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object:The Most Influential Books in History
class:reading list

Anonymous - Holy Bible: King James Version (4.42 avg rating 209,863 ratings)
Charles Darwin - The Origin of Species (3.98 avg rating 92,618 ratings)
(God) - Quran (4.34 avg rating 55,768 ratings)
Plato - The Republic (3.94 avg rating 158,681 ratings)
William Shakespeare - The Complete Works (4.50 avg rating 50,814 ratings)
Karl Marx - The Communist Manifesto (3.56 avg rating 99,631 ratings)
George Orwell - 1984 (4.18 avg rating 2,933,794 ratings)
Homer - The Odyssey (3.76 avg rating 832,269 ratings)
Niccol Machiavelli - The Prince (3.81 avg rating 244,205 ratings)
Founding Fathers - of Original (4.45 avg rating 19,893 ratings)
Sun Tzu - The Art of War (3.97 avg rating 301,914 ratings)
Anne Frank - The Diary of a Young Girl (4.14 avg rating 2,603,036 ratings)
George Orwell - Animal Farm (3.94 avg rating 2,584,020 ratings)
Harper Lee - To Kill a Mockingbird (4.27 avg rating 4,285,480 ratings)
Martin Luther - Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses (3.88 avg rating 1,767 ratings)
Dante Alighieri - The Divine Comedy (4.07 avg rating 109,207 ratings)
Homer - The Iliad (3.86 avg rating 339,047 ratings)
J.R.R. Tolkien - The Lord of the Rings (The Lord of the Rings, #1-3) (4.50 avg rating 541,311 ratings)
Albert Einstein - Relativity: The Special and the General Theory (4.19 avg rating 17,181 ratings)
Adam Smith - An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (3.88 avg rating 26,597 ratings)
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra - Don Quixote (3.87 avg rating 197,857 ratings)
Isaac Newton - The Principia: Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (4.23 avg rating 4,290 ratings)
Anonymous - The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ (4.36 avg rating 72,981 ratings)
William Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet (3.75 avg rating 1,983,200 ratings)
Thomas Paine - Common Sense, The Rights of Man and Other Essential Writings (4.14 avg rating 14,283 ratings)
Immanuel Kant - Critique of Pure Reason (3.94 avg rating 26,680 ratings)
Harriet Beecher Stowe - Uncle Tom's Cabin (3.87 avg rating 188,368 ratings)
Karl Marx - Das Kapital (3.84 avg rating 7,423 ratings)
J.K. Rowling - Harry Potter Series Box Set (Harry Potter, #1-7) (4.74 avg rating 241,905 ratings)
Anonymous - Fullness in All God's Word (4.24 avg rating 176 ratings)
Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf (3.16 avg rating 31,241 ratings)
Sigmund Freud - The Interpretation of Dreams (3.83 avg rating 56,838 ratings)
William Shakespeare - Hamlet (4.02 avg rating 698,702 ratings)
Victor Hugo - Les Misrables (4.17 avg rating 642,818 ratings)
Confucius - The Analects (3.83 avg rating 16,721 ratings)
Jane Austen - Pride and Prejudice (4.26 avg rating 2,835,761 ratings)
Martin Heidegger - Being and Time (4.02 avg rating 19,290 ratings)
Aldous Huxley - Brave New World (3.99 avg rating 1,369,382 ratings)
Hermann Hesse - Siddhartha (4.02 avg rating 549,715 ratings)
Voltaire - Candide (3.77 avg rating 211,387 ratings)
Jacob Grimm - The Complete Grimm's Fairy Tales (4.30 avg rating 140,858 ratings)
Ayn Rand - Atlas Shrugged (3.69 avg rating 344,284 ratings)
Jean-Jacques Rousseau - The Social Contract (3.77 avg rating 34,604 ratings)
Friedrich Nietzsche - Thus Spoke Zarathustra (4.06 avg rating 102,877 ratings)
Rachel Carson - Silent Spring (3.97 avg rating 33,173 ratings)
Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa - The Bhagavad Gita (4.13 avg rating 52,244 ratings)
Aristotle - The Complete Works: The Revised Oxford Translation, Vol. 1 (4.43 avg rating 2,415 ratings)
Mark Twain - The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (3.82 avg rating 1,120,669 ratings)
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit (3.94 avg rating 14,582 ratings)
Upton Sinclair - The Jungle (3.74 avg rating 126,281 ratings)
Homer - The Iliad/The Odyssey (4.04 avg rating 60,504 ratings)
Fyodor Dostoyevsky - Crime and Punishment (4.22 avg rating 589,075 ratings)
Thomas More - Utopia (3.54 avg rating 57,059 ratings)
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley - Frankenstein: The 1818 Text (3.80 avg rating 1,110,988 ratings)
Geoffrey Chaucer - The Canterbury Tales (3.50 avg rating 182,985 ratings)
John Milton - Paradise Lost (3.82 avg rating 126,587 ratings)
Alexander Hamilton - The Federalist Papers (4.07 avg rating 34,306 ratings)
J.D. Salinger - The Catcher in the Rye (3.80 avg rating 2,621,055 ratings)
Anonymous - The Epic of Gilgamesh (3.69 avg rating 76,984 ratings)
Henry David Thoreau - Civil Disobedience and Other Essays (4.06 avg rating 15,266 ratings)
John Locke - Two Treatises of Government (3.84 avg rating 16,403 ratings)
J.R.R. Tolkien - The Hobbit, or There and Back Again (4.27 avg rating 2,758,672 ratings)
Friedrich Nietzsche - Beyond Good and Evil (4.01 avg rating 59,191 ratings)
Aristotle - The Rhetoric & The Poetics of Aristotle (4.03 avg rating 2,163 ratings)
Charles Dickens - A Christmas Carol (4.05 avg rating 576,561 ratings)
Martin Davies - The Gutenberg Bible (3.65 avg rating 79 ratings)
Alexis de Tocqueville - Democracy in America (4.02 avg rating 21,713 ratings)
John Stuart Mill - On Liberty (3.96 avg rating 27,750 ratings)
Nicolaus Copernicus - On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres (4.11 avg rating 795 ratings)
Augustine of Hippo - Confessions (3.93 avg rating 43,550 ratings)
Euclid - Euclid's Elements (4.30 avg rating 2,855 ratings)
William Shakespeare - Macbeth (3.90 avg rating 643,767 ratings)
Thomas Aquinas - Summa Theologica, 5 Vols (4.12 avg rating 3,322 ratings)
Simone de Beauvoir - The Second Sex (4.13 avg rating 28,015 ratings)
Virgil - The Aeneid (3.84 avg rating 103,429 ratings)
Viktor E. Frankl - Man's Search for Meaning (4.36 avg rating 350,018 ratings)
William Golding - Lord of the Flies (3.68 avg rating 2,169,940 ratings)
Anonymous - Holy Bible: New International Version (4.60 avg rating 59,701 ratings)
Lao Tzu - Tao Te Ching (4.30 avg rating 107,183 ratings)
Joseph Conrad - Heart of Darkness (3.42 avg rating 394,928 ratings)
Unknown - Beowulf (3.44 avg rating 225,368 ratings)
Jane Carruth (Adapted By) - Alice in Wonderl and (4.03 avg rating 367,613 ratings)
Galileo Galilei - Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems (4.10 avg rating 1,251 ratings)
Thomas Hobbes - Leviathan (3.70 avg rating 36,063 ratings)
Hermann Hesse - Steppenwolf (4.13 avg rating 128,302 ratings)
Arthur Conan Doyle - The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (4.31 avg rating 230,705 ratings)
Johann Wolfgang von Goe the - Faust, First Part (3.93 avg rating 56,527 ratings)
Ernest Hemingway - The Old Man and the Sea (3.77 avg rating 784,082 ratings)
Ren Descartes - Selected Philosophical Writings (3.81 avg rating 694 ratings)
Louisa May Alcott - Little Women (4.08 avg rating 1,602,651 ratings)
Betty Friedan - The Feminine Mystique (3.86 avg rating 20,739 ratings)
Mary Wollstonecraft - A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (3.90 avg rating 17,153 ratings)
Thomas Robert Malthus - An Essay on the Principle of Population (3.48 avg rating 1,344 ratings)
Augustine of Hippo - City of God (3.92 avg rating 10,031 ratings)
Sigmund Freud - The Ego and the Id (3.81 avg rating 8,909 ratings)
John Maynard Keynes - The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money (3.84 avg rating 4,526 ratings)
Daniel Defoe - Robinson Crusoe (3.67 avg rating 238,438 ratings)
Ray Bradbury - Fahrenheit 451 (3.99 avg rating 1,581,046 ratings)
Mao Zedong - Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung (3.28 avg rating 1,759 ratings)
Kahlil Gibran - The Prophet (4.23 avg rating 221,646 ratings)
John Bunyan - The Pilgrim's Progress (really liked it 4.00 avg rating 101,727 ratings)
Anonymous - The I Ching or Book of Changes (4.19 avg rating 17,370 ratings)
Albert Camus - The Stranger (3.98 avg rating 659,873 ratings)
Thomas Keneally - Schindler's List (4.35 avg rating 137,723 ratings)
Salman Rushdie - The Satanic Verses (3.71 avg rating 51,621 ratings)
Herodotus - The Histories (3.98 avg rating 38,514 ratings)
Gregor Mendel - Experiments in Plant Hybridisation (3.87 avg rating 120 ratings)
William Shakespeare - The Merchant of Venice (3.80 avg rating 153,453 ratings)
C.G. Jung - The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious (Collected Works 9i) (4.31 avg rating 4,785 ratings)
Carl von Clausewitz - On War (3.98 avg rating 11,009 ratings)
Fyodor Dostoyevsky - The Brothers Karamazov (4.32 avg rating 229,822 ratings)
Sigmund Freud - Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis (3.82 avg rating 7,717 ratings)
Susan Standring (Editor) - Registration Pin Code] (4.29 avg rating 3,360 ratings)
C.G. Jung - Man and His Symbols (4.20 avg rating 19,177 ratings)
Bram Stoker - Dracula (3.99 avg rating 888,752 ratings)
Leo Tolstoy - War and Peace (4.12 avg rating 250,981 ratings)
C.G. Jung - The Red book: Liber Novus (4.54 avg rating 3,276 ratings)
Alcoholics Anonymous - Alcoholics Anonymous (4.45 avg rating 7,766 ratings)
testing testing - The Arabian Nights (4.05 avg rating 70,597 ratings)
Joseph Campbell - The Power of Myth (4.29 avg rating 41,683 ratings)
Plato - The Symposium (4.04 avg rating 39,246 ratings)
J.R.R. Tolkien - The Fellowship of the Ring (The Lord of the Rings, #1) (4.36 avg rating 2,264,268 ratings)
Benjamin Spock - Baby and Child Care (3.76 avg rating 1,934 ratings)
Charlotte Bront - Jane Eyre (4.12 avg rating 1,554,616 ratings)
Aesop - Aesop's Fables (4.05 avg rating 111,701 ratings)
Ren Descartes - Discourse on Method (3.71 avg rating 15,666 ratings)
Margaret Mitchell - Gone with the Wind (4.30 avg rating 1,044,214 ratings)
Emily Bront - Wuthering Heights (3.85 avg rating 1,276,355 ratings)
Oscar Wilde - The Picture of Dorian Gray (4.08 avg rating 906,599 ratings)
H.G. Wells - The Time Machine (3.89 avg rating 391,305 ratings)
Ovid - Metamorphoses (4.06 avg rating 56,417 ratings)
Robert Musil - The Man Without Qualities (4.23 avg rating 5,371 ratings)
Henry David Thoreau - Walden (3.79 avg rating 147,867 ratings)
Thomas S. Kuhn - The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (4.01 avg rating 21,461 ratings)
J.R.R. Tolkien - The Two Towers (The Lord of the Rings, #2) (4.44 avg rating 678,837 ratings)
Joseph Campbell - The Hero With a Thousand Faces (4.19 avg rating 29,472 ratings)
Margaret Atwood (Goodreads Author) - The Handmaid's Tale (The Handmaid's Tale, #1) (4.11 avg rating 1,352,946 ratings)
Thucydides - History of the Peloponnesian War (3.88 avg rating 26,894 ratings)
John Steinbeck - The Grapes of Wrath (3.96 avg rating 719,720 ratings)
J.R.R. Tolkien - The Return of the King (The Lord of the Rings, #3) (4.53 avg rating 645,445 ratings)
Charles Dickens - A Tale of Two Cities (3.84 avg rating 784,089 ratings)
Jonathan Swift - Gulliver's Travels (3.57 avg rating 223,972 ratings)
Blaise Pascal - Penses (3.96 avg rating 10,728 ratings)
John Hersey - Hiroshima (3.97 avg rating 56,646 ratings)
Ki Longfellow (Goodreads Author) - Flow Down Like Silver: Hypatia of Alexandria (4.43 avg rating 2,213 ratings)
Leo Tolstoy - Anna Karenina (4.05 avg rating 634,074 ratings)
Charles Dickens - Great Expectations (3.77 avg rating 624,283 ratings)
J.C. Holt - Magna Carta (3.91 avg rating 106 ratings)
Mark Twain - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (3.91 avg rating 727,993 ratings)
Franz Kafka - The Metamorphosis (3.81 avg rating 592,650 ratings)
Jack Kerouac - On the Road (3.62 avg rating 331,783 ratings)
Dante Alighieri - Inferno (really liked it 4.00 avg rating 134,658 ratings)
Ken Kesey - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (4.20 avg rating 608,426 ratings)
James Clerk Maxwell - A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, Vol. 1 (4.46 avg rating 150 ratings)
C.S. Lewis - The Chronicles of Narnia (Chronicles of Narnia, #1-7) (4.26 avg rating 491,890 ratings)
David Hume - Principles of Morals (4.07 avg rating 616 ratings)
Dr. Seuss - The Cat in the Hat (4.17 avg rating 400,568 ratings)
Max Weber - The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (3.90 avg rating 10,169 ratings)
Charles Dickens - Oliver Twist (3.87 avg rating 305,529 ratings)
Jane Austen - Sense and Sensibility (4.07 avg rating 920,508 ratings)
Edgar Allan Poe - The Raven (4.28 avg rating 95,449 ratings)
Erich Maria Remarque - All Quiet on the Western Front (3.97 avg rating 343,985 ratings)
Rainer Maria Rilke - The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge (4.03 avg rating 6,830 ratings)
Sophocles - Antigone (3.65 avg rating 100,573 ratings)
Plato - The Trial and Death of Socrates (Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Phaedo (4.08 avg rating 33,224 ratings)
Sylvia Plath - The Bell Jar (4.01 avg rating 560,848 ratings)
Richard Dawkins (Goodreads Author) - The God Delusion (3.90 avg rating 219,938 ratings)
Robert Louis Stevenson - The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (3.81 avg rating 360,159 ratings)
Malcolm X - The Autobiography of Malcolm X (4.32 avg rating 186,310 ratings)
Elie Wiesel - Night (4.33 avg rating 928,660 ratings)
Gustave Flaubert - Madame Bovary (3.67 avg rating 239,015 ratings)
Immanuel Kant - Critique of Practical Reason (3.93 avg rating 9,259 ratings)
Lois Lowry (Goodreads Author) - The Giver (The Giver, #1) (4.13 avg rating 1,689,432 ratings)
J.K. Rowling - Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter, #1) (4.47 avg rating 6,631,912 ratings)
Watty Piper - The Little Engine That Could (4.16 avg rating 98,845 ratings)
Karl Marx - Capital, Vol. 1: A Critical Analysis of Capitalist Production (4.21 avg rating 7,690 ratings)
J.R.R. Tolkien - Rings (4.60 avg rating 106,882 ratings)
Alexandre Dumas - The Count of Monte Cristo (4.25 avg rating 719,643 ratings)
William Goldman - The Princess Bride (4.26 avg rating 752,421 ratings)
Ayn Rand - The Fountainhead (3.87 avg rating 289,351 ratings)
Hammurabi - The Code of Hammurabi (3.47 avg rating 814 ratings)
Gilles Deleuze - Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia (4.12 avg rating 5,601 ratings)
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - The Gulag Archipelago 19181956 (4.25 avg rating 18,561 ratings)
T.S. Eliot - The Waste Land (4.11 avg rating 40,710 ratings)
Anonymous (Editor) - The Torah: The Five Books of Moses (4.18 avg rating 1,553 ratings)
Nathaniel Hawthorne - The Scarlet Letter (3.40 avg rating 680,443 ratings)
Thomas Malory - Le Morte d'Arthur: King Arthur and the Legends of the Round Table (3.92 avg rating 33,841 ratings)
Howard Zinn - A People's History of the United States (4.08 avg rating 177,802 ratings)
Anonymous - The Dhammapada (4.29 avg rating 21,673 ratings)
L. Frank Baum - The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (Oz, #1) (3.99 avg rating 349,086 ratings)
Michel Foucault - Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (4.22 avg rating 23,800 ratings)
Sophocles - Oedipus Rex (The Theban Plays, #1) (3.70 avg rating 164,753 ratings)
Samuel Beckett - Waiting for Godot (3.83 avg rating 151,280 ratings)
Alex Haley - Roots: The Saga of an American Family (4.44 avg rating 140,940 ratings)
Markus Zusak (Goodreads Author) - The Book Thief (4.37 avg rating 1,735,266 ratings)
Vladimir Lenin - What Is to Be Done? (3.88 avg rating 1,573 ratings)
John Steinbeck - East of Eden (4.38 avg rating 410,797 ratings)
F. Scott Fitzgerald - The Great Gatsby (3.92 avg rating 3,593,732 ratings)
Leonardo da Vinci - Leonardo's Notebooks (3.93 avg rating 38,260 ratings)
H.G. Wells - The War of the Worlds (3.82 avg rating 233,140 ratings)
Hans Christian Andersen - The Complete Fairy Tales (4.28 avg rating 119,058 ratings)
Jared Diamond - Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies (4.03 avg rating 274,896 ratings)
Edward Gibbon - The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (3.96 avg rating 10,860 ratings)
Gaius Julius Caesar - The Conquest of Gaul (3.99 avg rating 8,398 ratings)
Dan Brown (Goodreads Author) - The Da Vinci Code (Robert Langdon, #2) (3.85 avg rating 1,850,495 ratings)
Jean-Paul Sartre - Nausea (3.92 avg rating 79,123 ratings)
Onyeka - Origins (4.40 avg rating 77 ratings)
Jules Verne - Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (Extraordinary Voyages, #6) (3.89 avg rating 187,605 ratings)
Dee Brown - Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West (4.23 avg rating 60,675 ratings)
Milan Kundera - The Unbearable Lightness of Being (4.10 avg rating 321,070 ratings)
Aristotle - The Nicomachean Ethics (3.95 avg rating 32,455 ratings)
Ralph Ellison - Invisible Man (3.87 avg rating 150,786 ratings)
William L. Shirer - The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany (4.17 avg rating 95,041 ratings)
Ernesto Che Guevara - The Motorcycle Diaries: Notes on a Latin American Journey (3.80 avg rating 29,202 ratings)
Albert Camus - The Plague (3.99 avg rating 150,773 ratings)
Leo Tolstoy - The Death of Ivan Ilych (4.08 avg rating 83,080 ratings)
J.M. Barrie - Peter Pan (4.07 avg rating 256,158 ratings)
Jakub Lasak (Goodreads Author) - Feelings, and the Mind (4.25 avg rating 44 ratings)
Joseph Heller - Catch-22 (Catch-22, #1) (3.98 avg rating 700,134 ratings)
Paulo Freire - Pedagogy of the Oppressed (4.27 avg rating 23,052 ratings)
Jean Piaget - The Psychology of the Child (3.92 avg rating 759 ratings)
Friedrich A. Hayek - The Road to Serfdom (4.18 avg rating 17,786 ratings)
Gilles Deleuze - A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia (4.30 avg rating 5,317 ratings)
Dr. Seuss - The Lorax (4.35 avg rating 269,591 ratings)
Benjamin Franklin - The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (3.83 avg rating 64,650 ratings)
Baruch Spinoza - Ethics (4.05 avg rating 12,601 ratings)
Stephen R. Covey - Change (4.11 avg rating 483,122 ratings)
Bertr and Russell - A History of Western Philosophy (4.08 avg rating 30,351 ratings)
C.S. Lewis - The Magician's Nephew (Chronicles of Narnia, #1) (4.04 avg rating 388,156 ratings)
Charles Darwin - Voyage of the Beagle (4.03 avg rating 6,321 ratings)
Arthur Schopenhauer - The World as Will and Representation, Vol. 1 (4.19 avg rating 8,027 ratings)
Ki Longfellow (Goodreads Author) - The Secret Magdalene (4.07 avg rating 4,154 ratings)
William Shakespeare - Shakespeare's Sonnets (4.25 avg rating 80,265 ratings)
Frederick Douglass - My Bondage and My Freedom (4.34 avg rating 10,287 ratings)
Milton Friedman - Capitalism and Freedom (3.94 avg rating 10,166 ratings)
Edgar Allan Poe - Poetry and Tales (4.41 avg rating 1,729 ratings)
Unknown - Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (3.70 avg rating 50,831 ratings)
Fyodor Dostoyevsky - and Selections from The House of the Dead (4.18 avg rating 73,183 ratings)
Edward W. Said - Orientalism (4.08 avg rating 16,229 ratings)
Zhuangzi - Chuang-Tzu: The Inner Chapters (4.33 avg rating 726 ratings)
Stephen King (Goodreads Author) - The Shining (4.22 avg rating 1,067,270 ratings)
Herbert Marcuse - Society (3.98 avg rating 5,377 ratings)
Robert M. Pirsig - (Phaedrus, #1) (3.77 avg rating 187,797 ratings)
John Steinbeck - Of Mice and Men (3.87 avg rating 1,864,138 ratings)
Alan Moore (Goodreads Author) - Watchmen (4.36 avg rating 475,199 ratings)
Corrie ten Boom - The Hiding Place: The Triumphant True Story of Corrie Ten Boom (4.42 avg rating 243,603 ratings)
Jean-Paul Sartre - Being and Nothingness (3.96 avg rating 25,237 ratings)
Sigmund Freud - Civilization and Its Discontents (3.79 avg rating 30,231 ratings)
Truman Capote - In Cold Blood (4.07 avg rating 499,957 ratings)
Johannes Kepler - with an Introduction and Notes (4.08 avg rating 121 ratings)
Richard Adams - Watership Down (Watership Down, #1) (4.06 avg rating 418,543 ratings)
Virginia Woolf - A Room of One's Own (4.15 avg rating 107,993 ratings)
Samuel Taylor Coleridge - The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (3.94 avg rating 52,249 ratings)
Mario Puzo - The Godfather (4.37 avg rating 317,488 ratings)
Richard Bach (Goodreads Author) - Jonathan Livingston Seagull (3.84 avg rating 192,745 ratings)
Jules Verne - Around the World in Eighty Days (Extraordinary Voyages, #11) (3.93 avg rating 176,047 ratings)
Archimedes - The Works of Archimedes (4.30 avg rating 252 ratings)
Fernando Pessoa - The Book of Disquiet (4.46 avg rating 19,627 ratings)
William Blackstone - Edition of 1765-1769 (4.19 avg rating 36 ratings)
Boy Scouts of America - Original 1911 Edition) (3.93 avg rating 2,804 ratings)
Paulo Coelho (Goodreads Author) - The Alchemist (3.87 avg rating 1,967,450 ratings)
Thomas Hardy - Tess of the D'Urbervilles (3.80 avg rating 230,321 ratings)
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - The Philosophy of History (3.83 avg rating 3,092 ratings)
C.G. Jung - The Spirit in Man, Art and Literature (Collected Works 15) (4.31 avg rating 389 ratings)
Seneca - Letters from a Stoic (4.33 avg rating 18,737 ratings)
James Joyce - Ulysses (3.73 avg rating 105,311 ratings)
Edgar Allan Poe - The Murders in the Rue Morgue: The Dupin Tales (C. Auguste Dupin, #1-3) (3.88 avg rating 6,633 ratings)
William Shakespeare - Four Great Tragedies: Hamlet / Othello / King Lear / Macbeth (4.41 avg rating 15,845 ratings)
Francis Bacon - The Essays (3.83 avg rating 3,709 ratings)
Ayn Rand - Atlas Shrugged & The Fountainhead (4.10 avg rating 4,475 ratings)
Marion Zimmer Bradley - The Mists of Avalon (Avalon, #1) (4.12 avg rating 187,760 ratings)
C.S. Lewis - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Chronicles of Narnia, #2) (4.22 avg rating 2,036,319 ratings)
Aeschylus - Prometheus Bound (3.95 avg rating 11,143 ratings)
Cormac McCarthy - The Road (3.97 avg rating 685,597 ratings)
Arthur Conan Doyle - A Study in Scarlet (Sherlock Holmes, #1) (4.16 avg rating 303,862 ratings)
J.K. Rowling - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Harry Potter, #5) (4.50 avg rating 2,370,274 ratings)
Montesquieu - The Spirit of the Laws (3.99 avg rating 4,451 ratings)
Richard Dawkins (Goodreads Author) - The Selfish Gene (4.14 avg rating 131,778 ratings)
Karl Popper - The Logic of Scientific Discovery (4.02 avg rating 4,507 ratings)
Randy Pausch - The Last Lecture (4.27 avg rating 293,272 ratings)
Jonathan Barnes - Greek Philosophers (3.79 avg rating 42 ratings)
Edwin Arthur Burtt (Editor) - The Teachings of the Compassionate Buddha (3.91 avg rating 314 ratings)
George Bernard Shaw - Pygmalion (3.90 avg rating 85,699 ratings)
J.K. Rowling - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Harry Potter, #6) (4.57 avg rating 2,308,683 ratings)
Vladimir Lenin - The Right of Nations to Self-Determination (3.97 avg rating 301 ratings)
Alexandre Dumas - The Three Musketeers (The D'Artagnan Romances, #1) (4.07 avg rating 262,819 ratings)
J.K. Rowling - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter, #4) (4.56 avg rating 2,444,335 ratings)
Kurt Vonnegut Jr. - Slaughterhouse-Five (4.08 avg rating 1,085,380 ratings)
Christopher Marlowe - Dr. Faustus (3.80 avg rating 53,523 ratings)
Dr. Seuss - How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (4.36 avg rating 315,173 ratings)
Friedrich Nietzsche - The Anti-Christ (3.92 avg rating 19,812 ratings)
B.F. Skinner - About Behaviorism (3.96 avg rating 806 ratings)
William Shakespeare - Othello (3.89 avg rating 302,121 ratings)
Ibn Khaldun -

(4.29 avg rating 3,236 ratings)
S.E. Hinton (Goodreads Author) - The Outsiders (4.09 avg rating 887,738 ratings)
Boris Pasternak - Doctor Zhivago (4.03 avg rating 76,779 ratings)
Mallanaga Vtsyyana - The Complete Kma-Stra (3.47 avg rating 5,067 ratings)
Friedrich Nietzsche - The Birth of Tragedy (3.98 avg rating 12,473 ratings)
Lois Lowry (Goodreads Author) - Number the Stars (4.15 avg rating 423,586 ratings)
Charles Dickens - David Copperfield (3.99 avg rating 192,805 ratings)
Napoleon Hill - for the 21st Century (4.18 avg rating 193,186 ratings)
Gabriel Garca Mrquez - Love in the Time of Cholera (3.92 avg rating 389,966 ratings)
Plato - Plato: Complete Works (4.35 avg rating 10,306 ratings)
Carl Sagan - Cosmos (4.37 avg rating 109,093 ratings)
William Blake - Songs of Innocence and of Experience (4.11 avg rating 37,412 ratings)
O. Henry - The Gift of the Magi (4.09 avg rating 80,611 ratings)
Frantz Fanon - The Wretched of the Earth (4.21 avg rating 15,991 ratings)
Jules Verne - Journey to the Center of the Earth (Extraordinary Voyages, #3) (3.86 avg rating 143,392 ratings)
Edith Hamilton - Mythology (really liked it 4.00 avg rating 43,204 ratings)
Rumi - The Essential Rumi (4.43 avg rating 35,740 ratings)
Michel de Montaigne - The Essays: A Selection (4.06 avg rating 1,941 ratings)
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Brandon Gates - #2) (it was amazing 5.00 avg rating 1 rating)
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Karen Seinor - Tarot Aromatherapy (it was amazing 5.00 avg rating 1 rating)
Keith T. Jenkins (Goodreads Author) - Misfit Toymakers: Misfits Made (4.20 avg rating 5 ratings)

see also :::

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The Most Influential Books in History




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convenience portal:
recent: Section Maps - index table - favorites
Savitri -- Savitri extended toc
Savitri Section Map -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
authors -- Crowley - Peterson - Borges - Wilber - Teresa - Aurobindo - Ramakrishna - Maharshi - Mother
places -- Garden - Inf. Art Gallery - Inf. Building - Inf. Library - Labyrinth - Library - School - Temple - Tower - Tower of MEM
powers -- Aspiration - Beauty - Concentration - Effort - Faith - Force - Grace - inspiration - Presence - Purity - Sincerity - surrender
difficulties -- cowardice - depres. - distract. - distress - dryness - evil - fear - forget - habits - impulse - incapacity - irritation - lost - mistakes - obscur. - problem - resist - sadness - self-deception - shame - sin - suffering
practices -- Lucid Dreaming - meditation - project - programming - Prayer - read Savitri - study
subjects -- CS - Cybernetics - Game Dev - Integral Theory - Integral Yoga - Kabbalah - Language - Philosophy - Poetry - Zen
6.01 books -- KC - ABA - Null - Savitri - SA O TAOC - SICP - The Gospel of SRK - TIC - The Library of Babel - TLD - TSOY - TTYODAS - TSZ - WOTM II
8 unsorted / add here -- Always - Everyday - Verbs

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