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Katha Upanishad

The Katha Upanishad of the Black Yajurveda

1. Vajasravasa, desiring, gave all he had. Now Vajasravasa had
a son named Nachiketas.

2. As the gifts were led past, faith took possession of him who
was yet a boy unwed and he pondered:

3. "Cattle that have drunk their water, eaten their grass,
yielded their milk, worn out their organs, of undelight are
the worlds which he reaches who gives such as these."

4. He said to his father, "Me, O my father, to whom wilt thou
give?" A second time and a third he said it, and he replied,
"To Death I give thee."

5. "Among many I walk the first, among many I walk the
midmost; something Death means to do which today by me
he will accomplish.

6. "Look back and see, even as were the men of old, - look
round! - even so are they that have come after. Mortal man
withers like the fruits of the field and like the fruits of the
field he is born again."

His attendants say to Yama:
7. "Fire is the Brahmin who enters as a guest the houses of
men; him thus they appease. Bring, O son of Vivasvan,1 the
water of the guest-rite.

8. "That man of little understanding in whose house a Brahmin
dwells fasting, all his hope and his expectation and all he
has gained and the good and truth that he has spoken and
the wells he has dug and the sacrifices he has offered and
all his sons and his cattle are torn from him by that guest

9. "Because for three nights thou hast dwelt in my house, O
Brahmin, a guest worthy of reverence, - salutation to thee,
O Brahmin, on me let there be the weal, - therefore three
boons do thou choose; for each night a boon."

1 Yama, lord of death, is also the master of the Law in the world, and he is therefore
the child of the Sun, luminous Master of Truth from which the Law is born.

10. "Tranquillised in his thought and serene of mind be the
Gautama, my father, let his passion over me pass away
from him; assured in heart let him greet me from thy grasp
delivered; this boon I choose, the first of three."

11. "Even as before assured in heart and by me released shall
he be, Auddalaki Aruni, thy father; sweetly shall he sleep
through the nights and his passion shall pass away from
him, having seen thee from death's jaws delivered."

12. "In heaven fear is not at all, in heaven, O Death, thou art
not, nor old age and its terrors; crossing over hunger and
thirst as over two rivers, leaving sorrow behind the soul in
heaven rejoices.

13. "Therefore that heavenly Flame2 which thou, O Death, studiest, expound unto me, for I believe. They who win their
world of heaven, have immortality for their portion. This
for the second boon I have chosen."

2 The celestial force concealed subconsciently in man's mortality by the kindling of
which and its right ordering man transcends his earthly nature; not the physical flame
of the external sacrifice to which these profound phrases are inapplicable.

14. "Hearken to me and understand, O Nachiketas; I declare
to thee that heavenly Flame, for I know it. Know this to be
the possession of infinite existence and the foundation and
the thing hidden in the secret cave of our being."

15. Of the Flame that is the world's beginning3 he told him and
what are the bricks to him and how many and the way of
their setting; and Nachiketas too repeated it even as it was
told; then Death was pleased and said to him yet farther;

16. Yea; the Great Soul was gratified and said to him, "Yet a
farther boon today I give thee; for even by thy name shall this
Fire be called; this necklace also take unto thee, a necklace4
of many figures.


dvmFX^y\ EvEd(vA EncAMy

17. "Whoso lights the three fires5 of Nachiketas and comes to
union with the Three6 and does the triple works,7 beyond
birth and death he crosses; for he finds the God of our
3 The Divine Force concealed in the subconscient is that which has originated and built

up the worlds. At the other end in the superconscient it reveals itself as the Divine Being,
Lord and Knower who has manifested Himself out of the Brahman.
4 The necklace of many figures is Prakriti, creative Nature which comes under the
control of the soul that has attained to the divine existence.
5 Probably, the divine force utilised to raise to divinity the triple being of man.
6 Possibly, the three Purushas, soul-states or Personalities of the divine Being, indicated
by the three letters A U M. The highest Brahman is beyond the three letters of the mystic
7 The sacrifice of the lower existence to the divine, consummated on the three planes
of man's physical, vital and mental consciousness.

Katha Upanishad


adoration, the Knower8 who is born from the Brahman,
whom having beheld he attains to surpassing peace.


18. "When a man has the three flames of Nachiketas and knows
this that is Triple, when so knowing he beholds the Flame
of Nachiketas, then he thrusts from in front of him the
meshes of the snare of death; leaving sorrow behind him he
in heaven rejoices.

eq t

etmE`n\ tv

19. "This is the heavenly Flame, O Nachiketas, which thou
hast chosen for the second boon; of this Flame the peoples
shall speak that it is thine indeed. A third boon choose, O



20. "This debate that there is over the man who has passed and
some say 'This he is not' and some that he is, that, taught
by thee, I would know; this is the third boon of the boons
of my choosing."

{r/AEp EvEcEkE(st\ p;rA n Eh s;*

a y\ vr\ nEck

{nm^ 21
21. "Even by the gods was this debated of old; for it is not easy
of knowledge, since very subtle is the law of it. Another
boon choose, O Nachiketas; importune me not, nor urge
me; this, this abandon."
8 The Purusha or Divine Being, Knower of the Field, who dwells within all and for
whose pleasure Prakriti fulfils the cosmic play.


Kena and Other Upanishads: Part One


22. "Even by the gods was this debated, it is sure, and thou
thyself hast said that it is not easy of knowledge; never shall
I find another like thee9 to tell of it, nor is there any other
boon that is its equal."

23. "Choose sons and grandsons who shall live each a hundred years, choose much cattle and elephants and gold and
horses; choose a mighty reach of earth and thyself live for
as many years as thou listest.

et7;Sy\ yEd m ys

24. "This boon if thou deemest equal to that of thy asking,
choose wealth and long living; possess thou, O Nachiketas,
a mighty country; I give thee thy desire of all desirable things
for thy portion.



25. "Yea, all desires that are hard to win in the world of mortals,
all demand at thy pleasure; lo, these delectable women with
their chariots and their bugles, whose like are not to be
won by men, these I will give thee; live with them for thy
handmaidens. But of death question not, O Nachiketas."
9 Yama is the knower and keeper of the cosmic Law through which the soul has to rise
by death and life to the freedom of Immortality.

Katha Upanishad


{tt^ sv

aEp sv+ jFEvtmSpm

26. "Until the morrow mortal man has these things, O Ender,
and they wear away all this keenness and glory of his senses;
nay, all life is even for a little. Thine are these chariots and
thine the dancing of these women and their singing.

n Ev7

jFEvyAmo yAvdFEfyEs (v\ vr-t; m

27. "Man is not to be satisfied by riches, and riches we shall
have if we have beheld thee and shall live as long as thou
shalt be lord of us.10 This boon and no other is for my

28. "Who that is a mortal man and grows old and dwells down
upon the unhappy earth, when he has come into the presence
of the ageless Immortals and knows, yea, who when he looks
very close at beauty and enjoyment and pleasure, can take
delight in overlong living?

29. "This of which they thus debate, O Death, declare to me,
even that which is in the great passage; than this boon which
enters in into the secret that is hidden from us, no other
chooses Nachiketas."

10 Life being a figure of death and Death of life, the only true existence is the infinite,

divine and immortal.


Kena and Other Upanishads: Part One

a yQC

Yama speaks:
1. One thing is the good and quite another thing is the pleasant,
and both seize upon a man with different meanings. Of these
whoso takes the good, it is well with him; he falls from the
aim of life who chooses the pleasant.

2. The good and the pleasant come to a man and the thoughtful mind turns all around them and distinguishes. The wise
chooses out the good from the pleasant, but the dull soul
chooses the pleasant rather than the getting of his good and
its having.


3. And thou, O Nachiketas, hast looked close at the objects of
desire, at pleasant things and beautiful, and thou hast cast
them from thee; thou hast not entered into the net of riches
in which many men sink to perdition.

4. For far apart are these, opposite, divergent, the one that
is known as the Ignorance and the other the Knowledge.
But Nachiketas I deem truly desirous of the knowledge
whom so many desirable things could not make to lust after

Katha Upanishad


{v nFymAnA yTA DA, 5
5. They who dwell in the ignorance, within it, wise in their own
wit and deeming themselves very learned, men bewildered
are they who wander about round and round circling like
blind men led by the blind.

6. The childish wit bewildered and drunken with the illusion
of riches cannot open its eyes to see the passage to heaven;
for he that thinks this world is and there is no other, comes
again and again into Death's thraldom.

7. He that is not easy even to be heard of by many, and even of
those that have heard they are many who have not known
Him, - a miracle is the man that can speak of Him wisely
or is skilful to win Him, and when one is found, a miracle
is the listener who can know God even when taught of Him
by the knower.

n nr

8. An inferior man cannot tell you of Him; for thus told thou
canst not truly know Him, since He is thought of in many
aspects. Yet unless told of Him by another thou canst not
find thy way there to Him; for He is subtler than subtlety
and that which logic cannot reach.

{qA tk


Kena and Other Upanishads: Part One

9. This wisdom is not to be had by reasoning, O beloved
Nachiketas; only when told thee by another it brings real
knowledge, - the wisdom which thou hast gotten. Truly
thou art steadfast in the Truth! Even such a questioner as
thou art may I meet with always.

jAnAMyh\ f

; \ tt^.
tto myA nAEck

Nachiketas speaks:
10. I know of treasure that it is not for ever; for not by things
unstable shall one attain That which is stable; therefore
I heaped the fire of Nachiketas, and by the sacrifice of
transitory things I won the Eternal.

Yama speaks:
11. When thou hast seen in thy grasp, O Nachiketas, the possession of desire and firm foundation of this world and an
infinity of power and the other shore of security and praise
and scope and wide moving and firm foundation,11 wise
and strong in steadfastness thou didst cast these things from


12. Realising God by attainment to Him through spiritual Yoga,
even the Ancient of Days who hath entered deep into that
which is hidden and is hard to see, for he is established in
our secret being and lodged in the cavern heart of things, the
wise and steadfast man casts far from him joy and sorrow.
11 Or, "and great fame chanted through widest regions".

Katha Upanishad


s modt

13. When mortal man has heard, when he has grasped, when he
has forcefully separated the Righteous One from his body
and won that subtle Being, then he has delight, for he has
got that which one can indeed delight in. Verily I deem of
Nachiketas as a house wide open.

Nachiketas speaks:
14. Tell me of That which thou seest otherwhere than in virtue
and otherwhere than in unrighteousness, otherwhere than
in the created and the uncreated, otherwhere than in that
which has been and that which shall be.


yEdQC to b} cy+ crE t t7

Yama speaks:
15. The seat and goal that all the Vedas glorify and which all
austerities declare, for the desire of which men practise holy
living, of That will I tell thee in brief compass. OM is that
goal, O Nachiketas.



16. For this Syllable is Brahman, this Syllable is the Most High:
this Syllable if one know, whatsoever one shall desire, it is

etdAlMbn\ *A(vA b} lok

17. This support is the best, this support is the highest, knowing


Kena and Other Upanishads: Part One
this support one grows great in the world of the Brahman.

n jAyt

ajo En(y, fA4to_y\ p;rAZo n h yt

18. That Wise One is not born, neither does he die; he came
not from anywhere, neither is he anyone; he is unborn, he
is everlasting, he is ancient and sempiternal, he is not slain
in the slaying of the body.

h tA c

uBO tO n EvjAnFto nAy\ hE t n h yt

19. If the slayer think that he slays, if the slain think that he is
slain, both of these have not the knowledge. This slays not,
neither is He slain.

20. Finer than the fine, huger than the huge the Self hides in
the secret heart of the creature: when a man strips himself
of will and is weaned from sorrow, then he beholds Him,
purified from the mental elements he sees the greatness of
the Self-being.

21. Seated He journeys far off, lying down He goes everywhere.
Who other than I is fit to know God, even Him who is
rapture and the transcendence of rapture?

afrFr\ frFr

mhA t\ EvB;mA(mAn\ m(vA DFro n focEt 22
22. Realising the Bodiless in bodies, the Established in things
unsettled, the Great and Omnipresent Self, the wise and
steadfast soul grieves no longer.

Katha Upanishad



23. The Self is not to be won by eloquent teaching, nor by brain
power, nor by much learning: but only he whom this being
chooses can win Him, for to him this Self bares His body.

{nmA=n;yAt^ 24
24. None who has not ceased from doing evil, or who is not
calm, or not concentrated in his being, or whose mind has
not been tranquillised, can by wisdom attain to Him.

y-y b} c "/\ c uB

25. He to whom the sages are as meat and heroes as food for
His eating and Death is an ingredient of His banquet, how
thus shall one know of Him where He abideth?


CAyAtpO b} Evdo vdE t p0cA`nyo y

Yama speaks:
1. There are two that drink deep of the Truth in the world
of work well accomplished: they are lodged in the secret
plane of being and in the highest kingdom of the most High
is their dwelling: as of light and shade the knowers of the
Brahman speak of them and those of the five fires and those
who have the three fires of Nachiketas.

y, s


Kena and Other Upanishads: Part One

2. May we have strength to kindle Agni Nachiketas, for he
is the bridge of those who do sacrifice and he is Brahman
supreme and imperishable, and the far shore of security to
those who would cross this ocean.

aA(mAn\ rETn\ EvE! frFr\ rTm

3. Know the body for a chariot and the soul for the master of
the chariot: know Reason for the charioteer and the mind
for the reins only.


4. The senses they speak of as the steeds and the objects of sense
as the paths in which they move; and One yoked with Self
and the mind and the senses is the enjoyer, say the thinkers.

y-(vEv*AnvAn^ Bv(yy;?t


5. Now he that is without knowledge with his mind ever
unapplied, his senses are to him as wild horses and will
not obey the driver of the chariot.

y-t; Ev*AnvAn^ BvEt y;?t


6. But he that has knowledge with his mind ever applied, his
senses are to him as noble steeds and they obey the driver.

y-(vEv*AnvAn^ Bv(ymn-k, sdA_f;Ec,.
n s t(pdmA=noEt s\sAr\ cAEDgQCEt 7
7. Yea, he that is without knowledge and is unmindful and is
ever unclean, reaches not that goal, but wanders in the cycle
of phenomena.

Katha Upanishad


y-t; Ev*AnvAn^ BvEt smn-k, sdA f;Ec,.

8. But he that has knowledge and is mindful and pure always,
reaches that goal whence he is not born again.

so_@vn, pArmA=noEt tEZo, prm\ pdm^ 9
9. That man who uses the mind for reins and the knowledge
for the driver, reaches the end of his road, the highest seat
of Vishnu.

iE d1y

10. Than the senses the objects of sense are higher; and higher
than the objects of sense is the Mind; and higher than the
Mind is the faculty of knowledge; and than that is the Great
Self higher.

mht, prm&y?tm&y?tAt^ p;zq, pr,.
p;zqA/ pr\ Ek\Ec(sA kA:A sA prA gEt, 11
11. And higher than the Great Self is the Unmanifest and higher
than the Unmanifest is the Purusha: than the Purusha there
is none higher: He is the culmination, He is the highest goal
of the journey.

eq sv

12. The secret Self in all existences does not manifest Himself
to the vision: yet is He seen by the seers of the subtle by a
subtle and perfect understanding.


*AnmA(mEn mhEt EnyQC


Kena and Other Upanishads: Part One

13. Let the wise man restrain speech in his mind and mind in
his self of knowledge, and knowledge in the Great Self, and
that again let him restrain in the Self that is at peace.

";r-y DArA EnEftA d;r(yyA d;g+ pT-tt^ kvyo vdE t 14
14. Arise, awake, find out the great ones and learn of them; for
sharp as a razor's edge, hard to traverse, difficult of going is
that path, say the sages.

15. That in which sound is not, nor touch, nor shape, nor
diminution, nor taste, nor smell, that which is eternal, and It
is without end or beginning, higher than the Great Self and
stable, - that having seen, from the mouth of death there is


16. The man of intelligence having spoken or heard the eternal
story of Nachiketas wherein Death was the speaker, grows
great in the world of the Brahman.

tdAn (yAy kSpt iEt 17
17. He who being pure recites this supreme secret at the time
of the Shraddha in the assembly of the Brahmins, that turns
for him to infinite existence.

Katha Upanishad



Yama said:
1. The Self-born hath set the doors of the body to face outward, therefore the soul of a man gazeth outward and not
at the Self within; hardly a wise man here and there desiring
immortality turneth his eyes inward and seeth the Self within

prAc, kAmAnn;yE t bAlA-t

; }v

2. The rest childishly follow after desire and pleasure and walk
into the snare of Death who gapeth wide for them. But calm
souls having learned of immortality seek not for permanence
in the things of this world that pass and are not.



{v EvjAnAEt Ekm/ pErEfyt

{ tt^ 3
3. By the Self one knoweth taste and form and smell, by the
Self one knoweth sound and touch and the joy of man with
woman; what is there left in this world of which the Self not
knoweth? This is the thing thou seekest.

-v=nA t\ jAgErtA t\ coBO y

mhA t\ EvB;mA(mAn\ m(vA DFro n focEt 4
4. The calm soul having comprehended the great Lord, the
omnipresent Self by whom one beholdeth both to the end
of dream and to the end of waking, ceaseth from grieving.

y im\ m@vd\ v

{ tt^ 5


Kena and Other Upanishads: Part One

5. He that hath known from very close this Eater of sweetness,
the Jiva, the Self within that is lord of what was and what
shall be, shrinketh not thereafter from aught nor abhorreth
any. This is the thing thou seekest.

{ tt^ 6
6. He is the seer that seeth Him who came into being before
austerity and was before the waters; deep in the heart of the
creature he seeth Him, for there He standeth by the mingling
of the elements. This is the thing thou seekest.

{ tt^ 7
7. This is Aditi, the mother of the Gods, who was born through
the Prana and by the mingling of the elements had her being;
deep in the heart of things she has entered, there she is
seated. This is the thing thou seekest.


{ tt^ 8
8. As a woman carrieth with care the unborn child in her
womb, so is the Master of knowledge lodged in the tinders,
and day by day should men worship him who live their
waking life and stand before him with sacrifice; for he is
that Agni. This is the thing thou seekest.

dvA, sv

{ tt^ 9
9. He from whom the sun riseth and to whom the sun returneth, and in Him are all the Gods established, - none
passeth beyond Him. This is the thing thou seekest.

Katha Upanishad



10. What is in this world is also in the other, and what is in the
other, that again is in this; who thinketh he sees difference
here, from death to death he goeth.


11. Through the mind must we understand that there is nothing
in this world that is really various; who thinketh he sees
difference here, from death to death he goeth.

a=;:mA/, p;zqo m@y aA(mEn Et:Et.

{ tt^ 12
12. The Purusha who is seated in the midst of ourself is no
larger than the finger of a man. He is the lord of what was
and what shall be; Him having seen one shrinketh not from
aught nor abhorreth any. This is the thing thou seekest.

{ tt^ 13
13. The Purusha that is within is no larger than the finger of a
man; He is like a blazing fire that is without smoke, He is
lord of His past and His future. He alone is today and He
alone shall be tomorrow. This is the thing thou seekest.

yTodk\ d;g

14. As water that raineth in the rough and difficult places, runneth to many sides on the mountain-tops, so he that seeth
separate law and action of the one Spirit, followeth in the
track of what he seeth.


Kena and Other Upanishads: Part One

yTodk\ f;!

ev\ m;n

15. But as pure water that is poured into pure water, even as it
was such it remaineth, so is it with the soul of the thinker
who knoweth God, O seed of Gotama.



{ tt^ 1
Yama said:
1. The Unborn who is not devious-minded hath a city with
eleven gates; when He taketh up his abode in it, He grieveth
not, but when He is set free from it, that is His deliverance.
This is the thing thou seekest.

h\s, f;Ecqd^ vs;r tEr"s!otA v

2. Lo, the Swan whose dwelling is in the purity, He is the Vasu
in the interregions, the Sacrificer at the altar, the Guest in
the vessel of the drinking; He is in man and in the Great
Ones and His home is in the Law and His dwelling is in
the firmament; He is all that is born of water and all that is
born of earth and all that is born of the mountains. He is
the Truth and He is the Mighty One.


dvA upAst

3. This is He that draweth the main breath upward and casteth
the lower breath downward. The Dwarf that sitteth in the
centre, to Him all the Gods do homage.

Katha Upanishad



dhAd^ Evm;QymAn-y Ekm/ pErEfyt

{ tt^ 4
4. When this encased spirit that is in the body falleth away
from it, when He is freed from its casing, what is there then
that remaineth? This is the thing thou seekest.


5. Man that is mortal liveth not by the breath, no, nor by the
lower breath; but by something else we live in which both
these have their being.

6. Surely, O Gautama, I will tell thee of this secret and eternal
Brahman and likewise what becometh of the soul when one

yoEnm y

-TAZ;m y

7. For some enter a womb to the embodying of the Spirit
and others follow after the Immovable; according to their
deeds is their goal and after the measure of their revealed

y eq s;I


{ tt^ 8
8. This that waketh in the sleepers creating desire upon desire,
this Purusha, Him they call the Bright One, Him Brahman,
Him Immortality, and in Him are all the worlds established;
none goeth beyond Him. This is the thing thou seekest.


Kena and Other Upanishads: Part One

9. Even as one Fire hath entered into the world but it shapeth
itself to the forms it meeteth, so there is one Spirit within all
creatures but it shapeth itself to form and form; it is likewise
outside these.

10. Even as one Air hath entered into the world but it shapeth
itself to the forms it meeteth, so there is one Spirit within all
creatures but it shapeth itself to form and form; it is likewise
outside these.


11. Even as the Sun is the eye of all this world, yet it is not soiled
by the outward blemishes of the visual, so there is one Spirit
within all creatures, but the sorrow of this world soils it not,
for it is beyond grief and his danger.

tmA(m-T\ y

12. One calm and controlling Spirit within all creatures that
maketh one form into many fashions; the calm and strong
who see Him in the self as in a mirror, theirs is eternal felicity
and 'tis not for others.

En(yo_En(yAnA\ c

tmA(m-T\ y

13. The One Eternal in many transient, the One Conscious in
many conscious beings, who being One ordereth the desires
of many; the calm and strong who behold Him in the self
as in a mirror, theirs is eternal peace and 'tis not for others.

Katha Upanishad



kT\ n; tEjAnFyA\ Ekm; BAEt EvBAEt vA 14
14. "This is He," is all they can realise of Him, a highest felicity
which none can point to nor any define it. How shall I
know of Him whether He shineth or reflecteth one light and


15. There the Sun cannot shine and the moon has no lustre; all
the stars are blind; there our lightnings flash not, neither
any earthly fire. For all that is bright is but the shadow of
His brightness and by His shining all this shineth.



{ tt^ 1
Yama said:
1. This is the eternal uswattha tree whose roots are aloft, but
its branches are downward. It is He that is called the Bright
One and Brahman and Immortality, and in Him are all the
worlds established; none goeth beyond Him. This is the
thing thou seekest.

2. All this universe of motion moveth in the Prana and from
the Prana also it proceeded; a mighty terror is He, yea, a
thunderbolt uplifted. Who know Him are the immortals.


Kena and Other Upanishads: Part One

3. For fear of Him the fire burneth, for fear of Him the sun
giveth heat, for fear of Him Indra and Vayu and Death
hasten in their courses.

ih c

tt, sg

4. If in this world of men and before thy body fall from
thee, thou art able to apprehend it, then thou availest for
embodiment in the worlds that are His creations.


5. In the self one seeth God as in a mirror but as in a dream
in the world of the fathers, and as in water one seeth the
surface of an object, so one seeth Him in the world of the
Gandharvas; but He is seen as light and shade in the heaven
of the Spirit.

6. The calm soul having comprehended the separateness of the
senses and the rising of them and their setting and their
separate emergence putteth from him pain and sorrow.

iE d1y

sRvAdED mhAnA(mA mhto_&y?tm;7mm^ 7
7. The mind is higher than the senses, and above the mind is
the thought, and above the thought is the mighty Spirit, and
above the Mighty One is the Unmanifest.

Katha Upanishad


a&y?tA7; pr, p;zqo &yApko_El= ev c.
y\ *A(vA m;Qyt

8. But highest above the Unmanifest is the Purusha who pervadeth all and alone hath no sign nor feature. Mortal man
knowing Him is released into immortality.


9. He hath not set His body within the ken of seeing, neither
doth any man with the eye behold Him, but to the heart and
mind and the supermind He is manifest. Who know Him
are the immortals.

ydA p0cAvEt: t

10. When the five senses cease and are at rest and the mind
resteth with them and the Thought ceaseth from its workings, that is the highest state, say thinkers.

tA\ yogEmEt m y t

11. The state unperturbed when the senses are imprisoned in the
mind, of this they say "it is Yoga". Then man becomes very
vigilant, for Yoga is the birth of things and their ending.12


a-tFEt b}vto_ y/
kT\ td;pl

12. Not with the mind hath man the power to see God, no, nor
by speech nor with the eye. Unless one saith "He is," how
can one become sensible of Him?
12 Shankara interprets, "As Yoga hath a beginning (birth) so hath it an ending." But

this is not what the Sruti says.


Kena and Other Upanishads: Part One



13. One must apprehend Him in the concept "He is" and also
in His essential principle, but when he hath grasped Him as
the Is, then the essential of Him dawneth upon a man.

ydA sv

14. When every desire that harboureth in the heart of a man
hath been loosened from its moorings, then this mortal putteth on immortality; even here he enjoyeth Brahman in this
human body.

ydA sv

15. When all the strings of the heart are rent asunder, even here
in this human birth, then the mortal becometh immortal.
This is the whole teaching of the Scriptures.

ft\ c


16. A hundred and one are the nerves of the heart and of all
these only one issueth out through the head of a man; by
this the soul mounteth up to its immortal home but the rest
lead him to all sorts and conditions of births in his passing.

a=;:mA/, p;zqo_ trA(mA sdA jnAnA\ dy

h m;0jAEdv


17. The Purusha, the Spirit within, who is no larger than the
finger of a man is seated for ever in the heart of creatures;
one must separate Him with patience from one's own body
as one separates from a blade of grass its main fibre. Thou

Katha Upanishad


shalt know Him for the Bright Immortal, yea, for the Bright

18. Thus did Nachiketas with Death for his teacher win the
God-knowledge; he learned likewise the whole ordinance
of the Yoga: thereafter he obtained Brahman and became
void of stain and void of death. So shall another be who
cometh likewise to the science of the Spirit.

Mundaka Upanishad

Mundaka Upanishad

1. Brahma first of the Gods was born, the creator of all, the
world's protector; he to Atharvan, his eldest son, declared
the God-knowledge in which all sciences have their foundation.

2. The God-knowledge by Brahma declared to Atharvan,
Atharvan of old declared to Angir; he to Satyavaha the
Bharadwaja told it, the Bharadwaja to Angiras, both the
higher and the lower knowledge.

fOnko h v

Bgvo Ev*At

3. Shaunaka, the great house-lord, came to Angiras in the due
way of the disciple and asked of him, "Lord, by knowing
what does all this that is become known?"


prA c
{vAprA c 4
4. To him thus spoke Angiras: Twofold is the knowledge that
must be known of which the knowers of the Brahman tell,
the higher and the lower knowledge.

t/AprA _`v

Enz?t\ C do >yoEtqEmEt. aT prA yyA td"rmEDgMyt


Kena and Other Upanishads: Part One

5. Of which the lower, the Rig Veda and the Yajur Veda
and the Sama Veda and the Atharva Veda, chanting, ritual, grammar, etymological interpretation, and prosody and
astronomy. And then the higher by which is known the

yt^ tdd


6. That the invisible, that the unseizable, without connections,
without hue, without eye or ear, that which is without hands
or feet, eternal, pervading, which is in all things and impalpable, that which is Imperishable, that which is the womb
of creatures sages behold everywhere.

yTA st, p;zqA(k

7. As the spider puts out and gathers in, as herbs spring up
upon the earth, as hair of head and body grow from a living
man, so here all is born from the Immutable.

tpsA cFyt

8. Brahman grows by his energy at work, and then from Him
is Matter born, and out of Matter life, and mind and truth
and the worlds, and in works immortality.


9. He who is the Omniscient, the all-wise, He whose energy
is all made of knowledge, from Him is born this that is
Brahman here, this Name and Form and Matter.

questions, comments, suggestions/feedback, take-down requests, contribute, etc
contact me @ or
join the integral discord server (chatrooms)
if the page you visited was empty, it may be noted and I will try to fill it out. cheers











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Wikipedia - U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit
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selforum - sri aurobindo classifies eleven poets's_Eleven_(2001_film)
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The New Scooby and Scrappy-Doo Show (1983 - 1983) - "The New Scooby and Scrappy Doo Show" is the sixth incarnation of the Hanna-Barbera Saturday morning cartoon Scooby-Doo. It premiered on September 10, 1983, and ran for one season on ABC as a half-hour program made up of two eleven-minute short cartoons. (In 1984 for the second season, the name of t...
Yin Yang Yo! (2006 - 2009) - Yin Yang Yo! is the most popular Disney/Jetix cartoon that started in 2006. It revolves eleven-year-old rabbits Yin and Yang trained by Master Yo to defeat evil with Woo Foo. The show was created by Bob Boyle II, who also created Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!
Frasier (1993 - 2004) - Frasier is an American sitcom that was broadcast on NBC for eleven seasons, premiering on September 16, 1993, and concluding on May 13, 2004.
Tak and the Power of Juju (2007 - 2009) - an American CGI animated television series that formerly aired on Nickelodeon from August 31, 2007 to January 24, 2009. Based on the 2003 video game of the same name, the show consists of two eleven minute stories per half-hour episode. It is Nickelodeon's first all-CGI series (produced in house) an...
Inazuma Eleven (2008 - 2011) - Inazuma Irebun, lit. "Lightning Eleven") is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Tenya Yabuno based on a series of video games created by Level-5. The manga has been published by Shogakukan in CoroCoro Comic since the June 2008 issue. The manga series won the 2010 Kodansha Manga Award...
Zombie-Loan (2007 - Current) - An anime adaptation produced by Xebec M2 was announced and started broadcast on the Japanese network TV Asahi on July 3, 2007. It contained a total of eleven episodes, with the final broadcast on September 11, 2007. Subsequent episodes 12 and 13 were released as part of the seventh volume of the DVD...
HappinessCharge PreCure! (2014 - 2015) - a 2014 Japanese magical girl anime series produced by Toei Animation, and the eleventh installment in Izumi Todo's Pretty Cure metaseries, released to celebrate its 10th anniversary.[2] It is directed by Tatsuya Nagamine, who previously directed HeartCatch PreCure!, and written by Yoshimi Narita, wh...
The Amazing Race (2001 - Current) - Eleven teams of two people compete in a race around the world split into 12 legs and each with intense physical challenges. Each leg of the race is covered by one episode.
Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated (2010 - 2013) - The eleventh TV show in the Scooby-Doo franchise sees the Mystery Inc. gang solving mysteries and secrets all over their hometown of Crystal Cove.
The Peanut Butter Solution(1985) - Peanut butter is the secret ingredient for magic potions made by two 'friendly' ghosts. Eleven-year-old Michael looses all of his hair when he gets a 'fright' and uses the potion to get his hair back, but too much peanut butter causes things to get a bit 'hairy'.A young Celine Dion performs"Listen t...
12 Angry Men(1997) - A jury argues a case in a stuffy room on a hot summer's day. Eleven say "guilty!" But one holdout (Jack Lemmon) is convinced of the defendant's innocence and stubbornly argues "reasonable doubt." This tense courtroom drama is a remake of Sidney Lumet's 1957 favorite and was produced for the Showtime...
Undercover Blues(1993) - Nick and Nora Charles are updated to a touchy-feely couple of the 1990s who take a break from the action to raise their eleven-month-old child. Kathleen Turner and Dennis Quaid star as Jane and Jeff Blue, two CIA super-agents who have abandoned the daily grind to devote quality time to their baby bu...
Little Criminals(1995) - The story is mainly about an eleven year old kid called Des. He and his friends do all kinds of illegal things like vandalism, stealing, lighting fires, mug people and using drugs. They do this because of a law which says that they cannot be charged until the age of twelve. When Des meets Cory, they...
Pokmon: Giratina & the Sky Warrior(2008) - The eleventh Pokemon movie. In the Reverse World, a word parallel to that of our own, lives the Pokemon Giratina, its sole inhabitant. After the warriors of space & time Dialga & Palkia engage in a fight which enrages Giratina, the only one sough to stop it is Shaymin, the Gratitude Pokemon. Failing...
They Were Eleven(1986) - The elite Cosmo Academy attracts applicants from every stellar nation in the galaxy. One young hopeful is Tadatos Lane, an orphan esper from Terra. The final stage of the academy's entrance exam is a perilous mission simulation aboard an actual derelict starship. The applicants depart for the ships...
Mad Hot Ballroom(2005) - A documentary movie about eleven New York City public school kids who dream of ballroom dancing. The movie gives an in-depth look at the students' lives through their point of views and shows how they all get along, despite their different cultures, as they make their way up to the city competition.
The Child(1977) - A newly-hired housekeeper in a remote area is alarmed to discover that her boss's eleven-year-old daughter is using her supernatural powers to take revenge on the people she holds responsible for her mother's death, with the aid of her flesh-eating zombie 'friends'...
The Longshots(2008) - The true story of Jasmine Plummer who, at the age of eleven, became the first female to play in Pop Warner football tournament in its 56-year history.
Cheaper by the Dozen(2003) - Cheaper by the Dozen is the life story of Kate Baker and her large family. Her husband Tom is a college football coach and they have twelve children, with eleven living at home. After Tom receives a job offer from an old friend, the family move to Evanston, Illinois much to the protest of the younge...
Night at the Museum(2006) - Larry Daley is divorced, unable to keep a steady job, and has failed at many business ventures including his dream job of being an inventor. His ex-wife fears his lifestyle is a bad influence on his eleven-year-old son Nick. One day, an elderly nigh security guard at the American Museum of Natural H...
Star Trek (2009)(2009) - Star Trek is a 2009 American science fiction action film directed by J. J. Abrams, written by Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman and distributed by Paramount Pictures. It is the eleventh film of the Star Trek film franchise and is also a reboot that features the main characters of the original Star Trek...
Halloween(2018) - Halloween is a 2018 American horror slasher film directed by David Gordon Green and written by Green, Jeff Fradley, and Danny McBride. It is the eleventh installment in the Halloween film series and a direct sequel to the 1978 film of the same name while effecting a retcon of all previous sequels. O...
Diary of a Wimpy Kid(2010) - Based on the mega-popular novel by Jeff Kinney eleven-year-old Greg Heffley is just starting middle school along with his best fried Rowley Jefferson. Despite constantly being picked on by his older brother Rodrick and bickering with his younger brother Manny, Greg believes that he will be famous an... -- -- Sci-Fi, Comedy, Mecha -- Sci-Fi, Sports, Super Power, Shounen -- Adventure, Comedy, Mystery, Police, Shounen, Sports -- Sports, Super Power, Shounen -- Sports, Super Power, Shounen -- Action, Kids, Mecha, Sports -- Comedy -- Shounen, Sports, Super Power -- -- -- -- -- -- Comedy -- Sports -- Sports -- Sports, Super Power, Shounen -- Shounen, Sports, Super Power
Before I Disappear (2014) ::: 7.2/10 -- Unrated | 1h 33min | Adventure, Drama | 28 November 2014 (USA) -- At the lowest point of his life, Richie gets a call from his estranged sister, asking him to look after his eleven-year old niece, Sophia, for a few hours. Director: Shawn Christensen Writer:
Cheaters (2000) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Drama | TV Movie 20 May 2000 -- Eleven students conspire with their teacher to cheat on an academic competition. Director: John Stockwell Writer: John Stockwell
Cheaters (2000) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Drama | TV Movie 20 May 2000 -- Eleven students conspire with their teacher to cheat on an academic competition.
Eleventh Hour ::: TV-14 | 45min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (20082009) -- A government scientist and his tough attractive FBI handler try to save people from deadly scientific experiments, poisoners, rare diseases, and environmental hazards. Creator:
Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C. 2nd GIG - Individual Eleven (2006) ::: 8.4/10 -- Kkaku kidtai: S.A.C. 2nd GIG - Individual eleven (original title) -- 2007 Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C. 2nd GIG - Individual Eleven Poster -- A new terrorist organization known as the Individual Eleven is bent on mass destruction. Will the cyborg detective heroine and her elite anti-crime unit be able to stop them? Director: Kenji Kamiyama
Good Omens ::: TV-MA | 5h 28min | Comedy, Fantasy | TV Mini-Series (2019) Episode Guide 6 episodes Good Omens Poster -- A tale of the bungling of Armageddon features an angel, a demon, an eleven-year-old Antichrist, and a doom-saying witch. Creators: Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett
Ocean's 11 (1960) ::: 6.6/10 -- Ocean's Eleven (original title) -- Ocean's 11 Poster -- Danny Ocean gathers a group of his World War II compatriots to pull off the ultimate Las Vegas heist. Together the eleven friends plan to rob five Las Vegas casinos in one night. Director: Lewis Milestone Writers:
Ocean's Eleven (2001) ::: 7.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 56min | Crime, Thriller | 7 December 2001 (USA) -- Danny Ocean and his ten accomplices plan to rob three Las Vegas casinos simultaneously. Director: Steven Soderbergh Writers: George Clayton Johnson, Jack Golden Russell | 3 more credits
Ocean's Eleven (2001) ::: 7.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 56min | Crime, Thriller | 7 December 2001 (USA) -- Danny Ocean and his ten accomplices plan to rob three Las Vegas casinos simultaneously.
Ocean's Thirteen (2007) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 2min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 8 June 2007 (USA) -- Danny Ocean rounds up the boys for a third heist after casino owner Willy Bank double-crosses one of the original eleven, Reuben Tishkoff. Director: Steven Soderbergh Writers: Brian Koppelman, David Levien | 2 more credits
Ocean's Twelve (2004) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 5min | Crime, Thriller | 10 December 2004 (USA) -- Daniel Ocean recruits one more team member so he can pull off three major European heists in this sequel to Ocean's Eleven (2001). Director: Steven Soderbergh Writers: George Nolfi, George Clayton Johnson (characters) | 1 more credit
Off the Map (2003) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 45min | Drama | 4 April 2007 (Australia) -- An eleven-year-old girl watches her father come down with a crippling depression. Over one summer, she learns answers to several mysteries, and comes to terms with love and loss. Director: Campbell Scott Writers:
Playing by Heart (1998) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 2h 1min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 22 January 1999 (USA) -- Eleven articulate people work through affairs of the heart in Los Angeles. Director: Willard Carroll Writer: Willard Carroll
Sivas (2014) ::: 7.4/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 37min | Drama | 31 October 2014 (Turkey) -- An eleven-year-old boy and a weathered fighting dog develop a strong relationship after the boy finds the dog wounded in a ditch, left to die. Director: Kaan Mjdeci Writer: Kaan Mjdeci Stars:
The Cure (1995) ::: 7.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 37min | Drama | 21 April 1995 (USA) -- Erik, a loner, finds a friend in Dexter, an eleven-year-old boy with AIDS. They vow to find a cure for AIDS together and save Dexter's life in an eventful summer. Director: Peter Horton Writer:
The List of Adrian Messenger (1963) ::: 6.9/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 38min | Mystery, Thriller | 29 May 1963 (USA) -- A former intelligence officer is tasked by the heir to the Gleneyre estate to investigate the unusual deaths of a disparate group of eleven men on a list. Director: John Huston Writers: Anthony Veiller (screenplay by), Philip MacDonald (based upon a story by)
The Loud House ::: TV-Y7 | 22min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2016 ) -- Lincoln Loud is an eleven-year-old boy who lives with ten sisters. With the help of his right-hand man Clyde, Lincoln finds new ways to survive in such a large family every day. Creators:
The Wild Thornberrys ::: TV-Y7 | 30min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | TV Series (19982004) -- The life of an adventurous family, from the point of view of an eleven-year-old girl gifted with animal language. Creators: Jeff Astrof, Gabor Csupo, Arlene Klasky | 6 more credits'_War_(Hamilton_Dies)!!,_eleventh_gradient,_eleventh_story_arc's_Last_Stand's_TARDIS's_gang
Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 1 - Yokuryuu wa Maiorita -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 1 - Yokuryuu wa Maiorita Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 1 - Yokuryuu wa Maiorita -- It is the year 2017, and Europe is being invaded by the forces of the Holy Britannian Empire. In an attempt to combat the opposition's overwhelming pressure and put an end to the massive casualties, the army forms a special unit called Wyvern, or W-0, composed of former Japanese citizens referred to as "Elevens." Recruited from ghettos, these young men and women pilot Knightmare frames—humanoid war machines—into dangerous operations where death awaits, hoping to make a name for themselves. -- -- When a European regiment attempting to recapture a crucial city is pinned down by the enemy, it's up to W-0 to bail them out. Among those selected for the rescue operation is Lieutenant Akito Hyuuga, known as "Hannibal's Ghost" due to his prowess on the battlefield. However, the supposed rescue mission becomes suicidal when, in an attempt to take out as many Britannians as possible, the commanding officer initiates the Knightmare's self-destruct sequence. In its aftermath, Akito finds that he is the last one standing… -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Jul 16, 2012 -- 153,710 7.40
Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 -- -- Sunrise -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Super Power Drama Mecha -- Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 -- One year has passed since the Black Rebellion, a failed uprising against the Holy Britannian Empire led by the masked vigilante Zero, who is now missing. At a loss without their revolutionary leader, Area 11's resistance group—the Black Knights—find themselves too powerless to combat the brutality inflicted upon the Elevens by Britannia, which has increased significantly in order to crush any hope of a future revolt. -- -- Lelouch Lamperouge, having lost all memory of his double life, is living peacefully alongside his friends as a high school student at Ashford Academy. His former partner C.C., unable to accept this turn of events, takes it upon herself to remind him of his past purpose, hoping that the mastermind Zero will rise once again to finish what he started, in this thrilling conclusion to the series. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- 1,328,109 8.91
Detective Conan Movie 16: The Eleventh Striker -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Mystery Police Shounen Sports -- Detective Conan Movie 16: The Eleventh Striker Detective Conan Movie 16: The Eleventh Striker -- In Touto Stadium, a J. League soccer match is taking place. During this, Detective Kogorou Mouri receives a bomb threat from an unknown caller and a mysterious riddle that points to its location. Conan Edogawa must now save the fans of the game before the time runs out. -- -- Fortunately, with Conan's quick actions and clever thinking, the bomb is discovered and the explosion is evaded. The culprit does not stop there; Detective Kogorou is informed of another hidden bomb set to explode at a large event in the city. Forced into a race against time, with thousands of more lives at stake, Conan must decipher another riddle, discover the place of the bomb, and catch the culprit in order to escape a terrible tragedy. -- -- Movie - Apr 14, 2012 -- 33,061 7.73
Donten ni Warau -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Historical Shoujo Supernatural -- Donten ni Warau Donten ni Warau -- When swords were outlawed in the eleventh year of the Meiji Era, the mighty samurai population began to dwindle. Those who rejected the ban on blades rebelled, causing violent unrest to erupt throughout the countryside. To combat the rise in criminal activity, an inescapable lake prison was constructed. Three young men, born of the Kumoh line, were given the duty of delivering criminals to their place of confinement—but could there be more to their mission than meets the eye? -- -- (Source: FUNimation) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Oct 4, 2014 -- 106,490 7.52
Donten ni Warau -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Historical Shoujo Supernatural -- Donten ni Warau Donten ni Warau -- When swords were outlawed in the eleventh year of the Meiji Era, the mighty samurai population began to dwindle. Those who rejected the ban on blades rebelled, causing violent unrest to erupt throughout the countryside. To combat the rise in criminal activity, an inescapable lake prison was constructed. Three young men, born of the Kumoh line, were given the duty of delivering criminals to their place of confinement—but could there be more to their mission than meets the eye? -- -- (Source: FUNimation) -- TV - Oct 4, 2014 -- 106,490 7.52
Donten ni Warau Gaiden: Ketsubetsu, Yamainu no Chikai -- -- Blade, Wit Studio -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Historical Supernatural -- Donten ni Warau Gaiden: Ketsubetsu, Yamainu no Chikai Donten ni Warau Gaiden: Ketsubetsu, Yamainu no Chikai -- One year has passed after the great battle against the "Orochi" (gigantic snake). Tenka had been paralyzed from the final battle and he took part of the government's human experiment before the battle. Tenka withdrew himself from society, but his younger brothers, Soramaru and Chuutaro, find out the secret past about their older brother. -- -- (Source: Amazon Prime Video) -- -- Licensor: -- Eleven Arts -- Movie - Dec 2, 2017 -- 11,188 7.40
Donten ni Warau Gaiden: Shukumei, Soutou no Fuuma -- -- Blade, Wit Studio -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Historical Supernatural -- Donten ni Warau Gaiden: Shukumei, Soutou no Fuuma Donten ni Warau Gaiden: Shukumei, Soutou no Fuuma -- Fuuma ninja clan is a secret ninja tribe that is waiting for the "Orochi" (gigantic snake) to resurrect for generations. Shirasu and his twin brother Ichiu grew up in this viscous environment and this tells how they become the leaders of the clan. -- -- (Source: Amazon Prime Video) -- -- Licensor: -- Eleven Arts -- Movie - Jun 9, 2018 -- 8,361 7.52
Girls & Panzer: Shoukai Shimasu! -- -- Actas -- 2 eps -- Original -- Military School -- Girls & Panzer: Shoukai Shimasu! Girls & Panzer: Shoukai Shimasu! -- Specials aired between episodes five and six and episodes ten and eleven, both recapitulation episodes. -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Special - Nov 13, 2012 -- 17,349 6.63
Hibike! Euphonium Movie 2: Todoketai Melody -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Drama Music School -- Hibike! Euphonium Movie 2: Todoketai Melody Hibike! Euphonium Movie 2: Todoketai Melody -- Following their success in the qualifying round for the Kansai regional competition, the members of the Kitauji High School concert band set their sights on the next upcoming performance. Utilizing their summer break to the utmost, the band participates in a camp where they are instructed by their band advisor Noboru Taki and his friends who make their living as professional musicians. -- -- Kumiko Oumae and her friends remain determined to attain gold at the Kansai competition, but trouble arises when a student who once quit the band shows interest in rejoining and sparks unpleasant memories for the second-year members. Kumiko also learns about her teacher's surprising past and the motivation behind his desire to lead the band to victory. Reaching nationals will require hard work, and the adamant conviction in each student's commitment to the band will be put to the test. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Eleven Arts -- Movie - Sep 30, 2017 -- 20,503 7.74
Hibike! Euphonium Movie 3: Chikai no Finale -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Music Drama School -- Hibike! Euphonium Movie 3: Chikai no Finale Hibike! Euphonium Movie 3: Chikai no Finale -- A new year signifies a new beginning, and that seems to be the case for Kitauji High School’s concert band. Following the graduation of the third-year seniors comes the entrance of the first-year juniors. The band members put in their utmost effort in practicing for their goal—to enter nationals. -- -- The now second-year Kumiko Oumae, along with her friends, is met with the new and quirky batch of first-years, resulting in friction and conflict between the band members. However, as time passes, their inner feelings slowly unravel, but not every conflict is as easy to solve as the other. The trust and bonds between the band members will be challenged as they push forward for their regionals. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Eleven Arts -- Movie - Apr 19, 2019 -- 40,620 7.76
Inazuma Eleven -- -- OLM -- 127 eps -- Game -- Sports Super Power Shounen -- Inazuma Eleven Inazuma Eleven -- While other schools in Japan compete for the title of being the best soccer team in the country, Raimon Middle School's soccer club, Inazuma Eleven, struggles to rise from the verge of being disbanded. The grandson of Inazuma Eleven's first generation goalkeeper and captain of the team, Mamoru Endou, takes the challenge of kicking the long neglected club back into shape. To do this, he'll need a little help and more than a little luck. -- -- Mamoru Endou finds hope in the hands of Shuuya Gouenji, a brilliant young player who has given up on soccer. Mamoru is determined to get Shuuya and other new recruits to join his team, no matter what the cost. Is his passion and determination enough to treat the ailing club? Or is there no more hope for the team? -- TV - Oct 5, 2008 -- 146,492 7.60
Inazuma Eleven Go -- -- OLM -- 47 eps -- Game -- Shounen Sports Super Power -- Inazuma Eleven Go Inazuma Eleven Go -- Tenma Matsukaze is a new student at Raimon Junior High. Due to his love for soccer, he decides to join the school soccer team, which gained its reputation after the amazing performance shown ten years earlier in the Football Frontier International, a tournament that hosts the best youth teams the world has to offer. Unfortunately, the once renowned school doesn't have the soccer spirit it once enjoyed. -- -- This is primarily due to the fact that soccer in Japan is now controlled by a dark entity known as the "Fifth Sector." They alone decide the fate of every match, instructing teams to either win or lose. The actions of the Fifth Sector have beaten down the country’s soccer teams, who no longer have a love for the game. -- -- Tenma and his teammates will look to shift this paradigm and fight back against their evil oppressors. Thankfully, they will not be alone in this battle, as they will get help from a group known as the "Resistance." Cheer on the boys of Inazuma Eleven Go as they fight the good fight! -- TV - May 4, 2011 -- 57,397 6.96
Inazuma Eleven Go: Chrono Stone -- -- OLM -- 51 eps -- Game -- Sports Super Power Shounen -- Inazuma Eleven Go: Chrono Stone Inazuma Eleven Go: Chrono Stone -- Inazuma Eleven Go: Chrono Stone is set after the Holy Road Soccer Tournament. The hero of of the moment, Tenma Matsukaze, traveled all over Japan to teach soccer to kids. -- -- He returns to Raimon Junior High School after completing his mission, but to his surprise, it's no longer the same Raimon Junior High that he remembers. The soccer club is non-existent, and the members of the champion team in the Holy Road Soccer Tournament have no recollection of taking part in the tournament. They neither remember Tenma nor the game of soccer they loved. As Tenma is baffled by this twist, Alpha, the leader of the Route Agents and captain of Protocol Omega team, suddenly appears before him. Alpha declares that he and his team are responsible for wiping out passion for soccer in Raimon along with the memories of the soccer club members: and Tenma himself is next. -- -- That's when a strange boy named Fei Rune appears just in time to save him. Just who is Fei, and why does Alpha want to eliminate soccer for good? Tenma knows that he needs to do everything in his power to emerge victorious. It's a battle that could seal the fate of soccer forever. -- 40,499 7.17
Inazuma Eleven Go: Galaxy -- -- OLM -- 43 eps -- Game -- Shounen Sports Super Power -- Inazuma Eleven Go: Galaxy Inazuma Eleven Go: Galaxy -- After fighting to free the game of soccer in Japan from the Fifth Sector, the country's soccer squads can once again look forward to stepping onto the field. However, a new challenge will emerge for Japanese players in the form of the Football Frontier International Vision 2, a new tournament that will bring together the best teams each country can assemble. -- -- Tenma Matsukaze and his Raimon teammates, Takuto Shindou and Kyousuke Tsurugi, are once again part of the action as they have been selected to play for the Japanese representative, Inazuma Japan. Much to their surprise, the coach selects eight other players that have no previous experience playing soccer! -- -- Team Inazuma Japan will have a huge mountain to climb, building chemistry and skills as they go along. What they don’t know is that the tournament will set the stage for something much bigger, something out of this world in Inazuma Eleven Go: Galaxy! -- TV - May 8, 2013 -- 33,690 6.63
Inazuma Eleven Go: Kyuukyoku no Kizuna Gryphon -- -- OLM -- 1 ep -- Game -- Sci-Fi Sports Super Power Shounen -- Inazuma Eleven Go: Kyuukyoku no Kizuna Gryphon Inazuma Eleven Go: Kyuukyoku no Kizuna Gryphon -- The Raimon team has been invited by Fifth Sector strangely to a soccer camp. When they agree, things go out of hand since it was revealed that Fifth Sector wants to eliminate them once and for all on the island called God Eden. Now, the Raimon team needs to train harder to be able to show that they have the strength to fight back and prove Fifth Sector's doings wrong. -- -- (Source: Inazuma Eleven Wiki) -- Movie - Dec 23, 2011 -- 12,052 7.39
Inazuma Eleven Go vs. Danball Senki W Movie -- -- OLM -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Kids Mecha Sports -- Inazuma Eleven Go vs. Danball Senki W Movie Inazuma Eleven Go vs. Danball Senki W Movie -- As Shinsei Inazuma Japan was about to have a match with Inazuma Legend Japan, a mysterious attack of a person and a swarm of robots interrupted, and another mysterious girl's power drove the world into another dimension. As the world of Inazuma Eleven Go and Danball Senki W met, the two teams must work together to find out what happened to their worlds. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- Movie - Dec 1, 2012 -- 9,791 7.01
Inazuma Eleven: Saikyou Gundan Ogre Shuurai -- -- OLM -- 1 ep -- - -- Shounen Sports Super Power -- Inazuma Eleven: Saikyou Gundan Ogre Shuurai Inazuma Eleven: Saikyou Gundan Ogre Shuurai -- An organization in the future sends the specially trained Team Ogre to defeat Endou Mamoru and his team, to prevent him from influencing the world with his soccer. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- Movie - Dec 23, 2010 -- 20,845 7.32
Kakegurui×× -- -- MAPPA -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Game Mystery Psychological School Shounen -- Kakegurui×× Kakegurui×× -- As Yumeko Jabami's fame grows and the reputation of the student council dwindles, Kirari Momobami decides to revolutionize the group. To this end, she announces an election for its next president. The rules are simple: each student in the school receives one chip. Whoever has the most chips by the end of thirty days becomes both the new president and the head of the Momobami clan. -- -- Upon receiving news of this development, the Momobami branch families spring into action. Eleven transfer students arrive at Hyakkao Private Academy, each aiming to lead both the school and the Momobami clan. Equipped with unique talents, they will compete to get as many chips as possible—but their chips are not the only things on the line. -- -- 480,876 7.28
Koe no Katachi -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Drama School Shounen -- Koe no Katachi Koe no Katachi -- As a wild youth, elementary school student Shouya Ishida sought to beat boredom in the cruelest ways. When the deaf Shouko Nishimiya transfers into his class, Shouya and the rest of his class thoughtlessly bully her for fun. However, when her mother notifies the school, he is singled out and blamed for everything done to her. With Shouko transferring out of the school, Shouya is left at the mercy of his classmates. He is heartlessly ostracized all throughout elementary and middle school, while teachers turn a blind eye. -- -- Now in his third year of high school, Shouya is still plagued by his wrongdoings as a young boy. Sincerely regretting his past actions, he sets out on a journey of redemption: to meet Shouko once more and make amends. -- -- Koe no Katachi tells the heartwarming tale of Shouya's reunion with Shouko and his honest attempts to redeem himself, all while being continually haunted by the shadows of his past. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Eleven Arts, NYAV Post -- Movie - Sep 17, 2016 -- 1,504,877 8.99
Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG -- -- Production I.G -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Military Sci-Fi Mystery Police Mecha Seinen -- Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG -- Following the closure of the "Laughing Man" case, Section 9 is re-established by Japan's newly elected Prime Minister, Youko Kayabuki, to combat the persistent threat of cyber-terrorism. -- -- A group calling themselves "The Individual Eleven" has begun committing acts of terror across Japan. While Motoko Kusanagi, Daisuke Aramaki, Batou, and the other members of Section 9 investigate this new menace, the Japanese government faces a separate crisis, as foreign refugees displaced by the Third World War seek asylum in Japan. But as the members of the special-ops team continually encounter Gouda Kazundo—a leading member of the Cabinet Intelligence Service—in their hunt, they begin to suspect that he may be involved, and that the events of the refugee crisis and The Individual Eleven may be more connected than they realize... -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Manga Entertainment -- TV - Jan 1, 2004 -- 194,747 8.54
Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG - Individual Eleven -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Sci-Fi Mecha -- Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG - Individual Eleven Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG - Individual Eleven -- Compilation movie of the "Individual Eleven" story from Ghost in the Shell: SAC 2nd Gig series. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Manga Entertainment -- Special - Jan 27, 2006 -- 25,741 8.02
Mirai Nikki -- -- Asread -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Supernatural Shounen -- Mirai Nikki Mirai Nikki -- A short OVA that was bundled with the limited edition of the eleventh volume of the manga. -- OVA - Dec 9, 2010 -- 192,864 7.25
Ongaku Shoujo (TV) -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Original -- Music Slice of Life -- Ongaku Shoujo (TV) Ongaku Shoujo (TV) -- There are eleven girls that consist the C-class Ongaku Shoujo idol unit under Pine Records. Despite generating red sales marks and not being very popular, Producer Ikebashi and the members are trying their very best to up their levels. Nevertheless, Ikebashi suggests recruiting a new member for Ongaku Shoujo; someone who can act as a catalyst for the success of the group. Thus, an audition was opened, leading to the soon-to-be legendary group's meeting to a girl named Hanako. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- 13,134 5.95
Penguin Highway -- -- Studio Colorido -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Fantasy Sci-Fi -- Penguin Highway Penguin Highway -- Schoolboy Aoyama is bright, inquisitive and a bit headstrong. He has a lot of brainwork to get busy with – after all, he'll be an adult in just a few thousand days. For the moment, though, he'll have to live life as a fourth-grader. Not that it's a bad life. -- -- Summer has arrived and school's nearly out. He has a crush on an intriguing older woman he's met at his dentist's office, who's coaching him in his chess game. And a colony of penguins has materialized in the middle of Aoyama's sleepy little town. Where on Earth – or elsewhere – did these waddling interlopers come from? Aoyama and his friends embark on a research mission, applying rigorous scientific methods and principles. Their discoveries, however, only lead to ever more puzzling wonders... -- -- (Source: Fantasia) -- -- Licensor: -- Eleven Arts -- Movie - Aug 17, 2018 -- 49,145 7.63
Poputepipikku -- -- Kamikaze Douga -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy Dementia Parody -- Poputepipikku Poputepipikku -- Poputepipikku turns absurdist comedy up to eleven with its pop culture references and surreal hilarity. With two bonafide high school girl protagonists—the short and exceptionally quick to anger Popuko, and the tall and unshakably calm Pipimi—they throw genres against the wall and don't wait to see what sticks. Parody is interlaced with drama, action, crudeness, and the show's overarching goal—to become a real anime. -- -- 174,464 7.28
Poputepipikku -- -- Kamikaze Douga -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy Dementia Parody -- Poputepipikku Poputepipikku -- Poputepipikku turns absurdist comedy up to eleven with its pop culture references and surreal hilarity. With two bonafide high school girl protagonists—the short and exceptionally quick to anger Popuko, and the tall and unshakably calm Pipimi—they throw genres against the wall and don't wait to see what sticks. Parody is interlaced with drama, action, crudeness, and the show's overarching goal—to become a real anime. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Sentai Filmworks -- 174,464 7.28
Sayonara no Asa ni Yakusoku no Hana wo Kazarou -- -- P.A. Works -- 1 ep -- Original -- Drama Fantasy -- Sayonara no Asa ni Yakusoku no Hana wo Kazarou Sayonara no Asa ni Yakusoku no Hana wo Kazarou -- Maquia is a member of a special race called the Iorph—mystical beings who can live for hundreds of years and remain separate from the lives and daily troubles of mankind. However, Maquia has always felt lonely despite being surrounded by her people, as she was orphaned from a young age. She daydreams about the outside world, but dares not travel from her home due to the warnings of the clan's chief. -- -- One day however, the outside world finds her, as the power-hungry kingdom of Mezarte invades her homeland. They already have what is left of the giant dragons, the Renato, under their control, and now their king wishes to add the immortality of the Iorph to his bloodline. -- -- The humans and their Renato ravage the Iorph homeland and kill most of its inhabitants. Caught in the midst of the attack, Maquia is carried off by one of the Renato that has gone berserk. It soon dies, and she is left deserted in a forest far from home, now truly alone save for the cries of a single baby off in the distance. Maquia finds the baby in a destroyed village and decides to raise him as her own, naming him Ariel. Although she knows nothing of the human world, how to raise a child that ages much faster than her, or how to live with the smoldering loneliness inside, she is determined to make it all work somehow. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Eleven Arts, Shout! Factory -- Movie - Feb 24, 2018 -- 264,866 8.44
Sennen Joyuu -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Drama Fantasy Historical Romance -- Sennen Joyuu Sennen Joyuu -- At the turn of the millennium, Ginei Studio's dilapidated buildings are set to be demolished. Ex-employee and filmmaker Genya Tachibana decides to honor this occasion with a commemorative documentary about the company's star actress: Chiyoko Fujiwara, the reclusive sweetheart of Shouwa Era cinema. Having finally obtained permission to interview the retired starlet, an enamored Genya drags along cynical cameraman Kyouji Ida to meet her, ready to put his lifelong idol back in the spotlight once more. -- -- Hidden in this secluded mountain retreat is a thousand years of history condensed into one lifetime, waiting to be narrated. Chiyoko's recollections take them on an illusionary journey through Japanese cinematic history that transcends the boundaries of reality; the saga of her acting career intertwines with her filmography, the actors in her life blend seamlessly with the characters on screen, and the present melds with the past. Though the actress may have retired at the height of her career 30 years ago, the curtain on her life's stage has yet to fall. -- -- -- Licensor: -- DreamWorks, Eleven Arts -- Movie - Sep 14, 2002 -- 131,992 8.27
Shirobako Movie -- -- P.A. Works -- 1 ep -- Original -- Comedy Drama -- Shirobako Movie Shirobako Movie -- The film's story is set four years after the events of the original Shirobako anime. Aoi Miyamori keeps busy dealing with the ordinary troubles in her daily work at Musashino Animation. After a morning meeting, Watanabe talks to Aoi and puts her in charge of a new theatrical anime project for the studio. The project has unexpected problems, and Aoi is unsure if the company can proceed with a theatrical anime with its current state of affairs. While dealing with that anxiety, Aoi meets a new colleague named Kaede Miyai (voiced by Ayane Sakura). She and the MusAni team work together to complete the project. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Eleven Arts -- Movie - Feb 29, 2020 -- 32,391 7.82
Soukou no Strain -- -- Studio Fantasia -- 13 eps -- Original -- Drama Ecchi Mecha Military Sci-Fi Space -- Soukou no Strain Soukou no Strain -- Eleven-year-old Sara Werec's elder brother, Ralph, was sent to the frontlines of an interstellar war 130 light years away, and Sara vowed to reunite with him one day as a comrade. Five years later, Sara is a student at Grapera Space Armed Soldier Academy, training to become a Reasoner, a pilot of an advanced weapons system called a "Strain." -- -- When the academy is suddenly attacked by enemy forces, Sara enters battle against a Strain that quickly overpowers her. After incapacitating her, the pilot reveals himself to be her Ralph. Killing all the other students and destroying the school, he disappears, leaving Sara to question everything she has ever known. Soukou no Strain is the story of Sara as she reenters training under a new name, now determined to confront her brother and make sense of her brother's actions. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Nov 2, 2006 -- 20,207 7.06
Super Lovers OVA -- -- Studio Deen -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Drama Romance Shounen Ai -- Super Lovers OVA Super Lovers OVA -- Bundled with manga's tenth and eleventh volume. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- OVA - Jan 1, 2017 -- 23,704 7.38
Super Lovers OVA -- -- Studio Deen -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Drama Romance Shounen Ai -- Super Lovers OVA Super Lovers OVA -- Bundled with manga's tenth and eleventh volume. -- OVA - Jan 1, 2017 -- 23,704 7.38
Uchuu no Hou: Reimei-hen -- -- HS Pictures Studio -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Space -- Uchuu no Hou: Reimei-hen Uchuu no Hou: Reimei-hen -- University students, Ray, Anna, Tyler, Halle, and Eisuke are enjoying college life and pursuing their dreams, but in reality, They have a secret mission, to fight against invading Reptilians from outer space. One day, Ray travels back in time to 330 million years ago on Earth, to find his missing friend Tyler who has fallen into a trap set by the evil alien, Dahar. During that time, Alpha, the God of the Earth, was planning to create a new civilization on Earth and invited Queen Zamza and her fellow Reptilian from the planet Zeta, to Earth. -- -- What is the intention of Dahar? What will happen to Ray and Tyler? -- -- And what is “the plan of the God of the Earth"? -- -- (Source: Eleven Arts) -- Movie - Oct 12, 2018 -- 1,370 5.42
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Eighteen Hundred and Eleven
Eleven (22-Pistepirkko album)
Eleven: A Music Company
Eleven Arrows F.C.
Eleven (band)
Eleven Blue Men
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Eleven Cities Cycling Tour
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Eleven Days, Eleven Nights
Eleven Days (novel)
Eleven Days War
Eleven Eleven
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Eleven tudes in the Form of Old Dances
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Eleventh Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan
Eleventh and Final Report of the Royal Commissioners appointed to Inquire into the Organization and Rules of Trades Unions and Other Associations
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Ford Thunderbird (eleventh generation)
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Good Times (Finger Eleven song)
Group of Eleven
Inazuma Eleven
Inazuma Eleven 2
Inazuma Eleven 3
Inazuma Eleven: Ares
Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
Inazuma Eleven GO: Galaxy
Inazuma Eleven GO: Galaxy (TV series)
Inazuma Eleven GO: Kykyoku no Kizuna Gurifon
Inazuma Eleven GO (TV series)
Inazuma Eleven GO (video game)
Inazuma Eleven GO vs. Danbru Senki W
Inazuma Eleven (manga)
Inazuma Eleven: Saiky Gundan ga Shrai
Indy Eleven
Indy Eleven NPSL
It Hurts to Be in Love and Eleven More Hit Songs
Level One (The Eleventh House album)
Lists of Inazuma Eleven episodes
Live at Maybeck Recital Hall, Volume Eleven
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Lotus 3-Eleven
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Romeo Eleven
September Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows
Sevens, Elevens, and Doubles
Six and One Half Times Eleven
Texas Eleven
The Day of the Siege: September Eleven 1683
The Eleven Devils
The Eleven Schill Officers
The Eleven Schill Officers (1926 film)
The Eleventh Commandment
The Eleventh Commandment (1970 film)
The Eleventh Commandment (Ronald Reagan)
The Eleventh Hour
The Eleventh Hour (1962 TV series)
The Eleventh Hour (book)
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The Eleventh Hour (Canadian TV series)
The Eleventh Hour (Doctor Who)
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