonic menaces that run rampant in her world. -- -- 69,914 6.64
Mars Red -- -- Signal.MD -- 13 eps -- Other -- Action Military Historical Supernatural Vampire -- Mars Red Mars Red -- Mars Red takes place in 1923, and vampires have existed for quite a while. But now, the number of vampires is increasing and a mysterious, artificial blood source called Ascra has appeared. -- -- The Japanese government, in turn, creates "Code Zero," an unit within the army tasked with taking down the vampiric forces. And what better way to track vampires than by using vampires? -- -- Created by Lieutenant General Nakajima, this unit has historically been in the business of information war, but has been re-assigned to solve the vampire crisis. -- -- (Source: Funimation, edited) -- 64,528 6.93
Mars Red -- -- Signal.MD -- 13 eps -- Other -- Action Military Historical Supernatural Vampire -- Mars Red Mars Red -- Mars Red takes place in 1923, and vampires have existed for quite a while. But now, the number of vampires is increasing and a mysterious, artificial blood source called Ascra has appeared. -- -- The Japanese government, in turn, creates "Code Zero," an unit within the army tasked with taking down the vampiric forces. And what better way to track vampires than by using vampires? -- -- Created by Lieutenant General Nakajima, this unit has historically been in the business of information war, but has been re-assigned to solve the vampire crisis. -- -- (Source: Funimation, edited) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 64,528 6.93
Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket -- -- Sunrise -- 6 eps -- Original -- Military Sci-Fi Space Drama Mecha -- Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket -- Alfred Izuruha is a 10-year-old who lives in the neutral colony cluster of Side 6 and, like most boys his age, is obsessed with the war between the Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon. Unbeknownst to him, Al's next-door neighbor, Christina, is the test pilot of a prototype Gundam being developed in secret by the Earth Federation in the colony. A Zeon Special Forces team is assembled and tasked with infiltrating the colony in order to either steal or destroy it. -- -- When a skirmish breaks out between the Federation and infiltrating Zeon forces, the fascinated Alfred stumbles upon a Zaku mobile suit that has been shot down, piloted by Zeon rookie Bernard "Bernie" Wiseman. After this encounter, the two start a mutual friendship, so Alfred can learn more about the war that interests him so much, and Bernie can acquire inside information about the colony to aid his team's mission. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Nozomi Entertainment -- OVA - Mar 25, 1989 -- 44,359 7.91
Mobile Suit Gundam: More Information on the Universal Century -- -- Sunrise -- 10 eps -- Original -- Military Sci-Fi Space Mecha -- Mobile Suit Gundam: More Information on the Universal Century Mobile Suit Gundam: More Information on the Universal Century -- Brief background information about the One Year War as told by a narrator, to fill in some gaps for new viewers of the franchise. -- Special - Oct 25, 1996 -- 2,643 6.10
Modern -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Dementia -- Modern Modern -- I finished this film in only two months after the completion of Playground. Inspired by optical illusions, like Escher's paintings, I made the film using isometric drawings. my idea was to make a great film using only transformations of rectangular parallelepipeds. I applied the method of geometric animation, a technique used in Metropolis, in this film. Along with "cell" animation, I continue making films with the application of this method. Hopefully, I will eventually discover a third alternative method to use in my films. -- -- (Source: Mirai Mizue) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2010 -- 609 5.09
Mushishi -- -- Artland -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Slice of Life Mystery Historical Supernatural Fantasy Seinen -- Mushishi Mushishi -- "Mushi": the most basic forms of life in the world. They exist without any goals or purposes aside from simply "being." They are beyond the shackles of the words "good" and "evil." Mushi can exist in countless forms and are capable of mimicking things from the natural world such as plants, diseases, and even phenomena like rainbows. -- -- This is, however, just a vague definition of these entities that inhabit the vibrant world of Mushishi, as to even call them a form of life would be an oversimplification. Detailed information on Mushi is scarce because the majority of humans are unaware of their existence. -- -- So what are Mushi and why do they exist? This is the question that a "Mushishi," Ginko, ponders constantly. Mushishi are those who research Mushi in hopes of understanding their place in the world's hierarchy of life. -- -- Ginko chases rumors of occurrences that could be tied to Mushi, all for the sake of finding an answer. -- -- It could, after all, lead to the meaning of life itself. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 641,581 8.69
Natsunagu! -- -- IMAGICA Lab. -- 12 eps -- Original -- Drama Slice of Life -- Natsunagu! Natsunagu! -- After earthquakes suddenly took place in the Kumamoto Prefecture, Natsuna Keyaki lost contact with her dearest online friend, Itsuki. With nothing but a drawn picture of the landscape, Natsuna embarks on a journey from Tokyo to Kumamoto to find her. -- -- When Natsuna gets lost in a rural area of the disaster-stricken prefecture, she encounters a policeman and an energetic middle school girl named Izumi Chiba. Izumi, along with her hospitable family members, offers Natsuna shelter and information to assist her in her quest. With these kind locals helping her on every step of the way, Natsuna moves closer to discover what happened to Itsuki. -- -- 20,189 5.84
Ookami to Koushinryou II -- -- Brain's Base, Marvy Jack -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Historical Romance Fantasy -- Ookami to Koushinryou II Ookami to Koushinryou II -- Traveling merchant Kraft Lawrence continues his northward journey with wolf goddess Holo, in search of her lost home of Yoitsu. Lawrence and his sharp-witted partner continue to make some small profits along the way, while slowly uncovering more information about Holo's hometown. However, the road to Yoitsu is a bumpy one filled with many troubles—Lawrence runs into a charming young fellow merchant who has his eyes set on the female wolf companion, and he begins to doubt if Holo will remain by his side; he and the goddess will also have to consider precarious and risky business deals as Lawrence strives to achieve his dream of becoming a shopowner. All the while, with his determination tested at every turn during his journey, Lawrence must question his relationship with Holo, take on business ventures, and ask himself whether it is time for him and Holo to go their separate ways. -- -- TV - Jul 9, 2009 -- 405,242 8.36
Owari no Seraph: Nagoya Kessen-hen -- -- Wit Studio -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Military Supernatural Drama Vampire Shounen -- Owari no Seraph: Nagoya Kessen-hen Owari no Seraph: Nagoya Kessen-hen -- Yuuichirou Hyakuya is finally reunited with his childhood friend Mikaela Hyakuya, whom he had long presumed to be dead. Upon their reunion, however, he discovers that Mikaela has been turned into a vampire. Determined to help his friend, Yuuichirou vows to get stronger so that he can protect Mikaela as well as the comrades in the Moon Demon Company. -- -- Kureto Hiiragi receives information that a large group of vampires will be gathering in Nagoya, preparing for their assault on the Imperial Demon Army's main forces in Tokyo. Led by Guren Ichinose, Yuuichirou's team is one of many selected to intercept and eliminate the vampire nobles. -- -- With the Nagoya mission quickly approaching, the members of Shinoa squad continue to work towards fully mastering their weapons, while learning how to improve their teamwork. Yuuichirou must gain the power he needs to slay the nobles and save his best friend, before he succumbs to the demon of the Cursed Gear. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 564,670 7.63
Planetes -- -- Sunrise -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance Sci-Fi Seinen Space -- Planetes Planetes -- In 2075, space travel is no longer just a dream, but an everyday reality for mankind. Advancements in science and technology have led to the colonization of the moon, the commercialization of outer space, and the formation of large space corporations. Ai Tanabe, an upbeat woman whose interests lie in the cosmos, joins Technora Corporation as a member of their Debris Section, a department dedicated to the removal of dangerous space junk between the orbits of the Earth and Moon. -- -- However, Ai soon discovers how unappreciated her job is. As the laughingstock of Technora, the Debris Section is severely understaffed, poorly funded, and is forced to use a dilapidated spaceship nicknamed the "Toy Box" for debris retrieval. Undeterred, Ai perseveres and gradually becomes acquainted with the strange personalities that make up the Debris Section's staff, such as the bumbling but good-natured chief clerk Philippe Myers; the mysterious and tight-lipped temp worker Edelgard Rivera; and the hotheaded and passionate Hachirouta Hoshino, who longs for a spaceship to call his own. -- -- Planetes is an unconventional sci-fi series that portrays the vastness of space as a backdrop for the personal lives of ordinary people—people who may have been born on Earth, but whose hopes and dreams lie amongst the stars. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- 200,479 8.30
Pumpkin Scissors -- -- AIC, Gonzo -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Drama Military -- Pumpkin Scissors Pumpkin Scissors -- Three years ago, the long war between the Royal Empire and the Republic of Frost came to an end. With both nations a long way from recovery, a passionate young woman named Alice L. Malvin leads the Pumpkin Scissors, a unit of the imperial army specializing in war relief. -- -- During a mission to assist a village occupied by renegade soldiers, Alice meets Randal Oland, a scarred former soldier with a sordid past and kind heart. Encouraged by the efforts of the Pumpkin Scissors, he joins the team on their mission. During the assault, however, Randal enters a trance-like state prompted by a mysterious blue lantern. As a result, he acquires monstrous strength and decimates the enemy forces. -- -- Despite having witnessed Randal's disturbing transformation, Alice invites him to join her squandrant, confident that his gentle nature will prevail and make him a perfect fit for the Pumpkin Scissors. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- 36,200 7.18
RDG: Red Data Girl -- -- P.A. Works -- 12 eps -- Novel -- Fantasy Magic -- RDG: Red Data Girl RDG: Red Data Girl -- Fifteen-year-old Izumiko Suzuhara just wants to be a normal girl, but that is easier said than done. Raised in a shrine deep in the mountains, she grew up extremely sheltered and painfully shy. She also has the unfortunate tendency to destroy any electronic device simply by touching it. -- -- Despite this, she still wants to try and change her life. To mark her determination to follow through on this transformation, Izumiko begins by cutting her bangs, which shocks both her classmates and protectors. And that's only the start! Her guardian, Yukimasa Sagara, forces his son, Miyuki, to come to the mountain shrine and become Izumiko's lifelong servant and protector. Too bad Izumiko and Miyuki cannot stand each other. They have known each other since they were children, and Miyuki bullied her terribly. He simply does not understand what is so special about Izumiko. His father calls Izumiko a goddess, but that cannot be true…can it? Will Izumiko and Miyuki work past their differences? Is she actually a literal goddess? Find out in RDG: Red Data Girl! -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 4, 2013 -- 97,924 6.58
RDG: Red Data Girl -- -- P.A. Works -- 12 eps -- Novel -- Fantasy Magic -- RDG: Red Data Girl RDG: Red Data Girl -- Fifteen-year-old Izumiko Suzuhara just wants to be a normal girl, but that is easier said than done. Raised in a shrine deep in the mountains, she grew up extremely sheltered and painfully shy. She also has the unfortunate tendency to destroy any electronic device simply by touching it. -- -- Despite this, she still wants to try and change her life. To mark her determination to follow through on this transformation, Izumiko begins by cutting her bangs, which shocks both her classmates and protectors. And that's only the start! Her guardian, Yukimasa Sagara, forces his son, Miyuki, to come to the mountain shrine and become Izumiko's lifelong servant and protector. Too bad Izumiko and Miyuki cannot stand each other. They have known each other since they were children, and Miyuki bullied her terribly. He simply does not understand what is so special about Izumiko. His father calls Izumiko a goddess, but that cannot be true…can it? Will Izumiko and Miyuki work past their differences? Is she actually a literal goddess? Find out in RDG: Red Data Girl! -- TV - Apr 4, 2013 -- 97,924 6.58
RD Sennou Chousashitsu -- -- Production I.G -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi -- RD Sennou Chousashitsu RD Sennou Chousashitsu -- 2061 AD. Fifty years have passed since mankind developed the Network society. It was anticipated that this new infrastructure would realize a utopia where people connected with each other at the level of consciousness. However, new social problems such as personal data leaks and proliferation of manipulated information began to surface. Nevertheless, people still relied on the Network to exchange information, and proved unable to opt to abandon it. -- -- In due course, a new Network realm with more effective security measures was developed. This was called Meta Real Network, usually abbreviated as "the Metal." -- -- The Metal accommodated personal memory data within protected virtual stand-alone organic cyber enclaves called bubble shells and eventually pervaded the everyday lives of people. -- -- However, people gradually learned to release and explode their instincts within the secure environment of the Metal. The unleashed instincts pushed each individual's consciousness to drown in the sea of information and to be exposed to the pressures of desire. Meanwhile, norms and regulations continued to bind their real world lives. Thus, strange friction between the two worlds began to manifest themselves as aberrations beyond the bounds of the imaginable. -- -- Experts who challenged the deep sea of the Metal to investigate and decipher such aberrations were called cyber divers. -- -- This is a story of a cyber diver, Masamichi Haru, who investigates the incidents that lie between Reality and the Metal. -- -- (Source: Production I.G) -- 23,293 7.12
Saishuu Heiki Kanojo -- -- Gonzo -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Drama Military Romance School Sci-Fi -- Saishuu Heiki Kanojo Saishuu Heiki Kanojo -- Chise is an ordinary schoolgirl: small, frail, and not particularly intelligent. Her greatest joy is her budding romance with her classmate and childhood friend, Shuuji. They both live in a small military town in Hokkaido, where high schoolers have few concerns other than who is dating whom and complaining about the steep climb up "Hell Hill" every day before school. -- -- One day, Shuuji and his friends make a trip to Sapporo to buy gifts for their girlfriends. A massive air raid on Sapporo that day kills thousands, including one of Shuuji's friends, and signals the beginning of a war. Fleeing from the carnage, Shuuji spots Chise, though now she has steel wings and a massive gun where her right arm should be. Against her will, she has been transformed into the ultimate cyborg weapon, capable of leveling entire cities. -- -- As the war rages closer and closer to their hometown, Chise and Shuuji's relationship is strained by her transformation, and they are left to wonder whether she is even still human. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks, VIZ Media -- TV - Jul 2, 2002 -- 84,240 7.17
Saishuu Heiki Kanojo -- -- Gonzo -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Drama Military Romance School Sci-Fi -- Saishuu Heiki Kanojo Saishuu Heiki Kanojo -- Chise is an ordinary schoolgirl: small, frail, and not particularly intelligent. Her greatest joy is her budding romance with her classmate and childhood friend, Shuuji. They both live in a small military town in Hokkaido, where high schoolers have few concerns other than who is dating whom and complaining about the steep climb up "Hell Hill" every day before school. -- -- One day, Shuuji and his friends make a trip to Sapporo to buy gifts for their girlfriends. A massive air raid on Sapporo that day kills thousands, including one of Shuuji's friends, and signals the beginning of a war. Fleeing from the carnage, Shuuji spots Chise, though now she has steel wings and a massive gun where her right arm should be. Against her will, she has been transformed into the ultimate cyborg weapon, capable of leveling entire cities. -- -- As the war rages closer and closer to their hometown, Chise and Shuuji's relationship is strained by her transformation, and they are left to wonder whether she is even still human. -- -- TV - Jul 2, 2002 -- 84,240 7.17
Saiyuuki Reload: Burial -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Drama Fantasy Shoujo -- Saiyuuki Reload: Burial Saiyuuki Reload: Burial -- Taking place in the past it offers a view at the Saiyuuki quartet before their formation and their journey to the west. First OVA starts with Sanzo and his master, also with Ukoku (known as a later Ni Jianyi). Second OVA shows first meeting of Goku and Sanzo. Third OVA considers the events after Hakkai's sins and his trial (that we know from first season of "Saiyuuki") and his decision to live in Gojyo's house. -- OVA - Apr 28, 2007 -- 11,408 7.81
Sankarea -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Horror Romance Shounen Supernatural -- Sankarea Sankarea -- Ever since he was a child, zombie-obsessed Chihiro Furuya has wanted an undead girlfriend. Soon enough, his love for all things zombie comes in handy when his cat Baabu gets run over, prompting Chihiro to try to make a resurrection potion and bring him back to life. During his endeavor, he sees a rich girl named Rea Sanka yelling into an old well every day about her oppressive life. After meeting and bonding with her, Chihiro is convinced by Rea to persevere in saving Baabu. Eventually, he succeeds with the help of the poisonous hydrangea flowers from Rea's family garden. -- -- Unaware of the potion's success and seeking to escape the burdens of her life, Rea drinks the resurrection potion, mistakenly thinking she will die. Though it doesn't kill her, the effects still linger and her death from a fatal accident causes her to be reborn as a zombie. With help from Chihiro, Rea strives to adjust to her new—albeit undead—life. -- -- For a boy wanting a zombie girlfriend, this situation would seem like a dream come true. But in Sankarea, Chihiro's life becomes stranger than usual as he deals with Rea's odd new cravings and the unforeseen consequences of her transformation. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 481,086 7.34
Seikaisuru Kado -- -- Toei Animation -- 12 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi -- Seikaisuru Kado Seikaisuru Kado -- Cool-headed and rational, Koujirou Shindou is a government official and master negotiator with a well-earned reputation. While departing on a business trip, a giant cube materializes and his plane is taken undamaged into the mysterious, indestructible structure. -- -- As Japanese authorities attempt to identify the cube's properties and origins, Shindou encounters an otherworldly entity known as Yaha-kui zaShunina, who materializes in the form of a human man. He assures Shindou that the passengers are not in any danger and requests help in negotiations with the human world. -- -- Hailing from a higher dimensional universe known as Novo, Yaha-kui zaShunina is able to transfer information between Novo and Shindou's universe through a cube called Kado. Despite having these unfathomable abilities, he does not appear hostile. Instead, he announces that he has come to this world with only one intention: to "advance" humanity—starting with Japan. -- -- 95,698 6.80
Seireitsukai no Blade Dance -- -- TNK -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Harem Comedy Supernatural Romance Ecchi Fantasy School -- Seireitsukai no Blade Dance Seireitsukai no Blade Dance -- On his way to Areishia Spirit Academy, Kamito Kazehaya runs into a naked Claire Rouge, a student who had been bathing as part of a purification ceremony. She had been preparing to form a contract with a powerful spirit in order to acquire more power as an "elementalist." Her efforts are wasted, however, when Kamito ends up with the spirit despite the fact that only shrine maidens can become elementalists. Yet to be discouraged, Claire then announces that Kamito must become her contracted spirit instead! -- -- After reaching the school grounds, Kamito escapes from Claire and meets Headmaster Greyworth Ciel Mais, who invites him to enroll at the academy. Although his life at Areishia will be far from easy as the only male student among the shrine princesses-in-training, he begrudgingly accepts in exchange for information about his former contracted spirit, Restia Ashdoll. Adding on to that, he also must fulfill Greyworth's main request: to win in the Blade Dance, a battle festival occurring in two months, where he will face the strongest elementalist rumored to be contracted with a darkness spirit. -- -- 293,324 6.79
Seireitsukai no Blade Dance -- -- TNK -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Harem Comedy Supernatural Romance Ecchi Fantasy School -- Seireitsukai no Blade Dance Seireitsukai no Blade Dance -- On his way to Areishia Spirit Academy, Kamito Kazehaya runs into a naked Claire Rouge, a student who had been bathing as part of a purification ceremony. She had been preparing to form a contract with a powerful spirit in order to acquire more power as an "elementalist." Her efforts are wasted, however, when Kamito ends up with the spirit despite the fact that only shrine maidens can become elementalists. Yet to be discouraged, Claire then announces that Kamito must become her contracted spirit instead! -- -- After reaching the school grounds, Kamito escapes from Claire and meets Headmaster Greyworth Ciel Mais, who invites him to enroll at the academy. Although his life at Areishia will be far from easy as the only male student among the shrine princesses-in-training, he begrudgingly accepts in exchange for information about his former contracted spirit, Restia Ashdoll. Adding on to that, he also must fulfill Greyworth's main request: to win in the Blade Dance, a battle festival occurring in two months, where he will face the strongest elementalist rumored to be contracted with a darkness spirit. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 293,324 6.79
Sengoku Musou -- -- TYO Animations -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Historical Samurai -- Sengoku Musou Sengoku Musou -- Toyotomi Hideyoshi is on the verge of unifying the realm, and all that remains is the Odawara Castle protected by the "Lion of Sagami" Ujiyasu Houjou. Hideyoshi's personally trained generals—Ishida Mitsunari, Katou Kiyomasa, and Fukushima Masanori—as well as Ootani Yoshitsugu, Shima Sakon, and Naoe Kanetsugu are all on the frontline of the battle. Amidst the battle formation are the two young warriors of the Sanada household: older brother Nobuyuki and younger brother Yukimura. As the stalemate begins to break down, Sanada Yukimura rides on a lone horse into the fray. His brother follows him right after. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 20,002 6.55
Sentou Yousei Yukikaze -- -- Gonzo -- 5 eps -- Novel -- Action Drama Military Psychological Sci-Fi Space -- Sentou Yousei Yukikaze Sentou Yousei Yukikaze -- This full 3DCG digital animation has story takes place in the far future after a pillar of huge fog appeared suddenly in the South Pole. This pillar, known as Jam, is actually a passage for an earth invasion. -- -- In order to oppose the threat, the United Nations established an earth defense mechanism. Fukai Zero is a hero registered to the main force of earth defense and the special 5th flight squadron. His reconnaissance plane, Yukikaze (windblown snow) is the best tactical reconnaissance plane. His job is to collect battle information return safely to the base with the information. But one day when he about to finish his duty, an unidentified machine attacked him... -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- OVA - Aug 25, 2002 -- 15,775 7.20
SF Shinseiki Lensman -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Book -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Space -- SF Shinseiki Lensman SF Shinseiki Lensman -- Kim is living a peaceful life with his father as a farmer on their planet until one day when a runaway spaceship is detected moving at a high speed towards his father's farm. To rescue his father Kim jumps on board the ship and manages to land it safely before it crashes. -- -- On board the ship he finds a severely Injured lone survivor whom with his dying words begs Kim to take something of his to the Galactic Fleet. He then transfers something that was attached to his arm onto Kim's arm. The thing was a Lens and its transferring should have been impossible and having it has turned Kim into a Lensman. Other than giving Kim unknown powers it also contains vital information for the victory of the Galactic Fleet over the evil Boskone Empire. -- -- Kim must now using the spaceship Britannia bring the Lense to the Galactic Fleet. But this is not an easy task when Lord Helmet of the Boskone Empire is willing to use everything in his power to stop him. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Jul 7, 1984 -- 2,670 6.13
Shachou, Battle no Jikan Desu! -- -- C2C -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Fantasy -- Shachou, Battle no Jikan Desu! Shachou, Battle no Jikan Desu! -- Long ago, a goddess descended from Heaven and blessed the desolate land of Gatepia. As a result, gigantic gates appeared, leading to dungeons abundant in "kirakuri," crystals containing the energy needed for the foundation of the world. This led to the formation of various companies of adventurers who would harvest kirakuri from the dungeons. -- -- Following his father's disappearance inside one of the biggest gates in Gatepia, Minato is urged by his childhood friend Yutoria to become the president of his father's treasure-hunting company—the Kibou Company. He reluctantly agrees and meets with the other employees: the priest Makoto, the soldier Akari, and the accountant Guide. -- -- Thus, Makoto begins his tenure as president. As he and his comrades strive to fulfill various missions and other assorted tasks in order to keep their small company alive, they will uncover the mystery behind their former leader's sudden departure. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 28,167 5.86
Shin Cutey Honey -- -- Toei Animation -- 8 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Ecchi Magic Sci-Fi -- Shin Cutey Honey Shin Cutey Honey -- Cosplay City is in danger when the evil Dolmeck shows up. Commanding his army of monsters, he plans on destroying everything. Only one person can stop this: Cutey Honey. After she is released from her dormancy, Honey Kisaragi becomes the multi-transformational android Cutey Honey. However, the least is expected when Honey is faced with an old enemy from the past: Panther Zora. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Discotek Media -- OVA - Apr 21, 1994 -- 7,765 6.63
Shingeki no Kyojin OVA -- -- Wit Studio -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Action Super Power Drama Fantasy Shounen -- Shingeki no Kyojin OVA Shingeki no Kyojin OVA -- Ilse no Techou: Aru Chousa Heidanin no Shuki -- During the Survey Corps' 49th recon mission, Hange Zoë is determined to capture a titan specimen. Despite not receiving clearance from Commander Erwin Smith, when a titan is spotted in nearby forestland, Hange rides out alone to meet it. Recklessly luring it out, she asks the titan numerous questions and puts her life on the line for the sake of her research. However, the behavior of this particular titan is far from normal. It quickly turns back and enters the wood once again, leading Hange to somewhere specific. What Hange finds is the legacy of former scout Ilse Langnar. In spite of her death, she provides a valuable piece of information that may serve to turn the tide for titan research—a diary documenting her last moments. -- -- Totsuzen no Raihousha: Sainamareru Seishun no Noroi -- Jean Kirstein would do anything to escape his boring home life and overbearing mother. After enlisting in the military, it became his ultimate goal to join the Military Police regiment and live out in peace and luxury. However, during his time with the 104th Training Corps, things never really go the way Jean wants them to. Eventually, the stolen glory and condescending banter of his comrades become too much—and Jean challenges fellow cadet Sasha Blouse to a battle, in order to determine which of them is strongest—but who will come out on top? -- -- Konnan -- The 104th Training Corps' most recent mission is a trek on horseback into the forest. Although a test of their ability to stay alert even in non-threatening situations, the task is boring and can lead to in-fighting. This is especially true for one of the groups, lead by Marco Bott. Some want to stay true to the mission they have been tasked with, and the rest would rather slack off, occupying themselves with more exciting activities. But when trouble strikes, they are completely unprepared. -- -- OVA - Dec 9, 2013 -- 324,896 7.84
Shuang Yue Zhi Cheng -- -- - -- 13 eps -- Original -- Military Sci-Fi -- Shuang Yue Zhi Cheng Shuang Yue Zhi Cheng -- In the year 2200, a new Cold War between two forces is set to end with a peace treaty. However, one side is hiding a dark secret, which results in numerous tragedies in the following months. In the wake of a crisis, a paramilitary team is founded to steal information at the center of the conflict. -- ONA - Mar 30, 2016 -- 553 N/A -- -- Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - The Beyond Part 4 -- -- I.Gzwei, Production I.G -- 3 eps -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Drama Mecha -- Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - The Beyond Part 4 Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - The Beyond Part 4 -- Episodes 10-12 of the Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - The Beyond series. -- Movie - ??? ??, 2021 -- 542 N/A -- -- Koutetsu no Vendetta Episode 0 -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Koutetsu no Vendetta Episode 0 Koutetsu no Vendetta Episode 0 -- The doujin (self-published) creators of the Koutetsu no Vendetta (Iron Vendetta) military robot anime project released a preview DVD at Tokyo's Comic Market 75 convention. The DVD included the unedited versions of the project's pilot film, special supplemental videos, and a collection of key animation drawings. The running times of the pilot and the supplemental video collection are each under five minutes long. -- -- Note: The project is on hold due to the dissolution of the production division of its sponsor Ankama Japan. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- ONA - Feb 22, 2013 -- 509 N/A -- -- Dalam-iwa Goseumdochi -- -- - -- 32 eps -- - -- Military Historical -- Dalam-iwa Goseumdochi Dalam-iwa Goseumdochi -- Squirrel and Hedgehog documents various animal communities warring and in conflict against one another, each animal being a symbolic representation of real life countries and sometimes political events. -- -- A North Korean propaganda anime that was developed and produced in North Korea to be aired on state television. -- TV - ??? ??, 1977 -- 475 N/AAoi Kioku: Manmou Kaitaku to Shounen-tachi -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Drama Historical Military -- Aoi Kioku: Manmou Kaitaku to Shounen-tachi Aoi Kioku: Manmou Kaitaku to Shounen-tachi -- A class of Japanese youths volunteer for the war effort during WWII, but then get stranded in Manchuria. -- Movie - Dec 18, 1993 -- 439 N/A -- -- Guan Hai Ce -- -- Tong Ming Xuan -- 16 eps -- Original -- Action Military Historical Martial Arts Fantasy -- Guan Hai Ce Guan Hai Ce -- (No synopsis yet.) -- ONA - Jun 17, 2018 -- 396 N/A -- -- Konpeki no Kantai: Sourai Kaihatsu Monogatari -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- - -- Military Historical -- Konpeki no Kantai: Sourai Kaihatsu Monogatari Konpeki no Kantai: Sourai Kaihatsu Monogatari -- A special which tells the story of the development of the japanese Sourai interceptor plane. -- Special - ??? ??, 1997 -- 392 N/AZhen Gyi Hong Shi -- -- - -- 52 eps -- - -- Action Military Sci-Fi Adventure Mecha -- Zhen Gyi Hong Shi Zhen Gyi Hong Shi -- This series, which is set in the future, is about several events that break out after troops successfully rescued a teenager who was kidnapped by the mysterious Black Armors. -- Ever since Marty had his first contact with the Black Armors and was subsequently rescued, he has been found to possess mysterious prophetic abilities as he is able to see the future in fragmented visions portraying an avalanche, a tsunami, a storm and other catastrophes. These disasters will always come true after Marty experiences the prophetic visions, but he is unable to predict accurately when and where they will occur. -- When the government learns about this, a unit is sent to protect Marty, and World Peacekeepers, abbreviated as WPK, is established to fight against the Black Armors. In order to defeat the Black Armors, the government grants permission for World Peacekeepers to use Ammobots – mechanical armors which have been developed over many years. -- -- After several battles with the Black Armors, the World Peacekeepers realizes that they are actually linked to the unusual natural disasters and discovers that they originate from a small planet called Mirzam, which is outside the solar system. -- -- Their real intention is to seize the abundant ecological resources on Earth and when these resources are seized, the ecosystem will lose its balance, thus leading to natural disasters. -- -- (Source: Official Site) -- TV - Oct 4, 2014 -- 389 N/A -- -- Spy Gekimetsu -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Military Historical -- Spy Gekimetsu Spy Gekimetsu -- A war propaganda film which begins with Roosevelt and Churchill in a secret meeting preparing their spy plans. Western spies in fancy suits and top hats parachute into Japan, disturbing innocent farmers. The Japanese civilians manage to thwart the spy activities. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- Movie - Jul 16, 1942 -- 351 N/A -- -- Malay Oki Kaisen -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Historical Military -- Malay Oki Kaisen Malay Oki Kaisen -- A war propaganda film by Oofuji Noburou. -- Movie - Nov 26, 1943 -- 345 5.42
Speed Grapher -- -- Gonzo -- 24 eps -- Original -- Action Mystery Super Power -- Speed Grapher Speed Grapher -- Ten years after the Bubble War, the dichotomy between the rich and the poor in the world becomes more prominent and Japan is no exception. The rich seek to satisfy their desires and derive pleasure for themselves, and Tokyo has materialized into such a city as a result. Saiga, once a war photographer, works for Hibara Ginza in the capitalist state of Tokyo. He infiltrates the Roppongi Club, a secretive base located in the red light district of the city, to collect information about them. However, he was caught in the process and brought forward to a girl called Kagura who was in the midst of a ritual. His contact with Kagura awakens his special ability: the power to make things explode when photographed. In order to unravel the mystery behind the Roppongi Club and Kagura, Saiga begins his solitary battle. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 8, 2005 -- 97,142 7.35
Tekken: Blood Vengeance -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Fantasy Martial Arts Sci-Fi Supernatural -- Tekken: Blood Vengeance Tekken: Blood Vengeance -- High school student Ling Xiaoyu is recruited by Anna Williams of G Corporation to transfer to Kyoto University and gather information on a student named Shin Kamiya. Meanwhile, Jin Kazama, the current head of the Mishima Zaibatsu, sends Alisa Bosconovitch to the university for the same mission. Though they do not know each other's true motives, Xiaoyu and Alisa become close friends. However, their friendship is put to the test when Shin is captured by an unknown assailant. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- Movie - Jul 26, 2011 -- 19,090 6.65
Tekken: Blood Vengeance -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Fantasy Martial Arts Sci-Fi Supernatural -- Tekken: Blood Vengeance Tekken: Blood Vengeance -- High school student Ling Xiaoyu is recruited by Anna Williams of G Corporation to transfer to Kyoto University and gather information on a student named Shin Kamiya. Meanwhile, Jin Kazama, the current head of the Mishima Zaibatsu, sends Alisa Bosconovitch to the university for the same mission. Though they do not know each other's true motives, Xiaoyu and Alisa become close friends. However, their friendship is put to the test when Shin is captured by an unknown assailant. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Jul 26, 2011 -- 19,090 6.65
Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki 3rd Season -- -- AIC -- 6 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Harem Sci-Fi Shounen Space -- Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki 3rd Season Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki 3rd Season -- Ever since his powers awakened, Tenchi Masaki has attracted the attention of many powerful galactic beings, including the mysterious Lady Takami who dispatches her best warrior, Z, to observe him. Though he is under strict orders not to harm Tenchi, Z has no intention of playing by the rules and begins plotting his demise. -- -- Meanwhile, on Earth, Tenchi tries to piece together more information about his family and the universe. But as usual, his life won't be getting any easier, as his entire household enters a state of panic when Noike Kamiki Jurai—a woman claiming to be Tenchi’s fiancée—shows up out of the blue. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- OVA - Sep 18, 2003 -- 17,940 7.31
Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki 3rd Season -- -- AIC -- 6 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Harem Sci-Fi Shounen Space -- Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki 3rd Season Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki 3rd Season -- Ever since his powers awakened, Tenchi Masaki has attracted the attention of many powerful galactic beings, including the mysterious Lady Takami who dispatches her best warrior, Z, to observe him. Though he is under strict orders not to harm Tenchi, Z has no intention of playing by the rules and begins plotting his demise. -- -- Meanwhile, on Earth, Tenchi tries to piece together more information about his family and the universe. But as usual, his life won't be getting any easier, as his entire household enters a state of panic when Noike Kamiki Jurai—a woman claiming to be Tenchi’s fiancée—shows up out of the blue. -- -- OVA - Sep 18, 2003 -- 17,940 7.31
Tenpou Ibun: Ayakashi Ayashi -- -- Bones -- 25 eps -- Original -- Supernatural Demons Historical -- Tenpou Ibun: Ayakashi Ayashi Tenpou Ibun: Ayakashi Ayashi -- In the year of Tenpo 14, Yoi, monsters from another world attack Edo. Those who fight against them are members of Bansha Aratemesho. In public, Bansha Aratemsho is known as an organization to study foreign books. In fact, they are a organization dedicated to destroying the Yoi. These warriors are called Ayakashi. They gather information of odd events in the country, and are sent to destroy Yoi who appear. They are generally very strange people. For example, a guy who has lost his memory, a girl who dresses like a man. They have special powers with which to beat the Yoi. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- TV - Oct 7, 2006 -- 14,929 6.91
The SoulTaker: Tamashii-gari -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 13 eps -- Original -- Demons Horror Supernatural -- The SoulTaker: Tamashii-gari The SoulTaker: Tamashii-gari -- Kyousuke Date comes home one night and finds his mother dying in a pool of her own blood. In her final moments, she stabs him in the chest. After a swift recovery, Kyousuke searches for answers regarding his mother's motives, but finds more than he bargained for when he is attacked by two rival organizations: the Hospital and the Kirihara Group. -- -- Kyousuke is surprised to discover that he has a twin sister named Runa, and both groups try to coerce information out of him about her despite his ignorance to her existence. As their assault continues, Kyousuke soon makes another discovery—he has the ability to transform into a terrifying mutant called SoulTaker. With these newfound powers, Kyousuke resolves to crush both organizations, uncover the truth behind his mother's actions, and protect Runa. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA -- TV - Apr 4, 2001 -- 22,544 6.37
The SoulTaker: Tamashii-gari -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 13 eps -- Original -- Demons Horror Supernatural -- The SoulTaker: Tamashii-gari The SoulTaker: Tamashii-gari -- Kyousuke Date comes home one night and finds his mother dying in a pool of her own blood. In her final moments, she stabs him in the chest. After a swift recovery, Kyousuke searches for answers regarding his mother's motives, but finds more than he bargained for when he is attacked by two rival organizations: the Hospital and the Kirihara Group. -- -- Kyousuke is surprised to discover that he has a twin sister named Runa, and both groups try to coerce information out of him about her despite his ignorance to her existence. As their assault continues, Kyousuke soon makes another discovery—he has the ability to transform into a terrifying mutant called SoulTaker. With these newfound powers, Kyousuke resolves to crush both organizations, uncover the truth behind his mother's actions, and protect Runa. -- -- TV - Apr 4, 2001 -- 22,544 6.37
Tsugu Tsugumomo -- -- Zero-G -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Supernatural Ecchi School Seinen -- Tsugu Tsugumomo Tsugu Tsugumomo -- When "ordinary boy" Kagami Kazuya meets the beautiful tsukumogami Kiriha, his life gets turned upside-down. As a "Taboo Child" who draws the supernatural towards him, he receives orders from the God of the Land, Kukuri, to become an exorcist and defeat these evil forces. And so, he and Kiriha do battle. -- -- To find out information on these supernatural beings, Kazuya and his friends set up a counselor's club at school. But behind the typical-seeming troubles he hears about, he uncovers a major plot to target Kukuri... -- -- In addition to the sadistic-yet-beautiful tsukumogami Kiriha, the situation draws other girls to Kazuya to join the fray! -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- 63,366 7.49
Tsugu Tsugumomo -- -- Zero-G -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Supernatural Ecchi School Seinen -- Tsugu Tsugumomo Tsugu Tsugumomo -- When "ordinary boy" Kagami Kazuya meets the beautiful tsukumogami Kiriha, his life gets turned upside-down. As a "Taboo Child" who draws the supernatural towards him, he receives orders from the God of the Land, Kukuri, to become an exorcist and defeat these evil forces. And so, he and Kiriha do battle. -- -- To find out information on these supernatural beings, Kazuya and his friends set up a counselor's club at school. But behind the typical-seeming troubles he hears about, he uncovers a major plot to target Kukuri... -- -- In addition to the sadistic-yet-beautiful tsukumogami Kiriha, the situation draws other girls to Kazuya to join the fray! -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll -- 63,366 7.49
Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199: Hoshimeguru Hakobune -- -- Xebec -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Drama -- Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199: Hoshimeguru Hakobune Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199: Hoshimeguru Hakobune -- 2199 AD. Yamato tried to leave behind the Large Magellanic Cloud galaxy, after receiving a "Cosmo Reverse System" at its destination, Iscandar. However, suddenly, it encounters a mysterious group at the edge of the Large Magellanic Cloud. The crew finds out that the group is called the "Gatlantis," and that its leader is the Gutaba expeditionary force commander who calls himself "Goran Dagaamu of Thunder." The commander demands that Yamato be handed over to him. Yamato, wanting to hurry to Earth, escapes the fray. However, Yamato is attacked by a devastating beam weapon called the "Flame Direct Attack Cannon" that can transcend space. -- -- Yamato was able to retreat, but ends up getting lost, and finds itself in a strangely colored irregular dimension. The crew decides to turn off the engine on the ship, and explore a mysterious planet. In order to collect information, Kodai, Kiryū, Sawamura, Niimi, and Aihara land on the planet. What they saw when they arrived was a ship that was not supposed to be there. -- -- Dagaamu chases after the traces of Yamato's warp, and also reaches the strangely colored space. The planet on which Yamato landed was in fact what Dagaamu had been looking for all along. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Dec 6, 2014 -- 11,294 7.77
Urasekai Picnic -- -- Felix Film, LIDENFILMS -- 12 eps -- Novel -- Sci-Fi Adventure Mystery Fantasy Shoujo Ai -- Urasekai Picnic Urasekai Picnic -- The "Otherworld" is a vast and dangerous realm hidden from the knowledge of the common folk. It is also home to many creatures that threaten any human who dare visit it. To witness its desolate yet oddly absorbing environment, one must search for portals that could reside anywhere, from secret elevators to shrine entrances. -- -- After a fateful encounter with a horrendous Otherworld denizen, Sorao Kamikoshi ponders whether to keep going or give up in life. Meanwhile, Toriko Nishina scours the Otherworld in hopes of finding her friend Satsuki, who she believes is lost somewhere within the realm. -- -- When the two cross paths, friendship blossoms. In order to acquire as much information about this obscure dimension, the two travel back and forth from the real world to the other. Sorao and Toriko's bodies are soon influenced by the Otherworld, preparing them for the many horrors to come as both of them try to fulfill their goals. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 76,567 6.54
Uzumaki -- -- Drive -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Dementia Horror Psychological Supernatural Drama Romance Seinen -- Uzumaki Uzumaki -- In the town of Kurouzu-cho, Kirie Goshima lives a fairly normal life with her family. As she walks to the train station one day to meet her boyfriend, Shuuichi Saito, she sees his father staring at a snail shell in an alley. Thinking nothing of it, she mentions the incident to Shuuichi, who says that his father has been acting weird lately. Shuuichi reveals his rising desire to leave the town with Kirie, saying that the town is infected with spirals. -- -- But his father's obsession with the shape soon proves deadly, beginning a chain of horrific and unexplainable events that causes the residents of Kurouzu-cho to spiral into madness. -- -- TV - ??? ??, 2021 -- 33,169 N/A -- -- Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World - Tou no Kuni - Free Lance -- -- A.C.G.T. -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Adventure Psychological Fantasy -- Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World - Tou no Kuni - Free Lance Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World - Tou no Kuni - Free Lance -- Waking up from a nap, Kino is relieved to see that a certain tower from afar is still proudly standing. Located in the heart of the Tower Country, the immensely tall tower stretches high into the sky, reaching seemingly infinite heights. The tower looks like something out of a dream, but the breathtaking construction is unmistakably real. Intrigued, the traveling partners Kino and Hermes—the talking motorcycle—journey to the tower to get a closer look at the building. -- -- Despite already being unbelievably tall, the tower is still being built by the townspeople to this day. Puzzled by the origins of the tower, Kino and Hermes ask around the town for information, but they fail to obtain any definitive answer. They continue to observe both the tower and the townspeople during their stay, hoping to understand the reasoning behind building a tower that requires so much effort. After all, there is always something to learn... even from the strangest of countries. -- -- Special - Oct 19, 2005 -- 33,066 7.60
Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid -- -- Arms -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Ecchi Fantasy Shoujo Ai -- Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid -- Naïve 16-year-old Mamori Tokonome is accustomed to being teased at school for having an unfortunate surname that can also be read as "virgin." However, young Mamori will soon have to get used to being teased in other ways... -- -- Kidnapped during gym class, Mamori wakes up only to find herself stranded and under attack on the exotic island of Mermaid. Luckily, enigmatic fellow castaway Mirei Shikishima knows exactly how to take the lead—through a passionate kiss, Mirei unleashes Mamori's Exter transformation abilities, turning the innocent red-head into a battle-ready cutlass through the power of arousal. -- -- The duo will need to tap into that power as Mermaid Island is full of potential friends and foes: Charlotte, the sadistic Liberator of an Exter harem; the gluttonous and crafty Meifon; the mysterious but charismatic Akira Hiiragi; and the erotic biker duo Lady Lady. Mamori and Mirei's powerful and intimate embrace is the only way for the pair to ensure their survival on this scandalous island. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 108,117 6.10
Vandread: The Second Stage -- -- Gonzo -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Ecchi Mecha Sci-Fi Shounen Space -- Vandread: The Second Stage Vandread: The Second Stage -- Though Hibiki and crew defeated a super-huge battleship of the earth in the last of the first stage, they noticed five battleships further aiming at Mejeiru and Tarahk. And, crew of NIRVANA learnt Tarahk and Mejeiru which were their home had been faced to the crisis of Karitori (reaping). Travel to their home is speed up so that they may inform of the crisis. On the way, current information of the earth having been brought by girl Misty who had come to travel with them was worse than they can imagine. Hibiki and crew noticed a true fight was in the future. VANDREAD is finally changed into final system by the attack of the enemy who becomes violent more and more. Can they save their home? And, what happens to the relations between Hibiki and Dita? -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- TV - Oct 5, 2001 -- 48,139 7.42
Vandread: The Second Stage -- -- Gonzo -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Ecchi Mecha Sci-Fi Shounen Space -- Vandread: The Second Stage Vandread: The Second Stage -- Though Hibiki and crew defeated a super-huge battleship of the earth in the last of the first stage, they noticed five battleships further aiming at Mejeiru and Tarahk. And, crew of NIRVANA learnt Tarahk and Mejeiru which were their home had been faced to the crisis of Karitori (reaping). Travel to their home is speed up so that they may inform of the crisis. On the way, current information of the earth having been brought by girl Misty who had come to travel with them was worse than they can imagine. Hibiki and crew noticed a true fight was in the future. VANDREAD is finally changed into final system by the attack of the enemy who becomes violent more and more. Can they save their home? And, what happens to the relations between Hibiki and Dita? -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- TV - Oct 5, 2001 -- 48,139 7.42
Violet Evergarden: Kitto "Ai" wo Shiru Hi ga Kuru no Darou -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Drama Fantasy Slice of Life -- Violet Evergarden: Kitto "Ai" wo Shiru Hi ga Kuru no Darou Violet Evergarden: Kitto "Ai" wo Shiru Hi ga Kuru no Darou -- The CH Postal Company has just received a request to transcribe a love letter from Irma Felice, a famous opera singer. Accepting the task, Violet Evergarden visits Irma to write her letter. However, not only does Irma provide little information, she asks Violet to write based on her own feelings. Despite Violet's numerous attempts, Irma finds every version of the letter inadequate. -- -- Violet consults her colleagues, and they help her out by writing love letters of their own. Yet even those are rejected by the opera singer. As a last resort, Violet asks Irma for her true thoughts and feelings, hoping to find the missing puzzle piece. Will the Auto Memory Doll be able to translate Irma's emotions into words? -- -- Special - Jul 4, 2018 -- 194,968 8.31
Weiß Kreuz Glühen -- -- ufotable -- 13 eps -- - -- Action Drama Shounen -- Weiß Kreuz Glühen Weiß Kreuz Glühen -- Koua is an academy that brings Japanese's most talented people and students together. The mission is to train talented people to bear the world's future leadership. However, recently, the suicide rate in the academy is increasing and there is hardly any information being released to the public. -- -- Fujimiya Aya is sent to infiltrate this school carrying out criminal investigation and disguise himself as a teacher. In fact, actually, there is a connection between Koua academy and the global terrorist activities that are frequently occur. Therefore Persia assigns Hidaka Ken and Kudou Youji as well into this mission to solve the truth and connection of the incident behind Koua academy. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- TV - Nov 28, 2002 -- 9,006 6.58
Wellber no Monogatari: Sisters of Wellber -- -- Trans Arts -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Historical -- Wellber no Monogatari: Sisters of Wellber Wellber no Monogatari: Sisters of Wellber -- 10 years since the great war, tensions were mounting within the country of Wellber, which was barely capable of keeping peace, as war could commence at any time with its neighboring country, Sangatras. In order to avoid warfare, the king of Wellber, Haidel planned on marrying off his daughter, Princess Rita, to Sangatras` Prince Guernia. -- -- However, Rita stabbed her groom to be and ran away. Infuriated, Sangatras` King Ranbahnhof threatens to wage war unless Rita is captured and publicly executed within 14 days. In order to avoid the worst case scenario, Rita decides to head for the neutral country of Greedom. -- -- Meanwhile, the woman thief Tina sneaks into Castle Wellber, seeking its treasures, when she happens to witness the stabbing of Guernia by Rita. -- Whether it be by coincidence or necessity, Tina receives information that the "Wasp Man" she was after is in Greedom, her sworn enemy who took the life of her parents. -- -- Tina agrees to become Rita`s bodyguard as they head out to Greedom. Shouldering their fate and destiny, the two meet, leave, and set out on their journey. What awaits them is war or peace, vengeance or death... -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- TV - Apr 4, 2007 -- 8,026 6.66
Yakusoku no Neverland 2nd Season -- -- CloverWorks -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Mystery Psychological Thriller Shounen -- Yakusoku no Neverland 2nd Season Yakusoku no Neverland 2nd Season -- Emma, Ray, and the rest of the older children have escaped the confines of the Grace Field House. However, with relentless demons set on capturing them, their arduous battle for freedom has only just begun. -- -- Despite venturing into the treacherous wilderness, the children remain optimistic due to their possession of books written by William Minerva. Coded within his books are messages detailing the world outside the farm—information that can help them survive with the limited resources they have. But when their pursuers draw near, the children soon encounter their most dreadful situation yet. -- -- In Yakusoku no Neverland 2nd Season, the children struggle to survive in the strange ruthless world, striving to find a sanctuary they can truly call home. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 595,931 5.72
Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Zexal Special -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Fantasy Game Shounen -- Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Zexal Special Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Zexal Special -- A short special aired in the middle of information about Yu-Gi-Oh! with real people. -- -- Kotori takes Yuma to the gymnastics club at their school to cheer on her friend. There they meet the ace of the club, Kimura Taiki, who plans to quit after a recent loss at a competition. To cheer him up, Yuma challenges him to a duel. -- Special - Sep 17, 2012 -- 4,244 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105th Division (2nd Formation)(People's Republic of China)
110th Information Operations Battalion
129th Division (2nd Formation)(People's Republic of China)
131st Division (1st Formation)(People's Republic of China)
142nd Division (1st Formation) (People's Republic of China)
143rd Division (People's Republic of China, first formation)
143rd Division (People's Republic of China, second formation)
143rd Division (People's Republic of China, third formation)
150th Division (3rd Formation) (People's Republic of China)
151st Theater Information Operations Group
161st Division (People's Republic of China 1st Formation)
166th Division (2nd Formation)(People's Republic of China)
177th Information Warfare Aggressor Squadron
180th Division (1st Formation)(People's Republic of China)
190th Division (2nd Formation) (People's Republic of China)
198th Division (1st Formation)(People's Republic of China)
1995 CIA disinformation controversy
1st Garrison Division of Lanzhou Military Region (2nd Formation)
1st Garrison Division of Lanzhou Military Region (3rd Formation)
1st Independent Division of Zhejiang Provincial Military District (2nd Formation)
1st Information Operations Command (Land)
20062007 Dutch cabinet formation
200708 Belgian government formation
201011 Belgian government formation
201012 Bosnia and Herzegovina government formation
2010 United Kingdom government formation
201516 Catalan government formation
20152016 Spanish government formation
20182019 Swedish government formation
2018 Italian government formation
201920 Belgian government formation
22 July Information Centre
23rd Information Operations Squadron
26th Information Operations Wing
30 Commando Information Exploitation Group
33rd Army Division (2nd Formation)(People's Republic of China)
39th Information Operations Squadron
609th Information Warfare Squadron
87th Division (2nd Formation) (People's Republic of China)
88th Division (1st Formation)(People's Republic of China)
89th Division (2nd Formation)(People's Republic of China)
97th Division, 2nd Formation (People's Republic of China)
Abanico Formation
Aber Mawr Formation
Abo Formation
Abrahamskraal Formation
Academy for Information Technology
Academy of Information Technology
Academy of Information Technology and Engineering
Academy of Information Technology (Australia)
Access to information
Access to Information Act
Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (Zimbabwe)
Access to information in Bangladesh
Access to information in South Africa
Access to public information in Europe
Access to public information in North Macedonia
Accounting information system
ACM Transactions on Information Systems
Active and passive transformation
Adjusted mutual information
A Drunkard's Reformation
Advanced fire information system
Advance Passenger Information System
Adversarial information retrieval
Aeronautical Information Publication
Aeronautical Information Service
Affect as information hypothesis
Affine transformation
A formation
African Center for Economic Transformation
African Charter for Popular Participation in Development and Transformation
African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science
African Library and Information Associations and Institutions
African Transformation Movement
Aftenstjernes Formation
After Truth: Disinformation and the Cost of Fake News
Agence nationale de la scurit des systmes d'information
Agency for Information Society of Republika Srpska
Agency for International Trade Information and Co-operation
Agency for the Development of the Information Society
Agricultural Information Management Standards
Agricultural Market Information System
Agua de la Piedra Formation
Aguja Formation
Ain el Guettar Formation
Airplane Information Management System
Air sports at the 2001 World Games Open formation skydiving
Akaike information criterion
Akwan Information Technologies
Alacn Formation
Alagteeg Formation
Alajuela Formation
Alap-Alap Formation
Alazn Formation
Alcntara Formation
Alcobaa Formation
Al Gore and information technology
Algorithmic information theory
Allaru Formation
Allegheny Formation
Allgu Formation
Allied Command Transformation
Alphabeta transformation
lterer Schlier Formation
Alternative Information Center
Alum Shale Formation
American Federation of Information Processing Societies
American Forces Information Service
American Health Information Management Association
Americas Conference on Information Systems
Amherstburg Formation
Ancha Formation
Andaikhudag Formation
Angostura Colorada Formation
Angostura Formation
Animal transformation fantasy
Annals of Library and Information Studies
Annual Review of Information Science and Technology
Antarang Sex Health Information Art Gallery
Antietam Formation
Aoufous Formation
Apn Formation
Applied information economics
Aquia Formation
Arabic Network for Human Rights Information
Arbasayi Formation
Archetype (information science)
Architecture of Integrated Information Systems
Archive for Reformation History
Arcillas de Morella Formation
Arcturus Formation
Arn Formation
A Retrieved Reformation
Argiles et Grs Reptiles Formation
Argong Formation
Arikaree Formation
Armantie Formation
Armed Forces Information Service
Army Chief Information Officer/G-6
Army Geospatial Information Center
Aroley Formation
Arrow information paradox
Arroyo del Agua Formation
Arroyo Ojito Formation
Arshan Formation
Artashi Formation
Artaxi Formation
Artemisa Formation
Artenghala Formation
Arteriovenous malformation
Artexte Information Centre
Artificial cranial deformation
Art in the Protestant Reformation and Counter-Reformation
Artistic Transformations: Themes and Variations
Artushileike Formation
Arundel Formation
Ashdown Formation
Ashville Formation
Asian Media Information and Communication Centre
Asia-Pacific Development Information Programme
Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology
Assaouas Formation
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration
Associate Director of National Intelligence and Chief Information Officer
Association for Enterprise Information
Association for Information and Image Management
Association for Information Management
Association for Information Science and Technology
Association for Information Systems
Association for Library and Information Science Education
Association for Logic, Language and Information
Association franaise pour l'information scientifique
Association Nationale des Comits et Commissions Locales d'Information
Association of Geographic Information Laboratories for Europe
Association of Independent Information Professionals
Association of Information Technology Professionals
Atal Bihari Vajpayee Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior
Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation
AT&T Information Systems
Atherfield Clay Formation
Atos Information Technology Incorporated
Atrasado Formation
Audio Information Network of Colorado
Augusta Mountain Formation
Australasian Legal Information Institute
Australian Food Safety Information Council
Australian Information Service
Australian Library and Information Association
Australian Network Information Centre
Australian Transformation and Innovation Centre
Austrian Lightning Detection & Information System
Automated Criminal Intelligence Information System
Automated Trusted Information Exchange
Automatic terminal information service
AVer Information
Axonic Informationssysteme GmbH
Aye Formation
Azerbaijani SS volunteer formations
Azilal Formation
Bachelor of Computer Information Systems
Bachelor of Information Technology
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
BAE Systems Military Air & Information
Bag Formation
Bagshot Formation
Bahariya Formation
Bahen Centre for Information Technology
Baiying Bologai Formation
Bajo de la Carpa Formation
Bajo de Vliz Formation
Bakhar Formation
Bakken Formation
Balabansai Formation
Baldonnel Formation
Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering & Management Sciences
Banded iron formation
Bangladesh Association of Librarians, Information Scientists and Documentalists
Bangladesh Fisheries Information Share Home
Bangladesh Institute of Information Technology
Bankstown City Library and Information Service
Baos del Flaco Formation
Barranquitas-Cayey Formation
Barun Goyot Formation
Bass Formation
Bass Islands Formation
Bathurst Island Formation
Battle Formation
Battle formations at Yungay
Bayan Mandahu Formation
Bayan Shireh Formation
Bayesian information criterion
Bazhenov Formation
Beacon Limestone Formation
Bear Lake Formation
Bearpaw Formation
Bearreraig Sandstone Formation
Beattie Formation
Beaverdam Formation
Beaverdam Formation (Delmarva)
Beclabito Formation
Bdat Formation
Beijing Information Science & Technology University
Belgian General Information and Security Service
Belle Fourche Formation
Bell Top Formation
Belmont Formation
Beltsville Information Management Center
Benkersandstein Formation
Bergisch Gladbach Formation
Besano Formation
Bethel Community Transformation Center
Bibliography of encyclopedias: business, information and economics
BiCoNi Formation
Bidahochi Formation
Bidirectional transformation
Big Head Formation
Big Rock Formation
Bilinear transformation
Biocatalysis & Biotransformation
Biodiversity Information Standards
Birth Control International Information Centre
Biskopsen Formation
BIT (alternative information centre)
Bjrkasholmen Formation
Black Cove Formation
Black hole information paradox
BlackmanTukey transformation
Blackshare Formation
Blackstone Formation
Blackwater Draw Formation
Blakeley Formation
Blesa Formation
Bliss Formation
Blisworth Limestone Formation
Blue Angels: Formation Flight Simulation
BlueLink Information Network
Blue Mountain Formation
Bluff Formation
Boggy Formation
Bogoliubov transformation
Bogot Formation
Bohdan Formation
Bohemian Reformation
Boho Formation
Bonanza King Formation
Bonavista Formation
Bone Spring Formation
Bnsnes Formation
Boolean model of information retrieval
Booley Bay Formation
Boone Formation
Borden Formation
Bostobe Formation
Boston Community Information System
Bottlebrush (cave formation)
Botucatu Formation
Bouldnor Formation
Bouri Formation
Bovey Formation
Boyle Formation
Brassfield Formation
Bride and Groom (rock formation)
Bridport Sand Formation
British and Irish Legal Information Institute
British Armed Forces communications and information systems
British armoured formations of World War II
British deception formations in World War II
Brongniarti-Plner Formation
Broz v. Cellular Information Systems Inc.
Brussel Formation
B. Thomas Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences
Bcheler Formation
Bckeberg Formation
Building information modeling
Building information modeling in green building
Buildwas Formation
Bull Fork Formation
Bull Run Formation
Bullying in information technology
Bureau of Health Information
Bureau of Information and Propaganda
Bureau of Information Resource Management
Bureau of International Information Programs
Bureau of Military Information
Bursum Formation
Business & Information Systems Engineering
Business Information Review
Business Information Services Library
Business Information Technology Institute
Business transformation
Business Transformation Agency
Caiu Formation
Calcium chloride transformation
California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology
Calizas de Lychnus Formation
Calvert Formation
Campaign for Freedom of Information
Campito Formation
Canada Geographic Information System
Canadian Association for Information Science
Canadian Centre for Energy Information
Canadian Information Processing Society
Canadian Institute for Health Information
Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science
Canadian Police Information Centre
Caadn Asfalto Formation
Caadn Calcreo Formation
Cancairi Formation
Cancer Information Service (NIH)
Candelaria Formation
Canmar Formation
Canine Chiari-like malformation
Can de Caballeros Formation
Can del Colorado Formation
Canonical transformation
Cantaure Formation
Cantwell Formation
Capital formation
Carbohydrate conformation
Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center
Carbonera Formation
Crdenas Formation
Carmel Formation
Cartography and Geographic Information Science
Cartography and Geographic Information Society
Casibari Rock Formations
Castillo Formation
Category:Information technology education
Category:International Digital Organization for Scientific Information academic journals
Category:Royal Marine formations and units
Category:Wikipedia basic information
Cathedral Formation
Catoche Formation
Catskill Formation
Cavernous venous malformation
CDC National Prevention Information Network
CEA-Leti: Laboratoire d'lectronique des technologies de l'information
Cedar Mountain Formation
Ceiswyn Formation
Ceja Formation
Celsius Bjerg Formation
Census Information Center
Center for Defense Information
Center for Documentation and Information of Aceh
Center for Information Technology
Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society
Center for Information Warfare Training
Center for Minorities and People with Disabilities in Information Technology
Central Information Commission
Central Information Technology Office
Central Office for Information Technology in the Security Sector
Central Office of Information
Centre de formation des journalistes de Paris
Centre de Formation Mdicale du Nouveau-Brunswick
Centre de liaison de l'enseignement et des mdias d'information
Centre de Liaison et d'Information des Puissances maonniques Signataires de l'Appel de Strasbourg
Centre for Research and Development on Information Technology and Telecommunication (Albania)
Centre International de Formation Europenne
Cerebral arteriovenous malformation
Cerrejn Formation
Cerro Azul Formation
Cerro Conejo Formation
Cerro del Pueblo Formation
Cerro Fortaleza Formation
Cerro Negro Formation
Certificat de formation la scurit
Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology
Certified Information Systems Security Professional
Chagres Formation
Chlons Formation
Chamberlain's Brook Formation
Chamita Formation
Chaares Formation
Chaochuan Formation
Chapel Island Formation
Charmouth Mudstone Formation
Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
Chazy Formation
Chemical Propulsion Information Analysis Center
Chen Yu (information scientist)
Cheuquem Formation
Chiari malformation
Chico Formation
Chicontepec Formation
Chief Directorate: National Geo-spatial Information
Chief Information Commissioner
Chief information officer
Chief information officer (higher education)
Chief information security officer
Children's use of information
China Economic Information Network
China Historical Geographic Information System
China Information
China Internet Information Center
China Internet Network Information Center
Chinese Character Code for Information Interchange
Chinese information operations and information warfare
Chinle Formation
Chipaque Formation
Chip formation
Chocal Formation
Chon Aike Formation
Chorrillo Formation
Chota Formation
Choza Formation
Christmas Tree Promotion, Research, and Information Order
Chromosome conformation capture
Chugwater Formation
CIBI Information
Ciechocinek Formation
CITIC Guoan Information Industry
Citizen Information Project
City University of Science and Information Technology
Civil Defence Information Bulletin
Class formation
Classified information
Classified information in the United Kingdom
Classified Information Procedures Act
Clearinghouse for Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval
Clearwater Formation
Clinical Information Access Portal
Clinical Information Technology Program Office
Clore Formation
Close order formation
Cloud formation and climate change
Coalition for Networked Information
Coalition for the Transformation of Liberia
Cochiti Formation
Cognition enhanced Natural language Information Analysis Method
Cognitive Information Processing (Career Services)
Cognitive models of information retrieval
Cold War tank formations
College of Healthcare Information Management Executives
College of Information and Cyberspace
College Sports Information Directors of America
Colln Cur Formation
Colorado Avalanche Information Center
Colorado Formation
Column (formation)
Combat information center
Combined Information Data Network Exchange
Combined Online Information System
Comit d'tudes sur les formations d'ingnieurs
Command (military formation)
Commission d'valuation des formations et diplmes de gestion
Commission for Independent Research and Information on Radioactivity
Commission for the Management and Application of Geoscience Information
Commission on Information and Communications Technology (Philippines)
Committed information rate
Committee on International Information Activities
Committee on Public Information
Common Information Model
Common Information Model (computing)
Common Information Model (electricity)
Common Language Information Services
Common Management Information Protocol
Common Management Information Service
Communications & Information Services Corps
Communications and Information Technology Commission (Saudi Arabia)
Communications in Information Literacy
Communist Revolution Committee for the Formation of the MarxistLeninist Party
Community Research and Development Information Service
Company formation
Comparison of geographic information systems software
Compartmentalization (information security)
Complete information
Complex vertebral malformation
Compucom Institute of Information Technology and Management
CompuServe Information Manager
Computer-assisted survey information collection
Concepcin Formation
Conceptions of Library and Information Science
Conceptualization (information science)
Concours nationaux d'entre aux cycles de formation d'ingnieurs
Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act
Conflict transformation
Conformationactivity relationship
Conformational change
Conformational ensembles
Conformational entropy
Conformational isomerism
Conformational proofreading
Congenital pulmonary airway malformation
Congruent transformation
Consortia Advancing Standards in Research Administration Information
Consumer information
Consumerization of Information technology
Contadero Formation
Continuous-variable quantum information
Continuum model of impression formation
Controlled and Harmonised Aeronautical Information Network
Controlled Unclassified Information
Convergence Institute of Media, Management and Information Technology Studies
Conversion (word formation)
Conway Formation
Cooked: A Natural History of Transformation
Cooperative synapse formation
Cooper Canyon Formation
Coordination of Access to Information Requests System
Coordination of Information on the Environment
Coordinator for International Information Programs
Coralline Crag Formation
Coralline Oolite Formation
Cornbrash Formation
Corporate governance of information technology
Corporate Officer of the House of Commons v Information Comr
Corral de Enmedio Formation
Corton Formation
Coumiac Formation
Council on Library and Information Resources
Counter Information
Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act
Counter-Reformation in Poland
Covariant transformation
Crato Formation
Credit Information Corporation
Credit Rating Information and Services Limited
Creep (deformation)
Crevasse Canyon Formation
CRIF High Mark Credit Information Services
Crime information center
Criminal Justice Information Services
Criminal Offender Record Information
Crisis and Transformation in Seventeenth-Century China
Critical Nuclear Weapon Design Information
Crooms Academy of Information Technology
Cross-language information retrieval
Crown Hill Formation
Crystallographic Information File
Csehbnya Formation
Cuban underwater formation
Cult Information Centre
Cultural transformation theory
Cpido Formation
Curr Formation
Current research information system
Crten Formation
Cuscatln Formation
Customer proprietary network information
Cutler Formation
Cuvieri-Plner Formation
Cyber and Information Domain Service (Germany)
Cyber Security and Information Systems Information Analysis Center
Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act
Cybersecurity information technology list
Cyclohexane conformation
Cypress Hills Formation
Dabeigou Formation
Dabrazhin Formation
Dachstein Formation
Dactyliocerassandstein Formation
Dagbladet Information
Daily Information
Dakhla Formation
Dakota Formation
Dalian Neusoft University of Information
Dalle nacre Formation
Dalles Bryozoaires Formation
Dalles Formation
Danata Formation
DandyWalker malformation
Dariv Formation
Darwin Information Typing Architecture
Database and Collections of Information Misappropriation Act
Data transformation
Data Transformation Services
Data transformation (statistics)
Death Penalty Information Center
Defence Geospatial Information Working Group
Defence Scientific Information and Documentation Centre
Defense Academic Information Technology Consortium
Defense Information System Network
Defense Information Systems Agency
Defense Logistics Information Service
Defense Technical Information Center
Defense Visual Information Distribution Service
Deformation bands
Deformation (engineering)
Deformation (mathematics)
Deformation mechanism
Deformation (meteorology)
Deformation monitoring
Deformation (physics)
Dformation professionnelle
Deformation ring
Degerbls Formation
Delta Formation
Democratic Transformation
Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China
Dengying Formation
Densu-Ciula Formation
Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts
Department of Defense Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process
Department of Information
Department of Information and Communications Technology
Department of Information and Communication Technology
Department of Information and Public Relations (Kerala)
Department of Information (Australia)
Department of Information Technology (Botswana)
Department of Library and Information Science, University of Delhi
Department of Survey and Land Information
De Queen Formation
DermIS (Dermatology Information System)
Deutsche Kommission Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik im DIN und VDE
Deviance information criterion
Dev Information Technology
Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology
Diablo Formation
Diamond Tail Formation
Diffuse capillary malformation with overgrowth
Diffusionless transformation
Digital Accessible Information System
Digital transformation
Directed information
Directive on the re-use of public sector information
Directory information tree
Direct-quadrature-zero transformation
Discontinuous deformation analysis
Disinformation (book)
Disinformation (company)
Disinformation (TV series)
Disulfide bond formation protein B
Djadochta Formation
Doctor of Information Technology
Dhlen Formation
Dlzschen Formation
Donald Trump's disclosures of classified information
Don Bosco Formation Center
Donguz Formation
Doswell Formation
Dothan Formation
Doushantuo Formation
Dovan Gorge Formation
Dox Formation
Draft:National Information Technology Board
Dr. Ambedkar Memorial Institute of Information Technology and Management Science
Dr. A. Q. Khan Institute of Computer Sciences and Information Technology
Dreimhlen Formation
Drought Information Act of 2013
Duckbill (rock formation)
Drrestein Formation
Drrnberg Formation
DuruKleinert transformation
Duvernay Formation
Dyadic transformation
East Money Information
East Turkestan Information Center
EBSCO Information Services
Echelon formation
Eclipsed conformation
cole de formation des sous-officiers de l'arme de l'air
cole nationale suprieure de formation de l'enseignement agricole
cole Nationale Suprieure des Sciences de l'Information et des Bibliothques
cole suprieure d'Informatique, rseaux et systmes d'information
Economic Transformation Programme
Education Resources Information Center
Eginsai Formation
Eichsttt Formation
El Cajn Formation
El Camarn Formation
El Castellar Formation
Electromagnetic formation flight
Electronically stored information (Federal Rules of Civil Procedure)
Electronic Chart Display and Information System
Electronic Information Exchange System
Electronic Information for Libraries
Electronic Information Storage
Electronic Privacy Information Center
Electronic Privacy Information Center v. Department of Justice
Electronic Securities Information System
Elisabeth Bay Formation
Elko Formation
Elliot Formation
Elliott's Cove Formation
El Paso Formation
El Pen Formation
Elrhaz Formation
El Rito Formation
El Salto Formation
Eltro information rate changer
Emergency management information system
Emigrant Springs Formation
Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences
Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases Information Service
Energy Information Administration
Energy information management
Energy transformation
English post-Reformation oaths
English Reformation
English Reformation Parliament
English ship Constant Reformation (1619)
English Word-Formation
Enon Formation
Enterprise information access
Enterprise information integration
Enterprise information management
Enterprise information security architecture
Enterprise information system
Entropy (information theory)
Entropy in thermodynamics and information theory
Environmental Information Regulations 2004
Equine conformation
Erfurt Formation
Esmeraldas Formation
Espada Formation
Estonian Information Technology College
Etchegoin Formation
Ethics and Information Technology
tude de la presse d'information quotidienne
Euro-Mediterranean Information Society
European Community Urgent Radiological Information Exchange
European Conference on Information Retrieval
European Conference on Information Systems
European Convention on Information on Foreign Law
European Customs Information Portal
European Documentation and Information Centre
European Federation of Centres of Research and Information on Sectarianism
European Food Information Resource Network
European Information Technologies Certification Academy
European Information Technologies Certification Institute
European Information Technology Observatory
European Journal of Information Systems
European Network of Information Centres
European Network of Information Centres for the Performing Arts
European Public Information Centre
European Research Center for Information Systems
European Roma Information Office
European Strategic Program on Research in Information Technology
Eutaw Formation
Evacuation Creek Formation
Evaluation measures (information retrieval)
Evidence-based library and information practice
Evidence Based Library and Information Practice (journal)
Exchange Information Disclosure Act
Exchange of information
Executive information system
Expected value of perfect information
Expected value of sample information
Exter Formation
Facility information model
Factor analysis of information risk
Faculty for Information Technology, Podgorica
Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies
Faculty of Information Technology, Czech Technical University in Prague
Fairy circle (arid grass formation)
Fangyan Formation
FBI Criminal Justice Information Services Division
FBI Seeking Information Terrorism list
Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information
Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner
Federal Information Processing Standards
Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002
Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014
Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act
Federal Ministry of Information and Culture
Federal Ministry of Information and National Orientation (Nigeria)
Federal Office for Information Security
Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media
Federation (information technology)
Federation of Earth Science Information Partners
Feminist Formations
Ferghana Information Agency
Fernando Formation
Fernie Formation
Feuerletten Formation
Fezouata Formation
Fibroblast growth factor and mesoderm formation
Field Information Agency, Technical
File (formation)
Finance and Information Workers Union
Financial Information eXchange
Financial Information System for California
Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center
Finnish Music Information Center
Fire and Blast Information Group
First information report
Fiscal Information Agency
Fiscal Information and Investigation Service
Fisher information
Fisher information metric
Fisher transformation
Fish Information and Services
Flexbone formation
Flight Information Centre
Flight information display system
Flight information region
Flight information service
Flight information service officer
Florianpolis Formation
Flz Dreibnke Formation
Flz Mittel Formation
Flz Zweibnke Formation
Flux Information Sciences
Focused information criterion
FoldyWouthuysen transformation
Fondation Temimi pour la recherche scientifique et l'information
Food Information and Control Agency
Foraker Formation
Forcall Formation
Foreknobs Formation
Forest Marble Formation
Formation and evolution of the Solar System
Formation Armed F
Formation dance
Formation evaluation gamma ray
Formation evaluation neutron porosity
Formation flying
Formation (group theory)
Formation in the Catholic Church
Formation light
Formation of rocks
Formation patch
Formation reconnaissance regiment
Formation rule
Formation skydiving
Formations of the Hellenic Army
Formations of the Soviet Army
Formation (song)
Formation Z
Fort Payne Formation
Fort Pea Formation
Forwarding information base
Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure
Foundation for Information Policy Research
Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information Theory
Fox Hills Formation
Fraileys Formation
Fra Mauro formation
Freedom of access to information Directive
Freedom of information
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Freedom of Information Act (Illinois)
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
Freedom of Information (audio drama)
Freedom of information in the United Kingdom
Freedom of information laws by country
Freedom of Information laws in Pakistan
Freedom of information legislation (Florida)
Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002
Free-form deformation
Fri Information
Frjel Formation
Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering
Front (military formation)
Fruitland Formation
FTC fair information practice
Fuller's Earth Formation
Fungible information
Fur Formation
Frstenau Formation
Gai-As Formation
Gaikema Formation
Gaiman Formation
Galaxy formation and evolution
Galilean transformation
Gambling and information theory
Garnedd-Wen Formation
Gasconade Formation
Gathering of personally identifiable information
Gatn Formation
Gauja Formation
Generating function transformation
Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act
Genetic Information Research Institute
Geographic data and information
Geographic information retrieval
Geographic information science
Geographic Information Science and Technology Body of Knowledge
Geographic information system
Geographic information systems in China
Geographic information systems in geospatial intelligence
Geographic Names Information System
Geological deformation of Iceland
Geological formation
Geometric transformation
Geoscience Information Society
Geospatial Information Authority of Japan
Geospatial information officer
German Institute for Medical Documentation and Information
German News Information Services GmbH
Germplasm Resources Information Network
Gerstein Science Information Centre
G.H.Raisoni Institute of Information Technology
Gila Formation
Glencairn Formation
Glenogle Formation
Glen Rose Formation
Glenwoody Formation
Global Alliance for Information and Communication Technologies and Development
Global Biodiversity Information Facility
Global Exchange of Military Information
Global Forest Information Service
Global Information Assurance Certification
Global Information Grid
Global Information Grid-Bandwidth Expansion
Global information management Metrics eXchange
Global Information Network
Global Information Network Architecture
Global information system
Global Invasive Species Information Network
Global Legal Information Network
Glossary of library and information science
Glut: Mastering Information Through the Ages
Gogo Formation
Goose Fiord Formation
Government Communication and Information System
Government Information Office
Government Transformation Programme (Malaysia)
Graham Formation
Grand-Auvern Formation
Gravelbourg Formation
Gray Mesa Formation
Great Plan for the Transformation of Nature
Greenspace Information for Greater London
Grenola Formation
Grs du Mont de Besneville Formation
Gresham College and the formation of the Royal Society
Gresham Professor of Information Technology
Grs suprieurs Formation
Grimsya Formation
Grosmont Formation
Gross fixed capital formation
Groupe d'information et de soutien des immigrs
Groupement des scientifiques pour l'information sur l'nergie nuclaire
Group information management
Grundfltz Formation
Grnsandstein Formation
GTRI Information and Communications Laboratory
Guaduas Formation
Guanling Formation
Guard (information security)
Gupelle Formation
Guettioua Formation
Gugyedong Formation
Guichn Formation
Guide to information sources
Gines Formation
Haifanggou Formation
Hale Formation
Hallsttterkalk Formation
Hampen Formation
Han-Bulog Formation
Haney Formation
HannanQuinn information criterion
Hanson Formation
Haoling Formation
Harpersville Formation
Harwich Formation
Haryana Land Record Information System
Hayner Ranch Formation
Hazel Hall (information scientist)
Headon Formation
Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set
Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society
Healthcare Information For All
Healthcare Information Technology Standards Panel
Health, Development, Information and Policy Institute
Health Information and Quality Authority
Health information exchange
Health information management
Health Information National Trends Survey
Health information on the Internet
Health information on Wikipedia
Health information technology
Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act
Health Research Development Information Network
Heart's Content Formation
Heart's Desire Formation
Heat of formation group additivity
Hell Creek Formation
Help:Menu/Technical information
Help:Page information
Hensel Formation
Herald Formation
Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now
Hermit Formation
Heterocyclic amine formation in meat
Heuristic-systematic model of information processing
Hidden transformation
Higher formation insignia of the British Army
Hightech Information System
Hil Formation
Hinsdale Formation
Hippocampal formation
Hispanic Information and Telecommunications Network
Historical geographic information system
History of information technology auditing
History of information theory
History of Lorentz transformations
History of Solar System formation and evolution hypotheses
History of the formation of the United Kingdom
Hobrcke Formation
Ho Chi Minh City University of Foreign Languages and Information Technology
Ho Chi Minh City University of Information Technology
Hgans Formation
Hohenhfer Formation
Hokkaido Information University
Hole in the Rock (rock formation)
HolsteinPrimakoff transformation
Home Information Pack
Homeland Security Information Network
Homeless Management Information Systems
Homothetic transformation
Hong Kong Legal Information Institute
Hontarde Formation
Hopeman Sandstone Formation
Hoplite formation in art
Hornitos Formation
Horseshoe Canyon Formation
HosakaCohen transformation
Hospital information system
Householder transformation
HowarthDorodnitsyn transformation
Hsanda Gol Formation
Huajiying Formation
HubbardStratonovich transformation
Hueco Formation
Humancomputer information retrieval
Humanitarian Information Centers
Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute
Husbergya Formation
Ialovachsk Formation
Ibbenbren Formation
IBM Information Management System
IBM RFID Information Center
Icelandic Reformation
Identification (information)
Identity formation
IEEE Information Theory Society
IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
IET Information Security
I formation
I-formation (tennis)
Ilek Formation
IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information
Imas Formation
Imperial Russian Army formations and units (1914)
Implication (information science)
Impression formation
Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014
Independent Division of Shaanxi Provincial Military District (2nd Formation)(People's Republic of China)
Index of information theory articles
Indian Information Service
Indian Institute of Aeronautical Engineering & Information Technology
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Agartala
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad
Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Kerala
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Bhopal
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing, Jabalpur
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing, Kancheepuram
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing, Kurnool
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Kalyani
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Raichur
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Ranchi
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City
Indian Institute of Information Technology Tiruchirappalli
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Una
Indian Institutes of Information Technology
Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services
Indian Script Code for Information Interchange
Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi
Inequalities in information theory
Infinitesimal transformation
Informationaction ratio
Information activism
Information Affairs Authority
Information Age
Information Age Publishing
Information algebra
Informational interview
Informational listening
Informational self-determination
Information & Culture
Information & Quality Healthcare
Information and communications technology
Information and Communications Technology Council
Information and communications technology in agriculture
Information and communications technology in Kosovo
Information and Communications University
Information and Communication Technologies Authority (Turkey)
Information and communication technologies for environmental sustainability
Information and Communication Technology Academy of Kerala
Information and Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka
Information and Communication Technology Authority (Kenya)
Information and Computation
Information and computer science
Information and Consultation Directive 2002
Information and Consultation of Employees Regulations 2004
Information and Content Exchange
Information and media literacy
Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario
Information and Records Management Society
Information and Security Service of the Republic of Moldova
Information and Software Technology
Information appliance
Information architecture
Information art
Information assurance
Information assurance vulnerability alert
Information asymmetry
Information audit
Information Awareness Office
Information-based complexity
Information-Based Indicia
Information behavior
Information bias
Information Branch
Information Bridge Framework
Information broker
Information Builders
Information card
Information cascade
Information Center for Dangerous Goods
Information Center for Israeli Art
Information Centre for Human Rights and Democracy
Information centre hypothesis
Information-centric networking
Information-centric networking caching policies
Information Coding Classification
Information commissioner
Information Commissioner's Office
Information Commissioner of Canada
Information Committee
Information commons
Information Commons, Sheffield
Information, Communication & Society
Information communication and telecommunication economics
Information Communications Network LLC
Information Communications Technology education in the Philippines
Information content
Information Control Company
Information criterion
Information criterion (information technology)
Information culture
Information cycle
Information (Dave Edmunds album)
Information deficit model
Information design
Information Development
Information diagram
Information (disambiguation)
Information distance
Information diving
Information ecology
Information economics
Information element
Information engineering
Information engineering (field)
Information ethics
Information excellence
Information exchange
Information explosion
Information extraction
Information filter
Information filtering system
Information flow diagram
Information fluctuation complexity
Information foraging
Information for All Programme
Information (formal criminal charge)
Information Framework
Information fuzzy networks
Information gap
Information gap task
Information Gathering Satellite
Information geometry
Information Global Service
Information good
Information governance
Information held under Section 142 of the Education Act 2002
Information hiding
Information history
Information Hyperlinked over Proteins
Information industry
Information infrastructure
Information integration
Information integration theory
Information International, Inc.
Information Kerala Mission
Information leakage
Information-led development
Information lifecycle management
Information literacies
Information literacy
Information logistics
Information loss
Information management
Information manipulation theory
Information mapping
Information market
Information matrix test
Information minister
Information model
Information needs
Information operations condition
Information oriented software development
Information overload
Information Please
Information pollution
Information privacy
Information privacy law
Information privilege
Information processing
Information Processing and Management
Information Processing Centre
Information Processing in Medical Imaging
Information Processing Language
Information Processing Letters
Information Processing Society of Japan
Information Processing Techniques Office
Information processing technology and aging
Information processing theory
Information processor
Information professional
Information projection
Information protection policy
Information Research
Information Research Department
Information resource
Information Resources Management Journal
Information retrieval
Information revolution
Information rights management
Information Satellite Systems Reshetnev
Information schema
Information science
Information Sciences (journal)
Information Sciences University
Information scientist
Informationsdienst gegen Rechtsextremismus
Informationsdienst Wissenschaft
Information search process
Information security
Information security audit
Information security awareness
Information Security Forum
Information security management
Information security operations center
Information Security Oversight Office
Information seeking
Information sensitivity
Information server
Information Services
Information Services & Use
Information Services Corporation
Information Services Department
Information Services Division
Information Services Procurement Library
Information set
Information set (game theory)
Informationsgemeinschaft zur Feststellung der Verbreitung von Werbetrgern
Information Sharing and Customer Outreach
Information Sharing Environment
Information sign
Information silo
Information society
Information Society (album)
Information Society (band)
Information Society Directive
Information society (disambiguation)
Information Society Project
Information source
Information source (mathematics)
Information structure
Information system
Information Systems & Services
Information Systems Journal
Information Systems (journal)
Information Systems Research
Information Systems Research in Scandinavia
Information Systems Security Association
Information systems success model
Information systems technician
Information Technologies and International Development
Information technology
Information Technology Act, 2000
Information Technology and Innovation Foundation
Information Technology Architect Certification
Information technology architecture
Information Technology Association of America
Information technology audit
Information Technology Authority
Information Technology (constituency)
Information technology consulting
Information technology controls
Information-Technology Engineers Examination
Information Technology for European Advancement (ITEA2)
Information Technology Generalist
Information technology in India
Information technology in Pakistan
Information technology in Sri Lanka
Information Technology Intermediary Guidelines (Amendment) Rules, 2018
Information Technology Lokam
Information technology management
Information Technology Management Reform Act of 1996
Information technology planning
Information Technology Professional Examination Council
Information technology security assessment
Information Technology Services Agency
Information technology specialist (military)
Information Technology University
Information: The New Language of Science
Information-theoretic death
Information-theoretic security
Information theory
Information therapy
Information Today
Information To Every One (i2e1)
Information Tribunal
Information Ukraine
Information visualization
Information Visualization (journal)
Information wants to be free
Information war during the Russo-Georgian War
Information warfare
Information Warfare Corps
Information Warfare Directorate RAAF
Information Warfare Monitor
Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community
Input/output Buffer Information Specification
In re Electronic Privacy Information Center
Inside Information
Inside Information (1934 film)
Inside Information (album)
Inside Information Stakes
Inspiration Information
Institut de formation de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
Institut de Formation Internationale
Institut de l'information scientifique et technique
Institute for Applied Information Processing and Communications
Institute for Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding
Institute for Information Infrastructure Protection
Institute for Information on the Crimes of Communism
Institute for Management Information Systems
Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information
Institute for Scientific Information
Institute for the Management of Information Systems
Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
Institute of Geographical Information Systems
Institute of Information Security Professionals
Institute of Information Technology Advancement
Institute of Information Technology Bogra (IITB)
Institute of Information Theory and Automation of the CAS
Institute of Management & Information Science, Bhubaneswar
Institute of Management and Information Technology, Cuttack
Institute of Photogrammetry and GeoInformation
Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Institut national de l'information gographique et forestire
Institut national suprieur de formation et de recherche pour l'ducation des jeunes handicaps et les enseignements adapts
Institut Suprieur de Formation Professionnelle
Institut suprieur europen de formation par l'action
Institut Universitaire de Formation des Matres
Insurance Information and Enforcement System
Integrated information theory
Integrated Nuclear Fuel Cycle Information System
Integrated Taxonomic Information System
Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center
Intelligent transformation
Interaction information
Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network
Interested Parties Information
Interlake Formation
Internal Market Information System
International Committee for Information Technology Standards
International Computer and Information Literacy Study
International Conference on Computer and Information Technology
International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks
International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
International Day for Universal Access to Information
International Federation for Information and Documentation
International Federation for Information Processing
International Food Information Council
International Information and Communication Technology Council Certification Program
International Information Technology University
International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore
International Institute of Information Technology, Bhubaneswar
International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad
International Institute of Information Technology, Naya Raipur
International Institute of Information Technology, Pune
International Institutes of Information Technology
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation
International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems
International Journal of Geographical Information Science
International Journal of Information Acquisition
International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making
International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies
International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval
International Journal of Quantum Information
International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing
International Journal of Wireless Information Networks
International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems
International Lesbian Information Service
International Nuclear Information System
International Society for Complexity, Information, and Design
International Society for Music Information Retrieval
International Soil Reference and Information Centre
Internet Information Services
Interval exchange transformation
Intraplate deformation
Inventory Information Approval System
Inversion transformation
Iouaridne Formation
IPCRI Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information
IP Flow Information Export
IPL Information Processing Limited
IPTC Information Interchange Model
Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology
Irati Formation
Isalo III Formation
Iscayachi Formation
Isla Coln Formation
Islamic Information and Services Network of Australasia
Islamic Information Center
Isomonodromic deformation
ISO/TC 211 Geographic information/Geomatics
Isothermal transformation diagram
Issue-based information system
Itaja-Au Formation
Itombe Formation
Ituzaing Formation
IUPAC nomenclature for organic transformations
Jagel Formation
Jalama Formation
Jamaica Information Service
James Madison Freedom of Information Award
Jammu and Kashmir Right to Information Act, 2009
Jane's Information Group
January 2015 Greek government formation
Japan Association for International Chemical Information
Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association
Japanese Committee on Trade and Information
Japan Information Industry Association
Japan Network Information Center
Jasper Park Information Centre
Jaypee Institute of Information Technology
Jaypee University of Information Technology
Jebel Qatrani Formation
Jeeves Information Systems
Jesuit formation
Jet Propulsion Laboratory Display Information System
Jingchuan Formation
Jiufotang Formation
John Day Formation
Johnson Formation
Joint Directorate of Infrastructure Networks and Information Systems
Joint Information Operations Warfare Center
Joint Tactical Information Distribution System
JordanWigner transformation
Journal of Advances in Information Fusion
Journal of Cases on Information Technology
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
Journal of Global Information Management
Journal of Information & Knowledge Management
Journal of Information Ethics
Journal of Information Science
Journal of Information Technology & Politics
Journal of Librarianship and Information Science
Journal of Logic, Language and Information
Journal of Management Information Systems
Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science
Journal of Religious & Theological Information
Journal of Spatial Information Science
Journal of Strategic Information Systems
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology
Journal of the Association for Information Systems
Journes Information Eaux
Juggling Information Service
Julie (public information film)
Juncal Formation
Jydegaard Formation
Kadzi Formation
Kaili Formation
Kaiparowits Formation
Kalaza Formation
Kallakurichi Formation
Kallamedu Formation
Kalvsjen Formation
Kapp Duner Formation
Kapthurin Formation
Karabastau Formation
Kaskapau Formation
Kayenta Formation
Keefer Formation
Kellaways Formation
Kerala reformation movement
Kerbel Formation
Kerdrolet Formation
Keyser Formation
Khatyspyt Formation
Khawaja Fareed University of Engineering and Information Technology
Khmaladze transformation
Khodzhaosmansk Formation
Khuren Dukh Formation
Kilden Information Centre for Gender Research
Kirtland Formation
Kitadani Formation
Kittatinny Formation
Kiyosu-e Formation
K. J. Somaiya Institute of Engineering and Information Technology
KLN College of Information Technology
Klondike Mountain Formation
Knowbot Information Service
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Korean Bioinformation Center
Korean Culture and Information Service
Korean Health, Education, Information and Research Center
Kortrijk Formation
Kssen Formation
Kukpowruk Formation
Kurek Formation
Krten Formation
KV Institute of Management and Information Studies
Label Information Base
La Boca Formation
Laboratory information management system
La Cinega Formation
La Cruz Formation
Ls Formation
Lago Colhu Huap Formation
Lagunitas Formation
La Hurguina Formation
Lakota Formation
Lameta Formation
Lance Formation
Land Information and Communications Services Group
Land Information Assurance Group
Land Information New Zealand
Land information system
La Negra Formation
Langental Formation
Langyene Formation
Lantian Formation
La Pedrera de Rbies Formation
La Pna Formation
La Puerta Formation
La Quinta Formation, Mexico
Lrchberg Formation
Large deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping
Large Emergency Event Digital Information Repository
Large gauge transformation
Las Juntas Formation
Lastres Formation
Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information
Laurel Formation (Silurian)
Lauterecken Formation
Lava Formation
Lecompton Formation
Lefipn Formation
Legal Information Centre for Human Rights
Legal Information for Families Today
Legal Information Institute
Legal information retrieval
Legendre transformation
Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information
Les Sables de Glos Formation
Letn Formation
Lexicographic information cost
Liangtoutang Formation
Lianmuqin Formation
Liberia Institute of Statistics and Geo-Information Services
Library and Information Association of South Africa
Library and information science
Library and Information Science Abstracts
Library and Information Science program at the University of Western Ontario
Library and information scientist
Library and Information Technology Association
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
Library Literature and Information Science
Lilstock Formation
Limnes Formation
Lincoln Creek Formation
Lincoln Library of Essential Information
Lincolnshire Limestone Formation
Lindemans Bugt Formation
Linear canonical transformation
Linear fractional transformation
Linear partial information
Linear transformation in rotating electrical machines
Line (formation)
Line information database
Link Lake Deformation Zone
Lipen Formation
Lisandro Formation
List of archosaurs of the Chinle Formation
List of boiling and freezing information of solvents
List of Catholic martyrs of the English Reformation
List of Chinese geological formations
List of common coordinate transformations
List of communications units and formations of the Royal Air Force
List of Digital Accessible Information System software
List of dinosaurs of the Morrison Formation
List of ensemble formations in traditional Chinese music
List of formations of the Bangladesh Army
List of formations of the Turkish Army 2008
List of Fortune 500 computer software and information companies
List of geographic information systems software
List of information graphics software
List of information system character sets
List of information technology initialisms
List of Iraqi Information Ministers
List of members of the National Academy of Sciences (computer and information sciences)
List of news and information television programs featuring LGBT subjects
List of personal information managers
List of program transformation systems
List of Protestant martyrs of the English Reformation
List of Protestant martyrs of the Scottish Reformation
List of public disclosures of classified information
List of rock formations
List of rock formations in Albania
List of rock formations in Bulgaria
List of rock formations in India
List of rock formations in the Harz
List of rock formations in the United Kingdom
List of rock formations of New Zealand
List of Serbian paramilitary formations
List of space forces, units, and formations
List of units and formations of the British Army 2020
List of units and formations of the Spanish Army 1990
Littleton Formation
LNM Institute of Information Technology
Lobry de Bruynvan Ekenstein transformation
Local Government Information Unit
Local information systems
Location information server
Lockheed Martin Information Technology
Logbadjeck Formation
Logical Information Machines
Lopez de Bertodano Formation
Lorentz transformation
Los Pinos Formation
Lourinh Formation
Love & Rockets Vol. 1: The Transformation
Love Ranch Formation
Lwenstein Formation
Low-information rationality
Low information voter
Lucas Formation
Luchak Formation
Lufeng Formation
Lumachelle Ostrea acuminata Formation
Luohandong Formation
Lynx Formation
Lytle Formation
Macanal Formation
Machine-or-transformation test
Macrocephaly-capillary malformation
Maevarano Formation
Magisterial Reformation
Mahantango Formation
Main Directorate of Information of the Polish Army
Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science
Malignant transformation
Maligne Formation
Malout Institute of Management and Information Technology
Malta Information Technology Agency
Malta Library and Information Association
Management information base
Management information system
Management Information Systems Quarterly
Manchester Library & Information Service
Manda Formation
Mangler Transformation
Mangrullo Formation
Manpupuner rock formations
Manrak Formation
Manuscripts and Special Collections, University of Nottingham Information Services
Marcellus Formation
Marlia Formation
Marine Environmental Data and Information Network
Marine Life Information Network
Marjum Formation
Market information systems
Marketing information system
Markov information source
Marl Slate Formation
Marmontains Formation
Marnes a Belemnopsis latesulcatus Formation
Marnes Rouges Inferieures Formation
Marquenas Formation
Martinsburg Formation
Master of Information System Management
Master of Library and Information Science
Master of Science in Information Systems
Master of Science in Information Technology
Matanuska Formation
Matatln Formation
Matmor Formation
Maturin Ponds Formation
Mawson Formation
May 2012 Greek government formation
McCoy Brook Formation
McGehee transformation
MDL Information Systems
Media censorship and disinformation during the Gezi Park protests
Media Information Agency
Medial pontine reticular formation
Media Research Information Bureau
Medical information
Medical Information Technology
Medusae Fossae Formation
Mehrten Formation
Melk Formation
Menefee Formation
Meng-Yin Formation
Mercedes Formation
Mergelsttten Formation
Mesn Formation
Methods of Information in Medicine
Metropolitan Regional Information System, Inc. v. American Home Realty Network, Inc.
Microfinance Information Exchange
Midbrain reticular formation
Middle East Research and Information Project
Mike Lynch (information scientist)
Military Information Services (Poland)
Military Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technologies
Minangkabau Culture Documentation and Information Center
Minimum Fisher information
Minimum information about a microarray experiment
Minimum information about a simulation experiment
Minimum Information Required About a Glycomics Experiment (MIRAGE)
Minimum information required in the annotation of models
Minimum information standard
Minister for Corporate Information Services (Northern Territory)
Minister for Land Information (New Zealand)
Minister of Entrepreneurship and Information Technology
Minister of Information (France)
Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Indonesia)
Ministry of Communication and Information (Venezuela)
Ministry of Communications and Information
Ministry of Communications and Information (Kazakhstan)
Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (Afghanistan)
Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (Egypt)
Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (India)
Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (Myanmar)
Ministry of Culture and Information (Serbia)
Ministry of Culture, Information and Tourism (Kyrgyzstan)
Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
Ministry of Information
Ministry of Information & Cultural Affairs (West Bengal)
Ministry of Information and Communication
Ministry of Information and Communication (Bhutan)
Ministry of Information and Communications (Nepal)
Ministry of Information and Communication (South Korea)
Ministry of Information and Communications Technology (ictQATAR)
Ministry of Information and Communications Technology of Iran
Ministry of Information and Communications (Vietnam)
Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies (Tunisia)
Ministry of Information and Communication Technology
Ministry of Information and Culture (Afghanistan)
Ministry of Information and Mass Media
Ministry of Information and National Guidance
Ministry of Information and Social Development (Kazakhstan)
Ministry of Information (Bangladesh)
Ministry of Information, Communications, Transport and Tourism Development
Ministry of Information, Culture, Arts and Sports (Tanzania)
Ministry of Information (Egypt)
Ministry of Information (Myanmar)
Ministry of Information Policy (Ukraine)
Ministry of Information (Serbia)
Ministry of Information (Somalia)
Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications (Colombia)
Ministry of Information Technology
Ministry of Information Technology and Electronics (West Bengal)
Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication
Ministry of Information (United Kingdom)
Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology
Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Society (Serbia)
Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications (Bulgaria)
Miria Formation
Misinformation effect
Misinformation related to the COVID-19 pandemic
Missing man formation
Misuse of private information
MIT Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems
Mittagong Formation
Mobile Information Device Profile
Mbius transformation
Modelo Formation
Model transformation
Model transformation language
Modern College of Management and Information Technology
Moenkopi Formation
MOF Model to Text Transformation Language
Mojado Formation
Molino Formation
Moltrasio Formation
Monoidal natural transformation
Monongahela Formation
Montejunto Formation
Monterey Formation
Montney Formation
Morawan Formation
Moreno Formation
Mrnsheim Formation
Morrison Formation
Morrissey Formation
Moskvoretskaya Formation
Mother Ann (rock formation)
Mountain formation
Mount Cap formation
Much Wenlock Limestone Formation
Mhlenberg Formation
Multi-Agency Geographic Information for the Countryside
Multifunctional Information Distribution System
Multimedia information retrieval
Multiscale European Soil Information System
Mnder Marl Formation
Munising Formation
Music Information Centre Lithuania
Music information retrieval
Muskwa Formation
Mutual information
NAACP Image Award for Outstanding News/Information Series or Special
NAACP Image Award for Outstanding News, Talk or Information Series
NAACP Image Award for Outstanding News, Talk or Information Special
Nachrichtendienstliches Informationssystem
Nacientes del Teno Formation
Nakaye Formation
Naknek Formation
Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology
Nanxiong Formation
Narrow Vein Mudstone Formation
National Academic Recognition Information Centre
National Agency for Information Society (Albania)
National Biological Information Infrastructure
National Campaign for People's Right to Information
National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre
National Center for Biotechnology Information
National Center for Women & Information Technology
National Centers for Environmental Information
National Centre for Science Information
National Commission on Libraries and Information Science
National Coronial Information System
National Crime Information Center
National Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Centre
National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program
National Education Information System
National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service
National Federation of Advanced Information Services
National Historical Geographic Information System
National Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process
National Information Assurance Glossary
National Information Assurance Partnership
National Information Assurance Training and Education Center
National Information Center (Chile)
National Information Exchange Model
National Information Governance Board for Health and Social Care
National Information Infrastructure
National Information Standards Organization
National Information Technology Authority-Uganda
National Information Technology Development Agency
National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
National Institute of Library and Information Sciences
National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources
National Integrated Ballistic Information Network
National Integrated Drought Information System
National Integrated Drought Information System Reauthorization Act of 2013
National Library and Information System
National Library of Public Information
National Mapping and Resource Information Authority
National Motor Vehicle Title Information System
National Pesticide Information Center
National Register Information System
National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology of the Republic of Moldova
National Resource Center for Health Information Technology
National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems Security Advisory Memoranda
National Technical Information Service
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
National Transformation Party
National Vaccine Information Center
NATO Communications and Information Agency
NATO Communications and Information Systems Services Agency
Natural Information Society
Natural transformation
Naval Information Warfare Center Atlantic
Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific
Naval Information Warfare Systems Command
Naval Nuclear Propulsion Information
Navy Information Operations Command, Hawaii
Navy Office of Information West
Nellenkpfchen Formation
Nellie Bly Formation
Nemegt Formation
Nepal College of Information Technology
Netherlands Government Information Service
Netherlands Indies Government Information Service
Net Lake-Vermilion Lake Deformation Zone
Network formation
Network Information Service
Network information system
Networking and Information Technology Research and Development
Neuburger Wei Formation
New Apostolic Reformation
New Formations
Newport Formation
New Reformation
New South Wales Land and Property Information
New World Information and Communication Order
New York City Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications
New York City Department of Records and Information Services
New Zealand Legal Information Institute
Nhlangano AIDS Training Information and Counseling Center
NHS Information Authority
Nicaragua National Institute of Information Development
Niederhslich Formation
Nielsen transformation
Ninemile Formation
Niobrara Formation
Nod Glas Formation
North American Cartographic Information Society
Northampton Sand Formation
Northeast Arm Deformation Zone
Northern Ireland (Executive Formation etc) Act 2019
Northgate Information Solutions
Ntsch Formation
Npj Quantum Information
NSW Wildlife Information Rescue and Education Service
Nuclear fuel cycle information system
Nuclear Information and Resource Service
Oberalmer Formation
Oberhslich Formation
Oberrhaet Formation
Obispo Formation
Observed information
Observer effect (information technology)
Occupational Information Network
Ocean Biodiversity Information System
Odernheim Formation
Office de Formation et de Documentation Internationale
Office for Foreign Relations and Information
Office of Force Transformation
Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs
Office of Public Sector Information
Office of Scientific and Technical Information
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
Office of the Coordinator of Information
Office of the Information Commissioner
Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology
Official Information Act
Official Information Act 1997
Of Reformation
Ogallala Formation
Ohio Public Library Information Network
Oil Price Information Service
Okpikruak Formation
Omo Kibish Formation
Ontology (information science)
Oologah Formation
sh Formation
Open Archival Information System
Open information extraction
Open Scripture Information Standard
Open Source Information System
Open Systems & Information Dynamics
Operational transformation
Operation Formation Star
Operation Transformation (TV series)
Optional information line
Orders of Magnitude (Information Society album)
Organ Rock Formation
Orientation: A Scientology Information Film
Oriskany Formation
Ortega Formation
Osgood Formation
OSInform Information Agency
Otter Sandstone Formation
Outline of information technology
Overhang (rock formation)
Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems
Pacific Biodiversity Information Forum
Paedophile Information Exchange
Paleobiota of the Morrison Formation
Palm Park Formation
Pan European Game Information
Papo Seco Formation
Parachuting at the 2001 World Games Open formation skydiving
Paradox Formation
Paralleldal Formation
Paramedian pontine reticular formation
Parga Formation
Parking guidance and information
Parliamentary Information Technology Committee
Partisan united formation
Partnership for Peace Information Management System
Party for the Transformation of Honduras
Paskapoo Formation
Passaic Formation
Passenger information system
Patent Application Information Retrieval
Patent Information News
Patent Information Users Group
Patient Information Advisory Group
Pattern formation
Paul Gray (information technology)
Paw Paw Formation
Peak information rate
Pebas Formation
Pebbly Arkose Formation
Pedata Formation
Peedee Formation
Penitente (snow formation)
Pentamerus Bjerge Formation
Pepino Formation
Percha Formation
Perfect information
Perso-Arabic Script Code for Information Interchange
Personal Health Information Protection Act
Personal information display
Personal information management
Personal information manager
Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act
Personal Information Protection Commission
Philippine Human Rights Information Center
Philippine Society of Information Technology Educators
Philosopher's Information Center
Philosophy of information
Phosphoria Formation
Physical information
Physical information security
Physical security information management
Pictured Cliffs Formation
Picuris Formation
Piedrahita de Mu Formation
Piedra Lumbre Formation
Pilar Formation
Pine Point Formation
Pistol-Flex formation
Pitkin Formation
PLA Information Engineering University
Planar deformation features
Plant Information Management System
Plasma membrane transformation
Play Safe (public information film)
Pocono Formation
Point of information
Pointwise mutual information
Poleta Formation
Police information point
Police Information Technology Organisation
Polynomial transformation
Portland Formation
Portland Sand Formation
Porvenir Formation
Pose space deformation
Post-Reformation Digital Library
Potrerillos Formation
Pottsville Formation
Power transformation
Pragmatic theory of information
Prairie Evaporite Formation
PrandtlGlauert transformation
Pravdino, Krasnoselskoye Settlement Municipal Formation, Vyborgsky District, Leningrad Oblast
Presence information
Press Information Bureau
Press Information Department
Priesener Formation
Priestpenitent privilege in England from the Reformation to the nineteenth century
Priestpenitent privilege in pre-Reformation England
Prior information
Private information retrieval
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences
Product and manufacturing information
Product information management
Profiling (information science)
Program and System Information Protocol
Program information file
Program on Information Resources Policy
Program-specific information
Program transformation
Progressive transformation of germinal centres
Project Information Literacy
Project management information system
Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2000
Propaganda during the Reformation
Prostitution Information Center
Protected health information
Protein Information Resource
Protestant church music during and after the Reformation
Pseudo-polynomial transformation
Public information film
Public Information Network for Electronic Services
Public information officer
Public participation geographic information system
Public Transport Information and Priority System
Puerto Yeru Formation
Puncoviscana Formation
Punjab University College of Information Technology
Purgatoire Formation
Purisima Formation
Puye Formation
Qasr el Sagha Formation
Qatar Financial Information Unit
Qigu Formation
Qiupa Formation
Quadratic transformation
Quantities of information
Quantum Computation and Quantum Information
Quantum Fisher information
Quantum information
Quantum information science
Queenston Formation
Quercy Phosphorites Formation
Quidi Vidi Formation
Quiric Formation
Racial formation theory
Racial transformation
Radical Reformation
Radiological information system
Raibl Formation
Rams Formation
Random Formation
Ranking (information retrieval)
Ranquil Formation
Rapid Exchange of Information System
Ravenscrag Formation
Rayat Institute of Engineering & Information Technology
Raytheon Intelligence, Information and Services
RCC Institute of Information Technology
Reaction formation
Reading Formation
Real Time Information Group
Real-time labor-market information
Receiver (information theory)
Red Crag Formation
Red Eagle Formation
Red House Formation
Redknife Formation
Reformation 1
Reformation Church
Reformation Day
Reformation (disambiguation)
Reformation Europe, 15171559
Reformation in DenmarkNorway and Holstein
Reformation in Ireland
Reformation in Sweden
Reformation in Switzerland
Reformation in Zrich
Reformation Parliament
Reformation Post TLC
Reformation Study Bible
Reformation (The Wire)
Reformation Wall
Regensburger Grnsandstein Formation
Regional Health Information Organization
Regional Information Center for Science and Technology
Regional Information Sharing Systems
Registered Health Information Technician
Regulation of Interception of Communications and Provision of Communication-related Information Act, 2002
Release of information department
Relevance (information retrieval)
Renaissance and Reformation
Renal stone formation in space
Rencontre Formation
Repetto Formation
Request for information
Research Action and Information Network for the Bodily Integrity of Women
Research Conference on Communications, Information and Internet Policy
Rseau d'informations scientifiques du Qubec
Reticular formation
Reynales Formation
Rhtkeuper Formation
Rhode Island Office of Library and Information Services
Richter's transformation
Right to Information Act, 2005
Right to Information Bill
Rigid transformation
Rinconada Formation
Rincon Formation
Ro Banano Formation
Ro Belgrano Formation
Rio do Rasto Formation
Ro Fras Formation
Ro Gurabo Formation
Ro Hatillo Formation
Ro Loro Formation
Rio Piranhas Formation
Risk management information systems
Rivire Gauche Formation
Robbedale Formation
Roberts Mountains Formation
Roca Formation
Roda (formation)
Rgling Formation
Romualdo Formation
Rota (formation)
Rt Formation
Rttone Formation
Routing Information Protocol
Rove Formation
Roxby Formation
Rgen White Chalk Formation
Run-time type information
Rssingen Formation
Rukohlenfltz Formation
Rutland Formation
Safeguarding Canadians' Personal Information Act
Saigon Institute of Information Technology
Saint Cner Formation
Saint Christophe Formation
Saint Paul-Reformation Lutheran Church
Samuelsen Hj Formation
San Andres Formation
San Cayetano Formation
San Diego Formation
San Fernando Formation
San Francisco Sex Information
San Gregorio Formation
Sanitization (classified information)
San Jos de Gracia Formation
San Jos Formation
San Juan Formation
San Lorenzo Formation
San Pedro Arroyo Formation
Snpetru Formation
Santa Cruz Formation
Santa Luca Formation
Santa Maria Formation
Santa Rosa Formation
Santa Teresa Formation
Santiago Formation
Saramaguacn Formation
Sarangani Reconciliation and Reformation Organization
Sarhad University of Science & Information Technology
Saudi Network Information Center
Scaphiten-Plner Formation
Schengen Information System
Schlern Formation
Schnll Formation
SchriefferWolff transformation
Scientific information from the Mars Exploration Rover mission
Scottish Information Commissioner
Scottish Police Services Authority Information Communications Technology
Scottish Reformation
Scramble Formation
Screening information dataset
Searching the conformational space for docking
Sebe Formation
Seca Formation
Second-order co-occurrence pointwise mutual information
Secrtariat la rforme des institutions dmocratiques et l'accs l'information
Security information and event management
Security information management
Security Information Service
Security of Information Act
Seefelder Formation
Segovia Formation
Sekmenevsk Formation
Selected Patient Information Resources in Asian Languages
Selective dissemination of information
Sella Formation
Sensitive Compartmented Information
Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility
Sensitive Security Information
Sentient Information Systems
Sequence transformation
Service central de la scurit des systmes d'informations
Service d'exploitation de la formation aronautique
Service Interface for Real Time Information
Sespe Formation
Severe plastic deformation
Shane's Chess Information Database
Shared information bias
Shared Location Information Platform
Shaunavon Formation
Shaximiao Formation
Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology
Shi'i Reformation in Iran: The Life and Theology of Shari'at Sangelaji
Shinekhudag Formation
Shirabad Formation
Shishugou Formation
Shock and Vibration Information Analysis Center
Shoshone Formation
Shotgun formation
Shree Rayeshwar Institute of Engineering and Information Technology
Shungura Formation
Siaman Formation
Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme
Similarity transformation
SIM NJ (Society for Information Management New Jersey Chapter)
Simn Formation
Sindh Information Department
Singapore Armed Forces Commando Formation
Singapore Network Information Centre
Single-strand conformation polymorphism
Single-wing formation
SIS (Sports Information Services)
SIX Financial Information
Smith Point Formation
Soat Formation
Social information architecture
Social information processing
Social information processing (cognition)
Social information processing (theory)
Social Science Information
Social transformation
Societal transformation
Society for Constitutional Information
Society for Information Display
Society for Information Management
Society for the Reformation of Manners
Socioeconomics of the Ottoman reformation era
Socot Formation
Soft-sediment deformation structures
Software and Information Industry Association
Shlde Formation
Somalia Water and Land Information Management Project
Sonyea Formation
South African Army Air Defence Artillery Formation
South African Army Armoured Formation
South African Army Artillery Formation
South African Army Engineer Formation
South African Army Infantry Formation
South African Army Signal Formation
South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science
South African National Library and Information Consortium
Southern African Legal Information Institute
Southesk Formation
Soviet Information Bureau
Space Environment Information System
Special information tone
Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval
Specialist Group Information Services
Speeton Clay Formation
Spillage of classified information
Spiritual formation
Sports information director
Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology
Sri Venkateswara Institute of Science & Information Technology
Standard enthalpy of formation
Standard Gibbs free energy of formation
Standard of Good Practice for Information Security
Stanford Physics Information Retrieval System
Staniukovich Formation
Star formation
Starlight Information Visualization System
Stassfurt Formation
Steinmhl Formation
Stephen Formation
Stewart Information Services Corporation
Stieltjes transformation
Stirling Quartzite Formation
St. Marys Formation
Stony Mountain Formation
Strategic Air Command Digital Information Network
Strategic information system
Strategic Information Technology
Structural information theory
Structure of Management Information
Stuart Bay Formation
Student Information Processing Board
Student information system
Stuttgart Formation
Subachoque Formation
Sucunduri Formation
Sudanese Universities Information Network
Sulphur Mountain Formation
Summerville Formation
Sunquest Information Systems
Supercapitalism: The Transformation of Business, Democracy, and Everyday Life
Super Formation Soccer 95: della Serie A
Super Formation Soccer II
Supervisory and Financial Information Authority (Vatican City)
Sustainability and transformation plan
Swedish Reformation and Renaissance literature
SWITCH Information Technology Services
Systmes d'Information et Management
System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe
System Information
System Information (Mac)
System Information (Windows)
System Wide Information Management
Taberna Formation
Tablazo Formation
Table (information)
Tacuaremb Formation
Tahora Formation
Talk:De novo protein synthesis theory of memory formation
Talk:Information policy
Talk:Rock formations in Greece
Tamil Script Code for Information Interchange
Tandy Video Information System
Tar Heel/Coachman Formation
Tashkent University of Information Technologies
Task Force for National Strategy for Information Society Development
Tasseled cap transformation
Tax information exchange agreement
Taynton Limestone Formation
Technological Innovation and Cooperation for Foreign Information Access (TICFIA)
Telsitna Formation
Temblor Formation
Temple Butte Formation
Tendaguru Formation
Tensor product model transformation
Terees Formation
Tererro Formation
Testudo formation
Tethered formation flying
Texas Department of Information Resources
Texas Natural Resources Information System
T formation
Thanet Formation
That Book ...of Perfectly Useless Information
The Age of Information
The Ahlulbayt (a.s.) Global Information Center
The Art of Transformation
The Formation of Damnation
The Formation of the Economic Thought of Karl Marx
The Formation of Vegetable Mould Through the Action of Worms
The Formation World Tour
The Great Transformation
The Great Transformation (book)
The History of the Reformation in Scotland
The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture
The Information: A History, a Theory, a Flood
The Information (Beck album)
The Information Diet
The Informationist
The Information Society
The International Association of Music Information Centres
The John Marshall Journal of Information Technology and Privacy Law
The KGB and Soviet Disinformation
Thematic transformation
The Reformation: A History
The Social Life of Information
The Social Transformation of American Medicine
The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere
The Transformation
The Transformation (album)
The Transformation of Dr. Bessel
The Transformation of Mike
The Transformation of the World into Music
Thick-skinned deformation
This Transformation
Tiaojishan Formation
Tietze transformations
Tiglukpuk Formation
Time Almanac with Information Please
Timeline of the English Reformation
Tiourarn Formation
Titanium-rich scaffold formation
Tlaya Formation
Toad-Grayling Formation
Tobfera Formation
Tokyo University of Information Sciences
Tomanov Formation
Tonoloway Formation
Tonos Formation
Too Much Information
Too much information
Too Much Information (album)
Topanga Canyon Formation
Torgugas Formation
Tor (rock formation)
Total Information Awareness
Touchet Formation
Toyama College of Business and Information Technology
TP model transformation in control theory
Tralcn Formation
Transcend Information
Transformational acquisition
Transformational Christianity
Transformational Diplomacy
Transformational festival
Transformational grammar
Transformational leadership
Transformational Satellite Communications System
Transformational theory
Transformational theory of imitation
Transformation between distributions in timefrequency analysis
Transformation efficiency
Transformation (function)
Transformation (genetics)
Transformation geometry
Transformation in economics
Transformation (journal)
Transformation language
Transformation (law)
Transformation matrix
Transformation (music)
Transformation of text
Transformation of the Ottoman Empire
Transformation optics
Transformation playing card
Transformation Priority Premise
Transformation semigroup
Transformation (short story)
Transformation Story Archive
Transformation/transcription domain-associated protein
Transnational Information and Consultation of Employees Regulations 1999
Treasury Information System Architecture Framework
Tremp Formation
Trenton Formation
Trepassey Formation
Tres Hermanos Formation
Treskelodden Formation
Tropical Cyclone Formation Alert
Trossingen Formation
Trusted Information Systems
Tsagaantsav Formation
Tschirnhaus transformation
Tseytin transformation
Tube (passenger information system)
TBTAK Informatics and Information Security Research Center
Tucumcari Formation
Tuerto Formation
Tunbridge Wells Sand Formation
Tunjuelo Formation
Tunnel Mountain Formation
Turkish Academic Network and Information Center
TVB Finance & Information Channel
Twin Mountains Formation
Two Medicine Formation
UCL Department of Information Studies
Udurchukan Formation
Uhangri Formation
Uinta Formation
UK Academy for Information Systems
Ukrainian Independent Information Agency
Ulaanoosh Formation
Ulan Malgait Formation
Umformung: The Transformation
Uncompahgre Formation
Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act
Unitary transformation
Unitary transformation (quantum mechanics)
United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management
United Nations Information and Communication Technologies Task Force
United Nations Information Center Washington
United Nations Information Centres
United Nations Information Service Vienna
United Nations Information System on the Question of Palestine
United Nations Regional Information Centre
Unit price information in supermarkets
Units of information
University Consortium for Geographic Information Science
University Institute of Information Technology, Himachal Pradesh University
University of Information Science
University of Information Science and Technology "St. Paul The Apostle"
University of Information Technology and Sciences
University of Kentucky College of Communication & Information
University of Library Studies and Information Technologies
University of Massachusetts Amherst College of Information and Computer Sciences
University of Toronto Faculty of Information
University of Western Ontario Faculty of Information & Media Studies
UO Computer and Information Science Department
Upper Dharmaram Formation
Upper information region
Uranium Information Centre
Urban and Regional Information Systems Association
U.S. Army Information Technology Agency
User:Abyssal/Hoganas Formation
User:Abyssal/Invertebrates of the Morrison Formation
User:Daniel Mietchen/Talks/DigitalSpecimen 2014/Getting biodiversity information onto Wikimedia platforms
User information
User:Yukichigai/Avoid irrelevant information
U.S. Global Change Research Information Office
U.S. Naval Information Forces
Ust Pinega Formation
Uterine malformation
Valentines iron formation
Valtos Sandstone Formation
Value of information
Value of structural health information
Vampire Formation
Vanguard Formation
Vapor Trail: Hyper Offence Formation
Vaqueros Formation
Variance-stabilizing transformation
Variation of information
Varun Grover (information scientist)
Vascular malformation
Vectis Formation
Vegas Stats & Information Network
Vein of Galen aneurysmal malformations
Venstp Formation
Verification Research, Training and Information Centre
Vertical formation skydiving
V formation
Vic formation
Vietnam Internet Network Information Center
Vignan's Institute of Information Technology
Vikinghgda Formation
Viita Formation
Visa Information System
Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology
Visual Information Fidelity
Volunteered geographic information
Voort Formation
Voronoi deformation density
Wabamun Formation
Wadhurst Clay Formation
Wallumbilla Formation
Wang International Standard Code for Information Interchange
WARP (information security)
WatanabeAkaike information criterion
Watrous Formation
Weather Information Network
Web information system
Weijura Formation
Wellsite information transfer standard markup language
Western Australian Land Information System
West Falls Formation
Weston Flags Formation
Wetterstein Formation
Weyl transformation
What Hath God Wrought: The Transformation of America, 18151848
Whitehill Formation
Whitemud Formation
Whitening transformation
Wide area information server
Wijde Bay Formation
Wildcat formation
Wilhelmya Formation
Williamsport Formation
Wills Creek Formation
Wilson's model of information behavior
Wiltshire Library and Information Service
Win32 Thread Information Block
Wishbone formation
Wissahickon Formation
WMD Intelligence and Information Sharing Act of 2013
Woburn Sands Formation
Wohlgeschichtete Kalk Formation
Women's Library and Information Centre Foundation
Women in the Protestant Reformation
Wood Bay Formation
Word formation
Wordie Creek Formation
Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System
Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation
World Basic Information Library
World Biographical Information System Online
World Congress on Information Technology (2019)
World Information Technology and Services Alliance
World Summit on the Information Society
World Telecommunication and Information Society Day
Worshipful Company of Information Technologists
Xert Formation
Xiagou Formation
Xiaguan Formation
Xidagou Formation
Xingezhuang Formation
Xinlong Formation
XML Information Set
XML transformation language
Yegua Formation
Yixian Formation
Youth Congress on Information Technology
Yulongsi Formation
Yushima Formation
Zambia Information and Communications Technology Authority
Zaporizhzhia Institute of Economics and Information Technologies
Zarbuz Formation
Zaza Formation
Z-channel (information theory)
Zebrafish Information Network
Zentralstelle fr Kreditinformation
Zhaoying Formation
Zhenzhuchong Formation
Zhiluo Formation
Zhirkindek Formation
Zhumapu Formation
Zia Formation
Ziliujing Formation
Zbing Formation
Zwethau Formation

convenience portal:
recent: Section Maps - index table - favorites
Savitri -- Savitri extended toc
Savitri Section Map -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
authors -- Crowley - Peterson - Borges - Wilber - Teresa - Aurobindo - Ramakrishna - Maharshi - Mother
places -- Garden - Inf. Art Gallery - Inf. Building - Inf. Library - Labyrinth - Library - School - Temple - Tower - Tower of MEM
powers -- Aspiration - Beauty - Concentration - Effort - Faith - Force - Grace - inspiration - Presence - Purity - Sincerity - surrender
difficulties -- cowardice - depres. - distract. - distress - dryness - evil - fear - forget - habits - impulse - incapacity - irritation - lost - mistakes - obscur. - problem - resist - sadness - self-deception - shame - sin - suffering
practices -- Lucid Dreaming - meditation - project - programming - Prayer - read Savitri - study
subjects -- CS - Cybernetics - Game Dev - Integral Theory - Integral Yoga - Kabbalah - Language - Philosophy - Poetry - Zen
6.01 books -- KC - ABA - Null - Savitri - SA O TAOC - SICP - The Gospel of SRK - TIC - The Library of Babel - TLD - TSOY - TTYODAS - TSZ - WOTM II
8 unsorted / add here -- Always - Everyday - Verbs

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