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object:Best Philosophy Books
class:reading list

Martin Heidegger - Being and Time (4.02 avg rating 19,290 ratings)
Plato - The Republic (3.94 avg rating 158,686 ratings)
Immanuel Kant - Critique of Pure Reason (3.94 avg rating 26,680 ratings)
Friedrich Nietzsche - Thus Spoke Zarathustra (4.06 avg rating 102,881 ratings)
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit (3.94 avg rating 14,582 ratings)
Marcus Aurelius - Meditations (4.23 avg rating 105,671 ratings)
Albert Camus - The Stranger (3.98 avg rating 659,892 ratings)
Martin Heidegger - Poetry, Language, Thought (4.14 avg rating 3,325 ratings)
Sren Kierkegaard - Fear and Trembling (really liked it 4.00 avg rating 18,197 ratings)
Gilles Deleuze - Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia (4.12 avg rating 5,601 ratings)
Martin Heidegger - Contri butions to Philosophy (from Enowning) (4.48 avg rating 269 ratings)
Aristotle - Metaphysics (4.04 avg rating 12,705 ratings)
Aristotle - The Complete Works: The Revised Oxford Translation, Vol. 1 (4.43 avg rating 2,415 ratings)
Lao Tzu - Tao Te Ching (4.30 avg rating 107,184 ratings)
Plato - Apology (4.18 avg rating 32,399 ratings)
Immanuel Kant - Critique of Judgment (4.08 avg rating 7,367 ratings)
Martin Heidegger - The Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics: World, Finitude, Solitude (4.53 avg rating 315 ratings)
Sren Kierkegaard - Either/Or: A Fragment of Life (4.17 avg rating 6,971 ratings)
Hermann Hesse - Siddhartha (4.02 avg rating 549,729 ratings)
Albert Camus - The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays (4.20 avg rating 39,054 ratings)
Martin Heidegger - Basic Writings: Ten Key Essays, plus the Introduction to Being and Time (4.08 avg rating 4,908 ratings)
Plato - The Symposium (4.04 avg rating 39,246 ratings)
Niccol Machiavelli - The Prince (3.81 avg rating 244,213 ratings)
Ludwig Wittgenstein - Philosophical Investigations (4.24 avg rating 12,160 ratings)
Voltaire - Candide (3.77 avg rating 211,393 ratings)
Fyodor Dostoyevsky - The Brothers Karamazov (4.32 avg rating 229,831 ratings)
Carl Schmitt - The Concept of the Political (3.97 avg rating 2,085 ratings)
David Hume - An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding (3.92 avg rating 16,353 ratings)
Aristotle - The Nicomachean Ethics (3.95 avg rating 32,456 ratings)
Plato - Plato: Complete Works (4.35 avg rating 10,307 ratings)
Friedrich Nietzsche - Beyond Good and Evil (4.01 avg rating 59,194 ratings)
Gilles Deleuze - A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia (4.30 avg rating 5,317 ratings)
Martin Heidegger - What is Called Thinking? (4.17 avg rating 1,368 ratings)
Karl Marx - Das Kapital (3.84 avg rating 7,423 ratings)
Friedrich Nietzsche - The Will to Power (4.05 avg rating 8,591 ratings)
Baruch Spinoza - Ethics (4.05 avg rating 12,601 ratings)
Hans-Georg Gadamer - Truth and Method (4.17 avg rating 3,358 ratings)
Ren Descartes - Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy (3.72 avg rating 26,140 ratings)
Maurice Merleau-Ponty - Phenomenology of Perception (4.15 avg rating 5,437 ratings)
Arthur Schopenhauer - The World as Will and Representation, Vol. 2 (4.22 avg rating 4,648 ratings)
Johann Wolfgang von Goe the - Faust, First Part (3.93 avg rating 56,528 ratings)
Friedrich Nietzsche - The Gay Science (4.26 avg rating 12,692 ratings)
Sren Kierkegaard - Upbuilding and Awakening (4.09 avg rating 8,229 ratings)
Guy Debord - The Society of the Spectacle (4.02 avg rating 14,601 ratings)
Aristotle - Poetics (3.83 avg rating 17,378 ratings)
Ludwig Wittgenstein - Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (4.07 avg rating 15,421 ratings)
Immanuel Kant - Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals (3.83 avg rating 15,938 ratings)
Jean-Paul Sartre - Being and Nothingness (3.96 avg rating 25,237 ratings)
Michel Foucault - The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences (4.13 avg rating 7,747 ratings)
Jacques Derrida - Of Grammatology (3.96 avg rating 4,631 ratings)
Arthur Schopenhauer - The World as Will and Representation, Vol. 1 (4.19 avg rating 8,027 ratings)
Bertr and Russell - A History of Western Philosophy (4.08 avg rating 30,351 ratings)
Gilles Deleuze - What Is Philosophy? (4.14 avg rating 1,496 ratings)
Bryan Magee - The Tristan Chord: Wagner and Philosophy (4.38 avg rating 439 ratings)
Friedrich Nietzsche - Human, All Too Human: A Book for Free Spirits (4.21 avg rating 9,463 ratings)
Charles Darwin - The Origin of Species (3.98 avg rating 92,623 ratings)
Sun Tzu - The Art of War (3.97 avg rating 301,927 ratings)
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - Monadology and Other Philosophical Essays (3.97 avg rating 312 ratings)
Friedrich Nietzsche - On the Genealogy of Morals / Ecce Homo (4.15 avg rating 13,553 ratings)
Gilles Deleuze - Difference and Repetition (4.23 avg rating 3,047 ratings)
Robert M. Pirsig - (Phaedrus, #1) (3.77 avg rating 187,804 ratings)
Michel Foucault - The History of Sexuality, Volume 1: An Introduction (4.04 avg rating 17,365 ratings)
Aristotle - Politics (3.95 avg rating 30,101 ratings)
Albert Camus - The Plague (3.99 avg rating 150,785 ratings)
Paul Karl Feyerabend - Against Method (really liked it 4.00 avg rating 2,696 ratings)
Thomas Hobbes - Leviathan (3.70 avg rating 36,063 ratings)
Blaise Pascal - Penses (3.96 avg rating 10,728 ratings)
Ludwig Wittgenstein - On Certainty (4.16 avg rating 4,148 ratings)
Augustine of Hippo - Confessions (3.93 avg rating 43,550 ratings)
Jacques Derrida - Specters of Marx (3.97 avg rating 3,194 ratings)
Thomas Aquinas - Summa Theologica, 5 Vols (4.12 avg rating 3,322 ratings)
David Hume - A Treatise of Human Nature (3.93 avg rating 10,830 ratings)
Sigmund Freud - Civilization and Its Discontents (3.79 avg rating 30,231 ratings)
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - Philosophical Essays (3.90 avg rating 4,722 ratings)
Gail Stenstad - Transformations: Thinking after Heidegger (4.28 avg rating 142 ratings)
Jostein Gaarder - Sophie's World (3.93 avg rating 187,246 ratings)
Maxwell Richard Bennett - Philosophical Foundations of Neuroscience (4.44 avg rating 155 ratings)
Roger Scruton - The Ring of Truth: The Wisdom of Wagners Ring of the Nibelung (4.37 avg rating 177 ratings)
Jean-Paul Sartre - Nausea (3.92 avg rating 79,127 ratings)
Ralph Waldo Emerson - Essays and Lectures (4.31 avg rating 2,805 ratings)
John Locke - An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (3.84 avg rating 14,222 ratings)
Sren Kierkegaard - Philosophical Fragments/Johannes Climacus (4.12 avg rating 1,898 ratings)
Simone de Beauvoir - The Second Sex (4.13 avg rating 28,016 ratings)
Friedrich Nietzsche - On the Genealogy of Morality (4.12 avg rating 17,843 ratings)
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - Part 1 (4.31 avg rating 344 ratings)
Seneca - Letters from a Stoic (4.33 avg rating 18,738 ratings)
John Stuart Mill - On Liberty and Utilitarianism (3.75 avg rating 643 ratings)
William James - The Varieties of Religious Experience (4.02 avg rating 9,798 ratings)
Friedrich Nietzsche - Ecce Homo (3.83 avg rating 10,940 ratings)
Boethius - The Consolation of Philosophy (3.98 avg rating 10,830 ratings)
Alain Badiou - Five Lessons on Wagner (4.10 avg rating 116 ratings)
John Rawls - A Theory of Justice (3.94 avg rating 10,764 ratings)
Jean-Jacques Rousseau - Discourse on the Origin of Inequality (3.82 avg rating 12,372 ratings)
Plato - Theaetetus (4.14 avg rating 4,632 ratings)
Confucius - The Analects (3.83 avg rating 16,723 ratings)
John Stuart Mill - On Liberty (3.96 avg rating 27,754 ratings)
Herbert Marcuse - Society (3.98 avg rating 5,377 ratings)
Roger Scruton - Death-Devoted Heart: Sex and the Sacred in Wagner's Tristan and Isolde (4.11 avg rating 113 ratings)
Albert Camus - The Fall (4.04 avg rating 67,341 ratings)
Plato - Five Dialogues: Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Meno, Phaedo (4.13 avg rating 16,519 ratings)
Zhuangzi - The Book of Chuang Tzu (4.37 avg rating 1,962 ratings)
Friedrich Nietzsche - The Anti-Christ (3.92 avg rating 19,813 ratings)
Jean-Jacques Rousseau - Confessions (3.62 avg rating 6,627 ratings)
Raoul Vaneigem - The Revolution of Everyday Life (4.18 avg rating 1,313 ratings)
Fyodor Dostoyevsky - and Selections from The House of the Dead (4.18 avg rating 73,184 ratings)
Edmund Husserl - Logical Investigations, Vol 1 (4.14 avg rating 238 ratings)
Jean-Jacques Rousseau - Reveries of the Solitary Walker (3.68 avg rating 3,735 ratings)
Thomas More - Utopia (3.54 avg rating 57,059 ratings)
Richard M. Rorty - Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature (4.01 avg rating 2,946 ratings)
Eric Chafe - and Isolde (4.48 avg rating 73 ratings)
Benjamin Hoff - The Tao of Pooh (really liked it 4.00 avg rating 96,107 ratings)
Henry David Thoreau - Walden (3.79 avg rating 147,870 ratings)
Iain D. Thomson - Heidegger, Art, and Postmodernity (4.43 avg rating 61 ratings)
Georges Bataille - The Accursed Share: An Essay on General Economy, Volume I: Consumption (4.07 avg rating 1,545 ratings)
Henri Bergson - Creative Evolution (4.09 avg rating 1,041 ratings)
Michel Foucault - Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (4.22 avg rating 23,801 ratings)
Hannah Arendt - The Promise of Politics (4.13 avg rating 314 ratings)
Henri Bergson - Matter and Memory (4.10 avg rating 2,203 ratings)
Sren Kierkegaard - Concluding Unscientific Postscript to Philosophical Fragments, Volume 2 (4.15 avg rating 143 ratings)
Epictetus - The Handbook (4.23 avg rating 12,935 ratings)
Peter Sloterdijk - Bubbles: Spheres I (4.35 avg rating 430 ratings)
Henri Bergson - The Creative Mind (4.05 avg rating 232 ratings)
Theodor W. Adorno - Negative Dialectics (4.09 avg rating 1,734 ratings)
John Locke - Second Treatise of Government (3.77 avg rating 18,123 ratings)
Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf (3.16 avg rating 31,241 ratings)
Bryan Magee - Aspects of Wagner (4.08 avg rating 118 ratings)
Sigmund Freud - The Future of an Illusion (3.77 avg rating 5,465 ratings)
Roger Scruton - Culture Counts: Faith and Feeling in a World Besieged (4.04 avg rating 252 ratings)
Martin Buber - I and Thou (4.11 avg rating 9,065 ratings)
John Stuart Mill - Utilitarianism (3.66 avg rating 18,606 ratings)
Kahlil Gibran - The Prophet (4.23 avg rating 221,652 ratings)
Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa - The Bhagavad Gita (4.13 avg rating 52,243 ratings)
Miyamoto Musashi - A Book of Five Rings: The Classic Guide to Strategy (4.06 avg rating 33,614 ratings)
Adam Smith - An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (3.88 avg rating 26,598 ratings)
Arthur Schopenhauer - Essays and Aphorisms (4.17 avg rating 6,484 ratings)
Noam Chomsky - Language and Mind (3.86 avg rating 1,020 ratings)
Dalai Lama XIV - The Art of Happiness (4.16 avg rating 87,345 ratings)
Plato - The Trial and Death of Socrates (Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Phaedo (4.08 avg rating 33,225 ratings)
Roger Scruton - Understanding Music: Philosophy and Interpretation (3.78 avg rating 80 ratings)
Max Stirner - The Ego and Its Own (4.10 avg rating 2,131 ratings)
Edmund Husserl - Logical Investigations, Vol 2 (4.38 avg rating 106 ratings)
Virginia Woolf - A Room of One's Own (4.15 avg rating 108,004 ratings)
Lucretius - The Way Things are (3.98 avg rating 11,029 ratings)
Joseph Campbell - The Power of Myth (4.29 avg rating 41,684 ratings)
Mary Wollstonecraft - A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (3.90 avg rating 17,153 ratings)
Emil M. Cioran - On the Heights of Despair (4.20 avg rating 4,563 ratings)
Paul Reps (Editor) - Zen Flesh, Zen Bones: A Collection of Zen and Pre-Zen Writings (4.24 avg rating 6,859 ratings)
Roger Scruton - Sacred and Profane: God, Man and World (4.06 avg rating 47 ratings)
Bruno Latour - Reassembling the Social: An Introduction to Actor-Network-Theory (3.98 avg rating 865 ratings)
Karl Marx - The German Ideology, Part 1 & Selections from Parts 2 & 3 (4.07 avg rating 3,248 ratings)
Sren Kierkegaard - The Essential Kierkegaard (4.20 avg rating 1,835 ratings)
Thomas S. Kuhn - The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (4.01 avg rating 21,462 ratings)
Alexandre Kojve - Spirit (4.09 avg rating 1,361 ratings)
Richard M. Rorty - Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity (4.12 avg rating 1,881 ratings)
Martin Heidegger - Parmenides (4.48 avg rating 209 ratings)
Plato - Phaedrus (3.93 avg rating 6,820 ratings)
Saul A. Kripke - Naming and Necessity (3.99 avg rating 3,848 ratings)
Anonymous - The Dhammapada (4.29 avg rating 21,674 ratings)
Samuel Beckett - Waiting for Godot (3.83 avg rating 151,283 ratings)
Christopher Hitchens - God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything (3.97 avg rating 84,651 ratings)
J.L. Austin - How to Do Things with Words (3.96 avg rating 2,004 ratings)
Martin Heidegger - Heraclitus Seminar (4.39 avg rating 117 ratings)
Plato - Lysis/Symposium/Gorgias (4.38 avg rating 471 ratings)
Heraclitus - Fragments (4.20 avg rating 5,169 ratings)
Richard Dawkins (Goodreads Author) - The God Delusion (3.90 avg rating 219,946 ratings)
Stephen Hawking - A Brief History of Time (4.18 avg rating 278,492 ratings)
Bryan Magee - The Great Philosophers: An Introduction to Western Philosophy (4.07 avg rating 525 ratings)
Friedrich Nietzsche - The Birth of Tragedy (3.98 avg rating 12,473 ratings)
Epicurus - The Essential Epicurus (3.93 avg rating 912 ratings)
Belsebuub (Goodreads Author) - Gazing into the Eternal: Reflections upon a Deeper Purpose to Living (4.26 avg rating 141 ratings)
Meister Eckhart - The Essential Writings (4.25 avg rating 310 ratings)
Michel de Montaigne - The Complete Essays (4.24 avg rating 11,481 ratings)
Paulo Coelho (Goodreads Author) - The Alchemist (3.87 avg rating 1,967,523 ratings)
Benjamin Hoff - Tao of Pooh and Te of Piglet Boxed Set (4.16 avg rating 11,504 ratings)
Belzebuub (Goodreads Author) - The Peace of the Spirit Within: A Guide to Transform Your Life (4.65 avg rating 86 ratings)
Carl Sagan - The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark (4.27 avg rating 55,646 ratings)
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - The Philosophy of History (3.83 avg rating 3,092 ratings)
Anonymous - Holy Bible: King James Version (4.42 avg rating 209,865 ratings)
Roger Scruton - The Soul of the World (4.02 avg rating 387 ratings)
Parmenides - Parmenides of Elea: Fragments (3.94 avg rating 332 ratings)
Dante Alighieri - The Divine Comedy (4.07 avg rating 109,209 ratings)
Karl Popper - The Logic of Scientific Discovery (4.02 avg rating 4,507 ratings)
Ren Descartes - The Philosophical Writings of Descartes, Volume I (4.10 avg rating 1,302 ratings)
Bertr and Russell - Subjects (4.02 avg rating 17,943 ratings)
David Hume - An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals (3.99 avg rating 5,203 ratings)
Milan Kundera - The Unbearable Lightness of Being (4.10 avg rating 321,080 ratings)
Charles Clayton (Goodreads Author) - Life Mastery (4.62 avg rating 52 ratings)
Plato - Phaedo (4.04 avg rating 9,582 ratings)
Emma Goldman - Anarchism and Other Essays (4.04 avg rating 4,880 ratings)
Plotinus - The Enneads (4.05 avg rating 2,703 ratings)
Epictetus - The Essential Writings (4.20 avg rating 192 ratings)
Leonard Peikoff (Goodreads Author) - Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand (3.74 avg rating 4,814 ratings)
Jean-Paul Sartre - Existentialism is a Humanism (3.98 avg rating 22,285 ratings)
Douglas R. Hofstadter - Gdel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid (4.29 avg rating 40,712 ratings)
Bertr and Russell - The Problems of Philosophy (3.91 avg rating 12,567 ratings)
Roland Barthes - Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography (3.97 avg rating 42,037 ratings)
Jennifer Michael Hecht - Doubt: A History (4.07 avg rating 3,085 ratings)
Albert Camus - A Happy Death (3.82 avg rating 10,310 ratings)
Emil M. Cioran - The Trouble with Being Born (4.19 avg rating 3,836 ratings)
Viktor E. Frankl - Man's Search for Meaning (4.36 avg rating 350,038 ratings)
Bertr and Russell - The Philosophy of Logical Atomism (3.65 avg rating 249 ratings)
Will Durant - Philosophers (4.12 avg rating 13,137 ratings)
Gottlob Frege - The Frege Reader (4.06 avg rating 141 ratings)
Theodor W. Adorno - Dialectic of Enlightenment: Philosophical Fragments (4.08 avg rating 5,733 ratings)
H.G. Wells - The Time Machine (3.89 avg rating 391,316 ratings)
Kitty Ferguson - the Universe and Lit the Path From Antiquity to Outer Space (3.71 avg rating 133 ratings)
Nataa Pantovi (Goodreads Author) - A-Ma Alchemy of Love (4.28 avg rating 39 ratings)
Bertr and Russell - What I Believe (4.09 avg rating 1,936 ratings)
Judith Butler - Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity (4.08 avg rating 10,791 ratings)
Thomas Jefferson - The Jefferson Bible: The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth (3.83 avg rating 2,189 ratings)
Robert A. Heinlein - The Moon is a Harsh Mistress (4.17 avg rating 104,271 ratings)
David Hume - Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion (3.96 avg rating 4,877 ratings)
Anonymous - The Upanishads (4.23 avg rating 11,946 ratings)
Marcus Tullius Cicero - On Old Age, On Friendship & On Divination (4.11 avg rating 438 ratings)
Richard Dawkins (Goodreads Author) - Without Design (4.09 avg rating 30,436 ratings)
Rdiger Safranski - Martin Heidegger: Between Good and Evil (4.02 avg rating 706 ratings)
Fyodor Dostoyevsky - Notes from Underground (4.16 avg rating 72,590 ratings)
Ayn Rand - Atlas Shrugged (3.69 avg rating 344,290 ratings)
Jean Baudrillard - Simulations (Semiotext (3.98 avg rating 10,682 ratings)
Peter Sloterdijk - Kritiek van de cynische rede (4.28 avg rating 523 ratings)
Karen Armstrong - Islam (3.87 avg rating 42,317 ratings)
Mark McCants - LOG: The Legends of Genesis: Not Your Ordinary Heroes (4.19 avg rating 16 ratings)
Mario Brooks (Goodreads Author) - Oracles (it was amazing 5.00 avg rating 14 ratings)
Karl Wiggins (Goodreads Author) - Wrong Planet - Searching for your Tribe (4.17 avg rating 24 ratings)
W.K.C. Guthrie - The Greek Philosophers from Thales to Aristotle (3.93 avg rating 318 ratings)
Jean-Paul Sartre - Existentialism and Human Emotions (3.84 avg rating 4,326 ratings)
R.C. Sproul - Consequences of Ideas (4.11 avg rating 1,089 ratings)
George Berkeley - Philonous (3.85 avg rating 1,038 ratings)
Simone de Beauvoir - The Ethics of Ambiguity (4.15 avg rating 4,600 ratings)
Alvin Plantinga - Warranted Christian Belief (4.22 avg rating 520 ratings)
Julian Baggini (Goodreads Author) - Methods (3.94 avg rating 747 ratings)
Ren Descartes - Discourse on Method (3.71 avg rating 15,666 ratings)
Karl Marx - The Communist Manifesto (3.56 avg rating 99,639 ratings)
Andr Comte-Sponville - The Little Book of Atheist Spirituality (3.81 avg rating 1,134 ratings)
Xenophon - Conversations of Socrates (4.04 avg rating 2,121 ratings)
Orson Scott Card - Enders Game (Enders Saga, #1) (4.30 avg rating 1,083,800 ratings)
Henri Bergson - Laughter: An Essay on the Meaning of the Comic (3.73 avg rating 1,262 ratings)
Giambattista Vico - New Science (4.01 avg rating 701 ratings)
Plato - Euthyphro (3.92 avg rating 6,244 ratings)
Alvin Plantinga - God and Other Minds (3.91 avg rating 162 ratings)
Meister Eckhart - Selected Writings (4.26 avg rating 402 ratings)
Bill Bryson - A Short History of Nearly Everything (4.21 avg rating 277,634 ratings)
Willard Van Orman Quine - Word and Object (really liked it 4.00 avg rating 1,643 ratings)
David Harvey - Cosmopolitanism and the Geographies of Freedom (4.14 avg rating 37 ratings)
Jorge Luis Borges - Labyrinths: Selected Stories and Other Writings (4.46 avg rating 26,918 ratings)
Ar-Rahik - La Biographie Du Prophte Mouhammad, Le Nectar Cachet (it was amazing 5.00 avg rating 4 ratings)
Jakub Lasak (Goodreads Author) - Manifesto of the Free People's Union (it was amazing 5.00 avg rating 4 ratings)
Zan Perrion (Goodreads Author) - The Alabaster Girl (4.49 avg rating 540 ratings)
Sren Kierkegaard - on the Dogmatic Issue of Hereditary Sin (4.01 avg rating 1,491 ratings)
Gilles Deleuze (Foreword) - Nietzsche and Philosophy (4.17 avg rating 3,490 ratings)
Thomas Nagel - The View from Nowhere (3.98 avg rating 1,013 ratings)
Mahatma Gandhi - Gandhi: An autobiography (4.08 avg rating 46,234 ratings)
The Silver Elves (Goodreads Author) - The United States of Elfin: Imagining a More Elven Style of Government (it was amazing 5.00 avg rating 7 ratings)
Richard Bach (Goodreads Author) - Jonathan Livingston Seagull (3.84 avg rating 192,748 ratings)
Ludwig von Mises - Human Action: A Treatise on Economics (4.31 avg rating 3,297 ratings)
Francis J. Beckwith - Relativism: Feet Firmly Planted in Mid-Air (4.28 avg rating 487 ratings)
Thomas Ligotti - The Conspiracy Against the Human Race (4.09 avg rating 4,291 ratings)
Founding Fathers - The Constitution of the United States of America (4.54 avg rating 23,907 ratings)
Daniel Quinn - Ishmael: An Adventure of the Mind and Spirit (Ishmael, #1) (really liked it 4.00 avg rating 77,694 ratings)
Emil M. Cioran - A Short History of Decay (4.26 avg rating 3,071 ratings)
Ngrjuna - Mlamadhyamakakrik (4.33 avg rating 1,117 ratings)
Maurice Merleau-Ponty - The Merleau-Ponty Reader (4.50 avg rating 42 ratings)
Nassim Nicholas Taleb (Goodreads Author) - The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable (3.93 avg rating 78,959 ratings)
Pierre Bourdieu - The Political Ontology of Martin Heidegger (3.36 avg rating 69 ratings)
Nassim Nicholas Taleb (Goodreads Author) - Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder (4.09 avg rating 31,041 ratings)
Boethius - Theological Tractates/The Consolation of Philosophy (4.23 avg rating 282 ratings)
Masaru Emoto - Hidden Messages in Water (4.28 avg rating 13,376 ratings)
Hannah Arendt - Imperialismus, totale Herrschaft (4.28 avg rating 7,644 ratings)
Edmund Husserl - Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology (4.10 avg rating 640 ratings)
Slavoj iek - The Puppet and the Dwarf: The Perverse Core of Christianity (3.85 avg rating 672 ratings)
Douglas Adams - #1) (4.22 avg rating 1,356,123 ratings)
G.E. Moore - Principia Ethica (3.81 avg rating 852 ratings)
Thomas Mann - The Magic Mountain (4.14 avg rating 32,675 ratings)
Montesquieu - The Spirit of the Laws (3.99 avg rating 4,451 ratings)
Dalai Lama XIV - The Four Noble Truths (4.22 avg rating 797 ratings)
Bertr and Russell - Principia Mathematica to '56 (4.01 avg rating 146 ratings)
Georges Bataille - Theory of Religion (3.98 avg rating 536 ratings)
Jonathan Barnes (Translator) - Early Greek Philosophy (4.09 avg rating 2,178 ratings)
Hannah Arendt - De menselijke conditie (4.21 avg rating 5,679 ratings)
Matthew Fox (Editor) - Meditations with Meister Eckhart (4.06 avg rating 265 ratings)
Robert Nozick - Anarchy, State, and Utopia (3.76 avg rating 4,613 ratings)
Alfred North Whitehead - Process and Reality (4.18 avg rating 685 ratings)
Franois de La Rochefoucauld - Maxims (4.06 avg rating 2,809 ratings)
David Hume - Principles of Morals (4.07 avg rating 616 ratings)
Seneca - On the Shortness of Life (4.24 avg rating 16,230 ratings)
Steve Maraboli (Goodreads Author) - Life, the Truth, and Being Free (4.13 avg rating 303 ratings)
Karl Marx - The Poverty of Philosophy (3.87 avg rating 740 ratings)
Robin Craig Clark (Goodreads Author) - The Garden (3.72 avg rating 134 ratings)
Roland Barthes - A Lover's Discourse: Fragments (4.36 avg rating 7,083 ratings)
Ragnar Redbeard - Might is Right (3.81 avg rating 726 ratings)
Ronald Green (Goodreads Author) - Nothing Matters: A Book about Nothing (4.05 avg rating 40 ratings)
Zaman Ali (Goodreads Author) - HUMANITY Understanding Reality and Inquiring Good (3.40 avg rating 10 ratings)
Colin Wilson - Religion and the Rebel (4.13 avg rating 188 ratings)
Mathijs Koenraadt (Goodreads Author) - The Ignorant God: Thoughts about Time and Eternity (4.17 avg rating 6 ratings)
Vegetius - De Re Militari (4.12 avg rating 421 ratings)
Robin Craig Clark (Goodreads Author) - Voyager: The Art of Pure Awareness (3.64 avg rating 55 ratings)
Sri Aurobindo - The Life Divine (4.52 avg rating 330 ratings)
Carl Sagan - The Varieties of Scientific Experience (4.27 avg rating 9,144 ratings)
Karl Jaspers - Socrates, Buddha, Confucius, Jesus (The Great Philosophers, Vol 1) (3.64 avg rating 329 ratings)
Jos Saramago - Blindness (4.12 avg rating 185,217 ratings)
Isaac Newton - The Principia: Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (4.23 avg rating 4,290 ratings)
Erich Fromm -  (4.04 avg rating 48,345 ratings)
William Barrett - Irrational Man: A Study in Existential Philosophy (4.11 avg rating 2,118 ratings)
Angela Carter - The Sadeian Woman: And the Ideology of Pornography (4.02 avg rating 1,088 ratings)
Friedrich A. Hayek - The Road to Serfdom (4.18 avg rating 17,787 ratings)
Ayn Rand - The Romantic Manifesto (3.74 avg rating 2,977 ratings)
Niccol Machiavelli - About the Art of War (4.55 avg rating 11 ratings)
Frank B. Gilbreth Jr. - Cheaper by the Dozen (4.02 avg rating 35,745 ratings)
Rabindranath Tagore - Gitanjali (4.32 avg rating 8,427 ratings)
Simone Weil - The Need for Roots: Prelude to a Declaration of Duties towards Mankind (4.07 avg rating 406 ratings)
Jean-Jacques Rousseau - The First and Second Discourses (3.73 avg rating 678 ratings)
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(3.70 avg rating 4,998 ratings)
Carl Joachim Friedrich - The Philosophy of Law in Historical Perspective (3.47 avg rating 17 ratings)
John A. Hostetler - Amish Society (3.96 avg rating 223 ratings)
Britta Rensing - Die Wicca-Religion. Theologie, Rituale, Ethik (really liked it 4.00 avg rating 2 ratings)
George Pitcher - Critical Essays (4.13 avg rating 15 ratings)
Eyjlfur K. Emilsson - Commentary (4.25 avg rating 4 ratings)
Dalai Lama XIV - Spirituality (4.05 avg rating 7,821 ratings)
David R. Loy - The Great Awakening: A Buddhist Social Theory (4.05 avg rating 83 ratings)
C.S. Lewis - The Abolition of Man (4.09 avg rating 21,599 ratings)
Christopher Hughes - Kripke: Names, Necessity, and Identity (3.14 avg rating 14 ratings)
Roland Barthes - Sade/Fourier/Loyola (3.99 avg rating 161 ratings)
Gordon Livingston - About Fear and Courage (3.19 avg rating 176 ratings)
Liezi - The Book of Lieh-Tz: A Classic of Tao (4.17 avg rating 423 ratings)

- (3.06 avg rating 16 ratings)
Alfred North Whitehead (Foreword) - College, 11/1919 (3.79 avg rating 114 ratings)
Eric D. Perl - Translation, with an Introduction and Commentary (4.75 avg rating 4 ratings)
Abraham Joshua Heschel - God in Search of Man: A Philosophy of Judaism (4.37 avg rating 1,341 ratings)
Eric Hobsbawm - On History (3.95 avg rating 392 ratings)
Plato - Plato's Dialogue on Friendship: An Interpretation of the Lysis (3.61 avg rating 875 ratings)
Hermes Trismegistus - Hermetica: The Greek Corpus Hermeticum and the Latin Asclepius (4.30 avg rating 986 ratings)
Abdolkarim Soroush (Goodreads Author) -   (3.83 avg rating 214 ratings)
Barrie Fleet - Translation, with an Introduction, and Commentary (4.67 avg rating 3 ratings)
Rosi Braidotti - The Posthuman (3.77 avg rating 436 ratings)
Michel de Montaigne - On Friendship (3.73 avg rating 809 ratings)
Richard Levins - The Dialectical Biologist (4.34 avg rating 82 ratings)
Will Buckingham (Goodreads Author) (Creator) - The Philosophy class: Big Ideas Simply Explained (4.17 avg rating 3,108 ratings)
Guilelmus - Summa Logicae (really liked it 4.00 avg rating 3 ratings)
Walter Benjamin -  (3.85 avg rating 48 ratings)
Ariel Dorfman - Para leer al pato Donald: comunicacin de masas y colonialismo (3.83 avg rating 602 ratings)
Nelson Goodman - The Structure of Appearance (3.55 avg rating 11 ratings)
Judith Butler - Gefhrdetes Leben. Politische Essays (4.18 avg rating 1,447 ratings)
John Dewey - Experience and Nature (4.22 avg rating 232 ratings)
John R. Perry - A Dialogue on Personal Identity and Immortality (3.63 avg rating 401 ratings)
Andrew Smith - Commentary (4.60 avg rating 5 ratings)
Rosi Braidotti - Nomadic Subjects (4.18 avg rating 151 ratings)
Virgil - The Georgics (3.85 avg rating 1,407 ratings)
D.K. Publishing - How Philosophy Works: The Concepts Visually Explained (3.77 avg rating 13 ratings)
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Robin D.S. Yates - Five Lost Classics: Tao, Huang-lao, and Yin-yang in Han China (4.12 avg rating 8 ratings)

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Donald Davidson - Inquiries Into Truth and Interpretation (4.11 avg rating 240 ratings)
Daniel C. Dennett - Intuition Pumps And Other Tools for Thinking (3.79 avg rating 3,571 ratings)
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Fred Van Lente (Goodreads Author) - Action Philosophers! Giant-Sized Thing, Vol. 1 (3.98 avg rating 502 ratings)
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Barry Stroud - The Significance of Philosophical Scepticism (4.16 avg rating 58 ratings)
Heraclitus - The Art and Thought of Heraclitus (4.30 avg rating 138 ratings)
H.J. Blackham - Humanism (really liked it 4.00 avg rating 9 ratings)
Rudolf Carnap - The Logical Structure of the World and Pseudoproblems in Philosophy (3.84 avg rating 124 ratings)
Emma Restall Orr - Living with Honour: A Pagan Ethics (4.04 avg rating 123 ratings)
Daniel C. Dennett - Consciousness Explained (3.89 avg rating 7,124 ratings)
John M. Dillon - with an Introduction and Commentary (4.67 avg rating 3 ratings)
Jrgen Habermas - Critique of Functionalist Reason (3.92 avg rating 405 ratings)
Rosi Braidotti - Transpositions: On Nomadic Ethics (3.88 avg rating 43 ratings)
Emil M. Cioran - History and Utopia (3.95 avg rating 1,015 ratings)
Wes Jackson - Becoming Native to This Place (4.12 avg rating 181 ratings)
Gwen Frostic - Contemplate (4.43 avg rating 28 ratings)
Jonathan Francis Bennett - Kant's Analytic (3.13 avg rating 30 ratings)

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Arthur Koestler - The Ghost in the Machine (4.01 avg rating 528 ratings)
Gary M. Gurtler - Translation, with an Introduction and Commentary (4.60 avg rating 5 ratings)
Ludwig Wittgenstein - Remarks on Frazer's Golden Bough (3.82 avg rating 91 ratings)
Steven Nadler - Heretics!: The Wondrous (and Dangerous) Beginnings of Modern Philosophy (3.76 avg rating 447 ratings)
Daegan Miller - This Radical Land: A Natural History of American Dissent (3.92 avg rating 40 ratings)
David Kellogg Lewis (Contri butor) - On the Plurality of Worlds (4.19 avg rating 410 ratings)
Ren Descartes - Philosophical Letters (4.33 avg rating 9 ratings)
Thomas Cleary (Contri butor) - The Original Face: An Anthology of Rinzai Zen (3.50 avg rating 14 ratings)

(Goodreads Author) - :  (3.93 avg rating 479 ratings)
Nicolaus Cusanus - Acerca de la Docta Ignorancia: Libro I: Lo Maximo Absoluto (3.40 avg rating 5 ratings)
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William Paley - Deity, Collected from the Appearances of Nature (3.39 avg rating 88 ratings)
Karl Popper - The World of Parmenides: Essays on the Presocratic Enlightenment (4.02 avg rating 49 ratings)
Donna J. Haraway - When Species Meet (3.93 avg rating 414 ratings)
Jacques Derrida - Writing and Difference (3.98 avg rating 7,062 ratings)
Giorgio Agamben - The Coming Community (4.06 avg rating 614 ratings)
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John Marenbon - Early Medieval Philosophy 480-1150: An Introduction (3.47 avg rating 17 ratings)
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Henry Plotkin - Darwin Machines and the Nature of Knowledge (3.97 avg rating 31 ratings)
Peter Dickinson - Tulku (3.78 avg rating 167 ratings)
Arnold Hermann - To Think Like God: Pythagoras and Parmenides: The Origins of Philosophy (3.97 avg rating 34 ratings)
Donna J. Haraway - and Technoscience (4.08 avg rating 238 ratings)
Theodor W. Adorno - Minima Moralia: Reflections on a Damaged Life (4.24 avg rating 3,149 ratings)
mile Durkheim - Rules of Sociological Method (3.77 avg rating 1,305 ratings)
Ricaurte Soler - filosofa (it was amazing 5.00 avg rating 2 ratings)
Dan Sperber - Relevance: Communication & Cognition (4.05 avg rating 56 ratings)
Joseph Needham - Science and Civilisation in China, Volume 1: Introductory Orientations (4.16 avg rating 38 ratings)
-- by - (Nestor-Luis Cordero)
-  By Being, It Is: The Thesis of Parmenides (really liked it 4.00 avg rating 11 ratings)
Hlne Cixous - The Laugh of the Medusa (4.17 avg rating 1,348 ratings)
Simone Weil - Oppression and Liberty (4.05 avg rating 256 ratings)
Bernard Reginster - The Affirmation of Life: Nietzsche on Overcoming Nihilism (4.09 avg rating 107 ratings)
Roland Barthes -
(4.02 avg rating 4,433 ratings)
Ricaurte Soler - Formas Ideologicas de la Nacin Panamea (it was amazing 5.00 avg rating 1 rating)
Colin A. Ronan - The Shorter Science and Civilisation in China, Volume 4 (4.50 avg rating 4 ratings)
Patricia Curd - The Legacy of Parmenides: Eleatic Monism and Later Presocratic Thought (4.43 avg rating 14 ratings)
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Gregory Vlastos - Socrates: Ironist and Moral Philosopher (4.16 avg rating 75 ratings)
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- (3.26 avg rating 19 ratings)
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Simen Emilio Gonzlez - Poltica y Derecho: un anlisis crtico (4.50 avg rating 2 ratings)
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Karl Popper - The Open Society and its Enemies (4.19 avg rating 1,169 ratings)
Joseph Needham - of the Heavens and the Earth (4.58 avg rating 12 ratings)
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Luce Irigaray - Je, Tu, Nous: Toward a Culture of Difference (3.74 avg rating 203 ratings)
Georges Bataille - La Souverainet (it was amazing 5.00 avg rating 4 ratings)
Christian Lindtner (Translator) - Master of Wisdom: Writings of the Buddhist Master Nagarjuna (4.22 avg rating 9 ratings)
Avicenna - The Metaphysics of The Healing (4.16 avg rating 93 ratings)
Friedrich Schiller - On the Aesthetic Education of Man (3.98 avg rating 1,153 ratings)
Marjane Satrapi - Chicken with Plums (3.86 avg rating 11,017 ratings)
Josep M. Esquirol - Los filsofos contemporneos y la tcnica: De Ortega a Sloterdijk (4.25 avg rating 8 ratings)
Colin A. Ronan - The Shorter Science and Civilisation in China, Volume 2 (1.50 avg rating 2 ratings)
Arnold Hermann - To Think Like God: Pythagoras and Parmenides, The Origins of Philosophy (it was amazing 5.00 avg rating 1 rating)
Jacob Bronowski - The Identity of Man (4.12 avg rating 66 ratings)
Adi Shankaracharya - Upadesa Sahasri: A Thousand Teachings (4.08 avg rating 38 ratings)
Rumi -

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Arthur Koestler - The Act of Creation (4.25 avg rating 406 ratings)
Colin A. Ronan - The Shorter Science and Civilisation in China, Volume 5 (liked it 3.00 avg rating 1 rating)
Jean De Groot - B.C. (it was amazing 5.00 avg rating 1 rating)
Adi Shankaracharya (Commentary) - Mundaka Upanishad With Commentary Of Shankara (4.09 avg rating 23 ratings)
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Ryan C Fowler (Contri butor) - an Introduction and Commentary (4.50 avg rating 2 ratings)
Stacy Alaimo (Editor) - Material Feminisms (4.11 avg rating 94 ratings)
Swami Gambhirananda (Translator) - Svetasvatara Upanisad: With the Commentary of Sankaracarya (3.90 avg rating 39 ratings)
mile Durkheim - Sociology and Philosophy (3.77 avg rating 92 ratings)
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John Dewey - Unmodern Philosophy and Modern Philosophy (3.60 avg rating 5 ratings)
W.H. Vanstone - The Stature of Waiting (4.51 avg rating 41 ratings)
Edward C. Halper - One and Many in Aristotle's 'Metaphysics': The Central Books (it was amazing 5.00 avg rating 1 rating)
Oswald Spengler - The Decline of the West (4.07 avg rating 1,408 ratings)
Simon Blackburn - Essays in Quasi-Realism (3.69 avg rating 16 ratings)
Adi Shankaracharya (Commentary) - Brhadaranyaka Upanisad (4.33 avg rating 18 ratings)
Gaston Bachelard - Formation of the Scientific Mind (3.92 avg rating 115 ratings)
W.H. Vanstone - God (4.35 avg rating 26 ratings)
Edward C. Halper - One and Many in Aristotle's 'Metaphysics': Books Alpha-Delta (it was amazing 5.00 avg rating 2 ratings)
Adi Shankaracharya (Commentary) - Eight Upanishads, with the Commentary of Sankaracarya, Vol. I (4.35 avg rating 74 ratings)
C.D.C. Reeve (Contri butor) - Readings in Ancient Greek Philosophy: From Thales to Aristotle (4.10 avg rating 440 ratings)
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Arnold Hermann - Plato's Parmenides: Text, Translation & Introductory Essay (it was amazing 5.00 avg rating 3 ratings)
Edward Abbey - a Secret Journal (3.96 avg rating 569 ratings)
Adi Shankaracharya (Commentary) - Eight Upanishads, with the Commentary of Sankara, Vol. II (4.32 avg rating 57 ratings)
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J.W. Dunne - Experiment with Time (3.68 avg rating 246 ratings)
Arnold Hermann - The Illustrated To Think Like God (it was amazing 5.00 avg rating 1 rating)
John Rogers Searle - The Construction of Social Reality (3.91 avg rating 740 ratings)
Alvin Plantinga (Editor) - Faith and Rationality: Reason and Belief in God (really liked it 4.00 avg rating 107 ratings)
Swami Gambhirananda - Chandogya Upanishad (4.25 avg rating 32 ratings)
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Antoine de Saint-Exupry - Wind, Sand and Stars (4.17 avg rating 12,411 ratings)
Roland Barthes - Writing Degree Zero (3.88 avg rating 1,385 ratings)
J.W. Dunne - The New Immortality (4.50 avg rating 4 ratings)
Xavier Mrquez - Statesman (it was amazing 5.00 avg rating 1 rating)
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: (3.85 avg rating 869 ratings)
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Immanuel Kant - An Answer to the Question: What Is Enlightenment? (3.88 avg rating 1,549 ratings)
Bachtyar Ali -   (4.43 avg rating 63 ratings)
J.W. Dunne - The Serial Universe (4.22 avg rating 9 ratings)
Mitchell Miller - The Philosopher in Plato's 'Statesman' (it was amazing 5.00 avg rating 1 rating)
Augustine of Hippo - the Western World, #18) (4.29 avg rating 14 ratings)
mile Durkheim - Selected Writings (3.74 avg rating 95 ratings)
Bachtyar Ali -  (3.90 avg rating 837 ratings)
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mile Durkheim - Moral Education (3.76 avg rating 108 ratings)
Holger Thesleff - Platonic Patterns: A Collection of Studies (it was amazing 5.00 avg rating 2 ratings)
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Bertr and Russell - The Conquest of Happiness (4.01 avg rating 9,294 ratings)
Augustine of Hippo - Select Letters (4.17 avg rating 18 ratings)
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Gregory Vlastos - Plato's Universe: with a new Introduction by Luc Brisson (4.31 avg rating 16 ratings)
Augustine of Hippo - On the Trinity (4.33 avg rating 869 ratings)
mile Durkheim - Suicide: A Study in Sociology (3.81 avg rating 2,899 ratings)
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Mircea Ionescu-Quintus - Of?post-WWII Communist Romania ?A Dual-Language Edition (it was amazing 5.00 avg rating 2 ratings)
Abu Hamid al-Ghazali - The Revival of the Religious Sciences) (4.54 avg rating 462 ratings)
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Bertr and Russell - Has Man a Future? (3.64 avg rating 171 ratings)
Maimonides - Epistles of Maimonides: Crisis and Leadership (4.40 avg rating 15 ratings)
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Bertr and Russell - Our Knowledge of the External World (3.96 avg rating 339 ratings)
Maimonides - Ethical Writings (4.03 avg rating 74 ratings)
Voltaire - Letters on England (3.71 avg rating 2,090 ratings)
Andrew Bernstein - Laissez-Faire (4.24 avg rating 129 ratings)
Maimonides - The Guide of the Perplexed, Volume 1 (4.32 avg rating 172 ratings)
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Jrgen Habermas - Democracy (3.95 avg rating 202 ratings)
Paul Grice - Studies in the Way of Words (4.16 avg rating 92 ratings)
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Wilfrid Sellars - Science, Perception and Reality (4.56 avg rating 52 ratings)
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Leszek Koakowski - Main Currents of Marxism: The Founders, the Golden Age, the Breakdown (4.26 avg rating 346 ratings)
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Nelson Goodman - Ways of Worldmaking (3.78 avg rating 215 ratings)
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Kwame Anthony Appiah - In My Father's House: Africa in the Philosophy of Culture (3.90 avg rating 172 ratings)
Jos Ortega y Gasset - Phenomenology and Art (4.08 avg rating 12 ratings)
Jos Ortega y Gasset - The Origin of Philosophy (4.09 avg rating 44 ratings)
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Luce Irigaray - In the Beginning, She Was (4.04 avg rating 23 ratings)
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Roland Barthes - Mythologies (4.10 avg rating 12,688 ratings)
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Michael J. Sandel - Liberalism and the Limits of Justice (3.86 avg rating 286 ratings)
Jean-Paul Sartre - Sartre, 1939-1975 (4.09 avg rating 77 ratings)
John Dewey - Art as Experience (3.92 avg rating 5,229 ratings)
Don Ihde - Experimental Phenomenology: Multistabilities (really liked it 4.00 avg rating 7 ratings)
Ian Hacking - The Social Construction of What? (3.88 avg rating 396 ratings)
John Locke - Two Treatises of Government and A Letter Concerning Toleration (3.82 avg rating 624 ratings)
Spencer Shaw - Film Consciousness: From Phenomenology to Deleuze (4.50 avg rating 2 ratings)
Peter L. Berger - Knowledge (4.12 avg rating 3,175 ratings)
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Josef Mitterer - Die Flucht aus der Beliebigkeit (4.50 avg rating 2 ratings)
Stuart Sim (Editor) - The Routledge Companion to Postmodernism (3.73 avg rating 60 ratings)
Stanley Fish - Communities (3.74 avg rating 253 ratings)
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Leszek Koakowski - The Presence of Myth (3.98 avg rating 41 ratings)
Jitendra Nath Mohanty - Classical Indian Philosophy (really liked it 4.00 avg rating 25 ratings)
Lee Braver - Heidegger: Thinking of Being (4.39 avg rating 28 ratings)
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing - Philosophical & Theological Writings (4.43 avg rating 7 ratings)
Steven Connor - A Philosophy of Sport (3.50 avg rating 8 ratings)
Samuel von Pufendorf - On the Duty of Man and Citizen According to Natural Law (3.82 avg rating 38 ratings)
Charles Taylor - The Malaise Of Modernity (3.88 avg rating 1,153 ratings)
Wilhelm von Humboldt - The Limits of State Action (3.83 avg rating 110 ratings)
David Carr (Editor) - Space, Time and Culture (it was amazing 5.00 avg rating 1 rating)
Thomas Paine - of Reason / Pamphlets, Articles, and Letters (4.25 avg rating 1,664 ratings)
Shaun Gallagher - Cognitive Science (3.88 avg rating 130 ratings)
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Todd May - The Philosophy of Foucault (3.84 avg rating 44 ratings)
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Christopher Kul-Want (Editor) - Philosophers on Art from Kant to the Postmodernists: A Critical Reader (3.74 avg rating 31 ratings)
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Daniel C. Dennett - From Bacteria to Bach and Back: The Evolution of Minds (3.76 avg rating 2,029 ratings)
Joel Myerson (Editor) - Transcendentalism: A Reader (3.86 avg rating 36 ratings)
Herta Nagl-Docekal - Feminist Philosophy (3.83 avg rating 6 ratings)
Rachel Jones - Irigaray: Towards a Sexuate Philosophy (really liked it 4.00 avg rating 8 ratings)
Ted Toadvine (Editor) - III) (it was amazing 5.00 avg rating 1 rating)
Gnter Figal - The Heidegger Reader (3.81 avg rating 16 ratings)
Moses Mendelssohn - Philosophical Writings (3.93 avg rating 14 ratings)
Ted Toadvine (Editor) - Merleau-Ponty: Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers (volume I) (it was amazing 5.00 avg rating 2 ratings)
Jean-Paul Sartre - Basic Writings (3.91 avg rating 100 ratings)
Mark Siderits - Buddhism as Philosophy: An Introduction (3.88 avg rating 195 ratings)
Renaud Barbaras - The Being of the Phenomenon: Merleau-Ponty's Ontology (3.75 avg rating 12 ratings)
Alenka Zupani - The Odd One In: On Comedy (4.08 avg rating 79 ratings)
Maurice Merleau-Ponty - Maurice Merleau-Ponty: Basic Writings (4.33 avg rating 42 ratings)
Cyrus Panjvani - Buddhism: A Philosophical Approach (4.62 avg rating 8 ratings)
Martin Luther King Jr. - A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches (4.54 avg rating 2,085 ratings)
Emil M. Cioran - Syllogismes de l'amertume (3.76 avg rating 3,277 ratings)

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Savitri Section Map -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
authors -- Crowley - Peterson - Borges - Wilber - Teresa - Aurobindo - Ramakrishna - Maharshi - Mother
places -- Garden - Inf. Art Gallery - Inf. Building - Inf. Library - Labyrinth - Library - School - Temple - Tower - Tower of MEM
powers -- Aspiration - Beauty - Concentration - Effort - Faith - Force - Grace - inspiration - Presence - Purity - Sincerity - surrender
difficulties -- cowardice - depres. - distract. - distress - dryness - evil - fear - forget - habits - impulse - incapacity - irritation - lost - mistakes - obscur. - problem - resist - sadness - self-deception - shame - sin - suffering
practices -- Lucid Dreaming - meditation - project - programming - Prayer - read Savitri - study
subjects -- CS - Cybernetics - Game Dev - Integral Theory - Integral Yoga - Kabbalah - Language - Philosophy - Poetry - Zen
6.01 books -- KC - ABA - Null - Savitri - SA O TAOC - SICP - The Gospel of SRK - TIC - The Library of Babel - TLD - TSOY - TTYODAS - TSZ - WOTM II
8 unsorted / add here -- Always - Everyday - Verbs

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last updated: 2022-05-07 15:25:23
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