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Conversations With God An Uncommon Dialogue
injunctions by tier
Liber 148 - The Soldier and the Hunchback
Mysterium Coniunctionis
Renunciation and Empowerment of Buddhist Nuns in Myanmar-Burma Building a Community of Female Faithful
The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious
The Duncan Trussell Family Hour
the Junction
The Path Is Everywhere Uncovering the Jewels Hidden Within You
Unclassified links-list
Understanding the Mind An Explanation of the Nature and Functions of the Mind



uncage ::: v. t. --> To loose, or release, from, or as from, a cage.

uncalled-for ::: a. --> Not called for; not required or needed; improper; gratuitous; wanton.

uncalm ::: v. t. --> To disturb; to disquiet.

uncamp ::: v. t. --> To break up the camp of; to dislodge from camp.

uncanny ::: a. --> Not canny; unsafe; strange; weird; ghostly.

uncanonize ::: v. t. --> To deprive of canonical authority.
To reduce from the rank of a canonized saint.

uncapable ::: a. --> Incapable.

uncape ::: v. t. --> To remove a cap or cape from.

uncapper ::: n. --> An instrument for removing an explode cap from a cartridge shell.

uncap ::: v. t. --> To remove a cap or cover from.

uncardinal ::: v. t. --> To degrade from the cardinalship.

uncared ::: a. --> Not cared for; not heeded; -- with for.

uncaring ::: without care, compassion, or concern.

uncarnate ::: a. --> Not fleshy; specifically, not made flesh; not incarnate. ::: v. t. --> To divest of flesh.

uncart ::: v. t. --> To take from, or set free from, a cart; to unload.

uncase ::: v. t. --> To take out of a case or covering; to remove a case or covering from; to uncover.
To strip; to flay.
To display, or spread to view, as a flag, or the colors of a military body.

uncastle ::: v. t. --> To take a castle from; to turn out of a castle.

uncast ::: not founded or moulded by casting.

uncaused ::: a. --> Having no antecedent cause; uncreated; self-existent; eternal.

uncautelous ::: a. --> Incautious.

uncautious ::: a. --> Incautious.

uncautiously ::: adv. --> Incautiously.

unceasable ::: a. --> Not capable of being ended; unceasing.

unceasing ::: never ceasing, incessant, continuous.

unce ::: n. --> A claw.
An ounce; a small portion.

uncenter ::: v. t. --> Alt. of Uncentre

uncentre ::: v. t. --> To throw from its center.

uncentury ::: v. t. --> To remove from its actual century.

uncertain ::: 1. Not determinate or fixed in point of time or occurrence. 2. About which one cannot be certain or assured; subject to doubt. 3. Not fully confident or assured of something. 4. Having no clear knowledge; in a state of doubt. 5. Not clearly identified, located, or determined. 6. Not clearly defined or outlined; vague; indistinct. 7. Not certain to remain in one state or condition; unsteady, variable, fitful. 8. Dependent on chance or unpredictable factors; doubtful; of unforeseeable outcome or effect. 9. Ambiguous.

uncertain ::: a. --> Not certain; not having certain knowledge; not assured in mind; distrustful.
Irresolute; inconsonant; variable; untrustworthy; as, an uncertain person; an uncertain breeze.
Questionable; equivocal; indefinite; problematical.
Not sure; liable to fall or err; fallible.
To make uncertain.

uncertainly ::: adv. --> In an uncertain manner.

uncertainties ::: pl. --> of Uncertainty

uncertainty ::: 1. Something not definitely known or knowable; a doubtful point. 2. The state of not being definitely known or perfectly clear; doubtfulness or vagueness. uncertainty"s, uncertainties.

uncertainty ::: n. --> The quality or state of being uncertain.
That which is uncertain; something unknown.

uncessant ::: a. --> Incessant.

unchain ::: v. t. --> To free from chains or slavery; to let loose.

unchancy ::: a. --> Happening at a bad time; unseasonable; inconvenient.
Ill-fated; unlucky.
Unsafe to meddle with; dangerous.

unchanged ::: unaltered.

unchanging; unalterating.

unchaplain ::: v. t. --> To remove from a chaplaincy.

uncharge ::: v. t. --> To free from a charge or load; to unload.
To free from an accusation; to make no charge against; to acquit.

unchariot ::: v. t. --> To throw out of a chariot.

uncharitable ::: a. --> Not charitable; contrary to charity; severe in judging; harsh; censorious; as, uncharitable opinions or zeal.

uncharity ::: n. --> Uncharitableness.

uncharm ::: v. t. --> To release from a charm, fascination, or secret power; to disenchant.

uncharneled ::: imp. & p. p. --> of Uncharnel

uncharneling ::: p. pr. & vb. n. --> of Uncharnel

uncharnel ::: v. t. --> To remove from a charnel house; to raise from the grave; to exhume.

uncharted ::: not shown or located on a map; unexplored; unknown, as a place or region.

unchaste ::: a. --> Not chaste; not continent; lewd.

unchastened ::: not restrained from excess; not subdued or tempered.

unchastity ::: n. --> The quality or state of being unchaste; lewdness; incontinence.

uncheckable ::: a. --> Not capable of being checked or stopped.

unchild ::: v. t. --> To bereave of children; to make childless.
To make unlike a child; to divest of the characteristics of a child.

unchristened ::: a. --> Not christened; as, an unchristened child.

unchristen ::: v. t. --> To render unchristian.

unchristian ::: a. --> Not Christian; not converted to the Christian faith; infidel.
Contrary to Christianity; not like or becoming a Christian; as, unchristian conduct. ::: v. t. --> To make unchristian.

unchristianize ::: v. t. --> To turn from the Christian faith; to cause to abandon the belief and profession of Christianity.

unchristianly ::: a. --> Unchristian. ::: adv. --> In an unchristian manner.

unchristianness ::: n. --> The quality or state of being unchristian.

unchurch ::: v. t. --> To expel, or cause to separate, from a church; to excommunicate.
To deprive of the character, privileges, and authority of a church.

unciae ::: pl. --> of Uncia

uncial ::: a. --> Of, pertaining to, or designating, a certain style of letters used in ancient manuscripts, esp. in Greek and Latin manuscripts. The letters are somewhat rounded, and the upstrokes and downstrokes usually have a slight inclination. These letters were used as early as the 1st century b. c., and were seldom used after the 10th century a. d., being superseded by the cursive style. ::: n.

uncials ::: letters having large rounded forms (not joined to each other) characteristic of early Greek and Latin manuscripts; also (in looser use), of large size, capital.

uncia ::: n. --> A twelfth part, as of the Roman as; an ounce.
A numerical coefficient in any particular case of the binomial theorem.

unciatim ::: adv. --> Ounce by ounce.

unciform ::: a. --> Having the shape of a hook; being of a curved or hooked from; hooklike. ::: n. --> The unciform bone. See Illust. of Perissodactyla.

uncinata ::: n. pl. --> A division of marine chaetopod annelids which are furnished with uncini, as the serpulas and sabellas.

uncinate ::: a. --> Hooked; bent at the tip in the form of a hook; as, an uncinate process.

uncinatum ::: n. --> The unciform bone.

uncini ::: pl. --> of Uncinus

uncinus ::: n. --> One of the peculiar minute chitinous hooks found in large numbers in the tori of tubicolous annelids belonging to the Uncinata.

uncipher ::: v. t. --> To decipher; as, to uncipher a letter.

unci ::: pl. --> of Uncus

uncircumcised ::: n. --> Not circumcised; hence, not of the Israelites.

uncircumcision ::: n. --> The absence or want of circumcision.
People not circumcised; the Gentiles.

uncircumstandtial ::: a. --> Not circumstantial; not entering into minute particulars.
Not important; not pertinent; trivial.

uncity ::: v. t. --> To deprive of the rank or rights of a city.

uncivil ::: a. --> Not civilized; savage; barbarous; uncivilized.
Not civil; not complaisant; discourteous; impolite; rude; unpolished; as, uncivil behavior.

uncivility ::: n. --> Incivility.

uncivilization ::: n. --> The state of being uncivilized; savagery or barbarism.

uncivilized ::: a. --> Not civilized; not reclaimed from savage life; rude; barbarous; savage; as, the uncivilized inhabitants of Central Africa.
Not civil; coarse; clownish.

uncivilty ::: adv. --> In an uncivil manner.

unclasp ::: to release from a clasp or grip.

unclasp ::: v. t. --> To loose the clasp of; to open, as something that is fastened, or as with, a clasp; as, to unclasp a book; to unclasp one&

unclean ::: a. --> Not clean; foul; dirty; filthy.
Ceremonially impure; needing ritual cleansing.
Morally impure.

uncleansable ::: a. --> Incapable of being cleansed or cleaned.

unclench ::: v. t. --> Same as Unclinch.

uncle ::: n. --> The brother of one&

uncleship ::: n. --> The office or position of an uncle.

unclew ::: v. t. --> To unwind, unfold, or untie; hence, to undo; to ruin.

unclinch ::: v. t. --> To cause to be no longer clinched; to open; as, to unclinch the fist.

uncling ::: v. i. --> To cease from clinging or adhering.

uncloaked ::: not provided with, or covered by, a cloak or other garments.

uncloak ::: v. t. --> To remove a cloak or cover from; to deprive of a cloak or cover; to unmask; to reveal. ::: v. i. --> To remove, or take off, one&

unclog ::: v. t. --> To disencumber of a clog, or of difficulties and obstructions; to free from encumbrances; to set at liberty.

uncloister ::: v. t. --> To release from a cloister, or from confinement or seclusion; to set free; to liberate.

unclosed ::: a. --> Not separated by inclosures; open.
Not finished; not concluded.
Not closed; not sealed; open.

unclosed ::: not enclosed or shut in; unenclosed.

unclose ::: v. t. & i. --> To open; to separate the parts of; as, to unclose a letter; to unclose one&

unclosing ::: a bringing or coming out of a closed state; an opening.

unclothed ::: a. --> Divested or stripped of clothing.
Not yet clothed; wanting clothes; naked.

unclothe ::: v. t. --> To strip of clothes or covering; to make naked.

unclouded ::: fig. Not darkened or obscured.

uncloud ::: v. t. --> To free from clouds; to unvail; to clear from obscurity, gloom, sorrow, or the like.

unclue ::: v. t. --> To unwind; to untangle.

unclutch ::: v. t. --> To open, as something closely shut.
To disengage, as a clutch.

uncoach ::: v. t. --> To detach or loose from a coach.

unco ::: a. --> Unknown; strange, or foreign; unusual, or surprising; distant in manner; reserved. ::: adv. --> In a high degree; to a great extent; greatly; very. ::: n.

uncock ::: v. t. --> To let down the cock of, as a firearm.
To deprive of its cocked shape, as a hat, etc.
To open or spread from a cock or heap, as hay.

uncoffle ::: v. t. --> To release from a coffle.

uncoformability ::: n. --> The quality or state of being unconformable; unconformableness.
Want of parallelism between one series of strata and another, especially when due to a disturbance of the position of the earlier strata before the latter were deposited.

uncoform ::: a. --> Unlike.

uncoif ::: v. t. --> To deprive of the coif or cap.

uncoiled ::: unwound from a coiled position.

uncoil ::: v. t. --> To unwind or open, as a coil of rope.

uncoined ::: a. --> Not coined, or minted; as, uncoined silver.
Not fabricated; not artificial or counterfeit; natural.

uncolt ::: v. t. --> To unhorse.

uncombine ::: v. t. --> To separate, as substances in combination; to release from combination or union.

uncomeatable ::: a. --> Not to be come at, or reached; inaccessible.

uncomely ::: a. --> Not comely. -- adv. In an uncomely manner.

uncomfortable ::: a. --> Feeling discomfort; uneasy; as, to be uncomfortable on account of one&

uncommon ::: a. --> Not common; unusual; infrequent; rare; hence, remarkable; strange; as, an uncommon season; an uncommon degree of cold or heat; uncommon courage.

uncompanioned ::: not provided with a companion; not accompanied by any other (person or thing).

uncomplete ::: a. --> Incomplete.

uncomprehended ::: not grasped with the mind; not conceived fully or adequately; not fully understood.

uncomprehend ::: v. t. --> To fail to comprehend.

uncomprehensive ::: a. --> Unable to comprehend.

uncompression {compression}

uncompromising ::: a. --> Not admitting of compromise; making no truce or concessions; obstinate; unyielding; inflexible.

unconceivable ::: a. --> Inconceivable.

unconceived ::: 1. Not conceived; unimagined; beyond thought. 2. Not brought into being; not properly formed or developed. Unconceived. (Sri Aurobindo also employs the word as a n.)

unconcerned ::: a. --> Not concerned; not anxious or solicitous; easy in mind; carelessly secure; indifferent; as, to be unconcerned at what has happened; to be unconcerned about the future.

unconcerning ::: a. --> Not interesting of affecting; insignificant; not belonging to one.

unconcernment ::: n. --> The state of being unconcerned, or of having no share or concern; unconcernedness.

unconcern ::: n. --> Want of concern; absence of anxiety; freedom from solicitude; indifference.

unconcludent ::: a. --> Alt. of Unconcluding

unconcluding ::: a. --> Inconclusive.

unconclusive ::: a. --> Inconclusive.

unconditional ::: a. --> Not conditional limited, or conditioned; made without condition; absolute; unreserved; as, an unconditional surrender.

unconditional positive regard: complete acceptance and caring of an individual, without imposing conditions.

unconditioned ::: a. --> Not conditioned or subject to conditions; unconditional.
Not subject to condition or limitations; infinite; absolute; hence, inconceivable; incogitable.

unconditioned response: in classical conditioning, a reflexive response elicited by an unconditioned stimulus, such as pupil contraction to bright light, without prior learning.

unconditioned stimulus: in classical conditioning, a stimulus which elicits a reflexive (unconditioned) response.

unconfidence ::: n. --> Absence of confidence; uncertainty; doubt.

unconfined ::: unlimited, unbounded.

unconformable ::: a. --> Not conformable; not agreeable; not conforming.
Not conformable; not lying in a parallel position; as, unconformable strata.

unconformist ::: n. --> A nonconformist.

unconformity ::: n. --> Want of conformity; incongruity; inconsistency.
Want of parallelism between strata in contact.

unconfounded ::: a. --> Not confounded.

unconfound ::: v. t. --> To free from a state of confusion, or of being confounded.

uncongeal ::: v. i. --> To thaw; to become liquid again.

unconning ::: a. --> Not knowing; ignorant. ::: n. --> Ignorance.

unconquerable ::: a. --> Not conquerable; indomitable.

unconquerable ::: that cannot be overcome by conquest; not yielding to superior force; invincible.

unconquered ::: not conquered or vanquished.

unconscionable ::: a. --> Not conscionable; not conforming to reason; unreasonable; exceeding the limits of any reasonable claim or expectation; inordinate; as, an unconscionable person or demand; unconscionable size.
Not guided by, or conformed to, conscience.

unconscious ::: 1. Not conscious; without awareness, sensation or cognition. 2. Not conscious or knowing within oneself; unaware, regardless, heedless. 3. Not attended by, or present to, consciousness; performed, employed, etc., without conscious action. 4. Not characterized by, or endowed with, the faculty or presence of consciousness. 5. Temporarily devoid of consciousness.

unconscious ::: a. --> Not conscious; having no consciousness or power of mental perception; without cerebral appreciation; hence, not knowing or regarding; ignorant; as, an unconscious man.
Not known or apprehended by consciousness; as, an unconscious cerebration.
Having no knowledge by experience; -- followed by of; as, a mule unconscious of the yoke.

unconscious: in Freud's theory, portion of the psyche that cannot be directly accessed by the unconscious, repressing urges, impulses and thoughts, which may filter into conscious awareness directly or in symbolic form.

unconscious motive: a term used to describe that much of (motivated) behaviour is a result of influences outside our conscious awareness, and manifests in defence mechanisms or other symbolic ways.

unconsciousness ::: the fact of being devoid of consciousness.

unconsciousness ::: “What we call unconsciousness is simply other-consciousness; it is the going in of this surface wave of our mental awareness of outer objects into our subliminal self-awareness and into our awareness too of other planes of existence. We are really no more unconscious when we are asleep or stunned or drugged or ``dead’’ or in any other state, than when we are plunged in inner thought oblivious of our physical selves and our surroundings. For anyone who has advanced even a little way in Yoga, this is a most elementary proposition and one which offers no difficulty whatever to the thought because it is proved at every point by experience.” The Synthesis of Yoga

unconsecrate ::: v. t. --> To render not sacred; to deprive of sanctity; to desecrate.

unconsequential ::: a. --> Inconsequential.

unconsiderate ::: a. --> Inconsiderate; heedless; careless.

unconsidered ::: a. --> Not considered or attended to; not regarded; inconsiderable; trifling.

unconsidered ::: not considered or thought of; not taken into consideration.unconsoled

unconsonant ::: a. --> Incongruous; inconsistent.

unconspicuous ::: a. --> Inconspicuous.

unconstancy ::: n. --> Inconstancy.

unconstant ::: a. --> Not constant; inconstant; fickle; changeable.

unconstitutional ::: a. --> Not constitutional; not according to, or consistent with, the terms of a constitution of government; contrary to the constitution; as, an unconstitutional law, or act of an officer.

unconstraint ::: n. --> Freedom from constraint; ease.

unconsuming fire with Sidrach, Misach, and

unconsummate ::: a. --> Not consummated; not accomplished.

uncontestable ::: a. --> Incontestable.

uncontinent ::: a. --> Not continent; incontinent.

uncontrollable ::: a. --> Incapable of being controlled; ungovernable; irresistible; as, an uncontrollable temper; uncontrollable events.
Indisputable; irrefragable; as, an uncontrollable maxim; an uncontrollable title.

uncontroversory ::: a. --> Not involving controversy.

uncontrovertible ::: a. --> Incontrovertible.

uncontrovertibly ::: adv. --> Incontrovertibly.

unconvenient ::: a. --> Inconvenient.

unconventional personnel: Enhanced, biomodded, or artificially created operatives. (See clone, construct, cyborg, LERMU, etc.)

unconversion ::: n. --> The state of being unconverted; impenitence.

unconverted ::: a. --> Not converted or exchanged.
Not changed in opinion, or from one faith to another.
Not persuaded of the truth of the Christian religion; heathenish.
Unregenerate; sinful; impenitent.

unconvinced ::: not convinced or persuaded.

unconvincing ::: that does not bring conviction to, or persuade, the mind.

uncord ::: v. t. --> To release from cords; to loosen the cord or cords of; to unfasten or unbind; as, to uncord a package.

uncork ::: v. t. --> To draw the cork from; as, to uncork a bottle.

uncorrect ::: a. --> Incorrect.

uncorrigible ::: a. --> Incorrigible; not capable of correction.

uncorrupt ::: a. --> Incorrupt.

uncorruptible ::: a. --> Incorruptible.

uncorruption ::: n. --> Incorruption.

uncountable An infinite set for which a bijection to the set of integers is impossible.

uncountable {countable}

uncounted ::: innumerable.

uncouple ::: v. t. --> To loose, as dogs, from their couples; also, to set loose; to disconnect; to disjoin; as, to uncouple railroad cars. ::: v. i. --> To roam at liberty.

uncourtliness ::: n. --> Absence of courtliness; rudeness; rusticity.

uncous ::: a. --> Hooklike; hooked.

uncouth ::: a. --> Unknown.
Uncommon; rare; exquisite; elegant.
Unfamiliar; strange; hence, mysterious; dreadful; also, odd; awkward; boorish; as, uncouth manners.

uncouth ::: of an unfamiliar or strange appearance or form; spec., having an odd, uncomely, awkward, or clumsy shape or bearing.

uncovenable ::: a. --> Not covenable; inconvenient.

uncovenanted ::: a. --> Not covenanted; not granted or entered into under a covenant, agreement, or contract.
Not having joined in a league, or assented to a covenant or agreement, as to the Solemn League and Covenant of the Scottish people in the times of the Stuarts.
Not having entered into relationship with God through the appointed means of grace; also, not promised or assured by the divine promises or conditions; as, uncovenanted mercies.

uncover ::: 1. To lay open or bare by the removal of some covering thing or matter. 2. Fig. To disclose, lay bare, make known, reveal. uncovers, uncovered, uncovering.

uncovered ::: imp. & p. p. --> of Uncover

uncovering ::: p. pr. & vb. n. --> of Uncover

uncover ::: v. t. --> To take the cover from; to divest of covering; as, to uncover a box, bed, house, or the like; to uncover one&

uncowl ::: v. t. --> To divest or deprive of a cowl.

uncreated ::: 1. Not brought into existence by a special act of creation; of a self-existent or eternal nature. 2. Not created; not brought into being. uncreating.

uncreated ::: a. --> Deprived of existence; annihilated.
Not yet created; as, misery uncreated.
Not existing by creation; self-existent; eternal; as, God is an uncreated being.

uncreatedness ::: n. --> The quality or state of being uncreated.

uncreate ::: v. t. --> To deprive of existence; to annihilate. ::: a. --> Uncreated; self-existent.

uncredible ::: a. --> Incredible.

uncreditable ::: a. --> Discreditable.

uncredit ::: v. t. --> To cause to be disbelieved; to discredit.

uncrossed ::: not marked with a line across.

uncrown ::: v. t. --> To deprive of a crown; to take the crown from; hence, to discrown; to dethrone.

uncrudded ::: a. --> Not cruddled, or curdled.

unction ::: n. --> The act of anointing, smearing, or rubbing with an unguent, oil, or ointment, especially for medical purposes, or as a symbol of consecration; as, mercurial unction.
That which is used for anointing; an unguent; an ointment; hence, anything soothing or lenitive.
Divine or sanctifying grace.
That quality in language, address, or the like, which excites emotion; especially, strong devotion; religious fervor and

unctious ::: a. --> Unctuous.

unctuosity ::: n. --> Quality or state of being unctuous.

unctuous ::: a. --> Of the nature or quality of an unguent or ointment; fatty; oily; greasy.
Having a smooth, greasy feel, as certain minerals.
Bland; suave; also, tender; fervid; as, an unctuous speech; sometimes, insincerely suave or fervid.

unculpable ::: a. --> Inculpable; not blameworthy.

uncult ::: a. --> Not cultivated; rude; illiterate.

unculture ::: n. --> Want of culture.

uncunning ::: a. --> Ignorant.

uncunningly ::: adv. --> Ignorantly.

uncunningness ::: n. --> Ignorance.

uncurable ::: a. --> Incurable.

uncurably ::: adv. --> In an uncurable manner.

uncurbable ::: a. --> Not capable of being curbed.

uncurl ::: v. t. --> To loose from curls, or ringlets; to straighten out, as anything curled or curly. ::: v. i. --> To become uncurled, or straight.

uncurrent ::: a. --> Not current. Specifically: Not passing in common payment; not receivable at par or full value; as, uncurrent notes.

uncurry {uncurrying}

uncurrying "programming" Transforming a {curried function} of the form f x y z = ... to one of the form f (x, y, z) = ... , i.e. all {arguments} are passed as one {tuple}. (1998-07-02)

uncurrying ::: (programming) Transforming a curried function of the form f x y z = ... to one of the form f (x,y,z) = ... , i.e. all arguments are passed as one tuple. (1998-07-02)

uncurse ::: v. t. --> To free from a curse or an execration.

uncurtain ::: v. t. --> To remove a curtain from; to reveal.

uncus ::: n. --> A hook or claw.

uncustomable ::: a. --> Not customable, or subject to custom duties.

uncustomed ::: a. --> Uncustomable; also, not having paid duty or customs.

uncut ::: a. --> Not cut; not separated or divided by cutting or otherwise; -- said especially of books, periodicals, and the like, when the leaves have not been separated by trimming in binding.
Not ground, or otherwise cut, into a certain shape; as, an uncut diamond.

uncuth ::: a. --> Unknown; strange. ::: n. --> A stranger.

uncypher ::: v. t. --> See Uncipher.

UncanonicalJewish Books. See Ferrar.

Uncertainty Analysis ::: A detailed examination of the systematic and random errors of a measurement or estimate; an analytical process to provide information regarding the uncertainty.

Uncertainty Factor ::: One of several, generally 10-fold factors, used in operationally deriving the Reference Dose (RfD) from experimental data. UFs are intended to account for (1) the variation in sensitivity among the members of the human population; (2) the uncertainty in extrapolating animal data to the case of humans; (3) the uncertainty in extrapolating from data obtained in a study that is of less-than-lifetime exposure; and (4) the uncertainty in using LOAEL data rather than NOAEL data.

Uncertainty principle: A principle of quantum mechanics (q.v.), according to which complete quantitative measurement of certain states and processes in terms of the usual space-time coordinates is impossible. Macroscopically negligible, the effect becomes of importance on the electronic scale. In particular, if simultaneous measurements of the position and the momentum of an electron are pressed beyond a certain degree of accuracy, it becomes impossible to increase the accuracy of either measurement except at the expense of a decrease in the accuracy of the other more exactly, if a is the uncertaintv of the measurement of one of the coordinates of position of the electron and b is the uncertainty of the measurement of the corresponding component of momentum, the product ab (on principle) cannot be less than a certain constant h (namely Planck's constant, q.v.). On the basis that quantities in principle unobservable are not to be considered physically real, it is therefore held by quantum theorists that simultaneous ascription of an exact position and an exact momentum to an electron is memingless. This has been thought to have a bearing on, or to limit or modify the principle of determinism in physics. -- A.C.

Uncertainty - When an outcome mayor may not occur and its probability of occurring is not known.

Uncle Al: Aleister Crowley, (in)famous occultist, sarcastically referred to by many mages as “Good ol’ Uncle Al.”

UNCL ::: Universal Naming Code Locater

UNCL {Universal Naming Code Locater}

Uncollectible account (bad debt) – This refers to accounts receivable, note receivable, or other type of receivable that is unlikely to be paid.

UNCOL ::: UNiversal Computer Oriented Language. A universal intermediate language, discussed but never implemented.[A First Version of UNCOL, T.B. Steel, Proc JCC 19:371-378 (Winter 1961)].[Sammet 1969, p.708].

UNCOL UNiversal Computer Oriented Language. A universal intermediate language, discussed but never implemented. ["A First Version of UNCOL", T.B. Steel, Proc JCC 19:371-378 (Winter 1961)]. [Sammet 1969, p.708].

Unconditional Positive Regard ::: The nonjudgmental empathy and respect for another person.

Unconditioned Having no attributes (gunas), used of the one reality of our kosmos, and of the still more abstract conception called the Rootless Root or All. In the categories of philosophy the term would apply also to spirit-substance extending into differentiations of the kosmos which, at least by comparison, is itself without attributes.

Unconditioned Response ::: The response in a stimulus-response chain that is naturally occurring as opposed to learned.

Unconditioned Stimulus ::: The stimulus in a stimulus-response chain that is naturally occurring as opposed to learned.

Unconfined Aquifer ::: An aquifer containing water that is not under pressure; the water level in a well is the same as the water table outside the well.

Unconscious: According to Ed. v. Hartmann (q.v.) the united unconscious will and unconscious idea -- K.F.L.

UNCONSCIOUS According to esoterics, the unconscious is partly subconsciousness, partly superconsciousness. The subconscious is the latent memory of past experiences. The superconscious consists of a long series of domains of consciousness as yet not conquered. K 6.6.2

Unconscious ::: According to Freud, the area of the psyche where unknown wishes and needs are kept that play a significant role in our conscious behavior.

Unconscious Mind: A compartment of the mind which lies outside the consciousness, existence of which has frejuently been challenged. See for example W. James, The Principles of Psychology, Vol. I, pp. 162 ff. See Subconscious Mind. -- L.W.

Unconscious mind: A compartment of the mind which lies outside the consciousness.

Unconsciousness is often used in a relative sense, as for instance in speaking of the state of the first two and one half root-races as being one of mental torpor and unconsciousness, or in speaking of the three lower elemental kingdoms in comparison with the higher kingdoms. Also what is called unconsciousness may be only lack of power to register a memory, as in the case of a mesmerized subject on being aroused, or a person waking from sleep.

Unconsciousness The universe being a vast aggregation of conscious beings, only the one source of all is unconscious, paramartha is described as absolute being and consciousness which are absolute non-being and unconsciousness from the human standpoint. Theosophy rejects the idea of anything being unconscious in the absolute sense, save on this plane of illusion. The Vedantic idea of an Unconscious behind all manifestation has reappeared in Occidental philosophy, notably in that of Eduard van Hartmann. Unconsciousness and consciousness are used in theosophy with direct reference to human understanding, so that what we call unconsciousness is merely consciousness on a plane so high, and with a range so vast, that human understanding cannot contain it; or that what we call consciousness would be unconsciousness to less evolved beings because these cannot contain or understand our consciousness. We may look upon spirit as being both conscious and unconscious: active spirit we would call the consciousness of spirit; but those incomprehensibly vast ranges of spirit beyond our power of understanding we would call inactive spirit, merely because we cannot comprehend it and therefore say it is relatively non-existent, although actually being the basis of all being.

Uncontrolled Liquid Waste ::: Waste that meets the definition of a liquid waste and is not bounded by container or piping, e.g., runoff, natural ponds, streams.

UNC {Universal Naming Convention}


1. Characterized by absence of ease or comfort; suggesting or manifesting want of ease in body or mind. 2. Not easy or simple; difficult, hard, troublesome. 3. Uncomfortable or disturbed in mind; anxious, apprehensive.

1. Existing without having been made; uncreated but existent. 2. Undone; destroyed.

1. Not affected in mind or feeling; not moved by excitement or emotion; undisturbed, calm. 2. Not approached, crossed, traversed, explored, or visited. 3. Remaining in a pristine state; unchanged.

1. Not failing; not giving way; not falling short of expectation; completely dependable. 2. Never giving out or coming to an end; unceasing, constant, continual, endless.

1. Not formed or fashioned into a regular shape; not invested with any definite form; shapeless; formless. 2. Not formed or made; uncreated.

1. Not guided in a particular path or direction; left to take one"s own course or way. 2. Fig. Of action, conduct, etc.; Undirected, uncontrolled.

1. Reduced to fragments. 2. Existing or functioning as though broken into separate parts; disorganized; disunified.

1. Settled securely, permanently and unconditionally. 2. Placed or settled in a secure position or condition; installed. 3. Brought about or set up or accepted; especially long established. established.

1. Subject to doubt or uncertainty; not fixed, sure, or certain; doubtful. 2. Lacking certainty, assurance, or confidence; not sure, assured, or certainly knowing; uncertain. 3. Marked or characterized by lack of sureness, assurance, or certainty.

1. To open or spread out from a rolled-up state; to uncoil. 2. To lay open; display; reveal. 3. To become open or spread out. Also fig. unrolls, unrolled.

1. Uncounted; unreckoned. 2. Unmeasured, unlimited.

abandon ::: v. t. --> To cast or drive out; to banish; to expel; to reject.
To give up absolutely; to forsake entirely ; to renounce utterly; to relinquish all connection with or concern on; to desert, as a person to whom one owes allegiance or fidelity; to quit; to surrender.
Reflexively: To give (one&

"A basis can be created for a subjective illusion-consciousness which is yet part of Being, if we accept in the sense of an illusory subjective world-awareness the account of sleep and dream creation given to us in the Upanishads. For the affirmation there is that Brahman as Self is fourfold; the Self is Brahman and all that is is the Brahman, but all that is is the Self seen by the Self in four states of its being. In the pure self-status neither consciousness nor unconsciousness as we conceive it can be affirmed about Brahman; it is a state of superconscience absorbed in its self-existence, in a self-silence or a self-ecstasy, or else it is the status of a free Superconscient containing or basing everything but involved in nothing. But there is also a luminous status of sleep-self, a massed consciousness which is the origin of cosmic existence; this state of deep sleep in which yet there is the presence of an omnipotent Intelligence is the seed state or causal condition from which emerges the cosmos; — this and the dream-self which is the continent of all subtle, subjective or supraphysical experience, and the self of waking which is the support of all physical experience, can be taken as the whole field of Maya.” The Life Divine

“A basis can be created for a subjective illusion-consciousness which is yet part of Being, if we accept in the sense of an illusory subjective world-awareness the account of sleep and dream creation given to us in the Upanishads. For the affirmation there is that Brahman as Self is fourfold; the Self is Brahman and all that is is the Brahman, but all that is is the Self seen by the Self in four states of its being. In the pure self-status neither consciousness nor unconsciousness as we conceive it can be affirmed about Brahman; it is a state of superconscience absorbed in its self-existence, in a self-silence or a self-ecstasy, or else it is the status of a free Superconscient containing or basing everything but involved in nothing. But there is also a luminous status of sleep-self, a massed consciousness which is the origin of cosmic existence; this state of deep sleep in which yet there is the presence of an omnipotent Intelligence is the seed state or causal condition from which emerges the cosmos;—this and the dream-self which is the continent of all subtle, subjective or supraphysical experience, and the self of waking which is the support of all physical experience, can be taken as the whole field of Maya.” The Life Divine

abdicant ::: a. --> Abdicating; renouncing; -- followed by of. ::: n. --> One who abdicates.

abdicate ::: to renounce (a throne, power, responsibility, rights, etc.), esp. formally.

abdicate ::: v. t. --> To surrender or relinquish, as sovereign power; to withdraw definitely from filling or exercising, as a high office, station, dignity; as, to abdicate the throne, the crown, the papacy.
To renounce; to relinquish; -- said of authority, a trust, duty, right, etc.
To reject; to cast off.
To disclaim and expel from the family, as a father his child; to disown; to disinherit.

abdication ::: n. --> The act of abdicating; the renunciation of a high office, dignity, or trust, by its holder; commonly the voluntary renunciation of sovereign power; as, abdication of the throne, government, power, authority.

aberuncate ::: v. t. --> To weed out.

aberuncator ::: n. --> A weeding machine.

abjunctive ::: a. --> Exceptional.

abjuration ::: n. --> The act of abjuring or forswearing; a renunciation upon oath; as, abjuration of the realm, a sworn banishment, an oath taken to leave the country and never to return.
A solemn recantation or renunciation; as, an abjuration of heresy.

abjurement ::: n. --> Renunciation.

abjure ::: v. t. --> To renounce upon oath; to forswear; to disavow; as, to abjure allegiance to a prince. To abjure the realm, is to swear to abandon it forever.
To renounce or reject with solemnity; to recant; to abandon forever; to reject; repudiate; as, to abjure errors. ::: v. i.

abnegation ::: n. --> a denial; a renunciation.

abnegative ::: a. --> Denying; renouncing; negative.

abrenunciation ::: n. --> Absolute renunciation or repudiation.

abrenounce ::: v. t. --> To renounce.

abrupt ::: 1. Characterized by sudden interruption or change; unannounced and unexpected; sudden, hasty. 2. Precipitous, steep. 3. Of strata: Suddenly cropping out and presenting their edges.

abrupt ::: a. --> Broken off; very steep, or craggy, as rocks, precipices, banks; precipitous; steep; as, abrupt places.
Without notice to prepare the mind for the event; sudden; hasty; unceremonious.
Having sudden transitions from one subject to another; unconnected.
Suddenly terminating, as if cut off.

abruptness ::: n. --> The state of being abrupt or broken; craggedness; ruggedness; steepness.
Suddenness; unceremonious haste or vehemence; as, abruptness of style or manner.

absolute ::: adj. 1. Free from all imperfection or deficiency; complete, finished; perfect, consummate. 2. Of degree: Complete, entire; in the fullest sense. 3. Having ultimate power, governing totally; unlimited by a constitution or the concurrent authority of a parliament; arbitrary, despotic. 4. Existing without relation to any other being; self-existent; self-sufficing. 5. Capable of being thought or conceived by itself alone; unconditioned. 6. Considered independently of its being subjective or objective. n. 7. Something that is not dependent upon external conditions for existence or for its specific nature, size, etc. (opposed to relative). Absolute, Absolute"s, absolutes, absoluteness.

absolute ::: a. --> Loosed from any limitation or condition; uncontrolled; unrestricted; unconditional; as, absolute authority, monarchy, sovereignty, an absolute promise or command; absolute power; an absolute monarch.
Complete in itself; perfect; consummate; faultless; as, absolute perfection; absolute beauty.
Viewed apart from modifying influences or without comparison with other objects; actual; real; -- opposed to relative and

absolutely ::: adv. --> In an absolute, independent, or unconditional manner; wholly; positively.

absolve ::: v. t. --> To set free, or release, as from some obligation, debt, or responsibility, or from the consequences of guilt or such ties as it would be sin or guilt to violate; to pronounce free; as, to absolve a subject from his allegiance; to absolve an offender, which amounts to an acquittal and remission of his punishment.
To free from a penalty; to pardon; to remit (a sin); -- said of the sin or guilt.
To finish; to accomplish.

accensor ::: n. --> One of the functionaries who light and trim the tapers.

accent ::: 1. The way in which anything is said; pronunciation, tone, voice; sound, modulation or modification of the voice expressing feeling. 2. A mark indicating stress or some other distinction in pronunciation or value. accents.

accent ::: n. --> A superior force of voice or of articulative effort upon some particular syllable of a word or a phrase, distinguishing it from the others.
A mark or character used in writing, and serving to regulate the pronunciation; esp.: (a) a mark to indicate the nature and place of the spoken accent; (b) a mark to indicate the quality of sound of the vowel marked; as, the French accents.
Modulation of the voice in speaking; manner of speaking or

accentuate ::: v. t. --> To pronounce with an accent or with accents.
To bring out distinctly; to make prominent; to emphasize.
To mark with the written accent.

ACCIDENT. ::: There is no such thing as a mere accident. There is some - perhaps a slight - unconsciousness in the physical and it is taken advantage of by these small beings of the vital physical plane, who are more mischievous than consciously hostile.
It has often been seen that when an accident takes place at a particular spot, there is a tendency for some time for other accidents to happen there. There is the same tendency with suicides at a particular place. It is a sort of powerful formation that remains there with or without a vital being (spirit) in charge of the’ formation.

achromatic ::: a. --> Free from color; transmitting light without decomposing it into its primary colors.
Uncolored; not absorbing color from a fluid; -- said of tissue.

ACTION. ::: If a man is spiritual and has gone beyond the vital and mind, he does not need to be always “doing” something. The self or spirit has the joy of its own existence. It is free to do nothing and free to do everything - but not because it is bound to action and unable to exist without it.
To be able to work with full energy is necessary, but to be able not to work is also necessary.
Action in sādhanā ::: The feeling that all one does is from the Divine, that all action is the Mother’s is a necessary step in experience but one cannot remain in it ; one has to go further. Those can remain in it who do not want to change the nature, but only to have the experience of the Truth behind it. Your action is according to universal Nature and in that again it is according to your individual nature, and all Nature is a force put out by the Divine Mother for the action of the universe. But as things are it is an action of the Ignorance and the ego; while what we want is an action of the divine Truth unveiled and undeformed by the Ignorance and the ego.
The aim of the sadhana is to become a conscious and perfect instrument instead of one that is unconscious and therefore imperfect. One can be a conscious and perfect instrument only when one is no longer acting in obedience to the ignorant push of the lower nature but in surrender to the Mother and aware of her higher Force acting within oneself.

act ::: n. --> That which is done or doing; the exercise of power, or the effect, of which power exerted is the cause; a performance; a deed.
The result of public deliberation; the decision or determination of a legislative body, council, court of justice, etc.; a decree, edit, law, judgment, resolve, award; as, an act of Parliament, or of Congress.
A formal solemn writing, expressing that something has been done.

acupuncturation ::: n. --> See Acupuncture.

acupuncture ::: n. --> Pricking with a needle; a needle prick.
The insertion of needles into the living tissues for remedial purposes. ::: v. t. --> To treat with acupuncture.

acustumaunce ::: n. --> See Accustomance.

ad- ::: --> As a prefix ad- assumes the forms ac-, af-, ag-, al-, an-, ap-, ar-, as-, at-, assimilating the d with the first letter of the word to which ad- is prefixed. It remains unchanged before vowels, and before d, h, j, m, v. Examples: adduce, adhere, adjacent, admit, advent, accord, affect, aggregate, allude, annex, appear, etc. It becomes ac- before qu, as in acquiesce.

adunc ::: a. --> Alt. of Adunque

aduncity ::: n. --> Curvature inwards; hookedness.

aduncous ::: a. --> Curved inwards; hooked.

adipocere ::: n. --> A soft, unctuous, or waxy substance, of a light brown color, into which the fat and muscle tissue of dead bodies sometimes are converted, by long immersion in water or by burial in moist places. It is a result of fatty degeneration.

adj. 1. Not imprisoned or enslaved; being at liberty. 2. Unconstrained; unconfined. 3. Unobstructed; clear. 4. Ready or generous in using or giving; liberal; lavish. 5. Exempt from external authority, interference, restriction, etc., as a person or one"s will, thought, choice, action, etc.; independent; unrestricted. 6. Exempt or released from something specified that controls, restrains, burdens, etc. (usually followed by from or of). 7. Given readily or in profusion. freer, thought-free, world-free. *adv. *8. In a free manner; without constraints; unimpeded. v. 9. To make free; set at liberty; release from bondage, imprisonment, or restraint. 10. To disengage or clear something from an entanglement. 11. To relieve or rid of a burden, an inconvenience or an obligation. freed. set free. Released; liberated; freed.

adjunct ::: a. --> Conjoined; attending; consequent. ::: n. --> Something joined or added to another thing, but not essentially a part of it.
A person joined to another in some duty or service; a colleague; an associate.

adjunction ::: n. --> The act of joining; the thing joined or added.

adjunctive ::: a. --> Joining; having the quality of joining; forming an adjunct. ::: n. --> One who, or that which, is joined.

adjunctively ::: adv. --> In an adjunctive manner.

adjunct ::: joined or added (to anything); connected, annexed; subordinate in position, function, character, or essence. adjuncts.

adjunctly ::: adv. --> By way of addition or adjunct; in connection with.

adjective ::: n. --> Added to a substantive as an attribute; of the nature of an adjunct; as, an adjective word or sentence.
Not standing by itself; dependent.
Relating to procedure.
A word used with a noun, or substantive, to express a quality of the thing named, or something attributed to it, or to limit or define it, or to specify or describe a thing, as distinct from something else. Thus, in phrase, "a wise ruler," wise is the adjective,

adjoint ::: n. --> An adjunct; a helper.

administration ::: n. --> The act of administering; government of public affairs; the service rendered, or duties assumed, in conducting affairs; the conducting of any office or employment; direction; management.
The executive part of government; the persons collectively who are intrusted with the execution of laws and the superintendence of public affairs; the chief magistrate and his cabinet or council; or the council, or ministry, alone, as in Great Britain.

adonis ::: n. --> A youth beloved by Venus for his beauty. He was killed in the chase by a wild boar.
A preeminently beautiful young man; a dandy.
A genus of plants of the family Ranunculaceae, containing the pheasant&

adultery ::: n. --> The unfaithfulness of a married person to the marriage bed; sexual intercourse by a married man with another than his wife, or voluntary sexual intercourse by a married woman with another than her husband.
Adulteration; corruption.
Lewdness or unchastity of thought as well as act, as forbidden by the seventh commandment.
Faithlessness in religion.

adunque ::: a. --> Hooked; as, a parrot has an adunc bill.

adversative ::: a. --> Expressing contrariety, opposition, or antithesis; as, an adversative conjunction (but, however, yet, etc. ); an adversative force. ::: n. --> An adversative word.

advertise ::: v. t. --> To give notice to; to inform or apprise; to notify; to make known; hence, to warn; -- often followed by of before the subject of information; as, to advertise a man of his loss.
To give public notice of; to announce publicly, esp. by a printed notice; as, to advertise goods for sale, a lost article, the sailing day of a vessel, a political meeting.

advisory ::: a. --> Having power to advise; containing advice; as, an advisory council; their opinion is merely advisory.

agate ::: adv. --> On the way; agoing; as, to be agate; to set the bells agate. ::: n. --> A semipellucid, uncrystallized variety of quartz, presenting various tints in the same specimen. Its colors are delicately arranged in stripes or bands, or blended in clouds.

agreement ::: n. --> State of agreeing; harmony of opinion, statement, action, or character; concurrence; concord; conformity; as, a good agreement subsists among the members of the council.
Concord or correspondence of one word with another in gender, number, case, or person.
A concurrence in an engagement that something shall be done or omitted; an exchange of promises; mutual understanding, arrangement, or stipulation; a contract.

agrestic ::: a. --> Pertaining to fields or the country, in opposition to the city; rural; rustic; unpolished; uncouth.

agriology ::: n. --> Description or comparative study of the customs of savage or uncivilized tribes.

alderman ::: n. --> A senior or superior; a person of rank or dignity.
One of a board or body of municipal officers next in order to the mayor and having a legislative function. They may, in some cases, individually exercise some magisterial and administrative functions.

aleatory ::: a. --> Depending on some uncertain contingency; as, an aleatory contract.

alestake ::: n. --> A stake or pole projecting from, or set up before, an alehouse, as a sign; an alepole. At the end was commonly suspended a garland, a bunch of leaves, or a "bush."

alimentary ::: a. --> Pertaining to aliment or food, or to the function of nutrition; nutritious; alimental; as, alimentary substances.

alimentation ::: n. --> The act or process of affording nutriment; the function of the alimentary canal.
State or mode of being nourished.

alive ::: a. --> Having life, in opposition to dead; living; being in a state in which the organs perform their functions; as, an animal or a plant which is alive.
In a state of action; in force or operation; unextinguished; unexpired; existent; as, to keep the fire alive; to keep the affections alive.
Exhibiting the activity and motion of many living beings; swarming; thronged.

All Rajayoga depends on this perception and experience that our inner elements, combinations, functions, forces, can be sepa- rated or dissolved, can be new-combined and set to novel and formerly impossible workings or can be transformed and re- solved into a new general synthesis by fixed internal processes.

alterative ::: a. --> Causing ateration.
Gradually changing, or tending to change, a morbid state of the functions into one of health. ::: n. --> A medicine or treatment which gradually induces a change, and restores healthy functions without sensible evacuations.

alternative ::: a. --> Offering a choice of two things.
Disjunctive; as, an alternative conjunction.
Alternate; reciprocal. ::: n. --> An offer of two things, one of which may be chosen, but not both; a choice between two things, so that if one is taken, the

Amal: “I believe this phrase—like ‘The sun-eyed Guardians and the Golden Sphinx’—refers to the denizens of the Supermind just as do the lines mentioning ‘the belt of the unchanging Truth’ and ‘the presence of the Ineffable’. The earlier words—‘The gold ridge of the world-dream’—point to the overmind. In the same context the words ‘Between the slayer and the saviour fires’ remind us of the closing lines of the sonnet ‘Nirvana’ which ends with lines:

Amal: “The phrase refers to the hostile forces, the powerful vital beings whose work is to block the Divine influx and deceive human beings. They are called ‘iron lords’ not only because they are powerful but also because they are unchangeable. As far as I understand Sri Aurobindo, the hostile forces cannot be converted: they have to be destroyed in relation to the earth. They cannot be mended; they are to be ended.”

ambassadorship ::: n. --> The state, office, or functions of an ambassador.

ambiguities ::: uncertainties of meaning or intentions.

ambiguity ::: n. --> The quality or state of being ambiguous; doubtfulness or uncertainty, particularly as to the signification of language, arising from its admitting of more than one meaning; an equivocal word or expression.

ambiguous ::: 1. Open to or having several possible meanings or interpretations; equivocal; questionable; indistinct, obscure, not clearly defined. 2. Of doubtful or uncertain nature; difficult to comprehend, distinguish, or classify; admitting more than one interpretation, or explanation; of double meaning. 3. Of oracles, people, using words of double meaning. ambiguously.

ambiguous ::: a. --> Doubtful or uncertain, particularly in respect to signification; capable of being understood in either of two or more possible senses; equivocal; as, an ambiguous course; an ambiguous expression.

ammonite ::: n. --> A fossil cephalopod shell related to the nautilus. There are many genera and species, and all are extinct, the typical forms having existed only in the Mesozoic age, when they were exceedingly numerous. They differ from the nautili in having the margins of the septa very much lobed or plaited, and the siphuncle dorsal. Also called serpent stone, snake stone, and cornu Ammonis.

amorphous ::: a. --> Having no determinate form; of irregular; shapeless.
Without crystallization in the ultimate texture of a solid substance; uncrystallized.
Of no particular kind or character; anomalous.

amphibology ::: n. --> A phrase, discourse, or proposition, susceptible of two interpretations; and hence, of uncertain meaning. It differs from equivocation, which arises from the twofold sense of a single term.

amphictyonic ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to the Amphictyons or their League or Council; as, an Amphictyonic town or state; the Amphictyonic body.

amphictyons ::: n. pl. --> Deputies from the confederated states of ancient Greece to a congress or council. They considered both political and religious matters.

amphictyony ::: n. --> A league of states of ancient Greece; esp. the celebrated confederation known as the Amphictyonic Council. Its object was to maintain the common interests of Greece.

ampulla ::: n. --> A narrow-necked vessel having two handles and bellying out like a jug.
A cruet for the wine and water at Mass.
The vase in which the holy oil for chrism, unction, or coronation is kept.
Any membranous bag shaped like a leathern bottle, as the dilated end of a vessel or duct; especially the dilations of the semicircular canals of the ear.

ana ::: adv. --> Of each; an equal quantity; as, wine and honey, ana (or, contracted, aa), / ij., that is, of wine and honey, each, two ounces.

anadiplosis ::: n. --> A repetition of the last word or any prominent word in a sentence or clause, at the beginning of the next, with an adjunct idea; as, "He retained his virtues amidst all his misfortunes -- misfortunes which no prudence could foresee or prevent."

analogue ::: n. --> That which is analogous to, or corresponds with, some other thing.
A word in one language corresponding with one in another; an analogous term; as, the Latin "pater" is the analogue of the English "father."
An organ which is equivalent in its functions to a different organ in another species or group, or even in the same group; as, the gill of a fish is the analogue of a lung in a quadruped,

analogy ::: n. --> A resemblance of relations; an agreement or likeness between things in some circumstances or effects, when the things are otherwise entirely different. Thus, learning enlightens the mind, because it is to the mind what light is to the eye, enabling it to discover things before hidden.
A relation or correspondence in function, between organs or parts which are decidedly different.
Proportion; equality of ratios.

Ananke ::: “This truth of Karma has been always recognised in the East in one form or else in another; but to the Buddhists belongs the credit of having given to it the clearest and fullest universal enunciation and the most insistent importance. In the West too the idea has constantly recurred, but in external, in fragmentary glimpses, as the recognition of a pragmatic truth of experience, and mostly as an ordered ethical law or fatality set over against the self-will and strength of man: but it was clouded over by other ideas inconsistent with any reign of law, vague ideas of some superior caprice or of some divine jealousy,—that was a notion of the Greeks,—a blind Fate or inscrutable Necessity, Ananke, or, later, the mysterious ways of an arbitrary, though no doubt an all-wise Providence.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

anathema ::: n. --> A ban or curse pronounced with religious solemnity by ecclesiastical authority, and accompanied by excommunication. Hence: Denunciation of anything as accursed.
An imprecation; a curse; a malediction.
Any person or thing anathematized, or cursed by ecclesiastical authority.

anathematization ::: n. --> The act of anathematizing, or denouncing as accursed; imprecation.

anathematizer ::: n. --> One who pronounces an anathema.

anathematize ::: v. t. --> To pronounce an anathema against; to curse. Hence: To condemn publicly as something accursed.

anatifa ::: n. --> An animal of the barnacle tribe, of the genus Lepas, having a fleshy stem or peduncle; a goose barnacle. See Cirripedia.

anchorite ::: n. --> One who renounces the world and secludes himself, usually for religious reasons; a hermit; a recluse.
Same as Anchoret.

andabatism ::: n. --> Doubt; uncertainty.

andropetalous ::: a. --> Produced by the conversion of the stamens into petals, as double flowers, like the garden ranunculus.

androspore ::: n. --> A spore of some algae, which has male functions.

anele ::: v. t. --> To anoint.
To give extreme unction to.

anemone ::: n. --> A genus of plants of the Ranunculus or Crowfoot family; windflower. Some of the species are cultivated in gardens.
The sea anemone. See Actinia, and Sea anemone.

annunciable ::: a. --> That may be announced or declared; declarable.

annunciated ::: imp. & p. p. --> of Annunciate

annunciate ::: v. t. --> To announce. ::: p. p. & a. --> Foretold; preannounced.

annunciating ::: p. pr. & vb. n. --> of Annunciate

annunciation ::: n. --> The act of announcing; announcement; proclamation; as, the annunciation of peace.
The announcement of the incarnation, made by the angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary.
The festival celebrated (March 25th) by the Church of England, of Rome, etc., in memory of the angel&

annunciative ::: a. --> Pertaining to annunciation; announcing.

annunciator ::: n. --> One who announces. Specifically: An officer in the church of Constantinople, whose business it was to inform the people of the festivals to be celebrated.
An indicator (as in a hotel) which designates the room where attendance is wanted.

annunciatory ::: a. --> Pertaining to, or containing, announcement; making known.

announced ::: imp. & p. p. --> of Announce

announced ::: made known to the mind or senses. announcing.

announcement ::: n. --> The act of announcing, or giving notice; that which announces; proclamation; publication.

announcer ::: n. --> One who announces.

announcers ::: those who present, give notice and/or tell news.

announce ::: v. t. --> To give public notice, or first notice of; to make known; to publish; to proclaim.
To pronounce; to declare by judicial sentence.

announcing ::: p. pr. & vb. n. --> of Announce

anoint ::: v. t. --> To smear or rub over with oil or an unctuous substance; also, to spread over, as oil.
To apply oil to or to pour oil upon, etc., as a sacred rite, especially for consecration. ::: p. p. --> Anointed.

antenicene ::: a. --> Of or in the Christian church or era, anterior to the first council of Nice, held a. d. 325; as, antenicene faith.

an ::: --> This word is properly an adjective, but is commonly called the indefinite article. It is used before nouns of the singular number only, and signifies one, or any, but somewhat less emphatically. In such expressions as "twice an hour," "once an age," a shilling an ounce (see 2d A, 2), it has a distributive force, and is equivalent to each, every. ::: conj.

anthrax ::: n. --> A carbuncle.
A malignant pustule.
A microscopic, bacterial organism (Bacillus anthracis), resembling transparent rods. [See Illust. under Bacillus.]
An infectious disease of cattle and sheep. It is ascribed to the presence of a rod-shaped bacterium (Bacillus anthracis), the spores of which constitute the contagious matter. It may be transmitted to man by inoculation. The spleen becomes greatly enlarged and filled

anthropology ::: n. --> The science of the structure and functions of the human body.
The science of man; -- sometimes used in a limited sense to mean the study of man as an object of natural history, or as an animal.
That manner of expression by which the inspired writers attribute human parts and passions to God.

anticonstitutional ::: a. --> Opposed to the constitution; unconstitutional.

anxiety ::: n. --> Concern or solicitude respecting some thing or event, future or uncertain, which disturbs the mind, and keeps it in a state of painful uneasiness.
Eager desire.
A state of restlessness and agitation, often with general indisposition and a distressing sense of oppression at the epigastrium.

anxiously ::: adv. --> In an anxious manner; with painful uncertainty; solicitously.

a punctuation mark ( - ) used between the parts of a compound word or name or between the syllables of a word, especially when divided at the end of a line of text or the parts of a word divided for any purpose. Hence, fig. A joining or connecting link.

aphoristical ::: a. --> In the form of, or of the nature of, an aphorism; in the form of short, unconnected sentences; as, an aphoristic style.

aphthong ::: n. --> A letter, or a combination of letters, employed in spelling a word, but in the pronunciation having no sound.

apocrisiarius ::: n. --> A delegate or deputy; especially, the pope&

apostasy ::: n. --> An abandonment of what one has voluntarily professed; a total desertion of departure from one&

apostate ::: n. --> One who has forsaken the faith, principles, or party, to which he before adhered; esp., one who has forsaken his religion for another; a pervert; a renegade.
One who, after having received sacred orders, renounces his clerical profession. ::: a.

apostatize ::: v. i. --> To renounce totally a religious belief once professed; to forsake one&

apotactite ::: n. --> One of a sect of ancient Christians, who, in supposed imitation of the first believers, renounced all their possessions.

appanage ::: n. --> The portion of land assigned by a sovereign prince for the subsistence of his younger sons.
A dependency; a dependent territory.
That which belongs to one by custom or right; a natural adjunct or accompaniment.

appendant ::: v. t. --> Hanging; annexed; adjunct; concomitant; as, a seal appendant to a paper.
Appended by prescription, that is, a personal usage for a considerable time; -- said of a thing of inheritance belonging to another inheritance which is superior or more worthy; as, an advowson, common, etc. , which may be appendant to a manor, common of fishing to a freehold, a seat in church to a house.

appendix ::: n. --> Something appended or added; an appendage, adjunct, or concomitant.
Any literary matter added to a book, but not necessarily essential to its completeness, and thus distinguished from supplement, which is intended to supply deficiencies and correct inaccuracies.

apply ::: v. t. --> To lay or place; to put or adjust (one thing to another); -- with to; as, to apply the hand to the breast; to apply medicaments to a diseased part of the body.
To put to use; to use or employ for a particular purpose, or in a particular case; to appropriate; to devote; as, to apply money to the payment of a debt.
To make use of, declare, or pronounce, as suitable, fitting, or relative; as, to apply the testimony to the case; to apply

approve ::: 1. To confirm or sanction formally; ratify. 2. To speak or think favourably of; pronounce or consider agreeable or good; judge favourably. approves, approved.

appulse ::: n. --> A driving or running towards; approach; impulse; also, the act of striking against.
The near approach of one heavenly body to another, or to the meridian; a coming into conjunction; as, the appulse of the moon to a star, or of a star to the meridian.

appurtenance ::: n. --> That which belongs to something else; an adjunct; an appendage; an accessory; something annexed to another thing more worthy; in common parlance and legal acceptation, something belonging to another thing as principal, and which passes as incident to it, as a right of way, or other easement to land; a right of common to pasture, an outhouse, barn, garden, or orchard, to a house or messuage. In a strict legal sense, land can never pass as an appurtenance to land.

aquapuncture ::: n. --> The introduction of water subcutaneously for the relief of pain.

arbitrary ::: 1. Based on or subject to individual will, judgment or preference: judgment without restriction; contingent solely upon one"s discretion. 2. Capricious; unreasonable; unsupported. 3. Derived from mere opinion or preference; capricious; uncertain. 4. Having unlimited power; uncontrolled or unrestricted by law; despotic; tyrannical.

area ::: n. --> Any plane surface, as of the floor of a room or church, or of the ground within an inclosure; an open space in a building.
The inclosed space on which a building stands.
The sunken space or court, giving ingress and affording light to the basement of a building.
An extent of surface; a tract of the earth&

armpit ::: n. --> The hollow beneath the junction of the arm and shoulder; the axilla.

army worm ::: --> A lepidopterous insect, which in the larval state often travels in great multitudes from field to field, destroying grass, grain, and other crops. The common army worm of the northern United States is Leucania unipuncta. The name is often applied to other related species, as the cotton worm.
The larva of a small two-winged fly (Sciara), which marches in large companies, in regular order. See Cotton worm, under Cotton.

articulated ::: imp. & p. p. --> of Articulate ::: a. --> United by, or provided with, articulations; jointed; as, an articulated skeleton.
Produced, as a letter, syllable, or word, by the organs of speech; pronounced.

articulation ::: n. --> A joint or juncture between bones in the skeleton.
The connection of the parts of a plant by joints, as in pods.
One of the nodes or joints, as in cane and maize.
One of the parts intercepted between the joints; also, a subdivision into parts at regular or irregular intervals as a result of serial intermission in growth, as in the cane, grasses, etc.
The act of putting together with a joint or joints;

articulator ::: n. --> One who, or that which, articulates; as: (a) One who enunciates distinctly. (b) One who prepares and mounts skeletons. (c) An instrument to cure stammering.

artiodactyla ::: n. pl. --> One of the divisions of the ungulate animals. The functional toes of the hind foot are even in number, and the third digit of each foot (corresponding to the middle finger in man) is asymmetrical and paired with the fourth digit, as in the hog, the sheep, and the ox; -- opposed to Perissodactyla.

::: "As for immortality, it cannot come if there is attachment to the body, — for it is only by living in the immortal part of oneself which is unidentified with the body and bringing down its consciousness and force into the cells that it can come. I speak of course of yogic means. The scientists now hold that it is (theoretically at least) possible to discover physical means by which death can be overcome, but that would mean only a prolongation of the present consciousness in the present body. Unless there is a change of consciousness and change of functionings it would be a very small gain.” Letters on Yoga

“As for immortality, it cannot come if there is attachment to the body,—for it is only by living in the immortal part of oneself which is unidentified with the body and bringing down its consciousness and force into the cells that it can come. I speak of course of yogic means. The scientists now hold that it is (theoretically at least) possible to discover physical means by which death can be overcome, but that would mean only a prolongation of the present consciousness in the present body. Unless there is a change of consciousness and change of functionings it would be a very small gain.” Letters on Yoga

asper ::: a. --> Rough; rugged; harsh; bitter; stern; fierce. ::: n. --> The rough breathing; a mark (/) placed over an initial vowel sound or over / to show that it is aspirated, that is, pronounced with h before it; thus "ws, pronounced h/s, "rh`twr, pronounced hra"t/r.
A Turkish money of account (formerly a coin), of little

aspirated ::: imp. & p. p. --> of Aspirate ::: a. --> Pronounced with the h sound or with audible breath.

aspirate ::: v. t. --> To pronounce with a breathing, an aspirate, or an h sound; as, we aspirate the words horse and house; to aspirate a vowel or a liquid consonant. ::: n. --> A sound consisting of, or characterized by, a breath like the sound of h; the breathing h or a character representing such a

aspiration ::: n. --> The act of aspirating; the pronunciation of a letter with a full or strong emission of breath; an aspirated sound.
The act of breathing; a breath; an inspiration.
The act of aspiring of a ardently desiring; strong wish; high desire.

ASPIRATION. ::: The call in the being for the Divine or for the higher things that belong to the Divine Consciousness.
A call to the Divine; aspiration for the discovery and embodiment of the Divine Truth and to nothing else whatever.
An aspiration vigilant, constant, unceasing- the mind’s will, the heart’s seeking, the assent of the vital being, the will to open and make plastic the physical consciousness and nature.
There is no need of words in aspiration. It can be expressed or unexpressed in words.
Aspiration need not be in the form of thought; it can be a feeling within that remains even when the mind is attending to the work.
Aspiration is to call the forces. When the forces have answered, there is a natural state of quiet receptivity concentrated but spontaneous.
In aspiration there is a self-giving for the higher consciousness to descend and take possession ; the more intense the call, the greater the self-giving.
Aspiration keeps the consciousness open, prevents an inert state of acquiescence in all that comes and exercises a sort of pull on the sources of the higher consciousness.
The intensity of aspiration brings the intensity of the experience and by repeated intensity of the experience, the change. It is the psychic that gives the true aspiration; if the vital is purified and subjected to the psychic, then the vital gives intensity.
Aspiration in the physical consciousness ::: the physical consciousness is always in everybody in its own nature a little inert and in it a constant strong aspiration is not natural, it has to be created. But first there must be the opening, a purification, a fixed quietude, otherwise the physical vital will turn the strong aspiration into over-eagerness and impatience or rather it will try to give it that turn.

assessorship ::: n. --> The office or function of an assessor.

assigned ::: appointed, designated, deputed, allotted, announced as a task. assigner.

ASSIMILATION. ::: There has to be a period of assimilation. When the being is unconscious, the assimilation goes on behind the veil or below the surface and meanwhile the surface consciousness sees only dullness and the loss of what it had got; but when one is conscious, then one can see the assimilation going on and one sees that nothing is lost, it is only a quiet settling in of what has come down.
To remain quiet for a time after the descent of Force is the best way of assimilating it.
There are always pauses of preparation and assimilation between two movements.
The periods of assimilation continue till all that has to be done is fundamentally done. Only they have a different character in the later stages of sadhana. If they cease altogether at an early stage, it is because all that the nature was capable of has been done and that would mean it was not capable of much.

associationist ::: n. --> One who explains the higher functions and relations of the soul by the association of ideas; e. g., Hartley, J. C. Mill.

Asura and are most generally misheld and misused by those who retain them. The seekers or keepers of wealth are more often possessed rather than its possessors ; few escape entirely a certain distorting influence stamped on it by its long seizure and perversion by the Asura. For this reason most spiritual disciplines insist on a complete self-control, detachment and renunciation of all bondage to wealth and of all personal and egoistic desire for its possession. Some even put a ban on money and riches and proclaim poverty and bareness of life as the only spiritual condition. But this is an error ; it leaves the power in the hands of the hostile forces. To reconquer it for the Divine to whom it belongs 'and use it divinely for the divine life is the supramental way for the sadhaka.

asyndetic ::: a. --> Characterized by the use of asyndeton; not connected by conjunctions.

ataxic ::: a. --> Characterized by ataxy, that is, (a) by great irregularity of functions or symptoms, or (b) by a want of coordinating power in movements.

ataxy ::: n. --> Disorder; irregularity.
Irregularity in disease, or in the functions.
The state of disorder that characterizes nervous fevers and the nervous condition.

atrede ::: v. t. --> To surpass in council.

attachment ::: n. --> The act attaching, or state of being attached; close adherence or affection; fidelity; regard; an/ passion of affection that binds a person; as, an attachment to a friend, or to a party.
That by which one thing is attached to another; connection; as, to cut the attachments of a muscle.
Something attached; some adjunct attached to an instrument, machine, or other object; as, a sewing machine attachment (i. e., a device attached to a sewing machine to enable it to do

attack ::: the act of setting upon with violent force.; launching a physical assault (against) attacks.

austere ::: 1. Severe in manner or appearance; uncompromising; strict; forbidding; stark. 2. Rigorously self-disciplined and severely moral; ascetic; abstinent. 3. Grave; sober; solemn; serious. 4. Without excess, luxury, or ease; severely simple; without ornament. austerity.

balance ::: n. **1. A state of equilibrium or equipoise; mental, psychological or emotional. 2. A weighing device, especially one consisting of a rigid beam horizontally suspended by a low-friction support at its center, with identical weighing pans hung at either end, one of which holds an unknown weight while the effective weight in the other is increased by known amounts until the beam is level and motionless. 3. An undecided or uncertain state in which issues are unresolved. v. 4. To have an equality or equivalence in weight, parts, etc.; be in equilibrium. adj. 5. Being in harmonious or proper arrangement or adjustment, proportion. 6. Mental steadiness or emotional stability; habit of calm behaviour, judgement. balanced, balancing.**

bare ::: v. 1. To make bare; uncover or reveal. 2. Fig. To expose. bared, baring. adj. 3. Lacking clothing or covering; naked 4. Fig. Exposed to view; undisguised. 5. Just sufficient; mere. 6. Lacking embellishment or ornamentation; unembellished; simple; plain. 7. Unprotected; without defence. 8. Devoid of covering, a leafless trees. 9. Sheer, as bare cliffs. heaven-bare, bareness.

beginningless ::: without a beginning; without origin; uncreated.

belong ::: 1. To be a part of or adjunct. 2. To be the property, attribute, or possession of. belongs.

bizarre ::: conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual in style or appearance; strange.

bizarrerie ::: strangeness or grotesqueness, especially strange or unconventional behaviour.

bow ::: a weapon consisting of a curved, flexible strip of material, especially wood, strung taut from end to end and used to launch arrows.

brings to the public attention, esp. announces in a formal or official manner.

uncaring ::: without care, compassion, or concern.

uncast ::: not founded or moulded by casting.

unceasing ::: never ceasing, incessant, continuous.

uncertain ::: 1. Not determinate or fixed in point of time or occurrence. 2. About which one cannot be certain or assured; subject to doubt. 3. Not fully confident or assured of something. 4. Having no clear knowledge; in a state of doubt. 5. Not clearly identified, located, or determined. 6. Not clearly defined or outlined; vague; indistinct. 7. Not certain to remain in one state or condition; unsteady, variable, fitful. 8. Dependent on chance or unpredictable factors; doubtful; of unforeseeable outcome or effect. 9. Ambiguous.

uncertainty ::: 1. Something not definitely known or knowable; a doubtful point. 2. The state of not being definitely known or perfectly clear; doubtfulness or vagueness. uncertainty"s, uncertainties.

unchanged ::: unaltered.

unchanging; unalterating.

uncharted ::: not shown or located on a map; unexplored; unknown, as a place or region.

unchastened ::: not restrained from excess; not subdued or tempered.

uncials ::: letters having large rounded forms (not joined to each other) characteristic of early Greek and Latin manuscripts; also (in looser use), of large size, capital.

unclasp ::: to release from a clasp or grip.

uncloaked ::: not provided with, or covered by, a cloak or other garments.

unclosed ::: not enclosed or shut in; unenclosed.

unclosing ::: a bringing or coming out of a closed state; an opening.

unclouded ::: fig. Not darkened or obscured.

uncoiled ::: unwound from a coiled position.

uncompanioned ::: not provided with a companion; not accompanied by any other (person or thing).

uncomprehended ::: not grasped with the mind; not conceived fully or adequately; not fully understood.

unconceived ::: 1. Not conceived; unimagined; beyond thought. 2. Not brought into being; not properly formed or developed. Unconceived. (Sri Aurobindo also employs the word as a n.)

unconfined ::: unlimited, unbounded.

unconquerable ::: that cannot be overcome by conquest; not yielding to superior force; invincible.

unconquered ::: not conquered or vanquished.

unconscious ::: 1. Not conscious; without awareness, sensation or cognition. 2. Not conscious or knowing within oneself; unaware, regardless, heedless. 3. Not attended by, or present to, consciousness; performed, employed, etc., without conscious action. 4. Not characterized by, or endowed with, the faculty or presence of consciousness. 5. Temporarily devoid of consciousness.

unconsciousness ::: the fact of being devoid of consciousness.

unconsciousness ::: “What we call unconsciousness is simply other-consciousness; it is the going in of this surface wave of our mental awareness of outer objects into our subliminal self-awareness and into our awareness too of other planes of existence. We are really no more unconscious when we are asleep or stunned or drugged or ``dead’’ or in any other state, than when we are plunged in inner thought oblivious of our physical selves and our surroundings. For anyone who has advanced even a little way in Yoga, this is a most elementary proposition and one which offers no difficulty whatever to the thought because it is proved at every point by experience.” The Synthesis of Yoga

unconsidered ::: not considered or thought of; not taken into consideration.unconsoled

unconvinced ::: not convinced or persuaded.

unconvincing ::: that does not bring conviction to, or persuade, the mind.

uncounted ::: innumerable.

uncouth ::: of an unfamiliar or strange appearance or form; spec., having an odd, uncomely, awkward, or clumsy shape or bearing.

uncover ::: 1. To lay open or bare by the removal of some covering thing or matter. 2. Fig. To disclose, lay bare, make known, reveal. uncovers, uncovered, uncovering.

uncreated ::: 1. Not brought into existence by a special act of creation; of a self-existent or eternal nature. 2. Not created; not brought into being. uncreating.

uncrossed ::: not marked with a line across.

"But in a higher than our present mental consciousness we find that this duality is only a phenomenal appearance. The highest and real truth of existence is the one Spirit, the supreme Soul, Purushottama, and it is the power of being of this Spirit which manifests itself in all that we experience as universe. This universal Nature is not a lifeless, inert or unconscious mechanism, but informed in all its movements by the universal Spirit. The mechanism of its process is only an outward appearance and the reality is the Spirit creating or manifesting its own being by its own power of being in all that is in Nature. Soul and Nature in us too are only a dual appearance of the one existence.” The Synthesis of Yoga*

“But in a higher than our present mental consciousness we find that this duality is only a phenomenal appearance. The highest and real truth of existence is the one Spirit, the supreme Soul, Purushottama, and it is the power of being of this Spirit which manifests itself in all that we experience as universe. This universal Nature is not a lifeless, inert or unconscious mechanism, but informed in all its movements by the universal Spirit. The mechanism of its process is only an outward appearance and the reality is the Spirit creating or manifesting its own being by its own power of being in all that is in Nature. Soul and Nature in us too are only a dual appearance of the one existence.” The Synthesis of Yoga

"But in the larger universal consciousness there must be a power of carrying this movement to its absolute point, to the greatest extreme possible for any relative movement to reach, and this point is reached, not in human unconsciousness which is not abiding and always refers back to the awakened conscious being that man normally and characteristically is, but in the inconscience of material Nature. This inconscience is no more real than the ignorance of exclusive concentration in our temporary being which limits the waking consciousness of man; for as in us, so in the atom, the metal, the plant, in every form of material Nature, in every energy of material Nature, there is, we know, a secret soul, a secret will, a secret intelligence at work, other than the mute self-oblivious form, the Conscient, — conscient even in unconscious things, — of the Upanishad, without whose presence and informing Conscious-Force or Tapas no work of Nature could be done.” The Life Divine

“But in the larger universal consciousness there must be a power of carrying this movement to its absolute point, to the greatest extreme possible for any relative movement to reach, and this point is reached, not in human unconsciousness which is not abiding and always refers back to the awakened conscious being that man normally and characteristically is, but in the inconscience of material Nature. This inconscience is no more real than the ignorance of exclusive concentration in our temporary being which limits the waking consciousness of man; for as in us, so in the atom, the metal, the plant, in every form of material Nature, in every energy of material Nature, there is, we know, a secret soul, a secret will, a secret intelligence at work, other than the mute self-oblivious form, the Conscient,—conscient even in unconscious things,—of the Upanishad, without whose presence and informing Conscious-Force or Tapas no work of Nature could be done.” The Life Divine

But there is a wall which divides them from it, a wall of obscurity and unconsciousness. When it breaks down there is a release.

By renunciation ^^e seize upon the falsehoods, pluck up their roots and cast them out of our way so that they shall no longer hamper by their persistence, their resistance or their recurrence the happy and harmonious growth of our divine Jivine,

call ::: “All Yoga is in its nature a new birth; it is a birth out of the ordinary, the mentalised material life of man into a higher spiritual consciousness and a greater and diviner being. No Yoga can be successfully undertaken and followed unless there is a strong awakening to the necessity of that larger spiritual existence. The soul that is called to this deep and vast inward change, may arrive in different ways to the initial departure. It may come to it by its own natural development which has been leading it unconsciously towards the awakening; it may reach it through the influence of a religion or the attraction of a philosophy; it may approach it by a slow illumination or leap to it by a sudden touch or shock; it may be pushed or led to it by the pressure of outward circumstances or by an inward necessity, by a single word that breaks the seals of the mind or by long reflection, by the distant example of one who has trod the path or by contact and daily influence. According to the nature and the circumstances the call will come.” The Synthesis of Yoga

callings ::: 1. (i.e. an animal or bird) that calls. 2. Things or voices that announce or address in a clear and often authoritative voice.

call ::: Sri Aurobindo: "All Yoga is in its nature a new birth; it is a birth out of the ordinary, the mentalised material life of man into a higher spiritual consciousness and a greater and diviner being. No Yoga can be successfully undertaken and followed unless there is a strong awakening to the necessity of that larger spiritual existence. The soul that is called to this deep and vast inward change, may arrive in different ways to the initial departure. It may come to it by its own natural development which has been leading it unconsciously towards the awakening; it may reach it through the influence of a religion or the attraction of a philosophy; it may approach it by a slow illumination or leap to it by a sudden touch or shock; it may be pushed or led to it by the pressure of outward circumstances or by an inward necessity, by a single word that breaks the seals of the mind or by long reflection, by the distant example of one who has trod the path or by contact and daily influence. According to the nature and the circumstances the call will come.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

CALL. ::: The soul may arrive in different ways to the initial departure. It may come to it by its own natural development which has been leading it unconsciously towards the awaken- ing ; it may reach it through (he influence of a religion or the attraction of a philosophy ; it may approach it by a slow illumi- nation or leap to it by the pressure of outward circumstances or by an inward necessity, by a single word that breaks the seals of the mind or by long reflection, by the distant example of one who has trod the path or by contact and daily influence.

calm ::: n. 1. Serenity; tranquillity; peace. 2. Nearly or completely motionless as a condition of no wind. Calm, Calm"s, calms, calmness. adj. 3. Not excited or agitated; composed; tranquil; 4. Without rough motion; still or nearly still. calmer, calm-lipped, stone-calm. *adv. calmly.
Sri Aurobindo: "Calm is a still unmoved condition which no disturbance can affect — it is a less negative condition than quiet.” Letters on Yoga*
"Calm is a positive tranquillity which can exist in spite of superficial disturbances.” *Letters on Yoga
"Calm is a strong and positive quietude, firm and solid — ordinary quietude is mere negation, simply the absence of disturbance.” *Letters on Yoga
"But more powerful still is the giving up of the fruit of one"s works, because that immediately destroys all causes of disturbance and brings and preserves automatically an inner calm and peace, and calm and peace are the foundation on which all else becomes perfect and secure in possession by the tranquil spirit.” Essays on the Gita
The Mother: "Calm is self-possessed strength, quiet and conscious energy, mastery of the impulses, control over the unconscious reflexes.” Words of the Mother, MCW Vol. 14*.

can we hope to be directly aware of the Divine in us and directly in touch with the Divine Light and the Divine Force. Otherwise we can feel the Divine only through external signs and external results and that is a diflicult and uncertain way and very occa- sional and inconstant, and it leads only to belief and not to knowledge, not to the direct consciousness and awareness of the constant presence.

careless ::: 1. Unconcerned or indifferent; heedless. 2. Taking insufficient care; negligent; inattentive.

cell ::: biology: The smallest structural unit of an organism that is capable of independent functioning, consisting of one or more nuclei, cytoplasm, and various organelles, all surrounded by a semipermeable cell membrane. cells.

chainless ::: free of restraint; unconstrained.

changeless ::: unchanging, constant.

changelessness ::: the quality of being unchangeable; having a marked tendency to remain unchanged.

charge ::: 1. An assigned duty or task; a responsibility given to one. 2. Care; custody. 3. An order, an impetuous onset or attack, command, or injunction. 4. The quantity of anything that a receptacle is intended to hold. v. 5. *Fig. To load to capacity; fill. *charged.

clogs ::: fig. Hampers the function or activity of; impedes.

cloudless ::: having no clouds; clear, unclouded, clear.

clustering ::: a number of things of the same kind, growing or held together; a bunch. 2. A group of things or persons close together.

councils ::: assemblies of persons summoned or convened for consultation, deliberation, or advice.

collapse ::: 1. To fall or cave in; crumble suddenly. 2. Fig. To break down suddenly in strength or health and thereby cease to function. collapsed, collapsing.

coma ::: a state of deep, often prolonged unconsciousness, usually the result of injury, disease, or poison, in which an individual is incapable of sensing or responding to external stimuli and internal needs.

communiqué ::: an official communication or announcement, esp. to the press or public.

condemned ::: 1. Pronounced judgment against; sentenced. 2. Forced into a specific state or activity. condemning.

Conditions of Transformafirm ::: If you desire this transforma- tion, put yourself in the hands of the Mother and her Powers without cavil or resistance and let her do unhindered her work within you. Three things you roust have, consciousness, plasti- city, unreserved surrender. For you must be conscious in your mind and soul and heart and life and the very cells of your body, aware of the Mother and her Powers and their working ; for although she can and does work in yt)u even in your obscurity and your unconscious parts and moments, it is not the same thing as when you are in an awakened and living communion with her. All your nature must be plasUc to her touch, — • not questioning as the self-sufficient ignorant mind questions and doubts and disputes and is the enemy of its enlightenment and change ; not insisting on its own movements as the vital In man insists and persistently opposes its rcfractoiy desires and ill-wilt to every divine influence ; not obstructing and entrenched m

confident ::: 1. Having or showing confidence or certainty; sure. 2. Sure of oneself; having no uncertainty about one"s own abilities, correctness, successfulness, etc.; self-confident; bold.

conjunction ::: 1. The state of being joined. 2. Astronomy: The position of two celestial bodies on the celestial sphere when they have the same celestial longitude, especially a configuration in which a planet or the Moon lies on a straight line from Earth to or through the Sun.

Consciousness is usually identified with mind, but mental consciousness is only the human range. There are ranges of consciousness above and below the human range, with which the normal human has no contact and they seem to it uncons- cious, — supraroental or overmental and submental ranges.
By consciousness is meant something which is essentially the same throughout but variable in status, condition and operation, in which in some grades or conditions the activities we call consciousness exist cither in a suppressed or an unorganised or a differently organised state.
It is not composed of parts, it is fundamental to being and itself formulates any parts it chooses to manifest, developing them from above downward by a progressive coming down from spiri- tual levels towards involution in matter or formulating them In an upward working in the from what wc call evolution.

:::   "Consciousness is usually identified with mind, but mental consciousness is only the human range which no more exhausts all the possible ranges of consciousness than human sight exhausts all the gradations of colour or human hearing all the gradations of sound — for there is much above or below that is to man invisible and inaudible. So there are ranges of consciousness above and below the human range, with which the normal human has no contact and they seem to it unconscious, — supramental or overmental and submental ranges.” *Letters on Yoga

“Consciousness is usually identified with mind, but mental consciousness is only the human range which no more exhausts all the possible ranges of consciousness than human sight exhausts all the gradations of colour or human hearing all the gradations of sound—for there is much above or below that is to man invisible and inaudible. So there are ranges of consciousness above and below the human range, with which the normal human has no contact and they seem to it unconscious,—supramental or overmental and submental ranges.” Letters on Yoga

constant ::: 1. Unchanging in nature, value, or extent; invariable. 2. Continuing without pause or letup; unceasing. 3. Steadfast; firm in mind or purpose; resolute.

curtain ::: 1. A hanging piece of fabric used to shut out the light from a window, adorn a room, increase privacy, etc. 2. Something that functions as or resembles a screen, cover, or barrier. curtains.

dart ::: n. 1. A small, slender missile that is pointed at one end and usually feathered at the other and is propelled by hand, as in the game of darts, or by a blowgun when used as a weapon. 2. Something similar in function to such a missile, as the stinging member of an insect. *v. 2. To thrust or move suddenly or rapidly.* darts.

deathless ::: 1. Not subject to termination or death; immortal. 2. Unceasing; perpetual.

Descent into the most physical ::: It brings light, consciousness, force, Ananda into the cells and all the physical movements. The body becomes conscious and vi^ant and performs the right movements, obeying the higher will or else automatically by the force of the consciousness that has come into iL It becomes more possible to control the functions of the body and set right any> thing that is mong, to deal with illness and pain etc. A greater control comes over the actions of the body and even ov'er bap> penings to it from outside, e.g. minimising of aeddents and small happenings. The body becomes a more effective instrument for work. It becomes possible to mimmise fatigue. Peace, happiness, strength, lightness come in the whole system. There is also the unity with the earth-consdousness, the constant sense of the

descry ::: 1. To see (something unclear or distant) by looking carefully; discern. 2. To discover, perceive, detect. descried.

disclose ::: 1. To make known; reveal or uncover. 2. To cause to appear; allow to be seen; lay open to view. discloses, disclosed, disclosing , heart-disclosing.

disorder ::: n. 1. A lack of order; disarray; confusion. 2. v. disordering. Upsetting the order or function of; disarranging; muddling; confusing.

Divine sacrifice is the descent of the Divine into the obscurity of the unconsciousness.

domain ::: 1. A sphere of activity, concern, or function; a field. 2. A region characterized by a specific feature, type of growth or wildlife, etc. domains.

draw ::: 1. To cause to move in a given direction or to a given position, as by leading. 2. To bring towards oneself or itself, as by inherent force or influence; attract. 3. To cause to come by attracting; attract. 4. To cause to move in a particular direction by or as by a pulling force; pull; drag. 5. To get, take or obtain as from a source; to derive. 6. To bring, take, or pull out, as from a receptacle or source. 7. To draw a (or the) line (fig.) to determine or define the limit between two things or groups; in modern colloquial use (esp. with at), to lay down a definite limit of action beyond which one refuses to go. 8. To make, sketch (a picture or representation of someone or something) in lines or words; to design, trace out, delineate; depict; also, to mould, model. 9. To mark or lay out; trace. 10. To compose or write out in legal format. 11. To write out (a bill of exchange or promissory note). 12. To disembowel. 13. To move or pull so as to cover or uncover something. 14. To suck or take in (air, for example); inhale. 15. To extend, lengthen, prolong, protract. 16. To cause to move after or toward one by applying continuous force; drag. draws, drew, drawn, drawing, wide-drawn.

dubious ::: 1. Marked by or causing doubt; vague; ambiguous. 2. Not certain in outcome. 3. Fraught with uncertainty or doubt; undecided.

ego ::: “Ego is only a faculty put forward by the discriminative mind to centralise round itself the experiences of the sense-mind and to serve as a sort of lynch-pin in the wheel which keeps together the movement. It is no more than an instrument, although it is true that so long as we are limited by our normal mentality, we are compelled by the nature of that mentality and the purpose of the instrument to mistake our ego-function for our very self.” The Upanishads

embassy ::: the mission, function, or office of an ambassador.

“Evolution, as we see it in this world, is a slow and difficult process and, indeed, needs usually ages to reach abiding results; but this is because it is in its nature an emergence from inconscient beginnings, a start from nescience and a working in the ignorance of natural beings by what seems to be an unconscious force. There can be, on the contrary, an evolution in the light and no longer in the darkness, in which the evolving being is a conscious participant and cooperator, and this is precisely what must take place here.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

"Evolution is an inverse action of the involution: what is an ultimate and last derivation in the involution is the first to appear in the evolution; what was original and primal in the involution is in the evolution the last and supreme emergence.” The Life Divine ::: "Evolution, as we see it in this world, is a slow and difficult process and, indeed, needs usually ages to reach abiding results; but this is because it is in its nature an emergence from inconscient beginnings, a start from nescience and a working in the ignorance of natural beings by what seems to be an unconscious force. There can be, on the contrary, an evolution in the light and no longer in the darkness, in which the evolving being is a conscious participant and cooperator, and this is precisely what must take place here.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

executive ::: having the function or purpose of carrying plans, orders, laws, etc., into practical effect.

exercised ::: discharged, performed, fulfilled (functions).

function ::: the action for which a person or thing is particularly equipped, fitted or employed.

ferrets ::: uncovers and brings to light by searching.

filth ::: 1. Foul or dirty matter. 2. Extreme physical or moral uncleanliness; pollution.

flame ::: “The true soul secret in us,—subliminal, we have said, but the word is misleading, for this presence is not situated below the threshold of waking mind, but rather burns in the temple of the inmost heart behind the thick screen of an ignorant mind, life and body, not subliminal but behind the veil,—this veiled psychic entity is the flame of the Godhead always alight within us, inextinguishable even by that dense unconsciousness of any spiritual self within which obscures our outward nature. It is a flame born out of the Divine and, luminous inhabitant of the Ignorance, grows in it till it is able to turn it towards the Knowledge. It is the concealed Witness and Control, the hidden Guide, the Daemon of Socrates, the inner light or inner voice of the mystic. It is that which endures and is imperishable in us from birth to birth, untouched by death, decay or corruption, an indestructible spark of the Divine.” The Life Divine

fn yoga one uses the inner will and compels the vital to sub- mit itself to tapasyS so that it may become calm, strong, obe- dient— or else calls down the calm from above obliging the vital to renounce desire and become quiet and receptive. The vital is a good instrument but a bad master. If you allow it to follow its likes and dislikes, its fancies, its desires, its bad habits, it becomes your master and peace and happiness are no longer possible. It becomes not your instrument or the instrument of the Divine Shakli, but of any force of the Ignorance or even any hostile force that is able to seize and use it.

"For by an absolute self-giving all egoistic desire disappears from the heart and there is a perfect union between the Divine and the individual soul through an inner renunciation of its separate living.” Essays on the Gita

“For by an absolute self-giving all egoistic desire disappears from the heart and there is a perfect union between the Divine and the individual soul through an inner renunciation of its separate living.” Essays on the Gita

forego ::: to abstain from, go without, deny to oneself; to let go or pass, omit to take or use; to give up, part with, relinquish, renounce, resign. foregone.

::: **"For me faith is not intellectual belief but a function of the soul; . . . .” Letters on Yoga

“For me faith is not intellectual belief but a function of the soul; …” Letters on Yoga

forsake ::: 1. To give up (something formerly held dear); renounce. 2. To leave altogether; abandon. forsaking.

  "For the main business of the heart, its true function is love. It is our destined instrument of complete union and oneness; for to see oneness in the world by the understanding is not enough unless we also feel it with the heart and in the psychic being, and this means a delight in the One and in all existences in the world in him, a love of God and all beings. The heart"s faith and will in good are founded on a perception of the one Divine immanent in all things and leading the world.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

“For the main business of the heart, its true function is love. It is our destined instrument of complete union and oneness; for to see oneness in the world by the understanding is not enough unless we also feel it with the heart and in the psychic being, and this means a delight in the One and in all existences in the world in him, a love of God and all beings. The heart’s faith and will in good are founded on a perception of the one Divine immanent in all things and leading the world.” The Synthesis of Yoga

"For what do we mean by Man? An uncreated and indestructible soul that has housed itself in a mind and body made of its own elements.” The Supramental Manifestation

“For what do we mean by Man? An uncreated and indestructible soul that has housed itself in a mind and body made of its own elements.” The Supramental Manifestation

fumbling ::: fig. Proceeding awkwardly and uncertainly; blundering.

gamble ::: an act or undertaking of uncertain outcome; a risk.

govern ::: v. 1. To direct and control the actions, affairs, policies, functions, etc. 2. To control the actions or behaviour of. 3. To be a predominant influence on (something); decide or determine (something). governs, governed, governing.

graph ::: a diagram that exhibits a relationship, often functional, between two sets of numbers as a set of points having coordinates determined by the relationship. graphs.

grope ::: 1. To feel about with the hands; feel one"s way, as if blind. 2. To search blindly or uncertainly. gropes, groped.

guest ::: Sri Aurobindo: " When the Rishis speak of Indra or Agni or Soma in men, they are speaking of the god in his cosmic presence, power or function. This is evident from the very language when they speak of Agni as the immortal in mortals, the immortal Light in men, the inner Warrior, the Guest in human beings.” *Letters on Yoga

Guest ::: “ When the Rishis speak of Indra or Agni or Soma in men, they are speaking of the god in his cosmic presence, power or function. This is evident from the very language when they speak of Agni as the immortal in mortals, the immortal Light in men, the inner Warrior, the Guest in human beings.” Letters on Yoga

Guru is the channel or the representative or the manifestation of the Divine, according to (be measure of his personality or his attainment ; but whatever he is, it is to the Divine that one opens in opening to him ; and if something is determined by the power of the channel, more is determined by the inherent and intrinsic attitude of the lecciving consciousness, an element that comes out in the surface mind as simple trust or direct uncondi- tional self-giving, and once that is there, the essential things can be gained even from one who seems to others than the disciple an inferior spiritual source, and the rest will grow up in the sadhaka of itself by the Grace of the Divine, even if the human being in the Guru cannot it.

habit ::: 1. A recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behaviour that is acquired through frequent repetition. 2. A dominant or regular disposition or tendency; prevailing character or quality. habit"s, habits, earth-habit"s, Nature-habit"s.

hang ::: 1. To fasten or attach (pictures, etc.) to a wall. 2. To suspend (something) around or in front of anything. 3.* Fig. To remain unresolved or uncertain. 4. To make (an idea, form, etc.) dependent on the situation, structure, concept, or the like, usually derived from another source. 5. To fasten or be fastened from above, esp. by a cord, chain, etc.; suspend. 6. To be suspended or poised; hover. 7. To bend forward or downward; to lean over. *hangs, hung, hanging, flower-hung, shadow-hung. ::: hung on: Remained clinging, usually implying expectation or unwillingness to sever one"s connection.

harsh ::: 1. Grim or unpleasantly severe; stern; cruel; austere. 2. Physically uncomfortable; desolate; stark. 3. Unpleasant to the taste or sense of smell; bitter; acrid.

HATHA YOGA. ::: Depends on this perception and experience that the vital forces and functions to which our life is normally subjected and whose ordinary operations seem set and indis- pensable, can be mastered and the operations changed or sus- pended with results that would otherwise be impossible.

Hathayogic ^-stem its devices of mana and pran^-amz, but reduces their multiple and elaborate forms in each case to one simplest and most directly effective process suffidcnl for its own imme- diate object. Thus it gets rid of the Hathayogic complexity and cumbrousness while it utilises the swift and powerful eOicacy of its methods for the control of the body and the sital functions and for the awakening of that interual dynamism, full of a latent supernormal faculty’, typified in Yogic lenninologj’ by the kuru^alini, the coiled and sleeping serpent of Bnergy within.

hazard ::: n. 1. An unavoidable danger or risk, even though often foreseeable. 2. Something causing unavoidable danger, peril, risk, or difficulty. 3. The absence or lack of predictability; chance; uncertainty. hazard"s, hazards. *v. 4. To expose to hazard or risk. 5. To venture (something); dare. 6. To venture upon (anything of doubtful issue). *hazards, hazarded.

hazardous ::: 1. Full of risk; perilous; risky. 2. Dependent on chance; uncertain.

::: hunchback

headlong ::: 1. With the head leading; headfirst. 2. At breakneck speed or with uncontrolled force. 3. In an impetuous manner; rashly.

heralds ::: those who proclaim or announce.

Here, the living divine person in Aswapathy, finding earth too trifling, exceeds it and grows larger and larger, higher and higher, to encompass the unconquered worlds above.” The Book of the Divine Mother

hesitating ::: 1. Pausing in uncertainty; wavering, vacillating. 2. Faltering in speech; expressing with hesitation.

history ::: “History teaches us nothing; it is a confused torrent of events and personalities or a kaleidoscope of changing institutions. We do not seize the real sense of all this change and this continual streaming forward of human life in the channels of Time. What we do seize are current or recurrent phenomena, facile generalisations, partial ideas. We talk of democracy, aristocracy and autocracy, collectivism and individualism, imperialism and nationalism, the State and the commune, capitalism and labour; we advance hasty generalisations and make absolute systems which are positively announced today only to be abandoned perforce tomorrow; we espouse causes and ardent enthusiasms whose triumph turns to an early disillusionment and then forsake them for others, perhaps for those that we have taken so much trouble to destroy. For a whole century mankind thirsts and battles after liberty and earns it with a bitter expense of toil, tears and blood; the century that enjoys without having fought for it turns away as from a puerile illusion and is ready to renounce the depreciated gain as the price of some new good. And all this happens because our whole thought and action with regard to our collective life is shallow and empirical; it does not seek for, it does not base itself on a firm, profound and complete knowledge. The moral is not the vanity of human life, of its ardours and enthusiasms and of the ideals it pursues, but the necessity of a wiser, larger, more patient search after its true law and aim.” The Human Cycle etc.

Hostile Forces have a certain self-chosen function ::: it is to test the condition of the individual, of the work, of the earth itself and their readiness for the spiritual descent and fulfilment.

  "How can a spirit entity be enclosed in a material gland? So far as I know the self or spirit is not enclosed in the body, rather the body is in the self. When we have the full experience of the self, we feel it as a wide consciousness in which the body is a very small thing, an adjunct or a thing contained, not a container.” *Letters on Yoga

“How can a spirit entity be enclosed in a material gland? So far as I know the self or spirit is not enclosed in the body, rather the body is in the self. When we have the full experience of the self, we feel it as a wide consciousness in which the body is a very small thing, an adjunct or a thing contained, not a container.” Letters on Yoga

"If discipline of all the members of our being by purification and concentration may be described as the right arm of the body of Yoga, renunciation is its left arm. By discipline or positive practice we confirm in ourselves the truth of things, truth of being, truth of knowledge, truth of love, truth of works and replace with these the falsehoods that have overgrown and perverted our nature; by renunciation we seize upon the falsehoods, pluck up their roots and cast them out of our way so that they shall no longer hamper by their persistence, their resistance or their recurrence the happy and harmonious growth of our divine living.” The Synthesis of Yoga*

“If discipline of all the members of our being by purification and concentration may be described as the right arm of the body of Yoga, renunciation is its left arm. By discipline or positive practice we confirm in ourselves the truth of things, truth of being, truth of knowledge, truth of love, truth of works and replace with these the falsehoods that have overgrown and perverted our nature; by renunciation we seize upon the falsehoods, pluck up their roots and cast them out of our way so that they shall no longer hamper by their persistence, their resistance or their recurrence the happy and harmonious growth of our divine living.” The Synthesis of Yoga

"I have started writing about doubt, but even in doing so I am afflicted by the ‘doubt" whether any amount of writing or of anything else can ever persuade the eternal doubt in man which is the penalty of his native ignorance. In the first place, to write adequately would mean anything from 60 to 600 pages, but not even 6000 convincing pages would convince doubt. For doubt exists for its own sake; its very function is to doubt always and, even when convinced, to go on doubting still; it is only to persuade its entertainer to give it board and lodging that it pretends to be an honest truth-seeker. This is a lesson I have learnt from the experience both of my own mind and of the minds of others; the only way to get rid of doubt is to take discrimination as one"s detector of truth and falsehood and under its guard to open the door freely and courageously to experience.” Letters on Yoga

I have started writing about doubt, but even in doing so I am afflicted by the ‘doubt’ whether any amount of writing or of anything else can ever persuade the eternal doubt in man which is the penalty of his native ignorance. In the first place, to write adequately would mean anything from 60 to 600 pages, but not even 6000 convincing pages would convince doubt. For doubt exists for its own sake; its very function is to doubt always and, even when convinced, to go on doubting still; it is only to persuade its entertainer to give it board and lodging that it pretends to be an honest truth-seeker. This is a lesson I have learnt from the experience both of my own mind and of the minds of others; the only way to get rid of doubt is to take discrimination as one’s detector of truth and falsehood and under its guard to open the door freely and courageously to experience.” Letters on Yoga

inalterable ::: unchangeable, immutable; not capable of being modified. inalterably.

incertitude ::: absence of confidence; doubt; uncertainty. incertitudes. ::: Sri Aurobindo: [referring to the line] "The incertitude of man"s proud confident thought.” ::: "‘Uncertainty" would mean that the thought was confident but uncertain of itself, which would be a contradiction. ‘Incertitude" means that its truth is uncertain in spite of its proud confidence in itself.” Letters on Savitri — 1936

indifferent ::: 1. Having no marked feeling for or against. 2. Without interest or feeling in regard to something; unbiased, impartial, neutral; fair; unconcerned, unmoved, apathetic. 3. Being neither good nor bad; neutral.

indomitable ::: incapable of being overcome, subdued, or vanquished; unconquerable. indomitably.

inhibitions ::: conscious or unconscious restraint of a behavioural process, a desire, or an impulse.

innocent ::: 1. Uncorrupted by evil, malice, or wrongdoing; sinless. 2. Not dangerous or harmful; innocuous.

in political and legal philosophy and theology, doctrines based on the theory that there are certain unchanging laws which pertain to man"s nature, which can be discovered by reason, and therefore ethically binding in human society, and to which man-made laws should conform.

insensible ::: 1. Unaware; unconscious. 2. Not endowed with feeling or sensation, as matter; inanimate. 3. Unaware; unmindful; not emotionally responsive; indifferent. 4. Unresponsive in feeling; not susceptible of emotion or passion; void of any feeling. insensibly.

INTEGRAL YOGA ::: This yoga accepts the value of cosmic existence and holds it to be a reality; its object is to enter into a higher Truth-Consciousness or Divine Supramental Consciousness in which action and creation are the expression not of ignorance and imperfection, but of the Truth, the Light, the Divine Ānanda. But for that, the surrender of the mortal mind, life and body to the Higher Consciousnessis indispensable, since it is too difficult for the mortal human being to pass by its own effort beyond mind to a Supramental Consciousness in which the dynamism is no longer mental but of quite another power. Only those who can accept the call to such a change should enter into this yoga.

Aim of the Integral Yoga ::: It is not merely to rise out of the ordinary ignorant world-consciousness into the divine consciousness, but to bring the supramental power of that divine consciousness down into the ignorance of mind, life and body, to transform them, to manifest the Divine here and create a divine life in Matter.

Conditions of the Integral Yoga ::: This yoga can only be done to the end by those who are in total earnest about it and ready to abolish their little human ego and its demands in order to find themselves in the Divine. It cannot be done in a spirit of levity or laxity; the work is too high and difficult, the adverse powers in the lower Nature too ready to take advantage of the least sanction or the smallest opening, the aspiration and tapasyā needed too constant and intense.

Method in the Integral Yoga ::: To concentrate, preferably in the heart and call the presence and power of the Mother to take up the being and by the workings of her force transform the consciousness. One can concentrate also in the head or between the eye-brows, but for many this is a too difficult opening. When the mind falls quiet and the concentration becomes strong and the aspiration intense, then there is the beginning of experience. The more the faith, the more rapid the result is likely to be. For the rest one must not depend on one’s own efforts only, but succeed in establishing a contact with the Divine and a receptivity to the Mother’s Power and Presence.

Integral method ::: The method we have to pursue is to put our whole conscious being into relation and contact with the Divine and to call Him in to transform Our entire being into His, so that in a sense God Himself, the real Person in us, becomes the sādhaka of the sādhana* as well as the Master of the Yoga by whom the lower personality is used as the centre of a divine transfiguration and the instrument of its own perfection. In effect, the pressure of the Tapas, the force of consciousness in us dwelling in the Idea of the divine Nature upon that which we are in our entirety, produces its own realisation. The divine and all-knowing and all-effecting descends upon the limited and obscure, progressively illumines and energises the whole lower nature and substitutes its own action for all the terms of the inferior human light and mortal activity.

In psychological fact this method translates itself into the progressive surrender of the ego with its whole field and all its apparatus to the Beyond-ego with its vast and incalculable but always inevitable workings. Certainly, this is no short cut or easy sādhana. It requires a colossal faith, an absolute courage and above all an unflinching patience. For it implies three stages of which only the last can be wholly blissful or rapid, - the attempt of the ego to enter into contact with the Divine, the wide, full and therefore laborious preparation of the whole lower Nature by the divine working to receive and become the higher Nature, and the eventual transformation. In fact, however, the divine strength, often unobserved and behind the veil, substitutes itself for the weakness and supports us through all our failings of faith, courage and patience. It” makes the blind to see and the lame to stride over the hills.” The intellect becomes aware of a Law that beneficently insists and a Succour that upholds; the heart speaks of a Master of all things and Friend of man or a universal Mother who upholds through all stumblings. Therefore this path is at once the most difficult imaginable and yet in comparison with the magnitude of its effort and object, the most easy and sure of all.

There are three outstanding features of this action of the higher when it works integrally on the lower nature. In the first place, it does not act according to a fixed system and succession as in the specialised methods of Yoga, but with a sort of free, scattered and yet gradually intensive and purposeful working determined by the temperament of the individual in whom it operates, the helpful materials which his nature offers and the obstacles which it presents to purification and perfection. In a sense, therefore, each man in this path has his own method of Yoga. Yet are there certain broad lines of working common to all which enable us to construct not indeed a routine system, but yet some kind of Shastra or scientific method of the synthetic Yoga.

Secondly, the process, being integral, accepts our nature such as it stands organised by our past evolution and without rejecting anything essential compels all to undergo a divine change. Everything in us is seized by the hands of a mighty Artificer and transformed into a clear image of that which it now seeks confusedly to present. In that ever-progressive experience we begin to perceive how this lower manifestation is constituted and that everything in it, however seemingly deformed or petty or vile, is the more or less distorted or imperfect figure of some elements or action in the harmony of the divine Nature. We begin to understand what the Vedic Rishis meant when they spoke of the human forefathers fashioning the gods as a smith forges the crude material in his smithy.

Thirdly, the divine Power in us uses all life as the means of this integral Yoga. Every experience and outer contact with our world-environment, however trifling or however disastrous, is used for the work, and every inner experience, even to the most repellent suffering or the most humiliating fall, becomes a step on the path to perfection. And we recognise in ourselves with opened eyes the method of God in the world, His purpose of light in the obscure, of might in the weak and fallen, of delight in what is grievous and miserable. We see the divine method to be the same in the lower and in the higher working; only in the one it is pursued tardily and obscurely through the subconscious in Nature, in the other it becomes swift and selfconscious and the instrument confesses the hand of the Master. All life is a Yoga of Nature seeking to manifest God within itself. Yoga marks the stage at which this effort becomes capable of self-awareness and therefore of right completion in the individual. It is a gathering up and concentration of the movements dispersed and loosely combined in the lower evolution.

Key-methods ::: The way to devotion and surrender. It is the psychic movement that brings the constant and pure devotion and the removal of the ego that makes it possible to surrender.

The way to knowledge. Meditation in the head by which there comes the opening above, the quietude or silence of the mind and the descent of peace etc. of the higher consciousness generally till it envelops the being and fills the body and begins to take up all the movements.
Yoga by works ::: Separation of the Purusha from the Prakriti, the inner silent being from the outer active one, so that one has two consciousnesses or a double consciousness, one behind watching and observing and finally controlling and changing the other which is active in front. The other way of beginning the yoga of works is by doing them for the Divine, for the Mother, and not for oneself, consecrating and dedicating them till one concretely feels the Divine Force taking up the activities and doing them for one.

Object of the Integral Yoga is to enter into and be possessed by the Divine Presence and Consciousness, to love the Divine for the Divine’s sake alone, to be tuned in our nature into the nature of the Divine, and in our will and works and life to be the instrument of the Divine.

Principle of the Integral Yoga ::: The whole principle of Integral Yoga is to give oneself entirely to the Divine alone and to nobody else, and to bring down into ourselves by union with the Divine Mother all the transcendent light, power, wideness, peace, purity, truth-consciousness and Ānanda of the Supramental Divine.

Central purpose of the Integral Yoga ::: Transformation of our superficial, narrow and fragmentary human way of thinking, seeing, feeling and being into a deep and wide spiritual consciousness and an integrated inner and outer existence and of our ordinary human living into the divine way of life.

Fundamental realisations of the Integral Yoga ::: The psychic change so that a complete devotion can be the main motive of the heart and the ruler of thought, life and action in constant union with the Mother and in her Presence. The descent of the Peace, Power, Light etc. of the Higher Consciousness through the head and heart into the whole being, occupying the very cells of the body. The perception of the One and Divine infinitely everywhere, the Mother everywhere and living in that infinite consciousness.

Results ::: First, an integral realisation of Divine Being; not only a realisation of the One in its indistinguishable unity, but also in its multitude of aspects which are also necessary to the complete knowledge of it by the relative consciousness; not only realisation of unity in the Self, but of unity in the infinite diversity of activities, worlds and creatures.

Therefore, also, an integral liberation. Not only the freedom born of unbroken contact of the individual being in all its parts with the Divine, sāyujya mukti, by which it becomes free even in its separation, even in the duality; not only the sālokya mukti by which the whole conscious existence dwells in the same status of being as the Divine, in the state of Sachchidananda ; but also the acquisition of the divine nature by the transformation of this lower being into the human image of the divine, sādharmya mukti, and the complete and final release of all, the liberation of the consciousness from the transitory mould of the ego and its unification with the One Being, universal both in the world and the individual and transcendentally one both in the world and beyond all universe.

By this integral realisation and liberation, the perfect harmony of the results of Knowledge, Love and Works. For there is attained the complete release from ego and identification in being with the One in all and beyond all. But since the attaining consciousness is not limited by its attainment, we win also the unity in Beatitude and the harmonised diversity in Love, so that all relations of the play remain possible to us even while we retain on the heights of our being the eternal oneness with the Beloved. And by a similar wideness, being capable of a freedom in spirit that embraces life and does not depend upon withdrawal from life, we are able to become without egoism, bondage or reaction the channel in our mind and body for a divine action poured out freely upon the world.

The divine existence is of the nature not only of freedom, but of purity, beatitude and perfection. In integral purity which shall enable on the one hand the perfect reflection of the divine Being in ourselves and on the other the perfect outpouring of its Truth and Law in us in the terms of life and through the right functioning of the complex instrument we are in our outer parts, is the condition of an integral liberty. Its result is an integral beatitude, in which there becomes possible at once the Ānanda of all that is in the world seen as symbols of the Divine and the Ānanda of that which is not-world. And it prepares the integral perfection of our humanity as a type of the Divine in the conditions of the human manifestation, a perfection founded on a certain free universality of being, of love and joy, of play of knowledge and of play of will in power and will in unegoistic action. This integrality also can be attained by the integral Yoga.

Sādhanā of the Integral Yoga does not proceed through any set mental teaching or prescribed forms of meditation, mantras or others, but by aspiration, by a self-concentration inwards or upwards, by a self-opening to an Influence, to the Divine Power above us and its workings, to the Divine Presence in the heart and by the rejection of all that is foreign to these things. It is only by faith, aspiration and surrender that this self-opening can come.

The yoga does not proceed by upadeśa but by inner influence.

Integral Yoga and Gita ::: The Gita’s Yoga consists in the offering of one’s work as a sacrifice to the Divine, the conquest of desire, egoless and desireless action, bhakti for the Divine, an entering into the cosmic consciousness, the sense of unity with all creatures, oneness with the Divine. This yoga adds the bringing down of the supramental Light and Force (its ultimate aim) and the transformation of the nature.

Our yoga is not identical with the yoga of the Gita although it contains all that is essential in the Gita’s yoga. In our yoga we begin with the idea, the will, the aspiration of the complete surrender; but at the same time we have to reject the lower nature, deliver our consciousness from it, deliver the self involved in the lower nature by the self rising to freedom in the higher nature. If we do not do this double movement, we are in danger of making a tamasic and therefore unreal surrender, making no effort, no tapas and therefore no progress ; or else we make a rajasic surrender not to the Divine but to some self-made false idea or image of the Divine which masks our rajasic ego or something still worse.

Integral Yoga, Gita and Tantra ::: The Gita follows the Vedantic tradition which leans entirely on the Ishvara aspect of the Divine and speaks little of the Divine Mother because its object is to draw back from world-nature and arrive at the supreme realisation beyond it.

The Tantric tradition leans on the Shakti or Ishvari aspect and makes all depend on the Divine Mother because its object is to possess and dominate the world-nature and arrive at the supreme realisation through it.

This yoga insists on both the aspects; the surrender to the Divine Mother is essential, for without it there is no fulfilment of the object of the yoga.

Integral Yoga and Hatha-Raja Yogas ::: For an integral yoga the special methods of Rajayoga and Hathayoga may be useful at times in certain stages of the progress, but are not indispensable. Their principal aims must be included in the integrality of the yoga; but they can be brought about by other means. For the methods of the integral yoga must be mainly spiritual, and dependence on physical methods or fixed psychic or psychophysical processes on a large scale would be the substitution of a lower for a higher action. Integral Yoga and Kundalini Yoga: There is a feeling of waves surging up, mounting to the head, which brings an outer unconsciousness and an inner waking. It is the ascending of the lower consciousness in the ādhāra to meet the greater consciousness above. It is a movement analogous to that on which so much stress is laid in the Tantric process, the awakening of the Kundalini, the Energy coiled up and latent in the body and its mounting through the spinal cord and the centres (cakras) and the Brahmarandhra to meet the Divine above. In our yoga it is not a specialised process, but a spontaneous upnish of the whole lower consciousness sometimes in currents or waves, sometimes in a less concrete motion, and on the other side a descent of the Divine Consciousness and its Force into the body.

Integral Yoga and other Yogas ::: The old yogas reach Sachchidananda through the spiritualised mind and depart into the eternally static oneness of Sachchidananda or rather pure Sat (Existence), absolute and eternal or else a pure Non-exist- ence, absolute and eternal. Ours having realised Sachchidananda in the spiritualised mind plane proceeds to realise it in the Supramcntal plane.

The suprcfhe supra-cosmic Sachchidananda is above all. Supermind may be described as its power of self-awareness and W’orld- awareness, the world being known as within itself and not out- side. So to live consciously in the supreme Sachchidananda one must pass through the Supermind.

Distinction ::: The realisation of Self and of the Cosmic being (without which the realisation of the Self is incomplete) are essential steps in our yoga ; it is the end of other yogas, but it is, as it were, the beginning of outs, that is to say, the point where its own characteristic realisation can commence.

It is new as compared with the old yogas (1) Because it aims not at a departure out of world and life into Heaven and Nir- vana, but at a change of life and existence, not as something subordinate or incidental, but as a distinct and central object.

If there is a descent in other yogas, yet it is only an incident on the way or resulting from the ascent — the ascent is the real thing. Here the ascent is the first step, but it is a means for the descent. It is the descent of the new coosdousness attain- ed by the ascent that is the stamp and seal of the sadhana. Even the Tantra and Vaishnavism end in the release from life ; here the object is the divine fulfilment of life.

(2) Because the object sought after is not an individual achievement of divine realisation for the sake of the individual, but something to be gained for the earth-consciousness here, a cosmic, not solely a supra-cosmic acbievement. The thing to be gained also is the bringing of a Power of consciousness (the Supramental) not yet organised or active directly in earth-nature, even in the spiritual life, but yet to be organised and made directly active.

(3) Because a method has been preconized for achieving this purpose which is as total and integral as the aim set before it, viz., the total and integral change of the consciousness and nature, taking up old methods, but only as a part action and present aid to others that are distinctive.

Integral Yoga and Patanjali Yoga ::: Cilia is the stuff of mixed mental-vital-physical consciousness out of which arise the movements of thought, emotion, sensation, impulse etc.

It is these that in the Patanjali system have to be stilled altogether so that the consciousness may be immobile and go into Samadhi.

Our yoga has a different function. The movements of the ordinary consciousness have to be quieted and into the quietude there has to be brought down a higher consciousness and its powers which will transform the nature.

In the process of our yoga the centres, called tectmlcally lotuses or circles {cakra), have each a fi.ted psychological use and general function which bases all theif special powers and func- tionings.

intuition ::: direct perception of truth, fact, etc., independent of any reasoning process. intuition"s, intuitions, half-intuition.

Sri Aurobindo: "Intuition is a power of consciousness nearer and more intimate to the original knowledge by identity; for it is always something that leaps out direct from a concealed identity. It is when the consciousness of the subject meets with the consciousness in the object, penetrates it and sees, feels or vibrates with the truth of what it contacts, that the intuition leaps out like a spark or lightning-flash from the shock of the meeting; or when the consciousness, even without any such meeting, looks into itself and feels directly and intimately the truth or the truths that are there or so contacts the hidden forces behind appearances, then also there is the outbreak of an intuitive light; or, again, when the consciousness meets the Supreme Reality or the spiritual reality of things and beings and has a contactual union with it, then the spark, the flash or the blaze of intimate truth-perception is lit in its depths. This close perception is more than sight, more than conception: it is the result of a penetrating and revealing touch which carries in it sight and conception as part of itself or as its natural consequence. A concealed or slumbering identity, not yet recovering itself, still remembers or conveys by the intuition its own contents and the intimacy of its self-feeling and self-vision of things, its light of truth, its overwhelming and automatic certitude.” *The Life Divine

   "Intuition is always an edge or ray or outleap of a superior light; it is in us a projecting blade, edge or point of a far-off supermind light entering into and modified by some intermediate truth-mind substance above us and, so modified, again entering into and very much blinded by our ordinary or ignorant mind-substance; but on that higher level to which it is native its light is unmixed and therefore entirely and purely veridical, and its rays are not separated but connected or massed together in a play of waves of what might almost be called in the Sanskrit poetic figure a sea or mass of ``stable lightnings"". When this original or native Intuition begins to descend into us in answer to an ascension of our consciousness to its level or as a result of our finding of a clear way of communication with it, it may continue to come as a play of lightning-flashes, isolated or in constant action; but at this stage the judgment of reason becomes quite inapplicable, it can only act as an observer or registrar understanding or recording the more luminous intimations, judgments and discriminations of the higher power. To complete or verify an isolated intuition or discriminate its nature, its application, its limitations, the receiving consciousness must rely on another completing intuition or be able to call down a massed intuition capable of putting all in place. For once the process of the change has begun, a complete transmutation of the stuff and activities of the mind into the substance, form and power of Intuition is imperative; until then, so long as the process of consciousness depends upon the lower intelligence serving or helping out or using the intuition, the result can only be a survival of the mixed Knowledge-Ignorance uplifted or relieved by a higher light and force acting in its parts of Knowledge.” *The Life Divine

  "I use the word ‘intuition" for want of a better. In truth, it is a makeshift and inadequate to the connotation demanded of it. The same has to be said of the word ‘consciousness" and many others which our poverty compels us to extend illegitimately in their significance.” *The Life Divine - Sri Aurobindo"s footnote.

"For intuition is an edge of light thrust out by the secret Supermind. . . .” The Life Divine

". . . intuition is born of a direct awareness while intellect is an indirect action of a knowledge which constructs itself with difficulty out of the unknown from signs and indications and gathered data.” The Life Divine

"Intuition is above illumined Mind which is simply higher Mind raised to a great luminosity and more open to modified forms of intuition and inspiration.” Letters on Yoga

"Intuition sees the truth of things by a direct inner contact, not like the ordinary mental intelligence by seeking and reaching out for indirect contacts through the senses etc. But the limitation of the Intuition as compared with the supermind is that it sees things by flashes, point by point, not as a whole. Also in coming into the mind it gets mixed with the mental movement and forms a kind of intuitive mind activity which is not the pure truth, but something in between the higher Truth and the mental seeking. It can lead the consciousness through a sort of transitional stage and that is practically its function.” Letters on Yoga

Intuition sees (he truth of things by a direct inner contact, not like the ordinary mental Intelligence by seeking and reach* ing out by indirect contacts through the senses etc. But the limitation of Intuition ns compared with the supermind is that it secs things by flashes, point by point, not as a whole. Also in coming Into the mind it gets mixed with the mental move- ment and forms a kind of intuitive mind activity which is not the pure truth, but something in between the hi^er Truth and the mental seeking. It can lead the consciousness through a sort of transitional stage and (bat is practically Its function.

“Intuition sees the truth of things by a direct inner contact, not like the ordinary mental intelligence by seeking and reaching out for indirect contacts through the senses etc. But the limitation of the Intuition as compared with the supermind is that it sees things by flashes, point by point, not as a whole. Also in coming into the mind it gets mixed with the mental movement and forms a kind of intuitive mind activity which is not the pure truth, but something in between the higher Truth and the mental seeking. It can lead the consciousness through a sort of transitional stage and that is practically its function.” Letters on Yoga

invincible ::: incapable of being overcome or defeated; unconquerable. invincibly.

In yoga one uses the lance wiU and compels the vital to sub- mit itself to lapasi-a so that It may become calm, strong, obe- dient— or else calls down the calm from above obliging the vital to renounce desire and become quiet and receptive. The vital is a good instrument but a bad master- If you allow it to follow its likes and dislikes, its fancies, its desires, its bad habits, it becomes your master and peace and happiness are no longer possible. It becomes not your instrument or the instrument of the Divine Shakti, but of any force of the Ignorance or even any hostile force that is able to seize and use it.

It selects the body and the vital functionings as its instruments of perfection and realisation.

Jhumur: “Savitri has gone into the very beginning of evolution, origin, where in the crypt the involved consciousness is hidden deep within, from which the whole process of evolution can grow. In a deep crypt, in an underground vault, the involved Supreme in a seed form has coiled himself and then slowly uncoils through time and evolution.”

Jhumur: “The Book of bliss is really the ultimate Satchitananda, the everlasting day when one has moved out of all contact with the unconscious and lives no longer in between sunlight and darkness but wholly in the light, wholly in the Divine. There was once a question that somebody asked Mother when She used to take our classes. She (the person) said that in our world there is a change from lesser to greater if one tries to progress. It is a constant change. When one enters the higher plane, the upper hemisphere as you call it, will there be no change, will it always be the same? Mother said,”No, it is not that. One perfection can then be manifested later in another kind of perfection.” There is a variety of different laws of perfection, hence the myriad volumes of the Book of Bliss. Delight has so many modes of expression, perfection or delight, they are all the same and there is not just one way of manifesting the Divine. There are infinite modes of expression of that delight.”

Jhumur: “The field of expression, of manifestation, is time and space, the forefront of our existence, and life moves through the field of time and space. Perhaps Circumstance is when we are unconscious and don’t know where we are moving. We call it circumstance, unconscious life. If we were conscious we wouldn’t call it Circumstance. Time, Place and Circumstance define the proper outline of the subject. We are surrounded by certain conditioning factors which dictate their will. We are slaves of Circumstance and have no freedom until we become masters.”

Jhumur: “The ‘lost Power’ is the involved Power that has to uncoil itself.”

Jhumur: “These are not just images and not just there for effect. They represent certain movements in the being, certain forces that are universal, independent. It is not one man who suffers. At a certain level of existence these experiences are universal. There are forces that are at work on these levels, forces that really prey on man, really hound him in that sense. You can’t seem to escape them. When one is semi-conscious or lives as we do in an in-between state, not knowing exactly which is your direction, you have this force really at your heels, pushing you sometimes into suffering, into death. You feel that you have been deserted. Sometimes there is a notion of karma, at other times you feel that it is some force that is pushing you. These are universal forces in the field of life, in the field of the subconscient, in the unconsciousness. On these levels they are not images they are powers which Sri Aurobindo has given a certain shape, form, image.”

Jhumur: “The soul has made this sacrifice of entering into darkness and now it has to pay the price of pain and suffering and work its way up. But each time it makes some kind of forward progress, more darkness, constantly more unconscious movements, imperfections, pile up. One might say the price that the spirit has to pay for having made this daring descent keeps on going up. It is like a very long journey and she [Savitri] has come to strike that out.”

Jhumur: “Throughout Savitri I have noticed all the different times of the day and the position of the sun in relation to the earth. It runs through the book, the symbol dawn, night, not only that but there are different states of illumination, awakening of the consciousness progressively. Sometimes it falls into the darkness, sometimes twilight when one is caught between two states, and at the end it is the everlasting day. So the kingdoms of the rising sun represent states of being where the light is the most important. Mother always says that the sun is the symbol of the supreme truth, the supreme, the supreme wisdom. It is the world where the supreme truth and supreme wisdom rule, govern. Whereas In many other worlds this light gets covered, it gets clouded over but here there are the kingdoms of the rising sun because they are the godheads of the mind and the mind is an instrument of light. But it is a small early instrument, little mind, so it is just rising, it hasn’t come to its full glory. The kingdoms are the planes of consciousness where you have a little light, a little clarity, a little illumination. That is how I understand the main function of the mind, to seek for light. It is an instrument for seeking light although it often dodges light where the perversity comes in.”

Jupiter is usually thought to have originated as a sky god. His identifying implement is the thunderbolt, and his primary sacred animal is the eagle,[1] which held precedence over other birds in the taking of auspices[2] and became one of the most common symbols of the Roman army (see Aquila). The two emblems were often combined to represent the god in the form of an eagle holding in its claws a thunderbolt, frequently seen on Greek and Roman coins.[3] As the sky-god, he was a divine witness to oaths, the sacred trust on which justice and good government depend. Many of his functions were focused on the Capitoline (“Capitol Hill”), where the citadel was located. He was the chief deity of the early Capitoline Triad with Mars and Quirinus.[4] In the later Capitoline Triad, he was the central guardian of the state with Juno and Minerva. His sacred tree was the oak.

KARMA YOGA. ::: It alms at the dedication of every human activity to the supreme Wilt. It begins by the renunciation of all egoistic aim for our works, all pursuit of action for an inter- ested aim or for the sake of a worldly result. By this renuncia- tion it so purifies the mind and the will that we become easily conscious of the great universal Energy as the true doer of all our actions and the Lord of that Energy as their ruler and director with the individual as only a mask, an excuse, an instrument or, more positively, a conscious centre^ of action and phenomenal relation. The choice and direction of the act is more and more consciously left to this supreme Will and this universal Energy. To that our works as well as the results of our works are finally abandoned. The object is the release of the soul from its bondage to appearances and to the reaction of phenomenal activities. Karmayoga is used, like the other paths, to lead to liberation from phenomenal existence and a departure into the Supreme. But here too the exclusive result is not inevitable. The end of the path may be, equally, a perception of the divine in all energies, in all happenings, in all activities, and a free and unegoislic participation of the soul in the cosmic action. So followed it will lead to the elevation of all human will and activity to the divine level, its spiritualisation and the

KUNDALINI. ::: There is a Yoga-Shakti lying coiled or asleep in the inner body, not active. When one does yoga, this force uncoils itself and rises upward to meet the Divine Consciousness and Force that are waiting above us. When this happens, when

launched ::: started (a person, project, etc.) off on a course.

leaf ::: 1. A usually green, flattened, lateral structure attached to a stem and functioning as a principle organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in most plants. 2. A page of a book or manuscript. lotus-leaf. (See also gold-leaf.)

lisping ::: the sound produced by pronouncing s or z like, or nearly like, the th sounds of thin and this.

live means, h must be a renunciation, a complete rcnuneiation of all that is other than and opposed to the divine self-fullilmem and a propressive rcnunciaUon of all that is lesser or only a partial achievement.

Madhav: “Pronunciamento is a proclamation issued by the revolutionaries; whenever there is a revolution, they declare their objectives and these are called pronunciamentos. They then fill the sky with their noise.” The Book of the Divine Mother

Madhav: “The insensible Force is the dumb, unconscious Force that has emerged from the Inconscient, Matter in trance. It is not yet sentient, does not yet have the rudiments of consciousness even. Once this Force breaks out—under the relentless pressure of the nisus within—slowly consciousness develops in the world. The Force is joined to this awareness.

Madhav: “This is another key idea in Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy, that Nature, what is called Prakriti in Indian philosophy, is not different, not alien to the Purusha. Nature is not foreign to the soul, to God. It is a conscious front of God. Scratch Nature, look behind the exterior of Nature and you will find God. The apparent difference, distinction between Nature and God is only a superficial appearance. Nature is really a power of God. It is devatma shakti, the self-power of God—svagunair nigudham lost in its qualitative workings. She is not separate; conscious, not something unconscious. Nature is aware that it is only a front of God behind.” The Book of the Divine Mother

mechanism ::: an assembly of moving parts performing a complete functional motion, often being part of a large machine or likened to one; linkage.

“Mind is an instrument of analysis and synthesis, but not of essential knowledge. Its function is to cut out something vaguely from the unknown Thing in itself and call this measurement or delimitation of it the whole, and again to analyse the whole into its parts which it regards as separate mental objects.” The Life Divine

mind ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The ‘Mind" in the ordinary use of the word covers indiscriminately the whole consciousness, for man is a mental being and mentalises everything; but in the language of this yoga the words ‘mind" and ‘mental" are used to connote specially the part of the nature which has to do with cognition and intelligence, with ideas, with mental or thought perceptions, the reactions of thought to things, with the truly mental movements and formations, mental vision and will, etc., that are part of his intelligence.” *Letters on Yoga

"Mind in its essence is a consciousness which measures, limits, cuts out forms of things from the indivisible whole and contains them as if each were a separate integer.” The Life Divine

"Mind is an instrument of analysis and synthesis, but not of essential knowledge. Its function is to cut out something vaguely from the unknown Thing in itself and call this measurement or delimitation of it the whole, and again to analyse the whole into its parts which it regards as separate mental objects.” The Life Divine

"The mind proper is divided into three parts — thinking Mind, dynamic Mind, externalising Mind — the former concerned with ideas and knowledge in their own right, the second with the putting out of mental forces for realisation of the idea, the third with the expression of them in life (not only by speech, but by any form it can give).” Letters on Yoga

"The difference between the ordinary mind and the intuitive is that the former, seeking in the darkness or at most by its own unsteady torchlight, first, sees things only as they are presented in that light and, secondly, where it does not know, constructs by imagination, by uncertain inference, by others of its aids and makeshifts things which it readily takes for truth, shadow projections, cloud edifices, unreal prolongations, deceptive anticipations, possibilities and probabilities which do duty for certitudes. The intuitive mind constructs nothing in this artificial fashion, but makes itself a receiver of the light and allows the truth to manifest in it and organise its own constructions.” The Synthesis of Yoga

"He [man] has in him not a single mentality, but a double and a triple, the mind material and nervous, the pure intellectual mind which liberates itself from the illusions of the body and the senses, and a divine mind above intellect which in its turn liberates itself from the imperfect modes of the logically discriminative and imaginative reason.” The Synthesis of Yoga

"Our mind is an observer of actuals, an inventor or discoverer of possibilities, but not a seer of the occult imperatives that necessitate the movements and forms of a creation. . . .” *The Life Divine

"The human mind is an instrument not of truth but of ignorance and error.” Letters on Yoga

"For Mind as we know it is a power of the Ignorance seeking for Truth, groping with difficulty to find it, reaching only mental constructions and representations of it in word and idea, in mind formations, sense formations, — as if bright or shadowy photographs or films of a distant Reality were all that it could achieve.” The Life Divine

The Mother: "The true role of the mind is the formation and organization of action. The mind has a formative and organizing power, and it is that which puts the different elements of inspiration in order for action, for organizing action. And if it would only confine itself to that role, receiving inspirations — whether from above or from the mystic centre of the soul — and simply formulating the plan of action — in broad outline or in minute detail, for the smallest things of life or the great terrestrial organizations — it would amply fulfil its function. It is not an instrument of knowledge. But is can use knowledge for action, to organize action. It is an instrument of organization and formation, very powerful and very capable when it is well developed.” Questions and Answers 1956, MCW Vol. 8.*

mint ::: 1. A place where the coins of a country are manufactured by authority of the government. v. 2. To form by stamping, punching, or printing. Also fig. mints.

natural ::: 1. Not acquired; inherent. 2. Having a particular character by nature. 3. Of, pertaining to, or proper to the nature or essential constitution. 4. Functioning or occurring in a normal way; lacking abnormalities or deficiencies. 5. Of or pertaining to nature or the universe.

natural Law ::: a law or body of laws that derives from nature and is believed to be binding upon human actions apart from or in conjunction with laws established by human authority.

Naturally, the release from subconscient ignorance and from disease, duration of life at will, and a change in the functionings of the body must be among the ultimate elements of a supra- mental change.

Nature and kept within the narrow bounds of her normal ope- rations. Id the ancient tradition of Hatha Yoga it has always been supposed that this conquest could be pushed so far even as to conquer to a great extent the force of gravitation. By various subsidiary but elaborate processes the Hatha Yogin next contrives to keep the body free from all impurities and the ner- vous system unclogged for those exercises of respiration which are his most important instruments. These are called prana- yama, the control of the breath or vital power ; for breathing is the chief physical functioning of the vital forces. Prdnayaina, for the Hatha Yogin, serves a double purpose. First, it completes the perfection of the body. The vitality is liberated from many of the ordinary necessities of physical Nature ; robust health, prolonged youth, often an extraordinary longevity arc attained.

no man"s land ::: 1. An unowned or unclaimed tract of usually barren land. 2. An area between opposing armies, over which no control has been established.

Not an intellectual belief but a function of the soul,

not brought under government or control; uncontrolled.

not knowing; unaware; ignorant; oblivious; unconscious.

not usual; uncommon; exceptional.

not wittingly, knowingly, or intentionally; unconsciously, inadvertently; ignorantly.

oblivious ::: 1. Without remembrance or memory. 2. Unmindful; unconscious; unaware (usually followed by of ).

obscured ::: adj. **1. Made unclear, vague, or hidden to the sight. v. 2. Made less visible or unclear; concealed. obscuring.**

:::   "OM is the mantra, the expressive sound-symbol of the Brahman Consciousness in its four domains from the Turiya to the external or material plane. The function of a mantra is to create vibrations in the inner consciousness that will prepare it for the realisation of what the mantra symbolises and is supposed indeed to carry within itself. The mantra OM should therefore lead towards the opening of the consciousness to the sight and feeling of the One Consciousness in all material things, in the inner being and in the supraphysical worlds, in the causal plane above now superconscient to us and, finally, the supreme liberated transcendence above all cosmic existence.” *Letters on Yoga

“OM is the mantra, the expressive sound-symbol of the Brahman Consciousness in its four domains from the Turiya to the external or material plane. The function of a mantra is to create vibrations in the inner consciousness that will prepare it for the realisation of what the mantra symbolises and is supposed indeed to carry within itself. The mantra OM should therefore lead towards the opening of the consciousness to the sight and feeling of the One Consciousness in all material things, in the inner being and in the supraphysical worlds, in the causal plane above now superconscient to us and, finally, the supreme liberated transcendence above all cosmic existence.” Letters on Yoga

“OM is the mantra, the expressive sound-symbol of the Brahman Consciousness in itsfour domains from the Turiya to the external or material plane. The function of a mantra is to create vibrations in the inner consciousness that will prepare it for the realisation of what the mantra symbolises and is supposed indeed to carry within itself. The mantra OM should therefore lead towards the opening of the consciousness to the sight and feeling of the One Consciousness in all material things, in the inner being and in the supraphysical worlds, in the causal plane above now superconscient to us and, finally, the supreme liberated transcendence above all cosmic existence.” Letters on Yoga

order ::: 1. A condition of methodical or prescribed arrangement among component parts such that proper functioning or appearance is achieved; methodical or harmonic arrangement. 2. A condition of logical or comprehensible arrangement among the separate elements of a group. 3. Conformity or obedience to law or established authority. 4. A sequence or arrangement of successive things. 5. An authoritative indication to be obeyed; a command or direction. order"s, orders.

"Ordinarily we mean by it [consciousness] our first obvious idea of a mental waking consciousness such as is possessed by the human being during the major part of his bodily existence, when he is not asleep, stunned or otherwise deprived of his physical and superficial methods of sensation. In this sense it is plain enough that consciousness is the exception and not the rule in the order of the material universe. We ourselves do not always possess it. But this vulgar and shallow idea of the nature of consciousness, though it still colours our ordinary thought and associations, must now definitely disappear out of philosophical thinking. For we know that there is something in us which is conscious when we sleep, when we are stunned or drugged or in a swoon, in all apparently unconscious states of our physical being. Not only so, but we may now be sure that the old thinkers were right when they declared that even in our waking state what we call then our consciousness is only a small selection from our entire conscious being. It is a superficies, it is not even the whole of our mentality. Behind it, much vaster than it, there is a subliminal or subconscient mind which is the greater part of ourselves and contains heights and profundities which no man has yet measured or fathomed.” Letters on Yoga

“Ordinarily we mean by it [consciousness] our first obvious idea of a mental waking consciousness such as is possessed by the human being during the major part of his bodily existence, when he is not asleep, stunned or otherwise deprived of his physical and superficial methods of sensation. In this sense it is plain enough that consciousness is the exception and not the rule in the order of the material universe. We ourselves do not always possess it. But this vulgar and shallow idea of the nature of consciousness, though it still colours our ordinary thought and associations, must now definitely disappear out of philosophical thinking. For we know that there is something in us which is conscious when we sleep, when we are stunned or drugged or in a swoon, in all apparently unconscious states of our physical being. Not only so, but we may now be sure that the old thinkers were right when they declared that even in our waking state what we call then our consciousness is only a small selection from our entire conscious being. It is a superficies, it is not even the whole of our mentality. Behind it, much vaster than it, there is a subliminal or subconscient mind which is the greater part of ourselves and contains heights and profundities which no man has yet measured or fathomed.” Letters on Yoga

Our renunciation must obwously be an inward renunciation, especially and above all, a renunciation of attachment and the craving of desire in the senses and the heart, of self-will in the thought and action and of egoism in the centre of the conscious- ness.

pactise ::: Sri Aurobindo combines the word pact [an agreement or covenant] with ise, a noun suffix occurring in loanwords from French, indicating quality, condition, or function.

pass ::: v. 1. To move on or ahead; proceed. 2. To move by. 3. To go or get through (something), lit. and fig. **4. To go across or over (a stream, threshold, etc.); cross. 5. To cross, traverse, in reference to times, stages, states, conditions, processes, actions, experiences, etc. 6. To be transferred from one to another; circulate. 7. To come to or toward, then go beyond. 8. To come to an end. 9. To cease to exist. 10. To convey, transfer, or transmit; deliver (often followed by on). 11. To be accepted as or believed to be. 12. To sanction or approve. passes, passed, passing. n. 13. A way, such as a narrow gap between mountains, that affords passage around, over, or through a barrier. passes. ::: pass by. To let go without notice, action, remark, etc.; leave unconsidered; disregard; overlook.

punctilio ::: a fine point, particular, or detail, as of conduct, ceremony, or procedure.

punctuate ::: to stress or emphasize.

pierced ::: cut through with a sharp instrument; perforated; punctured. Also fig.

powers ::: Sri Aurobindo: "These are the forces and beings that are interested in maintaining the falsehoods they have created in the world of the Ignorance and in putting them forward as the Truth which men must follow. In India they are termed Asuras, Rakshasas, Pishachas (beings respectively of the mentalised vital, middle vital and lower vital planes) who are in opposition to the Gods, the Powers of Light. These too are Powers, for they too have their cosmic field in which they exercise their function and authority and some of them were once divine Powers (the former gods, purve devah , as they are called somewhere in the Mahabharata) who have fallen towards the darkness by revolt against the divine Will behind the cosmos.” Letters on Yoga

powers ::: “These are the forces and beings that are interested in maintaining the falsehoods they have created in the world of the Ignorance and in putting them forward as the Truth which men must follow. In India they are termed Asuras, Rakshasas, Pishachas (beings respectively of the mentalised vital, middle vital and lower vital planes) who are in opposition to the Gods, the Powers of Light. These too are Powers, for they too have their cosmic field in which they exercise their function and authority and some of them were once divine Powers (the former gods, purve devah , as they are called somewhere in the Mahabharata) who have fallen towards the darkness by revolt against the divine Will behind the cosmos.” Letters on Yoga

presence ::: 1. The state or fact of being present; current existence or occurrence. 2. A divine, spiritual, or supernatural spirit or influence felt or conceived as present. 3. The immediate proximity of someone or something.

Sri Aurobindo: "It is intended by the word Presence to indicate the sense and perception of the Divine as a Being, felt as present in one"s existence and consciousness or in relation with it, without the necessity of any further qualification or description. Thus, of the ‘ineffable Presence" it can only be said that it is there and nothing more can or need be said about it, although at the same time one knows that all is there, personality and impersonality, Power and Light and Ananda and everything else, and that all these flow from that indescribable Presence. The word may be used sometimes in a less absolute sense, but that is always the fundamental significance, — the essential perception of the essential Presence supporting everything else.” *Letters on Yoga

"Beyond mind on spiritual and supramental levels dwells the Presence, the Truth, the Power, the Bliss that can alone deliver us from these illusions, display the Light of which our ideals are tarnished disguises and impose the harmony that shall at once transfigure and reconcile all the parts of our nature.” Essays Divine and Human

"But if we learn to live within, we infallibly awaken to this presence within us which is our more real self, a presence profound, calm, joyous and puissant of which the world is not the master — a presence which, if it is not the Lord Himself, is the radiation of the Lord within.” *The Life Divine

"The true soul secret in us, — subliminal, we have said, but the word is misleading, for this presence is not situated below the threshold of waking mind, but rather burns in the temple of the inmost heart behind the thick screen of an ignorant mind, life and body, not subliminal but behind the veil, — this veiled psychic entity is the flame of the Godhead always alight within us, inextinguishable even by that dense unconsciousness of any spiritual self within which obscures our outward nature. It is a flame born out of the Divine and, luminous inhabitant of the Ignorance, grows in it till it is able to turn it towards the Knowledge. It is the concealed Witness and Control, the hidden Guide, the Daemon of Socrates, the inner light or inner voice of the mystic. It is that which endures and is imperishable in us from birth to birth, untouched by death, decay or corruption, an indestructible spark of the Divine.” *The Life Divine

"If we need any personal and inner witness to this indivisible All-Consciousness behind the ignorance, — all Nature is its external proof, — we can get it with any completeness only in our deeper inner being or larger and higher spiritual state when we draw back behind the veil of our own surface ignorance and come into contact with the divine Idea and Will behind it. Then we see clearly enough that what we have done by ourselves in our ignorance was yet overseen and guided in its result by the invisible Omniscience; we discover a greater working behind our ignorant working and begin to glimpse its purpose in us: then only can we see and know what now we worship in faith, recognise wholly the pure and universal Presence, meet the Lord of all being and all Nature.” *The Life Divine

"The presence of the Spirit is there in every living being, on every level, in all things, and because it is there, the experience of Sachchidananda, of the pure spiritual existence and consciousness, of the delight of a divine presence, closeness, contact can be acquired through the mind or the heart or the life-sense or even through the physical consciousness; if the inner doors are flung sufficiently open, the light from the sanctuary can suffuse the nearest and the farthest chambers of the outer being.” *The Life Divine

"There is a secret divine Will, eternal and infinite, omniscient and omnipotent, that expresses itself in the universality and in each particular of all these apparently temporal and finite inconscient or half-conscient things. This is the Power or Presence meant by the Gita when it speaks of the Lord within the heart of all existences who turns all creatures as if mounted on a machine by the illusion of Nature.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

"For what Yoga searches after is not truth of thought alone or truth of mind alone, but the dynamic truth of a living and revealing spiritual experience. There must awake in us a constant indwelling and enveloping nearness, a vivid perception, a close feeling and communion, a concrete sense and contact of a true and infinite Presence always and everywhere. That Presence must remain with us as the living, pervading Reality in which we and all things exist and move and act, and we must feel it always and everywhere, concrete, visible, inhabiting all things; it must be patent to us as their true Self, tangible as their imperishable Essence, met by us closely as their inmost Spirit. To see, to feel, to sense, to contact in every way and not merely to conceive this Self and Spirit here in all existences and to feel with the same vividness all existences in this Self and Spirit, is the fundamental experience which must englobe all other knowledge.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

"One must have faith in the Master of our life and works, even if for a long time He conceals Himself, and then in His own right time He will reveal His Presence.” *Letters on Yoga

"They [the psychic being and the Divine Presence in the heart] are quite different things. The psychic being is one"s own individual soul-being. It is not the Divine, though it has come from the Divine and develops towards the Divine.” *Letters on Yoga

"For it is quietness and inwardness that enable one to feel the Presence.” *Letters on Yoga

"Beyond mind on spiritual and supramental levels dwells the Presence, the Truth, the Power, the Bliss that can alone deliver us from these illusions, display the Light of which our ideals are tarnished disguises and impose the harmony that shall at once transfigure and reconcile all the parts of our nature.” *Essays Divine and Human

The Mother: "For, in human beings, here is a presence, the most marvellous Presence on earth, and except in a few very rare cases which I need not mention here, this presence lies asleep in the heart — not in the physical heart but the psychic centre — of all beings. And when this Splendour is manifested with enough purity, it will awaken in all beings the echo of his Presence.” Words of the Mother, MCW, Vol. 15.

proclaim ::: 1. To announce officially and publicly; declare. 2. To extol or praise publicly. proclaims, proclaimed, proclaiming.

pronunciamentos ::: official or authoritarian declarations; proclamations or edicts. edicts.

pronunciamentos ::: Tempests’ pronunciamentos claimed the sky

Psychic contribution ::: The contribution of the psychic being to the sadhana is ; love and bhakti, a love not vital, demanding and egoistic but unconditioned and without claims, self-existent ; the contact or the presence of the Mother within ; the unerring guidance from within ; a quieting and purification of the mind, vital and physical consciousness by their subjection to the psychic influence and guidance ; the opening up of all this lower cons- ciousness to the higher spiritual consciousness above for its des- cent into a nature prepared to receive it with a complete recepti- vity and right attitude — for the psychic brings in everything, right thought, right perception, right feeling, right attitude.

Psychic junction ::: To work on each plane so as to help each to awaken to the true truth and the Divine Reality.

Pull on vital ::: People who are vitally weak do unconsciously and automatically puU on others.

pylons ::: monumental gateways in the form of a pair of truncated pyramids serving as entrances to ancient Egyptian temples.

questioning ::: n. 1. The act of asking or inquiring. 2. A matter of some uncertainty or difficulty. questionings. adj. 3. That questions or doubts. 4. Indicating or implying a question.

question-mark ::: a punctuation used to signify a question. Also fig.

question ::: n. 1. An interrogative sentence, phrase, or gesture. v. 2. To pose a question. 3. To challenge the accuracy, probity, or propriety of. 4. To express uncertainty about the validity, truth, etc., of (something); doubt. questions, questioned, questioning.

Rajayoga must cod. For its action is the stilling of the waves of consciousness, its manifold activities, cinovfUl, first, through a habitual replacing of the turbid rajaslc activities by the quiet and luminous sattwic, then, by the stilling of all activities, and its object is to enter into silent communion of soul and unity with the Divine. As a matter of fact we find that the system of Raja- yoga includes other objects, — such as the practice and use of occult powers, — some of which seem to be unconnected with and even inconsistent with its main purpose. These powers or siddhis arc indeed frequently condemned as dangers and dis- tractions wWch draw away the Yogin from his sole legitimate aim of divine union. On the way, therefore, it would naturally seem as if they ought to bfe* avoided; and once the goal is reached, it would seem that they are then frivolous and super- fluous. But Rajayoga is a psychic science and it includes the attainment of all the higher slates of consciousness and their powers by which the mental being rises towards the super- conscient as well as its ultimate and supreme possibility of union wnth the Highest. Moreover, the Yo^n, while in the body, is not always mentally inactive and sunk in Samadhi and an account of the powers and states which arc possible to him on the higher planes of his being is necessary to the completeness of the science.

rare ::: 1. Sparse; infrequent. 2. Infrequently occurring; uncommon. 3. Exhibiting uncommon excellence; superlatively good or fine. rarer, rarest.

rarity ::: a rare person or thing, esp. something interesting or valued because it is uncommon.

reckless ::: heedless or careless; headstrong; rash, utterly unconcerned about the consequences of some action; without caution. seeming-reckless.

"Religion is the first attempt of man to get beyond himself and beyond the obvious and material facts of his existence. Its first essential work is to confirm and make real to him his subjective sense of an Infinite on which his material and mental being depends and the aspiration of his soul to come into its presence and live in contact with it. Its function is to assure him too of that possibility of which he has always dreamed, but of which his ordinary life gives him no assurance, the possibility of transcending himself and growing out of bodily life and mortality into the joy of immortal life and spiritual existence. It also confirms in him the sense that there are worlds or planes of existence other than that in which his lot is now cast, worlds in which this mortality and this subjection to evil and suffering are not the natural state, but rather bliss of immortality is the eternal condition. Incidentally, it gives him a rule of mortal life by which he shall prepare himself for immortality. He is a soul and not a body and his earthly life is a means by which he determines the future conditions of his spiritual being.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“Religion is the first attempt of man to get beyond himself and beyond the obvious and material facts of his existence. Its first essential work is to confirm and make real to him his subjective sense of an Infinite on which his material and mental being depends and the aspiration of his soul to come into its presence and live in contact with it. Its function is to assure him too of that possibility of which he has always dreamed, but of which his ordinary life gives him no assurance, the possibility of transcending himself and growing out of bodily life and mortality into the joy of immortal life and spiritual existence. It also confirms in him the sense that there are worlds or planes of existence other than that in which his lot is now cast, worlds in which this mortality and this subjection to evil and suffering are not the natural state, but rather bliss of immortality is the eternal condition. Incidentally, it gives him a rule of mortal life by which he shall prepare himself for immortality. He is a soul and not a body and his earthly life is a means by which he determines the future conditions of his spiritual being.” The Synthesis of Yoga

religion ::: Sri Aurobindo: "There is no word so plastic and uncertain in its meaning as the word religion. The word is European and, therefore, it is as well to know first what the Europeans mean by it. In this matter we find them, — when they can be got to think clearly on the matter at all, which is itself unusual, — divided in opinion. Sometimes they use it as equivalent to a set of beliefs, sometimes as equivalent to morality coupled with a belief in God, sometimes as equivalent to a set of pietistic actions and emotions. Faith, works and pious observances, these are the three recognised elements of European religion . . . . ::: Religion in India is a still more plastic term and may mean anything from the heights of Yoga to strangling your fellowman and relieving him of the worldly goods he may happen to be carrying with him. It would therefore take too long to enumerate everything that can be included in Indian religion. Briefly, however, it is Dharma or living religiously, the whole life being governed by religion.” *From an unpublished essay

religion ::: “There is no word so plastic and uncertain in its meaning as the word religion. The word is European and, therefore, it is as well to know first what the Europeans mean by it. In this matter we find them,—when they can be got to think clearly on the matter at all, which is itself unusual,—divided in opinion. Sometimes they use it as equivalent to a set of beliefs, sometimes as equivalent to morality coupled with a belief in God, sometimes as equivalent to a set of pietistic actions and emotions. Faith, works and pious observances, these are the three recognised elements of European religion . . . .


renounce ::: 1. To give up (a title, for example), esp. by formal announcement. 2. To reject; disown; disclaim; refuse to recognize. 3. To give up or put aside voluntarily; forsake, forego, forswear. renounces, renounced, renouncing.

RENUNCIATION. ::: Renunciation must be for us merely an instrument and not an object ; nor can it be the only or the chief instrument since our object is the fulfilment of the Divine in the human being, a positive aim which cannot be reached by nega-

resolve ::: to deal with (a question, a matter of uncertainty, etc.) conclusively; settle; solve.

Returns of an old nature that is long expelled from the con- scious part of the being always happen in sadhana. It docs not at all mean that the nature is unchangeable. Try to recover the inner quietude, draw back from these movements and look at them calmly, reducing them to their true proportions. Your true nature is that in which you have peace and Ananda and the love of the Divine. This other B only a fringe of the outer personality which in spite of these returns is destined to drop away as the true being extends and increases.

reveal ::: 1. To make known (something concealed or secret) 2. To lay open to view; to uncover as if drawing away a veil. reveals, revealed, revealing, all-revealing, new-revealed, self-revealed, self-revealing.

rhythm ::: 1. Procedure marked by the regular recurrence of particular elements, phases, etc.; flow, pulse, cadence. 2. Regular recurrence of elements in a system of motion. 3. Music. The pattern of regular or irregular pulses caused in music by the occurrence of strong and weak melodic and harmonic beats. 4. Measured movement, as in dancing. 5. Physiol. The regular recurrence of an action of function, as of the beat of the heart. 6. The arrangement of words into a more or less regular sequence of stressed and unstressed or long and short syllables. 7. Pros. Metrical or rhythmical form; metre; a particular kind of metrical form or metrical movement. rhythms, rhythm-beats, fire-rhythm, jewel-rhythm, world-rhythms. (Sri Aurobindo also employs rhythms as a v., rhythmed as a v. and an adj., and rhythming as a v. and an adj.)

role ::: 1. The part played by a person in a particular life. 2. Proper or customary function. roles.

rude ::: 1. Rough, harsh or ungentle. 2. Lacking the graces and refinement of civilized life; uncouth; primitive. 3. Roughly made or formed; imperfect in design or execution; of a crude construction. 4. Coarse, vulgar, rough; uncivilised; violent in action.

SAMANA. ::: Life-current which regulates interchange of prdtia and apana, equalises them and is the most important agent in maintaining the equilibrium of the vital forces and their func- tions.

SANNYASA. ::: Outward renunciation. Sannyma does not take away attachment ; it amounts only to running away from the object of attachment which may help but cannot by itself alone be the radical cure.

savage ::: 1. Uncivilized; barbarous. 2. Fierce, wild, untamed. 3. Wild or rugged, as country or scenery.

secretion ::: 1. A functionally specialized substance (especially one that is not waste) released from a gland or cell. 2. The product of this act or process, such as saliva, mucus, tears, bile, or a hormone that is secreted. secretion"s.

“Self-will in thought and action has, we have already seen, to be quite renounced if we would be perfect in the way of divine works; it has equally to be renounced if we are to be perfect in divine knowledge. This self-will means an egoism in the mind which attaches itself to its preferences, its habits, its past or present formations of thought and view and will because it regards them as itself or its own, weaves around them the delicate threads of I-ness’’ andmy-ness’’ and lives in them like a spider in its web. It hates to be disturbed, as a spider hates attack on its web, and feels foreign and unhappy if transplanted to fresh view-points and formations as a spider feels foreign in another web than its own. This attachment must be entirely excised from the mind.” The Synthesis of Yoga

senates ::: assemblies or councils of citizens having the highest deliberative and legislative functions in a government.

senseless ::: 1. Without sense or meaning; unmeaning, meaningless, purposeless. 2. Lacking or devoid of sensation or consciousness; 3. That is unresponsive to stimulation; in a state of unconsciousness.

shadowless ::: 1. Having no shadows. 2. Fig. Unclouded.

sheaths ::: Madhav: “The physical is not the only body encasing the soul. Ensouling it, as it were, and subtler than it, is the vital body; finer than the vital is the mental body; still finer is the causal body and the finest of them all is the body of bliss. All these bodies, each subtler than the other, are termed sheaths in view of their functions as so many coverings of the being at the core.” Readings in Savitri, Vol. I.

shock ::: 1. A violent collision or impact; a heavy blow. 2. Something that jars the mind or emotions as if with a violent, unexpected blow. 3. A sudden disturbance of function, equilibrium or mental faculties caused by such a blow; violent agitation. shocks.

softened ::: modified or toned down; rendered less pronounced or prominent.

sole ::: 1. Unrivalled; unique. 2. Being the only one; only; solitary. 3. Functioning automatically or with independent power. 4. Belonging or pertaining to one individual to the exclusion of all others; exclusive. Sole.

soul ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The word ‘soul", as also the word ‘psychic", is used very vaguely and in many different senses in the English language. More often than not, in ordinary parlance, no clear distinction is made between mind and soul and often there is an even more serious confusion, for the vital being of desire — the false soul or desire-soul — is intended by the words ‘soul" and ‘psychic" and not the true soul, the psychic being.” *Letters on Yoga

  "The word soul is very vaguely used in English — as it often refers to the whole non-physical consciousness including even the vital with all its desires and passions. That was why the word psychic being has to be used so as to distinguish this divine portion from the instrumental parts of the nature.” *Letters on Yoga

  "The word soul has various meanings according to the context; it may mean the Purusha supporting the formation of Prakriti, which we call a being, though the proper word would be rather a becoming; it may mean, on the other hand, specifically the psychic being in an evolutionary creature like man; it may mean the spark of the Divine which has been put into Matter by the descent of the Divine into the material world and which upholds all evolving formations here.” *Letters on Yoga

  "A distinction has to be made between the soul in its essence and the psychic being. Behind each and all there is the soul which is the spark of the Divine — none could exist without that. But it is quite possible to have a vital and physical being supported by such a soul essence but without a clearly evolved psychic being behind it.” *Letters on Yoga

  "The soul and the psychic being are practically the same, except that even in things which have not developed a psychic being, there is still a spark of the Divine which can be called the soul. The psychic being is called in Sanskrit the Purusha in the heart or the Chaitya Purusha. (The psychic being is the soul developing in the evolution.)” *Letters on Yoga

  "The soul or spark is there before the development of an organised vital and mind. The soul is something of the Divine that descends into the evolution as a divine Principle within it to support the evolution of the individual out of the Ignorance into the Light. It develops in the course of the evolution a psychic individual or soul individuality which grows from life to life, using the evolving mind, vital and body as its instruments. It is the soul that is immortal while the rest disintegrates; it passes from life to life carrying its experience in essence and the continuity of the evolution of the individual.” *Letters on Yoga

  ". . . for the soul is seated within and impervious to the shocks of external events. . . .” *Essays on the Gita

  ". . . the soul is at first but a spark and then a little flame of godhead burning in the midst of a great darkness; for the most part it is veiled in its inner sanctum and to reveal itself it has to call on the mind, the life-force and the physical consciousness and persuade them, as best they can, to express it; ordinarily, it succeeds at most in suffusing their outwardness with its inner light and modifying with its purifying fineness their dark obscurities or their coarser mixture. Even when there is a formed psychic being able to express itself with some directness in life, it is still in all but a few a smaller portion of the being — ‘no bigger in the mass of the body than the thumb of a man" was the image used by the ancient seers — and it is not always able to prevail against the obscurity or ignorant smallness of the physical consciousness, the mistaken surenesses of the mind or the arrogance and vehemence of the vital nature.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

". . . the soul is an eternal portion of the Supreme and not a fraction of Nature.” The Life Divine

"The true soul secret in us, — subliminal, we have said, but the word is misleading, for this presence is not situated below the threshold of waking mind, but rather burns in the temple of the inmost heart behind the thick screen of an ignorant mind, life and body, not subliminal but behind the veil, — this veiled psychic entity is the flame of the Godhead always alight within us, inextinguishable even by that dense unconsciousness of any spiritual self within which obscures our outward nature. It is a flame born out of the Divine and, luminous inhabitant of the Ignorance, grows in it till it is able to turn it towards the Knowledge. It is the concealed Witness and Control, the hidden Guide, the Daemon of Socrates, the inner light or inner voice of the mystic. It is that which endures and is imperishable in us from birth to birth, untouched by death, decay or corruption, an indestructible spark of the Divine.” The Life Divine

*Soul, soul"s, Soul"s, souls, soulless, soul-bridals, soul-change, soul-force, Soul-Forces, soul-ground, soul-joy, soul-nature, soul-range, soul-ray, soul-scapes, soul-scene, soul-sense, soul-severance, soul-sight, soul-slaying, soul-space,, soul-spaces, soul-strength, soul-stuff, soul-truth, soul-vision, soul-wings, world-soul, World-Soul.

Spirit is an act of the supreme Reality from above which makes the realisation possible and it can appear either as the divine aid which brings about the fulfilment of the progress and process or as the sanction of the miracle. Evolution, as we see it in this world, is a slow and difficult process and, indeed, needs usual- ly ages to reach abiding results ; but this is because it is in its nature an emergence from ioconscient beginnings, a start from nescience and a working in the ignorance of natural beings by what seems to be an unconscious force. There can be, on the contrary, an evolution in the light and no longer in the darkness, in which the evolving being is a conscious participant and co- operator, and this is precisely what must take place here. Even in the effort and progress from the Ignorance to Knowledge this must be in part if not wholly the endeavour to be made on the heights of the nature and it must be wholly that in the final movement towards the spiritual change, realisation, transforma- tion. It must be still more so when there is a transition across the dividing line between the Ignorance and the Knowledge and the evolution is from knowledge to greater knowledge, from consciousness to greater consciousness, from being to greater being. There is then no longer any necessity for the slow pace of the ordinary evolution; there can be rapid consersion. quick transformation after transformation, what would seem to our

SPIRITISM. ::: It is quite possible for the dead or rather the departed — for they are not dead — who are still in regions rear the earth to have communication with the living ; some- times it happens automatically, sometimes by an effort at com- munication on one side of the curtain or the other. There is no impossibility of such communication by the means used by the spiritists ; usually however, genuine communications or a contact can only be with those who are yet m a wodd which is s sort of idealised replica of the earth-consciousness and in which the same personality, ideas, memories persist that the person had here. But all that pretends to be communications with departed souls is not genuine, especially when it is done through a paid professional medium. There is there an enormous amount of mixture of a very undesirable kind — for apart from the great mass of unconscious suggestions from the sitters or the contn-

*Sri Aurobindo: "Ego is only a faculty put forward by the discriminative mind to centralise round itself the experiences of the sense-mind and to serve as a sort of lynch-pin in the wheel which keeps together the movement. It is no more than an instrument, although it is true that so long as we are limited by our normal mentality, we are compelled by the nature of that mentality and the purpose of the instrument to mistake our ego-function for our very self.” The Upanishads

Sri Aurobindo: "History teaches us nothing; it is a confused torrent of events and personalities or a kaleidoscope of changing institutions. We do not seize the real sense of all this change and this continual streaming forward of human life in the channels of Time. What we do seize are current or recurrent phenomena, facile generalisations, partial ideas. We talk of democracy, aristocracy and autocracy, collectivism and individualism, imperialism and nationalism, the State and the commune, capitalism and labour; we advance hasty generalisations and make absolute systems which are positively announced today only to be abandoned perforce tomorrow; we espouse causes and ardent enthusiasms whose triumph turns to an early disillusionment and then forsake them for others, perhaps for those that we have taken so much trouble to destroy. For a whole century mankind thirsts and battles after liberty and earns it with a bitter expense of toil, tears and blood; the century that enjoys without having fought for it turns away as from a puerile illusion and is ready to renounce the depreciated gain as the price of some new good. And all this happens because our whole thought and action with regard to our collective life is shallow and empirical; it does not seek for, it does not base itself on a firm, profound and complete knowledge. The moral is not the vanity of human life, of its ardours and enthusiasms and of the ideals it pursues, but the necessity of a wiser, larger, more patient search after its true law and aim.” *The Human Cycle etc.

Sri Aurobindo: "The true soul secret in us, — subliminal, we have said, but the word is misleading, for this presence is not situated below the threshold of waking mind, but rather burns in the temple of the inmost heart behind the thick screen of an ignorant mind, life and body, not subliminal but behind the veil, — this veiled psychic entity is the flame of the Godhead always alight within us, inextinguishable even by that dense unconsciousness of any spiritual self within which obscures our outward nature. It is a flame born out of the Divine and, luminous inhabitant of the Ignorance, grows in it till it is able to turn it towards the Knowledge. It is the concealed Witness and Control, the hidden Guide, the Daemon of Socrates, the inner light or inner voice of the mystic. It is that which endures and is imperishable in us from birth to birth, untouched by death, decay or corruption, an indestructible spark of the Divine.” *The Life Divine

Sri Aurobindo: "This truth of Karma has been always recognised in the East in one form or else in another; but to the Buddhists belongs the credit of having given to it the clearest and fullest universal enunciation and the most insistent importance. In the West too the idea has constantly recurred, but in external, in fragmentary glimpses, as the recognition of a pragmatic truth of experience, and mostly as an ordered ethical law or fatality set over against the self-will and strength of man: but it was clouded over by other ideas inconsistent with any reign of law, vague ideas of some superior caprice or of some divine jealousy, — that was a notion of the Greeks, — a blind Fate or inscrutable Necessity, Ananke, or, later, the mysterious ways of an arbitrary, though no doubt an all-wise Providence.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga *Ananke"s.

Sri Aurobindo: “This truth of Karma has been always recognised in the East in one form or else in another; but to the Buddhists belongs the credit of having given to it the clearest and fullest universal enunciation and the most insistent importance. In the West too the idea has constantly recurred, but in external, in fragmentary glimpses, as the recognition of a pragmatic truth of experience, and mostly as an ordered ethical law or fatality set over against the self-will and strength of man: but it was clouded over by other ideas inconsistent with any reign of law, vague ideas of some superior caprice or of some divine jealousy,—that was a notion of the Greeks,—a blind Fate or inscrutable Necessity, Ananke, or, later, the mysterious ways of an arbitrary, though no doubt an all-wise Providence.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: "What we call unconsciousness is simply other-consciousness; it is the going in of this surface wave of our mental awareness of outer objects into our subliminal self-awareness and into our awareness too of other planes of existence. We are really no more unconscious when we are asleep or stunned or drugged or ``dead"" or in any other state, than when we are plunged in inner thought oblivious of our physical selves and our surroundings. For anyone who has advanced even a little way in Yoga, this is a most elementary proposition and one which offers no difficulty whatever to the thought because it is proved at every point by experience.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

standing, function and work in the universe. They are not imper- sonal entities but cosmic Personalities, although they can and do veil themselves behind the movement of impersonal forces. But while in the Overmlnd and the triple world they appear as inde- pendent beings, they return in the Supermind into the One and stand there united in a single harmonious action as multiple personalities of the one Person, the Divine Purushottama.

stereotypes ::: 1. A process, now often replaced by more advanced methods, for making metal printing plates by taking a mold of composed type or the like in papier-mâché or other material and then taking from this mold a cast in type metal. 2. Also fig. Of unchanging, habitually repeated things, set forms; conventions.

subconscient ::: Sri Aurobindo: "In our yoga we mean by the subconscient that quite submerged part of our being in which there is no wakingly conscious and coherent thought, will or feeling or organised reaction, but which yet receives obscurely the impressions of all things and stores them up in itself and from it too all sorts of stimuli, of persistent habitual movements, crudely repeated or disguised in strange forms can surge up into dream or into the waking nature. No, subliminal is a general term used for all parts of the being which are not on the waking surface. Subconscient is very often used in the same sense by European psychologists because they do not know the difference. But when I use the word, I mean always what is below the ordinary physical consciousness, not what is behind it. The inner mental, vital, physical, the psychic are not subconscious in this sense, but they can be spoken of as subliminal.” *The Synthesis of Yoga.

"The subconscient is a concealed and unexpressed inarticulate consciousness which works below all our conscious physical activities. Just as what we call the superconscient is really a higher consciousness above from which things descend into the being, so the subconscient is below the body-consciousness and things come up into the physical, the vital and the mind-nature from there.

Just as the higher consciousness is superconscient to us and supports all our spiritual possibilities and nature, so the subconscient is the basis of our material being and supports all that comes up in the physical nature.” Letters on Yoga

  "That part of us which we can strictly call subconscient because it is below the level of mind and conscious life, inferior and obscure, covers the purely physical and vital elements of our constitution of bodily being, unmentalised, unobserved by the mind, uncontrolled by it in their action. It can be held to include the dumb occult consciousness, dynamic but not sensed by us, which operates in the cells and nerves and all the corporeal stuff and adjusts their life process and automatic responses. It covers also those lowest functionings of submerged sense-mind which are more operative in the animal and in plant life.” *The Life Divine

"The subconscient is a thing of habits and memories and repeats persistently or whenever it can old suppressed reactions, reflexes, mental, vital or physical responses. It must be trained by a still more persistent insistence of the higher parts of the being to give up its old responses and take on the new and true ones.” Letters on Yoga

"About the subconscient — it is the sub-mental base of the being and is made up of impressions, instincts, habitual movements that are stored there. Whatever movement is impressed in it, it keeps. If one impresses the right movement in it, it will keep and send up that. That is why it has to be cleared of old movements before there can be a permanent and total change in the nature. When the higher consciousness is once established in the waking parts, it goes down into the subconscient and changes that also, makes a bedrock of itself there also.” Letters on Yoga

"The sub-conscious is the evolutionary basis in us, it is not the whole of our hidden nature, nor is it the whole origin of what we are. But things can rise from the subconscient and take shape in the conscious parts and much of our smaller vital and physical instincts, movements, habits, character-forms has this source.” Letters on Yoga

"The subconscient is the support of habitual action — it can support good habits as well as bad.” Letters on Yoga

"For the subconscient is the Inconscient in the process of becoming conscious; it is a support and even a root of our inferior parts of being and their movements.” The Life Divine *subconscient"s.

Supermind feeling and emotion do not depart from their truth, make no slips or mistakes, do not swerve from the right and the real, cannot misuse beauty and delight or twist away from a divine rectitude. In the Superniind sense cannot mislead or deviate into the grossnesses which are here its natural Imperfec- tions and the cause of reproach, distrust and misuse by our ignorance. Even an incomplete statement made by the Super- mind is a truth leading to a further truth, its incomplete action a step towards completeness. All the life and action and leading of the Supermind is guarded in its very nature from the false- hoods and uncertainties that are our lot ; it moves in safety towards its perfection. Once the tnith

suspense ::: anxiety or apprehension resulting from an uncertain, undecided, or mysterious situation.

tassel ::: a decoration, an adornment, consisting of a hanging bunch of threads tied firmly at one end and loose at the other end.

tentative ::: 1. Not fully worked out, concluded, or agreed on; provisional. 2. Unsure; uncertain; not definite or positive; hesitant.

termless ::: 1. Having no bounds or limits; unending. 2. An archaic word for indescribable. Chiefly poet. **3.** Unconditional.

that feels, shows, or expresses no pity; uncompassionate.

“That part of us which we can strictly call subconscient because it is below the level of mind and conscious life, inferior and obscure, covers the purely physical and vital elements of our constitution of bodily being, unmentalised, unobserved by the mind, uncontrolled by it in their action. It can be held to include the dumb occult consciousness, dynamic but not sensed by us, which operates in the cells and nerves and all the corporeal stuff and adjusts their life process and automatic responses. It covers also those lowest functionings of submerged sense-mind which are more operative in the animal and in plant life.” The Life Divine

the awakened Yop-Shakii arises, if is often fcU like a snake uncoiling and standing up straight and lifting itself more and more upwards. When it meets the Divine Consciousness above, then the force of the Divine Consciousness can more easily descend into the body and be fell working there to change the nature.

The change that is effected by the transition from mind to supermind is not only a revolution in knowledge or in our power for knowledge. If it is to be complete and stable, it must be a divine transmutation of our will too, our entotions, our sensa- tions, all our power of life and its forces, in the end even of the very substance and functioning of our body. Then only can it be said that the supermind is there ujwn earth, roofed in its very earth-substance and embodied in a new race of divinised crea- tures.

"The colours of the lotuses and the numbers of petals are respectively, from bottom to top: — (1) the Muladhara or physical consciousness centre, four petals, red; (2) the abdominal centre, six petals, deep purple red; (3) the navel centre, ten petals, violet; (4) the heart centre, twelve petals, golden pink; (5) the throat centre, sixteen petals, grey; (6) the forehead centre between the eye-brows, two petals, white; (7) the thousand-petalled lotus above the head, blue with gold light around. The functions are, according to our yoga, — (1) commanding the physical consciousness and the subconscient; (2) commanding the small vital movements, the little greeds, lusts, desires, the small sense-movements; (3) commanding the larger life-forces and the passions and larger desire-movements; (4) commanding the higher emotional being with the psychic deep behind it; (5) commanding expression and all externalisation of the mind movements and mental forces; (6) commanding thought, will, vision; (7) commanding the higher thinking mind and the illumined mind and opening upwards to the intuition and overmind. The seventh is sometimes or by some identified with the brain, but that is an error — the brain is only a channel of communication situated between the thousand-petalled and the forehead centre. The former is sometimes called the void centre, sunya , either because it is not in the body, but in the apparent void above or because rising above the head one enters first into the silence of the self or spiritual being.” Letters on Yoga*

“The colours of the lotuses and the numbers of petals are respectively, from bottom to top:—(1) the Muladhara or physical consciousness centre, four petals, red; (2) the abdominal centre, six petals, deep purple red; (3) the navel centre, ten petals, violet; (4) the heart centre, twelve petals, golden pink; (5) the throat centre, sixteen petals, grey; (6) the forehead centre between the eye-brows, two petals, white; (7) the thousand-petalled lotus above the head, blue with gold light around. The functions are, according to our yoga,—(1) commanding the physical consciousness and the subconscient; (2) commanding the small vital movements, the little greeds, lusts, desires, the small sense-movements; (3) commanding the larger life-forces and the passions and larger desire-movements; (4) commanding the higher emotional being with the psychic deep behind it; (5) commanding expression and all externalisation of the mind movements and mental forces; (6) commanding thought, will, vision; (7) commanding the higher thinking mind and the illumined mind and opening upwards to the intuition and overmind. The seventh is sometimes or by some identified with the brain, but that is an error—the brain is only a channel of communication situated between the thousand-petalled and the forehead centre. The former is sometimes called the void centre, sunya , either because it is not in the body, but in the apparent void above or because rising above the head one enters first into the silence of the self or spiritual being.” Letters on Yoga

“The difference between the ordinary mind and the intuitive is that the former, seeking in the darkness or at most by its own unsteady torchlight, first, sees things only as they are presented in that light and, secondly, where it does not know, constructs by imagination, by uncertain inference, by others of its aids and makeshifts things which it readily takes for truth, shadow projections, cloud edifices, unreal prolongations, deceptive anticipations, possibilities and probabilities which do duty for certitudes. The intuitive mind constructs nothing in this artificial fashion, but makes itself a receiver of the light and allows the truth to manifest in it and organise its own constructions.” The Synthesis of Yoga

"The function of a mantra is to create vibrations in the inner consciousness that will prepare it for the realisation of what the mantra symbolises and is supposed indeed to carry within itself.” Letters on Yoga*

“The function of a mantra is to create vibrations in the inner consciousness that will prepare it for the realisation of what the mantra symbolises and is supposed indeed to carry within itself.” Letters on Yoga

The function of a Mantra is to create vibrations in the inner consciousness that will prepare it for the realisation of what the

::: "The Gods, as has already been said, are in origin and essence permanent Emanations of the Divine put forth from the Supreme by the Transcendent Mother, the Adya Shakti; in their cosmic action they are Powers and Personalities of the Divine each with his independent cosmic standing, function and work in the universe. They are not impersonal entities but cosmic Personalities, although they can and do ordinarily veil themselves behind the movement of impersonal forces.” Letters on Yoga

“The Gods, as has already been said, are in origin and essence permanent Emanations of the Divine put forth from the Supreme by the Transcendent Mother, the Adya Shakti; in their cosmic action they are Powers and Personalities of the Divine each with his independent cosmic standing, function and work in the universe. They are not impersonal entities but cosmic Personalities, although they can and do ordinarily veil themselves behind the movement of impersonal forces.” Letters on Yoga

“The integral Knowledge is something that is already there in the integral Reality: it is not a new or still non-existent thing that has to be created, acquired, learned, invented or built up by the mind; it must rather be discovered or uncovered, it is a Truth that is self-revealed to a spiritual endeavour: for it is there veiled in our deeper and greater self; it is the very stuff of our own spiritual consciousness, and it is by awaking to it even in our surface self that we have to possess it. There is an integral self-knowledge that we have to recover and, because the world-self also is our self, an integral world-knowledge. A knowledge that can be learned or constructed by the mind exists and has its value, but that is not what is meant when we speak of the Knowledge and the Ignorance.” The Life Divine

the method of psychological therapy originated by Sigmund Freud in which free association, dream interpretation, and analysis of resistance and transference are used to explore repressed or unconscious impulses, anxieties, and internal conflicts, in order to free psychic energy for mature love and work.

The Mother: “Calm is self-possessed strength, quiet and conscious energy, mastery of the impulses, control over the unconscious reflexes.” Words of the Mother, MCW Vol. 14.

The Mother: “The true role of the mind is the formation and organization of action. The mind has a formative and organizing power, and it is that which puts the different elements of inspiration in order for action, for organizing action. And if it would only confine itself to that role, receiving inspirations—whether from above or from the mystic centre of the soul—and simply formulating the plan of action—in broad outline or in minute detail, for the smallest things of life or the great terrestrial organizations—it would amply fulfil its function. It is not an instrument of knowledge. But is can use knowledge for action, to organize action. It is an instrument of organization and formation, very powerful and very capable when it is well developed.” Questions and Answers 1956, MCW Vol. 8.

". . . the proper function of the thought-mind is to observe, understand, judge with a dispassionate delight in knowledge and open itself to messages and illuminations playing upon all that it observes and upon all that is yet hidden from it but must progressively be revealed, messages and illuminations that secretly flash down to us from the divine Oracle concealed in light above our mentality whether they seem to descend through the intuitive mind or arise from the seeing heart.” The Synthesis of Yoga*

“… the proper function of the thought-mind is to observe, understand, judge with a dispassionate delight in knowledge and open itself to messages and illuminations playing upon all that it observes and upon all that is yet hidden from it but must progressively be revealed, messages and illuminations that secretly flash down to us from the divine Oracle concealed in light above our mentality whether they seem to descend through the intuitive mind or arise from the seeing heart.” The Synthesis of Yoga

The Raksasa is the supreme and thorough-going individualist, who believes life to be meant for hk own untrammelled self- fulfilment and self-assertion. A necessary element in humanity, he is particularly useful in revolutions. The Raksasa is not an altruist. If by satisfying himself he can satisfy others^ he is pleased ; but he does not make that his motive. ' If he has to trample on others to satisfy himself, be does so without compunc- tion.

The remembrancer of the city of London is parliamentary solicitor to the corporation, and is bound to attend all courts of aldermen and common council when required. Pull. Laws & Cust. Lond. 122. from Black’s Law Dictionary.

There were at one time three clerks of the remembrance, styled King’s Remembrancer, Lord Treasurer’s Remembrancer and Remembrancer of First-Fruits. In England, the latter two offices have become extinct, that of remembrancer of first-fruits by the diversion of the fund (Queen Anne’s Bounty Act 1838), and that of Lord Treasurer’s Remembrancer on being merged in the office of King’s Remembrancer in 1833. By the Queen’s Remembrancer Act 1859 the office ceased to exist separately, and the queen’s remembrancer was required to be a master of the court of exchequer. The Judicature Act 1873 attached the office to the Supreme Court, and the Supreme Court of Judicature (Officers) Act 1879 transferred it to the central office of the Supreme Court. By section 8 of that Act, the king’s remembrancer is a master of the Supreme Court, and the office is usually filled by the senior master. The king’s remembrancer department of the central office is now amalgamated with the judgments and married women acknowledgments department. The king’s remembrancer still assists at certain ceremonial functions relics of the former importance of the office such as the nomination of sheriffs, the swearing-in of the Lord Mayor of the City of London, the Trial of the Pyx and the acknowledgments of homage for crown lands.

The soul is a spark of the Divine which is not seated abose the manifested being, but comes down into the manifestation to support its evolution in the material world. It is at first an undifferentiated power of the divine consciousness containing all possibilities which have not yet taken form, but to which it is the function of evolution to give form. This spark is there In all living beings from the lowest to the highest.

"The text of the Veda which we possess has remained uncorrupted for over two thousand years. It dates, so far as we know, from that great period of Indian intellectual activity, contemporaneous with the Greek efflorescence, but earlier in its beginnings, which founded the culture and civilisation recorded in the classical literature of the land.” The Secret of the Veda

“The text of the Veda which we possess has remained uncorrupted for over two thousand years. It dates, so far as we know, from that great period of Indian intellectual activity, contemporaneous with the Greek efflorescence, but earlier in its beginnings, which founded the culture and civilisation recorded in the classical literature of the land.” The Secret of the Veda

::: "The true physical mind is the receiving and externalising intelligence which has two functions — first, to work upon external things and give them a mental order with a way of practically dealing with them and, secondly, to be the channel of materialising and putting into effect whatever the thinking and dynamic mind sends down to it for the purpose.” Letters on Yoga

“The true physical mind is the receiving and externalising intelligence which has two functions—first, to work upon external things and give them a mental order with a way of practically dealing with them and, secondly, to be the channel of materialising and putting into effect whatever the thinking and dynamic mind sends down to it for the purpose.” Letters on Yoga

“The true soul secret in us,—subliminal, we have said, but the word is misleading, for this presence is not situated below the threshold of waking mind, but rather burns in the temple of the inmost heart behind the thick screen of an ignorant mind, life and body, not subliminal but behind the veil,—this veiled psychic entity is the flame of the Godhead always alight within us, inextinguishable even by that dense unconsciousness of any spiritual self within which obscures our outward nature. It is a flame born out of the Divine and, luminous inhabitant of the Ignorance, grows in it till it is able to turn it towards the Knowledge. It is the concealed Witness and Control, the hidden Guide, the Daemon of Socrates, the inner light or inner voice of the mystic. It is that which endures and is imperishable in us from birth to birth, untouched by death, decay or corruption, an indestructible spark of the Divine.” The Life Divine

"The whole energy of the soul is not at play in the physical body and life, the secret powers of mind are not awake in it, the bodily and nervous energies predominate. But all the while the supreme energy is there, asleep; it is said to be coiled up and slumbering like a snake, — therefore it is called the kundalinî sakti, — in the lowest of the chakras, in the mûlâdhâra. When by Pranayama the division between the upper and lower prana currents in the body is dissolved, this Kundalini is struck and awakened, it uncoils itself and begins to rise upward like a fiery serpent breaking open each lotus as it ascends until the Shakti meets the Purusha in the brahmarandhra in a deep samadhi of union.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“The whole energy of the soul is not at play in the physical body and life, the secret powers of mind are not awake in it, the bodily and nervous energies predominate. But all the while the supreme energy is there, asleep; it is said to be coiled up and slumbering like a snake,—therefore it is called the kundalinî sakti,—in the lowest of the chakras, in the mûlâdhâra. When by Pranayama the division between the upper and lower prana currents in the body is dissolved, this Kundalini is struck and awakened, it uncoils itself and begins to rise upward like a fiery serpent breaking open each lotus as it ascends until the Shakti meets the Purusha in the brahmarandhra in a deep samadhi of union.” The Synthesis of Yoga

::: "This conception of the Person and Personality, if accepted, must modify at the same time our current ideas about the immortality of the soul; for, normally, when we insist on the soul"s undying existence, what is meant is the survival after death of a definite unchanging personality which was and will always remain the same throughout eternity. It is the very imperfect superficial I'' of the moment, evidently regarded by Nature as a temporary form and not worth preservation, for which we demand this stupendous right to survival and immortality. But the demand is extravagant and cannot be conceded; theI"" of the moment can only merit survival if it consents to change, to be no longer itself but something else, greater, better, more luminous in knowledge, more moulded in the image of the eternal inner beauty, more and more progressive towards the divinity of the secret Spirit. It is that secret Spirit or divinity of Self in us which is imperishable, because it is unborn and eternal. The psychic entity within, its representative, the spiritual individual in us, is the Person that we are; but the I'' of this moment, theI"" of this life is only a formation, a temporary personality of this inner Person: it is one step of the many steps of our evolutionary change, and it serves its true purpose only when we pass beyond it to a farther step leading nearer to a higher degree of consciousness and being. It is the inner Person that survives death, even as it pre-exists before birth; for this constant survival is a rendering of the eternity of our timeless Spirit into the terms of Time.” The Life Divine

“This conception of the Person and Personality, if accepted, must modify at the same time our current ideas about the immortality of the soul; for, normally, when we insist on the soul’s undying existence, what is meant is the survival after death of a definite unchanging personality which was and will always remain the same throughout eternity. It is the very imperfect superficial I’’ of the moment, evidently regarded by Nature as a temporary form and not worth preservation, for which we demand this stupendous right to survival and immortality. But the demand is extravagant and cannot be conceded; theI’’ of the moment can only merit survival if it consents to change, to be no longer itself but something else, greater, better, more luminous in knowledge, more moulded in the image of the eternal inner beauty, more and more progressive towards the divinity of the secret Spirit. It is that secret Spirit or divinity of Self in us which is imperishable, because it is unborn and eternal. The psychic entity within, its representative, the spiritual individual in us, is the Person that we are; but the I’’ of this moment, theI’’ of this life is only a formation, a temporary personality of this inner Person: it is one step of the many steps of our evolutionary change, and it serves its true purpose only when we pass beyond it to a farther step leading nearer to a higher degree of consciousness and being. It is the inner Person that survives death, even as it pre-exists before birth; for this constant survival is a rendering of the eternity of our timeless Spirit into the terms of Time.” The Life Divine

  "Thus it [Rajayoga] gets rid of the Hathayogic complexity and cumbrousness while it utilises the swift and powerful efficacy of its methods for the control of the body and the vital functions and for the awakening of that internal dynamism, full of a latent supernormal faculty, typified in Yogic terminology by the kundalinî, the coiled and sleeping serpent of Energy within.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

“Thus it [Rajayoga] gets rid of the Hathayogic complexity and cumbrousness while it utilises the swift and powerful efficacy of its methods for the control of the body and the vital functions and for the awakening of that internal dynamism, full of a latent supernormal faculty, typified in Yogic terminology by the kundalinî, the coiled and sleeping serpent of Energy within.” The Synthesis of Yoga

tissue ::: 1. Biol. A part of an organism consisting of a large number of cells having a similar structure and function Also fig. tissues.

to give audible expression to; speak or pronounce. uttered.

transform ::: 1. To change markedly the appearance or form of. 2. To alter or be altered radically in form, function, etc. 3. To undergo a change of nature, function, or condition; convert. transformed, transforming.

translate ::: 1. To transfer from one place or condition to another. 2. To express or be capable of being expressed in another language or dialect. 3. To put into simpler terms; explain or interpret. 4. To change from one form, function, or state to another; convert or transform. translates, translated, translating.

triune Infinite ::: Sri Aurobindo: "We do not seek to excise from our being all consciousness of the universe, but to realise God, Truth and Self in the universe as well as transcendent of it. We shall seek therefore not only the Ineffable, but also His manifestation as infinite being, consciousness and bliss embracing the universe and at play in it. For that triune infinity is His supreme manifestation and that we shall aspire to know, to share in and to become; and since we seek to realise this Trinity not only in itself but in its cosmic play, we shall aspire also to knowledge of and participation in the universal divine Truth, Knowledge, Will, Love which are His secondary manifestation, His divine becoming. With this too we shall aspire to identify ourselves, towards this too we shall strive to rise and, when the period of effort is passed, allow it by our renunciation of all egoism to draw us up into itself in our being and to descend into us and embrace us in all our becoming.” The Synthesis of Yoga

Truth-consciousness, but this truth is something beyond mind and tliis consciousness is far above the highest mind-conscious- ness. For truth of mind is always relative, uncertain "and partial, but this greater Truth is peremptory and whole. Truth of mind is a representation, always an inadequate, most often a misleading representation, and even when roost accurate, only a reflection,

twilight ::: n. 1. The diffused light from the sky during the early evening or early morning when the sun is below the horizon and its light is refracted by the earth"s atmosphere. 2. A state of uncertainty, vagueness or gloom. twilight"s. adj. 3. Lighted by or as if by twilight.

unaccountable ::: 1. That cannot be accounted for or explained; inexplicable. 2. Incalculable; uncountable.

unalleviated or lessened grief, sorrow or disappointment; unsolaced; uncomforted.

unaltered ::: not altered or modified; unchanged.

unaware ::: not aware; not cognizant; ignorant; unconscious.

unbound ::: fig. Unconfined, unconstrained; free. Unbound. (Sri Aurobindo also employs the word as a n.)

“‘Uncertainty’ would mean that the thought was confident but uncertain of itself, which would be a contradiction. ‘Incertitude’ means that its truth is uncertain in spite of its proud confidence in itself.” Letters on Savitri—1936

"Unconsciousness is only an intermediate swoon of the conscious or its obscure sleep; . . . .” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga*

“Unconsciousness is only an intermediate swoon of the conscious or its obscure sleep; …” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

v. 1. Lacking definite shape, form, or character; indistinct. 2. Not definitely established, determined, confirmed, or known; uncertain. 3. Indefinite or indistinct in nature or character. 4. Not clearly expressed; inexplicit. 5. Not clear in meaning or application. n. 6. An empty or obscure expanse.

veilless ::: having no veil; uncovered.

venture ::: n. 1. An undertaking or proceeding the outcome of which is uncertain, but which is attended by the risk of danger or loss. ventures. v. 2. To take a risk; dare. ventured, venturing.

Vile, in a kind of strong and sVrti spontaneous Binna. TIvstc a feeling of n-aves surging up, mounting to the head, "'h'^n brings an outer unconsciousness and an inner waking. It is the ascending of the lower consciousness in the iidhara to meet the greater consciousness above.

Vital mind ::: The function of this mind is not to think and reason, to perceive, consider and find out or value things, for that is the function of the thinking mind proper, buddhi, — but to plan or dream or imagine what can be done. It makes forma- tions for the future which the will can try to carry out if oppor* tunity and circumstances become favourable or even it can work to make them favourable.

“We do not seek to excise from our being all consciousness of the universe, but to realise God, Truth and Self in the universe as well as transcendent of it. We shall seek therefore not only the Ineffable, but also His manifestation as infinite being, consciousness and bliss embracing the universe and at play in it. For that triune infinity is His supreme manifestation and that we shall aspire to know, to share in and to become; and since we seek to realise this Trinity not only in itself but in its cosmic play, we shall aspire also to knowledge of and participation in the universal divine Truth, Knowledge, Will, Love which are His secondary manifestation, His divine becoming. With this too we shall aspire to identify ourselves, towards this too we shall strive to rise and, when the period of effort is passed, allow it by our renunciation of all egoism to draw us up into itself in our being and to descend into us and embrace us in all our becoming.” The Synthesis of Yoga

  "What, not in its functioning, but in its essence, is the thing we call sense? In its functioning, if we analyse that thoroughly, we see that it is the contact of the mind with an eidolon of Matter, — whether that eidolon be of a vibration of sound, a light-image of form, a volley of earth-particles giving the sense of odour, an impression of rasa or sap that gives the sense of taste, or that direct sense of disturbance of our nervous being which we call touch.” The Upanishads

“What, not in its functioning, but in its essence, is the thing we call sense? In its functioning, if we analyse that thoroughly, we see that it is the contact of the mind with an eidolon of Matter,—whether that eidolon be of a vibration of sound, a light-image of form, a volley of earth-particles giving the sense of odour, an impression of rasa or sap that gives the sense of taste, or that direct sense of disturbance of our nervous being which we call touch.” The Upanishads

"What we mean by Spirit is self-existent being with an infinite power of consciousness and unconditioned delight in its being.” Essays on the Gita

“What we mean by Spirit is self-existent being with an infinite power of consciousness and unconditioned delight in its being.” Essays on the Gita

"When we study this Life as it manifests itself upon earth with Matter as its basis, we observe that essentially it is a form of the one cosmic Energy, a dynamic movement or current of it positive and negative, a constant act or play of the Force which builds up forms, energises them by a continual stream of stimulation and maintains them by an unceasing process of disintegration and renewal of their substance. This would tend to show that the natural opposition we make between death and life is an error of our mentality, one of those false oppositions — false to inner truth though valid in surface practical experience — which, deceived by appearances, it is constantly bringing into the universal unity.” The Life Divine ::: *life"s, life-born, life-curve, life-delight"s, life-drift, life-foam, life-giving, life-impulse, life-impulse"s, life-motives, life-nature"s, life-pain, life-plan, life-power, life-room, life-scene, life-self, life-thought, life-wants, all-life, sense-life.

“When we study this Life as it manifests itself upon earth with Matter as its basis, we observe that essentially it is a form of the one cosmic Energy, a dynamic movement or current of it positive and negative, a constant act or play of the Force which builds up forms, energises them by a continual stream of stimulation and maintains them by an unceasing process of disintegration and renewal of their substance. This would tend to show that the natural opposition we make between death and life is an error of our mentality, one of those false oppositions—false to inner truth though valid in surface practical experience—which, deceived by appearances, it is constantly bringing into the universal unity.” The Life Divine

wild ::: adj. 1. Occurring, growing, or living in a natural state; not domesticated, cultivated, or tamed. 2. Uninhabited; desolate; a wilderness. 3. Of great violence or intensity, as the sea, etc. 4. Unrestrained, untrammelled, or unbridled; behaving without restraint. 5. Unrestrained by reason or prudence. 6. Furiously disturbed or turbulent; stormy. wilder, wild-beast, wild-drakes.* *n. wilds. 7.* A desolate, uncultivated, or uninhabited region, esp. poetic.*

wilderness ::: 1. A wild, uninhabited, and uncultivated region. 2. A tract of wasteland. wildernesses.

wildness ::: the property of being wild or turbulent; an intractably barbarous or uncultivated state of nature.

will, self ::: Sri Aurobindo: "Self-will in thought and action has, we have already seen, to be quite renounced if we would be perfect in the way of divine works; it has equally to be renounced if we are to be perfect in divine knowledge. This self-will means an egoism in the mind which attaches itself to its preferences, its habits, its past or present formations of thought and view and will because it regards them as itself or its own, weaves around them the delicate threads of I-ness'' andmy-ness"" and lives in them like a spider in its web. It hates to be disturbed, as a spider hates attack on its web, and feels foreign and unhappy if transplanted to fresh view-points and formations as a spider feels foreign in another web than its own. This attachment must be entirely excised from the mind.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

world-knowledge ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The integral Knowledge is something that is already there in the integral Reality: it is not a new or still non-existent thing that has to be created, acquired, learned, invented or built up by the mind; it must rather be discovered or uncovered, it is a Truth that is self-revealed to a spiritual endeavour: for it is there veiled in our deeper and greater self; it is the very stuff of our own spiritual consciousness, and it is by awaking to it even in our surface self that we have to possess it. There is an integral self-knowledge that we have to recover and, because the world-self also is our self, an integral world-knowledge. A knowledge that can be learned or constructed by the mind exists and has its value, but that is not what is meant when we speak of the Knowledge and the Ignorance.” *The Life Divine

Yoga. This is usually done by those who want to make a clean cut, to live a purely religious or exclusively inner and spiritual life, to renounce the world entirely and to depart from the cosmic existence by cessation of the human birth and passing away into some higher stale or into (he transcendental Reality. Otherwise, it is only necessary when the pressure of the inner urge becomes so great that the pursuit of the ordinary life is no longer compa- tible with the pursuit of the dominant spiritual objective. Till then what is necessary is a power to practise an inner isolation, to be able to retire within oneself and concentrate at any time on the necessary spiritual purpose. There must also be a power to deal with the ordinary outer life from a new inner attitude and one can then make the happenings of that life itself a means for the inner change of nature and the growth m spiritual experience.

QUOTES [0 / 0 - 15 / 15]

KEYS (10k)


   2 Anonymous


*** NEWFULLDB 2.4M ***

1:bottoms with snowflakes on them. I know, it’s awful. HW: Misconceptions about people who graduated from UNC? BC: That if by ~ Blake Crouch,
2:attended UNC-Chapel Hill, where he founded his first company with one of his childhood friends. He currently lives in Parkland, Florida and would love to hear from you… ~ A G Riddle,
3:I am creating an atmosphere! Oh, Unc, we’ve finally got bodies in this joint! Paying bodies. We could have a good racket going here.” “I’m not interested in a ‘racket.’ I’m an academic.” “That’s okay, Unc. I won’t hold it against you. ~ Libba Bray,
4:true passion: writing fiction. He grew up in a small town in North Carolina and attended UNC-Chapel Hill, where he founded his first company with one of his childhood friends. He currently lives in Raleigh, North Carolina and would love to hear ~ A G Riddle,
5:I am creating an atmosphere! Oh, Unc, we’ve finally got bodies in this joint! Paying bodies. We could have a good racket going here.”

“I’m not interested in a ‘racket.’ I’m an academic.”

“That’s okay, Unc. I won’t hold it against you. ~ Libba Bray,
6:Peter’s mom told me he was talking about transferring to UNC next year. She wanted me to break up with him before he messed up his life for me.”
“Damn! Peter’s mom is kind of a bitch!”
“She didn’t use those exact words, but that was the gist of it. ~ Jenny Han,
7:I can see that you’re down in the dumps, Unc. Shall we stop working and call Toni?”
“And then what?”
“I don’t know. But if it so happens that I’m more of your type . . . Would you like me to give you a blow job? That really does the trick when you’re feeling depressed. ~ Juan Mars,
8:What about UNC? Are you even planning on transferring to UVA anymore? When it was William and Mary, it was a given, and now it doesn’t seem like it.”
I wet my lips. My heart is pounding out of control. “I’m not sure. Maybe? But maybe not. UNC feels different to me.”
“Yeah, I know. It’s obvious.”
“Don’t make it sound like a bad thing! Would you rather I go somewhere and be unhappy?”
“Temporarily unhappy,” he corrects.
“Peter! ~ Jenny Han,
9:Other than my parents, no one had a bigger influence on my life than Coach Smith. He was more than a coach – he was my mentor, my teacher, my second father. Coach was always there for me whenever I needed him and I loved him for it. In teaching me the game of basketball, he taught me about life. My heart goes out to Linnea and their kids. We've lost a great man who had an incredible impact on his players, his staff and the entire UNC family. ~ Michael Jordan,
10:I just want to find a way to be with you that doesn’t hurt you. Because I didn’t realize it until Unc asked. No, no one’s ever given me what I wanted.”
He opened his eyes, turning his head to look at the space beside him, where Xander should have been. “Until you. You give me what I want without my ever asking for it—and almost always without giving you anything in return.”
He placed a trembling hand on the stone bench, which was cool, despite the heat. “But what if I can’t give you what you want from me ~ Heidi Cullinan,
11:was improving the lives of the current residents and laying the groundwork for generations to come. The CityForge founders had come up with the idea while they were undergraduates at UNC-Chapel Hill, and after graduating this past May, they had set out to make their concept a reality. They had spent the summer promoting their startup and raising money from friends, family, and passionate supporters. They used the funds for their trip to Kenya, where they planned to document every stop along the way—and identify their first “CityForge villages.” And, for reasons that remained unclear to Peyton, the two boys had made a ~ A G Riddle,
12:I tell him I’d better get going, because Margot’s coming home from Scotland tonight, and I want to stock the fridge with all her favorite foods.
Peter’s face falls. “You don’t want to hang out a little longer? I can take you to the store.”
“I still have to clean up the upstairs, too,” I say, standing up.
He tugs on my shirt and tries to pull me back onto the bed. “Come on, five more minutes.”
I lie back down next to him and he cuddles in close, but I’m still thinking about the yearbook. I’ve been working on his scrapbook for months; the least he can do is write me a nice yearbook message.
“This is good practice for college,” he murmurs, pulling me toward him, wrapping his arms around me. “The beds are small at UVA. How big are the beds at UNC?”
My back to him, I say, “I don’t know. I didn’t get to see the dorms.”
He tucks his head in the space between my neck and shoulder. “That was a trick question,” he says, and I can feel him smile against my neck. “To check and see if you visited a random UNC guy’s dorm room with Chris. Congrats, you passed the test.”
I can’t help but laugh. ~ Jenny Han,
13:What were you so scared about?” I whisper.
His hands tighten into fists at his sides. When he finally speaks, his voice comes out raw, like he hasn’t used it in a while. “I was scared that you were going to go to UNC and you were gonna figure out I wasn’t worth it, and you were going to leave.”
I take a step closer to him. I put my hand on his arm; he doesn’t pull away from me. “Besides my family, you’re the most special person to me in the world. And I meant some of those things I said the other night, but not the part when I said I only wanted to lose my virginity to you to close a chapter on us. I wanted it to be you because I love you.”
Peter puts one arm around my waist, pulls me in, and, looking down at me, he says fiercely, “Neither of us wants to break up. So why should we? Because of some shit my mom said? Because your sister did it that way? You’re not the same as your sister, Lara Jean. We’re not the same as Margot and Sanderson or anybody else. We’re you and me. And yeah, it’s gonna be hard. But Lara Jean, I’ll never feel for another girl what I feel for you.” He says it with all the certainty only a teenage boy can have, and I have never loved him more than at this very moment. ~ Jenny Han,
14:I’m walking off the dance floor when I see him. Peter, in a suit, standing to the side, beside the dogwood tree. He looks so handsome I can hardly stand it. I cross the backyard, and he watches me the whole time. My heart is pounding so hard. Is he here for me? Or did he just come because he promised my dad?
When I’m standing in front of him, I say, “You came.”
Peter looks away. “Of course I came.”
Softly I say, “I wish I could take back the things I said the other night. I don’t even remember all of them.”
Looking down, he says, “But you meant them, right? So it’s a good thing you said them then, because somebody had to and you were right.”
“Which part?” I whisper.
“About UNC. About me not transferring there.” He lifts his head, his eyes wounded. “But you should have told me my mom talked to you.”
I take a shaky breath. “You should have told me you were thinking about transferring! You should’ve told me how you were feeling, period. You shut down after graduation; you wouldn’t let me in. You kept saying everything was going to be fine.”
“Because I was fucking scared, okay!” he bursts out. He looks around to see if anyone heard, but the music is loud, and everyone is dancing; no one is looking at us, and it’s like we are alone here in this backyard.
“What were you so scared about?” I whisper.
His hands tighten into fists at his sides. When he finally speaks, his voice comes out raw, like he hasn’t used it in a while. “I was scared that you were going to go to UNC and you were gonna figure out I wasn’t worth it, and you were going to leave. ~ Jenny Han,
15:Peter’s mom told me he was talking about transferring to UNC next year. She wanted me to break up with him before he messed up his life for me.”
“Damn! Peter’s mom is kind of a bitch!”
“She didn’t use those exact words, but that was the gist of it.” I take a sip of tea. “I wouldn’t want him to transfer for me either…My mom used to say not to go to college with a boyfriend, because you’ll lose out on a true freshman experience.”
“Well, to be fair, your mom never met Peter Kavinsky. She didn’t have all the facts. If she had met him…” Trina lets out a low whistle. “She might’ve been singing a different tune.”
Tears fill my eyes. “Honestly I regret breaking up with him and I wish I could take it all back!”
She tips up my chin. “Then why don’t you?”
“I don’t think he’ll ever forgive me for hurting him like that. He doesn’t let people in easily. I think I’m probably dead to him.”
Trina tries to hide a smile. “I doubt that. Look, you’ll talk to him at the wedding tomorrow. When he sees you in that dress, all will be forgiven.”
I sniffle. “I’m sure he’s not coming.”
“I’m sure he is. You don’t plan a man’s bachelor party and then not show to the wedding. Not to mention the fact that he’s crazy about you.”
“But what if I hurt him again?”
She wraps both her hands around her mug of tea and takes a sip. “You can’t protect him from being hurt, babe, no matter what you do. Being vulnerable, letting people in, getting hurt…it’s all a part of being in love.”
I take this in. “Trina, when did you figure out that you and my dad were the real thing?”
“I don’t know…I think I just--decided.”
“Decided on what?”
“Decided on him. On us.” She smiles at me. “On all of it. ~ Jenny Han,

IN CHAPTERS [150/2284]

  965 Integral Yoga
  368 Poetry
  151 Occultism
  126 Fiction
  109 Philosophy
  104 Christianity
   90 Yoga
   86 Psychology
   33 Mysticism
   19 Hinduism
   18 Mythology
   15 Science
   9 Sufism
   9 Integral Theory
   8 Philsophy
   8 Education
   7 Theosophy
   7 Buddhism
   5 Baha i Faith
   4 Cybernetics
   1 Zen
   1 Thelema
   1 Kabbalah
   1 Alchemy

  536 Sri Aurobindo
  465 The Mother
  277 Satprem
  199 Nolini Kanta Gupta
   90 H P Lovecraft
   87 Carl Jung
   60 William Wordsworth
   50 Sri Ramakrishna
   47 Aleister Crowley
   44 Percy Bysshe Shelley
   35 James George Frazer
   33 Saint Augustine of Hippo
   30 Walt Whitman
   27 Friedrich Nietzsche
   26 Plotinus
   26 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
   24 Robert Browning
   21 Swami Vivekananda
   20 William Butler Yeats
   20 Saint John of Climacus
   19 Aldous Huxley
   18 Swami Krishnananda
   18 John Keats
   17 A B Purani
   16 Anonymous
   15 Rudolf Steiner
   13 Jorge Luis Borges
   12 Lucretius
   11 Vyasa
   11 Rabindranath Tagore
   11 Plato
   11 Ovid
   11 Franz Bardon
   10 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
   9 Paul Richard
   9 George Van Vrekhem
   9 Friedrich Schiller
   8 Ralph Waldo Emerson
   7 Joseph Campbell
   6 Sri Ramana Maharshi
   6 Saint Teresa of Avila
   6 Jordan Peterson
   6 Edgar Allan Poe
   6 Baha u llah
   5 Peter J Carroll
   5 Nirodbaran
   5 Kabir
   5 Al-Ghazali
   4 Thubten Chodron
   4 Rainer Maria Rilke
   4 Norbert Wiener
   4 Henry David Thoreau
   3 Patanjali
   3 Ken Wilber
   3 Jetsun Milarepa
   3 Hsuan Chueh of Yung Chia
   3 Bokar Rinpoche
   2 Symeon the New Theologian
   2 Swami Sivananda Saraswati
   2 Saint Francis of Assisi
   2 R Buckminster Fuller
   2 Mahendranath Gupta
   2 Lewis Carroll
   2 Jorge Luis Borges
   2 Jalaluddin Rumi
   2 Genpo Roshi
   2 Aristotle

  139 Record of Yoga
   90 Lovecraft - Poems
   76 The Synthesis Of Yoga
   60 Wordsworth - Poems
   49 The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
   45 Savitri
   45 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03
   44 Shelley - Poems
   41 The Life Divine
   39 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04
   35 The Golden Bough
   34 Mysterium Coniunctionis
   34 Essays In Philosophy And Yoga
   33 Prayers And Meditations
   33 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01
   29 Whitman - Poems
   29 Questions And Answers 1957-1958
   28 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 07
   28 Agenda Vol 04
   27 Letters On Yoga IV
   26 Agenda Vol 08
   26 Agenda Vol 03
   25 Questions And Answers 1953
   25 Magick Without Tears
   24 The Practice of Psycho therapy
   24 Questions And Answers 1956
   24 Browning - Poems
   23 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02
   22 Questions And Answers 1950-1951
   22 On Thoughts And Aphorisms
   22 City of God
   22 Agenda Vol 06
   22 Agenda Vol 01
   21 Agenda Vol 10
   20 Yeats - Poems
   20 Thus Spoke Zarathustra
   20 The Ladder of Divine Ascent
   20 Agenda Vol 13
   19 The Perennial Philosophy
   19 Agenda Vol 02
   18 The Study and Practice of Yoga
   18 The Bible
   18 Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness
   18 Liber ABA
   18 Keats - Poems
   18 Collected Poems
   18 Agenda Vol 05
   17 The Human Cycle
   17 Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo
   17 Essays On The Gita
   15 The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious
   15 Questions And Answers 1929-1931
   15 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 05
   14 Questions And Answers 1954
   14 Letters On Yoga II
   14 Letters On Yoga I
   14 Aion
   13 Agenda Vol 11
   13 Agenda Vol 09
   12 The Future of Man
   12 The Divine Comedy
   12 The Confessions of Saint Augustine
   12 Of The Nature Of Things
   12 Essays Divine And Human
   12 Agenda Vol 07
   11 Vishnu Purana
   11 Vedic and Philological Studies
   11 Some Answers From The Mother
   11 Metamorphoses
   10 Tagore - Poems
   10 Questions And Answers 1955
   10 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 02
   10 On the Way to Supermanhood
   10 Labyrinths
   10 Bhakti-Yoga
   9 Words Of The Mother II
   9 Words Of Long Ago
   9 Schiller - Poems
   9 Preparing for the Miraculous
   9 Agenda Vol 12
   8 Talks
   8 Raja-Yoga
   8 Letters On Poetry And Art
   8 Knowledge of the Higher Worlds
   8 Emerson - Poems
   7 Twilight of the Idols
   7 The Secret Of The Veda
   7 The Phenomenon of Man
   7 The Mother With Letters On The Mother
   7 The Hero with a Thousand Faces
   7 On Education
   7 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 08
   7 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 06
   7 5.1.01 - Ilion
   6 The Secret Doctrine
   6 The Problems of Philosophy
   6 Theosophy
   6 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 04
   6 Maps of Meaning
   6 Initiation Into Hermetics
   6 Faust
   6 A Garden of Pomegranates - An Outline of the Qabalah
   5 Words Of The Mother III
   5 Twelve Years With Sri Aurobindo
   5 The Red Book Liber Novus
   5 The Practice of Magical Evocation
   5 The Alchemy of Happiness
   5 Poe - Poems
   5 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 03
   5 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 01
   5 Liber Null
   5 Letters On Yoga III
   4 Walden
   4 The Interior Castle or The Mansions
   4 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
   4 Rilke - Poems
   4 Hymns to the Mystic Fire
   4 Hymn of the Universe
   4 How to Free Your Mind - Tara the Liberator
   4 Goethe - Poems
   4 Cybernetics
   3 The Book of Certitude
   3 Tara - The Feminine Divine
   3 Songs of Kabir
   3 Sex Ecology Spirituality
   3 Patanjali Yoga Sutras
   3 Milarepa - Poems
   3 Let Me Explain
   3 Kena and Other Upanishads
   3 Isha Upanishad
   3 Crowley - Poems
   3 Borges - Poems
   3 Anonymous - Poems
   2 Writings In Bengali and Sanskrit
   2 The Way of Perfection
   2 The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep
   2 The Blue Cliff Records
   2 Synergetics - Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking
   2 Selected Fictions
   2 Rumi - Poems
   2 Poetics
   2 Beating the Cloth Drum Letters of Zen Master Hakuin
   2 Alice in Wonderland
   2 Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2E

0 0.01 - Introduction, #Agenda Vol 1, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  - and it is terribly disturbing for all those who still climb trees in the old, millennial way. Perhaps it is even a heresy. Unless it is some cerebral disorder? A first man in his little clearing had to have a great deal of courage. Even this little clearing was no longer so sure. A first man is a perpetual question. What am I, then, in the midst of all that? And where is my law? What is the law? And what if there were no more laws? ... It is terrifying. Mathematics - out of order. Astronomy and biology, too, are beginning to respond to mysterious influences. A tiny point huddled in the center of the world's great clearing. But what is all this, what if I were 'mad'? And then, claws all around, a lot of claws against this uncommon creature. A first man ... is very much alone. He is quite unbearable for the pre-human 'reason.' And the surrounding tribes growled like red monkies in the twilight of Guiana.
  One day, we were like this first man in the great, stridulant night of the Oyapock. Our heart was beating with the rediscovery of a very ancient mystery - suddenly, it was absolutely new to be a man amidst the diorite cascades and the pretty red and black coral snakes slithering beneath the leaves. It was even more extraordinary to be a man than our old confirmed tribes, with their infallible equations and imprescriptible biologies, could ever have dreamed. It was an absolutely uncertain 'quantum' that delightfully eluded whatever one thought of it, including perhaps what even the scholars thought of it. It flowed otherwise, it felt otherwise. It lived in a kind of flawless continuity with the sap of the giant balata trees, the cry of the macaws and the scintillating water of a little fountain. It 'understood' in a very different way. To understand was to be in everything. Just a quiver, and one was in the skin of a little iguana in distress. The skin of the world was very vast.
  To be a man after rediscovering a million years was mysteriously like being something still other than man, a strange, unfinished possibility that could also be all kinds of other things. It was not in the dictionary, it was fluid and boundless - it had become a man through habit, but in truth, it was formidably virgin, as if all the old laws belonged to laggard barbarians. Then other moons began whirring through the skies to the cry of macaws at sunset, another rhythm was born that was strangely in tune with the rhythm of all, making one single flow of the world, and there we went, lightly, as if the body had never had any weight other than that of our human thought; and the stars were so near, even the giant airplanes roaring overhead seemed vain artifices beneath smiling galaxies. A man was the overwhelming Possible. He was even the great discoverer of the Possible.
  'Something else' is ominous, perilous, disrupting - it is quite unbearable for all those who resemble the old beast. The story of the Pondicherry 'Ashram' is the story of an old clan ferociously clinging to its 'spiritual' privileges, as others clung to the muscles that had made them kings among the great apes. It is armed with all the piousness and all the reasonableness that had made logical man so 'infallible' among his less cerebral brothers. The spiritual brain is probably the worst obstacle to the new species, as were the muscles of the old orangutan for this fragile stranger who no longer climbed so well in the trees and sat, pensive, at the center of a little, uncertain clearing.
  There is nothing more pious than the old species. There is nothing more legal. Mother was searching for the path of the new species as much against all the virtues of the old as against all its vices or laws. For, in truth, 'Something Else' ... is something else.
  TRULY to the conquest of the new. The 'new' is painful, discouraging, it resembles nothing we know! We cannot hoist the flag of an unconquered country - but this is what is so marvelous: it does not yet exist. We must MAKE IT EXIST. The adventure has not been carved out: it is to be carved out. Truth is not entrapped and fossilized, 'spiritualized': it is to be discovered. We are in a nothing that we must force to become a something. We are in the adventure of the new species. A new species is obviously contradictory to the old species and to the little flags of the alreadyknown. It has nothing in common with the spiritual summits of the old world, nor even with its abysms - which might be delightfully tempting for those who have had enough of the summits, but everything is the same, in black or white, it is fraternal above and below. SOMETHING ELSE is needed.
  'Are you conscious of your ceils?' She asked us a short time after the little operation of spiritual demolition She had undergone. 'No? Well, become conscious of your cells, and you will see that it gives TERRESTRIAL results.' To become conscious of one's cells? ... It was a far more radical operation than crossing the Maroni with a machete in hand, for after all, trees and lianas can be cut, but what cannot be so easily uncovered are the grandfa ther and the grandmo ther and the whole atavistic pack, not to mention the animal and plant and mineral layers that form a teeming humus over this single pure little cell beneath its millennial genetic program. The grandfa thers and grandmo thers grow back again like crabgrass, along with all the old habits of being hungry, afraid, falling ill, fearing the worst, hoping for the best, which is still the best of an old mortal habit. All this is not uprooted nor entrapped as easily as celestial 'liberations,' which leave the teeming humus in peace and the body to its usual decomposition. She had come to hew a path through all that. She was the Ancient One of evolution who had come to make a new cleft in the old, tedious habit of being a man. She did not like tedious repetitions, She was the adventuress par excellence - the adventuress of the earth. She was wrenching out for man the great Possible that was already beating there, in his primeval clearing, which he believed he had momentarily trapped with a few machines.
  She was uprooting a new Matter, free, free from the habit of inexorably being a man who repeats himself ad infinitum with a few improvements in the way of organ transplants or monetary exchanges. In fact, She was there to discover what would happen after materialism and after spiritualism, these prodigal twin brothers. Because Materialism is dying in the West for the same reason that Spiritualism is dying in the East: it is the hour of the new species. Man needs to awaken, not only from his demons but also from his gods. A new Matter, yes, like a new Spirit, yes, because we still know neither one nor the other. It is the hour when Science, like Spirituality, at the end of their roads, must discover what Matter TRULY is, for it is really there that a Spirit as yet unknown to us is to be found. It is a time when all the 'isms' of the old species are dying: 'The age of

00.01 - The Approach to Mysticism, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Mysticism is not only a science but also, and in a greater degree, an art. To approach it merely as a science, as the modern mind attempts to do, is to move towards futility, if not to land in positive disaster. Sufficient stress is not laid on this aspect of the matter, although the very crux of the situation lies here. The mystic domain has to be apprehended not merely by the true mind and understanding but by the right temperament and character. Mysticism is not merely an object of knowledge, a problem for inquiry and solution, it is an end, an ideal that has to be achieved, a life that has to be lived. The mystics themselves have declared long ago with no uncertain or faltering voice: this cannot be attained by intelligence or much learning, it can be seized only by a purified and clear temperament.
   The warning seems to have fallen, in the modern age, on unheeding ears. For the modern mind, being pre-eminently and uncompromisingly scientific, can entertain no doubt as to the perfect competency of science and the scientific method to seize and unveil any secret of Nature. If, it is argued, mysticism is a secret, if there is at all a truth and reality in it, then it is and must be amenable to the rules and regulations of science; for science is the revealer of Nature's secrecies.
   But what is not recognised in this view of things is that there are secrecies and secrecies. The material secrecies of Nature are of one category, the mystic secrecies are of another. The two are not only disparate but incommensurable. Any man with a mind and understanding of average culture can see and handle the 'scientific' forces, but not the mystic forces.

00.03 - Upanishadic Symbolism, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   But Yama did answer and unveil the mystery and impart the supreme secret knowledge the knowledge of the Transcendent Brahman: it is out of the transcendent reality that the immanent deity takes his birth. Hence the Divine Fire, the Lord of creation and the Inner Mastersarvabhtntartm, antarymis called brahmajam, born of the Brahman. Yama teaches the process of transcendence. Apart from the knowledge and experience first of the individual and then of the cosmic Brahman, there is a definite line along which the human consciousness (or unconsciousness, as it is at present) is to ascend and evolve. The first step is to learn to distinguish between the Good and the Pleasurable (reya and preya). The line of pleasure leads to the external, the superficial, the false: while the other path leads towards the inner and the higher truth. So the second step is the gradual withdrawal of the consciousness from the physical and the sensual and even the mental preoccupation and focussing it upon what is certain and permanent. In the midst of the death-ridden consciousness in the heart of all that is unstable and fleetingone has to look for Agni, the eternal godhead, the Immortal in mortality, the Timeless in time through whom lies the passage to Immortality beyond Time.
   Man has two souls corresponding to his double status. In the inferior, the soul looks downward and is involved in the current of Impermanence and Ignorance, it tastes of grief and sorrow and suffers death and dissolution: in the higher it looks upward and communes and joins with the Eternal (the cosmic) and then with the Absolute (the transcendent). The lower is a reflection of the higher, the higher comes down in a diminished and hence tarnished light. The message is that of deliverance, the deliverance and reintegration of the lower soul out of its bondage of worldly ignorant life into the freedom and immortality first of its higher and then of its highest status. It is true, however, that the Upanishad does not make a trenchant distinction between the cosmic and the transcendent and often it speaks of both in the same breath, as it were. For in fact they are realities involved in each other and interwoven. Indeed the triple status, including the Individual, forms one single totality and the three do not exclude or cancel each other; on the contrary, they combine and may be said to enhance each other's reality. The Transcendence expresses or deploys itself in the cosmoshe goes abroad,sa paryagt: and the cosmic individualises, concretises itself in the particular and the personal. The one single spiritual reality holds itself, aspects itself in a threefold manner.
   The secularisation of man's vital f unctions in modem ages has not been a success. It has made him more egocentric and blatantly hedonistic. From an occult point of view he has in this way subjected himself to the influences of dark and undesirable world-forces, has made an opening, to use an Indian symbolism, for Kali (the Spirit of the Iron Age) to enter into him. The sex-force is an extremely potent agent, but it is extremely fluid and elusive and uncontrollable. It was for this reason that the ancients always sought to give it a proper mould, a right continent, a fixed and definite channel; the moderns, on the other hand, allow it to run free and play with it recklessly. The result has been, in the life of those born under such circumstances, a growing lack of poise and balance and a corresponding incidence of neuras thenia, hysteria and all abnormal pathological conditions.
   Chhandyogya, II, III.

00.04 - The Beautiful in the Upanishads, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Art at its highest tends to become also the simplest and the most unconventional; and it is then the highest art, precisely because it does not aim at being artistic. The aesthetic motive is totally absent in the Upanishads; the sense of beauty is there, but it is attendant upon and involved in a deeper strand of consciousness. That consciousness seeks consciousness itself, the fullness of consciousness, the awareness and possession of the Truth and Reality,the one thing which, if known, gives the knowledge of all else. And this consciousness of the Truth is also Delight, the perfect Bliss, the Immortality where the whole universe resolves itself into its original state of rasa, that is to say, of essential and inalienable harmony and beauty.

0.00a - Introduction, #A Garden of Pomegranates - An Outline of the Qabalah, #Israel Regardie, #Occultism
  The Book of the Law states simply, "Every man and every woman is a star." This is a startling thought for those who considered a star a heavenly body, but a declaration subject to proof by anyone who will venture into the realm of his own unconscious. This realm, he will learn if he persists, is not hemmed in by the boundaries of his physical body but is one with the boundless reaches of outer space.
  Those who, armed with the tools provided by the Qabalah, have made the journey within and crossed beyond the barriers of illusion, have returned with an impressive quantity of knowledge which conforms strictly to the definition of "science" in Winston's College Dictionary: "Science: a body of knowledge, general truths of particular facts, obtained and shown to be correct by accurate observation and thinking; knowledge condensed, arranged and systematized with reference to general truths and laws."
  Much knowledge obtained by the ancients through the use of the Qabalah has been supported by discoveries of modern scientists- anthropologists, astronomers, psychiatrists, et al. Learned Qabalists for hundreds of years have been aware of what the psychiatrist has only discovered in the last few decades-that man's concept of himself, his deities and the Universe is a constantly evolving process, changing as man himself evolves on a higher spiral. But the roots of his concepts are buried in a race-consciousness that antedated Neanderthal man by uncounted aeons of time.
  What Jung calls archetypal images constantly rise to the surface of man's awareness from the vast unconscious that is the common heritage of all mankind.
  The tragedy of civilized man is that he is cut off from awareness of his own instincts. The Qabalah can help him achieve the necessary understanding to effect a reunion with them, so that rather than being driven by forces he does not understand, he can harness for his conscious use the same power that guides the homing pigeon, teaches the beaver to build a dam and keeps the planets revolving in their appointed orbits about the sun.
  I began the study of the Qabalah at an early age. Two books I read then have played unconsciously a prominent part in the writing of my own book. One of these was "Q.B.L. or the Bride's Reception" by Frater Achad (Charles Stansfeld Jones), which I must have first read around 1926. The other was "An Introduction to the Tarot" by Paul Foster Case, published in the early 1920's. It is now out of print, superseded by later versions of the same topic. But as I now glance through this slender book, I perceive how profoundly even the format of his book had influenced me, though in these two instances there was not a trace of plagiarism. It had not consciously occurred to me until recently that I owed so much to them. Since Paul Case passed away about a decade or so ago, this gives me the opportunity to thank him, overtly, wherever he may now be.
  By the middle of 1926 I had become aware of the work of Aleister Crowley, for whom I have a tremendous respect. I studied as many of his writings as I could gain access to, making copious notes, and later acted for several years as his secretary, having joined him in Paris on October 12, 1928, a memorable day in my life.

0.00 - INTRODUCTION, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
   At the age of six or seven Gadadhar had his first experience of spiritual ecstasy. One day in June or July, when he was walking along a narrow path between paddy-fields, eating the puffed rice that he carried in a basket, he looked up at the sky and saw a beautiful, dark thunder-cloud. As it spread, rapidly enveloping the whole sky, a flight of snow-white cranes passed in front of it. The beauty of the contrast overwhelmed the boy. He fell to the ground, unconscious, and the puffed rice went in all directions. Some villagers found him and carried him home in their arms. Gadadhar said later that in that state he had experienced an indescribable joy.
   Gadadhar was seven years old when his father died. This incident profoundly affected him. For the first time the boy realized that life on earth was impermanent. Unobserved by others, he began to slip into the mango orchard or into one of the cremation grounds, and he spent hours absorbed in his own thoughts. He also became more helpful to his mother in the discharge of her household duties. He gave more attention to reading and hearing the religious stories recorded in the Puranas. And he became interested in the wandering monks and pious pilgrims who would stop at Kamarpukur on their way to Puri. These holy men, the custodians of India's spiritual heritage and the living witnesses of the ideal of ren unciation of the world and all-absorbing love of God, entertained the little boy with stories from the Hindu epics, stories of saints and prophets, and also stories of their own adventures. He, on his part, fetched their water and fuel and
   The Christian missionaries gave the finishing touch to the process of transformation. They ridiculed as relics of a barbarous age the images and rituals of the Hindu religion. They tried to persuade India that the teachings of her saints and seers were the cause of her downfall, that her Vedas, Puranas, and other scriptures were filled with superstition. Christianity, they maintained, had given the white races position and power in this world and assurance of happiness in the next; therefore Christianity was the best of all religions. Many intelligent young Hindus became converted. The man in the street was confused. The majority of the educated grew materialistic in their mental outlook. Everyone living near Calcutta or the other strong-holds of Western culture, even those who attempted to cling to the orthodox traditions of Hindu society, became infected by the new uncertainties and the new beliefs.
   But the soul of India was to be resuscitated through a spiritual awakening. We hear the first call of this renascence in the spirited retort of the young Gadadhar: "Brother, what shall I do with a mere bread-winning education?"
   At this time there came to Dakshineswar a youth of sixteen, destined to play an important role in Sri Ramakrishna's life. Hriday, a distant nephew2 of Sri Ramakrishna, hailed from Sihore, a village not far from Kamarpukur, and had been his boyhood friend. Clever, exceptionally energetic, and endowed with great presence of mind, he moved, as will be seen later, like a shadow about his uncle and was always ready to help him, even at the sacrifice of his personal comfort. He was destined to be a mute witness of many of the spiritual experiences of Sri Ramakrishna and the caretaker of his body during the stormy days of his spiritual practice. Hriday came to Dakshineswar in search of a job, and Sri Ramakrishna was glad to see him.
   Unable to resist the persuasion of Mathur Babu, Sri Ramakrishna at last entered the temple service, on condition that Hriday should be asked to assist him. His first duty was to dress and decorate the image of Kali.
   ^No definite information is available as to the origin of this name. Most probably it was given by Mathur Babu, as Ramlal, Sri Ramakrishna's nephew, has said, quoting the authority of his uncle himself.
   ^Hriday's mother was the daughter of Sri Ramakrishna's aunt (Khudiram's sister). Such a degree of relationship is termed in Bengal that of a "distant nephew".
   The worship in the temple intensified Sri Ramakrishna's yearning for a living vision of the Mother of the Universe. He began to spend in meditation the time not actually employed in the temple service; and for this purpose he selected an extremely solitary place. A deep jungle, thick with underbrush and prickly plants, lay to the north of the temples. Used at one time as a burial ground, it was shunned by people even during the day-time for fear of ghosts. There Sri Ramakrishna began to spend the whole night in meditation, returning to his room only in the morning with eyes swollen as though from much weeping. While meditating, he would lay aside his cloth and his brahminical thread. Explaining this strange conduct, he once said to Hriday: "Don't you know that when one thinks of God one should be freed from all ties? From our very birth we have the eight fetters of hatred, shame, lineage, pride of good conduct, fear, secretiveness, caste, and grief. The sacred thread reminds me that I am a brahmin and therefore superior to all. When calling on the Mother one has to set aside all such ideas." Hriday thought his uncle was becoming insane.
   As his love for God deepened, he began either to forget or to drop the formalities of worship. Sitting before the image, he would spend hours singing the devotional songs of great devotees of the Mother, such as Kamalakanta and Ramprasad. Those rhapsodical songs, describing the direct vision of God, only intensified Sri Ramakrishna's longing. He felt the pangs of a child separated from its mother. Sometimes, in agony, he would rub his face against the ground and weep so bitterly that people, thinking he had lost his earthly mother, would sympathize with him in his grief. Sometimes, in moments of scepticism, he would cry: "Art Thou true, Mother, or is it all fiction — mere poetry without any reality? If Thou dost exist, why do I not see Thee? Is religion a mere fantasy and art Thou only a figment of man's imagination?" Sometimes he would sit on the prayer carpet for two hours like an inert object. He began to behave in an abnormal manner
  , most of the time unconscious of the world. He almost gave up food; and sleep left him altogether.
   But he did not have to wait very long. He has thus described his first vision of the Mother: "I felt as if my heart were being squeezed like a wet towel. I was overpowered with a great restlessness and a fear that it might not be my lot to realize Her in this life. I could not bear the separation from Her any longer. Life seemed to be not worth living. Suddenly my glance fell on the sword that was kept in the Mother's temple. I determined to put an end to my life. When I jumped up like a madman and seized it, suddenly the blessed Mother revealed Herself. The buildings with their different parts, the temple, and everything else vanished from my sight, leaving no trace whatsoever, and in their stead I saw a limitless, infinite, effulgent Ocean of Consciousness. As far as the eye could see, the shining billows were madly rushing at me from all sides with a terrific noise, to swallow me up! I was panting for breath. I was caught in the rush
   and collapsed, unconscious. What was happening in the outside world I did not know; but within me there was a steady flow of undiluted bliss, altogether new, and I felt the presence of the Divine Mother." On his lips when he regained consciousness of the world was the word "Mother".
   Yet this was only a foretaste of the intense experiences to come. The first glimpse of the Divine Mother made him the more eager for Her uninterrupted vision. He wanted to see Her both in meditation and with eyes open. But the Mother began to play a teasing game of hide-and-seek with him, intensifying both his joy and his suffering. Weeping bitterly during the moments of separation from Her, he would pass into a trance and then find Her standing before him, smiling, talking, consoling, bidding him be of good cheer, and instructing him. During this period of spiritual practice he had many uncommon experiences. When he sat to meditate, he would hear strange clicking sounds in the joints of his legs, as if someone were locking them up, one after the other, to keep him motionless; and at the conclusion of his meditation he would again hear the same sounds, this time unlocking them and leaving him free to move about. He would see flashes like a swarm of fire-flies floating before his eyes, or a sea of deep mist around him, with luminous waves of molten silver. Again, from a sea of translucent mist he would behold the Mother rising, first Her feet, then Her waist, body, face, and head, finally Her whole person; he would feel Her breath and hear Her voice. Worshipping in the temple, sometimes he would become exalted, sometimes he would remain motionless as stone, sometimes he would almost collapse from excessive emotion. Many of his actions, contrary to all tradition, seemed sacrilegious to the people. He would take a flower and touch it to his own head, body, and feet, and then offer it to the Goddess. Or, like a drunkard, he would reel to the throne of the Mother, touch Her chin by way of showing his affection for Her, and sing, talk, joke, laugh, and dance. Or he would take a morsel of food from the plate and hold it to Her mouth, begging Her to eat it, and would not be satisfied till he was convinced that She had really eaten. After the Mother had been put to sleep at night, from his own room he would hear Her ascending to the upper storey of the temple with the light steps of a happy girl, Her anklets jingling. Then he would discover Her standing with flowing hair. Her black form silhouetted against the sky of the night, looking at the Ganges or at the distant lights of Calcutta.
   Naturally the temple officials took him for an insane person. His worldly well-wishers brought him to skilled physicians; but no-medicine could cure his malady. Many a time he doubted his sanity himself. For he had been sailing across an uncharted sea, with no earthly guide to direct him. His only haven of security was the Divine Mother Herself. To Her he would pray: "I do not know what these things are. I am ignorant of mantras and the scriptures. Teach me, Mother, how to realize Thee. Who else can help me? Art Thou not my only refuge and guide?" And the sustaining presence of the Mother never failed him in his distress or doubt. Even those who criticized his conduct were greatly impressed with his purity, guilelessness, truthfulness, integrity, and holiness. They felt an uplifting influence in his presence.
   It is said that samadhi, or trance, no more than opens the portal of the spiritual realm. Sri Ramakrishna felt an unquenchable desire to enjoy God in various ways. For his meditation he built a place in the northern wooded section of the temple garden. With Hriday's help he planted there five sacred trees. The spot, known as the Panchavati, became the scene of many of his visions.
   The marriage ceremony was duly performed. Such early marriage in India is in the nature of a betrothal, the marriage being consummated when the girl attains puberty. But in this case the marriage remained for ever unconsummated. Sri Ramakrishna lived at Kamarpukur about a year and a half and then returned to Dakshineswar.
   Hardly had he crossed the threshold of the Kali temple when he found himself again in the whirlwind. His madness reappeared tenfold. The same meditation and prayer, the same ecstatic moods, the same burning sensation, the same weeping, the same sleeplessness, the same indifference to the body and the outside world, the same divine delirium. He subjected himself to fresh disciplines in order to eradicate greed and lust, the two great impediments to spiritual progress. With a rupee in one hand and some earth in the other, he would reflect on the comparative value of these two for the realization of God, and finding them equally worthless he would toss them, with equal indifference, into the Ganges. Women he regarded as the manifestations of the Divine Mother. Never even in a dream did he feel the impulses of lust. And to root out of his mind the idea of caste superiority, he cleaned a pariahs house with his long and neglected hair. When he would sit in meditation, birds would perch on his head and peck in his hair for grains of food. Snakes would crawl over his body, and neither would be aware of the other. Sleep left him altogether. Day and night, visions flitted before him. He saw the sannyasi who had previously killed the "sinner" in him again coming out of his body, threatening him with the trident, and ordering him to concentrate on God. Or the same sannyasi would visit distant places, following a luminous path, and bring him reports of what was happening there. Sri Ramakrishna used to say later that in the case of an advanced devotee the mind itself becomes the guru, living and moving like an embodied being.
   Totapuri asked the disciple to withdraw his mind from all objects of the relative world, including the gods and goddesses, and to concentrate on the Absolute. But the task was not easy even for Sri Ramakrishna. He found it impossible to take his mind beyond Kali, the Divine Mother of the Universe. "After the initiation", Sri Ramakrishna once said, describing the event, "Nangta began to teach me the various conclusions of the Advaita Vedanta and asked me to withdraw the mind completely from all objects and dive deep into the Atman. But in spite of all my attempts I could not altogether cross the realm of name and form and bring my mind to the unconditioned state. I had no difficulty in taking the mind from all the objects of the world. But the radiant and too familiar figure of the Blissful Mother, the Embodiment of the essence of Pure Consciousness, appeared before me as a living reality. Her bewitching smile prevented me from passing into the Great Beyond. Again and again I tried, but She stood in my way every time. In despair I said to Nangta: 'It is hopeless. I cannot raise my mind to the unconditioned state and come face to face with Atman.' He grew excited and sharply said: 'What? You can't do it? But you have to.' He cast his eyes around. Finding a piece of glass he took it up and stuck it between my eyebrows. 'Concentrate the mind on this point!' he thundered. Then with stern determination I again sat to meditate. As soon as the gracious form of the Divine Mother appeared before me, I used my discrimination as a sword and with it clove Her in two. The last barrier fell. My spirit at once soared beyond the relative plane and I lost myself in samadhi."
   Sri Ramakrishna remained completely absorbed in samadhi for three days. "Is it really true?" Totapuri cried out in astonishment. "Is it possible that he has attained in a single day what it took me forty years of strenuous practice to achieve? Great God! It is nothing short of a miracle!" With the help of Totapuri, Sri Ramakrishna's mind finally came down to the relative plane.
   Gradually other Brahmo leaders began to feel Sri Ramakrishna's influence. But they were by no means uncritical admirers of the Master. They particularly disapproved of his ascetic ren unciation and condemnation of "woman and gold".1 They measured him according to their own ideals of the householder's life. Some could not understand his samadhi and described it as a nervous malady. Yet they could not resist his magnetic personality.
   Among the Brahmo leaders who knew the Master closely were Pratap Chandra Mazumdar, Vijaykrishna Goswami, Trailokyanath Sannyal, and Shivanath Shastri.
   Pratap Chandra Mazumdar, the right-hand man of Keshab and an accomplished Brahmo preacher in Europe and America, bitterly criticized Sri Ramakrishna's use of uncultured language and also his austere attitude toward his wife. But he could not escape the spell of the Master's personality. In the course of an article about Sri Ramakrishna, Pratap wrote in the "Theistic Quarterly Review": "What is there in common between him and me? I, a Europeanized, civilized, self-centred, semi-sceptical, so-called educated reasoner, and he, a poor, illiterate, unpolished, half-idolatrous, friendless Hindu devotee? Why should I sit long hours to attend to him, I, who have listened to Disraeli and Fawcett, Stanley and Max Muller, and a whole host of European scholars and divines? . . . And it is not I only, but dozens like me, who do the same. . . . He worships Siva, he worships Kali, he worships Rama, he worships Krishna, and is a confirmed advocate of Vedantic doctrines. . . . He is an idolater, yet is a faithful and most devoted meditator on the perfections of the One Formless, Absolute, Infinite Deity. . . . His religion is ecstasy, his worship means transcendental insight, his whole nature burns day and night with a permanent fire and fever of a strange faith and feeling. . . . So long as he is spared to us, gladly shall we sit at his feet to learn from him the sublime precepts of purity, unworldliness, spirituality, and inebriation in the love of God. . . . He, by his childlike bhakti, by his strong conceptions of an ever-ready Motherhood, helped to unfold it [God as our Mother] in our minds wonderfully. . . . By associating with him we learnt to realize better the divine attributes as scattered over the three hundred and thirty millions of deities of mythological India, the gods of the Puranas."
   The Brahmo leaders received much inspiration from their contact with Sri Ramakrishna. It broadened their religious views and kindled in their hearts the yearning for God-realization; it made them understand and appreciate the rituals and symbols of Hindu religion, convinced them of the manifestation of God in diverse forms, and deepened their thoughts about the harmony of religions. The Master, too, was impressed by the sincerity of many of the Brahmo devotees. He told them about his own realizations and explained to them the essence of his teachings, such as the necessity of ren unciation, sincerity in the pursuit of one's own course of discipline, faith in God, the performance of one's duties without thought of results, and discrimination between the Real and the unreal.
   One day Girish felt depressed because he was unable to submit to any routine of spiritual discipline. In an exalted mood the Master said to him: "All right, give me your power of attorney. Henceforth I assume responsibility for you. You need not do anything." Girish heaved a sigh of relief. He felt happy to think that Sri Ramakrishna had assumed his spiritual responsibilities. But poor Girish could not then realize that He also, on his part, had to give up his freedom and make of himself a puppet in Sri Ramakrishna's hands. The Master began to discipline him according to this new attitude. One day Girish said about a trifling matter, "Yes, I shall do this." "No, no!" the Master corrected him. "You must not speak in that egotistic manner. You should say, 'God willing, I shall do it.'" Girish understood. Thenceforth he tried to give up all idea of personal responsibility and surrender himself to the Divine Will. His mind began to dwell constantly on Sri Ramakrishna. This unconscious meditation in time chastened his turbulent spirit.
   The householder devotees generally visited Sri Ramakrishna on Sunday afternoons and other holidays. Thus a brotherhood was gradually formed, and the Master encouraged their fraternal feeling. Now and then he would accept an invitation to a devotee's home, where other devotees would also be invited. Kirtan would be arranged and they would spend hours in dance and devotional music. The Master would go into trances or open his heart in religious discourses and in the narration of his own spiritual experiences. Many people who could not go to Dakshineswar participated in these meetings and felt blessed. Such an occasion would be concluded with a sumptuous feast.
   Mahimacharan and Pratap Hazra were two devotees outstanding for their pretentiousness and idiosyncrasies. But the Master showed them his unfailing love and kindness, though he was aware of their shortcomings. Mahimacharan Chakravarty had met the Master long before the arrival of the other disciples. He had had the intention of leading a spiritual life, but a strong desire to acquire name and fame was his weakness. He claimed to have been initiated by Totapuri and used to say that he had been following the path of knowledge according to his guru's instructions. He possessed a large library of English and Sanskrit books. But though he pretended to have read them, most of the leaves were uncut. The Master knew all his limitations, yet enjoyed listening to him recite from the Vedas and other scriptures. He would always exhort Mahima to meditate on the meaning of the scriptural texts and to practise spiritual discipline.
   Pratap Hazra, a middle-aged man, hailed from a village near Kamarpukur. He was not altogether unresponsive to religious feelings. On a moment's impulse he had left his home, aged mother, wife, and children, and had found shelter in the temple garden at Dakshineswar, where he intended to lead a spiritual life. He loved to argue, and the Master often pointed him out as an example of barren argumentation. He was hypercritical of others and cherished an exaggerated notion of his own spiritual advancement. He was mischievous and often tried to upset the minds of the Master's young disciples, criticizing them for their happy and joyous life and asking them to devote their time to meditation. The Master teasingly compared Hazra to Jatila and Kutila, the two women who always created obstructions in Krishna's sport with the gopis, and said that Hazra lived at Dakshineswar to "thicken the plot" by adding complications.
   Two more young men, Sarada Prasanna and Tulasi, complete the small band of the Master's disciples later to embrace the life of the wandering monk. With the exception of the elder Gopal, all of them were in their teens or slightly over. They came from middle-class Bengali families, and most of them were students in school or college. Their parents and relatives had envisaged for them bright worldly careers. They came to Sri Ramakrishna with pure bodies, vigorous minds, and uncontaminated souls. All were born with unusual spiritual attributes. Sri Ramakrishna accepted them, even at first sight, as his children, relatives, friends, and companions. His magic touch unfolded them. And later each according to his measure reflected the life of the Master, becoming a torch-bearer of his message across land and sea.
   In 1881 Hriday was dismissed from service in the Kali temple, for an act of indiscretion, and was ordered by the authorities never again to enter the garden. In a way the hand of the Divine Mother may be seen even in this. Having taken care of Sri Ramakrishna during the stormy days of his spiritual discipline, Hriday had come naturally to consider himself the sole guardian of his uncle. None could approach the Master without his knowledge. And he would be extremely jealous if Sri Ramakrishna paid attention to anyone else. Hriday's removal made it possible for the real devotees of the Master to approach him freely and live with him in the temple garden.
   During the week-ends the householders, enjoying a respite from their office duties, visited the Master. The meetings on Sunday afternoons were of the nature of little festivals. Refreshments were often served. Professional musicians now and then sang devotional songs. The Master and the devotees sang and danced, Sri Ramakrishna frequently going into ecstatic moods. The happy memory of such a Sunday would linger long in the minds of the devotees. Those whom the Master wanted for special instruction he would ask to visit him on Tuesdays and Saturdays. These days were particularly auspicious for the worship of Kali.
   One day, in January 1884, the Master was going toward the pine-grove when he went into a trance. He was alone. There was no one to support him or guide his footsteps. He fell to the ground and dislocated a bone in his left arm. This accident had a significant influence on his mind, the natural inclination of which was to soar above the consciousness of the body. The acute pain in the arm forced his mind to dwell on the body and on the world outside. But he saw even in this a divine purpose; for, with his mind compelled to dwell on the physical plane, he realized more than ever that he was an instrument in the hand of the Divine Mother, who had a mission to fulfil through his human body and mind. He also distinctly found that in the phenomenal world God manifests Himself, in an inscrutable way, through diverse human beings, both good and evil. Thus he would speak of God in the guise of the wicked, God in the guise of the pious. God in the guise of the hypocrite, God in the guise of the lewd. He began to take a special delight in watching the divine play in the relative world. Sometimes the sweet human relationship with God would appear to him more appealing than the all-effacing Knowledge of Brahman. Many a time he would pray: "Mother, don't make me unconscious through the Knowledge of Brahman. Don't give me Brahmajnana, Mother. Am I not Your child, and naturally timid? I must have my Mother. A million salutations to the Knowledge of Brahman! Give it to those who want it." Again he prayed: "O Mother let me remain in contact with men! Don't make me a dried-up ascetic. I want to enjoy Your sport in the world." He was able to taste this very rich divine experience and enjoy the love of God and the company of His devotees because his mind, on account of the injury to his arm, was forced to come down to the consciousness of the body. Again, he would make fun of people who proclaimed him as a Divine Incarnation, by pointing to his broken arm. He would say, "Have you ever heard of God breaking His arm?" It took the arm about five months to heal.
   It was noticed at this time that some of the devotees were making an unbridled display of their emotions. A number of them, particularly among the householders, began to cultivate, though at first unconsciously, the art of shedding tears, shaking the body, contorting the face, and going into trances, attempting thereby to imitate the Master. They began openly to declare Sri Ramakrishna a Divine Incarnation and to regard themselves as his chosen people, who could neglect religious disciplines with impunity. Narendra's penetrating eye soon sized up the situation. He found out that some of these external manifestations were being carefully practised at home, while some were the outcome of malnutrition, mental weakness, or nervous debility. He mercilessly exposed the devotees who were pretending to have visions, and asked all to develop a healthy religious spirit. Narendra sang inspiring songs for the younger devotees, read with them the Imitation of Christ and the Gita, and held before them the positive ideals of spirituality.

0.00 - The Book of Lies Text, #The Book of Lies, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
    is totally unconscious of this process, or, it might be
    better to say, he recognises it as Nothing, in that positive
    The Rose uncrucified droppeth its petals; without
     the Rose the Cross is a dry stick.
     uncle into Harpocrates. It is a subtle way for Frater P.
    to insist upon his virility, since otherwise he could not
     unconscious, perfectly indifferent, it obeys the laws of
    Cohesion and of Gravitation.

0.00 - THE GOSPEL PREFACE, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  During the Master's lifetime M. does not seem to have revealed the contents of his diary to any one. There is an unconfirmed tradition that when the Master saw him taking notes, he expressed apprehension at the possibility of his utilising these to publicise him like Keshab Sen; for the Great Master was so full of the spirit of ren unciation and humility that he disliked being lionised. It must be for this reason that no one knew about this precious diary of M. for a decade until he brought out selections from it as a pamphlet in English in 1897 with the Holy Mother's blessings and permission. The Holy Mother, being very much pleased to hear parts of the diary read to her in Bengali, wrote to M.: "When I heard the Kathmrita, (Bengali name of the book) I felt as if it was he, the Master, who was saying all that." ( Ibid Part I. P 37.)
  The two pamphlets in English entitled the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna appeared in October and November 1897. They drew the spontaneous acclamation of Swami Vivekananda, who wrote on 24th November of that year from Dehra Dun to M.:"Many many thanks for your second leaflet. It is indeed wonderful. The move is quite original, and never was the life of a Great Teacher brought before the public untarnished by the writer's mind, as you are doing. The language also is beyond all praise, so fresh, so pointed, and withal so plain and easy. I cannot express in adequate terms how I have enjoyed them. I am really in a transport when I read them. Strange, isn't it? Our Teacher and Lord was so original, and each one of us will have to be original or nothing.
  Though a very well versed scholar in the Upanishads, Git and the philosophies of the East and the West, all his discussions and teachings found their culmination in the life and the message of Sri Ramakrishna, in which he found the real explanation and illustration of all the scriptures. Both consciously and unconsciously, he was the teacher of the Kathmrita the nectarine words of the Great Master.
  Though a much-sought-after spiritual guide, an educationist of repute, and a contemporary and close associate of illustrious personages like Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda, Keshab Chander Sen and Iswar Chander Vidysgar, he was always moved by the noble humanity of a lover of God, which consists in respecting the personalities of all as receptacles of the Divine Spirit. So he taught without the consciousness of a teacher, and no bar of superiority stood in the way of his doing the humblest service to his students and devotees. "He was a commission of love," writes his close devotee, Swami Raghavananda, "and yet his soft and sweet words would pierce the stoniest heart, make the worldly-minded weep and repent and turn Godwards."

0.00 - The Wellspring of Reality, #Synergetics - Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking, #R Buckminster Fuller, #Science
  The overconcentration on details of hyperspecialization has also been responsible for the lack of recognition by science of its inherently mandatory responsibility to reorient all our educational curricula because of the synergetically disclosed, but popularly uncomprehended, significance of the 1956 Nobel Prize-winning discovery in physics of the experimental invalidation of the concept of "parity" by which science previously had misassumed that positive-negative complementations consisted exclusively of mirror-imaged behaviors of physical phenomena.
  Science's self-assumed responsibility has been self-limited to disclosure to society only of the separate, supposedly physical (because separately weighable) atomic component isolations data. Synergetic integrity would require the scientists to anno unce that in reality what had been identified heretofore as physical is entirely metaphysical-because synergetically weightless. Metaphysical has been science's designation for all weightless phenomena such as thought. But science has made no experimental finding of any phenomena that can be described as a solid, or as continuous, or as a straight surface plane, or as a straight line, or as infinite anything. We are now synergetically forced to conclude that all phenomena are metaphysical; wherefore, as many have long suspected-like it or not-life is but a dream.Science has found no up or down directions of Universe, yet scientists are personally so ill-coordinated that they all still personally and sensorially see "solids" going up or down-as, for instance, they see the Sun "going down." Sensorially disconnected from their theoretically evolved information, scientists discern no need on their part to suggest any educational reforms to correct the misconceiving that science has tolerated for half a millennium.

0.01 - Letters from the Mother to Her Son, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  which is certainly not unfounded. In their ignorant unconsciousness men set moving forces they are not even aware of and soon
  these forces get more and more out of their control and bring
  they turn into docile but nearly always unconscious puppets.
  Hitler is a choice instrument for these anti-divine forces which

0.01 - Life and Yoga, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
   the profoundest reason of its being in that general truth and that unceasing aim of Nature which it represents, and find by virtue of this new self-knowledge and self-appreciation its own recovered and larger synthesis. Reorganising itself, it will enter more easily and powerfully into the reorganised life of the race which its processes claim to lead within into the most secret penetralia and upward to the highest altitudes of existence and personality.
  In the right view both of life and of Yoga all life is either consciously or subconsciously a Yoga. For we mean by this term a methodised effort towards self-perfection by the expression of the secret potentialities latent in the being and - highest condition of victory in that effort - a union of the human individual with the universal and transcendent Existence we see partially expressed in man and in the Cosmos. But all life, when we look behind its appearances, is a vast Yoga of Nature who attempts in the conscious and the subconscious to realise her perfection in an ever-increasing expression of her yet unrealised potentialities and to unite herself with her own divine reality. In man, her thinker, she for the first time upon this Earth devises selfconscious means and willed arrangements of activity by which this great purpose may be more swiftly and puissantly attained.

0.02 - Letters to a Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  much unconsciousness and carelessness.
  20 July 1932
  learning something, seeing clearly into an element of unconsciousness - these are the things that make one truly happy.
  22 September 1933

0.03 - Letters to My little smile, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  small, and it is only by identification with the Divine Consciousness that one can attain and preserve the true unchanging
  - and least of all about their difficulties; it is uncharitable because it does not help them to overcome the difficulties. As
  for doctors, the rule is that they should not talk about their

0.03 - The Threefold Life, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Since this is the plan of the divine Energy in humanity, the whole method and aim of our existence must work by the interaction of these three elements in the being. As a result of their separate formulation in Nature, man has open to him a choice between three kinds of life, the ordinary material existence, a life of mental activity and progress and the unchanging spiritual beatitude. But he can, as he progresses, combine these three forms, resolve their discords into a harmonious rhythm and so create in himself the whole godhead, the perfect Man.
  In ordinary Nature they have each their own characteristic and governing impulse.

0.04 - The Systems of Yoga, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Ineffable and merges its separate existence in that transcendent unity. And always it is the individual, the Self conditioned in its experience by Nature and working through her formations, that attains to the Self unconditioned, free and transcendent.
  In practice three conceptions are necessary before there can be any possibility of Yoga; there must be, as it were, three consenting parties to the effort, - God, Nature and the human soul or, in more abstract language, the Transcendental, the Universal
  Nature and kept within the narrow bounds of her normal operations. In the ancient tradition of Hathayoga it has always been supposed that this conquest could be pushed so far even as to conquer to a great extent the force of gravitation. By various subsidiary but elaborate processes the Hathayogin next contrives to keep the body free from all impurities and the nervous system unclogged for those exercises of respiration which are his most important instruments. These are called pran.ayama, the control of the breath or vital power; for breathing is the chief physical f unctioning of the vital forces. Pranayama, for the Hathayogin, serves a double purpose. First, it completes the perfection of the body. The vitality is liberated from many of the ordinary necessities of physical Nature; robust health, prolonged youth, often an extraordinary longevity are attained.
  On the other hand, Pranayama awakens the coiled-up serpent of the Pranic dynamism in the vital sheath and opens to the Yogin fields of consciousness, ranges of experience, abnormal faculties denied to the ordinary human life while it puissantly intensifies such normal powers and faculties as he already possesses.

0.05 - Letters to a Child, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  mind, which is still very uncultivated, and to learn the elements
  of knowledge which are indispensable to a man if he does not
  want to be ignorant and uncultured.
  If you worked regularly eight to nine hours a day, you would
  become troubled and uncertain, and that would arouse an
  unnecessary conflict in you.

0.06 - Letters to a Young Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  I don't experience a violent and uncontrollable love for
  anyone; nobody attracts me. And it is because of this
  a violent and uncontrollable love for another, this is called a
  passion, and it is of this we are speaking; it is this impassioned
  my ego which unceasingly says that I cannot accomplish
  what the Divine wants of me.
  shed light on the path and guide the uncertain footsteps?
  My darling Mamma, I want to lead a pure life and I shall

0.09 - Letters to a Young Teacher, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  the most opaque substances and acts even in the unconsciousness.
  But then its action is slow and takes a very long time to

01.01 - The Symbol Dawn, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Repeating for ever the unconscious act,
  Prolonging for ever the unseeing will,
  The single Call, the uncompanioned Power,
  Drew back into some far-off secret world
  And, leader here with his uncertain mind,
  Alone who stares at the future's covered face,
  Prone it reposed, unconscious on mind's verge,
  Obtuse and tranquil like the stone and star.
  A guardian of the unconsoled abyss
  Inheriting the long agony of the globe,
  Amid the trivial sounds, the unchanging scene
  Her soul arose confronting Time and Fate.

01.02 - Natures Own Yoga, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The secret of evolution, I have said, is an urge towards the release and unfoldment of consciousness out of an apparent unconsciousness. In the early stages the movement is very slow and gradual; there it is Nature's original unconscious process. In man it acquires the possibility of a conscious and therefore swifter and concentrated process. And this is in fact the f unction of Yoga proper, viz, to bring about the evolution of consciousness by hastening the process of Nature through the self-conscious will of man.
   An organ in the human being has been especially developed to become the effective instrument of this accelerated Yogic process the self-consciousness which I referred to as being the distinctive characteristic of man is a f unction of this organ. It is his soul, his psychic being; originally it is the spark of the Divine Consciousness which came down and became involved in Matter and has been endeavouring ever since to release itself through the upward march of evolution. It is this which presses on continually as the stimulus to the evolutionary movement; and in man it has attained sufficient growth and power and has come so far to the front from behind the veil that it can now lead and mould his external consciousness. It is also the channel through which the Divine Consciousness can flow down into the inferior levels of human nature. It is the being no bigger than the thumb ever seated within the heart, spoken of in the Upanishads. It is likewise the basis of true individuality and personal identity. It is again the reflection or expression in evolutionary Nature of one's essential selfjivtman that is above, an eternal portion of the Divine, one with the Divine and yet not dissolved and lost in it. The psychic being is thus on the one hand in direct contact with the Divine and the higher consciousness, and on the other it is the secret upholder and controller' (bhart, antarymin) of the inferior consciousness, the hidden nucleus round which the body and the life and the mind of the individual are built up and organised.

01.02 - Sri Aurobindo - Ahana and Other Poems, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   It is the bare truth, "truth in its own home", as I have said already using a phrase of the ancient sages, that is formulated here without the prop of any external symbolism. There is no veil, no mist, no uncertainty or ambiguity. It is clarity itself, an almost scientific exactness and precision. In all this there is something of the straightness and fullness of vision that characterised the Vedic Rishis, something of their supernal genius which could mould speech into the very expression of what is beyond speech, which could sublimate the small and the finite into forms of the Vast and the Infinite. Mark how in these aphoristic lines embodying a deep spiritual experience, the inexpressible has been expressed with a luminous felicity:
   Delight that labours in its opposite,

01.02 - The Creative Soul, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   In one's own soul lies the very height and profundity of a god-head. Each soul by bringing out the note that is his, makes for the most wondrous symphony. Once a man knows what he is and holds fast to it, refusing to be drawn away by any necessity or temptation, he begins to uncover himself, to do what his inmost nature demands and takes joy in, that is to say, begins to create. Indeed there may be much difference in the forms that different souls take. But because each is itself, therefore each is grounded upon the fundamental equality of things. All our valuations are in reference to some standard or other set up with a particular end in view, but that is a question of the practical world which in no way takes away from the intrinsic value of the greatness of the soul. So long as the thing is there, the how of it does not matter. Infinite are the ways of manifestation and all of them the very highest and the most sublime, provided they are a manifestation of the soul itself, provided they rise and flow from the same level. Whether it is Agni or Indra, Varuna, Mitra or the Aswins, it is the same supreme and divine inflatus.
   The cosmic soul is true. But that truth is borne out, effectuated only by the truth of the individual soul. When the individual soul becomes itself fully and integrally, by that very fact it becomes also the cosmic soul. The individuals are the channels through which flows the Universal and the Infinite in its multiple emphasis. Each is a particular figure, aspectBhava, a particular angle of vision of All. The vision is entire and the figure perfect if it is not refracted by the lower and denser parts of our being. And for that the individual must first come to itself and shine in its opal clarity and translucency.

01.02 - The Issue, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  And an uncaring blind Necessity,
  Too high the fire spiritual dare not blaze.
  Her empire of unconscious deft device
  Annul the claim of man's free human will.

01.03 - Mystic Poetry, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   both so idealise, etherealize, almost spiritualise the earth and the flesh that they seem ostensibly only a vesture of something else behind, something mysterious and other-worldly, something other than, even just opposite to what they actually are or appear to be. That is the mystique of the senses which is a very characteristic feature of some of the best poetic inspirations of France. Baudelaire too, the Satanic poet, by the sheer intensity of sympathy and sincerity, pierces as it were into the soul of things and makes the ugly, the unclean, the diseased, the sordid throb and glow with an almost celestial light. Here is the Baudelairean manner:
   Tout casss
   Accepting sorrow and unconsciousness
   Divinity's lapse from its own splendours wove

01.03 - Rationalism, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   What is Reason, the faculty that is said to be the proud privilege of man, the sovereign instrument he alone possesses for the purpose of knowing? What is the value of knowledge that Reason gives? For it is the manner of knowing, the particular faculty or instrument by which we know, that determines the nature and content of knowledge. Reason is the collecting of available sense-perceptions and a certain mode of working upon them. It has three component elements that have been defined as observation, classification and deduction. Now, the very composition of Reason shows that it cannot be a perfect instrument of knowledge; the limitations are the inherent limitations of the component elements. As regards observation there is a two-fold limitation. First, observation is a relative term and variable quantity. One observes through the prism of one's own observing faculty, through the bias of one's own personality and no two persons can have absolutely the same manner of observation. So Science has recognised the necessity of personal equation and has created an imaginary observer, a "mean man" as the standard of reference. And this already takes us far away from the truth, from the reality. Secondly, observation is limited by its scope. All the facts of the world, all sense-perceptions possible and actual cannot be included within any observation however large, however collective it may be. We have to go always upon a limited amount of data, we are able to construct only a partial and sketchy view of the surface of existence. And then it is these few and doubtful facts that Reason seeks to arrange and classify. That classification may hold good for certain immediate ends, for a temporary understanding of the world and its forces, either in order to satisfy our curiosity or to gain some practical utility. For when we want to consider the world only in its immediate relation to us, a few and even doubtful facts are sufficient the more immediate the relation, the more immaterial the doubtfulness and insufficiency of facts. We may quite confidently go a step in darkness, but to walk a mile we do require light and certainty. Our scientific classification has a background of uncertainty, if not, of falsity; and our deduction also, even while correct within a very narrow range of space and time, cannot escape the fundamental vices of observation and classification upon which it is based.
   It might be said, however, that the guarantee or sanction of Reason does not lie in the extent of its application, nor can its subjective nature (or ego-centric predication, as philosophers would term it) vitiate the validity of its conclusions. There is, in fact, an inherent unity and harmony between Reason and Reality. If we know a little of Reality, we know the whole; if we know the subjective, we know also the objective. As in the part, so in the whole; as it is within, so it is without. If you say that I will die, you need not wait for my actual death to have the proof of your statement. The generalising power inherent in Reason is the guarantee of the certitude to which it leads. Reason is valid, as it does not betray us. If it were such as anti-intellectuals make it out to be, we would be making nothing but false steps, would always remain entangled in contradictions. The very success of Reason is proof of its being a reliable and perfect instrument for the knowledge of Truth and Reality. It is beside the mark to prove otherwise, simply by analysing the nature of Reason and showing the fundamental deficiencies of that nature. It is rather to the credit of Reason that being as it is, it is none the less a successful and trustworthy agent.

01.03 - The Yoga of the King - The Yoga of the Souls Release, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  A pointing beam on earth's uncertain roads,
  His birth held up a symbol and a sign;
  The inner planes uncovered their crystal doors;
  Strange powers and influences touched his life.
  In the unceasing drama carried by Time
  On its long listening flood that bears the world's
  Sat uncompanioned in the eternal Calm,
  All-seeing, motionless, sovereign and alone.
  Felt in the seconds the uncounted years
  And saw the hours like dots upon a page.
  And the unconceived lies pathless and alone.
  There came not form or any mounting voice;
  But there too, in the uncertain shadow of life,
  There was a labour and a fiery breath;
  The divine Dwarf towered to unconquered worlds,
  Earth grew too narrow for his victory.

01.04 - The Intuition of the Age, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   But although Reason has been and is useful for the practical, we may say almost, the manual aspect of life, life itself it leaves unexplained and uncomprehended. For life is mobility, a continuous flow that has nowhere any gap or stop and things have in reality no isolated or separate existence, they merge and mingle into one another and form an indissoluble whole. Therefore the forms and categories that Reason imposes upon existence are more or less arbitrary; they are shackles that seek to bind up and limit life, but are often rent asunder in the very effort. So the civilisation that has its origin in Reason and progresses with discoveries and inventionsdevices for artfully manipulating naturehas been essentially and pre-eminently mechanical in its structure and outlook. It has become more and more efficient perhaps, but less and less soul-inspired, less and less-endowed with the free-flowing sap of organic growth and vitality.
   So instead of the rational principle, the new age wants the principle of Nature or Life. Even as regards knowledge Reason is not the only, nor the best instrument. For animals have properly no reason; the nature-principle of knowledge in the animal is Instinct the faculty that acts so faultlessly, so marvellously where Reason can only pause and be perplexed. This is not to say that man is to or can go back to this primitive and animal f unction; but certainly he can replace it by something akin which is as natural and yet purified and self-consciousillumined instinct, we may say or Intuition, as Bergson terms it. And Nietzsche's definition of the Superman has also a similar orientation and significance; for, according to him, the Superman is man who has outgrown his Reason, who is not bound by the standards and the conventions determined by Reason for a special purpose. The Superman is one who has gone beyond "good and evil," who has shaken off from his nature and character elements that are "human, all too human"who is the embodiment of life-force in its absolute purity and strength and freedom.
   And the faculty of Intuition said to be the characteristic of the New Man does not mean all that it should, if we confine ourselves to Bergson's definition of it. Bergson says that Intuition is a sort of sympathy, a community of feeling or sensibility with the urge of the life-reality. The difference between the sympathy of Instinct and the sympathy of Intuition being that while the former is an unconscious or semi-conscious power, the latter is illumined and self-conscious. Now this view emphasises only the feeling-tone of Intuition, the vital sensibility that attends the direct communion with the life movement. But Intuition is not only purified feeling and sensibility, it is also purified vision and knowledge. It unites us not only with the movement of life, but also opens out to our sight the Truths, the fundamental realities behind that movement. Bergson does not, of course, point to any existence behind the continuous flux of life-power the elan vital. He seems to deny any static truth or truths to be seen and seized in any scheme of knowledge. To him the dynamic flow the Heraclitian panta reei is the ultimate reality. It is precisely to this view of things that Bergson owes his conception of Intuition. Since existence is a continuum of Mind-Energy, the only way to know it is to be in harmony or unison with it, to move along its current. The conception of knowledge as a fixing and delimiting of things is necessarily an anomaly in this scheme. But the question is, is matter the only static and separative reality? Is the flux of vital Mind-Energy the ultimate truth?
   Matter forms the lowest level of reality. Above it is the elan vital. Above the elan vital there is yet the domain of the Spirit. And the Spirit is a static substance and at the same a dynamic creative power. It is Being (Sat) that realises or expresses itself through certain typal nuclei or nodi of consciousness (chit) in a continuous becoming, in a flow of creative activity (ananda). The dynamism of the vital energy is only a refraction or precipitation of the dynamism of the spirit; and so also static matter is only the substance of the spirit concretised and solidified. It is in an uplift both of matter and vital force to their prototypesswarupa and swabhavain the Spirit that lies the real transformation and transfiguration of the humanity of man.

01.04 - The Poetry in the Making, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Is the artist the supreme artist, when he is a genius, that is to sayconscious in his creation or is he unconscious? Two quite opposite views have been taken of the problem by the best of intelligences. On the one hand, it is said that genius is genius precisely because it acts unconsciously, and on the other it is asserted with equal emphasis that genius is the capacity of taking infinite pains, which means it is absolutely a self conscious activity.
   We take a third view of the matter and say that genius is neither unconscious or conscious but superconscious. And when one is superconscious, one can be in appearance either conscious or unconscious. Let us at the outset try to explain a little this psychological riddle.
   When we say one is conscious, we usually mean that one is conscious with the mental consciousness, with the rational intelligence, with the light of the brain. But this need not be always so. For one can be conscious with other forms of consciousness or in other planes of consciousness. In the average or normal man the consciousness is linked to or identified with the brain f unction, the rational intelligence and so we conclude that without this wakeful brain activity there can be no consciousness. But the fact is otherwise. The experiences of the mystic prove the point. The mystic is conscious on a level which we describe as higher than the mind and reason, he has what may be called the overhead consciousness. (Apart from the normal consciousness, which is named jagrat, waking, the Upanishad speaks of three other increasingly subtler states of consciousness, swapna, sushupti and turiya.)And then one can be quite unconscious, as in samadhi that can be sushupti or turiyaorpartially consciousin swapna, for example, the external behaviour may be like that of a child or a lunatic or even a goblin. One can also remain normally conscious and still be in the superconscience. Not only so, the mystic the Yogican be conscious on infraconscious levels also; that is to say, he can enter into and identify with the consciousness involved in life and even in Matter; he can feel and realise his oneness with the animal world, the plant world and finally the world of dead earth, of "stocks and stones" too. For all these strands of existence have each its own type of consciousness and all different from the mode of mind which is normally known as consciousness. When St. Francis addresses himself to the brother Sun or the sister Moon, or when the Upanishad speaks of the tree silhouetted against the sky, as if stilled in trance, we feel there is something of this fusion and identification of consciousness with an infra-conscient existence.
   I said that the supreme artist is superconscious: his consciousness withdraws from the normal mental consciousness and becomes awake and alive in another order of consciousness. To that superior consciousness the artist's mentalityhis ideas and dispositions, his judgments and valuations and acquisitions, in other words, his normal psychological make-upserves as a channel, an instrument, a medium for transcription. Now, there are two stages, or rather two lines of activity in the processus, for they may be overlapping and practically simultaneous. First, there is the withdrawal and the in-gathering of consciousness and then its reappearance into expression. The consciousness retires into a secret or subtle worldWords-worth's "recollected in tranquillity"and comes back with the riches gathered or transmuted there. But the purity of the gold thus garnered and stalled in the artistry of words and sounds or lines and colours depends altogether upon the purity of the channel through which it has to pass. The mental vehicle receives and records and it can do so to perfection if it is perfectly in tune with what it has to receive and record; otherwise the transcription becomes mixed and blurred, a faint or confused echo, a poor show. The supreme creators are precisely those in whom the receptacle, the instrumental faculties offer the least resistance and record with absolute fidelity the experiences of the over or inner consciousness. In Shakespeare, in Homer, in Valmiki the inflatus of the secret consciousness, the inspiration, as it is usually termed, bears down, sweeps away all obscurity or contrariety in the recording mentality, suffuses it with its own glow and puissance, indeed resolves it into its own substance, as it were. And the difference between the two, the secret norm and the recording form, determines the scale of the artist's creative value. It happens often that the obstruction of a too critically observant and self-conscious brain-mind successfully blocks up the flow of something supremely beautiful that wanted to come down and waited for an opportunity.
   Still, it must be noted that Coleridge is a rare example, for the recording apparatus is not usually so faithful but puts up its own formations that disturb and alter the perfection of the original. The passivity or neutrality of the intermediary is relative, and there are infinite grades of it. Even when the larger waves that play in it in the normal waking state are quieted down, smaller ripples of unconscious or half-conscious habitual formations are thrown up and they are sufficient to cause the scattering and dispersal of the pure light from above.
   The absolute passivity is attainable, perhaps, only by the Yogi. And in this sense the supreme poet is a Yogi, for in his consciousness the higher, deeper, subtler or other modes of experiences pass through and are recorded with the minimum aberration or diffraction.
   But the Yogi is a wholly conscious being; a perfect Yogi is he who possesses a conscious and willed control over his instruments, he silences them, as and when he likes, and makes them convey and express with as little deviation as possible truths and realities from the Beyond. Now the question is, is it possible for the poet also to do something like that, to consciously create and not to be a mere unconscious or helpless channel? Conscious artistry, as we have said, means to be conscious on two levels of consciousness at the same time, to be at home in both equally and simultaneously. The general experience, however, is that of "one at a time": if the artist dwells more in the one, the other retires into the background to the same measure. If he is in the over-consciousness, he is only half-conscious in his brain consciousness, or even not conscious at allhe does not know how he has created, the sources or process of his creative activity, he is quite oblivious of them" gone through them all as if per saltum. Such seems to have been the case with the primitives, as they are called, the elemental poetsShakespeare and Homer and Valmiki. In some others, who come very near to them in poetic genius, yet not quite on a par, the instrumental intelligence is strong and active, it helps in its own way but in helping circumscribes and limits the original impulsion. The art here becomes consciously artistic, but loses something of the initial freshness and spontaneity: it gains in correctness, polish and elegance and has now a style in lieu of Nature's own naturalness. I am thinking of Virgil and Milton and Kalidasa. Dante's place is perhaps somewhere in between. Lower in the rung where the mental medium occupies a still more preponderant place we have intellectual poetry, poetry of the later classical age whose representatives are Pope and Dryden. We can go farther down and land in the domain of versificationalthough here, too, there can be a good amount of beauty in shape of ingenuity, cleverness and conceit: Voltaire and Delille are of this order in French poetry.
   The three or four major orders I speak of in reference to conscious artistry are exampled characteristically in the history of the evolution of Greek poetry. It must be remembered, however, at the very outset that the Greeks as a race were nothing if not rational and intellectual. It was an element of strong self-consciousness that they brought into human culture that was their special gift. Leaving out of account Homer who was, as I said, a primitive, their classical age began with Aeschylus who was the first and the most spontaneous and intuitive of the Great Three. Sophocles, who comes next, is more balanced and self-controlled and pregnant with a reasoned thought-content clothed in polished phrasing. We feel here that the artist knew what he was about and was exercising a conscious control over his instruments and materials, unlike his predecessor who seemed to be completely carried away by the onrush of the poetic enthousiasmos. Sophocles, in spite of his artistic perfection or perhaps because of it, appears to be just a little, one remove, away from the purity of the central inspiration there is a veil, although a thin transparent veil, yet a veil between which intervenes. With the third of the Brotherhood, Euripides, we slide lower downwe arrive at a predominantly mental transcription of an experience or inner conception; but something of the major breath continues, an aura, a rhythm that maintains the inner contact and thus saves the poetry. In a subsequent age, in Theocritus, for example, poetry became truly very much 'sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought', so much of virtuosity and precocity entered into it; in other words, the poet then was an excessively self-conscious artist. That seems to be the general trend of all literature.
   Not only so, the future development of the poetic consciousness seems inevitably to lead to such a consummation in which the creative and the critical faculties will not be separate but form part of one and indivisible movement. Historically, human consciousness has grown from unconsciousness to consciousness and from consciousness to self-consciousness; man's creative and artistic genius too has moved pari passu in the same direction. The earliest and primitive poets were mostly unconscious, that is to say, they wrote or said things as they came to them spontaneously, without effort, without reflection, they do not seem to know the whence and wherefore and whither of it all, they know only that the wind bloweth as it listeth. That was when man had not yet eaten the fruit of knowledge, was still in the innocence of childhood. But as he grew up and progressed, he became more and more conscious, capable of exerting and exercising a deliberate will and initiating a purposive action, not only in the external practical field but also in the psychological domain. If the earlier group is called "primitives", the later one, that of conscious artists, usually goes by the name of "classicists." Modern creators have gone one step farther in the direction of self-consciousness, a return upon oneself, an inlook of full awareness and a free and alert activity of the critical faculties. An unconscious artist in the sense of the "primitives" is almost an impossible phenomenon in the modern world. All are scientists: an artist cannot but be consciously critical, deliberate, purposive in what he creates and how he creates. Evidently, this has cost something of the old-world spontaneity and supremacy of utterance; but it cannot be helped, we cannot comm and the tide to roll back, Canute-like. The feature has to be accepted and a remedy and new orientation discovered.
   The modern critical self-consciousness in the artist originated with the Romantics. The very essence of Romanticism is curiosity the scientist's pleasure in analysing, observing, experimenting, changing the conditions of our reactions, mental or sentimental or even nervous and physical by way of discovery of new and unforeseen or unexpected modes of "psychoses" or psychological states. Goethe, Wordsworth, Stendhal represented a mentality and initiated a movement which led logically to the age of Hardy, Housman and Bridges and in the end to that of Lawrence and Joyce, Ezra Pound and Eliot and Auden. On the Continent we can consider Flaubert as the last of the classicists married to the very quintessence of Romanticism. A hard, self-regarding, self-critical mentality, a cold scalpel-like gaze that penetrates and upturns the reverse side of things is intimately associated with the poetic genius of Mallarm and constitutes almost the whole of Valry's. The impassioned lines of a very modern poet like Aragon are also characterised by a consummate virtuosity in chiselled artistry, conscious and deliberate and willed at every step and turn.
   The consciously purposive activity of the poetic consciousness in fact, of all artistic consciousness has shown itself with a clear and unambiguous emphasis in two directions. First of all with regard to the subject-matter: the old-world poets took things as they were, as they were obvious to the eye, things of human nature and things of physical Nature, and without questioning dealt with them in the beauty of their normal form and f unction. The modern mentality has turned away from the normal and the obvious: it does not accept and admit the "given" as the final and definitive norm of things. It wishes to discover and establish other norms, it strives to bring about changes in the nature and condition of things, envisage the shape of things to come, work for a brave new world. The poet of today, in spite of all his effort to remain a pure poet, in spite of Housman's advocacy of nonsense and not-sense being the essence of true Art, is almost invariably at heart an incorrigible prophet. In revolt against the old and established order of truths and customs, against all that is normally considered as beautiful,ideals and emotions and activities of man or aspects and scenes and movements of Natureagainst God or spiritual life, the modern poet turns deliberately to the ugly and the macabre, the meaningless, the insignificant and the triflingtins and teas, bone and dust and dustbin, hammer and sicklehe is still a prophet, a violent one, an iconoclast, but one who has his own icon, a terribly jealous being, that seeks to pull down the past, erase it, to break and batter and knead the elements in order to fashion out of them something conforming to his heart's desire. There is also the class who have the vision and found the truth and its solace, who are prophets, angelic and divine, messengers and harbingers of a new beauty that is to dawn upon earth. And yet there are others in whom the two strains mingle or approach in a strange way. All this means that the artist is far from being a mere receiver, a mechanical executor, a passive unconscious instrument, but that he is supremely' conscious and master of his faculties and implements. This fact is doubly reinforced when we find how much he is preoccupied with the technical aspect of his craft. The richness and variety of patterns that can be given to the poetic form know no bounds today. A few major rhythms were sufficient for the ancients to give full expression to their poetic inflatus. For they cared more for some major virtues, the basic and fundamental qualitiessuch as truth, sublimity, nobility, forcefulness, purity, simplicity, clarity, straightforwardness; they were more preoccupied with what they had to say and they wanted, no doubt, to say it beautifully and powerfully; but the modus operandi was not such a passion or obsession with them, it had not attained that almost absolute value for itself which modern craftsmanship gives it. As technology in practical life has become a thing of overwhelming importance to man today, become, in the Shakespearean phrase, his "be-all and end-all", even so the same spirit has invaded and pervaded his aesthetics too. The subtleties, variations and refinements, the revolutions, reversals and inventions which the modern poet has ushered and takes delight in, for their own sake, I repeat, for their intrinsic interest, not for the sake of the subject which they have to embody and clothe, have never been dream by Aristotle, the supreme legislator among the ancients, nor by Horace, the almost incomparable craftsman among the ancients in the domain of poetry. Man has become, to be sure, a self-conscious creator to the pith of his bone.
   Such a stage in human evolution, the advent of Homo Faber, has been a necessity; it has to serve a purpose and it has done admirably its work. Only we have to put it in its proper place. The salvation of an extremely self-conscious age lies in an exceeding and not in a further enhancement or an exclusive concentration of the self-consciousness, nor, of course, in a falling back into the original unconsciousness. It is this shift in the poise of consciousness that has been presaged and prepared by the conscious, the scientific artists of today. Their task is to forge an instrument for a type of poetic or artistic creation completely new, unfamiliar, almost revolutionary which the older mould would find it impossible to render adequately. The yearning of the human consciousness was not to rest satisfied with the familiar and the ordinary, the pressure was for the discovery of other strands, secret stores of truth and reality and beauty. The first discovery was that of the great unconscious, the dark and mysterious and all-powerful subconscient. Many of our poets and artists have been influenced by this power, some even sought to enter into that region and become its denizens. But artistic inspiration is an emanation of Light; whatever may be the field of its play, it can have its origin only in the higher spheres, if it is to be truly beautiful and not merely curious and scientific.
   That is what is wanted at present in the artistic world the true inspiration, the breath from higher altitudes. And here comes the role of the mystic, the Yogi. The sense of evolution, the march of human consciousness demands and prophesies that the future poet has to be a mysticin him will be fulfilled the travail of man's conscious working. The self-conscious craftsman, the tireless experimenter with his adventurous analytic mind has sharpened his instrument, made it supple and elastic, tempered, refined and enriched it; that is comparable to what we call the aspiration or call from below. Now the Grace must descend and fulfil. And when one rises into this higher consciousness beyond the brain and mind, when one lives there habitually, one knows the why and the how of things, one becomes a perfectly conscious operator and still retains all spontaneity and freshness and wonder and magic that are usually associated with inconscience and irreflection. As there is a spontaneity of instinct, there is likewise also a spontaneity of vision: a child is spontaneous in its movements, even so a seer. Not only so, the higher spontaneity is more spontaneous, for the higher consciousness means not only awareness but the free and untrammelled activity and expression of the truth and reality it is.
   Genius had to be generally more or less unconscious in the past, because the instrument was not ready, was clogged as it were with its own lower grade movements; the higher inspiration had very often to bypass it, or rob it of its serviceable materials without its knowledge, in an almost clandestine way. Wherever it was awake and vigilant, we have seen it causing a diminution in the poetic potential. And yet even so, it was being prepared for a greater role, a higher destiny it is to fulfil in the future. A conscious and full participation of a refined and transparent and enriched instrument in the delivery of superconscious truth and beauty will surely mean not only a new but the very acme of aesthetic creation. We thus foresee the age of spiritual art in which the sense of creative beauty in man will find its culmination. Such an art was only an exception, something secondary or even tertiary, kept in the background, suggested here and there as a novel strain, called "mystic" to express its unfamiliar nature-unless, of course, it was openly and obviously scriptural and religious.
   I have spoken of the source of inspiration as essentially and originally being a super-consciousness or over-consciousness. But to be more precise and accurate I should add another source, an inner consciousness. As the super-consciousness is imaged as lying above the normal consciousness, so the inner consciousness may be described as lying behind or within it. The movement of the inner consciousness has found expression more often and more largely than that of over-consciousness in the artistic creation of the past : and that was in keeping with the nature of the old-world inspiration, for the inspiration that comes from the inner consciousness, which can be considered as the lyrical inspiration, tends to be naturally more "spontaneous", less conscious, since it does not at all go by the path of the head, it evades that as much as possible and goes by the path of the heart.
   All things uncomely and broken, all things worn out and old,
   and the imaginative idealist, the romantically spiritual poet says that these or
   Ifso long the poet was more or less a passive, a half-conscious or unconscious intermediary between the higher and the lower lights and delights, his role in the future will be better fulfilled when he becomes fully aware of it and consciously moulds and directs his creative energies. The poet is and has to be the harbinger and minstrel of unheard-of melodies: he is the fashioner of the creative word that brings down and embodies the deepest aspirations and experiences of the human consciousness. The poet is a missionary: he is missioned by Divine Beauty to radiate upon earth something of her charm and wizardry. The fullness of his role he can only play up when he is fully conscious for it is under that condition that all obstructing and obscuring elements lying across the path of inspiration can be completely and wholly eradicated: the instrument purified and tempered and transmuted can hold and express golden truths and beauties and puissances that otherwise escape the too human mould.
   "The Last Voyage" by Charles Williams-A Little Book of Modern Verse, (Faber and Faber).

01.04 - The Secret Knowledge, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  And knows the goal of the unconscious world
  And the heart of the mystery of the journeying years.
  In her unconscious orbit through the Void
  Out of her mindless depths she strives to rise,
  Outstretching arms to the unconscious Void,
  Passionate she prays to invisible forms of Gods
  The murmurs lost by Life's uncaring ear,
  A prophet-speech in Thought's omniscient trance.
  In the unchanging Silence white and nude,
  Aloof, resplendent like gold dazzling suns
  The dumb intention of the unconscious gulfs
  Answers to a will that sees upon the heights,
  Of the great Mother s wide uncharted will
  And the rude enigma of her terrestrial ways
  Content with his safe round's unchanging course,
  He hazards not the new and the unseen.

01.05 - The Yoga of the King - The Yoga of the Spirits Freedom and Greatness, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  \tAll was uncovered to his sealless eye.
  A secret Nature stripped of her defence,
  Even by Matter's strange unconscious skill.
  All's miracle here and can by miracle change.
  A voyager upon uncharted routes
  Fronting the viewless danger of the Unknown,

01.06 - On Communism, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Now, what such an uncompromising individualism fails to recognise is that individuality and ego are not the same thing, that the individual may have his individuality intact and entire and yet sacrifice his ego, that the soul of man is a much greater thing than his vital being. It is simply ignoring the fact and denying the truth to say that man is only a fighting animal and not a loving god, that the self within the individual realises itself only through competition and not co-operation. It is an error to conceive of society as a mere parallelogram of forces, to suppose that it has risen simply out of the struggle of individual interests and continues to remain by that struggle. Struggle is only one aspect of the thing, a particular form at a particular stage, a temporary manifestation due to a particular system and a particular habit and training. It would be nearer the truth to say that society came into being with the demand of the individual soul to unite with the individual soul, with the stress of an Over-soul to express itself in a multitude of forms, diverse yet linked together and organised in perfect harmony. Only, the stress for union manifested itself first on the material plane as struggle: but this is meant to be corrected and transcended and is being continually corrected and transcended by a secret harmony, a real commonality and brotherhood and unity. The individual is not so self-centred as the individualists make him to be, his individuality has a much vaster orbit and fulfils itself only by fulfilling others. The scientists have begun to discover other instincts in man than those of struggle and competition; they now place at the origin of social grouping an instinct which they name the herd-instinct: but this is only a formulation in lower terms, a translation on the vital plane of a higher truth and reality the fundamental oneness and accord of individuals and their spiritual impulsion to unite.
   However, individualism has given us a truth and a formula which collectivism ignored. Self-determination is a thing which has come to stay. Each and every individual is free, absolutely free and shall freely follow his own line of growth and development and fulfilment. No extraneous power shall choose and fix what is good or evil for him, nor coerce and exploit him for its own benefit. But that does not necessarily mean that collectivism has no truth in it; collectivism also, as much as individualism, has a lesson for us and we should see whether we can harmonise the two. Collectivism signifies that the individual should not look to himself alone, should not be shut up in his freedom but expand himself and envelop others in a wider freedom, see other creatures in himself and himself in other creatures, as the Gita says. Collectivism demands that the individual need not and should not exhaust himself entirely in securing and enjoying his personal freedom, but that he can and should work for the salvation of others; the truth it upholds is this that the individual is from a certain point of view only a part of the group and by ignoring the latter it ignores itself in the end.

01.07 - Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Man then, according to Pascal, is by nature a sinful thing. He can lay no claim to noble virtue as his own: all in him is vile, he is a lump of dirt and filth. Even the greatest has his full share of this taint. The greatest, the saintliest, and the meanest, the most sinful, all meet, all are equal on this common platform; all have the same feet of clay. Man is as miserable a creature as a beast, as much a part and product of Nature as a plant. Only there is this difference that an animal or a tree is unconscious, while man knows that he is miserable. This knowledge or perception makes him more miserable, but that is his real and only greatness there is no other. His thought, his self-consciousness, and his sorrow and repentance and contrition for what he is that is the only good partMary's part that has been given to him. Here are Pascal's own words on the subject:
   "The greatness of man is great in this that he knows he is miserable. A tree does not know that it is miserable.
   "Contradiction is not a mark of falsehood, nor is uncontradiction a mark of truth."8
   "The infinite distance of the body from the mind images the distance infinitely more infinite of the mind from Charity (Divine Grace, Faith)."9

01.08 - A Theory of Yoga, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The method of unconscious or subconscious nature is fundamentally that of repression. Apart from Defence Reaction which is a thing of pure coercion, even in Substitution and Sublimation there always remains in the background a large amount of repressed complexes in all their primitive strength. The system is never entirely purified but remains secretly pregnant with those urges; a part only is deflected and camouflaged, the surface only assumes a transformed appearance. And there is always the danger of the superstructure coming down helplessly by a sudden upheaval of the nether forces. The whole system feels, although not in a conscious manner, the tension of the repression and suffers from something that is unhealthy and ill-balanced. Dante's spiritualised passion is a supreme instance of control by Sublimation, but the Divina Comedia hardly bears the impress of a serene and tranquil soul, sovereignly above the turmoils of the tragedy of life and absolutely at peace with itself.
   In conscious control, the mind is for the first time aware of the presence of the repressed impulses, it seeks to release them from the pressure to which they are habitually and normally subjected. It knows and recognises them, however ugly and revolting they might appear to be when they present themselves in their natural nakedness. Then it becomes easy for the conscious determination to eliminate or regulate or transform them and thus to establish a healthy harmony in the human vehicle. The very recognition itself, as implied in conscious control, means purification.
   Thus then we may distinguish three types of control on three levels. First, the natural control, secondly the conscious, i.e. to say the mental the ethical and religious control, and thirdly the spiritual or divine control. Now the spirit is the ultimate truth and reality, behind the forces that act in the mind and in the body, so that the natural control and the ethical control are mere attempts to establish and realise the spiritual control. The animal impulses feel the hidden stress of the divine urges that are their real essence and thus there rises first an unconscious conflict in the natural life and then a conscious conflict in the higher ethical life. But when both of these are transcended and the conflict is carried on to a still higher level, then do we find their real significance and arrive at the consummation to which they move. Yoga is the ultimate transvaluation of physical (and of moral) values, it is the trans-substantiation of life-power into its spiritual substance.

01.08 - Walter Hilton: The Scale of Perfection, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The characteristic then of the path is a one-pointed concentration. Great stress is laid upon "oneliness", "onedness":that is to say, a perfect and complete withdrawal from the outside and the world; an unmixed solitude is required for the true experience and realisation to come. "A full forsaking in will of the soul for the love of Him, and a living of the heart to Him. This asks He, for this gave He." The rigorous exclusion, the uncompromising asceticism, the voluntary self-torture, the cruel dark night and the arid desert are necessary conditions that lead to the "onlyness of soul", what another prophet (Isaiah, XXIV, 16) describes as "My privity to me". In that secreted solitude, the "onlistead"the graphic language of the author calls itis found "that dignity and that ghostly fairness which a soul had by kind and shall have by grace." The utter beauty of the soul and its absolute love for her deity within her (which has the fair name of Jhesu), the exclusive concentration of the whole of the being upon one point, the divine core, the manifest Grace of God, justifies the annihilation of the world and life's manifold existence. Indeed, the image of the Beloved is always within, from the beginning to the end. It is that that keeps one up in the terrible struggle with one's nature and the world. The image depends upon the consciousness which we have at the moment, that is to say, upon the stage or the degree we have ascended to. At the outset, when we can only look through the senses, when the flesh is our master, we give the image a crude form and character; but even that helps. Gradually, as we rise, with the clearing of our nature, the image too slowly regains its original and true shape. Finally, in the inmost soul we find Jesus as he truly is: "an unchangeable being, a sovereign might, a sovereign soothfastness, sovereign goodness, a blessed life and endless bliss." Does not the Gita too say: "As one approaches Me, so do I appear to him."Ye yath mm prapadyante.
   Indeed, it would be interesting to compare and contrast the Eastern and Western approach to Divine Love, the Christian and the Vaishnava, for example. Indian spirituality, whatever its outer form or credal formulation, has always a background of utter unity. This unity, again, is threefold or triune and is expressed in those great Upanishadic phrases,mahvkyas,(1) the transcendental unity: the One alone exists, there is nothing else than theOneekamevdvityam; (2) the cosmic unity: all existence is one, whatever exists is that One, thereare no separate existences:sarvam khalvidam brahma neha nnsti kincaa; (3) That One is I, you too are that One:so' ham, tattvamasi; this may be called the individual unity. As I have said, all spiritual experiences in India, of whatever school or line, take for granted or are fundamentally based upon this sense of absolute unity or identity. Schools of dualism or pluralism, who do not apparently admit in their tenets this extreme monism, are still permeated in many ways with that sense and in some form or other take cognizance of the truth of it. The Christian doctrine too says indeed, 'I and my Father in Heaven are one', but this is not identity, but union; besides, the human soul is not admitted into this identity, nor the world soul. The world, we have seen, according to the Christian discipline has to be altogether abandoned, negatived, as we go inward and upward towards our spiritual status reflecting the divine image in the divine company. It is a complete rejection, a cutting off and casting away of world and life. One extreme Vedantic path seems to follow a similar line, but there it is not really rejection, but a resolution, not the rejection of what is totally foreign and extraneous, but a resolution of the external into its inner and inmost substance, of the effect into its original cause. Brahman is in the world, Brahman is the world: the world has unrolled itself out of the Brahmansi, pravttiit has to be rolled back into its, cause and substance if it is to regain its pure nature (that is the process of nivitti). Likewise, the individual being in the world, "I", is the transcendent being itself and when it withdraws, it withdraws itself and the whole world with it and merges into the Absolute. Even the Maya of the Mayavadin, although it is viewed as something not inherent in Brahman but superimposed upon Brahman, still, has been accepted as a peculiar power of Brahman itself. The Christian doctrine keeps the individual being separate practically, as an associate or at the most as an image of God. The love for one's neighbour, charity, which the Christian discipline enjoins is one's love for one's kind, because of affinity of nature and quality: it does not dissolve the two into an integral unity and absolute identity, where we love because we are one, because we are the One. The highest culmination of love, the very basis of love, according to the Indian conception, is a transcendence of love, love trans-muted into Bliss. The Upanishad says, where one has become the utter unity, who loves whom? To explain further our point, we take two examples referred to in the book we are considering. The true Christian, it is said, loves the sinner too, he is permitted to dislike sin, for he has to reject it, but he must separate from sin the sinner and love him. Why? Because the sinner too can change and become his brother in spirit, one loves the sinner because there is the possibility of his changing and becoming a true Christian. It is why the orthodox Christian, even such an enlightened and holy person as this mediaeval Canon, considers the non-Christian, the non-baptised as impure and potentially and fundamentally sinners. That is also why the Church, the physical organisation, is worshipped as Christ's very body and outside the Church lies the pagan world which has neither religion nor true spirituality nor salvation. Of course, all this may be symbolic and it is symbolic in a sense. If Christianity is taken to mean true spirituality, and the Church is equated with the collective embodiment of that spirituality, all that is claimed on their behalf stands justified. But that is an ideal, a hypothetical standpoint and can hardly be borne out by facts. However, to come back to our subject, let us ow take the second example. Of Christ himself, it is said, he not only did not dislike or had any aversion for Judas, but that he positively loved the traitor with a true and sincere love. He knew that the man would betray him and even when he was betraying and had betrayed, the Son of Man continued to love him. It was no make-believe or sham or pretence. It was genuine, as genuine as anything can be. Now, why did he love his enemy? Because, it is said, the enemy is suffered by God to do the misdeed: he has been allowed to test the faith of the faithful, he too has his utility, he too is God's servant. And who knows even a Judas would not change in the end? Many who come to scoff do remain to pray. But it can be asked, 'Does God love Satan too in the same way?' The Indian conception which is basically Vedantic is different. There is only one reality, one truth which is viewed differently. Whether a thing is considered good or evil or neutral, essentially and truly, it is that One and nothing else. God's own self is everywhere and the sage makes no difference between the Brahmin and the cow and the elephant. It is his own self he finds in every person and every objectsarvabhtsthitam yo mm bhajati ekatvamsthitah"he has taken his stand upon oneness and loves Me in all beings."2
   Indeed, there are one or two points, notes for the guidance of the aspirant, which I would like to mention here for their striking appositeness and simple "soothfastness." First of all with regard to the restless enthusiasm and eagerness of a novice, here is the advice given: "The fervour is so mickle in outward showing, is not only for mickleness of love that they have; but it is for littleness and weakness of their souls, that they may not bear a little touching of God.. afterward when love hath boiled out all the uncleanliness, then is the love clear and standeth still, and then is both the body and the soul mickle more in peace, and yet hath the self soul mickle more love than it had before, though it shew less outward." And again: "without any fervour outward shewed, and the less it thinketh that it loveth or seeth God, the nearer it nigheth" ('it' naturally refers to the soul). The statement is beautifully self-luminous, no explanation is required. Another hurdle that an aspirant has to face often in the passage through the Dark Night is that you are left all alone, that you are deserted by your God, that the Grace no longer favours you. Here is however the truth of the matter; "when I fall down to my frailty, then Grace withdraweth: for my falling is cause there-of, and not his fleeing." In fact, the Grace never withdraws, it is we who withdraw and think otherwise. One more difficulty that troubles the beginner especially is with regard to the false light. The being of darkness comes in the form of the angel of light, imitates the tone of the still small voice; how to recognise, how to distinguish the two? The false light, the "feigned sun" is always found "atwixt two black rainy clouds" : they are "highing" of oneself and "lowing" of others. When you feel flattered and elated, beware it is the siren voice tempting you. The true light brings you soothing peace and meekness: the other light brings always a trail of darknessf you are soothfast and sincere you will discover it if not near you, somewhere at a distance lurking.
   The ultimate truth is that God is the sole doer and the best we can do is to let him do freely without let or hindrance. "He that through Grace may see Jhesu, how that He doth all and himself doth right nought but suffereth Jhesu work in him what him liketh, he is meek." And yet one does not arrive at that condition from the beginning or all at once. "The work is not of the hour nor of a day, but of many days and years." And for a long time one has to take up one's burden and work, co-operate with the Divine working. In the process there is this double movement necessary for the full achievement. "Neither Grace only without full working of a soul that in it is nor working done without grace bringeth a soul to reforming but that one joined to that other." Mysticism is not all eccentricity and irrationality: on the contrary, sanity seems to be the very character of the higher mysticism. And it is this sanity, and even a happy sense of humour accompanying it, that makes the genuine mystic teacher say: "It is no mastery to me for to say it, but for to do it there is mastery." Amen.

01.09 - The Parting of the Way, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The inflatus of something vast and transcendent, something which escapes all our familiar schemes of cognisance and yet is insistent with a translucent reality of its own, we do feel sometimes within us invading and enveloping our individuality, lifting up our sense of self and transmuting our personality into a reality which can hardly be called merely human. All this life of ego-bound rationality then melts away and opens out the passage for a life of vision and power. Thus it is the poet has felt when he says, "there is this incalculable element in human life influencing us from the mystery which envelops our being, and when reason is satisfied, there is something deeper than Reason which makes us still uncertain of truth. Above the human reason there is a transcendental sphere to which the spirit of men sometimes rises, and the will may be forged there at a lordly smithy and made the unbreakable pivot."(A.E.)
   This passage from the self-conscient to the super-conscient does not imply merely a shifting of the focus of consciousness. The transmutation of consciousness involves a purer illumination, a surer power and a wider compass; it involves also a fundamental change in the very mode of being and living. It gives quite a different life-intuition and a different life-power. The change in the motif brings about a new form altogether, a re-casting and re-shaping and re-energising of the external materials as well. As the lift from mere consciousness to self-consciousness meant all the difference between an animal and a man, so the lift again from self-consciousness to super-consciousness will mean the difference of a whole world between man and the divine creature that is to be.
   Nature has marched from the unconscious to the sub-conscious, from the sub-conscious to the conscious and from the conscious to the self-conscious; she has to rise yet again from the self-conscious to the super-conscious. The mineral gave place to the plant, the plant gave place to the animal and the animal gave place to man; let man give place to and bring out the divine.

0.10 - Letters to a Young Captain, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Because you are more conscious, or rather less unconscious.
  23 May 1963
  it is a tamasic and unconscious silence, it is harmful.
  10 June 1963
  often long and unclear, others are short, but all contain mistakes
  and often, very often, the same mistakes of gender, agreement
  of uncertainty in our young people when they see others
  leave here and they say cautiously: "Who knows whether
  This uncertainty and these departures are due to the lower nature, which resists the influence of the yogic power and tries to
  slow down the divine action, not out of ill-will but in order to
  from a few very rare exceptions, man is quite unconscious of the
  Divine he carries within him; and it is just this unconsciousness
  which constitutes the falsehood of the material world.
  it unconsciously in spite of himself?
  for those of us who are not yet awake, who are still unconscious? What is the explanation for this opportunity,
  this good fortune we have been granted?
  It is quite simply unconsciousness, incoercible TAMAS.
  27 July 1966

01.10 - Principle and Personality, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   It is asked of us why do we preach a man and not purely and solely a principle. Our ideal being avowedly the establishment and reign of a new principle of world-order and not gathering recruits for the camp of a sectarian teacher, it seems all the more inconsistent, if not thoroughly ruinous for our cause, that we should lay stress upon a particular individual and incur the danger of overshadowing the universal truths upon which we seek to build human society. Now, it is not that we are unconscious or oblivious of the many evils attendant upon the system of preaching a man the history of the rise and decay of many sects and societies is there to give us sufficient warning; and yet if we cannot entirely give the go-by to personalities and stick to mere and bare principles, it is because we have clear reasons for it, because we are not unconscious or oblivious either of the evils that beset the system of preaching the principle alone.
   Religious bodies that are formed through the bhakti and puja for one man, social reconstructions forced by the will and power of a single individual, have already in the inception this grain of incapacity and disease and death that they are not an integrally self-conscious creation, they are not, as a whole, intelligent and wide awake and therefore constantly responsive to the truths and ideals and realities for which they exist, for which at least, their founder intended them to exist. The light at the apex is the only light and the entire structure is but the shadow of that light; the whole thing has the aspect of a dark mass galvanised into red-hot activity by the passing touch of a dynamo. Immediately however the solitary light fails and the dynamo stops, there is nothing but the original darkness and inertiatoma asit tamasa gudham agre.
   The thing, however, is that what you call principles do not drop from heaven in their virgin purity and all at once lay hold of mankind en masse. It is always through a particular individual that a great principle manifests itself. Principles do not live in the general mind of man and even if they live, they live secreted and unconscious; it is only a puissant personality, who has lived the principle, that can bring it forward into life and action, can awaken, like the Vedic Dawn, what was dead in allmritam kanchana bodhayanti. Men in general are by themselves 'inert and indifferent; they have little leisure or inclination to seek, from any inner urge of their own, for principles and primal truths; they become conscious of these only when expressed and embodied in some great and rare soul. An Avatar, a Messiah or a Prophet is the centre, the focus through which a Truth and Law first dawns and then radiates and spreads abroad. The little lamps are all lighted by the sparks that the great torch scatters.
   And yet we yield to none in our demand for holding forth the principles always and ever before the wide open gaze of all. The principle is there to make people self-knowing and self-guiding; and the man is also there to illustrate that principle, to serve as the hope and prophecy of achievement. The living soul is there to touch your soul, if you require the touch; and the principle is there by which to test and testify. For, we do not ask anybody to be a mere automaton, a blind devotee, a soul without individual choice and initiative. On the contrary, we insist on each and every individual to find his own soul and stand on his own Truththis is the fundamental principle we declare, the only creedif creed it be that we ask people to note and freely follow. We ask all people to be fully self-dependent and self-illumined, for only thus can a real and solid reconstruction of human nature and society be possible; we do not wish that they should bow down ungrudgingly to anything, be it a principle or a personality. In this respect we claim the very first rank of iconoclasts and anarchists. And along with that, if we still choose to remain an idol-lover and a hero-worshipper, it is because we recognise that our mind, human as it is, being not a simple equation but a complex paradox, the idol or the hero symbolises for us and for those who so will, the very iconoclasm and anarchism and perhaps other more positive things as wellwhich we behold within and seek to manifest.

01.11 - The Basis of Unity, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Unlike the previous irruptions that merged and were lost in the general life and consciousness, Islam entered as a leaven that maintained its integrity and revolutionized Indian life and culture by infusing into its tone a Semitic accent. After the Islamic impact India could not be what she was beforea change became inevitable even in the major note. It was a psychological cataclysm almost on a par with the geological one that formed her body; but the spirit behind which created the body was working automatically, inexorably towards the greater and more difficult synthesis demanded by the situation. Only the thing is to be done now consciously, not through an unconscious process of laissez-faire as on the inferior stages of evolution in the past. And that is the true genesis of the present conflict.
   History abounds in instances of racial and cultural immixture. Indeed, all major human groupings of today are invariably composite formations. Excepting, perhaps, some primitiveaboriginal tribes there are no pure races existent. The Briton, the Dane, the Anglo-Saxon, and the Norman have combined to form the British; a Frenchman has a Gaul, a Roman, a Frank in him; and a Spaniard's blood would show an Iberian, a Latin, a Gothic, a Moorish element in it. And much more than a people, a culture in modern times has been a veritable cockpit of multifarious and even incongruous elements. There are instances also in which a perfect fusion could not be accomplished, and one element had to be rejected or crushed out. The complete disappearance of the Aztecs and Mayas in South America, the decadence of the Red Indians in North America, of the Negroes in Africa as a result of a fierce clash with European peoples and European culture illustrate the point.

01.12 - Three Degrees of Social Organisation, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   We may perhaps view the three terms Right, Duty and Dharma as degrees of an ascending consciousness. Consciousness at Its origin and in its primitive formulation is dominated by the principle of inertia (tamas); in that state things have mostly an undifferentiated collective existence, they helplessly move about acted upon by forces outside them. A rise in growth and evolution brings about differentiation, specialisation, organisation. And this means consciousness of oneself of the distinct and separate existence of each and everyone, in other words, self-assertion, the claim, the right of each individual unit to be itself, to become itself first and foremost. It is a necessary development; for it signifies the growth of self consciousness in the units out of a mass unconsciousness or semi-consciousness. It is the expression of rajas, the mode of dynamism, of strife and struggle, it is the corrective of tamas.
   In the earliest and primitive society men lived totally in a mass consciousness. Their life was a blind obedienceobedience to the chief the patriarch or pater familiasobedience to the laws and customs of the collectivity to which one belonged. It was called duty; it was called even dharma, but evidently on a lower level, in an inferior formulation. In reality it was more of the nature of the mechanical f unctioning of an automaton than the exercise of conscious will and deliberate choice, which is the very soul of the conception of duty.

01.13 - T. S. Eliot: Four Quartets, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The Divine Love is a greater fire than the low smouldering fire that our secular unregenerate life is. One has to choose and declare his adhesion. Indeed, the stage of conversion, the crucial turn from the ordinary life to the spiritual life Eliot has characterised in a very striking manner. We usually say, sometimes in an outburst of grief, sometimes in a spirit of sudden disgust and ren unciation that the world is dark and dismal and lonesome, the only thing to do here is to be done with it. The true ren unciation, that which is deep and abiding, is not, however, so simple a thing, such a short cut. So our poet says, but the world is not dark enough, it is not lonesome enough: the world lives and moves in a superficial half-light, it is neither real death nor real life, it is death in life. It is this miserable mediocrity, the shallow uncertainty of consciousness that spells danger and ruin for the soul. Hence the poet exclaims:
   . . . . Not here

01.14 - Nicholas Roerich, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   All elemental personalities have something of the unconventional and irrational in them. And Roerich is one such in his own way. The truths and realities that he envisages and seeks to realise on earth are elemental and fundamental, although apparently simple and commonplace.

0.11 - Letters to a Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  My body is very weak and full of unconsciousness and
  tamas. How can this body become Your good instrument?
  and uncompromising sincerity, is the true remedy.
  1 June 1967
  and became unconsciousness, Suffering, Falsehood and Death.
  Then a second emanation was made to repair the damage.
  Waste of any kind is the result of unconsciousness.
  Consciousness in its purity is perfect and infallible.
  In theory, it applies to everyone. But the vast majority of human beings fall into unconsciousness, and if there is a contact
  with pure Being it is quite unconscious. Very few persons are
  conscious of this relation. It is usually the result of Yoga.
  (Concerning unconsciousness during sleep)
  During sleep the inner beings become consciously active. When

0.12 - Letters to a Student, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  regularly, because it is the laziness of unconsciousness that keeps
  you from doing them.
  Love of Nature is usually the sign of a pure and healthy being uncorrupted by modern civilisation. It is in the silence of a
  peaceful mind that one can best commune with Nature.

0.13 - Letters to a Student, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  ways? What joy does He get in creating unconscious
  things and making them conscious? And why all these

0.14 - Letters to a Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  to overcome his ego in a total and unconditional self-giving to
  the Divine. Then the Divine will make you do what you have to

0 1956-04-24, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   It is at work here, and one day will come when the most blind, the most unconscious, even the most unwilling shall be obliged to recognize it.

0 1958-01-22, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   And Blisswhat I spontaneously call Blissis the synthesis of both. It is found in the very heights of the supramental consciousness, in a diamond light, an uncolored, sparkling light containing all the colors. Joy and Felicity form two sides of a triangle that has Bliss at its apex.
   Bliss contains coolness and warmth, passivity and activity, repose and action, sweetness and tenderness, all at the same time. Divine tenderness is something very different from sweetnessit is a paroxysm of joy, a vibration so strong that the body feels it will burst, so it is forced to widen.

0 1958-02-03b - The Supramental Ship, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   But instead of feeling grieved, morose, rebellious, discontent, I had rather the feeling of what I spoke of at the end: of such a ridiculous absurdity that for several days I was seized with an uncontrollable laughter whenever I saw things and people! Such a tremendous laughter, so absolutely inexplicable (except to me), because of the ridiculousness of these situations.
   When I invited you on a voyage into the unknown, a voyage of adventure,2 I did not know just how true were my words! And I can promise those who are ready to embark upon this adventure that they will make some very astonishing discoveries.

0 1958-05-10, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   This body has neither the uncontested authority of a god nor the imperturbable calm of the sage.
   So, what then?
   Thats where I am. I have reno unced the uncontested authority of a god, I have reno unced the unshakable calm of the sage in order to become the superman. I have concentrated everything upon that.
   We shall see.
   Is it not due to the bodys unconsciousness?
   No. From the minute it is conscious, it is conscious of its own falsehood! It is conscious of this law, of that law, of this third law that fourth law, this tenth laweverything is a law. We are subject to physical laws: this will produce such and such a result if you do that, this will happen, etc. Oh! It reeks! I know it well. I know it very well. These laws reek of falsehood. In the body, we have no faith in the divine Grace, none, none, none, none! Those who have not undergone a tapasya2 as I have, say, Yes, all these inner moral things, feelings, psychology, all that is very good; we want the Divine and we are ready to But all the same, material facts are material facts, they have their concrete reality, after all an illness is an illness, food is food, and everything you do has a consequence, and when you are bah, bah, bah, bah, bah!
   I began my sadhana at birth, without knowing that I was doing it. I have continued it throughout my whole life, which means for almost eighty years (even though for perhaps the first three or four years of my life it was only something stirring about in unconsciousness). But I began a deliberate, conscious sadhana at about the age of twenty-two or twenty-three, upon prepared ground. I am now more than eighty years old: I have thought of nothing but that, I have wanted nothing but that, I had no other interest in life, and not for a single minute have I ever forgotten that it was THAT that I wanted. There were not periods of remembering and forgetting: it was continuous, unceasing, day and night, from the age of twenty-four and I had this experience for the first time about a week ago! So, I say that people who are in a hurry, people who are impatient, are arrogant fools.
   It is a hard path. I try to make it as comfortable as possible, but nevertheless, it is a hard path. And it is obvious that it cannot be otherwise. You are beaten and battered until you understand. Until you are in that state in which all bodies are your body. But at that point, you begin to laugh! You were upset by this, hurt by that, you suffered from this or that but now, how laughable it all seems! And not only the head, but the body too finds it laughable!
   And it is so automatic that it is unconscious.
   When it is a question of movements like anger, desire, etc., you recognize that they are wrong and must disappear, but when material laws are in questionlaws of the body, for example, its needs, its health, its nourishment, all those things they have such a solid, compact, established and concrete reality that it appears absolutely unquestionable.

0 1958-06-06 - Supramental Ship, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   It is the result of the descent of the supramental substance into Matter. Only this substancewhat it has put into physical Mattercould have made it possible. It is a new ferment. From the material standpoint, it removes from physical Matter its tamas, the heaviness of its unconsciousness, and from the psychological standpoint, its ignorance and its falsehood. Matter is subtilized. But it has surely come only as a first experience to show how it will be.
   It is truly a state of absolute omniscience and omnipotence in the body which changes all the vibrations around it.
   It is likely that the greatest resistance will be in the most conscious beings due to a lack of mental receptivity, due to the mind itself which wants things to continue (as Sri Aurobindo has written) according to its own mode of ignorance. So-called inert matter is much more easily responsive, much moreit does not resist. And I am convinced that among plants, for example, or among animals, the response will be much quicker than among men. It will be more difficult to act upon a very organized mind; beings who live in an entirely crystallized, organized mental consciousness are as hard as stone! It resists. According to my experience, what is unconscious will certainly follow more easily. It was a delight to see the water from the tap, the mouthwash in the bottle, the glass, the spongeit all had such an air of joy and consent! There is much less ego, you see, it is not a conscious ego.
   The ego becomes more and more conscious and resistant as the being develops. Very primitive, very simple beings, little children will respond first, because they dont have an organized ego. But these big people! People who have worked on themselves, who have mastered themselves, who are organized, who have an ego made of steel, it will be difficult for them.

0 1958-07-19, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   The Divine is everywhere, in everything. We should never forget itnot for a second should we forget it. He is everywhere, in everything; and in an unconscious but spontaneous, therefore sincere, way, all that exists below the mental manifestation is divine, without mixture; in other words, it exists spontaneously and in harmony with its nature. It is man with his mind who has introduced the idea of guilt. Naturally, he is much more conscious! Theres no question about it, its a fact, although what we call consciousness (what we call it, that is, what man calls consciousness) is the power to objectify and mentalize things. It is not the true consciousness, but its what men call consciousness. So according to the human mode, it is obvious that man is much more conscious than the animal, but the human brings in sin and perversion which do not exist outside of this state we call consciouswhich in fact is not conscious but merely consists in mentalizing things and in having the ability to objectify them.
   It is an ascending curve, but a curve that swerves away from the Divine. So naturally, one has to climb much higher to find a higher Divine, since it is a conscious Divine, whereas the others are divine spontaneously and instinctively, without being conscious of it. All our moral notions of good and evil, all of that, are what we have thrown over the creation with our distorted and perverted consciousness. It is we who have invented it.

0 1958-10-04, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   The progress above follows a certain trajectory, and in some cases the distance increases, in others it decreases (although on the whole, the distance remains relatively unchanged), but my feeling is that the collective receptivity will increase as the action becomes increasingly supramentalized. And the need for an individual receptivitywith all its distortions and alterations and limitationswill decrease in importance as the supramental influence increasingly imposes its power. This influence will impose itself in such a way that it will no longer be subject to the defects in receptivity.

0 1958-11-04 - Myths are True and Gods exist - mental formation and occult faculties - exteriorization - work in dreams, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   They are beings who belong to the progressive creation of the universe and who have themselves presided over its formation from the most etheric or subtle regions to the most material regions. They are a descent of the divine creative Spirit that came to repair the mischief in short, to repair what the Asuras had done. The first makers created disorder and darkness, an unconsciousness, and then it is said that there was a second lineage of makers to repair that evil, and the gods gradually descended through realities that were ever moreone cant say dense because it isnt really dense, nor can one even say material, since matter as we know it does not exist on these planesthrough more and more concrete substances.
   All these zones, these planes of reality, received different names and were classified in different ways according to the occult schools, according to the different traditions, but there is an essential similarity, and if we go back far enough into the various traditions, hardly anything but words differ, depending upon the country and the language. The descriptions are quite similar. Moreover, those who climb back up the ladderor in other words, a human being who, through his occult knowledge, goes out of one of his bodies (they are called sheaths in English) and enters into a more subtle bodyin order to ACT in a more subtle body and so forth, twelve times (you make each body come out from a more material body, leaving the more material body in its corresponding zone, and then go off through successive exteriorizations), what they have seen, what they have discovered and seen through their ascensionwhe ther they are occultists from the Occident or occultists from the Orientis for the most part analogous in description. They have put different words on it, but the experience is very analogous.

0 1958-11-11, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Because the starting point, precisely, was to look into the mental unconsciousness of these people. It was the mental Inconscient. Well, the mental Inconscient REFUSES to changewhich is not true of the other one; the other is nothing, it doesnt exist, it is not organized in any way, it has no way of being, whereas this one is an ORGANIZED Inconscientorganized by a beginning mental influence. A hundred times worse!
   This is a very interesting point to note.
   It is not the experience, which I had once before, of the original Inconscient. The experience I had this time is of the Inconscient that has undergone the influence of the Mind in creation. It has become It has become a FAR greater obstacle than before. Before, it did not even have the power to resist, it had nothing, it was truly unconscious. Now it is an Inconscient organized in its refusal to change!
   It was a very new experience.

0 1958-11-15, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   And each time, you have the feeling of having lived on the surface of things. Its a feeling that is repeated over and over again. With each new conquest, you feel that until then you had lived only on the surface of thingson the surface of the realization, on the surface of surrender, on the surface of power. It was only the surface of things, the surface of the experience. Behind the surface, there is a depth, and only when one enters into this depth does one touch the True Thing. And it is the same experience each time: what seemed a depth becomes the surface. A surface, with all that it entails of inaccuracy, yes, of artificialityartificialan artificial transcription. It feels like something not really alive, a copy, an imitation: its an image, a reflection, but not THE Thing itself. You step into another zone and you feel you have uncovered the Source and the Power and the Truth of things; then this source and power and truth in turn become an appearance, an imitation, a mere transcription in comparison to something concrete: the new realization.

0 1958-11-22, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   And then I saw a GREAT light, like a glory, when you were at Rameswaram. A great light. And when you returned here, this light was upon you, very strong and imposing. But at the same time, I felt that it needed protectingto be shielded, protected that it was not yet established. Established, ready to resist all that decomposes an experience. I would have liked to have kept you apart, under a glass case, but then I saw that this would have drawbacks as well as advantages. Also, I liked the way you wanted to fight against an uncomprehending reception due to your orange robes and your shaved head. Of course, it was a much shorter path than the other, but it was more difficult.
   And then, more and more, I felt that if what I saw, as I saw it, could be realized I saw two things: a journeynot at all a pilgrimage as it is commonly understooda journey towards solitude in arduous conditions, and a sojourn in a very severe solitude, facing the mountains, in arduous physical conditions. The contact with this majesty of Nature has a great influence upon the ego at certain moments: it has the power to dissolve it. But all this complication, all these organized pilgrimages, all that it brings in the whole petty side of human life which spoils everything

0 1958-11-27 - Intermediaries and Immediacy, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   It remains to be seen if all this has first to be mastered before there is even the possibility of holding the Supramental, of FIXING it in the manifestation. That is the great difference. For example, those with the power to materialize forces or beings lack the capacity to fix them, for these are fluid things which act and are then dissolved. That is the difference with the physical world where it is this condensation of energy that makes things (Mother strikes the arms of her chair) stable. All the things in the extraphysical realms are not stable, they are fluidfluid and consequently uncertain.3
   The disciple's tantric guru.

0 1959-10-06 - Sri Aurobindos abode, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   In fact, when I walk back and forth in my room, I dont cut myself off from the rest of the worldalthough it would be so much more convenient! All kinds of things come to mesuggestions, wills, aspirations. But automatically I make a movement of offering: things come to me and just as they are about to touch my head, I turn them upwards and offer them to the Light. They dont enter into me. For example, if someone speaks to me while I am saying my japa, I hear quite well what is being said, I may even answer, but the words remain a little outside, at a certain distance from the head. And yet sometimes, there are things that insist, more defined wills that present themselves to me, so then I have to do a little work, but all that without a pause in the japa. If that happens, there is sometimes a change in the quality of my japa, and instead of being fully the power, fully the light, it is certainly something that produces results, but results more or less sure, more or less long to fructify; it becomes uncertain, as with all things of this physical world. Yet the difference between the two japas is imperceptible; its not a difference between saying the japa in a more or less mechanical way and saying it consciously, because even while I work I remain fully conscious of the japa I continue to repeat it putting the full meaning into each syllable. But nevertheless, there is a difference. One is the all-powerful japa; the other, an almost ordinary japa There is a difference in the inner attitude. Perhaps for the japa to become true, a kind of joy, an elation, a warmth of enthusiasm has to be added but especially joy. Then everything changes.
   Well, it is the same thing, the same imperceptible difference, when it comes to entering the world of Truth. On one side there is the falsehood, and on the other, close by, like the lining of this one, the true life. Only a little difference in the inner quality, a little reversal, is enough to pass to the other side, into the Truth and Light.

0 1960-05-21 - true purity - you have to be the Divine to overcome hostile forces, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   When X is here, I get the impression that things are going backwards instead of forwards. But once hes left, I suddenly leap ahead. And then I perceive that the progress is a real progress, that things won have really been won and they dont come undone again. That is Xs true power, a very material power. For I often feel that things could come into being, they could be realized in the consciousness above (and the vision is there, the Power is there, I have it the invisible power over the earth). But when you come down to the material plane, everything is uncertain. Whereas with X, once things have come down, they no longer dissipate. This is certainly why the Supreme put him on my path.
   For example, there was one difficulty he helped me resolve. I have always been literally pestered, constantly, night and day, by all kinds of thoughts coming from peopleall kinds of calls, questions, formations2 that have naturally to be answered. For I have trained myself to be conscious of everything, always. But it disturbed me in the work, particularly when I needed absolute concentration and I could never cut myself off from people or cut myself off from the world. I had to answer all these calls and these questions, I had to send the necessary force, the necessary light, the healing power, I constantly had to purify all these formations, these thoughts, these wills, these false movements that were falling on me.
   Formations, in occult language, refer to all the psychological movements and impulses, conscious or unconscious, constantly emanating from the disciples and others, and which leave an imprint in the subtle atmosphere or a wandering entity seeking to fulfill itself.

0 1960-05-24 - supramental flood, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   It moves and it doesnt move. How can you explain that? It was in motion, a constant, unceasing motion, and yet there was no shifting of place. I had the perception, or rather there was the perception, of something which WAS forever, which never repeated itself, neither began nor ended, which didnt shift places yet was always in motion.
   Words cannot express it. No translation, none, not even the most subtle mental translation can express this. It was Even now the memory I have of it is inexpressible. You have to be in it to feel it, otherwise

0 1960-06-04, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Myself, I go to bed very early, at eight oclock. Its still quite noisy everywhere, but I dont mind; at least Im sure of no longer being disturbed. First you must stretch out flat and relax all your muscles, all your nervesyou can learn this easilybecome like a dishrag on the bed, as I call it; there should be nothing left. And if you can also do that with the mind, you get rid of a lot of idiotic dreams that make you more tired when you wake up than when you went to bed; they are the result of the cellular activity of the brain going on uncontrollably, which is very tiring. Therefore, relax fully, bring everything to a complete, tensionless calm in which everything has stopped. But this is only the beginning.
   Once Im relaxed, I have developed the habit of repeating my mantra. But its very strange with these mantras I dont know how it is for others; Im speaking of my own mantra, the one I myself foundit came spontaneously. Depending on the occasion, the time, depending on what I might call the purpose for repeating it, it has quite different results. For example, I use it to establish the contact while walking back and forth in my roommy mantra is a mantra of evocation; I evoke the Supreme and establish the contact with the body.
   There are two things to avoid: falling into a stupor of unconsciousness, with all those things coming up from the subconscious and the unconscious that invade and penetrate you, and a vital and mental hyperactivity in which you pass your time literally fightingterrible battles. People come out of that black and blue, as if they had been beaten and they have been, it is not as if! And I see only one way outto change the nature of sleep.
   Mother added:

0 1960-08-20, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   To this day I remember the experience. Truly, thats what I felt I did not intellectualize it. Exactly the impression of what Christ must have experienced when he felt the weight of the cross. It was the weight of a whole world of darkness, unconsciousness, universal bad will, total incomprehension, something And it really felt like that as if I were carrying a frightful weightwhich was frightful because of its darkness, not because of its weight. So I thought, Well, well. This must be how Christ felt when they laid the cross on him.
   There are plenty of them! (Mother indicates a pile of various papers) In another pile there must be as many again! It is a mania for collecting papers.

0 1960-10-19, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   And he did this he bore it all as if it were some unconsciousness, an ordinary illness, simply to keep me from knowing and he left at the very moment he had to leave. But
   And I couldnt even imagine he was gone once he had gone, just there, in front of meit seemed so far away And then afterwards, when he came out of his body and entered into mine, I understood it all Its fantastic.

0 1960-10-25, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   As of now, I have no other news Theyve been caught, so they cant do any wrong OUTWARDLY, but still their power is there. Were going to have to be And everyone here says the same thinglike a black veil of unconsciousness that has fallen upon us. Even those who arent accustomed to such things have felt it. Im presently cleaning the whole placeits not easy. Everything is upside down.
   I had X informed. But I didnt tell him my difficulty (this mantra they threw on me to kill me), I didnt speak of that at all. For he had insisted, from the beginning he had said, Mother must see to it, only Mothers grace can save them. And I understood their attack came just at the time of Durga Puja, so I understood that Durga had to intervene. So thats the story.
   (No sooner had Mother finished telling this story than, by a curious coincidence, someone brought her a portrait drawn by P.K., one of the Ashram artists. Several days earlier, at about two in the morning during an uncommonly violent lightning storm, P.K. had suddenly SEEN amidst the flashes of lightning in the sky a rather terrible, demoniacal head in front of his very eyes. Having nothing else available, he hastily drew his vision in chalk on a schoolchilds slate, which is the portrait Mother speaks of here:)
   Well, well! So P.K. is clairvoyant! Its him, for surethis is the being behind those people. Thats why they had so much power. And he came here because of tha the was furious. Quite a demon!
   I looked and saw the realm which is under the influence of thought the power of thought on the body is tremendous! You cannot imagine how tremendous it is. Even a subconscious or sometimes unconscious thought acts and provokes fantastic results! Ive studied this. Ive been studying it IN DETAIL for the last two yearsits incredible! If I had the time one day to explain all this, it would be interesting.
   Even tiny, the tiniest mental or vital reactionsso tiny that to our ordinary consciousness they dont appear to have the LEAST importanceact upon the bodys cells and can create disorders You see, when you observe carefully, you suddenly become aware of a very slight uneasiness, a mere nothing (when youre busy, you dont even notice it), and then if you follow this uneasiness to see what it is, you perceive that it comes from something quite imperceptible and insignificant to our active consciousness but its enough to create an uneasy feeling in the body.

0 1960-11-12, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   But three times now, Ive really felt that I was on the verge of falling apart. The first time it brought a fever, a fever so I dont know, as if I had at least 115!I was roasting from head to toe; everything became red hot, and then it was over. That was the day when suddenlysuddenly I was You see, I had said to myself, All right, you must be peaceful, lets see what happens, so then I brought down the Peace, and immediately I was able to pass into a second of unconsciousness and I woke up in the subtle physical, in Sri Aurobindos abode.4 There he was. And then I spent some time with him, explaining the problem.
   But that was really an experience, a decisive experience (it was many months ago, perhaps more than a year ago).

0 1960-11-15, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I dont know if its due to Zs visit1 or simply if the time had come and things converged (because thats what generally happens), but a whole period of the past is coming up again and its not a purely personal past, for it includes all the acquaintances I used to have, a whole collection of things that represents not only my individual life but something rather collective (as it always is; each of us is always a collectivity but we arent aware of it, and if anything were taken away, it would unbalance the whole). A whole set of things that were absolutely wiped clean from the memory (it must have been buried somewhere in the subconscient or the semi-conscientin any case, something more unconscious than the subconscient), and it has all come back up. Oh, things such things If just two weeks ago someone had asked me, Do you remember that? I would have replied, No, not at all! And its coming from every side. Oh, such mediocrity! (mediocre in the way of consciousness, experiences and activities) and so gray, so dull, so flat! Only this morning, while getting ready for the balcony, I thought, Is it possible to live like that?!
   And then it became so clear that behind all this there was always the same luminous Presence, this Presence that is everywhere, always, watching over everything.

0 1960-12-31, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   As I approached the house, but still from some distance, I suddenly saw some men busy at work. Then instantly instantly this road which was so vast, sunlit and smoothso smooth to the feet oh, it became the top level of a scaffolding. And what is more, this scaffolding was not very well made, and the closer I came the more complicated it gotthere were planks jutting out, beams off balance. In short, you had to watch every single step to keep from breaking your neck. I began getting annoyed. Moreover, my packages were heavy. They were heavy and they so saddled my arms that I was unable to hold onto anything and had constantly to do a balancing act. Then I began thinking, My God, how complicated this world is! And just at that moment, I saw a young person coming along, like a young girl dressed in European clothes, with a hat on her head all black! This young person had white skin, but her clothes were black, and she wore black shoes on her small white feet. She was dressed all in blackblack, all in black. Like complete unconsciousness. She also came carrying packages (many more than me), and she came hopping along the whole length of the scaffolding, putting her feet just anywhere! My God, I said to myself, shes going to break her neck!But not at all! She was totally unconscious; she wasnt even aware that it was dangerous or complicateda total unconsciousness. But her unconsciousness is what allowed her to go on like that! I watched it all. Well, sometimes its good to be unconscious! Then she disappeared; she had only come to give me a demonstration (she neither saw me nor looked at me). And looking down at the workers, I saw that everything was getting more and more complicated, more and more, more and more and there wasnt even any ladder by which to get down. In other words, it was getting unbearable. Then something in me rebelled: Ah, no! Ive had enough of all thisits too stupid!
   And IMMEDIATELY, I found myself down below, relieved of my packages. And everything was perfectly simple. (I had even brought the packages along without realizing it.) All, all was in order, very neat, very luminous, very simplesimply because I had said, Ah, no! Ive had enough of this business! Why all these stupid complications!5

0 1961-01-10, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Nevertheless, it ought to be a very general rule; yet its critics have a reply: If you dont see evil you can never cure it. If you leave someone to his squalor he will never emerge from it. (Its not exactly true, but its how they legitimize their actions.) In this aphorism, Sri Aurobindo has anticipated these objections: it is not through ignorance or unconsciousness or indifference that you fail to see evilyou can see and even feel it, but you refuse to collaborate in spreading it by giving it the force of your attention or the support of your consciousness. And for that, you must yourself be above the perception and sensationable to see evil or ugliness without suffering, without feeling shocked or troubled. You see them from a height where such things do not exist, yet you have the conscious perception of themthey dont affect you, you are free. This is the first step.
   The second step is to be POSITIVELY conscious of the supreme Goodness and Beauty behind all things and supporting all things, permitting them to exist. Once you have seen Him, you can perceive Him behind the mask and the distortioneven ugliness, even cruelty, even evil are a disguise for that Something which is essentially good or beautiful, luminous, pure.

0 1961-01-24, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   In the middle of the night before last, I woke up (or rather I returned to an external consciousness) with the feeling of having a much larger (by larger I mean more voluminous) and much more powerful being in my body than I usually have. it was as if it could scarcely be held inside me but was spilling over; and SO COMPACTLY POWERFUL that it was almost uncomfortable. The feeling of: what to do with all this?
   It lasted the remainder of the night and all day long I had considerable trouble containing an overwhelming power that spontaneously created reactions utterly disproportionate to a human body and made me speak in a way that. When something was not going well: wham! Such an instantaneous and strong reply that it looked like anger. And I found it difficult to control the movementit had happened already in the morning and it very nearly happened again in the afternoon. That last attack has weakened me terribly! I told myself, I dont have the strength to contain this Power; its difficult to remain calm and controlled. That was my first thought, so I insisted upon calm.

0 1961-02-11, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Basically, if we were capable of. When I am up in my room, its very easy, very easy: it comes and what is a little more difficult is getting out of that state. There I am, like this (gesture of blissful abandonment), and when I feel its time to go downstairs or I have something to do or someone is coming with l unch or whatever, then its a little difficult; otherwise, I am like that (same gesture). Whats difficult is my contact with the Ashram people. As soon as I go down and simply that, having to fidget on my feet, giving people flowers. And they are so unconsciously egotistical! If I dont go through the usual concentration on each one of them, they wonder, What is it? Whats wrong? Have I done something? And and it turns into a big drama.
   Otherwise, concentration is very good, it doesnt tire mewhen my body is not drained, when it isnt constantly aware that it exists because it hurts here, hurts there, aches here, aches there (pain is what gives it a sense of existing), when the body is able to forget itself, things go well, its nothing. Now the Force passes through me without causing fatigue, while many years ago, too much Force created tension; but its not like that now, not at allon the contrary, the body feels better when a lot of force has passed through it.

0 1961-02-18, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And the same goes for their stories about attachments and desiresmy god! Theres nothing to it! Imagine, with anything concerning my body, through all this horror of the subconscient, NOT ONCE have I had to bear the consequence of a desire; I have always had to bear the consequences of the battle against lifes unconscious and malicious resistances, but not once has something come up like that (gesture of something resurging from below) to tell me, You see! You had a desire, now heres the result of it! Not oncevery, very sincerely.
   Thats really not the difficulty the difficulty is that the world is not ready! The very substance one is made of (Mother touches her body) shares in the worlds lack of preparationnaturally! Its the same thing, the very same thing. Perhaps there is a tiny bit more light in this body, but so little that its not worth mentioning-its all the same thing. Oh, a sordid slavery!

0 1961-02-25, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its a rather amusing sensation, a combination of sensation and feeling, that the ordinary human attitude towards things multiplies and magnifies the difficulties to FANTASTIC proportions; while if they simply had the true attitudea NORMAL attitude, quite simple, uncomplicatedahh, all life would be much easier. For the body feels the vibrations (those very vibrations which concentrate to form a body), it feels their nature and sees that its normal reaction, a peaceful and confident reaction, makes things so much easier! But as soon as this agitation of anxiety, fear, discontent comes in, the reaction of a will that doesnt want any of it oh, right away it becomes like water boiling: pff! pff! pff! like a machine. While if the difficulty is accepted with confidence and simplicity, its reduced to its minimum, and I mean purely materially, in the material vibration itself.
   Almost (I say almost because the body hasnt had every experience), but almost all pains can be reduced to something absolutely negligible. (Of course, some pains it hasnt had, but it has had a sufficient number!) Its this anxiety resulting from a semi-mental vibration (the first stirrings of Mind) that complicates everything, everything! For example, take this difficulty I mentioned of climbing the stairs: in the doctors consciousness or anyone elses, pain causes it. According to their ordinary reasoning, pain is what tenses the nerves and muscles so one can no longer walk but this is absolutely FALSE. Pain does not prevent my body from doing anything at all. Pain isnt a factor, or rather its a factor that can be easily dealt with. Its not that: it is Matter; Matter (probably cellular matter, or) losing its capacity to respond to the will, to will-power. But why? I dont know! It depends upon the particular disorganization; but why is it like that? I dont know. Now each time I climb the stairs, I am trying to find the means of infusing Will in such a way that this lack of response doesnt last but I still havent found it. Although theres all this accumulated force and power and will (a tremendous accumulation, I am BATHED in it, the whole body is bathed in it!), yet for some reason it doesnt respond. Here and there, groups of cells fail to respond, and the Force cannot act. So what must be found is.

0 1961-03-11, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I have a recollection of this life, for I relived it when I first became conscious of the life of the entire earth; but I cant say how long it lasted or what area it covered I dont know. I only remember the conditions at that time, the state of material Nature and the human form and human consciousness, and this state of harmony with all the other elements of the earth: harmony with animal life and a great harmony with plant lifethere was a kind of spontaneous knowledge of how to use the things of Nature, the qualities of plants, fruits and all that vegetal nature could offer. There was no aggressiveness, no fear, no contradictions or frictions, and no perversion the mind was pure, simple, luminous, uncomplicated.
   It was certainly with the progress of evolution, the march of evolution, when the mind began to develop for and in itself, that ALL the complications, all the deformations began. Indeed, this story of Genesis that seems so childish does contain a truth. The old traditions like Genesis resembled the Vedas in that each letter6 was the symbol of a knowledge; it was the pictorial rsum of a traditional knowledge, just as the Veda contains a pictoral rsum of the knowledge of its time. But whats more, even the symbol had a reality in the sense that there was truly a period when life upon earth (the first manifestation of mentalized Matter in human forms) was still in complete harmony with all that preceded it. It was only later that.

0 1961-04-18, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Anyway, in this state the feeling of uncertainty completely disappears (he explains it very well).
   We think its BECAUSE we do such and such a thing that something else happens. (And how frequently, too!) People are constantly saying and writing: do this and that will happen. But the fact that this person speaks and the other one acts is also absolutely decreed.
   I have had this experience, and I remember it even went on for several days; I saw all material circumstances as an absolutean absolute that we perceive as an unfolding, but which is an eternally existing absolute. I had this experience, and at the same time I had a very clear perception of what falsehood is the lie; what, from the psychological, the mental point of view, Sri Aurobindo, translating from the Sanskrit, called crookedness.3 We attribute the course of circumstances to our psychological reactionsand indeed, they are used momentarily because everything collaborates either consciously or unconsciously to make things be what they have to be but things could be what they have to be without the intervention of this falsehood. I lived in that consciousness for several days, and it became apparent that this was what separated falsehood from truth. In this state of knowledge-consciousness, the distinction can be made between falsehood and truth; and when seen in that truth-consciousness, material circumstances change character.
   Now I no longer have the experience of that state except as a memory, so I cant formulate it accurately. But what was very clear and comes very oftenvery oftenis the perception of a superimposition of falsehood over a real fact. This brings us back to what I was telling you some time ago,4 that everything is very simple in its truth, that human consciousness is what complicates everything. But the former was an even more total experience of it.

0 1961-04-22, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Yet I dont understand how someone might be doing something positively evil, to the extent that X says, They will repent of it. I dont understand it, I just dont. Because usually when people are like that, they cant stay, they go. Certain people have left for just that reason. Its like this story of black magic performed at the Ashram the first time I fell ill two years ago; I cant believe it, because it would prove that I am totally unconscious! And I dont think I am.
   I know all the people here. I know everything thats going on, I see it night and day. But I havent seen this. Yes, there are ill-intentioned people, but they are even obliged to tell me so! There are people who oh, they almost wish I would leave, because they feel my presence as a constraint! They tell me so very frankly: As long as youre here, were obliged to do the yoga, but we dont want to do the yoga, we want to live quietly; so if you werent here, well, we wouldnt have to think about yoga anymore! But they are a b unch of fools with no power in them at all. As I said, they are even forced to tell me their true feelings.

0 1961-04-25, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It could be, yes, but to no avail. If all these cells which have become so conscious have to break up. It would result in cells that are conscious, but mixed with. What would it amount to, mixed with the sum total of all the unconscious cells of the earth? It would be useless.
   Yes, it would be useless; I mean, perhaps after millions of years it would gradually snowball and have some effect but thats just how Nature f unctions when left to her own interminable wayit is not yoga.
   No, for the least little thing, the whole mechanism has to be discovered, and discovered in a realm of the most total ignorance, where, really, unconsciousness is the most unconscious and ignorance the most ignorant.

0 1961-07-15, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   To be in a condition in which all is the Supreme, all is wonderful, all is marvelous, all is marvelous love, all is all is profound Joyan unchanging, immutable, ever-present condition. To live in That, and then to have this bodily substance contradict it through every possible stupiditylosing sight, losing strength, pains here, pains there, disorders, weaknesses, incapacities of every type. And at the SAME TIME, the response within this body, no matter what happens to it, is, O Lord, Your Grace is infinite. The contradiction is VERY disconcerting.
   From experience, I know perfectly well that when one is satisfied with being a saint or a sage and constantly maintains the right attitude, all goes well the body doesnt get sick, and even if there are attacks it recovers very easily; all goes very well AS LONG AS THERE IS NOT THIS WILL TO TRANSFORM. All the difficulties arise in protest against the will to transform; while if one says, Very well, its all right, let things be as they are, I dont care, I am perfectly happy, in a blissful state, then the body begins to feel content!
   More accurately, they represent the unconsciousness of Matter. Hostilewe say hostile, but of course this is just a manner of speaking.
   You see (Mother is about to say something, then decides not to). Now is not the time to speak of these things.

0 1961-07-28, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There are two lines in the ancient traditions, two ways of explaining this. One says it is by the descent of what already exists in all its perfection that what is involved can be awakened to consciousness and evolution. Its like the old story: when what Sri Aurobindo calls the universal Mother or the Shakti (or Sachchidananda1) realized what had happened in Matter (that is, in what had created Matter) and that this involution had led to a state of Inconscience, total unconsciousness, the ancient lore says that at once the divine Love descended straight from the Lord into Matter and began to awaken what was involved there.
   Other traditions speak of the Consciousness, the divine Consciousness, instead of Love. One even finds accounts full of imagery depicting a Being of prismatic light lying in deep sleep in the cave of the Inconscient; and this Descent awakens him to an activity which is still (how to put it?) inner, an immobile activity, an activity by radiation. Countless rays issue from his body and spread throughout the Inconscient, and little by little they awaken in each thing, in each atom, as it were, the aspiration to Consciousness and the beginning of evolution.

0 1961-08-02, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   So it all keeps circling round and round in the earths atmosphere. But compared to the universe, the earths atmosphere is a very tiny thing. Well, all this keeps circling around within it. And in fact, because of the movement of evolution, there is a progress. The present Inconscient is not as unconscious as the initial Inconscient, and the present Subconscient is not as subconscious nor as generalized as it was at the beginning. This is the meaning of terrestrial evolution.
   But if, as you say, it keeps circling around in the earths atmosphere, doesnt this mean that vibrations are ceaselessly re-created?

0 1961-08-05, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The purpose of sleep is to re-establish contact with the consciousness of Sachchidananda. But I dont think one person in a hundred does so! They enter into unconsciousness far more than into Sachchidananda.
   Yet no two sleeps are the same, mon petit! And its the same with deaths, no two are the same. But sleep and death are different because they are different STATES. As long as you have a body, you are not in the same state as when you are dead. There is a period of seven days after the doctors declare you dead when you are still in an intermediary state; but the actual state of death itself is completely different BECAUSE there is no longer this physical base.
   We all know, of course, that the Divine Consciousness is there in the depths of the Inconscient; but even so, sleep appears to be a fall, and there are people who fall almost completely back into the Inconscient and come out of their sleep far duller than when they entered it. But for some reason, probably due to the necessities of the Work, I have never to my knowledge had a fully unconscious sleep.
   There was another thing (laughing): even as a young child, I would all of a sudden, right in the middle of an action or a sentence or anything at all, go into trance and nobody knew what it was! They would all think I had gone to sleep! But I remained conscious, with an arm raised or in the middle of a word and poof! No one there (Mother laughs). No one there outwardly, but inwardly quite an intense, interesting experience. That used to happen to me even when I was very young.

0 1961-09-16, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   What to do about it? Oh, that will come. But its true, we are always too tensealways. And I know that as long as we are controlled by that admirable mind, we feel that to relax means to fall into tamas and unconsciousness. All these old notions remain, prolonging themselves; and theres something like the residue of one of those marvelous censors, telling you: Be careful, tamas, tamas! Be careful, you are dozing offvery bad, very bad. And its idiotic, because tamas is neither joyous nor luminous, while this is an immediate joy and light.

0 1961-10-02, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Then there is a doctor, V., who comes here twice a year to give a check-up to all who take part in the physical education program and all the children. He is an extremely honest and sincere man who believes in the mission of medical science. Each time he comes, I write something in his diary on the day of his departure (his whole diary is full of things Ive written they usually appear in the Bulletin or somewhere). On that very same day I learned that V. was leaving, and it suddenly came to meso clearly! Falsehood in the body that sort of juxtaposition of contraries, the inversion of the Vibration (only it doesnt really invertits a curious phenomenon: the vibration remains what it is but its received inverted)this falsehood in the body is a falsehood in the CONSCIOUSNESS. The falsity of the consciousness naturally has material consequences and thats what illness is! I immediately made an experiment on my body to see if this held, if it actually works that way. And I realized that its true! When you are open and in contact with the Divine, the Vibration gives you strength, energy; and if you are quiet enough, it fills you with great joyand all of this in the cells of the body. You fall back into the ordinary consciousness and straightaway, without anything changing, the SAME thing, the SAME vibration coming from the SAME source turns into a pain, a malaise, a feeling of uncertainty, instability and decrepitude. To be sure of this, I repeated the experiment three or four times, and it was absolutely automatic, like the operation of a chemical formula: same conditions, same results.
   This interested me greatly.

0 1961-10-30, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   When I began to see this yesterday, I said, Ah, weve struck gold! I dont even know why, but it was the way you presented the thing, the way you explained that the most unconscious and the most conscious meet.1 That was the the thread or the key, I dont know. Then I followed the thread and came to this experience. And its still going on today.
   I mean that theres a feeling of being on the wrong track: ordinarily, when seeking the Supermind, one looks for it on the heights. But thats not it! Thats not it. And one always imagines a sort of subtilization, something etherealized, but its not that.
   Since the time of Adam, it seems we have been choosing to eat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, and there can be no half-measures or regrets along this way, for if we remain prostrate in a false humility, our noses in the dust, the titans or the djinns among us will know all too well how to snatch the Power left unclaimed; this is in fact what they are doingthey would crush the god within us. It is a question of knowingyes or nowhether we want to escape once again into our various paradises, abandoning the earth to the hands of Darkness, or find and seize hold of the Power to refashion this earth into a diviner imagein the words of the Rishis, make earth and heaven equal and one.
   There is obviously a Secret, and all the traditions bear witness to it the Rishis, the Mages of Iran, the priests of Chaldea or Memphis or Yucatan.
   The secret lies in matter. Because Agni is imprisoned in matter and we ourselves are imprisoned there. It is said that Agni is without head or feet, that it conceals its two extremities: above, it disappears into the great heaven of the supraconscient (which the Rishis also called the great ocean), and below, it sinks into the formless ocean of the inconscient (which they also called the rock). We are tr uncated. But the Rishis were men of a solid realism, a true realism resting upon the Spirit; and since the summits of mind opened out upon a lacuna of lightecstatic, to be sure, but with no hold over the worldthey set upon the downward way.6 Thus begins the quest for the lost sun, the long pilgrimage of descent into the inconscient and the merciless fight against the dark forces, the thieves of the sun, the panis and vritras, pythons and giants, hidden in the dark lair with the whole cohort of usurpers: the dualizers, the confiners, the tearers, the COVERERS. But the divine worker, Agni, is helped by the gods, and in his quest he is led by the intuitive ray, Sarama, the heavenly hound with the subtle sense of smell who sets Agni on the track of the stolen herds (strange, shining herds). Now and again there comes the sudden glimmer of a fugitive dawn then all grows dim. One must advance step by step, digging, digging, fighting every inch of the way against the wolves whose savage fury increases the nearer one draws to their denAgni is a warrior. Agni grows through his difficulties, his flame burns more brilliantly with each blow from the Adversary; for, as the Rishis said, Night and Day both suckled the divine Child; they even said that Night and Day are the two sisters, Immortal, with a common lover [the sun] common they, though different their forms (I.113.2,3). These alternations of night and brightness accelerate until Day breaks at last and the herds of Dawn7 surge upward awakening someone who was dead (I.113.8). The infinite rock of the inconscient is shattered, the seeker uncovers the Sun dwelling in the darkness (III.39.5), the divine consciousness in the heart of Matter. In the very depths of Matter, that is to say, in the body, on earth, the Rishis found themselves cast up into Light that same Light which others sought on the heights, without their bodies and without the earth, in ecstasy. And this is what the Rishis would call the Great Passage. Without abandoning the earth they found the vast dwelling place, that dwelling place of the gods, Swar, the original Sun-world that Sri Aurobindo calls the Supramental World: Human beings [the Rishis emphasize that they are indeed men] slaying the Coverer have crossed beyond both earth and heaven [matter and mind] and made the wide world their dwelling place (I.36.8). They have entered the True, the Right, the Vast, Satyam, Ritam, Brihat, the unbroken light, the fearless light, where there is no longer suffering nor falsehood nor death: it is immortality, amritam.

0 1961-11-07, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But it isnt necessary to have all those experiences, not at allSri Aurobindo never did. (Theon didnt have experiences, either; he had only the knowledgehe made use of Madame Theons experiences.) Sri Aurobindo told me he had never really entered the unconsciousness of samadhi for him, these domains were conscious; he would sit on his bed or in his armchair and have all the experiences.
   Naturally, its preferable to be in a comfortable position (its a question of security). If you venture to do these kinds of things standing up, for instance, as I have seen them done, its dangerous. But if one is quietly stretched out, there is no need for trance.

0 1961-12-20, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Seen from the European angle, Sri Aurobindo represents an immense spiritual revolution, redeeming Matter and the creation, which to the Christian religion is fundamentally a fallits really unclear how what has come from God could become so bad, but anyway, better not be too logical! its a fall. The creation is a fall. And thats why they are far more easily convinced by Buddhism. I saw this particularly with Richard, whose education was entirely in European philosophy, with Christian and positivist influences; under these two influences, when he came into contact with Theons cosmic philosophy and later Sri Aurobindos revelation, he immediately explained, in his Wherefore of the Worlds, that the world is the fruit of DesireGods desire. Yet Sri Aurobindo says (in simple terms), God created the world for the Joy of the creation, or rather, He brought forth the world from Himself for the Joy of living an objective life. This was Theons thesis too, that the world is the Divine in an objective form, but for him the origin of this objective form was the desire to be. All this is playing with words, you understand, but it turns out that in one case the world is reprehensible and in the other it is adorable! And that makes all the difference. To the whole European mind, the whole Christian spirit, the world is reprehensible. And when THAT is pointed out to them, they cant stand it.
   So the very normal, natural reaction against this attitude is to negate the spiritual life: lets take the world as it is, brutally, materially, short and sweet (since it all comes to an end with this short life), lets do all we can to enjoy ourselves now, suffer as little as possible and not think of anything else. Having said that life is a condemned, reprehensible, anti-divine thing, this is the logical conclusion. Then what to do? We dont want to do away with life, so we do away with the Divine.

0 1961-12-23, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There is something deeper. And within this deeper thing there was: quiet, quiet, quiet, we will wait; and the impression (but vague, distant and uncertain) of some attempt being made to introduce a very good possibility into the atmosphere. I never see on the purely physical plane, you know (its always on the subtle physical, the plane of possibilities thats more real to me; the purely physical generally eludes me, but I see the subtle physical clearly), and I was seeing I dont know, it was like something higher, from above, trying to make someone enter the field of possibilities, a brain that would suddenly be touched by the book and reverse the situation. I dont know who, I dont know what, I dont know how. Ah, you know that yellow rose I just gave you? Its fringed in pink. Well, what came was like a slender pink fringe winding through the atmosphere of this situation.
   Its possibleall is possible!

0 1962-01-09, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Theres a seat in my bathroom upstairs, and between the seat and the wall are two small tables (not tables, but small stools where a few things are kept), and a porcelain towel bar (luckily, everything has rounded corners). I found myself wedged in between the seat and the two small tables (a space about this wide!). And all that matter the material substance of the table and the objects on the table and the porcelain seatit all seemed so unreceptive! It doesnt give way like it should for things to be comfortable; but it wasnt that my body was uncomfortable there was no body! The whole set-up was bizarre, everything was in a bizarre and absurd situation which I couldnt really understand, couldnt make out: Whats this big lump doing here, I seemed to be wondering, taking up so much room, getting in the way?
   My elbow had ended up leaning on a little plastic tray I have there, where I keep pencils, ball-point pens, note pads and so forth. The body was leaning on this tray, evidently trying to get up, and the whole thing started cracking noisily under the weight. And in a diffuse but very clear consciousness I was saying to myself, But why? Whats all this ridiculous noise? And whats this heavy thing doing? What disorder. There shouldnt be such disorder. And it went on crack-crack-cracking. Then suddenly normal consciousness returnedto be exact, what returned was the normal RELATIONSHIP consciousness has with thingsand I said, Well, really! What a ridiculous situation! What is this elbow doing on that tray? It should realize its breaking it! And when things were all completely back to normal I told my body, What are you doing, you idiot! Come on, pick yourself up, get moving! Immediately, docile as a little child, it extricated itself, turned around, and stood up straightquite straight. I had scratched my knee, scratched my elbow, and taken three knocks on the head. Luckily there were no sharp edgesit was all hard enough, but no sharp edges. Anyway, in the end I was all right, no damage done.

0 1962-01-12 - supramental ship, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   So long as theres no question of physical transformation, the psychological and in large part, the subjective point of view is sufficientand thats relatively easy. But when it comes to incorporating matter into the work, matter as it is in this world where the very starting point is false (we start off in unconsciousness and ignorance), well, its very difficult. Because, to recover the consciousness it has lost, Matter has had to individualize itself, and for that for the form to last and retain this possibility of individualityit has been created with a certain indispensable measure of rigidity. And that rigidity is the main obstacle to the expansion, to the plasticity and suppleness necessary for receiving the Supermind. I constantly find myself facing this problem, which is utterly concrete, absolutely material when youre dealing with cells that have to remain cells and not vaporize into some nonphysical reality, and at the same time have to have a suppleness, a lack of rigidity, enabling them to widen indefinitely.
   There have been times, while working in the most material mind (the mind ingrained in the material substance), when I felt my brain swelling and swelling and swelling, and my head becoming so large it seemed about to burst! On two occasions I was forced to stop, because it was (was it only an impression, or was it a fact?) in any event it seemed dangerous, as if the head would burst, because what was inside was becoming too tremendous (it was that power in Matter, that very powerful deep blue light which has such powerful vibrations; it is able to heal, for example, and change the f unctioning of the organsreally a very powerful thing materially). Well then, thats what was filling my head, more and more, more and more, and I had the feeling that my skull was (it was painful, you know) that there was a pressure inside my skull pushing out, pushing everything out. I wondered what was going to happen. Then, instead of following the movement, helping it along and going with it, I became immobile, passive, to see what would happen. And both times it stopped. I was no longer helping the movement along, you see, I simply remained passive and it came to a halt, there was a sort of stabilization.

0 1962-01-15, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   He stopped at the subtle physicalhe refused to go any farther. It was Satan, the Asura1 of Light who, in cutting himself off from the Supreme, fell into unconsciousness and Darkness (Ive told the story many times). But anyway, when I was with Thon, I summoned that being and asked him if he wanted to enter into contact with the earth. Its worth mentioning that Thon himself was an incarnation of the Lord of Death Ive had good company in my life! And the other one [Richard] was an incarnation of the Lord of Falsehood but it was only partial. With Thon too it was partial. But with Satan it was the central being; of course, he had millions of emanations in the world, but this was the central being in person. The others lets keep that for another time.
   He agreed to take on a body. Theon wanted to keep him there: Dont let him go, he told me. I didnt answer. This being told me he didnt want to be more material than that, it was sufficientyou could feel him move the way you feel a draft, it was that concrete.

0 1962-01-21, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It came after the vision of the great divine Becoming.2 Since this world is progressive, I was wondering, since it is increasingly becoming the Divine, wont there always be this deeply painful sense of the nondivine, of the state that, compared with the one to come, is not divine? Wont there always be what we call adverse forces, in other words, things that dont harmoniously follow the movement? Then came the answer, the vision of That: No, the moment of this very Possibility is drawing near, the moment for the manifestation of the essence of perfect Love, which can transform this unconsciousness, this ignorance and this ill will that goes with it into a luminous and joyous progression, wholly progressive, wholly comprehensive, thirsting for perfection.
   It was very concrete.

0 1962-01-27, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   So She made her first four emanations. The first was Consciousness and Light (arising from Sachchidananda); the second was Ananda and Love; the third was Life; and Truth was the fourth. Then, so the story goes, conscious of their infinite power, instead of keeping their connection with the supreme Mother and, through Her, with the Supreme, instead of receiving indications for action from Him and doing things in proper order, they were conscious of their own power and each one took off independently to do as he pleased they had power and they used it. They forgot their Origin. And because of this initial oblivion, Consciousness became unconsciousness, and Light became darkness; Ananda became suffering, Love became hate; Life became Death; and Truth became Falsehood. And they were instantly thrown headlong into what became Matter. According to Theon, the world as we know it is the result of that. And that was the Supreme himself in his first manifestation.
   But the story is easy to understand, and quite evocative. On the surface, for intellectuals, its very childish; but once you have the experience you understand it very well I understood and felt the thing immediately.

0 1962-02-24, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Tapas: literally, heat. It is the concentrated energy constituting everythingnot generated by some mechanism, but by the very concentration of the power of Consciousness (chit). In Indian tradition, the world was created by Tapas in the form of an egg the primordial eggwhich broke open from the incubating heat of consciousness-force and gave birth to the world. To "become the tapas of things" is to uncover in one's own material, bodily substance that same formidable, supramental seat of energy (what physicists, following Einstein, call atomic energy: E = mc2), the energy that animates the stone and the bird and the universe for then like can act upon like. Mother was reaching that point.

0 1962-03-06, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   This in itself has to be conquered; I mean, the state in itself represents something to be conquered. Because you remember, I told you the other day about having such a tremendous experience in the body-consciousness1this this dull consciousness in the material world, which really gives the feeling of something inert, unchanging, incapable of responding; you could wait millions and millions of years and nothing would budge. And that experience came at the end of a rather critical passageit takes catastrophes to get it moving, thats whats so strange! And not only that, but the wisp of imagination it does have (if you can call it imagination) is invariably catastrophic. Whatever it anticipates is always for the worst the pettiest, meanest, nastiest kind of worstalways the worst. Its really, its the most sickening condition human consciousness and matter can be in. Well, I have been swimming in it for months, and my way of being in it is to go through every possible illness and to have every possible physical aggravation, one after another.
   Just recently, as I told you, things truly became a little disgusting, dangerous, and for an hour or an hour and a half I did a sadhana like this (Mother clenches her fists), keeping hold of this body and body-consciousness. And the whole time the Force was at work there (it was like kneading a very resistant dough), something was saying to me, Look, you cant deny miracles any longer. It was being said to this consciousness (not to me, of course), this body-consciousness: Now you cant deny it miracles do happen. It was forced to see; there it was, gaping like an idiot being shown the skyAh! And its so stupid that it didnt even have any joy of discovery! But it was forced to see, the thing was right under its nosethere was no escaping it, it had to be admitted. But you know what, mon petit, as soon as I let up on the pressureforgotten!

0 1962-05-27, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But the reason behind the idea was my physical condition. I hadnt thought of Sujata at first; I simply saw I dont know. Im tired all the time, its true. My reserves are all used up. Anything extra exhausts me. And on top of it, theres also a discouraging psychological state. For one thing, my nights are totally unconscious the mind turns round and round and I cant sleep. My meditations are always the same. You know, the feeling of nothing, nothing, nothing. So I think the cause of all this lies in the kind of physical life I lead.2
   A lack of vitality.
   But whats behind my totally unconscious nights? Behind the total absence of anything at all in my meditations?
   (After a silence) Thats something you have to sense for yourself, isnt it?

0 1962-05-31, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Theres a strange thing that happens to me all the time, at least fifty times a day (and its particularly clear at night). In its most external form its like moving from one room to another, or from one house to another, and you go through the door or the wall almost without noticing it, automatically. Being in one room is reflected outwardly by quite a comfortable condition, a state where theres no pain at all, no pain anywhere, and a great peacea joyous peace, a state of perfect calm an ideal condition, at any rate, which sometimes lasts a long, long time. Its mainly at night, actually; during the day people interrupt me with all sorts of things, but for a certain number of hours at night this state is practically constant. And then suddenly, with no perceptible or apparent reason (I havent yet discovered the why or the wherefore of it), you seem to FALL into the other room, or into the other house, as though you had made a false step and then you have a pain here, an ache there, youre uncomfortable.
   Obviously its the continuation of the same experience I told you about,1 but now it has come to this. I mean the two states are now distinctnoticeably distinct; but so far I havent found either the why or the wherefore. Is it something coming from outside or just an old rut: yes, it really feels like an old rut, like a wrinkle in a piece of cloth; you know, you iron it out again and again, and the wrinkle comes back. Thats more the feeling it gives menot at all a conscious habit, just an old rut. But might something from outside also be provoking it?

0 1962-06-02, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The afternoon experience was very intriguing; I was busy working (organizing things for one of the departments, I no longer remember which) and then I said to the person I was with, Now I am going to my cousins place! When I was very young I had a cousin, the eldest son of one of my fathers brothers (he had a large family, such as you seldom see in France). This cousin became some kind of engineera civil engineer, maybe, or a mechanical engineer (he was an outstanding chemist). Anyway, this boy was very attracted to me. He went off to the war as an officer and caught some disease (I forget what) and died around 1915, at the time I returned to France. Well, in my experience yesterday afternoon, a certain family living HERE gave me exactly the same sensation I had had towards those people when I was young. And especially for this cousin (for the rest of the family it was more vague, like a background to the experience). I am going to their place, I said. They have a lovely estate here, just as they had a lovely estate in France before (they had Madame de Sevignes chateau at Sucy, near Parisa beautiful property). And it was all so concrete! It wasnt coming through the head; it wasnt a thought but a sensation. I have to go see him now, I said. And even as I was having my vision I was telling myself, You must be going crazy! Can they really be here in Pondicherry? This uncle with whom I had only rather distant relations and this cousin I never saw much of, but whom I knew to be very nice and very loyalAre they really here?! The sensation was most strange (the head wasnt f unctioning at all; it was a SENSATION). So off I went to see this cousin, and it was on the way to see him that I had the experience of crossing the river. And on the way back, after the discussion with the spiritual brother (whom I really told off: Get out of here! I dont need you!), after that, when I found myself back on the bank, I started collecting my consciousness again, telling myself, Look here now! Lets try to see clearly. And then I realized that the cousin who died prematurely during the war had reincarnated in someone here. How strange, I thought. And the dates coincided.
   But that is a singular state: there is no mental intervention at all; you live things POSITIVELY, just as you experience them physically, in the same way that this (Mother knocks on the table next to her) is physically a table. Its that kind of perception something positive. I positively said, I am going to my cousins place, and the relationship had an absolutely positive vibrationit wasnt at all something thought or even remembered: theres no remembering anything, its simply there, alive. A strange state. I have had it on several occasions, and when I have it I am aware that this must be the state people who know what is happening and make predictions are inin this state there is no possibility of doubt. No thoughts intervenenone at all, not one. Absolutely nothing intellectual: simply certain vital-physical vibrations, and then you know. And you dont even wonder how you know; its not that kind of thingits self-evident. And since I was in that state when I saw the reincarnation of the cousin, I am perfectly sure of what I saw. And god knows (Mother laughs), when I came out of it and began to look at it all with my usual consciousness, I said to myself, My word! I would never have thought of such a thing! It was millions of miles from any thought of mine. Besides, I never used to think of that cousin; he was a fine boy but I never paid much attention to him, he had no place in my active consciousness.

0 1962-06-12, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You know, for me all this is nothing but surface drama, the whole business means nothing. The only thing I did see clearly was more or less what you felt: that is, if X is to remain intimately linked with us, he had better learn not to tell tales or, to put it as favorably as possible, not to give voice to a certain unconscious part of his being.
   Thats exactly it! I detest gossip, you know, so I never spread any, but he has told some people incredible things. I dont tell on him to you because I find it a kind of its something I dislike. Thats why I spoke to himin such a case, I always refer to something within, to the deep affection I had for him. I mean I was trying to help. I had NO OTHER kind of reaction. I saw him in a bad spot and tried to help him out, thats all.

0 1962-06-30, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Almost all my memories of past lives came like that; the particular being reincarnated in me rises to the surface and begins acting as if it were all on its own! Once in Italy, when I was fifteen, it happened in an extraordinary way. But that time I did some research. I was in Venice with my mother and I researched in museums and archives, and I discovered my name, and the names of the other people involved. I had relived a scene in the Ducal Palace, but relived it in such a such an absolutely intense way (laughinga scene where I was being strangled and thrown into a canal!) that my mother had to hurry me out of there as fast as she could! But that experience I wrote down, so the exact memory has been kept (I didnt write down the other experiences, so the details have all faded away, but this one was noted, although I didnt include any names). The next morning I did some research and uncovered the whole story. I told it all to Thon and Madame Thon, and he also had the memory of a past life there, during the same period. And as a matter of fact, I had seen a portrait there that was the spitting image of Thon! The portrait of one of the doges. It was absolutely (it was a Titian) absolutely Thon! HIS portrait, you know, as if it had just been done.5
   All those kinds of things came to me just like that, without my looking for them, wanting them, or understanding them, without doing any sort of discipline, nothingit was absolutely spontaneous. And they just kept on coming and coming and coming.

0 1962-07-18, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   This body-consciousness has a will; it is constantly, constantly calling upon the Lords will: Lord, take possession of this, take possession of that, take. Theres no question of taking possession of the will, that was done ages ago, but: Take possession of these cells, those cells, this, that. It is the BODYS aspiration. Well, the blow wasnt caused by this will acting in the body; the blow didnt come directly from the body, but from something that had slipped in through an unconscious element; and the body simply erased, or absorbed, digested this unconsciousness and the thing vanished without a trace!
   And do you know how this body is? It immediately began wondering (I was quietly watching it all from above), What if (ifs are always idiotic but its an old bodily habit), what if the object had been sharp, would the results have been so easy to annul? (Mother laughs) Then I distinctly heard someone reply (I am putting it into words), You idiot! That wouldnt have happened in the first place! That is, the necessary protection would have been there. The protection intervenes only when necessary, not just for the fun of it. You numbskull, it said (I am translating freely), how silly can you be! It wouldnt have happened.

0 1962-07-21, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   We can mix with all, but in order to draw all into the true path, keeping intact the spirit and form of our ideal. If we do not do that we shall lose our direction and the real work will not be done. If we remain individually everywhere, something will be done indeed; but if we remain everywhere as parts of a Samgha, a hundred times more will be done. As yet that time has not come. If we try to give a form hastily, it may not be the exact thing we want. The Samgha will at first be in unconcentrated form. Those who have the ideal will be united but work in different places. Afterwards, they will form something like a spiritual commune and make a compact Samgha. They will then give all their work a shape according to the demand of the spirit and the need of the agenot a bound and rigid form, not an achalayatana3, but a free form which will spread out like the sea, mould itself into many waves and surround a thing here, overflood a thing there and finally take all into itself. As we go on doing this there will be established a spiritual community. This is my present idea. As yet it has not been fully developed. All is in Gods hands; whatever He makes us do, that we shall do.
   Now let me discuss some particular points of your letter. I do not want to say much in this letter about what you have written as regards your yoga. We shall have better occasion when we meet. To look upon the body as a corpse is a sign of Sannyasa, of the path of Nirvana. You cannot be of the world with this idea. You must have delight in all thingsin the Spirit as well as in the body. The body has consciousness, it is Gods form. When you see God in everything that is in the world, when you have this vision that all this is Brahman, Sarvamidam Brahma, that Vasudeva is all thisVasudevah sarvamiti then you have the universal delight. The flow of that delight precipitates and courses even through the body. When you are in such a state, full of the spiritual consciousness, you can lead a married life, a life in the world. In all your works you find the expression of Gods delight. So far I have been transforming all the objects and perceptions of the mind and the senses into delight on the mental level. Now they are taking the form of the supramental delight. In this condition is the perfect vision and perception of Sachchidananda.

0 1962-07-31, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I have the feeling that, consciously or unconsciously (I dont know which), this gentleman has become a tool of Catholic resistance. It is very strong in the Old World and in America as well, although there its more Christian than specifically Catholic. But its terribly strong in France: it tries to take advantage of every opening and to block whatever might take a new turn.
   It will give way.

0 1962-08-31, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It can be, its possible. Its possible, I dont say it isnt; it is possible, it can happen, but more and more, the life allotted to this body is to do things without knowing it, to change the world without seeing it, and to to ignore all that, to be absolutely unconcerned with the results. And (to be perfectly explicit) I have a feeling that to have access to the highest and purest Power, the very notion of result must disappear completely the Supreme Power has no sense of result AT ALL. The sense of result is yet another rift between the essential, supreme Power, and the consciousness. In other words, its because the consciousness begins to separate slightly [from its identity with the Supreme Power], that the sense of result is created, but otherwise it doesnt exist.
   Its as if everything had to be to be the Action, the eternal Action at each second of the Manifestation THE thing. At each pulsationwhich corresponds to time in the ManifestationTHAT alone is THE thing. And the idea of something having a result is already a distortion.

0 1962-09-05, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Stubbornly. You have to be stubbornstubborn, stubborn, stubborn. Youre up against all the resistance of unconsciousness and ignorance, up against all the power of unconsciousness and ignorance something obstinate and unyielding. But its like the story of the drop of water on the rock: a matter of time. The water will eventually wear its way through the rock. It takes ages, but it will succeed, for it falls persistently, drop after drop. First it runs off, eventually it makes a hole, and you have a wide river flowing below. Nature gives us this wonderful example to follow. Thats it: we must be like the water dripping on the rock.
   Water is vital energy. The rock is unconsciousness.
   There you are, mon petit.

0 1962-09-08, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Ive come to a point where I can see the effort towards the Divine even in very unconscious little beings: puppies, kittens, little babies, a treeits visible. And that is the immense sadhana of the earth preparing itself to receive the Divine.
   Thats all that is needed.

0 1962-09-26, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   As far as Ive understood, the Indian tradition has embraced everything that came from the first Emanations, since all the gods of destruction, of unconsciousness and of suffering are included in its pantheon.
   In the end, I think its up to each one to name what he wants the way he wants. Thats how I have always felt. Even in Hindu tradition it is written: Man is chattel for the gods; beware of the gods.
   There is no longer a play BETWEEN oneself and things, its. Truly, the sign of the Supermind is Oneness. Not a sum of a lot of different things, but, on the contrary, a Oneness at play with Itself. Theres nothing of the way gods relate to each other and the world, for they are still part of the realm of diversity, though FREE from Ignorance. They dont have Ignorance, they dont have what we human beings have here. They have no Ignorance, they have no unconsciousness, but they have the sense of diversity and of separation.
   What about Sri Aurobindos experience at Alipore, then? You know, that well-known experience when he saw Narayana in the prisoners, Narayana in the guards, Narayana everywhere?

0 1962-10-12, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I have lived this in recent days. I have seen it. Last night or the night before, I spent at least two hours in a world the subtle physical worldwhere the living mingle with the dead with no sense of difference, it makes absolutely no difference there. For instance, when Mridu1 was in her body I used to see her at night maybe once a year (maybe not even that much). For years she was utterly nonexistent in my consciousness but since she left her body, I see her almost every night! There she is, just as she was, you know (rotund gesture), but no longer troubled, thats all. No longer troubled. And there were both living and what we call the living and the deadthey were both there together, eating together, moving around together, having fun together; and all in a lovely, tranquil lightpleasant, very pleasant. There! I thought, and humans have drawn a sharp line, saying, Now hes dead! Dead! And what really takes the cake is the way they treat the body like an unconscious object, and its still conscious!
   Its treated like an object: Now then! Lets get rid of this just as quickly as we can: its a nuisance and it gets in the way. And even those who feel the most sorrow dont want to see it; its too painful for them.

0 1962-10-24, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   When he comes like this, when he manifests this way, you get the feeling that all the disorderly vibrations of life are being kept at a distanceeverything becomes so peaceful and unconditioned: it depends on nothing, absolutely nothing. A peace coming solid and concrete, capable of existing anywhere at alleven on the Chinese border today.1
   Do you think theres going to be war?

0 1962-11-23, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its very, very true [one step up, one step down], very true, because its true even for the most material body-consciousness. And you realize the difficulties that represents. As soon as the body becomes more conscious of the divine Presence and Light, its immediately as though you touched the dregs of unconsciousness and yes, of unconsciousness and material inertia. And that makes the work very hard, very hard.
   And just last time, when I told you I wasnt very well, it happened during the night, and it was the equivalent of what you write here, but purely material, in the body. In your book you describe it rather psychologically, like a phenomenon of consciousness, that is; but here its a phenomenon of the cells. So hurry to bring me the triumph! (Mother laughs) I was telling myself just this morning how exhausting it was, this perpetual battleoh, what a battle.

0 1962-11-27, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I dont know why, but Im more and more unconscious.
   Oh yes, more and more. Previously I used to remember a littlenow nothing. Nothing! Its funny.

0 1962-11-30, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And it becomes such an absorbing and absolute experience (Mother seems to be enveloped in white light) the uncertainty, the instability, the fleeting, inconstant and impermanent nature of all thingseverything collapses, there is nothing to lean on, except THE SUPREME, for He is all.
   One thing alone is unfailing: the absolute All.

0 1962-12-04, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   In the true movement, you feel the Absolute and Eternity physically. How? Its impossible to describe, but thats how it is. And the minute you get out of That, when you fall back even slightly into the ordinary movement, the old movement, theres a feeling of ABSOLUTE uncertainty! uncertainty at every second. It would be impossible for an ordinary human being to live in that consciousness, with that sense of total and absolute uncertainty, of total and absolute impermanenceits no longer a destruction,1 but its not yet an ascending transformation. Absolute instability. It doesnt last more than a fraction of a secondjust enough time to become aware of oneself, thats all.
   If the other movement werent getting more and more established, it would be unbearable, as they say in English.

0 1962-12-08, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You said something mysterious the other day [December 4] concerning Sri Aurobindos departure. You were speaking of the sense of impermanence you had, of total uncertainty, and you said, Its no longer a destruction, but its not yet an ascending transformation.
   It was a real physical destruction; so I am saying its not that any more, but its not yet the realization.

0 1963-01-14, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It is ultimately the most powerful means of dissolving difficulties, overcoming grief and getting rid of pain. The first two [difficulties and grief] are relatively easy (relatively), the last [pain] is more difficult because of our habit of regarding the body and its sensations as extremely concrete and positive but actually it is the same thing, its just that we havent been taught and accustomed to seeing our body as something fluid, plastic, uncertain, malleable. We havent learned to permeate it with this luminous Laughter which dissolves all shadows and difficulties, all discords, all disharmony, all that grates, cries and weeps.

0 1963-01-18, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   As I told you, Sri Aurobindo lives there permanently, as though in a house of his own: you can see him, you can stay with him, he is busy. It is very much like the physical, but a physical that would be less grating, you understand, where things are more harmonious and satisfying, less excited. There is less of that feeling of haste and uncertainty. In that house where Sri Aurobindo lives, life unfolds very, very harmoniously: people come and go, there are meals even. But all that obeys more general laws, and a sense of security and certainty not to be found in physical life. And the symbolism is more exact (I dont know how to express it), the symbolic transcription of things is less distorted, more exact.
   This is the subtle physical as I know it, I cant say if it is the same for everyone. Sri Aurobindo said, There is a true physical, well, I have a feeling that this is what he calls the true physicala subtler physical, the true physical which is behind.

0 1963-02-19, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Last night or the night before, I was in Sri Aurobindos house and he was telling me, Some things are going wrong. And he showed me around his house. There were some pipesbig pipes that had burst. You see, he told me, people have been careless. In some places they had taken away all the furniture and were cleaning up in a stupid way: See, he said, they dont do things the proper way. Then I understood it was the reflection of the way things happen here. And he was (not angry, he is never angry), but people gave him a lot of bother, they were preventing him from doing his work: I would come in a room and try to arrange a corner because he wanted to write, but it was impossible, the whole setup made it impossible for him to have even a decent corner where he could write then at other times, it would be quite fine. Because it changes continuously. The layout of rooms has an inner meaningit MEANS somethingso it always stays the same as if the setting stayed unchanged (because its not a house built from an architects plan! Its his own house, which he has arranged according to his taste, so it stays that way). But people seem to have unrestricted entry there, and everyone wants to do something, to make himself useful, (laughing) so its terrible! This is what erased my experience or pushed it back into the realm of memories. As though he were saying, Dont be too concerned with universal things, because over here (laughing) things arent too smooth!

0 1963-03-16, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   With a sort of incomprehensible comprehension, we are reminded of the words of the Vedic Rishis: "He uncovered the two worlds, eternal and in ONE nest."
   Rig-Veda, I.62.7

0 1963-03-23, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   These last few days, while walking in meditation, I said to the Lord, What do I have? I have no certainty, no foreknowledge, no absolute power, I have nothing. (I dont mean I, I mean the bodythis body.) The body was saying: Do you see my condition? I am still full of (it was complaining bitterly), oh, full of the silliest movements. Petty movements of apprehension, petty movements of uncertainty, petty movements of anxiety, petty movements of all kinds of very, very petty thingsthose who live a normal life dont take any notice, they dont know, but when you observe whats going on deep down with that discernment oh, mon petit! Its so petty, so petty, so petty.
   Only one thing (which is not even absolute): a sort of equality that has come into the bodynot an equality of soul (laughing): an equality in the cells! It has come into the body. There is no longer that clash of joy and painalways and for everything, every minute, every reaction, You, Lord, to You, Lord. As though the cells were chanting, To You Lord, to You Lord, to You Lord. And well, thats how it is.

0 1963-03-30, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But its so dull! So dull, so lackluster, so unchanging, souninteresting, really dull that the slightest light shines like a bright star! The smallest, slightest, tiniest progress seems like an extraordinary thing. Like, for example, the attitude in certain cells towards a physical disorder which, naturally, like all physical disorders, tends to recur. The attitude in the cells changesnot the disorder (!), the disorder changes only because of the cells reaction, thats what makes it change; but it recurs with clockwork regularity thats its job. It is the way its received by the cells, their reaction to it, that brings about the change. And there is now a difference in the cells reaction. The result of my observation (an impersonal, general observation) is that there are two types of change (I cant call it progress), two types of change in the reaction: a change that goes on improving, in the sense that the reaction grows less sharp, the cells are less affected and become not only more conscious but more IN COMMAND of the reaction (something people are not generally conscious of, but which is what brings about the cure). And, on the other hand, deterioration: under the unrelenting attack, the cells panic, become more and more affected and afraid, and it eventually results in a terrible mess and a catastrophe. Well, the whole thing is observed, studied, experienced; but (laughing) in ordinary medicine its explained away in two words! You see, what I see now is the process they dont know the process, only the result. And, well, I notice that as the consciousness grows, the cells panic less and less and a sort of mastery develops. Of course, its a pleasing observation, if I may say so, but it doesnt even make me happy! It seems rather obvious. Also the proportion is such that to get a really telling result, it would take years and years and years! Oh, how many years! How slow things are.
   So I dont feel impelled to talk about it. Id rather concern myself with something else I do the work, but thats all.

0 1963-04-20, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   In my case, I found out I had that capacity because it made me prone to faintingnot too often, but off and on it happened. When I was a child and didnt know a thing, I fainted a couple of times; the fainting, as it happened, wasnt unconsciousit was consciousand after a bit of practice (not the practice of fainting!), of occult practice, when I fainted I would see myself. Even before that, I had seen myself but without knowing what it all meant, I couldnt make head or tail of it. But I would see myself. And afterwards, whenever I would faint, the first thing I did was to see my body lying down in a ridiculous position. So I would rush back into it vigorously, and it would be all over.
   Of course, I was probably born with some abilities! (laughter)

0 1963-05-11, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Another point is unclear: after 30, do you go here or there?
   After 30 its 48, then 42.

0 1963-06-15, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   After he left, there was almost an invasion a totally unexpected invasion [of Nehrus retinue]. When I saw that, I thought, Well, well! Thats how I am protected! If anyone of those people had had some mischief in mind, he could have just walked in! An invasion of the whole Pondicherry government: the co uncilors. Like a crush of I dont know, if I say a rough sea, I give them a compliment! I hesitated, I was about to say a herd, but a herd doesnt have the vulgar skepticism of those people; a herd is harmlessly unconscious, while these are unconscious but harmful.
   I didnt know them (I know them, but I dont know them!), but I understood who the person was just from the way his face reacted to the atmosphere of the place! It was very funny. Two of them, in particular, when they came in, I thought, Oh, it must be so and so, and the other, Oh, this is certainly so and so, merely from the reaction on their faces the contortion of their features on entering the bath! But in all that crowd there was one man, a sturdy fellow, in a military uniformonly onewhose face (whats the word in French?) became dignified. A sense of dignity suddenly came over his face. He was the chief of the Madras police (!)

0 1963-06-19, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its perfectly obvious that people can live, that men can exist and live BECAUSE they are unconscious. If they were conscious, really conscious of the state they live in, it would be intolerable. And I can see that there is a very difficult period when you go from that unconsciousness ( unconsciousness of the habit of living in that state) to a conscious vision of the state you live in. When you become totally conscious of things as they areof what you are, of your condition and when you do not yet have the power to get out, like last night, its almost intolerable. And there was a very clear awareness, very precise, that it isnt a question of life or death: it doesnt depend on that sort of thing, which ultimately changes nothing but a wholly superficial appearance thats not it! You know, people who are unhappy think, Ah, a day will come when Ill die, and all my difficulties will be overtheyre simpletons! It wont be over at all, it will go on. It will go on until the time when they get out for good, that is, when they emerge from Ignorance into Knowledge. Its the only way out: to emerge from Ignorance into Knowledge. And you can die a thousand times, it wont get you out, its perfectly uselessit just goes on. Sometimes, on the contrary, it drags you even further down.
   Thats the thing.

0 1963-07-03, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But maybe The very fact that I met him (he may have been already thinking of becoming Pope, I dont know), but anyway, long before anyone except him thought of it, the fact that I met him while seeing to certain terrestrial arrangements shows that, probably unconsciously (I told you right away: I dont think he is conscious in his body), he is nevertheless under the influence, if not the control, of the higher forces.
   Why is my attention drawn all of a sudden in that direction? Generally, I am not interested in all those things. For the action, I am concerned only with the little field of experience I have been given, and my terrestrial action is of quite another nature; its on a higher plane, very independent of individuals.

0 1963-07-10, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Ultimately, its simply a question of consciousness: people (ordinary people) have a consciousness that reaches up to a certain point (a point not very far away generally), and whats beyond it, to them, is the unconscious (although its full of consciousness!), but its unconscious to them because they cant make contact. Its the same as when at night you wake up in another state of being, become conscious and have a dream (what people call a dream, meaning an experience), then you return to your ordinary consciousness, and as there is no contact between the two consciousnesses, you dont even remember your dream. But you can, through methodical development, extend your consciousness and make a connection between the two; and the minute the connection is mader to bring you into contact with your soul, your psychic b, it takes very little to remember everything. But whats difficult is to extend your consciousness.
   Basically, the gurus real power is to fill up the gaps! To bring you into contact: when you are in the higher planes, to bring you into contact with the Highest. Or to bring you into contact with your soul, your psychic being within, or to bring you into contact with the Supreme but that not many can do.
   And that gives a clear sense of Unreality and unconsciousness and of all the consequent disorder. Because there is a CONSTANT Reality, a CONSTANT divine Order, and its only the incapacity to perceive it that makes the present Disorder and Falsehood.
   The experiences go on multiplying. But then, outwardly, everyone seems to start squabbling and quarreling with each other (laughing) much more than before, even (!), over the most futile things in the world and most unnecessarily, without any ground, just like that. And then, to me the two sides become visible at once: the true thing and its deformation; the event as it should occur and its deformation. Yet the event REMAINS THE SAMEthe deformation is merely a sort of excrescence added on to it, which is absolutely unnecessary and complicates things atrociously, for no reason. And also which gives a strong impression of Falsehood (in the English sense of falsehood, not lie1): something without meaning or purpose, absolutely unnecessary and perfectly idiotic then why is it there?? Seized and twistedeverything is seized and twisted. Where does that habit of twisting things come from? I dont know.

0 1963-07-13, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I must now bring myself to write to you. With regret and sadness, I confess, since it is to inform you that we do not think it possible to publish your book Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness. I confess that what prevented me from writing to you earlier is not so much the fear of causing you pain, for you are able to rise above the shock such news cannot but cause, as the fact that I knew it would be impossible to explain our reasons to you. Frankly, we cannot really understand this book. And how to explain the reasons for not understanding something? As for me, I often had the feeling of passing from one plane to another, from the level of fact to that of conjecture, from the level of logic (with defined terms as a starting point) to that of presupposition (within a coherence unconnected with the knowledge you offer). I know that all this is disputable. I also know or guess that behind those pages lies an entire lived experience, but one doesnt feel the reader can participate in it. For what reason? Once again, I cannot say. The readers blindness, quite possibly. The minds limitation, too. But a book must build a bridge, pierce the screen, and there are doubtless cases in which doing so no longer depends on the author. I must therefore return this manuscript to you.
   (signed: P.A.L.)

0 1963-07-20, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Sometimes I catch it (that must be something quite common among human beings) in a sort of hastea haste, a kind of impatience, and also, I cant say fear or anxiety, but a sense of uncertainty. The two together: impatience to get out of the present moment to the immediately next, and at the same time uncertainty as to what that immediately next moment is going to bring. The whole thing makes a vibration of restlessnesswhats the word in French?
   Febrility, agitation?
   Yes, but if we were conscious, at least we would see that something is happening, but as we are unconscious, we arent aware of anything.
   But how can you say that something is happening, mon petit!

0 1963-07-24, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   We find it worthwhile to publish here a letter Mother wrote (in English) to Prithwi Singh, Sujata's father, just a few days before Sri Aurobindo's letter published at the beginning of this conversation, on August 30, 1945: "I do not see that the Supramental will act in the way you expect from It. Its action will be to effectuate the Divine's Will upon earth whatever that may be. On men Its action will be to turn their will consciously or unconsciously on their part towards the way in which the Divine's Will wants them to go. But I cannot promise you that the Divine's will is to preserve the present human civilisation."

0 1963-08-03, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Physical Matter, physical substance the very elementary consciousness thats in physical substancehas been so ill-treated (since mans presence on earth, I suppose, because before man, there probably wasnt enough self-consciousness to be aware of being ill-treated; the substance wasnt conscious enough, I suppose, to make a distinction between a normal peaceful state and unfavorable conditions; but anyway, that goes back quite long time), so ill-treated that it finds it very hard to believe things can be different. That consciousness has an aspirationan aspiration especially for a LUMINOUS peace, something that isnt the dark peace of unconsciousness, which it doesnt like (I dont know if it ever liked it, but it no longer does). It aspires to a luminous peace; not to a consciousness full of various things, not that: simply to a peaceful consciousness, very peaceful, very quiet, very luminous thats what it wants. Yet at the same time, it has some difficulty believing that its possible. I am experiencing it: the concrete and absolutely tangible intervention of the supreme Power, supreme Light and supreme Goodnessit [the consciousness in physical substance] has the experience of that, and every time it has a new sense of wonder, but in that sense of wonder I can see something like: Is it really possible?
   It gives me the impression, you know, of a dog that has been beaten so much that it expects nothing but blows.

0 1963-08-21, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   These days, I dont know whether it has come to the last battle, but it has descended very deep into the cells worst-lit realm: what still belongs most to the world of unconsciousness and Inertia and is most foreign to the divine Presence. It is, so to say, the primal substance that was first used by Life, and it has a sort of inability to feel, to experience a reason for that life.
   In fact, its something I had never experienced [that absence of meaning]; even in my earliest childhood, when there was no development, I always had a perception (not a mentalized but a vibrant perception) of a Power behind all things which is the Raison dtre of all thingsa Power, a Force, a kind of warmth.
   Before, there were always hazy spots, some hazy, imprecise, uncertain things; and as that disappears, it all becomes much clearer, much simpler, and MUCH MORE EXACT. And the haziness disappears. There is, you know, a whole world of impressions, of guessing (things you imagine, they are imaginations rather than impressions) that fills the gaps; and there were some reference points, things that are known and linked together by a whole hazy mass of impressions and imaginations (it works automatically); and every time, oh, you emerge from it all towards something so light (gesture above), and all those clouds evaporate. And it looks so simple! You say to yourself, But its so obvious, so clear! There werent any complications.
   Every time, its like that (gesture of ascent from stage to stage): you see farther, you see more things at a glance.
   That pit of Inertia, of material unconsciousness, which feels no raison d'tre for itself and is "nothing."

0 1963-08-24, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   At times For the body its a constant worka constant laborvery tiny, of every instant, an unceasing effort, with, so to say, an imperceptible result (externally at any rate, quite nonexistent), so for someone who doesnt have my consciousness, its perfectly obvious that the body appears to wear out and age, to be slowly heading for decomposition: thats in everyones atmosphere and consciousness (Mother laughs), its the kind of appreciation and vibration thats being thrown all the time on this poor body, which besides is quite conscious of its infirmityit doesnt entertain any illusions! But that quiet, peaceful, but uncEASING endurance in the effort of transformation makes it sometimes yearn for a little ecstasynot as an abolition or annihilation, not at all, but it seems to be saying, Oh, Lord, I beg you, let me be You in all tranquillity. In fact, thats its prayer every evening when people are supposed to leave it in peace (unfortunately they leave it in peace physically, but mentally they dont). But that I could cut off, I learned to cut off long, long ago, I could cut off, but something, I mean somewhere, someone doesnt approve! (Mother laughs) Obviously what the Someone the great Someonewants to see realized is perfect peace, perfect rest, and joy, a passive joy (not too active; a passive joy is enough), a passive, constant joy, WITHOUT forsaking the work. In other words, the individual experience isnt regarded as all-importantvery far from it: the help given to the whole, the leaven which makes the whole rise, is AT LEAST equally important. Ultimately, thats probably the major reason for persisting in this body.
   Nothing inside asks any questions, there are no problems there; all the problems I am talking about are posed by the body, for the body; otherwise, inside, everything is perfect, everything is exactly as it should be. And totally so: what people call good, what they call evil, the beautiful, the ugly, the all that is a small immensity (not a big immensity), a small immensity that is moving more and more towards a progressive realization thats the correct phrasewithin an integral Consciousness which integrally (how should I put it?) enjoys, or I could say, feels the plenitude of what He doesdoes, is and so forth (its all the same thing). But this poor body

0 1963-08-28, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I had already told you about my misgivings.1 As to the motives for the decision, it always boils down to the same point: a sincere (though ambiguous) will of ecumenism, a broad rather than deep intellectual curiosity, permit mentalities such as those that give our firm its orientation and public image to pay some attention to academic essays regarded (wrongly so in the present instance) as dealing with the famous Eastern spirituality. But as soon as the essays are lived from within, the goodwill withdraws into its shell. The reaction is even worse if the author is a renegade, a Westerner who has gone over to the enemy side. (I can vouch for that!2) I must emphasize that this whole process is not only unintentional but, more than that, unconscious (which is not an excuse but an aggravating circumstance). The opposition put up against your first manuscript3 rather hardened with the second, a much more personal book, I mean less detached, still less objective than the firstand more ample. Through the medium of literature, you were able to convey whatever you liked. Through a direct essay, you will reach and so much the worse, or so much the betteronly those who seek. Our firm and its public do not belong, for that matter, to the category of those who seek.
   Hes conscious!

0 1963-08-31, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   For a while I was shown the two f unctionings to enable me to perceive the difference: how the senses f unction now, and how they did formerly: and it gives a fuzzy impression, but its an impression of something both very intimate and very complete (same round gesture), whereas, before, each thing was separate, divided (choppy, hard gesture), unconnected with the other, it was very superficialvery precise but very superficial, like a pinpoint. Its not at all that way any more.
   And I see very well that if we let ourselves be carried along instead of having that absurd resistance of habit, if we let ourselves be carried along, there would come a sort of very (same round, global gesture) very soft thing, in the sense of smooth, very soft, very complete, very living, and with a very intimate perception of things. Along with a knowledge that becomes if there werent that mixture of the old habit, it would be really extraordinary: the perception of things not as if they were outside, but an INTIMATE perception. When someone enters the room, for instance, or when the clock is about to strike, you know it just (I cant say a second, its a thousandth of a second), just before it takes place materially; which gives you the feeling of a foreknowledge, but its not that! Its not a foreknowledge, its It belongs to the realm of sensation, but its other senses. The FOREMOST feeling you get is one of intimacy, that is to say, there is no more distance, no more difference, no more seer and thing seen; yet, there is in it what corresponds to vision, hearing, sensation, all the perceptions, taste, smell and all of that.

0 1963-09-04, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But I remember that for a few days I was occupied with that memory, as part of a vast work on certain physical vibrations, in all the physical domains with which I deal. And it came (strangely, its always LOCATED, located somewhere), and the perception I have is very acute, absolutely like the perception of something that happened to me personally (but all that comes to me now comes in this way). Only, there was the knowledge that it was your own body that had gone through that experience. And then yes, I remember, there was a certain quality of vibration (Mother looks silently), and it was connected with a study on the experience the cells gain in the process of death. I remember, I was studying the cellular experiences (which the cells have more often than not semiconsciously and often unconsciously), those semiconscious experiences that stay in the subconscient and help to make some cells more and more receptive and prepared for the new Force. And as I was studying that, your experience of the camps came, and I saw in fact that a certain number of your cells, a rather considerable number (cells that are partly in the brain, partly in the throat center and partly here [gesture to the upper part of the chest]) have had the preliminary experience of death.
   And that gives them a very special capacity of consciousness.

0 1963-10-16, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You understand, I know those things, I have seen thousands of them! Only, as it happens, for more than half a century I have sensed the difference in a most sharp way. I think I told you already that when I returned here from Japan, there were difficulties: once, I was in danger and I called Sri Aurobindo; he appeared, and the danger went away2he appeared, meaning, he came, something from him came, an EMANATION of him came, living, absolutely concrete. The next day (or rather later the same day), I told him my experience and how I saw him; that worried him (it was an unceasing danger, you see), and he very strongly thought that he should concentrate on me to protect me. And the next day, I saw him but it was an image, a mental formation! I told him, Yes, you came in a mental formation, it wasnt the same thing. Then he told me that this capacity of discernment is an extremely rare thing. But I always had it, even when I was small. Its a sensitiveness in the perception. And indeed I believe that very few people can sense the difference. So with X, my first impression was, My goodness, to do this to me! Well, really, I have some experience of the world, I cant be so easily made to believe that the moon is made of green cheese!
   And yesterday, it was all very peaceful: X was there all the time with nobody in front of him, not pretending anything. But the first time, as he expected some result, he stayed on for ten minutesprobably he was expecting some reaction (I never told him that Sri Aurobindo is with me all the time, that we talk to each other every night). Anyhow, he was probably expecting some enthusiasm on my part (!) There you are.
   There is really now a struggle against all that terrestrial formation against, yes, the ignorance and unconsciousness of the earths primal thought.
   Its still there; even in those who have developed their higher mind, who are able to emerge from that darkness and ignorance, its still there its still there in a sort of mental or vital subconscient. And its so dark! Thoroughly stupid, you know: it can be given hundreds and thousands of proofs, it remains unaffecteda kind of incapacity to understand. And then it constantly rises to the surface, and I am constantly obliged (gesture of offering to the Heights) to present it: This is still there, that is still there, that And I see very well that the distinction between what goes on in this body and its atmosphere, and what goes on in all other bodies is I dont know if the distinction still exists, but its imperceptible. And the consciousness is aware of all those movements as if they were personal to the physical person. But the physical person (Mother touches her body) isnt just this body I am not yet sure whether the physical person isnt the whole earth (for certain things, it is the whole earth), or whether the physical person is the entirety of all the bodies of the people I am in contact with. During the last hours of the night, that is, between 2 and 4, I see precise forms; but those precise forms are themselves representative, meaning there are TYPES and those types take on the image of someone I am in contact with or was in personal contact with. But to me they are types: Oh, its such and such a type but that can be thousands of people. And the action (its always for an action), the action on the person-type has repercussions on all that he represents.
   Things are increasingly AS THEY ARE: exact, without complications. I have noticed that with people, even the most sincere and straightforward, there is always a kind of coating, an emotive coating (even with the coldest and driest), something that belongs to the vital; an emotive coating that makes things fuzzy, uncertain and allows a game that gives them a feeling of all sorts of mysterious forces at playthings are very clear, very simple, very, oh, very simple, and that coating brings along a sort of confusion. Its not sentiment, not emotion either, its something something that LOVES uncertainty, the unknown, the unexpectednot positively chance (its not so strong), but which loves to live in that, in in fact, in Ignorance! Which loves not to know whats going to happen. Even the simplest things, the most obvious, have all that coating over them.
   Look, for instance, how many people, even the most serious, love to have their fortune told: reading the hand, reading the handwriting (I am pestered with people who ask me things like that), but anyway, even regardless of any spiritual idea, that sort of interest people find in being told, See, your life line will last up to here. People love it! They love it, they love to remain in their uncertainty. They love their ignorance. They love that unknown the unknown full of mysteries. They love the prophet who comes and tell them, This is what you will do. This is what is going to happen to you. It seems so childish! Its the same as the taste for theater, its the same thing (not the playwright, but the spectator who watches the play without knowing how it will end), or again the taste for novels the taste for the unknown. But then thats very close to the taste for the marvelous.
   There is still a long way to go to enter Knowledge the consciousness in which you know things quietly, in which everything is so simple, so natural, so evident. And its that coating which brings complications: suddenly things get complicated in the human atmosphere.

0 1963-10-19, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Then I said to myself: thats how it is, there must be a certain tamasan uncomprehending tamaswhich in order to change needs to be violently shaken up. With illnesses, its the same thing, in the sense that only when things really seem about to topple over on the wrong side I go out of my body deliberately, hovering over all things, and the body recoversnow it takes very little time: a quarter of an hour or twenty minutes.
   From the point of view of government, it also seems to be the same thing, as if all the difficulties little by little BROUGHT to power people who are under my influence.2 But its still sporadic I think it is the thing that will give way last. Sri Aurobindo said it would happen in 67 we still have some time, its only 63, four years to go. Its not that well govern ourselves (God knows we dont have the time!), but to be the government means that in the government, there will be people directly under the Influence. And its not enough if its local (God knows! [laughing] I have never seen anything more rotten!), its not enough if its local, its not enough if its Indian, not at all: it has to be global for And clearly, for the moment, we are still very far from iteven in the invisible, even in the Inconscient.
   So I was looking at it and thinking, How come? I was neither angry nor upset nor anything at allwithin, there was always that same Love, unchanging, always, always there, for everything; even when I perceive things with a kind of discernment (not even an intuitive one, a discernment higher than intuitive, which is like a clear visionclear, precise, in the white Light), the discernment of all the stupidity, all the ill will, all the crookednessa very clear discernmentit is always with a Smile, there is always that same Vibration of an eternal Love. Then that Power comesit doesnt disturb anything, it doesnt take the place of anything: its an addition. Its an action: it does its action and then goes away. But while its there you know, the Force that made me bang my fist on the table could have smashed everything. But of course, a poor little hand, a poor little arm, could only shake the table! (Mother laughs) It could only make a lot of noise and shake the table. But the perception was tremendous.
   That was the last time, but not the first.
   When Sri Aurobindo was here, there was a boy who was quite uncontrollable: he had fits of anger which he couldnt control (not that it occurred to him to control them!). He was an engineer and a very intelligent boy (but that makes no difference), and once, while Sri Aurobindo was in my room, this boy came up the stairs and had me called. I went out to see him. Then he flew into a great rage, began shouting and in his rage tried to rush at me. Well, I simply put my two hands on his shoulders, without an effort, like tha the went tumbling down the stairs. Quite simply, I stopped him from coming near by touching his shoulders. But that was clearly Kali. Sri Aurobindo came and I told him what had happened. (The boy had got back to his feet and was climbing the stairs again; when he saw Sri Aurobindo, he scampered off! He never did it again, of course.) But that was clearly Kali: when Kali wants to, she can be very strong, but that still belongs to the realm of terrestrial things. She is very strong: I simply stopped the boy from coming near, I put my hands on his shoulders, he lost his balance and fell all the way down the stairs, he rolled right down the stairs. So I thought it was Sri Aurobindo who had made Kali intervene (he had heard that demented boy shout, you see).
   Its not the same thing. Long ago, when Sri Aurobindo was here, Kali used to come from time to time but it still belongs to this world, its not the same thing [as the supramental Power].

0 1963-11-13, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Only when the victory is won over death will things cease to come to a bad end that is to say, when the return to unconsciousness will no longer be necessary to allow a new progress.
   The entire process of development, at least on the earth (I dont know how it is on other planets) is that way. And perhaps (I dont know very much about the history of astronomy) universes toodo they know if universes perish physically, if the physical history of the end of a universe has been recorded? Traditions tell us that a universe is created, then withdrawn into pralaya, and then a new one comes; and according to them, ours is the seventh universe, and being the seventh universe, it is the one that will not return to pralaya but will go on progressing, without retreat. This is why, in fact, there is in the human being that need for permanence and for an uninterrupted progressits because the time has come.

0 1963-11-20, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   All these last few days, it has been coming as as proofs, proofs that can crush any doubt: proofs of the Supremes omnipresence in the apparently MOST uncONSCIOUS MATTER something so overwhelming that the rational reason can hardly believe it. But it is forced to. Only, of course, you notice it when you have reached that most tenuous degree of attention and when, instead of wanting great things that cause a lot of noise and movement and appear very dazzling, you content yourself with observing very, very little, very tiny things that are to our pretentious reason perfectly insignificant, but to the Lord are crushing proofs.
   But I dont need proofs! I dont doubt for a second, there isnt one doubt in my consciousness.
   But I cant call unconsciousness a care! When Im unconscious, I feel it as something wrong!
   But are you really unconscious?
   Yes, certainly; what am I conscious of?
   I tried to find out why your physical life began (well, not quite began, but you were very, very young, just the same) with such a painful experience [the concentration camps]. And I saw why: it was like a separationnot separation, but disentanglement, you understand? There are two things in every human being: what comes from the past and has persisted because it is formed and conscious, and then all that dark, unconscious mass, really muddy, that is added in every new life. Then the other thing gets into that and finds itself imprisoned, you knowadulterated and imprisoned and generally it takes more than half ones life to emerge from that entanglement. Well, for you, care was taken to more than double the dose at the beginning, and it caused a kind of tearing apart: one part went up above, another part fell down below. And the part (it acted almost like a filter), the part that rose up was very cleansed, very cleansed of all that swarming: its becoming very, very conscious of the mixture. Just see, today, the whole morning until I was swamped with work by people, till then there was a sharp awareness of the part of the being that still belongs, as I said, to unconsciousness, to Ignorance, to Darkness, to Stupidity, and is not even as harmonious as a tree or a flower; something thats not even as tranquil as a stone, not even as harmonious and not even as strong as the animal something that is really a downfall. That is really human inferiority. And maybe (no, I shouldnt say maybe: I know) it was necessary for things to settle downsettle, you know, as when you let a liquid settle? Thats exactly it: its the Light that settles, the Consciousness that settles. And indeed its true, there is in you a part that has entirely settled. Every time I see it (it comes in the course of the work, you understand), its lovely in its quality of light, its quality of vibration, and it has settled considerably. But its true that there is also a kind of sediment, a deposit (deposit, you know?) which is a bit heavy thats what youre conscious of.
   But you shouldnt say me! Its not you, that residue isnt you! But you are indeed conscious of the Light, arent you?

0 1963-11-27, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   To move here in a stark unconscious world.
   And then:

0 1963-12-07 - supramental ship, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I think (I think, like the scientists it appears) I can anno unce that something is getting organized in the Subconscientits beginning to get organizedin the subconscient of individuals as well as in the general Subconscient. Its less unconscious (!) Its a bit more yes, a bit more conscious, reflective and organizeda very faint beginning of organization, very little, but a growth in consciousness; it isnt quite so unconscious any more.
   Its always the last part of the night that I spend there. You remember that story of the supramental ship and how things were organized by the will, not by external means? Well, thats the action which is beginning to exist in the Subconscient.
   Last night, for instance, early in the morning, there were several layers of cells,1 as it were, and each cell was I cant say the property, but the possession of someone: what was under his direct control and reflected his mood, as it is customarily called, his way of being. And there were many levels: you could go upstairs and downstairs. And the impression I had of myself was that I was much, much taller and that I towered above it all; and I had a different texture, as if I were made of a different substance, not quite the same as the others. It was as if all that were inside me without being inside me (I cant explain): I was looming over everything and at the same time acting inside. And then, according to the action, people were going upstairs or downstairs, going and coming; but everyone had his own little boxthey were BEGINNING to have it, it was beginning to get organized. Each cell was more or less precise: some were very precise, others more blurred, as if on the way to becoming precise. And the whole experience, last night, had a kind of precision about it. I was like something very big, outside, and I was laughing, talking to everyone, but they werent aware of the action [of Mother]. You see, they seemed to me this tall (gesture: four inches), tiny. But quite alive: they were going and coming, moving about. And I was talking to them, but they didnt know where the voice was coming from. So I laughed, I found it funny, I said to some, There! You see, thats your idea of things. And it was oh, if I compare it to last year, there is a tremendous difference of CONSCIOUSNESS, from the point of view of consciousness. Before, all the movements were reflexes, instincts, as if people were impelled by a force which they were totally unconscious of and considered to be their character, most of the time, or else Destiny (either their character or Fate, Destiny). They were all like puppets on strings. Now, they are conscious beings theyre BEGINNING, theyre beginning to be conscious.
   The proportion has changed.
   And I was able to show them precisely the proportion between the conscious, willed movement, which can be observed, and that sort of almost unconscious instinct which obeys a COMPELLING Force, that is to say, you know neither where it comes from nor what it means or anythingyou just tag along.
   Some still had quite blurred and cloudy spaces; with others, it was precise, there were even some very precise details. And clear, clear: there was a light the dawning of a light.
   There are lots of things which people dont even take notice of in life (when they live an ordinary life, they dont take any notice), theres a whole field of things that are absolutely not quite unconscious, but certainly not conscious; they are reflexesreflexes, reactions to stimuli, and so on and also the response (a semiconscious, barely conscious response) to the pressure exerted from above by the Force, which people are totally unconscious of. It is the study of this question which is now in the works; I am very much occupied with it. A study of every second. You see, there are different ways for the Lord to be present, its very interesting (the difference isnt for Him, its for us!), and it depends precisely on the amount of habitual reflex movements that take place almost outside our observation (generally completely outside it) And this question preoccupied me very, very much: the ways of feeling the Lords Presence the different ways. There is a way in which you feel it as something vague, but of which you are sureyou are always sure but the sensation is vague and a bit blurred and at other times it is an acute Presence2 (Mother touches her face), very precise, in all that you do, all that you feel, all that you are. There is an entire range. And then if we follow the movement (gesture in stages, moving away), there are those who are so far away, so far, that they dont feel anything at all.
   This experience made me write something yesterday (but it has lasted several days), it came as the outcome of the work done, and yesterday I wrote it both in English and in French:

0 1963-12-31, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But that [Falsehood] is the great obstacle, the extreme difficulty. Its something gluey which entered the creation and sticks to everything, and which has become a material habit too, because its not only Mind that has Falsehood in it: theres Falsehood in Life, in Life itself. In the completely inanimate, I dont know. Maybe it came with Life? (According to Savitri, the origin of Falsehood lies in Life.) But its as though unconsciousness, in order to go towards Consciousness, to return to Consciousness, had taken the path of Falsehood and Death instead of the path of Truth.
   And Falsehood is this: the sorrow of the Lord.

0 1964-01-08, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Oh, if we wanted to make poetry (its no longer a philosophical or spiritual way of seeing, but a pictorial way), we could imagine a Lord who is a totality of all the possible and impossible possibilities, in quest of a Purity and Perfection that can never be reached and are ever progressive and the Lord would get rid of all in the Manifestation that weighs down His unfoldingHe would begin with the nastiest. You see it? Total Night, total unconsciousness, total Hatred (no, hatred still implies that Love exists), the incapacity to feel. Nothingness.
   Were on the way. I still have a little bit of it [that total unconsciousness] left.
   Ah, lets get to work.

0 1964-01-15, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And this field of experience also includes the physical mindall the mental constructions that have a direct action on life and on the body; there is there an almost unlimited field of experiences. And everything takes the form not of a speculation or a thought, but of an experience. Ill give you an example to make myself understood. I wont tell you the thing as it occurred, but as I now know it to be. There is in France someone very devoted, born Catholic, and who was seriously ill. He wrote to me asking what he should do; he said that people around him naturally wanted him to receive extreme unction (they thought he was about to die), and he wrote to ask me if it had any influence on the progress of his inner being and whether he should refuse categorically. I knew none of this [as Mother had not yet received the letter], but I had an experience here, in which a priest and altar boys came to give me extreme unction! (Thats how it presented itself to me.) They wanted to give me extreme unction, so I watched I watched, I wanted to see; I thought, Well, before dismissing them abruptly, lets see what it is. (I had no idea why they had come, you understand; someone had sent them to give me extreme unctionnot that I felt particularly sick! But anyhow thats how it was.) So before dismissing them, I watched carefully to find out if really it had a power of action, if extreme unction had the power to disturb the progress of the soul and tie it down to old religious formations. I watched and I saw how thin and tenuous it was, without force; I saw clearly that it could have some force only if the priest who performed it was a conscious soul and did it consciously, in relationship with an inner power or force (vital or other), but that if it was an ordinary man doing his job and giving the sacraments with the ordinary belief and nothing more, it was perfectly harmless.
   Once I had seen that, suddenly (it was as if on a screen) the whole story vanished and it was over. It had come only to make me see it, thats all. But it presented itself in that way in order to make me watch intently, seriously, not as a mental consideration: a vision and an experience.
   And all this happens IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY, not while I am sleeping. All at once, you know This story happened to me when I had just had my bath! You understand, its completely unconnected. All at once something comes, takes hold of me, and then theres a sort of life in which I live, until something is donesome action and when that action is done, everything goes away. And it goes away without leaving any traces, as if (Mother pulls away a screen abruptly).
   I am giving these two examples because they are recent and a little unexpected (or at least, they didnt correspond to my occupations or preoccupations), but they come in hundreds! Every day thirty, forty of them will come and take hold of me, and then, all at once, Ill go into a concentration, Ill LIVE a certain thing, until I have seenseen, known through the vision something that had to be seen, and as soon as it is seen, pfft! gone away, finished. It loses its interest, its gone.

0 1964-01-29, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I assure you, it sounds like a joke, but its true! The supplies were cutmore as a demonstration than as a necessity, that is to say, it didnt save much money: it made a lot of noise, a big hoo-ha, a lot of changes, but it didnt save in proportion; but D. felt that the demonstration was necessaryvery well. But what an effect it had! That sort of childlike trust, like a light of childlike unconcern which was hanging in the atmosphere here: pff!swallowed up (Mother laughs). So I was watching it, thinking, But this is wonderful! I watched carefully for that reason and I saw that that kind of surface sheencom-plete-ly gone! People were dismayed. At the same time, in the consciousness, such a solidity and stability as I had never seen before, as if it were decided (Mother brings her hands down in a sovereign gesture), This is now established.
   And its connected to February 29.
   And now its something as solid as cement (which means its material) and ab-so-lute-ly EVEN, you know, even, not one ripple of form, absolutely flat as a slab of marble, and without beginning or endlimitless, you cant see its end: its everywhere. Everywhere, and everywhere the same. Everywhere the same. A color like a sort of gray (a gray, the gray of Matter) that would contain a golden light, yet doesnt shine: it doesnt shine, it doesnt have a luminosity of its own, but it contains light. It doesnt radiate, it isnt luminous, yet its a gray with a golden light in it the gray of the most material Matter, of stone; gray, you know. But it contains that light: its not inert, not insensitive, not unconscious, yet it is MATTER.
   I have never seen that before.

0 1964-02-05, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The photos attempt to be very artistic. They are taken from quite unusual angles and some are very fine. On the whole, a little vulgar: too many people kissing, socks hanging in the sunthey confuse the artistic with the uncommon, the unconventional. To be unconventional is very good, but still it could be directed towards the Beautiful rather than Anyway. I was looking at the book, turning the pages, and while looking I thought, Well, really, someone who doesnt know Paris at all would get a queer idea of it! There isnt one single picture that makes you say, Oh, thats beautiful, except a view of the Seine and also a few trees, which could as well be in the countryside. And I kept turning and turning the pages. Suddenly I saw (I had my magnifying glass to see better) a view of the banks of the Seine with the boxes of those what are they called?
   The bouquinistes.1

0 1964-03-04, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It must be the supramental realization, which is hidden, still buried in unconsciousness.
   When I saw that gold ciborium, it was very confused, but some one was there with me (I dont know who, I didnt see him), and I said to him, Have you seen this beautiful ciborium! He replied, No, but I KNEW he had seen it. Then I understood that if he said he had seen it, something bad would occur,5 people would come or whatever, anyway it was important that people shouldnt know he had also seen it.

0 1964-03-07, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I noticed (Ive known it for some time, but it was quite concrete this time) that in my rest, as soon as I am at rest, the body is completely identified with the material substance of the earth, that is to say, the experience of the material substance of the earth becomes its ownwhich may be expressed by all sorts of things (it depends on the day, on the occasion). I had known for a long time that it was no longer the individual consciousness; it isnt the collective consciousness of mankind: its a terrestrial consciousness, meaning it also contains the material substance of the earth, including the unconscious substance. Because I have prayed a lot, concentrated a lot, aspired a lot for the transformation of the Inconscient (since it is the essential condition for the thing to happen)because of that there has been a kind of identification.
   Last night it became a certainty.
   And with the feeling that it was something unceasing,1 but that the consciousness [of Mother] was only changing its position because of the necessities of the work. And this change of position took place in a few minutes, quickly enough, without the sense of losing the other experience; it simply remained there, behind, in order for the work to be done outwardly in a normal way, that is, without too abrupt a change. And the consciousness seemed to revert to a sort of superficial bark: it gave exactly the impression of something hard, rather inert, very artificial, extremely thin, dry, with just an artificial transcription of life and that was the ordinary consciousness, the consciousness that makes you feel you are in a body.
   For a very long time the body hasnt felt in the least separatenot in the least. There is even a sort of constant identification with the people around which at times is troublesome enough, but which I see as a means of action (of control and action). Ill give an example: on the 4th, the last time I saw you, the doctor left for America. He had his l unch here (I told you he was very moved); he was given a sort of little ceremony for his departure. He was sitting on the floor as usual, next to me (I was seated at the table, facing the light), and they served him his l unch; he turned towards me to receive the things. He was in a state of intense emotion (nothing apparent at all; the appearance was very quiet, he didnt say or do anything extraordinary, but inwardly). At one point I looked at him to encourage him to eat, and our eyes met. Then there came into me from him such a violent emotion that I almost started sobbing, can you imagine! And its always there, in the lower abdomen (really in the abdomen), that this identification with the outside world takes place. There (gesture above the heart center), it dominates; the identification is here (gesture to the abdomen), but the Force dominates (Mother holds up her head); while here (the abdomen), it seems to be still its the lower vital, I mean the lower vital OF MATTER, the vital subdegree OF MATTER. Its on the way to transformation, this is where the work is being done materially. But all those emotions have rather unpleasant repercussions. Even, when I looked at it in detail, I came to think that there must be something analogous in you; you must be open to certain currents of force in the lower vital, and those kinds of spasms which you get must be the result. So then, the solution there is only one solution, because immediately I called, I put the Lords Presence there (gesture to the abdomen), and I saw it was extremely CONTAGIOUS. Because I had received the vibrations, they had entered straight in without meeting any obstacles; so the response had a considerable contagious power I saw it immediately: I stopped the doctors vibrations; it took me a few minutes, and everything was back in order again. Then I understood that this opening, this contagion was kept as a means of actionit isnt pleasant for the body (!), but its a means of action.

0 1964-07-22, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Then, immediately, without transition, it was as if I was plunged in a bath of the Supremes Love with the sensation of something limitless; in other words, when you have the perception of space, that something is everywhere (its beyond the perception of space, but if you have the perception of space, its everywhere). And its a kind of homogenous vibratory mass, IMMOBILE, yet with an unparalleled intensity of vibration, which can be described as a warm, golden light (but its not that, its much more marvelous than that!). And then, its everywhere at once, everywhere always the same, without alternations of high and low, unchanging, in an unvarying intensity of sensation. And that something which is characteristic of divine nature (and is hard to express with words) is at the same time absolute immobility and absolute intensity of vibration. And That loves. There is no Lord, there are no things; there is no subject, no object. And That loves. But how can you say what That is? Its impossible. And That loves everywhere and everything, all the time, all at the same time.
   All those stories those so-called saints and sages told about Gods Love coming and going, oh, its unspeakably stupid!Its THERE, eternally; It has always been there, eternally; It will always be there, eternally, always the same and at the highest of its possibility.

0 1964-08-14, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The famine is much worse than it was when it was supposedly tragic. Now its terrible. Theres not enough to eat; the country is so large, theres so much uncultivated land, there are so many people without work and theres not enough food for everyone! And theyve closed the borders: they stop the food from coming from outside, and theres not enough for everyone to eat.
   But then, the number of stupid ideas these people have tried out to mend the situationits unbelievable! And each blunder has made the situation worse. Now its extremely serious.

0 1964-08-22, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   From that moment on, it got much better. The sort of vague uncertainty this poor body was in went away. Because, naturally, that center was immediately replaced by the clear Consciousness from above, and I hope that little by little it will have complete control over the body.
   In fact, it must betheoretically it must be to replace the natural, automatic consciousness by a conscious consciousness.

0 1964-08-26, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The transcription of this first sentence is quite uncertain.
   The transcription of this last sentence is uncertain.
   When the center of the body consciousness moved.


--- Grep of noun unc
uncertainty principle
unciform bone
uncle joe
uncle remus
uncle sam
uncle tom
uncompahgre peak
unconditioned reflex
unconscious mind
unconscious process

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Wikipedia - Adenodolichos punctatus -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Adenoviral keratoconjunctivitis -- Common and highly contagious viral infection of the eye
Wikipedia - Aden-Owen-Carlsberg Triple Junction -- The junction of three tectonic plate boundaries in the northwest Indian Ocean
Wikipedia - Adipur Junction railway station -- Railway station in Gujarat, India
Wikipedia - Adjunction (category theory)
Wikipedia - Adjunct lecturer
Wikipedia - Adjunct professors in North America
Wikipedia - Adjunct Professor
Wikipedia - Adjunct professor -- Academic title
Wikipedia - Adolf Deucher -- Member of the Swiss Federal Council
Wikipedia - Adolph Munch -- American politician and businessman
Wikipedia - Adonis cyllenea -- species of plant in the family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Adonis (plant) -- Genus of flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Adonis vernalis -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Adrian Gaona -- Mexican journalist and radio announcer and murder victim
Wikipedia - Adrian Karsten -- American sports announcer
Wikipedia - Advanced Cryogenic Evolved Stage -- United Launch Alliance second stage that can be used as a propellant depot
Wikipedia - Advanced Land Observation Satellite -- Japanese satellite launched in 2006
Wikipedia - Advancement Unification Party -- Defunct centre-right political party in South Korea
Wikipedia - Adventure Publications -- Defunct American comic book publisher
Wikipedia - Advisory Council on Historic Preservation -- American federal government agency
Wikipedia - Aegean Goddess -- Cruise ship launched in 1994
Wikipedia - Aeroamerica -- Defunct American charter airline
Wikipedia - Aero Asia International -- Defunct Pakistani airline
Wikipedia - Aerolift Philippines -- Defunct Philippine airline
Wikipedia - Aeronica -- Defunct Nicaraguan airline
Wikipedia - Aeroperlas -- Defunct Panamanian regional airline
Wikipedia - Aerovias Quisqueyana -- Defunct Dominican airline
Wikipedia - Aethalura punctulata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Afar Triangle -- A geological depression caused by the Afar Triple Junction
Wikipedia - Afar Triple Junction -- Place where three tectonic rifts meet in East Africa
Wikipedia - Affine function
Wikipedia - Affirming a disjunct
Wikipedia - Affliction Entertainment -- Defunct US-based MMA promotion company
Wikipedia - Africville Apology -- 2010 formal government pronouncement in Halifax, Canada
Wikipedia - Agda (programming language) -- Functional programming language
Wikipedia - Ageing -- Biologically degenerative process that is a deterioration and loss of function over time and leads to death
Wikipedia - A. Gettelman Brewing Company -- Defunct American brewery
Wikipedia - Aggregate function
Wikipedia - A Gift of Magic -- 1971 young adult supernatural novel by Lois Duncan
Wikipedia - Aging brain -- Degradation of functioning of the brain
Wikipedia - AGM-158 JASSM -- Low observable standoff air-launched cruise missile
Wikipedia - Agni Air -- Defunct Nepali airline
Wikipedia - Agonopterix bipunctosa -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Agonopterix curvipunctosa -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Agonopterix quadripunctata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Agrarian Alliance -- Defunct political party in Hungary
Wikipedia - Agrarian Union Party -- Defunct Romanian political party
Wikipedia - A Great Big Bunch of You -- 1932 short film
Wikipedia - Agricultural Party of Greece -- Defunct political party in Greece
Wikipedia - Agricultural Party -- Defunct political party in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Agus Kuncoro -- Indonesian actor (b1972)
Wikipedia - Ahlswede-Daykin inequality -- Correlation-type inequality for four functions on a finite distributive lattice
Wikipedia - Ahmadpur Junction railway station -- Railway Station in West Bengal
Wikipedia - Ahn Na-kyung -- South Korean announcer
Wikipedia - A-I junction -- Sarcomere junction
Wikipedia - Aiko Melendez -- Filipino former councilor and a former actress
Wikipedia - Air Afrique -- Defunct African airline
Wikipedia - Air Anglia -- Defunct British regional airline
Wikipedia - Air Atlas Express -- Defunct Moroccan charter airline
Wikipedia - Air Berlin -- Defunct German budget airline
Wikipedia - Airborne aircraft carrier -- Type of mother ship aircraft which can carry, launch, retrieve and support other smaller aircraft
Wikipedia - Airborne early warning and control -- Airborne system of surveillance radar plus command and control functions
Wikipedia - Airborne Express -- Defunct express delivery company and cargo airline
Wikipedia - Airborne Launch Control Center -- US Strategic forces charged with maintaining survivable launch control system for ballistic missile force
Wikipedia - Airborne Launch Control System -- US Strategic Command platform for survivable launch control system for ballistic missile force
Wikipedia - Air Brousse -- Defunct airline in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Wikipedia - Air Carnival -- Defunct Indian regional airline based in Coimbatore
Wikipedia - Aircel Comics -- Defunct Canadian comic book publisher
Wikipedia - Aircel -- Defunct Indian telecommunications company
Wikipedia - Air Costa Rica -- Defunct Costa Rican airline
Wikipedia - Air Costa -- Defunct Indian regional airline
Wikipedia - Aircraft catapult -- Device used to launch aircraft from ships
Wikipedia - Airdrie-Chestermere -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Airdrie (electoral district) -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Airedale and Ferry Fryston -- Electoral ward of Wakefield Council
Wikipedia - Air Efata -- Defunct Indonesian airline
Wikipedia - Air Express Sweden -- Defunct charter airline of Sweden
Wikipedia - Air gun -- Gun that uses compressed air to launch projectiles
Wikipedia - Air Hawaii -- Defunct American airline based in Hawaii
Wikipedia - Air Holland -- Defunct airline based in Amsterdam
Wikipedia - Air Indus -- Defunct Pakistani domestic airline
Wikipedia - Air Jamaica -- Defunct national airline of Jamaica
Wikipedia - Air-launched ballistic missile -- Experimental weapon
Wikipedia - Air-launch-to-orbit -- Method of launching rockets at altitude from a conventional horizontal-takeoff aircraft
Wikipedia - AirLaunch -- Aerospace Company
Wikipedia - Air Malawi -- Defunce national airline of Malawi
Wikipedia - Aishwarya Nedunchezhiyan -- Indian sailor
Wikipedia - A. Jane Duncombe -- American architect (1925-2015)
Wikipedia - Ajdabiya Revolutionaries Shura Council -- Militant group in the Second Libyan Civil War
Wikipedia - Akbarpur Junction railway station -- Railway station in Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Akiko Abe -- Japanese free announcer and actress (born 1978)
Wikipedia - Akiko Yagi -- Japanese announcer (born 1965)
Wikipedia - A Kiss for the Petals -- Japanese visual novel, launched 2006
Wikipedia - AKS Inc -- Defunct American propeller manufacturer
Wikipedia - Alan Duncan -- British Conservative politician
Wikipedia - Alan Kendall Duncan -- American physician
Wikipedia - Alan S. Duncan -- British economist and econometrician
Wikipedia - Alastair Duncan (actor) -- Scottish actor and real estate broker
Wikipedia - Alatuncusia bergii -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - A. L. Burt -- Defunct New York book publisher
Wikipedia - AlcM-CM-"ntara Launch Center -- satellite launching facility of the Brazilian Space Agency
Wikipedia - Alcohol tolerance -- Bodily responses to the functional effects of ethanol in alcoholic beverages
Wikipedia - Alderman -- Member of a municipal assembly or council
Wikipedia - Alexander Dounce
Wikipedia - Alexey Kunchenko -- Russian mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Alfred Louncke -- French weightlifter
Wikipedia - Algebraic function field -- Finitely generated extension field of positive transcendence degree
Wikipedia - Algebraic function
Wikipedia - Algebraic Logic Functional (programming language)
Wikipedia - Algebraic Logic Functional programming language
Wikipedia - Aligarh Junction railway station -- Railway station in Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Al-Jawbari -- Medieval Syrian Arab author and scholar known for his denunciation of alchemy.
Wikipedia - Al Jazeera America -- Defunct pay television news channel
Wikipedia - Allahabad Chheoki Junction railway station -- Railway station in Allahabad district, Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Allahabad Junction railway station -- Railway station in Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Allen Norton (motorcycle) -- Defunct British motorcycle manufacturer
Wikipedia - All-for-Ireland League -- Defunct Irish nationalist political party
Wikipedia - Al Lipscomb -- Dallas city council member
Wikipedia - Allium funckiifolium -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Allium punctum -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - All Pakistan Ulema Council
Wikipedia - Almaden Resident -- defunct newspaper from California, US
Wikipedia - Al Maha Airways -- Defunct airline based in Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - AlphaDream -- Defunct Japanese video game development company
Wikipedia - Alpheias bipunctalis -- Species of mouth
Wikipedia - Al "Jazzbo" Collins -- US radio announcer
Wikipedia - Alstrom syndrome -- Rare genetic disorder involving childhood obesity and multiple organ dysfunction
Wikipedia - Alter Channel -- Defunct TV channel in Greece
Wikipedia - Altos Hornos y Acerias de Corral -- Defunct Chilean company
Wikipedia - Aluabari Road Junction railway station -- Railway station in West Bengal
Wikipedia - Alucita danunciae -- Species of many-plumed moth in genus Alucita
Wikipedia - Alucita punctiferella -- Species of many-plumed moth in genus Alucita
Wikipedia - Alwar Junction railway station -- Railway station in Rajasthan
Wikipedia - Alyth Junction railway station -- Railway station in Angus, Scotland, UK
Wikipedia - Amazon Mechanical Turk -- Micro-work service launched by Amazon
Wikipedia - Ambiguity function
Wikipedia - Ambiguity -- Type of uncertainty of meaning in which several interpretations are plausible
Wikipedia - Ambliyasan Junction railway station -- Railway station in Gujarat, India
Wikipedia - Amblyptilia punctidactyla -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - American Automatic Control Council
Wikipedia - American Chess Quarterly -- defunct American chess magazine
Wikipedia - American Council of Trustees and Alumni -- American non-profitable organization
Wikipedia - American Council on Education -- American nonprofitable organization
Wikipedia - American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages -- National organization dedicated to the improvement of the teaching and learning of languages
Wikipedia - American Craft Council -- National non-profitable organization
Wikipedia - American Engineers' Council for Professional Development
Wikipedia - American Enka Company -- Defunct American rayon fiber manufacturer
Wikipedia - American Immigration Council -- Nonprofit organization advocating for immigration, based in Washington, D.C.
Wikipedia - American Indian Council of Architects and Engineers -- Non-profitable professional association of Native American
Wikipedia - American LaFrance -- Defunct American firetruck manufacturer
Wikipedia - American Legislative Exchange Council
Wikipedia - American Letter Mail Company -- Defunct US company (1844-1851)
Wikipedia - American Locomotive Company -- Defunct locomotive manafacturer
Wikipedia - American Network -- Defunct TV network
Wikipedia - American Vegetarian Party -- Largely defunct American political party
Wikipedia - American Workers Party -- Defunct socialist party in the United States
Wikipedia - Ampersand -- A logogram representing the conjunction word "and"
Wikipedia - Amphitorna albipuncta -- Species of hook-tip moth
Wikipedia - Amritsar Junction railway station -- Railway station in the Indian state of Punjab
Wikipedia - Amt Bilstein -- defunct German administrative district
Wikipedia - A Murder Is Announced -- 1950 Miss Marple novel by Agatha Christie
Wikipedia - Ana Bailao -- Canadian politician, Toronto city councillor.
Wikipedia - Analytic continuation -- Extension of the domain of an analytic function (mathematics)
Wikipedia - Analytic functions
Wikipedia - Analytic function
Wikipedia - Anand Junction railway station -- Railway station in Gujarat, India
Wikipedia - Anand Rai (National Council member) -- Bhutanese politician
Wikipedia - Ancient Cappadocian language -- Unclassified extinct language or group of languages
Wikipedia - Ancient church councils (pre-ecumenical) -- Christian councils
Wikipedia - An Coiste Tearmaiochta -- Irish Gaelic language council for terminology
Wikipedia - Ancylosis nigripunctella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Ancylosis uncinatella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - And-inverter graph -- Graph representing an implementation of the logical functionality of a network
Wikipedia - Andreas Kretzschmer -- German lawyer, secret war councilor, composer, musicologist and folk song researcher
Wikipedia - Andrena runcinatae -- Miner bee species in the family Andrenidae
Wikipedia - Andreotti-Frankel theorem -- A smooth, complex affine variety admits a Morse function
Wikipedia - Andrew Duncan (minister) -- Scottish church leader (c1560-1618)
Wikipedia - Andrew Duncan (physician, born 1744) -- Scottish physician and founder of Royal Edinburgh Hospital
Wikipedia - Andrew Duncan (poet) -- British poet, critic, and editor
Wikipedia - Anemonastrum canadense -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemonastrum -- Genus of Ranunculaceae plants
Wikipedia - Anemone berlandieri -- species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemone caroliniana -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemone coronaria -- species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemone drummondii -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemone halleri -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemone hortensis -- species of flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemone multifida -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemone parviflora -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemone thomsonii -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemone tuberosa -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemone virginiana -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemone -- genus of flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemonoides apennina -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemonoides blanda -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemonoides lancifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemonoides nemorosa -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemonoides oregana -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemonoides quinquefolia -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemonoides ranunculoides -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemonoides sylvestris -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemonoides trifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemonoides -- Genus of flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - An Gaidheal M-CM-^Yr -- Defunct Scottish Gaelic language newspaper
Wikipedia - Angara (rocket family) -- Russian family of RP-1/LOX fueled space-launch vehicles
Wikipedia - Angel Unchained -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Anglican Consultative Council
Wikipedia - Anglo-American Publishing -- Defunct Canadian comic book publisher
Wikipedia - Anglophone pronunciation of foreign languages -- English speakers' pronunciation of other languages
Wikipedia - Angus, Scotland -- Council area of Scotland
Wikipedia - Animals First -- Defunct political party in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Anime UK -- Defunct British magazine about Japanese animation
Wikipedia - Anki (company) -- Defunct American robotics and artificial intelligence startup
Wikipedia - Ankleshwar Junction railway station -- Railway station in Gujarat
Wikipedia - Annual Champion Stakes -- Defunct American thoroughbred horse race
Wikipedia - Annunciata Astoria Cocchetti -- Italian nun
Wikipedia - Annunciation Church, Mdina
Wikipedia - Annunciation Church, MjekM-CM-+s -- Church in Albania
Wikipedia - Annunciation Church of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra -- Church in St. Petersburg, Russia
Wikipedia - Annunciation Church, Szentendre
Wikipedia - Annunciation (Cima da Conegliano) -- 1495 painting by Cima da Conegliano
Wikipedia - Annunciation Diptych -- Diptych by Simone Martini
Wikipedia - Annunciation (Memling) -- Oil-on-oak panel painting by Hans Memling
Wikipedia - Annunciation (Moretto) -- Painting by Moretto da Brescia
Wikipedia - Annunciation (Signorelli) -- Painting by Luca Signorelli in Volterra
Wikipedia - Annunciation to the shepherds
Wikipedia - Annunciation (Uccello) -- c. 1425 painting by Paolo Uccello
Wikipedia - Annunciation (Veronese, Uffizi) -- Painting by Paolo Veronese
Wikipedia - Annunciation -- Announcement of the birth of Jesus to Mary
Wikipedia - Annunciator panel
Wikipedia - Anonymous function -- Function definition that is not bound to an identifier
Wikipedia - Anonymous recursion -- Recursion without calling a function by name
Wikipedia - Anopheles punctipennis -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Antares (rocket) -- Launch vehicle produced by Orbital Sciences Corporation from the United States
Wikipedia - Anthony D'Adam -- Member of the New South Wales Legislative Council
Wikipedia - Anti-Aircraft Experimental Section -- Defunct British government body
Wikipedia - Anti-Fascist Council for the National Liberation of Yugoslavia -- World War II-era political body established in Yugoslavia
Wikipedia - Antiprohibitionists on Drugs -- Defunct liberal Italian political party
Wikipedia - Anti-submarine mortar -- Naval weapon type for launching small depth charges against submarines
Wikipedia - Antonio Cotoner y Vallobar -- Nuncio, or extraordinary Ambassador of the Studium generale of Majorca to Philip's II Royal court in Madrid
Wikipedia - Anuppur Junction railway station -- Railway station in Madhya Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Anvil firing -- Launching an anvil into the air with gunpowder
Wikipedia - Aoki Corporation -- Defunct Japanese construction company
Wikipedia - Apache Junction, Arizona -- City in Arizona, United States
Wikipedia - Apatema impunctella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - A-P-A Transport Corp. -- Defunct trucking and shipping company in North Bergen, NJ
Wikipedia - APEX Airlines -- Defunct airline in Myanmar
Wikipedia - APL (programming language) -- Functional, symbolic programming language for operating on multidimensional arrays
Wikipedia - Apollo 5 -- First test flight (uncrewed) of the Apollo Lunar Module
Wikipedia - Apollo launch umbilical tower
Wikipedia - Apostasy in Islam -- Renunciation of Islam
Wikipedia - Apostasy -- Formal disaffiliation from or abandonment or renunciation of a religion
Wikipedia - Apostolic Nunciature to Ghana -- Ecclesiastical office of the Catholic Church in Ghana
Wikipedia - Apostolic Nunciature to Great Britain -- Apostolic Nunciature to Great Britain
Wikipedia - Apostolic Nunciature to India
Wikipedia - Apostolic Nunciature to Turkey
Wikipedia - Apostolic Nunciature to Uzbekistan -- Ecclesiastical office of the Catholic Church in Uzbekistan
Wikipedia - Apostolic Nunciature
Wikipedia - Apostolic Nuncio to France
Wikipedia - Apostolic Nuncio
Wikipedia - Apostolic nuncio
Wikipedia - Apostrophe -- Punctuation or diacritical mark
Wikipedia - Apperson -- Defunct US automobile manufacturer
Wikipedia - Appetizer (software) -- Open source application launcher for Windows
Wikipedia - Application launcher
Wikipedia - Applicative functor
Wikipedia - Apply -- The function that maps a function and its arguments to the function value
Wikipedia - Appster -- defunct mobile app development company
Wikipedia - A Prefect's Uncle -- 1903 novel by P.G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - Aprelevka Record Plant -- Defunct vinyl record manufacturer
Wikipedia - AQ Interactive -- Defunct Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Aqris -- Defunct Estonian software company
Wikipedia - Arab Cooperation Council
Wikipedia - Ara Junction railway station -- Railway station in Bihar
Wikipedia - Arbetet -- Defunct Swedish newspaper
Wikipedia - Archaeological interest of Pedra da Gavea -- Unconfirmed archaeological theories
Wikipedia - Archanara geminipuncta -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious
Wikipedia - Archie Duncan (actor) -- Scottish actor
Wikipedia - Arctic Council -- Intergovernmental forum for the Arctic
Wikipedia - Argon2 -- Password-based key derivation function created in 2015
Wikipedia - Argosy University -- Defunct system of for-profit colleges in the US
Wikipedia - Argus of Western America -- defunct American newspaper
Wikipedia - Argyll and Bute -- Council area of Scotland
Wikipedia - Ariane 6 -- European launch vehicle (under development)
Wikipedia - Ariane flight VA241 -- Space launch
Wikipedia - Ariane flight VA243 -- Space launch
Wikipedia - Ariane flight VA245 -- Space launch
Wikipedia - Ariane flight VA246 -- Space launch
Wikipedia - Aria Party -- Defunct fascist political party in Pahlavi Iran
Wikipedia - Arithmetic function -- Function whose domain is the positive integers
Wikipedia - Arithmetic zeta function -- Type of zeta function
Wikipedia - Arity -- Fixed number of arguments or operands that a function or operation requires in order to define a relation between them
Wikipedia - Arkansas Gazette -- Defunct broadsheet newspaper based in Little Rock, Arkansas, United States
Wikipedia - Arkansas State Press -- Defunct newspaper based in Little Rock, Arkansas, United States
Wikipedia - Arlene Duncan -- Canadian actress
Wikipedia - Armed Forces Council -- Canadian defence council
Wikipedia - Armed Forces Ruling Council (Nigeria) -- Legal armed force council incharge during 1985 to 1983 in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Armenian National Council of Baku
Wikipedia - Arne Duncan
Wikipedia - Arnold W. Bunch Jr. -- US Air Force general
Wikipedia - Aromalunni -- 1972 film by Kunchacko
Wikipedia - Arsys Software -- Defunct Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Artemis 1 -- Planned test flight of Orion spacecraft and initial flight of the Space Launch System for Artemis program
Wikipedia - Art for art's sake -- Slogan for art without any didactic, moral or utilitarian function
Wikipedia - Arthropod head problem -- Uncertainty regarding the evolutionary relationship of the segmental composition of the head in various arthropod groups
Wikipedia - Arthur Duncan (golfer) -- New Zealand golfer and businessman
Wikipedia - Arthur Stuart Duncan Jones
Wikipedia - Article 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union -- Article of European Union competition law
Wikipedia - Artificial neural network -- Computational model used in machine learning, based on connected, hierarchical functions
Wikipedia - Artificial neuron -- Mathematical function conceived as a crude model
Wikipedia - Artisphere -- Defunct arts center in Arlington, Virginia
Wikipedia - Artistic inspiration -- unconscious burst of creativity
Wikipedia - Artoon -- Defunct Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Arto Tuncboyaciyan -- Turkish musician
Wikipedia - Arts and Humanities Research Council -- British research council
Wikipedia - Arts Council England -- Arts organization in London, England
Wikipedia - Arts Council of Great Britain -- UK official body to support the arts
Wikipedia - Arts council -- Non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the arts
Wikipedia - Arzela-Ascoli theorem -- On when a family of real, continuous functions has a uniformly convergent subsequence
Wikipedia - Asanka Nawaratne -- Sri Lankan politician, provincial councillor, and Member of Parliamen
Wikipedia - Asansol Junction railway station -- Railway station in West Bengal, India
Wikipedia - Ascent Abort-2 -- Successful test of the Launch Abort System of NASA's Orion spacecraft.
Wikipedia - Aserca Airlines -- Defunct Venezuelan airline (1968-2018)
Wikipedia - Ashes (Munch) -- Painting by Edvard Munch
Wikipedia - Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College -- Public community college in Asheville, North Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - Ashington Colliery Junction railway station -- Former railway station in Northumberland, England
Wikipedia - Ashtons -- Defunct house builder in Yorkshire
Wikipedia - Asia Atlantic Airlines -- Defunct Thai airline (2013-2018)
Wikipedia - Asia Continental Airlines -- Defunct Airlines of Kazakhstan
Wikipedia - Aspect magazine -- Defunct American DVD magazine
Wikipedia - Aspilapteryx multipunctella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Assessment of kidney function -- Ways of assessing the function of the kidneys
Wikipedia - Associated Producers -- Defunct film production and distribution company
Wikipedia - Association for Justice and Equality -- Defunct political party in Iceland
Wikipedia - Astorga FS -- Defunct futsal club in Spain
Wikipedia - A Story About My Uncle -- 2012 indie video game
Wikipedia - Astra Airlines -- Defunct Greek airline (2008-2019)
Wikipedia - Astraeus Airlines -- Defunct British airline
Wikipedia - Astra-Unceta y Cia SA -- Spanish weapons manufacturer
Wikipedia - Asuncion Balaguer -- Spanish actress
Wikipedia - Asuncion Ferrer y Crespi -- Spanish painter
Wikipedia - Asuncion Gomez Perez -- Spanish computer scientist
Wikipedia - Asuncion Linares -- Spanish paleontologist
Wikipedia - Asuncion Ocasio -- Olympic taekwondo practitioner
Wikipedia - Asuncion -- |Capital and chief port of Paraguay
Wikipedia - Asymptotic analysis -- Description of limiting behavior of a function
Wikipedia - Atari, Inc. -- Defunct American video game and home computer company
Wikipedia - Ateneo de Tuguegarao -- Defunct Catholic college run by the Society of Jesus in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Athabasca (provincial electoral district) -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Athabasca-Sturgeon-Redwater -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Athena (rocket family) -- Lockheed Martin expendable launch system
Wikipedia - Athrips tetrapunctella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Atlantic Coast Line Railroad -- Defunct American Class I railroad
Wikipedia - Atlantic Council -- American Atlanticist think tank founded in 1961
Wikipedia - Atlantic Entertainment Group -- Defunct movie studio company
Wikipedia - Atlas Assurance Company -- Defunct British life and fire insurance company
Wikipedia - AtlasGlobal -- Defunct Turkish airline (2001-2020)
Wikipedia - Atlas G -- Expendable launch vehicle
Wikipedia - Atlas H -- Expendable launch vehicle
Wikipedia - Atlas III -- Orbital launch vehicle
Wikipedia - Atlas I -- Expendable launch system
Wikipedia - Atlas (rocket family) -- Family of American missiles and space launch vehicles
Wikipedia - Atlas V -- Expendable launch system
Wikipedia - Atomic orbital -- A wave function for one electron in an atom having certain ''n'' and ''M-bM-^DM-^S'' quantum numbers
Wikipedia - Atrak Air -- Defunct Iranian airline (2014-2018)
Wikipedia - Attachmate -- Defunct software company
Wikipedia - Atticus (poet) -- Pseudonym of Canadian actor and writer, Duncan Penn
Wikipedia - Audrey Callaghan -- British Labour councillor, wife of James Callaghan
Wikipedia - Augmented renal clearance -- Change in kidney function during illness
Wikipedia - Augusta International Raceway -- Defunct motorsport track in the United States
Wikipedia - Aulacogen -- A failed arm of a triple junction, an inactive rift zone
Wikipedia - Aulic Council
Wikipedia - Aunrihar Junction railway station -- Indian railway station
Wikipedia - Aurunculeia gens -- Ancient Roman plebeian family
Wikipedia - Austin City Council -- Unicameral legislature of Austin, Texas
Wikipedia - Austin Motor Company -- Defunct English manufacturer of motor vehicles
Wikipedia - Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council -- Body representing fire and emergency service authorities in Australasia
Wikipedia - Australasian Zionist Youth Council -- Australian Zionist umbrella organization
Wikipedia - Australia/Israel > Jewish Affairs Council
Wikipedia - Australian Government Publishing Service -- Defunct publishing and printing service of the government of Australia
Wikipedia - Australian Health Informatics Education Council
Wikipedia - Australian National Council on Drugs -- Australian Medical and Health Organisation
Wikipedia - Australian Psychology Accreditation Council
Wikipedia - Australian Research Council
Wikipedia - Autism Is a World -- A 2004 documentary which uncritically portrays a discredited communication technique
Wikipedia - Autofill -- Software function that prefills fields automatically
Wikipedia - Autographic film -- System for roll film launched by Kodak in 1914
Wikipedia - Automated Transfer Vehicle -- Uncrewed cargo spacecraft developed by the European Space Agency
Wikipedia - Autosave -- Automatic saving function
Wikipedia - Autosticha latiuncusa -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Auto-Train Corporation -- Defunct, privately owned railroad in the United States
Wikipedia - Avantika Express -- Express train service between Mumbai Central and Indore Junction
Wikipedia - Avenue (magazine) -- Defunct Dutch magazine
Wikipedia - Averruncator -- Type of extended shears for pruning distant branches
Wikipedia - Averruncus
Wikipedia - Avoirdupois system -- System of weights (more properly, mass) based on a pound of 16 ounces
Wikipedia - Avon River (Mid-Coast Council)
Wikipedia - Avro Canada -- Defunct Canadian aircraft manufacturer
Wikipedia - Avuncular
Wikipedia - Avunculate
Wikipedia - Ax-Grothendieck theorem -- An injective polynomial function from an n-dim complex vector space to itself is bijective
Wikipedia - Axiomatic system -- Mathematical term; any set of axioms from which some or all axioms can be used in conjunction to logically derive theorems
Wikipedia - Axiom of adjunction
Wikipedia - Aymar-DeMuth Propellers -- Defunct American propeller manufacturer
Wikipedia - Ayodhya Junction railway station -- Railway station in Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Azad Kashmir Regular Force -- Defunct Pakistani paramilitary force
Wikipedia - Azores Triple Junction -- Place where the boundaries of the North American, the Eurasian and the African tectonic plates intersect
Wikipedia - Baao station -- Defunct station of the Philippine National Railways (PNR)
Wikipedia - Baccharis dracunculifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae
Wikipedia - Backbone Entertainment -- Defunct American video game developer
Wikipedia - Backus Mill Heritage and Conservation Centre -- Defunct gristmill near Port Rowan, Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - BAC Mustard -- Re-usable space launch system
Wikipedia - Badarpur Junction railway station -- Railway station serving the city of Badarpur in Assam, India
Wikipedia - Badshot Lea Long Barrow -- Unchambered long barrow in England
Wikipedia - Baek Sang Eo (White Shark) torpedo -- South Korean submarine-launched torpedo
Wikipedia - Bahar Junction MRT station -- MRT subway station in Singapore
Wikipedia - Baikonur Cosmodrome Site 200 -- Launch site at Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan
Wikipedia - Baikonur Cosmodrome -- Rocket launch complex in Kazakhstan, used by Russia
Wikipedia - Bakhtiyarpur Junction railway station -- Railway station in Bihar
Wikipedia - Balangir Junction railway station -- Railway station in Odisa
Wikipedia - Ballistic missile submarine -- Submarine able to launch ballistic missiles
Wikipedia - Ballistic Research Laboratory -- DefunctM-BM- center for the United States Army's research efforts in ballistics
Wikipedia - Balloon hashing -- Memory-hard key derivation function
Wikipedia - Ballymena Borough Council -- Former local authority of Ballymena, Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Baltazar Kuncz -- Polish sculptor and woodcarver
Wikipedia - Baltimore (1810 ship) -- US cargo ship launched in 1810
Wikipedia - Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Station -- Defunct railroad station in Washington, D.C., United States
Wikipedia - BAM (magazine) -- Defunct American bi-weekly music magazine
Wikipedia - Bamseom Pirates -- Defunct South Korean grindcore band
Wikipedia - Banahaw Broadcasting Corporation -- Defunct Philippine television network
Wikipedia - Bandai Visual -- Defunct Japanese anime and distribution company
Wikipedia - Bandara Wijethunga -- Sri Lankan lyricist and radio announcer
Wikipedia - Bandarpunch -- Mountain in Uttarakhand, India
Wikipedia - Banda Sea Triple Junction -- Point where the boundaries of the Indo-Australian Plate, the Pacific Plate and the Eurasian Plate meet
Wikipedia - Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council -- Research institute in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research -- Research Organization in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Bangladesh Garments Workers Unity Council -- National trade union centre of garment workers in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Bangladesh Jatiya League -- defunct political party
Wikipedia - Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council -- Government regulatory agency
Wikipedia - Bangladesh Medical Research Council -- Medical research institute in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Bangladesh National Nutrition Council -- Research institute in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Bangladesh Nursing and Midwifery Council -- Government regulatory agency
Wikipedia - Bangladesh Veterinary Council -- Government regulatory agency
Wikipedia - Banka Junction railway station -- Railway station in Bihar
Wikipedia - Bank of Crete (1980-1999) -- Defunct bank in Greece
Wikipedia - Bankura Junction railway station -- Railway Station in West Bengal
Wikipedia - Baptismal vows -- Renunciations required of an adult candidate for baptism
Wikipedia - Barang Junction railway station -- Railway station in Odisha
Wikipedia - Barasat Junction railway station -- Railway Station in West Bengal, India
Wikipedia - Barbara Vernon (writer) -- Australian playwright, screenwriter and radio announcer
Wikipedia - Barbarian -- Person perceived to be uncivilized or primitive
Wikipedia - Bareilly Junction railway station -- Railway station in Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Barely Breathing -- 1996 single by Duncan Sheik
Wikipedia - Barhan Junction railway station -- Railway station in Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Bar Harbor Airlines -- Defunct American commuter airline
Wikipedia - Barings Bank -- Defunct English merchant bank
Wikipedia - Baron Munchausen -- Fictional German nobleman
Wikipedia - Barotropic fluid -- A fluid whose density is a function of pressure only
Wikipedia - Barreira do Inferno Launch Center -- satellite launching facility of the Brazilian Space Agency
Wikipedia - Barrhead (electoral district) -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Barrhead-Morinville-Westlock -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Barrier function
Wikipedia - Barry Dock Offices -- Council building in Barry, Vale of Glamorgan, Wales, United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Barsoi Junction railway station -- Railway station in Bihar
Wikipedia - Basal ganglia disease -- Group of physical problems resulting from basal ganglia dysfunction
Wikipedia - Basal Junction railway station -- Railway station in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Basarabia ReM-CM-.nnoita -- defunct newspaper from IaM-EM-^_i, Romania
Wikipedia - Basis function
Wikipedia - Batala Municipal Council -- Municipal corporation
Wikipedia - Batavia Air -- Defunct Indonesian airline (2001-2013)
Wikipedia - Bath and North East Somerset Council -- English local government council
Wikipedia - Batrachedra parvulipunctella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Battle of MunchengrM-CM-$tz -- Battle of the Austro-Prussian War
Wikipedia - Battle of the Punchbowl -- Battle in the Korean War
Wikipedia - Battle River-Wainwright -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Battleship (rocketry) -- Non-functional rocket or rocket stage
Wikipedia - Bauer maximum principle -- Convex continuous functions on compact convex sets maximize at extreme points
Wikipedia - Bavarian Council Republic
Wikipedia - Bayes estimator -- Estimator or decision rule that minimizes the posterior expected value of a loss function
Wikipedia - Bayesian approaches to brain function
Wikipedia - Bayesian inference in phylogeny -- Combination of a likelihood function with some prior probabilities to infer the posterior probability distribution of trees given data
Wikipedia - BBC Choice -- Defunct BBC TV station
Wikipedia - BBC Food -- Defunct division of the British Broadcasting Corporation
Wikipedia - BCWest Air -- Defunct small Canadian airline (2007-2008)
Wikipedia - Beagle 2 -- Failed Mars lander launched in 2003
Wikipedia - Beall's List -- Defunct website listing predatory open-access publishers and journals
Wikipedia - Beech Creek Railroad -- Defunct railroad in Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Bee sting -- Puncture wound caused by a bee's stinger
Wikipedia - Begonia truncatifolia -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Behavioral contagion -- Spontaneous, unsolicited and uncritical imitation of another's behavior
Wikipedia - Belarusian Association of Military People -- Defunct organisation of Belarusian military personnel
Wikipedia - Belarusian Council of Orthodox Churches in North America -- Churches in North America
Wikipedia - Bell Features -- Defunct Canadian comic book publisher
Wikipedia - Bell Pottinger -- Defunct British multinational public relations and marketing company
Wikipedia - Bell Punch
Wikipedia - Bell's palsy -- Facial paralysis resulting from dysfunction in the cranial nerve VII (facial nerve)
Wikipedia - Benedetto Junck -- Italian composer
Wikipedia - Bengal Legislative Council -- Legislative Council of British Bengal (1862-1947)
Wikipedia - Benin Golf Air -- Defunct African airllne (2001-2012)
Wikipedia - Benjamin Punchard House -- Historic building in Massachusetts, US
Wikipedia - Benson's algorithm (Go) -- Algorithm to determine whether a group of go stones are unconditionally alive
Wikipedia - Berkshire Medical College -- Defunct medical school in Massachusetts, United States
Wikipedia - Bernathonomus aureopuncta -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Bernstein's theorem on monotone functions
Wikipedia - Bessel function
Wikipedia - Best Air -- Defunct Bangladeshi airline (2007-2009)
Wikipedia - Best Student Council -- Japanese manga series
Wikipedia - Bestwood Park -- Council estate in Nottingham, England
Wikipedia - Beverage function -- Catering events where beverages are served
Wikipedia - Beyond Fear: Thinking Sensibly About Security in an Uncertain World
Wikipedia - Beyond Uncertainty -- Biography of Werner Heisenberg by David C. Cassidy
Wikipedia - Bharoli Junction railway station -- Train station in Punjab, India
Wikipedia - Bharpura Pahleza Ghat Junction railway station -- Railway station in Bihar
Wikipedia - Bharuch Junction railway station -- Railway station in Gujarat
Wikipedia - Bhavani Junction -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Bhildi Junction railway station -- Railway station in Gujarat, India
Wikipedia - Bhojipura Junction railway station -- Railway Station in Uttar Pradesh
Wikipedia - Bhowani Junction (film) -- 1956 film by George Cukor
Wikipedia - Bhowani Junction -- Book by John Masters
Wikipedia - Bhusaval Junction railway station -- Railway station in India
Wikipedia - Biclonuncaria cerucha -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Bigbig Studios -- Defunct British video game developer
Wikipedia - Big Bounce -- A hypothetical cosmological model for the origin of the known universe
Wikipedia - Big Crunch -- Theoretical scenario for the ultimate fate of the universe
Wikipedia - Big Freedia -- New Orleans musician known for Bounce music
Wikipedia - Big Joe 1 -- Uncrewed boilerplate Mercury program capsule
Wikipedia - Big Sur Multi-Agency Advisory Council
Wikipedia - Big Tiger -- Principal Chief of the council of a dissident group of Cherokee
Wikipedia - Bijauria Junction railway station -- Railway Station in Uttar Pradesh
Wikipedia - Bijection, injection and surjection -- Properties of mathematical functions
Wikipedia - Bijection -- Function that is one to one and onto (mathematics)
Wikipedia - Bik'at HaYarden Regional Council -- Israeli regional council in the West Bank
Wikipedia - Bilaspur Junction railway station -- Railway station in Chattisgarh
Wikipedia - Bilimora Junction railway station -- Railway station in Gujarat, India
Wikipedia - Bilinear form -- Scalar-valued function of two variables that becomes a linear map when one coordinate is fixed
Wikipedia - Bill Davis Racing -- Defunct stock car racing team
Wikipedia - Bill Doolin -- American bandit in the Wild Bunch gang
Wikipedia - Billiards and Snooker Control Council -- Former governing body for snooker and English billiards
Wikipedia - Bimalgarh Junction railway station -- Railway station in Odisa, India
Wikipedia - Binary entropy function
Wikipedia - Binary function
Wikipedia - Bingley Building Society -- Defunct British building society
Wikipedia - Binjiang Province -- Defunct province in East Asia
Wikipedia - Biofeedback -- Process of gaining greater awareness of many physiological functions primarily using instruments that provide information on the activity of those same systems, with a goal of being able to manipulate them at will
Wikipedia - Biological dark matter -- An informal term for unclassified or poorly understood genetic material
Wikipedia - Biological process -- Any function vital to living organisms
Wikipedia - Biomechanics -- Study of the structure and function of the mechanical aspects of biological systems
Wikipedia - Bionta -- Defunct taxon
Wikipedia - Bipolar junction transistor
Wikipedia - Bipunctiphorus dimorpha -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Bipunctiphorus dissipata -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Bipunctiphorus euctimena -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Bipunctiphorus nigroapicalis -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Bipunctiphorus pelzi -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Bipunctiphorus -- Plume moth genus
Wikipedia - Biquadratic function -- Polynomial function of degree 4 without term of odd degree
Wikipedia - Birand Tunca -- Turkish actor and model
Wikipedia - Birmingham, Columbus and St. Andrews Railroad -- Defunct railroad in Florida
Wikipedia - Birmingham Post-Herald -- Defunct daily newspaper in Birmingham, Alabama
Wikipedia - Birmingham Steel Corporation -- Defunct steel producer in Birmingham, Alabama
Wikipedia - Bisection method -- Algorithm for finding a zero of a function
Wikipedia - Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church
Wikipedia - Bishops' Council of the Serbian Orthodox Church
Wikipedia - Bitruncated cubic honeycomb
Wikipedia - Bizarre Creations -- Defunct British video game development studio
Wikipedia - Bjerrum plot -- Graph of the concentrations of the different species from the dissociation of a polyprotic acid, as a function of pH, when the solution is at equilibrium
Wikipedia - BlackBerry Storm -- Defunct touchscreen smartphone
Wikipedia - Black Eye Productions -- defunct Canadian comic book publisher
Wikipedia - Black Sports Magazine -- Defunct 1970s African-American sports magazine
Wikipedia - Black Unity and Freedom Party -- Defunct Black British political movement 1970-1999
Wikipedia - BLAKE (hash function) -- Cryptographic hash function
Wikipedia - Blethisa multipunctata -- Species of ground beetle
Wikipedia - Blink (airline) -- Defunct British private jet airline (2007-2008)
Wikipedia - Blippy -- Defunct social networking service
Wikipedia - Blockbuster LLC -- Defunct US-based provider of home movie and video game rental services; now a franchise brand name
Wikipedia - Blow My Skull Off -- Alcoholic punch of rum, porter, and brandy
Wikipedia - Blowout (well drilling) -- Uncontrolled release of crude oil and/or natural gas from a well
Wikipedia - Blum's speedup theorem -- Rules out assigning to arbitrary functions their computational complexity
Wikipedia - BM-21 Grad -- Multiple launch rocket system family of Soviet origin
Wikipedia - BM-27 Uragan -- Multiple rocket launcher
Wikipedia - BMJ USA -- Defunct medical journal
Wikipedia - Board of Trade -- Committee of the United Kingdom Privy Council
Wikipedia - Bob Carpenter (sportscaster) -- American sportscaster and announcer
Wikipedia - Bob Caudle -- American professional wrestling announcer
Wikipedia - Bob Jenkins -- American sports announcer
Wikipedia - Bob Sheppard -- Yankee Stadium announcer
Wikipedia - Bob Tallman -- American rodeo announcer
Wikipedia - Bocagea longipedunculata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Bochasan Junction railway station -- Railway station in Gujarat, India
Wikipedia - Boeing Orbital Flight Test 2 -- Uncrewed flight test of Boeing Starliner spacecraft
Wikipedia - Boeing Orbital Flight Test -- Uncrewed flight test of CST-100 Starliner spacecraft
Wikipedia - Bogoljub Nedeljkovic -- Chairman of the Executive Council of the Socialist Autonomous Province of Kosovo
Wikipedia - Bohack -- Defunct New York City grocery chain
Wikipedia - Bohemianism -- The practice of an unconventional lifestyle
Wikipedia - Boilerplate (spaceflight) -- Spacecraft; nonfunctional craft or payload
Wikipedia - Bolokhovians -- Uncertain 13th-century ethnic group in the territory of present-day Ukraine.
Wikipedia - Bolsa de Valores y Productos de Asuncion -- Stock exchange in Paraguay
Wikipedia - BoM-EM->idar Kunc -- Croatian composer and pianist
Wikipedia - Bonnie Ng -- District councillor
Wikipedia - Book (magazine) -- Defunct American magazine
Wikipedia - Book of the 24 Philosophers -- Philosophical and theological medieval text of uncertain authorship
Wikipedia - Books & Culture -- Defunct American Christian book review journal
Wikipedia - Boolean differential calculus -- a subject field of Boolean algebra discussing changes of Boolean variables and functions
Wikipedia - Boolean function -- Function with domain {0,1
Wikipedia - Boolean-valued function
Wikipedia - Borderline intellectual functioning
Wikipedia - Borno Youth Movement -- Defunct political party in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Borries von Munchhausen -- German poet and activist
Wikipedia - BORSCHT -- Functions performed by a subscriber line interface circuit in telephone service
Wikipedia - Boscarne Junction railway station -- Railway in Cornwall, United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Boso Triple Junction -- The meeting point of the Okhotsk Plate, the Pacific Plate, and the Philippine Sea Plate
Wikipedia - Boule (ancient Greece) -- Ancient Greek city council
Wikipedia - Boulton & Paul Ltd -- |Defunct aircraft manufacturer in Norwich, England
Wikipedia - Boulton Paul Aircraft -- Defunct aircraft manufacturer based in Wolverhampton, England
Wikipedia - Bounce Back (Big Sean song) -- 2016 single by Big Sean
Wikipedia - Bounce Back (Little Mix song) -- 2019 single by Little Mix
Wikipedia - Bounce (Calvin Harris song) -- 2011 single by Calvin Harris featuring Kelis
Wikipedia - Bounced landing -- Aircraft runway landing behavior
Wikipedia - Bounce (film) -- 2000 American romantic drama film directed by Don Roos
Wikipedia - Bounce message -- Automated message from an email system
Wikipedia - Bounce music -- Energetic style of New Orleans hip hop
Wikipedia - Bounce Out with That -- Song
Wikipedia - Bouncer (doorman) -- Type of security guard
Wikipedia - Bouncer (Neighbours) -- Fictional dog in Neighbours (Australian TV series)
Wikipedia - Bounces (video game) -- 1985 video game
Wikipedia - Bounce with Me -- 2000 single by Bow Wow and Xscape
Wikipedia - Bouncing Babies -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Bouncing ball -- Physics of bouncing balls
Wikipedia - Bouncing Boy -- DC Comics superhero
Wikipedia - Bouncy Castle (cryptography)
Wikipedia - Bouncy Moore -- American track and field athlete
Wikipedia - Bounded growth -- function increasing at a decreasing rate of increase
Wikipedia - Bouteloua chondrosioides -- Perennial bunchgrass native to North America
Wikipedia - Bouvet Triple Junction -- Meeting point of the boundaries of the South American Plate, the African Plate, and the Antarctic Plate
Wikipedia - Bowling Junction railway station -- Disused railway station in West Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Boxcar averager -- Electronic test instrument that averages an input according to the boxcar function
Wikipedia - Bozenna Pasik-Duncan -- Polish-American mathematician
Wikipedia - Braces (punctuation)
Wikipedia - Bradford & Bingley -- Defunct British bank
Wikipedia - Brad Keselowski Racing -- Defunct stock car racing team
Wikipedia - Bradlees -- Defunct discount retailer from the United States
Wikipedia - Brahman -- Metaphysical concept, unchanging Ultimate Reality in Hinduism
Wikipedia - Brain function
Wikipedia - -- Defunct American online reputation and brand management company
Wikipedia - Brandon Gaudin -- American sports announcer
Wikipedia - Brazilian National Research Council
Wikipedia - Breakdown (vehicle) -- Mechanical failure of motor vehicle that prevents vehicle to operate functionally
Wikipedia - Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner -- 2019 American documentary television series
Wikipedia - Breast physics -- Bouncing breasts in video games
Wikipedia - Breathing performance of regulators -- Measurement and requirements of function of breathing regulators
Wikipedia - Br'er Rabbit -- Fictional rabbit in Uncle Remus folklore
Wikipedia - Bresnan Communications -- Defunct American cable television provider
Wikipedia - Bret Freeman -- American martial artis ring announcer
Wikipedia - Breton Nationalist Party -- Defunct political party in France
Wikipedia - Brexit: The Uncivil War -- 2018 film starring Benedict Cumberbatch
Wikipedia - Brian Berman -- American acupuncture researcher
Wikipedia - Brick (electronics) -- Term used to refer to a non-functioning electronic device
Wikipedia - Briefings in Functional Genomics -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - Brighton and Hove City Council -- Local authority for Brighton and Hove
Wikipedia - Brightwood College -- Defunct system of for-profit colleges in the United States
Wikipedia - Brillouin and Langevin functions -- Mathematical function, used to describe magnetization
Wikipedia - Brisbane City Council -- Local government for Brisbane City, Queensland, Australia
Wikipedia - Bristol City Council -- Unitary authority and ceremonial county in England
Wikipedia - Britannia (1806 EIC ship) -- British sailing ship launched in 1806
Wikipedia - Britannia Unchained -- 2012 book by Kwasi Kwarteng
Wikipedia - British Columbia Social Constructive Party -- Defunct political party in British Columbia
Wikipedia - British Council in Algeria -- British cultural and educational organisation in Algeria
Wikipedia - British Council
Wikipedia - British Judo Council -- Judo Council
Wikipedia - British Mountaineering Council -- National body for climbers, hill walkers and mountaineers
Wikipedia - British Psychoanalytic Council
Wikipedia - British Satellite Broadcasting -- Defunct British satellite television company from 1986 to 1990
Wikipedia - British Universities Snowsports Council -- Defunct UK snowsports organization run by and for students
Wikipedia - Broadpoint -- Defunct US telecommunications company
Wikipedia - Bronx Council on the Arts -- Art based culture agency
Wikipedia - Brookeborough ministry -- Executive Committee of the Privy Council of Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Brooklyn-Manhattan Transit Corporation -- Defunct transit operator in New York City
Wikipedia - Brooks Air Force Base -- Defunct US Air Force base
Wikipedia - Broom Junction railway station -- Former railway station in Warwickshire, England
Wikipedia - Broughton and Milton Keynes Parish Council -- Joint parish council for two parishes in United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Brouwer fixed-point theorem -- Every continuous function on a compact set has a fixed point
Wikipedia - Brown's representability theorem -- On representability of a contravariant functor on the category of connected CW complexes
Wikipedia - Browser extension -- Program that extends the functionality of a web browser
Wikipedia - Bruce Buffer -- American announcer
Wikipedia - Bruce Duncan -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - Bruiser Brody Memorial Cup -- Annual World Wrestling Council event
Wikipedia - B-spline -- A spline function
Wikipedia - B-type asteroid -- Asteroid spectral class; uncommon type of carbonaceous asteroid
Wikipedia - Bucculatrix disjuncta -- Species of moth in genus Bucculatrix
Wikipedia - Bucculatrix micropunctata -- Species of moth in genus Bucculatrix
Wikipedia - Bucculatrix nigripunctella -- Species of moth in genus Bucculatrix
Wikipedia - Bucculatrix unipuncta -- Species of moth in genus Bucculatrix
Wikipedia - Buckinghamshire Council -- Local authority of Buckinghamshire, England
Wikipedia - Buckinghamshire County Council -- Former upper-tier local authority for Buckinghamshire, England
Wikipedia - Buddhist councils
Wikipedia - Bud Duncan -- American actor
Wikipedia - Bud Lindemann -- American motorsport announcer
Wikipedia - Bugatti -- Defunct French automaker
Wikipedia - Building 19 -- Defunct Massachusetts discount store chain
Wikipedia - Bumper (broadcasting) -- Broadcasting announcement between a program and commercial break
Wikipedia - Bump function -- A smooth and compactly supported function
Wikipedia - Bunched logic
Wikipedia - Bunch-of-Grapes -- Former tavern located in Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Wikipedia - BUNCH
Wikipedia - Buncombe Township, Sioux County, Iowa -- Township in Iowa, USA
Wikipedia - Bunco Squad -- 1950 film by Herbert I. Leeds
Wikipedia - Burrator -- Grouped parish council in Dartmoor
Wikipedia - Burswood, New Zealand -- Suburb in Auckland Council, New Zealand
Wikipedia - Bus bunching
Wikipedia - Business and Technology Education Council -- Provider of qualifications in England, Wales and Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Business Council of Australia
Wikipedia - Butch Cassidy's Wild Bunch -- Old West train robbing gang
Wikipedia - Buxton Hitmen -- Defunct speedway team in England
Wikipedia - Byron Bay Record -- Defunct Australian weekly newspaper
Wikipedia - Byte (magazine) -- Defunct American microcomputer magazine
Wikipedia - C11orf42 -- Uncharacterized human protein
Wikipedia - C7orf57 -- Uncharacterized protein in humans
Wikipedia - Cabildo (council) -- Spanish colonial, and early post-colonial, administrative council which governed a municipality
Wikipedia - Cabinet of Nigeria -- Nigeria Federal Executive Council
Wikipedia - Cabton -- Defunct Japanese motorcycle manufacturer
Wikipedia - Cabuyao City Council -- Legislative body of the city of Cabuyao, Philippines
Wikipedia - Caimito, Juncos, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Caldera (company) -- Defunct American multinational operating system software company
Wikipedia - Calgary-Hawkwood -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Calgary-Mackay-Nose Hill -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Calgary (provincial electoral district) -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Calibrated probability assessment -- Subjective probabilities assigned in a way that historically represents their uncertainty
Wikipedia - California Inland Empire Council -- Boy Scouts council in California
Wikipedia - Callback function
Wikipedia - Calligonum junceum -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Call-with-current-continuation -- Control flow operator in functional programming
Wikipedia - Calonotos tripunctata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Calpis -- Japanese uncarbonated soft drink
Wikipedia - Caltha palustris -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Cambria (journal) -- Defunct Welsh geography academic journal
Wikipedia - Cambridge Junction Historic State Park -- Park in Michigan, USA
Wikipedia - Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery -- Group of 25 tests to assess cognitive function
Wikipedia - Cambridgeshire County Council -- The elected administrative body governing Cambridgeshire, England
Wikipedia - Camden London Borough Council
Wikipedia - Camden Murphy -- American stock car racing driver and announcer
Wikipedia - Campaign for a More Prosperous Britain -- Defunct political party in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Campeau Corporation -- Defunct Canadian real estate development and investment company
Wikipedia - Camp Rhino -- Defunct U.S. military base
Wikipedia - Canada 3000 -- Defunct Canadian discount charter airline
Wikipedia - Canada Council for the Arts
Wikipedia - Canada Council Molson Prize
Wikipedia - Canada Council -- Arts council of the Government of Canada
Wikipedia - Canadian Airlines -- Defunct Canadian airline, acquired by Air Canada
Wikipedia - Canadian Toy Testing Council -- A volunteer-operated not-for-profit organization
Wikipedia - Canadian Unitarian Council -- Canadian religious organization
Wikipedia - Canadian Wood Council -- Canadian trade organization for wood products industry
Wikipedia - Canaveral Press -- Defunct American publisher
Wikipedia - Canon of Trent -- List of books officially considered canonical at the Council of Trent
Wikipedia - Cantabrian Nationalist Council -- Cantabrian political party
Wikipedia - Canton Junction station -- Railway station in Canton, Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Cao Cao's invasion of Xu Province -- Punitive invasion launched by the warlord Cao Cao against Tao Qian
Wikipedia - Cape Canaveral Launch Complex 13 -- Former launch complex at Cape Canaveral; replaced with Landing Zone 1
Wikipedia - Cape Canaveral Launch Complex 19 -- Project Gemini launch facility
Wikipedia - Cape Canaveral Launch Complex 26 -- Deactivated rocket launch site at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida, United States
Wikipedia - Cape Canaveral Launch Complex 29 -- Test site for submarine launched ballistic missiles
Wikipedia - Cape Canaveral Launch Complex 31 -- Cape Canaveral Air Force Station launch site
Wikipedia - Cape Canaveral Launch Complex 36 -- Launch complex at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Brevard County, Florida
Wikipedia - Cape Canaveral Launch Complex 45 -- Florida launch complex
Wikipedia - Cape Canaveral Launch Complex 47 -- Sounding rocket launch complex at Cape Canaveral, Florida
Wikipedia - Cape Canaveral Launch Complex 5 -- Former launch site at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida
Wikipedia - Cape Canaveral Space Launch Complex 20 -- One of several launce pads at Cape Canaveral, Florida
Wikipedia - Cape Canaveral Space Launch Complex 37 -- Space vehicle launch complex on Cape Canaveral, Florida
Wikipedia - Cape Canaveral Space Launch Complex 40
Wikipedia - Cape Canaveral Space Launch Complex 41 -- American space launch site at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida, USA
Wikipedia - Cape Canaveral Space Launch Complex 46 -- Florida state government-operated space vehicle launch complex at Cape Canaveral
Wikipedia - Capital punishment in Delaware -- Declared unconstitutional in 2016
Wikipedia - Capital Radio 604 -- Defunct South African radio station
Wikipedia - Cap'n Crunch -- American breakfast cereal made by the Quaker Oats Company
Wikipedia - Caproni -- defunct Italian aircraft manufacturer
Wikipedia - Captain Underpants and the Invasion of the Incredibly Naughty Cafeteria Ladies from Outer Space (and the Subsequent Assault of the Equally-Evil Lunchroom Zombie Nerds) {{DISPLAYTITLE:''Captain Underpants and the Invasion of the Incredibly Naughty Cafeteria Ladies from Outer Space (and the Subsequent Assault of the Equally-Evil Lunchroom Zombie Nerds)'' -- Captain Underpants and the Invasion of the Incredibly Naughty Cafeteria Ladies from Outer Space (and the Subsequent Assault of the Equally-Evil Lunchroom Zombie Nerds) {{DISPLAYTITLE:''Captain Underpants and the Invasion of the Incredibly Naughty Cafeteria Ladies from Outer Space (and the Subsequent Assault of the Equally-Evil Lunchroom Zombie Nerds)''
Wikipedia - Carbonaceous sulfur hydride -- an uncharacterised chemical substance that is a room-temperature superconductor at extremely high pressure
Wikipedia - Carbuncle Cup -- Annual architecture prize given to the ugliest building in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Carbuncles
Wikipedia - Carbuncle -- Cluster of boils caused by bacterial infection
Wikipedia - Cardiogenic shock -- Medical emergency resulting from inadequate blood flow due to dysfunction of heart ventricles
Wikipedia - Cardiopulmonary bypass -- Technique that temporarily takes over the function of the heart and lungs during surgery
Wikipedia - Card punch
Wikipedia - Card reader (punched card)
Wikipedia - Cardston-Taber-Warner -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Caribbean Examinations Council -- Caribbean-based examination board
Wikipedia - Carl-Erik Creutz -- Finnish radio announcer
Wikipedia - Carl Junction High School -- school in Missouri, US
Wikipedia - Carl Roepke -- American luger and sports announcer
Wikipedia - Carmelite Monastery Church of the Annunciation
Wikipedia - Carmen Duncan -- Australian actress
Wikipedia - Carmichael function
Wikipedia - Carmichael's totient function
Wikipedia - Carolco Pictures -- Defunct independent film production company
Wikipedia - Carolinas Sports Entertainment Television -- Defunct regional sports network
Wikipedia - Carolyn Brown (newsreader) -- British radio newsreader and continuity announcer
Wikipedia - Carpenter Body Company -- Defunct American bus manufacturer
Wikipedia - Carriage control tape -- Loop of punched tape used to synchronize fast vertical page motion in line printers
Wikipedia - Carrier Sekani Tribal Council -- Tribal council representing eight First Nations in BC, Canada
Wikipedia - Carson and Colorado Railway -- Defunct railroad
Wikipedia - Cartoon Network: Punch Time Explosion -- 2011 crossover fighting video game
Wikipedia - Carunculated fruit dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Caryocolum junctella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Case Unclosed -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Castle Hill Lunatic Asylum -- Defunct psychiatric facility
Wikipedia - Catalan declaration of independence -- Internationally unrecognised October 2017 announcement by which the Parliament of Catalonia unilaterally declared the independence of Catalonia from Spain
Wikipedia - Catalan Labour, Economic and Social Affairs Council -- Catalonian governmental advisory body
Wikipedia - Catalogue of Scientific Papers -- Defunct catalog of academic journal articles
Wikipedia - Catapult -- Pre-gunpowder projectile-launching device
Wikipedia - Catechism of the Council of Trent
Wikipedia - Category:Academics articles with topics of unclear notability
Wikipedia - Category:All articles with topics of unclear notability
Wikipedia - Category:Apostolic Nuncios to Bulgaria
Wikipedia - Category:Apostolic Nuncios to France
Wikipedia - Category:Apostolic Nuncios to Greece
Wikipedia - Category:Apostolic Nuncios to Scandinavia
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with text in Uncoded languages
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with topics of unclear notability from August 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with topics of unclear notability from August 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with topics of unclear notability from December 2010
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with topics of unclear notability from December 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with topics of unclear notability from February 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with topics of unclear notability from February 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with topics of unclear notability from January 2010
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with topics of unclear notability from January 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with topics of unclear notability from January 2021
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with topics of unclear notability from June 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with topics of unclear notability from March 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with topics of unclear notability from March 2021
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with topics of unclear notability from November 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with topics of unclear notability from November 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with topics of unclear notability from October 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with topics of unclear notability from October 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with topics of unclear notability from September 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with topics of unclear notability from September 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Articles with topics of unclear notability from September 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Biography articles with topics of unclear notability
Wikipedia - Category:Biography template using pronunciation
Wikipedia - Category:Broken hash functions
Wikipedia - Category:Companies with works councils
Wikipedia - Category:Company articles with topics of unclear notability
Wikipedia - Category:Crunchbase template with organization ID
Wikipedia - Category:Crunchyroll Originals
Wikipedia - Category:Cryptographic hash functions
Wikipedia - Category:CS1 maint: extra punctuation
Wikipedia - Category:Defunct American websites
Wikipedia - Category:Defunct companies based in Louisiana
Wikipedia - Category:Defunct companies based in Maryland
Wikipedia - Category:Defunct companies based in Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Category:Defunct companies based in the San Francisco Bay Area
Wikipedia - Category:Defunct companies based in Virginia
Wikipedia - Category:Defunct computer companies based in Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Category:Defunct computer companies of the United States
Wikipedia - Category:Defunct computer hardware companies
Wikipedia - Category:Defunct magazines published in India
Wikipedia - Category:Defunct religious organizations
Wikipedia - Category:Defunct schools in Greece
Wikipedia - Category:Defunct software companies of the United States
Wikipedia - Category:Defunct software companies
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Duncan Steel
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Duncan Waldron
Wikipedia - Category:Divisor function
Wikipedia - Category:Ecumenical councils
Wikipedia - Category:Elementary special functions
Wikipedia - Category:European Research Council grantees
Wikipedia - Category:Films about dysfunctional families
Wikipedia - Category:Founding members of the World Cultural Council
Wikipedia - Category:Functional analysis
Wikipedia - Category:Functional analysts
Wikipedia - Category:Functionalist psychologists
Wikipedia - Category:Functional languages
Wikipedia - Category:Functional programming
Wikipedia - Category:Function-level languages
Wikipedia - Category:Functions of space and time
Wikipedia - Category:Generalized functions
Wikipedia - Category:Implementation of functional programming languages
Wikipedia - Category:Information, knowledge, and uncertainty
Wikipedia - Category:Kuncewicz family
Wikipedia - Category:Members of the National Council of Churches
Wikipedia - Category:Members of the Privy Council of England
Wikipedia - Category:Members of the World Council of Churches
Wikipedia - Category:Member states of the Council of Europe
Wikipedia - Category:Music articles with topics of unclear notability
Wikipedia - Category:National Research Council (Italy) people
Wikipedia - Category of functors
Wikipedia - Category:Organization articles with topics of unclear notability
Wikipedia - Category:Pages including recorded pronunciations
Wikipedia - Category:Participants in the First Vatican Council
Wikipedia - Category:Participants in the Second Vatican Council
Wikipedia - Category:People declared heretics by the first seven ecumenical councils
Wikipedia - Category:People from Yuncheng
Wikipedia - Category:Politicians from Yuncheng
Wikipedia - Category:Products articles with topics of unclear notability
Wikipedia - Category:Punched card
Wikipedia - Category:Punctuation
Wikipedia - Category:Ranking functions
Wikipedia - Category:Representable functors
Wikipedia - Category:Special functions
Wikipedia - Category:Uncategorized pages
Wikipedia - Category:Web articles with topics of unclear notability
Wikipedia - Category:Year of birth uncertain
Wikipedia - Category:Year of death uncertain
Wikipedia - Cathedral of the Annunciation, Moscow
Wikipedia - Catherine Gross Duncan -- American mycologist
Wikipedia - Catholic Ecumenical Councils
Wikipedia - Catholic ecumenical councils
Wikipedia - Cathy Yau -- Chinese district councillor
Wikipedia - Catocala coniuncta -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Catocala disjuncta -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Catocala junctura -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Cauchy-Riemann equations -- Conditions required of holomorphic (complex differentiable) functions
Wikipedia - Cauchy's integral formula -- Provides integral formulas for all derivatives of a holomorphic function
Wikipedia - Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council -- Local authority in Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Cavedog Entertainment -- Defunct video game company
Wikipedia - Cawood Ledford -- American sports announcer
Wikipedia - CBS Cares -- Television public service announcement campaign
Wikipedia - CBS Radio -- Defunct owners and operators of radio stations in the United States
Wikipedia - C Channel -- Defunct Canadian pay-TV channel
Wikipedia - C date and time functions
Wikipedia - Ceferino Namuncura -- Argentine religious student
Wikipedia - Ceiba Norte -- Barrio of Juncos, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Ceiba Sur -- Barrio of Juncos, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Cell (biology) -- Basic structural and functional unit of organisms
Wikipedia - Cell junction -- Multiprotein complex that forms a point of contact or adhesion in animal cells
Wikipedia - Cem Tuncer -- Turkish jazz guitarist, composer
Wikipedia - Censorship (psychoanalysis) -- Barrier of the conscious and unconscious
Wikipedia - Center for Council -- Los Angeles-based nonprofitable organization
Wikipedia - Center for Universal Education -- Council on Foreign Relations
Wikipedia - Central Arid Zone Research Institute -- Research institute of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research
Wikipedia - Central Asia Monitor -- Defunct American magazine
Wikipedia - Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency -- Defunct UK government agency based in Norwich, England
Wikipedia - Central Council of Ukraine
Wikipedia - Central Florida Council -- Scouting organization in Florida, USA
Wikipedia - Central Legislative Assembly -- Lower house of the British Indian Imperial Legislative Council (1919-1947)
Wikipedia - Central Park Media -- Defunct US multimedia entertainment company
Wikipedia - Centre Group -- Party group in the Nordic Council
Wikipedia - Centre Independent Aragonese Candidacy -- Defunct regionalist party in Aragon, Spain
Wikipedia - Centre (political party) -- Defunct political party in Norway
Wikipedia - Centrists of Catalonia -- Defunct political party in Catalonia
Wikipedia - Cerebellar ataxia -- Motor symptoms caused by dysfunction of the cerebellum
Wikipedia - Cerebellar peduncle -- Structure connecting the cerebellum to the brainstem
Wikipedia - Ceremonial ship launching -- Ceremonial process of transferring a newly built vessel to the water
Wikipedia - C file input/output -- Input/output functionality in the C programming language
Wikipedia - Chain rule -- Method of differentiating composed functions
Wikipedia - Chalam Parunchai -- Thai Muay Thai fighter
Wikipedia - Chalcedonian Christianity -- Christian demoninations that accept the Fourth Ecumenical Council
Wikipedia - Champa Junction railway station -- Railway station in Chattisgarh
Wikipedia - Chandari Junction railway station -- Railway station in Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Chandigarh Junction railway station -- Railway station in Chandigarh, India
Wikipedia - Chandrapura Junction railway station -- Railway station in Jharkhand
Wikipedia - Channelopathy -- Diseases caused by disturbed function of ion channel subunits or the proteins that regulate them
Wikipedia - Chaoborus punctipennis -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Characteristic function (probability theory)
Wikipedia - Characteristic state function -- Particular relationship between the partition function of an ensemble
Wikipedia - Charles Duncan (British Army soldier) -- Recipient of the George Cross
Wikipedia - Charles Duncan, Jr.
Wikipedia - Charles Duncan Jr. -- American governmental official
Wikipedia - Charles Duncan Michener
Wikipedia - Charles Michel -- President of the European Council
Wikipedia - Charleston Daily Mail -- Defunct newspaper in Charleston, West Virginia, United States
Wikipedia - Charles Uncles -- American catholic priest (1859-1933)
Wikipedia - Charley's Uncle -- 1969 film
Wikipedia - Charlie Brown's Roundabout -- Road junction on the North Circular Road in London, England
Wikipedia - Charlotte Bunch -- American author and activist
Wikipedia - Charlotte Munck -- Danish actress
Wikipedia - Charming (constituency) -- Constituency of the Yau Tsim Mong District Council of Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Chassis -- Load-bearing framework of an artificial object, which structurally supports the object in its construction and function
Wikipedia - Chauncey Abbott -- American lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - Chauncey Bailey -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Chauncey Bangs -- Canadian figure skater
Wikipedia - Chauncey Brewster Tinker -- 20th-century English scholar and academic
Wikipedia - Chauncey B. Seaton -- American architect
Wikipedia - Chauncey M. Abbott -- American politician
Wikipedia - Chauncey Olcott -- American actor and musician
Wikipedia - Chauncey Rose -- American businessman
Wikipedia - Chauncey S. Taylor House -- Historic house
Wikipedia - Chauncey W. Reed -- American politician
Wikipedia - Chauncey Wright
Wikipedia - Chebyshev function
Wikipedia - Cheeseburger in Paradise (restaurant) -- Defunct Casual dining restaurant and former chain
Wikipedia - Cheetah Sound Sampler -- Defunct sound sampler program used in the 1980s
Wikipedia - Cheiracanthium punctorium -- Yellow sack spider
Wikipedia - Cheng Lai-king -- Hong Kong district councillor
Wikipedia - Chesapeake and Ohio Railway -- Defunct American Class I railway
Wikipedia - Chesterfield Pictures -- Defunct film production company
Wikipedia - Chestermere-Rocky View -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Cheyenne Business College -- Defunct trade school in Cheyenne, Wyoming
Wikipedia - Chhavi Rajawat -- Elected Head of Village Council of Soda
Wikipedia - Chicago Aurora and Elgin Railroad rolling stock -- Equipment used on a defunct American interurban railroad
Wikipedia - Chicago Aurora and Elgin Railroad -- Defunct American interurban railroad
Wikipedia - Chicago City Council Progressive Reform Caucus -- Issue-based group of legislators in the Chicago City Council
Wikipedia - Chicago City Council -- Legislative body for Chicago
Wikipedia - Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Wikipedia - Chicago Housing Authority Police Department -- Defunct police department within the Chicago Housing Authority
Wikipedia - Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad -- Defunct American Class I railway
Wikipedia - Children of the Revolution (1996 film) -- 1996 film by Peter Duncan
Wikipedia - Chile Triple Junction -- The place where the South American, Nazca and Antarctic tectonic plates meet
Wikipedia - China Christian Council
Wikipedia - China Uncensored -- Commentary program focused on China
Wikipedia - Chinese punctuation
Wikipedia - Chinese respelling of the English alphabet -- Chinese pronunciation of the English alphabet.
Wikipedia - Chinook (provincial electoral district) -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Chiron (missile) -- South Korean shoulder-launched surface-to-air missile
Wikipedia - Chloris truncata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Choi Kin (constituency) -- Constituency of the Sai Kung District Council of Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Chowla-Selberg formula -- Evaluates a certain product of values of the Gamma function at rational values
Wikipedia - Chris Aldridge -- British radio newsreader and announcer
Wikipedia - Chris Carrino -- American sports play-by-play announcer
Wikipedia - Chris Duncan (musician) -- Australian Scottish Fiddle player
Wikipedia - Chris Giunchigliani -- American politician
Wikipedia - Christian Council of Britain -- British far-right organisation
Wikipedia - Christian Council of Ghana -- Organization
Wikipedia - Christian Democrat Party of Canada -- Defunct right wing political party in Canada
Wikipedia - Christian Heurich Brewing Company -- Defunct American brewery
Wikipedia - Christianity in the ante-Nicene period -- period following the Apostolic Age to the First Council of Nicaea in 325
Wikipedia - Christian Munch -- German composer
Wikipedia - Christian Social Party (Liechtenstein) -- Defunct political party in Liechtenstein
Wikipedia - Christina Henderson (politician) -- District of Columbia councilmember
Wikipedia - Christophe Bruncher -- French film producer
Wikipedia - Christy Hemme -- American professional wrestling valet, professional wrestler, ring announcer, former model, and singer
Wikipedia - Chuck Swirsky -- American-Canadian radio sports announcer
Wikipedia - Chuncheon -- Municipal City in Gangwon, South Korea
Wikipedia - Chunche -- A kind of building used to make raisins
Wikipedia - Church council
Wikipedia - Church encoding -- Representation of the natural numbers as higher-order functions
Wikipedia - Church of la Asuncion -- Church of la Asuncion
Wikipedia - Church of the Annunciation (New York City)
Wikipedia - Church of the Annunciation (Webster Township, Minnesota) -- Church building in Webster Township, United States of America
Wikipedia - Church of the Holy Annunciation, Dubrovnik
Wikipedia - CIG Media Group -- Defunct American medical publisher
Wikipedia - Ciliopathy -- Genetic disease resulting in abnormal formation or function of cilia
Wikipedia - Cinema International Corporation -- Defunct global distributor of American films
Wikipedia - Cine-Teatro Monumental, Lisbon -- Defunct theatre in Lisbon, Portugal
Wikipedia - Cing -- Defunct Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Circuit minimization for Boolean functions
Wikipedia - City Council of Barcelona -- Municipal government of Barcelona
Wikipedia - City Council of Seville -- Local government body in Seville, Spain
Wikipedia - City Council of Tampere -- Highest decision-making organ in the Finnish city of Tampere
Wikipedia - City manager -- Official appointed as the administrative manager of a city, in a council-manager form of city government
Wikipedia - City of Edinburgh Council -- Local government body in Scotland
Wikipedia - Civic Coalition (Argentina) -- Defunct political coalition in Argentina
Wikipedia - Civic Party of Montreal -- Defunct municipal political party in Montreal, Quebec
Wikipedia - Civil defense of the GDR -- Defunct German defense organization
Wikipedia - Civilista Party -- Defunct political party in Peru
Wikipedia - CJK Symbols and Punctuation -- Group of Unicode symbols
Wikipedia - CJSU-FM -- Radio station in Duncan, British Columbia
Wikipedia - CKRN-DT -- Defunct TV station in Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec
Wikipedia - Clackmannanshire -- Historic county and council area of Scotland
Wikipedia - ClaimID -- Defunct British social networking website
Wikipedia - Clameur de haro -- Ancient legal injunction of restraint still enforceable in Jersey and Guernsey
Wikipedia - Clapham Junction (film) -- 2007 British television film
Wikipedia - Clarence Valley Council -- Local government area in New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - Claresholm (provincial electoral district) -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Claw the Unconquered -- Sword and sorcery character from DC Comics
Wikipedia - Clematis alpina -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis aristata -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis armandii -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis brachiata -- species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis chrysocoma -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis cirrhosa -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis coactilis -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis crispa -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis cunninghamii -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis drummondii -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis flammula -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis fremontii -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis gouriana -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis hedysarifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis hirsutissima -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis horripilata -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis integrifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis lanuginosa -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis lasiantha -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis ligusticifolia -- species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis linearifolia -- species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis mandshurica -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis marmoraria -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis microphylla -- species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis morefieldii -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis napaulensis -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis occidentalis -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis ochroleuca -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis orientalis -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis paniculata -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis pauciflora -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis pitcheri -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis pubescens -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis recta -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis smilacifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis socialis -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis terniflora -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis texensis -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis versicolor -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis viorna -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis virginiana -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis vitalba -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis viticaulis -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis viticella -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis -- A genus of climbing perennial flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clematis zeylanica -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Clem McCarthy -- American sportscaster and public address announcer
Wikipedia - Clifford Scott High School -- Defunct high school in Essex County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Climate Council -- Organization for climate change
Wikipedia - Climate of Launceston, Tasmania -- Climate of the city of Launceston in Tasmania
Wikipedia - Clinical psychology -- Integration of science and clinical knowledge for the purpose of relieving psychologically based dysfunction
Wikipedia - Closed graph theorem (functional analysis)
Wikipedia - Closed graph -- A graph of a function that is also a closed subset of the product space
Wikipedia - Closed-loop transfer function
Wikipedia - Clunch -- A traditional building material of chalky limestone rock
Wikipedia - Clyde Duncan (umpire) -- West Indian cricket umpire
Wikipedia - C mathematical functions -- C standard library header file providing mathematical functions
Wikipedia - CNBC-e -- defunct Turkish television channel
Wikipedia - Coast Guard Station New Bedford -- Defunct United States Coast Guard station
Wikipedia - Cochylimorpha discopunctana -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Coeliades sejuncta -- Species of butterfly
Wikipedia - Cognitive function
Wikipedia - Coinye -- Now-defunct cryptocurrency named after Kanye West
Wikipedia - Coleophora adjunctella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Coleophora depunctella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Coleophora juncicolella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Coleophora plicipunctella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Coleophora punctulatella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Coleophora unipunctella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Collage theorem -- Characterises an iterated function system whose attractor is close to a given set
Wikipedia - Collapse (medical) -- Medical symptom, a sudden and often unannounced loss of postural tone
Wikipedia - Collapse of the wavefunction
Wikipedia - Collective unconscious -- Term of analytical psychology
Wikipedia - Collegiate university -- University with functions divided into a central administration and constituent colleges
Wikipedia - Colobopsis truncata -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Colon (punctuation) -- Punctuation mark consisting of two equally sized dots centered on the same vertical line
Wikipedia - Colorado Mesa University -- Public university in Grand Junction, Colorado
Wikipedia - Color commentator -- Sports commentator who assists the play-by-play announcer
Wikipedia - Coloured Persons Representative Council
Wikipedia - Columbus Man-Tended Free Flyer -- Defunct manned space station program
Wikipedia - Colwich rail crash -- 1986 rail crash at Colwich Junction, England
Wikipedia - Coma -- State of unconsciousness
Wikipedia - Comma -- Punctuation mark
Wikipedia - Commercial Journal and Advertiser -- Defunct Australian newspaper, published in Sydney, New South Wales from the 1830s to the mid-1840s
Wikipedia - Commercial Users of Functional Programming
Wikipedia - Commission on Sustainable Development -- Functional commission of the UN Economic and Social Council
Wikipedia - Committee for Safeguarding National Security of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region -- An organ of the Central People's Government (State Council) of China in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe
Wikipedia - Common Front -- Defunct political alliance in Burundi
Wikipedia - Common logarithm -- Mathematical function
Wikipedia - Commonwealth and Council -- Los Angeles art gallery
Wikipedia - Commonwealth United Entertainment -- Defunct American film production and distribution company
Wikipedia - Commune Council (Paris) -- government during the Paris Commune
Wikipedia - Communist League of Luxemburg -- Defunct political party in Luxembourg
Wikipedia - Communist Party of Belgium -- Defunct communist party in Belgium
Wikipedia - Communist Party of Portugal (Marxist-Leninist) -- Defunct Portuguese communist party
Wikipedia - Communist Party of the Canary Islands (provisional) -- Defunct political party in the Canary Islands, Spain
Wikipedia - Communist Vanguard of the Revolutionary Workers' Party -- Defunct political party in Bolivia
Wikipedia - Communities United Party -- Defunct political party in London
Wikipedia - Community Action Party -- Defunct political party in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Community councils of Lesotho
Wikipedia - Commutativity of conjunction
Wikipedia - COMP128 -- Implementations of the A3 and A8 functions of the GSM standard
Wikipedia - Comparison of cryptographic hash functions -- Tables comparing general and technical information for common hashes
Wikipedia - Comparison of heavy lift launch systems
Wikipedia - Compile-time function execution
Wikipedia - Complejo Forestal y Maderero Panguipulli -- Defunct Chilean state-owned company
Wikipedia - Complex function theory
Wikipedia - Composite function
Wikipedia - CompUSA -- Defunct retailer of consumer electronics
Wikipedia - Computability theory -- Branch of mathematical logic, computer science, and the theory of computation studying computable functions and Turing degrees
Wikipedia - Computable function -- Mathematical function that can be computed by a program
Wikipedia - Computer architecture -- Set of rules and methods that describe the functionality, organization, and implementation of computer systems
Wikipedia - Computer programming in the punch card era
Wikipedia - Computer programming in the punched card era
Wikipedia - Compute!'s Gazette -- Defunct US magazine about the Commodore computers
Wikipedia - Compute! -- Defunct American home computer magazine
Wikipedia - Conan the Unconquered -- Book by Robert Jordan
Wikipedia - Concave function
Wikipedia - Conciliarism -- 14th-16th cent. movement for supremacy of church councils over popes
Wikipedia - Conciliarity -- Support for authority of church councils
Wikipedia - Concrete category -- Category equipped with a faithful functor to the category of sets
Wikipedia - Conductorless orchestra -- Instrumental ensemble that functions as an orchestra but is not led or directed by a conductor
Wikipedia - Cone of Uncertainty
Wikipedia - Confessions of a Porn Addict -- 2008 film by Duncan Christie
Wikipedia - Confusion -- State of being bewildered or unclear in oneM-bM-^@M-^Ys mind about something
Wikipedia - Congress of the Council of Europe
Wikipedia - Conjunction (astronomy) -- Term of astronomy
Wikipedia - Conjunction elimination
Wikipedia - Conjunction fallacy
Wikipedia - Conjunction (grammar) -- Part of speech that connects two words, sentences, phrases, or clauses
Wikipedia - Conjunction introduction
Wikipedia - Conjunctiva -- Outer protective layer/covering of sclera
Wikipedia - Conjunctive adverb
Wikipedia - Conjunctive archaeology -- Method combining archaeology and anthropology
Wikipedia - Conjunctive normal form
Wikipedia - Conjunctive query
Wikipedia - Conjunctive tasks
Wikipedia - Conjunctivitis
Wikipedia - Connex Melbourne -- Defunct Australian train operator
Wikipedia - Conogethes punctiferalis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Conradi-Hunermann syndrome -- Rare X-linked form of chondrodysplasia punctata
Wikipedia - Conscience Records -- Defunct record company in New York
Wikipedia - Conscious uncoupling -- Type of divorce
Wikipedia - Conseil du Roi -- King's Council
Wikipedia - Consequence of Sound -- American music website launched in 2007
Wikipedia - Conservative vector field -- Vector field that is the gradient of some function
Wikipedia - Constant conjunction
Wikipedia - Constant (mathematics) -- Function or value which does not change during a process
Wikipedia - Constipation -- Bowel dysfunction that is characterized by infrequent or difficult evacuation of feces
Wikipedia - Constitutional Democratic Party (Italy) -- Defunct political party in the Kingdom of Italy
Wikipedia - Constitution of New Zealand -- Uncodified national constitution
Wikipedia - Consumers Council of Canada -- Canadian consumer advocacy organization
Wikipedia - Consumers' List -- Defunct political party in Italy
Wikipedia - Consumption function
Wikipedia - Cons -- Function and primitive data structure in Lisp and other functional programming languages
Wikipedia - Continuous functions
Wikipedia - Continuous function (topology)
Wikipedia - Continuous function -- Mathematical function with no sudden changes in value
Wikipedia - Contravariant functor
Wikipedia - Control-Alt-Delete -- Computer keyboard shortcut that triggers a reboot or system security function
Wikipedia - Control Data Corporation -- Defunct supercomputer firm
Wikipedia - Controlled image base -- Data pack for unclassified military digital imagery
Wikipedia - Conus aureopunctatus -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Conus lineopunctatus -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Conus micropunctatus -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Conus nigropunctatus -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Convention of Scottish Local Authorities -- National association of Scottish councils
Wikipedia - Convex function
Wikipedia - Convolution -- Binary mathematical operation on functions
Wikipedia - Conway base 13 function
Wikipedia - Coolest Cooler -- Multi-function cooler funded through crowdfunding
Wikipedia - Coombe Junction Halt railway station -- Railway station in Cornwall, England
Wikipedia - Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf
Wikipedia - Cooperative Societies Council -- Government organization which promotes the role of cooperative societies in Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - Coordinating conjunction
Wikipedia - Coordination Council (Belarus) -- Belarusian pro-democracy political organisation
Wikipedia - Copa Casino -- Defunct casino located in Gulfport, Mississippi
Wikipedia - Copanarta sexpunctata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Coqui (NASA) -- NASA launched sounding rockets from the Puerto Rican coastal town of Vega Baja
Wikipedia - CORDIC -- Algorithm for computing trigonometric, hyperbolic, logarithmic and exponential functions
Wikipedia - Corethropsis -- A genus of fungi of uncertain affinity within the division Ascomycota
Wikipedia - Corinth and Counce Railroad -- Former Class III railroad in the United States
Wikipedia - Coronation (provincial electoral district) -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Corpse uncleanness -- A state of ritual uncleanness due to contact with a corpse
Wikipedia - Corrales FBC -- Futsal club in Barrio Obero, Asuncion, Paraguay
Wikipedia - Correio -- Defunct Portuguese-language newspaper from Luxembourg
Wikipedia - Correlation function (statistical mechanics) -- Measure of a system's order
Wikipedia - Correlation inequality -- Inequalities satisfied by the correlation functions
Wikipedia - Correlative conjunction
Wikipedia - Cortical homunculus
Wikipedia - Coruncania gens -- Ancient Roman family
Wikipedia - Corynoptera uncata -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Cosine function
Wikipedia - Cottontail Ranch -- Legal brothel in Lida Junction, Nevada
Wikipedia - Cottunculus -- Genus of fish
Wikipedia - Council at Sens
Wikipedia - Council Bluffs and Ottumwa Railway -- 20th century Iowa railway
Wikipedia - Council communism
Wikipedia - Council communist
Wikipedia - Council for a Democratic Germany -- New York-based, Germany-focused political organization
Wikipedia - Council for Advancement and Support of Education -- Nonprofitable association of educational institutions
Wikipedia - Council for Canadians with Disabilities
Wikipedia - Council for Catholic Maintained Schools -- Catholic school advocate
Wikipedia - Council for Economic Education -- National Council on Economic Education
Wikipedia - Council for Geoscience -- A national science council of South Africa
Wikipedia - Council for Higher Education Accreditation -- University accreditation organization in the U.S.A.
Wikipedia - Council for International Exchange of Scholars -- Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affair
Wikipedia - Council for National Academic Awards -- Former national degree-awarding authority in the United Kingdom from 1965 until 1993
Wikipedia - Council for National Defense and Security (Vietnam)
Wikipedia - Council for Scientific and Industrial Research -- South Africa's central and premier scientific research and development organisation
Wikipedia - Council for Secular Humanism
Wikipedia - Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education -- 41 higher education professionals association
Wikipedia - Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa -- Pan-African research organisation
Wikipedia - Council for the Economy
Wikipedia - Council for the Registration of Schools Teaching Dyslexic Pupils -- British charity
Wikipedia - Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria -- Nigeria supreme council for engineers
Wikipedia - Council Grove State Park -- Park in Montana, USA
Wikipedia - Council House, Perth -- office building in Perth, Western Australia
Wikipedia - Council house -- Form of public or social housing in the UK and Ireland
Wikipedia - Council housing
Wikipedia - Council-manager government -- Form of local government in the United States and Ireland
Wikipedia - Councilman body
Wikipedia - Council of Agde
Wikipedia - Council of Ancients
Wikipedia - Council of Ariminum -- Synod
Wikipedia - Council of Arles (353)
Wikipedia - Council of Arles (452)
Wikipedia - Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats
Wikipedia - Council of Austerfield
Wikipedia - Council of Australian Governments -- Defunct Australian intergovernmental forum
Wikipedia - Council of Australian University Librarians
Wikipedia - Council of Bari
Wikipedia - Council of Basel
Wikipedia - Council of Basle
Wikipedia - Council of Benevento
Wikipedia - Council of Canadian Academies
Wikipedia - Council of Capharthutha
Wikipedia - Council of Cardinal Advisers
Wikipedia - Council of Carthage (397)
Wikipedia - Council of Carthage (418)
Wikipedia - Council of Carthage
Wikipedia - Council of Chalcedon -- Fourth Ecumenical Council held in 451; not accepted by Oriental Orthodoxy
Wikipedia - Council of Clermont (535)
Wikipedia - Council of Clermont
Wikipedia - Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences -- American association of college and university
Wikipedia - Council of Conservative Citizens -- American white supremacist political group
Wikipedia - Council of Constance
Wikipedia - Council of Constantinople (360)
Wikipedia - Council of Constantinople (815)
Wikipedia - Council of Constantinople (861)
Wikipedia - Council of Dads (TV series) -- 2020 American drama television series
Wikipedia - Council of Economic Advisers
Wikipedia - Council of Economic Advisors
Wikipedia - Council of Electors
Wikipedia - Council of Ephesus -- Ecumenical council in Ephesus in 431, convened by Emperor Theodosius II
Wikipedia - Council of Europe Convention on Access to Official Documents -- Council of Europe Convention on Access to Official Documents
Wikipedia - Council of Europe -- International organization for defending human rights
Wikipedia - Council of Federated Organizations -- Coalition of advocacy groups in the Civil Rights Movement
Wikipedia - Council of Ferrara-Florence
Wikipedia - Council of Ferrara
Wikipedia - Council of Five Hundred
Wikipedia - Council of Florence -- 17th Ecumenical Council of the Catholic Church
Wikipedia - Council of Frankfurt
Wikipedia - Council of Government of the Principality of Asturias -- Government body in Spain
Wikipedia - Council of governments -- Regional associations of governments in the United States
Wikipedia - Council of Graduate Schools -- Nonprofitable higher education organization with headquarters in Washington, DC
Wikipedia - Council of Hertford
Wikipedia - Council of Independent Colleges
Wikipedia - Council of Indigenous Peoples -- ministry-level body of the Taiwanese government
Wikipedia - Council of Ireland -- Former all-Ireland statutory body (1921-1925)
Wikipedia - Council of Jerusalem -- Christian synod (c. AD 50)
Wikipedia - Council of London in 1075
Wikipedia - Council of London in 1102
Wikipedia - Council of Mantua (1459)
Wikipedia - Council of Manzikert
Wikipedia - Council of Metz 863
Wikipedia - Council of Milan
Wikipedia - Council of Ministers (Cuba) -- Executive body of the Republic of Cuba
Wikipedia - Council of Ministers (Italy) -- Executive organ of the Italian government
Wikipedia - Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina -- Executive branch of the government of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Wikipedia - Council of Ministers of Colombia -- Government cabinet of Colombia
Wikipedia - Council of Ministers of Crimea -- Former subnational governmental body in Ukraine
Wikipedia - Council of Ministers of Iraq
Wikipedia - Council of Ministers of Nepal -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Council of Ministers of the Republic of Poland
Wikipedia - Council of Ministers (Soviet Union)
Wikipedia - Council of Ministers (Syria)
Wikipedia - Council of Nicaea (325)
Wikipedia - Council of Non-European Trade Unions
Wikipedia - Council of Orange (529)
Wikipedia - Council of People's Commissars of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic
Wikipedia - Council of People's Commissars
Wikipedia - Council of Piacenza
Wikipedia - Council of Pisa
Wikipedia - Council of Preslav
Wikipedia - Council of Princes
Wikipedia - Council of Reims (1148) -- 12th-century Roman Catholic Church council at France starting in 1148
Wikipedia - Council of Reims
Wikipedia - Council of Rockingham
Wikipedia - Council of Rome
Wikipedia - Council of Schools and Services for the Blind -- Consortium of specialized schools in Canada and the United States
Wikipedia - Council of Science Editors -- United States-based nonprofit organization
Wikipedia - Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
Wikipedia - Council of Seleucia-Ctesiphon
Wikipedia - Council of Serdica
Wikipedia - Council of Siena
Wikipedia - Council of Soissons
Wikipedia - Council of State Governments -- Nonpartisan, non-profit organization in the United States
Wikipedia - Council of States (Switzerland) -- Upper house of the Federal Assembly of Switzerland
Wikipedia - Council of Sutri
Wikipedia - Council of the Baltic Sea States
Wikipedia - Council of the European Union decisions on designer drugs
Wikipedia - Council of the European Union -- Institution of the European Union
Wikipedia - Council of the Five Hundred
Wikipedia - Council of the Indies
Wikipedia - Council of the Nation -- Upper house of Algerian Parliament
Wikipedia - Council of the Republic (France) -- Upper house of the Fourth French Republic
Wikipedia - Council of Toulouse -- Council of the Roman Catholic Church
Wikipedia - Council of Tours 1163
Wikipedia - Council of Trent
Wikipedia - Council of Troyes 1129
Wikipedia - Council of Vezelay -- Rally to the 2nd Crusade
Wikipedia - Council of Vienne -- Ecumenical council of the Catholic Church (1311-1312)
Wikipedia - Council of Whitby
Wikipedia - Council of Wise Men of the plain of Murcia -- Cultural property in Murcia, Spain
Wikipedia - Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Delegates -- Organisation set up to co-ordinate the socialisation of the British economy
Wikipedia - Council of Wyrms
Wikipedia - Council on American-Islamic Relations -- American Muslim advocacy group
Wikipedia - Council on Disaster Reduction -- Technical council of the American Society of Civil Engineers
Wikipedia - Council on Education for Public Health
Wikipedia - Council on Foreign Relations -- American private non-profit think tank on foreign policy
Wikipedia - Council on Library and Information Resources -- Organization that forges strategies to enhance research, teaching and learning environments
Wikipedia - Councilor
Wikipedia - Councils of Alexandria
Wikipedia - Councils of Orange (529)
Wikipedia - Councils of Toledo
Wikipedia - Council -- Group of people who come together to consult, deliberate, or make decisions
Wikipedia - CounterPunch (film) -- 2017 documentary film
Wikipedia -
Wikipedia - CounterPunch -- Bi-monthly left-wing magazine based Petrolia, California
Wikipedia - Country Party Association -- Defunct agrarian party in Australia
Wikipedia - County borough -- Borough or city independent of county council control
Wikipedia - Courage -- Choice to confront risk, pain, agony, intimidation or uncertainty
Wikipedia - Court Line -- Defunct British airline
Wikipedia - Courtney Duncan (motorcyclist) -- New Zealand motocross racer
Wikipedia - Covariance and contravariance of functors
Wikipedia - Covariant functor
Wikipedia - Cowra Shire Council
Wikipedia - Craig Hummer -- American sports announcer
Wikipedia - Cranial nerve disease -- Impaired functioning of one of the twelve cranial nerves
Wikipedia - Crash (computing) -- When a computer program stops functioning properly and self-terminates
Wikipedia - Crassula peduncularis -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Crassuncus colubratus -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Crassuncus defectus -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Crassuncus ecstaticus -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Crassuncus livingstoni -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Crassuncus orophilus -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Crassuncus pacifica -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Crassuncus pseudolaudatus -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Crassuncus timidus -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Crassuncus -- Plume moth genus
Wikipedia - Crave Entertainment -- Defunct American video game publisher
Wikipedia - Crematogaster punctulata -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Crescent Athletic Club -- Defunct athletic club in Brooklyn, New York, USA
Wikipedia - Crestwood Publications -- Defunct American publishing company
Wikipedia - Crew Dragon In-Flight Abort Test -- Post-launch abort test of the Dragon 2 spacecraft
Wikipedia - Cricinfo Magazine -- Defunct monthly cricket magazine published by the Wisden Group in India 2006-2007
Wikipedia - Crime Library -- Defunct Web site
Wikipedia - Critical Assessment of Function Annotation -- Evaluation of bioinformatic predictors of protein function
Wikipedia - Criticality accident -- Uncontrolled nuclear fission chain reaction
Wikipedia - Critical Left -- Defunct Trotskyist party in Italy
Wikipedia - Crittenton, Inc. -- Defunct American non-profit organization
Wikipedia - Croatian Independent Democrats -- Defunct political party in Croatia
Wikipedia - Cross-functional team
Wikipedia - Crossroads of the West Council -- Council of the Boy Scouts of America
Wikipedia - Crotalaria peduncularis -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Crotona Park Hospital -- defunct hospital in The Bronx/NYC, now a Detox/Drug rehab
Wikipedia - Crown and Council -- 2016 Mojang strategy video game
Wikipedia - Crown International Pictures -- Defunct film studio
Wikipedia - CrunchBang Linux -- Debian based Linux distribution
Wikipedia - Crunchbase
Wikipedia - Crunch (book) -- Book by Jared Bernstein
Wikipedia - Crunchies -- Former technology industry awards
Wikipedia - Crunch Time (album) -- album by Hank Crawford and Jimmy McGriff
Wikipedia - Crunch time (video gaming)
Wikipedia - Crunchyroll Expo -- Anime convention in San Jose, California
Wikipedia - Crunchyroll -- American anime streaming website
Wikipedia - CryoSat-1 -- ESA satellite to study polar ice; lost in launch failure in 2005
Wikipedia - Crypt (C) -- Key derivation function ("password hash")
Wikipedia - Cryptographic hash functions
Wikipedia - Cryptographic hash function -- Hash function that is suitable for use in cryptography
Wikipedia - Crystal Palace Amusement Park -- Defunct Canadian amusement park
Wikipedia - Cry Uncle! -- 1971 film by John G. Avildsen
Wikipedia - Cubic function -- Polynomial function of degree 3
Wikipedia - Cubic Hermite spline -- Cubic function used for interpolation
Wikipedia - Cubist Pharmaceuticals -- Defunct American pharmaceutical company
Wikipedia - Cuckoo Line -- Defunct railway service which linked Polegate and Eridge in East Sussex, England
Wikipedia - Cui Shunci -- Chinese speed skater
Wikipedia - Culver Props -- Defunct American propeller manufacturer
Wikipedia - Cumulative distribution function
Wikipedia - Cuncolim revolt
Wikipedia - Cunningham Motorsports -- Defunct stock car racing team
Wikipedia - Cupid the Cowpuncher -- 1920 film by Clarence G. Badger
Wikipedia - Curacao Punch -- Cocktail
Wikipedia - Curran v. Mount Diablo Council of the Boy Scouts of America
Wikipedia - Currensee -- Defunct American financial services company
Wikipedia - Currying -- Transforming a function in such a way that it only takes a single argument
Wikipedia - Cuttack Junction railway station -- Railway station in Odisha
Wikipedia - Cuyahoga County Council -- Governing body for Cuyahoga County, Ohio
Wikipedia - Cyanea truncata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Cyclic redundancy check -- Type of hash function used to detect errors in data storage or transmission
Wikipedia - Cyclophora albipunctata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Cyclophora punctaria -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Cyclophora suppunctaria -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Cyclotomic identity -- Expresses 1/(1-az) as an infinite product using Moreau's necklace-counting function
Wikipedia - Cygnus CRS OA-5 -- Uncrewed resupply spacecraft
Wikipedia - Cygnus CRS OA-6 -- Uncrewed resupply spacecraft
Wikipedia - Cygnus CRS OA-8E -- Uncrewed resupply spacecraft
Wikipedia - Cygnus CRS OA-9E -- Uncrewed resupply spacecraft
Wikipedia - Cygnus NG-10 -- Uncrewed resupply spacecraft
Wikipedia - Cygnus NG-11 -- Uncrewed resupply spacecraft
Wikipedia - Cygnus NG-12 -- Uncrewed resupply spacecraft
Wikipedia - Cygnus NG-13 -- Uncrewed resupply spacecraft
Wikipedia - Cygnus NG-14 -- Uncrewed resupply spacecraft
Wikipedia - Cygnus NG-15 -- Uncrewed resupply spacecraft
Wikipedia - Cygnus NG-16 -- Uncrewed resupply spacecraft
Wikipedia - Cygnus NG-17 -- Uncrewed resupply spacecraft
Wikipedia - Cygnus (spacecraft) -- Uncrewed cargo spacecraft developed by Orbital Sciences
Wikipedia - Cypress-Redcliff -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Czech Christian Social Party in the Kingdom of Bohemia -- Defunct Czech political party
Wikipedia - Dabbawala -- Lunchbox delivery and return system for people at work in India, especially in Mumbai
Wikipedia - Dadaglobe -- uncompleted avant-garde anthology
Wikipedia - Dahinsara Junction railway station -- in the state of Gujarat, India
Wikipedia - DailyTech -- Technology news website (defunct)
Wikipedia - Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft -- Defunct German manufacturer
Wikipedia - Dairy Council -- British organization promoting milk consumption
Wikipedia - Dalgety plc -- Defunct British agricultural company operated in Australia
Wikipedia - Daliganj Junction railway station -- Railway station in Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Dallas Semiconductor -- Defunct American semiconductor company
Wikipedia - Dalton Junction rail crash -- night mail train crash 28 December 1869
Wikipedia - Danceteria -- Defunct New York City nightclub
Wikipedia - Daniel Hugo -- South African radio announcer and producer
Wikipedia - Daniel Kablan Duncan -- Ivorian politician
Wikipedia - Danish Functionalism
Wikipedia - Dan P. Kelly -- Radio and TV announcer usually of hockey and soccer
Wikipedia - Danville Auxiliary Field -- Defunct airfield
Wikipedia - Danyelle Sargent -- American sports announcer (born 1978)
Wikipedia - Daphnephila truncicola -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Dapitan City Council -- Legislative body of the city of Dipolog, Philippines
Wikipedia - Darbhanga Junction railway station -- Railway station in Bihar
Wikipedia - Darwin-Fowler method -- Method for deriving the distribution functions with mean probability
Wikipedia - Dasa sil mata -- Type of Buddhist renunciant in Sri Lanka
Wikipedia - Data Encryption Standard -- Early unclassified symmetric-key block cipher
Wikipedia - Daud Khel Junction railway station -- Railway station in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Dave Barnett -- American sports announcer
Wikipedia - David Bunce -- British independent music producer
Wikipedia - David Croft (broadcaster) -- British sports announcer
Wikipedia - David Diamante -- American ring announcer
Wikipedia - David D. Kpormakpor -- Former Chairman of the Council of State of Liberia
Wikipedia - David Duncan (minister) -- British minister
Wikipedia - David Duncan (vintner) -- American vintner and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - David Duncombe -- Upper Canada politician
Wikipedia - David F. Duncan
Wikipedia - David James Duncan -- American novelist and essayist
Wikipedia - David Ryu -- Los Angeles City Councilman
Wikipedia - Davidson & Associates -- Defunct American developer of educational software
Wikipedia - Daylesford Advocate -- Defunct newspaper in Daylesford, Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - DC Rebirth -- 2016 DC Comics relaunch
Wikipedia - D-Crunch -- South Korean vocal group
Wikipedia - Dean Witter Reynolds -- Defunct American financial company
Wikipedia - Death Crew Council -- Professional wrestling stable
Wikipedia - Death -- Permanent end of life's functions
Wikipedia - Debbie Does Dallas Uncovered -- British TV documentary
Wikipedia - Decerebration -- Surgical elimination of cerebral brain function
Wikipedia - Declaration of war -- Formal announcement by which one state goes to war against another
Wikipedia - Dedekind zeta function -- A generalization of the Riemann zeta function for algebraic number fields
Wikipedia - DeepPeep -- Defunct search engine
Wikipedia - Defence mechanism -- Unconscious psychological mechanism that reduces anxiety arising from unacceptable or potentially harmful stimuli
Wikipedia - Defense of Marriage Act -- Unconstitutional US law defining marriage for federal purposes
Wikipedia - Defunctionalization
Wikipedia - Degana Junction railway station -- Rail station in Rajasthan, India
Wikipedia - Delhi Junction railway station -- Railway station in Delhi, India
Wikipedia - Delhi Medical Council -- Indian medical council and statutory body
Wikipedia - Del Moore -- American comedian, actor and radio announcer
Wikipedia - DeLorean Motor Company -- Defunct American automobile manufacturer
Wikipedia - Delphinium -- Genus of flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Delta 4 -- Defunct software developer known for The Town With No Name
Wikipedia - Delta III -- Space launch vehicle
Wikipedia - Delta II -- American space launch system
Wikipedia - Delta IV Heavy -- variant of the Delta IV space launch vehicle
Wikipedia - Delta IV -- active expendable launch system in the Delta rocket family
Wikipedia - Delta Junction, Alaska -- City in Alaska, United States
Wikipedia - Delta Yeti -- Defunct small off-road vehicle of 1960
Wikipedia - Dementia -- long-term brain disorders causing impaired memory, reasoning, and normal function together with personality changes
Wikipedia - Democratic Alliance Federal Council -- Governing and policy-making body of the Democratic Alliance
Wikipedia - Democratic Alliance (Italy) -- Defunct political party in Italy
Wikipedia - Democratic Alliance (Quebec) -- Defunct political party in Quebec, Canada
Wikipedia - Democratic Coalition (Spain) -- Defunct political coalition in Spain
Wikipedia - Democratic Junta of Spain -- Defunct Anti-Francoist political group in Spain
Wikipedia - Democratic Justice Party -- Defunct political party in South Korea
Wikipedia - Democratic Labour Party (UK, 1972) -- Defunct social democratic political party in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Democratic Left Front (Spain) -- Defunct political coalition in Spain
Wikipedia - Democratic Liberal Party (Italy) -- Defunct political party in Italy
Wikipedia - Democratic National Salvation Front -- Defunct political party in Romania
Wikipedia - Democratic Partnership -- Defunct electoral coalition in Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Democratic Reformist Party -- Defunct political party in Spain
Wikipedia - Democratic Socialist Perspective -- Defunct Marxist group in Australia
Wikipedia - Democratic Union for the New Republic -- Defunct political party in Italy
Wikipedia - Democratiya -- Defunct British online review of books
Wikipedia - Demopsestis punctigera -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - Denialism -- A person's choice to deny reality, as a way to avoid a psychologically uncomfortable truth
Wikipedia - Denis Zvizdic -- 9th Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Wikipedia - Densely defined operator -- Function that is defined almost everywhere (mathematics)
Wikipedia - Density functional theory
Wikipedia - Dental restoration -- Treatments to restore function, integrity, and morphology of teeth
Wikipedia - Deori Autonomous Council -- Autonomous district council of Assam in India
Wikipedia - Departmental council (France) -- Administrative bodies governing French departements
Wikipedia - Department for Business, Innovation and Skills -- Defunct ministerial department of the government of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Depressaria albipunctella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Depressaria discipunctella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Depressaria subalbipunctella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Der Blaue Reiter -- group of artists united in rejection of the Neue Kunstlervereinigung Munchen in Munich, Germany
Wikipedia - Derry City and Strabane District Council -- Local authority in Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Derry City Council, Re Application for Judicial Review -- High Court of Northern Ireland case
Wikipedia - Describing function
Wikipedia - Design Council
Wikipedia - Design of experiments -- Design of tasks set to uncover answers
Wikipedia - Desire the Right Party -- Defunct political party in the Falkland Islands
Wikipedia - Desmosome -- Strong cell junction involved in cell-to-cell adhesion
Wikipedia - Desoutter Aircraft Company -- Defunct British aircraft manufacturer
Wikipedia - Destino (magazine) -- Defunct Spanish magazine
Wikipedia - Destiny New Zealand -- Defunct Christian political party in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Deutscher Musikrat -- German Music Council
Wikipedia - Development of Uncharted 4: A Thief's End {{DISPLAYTITLE:Development of ''Uncharted 4: A Thief's End'' -- Development of Uncharted 4: A Thief's End {{DISPLAYTITLE:Development of ''Uncharted 4: A Thief's End''
Wikipedia - Devizes County House of Corrections -- Defunct prison in England
Wikipedia - Devon County Council
Wikipedia - Dewas Junction railway station -- Railway station in Madhya Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Dewayne Bunch (Tennessee politician) -- American politician from Tennessee
Wikipedia - Dhari Junction railway station -- Railway station in Gujarat, India
Wikipedia - Dharmapur Union, Fatikchhari -- Union council of Fatikchhari Upazila in Chittagong District
Wikipedia - Dhasa Junction railway station -- Railway station in Gujarat, India
Wikipedia - Dher Umid Ali Shah -- village and union council in Punjab, Pakistan
Wikipedia - Dhola Junction railway station -- Railway station in Gujarat, India
Wikipedia - Dhuri Junction railway station -- Railway station in Punjab, India
Wikipedia - Diabetic nephropathy -- Chronic loss of kidney function
Wikipedia - Diamond Run Mall -- defunct shopping mall in Vermont, US
Wikipedia - Diana's Punchbowl -- Thermal spring
Wikipedia - Dick Callahan -- American public address announcer
Wikipedia - Dick Tufeld -- American announcer and actor
Wikipedia - Didunculus -- Genus of birds
Wikipedia - Diexia punctigera -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Difference kernel -- Kernel of the difference of two functions
Wikipedia - Differentiable function -- Mathematical function whose derivative exists
Wikipedia - Differential equation -- Mathematical equation involving derivatives of an unknown function
Wikipedia - Differential geometry -- Branch of mathematics dealing with functions and geometric structures on differentiable manifolds
Wikipedia - Differential item functioning
Wikipedia - Differentiation of trigonometric functions -- Mathematical process of finding the derivative of a trigonometric function
Wikipedia - Differentiation rules -- Wikimedia list article with rules for computing the derivative of a function in calculus
Wikipedia - Diffused junction transistor
Wikipedia - Digital Library of Mathematical Functions
Wikipedia - Digital Pictures -- Defunct interactive movie developer from San Mateo, California
Wikipedia - Dihydrogen monoxide parody -- Parody where water is presented by an uncommon name
Wikipedia - Dildarnagar Junction railway station -- Railway station in Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Dimes v Grand Junction Canal -- 1852 UK legal case on judicial bias
Wikipedia - Dimitar Lunchev -- Bulgarian gymnast
Wikipedia - Dinaric race -- Defunct antroplogic class
Wikipedia - Dingle railway station -- Closed station on the defunct Liverpool Overhead Railway
Wikipedia - Diphosphene (functional group) -- Organophosphorus compound with a phosphorus-phosphorus double bond
Wikipedia - Dipolog City Council -- Legislative body of the city of Dipolog, Philippines
Wikipedia - Dirac delta function
Wikipedia - Direct function
Wikipedia - Directional boring -- Method of installing underground services along a prescribed curved bore path using a surface-launched drilling rig
Wikipedia - Directorate of Music -- Personnel department in the Hellenic Army that presides over military bands and musical functions
Wikipedia - Dirichlet problem -- Problem of finding a function which solves a specified partial differential equation
Wikipedia - Disabilities affecting intellectual abilities -- Subnormal intellectual functioning (cognitive disorder)
Wikipedia - Discontinuous function
Wikipedia - Discovery Real Time -- Defunct British television channel
Wikipedia - Discrete cosine transform -- Technique representing data as sums of cosine functions
Wikipedia - Discretization -- Process of transferring continuous functions into discrete counterparts
Wikipedia - Discriminant -- Function of the coefficients of a polynomial that gives information on its roots
Wikipedia - Disert, Tullyhunco -- Townland in Kildallan, Tullyhunco, County Cavan, Ireland
Wikipedia - Disjunction and existence properties
Wikipedia - Disjunction elimination
Wikipedia - Disjunction introduction
Wikipedia - Disjunction
Wikipedia - Disjunctive normal form
Wikipedia - Disjunctive pronoun
Wikipedia - Disjunctive syllogism -- Inference rule in logics : with "A or B" and "not A" deduce "B"
Wikipedia - Disjunctivism
Wikipedia - Disney Interactive Studios -- Defunct American video game developer
Wikipedia - Distance Education Accrediting Commission -- National Home Study Council
Wikipedia - Distributed coordination function
Wikipedia - Distribution function (physics) -- Function of position and velocity which gives the number of particles per unit volume in single-particle phase space
Wikipedia - Distribution (mathematics) -- Mathematical analysis term similar to generalized function
Wikipedia - Distribution on a linear algebraic group -- Linear function satisfying a support condition
Wikipedia - District Council of Willunga -- Former local government area of South Australia
Wikipedia - District Development Council -- Indian political system
Wikipedia - Ditlev Blunck -- Danish artist
Wikipedia - Ditrigona cirruncata -- Species of hook-tip moth
Wikipedia - Divine madness -- Unconventional, outrageous, unexpected, or unpredictable behavior linked to religious or spiritual pursuits
Wikipedia - Diving Medical Advisory Council -- Independent organisation of diving medical specialists from Northern Europe
Wikipedia - Divisor function -- Arithmetic function related to the divisors of an integer
Wikipedia - Django Unchained (soundtrack) -- 2012 soundtrack album by Various Artists
Wikipedia - Django Unchained -- 2012 Western film directed by Quentin Tarantino
Wikipedia - Doan's Hollow Public School -- Defunct elementary school located near Port Dover, Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - Dolicharthria punctalis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Dolichoderus punctatus -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Dolichoderus quadripunctatus -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Dollond & Aitchison -- Defunct retail chain of opticians in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Domain coloring -- Technique for visualizing complex functions
Wikipedia - Domain of a function -- mathematical concept
Wikipedia - Dominant function
Wikipedia - Dominican Communist Party -- Defunct communist party in the Dominican Republic
Wikipedia - Dominican Sisters of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin
Wikipedia - Dominion Party (South Africa) -- Defunct political party in South Africa
Wikipedia - Donald Keith Duncan -- Jamaican politician
Wikipedia - Donald Tusk -- Polish politician, former President of the European Council, and former Prime Minister of Poland
Wikipedia - Dongshi line -- Defunct railway line in Taichung, Taiwan
Wikipedia - Don Ivan Punchatz
Wikipedia - Donkey puncher
Wikipedia - Donkey sentence -- Sentence containing a pronoun with clear meaning but unclear syntactic role
Wikipedia - Don Pardo -- American announcer
Wikipedia - Don Punch -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - Dopamine -- Organic chemical that functions both as a hormone and a neurotransmitter
Wikipedia - Doral Financial Corporation -- Defunct Puerto Rican financial holding company
Wikipedia - Dorris Motors Corporation -- Defunct US car company
Wikipedia - Dorset Council (UK) -- Local authority in England
Wikipedia - Do Shin (constituency) -- Constituency of the Sai Kung District Council of Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Dosta! -- Council of Europe awareness raising campaign
Wikipedia - Double-chance function
Wikipedia - Double Event Stakes -- Defunct American thoroughbred horse race
Wikipedia - Double exponential function -- Exponential function of an exponential function
Wikipedia - Double Helix Games -- Defunct American video game developer
Wikipedia - Doug Duncan -- American politician from Maryland
Wikipedia - Dough offering -- The biblical injunction to separate a tithe from bread
Wikipedia - Doug Karsch -- American sports announcer
Wikipedia - Down a Dark Hall -- Book by Lois Duncan
Wikipedia - Down District Council
Wikipedia - Do you know where your children are? -- American television public service announcement and catchphrase
Wikipedia - DPHB -- Defunct Lebanese multi-sports club
Wikipedia - Dracunculiasis -- Infection by the Guinea worm
Wikipedia - Dracunculus (plant) -- Genus of flowering plants in the family Araceae
Wikipedia - Dracunculus vulgaris -- Species of flowering plant in the family Araceae
Wikipedia - Draft:African Ministers' Council on Water (AMCOW) -- Technical sub-committee of the [[African Union]] on Water and Sanitation
Wikipedia - Draft:Anna Nakagawa (announcer) -- Japanese announcer
Wikipedia - Draft:Arielle Kayabaga -- Ward 13 Councillor, London Ontario Canada
Wikipedia - Draft:Becky Grossman -- Newton City Councilor
Wikipedia - Draft:Council for Social Development -- Indian Public Policy Think-tank
Wikipedia - Draft:Drew House (clothing line) -- Clothing line launched by Justin Bieber
Wikipedia - Draft:Golden West Broadcasters -- A defunct broadcasting company in the United States.
Wikipedia - Draft:List of Atlas LV3B launches
Wikipedia - Draft:List of Delta 4 Heavy launches
Wikipedia - Draft:List of Delta 4 Medium launches
Wikipedia - Draft:National Wrestling Conference -- Defunct American professional wrestling promotion
Wikipedia - Draft:Nova Launcher -- Android launcher
Wikipedia - Draft:Ryan Dorsey (politician) -- Baltimore City councilman
Wikipedia - Draft:Shanthaveera Swamiji -- Indian Kunchitiga Mahasamsthana Mutt seer
Wikipedia - Draft:Shooting Star (spacecraft) -- Uncrewed cargo spacecraft developed by Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC)
Wikipedia - Draft:Spaghetti Junction, Kentucky -- Intersection in Frankfort, Kentucky, United States
Wikipedia - Draft talk:List of Atlas LV3B launches
Wikipedia - Draft talk:List of Delta 4 Heavy launches
Wikipedia - Draft talk:List of Delta 4 Medium launches
Wikipedia - Dragon Lady Press -- Defunct Canadian comic book publisher
Wikipedia - Drakenstein Municipal Council -- Municipal council
Wikipedia - Drayton Valley-Calmar -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Drayton Valley (provincial electoral district) -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Dream FM Network -- Defunct Philippine radio network
Wikipedia - Drepana uncinula -- Species of hook-tip moth
Wikipedia - Drumheller-Chinook -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Drumheller-Gleichen -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Dukeries Junction railway station -- Former railway station in Nottinghamshire, England
Wikipedia - Dumfries and Galloway -- Council area of Scotland
Wikipedia - Duncan Baker -- British Conservative Party politician
Wikipedia - Duncan Ball -- American-born Australian author
Wikipedia - Duncan Ban MacIntyre
Wikipedia - Duncan Bannatyne -- Scottish entrepreneur, philanthropist and author
Wikipedia - Duncan Botwood -- British voice actor and video game designer
Wikipedia - Duncan Brannan -- American voice actor
Wikipedia - Duncan Brinsmead -- Canadian software programmer
Wikipedia - Duncan Brown Cooper -- American journalist, publisher, politician
Wikipedia - Duncan Browne -- English singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Duncan Busby -- English archer
Wikipedia - Duncan Campbell (artist) -- Irish video artist, based in Glasgow
Wikipedia - Duncan Campbell (journalist, born 1944) -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Duncan Campbell (journalist) -- British investigative journalist
Wikipedia - Duncan Campbell Scott
Wikipedia - Duncan Campbell (snowboarder) -- New Zealand snowboarder
Wikipedia - Duncan Campbell (Unionist politician) -- British politician
Wikipedia - Duncan Capps -- British army officer
Wikipedia - Duncan Chow -- Hong kong actor
Wikipedia - Duncan College (Rice University)
Wikipedia - Duncan College
Wikipedia - Duncan Coutts -- Canadian musician
Wikipedia - Duncan Dawkins -- English weightlifter
Wikipedia - Duncan D. Hunter -- American politician and U.S. Marine Corps officer
Wikipedia - Duncan Douglas -- American biathlete
Wikipedia - Duncan Dowson -- British engineer
Wikipedia - Duncan Duff -- British stage, television and film actor
Wikipedia - Duncan Eagleson -- American comic book artist
Wikipedia - Duncan Edwards
Wikipedia - Duncan Fallowell
Wikipedia - Duncan Farquharson Gregory
Wikipedia - Duncan Fernie -- Scottish curler
Wikipedia - Duncan Fletcher -- Zimbabwean cricket coach
Wikipedia - Duncan Forbes (poet) -- British poet
Wikipedia - Duncan Fraser -- Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland
Wikipedia - Duncan Garner -- New Zealand journalist
Wikipedia - Duncan Grant
Wikipedia - Duncan Green (British Army officer) -- Officer in the Indian army and Gurkha regiment
Wikipedia - Duncan Gregory -- 19th-century Scottish mathematician
Wikipedia - Duncan G. Sinclair
Wikipedia - Duncan G. Steel -- American physicist
Wikipedia - Duncan Haldane
Wikipedia - Duncan Hames -- British Former Liberal Democrat politician
Wikipedia - Duncan Harvey -- Australian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Duncan I of Scotland
Wikipedia - Duncanius -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Duncan Johnson (actor) -- South African actor and presenter
Wikipedia - Duncan Jones -- British film director
Wikipedia - Duncan J. Watts
Wikipedia - Duncan Kennedy (legal philosopher)
Wikipedia - Duncan Kennedy (luger) -- American luger
Wikipedia - Duncan Lamont -- British actor
Wikipedia - Duncan Laurence -- Dutch singer
Wikipedia - Duncan Leitch (geologist) -- Scottish geologist and palaeontologist
Wikipedia - Duncan Leitch
Wikipedia - Duncan L. Hunter -- American politician
Wikipedia - Duncan MacKinnon -- South African judoka (1970-)
Wikipedia - Duncan MacLeod -- Fictional character from the Highlander multiverse
Wikipedia - Duncan MacMillan (Nova Scotia politician) -- Nova Scotia politician
Wikipedia - Duncan Mahlangu -- South African taekwondo practitioner
Wikipedia - Duncan McCargo -- British academic (born 1963)
Wikipedia - Duncan McFarlane -- Scottish-born New Zealand politician
Wikipedia - Duncan McLaren -- Scottish politician
Wikipedia - Duncan McMillan (linguist) -- British linguist
Wikipedia - Duncan McNabb -- US Air Force general
Wikipedia - Duncan McNaughton -- Canadian athletics competitor
Wikipedia - Duncan McNaught -- Parochial school teacher in Scotland
Wikipedia - Duncan Menzies (curler) -- Scottish male curler
Wikipedia - Duncan Montgomery Gray III -- Episcopal bishop
Wikipedia - Duncan Parsons -- British drummer and singer/songwriter
Wikipedia - Duncan Pegg -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - Duncan Pell -- American politician
Wikipedia - Duncan Penwarden -- Canadian actor
Wikipedia - Duncan Pirie -- British politician
Wikipedia - Duncan Pocklington -- English cricketer and Anglican clergyman
Wikipedia - Duncan Potts -- former Royal Navy admiral
Wikipedia - Duncan Pritchard
Wikipedia - Duncan Pugh -- Australian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Duncan R. Derry
Wikipedia - Duncan Reed -- American engineer and politician
Wikipedia - Duncan Ridge Trail -- Long-distance hiking trail in the United States
Wikipedia - Duncan River (British Columbia) -- River in Canada
Wikipedia - Duncan River (riviere le Renne tributary) -- River in Monteregie, Quebec, Canada
Wikipedia - Duncan Ronald Gordon Mackay -- WW1 Royal Air Force pilot
Wikipedia - Duncan RyM-EM-+ken Williams -- Scholar and Buddhist priest (b. 1969)
Wikipedia - Duncan Sarkies -- New Zealand writer
Wikipedia - Duncan Sisters -- American entertainers; vaudeville duo
Wikipedia - Duncan Smith (cricketer) -- English cricketer and Royal Air Force officer
Wikipedia - Duncan Steel
Wikipedia - Duncan Stewart (colonial administrator) -- British colonial administrator
Wikipedia - Duncan Stewart (golfer) -- Scottish golfer
Wikipedia - Duncan Stutterheim -- Dutch businessman
Wikipedia - Duncan Suttles -- Canadian International Grandmaster of chess
Wikipedia - Duncan Urquhart (politician) -- British Member of Parliament (died 1742)
Wikipedia - Duncanville (TV series) -- American animated sitcom TV series
Wikipedia - Duncan Vines -- English cricketer and Royal Indian Navy officer
Wikipedia - Duncan Waldron
Wikipedia - Duncan White -- Ceylonese athlete
Wikipedia - Dunce cap
Wikipedia - Dunce hat (topology) -- Compact topological space
Wikipedia - Duncombe Creek (Uwharrie River tributary) -- Stream in North Carolina, USA
Wikipedia - Duncombe Place -- Street in York, England
Wikipedia - Duncraig Castle -- Castle in Lochalsh, Scotland
Wikipedia - Duncton Wood -- 1980 novel by William Horwood
Wikipedia - Dungar Junction railway station -- Railway station in Gujarat, India
Wikipedia - Dunvegan-Central Peace-Notley -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Durg Junction railway station -- Railway station in Chattisgarh
Wikipedia - Duryea Motor Wagon Company -- Defunct American automobile manufacturer
Wikipedia - Dustin Duncan -- Canadian provincial politician
Wikipedia - DVD Verdict -- Defunct DVD review website
Wikipedia - DWBC-AM -- Defunct radio station in Metro Manila, Philippines
Wikipedia - DXAQ-AM -- Defunct radio station in Davao City, Philippines
Wikipedia - DXFH -- Defunct radio station in Zamboanga City, Philippines
Wikipedia - DXSC -- Defunct radio station in Zamboanga City, Philippines
Wikipedia - DXTY -- Defunct radio station in Zamboanga City, Philippines
Wikipedia - Dysautonomia -- Any disease or malfunction of the autonomic nervous system
Wikipedia - Dysauxes punctata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Dysfunctional family
Wikipedia - Dysspastus undecimpunctella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - DZOR -- Defunct radio station in Olongapo, Philippines
Wikipedia - Eagle Manufacturing Company -- Defunct farm equipment company in Appleton, Wisconsin
Wikipedia - E. A. Pierce & Co. -- Defunct American securities brokerage firm
Wikipedia - Early centers of Christianity -- From the 1st century to the First Council of Nicaea in 325
Wikipedia - East Ayrshire -- Council area of Scotland
Wikipedia - Easter Council
Wikipedia - Eastern Africa Grain Council (EAGC) -- organization representing those involved in the grain trade in Eastern and Southern Africa
Wikipedia - Eastern Economist -- Defunct Indian economic magazine
Wikipedia - Eastern Express (newspaper) -- Defunct Hong Kong newspaper
Wikipedia - Eastern Provincial Airways -- Defunct Canadian airline
Wikipedia - East Junction Branch -- Railroad line
Wikipedia - East Lothian -- Council area of Scotland
Wikipedia - East Renfrewshire -- Council area of Scotland
Wikipedia - EC-Council
Wikipedia - Echinosepala uncinata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Economic and Social Research Council -- One of the Research Councils in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Economic Council Germany -- German business association
Wikipedia - Economist Party -- Defunct political party in Peru
Wikipedia - Ecumenical councils
Wikipedia - Ecumenical Council
Wikipedia - Ecumenical council
Wikipedia - Edgefest -- Defunct Canadian rock festival
Wikipedia - Edgewood Regional High School -- Defunct high school in Camden County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Edict -- Announcement of a law, often associated with monarchism
Wikipedia - Editors' Council -- National organization of newspaper editors in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Ed McMahon -- American announcer, game show host, actor, spokesman
Wikipedia - Edmonton-Avonmore -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Edmonton-Belmont -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Edmonton-Beverly-Belmont -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Edmonton-Beverly -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Edmonton-Glengarry -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Edmonton-Highlands-Beverly -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Edmonton-Kingsway -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Edmonton-Mayfield -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Edmonton North East (provincial electoral district) -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Edmonton North (provincial electoral district) -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Edmonton-Ottewell -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Edmonton-Parkallen -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Edmonton-Roper -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Edmund Dunch (Elizabethan) -- Kingdom of England politician
Wikipedia - Edmund Dunch (Whig) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Education in Puerto Rico -- Overseen by the Department of Education of Puerto Rico and the Puerto Rico Education Council
Wikipedia - Edvard Munch -- Norwegian painter and printmaker
Wikipedia - Edward Chauncey Luard -- British planter
Wikipedia - Edward Kojo Duncan-Williams -- Ghanaian politician
Wikipedia - Efficiently updatable neural network -- A neural network based evaluation function
Wikipedia - Eff (programming language) -- Functional programming language
Wikipedia - Egginton Junction railway station -- Former railway station in Derbyshire, England
Wikipedia - Eggs Benedict -- common American breakfast or brunch dish
Wikipedia - Eicher tractor -- Defunct automobile manufacturer
Wikipedia - Eichler-Shimura congruence relation -- Expresses the local L-function of a modular curve at a prime in terms of Hecke operators
Wikipedia - Eigenfunction
Wikipedia - Eighth Council of Toledo
Wikipedia - Eisenstein's theorem -- On power series with rational coefficients that are algebraic functions
Wikipedia - Eisentraut, Colby, & Pottinger -- Defunct architectural firm
Wikipedia - Ejaculation disorders -- Most common sexual dysfunction in men
Wikipedia - Elachista apicipunctella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Elachista cinereopunctella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Elachista dispunctella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Elachista multipunctella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Elachista pocopunctella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Elachista punctella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Elachista quadripunctella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Electile Disfunction '08 -- album by Gwar
Wikipedia - Electoral district of County of Argyle -- Former New South Wales Legislative Council electoral district
Wikipedia - Electoral district of Northumberland Boroughs (NSW Legislative Council) -- Former New South Wales Legislative Council electoral district
Wikipedia - Electoral division of Cambridge -- Tasmanian Legislative Council electoral division
Wikipedia - Electrical outlet tester -- Device to verify the function of an electrical outlet
Wikipedia - Electric Launch Company -- US boat building and electric motor company
Wikipedia - Electroacupuncture -- Form of acupuncture
Wikipedia - Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System -- Aircraft launching system developed for the US Navy
Wikipedia - Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality -- Defunct American academic journal
Wikipedia - Electron (rocket) -- Two-stage orbital launch vehicle
Wikipedia - Elementary function -- Mathematical function
Wikipedia - El Gugeton -- Defunct Ladino language magazine
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Ann Duncan -- American murderer
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Bunce -- American geophysicist
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Choy -- Singaporean educator, councillor, war heroine
Wikipedia - Ellen Duncan -- Irish art gallery director and critic
Wikipedia - Elliptic function -- Class of periodic mathematical functions
Wikipedia - Elliptic modular function
Wikipedia - Elna Munch -- Danish feminist politician
Wikipedia - Elocution -- Study of formal speaking in pronunciation, grammar, style, and tone.
Wikipedia - Elon Musk's Tesla Roadster -- Sports car launched into space in 2018
Wikipedia - El Paso and Southwestern Railroad -- Defunct American short-line railroad
Wikipedia - El Vibora -- defunct Spanish comics magazine
Wikipedia - Emanuel Unity Hospital -- defunct Brooklyn hospital
Wikipedia - Ematheudes punctella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Embedded system -- Computer system with a dedicated function within a larger mechanical or electrical system
Wikipedia - Emigre (magazine) -- Defunct US graphic design magazine
Wikipedia - Emil D. Munch -- American politician and businessman
Wikipedia - Emma (1828 ship) -- Barge which capsized during its launch in 1828.
Wikipedia - Emma Bunce -- British physicist
Wikipedia - Emma Maddox Funck -- American suffragist
Wikipedia - Emoticon -- Pictorial representation of a facial expression using punctuation marks, numbers and letters
Wikipedia - Empire City Gold Cup -- Defunct American Thoroughbred horse race
Wikipedia - Empire Defense Council -- French wartime government in exile
Wikipedia - Empirical distribution function
Wikipedia - Empis punctata -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Empis trunca -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Empress (provincial electoral district) -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Empty function
Wikipedia - Emu Airways -- Defunct Australian regional airline
Wikipedia - Enantiophanes -- Byzantine jurist of uncertain date
Wikipedia - Encapsulation (networking) -- Method of designing modular communication protocols in which separate functions are abstracted from their underlying structures
Wikipedia - ENCODE -- Research consortium investigating functional elements in human and model organism DNA
Wikipedia - Encore Books -- Defunct American bookstore chain
Wikipedia - Encrasicholina punctifer -- Species of fish
Wikipedia - Energia -- Soviet launch vehicle
Wikipedia - Energy function
Wikipedia - Energy Micro -- Defunct Norwegian semiconductor company
Wikipedia - Energy (psychological) -- Concept of a postulated unconscious mental functioning on a level between biology and consciousness
Wikipedia - Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Wikipedia - Engineering Council
Wikipedia - English Council of State
Wikipedia - English Education Act 1835 -- Legislative Act of the Council of India
Wikipedia - English Pronouncing Dictionary
Wikipedia - English subjunctive
Wikipedia - Engram (Dianetics) -- Mental image of an unconscious past traumatic event
Wikipedia - Enron -- Defunct American energy company
Wikipedia - Ensemble average (statistical mechanics) -- Mean of a quantity that is a function of the microstate of a system
Wikipedia - Entephria punctipes -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Entertainment Software Publishing -- Defunct Japanese video game publisher
Wikipedia - Entire function -- Function that is holomorphic on the whole complex plane
Wikipedia - Entrepreneurship -- Process of designing, launching and running a new business
Wikipedia - Environmental impact of mining -- Environmental problems from uncontrolled mining
Wikipedia - Enzyme Function Initiative -- A collaborative project to determine enzyme function
Wikipedia - Eois punctata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Epigram (programming language) -- Functional programming language
Wikipedia - Epilobium pedunculare -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epipsestis nigropunctata -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - Epipsestis vastaguncus -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - Epyx -- Defunct video game developer and publisher
Wikipedia - Equaliser (mathematics) -- Set of arguments where two or more functions have the same value
Wikipedia - Eranthis hyemalis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Eranthis -- genus of flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - ErdM-EM-^Qs-Rado theorem -- Theorem in combinatorial set theory extending Ramsey's theorem to uncountable sets
Wikipedia - Erectile dysfunction -- Human disease which results in trouble maintaining an erection
Wikipedia - Eric Duncan (politician) -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - Eriocapitella hupehensis -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Eriocapitella vitifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Ernst Hermann Himmler -- Nazi functionary and younger brother of Heinrich Himmler
Wikipedia - Ernst Leitz GmbH -- Defunct German corporation
Wikipedia - Error function
Wikipedia - Esmeralda (The Hunchback of Notre-Dame)
Wikipedia - ESPN 3D -- Defunct 3D TV channel
Wikipedia - Essence-Function
Wikipedia - Essex Catholic High School -- Defunct Catholic high school in Newark, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Estates of the Netherlands Antilles -- Defunct unicameral legislature of the Netherlands Antilles
Wikipedia - Etawah Junction railway station -- Railway station in Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Ethash -- Proof-of-work function used in Ethereum
Wikipedia - Ethics of uncertain sentience -- Applied ethics issue
Wikipedia - Ethmia bipunctella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Ethmia septempunctata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Ethmia tripunctella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - E. T. Whittaker -- British mathematician who contributed widely to applied mathematics, mathematical physics, the theory of special functions, and the history of physics
Wikipedia - Eudonia truncicolella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eugene Augur -- Defunct countercultural underground newspaper published in Eugene, Oregon, United States
Wikipedia - Eugene Borel -- Member of the Swiss Federal Council
Wikipedia - Eugnorisma depuncta -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eulechria subpunctella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Euler's homogeneous function theorem -- A homogeneous function is a linear combination of its partial derivatives
Wikipedia - Euler's totient function -- Gives the number of integers relatively prime to its input
Wikipedia - Euler substitution -- A method of integration for rational functions.
Wikipedia - Euler totient function
Wikipedia - Euphalacra discipuncta -- Species of hook-tip moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia aduncata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia conjunctiva -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia discipuncta -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia fuscopunctata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia juncalensis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia magnipuncta -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia sexpunctata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia tripunctaria -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Eupithecia truncatipennis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Euplagia quadripunctaria -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council
Wikipedia - Euroceltic Airways -- Defunct short haul airline
Wikipedia - European Arboricultural Council -- Professional arborists organization
Wikipedia - European Council of Skeptical Organizations
Wikipedia - European Democracy -- Defunct political party in Italy
Wikipedia - European Magazine -- Defunct monthly magazine in London
Wikipedia - European Network of Councils for the Judiciary -- Organisation of the European Union
Wikipedia - European Research Council
Wikipedia - Euskadiko Ezkerra -- Defunct socialist party in the Basque Country
Wikipedia - Eustachian tube dysfunction -- Disorder of the ear
Wikipedia - EU-UK Partnership Council -- Multinational body to govern relations between the EU and UK
Wikipedia - Evaluation function
Wikipedia - Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability -- American financial standards association representing evangelical Christian organizations and churches
Wikipedia - Eveline Nunchert -- German chess player
Wikipedia - Even and odd functions
Wikipedia - Evolution Studios -- Defunct British video game developer
Wikipedia - Evolve (professional wrestling) -- Defunct American professional wrestling promotion
Wikipedia - Examination of the Council of Trent
Wikipedia - Exaptation -- A shift in the function of a trait during evolution
Wikipedia - Excalibur (Six Flags AstroWorld) -- Defunct roller coaster
Wikipedia - Exclamation mark -- Punctuation mark
Wikipedia - Exclusive disjunction
Wikipedia - Exco International -- Defunct British money brokering company
Wikipedia - Executive Council of Alberta -- The body that leads the executive branch of Alberta
Wikipedia - Executive Council of Catalonia -- Government body in Spain
Wikipedia - Executive Council of the Irish Free State -- Cabinet of the Irish Free State from 1922 to 1937
Wikipedia - Executive DBA Council -- Executive doctoral program
Wikipedia - Executive dysfunction
Wikipedia - Executive functioning
Wikipedia - Executive functions
Wikipedia - EXeem -- Defunct peer-to-peer file sharing client
Wikipedia - Exit number -- Number assigned to a road junction
Wikipedia - Exolaunch -- Satellite launch provider
Wikipedia - Exon junction complex -- Protein complex assembled on mRNA
Wikipedia - Expansion card -- Circuit board able to be connected to a computer system to add functionality
Wikipedia - Expediency Discernment Council -- Advisory council to the Supreme Leader of Iran
Wikipedia - Expendable launch system
Wikipedia - Experimental travel -- Unconventional tourism for tourists who avoid the tourist attractions
Wikipedia - Expert wizard amendment -- Proposed amendment by New Mexico state senator Duncan Scott
Wikipedia - Explanatory dictionary -- Dictionary that gives additional information, e. g. on pronunciation, grammar, meaning, etymology, etc.
Wikipedia - Exploration Upper Stage -- Rocket stage in NASA's Space Launch System
Wikipedia - Explorer 1 -- First satellite launched by the United States (1958)
Wikipedia - Explorer 55 -- NASA satellite launched on November 20, 1975
Wikipedia - Explorer 5 -- United States satellite launched in 1958
Wikipedia - Explorer 60 -- NASA satellite launched on November 20, 1975
Wikipedia - Exponential field -- Mathematical field equipped with an operation satisfying the functional equation of the exponential
Wikipedia - Exponential function
Wikipedia - Exponential type -- type of complex function with growth bounded by an exponential function
Wikipedia - Exsecant -- Trigonometric function defined as secant minus one
Wikipedia - Extended vocal technique -- Unconventional, unorthodox, or non-traditional methods of singing
Wikipedia - Extended X-ray absorption fine structure -- Measurement of X-ray absorption of a material as a function of energy
Wikipedia - Ext functor
Wikipedia - Extreme Unction
Wikipedia - Extreme unction
Wikipedia - Extreme value theorem -- A continuous real function on a closed interval has a maximum and a minimum
Wikipedia - Eyak Preservation Council -- American conservation organization
Wikipedia - Eye rhyme -- A rhyme in which two words are spelled similarly but pronounced differently; e.g. "tough / through"
Wikipedia - Fabius function -- Nowhere analytic, infinitely differentiable function
Wikipedia - Factor of safety -- Factor by which an engineered system's capacity is higher than the expected load to ensure safety in case of error or uncertainty
Wikipedia - Fai Chai Junction -- Road intersection in Bangkok, Thailand
Wikipedia - Failed state -- A state which is no longer able, or seen to be able, to carry out its basic functions
Wikipedia - Failure to Launch -- 2006 film by Tom Dey
Wikipedia - Faizabad Junction railway station -- Railway station in Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Fajr-3 -- Type of multiple-launch rocket launcher
Wikipedia - Fakiragram Junction railway station -- Railway station in Assam
Wikipedia - Falcon 9 Block 5 -- Current version of the SpaceX Falcon 9 orbital launch vehicle
Wikipedia - Falcon 9 flight 20 -- Falcon 9 space launch that occurred on 22 December 2015 at 01:29 UTC
Wikipedia - Falih Al-Fayyadh -- Advisor of National Security Council
Wikipedia - Falkirk (council area) -- Council area of Scotland
Wikipedia - Family Group Broadcasting -- A defunct television and radio broadcaster in the United States
Wikipedia - Famous Studios -- Defunct American animation studio
Wikipedia - Fanaero-Chile -- Defunct Chilean aircraft manufacturer
Wikipedia - Fanaticism -- Belief or behavior involving uncritical zeal or an obsessive enthusiasm
Wikipedia - Fanfare for the Uncommon Woman -- Orchestra composition
Wikipedia - Fantasy Press -- Defunct American publisher
Wikipedia - Fantasy Publishing Company, Inc. -- Defunct American small press
Wikipedia - Farah-Chakansur Province -- Defunct province in Afghanistan
Wikipedia - Farmer-Labour Party -- Defunct political party in Japan
Wikipedia - Farmers' Party (Iceland, 1933) -- Defunct agrarian party in Iceland
Wikipedia - Far Rockaway High School -- Defunct high school in Queens, New York City, United States
Wikipedia - Farrukhabad Junction railway station -- Railway Station in Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Fashion Design Council of India -- Organization
Wikipedia - Fashion Law Institute -- Council of Fashion Designers of America
Wikipedia - Fatehabad Chandrawatiganj Junction railway station -- Railway station in Madhya Pradesh
Wikipedia - Father of Four and Uncle Sofus -- 1957 film
Wikipedia - Faucett Peru -- Defunct Peruvian airline
Wikipedia - Faunce, Pennsylvania -- Unincorporated community in Pennsylvania, United States
Wikipedia - Favrot & Livaudais -- Architectural firm (defunct)
Wikipedia - FAW-GM Kuncheng -- Chinese compact pickup
Wikipedia - Fay's trisecant identity -- An identity between theta functions of Riemann surfaces
Wikipedia - Fazal Mohammad (politician) -- Afghan politician and provincial council member
Wikipedia - Fear, uncertainty and doubt
Wikipedia - Feast of the Annunciation
Wikipedia - Federacja Polskiej PrzedsiM-DM-^YbiorczoM-EM-^[ci -- Defunct Polish political party
Wikipedia - Federal City Council -- American not-for-profit organization
Wikipedia - Federal Civil Defense Authority -- Defunct civil defense agency
Wikipedia - Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council -- U.S. regulatory body
Wikipedia - Federalist Greens -- Defunct political party in Italy
Wikipedia - Federal Networking Council
Wikipedia - Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources -- Federal executive body performing control and supervision functions in the sphere of nature management
Wikipedia - Federation of Christian Democracy -- Defunct political organisation in Spain 1977-1978
Wikipedia - Federation of Parties of the Mexican People -- Defunct political party in Mexico
Wikipedia - Felix Mann -- German-born acupuncturist (1931-2014)
Wikipedia - Felix Propellers -- Defunct American propeller manufacturer
Wikipedia - Feller buncher -- Type of harvester used in logging
Wikipedia - Fellowship of Christian Councils and Churches in the Great Lakes and Horn of Africa -- African ecumenical organisation
Wikipedia - Fenty Beauty -- | Cosmetics brand launched by Rihanna
Wikipedia - Ferguson-Brown Company -- Defunct British agricultural machinery company
Wikipedia - Fermanagh and Omagh District Council -- Local authority in Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Fermat's theorem (stationary points) -- Method to find local maxima and minima of differentiable functions on open sets
Wikipedia - Fernanda Tapia -- Mexican radio announcer, host, and voice actress
Wikipedia - Feroze Gandhi Unchahar Thermal Power Station -- NTPC Plant in Raebareli
Wikipedia - Festival (TV channel) -- Defunct American pay television channel
Wikipedia - Fiber (mathematics) -- The set of all points in a function's domain that all map to some single given point.
Wikipedia - Ficaria verna -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Ficaria -- Genus of flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - FictionJunction -- Japanese band
Wikipedia - Fife Socialist League -- Defunct socialist party in Scotland
Wikipedia - Fife -- Council area of Scotland
Wikipedia - Fifteenth Council of Toledo
Wikipedia - Fifteen-Twenty Fracture Zone -- A fracture zone on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at the migrating triple junction between the North American, South American, and Nubian plates
Wikipedia - Fifth Buddhist council
Wikipedia - Fifth Council of Constantinople
Wikipedia - Fifth Council of the Lateran
Wikipedia - Fifth Ecumenical Council
Wikipedia - Fighters Uncaged -- Fighting video game
Wikipedia - Filene's -- Defunct department store chain in the northeastern United States
Wikipedia - Film Business Asia -- Defunct Hong Kong film trade magazine
Wikipedia - FilmDistrict -- Defunct US film production company
Wikipedia - Filmfest Munchen -- Largest summer film festival in Germany
Wikipedia - Filter (higher-order function)
Wikipedia - Finast -- Defunct American supermarket chain
Wikipedia - Finkenberg's Sons Furniture -- Defunct furniture store chain in New York City
Wikipedia - Finnish Refugee Council -- Finish non-governmental organisation that protects the rights of people affected by displacement
Wikipedia - Fintona Junction railway station -- Railway station in County Tyrone, Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Fintown railway station -- Defunct railway station in County Donegal, Ireland
Wikipedia - Firearm malfunction -- Failure of a firearm to operate as intended
Wikipedia - Fireman's Fund Insurance Company -- Defunct insurance company based in Novato, California, United States
Wikipedia - Fire of Australia opal -- 998 gram uncut opal mined in South Australia
Wikipedia - Fire Punch -- Japanese manga series
Wikipedia - Firestone-Apsley Rubber Company -- defunct company and existing factory building in Hudson, Massachusetts, United States
Wikipedia - First Buddhist Council
Wikipedia - First Buddhist council -- Gathering of senior monks of the Buddhist order convened just after the Buddha's death
Wikipedia - First Cabinet of P.W. Botha -- Appointments to former South African governing council
Wikipedia - First class function
Wikipedia - First-class function
Wikipedia - First Council of Constantinople
Wikipedia - First Council of Dvin
Wikipedia - First Council of Ephesus
Wikipedia - First Council of Lyon
Wikipedia - First Council of Nicaea -- Council of Christian bishops Nicaea, 325
Wikipedia - First Council of Nicea
Wikipedia - First Council of the Lateran
Wikipedia - First Day of the Easter Rising -- Launched the week-long revolution in Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - First Ecumenical Council
Wikipedia - First Lateran Council
Wikipedia - First seven Ecumenical Councils
Wikipedia - First seven ecumenical councils
Wikipedia - First Vatican Council -- Synod of the Catholic church (1869-1870)
Wikipedia - Fish House Punch -- Rum-based cocktail
Wikipedia - Fissipunctia ypsillon -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Fitness function
Wikipedia - Fitness to dive -- Medical fitness of a person to function safely underwater under pressure
Wikipedia - Five Finger Death Punch -- American heavy metal band
Wikipedia - Fixed-function
Wikipedia - Flag of Europe -- Flag of Europe at large created by the Council of Europe, then adopted as one of the official symbols of the European Communities and later of the European Union
Wikipedia - Flag of the Turkic Council -- Flag
Wikipedia - Flaperon -- Type of aircraft control surface hat combines the functions of both flaps and ailerons
Wikipedia - Flare gun -- Firearm that launches flares
Wikipedia - Flat function -- Function whose all derivatives vanish at a point
Wikipedia - Flatulence -- bodily function of expelling intestinal gas out of the anus
Wikipedia - Flint War Council
Wikipedia - Float railway station -- Former station on the Inny Junction to Cavan branch of the Midland Great Western Railway, Ireland
Wikipedia - Floor and ceiling functions -- Mathematical functions taking a real input and rounding it down or up, respectively
Wikipedia - Floor function
Wikipedia - Florida Midland Railway (defunct) -- Historic railroad in Florida
Wikipedia - Florida Suncoast -- Region of the state Florida, United States
Wikipedia - Flux (magazine) -- Defunct pop culture magazine 1994-1995
Wikipedia - Flybe -- Defunct regional airline from the UK
Wikipedia - FMI Air -- Defunct airline in Myanmar
Wikipedia - Focal seizure -- Epilepsy syndrome characterised by seizures preceded by isolated disturbances of a cerebral function
Wikipedia - Focke-Achgelis -- Defunct German helicopter manufacturer
Wikipedia - Focke-Wulf Fw 61 -- First practical, functional helicopter, first flown in 1936
Wikipedia - Fog of war -- Concept of uncertainty in military operations and game theory
Wikipedia - Fokker -- Dutch defunct aircraft manufacturer
Wikipedia - Fold (higher-order function)
Wikipedia - Foot fetishism -- Pronounced sexual interest in feet
Wikipedia - Force of the South -- Defunct Italian political party
Wikipedia - Foreign function interface -- Interface to call functions from other programming languages
Wikipedia - Forest Stewardship Council -- Organisation promoting and certifying responsible management of forest
Wikipedia - Forfar and Brechin Railway -- Defunct British railway
Wikipedia - Forgiveness -- Renunciation or cessation of resentment, indignation or anger
Wikipedia - Form follows function
Wikipedia - Formica truncorum -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Formless/Functional -- 1998 album by Minneapolis alternative rock band Polara
Wikipedia - Formula (Energylandia) -- steel launched roller coaster in Energylandia, Poland
Wikipedia - Fort Custer Maze -- Defunct tourist attraction
Wikipedia - Fostoria Glass Company -- Defunct popular glassware company
Wikipedia - Foundation 9 Entertainment -- Defunct American video game company
Wikipedia - Fourier-Bessel series -- Infinite series of Bessel functions
Wikipedia - Fourier transform -- Mathematical transform that expresses a function of time as a function of frequency
Wikipedia - Four Star Television -- Defunct American television production company
Wikipedia - Fourth Council of Constantinople (Catholic Church) -- 8th ecumenical council of the Catholic Church; held in Constantinople from 5 Oct. 869 to 28 Feb. 870
Wikipedia - Fourth Council of Constantinople (Eastern Orthodox) -- Synod, convoked by Byzantine Emperor Basil I and held in 879-880, confirming the reinstatement of Photius as Patriarch of Constantinople; accepted by some Eastern Orthodox churches
Wikipedia - Fourth Council of Constantinople (Roman Catholic)
Wikipedia - Fourth Council of the Lateran
Wikipedia - Fourth Council of Toledo
Wikipedia - Fourth Ecumenical Council
Wikipedia - Fourth Lateran Council
Wikipedia - Fox River Valley Conference -- Defunct high school athletic conference in Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Fracture zone -- junction between oceanic crustal regions of different ages on the same plate left by a transform fault
Wikipedia - Francesco Diotallevi -- Italian apostolic nuncio
Wikipedia - Francis-Barnett -- Defunct motorcycle manufacturer
Wikipedia - Francisco del Junco -- Cuban-born American serial killer
Wikipedia - Franco Uncini -- Italian motorcycle racer
Wikipedia - Frank Frangie -- American sports announcer
Wikipedia - Frank Graham (voice actor) -- American actor and radio announcer
Wikipedia - Frank Harden -- American radio announcer
Wikipedia - Frank Zarnowski -- Author and sports announcer (b. 1943)
Wikipedia - Frauncis new Jigge, betweene Frauncis a Gentleman, and Richard a Farmer -- Song
Wikipedia - Frechet-Kolmogorov theorem -- Gives condition for a set of functions to be relatively compact in an Lp space
Wikipedia - Fred Duncan -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - Frederick Chauncy -- British hurdler
Wikipedia - Frederick Ponsonby, Viscount Duncannon -- British courtesy viscount
Wikipedia - Frederick Roy Duncan -- American architect
Wikipedia - Frederick William Burns -- American sports announcer
Wikipedia - Free Anti Revolutionary Party -- Defunct political party in the Netherlands
Wikipedia - Free Conservatives -- Defunct Danish political party
Wikipedia - Freedom (IX-43) -- An unclassified miscellaneous vessel of the US Navy in service 1940-42
Wikipedia - Freedom of choice -- An individual's opportunity and autonomy to perform an action selected from at least two available options, unconstrained by external parties
Wikipedia - Free List of Farmers, the Middle Class and Workers -- defunct political party in Luxembourg
Wikipedia - Free lunch -- Providing of a meal at no cost, usually as a sales enticement to attract customers
Wikipedia - Free Party (UK) -- Defunct political party in England
Wikipedia - Free Social Democrats -- Defunct political party in Denmark
Wikipedia - Free university -- organizations offering uncredited, public classes without restrictions on teachers or learners
Wikipedia - Freezer Queen -- Defunct frozen food company in Buffalo, New York
Wikipedia - French East India Company -- Defunct French trading company
Wikipedia - French orthography -- Spelling and punctuation of the French language
Wikipedia - French ship Zodiaque (1756) -- French 74-gun ship of the line launched in 1756
Wikipedia - Fretter -- Defunct American electronics/appliance retailer
Wikipedia - Freydal -- 16th century uncompleted illustrated prose work
Wikipedia - Friars Club of Beverly Hills -- Defunct private show business club
Wikipedia - Friedman's SSCG function -- Fast-growing function
Wikipedia - Friedrich Frey-Herose -- Member of the Swiss Federal Council
Wikipedia - Friendly TV -- Defunct British television station
Wikipedia - Friends of WikiLeaks -- Defunct social-networking website
Wikipedia - Fritz Neugebauer -- President of the National Council of Austria
Wikipedia - Frost French -- Defunct British fashion label
Wikipedia - Frusen GlM-CM-$dje -- Defunct ice cream brand in the U.S.
Wikipedia - FSN Chicago -- Defunct regional sports network based in Chicago
Wikipedia - Fueter-Polya theorem -- The only quadratic pairing functions are the Cantor polynomials
Wikipedia - Fu Kwan (constituency) -- Constituency of the Sai Kung District Council of Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Full and faithful functors
Wikipedia - Full stop -- Punctuation to signal the end of a sentence
Wikipedia - Fu Nam (constituency) -- Constituency of the Sai Kung District Council of Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Funan DigitaLife Mall -- Defunct Singapore shopping mall
Wikipedia - Funchal Cable Car -- Gondola lift in Funchal, Portugal
Wikipedia - Funchal
Wikipedia - Funcom
Wikipedia - Functional accounts of emotion
Wikipedia - Functional analog (chemistry)
Wikipedia - Functional analysis (psychology)
Wikipedia - Functional analysis -- Branch of mathematical analysis
Wikipedia - Functional analytic psychotherapy
Wikipedia - Functional Arrhythmias -- album by Steve Coleman
Wikipedia - Functional autonomy
Wikipedia - Functional boxplot
Wikipedia - Functional calculus
Wikipedia - Functional Cargo Block -- Spacecraft and International Space Station component
Wikipedia - Functional completeness
Wikipedia - Functional contextualism
Wikipedia - Functional decomposition
Wikipedia - Functional dependency
Wikipedia - Functional design
Wikipedia - Functional Discourse Grammar
Wikipedia - Functional discourse grammar
Wikipedia - Functional disorder
Wikipedia - Functional electrical stimulation -- Technique that uses low-energy electrical pulses
Wikipedia - Functional endoscopic sinus surgery -- Surgery to enlarge the paranasal sinus drainage pathways
Wikipedia - Functional Ensemble of Temperament -- Neurochemical model
Wikipedia - Functional equations
Wikipedia - Functional equation
Wikipedia - Functional extinction -- End of viability for a population
Wikipedia - Functional fixedness
Wikipedia - Functional food -- food given an additional function
Wikipedia - Functional genomics
Wikipedia - Functional group
Wikipedia - Functional harmony
Wikipedia - Functional holography -- Method of analysis
Wikipedia - Functional illiteracy -- Reading and writing skills that are inadequate to manage daily living and employment tasks
Wikipedia - Functional integration (neurobiology)
Wikipedia - Functional integration
Wikipedia - Functional interface
Wikipedia - Functionalism (architecture) -- Principle which defines a type of architecture
Wikipedia - Functionalism (disambiguation)
Wikipedia - Functionalism (philosophy of mind)
Wikipedia - Functionalism (philosophy)
Wikipedia - Functionalism
Wikipedia - Functional languages
Wikipedia - Functional language
Wikipedia - Functional linguistics -- Approach to linguistics
Wikipedia - Functional logic programming
Wikipedia - Functionally selective
Wikipedia - Functional magnetic resonance imaging
Wikipedia - Functional (mathematics)
Wikipedia - Functional medicine -- Alternative medicine and pseudoscience
Wikipedia - Functional model
Wikipedia - Functional MRI
Wikipedia - Functional near-infrared spectroscopy
Wikipedia - Functional neuroimaging
Wikipedia - Functional prerequisites
Wikipedia - Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture
Wikipedia - Functional programming languages
Wikipedia - Functional programming language
Wikipedia - Functional programming -- Programming paradigm
Wikipedia - Functional psychology
Wikipedia - Functional reactive programming
Wikipedia - Functional renormalization group -- Implementation of the renormalization group
Wikipedia - Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records
Wikipedia - Functional requirements
Wikipedia - Functional Software Architecture
Wikipedia - Functional specialization (brain)
Wikipedia - Functional specification
Wikipedia - Functional symptom
Wikipedia - Functional testing
Wikipedia - Functional theories of grammar
Wikipedia - Functional ultrasound imaging
Wikipedia - Functional unit
Wikipedia - Function and Concept
Wikipedia - Function application -- The act of applying a function to an argument from its domain so as to obtain the corresponding value from its range.
Wikipedia - Function approximation
Wikipedia - Function argument
Wikipedia - Function (biology)
Wikipedia - Function composition (computer science)
Wikipedia - Function composition -- Operation on mathematical functions
Wikipedia - Function (computer science)
Wikipedia - Function (computing)
Wikipedia - Function (engineering)
Wikipedia - Function field sieve
Wikipedia - Function generator -- Electronic test equipment used to generate electrical waveforms--
Wikipedia - Function Keys
Wikipedia - Function key -- Key on aM-BM- computerM-BM- orM-BM- terminalM-BM- keyboard
Wikipedia - Function-level programming
Wikipedia - Function literal
Wikipedia - Function (mathematics) -- Mapping that associates a single output value to each input
Wikipedia - Function model
Wikipedia - Function object
Wikipedia - Function of a real variable -- Mathematical function
Wikipedia - Function overloading
Wikipedia - Function pointers
Wikipedia - Function pointer -- Pointer that points to a function
Wikipedia - Function points
Wikipedia - Function point
Wikipedia - Function problem
Wikipedia - Function (programming)
Wikipedia - Function prototype
Wikipedia - Function scoping
Wikipedia - Function space
Wikipedia - Function table
Wikipedia - Function type
Wikipedia - Function word
Wikipedia - Functor category
Wikipedia - Functor (functional programming)
Wikipedia - Functor
Wikipedia - Fundamental lemma of calculus of variations -- An initial result in using test functions to find extremum
Wikipedia - Fundamental theorem of linear programming -- Extremes of a linear function over a convex polygonal region occur at the region's corners
Wikipedia - Fundamenta nova theoriae functionum ellipticarum -- Book by Carl Jacobi
Wikipedia - Funktion Junction -- album by Blue Mitchell
Wikipedia - Fuquay-Varina Independent -- Defunct newspaper
Wikipedia - Furuncle
Wikipedia - Future and Freedom -- Defunct political party in Italy
Wikipedia - Future Bounce -- South Korean producer duo
Wikipedia - Future for Finnmark -- Defunct political party in Norway
Wikipedia - Futuremark -- Defunct Finnish software company
Wikipedia - FV Alaska Ranger -- American fishing factory ship launched 1973 sunk 2008
Wikipedia - F. W. Olin Foundation -- Defunct American grantmaking organization
Wikipedia - FX (Italian TV channel) -- Defunct Italian television channel
Wikipedia - Gaborone City Council -- Governing body of the city of Gaborone, Botswana
Wikipedia - Gagarin's Start -- Launch site at Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan
Wikipedia - Gagea peduncularis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae
Wikipedia - Gainsari Junction railway station -- Railway station in Uttar Pradesh
Wikipedia - Gait Analysis: Normal and Pathological Function -- Book by Jacquelin Perry
Wikipedia - Galapagos Microplate -- A very small tectonic plate at the Galapagos Triple Junction
Wikipedia - Galapagos Rise -- A divergent boundary between the South American coast and the triple junction of the Nazca Plate, the Cocos Plate, and the Pacific Plate
Wikipedia - Galapagos Triple Junction -- Place where the boundaries of the Cocos Plate, the Nazca Plate, and the Pacific Plate meet
Wikipedia - Galician Unity (1991) -- Defunct nationalist party in Spain
Wikipedia - Gallic Empire -- Defunct European country
Wikipedia - Gambling -- Wagering of money on a game of chance or event with an uncertain outcome
Wikipedia - GameRankings -- Defunct American website that collected review scores from both offline and online sources to give an average rating
Wikipedia - GameSpy -- Defunct video game company
Wikipedia - Games-X -- defunct computer and video games magazine 1991-1992
Wikipedia - Gamharia Junction railway station -- Railway Station in Jharkhand
Wikipedia - Gamma function
Wikipedia - Gangkhar Puensum -- Unclimbed mountain in Bhutan
Wikipedia - Gan Mei Yan -- Malaysian radio announcer (born 1984)
Wikipedia - GAPA Launch Site and Blockhouse -- Historic NRHP launch site
Wikipedia - Garden of Ridvan, Baghdad -- Garden in Baghdad, where BahaM-JM-
Wikipedia - Garnett Duncan -- American politician
Wikipedia - Garo National Council -- Political party in Meghalaya, India
Wikipedia - Garrha atripunctatella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Garry Meadows -- Australian television presenter, radio announcer, and actor
Wikipedia - Garry Runciman, 3rd Viscount Runciman of Doxford -- British sociologist
Wikipedia - Garwa Road Junction railway station -- Railway station in Jharkhand, India
Wikipedia - Gary Owens -- American radio announcer and personality
Wikipedia - Gary Stein -- American sports announcer (born 1961)
Wikipedia - Gas diffusion electrode -- Electrodes with a conjunction of a solid, liquid and gaseous interface
Wikipedia - -- Defunct American social network website
Wikipedia - Gatter Autowerk Reichstadt -- Defunct Bohemian automobile manufacturer
Wikipedia - Gauss's lemma (polynomial) -- The greatest common divisor of the coefficients is a multiplicative function
Wikipedia - Gaya Junction railway station -- Railway station in Bihar
Wikipedia - Gay Nigger Association of America -- Defunct Internet trolling group
Wikipedia - Gazeta Warszawska -- defunct Polish daily newspaper
Wikipedia - GB Airways -- Defunct British airline
Wikipedia - Gelechia basipunctella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Gemstar-TV Guide International -- Defunct American media company
Wikipedia - Gene Okerlund -- American professional wrestling interviewer and announcer
Wikipedia - Gene ontology -- Knowledgebase for functions of genes and gene products
Wikipedia - General Congregation Council
Wikipedia - General council (Christianity)
Wikipedia - General Council of the Assemblies of God of India
Wikipedia - General Elderly Alliance -- Defunct political party in the Netherlands
Wikipedia - General Electric Company -- Defunct British-based industrial conglomerate
Wikipedia - General hypergeometric function -- Hypergeometric function in mathematics
Wikipedia - Generalized functional linear model -- Mathematical model for stochastic processes
Wikipedia - Generalized function
Wikipedia - General Medical Council -- Healthcare regulator for medical profession in the UK
Wikipedia - General Officer Staff (Hetmanate) -- Council of high-ranking officers in the Cossack Hetmanate
Wikipedia - General quarters -- Announcement made aboard a naval warship
Wikipedia - General recursive function -- One of several equivalent definitions of a computable function
Wikipedia - Generating function (physics) -- A function whose partial derivatives generate the differential equations that determine the dynamics of a system
Wikipedia - Generating function
Wikipedia - Generative systems -- Technologies with the overall capacity to produce unprompted change driven by large, varied, and uncoordinated audiences
Wikipedia - Generic functions
Wikipedia - Generic function
Wikipedia - Genesis I -- Experimental uncrewed space habitat
Wikipedia - Genetic pollution -- Term for uncontrolled gene flow into wild populations
Wikipedia - Geneva Medical College -- Defunct American medical school
Wikipedia - Gene Wood -- American game show announcer
Wikipedia - Genius Products -- Defunct entertainment company
Wikipedia - Geoff Duncan -- Lieutenant governor of Georgia
Wikipedia - Geohash -- A similarity-hashing function invented in 2008, specific for geographic coordinates compressing or for location clustering
Wikipedia - Geometric calculus -- Infinitesimal calculus on functions defined on a geometric algebra
Wikipedia - Georg Duncker
Wikipedia - George Ansbro -- American radio announcer
Wikipedia - George Duncan (painter) -- Australian painter
Wikipedia - Georgios Papandreou Party -- Defunct political party in Greece
Wikipedia - German and Austrian Alpine Club -- Defunct German/Austrian climbing organization
Wikipedia - German orthography reform of 1996 -- Reform of spelling and punctuation of the German language
Wikipedia - German People's Party (1868) -- Defunct political party in the German Reich
Wikipedia - Gerry MacLochlainn -- Irish republican, political activist, councillor
Wikipedia - Gharm Oblast -- Defunct oblast of the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic
Wikipedia - Ghaziabad Junction railway station -- Railway Station in Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Ghost of Tsushima -- 2020 action-adventure video game by Sucker Punch
Wikipedia - Giovanni Ceirano (nuncio)
Wikipedia - GirlsDoPorn -- defunct American pornographic website
Wikipedia - Giuncheto -- Commune in Corsica, France
Wikipedia - Giuseppe Camuncoli -- Italian comic book artist
Wikipedia - Glaeser's continuity theorem -- Characterizes the continuity of the derivative of the square roots of C2 functions
Wikipedia - Glasgow Cowal -- Defunct shinty team in Scotland
Wikipedia - Glass cockpit -- Aircraft instrumentation system consisting primarily of multi-function electronic displays
Wikipedia - Glassile Nurayum Platile Curryum (GNPC) -- Secret group on Facebook launched in 2017
Wikipedia - Glen Duncan -- British author
Wikipedia - Glenrowan railway station -- Defunct railway station in Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - Gliese 581g -- Unconfirmed (and disputed) exoplanet
Wikipedia - Global Assessment of Functioning -- Scale to rate how well one is meeting various problems in living
Wikipedia - Glomerular filtration rate -- Renal function test
Wikipedia - Glossary of functional analysis
Wikipedia - Glycoside -- Molecule in which a sugar is bound to another functional group
Wikipedia - GMH railway station -- Defunct railway station in Adelaide, Australia
Wikipedia - GMO Answers -- Front group launched by the agricultural biotechnology industry in July 2013
Wikipedia - GMR (magazine) -- Defunct video game magazine
Wikipedia - Gnome et Rhone -- Defunct aircraft engine manufacturer in France
Wikipedia - Gnome-Pie -- Linux application launcher software
Wikipedia - Gnome Press -- Defunct American small-press publishing company
Wikipedia - GNU Guix -- purely functional package manager for the GNU system
Wikipedia - God Bullies -- Defunct American noise-rock band
Wikipedia - Goddard-Thorn theorem -- Result in the mathematics of string theory on a functor that quantizes bosonic strings
Wikipedia - Godel numbering -- Function in mathematical logic
Wikipedia - Golden Gryphon Press -- Defunct American small press
Wikipedia - Gold Standard Laboratories -- Defunct independent record label
Wikipedia - Gompertz function -- Asymmetric sigmoid function
Wikipedia - Gondia Junction railway station -- Indian junction railway station serving Gondia in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Goniothalamus puncticulifolius -- Species of plantspecies of plant in the family Annonaceae
Wikipedia - Goodbye Uncle Tom -- 1971 film
Wikipedia - Good Vibrations (Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch song) -- 1991 single by Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch
Wikipedia - Google Bookmarks -- Online bookmarking service launched in 2005
Wikipedia - Google Lively -- Defunct virtual-world website
Wikipedia - Google Play Newsstand -- Defunct news aggregator and digital newsstand by Google
Wikipedia - Google Reader -- Defunct RSS/Atom feed aggregator formerly operated by Google
Wikipedia - Google+ -- Social network owned and operated by Google LLC (launched June 2011)
Wikipedia - Gordon Solie -- American wrestling announcer
Wikipedia - Gorseddau Junction and Portmadoc Railway -- Defunct railway in North Wales
Wikipedia - Gorseddau Tramway -- Defunct railway in North Wales
Wikipedia - GOST (hash function)
Wikipedia - Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses -- Ruling council of Jehovah's Witnesses
Wikipedia - Governor of Tunceli -- Governor of a Turkish Province
Wikipedia - Gradient -- Multi-variable generalization of the derivative of a function
Wikipedia - Graham Duncan (botanist) -- South African botanist and specialist bulb horticulturalist
Wikipedia - Grammatical conjunction
Wikipedia - Grand Council of Geneva -- Legislature of the canton of Geneva, Switzerland
Wikipedia - Grand Council (Qing dynasty) -- Qing dynasty policy-making body
Wikipedia - Grand Junction Canal -- English canal
Wikipedia - Grand Junction, Colorado -- Home rule municipality in Colorado, United States
Wikipedia - Grand Junction Railroad and Depot Company -- Connecting railroad in the Boston, Massachusetts, area
Wikipedia - Grand Pacific Junction -- historical district in Olmsted Falls, Ohio, US
Wikipedia - Granola -- Breakfast, lunch and snack food
Wikipedia - Grant-Hadley Enterprises -- Defunct American specialty small press
Wikipedia - Graph cut optimization -- Combinatorial optimization method for a family of functions of discrete variables
Wikipedia - Graph of a function -- Representation of a function as the set of pairs (x, f(x))
Wikipedia - Grave robbery -- Act of uncovering a tomb or crypt to steal artifacts or personal effects
Wikipedia - Gravity turn -- Spacecraft launch or descent maneuver
Wikipedia - Gray Marine Motor Company -- Defunct engineering company
Wikipedia - Great conjunction -- Conjunction of the planets Jupiter and Saturn
Wikipedia - Great Council of Mechelen -- Supreme court in the Burgundian Netherlands
Wikipedia - Greater London Council Staff Association -- British trade union
Wikipedia - Greater London Council
Wikipedia - Great Filly Stakes -- Defunct thoroughbred horse race
Wikipedia - Great Lakes Life Magazine -- Defunct American monthly magazine
Wikipedia - Great Northern and Great Eastern Joint Railway -- Defunct railway in England
Wikipedia - Great Northern Railway (Great Britain) -- Defunct British railway company
Wikipedia - Great Northern Railway (U.S.) -- Defunct American Class I railroad
Wikipedia - Great Renunciation -- Event in the life of Gautama Buddha
Wikipedia - Great Society -- Political program launched by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964-65
Wikipedia - Greek National Council for Radio and Television -- Greek broadcasting regulator
Wikipedia - Greek Rally -- Defunct political party in Greece
Wikipedia - Green Party of the Netherlands -- Defunct Dutch political party
Wikipedia - Green Party (UK) -- Defunct green political party in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Green room -- Space in a theatre or similar venue that functions as a waiting room and lounge for performers
Wikipedia - Green's function -- Impulse response of an inhomogeneous linear differential operator
Wikipedia - Gregg Press -- Defunct American small press/imprint
Wikipedia - Gregor Punchatz
Wikipedia - GRETA -- Council of Europe human rights group
Wikipedia - Grevillea disjuncta -- Species of shrub in the family Proteaceae native to Western Australia
Wikipedia - Grevillea juncifolia -- Species of shrub or tree in the family Proteaceae endemic to inland Australia
Wikipedia - Grevillea punctata -- Species of shrub in the family Proteaceae endemic to Western Australia
Wikipedia - Grevillea uncinulata -- Species of shrub in the family Proteaceae endemic to Western Australia
Wikipedia - Gross-Koblitz formula -- Expresses a Gauss sum using a product of values of the p-adic gamma function
Wikipedia - Guano Islands Act -- Congressional act of the United States allowing it to take possession of unclaimed islands containing guano deposits.
Wikipedia - Guardian (BahaM-JM- -- Defunct office of the BahaM-JM-
Wikipedia - Guardian Council -- Regulatory body in the Islamic Republic of Iran
Wikipedia - Guardian Student Media Award -- Defunct student journalism competition ran in the UK
Wikipedia - Gudermannian function -- Function that relates the circular functions and hyperbolic functions without using complex numbers
Wikipedia - Guerrilla Cambridge -- Defunct British video game developer
Wikipedia - Guerrilla marketing -- Advertising strategy using surprise and/or unconventional interactions
Wikipedia - Guido Munch -- Mexican astronomer
Wikipedia - Guild (ecology) -- Group of sympatric species with similar ecological function
Wikipedia - Gulfcoast Wonder & Imagination Zone -- defunct science museum in Sarasota, Florida
Wikipedia - Gulf Cooperation Council -- Union of Persian Gulf states
Wikipedia - Gunchei -- Dance found in Mexican culture
Wikipedia - GunchM-EM-+ Line -- Railway line in Ehime Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - GunchM-EM-+ Port Station -- Railway station in Iyo, Ehime Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - GunchM-EM-+ Station -- Railway station in Iyo, Ehime Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Gunter Wendt -- Pad leader for Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, and Skylab space launches
Wikipedia - Gurabo Abajo -- Barrio of Juncos, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Gurabo Arriba -- Barrio of Juncos, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Gurla Junction railway station -- Railway station in Rajasthan, India
Wikipedia - Gush Etzion Regional Council -- Israeli regional council in the West Bank
Wikipedia - Gustave Ador -- Member of the Swiss Federal Council
Wikipedia - Guttural -- Pronounced using the throat
Wikipedia - Gymnobathra rufopunctella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Habib Kot Junction railway station -- Railway station in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Habrosyne albipuncta -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - Hagedorn temperature -- Temperature at which the partition function of a statistical-mechanical system diverges
Wikipedia - Hahn-Banach theorem -- Theorem on extension of bounded linear functionals
Wikipedia - HAIFA construction -- Design method for cryptographic hash functions
Wikipedia - Hakea pedunculata -- Species of plant in the family Proteaceae endemic to north Queensland, Australia
Wikipedia - Haldane Duncan -- British television director (1940-2018)
Wikipedia - Half-uncial
Wikipedia - Hal Simms -- American television announcer
Wikipedia - Halwill Junction railway station -- Former railway station in Devon, England
Wikipedia - Ham (chimpanzee) -- First non-human hominid launched into space
Wikipedia - Hamiltonian function
Wikipedia - Hamlet Had an Uncle
Wikipedia - Hammett acidity function -- Measure of acidity used for extremely acidic solutions
Wikipedia - Hamza ibn Abdul-Muttalib -- Muhammad's companion and uncle
Wikipedia - Hand Hills-Acadia -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Hands of the Cause -- Group of BahaM-JM-
Wikipedia - Hang Hau East (constituency) -- Constituency of the Sai Kung District Council of Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Hang Hau West (constituency) -- Constituency of the Sai Kung District Council of Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Hannibal (Dortmund) -- Multi-functional high-rise building in Dortmund
Wikipedia - Hans Mommsen -- German historian known for his functionalist interpretation of the Third Reich
Wikipedia - Hanuman Junction (film) -- 2001 film by M. Raja
Wikipedia - Hanyang HY4260 -- Chinese transporter erector launcher
Wikipedia - Hanyang HY4330 -- Chinese transporter erector launcher
Wikipedia - Happy Eater -- Defunct British roadside restaurant chain
Wikipedia - Hapur Junction railway station -- Railway Station in Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Haranpur Junction railway station -- Railway station in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Harare City Council -- Harare city council
Wikipedia - Harbour launch -- Small vessel used by Royal Navy
Wikipedia - Hardware acceleration -- Use of specialized computer hardware to perform some functions more efficiently than is possible in software running on a more general-purpose CPU
Wikipedia - Harmonic function
Wikipedia - Harold George Jerrard -- |physicist, sailor and councillor
Wikipedia - Harper Aircraft Manufacturing Company -- Defunct American aircraft manufacturer
Wikipedia - Harper Prism -- Defunct American publishing imprint
Wikipedia - Harry Bartell -- American actor and announcer
Wikipedia - Harry J. Buncke -- American plastic surgeon
Wikipedia - Harry Moore Dauncey -- British missionary
Wikipedia - Harry S. Cummings -- Lawyer, fraternal leader, and Baltimore City councilman.
Wikipedia - Harry von Zell -- American actor, singer, announcer
Wikipedia - Hart Aircraft Service -- Defunct Australian aviation company
Wikipedia - Harts Local Grocers -- Defunct grocery store in Rochester, NY, USA
Wikipedia - Hart, Son, Peard and Co. -- Defunct British architectural metalworkers based in London
Wikipedia - Harvard Undergraduate Council -- Student government of Harvard College
Wikipedia - Hash function security summary -- Publicly known attacks against cryptographic hash functions
Wikipedia - Hash functions
Wikipedia - Hash function -- Type of function that maps data of arbitrary size to data of fixed size
Wikipedia - Haskell (programming language) -- Functional programming language
Wikipedia - Hastings Duncan -- British politician
Wikipedia - Hathidah Junction railway station -- Railway station in Bihar
Wikipedia - Hathras Junction railway station -- Railway station in Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Hau Tak (constituency) -- Constituency of the Sai Kung District Council of Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Hawaiian Punch -- Fruit punch brand
Wikipedia - H. Councill Trenholm State Community College -- Community college in Montgomery, Alabama, U.S.
Wikipedia - Headstrong Games -- Defunct British video game developer
Wikipedia - Health and Care Professions Council
Wikipedia - Health Professions Council of South Africa
Wikipedia - Health Professions Council
Wikipedia - Health professions council
Wikipedia - Healthways (scuba gear company) -- Defunct firm which made scuba gear
Wikipedia - Health -- Level of functional or metabolic efficiency of a living being
Wikipedia - Heaviside step function
Wikipedia - Heavy-lift launch vehicle -- Launch vehicle capable of lifting between 20,000 to 50,000 kg into low Earth orbit
Wikipedia - Hebrew punctuation
Wikipedia - Height function -- Mathematical functions that quantify complexity
Wikipedia - Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle
Wikipedia - Heisenberg uncertainty principle
Wikipedia - Helen Duncan
Wikipedia - Helen M. Duncan -- American paleontologist
Wikipedia - Helen von Munchofen -- Danish actress
Wikipedia - Helleborus cyclophyllus -- species of plant in the family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Hellingly Hospital Railway -- Light railway owned and operated by East Sussex County Council
Wikipedia - Hellinsia chuncheonensis -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Hellinsia conjunctus -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Hellinsia fissuripuncta -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Hellinsia punctata -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Help:Parser functions
Wikipedia - Help:Parser function
Wikipedia - Help:Pronunciation respelling key -- Wikipedia information page
Wikipedia - Help:Switch parser function
Wikipedia - Help:Time function
Wikipedia - Hemithioacetal -- | Organic functional group
Wikipedia - Hendiadys -- Conjunction for emphasis
Wikipedia - Hendre-Ddu Tramway -- Defunct narrow gauge railway in Wales
Wikipedia - Henryk Torunczyk -- Polish soldier
Wikipedia - Henshey's -- Defunct department store
Wikipedia - Hepatica -- Genus of flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Hepatoblastoma -- Uncommon liver cancer occurring in infants and children
Wikipedia - Herb Wesson -- American politician; former President of the Los Angeles City Council
Wikipedia - Hercules Inc. -- Defunct weapons and munitions company
Wikipedia - Here be dragons -- Phrase used on maps to indicate uncharted areas
Wikipedia - Herefordshire Council -- Unitary local government authority for the county of Herefordshire in England
Wikipedia - Heritage Council (Ireland) -- Government agency of Ireland
Wikipedia - Herman J. Duncan -- American architect
Wikipedia - Herman Van Rompuy -- 49th Prime Minister of Belgium and 1st President of the European Council
Wikipedia - Hermite's identity -- Gives the value of a summation involving the floor function
Wikipedia - Herpetogramma bipunctalis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Heterochorista punctulana -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Heuristic function
Wikipedia - Hevel Modi'in Regional Council -- Israeli regional council
Wikipedia - He Yunchang -- Chinese performance artist
Wikipedia - Hicksian demand function -- Demand of a consumer over a bundle of goods that minimizes their expenditure while delivering a fixed level of utility.
Wikipedia - Hidden Lake Academy -- Defunct boarding school in Georgia, US
Wikipedia - Hierophant -- Religious function
Wikipedia - Higbee's -- Defunct Cleveland, OH department store
Wikipedia - High Council of State (Algeria)
Wikipedia - Higher Education Funding Council for England
Wikipedia - Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario
Wikipedia - Higher-order functions
Wikipedia - Higher-order function
Wikipedia - Highest unclimbed mountain -- A summit never reached by mountaineers
Wikipedia - High-functioning autism -- People with autism who are deemed to be cognitively "higher functioning" (with an IQ of 70 or greater) than other people with autism
Wikipedia - Highland (council area) -- Council area of Scotland
Wikipedia - High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina -- Supreme political position in Bosnia and Herzegovina, appointed by the Peace Implementation Council
Wikipedia - H-II Transfer Vehicle -- Uncrewed cargo spacecraft developed by JAXA
Wikipedia - Hilander Foods -- Defunct American supermarket chain
Wikipedia - Hilbert scheme -- Moduli scheme of subschemes of a scheme, represents the flat-family-of-subschemes functor
Wikipedia - Hillborough Studios -- Defunct Canadian comics publisher
Wikipedia - Hillevi Svedberg -- Swedish Functionalist architect
Wikipedia - Hilliard's Beer -- Defunct brewery in Seattle, Washington
Wikipedia - Himmelblau's function -- Function used as a performance test problem for optimization algorithms
Wikipedia - Hi-Point Carbine -- Carbine developed during defunct 1994 Federal assault weapons ban
Wikipedia - Hirai Junction -- Railway junction in Toyokawa, Aichi Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - History of Bristol City Council -- Aspect of history
Wikipedia - History of the function concept -- Mathematical concept of a function
Wikipedia - HMAS Adelaide (L01) -- Landing helicopter dock of the Royal Australian Navy (launched 2012)
Wikipedia - HMC ML Q051 -- A wooden Fairmile B Motor Launch (ML) upgunned sub chaser delivered to the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) on 24 November 1941.
Wikipedia - HMC ML Q052 -- A wooden Fairmile B Motor Launch (ML) upgunned submarine chaser delivered to the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) on 31 October 1941.
Wikipedia - HMC ML Q053 -- A wooden Fairmile B Motor Launch (ML) upgunned submarine chaser delivered to the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) on 17 November 1941.
Wikipedia - HMC ML Q054 -- A wooden Fairmile B Motor Launch (ML) upgunned sub chaser delivered to the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) on 17 October 1941.
Wikipedia - HMC ML Q055 -- A wooden Fairmile B Motor Launch (ML) upgunned sub chaser delivered to the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) on 6 November 1941.
Wikipedia - HMC ML Q057 -- A wooden Fairmile B Motor Launch (ML) upgunned submarine chaser delivered to the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) on 28 October 1941.
Wikipedia - HMS Acheron (1803) -- Ship launched at Whitby in 1799
Wikipedia - HMS Agincourt (1913) -- Dreadnought battleship launched in 1913
Wikipedia - HMS Albion (1802) -- Ship launched on 17 June 1802
Wikipedia - HMS Bacchante (F69) -- (F69) Leander-class frigate launched in 1968
Wikipedia - HMS Delphinium (1915) -- Arabis-class sloop launched in 1915
Wikipedia - HMS Diamond (D35) -- British Royal Navy destroyer, launched 1950
Wikipedia - HMS Diana (D126) -- British destroyer, launched 1952
Wikipedia - HMS Dragon (1760) -- 74-gun Bellona-class third-rate ship of the line of the Royal Navy, launched 4 March 1760
Wikipedia - HMS Duncan (1811) -- Vengeur-class ship of the line
Wikipedia - HMS Duncan (1901) -- Royal Navy pre-dreadnought battleship
Wikipedia - HMS Duncan (D37) -- Type 45 or Daring-class air-defence destroyer
Wikipedia - HMS Duncan (D99) -- D-class destroyer leader built for the Royal Navy in the early 1930s
Wikipedia - HMS Duncan (F80) -- Blackwood-class frigate of the Royal Navy
Wikipedia - HMS Eskimo (F75) -- Tribal-class destroyer launched 1937
Wikipedia - HMS Hero (H99) -- H-class destroyer, launched 1936
Wikipedia - HMS Lively (1756) -- 20-gun post ship of the Royal Navy, launched in 1756
Wikipedia - HMS M1 -- Submarine of the British Royal Navy launched in 1917
Wikipedia - HMS Magpie (U82) -- Royal Navy Modified Black Swan-class sloop launched in 1943 and broken up in 1959
Wikipedia - HMS Mars (1794) -- Ship of the British Royal Navy, launched on 25 October 1794
Wikipedia - HMS Mars (1848) -- Vanguard-class ship of the line of the British Royal Navy, launched on 1 July 1848
Wikipedia - HMS Minerva (F45) -- Leander-class frigate, launched 1964
Wikipedia - HMS Niger (1892) -- Torpedo gunboat launched in 1892
Wikipedia - HMS Penelope (F127) -- Leander-class frigate, launched 1962
Wikipedia - HMS Phoebe (1890) -- Pearl-class cruiser of the Royal Navy launched in 1890
Wikipedia - HMS Phoebe (43) -- Dido-class light cruiser of the Royal Navy, launched in 1939
Wikipedia - HMS Phoebe (F42) -- Leander-class frigate of the Royal Navy launched in 1964
Wikipedia - HMS Puncher (D79) -- 1944 Ruler-class escort aircraft carrier
Wikipedia - HMS Puncher (P291) -- 1988 Archer-class patrol and training vessel
Wikipedia - HMS Queen Elizabeth (R08) -- British aircraft carrier launched in 2014
Wikipedia - HMS Revenge (S27) -- Resolution-class submarine launched in 1968
Wikipedia - HMS Scarborough (F63) -- Type-12 class frigate, launched 1955
Wikipedia - HMS Shark (54S) -- British World War II era submarine (launched 1934, sunk 1940)
Wikipedia - HMS Valiant (S102) -- Valiant-class submarine, launched 1963
Wikipedia - Hoi Chun (constituency) -- Constituency of the Sai Kung District Council of Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Holbrook Bodies -- Defunct Coventry coach-building company
Wikipedia - Holdens railway station -- Defunct railway station in Adelaide, Australia
Wikipedia - Hole punch
Wikipedia - Holland, Hannen & Cubitts -- Defunct building company based in London
Wikipedia - Holliday junction -- Branched nucleic acid structure
Wikipedia - Hollie Duncan -- Canadian curler
Wikipedia - Holly Rowe -- American sports announcer
Wikipedia - Holomorphic function
Wikipedia - Holonomic function -- Type of functions, in mathematical analysis
Wikipedia - Holt Manufacturing Company -- Defunct American tractor company, predecessor to Caterpillar Tractor Company
Wikipedia - Holy Family Academy (Bayonne, New Jersey) -- Defunct Catholic high school in Hudson County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Homestead principle -- legal principle that you own unclaimed natural resources by first using them
Wikipedia - Hom-functor
Wikipedia - Homonym -- One of a group of words that share the same spelling and the same pronunciation but have different meanings
Wikipedia - Homophone -- Word that has identical pronunciation as another word, but differs in meaning
Wikipedia - Homosexual panic -- Panic due to the pressure of uncontrollable perverse sexual cravings
Wikipedia - H. O. Mounce -- British philosopher
Wikipedia - Homunculi
Wikipedia - Homunculus et la Belle Etoile -- Poem by Wallace Stevens
Wikipedia - Homunculus fallacy
Wikipedia - Homunculus (film) -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - Homunculus, Vol. 2 -- album by Peter Frohmader
Wikipedia - Homunculus
Wikipedia - Hong King (constituency) -- Constituency of the Sai Kung District Council of Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Hong Kong Air International -- Defunct Hong Kong aviation company
Wikipedia - Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China -- Protestant church in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Hong Kong Liaison Office -- An organ of the Central People's Government (State Council) of China in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Hopewell Junction, New York
Wikipedia - Horch -- Defunct German car brand
Wikipedia - Horizontal integration facility -- Integration facility where missiles and rockets are assembled before launch.
Wikipedia - Horowitz index -- Ratio used to assess lung function
Wikipedia - Horst Fascher -- German boxer and nightlub bouncer
Wikipedia - Hospital Bend -- A major freeway junction in Cape Town
Wikipedia - Hospital emergency codes -- Coded messages often announced over a public address system of a hospital
Wikipedia - Hospital to Alta -- Defunct single-issue political party in Norway
Wikipedia - Hotel Carolina -- Defunct music festival in South Carolina
Wikipedia - Hotel for Dogs -- 1971 book by Lois Duncan
Wikipedia - Hough function -- The eigenfunctions of Laplace's tidal equations which govern fluid motion on a rotating sphere
Wikipedia - House -- Building that functions as a dwelling
Wikipedia - Houston City Council
Wikipedia - Howard Finkel -- Professional wrestling ring announcer
Wikipedia - Howie Chizek -- American sports announcer (1947-2012)
Wikipedia - HSwMS Sjobjornen (Sbj) -- Swedish submarine, launched 1968
Wikipedia - HTF5680A1 -- Chinese missile launcher
Wikipedia - Hubli Junction railway station -- Railway station in Karnataka
Wikipedia - Hudson Motor Car Company -- Defunct auto company
Wikipedia - Hudson Soft -- Defunct Japanese video game company
Wikipedia - Hugh Duncan Baillie -- British Army officer and MP
Wikipedia - Hugo d'Assuncao -- Portuguese judoka
Wikipedia - Human-rating certification -- certification of a spacecraft or launch vehicle
Wikipedia - Hunchback (video game)
Wikipedia - Hungarian Radical Party -- Defunct political party in Hungary
Wikipedia - Hunter Jaegers -- Defunct Australian netball team
Wikipedia - Hurford disjunction
Wikipedia - Hurricane glass -- Form of drinking glass which typically will contain 20 US fluid ounces
Wikipedia - Hussain Ali Yousafi -- Member of the Quetta city council
Wikipedia - Hyblaea junctura -- Moth species in family Hyblaeidae
Wikipedia - Hyderabad Junction railway station -- Railway station in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Hyder (defunct company) -- Defunct Welsh water company
Wikipedia - Hydrocotyle ranunculoides -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Hypagyrtis unipunctata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Hypatopa interpunctella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Hypatopa inunctella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Hyperbolic functions -- Mathematical functions for hyperbolas similar to trigonometric functions for circles
Wikipedia - Hypergeometric function of a matrix argument
Wikipedia - Hypergeometric function
Wikipedia - Hyper-injunctions in English law -- Form of superinjunction
Wikipedia - Hyperkinesia -- Excessive movements due to basal ganglia dysfunction
Wikipedia - Hyphen -- Punctuation mark used to join words
Wikipedia - Hypokinesia -- Decreased movement due to basal ganglia dysfunction
Wikipedia - Hypomecis punctinalis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Hypoponera punctatissima -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Hypot -- Computationally safe computer function to calculate the hypotenuse of a right triangle
Wikipedia - I-3K -- Satellite launch vehicle
Wikipedia - Ian Duncan (actor) -- South African actor
Wikipedia - Ian Duncan, Baron Duncan of Springbank -- British Conservative politician
Wikipedia - Ian Eagle -- American sports announcer
Wikipedia - Ian Shugart -- 24th Clerk of the Privy Council of Canada
Wikipedia - IBM 603 -- Control panel programmable electronic calculating card punch
Wikipedia - IBM 604 -- Control panel programmable electronic calculating card punch
Wikipedia - I Can't Help Myself (Sugar Pie Honey Bunch) -- 1965 single by the Four Tops
Wikipedia - Iceland Democratic Party -- Defunct political party in Iceland
Wikipedia - Icelandic Movement - Living Country -- Defunct political party in Iceland
Wikipedia - ICES Journal of Marine Science -- A peer-reviewed scientific journal covering oceanography and marine biology. It is published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
Wikipedia - Identity function -- In mathematics, a function that always returns the same value that was used as its argument
Wikipedia - Idris Williams -- Welsh educationalist and councillor (1836-1894)
Wikipedia - IDX Systems -- Defunct US health care software technology company
Wikipedia - IEEE Council on Electronic Design Automation
Wikipedia - Ignatz Bubis -- Former president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany
Wikipedia - Igusa zeta-function -- Type of generating function in mathematics
Wikipedia - Ilkeston Junction and Cossall railway station -- Former railway station in Derbyshire, England
Wikipedia - Illusory conjunctions -- Illusory conjunctions
Wikipedia - Image (function)
Wikipedia - Image (mathematics) -- The set of all values of a function
Wikipedia - I'm Dysfunctional, You're Dysfunctional
Wikipedia - Immaculate Heart College -- Defunct Catholic college in Los Angeles, California
Wikipedia - Immediately-invoked function expression
Wikipedia - Immigrans-tripunctata radiation -- Species group of the subgenus Drosophila
Wikipedia - Immune function
Wikipedia - Immunoglobulin A -- Antibody that plays a crucial role in the immune function of mucous membranes
Wikipedia - Imperial General Headquarters -- Part of the Supreme War Council of Japan
Wikipedia - Imperial Household Council -- Government agency
Wikipedia - Implicit function theorem -- On converting relations to functions of several real variables
Wikipedia - Improvised explosive device -- Unconventionally produced bombs
Wikipedia - Inanidrilus aduncosetis -- Species of annelid
Wikipedia - INB Financial Corporation -- Defunct American bank holding company
Wikipedia - Incapacitation (penology) -- One of the functions of punishment
Wikipedia - Incendiary balloon -- Unmanned balloons launched in the hope of starting fires in enemy countries.
Wikipedia - Incertae sedis -- Term to indicate an uncertain taxonomic position
Wikipedia - Inclusive disjunction
Wikipedia - Incognito Entertainment -- Defunct American video game developer
Wikipedia - Independence Air -- Defunce American low-cost airline
Wikipedia - Independent Labour Network -- Defunct left wing political group in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Independent Liberals (Israel) -- Defunct Israeli political party
Wikipedia - Independent Police Complaints Council -- Hong Kong police oversight body
Wikipedia - Independents Group -- Defunct political party in the Australian Capital Territory
Wikipedia - Independent Subway System -- Defunct subway operator in New York City
Wikipedia - Indestructible Record Company -- Defunct American music company that sold cylinder records
Wikipedia - Index set (recursion theory) -- Classes of partial recursive functions, specifically they give all indices of functions in that class according to a fixed enumeration of partial recursive functions
Wikipedia - Indiana University - Purdue University Fort Wayne -- Defunct university
Wikipedia - Indian Council of Historical Research
Wikipedia - Indian Data Relay Satellite System -- First launch due end 2020
Wikipedia - Indian Evidence Act -- Act of Imperial Legislative Council of India
Wikipedia - Indian indenture system -- System of indentured servitude, functioning as a substitute for slave labour, following the abolition of the slave trade in 1833 and continued until the 1920s
Wikipedia - Indian Public Diplomacy -- Defunct Indian government agency
Wikipedia - Indians in Council, California -- Painting by Albert Bierstadt
Wikipedia - Indian Summer of an Uncle -- Short story by P. G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - Indian vernacular architecture -- Informal, functional architecture of structures, often in rural areas of India, built of local materials
Wikipedia - Indicator function -- A mathematical function
Wikipedia - Indira Alfonzo -- President of the national electoral council of venezuela
Wikipedia - Indonesian Christian Party -- Defunct political party in Indonesia
Wikipedia - Indonesian Council of Ulama
Wikipedia - Indore Junction railway station -- Railway station in Madhya Pradesh
Wikipedia - Inductive functional programming
Wikipedia - Induprakash -- defunct weekly bi-lingual periodical arguing for Indian independence
Wikipedia - Indus Air -- Defunct Indian regional airline
Wikipedia - Inferuncus infesta -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Inferuncus nigreus -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Inferuncus pentheres -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Inferuncus stoltzei -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Inferuncus -- Plume moth genus
Wikipedia - Information and Communications Technology Council
Wikipedia - Information Technology Industry Council
Wikipedia - Ingeborg Rapoport -- German physician and East German communist functionary
Wikipedia - Injective function -- Function that preserves distinctness
Wikipedia - Injunction -- a legal order to stop doing something
Wikipedia - Inline function
Wikipedia - Innovation Publishing -- Defunct American comic book company
Wikipedia - I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry -- 2007 film by Dennis Dugan
Wikipedia - Inquilabi Communist Sangathan -- Defunct Trotskyist organisation in India
Wikipedia - Inside Kung Fu -- Defunct American Martial Arts Magazine
Wikipedia - Inspiration Mars Foundation -- A defunct American organization that proposed a crewed flyby mission to Mars
Wikipedia - Instart -- Defunct American multinational computer technology corporation
Wikipedia - Institutional Renewal Party of National Action -- Defunct political party in Ecuador
Wikipedia - Integra Air -- Defunct Canadian regional airline
Wikipedia - Integrable function
Wikipedia - Integral of the secant function
Wikipedia - Integral transform -- Mapping involving integration between function spaces
Wikipedia - Integrodifference equation -- A recurrence equation on a function space, that involves integration
Wikipedia - Intellectual functioning -- Mental Function
Wikipedia - Intellectual function
Wikipedia - Intelsat 708 -- United States failed satellite launch
Wikipedia - Interavia Airlines -- Defunct Russian domestic airline
Wikipedia - Interborough Rapid Transit Company -- Defunct subway operator in New York City
Wikipedia - Interchange (road) -- Road junction, typically using grade separation
Wikipedia - Interdisciplinary Council on Developmental and Learning Disorders -- Nonprofit organization
Wikipedia - Intermarket Bank -- Defunct Zambian commercial bank
Wikipedia - Intermediate value theorem -- A continuous function on an interval takes on every value between its values at the ends
Wikipedia - International BahaM-JM- -- Former administrative institution of the BahaM-JM-
Wikipedia - International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health
Wikipedia - International Conference on Functional Programming
Wikipedia - International Council Correspondence
Wikipedia - International Council for Adult Education -- International educational organization
Wikipedia - International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Wikipedia - International Council for Open and Distance Education -- Distance education institutions based in Norway
Wikipedia - International Council for Science -- International non-governmental organisation
Wikipedia - International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
Wikipedia - International Council of Design -- International organisation
Wikipedia - International Council of Museums
Wikipedia - International Council of Unitarians and Universalists
Wikipedia - International Council of Universities of Saint Thomas Aquinas
Wikipedia - International Council of Women -- international women's organization
Wikipedia - International Council on Archives
Wikipedia - International Council on Educational Credential Evaluation -- Organization
Wikipedia - International Council on Systems Engineering
Wikipedia - International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda -- International court established by the United Nations Security Council in Resolution 955
Wikipedia - International Designator -- Alphanumerical designation used to identify spacecraft in or beyond Earth orbit launched since 1962
Wikipedia - Internationalist Communist League (Portugal) -- Defunct Trotskyist party in Portugal
Wikipedia - International Lutheran Council
Wikipedia - International Ministerial Council of Great Britain -- Christian denomination in Great Britain
Wikipedia - International Museum Day -- annual international day observed on or around 18 May and coordinated by the International Council of Museums
Wikipedia - International Music Feed -- Defunct music channel in the United States
Wikipedia - International Society for Computational Biology Student Council
Wikipedia - International Valuation Standards Council -- Provfessional valuation organization
Wikipedia - International Wrestling Association of Japan -- Defunct Japanese professional wrestling promotion
Wikipedia - Internet outage -- Loss of internet functionality over a small or large area
Wikipedia - Interpeduncular cistern -- Subarachnoid cistern above and in front of the pons
Wikipedia - Interplanetary spaceflight -- TheM-BM- crewed or uncrewed travel between stars or planets, usually within a single planetary system
Wikipedia - Interpol notice -- International alert/announcement
Wikipedia - Interpretation function
Wikipedia - Interpunct
Wikipedia - Intersection (road) -- A road junction where two or more roads either meet or cross at grade
Wikipedia - Intersex -- Uncommon congenital variations of sex-associated characteristics
Wikipedia - InterSky -- Defunct Austrian airline
Wikipedia - Interstate Aviation Committee -- Executive body of the Civil Aviation and Airspace Use Council of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
Wikipedia - In the Uncommon Market -- 1986 live album by Duke Ellington
Wikipedia - Intrinsic function
Wikipedia - Invariant (mathematics) -- Property of mathematical objects that remains unchanged for transformations applied to the objects
Wikipedia - Inventive spelling -- The use of unconventional spellings of words
Wikipedia - Inverclyde -- Council area of Scotland
Wikipedia - Inverse functions and differentiation -- Calculus identity
Wikipedia - Inverse function theorem -- On when a function is invertible in a neighborhood of a point
Wikipedia - Inverse function -- Mathematical concept
Wikipedia - Inverse hyperbolic functions -- Mathematical functions
Wikipedia - Inverted question and exclamation marks -- Punctuation marks
Wikipedia - Invincible Pictures -- Defunct Australian film production company
Wikipedia - Involuntary memory -- Memory of the past that is unconsciously triggered by an environmental cue
Wikipedia - Iodine in biology -- Description of the element's function as an essential trace element
Wikipedia - Ipswich Borough Council -- English local authority
Wikipedia - Iraqi Christian Relief Council -- Assyrian humanitarian organization
Wikipedia - Irene Tunc -- French actress
Wikipedia - Irish Centre Party (1919) -- Defunct federalist political party in Ireland
Wikipedia - Irish Fiscal Advisory Council -- Oversight of Irish State budget
Wikipedia - Irish head of state from 1936 to 1949 -- Uncertainty involving the role of the British monarch as head of state of Ireland until 1949
Wikipedia - Irish Loyal and Patriotic Union -- Defunct unionist political party in 19th century Ireland
Wikipedia - Irish Monetary Reform Association -- Defunct right wing party in Ireland
Wikipedia - Iron Junction, Minnesota -- City in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Irony punctuation
Wikipedia - Irrational function
Wikipedia - Irritable bowel syndrome -- functional bowel disorder characterized by chronic issues without an organic cause
Wikipedia - Irvine City Council -- Governing body of Irvine, California
Wikipedia - Isaac Chauncey -- U.S. Navy Officer
Wikipedia - Isaac Chauncy -- English dissenting minister
Wikipedia - Isadora Duncan -- American dancer and choreographer
Wikipedia - Isambard Kingdom Brunel Standing Before the Launching Chains of the Great Eastern -- 1857 photograph
Wikipedia - ISFiC Press -- Defunct American specialty small press
Wikipedia - Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq -- Iraqi political party
Wikipedia - Islands District Council -- The district council for the Islands District in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Isle of Anglesey County Council -- Welsh County Council
Wikipedia - Islwyn Borough Transport -- A defunct Welsh bus operator
Wikipedia - Isoceras bipunctatum -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Isopogon uncinatus -- Species of shrub of the family Proteaceae endemic to Western Australia
Wikipedia - I-Space (Chinese company) -- Chinese private space launch company
Wikipedia - Isse punctata -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Italian Democratic Party -- Defunct political party in Italy
Wikipedia - Italian Democratic Socialists -- Defunct political party in Italy
Wikipedia - Italian Renewal -- Defunct liberal political party in Italy
Wikipedia - Italian Socialist Party of Proletarian Unity -- Defunct socialist party in Italy
Wikipedia - Iterated function system
Wikipedia - Iterated function
Wikipedia - Iterated logarithm -- The inverse function to a tower of powers
Wikipedia - Iva Toguri D'Aquino -- World War II propaganda announcer
Wikipedia - IZair -- Defunct Turkish airline
Wikipedia - Jabalpur Junction railway station -- Railway station at Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Jacinta Duncan -- Australian science educator
Wikipedia - Jack Clark (television personality) -- American television game show host and announcer
Wikipedia - Jack Duncan (soccer) -- Australian goalkeeper
Wikipedia - Jackfield Halt railway station -- Defunct unstaffed request stop on the Severn Valley ralway line in Shropshire, England
Wikipedia - Jack Fleming -- American sports announcer
Wikipedia - Jacksons of Piccadilly -- A defunct London tea house, tea wholesaler and retailer
Wikipedia - Jack Williams (American politician) -- American radio announcer and politician
Wikipedia - Jacobi-Anger expansion -- An expansion of exponentials of trigonometric functions in the basis of their harmonics
Wikipedia - Jacobian matrix and determinant -- Matrix of all first-order partial derivatives of a vector-valued function
Wikipedia - Jacob van den Eynde -- Dutch councillor and politician (1515-1570)
Wikipedia - Jacques Doucet (sportscaster) -- French radio play-by-play announcer
Wikipedia - Jakhapura Junction railway station -- Railway station on the East Coast Railway network in India
Wikipedia - Jakob StM-CM-$mpfli -- Member of the Swiss Federal Council
Wikipedia - Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad -- Defunct militant Jihadist group
Wikipedia - Jamalpur Junction railway station -- Railway station in Bihar
Wikipedia - James Brown (sportscaster) -- American sports announcer (born 1951)
Wikipedia - James Bunce (MP) -- English politician
Wikipedia - James Duncan Davidson -- Software developer and photographer
Wikipedia - James Duncan Graham -- American army officer, surveyor and engineer
Wikipedia - James Ewing Hospital -- defunct Manhattan hospital
Wikipedia - James Runcie -- English novelist, documentary filmmaker, television producer, and playwright
Wikipedia - James Tin Yau So -- Acupuncturist
Wikipedia - James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher -- Sentence used to demonstrate lexical ambiguity and the importance of punctuation
Wikipedia - Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind -- Council of Indian Muslim Theologians
Wikipedia - Jana tripunctata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Jan Barham -- Member of the New South Wales Legislative Council
Wikipedia - Jan Evangelista PurkynM-DM-^[ -- Czech member of Czech council, biologist, physiologist, doctor and inventor
Wikipedia - Japan Cooperative Party (1945-46) -- Defunct political party in post-war Japan
Wikipedia - Japanese punctuation
Wikipedia - Jarrett/Favre Motorsports -- Defunct American stock car racing team
Wikipedia - Jassar Junction railway station -- Railway station in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Jayender Kumar Dabas -- Indian politician and is councillor
Wikipedia - Jay Reynolds (sportscaster) -- American sports announcer
Wikipedia - Jay Stewart -- American game show announcer
Wikipedia - Jazz Securo -- Ring announcer
Wikipedia - J. C. Duncan -- American politician
Wikipedia - J. Duncan Gleason -- American painter
Wikipedia - Jean-Claude Juncker -- Former President of the European Commission
Wikipedia - Jean Duncan (artist) -- British artist
Wikipedia - Jean Strunc -- French racewalker
Wikipedia - J. Ebb Duncan -- American politician
Wikipedia - Jeff Duncan (politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - Jennifer Faunce -- American politician and Judge from Michigan
Wikipedia - Jericka Duncan -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jernima de la Asuncin
Wikipedia - Jerry Baker (announcer) -- American sports announcer
Wikipedia - Jerry Bishop -- American announcer
Wikipedia - Jesse Wente -- Chairperson, Canada Council for the Arts, indigenous rights activist
Wikipedia - Jessica Duncan Piazzi Smyth -- British geologist
Wikipedia - Jesus Junction -- Intersection in Atlanta, Georgia
Wikipedia - Jett8 Airlines -- Defunct cargo airline
Wikipedia - Jewish Community Relations Council -- Public affairs organization
Wikipedia - Jewish National Party -- Defunct Austrian political party
Wikipedia - Jhansi Junction railway station -- Railway Station in Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Jharkhand Academic Council -- State government agency
Wikipedia - JH (hash function)
Wikipedia - Jiedushi -- Regional military governor function
Wikipedia - Jigme Wangchuk (National Council member) -- Bhutanese politician
Wikipedia - Jim Anderton's Progressive Party -- Defunct New Zealand political party
Wikipedia - Jim Brandstatter -- American sports announcer
Wikipedia - Jimmie Lunceford -- American jazz musician
Wikipedia - Jimmy Duncan (politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - Jimmy Lennon Jr. -- American boxing announcer
Wikipedia - Jimmy Snyder (sports commentator) -- American horse racing announcer & television sports announcer
Wikipedia - Jinzhou Province -- Defunct province in East Asia
Wikipedia - J.J. Newberry -- Defunct American five and dime store chain
Wikipedia - Joachim Muncheberg -- German fighter ace and Knight's Cross recipient
Wikipedia - Joanne Duncan (athlete) -- English shot putter
Wikipedia - Joanne Duncan (politician) -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - Joao Branco Nuncio -- Portuguese bullfighter
Wikipedia - Jockey Slut -- Defunct British music magazine
Wikipedia - Joe A. Martinez -- American announcer
Wikipedia - Joel Gertner -- American wrestling announcer
Wikipedia - Joe Tessitore -- American sports announcer (born 1971)
Wikipedia - Joey Styles -- American professional wrestling announcer
Wikipedia - Johannes Leunclavius
Wikipedia - Johann Georg Ehrlich -- German merchant and town councillor
Wikipedia - Johann von Lwenstern-Kunckel
Wikipedia - John Ajaka -- President of the New South Wales Legislative Council
Wikipedia - John B. Stetson Company -- Defunct maker of the Stetson cowboy hats
Wikipedia - John Cramer (announcer) -- American television announcer
Wikipedia - John Duncan Bligh -- British diplomat
Wikipedia - John Duncan (British Army officer, born 1870) -- British Army officer
Wikipedia - John Duncan Inverarity -- Indian jurist
Wikipedia - John Duncan (neuroscientist)
Wikipedia - John Duncanson (broadcaster) -- British broadcaster
Wikipedia - John Duncanson (industrialist) -- British industrialist
Wikipedia - John Duncan Spaeth -- American philologist
Wikipedia - John Durkan Memorial Punchestown Chase -- Steeplechase horse race in Ireland
Wikipedia - John Facenda -- American broadcaster and sports announcer
Wikipedia - John Hambrick -- broadcast journalist, actor and announcer
Wikipedia - John Harlan (announcer) -- American television announcer
Wikipedia - John Launchbury
Wikipedia - John Lee (California politician) -- Los Angeles City Council member
Wikipedia - John Lewis (department store founder) -- English businessman and cuncillor
Wikipedia - John Little (department store) -- Defunct chain of department stores in Singapore
Wikipedia - John Mulaney & the Sack Lunch Bunch -- 2019 children's comedy special by John Mulaney
Wikipedia - John Munch -- Fictional character that appears on multiple U.S television shows.
Wikipedia - John Nesbitt (announcer)
Wikipedia - Johnny Duncan (actor) -- American actor
Wikipedia - Johnny Gilbert -- announcer of Jeopardy!
Wikipedia - John Punch (slave) -- First official enslaved person (M-bM-^@M-^\slaveM-bM-^@M-^]) in the Thirteen Colonies
Wikipedia - John Punch (theologian)
Wikipedia - John Ramsey (announcer) -- American public address sports announcer
Wikipedia - John R. Emens College-Community Auditorium -- Auditorium on Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana
Wikipedia - Johnson Brothers -- Defunct British tableware manufacturers
Wikipedia - John Tesh -- American musician and sports announcer
Wikipedia - Joint Electronics Type Designation System -- Unclassified designator for United States military electronic equipment
Wikipedia - Joint Functional Component Command for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance
Wikipedia - Joint Requirements Oversight Council
Wikipedia - Joint Tribal Council of the Passamaquoddy Tribe v. Morton
Wikipedia - JoJo Offerman -- American professional wrestler, valet, singer and ring announcer
Wikipedia - Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious
Wikipedia - Jon Duncan -- British orienteering competitor
Wikipedia - Jose Asuncion Flores -- Paraguayan composer
Wikipedia - Jose Asuncion Silva -- Colombian author
Wikipedia - Jose M-CM-^Alvarez Junco -- Spanish historian
Wikipedia - Joseph E. Duncan III -- American serial killer on death row
Wikipedia - Josephine Bunch -- British physicist
Wikipedia - Josephson junctions
Wikipedia - Jose's Big Lunch -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Jose Solon -- Cebu Provincial Board Member from 1928 to 1936 and Member of the First Cebu City Council
Wikipedia - Josh Mathews -- American professional wrestler, professional wrestling announcer and commentator, and backstage interviewer
Wikipedia - Journal des debats -- Defunct French newspaper
Wikipedia - Journal of Functional Programming
Wikipedia - Journal of the American Society of Naval Engineers -- Defunct English-language engineering journal
Wikipedia - Journey of Apollo 15 to the Moon -- Overview from launch to lunar orbit insertion of Apollo 15.
Wikipedia - Jozsef Tuncsik -- Hungarian judoka
Wikipedia - Juan de la Anunciacion -- Augustinian friar
Wikipedia - Judah P. Benjamin -- American secessionist politician and lawyer, first Jewish U.S. Senator who served without renouncing his faith, first Jewish Cabinet member.
Wikipedia - Judenrat -- "Jewish councils" in Nazi-occupied territories
Wikipedia - Judicial Committee of the Privy Council -- Judicial body in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Judy and Punch -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Julena Steinheider Duncombe -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - Julie Duncanson -- Scottish actress and comedienne
Wikipedia - Julitta Munch -- German journalist
Wikipedia - July Jobs Stimulus -- Stimulus package launched in response to the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Republic of Ireland
Wikipedia - Juncaceae -- family of flowering plants commonly known as rushes
Wikipedia - Juncal, San Sebastian, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Junchang L
Wikipedia - Juncitarsus -- Extinct genus of birds
Wikipedia - Juncker (singer) -- Danish singer and guitarist
Wikipedia - Juncos barrio-pueblo -- Historical and administrative center (seat) of Juncos, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Juncos, Puerto Rico -- Town and municipality of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Juncos Racing -- American/Argentine auto racing team
Wikipedia - Junction 48 -- 2016 film
Wikipedia - Junction 88 -- 1948 American film
Wikipedia - Junction Boulevard -- Street in Queens, New York
Wikipedia - Junction box -- Enclosure housing electrical connections
Wikipedia - Junction City, California
Wikipedia - Junction City, Ohio
Wikipedia - Junction Creek -- Creek in Alberta, Canada
Wikipedia - Junction field-effect transistor
Wikipedia - Junction Mall Accra -- Shopping centre in Ghana
Wikipedia - Junction, Mendocino County, California -- Human settlement in United States of America
Wikipedia - Junction Mill, Middleton Junction -- Cotton mill in Greater Manchester, England
Wikipedia - Junction Mills, Ashton-under-Lyne -- Cotton Mill in Greater Manchester, England
Wikipedia - Junction Point Studios -- Video game developer
Wikipedia - Junction (road)
Wikipedia - Junction Road -- Street in the London Borough of Islington
Wikipedia - Junction tree algorithm
Wikipedia - Juncus balticus -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Juncus continuus -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Juncus effusus -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Juncus planifolius -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Juncus roemerianus -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Juncus -- genus of flowering plants in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Jungian archetypes -- Universal, archaic symbols and images that derive from the collective unconscious
Wikipedia - Jungian cognitive functions
Wikipedia - Jungleland USA -- Defunct private zoo, animal training facility, and theme park
Wikipedia - Jun Hyun-moo -- South Korean announcer, presenter
Wikipedia - Junior Assuncao -- Brazilian mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Jurong Entertainment Centre -- Defunct Singapore shopping mall
Wikipedia - Justin Roberts -- Professional wrestling ring announcer
Wikipedia - Jya, koti-jya and utkrama-jya -- Trigonometric functions introduced by Indian mathematicians and astronomers
Wikipedia - K-4 (missile) -- Indian submarine-launched missile
Wikipedia - K-5 (ballistic missile) -- Indian submarine-launched missile
Wikipedia - K-6 (missile) -- Indian submarine-launched ballistic missile
Wikipedia - KAAI -- Air 1 radio station in Palisade-Grand Junction, Colorado
Wikipedia - Kadur Junction railway station -- Railway station in India
Wikipedia - KAFM -- Radio station in Grand Junction, Colorado
Wikipedia - Kaiser Wilhelm Society -- Defunct German scientific institution
Wikipedia - Kakching Khunou -- Municipal council in Manipur, India
Wikipedia - Kalisto Entertainment -- Defunct French video game development company
Wikipedia - Kamchatka-Aleutian Triple Junction -- Place where the Pacific Plate, the Okhotsk Plate, and the North American Plate meet
Wikipedia - Kamgar Kisan Paksha -- Defunct Indian political party
Wikipedia - Kampe de Feriet function -- Special function in mathematics
Wikipedia - Kanalus Junction railway station -- Railway station in Gujarat, India
Wikipedia - Kanjari Boriyavi Junction railway station -- Railway station in Gujarat, India
Wikipedia - Ka Nupepa Kuokoa -- Defunct Hawaiian newspaper
Wikipedia - Kapilas Road Junction railway station -- Railway station on the East Coast Railway network, India
Wikipedia - Kaptanganj Junction railway station -- Railway Station in Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Kapustin Yar -- Rocket launch and development site
Wikipedia - Karagoz (magazine) -- Defunct satirical magazine in Turkey
Wikipedia - Karate International Council of Kickboxing -- The governing body of sport kickboxing
Wikipedia - Karela Majhan -- union council in Azad Kashmir, Pakistan
Wikipedia - Karen Duncan -- Biostatistician and health informatician
Wikipedia - Karimganj Junction railway station -- Railway station serving the city of Karimganj in Assam, India
Wikipedia - Karl Duncker -- German psychologist
Wikipedia - Karliova Triple Junction -- Place where the Anatolian Plate, the Eurasian Plate and the Arabian Plate meet
Wikipedia - Karl Schroder (German politician) -- German Council Communist political activist, publisher and writer
Wikipedia - Kartik BLT -- Armoured vehicle-launched bridge
Wikipedia - Kasganj Junction railway station -- Railway Station in Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Kaskian language -- Unclassified language of Bronze Age Anatolia
Wikipedia - Kate Bunce -- 19th and 20th-century English artist
Wikipedia - Kate Duncan -- Australian music industry worker
Wikipedia - Katherine Duncan-Jones -- British Shakespeare scholar
Wikipedia - Katihar Junction railway station -- Railway station in Bihar
Wikipedia - Katyusha rocket launcher -- Family of rocket artillery systems
Wikipedia - Kawahiva -- Brazilian uncontacted indigenous tribe
Wikipedia - KAZV-LP -- Defunct low-power TV station in Modesto, California
Wikipedia - KBKL -- Radio station in Grand Junction, Colorado
Wikipedia - KBSZ -- Radio station in Apache Junction, Arizona, United States
Wikipedia - KCEB (Tulsa, Oklahoma) -- Defunct TV station in Tulsa, Oklahoma
Wikipedia - KCIC (FM) -- Radio station in Grand Junction, Colorado
Wikipedia - KCLS (Arizona) -- Defunct radio station in Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
Wikipedia - KCPM (TV) -- Defunct TV station in Grand Forks, North Dakota
Wikipedia - KCWK -- Defunct TV station in Walla Walla, Washington
Wikipedia - KDHS-LP -- Radio station in Delta Junction, Alaska
Wikipedia - KDN (San Francisco) -- Defunct US radio station
Wikipedia - KEFB -- Defunct religious TV station in Ames, Iowa
Wikipedia - KEGS (TV) -- Defunct TV station in Goldfield, Nevada
Wikipedia - Keith Jackson -- American sports announcer
Wikipedia - Keith Powers (politician) -- New York City councilman
Wikipedia - Keith Runcorn -- British geophysicist
Wikipedia - KEKB (FM) -- Radio station in Grand Junction, Colorado
Wikipedia - Kell & Rigby -- Defunct Australian construction company
Wikipedia - Kelly Kelly -- American professional wrestler, model, dancer, ring announcer, professional wrestling valet and television personality
Wikipedia - Kelly Muncey -- Canadian gymnast
Wikipedia - Kelvinator -- Defunct home appliance manufacturer based in Detroit, Michigan
Wikipedia - Kelvin Keech -- American actor, producer and radio announcer
Wikipedia - Kennedy Space Center Launch Complex 39A -- Historic launch pad operated by NASA and SpaceX
Wikipedia - Kennedy Space Center Launch Complex 39B -- Historic launch pad operated by NASA
Wikipedia - Kennedy Space Center Launch Complex 39 -- Historic Apollo Moonport
Wikipedia - Kennedy Space Center -- United States space launch site
Wikipedia - Kenny Rice -- American sports announcer
Wikipedia - Ken Roberts (announcer) -- American announcer
Wikipedia - Kent Junction, New Brunswick -- Human settlement in New Brunswick, Canada
Wikipedia - Keppel Hill Reservoir -- Defunct reservoir in Singapore
Wikipedia - Kerala Catholic Bishops' Council -- Organization
Wikipedia - Keratitis punctata
Wikipedia - Kerevat Airfield -- Defunct airport in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Kernel (set theory) -- Equivalence relation expressing that two elements have the same image under a function
Wikipedia - Kevin Duncan -- American music producer
Wikipedia - KEXO -- Radio station in Grand Junction, Colorado
Wikipedia - Keyboard layout -- Any specific physical, visual, or functional arrangement of the keys of a computer keyboard
Wikipedia - Key derivation function -- Function that derives one or more secret keys from a secret value
Wikipedia - Keypunch
Wikipedia - KFAY (Medford, Oregon) -- Defunct US radio station
Wikipedia - KFQX -- Fox affiliate in Grand Junction, Colorado
Wikipedia - KGB (San Francisco) -- Defunct US radio station
Wikipedia - KGJT-CD -- MyNetworkTV affiliate in Grand Junction, Colorado
Wikipedia - KGJX -- Radio station in Fruita-Grand Junction, Colorado
Wikipedia - KGTO-TV -- Defunct television station in Fayetteville, Arkansas
Wikipedia - Kh-55 -- Family of air-launched cruise missiles
Wikipedia - Khabeeruddin Ahmed -- Member of Central Legislative Council of British India
Wikipedia - Khagaria Junction railway station -- Railway station in Bihar
Wikipedia - Khandwa Junction railway station -- Railway station in Madhya Pradesh
Wikipedia - Kharagpur Junction railway station -- Railway station in West Bengal, India
Wikipedia - KHLU-CD -- Defunct TV station in Honolulu
Wikipedia - KHMA -- Defunct television station in Houma, Louisiana
Wikipedia - Khurja Junction railway station -- Railway station in Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - KickassTorrents -- Defunct file-sharing website
Wikipedia - Kicking Mule Records -- Defunct American record label
Wikipedia - Kiew Parunchai -- Thai Muay Thai fighter
Wikipedia - KIKO (AM) -- Radio station in Apache Junction, Arizona
Wikipedia - KILTR -- Defunct social networking website
Wikipedia - Kimmel Arena -- Arena at UNC Asheville in Asheville, North Carolina
Wikipedia - King County Council -- Legislative body of King County, Washington, US
Wikipedia - Kingdom of Desmond -- Defunct kingdom in southwest Ireland
Wikipedia - King Duncan -- Fictional character in Shakespeare's Macbeth
Wikipedia - King-in-Council -- Constitutional monarch in an executive capacity
Wikipedia - King Lam (constituency) -- Constituency of the Sai Kung District Council of Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Kin Ming (constituency) -- Constituency of the Sai Kung District Council of Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Kirsty Duncan -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - Kiss 105 -- Defunct radio station
Wikipedia - Kiss up kick down -- Form of social malfunction
Wikipedia - Kiul Junction railway station -- Railway station in Bihar
Wikipedia - KJCK-FM -- Radio station in Junction City, Kansas
Wikipedia - KJCT-LP -- ABC/CW affiliate in Grand Junction, Colorado
Wikipedia - KJJ -- Defunct US radio station
Wikipedia - KJKJ (Arizona) -- Defunct radio station in Flagstaff, Arizona
Wikipedia - KJOL (AM) -- Radio station in Grand Junction, Colorado
Wikipedia - KJQ (Stockton, California) -- Defunct US radio station
Wikipedia - KKCO -- NBC/Telemundo affiliate in Grand Junction, Colorado
Wikipedia - KKNN -- Radio station in Grand Junction, Colorado
Wikipedia - KKVT -- Radio station in Grand Junction, Colorado
Wikipedia - KKWY -- Defunct radio station in Estes Park, Colorado
Wikipedia - KLFV -- K-Love radio station in Grand Junction, Colorado
Wikipedia - Klingon High Council -- Ruling body of Klingon Empire in Star Trek
Wikipedia - KLM Interinsulair Bedrijf -- defunct airline
Wikipedia - KLML -- TV station in Grand Junction, Colorado
Wikipedia - KLMN -- Defunct TV station in Great Falls, Montana
Wikipedia - KLPR-TV -- Defunct television station in Oklahoma City
Wikipedia - Kludge -- Unconventional solution for a hardware or software problem
Wikipedia - KMGJ -- Radio station in Grand Junction, Colorado
Wikipedia - KMOZ-FM -- Radio station in Grand Junction, Colorado
Wikipedia - KMPT (TV) -- Defunct TV station in Oklahoma City
Wikipedia - KMSA -- Radio station at Colorado Mesa University in Grand Junction, Colorado
Wikipedia - KMXY -- Radio station in Grand Junction, Colorado
Wikipedia - Knickerbocker Hospital -- defunct New York City hospital
Wikipedia - Knottingley (electoral ward) -- Electoral ward of Wakefield Council
Wikipedia - KNZZ -- Radio station in Grand Junction, Colorado
Wikipedia - Koderma Junction railway station -- Railway station in Jharkhand
Wikipedia - KOET (Utah) -- Defunct educational TV station in Ogden, Utah
Wikipedia - KOG (AM) -- Defunct US radio station
Wikipedia - Kolmogorov-Arnold representation theorem -- Multivariate functions can be written using univariate functions and summing
Wikipedia - Kolmogorov structure function
Wikipedia - Kong Empire -- Defunct Islamic West African trading empire
Wikipedia - Kopyovo, Kopyovsky Settlement Council, Ordzhonikidzevsky District, Republic of Khakassia -- Rural locality in Khakassia, Russia
Wikipedia - Korean punctuation
Wikipedia - Kosamba Junction railway station -- Railway station in Gujarat, India
Wikipedia - Kosmopolan -- Defunct Volapuk and English gazette
Wikipedia - Kosmos 133 -- Uncrewed flight of the Soyuz programme
Wikipedia - Kosmos 140 -- Soviet uncrewed flight of the Soyuz programme
Wikipedia - Kosmos 672 -- USSR second uncrewed test of the ASTP Soyuz spacecraft
Wikipedia - Kota Kinabalu City Hall -- City Council of Kota Kinabalu in Sabah, Malaya
Wikipedia - Kotkapura Junction railway station -- Train station in Punjab, India
Wikipedia - Kotshila Junction railway station -- Railway station
Wikipedia - KPPC (AM) -- Defunct radio station in Pasadena, California
Wikipedia - Kraunchasana -- A seated posture in modern yoga
Wikipedia - Krebs Pigments and Chemical Company -- Defunct manufacturer of lithopone and titanium dioxide
Wikipedia - KREX-TV -- CBS affiliate in Grand Junction, Colorado
Wikipedia - Krispy Krunchy Chicken -- American fast food chain
Wikipedia - Kronecker's congruence -- Theorem on a polynomial involving the elliptic modular function
Wikipedia - KRSA (Alaska) -- Defunct radio station in Petersburg, Alaska
Wikipedia - KSAI -- Defunct radio station in Northern Mariana Islands
Wikipedia - KSLN-TV -- Defunct TV station in Salina, Kansas
Wikipedia - KTFL -- Defunct TV station in Flagstaff, Arizona
Wikipedia - KTVG-TV -- Defunct TV station in Grand Island, Nebraska
Wikipedia - KTVQ (Oklahoma City) -- Defunct TV station in Oklahoma City
Wikipedia - KUBC -- Radio station in Montrose-Grand Junction, Colorado
Wikipedia - Kubja -- Hunchbacked woman, who the Hindu god Krishna is described to have rescued and made beautiful
Wikipedia - Kumedpur Junction railway station -- Railway station in West Bengal
Wikipedia - Kuncewicz family -- Polish-Ruthenian gentry family
Wikipedia - Kuncewicz
Wikipedia - Kunchacko Boban -- Indian actor
Wikipedia - Kunchok -- A village in Sindhupalchok District in the Bagmati Zone of central Nepal
Wikipedia - KUNC -- Public radio station in Greeley, Colorado
Wikipedia - Kurultai -- A term given to political and military councils of Turkic and Mongolic peoples
Wikipedia - KUSU-TV -- Defunct educational TV station in Logan, Utah
Wikipedia - KvinderM-CM-%det -- Women's council of Denmark
Wikipedia - KVIT -- Radio station in Apache Junction, Arizona
Wikipedia - KVQ -- Defunct US radio station
Wikipedia - KVRZ -- Defunct radio station licensed to Libby, Montana
Wikipedia - KVVA-FM -- Radio station in Apache Junction, Arizona, United States
Wikipedia - Kwamena Duncan -- Ghanaian educationist and politician
Wikipedia - Kwan Po (constituency) -- Constituency of the Sai Kung District Council of Hong Kong
Wikipedia - KWCS-TV -- Defunct educational TV station in Ogden, Utah
Wikipedia - KWJB (Arizona) -- Defunct radio station in Globe, Arizona
Wikipedia - Kwong Ming (constituency) -- Constituency of the Sai Kung District Council of Hong Kong
Wikipedia - KYJ (Los Angeles) -- Defunct US radio station
Wikipedia - KYKK (FM) -- Country music radio station in Junction, Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Kyneton Observer -- Defunct newspaper in Kyneton, Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - Kyokuto Sakurai-soke-rengokai -- Defunct Japanese criminal organization
Wikipedia - KYY (San Francisco) -- Defunct US radio station
Wikipedia - KZM -- Defunct US radio station
Wikipedia - La'am -- Defunct Israeli political faction
Wikipedia - La Asuncion District -- district in Belen canton, Heredia province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Labor and Agrarian Party -- Defunct political party in Panama
Wikipedia - Labor Council for Latin American Advancement -- A nonprofit, nonpartisan organization based in Washington, D.C.
Wikipedia - Laboring People's Party -- Defunct centre-left political party in South Korea
Wikipedia - Laborist Party (Mexico) -- Defunct Mexican political party
Wikipedia - Labor Party of the United States -- Defunct political party in the United States
Wikipedia - Labour Bureaux (London) Act 1902 -- Act of Parliament authorising the establishment of labour bureaux by borough councils in London
Wikipedia - Labour (constituency) -- Functional constituency of Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Labour Gathering Party -- Defunct communist party in Argentina
Wikipedia - Labour Union (UK) -- Defunct socialist party in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Lacombe-Stettler -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Ladies Major League Wrestling -- Defunct American professional wrestling promotion
Wikipedia - Ladies Who Punch -- 2019 book
Wikipedia - Lady Day -- Feast of the Annunciation, usually 25 March
Wikipedia - Lafforgue's theorem -- Completes the Langlands program for general linear groups over algebraic function fields
Wikipedia - Lagrange inversion theorem -- Formula for the Taylor series expansion of the inverse function of an analytic function
Wikipedia - Laguna El Juncal -- Lagoon and archaeological site in Argentina
Wikipedia - Lahore Junction railway station -- Railway station in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Lake Compounce -- Amusement park in Connecticut, U.S.
Wikipedia - Lakewood Speedway -- Defunct US raceway
Wikipedia - Lakhisarai Junction railway station -- Railway station in Bihar
Wikipedia - Lambda calculus -- Formal mathematical logic system centered on function abstractions and applications
Wikipedia - Lambek-Moser theorem -- Any monotonic integer-valued function partitions the positive integers into 2 subsets
Wikipedia - LamM-CM-) function -- Solutions of LamM-CM-)'s equation
Wikipedia - Lampshade -- Decorative or functional shade placed over the light source of a lamp
Wikipedia - Land council -- Organisation representing one or more groups of the Indigenous peoples of Australia
Wikipedia - Land's Advocate of Holland -- defunct political position in Holland
Wikipedia - Landweber exact functor theorem -- Theorem relating to algebraic topology
Wikipedia - Lane (hash function) -- cryptographic hash function
Wikipedia - Langlands-Deligne local constant -- Elementary function in mathematics
Wikipedia - LANICA -- Defunct Nicaraguan passenger airline
Wikipedia - La Nouvelle Internationale -- Defunct Swiss newspaper
Wikipedia - Lansbury Estate -- Council housing estate in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, UK
Wikipedia - Larkin Company -- Defunct soap company
Wikipedia - Laser Communications Relay Demonstration -- NASA project, due to launch in 2021
Wikipedia - Latastia caeruleopunctata -- Species of lizard
Wikipedia - Lateralization of brain function -- Specialization of some cognitive functions in one side of the brain
Wikipedia - Lateran Council (769) -- 769 synod in Rome
Wikipedia - Lateran Council of 649
Wikipedia - Lateran Councils
Wikipedia - Lateran Council
Wikipedia - Launceston Castle
Wikipedia - Launceston, Cornwall
Wikipedia - Launceston Elliot -- Scottish weightlifter
Wikipedia - Launch America -- Public-private partnership associated with the United States' return to human spaceflight
Wikipedia - Launch and recovery system (diving) -- Equipment used to deploy and recover a diving bell, stage, or ROV
Wikipedia - LaunchBar -- Third-party application launcher for macOS
Wikipedia - Launch (boat) -- Open motorboat
Wikipedia - Launch capsule -- naval weapon device
Wikipedia - Launch complex
Wikipedia - Launchd -- Unified operating system service management framework, starts, stops and manages daemons, applications, processes, and scripts in macOS
Wikipedia - Launched Loop (Arrow Dynamics) -- Steel roller coaster
Wikipedia - LauncherOne -- Launch vehicle from Virgin Orbit
Wikipedia - Launching Place railway station -- Former railway station in Melbourne, Australia
Wikipedia - Launch loop -- Proposed system for launching objects into orbit
Wikipedia - Launch on warning -- Nuclear strategy
Wikipedia - Launchpad (macOS)
Wikipedia - Launchpad (website)
Wikipedia - Launch pad -- Facility from which rockets are launched
Wikipedia - Launch service provider -- Type of company which specialises in launching spacecraft
Wikipedia - Launch-type boiler
Wikipedia - Launch Vehicle Digital Computer -- Computer of the Saturn V rocket
Wikipedia - Launch vehicle
Wikipedia - Laurel Mill, Middleton Junction -- Former cotton mill in Manchester, England
Wikipedia - Lauren Mayhew -- American singer, actress and former ring announcer for ECW
Wikipedia - Lauricella's theorem -- Orthogonal functions theorem
Wikipedia - Laurie J. Punch -- American Critical Care Surgeon
Wikipedia - Laurin & Klement -- Defunct Bohemian bicycle, motorcycle and automobile manufacturer
Wikipedia - La Vigie Marocaine -- Defunct newspaper published in Casablanca, Morocco
Wikipedia - La Voce (magazine) -- Defunct Italian literary magazine
Wikipedia - Lawrence Tanter -- American public address announcer
Wikipedia - Law Wai-shan -- Chinese district councilor
Wikipedia - Laxmibai Nagar Junction railway station -- Railway station in Madhya Pradesh
Wikipedia - League for Independent Political Action -- Defunct American progressive political organization
Wikipedia - Learned Council -- Defunct political party in Qajar Iran
Wikipedia - Lebanese Council for Development and Reconstruction -- Lebanese governmental organisation involved in repairing infrastructure damaged by war
Wikipedia - Lebesgue-measurable function
Wikipedia - Lech (motorcycle) -- Defunct Polish motorcycle brand
Wikipedia - Lecithocera bipunctella -- Species of moth in genus Lecithocera
Wikipedia - Lecithocera punctigeneralis -- Species of moth in genus Lecithocera
Wikipedia - Ledger Syndicate -- Defunct American print syndication service
Wikipedia - Lee Duncan -- American character actor
Wikipedia - Lee Marshall (announcer) -- Professional wrestling announcer
Wikipedia - Lee S. Wolosky -- American National Security Council staffer and lawyer
Wikipedia - Lee Yeo-jin -- South Korean announcer
Wikipedia - Left Camp of Israel -- Defunct socialist party in Israel
Wikipedia - Left-wing Union for the Socialist Democracy -- Defunct socialist party in Portugal
Wikipedia - Legislative Council of Saint Helena -- Legislative body
Wikipedia - Legislative council -- Type of legislative body
Wikipedia - Le Groupement -- Defunct cycling team
Wikipedia - Lehman Brothers -- Defunct American financial services firm
Wikipedia - Leicester City Council -- Unitary authority responsible for local government in the city of Leicester, England
Wikipedia - Lemniscatic elliptic function -- Mathematical function
Wikipedia - Lenka Kuncova -- Czech Paralympic archer
Wikipedia - Lennart Torstensson -- Swedish Field Marshal, Privy Councillor and Governor-General (1603-1651)
Wikipedia - Lenne Hardt -- A voice actress and MMA ring announcer
Wikipedia - Leonhard Mahlein -- German functionary
Wikipedia - Leon Mangoff -- Canadian radio and television announcer and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Leon Punch -- Australian politician (1928-1991)
Wikipedia - Lerche-Newberger sum rule -- Finds the sum of certain infinite series involving Bessel functions of the first kind
Wikipedia - Lerwick Declaration -- 2013 announcement by the Scottish Government regarding decentralisation of power to the Scottish islands
Wikipedia - Les Crane -- Radio announcer and television talk show host
Wikipedia - Les DM-CM-)mocrates -- Defunct provincial political party in Quebec
Wikipedia - Leslie Duncan -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - Leslie Johnson (councilwoman) -- American politician
Wikipedia - Let's Encrypt -- Certificate authority launched in 2015
Wikipedia - Leucania punctosa -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Leucospermum truncatulum -- The oval-leaf pincushion is a shrub in the family Proteaceae from the Western Cape of South Africa
Wikipedia - Leucospermum truncatum -- Species of shrub in the family Proteaceae endemic to South Africa
Wikipedia - Level junction -- Type of railway junction
Wikipedia - Levent Tuncat -- German taekwondo practitioner
Wikipedia - Le Vingtieme Siecle -- Defunct Belgian newspaper
Wikipedia - Lewis College of Business -- Defunct school in Michigan, US
Wikipedia - Lewis McKirdy -- Australian radio announcer
Wikipedia - Lewisohn Stadium -- Defunct stadium in New York City
Wikipedia - Lexical functional grammar
Wikipedia - Lexical-functional grammar
Wikipedia - L-functions
Wikipedia - L-function
Wikipedia - Liaison (French) -- Pronunciation of a latent word-final consonant immediately before a following vowel sound
Wikipedia - Liang Court -- Defunct Singapore shopping mall
Wikipedia - Liberal Appeal -- Defunct Belgian political party
Wikipedia - Liberal Centre -- Defunct political party in Denmark
Wikipedia - Liberal Civic Resistance Party -- Defunct political party in Panama
Wikipedia - Liberal Democratic Party (Spain, 1982) -- Defunct liberal party in Spain
Wikipedia - Liberal-Labour (New Zealand) -- Defunct political association in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Liberal Party (Bolivia) -- Defunct political party in Bolivia
Wikipedia - Liberal Party (Kingdom of Serbia) -- Defunct political party in Serbia
Wikipedia - Liberal Party (Queensland, 1908) -- Defunct political party in Queensland, Australia
Wikipedia - Liberal Progressive Party (Spain) -- Defunct political party in Spain
Wikipedia - Liberals, Democrats and Radicals -- Defunct political alliance in Italy
Wikipedia - Liberal Socialist Party (Singapore) -- Defunct political party in Singapore
Wikipedia - Liberia: An Uncivil War -- 2004 American-Liberian documentary film
Wikipedia - Liberty Party (Turkey) -- Defunct political party in Turkey
Wikipedia - Liberty (rocket) -- Launch vehicle design
Wikipedia - Library House -- Defunct business information services company
Wikipedia - Library of Sir Thomas Browne -- Defunct library in Norwich, England
Wikipedia - Lido Bathing Complex -- Open air sea water pool in Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
Wikipedia - Lifting hook -- Hook used for lifting in conjunction with a hoist or crane
Wikipedia - LigestillingsrM-CM-%det -- Danish ministerial council on equal opportunities
Wikipedia - Lij Iyasu of Ethiopia -- Uncrowned Emperor of Ethiopia
Wikipedia - Likelihood function
Wikipedia - Lilian Garcia -- Ring announcer and singer
Wikipedia - Limerick Junction railway station -- Train station in the Republic of Ireland
Wikipedia - Limit (mathematics) -- Value that a function or sequence "approaches" as the input or index approaches some value
Wikipedia - Limit of a function
Wikipedia - Limit-preserving function (order theory)
Wikipedia - Lincoln Mall -- Defunct shopping mall in Matteson, Illinois.
Wikipedia - Lindsay Duncan -- British actress
Wikipedia - Linear approximation -- Approximation of a function by its tangent line at a point
Wikipedia - Linear differential equation -- Differential equations that are linear with respect to the unknown function and its derivatives
Wikipedia - Linear functional
Wikipedia - Linear function (calculus) -- Polynomial function of degree at most one
Wikipedia - Linear function -- Linear map or polynomial function of degree one
Wikipedia - Linear predictor function
Wikipedia - Linear response function
Wikipedia - Link rot -- Phenomenon of URLs tending to cease functioning
Wikipedia - Lionhead Studios -- Defunct British video game developer
Wikipedia - Liouville's theorem (differential algebra) -- Says when antiderivatives of elementary functions can expressed as elementary functions
Wikipedia - Liquid fly-back booster -- Launch vehicle study
Wikipedia - Lirimiris truncata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Lirios -- Barrio of Juncos, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Lisa Michelle Duncan -- American model
Wikipedia - Lisburn City Council -- Former city council in Counties Antrim and Down
Wikipedia - LISP and Functional Programming
Wikipedia - List for Trieste -- Defunct political party in Italy
Wikipedia - List of accolades received by Django Unchained -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of accolades received by Uncharted 4: A Thief's End -- Accolades received by Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
Wikipedia - List of acupuncture points -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of American Stanley Cup Finals television announcers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Android launchers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ariane launches (1979-1989) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ariane launches (1990-1999) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ariane launches (2000-2009) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ariane launches (2010-2019) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ariane launches (2020-2029) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ariane launches -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Atlas launches (1957-1959) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Atlas launches (1960-1969) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Atlas launches (1970-1979) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Atlas launches (1980-1989) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Atlas launches (1990-1999) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Atlas launches (2000-2009) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Atlas launches (2010-2019) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Atlas launches (2020-2029) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Atlas launches -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Best Student Council episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Black Brant launches -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of bouncers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Bounce TV affiliates -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Brunch at Bobby's episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of brunch foods -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of burials and memorials in the Annunciation Church of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra -- Burials and memorials in a church in St. Petersburg, Russia
Wikipedia - List of Canadian Stanley Cup Finals television announcers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of canal junctions in the United Kingdom -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of canceled launch vehicle designs -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cape Canaveral and Merritt Island launch sites -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Case Unclosed episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of castles in Falkirk (council area) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of castles in Stirling (council area) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of chairmen of the Andhra Pradesh Legislative Council -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of chairmen of the Consultative Council of Bahrain -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Chairmen of the Council of Ministers of the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Chairmen of the Council of Ministers of the Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Chairmen of the Council of People's Deputies of Kamchatka Oblast -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Chairmen of the Council of People's Deputies of Kemerovo -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of chairmen of the Council of State of Oman -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Chairmen of the Federation Council (Russia) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of chairmen of the London County Council -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Chairmen of the State Council of Crimea -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Chairmen of the State Council of Imperial Russia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Chairmen of the State Council of the Komi Republic -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Chairmen of the State Council of the Republic of Adygea -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Chairmen of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Chairmen of the State Council of the Udmurt Republic -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of chairmen of the Supreme Council of Crimea -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Chairmen of the Supreme Council of Khakassia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of chairmen of Wiltshire County Council -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Chairpersons of the National Council of Namibia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of chairpersons of the State Council of the Chuvash Republic -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Commonwealth Boxing Council champions -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Commonwealth Boxing Council female champions -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of conjunctions (astronomy) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Convenor of the Non-Official Members of the Executive Council of Hong Kong -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Council of Europe treaties -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Council of Ministers of Mozambique, 1984 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Council Presidents of the Turks and Caicos Islands -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of current members of the National Council of Monaco -- Members of the National Council (Monaco)
Wikipedia - List of current members of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of cutaneous conditions caused by problems with junctional proteins -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines in Uganda -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Afghanistan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Africa -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Albania -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Algeria -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Angola -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Anguilla -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Antigua and Barbuda -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Argentina -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Armenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Asia -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Australia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Austria -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Azerbaijan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Bangladesh -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Barbados -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Belarus -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Belgium -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Benin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Bolivia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Bosnia and Herzegovina -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Botswana -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Brazil -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Bulgaria -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Burkina Faso -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Cambodia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Cameroon -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Canada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Cape Verde -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Chad -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Chile -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of China -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Colombia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Costa Rica -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Cote d'Ivoire -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Croatia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Cyprus -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Czech Republic -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Democratic Republic of the Congo -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Denmark -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Djibouti -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Ecuador -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Egypt -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of El Salvador -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Equatorial Guinea -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Estonia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Eswatini -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Ethiopia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Europe -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Finland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of France -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Gabon -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Gambia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Georgia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Germany -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Ghana -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Greece -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Grenada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Guatemala -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Guinea-Bissau -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Guinea -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Haiti -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Honduras -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Hong Kong -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Hungary -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Iceland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of India -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Indonesia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Iran -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Iraq -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Israel -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Italy -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Ivory Coast -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Jamaica -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Japan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Jordan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Kazakhstan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Kenya -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Kyrgyzstan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Laos -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Latvia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Lebanon -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Lesotho -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Liberia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Libya -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Lithuania -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Luxembourg -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Madagascar -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Malawi -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Malaysia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Mali -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Malta -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Mauritania -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Mexico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Moldova -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Morocco -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Mozambique -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Myanmar -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Nepal -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of New Zealand -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Nicaragua -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Nigeria -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Niger -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of North Macedonia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Norway -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Oceania -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Oman -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Pakistan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Panama -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Papua New Guinea -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Paraguay -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Peru -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Poland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Portugal -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Puerto Rico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Republic of Nauru -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Romania -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Russia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Rwanda -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Sao TomM-CM-) and Principe -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Saudi Arabia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Senegal -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Serbia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Sierra Leone -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Singapore -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Slovakia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Slovenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of South Africa -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of South Korea -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Spain -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Sri Lanka -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of State of Qatar -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Sudan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Suriname -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Sweden -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Switzerland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Taiwan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Tajikistan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Tanzania -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Thailand -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of the Americas -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of the Bahamas -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of the Central African Republic -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of the Comoros -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of the Dominican Republic -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of the Maldives -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of the Marshall Islands -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of the Netherlands Antilles -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of the Netherlands -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of the Philippines -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of the Republic of Ireland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of the Republic of the Congo -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of the Solomon Islands -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of the United Arab Emirates -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of the United Kingdom -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of the United States (A-M) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of the United States (N-Z) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of the United States Virgin Islands -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Togo -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Tonga -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Trinidad and Tobago -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Turkey -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Turkmenistan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Uganda -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Ukraine -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Uruguay -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Venezuela -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Vietnam -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Yemen -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Zambia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Zimbabwe -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airports in Canada -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airports in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct American magazines -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct amusement parks in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct amusement parks -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct automobile manufacturers of the United States -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct banks of the Netherlands -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct breweries in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct Canadian companies -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct Canadian railways -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct Canadian television stations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct colleges and universities in Kansas -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct colleges and universities in Nebraska -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct consumer brands -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct dental schools in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct department stores of the United States -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct ECHL teams -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct English women's cricket teams -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct fast-food restaurant chains -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct Florida sports teams -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct gambling companies -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct Georgia sports teams -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct glassmaking companies -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct graphics chips and card companies -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct hard disk manufacturers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct hotel chains -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct hotels in Canada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct Idaho sports teams -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct international airports -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct International League teams (1912-) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct Johns Hopkins University societies -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct Massachusetts State Mental Facilities -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct medical schools in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct men's college ice hockey teams -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct military academies in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct Mississippi sports teams -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct MLRH teams -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct network processor companies -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct newspapers of Australia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct newspapers of Canada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct newspapers of France -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct newspapers of Germany -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct newspapers of Hartford City, Indiana -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct newspapers of Hungary -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct newspapers of North Carolina -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct newspapers of Norway -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct newspapers of Quebec -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct newspapers of Russia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct newspapers of the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct newspapers of Turkey -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct NLL teams -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct Ohio sports teams -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct Pacific Coast League teams -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct Pennsylvania sports teams -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct political parties of Bosnia and Herzegovina -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct professional sports leagues -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct radio stations in Canada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct railroads of North America -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct railway companies in Japan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct restaurants of the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct retailers of the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct rugby league clubs -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct San Francisco Municipal Railway lines -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct social networking services -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct social networking websites
Wikipedia - List of defunct sports leagues
Wikipedia - List of defunct television networks in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct Texas sports teams -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct utility companies in Victoria, Australia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct X-League franchises -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Deputy Chairmen of the Federation Council of Russia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Deputy Speakers of the People's Representative Council -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Deputy Speakers of the Regional Representative Council of Indonesia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Electron launches -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of English settings of Magnificats and Nunc dimittis -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ESPN Latin America announcers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of European Council meetings -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy launches -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of First Deputy Chairmen of the State Council of Bulgaria -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of First Syndics of the General Council -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of foreign satellites launched by India -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of former members of the American Legislative Exchange Council -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of functional analysis topics -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of functional connectivity software -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of functional programming topics -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of General Syndics of the General Council -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Greater London Council committee chairs -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of GSLV launches -- Launches made by Indian Space Research Organisation
Wikipedia - List of hash functions -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of high schools in Asuncion, Paraguay -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of H-II series and H3 launches -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of integrals of exponential functions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of integrals of Gaussian functions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of integrals of hyperbolic functions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of integrals of inverse hyperbolic functions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of integrals of inverse trigonometric functions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of integrals of irrational functions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of integrals of logarithmic functions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of integrals of rational functions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of integrals of trigonometric functions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of International Cricket Council members -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of International Cricket Council presidents -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of investigational sexual dysfunction drugs -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of junctions and interchanges in Israel -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of junctions on Leeds City Centre Loop Road -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Jungle Junction episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of launch complexes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Launch Services Program launches -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of leaders of Welsh councils -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Lepidoptera that feed on Juncus -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Little League World Series announcers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Long March launches -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Makutano Junction episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of mathematical functions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of named highway junctions in Utah -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of National Council of Provinces members of the 25th Parliament of South Africa -- Members of the National Council of Provinces, 2009M-bM-^AM- -2014
Wikipedia - List of National Council of Provinces members of the 26th Parliament of South Africa -- Members of the National Council of Provinces, 2014M-bM-^AM- -2019
Wikipedia - List of National Council of Provinces members of the 27th Parliament of South Africa -- Members of the National Council of Provinces, 2019-2024
Wikipedia - List of New Testament uncials -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Northern Ireland members of the Privy Council of the United Kingdom -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of NRO Launches
Wikipedia - List of NRO launches -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of nuncios of the Holy See to China -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of officeholders of Port Macquarie-Hastings Council -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of One-Punch Man episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of orbital launch systems -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Orders in Council for Northern Ireland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of organizations with consultative status to the United Nations Economic and Social Council -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of orthodontic functional appliances -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of periodic functions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Permanent Representatives of the United Kingdom to the Council of Europe -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Petticoat Junction episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Pipunculidae species of Great Britain -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidential appointees to the Council of State (Ireland) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Presidents of Council of Kumanovo Municipality -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents of the Council of State of Luxembourg -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents of the Council of the Nation (Algeria) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Presidents of the Executive Council of Basel-Stadt -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents of the Federal Council (Austria) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents of the House of Councillors (Japan) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Presidents of the House of Councillors of Morocco -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Presidents of the Legislative Council of Barbados -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Presidents of the Legislative Council of Jamaica -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Presidents of the National Council of Slovenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents of the National Council of Switzerland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Presidents of the National Development Council of Rwanda -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Presidents of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Presidents of the Regional Council of Martinique -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents of the State Council of Prussia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of presidents of the Swiss Council of States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Privy Council Orders -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of production functions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Proton launches (1965-1969) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Proton launches (1970-1979) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Proton launches (1980-1989) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Proton launches (1990-1999) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Proton launches (2000-2009) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Proton launches (2010-2019) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Proton launches (2020-2029) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Proton launches -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PSLV launches -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of public art in Muncie, Indiana -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Punch Line episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Punch-Out!! characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of R-7 launches (1957-1959) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of R-7 launches (1960-1964) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of R-7 launches (1965-1969) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of R-7 launches (1970-1974) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of R-7 launches (1975-1979) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of R-7 launches (1980-1984) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of R-7 launches (1985-1989) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of R-7 launches (1990-1994) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of R-7 launches (1995-1999) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of R-7 launches (2000-2004) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of R-7 launches (2005-2009) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of R-7 launches (2010-2014) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of R-7 launches (2015-2019) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of R-7 launches (2020-2024) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of R-7 launches -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of radio stations in Asuncion -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of railway junction stations in India -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ranunculales of South Africa -- Flowering plants in the order Ranunculales recorded from South Africa
Wikipedia - List of Ranunculus species -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of road junctions in the United Kingdom: 0-A -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of road junctions in the United Kingdom: B -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of road junctions in the United Kingdom: C -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of road junctions in the United Kingdom: D -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of road junctions in the United Kingdom: E -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of road junctions in the United Kingdom: F -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of road junctions in the United Kingdom: G -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of road junctions in the United Kingdom: H -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of road junctions in the United Kingdom: I-K -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of road junctions in the United Kingdom: L -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of road junctions in the United Kingdom: M -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of road junctions in the United Kingdom: N -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of road junctions in the United Kingdom: O -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of road junctions in the United Kingdom: P -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of road junctions in the United Kingdom: Q -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of road junctions in the United Kingdom: R -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of road junctions in the United Kingdom: S -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of road junctions in the United Kingdom: T -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of road junctions in the United Kingdom: U-V -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of road junctions in the United Kingdom -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of road junctions in the United Kingdom: W -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of road junctions in the United Kingdom: X-Z -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rocket launch sites -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of satellite map images with missing or unclear data -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Satish Dhawan Space Centre launches -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scottish council areas by highest point -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scout launches -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Secretaries General of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of set identities and relations -- Equalities and relationships that involve sets and functions
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1627 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1665 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1666 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1667 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1668 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1669 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1670 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1671 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1672 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1673 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1674 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1675 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1676 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1677 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1678 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1679 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1680 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1681 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1682 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1683 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1684 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1685 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1686 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1687 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1688 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1689 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1690 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1691 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1692 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1693 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1694 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1695 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1696 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1697 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1698 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1699 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1700 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1701 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1702 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1703 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1704 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1705 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1706 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1707 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1708 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1709 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1710 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1711 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1712 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1713 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1714 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1715 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1716 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1717 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1718 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1719 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1720 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1721 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1722 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1723 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1724 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1725 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1726 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1727 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1728 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1729 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1730 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1731 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1732 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1733 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1734 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1735 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1736 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1737 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1738 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1739 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1752 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1797 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1798 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1799 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1800 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1819 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1843 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1844 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1847 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1848 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1849 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1850 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1851 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1852 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1853 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1854 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1855 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1856 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1857 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1858 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1859 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1860 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1861 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1862 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1863 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1864 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1865 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1866 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1867 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1868 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1869 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1870 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1871 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1872 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1873 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1874 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1875 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1876 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1877 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1878 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1879 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1880 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1881 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1882 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1883 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1884 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1885 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1886 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1887 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1888 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1889 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1890 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1891 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1892 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1893 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1894 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1895 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1896 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1897 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1898 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1899 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1900 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1901 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1902 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1903 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1904 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1905 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1906 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1907 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1908 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1909 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1910 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1911 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1912 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1913 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1914 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1915 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1916 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1917 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1918 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1919 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1920 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1921 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1922 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1923 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1924 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1925 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1926 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1927 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1928 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1929 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1930 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1931 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1932 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1933 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1934 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1935 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1936 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1937 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1938 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1939 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1940 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1941 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1942 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1943 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1944 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1945 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1946 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1947 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1948 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1949 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1950 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1951 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1952 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1953 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1954 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1955 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1956 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1957 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1958 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1959 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1960 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1961 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1962 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1963 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1964 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1965 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1966 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1967 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1968 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1969 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1970 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1971 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1972 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1973 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1974 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1975 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1976 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1977 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1978 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1979 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1980 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1981 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1982 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1983 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1984 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1985 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1986 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1987 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1988 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1989 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1990 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1991 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1992 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1993 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1994 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1995 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1996 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1997 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1998 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 1999 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 2000 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 2001 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 2002 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 2003 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 2004 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 2005 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 2006 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 2007 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 2008 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 2009 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 2010 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 2011 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 2012 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 2013 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 2014 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 2015 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 2016 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 2017 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 2018 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 2019 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ship launches in 2020 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Speakers of the Council of Representatives of Bahrain -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Speakers of the Council of Representatives of Iraq -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of speakers of the New Zealand Legislative Council -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Speakers of the People's Representative Council -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Speakers of the Regional Representative Council of Indonesia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Speakers of the Shura Council -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of speakers of the Supreme Council of Kyrgyzstan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of special functions and eponyms -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of sports announcers
Wikipedia - List of state humanities councils in the United States -- List of private, non-profit partners of the National Endowment for the Humanities
Wikipedia - List of state schools in Scotland (city council areas) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of state schools in Scotland (council areas excluding cities, A-D) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of state schools in Scotland (council areas excluding cities, E-H) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of state schools in Scotland (council areas excluding cities, I-R) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of state schools in Scotland (council areas excluding cities, S-W) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sunclass Airlines destinations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Suncorp Super Netball venues -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of system quality attributes -- Non-functional requirements for system evaluation
Wikipedia - List of The Brady Bunch episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Jungle Bunch episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Thor and Delta launches (1957-1959) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Thor and Delta launches (1960-1969) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Thor and Delta launches (1970-1979) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Thor and Delta launches (1980-1989) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Thor and Delta launches (1990-1999) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Thor and Delta launches (2000-2009) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Thor and Delta launches (2010-2019) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Thor and Delta launches (2020-2029) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Thor and Delta launches -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Titan launches -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of trigonometric identities -- Equalities that involve trigonometric functions
Wikipedia - List of Tsyklon launches -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of types of functions -- List of functions in mathematics
Wikipedia - List of typographical symbols and punctuation marks -- Most common typographical symbols and punctuation marks used in western European languages
Wikipedia - List of uncertainty propagation software -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Uncharted characters -- Characters in the Uncharted series
Wikipedia - List of Uncharted media -- Franchise of video games and media
Wikipedia - List of unclassed ships of BC Ferries -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Uncle Grandpa episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unclimbed mountains of Nepal -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unconstructed state highways in California -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of uncrewed NASA missions -- List of uncrewed NASA missions
Wikipedia - List of uncrewed spacecraft by program -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of uncrewed spaceflights to Mir -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of uncrewed spaceflights to Salyut space stations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of United Nations Security Council resolutions on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
Wikipedia - List of UP Aerospace launches -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of U.S. Army rocket launchers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of V-2 test launches -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Vandenberg Air Force Base launch facilities -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of vetoed United Nations Security Council resolutions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of vice presidents of the Presidential Council of Hungary -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of video games with restricted online functionality -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Vulcan launches (2020-2029) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Wide World of Sports (American TV series) announcers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Yoshinobu Launch Complex launches -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Zenit launches -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of zeta functions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of historical members of the Privy Council for Canada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of rocket launches -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lithacodia uncula -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Lithops pseudotruncatella -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Little Bow -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Little Joe 5A -- Uncrewed test launch of a Mercury capsule
Wikipedia - Liver failure -- Inability of the liver to perform its normal functions
Wikipedia - Liverpool Overhead Railway -- Defunct elevated railway in Liverpool
Wikipedia - Lixus juncii -- Species of weevil
Wikipedia - Liyuexing Cup -- Defunct Go competition
Wikipedia - Liza DiM-CM-1o -- Filipino actress and Chairperson of the Film Development Council of the Philippines
Wikipedia - L Junchang
Wikipedia - Llinos Medi Huws -- Welsh woman council leader
Wikipedia - Lobelia pedunculata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Local council (Israel) -- Type of local government of Israel
Wikipedia - Local council (Jordan) -- Elected assembly of a locality in Jordan
Wikipedia - Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church -- Assembly of bishops and other clergy and laity
Wikipedia - Local councils of Malta -- Subdivision of Malta
Wikipedia - Local Council (Uganda) -- Form of local elected government within the districts of Uganda
Wikipedia - Local education authority -- Local councils in England and Wales that are responsible for education within their jurisdiction
Wikipedia - Local School Councils -- Local School Councils for the Chicago Public School system in Chicago, US
Wikipedia - Locative media -- Media of communication functionally bound to a location
Wikipedia - Loch nam Bonnach -- Mountain loch in the Highland council area of Scotland
Wikipedia - Lochwinnoch (loop) railway station -- Defunct railway station in Renfrewshire, Scotland
Wikipedia - Locked in Time -- Book by Lois Duncan
Wikipedia - Lockheed Martin X-33 -- Uncrewed re-usable spaceplane technology demonstrator for the VentureStar
Wikipedia - Locol -- Defunct restaurant chain
Wikipedia - Locomobile Company of America -- Defunct American automobile manufacturer
Wikipedia - Logarithmic growth -- Growth at a rate that is a logarithmic function
Wikipedia - Logarithm -- Inverse of the exponential function, which maps products to sums
Wikipedia - Logical Conjunction
Wikipedia - Logical conjunction
Wikipedia - Logical disjunction
Wikipedia - Logic for Computable Functions
Wikipedia - Logic function
Wikipedia - Logic gate -- Computational equipment, physical or theoretical, that performs a boolean logic function
Wikipedia - Logic of bunched implications
Wikipedia - Logistic function
Wikipedia - Loharu Junction railway station -- Railway station in Haryana, India
Wikipedia - Lohian Khas Junction railway station -- Train station in Punjab, India
Wikipedia - Lois Bulley -- British county councillor, philanthropist and political activist
Wikipedia - Lois Duncan -- American writer, novelist, poet, and journalist
Wikipedia - Loki Entertainment -- Defunct American video game developer
Wikipedia - London County Council Tramways -- London public street tramways operator (1899-1933)
Wikipedia - London County Council -- Local government body for the County of London, 1889 to 1965
Wikipedia - London South Africa RFC -- Defunct rugby union club in England
Wikipedia - Lone Star Airlines -- Defunct American airline
Wikipedia - Long Beach City Council -- Governing body of the City of Long Beach, CA, US
Wikipedia - Long Eaton Speedway -- Defunct Long Eaton motorcycle speedway teams
Wikipedia - Long Island Ducks (ice hockey) -- Defunct ice hockey team in New York state
Wikipedia - Long language -- Unclassified Loloish language of Huaning County, Yunnan, China
Wikipedia - Long March 11 -- Small orbital launch vehicle
Wikipedia - Long March 6 -- Launch vehicle
Wikipedia - Long March (rocket family) -- class of Chinese rockets with expendable launch systems
Wikipedia - Long-Term Mine Reconnaissance System -- An American torpedo tube-launched underwater search and survey unmanned undersea vehicle
Wikipedia - Longyearbyen Community Council -- Local government for Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Norway
Wikipedia - Lord President of the Council -- United Kingdom official position
Wikipedia - Lords Commissioners -- Privy Counsellors who exercise certain functions in the UK Parliament
Wikipedia - Lorena Gonzalez (Seattle politician) -- Member of Seattle City Council
Wikipedia - Lorengau Airfield -- Defunct airport in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - Loren Taylor -- Councilmember, Oakland, California, United States
Wikipedia - Lorentz Petersen -- Defunct Danish wine retailer
Wikipedia - Los Angeles City Council District 12 -- City Council district
Wikipedia - Los Angeles City Council -- Governing body of the City of Los Angeles, CA, US
Wikipedia - Los Angeles Examiner -- Defunct newspaper in Los Angeles, Calif., US
Wikipedia - Los Angeles Free Press -- Defunct American underground newspaper
Wikipedia - Los Angeles Times Women of the Year Silver Cup -- Defunct newspaper award
Wikipedia - Losing Uncle Tim -- 1989 book by MaryKate Jordan
Wikipedia - Los Rastrojos -- Defunct Colombian drug cartel
Wikipedia - Loss functions for classification
Wikipedia - Loss function
Wikipedia - Lou Amato -- Member of the New South Wales Legislative Council
Wikipedia - Loughborough Junction railway station -- Railway station in London
Wikipedia - Louisiana Independent School Association -- Defunct Louisiana private school athletic league
Wikipedia - Louis' Lunch -- Restaurant in New Haven, Connecticut
Wikipedia - Love Song for Joyce -- 1958 novel by Lois Duncan
Wikipedia - Lowell Junction -- Railroad junction in Andover, Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Loyalist Communities Council
Wikipedia - Lozier -- Dufunct American Automobile company
Wikipedia - LSH (hash function) -- Cryptographic hash function
Wikipedia - L-type asteroid -- Relatively uncommon asteroids
Wikipedia - Lucas Industries -- defunct British manufacturer of motor industry and aerospace industry components
Wikipedia - LucasVarity -- Defunct UK automotive parts manufacturer
Wikipedia - Lucius Duncan Bulkley
Wikipedia - Lucknow Junction railway station -- Indian railway station
Wikipedia - Lucy Punch -- British actress
Wikipedia - Ludus latrunculorum
Wikipedia - Ludwig Schuncke -- German musician
Wikipedia - Luke's Late Lunchers -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - Lumbar puncture
Wikipedia - Luna 9 -- Uncrewed space mission of the Soviet Union's Luna programme
Wikipedia - Luna Park -- Name shared by dozens of currently operating and defunct amusement parks
Wikipedia - Luncavita (Danube) -- River in Romania, tributary of Danube
Wikipedia - Lunch atop a Skyscraper -- 1932 photograph of workers atop the steelwork of 30 Rockefeller Plaza
Wikipedia - Lunchbox locker -- automatic locking differential form
Wikipedia - Lunch Date -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Luncheon in the Studio -- Painting by Edouard Manet
Wikipedia - Lunch meat -- Precooked or cured meats that are sliced and served cold or hot
Wikipedia - Lunch Wagon -- 1981 film by Ernest Pintoff
Wikipedia - Lupin the Third -- Japanese manga series by Monkey Punch
Wikipedia - Lusitania (1805 ship) -- British merchant vessel launched in 1804 or 1805
Wikipedia - Luzius Raschein -- Swiss politician and President of the Swiss Council of States
Wikipedia - Luzula campestris -- species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula canariensis -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula comosa -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula crinita -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula divaricata -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula forsteri -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula hawaiiensis -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula hitchcockii -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula longiflora -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula lutea -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula luzuloides -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula multiflora -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula nivea -- species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula orestera -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula pallescens -- species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula parviflora -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula pilosa -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula piperi -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula spicata -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula subcongesta -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula sylvatica -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula wahlenbergii -- Species of flowering plant in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Luzula -- Genus of flowering plants in the rush family Juncaceae
Wikipedia - Lyapunov function -- Concept in the analysis of dynamical systems
Wikipedia - Lydia Lunch -- American singer
Wikipedia - Lynn Council -- Mock lynching victim
Wikipedia - LYVE1 -- Protein may function in lymphatic hyaluronan transport and have a role in tumor metastasis
Wikipedia - Macquarie Fault Zone -- A transform fault on the seafloor of the south Pacific Ocean from New Zealand southwestward to the Macquarie Triple Junction
Wikipedia - Macquarie Triple Junction -- Place where the Indo-Australian Plate, Pacific Plate, and Antarctic Plate meet
Wikipedia - Maddogs Munchen -- Defunct ice hockey team in Germany
Wikipedia - Magic Kingdom, Sydney -- Defunct amusement park in Sydney, Australia
Wikipedia - Magic string -- Input which activates otherwise hidden functionality
Wikipedia - Magma Arizona Railroad -- Defunct short-line railroad in Arizona, U.S.
Wikipedia - Magnises -- Defunct card-based membership company
Wikipedia - MahakaM-EM-^[yapa -- Principal disciple of Gautama Buddha and leader at the First Council
Wikipedia - Mahuva Junction railway station -- Railway station in Gujarat, India
Wikipedia - Mailani Junction railway station -- Railway station in Uttar Pradesh
Wikipedia - Mailbox (application) -- Defunct freeware email management application
Wikipedia - Main conjecture of Iwasawa theory -- Theorem in algebraic number theory relating p-adic L-functions and ideal class groups
Wikipedia - Maine Central Railroad Company -- Defunct American Class I railway
Wikipedia - Main function (programming)
Wikipedia - Maintenance (technical) -- Operational and functional checks, servicing, repair or replacing of a product or technical system or parts thereof in order to keep their necessary technical condition
Wikipedia - Majestic Film Company -- Defunct film studio
Wikipedia - Majlis-ash-Shura -- Islamic advisory council
Wikipedia - Majlis -- Arabic and Persian term meaning council
Wikipedia - Make That Cake -- A song by LunchMoney Lewis
Wikipedia - Maksi Junction railway station -- Raliway station in India
Wikipedia - MAKS (spacecraft) -- Proposed Soviet air-launched reusable launch system project
Wikipedia - Mallory-Weiss syndrome -- Bleeding from a laceration in the mucosa at the junction of the stomach and esophagus
Wikipedia - Mamacita (Public Announcement song) -- 2000 song by Public Announcement
Wikipedia - Mamey, Juncos, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Manacled Mormon case -- On September 15, 1977 , when Scotland Yard officers announced to the press that a visiting Mormon missionary - 21 year-old Kirk Anderson had been abducted the previous day from outside his church in East Ewell, near Epsom in the south of London
Wikipedia - Mana Motuhake -- Defunct Maori political party in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Man and the Planets -- Book by Duncan Lunan
Wikipedia - Mandaue City Council -- Legislative body of the city of Mandaue, Philippines
Wikipedia - Manhattan Athletic Club -- Defunct organization
Wikipedia - Manifest and latent functions and dysfunctions
Wikipedia - Manikpur Junction railway station -- Railway station in Uttar Pradesh
Wikipedia - Manila City Council -- Legislative body of the city of Manila, Philippines
Wikipedia - Manitoba Junction, Minnesota -- Unincorporated community in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Manmad Junction railway station -- Railway junction station in Nashik, Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Mansi Junction railway station -- Railway station in Bihar, India
Wikipedia - Manuel Fernandez Juncos -- Spanish-born, Puerto Rican journalist, poet, author and humanitarian
Wikipedia - Manx People's Political Association -- Defunct political party in the Isle of Man
Wikipedia - Many-worlds interpretation -- Interpretation of quantum mechanics which denies the collapse of the wavefunction
Wikipedia - Map (higher-order function)
Wikipedia - Maple Leaf Publishing -- Defunct Canadian comics publisher
Wikipedia - Maralinga Tjarutja -- Aboriginal council area in western South Australia
Wikipedia - Marcellus Osceola Jr. -- Seminole Tribal Council Chairman
Wikipedia - Mardan Junction railway station -- Railway station in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Margaret Doyle (announcer) -- First female newsreader in Australia (b. 1920, d. 2002)
Wikipedia - Maria Elisabeth Bes -- Dutch chemical engineer & Delft city councillor
Wikipedia - Mariani Junction railway station -- Railway station in Assam
Wikipedia - Maria Yakunchikova -- Russian painter, graphic artist, and embroiderer
Wikipedia - Maricopa Association of Governments -- Council of Governments for greater Phoenix, United States
Wikipedia - Marine Midland Bank -- Defunct bank based in Buffalo, NY, USA
Wikipedia - Mark 48 torpedo -- American heavyweight submarine-launched torpedoes
Wikipedia - Mark Banasiak -- Member of the New South Wales Legislative Council
Wikipedia - Mark Followill -- American sports announcer
Wikipedia - Markholm Construction Co Ltd v Wellington City Council -- New Zealand contract law case
Wikipedia - Mark Mason (announcer) -- American sports announcer
Wikipedia - Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch -- American hip-hop group
Wikipedia - Marriage Announcement -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Mars Climate Orbiter -- Robotic space probe launched by NASA on December 11, 1998
Wikipedia - Marshall Strong -- 19th century American lawyer and politician, Wisconsin pioneer, member of the Wisconsin Assembly, member of the territorial council and 1st Wisconsin constitutional convention
Wikipedia - Marsh Supermarkets -- Defunct grocery chain based in central Indiana
Wikipedia - Mars One -- A non-profit organization and a now-defunct company that promoted Mars colonization
Wikipedia - Mars Orbiter Mission -- Indian Mars orbiter, launched in 2013
Wikipedia - Marston's (department store) -- Defunct department store
Wikipedia - Martie Duncan -- American cook, blogger and party planner
Wikipedia - Marty Reid -- American motorsport announcer
Wikipedia - Martyrs of Cuncolim
Wikipedia - Marty Snider -- American sports announcer
Wikipedia - Marvel UK -- Imprint of Marvel Comics that has become defunct since 1995
Wikipedia - Marxist Party -- Defunct Trotskyist political party in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Mary Duncan -- American actress (1895-1993)
Wikipedia - Marylawn of the Oranges Academy -- Defunct Catholic school in Essex County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Masaharu Nakagawa (House of Councillors) -- Japanese politician
Wikipedia - Mateh Binyamin Regional Council -- Israeli regional council in the West Bank
Wikipedia - Mathematical functions
Wikipedia - Mathematical function
Wikipedia - Mathura Junction railway station -- Railway Station in Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Matrix function -- Function that maps matrices to matrices
Wikipedia - Matsusei -- Defunct grocery store chain of Taiwan
Wikipedia - Matt Martin (British politician) -- British politician who has been the District Councillor for Moor Ward in Somerset, England since 2019
Wikipedia - Maxima and minima -- Largest and smallest value taken by a function takes at a given point
Wikipedia - May God have mercy upon your soul -- Phrase used on pronouncement of a death sentence
Wikipedia - Mayor-council government -- Form of city government
Wikipedia - Mayor of Bristol -- The head of Bristol City Council
Wikipedia - Maysville and Lexington Railroad, North Division -- Defunct railroad company operated 1876-1921
Wikipedia - Maysville and Lexington Railroad, Northern Division -- Defunct railroad company operated 1868-1875
Wikipedia - Maysville and Lexington Railroad, Southern Division -- Defunct railroad company operated 1868-1921
Wikipedia - Maysville and Lexington Railroad -- Defunct railroad company operated 1850-1856
Wikipedia - Maywood Park -- Defunct American horse racing track
Wikipedia - MBC 3 -- Emirati children's television channel launched in 2004
Wikipedia - MBC 4 -- Emirati television channel launched in 2005
Wikipedia - MCA Inc. -- Defunct American media & entertainment conglomerate
Wikipedia - McCarthy 91 function
Wikipedia - McKaig-Hatch -- Defunct tool manufacturer from Buffalo, New York
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Xystein Olsen Ravner -- Norwegian councilor of state and minister
Wikipedia - McNally Smith College of Music -- Defunct American music college in Minnesota
Wikipedia - MD2 (hash function)
Wikipedia - M-DM-0smail Hakki UzuncarM-EM-^_ili -- Turkish politician
Wikipedia - M-DM-^@nanda -- Attendant of the Buddha and main figure in First Buddhist Council
Wikipedia - M-DM- -- Letter of the Latin script, and used in the Maltese (Malti) language pronounces M-bM-^@M-^XjM-bM-^@M-^Y formed from G with the addition of a dot above the letter
Wikipedia - MeadWestvaco -- Defunct American packaging company
Wikipedia - Mean Machines -- defunct video game magazine 1990-1992
Wikipedia - Mean of a function -- Formula for the average value of a function over its domain
Wikipedia - Measurement uncertainty
Wikipedia - Meaty Beaty Big and Bouncy -- 1971 album
Wikipedia - Media Life -- Defunct American online magazine
Wikipedia - Mediation function -- telecommunications network management function
Wikipedia - Medicago truncatula -- Species of legume
Wikipedia - Medical Council of Canada -- Canadian organization
Wikipedia - Medical Council of India -- Indian medical organization (1933-2020)
Wikipedia - Medical Record (journal) -- Defunct medical journal published in New York City
Wikipedia - Medical Research Council (MRC)
Wikipedia - Medical Research Council (UK)
Wikipedia - Medical Research Council (United Kingdom) -- State institution responsible for co-ordinating and funding medical research in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Medicine Hat (provincial electoral district) -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Medium-lift launch vehicle -- Launch vehicles capable of lifting between 2,000 to 20,000 kg into low Earth Orbit
Wikipedia - Megachile albopunctata -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile asuncicola -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile bipunctulata -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile conjuncta -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile conjunctiformis -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile crassepunctata -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile disjuncta -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile disjunctiformis -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile paucipunctulata -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile perpunctata -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile pipunctulata -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile punctata -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile punctatissima -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile puncticollis -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile punctolineata -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile punctomarginata -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile sejuncta -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile speluncarum -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile truncata -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile truncaticauda -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile truncaticeps -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Mega (magazine) -- defunct video game magazine 1992-1995
Wikipedia - Megilot Regional Council -- Israeli regional council in the West Bank
Wikipedia - Megxit -- Announcement by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex in January 2020
Wikipedia - Mehmet Tunc -- Turkish Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Mehola Junction bombing -- 1993 Palestinian suicide car bomb attack in the West Bank
Wikipedia - Meisha Merlin Publishing -- Defunct American specialty publisher
Wikipedia - Melaleuca uncinata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Melanoplus punctulatus -- Species of grasshopper
Wikipedia - Melanoplus truncatus -- Species of grasshopper
Wikipedia - Mel Bampton -- Australian radio announcer
Wikipedia - Melilla Airlines -- Defunct travel agency based in Melilla, Spain
Wikipedia - Mellin's Food -- Defunct nutritional supplement and its maker
Wikipedia - Membership function
Wikipedia - Members of the Australian Capital Territory Advisory Council -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Federal Legislative Council (1955-59) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1823-1843 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1843-1851 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1851-1856 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1856-1861 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1861-1864 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1864-1869 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1869-1872 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1872-1874 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1874-1877 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1877-1880 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1880-1882 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1882-1885 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1885-1887 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1887-1889 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1889-1891 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1891-1894 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1894-1895 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1895-1898 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1898-1901 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1901-1904 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1904-1907 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1907-1910 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1910-1913 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1913-1917 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1917-1920 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1920-1922 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1922-1925 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1925-1927 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1927-1930 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1930-1932 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1932-1934 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1934-1937 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1937-1940 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1940-1943 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1943-1946 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1946-1949 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1949-1952 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1952-1955 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1955-1958 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1958-1961 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1961-1964 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1964-1967 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1967-1970 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1970-1973 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1973-1976 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1976-1978 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1978-1981 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1981-1984 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1984-1988 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1988-1991 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1991-1995 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1995-1999 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1999-2003 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 2003-2007 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 2007-2011 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 2011-2015 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 2015-2019 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 2019-2023 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Northern Territory Legislative Council, 1949-1951 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Northern Territory Legislative Council, 1951-1954 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Northern Territory Legislative Council, 1954-1957 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Northern Territory Legislative Council, 1957-1960 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Northern Territory Legislative Council, 1960-1962 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Northern Territory Legislative Council, 1962-1965 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Northern Territory Legislative Council, 1965-1968 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Northern Territory Legislative Council, 1968-1971 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Northern Territory Legislative Council, 1971-1974 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Queensland Legislative Council, 1860-1869 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Queensland Legislative Council, 1870-1879 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Queensland Legislative Council, 1880-1889 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Queensland Legislative Council, 1890-1899 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Queensland Legislative Council, 1900-1909 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Queensland Legislative Council, 1910-1916 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Queensland Legislative Council, 1917-1922 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Regional Council of Veneto, 2005-2010 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Regional Council of Veneto, 2010-2015 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Regional Council of Veneto, 2015-2020 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Members of the Regional Council of Veneto, 2020-2025 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Member states of the Council of Europe
Wikipedia - Memory-bound function -- Type of computing function
Wikipedia - Memory-hard function -- Computer algorithm that requires a lot of memory
Wikipedia - Memory Records -- Defunct Italian record label
Wikipedia - Memory T cell -- Subset of T lymphocytes that might have some of the same functions as memory B cells.
Wikipedia - Memphis Post -- Defunct newspaper
Wikipedia - Mendocino Triple Junction -- The point where the Gorda plate, the North American plate, and the Pacific plate meet
Wikipedia - Mental function
Wikipedia - Meredith Duncan -- American professional golfer
Wikipedia - Meredith Press -- Defunct American publisher
Wikipedia - Meridian 5 -- Communications satellite launched by the Russian Federal Space Agency
Wikipedia - Merkle-DamgM-CM-%rd construction -- Method of building collision-resistant cryptographic hash functions
Wikipedia - Mesoligia furuncula -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Message from Turnberry -- Diplomatic message from the North Atlantic Council
Wikipedia - Messerschmitt-Bolkow-Blohm -- Defunct West German aerospace manufacturer
Wikipedia - Metachanda brunneopunctella -- Species of moth in genus Metachanda
Wikipedia - Metallicity distribution function -- The distribution within a group of stars of the ratio of iron to hydrogen in a star
Wikipedia - Metaphenomics -- Study of total functions of organisms in a given ecosystem
Wikipedia - Metaplasm -- Alteration in the pronunciation or the orthography of a word
Wikipedia - Meteor (satellite) -- Series of weather observation satellites launched by Russia
Wikipedia - Method (2004 film) -- 2004 film directed by Duncan Roy
Wikipedia - Method (computer programming) -- Computer function or subroutine that is tied to a particular instance or class
Wikipedia - Metlink -- Defunct marketing arm for transportation providers in Melbourne, Australia
Wikipedia - Metric (mathematics) -- Mathematical function defining distance
Wikipedia - Metro Arlington Xpress -- Defunct transit service in Arlington, Texas
Wikipedia - Metro Pictures -- defunct American film studio
Wikipedia - Metropolitan Anarchist Coordinating Council -- anarchist group based in New York City
Wikipedia - Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty -- New York City social services organization
Wikipedia - Metropolitan New York Library Council -- Consortium of libraries in the New York Metropolitan area
Wikipedia - Mette Munch -- Danish sailor
Wikipedia - Metzneria paucipunctella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Mexican People's Party -- Defunct socialist party in Mexico
Wikipedia - Mexican Workers' Party -- Defunct political party in Mexico
Wikipedia - M Huncho -- British rapper from north-west London
Wikipedia - Michael Buffer -- American ring announcer for boxing and professional wrestling matches
Wikipedia - Michael Clarke Duncan -- American actor
Wikipedia - Michael J. Truncale -- American judge
Wikipedia - Michael Waltrip -- American racing driver, sports announcer, and businessman
Wikipedia - Michel BM-CM-)nard -- Canadian councillor
Wikipedia - Michelin Ground -- Defunct cricket ground in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire
Wikipedia - Michelle Duncan -- British actress
Wikipedia - Micky Maus -- German magazine for Disney comics, launched in 1951
Wikipedia - Micropterix aruncella -- Moth species in family Micropterigidae
Wikipedia - Micropterix conjunctella -- Moth species in family Micropterigidae
Wikipedia - Microsoft Home -- Defunct line of software applications and personal hardware products published by Microsoft
Wikipedia - Mid-America Regional Council -- Planning and intergovernmental organization in Kansas City
Wikipedia - Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport -- Commercial space launch facility
Wikipedia - Mid-Continent University -- Defunct private university near Mayfield, Kentucky
Wikipedia - Middle Chinese -- Pronunciation system for Chinese recorded in the Qieyun dictionary (601)
Wikipedia - Middle Party for City and Country -- Defunct Dutch political party
Wikipedia - Middlesbrough Council -- English unitary authority council
Wikipedia - Mid-Eastern Wrestling Federation -- Defunct American independent professional wrestling promotion
Wikipedia - Midlothian -- Council area of Scotland
Wikipedia - Migme -- Defunct digital media company
Wikipedia - Miguel da Anunciacao -- 18th-century Portuguese Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Mike Duncan (podcaster) -- American historian and podcaster
Wikipedia - Mike Duncan -- American political activist
Wikipedia - Mike Gleason -- American sports announcer
Wikipedia - Mike Joy -- American sports announcer
Wikipedia - Mike King (radio announcer) -- American radio broadcaster
Wikipedia - Mike Rome -- American television host, ring announcer and backstage interviewer
Wikipedia - Mile Cross Estate, Norwich -- Council estate in Norwich, England
Wikipedia - Military Staff Committee -- United Nations Security Council subsidiary body
Wikipedia - Milk punch -- Milk based brandy or bourbon beverage
Wikipedia - Milton Cross -- American radio announcer
Wikipedia - Mi Lu Bing -- Defunct Singapore rock band
Wikipedia - Milwaukee Home and Fine Living -- Defunct American local magazine
Wikipedia - Mimogrynex densepunctatus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Mina Atta -- Egyptian singer and radio announcer
Wikipedia - Minenabwurfvorrichtung -- German WWII anti-personnel mine launcher
Wikipedia - Mineral (nutrient) -- Chemical element required as an essential nutrient by organisms to perform functions necessary for life
Wikipedia - Minerals Council South Africa -- South African mining-industry employer organisation
Wikipedia - Minification (programming) -- Removal of unnecessary characters in code without changing its functionality
Wikipedia - Minimal pair -- Two words that differ in only one element of their pronunciation
Wikipedia - Ministry of Health (Alberta) -- a ministry of the Executive Council of Alberta responsible for health services.
Wikipedia - Minkowski-Bouligand dimension -- Way of determining the dimension of a fractal set in a Euclidean space by counting the number of fixed-size boxes needed to cover the set as a function of the box size
Wikipedia - Minneapolis City Council -- City council; lawmaking body of the City of Minneapolis, MN, USA
Wikipedia - Minnesota functionals -- DFT methods developed by Donald Truhlar's research group
Wikipedia - Minori Chiba -- Japanese female announcer for NHK
Wikipedia - Minotaur-C -- Four stage, solid fuel launch vehicle
Wikipedia - Miran Pur -- Union council of Teh
Wikipedia - Misaligned goals in artificial intelligence -- Faulty objective functions
Wikipedia - Mispronunciation -- |Mispronunciation is defined as "incorrect or inaccurate pronunciation", though the matter of what is or is not mispronunciation is a contentious one
Wikipedia - Missile Row -- Nickname given to the U.S. Space Force and NASA launch complexes at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station
Wikipedia - Missouri Pacific Railroad -- Defunct American Class I railroad
Wikipedia - Mitcham Junction station -- Railway station and tram stop in Merton, London
Wikipedia - Mitcheldean Road & Forest of Dean Junction Railway -- Independent railway company in England
Wikipedia - Mitchell v DPP -- Judicial Committee of the Privy Council case
Wikipedia - Mitochondrial disease -- Spontaneously occurring or inherited disorder that involves mitochondrial dysfunction
Wikipedia - Miura 1 -- Suborbital recoverable launch vehicle of the Spanish company PLD Space
Wikipedia - Miura 5 -- Orbital recoverable launch vehicle of the Spanish company PLD Space
Wikipedia - Mleccha -- Sanskrit term referring to uncultured or barbarous peoples in ancient India
Wikipedia - ML (programming language) -- General purpose functional programming language
Wikipedia - MM-CM-)xico Posible -- Defunct political party in Mexico
Wikipedia - Mobile launcher platform -- Structure used to support large rockets during assembly, transportation to the launch pad, and during launch
Wikipedia - Moderate Party (Spain) -- Defunct political party in 19th century Spain
Wikipedia - Modern Humorist -- Defunct online humor magazine
Wikipedia - Modern Sketch -- Defunct monthly Chinese art periodical
Wikipedia - Modified Wigner distribution function
Wikipedia - Modular form -- Analytic function on the upper half-plane with a certain behavior under the modular group
Wikipedia - Moelwyn quarry -- Defunct slate quarry in Wales
Wikipedia - Moghalpura Junction railway station -- Railway station in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Mohammed Bin Musallam Bin Ham Al-Ameri -- Businessman, philanthropist, author and former UAE Federal National Council member
Wikipedia - Mohegan Sun -- American casino in Uncasville, Connecticut
Wikipedia - MOJ (motorcycle) -- Defunct Polish motorcycle brand
Wikipedia - Mojo Press -- Defunct American small press
Wikipedia - Mokama Junction railway station -- Railway station in Bihar
Wikipedia - Moledet -- defunct right-wing political party in Israel
Wikipedia - Molly Duncan -- Scottish saxophonist
Wikipedia - Monad (functional programming) -- Design pattern in functional programming to build generic types
Wikipedia - Monads in functional programming
Wikipedia - Monarchy of Canada -- Function and history of the Canadian monarchy
Wikipedia - Monarchy of the United Kingdom -- Function and history of the British monarchy
Wikipedia - Monastery of the Virgins -- Structure uncovered during Benjamin Mazar's excavations south of Jerusalem's Temple Mount
Wikipedia - Mona Yamamoto -- Japanese television announcer and presenter
Wikipedia - Monkey Punch -- Japanese manga artist
Wikipedia - Monoidal functor -- Concept in category theory
Wikipedia - Monon Railroad -- Defunct American Class I railway
Wikipedia - Monotonic function
Wikipedia - Monsang language -- Unclassified Sino-Tibetan (possibly Sino-Tibetan) language of Northeast India
Wikipedia - Montel's theorem -- Two theorems about families of holomorphic functions
Wikipedia - Montreal Locomotive Works -- Defunct Canadian locomotive manufacturer
Wikipedia - MontrM-CM-)al/Mascouche Airport -- Defunct airport in Mascouche, Quebec, Canada
Wikipedia - Monus -- Truncating subtraction on natural numbers, or a generalization thereof
Wikipedia - Moon (film) -- 2009 sci-fi film by Duncan Jones
Wikipedia - Moraine -- Glacially formed accumulation of unconsolidated debris
Wikipedia - Moray -- Council area of Scotland
Wikipedia - Mordecai Lincoln -- Uncle of Abraham Lincoln
Wikipedia - Moria (political party) -- Defunct Israeli political party
Wikipedia - Morinda Junction railway station -- Railway station in Punjab, India
Wikipedia - Morris County USD 417 -- School district in Council Grove, Kansas
Wikipedia - Morse function
Wikipedia - Morse theory -- Analyzes the topology of a manifold by studying differentiable functions on that manifold
Wikipedia - Mortar (weapon) -- Artillery weapon that launches explosive projectiles at high angles
Wikipedia - Moses M. Strong -- 19th century American lawyer and politician, Wisconsin pioneer, 3rd Speaker of the Wisconsin Assembly, member of the territorial council and 1st Wisconsin constitutional convention, U.S. attorney for Wisconsin Territory
Wikipedia - Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals -- Defunct American conservative organization
Wikipedia - Mounce Gore Butler -- American politician
Wikipedia - Mount Eden Hospital -- razed defunct hospital in The Bronx/NYC
Wikipedia - Mount Sneffels Wilderness -- U.S. Wilderness Area in southwest Colorado managed by the Uncompahgre National Forest
Wikipedia - Movement of Socialist Left -- Defunct socialist party in Portugal
Wikipedia - Mr. Freeze (roller coaster) -- Launched roller coasters at Six Flags parks
Wikipedia - Mr. Munchausen -- Fantasy novel by John Kendrick Bangs
Wikipedia - MS Achille Lauro -- Cruise ship launched in 1946
Wikipedia - MS Barfleur (1992) -- Ferry launched in 1991
Wikipedia - MS Munchen -- German LASH carrier
Wikipedia - MTV2 Pop -- Defunct German television station
Wikipedia - MTV Chi -- Defunct American music television channel
Wikipedia - MTV Plus -- Defunct Greek & Italian television channel
Wikipedia - MTVX -- Defunct digital cable hard rock music channel
Wikipedia - Mujahideen Shura Council (Iraq)
Wikipedia - Muktainagar Municipal Council -- Municipal council in Maharashtra, India
Wikipedia - Multifunction printer
Wikipedia - Multifunction radar
Wikipedia - Multi-function structure
Wikipedia - Multi-Housing News -- Defunct American magazine
Wikipedia - Multilayer switch -- Network switch providing functionality beyond the data link layer
Wikipedia - Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome -- Organ dysfunction in an acutely ill person requiring medical intervention
Wikipedia - Multiplication theorem -- A type of identity obeyed by many special functions related to the gamma function
Wikipedia - Multiplicity function for N noninteracting spins -- Concept in thermodynamics
Wikipedia - Multiscale Green's function -- Gernalized version of Green's function
Wikipedia - Multivalued function -- Generalization of a function that may produce several outputs for each input
Wikipedia - Multivariate function
Wikipedia - Muncef Ouardi -- Canadian speed skater
Wikipedia - Muncelu Mic mine -- Iron and gold mine in Hunedoara County, Romania
Wikipedia - Munchausen (2013 film) -- 2013 silent short horror film directed by Ari Aster
Wikipedia - Munchausen by Internet
Wikipedia - Munchenbuchsee railway station -- Swiss railway station
Wikipedia - Munchener Bier -- German beer
Wikipedia - MunchenKlang -- German choir and orchestra ensemble
Wikipedia - Munchhausen (1943 film) -- 1943 film by Josef von Baky
Wikipedia - Munchhausen in Africa -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Munchhausen trilemma -- A thought experiment used to demonstrate the impossibility of proving any truth
Wikipedia - Munchhouse -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Munchies (film) -- 1987 comedy horror film
Wikipedia - Munchin
Wikipedia - Munchirai block -- Revenue block in India
Wikipedia - Munchkin (card game) -- Card game spoofing table-top RPG play
Wikipedia - Munchkin cat -- Breed of cat
Wikipedia - Munch Museum
Wikipedia - Munchner Haus -- Alpine Club hut on Zugspitze in Germany
Wikipedia - Munchner Lach- und SchieM-CM-^_gesellschaft -- German political kabarett
Wikipedia - Munchner Merkur -- German (Bavarian) daily newspaper
Wikipedia - Munchner Neueste Nachrichten -- Former newspaper in Munich, Germany
Wikipedia - Muncie, Indiana
Wikipedia - Munitions Inventions Department -- Defunct British government body
Wikipedia - Murder Uncovered -- Australian true-crime series
Wikipedia - Mu-recursive function
Wikipedia - Muse Records -- Defunct jazz record company
Wikipedia - Museums, Libraries and Archives Council
Wikipedia - Mushroom management -- Company with dysfunctional communication between managers and employees
Wikipedia - Music for Them Asses -- 2001 studio album by The Almighty Punchdrunk
Wikipedia - Music Is Just a Bunch of Notes -- 1972 album by Spider John Koerner and Willie & the Bumblebees
Wikipedia - Mustafa Tuncer -- Turkish politician
Wikipedia - Mute (2018 film) -- 2018 film by Duncan Jones
Wikipedia - Muther Grumble -- Defunct UK newspaper (1971-1973)
Wikipedia - Mutilation -- Act of physical injury that degrades the appearance or function of any living body
Wikipedia - Mu Tunc -- Turkish director, writer, film producer, and actor
Wikipedia - Muzaffarpur Junction railway station -- Railway station in Bihar
Wikipedia - Myartspace -- Defunct social network site
Wikipedia - Mycetophila unipunctata -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Myopathy -- Muscular disease in which the muscle fibers do not function correctly
Wikipedia - Mystagogue -- Religious or occult function
Wikipedia - Mysterium Coniunctionis
Wikipedia - Mystery Junction -- 1951 film by Michael McCarthy
Wikipedia - Mythimna albipuncta -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Mythimna unipuncta -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - My Uncle Barbassous -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - My Uncle Benjamin (1924 film) -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - N1 (rocket) -- Soviet super heavy-lift launch vehicle
Wikipedia - Nachbin's theorem -- theorem bounding the growth rate of analytic functions
Wikipedia - Nadan v R -- 1926 Judicial Committee of the Privy Council ruling
Wikipedia - Nadia Oleszczuk -- Polish activist and founding member of the Consultative Council of Poland
Wikipedia - Naga Munchetty -- British journalist and television presenter
Wikipedia - Nagda Junction railway station -- Railway station in Madhya Pradesh
Wikipedia - Nailcruncher -- 1938 book by Albert Cohen
Wikipedia - Nairobi People's Convention Party -- Defunct Kenyan Political Party
Wikipedia - Nakodar Junction railway station -- Train station in Punjab, India
Wikipedia - Nalge Nunc International -- American plastics manufacturer
Wikipedia - Namco -- Defunct Japanese video game developer and publisher
Wikipedia - Nam On (constituency) -- Constituency of the Sai Kung District Council of Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Nana aba Duncan -- Writer and radio host
Wikipedia - Nanbu JM-EM-+kan Railway -- A defunct railway in Aomori Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - Nanjing Union Theological Seminary -- Protestant seminary in Nanjing, China, managed by the China Christian Council
Wikipedia - Nanton-Claresholm -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Nanton (provincial electoral district) -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Napco Four Wheel Drive Vehicles -- Defunct automobile parts manufacturer in Minnesota
Wikipedia - Narcotizing dysfunction
Wikipedia - Narkatiaganj Junction railway station -- Railway station in Bihar
Wikipedia - Nasal consonant -- Consonant pronounced by letting air escape through the nose but not through the mouth
Wikipedia - Nat Allbright -- American sports announcer
Wikipedia - Nate Holden -- American politician who served on the Los Angeles City Council
Wikipedia - Nathan Drake (Uncharted) -- protagonist of the ''Uncharted'' series
Wikipedia - Nathaniel Attoh -- Ghanaian announcer and journalist
Wikipedia - National Action Movement (Venezuela) -- Defunct far-right political party in Venezuela
Wikipedia - National Bank of Detroit -- Defunct American commercial bank
Wikipedia - National Border Patrol Council -- Union for the United States Border Patrol
Wikipedia - National Capital Area Council -- Local Boy Scout council
Wikipedia - National Centre of Social Republicans -- Defunct Gaullist political party in France
Wikipedia - National Centre Party (Ireland) -- Defunct political party in the Irish Free State
Wikipedia - National Child Labour Welfare Council -- Research institute in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - National Council Against Health Fraud -- Former American consumer advocate organization
Wikipedia - National Council (Austria) -- Lower house of the Austrian Parliament
Wikipedia - National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education -- Professional accreditor focused on accrediting teacher education program
Wikipedia - National Council for Geographic Education -- Non-profit scientific and educational society
Wikipedia - National Council for Human Resource in Health in India -- Proposed regulatory agency in India
Wikipedia - National Council for Human Rights -- Organization
Wikipedia - National Council for Scientific and Technological Development -- Brazilian government agency for scientific research organization
Wikipedia - National Council for Self-Esteem
Wikipedia - National Council for Teacher Education -- Government body for controlling Indian education system
Wikipedia - National Council for the Conservation of Plants and Gardens -- UK botanical conservation organisation
Wikipedia - National Council for the Defense of Democracy - Forces for the Defense of Democracy -- Political party in Burundi
Wikipedia - National Council for the Defense of Democracy -- Political party in Burundi
Wikipedia - National Council for the Revolutionary Command -- Council set up to rule Syria after the 1963 Syrian coup d'M-CM-)tat
Wikipedia - National Council for the Social Studies -- Other organization in Silver Spring, United States
Wikipedia - National Council for the Traditional Arts -- American not-for-profit arts organization
Wikipedia - National Council Licensure Examination
Wikipedia - National Council (Monaco) -- Parliament of Monaco
Wikipedia - National Council of Administration -- Executive Council of Uruguay from 1919 to 1933
Wikipedia - National Council of Churches in India
Wikipedia - National Council of Churches
Wikipedia - National Council of Educational Research and Training
Wikipedia - National Council of European Resistance -- European far-right political organization
Wikipedia - National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying
Wikipedia - National Council of Hindu Temples -- Hindu umbrella organisation in the UK
Wikipedia - National Council of Jewish Women -- National Council of Jewish Women
Wikipedia - National Council of Schools and Programs of Professional Psychology -- Psychology organizations based in the United States
Wikipedia - National Council of Teachers of English -- American teaching organization
Wikipedia - National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Wikipedia - National Council of the Judiciary -- Polish constitutional judiciary authority
Wikipedia - National Council of the Resistance -- an administrative organ of the French Resistance
Wikipedia - National Council of University Research Administrators -- Research administrator
Wikipedia - National Council of Venezuelan Indians -- Political party in Venezuela
Wikipedia - National Council on Bible Curriculum in Public Schools -- Conservative nonprofit organization
Wikipedia - National Council on Family Relations -- Nonprofit organization in Saint Paul, United States
Wikipedia - National Council on Measurement in Education
Wikipedia - National Council on Problem Gambling (Singapore) -- Council to address problem gambling
Wikipedia - National Council on Teacher Quality -- Think tanks based in Washington, D.C.
Wikipedia - National Council on the Arts
Wikipedia - National Council (Switzerland) -- Lower house of the Federal Assembly of Switzerland
Wikipedia - National Dance Association -- Defunct association of SHAPEAmerica
Wikipedia - National Defense Council of East Germany -- East German government body responsible for military and national defense affairs
Wikipedia - National Democratic League -- Defunct political organization in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - National Democratic Party (Northern Ireland) -- Defunct nationalist political party in Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - National Democratic Union (Brazil) -- Defunct political party in Brazil
Wikipedia - National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council -- Philippine government agency responsible for
Wikipedia - National Diversity Coalition for Trump -- Defunct U.S. political organization
Wikipedia - National Drug Intelligence Center -- Defunct US federal agency
Wikipedia - National Emergency Medical Services Association -- Defunct labor union
Wikipedia - National Health Council -- American organization
Wikipedia - National Heritage Life Insurance Company -- Defunct American insurance company
Wikipedia - National Infrastructure Advisory Council
Wikipedia - National Intelligence Council
Wikipedia - National Iranian American Council
Wikipedia - Nationalist Party (Greece) -- Defunct political party in Greece
Wikipedia - Nationalist Party (Thailand) -- Defunct political party in Thailand
Wikipedia - Nationalists' Party -- Defunct political party in Pahlavi era Iran
Wikipedia - National Judicial Council (Nigeria) -- Executive body of judiciary
Wikipedia - National Labour Front (Chile) -- Defunct right-wing political party in Chile
Wikipedia - National League of the North -- Defunct Irish nationalist organisation
Wikipedia - National League Party -- Defunct political party in Ireland
Wikipedia - National Legion of Decency -- Defunct American moral pressure group
Wikipedia - National Maximum Speed Law -- Defunct U.S. federal highway legislation
Wikipedia - National Monuments Council (South Africa and Namibia) -- Former government agency of South Africa
Wikipedia - National Organization for Decent Literature -- Defunct American moral pressure group
Wikipedia - National Party of Scotland -- Defunct Scottish nationalist party
Wikipedia - National Preservation Party -- Defunct political party in Iceland
Wikipedia - National Radical Union -- Defunct political party in Greece
Wikipedia - National Republican Party (Portugal) -- Defunct political party in Portugal
Wikipedia - National Research Council (Canada) -- Primary national research and technology organization of the Government of Canada
Wikipedia - National Research Council (Italy)
Wikipedia - National Research Council of Canada
Wikipedia - National Research Council Time Signal -- Canadian radio time signal
Wikipedia - National Research Council (United States)
Wikipedia - National Safety Council -- American nonprofit public service organization
Wikipedia - National Science and Technology Council
Wikipedia - National Security Council Intelligence Directives
Wikipedia - National Security Council (Pakistan)
Wikipedia - National Security Council (United Kingdom) -- British government Cabinet committee
Wikipedia - National Security Council -- Body responsible for coordinating policy on national security issues
Wikipedia - National Security Space Launch -- Expendable launch system program of the United States Space Force
Wikipedia - National Solidarity Party (Portugal) -- Defunct political party in Portugal
Wikipedia - National Student Association -- Defunct confederation of college student governments
Wikipedia - National Supermarkets -- Defunct American grocery store chain
Wikipedia - National Temperance Council -- Temperance organization in the United States
Wikipedia - National Transitional Council -- De facto government of Libya from 2011 to 2012
Wikipedia - National Youth Leadership Council -- National nonprofit organization
Wikipedia - Native advertising -- Type of advertising, that matches the form and function of the platform upon which it appears
Wikipedia - Natja Brunckhorst -- German actress
Wikipedia - Natural Environment Research Council -- British Research Council
Wikipedia - Natural proof -- Provides lower bounds on the circuit complexity of boolean functions
Wikipedia - Natural Resources Defense Council -- Non-profit international environmental advocacy group, with its headquarters in New York City
Wikipedia - Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Wikipedia - Naud Junction (Los Angeles) -- Human settlement in California, United States of America
Wikipedia - Navajo Nation Council Chamber -- government center of the Navajo Nation in the Southwestern United States
Wikipedia - Nawanshahr Doaba Junction railway station -- Train station in Punjab, India
Wikipedia - Ncuncuni Constituency -- Electoral constituency in the Kavango West region of northern Namibia
Wikipedia - Ndola City Council -- Government body in Ndola, Zambia
Wikipedia - Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council -- Local governing body in Wales
Wikipedia - Necropolitan Press -- Defunct American specialty small press
Wikipedia - Nedelin catastrophe -- Fatal Soviet launch pad disaster
Wikipedia - Nedelya -- Defunct Russian newspaper
Wikipedia - Ned, Tullyhunco -- Townland in Killeshandra, Ireland
Wikipedia - Needlestick injury -- Accidental puncture of skin causing contamination
Wikipedia - Neighbourhood Councils of Guyana
Wikipedia - Neocortex -- Mammalian structure involved in higher-order brain functions
Wikipedia - Neonatal encephalopathy -- Neurological dysfunction shortly after birth
Wikipedia - NeonPunch -- South Korean girl group
Wikipedia - Neoscona punctigera -- Species of orb-weaver spider
Wikipedia - Nepenthes truncata -- Species of pitcher plant from the Philippines
Wikipedia - Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus -- Impaired renal function disease characterized by a complete or partial resistance of the kidneys to vasopressin (ADH)
Wikipedia - Nephrotoma pedunculata -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Nergundi Junction railway station -- Railway station in Odisha, India
Wikipedia - Nervijuncta -- Genus of flies
Wikipedia - Nested function
Wikipedia - Netcom (United States) -- Defunct American Internet service provider
Wikipedia - Netechma obunca -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Network of Excellence for Functional Biomaterials -- Multidisciplinary research centre at NUI Galway, Ireland
Wikipedia - Network virtualization -- combining hardware and software network resources and network functionality into a single administrative entity
Wikipedia - Neue Grafik -- Defunct quarterly graphic design journal
Wikipedia - Neurogenic bowel dysfunction -- Human disease involving inability to control defecation
Wikipedia - Neutral network (evolution) -- A set of genes all related by point mutations that have equivalent function or fitness
Wikipedia - Newbridge Networks -- Defunct Canadian voice and data networking company
Wikipedia - New Delhi Municipal Council -- Municipal corporation in National Capital Territory of India, India
Wikipedia - Newfoundland Railway -- Defunct narrow-gauge railway
Wikipedia - New Frontier Party (Japan) -- Defunct political party in Japan
Wikipedia - New Haven Arena -- Defunct American indoor ice hockey arena
Wikipedia - New Haven Gymnasium -- Defunct school in Connecticut, US
Wikipedia - New Jersey Pride -- Defunct men's semi-professional field lacrosse team
Wikipedia - New Morinda Junction railway station -- Railway station in Punjab, India
Wikipedia - Newnham, Tasmania -- Suburb of Launceston, Tasmania
Wikipedia - New Reliable Press -- Defunct Canadian comic book and graphic novel publisher
Wikipedia - New Socialist Party (San Marino) -- Defunct political party in San Marino
Wikipedia - New South Wales Legislative Council -- Upper house of the Parliament of New South Wales
Wikipedia - NewsPunch -- Fake news website
Wikipedia - Newton's method in optimization -- Method for finding stationary points of a function
Wikipedia - Newton's method -- Algorithm for finding a zero of a function
Wikipedia - Newton's theorem about ovals -- The area cut off by a secant of a smooth convex oval is not an algebraic function
Wikipedia - New Unified School Council -- Organization to coordinate public education during the 2nd Spanish Republic
Wikipedia - New Year's Eve Punch -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - New York Herald Tribune -- Defunct American newspaper published in New York City
Wikipedia - New York Newsday -- Defunct American daily newspaper
Wikipedia - New York Press -- Defunct free alternative weekly in New York City
Wikipedia - New York State Council on the Arts -- Arts council serving the U.S. state of New York
Wikipedia - New-York Tribune -- Defunct American newspaper
Wikipedia - New Zealand Herald and Auckland Gazette -- Defunct New Zealand newspaper
Wikipedia - New Zealand Legislative Council -- Upper House of New Zealand
Wikipedia - New Zealand Republican Party (1995) -- Defunct political party in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Ngauranga Interchange -- Road junction in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge -- Defunct bridge spanning the Niagara River
Wikipedia - Nicene Creed -- Statement of belief adopted at the First Ecumenical Council in 325
Wikipedia - Nicholas Duncan-Williams -- Ghanaian pastor
Wikipedia - Nicolas Michel -- |Nicolas Michel is an Adjunct Professor of international law
Wikipedia - Nidamangalam Junction railway station -- Junction railway station serving Needamangalam in Tamil Nadu, India
Wikipedia - Niddah -- Woman with status of ritual uncleanness during and after menstruation in Jewish law
Wikipedia - Nigella -- Genus of flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Nigeria Airways -- Defunct airline
Wikipedia - Ninurta coeruleopunctatus -- Species of lizard from South Africa
Wikipedia - Niqqud -- System of diacritical signs used to represent vowels or distinguish between alternative pronunciations of letters of the Hebrew alphabet
Wikipedia - Niranjani Shanmugaraja -- Sri Lankan actress and announcer
Wikipedia - Nirodha -- Renounciation of desire in Buddhism
Wikipedia - Nisga'a Tribal Council -- Former governing body of the Nisga'a people
Wikipedia - NIST hash function competition
Wikipedia - Nithya Raman -- Indian-American urban planner, activist, and Los Angeles City Councilmember-elect for the 4th District
Wikipedia - Nixon Public School -- Defunct elementary school near Simcoe, Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - Nizamabad Junction railway station -- Railway junction station in Nizamabad, Telangana
Wikipedia - Nizhny Baskunchak -- Urban locality in Astrakhan Oblast, Russia
Wikipedia - Nlaka'pamux Nation Tribal Council -- First Nations government Tribal Council comprising bands in the Fraser Canyon and Thompson Canyon areas of the Canadian province of British Columbia
Wikipedia - No free lunch in search and optimization -- Solution cost, averaged over all problems in a class, is the same for any solution method
Wikipedia - No free lunch theorem -- If an algorithm does well on some problems, then it pays for that on other problems
Wikipedia - Nolisair -- Defunct Canadian air transport company
Wikipedia - Non-disjunction
Wikipedia - Non-functional requirements
Wikipedia - Non-functional requirement
Wikipedia - Non-functional testing
Wikipedia - Non-molestation order -- An injunction that protects victims of abuse or harassment
Wikipedia - Non-native pronunciations of English
Wikipedia - Non-rocket spacelaunch -- Concepts for launch into space
Wikipedia - Nonsense mutation -- Point mutation in a sequence of DNA that results in a premature stop codon, or a nonsense codon in the transcribed mRNA, and in a truncated, incomplete, and usually nonfunctional protein product
Wikipedia - Non-smooth mechanics -- A modeling approach in mechanics which does not require the time evolutions of the positions and of the velocities to be smooth functions anymore
Wikipedia - No One Can Pronounce My Name -- novel written by Rakesh Satyal
Wikipedia - Nootropic -- Drug, supplement, or other substance that improves cognitive function
Wikipedia - Noranda (mining company) -- Defunct mining and metallurgy company originally from Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec, Canada
Wikipedia - Nordic Council of Ministers
Wikipedia - Nordic Council -- Geo-political inter-parliamentary forum for co-operation between the Nordic countries
Wikipedia - Norfolk Board of Education -- Defunct school board in Southern Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - Norfolk Scope -- Multi-function arena in Norfolk, Virginia, United States
Wikipedia - North American Boxing Council -- North American Boxing Council
Wikipedia - North American Soccer League (1968-1984) -- Defunct major soccer league in the United States and Canada
Wikipedia - North Atlantic Council -- NATO's political body
Wikipedia - North Ayrshire -- Council area of Scotland
Wikipedia - North Down Borough Council -- Administrative territorial entity of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - North Eastern Council -- Statutory advisory body for Northeast India
Wikipedia - North East Lincolnshire Council -- Humberside County Council
Wikipedia - Northeast Ohio Council on Higher Education -- Nonprofit business and higher education collaborative
Wikipedia - Northern General Transport Company -- Defunct Bus company in North East England
Wikipedia - Northern Plains Resource Council -- US conservation organization
Wikipedia - Northern Television -- Defunct two-station network in northern British Columbia, Canada
Wikipedia - North Korea Uncovered -- A comprehensive mapping of North Korea
Wikipedia - North Lanarkshire -- Council area of Scotland
Wikipedia - North London Railway -- Defunct English railroad company
Wikipedia - North Mall Distillery -- Defunct distillery
Wikipedia - North Queensland Airways -- Defunct Australian aviation company
Wikipedia - Northrop Grumman Pegasus -- Air-launched rocket
Wikipedia - Northwestern Dispensary -- defunct New York City hospital
Wikipedia - Norton Priory -- A historic site in Norton, Runcorn, Cheshire, England
Wikipedia - Norton Villiers Triumph -- Defunct British motorcycle manufacturer
Wikipedia - Norwegian National Women's Council -- Norwegian umbrella organization for women
Wikipedia - Norwegian Research Council
Wikipedia - Norwich City Council -- City council for Norwich, England
Wikipedia - Norwich Union -- Defunct British branch of Aviva
Wikipedia - No Self-Government Party -- Defunct single-issue political party in the Australian Capital Territory
Wikipedia - Nothoploca nigripunctata -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - Not invented here -- Dysfunctional institutional culture that eschews reusing products or ideas of external origin
Wikipedia - NOTS-EV-2 Caleb -- U.S. military expendable launch system
Wikipedia - Nottingham City Council -- Non-metropolitan district council for the unitary authority of Nottingham
Wikipedia - Nottinghamshire County Council v B -- 2011 Irish Supreme Court case
Wikipedia - Noun adjunct -- grammatical construct in which a noun modifies another noun
Wikipedia - Nova M Radio -- Defunct radio syndication service
Wikipedia - November 2020 Afghanistan attacks -- Multiple attacks launched by insurgents in November 2020
Wikipedia - Novoye Vremya (newspaper) -- Defunct Russian newspaper (1868-1917)
Wikipedia - Nowshera Junction railway station -- Railway station in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Now Software -- Defunct Mac software company
Wikipedia - N-Space -- Defunct American video game developer
Wikipedia - NSW Aboriginal Land Council -- Peak body of Aboriginal land councils in New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - NTFS junction point
Wikipedia - Nuba Mountains Union -- Defunct political party in Sudan
Wikipedia - Nuclear triad -- nuclear weapons launchable from strategic bombers, submarines and ICBMs
Wikipedia - Nucular -- Common, proscribed pronunciation of "nuclear"
Wikipedia - Nuffield Council on Bioethics
Wikipedia - Nunc dimittis
Wikipedia - Nunciature of the Holy See in Washington DC
Wikipedia - Nunciature to Great Britain
Wikipedia - Nunciature
Wikipedia - Nuncio -- Papal ambassador
Wikipedia - Nurcan TuncbaM-DM-^_ -- Medical researcher
Wikipedia - Nya Dagligt Allehanda -- Defunct Swedish newspaper
Wikipedia - Objective function
Wikipedia - Objet d'art -- Small works of decorative art that are not functional
Wikipedia - Occupation order -- An injunction that regulates who may reside in a home
Wikipedia - Ocean Handicap -- Defunct American Thoroughbred horse race
Wikipedia - Ochetellus punctatissimus -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Oculohammus densepunctatus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Odigo Messenger -- Defunct social networking service
Wikipedia - Oegoconia quadripuncta -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Office for Safeguarding National Security of the CPG in the HKSAR -- An organ of the Central People's Government (State Council) of China in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Office of the Coordinator of Information -- Defunct US intelligence agency
Wikipedia - Office of the Prime Minister and Privy Council -- Office building in Ottawa
Wikipedia - Off-the-grid -- System and lifestyle designed to help people function without a remote infrastructure, such as an electrical grid
Wikipedia - Ogilvy's -- Defunct department store in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - Ohio Arts Council -- Agency serving the US state of Ohio
Wikipedia - Ohio Library Council -- Professional association for librarians in Ohio
Wikipedia - Okapi BM25 -- Ranking function used by search engines
Wikipedia - OkCupid -- American online dating service launched in 2004
Wikipedia - Old Mariscal Sucre International Airport -- Defunct international airport serving Quito, Ecuador
Wikipedia - Old Social Democratic Party of Germany -- Defunct political party in Weimar Germany
Wikipedia - Oligia fasciuncula -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Oligia latruncula -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Olio Model One -- A discontinued smartwatch sold from 2015 to 2016 by the now defunct Olio Devices, Inc.
Wikipedia - Olympia and York -- Defunct international property development firm based in Toronto
Wikipedia - Olympic Federation of Ireland -- National Olympic Committee for the island of Ireland (formerly Olympic Council of Ireland)
Wikipedia - OmegA -- Canceled US launch vehicle
Wikipedia - Omnitruncated 5-simplex honeycomb -- Five dimensional space-filling tessellation
Wikipedia - One Aviation -- Defunct American aerospace manfacturer
Wikipedia - One Inch Punch -- American musical duo
Wikipedia - One-Punch Man -- Japanese manga and anime series
Wikipedia - One-way compression function
Wikipedia - One-way functions
Wikipedia - One-way function
Wikipedia - OnlyFans -- British subscription-only content service launched in 2016
Wikipedia - Onomatopoeia -- Word whose pronunciation imitates sound of its denotation
Wikipedia - Ontario Arts Council -- Arts council of the province of Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - On the Councils and the Church
Wikipedia - Open Arms (watercraft) -- Tugboat launched in 1974
Wikipedia - Open mapping theorem (functional analysis)
Wikipedia - Operating temperature -- Temperature range in which the equipment is expected to function reliably
Wikipedia - Operation Combine -- An operation launched by the Sri Lankan army in order to kill rebel leaders
Wikipedia - Operator (physics) -- Function acting on the space of physical states in physics
Wikipedia - Opiter Verginius Tricostus (consul 502 BC) -- Roman aristocrat and consul (502 BC) who fought against the Aurunci and took Pometia
Wikipedia - Opsariichthys uncirostris -- Species of fish
Wikipedia - Optical transfer function -- Function that specifies how different spatial frequencies are handled by an optical system
Wikipedia - Orbital Sciences Corporation -- American company which specializes in the manufacturing and launch of satellites
Wikipedia - Orbiting Picosat Automatic Launcher -- U.S. amateur radio satellite
Wikipedia - Ordered exponential field -- ordered field with a function generalizing the exponential function
Wikipedia - Order in Council -- Legislative order in many countries, particularly of Commonwealth realms
Wikipedia - Order of Council -- Form of legislation in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Order of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Wikipedia - Order of the Most Holy Annunciation
Wikipedia - Ordinary differential equation -- Differential equation containing one or more functions of one independent variable and its derivatives
Wikipedia - Organ (anatomy) -- Collection of tissues with similar functions
Wikipedia - Organic brain syndrome -- Disorder of mental function whose cause is alleged to be known as physiological
Wikipedia - Oriental Bank of Commerce -- Defunct bank in India
Wikipedia - Oriental Film -- Defunct Indonesian film company
Wikipedia - Origin and function of meiosis
Wikipedia - Orion abort modes -- Launch abort modes used by the Orion spacecraft
Wikipedia - Orkney -- Archipelago, county and council area in northern Scotland
Wikipedia - Orlando SeaWolves -- An American professional indoor soccer franchise based in Kissimmee, Florida that went defunct in 2020
Wikipedia - Orthodox International Youth Festival "Bratya" -- Annual Russian Orthodox youth festival, launched by a group of activists from Mozhaysk, Russia, with the support of various Eastern Orthodox communities, public organizations and individuals.
Wikipedia - Osborne effect -- The drop in sales of a company prematurely announcing a future product
Wikipedia - O.S.C.A. -- Defunct Italian automobile producer
Wikipedia - Oshawa Truck Assembly -- A defunct truck plant in Oshawa, Ontario
Wikipedia - Ostara (magazine) -- Defunct German nationalist magazine
Wikipedia - Other Music -- Defunct music store, online music distributor, and record label based in New York City, USA
Wikipedia - Otis Dudley Duncan
Wikipedia - O Tong (constituency) -- Constituency of the Sai Kung District Council of Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Ottawa station (Rock Island Line) -- Defunct train station in Ottawa, Illinois, USA
Wikipedia - Otter Dock -- former arm of the Grand Junction Canal in Yiewsley, United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Otto Munch -- German artist
Wikipedia - Otto von Munchhausen -- German botanist
Wikipedia - Ounce -- Unit of mass
Wikipedia - Ourang Medan -- Unconfirmed ghost ship of the 1940s.
Wikipedia - Our Lady of Good Counsel High School (New Jersey) -- Defunct Catholic high school in Newark, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Outdoor Recreation New Zealand -- Defunct political party in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Outer Hebrides -- Archipelago and council area off the west coast of mainland Scotland
Wikipedia - Outhouse (venue) -- Defunct music venue in Kansas, United States
Wikipedia - Oxfordshire Museums Council
Wikipedia - Oyez -- English-language interjection announcing the opening of a legal court
Wikipedia - P-500 Bazalt -- Russia ship-launched cruise missile
Wikipedia - Pabstiella truncicola -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Pacific Spaceport Complex - Alaska -- Commercial rocket launch facility in Alaska
Wikipedia - Packard -- Defunct luxury automobile marque from Detroit, Michigan
Wikipedia - Pactolus Bank -- Unconfirmed undersea bank in the southern Pacific Ocean.
Wikipedia - Page 6 -- Defunct British computer magazine
Wikipedia - PaidContent -- Defunct online news magazine
Wikipedia - Pair distribution function -- Describes the distribution of distances between pairs of particles contained within a given volume
Wikipedia - Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
Wikipedia - Pak Sha Wan (constituency) -- Constituency of the Sai Kung District Council of Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Palace East railway station -- Station and railway network junction in Ireland
Wikipedia - Palghar Municipal Council -- Municipal council
Wikipedia - Palliard Press -- Defunct American comic book publisher
Wikipedia - Pamela Duncan Edwards -- British born children's author
Wikipedia - Pamela Duncan (novelist) -- American novelist
Wikipedia - Pamida -- Defunct American department store chain
Wikipedia - Pangyo Junction -- Road junction in Korea
Wikipedia - Pan-Orthodox Council -- Synod (19-26 June 2016) of set representative bishops of the universally recognised autocephalous local churches of Eastern Orthodox Christianity held in Kolymvari, Crete
Wikipedia - Pantelleria Vecchia Bank Megalith -- An anomalous underwater artifact of uncertain origin
Wikipedia - Pantheon (roller coaster) -- Launched roller coaster at Busch Gardens Williamsburg
Wikipedia - Papal Nuncio
Wikipedia - Papal nuncio
Wikipedia - Papal renunciation -- Resignation of the pope of the Roman Catholic Church
Wikipedia - Parachute Jump -- Defunct amusement ride in Brooklyn, New York
Wikipedia - Paracymoriza truncata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Paraidemona punctata -- Species of grasshopper
Wikipedia - Parallelodiplosis subtruncata -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Parametric equation -- Representation of a curve by a function of a parameter
Wikipedia - Parametrization (geometry) -- Expression of the position of a point as a function of auxiliary variables called parameter
Wikipedia - Paratrooper -- Military parachutists functioning as part of an airborne force
Wikipedia - Parents Music Resource Center -- Defunct American committee
Wikipedia - Parents Television Council -- Non-profit advocacy group in the United States
Wikipedia - Parenzana -- Defunct Italy-Croatia railway line
Wikipedia - Paris Commune -- Revolutionary city council of Paris in 1871
Wikipedia - Parish councils in England -- Elected corporate bodies responsible for local government in English civil parishes
Wikipedia - Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting
Wikipedia - Parkchester General Hospital -- defunct hospital in The Bronx/NYC, subsequently a nursing home
Wikipedia - Park Hill, Sheffield -- Council housing estate in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Parking orbit -- Temporary orbit used during the launch of a spacecraft
Wikipedia - Park Ji-yoon (presenter) -- South Korean announcer and presenter
Wikipedia - Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe -- Parliamentary assembly
Wikipedia - Parliamentary Council -- Parliamentary Council
Wikipedia - Parnassus (magazine) -- Defunct American poetry magazine)
Wikipedia - Parochial church council -- Executive body for a Church of England parish
Wikipedia - Parosmia -- Dysfunction with smell detection
Wikipedia - Parsissaet -- Local Greenlandic councils
Wikipedia - Parti acadien -- Defunct political party in New Brunswick, Canada
Wikipedia - Partial autocorrelation function
Wikipedia - Partial derivative -- Derivative of a function of several variables with respect to one variable, with the others held constant
Wikipedia - Partial functions
Wikipedia - Partial function -- Function whose actual domain of definition may be smaller than its apparent domain
Wikipedia - Parti nationaliste du QuM-CM-)bec -- Defunct political party in Canada
Wikipedia - Parti national populaire -- Defunct political party in Quebec
Wikipedia - Parti Solidaire Africain -- Defunct socialist party in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Wikipedia - Party for Freedom and Progress -- Defunct Belgian political party
Wikipedia - Party of Democratic Action-Islamic Path -- Defunct Macedonian political party
Wikipedia - Party of Donkeys -- Defunct frivolous political party in Iran
Wikipedia - Party of Labour of Spain -- Defunct communist party in Spain
Wikipedia - Party of New Liberals -- Defunct political party in Greece
Wikipedia - Pat Bunch -- American country music songwriter
Wikipedia - Pat Duncan -- Canadian politician from Yukon
Wikipedia - Patent model -- Type of functional model used to illustrate features of a patent
Wikipedia - Paterson Catholic High School -- Defunct Catholic school in Passaic County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Pat Foley -- TV hockey announcer for the Chicago Blackhawks
Wikipedia - Patna Junction railway station -- railway station in Patna, Bihar, India
Wikipedia - Patricia Duncker -- British novelist and academic
Wikipedia - Patricia Hughes (radio presenter) -- British radio announcer and news presenter
Wikipedia - Paula Duncan -- Australian actress
Wikipedia - Paulus Modestus Schucking -- German lawyer, councillor, philosopher and writer
Wikipedia - Payload fairing -- Nose cone of a rocket used to protect spacecraft during launch
Wikipedia - PBKDF2 -- Standard for a password-based key derivation function
Wikipedia - PC Direct -- Defunct British computer magazine
Wikipedia - PC Magazine (British magazine) -- Defunct British magazine
Wikipedia - Peace Democratic Party -- Defunct political party in South Korea
Wikipedia - Peach Air -- Defunct United Kingdom charter airline
Wikipedia - Pearson hashing -- Fast 8-bit hash function
Wikipedia - Peckett and Sons -- Defunct British locomotive manufacturer
Wikipedia - Peddapalli Junction railway station -- Railway station in Telangana, India
Wikipedia - Pediasia truncatellus -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Pedois tripunctella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Pedro del Barrio Junco y Espriella -- Spanish colonial administrator
Wikipedia - Peduncle (anatomy) -- Elongated stalk of tissue
Wikipedia - Peduncle (botany)
Wikipedia - Pee Dee Pride -- Defunct minor-league professional hockey team
Wikipedia - Pelham Bay General Hospital -- defunct hospital in The Bronx/NYC, subsequently a nursing home
Wikipedia - Pennsylvania Humanities Council -- Non-profit affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities
Wikipedia - Pennsylvania Punch Bowl -- Humor magazine
Wikipedia - Penny Illustrated Paper -- Defunct London weekly newspaper
Wikipedia - Pentagonal number theorem -- Relates the product and series representations of the Euler function M-NM- (1-x^n)
Wikipedia - PEOPLE Party -- Defunct green party in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - People's Council of West Kurdistan
Wikipedia - People's Democracy (Ireland) -- Defunct Trotskyist political organisation in Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - People's Empowerment Party (British Virgin Islands) -- Defunct political party in the British Virgin Islands
Wikipedia - People's Labour Party (Cuba) -- Defunct political party in Cuba
Wikipedia - People's New Party -- Defunct political party in Japan
Wikipedia - Peoples' Party of Georgia -- Defunct political party in Georgia (U.S, state)
Wikipedia - People's Party of Republicans and Conservatives -- Defunct political party in Estonia
Wikipedia - People's Party (Spain, 1976) -- Defunct political party in Spain
Wikipedia - People's Representative Council of the United States of Indonesia -- Legislative assembly in the United States of Indonesia
Wikipedia - People's Socialist Front -- Defunct socialist party in Portugal 1974-2004
Wikipedia - People's Socialist Party (Spain) -- Defunct Spanish political party
Wikipedia - Pepin the Hunchback
Wikipedia - Per Fine Ounce -- Book by Geoffrey Jenkins
Wikipedia - Perforation (oil well) -- A hole punched in the casing or liner of an oil well to connect it to the reservoir
Wikipedia - Periodic function
Wikipedia - Perittia obscurepunctella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the Council of Europe
Wikipedia - Persicaria runcinata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Personal Computer Games -- Defunct British magazine
Wikipedia - Personal Computer News -- Defunct British computer review magazine
Wikipedia - Personal unconscious
Wikipedia - Perth and Kinross -- Council area of Scotland
Wikipedia - Petals (TV series) -- Australian children's television show, launched 1998
Wikipedia - Peter Allen (US broadcaster) -- American broadcaster and radio announcer
Wikipedia - Peter Bolgar -- British television and radio announcer
Wikipedia - Peter Donaldson -- British radio announcer and newsreader
Wikipedia - Peter Duncan (director) -- Australian film director
Wikipedia - Peter Ferdinand Funck -- Danish violinist and composer
Wikipedia - Peter Martin Duncan
Wikipedia - Peter Pirsch and Sons -- Defunct American firefighting manufacturer
Wikipedia - Petlad Junction railway station -- Railway station in Gujarat, India
Wikipedia - Petrophile juncifolia -- Species of shrub endemic to Western Australia
Wikipedia - Petrophile pedunculata -- Species of shrub of the family Proteaceae found in eastern Australia
Wikipedia - -- Defunct shopping website
Wikipedia - Petticoat Junction -- American television series 1963-1970
Wikipedia - PF-00446687 -- Experimental erectile dysfunction drug
Wikipedia - Phaltan -- Town, taluka and council in Maharashtra, India
Wikipedia - Phantasia Press -- Defunct American small publisher
Wikipedia - Pheidole lagunculinoda -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Pheidole uncagena -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Phephna Junction railway station -- Junction station in Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Phiala costipuncta -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Phiala punctulata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Phiaris bipunctana -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Philadelphia City Council -- Legislative body of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.
Wikipedia - Philippine Constabulary -- Defunct Philippine police force
Wikipedia - Philippines General Council of the Assemblies of God
Wikipedia - Philosophy of the Unconscious -- 1869 book by Eduard von Hartmann
Wikipedia - Phi Omega Pi -- Defunct collegiate sorority in the United States
Wikipedia - PHL-16 -- Guided modular rocket launching system.
Wikipedia - Phoenix City Council -- City Council of Phoenix, Arizona
Wikipedia - Phoenix Gazette -- Defunct daily Arizona newspaper
Wikipedia - Phonetic complement -- Pronunciation guide accompanying logographic writing
Wikipedia - Photedes captiuncula -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Photo CD -- CD-based format used for storing uncompressed photos
Wikipedia - Photo Era (magazine) -- Defunct American photography magazine
Wikipedia - Photoshop plugin -- Piece of software that enhance the functionality of Adobe Photoshop
Wikipedia - Phthisis bulbi -- Shrunken, non-functional eye
Wikipedia - Phyllocnistis unipunctella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Physical constant -- Universal and unchanging physical quantity
Wikipedia - Physical disability -- Limitation on a person's physical functioning, mobility, dexterity or stamina
Wikipedia - Physical layer -- the lowest-level electronic or optical transmission functions of a network
Wikipedia - Physical therapy -- Health profession that aims to address the illnesses or injuries that limit a person's physical abilities to function in everyday life
Wikipedia - Physiology -- Science of the function of living systems
Wikipedia - PHY -- Integrated circuit required to implement physical layer functions of the OSI model in a network interface controller
Wikipedia - Piccadilly Circus -- Road junction and public place in London, England, UK
Wikipedia - Pilibhit Junction railway station -- Railway Station in Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Pink Punch -- Extended play by Rocket Punch
Wikipedia - Pinky (magazine) -- Defunct Japanese fashion magazine
Wikipedia - Pioneer 10 -- Space probe launched in March 1972
Wikipedia - Pioneer program -- Series of United States uncrewed lunar and planetary space probes
Wikipedia - Pipar Road Junction railway station -- Railway station in Rajasthan
Wikipedia - Piper aduncum -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Pitavia punctata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Pitt Stadium -- Defunct outdoor stadium
Wikipedia - Pizza Showtime -- Defunct Australian family restaurant and entertainment center
Wikipedia - Planet Airways -- Defunct airline
Wikipedia - Platinum Technology -- Defunct computer software company
Wikipedia - Platz der Freiheit (Munchen) -- Munich square
Wikipedia - Playdom -- defunct online social network game developer
Wikipedia - PlayStation 2 online functionality -- Online service for PlayStation 2
Wikipedia - PLD Space -- A private Spanish launch services provider
Wikipedia - Plebeian Council -- The principal assembly of the ancient Roman Republic
Wikipedia - Plesetsk Cosmodrome Site 32 -- Launch site at Plesetsk Cosmodrome in northern Russia
Wikipedia - Plethodontohyla bipunctata -- Species of amphibian
Wikipedia - Pleurothallis truncata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Plymouth and Middleborough Railroad -- Defunct railroad line
Wikipedia - P-n junction -- Semiconductor-semiconductor junction, formed at the boundary between a p-type and n-type semiconductor
Wikipedia - Pochhammer k-symbol -- Term in the mathematical theory of special functions
Wikipedia - Point coordination function
Wikipedia - Po Lam (constituency) -- Constituency of the Sai Kung District Council of Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Polaroid Collection -- Defunct photography collection
Wikipedia - Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle -- Expendable system for launching satellites, developed by the Indian Space Research Organisation
Wikipedia - Polemic (magazine) -- defunct British arts magazine
Wikipedia - Polespear -- Basic rubber launched underwater fishing spear
Wikipedia - Political conjuncture
Wikipedia - Politically exposed person -- Person with a prominent public function
Wikipedia - Pollachi Junction railway station -- Railway junction serving the town of Pollachi, Tamil Nadu
Wikipedia - Polynomial function
Wikipedia - Polynomial mapping -- Function such that the coordinates of the image of a point are polynomial functions of the coordinates of the point
Wikipedia - Polyrhachis punctillata -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Pomasia punctaria -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Pompton Junction station -- Former railroad station in New Jersey
Wikipedia - Ponoka-Rimbey -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Pontefract North -- Electoral ward of Wakefield Council
Wikipedia - Pontiac (automobile) -- Defunct automobile brand owned by General Motors
Wikipedia - Pontiac's War -- 1763 war launched by American Indian tribes against the Kingdom of Great Britain
Wikipedia - Pontifical Council Cor Unum
Wikipedia - Pontifical Council for Culture
Wikipedia - Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue
Wikipedia - Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace
Wikipedia - Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts
Wikipedia - Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity -- Pontifical council, founded in 1960 and associated with the 2nd Vatican Council, charged with dialogue and collaboration with other Christian denominations
Wikipedia - Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization
Wikipedia - Pontifical Council for Social Communications
Wikipedia - Pontifical Council for the Family
Wikipedia - Pontifical Council for the Laity
Wikipedia - Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Health Care Workers
Wikipedia - Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People
Wikipedia - Pontifical council
Wikipedia - Popeyes Motorcycle Club -- defunct outlaw motorcycle club from Canada
Wikipedia - Popular Christian Movement -- Defunct political party in Bolivia
Wikipedia - Popular Republican Movement -- Defunct political party in France
Wikipedia - Popular Socialist Party (Chile) -- Defunct political party in Chile
Wikipedia - Popular Unity Party (Portugal) -- Defunct Portuguese communist political party
Wikipedia - Porkchop plot -- Chart used to plan spacecraft launches
Wikipedia - Portable Media Center -- defunct platform
Wikipedia - Port Glasgow -- Town in the Inverclyde council area of Scotland
Wikipedia - Portiuncula
Wikipedia - Port Pirie Junction railway station -- Former railway station in South Australia
Wikipedia - Portuguese Democratic Movement -- Defunct political party in Portugal
Wikipedia - Portuguese Republican Party -- Defunct political party in Portugal
Wikipedia - Porziuncola
Wikipedia - Porziuncula
Wikipedia - Poseidon Press -- Defunct American publishing imprint
Wikipedia - Post-dural-puncture headache -- Common side effect of lumbar puncture or spinal anaesthesia
Wikipedia - Posthegemony -- Situation in which hegemony is no longer said to function as the organizing principle of a social order
Wikipedia - Postumus Cominius Auruncus
Wikipedia - Potassium in biology -- Description of the element's function as an essential mineral micronutrient
Wikipedia - Pounce (calligraphy)
Wikipedia - Powered hang glider -- Foot-launched powered hang glider
Wikipedia - Power transform -- Family of functions to transform data
Wikipedia - Po Yee (constituency) -- Constituency of the Sai Kung District Council of Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Prayag Junction railway station -- Railway station in Allahbad district, Uttar Pradesh
Wikipedia - Precursor (religion) -- Holy person who announced the approaching appearance of a prophet
Wikipedia - Preimage attack -- Attack model against cryptographic hash functions
Wikipedia - Presidential Council for Minority Rights -- Government body in Singapore
Wikipedia - President of the Council of Ministers of Italy
Wikipedia - President of the European Council
Wikipedia - President of the Executive Council of the Irish Free State -- Head of government of the Irish Free State from 1922 to 1937
Wikipedia - President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology
Wikipedia - President's Council on Bioethics
Wikipedia - Press Council (UK)
Wikipedia - Prevention science -- Scientific study of preventing human dysfunctions
Wikipedia - Prime-counting function -- Function representing the number of primes less than or equal to a given number
Wikipedia - Prime Minister of Cuba -- Head of the Council of Ministers of Cuba
Wikipedia - Prime omega function
Wikipedia - PrimeStar -- Defunct American direct broadcast satellite company
Wikipedia - Primitive recursive functions
Wikipedia - Primitive recursive function -- Function that can be computed with loops of bounded length
Wikipedia - Princess Maria Annunciata of Bourbon-Two Sicilies -- Italian princess
Wikipedia - Principal component analysis -- Conversion of a set of observations of possibly correlated variables into a set of values of linearly uncorrelated variables called principal components
Wikipedia - Principal council -- Legal local government term used in England & Wales
Wikipedia - Principal value -- Values along one branch of a multivalued function so that it is single-valued
Wikipedia - Principles and Standards for School Mathematics -- Guidelines produced by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Wikipedia - Privy Councillor (Russia) -- Civil position in the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - Privy Council of England
Wikipedia - Privy Council of the United Kingdom -- Formal body of advisers to the sovereign in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Privy council -- Body that advises the head of state
Wikipedia - Probability density function
Wikipedia - Probability distribution function
Wikipedia - Probability distribution -- Mathematical function for the probability a given outcome occurs in an experiment
Wikipedia - Probability function
Wikipedia - Probability mass function
Wikipedia - Probability -- Branch of mathematics concerning chance and uncertainty
Wikipedia - Procedural memory -- Unconscious memory used to perform tasks
Wikipedia - Proclamation of the abolition of the monarchy -- Proclamation announcing abolition of French monarchy on 21 September 1792
Wikipedia - Production function
Wikipedia - Profunctor
Wikipedia - Programmable unijunction transistor
Wikipedia - Programming Computable Functions
Wikipedia - Programming language for Computable Functions
Wikipedia - Progress and Left Forces Alliance -- Defunct political party in Greece
Wikipedia - Progressive Broadcasting System -- Defunct American radio network
Wikipedia - Progressive Constitutionalist Party (Mexico) -- Defunct political party in Mexico
Wikipedia - Progressive Federal Party -- Defunct anti-apartheid party in South Africa
Wikipedia - Progressive Party (Belgium) -- Defunct political party in Belgium
Wikipedia - Progressive Party (Israel) -- Defunct political party in Israel
Wikipedia - Progressive Party (Singapore) -- Defunct political party in Singapore
Wikipedia - Progressive Party (Thailand) -- Defunct royalist political party in Thailand
Wikipedia - Project team -- Cross-functional team formed to complete a specific project
Wikipedia - Prolita sexpunctella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Promalactis albipunctata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Promalactis uncinispinea -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Promec Television -- Defunct Colombian TV production company
Wikipedia - Pronounced Jah-Nay -- Debut studio album by ZhanM-CM-)
Wikipedia - Pronunciation Lexicon Specification
Wikipedia - Pronunciation of Ancient Greek in teaching
Wikipedia - Pronunciation of "www"
Wikipedia - Pronunciation respelling for English
Wikipedia - Pronunciation
Wikipedia - Proof of the Euler product formula for the Riemann zeta function -- Use of a Dirichlet series expansion to calculate the complex function
Wikipedia - Proper Cantonese pronunciation -- Movement to teach "correct" Cantonese pronunciation in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Proposed 2013 Australian constitutional referendum -- Proposed Australian referendum to change the constitution to enable direct funding of local councils, 2013
Wikipedia - Propositional function
Wikipedia - Prosciutto -- An Italian dry-cured ham that is thinly sliced and served uncooked
Wikipedia - Prospect Hospital -- defunct hospital in The Bronx/NYC, subsequently a nursing home
Wikipedia - Protected intersection -- An at-grade road junction in which cyclists and pedestrians are separated from cars
Wikipedia - Protectionist Party (Sweden) -- Defunct political party in Sweden
Wikipedia - Protein function prediction -- Use of bioinformatic methods to correlate proteins with biofunctions
Wikipedia - Proton-M -- A Russian heavy lift launcher, hypergolic fuel
Wikipedia - Protosalvinia -- Devonian fossil plant of uncertain affinity
Wikipedia - Provisional National Defence Council -- Coup d'M-CM-)tat
Wikipedia - Pseudogene -- Functionless relative of a gene
Wikipedia - Pseudoglenea densepuncticollis -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Pseudolinda quinquepunctata -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Pseudo-polynomial transformation -- A function used in computational complexity theory
Wikipedia - Pseudorandom function family
Wikipedia - Pseudorandom function
Wikipedia - Pseudorandom generator theorem -- The existence of pseudorandom generators is related to the existence of one-way functions
Wikipedia - Pseudotelphusa paripunctella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - PSLV-C42 -- 44th mission of the Indian Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle program
Wikipedia - Psyche (psychology) -- Totality of the human mind, conscious and unconscious
Wikipedia - Psychology of the Unconscious
Wikipedia - Psychology -- Study of mental functions and behaviours
Wikipedia - Psychometric function
Wikipedia - Psygnosis -- Defunct British video game developer and publisher
Wikipedia - Pterophorus nigropunctatus -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Pterygium (conjunctiva) -- A pinkish, triangular tissue growth on the cornea of the eye
Wikipedia - Ptichka -- Reusable launch vehicle
Wikipedia - PTL Satellite Network -- Defunct evangelical Christian television network
Wikipedia - Public announcement
Wikipedia - Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964 -- 1964 act of the UK Parliament that required councils to provide free public libraries
Wikipedia - Public service announcement -- A message in the public interest communicated widely
Wikipedia - Puerto Cabello and Valencia railway -- Defunct railway in Venezuela
Wikipedia - Puerto Rico Council of Secretaries -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Puerto Rico Education Council -- Agency of the executive branch of the government of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Puerto Rico Ilustrado -- Defunct weekly magazine
Wikipedia - PuertorriqueM-CM-1a de Aviacion -- Defunct airline company
Wikipedia - Pukkuksong-1 -- North Korean Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile
Wikipedia - Pulmonary function testing -- Test to evaluate respiratory system
Wikipedia - Pulphouse Publishing -- Defunct American specialty small press
Wikipedia - Pulrossie -- Farm in Sutherland, in the Highland council area of Scotland.
Wikipedia - Puncak Mandala -- Mountain in Papua, Indonesia
Wikipedia - Puncak -- Mountain pass in Java, Indonesia
Wikipedia - Punch and Judy Comics -- 1944-1951 humorous comic book series
Wikipedia - Punch and Judy (dogs) -- pair of dogs who received the Dickin Medal for bravery in service in Israel in 1946
Wikipedia - Punch and Judy (film) -- 1906 French silent comedy film
Wikipedia - Punch and Judy (song) -- 1984 song by Marillion
Wikipedia - Punch and Judy -- Traditional British puppet show
Wikipedia - Punchbowl Crater -- Extinct tuff cone in Honolulu, Hawaii, United States of America
Wikipedia - Punchbowl Mosque -- Mosque in Sydney, Australia
Wikipedia - Punch buggy -- Car game
Wikipedia - PunchCAD
Wikipedia - Punch cards
Wikipedia - Punch card
Wikipedia - Punch (combat) -- Striking blow with the closed fist
Wikipedia - Punchcutting
Wikipedia - Punch-Drunk Love -- 2002 film by Paul Thomas Anderson
Wikipedia - Punch Drunks -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - Punched card accounting
Wikipedia - Punched card input/output
Wikipedia - Punched cards
Wikipedia - Punched card -- Paper-based recording medium
Wikipedia - Punched tape -- Form of data storage
Wikipedia - Puncheon Run Connector -- Highway in Delaware
Wikipedia - Punchestown Champion Chase -- Steeplechase horse race in Ireland
Wikipedia - Punchestown Champion Hurdle -- Hurdle horse race in Ireland
Wikipedia - Punchestown Gold Cup -- Steeplechase horse race in Ireland
Wikipedia - Punching at the Sun -- 2006 American drama film by Tanuj Chopra
Wikipedia - Punching bag
Wikipedia - Punchline (film) -- 1988 film by David Seltzer
Wikipedia - Punch line
Wikipedia - Punch Line -- Television anime
Wikipedia - Punch list -- A document prepared during a construction project listing work not conforming to contract specifications
Wikipedia - Punch Magazine
Wikipedia - Punch (magazine) -- British weekly magazine of humour and satire
Wikipedia - Punchnello -- South Korean rapper
Wikipedia - Punch-Out!! (arcade game) -- 1984 boxing arcade video game
Wikipedia - Punch-Out!! (NES) -- 1987 boxing sports fighting video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Punch-Out!! (Wii) -- 2009 boxing video game
Wikipedia - Punch-Out!! -- Boxing video game series made by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Punch (singer) -- South Korean singer
Wikipedia - Punch Sulzberger -- American businessman
Wikipedia - Punch tape
Wikipedia - Punch-up in Piestany -- Bench-clearing hockey brawl in 1987
Wikipedia - Punctapinella ambatoana -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Punctapinella marginipunctata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Punctapinella tinajillana -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Punctozotroctes -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Punctuality
Wikipedia - Punctuated equilibrium -- Theory in evolutionary biology
Wikipedia - Punctuation mark
Wikipedia - Punctuation
Wikipedia - Pure function
Wikipedia - Purely functional data structure
Wikipedia - Purely functional language
Wikipedia - Purely functional programming -- Programming paradigm that treats all computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions
Wikipedia - Putha Hiunchuli -- Mountain
Wikipedia - P v S and Cornwall County Council -- European Court of Justice case regarding discrimination against transsexuals
Wikipedia - Pyaar Ka Punchnama 2 -- 2015 film by Luv Ranjan
Wikipedia - Pyrausta limbopunctalis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Qased (rocket) -- Satellite expendable launch vehicle from Iran
Wikipedia - Qataghan Province -- Defunct Afghan province
Wikipedia - Qiangba Puncog
Wikipedia - Qila Sheikhupura Junction railway station -- Railway station in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Q.T.V. -- Defunct US national fraternity
Wikipedia - Quadratic function -- Polynomial function of degree two
Wikipedia - Quadratic pseudo-Boolean optimization -- Combinatorial optimization method for pseudo-Boolean functions
Wikipedia - Quality Function Deployment
Wikipedia - Quality function deployment
Wikipedia - Quantitative sensory testing -- Tests for somatosensory function
Wikipedia - Quantum noise -- Quantum effect of uncertainty
Wikipedia - QuarantineChat -- Social networking service launched during COVID-19 pandemic
Wikipedia - Quartic function -- Polynomial function of degree four
Wikipedia - Quasilinear utility -- Function linear in one argument, used in economics and consumer theory
Wikipedia - Quasi-open map -- A function that maps non-empty open sets to sets that have non-empty interior in its codomain.
Wikipedia - Quebec Central Railway -- defunct Canadian railway
Wikipedia - Queen Charlotte Triple Junction -- Point where the Pacific Plate, the North American Plate, and the Explorer Plate meet
Wikipedia - Queen of Peace High School (New Jersey) -- Defunct Catholic high school in Bergen County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Quilcapuncu District -- District in San Antonio de Putina Province, Peru
Wikipedia - Quine-McCluskey algorithm -- algorithm for the minimization of Boolean functions
Wikipedia - Quinisext Council -- 7th century Roman church council
Wikipedia - Quintic function -- Polynomial function of degree 5
Wikipedia - Quotation marks in English -- Usage of punctuation
Wikipedia - Quotation mark -- Punctuation mark
Wikipedia - Qur'anic punctuation -- Quranic studies
Wikipedia - Rabi Council of Leaders -- Municipal body responsible for administering Rabi Island
Wikipedia - Radial basis function network -- Type of artificial neural network that uses radial basis functions as activation functions
Wikipedia - Radical People's Party (Finland) -- Defunct political party in Finland
Wikipedia - Radio24syv -- Defunct Danish public service radio station
Wikipedia - Radio Music Shop -- Defunct radio station in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Radionuclide angiography -- Nuclear medicine which specialises in imaging to show the functionality of the right and left ventricles of the heart
Wikipedia - Rae Bareli Junction railway station -- Railway Station in Uttar Pradesh
Wikipedia - RAF Amarda Road -- defunct Airports in Odisha, India
Wikipedia - RAF Kalyan -- Defunct airfield in Maharashtra, India
Wikipedia - Railgun -- Electrically powered electromagnetic projectile launcher
Wikipedia - Rainbow table -- Precomputed table for reversing cryptographic hash functions
Wikipedia - Rajkharsawan Junction railway station -- Railway Station in Jharkhand
Wikipedia - Rajpura Junction railway station -- Train station in Punjab, India
Wikipedia - Rajula Junction railway station -- Railway station in Gujarat, India
Wikipedia - Ralph Bunche -- American diplomat
Wikipedia - Ralph Johnson Bunche
Wikipedia - Ralph Kuncl -- American neurologist
Wikipedia - Ramanujan prime -- Prime fulfilling an inequality related to the prime-counting function
Wikipedia - Ramanujan's congruences -- Some remarkable congruences for the partition function
Wikipedia - Ramon Silva Bahamondes -- Chilean singer and radio announcer
Wikipedia - Rampart College -- Defunct libertarian educational institution
Wikipedia - Ramsden, Orpington -- Council estate in Orpington, South East London
Wikipedia - Ranchi Junction railway station -- Railway junction station in Jharkhand
Wikipedia - Rangapara North Junction railway station -- Rail station in Assam, India
Wikipedia - Range of a function
Wikipedia - Range safety -- Spaceflight contigency to explosively terminate a failed launch
Wikipedia - Raninagar Jalpaiguri Junction railway station -- Railway station in West Bengal, India
Wikipedia - Ran (protein) -- GTPase functioning in nuclear transport
Wikipedia - Ranuj Junction railway station -- Railway station in Gujarat, India
Wikipedia - Ranunculaceae -- family of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Ranunculales -- Basal order of flowering plants in the eudicots
Wikipedia - Ranunculus acris -- Species of flowering plant in the family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Ranunculus allenii -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Ranunculus biternatus -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Ranunculus bulbosus -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Ranunculus dissectifolius -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Ranunculus fascicularis -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Ranunculus fluitans -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Ranunculus lappaceus -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Ranunculus lingua -- A species of plant in the family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Ranunculus occidentalis -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Ranunculus pinguis -- A perennial plant from New Zealand
Wikipedia - Ranunculus repens -- Species of plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Ranunculus trivedii -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Ranunculus -- Genus of flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Raphael Assuncao -- Brazilian mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Rare species -- Group of organisms that are very uncommon, scarce, or infrequently encountered
Wikipedia - Ras GTPase -- GTP-binding proteins functioning on cell-cycle regulation
Wikipedia - Rassemblement National Francais -- Defunct French far-right party
Wikipedia - Rastrigin function -- Function used as a performance test problem for optimization algorithms
Wikipedia - Rata (Tahitian mythology) -- Said to have become king of Tahiti when his uncle, king Tumu-nui, and his father Vahieroa (Tahitian mythology) are swallowed by a great clam while they are on their way to Pitcairn
Wikipedia - Rational Functional Tester
Wikipedia - Rational functions
Wikipedia - Rational function
Wikipedia - Rational mapping -- A kind of partial function between algebraic varieties
Wikipedia - Ratlam Junction railway station -- Railway station in Madhya Pradesh
Wikipedia - Raw foodism -- Practice of consuming uncooked, unprocessed, and often organic foods as a large percentage of the diet
Wikipedia - Raw Materials Research and Development Council -- Agency for raw materials Nigeria
Wikipedia - Raw meat -- Uncooked muscle tissue as food
Wikipedia - Raxaul Junction railway station -- Railway station in Bihar
Wikipedia - Ray Clay -- American public address announcer
Wikipedia - Ray Forrest -- American sports announcer
Wikipedia - Raymond Duncan (dancer)
Wikipedia - Raymond Duncan (entrepreneur) -- American entrepreneur and vintner
Wikipedia - RBU-1200 -- Russian anti submarine rocket launcher
Wikipedia - R. Duncan Luce
Wikipedia - Real analysis -- Mathematics of real numbers and real functions
Wikipedia - Real Estate Council of Alberta -- Standards authority for the real estate industry in Alberta, Canada
Wikipedia - Realists (political party) -- defunct Czech conservative political party
Wikipedia - Real Lives (TV channel) -- Defunct British pay television channel
Wikipedia - Real-valued function -- Mathematical function that takes real values
Wikipedia - Reapers Stakes -- Defunct American Thoroughbred horse race
Wikipedia - Rebecca (1963 film) -- 1963 film by Kunchacko
Wikipedia - Rebounce -- 2011 film
Wikipedia - Reb Porter -- American public address announcer
Wikipedia - Received Pronunciation
Wikipedia - ReCellular -- Defunct cell phone recycling company
Wikipedia - Rectangle function
Wikipedia - Rectangular function
Wikipedia - Recurrence relation -- Definition of each term of a sequence as a function of preceding terms
Wikipedia - Recursive function (programming) -- Function that references itself
Wikipedia - Recursive function theory
Wikipedia - Redcliff (provincial electoral district) -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Rede Tupi -- Defunct Brazilian broadcast television network
Wikipedia - Red Jacket (clipper) -- American clipper ship, launched in 1853
Wikipedia - Reduce (higher-order function)
Wikipedia - Redwater-Andrew -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Referring expression -- Noun phrase, or surrogate, functioning to identify some individual object
Wikipedia - Reflection formula -- Numerical computation of special functions
Wikipedia - Reflexogenous zone -- Area of the body which shows an unconditioned reflex
Wikipedia - Reformist Party (Portugal, 1868) -- Defunct 19th century Portuguese political party
Wikipedia - Reform Judaism (magazine) -- Defunct American magazine
Wikipedia - Reforms of the Second Vatican Council
Wikipedia - Regidor -- Member of a council of municipalities in Spain and Latin America
Wikipedia - Reginald Molehusband -- British character in public service announcements
Wikipedia - Regional council (France)
Wikipedia - Regional Council (Hong Kong) -- Municipal council in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Regional council (Israel)
Wikipedia - Regional Council of Molise -- Italian legislative body
Wikipedia - Regional Defence Council of Aragon
Wikipedia - Regional Medical Research Centre, Dibrugarh -- One of six regional centres of Indian Council of Medical Research
Wikipedia - Register and Tribune Syndicate -- Defunct American print syndication service
Wikipedia - Regular function
Wikipedia - Regulator freeze -- Underwater breathing apparatus malfunction
Wikipedia - Regulator malfunction -- Failure modes for diving regulators
Wikipedia - Rehabilitation Council of India
Wikipedia - Rehabilitation (penology) -- Process to make a person again a functional part of society
Wikipedia - Rehabilitation psychology -- Specialty area of psychology aimed at maximizing the independence, functional status, health, and social participation of individuals with disabilities and chronic health conditions
Wikipedia - Relativity Space -- A private American launch vehicle manufacturer
Wikipedia - Renfrewshire -- Council area of Scotland
Wikipedia - Renia flavipunctalis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Renunciation
Wikipedia - Representable functor
Wikipedia - Representative Party of Alberta -- Defunct provincial political party in Alberta
Wikipedia - Repressed memory -- Controversial phenomenon in which memory may be stored in unconscious mind
Wikipedia - Republican Nationalist Centre -- Defunct Catalan nationalist party
Wikipedia - Republican Villagers Nation Party -- Defunct far-right political party in Turkey
Wikipedia - Research Councils UK
Wikipedia - ResearchGate -- Scientific social network (launched 2008)
Wikipedia - Reserved powers doctrine -- Defunct principle of Australian law
Wikipedia - Residue (complex analysis) -- Coefficient of the term of order M-bM-^HM-^R1 in the Laurent expansion of a function holomorphic outside a point, whose value can be extracted by a contour integral
Wikipedia - Resilience (network) -- Ability of a network to remain functional during faults
Wikipedia - Resistivity logging -- Measuring as a function of depth of the rock resistivity around a borehole
Wikipedia - Restoration Church of Jesus Christ -- Defunct LDS church
Wikipedia - Restricted divisor function
Wikipedia - ResurrXion -- 2017 relaunch of various comic book series
Wikipedia - Retusa truncatula -- Species of marine gastropod mollusk in the family Retusidae
Wikipedia - Reusable launch system -- Launch system designed for repeated use and reusability
Wikipedia - Revolutionary Command Council (Iraq) -- Governing body in Ba'athist Iraq
Wikipedia - Revolutionary Party (Guatemala) -- Defunct political party in Guatemala
Wikipedia - Revolutionary Socialist Party (Luxembourg) -- Defunct political party in Luxembourg
Wikipedia - Revolutionary Socialist Party (Netherlands) -- Defunct political party in the Netherlands
Wikipedia - Revolutionary Socialist Party (Portugal) -- Defunct Trotskyist party in Portugal
Wikipedia - Revolutionary Socialist Workers' Party (France) -- Defunct socialist party of the French Third Republic
Wikipedia - Reward function
Wikipedia - R.E.X. Records -- American defunct independent record label
Wikipedia - Reye syndrome -- Syndrome characterized by acute brain damage and liver function problems
Wikipedia - Reykjavik City Council -- City council of Reykjavik, Iceland
Wikipedia - R.H. Cameron -- Toronto city councillor
Wikipedia - Rheingold Brewery -- Defunct New York state brewery
Wikipedia - Rhopalurus junceus -- Species of arachnid
Wikipedia - Ribstone (provincial electoral district) -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Ricardo Funch -- Brazilian mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Richard C. Duncan
Wikipedia - Richard Francois Philippe Brunck -- 18th-century French scholar
Wikipedia - Richard Leese -- British Labour politician, Leader of Manchester City Council
Wikipedia - Richard Munch (actor) -- German actor
Wikipedia - Richard P. Iannella -- Former Boston Council member
Wikipedia - Rich Asuncion -- Filipino actress
Wikipedia - Richmond Valley Council -- Local government area in New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - Rich Uncle Pennybags -- Mascot for the board game Monopoly
Wikipedia - Rick Allen (sportscaster) -- American announcer
Wikipedia - Rick DeBruhl -- American television announcer
Wikipedia - Ricky Wright (ring announcer) -- Ring announcer
Wikipedia - Ridda wars -- Series of military campaigns (632-633 CE) launched by Caliph Abu Bakr against rebel Arabian tribes soon after Muhammad's death; ended with Caliphate victory
Wikipedia - Riddim -- Jamaican Patois pronunciation of the word "rhythm"
Wikipedia - Riemann zeta function -- Analytic function
Wikipedia - Rima Horton -- English former councillor and economics lecturer
Wikipedia - Ring announcer -- Sport announcer
Wikipedia - Rio Juncal -- River of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Ritual purification -- Ritual prescribed by a religion by which a person is considered to be free of uncleanliness
Wikipedia - Rivera Triple Junction -- Place where the North American Plate, the Rivera Plate, and the Pacific Plate meet
Wikipedia - River Junction, Minnesota -- Unincorporated community in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - RL-83 Blindicide -- 1950s Belgian/Swiss antitank rocket launcher
Wikipedia - RLV-TD -- Reusable launch vehicle technology demonstrator
Wikipedia - Roadheader -- Punctual attack machine used for underground excavation works in mines and tunnels
Wikipedia - Road junction -- Location where two or more roads meet
Wikipedia - Robbinsdale Library -- defunct branch library of the Hennepin County Library system in Robbinsdale, Minnesota
Wikipedia - Robert Awdry -- English cricketer and councillor
Wikipedia - Robert B. Duncan -- American politician
Wikipedia - Robert C. Duncan (engineer)
Wikipedia - Robert de Chauncy -- 13th-century Bishop of Carlisle
Wikipedia - Robert Duncan (bishop) -- American Anglican bishop
Wikipedia - Robert Duncan McNeill -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - Robert Duncan (poet)
Wikipedia - Robert Lee (sports announcer) -- Sportscaster
Wikipedia - Robert M. Duncan Jr. -- American attorney
Wikipedia - Roberto Rivas Reyes -- President of the Supreme Electoral Council of Nicaragua
Wikipedia - Robert Runcie
Wikipedia - Robin Houston -- Voiceover artist, former announcer and television newsreader
Wikipedia - Robotic arm -- Type of mechanical arm with similar functions to a human arm
Wikipedia - Robust fuzzy programming -- Mathematical optimization approach to deal with optimization problems under uncertainty
Wikipedia - Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 -- Commercial spaceport in New Zealand
Wikipedia - RocketMail -- Defunct free webmail website
Wikipedia - Rocket-propelled grenade -- Shoulder-launched anti-tank weapon
Wikipedia - Rocket Punch -- South Korean girl group
Wikipedia - Rocket sled launch -- Proposed method for launching space vehicles
Wikipedia - Rockfest -- Defunct outdoor rock festival in Kansas City, USA
Wikipedia - Rockstar Vancouver -- Defunct Canadian video game developer
Wikipedia - Rockton and Rion Railway -- Defunct railroad in South Carolina, USA
Wikipedia - Rocky Mountain News -- Defunct daily newspaper in Denver, Colorado
Wikipedia - Rod cell -- Photoreceptor cells that can function in lower light better than cone cells
Wikipedia - Rod Duncan -- British writer
Wikipedia - Rodger Dean Duncan -- American author and business consultant
Wikipedia - Rodica Dunca -- Romanian gymnast
Wikipedia - Rodrigues Triple Junction -- Place where the African Plate, the Indo-Australian Plate, and the Antarctic Plate meet
Wikipedia - Roger L'Estrange -- English pamphleteer and author, and staunch defender of royalist claims (1616-1704)
Wikipedia - Rokot -- Russian space launch vehicle
Wikipedia - Rolle's theorem -- On stationary points between two equal values of a real differentiable function
Wikipedia - Roman Candle (Portland, Oregon) -- Defunct bakery and pizzeria in Portland, Oregon, United States
Wikipedia - Ronald Duncan -- British writer, poet and playwright
Wikipedia - Ron Funches -- American comedian
Wikipedia - Ron Weber -- Sports radio announcer
Wikipedia - Root-finding algorithms -- Algorithms for finding roots of continuous functions
Wikipedia - Root of a function
Wikipedia - Rosenbrock function -- Function used as a performance test problem for optimization algorithms
Wikipedia - Rosetta Stone decree -- Decree passed by a council of priests, inscribed on the Rosetta Stone
Wikipedia - Rosie Beaton -- Australian radio announcer
Wikipedia - Rother District Council -- Administrative area of East Sussex, UK
Wikipedia - Royal Dutch League for Physical Education -- Defunct Dutch sports association
Wikipedia - Royals Sports Television Network -- Defunct regional sports network
Wikipedia - Roy Hampton -- Los Angeles City Council member
Wikipedia - RPG-7 -- Portable rocket propelled grenade launcher
Wikipedia - RRS Charles Darwin -- A Royal Research Ship belonging to the British Natural Environment Research Council. Since 2006, she has been the geophysical survey vessel, RV Ocean Researcher,
Wikipedia - RRS Discovery (2012) -- A Royal Research Ship operated by the Natural Environment Research Council
Wikipedia - RRS James Cook -- A British Royal Research Ship operated by the Natural Environment Research Council
Wikipedia - Ruanruan language -- Unclassified extinct language of 4th-6th-century Mongolia and northern China
Wikipedia - Ruby character -- Character placed aside a Chinese character to give pronunciation
Wikipedia - Rum Punch -- 1992 novel by Elmore Leonard
Wikipedia - Runciman Mission -- British Government initiative
Wikipedia - RUNCOM
Wikipedia - Runcorn Rowing Club -- British rowing club
Wikipedia - Runcorn to Latchford Canal -- Canal in Lancashire, England.
Wikipedia - Run (magazine) -- Defunct American computer magazine
Wikipedia - Rupsa Junction railway station -- Railway station in India
Wikipedia - Rural Cooperatives -- Defunct American trade magazine
Wikipedia - Russel Brothers -- Defunct Boat, engine and steel manufacturer
Wikipedia - Russian Party in Estonia -- Defunct political party in Estonia
Wikipedia - Russian Social Democratic Party of Estonia -- Defunct political party in Estonia
Wikipedia - Russian Spring Punch -- IBA Official Cocktail
Wikipedia - Rutherford Light Horse expedition -- A punitive military excursion launched against several Cherokee settlements
Wikipedia - Ruthiyai Junction railway station -- Railway station in Madhya Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Ruth Perry -- Former Chairman of the Council of State of Liberia
Wikipedia - Rutledge Wood -- American sports announcer
Wikipedia - R. W. Dromgold -- businessman and city councilman
Wikipedia - Ryu Seong-ryong -- Chief State Councilior of Joseon
Wikipedia - S/2004 S 3 -- Provisional designation of an unconfirmed object seen orbiting Saturn
Wikipedia - S/2004 S 4 -- Provisional designation of an unconfirmed object seen orbiting Saturn
Wikipedia - Saambou -- Defunct South African bank
Wikipedia - Saanich and the Islands -- Defunct provincial electoral district of British Columbia
Wikipedia - Sabah Democratic Party -- Defunct Malaysian political party
Wikipedia - Sabuncuoglu Sherefeddin
Wikipedia - Sacred Heart High School (New Jersey) -- Defunct Catholic high school in Cape May County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Sagauli Junction railway station -- Railway station in Bihar
Wikipedia - Sage Bank -- Defunct bank
Wikipedia - Sage Steele -- American sports announcer
Wikipedia - Sahaphum Party -- Defunct political party in Thailand
Wikipedia - Saharanpur Junction railway station -- Railway Station in Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Saharsa Junction railway station -- Railway station in Bihar
Wikipedia - Sahrawi National Council -- Legislature
Wikipedia - Sai Kung Central (constituency) -- Constituency of the Sai Kung District Council of Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Sai Kung Islands (constituency) -- Constituency of the Sai Kung District Council of Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Sail components -- Features that define a (ship) sail's shape and function
Wikipedia - Saint Joseph of the Palisades High School -- Defunct Catholic high school in Hudson County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Saint-Michel environmental complex -- Multi-functional park in Montreal
Wikipedia - Saint Paul City Council -- City Council
Wikipedia - Salah Mohammed Tubaigy -- Professor in the criminal evidence department at Naif Arab University for Security Sciences; head of the Saudi Scientific Council of Forensics
Wikipedia - Sal Paolantonio -- Sports announcer (born 1956)
Wikipedia - Salsette-Trombay Railway -- Defunct transit line in Mumbai, Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Salut les copains (magazine) -- Defunct French music magazine
Wikipedia - Salyut 2 -- Soviet space station which was launched in 1973
Wikipedia - Salyut 3 -- Soviet space station launched on 25 June 1974
Wikipedia - Salyut 4 -- Salyut space station launched on December 26, 1974
Wikipedia - Salyut 7 -- Space station launched on 19 April 1982
Wikipedia - Samastipur Junction railway station -- Railway station in Bihar
Wikipedia - Samlaya Junction railway station -- Railway station in Gujarat, India
Wikipedia - Sampaguita Pictures -- Defunct Philippine major film studio
Wikipedia - Sampling function
Wikipedia - Sam Roberts (radio personality) -- American radio personality, podcast host, and professional wrestling announcer
Wikipedia - Samuel Ellis and Company -- Defunct British engineering company
Wikipedia - Samuel Marx (New York politician) -- Member of Tammany Hall and served on the New York City Council
Wikipedia - Samuel Wilson -- Historical figure purportedly the source of the personification of the United States known as "Uncle Sam"
Wikipedia - Sananda TV -- Defunct Indian TV channel
Wikipedia - San Diego City Council -- Legislative branch of the City of San Diego, California
Wikipedia - Sandrine Heutz -- Professor of Functional Molecular Materials
Wikipedia - SANDstorm hash -- crytographic hash function
Wikipedia - Sandy Duncan -- American actress and singer
Wikipedia - San Francisco Review of Books -- Defunct book review periodical
Wikipedia - San Gallo Annunciation -- Painting by Andrea del Sarto in the Palazzo Pitti
Wikipedia - Sannyasa -- Renounce worldly life, monastic spiritual pursuit in Hinduism
Wikipedia - Saratoga Handicap -- Defunct American thoroughbred horse race
Wikipedia - Sard's theorem -- The set of the critical values of a smooth function has measure zero
Wikipedia - Sarteano Annunciation -- Painting by Domenico di Pace Beccafumi
Wikipedia - Sarupsar Junction railway station -- Railway station in Rajasthan, India
Wikipedia - Sasaram Junction railway station -- Railway station in Bihar
Wikipedia - Saskatoon City Council -- Elected governing body of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Wikipedia - Satellite Launch Vehicle -- First launch vehicle of the Indian Space Research Organisation
Wikipedia - Saturn (rocket family) -- Family of American heavy-lift rocket launch vehicles
Wikipedia - Saturn-Shuttle -- Concept of launching the Space Shuttle orbiter using the Saturn V rocket
Wikipedia - Saudi Arabian-led intervention in Yemen -- Saudi war against Yemen launched in 2015
Wikipedia - SAUHMA -- A special interest group of the Council of the South African Medical Association
Wikipedia - Scaled Composites Stratolaunch -- Mother ship aircraft designed to launch spacecraft
Wikipedia - Sceloporus merriami longipunctatus -- Subspecies of lizard
Wikipedia - SceneOne -- Defunct television channel and website in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Schenectady Locomotive Works -- Defunct locomotive manufacturer in Schenectady, New York, United States
Wikipedia - Schirmer Records -- defunct record label
Wikipedia - Schizoanalysis -- Practice formulated by Deleuze and Guattari focusing on the unconscious represented through abstract machines, bodies without organs, rhizomes and assemblages
Wikipedia - School organizational models -- Methods of structuring the curriculum, functions, and facilities for schools, colleges, and universities
Wikipedia - Schwarz function -- Mathematics function in complex analysis
Wikipedia - Schwarz triangle function -- Conformal map in complex analysis
Wikipedia - SciCrunch
Wikipedia - Science and Engineering Research Council
Wikipedia - Science Citation Index -- (launched 1964)
Wikipedia - Science Council of Japan
Wikipedia - Science Research Council
Wikipedia - SciFiNow -- British website and defunct magazine on speculative fiction
Wikipedia - Scincella punctatolineata -- Species of skink found in Mexico
Wikipedia - SCO Group -- Defunct American software company
Wikipedia - Scope creep -- Continuous or uncontrolled growth in a project's scope, at any point after the project begins
Wikipedia - Scopula apicipunctata -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scopula circumpunctata -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scopula crassipuncta -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scopula duplicipuncta -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scopula junctaria -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scopula luxipuncta -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scopula magnipunctata -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scopula marginepunctata -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scopula nigropunctata -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scopula oppunctata -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scopula perpunctata -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scopula praesignipuncta -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scopula punctatissima -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scopula puncticosta -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scopula punctilineata -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scopula sparsipunctata -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scopula subpunctaria -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scorched rice -- Crunchy, slightly browned cooked rice
Wikipedia - Score (statistics) -- Gradient of the likelihood function
Wikipedia - Scoring function
Wikipedia - Scotch Corner (Knightsbridge) -- Road junction in London, England
Wikipedia - Scotch Corner -- Junction of the A1 and A66 roads in Yorkshire
Wikipedia - Scotopteryx bipunctaria -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Scottish Borders -- Council area of Scotland
Wikipedia - Scottish Jacobite Party -- Defunct Scottish nationalist political party
Wikipedia - Scottish Land Restoration League -- Defunct political party in Scotland
Wikipedia - Scout councils (Boy Scouts of America) -- Local councils of the Boy Scouts of America
Wikipedia - Scrypt -- Password-based key derivation function created in 2009
Wikipedia - Scythris albipunctella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - S-DMB -- Defunct digital satellite TV standard for mobile phones
Wikipedia - SDS 930 -- Commercial 24-bit computer using bipolar junction transistors sold in the 1960s
Wikipedia - Sea Dragon (rocket) -- 1962 concept for a reusable, sea-launched rocket
Wikipedia - Seagull management -- Dysfunctional management style
Wikipedia - Sea Harvest Corporation v Duncan Dock Cold Storage -- South African legal case
Wikipedia - Sea Launch -- Commercial satellite launch service using a mobile launch platform
Wikipedia - Sealdah-Varanasi Express -- Express train running between Sealdah and Varanasi Junction in India
Wikipedia - Sean Punch -- Canadian editor
Wikipedia - Seattle City Council -- Legislative body of the city of Seattle, Washington
Wikipedia - Sebahat Tuncel -- Kurdish politician in Turkey
Wikipedia - Secondary payload -- Launch of small spacecraft together with larger one
Wikipedia - Second Council of Constantinople
Wikipedia - Second Council of Dvin
Wikipedia - Second Council of Ephesus
Wikipedia - Second Council of Lyons
Wikipedia - Second Council of Lyon
Wikipedia - Second Council of Nicaea -- ecumenical council of the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church (787 AD)
Wikipedia - Second Council of the Lateran
Wikipedia - Second Jan Smuts government -- Appointments to former South African governing council
Wikipedia - Second Lateran Council
Wikipedia - Second Lateran council
Wikipedia - Second Vatican Council -- Roman Catholic ecumenical council held in Vatican City from 1962 to 1965
Wikipedia - Secretariat of State (Holy See) -- Branch of the Holy See that handles political and diplomatic functions
Wikipedia - Secretary General of the Council of Europe
Wikipedia - Secret Intelligence Branch -- Defunct intelligence organization of the United States
Wikipedia - Secret society -- Club or organization whose activities and inner functioning are concealed from non-members
Wikipedia - Secure function evaluation
Wikipedia - Secure Hash Algorithms -- Family of cryptographic hash functions
Wikipedia - Seddera pedunculata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Sefton Council -- Local government body in England
Wikipedia - Sega AM3 -- Defunct Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Sega Force -- Defunct video game magazine 1992-1993
Wikipedia - Sega Power -- defunct video game magazine 1989-1997
Wikipedia - Sega Zone -- Defunct video game magazine 1992-1994
Wikipedia - Seiunchin -- Kata of Goju-ryu karate
Wikipedia - Selangor State Executive Council -- Executive branch of State Government of Selangor, Malaysia
Wikipedia - Self-esteem functions
Wikipedia - Selsoviet -- Rural council
Wikipedia - Selwyns Travel -- Coach tour operator based in Runcorn, England.
Wikipedia - Selznick International Pictures -- Defunct American film studio
Wikipedia - Semicolon -- Punctuation mark
Wikipedia - Semi-continuity -- A property of functions weaker than continuity
Wikipedia - Senate Committee on Forest Reservations and the Protection of Game -- Defunct committee of the United States Senate
Wikipedia - Senescence -- Deterioration of function with age
Wikipedia - Sensitivity analysis -- Study of uncertainty in the output of a mathematical model or system
Wikipedia - Sensory stimulation therapy -- Experimental therapy that aims to utilize neural plasticity mechanisms to aid in the recovery of somatosensory function after stroke or cognitive ageing
Wikipedia - Sentinel-class cutter -- United States Coast Guard cutter class first launched 2011
Wikipedia - Sepsis -- Life-threatening organ dysfunction triggered by infection
Wikipedia - Sequential function chart
Wikipedia - Serb Civic Council -- Nongovernmental organization
Wikipedia - Serb People's Party (Montenegro) -- Defunct political party in Montenegro
Wikipedia - Serpin -- Superfamily of proteins with similar structures and diverse functions
Wikipedia - Service Merchandise -- Defunct American retailer
Wikipedia - Service structure -- Structure built on a rocket launch pad to service launch vehicles
Wikipedia - Sesquilinear form -- A scalar-valued function of two complex variables that is linear in one variable and conjugate-linear in the other
Wikipedia - Sessility (botany) -- Leaves or flowers that grow directly from the stem or peduncle of a plant
Wikipedia - Session Announcement Protocol
Wikipedia - SETA Corporation -- defunct video game company
Wikipedia - Set inversion -- mathematical problem of finding the set mapped by a specified function to a certain range
Wikipedia - Setodocus albopunctatus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Settle Junction railway station -- Former railway station in North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Seven Ecumenical Councils
Wikipedia - Seventh Ecumenical Council
Wikipedia - Severn Tunnel Junction railway station -- Railway station on the western side of the Severn Tunnel serving the Severnside area of Monmouthshire, South Wales
Wikipedia - Sevilla FC Stadium -- Proposed soccer-specific stadium for Juncos, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Sex therapy -- Strategy for the treatment of sexual dysfunction
Wikipedia - Sextus Pompeius (relatives of triumvir Pompey) -- The paternal uncle of triumvir Pompey and key descendants of PompeyM-bM-^@M-^Ys uncle
Wikipedia - Sexual dysfunction -- Difficulty experienced by humans during any stage of normal sexual activity
Wikipedia - Sexual function
Wikipedia - SHA-1 -- Cryptographic hash function
Wikipedia - SHA-2 -- Set of cryptographic hash functions designed by the NSA
Wikipedia - Shaba North -- Rocket launch site
Wikipedia - Shah Alam City Council -- Local authority for Shah Alam City, Malaysia
Wikipedia - Shakespeare in Original Pronunciation -- style of Shakespeare performance
Wikipedia - Shakespeare Workout -- defunct interdisciplinary literature, theatre history, and acting class taught by EloM-CM-/se Watt
Wikipedia - Sham Pain -- 2018 single by Five Finger Death Punch
Wikipedia - Sharon Duncan-Brewster -- English actress
Wikipedia - Sharps Rifle Manufacturing Company -- Defunct American firearms manufacturer
Wikipedia - Shasta Publishers -- Defunct American specialty small press
Wikipedia - Shavit 2 -- Small lift launch vehicle produced by Israel from 1982 onwards
Wikipedia - Shawn Bunch -- American mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Shaw Tower, Singapore -- Defunct commercial tower in Singapore
Wikipedia - Sheila Borrett -- First female announcer on the BBCM-bM-^@M-^Ys National Service
Wikipedia - Shekel function -- Function used as a performance test problem for optimization algorithms
Wikipedia - Shelfari -- Defunct social cataloging website for books
Wikipedia - Shelly Duncan -- American politician
Wikipedia - Shenzhou 1 -- First launch of the Shenzhou spacecraft
Wikipedia - Shenzhou 8 -- Eighth launch of the Shenzhou spacecraft
Wikipedia - Sher Shah Junction railway station -- Railway station in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Sherwood Academy, Gedling -- Defunct secondary school with academy status in Gedling, Nottinghamshire, England
Wikipedia - Shetland Islands Council -- Local authority for Shetland, Scotland
Wikipedia - Shetland Movement -- Defunct political group in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Sheung Tak (constituency) -- Constituency of the Sai Kung District Council of Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Shimura's reciprocity law -- On the action of ideles of imaginary quadratic fields on the values of modular functions
Wikipedia - Ship of fools -- An allegory, originating from Book VI of Plato's Republic, about a ship with a dysfunctional crew
Wikipedia - Shomron Regional Council -- an Israeli regional council in the northern West Bank
Wikipedia - Shonen Jump (magazine) -- Defunct North American manga anthology
Wikipedia - Shooting of Duncan Lemp -- Man shot and killed by police in a no-knock raid on his home in March 2020
Wikipedia - Shrigonda Municipal Council -- Government body in Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India
Wikipedia - Shuinan Airport -- Defunct airport in Taichung, Taiwan
Wikipedia - Shuttlecraft -- Smaller vessel that is launched from a mother ship
Wikipedia - Sia Airfield -- Defunct airport in Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - SIAC Construction Ltd v The County Council of the County of Mayo -- Irish Supreme Court case
Wikipedia - Sialkot Junction railway station -- Railway station in Sialkot, Pakistan
Wikipedia - Side effect (computer science) -- Of a function, an additional effect besides returning a value
Wikipedia - Sidereus Nuncius -- Astronomical treatise of Galileo
Wikipedia - Sidharth Kuncalienker -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Siege of Duncannon -- Siege during the 11 Years' War
Wikipedia - Siege of Fallujah (2016) -- Offensive that the Iraqi government launched against ISIL
Wikipedia - Sigmoid function -- Mathematical function having a characteristic "S"-shaped curve or sigmoid curve
Wikipedia - Signed overpunch
Wikipedia - Signum function
Wikipedia - Sihor Junction railway station -- Railway station in Gujarat, India
Wikipedia - Silent letter -- Letter that, in a particular word, does not correspond to any sound in the word's pronunciation
Wikipedia - Silicon Knights -- Defunct Canadian video game developer
Wikipedia - Silver Badge Party -- Defunct veterans' political movement in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Simon Lunceford -- English politician
Wikipedia - Simorgh (rocket) -- Iranian expendable launch vehicle
Wikipedia - Simplifly Deccan -- Defunct Indian airline
Wikipedia - Sinc function -- Special mathematical function defined as sin(x)/x
Wikipedia - Sine -- trigonometric function of an angle
Wikipedia - Singal Junction -- Road junction in Gyeonggi, South Korea
Wikipedia - Singaporeans First -- Defunct political party in Singapore
Wikipedia - Singularity (mathematics) -- Point where a function, a curve or another mathematical object does not behave regularly
Wikipedia - Sini Junction railway station -- Railway Station in Jharkhand
Wikipedia - Sino-Xenic pronunciations
Wikipedia - Sinpunctiptilia emissalis -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Sinpunctiptilia tasmaniae -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Sinpunctiptilia -- Plume moth genus
Wikipedia - Siphuncle -- Strand of tissue passing longitudinally through the shell of a cephalopod mollusk
Wikipedia - Sipuncula -- Phylum of invertebrates, peanut worms
Wikipedia - Sipunculidae -- Family of peanut worms
Wikipedia - Sitamarhi Junction railway station -- Railway station in Bihar
Wikipedia - Sivill House -- Council housing block in Bethnal Green, London, UK
Wikipedia - Siwan Junction railway station -- Railway station in Bihar, India
Wikipedia - Six Degrees: The Science of a Connected Age -- Book by Duncan J. Watts
Wikipedia - Six Flags AstroWorld -- Defunct theme park in Houston, Texas
Wikipedia - Six Flags Mall -- Defunct shopping center in Arlington, Texas
Wikipedia - Sixth Buddhist Council
Wikipedia - Sixth Ecumenical Council
Wikipedia - Skein (hash function)
Wikipedia - Skolem function
Wikipedia - Sky Comedy -- British television channel launched in 2020 by Sky
Wikipedia - Sky Documentaries -- British television channel launched in 2020 by Sky
Wikipedia - Skylab -- 1st space station launched and operated by NASA
Wikipedia - Sky Nature -- British television channel launched in 2020 by Sky
Wikipedia - Sky News Ireland -- Defunct Irish news channel run by Sky News
Wikipedia - Sky News Today -- Lunchtime news programme, broadcast weekdays on Sky News
Wikipedia - Skyview on the Ridge -- Defunct shopping mall in Irondequoit, New York
Wikipedia - Slash (punctuation) -- The punctuation mark '/'
Wikipedia - Slater determinant -- Function that can be used to build the wave function of a multi-fermionic system
Wikipedia - Sleep No More (2009 play) -- 2009 play by Punchdrunk
Wikipedia - Sleep No More (2011 play) -- Play written by Punchdrunk
Wikipedia - Sloulin Field International Airport -- Defunct airport in Williston, North Dakota
Wikipedia - -- Technology news website (defunct)
Wikipedia - SM3 (hash function)
Wikipedia - Small Farmers' Party of Finland -- Defunct political party in Finland
Wikipedia - Small-lift launch vehicle -- Launch vehicle capable of lifting up to 2,000 kg (4,400 lb) into low Earth orbit
Wikipedia - Small nucleolar RNA R32/R81/Z41 -- A non-coding RNA molecule which functions in the modification of other small nuclear RNAs
Wikipedia - Small Rockets -- Defunct computer game developer company
Wikipedia - Smart card -- Pocket-sized card with embedded integrated circuits for identification or payment functions
Wikipedia - SMG (property management) -- Defunct property management group
Wikipedia - Smile (Uncle Kracker song) -- 2009 song by Uncle Kracker
Wikipedia - SM (motorcycle) -- Defunct Polish motorcycle manufacturer
Wikipedia - Smoking Bishop -- A type of mulled wine, punch or wassail
Wikipedia - Smoky Mountain Wrestling -- Defunct American professional wrestling promotion
Wikipedia - Smooth functions
Wikipedia - Smooth function
Wikipedia - SND Arena -- Indoor multi-use sport and event venue in Asuncion, Paraguay.
Wikipedia - Soapnet -- Defunct American basic cable and satellite television channel
Wikipedia - Sobolev space -- Banach space of functions with norm combining LM-aM-5M-^V-norms of the function and its derivatives
Wikipedia - SoCal Uncensored (professional wrestling) -- Professional wrestling tag team
Wikipedia - Social Democracy (Mexico) -- Defunct political party in Mexico
Wikipedia - Social Democracy Party (Turkey) -- a defunct political party in Turkey
Wikipedia - Social Democratic Union of Workers and Smallholders -- Defunct political party in Finland
Wikipedia - Socialist Initiative -- Defunct political party in Greece
Wikipedia - Socialist Labor Party (Canada) -- Defunct political party in Canada
Wikipedia - Socialist Party of Alberta -- Defunct socialist party in Alberta, Canada
Wikipedia - Socialist Party of the Islands -- Defunct socialist party in Spain
Wikipedia - Socialist People's Party (Furness) -- Defunct local socialist party in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Socialist Unity Party of New Zealand -- Defunct political party in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Socialist Unity (Spain) -- Defunct political party alliance in Spain
Wikipedia - Social Science Research Council -- American nonprofit social science research organization
Wikipedia - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Wikipedia - Society of Entomologists of London -- Defunct learned society
Wikipedia - SociM-CM-)tM-CM-) Alsacienne de Constructions MM-CM-)caniques -- Defunct French manufacturing company
Wikipedia - Softmax activation function
Wikipedia - Softmax function
Wikipedia - Software quality -- Refers to two related but distinct notions: functional quality and structural quality
Wikipedia - Software testing -- An examination of how efficient and reliable software is at performing its intended function
Wikipedia - Sogna -- A now defunct eroge/bishM-EM-^Mjo company from Japan
Wikipedia - SOKO Munchen -- German police procedural television series
Wikipedia - Solenomelus pedunculatus -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - SOLRAD 2 -- US satellite launched in 1960
Wikipedia - Someday (Disney song) -- Song from Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Wikipedia - Song (airline) -- Defunct low-cost airline
Wikipedia - Son Nagar Junction railway station -- Railway station in Bihar
Wikipedia - Sonpur Junction railway station -- Railway station in Bihar
Wikipedia - Sorkuncuk, Daday -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Sound change -- Process of language change affecting pronunciation or sound system structure
Wikipedia - South African Council of Churches
Wikipedia - South African Trades Union Council
Wikipedia - South African Youth Revolutionary Council
Wikipedia - South Ayrshire -- Council area of Scotland
Wikipedia - South Carolina Little Three -- Defunct intercollegiate athletic conference
Wikipedia - South East Derbyshire College -- Defunct further education college
Wikipedia - South East England Councils -- Voluntary association of council leaders
Wikipedia - Southeast Grind -- Defunct coffeehouse in Portland
Wikipedia - Southern African Underwater and Hyperbaric Medical Association -- A special interest group of the Council of the South African Medical Association
Wikipedia - Southern Air Transport -- Defunct American cargo airline
Wikipedia - Southern Airways -- Defunct American airline 1949-1979
Wikipedia - Southern Cameroons National Council -- Political organization in Cameroon
Wikipedia - Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen -- A failed rift in the western and southern US of the triple junction that became the Iapetus Ocean
Wikipedia - Southern Zonal Council -- Zonal council in india
Wikipedia - South Lanarkshire -- Council area of Scotland
Wikipedia - South Norfolk Railway -- Defunct railway in Norfolk County, Ontario
Wikipedia - South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut -- 1999 adult animated film directed by Trey Parker
Wikipedia - South Tabiteuea -- Island council of Kiribati
Wikipedia - South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council -- Aboriginal land council in Western Australia
Wikipedia - Southwest Detroit Hospital -- Defunct hospital in Detroit
Wikipedia - South Western Province (Victoria) -- Former electoral province of the Victorian Legislative Council, Australia
Wikipedia - Sovereign Council of New France -- Governing body in New France
Wikipedia - Soviet (council)
Wikipedia - Sovran Bank -- Defunct US-based bank in Virginia
Wikipedia - Soyuz 20 -- Uncrewed flight of the Soyuz programme
Wikipedia - Soyuz 2 -- Soviet uncrewed flight of the Soyuz programme
Wikipedia - Soyuz 7K-OK No.1 -- Uncrewed flight of the Soyuz programme
Wikipedia - Soyuz 7K-T No.39 -- Unsuccessful crewed launch of the Soyuz programme
Wikipedia - Soyuz-FG -- Launch vehicle
Wikipedia - Soyuz TMA-18M -- Soyuz spaceflight launched on 2 September 2015
Wikipedia - Spacecraft -- Crewed or uncrewed vehicle designed to fly in outer space
Wikipedia - Space debris -- The pollution of orbit around Earth by defunct human-made objects
Wikipedia - Space jellyfish -- Rocket launch phenomenon
Wikipedia - Space Launch Initiative -- US NASA & DOD program 2000-2002
Wikipedia - Space launch market competition
Wikipedia - Space Launch System -- US Space Shuttle-derived super heavy-lift expendable launch vehicle
Wikipedia - Space launch -- Earliest phase of a flight that reaches space
Wikipedia - Space of functions
Wikipedia - Spaceport -- Place used to launch and receive rockets/launch vehicles and spacecraft
Wikipedia - Space (punctuation)
Wikipedia - Space Rider -- ESA uncrewed space vehicle
Wikipedia - Space Shuttle America -- Defunct motion simulator ride at Six Flags Great America
Wikipedia - Space Shuttle external tank -- component of the Space Shuttle launch vehicle
Wikipedia - Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster -- Solid propellant rocket used to launch Space Shuttle orbiter.
Wikipedia - Space Shuttle -- Partially reusable launch system and spacecraft
Wikipedia - Space vehicle -- Combination of launch vehicle and spacecraft
Wikipedia - SpaceX floating launch platform
Wikipedia - SpaceX Kestrel -- Family of rocket engines developed by SpaceX for use on its Falcon 1 launch vehicles
Wikipedia - SpaceX launch facilities -- Launch facilities used by SpaceX
Wikipedia - SpaceX launch vehicles -- Launch vehicles developed and operated by SpaceX
Wikipedia - SpaceX Merlin -- rocket engine in SpaceX Falcon launch vehicles
Wikipedia - SpaceX reusable launch system development program -- All about SpaceX's reusable launch system development program
Wikipedia - SpaceX South Texas Launch Site
Wikipedia - SpaceX South Texas launch site -- SpaceX private launch site
Wikipedia - SpaceX Starship -- Super-heavy-lift reusable launch vehicle under development by SpaceX
Wikipedia - Spaghetti Junction
Wikipedia - Spaghetti junction -- intertwined road traffic interchange
Wikipedia - Spanish National Center for Biotechnology -- Part of the Spanish National Research Council
Wikipedia - Spanish National Research Council -- National research council in Spain
Wikipedia - Spanish Social Reform -- Defunct political party in Spain
Wikipedia - Speakeasy Comics -- Defunct Canadian comics and graphic novel publisher
Wikipedia - Special Affairs Department -- Defunct Malaysian government agency
Wikipedia - Special Events Television Network -- Defunct syndicated television package
Wikipedia - Special function register
Wikipedia - Special functions -- Mathematical functions having established names and notations
Wikipedia - Spectral sensitivity -- Relative efficiency of detection of a signal as a function of its frequency or wavelength
Wikipedia - Speech act -- Utterance that serves a performative function
Wikipedia - Spelling alphabet -- Standardized pronunciation of letters
Wikipedia - Speluncarius -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Spinulata discopuncta -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Spiritual Assembly -- Elected councils that govern the BahaM-JM-
Wikipedia - Spirodela punctata -- Species of flowering plant in the family Araceae
Wikipedia - Spizellomyces punctatus -- Chytrid fungal species
Wikipedia - Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway -- Defunct American Class I railroad (1908-1970)
Wikipedia - Sponge function
Wikipedia - Spontaneous coronary artery dissection -- uncommon cause of heart attacks mostly affecting younger, healthy women
Wikipedia - Sporting Club of Cascais -- Defunct sports club for the elite in Portugal, now site of Cascais Museum of the Sea
Wikipedia - SportsChannel Los Angeles -- Defunct American regional sports network
Wikipedia - Sports Time -- Defunct American regional sports network
Wikipedia - Spruce Grove-St. Albert -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Sputnik 41 -- A Franco-Russian amateur radio satellite launched in 1998
Wikipedia - Sputnik 99 -- Nano-satellite launched April 2, 1999
Wikipedia - Sputnik crisis -- United States response to the launch of Sputnik
Wikipedia - Sputnikmusic -- American music criticism website launched in 2005
Wikipedia - SQL window function
Wikipedia - Squeeze theorem -- On calculating limits by bounding a function between two other functions
Wikipedia - SS Champollion -- French passenger ship launched 1924
Wikipedia - SS Schiller -- German ocean liner launched in 1873
Wikipedia - Staatliche Fachakademie fur Fotodesign Munchen -- German state tertiary photography academy
Wikipedia - Standard German phonology -- The standard pronunciation of the German language
Wikipedia - Standard part function
Wikipedia - Standards Council of Canada
Wikipedia - St Andrew's Hospital, Norwich -- Defunct mental health facility
Wikipedia - Stanford Online -- Educational initiative launched by Stanford University
Wikipedia - Stanley's reciprocity theorem -- Gives a functional equation satisfied by the generating function of any rational cone
Wikipedia - St. Anne's Indian Residential School -- Defunct Canadian Residential School
Wikipedia - Stan Richards (announcer) -- American sports announcer
Wikipedia - St. Anthony High School (New Jersey) -- Defunct Catholic high school in Hudson County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Staples Corner -- Road junction on the North Circular Road in London
Wikipedia - Stardust Resort and Casino -- Defunct casino hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada
Wikipedia - Startup:Education -- Non-profit foundation launched by Mark Zuckerberg
Wikipedia - StarWipe -- Defunct celebrity gossip satirical website
Wikipedia - Stasiun Peluncuran Roket -- Spaceport
Wikipedia - State Administration Council
Wikipedia - State Council of the People's Republic of China
Wikipedia - State Council (Russian Empire)
Wikipedia - State Historic Preservation Office -- state function aimed at preserving historical sites
Wikipedia - State Peace and Development Council -- Former military government of Myanmar
Wikipedia - State Security Council
Wikipedia - State transition function
Wikipedia - Statler Hotels -- Defunct U.S. hotel chain
Wikipedia - St. Cecilia High School (New Jersey) -- Defunct Catholic high school in Bergen County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - St Chad's Catholic and Church of England High School -- Voluntary aided school in Runcorn, Cheshire, England
Wikipedia - St. Columba's Church (Hopewell Junction, New York)
Wikipedia - St. Denis Church (Hopewell Junction, New York)
Wikipedia - Steering cognition -- Model of a cognitive executive function which contributes to how attention is regulated and corresponding responses coordinated
Wikipedia - Steniodes costipunctalis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Stenoglene bipunctatus -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Stenoptilia bipunctidactyla -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Stenoptilia grandipuncta -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Stephen Canning -- Councillor in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Stephensia unipunctella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Stepney Green cavern -- Underground junction where Crossrail spits into two branches
Wikipedia - Stereo 974 -- Defunct radio station in Melbourne, Victoria
Wikipedia - Steritruncated 16-cell honeycomb -- Honeycomb
Wikipedia - Steroid hormone -- Substance with biological function
Wikipedia - Steve Bunce -- Freelance television, radio sport pundit and newspaper columnist
Wikipedia - Steve Byrnes -- American television announcer (1959-2015)
Wikipedia - Steven Runciman
Wikipedia - St.GIGA -- Defunct Japanese satellite radio broadcaster
Wikipedia - Stinson Aircraft Company -- Defunct American aircraft manufacturer
Wikipedia - Stirling (council area) -- Council area of Scotland
Wikipedia - Stitches: The Journal of Medical Humour -- Defunct Canadian humour magazine
Wikipedia - St. Joseph High School (Hammonton, New Jersey) -- Defunct Catholic high school in Atlantic County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - St Kilda Junction -- Road intersection in St Kilda, Australia
Wikipedia - St. Louis Southwestern Railway -- Defunct American railway
Wikipedia - St. Lucia Airways -- Defunct airline based in Saint Lucia
Wikipedia - STOBAR -- Aircraft carrier launch and recovery system
Wikipedia - Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council -- Local government body in England
Wikipedia - Stonyfell, South Australia -- eastern suburb of Adelaide, in the City of Burnside council area, South Australia
Wikipedia - Stork Club -- Defunct nightclub in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - St Peter's Church, Flawford -- Defunct church in Flawford, Nottinghamshire
Wikipedia - Stranger with My Face -- 1981 American young adult horror novel by Lois Duncan
Wikipedia - Strangling -- Compression of the neck that may lead to unconsciousness or death
Wikipedia - Strawberry Jam Comics -- Defunct Canadian comics publisher
Wikipedia - Strawbridge's -- Defunct department store chain
Wikipedia - Stream of unconsciousness
Wikipedia - Street dog -- Unconfined dogs that live in cities
Wikipedia - Strepsigonia quadripunctata -- Species of hook-tip moth
Wikipedia - Striated muscle tissue -- Muscle tissue with repeating functional units called sarcomeres
Wikipedia - Strict function
Wikipedia - Strictly Unconventional -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Strongarm (band) -- Defunct Christian & straight edge band
Wikipedia - Strongly positive bilinear form -- functional analysis form
Wikipedia - Stroud's Mercantile -- Defunct American department store
Wikipedia - Structural functionalism -- In sociology, sees society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability
Wikipedia - Structured program theorem -- Control flow graphs with 3 types of control structures can compute any computable function
Wikipedia - Struncheon Hill Lock -- Lock on the Driffield Navigation in Yorkshire
Wikipedia - Stuart Bondurant -- UNC School of Medicine professor
Wikipedia - Stuart Duncan -- American bluegrass musician
Wikipedia - Stuck On U -- 1995 single by PJ & Duncan
Wikipedia - Student Senators Council of New York University
Wikipedia - Studied Space Shuttle designs -- Launch vehicle study
Wikipedia - Studio 360 -- Defunct American weekly public radio program
Wikipedia - Stylus Magazine -- Defunct online music and film magazine
Wikipedia - Subjunctive mood
Wikipedia - Subjunctive possibility
Wikipedia - Subjunctive
Wikipedia - Sublimation (psychology) -- Type defense mechanism where socially unacceptable impulses or idealizations are unconsciously transformed into socially acceptable actions or behavior
Wikipedia - Sublinear function
Wikipedia - Submarine-launched ballistic missile -- Ballistic missile capable of being launched from submerged submarines
Wikipedia - Suboccipital puncture -- Rare procedure to collect cerebrospinal fluid
Wikipedia - Subordinating conjunction
Wikipedia - Substitution reaction -- Chemical reaction during which one functional group in a chemical compound is replaced by another functional group
Wikipedia - Subtext -- Aspect of a creative work not explicitly announced
Wikipedia - Successor function -- Elementary operation on a natural number
Wikipedia - Suckapunch Records -- Record label
Wikipedia - Sucker Punch (play) -- 2010 play by Roy Williams
Wikipedia - Sucker Punch Productions -- Video game developer
Wikipedia - Sucker Punch (Sigrid album) -- 2019 album by Sigrid
Wikipedia - Sucker Punch (song) -- 2018 song by Sigrid
Wikipedia - Sucker Punch (soundtrack) -- 2011 soundtrack for the film of the same name
Wikipedia - Sue Duncan Children's Center -- Non-profit organization on the South Side of Chicago
Wikipedia - Sui Wo (constituency) -- Constituency of the Sha Tin District Council of Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Sujeonggwa -- Korean cinnamon punch
Wikipedia - Sultan bin Muhammad Al-Qasimi -- Member of the Supreme Council of the United Arab Emirates
Wikipedia - Summit Communications Group -- Defunct radio broadcasting company of the United States
Wikipedia - Sum-of-divisors function
Wikipedia - SUNCAT -- Catalog of serial holdings in the UK
Wikipedia - Suncity -- 2018 EP by Khalid
Wikipedia - Suncoast Motion Picture Company -- American retail company
Wikipedia - Suncor Energy -- Canadian energy company
Wikipedia - Sunday Brunch -- Sunday morning television series, broadcast on Channel 4
Wikipedia - Sunday Punch (film) -- 1942 film by David Miller
Wikipedia - Sun Microsystems -- Defunct American computer hardware and software company
Wikipedia - Sun News Network -- Defunct Canadian cable news TV channel
Wikipedia - Super heavy-lift launch vehicle -- Launch vehicle capable of lifting more than 50 tonnes of payload into low earth orbit
Wikipedia - Superior medullary velum -- Thin layer between the superior cerebellar peduncles
Wikipedia - Superman punch -- technique in Muay Thai, kickboxing, and mixed martial arts
Wikipedia - Supervised learning -- Machine learning task of learning a function that maps an input to an output based on example input-output pairs
Wikipedia - Support (mathematics) -- the part of the domain of a mathematical function where the function takes non-zero values
Wikipedia - Supreme Council for National Reconstruction -- Military junta in South Korea (1961-1963)
Wikipedia - Supreme Council for the Confucian Religion in Indonesia
Wikipedia - Supreme Council of Cyberspace (Iran) -- Cyberspace council
Wikipedia - Supreme Council of Ethnic Hellenes -- Non-profit Hellenic neopagan organisation established in Greece in 1997
Wikipedia - Supreme Judicial Council of Pakistan
Wikipedia - Supreme Military Council of Nigeria (1966-1979) -- Military deputy leader in command of Nigeria (1966-1979)
Wikipedia - Supreme Order of the Most Holy Annunciation
Wikipedia - Supreme Political Council -- Houthi executive body
Wikipedia - Surface-to-air missile -- Ground-launched missile designed to attack aerial targets
Wikipedia - Surfbook -- Defunct social networking service
Wikipedia - Surjective function -- Function such that every element has a preimage (mathematics)
Wikipedia - Surp Krikor Lusavoric Armenian Church, Kuzguncuk -- Armenian Apostolic church in Istanbul, Turkey
Wikipedia - Surveyor 2 -- Failed lunar lander launched in 1966
Wikipedia - Survival function -- probability of survival beyond any specified time
Wikipedia - Susanne Munch Thore -- Norwegian lawyer and businesswoman
Wikipedia - Susantha Punchinilame -- Sri Lankan politician
Wikipedia - Suspensory muscle of duodenum -- A thin muscle connecting the junction between the duodenum, jejunum, and duodenojejunal flexure to connective tissue surrounding the superior mesenteric artery and coeliac artery
Wikipedia - Sustainable Agriculture Innovation Network -- Sustainable agriculture Network launched in 2008 to provide a framework for collaboration on agriculture and climate change between the UK and China
Wikipedia - Sutro Baths -- Large defunct saltwater swimming pool complex in San Francisco, now ruins.
Wikipedia - Suzak Inc. -- Defunct Japanese video game development company
Wikipedia - Svalbard Rocket Range -- Rocket launchsite in Svalbard, Norway
Wikipedia - Swammerdamia compunctella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Swedish Research Council -- Swedish government agency
Wikipedia - Sweetbay Supermarket -- Defunct American supermarket chain
Wikipedia - Sweet Munchies -- 2020 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Switching frequency -- Functional parameter of electronic systems
Wikipedia - Sydney Sandpipers -- Defunct Australian netball team
Wikipedia - Sylvicola punctatus -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Symmetric function
Wikipedia - Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming
Wikipedia - Symptom -- Departure from normal function or feeling which is noticed by a patient
Wikipedia - Synaphe punctalis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Synapse (software) -- Application launcher for Linux
Wikipedia - Synapse -- Junction between two neurons or a neuron and another cell
Wikipedia - Synaptogenesis -- Formation of neuronal junctions in the nervous system
Wikipedia - Syndicalist Party -- Defunct Spanish political party
Wikipedia - Synod of Ancyra -- An ecclesiastical council, or synod, convened in modern-day Ankara in 314.
Wikipedia - Synod of Beth Lapat -- 484 council of the Church of the East, held in Gundeshapur, Persia
Wikipedia - Synods held at Troyes -- Religious councils held in Troyes, France
Wikipedia - Syphax Airlines -- Defunct airline of Tunisia
Wikipedia - Syriac Military Council -- Assyrian/Syriac military organisation in Syria
Wikipedia - Syrian National Council
Wikipedia - Systemic functional grammar
Wikipedia - Systemic functional linguistics
Wikipedia - System on module -- A board-level circuit that integrates a system function in a single module
Wikipedia - TA5450/TAS5450 -- Chinese missile launcher
Wikipedia - Tabulaephorus punctinervis -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Tafiti -- Discontinued animated search engine launched by Microsoft Corp.
Wikipedia - Taft Broadcasting -- Defunct media conglomerate
Wikipedia - Tai Po Hui (constituency) -- Constituency of the Tai Po District Council of Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center -- Launch site in China
Wikipedia - Tajwid -- Rules governing pronunciation during recitation of the Quran
Wikipedia - Tak Ming (constituency) -- Constituency of the Sai Kung District Council of Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Talanga sexpunctalis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Talant Mamytov -- Speaker of the Supreme Council of Kyrgyzstan
Wikipedia - Tamluk Junction railway station -- Railway station in West Bengal, India
Wikipedia - Tampa and Jacksonville Railway -- Defunct railroad in Florida
Wikipedia - T&G Building, Townsville -- Defunct landmark building in Townsville, Australia
Wikipedia - Tanegashima Space Center -- Rocket-launch complex in Japan
Wikipedia - Tanganyika African Association -- Defunct political association in Tanzania
Wikipedia - Tangent half-angle formula -- Relates the tangent of half of an angle to trigonometric functions of the entire angle
Wikipedia - Tangentyere Council -- Service delivery agency
Wikipedia - Tapri Junction railway station -- Railway Station in Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Tarakant Jha -- Chairperson of the Bihar Legislative Council
Wikipedia - Tara Moriarty -- Member of the New South Wales Legislative Council
Wikipedia - Tarn Taran Junction railway station -- Train station in Punjab, India
Wikipedia - Taskbar -- Bar displayed on an edge of a GUI desktop that is used to launch and monitor running applications
Wikipedia - Tasmanian Airways -- Defunct airline in Tasmania, Australia
Wikipedia - TAS - Transportes AM-CM-)reos Salvador -- Defunct Brazilian airline
Wikipedia - Taxodiaceae -- Defunct family of plants
Wikipedia - Tax -- Method to impose financial charge or other levy upon a taxpayer by a government or functional equivalent
Wikipedia - Taylor series -- Expression of a function as an infinite sum
Wikipedia - Taylor's theorem -- Approximation of a function by a truncated power series
Wikipedia - Tchefuncte Site -- Archaeological site of the prehistoric Tchefuncte culture
Wikipedia - Teatro Avenida -- Defunct theatre in Lisbon, Portugal
Wikipedia - Teatro Variedades, Lisbon -- Defunct theatre in Lisbon, Portugal
Wikipedia - TechCrunch Disrupt
Wikipedia - Tech Crunch
Wikipedia - Techcrunch
Wikipedia - TechCrunch -- Technology news website owned by Verizon Media
Wikipedia - Technical textile -- Textile product valued for its functional characteristics
Wikipedia - Technological singularity -- Hypothetical point in time at which technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible
Wikipedia - Tele-Communications Inc. -- Defunct American cable television provider
Wikipedia - Telestes pleurobipunctatus -- Species of fish
Wikipedia - Telopea truncata -- A shrub in the family Proteaceae endemic to Tasmania
Wikipedia - Template:IPA key -- Wikipedia key to pronunciation of {{{language|{{SUBPAGENAME
Wikipedia - Template talk:Catholic ecumenical councils
Wikipedia - Template talk:Council of Europe
Wikipedia - Template talk:Drugs for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation
Wikipedia - Template talk:Ecumenical councils
Wikipedia - Template talk:Founding members of the World Cultural Council
Wikipedia - Template talk:Functional analysis
Wikipedia - Template talk:Navbox punctuation
Wikipedia - Template talk:Second Vatican Council
Wikipedia - Template talk:The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Wikipedia - Temporomandibular joint dysfunction
Wikipedia - Temporoparietal junction -- Area of the brain where the temporal and parietal lobes meet
Wikipedia - Tempo TV -- Defunct private Greek TV channel
Wikipedia - Tenon Limited -- Defunct New Zealand company
Wikipedia - Tensor network theory -- Theory of brain function
Wikipedia - Tenth Council of Toledo
Wikipedia - Terje Rod-Larsen -- Terje Rod-Larsen - Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the implementation of Security Council resolution 1559/2004
Wikipedia - Terra Museum -- Defunct Illinois art museum
Wikipedia - Territorial Defence Force of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina -- Defunct armed force of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Wikipedia - Terry Smith (sportscaster) -- American sports announcer
Wikipedia - Test Environment Management -- Function in the software delivery process
Wikipedia - Tethea punctorenalia -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - T-function
Wikipedia - Thalictrum alpinum -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Thalictrum -- Genus of flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Thamizhaga Munnetra Munnani -- Defunct political party in India
Wikipedia - That Uncertain Feeling (film) -- 1941 film by Ernst Lubitsch
Wikipedia - The 1619 Project -- New York Times news story project launched in 2019
Wikipedia - The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle -- 1892 short story by Arthur Conan Doyle
Wikipedia - The Adventures of Baron Munchausen -- 1988 film by Terry Gilliam
Wikipedia - The Age of Uncertainty
Wikipedia - The Annunciation (film) -- 1984 film
Wikipedia - The Annunciation (Wautier) -- 1650s painting by Michaelina Wautier
Wikipedia - The Attachmate Group -- Defunct privately held software holding company
Wikipedia - The Awl -- Defunct website focused on news and culture
Wikipedia - The Bardy Bunch -- Musical parody show
Wikipedia - The Big Bounce (1960 film) -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - The Big Bounce (novel) -- 1969 novel by Elmore Leonard
Wikipedia - The Big Punch -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - The Body Punch -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - The Boston Miscellany -- Defunct American fashion and literary magazines
Wikipedia - The Boulevard at the Capital Centre -- Defunct open-air shopping center in Prince George's County, Maryland
Wikipedia - The Brady Bunch Hour -- American television series
Wikipedia - The Brady Bunch Movie -- 1995 film by Betty Thomas
Wikipedia - The Brady Bunch -- American sitcom
Wikipedia - The Bus Uncle -- 2006 viral video
Wikipedia - The Coffee Shop (Union Square) -- Defunct restaurant
Wikipedia - The Collective (company) -- Defunct American video game developer
Wikipedia - The Council of Dads (book) -- Book by Bruce Feiler
Wikipedia - The Council of the Gods -- 1950 film
Wikipedia - The Cricketer Magazine -- Defunct monthly English-language cricket magazine published in Karachi, Pakistan 1972-2008
Wikipedia - The Cube Root of Uncertainty -- Collection of short stories by Robert Silverberg
Wikipedia - The Day I Died: Unclosed Case -- South Korean investigation drama film
Wikipedia - The Discovery of the Unconscious -- 1970 book by Henri Ellenberger
Wikipedia - The Dunciad
Wikipedia - The Ecologist Greens (Spain) -- Defunct political party in Spain
Wikipedia - The Ecumenical Council (painting) -- Painting by Salvador Dali
Wikipedia - The Electrical Experimenter -- Defunct American technical science magazine
Wikipedia - The Elegant Bunch -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - The Enterprise (Washington) -- Defunct weekly newspaper in Snohomish County, Washington, United States
Wikipedia - The Far Eastern Review -- Defunct engineering journal
Wikipedia - The Fayetteville Times -- Defunct newspaper
Wikipedia - The Four Seasons Restaurant -- Defunct restaurant in New York City
Wikipedia - The Functions of the Executive
Wikipedia - The Geffen Film Company -- Defunct US film distribution and production company
Wikipedia - The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company -- Defunct American grocery store chain
Wikipedia - The Guardian of Education -- Defunct British children's literature review magazine
Wikipedia - The Heart Punch -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - The Heirs of Uncle James -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - The Hibernia Magazine -- Defunct Irish magazine
Wikipedia - The Hong Kong Council of Social Service -- Organization
Wikipedia - The Hunchback (1997 film) -- 1997 television film by Peter Medak
Wikipedia - The Hunchback and the Dancer -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1911 film)
Wikipedia - The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1923 film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1939 film) -- 1939 film by William Dieterle
Wikipedia - The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1956 film)
Wikipedia - The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1966 TV series)
Wikipedia - The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1977 TV series)
Wikipedia - The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1982 film)
Wikipedia - The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1986 film)
Wikipedia - The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996 film) -- American animated musical drama film
Wikipedia - The Hunchback of Notre Dame (franchise)
Wikipedia - The Hunchback of Notre Dame II
Wikipedia - The Hunchback of Notre Dame (musical)
Wikipedia - The Hunchback of Notre Dame (soundtrack)
Wikipedia - The Hunchback of Notre Dame: Topsy Turvy Games
Wikipedia - The Hunchback of Notre-Dame -- 1831 novel by Victor Hugo
Wikipedia - The Hunchback of Soho -- 1966 film
Wikipedia - The Hunches -- American garage rock band
Wikipedia - The Independent Party -- Defunct political party in Kenya
Wikipedia - The Instance of the Letter in the Unconscious, or Reason Since Freud
Wikipedia - The Irish Times -- Irish daily newspaper, launched 1859
Wikipedia - The Janus Conjunction -- Doctor Who novel by Trevor Baxendale
Wikipedia - The Knickerbocker -- Defunct magazine
Wikipedia - The Launching of Modern American Science, 1846-1876 -- 1987 book by Robert V. Bruce
Wikipedia - The Liberalists - Freedom and Prosperity -- Defunct political party in Denmark
Wikipedia - The Literary Gazette -- Defunct British literary magazine
Wikipedia - Thelma Myrtle Duncan -- American playwright
Wikipedia - The Love Punch -- 2013 film
Wikipedia - The Lunchbox Fund -- Non-profit organization
Wikipedia - The Lunchbox -- 2013 Indian film by Ritesh Batra
Wikipedia - The Lunch Date -- 1990 film
Wikipedia - The Man Unconquerable -- 1922 film by Joseph Henabery
Wikipedia - The Man with the Punch -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - The Monkey's Uncle -- 1965 American comedy film by Robert Stevenson
Wikipedia - The National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations -- American non-profit organization
Wikipedia - The National Sports Daily -- Defunct American newspaper
Wikipedia - The New Party (UK, 2003) -- Defunct neoliberal political party in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - The News with Uncle Bob -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - The Philosophy of the Unconscious
Wikipedia - The Political Unconscious
Wikipedia - The President's Council on Bioethics
Wikipedia - Theranos -- Defunct American privately held health technology company
Wikipedia - There ain't no such thing as a free lunch -- Popular adage communicating the idea that it is impossible to get something for nothing
Wikipedia - The Real -- Philosophical category of that which is authentic or the unchangeable truth
Wikipedia - The Republic (newspaper) -- Defunct Canadian liberal local newspaper
Wikipedia - The Roxy (New York City) -- Defunct nightclub in New York City
Wikipedia - The Scream -- image by artist Edvard Munch
Wikipedia - The Shock Punch -- 1925 film by Paul Sloane
Wikipedia - The Sleepy Time Gal -- 2001 film by Christopher Munch
Wikipedia - The Steamie -- Film directed by Haldane Duncan
Wikipedia - The St. Petersburg Times -- Defunct Russian newspaper
Wikipedia - The Strange Affair of Uncle Harry -- 1945 film by Robert Siodmak
Wikipedia - The Style Council -- English band active 1983-1989
Wikipedia - The Superstation Orkney -- Defunct radio station in Orkney Islands, Scotland, UK
Wikipedia - The Symbol of the Unconquered -- 1920 film by Oscar Micheaux
Wikipedia - Theta function -- Special functions of several complex variables
Wikipedia - The Twisted Window -- Novel by Lois Duncan
Wikipedia - The Uncanny Counter -- 2020 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - The Uncanny House -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - The Uncensored Library -- Minecraft server and map containing banned reporting
Wikipedia - The Uncensored Mouse -- Unlicensed Disney comics magazine
Wikipedia - The Uncertainty Principle (film) -- 2002 film
Wikipedia - The Unchanging Sea -- 1910 film
Wikipedia - The Unchastened Woman -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - The Uncle from America -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - The Uncle from Sumatra -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - The Uncle from the Provinces -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - The Unconquered (1940 play) -- play written by Ayn Rand
Wikipedia - The Unconscious God
Wikipedia - The unconscious
Wikipedia - The Verge, Singapore -- Defunct shopping mall in Singapore
Wikipedia - The Wikipedia Revolution: How a Bunch of Nobodies Created the World's Greatest Encyclopedia
Wikipedia - The Wild Bunch: An Album in Montage -- 1996 film
Wikipedia - The Wild Bunch -- 1969 American Revisionist Western film directed by Sam Peckinpah
Wikipedia - Thilak Kumara Rathnayake -- Sri Lankan actor and announcer
Wikipedia - Thinking outside the box -- A metaphor for unconventional thinking
Wikipedia - Third Council of Constantinople
Wikipedia - Third Council of Dvin
Wikipedia - Third Council of Ephesus
Wikipedia - Third Council of the Lateran
Wikipedia - Third Lateran Council
Wikipedia - Thiruthuraipoondi Junction railway station -- Railway station in Tamil Nadu, India
Wikipedia - Thomas Brunce
Wikipedia - Thomas Cook Group Airlines -- Airline division of the defunct British Thomas Cook Group
Wikipedia - Thomas Cook Group -- Defunct British global travel group
Wikipedia - Thomas Duncombe Dee -- American businessman
Wikipedia - Thomas Eric Duncan -- First Ebola patient diagnosed in the United States
Wikipedia - Thomas Faunce -- Australian bioethicist and researcher
Wikipedia - Thomas Jefferson High School (New Jersey) -- Defunct high school in Union County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Thomas Motor Company -- us defunct Car manufacturer
Wikipedia - Thomas Turner a Beckett -- Member of Victorian Legislative Council
Wikipedia - Thor-Ablestar -- American expendable launch system
Wikipedia - THQ -- defunct American video game company
Wikipedia - Three-martini lunch -- Business lunch
Wikipedia - Three-way junction -- Type of road intersection with three arms
Wikipedia - Thrust Air 2000 -- Air-launched roller coaster type
Wikipedia - Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station -- Indian spaceport
Wikipedia - Thunk (functional programming)
Wikipedia - Thymistida tripunctata -- Species of hook-tip moth
Wikipedia - Thysanotus juncifolius -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Tianruncheng station -- Nanjing Metro station
Wikipedia - Ticket punch
Wikipedia - Tidewater Lock -- Defunct canal lock in Washington, D.C.
Wikipedia - Tie One On! -- extended play by The Bouncing Souls
Wikipedia - Tiffany Pictures -- Defunct motion picture studio
Wikipedia - Tiger (hash function)
Wikipedia - Tilaiya Junction railway station -- Railway station in Bihar
Wikipedia - Tillie's Punctured Romance (1914 film) -- 1914 film by Mack Sennett
Wikipedia - Tillie's Punctured Romance (1928 film) -- 1928 film by A. Edward Sutherland
Wikipedia - Tim Duncan
Wikipedia - Time derivative -- A derivative of a function with respect to time.
Wikipedia - Timeline of first orbital launches by country -- List
Wikipedia - Timeline of the Egyptian Crisis under the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces
Wikipedia - Timescape Books -- Defunct American specialty publishing imprint
Wikipedia - Time-utility function
Wikipedia - Tim Hughes (announcer) -- American sports announcer (born 1959)
Wikipedia - Timo Blunck -- German musician
Wikipedia - Timotheus Kuusik -- Estonian teacher, councilman
Wikipedia - Tinnunculite -- Organic mineral
Wikipedia - Tipula disjuncta -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Tipula unca -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Tirling pin -- Device for announcing a visitor's presence at a door
Wikipedia - Titanic -- British transatlantic passenger liner, launched and foundered in 1912
Wikipedia - Titan II GLV -- expendable launch system
Wikipedia - Titanine, Incorporated (Union City, New Jersey) -- Defunct industrial company based in Hudson County, New Jersey, US
Wikipedia - Tito Junco (Cuban actor) -- Cuban actor
Wikipedia - Tito Junco (Mexican actor) -- Mexican actor
Wikipedia - Titular see -- Episcopal see of a former diocese that no longer functions
Wikipedia - Tivoli Miniature World -- Defunct theme park
Wikipedia - Tmesipteris truncata -- Species of fern in the family Psilotaceae
Wikipedia - TNT Sports (Argentina) -- Argentine sports channel owned by Turner Broadcasting System under the TNT brand, launched in 2017.
Wikipedia - To be announced -- Placeholder terms in event planning
Wikipedia - Todd Duncan (author) -- American author and motivational speaker
Wikipedia - Todd Grisham -- American wrestling announcer
Wikipedia - Togoland Congress -- Defunct political party in Gold Coast colony
Wikipedia - Tomas da Anunciacao -- Portuguese painter
Wikipedia - Tom Carnegie -- Motorsports announcer
Wikipedia - Tom Hanneman -- American sports announcer
Wikipedia - Tommaso d'Aquino (bishop of Sessa Aurunca) -- 17th and 18th-century Italian Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Tomoko Sasaki -- Members of the House of Councillors
Wikipedia - Tom Phillips (wrestling) -- American professional wrestling announcer
Wikipedia - Tom show -- Plays loosely based on the novel 'Uncle Tom's Cabin'.
Wikipedia - Tongareva triple junction -- Defunct triple junction of the Pacific Plate, the Farallon Plate, and the Phoenix Plate
Wikipedia - Tonghae Satellite Launching Ground -- Rocket launching site in North Korea
Wikipedia - Tonghua Province -- Defunct province in East Asia
Wikipedia - Tonsil Hospital -- defunct New York City hospital
Wikipedia - Tony Duncan -- Welsh cricketer and golfer
Wikipedia - Tony Salazar -- Mexican professional wrestler and ring announcer
Wikipedia - Tony Schiavone -- American professional wrestling commentator, podcaster, and sports announcer
Wikipedia - Too Much and Never Enough -- 2020 book written by Mary L. Trump on her uncle Donald Trump and their family
Wikipedia - Top Authority Uncut (The New Yea) -- 1997 hip hop album by Top Authority
Wikipedia - Torpedo tube -- Device for launching torpedoes
Wikipedia - Tortricopsis semijunctella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Tortricopsis uncinella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - TOS-1 -- Russian multiple thermobaric rocket launcher
Wikipedia - Total functional programming
Wikipedia - Total function
Wikipedia - Total! -- Defunct video game magazine 1991-1996
Wikipedia - Town council -- Form of local government for small municipalities
Wikipedia - Town crier -- Officer of the court who makes public pronouncements as required by the court
Wikipedia - Toy Freaks -- Defunct YouTube channel
Wikipedia - Trade (nightclub) -- Defunct gay nightclub in London, England
Wikipedia - Traditional English pronunciation of Latin -- Basic pronunciation rules
Wikipedia - Traditionalist Catholicism -- Movement of Catholics in favour of restoring many or all of the liturgy, practice, and beliefs of Catholics from before the Second Vatican Council
Wikipedia - Traditional Values Coalition -- Defunct American conservative Christian organization
Wikipedia - Tramon Air -- Defunct airline of South Africa
Wikipedia - Transaction Processing Performance Council
Wikipedia - Transamerica (film) -- 2005 independent comedy-drama film directed by Duncan Tucker
Wikipedia - Transcare EMS -- Defunct ambulance service
Wikipedia - Transcendental function -- Analytic function that does not satisfy a polynomial equation
Wikipedia - Transcendental law of homogeneity -- Heuristic principle enunciated by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Wikipedia - Transcript of unknown function -- Known RNA transcripts of DNA whose function is unclear
Wikipedia - Transfer function -- Function specifying the behavior of a component in an electronic or control system
Wikipedia - Transformation (function)
Wikipedia - Transitional Military Council (2019) -- Military junta of Sudan established after the overthrow of Omar al-Bashir
Wikipedia - Transmission curve -- Transmission of a signal or filter as a function of frequency or wavelength
Wikipedia - Transport for Brisbane -- Public transport division of the Brisbane City Council
Wikipedia - Tranvia (Manila) -- Defunct Streetcar System in Manila
Wikipedia - Trapdoor function
Wikipedia - Trapezia rufopunctata -- Species of crustacean
Wikipedia - Trash Bag Bunch -- US toyline launched in 1991
Wikipedia - Travel Air -- Defunct American manufacturer of light aircraft based in Wichita, KS
Wikipedia - Treacle -- Uncrystallized syrup made during the refining of sugar
Wikipedia - Treasury Holdings -- Defunct Irish construction and development company
Wikipedia - Trey Wingo -- American sports studio host, anchor, and announcer
Wikipedia - Triaxomera puncticulata -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Tribal Council -- First Nation or Native American organization
Wikipedia - Tribune Broadcasting -- Defunct American television and radio broadcast company (1924-2019)
Wikipedia - Trichostenidea rufopunctata -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Trident (missile) -- American class of submarine-launched ballistic missile
Wikipedia - Tridrepana septempunctata -- Species of hook-tip moth
Wikipedia - Triglochin maritima -- Species of flowering plant in the arrowgrass family Juncaginaceae
Wikipedia - Triglochin -- Genus of flowering plants in the arrowgrass family Juncaginaceae
Wikipedia - Trigonometric functions of matrices
Wikipedia - Trigonometric functions -- Functions of an angle
Wikipedia - Trigonometric function
Wikipedia - Triple conjunction -- Astronomical event of two planets, or a planet and a star passing three times in a short period
Wikipedia - Triple junction -- The point where the boundaries of three tectonic plates meet
Wikipedia - Triple Punch -- 1982 arcade game
Wikipedia - Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky -- 2019 children's fantasy and mythology novel by Kwame Mbalia
Wikipedia - Tritonia punctata -- Species of marine mollusc
Wikipedia - Triumph Motor Company -- Defunct British car and motor manufacturing company
Wikipedia - Trollius -- Genus of flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Trombi-Varadarajan theorem -- Relates spherical functions on a semisimple Lie group to certain holomorphic functions
Wikipedia - TRS-80 -- Microcomputer launched in 1977, sold by Tandy Corporation through RadioShack stores
Wikipedia - True American -- Defunct American newspaper
Wikipedia - Truncal ataxia -- Wide-based "drunken sailor" gait symptom
Wikipedia - Truncal neural crest
Wikipedia - Truncatable prime -- Type of number
Wikipedia - Truncated cube
Wikipedia - Truncated cuboctahedron -- Archimedean solid in geometry
Wikipedia - Truncated differential cryptanalysis
Wikipedia - Truncated dodecahedron
Wikipedia - Truncated heptagonal tiling
Wikipedia - Truncated hexagonal tiling
Wikipedia - Truncated hexaoctagonal tiling
Wikipedia - Truncated icosahedron
Wikipedia - Truncated icosidodecahedron
Wikipedia - Truncated infinite-order square tiling
Wikipedia - Truncated infinite-order triangular tiling
Wikipedia - Truncated mean -- Statistical measure of central tendency
Wikipedia - Truncated Newton method
Wikipedia - Truncated normal distribution
Wikipedia - Truncated octagonal tiling
Wikipedia - Truncated octahedron
Wikipedia - Truncated order-3 apeirogonal tiling
Wikipedia - Truncated order-4 apeirogonal tiling
Wikipedia - Truncated order-4 heptagonal tiling
Wikipedia - Truncated order-4 hexagonal tiling
Wikipedia - Truncated order-4 octagonal tiling
Wikipedia - Truncated order-4 pentagonal tiling
Wikipedia - Truncated order-5 hexagonal tiling
Wikipedia - Truncated order-5 pentagonal tiling
Wikipedia - Truncated order-5 square tiling
Wikipedia - Truncated order-6 hexagonal tiling
Wikipedia - Truncated order-6 octagonal tiling
Wikipedia - Truncated order-6 pentagonal tiling
Wikipedia - Truncated order-6 square tiling
Wikipedia - Truncated order-7 heptagonal tiling
Wikipedia - Truncated order-7 square tiling -- A uniform tiling of the hyperbolic plane
Wikipedia - Truncated order-7 triangular tiling
Wikipedia - Truncated order-8 hexagonal tiling
Wikipedia - Truncated order-8 octagonal tiling
Wikipedia - Truncated order-8 triangular tiling
Wikipedia - Truncated pentahexagonal tiling
Wikipedia - Truncated spur -- A ridge that descends towards a valley floor or coastline that is cut short
Wikipedia - Truncated square tiling
Wikipedia - Truncated tetraapeirogonal tiling
Wikipedia - Truncated tetrahedron
Wikipedia - Truncated tetraheptagonal tiling
Wikipedia - Truncated tetrahexagonal tiling
Wikipedia - Truncated tetraoctagonal tiling -- Semiregular tiling in geometry
Wikipedia - Truncated tetrapentagonal tiling
Wikipedia - Truncated trapezohedron
Wikipedia - Truncated triapeirogonal tiling
Wikipedia - Truncated triheptagonal tiling
Wikipedia - Truncated trihexagonal tiling
Wikipedia - Truncated trioctagonal tiling
Wikipedia - Truncate (SQL)
Wikipedia - Truncation error
Wikipedia - Truncation
Wikipedia - Trunc (command)
Wikipedia - Truth-functional connective
Wikipedia - Truth-functional logic
Wikipedia - Truth-functional
Wikipedia - Truth functions
Wikipedia - Truth function
Wikipedia - Tsing Yi Pier -- Defunct pier in Tsing Yi, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Tsui Lam (constituency) -- Constituency of the Sai Kung District Council of Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Tsz Yau (constituency) -- Constituency of the Yuen Long District Council of Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Tuncay Karakaya -- Turkish goalball player
Wikipedia - Tuncay Mataraci -- Turkish politician
Wikipedia - Tuncay M-CM-^GaliM-EM-^_kan -- Austrian taekwondo practitioner
Wikipedia - Tunc BaM-EM-^_aran -- Turkish actor and director
Wikipedia - Tuncbilek power station -- Coal fired power station in Turkey
Wikipedia - Tunceli (electoral district) -- Electoral district for the Grand National Assembly of Turkey
Wikipedia - Tuncer Bakirhan -- Kurdish politician
Wikipedia - Tunc Ucyildiz -- Turkish surfer
Wikipedia - Tundla Junction railway station -- Railway station in Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Tung Ching Chang -- Chinese acupuncturist
Wikipedia - Tunnel junction
Wikipedia - Tuoba -- Extinct people of uncertain origin
Wikipedia - Tupolev OOS -- Soviet concept for an air-launched, single-stage-to-orbit spaceplane
Wikipedia - Turan-Kubilius inequality -- Theorem in probabilistic number theory on additive complex-valued arithmetic functions
Wikipedia - Turbine engine failure -- Turbine engine unexpectedly stops producing power due to a malfunction other than fuel exhaustion
Wikipedia - Turing-computable function
Wikipedia - Turkic Council
Wikipedia - Turtle's Records & Tapes -- Defunct American retail chain
Wikipedia - Tuxedo Junction (film) -- 1941 film by Frank McDonald
Wikipedia - TV Quick -- Defunct British weekly television listing magazine published by H Bauer Publishing
Wikipedia - Two miles -- Uncommon middle distance race
Wikipedia - Two Moon Junction -- 1988 film by Zalman King
Wikipedia - Tyco Toys -- Defunct toy manufacturer
Wikipedia - Tyler Duncan -- American professional golfer
Wikipedia - Tymnet -- Defunct international data communications network
Wikipedia - Tymshare -- Defunct computer time-sharing service
Wikipedia - Type 10 grenade discharger -- Japanese WWII grenade launcher
Wikipedia - Tyulgan, Tyulgansky Settlement Council, Tyulgansky District, Orenburg Oblast -- Rural locality in Orenburg Oblast, Russia
Wikipedia - UAE-Israel Business Council -- Cooperative association
Wikipedia - Udea bipunctalis -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - UDP hole punching
Wikipedia - UFC Fight Night: Assuncao vs. Moraes 2 -- UFC mixed martial arts event in 2019
Wikipedia - Uganda Airlines (1976-2001) -- Defunct Ugandan airline
Wikipedia - Ugyen Tshering (National Council member) -- Bhutanese politician
Wikipedia - Ujjain Junction railway station -- Railway station in Madhya Pradesh
Wikipedia - UK Council for Psychotherapy
Wikipedia - Ulster Liberal Party -- Defunct political party in Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Ulster Progressive Unionist Association -- Defunct unionist political group in Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Unary function
Wikipedia - Uncaged Campaigns
Wikipedia - Uncanny Avengers -- Comic book series
Wikipedia - Uncanny Magazine -- American science fiction and fantasy online magazine
Wikipedia - Uncanny Stories (magazine) -- US pulp science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Uncanny Tales (Canadian pulp magazine) -- Canadian pulp science fiction magazine
Wikipedia - Uncanny Valley (memoir) -- 2020 memoir by Anna Wiener
Wikipedia - Uncanny valley -- Hypothesis that human replicas elicit revulsion
Wikipedia - Uncanny
Wikipedia - Uncanny X-Force -- Comic book series
Wikipedia - Uncanny X-Men -- Comic book series
Wikipedia - Uncaria tomentosa -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - UNC Chapel Hill
Wikipedia - UNC-Chapel Hill
Wikipedia - Uncertain data
Wikipedia - Uncertain (EP) -- 1991 extended play by the Cranberries
Wikipedia - Uncertain inference
Wikipedia - Uncertain Lady -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - Uncertain T (show car) -- Show car built by Steve Scott in 1965
Wikipedia - Uncertainty and Quality in Science for Policy
Wikipedia - Uncertainty (book) -- Biography of Werner Heisenberg by David C. Cassidy
Wikipedia - Uncertainty coefficient
Wikipedia - Uncertainty principle -- Foundational principle in quantum physics
Wikipedia - Uncertainty quantification -- Characterization and reduction of uncertainties in both computational and real world applications
Wikipedia - Uncertainty -- Situation which involves imperfect and/or unknown information, regarding the existing state, environment, a future outcome or more than one possible outcomes
Wikipedia - UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health -- Public health institution
Wikipedia - Unchained Blades -- 2011 video game
Wikipedia - Unchained Melody -- 1955 song with music by Alex North and lyrics by Hy Zaret
Wikipedia - Unchain My Heart (song) -- 1961 single by Ray Charles
Wikipedia - Unchambered long barrow
Wikipedia - Unchambered long cairn -- Type of cairn
Wikipedia - Uncharted 2: Among Thieves -- 2009 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception -- 2011 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Uncharted 4: A Thief's End -- 2016 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Uncharted 4
Wikipedia - Uncharted Channels -- 1920 film by Henry King
Wikipedia - Uncharted: Drake's Fortune -- 2007 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Uncharted (film) -- 2021 film directed by Ruben Fleischer
Wikipedia - Uncharted: Golden Abyss -- 2011 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Uncharted Seas -- 1921 film by Wesley Ruggles
Wikipedia - Uncharted Territory, LLC -- American film production company
Wikipedia - Uncharted: The Lost Legacy -- 2017 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Uncharted -- action-adventure video game series
Wikipedia - Uncial 0121b -- 10th-century Greek uncial manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Uncial 0152
Wikipedia - Uncial 0183 -- Greek manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Uncial 0231 -- Greek uncial manuscript of the New Testament.
Wikipedia - Uncial 0243 -- 10th century Manuscript of the New Testament Greek uncial manuscript
Wikipedia - Uncial 0263 -- Greek uncial manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Uncial 0297 -- A 9th century Greek uncial manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Uncial 080 -- Greek manuscript of the New Testament
Wikipedia - Uncial script -- Capital letter-only writing system in Greek and Latin
Wikipedia - Uncial
Wikipedia - Uncieburia -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Uncinateridae -- An order of hexactinellid sponges
Wikipedia - Uncinocarpus orissi -- Species of fungus
Wikipedia - Uncinocarpus uncinatus -- Species of fungus
Wikipedia - Uncivil War Birds -- 1946 film by Jules White
Wikipedia - Unclassified language -- Language whose genetic affiliation has not been established
Wikipedia - Unclassified
Wikipedia - Unclean animal -- An animal whose consumption or handling is taboo
Wikipedia - Uncle Ben's -- Brand of parboiled rice and related food products
Wikipedia - Uncle Ben -- Fictional character
Wikipedia - Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives -- 2010 film
Wikipedia - Uncle BrM-CM-$sig -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Uncleby -- Hamlet in the East Riding of Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Uncle Chipps -- Indian potato chips brand
Wikipedia - Uncle Daddy -- 2001 book by Ralph Fletcher
Wikipedia - Uncle Dave Macon -- American musician
Wikipedia - Uncle David -- 2010 film by David Hoyle
Wikipedia - Uncle Dick's Darling -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Uncle Drew -- 2018 film directed by Charles Stone III
Wikipedia - Uncle Duke
Wikipedia - Uncle Dynamite -- 1948 novel by P.G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - Uncle Ebo Whyte -- Ghanaian playwright
Wikipedia - Uncle Fester -- Character in The Addams Family
Wikipedia - Uncle (film) -- 2018 film
Wikipedia - Uncle Fred in the Springtime -- 1939 novel by P.G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - Uncleftish Beholding -- A short text written in English using exclusively Germanic words
Wikipedia - Uncle Grandpa -- American animated television series
Wikipedia - Uncle Henry (Oz) -- Fictional character from L. Frank Baum's Oz-series
Wikipedia - Uncle Hyacynth -- 1956 film
Wikipedia - Uncle Jasper's Will -- 1922 film by Oscar Micheaux
Wikipedia - Uncle Joe (film) -- 1941 film by Howard M. Railsback and Raymond E. Swartley
Wikipedia - Uncle Joe's Spirit House -- album by William Parker
Wikipedia - Uncle John from Jamaica -- 2000 single by Vengaboys
Wikipedia - Uncle John's Band -- Grateful Dead song
Wikipedia - Uncle Louie -- American talent manager
Wikipedia - Uncle Luke -- album by Luther Campbell
Wikipedia - Uncle Marin, the Billionaire -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Uncle Max -- British children's television series
Wikipedia - Uncle Mover -- American politician
Wikipedia - Uncle Petros and Goldbach's Conjecture -- Book by Apostolos Doxiadis
Wikipedia - Uncle Remus and His Tales of Br'er Rabbit -- 1945-1972 American comic strip
Wikipedia - Uncle Remus -- Folktale of the southern United States
Wikipedia - Uncle Sam Atrium -- Shopping and office complex in Troy, New York, U.S.
Wikipedia - Uncle Sam (cereal) -- Breakfast cereal
Wikipedia - Uncle Sam (comics)
Wikipedia - Uncle Sam Plantation -- Human settlement in Louisiana, United States of America
Wikipedia - Uncle Sam (song) -- 1985 single by Madness
Wikipedia - Uncle Sam -- Personification of the United States and its government
Wikipedia - Uncle's Apartment -- 1913 film by Pyotr Chardynin
Wikipedia - Uncle Thomas: Accounting for the Days -- 2019 Canadian short film
Wikipedia - Uncle Tom Cobley -- Phrase from an English folk song
Wikipedia - Uncle Tom's Cabin (1903 film) -- 1903 short film by Edwin S. Porter
Wikipedia - Uncle Tom's Cabin (1927 film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Uncle Tom's Cabin (1965 film) -- 1965 film
Wikipedia - Uncle Tom's Cabin (1987 film) -- 1987 television film by Stan Lathan
Wikipedia - Uncle Tom's Cabin -- 1852 anti-slavery novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Wikipedia - Uncle Tom's Uncle -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Uncle Tom -- Title character of Uncle Tom's Cabin
Wikipedia - Uncle Tungsten -- Book by Oliver Sacks
Wikipedia - Uncle Tupelo -- Alternative country music group from Belleville, Illinois
Wikipedia - Uncle (TV series) -- British television series
Wikipedia - Uncle Vanya -- Play by Anton Chekhov
Wikipedia - Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut -- Short story by J. D. Salinger
Wikipedia - Uncle
Wikipedia - UNCOL
Wikipedia - Uncombable hair syndrome -- Rare scalp hair shaft dysplasia
Wikipedia - Uncomfortable science
Wikipedia - Uncomfortable (song) -- Halestorm song
Wikipedia - Uncommon Danger -- Novel by Eric Ambler
Wikipedia - Uncommon Valor -- 1983 film by Ted Kotcheff
Wikipedia - Uncomplicated Firewall -- Simplified netfilter interface
Wikipedia - Uncompressed video -- High-fidelity digital video signal
Wikipedia - Uncomputable function
Wikipedia - Uncondemning Monk
Wikipedia - Unconditional branch
Wikipedia - Unconditional love -- Concept
Wikipedia - Unconditional positive regard
Wikipedia - Unconditional Spanish Party -- Political party in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Unconditional surrender -- Type of surrender
Wikipedia - Unconditioned response
Wikipedia - Unconditioned stimulus
Wikipedia - Unconquered Bandit -- 1935 film directed by Harry S. Webb
Wikipedia - Unconscious bias training
Wikipedia - Unconscious communication
Wikipedia - Unconscious inference
Wikipedia - Unconscious mind
Wikipedia - Unconsciousness -- The state, in a normally conscious being, of not being consicious
Wikipedia - Unconscious thought theory
Wikipedia - Unconstitutional constitutional amendment -- Concept in constitutional law
Wikipedia - Unconstitutional
Wikipedia - Uncontacted peoples -- Communities or groups of indigenous peoples living without sustained contact to the world community
Wikipedia - Uncontrollable -- 2018 single by KSI featuring Big Zuu
Wikipedia - Uncontrollably Fond -- 2016 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Uncontrolled decompression -- An unplanned drop in the pressure of a sealed system
Wikipedia - Uncontrolled Substance -- 1999 album by Inspectah Deck
Wikipedia - Unconventional computing -- Computing by a wide range of new or unusual method
Wikipedia - Unconventional gas -- Wikimedia disambiguation page
Wikipedia - Unconventional warfare
Wikipedia - Unconvention: A Mix-Tape from St. Paul, RNC '08 -- 2009 film by Chris Strouth
Wikipedia - Uncore
Wikipedia - Uncorked (2020 film) -- 2020 film directed by Prentice Penny
Wikipedia - Uncorrected Personality Traits -- 1997 compilation album by Robyn Hitchcock
Wikipedia - Uncorrelated
Wikipedia - Uncountable infinity
Wikipedia - Uncountable set -- infinite set too large to be countable
Wikipedia - Uncountable
Wikipedia - Uncovered (film) -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - Uncrewed spaceflights to the International Space Station -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - UNC School of Medicine -- Medical school in North Carolina
Wikipedia - Unction
Wikipedia - UNC-TV -- PBS member state network in North Carolina
Wikipedia - Uncus
Wikipedia - Uncut Gems -- 2019 film directed by Joshua and Ben Safdie
Wikipedia - Uncut (magazine) -- London-based music magazine
Wikipedia - Uncyclopedia -- Satirical website that parodies Wikipedia
Wikipedia - Underwater Explorers Club -- British diving club, now defunct
Wikipedia - Underwood-Miller -- Defunct American specialty small press
Wikipedia - Unexpected Uncle -- 1941 film by Peter Godfrey
Wikipedia - Unfolding (functions) -- Family of mathematical functions
Wikipedia - Unification council of the Eastern Orthodox churches of Ukraine -- Council which took place to unite all the main Eastern Orthodox churches of Ukraine into one single church.
Wikipedia - Unification council of the Orthodox churches of Ukraine
Wikipedia - Unijunction transistor
Wikipedia - Unimodal function
Wikipedia - Union Council of Ministers -- Executive authority in India
Wikipedia - Union Councils of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Union councils of Bangladesh -- Smallest rural administrative unit in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Union Councils of Pakistan
Wikipedia - Union councils of Pakistan
Wikipedia - Union des Transports Africains de GuinM-CM-)e -- Defunct airline
Wikipedia - Union Films -- Defunct Indonesian film company
Wikipedia - Union for the Progress of Cantabria -- Defunct political party in Spain
Wikipedia - Union Hill High School -- Defunct high school in Hudson County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Union Movement -- Defunct British far-right political party
Wikipedia - Union of Democrats for the Republic -- Defunct political party in France
Wikipedia - Union of Russian Social Democrats Abroad -- Defunct organization of Russian socialists
Wikipedia - Union Quakers of Philadelphia -- Defunct sports team
Wikipedia - UniProt -- Database of protein sequences and functional information
Wikipedia - United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy
Wikipedia - United Launch Alliance -- Joint venture of Lockheed Martin and Boeing
Wikipedia - United Master Executive Council -- union for United Airlines pilots
Wikipedia - United Methodist Council of Bishops
Wikipedia - United National Convention -- Defunct political party in Ghana
Wikipedia - United Nations Commission on Human Rights -- Defunct functional commission of the United Nations
Wikipedia - United Nations Human Rights Council -- United Nations body whose mission is to promote and protect human rights around the world
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 1002 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 1030 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 1035 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 10 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 11 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 1203 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 12 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 133 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 134 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 135 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 136 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 137 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 138 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 139 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 13 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 140 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 1419 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 141 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 142 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 143 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 1448 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 144 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 145 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 146 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 147 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 148 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 149 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 14 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 150 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 151 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 152 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 153 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 1541 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 154 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 155 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 156 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 1574 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 157 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 158 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 159 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 15 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 160 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 1651 -- UN Security Council resolution on Sudan
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 16 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 1784 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 17 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 181
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 1846 -- 2008 resolution relating to piracy off the coast of Somalia
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 18 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 1911 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 1918 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 191
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 1921 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 195 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 19 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 1 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 20 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 21 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 22 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 23 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 24 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 25 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 26 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 27 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 282
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 28 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 292 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 298 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 29 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 2 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 30 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 314 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 31 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 32 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 338 -- 1973 UN Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire in the Yom Kippur War
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 34 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 36 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 37 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 392
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 3 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 418
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 435
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 458 -- 1979 United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 482 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 4 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 537 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 550 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 590 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 591
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 5 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 6 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 781 -- October 1992 resolution establishing a no-fly zone in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 786 -- November 1992 resolution increasing UNPROFOR monitoring of a no-fly zone in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 7 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 80 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 815 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 816 -- March 1993 resolution extending and allowing UNPROFOR enforcement of a no-fly zone in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 822 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 836 -- June 1993 resolution allowing UNPROFOR force to protect "safe areas" in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 856 -- 1993 UN Security Council resolution on Liberia
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 862 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 881 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 8 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 914 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 989 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council Resolution 9 -- United Nations Security Council resolution
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council resolution -- UN resolution adopted by the 15 members of the Security Council
Wikipedia - United Nations Security Council -- One of the six principal organs of the UN, charged with the maintenance of international security
Wikipedia - United Nations Trusteeship Council -- Principal organ of the United Nations for the administration of trust territories
Wikipedia - United States Homeland Security Council -- U.S. federal executive public safety, immigration and disaster relief forum
Wikipedia - United States House Select Committee on the Voting Irregularities of August 2, 2007 -- Defunct select committee
Wikipedia - United States Joint Intelligence Community Council
Wikipedia - United States National Economic Council
Wikipedia - United States National Research Council Rankings
Wikipedia - United States National Research Council
Wikipedia - United States National Security Council -- U.S. federal executive national security and intelligence forum
Wikipedia - United States President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology
Wikipedia - Uniting for Consensus -- Group of countries opposing UN Security Council expansion
Wikipedia - UnitM-CM-) Radicale -- Defunct far-right French political party
Wikipedia - Universal approximation theorem -- A feed-forward neural network with a 1 hidden layer can approximate continuous functions
Wikipedia - Universal chord theorem -- Guarantees chords of length 1/n exist for functions satisfying certain conditions
Wikipedia - Universal wavefunction
Wikipedia - Universidad Autonoma de Asuncion (futsal) -- Futsal club in Asuncion, Paraguay
Wikipedia - University of Constantinople -- Defunct Eastern Roman university
Wikipedia - University of New Zealand -- defunct university
Wikipedia - University of North Carolina at Charlotte shooting -- School shooting that occurred at UNCC on April 30, 2019
Wikipedia - Unlambda -- Functional programming language
Wikipedia - Unmanned Carrier-Launched Airborne Surveillance and Strike
Wikipedia - Unnao Junction railway station -- Railway Station in Uttar Pradesh
Wikipedia - Unocal Corporation -- Defunct American gas and oil company
Wikipedia - Unparty -- Defunct anarcho-capitalist political party in Canada
Wikipedia - UN Security Council
Wikipedia - Upsala College -- Defunct private college in New Jersey
Wikipedia - Urban acupuncture
Wikipedia - Urban Bantu Councils Act, 1961
Wikipedia - Urban Council -- Municipal council in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Urban resilience -- Ability of a city to function after a crisis
Wikipedia - Ursula Katherine Duncan -- British botanist
Wikipedia - User-defined function
Wikipedia - User talk:Munci
Wikipedia - U.S. Green Building Council
Wikipedia - U.S.-Japan Council -- An educational nonprofit that contributes to strengthening U.S.-Japan Relations
Wikipedia - USL Second Division -- Defunct American soccer league
Wikipedia - USS Arkansas (BM-7) -- U.S. Navy ship built launched in 1900
Wikipedia - USS Insurgent -- French then US frigate launched in 1793
Wikipedia - USS Nansemond (ID-1395) -- Army transport ship launched in 1896
Wikipedia - USS Nevada (BB-36) -- US Navy battleship launched in 1914
Wikipedia - USS Pinafore (SP-450) -- US Navy launch, in service 1902 - 1920
Wikipedia - Utility function
Wikipedia - UTM theorem -- Affirms the existence of a computable universal function
Wikipedia - U (TV channel) -- Defunct New Zealand TV channel
Wikipedia - Uwe Munch -- East German canoeist
Wikipedia - Uzuncaburc (Diokaisareia) -- Archaeological site in Turkey
Wikipedia - Vairagya -- Dispassion, detachment, or renunciation in Hinduism and Jainism
Wikipedia - Valencianas de Juncos -- Volleyball team of Juncos, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Valenciano Abajo -- Barrio of Juncos, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Valenciano Arriba -- Barrio of Juncos, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Valencian Union -- Defunct regionalist political party in Spain
Wikipedia - Valerie Jane Bunce -- American political scientist
Wikipedia - Valletta Treaty -- Multilateral treaty of the Council of Europe
Wikipedia - Valley Voice -- Defunct Vermont newspaper
Wikipedia - ValM-CM-)rie Crunchant -- French actress
Wikipedia - Valmir Assuncao -- Brazilian politician
Wikipedia - ValuJet Airlines -- Defunct American low-cost carrier
Wikipedia - Vancouver, Victoria and Eastern Railway -- Defunct Canadian railway line
Wikipedia - Vandenberg Space Launch Complex 2 -- Rocket launch site at Vandenberg Air Force Base in the USA
Wikipedia - Vandenberg Space Launch Complex 3 -- Launch site at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California
Wikipedia - Vandenberg Space Launch Complex 6 -- Launch pad
Wikipedia - Vanessa Giunchi -- Italian figure skater
Wikipedia - Vanguard TV-5 -- Failed rocket launch
Wikipedia - Vaporware -- Product announced but never released or canceled
Wikipedia - Varanasi Junction railway station -- Railway junction station in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Wikipedia - Vardinoyiannia -- Defunct track and field meeting in Greece
Wikipedia - Variadic functions
Wikipedia - Variadic function
Wikipedia - Vasad Junction railway station -- Railway station in Gujarat, India
Wikipedia - Vascular dementia -- Dementia that involves impairments in cognitive function caused by problems in blood vessels that feed the brain
Wikipedia - Vasily Shebuyev -- Russian painter, State Councilor and Rector at the Imperial Academy of Arts
Wikipedia - Vatican Council II
Wikipedia - Vaughan's identity -- Identity that estimates sums in analytic number theory involving the von Mangoldt function
Wikipedia - Vayudoot -- Defunct regional airline in India
Wikipedia - Vcash -- Defunct Malaysian e-wallet service
Wikipedia - Veblen function
Wikipedia - Vector calculus -- Calculus of vector-valued functions
Wikipedia - Vector Launch -- A defunct launch vehicle designer and launch service provider
Wikipedia - Vector-R -- Launch vehicle
Wikipedia - Vega flight VV01 -- Space launch
Wikipedia - Vega flight VV02 -- Space launch
Wikipedia - Vega flight VV03 -- Space launch
Wikipedia - Vega flight VV09 -- Rocket launch
Wikipedia - Vega flight VV12 -- Space launch
Wikipedia - Vega flight VV13 -- Space launch of the Mohammed VI-B satellite
Wikipedia - Vega flight VV15 -- Space launch
Wikipedia - Vegreville-Bruce -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Velocette -- Defunct motorcycle manufacturer in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Vendetta Online -- MMORPG by Guild Software launched in 2004
Wikipedia - Venezuelan Communal Councils
Wikipedia - Venipuncture -- Process of obtaining intravenous access
Wikipedia - Verka Junction railway station -- Train station in Punjab, India
Wikipedia - Verkhny Baskunchak -- Urban locality in Astrakhan Oblast, Russia
Wikipedia - Vermilion-Viking -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Vermont Council on Rural Development -- Vermont non-profit organization
Wikipedia - Veronica peduncularis -- Species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia - Versailles Group -- Defunct trade finance company
Wikipedia - Vertical bar -- Punctuation character
Wikipedia - Vestibular lamina -- Formation of the vestibule (the space bordered by the junction of the gingiva and the tissue of the inner cheek)
Wikipedia - Veterans' and Active Force -- Defunct political party in Alberta, Canada
Wikipedia - Victorian Transport Plan -- Defunct transport planning framework for Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - Victoria Station (restaurant) -- defunct US based chain of railroad-themed steakhouse restaurants
Wikipedia - Victor Junco -- Mexican actor
Wikipedia - Victor Swenson -- Founding Director of the Vermont Humanities Council
Wikipedia - Victor Yeung -- District councillor for the Belcher constituency
Wikipedia - Victory Sports One -- Defunct American regional sports network in Minnesota
Wikipedia - Vincent Duncker -- German hurdler
Wikipedia - Viola pedunculata -- Species of flowering plant in the family Violaceae
Wikipedia - Virgin Annunciate (Antonello da Messina, Palermo)
Wikipedia - Virgin Annunciate (Antonello da Messina)
Wikipedia - Virtual functions
Wikipedia - Virtual function table
Wikipedia - Virtual function
Wikipedia - Visionware -- Defunct British software company
Wikipedia - Vital signs -- Group of the 4-6 important medical signs that indicate the status of the bodyM-bM-^@M-^Ys vital functions
Wikipedia - Viva Motorsports -- Defunct American stock car racing team
Wikipedia - ViXra -- Electronic e-print archive for unconventional publications
Wikipedia - Vladislavovka railway station -- Junction railway station in Vladislavovka village in Kirovske Raion of Crimea
Wikipedia - Voces en Funcion -- Puerto Rican singing competition
Wikipedia - Voice over LTE -- High-speed wireless communication functionality
Wikipedia - Voice-tracking -- Process of prerecording radio announcer segments in a disc jockey shift
Wikipedia - Volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity -- Concept in leadership studies
Wikipedia - Von Bertalanffy function -- Type of growth curve model for a time series
Wikipedia - Von Mangoldt function -- Function on an integer n which is log(p) if n equals p^k and zero otherwise
Wikipedia - Von Neumann-Morgenstern utility theorem -- Any individual whose preferences satisfy four axioms has a utility function
Wikipedia - Voragonema pedunculata -- Species of cnidarian
Wikipedia - Vowel shift -- Systematic change in the pronunciation of the vowel sounds of a language
Wikipedia - Voyager Golden Record -- Two phonograph records included on both Voyager spacecraft launched in 1977
Wikipedia - Vriddhachalam Junction railway station -- Railway station in Tamil Nadu, India
Wikipedia - V. R. Nedunchezhiyan -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Vulcan Centaur -- United Launch Alliance space launch vehicle currently in development
Wikipedia - Vulnerability -- The inability of an entity to withstand the adverse effects of a hostile or uncertain environment
Wikipedia - W47CK -- Defunct LPTV station in Shallotte, North Carolina
Wikipedia - Wachovia -- Defunct banking company
Wikipedia - WACH-TV (Virginia) -- Defunct TV station in Newport News, Virginia
Wikipedia - Wage Workers Party -- Defunct political party in Washington State, USA
Wikipedia - WAGT (TV) -- Defunct television station in Augusta, Georgia
Wikipedia - Wai King (constituency) -- Constituency of the Sai Kung District Council of Hong Kong
Wikipedia - WAIT (AM) -- Defunct radio station in Crystal Lake, Illinois
Wikipedia - Wai Yan (constituency) -- Constituency of the Sai Kung District Council of Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Waldenbooks -- Defunct American bookstore chain
Wikipedia - Walden School (New York City) -- Defunct private day school in Manhattan
Wikipedia - Wallachs (clothiers) -- Defunct men's clothing store
Wikipedia - Wally Butterworth -- American radio announcer
Wikipedia - Walpole Island First Nation -- Unceded territory in Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - Walter Simon (philanthropist) -- German banker, councillor and philanthropist active in Konigsberg and Tubingen(1857-1920)
Wikipedia - W. & C. French -- Defunct English civil engineering company
Wikipedia - Wan Hang (constituency) -- Constituency of the Sai Kung District Council of Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Wan Po North (constituency) -- Constituency of the Sai Kung District Council of Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Wan Po South (constituency) -- Constituency of the Sai Kung District Council of Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Wansjaliya Junction railway station -- Railway station in Gujarat, India
Wikipedia - War council
Wikipedia - Wards and electoral divisions of the United Kingdom -- Electoral districts at sub-national level represented by one or more councillors
Wikipedia - Warming Up Yesterday's Lunch -- 2002 film
Wikipedia - Warrenton Junction Raid -- Cavalry skirmish in Virginia during the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Warwickshire County Council
Wikipedia - Washington-Erving Motorsports -- Defunct American stock car racing team
Wikipedia - Washington State Legislative Youth Advisory Council -- Council created to advise Washington State Legislature on youth issues
Wikipedia - Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council -- United Nations membership organization
Wikipedia - Watford Junction railway station -- Railway station that serves Watford, Hertfordshire
Wikipedia - Wat Paknam Bhasicharoen -- Thai Buddhist temple, origin of Dhammakaya Movement and represented in Supreme Sangha Council
Wikipedia - Wave function collapse
Wikipedia - Wavefunction collapse
Wikipedia - Wave-function
Wikipedia - Wavefunction
Wikipedia - Wave function -- Mathematical description of the quantum state of a system; complex-valued probability amplitude, and the probabilities for the possible results of measurements made on the system can be derived from it
Wikipedia - Waverley Borough Council -- District Council for the borough of Waverley in England
Wikipedia - Wayne Corporation -- Defunct American bus manufacturer
Wikipedia - WayPoint 200 Mobile Crossing -- Defunct personal digital assistant
Wikipedia - WBIV-LP -- Defunct LPTV station in Charlotte Amalie, U.S. Virgin Islands
Wikipedia - WBKI-TV (1983-2017) -- Defunct TV station in Campbellsville, Kentucky
Wikipedia - WBLU-LP -- Defunct LPTV station in Lexington, Kentucky
Wikipedia - WBNB-TV -- Defunct television station in the U.S. Virgin Islands
Wikipedia - WBST -- Indiana Public Radio station in Muncie, Indiana
Wikipedia - WCMZ-TV -- Defunct PBS member station in Flint, Michigan
Wikipedia - WCPX-LP -- Defunct LPTV station in Columbus, Ohio
Wikipedia - WCW Uncensored -- Professional wrestling pay-per-view series
Wikipedia - W. Duncan Mansfield -- American film editor
Wikipedia - WDW (Washington, D.C.) -- Defunct US radio station
Wikipedia - Weak topology -- Topology where convergence of points is defined by the convergence of their image under continuous linear functionals
Wikipedia - Weekend Lunchtime -- Former weekend television news programme, broadcast on Sky News
Wikipedia - Weierstrass function -- Function that is continuous everywhere but differentiable nowhere
Wikipedia - Weierstrass's elliptic functions -- Class of mathematical functions
Wikipedia - Weierstrass substitution -- Change of variable for integrals involving trigonometric functions
Wikipedia - Weight function
Wikipedia - Weil conjectures -- On generating functions from counting points on algebraic varieties over finite fields
Wikipedia - Welch Motor Car Company -- Defunct American car manufacturer from 1901 to 1912
Wikipedia - Weller Pottery -- Defunct pottery manufacturer
Wikipedia - Welsh Refugee Council -- Refugee aid organisation
Wikipedia - Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site -- Launch site
Wikipedia - Wendi Michelle Scott -- American Munchausen syndrome by proxy sufferer
Wikipedia - Wendy Duncan -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - Wendy Venturini -- American motorsport announcer
Wikipedia - WERK -- Radio station in Muncie, Indiana
Wikipedia - Wernya punctata -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education -- Government education exaination organization
Wikipedia - West Bengal State Council of Technical and Vocational Education and Skill Development -- Organization
Wikipedia - West Coast Railway (Victoria) -- Defunct passenger train company in Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - Western Dispensary for Women and Children -- defunct New York City hospital
Wikipedia - Western dress codes -- Set of dress guidelines used in conjunction with Western dress for business and social occasions
Wikipedia - Western New York Little Three Conference -- Defunct athletic conference
Wikipedia - West Ham Stadium -- Defunct greyhound racing and speedway stadium in London
Wikipedia - Westlock-Sturgeon -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - West Lothian -- Council area of Scotland
Wikipedia - Westminster Assembly -- Seventeenth-century council for English church reform
Wikipedia - Westminster City Council
Wikipedia - West Region Tribal Council -- Tribal council
Wikipedia - Westwood One News -- Defunct Radio news network operated by Westwood One
Wikipedia - Wetaskiwin-Leduc -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - WFM (motorcycle) -- Defunct Polish motorcycle manufacturer
Wikipedia - WFSS -- WUNC public radio station in Fayetteville, North Carolina
Wikipedia - WFXS-DT -- Defunct TV station in Wittenberg, Wisconsin
Wikipedia - W. G. Runciman
Wikipedia - Whalers Way Orbital Launch Complex -- Proposed rocketry facility in Australia
Wikipedia - What Would Tyler Durden Do? -- Defunct gossip blog
Wikipedia - WHDH-TV (1957-1972) -- Defunct TV station in Boston
Wikipedia - Wheels of Zeus -- Defunct locator tag company
Wikipedia - Whirlpool (hash function)
Wikipedia - Whitecourt (provincial electoral district) -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - White House Police Force -- Defunct American security police force
Wikipedia - Whitney Duncan -- American singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - WhopperCoin -- Defunct cryptocurrency launched by Burger King Russia
Wikipedia - WHTV -- Defunct television station in Jackson, Michigan, United States
Wikipedia - Why Announce Your Marriage? -- 1922 film directed by Alan Crosland
Wikipedia - WiadomoM-EM-^[ci (London magazine) -- defunct Polish M-CM-)migrM-CM-) literary and political newspaper
Wikipedia - Wickford Junction station -- Railway station in North Kingstown, RI
Wikipedia - Wigner distribution function
Wikipedia - Wigner quasiprobability distribution -- The Wigner distribution function in physics as opposed to in signal processing
Wikipedia - Wigner-Weyl transform -- Mapping between functions in the quantum phase space
Wikipedia - Wiikwemkoong First Nation -- Unceded territory in Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - Wii Nunchuk
Wikipedia - Wikia Search -- Defunct free and open-source web search engine by Wikia
Wikipedia - Wikifunctions -- Wikimedia Foundation project
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Categorization -- Guidance on the proper use of the categorization function in Wikipedia
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Community bulletin board -- Page used for announcements towards the community members of the project
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:High-functioning autism and Asperger's editors -- Essay on autistic contributors
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Pronunciation -- Wikipedia: Style/Pronunciation, Manual of
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Principle of Some Astonishment -- Wikipedia essay on uncluttered writing
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Proposed deletion -- Policy and instructions for uncontroversial non-speedy deletions
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Remote meetups -- Page used for announcements towards the community members of the project
Wikipedia - Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Council
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Airlines/Defunct airlines task force -- Sub-project of WikiProject Airlines
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Council/Directory -- Main directory of WikiProjects
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Council/Guide -- Advice for creating and maintaining WikiProjects
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Council/Guide/WikiProject -- Wikimedia documentation page
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Council -- Project to coordinate WikiProjects
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Golden ratio -- Defunct Wikimedia subject-area collaboration
Wikipedia - WikiScanner -- Defunct database linking Wikipedia edits to institutions
Wikipedia - Wild Bunch -- Gang of outlaws in central USA in 1890s
Wikipedia - Wildfire -- uncontrolled rapid oxidation of flammable vegetation in rural countryside or wilderness areas
Wikipedia - Wild Life (magazine) -- Defunct illustrated monthly natural history magazine published in Melbourne, 1938-1954
Wikipedia - Wildrose Party -- Defunct political party in Alberta, Canada
Wikipedia - Wilhelm von Humboldt -- German (Prussian) philosopher, government functionary, diplomat, and founder of the University of Berlin (1767-1835)
Wikipedia - Willesden Junction station -- London Underground and London Overground station
Wikipedia - William Daunce -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Duncan (actor) -- British actor
Wikipedia - William Duncan (missionary) -- English missionary
Wikipedia - William Duncan Strong
Wikipedia - William Dunch (1508-1597) -- English politician and judge
Wikipedia - William Farrar (settler) -- Early settler, member of the Virginia Council, and Commissioner in the Virginia colony
Wikipedia - William Thomas Councilman
Wikipedia - Willingdon-Two Hills -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Willy Spuhler -- Member of the Swiss Federal Council (1902-1990)
Wikipedia - Wilton G. S. Sankawulo -- Former Chairman of the Council of State of Liberia
Wikipedia - Wiltshire County Council -- Former county council of Wiltshire, England
Wikipedia - Window function
Wikipedia - Wings Racing -- Defunct American stock car racing team
Wikipedia - Winnipeg Junction, Minnesota -- Ghost town in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Winston-Salem Fairgrounds -- Defunct American oval track
Wikipedia - Winston Tire Company -- Defunct tire and automotive service chain
Wikipedia - WIPB -- PBS member station in Muncie, Indiana
Wikipedia - WIQR (defunct) -- Former radio station in Prattville, Alabama
Wikipedia - Wireless router -- Device that functions as wireless area network
Wikipedia - Wireplay -- Defunct online multiplayer gaming network
Wikipedia - Wisconsin Association of School Councils -- Youth organizations based in Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Wit and Its Relation to the Unconscious
Wikipedia - Witenagemot -- Historical council in Anglo-Saxon England
Wikipedia - Withdrawal from the Council of Europe -- Legal process of Article 7 of the Statute of the Council of Europe
Wikipedia - Withoutabox -- Defunct film distribution Web site
Wikipedia - WIXOSS -- Japanese collectible card game, launched by Tomy in 2014
Wikipedia - WJCF (AM) -- Contemporary Christian radio station in Muncie, Indiana, United States
Wikipedia - WJH -- Defunct US radio station
Wikipedia - WJNS (AM) -- Defunct radio station in Yazoo City, Mississippi
Wikipedia - WJPW-CD -- Defunct Class A TV station in Weirton, West Virginia
Wikipedia - WKBF-TV -- Defunct TV station in Cleveland
Wikipedia - WKFD -- Defunct radio station in Wickford, Rhode Island
Wikipedia - WKNA-TV -- Defunct TV station in Charleston, West Virginia
Wikipedia - WLCM (South Carolina) -- Defunct radio station in Lancaster, South Carolina
Wikipedia - WLKT-TV -- Defunct TV station in Lexington, Kentucky
Wikipedia - WNFM (TV) -- Defunct cable channel in Fort Myers, Florida
Wikipedia - WNHV -- Former radio station in White River Junction, Vermont
Wikipedia - WNYJ-TV -- Defunct TV station in West Milford, New Jersey
Wikipedia - Wometco Home Theater -- Defunct subscription television service serving the New York City area
Wikipedia - Woodie Assaf -- US weather announcer
Wikipedia - Woodward & Lothrop -- Defunct department store chain
Wikipedia - Word processor program -- Computer program that provides word processing functions
Wikipedia - Workers' Councils in Poland
Wikipedia - Workers' councils
Wikipedia - Workers' council
Wikipedia - Work function -- Type of energy
Wikipedia - Working People's Vanguard Party -- Defunct Maoist political party in Guyana
Wikipedia - World Boxing Council -- Boxing organization
Wikipedia - World Council for Comparative Education Societies -- International organization of comparative education societies
Wikipedia - World Council for Psychotherapy
Wikipedia - World Council for the Welfare of the Blind -- Blindness organization
Wikipedia - World Council of Churches -- Worldwide inter-church organization founded in 1948
Wikipedia - World Cultural Council
Wikipedia - World Government Party -- Defunct political party in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - World Happiness Council
Wikipedia - World Hereford Council -- 1951 establishment in England
Wikipedia - World Hockey Association -- Defunct ice hockey major league from 1972 to 1979
Wikipedia - World Methodist Council
Wikipedia - World Policy Journal -- Defunct American international relations journal
Wikipedia - World Recreational Scuba Training Council -- Council of representatives of national or regional recreational diving councils to develop minimum diver training standards
Wikipedia - World Shipping Council -- Industry trade group
Wikipedia - World Theatre Season -- Defunct festival in London, England
Wikipedia - Worldwide Commodity Partners -- Defunct financial services company
Wikipedia - World Wrestling Council -- Puerto Rican professional wrestling promotion
Wikipedia - Wretches & Jabberers -- A 2010 documentary which uncritically portrays a discredited communication technique
Wikipedia - Wrockstock -- Defunct music festival in the United States
Wikipedia - Wronskian -- Determinant of the matrix of first derivatives of a set of functions
Wikipedia - WRQM -- WUNC public radio station in Rocky Mount, North Carolina
Wikipedia - WRRA -- Defunct radio station in Frederiksted, U.S. Virgin Islands
Wikipedia - WRRE -- Radio station in Juncos, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - WS21200 -- Chinese transporter erector launcher
Wikipedia - WS2600 -- Chinese missile launcher
Wikipedia - WS51200 -- Chinese transporter erector launcher
Wikipedia - WSCP-LP -- Defunct LPTV station in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - WSJU-TV -- Defunct TV station in San Juan, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - WSK (motorcycle) -- Defunct Polish motorcycle brand
Wikipedia - WSUN (defunct) -- Former radio station in St. Petersburg, Florida, United States
Wikipedia - WTAC (Johnstown, Pennsylvania) -- Defunct US radio station
Wikipedia - WTJH -- Defunct radio station in East Point, Georgia
Wikipedia - WTSN (TV channel) -- Defunct Canadian TV channel
Wikipedia - WUNC (FM) -- Public radio station in Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Wikipedia - WVIF -- Defunct television station in Christiansted, U.S. Virgin Islands
Wikipedia - WVTX-CD -- Defunct Class A TV station in Bridgeport, Ohio
Wikipedia - WWBI-LP -- Defunct television station in Plattsburgh, New York
Wikipedia - WWC Aniversario -- Annual World Wrestling Council event in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - WWC Euphoria -- Annual World Wrestling Council event in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - WWE: Uncaged series -- Index of articles associated with the same name
Wikipedia - WXPO-TV -- Defunct television station in Manchester, New Hampshire
Wikipedia - WYLE (TV) -- Defunct TV station in Florence, Alabama
Wikipedia - -- Defunct online bank
Wikipedia - X (Ed Sheeran album) -- 2014 Ed Sheeran album, pronounced 'multiply'
Wikipedia - XELD-TV -- Defunct TV station in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico
Wikipedia - XHANS-FM -- Radio tation in Bahia Asuncion, Baja California Sur
Wikipedia - XHBAC-FM -- Radio station in Bahia Asuncion, Baja California Sur
Wikipedia - XHEAT-FM -- Defunct radio station in Hidalgo del Parral, Chihuahua, Mexico
Wikipedia - XHGI-FM -- Radio station in Zacatipan-Tamazunchale, San Luis Potosi
Wikipedia - XHPIXT-FM -- Radio station in Asuncion Nochixtlan, Oaxaca
Wikipedia - XHPNOC-FM -- Radio station in Asuncion Nochixtlan, Oaxaca
Wikipedia - Xichang Satellite Launch Center -- Chinese satellite launch facility
Wikipedia - Xoom (web hosting) -- Defunct free unlimited-space web hosting site
Wikipedia - XQuery -- Functional programming and query language for XML
Wikipedia - Yahoo! Screen -- Defunct on-demand streaming service
Wikipedia - Yahoo! Travel -- Defunct travel website
Wikipedia - Yan Ying (constituency) -- Constituency of the Sai Kung District Council of Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Yao Yuncong -- Chinese sport shooter
Wikipedia - Yarra Junction railway station -- Former railway station in Melbourne, Australia
Wikipedia - Yemenite Hebrew -- Pronunciation system for Hebrew traditionally used by Yemenite Jews
Wikipedia - Yenisei (rocket) -- Russian superheavy launch space rocket
Wikipedia - Yeonguijeong -- Chief State Councillor of Joseon
Wikipedia - Yeovil Junction railway station -- Railway station in Yeovil, England
Wikipedia - Yiu Yau (constituency) -- Constituency of the Yuen Long District Council of Hong Kong
Wikipedia - YMCA SCUBA Program -- Defunct recreational diver training and certification agency.
Wikipedia - Yokahu Lodge -- Order of the Arrow Lodge of the Puerto Rico Council of the Boy Scouts of America
Wikipedia - Yosemite Valley Railroad -- Defunct railroad in California, USA
Wikipedia - Yoshinobu Launch Complex -- Japanese launch complex
Wikipedia - Yotsugana -- Four kana in Japanese that are pronounced the same in some regions
Wikipedia - Young American Recordings -- Defunct American record label
Wikipedia - Young Egypt Party -- Defunct political party in Egypt
Wikipedia - Youngstown Patricians -- Defunct sports team
Wikipedia - Yourdrive -- Defunct New Zealand peer-to-peer carsharing company
Wikipedia - Your papers, please -- expression associated with police state functionaries
Wikipedia - Your Uncle Dudley -- 1935 film by James Tinling, Eugene Forde
Wikipedia - Yuen Long District Council -- Local government council in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Yuichiro Hata -- Japanese politician and a member of the House of Councillors in the Diet of Japan
Wikipedia - Yuka Ebihara (announcer) -- Japanese TV presenter
Wikipedia - Yum cha -- Cantonese tradition of brunch involving Chinese tea and dim sum
Wikipedia - Zafarabad Junction railway station -- Railway Station in Uttar Pradesh
Wikipedia - Zayre -- Defunct discount retailer in the United States
Wikipedia - Z Channel -- Defunct U.S. premium cable TV channel
Wikipedia - Zenit (rocket family) -- Soviet (now Ukrainian) RP-1/LOX fueled rocket, for satellite launch
Wikipedia - Zero crossing -- Point where a function crosses an axis and changes sign
Wikipedia - Zero of a function -- Element of the domain where function's value is zero
Wikipedia - Zero-one loss function
Wikipedia - Zero Punctuation -- English comedy-review series
Wikipedia - Zero-truncated Poisson distribution -- Conditional Poisson distribution restricted to positive integers
Wikipedia - Zipper Interactive -- Defunct American video game developer
Wikipedia - Zobrist hashing -- Hash function construction used in computer programs that play abstract board games
Wikipedia - Zonal Council -- States of India that have been grouped into five zones to foster cooperation among them
Wikipedia - Zoran Tegeltija -- Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Wikipedia - Zorica Brunclik -- Serbian singer of folk music
Wikipedia - Zuch -- Defunct Polish motorcycle manufacturer
Wikipedia - Zug (website) -- Defunct comedy website
Wikipedia - Zygaena punctum -- Species of moth
Edvard Munch ::: Born: December 12, 1863; Died: January 23, 1944; Occupation: Painter;
Duncan Sheik ::: Born: November 18, 1969; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Iain Duncan Smith ::: Born: April 9, 1954; Occupation: British Politician;
Lois Duncan ::: Born: April 28, 1934; Died: June 15, 2016; Occupation: Writer;
John Morley, 1st Viscount Morley of Blackburn ::: Born: December 24, 1838; Died: September 23, 1923; Occupation: Lord President of the Council;
Robert Runcie ::: Born: October 2, 1921; Died: July 11, 2000; Occupation: Archbishop of Canterbury;
Charlotte Bunch ::: Born: October 13, 1944; Occupation: Activist;
Ralph Bunche ::: Born: August 7, 1903; Died: December 9, 1971; Occupation: Diplomat;
Sarah Chauncey Woolsey ::: Born: January 29, 1835; Died: April 9, 1905; Occupation: Author;
Ligon Duncan ::: Born: 1960;
Sara Jeannette Duncan ::: Born: December 22, 1861; Died: July 22, 1922; Occupation: Author;
Stuart Duncan ::: Born: April 14, 1964; Occupation: Session musician;
Raul Castro ::: Born: June 3, 1931; Occupation: President of the Council of State of Cuba;
Arne Duncan ::: Born: November 6, 1964; Occupation: United States Secretary of Education;
David James Duncan ::: Born: 1952; Occupation: Novelist;
Isadora Duncan ::: Born: May 27, 1877; Died: September 14, 1927; Occupation: Dancer;
Michael Clarke Duncan ::: Born: December 10, 1957; Died: September 3, 2012; Occupation: Actor;
Jean-Claude Juncker ::: Born: December 9, 1954; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Luxembourg;
Tim Duncan ::: Born: April 25, 1976; Occupation: Basketball player;
Duncan Trussell ::: Born: April 20, 1974; Occupation: Actor;
Duncan Campbell Scott ::: Born: August 2, 1862; Died: December 19, 1947; Occupation: Poet;
Mike Duncan ::: Born: 1951; Occupation: Podcaster;
Sandy Duncan ::: Born: February 20, 1946; Occupation: Singer;
Richard Land ::: Born: 1946; Occupation: Radio announcer;
Martin Feldstein ::: Born: November 25, 1939; Occupation: Former Chairman of Council of Economic Advisers;
James Runcie ::: Born: 1959; Occupation: Novelist;
Uncle Kracker ::: Born: June 6, 1974; Occupation: Musician;
Duncan Fletcher ::: Born: September 27, 1948; Occupation: Cricketer;
Noah Munck ::: Born: May 3, 1996; Occupation: Actor;
Duncan Jones ::: Born: May 30, 1971; Occupation: Film director;
Duncan Hunter ::: Born: May 31, 1948; Occupation: Former United States Representative;
Lydia Lunch ::: Born: June 2, 1959; Occupation: Singer;\\
Goodreads author - Sanie_B_Kuncoro
Goodreads author - David_James_Duncan
Goodreads author - Duncan_K_Foley
Goodreads author - Todd_Duncan
Goodreads author - Duncan_Ryan
Goodreads author - Duncan_J_Watts
Goodreads author - Rod_Duncan
Goodreads author - Hal_Duncan
Goodreads author - Emily_A_Duncan
Goodreads author - Duncan_Clark
Goodreads author - Christina_Duncan_Stewart
Goodreads author - Anthony_Duncan
Goodreads author - Steven_Runciman
Goodreads author - Robert_Duncan
Goodreads author - Lois_Duncan
Goodreads author - Will_Bunch
Goodreads author - Dave_Duncan
Goodreads author - Five_Finger_Death_Punch
Goodreads author - Duncan_Tonatiuh
Goodreads author - Mike_Duncan
Goodreads author - Duncan_Lay
Goodreads author - Lydia_Lunch
Goodreads author - Glen_Duncan
Goodreads author - David_Runciman
Goodreads author - Duncan_Pritchard
Goodreads author - James_Runcie
Goodreads author - Joseph_Duncan
Goodreads author - Tasha_Duncan
Goodreads author - Sophie_Duncan
Goodreads author - Alice_Duncan
Goodreads author - Susie_Duncan_Sexton
Goodreads author - Dayton_Duncan
Goodreads author - Igor_Ljubuncic
Goodreads author - J_Ligon_Duncan_III
Goodreads author - Duncan_Whitehead
Goodreads author - Harriet_Muncaster
Goodreads author - Duncan_M_Hamilton
Goodreads author - Uncle_Amos
Goodreads author - Elizabeth_C_Bunce
Goodreads author - Lance_Carbuncle
Goodreads author - Rachael_Duncan
Goodreads author - Alex_Duncan
Goodreads author - Patricia_Duncker
Goodreads author - Am_lie_S_Duncan,_New_South_Wales,_77_Streamside,_Mangotsfield,_Bristol.jpg,_Tasmania,_Indiana,-20Iowa-7CCouncil-20Bluffs-5D-5D,-20-5B-5BPottawattamie-20County,-20Iowa-7CPottawattamie-20County-5D-5D,-20-5B-5BIowa-7CIowa-5D-5D,-20-5B-5BUnited-20States-7CUnited-20States-5D-5D,_Prado).jpg,Carlo-The_Virgin_Annunciate.jpg,_annunciazione.jpg,_Giovanni_-The_Council_of_Gods_-_1624-25.jpg,_Eustache_-_Cupid_Ordering_Mercury_to_Announce_his_Power_to_the_Universe_-_1646-1647.jpg's_Great_Council_in_Heaven,_The_-_Bayview_Hunters_Point_Multiservice_Center
Kheper - collective_unconscious -- 32
Kheper - Turiya_rather_than_unconsciousness -- 28
Integral World - Making the Unconscious Conscious, Anonymous 2
Integral World - Defending the Uncanny, Marcel Cobussen
Integral World - Conscious Crapitalism, the Bourgeois Unconscious, and the Post-Postmodern Self, Joe Corbett
Integral World - The Suffering Saint, Reflections of an Uncertain Mystic, David Lane
Integral World - The "Ivash Caution": Exploring the lunch counter musings of Enrico Fermi and Edward Teller on Space Alien Visitations, David Lane
Integral World - Collaborative Knowledge Building and Integral Theory: On Perspectives, Uncertainty and Mutual Regard, Tom Murray
Integral World - Ken Wilber, Involution, and Evolution as a Function of the Divine: Frank Visser and Perry Marshall in Conversation, Perry Marshall
Integral World - The Sword of Zen, Meditation/Brain Training for Functional Combat Cognition, Barclay Powers
Integral World - Essay on A Sociable God by Duncan Rinehart
Integral World - Consciousness and Its Pretenders, Unconsciousness, Qualia, Self-reflection and Awakening, Andy Smith
Integral World - High Spirits, The Transformative Functions of Humour, Brian van der Horst
Integral World - The Linguistic Uncertainty Relation, Dennis Wittrock
Announcing Integral Ventures, an Integral Innovation Ecosystem
Full Spectrum Power: A New Teaching by Ken Wilber
Inhabit: Your Uncertainty
Loving AIs: Bringing Unconditional Love to Artificial General Intelligence
Sheri Munce
selforum - optimal psychological functioning
selforum - unconditional love at heart of derrida
selforum - ultimate reality not unconscious
selforum - take unconditional plunge towards great
selforum - this ambiguity and uncertainty can also
selforum - we are bunch of fragmented bits and
selforum - sri aurobindo denounced ravi varma for
selforum - bunch of thwarts
selforum - with fantasy identity becomes uncertain
dedroidify.blogspot - unconscious-mind-does-not-process
dedroidify.blogspot - james-inman-at-seattle-city-council
dedroidify.blogspot - skeptics-take-on-accupuncture
dedroidify.blogspot - daily-dedroidify-collective-unconscious
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dedroidify.blogspot - obamas-bailout-bunch-brings-us-more-of
dedroidify.blogspot - aesop-rock-zodiaccupuncture
wiki.auroville - Auroville_Council
wiki.auroville - Auroville_Town_Development_Council_(ATDC)
wiki.auroville - Category:Auroville_defunct_groups_and_projects
wiki.auroville - International_Advisory_Council
wiki.auroville - National_Council_of_Education
wiki.auroville - Puncture_Service
Dharmapedia - Bunch_of_Thoughts
Dharmapedia - Hindu_Council_UK
Dharmapedia - Hindu_Students_Council
Dharmapedia - Indian_Council_of_Historical_Research
Dharmapedia - National_Socialist_Council_of_Nagaland
Psychology Wiki - Acupuncture
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Biological_function_and_evolution
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Functions_of_consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Executive_functions
Psychology Wiki - Functionalism
Psychology Wiki - Functionalism_(philosophy_of_mind)
Psychology Wiki - Functional_magnetic_resonance_imaging
Psychology Wiki - Homunculus
Psychology Wiki - Lumbar_puncture
Psychology Wiki - Mental_function
Psychology Wiki - Uncertainty
Psychology Wiki - Unconscious_mind
Psychology Wiki - Unconscious_(personality_factor)
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - disjunction
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - functionalism
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - perception-disjunctive
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - propositional-function
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - qt-uncertainty
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - recursive-functions
Occultopedia - acupuncture
Occultopedia - unctions

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authors -- Crowley - Peterson - Borges - Wilber - Teresa - Aurobindo - Ramakrishna - Maharshi - Mother
places -- Garden - Inf. Art Gallery - Inf. Building - Inf. Library - Labyrinth - Library - School - Temple - Tower - Tower of MEM
powers -- Aspiration - Beauty - Concentration - Effort - Faith - Force - Grace - inspiration - Presence - Purity - Sincerity - surrender
difficulties -- cowardice - depres. - distract. - distress - dryness - evil - fear - forget - habits - impulse - incapacity - irritation - lost - mistakes - obscur. - problem - resist - sadness - self-deception - shame - sin - suffering
practices -- Lucid Dreaming - meditation - project - programming - Prayer - read Savitri - study
subjects -- CS - Cybernetics - Game Dev - Integral Theory - Integral Yoga - Kabbalah - Language - Philosophy - Poetry - Zen
6.01 books -- KC - ABA - Null - Savitri - SA O TAOC - SICP - The Gospel of SRK - TIC - The Library of Babel - TLD - TSOY - TTYODAS - TSZ - WOTM II
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