classes ::: question, remember, God,
children :::
branches ::: why God?
see also ::: Songs_of_God, Songs_of_Remembrance, why_Savitri?

Instances - Classes - See Also - Object in Names
Definitions - Quotes - Chapters

object:why God?

To remember God is.. what He is, why He is, when He is, how He is, what things are, why things are, how things are, where things come from and to where they are going is the whole mystery of existence. To remember, in various degrees and ways, is to know, to be and to be becoming. To answer this question is to reveal Light behind darkness, to turn "Evil" to Good, Suffering to Delight and meaninglessness Meaning.

To answer this question is to answer every question.

To forget, or not know God, is to know nothing, love nothing, feel nothing, sense nothing. To be sleepwalking around in the darkness of God's Night or to be consciously hiding from God for the sake of His Play.

For there is nothing else but God. All experiences are His forms.

To look at anything and not see God, is to not see it at all. In nothing is there not everything and in everything there is God as base, form, substance. There is nothing else but God.

I am God, That is God, All is God, God is All, Above All, Beyond All, Below All, Around All, Between All, Is All and Nothing and Both and More. All is God manifesting God. It is He trying to remember Himself. He is the Adventurer, the Ground, the Journey, the Goal. He is everything Good and all seemingly unredeemable Evils. All Hostile Forces, all perversion, he is Death as much as Life. Life as much as Matter and Mind and the Heavens and all Unmanifest. All Time and Space and Worlds are as if elements in Her Timeless Womb.
Anything you like, love, enjoy, hate, avoid is God manifesting as some force or formation. They cries of joy and sorrow in each part of the being are His cries for Himself.

Does thou deny? What else is there? How else? Why else? He is occult and obscure and inexplicable but no other answer is worth a fraction of this denied Truth. Who is the wisest? What do they proclaim? Where is there a real Master who says anything else? All other views are microtismal in their scope and depths. An other explanation is a hollow intention to justify ignoring the Call to wake from Sleep or a protective case so the roots can grow painlessly in the night Soil. But yes it is dark, but the Sun is there. You look in the wrong direction, the are many eyelids closed and waters are stirred and muddy.

Look within, ask thy Soul: "Is there God?" and it cries with unwavering certainty. Is there mud too in your ears even?
Ask the Mother of Light and Knowledge above: "Is there God?" and she either hit you for asking a question you know the answer to, or cradles you in her hands and tells you sweet Child He is or she lets you play hide-and-seek since it is your wish to play.

But be sure first that one actually wishes to know if he exists. Can you feel the demons shrinking at the thought? Where will they hide, how will they influence? They will be forced down into the depths, destroyed or forced to transform.

Come forward all Citizens of the Worlds, if you sincerely do not Deny the transforming Grace, they ask and He will Say, or Reveal, or Touch. If he hides from you it is so you will seek, so you will prepare, so you will first become. You must be God to know God.

--- ANSWER 2
Where come frometh the World and each Self and Soul? What are they and where do they go? All is God manifesting Himself through She. Why is God the answer? He is the only Answer.

--- TO DO
Add questions and answers from each part. At least for now Matter, Vital, Mind, Soul. If not all.
It seems like maybe I am answering "what is God?" rather than "why God?" but they are related.

It is absolutely baffling that this has no notes.. I didnt find much with araw either.. where are they? I must have some..

see also ::: why Savitri?
see also ::: Songs of God, Songs of Remembrance,

questions, comments, suggestions/feedback, take-down requests, contribute, etc
contact me @ or via the comments below
or join the integral discord server (chatrooms)
if the page you visited was empty, it may be noted and I will try to fill it out. cheers











why God?
select ::: Being, God, injunctions, media, place, powers, subjects,
favorite ::: cwsa, everyday, grade, mcw, memcards (table), project, project 0001, Savitri, the Temple of Sages, three js, whiteboard,
temp ::: consecration, experiments, knowledge, meditation, psychometrics, remember, responsibility, temp, the Bad, the God object, the Good, the most important, the Ring, the source of inspirations, the Stack, the Tarot, the Word, top priority, whiteboard,

--- DICTIONARIES (in Dictionaries, in Quotes, in Chapters)

--- QUOTES [0 / 0 - 3 / 3] (in Dictionaries, in Quotes, in Chapters)

KEYS (10k)


   3 Stephen King

*** NEWFULLDB 2.4M ***

1:When his life was ruined, his family killed, his farm destroyed, Job knelt down on the ground and yelled up to the heavens, "Why god? Why me?" and the thundering voice of God answered, There's just something about you that pisses me off. ~ Stephen King
2:When his life was ruined, his family killed, his farm destroyed, Job knelt down on the ground and yelled up to the heavens, "Why god? Why me?" and the thundering voice of God answered, "There's just something about you that pisses me off. ~ Stephen King
3:When his life was ruined, his family killed, his farm destroyed, Job knelt down on the ground and yelled up to the heavens, 'Why god? Why me?' and the thundering voice of God answered, 'There's just something about you that pisses me off.' ~ Stephen King

--- IN CHAPTERS (in Dictionaries, in Quotes, in Chapters)



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