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object:4.22 - The supramental Thought and Knowledge

The transition from mind to supermind is not only the substitution of a greater instrument of thought and knowledge, but a change and conversion of the whole consciousness. There is evolved not only a supramental thought, but a supramental will, sense, feeling, a supramental substitute for all the activities that are now accomplished by the mind. All these higher activities are first manifested in the mind itself as descents, irruptions, messages or revelations of a superior power. Mostly they are mixed up with the more ordinary action of the mind and not easily distinguishable from them in our first inexperience except by their superior light and force and joy, the more so as the mind greatened or excited by their frequent coming quickens its own action and imitates the external characteristics of the supramental activity: its own operation is made more swift, luminous, strong and positive and it arrives even at a kind of imitative and often false intuition that strives to be but is not really the luminous, direct and self-existent truth. The next step is the formation of a luminous mind of intuitive experience, thought, will, feeling, sense from which the intermixture of the lesser mind and the imitative intuition are progressively eliminated: this is a process of purification, shddhi, necessary to the new formation and perfection, siddhi. At the same time there is the disclosure above the mind of the source of the intuitive action and a more and more organised functioning of a true supramental consciousness acting not in the mind but oil its own higher plane. This draws up into itself in the end the intuitive mentality it has created as its representative and assumes the charge of the whole activity of the consciousness. The process is progressive and for a long time chequered by admixture and the necessity of a return upon the lower movements in order to correct and transform them.

The higher and the lower power act sometimes alternately, -- the consciousness descending back from the heights it had attained to its former level but always with some change, -- but sometimes together and with a sort of mutual reference. The mind eventually becomes wholly intuitivised and exists only as a passive channel for the supramental action; but this condition too is not ideal and presents, besides, still a certain obstacle, because the higher action has still to pass through a retarding and diminishing conscious substance, -- that of the physical consciousness. The final stage of the change will come when the supermind occupies and supramentalises the whole being and turns even the vital and physical sheaths into moulds of itself, responsive, subtle and instinct with its powers. Man then becomes wholly the superman. This is at least the natural and integral process.

It would be to go altogether outside present limits to attempt anything like an adequate presentation of the whole character of the supermind; and it would not be possible to give a complete presentation, since the supermind carries in it the unity, but also the largeness and multiplicities of the infinite. All that need now be done is to present some salient characters from the point of view of the actual process of the conversion in the Yoga, the relation to the action of mind and the principle of some of the phenomena of the change. This is the fundamental relation that all the action of the mind is a derivation from the secret supermind, although we do not know this until we come to know our higher self, and draws from that source all it has of truth and value. All our thoughts, willings, feelings, sense representations have in them or at their roots an element of truth, which originates and sustains their existence, however in the actuality they may be perverted or false, and behind them a greater ungrasped truth, which if they could grasp it, would make them soon unified, harmonious and at least relatively complete. Actually, however, such truth as they have is diminished in scope, degraded into a lower movement, divided and falsified by fragmentation, afflicted with incompleteness, marred by perversion. Mental knowledge is not an integral but always a partial knowledge. It adds constantly detail to detail, but has a difficulty in relating them aright; its wholes too are not real but incomplete wholes which it tends to substitute for the more real and integral knowledge. And even if it arrived at a kind of integral knowledge, it would still be by a sort of putting together, a mental and intellectual arrangement, all artificial unity and not an essential and real oneness. If that were all, the mind might conceivably arrive at some kind of half reflection half translation of an integral knowledge, but the radical malady would still be that it would not be the real thing, but only at best an intellectual representation. That the mental truth must always be, an intellectual, emotional and sensational representation, not the direct truth, not truth itself in its body and essence.

The supermind can do all that the mind does, present and combine details and what might be called aspects or subordinate wholes, but it does it in a different way and on another basis. It does not like the mind bring In the element of deviation, false extension and imposed error, but even when it gives a partial knowledge, gives it in a firm and exact light, and always there is behind implied or opened to the consciousness the essential truth on which the details and subordinate wholes or aspects depend. The supermind has also a power of representation, but its representations are not of the intellectual kind, they are filled with the body and substance of light of the truth in its essence, they are its vehicles and not substituted figures. There is such an infinite power of representation of the supermind and that is the divine power of which the mental action is a sort of fallen representative. This representative supermind has a lower action in what I have called the supramental reason, nearest to the mental and into which the mental can most easily be taken up, and a higher action in the integral supermind that sees all things in the unity and infinity of the divine consciousness and self-existence. But on whatever level, it is a different thing from the corresponding mental action, direct, luminous, secure. The whole inferiority of the mind comes from its being the action of the soul after it has fallen into the nescience and the ignorance and is trying to get back to self-knowledge but doing it still on the basis of the nescience and the ignorance. The mind is the ignorance attempting to know or it is the ignorance receiving a derivative knowledge: it is the action of Avidya. The supermind is always the disclosure of an inherent and self-existent knowledge; it is the action of Vidya.

A second difference that we experience is a greater and a spontaneous harmony and unity. All consciousness is one, but in action it takes on many movements and each of these fundamental movements has many forms and processes. The forms and processes of the mind consciousness are marked by a disturbing and perplexing division and separateness of the mental energies and movements in which the original unity of the conscious mind does not at all or only distractedly appears. Constantly we find in our mentality a conflict or else a confusion and want of combination between different thoughts or a patched up combination and the same phenomenon applies to the various movements of our will and desire and to our emotions and feelings. Again our thought and our will and our feeling are not in a state of natural harmony and unison with each other, but act in their separate power even when they have to act together and frequently in conflict or to some degree at variance. There is too an unequal development of one at the expense of another. The mind is a thing of discords in which some kind of practical arrangement rather than a satisfying concord is established for the purposes of life. The reason tries to arrive at a better arrangement, aims at a better control, a rational or an ideal harmony, and in this attempt it is a delegate or substitute of the supermind and is trying to do what only the supermind can do in its own right: but actually it is not able wholly to control the rest of the being and there is usually a considerable difference between the rational or ideal harmony we create in our thoughts and the movement of the life. Even at the best the arrangement made by the reason has always in it something of artificiality and imposition, for in the end there are only two spontaneous harmonic movements, that of the life, inconscient or largely subconscient, the harmony that we find in the animal creation and in lower Nature, and that of the spirit. The human condition is a stage of transition, effort and imperfection between the one and the other, between the natural and the ideal or spiritual life and it is full of uncertain seeking and disorder. It is not that the mental being cannot find or rather construct some kind of relative harmony of its own, but that it cannot render it stable because it is under the urge of the spirit. Man is obliged by a Power within him to be the labourer of a more or less conscious self-evolution that shall lead him to self-mastery and self-knowledge.

The supermind in its action is, on the contrary, a thing of unity and harmony and inherent order. At first when the pressure from above falls on the mentality, this is not realised and even a contrary phenomenon may for a time appear. That is due to several causes. First, there may be a disturbance, even a derangement created by impact of the greater hardly measurable power on an inferior consciousness which is not capable of responding to it organically or even perhaps, of bearing the pressure. The very fact of the simultaneous and yet uncoordinated activity of two quite different forces, especially if the mind insists on its own way, if it tries obstinately or violently to profit by the supermind instead of giving itself up to it and its purpose, if it is not sufficiently passive and obedient to the higher guidance, may lead to a great excitation of power but also an increased disorder. It is for this reason that a previous preparation and long purification, the more complete the better, and a tranquillising and ordinarily a passivity of the mind calmly and strongly open to the spirit are necessities of the Yoga.

Again the mind, accustomed to act in limits, may try to supramentalise itself on the line of any one of its energies. It may develop a considerable power of intuitive half-supramentalised thought and knowledge, but the will may remain untransformed and out of harmony with this partial half-supramental development of the thinking mind, and the rest of the being too, emotional and nervous, may continue to be equally or more unregenerate. Or there may be a very great development of intuitive or strongly inspired will, but no corresponding uplifting of the thought mind or the emotional and psychic being, or only at most so much as is specially needed in order not wholly to obstrurot the will action. The emotional or psychic mind may try to intuitivise arid supramentalise itself and to a great extent succeed, and yet the thinking mind remain ordinary, poor in stuff and obscure in its light. There may be a development of intuitivity in the ethical or aesthetic being, but the rest may remain very much as it was. This is the reason of the frequent disorder or one-sidedness which we mark in the man of genius, poet, artist, thinker, saint or mystic. A partially intuitivised mentality may present an appearance of much less harmony and order outside its special activity than the largely developed intellectual mind. An integral development is needed, a wholesale conversion of the mind; otherwise the action is that of the mind using the supramental influx for its own profit and in its own mould, and that is allowed for the immediate purpose of the Divine in the being and may even be considered as a stage sufficient for the individual in this one life: but it is a state of imperfection and not the complete and successful evolution of the being. If however there is an integral development of the intuitive mind, it will be found that a great harmony has begun to lay its own foundations. This harmony will be other than that created by the intellectual mind and indeed may not be easily perceptible or, if it is felt, yet not intelligible to the logical man, because not arrived at or analysable by his mental process. It will be a harmony of the spontaneous expression of the spirit.

As soon as we arise above mind to the supermind, this initial harmony will be replaced by a greater and a more integral unity. The thoughts of the supramental reason meet together and understand each other and fall into a natural arrangement even when they have started from quite opposite quarters. The movements of will that are in conflict in the mind, come in the supermind to their right place and relation to each other. The supramental feelings also discover their own affinities and fall into a natural agreement and harmony. At a higher stage this harmony intensifies towards unity. The knowledge, will, feeling and all else become a single movement. This unity reaches its greatest completeness in the highest supermind. The harmony, the unity are inevitable because the base in the supermind is knowledge and characteristically self-knowledge, the knowledge of the self in all its aspects. The supramental will is the dynamic expression of this self-knowledge, the supramental feeling the expression of the luminous joy of the self and all else in supermind a part of this one movement. At its highest range it becomes something greater than what we call knowledge; there it is the essential and integral self-awareness of the Divine in us, his being, consciousness, Tapas, Ananda, and all is the harmonious, unified, luminous movement of that one existence.

This supramental knowledge is not primarily or essentially a thought knowledge. The intellect does not consider that it knows a thing until it has reduced its awareness of it to the terms of thought, not, that is to say, until it has put it into a system of representative mental concepts, and this kind of knowledge gets its most decisive completeness when it can be put into clear, precise and defining speech. It is true that the mind gets its knowledge primarily by various kinds of impressions beginning from the vital and the sense impressions and rising to the intuitive, but these are taken by the developed intelligence only as data and seem to it uncertain and vague in themselves until they have been forced to yield up all their content to the thought and have taken their place in some intellectual relation or in an ordered thought sequence. It is true again that there is a thought and a speech which are rather suggestive than definitive and have in their own way a greater potency and richness of content, and this kind already verges on the intuitive: but still there is a demand in the intellect to bring out in clear sequence and relation the exact intellectual content of these suggestions and until that is done it does not feel satisfied that its knowledge is complete. The thought labouring in the logical intellect is that which normally seems best to organise the mental action and gives to the mind a sense of sure definiteness, security and completeness in its knowledge and its use of knowledge. Nothing of this is at all true of the supramental knowledge.

The supermind knows most completely and securely not by thought but by identity, by a pure awareness of the self-truth of things in the self and by the self, atmani atmanam atmana. I get the supramental knowledge best by becoming one with the truth, one with the object of knowledge; the supramental satisfaction and integral light is most there when there is no further division between the knower, knowledge and the known, jnata, jnanam, jneyam. I see the thing known not as an object outside myself, but as myself or a part of my universal self contained in my most direct consciousness. This leads to the highest and completest knowledge; thought and speech being representations and not this direct possession in the consciousness are to the supermind a lesser form and, if not filled with the spiritual awareness, thought becomes in fact a diminution of knowledge. For it would be, supposing it to be a supramental thought, only a partial manifestation of a greater knowledge existing in the self but not at the time present to the immediately active consciousness. In the highest ranges of the infinite there need be no thought at all because all would be experienced spiritually, in continuity, in eternal possession and with an absolute directness and completeness. Thought is only one means of partially manifesting and presenting what is hidden in this greater self-existent knowledge. This supreme kind of knowing will not indeed be possible to us in its full extent and degree until we can rise through many grades of the supermind to that infinite. But still as the supramental power emerges and enlarges its action, something of this highest way of knowledge appears and grows and even the members of the mental being, as they are intuitivised and supramentalised, develop more and more a corresponding action upon their own level. There is an increasing power of a luminous vital, psychic, emotional, dynamic and other identification with all the things and beings that are the objects of our consciousness and these transcendings of the separative consciousness bring with them many forms and means of a direct knowledge.

The supramental knowledge or experience by identity carries in it as a result or as a secondary part of itself a supramental vision that needs the support of no image, can concretise what is to the mind abstract and has the character of sight though its object may be the invisible truth of that which has form or the truth of the formless. This vision can come before there is any identity, as a sort of previous emanation of light from it, or may act detached from it as a separate power. The truth or the thing known is then not altogether or not yet one with myself, but all object of my knowledge: but still it is an object subjectively seen in the self or at least, even if it is still farther separated and objectivised to the knower, by the self, not through any intermediate process, but by a direct inner seizing or a penetrating and enveloping luminous contact of the spiritual consciousness with its object. It is this luminous seizing and contact that is the spiritual vision, drsti, -- "pasyati", says the Upanishad continually of the spiritual knowledge "he sees"; and of the Self conceiving the idea of creation, where we should expect "he thought", it says instead "he saw". It is to the spirit what the eyes are to the physical mind and one has the sense of having passed through a subtly analogous process. As the physical sight can present to us the actual body of things of which the thought had only possessed an indication or mental description and they become to us at once real and evident, pratyaksa, so the spiritual sight surpasses the indications or representations of thought and can make the self and truth of all things present to us and directly evident, pratyaksa.

The sense can only give us the superficial image of things and it needs the aid of thought to fill and inform the image; but the spiritual sight is capable of presenting to us the thing in itself and all truth about it. The seer does not need the aid of thought in its process as a means of knowledge, but only as a means of representation and expression, -- thought is to him a lesser power and used for a secondary purpose. If a further extension of knowledge is required, he can come at it by new seeing without the slower thought processes that are the staff of support of the mental search and its feeling out for truth, -- even as we scrutinise with the eye to find what escaped our first observation. This experience and knowledge by spiritual vision is the second in directness and greatness of the supramental powers. It is something much more near, profound and comprehensive than mental vision, because it derives direct from the knowledge by identity, and it has this virtue that we can proceed at once from the vision to the identity, as from the identity to the vision. Thus when the spiritual vision has seen God, Self or Brahman, the soul can next enter into and become one with the Self, God or Brahman.

This can only be done integrally on or above the supramental level, but at the same time the spiritual vision can take on mental forms of itself that can help towards this identification each ill its own way. A mental intuitive vision or a spiritualised mental sight, a psychic vision, an emotional vision of the heart, a vision in the sense mind are parts of the Yogic experience. If these seeings are purely mental, then they may but need not be true, for the mind is capable of both truth and error, both of a true and of a false representation. But as the mind becomes intuitivised and supramentalised, these powers are purified and corrected by the more luminous action of the supermind and become themselves forms of a supramental and a true seeing. The supramental vision, it may be noted, brings with it a supplementary and completing experience that might be called a spiritual hearing and touch of the truth, -- of its essence and through that of its significance, -- that is to say, there is a seizing of its movement, vibration, rhythm and a seizing of its close presence and contact and substance. All these powers prepare us to become one with that which has thus grown near to us through knowledge.

The supramental thought is a form of the knowledge by identity and a development, in the idea, of the truth presented to the supramental vision. The identity and the vision give the truth in its essence, its body arid its parts in a single view: the thought translates this direct consciousness and immediate power of the truth into idea-knowledge and will. It adds or need add otherwise nothing new, but reproduces, articulates, moves round the body of the knowledge. Where, however, the identity and the vision are still incomplete, the supramental thought has a larger office and reveals, interprets or recalls as it were to the soul's memory what they are not yet ready to give. And where these. greater states and powers are still veiled, the thought comes in front and prepares and to a certain extent effects a partial rending or helps actively in the removal of the veil. Therefore in the development out of the mental ignorance into the supramental knowledge this illumined thought comes to us often, though not always first, to open the way to the vision or else to give first supports to the growing consciousness of identity and its greater knowledge. This thought is also an effective means of communication and expression and helps to an impression or fixation of the truth whether on one's own lower mind and being or on that of others. The supramental thought differs from the intellectual not only because it is the direct truth idea and not a representation of truth to the ignorance, -- it is the truth consciousness of the spirit always presenting to itself its own right forms, the satyam and rtam of the Veda, -- but because of its strong reality, body of light and substance.

The intellectual thought refines and sublimates to a rarefied abstractness; the supramental thought as it rises in its height increases to a greater spiritual concreteness. The thought of the intellect presents itself to us as an abstraction from something seized by the mind sense and is as if supported in a void and subtle air of mind by an intangible force of the intelligence. It has to resort to a use of the mind's power of image if it wishes to make itself more concretely felt and seen by the soul sense and soul vision. The supramental thought, on the contrary, presents always the idea as a luminous substance of being, luminous stuff of consciousness taking significative thought form and it therefore creates no such sense of a gulf between the idea and the real as we are liable to feel in the mind, but is itself a reality, it is real-idea and the body of a reality. It has as a result, associated with it when it acts according to its own nature, a phenomenon of spiritual light other than the intellectual clarity, a great realising force and a luminous ecstasy. It is an intensely sensible vibration of being, consciousness and Ananda.

The supramental thought, as has already been indicated, has three elevations of its intensity, one of direct thought vision, another of interpretative vision pointing to and preparing the greater revelatory idea-sight, a third of representative vision recalling as it were to the spirit's knowledge the truth that is called out more directly by the higher powers. In the mind these things take the form of the three ordinary powers of the intuitive mentality, -- the suggestive and discriminating intuition, the inspiration and the thought that is of the nature of revelation. Above they correspond to three elevations of the supramental being and consciousness and, as we ascend, the lower first calls down into itself and is then taken up into the higher, so that on each level all the three elevations are reproduced, but always there predominates in the thought essence the character that belongs to that level's proper form of consciousness and spiritual substance. It is necessary to bear this in mind; for otherwise the mentality, looking up to the ranges of the supermind as they reveal themselves, may think it has got the vision of the highest heights when it is only the highest range of the lower ascent that is being presented to its experience. At each height, sanoh sanum arkhat, the powers of the supermind increase in intensity, range and completeness.

There is also a speech, a supramental word, in which the higher knowledge, vision or thought can clo the itself within us for expression. At first this may come down as a word, a message or an inspiration that descends to us from above or it may even seem a voice of the Self or of the Ishwara, vani, adesa. Afterwards it loses that separate character and becomes the normal form of the thought when it expresses itself in the form of an inward speech. The thought may express itself without the aid of any suggestive or developing word and only-but still quite completely, explicitly and with its full contents-ill a luminous substance of supramental perception. It may aid itself when it is not so explicit by a suggestive inward speech that attends it to bring out its whole significance. Or the thought may come not as silent perception but as speech self-born out of the truth and complete in its own right and carrying in itself its own vision and knowledge. Then it is the word revelatory, inspired or intuitive or of a yet greater kind capable of bearing the infinite intention or suggestion of the higher supermind and spirit. It may frame itself in the language now employed to express the ideas and perceptions and impulses of the intellect and the sense mind, but it uses it in a different way and with an intense bringing out of the intuitive or revelatory significances of which speech is capable. The supramental word manifests inwardly with a light, a power, a rhythm of thought and a rhythm of inner sound that make it the natural and living body of the supramental thought and vision and it pours into the language, even though the same as that of mental speech, another than the limited intellectual, emotional or sensational significance. It is formed and heard in the intuitive mind or supermind and need not at first except in certain highly gifted souls come out easily into speech and writing, but that too can be freely done when the physical consciousness and its organs have been made ready, and this is a part of the needed fullness and power of the integral perfection.

The range of knowledge covered by the supramental thought, experience and vision will be commensurate with all that is open to the human consciousness, not only on the earthly but on all planes. It will however act increasingly in an inverse sense to that of the mental thinking and experience. The centre of mental thinking is the ego, the person of the individual thinker. The supramental man, on the contrary, will think more with the universal mind or even may rise above it, and his individuality will rather be a vessel of radiation and communication, to which the universal thought and knowledge of the Spirit will converge, than a centre. The mental man thinks and acts in a radius determined by the smallness or largeness of his mentality and of its experience. Tile range of the supramental man will be all the earth and all that lies behind it on other planes of existence. And finally the mental man thinks and sees on the level of the present life, though it may be with an upward aspiration, and his view is obstructed on every side. His main basis of knowledge and action is the present with a glimpse into the past and ill-grasped influence from its pressure and a blind look towards the future. He bases himself on the actualities of the earthly existence first on the facts of the outward world, -- to which he is ordinarily in the habit of relating nine-tenths if not the whole of his inner thinking and experience, -- then on the changing actualities of the more superficial part of his inner being. As he increases in mind, he goes more freely beyond these to potentialities which arise out of them and pass beyond them; his mind deals with a larger field .of possibilities: but these for the most part get to him a full reality only in proportion as they are related to the actual and can be made actual here, now or hereafter. The essence of things he tends to see, if at all, only as a result of his actualities, in a relation to and dependence on them, and therefore he sees them constantly in a false light or in a limited measure. In all these respects the supramental man must proceed from the opposite principle of truth vision.

The supramental being sees things from above in large spaces and at the highest from the spaces of the infinite. His view is not limited to the standpoint of the present but can see in the continuities of time or from above time in the indivisibilities of the Spirit. He sees truth in its proper order first in the essence, secondly in the potentialities that derive from it and only last in the actualities. The essential truths are to his sight self-existent, self-seen, not dependent for their proof on this or that actuality; the potential truths are truths of the power of being in itself and in things, truths of the infinity of force and real apart from their past or present realisation in this or that actuality or the habitual surface forms that we take for the whole of Nature; the actualities are only a selection from the potential truths he sees, dependent on them, limited and mutable. The tyranny of the present, of the actual, of the immediate range of facts, of the immediate urge and demand of action has no power over his thought and his will and he is therefore able to have a larger will-power founded on a larger knowledge. He sees things not as one on the levels surrounded by the jungle of present facts and phenomena but from above, not from outside and judged by their surfaces, but from within and viewed from the truth of their centre; therefore he is nearer the divine omniscience. He wills and acts from a dominating height and with a longer movement ill time and a larger range of potencies, therefore he is nearer to the divine omnipotence. His being is not shut into the succession of the moments, but has the full power of the past and ranges seeingly through the future: not shut in the limiting ego and personal mind, but lives in the freedom of the universal, in God and in all beings and all things; not in the dull density of the physical mind, but in the light of the self and the infinity of the spirit. He sees soul and mind only as a power and a movement and matter only as a resultant form of the spirit. All his thought will be of a kind that proceeds from knowledge. He perceives and enacts the things of the phenomenal life in the light of the reality of the spiritual being and the power of the dynamic spiritual essence.

At first, at the beginning of the conversion into this greater status, the thought will continue to move for a shorter or a longer time to a greater or a less extent on the lines of the mind but with a greater light and increasing flights and spaces and movements of freedom and transcendence. Afterwards the freedom and transcendence will begin to predominate; the inversion of the thought view and the conversion of the thought method will take place in different movements of the thought mind one after the other, subject to whatever difficulties and relapses, until it has gained on the whole and effected a complete transformation. Ordinarily the supramental knowledge will be organised first and with the most ease in the processes of pure thought and knowledge, jnana, because here the human mind has already the upward tendency and is the most free. Next and with less ease it will be organised in the processes of applied thought and knowledge because there the mind of man is at once most active and most bound and wedded to its inferior methods. The last and most difficult conquest, because this is now to his mind a field of conjecture or a blank, will be the knowledge of the three times, trikaladrsti. In all these there will be the same character of a spirit seeing and willing directly above and around and not only in the body it possesses and there will be the same action of the supramental knowledge by identity, the supramental vision, the supramental thought and supramental word, separately or in a united movement.

This then will be the general character of the supramental thought and knowledge and these its main powers and action. It remains to consider its particular instrumentation, the change that the supermind will make in the different elements of the present human mentality and the special activities that give to the thought its constituents, motives and data.

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Wikipedia - 555 (telephone number) -- Telephone number prefix
Wikipedia - 59 (number)
Wikipedia - 5 Is the Perfect Number -- 2019 film directed by Igort
Wikipedia - 60 (number)
Wikipedia - 616 (number) -- Natural number
Wikipedia - 61 (number)
Wikipedia - 64 (number)
Wikipedia - 65536 (number)
Wikipedia - 666 (number)
Wikipedia - 67 (number)
Wikipedia - 6M-bM-^BM-^B knot -- mathematical knot with crossing number 6
Wikipedia - 6M-bM-^BM-^C knot -- Mathematical knot with crossing number 6
Wikipedia - 6 (number)
Wikipedia - 71 (number)
Wikipedia - 720 (number)
Wikipedia - 73 (number)
Wikipedia - 79 (number)
Wikipedia - 7M-bM-^BM-^A knot -- Mathematical knot with crossing number 7
Wikipedia - 8-1-1 -- Telephone number
Wikipedia - 8128 (number)
Wikipedia - 8192 (number)
Wikipedia - 83 (number)
Wikipedia - 840 (number)
Wikipedia - 89 (number)
Wikipedia - 8 (number)
Wikipedia - 9-1-1 (Philippines) -- Emergency telephone number
Wikipedia - 9-1-1 -- Emergency telephone number for the North American Numbering Plan (NANP)
Wikipedia - 97 (number)
Wikipedia - 999 (emergency telephone number) -- Emergency number in the UK and some other countries
Wikipedia - Aadhaar -- Unique ID number for residents of India, based on their biometric and demographic data
Wikipedia - ABA routing transit number -- Code used in U.S. check transactions
Wikipedia - Abbe number
Wikipedia - Abscissa and ordinate -- Horizontal and vertical axes/coordinate numbers of a 2D coordinate system or graph
Wikipedia - Absolute value -- Nonnegative number with the same magnitude as a given number
Wikipedia - Abundant number -- Number that is smaller than the sum of its proper divisors
Wikipedia - Ab urbe condita -- Ancient Roman year-numbering system
Wikipedia - Accession number (library science) -- Object identifiers used in galleries, libraries, archives, and museums
Wikipedia - Achilles number
Wikipedia - Actinium -- chemical element with atomic number 89
Wikipedia - Additive number theory -- Study of subsets of integers and behavior under addition
Wikipedia - Administrative distance -- A number of arbitrary unit used in network routing decisions
Wikipedia - Admissible numbering
Wikipedia - Age Ain't Nothin' But a Number -- Song by Chi-Ali
Wikipedia - Ahnentafel -- Genealogical numbering system for listing a person's direct ancestors
Wikipedia - Albert-Brauer-Hasse-Noether theorem -- Central simple algebras over algebraic number fields that split over completions are matrix algebras
Wikipedia - Aleph number -- infinite cardinal number
Wikipedia - Alfred van der Poorten -- Dutch-Australian number theorist
Wikipedia - Algebraic number field -- A finite degree (and hence algebraic) field extension of the field of rational numbers
Wikipedia - Algebraic numbers
Wikipedia - Algebraic number theory
Wikipedia - Algebraic number -- Complex number that is a root of a non-zero polynomial in one variable with rational coefficients
Wikipedia - Aliquot sum -- Sum of all proper divisors of a natural number
Wikipedia - Almost integer -- Any number that is not an integer but is very close to one
Wikipedia - Almost perfect number
Wikipedia - Alpha-beta pruning -- Search algorithm that seeks to decrease the number of nodes in the minimax algorithm search tree
Wikipedia - Aluminium -- Chemical element with atomic number 13
Wikipedia - Amazon Standard Identification Number -- 10-character alphanumeric unique identifier
Wikipedia - American depositary receipt -- Security representing ownership of an underlying number of shares of a foreign company
Wikipedia - American Registry for Internet Numbers -- Regional Internet Registry representing North America and the Caribbean
Wikipedia - Americium -- chemical element with atomic number 95
Wikipedia - Amicable numbers
Wikipedia - Amicable number
Wikipedia - Amitriptyline -- medicine used to treat a number of mental illnesses
Wikipedia - Analytic number theory
Wikipedia - Aneuploidy -- Presence of an abnormal number of chromosomes in a cell
Wikipedia - An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers
Wikipedia - Ankeny-Artin-Chowla congruence -- Concerns the class number of a real quadratic field of discriminant > 0
Wikipedia - Annie Hutton Numbers -- British chemist
Wikipedia - ANSI device numbers -- System of identifying electrical power devices
Wikipedia - Antimony -- chemical element with atomic number 51
Wikipedia - Any Number Can Win (film) -- 1963 film
Wikipedia - Area code 664 -- Number prefix to access a telephone in the Caribbean island
Wikipedia - Area codes 210 and 726 -- North American telephone area code for numbers near San Antonio, Texas
Wikipedia - Argon -- Chemical element with atomic number 18
Wikipedia - Arithmetic geometry -- A branch of algebraic geometry focused on problems in number theory
Wikipedia - Arithmetic mean -- Numbers average
Wikipedia - Arithmetic number
Wikipedia - Arithmetic progression -- Sequence of numbers with constant differences between consecutive numbers
Wikipedia - Arity -- Fixed number of arguments or operands that a function or operation requires in order to define a relation between them
Wikipedia - A roads in Zone 9 of the Great Britain numbering scheme -- List of roads in Great Britain
Wikipedia - Arogyavani (104 Health Helpline Number) -- Health helpline by Karnataka Government
Wikipedia - ARRL Numbered Radiogram -- Brevity code for sending standard Ham radio messages
Wikipedia - Arsenic -- chemical element with atomic number 33
Wikipedia - Artin-Verdier duality -- Theorem on constructible abelian sheaves over the spectrum of a ring of algebraic numbers
Wikipedia - Asaeli Boko -- Fijian rugby union number 8
Wikipedia - Astatine -- chemical element with atomic number 85
Wikipedia - Astrogliosis -- Increase in number of astrocytes due to central nervous system injury
Wikipedia - Astronomical year numbering -- year numbering system using + for AD/CE years and M-bM-^HM-^R for years before 1 BC/BCE which is year 0
Wikipedia - Atomic number -- Number of protons found in the nucleus of an atom
Wikipedia - Atomic orbital -- A wave function for one electron in an atom having certain ''n'' and ''M-bM-^DM-^S'' quantum numbers
Wikipedia - Attic numerals -- Symbolic number notation used by the ancient Greeks
Wikipedia - Audio bit depth -- The number of bits of information recorded for each digital audio sample
Wikipedia - Australian Business Number -- Unique identifier for business entities registered in Australia
Wikipedia - Australian Company Number -- Unique identifier for companies registered in Australia
Wikipedia - Autobus Number Two -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Automatic number plate recognition
Wikipedia - Automorphic number
Wikipedia - Avogadro constant -- Fundamental physical constant (symbols: L,NM-aM-4M-^@) representing the molar number of entities
Wikipedia - Avogadro's law -- Relationship between volume and number of moles of a gas at constant temperature and pressure.
Wikipedia - Ax-Kochen theorem -- On the existence of zeros of homogeneous polynomials over the p-adic numbers
Wikipedia - Baby Don't Forget My Number -- Song by Milli Vanilli
Wikipedia - Babylonian captivity -- Period in Jewish history, during which a number of people from the ancient Kingdom of Judah were captives in Babylon
Wikipedia - Bachata Number 1's, Vol. 3 -- 2010 compilation album by Various Artists
Wikipedia - Bach's algorithm -- Algorithm for generating random numbers with their factorization
Wikipedia - Baker's theorem -- Lower bound for absolute value of linear combinations of logarithms of algebraic numbers
Wikipedia - Bank Verification Number -- Identification system for Nigerian banks
Wikipedia - Ban number
Wikipedia - Barium -- chemical element with atomic number 56
Wikipedia - Basatpur -- Place in Province Number 2, Nepal
Wikipedia - Base (exponentiation) -- (in exponentiation), number b in an expression of the form b^n
Wikipedia - Basic Number Theory -- Book about number theory
Wikipedia - Basic reproduction number -- Metric in epidemiology
Wikipedia - Bates numbering
Wikipedia - Batting average (cricket) -- Total number of runs that a player has scored divided by the number of times that player has been out
Wikipedia - Bauerian extension -- Field extension of algebraic number field characterized by prime ideals of inertial deg 1
Wikipedia - Beale number
Wikipedia - Beck's theorem (geometry) -- On lower bounds on the number of lines determined by a set of points in the plane
Wikipedia - Bekker numbers
Wikipedia - Bell number
Wikipedia - Berkelium -- chemical element with atomic number 97
Wikipedia - Berlekamp-Rabin algorithm -- Method in number theory
Wikipedia - Bernoulli numbers
Wikipedia - Bernoulli number
Wikipedia - Bernstein-Kushnirenko theorem -- About the number of common complex zeros of Laurent polynomials
Wikipedia - Beryllium -- chemical element with atomic number 4
Wikipedia - Beth number -- Cardinal number
Wikipedia - Betrothed numbers
Wikipedia - Betti number -- Roughly, the number of k-dimensional holes on a topological surface
Wikipedia - Bezout's identity -- Formula relating two numbers and their greatest common divisor
Wikipedia - Bezout's theorem -- Number of intersection points of algebraic curves, and, more generally, hypersurfaces
Wikipedia - Bfloat16 floating-point format -- Floating-point number format used in computer processors
Wikipedia - Binary number -- Number expressed though the symbols 0 and 1
Wikipedia - Bin covering problem -- Operations research problem of packing items into the largest number of bins
Wikipedia - Birthday-number effect -- Subconscious tendency of people to prefer the numbers in the date of their birthday
Wikipedia - Bismuth -- chemical element with atomic number 83
Wikipedia - Bit numbering -- Convention to identify bit positions
Wikipedia - BKK theorem -- About the number of common complex zeros of Laurent polynomials
Wikipedia - Bleach -- number of chemicals which remove color, whiten, or disinfect, often via oxidation
Wikipedia - Bled Number One -- 2006 film
Wikipedia - Bluestone -- Cultural or commercial name for a number of dimension or building stone varieties
Wikipedia - Boat arrivals in Australia 1976-2013 -- statistics on number of arrivals
Wikipedia - Bondy's theorem -- Bounds the number of elements needed to distinguish the sets in a family of sets
Wikipedia - Book of Numbers -- Fourth book of five featured In the Bible
Wikipedia - Book of the Wars of the Lord -- Lost book mentioned in Numbers 21:14-15
Wikipedia - Book on Numbers and Computation -- Chinese mathematical treatise written between 202 BC and 186 BC
Wikipedia - Booth's multiplication algorithm -- Algorithm that multiplies two signed binary numbers in two's complement notation
Wikipedia - Borden System -- Archaeological numbering system used in Canada
Wikipedia - Boron -- chemical element with atomic number 5
Wikipedia - Boy, Did I Get a Wrong Number! -- 1966 film by George Marshall
Wikipedia - Brahmagupta's identity -- The product of two numbers of the form a^2+nb^2 is itself a number of that form
Wikipedia - Brauer-Siegel theorem -- An asymptotic result on the behaviour of algebraic number fields
Wikipedia - Bromine -- chemical element with atomic number 35
Wikipedia - Budan's theorem -- Upper bound and parity of the number of real roots of a polynomial in an interval
Wikipedia - Burnside's lemma -- Counts the number of orbits of a finite group G acting on a set
Wikipedia - Business route -- Short special route connected to a parent numbered highway at its beginning, then routed through the central business district of a nearby city or town, and finally reconnecting with the same parent numbered highway again at its end
Wikipedia - Busy Beaver Number
Wikipedia - Cab Number 13 -- 1948 film
Wikipedia - Cadmium -- Chemical element with atomic number 48
Wikipedia - CAE number
Wikipedia - Caesium -- Chemical element with atomic number 55
Wikipedia - Cake number
Wikipedia - Calcium -- Chemical element with atomic number 20
Wikipedia - Californium -- chemical element with atomic number 98
Wikipedia - Call number
Wikipedia - Canadian Registration Number -- Pressure vessel/Boiler identification number
Wikipedia - Capillary number -- Ratio of viscous drag forces to surface tension in fluids
Wikipedia - Carbon number
Wikipedia - Carbon -- Chemical element with atomic number 6
Wikipedia - Cardinal number (linguistics)
Wikipedia - Cardinal number
Wikipedia - Cariboo camels -- A number of camels that arrived in British Columbia, Canada, during the Cariboo Gold Rush
Wikipedia - Carl Pomerance -- American number theorist
Wikipedia - Carmichael number -- Composite number in number theory
Wikipedia - Carmichael's theorem -- On prime divisors of Fibonacci numbers and Lucas sequences, more generally
Wikipedia - Carol number
Wikipedia - CAS registry number
Wikipedia - CAS Registry Number -- chemical identifier
Wikipedia - Cassini and Catalan identities -- Mathematical identities for the Fibonacci numbers
Wikipedia - Catalan mythology about witches -- Large number of legends about witches
Wikipedia - Catalan number
Wikipedia - Category:0 bridge number knots and links
Wikipedia - Category:0 crossing number knots and links
Wikipedia - Category:0 linking number links
Wikipedia - Category:0 (number)
Wikipedia - Category:0 tunnel number knots and links
Wikipedia - Category:0 unknotting number knots and links
Wikipedia - Category:1 braid number knots and links
Wikipedia - Category:1 crosscap number knots and links
Wikipedia - Category:1 linking number links
Wikipedia - Category:1 (number)
Wikipedia - Category:1 tunnel number knots and links
Wikipedia - Category:1 unknotting number knots and links
Wikipedia - Category:Articles using NRISref without a reference number
Wikipedia - Category:Classes of prime numbers
Wikipedia - Category:Fibonacci numbers
Wikipedia - Category:Figurate numbers
Wikipedia - Category:Index numbers
Wikipedia - Category:Indian number theorists
Wikipedia - Category:International Standard Book Number
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of minor planets by number
Wikipedia - Category:Number theorists
Wikipedia - Category:Number theory stubs
Wikipedia - Category:Number theory
Wikipedia - Category:Pseudorandom number generators
Wikipedia - Category:Unsolved problems in number theory
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Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from October 2011
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from October 2012
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from October 2013
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from October 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from October 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from October 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from October 2020
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from September 2010
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from September 2015
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from September 2016
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from September 2017
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from September 2018
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from September 2019
Wikipedia - Category:Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from September 2020
Wikipedia - Centered cube number
Wikipedia - Centered decagonal number
Wikipedia - Centered dodecahedral number
Wikipedia - Centered heptagonal number
Wikipedia - Centered hexagonal number
Wikipedia - Centered icosahedral number
Wikipedia - Centered nonagonal number
Wikipedia - Centered octagonal number
Wikipedia - Centered octahedral number
Wikipedia - Centered pentagonal number
Wikipedia - Centered polygonal number
Wikipedia - Centered polyhedral number
Wikipedia - Centered square number
Wikipedia - Centered tetrahedral number
Wikipedia - Centered triangular number
Wikipedia - Central office code protection -- Policy of the North American Numbering Plan
Wikipedia - Cerium -- chemical element with atomic number 58
Wikipedia - Channel 83 -- North American television channel number
Wikipedia - Charge (physics) -- Generalization of electric charge (EM) adding color charge (QCD), mass-energy (gravitation), etc.; sometimes considered same as its charge quantum number
Wikipedia - Chasles-Cayley-Brill formula -- On the number of united points of a correspondence from an algebraic curve to itself
Wikipedia - Chemical element -- A species of atoms having the same number of protons in the atomic nucleus
Wikipedia - Chen prime -- Prime number p where p+2 is prime or semiprime
Wikipedia - Chlorine -- Chemical element with atomic number 17
Wikipedia - Chowla-Mordell theorem -- When a Gauss sum is the square root of a prime number, multiplied by a root of unity
Wikipedia - Chromium -- Chemical element with atomic number 24
Wikipedia - Chromosome abnormality -- Abnormal number or structure of chromosomes
Wikipedia - Chrysler 300 letter series -- High-performance luxury cars built in very limited numbers
Wikipedia - Church encoding -- Representation of the natural numbers as higher-order functions
Wikipedia - Cinquefoil knot -- Mathematical knot with crossing number 5
Wikipedia - Clarke number -- relative abundance of elements in Earth's crust
Wikipedia - Class field theory -- Branch of algebraic number theory concerned with abelian extensions
Wikipedia - Class number problem -- Finding a complete list of imaginary quadratic fields having a given class number
Wikipedia - Cloud Number Nine -- 1999 single by Bryan Adams
Wikipedia - Cobalt -- Chemical element with atomic number 27
Wikipedia - Color depth -- Number of bits used to indicate the color of a single pixel or number of bits used for each color component of a single pixel
Wikipedia - Color model -- Mathematical model describing colors as tuples of numbers
Wikipedia - Colossally abundant number
Wikipedia - Combinatorial number theory
Wikipedia - Combined linear congruential generator -- Pseudo-random number generator algorithm
Wikipedia - Complementary numbers
Wikipedia - Complex affine space -- Affine space over the complex numbers
Wikipedia - Complex coordinate space -- Space formed by the ''n''-tuples of complex numbers
Wikipedia - Complex number -- Element of a number system in which -1 has a square root
Wikipedia - Complex plane -- Geometric representation of the complex numbers
Wikipedia - Composite number
Wikipedia - Computable number -- Real number that can be computed within arbitrary precision
Wikipedia - Computational number theory -- Study of algorithms for performing number theoretic computations
Wikipedia - Computer number format -- Internal representation of numeric values in a digital computer
Wikipedia - Concentration of land ownership -- Ownership of land in a particular area by a small number of people or organizations
Wikipedia - Concurrency (road) -- Road bearing more than one route number
Wikipedia - Condition number
Wikipedia - Confederate Memorial Day -- Observance day in a number of Southern states in the U.S. to honor those who died fighting for the Confederate States during the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Congenital dyserythropoietic anemia -- Congenital hemolytic anemia characterized by ineffective erythropoiesis, and resulting from a decrease in the number of red blood cells (RBCs) in the body and a less than normal quantity of hemoglobin in the blood
Wikipedia - Congruum -- In number theory, the spacing between three equally-spaced square numbers
Wikipedia - Constructible number -- Real number constructible via compass and straightedge
Wikipedia - Construction of the real numbers -- Axiomatic definitions of the real numbers
Wikipedia - Continued fraction -- Representation of a number by a (generally infinite) sequence of additions and inversions
Wikipedia - Convolution random number generator -- Non-uniform number generator
Wikipedia - Copper -- Chemical element with atomic number 29
Wikipedia - Coprime integers -- A collection of numbers whose only common factor is 1
Wikipedia - Copy number analysis -- Process of analyzing data produced by a test for DNA copy number variation
Wikipedia - Copy number variation
Wikipedia - Correspondence principle -- Physics principle that quantum theories reproduce classical physics in the limit of large quantum numbers, formulated by Niels Bohr in 1920
Wikipedia - Countable set -- A set with each element associated a unique natural number
Wikipedia - Counties of Ireland -- Administrative division of Ireland, historically 32 in number
Wikipedia - Counting -- Finding the number of elements of a finite set
Wikipedia - COVID-19 pandemic cases in April 2020 -- Number of cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Wikipedia - COVID-19 pandemic cases in August 2020 -- Number of cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Wikipedia - COVID-19 pandemic cases in December 2020 -- Number of cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Wikipedia - COVID-19 pandemic cases in February 2020 -- Number of cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Wikipedia - COVID-19 pandemic cases in January 2020 -- Number of cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Wikipedia - COVID-19 pandemic cases in July 2020 -- Number of cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Wikipedia - COVID-19 pandemic cases in June 2020 -- Number of cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Wikipedia - COVID-19 pandemic cases in March 2020 -- Number of cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Wikipedia - COVID-19 pandemic cases in May 2020 -- Number of cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Wikipedia - COVID-19 pandemic cases in November 2020 -- Number of cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Wikipedia - COVID-19 pandemic cases in October 2020 -- Number of cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Wikipedia - COVID-19 pandemic cases in September 2020 -- Number of cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Wikipedia - COVID-19 pandemic cases -- Number of cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Wikipedia - COVID-19 pandemic deaths in April 2020 -- Number of cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Wikipedia - COVID-19 pandemic deaths in August 2020 -- Number of cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Wikipedia - COVID-19 pandemic deaths in December 2020 -- Number of cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Wikipedia - COVID-19 pandemic deaths in February 2020 -- Number of cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Wikipedia - COVID-19 pandemic deaths in January 2020 -- Number of cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Wikipedia - COVID-19 pandemic deaths in July 2020 -- Number of cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Wikipedia - COVID-19 pandemic deaths in June 2020 -- Number of cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Wikipedia - COVID-19 pandemic deaths in March 2020 -- Number of cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Wikipedia - COVID-19 pandemic deaths in May 2020 -- Number of cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Wikipedia - COVID-19 pandemic deaths in November 2020 -- Number of cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Wikipedia - COVID-19 pandemic deaths in October 2020 -- Number of cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Wikipedia - COVID-19 pandemic deaths in September 2020 -- Number of cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Wikipedia - Credit card number
Wikipedia - Critical mass (sociodynamics) -- A sufficient participation, in number of persons (or adopters of an innovation in a social system), that triggs a new behaviour; or where the rate of adoption becomes self-sustaining and creates further growth.
Wikipedia - Crore -- 100 lakh in the Indian numbering system (10 million)
Wikipedia - Crossing number (graph theory)
Wikipedia - Cross-polytope -- Regular polytope dual to the hypercube in any number of dimensions
Wikipedia - Crowd counting -- Crowd counting or crowd estimating is a technique used to count or estimate the number of people in a crowd.
Wikipedia - Cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator
Wikipedia - Cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generator
Wikipedia - Cube (algebra) -- Number raised to the third power
Wikipedia - Cullen number
Wikipedia - Cume -- Measure of the total number of unique consumers over a specified period
Wikipedia - Curium -- chemical element with atomic number 96
Wikipedia - Cyclic number
Wikipedia - Cyclone (Marvel Comics) -- Alias of a number of fictional characters in Marvel Comics
Wikipedia - Cylindric numbering -- Special kind of numbering first introduced by Yuri L. Ershov in 1973
Wikipedia - Daddy Was a Number Runner -- Book by Louise Meriwether
Wikipedia - Dangerous Number -- 1937 film
Wikipedia - Davenport-Schmidt theorem -- How well a certain kind of real number can be approximated by another kind
Wikipedia - De Bruijn-ErdM-EM-^Qs theorem (incidence geometry) -- Gives a lower bound on the number of lines determined by n points in a projective plane
Wikipedia - Decagonal number
Wikipedia - Decimal floating point -- decimal representation of real numbers in computing
Wikipedia - Decimal representation -- Expression of every real number as a sequence of digits
Wikipedia - Dedekind cut -- Method of construction of the real numbers
Wikipedia - Dedekind number -- Combinatorial sequence of numbers
Wikipedia - Dedekind zeta function -- A generalization of the Riemann zeta function for algebraic number fields
Wikipedia - Deficient number -- Number whose aliquot sum is less than itself
Wikipedia - Definable number
Wikipedia - Degrees of freedom (mechanics) -- Number of independent parameters that define the configuration or state of a mechanical system.
Wikipedia - Degrees of freedom (statistics) -- number of values in the final calculation of a statistic that are free to vary
Wikipedia - Degrees of freedom -- Number of parameters of freedom
Wikipedia - Delannoy number
Wikipedia - Denormal numbers
Wikipedia - Denormal number
Wikipedia - Density of states -- Describes the number of states per interval of energy at each energy level available to be occupied in a system
Wikipedia - Descartes number
Wikipedia - Descartes' rule of signs -- Link between the number of positive roots of a polynomial and the signs of its coefficients
Wikipedia - Dice -- Throwable objects with marked sides, used for generating random numbers
Wikipedia - Digital Author Identifier -- A unique number to all academic authors in the Netherlands as a form of authority control
Wikipedia - Digit-reassembly number
Wikipedia - Digit sum -- the sum of a number's digits
Wikipedia - Dimensionality reduction -- Process of reducing the number of random variables under consideration
Wikipedia - Dimension (vector space) -- Number of vectors in any basis of the vector space
Wikipedia - Dimension -- Maximum number of independent directions within a mathematical space
Wikipedia - Direct simulation Monte Carlo -- Method using Monte Carlo simulation to solve the Boltzmann equation for finite Knudsen number fluid flows
Wikipedia - Dirichlet's approximation theorem -- Any real number has a sequence of good rational approximations
Wikipedia - Dirichlet's unit theorem -- Gives the rank of the group of units in the ring of algebraic integers of a number field
Wikipedia - Discrete element method -- Numerical methods for computing the motion and effect of a large number of small particles
Wikipedia - Discrete tomography -- Reconstruction of binary images from a small number of their projections
Wikipedia - Discriminant of an algebraic number field -- Measures the size of the ring of integers of the algebraic number field
Wikipedia - Distribution function (physics) -- Function of position and velocity which gives the number of particles per unit volume in single-particle phase space
Wikipedia - Distribution (number theory)
Wikipedia - Distributive number
Wikipedia - Divisibility rule -- Shorthand way of determining whether a given number is divisible by a fixed divisor
Wikipedia - Division by zero -- The result yielded by a real number when divided by zero
Wikipedia - Dodecagonal number
Wikipedia - Dodecahedral number
Wikipedia - Doomsday argument -- Probabilistic argument claiming to predict the number of future humans given an estimate of the total number of humans born so far
Wikipedia - Dot product -- Algebraic operation returning a single number from two equal-length sequences
Wikipedia - Double Mersenne number
Wikipedia - Double-precision floating-point format -- 64-bit computer number format
Wikipedia - Draft:786 -- Lucky number
Wikipedia - Draft:Curiosity (Loona Song) -- M-bM-^@M-^XCuriosityM-bM-^@M-^Y by [[Loona]] is a dream-pop number that draws you in with its mysterious aesthetics.
Wikipedia - Drake equation -- Probabilistic argument to estimate the number of alien civilizations in the galaxy
Wikipedia - Drive time -- Daypart in which radio broadcasters can reach the largest number of people who listen to car radios while driving, usually to and from work
Wikipedia - Dual EC DRBG -- Controversial pseudorandom number generator
Wikipedia - Dual (grammatical number) -- grammatical number in addition to singular and plural
Wikipedia - Dual number
Wikipedia - Dubai route numbering system -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Dubnium -- synthetic chemical element with atomic number 105
Wikipedia - Dudeney number
Wikipedia - Dunbar's number
Wikipedia - Durfee square -- Integer partition attribute, in number theory
Wikipedia - Dynamic mutation -- Unstable mutation in which phenotype severity is linked to copy number
Wikipedia - Dysprosium -- chemical element with atomic number 66
Wikipedia - Eaves-drip burial -- The clustering of infant burials next to church foundations at a number of medieval cemeteries in Britain.
Wikipedia - Effective number of bits -- A dynamic range metric for digital systems
Wikipedia - Effective results in number theory -- Theorems whose content is effectively computable
Wikipedia - E-Group -- Architectural complexes found among a number of ancient Maya settlements
Wikipedia - Einsteinium -- chemical element with atomic number 99
Wikipedia - Electronic dictionary -- Dictionary whose data exists in digital form and can be accessed through a number of different media
Wikipedia - Emergency telephone number -- Telephone number that allows caller to contact local emergency services for assistance
Wikipedia - Emoticon -- Pictorial representation of a facial expression using punctuation marks, numbers and letters
Wikipedia - Endemism in the Hawaiian Islands -- Hawai'i is home to a large number of endemic species
Wikipedia - Engine Engine Number 9 -- 1965 single by Roger Miller
Wikipedia - English numerals -- Name of numbers in English
Wikipedia - Enumerative combinatorics -- Area of combinatorics that deals with the number of ways certain patterns can be formed
Wikipedia - Enumerator polynomial -- Specifies the number of words of a binary linear code of each possible Hamming weight
Wikipedia - Epsilon numbers (mathematics) -- Type of transfinite numbers
Wikipedia - Equidigital number
Wikipedia - Erbium -- chemical element with atomic number 68
Wikipedia - ErdM-EM-^Qs-Fuchs theorem -- On the number of ways numbers can be represented as sums of elements of an additive basis
Wikipedia - ErdM-EM-^Qs-Szekeres theorem -- Sufficiently long sequences of numbers have long monotonic subsequences
Wikipedia - ErdM-EM-^Qs-Szemeredi theorem -- For every finite set of real numbers, the pairwise sums or products form a bigger set
Wikipedia - Ernests Fogels -- Latvian mathematician who specialized in number theory
Wikipedia - Error threshold (evolution) -- A limit on the number of base pairs a self-replicating molecule may have before mutation will destroy the information in subsequent generations of the molecule
Wikipedia - E-series of preferred numbers
Wikipedia - Euclid-Euler theorem -- Characterization of the even perfect numbers
Wikipedia - Euclid number
Wikipedia - Eulerian number
Wikipedia - Euler numbers -- Integers occurring in the coefficients of the Taylor series of 1/cosh t
Wikipedia - Euler number
Wikipedia - Euler's number
Wikipedia - Euler's partition theorem -- The numbers of partitions with odd parts and with distinct parts are equal
Wikipedia - Euler's sum of powers conjecture -- Disproved conjecture in number theory
Wikipedia - Euler's totient function -- Gives the number of integers relatively prime to its input
Wikipedia - EURion constellation -- Pattern of symbols incorporated into a number of banknote designs
Wikipedia - European Article Number
Wikipedia - Europium -- chemical element with atomic number 63
Wikipedia - Even and odd numbers
Wikipedia - Even number
Wikipedia - Evil number
Wikipedia - Exit number -- Number assigned to a road junction
Wikipedia - Exposure value -- Measure of illuminance for a combination of a camera's shutter speed and f-number
Wikipedia - Extended precision -- Floating point number formats
Wikipedia - Extended real number line
Wikipedia - Extravagant number
Wikipedia - Extreme metal -- Any of a number of related heavy metal music subgenres
Wikipedia - Facility ID -- Unique number for each broadcast station in the United States
Wikipedia - Factorial number system -- Numeral system in combinatorics
Wikipedia - Fecundity -- Actual reproductive rate of an organism or population, measured by the number of gametes, seed sets, or asexual propagules
Wikipedia - Fermat number
Wikipedia - Fermat polygonal number theorem -- Every positive integer is a sum of at most n n-gonal numbers
Wikipedia - Fermat's Last Theorem in fiction -- References to the famous problem in number theory
Wikipedia - Fermat's right triangle theorem -- Non-existence proof in number theory, the only complete proof left by Pierre de Fermat
Wikipedia - Fermium -- chemical element with atomic number 100
Wikipedia - Ferrero-Washington theorem -- Iwasawa's M-NM-<-invariant is 0 for cyclotomic extensions of abelian algebraic number fields
Wikipedia - Fibonacci numbers in popular culture
Wikipedia - Fibonacci numbers
Wikipedia - Fibonacci number -- Integer in the infinite Fibonacci sequence
Wikipedia - Fifth-rate -- Historical category for Royal Navy vessels, based on number of guns
Wikipedia - Figurate numbers
Wikipedia - Figurate number
Wikipedia - figurate number
Wikipedia - Figure-eight knot (mathematics) -- Unique knot with a crossing number of four
Wikipedia - Fine-structure constant -- Dimensionless number that quantifies the strength of the electromagnetic interaction
Wikipedia - Finite group -- Mathematical group based upon a finite number of elements
Wikipedia - First-rate -- Historical category for Royal Navy vessels, based on number of guns
Wikipedia - Five number summary
Wikipedia - Five-number summary
Wikipedia - Fixed-point arithmetic -- Computer format for representing real numbers
Wikipedia - Flexible spending account -- One of a number of tax-advantaged financial accounts in the US, resulting in payroll tax savings
Wikipedia - Floating-point arithmetic -- Computer format for representing real numbers
Wikipedia - Floating point number
Wikipedia - Floating-point number
Wikipedia - Floral formula -- Floral formula is a means to represent the structure of a flower using numbers, letters and various symbols, presenting substantial information about the flower in a compact form.
Wikipedia - Fluorine -- Chemical element with atomic number 9 and a atomic mass of 19
Wikipedia - F-number -- measure of lens speed
Wikipedia - Fock state -- A quantum state that is an element of a Fock space with a well-defined number of particles (or quanta)
Wikipedia - Folkman's theorem -- Theorem in arithmetic combinatorics on finite partitions of the natural numbers
Wikipedia - Fort at Number 4 -- Historic fort in New Hampshire
Wikipedia - Fortunate number -- Integer named after Reo Fortune
Wikipedia - Fourth-rate -- Historical category for Royal Navy vessels, based on number of guns
Wikipedia - Fractional part -- Excess of a non-negative real number beyond its integer part
Wikipedia - Frame rate -- Number of frames rendered in one second
Wikipedia - Francium -- chemical element with atomic number 87
Wikipedia - Free Speech Flag -- A banner to symbolize free expression by encoding an illegal number
Wikipedia - Frequency -- Number of occurrences or cycles per unit time
Wikipedia - Friedberg numbering
Wikipedia - Friedman number
Wikipedia - Friendly number
Wikipedia - Froude number -- A dimensionless number defined as the ratio of the flow inertia to the external field
Wikipedia - Frugal number
Wikipedia - Full Court -- Court of law with a greater than normal number of judges
Wikipedia - Fundamental theorem of ideal theory in number fields -- Every nonzero proper ideal in the ring of integers of a number field factorizes uniquely
Wikipedia - Fuzzy number
Wikipedia - Gaius Julius Aquila -- name of a number of people who lived in the Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Gang population -- Reports on the number of people involved in criminal gangs, by locale
Wikipedia - Gaussian integer -- Complex number whose real and imaginary parts are both integers
Wikipedia - Gauss's lemma (number theory) -- Condition under which a integer is a quadratic residue
Wikipedia - Gdel numbering
Wikipedia - Gdel number
Wikipedia - Gelfond-Schneider theorem -- On the transcendence of a large class of numbers
Wikipedia - Genealogical numbering systems
Wikipedia - Generalizations of Fibonacci numbers
Wikipedia - General number field sieve -- Factorization algorithm
Wikipedia - Genetic diversity -- The total number of genetic characteristics in the genetic makeup of a species
Wikipedia - Geometric mean -- The n-th root of the product of n numbers
Wikipedia - Geometric number theory
Wikipedia - Geometry of numbers
Wikipedia - Germanium -- chemical element with atomic number 32
Wikipedia - Get Your Number -- 2005 single by Mariah Carey
Wikipedia - Girlish Number -- 2016 Japanese multimedia project
Wikipedia - G.I. Rossolimo Boarding School Number 49 -- Boarding school in Moscow
Wikipedia - Giuga number
Wikipedia - Glaisher's theorem -- On the number of partitions of an integer into parts not divisible by another integer
Wikipedia - Global Trade Item Number
Wikipedia - Global value numbering
Wikipedia - Glossary of chemical formulae -- Alphabetic list of common chemical compounds with chemical formulas and CAS numbers
Wikipedia - Godel numbering -- Function in mathematical logic
Wikipedia - Goldbach's weak conjecture -- Solved conjecture about prime numbers
Wikipedia - Golden Age of Television (2000s-present) -- Period beginning in the late 1990s or early 2000s, seeing a large number of internationally-acclaimed television programs, particularly from the United States
Wikipedia - Gold -- chemical element with atomic number 79
Wikipedia - Goodbye Lucille Number 1 -- 1986 song by Prefab Sprout
Wikipedia - Goodstein's theorem -- Theorem about natural numbers
Wikipedia - Googolplex -- Number ten to the power of a googol
Wikipedia - Googol -- Large number defined as ten to the power of 100
Wikipedia - Graham's number
Wikipedia - Grammatical number
Wikipedia - Granville number
Wikipedia - Grapheme-color synesthesia -- Synesthesia that associates numbers or letters with colors
Wikipedia - Gravidity and parity -- Number of times a woman has given birth to a baby
Wikipedia - Great Awakening -- Number of periods of religious revival in American Christian history
Wikipedia - Great Britain road numbering scheme -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search -- Collaborative project of volunteers who use freely available software to search for Mersenne prime numbers
Wikipedia - Greenberg's conjectures -- Two unsolved conjectures in algebraic number theory
Wikipedia - Grim's Ditch -- Name shared by a number of prehistoric bank and ditch earthworks
Wikipedia - Gross reproduction rate -- Average number of daughters per woman if she survived all her childbearing years
Wikipedia - Grothendieck trace formula -- Expresses the number of points of a variety over a finite field
Wikipedia - Grunwald-Wang theorem -- A local-global result for when an element in a number field is an nth power
Wikipedia - Gudermannian function -- Function that relates the circular functions and hyperbolic functions without using complex numbers
Wikipedia - Guest House Room Number:201 -- 2008 short film directed by Amjad Ibrahim
Wikipedia - Gun serial number -- Unique identifier of a firearm
Wikipedia - Hafnium -- Chemical element with atomic number 72
Wikipedia - Half-precision floating-point format -- 16-bit computer number format
Wikipedia - Hamming numbers
Wikipedia - Haplodiploidy -- Biological system where sex is determined by the number of sets of chromosomes
Wikipedia - Happy number -- Numbers with a certain property involving recursive summation
Wikipedia - Hardware random number generator -- Cryptographic device
Wikipedia - Harmonic divisor number
Wikipedia - Harmonic mean -- Inverse of the average of the inverses of a set of numbers
Wikipedia - Harmonic number
Wikipedia - Harshad number -- Integer divisible by sum of its digits
Wikipedia - Hartogs number -- A certain kind of cardinal number in set theory
Wikipedia - Hashtag -- Metadata tag used on social networks consisting of a number sign followed by a word or phrase
Wikipedia - Hasse-Arf theorem -- On jumps of upper numbering filtration of the Galois group of a finite Galois extension
Wikipedia - Hasse-Minkowski theorem -- Two quadratic forms over a number field are equivalent iff they are equivalent locally
Wikipedia - Hasse norm theorem -- In cyclic extension of number fields, if k is a local norm everywhere, it is a global norm
Wikipedia - Hasse's theorem on elliptic curves -- Estimates the number of points on an elliptic curve over a finite field
Wikipedia - Hayflick limit -- Number of times a normal human cell population will divide before cell division stops
Wikipedia - Helium -- chemical element with atomic number of 2
Wikipedia - Help:References and page numbers
Wikipedia - Hemiperfect number
Wikipedia - Henry Bloomfield -- American rugby union number eight
Wikipedia - Heptagonal number
Wikipedia - Heptagonal pyramidal number
Wikipedia - Herbrand-Ribet theorem -- A result on the class group of certain number fields, strengthening Ernst Kummer's theorem
Wikipedia - Hermite-Minkowski theorem -- For any integer N there are only finitely many number fields with discriminant at most N
Wikipedia - Herto Man -- number of early modern human fossils found in Herto Bouri, Ethiopia
Wikipedia - Hexagonal number
Wikipedia - Hexagonal pyramidal number
Wikipedia - Highly abundant number
Wikipedia - Highly composite number -- Positive integer with more divisors than any smaller positive integer
Wikipedia - Highly cototient number
Wikipedia - Highly totient number
Wikipedia - Highway location marker -- Numbered marker along a road or boundary
Wikipedia - Highway shield -- Sign denoting the route number of a highway
Wikipedia - High Year of Tenure -- Maximum number of years an enlisted member may serve in the United States Armed Forces
Wikipedia - Hilbert number
Wikipedia - Hilbert's irreducibility theorem -- Result in number theory, concerning irreducible polynomials
Wikipedia - His Days Are Numbered -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - History of large numbers
Wikipedia - History of telephone numbers in the United Kingdom -- Aspect of history
Wikipedia - History of the Theory of Numbers -- Book by Leonard Eugene Dickson
Wikipedia - Holmium -- chemical element with atomic number 67
Wikipedia - Hong Kong Strategic Route and Exit Number System -- Trunk road numbering system in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Hoy No Circula -- Plan to reduce vehicle emissions based on license plate number
Wikipedia - Hub (network science) -- Node with a number of links that greatly exceeds the average
Wikipedia - Hull number -- Serial identification number given to a boat or ship
Wikipedia - Human overpopulation -- Condition where human numbers exceed the short or long-term carrying capacity of the environment
Wikipedia - Hurwitz's theorem (number theory) -- Theorem in number theory that gives a bound on a Diophantine approximation
Wikipedia - Hydrogen -- chemical element with atomic number 1
Wikipedia - Hypercomplex number
Wikipedia - Hyperperfect number
Wikipedia - Hyperreal number -- Element of a nonstandard model of the reals, which can be infinite or infinitesimal
Wikipedia - I Am Number Four -- 2010 novel by James Frey
Wikipedia - Icosahedral number
Wikipedia - Identification of inmates in German concentration camps -- Prisoners' camp identification numbers, cloth emblems, and armbands
Wikipedia - Idoneal number
Wikipedia - Illegal prime -- Numbers (typically cryptographic) that are illegal to reproduce publicly
Wikipedia - Imaginary numbers
Wikipedia - Imaginary number -- Complex number defined by real number multiplied by imaginary unit "i"
Wikipedia - Imagining Numbers -- Book by Barry Mazur
Wikipedia - Impact factor -- Measure of mean number of citations per article of an academic journal
Wikipedia - Inclusive fitness -- A measure of evolutionary success based on the number of offspring the individual supports
Wikipedia - Indefinite and fictitious numbers
Wikipedia - Independence number
Wikipedia - Indian National Army trials -- The British Indian trial by courts-martial of a number of officers of the Indian National Army (INA) between November 1945 and May 1946
Wikipedia - Indian numbering system -- Indian methods of naming large numbers
Wikipedia - Indium -- chemical element with atomic number 49
Wikipedia - Ineffable cardinal -- Kind of large cardinal number
Wikipedia - Initiative -- Means by which a petition signed by a certain minimum number of registered voters can force a public vote
Wikipedia - Institutional Act Number Five -- 1968 legislation by the Brazilian military government
Wikipedia - Instruction creep -- the usual increase in complex and number of rules
Wikipedia - Integer sequence -- Ordered list of whole numbers
Wikipedia - Integer -- Number in {..., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ...
Wikipedia - Integration using Euler's formula -- Use of complex numbers to evaluate integrals
Wikipedia - Interested Parties Information -- Unique identifying number assigned to each Interested Party in collective rights management
Wikipedia - Interesting number paradox -- Question whether the smallest non-interesting number is interesting or not
Wikipedia - International Article Number
Wikipedia - International Bank Account Number -- Alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies a bank account in any participating country
Wikipedia - International E-road network -- Numbering system for roads in Europe
Wikipedia - International Numbering System for Food Additives
Wikipedia - International Securities Identification Number -- Identifier for a security
Wikipedia - International Standard Audiovisual Number
Wikipedia - International Standard Authority Data Number -- Proposed unique identifier registry for authority data entities
Wikipedia - International Standard Book Number
Wikipedia - International Standard Music Number
Wikipedia - International Standard Serial Number -- Unique eight-digit number used to identify a periodical publication
Wikipedia - Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
Wikipedia - Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
Wikipedia - Interval (mathematics) -- In mathematics, a set of real numbers that contains all numbers that lie between any two numbers in the set
Wikipedia - Inventory turnover -- Measure of the number of times inventory is sold or used in a time period
Wikipedia - Iodine -- chemical element with atomic number 53
Wikipedia - Iribarren number -- A dimensionless parameter used to model several effects of breaking surface gravity waves on beaches and coastal structures.
Wikipedia - Iridium -- chemical element with atomic number 77
Wikipedia - Irish logarithm -- System of number manipulation for mechanical multiplication
Wikipedia - Iron peak -- Comparatively high abundance of elements with atomic numbers near iron.
Wikipedia - Iron -- Chemical element with atomic number 26
Wikipedia - Irrational number -- Real number that cannot be expressed as a ratio of integers
Wikipedia - ISO 15924 -- defines two sets of codes for a number of writing systems
Wikipedia - Isotope -- Nuclides having the same atomic number but different mass numbers
Wikipedia - Item number -- Musical performance in Indian cinema
Wikipedia - Iteron -- Repeated DNA sequences that play an important role in regulation of plasmid copy number in bacterial cells
Wikipedia - Ivan M. Niven -- Canadian-American number theorist (1915-1999)
Wikipedia - I've Got Your Number (film) -- 1934 film by Ray Enright
Wikipedia - Iwasawa theory -- Study of objects of arithmetic interest over infinite towers of number fields
Wikipedia - Jackass Number Two -- 2006 film by Jeff Tremaine
Wikipedia - Jacobsthal number
Wikipedia - Jamtara - Sabka Number Ayega -- 2020 Indian television series
Wikipedia - Japan as Number One: Lessons for America -- 1979 book
Wikipedia - Japanese numerals -- Number words used in the Japanese language
Wikipedia - Jerome's first epistle to Paulinus -- Letter number 53 of Jerome, addressed to bishop Paulinus of Nola
Wikipedia - Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation -- United Nations mechanism tasked with monitoring progress towards the Sustainable Development Goal Number 6
Wikipedia - Journal of Number Theory
Wikipedia - Judicial Procedures Reform Bill of 1937 -- Rejected U.S. legislation supported by Franklin D. Roosevelt to increase the number of justices on the Supreme Court
Wikipedia - Judy A. Holdener -- American number theorist (b.1965)
Wikipedia - Jueteng -- Numbers game played in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Kappa number
Wikipedia - Kaprekar number
Wikipedia - Keith number
Wikipedia - Ken-M-EM-^L Expressway -- External toll-access ring road, numbered as C4, around Tokyo, Japan
Wikipedia - Keulegan-Carpenter number -- Dimensionless quantity describing the relative importance of drag and inertia forces for bluff objects in an oscillatory fluid flow
Wikipedia - Kndel number
Wikipedia - Knights' Revolt -- Revolt by a number of Protestant and religious humanist German knights against the Roman Catholic Church and the Holy Roman Emperor
Wikipedia - Kruskal-Katona theorem -- About the numbers of faces of different dimensions in an abstract simplicial complex
Wikipedia - Krypton -- chemical element with atomic number 36
Wikipedia - K-T-B -- Root of a number of Semitic words
Wikipedia - Kummer's congruence -- Result in number theory showing congruences involving Bernoulli numbers
Wikipedia - Kynea number
Wikipedia - Labelcode -- Unique four- or five-digit number used to identify record labels
Wikipedia - Lagrange's four-square theorem -- Every natural number can be represented as the sum of four integer squares
Wikipedia - Lah number
Wikipedia - Lakh -- 100,000 (1,00,000 in Indian numbering)
Wikipedia - Landau prime ideal theorem -- Provides an asymptotic formula for counting the number of prime ideals of a number field
Wikipedia - Landau's problems -- Four basic unsolved problems about prime numbers
Wikipedia - Landing platform helicopter -- Hull classification used by a number of the world's navies
Wikipedia - Lanthanum -- chemical element with atomic number 57
Wikipedia - Large numbers -- Numbers that are significantly larger than those used regularly
Wikipedia - Large number
Wikipedia - Largest known prime number -- Largest prime number currently known
Wikipedia - Late Heavy Bombardment -- Interval when a disproportionately large number of asteroids are theorised to have collided with the inner planets
Wikipedia - Latin numerals -- Names of numbers in Latin
Wikipedia - Law of large numbers
Wikipedia - Law of truly large numbers
Wikipedia - Lead -- Chemical element with atomic number 82
Wikipedia - Leet -- Internet slang/alphabet, replace characters through similar looking numbers
Wikipedia - Legendre's constant -- The number 1, as occurring in a formula conjectured by Legendre
Wikipedia - Legendre's three-square theorem -- Says when a natural number can be represented as the sum of three squares of integers
Wikipedia - Leonardo number
Wikipedia - Level of measurement -- distinction between nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio numbers
Wikipedia - Leyland number
Wikipedia - Library of Congress Control Number -- Numbering system for catalog records at the Library of Congress
Wikipedia - Lieutenant colonel general -- Military rank in a number of Balkan armed forces
Wikipedia - Lincolnshire Poacher (numbers station) -- Shortwave radio station
Wikipedia - Lindemann-Weierstrass theorem -- On algebraic independence of exponentials of linearly independent algebraic numbers over Q
Wikipedia - Lindstrom-Gessel-Viennot lemma -- Counts the number of tuples of non-intersecting lattice paths
Wikipedia - Line number
Wikipedia - Linked numbering scheme -- Dialing that does not require an additional dialing code for numbers in the same local area
Wikipedia - Liouville number -- Class of irrational numbers
Wikipedia - List of 2000 box office number-one films in Australia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2000 box office number-one films in the United Kingdom -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2000 box office number-one films in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2001 box office number-one films in Australia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2001 box office number-one films in the United Kingdom -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2001 box office number-one films in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2002 box office number-one films in Australia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2002 box office number-one films in Canada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2002 box office number-one films in Mexico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2002 box office number-one films in the United Kingdom -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2002 box office number-one films in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2003 box office number-one films in Argentina -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2003 box office number-one films in Australia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2003 box office number-one films in Austria -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2003 box office number-one films in Canada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2003 box office number-one films in Mexico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2003 box office number-one films in the United Kingdom -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2003 box office number-one films in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2004 box office number-one films in Australia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2004 box office number-one films in Austria -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2004 box office number-one films in Canada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2004 box office number-one films in Japan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2004 box office number-one films in Mexico -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2004 box office number-one films in the United Kingdom -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2004 box office number-one films in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2005 box office number-one films in Australia -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2005 box office number-one films in Austria -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2005 box office number-one films in Canada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2005 box office number-one films in Japan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2005 box office number-one films in the United Kingdom -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2005 box office number-one films in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2006 box office number-one films in Australia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2006 box office number-one films in Austria -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2006 box office number-one films in Canada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2006 box office number-one films in Japan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2006 box office number-one films in South Korea -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2006 box office number-one films in the United Kingdom -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2007 box office number-one films in Australia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2007 box office number-one films in Austria -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2007 box office number-one films in Belgium -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2007 box office number-one films in Brazil -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2007 box office number-one films in Canada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2007 box office number-one films in Chile -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2007 box office number-one films in Japan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2007 box office number-one films in Mexico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2007 box office number-one films in South Korea -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2007 box office number-one films in Spain -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2007 box office number-one films in the United Kingdom -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2007 box office number-one films in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2008 box office number-one films in Australia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2008 box office number-one films in Austria -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2008 box office number-one films in Belgium -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2008 box office number-one films in Brazil -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2008 box office number-one films in Canada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2008 box office number-one films in Chile -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2008 box office number-one films in Japan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2008 box office number-one films in Mexico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2008 box office number-one films in Romania -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2008 box office number-one films in South Korea -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2008 box office number-one films in Spain -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2008 box office number-one films in the Philippines -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2008 box office number-one films in the United Kingdom -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2008 box office number-one films in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2009 box office number-one films in Australia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2009 box office number-one films in Austria -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2009 box office number-one films in Belgium -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2009 box office number-one films in Brazil -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2009 box office number-one films in Canada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2009 box office number-one films in Chile -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2009 box office number-one films in Ecuador -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2009 box office number-one films in Italy -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2009 box office number-one films in Japan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2009 box office number-one films in Mexico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2009 box office number-one films in Romania -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2009 box office number-one films in South Korea -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2009 box office number-one films in Spain -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2009 box office number-one films in the Netherlands -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2009 box office number-one films in the Philippines -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2009 box office number-one films in the United Kingdom -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2009 box office number-one films in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2009 box office number-one films in Venezuela -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2010 box office number-one films in Australia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2010 box office number-one films in Austria -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2010 box office number-one films in Brazil -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2010 box office number-one films in Canada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2010 box office number-one films in Ecuador -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2010 box office number-one films in Italy -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2010 box office number-one films in Japan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2010 box office number-one films in Mexico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2010 box office number-one films in Poland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2010 box office number-one films in Romania -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2010 box office number-one films in South Korea -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2010 box office number-one films in Spain -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2010 box office number-one films in the Philippines -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2010 box office number-one films in the United Kingdom -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2010 box office number-one films in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2010 box office number-one films in Venezuela -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2011 box office number-one films in Australia -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2011 box office number-one films in Austria -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2011 box office number-one films in Colombia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2011 box office number-one films in Ecuador -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2011 box office number-one films in France -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2011 box office number-one films in Ireland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2011 box office number-one films in Italy -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2011 box office number-one films in Japan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2011 box office number-one films in Mexico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2011 box office number-one films in Poland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2011 box office number-one films in Romania -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2011 box office number-one films in South Korea -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2011 box office number-one films in Spain -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2011 box office number-one films in the Philippines -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2011 box office number-one films in the United Kingdom -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2011 box office number-one films in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2011 box office number-one films in Turkey -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2011 box office number-one films in Venezuela -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2012 box office number-one films in Australia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2012 box office number-one films in Austria -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2012 box office number-one films in Colombia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2012 box office number-one films in Ecuador -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2012 box office number-one films in France -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2012 box office number-one films in Italy -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2012 box office number-one films in Japan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2012 box office number-one films in Mexico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2012 box office number-one films in Romania -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2012 box office number-one films in South Korea -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2012 box office number-one films in Spain -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2012 box office number-one films in the Philippines -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2012 box office number-one films in the United Kingdom -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2012 box office number-one films in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2012 box office number-one films in Turkey -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2012 box office number-one films in Venezuela -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2013 box office number-one films in Australia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2013 box office number-one films in Austria -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2013 box office number-one films in China -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2013 box office number-one films in France -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2013 box office number-one films in Greece -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2013 box office number-one films in Italy -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2013 box office number-one films in Japan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2013 box office number-one films in Mexico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2013 box office number-one films in Poland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2013 box office number-one films in Romania -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2013 box office number-one films in South Korea -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2013 box office number-one films in Spain -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2013 box office number-one films in the Philippines -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2013 box office number-one films in the United Kingdom -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2013 box office number-one films in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2013 box office number-one films in Turkey -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2013 box office number-one films in Venezuela -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2014 box office number-one films in Australia -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2014 box office number-one films in Austria -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2014 box office number-one films in China -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2014 box office number-one films in France -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2014 box office number-one films in Japan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2014 box office number-one films in Mexico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2014 box office number-one films in Romania -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2014 box office number-one films in South Korea -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2014 box office number-one films in Spain -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2014 box office number-one films in the Philippines -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2014 box office number-one films in the United Kingdom -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2014 box office number-one films in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2014 box office number-one films in Turkey -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2014 box office number-one films in Venezuela -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2015 box office number-one films in Australia -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2015 box office number-one films in Austria -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2015 box office number-one films in Chile -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2015 box office number-one films in China -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2015 box office number-one films in France -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2015 box office number-one films in Japan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2015 box office number-one films in Mexico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2015 box office number-one films in Romania -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2015 box office number-one films in South Korea -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2015 box office number-one films in Spain -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2015 box office number-one films in Thailand -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2015 box office number-one films in the Philippines -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2015 box office number-one films in the United Kingdom -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2015 box office number-one films in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2015 box office number-one films in Turkey -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2015 box office number-one films in Venezuela -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2016 box office number-one films in Argentina -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2016 box office number-one films in Australia -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2016 box office number-one films in Austria -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2016 box office number-one films in Brazil -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2016 box office number-one films in China -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2016 box office number-one films in Colombia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2016 box office number-one films in France -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2016 box office number-one films in Italy -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2016 box office number-one films in Japan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2016 box office number-one films in Mexico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2016 box office number-one films in Romania -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2016 box office number-one films in South Korea -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2016 box office number-one films in Spain -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2016 box office number-one films in Taipei -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2016 box office number-one films in Thailand -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2016 box office number-one films in the United Kingdom -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2016 box office number-one films in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2016 box office number-one films in Turkey -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2016 box office number-one films in Venezuela -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2017 box office number-one films in Argentina -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2017 box office number-one films in Australia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2017 box office number-one films in Austria -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2017 box office number-one films in Belgium -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2017 box office number-one films in Brazil -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2017 box office number-one films in Chile -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2017 box office number-one films in China -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2017 box office number-one films in Colombia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2017 box office number-one films in France -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2017 box office number-one films in Italy -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2017 box office number-one films in Japan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2017 box office number-one films in Mexico -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2017 box office number-one films in Romania -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2017 box office number-one films in South Korea -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2017 box office number-one films in Spain -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2017 box office number-one films in Taipei -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2017 box office number-one films in Thailand -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2017 box office number-one films in the United Kingdom -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2017 box office number-one films in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2017 box office number-one films in Turkey -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2017 box office number-one films in Venezuela -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2018 box office number-one films in Argentina -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2018 box office number-one films in Australia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2018 box office number-one films in Austria -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2018 box office number-one films in Belgium -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2018 box office number-one films in Brazil -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2018 box office number-one films in Chile -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2018 box office number-one films in China -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2018 box office number-one films in Colombia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2018 box office number-one films in France -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2018 box office number-one films in Italy -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2018 box office number-one films in Japan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2018 box office number-one films in Mexico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2018 box office number-one films in Romania -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2018 box office number-one films in South Korea -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2018 box office number-one films in Spain -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2018 box office number-one films in Taipei -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2018 box office number-one films in Thailand -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2018 box office number-one films in the United Kingdom -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2018 box office number-one films in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2018 box office number-one films in Turkey -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2019 box office number-one films in Argentina -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2019 box office number-one films in Australia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2019 box office number-one films in Austria -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2019 box office number-one films in Belgium -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2019 box office number-one films in Brazil -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2019 box office number-one films in China -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2019 box office number-one films in Colombia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2019 box office number-one films in France -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2019 box office number-one films in Italy -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2019 box office number-one films in Japan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2019 box office number-one films in Mexico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2019 box office number-one films in Paraguay -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2019 box office number-one films in Romania -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2019 box office number-one films in South Korea -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2019 box office number-one films in Spain -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2019 box office number-one films in Taipei -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2019 box office number-one films in Thailand -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2019 box office number-one films in the United Kingdom -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2019 box office number-one films in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2019 box office number-one films in Turkey -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2020 box office number-one films in Argentina -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2020 box office number-one films in Australia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2020 box office number-one films in Austria -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2020 box office number-one films in Belgium -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2020 box office number-one films in Brazil -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2020 box office number-one films in China -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2020 box office number-one films in Colombia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2020 box office number-one films in France -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2020 box office number-one films in Italy -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2020 box office number-one films in Japan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2020 box office number-one films in Mexico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2020 box office number-one films in Paraguay -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2020 box office number-one films in South Korea -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2020 box office number-one films in Spain -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2020 box office number-one films in Taipei -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2020 box office number-one films in Thailand -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2020 box office number-one films in the United Kingdom -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2020 box office number-one films in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of 2020 box office number-one films in Turkey -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of aircraft accidents and incidents by number of ground fatalities -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of aircraft by tail number -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of algebraic number theory topics -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of American and Canadian cities by number of major professional sports franchises -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of animals by number of neurons -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of archipelagos by number of islands -- List of archipelagos by number of islands, islets, reefs, coral reefs and cays
Wikipedia - List of armies by number
Wikipedia - List of artists by number of UK Albums Chart number ones -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of artists by number of UK Singles Chart number ones -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of artists who have achieved simultaneous UK and US number-one hits -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of artists who reached number one in Austria
Wikipedia - List of artists who reached number one in Ireland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of artists who reached number one in New Zealand -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of artists who reached number one in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of artists who reached number one on the album chart in Ireland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of artists who reached number one on the Australian albums chart
Wikipedia - List of artists who reached number one on the Billboard Mainstream Top 40 chart
Wikipedia - List of artists who reached number one on the Dutch Top 40
Wikipedia - List of artists who reached number one on the French Singles Chart -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of artists who reached number one on the Spanish Singles Chart -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of artists who reached number one on the UK Singles Chart -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of artists who reached number one on the UK Singles Downloads Chart -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of artists who reached number one on the U.S. dance airplay chart
Wikipedia - List of artists who reached number one on the U.S. Dance Club Songs chart -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of artists who reached number one on the U.S. Latin Songs chart
Wikipedia - List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1983 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1992 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1999 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 2001 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Billboard 200 number-one albums -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Billboard 200 number-one independent albums -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Billboard Best-Selling Popular Record Albums number ones of 1947 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Billboard China V Chart number-one albums of 2017 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Billboard Christian Songs number ones of the 2000s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Billboard Dance Club Songs number ones of 2015 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Billboard Easy Listening number ones of 1970 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles of the 1970s -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles of the 1980s -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 2011 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 2020 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 2021 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Billboard Hot Dance Music/Club Play number ones of 2000 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Billboard Latin Pop Airplay number ones of 1994 and 1995 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Billboard Mexico Airplay number ones -- Weekly record chart by Billboard magazine
Wikipedia - List of Billboard Modern Rock Tracks number ones of the 1990s -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Billboard number-one country songs of 1951
Wikipedia - List of Billboard number-one country songs of 1952
Wikipedia - List of Billboard number-one country songs of 2020 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Billboard number-one country songs -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Billboard number-one dance club songs -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Billboard number-one electronic albums of 2003 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Billboard number-one electronic albums of 2016 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 1970 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 1971 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Billboard number-one rhythm and blues hits -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Billboard Rhythmic number-one songs of the 2000s -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Billboard Social 50 number-one artists -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Billboard Top Christian Albums number ones of the 2000s -- US music charts
Wikipedia - List of Billboard Top Holiday Albums number ones of the 2010s
Wikipedia - List of Billboard Year-End number-one singles and albums -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of CAS numbers by chemical compound -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Christian denominations by number of members -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Christmas number one singles (UK)
Wikipedia - List of cities by number of billionaires -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Club 40 number-one hits
Wikipedia - List of compositions by FrM-CM-)dM-CM-)ric Chopin by opus number -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compounds with carbon number 10 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compounds with carbon number 11 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compounds with carbon number 12 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compounds with carbon number 13 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compounds with carbon number 14 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compounds with carbon number 15 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compounds with carbon number 16 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compounds with carbon number 17 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compounds with carbon number 18 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compounds with carbon number 19 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compounds with carbon number 1 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compounds with carbon number 20 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compounds with carbon number 21 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compounds with carbon number 22 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compounds with carbon number 23 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compounds with carbon number 24 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compounds with carbon number 2 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compounds with carbon number 3 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compounds with carbon number 4 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compounds with carbon number 5 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compounds with carbon number 6 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compounds with carbon number 7 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compounds with carbon number 8 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compounds with carbon number 9 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compounds with carbon numbers 25-29 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compounds with carbon numbers 30-39 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compounds with carbon numbers 40-49 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compounds with carbon numbers 50-100 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of countries and dependencies by number of physicians -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of countries by number of Academy Awards for Best International Feature Film -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of countries by number of billionaires -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of countries by number of broadband Internet subscriptions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of countries by number of diplomatic missions -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of countries by number of heliports -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of countries by number of households -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of countries by number of Internet hosts -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of countries by number of Internet users -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of countries by number of military and paramilitary personnel -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of countries by number of mobile phones in use -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of countries by number of telephone lines in use -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of countries by number of television broadcast stations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of countries by the number of billionaires
Wikipedia - List of countries by the number of millionaires -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of countries by the number of recognized official languages
Wikipedia - List of cricketers by number of international centuries scored -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of cricketers by number of international five-wicket hauls -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 1990 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of EC numbers (EC 1) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of EC numbers (EC 2) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of EC numbers (EC 3) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of EC numbers (EC 4) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of EC numbers (EC 5) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of EC numbers (EC 6) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of electrophones by Hornbostel-Sachs number -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of elements by number
Wikipedia - List of European countries by number of Internet users -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of European number-one hits of 1991 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of European number-one hits of 1998 -- number-one singles
Wikipedia - List of FIDE chess world number ones -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of films: numbers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of flags by number of colors -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of folk songs by Roud number -- Wikipedia song-related list article
Wikipedia - List of Formula One driver numbers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Gaon Album Chart number ones of 2016 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Gaon Album Chart number ones of 2017 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Gaon Album Chart number ones of 2018 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Gaon Album Chart number ones of 2019 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Gaon Album Chart number ones of 2020 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Gaon Digital Chart number ones of 2016 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Green Bay Packers retired numbers -- Green Bay Packers retired jersey numbers
Wikipedia - List of highways numbered 134 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of highways numbered 1 -- List article
Wikipedia - List of highways numbered 39 -- list of roads or other routes with the same name
Wikipedia - List of highways numbered 577 -- list of roads or other routes with the same name
Wikipedia - List of highways numbered 798 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Hot 100 number-one singles of 2017 (Japan) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Hot Country Singles & Tracks number ones of 2003 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Hot Country Singles number ones of 1964 -- Chart-topping country music songs of 1964
Wikipedia - List of Hot Country Singles number ones of 1976 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Hot Country Singles number ones of 1988 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Indian massacres in North America -- Incident wherein a group of people deliberately kill a significant number of relatively defenseless people, usually involving European descended peoples and Indigenous peoples of the Americas
Wikipedia - List of instrumental number ones on the UK Singles Chart -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of IP protocol numbers -- none
Wikipedia - List of IP version numbers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Irish Singles Chart Christmas number ones -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of languages by number of native speakers in India -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of languages by number of native speakers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of languages by the number of countries in which they are recognized as an official language
Wikipedia - List of languages by total number of speakers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of large cardinal properties -- List of cardinal numbers with large cardinal properties
Wikipedia - List of legislatures by number of members -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of literary works by number of translations -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of military corps by number
Wikipedia - List of military divisions by number
Wikipedia - List of Miss Universe titleholders -- Miss Universe Titleholders list by year, number of wins, and winners' gallery
Wikipedia - List of most-followed TikTok accounts -- list contains the top 50 accounts with the largest number of followers on the social media platform TikTok
Wikipedia - List of Mount Everest summiters by number of times to the summit -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of municipality numbers of Norway -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of murderers by number of victims -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of musical instruments by Hornbostel-Sachs number -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of MYX number one music videos of 2017 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of NA numbers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of National Highways in India by highway number -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of National Highways in India by old highway number -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of National Highways in India by state (old numbering) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of North American Numbering Plan area codes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered Brooklyn streets -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered comets -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered highways in Meigs County, Ohio -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered highways in the Northern Mariana Islands -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered highways in Washington, D.C. -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered roads in Brant County -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered roads in Bruce County -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered roads in Chatham-Kent -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered roads in Dufferin County -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered roads in Elgin County -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered roads in Essex County -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered roads in Frontenac County -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered roads in Grey County -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered roads in Haldimand County -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered roads in Haliburton County -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered roads in Halton Region -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered roads in Hamilton, Ontario -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered roads in Hastings County -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered roads in Huron County -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered roads in Kawartha Lakes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered roads in Lambton County -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered roads in Lanark County -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered roads in Leeds and Grenville United Counties -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered roads in Lennox and Addington County -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered roads in Middlesex County, Ontario -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered roads in Muskoka District -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered roads in Niagara Region -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered roads in Norfolk County -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered roads in Northumberland County -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered roads in Ottawa -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered roads in Oxford County -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered roads in Peel Region -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered roads in Perth County -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered roads in Peterborough County -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered roads in Prince Edward County -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered roads in Renfrew County -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered roads in Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry United Counties -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered roads in the British Isles -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered roads in the United Counties of Prescott and Russell -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered roads in Wellington County -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered roads in York Region -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered routes in Delaware -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered routes in Massachusetts -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered state routes in Oregon -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbered streets in Manhattan -- Wikipedia list article about the numbered streets in Manhattan
Wikipedia - List of number-one albums from the 1970s (New Zealand) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one albums from the 1980s (New Zealand) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one albums from the 1990s (New Zealand) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one albums from the 2000s (New Zealand) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one albums from the 2010s (New Zealand) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one albums from the 2020s (New Zealand) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one albums in Australia during the 1980s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one albums in Australia during the 1990s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one albums in Australia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one albums in New Zealand by New Zealand artists -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one albums in Norway -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one albums of 1991 (Spain) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one albums of 2011 (Finland) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one albums of 2016 (Greece) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one albums of 2019 (Ireland) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one albums of the 2020s (Czech Republic) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one Billboard Regional Mexican Songs of 1997 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one compilation albums from the 2000s (New Zealand) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one compilation albums from the 2010s (New Zealand) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one country albums of 1978 (Canada) -- Best country music albums in Canada
Wikipedia - List of number-one country albums of 1979 (Canada) -- Best country music albums in Canada
Wikipedia - List of number-one country albums of 1992 (Canada) -- Best country music albums in Canada
Wikipedia - List of number-one country albums of 1993 (Canada) -- Best country music albums in Canada
Wikipedia - List of number-one country albums of 1994 (Canada) -- Best country music albums in Canada
Wikipedia - List of number-one country albums of 1995 (Canada) -- Best country music albums in Canada
Wikipedia - List of number-one country albums of 1996 (Canada) -- Best country music albums in Canada
Wikipedia - List of number-one country albums of 1997 (Canada) -- Best country music albums in Canada
Wikipedia - List of number-one country albums of 1998 (Canada) -- Best country music albums in Canada
Wikipedia - List of number-one country albums of 2000 (Canada) -- Best country music albums in Canada
Wikipedia - List of number-one country albums of 2004 (Australia) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one country albums of 2014 (Australia) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one dance singles of 1991 (U.S.) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one dance singles of 2019 (Australia) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one digital songs of 2018 (Canada) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one digital tracks of 2011 (Australia) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one digital tracks of 2015 (Australia) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one hits (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one hits of 1981 (Germany) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one hits of 1990 (Austria) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one hits of 1990 (Germany) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one hits of 1991 (Austria) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one hits of 1991 (Germany) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one hits of 1991 (Italy) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one hits of 1997 (Austria) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one hits of 2000 (Germany) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one hits of 2002 (Germany) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one hits of 2004 (Germany) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one hits of 2005 (Germany) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one hits of 2006 (Germany) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one hits of 2007 (Germany) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one hits of 2008 (Germany) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one hits of 2012 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one hits of 2013 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one hits of 2014 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one hits of 2014 (Italy) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one hits of 2015 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one hits of 2016 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one hits of 2017 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one hits of 2018 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one hits of 2019 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one hits of 2020 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one hits of 2021 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one rap albums of 2005 (U.S.) -- Wikimedia list article
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Wikipedia - List of number-one singles from the 2020s (New Zealand) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles in 1960 (New Zealand) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles in 1961 (New Zealand) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles in 1962 (New Zealand) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles in 1963 (New Zealand) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles in 1964 (New Zealand) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles in 1966 (New Zealand) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles in 1967 (New Zealand) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles in 1968 (New Zealand) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles in 1969 (New Zealand) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles in 1970 (New Zealand) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles in 1971 (New Zealand) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles in 1972 (New Zealand) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles in 1973 (New Zealand) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles in 1974 (New Zealand) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles in 1975 (New Zealand) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles in 1976 (New Zealand) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles in 1977 (New Zealand) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles in 1978 (New Zealand) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles in 1979 (New Zealand) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles in Australia during the 1950s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles in Australia during the 1970s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles in Australia during the 1980s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles in Australia during the 1990s -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles in France
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles in New Zealand by New Zealand artists -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles in Rhodesia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1955 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1956 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1957 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1958 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1959 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1960 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1961 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1962 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1963 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1964 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1965 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1966 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1967 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1968 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1969 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1970 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1971 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1972 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1973 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1974 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1975 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1976 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1977 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1978 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1979 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1980 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1981 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1982 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1983 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1984 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1985 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1986 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1987 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1988 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1989 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1990 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1991 (France) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1991 (Ireland) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1991 (Spain) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1992 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1993 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1994 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1994 (Ireland) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1995 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1996 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1997 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1998 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 1999 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 2000 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 2001 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 2002 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 2003 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 2004 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 2005 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 2006 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 2007 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 2008 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 2009 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 2010 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 2011 (France)
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 2015 (Australia) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 2018 (Australia) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 2019 (Poland) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of 2020 (Poland) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one singles of the 1990s (Switzerland) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one songs of 2017 (Malaysia) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one songs of 2018 (Bolivia) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one songs of 2018 (Guatemala) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one songs of 2018 (Lebanon) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one songs of 2018 (Malaysia) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one songs of 2018 (Singapore) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one songs of 2019 (Malaysia) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one songs of 2019 (Singapore) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one songs of 2020 (Malaysia) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one songs of 2020 (Singapore) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one songs of the 2000s (Denmark) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one songs of the 2010s (Turkey) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number-one urban singles of 2002 (Australia) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Numbers episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbers in Hindu scriptures -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbers in various languages -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numbers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of number theory topics -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Oricon number-one albums of 2009 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Oricon number-one singles of 2009 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Oricon number-one singles of 2017 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Oricon number-one singles of 2018 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Outnumbered episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of people by ErdM-EM-^Qs number -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of perfect numbers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of pharmaceutical compound number prefixes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Pop Rock General number-one singles of the 2000s -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of prime numbers -- List of prime numbers and notable types of prime numbers
Wikipedia - List of PSA men's number 1 ranked players -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PSA women's number 1 ranked players -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of public transport routes numbered 10 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of public transport routes numbered 11 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of public transport routes numbered 12 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of public transport routes numbered 13 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of public transport routes numbered 14 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of public transport routes numbered 15 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of public transport routes numbered 16 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of public transport routes numbered 17 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of public transport routes numbered 18 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of public transport routes numbered 19 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of public transport routes numbered 1 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of public transport routes numbered 2 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of public transport routes numbered 3 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of public transport routes numbered 4 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of public transport routes numbered 5 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of public transport routes numbered 6 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of public transport routes numbered 7 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of public transport routes numbered 8 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of public transport routes numbered 9 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Radio & Records and Mediabase number-one singles of the 2000s -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of random number generators -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Record Mirror number-one singles -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of recreational number theory topics -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of retired numbers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Romanian websites by number of unique visitors in 2009 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of RPM number-one country singles of 1970 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of RPM number-one country singles of 1988 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of RPM number-one country singles of 2000 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of RPM number-one dance singles of 1991 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Russian presidential candidates by number of votes received -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of San Francisco 49ers retired numbers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of serial killers by number of victims -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ships of Russia by project number -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of sign languages by number of native signers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of songs in Lips: Number One Hits -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Specialist Classical Albums Chart number ones of the 2020s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of special routes of the United States Numbered Highway System -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies by number -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of TCP and UDP port numbers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of television programs: numbers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Top Country Albums number ones of 1986 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of treaties by number of parties -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of types of numbers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK Album Downloads Chart number ones of the 2010s -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK Album Downloads Chart number ones of the 2020s -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK Albums Chart Christmas number ones -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK Albums Chart number ones of the 1950s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK Albums Chart number ones of the 1960s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK Albums Chart number ones of the 1970s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK Albums Chart number ones of the 1980s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK Albums Chart number ones of the 1990s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK Albums Chart number ones of the 2000s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK Albums Chart number ones of the 2010s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK Albums Chart number ones of the 2020s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK Dance Singles Chart number ones of 2003 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK Independent Albums Chart number ones of 2007 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK Independent Albums Chart number ones of 2008 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK Independent Albums Chart number ones of 2009 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK Independent Albums Chart number ones of 2010 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK Independent Albums Chart number ones of 2011 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK Independent Albums Chart number ones of 2012 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK Independent Albums Chart number ones of 2013 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK Independent Albums Chart number ones of 2014 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK Independent Albums Chart number ones of 2015 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK Independent Albums Chart number ones of 2016 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK Independent Albums Chart number ones of 2017 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK Independent Albums Chart number ones of 2018 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK Independent Albums Chart number ones of 2019 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK Independent Albums Chart number ones of 2020 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK Independent Singles Chart number ones of 1998 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK Independent Singles Chart number ones of the 1980s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK R&B Singles Chart number ones of 1998 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK R&B Singles Chart number ones of 1999 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK R&B Singles Chart number ones of 2000 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK R&B Singles Chart number ones of 2001 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK R&B Singles Chart number ones of 2002 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK Rock & Metal Albums Chart number ones of 1995 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK Singles Chart Christmas number ones -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK Singles Chart Christmas number twos -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK Singles Chart number ones of the 1950s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK Singles Chart number ones of the 1960s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK Singles Chart number ones of the 1970s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK Singles Chart number ones of the 1980s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK Singles Chart number ones of the 1990s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK Singles Chart number ones of the 2000s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK Singles Chart number ones of the 2010s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UK Singles Chart number ones of the 2020s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of universities by number of billionaire alumni
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 1994 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 1995 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 1996 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 1997 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 1998 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 1999 A-R -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 1999 S-T -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 1999 U-Y -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2000 A-E -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2000 F-O -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2000 P-R -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2000 S-T -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2000 U-Y -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2001 A-E -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2001 F (0-216) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2001 F (217-619) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2001 G-O -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2001 P-R -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2001 S -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2001 T -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2001 U -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2001 V-W -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2001 X-Y -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2002 A-B -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2002 C -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2002 D-F -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2002 G-K -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2002 L-O -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2002 P -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2002 Q (0-119) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2002 Q (120-619) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2002 R (0-262) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2002 R (263-619) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2002 S -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2002 T (0-319) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2002 T (320-619) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2002 U-V -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2002 W-Y -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2003 A-E -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2003 F-G -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2003 H-L -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2003 M-R -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2003 S (0-269) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2003 S (270-389) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2003 S (390-442) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2003 S (443-619) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2003 T -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2003 U (0-289) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2003 U (290-379) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2003 U (380-429) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2003 U (430-619) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2003 V -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2003 W (0-199) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2003 W (200-619) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2003 X-Y -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2004 A-B -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2004 C -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2004 D-E -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2004 F -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2004 G-H -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2004 J-O -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2004 P-Q -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2004 R (0-199) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2004 R (200-299) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2004 R (300-619) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2004 S -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2004 T (0-99) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2004 T (100-199) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2004 T (200-299) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2004 T (300-619) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2004 U-V -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2004 W-X -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets: 2004 Y -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered minor planets -- Catalog of unnumbered asteroids and distant objects in the Solar System
Wikipedia - List of unnumbered trans-Neptunian objects -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UN numbers 0001 to 0100 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UN numbers 0101 to 0200 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UN numbers 0201 to 0300 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UN numbers 0301 to 0400 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UN numbers 0401 to 0500 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UN numbers 0501 to 0600 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UN numbers 1001 to 1100 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UN numbers 1101 to 1200 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UN numbers 1201 to 1300 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UN numbers 1301 to 1400 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UN numbers 1401 to 1500 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UN numbers 1501 to 1600 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UN numbers 1601 to 1700 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UN numbers 1701 to 1800 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UN numbers 1801 to 1900 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UN numbers 1901 to 2000 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UN numbers 2001 to 2100 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UN numbers 2101 to 2200 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UN numbers 2201 to 2300 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UN numbers 2301 to 2400 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UN numbers 2401 to 2500 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UN numbers 2501 to 2600 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UN numbers 2601 to 2700 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UN numbers 2701 to 2800 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UN numbers 2801 to 2900 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UN numbers 2901 to 3000 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UN numbers 3001 to 3100 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UN numbers 3101 to 3200 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UN numbers 3201 to 3300 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UN Numbers 3301 to 3400 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UN numbers 3401 to 3500 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of UN numbers 3501 to 3600 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of U.S. military vehicles by model number -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of world number one male golfers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of year-end number-one albums (New Zealand) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of year-end number-one singles (New Zealand) -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Your Hit Parade number-one songs -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of box office number-one films in the United Kingdom -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of box office number-one films -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of Hot 100 number-one singles of 2009 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of languages by number of speakers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of numbered highways in Washington -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of number-one albums -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of number-one songs -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of UK Album Downloads Chart number ones -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of UK Albums Chart number ones -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of UK Dance Albums Chart number ones -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of UK Independent Albums Chart number ones -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of UK Independent Singles and Albums Breakers Chart number ones -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of UK Independent Singles Chart number ones -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of UK R&B Albums Chart number ones -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of UK Singles Chart number ones -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of UN numbers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lithium -- Chemical element with atomic number 3
Wikipedia - Livermorium -- Synthetic radioactive chemical element with atomic number 116 and symbol Lv
Wikipedia - Lobb number
Wikipedia - Loc. cit. -- Latin footnote or endnote term referring to the preceding work and page number
Wikipedia - Lochs's theorem -- On the rate of convergence of the continued fraction expansion of a typical real number
Wikipedia - Loeschian number
Wikipedia - Logarithmic Number System
Wikipedia - Logarithmic number system
Wikipedia - Logic level -- one of a finite number of states that a digital signal can inhabit
Wikipedia - Long and short scales -- List of countries using one or several different large-number naming systems for integer powers of ten
Wikipedia - Long division -- Standard division algorithm for multi-digit numbers
Wikipedia - Looking Out for Number One (Travis Tritt song) -- 1993 single by Travis Tritt
Wikipedia - Looking Out for Number One -- 1981 single by Laura Branigan
Wikipedia - Lookin' Out for Number 1 (Bachman-Turner Overdrive song) -- 1975 song by Bachman-Turner Overdrive
Wikipedia - Los Angeles Chargers retired numbers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Lottery -- Gambling which involves the drawing of numbers at random for a prize
Wikipedia - Lucas-Lehmer-Riesel test -- Test for determining whether a number is prime
Wikipedia - Lucas number -- Infinite integer series where the next number is the sum of the two preceding it
Wikipedia - Lucius Aelius Lamia (consul 3) -- Roman Senator who held a number of offices under Augustus and Tiberius
Wikipedia - Lucky Number (film) -- 1951 Donald Duck cartoon
Wikipedia - Lucky Number Slevin -- 2006 crime thriller film by Paul McGuigan
Wikipedia - Lucky numbers of Euler
Wikipedia - Lucky number -- Integer filtered out using a sieve similar to that of Eratosthenes
Wikipedia - Lutetium -- chemical element with atomic number 71
Wikipedia - Lychrel number
Wikipedia - Mach number -- Ratio of speed of object moving through fluid and local speed of sound
Wikipedia - Macon's Bill Number 2 -- 1810 U.S. legislation
Wikipedia - Magic circle (mathematics) -- Arrangement of natural numbers on circles where the sum of the numbers on each circle and the sum of numbers on diameter are identical
Wikipedia - Magic Number (Maaya Sakamoto song) -- 2009 single by Maaya Sakamoto
Wikipedia - Magic number (physics) -- Number of protons or neutrons that make a nucleus particularly stable
Wikipedia - Magic number (programming)
Wikipedia - Magnesium -- Chemical element with atomic number 12
Wikipedia - Magnit -- Russian retail market leader by number of stores
Wikipedia - Main conjecture of Iwasawa theory -- Theorem in algebraic number theory relating p-adic L-functions and ideal class groups
Wikipedia - Mane Number 13 -- Indian Kannada language horror-thriller film
Wikipedia - Mantissa (floating point number)
Wikipedia - Manycore processor -- Multi-core processor with a large number of cores
Wikipedia - Map seed -- Number or string used to procedurally generate a game world
Wikipedia - Markov constant -- Property of an irrational number
Wikipedia - Markov number
Wikipedia - Marsaglia polar method -- Method for generating pseudo-random numbers
Wikipedia - Marsaglia's theorem -- Describes flaws with the pseudorandom numbers from a linear congruential generator
Wikipedia - Mass deworming -- Treating large numbers of people, particularly children, for helminthiasis and schistosomiasis
Wikipedia - Mass grave -- Grave containing multiple number of human corpses
Wikipedia - Massively multiplayer online game -- Multiplayer video game which is capable of supporting large numbers of players simultaneously
Wikipedia - Mass mortality event -- Incident that kills a vast number of a single species in a short period of time
Wikipedia - Mass murder -- Act of murdering a large number of people
Wikipedia - Mass number -- Number of heavy particles in the atomic nucleus
Wikipedia - Match 4 (Washington's Lottery) -- Lottery numbers game
Wikipedia - Mathematica: A World of Numbers... and Beyond
Wikipedia - Mathematical constant -- Fixed number that has received a name
Wikipedia - Maximum-minimums identity -- Relates the maximum element of a set of numbers and the minima of its non-empty subsets
Wikipedia - Measurement -- Process of assigning numbers to objects or events
Wikipedia - Meertens number
Wikipedia - Mendelevium -- chemical element with atomic number 101
Wikipedia - Mercury (element) -- chemical element with atomic number 80
Wikipedia - Mersenne number
Wikipedia - Mersenne prime -- Prime number of the form (2^n)-1
Wikipedia - Meson -- Subatomic particle; made of equal numbers of quarks and antiquarks
Wikipedia - Meter Point Administration Number -- identifier of mains electricity supply point
Wikipedia - Microcom Networking Protocol -- a family of numbered networking protocols
Wikipedia - Milnor number -- An invariant that plays a role in algebraic geometry and singularity theory
Wikipedia - Minkowski-Bouligand dimension -- Way of determining the dimension of a fractal set in a Euclidean space by counting the number of fixed-size boxes needed to cover the set as a function of the box size
Wikipedia - Minkowski's bound -- Limits ideals to be checked in order to determine the class number of a number field
Wikipedia - Minnow -- Common name for a number of species of small freshwater fish
Wikipedia - Minor planet designation -- Number-name combination assigned to minor planets
Wikipedia - Mirabell: Books of Number -- 1978 collection of poetry
Wikipedia - Mixed numbers
Wikipedia - Mixed number
Wikipedia - Mode volume -- Number of bound modes that an optical fiber is capable of supporting
Wikipedia - Modularity theorem -- Relates elliptic curves over the field of rational numbers to modular forms
Wikipedia - Molybdenum -- chemical element with atomic number 42
Wikipedia - Monetary conditions index -- Macroeconomic index number relevant for monetary policy
Wikipedia - Monocytosis -- Increase in the number of monocytes circulating in the blood
Wikipedia - Monsky's theorem -- One can't dissect a square into an odd number of triangles of equal area
Wikipedia - Monus -- Truncating subtraction on natural numbers, or a generalization thereof
Wikipedia - Motzkin number
Wikipedia - Mukhopadhyaya theorem -- One of several closely related theorems about the number of vertices of a curve
Wikipedia - Multicomplex number
Wikipedia - Multiple patterning -- Technique used to increase the number of structures a microchip may contain
Wikipedia - Multiplication algorithm -- Algorithm to multiply two numbers
Wikipedia - Multiplicity (mathematics) -- Number of times an object must be counted for making true a general formula
Wikipedia - Multiply perfect number
Wikipedia - Multiprogramming with a Variable number of Tasks
Wikipedia - Music recording certification -- System of certifying that a music recording has shipped, sold, or streamed a certain number of units
Wikipedia - My Number One Doctor
Wikipedia - My Number One -- 2005 Helena Paparizou song
Wikipedia - Nail clubbing -- Deformity of the finger or toe nails associated with a number of diseases
Wikipedia - Names for the number 0 in English
Wikipedia - Names of large numbers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Narayana number
Wikipedia - Narcissistic number -- Integer expressible as the sum of the (number of digits)th power of each of its digits
Wikipedia - Narrow-spectrum antibiotic -- Antibiotic that only kills a limited number of species of bacteria
Wikipedia - Nash-Williams theorem -- Theorem in graph theory describing number of edge-disjoint spanning trees a graph can have
Wikipedia - National Highway 81 (India, old numbering) -- Highway of India
Wikipedia - National Number Group -- Area division of telephone network
Wikipedia - National Provider Identifier -- Identification number issued to U.S. health care providers
Wikipedia - Natural numbers
Wikipedia - Natural number
Wikipedia - Necklace polynomial -- Counts the number of necklaces of n colored beads picked from M-NM-1 available colors
Wikipedia - Negative number -- Real number that is strictly less than zero
Wikipedia - Neodymium -- chemical element with atomic number 60
Wikipedia - Neon -- Chemical element with atomic number 10
Wikipedia - Neo-ultramontanism -- Belief of certain Roman Catholics that papal infallibility was not restricted to a small number of papal statements but applied ipso facto (by virtue of being said by the Pope) to all papal teachings and statements.
Wikipedia - Neptunium -- chemical element with atomic number 93
Wikipedia - Net reproduction rate -- Average number of daughters per woman with typical mortality rates
Wikipedia - Neukirch-Uchida theorem -- Algebraic number field problems reduce to problems about their absolute Galois groups
Wikipedia - Nickel -- chemical element with atomic number of 28
Wikipedia - Nifty Numbers -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Nimber -- Number used in combinatorial game theory
Wikipedia - Ninth Air Force -- US Air Force numbered air force
Wikipedia - Niobium -- chemical element with atomic number 41
Wikipedia - Nitrogen -- chemical element with atomic number 7
Wikipedia - Nominal number -- Numeric or alphanumeric code (without independent meaning) used for labelling or identification
Wikipedia - Nonagonal number
Wikipedia - Nonhypotenuse number
Wikipedia - Nonlinear gameplay -- Gameplay involving a number of unordered sequences
Wikipedia - Nonogram -- Puzzle where grid cells are filled per numbers at the side to reveal a hidden picture
Wikipedia - Nonstandard analysis -- Calculus using a logically rigorous notion of infinitesimal numbers
Wikipedia - Normal number -- somewhat random number
Wikipedia - North American Numbering Plan expansion -- Proposals to provide for more telephone numbers
Wikipedia - North American Numbering Plan -- Integrated telephone numbering plan serving 20 North American countries
Wikipedia - Notch Number One -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Nothing-up-my-sleeve number -- Numbers used by cryptographers to show that they are working in good faith
Wikipedia - Nude mouse -- A laboratory mouse from a strain with a genetic mutation that causes a deteriorated or absent thymus, resulting in an inhibited immune system due to a greatly reduced number of T cells
Wikipedia - Number 111 (1919 film) -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Number 1 (2020 film) -- 2020 Singaporean comedy film
Wikipedia - Number 139 -- Sculpture by Leonardo Drew
Wikipedia - Number 13 Beano Street -- Story in UK comic The Beano
Wikipedia - Number 13 (film) -- 1922 film by Alfred Hitchcock
Wikipedia - Number 16 (spider) -- oldest recorded individual spider
Wikipedia - Number 17 (1928 film) -- 1928 film by GM-CM-)za von Bolvary
Wikipedia - Number 17 (1949 film) -- 1949 film
Wikipedia - Number 1 Cheerleader Camp -- 2010 film by Mark Quod
Wikipedia - Number 1 Crush -- Song by Garbage
Wikipedia - Number 1 Single -- US television program
Wikipedia - Number 1 (Tinchy Stryder song) -- 2009 single by Tinchy Stryder
Wikipedia - Number 37 (film) -- 2018 South-African film
Wikipedia - Number 96 (TV series) -- 1972 Australian TV series
Wikipedia - Number 9 Dream -- song by John Lennon
Wikipedia - Number base
Wikipedia - Numbered Account (horse) -- American Thoroughbred racehorse
Wikipedia - Numbered highways in Ohio -- Highway system of Ohio in the United States
Wikipedia - Numbered Men -- 1930 film by Mervyn LeRoy
Wikipedia - Numbered routes in Rhode Island -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Numbered street -- Street whose name is an ordinal number
Wikipedia - Numbered Treaties -- Series of treaties between the Government of Canada and the First Nations
Wikipedia - Numbered Woman -- 1938 film directed by Karl Brown
Wikipedia - Number field
Wikipedia - Number form
Wikipedia - Numbering scheme
Wikipedia - Numberjacks -- British children's television series
Wikipedia - Number line -- Geometrical representation of real numbers
Wikipedia - Number needed to harm
Wikipedia - Number needed to treat
Wikipedia - Number Nine Visual Technology
Wikipedia - Number of languages by country
Wikipedia - Number of the beast -- Number associated with the Beast of Revelation
Wikipedia - Number One (2017 film) -- 2017 film
Wikipedia - Number One Electronic Switching System
Wikipedia - Number One Observatory Circle -- The official residence of the Vice President of the United States
Wikipedia - Number Ones (ABBA album) -- 2006 compilation album by ABBA
Wikipedia - Number One (Star Trek) -- Character of the television series Star Trek
Wikipedia - Number One Stunna -- 2000 single by Big Tymers
Wikipedia - Number operator
Wikipedia - Number Our Days -- 1976 film
Wikipedia - Numberphile
Wikipedia - Number Pieces
Wikipedia - Number, Please? (1920 film) -- 1920 film by Hal Roach, Fred C. Newmeyer
Wikipedia - Number, Please (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Number representation
Wikipedia - Numbers (A Boogie wit da Hoodie song) -- 2020 single byM-BM- A Boogie wit da Hoodie featuringM-BM- Roddy RicchM-BM- andM-BM- Gunna
Wikipedia - Number Scrabble
Wikipedia - Number Seventeen -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Number sign -- Typographic symbol
Wikipedia - Numbers in Egyptian mythology
Wikipedia - Numbers in Norse mythology
Wikipedia - Numbers in various languages
Wikipedia - Number Six (Battlestar Galactica) -- Character from the sci-fi TV series Battlestar Galactica
Wikipedia - Number Six (The Prisoner) -- Character in The Prisoner
Wikipedia - Number (sports) -- Number worn on a sports player's uniform
Wikipedia - Numbers (season 4) -- Season of American television series
Wikipedia - Numbers (spreadsheet) -- Spreadsheet application by Apple Inc.
Wikipedia - Numbers station -- Shortwave radio stations broadcasting only numbers
Wikipedia - Numbers: The Universal Language -- 1996 book by Denis Guedj
Wikipedia - Numbers (TV series)
Wikipedia - Numbers
Wikipedia - Number systems
Wikipedia - Number Ten Blues -- 2013 film directed by Norio Osada
Wikipedia - Number: The Language of Science
Wikipedia - Number-theoretic transform
Wikipedia - Number Theory: An Approach through History from Hammurapi to Legendre
Wikipedia - Number theory -- Branch of mathematics
Wikipedia - Number the Stars -- Novel by Lois Lowry
Wikipedia - Number -- Mathematical description of the common concept
Wikipedia - Numeral system -- Notation for expressing numbers
Wikipedia - Numerical aperture -- Dimensionless number that characterizes the range of angles over which an optical system can accept or emit light
Wikipedia - Numerology -- Any belief in the divine or mystical relationship between a number and one or more coinciding events
Wikipedia - Numero sign -- Typographic abbreviation of the word "number(s)"
Wikipedia - Octagonal number
Wikipedia - Octahedral number
Wikipedia - Octuple-precision floating-point format -- 256-bit computer number format
Wikipedia - Odd number
Wikipedia - Odious number
Wikipedia - Oganesson -- Synthetic radioactive chemical element with atomic number 118 and symbol Og
Wikipedia - Old Bailey -- Court in London and one of a number of buildings housing the Crown Court
Wikipedia - Oligarchy -- Form of power structure in which power rests with a small number of people
Wikipedia - Oligosaccharide -- A saccharide polymer containing a small number (typically two to ten) of simple sugars (monosaccharides)
Wikipedia - Omnibus bill -- Proposed law that covers a number of diverse or unrelated topics
Wikipedia - On a Property of the Collection of All Real Algebraic Numbers
Wikipedia - On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem
Wikipedia - On numbers and games
Wikipedia - On Numbers and Games -- Book by John Conway
Wikipedia - Ordered Bell number
Wikipedia - Order of magnitude -- Scale of numbers with a fixed ratio
Wikipedia - Orders of magnitude (numbers)
Wikipedia - Ordinal number (linguistics)
Wikipedia - Ordinal number -- Order type of a well-ordered set
Wikipedia - Ore's harmonic number
Wikipedia - Oscillator (cellular automaton) -- Type of pattern that returns to its original configuration after a number of steps
Wikipedia - Osmium -- chemical element with atomic number 76
Wikipedia - Ouija -- A flat wooden board with numbers and letters used for summoning spirits
Wikipedia - Outnumbered (British TV series) -- British TV sitcom
Wikipedia - Overlay plan -- Method of exhaustion relief for area codes in the North American Numbering Plan
Wikipedia - Overtourism -- Excessive number of tourists
Wikipedia - Oxidation state -- Number that describes the degree of oxidation of an atom in a chemical compound; the hypothetical charge that an atom would have if all bonds to atoms of different elements were fully ionic
Wikipedia - Oxygen -- Chemical element with atomic number 8
Wikipedia - P-adic numbers
Wikipedia - P-adic number -- Number system for a prime p which extends the rationals, defining closeness differently
Wikipedia - Pagoda Forest at Shaolin Temple -- Number of stone or brick pagodas in Henan province, China
Wikipedia - Palindrome -- Word, phrase, number, or other sequence of units that may be read the same way in either direction
Wikipedia - Palindromic number
Wikipedia - Palladium -- chemical element with atomic number 46
Wikipedia - Pandigital number -- Integer whose representation contains every digit in its number base
Wikipedia - Para 66 -- | Paragraph number 66 in Musharraf high treason case verdict
Wikipedia - Parasitic number
Wikipedia - Parity (mathematics) -- Property of being an even or odd number
Wikipedia - Parity of zero -- Quality of the number zero as even or odd: even
Wikipedia - Par (score) -- Pre-determined number of strokes that a scratch (or 0 handicap) golfer should require to complete a hole or round
Wikipedia - Partition (number theory) -- Decomposition of an integer as a sum of positive integers
Wikipedia - Patch panel -- Device featuring a number of jacks for connecting and routing circuits
Wikipedia - Payment card number
Wikipedia - Peano axioms -- axioms for the natural numbers
Wikipedia - Pell number
Wikipedia - Pennsylvania State Game Lands Number 148 -- Lands Numbers
Wikipedia - Pensionado Act -- Act Number 854 of the Philippine Commission
Wikipedia - Pentagonal numbers
Wikipedia - Pentagonal number theorem -- Relates the product and series representations of the Euler function M-NM- (1-x^n)
Wikipedia - Pentagonal number
Wikipedia - Pentagonal pyramidal number
Wikipedia - Pentatope number
Wikipedia - Pentimal system -- Notation for presenting numbers
Wikipedia - Pepsi Number Fever -- Sales promotion
Wikipedia - Percentage -- Number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100
Wikipedia - Perfect Number (film)
Wikipedia - Perfect numbers
Wikipedia - Perfect number -- Integer equal to the sum of its divisors
Wikipedia - Perfect totient number
Wikipedia - Periodic table -- Tabular arrangement of the chemical elements ordered by atomic number
Wikipedia - Perko pair -- Prime knot with crossing number 10; erroneously listed twice in Rolfsen's table; the error was discovered by Perko
Wikipedia - Permanent account number -- Code that acts as an identification for individuals, families and corporates
Wikipedia - Pernicious number
Wikipedia - Perrin number
Wikipedia - Persistence of a number
Wikipedia - Personal identification number
Wikipedia - Peto's paradox -- Biological observation of cancer rate not correlating with the number of cells in a species
Wikipedia - Petr-Douglas-Neumann theorem -- Construction on any polygon that yields a regular polygon with the same number of sides
Wikipedia - Phenome-wide association study -- Study designed to associate genetic variants with a large number of phenotypes
Wikipedia - Phosphate mineral -- Nickel-Strunz 9 ed mineral class number 8 (isolated tetrahedral units, mainly)
Wikipedia - Phosphorus -- Chemical element with atomic number 15
Wikipedia - Pietro Annigoni's portraits of Elizabeth II -- Pietro Annigoni completed a number of portraits of Queen Elizabeth II between 1954 and 1972
Wikipedia - Plastic number
Wikipedia - Platform 0 -- Name of a number of railway platforms around the world
Wikipedia - Platinum -- chemical element with atomic number 78
Wikipedia - Plato's number -- Unspecified value mentioned by Plato
Wikipedia - Ploidy -- Number of sets of chromosomes in a cell
Wikipedia - Plural -- Grammatical number
Wikipedia - Plutonium -- chemical element with atomic number 94
Wikipedia - Polite number
Wikipedia - Polonium -- chemical element with atomic number 84
Wikipedia - Polya conjecture -- Disproved conjecture in number theory
Wikipedia - Polya enumeration theorem -- The number of orbits of a group action on a set
Wikipedia - Polydivisible number
Wikipedia - Polygonal number
Wikipedia - polygonal number
Wikipedia - Polyhedral number
Wikipedia - Polymath -- Individual whose knowledge spans a substantial number of subjects
Wikipedia - Ponsonby Britt -- Fictional executive producer of a number of television series
Wikipedia - Pool of Siloam -- Number of rock-cut pools on the southern slope of the City of David
Wikipedia - Pope John (numbering)
Wikipedia - Pope John numbering
Wikipedia - Population bottleneck -- The effects of a sharp reduction in numbers on the diversity and robustness of a population
Wikipedia - Population decline -- Reduction in number of a human population caused by events such as long-term demographic trends
Wikipedia - Population growth -- Increase in the number of individuals in a population
Wikipedia - Port number
Wikipedia - Positional notation -- Method for representing or encoding numbers
Wikipedia - Positive number
Wikipedia - Posit (number format)
Wikipedia - Postal Index Number -- Code in the post office numbering or post code system used by India Post
Wikipedia - Potassium -- Chemical element with atomic number 19
Wikipedia - PowerDNS -- Versatile nameserver which supports a large number of backends
Wikipedia - Powerful number
Wikipedia - Power in Numbers: The Rebel Women of Mathematics
Wikipedia - Practical number -- A number such that it and all smaller numbers may be represented as sums of its distinct divisors
Wikipedia - Prannok Pier -- Pier number N10, is a pier on the Chao Phraya River
Wikipedia - Praseodymium -- chemical element with atomic number 59
Wikipedia - Preferred number -- Standard guidelines for choosing exact product dimensions within a given set of constraints
Wikipedia - Premium-rate telephone number -- Telephone numbers for calls that are charged at a higher than normal rate
Wikipedia - Presburger arithmetic -- The first-order theory of the natural numbers with addition
Wikipedia - Pretzel link -- A link formed from a finite number of twisted sections
Wikipedia - Prevalence -- Number of disease cases in a given population at a specific time
Wikipedia - Primality -- Property of being a prime number
Wikipedia - Primary pseudoperfect number
Wikipedia - Prime-counting function -- Function representing the number of primes less than or equal to a given number
Wikipedia - Prime element -- Analogue of a prime number in a commutative ring
Wikipedia - Prime numbers
Wikipedia - Prime number theorem -- Theorem in number theory
Wikipedia - Prime number -- Positive integer with exactly two divisors, 1 and itself
Wikipedia - Primeval number
Wikipedia - Primitive abundant number
Wikipedia - Prisoner Number One -- 1935 Danish comedy film
Wikipedia - Prisoner Number Seven -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Privately held company -- Business company owned either by non-governmental organizations or by a relatively small number of shareholders or company members, and the company's capital stock is offered, owned and traded or exchanged privately
Wikipedia - Private Number (1936 film) -- 1936 film by Roy Del Ruth
Wikipedia - Private Number (Judy Clay and William Bell song) -- 1968 single by Judy Clay and William Bell
Wikipedia - Privet as an invasive plant -- A number of shrubs or trees in the genus Ligustrum
Wikipedia - Probabilistic number theory
Wikipedia - Probability amplitude -- Complex number whose squared absolute value is a probability
Wikipedia - Promethium -- chemical element with atomic number 61
Wikipedia - Pronic number
Wikipedia - Protactinium -- chemical element with atomic number 91
Wikipedia - Protein quaternary structure -- Number and arrangement of multiple folded protein subunits in a multi-subunit complex
Wikipedia - Proth number
Wikipedia - Proto-Indo-European numerals -- Names of numbers in the Proto-Indo-European language
Wikipedia - Pseudo-Bonaventure -- Collective name for the authors of a number of medieval devotional works
Wikipedia - Pseudorandom number generation
Wikipedia - Pseudo-random number generator
Wikipedia - Pseudorandom number generator
Wikipedia - Pseudo-random number sampling
Wikipedia - Pseudo-random number
Wikipedia - Pyramidal number
Wikipedia - pyramidal number
Wikipedia - Pythagorean addition -- Defined for two real numbers as the square root of the sum of their squares
Wikipedia - Q (number format)
Wikipedia - Quadratic reciprocity -- Gives conditions for the solvability of quadratic equations modulo prime numbers
Wikipedia - Quadruple-precision floating-point format -- 128-bit computer number format
Wikipedia - Quantum number
Wikipedia - Quartic reciprocity -- Collection of theorems in number theory on when the congruence xM-bM-^AM-4 M-bM-^IM-! p (mod q) is solvable
Wikipedia - Quasiperfect number
Wikipedia - Quaternion -- Noncommutative extension of the real numbers
Wikipedia - Queen of Heaven (antiquity) -- A title given to a number of ancient sky goddesses worshipped throughout the ancient Mediterranean and Near East during ancient times
Wikipedia - Quinary -- Positional number system with base 5
Wikipedia - Quorum -- Minimum number of members of a deliberative assembly necessary to conduct business
Wikipedia - Radium -- chemical element with atomic number 88
Wikipedia - Radix -- Number of unique digits in a positional numeral system
Wikipedia - Radon -- chemical element with atomic number 86
Wikipedia - Raffle -- Gambling with numbered tickets, usually for charitable fundraising
Wikipedia - Random number generation
Wikipedia - Random number generator
Wikipedia - Rating system of the Royal Navy -- Historical category for Royal Navy vessels, based on number of guns
Wikipedia - Rational number -- Quotient of two integers
Wikipedia - Ratio -- Relationship between two numbers of the same kind
Wikipedia - Rayo's number -- Large number
Wikipedia - RDRAND -- Computer instruction for returning hardware-generated random numbers
Wikipedia - Real analysis -- Mathematics of real numbers and real functions
Wikipedia - Real coordinate space -- Space formed by the ''n''-tuples of real numbers
Wikipedia - Real line -- Line that represents the real numbers
Wikipedia - Real numbers
Wikipedia - Real number -- Number representing a continuous quantity
Wikipedia - Reciprocal Fibonacci constant -- Mathematical constant defined as the sum of the reciprocals of the Fibonacci numbers
Wikipedia - Refactorable number
Wikipedia - Regional Internet registry -- Organization responsible for managing network numbering
Wikipedia - Regnal number
Wikipedia - Regular numbers
Wikipedia - Regular number -- Numbers that evenly divide powers of 60
Wikipedia - Repeating decimal -- Decimal representation of a number whose digits are periodic
Wikipedia - Repunit -- Numbers that contain only the digit 1
Wikipedia - Retired number -- Honor in team sports
Wikipedia - Revolving credit -- Type of credit that does not have a fixed number of payments
Wikipedia - Reynolds number -- Dimensionless quantity used to help predict fluid flow patterns
Wikipedia - Rhenium -- chemical element with atomic number 75
Wikipedia - Rhodium -- chemical element with atomic number 45
Wikipedia - Riemann hypothesis -- Conjecture in mathematics linked to the distribution of prime numbers
Wikipedia - Riesel number
Wikipedia - Rikki Don't Lose That Number -- 1974 single by Steely Dan
Wikipedia - Ringer equivalence number -- Indication of the electrical load on a telephone line
Wikipedia - Risk score -- Calculated number that reflects the level of risk in the presence of some risk factors
Wikipedia - Romanian numbers -- Names of numbers in the Romanian language
Wikipedia - Romanov's theorem -- Theorem on the set of numbers that are the sum of a prime and a positive integer power of the base
Wikipedia - Ronald Numbers
Wikipedia - Room Number? -- Burmese television series
Wikipedia - Root of unity -- Number that has an integer power equal to 1
Wikipedia - Rossby number -- The ratio of inertial force to Coriolis force
Wikipedia - Rotary dial -- Component that allows dialing numbers
Wikipedia - Roth's theorem on arithmetic progressions -- On the existence of arithmetic progressions in subsets of the natural numbers
Wikipedia - Rough number
Wikipedia - Round number
Wikipedia - Route number -- Number or alphanumeric characters assigned to a stretch of public roadway often dependent on the type of road
Wikipedia - Routing number (Canada) -- Bank code
Wikipedia - RSA number
Wikipedia - Rubidium -- chemical element with atomic number 37
Wikipedia - Ruthenium -- chemical element with atomic number 44
Wikipedia - Ryanair -- Irish low-cost airline; largest by passenger numbers in Europe; main operating unit of Ryanair Holdings
Wikipedia - Saat Number Kayedi -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - Safety in Numbers (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Safety in Numbers (1938 film) -- 1938 film by Malcolm St. Clair
Wikipedia - Safety in numbers
Wikipedia - Samarium -- chemical element with atomic number 62
Wikipedia - Sarah Zerbes -- German algebraic number theorist
Wikipedia - Sara Johanna de Beer -- Surinamese printer and editor of a number of newspapers and magazines
Wikipedia - Scalar (mathematics) -- Elements of a field, e.g. real numbers, in the context of linear algebra
Wikipedia - Schnirelmann density -- In additive number theory, a way to measure how dense a sequence of numbers is
Wikipedia - Scholz's reciprocity law -- A reciprocity law for quadratic residue symbols of real quadratic number fields
Wikipedia - Schrder number
Wikipedia - Science, Numbers, and I -- Collection of essays by Isaac Asimov
Wikipedia - Seating capacity -- Number of people who can be seated in a specific space
Wikipedia - Second-rate -- Historical category for Royal Navy vessels, based on number of guns
Wikipedia - Secret Number -- South Korean girl group
Wikipedia - Selectin -- Transmembrane proteins with a lectin-like domain, an epidermal growth factor-like domain, and a variable number of domains homologous to complement regulatory proteins
Wikipedia - Selenium -- Chemical element with atomic number 34
Wikipedia - Self-descriptive number
Wikipedia - Self number
Wikipedia - Semiperfect number
Wikipedia - Semiprime -- The product of two prime numbers
Wikipedia - Senary -- positional number system with base 6
Wikipedia - Sequence number
Wikipedia - Serial number -- Unique code assigned for identification of a single unit
Wikipedia - Seven-number summary
Wikipedia - Sexagesimal number system
Wikipedia - Shackle code -- Cryptographic system for numbers
Wikipedia - Shannon number
Wikipedia - Shintani's unit theorem -- On subgroups of finite index of the totally positive units of a number field
Wikipedia - Shrewd cardinal -- Type of large cardinal number
Wikipedia - Siegel's theorem on integral points -- Finitely many for a smooth algebraic curve of genus > 0 defined over a number field
Wikipedia - Sieve of Eratosthenes -- Ancient algorithm for generating prime numbers
Wikipedia - Signed number representations
Wikipedia - Significand -- Part of a number in scientific notation
Wikipedia - Significant figures -- Any digit of a number within its measurement resolution, as opposed to spurious digits
Wikipedia - Silicon -- Chemical element with atomic number 14
Wikipedia - Silver -- chemical element with atomic number 47
Wikipedia - Simultaneous exhibition -- Board game exhibition where one player plays multiple games simultaneously against a number of other players.
Wikipedia - Single-precision floating-point format -- 32-bit computer number format
Wikipedia - Sixteenth Air Force -- US Numbered Air Force
Wikipedia - Sixth-rate -- Historical category for Royal Navy vessels, based on number of guns
Wikipedia - Skewes's number
Wikipedia - Sleep Number -- U.S. manufacturiing company
Wikipedia - Slope number
Wikipedia - Small population size -- Statistical effects of small numbers on a population
Wikipedia - Small-world network -- Mathematical graph where most nodes can be reached by a small number of steps
Wikipedia - Smeed's law -- Correlation between the number of cars and traffic deaths
Wikipedia - Smith number
Wikipedia - Smooth number
Wikipedia - Sociable numbers
Wikipedia - Sociable number -- Numbers whose aliquot sums form a cyclic sequence
Wikipedia - Socialist Worker -- Name of a number of far-left newspapers currently or formerly associated with the International Socialist Tendency
Wikipedia - Social Security Number
Wikipedia - Social security number
Wikipedia - Social Security number -- Nine-digit number issued to U.S. citizens and permanent residents
Wikipedia - Sodium -- Chemical element with atomic number 11
Wikipedia - Song Number 1 -- 2007 single by Serebro
Wikipedia - Sorting number
Wikipedia - Soup Number Five -- Filipino soup dish made from bull's testes and/or penises
Wikipedia - South Asian numbering system
Wikipedia - Southern Railway multiple unit numbering and classification -- Classification and number system by Southern Railway of British Rail
Wikipedia - Sparsely totient number
Wikipedia - Special number field sieve
Wikipedia - Species diversity -- Number of distinct species in a biological community
Wikipedia - Sphenic number
Wikipedia - Squadron (naval) -- Military unit used by naval forces, usually comprising a number of ships
Wikipedia - Square (algebra) -- Result of multiplying a number, or other expression, by itself
Wikipedia - Squared triangular number -- Theorem that the sum of the first n cubes is the square of the nth triangular number
Wikipedia - Square numbers
Wikipedia - Square number -- Product of an integer with itself
Wikipedia - Square pyramidal number -- Number representing the number of stacked spheres in a square pyramid
Wikipedia - Square root of 2 -- Unique positive real number which when multiplied by itself gives 2
Wikipedia - Square root of 3 -- Unique positive real number which when multiplied by itself gives 3
Wikipedia - Square root -- Number whose square is a given number
Wikipedia - Square triangular number -- Integer that is both a perfect square and a triangular number
Wikipedia - Star (heraldry) -- In heraldry, any pierced or unpierced star-shaped charge with any number of straight or wavy rays
Wikipedia - Stark-Heegner theorem -- States precisely which quadratic imaginary number fields admit unique factorisation
Wikipedia - Star number
Wikipedia - Star Prophecy -- A Messianic reading applied by Jewish Zealots and early Christians to Numbers 24:17
Wikipedia - Star system -- small number of stars that orbit each other
Wikipedia - Station numbering -- Sign system used by some railway companies in Japan
Wikipedia - Stations of the Exodus -- Locations visited by the Israelites following their exodus from Egypt, according to Numbers 33
Wikipedia - Steinhaus-Moser notation -- Notation for extremely large numbers
Wikipedia - Stella octangula number
Wikipedia - Stepping (version numbers)
Wikipedia - Stevedore knot (mathematics) -- Mathematical knot with crossing number 6
Wikipedia - Stock split -- increasing the number of shares in a company, without dilution or change in total capitalization
Wikipedia - Stokes number -- Dimensionless number characterising the behavior of particles suspended in a fluid flow
Wikipedia - Stormer's theorem -- Gives a finite bound on the number of consecutive pairs of smooth numbers that exist
Wikipedia - Strahler number -- Measure of the branching complexity
Wikipedia - Strictly non-palindromic number
Wikipedia - Strmer number
Wikipedia - Strobogrammatic number
Wikipedia - Strong law of small numbers
Wikipedia - Strong Law of Small Numbers -- Humorous mathematical law
Wikipedia - Strontium -- chemical element with atomic number 38
Wikipedia - Strouhal number -- Dimensionless number describing oscillating flow mechanisms
Wikipedia - Sublime number
Wikipedia - Subnormal numbers
Wikipedia - Subnormal number
Wikipedia - Subspace theorem -- Points of small height in projective space lie in a finite number of hyperplanes
Wikipedia - Successor function -- Elementary operation on a natural number
Wikipedia - Summation -- Addition of a finite sequence of numbers
Wikipedia - Sum-product number
Wikipedia - Superabundant number
Wikipedia - Superior highly composite number
Wikipedia - Superperfect number
Wikipedia - Super-Poulet number
Wikipedia - Superreal number -- Class of extensions of the real numbers
Wikipedia - Supersingular isogeny graph -- Class of expander graphs arising in computational number theory
Wikipedia - Supersingular prime (algebraic number theory)
Wikipedia - Surreal Numbers (book)
Wikipedia - Surreal numbers
Wikipedia - Surreal number -- A totally ordered proper class containing the real numbers as well as hyperreal numbers such as infinity and infinitesimals.
Wikipedia - Swarm behaviour -- Collective behaviour of a large number of (usually) self-propelled entities of similar size
Wikipedia - SzemerM-CM-)di-Trotter theorem -- Bound on the number of incidences between points and lines in the plane
Wikipedia - Tantalum -- chemical element with atomic number 73
Wikipedia - Tarawih -- Addendum of a varying number of raka'at to Isha prayer during Ramadan
Wikipedia - Taxpayer Identification Number -- Identifier for a taxpaying entity in the U.S.
Wikipedia - Taylor number -- Quantity in fluid dynamics
Wikipedia - Technetium -- chemical element with atomic number 43
Wikipedia - Telephone directory -- Book that lists phone numbers of people and businesses
Wikipedia - Telephone numbering plan -- numbering scheme to assign telephone numbers to telephones
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Abkhazia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Albania -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Algeria -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Andorra -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Angola -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Argentina -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Armenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Aruba -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Ascension Island -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Australia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Austria -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Azerbaijan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Bahrain -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Bangladesh -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Belarus -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Belgium -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Belize -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Benin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Bhutan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Bolivia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Bosnia and Herzegovina -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Botswana -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Brazil -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Brunei -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Bulgaria -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Burkina Faso -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Burundi -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Cambodia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Cameroon -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Canada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Cape Verde -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Ceuta -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Chad -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Chile -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in China -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Christmas Island -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Colombia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Comoros -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Costa Rica -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Croatia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Cuba -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Curacao and the Caribbean Netherlands -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Cyprus -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Denmark -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Djibouti -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in East Timor -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Ecuador -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Egypt -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in El Salvador -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Equatorial Guinea -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Eritrea -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Estonia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Eswatini -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Ethiopia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Europe -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Fiji -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Finland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in France -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in French Polynesia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Gabon -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Georgia (country) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Germany -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Ghana -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Gibraltar -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Greece -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Greenland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Guatemala -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Guinea-Bissau -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Guinea -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Guyana -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Haiti -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Honduras -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Hong Kong -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Hungary -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Iceland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in India -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Indonesia -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Iran -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Iraq -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Israel -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Italy -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Ivory Coast -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Japan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Jordan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Kazakhstan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Kenya -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Kiribati -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Kosovo -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Kuwait -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Kyrgyzstan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Laos -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Latvia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Lebanon -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Lesotho -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Liberia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Libya -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Liechtenstein -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Lithuania -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Luxembourg -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Macau -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Madagascar -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Malawi -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Malaysia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Mali -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Malta -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Mauritania -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Mauritius -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in M-CM-^Eland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Melilla -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Mexico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Moldova -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Monaco -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Mongolia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Montenegro -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Morocco -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Mozambique -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Myanmar -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Namibia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Nauru -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Nepal -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in New Caledonia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in New Zealand -- New Zealand numbering plan
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Nicaragua -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Nigeria -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Niger -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Niue -- Niue numbering plan
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Norfolk Island -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Northern Cyprus -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in North Korea -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in North Macedonia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Norway -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Oman -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Pakistan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Palau -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Panama -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Papua New Guinea -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Paraguay -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Peru -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Poland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Portugal -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Puerto Rico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Qatar -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Romania -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Russia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Rwanda -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Saint Helena and Tristan da Cunha -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Samoa -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in San Marino -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Sao TomM-CM-) and Principe -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Saudi Arabia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Senegal -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Serbia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Seychelles -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Sierra Leone -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Singapore -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Slovakia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Slovenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Solomon Islands -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Somalia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Somaliland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in South Africa -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in South Korea -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in South Ossetia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in South Sudan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Spain -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Sri Lanka -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Sudan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Svalbard -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Sweden -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Switzerland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Syria -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Taiwan -- none
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Tajikistan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Tanzania -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Thailand -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in the Australian Antarctic Territory -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in the British Indian Ocean Territory -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in the Canary Islands -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in the Central African Republic -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in the Cook Islands -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in the Czech Republic -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in the Dominican Republic -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in the Falkland Islands -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in the Faroe Islands -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in the Federated States of Micronesia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in the Gambia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in the German Democratic Republic -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in the Maldives -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in the Marshall Islands -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in the Netherlands -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in the Philippines -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in the Pitcairn Islands -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in the Republic of Artsakh -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in the Republic of Ireland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in the Republic of the Congo -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in the Soviet Union -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in the State of Palestine -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in the United Arab Emirates -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in the United Kingdom -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Togo -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Tokelau -- Tokelau numbering plan
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Tonga -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Transnistria -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Tunisia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Turkey -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Turkmenistan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Tuvalu -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Uganda -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Ukraine -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Uruguay -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Uzbekistan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Vanuatu -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Vatican City -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Venezuela -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Vietnam -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Wallis and Futuna -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Western Sahara -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Yemen -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Yugoslavia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Zambia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Zimbabwe -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Telephone number
Wikipedia - Tellurium -- chemical element with atomic number 52
Wikipedia - Template:Infobox element/sandbox -- Chemical element with atomic number {{{number|28
Wikipedia - Template:Infobox element -- Chemical element with atomic number {{{number|
Wikipedia - Template:Infobox number -- Natural number|noreplace
Wikipedia - Template talk:Classes of natural numbers
Wikipedia - Template talk:FrenchNumber1s
Wikipedia - Template talk:International numbering standards
Wikipedia - Template talk:Large numbers
Wikipedia - Template talk:Number-theoretic algorithms
Wikipedia - Template talk:Number theory
Wikipedia - Template talk:Prime number classes
Wikipedia - Ten-digit dialing -- Inclusion of an area code in a North American telephone number when dialing
Wikipedia - Tennessine -- Synthetic radioactive chemical element with atomic number&nbsp;117 and symbol Ts
Wikipedia - Terbium -- chemical element with atomic number 65
Wikipedia - Tetracycline -- Antibiotic used to treat a number of infections
Wikipedia - Tetradic number
Wikipedia - Tetrahedral number
Wikipedia - Tetraphobia -- Avoidance of the number four in many East Asian nations
Wikipedia - Thabit number -- Integer of the form 3 M-BM-7 2M-bM-^AM-? - 1 for non-negative n
Wikipedia - Thallium -- chemical element with atomic number 81
Wikipedia - The Books of the Bible -- Bible with chapter and verse numbers remove
Wikipedia - The Creationists -- 1993 book by Ronald Numbers
Wikipedia - The Geometry of Numbers -- Book on the geometry of numbers
Wikipedia - The Girl in Number 29 -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - The Lucky Number -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two -- 1956 psychology paper by George Miller on working memory capacity
Wikipedia - The Magic Numbers (album) -- Album by The Magic Numbers
Wikipedia - The Magic Numbers -- Band
Wikipedia - The Man Who Loved Only Numbers
Wikipedia - The Number 23 -- 2007 film
Wikipedia - The Number (film) -- 2017 film
Wikipedia - The Number of the Beast (novel) -- Novel by Robert A. Heinlein
Wikipedia - The Number Painter -- Fictional character
Wikipedia - The Numbers Band -- American blues rock band
Wikipedia - The Numbers Start with the River -- 1971 film
Wikipedia - The Numbers (website) -- Website which tracks film box office revenue
Wikipedia - The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Numbers -- Book by David Wells
Wikipedia - The Procuress (Dirck van Baburen) -- Number of similar paintings by the Dutch Golden Age painter Dirck van Baburen
Wikipedia - The Right Number -- 2003 infinite canvas webcomic
Wikipedia - The Solitude of Prime Numbers -- 2010 film
Wikipedia - The Striker with Number 9 -- 1989 film
Wikipedia - The Who by Numbers Tour -- Concert tour by the Who
Wikipedia - The World's Number One, Flat-Out, All-Time Great Stock Car Racing Book -- 1975 American book
Wikipedia - Third-rate -- Historical category for Royal Navy vessels, based on number of guns
Wikipedia - Those the Brokes -- Album by The Magic Numbers
Wikipedia - Three-twist knot -- Mathematical knot with crossing number 5
Wikipedia - Tibs the Great -- British Post Office's "number one cat"
Wikipedia - Tijdeman's theorem -- There are at most a finite number of consecutive powers
Wikipedia - Tin -- chemical element with atomic number 50
Wikipedia - Titanium -- Chemical element with atomic number 22
Wikipedia - Toll-free telephone number -- Type of telephone number where the subscriber thereof is billed instead of the calling party
Wikipedia - Tomographic reconstruction -- Estimate object properties from a finite number of projections
Wikipedia - Torsion conjecture -- Would bound the order of the torsion group of an abelian variety over a number field
Wikipedia - Train reporting number (Australia) -- System used for identifying trains
Wikipedia - Transcendental number theory
Wikipedia - Transcendental number -- Number that cannot be found as a result of an algebraic equation with integer coefficients
Wikipedia - Transfinite numbers
Wikipedia - Transfinite number -- Number that is larger than all finite numbers
Wikipedia - Transuranium element -- Element whose atomic number is greater than 92
Wikipedia - Trapezoidal number
Wikipedia - Triangular numbers
Wikipedia - Triangular number
Wikipedia - triangular number
Wikipedia - Trimorphic number
Wikipedia - Trinucleotide repeat expansion -- DNA mutation involving an increase in number of trinucleotide repeats
Wikipedia - Triskaidekaphobia -- Fear of the number 13
Wikipedia - Tri-state area -- Informal term in the US to refer to any one of a number of regions bordering on three states
Wikipedia - Trout -- Number of species of freshwater fish
Wikipedia - Truncatable prime -- Type of number
Wikipedia - Tumse Milke Wrong Number -- 2003 Hindi thriller film
Wikipedia - Tungsten -- chemical element with atomic number 74
Wikipedia - Tunnell's theorem -- On the congruent number problem: which integers are the area of a rational right triangle
Wikipedia - Turan-Kubilius inequality -- Theorem in probabilistic number theory on additive complex-valued arithmetic functions
Wikipedia - Turbidity -- The cloudiness of a fluid caused by large numbers of particles that are generally invisible to the naked eye
Wikipedia - TV by the Numbers -- Web site devoted to US television ratings data
Wikipedia - Typographical Number Theory -- Axiomatic system
Wikipedia - Ulam number
Wikipedia - Ulam spiral -- A visualization of the prime numbers formed by arranging the integers into a spiral
Wikipedia - Undulating number
Wikipedia - Unique citizenship number -- Numbers assigned to each Bulgarian citizen
Wikipedia - Unique Master Citizen Number -- Unique identification number for citizens of some former Yugoslav republics
Wikipedia - Unique physician identification number -- Alphanumeric identifier formerly used by Medicare to identify doctors in the United States
Wikipedia - Unique Reference Number -- Identifier of UK schools
Wikipedia - Unitary perfect number
Wikipedia - United States Numbered Highway System -- Highway system of the United States of America
Wikipedia - United States Seventh Fleet -- Numbered fleet of the United States Navy
Wikipedia - United States Sixth Fleet -- Numbered fleet of the United States Navy
Wikipedia - Universally unique identifier -- 128-bit number used to identify information in computer systems
Wikipedia - Unknotting number -- The minimum number of times a specific knot must be passed through itself to become untied
Wikipedia - Unlisted number -- Telephone number that is unpublished
Wikipedia - Unsigned highway -- Highways that do not identify the route number
Wikipedia - Untouchable number
Wikipedia - Unum (number format)
Wikipedia - Unusual number
Wikipedia - Uranium -- chemical element with atomic number 92
Wikipedia - Urea reduction ratio -- Number used to quantify dialysis treatment
Wikipedia - Ursell number -- Dimensionless number indicating the nonlinearity of long surface gravity waves on a fluid layer.
Wikipedia - User talk:Nick Number
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 11 -- Numbered U.S. Highway in the Southeastern and Northeastern United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 12 -- Numbered Highway in the United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 14 -- Numbered Highway in the United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 180 -- Numbered Highway in the United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 183 -- Numbered Highway in the United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 1 -- Numbered U.S. Highway in the United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 26 -- Numbered U.S. Highway in the United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 275 -- Numbered U.S. Highway in the United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 27 in Tennessee -- United States Numbered Highway in Tennessee
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 2 -- U.S. Numbered Highway
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 40 -- Numbered U.S. Highway in the United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 411 -- Numbered U.S. Highway in Alabama, Georgia, and Tennessee in the United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 466 -- Former Numbered Highway in the United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 60 -- Numbered U.S. Highway in the United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 6 -- Numbered Highway in the United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 70N -- Numbered Highway in Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 80 -- Numbered Highway in the United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 87 -- Numbered U.S. Highway in the United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 91 -- Numbered Highway in Utah and Idaho in the United States
Wikipedia - U.S. Route 99 -- Former Numbered U.S. Highway in California, Oregon, and Washington in the United States
Wikipedia - USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) -- Fictional starship in Star Trek with registry number NCC-1701
Wikipedia - Vampire number
Wikipedia - Vanadium -- Chemical element with atomic number 23
Wikipedia - Van Buren Street (Arizona) -- Street that runs through a number of municipalities in Maricopa County in the U.S. state of Arizona
Wikipedia - Vancouver system -- Citation style that uses numbers within the text to cite references
Wikipedia - Vaughan's identity -- Identity that estimates sums in analytic number theory involving the von Mangoldt function
Wikipedia - Vehicle identification number
Wikipedia - Vehicle registration plates of Eswatini -- eSwatini vehicle number plates
Wikipedia - Vehicle registration plates of Monaco -- Monaco vehicle number plates
Wikipedia - Vehicle registration plates of the United Kingdom -- United Kingdom motor vehicle number plates
Wikipedia - Version number
Wikipedia - Victim Number 8 -- 2018 Spanish-language television series
Wikipedia - Virtual channel -- Method of remapping a digital program stream to a channel number
Wikipedia - Vitali set -- Set of real numbers that is not Lebesgue measurable
Wikipedia - Volume licensing -- Practice of selling a license authorizing one computer program to be used on a large number of computers or by a large number of users
Wikipedia - Von Staudt-Clausen theorem -- Determines the fractional part of Bernoulli numbers
Wikipedia - Wallace-Bolyai-Gerwien theorem -- When can a polygon can be formed from another by cutting it into a finite number of pieces
Wikipedia - Water polo cap -- Headgear used in water polo and a number of underwater sports
Wikipedia - Wavenumber -- Spatial frequency of a wave
Wikipedia - Weakly prime number
Wikipedia - We Are Number One -- 2014 song from children's show LazyTown
Wikipedia - Weber number -- A dimensionless number in fluid mechanics that is often useful in analysing fluid flows where there is an interface between two different fluids
Wikipedia - Weil's conjecture on Tamagawa numbers -- Conjecture in algebraic geometry
Wikipedia - Weird number
Wikipedia - Well equidistributed long-period linear -- Family of pseudorandom number generators
Wikipedia - West number
Wikipedia - What's Your Name, What's Your Number -- 1977 song performed by Andrea True
Wikipedia - What's Your Number? -- 2011 romantic comedy film directed by Mark Mylod
Wikipedia - Wheeler's delayed-choice experiment -- Number of quantum physics thought experiments
Wikipedia - Whisper number -- Investing term
Wikipedia - White gas -- Name for a number of flammable substances
Wikipedia - Wife Number 13 -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Good article statistics -- Page listing number of Good articles over time
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:List of Wikipedians by number of edits -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Long-term abuse/Nipponese Dog Calvero -- An en, ja, vi & zh wikis LTA with a large number of sockpuppets
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Notability (numbers) -- Wikipedia policy for notability of numbers
Wikipedia - Wikipedia talk:Manual of Style (dates and numbers)/Archive/Complete rewrite of Units of Measurements (June 2008)
Wikipedia - Wikipedia talk:Manual of Style/Dates and numbers
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Numbers -- Wikimedia subject-area collaboration
Wikipedia - Williams number -- class of numbers in number theory
Wikipedia - Wilson prime -- Type of prime number
Wikipedia - Winding number -- Number of times a curve wraps around a point in the plane
Wikipedia - Window tax -- Property tax based on the number of windows in a house
Wikipedia - Wolstenholme number
Wikipedia - Womersley number -- A dimensionless expression of the pulsatile flow frequency in relation to viscous effects
Wikipedia - Wonton -- Type of dumpling commonly found in a number of Chinese cuisines
Wikipedia - Woodall number
Wikipedia - World population -- Total number of living humans on Earth
Wikipedia - World record loop -- Record for the highest number of aircraft to successfully complete an aerobatic loop while flying in formation
Wikipedia - Wratten number -- Labeling system for optical filters
Wikipedia - Wrong Number, Miss -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Xenon -- chemical element with atomic number 54
Wikipedia - Xoroshiro128+ -- Pseudorandom number generator
Wikipedia - Xorshift -- Class of pseudorandom number generators
Wikipedia - Yamamoto's reciprocity law -- A reciprocity law related to class numbers of quadratic number fields
Wikipedia - Year zero -- Year that does not exist in any past and/or present year-numbering calendar system
Wikipedia - Yeomanry -- Designation used by a number of units or sub-units of the British Army Reserve
Wikipedia - You Know My Name (Look Up the Number) -- Original song written and composed by Lennon-McCartney
Wikipedia - You're My Number One -- 1999 single by S Club 7
Wikipedia - Ytterbium -- chemical element with atomic number 70
Wikipedia - Yttrium -- chemical element with atomic number 39
Wikipedia - Za La Mort -- Fictional character who featured in a number of Italian films
Wikipedia - Zeckendorf's theorem -- On the unique representation of integers as sums of non-consecutive Fibonacci numbers
Wikipedia - Zeisel number
Wikipedia - Zero-based numbering
Wikipedia - Ziggurat algorithm -- Algorithm for pseudo-random number sampling
Wikipedia - Zinc -- Chemical element with atomic number 30
Wikipedia - Zirconium -- chemical element with atomic number 40\'s_stories_Wiki's_Super_Huge_Numbers's_number's_number
Integral World - Dynamic Nature of the Number System, Part I: Mathematics at a Crossroads, Peter Collins
Integral World - Dynamic Nature of the Number System, Part II: Holistic Role of Zeta Zeros, Peter Collins
Integral World - Dynamic Nature of the Number System, Part III: The Bigger Picture, Peter Collins
Integral World - The Numbered Universe: Where Synchronicities Abound and the Zahir is 895, David & Andrea Lane
selforum - if any one of numbers were different
selforum - number of commonalities between judaism
selforum - number of possible grammars is not
selforum - consciousness emerges from numbers
selforum - increasing number of pseudo gurus and
dedroidify.blogspot - daily-dedroidify-number-23-17-and-law
dedroidify.blogspot - magic-numbers-forever-lost
dedroidify.blogspot - hitrecord-on-tv-number-one
Dharmapedia - International_Standard_Book_Number
Dharmapedia - International_Standard_Serial_Number
Psychology Wiki - Human_sex_differences#Numbers_of_unmarried_people,_Rosenbach_Museum_and_Library.jpg
The Great Space Coaster (1981 - 1986) - A kid's fantasy/variety show about three friends who leave Earth each day in their 'Space Coaster'. Each episode featured several musical numbers (usually dealing with the various issues and problems kids face every day), plus news reports from Gary Gnu and book reviews from Speed Reader.
Family Ties (1982 - 1989) - What was unique about Family Ties was that it blended family comedy with politics. The 1960's flower children, Steven and Elyse clashed with the 1980's conservative, Alex. The show, in a way, showed the changing values during the Reagan era. Besides political views, Family Ties covered a number of c...
Amazing Stories (1985 - 1987) - Amazing Stories was a short lived sci-fi/fantasy series in the vein of The Twilight Zone. A new story - sometimes scary, sometimes funny - would be featured every week featuring many notable 80s character actors as well as a few big name stars. The series was most noted for the number of guest dir...
Classic Concentration (1987 - 1991) - Classic Concentration is the third edition the game of puzzles and prizes which began back in 1958 on NBC's daytime line-up. The original version featured a mechanical board of 30 numbered squares which rotated with the number called (as did the syndicated show of 1973-78); Classic had a computer-ge...
The Brady Kids (1972 - 1974) - The Brady Kids are out on their own as a jumping pop group making the world a whole lot brighter with abrupt musical numbers and high jinks with a little help of their crazy pets: Mop Top the dog, Marlon the wizard mynah bird and those mischievous Chinese pandas Ping & Pong.
Masters Of The Maze (1994 - 1996) - Masters Of The Maze is a game show that's considered to be the video game of the future. The show consists of three teams of two. Player number one is the runner who will be going into the maze and player number two is the navigator who will help his partner in the maze, by controlling his power sui...
Skatebirds (1977 - 1978) - Skatebirds was a one-hour show on CBS Saturday mornings from 1977 to 1978. Produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions, the show featured a number of short segments hosted by live-action wraparounds featuring "The Skatebirds", three large birds played by actors in costumes.
Royal Canadian Air Farce (1995 - Current) - CANADA'S NUMBER ONE COMEDY!!!
James The Cat (1984 - 1984) - Created by Kate Canning and produced by Jan Clayton with Grampian Television, James the Cat is a children's series. It chronicles the many events which take place at the Cornerhouse (number 104) between James and his new friends. Fellow characters include: Mrs. Lavender, a snail, Frida, a kangaroo,...
Countdown (1982 - Current) - Countdown is a British game show involving word and number puzzles. It is produced by ITV Studios and broadcast on Channel 4. It is presented by Nick Hewer, assisted by Rachel Riley, with regular lexicographer Susie Dent. It was the first programme to be aired on Channel 4, and sixty-seven series ha...
Serpico (1976 - 1977) - Frank Serpico was a maverick New York City detective who, after turning in a large number of "bad" cops and later being shot in the face, often went undercover to expose corruption in the city. The scruffy-looking, long-haired officer used unorthodox means to get results, and reported to Lieutenant...
Mr. Benn (1971 - 2005) - Mr Benn is an ordinary fellow, living an ordinary life in an ordinary suburban house, at Number 52, Festive Road. One day, Mr Benn receives an invitation to a fancy dress party, and so, donning his bowler hat, he sets off to find a costume to wear. Unable to find a suitable outfit in the usual shops...
Top of the Pops (1964 - 2006) - It's still number one, it's Top of the Pops!" First airing at 6.35pm, Wednesday 1st January 1964 on BBC ONE, broadcast live from a disused church in Manchester, Top of the Pops was only supposed to last a few episodes. Instead it exceeded all expectations, revolutionised music fans lives and sparked...
Peppermint Park (1987 - 1989) - Peppermint Park was a direct to video children's series that featured animated and puppet segments to teach children about the alphabet,numbers,and colors.The series is partially lost and a youtuber known as IcyRoserade is trying to find the ramaining volumes.The series remained in obscurity untill...
Heavy Metal L-Gaim (1984 - 1985) - In the Pentagona System, a young man by the name of Daba Myroad leads a rebellion against Pentagona's leader, Oldna Poseidal. Daba's not alone however, meeting a large number of allies along his journey and having in his possession the powerful L-Gaim, a white Heavy Metal left to him by his father.
Galactic Drifter Vifam (1983 - 1984) - Set far in the future, a mysterious alien race attacks a new colony light years from Earth. A number of children ranging in ages from 4 to 15 are among the survivors that evacuate from the fallen colony. Due to attacks by the aliens on the escaping freighter, the number of adults left dwindles. Over...
A Little Curious (1998 - 2000) - The 23-minute episodes are essentially anthologies of shorts centered on a common, easily digested theme such as "Up and Down" or "Slippery." While each short draws from the same pool of characters, one unique element of the show is that each short may be produced using one of a number of animation...
Golgo 13 (2008 - 2009) - Golgo 13 is not his real name. Then again, neither is Duke Togo, Tadashi Togo, or any number of the aliases he goes by. A man of mystery, not even the worlds most prominent intelligence agencies can determine who Golgo really is, or just where he came from. But all agree that his skills are nothing...
Milkshake! (1997) (1997 - Current) - a British preschool television programming block on Channel 5, aimed at children two to seven years old. The block debuted in 1997 and is broadcast on weekdays from 06:00 to 09:15 and weekends from 06:00 to 10:00. The block has a number of presenters, and features a range of children's programming....
Dr. Wonder's Workshop (2007 - Current) - an American Christian children's show targeted largely to a deaf/hard-of-hearing populace, and airs nationally on a number of Christian television networks including the Smile of a Child network during the week, and on TBN Saturday mornings as part of their Smile of a Child block. Other networks tha...
Maburaho (2003 - 2004) - a 24 episode anime series produced by J.C.Staff and broadcast by WOWOW in Japan.set in a world where every character has the ability to use magic, however everyone's magic is not equal. Each person in the story has a different degree of magic and a set number of times that they can use their magic....
Looney Tunes (1930 - 1969) - These series of theatrical animated shorts began life in the 1930's and consisted of a large amount of characters and settings contain slapstick humor and musical numbers. As the years progressed many more characters were added to the Looney Tunes roster including: Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig,...
Idiot Savants (1996 - 1997) - This was MTV's more intellectual game show. Hosted by Greg Fitzsimmons, this show had an interesting format in which the same 4 players played for 5 days straight. The person with the greatest number of points after five days won.
This Is the Life (1952 - 1989) - "This Is the Life" was the longest-running among a number of Christian-oriented dramatic series. Often airing on Sunday mornings, this anthology series aired in syndication from the mid 1950s through the late 1980s, and was produced by the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, and distributed by the Int...
ESPN College Basketball (1979 - Current) - ESPN College Basketball is a blanket title used for presentations of college basketball on ESPN and its family of networks. Its coverage focuses primarily on competition in NCAA Division I, holding broadcast rights to games from each major conference, and a number of mid-major conferences.
Soccer on ESPN (1981 - Current) - Soccer on ESPN is a number of programs that currently airs Association football matches in the United States. ESPN would sign with the North American Soccer League in 1981 and would broadcast its games exclusively. The first soccer game series ESPN aired was the 1986 FIFA World Cup and would air eve...
Soccer on NBC Sports (1986 - Current) - Soccer on NBC Sports is a number of television programs that have aired Association football matches in the United States on NBC and NBCSN. NBC began by airing the 1986 FIFA World Cup for the United States. They sporadically aired soccer matches from various league until 012 when they briefly became...
Short Circuit(1986) - Number 5, one of a group of experimental military robots, undergoes a sudden transformation after being struck by lightning. He develops self-awareness, consciousness, and a fear of the reprogramming that awaits him back at the factory. With the help of a young woman, Number 5 tries to evade capture...
Tron(1982) - Computer Classic, one of the first computer generated movies. A hacker is split into molecules and is transported into a computer. In this computer a mean program called Master Control behaves like a dictator. The hacker, who programmed a number of features of the environment he got into, teams up w...
Robin Hood: Men In Tights(1993) - directed and co-wrote this satiric comedy which lampoons a number of cinematic treatments of the legend of Sherwood Forest, including Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves and The Adventures of Robin Hood. Robin Hood (Cary Elwes) comes home after fighting in the Crusades to learn that the noble King Richard...
Short Circuit 2(1988) - When Number Five is sent from Newton and Stephanie's ranch to the big city to help Ben with his electronics business, he finds that his robotic talents are wanted by city low-life who want to turn Number Five int
Sleepaway Camp III: Teenage Wasteland(1989) - Angela is back, in the form of an angry inner-city camper on the hunt for blood. Camp New Horizons, on the recycled grounds of the former murders, intends to pair high class teens with underclass counterparts. Angela, however, has a different plan. Will it be door number one, number two, or number t...
Godzilla vs Hedorah(1971) - One of the worst Godzilla films in the series. The King of the Monsters versus a beast spawned from pollution by the name of Hedorah. I don't know about you I think the writers were on acid or LSD when it comes to making a film like this. This disgraceful monster movie features musical numbers (e.g...
Vampire Hunter D(1985) - It is many thousand years in the future. Vampires once ruled the night but have seen their numbers reduced by fearless bounty hunters. One such hunter is D, the halfbreed son of a human mother and vampire father. When a girl from a rich family is taken from her home by the vampire Meier Link, her fa...
Last Action Hero(1993) - Danny Madigan is a big movie buff. While watching an action movie, Danny's magic ticket transports him inside the movie alongside his number one hero Jack Slater. Its a dream come true for Danny, but things take a turn for the worst when a movie villain gets hold of the ticket and escapes into the r...
The Willies(1990) - In this horror film, a number of scary and creepy stories are related as three young boys swap gruesome stories during a backyard camp out.
The Howling 7: New Moon Rising(1995) - Gary Brandner's horror novels come to life again in this sequel to "The Howling." A number of vicious murders occur in a small California town after a motorcycle-riding stranger arrives. The gruesome slayings look disturbingly like the work of a werewolf. Meanwhile, in another nearby town, police ar...
Beaches(1988) - When the New York child performer CC Bloom and San Fransisco rich kid Hillary meet in a holiday resort in Atlantic City, it marks the start of a lifetime friendship between them. The two keep in touch through letters for a number of years until Hillary, now a successful lawyer moves to New York to s...
Benji(1974) - Benji is a stray who has worked his way into the hearts of a number of the townspeople, who give him food and attention whenever he stops by. His particular favorites are a pair of children who feed and play with him against the wishes of their parents. The children are kidnapped, the parents and th...
Liberty Heights(1999) - In the fall of 1954 the Kurtzmans, a Jewish family, live in Forest Park, a suburban neighborhood on the northwest outskirts of Baltimore. At the beginning of the film, Nate, the father, runs a burlesque theatre, and engages in a community numbers racket. His wife Ada stays home and takes care of the...
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Movie(1998) - Bill Kowalchuk produced and directed this animated interpretation of the familiar Christmas fable about the eccentric reindeer, highlighted by nine musical numbers. Following the song's basic outline, dad Blitzen is embarrassed by the antics of cute yet offbeat Rudolph who has a glowing nose, gets d...
The Bogus Witch Project(1999) - In the spring of 1999, two filmmakers entered the Maryland woods to shoot a mock-documentary called The Blair Witch Project. It quickly became one of the most profitable independent films of all times. A number of other filmmakers soon followed the original filmmakers into the woods, creating a numb...
Give My Regards to Broad Street(1984) - Paul McCartney pretty much plays himself in this tale of a musician who has lost the master tapes for his latest album. As he tracks them down, we see several different musical numbers based on previous songs McCartney did both solo and with The Beatles.
Everyone Says I Love You(1996) - Writer-director Woody Allen brings romance and comedy together in his first movie musical that celebrates love for one extended family with classic love songs and hilarious production number making perfect (and sometimes not so perfect) harmony. We see Joe, a writer living in Paris returning to New...
Assault on Precinct 13 (1976) - The lone inhabitants of an abandoned police station are under attack by the overwhelming numbers of a seemingly unstoppable street gang.
Kingdom of the Spiders(1977) - Investigating the mysterious deaths of a number of farm animals, vet Rack Hansen discovers that his town lies in the path of hoards of migrating tarantulas. Before he can take action, the streets are overrun by killer spiders, trapping a small group of towns folk in a remote hotel.
Wee Sing Train(1993) - All aboard for fun and adventure! Children everywhere will clap, hop, and sing along to the exhilarating song and dance numbers of the Wee Sing Train. Imagine playing with a toy train and suddenly becoming a passenger---this could only happen with a spark of Wee Sing magic! Casey and Carter have fin...
Naked in New York(1993) - The sponsorship of noted filmmaker Martin Scorsese helped the novice filmmakers making this film get it produced and receive mainstream distribution. In addition, it features a vast number of appearances by well-known performers, who took an interest in the project, taking union minimum pay. In the...
Barenaked In America(1999) - Were it not for Alanis Morissette, Barenaked Ladies would probably have been the biggest pop act to come out of Canada in the 1990s. Entirely male and generally fully clothed, the band scored a number of multi-platinum albums in their home country and enjoyed a healthy following in America before th...
Hoodlum(1997) - The white-run Mafia and the black-run numbers game meet head on with explosive impact in this period crime thriller. Ellsworth "Bumpy" Johnson (Laurence Fishburne) is an African-American ex-con who, after a stay in prison, returns to Harlem at the height of its renaissance before World War II. Looki...
Divine Madness(1980) - Self-defined diva Bette Midler performs her take on comedy and perverse pop music in this unforgettable concert performance, filmed live at Pasadena's Civic Auditorium. Rotating between comic monologues and energetic musical numbers, DIVINE MADNESS proves why Midler has such a dedicated legion of fa...
That Man Bolt(1973) - To take a briefcase from Hong Kong to Mexico City, via Los Angeles, is it necessary to call on that man - Bolt? With the number of dangerous spies and gangsters who are after that briefcase, maybe Lincoln Bolt is not enough, or is he?
Book of Numbers(1973) - Two waiters in Depression-era Arkansas get involved in the numbers racket.
Hoot(2006) - Three kids have an unexpected adventure as they try to protect some rare birds in this comedy drama based on a book for young adults by Carl Hiaasen. Roy Eberhardt is a 14-year-old whose family has moved so often he's literally lost count of the number of times he's changed schools in the last ten y...
Beach Blanket Bingo(1965) - Fifth entry of the "Beach Party" movies by American-International focuses on the comedic antics of a gang of local young people including musical numbers, a sky driving stunt, a biker gang and
Fertilize The Blaspheming Bombshell(1990) - Sheila Caan is menaced by Satan worshipers on her journey from Brooklyn to Las Vegas. In an effort to find out what happened to her twin sister, she undergoes many treacherous journeys, a number of Satanist slayings, and a number of showers.
There Are Still Slaves In The World(1964) - The film documents modern slave trade through a number of Arabian and African countries, under Muslim rule.
Autopsy(1975) - A pathology med student and a priest team up to investigate a wave of suicides blamed on sun spots and discover a number of them to be actual murders.
A Town Called Hell(1971) - A group of Mexican revolutionaries murders a town priest and a number of his christian followers. Ten years later, a widow arrives in town intent to take revenge from her husband's killers.
Death Machine(1994) - Chaank Armaments is experimenting with the ultimate fighting machine which is part human - part machine. So far, the Hardman project has been unreliable and has killed a number of innocent people. The genius behind this project is Jack who lives in a world of models, toys and magazines. When he is f...
Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle(2003) - Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (also known as Charlie's Angels 2 or Charlie's Angels 2: Full Throttle) is a 2003 American action comedy film. It is the sequel to 2000's Charlie's Angels. It opened in the United States on June 27, 2003, and was number one at the box office for that weekend and made...
Broken Vessels(1998) - A young Pennsylvania man moves to Los Angeles to begin work for an ambulance service. There he is teamed with a supremely confident vet who seemingly has gone through a large number of partners. Initially the novice is awed by the more experienced man's capabilities to deal with the high pressure si...
The American Mall(2008) - Produced by the same team behind Disney's High School Musical film series, The American Mall is conceptually very similar, as it focuses on several teenage characters and their daily struggles, with comic elements and musical numbers. The central plot thread of the film is that the two main characte...
Fun and Fancy Free(1947) - One of Disney's World War II Era "package films". This one has the least number of segments with the longest length. In "Bongo", a circus bear wants to have a free life in the woods. In "Mickey & the Beanstalk" Mickey and his friends act out a version of the classic tale "Jack & the Beanstalk". This...
Jackass Number Two(2006) - The cast of the hit TV series and movie are back with even more crazy stunts and tricks! Enjoy the film, but just don't try this at home!
Smithereens(1982) - A narcissistic runaway engages in a number of parasitic relationships amongst members of New York's waning punk scene.
Round Numbers(1992) - A housewife who despises society's obsession with health and looks suspects her husband of cheating on her with a hot model in a local health spa. She decides to infiltrate the spa, find the woman and get her revenge. But is it that simple?
American Boyfriends(1989) - Four Canadian girls skip off university to get to the wedding of one of their number's relatives across the border in Portland. After the event one stays on with a guy she's met, one returns home to get ready for her own wedding, and the other two head off for San Diego in a newly acquired Cadillac...
Zulu(1964) - Outnumbered British soldiers do battle with Zulu warriors at Rorke's Drift.
Sing Along(1987) - Sing Along is a 1987 Sesame Street direct-to-video compilation, released on VHS under the My Sesame Street Home Video label. The framing sequences of the video, as well as the sketches featured, were later incorporated as Episode 2443, sponsored by the letters H, R, and the number 12.
Home Alone: The Holiday Heist(2012) - Home Alone: The Holiday Heist (also known as Home Alone 5) is a 2012 American made-for-television Christmas comedy film. It is the fifth installment in the Home Alone franchise. Even though it does not focus on the McCallister Family it does contain a number of homages to the previou
Vampires Suck(2010) - A spoof of vampire-themed movies. Teenager, Becca finds herself torn between 2 boys. As she and her friends wrestle with a number of different dramas, everything comes to a head at their prom. -- -- Slice of Life -- Sports, School -- Sports, School
Analyze This (1999) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Comedy, Crime | 5 March 1999 (USA) -- A comedy about a psychiatrist whose number one patient is an insecure mob boss. Director: Harold Ramis Writers: Kenneth Lonergan (story), Peter Tolan (story) | 3 more credits
Any Number Can Win (1963) ::: 7.3/10 -- Mlodie en sous-sol (original title) -- Any Number Can Win Poster -- Charles (Jean Gabin), a sixtyish career criminal fresh out of jail, rejects his wife's plan for a quiet life of bourgeois respectability. He enlists a former cellmate, Francis (Alain Delon)... S Director: Henri Verneuil
Battle of the Sexes (2017) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 1min | Biography, Comedy, Drama | 29 September 2017 (USA) -- The true story of the 1973 tennis match between World number one Billie Jean King and ex-champ and serial hustler Bobby Riggs. Directors: Jonathan Dayton, Valerie Faris Writer: Simon Beaufoy
Battlestar Galactica: The Plan (2009) ::: 7.1/10 -- The Plan (original title) -- Battlestar Galactica: The Plan Poster When the initial Cylon attack against the Twelve Colonies fails to achieve complete extermination of human life as planned, twin Number Ones (Cavils) embedded on Galactica and Caprica must improvise to destroy the human survivors. Director: Edward James Olmos Writer: Jane Espenson
Children of a Lesser God ::: Jakeun Shinui Aideul (original title) 1h | Drama, Fantasy, Mystery | TV Series (2018) Episode Guide 16 episodes Children of a Lesser God Poster Chun Jae In is an elite detective with a genius IQ, who guided by only facts, logic, and numbers. Meanwhile, Kim Dan is a rookie detective who can see ghosts. They work together to uncover a conspiracy involving a powerful organization. Stars: Ji-Hwan Kang, Kim Ok-bin, Hee-seop Sim
Clash (2016) ::: 7.5/10 -- Eshtebak (original title) -- Clash Poster -- Set entirely in an 8m police truck, a number of detainees from different political and social backgrounds are brought together by fate, during the turmoil that followed the ousting of former president Morsi from power. Director: Mohamed Diab
Countdown ::: 45min | Game-Show | TV Series (1982 ) The long-running words and numbers game. Stars: Carol Vorderman, Susie Dent, Richard Whiteley  Add to Watchlist
Draft Day (2014) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 50min | Drama, Sport | 11 April 2014 (USA) -- At the NFL Draft, General Manager Sonny Weaver has the opportunity to rebuild his team when he trades for the number one pick. He must decide what he's willing to sacrifice on a life-changing day for a few hundred young men with NFL dreams. Director: Ivan Reitman Writers:
Drowning by Numbers (1988) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 58min | Comedy, Drama | June 1991 (USA) -- Three generations of women all share the same problem: marriage woes, and they want to put an end to it. Director: Peter Greenaway Writer: Peter Greenaway
Emperor of the North (1973) ::: 7.3/10 -- Emperor of the North Pole (original title) -- Emperor of the North Poster In 1933, during the Depression, Shack the brutal conductor of the number 19 train has a personal vendetta against the best train hopping hobo tramp in the Northwest, A No. 1. Director: Robert Aldrich Writer: Christopher Knopf
Endeavour ::: TV-14 | 1h 29min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (2012 ) -- Set in the 1960s, the show follows Endeavour Morse in his early years as a police constable. Working alongside his senior partner DI Fred Thursday, Morse engages in a number of investigations around Oxford. Stars:
Force of Evil (1948) ::: 7.3/10 -- Passed | 1h 19min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | March 1949 (USA) -- An unethical lawyer, with an older brother he wants to help, becomes a partner with a client in the numbers racket. Director: Abraham Polonsky Writers: Abraham Polonsky (screenplay), Ira Wolfert (screenplay) | 1 more credit Stars:
House of Anubis ::: TV-G | 15min | Adventure, Drama, Family | TV Series (20112013) -- When one of their number disappears on the same day that an American girl joins their ranks, a group of English boarding school students embarks on solving a mystery. Creators:
Infinity Train ::: TV-PG | 11min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2019- ) Episode Guide 31 episodes Infinity Train Poster -- Various people find themselves on a mysterious train with an endless number of cars, each one being its own universe, and they must find a way to get home in this animated anthology series. Creator:
Infinity Train ::: TV-PG | 11min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2019 ) -- Various people find themselves on a mysterious train with an endless number of cars, each one being its own universe, and they must find a way to get home in this animated anthology series. Creator:
Knowing (2009) ::: 6.2/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 1min | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi | 20 March 2009 (USA) -- M.I.T. professor John Koestler links a mysterious list of numbers from a time capsule to past and future disasters and sets out to prevent the ultimate catastrophe. Director: Alex Proyas Writers: (2011) ::: 7.4/10 -- 1h 49min | Drama, Romance | 1 April 2011 (Bulgaria) -- Follows the parallel stories of a number of characters who are trying to change their lives via the Internet or are simply having fun online. Director: Ilian Djevelekov Writers: Nelly Dimitrova, Matey Konstantinov | 1 more credit
Lucky Number Slevin (2006) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 1h 50min | Action, Crime, Drama | 7 April 2006 (USA) -- A case of mistaken identity lands Slevin into the middle of a war being plotted by two of the city's most rival crime bosses. Under constant surveillance by Detective Brikowski and assassin Goodkat, he must get them before they get him. Director: Paul McGuigan Writer:
Mermaids (1990) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 50min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 14 December 1990 (USA) -- An unconventional single mother relocates with her two daughters to a small Massachusetts town in 1963, where a number of events and relationships both challenge and strengthen their familial bonds. Director: Richard Benjamin Writers:
Modus ::: 45min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | TV Series (2015 ) During a snowy Christmas season in Sweden, psychologist and profiler Inger Johanne Vik finds not only herself but also her autistic daughter drawn into the investigation of a number of disturbing deaths. Stars: Melinda Kinnaman, Henrik Norln, Esmeralda Struwe
No Highway in the Sky (1951) ::: 7.2/10 -- No Highway (original title) -- No Highway in the Sky Poster An aeronautical engineer predicts that a new model of plane will fail catastrophically and in a novel manner after a specific number flying hours. Director: Henry Koster Writers: Nevil Shute (by), R.C. Sherriff (screen play) | 2 more credits
Only Fools and Horses ::: Only Fools and Horses.... (original tit ::: TV-PG | 1h 35min | Comedy | TV Series (19812003) Comedy that follows two brothers from London's rough Peckham estate as they wheel and deal through a number of dodgy deals and search for the big score that'll make them millionaires. Creator: John Sullivan
Outnumbered ::: TV-14 | 30min | Comedy, Drama | TV Series (20072016) -- A part-improvised comedy about a couple bringing up their three young children. Stars: Hugh Dennis, Claire Skinner, Tyger Drew-Honey
Pi (1998) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 1h 24min | Drama, Horror, Mystery | 10 July 1998 (USA) -- A paranoid mathematician searches for a key number that will unlock the universal patterns found in nature. Director: Darren Aronofsky Writers: Darren Aronofsky, Darren Aronofsky (story) | 4 more credits
Pi (1998) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 1h 24min | Drama, Horror, Mystery | 10 July 1998 (USA) -- A paranoid mathematician searches for a key number that will unlock the universal patterns found in nature. Director: Darren Aronofsky Writers: Darren Aronofsky, Darren Aronofsky (story) | 4 more credits
Please Like Me ::: TV-MA | 29min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | TV Series (20132016) -- Twenty something Josh is going through a number of big changes as he navigates his first decade of adulthood. After being dumped by his girlfriend, he comes to the realization that he is gay. Stars:
Short Circuit (1986) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG | 1h 38min | Comedy, Family, Sci-Fi | 9 May 1986 (USA) -- Number 5 of a group of experimental robots in a lab is electrocuted, suddenly becomes intelligent, and escapes. Director: John Badham Writers: S.S. Wilson, Brent Maddock
Sorry, Wrong Number (1948) ::: 7.4/10 -- Approved | 1h 29min | Drama, Film-Noir, Mystery | 24 September 1948 -- Sorry, Wrong Number Poster -- While on the telephone, an invalid woman overhears what she thinks is a murder plot and attempts to prevent it. Director: Anatole Litvak Writers:
Steel Rain (2017) ::: 7.1/10 -- Gangcheolbi (original title) -- Steel Rain Poster A coup in North Korea forces an agent to defect to South with unconscious "Number One". While operatives from North hunt for both of them, the agent has to work with South Koreans to stop the nuclear war. Director: WooSuk Yang (as Woo-seok Yang) Writers: Ha-Yong Jung, WooSuk Yang (as Woo-seok Yang)
Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby (2006) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 48min | Comedy, Sport | 4 August 2006 (USA) -- Number one NASCAR driver Ricky Bobby stays atop the heap thanks to a pact with his best friend and teammate, Cal Naughton, Jr. But when a French Formula One driver, makes his way up the ladder, Ricky Bobby's talent and devotion are put to the test. Director: Adam McKay Writers:
The Great Escape (1963) ::: 8.2/10 -- Approved | 2h 52min | Adventure, Drama, History | 4 July 1963 (USA) -- Allied prisoners of war plan for several hundred of their number to escape from a German camp during World War II. Director: John Sturges Writers: Paul Brickhill (book), James Clavell (screenplay) | 1 more credit
The Number 23 (2007) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Crime, Mystery, Thriller | 23 February 2007 (USA) -- Walter Sparrow becomes obsessed with a novel that he believes was written about him, as more and more similarities between himself and his literary alter ego seem to arise. Director: Joel Schumacher Writer:
The Reflecting Skin (1990) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 36min | Drama, Horror, Thriller | 9 November 1990 (UK) -- In the 1950's, a young boy living with his troublesome family in rural USA fantasizes that a neighboring widow is actually a vampire, responsible for a number of disappearances in the area. Director: Philip Ridley Writer:
The Shawshank Redemption (1994) ::: 9.3/10 -- R | 2h 22min | Drama | 14 October 1994 (USA) -- Two imprisoned men bond over a number of years, finding solace and eventual redemption through acts of common decency. Director: Frank Darabont Writers: Stephen King (short story "Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption"),
The Thick of It ::: TV-MA | 29min | Comedy | TV Series (20052012) -- Set in the corridors of power and spin, the Minister for Social Affairs is continually harassed by Number 10's policy enforcer and dependent on his not-so-reliable team of civil servants. Creator:
Twins of Evil (1971) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 27min | Horror | June 1972 (USA) -- A religious sect led by Gustav Weil hunts all women suspected of witchcraft, killing a number of innocent victims. Young Katy, Gustav's niece, will involve herself in a devilish cult, and become an instrument of Justice in the region. Director: John Hough Writers: Tudor Gates (screenplay), Sheridan Le Fanu (characters created by) (as J. Sheridan Le Fanu)
United (2011) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 34min | Drama, History, Sport | 24 April 2011 (UK) -- Based on the true story of Manchester United's legendary "Busby Babes", the youngest side ever to win the Football League and the 1958 Munich Air Crash that claimed eight of their number. Director: James Strong Writer:
Yes, Prime Minister ::: TV-PG | 30min | Comedy | TV Series (19861987) James Hacker was propelled along the corridors of power to the very pinnacle of politics - Number 10. Stars: Paul Eddington, Nigel Hawthorne, Derek Fowlds Available on Amazon
Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist ::: TV-14 | 1h | Comedy, Drama, Musical | TV Series (2020 ) Season 2 Returns Sunday, March 28 -- A young woman discovers she has the ability to hear the innermost thoughts of people around her as songs and musical numbers. Creator:
Zulu (1964) ::: 7.7/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 18min | Drama, History, War | 17 June 1964 (USA) -- Outnumbered British soldiers do battle with Zulu warriors at Rorke's Drift. Director: Cy Endfield Writers: John Prebble (original screenplay), Cy Endfield (original screenplay) | 1 more credit Stars:'t_Nothing_But_a_Number,_Summons_and_Other_Creatures!_Project_2020_~The_Ballad~_Special_Number's_your_telephone_number?,_Number_Four,_Number_One,_Number_Three,_Number_Two,_Number_One,_Number_Four,_Number_One,_Number_Three,_Number_Two,_Number_Four,_Number_One,_Number_Three,_Number_Two,_Number_Four,_Number_One,_Number_Three,_Number_Two,_Number_Five,_Number_Four,_Number_One,_Number_Six,_Number_Three,_Number_Two's_Number_Journey's_Number_Journey,_Gallows_Gate_Road_(short_story)!
009 Re:Cyborg -- -- Production I.G, SANZIGEN -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Mecha Sci-Fi -- 009 Re:Cyborg 009 Re:Cyborg -- Nine regular humans from different parts of the world are abducted and transformed into cyborgs with astounding powers for the purpose of being used as weapons. The nine cyborgs rebel and start to fight against their creators in the name of justice and world peace. Decades later, the nine cyborgs seem to be untouched by time, but they live in a world where "justice" has as many nuances as the number of people living on the planet. What is their place in the world now? -- -- "In the beginning was the Voice, and the word was Him; and all obeyed His word in great awe. But those who dwelt upon the land, through vanity, cunning and greed, attempted to build a multitude of towers whose tops reached unto heaven, and accumulated great wealth on earth. Scattering across the land and laying it to waste, man turned a deaf ear to His Voice. So He gave unto man an opportunity to atone for his misdeeds; and flame and smoke and the roar of a lion descended upon earth; and shattered the many towers to dust...." -- -- (Source: Production I.G Official Website) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, NYAV Post -- Movie - Oct 27, 2012 -- 14,174 6.51
Aa! Megami-sama! -- -- AIC -- 5 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Magic Romance Seinen Supernatural -- Aa! Megami-sama! Aa! Megami-sama! -- When college student Keiichi Morisato dials the wrong number while ordering for some food at his dormitory, he accidentally gets connected to the Goddess Hotline and a beautiful goddess named Belldandy appears out of a mirror in front of him. After getting kicked out of the dorm, Keiichi and Belldandy move to an old shrine and soon afterwards, Belldandy's sisters Urd and Skuld move in. -- -- Licensor: -- AnimEigo -- OVA - Feb 21, 1993 -- 47,017 7.32
Aa! Megami-sama! -- -- AIC -- 5 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Magic Romance Seinen Supernatural -- Aa! Megami-sama! Aa! Megami-sama! -- When college student Keiichi Morisato dials the wrong number while ordering for some food at his dormitory, he accidentally gets connected to the Goddess Hotline and a beautiful goddess named Belldandy appears out of a mirror in front of him. After getting kicked out of the dorm, Keiichi and Belldandy move to an old shrine and soon afterwards, Belldandy's sisters Urd and Skuld move in. -- OVA - Feb 21, 1993 -- 47,017 7.32
Aa! Megami-sama!: Chichaitte Koto wa Benri da ne -- -- OLM -- 48 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy Magic Supernatural -- Aa! Megami-sama!: Chichaitte Koto wa Benri da ne Aa! Megami-sama!: Chichaitte Koto wa Benri da ne -- A large collection consisting of the adventures of the Goddesses featured in the anime and manga series Ah My Goddess. Parodies of other works, and a large number of jokes pervade this series of shorts in which the Goddesses torture and hang out with their friend Gan the rat. -- 20,210 6.91
Afro Samurai -- -- Gonzo -- 5 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Samurai -- Afro Samurai Afro Samurai -- When he was a young boy, Afro witnessed his father be cut down in a duel at the hands of a man known only as Justice. After taking the life of Afro's father, Justice cast aside his Number Two headband and took the Number One to claim its godly powers as his own. -- -- Years later, having obtained the Number Two headband which grants him the right to challenge the Number One, Afro moves forward in his hunt for revenge on the man who murdered his father. There is just one thing that stands in his way—everyone else in the world! Though the Number One can only be challenged by the Number Two, the Number Two can be challenged by anyone. As his enemies gather to try and take the title of Number Two, Afro must fight through a myriad of foes and obstacles if he hopes to reach the Number One and claim vengeance once and for all. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - May 3, 2007 -- 284,702 7.36
Afro Samurai: Resurrection -- -- Gonzo -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Samurai -- Afro Samurai: Resurrection Afro Samurai: Resurrection -- After obtaining the Number One headband, which proclaims him to be the best of all warriors, Afro spends most of his days in peace, though his nightmare-filled nights are not so tranquil. His life crescendos into chaos once again when Jinno and Sio, his former friends from long ago, take the headband from him, as well as the remains of his father. Challenged by Sio to don the Number Two headband again and exact revenge on them for their actions, Afro embarks on another journey as the wearer of said headband—an item for which anyone would kill him. -- -- Afro Samurai: Resurrection follows Afro as he fights a second series of battles against all manner of foes, wading through the sea of corpses in his wake so that he may once again quench his never-ending thirst for revenge. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Jan 25, 2009 -- 83,868 7.36
A.I.C.O.: Incarnation -- -- Bones -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi -- A.I.C.O.: Incarnation A.I.C.O.: Incarnation -- In 2035, an incident known as “The Burst” occurs at a Japanese research facility, giving birth to the rapidly expanding, consuming, and self-replicating "Matter." Snaking its way through the remains of dams and military facilities in the Kurobe Gorge, the hostile Matter is besieged by task forces trying to prevent it from reaching the ocean and mercenaries seeking the truth behind its existence. -- -- Aiko Tachibana lives under constant medical surveillance after being rescued from the Matter. She spends her days waiting out her recovery by making paper planes. Soon, her daily life at school is disturbed by the arrival of transfer student Yuuya Kanzaki, who proceeds to point out a number of inconsistencies regarding her body. Why is she never injured, and why does she suddenly no longer need her wheelchair? He claims that there is more to her existence than she has been led to believe, and that she alone holds the key to ending The Burst. -- -- With many factions now interested in Aiko, she and Yuuya must gather allies and embark on a dangerous pilgrimage into the heart of the infested gorge before the net can close around them. To escape the conspiracy moving against them, the pair must face off against the Matter—an enemy that flows like water. -- -- ONA - Mar 9, 2018 -- 82,254 6.60
Ashita no Joe -- -- Mushi Production -- 79 eps -- Manga -- Action Drama Shounen Slice of Life Sports -- Ashita no Joe Ashita no Joe -- Joe Yabuki is a troubled youth, whose only solution to problems is throwing punches at them. What he lacks in manners and discipline, he makes up for with his self-taught fighting skills. -- -- One day, while wandering the slums of Doya, Joe gets into a fight with the local gang. Although greatly outnumbered, he effortlessly defeats them, drawing the attention of Danpei Tange—a former boxing coach turned alcoholic. Seeing his potential, he offers to train Joe into Japan's greatest boxer. At first, Joe dismisses Danpei as a hopeless drunk; but after the trainer saves his life, he agrees to live with him and learn the art of boxing. Unfortunately, Joe's personality makes him an unruly student, and he often falls back to his old ways. -- -- To survive the harsh world of his new career, Joe needs to trust his mentor and master the techniques taught to him. However, the road to becoming a professional boxer is rife with struggles that will test his mettle to the end. -- -- 60,510 8.28
Battle Royal High School -- -- AIC -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Horror Super Power Demons Supernatural Martial Arts -- Battle Royal High School Battle Royal High School -- Hyoudo Riki is just an ordinary guy who likes to wear a tiger mask while Kung-Fu fighting, which means he fits in real well at BATTLE ROYAL HIGH SCHOOL! -- -- Unfortunately for Riki, he`s the doppleganger in our world of Byoudo, Master of the Dark Realm, and when a dimensional gate opens between the two worlds, the evil Fairy Master tricks Byoudo into making an attempt to conquer our beautiful, and better lit, world. -- -- Now poor Riki is semi-possessed by his opposite number, and the minions of the Fairy Master are mutating his classmates into hideous lustful monsters. To make matters worse, all the inter-dimensional commotion has attracted the attention of a sword-happy exorcist and the heroic Zankan of the Space-Time Police! -- -- Which all means that Riki is about to take one bitch of a mid-term. The course is survival, and forget "Pass/Fail". The test is graded "Live/Die". -- -- Licensor: -- AnimEigo -- OVA - Dec 10, 1987 -- 5,964 5.56
Battle Royal High School -- -- AIC -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Horror Super Power Demons Supernatural Martial Arts -- Battle Royal High School Battle Royal High School -- Hyoudo Riki is just an ordinary guy who likes to wear a tiger mask while Kung-Fu fighting, which means he fits in real well at BATTLE ROYAL HIGH SCHOOL! -- -- Unfortunately for Riki, he`s the doppleganger in our world of Byoudo, Master of the Dark Realm, and when a dimensional gate opens between the two worlds, the evil Fairy Master tricks Byoudo into making an attempt to conquer our beautiful, and better lit, world. -- -- Now poor Riki is semi-possessed by his opposite number, and the minions of the Fairy Master are mutating his classmates into hideous lustful monsters. To make matters worse, all the inter-dimensional commotion has attracted the attention of a sword-happy exorcist and the heroic Zankan of the Space-Time Police! -- -- Which all means that Riki is about to take one bitch of a mid-term. The course is survival, and forget "Pass/Fail". The test is graded "Live/Die". -- OVA - Dec 10, 1987 -- 5,964 5.56
Bishoujo Yuugi Unit Crane Game Girls -- -- Kyotoma -- 13 eps -- Original -- Comedy Game Space -- Bishoujo Yuugi Unit Crane Game Girls Bishoujo Yuugi Unit Crane Game Girls -- One day, Saya, an agent of the World Space Association, receives a sudden message that says a large number of asteroids are on a collision course with Earth, and it is her mission to stop them. Unfortunately, the only way to save the Earth is by having three people with extraordinary potential demonstrate a new skill on a crane game, which will create a beam of energy able to divert the asteroids. -- -- The only three people with enough potential are three high school girls—Asuka, Mirai, and Kyouko. In order to harness their energy, Saya tells them that she has scouted them as idols and has them work at an arcade where she can monitor them. She says to the girls that all successful idols are good at crane games, and that building their skills is their first step in idol training. As the girls learn new crane game techniques, they begin to doubt Saya's intentions but are nonetheless unaware that the fate of the Earth lies in their hands. -- -- 6,757 4.42
Bleach: Memories in the Rain -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Supernatural Drama Shounen -- Bleach: Memories in the Rain Bleach: Memories in the Rain -- Kurosaki Ichigo, the temporary Shinigami(Death God) for Kuchiki Rukia, discovers his mother's killer as one of the Hollows he has been hunting. He does battle with it in a prideful battle of revenge. This Special is actually a flashback of previous episodes in Bleach. After the ending credits, a short plays showing Shinigami and their Zanpakutos to "Number One" from the Bleach Soundtrack. -- Special - Dec 18, 2004 -- 106,685 7.15
Boku no Hero Academia -- -- Bones -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy School Shounen Super Power -- Boku no Hero Academia Boku no Hero Academia -- The appearance of "quirks," newly discovered super powers, has been steadily increasing over the years, with 80 percent of humanity possessing various abilities from manipulation of elements to shapeshifting. This leaves the remainder of the world completely powerless, and Izuku Midoriya is one such individual. -- -- Since he was a child, the ambitious middle schooler has wanted nothing more than to be a hero. Izuku's unfair fate leaves him admiring heroes and taking notes on them whenever he can. But it seems that his persistence has borne some fruit: Izuku meets the number one hero and his personal idol, All Might. All Might's quirk is a unique ability that can be inherited, and he has chosen Izuku to be his successor! -- -- Enduring many months of grueling training, Izuku enrolls in UA High, a prestigious high school famous for its excellent hero training program, and this year's freshmen look especially promising. With his bizarre but talented classmates and the looming threat of a villainous organization, Izuku will soon learn what it really means to be a hero. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 2,093,393 8.06
Brain Powerd -- -- Sunrise -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Mecha Sci-Fi -- Brain Powerd Brain Powerd -- In the not so distant future much of the earth has been submerged under the sea or destroyed by earthquakes. At the center of the turmoil is the mysterious Orphan. Orphan may or may not be the original cause of the cataclysms. Orphan`s goal is to raise a ship hidden deep beneath the sea to the surface, but doing so would result in the destruction of all humans except for the small number which are loyal to Orphan. -- -- Orphan`s agents pilot mysterious mecha known as Grand Cheres, and search the world for mysterious, giant disks which occasionally appear, flying at high speeds and wrecking much of the countryside, or cities, when they hit the ground. After a dying disc almost kills Hime, a Brain Powerd is born from the disc. Brain Powerds are another type of Mecha, similar to but not the same as Grand Cheres. -- -- Hime becomes the Brain Powerd`s pilot, forming a symbiotic relationship with the living mecha and joins an International Organization dedicated to stopping Orphan, or at the very least saving humanity should Orphan succeed. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 8, 1998 -- 8,146 6.09
Burn Up Excess -- -- Magic Bus -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Ecchi Police Sci-Fi Shounen -- Burn Up Excess Burn Up Excess -- Follows the exploits of Team Warrior, a special anti-terror wing of the Neo-Tokyo Police force. Team Warrior is comprised of the habitually broke Rio, gun-crazy Maya, computer specialist Lillica, tech-expert Nanvel, piliot/voyeur Yuji, and is led by the enigmatic Maki. The team faces a number of missions, ranging from bodyguard duty, breaking up robbery and arms rackets, and providing security for a very powerful tank. Rio and company continually thwart the terrorist aims of Ruby, an operative for a shadowy cabal of powerful men. Before the final showdown, the circumstances behind the formation of Team Warrior, how the precocious Rio came to join it, and Maki's painful past will be revealed. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- TV - Dec 12, 1997 -- 9,423 6.54
Carnival Phantasm -- -- Lerche -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Parody Supernatural -- Carnival Phantasm Carnival Phantasm -- How do you resolve a conflict between powerful spirits of famous heroes for a prize capable of granting any wish? Wage a war that will cost your blood, sweat, and tears? Too much work—how about a game-show competition instead? -- -- Carnival Phantasm takes a number of characters from Type-Moon's original works, and puts them in a variety of light-hearted scenarios which parody their respective series. Watch Lancer suffering due to his low luck stat, or watch the egotistical King of Heroes gladly kneel to a dominatrix King of Knights. Just remember to leave your sanity at the door. -- OVA - Aug 14, 2011 -- 155,831 7.89
Chu Feng: B.E.E -- -- Haoliners Animation League -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Comedy Romance Fantasy Mecha School -- Chu Feng: B.E.E Chu Feng: B.E.E -- In 2017, a group of genius scientists achieve a remarkable breakthrough in bioengineering. However, all the new technologies are put into military use, beginning a new round of arms race. Vanguards, as the most significant achievement of the modern bioengineering and the most advanced weapon, are widely utilized in the race. Although vanguards are exceptionally combat-effective, their life expectancy is shortened by the nanomachines they use. Usually, most vanguards will retire from the army after a number of years in service. -- -- The heroine Liuli has also consumed too much of her lifespan after executing missions for a long time. With only 380 days left in her life, Liuli receives a new mission, to rescue a hostage being held in a civilian facility. It is without doubt a difficult mission for a vanguard like Liuli, who only knows how to kill and battle. However, Liuli obediently decides to accept the mission in the end. -- -- During the mission, Liuli surprisingly finds that the man who holds the hostage was once a vanguard. The former vanguard Zhongrong Zhou cries and asks the government to hand over the son of Eden. As a vanguard, Liuli feels deep contempt against Zhou. To eliminate the scum of the vanguards, a battle between two vanguards begins... -- -- (Source: Official site, edited) -- ONA - Jul 23, 2015 -- 15,845 5.90
Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 5 - Itoshiki Mono-tachi e -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Military Mecha -- Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 5 - Itoshiki Mono-tachi e Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 5 - Itoshiki Mono-tachi e -- The Ark Fleet has been destroyed, and a significant number of the enemy's troops have been wiped out due to its crash landing. As the remaining forces of the Knights of St. Michael regroup in order to launch a final assault on Castle Weisswolf, the W-0, along with their new ally Ashley Ashra, stand ready to intercept them. -- -- Meanwhile, with his Geass out of control, Shin moves to erase his younger brother's existence once and for all. But Akito, having promised Leila that he will come back alive, refuses to accept such a fate, and the two clash in their final battle. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Feb 6, 2016 -- 69,120 7.15
Deca-Dence -- -- Nut -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure -- Deca-Dence Deca-Dence -- Far in the future, the lifeforms known as Gadoll suddenly arose as a threat to humanity. The last surviving humans on Earth confine themselves to the Tank, a lower district in the giant mobile fortress Deca-Dence. While the Gears who live on the upper floors are warriors who go out to fight as part of the Power, most Tankers are content to provide support from the backlines, butchering Gadoll meat and reinforcing defenses. Natsume is among those who would rather go to the front lines; undeterred by her prosthetic right arm, she seeks to join the small number of Tanker soldiers who join the Gears in combat. -- -- But despite her peers at the orphanage each receiving their work assignments, Natsume’s enlistment to the Power remains unapproved. In the meantime, she begins a job as a cleaner in an armor repair team led by the hard-nosed and apathetic Kaburagi, who seems to be more than he lets on. Though initially cold to his idealistic subordinate, he soon recognizes in her the potential to upset the status quo of the world. As Natsume’s new mentor, Kaburagi prepares her for the special and unique role as a game-changing bug in the system. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 215,494 7.45
Detective Conan Movie 02: The Fourteenth Target -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Mystery Comedy Police Shounen -- Detective Conan Movie 02: The Fourteenth Target Detective Conan Movie 02: The Fourteenth Target -- A mysterious attacker has appeared and is assaulting people whose names contain a number from the standard deck of cards in descending order. When Conan Edogawa points out that all the victims are related to the now famous detective Kogorou Mouri, suspicion immediately falls upon the recently released convict Jou Murakami, as Kogorou was the one responsible for his arrest ten years prior. -- -- With potential victims still at risk, Conan and the police are determined to catch the culprit. As the case gradually unfolds, both Conan and his friend Ran Mouri learn more about her parents' separation and the truth on what transpired a decade ago. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Apr 18, 1998 -- 49,797 7.89
Diamond no Ace -- -- Madhouse, Production I.G -- 75 eps -- Manga -- Comedy School Shounen Sports -- Diamond no Ace Diamond no Ace -- With a stray pitch that completely missed the batter, Eijun Sawamura loses his final middle school baseball game. Frustrated by this defeat, Eijun and his teammates vow to reach the national tournament once they are in high school. But everything changes when a scout unexpectedly invites him to Tokyo's prestigious Seidou High School after seeing the potential in his unusual pitching style. Encouraged by his teammates, Eijun accepts the offer, ready to improve his skills and play at a much more competitive level of baseball. -- -- However, now surrounded by a large number of skilled players, Eijun struggles to find his place on the team. He declares that he will one day become the team's ace, but that's only if fellow first year Satoru Furuya doesn't take the title first, with his breakneck fastballs that earn him a coveted spot on the starting roster. With the addition of these talented new players to an already powerful lineup, the Seidou baseball team aims to become the best in Japan, facing off against a number of formidable foes that stand in their way. -- -- 188,213 8.11
Dokidoki! Precure -- -- Toei Animation -- 49 eps -- Original -- Action Magic Fantasy Shoujo -- Dokidoki! Precure Dokidoki! Precure -- Middle schooler Mana Aida is known for her vivid passion and kind-hearted disposition, especially by her friends Rikka Hishikawa and Alice Yotsuba. While the girls are on a school field trip, otherworldly villains from the "Trump Kingdom" appear and create giant monsters from the civilians' selfish desires to cause havoc. -- -- In the midst of finding a way to stop the destruction, Mana encounters "Cure Sword," a mysterious Precure warrior. As Cure Sword engages in combat with the monsters, Mana meets Cure Sword's fairy allies, who tell her that she also has the ability to transform into a warrior herself. When Trump Kingdom's invaders begin to outnumber Cure Sword, Mana takes to the battleground with resolve. She partners with Sharuru, one of the fairies, and transforms into "Cure Heart"—the Precure of Love. -- -- In her attempts to ally with Cure Sword, Mana ends up pulling Rikka and Alice into the fray, whom each partner with a fairy ally to transform into "Cure Diamond" and "Cure Rosetta," respectively. Together, they battle against the Trump Kingdom invaders to protect the love in the world from being destroyed. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Saban Entertainment -- TV - Feb 3, 2013 -- 18,169 6.57
Dr. Stone: Stone Wars -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Shounen -- Dr. Stone: Stone Wars Dr. Stone: Stone Wars -- Senkuu has made it his goal to bring back two million years of human achievement and revive the entirety of those turned to statues. However, one man stands in his way: Tsukasa Shishiou, who believes that only the fittest of those petrified should be revived. -- -- As the snow melts and spring approaches, Senkuu and his allies in Ishigami Village finish the preparations for their attack on the Tsukasa Empire. With a reinvented cell phone model now at their disposal, the Kingdom of Science is ready to launch its newest scheme to recruit the sizable numbers of Tsukasa's army to their side. However, it is a race against time; for every day the Kingdom of Science spends perfecting their inventions, the empire rapidly grows in number. -- -- Reuniting with old friends and gaining new allies, Senkuu and the Kingdom of Science must stop Tsukasa's forces in order to fulfill their goal of restoring humanity and all its creations. With the two sides each in pursuit of their ideal world, the Stone Wars have now begun! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 535,602 8.22
Evangelion: Another Impact (VR) -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Mecha Sci-Fi -- Evangelion: Another Impact (VR) Evangelion: Another Impact (VR) -- The all-consuming sense of scale of "evangelion: Another Impact (Confidential)", which was released in the 2015 Japan Anima(tor)'s Exhibition, gets retouched upon in all new short VR movie. -- -- ​Another time, another place. An activation test of a decisive weapon was underway. With its development and operational trials shrouded in complete secrecy, the Another Number - Unit Null, suddenly breaks free of human control and goes berserk. -- -- ​For what purpose was Another Number - Unit Null created? -- -- ​The story of an Evangelion's activation, rampage and howling in another world... -- -- (Source: Official Site) -- Movie - Jul 2, 2018 -- 11,235 6.42
First Squad: The Moment of Truth -- -- Studio 4°C -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Historical Military Super Power Supernatural -- First Squad: The Moment of Truth First Squad: The Moment of Truth -- As the Second World War rages on throughout Europe and the German forces advance closer to Moscow, the days of the Soviet Union seem numbered. Their only hope is the First Squad, a special unit operating within the Soviet intelligence service that consists of teenagers possessing supernatural abilities. However, the unit’s sole surviving memberNadya Ruslanova suffers from memory loss and is unlikely to take part in any combat operation. -- -- The next Moment of Truth – an event that happens once every 700 years, when the actions of a single man can change the entire course of history – is rapidly approaching the Eastern Front. In hopes of breaking the stalemate at the frontlines, a German occult organization called Ahnenerbe plans to summon Baron von Wolff, a medieval knight from the Northern Crusades, and his undead army from the underworld. To prevent this from happening, First Squad must gather once again, and it’s up to Nadya to bring back her deceased friends to stop the Nazis from taking over the world. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Anchor Bay Films, Manga Entertainment -- Movie - May 13, 2009 -- 36,094 6.01
Flying Luna Clipper -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Music Comedy Parody Dementia Psychological Ecchi -- Flying Luna Clipper Flying Luna Clipper -- A trip on a chartered plane with a number of other thrill-seekers (most of whom are anthropomorphic fruits and vegetables) and hop from island to island, each of which offer their own unique visual delights. -- -- (Source: IMDB) -- OVA - Oct 20, 1987 -- 672 5.78
Fukigen na Mononokean -- -- Pierrot Plus -- 13 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy Demons Supernatural -- Fukigen na Mononokean Fukigen na Mononokean -- The start of Hanae Ashiya's high school career has not been easy—he has spent all of the first week in the infirmary, and his inexplicable condition is only getting worse. The cause of his torment is the mysterious fuzzy creature that has attached itself to him ever since he stumbled upon it the day before school began. -- -- As his health continues to decline and the creature grows in size, Hanae comes across a flyer advertising an exorcist who expels youkai. Desperate and with nothing left to lose, he calls the number and is led to the Mononokean, a tea room which suddenly appears next to the infirmary. A morose-sounding man, Haruitsuki Abeno, reluctantly helps Hanae but demands payment afterward. Much to Hanae's dismay, he cannot afford the fee and must become an employee at the Mononokean to work off his debt. And to make things worse, his new boss is actually one of his classmates. If Hanae ever hopes to settle his debt, he must work together with Abeno to guide a variety of dangerous, strange, and interesting youkai back to the Underworld. -- -- 104,054 7.42
Fukigen na Mononokean -- -- Pierrot Plus -- 13 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy Demons Supernatural -- Fukigen na Mononokean Fukigen na Mononokean -- The start of Hanae Ashiya's high school career has not been easy—he has spent all of the first week in the infirmary, and his inexplicable condition is only getting worse. The cause of his torment is the mysterious fuzzy creature that has attached itself to him ever since he stumbled upon it the day before school began. -- -- As his health continues to decline and the creature grows in size, Hanae comes across a flyer advertising an exorcist who expels youkai. Desperate and with nothing left to lose, he calls the number and is led to the Mononokean, a tea room which suddenly appears next to the infirmary. A morose-sounding man, Haruitsuki Abeno, reluctantly helps Hanae but demands payment afterward. Much to Hanae's dismay, he cannot afford the fee and must become an employee at the Mononokean to work off his debt. And to make things worse, his new boss is actually one of his classmates. If Hanae ever hopes to settle his debt, he must work together with Abeno to guide a variety of dangerous, strange, and interesting youkai back to the Underworld. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 104,054 7.42
Gegege no Kitarou (2018) -- -- Toei Animation -- 97 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Demons Supernatural Shounen -- Gegege no Kitarou (2018) Gegege no Kitarou (2018) -- Nearly twenty years into the 21st century, people have forgotten the existence of youkai. When a number of unexplainable phenomena plague adults of the human world with confusion and chaos, thirteen-year-old Mana writes a letter to the Youkai Post in search of answers, only to be greeted by Gegege no Kitarou... -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- 41,121 7.22
Gi(a)rlish Number -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life -- Gi(a)rlish Number Gi(a)rlish Number -- College student Chitose Karasuma is determined not to do boring things as she enters the adult world. To this end, this bad-mannered beauty barges into a facility that trains would-be voice actors and actresses, somehow landing a job at "Number One Produce," a seiyuu agency managed by her older brother, Gojou. In Chitose's mind, she's poised for greatness, but finds herself at a loss when she continues to only get minor roles. As she clashes with other girls in the agency, including a cunning airhead and a girl with a Kansai accent, Chitose is about to learn that there's more to succeeding in this competitive industry than she imagined. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 90,864 6.87
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Arata Naru Tatakai no Overture -- -- Magic Bus -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Action Drama Military Sci-Fi Space -- Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Arata Naru Tatakai no Overture Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Arata Naru Tatakai no Overture -- Led by Reinhard von Müsel, the Galactic Empire crushes the Free Planets Alliance in the Fourth Battle of Tiamat. Arriving in the Imperial capital of Odin to a hero's welcome, Reinhard's victory earns him a promotion to High Admiral and the distinguished title of Count von Lohengramm. On the other side, Yang Wen-li safely returns to the Alliance capital of Heinessen without fanfare and reunites with his dear friends. -- -- Reinhard and Yang look forward to a long-awaited reprieve. However, at the request of the scheming Duke Otho von Braunschweig, the Imperial High Command orders the new High Admiral to invade the Alliance with a fleet of twenty thousand ships. After the Duke leaks the plan to the Alliance government, three fleets totalling forty thousand ships are sent to counter the incoming attack and recreate the famous Battle of Dagon. But even though Reinhard is outnumbered two to one, he has an ingenious plan—and Yang sees right through it. Will Yang's superiors heed his warning before it is too late? -- -- Movie - Dec 18, 1993 -- 26,908 8.12
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Seiran 1 -- -- Production I.G -- 4 eps -- Novel -- Action Drama Military Sci-Fi Space -- Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Seiran 1 Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Seiran 1 -- The Free Planets Alliance's invasion of the Galactic Empire has failed after supply mismanagement led to heavy losses. Unwilling to abort the expedition despite being greatly outnumbered, Fleet Admiral Lazar Lobos orders the remaining Alliance fleets to gather in the Amritsar Starzone for a final stand against the incoming counterattack. -- -- Strategic genius Fleet Admiral Reinhard von Lohengramm leads the Imperial forces into this decisive battle with an overwhelming advantage. However, his rival, tactical magician Vice Admiral Yang Wen-li of the Alliance, once again makes up for the incompetence of his superiors and stages a narrow escape for himself and his fellow soldiers. Though both Reinhard and Yang are displeased with the outcome—the former for his imperfect victory and the latter for the tremendous casualties—their attention must turn to the bubbling political unrest on both sides of the galaxy. -- -- Movie - Sep 27, 2019 -- 18,508 7.97
Girls Bravo: First Season -- -- AIC Spirits -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Harem Comedy Romance Ecchi Fantasy School Shounen -- Girls Bravo: First Season Girls Bravo: First Season -- Small for his age, Yukinari has been bullied and abused by girls all his life. Now in high school, he has developed a rare condition: whenever girls touch him, or even come close, he breaks out in hives. Imagine his surprise, when he is suddenly transported to the city of Seiren on a mystic world invisibly orbiting the Earth, and populated with vast numbers of women and very few men. Fortunately, he has a new friend, Miharu-chan, whose touch inexplicably doesn't affect him. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- TV - Jul 5, 2004 -- 125,221 6.44
Girls Bravo: Second Season -- -- AIC Spirits -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Harem Comedy Romance Ecchi Fantasy School Shounen -- Girls Bravo: Second Season Girls Bravo: Second Season -- Small for his age, Yukinari has been bullied and abused by girls all his life. Now in high school, he has developed a rare condition: whenever girls touch him, or even come close, he breaks out in hives. Imagine his surprise, when he is suddenly transported to the city of Seiren on a mystic world invisibly orbiting the Earth, and populated with vast numbers of women and very few men. Fortunately, he has a new friend, Miharu-chan, whose touch inexplicably doesn't affect him. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- TV - Jan 27, 2005 -- 79,859 6.66
Girls Bravo: Second Season -- -- AIC Spirits -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Harem Comedy Romance Ecchi Fantasy School Shounen -- Girls Bravo: Second Season Girls Bravo: Second Season -- Small for his age, Yukinari has been bullied and abused by girls all his life. Now in high school, he has developed a rare condition: whenever girls touch him, or even come close, he breaks out in hives. Imagine his surprise, when he is suddenly transported to the city of Seiren on a mystic world invisibly orbiting the Earth, and populated with vast numbers of women and very few men. Fortunately, he has a new friend, Miharu-chan, whose touch inexplicably doesn't affect him. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Jan 27, 2005 -- 79,859 6.66
Girls & Panzer Movie -- -- Actas -- 1 ep -- Original -- Military School Sports -- Girls & Panzer Movie Girls & Panzer Movie -- Having won the 63rd National Sensha-dou tournament, the girls from Ooarai High managed to prevent their school from closure by the Japanese Ministry of Education. However, new troubles loom on the horizon: a ministry official argues that the deal was not legally binding and that the Ooarai school carrier is to be decommissioned. Students and their families are frustrated with this injustice and overwhelmed with despair; it seems little can be done to save the school. -- -- Their last glimmer of hope is a proposed match against the All-Stars University Sensha-dou team, consisting of the most talented students from all over the country. Despite Ooarai being severely outnumbered and clearly outclassed, they accept the challenge. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Nov 21, 2015 -- 81,244 8.22
Glass no Hana to Kowasu Sekai -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi -- Glass no Hana to Kowasu Sekai Glass no Hana to Kowasu Sekai -- A floating space without gravity where an infinite number of lights shine in different colors: The "Box of Wisdom." Inside of this box, there are multiple worlds, multiple timelines, and there used to be many different people. This is where Dual and Dorothy were fighting with enemies called "Viruses." Worlds infected by viruses must be erased. That is the duty, the job of these girls. However, one day, Dual and Dorothy feel the presence of a new Virus. Arriving at the scene, they see a girl being attacked by Viruses. After saving the girl, the duo wait for her to awaken so they can ask who she is, where she came from, and where she is going. Finally, when the girl opened her eyes, she gave her name, Rimo, and whispered only one sentence... "I must return to the flower patch..." -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Ponycan USA -- Movie - Jan 9, 2016 -- 28,224 6.72
Golgo 13 (TV) -- -- The Answer Studio -- 50 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Drama Thriller Seinen -- Golgo 13 (TV) Golgo 13 (TV) -- Golgo 13 is not his real name. Then again, neither is Duke Togo, Tadashi Togo, or any number of the aliases he goes by. A man of mystery, not even the world’s most prominent intelligence agencies can determine who Golgo really is, or just where he came from. But all agree that his skills are nothing short of legendary. -- -- Armed with a custom M16, Golgo is willing to take any job for any agency, from the FBI to the KGB. He has completed every contract he has ever taken and will work for anyone who can meet his price. He is both the greatest weapon and the greatest threat to any nation; no one is safe once they are in Golgo’s sights. -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 12, 2008 -- 34,312 7.53
Gundam Evolve -- -- Sunrise -- 15 eps -- Original -- Action Military Space Mecha -- Gundam Evolve Gundam Evolve -- A series of short films packaged with certain model kits and aired at conventions, the Gundam Evolve series chronicles a number of side-stories, alternative scenes, and even bonus omake from all around the Gundam canon. Featuring a mix of animation media—from traditional cels to 3-D CG rendering to even cel-shaded 2-D animation—these often 3-5 minute shorts cover such events as Domon Kasshu's training (and a bit of a romantic tift with Rain Mikamura) from G Gundam, Amuro Ray battling Quess Paraya from Char's Counterattack, Kamille Bidan training in the Gundam Mk.II from Zeta Gundam, and Canard Pars dueling Prayer Reverie from the Gundam SEED X Astray manga. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- OVA - ??? ??, 2001 -- 9,319 6.61
Haikyuu!!: Karasuno Koukou vs. Shiratorizawa Gakuen Koukou -- -- Production I.G -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Sports Drama School Shounen -- Haikyuu!!: Karasuno Koukou vs. Shiratorizawa Gakuen Koukou Haikyuu!!: Karasuno Koukou vs. Shiratorizawa Gakuen Koukou -- After the victory against Aoba Jousai High, Karasuno High School, once called “a fallen powerhouse, a crow that can’t fly,” has finally reached the climax of the heated Spring tournament. Now, to advance to nationals, the Karasuno team has to defeat the powerhouse Shiratorizawa Academy. Karasuno’s greatest hurdle is their adversary’s ace, Wakatoshi Ushijima, the number one player in the Miyagi Prefecture, and one of the country’s top three aces. -- -- Only the strongest team will make it to the national tournament. Since this match is the third-year players’ last chance to qualify for nationals, Karasuno has to use everything they learned during the training camp and prior matches to attain victory. Filled with restlessness and excitement, both teams are determined to come out on top in the third season of Haikyuu!!. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 795,159 8.84
Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens -- -- Satelight -- 12 eps -- Novel -- Action Mystery -- Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens -- Although the city of Fukuoka might look relatively peaceful at first glance, in actuality it houses a thriving mixture of dangerous individuals such as killers, detectives, and professional revenge seekers right beneath its surface. Among their number is Zenji Banba, a laidback and observant detective who is investigating the work of other hitmen companies in the area. However, Banba might not be the only one with a bone to pick with these organizations, as Xianming Lin, a crossdressing male hitman in the employ of one such company begins getting fed up with his lack of jobs and pay. -- -- One day, after Lin's current target commits suicide before the hitman could reach him, his company refuses to pay him even half the amount they were originally supposed to for the assassination. Frustrated, Lin requests another mission and is offered the job of taking out Banba, whom his organization believes has been interfering with their business. However, when Banba arrives at his home and finds the hitman inside, Lin surprisingly doesn't even attempt to kill him. Instead, he offers the detective another option: to join him and form a team. With the offer on the table, exactly how will Banba respond, and just what plans does Lin have in store for the underground world of Fukuoka? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 123,884 7.40
Hamatora The Animation -- -- NAZ -- 12 eps -- Original -- Mystery Comedy Super Power Drama -- Hamatora The Animation Hamatora The Animation -- The ability to create miracles is not just a supernatural phenomenon; it is a gift which manifests in a limited number of human beings. "Minimum," or small miracles, are special powers that only selected people called "Minimum Holders" possess. The detective agency Yokohama Troubleshooting, or Hamatora for short, is composed of the "Minimum Holder PI Duo," Nice and Murasaki. Their office is a lone table at Cafe Nowhere, where the pair and their coworkers await new clients. -- -- Suddenly, the jobs that they begin to receive seem to have strange connections to the serial killer whom their friend Art, a police officer, is searching for. The murder victims share a single similarity: they are all Minimum Holders. Nice and Murasaki, as holders themselves, are drawn to the case—but what exactly is the link between Nice and the one who orchestrates it all? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jan 8, 2014 -- 255,384 7.29
Hamatora The Animation -- -- NAZ -- 12 eps -- Original -- Mystery Comedy Super Power Drama -- Hamatora The Animation Hamatora The Animation -- The ability to create miracles is not just a supernatural phenomenon; it is a gift which manifests in a limited number of human beings. "Minimum," or small miracles, are special powers that only selected people called "Minimum Holders" possess. The detective agency Yokohama Troubleshooting, or Hamatora for short, is composed of the "Minimum Holder PI Duo," Nice and Murasaki. Their office is a lone table at Cafe Nowhere, where the pair and their coworkers await new clients. -- -- Suddenly, the jobs that they begin to receive seem to have strange connections to the serial killer whom their friend Art, a police officer, is searching for. The murder victims share a single similarity: they are all Minimum Holders. Nice and Murasaki, as holders themselves, are drawn to the case—but what exactly is the link between Nice and the one who orchestrates it all? -- -- TV - Jan 8, 2014 -- 255,384 7.29
Heion Sedai no Idaten-tachi -- -- MAPPA -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Demons Fantasy Seinen -- Heion Sedai no Idaten-tachi Heion Sedai no Idaten-tachi -- It has been 800 years since the battle gods "Idaten", who boast overwhelming speed and strength, contained the "demons" who led the world to ruin after a fierce battle. "That battle" is now just an old tale in a distant myth. While the "peaceful generation of the gods," who have never fought since they were born, are out of peace, someone has revived the demons from a long sleep! Bring armed forces, wisdom, politics, conspiracy, whatever you can use! No-rule & no-limit three-way battle royale is about to begin!!! -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- 17,814 N/A -- -- Mai-Otome Zwei -- -- Sunrise -- 4 eps -- Original -- Action Magic -- Mai-Otome Zwei Mai-Otome Zwei -- My-Otome Zwei takes place one year after the events of My-Otome. Arika is now a full-fledged Otome (though still under the tutelage of Miss Maria) and Nagi is incarcerated in a prison somewhere in Aries. The various nations are at peace with one another and plan to hold S.O.L.T. (Strategic Otome Limitation Talks) to discuss limiting the numbers of Otome. -- -- A mission to destroy a meteor threatening to collide with Earl sets into motion a chain of events which result in a mysterious shadowy figure attacking Garderobe and several Otome as well as a new, more powerful version of Slave appearing across the planet. To make matters worse, Queen Mashiro disappears following an argument with Arika. The series follows Arika's search for Mashiro as well as Garderobe's attempts to uncover the truth behind the shadowy figure. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- OVA - Nov 24, 2006 -- 17,772 7.27
Hundred -- -- Production IMS -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Sci-Fi Harem Romance Ecchi Mecha School -- Hundred Hundred -- When an extraterrestrial organism known as "Savage" attacks mankind, the only technology capable of combating the enemy is a weapon known as “Hundred.” A survivor of a Savage attack, Hayato Kisaragi is a teenager boasting the highest compatibility level with the aforementioned technology and as a result, is invited to master his skills at Little Garden, a prestigious military academy aboard a battleship. -- -- Over the course of his intense training for the battle ahead, he immediately attracts the interest of multiple female peers and gets drawn into a number of incidents as he tries to fight against the creatures that now inhabit Earth and threaten its safety. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 284,732 6.35
Ice -- -- PPM -- 3 eps -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Shoujo Ai -- Ice Ice -- By A.D. 2010, all men have died off quickly due to a dramatic change in the environment and an unknown contaminant. The population decreased to the lowest number ever seen...until only the women were left alive. -- -- They live huddled in small corners of a world mostly reclaimed by nature. -- There are those who accept their inevitable extinction and live a carefree life... -- There are those who try to continue on the race with the help of science... -- It is a society of constant conflict over their differences of principles and policies. -- -- The story takes place in the center of Tokyo. It is one of the places left for them. The conflict over the specimen of "ICE" and the chance it may provide to save humanity begins. -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- OVA - May 25, 2007 -- 7,566 5.34
IGPX: Immortal Grand Prix (2005) 2nd Season -- -- Production I.G -- 13 eps -- Original -- Mecha Sci-Fi Shounen Sports -- IGPX: Immortal Grand Prix (2005) 2nd Season IGPX: Immortal Grand Prix (2005) 2nd Season -- Team Satomi has just been deemed as the winners for the IG-2 lower league and now join the top IG-1 competition. But it's not going to be easy. Young pilots Takeshi, Liz, Amy, and River are going to have to be a team to be number 1, however one thing leads to another with these four. Most important of all, their opponents overwhelm Team Satomi in every aspect, including strategy and skill, as well as funding. One thing is for sure, this is not going to be an easy year for "Team Satomi." -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Discotek Media -- TV - May 20, 2006 -- 9,681 7.28
Jam -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Music Dementia Fantasy -- Jam Jam -- This film is based on a very simple idea: the increasingly varied the sounds, the greater is the number of creatures... My intention in this film was to fill the screen with chaotic movements. -- -- (Source: Mirai Mizue) -- Music - ??? ??, 2009 -- 740 4.77
Juuou Mujin no Fafnir -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Fantasy Harem Romance School -- Juuou Mujin no Fafnir Juuou Mujin no Fafnir -- Midgar, all-girl academy, would have been notable just for the action of accepting its first and only male student, Yuu Mononobe. But Midgar stands out for much more than that: it's a school exclusive to a group of girls known as D's. Each of them have extremely powerful abilities in generating dark matter and manipulating it into powerful weaponry. -- -- The D's didn't exist twenty-five years ago, and only appeared after a number of mysterious, destructive monsters known as "Dragons" started appearing around the world. Strangely, just as suddenly as they appeared, they vanished. In their destructive wake, some girls started being born with symbols on their bodies and powers similar in nature to those wielded by the Dragons themselves. -- -- Now the D's attend this school, hoping to harness and utilize their powers against the Dragons. Yuu is their latest member and is extraordinary for being the only known male D in existence. Now he must forge relationships with the girls around him, including his long separated sister who attends the school as well, and work with them to investigate and eliminate the threat of the powerful Dragons. -- 129,172 6.23
Kamichu! Specials -- -- Brain's Base -- 4 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life Comedy Supernatural Drama -- Kamichu! Specials Kamichu! Specials -- Episodes that were only released on the DVD afterwards and didn't air on TV. Episode numbers: 7.5, 9.5, 10.5, 12.5. -- -- For a complete list of episodes and the order they're included in the Kamichu! DVD/BD box set, see the More Info tab. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- Special - Nov 23, 2005 -- 9,705 7.48
Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e -- -- MAPPA -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Drama Fantasy Military Shounen -- Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e -- With the initiation of the Patrian civil war came the creation of half-beast, half-human soldiers—a development of the outnumbered Northerners in a desperate attempt to counter the overwhelming Southern forces. Able to quickly dominate battlefields and achieve victory with ease, the soldiers' godlike abilities earned them the name "Incarnates." However, as the war raged on, the Incarnates encountered a problem involving the beasts inside them that they were unable to rectify by ordinary means. -- -- Once the war was over, mysteries and accounts of the Incarnates submitting to the misfortune of their war days surfaced. Aware of the horrors they faced during the war, Special Sergeant Major and former captain of the Incarnates Hank Henriette becomes a Beast Hunter—those who take the lives of Incarnates who have succumbed to the issues they experienced on the battlefields. -- -- After witnessing her father, a former Incarnate soldier, meet his end at the hands of one such Beast Hunter, Nancy Schaal Bancroft resolves to hunt the man who took her father's life. However, Nancy's eye-opening encounter with the Beast Hunter influences her to instead seek the reason behind her father's death and the Incarnates' problematic existence in society. -- -- 95,746 6.40
Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor -- -- Studio Deen -- 7 eps -- Original -- Comedy Mecha Police Sci-Fi -- Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor -- As the human race evolves, so does its technology. Engineers have successfully created robots dubbed "Labors" for mass distribution, utilized by society for a number of everyday tasks. However, there are criminals who manage to get their hands on these Labors, using them for their own nefarious means. -- -- To combat this new form of delinquency, police around the world begin using "Patrol Labors" or "Patlabors" to put a stop to Labor-related crimes. Rookie police officer Noa Izumi is drafted into a special Patlabor unit, getting her own mechanical suit to fight crime. Naming this machine Alphonse, Izumi works tirelessly alongside her peers to keep civilization safe from those who would use this advanced technology to harm others. -- -- As Izumi becomes further ingrained within her unit, she must also learn how to navigate both her social and professional spheres with grace and wit. She befriends the aloof Asuma Shinohara, fellow pilot Isao Oota, and the other members of her brigade as she helps them to combat conspiratorial plots, workplace revolts, and supernatural beings. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media, Maiden Japan -- OVA - Apr 25, 1988 -- 25,666 7.29
Kuroko no Basket Movie 3: Winter Cup - Tobira no Mukou -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy Sports Shounen -- Kuroko no Basket Movie 3: Winter Cup - Tobira no Mukou Kuroko no Basket Movie 3: Winter Cup - Tobira no Mukou -- Third of three compilation films of the Kuroko no Basket franchise. -- -- Rakuzan and Shutoku face off in the semi finals at the Winter Cup. Despite struggling with Akashi's Emperor Eye that sees through everything, Midorima and Takao fight back with their consecutive plays, and the whole Shutoku team bites back at Rakuzan. However, it doesn't take long before Akashi crushes all of their hopes. It is decided that the finals will be fought between Seirin and Rakuzan. Kagami immediately enters the Zone as soon as the match starts, but it is no match for Akashi. Facing an extreme difference in ability against Rakuzan, Seirin loses their hope a number of times during the match. However, Kuroko doesn't give up, and continues to strongly fight against Akashi. -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- Movie - Dec 3, 2016 -- 25,975 7.73
Liar Liar -- -- - -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Game Psychological School -- Liar Liar Liar Liar -- At Academy Island, everything is settled through "Games" waged for a certain number of stars, with the strongest student being granted the ranking of Seven Stars. Hiroto, a transfer student, unexpectedly beats the strongest empress and becomes the pseudo-strongest in the school! A mind game of lies and bluffs begins! -- -- (Source: Kadokawa, translated) -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 1,536 N/A -- -- Children -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia Psychological Drama -- Children Children -- A short film by Takuya Okada set in a conformist society. -- -- (Source: IMDB) -- ONA - Jun 30, 2011 -- 1,532 6.02
Liar Liar -- -- - -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Game Psychological School -- Liar Liar Liar Liar -- At Academy Island, everything is settled through "Games" waged for a certain number of stars, with the strongest student being granted the ranking of Seven Stars. Hiroto, a transfer student, unexpectedly beats the strongest empress and becomes the pseudo-strongest in the school! A mind game of lies and bluffs begins! -- -- (Source: Kadokawa, translated) -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 1,536 N/AUsogui -- -- Shueisha -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Game Psychological Seinen -- Usogui Usogui -- There are gamblers out there who even bet their lives as ante. But to secure the integrity of these life-threatening gambles, a violent and powerful organization by the name of "Kagerou" referees these games as a neutral party. Follow Bak Madarame a.k.a. Usogui (The Lie Eater) as he gambles against maniacal opponents at games—such as Escape the Abandoned Building, Old Maid, and Hangman—to ultimately "out-gamble" and control the neutral organization of Kagerou itself. -- -- (Source: MU) -- OVA - Oct 19, 2012 -- 1,527 5.48
Love Live! School Idol Project -- -- Sunrise -- 13 eps -- Other -- Music Slice of Life School -- Love Live! School Idol Project Love Live! School Idol Project -- Otonokizaka High School is in a crisis! With the number of enrolling students dropping lower and lower every year, the school is set to shut down after its current first years graduate. However, second year Honoka Kousaka refuses to let it go without a fight. Searching for a solution, she comes across popular school idol group A-RISE and sets out to create a school idol group of her own. With the help of her childhood friends Umi Sonoda and Kotori Minami, Honoka forms μ's (pronounced "muse") to boost awareness and popularity of her school. -- -- Unfortunately, it's all easier said than done. Student council president Eri Ayase vehemently opposes the establishment of a school idol group and will do anything in her power to prevent its creation. Moreover, Honoka and her friends have trouble attracting any additional members. But the Love Live, a competition to determine the best and most beloved school idol groups in Japan, can help them gain the attention they desperately need. With the contest fast approaching, Honoka must act quickly and diligently to try and bring together a school idol group and win the Love Live in order to save Otonokizaka High School. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NIS America, Inc. -- 367,131 7.43
Love Live! Sunshine!! 2nd Season -- -- Sunrise -- 13 eps -- Other -- Music School Slice of Life -- Love Live! Sunshine!! 2nd Season Love Live! Sunshine!! 2nd Season -- Having decided to walk down a path separate from their inspirations as idols, the girls of Aqours are more determined than ever to shine brilliantly as school idols. With their previous performance marginally increasing the number of prospective students for their endangered school, they look to carry the momentum of their small step forward into the school's upcoming open house and the next Love Live competition. Hoping to use these events to bring more attention to their school, the nine girls look to give their best performances yet. -- -- Unfortunately, these small steps forward are not enough to convince Mari Ohara's father from changing his plans. Undeterred by Mari's pleas for reconsideration, the decision to close down the school is made official, putting an end to Uranohoshi Girls' High School's student recruitment, including the open house. Though all hope seems to be lost, the school idols refuse to give up. Faced with impossible odds, Aqours sings, dances, and shines in the hopes of bringing about a miracle. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 88,468 7.57
Maburaho -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Drama Ecchi Harem Magic Romance School -- Maburaho Maburaho -- In the world of Maburaho, everyone is born with the ability to use magic and are thus labeled magicians. However, the magical ability of each person is not equal. The number of times you can use magic determines the amount of respect you receive, and since one’s magical power is determined at birth by traits and genetics, those who have a bloodline stemming from famous magicians are highly sought after. -- -- Having the lowest magic count in Aoi Academy, Kazuki Shikimori is looked down upon by his classmates and seen as a nearly worthless magician. However, his bloodline consists of many great magicians throughout the ages, meaning that while he may not be a great magician, his offspring could be. This leads to him being sought after by three different young women: Yuna Miyama, a transfer student who declares herself his wife upon arrival, Rin Kamishiro, a prideful swordswoman of a traditional family who wants to kill him so she will be free to pursue her own desires, and Kuriko Kazetsubaki, a member of an influential family who bluntly tries to seduce him for his genes. -- -- Now he has to deal with not only the jealousy of all the guys in his school, but also various women chasing after him! -- 86,894 6.79
Macross: Do You Remember Love? -- -- Artland, Tatsunoko Production -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Mecha Military Music Romance Sci-Fi Space -- Macross: Do You Remember Love? Macross: Do You Remember Love? -- After warping light-years away from Earth, the spacecraft Macross carries a city of civilians and soldiers back home. They continuously fight off the threat of the Zentradi and Meltrandi, giant alien races with whom humanity wages war. -- -- During a battle, the Macross transforms into a mecha operated by fighter pilot Hikaru Ichijou. Thrust into a number of hardships, Hikaru grows close to the city's idol Minmay Lynn. As their relationship develops, however, it is viewed unfavorably by others due to Minmay's status and popularity. -- -- With war raging on and the state of Earth unknown, Hikaru and his fellow soldiers fight on against their mysterious enemies. Throughout the bloodshed, Hikaru and Minmay attempt to keep hold of their feelings for one another. Minmay pours her heart into her music, which may just turn out to be the key to finding peace. -- -- Movie - Jul 7, 1984 -- 37,245 7.96
Made in Abyss 2 -- -- - -- ? eps -- Web manga -- Sci-Fi Adventure Mystery Drama Fantasy -- Made in Abyss 2 Made in Abyss 2 -- Directly after the events of Made in Abyss Movie 3: Dawn of the Deep Soul, the third installment of Made in Abyss covers the adventure of Reg, Riko, and Nanachi in the Sixth Layer, The Capital of the Unreturned. -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 87,566 N/AMaburaho -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Drama Ecchi Harem Magic Romance School -- Maburaho Maburaho -- In the world of Maburaho, everyone is born with the ability to use magic and are thus labeled magicians. However, the magical ability of each person is not equal. The number of times you can use magic determines the amount of respect you receive, and since one’s magical power is determined at birth by traits and genetics, those who have a bloodline stemming from famous magicians are highly sought after. -- -- Having the lowest magic count in Aoi Academy, Kazuki Shikimori is looked down upon by his classmates and seen as a nearly worthless magician. However, his bloodline consists of many great magicians throughout the ages, meaning that while he may not be a great magician, his offspring could be. This leads to him being sought after by three different young women: Yuna Miyama, a transfer student who declares herself his wife upon arrival, Rin Kamishiro, a prideful swordswoman of a traditional family who wants to kill him so she will be free to pursue her own desires, and Kuriko Kazetsubaki, a member of an influential family who bluntly tries to seduce him for his genes. -- -- Now he has to deal with not only the jealousy of all the guys in his school, but also various women chasing after him! -- 86,894 6.79
Mahoromatic: Motto Utsukushii Mono -- -- Gainax, Shaft -- 14 eps -- Manga -- Military Sci-Fi Comedy Drama Romance Ecchi -- Mahoromatic: Motto Utsukushii Mono Mahoromatic: Motto Utsukushii Mono -- As the relationship between Mahoro, Suguru and his classmates develops further, another android girl enters their lives and becomes attached to Mahoro. All the while, the number of days before Mahoro is to shut down decreases steadily. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA, Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Sep 26, 2002 -- 28,974 7.17
Mahoromatic: Motto Utsukushii Mono -- -- Gainax, Shaft -- 14 eps -- Manga -- Military Sci-Fi Comedy Drama Romance Ecchi -- Mahoromatic: Motto Utsukushii Mono Mahoromatic: Motto Utsukushii Mono -- As the relationship between Mahoro, Suguru and his classmates develops further, another android girl enters their lives and becomes attached to Mahoro. All the while, the number of days before Mahoro is to shut down decreases steadily. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Sep 26, 2002 -- 28,974 7.17
Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku -- -- Lerche -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Fantasy Magic Supernatural Thriller -- Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku -- For many girls in N-City, playing the popular social role-playing game Magical Girl Raising Project is as close as they could come to being a real magical girl. However, for some rare players, that dream can become a reality. One such girl is Koyuki Himekawa, who receives a notification one night that she has been selected to become a magical girl, her in-game avatar Snow White. -- -- As Koyuki and other chosen players in the city begin helping those in need, they all receive yet another notification: the admins have decided that they want to reduce the number of magical girls. Whoever collects the least amount of Magical Candies—which are awarded for their magical girl activities—in their competition each week will lose their powers. But when a real-world tragedy happens to the first player that drops out, they are shown the repercussions of losing their abilities. As more participants inevitably lose the competition and more twisted rules are added, the girls soon realize that their "contest" is actually a desperate fight for survival. -- -- 131,005 6.99
Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku -- -- Lerche -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Fantasy Magic Supernatural Thriller -- Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku -- For many girls in N-City, playing the popular social role-playing game Magical Girl Raising Project is as close as they could come to being a real magical girl. However, for some rare players, that dream can become a reality. One such girl is Koyuki Himekawa, who receives a notification one night that she has been selected to become a magical girl, her in-game avatar Snow White. -- -- As Koyuki and other chosen players in the city begin helping those in need, they all receive yet another notification: the admins have decided that they want to reduce the number of magical girls. Whoever collects the least amount of Magical Candies—which are awarded for their magical girl activities—in their competition each week will lose their powers. But when a real-world tragedy happens to the first player that drops out, they are shown the repercussions of losing their abilities. As more participants inevitably lose the competition and more twisted rules are added, the girls soon realize that their "contest" is actually a desperate fight for survival. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 131,005 6.99
Mai-Otome Zwei -- -- Sunrise -- 4 eps -- Original -- Action Magic -- Mai-Otome Zwei Mai-Otome Zwei -- My-Otome Zwei takes place one year after the events of My-Otome. Arika is now a full-fledged Otome (though still under the tutelage of Miss Maria) and Nagi is incarcerated in a prison somewhere in Aries. The various nations are at peace with one another and plan to hold S.O.L.T. (Strategic Otome Limitation Talks) to discuss limiting the numbers of Otome. -- -- A mission to destroy a meteor threatening to collide with Earl sets into motion a chain of events which result in a mysterious shadowy figure attacking Garderobe and several Otome as well as a new, more powerful version of Slave appearing across the planet. To make matters worse, Queen Mashiro disappears following an argument with Arika. The series follows Arika's search for Mashiro as well as Garderobe's attempts to uncover the truth behind the shadowy figure. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- OVA - Nov 24, 2006 -- 17,772 7.27
Major 2nd (TV) 2nd Season -- -- OLM -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Sports Drama Shounen -- Major 2nd (TV) 2nd Season Major 2nd (TV) 2nd Season -- After recovering from the inner struggles he faced in the past, Daigo Shigeno continues to play baseball and is now the captain of Fuurin Private Academy Middle School's baseball team. Alongside Mutsuko Sakura, his classmate from elementary school, he aims to lead the team to glory. However, due to unexpected circumstances, Fuurin's baseball team is left with only six members: Daigo, Mutsuko, Yayoi Sawa, Tao Sagara, Seira Kandori, and Hiromu Tanba. Left with mostly female players and lacking in experience, the team struggles to gain confidence and trust from the new recruits—Akira Nishina, Anita Kabashima, and Chisato Fujii. Facing challenges such as having no proper coach, problematic recruits, and a limited number of members, Daigo's resolution is put to the test as he tries to bring the team together in time to participate in their first ever tournament. -- -- 14,548 7.57
Mars Red -- -- Signal.MD -- 13 eps -- Other -- Action Military Historical Supernatural Vampire -- Mars Red Mars Red -- Mars Red takes place in 1923, and vampires have existed for quite a while. But now, the number of vampires is increasing and a mysterious, artificial blood source called Ascra has appeared. -- -- The Japanese government, in turn, creates "Code Zero," an unit within the army tasked with taking down the vampiric forces. And what better way to track vampires than by using vampires? -- -- Created by Lieutenant General Nakajima, this unit has historically been in the business of information war, but has been re-assigned to solve the vampire crisis. -- -- (Source: Funimation, edited) -- 64,528 6.93
Mars Red -- -- Signal.MD -- 13 eps -- Other -- Action Military Historical Supernatural Vampire -- Mars Red Mars Red -- Mars Red takes place in 1923, and vampires have existed for quite a while. But now, the number of vampires is increasing and a mysterious, artificial blood source called Ascra has appeared. -- -- The Japanese government, in turn, creates "Code Zero," an unit within the army tasked with taking down the vampiric forces. And what better way to track vampires than by using vampires? -- -- Created by Lieutenant General Nakajima, this unit has historically been in the business of information war, but has been re-assigned to solve the vampire crisis. -- -- (Source: Funimation, edited) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 64,528 6.93
Mutsu Enmei Ryuu Gaiden: Shura no Toki -- -- Studio Comet -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Historical Martial Arts Samurai Shounen -- Mutsu Enmei Ryuu Gaiden: Shura no Toki Mutsu Enmei Ryuu Gaiden: Shura no Toki -- Legends tell of an invincible martial art known as Mutsu Enmei-Ryu, an unarmed style that allows the user to defeat any number of armed opponents using incredible speed and strength. This is the story of three generations of those who bear the name Mutsu, and their encounters and battles with the strongest fighters of their era. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 21,293 7.58
Mutsu Enmei Ryuu Gaiden: Shura no Toki -- -- Studio Comet -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Historical Martial Arts Samurai Shounen -- Mutsu Enmei Ryuu Gaiden: Shura no Toki Mutsu Enmei Ryuu Gaiden: Shura no Toki -- Legends tell of an invincible martial art known as Mutsu Enmei-Ryu, an unarmed style that allows the user to defeat any number of armed opponents using incredible speed and strength. This is the story of three generations of those who bear the name Mutsu, and their encounters and battles with the strongest fighters of their era. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- 21,293 7.58
Najica Dengeki Sakusen -- -- Amber Film Works, Studio Fantasia -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Ecchi Comedy Sci-Fi -- Najica Dengeki Sakusen Najica Dengeki Sakusen -- Najica Hiiragi, perfumer and secret agent, is sent out on a number of recovery missions to round up rogue humaritts, androids with combat abilities. Najica is assigned a humaritt partner, Lila, whom Najica is to groom as an agent and receive assistance from along the way. As Najica grows to accept Lila, each new mission they embark on reveals more and more about the capabilities and mysterious origins of the humaritts. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- 12,957 5.99
Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Game Comedy Drama -- Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] -- Iride Akatsuki has unlocked hidden content in the game he's playing, 'Nakanohito Genome,' and it turns out that this content is a real-life game! -- He soon wakes up to find that he has been kidnapped and taken to a strange place, along with a number of other teammates. Each of them specializes in a certain sort of game, like cultivation games, fighting games, puzzle games, etc. -- A llama-headed 'teacher' gathers them after level 1 is cleared to explain how the game will proceed. -- Will this group of gamers succeed, and make it back to their real lives? -- -- (Source: MangaHelpers) -- 90,395 6.87
Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Game Comedy Drama -- Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] -- Iride Akatsuki has unlocked hidden content in the game he's playing, 'Nakanohito Genome,' and it turns out that this content is a real-life game! -- He soon wakes up to find that he has been kidnapped and taken to a strange place, along with a number of other teammates. Each of them specializes in a certain sort of game, like cultivation games, fighting games, puzzle games, etc. -- A llama-headed 'teacher' gathers them after level 1 is cleared to explain how the game will proceed. -- Will this group of gamers succeed, and make it back to their real lives? -- -- (Source: MangaHelpers) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 90,395 6.87
Naruto x UT -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Comedy Super Power Martial Arts Shounen -- Naruto x UT Naruto x UT -- All-new animation offered throughout UNIQLO clothing stores in Japan on January 1, 2011. The DVD contains an exclusive version of Mayonaka Orchestra, by the Japanese rock band Aqua Timez. A limited number of the DVDs was offered as presents to people who bought UNIQLO's Naruto graphic T-shirts online or in their stores. -- -- (Source: ANN, edited) -- OVA - Jan 1, 2011 -- 41,873 7.40
Noragami -- -- Bones -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Supernatural Shounen -- Noragami Noragami -- In times of need, if you look in the right place, you just may see a strange telephone number scrawled in red. If you call this number, you will hear a young man introduce himself as the Yato God. -- -- Yato is a minor deity and a self-proclaimed "Delivery God," who dreams of having millions of worshippers. Without a single shrine dedicated to his name, however, his goals are far from being realized. He spends his days doing odd jobs for five yen apiece, until his weapon partner becomes fed up with her useless master and deserts him. -- -- Just as things seem to be looking grim for the god, his fortune changes when a middle school girl, Hiyori Iki, supposedly saves Yato from a car accident, taking the hit for him. Remarkably, she survives, but the event has caused her soul to become loose and hence able to leave her body. Hiyori demands that Yato return her to normal, but upon learning that he needs a new partner to do so, reluctantly agrees to help him find one. And with Hiyori's help, Yato's luck may finally be turning around. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,621,251 8.00
Noragami OVA -- -- Bones -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Supernatural Shounen -- Noragami OVA Noragami OVA -- Hiyori Iki is excited to start high school alongside her two middle school friends, but "Delivery God" Yato seems to have other plans for the day. Will Hiyori be able to make a good impression on her first day? Or will Yato cost her a happy high school life? -- -- On another day, Hiyori decides to take advantage of the beautiful weather and invites a number of people to gaze at the cherry blossoms, including the fearsome combat god, Bishamon. But how long will their blissful day last when Yato and his old rival Bishamon start to drink together? -- -- OVA - Feb 17, 2014 -- 262,881 7.75
Omamori Himari -- -- Zexcs -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Harem Comedy Demons Supernatural Romance Ecchi Fantasy -- Omamori Himari Omamori Himari -- After the death of his parents, Yuuto Amakawa lives a pretty ordinary life in the city. The only problem he has to worry about while attending school alongside Rinko, his next-door neighbor, is his cat allergies. That all changes on his sixteenth birthday, when an Ayakashi—a supernatural creature—attacks him for the sins of his ancestors. Luckily, he is saved by Himari, a mysterious cat-woman with a sword, who explains that Yuuto is the scion of a family of demon-slayers, and she is there to protect him now that the charm that kept him hidden from the supernatural forces of the world has lost its power. -- -- Omamori Himari chronicles Yuuto's dealings with the various forces of the supernatural world, as well as the growing number of women that show up on his doorstep, each with their own dark desires. Will Yuuto be able to adjust to his new "exciting" environment? Or will the ghost of his (ancestor's) past catch up with him? -- 206,221 6.91
Omamori Himari -- -- Zexcs -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Harem Comedy Demons Supernatural Romance Ecchi Fantasy -- Omamori Himari Omamori Himari -- After the death of his parents, Yuuto Amakawa lives a pretty ordinary life in the city. The only problem he has to worry about while attending school alongside Rinko, his next-door neighbor, is his cat allergies. That all changes on his sixteenth birthday, when an Ayakashi—a supernatural creature—attacks him for the sins of his ancestors. Luckily, he is saved by Himari, a mysterious cat-woman with a sword, who explains that Yuuto is the scion of a family of demon-slayers, and she is there to protect him now that the charm that kept him hidden from the supernatural forces of the world has lost its power. -- -- Omamori Himari chronicles Yuuto's dealings with the various forces of the supernatural world, as well as the growing number of women that show up on his doorstep, each with their own dark desires. Will Yuuto be able to adjust to his new "exciting" environment? Or will the ghost of his (ancestor's) past catch up with him? -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 206,221 6.91
One Punch Man 2nd Season -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Action Sci-Fi Comedy Parody Super Power Supernatural -- One Punch Man 2nd Season One Punch Man 2nd Season -- In the wake of defeating Boros and his mighty army, Saitama has returned to his unremarkable everyday life in Z-City. However, unbeknownst to him, the number of monsters appearing is still continuously on the rise, putting a strain on the Hero Association’s resources. Their top executives decide on the bold move of recruiting hoodlums in order to help in their battle. But during the first meeting with these potential newcomers, a mysterious man calling himself Garou makes his appearance. Claiming to be a monster, he starts mercilessly attacking the crowd. -- -- The mysterious Garou continues his rampage against the Hero Association, crushing every hero he encounters. He turns out to be the legendary martial artist Silverfang’s best former disciple and seems driven by unknown motives. Regardless, this beast of a man seems unstoppable. Intrigued by this puzzling new foe and with an insatiable thirst for money, Saitama decides to seize the opportunity and joins the interesting martial arts competition. -- -- As the tournament commences and Garou continues his rampage, a new great menace reveals itself, threatening the entire human world. Could this finally be the earth-shattering catastrophe predicted by the great seer Madame Shibabawa? -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 1,071,054 7.41
Plunderer -- -- GEEK TOYS -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Ecchi Fantasy Shounen -- Plunderer Plunderer -- Alcia is a world governed by "Count": numbers engraved on a person's body, representing any number related to their life. These Counts determine a person's social status and power in Alcia. If a Count reaches zero, the person is sent to the Abyss, a place rumored to be worse than death. -- -- Hina, a traveler whose Count is based on the distance she traveled, witnessed her mother get dragged down into the Abyss. Determined to fulfill her mother's last wishes, she sets off on a journey in search of the legendary Aces—heroes of the war that happened three hundred years ago, bearing a white star next to their Count. -- -- While wandering around, Hina encounters Licht Bach, a mysterious masked man with negative Count, and Nana, the owner of a tavern. In the midst of having a good time, Hina is tricked into a battle with a military soldier. However, despite his negative count, Licht rescues Hina and reveals that he has another count, one with a white star, one of a legendary Ace. -- -- Plunderer follows the journey of Hina and other inhabitants of Alcia as they discover the truth about their world, the Abyss, and the legendary Aces. -- -- 240,541 6.51
Plunderer -- -- GEEK TOYS -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Ecchi Fantasy Shounen -- Plunderer Plunderer -- Alcia is a world governed by "Count": numbers engraved on a person's body, representing any number related to their life. These Counts determine a person's social status and power in Alcia. If a Count reaches zero, the person is sent to the Abyss, a place rumored to be worse than death. -- -- Hina, a traveler whose Count is based on the distance she traveled, witnessed her mother get dragged down into the Abyss. Determined to fulfill her mother's last wishes, she sets off on a journey in search of the legendary Aces—heroes of the war that happened three hundred years ago, bearing a white star next to their Count. -- -- While wandering around, Hina encounters Licht Bach, a mysterious masked man with negative Count, and Nana, the owner of a tavern. In the midst of having a good time, Hina is tricked into a battle with a military soldier. However, despite his negative count, Licht rescues Hina and reveals that he has another count, one with a white star, one of a legendary Ace. -- -- Plunderer follows the journey of Hina and other inhabitants of Alcia as they discover the truth about their world, the Abyss, and the legendary Aces. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 240,541 6.51
Pokemon Housoukyoku -- -- OLM -- 16 eps -- Game -- Adventure Comedy Kids Fantasy -- Pokemon Housoukyoku Pokemon Housoukyoku -- Pokémon Chronicles is a TV series comprised of the English-dubbed versions of a number of Pokémon TV specials. Many of the episodes are from the Weekly Pokémon Broadcasting Station show in Japan, but it also contained The Legend of Thunder! and shorts from the Pikachu's Winter Vacation series. The series, in each episode, basically focuses on the lives of the many of the recurring/main characters Ash Ketchum met on his journey, like Sakura, Misty, her sisters, Casey, and Tracey. Ash only makes two appearances in the series in brief cameos. -- -- (Source: Bulbapedia) -- -- Licensor: -- 4Kids Entertainment -- TV - Dec 3, 2002 -- 24,300 6.84
Psycho-Pass 2 -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 11 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Police Psychological -- Psycho-Pass 2 Psycho-Pass 2 -- A year and a half after the events of the original sci-fi psychological thriller, Akane Tsunemori continues her work as an inspector—enforcing the Sibyl System's judgments. Joining her are new enforcers and junior inspector Mika Shimotsuki, a young woman blindly and inflexibly loyal to Sibyl. As Akane ponders both the nature of her job and the legitimacy of Sibyl's verdicts, a disturbing new menace emerges. -- -- A mysterious figure has discovered a way to control the Crime Coefficient—a number compiled from mental scans that allows Sibyl to gauge psychological health and identify potential criminals. Through these means, he is able to murder an enforcer, leaving behind a cryptic clue: "WC?" scrawled in blood on a wall. -- -- Akane and the rest of Division 1 soon find themselves playing a deadly game against their new foe, coming face-to-face with a conspiracy threatening not only the authority of the Sibyl System, but the very foundation of Akane's own convictions. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 524,843 7.42
Queen's Blade: Gyokuza wo Tsugu Mono -- -- Arms -- 12 eps -- Other -- Action Adventure Ecchi Fantasy -- Queen's Blade: Gyokuza wo Tsugu Mono Queen's Blade: Gyokuza wo Tsugu Mono -- After experiencing the numerous trials encountered on her journey, Reina has grown as a warrior. Determined to take part in the Queen's Blade tournament, she arrives at the capital city Gainos, where Queen Aldora awaits. There gathers a number of beautiful warriors who, like Reina, are there for the Queen's Blade. -- -- Amongst them is Reina's sister, Claudette, determined to restore the glory of House Vance; Tomoe and Shizuka, who are both fighting for their homeland of Hinomoto; Nanael who has been ordered to participate by the Archangel; and the subordinates of the Marshland Witch. -- -- All these beautiful fighters who gather in Gainos have been one objective, to win through the Queen's Blade, the tournament to select the strongest, most beautiful queen. Who would ascend to that glorious throne? That can only be determined via battle. -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- TV - Sep 24, 2009 -- 46,505 6.57
Ranma ½: Akumu! Shunmin Kou -- -- Studio Deen, Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Comedy Supernatural Martial Arts Shounen -- Ranma ½: Akumu! Shunmin Kou Ranma ½: Akumu! Shunmin Kou -- Twelve years after the final OVA was shown, and the end of the manga, a new piece of Ranma ½ animation was made for the "It's a Rumic World" exhibition of Rumiko Takahashi's artwork. The new 30 minute special is based on the "Nightmare! Incense of Spring Sleep" manga story from volume 34, and was shown on odd numbered days at the "It's A Rumic World" exhibition in Tokyo from July 30th to August 11th. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- OVA - Jul 31, 2008 -- 11,534 7.53
Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita. -- -- Zero-G -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy Romance -- Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita. Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita. -- It is widely believed that science can provide rational explanations for the countless phenomena of our universe. However, there are many aspects of our existence that science has not yet found a solution to and cannot decipher with numbers. The most notorious of these is the concept of love. While it may seem impossible to apply scientific theory to such an intricate and complex emotion, a daring pair of quick-witted Saitama University scientists aim to take on the challenge. -- -- One day the bold and beautiful Ayame Himuro outwardly declares that she is in love with Shinya Yukimura, her fellow logical and level-headed scientist. Acknowledging his own lack of experience with romance, Yukimura questions what factors constitute love in the first place and whether he is in love with Himuro or not. Both clueless in the dealings of love, the pair begin to conduct detailed experiments on one another to test the human characteristics that indicate love and discern whether they demonstrate these traits towards each other. -- -- As Himuro and Yukimura begin their intimate analysis, can the two scientists successfully apply scientific theory, with the help of their friends, to quantify the feelings they express for one another? -- -- ONA - Jan 11, 2020 -- 185,005 7.35
Saikyou Ginga Ultimate Zero: Battle Spirits -- -- Sunrise -- 49 eps -- Card game -- Game Adventure Space -- Saikyou Ginga Ultimate Zero: Battle Spirits Saikyou Ginga Ultimate Zero: Battle Spirits -- In the new, whimsical era of Battle Spirits, cards have become scattered across a colorful galaxy, enticing all "card questers" to duke it out in search of the strongest cards. Rei is a flamboyant wanderer who is obsessed with being on top. Accompanied by a small dragon named Mugen and a talking robot named Salt, the self-proclaimed "Number One Star" regularly engages in card-gaming mischief through flashy battles. -- -- One day, Rei meets Raira and Rikuto April, both of whom seem to have clues on the whereabouts of the "ultimate" Battle Spirits card. Together, they embark on a quest to search for the card, clashing with many vibrant personalities along the way. Soon, their adventure catches the attention of the Guild, wily villains who are also set on obtaining the Ultimate Battle Spirits. In contending against the Guild, Rei's status as number one is put to the test—an endeavor that will slowly unveil secrets regarding the fate of the universe. -- -- TV - Sep 22, 2013 -- 1,462 6.50
Scan2Go -- -- SynergySP -- 52 eps -- Original -- Game Cars Space Kids -- Scan2Go Scan2Go -- Sometime in the near future, in an age in which we have established contact and communications with planets outside our galaxy, Scan2Go has become a huge phenomenon throughout all of outer space. Giant races are held at every locality, with each racer gunning for the title of the universe's number one racer! -- -- The main character in the series, Kazuya, possesses the power of the eagle, performed well with his blazing, innate power commanding his falconine beast spirit. He competes in a tournament, the "Pro-Racer Exhibition Race.", but was no match for the other teams that had won their way through the competitive Space Preliminaries. -- -- Realizing the difficult obstacles that lie before them, Kazuya and his friends leave the small Earth behind and set off on a universe-wide quest to hone their skills as warriors! -- -- Licensor: -- Cookie Jar Entertainment -- TV - Aug 9, 2010 -- 2,232 6.10
Seikoku no Dragonar -- -- C-Station -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Ecchi Fantasy School -- Seikoku no Dragonar Seikoku no Dragonar -- Learning to ride and tame dragons comes easy to most students at Ansarivan Dragonar Academy—except for first-year student Ash Blake, who is known by his fellow classmates as the "number one problem child." Poor Ash is the laughing stock at school because, despite his unfashionably large star-shaped brand that marks him as a future dragon master, he has nothing to show for it. His dragon has never appeared. -- -- Until now, that is. One fateful day, Ash's dragon awakes in full glory, but appears different than any dragon ever seen before—in the form of a beautiful girl! What's worse, Ash soon discovers that this new dragon has attitude to spare, as she promptly informs him that she is the master, and he, the servant. -- -- Ash's problems with dragon riding have only just begun. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 5, 2014 -- 174,937 6.50
Seikoku no Dragonar -- -- C-Station -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Ecchi Fantasy School -- Seikoku no Dragonar Seikoku no Dragonar -- Learning to ride and tame dragons comes easy to most students at Ansarivan Dragonar Academy—except for first-year student Ash Blake, who is known by his fellow classmates as the "number one problem child." Poor Ash is the laughing stock at school because, despite his unfashionably large star-shaped brand that marks him as a future dragon master, he has nothing to show for it. His dragon has never appeared. -- -- Until now, that is. One fateful day, Ash's dragon awakes in full glory, but appears different than any dragon ever seen before—in the form of a beautiful girl! What's worse, Ash soon discovers that this new dragon has attitude to spare, as she promptly informs him that she is the master, and he, the servant. -- -- Ash's problems with dragon riding have only just begun. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Apr 5, 2014 -- 174,937 6.50
Sekirei: Pure Engagement -- -- Seven Arcs -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Ecchi Harem Super Power -- Sekirei: Pure Engagement Sekirei: Pure Engagement -- The second stage of the battle royale known as the Sekirei Plan is underway. Shintou Teito has been closed off; no Sekirei or Ashikabi may leave. Minato Sahashi and his harem of Sekirei must now prepare to fight new battles as changes to the rules are put into place. However, not all groups will return to the battle: some Sekirei are loved very much by their Ashikabi partners, who would rather forfeit the prize than see them perish. -- -- In the midst of the action, someone close to Minato may be more involved than he had ever imagined, and threats lurk around every corner. There are even rumors that the "Single Numbers," the most powerful type of Sekirei, have entered the fray. In the eyes of the "Game Master" Minaka Hiroto, everything is proceeding according to plan. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Jul 4, 2010 -- 201,694 7.34
Shugo Chara!! Doki -- -- Satelight -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Magic School Shoujo -- Shugo Chara!! Doki Shugo Chara!! Doki -- Now Utau has left Easter and restarted her singing career, while Ikuto still remains at Easter. To replace Utau Easter hires a new character, Lulu. Lulu has the power to create question mark eggs, instead of x-eggs. Throughout this season we start to see all the love interests more so then in the first season. Tadase and Amu seem to be a couple now, but they have their problem, especially when Amu starts hiding Ikuto in her room. She lies to Tadase, her family and all the Guardians about it, which in the end causes more problems then she expected. Easter also has a new plan to control Ikuto. Using his violin Easter controls Ikuto so that he transforms into Death Rebel. The sound of his violin turns all the heart eggs with in distance into x-eggs. With a large amount of x-eggs gathered, the embryo will soon turn up. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Episode numbers continue as 52, 53, 54, etc. -- TV - Oct 4, 2008 -- 89,878 7.42
Sidonia no Kishi -- -- Polygon Pictures -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Mecha Sci-Fi Seinen Space -- Sidonia no Kishi Sidonia no Kishi -- After destroying Earth many years ago, the alien race Gauna has been pursuing the remnants of humanity—which, having narrowly escaped, fled across the galaxy in a number of giant seed ships. In the year 3394, Nagate Tanikaze surfaces from his lifelong seclusion deep beneath the seed ship Sidonia in search of food on the upper levels, only to find himself dragged into events unfolding without his knowledge. -- -- When the Gauna begin their assault on Sidonia, it's up to Tanikaze—with the help of his fellow soldiers and friends Shizuka Hoshijiro, Izana Shinatose, and Yuhata Midorikawa—to defend humanity's last hope for survival, and defeat their alien foes. Sidonia no Kishi follows Tanikaze as he discovers the world that has been above him his entire life, and becomes the hero Sidonia needs. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 11, 2014 -- 200,208 7.68
Sirius -- -- P.A. Works -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Historical Supernatural Vampire -- Sirius Sirius -- In the year 1930, vampires have infiltrated Tokyo to feast upon its unsuspecting citizens. As the number of victims continues to rise, the city's authorities decide to hire the Jaegers—a strange, diverse group of individuals tasked by the V Shipping Company to hunt down vampires around the world. Carrying musical instrument cases to disguise their identity, the Jaegers battle the vampires with the same mercilessness demonstrated by their foes. -- -- Yuliy, the Jaeger's most skilled warrior, is the sole survivor of a vampire raid on his home village. Using the strength granted by his werewolf blood, he works with his team to assist Tokyo's law enforcement with the city's vampire problem. Though under the pretense of helping the police, the Jaegers are actually fighting the vampires over the mystical Ark of Sirius. With its power to change the fate of the world, Yuliy and his friends must locate the artifact before the vampires can use it to achieve their destructive goals. -- -- 178,971 7.02
Sirius -- -- P.A. Works -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Historical Supernatural Vampire -- Sirius Sirius -- In the year 1930, vampires have infiltrated Tokyo to feast upon its unsuspecting citizens. As the number of victims continues to rise, the city's authorities decide to hire the Jaegers—a strange, diverse group of individuals tasked by the V Shipping Company to hunt down vampires around the world. Carrying musical instrument cases to disguise their identity, the Jaegers battle the vampires with the same mercilessness demonstrated by their foes. -- -- Yuliy, the Jaeger's most skilled warrior, is the sole survivor of a vampire raid on his home village. Using the strength granted by his werewolf blood, he works with his team to assist Tokyo's law enforcement with the city's vampire problem. Though under the pretense of helping the police, the Jaegers are actually fighting the vampires over the mystical Ark of Sirius. With its power to change the fate of the world, Yuliy and his friends must locate the artifact before the vampires can use it to achieve their destructive goals. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Netflix -- 178,971 7.02
Super Danganronpa 2.5: Komaeda Nagito to Sekai no Hakaimono -- -- Lerche -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Mystery Horror Psychological -- Super Danganronpa 2.5: Komaeda Nagito to Sekai no Hakaimono Super Danganronpa 2.5: Komaeda Nagito to Sekai no Hakaimono -- At Hope's Peak Academy, a school full of extraordinarily talented individuals, Nagito Komaeda is an ordinary boy with no special traits or interesting skills to speak of—except for his incredible unluckiness. Just walking to school in the morning leads to a number of unfortunate accidents, which only escalate as the day goes on. Despite this, Komaeda leads a relatively normal life and is satisfied with his modest slice of happiness. -- -- But everything changes when a mysterious boy who declares himself the "Destroyer of the World" arrives to shatter this hopeless paradise. -- -- OVA - Jan 12, 2017 -- 75,565 7.18
Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld 2nd Season -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 11 eps -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Romance Fantasy -- Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld 2nd Season Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld 2nd Season -- The final battle against the Dark Territory drags on, as players from all over the world flood the Underworld's servers and plunge the Human Empire into utter chaos. Asuna Yuuki and her friends defend their new allies with everything they have, but their numbers are falling. Meanwhile, Alice Zuberg heads toward the World's End Altar while Gabriel "Vecta" Miller relentlessly pursues her. -- -- Meanwhile, members of Rath strategize a plan in an attempt to restore Kirito's damaged fluctlight. However, the intruders occupying the main control room have other plans. Surrounded by death and despair, when all hope seems to be lost, one voice reaches out to Kirito—a familiar one saying, "I will always be by your side." -- -- Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld 2nd Season is the epic conclusion to Akihiko Kayaba's dream of creating artificial human intelligence. Now it is up to Kirito and his friends to protect this collapsing world from the people that still think it is just a game. -- -- 352,245 7.42
Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld 2nd Season -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 11 eps -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Romance Fantasy -- Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld 2nd Season Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld 2nd Season -- The final battle against the Dark Territory drags on, as players from all over the world flood the Underworld's servers and plunge the Human Empire into utter chaos. Asuna Yuuki and her friends defend their new allies with everything they have, but their numbers are falling. Meanwhile, Alice Zuberg heads toward the World's End Altar while Gabriel "Vecta" Miller relentlessly pursues her. -- -- Meanwhile, members of Rath strategize a plan in an attempt to restore Kirito's damaged fluctlight. However, the intruders occupying the main control room have other plans. Surrounded by death and despair, when all hope seems to be lost, one voice reaches out to Kirito—a familiar one saying, "I will always be by your side." -- -- Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld 2nd Season is the epic conclusion to Akihiko Kayaba's dream of creating artificial human intelligence. Now it is up to Kirito and his friends to protect this collapsing world from the people that still think it is just a game. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 352,245 7.42
Tayutama: Kiss on My Deity -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Harem Romance Supernatural -- Tayutama: Kiss on My Deity Tayutama: Kiss on My Deity -- Yuuri Mito is a typical, normal Japanese teenager. He goes to school, works on people's motorcycles and performs exorcisms. Okay, that last part's a little bit unusual, but his family lives in a shrine and they do that sort of thing. Still, you would think he'd know enough to be careful with an ancient relic he finds in the woods, especially when a mysterious goddess appears and tells him to leave it alone. Unfortunately, despite Mito's best efforts, the seal gets broken anyway and a number of dangerous "tayuti" that it held in stasis get loose. This is bad. Mito also ends up with a beautiful goddess girl who decides that she's going to marry him. This might not be so bad. if he wasn't already caught up in the middle of a war between the entities he's released. The flesh may be weak but the spirit's more than willing to compensate. -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- 61,922 6.77
Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken 2nd Season Part 2 -- -- 8bit -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Comedy Demons Magic Fantasy -- Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken 2nd Season Part 2 Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken 2nd Season Part 2 -- Second half of Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken 2nd Season. -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 125,503 N/AGirls Bravo: First Season -- -- AIC Spirits -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Harem Comedy Romance Ecchi Fantasy School Shounen -- Girls Bravo: First Season Girls Bravo: First Season -- Small for his age, Yukinari has been bullied and abused by girls all his life. Now in high school, he has developed a rare condition: whenever girls touch him, or even come close, he breaks out in hives. Imagine his surprise, when he is suddenly transported to the city of Seiren on a mystic world invisibly orbiting the Earth, and populated with vast numbers of women and very few men. Fortunately, he has a new friend, Miharu-chan, whose touch inexplicably doesn't affect him. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- TV - Jul 5, 2004 -- 125,221 6.44
Uchuu Kaizoku Sara -- -- - -- 4 eps -- Visual novel -- Hentai Sci-Fi Supernatural -- Uchuu Kaizoku Sara Uchuu Kaizoku Sara -- Sarah is a most terrible pirate knight who dances her way around the galaxy empire that has been ravaged by war. In the galaxy ruled by a number of power-hungry rival warlords, an evil sadistic web is woven around Sarah, who is slowly guided down to her destruction. When the silver knight Sylia comes across the evil aristocrats who have run the gamut of corruption in the galaxy and the slave traders of darkness, the demonic twins, a desperate predicament is visited upon Sarah!! -- -- (Source: dlsite) -- OVA - Apr 26, 2008 -- 9,857 6.87
Uchuu Kyoudai: Number Zero -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Slice of Life Space Comedy Seinen -- Uchuu Kyoudai: Number Zero Uchuu Kyoudai: Number Zero -- Prequel to the TV anime series revolving around the "origin of the dream." -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Aug 9, 2014 -- 5,876 7.60
Usalullaby -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Usalullaby Usalullaby -- Increasing in its number, small rabbits take care of a great dolphin. Can the dolphin get to sleep by rabbits' gentle caress? May many people have good sleep and sweet dreams tonight even in the world with whining sounds and wriggle of yin and yang. -- -- (Source: Official Site) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2013 -- 466 4.81
Wangan Midnight -- -- A.C.G.T. -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Cars Seinen Sports -- Wangan Midnight Wangan Midnight -- Based on a seinen manga by Kusunoki Michiharu serialised in Young Magazine. -- -- The story gets its roots from the actual street racing that occurs on Tokyo's Shuto Expressway, one stretch of which is known as the "Wangan", literally meaning "bay side" (although it is generally used to refer to the freeway), the longest, straightest road in the entire country. Of course, there's also lots of traffic to contend with, including a fair number of heavy trucks. Because of this, the action is inherently hazardous, and wrecks are common. Blown engines are also a frequent hazard, especially with the extreme-high power engines. -- -- One day, Akio Asakura, a third year high school student, is driving his Fairlady Z (Z31) and is challenged by Tatsuya Shima, a doctor, in his black Porsche 964 Turbo (nicknamed the "BlackBird"). With a friend in the passenger seat and two girls in the back, Akio pitifully tries to win, but is defeated. Determined to become faster, he goes to the junkyard to buy parts for his car, when he sees a pristine, unscratched midnight blue Fairlady Z (S30) in the junkyard. Intrigued as to why such a machine is about to be junked, he buys it. He soon finds that the car is unnaturally fast due to a tuned L28 engine, bored and stroked to 3.1 liters combined with twin turbos, which produces 620bhp. He also finds that all of the car's previous owners had unfortunate accidents in it, starting with the first owner's death. The manga follows Akio's various encounters, though the central plot revolves around his constant battle with the BlackBird for superiority. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- TV - Jun 15, 2007 -- 27,214 7.45
Yozakura Quartet -- -- Nomad -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Magic Comedy Super Power Supernatural Shounen -- Yozakura Quartet Yozakura Quartet -- The world of Yozakura Quartet is actually not one, but two worlds: one of humans, and one of youkai. Despite appearing mostly human, youkai may have animal like physical traits, along with a number of special abilities. Normally youkai are confined to their world, but some have found their way into the realm of humanity. As a symbol of peace, and a bridge between the two realms, a city was constructed within the protective barrier of seven magical trees, otherwise known as the Seven Pillars. This city of Sakurashin is home to both humans and youkai, with the peace between them maintained by the Hizumi Life Counseling Office. -- -- The director of this office is Akina Hiizumi, a teenager with the inherited family ability to perform “tuning,” which can send harmful youkai back to their world permanently. He is aided by a group of girls, including the town’s 16 year old youkai mayor, Hime Yarizakura, their town’s announcer and resident telepath, Ao Nanami, and Kotoha Isone, a half-youkai who can summon objects just by stating the object’s name. -- -- As new residents enter and mysterious events begin to take place, this quartet of protectors and their closest friends must continue to guard the city of Sakurashin, and maintain the fragile balance of peace between humans and youkai. -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Oct 3, 2008 -- 122,344 6.83
Yozakura Quartet -- -- Nomad -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Magic Comedy Super Power Supernatural Shounen -- Yozakura Quartet Yozakura Quartet -- The world of Yozakura Quartet is actually not one, but two worlds: one of humans, and one of youkai. Despite appearing mostly human, youkai may have animal like physical traits, along with a number of special abilities. Normally youkai are confined to their world, but some have found their way into the realm of humanity. As a symbol of peace, and a bridge between the two realms, a city was constructed within the protective barrier of seven magical trees, otherwise known as the Seven Pillars. This city of Sakurashin is home to both humans and youkai, with the peace between them maintained by the Hizumi Life Counseling Office. -- -- The director of this office is Akina Hiizumi, a teenager with the inherited family ability to perform “tuning,” which can send harmful youkai back to their world permanently. He is aided by a group of girls, including the town’s 16 year old youkai mayor, Hime Yarizakura, their town’s announcer and resident telepath, Ao Nanami, and Kotoha Isone, a half-youkai who can summon objects just by stating the object’s name. -- -- As new residents enter and mysterious events begin to take place, this quartet of protectors and their closest friends must continue to guard the city of Sakurashin, and maintain the fragile balance of peace between humans and youkai. -- TV - Oct 3, 2008 -- 122,344 6.83
Ys -- -- Tokyo Kids -- 7 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Demons Drama Fantasy Magic -- Ys Ys -- Mythical beasts lay siege on the people of Esteria, who have raised an army to fight back. The beasts are relentless and seemingly have no end to their numbers, while the population of defenders dwindle in every skirmish. Even in the town of Minea, where the people are safely nestled behind castle walls, the constant attacks have left them hopeless. It is then that a prophecy is made, proclaiming the arrival of a brave young soul that could be the one who will bring their salvation. -- -- Ys follows Adol Christin, an adventurer driven by wanderlust towards the island of Esteria, who washes up on shore after a shipwreck. Following the guidance of the fortuneteller Sarah Tovah, he and his allies will travel the island in search of the legendary tomes known as the Books of Ys. It will be a long and perilous journey, but if fate is truly at work then Adol will certainly be the hero who returns peace to Esteria. -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- OVA - Nov 21, 1989 -- 6,790 6.48
Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Zexal -- -- Gallop -- 73 eps -- Manga -- Action Game Fantasy Shounen -- Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Zexal Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Zexal -- In the bustling and futuristic city of Heartland, a young boy named Yuuma Tsukumo has a dream that everyone his age wants to achieve—earning the title of the greatest duelist! Sadly, due to his lackluster dueling skills, this dream is far from achievable. But when the school bully, Ryouga "Shark" Kamishiro, splits the key given to him by his father into two pieces, he inadvertently sets Yuuma on a collision course with his dream. -- -- Retaining one half of the key, Yuuma begins a duel with Shark, but soon realizes that his inexperienced skills are no match for him. In a sudden turn of events, Yuuma's key repairs itself, and the "Door of Destiny'' appears before him. Using the key to open it, Yuuma is greeted by an alien by the name of Astral—a being only he can see. -- -- The bewildered Yuuma soon learns that his memories have been divided into 100 "Number Cards," all of which he must retrieve. However, he is also not the only one looking for them. Bombarded by these revelations, Yuuma, alongside Astral, must defend the world from the upcoming threats that loom over Heartland City—regardless of any divine intervention that may occur. -- -- -- Licensor: -- 4Kids Entertainment, Konami -- TV - Apr 11, 2011 -- 57,016 6.34
Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Zexal Second -- -- Gallop -- 73 eps -- Manga -- Action Game Fantasy Shounen -- Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Zexal Second Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Zexal Second -- After defeating a mysterious enemy, Yuuma Tsukumo, along with the help of Kaito Tenjou and Ryouga "Shark" Kamishiro, has thwarted the Barians' plans. However, Yuuma is still on a quest to retrieve the Number Cards to restore Astral's memories. The Seven Barian Emperors catch wind of Yuuma and Astral's endeavors and begin to collect the cards themselves to achieve their ultimate goal: destroying Astral's world in exchange for saving their own. -- -- Though only five of the emperors are present, they unanimously decide on annihilating Astral and Yuuma once and for all. Elsewhere, with their newfound powers of ZEXAL, Astral and Yuuma work to eliminate the enemy force that threatens Earth and the rest of the universe. -- -- Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Zexal Second unveils the mysteries and unpleasant surprises that lie in the wake of Yuuma's adversities. As Astral struggles to accept his past and the consequences it may have brought, will the gods continue to shower their fortune upon Yuuma on yet another perilous adventure? -- -- TV - Oct 7, 2012 -- 29,166 6.84's_Miscellany,_Vol._3/Number_15"Jonah_and_the_Whale",_Folio_from_a_Jami_al-Tavarikh_(Compendium_of_Chronicles)_-_ca.1400_-_Iran_-_Metroplitan_Museum_-_Accession_number_33.113"Krishna_Holds_Up_Mount_Govardhan_to_Shelter_the_Villagers_of_Braj",_Folio_from_a_Harivamsa_(The_Legend_of_Hari_(Krishna))_-_ca._1590_-_Lahore_(?)_-_MET_-_Accession_number_28.63.1"Nemiroff""Nemiroff""Nemiroff""37"_"NORTH_AMERICAN_AVIATION,_INC."_"808"_badge_detail_of_employee_number_37,_Clerk_in_a_stock_rooms_of_North_American_Aviation_checking_the_numbers_of_parts_-_Inglewood_Cal_(cropped).jpg"A_follower_of_God_and_a_leader_of_men_He_served_India_for_fifty_five_years_He_lived_for_India_He_died_fir_India_Make_them_to_be_numbered_with_thy_saints;_in_glory_everlasting"_Michael_O'Dwyer's_Grave_at_Brookwood_Cemetery_(cropped).JPG,_by_the_religion_of_the_majority_of_the_population,_OWID.svg,_numbers_850_to_860_(14566797615).jpg's_Songs_Illustrated,_Number_1_WDL3342.pdf,_Location_-_Andhra_Ruchlu_Jayanagar_Bangalore,_state_name_-_Karnataka,_serial_number_-_image1.jpg,_Location_-_Andhra_Ruchlu_Jayanagar_Bangalore,_state_name_-_Karnataka,_serial_number_-_image2.jpg"Jonah_and_the_Whale",_Folio_from_a_Jami_al-Tavarikh_(Compendium_of_Chronicles)_-_ca.1400_-_Iran_-_Metroplitan_Museum_-_Accession_number_33.113's_Miscellany,_Vol._3/Number_15&curid=103814469"Jonah_and_the_Whale",_Folio_from_a_Jami_al-Tavarikh_(Compendium_of_Chronicles)_-_ca.1400_-_Iran_-_Metroplitan_Museum_-_Accession_number_33.113"Jonah_and_the_Whale",_Folio_from_a_Jami_al-Tavarikh_(Compendium_of_Chronicles)_-_ca.1400_-_Iran_-_Metroplitan_Museum_-_Accession_number_33.113"Jonah+and+the+Whale",+Folio+from+a+Jami+al-Tavarikh+(Compendium+of+Chronicles)+-+ca.1400+-+Iran+-+Metroplitan+Museum+-+Accession+number+33.113"Jonah+and+the+Whale",+Folio+from+a+Jami+al-Tavarikh+(Compendium+of+Chronicles)+-+ca.1400+-+Iran+-+Metroplitan+Museum+-+Accession+number+33.113"Krishna+Holds+Up+Mount+Govardhan+to+Shelter+the+Villagers+of+Braj",+Folio+from+a+Harivamsa+(The+Legend+of+Hari+(Krishna))+-+ca.+1590+-+Lahore+(&returntoquery=%29_-_MET_-_Accession_number_28_63_1="Jonah_and_the_Whale",_Folio_from_a_Jami_al-Tavarikh_(Compendium_of_Chronicles)_-_ca.1400_-_Iran_-_Metroplitan_Museum_-_Accession_number_33.113"Jonah+and+the+Whale",+Folio+from+a+Jami+al-Tavarikh+(Compendium+of+Chronicles)+-+ca.1400+-+Iran+-+Metroplitan+Museum+-+Accession+number+33.113"Krishna+Holds+Up+Mount+Govardhan+to+Shelter+the+Villagers+of+Braj",+Folio+from+a+Harivamsa+(The+Legend+of+Hari+(Krishna))+-+ca.+1590+-+Lahore+(&returntoquery=%29_-_MET_-_Accession_number_28_63_1=
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1927 renumbering
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1987 (number)
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19 (number)
1q21.1 copy number variations
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2013 in SFL numbered events
20142016 in SFL numbered events
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54-46 That's My Number
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555 (number)
555 (telephone number)
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5 Is the Perfect Number
5 (Murder by Numbers)
6000 (number)
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6174 (number)
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9999 (number)
999 (emergency telephone number)
999 (number)
99 (number)
ABA routing transit number
Abbe number
Absolute radio-frequency channel number
Abstract analytic number theory
Abundant number
Accession number
Accession number (bioinformatics)
Accession number (library science)
Account number
Administrative Controlled Substances Code Number
Admissible numbering
Age Ain't Nothin' But a Number
Age Ain't Nothing but a Number
Age Ain't Nothing but a Number (song)
Album Number 2
Aleph number
Algebra & Number Theory
Algebraic number
Algebraic number field
Algebraic number theory
Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium
All-number calling
Almost perfect number
Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned
Amazon Standard Identification Number
American Registry for Internet Numbers
Amicable numbers
Analytic number theory
Ancient Greek Numbers (Unicode block)
Angels and Devils (Numbers)
Annie Hutton Numbers
ANSI device numbers
A Number (disambiguation)
Any Number Can Win
Any Number Can Win (film)
API well number
Approximate number system
Archimedes number
Arogyavani (104 Health Helpline Number)
Arrow of Time (Numbers)
Artists with the most number-ones on the U.S. Dance Club Songs chart
Assessor's parcel number
Astronomical year numbering
Atomic number
Australian Business Number
Australian Company Number
Australian Registered Scheme Number
Autobus Number Two
Automatic number identification
Automatic number-plate recognition
Automatic number plate recognition in the United Kingdom
Automobile model numbering system in the Soviet Union and Russia
Automorphic number
AWMMicrosoft Research Prize in Algebra and Number Theory
Azimuthal quantum number
Back Number
Bagnold number
Ban number
Baryon number
Basic Number Theory
Basic reproduction number
Bates numbering
Battle of Island Number Ten
Beale number
Bekker numbering
Bell number
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, Lodge Number 878
Bernoulli number
Beth number
Betrothed numbers
Betti number
Bicomplex number
Big Number Change
Big numbers
Binary number
Binomial number
Biot number
Birthday-number effect
Bit numbering
Bled Number One
Book of Numbers
Book on Numbers and Computation
Book:Reynolds Number
Bottom Live: The Big Number Two Tour
Boy, Did I Get a Wrong Number!
Brand New / Safety in Numbers
Bridge number
British carriage and wagon numbering and classification
British Rail Class 37 renumbering
British Rail Class 47 renumbering
British Rail locomotive and multiple unit numbering and classification
British Rail regional multiple unit numbering
Brjuno number
Bulk Richardson number
Buzz number
By the Numbers
Cab Number 13
Cabtaxi number
CAE number
Canadian Numbering Administration Consortium
Canadian Registration Number
Canadian Registration Number (CRN)
Cardinal number
Carmichael number
Car numberplate game
Carol number
Carroll's Number 1 Tournament
CAS Registry Number
Catalan number
Catalog number
Catalog number (music)
Catalogue number
Cause and Effect (Numbers)
Centered hexagonal number
Centered nonagonal number
Centered polygonal number
Centered square number
Central Registration Number
Cetane number
Chak Number Three
Characteristic (floating point number)
Characteristic number (fluid dynamics)
Charm (quantum number)
Classic Albums: Iron Maiden The Number of the Beast
Class Library for Numbers
Class number
Class number formula
Class number problem
Cleveland Mine Engine House Number 3
Cloud Number Nine
Cohesion number
Collar number
Collateral Billing number
Colour by Numbers
Colour by Numbers (art installation)
Combinatorial number system
Common Indic Number Forms
Community Identification Number
Competition number
Completeness of the real numbers
Complete numbering
Complex number
Composite number
Computable number
Computational number theory
Computer number format
Concrete number
Condition number
Congruent number
Constructible number
Construction of the real numbers
Contact number
Controlled payment number
Conumber E:P
Convenient number
Convolution random number generator
Cool Is Just a Number
Coordination number
Coptic Epact Numbers
Copy number variation
Corporate Number
Covering number
CPF number
Craft Identification Number
Critical Mach number
Crossing number
Crossing number inequality
Cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generator
Cullen number
Cuneiform Numbers and Punctuation
Cyclic number
Damkhler numbers
Data Universal Numbering System
David Sinclair (Numbers)
Dean number
DEA number
Decidability of first-order theories of the real numbers
Decompositions: Volume Number One
Decree number 2004/320
Dedekind number
Deficient number
Definable real number
Delannoy number
Democracy (Numbers)
Denormal number
Description number
Design By Numbers
Determining the number of clusters in a data set
Dialed Number Identification Service
Dial My Number
DielsKranz numbering
Digit-reassembly number
Dipu Number Two
Dirac large numbers hypothesis
Disc number
Discriminant of an algebraic number field
Distributed Universal Number Discovery
Distribution (number theory)
Disturbed (Numbers)
Document Number Nine
Domatic number
Don't Lose My Number
Don Number One
Donor number
Dottie number
Double Mersenne number
Draft:Rosner number
Drag-divergence Mach number
Drowning by Numbers
Drydock Number One, Norfolk Naval Shipyard
Dual-complex number
Dual (grammatical number)
Dual number
Dunbar's number
DX number
Dynamic similarity (Reynolds and Womersley numbers)
EC number
Eddington number
Effective atomic number
Effective number of bits
EisensteinKronecker number
Ekman number
Electronic serial number
Emergence (Symphony Number One album)
Emergency telephone number
Employer Identification Number
Engine Engine Number 9
E number
E number (disambiguation)
Enzyme Commission number
Etvs number
Epsilon number
Epsilon numbers (mathematics)
ErdsBacon number
ErdsNicolas number
Erds number
ErdsWoods number
Ershov Number
E series of preferred numbers
Estimated number of civilian guns per capita by country
Euclid number
Eulerian number
Euler number (physics)
Euler numbers
European Community number
European Telephony Numbering Space
Evil number
Exit number
Extended real number line
Extravagant number
Factorial number system
Fake Number
Falling Number
Fast Library for Number Theory
Federal Project Number One
Federal Stock Number
Fermat number
Fermat polygonal number theorem
Fibonacci number
Fictitious telephone number
Figurate number
Finite number
Fischer random chess numbering scheme
Five Numbers!
Five-number summary
Fixed Dialing Number
Flight number
Fort at Number 4
Forte number
Fortunate number
Fourier number
Fresnel number
Friendly number
Froude number
FussCatalan number
Fuzzy number
Galilei number
Gamma number
Gauss's lemma (number theory)
Genealogical numbering systems
Generalizations of Fibonacci numbers
Generalized taxicab number
General number field sieve
Genocchi number
Geographic number
Geometry of numbers
Gettin' It (Album Number Ten)
Girlish Number
Global Identification Number for Consignment
Global Trade Item Number
Gdel numbering
Gdel numbering for sequences
Golden number
Golden number (time)
Goodbye Lucille Number 1
GPS Week Number Rollover
Graetz number
Graham's number
Grammatical number
Grashof number
Grassmann number
Greatest Hits: Decade Number 1
Green's function number
Gregory number
Guest House Room Number:201
Guide number
Guns and Roses (Numbers)
Hadwiger number
Happy number
Hardware random number generator
Harmonic divisor number
Harmonic number
Harshad number
Hartmann number
Hartogs number
Harvest (Numbers)
Heartaches by the Number
Heartaches by the Number (disambiguation)
Heartaches by the Number (Waylon Jennings album)
Heat number
Heegner number
Hello My Dear Wrong Number
Help:References and page numbers
Heptagonal number
Hermite number
Hexagonal number
Highly composite number
Highly cototient number
Hilbert number
His Days Are Numbered
History of the Theory of Numbers
H number
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
Hot Number
House numbering
House of Numbers
House of Numbers (1957 film)
House of Numbers: Anatomy of an Epidemic
Hull number
Hurwitz's theorem (number theory)
Hypercomplex number
Hyperperfect number
Hyperreal number
Hypertranscendental number
I've Got Your Number
I Am Number Four
I Am Number Four (film)
Icelandic identification number
Icon: Number Ones
Idoneal number
Illegal number
Ilocano numbers
Imaginary number
Imaginary Numbers (EP)
IMO number
Indefinite and fictitious numbers
Indian numbering system
Indian Registry for Internet Names and Numbers
Indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East
Individual Number
Individual Taxpayer Identification Number
Infrastructure (number theory)
Institutional Act Number Five
Interesting number paradox
International Article Number
International Bank Account Number
International Geo Sample Number
International Journal of Number Theory
International Numbering System for Food Additives
International Securities Identification Number
International Standard Audiovisual Number
International Standard Book Number
International Standard Music Number
International Standard Number
International Standard Serial Number
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
Internment Serial Number
Inter-Regional Research Project Number 4
Intersection number
Intersection number (graph theory)
Interval chromatic number of an ordered graph
Invariant basis number
Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space
Ion transport number
Iribarren number
Irrational number
Island Number Ten
Item number
Jackass Number Two
Jacobsthal number
Jamtara Sabka Number Ayega
Japan as Number One: Lessons for America
Japanese gunboat Katsura Maru Number Two
Jodi Number One
John Numbers
Journal of Number Theory
Kabat numbering scheme
Kappa number
Kaprekar number
Keith number
Kemmel Number 1 French Commonwealth War Graves Commission Cemetery
KeuleganCarpenter number
Kissing number
Kndel number
Kostka number
Kynea number
Lagrange's theorem (number theory)
Lagrange number
Lah number
Laplace number
Large number (disambiguation)
Large number of rare events
Large numbers
Largest known prime number
Law of large numbers
Law of small numbers
Law of truly large numbers
Lebesgue's number lemma
Lehmer random number generator
Leonardo number
Lepton number
Letters and Numbers
Library of Congress Control Number
Life Number 9
Ligand bond number
Line number
Linking number
Linux Assigned Names and Numbers Authority
Liouville number
Lips: Number One Hits
Listing number
List of 1993 box office number-one films in the United Kingdom
List of 1994 box office number-one films in the United Kingdom
List of 1995 box office number-one films in the United Kingdom
List of 1996 box office number-one films in the United Kingdom
List of 1997 box office number-one films in the United Kingdom
List of 1998 box office number-one films in Australia
List of 1998 box office number-one films in the United Kingdom
List of 1999 box office number-one films in Australia
List of 1999 box office number-one films in the United Kingdom
List of 1Xtra Chart number-one singles of the 2010s
List of 2000 box office number-one films in Australia
List of 2000 box office number-one films in the United Kingdom
List of 2001 box office number-one films in Australia
List of 2001 box office number-one films in the United Kingdom
List of 2002 box office number-one films in Australia
List of 2002 box office number-one films in the United Kingdom
List of 2003 box office number-one films in the United Kingdom
List of 2004 box office number-one films in the United Kingdom
List of 2005 box office number-one films in Canada
List of 2005 box office number-one films in the United Kingdom
List of 2006 box office number-one films in Canada
List of 2006 box office number-one films in Japan
List of 2006 box office number-one films in South Korea
List of 2006 box office number-one films in the United Kingdom
List of 2007 box office number-one films in Canada
List of 2007 box office number-one films in Japan
List of 2007 box office number-one films in South Korea
List of 2007 box office number-one films in the United Kingdom
List of 2008 box office number-one films in Australia
List of 2008 box office number-one films in Canada
List of 2008 box office number-one films in Japan
List of 2008 box office number-one films in Romania
List of 2008 box office number-one films in South Korea
List of 2008 box office number-one films in the Philippines
List of 2008 box office number-one films in the United Kingdom
List of 2009 box office number-one films in Australia
List of 2009 box office number-one films in Canada
List of 2009 box office number-one films in Japan
List of 2009 box office number-one films in Romania
List of 2009 box office number-one films in the Philippines
List of 2009 box office number-one films in the United Kingdom
List of 2010 box office number-one films in Australia
List of 2010 box office number-one films in Canada
List of 2010 box office number-one films in Japan
List of 2011 box office number-one films in Japan
List of 2013 box office number-one films in China
List of 2014 box office number-one films in China
List of 2015 box office number-one films in China
List of 2015 box office number-one films in Japan
List of 2016 box office number-one films in Austria
List of 2016 box office number-one films in China
List of 2016 box office number-one films in Japan
List of 2016 box office number-one films in South Korea
List of 2017 box office number-one films in China
List of 2017 box office number-one films in Taipei
List of 2018 box office number-one films in Romania
List of 2018 box office number-one films in Taipei
List of 2019 box office number-one films in Romania
List of 2020 box office number-one films in Romania
List of Adult Top 40 number-one songs of the 1990s
List of Adult Top 40 number-one songs of the 2000s
List of Adult Top 40 number-one songs of the 2010s
List of aerophones by HornbostelSachs number
List of aircraft accidents and incidents by number of ground fatalities
List of aircraft by tail number
List of Airplay 100 number ones of the 2010s
List of airplay number-one hits in Argentina
List of algebraic number theory topics
List of American and Canadian cities by number of major professional sports franchises
List of animals by number of neurons
List of archipelagos by number of islands
List of artists by number of UK Albums Chart number ones
List of artists by number of UK Singles Chart number ones
List of artists who have achieved simultaneous number-one UK Single and Album
List of artists who have achieved simultaneous UK and US number-one hits
List of artists who reached number one in Ireland
List of artists who reached number one on the Billboard Adult Top 40
List of artists who reached number one on the Billboard Mainstream Top 40 chart
List of artists who reached number one on the Billboard R&B chart
List of artists who reached number one on the Czech Republic Rdio Top 100
List of artists who reached number one on the UK Singles Downloads Chart
List of artists who reached number one on the U.S. alternative rock chart
List of artists who reached number one on the U.S. Dance Club Songs chart
List of artists who reached number one on the U.S. Mainstream Rock chart
List of artists who reached number one on the U.S. Rhythmic chart
List of Best Selling Rhythm & Blues Singles number ones of 1968
List of Best Selling Soul Singles number ones of 1969
List of Best Selling Soul Singles number ones of 1970
List of Best Selling Soul Singles number ones of 1971
List of Best Selling Soul Singles number ones of 1972
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1950
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1951
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1953
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1954
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1955
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1958
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1959
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1960
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1961
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1963
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1964
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1965
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1966
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1967
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1968
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1969
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1970
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1971
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1972
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1973
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1974
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1975
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1976
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1977
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1978
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1979
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1980
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1981
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1982
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1983
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1984
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1985
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1986
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1987
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1988
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1989
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1990
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1991
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1992
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1993
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1994
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1995
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1996
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1997
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1998
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 1999
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 2000
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 2001
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 2002
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 2003
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 2004
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 2005
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 2006
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 2007
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 2008
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 2009
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 2010
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 2011
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 2012
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 2013
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 2014
List of Billboard 200 number-one albums of 2018
List of Billboard 200 number-one independent albums
List of Billboard Adult Contemporary number ones of 1979
List of Billboard Adult Contemporary number ones of 1980
List of Billboard Adult Contemporary number ones of 1981
List of Billboard Adult Contemporary number ones of 1982
List of Billboard Adult Contemporary number ones of 1983
List of Billboard Adult Contemporary number ones of 1996
List of Billboard Adult Contemporary number ones of 1997
List of Billboard Adult Contemporary number ones of 1998
List of Billboard Adult Contemporary number ones of 1999
List of Billboard Adult Contemporary number ones of 2000
List of Billboard Adult Contemporary number ones of 2001
List of Billboard Adult Contemporary number ones of 2002
List of Billboard Adult Contemporary number ones of 2003
List of Billboard Adult Contemporary number ones of 2004
List of Billboard Adult Contemporary number ones of 2005
List of Billboard Adult Contemporary number ones of 2006
List of Billboard Adult Contemporary number ones of 2007
List of Billboard Adult Contemporary number ones of 2008
List of Billboard Adult Contemporary number ones of 2009
List of Billboard Adult Contemporary number ones of 2010
List of Billboard Adult Contemporary number ones of 2011
List of Billboard Adult Contemporary number ones of 2012
List of Billboard Adult Contemporary number ones of 2013
List of Billboard Adult Contemporary number ones of 2014
List of Billboard Adult Contemporary number ones of 2015
List of Billboard Adult Contemporary number ones of 2016
List of Billboard Adult Contemporary number ones of 2017
List of Billboard Adult Contemporary number ones of 2018
List of Billboard Adult Contemporary number ones of 2019
List of Billboard Adult Contemporary number ones of 2020
List of Billboard Alternative Songs number ones of the 2000s
List of Billboard Alternative Songs number ones of the 2010s
List of Billboard Alternative Songs number ones of the 2020s
List of Billboard Best-Selling Popular Record Albums number ones of 1945
List of Billboard Best-Selling Popular Record Albums number ones of 1946
List of Billboard Best-Selling Popular Record Albums number ones of 1947
List of Billboard Best-Selling Popular Record Albums number ones of 1948
List of Billboard China V Chart number-one videos of 2016
List of Billboard China V Chart number-one videos of 2017
List of Billboard Christian Songs number ones of the 2000s
List of Billboard Christian Songs number ones of the 2010s
List of Billboard Christian Songs number ones of the 2020s
List of Billboard Dance Club Songs number ones of 2011
List of Billboard Dance Club Songs number ones of 2012
List of Billboard Dance Club Songs number ones of 2013
List of Billboard Dance Club Songs number ones of 2014
List of Billboard Dance Club Songs number ones of 2015
List of Billboard Dance Club Songs number ones of 2016
List of Billboard Dance Club Songs number ones of 2017
List of Billboard Dance Club Songs number ones of 2018
List of Billboard Dance Club Songs number ones of 2019
List of Billboard Dance Club Songs number ones of 2020
List of Billboard Digital Song Sales number ones of 2020
List of Billboard Easy Listening number ones of 1961
List of Billboard Easy Listening number ones of 1965
List of Billboard Easy Listening number ones of 1966
List of Billboard Easy Listening number ones of 1967
List of Billboard Easy Listening number ones of 1968
List of Billboard Easy Listening number ones of 1969
List of Billboard Easy Listening number ones of 1970
List of Billboard Easy Listening number ones of 1971
List of Billboard Easy Listening number ones of 1972
List of Billboard Easy Listening number ones of 1973
List of Billboard Easy Listening number ones of 1974
List of Billboard Easy Listening number ones of 1975
List of Billboard Easy Listening number ones of 1976
List of Billboard Easy Listening number ones of 1977
List of Billboard Easy Listening number ones of 1978
List of Billboard Hot 100 number-ones by Australian artists
List of Billboard Hot 100 number-ones by British artists
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones by Canadian artists
List of Billboard Hot 100 number-ones by European artists
List of Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles from 1958 to 1969
List of Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles of the 1970s
List of Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles of the 1980s
List of Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles of the 1990s
List of Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles of the 2000s
List of Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles of the 2010s
List of Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles of the 2020s
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1959
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1960
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1961
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1962
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1963
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1964
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1965
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1966
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1967
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1968
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1969
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1970
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1971
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1972
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1973
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1974
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1975
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1976
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1977
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1978
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1979
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1980
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1981
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1982
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1983
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1984
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1985
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1986
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1987
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1988
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1989
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1990
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1991
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1992
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1993
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1994
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1995
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1996
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1997
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1998
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 1999
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 2000
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 2001
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 2002
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 2003
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 2004
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 2005
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 2006
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 2007
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 2008
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 2009
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 2010
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 2011
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 2012
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 2013
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 2014
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 2015
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 2016
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 2017
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 2018
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 2019
List of Billboard Hot 100 number ones of 2020
List of Billboard Hot Dance Club Play number ones of 2004
List of Billboard Hot Dance Club Play number ones of 2005
List of Billboard Hot Dance Club Play number ones of 2006
List of Billboard Hot Dance Club Play number ones of 2007
List of Billboard Hot Dance Club Play number ones of 2008
List of Billboard Hot Dance Club Play number ones of 2009
List of Billboard Hot Dance Club Songs number ones of 2010
List of Billboard Hot Dance/Electronic Songs number ones
List of Billboard Hot Dance Music/Club Play number ones of 2000
List of Billboard Hot Dance Music/Club Play number ones of 2001
List of Billboard Hot Dance Music/Club Play number ones of 2002
List of Billboard Hot Dance Music/Club Play number ones of 2003
List of Billboard Hot Rap Songs number ones of the 2010s
List of Billboard Latin Pop Airplay number ones of 1994
List of Billboard Latin Pop Airplay number ones of 1994 and 1995
List of Billboard Latin Pop Airplay number ones of 1995
List of Billboard Latin Pop Albums number ones from the 2020s
List of Billboard Latin Rhythm Albums number ones of 2007
List of Billboard Latin Rhythm Albums number ones of 2010
List of Billboard Mainstream Rock number-one songs of the 1980s
List of Billboard Mainstream Rock number-one songs of the 2010s
List of Billboard Mainstream Rock number-one songs of the 2020s
List of Billboard Mainstream Top 40 number-one songs of 2000
List of Billboard Mainstream Top 40 number-one songs of 2001
List of Billboard Mainstream Top 40 number-one songs of 2002
List of Billboard Mainstream Top 40 number-one songs of 2003
List of Billboard Mainstream Top 40 number-one songs of 2004
List of Billboard Mainstream Top 40 number-one songs of 2005
List of Billboard Mainstream Top 40 number-one songs of 2006
List of Billboard Mainstream Top 40 number-one songs of 2007
List of Billboard Mainstream Top 40 number-one songs of 2008
List of Billboard Mainstream Top 40 number-one songs of 2009
List of Billboard Mainstream Top 40 number-one songs of 2010
List of Billboard Mainstream Top 40 number-one songs of 2011
List of Billboard Mainstream Top 40 number-one songs of 2012
List of Billboard Mainstream Top 40 number-one songs of 2013
List of Billboard Mainstream Top 40 number-one songs of 2014
List of Billboard Mainstream Top 40 number-one songs of 2015
List of Billboard Mainstream Top 40 number-one songs of 2016
List of Billboard Mainstream Top 40 number-one songs of the 1990s
List of Billboard Mexico Airplay number ones
List of Billboard Modern Rock Tracks number ones of the 1980s
List of Billboard Modern Rock Tracks number ones of the 1990s
List of Billboard number-one adult contemporary hits
List of Billboard number-one albums of 1949
List of Billboard number-one albums of 1952
List of Billboard number-one albums of 1956
List of Billboard number-one albums of 1957
List of Billboard number-one alternative hits
List of Billboard number-one Americana/folk albums of the 2010s
List of Billboard number-one country albums
List of Billboard number-one country songs
List of Billboard number-one country songs of 1948
List of Billboard number-one country songs of 1949
List of Billboard number-one country songs of 1950
List of Billboard number-one country songs of 1951
List of Billboard number-one country songs of 1952
List of Billboard number-one country songs of 1953
List of Billboard number-one country songs of 1954
List of Billboard number-one country songs of 1955
List of Billboard number-one country songs of 1956
List of Billboard number-one country songs of 1957
List of Billboard number-one country songs of 1958
List of Billboard number-one country songs of 2012
List of Billboard number-one country songs of 2013
List of Billboard number-one country songs of 2014
List of Billboard number-one country songs of 2015
List of Billboard number-one country songs of 2016
List of Billboard number-one country songs of 2017
List of Billboard number-one country songs of 2018
List of Billboard number-one country songs of 2019
List of Billboard number-one dance airplay hits
List of Billboard number-one dance club songs
List of Billboard number-one electronic albums
List of Billboard number-one electronic albums of 2001
List of Billboard number-one electronic albums of 2002
List of Billboard number-one electronic albums of 2003
List of Billboard number-one electronic albums of 2004
List of Billboard number-one electronic albums of 2005
List of Billboard number-one electronic albums of 2006
List of Billboard number-one electronic albums of 2007
List of Billboard number-one electronic albums of 2008
List of Billboard number-one electronic albums of 2009
List of Billboard number-one electronic albums of 2010
List of Billboard number-one electronic albums of 2011
List of Billboard number-one electronic albums of 2012
List of Billboard number-one electronic albums of 2013
List of Billboard number-one Latin songs of 2012
List of Billboard number-one Latin songs of 2013
List of Billboard number-one Latin songs of 2014
List of Billboard number-one Latin songs of 2015
List of Billboard number-one Latin songs of 2016
List of Billboard number-one Latin songs of 2017
List of Billboard number-one Latin songs of 2018
List of Billboard number-one Latin songs of 2019
List of Billboard number-one Latin songs of 2020
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 1970
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 1971
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 1972
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 1973
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 1974
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 1975
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 1976
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 1977
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 1978
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 1979
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 1980
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 1981
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 1982
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 1983
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 1984
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 1985
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 1986
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 1987
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 1988
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 1989
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 1990
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 1991
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 1992
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 1993
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 1994
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 1995
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 1996
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 1997
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 1998
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 1999
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 2000
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 2001
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 2002
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 2003
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 2004
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 2005
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 2006
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 2007
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 2008
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 2009
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 2010
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 2011
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of 2012
List of Billboard number-one R&B albums of the 1960s
List of Billboard number-one R&B/hip-hop albums of 2013
List of Billboard number-one R&B/hip-hop albums of 2014
List of Billboard number-one R&B/hip-hop albums of 2015
List of Billboard number-one R&B/hip-hop albums of 2016
List of Billboard number-one R&B singles of the 1940s
List of Billboard number-one R&B songs of 1958
List of Billboard number-one rap albums of 2013
List of Billboard number-one rap singles of the 1980s and 1990s
List of Billboard number-one rap singles of the 2000s
List of Billboard number-one rhythm and blues hits
List of Billboard number-one singles
List of Billboard number-one singles from 1950 to 1958
List of Billboard number-one singles of 1940
List of Billboard number-one singles of 1941
List of Billboard number-one singles of 1942
List of Billboard number-one singles of 1943
List of Billboard number-one singles of 1944
List of Billboard number-one singles of 1945
List of Billboard number-one singles of 1946
List of Billboard number-one singles of 1947
List of Billboard number-one singles of 1948
List of Billboard number-one singles of 1949
List of Billboard number-one singles of 1950
List of Billboard number-one singles of 1951
List of Billboard number-one singles of 1952
List of Billboard number-one singles of 1953
List of Billboard number-one singles of 1954
List of Billboard number-one singles of 1955
List of Billboard number-one singles of 1956
List of Billboard number-one singles of 1957
List of Billboard number-one singles of 1958
List of Billboard number-one singles of the 1940s
List of Billboard Radio Songs number ones of the 2020s
List of Billboard Regional Mexican Airplay number-one songs of 2020
List of Billboard Regional Mexican Albums number ones of 1993
List of Billboard Regional Mexican Albums number ones of 2000
List of Billboard Regional Mexican Albums number ones of 2001
List of Billboard Regional Mexican Albums number ones of 2002
List of Billboard Regional Mexican Albums number ones of 2003
List of Billboard Regional Mexican Albums number ones of 2004
List of Billboard Regional Mexican Albums number ones of 2005
List of Billboard Regional Mexican Albums number ones of 2006
List of Billboard Regional Mexican Albums number ones of 2007
List of Billboard Regional Mexican Albums number ones of 2009
List of Billboard Regional Mexican Albums number ones of 2020
List of Billboard Rhythmic number-one songs of the 1990s
List of Billboard Rhythmic number-one songs of the 2000s
List of Billboard Rhythmic number-one songs of the 2010s
List of Billboard Social 50 number-one artists
List of Billboard Streaming Songs number ones of 2020
List of Billboard Top Christian Albums number ones of the 2010s
List of Billboard Top Contemporary Christian Albums number ones of the 1990s
List of Billboard Top Holiday Albums number ones of the 2010s
List of Billboard Top Inspirational Albums number ones of the 1980s
List of Billboard Top LP's number-one albums of 1962
List of Billboard Tropical Albums number ones from the 1980s
List of Billboard Tropical Albums number ones from the 1990s
List of Billboard Tropical Albums number ones from the 2000s
List of Billboard Tropical Albums number ones from the 2010s
List of Billboard Year-End number-one singles and albums
List of Canadian Hot 100 number-one singles of 2008
List of Canadian Hot 100 number-one singles of 2009
List of Canadian Hot 100 number-one singles of 2010
List of Canadian Hot 100 number-one singles of 2011
List of Canadian Hot 100 number-one singles of 2012
List of Canadian Hot 100 number-one singles of 2013
List of Canadian Hot 100 number-one singles of 2014
List of Canadian number-one albums of 1990
List of Canadian number-one albums of 1991
List of Canadian number-one albums of 1992
List of Canadian number-one albums of 1993
List of Canadian number-one albums of 1994
List of Cash Box Top 100 number-one singles of 1965
List of Cash Box Top 100 number-one singles of 1966
List of Cash Box Top 100 number-one singles of 1967
List of Cash Box Top 100 number-one singles of 1968
List of Cash Box Top 100 number-one singles of 1969
List of Cash Box Top 100 number-one singles of 1970
List of Cash Box Top 100 number-one singles of 1971
List of Cash Box Top 100 number-one singles of 1972
List of Cash Box Top 100 number-one singles of 1973
List of Cash Box Top 100 number-one singles of 1974
List of Cash Box Top 100 number-one singles of 1975
List of Cash Box Top 100 number-one singles of 1976
List of Cash Box Top 100 number-one singles of 1977
List of Cash Box Top 100 number-one singles of 1978
List of Cash Box Top 100 number-one singles of 1979
List of Cash Box Top 100 number-one singles of 1980
List of Cash Box Top 100 number-one singles of 1981
List of Cash Box Top 100 number-one singles of 1982
List of Cash Box Top 100 number-one singles of 1983
List of Cash Box Top 100 number-one singles of 1984
List of Cash Box Top 100 number-one singles of 1985
List of Cash Box Top 100 number-one singles of 1986
List of Cash Box Top 100 number-one singles of 1987
List of Cash Box Top 100 number-one singles of 1991
List of channel numbers assigned to FM frequencies in North America
List of chordophones by HornbostelSachs number
List of Christian denominations by number of members
List of cities by number of billionaires
List of Classical Artist Albums Chart number ones of the 2000s
List of Classical Artist Albums Chart number ones of the 2010s
List of Club 40 number-one hits
List of compositions by Frdric Chopin by opus number
List of compounds with carbon number 1
List of compounds with carbon number 10
List of compounds with carbon number 11
List of compounds with carbon number 12
List of compounds with carbon number 13
List of compounds with carbon number 14
List of compounds with carbon number 15
List of compounds with carbon number 16
List of compounds with carbon number 17
List of compounds with carbon number 18
List of compounds with carbon number 19
List of compounds with carbon number 2
List of compounds with carbon number 20
List of compounds with carbon number 21
List of compounds with carbon number 22
List of compounds with carbon number 23
List of compounds with carbon number 24
List of compounds with carbon number 3
List of compounds with carbon number 4
List of compounds with carbon number 5
List of compounds with carbon number 6
List of compounds with carbon number 7
List of compounds with carbon number 8
List of compounds with carbon number 9
List of compounds with carbon numbers 2529
List of compounds with carbon numbers 3039
List of compounds with carbon numbers 4049
List of compounds with carbon numbers 50100
List of countries and dependencies by number of physicians
List of countries and dependencies by number of police officers
List of countries by number of Academy Awards for Best International Feature Film
List of countries by number of billionaires
List of countries by number of diplomatic missions
List of countries by number of heliports
List of countries by number of Internet users
List of countries by number of islands
List of countries by number of military and paramilitary personnel
List of countries by number of mobile phones in use
List of countries by number of scientific and technical journal articles
List of countries by number of UN peacekeepers
List of countries by the number of millionaires
List of dictionaries by number of words
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 1965
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 1966
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 1967
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 1968
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 1969
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 1970
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 1971
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 1972
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 1973
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 1974
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 1975
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 1976
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 1977
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 1978
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 1979
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 1980
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 1981
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 1982
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 1983
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 1984
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 1985
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 1986
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 1987
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 1988
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 1989
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 1990
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 1991
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 1992
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 1993
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 1994
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 1995
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 1996
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 1997
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 1998
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 1999
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 2000
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 2001
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 2002
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 2003
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 2004
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 2005
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 2006
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 2007
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 2008
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 2009
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 2010
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 2018
List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 2020
List of EC numbers (EC 1)
List of EC numbers (EC 2)
List of EC numbers (EC 3)
List of EC numbers (EC 4)
List of EC numbers (EC 5)
List of EC numbers (EC 6)
List of electrophones by HornbostelSachs number
List of emergency telephone numbers
List of European countries by number of Internet users
List of European number-one hits of 1976
List of European number-one hits of 1977
List of European number-one hits of 1978
List of European number-one hits of 1979
List of European number-one hits of 1980
List of European number-one hits of 1981
List of European number-one hits of 1982
List of European number-one hits of 1983
List of European number-one hits of 1984
List of European number-one hits of 1985
List of European number-one hits of 1986
List of European number-one hits of 1987
List of European number-one hits of 1988
List of European number-one hits of 1989
List of European number-one hits of 1990
List of European number-one hits of 1991
List of European number-one hits of 1992
List of European number-one hits of 1993
List of European number-one hits of 1994
List of European number-one hits of 1995
List of European number-one hits of 1996
List of European number-one hits of 1997
List of European number-one hits of 1998
List of European number-one hits of 1999
List of European number-one hits of 2000
List of European number-one hits of 2001
List of European number-one hits of 2002
List of European number-one hits of 2003
List of European number-one hits of 2004
List of European number-one hits of 2007
List of films: numbers
List of five-number lottery games
List of flags by number of colors
List of folk songs by Roud number
List of Gaon Album Chart number ones of 2010
List of Gaon Album Chart number ones of 2011
List of Gaon Album Chart number ones of 2012
List of Gaon Album Chart number ones of 2013
List of Gaon Album Chart number ones of 2014
List of Gaon Album Chart number ones of 2015
List of Gaon Digital Chart number ones of 2010
List of Gaon Digital Chart number ones of 2011
List of Gaon Digital Chart number ones of 2012
List of Gaon Digital Chart number ones of 2013
List of Gaon Digital Chart number ones of 2014
List of Gaon Digital Chart number ones of 2015
List of Gaon Digital Chart number ones of 2016
List of Gaon Digital Chart number ones of 2017
List of Gaon Digital Chart number ones of 2019
List of Global Chinese Pop Chart number-one songs of 2017
List of Green Bay Packers retired numbers
List of Hot 100 Airplay number-one singles of the 1980s
List of Hot 100 Airplay number-one singles of the 1990s
List of Hot 100 Airplay number-one singles of the 2000s
List of Hot 100 Airplay number-one singles of the 2010s
List of Hot 100 number-one singles of 2008 (Japan)
List of Hot 100 number-one singles of 2009 (Japan)
List of Hot 100 number-one singles of 2015 (Japan)
List of Hot 100 number-one singles of 2016 (Japan)
List of Hot Adult Contemporary number ones of 1984
List of Hot Adult Contemporary number ones of 1985
List of Hot Adult Contemporary number ones of 1986
List of Hot Adult Contemporary number ones of 1987
List of Hot Adult Contemporary number ones of 1988
List of Hot Adult Contemporary number ones of 1989
List of Hot Adult Contemporary number ones of 1990
List of Hot Adult Contemporary number ones of 1991
List of Hot Adult Contemporary number ones of 1992
List of Hot Adult Contemporary number ones of 1993
List of Hot Adult Contemporary number ones of 1994
List of Hot Adult Contemporary number ones of 1995
List of Hot C&W Sides number ones of 1959
List of Hot C&W Sides number ones of 1960
List of Hot C&W Sides number ones of 1961
List of Hot Country Albums number ones of 1964
List of Hot Country Albums number ones of 1965
List of Hot Country Albums number ones of 1966
List of Hot Country Albums number ones of 1967
List of Hot Country Singles & Tracks number ones of 1990
List of Hot Country Singles & Tracks number ones of 1991
List of Hot Country Singles & Tracks number ones of 1992
List of Hot Country Singles & Tracks number ones of 1993
List of Hot Country Singles & Tracks number ones of 1994
List of Hot Country Singles & Tracks number ones of 1995
List of Hot Country Singles & Tracks number ones of 1996
List of Hot Country Singles & Tracks number ones of 1997
List of Hot Country Singles & Tracks number ones of 1998
List of Hot Country Singles & Tracks number ones of 1999
List of Hot Country Singles & Tracks number ones of 2000
List of Hot Country Singles & Tracks number ones of 2001
List of Hot Country Singles & Tracks number ones of 2002
List of Hot Country Singles & Tracks number ones of 2003
List of Hot Country Singles & Tracks number ones of 2004
List of Hot Country Singles number ones of 1962
List of Hot Country Singles number ones of 1963
List of Hot Country Singles number ones of 1964
List of Hot Country Singles number ones of 1965
List of Hot Country Singles number ones of 1966
List of Hot Country Singles number ones of 1967
List of Hot Country Singles number ones of 1968
List of Hot Country Singles number ones of 1969
List of Hot Country Singles number ones of 1970
List of Hot Country Singles number ones of 1971
List of Hot Country Singles number ones of 1972
List of Hot Country Singles number ones of 1973
List of Hot Country Singles number ones of 1974
List of Hot Country Singles number ones of 1975
List of Hot Country Singles number ones of 1976
List of Hot Country Singles number ones of 1977
List of Hot Country Singles number ones of 1978
List of Hot Country Singles number ones of 1979
List of Hot Country Singles number ones of 1980
List of Hot Country Singles number ones of 1981
List of Hot Country Singles number ones of 1982
List of Hot Country Singles number ones of 1983
List of Hot Country Singles number ones of 1984
List of Hot Country Singles number ones of 1985
List of Hot Country Singles number ones of 1986
List of Hot Country Singles number ones of 1987
List of Hot Country Singles number ones of 1988
List of Hot Country Singles number ones of 1989
List of Hot Country Songs number ones of 2005
List of Hot Country Songs number ones of 2006
List of Hot Country Songs number ones of 2007
List of Hot Country Songs number ones of 2008
List of Hot Country Songs number ones of 2009
List of Hot Country Songs number ones of 2010
List of Hot Country Songs number ones of 2011
List of Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Singles & Tracks number ones of 2000
List of Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Singles & Tracks number ones of 2001
List of Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Singles & Tracks number ones of 2002
List of Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Singles & Tracks number ones of 2003
List of Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Singles & Tracks number ones of 2004
List of Hot R&B Sides number ones of 1959
List of Hot R&B Sides number ones of 1960
List of Hot R&B Sides number ones of 1961
List of Hot R&B Singles & Tracks number ones of 1999
List of Hot R&B Singles number ones of 1962
List of Hot R&B Singles number ones of 1963
List of Hot Soul Singles number ones of 1973
List of Hot Soul Singles number ones of 1974
List of Hot Soul Singles number ones of 1975
List of Hot Soul Singles number ones of 1976
List of Hot Soul Singles number ones of 1977
List of Hot Soul Singles number ones of 1978
List of Hot Soul Singles number ones of 1979
List of Hot Soul Singles number ones of 1980
List of idiophones by HornbostelSachs number
List of IP protocol numbers
List of Irish Independent Albums Chart number ones of 2010
List of Irish Independent Albums Chart number ones of 2011
List of Irish Independent Albums Chart number ones of 2012
List of Irish Independent Albums Chart number ones of 2013
List of Irish Independent Albums Chart number ones of 2014
List of Irish Independent Albums Chart number ones of 2015
List of Irish Independent Albums Chart number ones of 2016
List of Irish Independent Albums Chart number ones of 2017
List of Irish Independent Albums Chart number ones of 2018
List of Irish Independent Albums Chart number ones of 2019
List of Irish Independent Albums Chart number ones of 2020
List of Irish Singles Chart Christmas number ones
List of K-pop Hot 100 number ones
List of languages by number of native speakers
List of languages by number of native speakers in India
List of languages by total number of speakers
List of legislatures by number of members
List of literary works by number of translations
List of membranophones by HornbostelSachs number
List of military divisions by number
List of Most Played Juke Box Folk Records number ones of 1944
List of Most Played Juke Box Folk Records number ones of 1945
List of Most Played Juke Box Folk Records number ones of 1946
List of Most Played Juke Box Folk Records number ones of 1947
List of Mount Everest summiters by number of times to the summit
List of municipality numbers of Norway
List of murderers by number of victims
List of musical instruments by HornbostelSachs number
List of musical instruments by HornbostelSachs number: 11
List of musical instruments by HornbostelSachs number: 111
List of musical instruments by HornbostelSachs number: 111.1
List of musical instruments by HornbostelSachs number: 112
List of musical instruments by HornbostelSachs number: 31
List of musical instruments by HornbostelSachs number: 311.121.221
List of musical instruments by HornbostelSachs number: 311.121.222
List of musical instruments by HornbostelSachs number: 311.211
List of musical instruments by HornbostelSachs number: 311.221
List of musical instruments by HornbostelSachs number: 311.222
List of musical instruments by HornbostelSachs number: 312.11
List of musical instruments by HornbostelSachs number: 312.22
List of musical instruments by HornbostelSachs number: 314.122
List of musical instruments by HornbostelSachs number: 32
List of musical instruments by HornbostelSachs number: 321.21
List of musical instruments by HornbostelSachs number: 321.22
List of musical instruments by HornbostelSachs number: 321.31
List of musical instruments by HornbostelSachs number: 321.311
List of musical instruments by HornbostelSachs number: 321.312
List of musical instruments by HornbostelSachs number: 321.313
List of musical instruments by HornbostelSachs number: 321.321
List of musical instruments by HornbostelSachs number: 321.322
List of musical instruments by HornbostelSachs number: 321.33
List of musical instruments by HornbostelSachs number: 322.11
List of musical instruments by HornbostelSachs number: 322.12
List of musical instruments by HornbostelSachs number: 322.211
List of musical instruments by HornbostelSachs number: 322.212.1
List of musical instruments by HornbostelSachs number: 322.221
List of musical instruments by HornbostelSachs number: 421
List of National Disco Action number ones of 1977
List of NME number-one singles of the 1960s
List of NME number-one singles of the 1970s
List of NME number-one singles of the 1980s
List of North American Numbering Plan area codes
List of numbered armies
List of numbered Brooklyn streets
List of numbered comets
List of numbered streets in Manhattan
List of number fields with class number one
List of number of conflicts per year
List of number-one albums (Finland)
List of number-one albums from the 1990s (New Zealand)
List of number-one albums from the 2000s (New Zealand)
List of number-one albums from the 2010s (Denmark)
List of number-one albums from the 2010s (New Zealand)
List of number-one albums from the 2020s (Denmark)
List of number-one albums in Australia
List of number-one albums in Australia during the 1960s
List of number-one albums in Australia during the 1970s
List of number-one albums in Australia during the 1980s
List of number-one albums in Australia during the 1990s
List of number-one albums in New Zealand by New Zealand artists
List of number-one albums in Norway
List of number-one albums in Spain from 1969 to 1979
List of number-one albums of 1985 (Canada)
List of number-one albums of 1986 (Canada)
List of number-one albums of 1987 (Canada)
List of number-one albums of 1995 (Canada)
List of number-one albums of 1996 (Canada)
List of number-one albums of 1997 (Canada)
List of number-one albums of 1998 (Canada)
List of number-one albums of 1999 (Canada)
List of number-one albums of 2000 (Australia)
List of number-one albums of 2000 (Canada)
List of number-one albums of 2000 (Poland)
List of number-one albums of 2001 (Australia)
List of number-one albums of 2001 (Canada)
List of number-one albums of 2001 (Poland)
List of number-one albums of 2002 (Australia)
List of number-one albums of 2002 (Canada)
List of number-one albums of 2002 (Poland)
List of number-one albums of 2003 (Australia)
List of number-one albums of 2003 (Canada)
List of number-one albums of 2003 (Ireland)
List of number-one albums of 2003 (Poland)
List of number-one albums of 2004 (Australia)
List of number-one albums of 2004 (Canada)
List of number-one albums of 2004 (Ireland)
List of number-one albums of 2004 (Poland)
List of number-one albums of 2005 (Australia)
List of number-one albums of 2005 (Canada)
List of number-one albums of 2005 (Ireland)
List of number-one albums of 2005 (Poland)
List of number-one albums of 2006 (Australia)
List of number-one albums of 2006 (Canada)
List of number-one albums of 2006 (Ireland)
List of number-one albums of 2006 (Poland)
List of number-one albums of 2007 (Australia)
List of number-one albums of 2007 (Canada)
List of number-one albums of 2007 (Ireland)
List of number-one albums of 2007 (Poland)
List of number-one albums of 2008 (Australia)
List of number-one albums of 2008 (Canada)
List of number-one albums of 2008 (Ireland)
List of number-one albums of 2008 (Mexico)
List of number-one albums of 2008 (Poland)
List of number-one albums of 2009 (Australia)
List of number-one albums of 2009 (Canada)
List of number-one albums of 2009 (Ireland)
List of number-one albums of 2009 (Mexico)
List of number-one albums of 2009 (Poland)
List of number-one albums of 2009 (Spain)
List of number-one albums of 2010 (Australia)
List of number-one albums of 2010 (Canada)
List of number-one albums of 2010 (Ireland)
List of number-one albums of 2010 (Mexico)
List of number-one albums of 2010 (Poland)
List of number-one albums of 2011 (Australia)
List of number-one albums of 2011 (Canada)
List of number-one albums of 2011 (Mexico)
List of number-one albums of 2011 (Poland)
List of number-one albums of 2011 (Portugal)
List of number-one albums of 2011 (Spain)
List of number-one albums of 2012 (Mexico)
List of number-one albums of 2012 (Portugal)
List of number-one albums of 2013 (Belgium)
List of number-one albums of 2014 (Belgium)
List of number-one albums of 2014 (Poland)
List of number-one albums of 2014 (Portugal)
List of number-one albums of 2015 (Australia)
List of number-one albums of 2015 (Belgium)
List of number-one albums of 2015 (Netherlands)
List of number-one albums of 2015 (Portugal)
List of number-one albums of 2016 (Australia)
List of number-one albums of 2016 (Belgium)
List of number-one albums of 2016 (Greece)
List of number-one albums of 2016 (Portugal)
List of number-one albums of 2016 (Spain)
List of number-one albums of 2017 (Portugal)
List of number-one albums of 2017 (Spain)
List of number-one albums of 2018 (Belgium)
List of number-one albums of 2018 (Finland)
List of number-one albums of 2018 (Portugal)
List of number-one albums of 2018 (Spain)
List of number-one albums of 2019 (Belgium)
List of number-one albums of 2019 (Finland)
List of number-one albums of 2019 (Portugal)
List of number-one albums of 2019 (Spain)
List of number-one albums of 2020 (Belgium)
List of number-one albums of 2020 (Finland)
List of number-one albums of 2020 (Spain)
List of number-one albums of the 2010s (Czech Republic)
List of number-one albums of the 2020s (Czech Republic)
List of number-one Billboard Hot Latin Songs of 2005
List of number-one Billboard Hot Latin Songs of 2006
List of number-one Billboard Hot Latin Songs of 2007
List of number-one Billboard Hot Latin Songs of 2008
List of number-one Billboard Hot Latin Songs of 2009
List of number-one Billboard Hot Latin Tracks of 1990
List of number-one Billboard Hot Latin Tracks of 1991
List of number-one Billboard Hot Latin Tracks of 1992
List of number-one Billboard Hot Latin Tracks of 1993
List of number-one Billboard Hot Latin Tracks of 1994
List of number-one Billboard Hot Latin Tracks of 1995
List of number-one Billboard Hot Latin Tracks of 1996
List of number-one Billboard Hot Latin Tracks of 1997
List of number-one Billboard Hot Latin Tracks of 1998
List of number-one Billboard Hot Latin Tracks of 1999
List of number-one Billboard Hot Latin Tracks of 2000
List of number-one Billboard Hot Latin Tracks of 2001
List of number-one Billboard Hot Latin Tracks of 2002
List of number-one Billboard Hot Latin Tracks of 2003
List of number-one Billboard Hot Latin Tracks of 2004
List of number-one Billboard Latin Albums from the 2010s
List of number-one Billboard Latin Pop Airplay songs of 1996
List of number-one Billboard Latin Pop Airplay songs of 1997
List of number-one Billboard Latin Pop Airplay songs of 1998
List of number-one Billboard Latin Pop Airplay songs of 1999
List of number-one Billboard Latin Pop Airplay songs of 2000
List of number-one Billboard Latin Pop Airplay songs of 2001
List of number-one Billboard Latin Pop Airplay songs of 2002
List of number-one Billboard Latin Pop Airplay songs of 2003
List of number-one Billboard Latin Pop Airplay songs of 2004
List of number-one Billboard Latin Pop Airplay songs of 2005
List of number-one Billboard Latin Pop Airplay songs of 2006
List of number-one Billboard Latin Pop Airplay songs of 2007
List of number-one Billboard Latin Pop Airplay songs of 2008
List of number-one Billboard Latin Pop Airplay songs of 2009
List of number-one Billboard Latin Pop Airplay songs of 2010
List of number-one Billboard Latin Pop Airplay songs of 2011
List of number-one Billboard Latin Pop Airplay songs of 2012
List of number-one Billboard Latin Pop Airplay songs of 2013
List of number-one Billboard Latin Pop Airplay songs of 2014
List of number-one Billboard Latin Pop Airplay songs of 2015
List of number-one Billboard Latin Pop Airplay songs of 2016
List of number-one Billboard Latin Pop Airplay songs of 2017
List of number-one Billboard Latin Pop Airplay songs of 2018
List of number-one Billboard Latin Pop Airplay songs of 2019
List of number-one Billboard Latin Pop Albums from the 1980s
List of number-one Billboard Latin Pop Albums from the 2000s
List of number-one Billboard Latin Pop Albums from the 2010s
List of number-one Billboard Latin Tropical Airplay of 2000
List of number-one Billboard Latin Tropical Airplay of 2001
List of number-one Billboard Latin Tropical Airplay of 2002
List of number-one Billboard Streaming Songs of 2013
List of number-one Billboard Top Latin Albums from the 1990s
List of number-one Billboard Top Latin Songs from the 1980s
List of number-one Billboard Top Latin Songs of 2010
List of number-one Billboard Tropical Songs of 2010
List of number-one Billboard Tropical Songs of 2011
List of number-one Billboard Tropical Songs of 2012
List of number-one Billboard Tropical Songs of 2013
List of number-one club tracks of 2007 (Australia)
List of number-one club tracks of 2008 (Australia)
List of number-one club tracks of 2009 (Australia)
List of number-one club tracks of 2010 (Australia)
List of number-one club tracks of 2011 (Australia)
List of number-one club tracks of 2012 (Australia)
List of number-one club tracks of 2013 (Australia)
List of number-one club tracks of 2014 (Australia)
List of number-one club tracks of 2015 (Australia)
List of number-one club tracks of 2016 (Australia)
List of number-one club tracks of 2018 (Australia)
List of number-one club tracks of 2019 (Australia)
List of number-one club tracks of 2020 (Australia)
List of number-one compilation albums from the 2000s (New Zealand)
List of number-one compilation albums from the 2010s (New Zealand)
List of number-one country albums of 2001 (Australia)
List of number-one country albums of 2002 (Australia)
List of number-one country albums of 2003 (Australia)
List of number-one country albums of 2004 (Australia)
List of number-one country albums of 2005 (Australia)
List of number-one country albums of 2012 (Australia)
List of number-one country albums of 2013 (Australia)
List of number-one country albums of 2014 (Australia)
List of number-one country albums of 2015 (Australia)
List of number-one country singles (Canada)
List of number-one dance airplay hits of 2003 (U.S.)
List of number-one dance airplay hits of 2004 (U.S.)
List of number-one dance airplay hits of 2005 (U.S.)
List of number-one dance airplay hits of 2006 (U.S.)
List of number-one dance airplay hits of 2007 (U.S.)
List of number-one dance airplay hits of 2008 (U.S.)
List of number-one dance airplay hits of 2009 (U.S.)
List of number-one dance airplay hits of 2010 (U.S.)
List of number-one dance hits (Canada)
List of number-one dance singles in Poland
List of number-one dance singles of 1974 (U.S.)
List of number-one dance singles of 1975 (U.S.)
List of number-one dance singles of 1976 (U.S.)
List of number-one dance singles of 1978 (U.S.)
List of number-one dance singles of 1979 (U.S.)
List of number-one dance singles of 1980 (U.S.)
List of number-one dance singles of 1981 (U.S.)
List of number-one dance singles of 1982 (U.S.)
List of number-one dance singles of 1983 (U.S.)
List of number-one dance singles of 1984 (U.S.)
List of number-one dance singles of 1985 (U.S.)
List of number-one dance singles of 1986 (U.S.)
List of number-one dance singles of 1987 (U.S.)
List of number-one dance singles of 1988 (U.S.)
List of number-one dance singles of 1989 (U.S.)
List of number-one dance singles of 1990 (U.S.)
List of number-one dance singles of 1991 (U.S.)
List of number-one dance singles of 1992 (U.S.)
List of number-one dance singles of 1993 (U.S.)
List of number-one dance singles of 1994 (U.S.)
List of number-one dance singles of 1995 (U.S.)
List of number-one dance singles of 1996 (U.S.)
List of number-one dance singles of 1997 (U.S.)
List of number-one dance singles of 1998 (U.S.)
List of number-one dance singles of 1999 (U.S.)
List of number-one dance singles of 2010 (Poland)
List of number-one dance singles of 2011 (Poland)
List of number-one digital albums of 2016 (Australia)
List of number-one digital singles of 2011 (Japan)
List of number-one digital songs of 2005 (U.S.)
List of number-one digital songs of 2006 (U.S.)
List of number-one digital songs of 2007 (U.S.)
List of number-one digital songs of 2008 (U.S.)
List of number-one digital songs of 2009 (U.S.)
List of number-one digital songs of 2011 (Canada)
List of number-one digital tracks of 2008 (Australia)
List of number-one digital tracks of 2009 (Australia)
List of number-one digital tracks of 2010 (Australia)
List of number-one digital tracks of 2011 (Australia)
List of number-one digital tracks of 2012 (Australia)
List of number-one digital tracks of 2013 (Australia)
List of number-one digital tracks of 2014 (Australia)
List of number-one digital tracks of 2015 (Australia)
List of number-one EPs in the United Kingdom
List of number-one hip hop albums of 2018 (Germany)
List of number-one hits (Denmark)
List of number-one hits (Italy)
List of number-one hits of 1953 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1954 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1955 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1956 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1957 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1958 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1959 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1960 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1961 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1962 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1963 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1964 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1965 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1966 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1966 (Mexico)
List of number-one hits of 1967 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1968 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1968 (Mexico)
List of number-one hits of 1969 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1970 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1971 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1972 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1973 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1974 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1975 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1976 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1977 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1978 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1978 (Mexico)
List of number-one hits of 1979 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1980 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1981 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1982 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1983 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1983 (Italy)
List of number-one hits of 1984 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1985 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1986 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1987 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1988 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1989 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1990 (Austria)
List of number-one hits of 1990 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1991 (Austria)
List of number-one hits of 1991 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1992 (Austria)
List of number-one hits of 1992 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1993 (Austria)
List of number-one hits of 1993 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1994 (Austria)
List of number-one hits of 1994 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1995 (Austria)
List of number-one hits of 1995 (Denmark)
List of number-one hits of 1995 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1996 (Austria)
List of number-one hits of 1996 (Denmark)
List of number-one hits of 1996 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1997 (Austria)
List of number-one hits of 1997 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1998 (Austria)
List of number-one hits of 1998 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 1999 (Austria)
List of number-one hits of 1999 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 2000 (Austria)
List of number-one hits of 2000 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 2000 (Italy)
List of number-one hits of 2001 (Austria)
List of number-one hits of 2001 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 2001 (Italy)
List of number-one hits of 2002 (Austria)
List of number-one hits of 2002 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 2002 (Italy)
List of number-one hits of 2003 (Austria)
List of number-one hits of 2003 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 2003 (Italy)
List of number-one hits of 2004 (Austria)
List of number-one hits of 2004 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 2004 (Italy)
List of number-one hits of 2005 (Austria)
List of number-one hits of 2005 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 2005 (Italy)
List of number-one hits of 2006 (Austria)
List of number-one hits of 2006 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 2006 (Italy)
List of number-one hits of 2007 (Austria)
List of number-one hits of 2007 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 2007 (Italy)
List of number-one hits of 2008 (France)
List of number-one hits of 2008 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 2008 (Italy)
List of number-one hits of 2008 (Turkey)
List of number-one hits of 2009 (France)
List of number-one hits of 2009 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 2009 (Italy)
List of number-one hits of 2009 (Turkey)
List of number-one hits of 2010 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 2011 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 2012 (France)
List of number-one hits of 2013 (France)
List of number-one hits of 2014 (Austria)
List of number-one hits of 2014 (France)
List of number-one hits of 2014 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 2015 (France)
List of number-one hits of 2016 (Austria)
List of number-one hits of 2016 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 2016 (Italy)
List of number-one hits of 2016 (Switzerland)
List of number-one hits of 2017 (Austria)
List of number-one hits of 2017 (Denmark)
List of number-one hits of 2017 (France)
List of number-one hits of 2017 (Italy)
List of number-one hits of 2018 (Austria)
List of number-one hits of 2018 (France)
List of number-one hits of 2018 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 2018 (Italy)
List of number-one hits of 2018 (Switzerland)
List of number-one hits of 2019 (Denmark)
List of number-one hits of 2019 (France)
List of number-one hits of 2019 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 2019 (Italy)
List of number-one hits of 2019 (Switzerland)
List of number-one hits of 2020 (Austria)
List of number-one hits of 2020 (Denmark)
List of number-one hits of 2020 (France)
List of number-one hits of 2020 (Germany)
List of number-one hits of 2020 (Italy)
List of number-one hits of 2020 (Switzerland)
List of number-one international songs of 2011 (South Korea)
List of number-one R&B/hip-hop songs of 2007 (U.S.)
List of number-one R&B/hip-hop songs of 2008 (U.S.)
List of number-one R&B/hip-hop songs of 2009 (U.S.)
List of number-one R&B/hip-hop songs of 2010 (U.S.)
List of number-one R&B/hip-hop songs of 2011 (U.S.)
List of number-one R&B/hip-hop songs of 2012 (U.S.)
List of number-one R&B singles of 1981 (U.S.)
List of number-one R&B singles of 1982 (U.S.)
List of number-one R&B singles of 1983 (U.S.)
List of number-one R&B singles of 1984 (U.S.)
List of number-one R&B singles of 1985 (U.S.)
List of number-one R&B singles of 1986 (U.S.)
List of number-one R&B singles of 1987 (U.S.)
List of number-one R&B singles of 1988 (U.S.)
List of number-one R&B singles of 1989 (U.S.)
List of number-one R&B singles of 1990 (U.S.)
List of number-one R&B singles of 1991 (U.S.)
List of number-one R&B singles of 1992 (U.S.)
List of number-one R&B singles of 1993 (U.S.)
List of number-one R&B singles of 1994 (U.S.)
List of number-one R&B singles of 1995 (U.S.)
List of number-one R&B singles of 1996 (U.S.)
List of number-one R&B singles of 1997 (U.S.)
List of number-one R&B singles of 1998 (U.S.)
List of number-one R&B singles of 2005 (U.S.)
List of number-one R&B singles of 2006 (U.S.)
List of number one Reco-ky Chart singles 200609
List of number-one singles and albums in Sweden
List of number-one singles (Finland)
List of number-one singles from 1968 to 1979 (Switzerland)
List of number-one singles from the 1980s (New Zealand)
List of number-one singles from the 1990s (New Zealand)
List of number-one singles from the 2000s (New Zealand)
List of number-one singles from the 2010s (New Zealand)
List of number-one singles in 1966 (New Zealand)
List of number-one singles in Australia
List of number-one singles in Australia during the 1940s
List of number-one singles in Australia during the 1950s
List of number-one singles in Australia during the 1960s
List of number-one singles in Australia during the 1970s
List of number-one singles in Australia during the 1980s
List of number-one singles in Australia during the 1990s
List of number-one singles in Canada
List of number-one singles in France
List of number-one singles in New Zealand by New Zealand artists
List of number-one singles in Switzerland
List of number-one singles in the Dutch Top 40
List of number-one singles of 1955 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1956 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1957 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1957 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1958 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1958 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1959 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1959 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1960 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1960 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1961 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1961 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1962 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1962 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1962 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 1962 (Spain)
List of number-one singles of 1963 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1963 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1963 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 1964 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1964 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1964 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 1964 (Spain)
List of number-one singles of 1965 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1965 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1965 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 1965 (Spain)
List of number-one singles of 1966 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1966 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1966 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 1966 (Spain)
List of number-one singles of 1967 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1967 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1967 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 1967 (Spain)
List of number-one singles of 1968 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1968 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1968 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 1969 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1969 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1969 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 1970 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1970 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1970 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 1971 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1971 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1971 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 1972 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1972 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1972 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 1973 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1973 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1973 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 1974 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1974 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1974 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 1974 (Spain)
List of number-one singles of 1975 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1975 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1975 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 1976 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1976 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1976 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 1977 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1977 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1977 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 1978 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1978 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1978 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 1979 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1979 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1979 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 1980 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1980 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1980 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 1981 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1981 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1981 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 1982 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1982 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1982 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 1983 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1983 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1983 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 1984 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1984 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1984 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 1985 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1985 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1985 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 1986 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1986 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1986 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 1987 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1987 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1987 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 1987 (Spain)
List of number-one singles of 1988 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1988 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1988 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 1988 (Spain)
List of number-one singles of 1989 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1989 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1989 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 1989 (Spain)
List of number-one singles of 1990 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1990 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1990 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 1991 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1991 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1991 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 1992 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1992 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1992 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 1993 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1993 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1993 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 1994 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1994 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1994 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 1994 (Spain)
List of number-one singles of 1995 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1995 (Finland)
List of number-one singles of 1995 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1995 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 1995 (Spain)
List of number-one singles of 1996 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1996 (Finland)
List of number-one singles of 1996 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1996 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 1996 (Spain)
List of number-one singles of 1997 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1997 (Finland)
List of number-one singles of 1997 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1997 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 1997 (Spain)
List of number-one singles of 1998 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1998 (Finland)
List of number-one singles of 1998 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1998 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 1998 (Spain)
List of number-one singles of 1999 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 1999 (France)
List of number-one singles of 1999 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 1999 (Spain)
List of number-one singles of 2000 (Australia)
List of number-one singles of 2000 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 2000 (France)
List of number-one singles of 2000 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 2001 (Australia)
List of number-one singles of 2001 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 2001 (France)
List of number-one singles of 2001 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 2002 (Australia)
List of number-one singles of 2002 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 2002 (France)
List of number-one singles of 2002 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 2003 (Australia)
List of number-one singles of 2003 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 2003 (France)
List of number-one singles of 2003 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 2004 (Australia)
List of number-one singles of 2004 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 2004 (France)
List of number-one singles of 2004 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 2005 (Australia)
List of number-one singles of 2005 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 2005 (France)
List of number-one singles of 2005 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 2005 (Spain)
List of number-one singles of 2006 (Australia)
List of number-one singles of 2006 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 2006 (France)
List of number-one singles of 2006 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 2006 (Spain)
List of number-one singles of 2007 (Australia)
List of number-one singles of 2007 (Canada)
List of number-one singles of 2007 (France)
List of number-one singles of 2007 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 2007 (Spain)
List of number-one singles of 2008 (Australia)
List of number-one singles of 2008 (Finland)
List of number-one singles of 2008 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 2008 (Spain)
List of number-one singles of 2009 (Australia)
List of number-one singles of 2009 (Finland)
List of number-one singles of 2009 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 2009 (Spain)
List of number-one singles of 2010 (Australia)
List of number-one singles of 2010 (Finland)
List of number-one singles of 2010 (France)
List of number-one singles of 2010 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 2010 (Spain)
List of number-one singles of 2011 (Australia)
List of number-one singles of 2011 (Finland)
List of number-one singles of 2011 (France)
List of number-one singles of 2011 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 2011 (Spain)
List of number-one singles of 2012 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 2013 (Ireland)
List of number-one singles of 2014 (Slovenia)
List of number-one singles of 2015 (Slovenia)
List of number-one singles of 2016 (Finland)
List of number-one singles of 2018 (Spain)
List of number-one singles of 2019 (Finland)
List of number-one singles of 2019 (Portugal)
List of number-one singles of 2020 (Finland)
List of number-one singles of 2020 (Spain)
List of number-one singles of the 1980s (Switzerland)
List of number-one singles of the 1990s (Switzerland)
List of number-one singles of the 2000s (Sweden)
List of number-one singles of the 2000s (Switzerland)
List of number-one singles of the 2010s (Hungary)
List of number-one singles of the 2010s (Sweden)
List of number-one songs (Czech Republic)
List of number-one songs in Norway
List of number-one songs of 1980 (Mexico)
List of number-one songs of 2016 (Panama)
List of number-one songs of 2017 (Panama)
List of number-one songs of 2018 (Panama)
List of number-one songs of 2019 (Malaysia)
List of number-one songs of 2019 (Panama)
List of number-one songs of 2019 (Singapore)
List of number-one songs of 2020 (Panama)
List of number-one songs of the 2000s (Czech Republic)
List of number-one songs of the 2000s (Denmark)
List of number-one songs of the 2000s (Slovakia)
List of number-one songs of the 2010s (Czech Republic)
List of number-one songs of the 2010s (Turkey)
List of number-one streaming tracks of 2013 (Australia)
List of number-one streaming tracks of 2015 (Australia)
List of number-one urban singles of 2008 (Australia)
List of number-one urban singles of 2009 (Australia)
List of number-one urban singles of 2010 (Australia)
List of number-one urban singles of 2011 (Australia)
List of number-one urban singles of 2012 (Australia)
List of number-one urban singles of 2013 (Australia)
List of number-one urban singles of 2014 (Australia)
List of number-one urban singles of 2015 (Australia)
List of numbers
List of Numbers characters
List of Numbers episodes
List of numbers in Hindu scriptures
List of numbers in various languages
List of number theory topics
List of Official Christian & Gospel Albums Chart number ones from the 2010s
List of Official Record Store Chart number ones from the 2020s
List of Official Subscription Plays Chart number-one songs of the 2000s
List of Official Subscription Plays Chart number-one songs of the 2010s
List of Official Vinyl Albums Chart number ones of the 2010s
List of Official Vinyl Singles Chart number ones of the 2010s
List of Official Vinyl Singles Chart number ones of the 2020s
List of Oricon number-one albums
List of Oricon number-one albums of 1998
List of Oricon number-one albums of 1999
List of Oricon number-one albums of 2000
List of Oricon number-one albums of 2001
List of Oricon number-one albums of 2002
List of Oricon number-one albums of 2003
List of Oricon number-one albums of 2004
List of Oricon number-one albums of 2005
List of Oricon number-one albums of 2006
List of Oricon number-one albums of 2007
List of Oricon number-one albums of 2008
List of Oricon number-one albums of 2009
List of Oricon number-one albums of 2010
List of Oricon number-one albums of 2011
List of Oricon number-one albums of 2012
List of Oricon number-one albums of 2013
List of Oricon number-one albums of 2015
List of Oricon number-one albums of 2016
List of Oricon number-one albums of 2019
List of Oricon number-one manga of 2014
List of Oricon number-one manga of 2015
List of Oricon number-one manga of 2016
List of Oricon number-one singles
List of Oricon number-one singles of 1990
List of Oricon number-one singles of 1991
List of Oricon number-one singles of 1992
List of Oricon number-one singles of 2008
List of Oricon number-one singles of 2009
List of Oricon number-one singles of 2010
List of Oricon number-one singles of 2014
List of Oricon number-one singles of 2015
List of Oricon number-one singles of 2016
List of Oricon number-one singles of 2019
List of people by Erds number
List of perfect numbers
List of pharmaceutical compound number prefixes
List of Pop Rock General number-one singles of the 2000s
List of Pop Rock General number-one singles of the 2010s
List of posthumous number ones on the UK Singles Chart
List of prime numbers
List of PSA men's number 1 ranked players
List of PSA women's number 1 ranked players
List of random number generators
List of Record Mirror number-one singles
List of recreational number theory topics
List of retired numbers
List of Rolling Stone Top 100 number-one songs of 2019
List of Romanian Top 100 number ones
List of Romanian websites by number of unique visitors in 2009
List of RPM number-one alternative rock singles
List of RPM number-one alternative rock singles of 1995
List of RPM number-one alternative rock singles of 1996
List of RPM number-one country singles of 1964
List of RPM number-one country singles of 1965
List of RPM number-one country singles of 1966
List of RPM number-one country singles of 1967
List of RPM number-one country singles of 1968
List of RPM number-one country singles of 1969
List of RPM number-one country singles of 1970
List of RPM number-one country singles of 1971
List of RPM number-one country singles of 1972
List of RPM number-one country singles of 1973
List of RPM number-one country singles of 1974
List of RPM number-one country singles of 1975
List of RPM number-one country singles of 1976
List of RPM number-one country singles of 1977
List of RPM number-one country singles of 1978
List of RPM number-one country singles of 1979
List of RPM number-one country singles of 1980
List of RPM number-one country singles of 1981
List of RPM number-one country singles of 1982
List of RPM number-one country singles of 1983
List of RPM number-one country singles of 1984
List of RPM number-one country singles of 1985
List of RPM number-one country singles of 1986
List of RPM number-one country singles of 1987
List of RPM number-one country singles of 1988
List of RPM number-one country singles of 1989
List of RPM number-one country singles of 1990
List of RPM number-one country singles of 1991
List of RPM number-one country singles of 1992
List of RPM number-one country singles of 1993
List of RPM number-one country singles of 1994
List of RPM number-one country singles of 1995
List of RPM number-one country singles of 1996
List of RPM number-one country singles of 1997
List of RPM number-one country singles of 1998
List of RPM number-one country singles of 1999
List of RPM number-one country singles of 2000
List of RPM number-one dance singles of 1976
List of RPM number-one dance singles of 1978
List of RPM number-one dance singles of 1988
List of RPM number-one dance singles of 1989
List of RPM number-one dance singles of 1990
List of RPM number-one dance singles of 1991
List of RPM number-one dance singles of 1992
List of RPM number-one dance singles of 1993
List of RPM number-one dance singles of 1994
List of RPM number-one dance singles of 1995
List of RPM number-one dance singles of 1996
List of RPM number-one dance singles of 1997
List of RPM number-one dance singles of 1998
List of RPM number-one dance singles of 1999
List of RPM number-one dance singles of 2000
List of Scottish council areas by number of Scottish Gaelic speakers
List of serial killers by number of victims
List of Single Top 100 number-one singles of 2011
List of Single Top 100 number-one singles of 2012
List of songs in Lips: Number One Hits
List of songs that reached number one on the Irish Singles Chart
List of Specialist Classical Albums Chart number ones of the 2000s
List of Specialist Classical Albums Chart number ones of the 2010s
List of symphonies by number
List of TCP and UDP port numbers
List of Top Country Albums number ones of 1984
List of Top Country Albums number ones of 1985
List of Top Country Albums number ones of 1986
List of Top Country Albums number ones of 1987
List of Top Country Albums number ones of 1988
List of Top Country Albums number ones of 1989
List of Top Country Albums number ones of 1990
List of Top Country Albums number ones of 1991
List of Top Country Albums number ones of 1992
List of Top Country Albums number ones of 1993
List of Top Country Albums number ones of 1994
List of Top Country Albums number ones of 1995
List of Top Country Albums number ones of 1996
List of Top Country Albums number ones of 1997
List of Top Country Albums number ones of 1998
List of Top Country Albums number ones of 1999
List of Top Country Albums number ones of 2000
List of Top Country Albums number ones of 2001
List of Top Country Albums number ones of 2002
List of Top Country Albums number ones of 2003
List of Top Country Albums number ones of 2004
List of Top Country Albums number ones of 2005
List of Top Country Albums number ones of 2006
List of Top Country Albums number ones of 2007
List of Top Country Albums number ones of 2008
List of Top Country Albums number ones of 2009
List of Top Country Albums number ones of 2010
List of Top Country Albums number ones of 2011
List of Top Country Albums number ones of 2012
List of Top Country Albums number ones of 2013
List of Top Country Albums number ones of 2014
List of Top Country Albums number ones of 2015
List of Top Country Albums number ones of 2016
List of Top Country Albums number ones of 2017
List of Top Country Albums number ones of 2018
List of Top Country Albums number ones of 2019
List of Top Country LP's number ones of 1968
List of Top Country LP's number ones of 1969
List of Top Country LP's number ones of 1970
List of Top Country LP's number ones of 1971
List of Top Country LP's number ones of 1972
List of Top Country LP's number ones of 1973
List of Top Country LP's number ones of 1974
List of Top Country LP's number ones of 1975
List of Top Country LP's number ones of 1976
List of Top Country LP's number ones of 1977
List of Top Country LP's number ones of 1978
List of Top Country LP's number ones of 1979
List of Top Country LPs number ones of 1980
List of Top Country LPs number ones of 1981
List of Top Country LPs number ones of 1982
List of Top Country LPs number ones of 1983
List of Top Pops number-one singles
List of Top Selling R&B Singles number ones of 1966
List of Top Selling R&B Singles number ones of 1967
List of Top Selling Rhythm & Blues Singles number ones of 1965
List of treaties by number of parties
List of UK Album Downloads Chart number ones of the 2000s
List of UK Album Downloads Chart number ones of the 2010s
List of UK Albums Chart Christmas number ones
List of UK Albums Chart number ones of the 1950s
List of UK Albums Chart number ones of the 1960s
List of UK Albums Chart number ones of the 1970s
List of UK Albums Chart number ones of the 1980s
List of UK Albums Chart number ones of the 1990s
List of UK Albums Chart number ones of the 2000s
List of UK Albums Chart number ones of the 2010s
List of UK charts and number-one singles (19521969)
List of UK charts and number-one singles (19521969)/NME
List of UK charts and number-one singles (19521969)/Record Retailer
List of UK charts and number-one singles (19691988)
List of UK Compilation Chart number ones of the 2000s
List of UK Compilation Chart number ones of the 2010s
List of UK Compilation Chart number ones of the 2020s
List of UK Dance Albums Chart number ones of 2009
List of UK Dance Albums Chart number ones of 2010
List of UK Dance Albums Chart number ones of 2011
List of UK Dance Albums Chart number ones of 2012
List of UK Dance Albums Chart number ones of 2013
List of UK Dance Albums Chart number ones of 2014
List of UK Dance Albums Chart number ones of 2015
List of UK Dance Albums Chart number ones of 2016
List of UK Dance Singles Chart number ones of 1987
List of UK Dance Singles Chart number ones of 1999
List of UK Dance Singles Chart number ones of 2000
List of UK Dance Singles Chart number ones of 2001
List of UK Dance Singles Chart number ones of 2002
List of UK Dance Singles Chart number ones of 2003
List of UK Dance Singles Chart number ones of 2004
List of UK Dance Singles Chart number ones of 2005
List of UK Dance Singles Chart number ones of 2006
List of UK Dance Singles Chart number ones of 2007
List of UK Dance Singles Chart number ones of 2008
List of UK Dance Singles Chart number ones of 2009
List of UK Dance Singles Chart number ones of 2010
List of UK Dance Singles Chart number ones of 2011
List of UK Dance Singles Chart number ones of 2012
List of UK Dance Singles Chart number ones of 2013
List of UK Dance Singles Chart number ones of 2014
List of UK Dance Singles Chart number ones of 2015
List of UK Independent Album Breakers Chart number ones of the 2000s
List of UK Independent Album Breakers Chart number ones of the 2010s
List of UK Independent Album Breakers Chart number ones of the 2020s
List of UK Independent Albums Chart number ones of 2008
List of UK Independent Albums Chart number ones of 2009
List of UK Independent Albums Chart number ones of 2010
List of UK Independent Albums Chart number ones of 2011
List of UK Independent Albums Chart number ones of 2012
List of UK Independent Albums Chart number ones of 2013
List of UK Independent Albums Chart number ones of 2014
List of UK Independent Albums Chart number ones of 2015
List of UK Independent Albums Chart number ones of 2016
List of UK Independent Singles Breakers Chart number ones of the 2000s
List of UK Independent Singles Breakers Chart number ones of the 2010s
List of UK Independent Singles Breakers Chart number ones of the 2020s
List of UK Independent Singles Chart number ones of 1990
List of UK Independent Singles Chart number ones of 1991
List of UK Independent Singles Chart number ones of 1992
List of UK Independent Singles Chart number ones of 1993
List of UK Independent Singles Chart number ones of 1994
List of UK Independent Singles Chart number ones of 1995
List of UK Independent Singles Chart number ones of 1996
List of UK Independent Singles Chart number ones of 1997
List of UK Independent Singles Chart number ones of 1998
List of UK Independent Singles Chart number ones of 1999
List of UK Independent Singles Chart number ones of 2000
List of UK Independent Singles Chart number ones of 2001
List of UK Independent Singles Chart number ones of 2002
List of UK Independent Singles Chart number ones of 2003
List of UK Independent Singles Chart number ones of 2004
List of UK Independent Singles Chart number ones of 2005
List of UK Independent Singles Chart number ones of 2006
List of UK Independent Singles Chart number ones of 2007
List of UK Independent Singles Chart number ones of 2008
List of UK Independent Singles Chart number ones of 2009
List of UK Independent Singles Chart number ones of 2010
List of UK Independent Singles Chart number ones of 2011
List of UK Independent Singles Chart number ones of 2012
List of UK Independent Singles Chart number ones of 2013
List of UK Independent Singles Chart number ones of 2014
List of UK Independent Singles Chart number ones of 2015
List of UK Independent Singles Chart number ones of 2016
List of UK Independent Singles Chart number ones of 2017
List of UK Independent Singles Chart number ones of the 1980s
List of UK Official Download Chart number ones
List of UK R&B Albums Chart number ones of 1994
List of UK R&B Albums Chart number ones of 1995
List of UK R&B Albums Chart number ones of 1996
List of UK R&B Albums Chart number ones of 1997
List of UK R&B Albums Chart number ones of 1998
List of UK R&B Albums Chart number ones of 1999
List of UK R&B Albums Chart number ones of 2000
List of UK R&B Albums Chart number ones of 2001
List of UK R&B Albums Chart number ones of 2002
List of UK R&B Albums Chart number ones of 2003
List of UK R&B Albums Chart number ones of 2004
List of UK R&B Albums Chart number ones of 2005
List of UK R&B Albums Chart number ones of 2006
List of UK R&B Albums Chart number ones of 2007
List of UK R&B Albums Chart number ones of 2008
List of UK R&B Albums Chart number ones of 2009
List of UK R&B Albums Chart number ones of 2010
List of UK R&B Albums Chart number ones of 2011
List of UK R&B Albums Chart number ones of 2012
List of UK R&B Albums Chart number ones of 2013
List of UK R&B Albums Chart number ones of 2014
List of UK R&B Albums Chart number ones of 2015
List of UK R&B Singles Chart number ones of 2005
List of UK R&B Singles Chart number ones of 2006
List of UK R&B Singles Chart number ones of 2007
List of UK R&B Singles Chart number ones of 2008
List of UK R&B Singles Chart number ones of 2009
List of UK R&B Singles Chart number ones of 2010
List of UK R&B Singles Chart number ones of 2011
List of UK R&B Singles Chart number ones of 2012
List of UK R&B Singles Chart number ones of 2013
List of UK R&B Singles Chart number ones of 2014
List of UK R&B Singles Chart number ones of 2015
List of UK Rock & Metal Albums Chart number ones of 1994
List of UK Rock & Metal Albums Chart number ones of 2000
List of UK Rock & Metal Albums Chart number ones of 2010
List of UK Rock & Metal Singles Chart number ones of 1987
List of UK Rock & Metal Singles Chart number ones of 1994
List of UK Rock & Metal Singles Chart number ones of 1999
List of UK Rock & Metal Singles Chart number ones of 2000
List of UK Rock & Metal Singles Chart number ones of 2001
List of UK Rock & Metal Singles Chart number ones of 2002
List of UK Rock & Metal Singles Chart number ones of 2003
List of UK Rock & Metal Singles Chart number ones of 2004
List of UK Rock & Metal Singles Chart number ones of 2005
List of UK Rock & Metal Singles Chart number ones of 2006
List of UK Rock & Metal Singles Chart number ones of 2007
List of UK Rock & Metal Singles Chart number ones of 2008
List of UK Rock & Metal Singles Chart number ones of 2009
List of UK Rock & Metal Singles Chart number ones of 2010
List of UK Rock & Metal Singles Chart number ones of 2011
List of UK Rock & Metal Singles Chart number ones of 2012
List of UK Rock & Metal Singles Chart number ones of 2013
List of UK Rock & Metal Singles Chart number ones of 2014
List of UK Rock & Metal Singles Chart number ones of 2015
List of UK Singles Chart Christmas number ones
List of UK Singles Chart Christmas number twos
List of UK Singles Chart number ones of the 1950s
List of UK Singles Chart number ones of the 1960s
List of UK Singles Chart number ones of the 1970s
List of UK Singles Chart number ones of the 1980s
List of UK Singles Chart number ones of the 1990s
List of UK Singles Chart number ones of the 2000s
List of UK Singles Chart number ones of the 2010s
List of UK Singles Chart number ones of the 2020s
List of UK Singles Downloads Chart number ones of the 2000s
List of UK Singles Downloads Chart number ones of the 2010s
List of UK Singles Sales Chart number ones
List of Ultratop 40 number-one singles of 2002
List of Ultratop 40 number-one singles of 2003
List of Ultratop 40 number-one singles of 2004
List of Ultratop 40 number-one singles of 2005
List of Ultratop 40 number-one singles of 2006
List of Ultratop 40 number-one singles of 2007
List of Ultratop 40 number-one singles of 2008
List of Ultratop 40 number-one singles of 2009
List of Ultratop 40 number-one singles of 2010
List of Ultratop 50 number-one singles of 2002
List of Ultratop 50 number-one singles of 2003
List of Ultratop 50 number-one singles of 2004
List of Ultratop 50 number-one singles of 2005
List of Ultratop 50 number-one singles of 2006
List of Ultratop 50 number-one singles of 2007
List of Ultratop 50 number-one singles of 2008
List of Ultratop 50 number-one singles of 2009
List of Ultratop 50 number-one singles of 2010
List of Ultratop 50 number-one singles of 2011
List of Ultratop 50 number-one singles of 2012
List of Ultratop 50 number-one singles of 2013
List of Ultratop 50 number-one singles of 2021
List of universities by number of billionaire alumni
List of unnumbered minor planets
List of unnumbered minor planets: 1997
List of unnumbered minor planets: 1999 AR
List of unnumbered minor planets: 1999 ST
List of unnumbered minor planets: 1999 UY
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2000 AE
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2000 FO
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2000 PR
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2000 ST
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2000 UY
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2001 AE
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2001 F (0216)
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2001 F (217619)
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2001 GO
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2001 PR
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2001 S
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2001 VW
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2001 XY
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2002 AB
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2002 DF
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2002 GK
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2002 LO
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2002 P
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2002 Q (0119)
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2002 Q (120619)
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2002 R (0262)
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2002 R (263619)
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2002 T (0319)
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2002 T (320619)
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2002 UV
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2002 WY
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2003 AE
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2003 FG
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2003 HL
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2003 MR
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2003 S (0269)
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2003 S (270389)
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2003 S (390442)
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2003 S (443619)
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2003 U (0289)
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2003 U (290379)
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2003 U (380429)
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2003 U (430619)
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2003 W (0199)
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2003 W (200619)
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2003 XY
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2004 AB
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2004 DE
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2004 GH
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2004 JO
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2004 PQ
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2004 R (0199)
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2004 R (200299)
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2004 R (300619)
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2004 T (099)
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2004 T (100199)
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2004 T (200299)
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2004 T (300619)
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2004 UV
List of unnumbered minor planets: 2004 WX
List of unnumbered trans-Neptunian objects
List of unnumbered trans-Neptunian objects: 2000
List of UN numbers 0001 to 0100
List of UN numbers 0101 to 0200
List of UN numbers 0201 to 0300
List of UN numbers 0301 to 0400
List of UN numbers 0401 to 0500
List of UN numbers 1001 to 1100
List of UN numbers 1101 to 1200
List of UN numbers 1201 to 1300
List of UN numbers 1301 to 1400
List of UN numbers 1401 to 1500
List of UN numbers 1501 to 1600
List of UN numbers 1601 to 1700
List of UN numbers 1701 to 1800
List of UN numbers 1801 to 1900
List of UN numbers 1901 to 2000
List of UN numbers 2001 to 2100
List of UN numbers 2101 to 2200
List of UN numbers 2201 to 2300
List of UN numbers 2301 to 2400
List of UN numbers 2401 to 2500
List of UN numbers 2501 to 2600
List of UN numbers 2601 to 2700
List of UN numbers 2701 to 2800
List of UN numbers 2801 to 2900
List of UN numbers 2901 to 3000
List of UN numbers 3001 to 3100
List of UN numbers 3101 to 3200
List of UN numbers 3201 to 3300
List of UN Numbers 3301 to 3400
List of U.S. military vehicles by model number
List of world number one male golfers
List of Your Hit Parade number-one songs
Lists of box office number-one films
Lists of box office number-one films in the United Kingdom
Lists of Hot 100 number-one singles of 2009
Lists of Irish Albums Chart number ones
Lists of languages by number of speakers
Lists of number-one albums
Lists of number-one Billboard Hot Latin Songs
Lists of number-one singles (Austria)
Lists of number-one songs
Lists of UK Album Downloads Chart number ones
Lists of UK Albums Chart number ones
Lists of UK Compilation Chart number ones
Lists of UK Dance Albums Chart number ones
Lists of UK Dance Singles Chart number ones
Lists of UK Independent Albums Chart number ones
Lists of UK Independent Singles and Albums Breakers Chart number ones
Lists of UK Independent Singles Chart number ones
Lists of UK number one singles
Lists of UK R&B Albums Chart number ones
Lists of UK R&B Singles Chart number ones
Lists of UK Singles Chart number ones
Lists of UK Singles Downloads Chart number ones
Lists of UN numbers
Liverpool The Number Ones Album
Living by Numbers
LMS locomotive numbering and classification
Lobb number
Local number portability
Location routing number
Lock and Dam Number 52
Logarithmic number system
Logical unit number
Logical Unit Number masking
Lollipop sequence numbering
Long number
Lookin' Out for Number 1 (BachmanTurner Overdrive song)
Looking Out for Number One (disambiguation)
Look Out for Number 1
Los Angeles Chargers retired numbers
Lovsz number
Love number
Lwenheim number
LucasCarmichael number
Lucas number
Lucky number
Lucky Number (album)
Lucky number (disambiguation)
Lucky Number (film)
Lucky Numbers (album)
Lucky Number Slevin
Lucky numbers of Euler
Lychrel number
Mach number
Macon's Bill Number 1
Macon's Bill Number 2
Magic number
Magic number (physics)
Magic number (programming)
Magic Numbers (game show)
Magic number (sports)
Magnetic quantum number
Magnetic Reynolds number
Make 10: A Journey of Numbers
Make America Number 1
Mane Number 13
Margary numbers
Marketing part number
Markov number
Mass number
Mathematica: A World of Numbers... and Beyond
Matrix number
Medical Education Number
Mega number
Meter Point Administration Number
Mickey's Adventures in Numberland
Miho Komatsu 7 : prime number
Minimum number of individuals
Mobile identification number
Mobile number portability
Mobile telephone numbering in India
Modulus (algebraic number theory)
Mongrel (The Number Twelve Looks Like You album)
More (Symphony Number One album)
Morphy number
Morton number
Motif Number 1
Motor unit number estimation
Motzkin number
Mr. Wrench and Mr. Numbers
Multicomplex number
Multiplicative quantum number
Multiply perfect number
Multiply-with-carry pseudorandom number generator
Murder by Numbers
Musashi Number 9
My Number
My Number One
Name & Number
Name and Number
Name Rank and Number
Names for the number 0
Names for the number 0 in English
Names, Not Numbers
Names of large numbers
Narayana number
Narcissistic number
Nashville Number System
National Bibliography Number
National conventions for writing telephone numbers
National Emergency Number Association
National identification number
National Insurance number
National Securities Identifying Number
NATO Stock Number
Natural number
Natural numbers object
Negative number
Neutron number
Newcastle Number 1 Sports Ground
Newton number
New York Number Theory Seminar
New Zealand bank account number
NHS number
NIE number
N is a Number: A Portrait of Paul Erds
NLGI consistency number
No Face, No Name, No Number
Noise by Numbers
Nominal number
Nonagonal number
Non-geographic telephone numbers in the United Kingdom
Normalized number
Normal number
North American Numbering Plan
North American Numbering Plan expansion
Nothing-up-my-sleeve number
Now That's What I Call Music! Number 1's
Numb & Number
Number 10
Number 1's (Destiny's Child album)
Number 1's (Mariah Carey album)
Number 1's (video)
Number 10 (J. J. Cale album)
Number 10 Policy Unit
Number 10 (TV series)
Number 11
Number 1 (2020 film)
Number 12 Looks Just Like You
Number 12: When Greed and Corruption Become the Norm
Number 13
Number 13 (2006 film)
Number 13 Beano Street
Number 13-class battleship
Number 13 (film)
Number 16 (spider)
Number 17 (1928 film)
Number 17 (1949 film)
Number 17 (disambiguation)
Number 17 (novel)
Number 1 Angel
Number 1 bus
Number 1 Crush
Number 1 Girl
Number 1 (Linda Kirly album)
Number 1 (Nelly song)
Number 1 Record
Number 1s
Number 1s... and Then Some
Number 1 Single
Number 1 (Stacy album)
Number 1 (Tinchy Stryder song)
Number 1 to Infinity
Number 1 to Infinity (concert residency)
Number 1 with a Bullet
Number 2 Una mas!
Number 31-class motor launch
Number 4 (album)
Number 5 (Ling Tosite Sigure album)
Number 7 (album)
Number 7 Dam
Number 8, Pershore
Number 8 wire
Number 96 (TV series)
Number 9 Dream
Number Assignment Module
Number bond
Number cruncher
Number density
Number (disambiguation)
Numbered Air Force
Numbered bank account
Numbered company
Numbered musical notation
Numbered Panda
Numbered street
Numbered streets of St. Louis
Numbered Treaties
Number Eight
Number Eight (Battlestar Galactica)
Number Five
Number Five (album)
Number Five Crossbar Switching System
Number Forms
Number Four
Number Girl
Numbering (computability theory)
Numbering Resource Utilization/Forecast Report
Numbering scheme
Number Lab
Number line
Number matching
Number (music)
Number needed to harm
Number needed to treat
Number nine
Number Nine/Kioku: Kimi ga Kureta Michishirube
Number Nine Research Laboratory
Number of deaths in Buchenwald
Number of Identified Specimens
Number of languages by country
Number of the beast
Number of Westminster MPs
Number One
Number One (1969 film)
Number One (1973 film)
Number One (2017 film)
Number One (Alexia song)
Number One Christmas
Number One Crossbar Switching System
Number One Electronic Switching System
Number One Enemy
Number One Fan (film)
Number One Gun
Number One (magazine)
Number One (M Trill album)
Number One Observatory Circle
Number One of Three
Number One (Pharrell Williams song)
Number Ones (ABBA album)
Number Ones (Bee Gees album)
Number One Shakib Khan
Number Ones (Janet Jackson album)
Number One (Star Trek)
Number One Stunna
Number Ones, Up Close and Personal
Number One Surprise
Number Ones (video)
Number-one ticket holder
Number One (video)
Number One Yixing Factory
Number Our Days
Number, Please
Numbers 1-0
Numbers and Colours
Numbers (Cat Stevens album)
Number Scrabble
Number sense
Number sense in animals
Number Seven (album)
Number Seventeen
Numbers game
Number sign
Numbers in Action
Numbers in Egyptian mythology
Numbers in Nepali language
Numbers in Norse mythology
Number Six
Number Six (Battlestar Galactica)
Numbers (Lost)
Numbers Lucent
Numbers (MellowHype album)
Number (sports)
Numbers Rabbah
Numbers (spreadsheet)
Numbers: The Universal Language
Numbers (TV series)
Numbers (Vancouver)
Numbers (Woe, Is Me album)
Number Ten (novel)
Number the Brave
Number theory
Number Theory: An Approach Through History from Hammurapi to Legendre
Number Theory Foundation
Number the Stars
Number Three
Number Three (Battlestar Galactica)
Number translation service
Number Twenty Nine: Georgian House Museum
Number Two
Number Two (film)
Nusselt number
Odd Number (film)
Odious number
Odyssey Number Five
Official number
Ohnesorge number
Oneida Number One Tunnel
One Is a Lonely Number
One: Number 31, 1950
On Numbers and Games
On the Number of Primes Less Than a Given Magnitude
Opus number
Ordered Bell number
Orders of magnitude (numbers)
Ordinal number
Ordinance 17 Victoria Number 7
Oswald efficiency number
Outnumbered (American TV program)
Outnumbered (British TV series)
Outnumbered (song)
P-adic number
Page numbering
Paint by number
Paint by number (disambiguation)
Palindromic number
Pandigital number
Parasitic number
Particle number
Particle number operator
Partition (number theory)
Part number
Payment card number
Pclet number
Pell number
Pennant number
Pentagonal number
Pentagonal number theorem
Pentatope number
Pepsi Number Fever
Perfect number
Perfect Number (film)
Perfect totient number
Permanent account number
Pernicious number
Perrin number
Persistence of a number
Personal identification number
Personal identification number (Denmark)
Personal identity number (Sweden)
Personal numbering
Personal Public Service Number
Philippe Michel (number theorist)
Pilot (Numbers)
Pinball Number Count
PisotVijayaraghavan number
Pitting resistance equivalent number
Plastic number
Plato's number
Play by Numbers (EP)
Polite number
Poly-Bernoulli number
Polygonal number
Pope John numbering
Porsche type numbers
Port letter and number
Positive real numbers
Postal Index Number
Powerful number
Power in Numbers
Power number
Powerspeed number
Practical number
Prandtl number
Predictable serial number attack
Preferred number
Premium-rate telephone number
Preparer Tax Identification Number
Prime number
Prime number theorem
Prime number theory
Primeval number
Principal quantum number
Prisoner Number One
Prisoner Number Seven
Private Enterprise Number
Private Number
Private Number (1936 film)
Private: Number 1 Suspect
Private Number (Judy Clay and William Bell song)
Probabilistic number theory
Production code number
Pronic number
Proofs involving the addition of natural numbers
Provenance (Numbers)
Prudence at Number 10
Pseudorandom number generator
Pseudo-random number sampling
Public Enemy Number Two
Purdue University Reactor Number One
Pyramidal number
Pythagoras number
Quadratic irrational number
Quantum number
Quasiperfect number
Quincy Dredge Number Two
Random EP (Number 1)
Random number
Random number generation
Random number generator attack
Random number table
Rational number
Rayleigh number
Real number
Reba Number 1's
Red auxiliary number
Refactorable number
Regnal number
Regular number
Reloaded: 20 Number 1 Hits
Rencontres numbers
Research in Number Theory
Resident registration number
Residue number system
Retired number
Reverse divisible number
Reynolds number
Richardson number
Riesel number
Rikki Don't Lose That Number
Ringer equivalence number
Riot in Cell Block Number 9
Romanian numbers
Ronald Numbers
Room Number?
Room number
Rossby number
Rotation number
Rough number
Round number
Routing number
Routing number (Canada)
RSA numbers
Runoff curve number
Russian Shipyard Number 10
Safety in Numbers
Safety in numbers
Safety in Numbers (Crack the Sky album)
Safety in Numbers (David Van Tieghem album)
Safety in Numbers (Umphrey's McGee album)
Salem number
San Diego Padres retired numbers
Satellite Catalog Number
Say I'm Your Number One
Schizophrenic number
Schmidt number
SchrderHipparchus number
Schrder number
Science, Numbers, and I
Scorched (Numbers)
Secret Number
Self-descriptive number
Self number
Semiperfect number
Serial number
Serial number arithmetic
Service number
Set-theoretic definition of natural numbers
Seven Is the Number
Shannon number
Sierpiski number
Signed number representations
Significance of numbers in Judaism
Single non-emergency number
Singulative number
Sinhala Archaic Numbers
Six-number lottery game
Skewes's number
Sleep Number
Small-numbers game
SmarandacheWellin number
Smart number
Smith number
Smooth number
S number
S number (wool)
Sociable number
Social Insurance Number
Social Security number
Something with Numbers
Sommerfeld number
Song Number 1
Sorry, Right Number
Sorry, Wrong Number
Soup Number Five
Special Number 3 Light Tank Ku-Ro
Special number field sieve
Sphenic number
Spin quantum number
Split-complex number
Spree (Numbers)
Squared triangular number
Square number
Square pyramidal number
Square triangular number
Sri Lankan IDP numbers, February to December 2010
Sri Lankan IDP numbers, October 2009 to January 2010
Stanton number
Star number
Stefan number
Stirling number
Stirling numbers and exponential generating functions in symbolic combinatorics
Stirling numbers of the first kind
Stirling numbers of the second kind
Strmer number
Strahler number
Strength in Numbers
Strength in Numbers (24-7 Spyz album)
Strength in Numbers (38 Special album)
Strength in Numbers (song)
Strength in Numbers (The Music album)
Strictly non-palindromic number
Strobogrammatic number
Strong Law of Small Numbers
Strouhal number
Sublime number
Subsystem number
Sujin Taisen: Number Battles
Superior highly composite number
Supernatural number
Super-Poulet number
Superreal number
Supersingular prime (algebraic number theory)
Surreal number
Symbolism of the number 7
Symbol (number theory)
Symmetry number
Symphony Number One
Symphony Number One (album)
System identification number
Tail number
Taiwan Number One Party
Tanglewood Numbers
Target Number One
Tav (number)
Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number
Tax file number
Taxicab number
Taxpayer Identification Number
Taylor number
Telephone number
Telephone numbering plan
Telephone number mapping
Telephone number (mathematics)
Telephone number portability
Telephone numbers in Abkhazia
Telephone numbers in Afghanistan
Telephone numbers in Africa
Telephone numbers in
Telephone numbers in Albania
Telephone numbers in Algeria
Telephone numbers in Andorra
Telephone numbers in Angola
Telephone numbers in Argentina
Telephone numbers in Armenia
Telephone numbers in Aruba
Telephone numbers in Ascension Island
Telephone numbers in Asia
Telephone numbers in Australia
Telephone numbers in Austria
Telephone numbers in Azerbaijan
Telephone numbers in Bahrain
Telephone numbers in Bangladesh
Telephone numbers in Belarus
Telephone numbers in Belgium
Telephone numbers in Belize
Telephone numbers in Benin
Telephone numbers in Bhutan
Telephone numbers in Bolivia
Telephone numbers in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Telephone numbers in Botswana
Telephone numbers in Brazil
Telephone numbers in Brunei
Telephone numbers in Bulgaria
Telephone numbers in Burkina Faso
Telephone numbers in Burundi
Telephone numbers in Cambodia
Telephone numbers in Cameroon
Telephone numbers in Canada
Telephone numbers in Cape Verde
Telephone numbers in Chad
Telephone numbers in Chile
Telephone numbers in China
Telephone numbers in Christmas Island
Telephone numbers in Colombia
Telephone numbers in Comoros
Telephone numbers in Costa Rica
Telephone numbers in Croatia
Telephone numbers in Cuba
Telephone numbers in Curaao and the Caribbean Netherlands
Telephone numbers in Cyprus
Telephone numbers in Denmark
Telephone numbers in Djibouti
Telephone numbers in East Timor
Telephone numbers in Ecuador
Telephone numbers in Egypt
Telephone numbers in El Salvador
Telephone numbers in Equatorial Guinea
Telephone numbers in Eritrea
Telephone numbers in Estonia
Telephone numbers in Eswatini
Telephone numbers in Ethiopia
Telephone numbers in Europe
Telephone numbers in Fiji
Telephone numbers in Finland
Telephone numbers in France
Telephone numbers in French Polynesia
Telephone numbers in Gabon
Telephone numbers in Georgia (country)
Telephone numbers in Germany
Telephone numbers in Ghana
Telephone numbers in Gibraltar
Telephone numbers in Greece
Telephone numbers in Greenland
Telephone numbers in Guatemala
Telephone numbers in Guinea
Telephone numbers in Guinea-Bissau
Telephone numbers in Guyana
Telephone numbers in Haiti
Telephone numbers in Honduras
Telephone numbers in Hong Kong
Telephone numbers in Hungary
Telephone numbers in Iceland
Telephone numbers in India
Telephone numbers in Indonesia
Telephone numbers in Iran
Telephone numbers in Iraq
Telephone numbers in Ireland
Telephone numbers in Israel
Telephone numbers in Italy
Telephone numbers in Ivory Coast
Telephone numbers in Japan
Telephone numbers in Jordan
Telephone numbers in Kazakhstan
Telephone numbers in Kenya
Telephone numbers in Kiribati
Telephone numbers in Kosovo
Telephone numbers in Kuwait
Telephone numbers in Kyrgyzstan
Telephone numbers in Laos
Telephone numbers in Latvia
Telephone numbers in Lebanon
Telephone numbers in Lesotho
Telephone numbers in Liberia
Telephone numbers in Libya
Telephone numbers in Liechtenstein
Telephone numbers in Lithuania
Telephone numbers in Luxembourg
Telephone numbers in Macau
Telephone numbers in Madagascar
Telephone numbers in Malawi
Telephone numbers in Malaysia
Telephone numbers in Mali
Telephone numbers in Malta
Telephone numbers in Mauritania
Telephone numbers in Mauritius
Telephone numbers in Mexico
Telephone numbers in Moldova
Telephone numbers in Monaco
Telephone numbers in Mongolia
Telephone numbers in Montenegro
Telephone numbers in Morocco
Telephone numbers in Mozambique
Telephone numbers in Myanmar
Telephone numbers in Namibia
Telephone numbers in Nauru
Telephone numbers in Nepal
Telephone numbers in New Caledonia
Telephone numbers in New Zealand
Telephone numbers in Nicaragua
Telephone numbers in Niger
Telephone numbers in Nigeria
Telephone numbers in Niue
Telephone numbers in Norfolk Island
Telephone numbers in Northern Cyprus
Telephone numbers in North Korea
Telephone numbers in North Macedonia
Telephone numbers in Norway
Telephone numbers in Oceania
Telephone numbers in Oman
Telephone numbers in Pakistan
Telephone numbers in Palau
Telephone numbers in Panama
Telephone numbers in Papua New Guinea
Telephone numbers in Paraguay
Telephone numbers in Peru
Telephone numbers in Poland
Telephone numbers in Portugal
Telephone numbers in Puerto Rico
Telephone numbers in Qatar
Telephone numbers in Romania
Telephone numbers in Russia
Telephone numbers in Rwanda
Telephone numbers in Saint Helena and Tristan da Cunha
Telephone numbers in Samoa
Telephone numbers in San Marino
Telephone numbers in So Tom and Prncipe
Telephone numbers in Saudi Arabia
Telephone numbers in Senegal
Telephone numbers in Serbia
Telephone numbers in Seychelles
Telephone numbers in Sierra Leone
Telephone numbers in Singapore
Telephone numbers in Slovakia
Telephone numbers in Slovenia
Telephone numbers in Solomon Islands
Telephone numbers in Somalia
Telephone numbers in South Africa
Telephone numbers in South Korea
Telephone numbers in South Sudan
Telephone numbers in Spain
Telephone numbers in Sri Lanka
Telephone numbers in Sudan
Telephone numbers in Suriname
Telephone numbers in Sweden
Telephone numbers in Switzerland
Telephone numbers in Syria
Telephone numbers in Taiwan
Telephone numbers in Tajikistan
Telephone numbers in Tanzania
Telephone numbers in Thailand
Telephone numbers in the Americas
Telephone numbers in the Australian Antarctic Territory
Telephone numbers in the British Indian Ocean Territory
Telephone numbers in the Central African Republic
Telephone numbers in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands
Telephone numbers in the Cook Islands
Telephone numbers in the Czech Republic
Telephone numbers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Telephone numbers in the Dominican Republic
Telephone numbers in the Falkland Islands
Telephone numbers in the Faroe Islands
Telephone numbers in the Gambia
Telephone numbers in the German Democratic Republic
Telephone numbers in the Maldives
Telephone numbers in the Marshall Islands
Telephone numbers in the Netherlands
Telephone numbers in the Philippines
Telephone numbers in the Republic of Artsakh
Telephone numbers in the Republic of Ireland
Telephone numbers in the Republic of the Congo
Telephone numbers in the Soviet Union
Telephone numbers in the United Arab Emirates
Telephone numbers in the United Kingdom
Telephone numbers in Togo
Telephone numbers in Tokelau
Telephone numbers in Tonga
Telephone numbers in Tunisia
Telephone numbers in Turkey
Telephone numbers in Turkmenistan
Telephone numbers in Tuvalu
Telephone numbers in Uganda
Telephone numbers in Ukraine
Telephone numbers in Uruguay
Telephone numbers in Uzbekistan
Telephone numbers in Vanuatu
Telephone numbers in Vatican City
Telephone numbers in Venezuela
Telephone numbers in Vietnam
Telephone numbers in Wallis and Futuna
Telephone numbers in Western Sahara
Telephone numbers in Yemen
Telephone numbers in Yugoslavia
Telephone numbers in Zambia
Telephone numbers in Zimbabwe
Tetrahedral number
Thabit number
The Art of Reckoning (Numbers)
The Fifth Man (Numbers)
The Girl in Number 29
The Groovy Little Numbers
The Lady in Number 6
The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two
The Magic Numbers
The Magic Numbers (album)
The Man Who Loved Only Numbers
The Murderer Lives at Number 21
The Number 23
The Number Devil
The Number of the Beast (album)
The Number of the Beast (novel)
The Number of the Beast (song)
The Number One Song in Heaven
The Number on Great-Grandpa's Arm
The Number Painter
The Numbers Band
The Numbers Game
The Numbers Gang
The Numbers (website)
The Number Twelve Looks Like You
The Number Twelve Looks Like You (EP)
The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Numbers
The Solitude of Prime Numbers
The Solitude of Prime Numbers (novel)
The Striker with Number 9
The Tram Was Going, Number Nine
The Undiscovered Numbers & Colors
The Who by Numbers
The Who by Numbers Tour
The Wild Numbers
ThurstonBennequin number
To Be Number One
Toll-free telephone number
Toll-free telephone numbers in the North American Numbering Plan
Topological quantum number
Total acid number
Total angular momentum quantum number
Total base number
Totally imaginary number field
Totally real number field
Tracking number
Trading Partner Identification Number
Train numbering in India
Train reporting number
Transaction authentication number
Transcendental number
Transcendental number theory
Transfinite number
Triangular number
Trigonometric number
Trolley Line Number 9 Trail
Truth in Numbers?
Turn number
Turbulent Prandtl number
Turkish Identification Number
Turnover number
TV by the Numbers
Typographical Number Theory
UCLA Bruins retired numbers
UIC wagon numbers
Ulam number
Ultratop 50 number-one hits of 1995
Uncertainty Principle (Numbers)
Unique citizenship number
Unique Master Citizen Number
Unique physician identification number
Unique Reference Number
Unique Street Reference Number
United Kingdom military aircraft serial numbers
Universal Culture Shock/Undiscovered Numbers & Colors
Universal Numbering System
Unknotting number
Unlisted number
UN number
Unsolved Problems in Number Theory
Unum (number format)
UOP Instruction Number 0015/92
Ursell number
User:Serial Number 54129/Maria Roscoe (ne Fletcher)
User:Serial Number 54129/Medieval England
Valoren number
Value numbering
Vampire number
Van der Waerden number
Variable number tandem repeat
VAT identification number
Vector directory number
Vehicle identification number
Victim Number 8
Village Number 1, Alabama
Virtual number
Volcano Number
Volume serial number
VRT Top 30 number-one hits of 1990
VRT Top 30 number-one hits of 1991
VRT Top 30 number-one hits of 1992
VRT Top 30 number-one hits of 1993
VRT Top 30 number-one hits of 1994
Wagon numbering system in India
Waring's prime number conjecture
Waterbody number
Wavenumberfrequency diagram
Weakly prime number
We Are Number One
Weber number
WedderburnEtherington number
Weil's conjecture on Tamagawa numbers
Weird number
West End Hose Company Number 3
West number
What's Your Number
What's Your Number? (Zhou Mi EP)
When Worlds Collide (Numbers)
Where Quality Is Job Number 1
Where Quantity Is Job Number 1
Whole number
Whole number rule
Wife Number 13
Wilburton Number One, Pennsylvania
Wilburton Number Two, Pennsylvania
Wild number
Williams number
Winding number
Wolf number
Woodall number
World number 1
WOW Number 1s
Wratten number
Wrong number (disambiguation)
Wrong Number (film)
Wrong Number (George Jones song)
Wrong Number, Miss
Wu number
You've Got My Number (Why Don't You Use It?)
You Know My Name (Look Up the Number)
Your Number (Shinee song)
Zeisel number
Zeldovich number
Zenith number
Zero-based numbering

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last updated: 2022-02-04 15:25:42
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