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a canto of Savitri a day until completion


(2) a proposition about a method of obtaining knowledge: that every hypothesis should be subjected to continual testing; that the only or the best or a reliable method of obtaining knowledge of one or more of the above kinds is to doubt until something indubitable or as nearly indubitable as possible is found; that wherever evidence is indecisive, judgment should be suspended; that knowledge of all or certain kinds at some point rests on unproved postulates or assumptions;

(3) From 450 to the 18th century: During this period there is a general decline until the Carlovingian renaissance. Great names are not lacking, such as those of Pseudo-Denis the Areopagite, John Damascene, Boethius and Isidore of Seville. however, the originality and spiritual elevation of an Augustine are not to be found. The period is generally characterized by the elaboration and systematization of truths already formulated. Platonic and Neo-Platonic influences predominate, though Aristotle's logic holds an honored place throughout this pre-Scholastic era. Cf. Migne's Patrologiae Latinae -- H.Gu.

6to4 "networking" A {protocol} for transitioning from {IPv4} to {IPv6}. Networks may use 6to4 (or other transitioning protocols) until they support native {dual-stack}. Because 6to4 is a form of {tunnelling}, it requires {encapsulation} by a {protocol converter}. This can cause performance problems due to increased {latency} and decreased {MTU} sizes, as described in {RFC 6343 (}. {RFC 3056 (}. (2012-12-24)

adaptive learning "algorithm" (Or "{Hebbian} learning") Learning where a system programs itself by adjusting weights or strengths until it produces the desired output. (1995-03-16)

airily ::: adv. --> In an airy manner; lightly; gaily; jauntily; flippantly.

Ajita (Sanskrit) Ajita [from a not + the verbal root ji to conquer, triumph] The invisible, unsurpassed; in the Vayu-Purana, the highest of twelve gods, named jayas, who were created by Brahma to aid him at the beginning of the manvantara. But because they neglected his directives, Brahma “cursed” them to be born in each succeeding manvantara until the seventh, the Vaivasvata-manvantara (cf VP 1:15; n2, p. 26). These twelve jayas are the Hindu equivalent of the twelve great gods of Greco-Roman mythology. Because of their all-permeant character, on a lower scale these divinities are identical with the manasa, the jnana-devas, the rudras, and other classes of manifested deities. In these lower manifestations of their functions, they are identical with those dhyani-chohanic groups which “refuse to incarnate,” spoken of in The Secret Doctrine.

Akasic Samadhi [adjective of ākāśa ether, space + samādhi profound meditation from sam-ā-dha to hold or fix together (in abstract thought)] Used for the state of consciousness into which victims of accidental death enter: “a state of quiet slumber, a sleep full of rosy dreams, during which, they have no recollection of the accident, but move and live among their familiar friends and scenes, until their natural life-term is finished, when they find themselves born in the Deva-Chan . . .” (ML 109).

“All aspects of the omnipresent Reality have their fundamental truth in the Supreme Existence. Thus even the aspect or power of Inconscience, which seems to be an opposite, a negation of the eternal Reality, yet corresponds to a Truth held in itself by the self-aware and all-conscious Infinite. It is, when we look closely at it, the Infinite’s power of plunging the consciousness into a trance of self-involution, a self-oblivion of the Spirit veiled in its own abysses where nothing is manifest but all inconceivably is and can emerge from that ineffable latency. In the heights of Spirit this state of cosmic or infinite trance-sleep appears to our cognition as a luminous uttermost Superconscience: at the other end of being it offers itself to cognition as the Spirit’s potency of presenting to itself the opposites of its own truths of being,—an abyss of non-existence, a profound Night of inconscience, a fathomless swoon of insensibility from which yet all forms of being, consciousness and delight of existence can manifest themselves,—but they appear in limited terms, in slowly emerging and increasing self-formulations, even in contrary terms of themselves; it is the play of a secret all-being, all-delight, all-knowledge, but it observes the rules of its own self-oblivion, self-opposition, self-limitation until it is ready to surpass it. This is the Inconscience and Ignorance that we see at work in the material universe. It is not a denial, it is one term, one formula of the infinite and eternal Existence.” The Life Divine

Allfather, Alfadir (Icelandic) [from al all + fadir father] Odin, father of gods and men. As Allfather, Odin occurs on many levels: as the indwelling divinity in a universe and in every part of the universe. He is also, together with his two brother-gods, the creative power of life on each level of existence. Odin (divine intelligence, Sanskrit mahat), Vile (will), and Vi or Ve (awe, sanctity) comprise the cosmic creative trinity. They spring from Bur, the quasi-manifest or Second Logos, which in turn emanated from Buri, the legendary king of cold. Buri was immersed in the ice of non-being until the cow Audhumla, symbol of fertility, uncovered his head when licking the ice blocks for salt.

"All knowledge is ultimately the knowledge of God, through himself, through Nature, through her works. Mankind has first to seek this knowledge through the external life; for until its mentality is sufficiently developed, spiritual knowledge is not really possible, and in proportion as it is developed, the possibilities of spiritual knowledge become richer and fuller.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“All knowledge is ultimately the knowledge of God, through himself, through Nature, through her works. Mankind has first to seek this knowledge through the external life; for until its mentality is sufficiently developed, spiritual knowledge is not really possible, and in proportion as it is developed, the possibilities of spiritual knowledge become richer and fuller.” The Synthesis of Yoga

Alternating bit protocol "networking" (ABP) A simple {data link layer} {protocol} that retransmits lost or corrupted messages. Messages are sent from transmitter A to receiver B. Assume that the channel from A to B is initialised and that there are no messages in transit. Each message contains a data part, a {checksum}, and a one-bit {sequence number}, i.e. a value that is 0 or 1. When A sends a message, it sends it continuously, with the same sequence number, until it receives an acknowledgment ({ACK}) from B that contains the same sequence number. When that happens, A complements (flips) the sequence number and starts transmitting the next message. When B receives a message from A, it checks the checksum. If the message is not corrupted B sends back an ACK with the same sequence number. If it is the first message with that sequence number then it is sent for processing. Subsequent messages with the same sequence bit are simply acknowledged. If the message is corrupted B sends back an negative/error acknowledgment ({NAK}). This is optional, as A will continue transmitting until it receives the correct ACK. A treats corrupted ACK messages, and NAK messages in the same way. The simplest behaviour is to ignore them all and continue transmitting. (2000-10-28)

ambulatory ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to walking; having the faculty of walking; formed or fitted for walking; as, an ambulatory animal.
Accustomed to move from place to place; not stationary; movable; as, an ambulatory court, which exercises its jurisdiction in different places.
Pertaining to a walk.
Not yet fixed legally, or settled past alteration; alterable; as, the dispositions of a will are ambulatory until the

Ammon-Ra (Greek) Ámmōn-Rā Amen-Ra (Egyptian) Ȧmen-Rā. When the princes of Thebes had conquered all rival claimants to the sovereignty of Egypt and established themselves as rulers of the dual Empires, they followed in religious, mystical, and occult matters the thought of the powerful priesthood of Thebes. Thus after the 12th dynasty a new manner of visioning the ancient god Ammon came into prominence, under the name Ammon-Ra, although the latter’s preeminence as chief god of Egypt did not occur until the 17th dynasty. The attributes of the hidden deity Ammon were combined with the solar god Ra, and this deity was acclaimed by the priests as the chief of the gods of Egypt. Ammon-Ra seems to be devoid of most, at least, of the mystical symbols that are present in representations of the older deities, although the hymns to the god that were carefully prepared by the priests incorporated all the attributes and phraseology prevalent in the other scriptures.

Anahata-sabda (Sanskrit) Anāhata-śabda [from an not + ā-han to beat, strike + śabda sound from the verbal root śabd to make noise, cry out, invoke] Unstruck circle of sound; the immaterial sound produced by no form of material substance; a mystical bell-like sound at times heard by the dying which slowly lessens in intensity until the moment of death. Also heard by the yogi or contemplative at certain stages of his meditation. The Theravada Buddhists speak of this inner signal as the voice of devas which resemble the “sound of a golden bell” (Digha-nikaya 1:152). The anahata-sabda is, in reality, a reflection of the inherent sound-characteristic of akasa (cf VS 18, 78).

ANANDA. ::: Delight; essential principle of delight; bliss; spiritual ecstasy; the bliss of the Spirit which is the secret source· and support of all existence.
Ānanda is the secret delight from which all things are born, by which all is sustained in existence and to which all can rise in the spiritual culmination.
It is the Divine Bliss which comes from above. It is not joy or pleasure, but something self-existent, pure and quite beyond what any joy or pleasure can be.
Something greater than peace or joy, something that, like Truth and Light, is the very nature of the supramental Divine. It can come by frequent inrushes or descents, partially or for a time, but it cannot -remain in the system so long as the system has not been prepared for it.
It can come not only with its fullest intensity but with a more enduring persistence when the mind is at peace and the heart delivered from ordinary joy and sorrow. If the mind and heart are restless, changeful, unquiet, Ānanda of a kind may come, but it is mixed with vital excitement and cannot abide. One must get peace and calm fixed in the consciousness first, then there is a solid basis on which Ānanda can spread itself and in its turn become an enduring part of the consciousness and the nature.
Ānanda (ascension into) ::: It is quite impossible to ascend to the real Ānanda plane (except in a profound trance), until after the supramental consciousness has been entered, realised and possessed; but it is quite possible and normal to feel some form of Ānanda consciousness on any level. This consciousness, wherever it is felt, is a derivation from the Ānanda plane, but it is very much diminished in power and modified to suit the lesser power of receptivity of the inferior levels.
Ānanda (divine) in the physical ::: self-existent in its essence, its manifestation is dependent only on an inner union with the Divine.
Ānanda (of the Brahman) ::: there is an absoluteness of immutable ecstasy in it, a concentrated intensity of silent and inalienable rapture.

— and this is inevitable in some degree until this lower mortal has learned something of the way of that greater immortal nature,

And until the transfer is complete which always takes time, there must always be as personal contribution, a constant consent to the true Force, a constant rejection of any lower mixture.

Another movement of thought worthy of note was Neoplatonism. Grounded by Ulrich of Srassburg on texts found in Albert the Great, this movement gathered momentum, particularly in Germany under Dietrich of Freiberg until it ended in the mysticism of Meister Eckehart (+1327).

Apple II "computer" An 8-bit {personal computer} with a {6502} processor, from {Apple Computer}. It was invented by {Steve Wozniak} and was very popular from about 1980 until the first several years of {MS-DOS} {IBM PCs}. (1995-01-12)

Aquinas, Thomas: (Born at Roccasecca, near Naples, in 1225; oblate at the Benedictine monastery, Monte Cassino, 1230-1239; student at the University of Naples, 1239-1244; having decided to become a Dominican, he studied at the University of Paris under St. Albert the Great, 1245-1248; until 1252 he was in Cologne with St. Albert at the newly opened studium generale of the Dominican Order; in 1252 he returned to study at the faculty of theology in the University of Paris where in 1256 he was given the licentia docendi in theology and where he taught until 1259; from 1259 until 1268 he taught at the papal curia in Rome; returned to the University of Paris to stem the tide against Averroism, 1269-1272; from 1272 he began teaching at the University of Naples. He died March 7, 1274 on the way to the Council of Lyons.)

ARCnet "networking" A {network} developed by {DataPoint}. ARCnet was {proprietary} until the late 1980s and had about as large a marketshare as {Ethernet} among small businesses. It was almost as fast and was considerably cheaper at the time. (1995-01-16)

Arianism: A view named after Arius (256-336), energetic presbyter of Alexandria, condemned as a heretic by the ancient Catholic Church. Arius held that Jesus and God were not of the same substance (the orthodox position). He maintained that although the Son was subordinate to the Father he was of a similar nature. The controversy on the relation of Jesus to God involved the question of the divine status of Jesus. If he were not divine how could the church justify him as an object of worship, of trust, and adoration? If he is divine, how could such a belief square with the doctrine of one God (monotheism)? Arianism tended toward the doctrine of the subordination of Jesus to God, involving the extreme Arians who held Jesus to be unlike God and the moderate Arians who held that Jesus was of similar essence with God although not of the same substance. Some eighteen councils were convened to consider this burning question, parties in power condemning and placing each other under the ban. The Council of Nicea in 325 repudiated Arian tendencies but the issue was fought with uncertain outcome until the Council of Constantinople in 381 reaffirmed the orthodox view. -- V.F.

Aristotle, medieval: Contrary to the esteem in which the Fathers held Platonic and especially Neo-Platonic philosophy, Aristotle plays hardly any role in early Patristic and Scholastic writings. Augustine seems not to have known much about him and admired him more as logician whereas he held Plato to be the much greater philosopher. The Middle Ages knew, until the end of the 12th and the beginning of the 13th century, only the logical texts, mostly in the translations made by Boethius of the texts and of the introduction by Porphyrius (Isagoge). During the latter third of the 12th, mostly however at the beginning of the 13th century appeared translations partly from Arabian texts and commentaries, partly from the Greek originals. Finally, Aquinas had William of Moerbeke translate the whole work of Aristotle, who soon came to be known as the Philosopher. Scholastic Aristotelianism is, however, not a simple revival of the Peripatetic views; Thomas is said to have "Christianized" the Philosopher as Augustine had done with Plato. Aristotle was differently interpreted by Aquinas and by the Latin Averroists (q.v. Averroism), especially in regard to the "unity of intellect" and the eternity of the created world. -- R.A.

Arundhati (Sanskrit) Arundhatī [probably from a not + the verbal root rudh to check, restrain, bind] One who releases, frees, unbinds; a medicinal climber, with power to heal severe wounds; consort of the sage Vasishtha; consort of Dharma, meaning established law, procedure, truth, referring in this case to the cosmos; from Arundhati were born “the divisions of earth” (VP 1:15); personification of the morning star, Phosphoros or Lucifer-Venus of the ancient Greeks and Latins, one of the seven stars of Ursa Major; power invoked by the bridegroom for conjugal excellence; name of kundalini, the occult energy in humanity symbolized by a coiled serpent said to lie latent at the base of the spinal column until energized into activity by strenuous yoga exercises.

asana ::: 1. [in hathayoga]: fixed posture, rigidly set position of the body. ::: 2. a place and a fixed position (where the rsis would sit still until they got siddhi).

As a school of Greek and Latin philosophers, Plotinism lasted until the fifth century. Porphyry, Apuleius, Jamblichus, Julian the Apostate, Themistius, Simplicius, Macrobius and Proclus are the most important representatives. Through St. Augustine, Dionysius the Pseudo-Areopagite, John Scotus Eriugena, and the Greek Fathers, Plotinian thought has been partly incorporated into Christian intellectualism. Nearly all prominent Arabian philosophers before Averroes are influenced by Plotinus, this is particularly true of Avicenna and Algazel. In the Jewish tradition Avicebron's Fons Vitae is built on the frame of the emanation theory. Master Eckhart and Nicholas of Cusa continue the movement. It is spiritually related to some modern anti-intellectualistic and mystical currents of thought. Plotin, Enneades, (Greek text and French transl.) by E. Brehier, (Bude), 6 vol., Paris, 1930-40. Mackenna, S., The Enneads of Plotinus, London, 1917-1919. Heinemann, F., Plotin, Leipzig, 1921. Brehier, E., La philosophie de Plotin, Paris, 1928. Inge, W. R., The Philosophy of Plotinus, 2 vol., 2rd ed., London and N. Y., 1929.

Assur (Chaldean or Assyrian) [from a-shir leader] Also Asur, Ashur. Originally the titular deity of an ancient Assyrian city of learning on the Tigris, but with the rise of the Assyrian Empire his prominence was extended so that he became one of the foremost gods of the Assyrian pantheon. The title Asir was also given to other important deities such as Marduk and Nebo. Like Marduk, Assur was first recognized as a solar deity and represented in symbol with the adjunct of the winged disk; but later he became a god of war, so that the winged disk took a minor place under the figure of a man with a bow. Assur remained the chief deity even when the Assyrian capital was moved to Nineveh about the 8th century BC, although he was obliged to share this honor with Ishtar, then regarded as his consort, until the fall of the Assyrian Empire (606 BC).

asynchronous "architecture" Not synchronised by a shared signal such as {clock} or {semaphore}, proceeding independently. Opposite: {synchronous}. 1. "operating system" A {process} in a {multitasking} system whose execution can proceed independently, "in the {background}". Other processes may be started before the asynchronous process has finished. 2. "communications" A communications system in which data transmission may start at any time and is indicated by a {start bit}, e.g. {EIA-232}. A data {byte} (or other element defined by the {protocol}) ends with a {stop bit}. A continuous marking condition (identical to stop bits but not quantized in time), is then maintained until data resumes. (1995-12-08)

"A third step is to find out that there is something in him other than his instrumental mind, life and body, not only an immortal ever-developing individual soul that supports his nature but an eternal immutable self and spirit, and to learn what are the categories of his spiritual being, until he discovers that all in him is an expression of the spirit and distinguishes the link between his lower and his higher existence; thus he sets out to remove his constitutional self-ignorance. Discovering self and spirit he discovers God; he finds out that there is a Self beyond the temporal: he comes to the vision of that Self in the cosmic consciousness as the divine Reality behind Nature and this world of beings; his mind opens to the thought or the sense of the Absolute of whom self and the individual and the cosmos are so many faces; the cosmic, the egoistic, the original ignorance begin to lose the rigidness of their hold upon him.” The Life Divine

“A third step is to find out that there is something in him other than his instrumental mind, life and body, not only an immortal ever-developing individual soul that supports his nature but an eternal immutable self and spirit, and to learn what are the categories of his spiritual being, until he discovers that all in him is an expression of the spirit and distinguishes the link between his lower and his higher existence; thus he sets out to remove his constitutional self-ignorance. Discovering self and spirit he discovers God; he finds out that there is a Self beyond the temporal: he comes to the vision of that Self in the cosmic consciousness as the divine Reality behind Nature and this world of beings; his mind opens to the thought or the sense of the Absolute of whom self and the individual and the cosmos are so many faces; the cosmic, the egoistic, the original ignorance begin to lose the rigidness of their hold upon him.” The Life Divine

Atyantika Pralaya (Sanskrit) Ātyantika Pralaya [from ati beyond, over + anta end, limit; pra-laya from the verbal root lī to dissolve, dissolution] That which seems eternal or beyond limitation, which is beyond or more than the limit; individual pralaya or nirvana. The atyantika pralaya concerns only the individualities of certain rare entities, as it is the identification of the freed individual monad (jivanmukta) with the supreme spirit — a mahatmic state, whether temporary or lasting until the following mahakalpa. After having reached that state there is no future evolution possible, and consequently no reimbodiments till after the mahapralaya, which lasts 311,040,000,000,000 years. Since there is the probability of the jivanmukta’s reaching nirvana at an early cycle of the manvantara, this mahapralayic period may be almost doubled, and therefore is long enough to be regarded as eternal, if not endless. Atyantika pralaya is also occasionally used for absolute obscuration, as of a whole planetary chain (SD 2:309-10n).

Aufklärung: In general, this German word and its English equivalent Enlightenment denote the self-emancipation of man from mere authority, prejudice, convention and tradition, with an insistence on freer thinking about problems uncritically referred to these other agencies. According to Kant's famous definition "Enlightenment is the liberation of man from his self-caused state of minority, which is the incapacity of using one's understanding without the direction of another. This state of minority is caused when its source lies not in the lack of understanding, but in the lack of determination and courage to use it without the assistance of another" (Was ist Aufklärung? 1784). In its historical perspective, the Aufklärung refers to the cultural atmosphere and contrlbutions of the 18th century, especially in Germany, France and England [which affected also American thought with B. Franklin, T. Paine and the leaders of the Revolution]. It crystallized tendencies emphasized by the Renaissance, and quickened by modern scepticism and empiricism, and by the great scientific discoveries of the 17th century. This movement, which was represented by men of varying tendencies, gave an impetus to general learning, a more popular philosophy, empirical science, scriptural criticism, social and political thought. More especially, the word Aufklärung is applied to the German contributions to 18th century culture. In philosophy, its principal representatives are G. E. Lessing (1729-81) who believed in free speech and in a methodical criticism of religion, without being a free-thinker; H. S. Reimarus (1694-1768) who expounded a naturalistic philosophy and denied the supernatural origin of Christianity; Moses Mendelssohn (1729-86) who endeavoured to mitigate prejudices and developed a popular common-sense philosophy; Chr. Wolff (1679-1754), J. A. Eberhard (1739-1809) who followed the Leibnizian rationalism and criticized unsuccessfully Kant and Fichte; and J. G. Herder (1744-1803) who was best as an interpreter of others, but whose intuitional suggestions have borne fruit in the organic correlation of the sciences, and in questions of language in relation to human nature and to national character. The works of Kant and Goethe mark the culmination of the German Enlightenment. Cf. J. G. Hibben, Philosophy of the Enlightenment, 1910. --T.G. Augustinianism: The thought of St. Augustine of Hippo, and of his followers. Born in 354 at Tagaste in N. Africa, A. studied rhetoric in Carthage, taught that subject there and in Rome and Milan. Attracted successively to Manicheanism, Scepticism, and Neo-Platontsm, A. eventually found intellectual and moral peace with his conversion to Christianity in his thirty-fourth year. Returning to Africa, he established numerous monasteries, became a priest in 391, Bishop of Hippo in 395. Augustine wrote much: On Free Choice, Confessions, Literal Commentary on Genesis, On the Trinity, and City of God, are his most noted works. He died in 430.   St. Augustine's characteristic method, an inward empiricism which has little in common with later variants, starts from things without, proceeds within to the self, and moves upwards to God. These three poles of the Augustinian dialectic are polarized by his doctrine of moderate illuminism. An ontological illumination is required to explain the metaphysical structure of things. The truth of judgment demands a noetic illumination. A moral illumination is necessary in the order of willing; and so, too, an lllumination of art in the aesthetic order. Other illuminations which transcend the natural order do not come within the scope of philosophy; they provide the wisdoms of theology and mysticism. Every being is illuminated ontologically by number, form, unity and its derivatives, and order. A thing is what it is, in so far as it is more or less flooded by the light of these ontological constituents.   Sensation is necessary in order to know material substances. There is certainly an action of the external object on the body and a corresponding passion of the body, but, as the soul is superior to the body and can suffer nothing from its inferior, sensation must be an action, not a passion, of the soul. Sensation takes place only when the observing soul, dynamically on guard throughout the body, is vitally attentive to the changes suffered by the body. However, an adequate basis for the knowledge of intellectual truth is not found in sensation alone. In order to know, for example, that a body is multiple, the idea of unity must be present already, otherwise its multiplicity could not be recognized. If numbers are not drawn in by the bodily senses which perceive only the contingent and passing, is the mind the source of the unchanging and necessary truth of numbers? The mind of man is also contingent and mutable, and cannot give what it does not possess. As ideas are not innate, nor remembered from a previous existence of the soul, they can be accounted for only by an immutable source higher than the soul. In so far as man is endowed with an intellect, he is a being naturally illuminated by God, Who may be compared to an intelligible sun. The human intellect does not create the laws of thought; it finds them and submits to them. The immediate intuition of these normative rules does not carry any content, thus any trace of ontologism is avoided.   Things have forms because they have numbers, and they have being in so far as they possess form. The sufficient explanation of all formable, and hence changeable, things is an immutable and eternal form which is unrestricted in time and space. The forms or ideas of all things actually existing in the world are in the things themselves (as rationes seminales) and in the Divine Mind (as rationes aeternae). Nothing could exist without unity, for to be is no other than to be one. There is a unity proper to each level of being, a unity of the material individual and species, of the soul, and of that union of souls in the love of the same good, which union constitutes the city. Order, also, is ontologically imbibed by all beings. To tend to being is to tend to order; order secures being, disorder leads to non-being. Order is the distribution which allots things equal and unequal each to its own place and integrates an ensemble of parts in accordance with an end. Hence, peace is defined as the tranquillity of order. Just as things have their being from their forms, the order of parts, and their numerical relations, so too their beauty is not something superadded, but the shining out of all their intelligible co-ingredients.   S. Aurelii Augustini, Opera Omnia, Migne, PL 32-47; (a critical edition of some works will be found in the Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum, Vienna). Gilson, E., Introd. a l'etude de s. Augustin, (Paris, 1931) contains very good bibliography up to 1927, pp. 309-331. Pope, H., St. Augustine of Hippo, (London, 1937). Chapman, E., St. Augustine's Philos. of Beauty, (N. Y., 1939). Figgis, J. N., The Political Aspects of St. Augustine's "City of God", (London, 1921). --E.C. Authenticity: In a general sense, genuineness, truth according to its title. It involves sometimes a direct and personal characteristic (Whitehead speaks of "authentic feelings").   This word also refers to problems of fundamental criticism involving title, tradition, authorship and evidence. These problems are vital in theology, and basic in scholarship with regard to the interpretation of texts and doctrines. --T.G. Authoritarianism: That theory of knowledge which maintains that the truth of any proposition is determined by the fact of its having been asserted by a certain esteemed individual or group of individuals. Cf. H. Newman, Grammar of Assent; C. S. Peirce, "Fixation of Belief," in Chance, Love and Logic, ed. M. R. Cohen. --A.C.B. Autistic thinking: Absorption in fanciful or wishful thinking without proper control by objective or factual material; day dreaming; undisciplined imagination. --A.C.B. Automaton Theory: Theory that a living organism may be considered a mere machine. See Automatism. Automatism: (Gr. automatos, self-moving) (a) In metaphysics: Theory that animal and human organisms are automata, that is to say, are machines governed by the laws of physics and mechanics. Automatism, as propounded by Descartes, considered the lower animals to be pure automata (Letter to Henry More, 1649) and man a machine controlled by a rational soul (Treatise on Man). Pure automatism for man as well as animals is advocated by La Mettrie (Man, a Machine, 1748). During the Nineteenth century, automatism, combined with epiphenomenalism, was advanced by Hodgson, Huxley and Clifford. (Cf. W. James, The Principles of Psychology, Vol. I, ch. V.) Behaviorism, of the extreme sort, is the most recent version of automatism (See Behaviorism).   (b) In psychology: Psychological automatism is the performance of apparently purposeful actions, like automatic writing without the superintendence of the conscious mind. L. C. Rosenfield, From Beast Machine to Man Machine, N. Y., 1941. --L.W. Automatism, Conscious: The automatism of Hodgson, Huxley, and Clifford which considers man a machine to which mind or consciousness is superadded; the mind of man is, however, causally ineffectual. See Automatism; Epiphenomenalism. --L.W. Autonomy: (Gr. autonomia, independence) Freedom consisting in self-determination and independence of all external constraint. See Freedom. Kant defines autonomy of the will as subjection of the will to its own law, the categorical imperative, in contrast to heteronomy, its subjection to a law or end outside the rational will. (Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals, § 2.) --L.W. Autonomy of ethics: A doctrine, usually propounded by intuitionists, that ethics is not a part of, and cannot be derived from, either metaphysics or any of the natural or social sciences. See Intuitionism, Metaphysical ethics, Naturalistic ethics. --W.K.F. Autonomy of the will: (in Kant's ethics) The freedom of the rational will to legislate to itself, which constitutes the basis for the autonomy of the moral law. --P.A.S. Autonymy: In the terminology introduced by Carnap, a word (phrase, symbol, expression) is autonymous if it is used as a name for itself --for the geometric shape, sound, etc. which it exemplifies, or for the word as a historical and grammatical unit. Autonymy is thus the same as the Scholastic suppositio matertalis (q. v.), although the viewpoint is different. --A.C. Autotelic: (from Gr. autos, self, and telos, end) Said of any absorbing activity engaged in for its own sake (cf. German Selbstzweck), such as higher mathematics, chess, etc. In aesthetics, applied to creative art and play which lack any conscious reference to the accomplishment of something useful. In the view of some, it may constitute something beneficent in itself of which the person following his art impulse (q.v.) or playing is unaware, thus approaching a heterotelic (q.v.) conception. --K.F.L. Avenarius, Richard: (1843-1896) German philosopher who expressed his thought in an elaborate and novel terminology in the hope of constructing a symbolic language for philosophy, like that of mathematics --the consequence of his Spinoza studies. As the most influential apostle of pure experience, the posltivistic motive reaches in him an extreme position. Insisting on the biologic and economic function of thought, he thought the true method of science is to cure speculative excesses by a return to pure experience devoid of all assumptions. Philosophy is the scientific effort to exclude from knowledge all ideas not included in the given. Its task is to expel all extraneous elements in the given. His uncritical use of the category of the given and the nominalistic view that logical relations are created rather than discovered by thought, leads him to banish not only animism but also all of the categories, substance, causality, etc., as inventions of the mind. Explaining the evolution and devolution of the problematization and deproblematization of numerous ideas, and aiming to give the natural history of problems, Avenarius sought to show physiologically, psychologically and historically under what conditions they emerge, are challenged and are solved. He hypothesized a System C, a bodily and central nervous system upon which consciousness depends. R-values are the stimuli received from the world of objects. E-values are the statements of experience. The brain changes that continually oscillate about an ideal point of balance are termed Vitalerhaltungsmaximum. The E-values are differentiated into elements, to which the sense-perceptions or the content of experience belong, and characters, to which belongs everything which psychology describes as feelings and attitudes. Avenarius describes in symbolic form a series of states from balance to balance, termed vital series, all describing a series of changes in System C. Inequalities in the vital balance give rise to vital differences. According to his theory there are two vital series. It assumes a series of brain changes because parallel series of conscious states can be observed. The independent vital series are physical, and the dependent vital series are psychological. The two together are practically covariants. In the case of a process as a dependent vital series three stages can be noted: first, the appearance of the problem, expressed as strain, restlessness, desire, fear, doubt, pain, repentance, delusion; the second, the continued effort and struggle to solve the problem; and finally, the appearance of the solution, characterized by abating anxiety, a feeling of triumph and enjoyment.   Corresponding to these three stages of the dependent series are three stages of the independent series: the appearance of the vital difference and a departure from balance in the System C, the continuance with an approximate vital difference, and lastly, the reduction of the vital difference to zero, the return to stability. By making room for dependent and independent experiences, he showed that physics regards experience as independent of the experiencing indlvidual, and psychology views experience as dependent upon the individual. He greatly influenced Mach and James (q.v.). See Avenarius, Empirio-criticism, Experience, pure. Main works: Kritik der reinen Erfahrung; Der menschliche Weltbegriff. --H.H. Averroes: (Mohammed ibn Roshd) Known to the Scholastics as The Commentator, and mentioned as the author of il gran commento by Dante (Inf. IV. 68) he was born 1126 at Cordova (Spain), studied theology, law, medicine, mathematics, and philosophy, became after having been judge in Sevilla and Cordova, physician to the khalifah Jaqub Jusuf, and charged with writing a commentary on the works of Aristotle. Al-mansur, Jusuf's successor, deprived him of his place because of accusations of unorthodoxy. He died 1198 in Morocco. Averroes is not so much an original philosopher as the author of a minute commentary on the whole works of Aristotle. His procedure was imitated later by Aquinas. In his interpretation of Aristotelian metaphysics Averroes teaches the coeternity of a universe created ex nihilo. This doctrine formed together with the notion of a numerical unity of the active intellect became one of the controversial points in the discussions between the followers of Albert-Thomas and the Latin Averroists. Averroes assumed that man possesses only a disposition for receiving the intellect coming from without; he identifies this disposition with the possible intellect which thus is not truly intellectual by nature. The notion of one intellect common to all men does away with the doctrine of personal immortality. Another doctrine which probably was emphasized more by the Latin Averroists (and by the adversaries among Averroes' contemporaries) is the famous statement about "two-fold truth", viz. that a proposition may be theologically true and philosophically false and vice versa. Averroes taught that religion expresses the (higher) philosophical truth by means of religious imagery; the "two-truth notion" came apparently into the Latin text through a misinterpretation on the part of the translators. The works of Averroes were one of the main sources of medieval Aristotelianlsm, before and even after the original texts had been translated. The interpretation the Latin Averroists found in their texts of the "Commentator" spread in spite of opposition and condemnation. See Averroism, Latin. Averroes, Opera, Venetiis, 1553. M. Horten, Die Metaphysik des Averroes, 1912. P. Mandonnet, Siger de Brabant et l'Averroisme Latin, 2d ed., Louvain, 1911. --R.A. Averroism, Latin: The commentaries on Aristotle written by Averroes (Ibn Roshd) in the 12th century became known to the Western scholars in translations by Michael Scottus, Hermannus Alemannus, and others at the beginning of the 13th century. Many works of Aristotle were also known first by such translations from Arabian texts, though there existed translations from the Greek originals at the same time (Grabmann). The Averroistic interpretation of Aristotle was held to be the true one by many; but already Albert the Great pointed out several notions which he felt to be incompatible with the principles of Christian philosophy, although he relied for the rest on the "Commentator" and apparently hardly used any other text. Aquinas, basing his studies mostly on a translation from the Greek texts, procured for him by William of Moerbecke, criticized the Averroistic interpretation in many points. But the teachings of the Commentator became the foundation for a whole school of philosophers, represented first by the Faculty of Arts at Paris. The most prominent of these scholars was Siger of Brabant. The philosophy of these men was condemned on March 7th, 1277 by Stephen Tempier, Bishop of Paris, after a first condemnation of Aristotelianism in 1210 had gradually come to be neglected. The 219 theses condemned in 1277, however, contain also some of Aquinas which later were generally recognized an orthodox. The Averroistic propositions which aroused the criticism of the ecclesiastic authorities and which had been opposed with great energy by Albert and Thomas refer mostly to the following points: The co-eternity of the created word; the numerical identity of the intellect in all men, the so-called two-fold-truth theory stating that a proposition may be philosophically true although theologically false. Regarding the first point Thomas argued that there is no philosophical proof, either for the co-eternity or against it; creation is an article of faith. The unity of intellect was rejected as incompatible with the true notion of person and with personal immortality. It is doubtful whether Averroes himself held the two-truths theory; it was, however, taught by the Latin Averroists who, notwithstanding the opposition of the Church and the Thomistic philosophers, gained a great influence and soon dominated many universities, especially in Italy. Thomas and his followers were convinced that they interpreted Aristotle correctly and that the Averroists were wrong; one has, however, to admit that certain passages in Aristotle allow for the Averroistic interpretation, especially in regard to the theory of intellect.   Lit.: P. Mandonnet, Siger de Brabant et l'Averroisme Latin au XIIIe Siecle, 2d. ed. Louvain, 1911; M. Grabmann, Forschungen über die lateinischen Aristotelesübersetzungen des XIII. Jahrhunderts, Münster 1916 (Beitr. z. Gesch. Phil. d. MA. Vol. 17, H. 5-6). --R.A. Avesta: See Zendavesta. Avicehron: (or Avencebrol, Salomon ibn Gabirol) The first Jewish philosopher in Spain, born in Malaga 1020, died about 1070, poet, philosopher, and moralist. His main work, Fons vitae, became influential and was much quoted by the Scholastics. It has been preserved only in the Latin translation by Gundissalinus. His doctrine of a spiritual substance individualizing also the pure spirits or separate forms was opposed by Aquinas already in his first treatise De ente, but found favor with the medieval Augustinians also later in the 13th century. He also teaches the necessity of a mediator between God and the created world; such a mediator he finds in the Divine Will proceeding from God and creating, conserving, and moving the world. His cosmogony shows a definitely Neo-Platonic shade and assumes a series of emanations. Cl. Baeumker, Avencebrolis Fons vitae. Beitr. z. Gesch. d. Philos. d. MA. 1892-1895, Vol. I. Joh. Wittman, Die Stellung des hl. Thomas von Aquino zu Avencebrol, ibid. 1900. Vol. III. --R.A. Avicenna: (Abu Ali al Hosain ibn Abdallah ibn Sina) Born 980 in the country of Bocchara, began to write in young years, left more than 100 works, taught in Ispahan, was physician to several Persian princes, and died at Hamadan in 1037. His fame as physician survived his influence as philosopher in the Occident. His medical works were printed still in the 17th century. His philosophy is contained in 18 vols. of a comprehensive encyclopedia, following the tradition of Al Kindi and Al Farabi. Logic, Physics, Mathematics and Metaphysics form the parts of this work. His philosophy is Aristotelian with noticeable Neo-Platonic influences. His doctrine of the universal existing ante res in God, in rebus as the universal nature of the particulars, and post res in the human mind by way of abstraction became a fundamental thesis of medieval Aristotelianism. He sharply distinguished between the logical and the ontological universal, denying to the latter the true nature of form in the composite. The principle of individuation is matter, eternally existent. Latin translations attributed to Avicenna the notion that existence is an accident to essence (see e.g. Guilelmus Parisiensis, De Universo). The process adopted by Avicenna was one of paraphrasis of the Aristotelian texts with many original thoughts interspersed. His works were translated into Latin by Dominicus Gundissalinus (Gondisalvi) with the assistance of Avendeath ibn Daud. This translation started, when it became more generally known, the "revival of Aristotle" at the end of the 12th and the beginning of the 13th century. Albert the Great and Aquinas professed, notwithstanding their critical attitude, a great admiration for Avicenna whom the Arabs used to call the "third Aristotle". But in the Orient, Avicenna's influence declined soon, overcome by the opposition of the orthodox theologians. Avicenna, Opera, Venetiis, 1495; l508; 1546. M. Horten, Das Buch der Genesung der Seele, eine philosophische Enzyklopaedie Avicenna's; XIII. Teil: Die Metaphysik. Halle a. S. 1907-1909. R. de Vaux, Notes et textes sur l'Avicennisme Latin, Bibl. Thomiste XX, Paris, 1934. --R.A. Avidya: (Skr.) Nescience; ignorance; the state of mind unaware of true reality; an equivalent of maya (q.v.); also a condition of pure awareness prior to the universal process of evolution through gradual differentiation into the elements and factors of knowledge. --K.F.L. Avyakta: (Skr.) "Unmanifest", descriptive of or standing for brahman (q.v.) in one of its or "his" aspects, symbolizing the superabundance of the creative principle, or designating the condition of the universe not yet become phenomenal (aja, unborn). --K.F.L. Awareness: Consciousness considered in its aspect of act; an act of attentive awareness such as the sensing of a color patch or the feeling of pain is distinguished from the content attended to, the sensed color patch, the felt pain. The psychologlcal theory of intentional act was advanced by F. Brentano (Psychologie vom empirischen Standpunkte) and received its epistemological development by Meinong, Husserl, Moore, Laird and Broad. See Intentionalism. --L.W. Axiological: (Ger. axiologisch) In Husserl: Of or pertaining to value or theory of value (the latter term understood as including disvalue and value-indifference). --D.C. Axiological ethics: Any ethics which makes the theory of obligation entirely dependent on the theory of value, by making the determination of the rightness of an action wholly dependent on a consideration of the value or goodness of something, e.g. the action itself, its motive, or its consequences, actual or probable. Opposed to deontological ethics. See also teleological ethics. --W.K.F. Axiologic Realism: In metaphysics, theory that value as well as logic, qualities as well as relations, have their being and exist external to the mind and independently of it. Applicable to the philosophy of many though not all realists in the history of philosophy, from Plato to G. E. Moore, A. N. Whitehead, and N, Hartmann. --J.K.F. Axiology: (Gr. axios, of like value, worthy, and logos, account, reason, theory). Modern term for theory of value (the desired, preferred, good), investigation of its nature, criteria, and metaphysical status. Had its rise in Plato's theory of Forms or Ideas (Idea of the Good); was developed in Aristotle's Organon, Ethics, Poetics, and Metaphysics (Book Lambda). Stoics and Epicureans investigated the summum bonum. Christian philosophy (St. Thomas) built on Aristotle's identification of highest value with final cause in God as "a living being, eternal, most good."   In modern thought, apart from scholasticism and the system of Spinoza (Ethica, 1677), in which values are metaphysically grounded, the various values were investigated in separate sciences, until Kant's Critiques, in which the relations of knowledge to moral, aesthetic, and religious values were examined. In Hegel's idealism, morality, art, religion, and philosophy were made the capstone of his dialectic. R. H. Lotze "sought in that which should be the ground of that which is" (Metaphysik, 1879). Nineteenth century evolutionary theory, anthropology, sociology, psychology, and economics subjected value experience to empirical analysis, and stress was again laid on the diversity and relativity of value phenomena rather than on their unity and metaphysical nature. F. Nietzsche's Also Sprach Zarathustra (1883-1885) and Zur Genealogie der Moral (1887) aroused new interest in the nature of value. F. Brentano, Vom Ursprung sittlicher Erkenntnis (1889), identified value with love.   In the twentieth century the term axiology was apparently first applied by Paul Lapie (Logique de la volonte, 1902) and E. von Hartmann (Grundriss der Axiologie, 1908). Stimulated by Ehrenfels (System der Werttheorie, 1897), Meinong (Psychologisch-ethische Untersuchungen zur Werttheorie, 1894-1899), and Simmel (Philosophie des Geldes, 1900). W. M. Urban wrote the first systematic treatment of axiology in English (Valuation, 1909), phenomenological in method under J. M. Baldwin's influence. Meanwhile H. Münsterberg wrote a neo-Fichtean system of values (The Eternal Values, 1909).   Among important recent contributions are: B. Bosanquet, The Principle of Individuality and Value (1912), a free reinterpretation of Hegelianism; W. R. Sorley, Moral Values and the Idea of God (1918, 1921), defending a metaphysical theism; S. Alexander, Space, Time, and Deity (1920), realistic and naturalistic; N. Hartmann, Ethik (1926), detailed analysis of types and laws of value; R. B. Perry's magnum opus, General Theory of Value (1926), "its meaning and basic principles construed in terms of interest"; and J. Laird, The Idea of Value (1929), noteworthy for historical exposition. A naturalistic theory has been developed by J. Dewey (Theory of Valuation, 1939), for which "not only is science itself a value . . . but it is the supreme means of the valid determination of all valuations." A. J. Ayer, Language, Truth and Logic (1936) expounds the view of logical positivism that value is "nonsense." J. Hessen, Wertphilosophie (1937), provides an account of recent German axiology from a neo-scholastic standpoint.   The problems of axiology fall into four main groups, namely, those concerning (1) the nature of value, (2) the types of value, (3) the criterion of value, and (4) the metaphysical status of value.   (1) The nature of value experience. Is valuation fulfillment of desire (voluntarism: Spinoza, Ehrenfels), pleasure (hedonism: Epicurus, Bentham, Meinong), interest (Perry), preference (Martineau), pure rational will (formalism: Stoics, Kant, Royce), apprehension of tertiary qualities (Santayana), synoptic experience of the unity of personality (personalism: T. H. Green, Bowne), any experience that contributes to enhanced life (evolutionism: Nietzsche), or "the relation of things as means to the end or consequence actually reached" (pragmatism, instrumentalism: Dewey).   (2) The types of value. Most axiologists distinguish between intrinsic (consummatory) values (ends), prized for their own sake, and instrumental (contributory) values (means), which are causes (whether as economic goods or as natural events) of intrinsic values. Most intrinsic values are also instrumental to further value experience; some instrumental values are neutral or even disvaluable intrinsically. Commonly recognized as intrinsic values are the (morally) good, the true, the beautiful, and the holy. Values of play, of work, of association, and of bodily well-being are also acknowledged. Some (with Montague) question whether the true is properly to be regarded as a value, since some truth is disvaluable, some neutral; but love of truth, regardless of consequences, seems to establish the value of truth. There is disagreement about whether the holy (religious value) is a unique type (Schleiermacher, Otto), or an attitude toward other values (Kant, Höffding), or a combination of the two (Hocking). There is also disagreement about whether the variety of values is irreducible (pluralism) or whether all values are rationally related in a hierarchy or system (Plato, Hegel, Sorley), in which values interpenetrate or coalesce into a total experience.   (3) The criterion of value. The standard for testing values is influenced by both psychological and logical theory. Hedonists find the standard in the quantity of pleasure derived by the individual (Aristippus) or society (Bentham). Intuitionists appeal to an ultimate insight into preference (Martineau, Brentano). Some idealists recognize an objective system of rational norms or ideals as criterion (Plato, Windelband), while others lay more stress on rational wholeness and coherence (Hegel, Bosanquet, Paton) or inclusiveness (T. H. Green). Naturalists find biological survival or adjustment (Dewey) to be the standard. Despite differences, there is much in common in the results of the application of these criteria.   (4) The metaphysical status of value. What is the relation of values to the facts investigated by natural science (Koehler), of Sein to Sollen (Lotze, Rickert), of human experience of value to reality independent of man (Hegel, Pringle-Pattlson, Spaulding)? There are three main answers:   subjectivism (value is entirely dependent on and relative to human experience of it: so most hedonists, naturalists, positivists);   logical objectivism (values are logical essences or subsistences, independent of their being known, yet with no existential status or action in reality);   metaphysical objectivism (values   --or norms or ideals   --are integral, objective, and active constituents of the metaphysically real: so theists, absolutists, and certain realists and naturalists like S. Alexander and Wieman). --E.S.B. Axiom: See Mathematics. Axiomatic method: That method of constructing a deductive system consisting of deducing by specified rules all statements of the system save a given few from those given few, which are regarded as axioms or postulates of the system. See Mathematics. --C.A.B. Ayam atma brahma: (Skr.) "This self is brahman", famous quotation from Brhadaranyaka Upanishad 2.5.19, one of many alluding to the central theme of the Upanishads, i.e., the identity of the human and divine or cosmic. --K.F.L.

Avichi-nirvana (Sanskrit) Avīci-nirvāṇa A fearful state, the opposite of the wondrous nirvana experienced by the dhyani-chohans, consisting of aeons and aeons of unspeakable, self-imposed misery. It lasts until either the vanishing monad by a desperate effort saves itself or, more usually, the final dissolution ensues in the Eighth Sphere, and the entity disappears as an organic being, finally and utterly annihilated.

away-going ::: a. --> Sown during the last years of a tenancy, but not ripe until after its expiration; -- said of crops.

A. While Nicholas of Cusa referred to God as "the absolute," the noun form of this term came into common use through the writings of Schelling and Hegel. Its adoption spread in France through Cousin and in Britain through Hamilton. According to Kant the Ideas of Reason seek both the absolute totality of conditions and their absolutely unconditioned Ground. This Ground of the Real Fichte identified with the Absolute Ego (q.v.). For Schelling the Absolute is a primordial World Ground, a spiritual unity behind all logical and ontological oppositions, the self-differentiating source of both Mind and Nature. For Hegel, however, the Absolute is the All conceived as a timeless, perfect, organic whole of self-thinking Thought. In England the Absolute has occasionally been identified with the Real considered as unrelated or "unconditioned" and hence as the "Unknowable" (Mansel, H. Spencer). Until recently, however, it was commonly appropriated by the Absolute Idealists to connote with Hegel the complete, the whole, the perfect, i.e. the Real conceived as an all-embracing unity that complements, fulfills, or transmutes into a higher synthesis the partial, fragmentary, and "self-contradictory" experiences, thoughts, purposes, values, and achievements of finite existence. The specific emphasis given to this all-inclusive perfection varies considerably, i.e. logical wholeness or concreteness (Hegel), metaphysical completeness (Hamilton), mystical feeling (Bradley), aesthetic completeness (Bosanquet), moral perfection (Royce). The Absolute is also variously conceived by this school as an all-inclusive Person, a Society of persons, and as an impersonal whole of Experience.

background 1. "operating system" A task running in the background (a background task) is detached from the terminal where it was started (and often running at a lower priority); opposite of {foreground}. This means that the task's input and output must be from/to files (or other processes). Nowadays this term is primarily associated with {Unix}, but it appears to have been first used in this sense on {OS/360}. Compare {amp off}, {batch}, {slopsucker}. 2. "jargon" For a human to do a task "in the background" is to do it whenever {foreground} matters are not claiming your undivided attention, and "to background" something means to relegate it to a lower priority. "For now, we'll just print a list of nodes and links; I'm working on the graph-printing problem in the background." Note that this implies ongoing activity but at a reduced level or in spare time, in contrast to mainstream "back burner" (which connotes benign neglect until some future resumption of activity). Some people prefer to use the term for processing that they have queued up for their unconscious minds (often a fruitful tack to take upon encountering an obstacle in creative work). (1996-05-28)

backup "operating system" ("back up" when used as a verb) A spare copy of a file, file system, or other resource for use in the event of failure or loss of the original. The term commonly refers to a copy of the files on a computer's {disks}, made periodically and kept on {magnetic tape} or other removable medium (also called a "{dump}"). This essential precaution is neglected by most new computer users until the first time they experience a {disk crash} or accidentally delete the only copy of the file they have been working on for the last six months. Ideally the backup copies should be kept at a different site or in a fire safe since, though your hardware may be insured against fire, the data on it is almost certainly neither insured nor easily replaced. See also {backup software}, {differential backup}, {incremental backup}, {full backup}. Compare {archive}, {source code management}. (2004-03-16)

backward chaining "algorithm" An {algorithm} for proving a {goal} by recursively breaking it down into sub-goals and trying to prove these until {facts} are reached. Facts are goals with no sub-goals which are therefore always true. Backward training is the program execution mechanism used by most {logic programming} language like {Prolog}. Opposite: {forward chaining}. (2004-01-26)

balance ::: n. **1. A state of equilibrium or equipoise; mental, psychological or emotional. 2. A weighing device, especially one consisting of a rigid beam horizontally suspended by a low-friction support at its center, with identical weighing pans hung at either end, one of which holds an unknown weight while the effective weight in the other is increased by known amounts until the beam is level and motionless. 3. An undecided or uncertain state in which issues are unresolved. v. 4. To have an equality or equivalence in weight, parts, etc.; be in equilibrium. adj. 5. Being in harmonious or proper arrangement or adjustment, proportion. 6. Mental steadiness or emotional stability; habit of calm behaviour, judgement. balanced, balancing.**

bald eagle ::: --> The white-headed eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) of America. The young, until several years old, lack the white feathers on the head.

Balder, Baldr (Icelandic) The best, foremost; the sun god in Norse mythology, the son of Odin and Frigga and a favorite with gods and men. His mansion is Breidablick (broadview) whence he can keep watch over all the worlds. One of the lays of the Elder or Poetic Edda deals entirely with the death of the sun god, also mentioned in the principal poem Voluspa. Briefly stated: the gods were concerned when Balder was troubled with dreams of impending doom. Frigga therefore set out to exact a promise from all living things that none would harm Balder, and all readily complied. One thing only had been overlooked: the harmless-seeming mistletoe. Loki, the mischievous god (human mind), became aware of this, plucked the little plant, and from it fashioned a dart. He approached Hoder, the blind god (of darkness and ignorance) who was standing disconsolately by while the other gods were playfully hurling their weapons against the invulnerable sun god. Offering to guide his aim, Loki placed on Hoder’s bow the small but deadly “sorrow-dart.” Thus mind darkened by ignorance accomplished what nothing else could: the death of the bright deity of light. Balder must then travel to the house of Hel, queen of the realm of the dead. Odin, as Hermod, goes to plead with Hel for Balder’s return, and Hel agrees to release him on condition that all living things weep for him. Frigga resumes her weary round and implores all beings to mourn the sun god’s passing. All agree save one: Loki in the guise of an aged crone refuses to shed a tear. This single taint of perverseness in the human mind condemns Balder to remain in the realm of Hel until the following cycle is due to begin. Thus death is linked with the active human mind, Loki. As the bright sun god is placed on his pyre-ship, his loving wife Nanna (the moon goddess) dies of a broken heart and is placed beside him, but before the ship is set ablaze and cast adrift, Odin leaned over to whisper something in the dead sun god’s ear. This secret message must endure unknown to all until Balder’s return, when he and his dark twin Hoder will “build together on Ropt’s (Odin’s) sacred soil.”

ballooning spider ::: --> A spider which has the habit of rising into the air. Many kinds ( esp. species of Lycosa) do this while young by ejecting threads of silk until the force of the wind upon them carries the spider aloft.

banyan ::: n. --> A tree of the same genus as the common fig, and called the Indian fig (Ficus Indica), whose branches send shoots to the ground, which take root and become additional trunks, until it may be the tree covers some acres of ground and is able to shelter thousands of men.

Bardo is used in Tibet to refer to the many events and experiences undergone by the excarnate human being after death, generally considered to last from physical death until the next rebirth or reincarnation, though it is somewhat shorter than this. Since this period “may last from a few years to a kalpa” (ML 105), the bardo has more than the meaning commonly understood by the Tibetan populace which includes the time passed by the excarnate entity in kama-loka, in the intermediate or gestation period in which the entity is preparing for its birth into devachan, and the period of ineffable bliss and peace (illusory as it may be from the standpoint of reality) passed by the entity in the devachanic state itself. It also includes the later intermediate period — usually carefully veiled from common knowledge — existent between the ending of devachan and the rebirth of the reincarnating ego.

baste ::: v. t. --> To beat with a stick; to cudgel.
To sprinkle flour and salt and drip butter or fat on, as on meat in roasting.
To mark with tar, as sheep.
To sew loosely, or with long stitches; -- usually, that the work may be held in position until sewed more firmly.

Baubo The Matron Baubo, the enchantress “before she succeeds in reconciling the soul — Demeter, to its new position, finds herself obliged to assume the sexual forms of an infant. Baubo is matter, the physical body; and the intellectual, as yet pure astral soul can be ensnared into its new terrestrial prison but by the display of innocent babyhood. Until then, doomed to her fate, Demeter, or Magna-mater, the Soul, wonders and hesitates and suffers; but once having partaken of the magic potion prepared by Baubo, she forgets her sorrows; for a certain time she parts with that consciousness of higher intellect that she was possessed of before entering the body of a child. Thenceforth she must seek to rejoin it again; and when the age of reason arrives for the child, the struggle — forgotten for a few years of infancy — begins again” (IU 2:112).

Baudot code "communications" (For etymology, see {baud}) A {character set} predating {EBCDIC} and used originally and primarily on {paper tape}. Use of Baudot reportedly survives in {TDDs} and some HAM radio applications. In Baudot, characters are expressed using five {bits}. Baudot uses two code sub-sets, the "letter set" (LTRS), and the "figure set" (FIGS). The FIGS character (11011) signals that the following code is to be interpreted as being in the FIGS set, until this is reset by the LTRS (11111) character. binary hex  LTRS FIGS -------------------------- 00011 03   A   - 11001 19   B   ? 01110 0E   C   : 01001 09   D   $ 00001 01   E   3 01101 0D   F   ! 11010 1A   G   & 10100 14   H  

BCPL "language" (Basic CPL) A British systems language developed by Richards in 1969 and descended from {CPL} (Combined Programming Language). BCPL is low-level, typeless and block-structured, and provides only one-dimensional {arrays}. Case is not significant, but conventionally reserved words begin with a capital. Flow control constructs include: If-Then, Test-Then-Else, Unless-Do, While-Do, Until-Do, Repeat, Repeatwhile, Repeatuntil, For-to-By-Do, Loop, Break and Switchon-Into-Case-Default-Endcase. BCPL has conditional expressions, pointers, and manifest constants. It has both procedures: 'Let foo(bar) Be command' and functions: 'Let foo(bar) = expression'. 'Valof $(..Resultis..$)' causes a compound command to produce a value. Parameters are {call-by-value}. Program segments communicate via the global vector where system and user variables are stored in fixed numerical locations in a single array. The first BCPL {compiler} was written in {AED}. BCPL was used to implement the {TRIPOS} {operating system}, which was subsequently reincarnated as {AmigaDOS}. ["BCPL - The Language and its Compiler", Martin Richards & Colin Whitby-Stevens, Cambridge U Press 1979]. See {OCODE}, {INTCODE}. Oxford BCPL differed slightly: Test-Ifso-Ifnot, and section brackets in place of $( $). The original {INTCODE} {interpreter} for BCPL is available for {Amiga}, {Unix}, {MS-DOS} {(}. A BCPL compiler {bootstrap} kit with an {INTCODE} {interpreter} in {C} was written by Ken Yap "". (1995-03-26)

Berkeley Software Distribution "operating system" (BSD) A family of {Unix} versions developed by {Bill Joy} and others at the {University of California at Berkeley}, originally for the {DEC} {VAX} and {PDP-11} computers, and subsequently ported to almost all modern general-purpose computers. BSD Unix incorporates {paged} {virtual memory}, {TCP/IP} networking enhancements and many other features. BSD UNIX 4.0 was released on 1980-10-19. The BSD versions (4.1, 4.2, and 4.3) and the commercial versions derived from them ({SunOS}, {ULTRIX}, {Mt. Xinu}, {Dynix}) held the technical lead in the Unix world until {AT&T}'s successful standardisation efforts after about 1986, and are still widely popular. See also {Berzerkeley}, {USG Unix}. (2005-01-20)

bhava ::: becoming; state of being (sometimes added to an adjective to bhava form an abstract noun and translatable by a suffix such as "-ness", as in br.hadbhava, the state of being br.hat [wide], i.e., wideness); condition of consciousness; subjectivity; state of mind and feeling; physical indication of a psychological state; content, meaning (of rūpa); spiritual experience, realisation; emotion, "moved spiritualised state of the affective nature"; (madhura bhava, etc.) any of several types of relation between the jiva and the isvara, each being a way in which "the transcendent and universal person of the Divine conforms itself to our individualised personality and accepts a personal relation with us, at once identified with us as our supreme Self and yet close and different as our Master, Friend, Lover, Teacher"; attitude; mood; temperament; aspect; internal manifestation of the Goddess (devi), in . her total divine Nature (daivi prakr.ti or devibhava) or in the "more seizable because more defined and limited temperament" of any of her aspects, as in Mahakali bhava; a similar manifestation of any personality or combination of personalities of the deva or fourfold isvara, as in Indrabhava or Aniruddha bhava; in the vision of Reality (brahmadarsana), any of the "many aspects of the Infinite" which "disclose themselves, separate, combine, fuse, are unified together" until "there shines through it all the supreme integral Reality"; especially, the various "states of perception" in which the divine personality (purus.a) is seen in the impersonality of the brahman, ranging from the "general personality" of sagun.a brahman to the "vivid personality" of Kr.s.n.akali. bh bhavasamrddhi

blink beer ::: --> Beer kept unbroached until it is sharp.

blivet /bliv'*t/ [allegedly from a World War II military term meaning "ten pounds of manure in a five-pound bag"] 1. An intractable problem. 2. A crucial piece of hardware that can't be fixed or replaced if it breaks. 3. A tool that has been hacked over by so many incompetent programmers that it has become an unmaintainable tissue of hacks. 4. An out-of-control but unkillable development effort. 5. An embarrassing bug that pops up during a customer demo. 6. In the subjargon of computer security specialists, a denial-of-service attack performed by hogging limited resources that have no access controls (for example, shared spool space on a multi-user system). This term has other meanings in other technical cultures; among experimental physicists and hardware engineers of various kinds it seems to mean any random object of unknown purpose (similar to hackish use of {frob}). It has also been used to describe an amusing trick-the-eye drawing resembling a three-pronged fork that appears to depict a three-dimensional object until one realises that the parts fit together in an impossible way. [{Jargon File}]

BLOWS. ::: Blows are the order of existence ; our own nature and the nature of things bring them upon us until we learn to present to them a back which they cannot touch.

bogue out /bohg owt/ To become bogus, suddenly and unexpectedly. "His talk was relatively sane until somebody asked him a trick question; then he bogued out and did nothing but {flame} afterward." See also {bogosity}. [{Jargon File}]

bomb 1. "software" General synonym for {crash} except that it is not used as a noun. Especially used of software or {OS} failures. "Don't run Empire with less than 32K stack, it'll bomb". 2. "operating system" {Atari ST} and {Macintosh} equivalents of a {Unix} "{panic}" or {Amiga} {guru}, in which {icons} of little black-powder bombs or mushroom clouds are displayed, indicating that the system has died. On the {Macintosh}, this may be accompanied by a decimal (or occasionally {hexadecimal}) number indicating what went wrong, similar to the {Amiga} {guru meditation} number. {MS-DOS} computers tend to {lock up} in this situation. 3. "software" A piece of code embedded in a program that remains dormant until it is triggered. Logic bombs are triggered by an event whereas time bombs are triggered either after a set amount of time has elapsed, or when a specific date is reached. [{Jargon File}] (1996-12-08)

bottom-up implementation "programming" The opposite of {top-down design}. It is now received wisdom in most programming cultures that it is best to design from higher levels of abstraction down to lower, specifying sequences of action in increasing detail until you get to actual code. Hackers often find (especially in exploratory designs that cannot be closely specified in advance) that it works best to *build* things in the opposite order, by writing and testing a clean set of primitive operations and then knitting them together. [{Jargon File}] (1996-05-10)

breakdown ::: n. --> The act or result of breaking down, as of a carriage; downfall.

A noisy, rapid, shuffling dance engaged in competitively by a number of persons or pairs in succession, as among the colored people of the Southern United States, and so called, perhaps, because the exercise is continued until most of those who take part in it break down.

Any rude, noisy dance performed by shuffling the feet,

breasting ::: p. pr. & vb. n. --> of Breast ::: n. --> The curved channel in which a breast wheel turns. It is closely adapted to the curve of the wheel through about a quarter of its circumference, and prevents the escape of the water until it has spent its force upon the wheel. See Breast wheel.

British Library Method "algorithm" {Brute force} searching. According to legends circulating in the 1970s, in the British Library books are searched for by examining each book sequentially in the first shelf, then the next shelf, continuing until the book is found or the entire library has been searched. The term was referred to in a Dutch coursebook, "Inleiding In De Informatica" (Introduction to Informatics) from a course given by C.H.A. Koster and Th.A. Zoethout. This was based on a course given at the TU Berlin. [Reference?] (1999-04-14)

bubble sort A sorting technique in which pairs of adjacent values in the list to be sorted are compared and interchanged if they are out of order; thus, list entries "bubble upward" in the list until they bump into one with a lower sort value. Because it is not very good relative to other methods and is the one typically stumbled on by {naive} and untutored programmers, hackers consider it the {canonical} example of a naive algorithm. The canonical example of a really *bad* algorithm is {bogo-sort}. A bubble sort might be used out of ignorance, but any use of bogo-sort could issue only from brain damage or willful perversity. [{Jargon File}]

bucky bits /buh'kee bits/ 1. Obsolete. The bits produced by the CONTROL and META shift keys on a SAIL keyboard ({octal} 200 and 400 respectively), resulting in a 9-bit keyboard character set. The MIT AI TV (Knight) keyboards extended this with TOP and separate left and right CONTROL and META keys, resulting in a 12-bit character set; later, LISP Machines added such keys as SUPER, HYPER, and GREEK (see {space-cadet keyboard}). 2. By extension, bits associated with "extra" shift keys on any keyboard, e.g. the ALT on an IBM PC or command and option keys on a Macintosh. It has long been rumored that "bucky bits" were named after Buckminster Fuller during a period when he was consulting at Stanford. Actually, bucky bits were invented by Niklaus Wirth when *he* was at Stanford in 1964--65; he first suggested the idea of an EDIT key to set the 8th bit of an otherwise 7 bit ASCII character. It seems that, unknown to Wirth, certain Stanford hackers had privately nicknamed him "Bucky" after a prominent portion of his dental anatomy, and this nickname transferred to the bit. Bucky-bit commands were used in a number of editors written at Stanford, including most notably TV-EDIT and NLS. The term spread to MIT and CMU early and is now in general use. Ironically, Wirth himself remained unaware of its derivation for nearly 30 years, until {GLS} dug up this history in early 1993! See {double bucky}, {quadruple bucky}. (2001-06-22)

Buddha(s) of Compassion ::: One who, having won all, gained all -- gained the right to kosmic peace and bliss -- renounces it so thathe may return as a Son of Light in order to help humanity, and indeed all that is.The Buddhas of Compassion are the noblest flowers of the human race. They are men who have raisedthemselves from humanity into quasi-divinity; and this is done by letting the light imprisoned within, thelight of the inner god, pour forth and manifest itself through the humanity of the man, through the humansoul of the man. Through sacrifice and abandoning of all that is mean and wrong, ignoble and paltry andselfish; through opening up the inner nature so that the god within may shine forth; in other words,through self-directed evolution, they have raised themselves from mere manhood into becominggod-men, man-gods -- human divinities.They are called Buddhas of Compassion because they feel their unity with all that is, and therefore feelintimate magnetic sympathy with all that is, and this is more and more the case as they evolve, untilfinally their consciousness blends with that of the universe and lives eternally and immortally, because itis at one with the universe. "The dewdrop slips into the shining sea" -- its origin.Feeling the urge of almighty love in their hearts, the Buddhas of Compassion advance forever steadilytowards still greater heights of spiritual achievement; and the reason is that they have become thevehicles of universal love and universal wisdom. As impersonal love is universal, their whole natureexpands consequently with the universal powers that are working through them. The Buddhas ofCompassion, existing in their various degrees of evolution, form a sublime hierarchy extending from theSilent Watcher on our planet downwards through these various degrees unto themselves, and evenbeyond themselves to their chelas or disciples. Spiritually and mystically they contrast strongly withwhat Asiatic occultism, through the medium of Buddhism, has called the Pratyeka Buddhas.

buffered write-through "memory management" A variation of {write-through} where the {cache} uses a "write buffer" to hold data being written back to {main memory}. This frees the cache to service read requests while the write is taking place. There is usually only one stage of buffering so subsequent writes must wait until the first is complete. Most accesses are reads so buffered write-through is only useful for very slow main memory. (1998-04-24)

bug tracking system "programming" (BTS) A system for receiving and filing {bugs} reported against a {software} project, and tracking those bugs until they are fixed. Most major software projects have their own BTS, the {source code} of which is often available for use by other projects. Well known BTSs include {GNATS}, {Bugzilla}, and {Debbugs}. (2002-06-12)

Until you are capable of this complete dynamic identification, you have to regard yourself as a soul and body created for her service, one who does all for her sake. Even if the idea of the separate worker Is strong in you and you feel that it is you who do the act, yet it must be done for her. All stress of egoistic choice, all hankeriog after personal profit, all stipulation of self- regarding desire must be extirpated from the nature. There must be no demand for fruit and no seeking for reward ; the only fruit for you is the pleasure of the Divine Mother and the ful- filment of her work, your only reward a constant progression in divine consciousness and calm and strength and bliss. The joy of service and the joy of inner groxvth through works is the suffi- cient recompense of the sefless worker.

But at first there is a difficulty in keeping it intact when there is the contact wth others because the consciousness has the habit of running outwards in speech or external interchange or else coming down to the normal fevel. One must therefore be very careful until it is fixed ; once fixed it usually defends itself, for all outer contacts become surface things to a consciousness full of the higher peace.

Cabales; Caballi: In occultism, “the astral bodies of those who died by violence (external or self-inflicted) prior to the end of their natural term of life. These earth-bound, suffering souls are said to wander within the sphere of the attraction of the earth until the end of their natural term of life.” (L. W. de Laurence)

CACRG until 714

cagot ::: n. --> One of a race inhabiting the valleys of the Pyrenees, who until 1793 were political and social outcasts (Christian Pariahs). They are supposed to be a remnant of the Visigoths.

call-by-need "reduction" A {reduction strategy} which delays evaluation of {function} {arguments} until their values are needed. A value is needed if it is an argument to a {primitive} function or it is the condition in a {conditional}. Call-by-need is one aspect of {lazy evaluation}. The term first appears in Chris Wadsworth's thesis "Semantics and Pragmatics of the Lambda calculus" (Oxford, 1971, p. 183). It was used later, by J. Vuillemin in his thesis (Stanford, 1973). (1995-05-27)

call-by-value-result An argument passing convention where the {actual argument} is a variable V whose value is copied to a local variable L inside the called function or procedure. If the procedure modifies L, these changes will not affect V, which may also be in scope inside the procedure, until the procedure returns when the final value of L is copied to V. Under {call-by-reference} changes to L would affect V immediately. Used, for example, by {BBC BASIC V} on the {Acorn} {Archimedes}.

Caloric According to a formerly widely accepted scientific theory of heat, when a hot body communicates heat to a cold body, there passes from the former to the latter an “imponderable” fluid, called caloric or phlogiston; and the heat developed by friction is due to a squeezing of caloric out from the body. This theory, misunderstood in later times, was abandoned when it was proved that the amount of heat which can thus be obtained from a body is unlimited, depending only on the amount of labor used in generating it. The error lay in considering that there was a definite, limited amount of caloric which, once extracted, left no further caloric to be extracted until the body had accumulated it anew, quite forgetting that the caloric or phlogiston theory held that caloric was a part of the substance of material things, just as modern electrical theory holds that material substances are themselves formed of electricity. One might as well hold that every material body possesses a certain amount of electricity, of which, when once extracted, the body can no longer furnish a further supply.

caveat ::: n. --> A notice given by an interested party to some officer not to do a certain act until the party is heard in opposition; as, a caveat entered in a probate court to stop the proving of a will or the taking out of letters of administration, etc.
A description of some invention, designed to be patented, lodged in the patent office before the patent right is applied for, and operating as a bar to the issue of letters patent to any other person, respecting the same invention.

CDL 1. Computer Definition [Design?] Language. A hardware description language. "Computer Organisation and Microprogramming", Yaohan Chu, P-H 1970. 2. Command Definition Language. Portion of ICES used to implement commands. Sammet 1969, p.618-620. 3. Compiler Description Language. C.H.A. Koster, 1969. Intended for implementation of the rules of an affix grammar by recursive procedures. A procedure may be a set of tree-structured alternatives, each alternative is executed until one successfully exits. Used in a portable COBOL-74 compiler from MPB, mprolog system from SzKI, and the Mephisto chess computer. "CDL: A Compiler Implementation Language", in Methods of Algorithmic Language Implementation, C.H.A. Koster, LNCS 47, Springer 1977, pp.341-351. "Using the CDL Compiler Compiler", C.H.A. Koster, 1974. Versions: CDL2, CDLM used at Manchester. 4. Common Design Language. "Common Design Language", IBM, Software Engineering Inst, Sept 1983. 5. Control Definition Language. Ideas which contributed to Smalltalk. ["Control Structures for Programming Languges", David A. Fisher, PhD Thesis, CMU 1970].

Cellular Neural Network "architecture" (CNN) The CNN Universal Machine is a low cost, low power, extremely high speed {supercomputer} on a chip. It is at least 1000 times faster than equivalent {DSP} solutions of many complex {image processing} tasks. It is a stored program supercomputer where a complex sequence of image processing {algorithms} is programmed and downloaded into the chip, just like any digital computer. Because the entire computer is integrated into a chip, no signal leaves the chip until the image processing task is completed. Although the CNN universal chip is based on analogue and logic operating principles, it has an on-chip analog-to-digital input-output interface so that at the system design and application perspective, it can be used as a digital component, just like a DSP. In particular, a development system is available for rapid design and prototyping. Moreover, a {compiler}, an {operating system}, and a {user-friendly} CNN {high-level language}, like the {C} language, have been developed which makes it easy to implement any image processing algorithm. [Professor Leon Chua, University of California at Berkeley]. (1995-04-27)

Ceridwen (Welsh) Presumably cognate with the Roman goddess Ceres; in Hanes Taliesin (The Story of Taliesin) the wife of Tegid Foel. The goddess of nature, her function was to do battle with her favorite sons, to oppose and persecute them until they had grown stronger to endure than she was to afflict: then she turns and becomes their devoted servant.

Cerinthus (flourished 1st century) Gnostic, probably Syrian, credited with Egyptian training by Hippolytus, he taught that the world was made, not by the Supreme but by angels, “one of whom gave law to the Jews, which was not perfect, and that only a particular gospel of Matthew was of use in the New Testament” (BdeZ in BCW 14:516). He taught that “the world and Jehovah having fallen off from virtue and primitive dignity, the Supreme permitted one of his glorious Aeons, whose name was the ‘Anointed’ (Christ) to incarnate in the man Jesus” (BCW 14:372n) who was born a son of Joseph and Mary like any other mortal until Christos descended upon him, left him before his death, and returned personating him after his death (BCW 13:55; SD 2:508).

Chandala (Sanskrit) Caṇḍāla A member of a mixed caste, or people without caste, an outcaste. Especially in ancient India the term applied to one of the lowest and most despised status (sometimes described as being born from a Sudra father and a Brahmin mother). Commonly applied now to anyone of mixed caste “but in antiquity it was applied to a certain class of men, who, having forfeited their right to any of the four castes — Brahmans, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas, and Sudras — were expelled from cities and sought refuge in the forests. Then they became ‘bricklayers,’ until finally expelled they left the country, some 4,000 years before our era. Some see in them the ancestors of the earlier Jews, whose tribes began with A-brahm or ‘No-Brahm.’ To this day it is the class most despised by the Brahmins in India” (TG 323-4).

childe ::: n. --> A cognomen formerly prefixed to his name by the oldest son, until he succeeded to his ancestral titles, or was knighted; as, Childe Roland.

Choice, Moment of In theosophical literature, the point when the individual, on becoming a buddha, must decide either to renounce the world and its suffering and enter nirvana as a Pratyeka Buddha, or to return as a Buddha of Compassion to help others until all living beings reach nirvana. This decision will be determined by the aspirations and motives of the individual over many lives.

class hierarchy "programming" In {object-oriented programming}, a set of {classes} related by {inheritance}. Each class is a "subclass" of another class - its "superclass". The subclass contains all the features of its superclass, but may add new features or redefine existing features. The features of a class are the set of {attributes} (or "properties") that an object of that class has and the {methods} that can be invoked on it. If each class has a just one superclass, this is called {single inheritance}. The opposite is {multiple inheritance}, under which a class may have multiple superclasses. Single inheritance gives the class hierarchy a {tree} structure whereas multiple inheritance gives a {directed graph}. Typically there is one class at the top of the hierarchy which is the "object" class, the most general class that is an ancestor of all others and which has no superclass. In computing, as in genealogy, trees grow downwards, which is why subclasses are considered to be "below" their superclasses. When {invoking a method} on an {object}, the method is first looked for in the object's class, then the superclass of that class, and so on up the hierarchy until it is found. Thus a class need only define those methods which are specific to it and it will inherit all other methods from all its superclasses. An object of the subclass can do everything that an object of the superclass can and possible more. {C++} calls the superclass the "base class" and the subclass the "derived class" (not to be confused with a {derived type}). (2014-09-06)

Clear Language for Expressing Orders "language" (CLEO) A language developed by {ICL} in the 1960s and used until early 1972 on {Leo} III {mainframes}. (1994-11-03)

CLP(R) "language" Constraint Logic Programming (Real) A {constraint logic programming} language with {real} arithmetic {constraints} developed by Joxan Jaffar "" of {IBM} {TJWRC} and S. Michaylov of {Monash University} in 1986. The implementation contains a {byte-code compiler} and a built-in {constraint} solver which deals with {linear arithmetic} and contains a mechanism for delaying {nonlinear} constraints until they become linear. Since CLP(R) is a superset of {PROLOG}, the system is also usable as a general-purpose {logic programming} language. There are also powerful facilities for {meta programming} with constraints. Significant CLP(R) applications have been published in diverse areas such as molecular biology, finance and physical modelling. Version 1.2 for {Unix}, {MS-DOS} and {OS/2} is available from the authors. It is free for academic and research purposes. E-mail: Roland Yap "". ["The CLP(R) Language and System", J. Jaffar et al, IBM RR RC16292 (

combinatory logic "logic" A system for reducing the operational notation of {logic}, mathematics or a {functional language} to a sequence of modifications to the input data structure. First introduced in the 1920's by {Schoenfinkel}. Re-introduced independently by {Haskell Curry} in the late 1920's (who quickly learned of Schoenfinkel's work after he had the idea). Curry is really responsible for most of the development, at least up until work with Feys in 1958. See {combinator}. (1995-01-05)

commendam ::: n. --> A vacant living or benefice commended to a cleric (usually a bishop) who enjoyed the revenue until a pastor was provided. A living so held was said to be held in commendam. The practice was abolished by law in 1836.

Commodore 1581 "storage" {Commodore Business Machines}'s 3.5 inch {disk drive} for the {Commodore 64} and {Commodore 128}. The drive stores 800 {kilobytes} using an {MFM} format which is different from both {messy-dos} 720 kb, and the {Amiga} 880 kb formats. The 1581 supports a poor imitation of {directories} which are really just {partitions} and largely unused. It also supports burst loading like the {Commodore 1571}, but is actually faster as it is better designed. It has 3160 {blocks} free when formatted. The 1581 is the highest density C64 serial bus drive made by Commodore. However Creative Micro Designs (CMD) make the {FD2000} (1.6MB) and (until recently) the {FD4000} (3.2MB) 3.5" disk drives. {GEOS} users like 1581s as they are very fast when used with GEOS. See also {Commodore 1541}, {Commodore 1571}. (1998-12-23)

compress 1. To feed data through any {compression} {algorithm}. 2. "tool" The {Unix} program "compress", now largely supplanted by {gzip}. Unix compress was written in {C} by Joseph M. Orost, James A. Woods et al., and was widely circulated via {Usenet}. It uses the {Lempel-Ziv Welch} {algorithm} and normally produces files with the suffix ".Z". Compress uses variable length codes. Initially, nine-bit codes are output until they are all used. When this occurs, ten-bit codes are used and so on, until an implementation-dependent maximum is reached. After every 10 {kilobytes} of input the compression ratio is checked. If it is decreasing then the entire string table is discarded and information is collected from scratch.

configuraholic "jargon" A {luser} who twiddles with computer settings until it no longer works and must be fixed by the {system administror}. (2007-03-20)

contango ::: n. --> The premium or interest paid by the buyer to the seller, to be allowed to defer paying for the stock purchased until the next fortnightly settlement day.
The postponement of payment by the buyer of stock on the payment of a premium to the seller. See Backwardation.

contention slot "networking" In a communication system where only one node at a time may transmit successfully on a shared channel, the contention slot or contention period is the time a node must wait before it can be sure that no other node's transmission has {collided (collision)} with its transmission. If node A starts to transmit at time t0 and then another node starts to transmit just before it recieves A's transmission at time t0 + T, then the transmissions will collide but node A will not detect the collision until time t0 + 2T. The contention slot, 2T, for nodes seperated by the maximum propagation delay thus determines how much data the node must be prepared to re-transmit in the event of a collision. (2014-11-06)

controller ::: n. --> One who, or that which, controls or restraines; one who has power or authority to regulate or control; one who governs.
An officer appointed to keep a counter register of accounts, or to examine, rectify, or verify accounts.
An iron block, usually bolted to a ship&

control-S "character" (Or XOFF, DC3, {Device Control} 3) The character with {ASCII} code 19, used in {software handshaking} to temporarily suspend output until a {control-Q} is received. [{Jargon File}] (1996-06-28)

Convergent Technologies Operating System "operating system" (CTOS, BTOS, STARSYS) /see-toss/ A modular, {message-passing}, {multi-process} based {operating system}. {Convergent Technologies}' first product was the IWS (Integrated Workstation) based on the {Intel 8086}, which had CTOS as its operating system. It is a modular operating system with built in {local area networking}. CTOS supports multiple processes or {threads} and message-based {inter-process communication}. Companies which licensed CTOS included {Burroughs} (BTOS) and {Bull} (STARSYS). The largest customer was {Unisys}, with whom Convergent Technologies merged to become one company in 1988. CTOS had over 800,000 users worldwide. CTOS ran on Intel {Pentium} computers, and could run concurrently with {Microsoft} {Windows NT}. Support for existing customers lasted at least until 2001. Major customers included police forces, banks, and airlines. ["Exploring CTOS", Miller E., Crook J., Loy J. - Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-297342-1, 1991]. (1996-09-24)

CORAL 66 A real-time system programming language derived from {JOVIAL} and {ALGOL 60}. It was adopted as the British military standard from 1970 until the arrival of {Ada}. ["Official Definition of CORAL 66", P.M. Woodward et al, HMSO, London, 1970].

Cousin, Victor: (1792-1867) Was among those principally responsible for producing the shift in French philosophy away from sensationalism in the direction of "spiritualism"; in his own thinking, Cousin was first influenced by Locke and Condillac, and later turned to idealism under the influence of Maine de Biran and Schelling. His most characteristic philosophical insights are contained in Fragments Philosophiques (1826), in which he advocated as the basis of metaphysics a careful observation and analysis of the facts of the conscious life. He lectured at the Sorbonne from 1815 until 1820 when he was suspended for political reasons, but he was reinstated in 1827 and continued to lecture there until 1832. He exercised a great influence on his philosophical contemporaries and founded the spiritualistic or eclectic school in French Philosophy. The members of his school devoted themselves largely to historical studies for which Cousin had provided the example in his Introduction a l'Histoire General de la Philosophie, 7th ed. 1872. -- L.W.

Cremation Since the last quarter of the 19th century, the practice of cremation has gained acceptance in America and many European countries, whereas in the Orient, especially in India, it has been perhaps the most common way of disposing of dead bodies. Among peoples ancient and contemporary it ranks with other modes of disposal of the dead, such as exposure to the air, burial in the earth, or being devoured by animals. Blavatsky maintains that it was universal until 80,000 or 100,000 years ago (SD 2:753). Some Christians oppose the practice because they believe that the dispersal of the physical body by fire makes it impossible for the soul to regather a body in time to be saved at the Last Judgment, and so leads to annihilation.

cross-spall ::: n. --> One of the temporary wooden braces, placed horizontally across a frame to hold it in position until the deck beams are in; a cross-pawl.

cutover "communications, networking" /cut-ov*/ Switching from an old ({hardware} and/or {software}) system to a replacement system, covering the overlap from when the new system is {live} until the old system has been {shut down}. (1997-07-09)

cycle drought A scarcity of {cycles}. It may be due to a {cycle crunch}, but it could also occur because part of the computer is temporarily not working, leaving fewer cycles to go around. "The {high moby} is {down}, so we're running with only half the usual amount of memory. There will be a cycle drought until it's fixed." [{Jargon File}] (1994-11-29)

data "data, data processing, jargon" /day't*/ (Or "raw data") Numbers, {characters}, {images}, or other method of recording, in a form which can be assessed by a human or (especially) input into a {computer}, stored and {processed} there, or transmitted on some {digital channel}. Computers nearly always represent data in {binary}. Data on its own has no meaning, only when interpreted by some kind of {data processing} system does it take on meaning and become {information}. For example, the binary data 01110101 might represent the integer 117 or the {ASCII} lower case U character or the blue component of a pixel in some {video}. Which of these it represents is determined by the way it is processed (added, printed, displayed, etc.). Even these numbers, characters or pixels however are still not really information until their context is known, e.g. my bank balance is £117, there are two Us in "vacuum", you have blue eyes. (2007-09-10)

Day Be With Us, Great The lipikas, karmic recorders of the universe, make a barrier — the so-called ring pass-not — impassable during its existence but passable through evolution, between the personal ego and the impersonal or cosmic self. The incarnating monads cannot pass this “ring” until they have through evolutionary risings and development become merged once more in the universal or cosmic soul. The lipikas “are directly connected with Karma and what the Christians call the Day of Judgment; in the East it was called the Day after Mahamanvantara, or the ‘Day-Be-With-Us.’ Then everything becomes one, all individualities are merged into one, yet each knowing itself . . . then, that which to us now is non-consciousness or the unconscious, will then be absolute consciousness” (TBL 112). This is called with the Egyptians the Day of Come-to-Us and refers to what the Hindus call the paranirvana or great night of union in Brahman.

Death and after ::: at the time of death the being goes out of the body through the head ; it goes out in the subtle body and goes to different planes of existence for a short time until it has gone through certain experiences which are the result of its earthly existence. Afterwards it reaches the psychic world where it rests in a kind of sleep, until it is time for it to start a new life on earth.

death code A routine whose job is to set everything in the computer - {registers}, memory, flags - to zero, including that portion of memory where it is running; its last act is to stomp on its own "store zero" instruction. Death code isn't very useful, but writing it is an interesting hacking challenge on architectures where the instruction set makes it possible, such as the {PDP-8} or the {Data General} {Nova}. Perhaps the ultimate death code is on the {TI 990} series, where all {registers} are actually in {RAM}, and the instruction "store immediate 0" has the {opcode} 0. The {program counter} will immediately wrap around core as many times as it can until a user hits HALT. Any empty memory location is death code. Worse, the manufacturer recommended use of this instruction in startup code (which would be in {ROM} and therefore survive). [{Jargon File}]

Death ::: Death occurs when a general break-up of the constitution of man takes place; nor is this break-up amatter of sudden occurrence, with the exceptions of course of such cases as mortal accidents or suicides.Death is always preceded, varying in each individual case, by a certain time spent in the withdrawal ofthe monadic individuality from an incarnation, and this withdrawal of course takes place coincidentlywith a decay of the seven-principle being which man is in physical incarnation. This decay precedesphysical dissolution, and is a preparation of and by the consciousness-center for the forthcomingexistence in the invisible realms. This withdrawal actually is a preparation for the life to come ininvisible realms, and as the septenary entity on this earth so decays, it may truly be said to beapproaching rebirth in the next sphere.Death occurs, physically speaking, with the cessation of activity of the pulsating heart. There is the lastbeat, and this is followed by immediate, instantaneous unconsciousness, for nature is very merciful inthese things. But death is not yet complete, for the brain is the last organ of the physical body really todie, and for some time after the heart has ceased beating, the brain and its memory still remain activeand, although unconsciously so, the human ego for this short length of time, passes in review every eventof the preceding life. This great or small panoramic picture of the past is purely automatic, so to say; yetthe soul-consciousness of the reincarnating ego watches this wonderful review incident by incident, areview which includes the entire course of thought and action of the life just closed. The entity is, for thetime being, entirely unconscious of everything else except this. Temporarily it lives in the past, andmemory dislodges from the akasic record, so to speak, event after event, to the smallest detail: passesthem all in review, and in regular order from the beginning to the end, and thus sees all its past life as anall-inclusive panorama of picture succeeding picture.There are very definite ethical and psychological reasons inhering in this process, for this process forms areconstruction of both the good and the evil done in the past life, and imprints this strongly as a record onthe fabric of the spiritual memory of the passing being. Then the mortal and material portions sink intooblivion, while the reincarnating ego carries the best and noblest parts of these memories into thedevachan or heaven-world of postmortem rest and recuperation. Thus comes the end called death; andunconsciousness, complete and undisturbed, succeeds, until there occurs what the ancients called thesecond death.The lower triad (prana, linga-sarira, sthula-sarira) is now definitely cast off, and the remaining quaternaryis free. The physical body of the lower triad follows the course of natural decay, and its various hosts oflife-atoms proceed whither their natural attractions draw them. The linga-sarira or model-body remains inthe astral realms, and finally fades out. The life-atoms of the prana, or electrical field, fly instantly backat the moment of physical dissolution to the natural pranic reservoirs of the planet.This leaves man, therefore, no longer a heptad or septenary entity, but a quaternary consisting of theupper duad (atma-buddhi) and the intermediate duad (manas-kama). The second death then takes place.Death and the adjective dead are mere words by which the human mind seeks to express thoughts whichit gathers from a more or less consistent observation of the phenomena of the material world. Death isdissolution of a component entity or thing. The dead, therefore, are merely dissolving bodies -- entitieswhich have reached their term on this our physical plane. Dissolution is common to all things, becauseall physical things are composite: they are not absolute things. They are born; they grow; they reachmaturity; they enjoy, as the expression runs, a certain term of life in the full bloom of their powers; thenthey "die." That is the ordinary way of expressing what men call death; and the corresponding adjectiveis dead, when we say that such things or entities are dead.Do you find death per se anywhere? No. You find nothing but action; you find nothing but movement;you find nothing but change. Nothing stands still or is annihilated. What is called death itself shouts forthto us the fact of movement and change. Absolute inertia is unknown in nature or in the human mind; itdoes not exist.

Debbugs "programming" The {bug tracking system} used by the {Debian} Project. Each bug is given a number, and is kept on file until it is marked as having been dealt with. The system is mainly controlled by {electronic mail}, but the bug reports can be viewed via the {web}. {Debbugs home (}. (2002-06-12)

Delos (Greek) An island of the Cyclades group in the Greek Mediterranean. Called out of the deep by the trident of Neptune, it floated about until Zeus chained it down to be the birthplace of Apollo and Artemis. In Homeric times it was a meeting place of Ionians for religious and political purposes.

Delphi Technique "programming, tool" A group forecasting technique, generally used for future events such as technological developments, that uses estimates from experts and feedback summaries of these estimates for additional estimates by these experts until reasonable consensus occurs. It has been used in various software cost-estimating activities, including estimation of factors influencing software costs. (1996-05-29)

Deucalion, Deukalion (Greek) A son of Prometheus and Clymene, and king of Phthia in Thessaly. When Zeus resolved to destroy the degenerate human race, the only two left alive were Deucalion and his wife Pyrrha, on account of their piety. On his father’s advice, Deucalion built a ship, in which he and Pyrrha floated during the nine-days flood, until the ship finally rested on Mount Parnassus. On the advice of an oracle, they repeopled the earth by throwing stones behind them, which became human beings. See also ARK

deuce ::: n. --> Two; a card or a die with two spots; as, the deuce of hearts.
A condition of the score beginning whenever each side has won three strokes in the same game (also reckoned "40 all"), and reverted to as often as a tie is made until one of the sides secures two successive strokes following a tie or deuce, which decides the game.
The devil; a demon.

Devachan is a state of peace and happiness beyond ordinary mental cognizance, and no disturbing element can enter until the reincarnating ego has finished resting and recuperating its energy for a new sojourn on earth. Because the reincarnating ego builds its own paradise out of the materials it gathered in the last incarnation, there are great varieties in the devachanic state. It is the product of every individual’s unfulfilled spiritual yearnings, longings, and aspirations: since these were not fulfilled or only partly so in earth life, during the interval between earth-lives the ego seeks to fulfill them, rehearsing its spiritual yearnings which, being mental visions or pictures, are thus real in a far truer sense that anything possible on earth, where the consciousness is so thickly enshrouded with the obscuring veils of lower attractions. It is the quality of these aspirations, however, which determines the length of the devachanic state: the more lofty and spiritual the aspirations, the longer the stay. Devachan is not a state of positive action and responsibility, and therefore not a field of retribution for wrong done in the past.

Devachan[Tibetan, bde-ba-can, pronounced de-wa-chen] ::: A translation of the Sanskrit sukhavati, the "happy place"or god-land. It is the state between earth-lives into which the human entity, the human monad, enters andthere rests in bliss and repose.When the second death after that of the physical body takes place -- and there are many deaths, that is tosay many changes of the vehicles of the ego -- the higher part of the human entity withdraws into itselfall that aspires towards it, and takes that "all" with it into the devachan; and the atman, with the buddhiand with the higher part of the manas, become thereupon the spiritual monad of man. Devachan as a stateapplies not to the highest or heavenly or divine monad, but only to the middle principles of man, to thepersonal ego or the personal soul in man, overshadowed by atma-buddhi. There are many degrees indevachan: the highest, the intermediate, and the lowest. Yet devachan is not a locality, it is a state, a stateof the beings in that spiritual condition.Devachan is the fulfilling of all the unfulfilled spiritual hopes of the past incarnation, and anefflorescence of all the spiritual and intellectual yearnings of the past incarnation which in that pastincarnation have not had an opportunity for fulfillment. It is a period of unspeakable bliss and peace forthe human soul, until it has finished its rest time and stage of recuperation of its own energies.In the devachanic state, the reincarnating ego remains in the bosom of the monad (or of the monadicessence) in a state of the most perfect and utter bliss and peace, reviewing and constantly reviewing, andimproving upon in its own blissful imagination, all the unfulfilled spiritual and intellectual possibilitiesof the life just closed that its naturally creative faculties automatically suggest to the devachanic entity.Man here is no longer a quaternary of substance-principles (for the second death has taken place), but isnow reduced to the monad with the reincarnating ego sleeping in its bosom, and is therefore a spiritualtriad. (See also Death, Reincarnating Ego)

Dining Philosophers Problem "parallel" (DPP) A problem introduced by {Dijkstra} concerning resource allocation between processes. The DPP is a model and universal method for testing and comparing theories on resource allocation. Dijkstra hoped to use it to help create a layered {operating system}, by creating a machine which could be consider to be an entirely {deterministic} {automaton}. The problem consists of a finite set of processes which share a finite set of resources, each of which can be used by only one process at a time, thus leading to potential {deadlock}. The DPP visualises this as a number of philosophers sitting round a dining table with a fork between each adjacent pair. Each philosopher may arbitrarily decide to use either the fork to his left or the one to his right but each fork may only be used by one philosopher at a time. Several potential solutions have been considered. Semaphores - a simple, but unfair solution where each resources is a {binary semaphore} and additional semaphores are used to avoid deadlock and/or {starvation}. Critical Regions - each processor is protected from interference while it exclusively uses a resource. Monitors - the process waits until all required resources are available then grabs all of them for use. The best solution allows the maximum parallelism for any number of processes (philosophers), by using an array to track the process' current state (i.e. hungry, eating, thinking). This solution maintains an array of semaphores, so hungry philosophers trying to acquire resources can block if the needed forks are busy. (1998-08-09)

disk drive "hardware, storage" (Or "hard disk drive", "hard drive", "floppy disk drive", "floppy drive") A {peripheral} device that reads and writes {hard disks} or {floppy disks}. The drive contains a motor to rotate the disk at a constant rate and one or more read/write heads which are positioned over the desired {track} by a servo mechanism. It also contains the electronics to amplify the signals from the heads to normal digital logic levels and vice versa. In order for a disk drive to start to read or write a given location a read/write head must be positioned radially over the right track and rotationally over the start of the right sector. Radial motion is known as "{seek}ing" and it is this which causes most of the intermittent noise heard during disk activity. There is usually one head for each disk surface and all heads move together. The set of locations which are accessible with the heads in a given radial position are known as a "{cylinder}". The "{seek time}" is the time taken to seek to a different cylinder. The disk is constantly rotating (except for some {floppy disk} drives where the motor is switched off between accesses to reduce wear and power consumption) so positioning the heads over the right sector is simply a matter of waiting until it arrives under the head. With a single set of heads this "{rotational latency}" will be on average half a revolution but some big drives have multiple sets of heads spaced at equal angles around the disk. If seeking and rotation are independent, access time is seek time + rotational latency. When accessing multiple tracks sequentially, data is sometimes arranged so that by the time the seek from one track to the next has finished, the disk has rotated just enough to begin accessing the next track. See also {sector interleave}. Early disk drives had a capacity of a few {megabytes} and were housed inside a separate cabinet the size of a washing machine. Over a few decades they shrunk to fit a {terabyte} or more in a box the size of a paperback book. The disks may be {removable disks}; floppy disks always are, removable hard disks were common on {mainframes} and {minicomputers} but less so on {microcomputers} until the mid 1990s(?) with products like the {Zip Drive}. A {CD-ROM} drive is not usually referred to as a disk drive. Two common interfaces for disk drives (and other devices) are {SCSI} and {IDE}. {ST-506} used to be common in microcomputers (in the 1980s?). (1997-04-15)

Divine, rejecting what has to be rejected, opening oneself to the true Light and true Force, calling it down quietly, steadfastly, without tiring, without depression or impatience, until one feels the Divine Force at work and the obstacle beginning to give way.

Domain Name System "networking" (DNS) A general-purpose distributed, replicated, data query service chiefly used on {Internet} for translating {hostnames} into {Internet addresses}. Also, the style of {hostname} used on the Internet, though such a name is properly called a {fully qualified domain name}. DNS can be configured to use a sequence of name servers, based on the domains in the name being looked for, until a match is found. The name resolution client (e.g. Unix's gethostbyname() library function) can be configured to search for host information in the following order: first in the local {hosts file}, second in {NIS} and third in DNS. This sequencing of Naming Services is sometimes called "name service switching". Under {Solaris} is configured in the file /etc/nsswitch.conf. DNS can be queried interactively using the command {nslookup}. It is defined in {STD 13}, {RFC 1034}, {RFC 1035}, {RFC 1591}. {BIND} is a common DNS server. {Info from Virtual Office, Inc. (}. (2001-05-14)

DRY PERIOD. ::: There is a long stage of preparation neces- sary in order to arrive at the moer psychologic^ condition in which the doors of experience can open and one can walk from vista to vista — though even then new gates may present them- selves and refuse to open until all is ready. This period can be dry and desert-like unless one has the ardour of self-introspec- tion and self-conquest and finds every step of the effort and struggle interesting or unless one has or gets the secret of trust and self-giving which secs the hand of the Divine in every step of the path and even in the difficulty the grace or the guidance.

Such interval periods come to all and cannot be avoided.

The main thing is to meet them with quietude and not become restless, depressed or despondent. A constant fire can be there only when a certain stage has been reached, that is when one is always inside consciously living in the psychic being, but for that all this preparation of the mind, vital, physical is necessary.

For this fire belongs to the psychic and one cannot command it always merely by the mind's effort. The psychic has to be fully liberated and that is what the Force is working to make fully possible.

The difficulty comes when either the vital with its desires or the physical with its past habitual movements comes in — as they do with almost everyone. It is then that the dryness and difficulty of spontaneous aspiration come. This dryness is a well- known obstacle in all sadhana. But one has to persist and not be discouraged. If one keep? the will fixed even in these barren periods, they pass and after their passage a greater force of aspiration and experience becomes possible.

Dryness comes usually when the vital dislikes a movement or' condition or the refusal of its desires and starts non-co-operation.

But sometimes it is a condition that has to be crossed through, e.g. the neutral or dry quietude which sometimes comes when the ordinary movements have been thrown out but nothing positive has yet come to take their place, i.e, peace, joy, a higher know- ledge or force or action.

Dühring, Eugen Karl: (1813-1901) Dühring, a German economist and philosopher, started on a legal career which lasted until 1859. He became docent at the University of Berlin and taught there until he lost his license in 1874. He was editor of Der moderne Volkergeist and of Personalist und Emancipator. Philosophically he belonged to the positivistic school. Dühring advocated not the elimination of capitalism, but of its abuses through the medium of a strong labor movement. His literary work is strongly tinged with anti-semitism, and he is probably better known for the attack which Marx and Engels made upon him than for his own work.

dynamic link "compiler" A pointer from an {activation record} to the {activation record} for the {scope} from which the current scope was called at {run time}. This is used in a {statically scoped} language to restore the {environment pointer} on exit from a scope. To access a {non-local variable} in a {dynamically scoped} language, dynamic links are followed until a binding for the given variable name is found. (1995-03-07)

dynamic random-access memory "storage" (DRAM) A type of {semiconductor} memory in which the information is stored in {capacitors} on a {MOS} {integrated circuit}. Typically each {bit} is stored as an amount of electrical charge in a storage cell consisting of a capacitor and a {transistor}. Due to leakage the capacitor discharges gradually and the memory cell loses the information. Therefore, to preserve the information, the memory has to be refreshed periodically. Despite this inconvenience, the DRAM is a very popular memory technology because of its high density and consequent low price. The first commercially available DRAM chip was the {Intel 1103}, introduced in 1970. Early DRAM chips, containing up to a 16k x 1 (16384 locations of one bit each), needed 3 supply voltages (+5V, -5V and +12V). Beginning with the 64 kilobit chips, {charge pumps} were included on-chip to create the necessary supply voltages out of a single +5V supply. This was necessary to fit the device into a 16-pin {DIL} package, which was the preferred package at the time, and also made them easier to use. To reduce the pin count, thereby helping miniaturisation, DRAMs generally had a single data line which meant that a computer with an N bit wide {data bus} needed a "bank" of (at least) N DRAM chips. In a bank, the address and control signals of all chips were common and the data line of each chip was connected to one of the data bus lines. Beginning with the 256 kilobit DRAM, a tendency toward {surface mount} packaging arose and DRAMs with more than one data line appeared (e.g. 64k x 4), reducing the number of chips per bank. This trend has continued and DRAM chips with up to 36 data lines are available today. Furthermore, together with surface mount packages, memory manufacturers began to offer memory modules, where a bank of memory chips was preassembled on a little {printed circuit} board (SIP = Single Inline Pin Module, SIMM = Single Inline Memory Module, DIMM = Dual Inline Memory Module). Today, this is the preferred way to buy memory for {workstations} and {personal computers}. DRAM bit cells are arranged on a chip in a grid of rows and columns where the number of rows and columns are usually a power of two. Often, but not always, the number of rows and columns is the same. A one megabit device would then have 1024 x 1024 memory cells. A single memory cell can be selected by a 10-bit row address and a 10-bit column address. To access a memory cell, one entire row of cells is selected and its contents are transferred into an on-chip buffer. This discharges the storage capacitors in the bit cells. The desired bits are then read or written in the buffer. The (possibly altered) information is finally written back into the selected row, thereby refreshing all bits (recharging the capacitors) in the row. To prevent data loss, all bit cells in the memory need to be refreshed periodically. This can be done by reading all rows in regular intervals. Most DRAMs since 1970 have been specified such that one of the rows needs to be refreshed at least every 15.625 microseconds. For a device with 1024 rows, a complete refresh of all rows would then take up to 16 ms; in other words, each cell is guaranteed to hold the data for 16 ms without refresh. Devices with more rows have accordingly longer retention times. Many varieties of DRAM exist today. They differ in the way they are interfaced to the system - the structure of the memory cell itself is essentially the same. "Traditional" DRAMs have multiplexed address lines and separate data inputs and outputs. There are three control signals: RAS\ (row address strobe), CAS\ (column address strobe), and WE\ (write enable) (the backslash indicates an {active low} signal). Memory access procedes as follows: 1. The control signals initially all being inactive (high), a memory cycle is started with the row address applied to the address inputs and a falling edge of RAS\ . This latches the row address and "opens" the row, transferring the data in the row to the buffer. The row address can then be removed from the address inputs since it is latched on-chip. 2. With RAS\ still active, the column address is applied to the address pins and CAS\ is made active as well. This selects the desired bit or bits in the row which subsequently appear at the data output(s). By additionally activating WE\ the data applied to the data inputs can be written into the selected location in the buffer. 3. Deactivating CAS\ disables the data input and output again. 4. Deactivating RAS\ causes the data in the buffer to be written back into the memory array. Certain timing rules must be obeyed to guarantee reliable operation. 1. RAS\ must remain inactivate for a while before the next memory cycle is started to provide sufficient time for the storage capacitors to charge (Precharge Time). 2. It takes some time from the falling edge of the RAS\ or CAS\ signals until the data appears at the data output. This is specified as the Row Access Time and the Column Access Time. Current DRAM's have Row Access Times of 50-100 ns and Column Access Times of 15-40 ns. Speed grades usually refer to the former, more important figure. Note that the Memory Cycle Time, which is the minimum time from the beginning of one access to the beginning of the next, is longer than the Row Access Time (because of the Precharge Time). Multiplexing the address pins saves pins on the chip, but usually requires additional logic in the system to properly generate the address and control signals, not to mention further logic for refresh. Therefore, DRAM chips are usually preferred when (because of the required memory size) the additional cost for the control logic is outweighed by the lower price. Based on these principles, chip designers have developed many varieties to improve performance or ease system integration of DRAMs: PSRAMs (Pseudo Static Random Access Memory) are essentially DRAMs with a built-in address {multiplexor} and refresh controller. This saves some system logic and makes the device look like a normal {SRAM}. This has been popular as a lower cost alternative for SRAM in {embedded systems}. It is not a complete SRAM substitute because it is sometimes busy when doing self-refresh, which can be tedious. {Nibble Mode DRAM} can supply four successive bits on one data line by clocking the CAS\ line. {Page Mode DRAM} is a standard DRAM where any number of accesses to the currently open row can be made while the RAS signal is kept active. Static Column DRAM is similar to Page Mode DRAM, but to access different bits in the open row, only the column address needs to be changed while the CAS\ signal stays active. The row buffer essentially behaves like SRAM. {Extended Data Out DRAM} (EDO DRAM) can continue to output data from one address while setting up a new address, for use in {pipelined} systems. DRAM used for Video RAM ({VRAM}) has an additional long shift register that can be loaded from the row buffer. The shift register can be regarded as a second interface to the memory that can be operated in parallel to the normal interface. This is especially useful in {frame buffers} for {CRT} displays. These frame buffers generate a serial data stream that is sent to the CRT to modulate the electron beam. By using the shift register in the VRAM to generate this stream, the memory is available to the computer through the normal interface most of the time for updating the display data, thereby speeding up display data manipulations. SDRAM (Synchronous DRAM) adds a separate clock signal to the control signals. It allows more complex {state machines} on the chip and high speed "burst" accesses that clock a series of successive bits out (similar to the nibble mode). CDRAM (Cached DRAM) adds a separate static RAM array used for caching. It essentially combines main memory and {cache} memory in a single chip. The cache memory controller needs to be added externally. RDRAM (Rambus DRAM) changes the system interface of DRAM completely. A byte-wide bus is used for address, data and command transfers. The bus operates at very high speed: 500 million transfers per second. The chip operates synchronously with a 250MHz clock. Data is transferred at both rising and falling edges of the clock. A system with signals at such frequencies must be very carefully designed, and the signals on the Rambus Channel use nonstandard signal levels, making it incompatible with standard system logic. These disadvantages are compensated by a very fast data transfer, especially for burst accesses to a block of successive locations. A number of different refresh modes can be included in some of the above device varieties: RAS\ only refresh: a row is refreshed by an ordinary read access without asserting CAS\. The data output remains disabled. CAS\ before RAS\ refresh: the device has a built-in counter for the refresh row address. By activating CAS\ before activating RAS\, this counter is selected to supply the row address instead of the address inputs. Self-Refresh: The device is able to generate refresh cycles internally. No external control signal transitions other than those for bringing the device into self-refresh mode are needed to maintain data integrity. (1996-07-11)

"Each person follows in the world his own line of destiny which is determined by his own nature and actions — the meaning and necessity of what happens in a particular life cannot be understood except in the light of the whole course of many lives. But this can be seen by those who can get beyond the ordinary mind and feelings and see things as a whole, that even errors, misfortunes, calamities are steps in the journey, — the soul gathering experience as it passes through and beyond them until it is ripe for the transition which will carry it beyond these things to a higher consciousness and higher life.” Letters on Yoga*

“Each person follows in the world his own line of destiny which is determined by his own nature and actions—the meaning and necessity of what happens in a particular life cannot be understood except in the light of the whole course of many lives. But this can be seen by those who can get beyond the ordinary mind and feelings and see things as a whole, that even errors, misfortunes, calamities are steps in the journey,—the soul gathering experience as it passes through and beyond them until it is ripe for the transition which will carry it beyond these things to a higher consciousness and higher life.” Letters on Yoga

echo ::: n. --> A sound reflected from an opposing surface and repeated to the ear of a listener; repercussion of sound; repetition of a sound.
Fig.: Sympathetic recognition; response; answer.
A wood or mountain nymph, regarded as repeating, and causing the reverberation of them.
A nymph, the daughter of Air and Earth, who, for love of Narcissus, pined away until nothing was left of her but her voice.

Egocentriclty ::: The main idea in it is always one’s own sadhana, one’s own endeavour, one’s own development, perfec- tion, siddhi. It is inevitable for most, for without that personal endeavour there would not be sufficient will or push to bring about the first necessary changes. But none of these things — development, perfection or siddhi — can really come in any degree of completeness or unmixed finality until this egocentric attitude changes into the God-centric, until it becomes the deve- lopment, perfection, siddhi of the Divine Consciousness, its will and its instrumentarion in this body — and that can only be when these things become secondary, and bhakti for the Divine,

elegit ::: n. --> A judicial writ of execution, by which a defendant&

embedded system "computer" Hardware and software which forms a component of some larger system and which is expected to function without human intervention. A typical embedded system consists of a single-board {microcomputer} with software in {ROM}, which starts running some special purpose {application program} as soon as it is turned on and will not stop until it is turned off (if ever). An embedded system may include some kind of {operating system} but often it will be simple enough to be written as a single program. It will not usually have any of the normal {peripherals} such as a keyboard, monitor, serial connections, mass storage, etc. or any kind of user interface software unless these are required by the overall system of which it is a part. Often it must provide {real-time} response. {Usenet} newsgroup: {news:comp.arch.embedded}. (1995-04-12)

embryology ::: n. --> The science which relates to the formation and development of the embryo in animals and plants; a study of the gradual development of the ovum until it reaches the adult stage.

Engels, Frederick: Co-founder of the doctrines of Marxism (see Dialectical materialism) Engels was the life-long friend and collaborator of Karl Marx (q.v.). He was born at Barmen, Germanv, in 1820, the son of a manufacturer. Like Marx, he became interested in communism early in life, developing and applying its doctrines until his death, August 5, 1895. Beside his collaboration with Marx on Die Heilige Familie, Die Deutsche Ideologie, Manifesto of the Communist Party, Anti-Dühring and articles for the "New York Tribune" (a selection from which constitutes "Germany: revolution and counter-revolution"), and his editing of Volumes II and III of Capital, published after Marx's death, Engels wrote extensively on various subjects, from "Condition of the Working Class in England (1844)" to military problems, in which field he had received technical training. On the philosophical side of Marxism, Engels speculated on fundamental questions of scientific methodology and dialectical logic in such books as Dialectics of Nature and Anti-Dühring. Works like Ludwig Feuerbach and the Outcome of Classical German Philosophy and Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State are likewise regarded as basic texts. The most extensive collection of Engels' works will be found in Marx-Engels "Gesamtausgabe", to which there is still much unpublished material to be added. -- J.M.S.

epistasis "systems" In genetics, espistasis is the interaction between the effects (phenotype) of different genes. E.g. a gene for baldness may hide a gene for red hair. The concept can also describe unexpected interaction between {software} systems that should be independent. E.g. one {function} wrongly adds one to its output which is fed to another function that wrongly subtracts one from its input, resulting in the correct output from the combination. The two {bugs} can remain hidden until one of them is fixed. {(}. (2019-09-01)

Epistemology: (Gr. episteme, knowledge + logos, theory) The branch of philosophy which investigates the origin, structure, methods and validity of knowledge. The term "epistemology" appears to have been used for the first time by J. F. Ferrier, Institutes of Metaphysics (1854) who distinguished two branches of philosophy -- epistemology and ontology. The German equivalent of epistemology, Erkenntnistheorie, was used by the Kantian, K. L. Reinhold, Versuch einer Neuen Theorie des menschlichen Vorstellungsvermögens (1789); Das Fundament des philosophischen Wissens (1791), but the term did not gain currency until after its adoption by E. Zeller, Ueber Aufgabe und Bedeutung der Erkenntnisstheorie (1862). The term theory of knowledge is a common English equivalent of epistemology and translation of Erkenntnistheorie; the term Gnosiology has also been suggested but has gained few adherents.

epoch 1. "operating system" (Probably from astronomical timekeeping) A term used originally in {Unix} documentation for the time and date corresponding to zero in an {operating system}'s {clock} and {timestamp} values. Under most Unix versions the epoch is 1970-01-01 00:00:00 GMT; under {VMS}, it's 1858-11-17 00:00:00 (the base date of the US Naval Observatory's ephemerides); on a {Macintosh}, it's 1904-01-01 00:00:00. System time is measured in seconds or {ticks} past the epoch. Weird problems may ensue when the clock wraps around (see {wrap around}), which is not necessarily a rare event; on systems counting 10 ticks per second, a signed 32-bit count of ticks is good only for 0.1 * 2**31-1 seconds, or 6.8 years. The one-tick-per-second clock of Unix is good only until 2038-01-18, assuming at least some software continues to consider it signed and that word lengths don't increase by then. See also {wall time}. 2. "editor" (Epoch) A version of {GNU Emacs} for the {X Window System} from {NCSA}. [{Jargon File}] (2004-06-10)

escrow "security" An arrangement where something (generally money or documents) is held in trust ("in escrow") by a trusted third party until certain agreed conditions are met. In computing the term is used for {key escrow} and also for {source code escrow}. (1999-12-14)

Eta ::: A correlational technique used primarily for non-linear relationships. (Example, income and age are positively correlated until older age at which point the correlation reverses itself to some extent.

Ethernet "networking" A {local area network} first described by Metcalfe & Boggs of {Xerox PARC} in 1976. Specified by {DEC}, {Intel} and {XEROX} (DIX) as {IEEE 802.3} and now recognised as the industry standard. Data is broken into {packets} and each one is transmitted using the {CSMA/CD} {algorithm} until it arrives at the destination without colliding with any other packet. The first {contention slot} after a transmission is reserved for an {acknowledge} packet. A {node} is either transmitting or receiving at any instant. The {bandwidth} is about 10 Mbit/s. Disk-Ethernet-Disk transfer rate with {TCP/IP} is typically 30 kilobyte per second. Version 2 specifies that {collision} detect of the transceiver must be activated during the {inter-packet gap} and that when transmission finishes, the differential transmit lines are driven to 0V (half step). It also specifies some {network management} functions such as reporting {collisions}, retries and {deferrals}. Ethernet cables are classified as "XbaseY", e.g. 10base5, where X is the data rate in {Mbps}, "base" means "{baseband}" (as opposed to {radio frequency}) and Y is the category of cabling. The original cable was {10base5} ("full spec"), others are {10base2} ("thinnet") and {10baseT} ("twisted pair") which is now (1998) very common. {100baseT} ("{Fast Ethernet}") is also increasingly common. {Usenet} newsgroup: {news:comp.dcom.lans.ethernet}. {(}. (1997-04-16)

Euclid's Algorithm "algorithm" (Or "Euclidean Algorithm") An {algorithm} for finding the {greatest common divisor} (GCD) of two numbers. It relies on the identity gcd(a, b) = gcd(a-b, b) To find the GCD of two numbers by this algorithm, repeatedly replace the larger by subtracting the smaller from it until the two numbers are equal. E.g. 132, 168 -" 132, 36 -" 96, 36 -" 60, 36 -" 24, 36 -" 24, 12 -" 12, 12 so the GCD of 132 and 168 is 12. This algorithm requires only subtraction and comparison operations but can take a number of steps proportional to the difference between the initial numbers (e.g. gcd(1, 1001) will take 1000 steps). (1997-06-30)

evergreen ::: a. --> Remaining unwithered through the winter, or retaining unwithered leaves until the leaves of the next year are expanded, as pines cedars, hemlocks, and the like. ::: n. --> An evergreen plant.
Twigs and branches of evergreen plants used for

Factual: See Meaning, Kinds of, 2. Faculty: (Scholastic) Medieval psychology distinguishes several faculties of the soul which are said to be really distinct from each other and from the substance of the soul. According to Aquinas the distinction is based on objects and operations. The faculties are conceived as accidents of the soul's substance, but as pertaining essentially to its nature, therefore "proper accidents". The soul operates by means of the faculties. Much misunderstood and deteriorated, this theory remained alive until recent times and is still maintained, in its original and pure form, by Neo-Scholasticism. A certain rapprochement to the older notion may he observed in the modern theory of "general factors". Most of the criticisms directed against the faculty-psychology are based on modern experimental and nominalistic approaches. The faculties listed by Aquinas are: The sensory faculties, which to operate need a bodily organ;   The external senses,   The internal senses, sensus communis, memory, imagination, vis aestimativa (in animals) or cogitativa (in man),   The sensory appetites, subdivided in the concupiscible appetite aiming at the attainable good or fleeing the avoidable evil, the irascible appetite related to good and evil whose attainment or avoidance encounters obstacles. The vegetative faculties, comprising the achievements of nutrition, growth and procreation. While the sensory appetites are common sto man and animals, the vegetative are observed also in plants. The locomotive faculty, characteristic of animals and, therefore, also of man. The rational faculties, found with man alone;   Intellect, whose proper object is the universal nature of things and whose achievements are abstraction, reasoning, judging, syllogistic thought,   Rational Will, directed towards the good as such and relying in its operation on particulars on the co-operation of the appetites, just as intellect needs for the formation of its abstract notions the phantasm, derived from sense impressions and presented to the intellect by imagination. The vis cogitativa forms a link between rational universal will and particular strivings; it is therefore also called ratio particularis.   Ch. A. Hart, The Thomisttc Theory of Mental Faculties, Washington, D. C, 1930. -- R.A.

fallow ::: a. --> Pale red or pale yellow; as, a fallow deer or greyhound. ::: n. --> Left untilled or unsowed after plowing; uncultivated; as, fallow ground.
Plowed land.
Land that has lain a year or more untilled or unseeded;

ferrite core memory "storage" (Or "core") An early form of {non-volatile storage} built (by hand) from tiny rings of magnetisable material threaded onto very fine wire to form large (e.g. 13"x13" or more) rectangluar arrays. Each core stored one {bit} of data. These were sandwiched between {printed circuit boards}(?). Sets of wires ran horizontally and vertically and where a vertical and horizontal wire crossed, a core had both wires threaded through it. A single core could be selected and magnetised by passing sufficient current through its horizontal and vertical wires. A core would retain its magnetisation until it was re-magnetised. The two possible polarities of magnetisation were used to represent the binary values zero and one. A third "sense" wire, passed through the core and, if the magnetisation of the core was changed, a small pulse would be induced in the sense wire which could be detected and used to deduce the core's original state. Some core memory was immersed in a bath of heated oil to improve its performance. Core memory was rendered obsolete by {semiconductor} memory. For example, the 1970s-era {NCR 499} had two boards, each with 16 {kilobytes} of core memory. (1996-03-04)

Ferroelectric Random Access Memory "storage" (FRAM) A type of {non-volatile} read/write {random access} {semiconductor} memory. FRAM combines the advantages of {SRAM} - writing is roughly as fast as reading, and {EPROM} - non-volatility and in-circuit programmability. Current (Feb 1997) disadvantages are high cost and low density, but that may change in the future. Density is currently at most 32KB on a chip, compared with 512KB for SRAM, 1MB for EPROM and 8MB for DRAM. A ferroelectric memory cell consists of a ferroelectric {capacitor} and a {MOS} {transistor}. Its construction is similar to the storage cell of a {DRAM}. The difference is in the dielectric properties of the material between the capacitor's electrodes. This material has a high dielectric constant and can be polarized by an electric field. The polarisation remains until it gets reversed by an opposite electrical field. This makes the memory non-volatile. Note that ferroelectric material, despite its name, does not necessarily contain iron. The most well-known ferroelectric substance is BaTiO3, which does not contain iron. Data is read by applying an electric field to the capacitor. If this switches the cell into the opposite state (flipping over the electrical dipoles in the ferroelectric material) then more charge is moved than if the cell was not flipped. This can be detected and amplified by sense amplifiers. Reading destroys the contents of a cell which must therefore be written back after a read. This is similar to the {precharge} operation in DRAM, though it only needs to be done after a read rather than periodically as with DRAM {refresh}. In fact it is most like the operation of {ferrite core memory}. FRAM has similar applications to EEPROM, but can be written much faster. The simplicity of the memory cell promises high density devices which can compete with DRAM. {RAMTRON} is the company behind FRAM. (1997-02-17)

fibrin ::: n. --> A white, albuminous, fibrous substance, formed in the coagulation of the blood either by decomposition of fibrinogen, or from the union of fibrinogen and paraglobulin which exist separately in the blood. It is insoluble in water, but is readily digestible in gastric and pancreatic juice.
The white, albuminous mass remaining after washing lean beef or other meat with water until all coloring matter is removed; the fibrous portion of the muscle tissue; flesh fibrin.

File Service Protocol "protocol" (FSP) A {protocol}, similar to {FTP}, for copying {files} between computers. It's designed for {anonymous archives}, and has protection against {server} and {network} overloading. It doesn't use connections so it can survive interruptions in service. Until 1993-08-12, FSP didn't stand for anything. Wen-King was responsible for the initials and Michael Grubb "" for their eventual expansion. Other suggestions were "File Slurping Protocol", "Flaky Stream Protocol" and "FTP's Sexier Partner". {FAQ (}. [fsp-faq, 1993-08-12]. (1997-12-07)

Finder "operating system" The part of the {Macintosh Operating System} and {GUI} that simulates the {desktop}. The {multitasking} version of Finder was called "{MultiFinder}" until {multitasking} was integrated into the core of the OS with the introduction of System 7.0 in 1990. (2005-03-18)

Finite State Machine "mathematics, algorithm, theory" (FSM or "Finite State Automaton", "transducer") An {abstract machine} consisting of a set of {states} (including the initial state), a set of input events, a set of output events, and a state transition function. The function takes the current state and an input event and returns the new set of output events and the next state. Some states may be designated as "terminal states". The state machine can also be viewed as a function which maps an ordered sequence of input events into a corresponding sequence of (sets of) output events. A {deterministic} FSM (DFA) is one where the next state is uniquely determinied by a single input event. The next state of a {nondeterministic} FSM (NFA) depends not only on the current input event, but also on an arbitrary number of subsequent input events. Until these subsequent events occur it is not possible to determine which state the machine is in. It is possible to automatically translate any nondeterministic FSM into a deterministic one which will produce the same output given the same input. Each state in the DFA represents the set of states the NFA might be in at a given time. In a probabilistic FSM [proper name?], there is a predetermined {probability} of each next state given the current state and input (compare {Markov chain}). The terms "acceptor" and "transducer" are used particularly in language theory where automata are often considered as {abstract machines} capable of recognising a language (certain sequences of input events). An acceptor has a single {Boolean} output and accepts or rejects the input sequence by outputting true or false respectively, whereas a transducer translates the input into a sequence of output events. FSMs are used in {computability theory} and in some practical applications such as {regular expressions} and digital logic design. See also {state transition diagram}, {Turing Machine}. [J.H. Conway, "regular algebra and finite machines", 1971, Eds Chapman & Hall]. [S.C. Kleene, "Representation of events in nerve nets and finite automata", 1956, Automata Studies. Princeton]. [Hopcroft & Ullman, 1979, "Introduction to automata theory, languages and computations", Addison-Wesley]. [M. Crochemore "tranducters and repetitions", Theoritical. Comp. Sc. 46, 1986]. (2001-09-22)

Fire supporting the individual evolution on the earth and the psychic being is the soul-coosciousoess developing itself or rather its manifestation from life to life with the mind, vital and body as Its instruments until all is ready for the union with the

first fit "algorithm" A {resource} allocation scheme that searches a list of free resources and returns the first one that can satisfy the request. For example, when allocating memory from a list of free blocks (a {heap}), first fit scans the list from the beginning until it finds a block which is big enough to satisfy the request. The requested size is allocated from this block and the rest of the block returned to the free pool. First fit is faster than a {best fit} scheme, but results in more {fragmentation} of the free space because it is more likely to split up a large free block when a smaller block could have been used. (2015-01-31)

Flooding ::: A behavioral technique used to treat phobias in which the client is presented with the feared stimulus until the associated anxiety disappears.

flow control "communications, protocol" The collection of techniques used in serial communications to stop the sender sending data until the receiver can accept it. This may be either {software flow control} or {hardware flow control}. The receiver typically has a fixed size {buffer} into which received data is written as soon as it is received. When the amount of buffered data exceeds a "high water mark", the receiver will signal to the transmitter to stop transmitting until the process reading the data has read sufficient data from the buffer that it has reached its "low water mark", at which point the receiver signals to the transmitter to resume transmission. (1995-03-22)

fluorine ::: n. --> A non-metallic, gaseous element, strongly acid or negative, or associated with chlorine, bromine, and iodine, in the halogen group of which it is the first member. It always occurs combined, is very active chemically, and possesses such an avidity for most elements, and silicon especially, that it can neither be prepared nor kept in glass vessels. If set free it immediately attacks the containing material, so that it was not isolated until 1886. It is a pungent, corrosive, colorless gas. Symbol F. Atomic weight 19.

fn sleep one very commonly passes from consciousness to deeper consciousness in a long succession until one reaches the psychic and rests there or else from higher to higher consciousness until one reaches rest in some silence and peace.

Force, one without still encroached on by the lower Nature ; but then the disturbances of the latter become something superficial which are no more than an outer ripple, — until these under the inner pressure fade aud sink away and the outer being too remains calm, concentrated, unattackable.

FORTH 1. "language" An interactive extensible language using {postfix syntax} and a data stack, developed by Charles H. Moore in the 1960s. FORTH is highly user-configurable and there are many different implementations, the following description is of a typical default configuration. Forth programs are structured as lists of "words" - FORTH's term which encompasses language keywords, primitives and user-defined {subroutines}. Forth takes the idea of subroutines to an extreme - nearly everything is a subroutine. A word is any string of characters except the separator which defaults to space. Numbers are treated specially. Words are read one at a time from the input stream and either executed immediately ("interpretive execution") or compiled as part of the definition of a new word. The sequential nature of list execution and the implicit use of the data stack (numbers appearing in the lists are pushed to the stack as they are encountered) imply postfix syntax. Although postfix notation is initially difficult, experienced users find it simple and efficient. Words appearing in executable lists may be "{primitives}" (simple {assembly language} operations), names of previously compiled procedures or other special words. A procedure definition is introduced by ":" and ended with ";" and is compiled as it is read. Most Forth dialects include the source language structures BEGIN-AGAIN, BEGIN-WHILE-REPEAT, BEGIN-UNTIL, DO-LOOP, and IF-ELSE-THEN, and others can be added by the user. These are "compiling structures" which may only occur in a procedure definition. FORTH can include in-line {assembly language} between "CODE" and "ENDCODE" or similar constructs. Forth primitives are written entirely in {assembly language}, secondaries contain a mixture. In fact code in-lining is the basis of compilation in some implementations. Once assembled, primitives are used exactly like other words. A significant difference in behaviour can arise, however, from the fact that primitives end with a jump to "NEXT", the entry point of some code called the sequencer, whereas non-primitives end with the address of the "EXIT" primitive. The EXIT code includes the scheduler in some {multi-tasking} systems so a process can be {deschedule}d after executing a non-primitive, but not after a primitive. Forth implementations differ widely. Implementation techniques include {threaded code}, dedicated Forth processors, {macros} at various levels, or interpreters written in another language such as {C}. Some implementations provide {real-time} response, user-defined data structures, {multitasking}, {floating-point} arithmetic, and/or {virtual memory}. Some Forth systems support virtual memory without specific hardware support like {MMUs}. However, Forth virtual memory is usually only a sort of extended data space and does not usually support executable code. FORTH does not distinguish between {operating system} calls and the language. Commands relating to I/O, {file systems} and {virtual memory} are part of the same language as the words for arithmetic, memory access, loops, IF statements, and the user's application. Many Forth systems provide user-declared "vocabularies" which allow the same word to have different meanings in different contexts. Within one vocabulary, re-defining a word causes the previous definition to be hidden from the interpreter (and therefore the compiler), but not from previous definitions. FORTH was first used to guide the telescope at NRAO, Kitt Peak. Moore considered it to be a {fourth-generation language} but his {operating system} wouldn't let him use six letters in a program name, so FOURTH became FORTH. Versions include fig-FORTH, FORTH 79 and FORTH 83. {FAQs (}. {ANS Forth standard, dpANS6 (}. FORTH Interest Group, Box 1105, San Carlos CA 94070. See also {51forth}, {F68K}, {cforth}, {E-Forth}, {FORML}, {TILE Forth}. [Leo Brodie, "Starting Forth"]. [Leo Brodie, "Thinking Forth"]. [Jack Woehr, "Forth, the New Model"]. [R.G. Loeliger, "Threaded Interpretive Languages"]. 2. {FOundation for Research and Technology - Hellas}. (1997-04-16)

FUBAR 1. (WWII military slang) Fucked up beyond all recognition (or repair). See {foobar}. 2. "hardware" The Failed UniBus Address Register in a {VAX}. A good example of how jargon can occasionally be snuck past the {suits}. Larry Robinson "" reports the following nonstandard use for FUBAR: One day somebody got mad at the {card reader} (or card eater that day) on our {Univac 3200}. He taped a sign, "This thing is FUBAR", on the metal weight that sits on the stack of unread cards. The sign stayed there for over a year. One day, somebody said, "Don't forget to put the fubar on top of the stack". It stuck! We called that weight the fubar until they took away the machine. The replacement card reader had two spring loaded card clamps, one for the feed and one for the return, and we called THOSE fubars until we dumped punch cards. Incidently, the way he taped the sign on the weight made up for the lack of a little nylon piece that was missing from it, and fixed the card reader. That's why the sign stayed there. [{Jargon File}] (1997-03-18)

fucoid ::: a. --> Properly, belonging to an order of alga: (Fucoideae) which are blackish in color, and produce oospores which are not fertilized until they have escaped from the conceptacle. The common rockweeds and the gulfweed (Sargassum) are fucoid in character.
In a vague sense, resembling seaweeds, or of the nature of seaweeds. ::: n.

fugue ::: n. --> A polyphonic composition, developed from a given theme or themes, according to strict contrapuntal rules. The theme is first given out by one voice or part, and then, while that pursues its way, it is repeated by another at the interval of a fifth or fourth, and so on, until all the parts have answered one by one, continuing their several melodies and interweaving them in one complex progressive whole, in which the theme is often lost and reappears.

functional programming "programming" (FP) A program in a functional language consists of a set of (possibly {recursive}) {function} definitions and an expression whose value is output as the program's result. Functional languages are one kind of {declarative language}. They are mostly based on the {typed lambda-calculus} with constants. There are no {side-effects} to expression evaluation so an expression, e.g. a function applied to certain arguments, will always evaluate to the same value (if its evaluation terminates). Furthermore, an expression can always be replaced by its value without changing the overall result ({referential transparency}). The order of evaluation of subexpressions is determined by the language's {evaluation strategy}. In a {strict} ({call-by-value}) language this will specify that arguments are evaluated before applying a function whereas in a non-strict ({call-by-name}) language arguments are passed unevaluated. Programs written in a functional language are generally compact and elegant, but have tended, until recently, to run slowly and require a lot of memory. Examples of purely functional languages are {Clean}, {FP}, {Haskell}, {Hope}, {Joy}, {LML}, {Miranda}, and {SML}. Many other languages such as {Lisp} have a subset which is purely functional but also contain non-functional constructs. See also {lazy evaluation}, {reduction}. {Lecture notes (}. or the same {in dvi-format (}. {FAQ (}. {SEL-HPC Article Archive (}. (2003-03-25)

Gabirol, Solomon Ibn: Known to scholastics as Avicebron (q.v.), but not identified as such until the discovery by the French scholar, Munk. See Jewish Philosophy. -- M.W.

Galen was the chief authority in medicine practically until the time of Vesalius (c. 1543). He is responsible for the fourth figure in the syllogism. His voluminous works remain untranslated. -- M.F.

garrote ::: n. --> A Spanish mode of execution by strangulation, with an iron collar affixed to a post and tightened by a screw until life become extinct; also, the instrument by means of which the punishment is inflicted. ::: v. t. --> To strangle with the garrote; hence, to seize by the

GEM "operating system" One of the first commercially available {GUIs}. Borrowing heavily from the {Macintosh} {WIMP}-style interface it was available for both the {IBM} compatible market (being packaged with {Amstrad}'s original {PC} series) and more successfully for the {Atari} ST range. The PC version was produced by {Digital Research} (more famous for {DR-DOS}, their {MS-DOS} clone), and was not developed very far. The Atari version, however, continued to be developed until the early 1990s and the later versions supported 24-bit colour modes, full colour {icons} and a nice looking sculpted 3D interface. (1997-01-10)

General Electric "company" (GE) A US company that manufactured computers from 1956 until 1970, when it sold its computer division to {Honeywell} and left the computer business. Notable GE computers were the {GE-265}, which supported the {Dartmouth Time-sharing System} (DTSS), and the {GE-645} used for {Multics} development. See also {GCOS}. Not to be confused with the General Electric Company (GEC) in the UK (where FOLDOC's first seeds were sown). (2002-02-27)

General Public Virus "software, legal" A pejorative name for some versions of the {GNU} project {copyleft} or {General Public License} (GPL), which requires that any tools or {application programs} incorporating copylefted code must be source-distributed on the same terms as GNU code. Thus it is alleged that the copyleft "infects" software generated with GNU tools, which may in turn infect other software that reuses any of its code. {Copyright} law limits the scope of the GPL to "programs textually incorporating significant amounts of GNU code" so GPL is only passed on if actual GNU source is transmitted. This used to be the case with the {Bison} {parser} skeleton until its licence was fixed. {(

gestation ::: the period of development from conception until birth; pregnancy.

GNU Free Documentation License "legal" (GFDL) The {Free Software Foundation}'s license designed to ensure the same freedoms for {documentation} that the {GPL} gives to {software}. This dictionary is distributed under the GFDL, see the copyright notice in the {Free On-line Dictionary of Computing} section (at the start of the source file). The full text follows. Version 1.1, March 2000 Copyright 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. 0. PREAMBLE The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other written document "free" in the sense of freedom: to assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it, with or without modifying it, either commercially or noncommercially. Secondarily, this License preserves for the author and publisher a way to get credit for their work, while not being considered responsible for modifications made by others. This License is a kind of "copyleft", which means that derivative works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense. It complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft license designed for free software. We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for free software, because free software needs free documentation: a free program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the software does. But this License is not limited to software manuals; it can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or whether it is published as a printed book. We recommend this License principally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference. 1. APPLICABILITY AND DEFINITIONS This License applies to any manual or other work that contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be distributed under the terms of this License. The "Document", below, refers to any such manual or work. Any member of the public is a licensee, and is addressed as "you". A "Modified Version" of the Document means any work containing the Document or a portion of it, either copied verbatim, or with modifications and/or translated into another language. A "Secondary Section" is a named appendix or a front-matter section of the Document that deals exclusively with the relationship of the publishers or authors of the Document to the Document's overall subject (or to related matters) and contains nothing that could fall directly within that overall subject. (For example, if the Document is in part a textbook of mathematics, a Secondary Section may not explain any mathematics.) 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If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of this License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or of any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the Document does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any version ever published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. End of full text of GFDL. (2002-03-09)

Gods ::: The old pantheons were builded upon an ancient and esoteric wisdom which taught, under the guise of apublic mythology, profound secrets of the structure and operations of the universe which surrounds us.The entire human race has believed in gods, has believed in beings superior to men; the ancients all saidthat men are the "children" of these gods, and that from these superior beings, existent in the azurespaces, men draw all that in them is; and, furthermore, that men themselves, as children of the gods, arein their inmost essence divine beings linked forever with the boundless universe of which each humanbeing, just as is the case with every other entity everywhere, is an inseparable part. This is a truly sublimeconception.One should not think of human forms when the theosophist speaks of the gods; we mean the arupa -- the"formless" -- entities, beings of pure intelligence and understanding, relatively pure essences, relativelypure spirits, formless as we physical humans conceive form. The gods are the higher inhabitants ofnature. They are intrinsic portions of nature itself, for they are its informing principles. They are as muchsubject to the wills and energies of still higher beings -- call these wills and energies the "laws" of higherbeings, if you will -- as we are, and as are the kingdoms of nature below us.The ancients put realities, living beings, in the place of laws which, as Occidentals use the term, are onlyabstractions -- an expression for the action of entities in nature; the ancients did not cheat themselves soeasily with words. They called them gods, spiritual entities. Not one single great thinker of the ancients,until the Christian era, ever talked about laws of nature, as if these laws were living entities, as if theseabstractions were actual entities which did things. Did the laws of navigation ever navigate a ship? Doesthe law of gravity pull the planets together? Does it unite or pull the atoms together? This word laws issimply a mental abstraction signifying unerring action of conscious and semi-conscious energies innature.

Goffin "language" A {definitional constraint language} for {declarative} parallel programming. Goffin systematically integrates {equational constraints} and functions within a uniform framework of {concurrent} programming. Goffin is an embedding of a functional language kernel ({Haskell}) into a layer of constraint logic, which allows {logical variables} inside functional expressions. In order to preserve {referential transparency}, functional {reduction} suspends until logical variables become bound. Logical variables are bound by equational constraints, which impose relations over expressions. Hence, constraints are the means to structure the concurrent reduction of functional expressions. (1995-02-21)

Golem: In Jewish mystic lore, an android or homunculus (q.v.) made by the great medieval mystic Rabbi Loew of Prague, who wrote the ineffable name of God on a piece of parchment which he placed in the android’s mouth; the magic name gave the Golem life and it was alive until the parchment was removed, when it again became an empty, lifeless hulk.

gordius ::: n. --> A genus of long, slender, nematoid worms, parasitic in insects until near maturity, when they leave the insect, and live in water, in which they deposit their eggs; -- called also hair eel, hairworm, and hair snake, from the absurd, but common and widely diffused, notion that they are metamorphosed horsehairs.

graph reduction A technique invented by Chris Wadsworth where an expression is represented as a {directed graph} (usually drawn as an inverted tree). Each node represents a function call and its subtrees represent the arguments to that function. Subtrees are replaced by the expansion or value of the expression they represent. This is repeated until the tree has been reduced to a value with no more function calls (a {normal form}). In contrast to {string reduction}, graph reduction has the advantage that common subexpressions are represented as pointers to a single instance of the expression which is only reduced once. It is the most commonly used technique for implementing {lazy evaluation}.

Great Runes Uppercase-only text or display messages. Some archaic {operating systems} still emit these. See also {runes}, {smash case}, {fold case}. Back in the days when it was the sole supplier of long-distance hardcopy transmision devices, the {Teletype Corporation} was faced with a major design choice. To shorten code lengths and cut complexity in the printing mechanism, it had been decided that {teletypes} would use a {monocase} {font}, either ALL UPPER or all lower. The Question Of The Day was therefore, which one to choose. A study was conducted on readability under various conditions of bad ribbon, worn print hammers, etc. Lowercase won; it is less dense and has more distinctive letterforms, and is thus much easier to read both under ideal conditions and when the letters are mangled or partly obscured. The results were filtered up through {management}. The chairman of Teletype killed the proposal because it failed one incredibly important criterion: "It would be impossible to spell the name of the Deity correctly." In this way (or so, at least, hacker folklore has it) superstition triumphed over utility. Teletypes were the major input devices on most early computers, and terminal manufacturers looking for corners to cut naturally followed suit until well into the 1970s. Thus, that one bad call stuck us with Great Runes for thirty years. (1994-12-02)

guru-sisya (guru-shishya) ::: the teacher-disciple relation (bhava), in guru-sisya which the isvara is perceived as "the teacher and guide" who "leads us to knowledge; at every step of the developing inner light and vision, we feel his touch like that of the artist moulding our clay of mind, his voice revealing the truth and its word", until there is "a transformation of our mentality into his and more and more he becomes the thinker and seer in us"H

Gyromancy: Divination by having a person walk around a chalked circle until he collapses and observing the position of his body relative to the circle.

hacker "person, jargon" (Originally, someone who makes furniture with an axe) 1. A person who enjoys exploring the details of programmable systems and how to stretch their capabilities, as opposed to most users, who prefer to learn only the minimum necessary. 2. One who programs enthusiastically (even obsessively) or who enjoys programming rather than just theorizing about programming. 3. A person capable of appreciating {hack value}. 4. A person who is good at programming quickly. 5. An expert at a particular program, or one who frequently does work using it or on it; as in "a {Unix} hacker". (Definitions 1 through 5 are correlated, and people who fit them congregate.) 6. An expert or enthusiast of any kind. One might be an astronomy hacker, for example. 7. One who enjoys the intellectual challenge of creatively overcoming or circumventing limitations. 8. (Deprecated) A malicious meddler who tries to discover sensitive information by poking around. Hence "password hacker", "network hacker". The correct term is {cracker}. The term "hacker" also tends to connote membership in the global community defined by the net (see {The Network} and {Internet address}). It also implies that the person described is seen to subscribe to some version of the {hacker ethic}. It is better to be described as a hacker by others than to describe oneself that way. Hackers consider themselves something of an elite (a meritocracy based on ability), though one to which new members are gladly welcome. Thus while it is gratifying to be called a hacker, false claimants to the title are quickly labelled as "bogus" or a "{wannabee}". 9. (University of Maryland, rare) A programmer who does not understand proper programming techniques and principles and doesn't have a Computer Science degree. Someone who just bangs on the keyboard until something happens. For example, "This program is nothing but {spaghetti code}. It must have been written by a hacker". [{Jargon File}] (1996-08-26)

hack mode "jargon" Engaged in {hack}ing. A Zen-like state of total focus on The Problem that may be achieved when one is hacking (this is why every good hacker is part mystic). Ability to enter such concentration at will correlates strongly with wizardliness; it is one of the most important skills learned during {larval stage}. Sometimes amplified as "deep hack mode". Being yanked out of hack mode (see {priority interrupt}) may be experienced as a physical shock, and the sensation of being in hack mode is more than a little habituating. The intensity of this experience is probably by itself sufficient explanation for the existence of hackers, and explains why many resist being promoted out of positions where they can code. See also {cyberspace}. Some aspects of hackish etiquette will appear quite odd to an observer unaware of the high value placed on hack mode. For example, if someone appears at your door, it is perfectly okay to hold up a hand (without turning one's eyes away from the screen) to avoid being interrupted. One may read, type, and interact with the computer for quite some time before further acknowledging the other's presence (of course, he or she is reciprocally free to leave without a word). The understanding is that you might be in {hack mode} with a lot of delicate state in your head, and you dare not {swap} that context out until you have reached a good point to pause. See also {juggling eggs}. [{Jargon File}] (1996-07-31)

Haeberlin, Paul: (1878-) A well known Swiss thinker whose major contributions until recent years were in the field of education. In his hands phenomenology has become existential philosophy. A transcendental-idealistic tone pervades his philosophy. He combines in theory the advantages of existential phenomenology with those of psychologism. -- H.H.

Halt and Catch Fire "humour, processor" (HCF) Any of several undocumented and semi-mythical {machine instructions} with destructive side-effects, supposedly included for test purposes on several well-known architectures going as far back as the {IBM 360}. The {Motorola 6800} {microprocessor} was the first for which an HCF {opcode} became widely known. This instruction caused the processor to read every memory location sequentially until reset. [{Gerry Wheeler, Byte, December 1977, p46, "Undocumented M6800 Instructions" (}]. (2014-09-20)

Hamsa ::: Synnbol of the being; it regains its original puritj' as it rises until it becomes luminous in the Highest Truth ; goose or ordinary hamsa usually refers to the manomaya piirufa.

hang 1. To wait for an event that will never occur. "The system is hanging because it can't read from the crashed drive". See {wedged}, {hung}. 2. To wait for some event to occur; to hang around until something happens. "The program displays a menu and then hangs until you type a character." Compare {block}. 3. To attach a peripheral device, especially in the construction "hang off": "We're going to hang another tape drive off the file server." Implies a device attached with cables, rather than something that is strictly inside the machine's chassis.

hard link "file system" One of several directory entries which refer to the same {Unix} {file}. A hard link is created with the "ln" (link) command: ln "old name" "new name" where "old name" and "new name" are {pathnames} within the same {file system}. Hard links to the same file are indistinguishable from each other except that they have different pathnames. They all refer to the same {inode} and the inode contains all the information about a file. The standard ln command does not usually allow you to create a hard link to a directory, chiefly because the standard {rm} and {rmdir} commands do not allow you to delete such a link. Some systems provide link and {unlink} commands which give direct access to the {system calls} of the same name, for which no such restrictions apply. Normally all hard links to a file must be in the same {file system} because a directory entry just relates a pathname to an inode within the same file system. The only exception is a {mount point}. The restrictions on hard links to directories and between file systems are very common but are not mandated by {POSIX}. {Symbolic links} are often used instead of hard links because they do not suffer from these restrictions. The space associated with a file is not freed until all the hard links to the file are deleted. This explains why the system call to delete a file is called "unlink". {Microsoft Windows} {NTFS} supports hard links via the {fsutil} command. {Unix manual page}: ln(1). {(}. (2004-02-24)

heap 1. "programming" An area of memory used for {dynamic memory allocation} where blocks of memory are allocated and freed in an arbitrary order and the pattern of allocation and size of blocks is not known until {run time}. Typically, a program has one heap which it may use for several different purposes. Heap is required by languages in which functions can return arbitrary data structures or functions with {free variables} (see {closure}). In {C} functions {malloc} and {free} provide access to the heap. Contrast {stack}. See also {dangling pointer}. 2. "programming" A data structure with its elements partially ordered (sorted) such that finding either the minimum or the maximum (but not both) of the elements is computationally inexpensive (independent of the number of elements), while both adding a new item and finding each subsequent smallest/largest element can be done in O(log n) time, where n is the number of elements. Formally, a heap is a {binary tree} with a key in each {node}, such that all the {leaves} of the tree are on two adjacent levels; all leaves on the lowest level occur to the left and all levels, except possibly the lowest, are filled; and the key in the {root} is at least as large as the keys in its children (if any), and the left and right subtrees (if they exist) are again heaps. Note that the last condition assumes that the goal is finding the minimum quickly. Heaps are often implemented as one-dimensional {arrays}. Still assuming that the goal is finding the minimum quickly the {invariant} is  heap[i] "= heap[2*i] and heap[i] "= heap[2*i+1] for all i, where heap[i] denotes the i-th element, heap[1] being the first. Heaps can be used to implement {priority queues} or in {sort} algorithms. (1996-02-26)

Heaven and Hell ::: Every ancient exoteric religion taught that the so-called heavens are divided into steps or grades ofascending bliss and purity; and the so-called hells into steps or grades of increasing purgation orsuffering. Now the esoteric doctrine or occultism teaches that the one is not a punishment, nor is theother strictly speaking a reward. The teaching is, simply, that each entity after physical death is drawn tothe appropriate sphere to which the karmic destiny of the entity and the entity's own character andimpulses magnetically attract it. As a man works, as a man sows, in his life, that and that only shall hereap after death. Good seed produces good fruit; bad seed, tares -- and perhaps even nothing of value orof spiritual use follows a negative and colorless life.After the second death, the human monad "goes" to devachan -- often called in theosophical literature theheaven-world. There are many degrees in devachan: the highest, the intermediate, and the lowest. Whatbecomes of the entity, on the other hand, the lower human soul, that is so befouled and weighted withearth thought and the lower instincts that it cannot rise? There may be enough in it of the spirit nature tohold it together as an entity and enable it to become a reincarnating being, but it is foul, it is heavy; itstendency is consequently downwards. Can it therefore rise into a heavenly felicity? Can it go even intothe lower realms of devachan and there enjoy its modicum of the beatitude, bliss, of everything that isnoble and beautiful? No. There is an appropriate sphere for every degree of development of the ego-soul,and it gravitates to that sphere and remains there until it is thoroughly purged, until the sin has beenwashed out, so to say. These are the so-called hells, beneath even the lowest ranges of devachan; whereasthe arupa heavens are the highest parts of the devachan. Nirvana is a very different thing from theheavens. (See also Kama-Loka, Avichi, Devachan, Nirvana)

Hence in its widest sense Scholasticism embraces all the intellectual activities, artistic, philosophical and theological, carried on in the medieval schools. Any attempt to define its narrower meaning in the field of philosophy raises serious difficulties, for in this case, though the term's comprehension is lessened, it still has to cover many centuries of many-faced thought. However, it is still possible to list several characteristics sufficient to differentiate Scholastic from non-Scholastic philosophy. While ancient philosophy was the philosophy of a people and modern thought that of individuals, Scholasticism was the philosophy of a Christian society which transcended the characteristics of individuals, nations and peoples. It was the corporate product of social thought, and as such its reasoning respected authority in the forms of tradition and revealed religion. Tradition consisted primarily in the systems of Plato and Aristotle as sifted, adapted and absorbed through many centuries. It was natural that religion, which played a paramount role in the culture of the middle ages, should bring influence to bear on the medieval, rational view of life. Revelation was held to be at once a norm and an aid to reason. Since the philosophers of the period were primarily scientific theologians, their rational interests were dominated by religious preoccupations. Hence, while in general they preserved the formal distinctions between reason and faith, and maintained the relatively autonomous character of philosophy, the choice of problems and the resources of science were controlled by theology. The most constant characteristic of Scholasticism was its method. This was formed naturally by a series of historical circumstances,   The need of a medium of communication, of a consistent body of technical language tooled to convey the recently revealed meanings of religion, God, man and the material universe led the early Christian thinkers to adopt the means most viable, most widely extant, and nearest at hand, viz. Greek scientific terminology. This, at first purely utilitarian, employment of Greek thought soon developed under Justin, Clement of Alexandria, Origin, and St. Augustine into the "Egyptian-spoils" theory; Greek thought and secular learning were held to be propaedeutic to Christianity on the principle: "Whatever things were rightly said among all men are the property of us Christians." (Justin, Second Apology, ch. XIII). Thus was established the first characteristic of the Scholastic method: philosophy is directly and immediately subordinate to theology.   Because of this subordinate position of philosophy and because of the sacred, exclusive and total nature of revealed wisdom, the interest of early Christian thinkers was focused much more on the form of Greek thought than on its content and, it might be added, much less of this content was absorbed by early Christian thought than is generally supposed. As practical consequences of this specialized interest there followed two important factors in the formation of Scholastic philosophy:     Greek logic en bloc was taken over by Christians;     from the beginning of the Christian era to the end of the XII century, no provision was made in Catholic centers of learning for the formal teaching of philosophy. There was a faculty to teach logic as part of the trivium and a faculty of theology.   For these two reasons, what philosophy there was during this long period of twelve centuries, was dominated first, as has been seen, by theology and, second, by logic. In this latter point is found rooted the second characteristic of the Scholastic method: its preoccupation with logic, deduction, system, and its literary form of syllogistic argumentation.   The third characteristic of the Scholastic method follows directly from the previous elements already indicated. It adds, however, a property of its own gained from the fact that philosophy during the medieval period became an important instrument of pedogogy. It existed in and for the schools. This new element coupled with the domination of logic, the tradition-mindedness and social-consciousness of the medieval Christians, produced opposition of authorities for or against a given problem and, finally, disputation, where a given doctrine is syllogistically defended against the adversaries' objections. This third element of the Scholastic method is its most original characteristic and accounts more than any other single factor for the forms of the works left us from this period. These are to be found as commentaries on single or collected texts; summae, where the method is dialectical or disputational in character.   The main sources of Greek thought are relatively few in number: all that was known of Plato was the Timaeus in the translation and commentary of Chalcidius. Augustine, the pseudo-Areopagite, and the Liber de Causis were the principal fonts of Neoplatonic literature. Parts of Aristotle's logical works (Categoriae and de Interpre.) and the Isagoge of Porphyry were known through the translations of Boethius. Not until 1128 did the Scholastics come to know the rest of Aristotle's logical works. The golden age of Scholasticism was heralded in the late XIIth century by the translations of the rest of his works (Physics, Ethics, Metaphysics, De Anima, etc.) from the Arabic by Gerard of Cremona, John of Spain, Gundisalvi, Michael Scot, and Hermann the German, from the Greek by Robert Grosseteste, William of Moerbeke, and Henry of Brabant. At the same time the Judae-Arabian speculation of Alkindi, Alfarabi, Avencebrol, Avicenna, Averroes, and Maimonides together with the Neoplatonic works of Proclus were made available in translation. At this same period the Scholastic attention to logic was turned to metaphysics, even psychological and ethical problems and the long-discussed question of the universals were approached from this new angle. Philosophy at last achieved a certain degree of autonomy and slowly forced the recently founded universities to accord it a separate faculty.

Hierarchy ::: The word hierarchy merely means that a scheme or system or state of delegated directive power andauthority exists in a self-contained body, directed, guided, and taught by one having supreme authority,called the hierarch. The name is used by theosophists, by extension of meaning, as signifying theinnumerable degrees, grades, and steps of evolving entities in the kosmos, and as applying to all parts ofthe universe; and rightly so, because every different part of the universe -- and their number is simplycountless -- is under the vital governance of a divine being, of a god, of a spiritual essence; and allmaterial manifestations are simply the appearances on our plane of the workings and actions of thesespiritual beings behind it.The series of hierarchies extends infinitely in both directions. If he so choose for purposes of thought,man may consider himself at the middle point, from which extends above him an unending series of stepsupon steps of higher beings of all grades -- growing constantly less material and more spiritual, andgreater in all senses -- towards an ineffable point. And there the imagination stops, not because the seriesitself stops, but because our thought can reach no farther out nor in. And similar to this series, aninfinitely great series of beings and states of beings descends downwards (to use human terms) -downwards and downwards, until there again the imagination stops, merely because our thought can gono farther.The summit, the acme, the flower, the highest point (or the hyparxis) of any series of animate and"inanimate" beings, whether we enumerate the stages or degrees of the series as seven or ten or twelve(according to whichever system we follow), is the divine unity for that series or hierarchy, and thishyparxis or highest being is again in its turn the lowest being of the hierarchy above it, and so extendingonwards forever -- each hierarchy manifesting one facet of the divine kosmic life, each hierarchyshowing forth one thought, as it were, of the divine thinkers.Various names were given to these hierarchies considered as series of beings. The generalized Greekhierarchy as shown by writers in periods preceding the rise of Christianity may be collected andenumerated as follows: (1) Divine; (2) Gods, or the divine-spiritual; (3) Demigods, sometimes calleddivine heroes, involving a very mystical doctrine; (4) Heroes proper; (5) Men; (6) Beasts or animals; (7)Vegetable world; (8) Mineral world; (9) Elemental world, or what was called the realm of Hades. TheDivinity (or aggregate divine lives) itself is the hyparxis of this series of hierarchies, because each ofthese nine stages is itself a subordinate hierarchy. This (or any other) hierarchy of nine, hangs like apendant jewel from the lowest hierarchy above it, which makes the tenth counting upwards, which tenthwe can call the superdivine, the hyperheavenly, this tenth being the lowest stage (or the ninth, countingdownwards) of still another hierarchy extending upwards; and so on, indefinitely.One of the noblest of the theosophical teachings, and one of the most far-reaching in its import, is that ofthe hierarchical constitution of universal nature. This hierarchical structure of nature is so fundamental,so basic, that it may be truly called the structural framework of being. (See also Planes)

Historically, philosophers have, in the main, taken the latter approach in both parts of ethics, and we may confine our remaining space to it. On this approach a theory of value is a theorv as to what is to be pursued or sought, and a theory of obligation, a theory as to what is to be done. Now, of these two parts of ethic, philosophers have generally been concerned primarily with the latter, busying themselves with the former only secondarily, usually because it seemed to them that one must know what ends are good before one can know what acts are tn be performed. They all offer both a theory of value and a theory of obligition, but it was not until the 19th and 20th centuries that value-theory became a separate discipline studied for its own sake -- a development in which important roles were played by Kant, Lotze, Ritschl, certain European economists, Brentano, Meinong, von Ehrenfels, W. M. Urban, R. B. Perry, and others.

hitherto ::: adv. --> To this place; to a prescribed limit.
Up to this time; as yet; until now.

Hopfield network "artificial intelligence" (Or "Hopfield model") A kind of {neural network} investigated by John Hopfield in the early 1980s. The Hopfield network has no special input or output neurons (see {McCulloch-Pitts}), but all are both input and output, and all are connected to all others in both directions (with equal weights in the two directions). Input is applied simultaneously to all neurons which then output to each other and the process continues until a stable state is reached, which represents the network output. (1997-10-11)

Hypothesis: In general, an assumption, a supposition, a conjecture, a postulate, a condition, an antecedent, a contingency, a possibility, a probability, a principle, a premiss, a ground or foundation, a tentative explanation, a probable cause, a theoretical situation, an academic question, a specific consideration, a conceded statement, a theory or view for debate or action, a likely relation, the conditioning of one thing by another. In logic, the conditional clause or antecedent in a hypothetical proposition. Also a thesis subordinate to a more general one. In methodology, a principle offered as a conditional explanation of a fact or a group of facts; or again, a provisional assumption about the ground of certain phenomena, used as a guiding norm in making observations and experiments until verified or disproved by subsequent evidence. A hypothesis is conditional or provisional, because it is based on probable and insufficient arguments or elements; yet, it is not an arbitrary opinion, but a justifiable assumption with some foundation in fact, this accounts for the expectation of some measure of agreement between the logical conclusion or implications drawn from a hypothesis, and the phenomena which are known or which may be determined by further tests. A scientific hypothesis must be   proposed after the observations it must explain (a posteriori),   compatible with established theories,   reasonable and relevant,   fruitful in its applications and controllable,   general in terms and more fundamental than the statements it has to explain. A hypothesis is descriptive (forecasting the external circumstances of the event) or explanatory (offering causal accounts of the event). There are two kinds of explanatory hypotheses   the hypothesis of law (or genetic hypothesis) which attempts to determine the manner in which the causes or conditions of a phenomenon operate and   the hypothesis of cause (or causal hypothesis) which attempt to determine the causes or conditions for the production of the phenomenon. A working hypothesis is a preliminary assumption based on few, uncertain or obscure elements, which is used provisionally as a guiding norm in the investigation of certain phenomena. Often, the difference between a working hypothesis and a scientific hypothesis is one of degree; and in any case, a hypothesis is seldom verified completely with all its detailed implications. The Socratic Method of Hypothesis, as developed by Plato in the Phaedo particularly, consists in positing an assumption without questioning its value, for the purpose of determining and analyzing its consequences only when these are clearly debated and judged, the assumption itself is considered for justification or rejection. Usually, a real condition is taken as a ground for inferences, as the aim of the method is to attain knowledge or to favor action. Plato used more specially the word "hypothesis" for the assumptions of geometry (postulates and nominal definitions) Anstotle extended this use to cover the immediate principles of mathematics. It may be observed that the modern hypothetico-deductive method in logical and mathematical theories, is a development of the Socratic method stripped of its ontological implications and purposes.

IBM 2741 "printer" A slow, letter-quality printing device and {terminal} based on the {IBM Selectric} {typewriter}. The print head was a little sphere resembling a golf ball, bearing reversed embossed images of 88 different characters arranged on four parallels of latitude; one could change the font by changing the golf ball. The device communicated at 134.5 bits per second, {half duplex}. When the computer transmitted, it physically locked the keyboard. This was the technology that enabled {APL} to use a non-{EBCDIC}, non-{ASCII}, and in fact completely non-standard {character set}. This put it 10 years ahead of its time - where it stayed, firmly rooted, for the next 20, until {character displays} gave way to programmable {bit-mapped} devices with the flexibility to support other character sets. (2006-08-04)

IBM 704 "computer" A large, scientific computer made by {IBM} and used by the largest commercial, government and educational institutions. The IBM 704 had 36-bit memory words, 15-bit addresses and instructions with one address. A few {index register} instructions had the infamous 15-bit decrement field in addition to the 15-bit address. The 704, and {IBM 709} which had the same basic architecture, represented a substantial step forward from the {IBM 650}'s {magnetic drum} storage as they provided random access at electronic speed to {core storage}, typically 32k words of 36 bits each. [Or did the 704 actually come *before* the 650?] A typical 700 series installation would be in a specially built room of perhaps 1000 to 2000 square feet, with cables running under a raised floor and substantial air conditioning. There might be up to eight {magnetic tape} transports, each about 3 x 3 x 6 feet, on one or two "channels." The 1/2 inch tape had seven tracks and moved at 150 inches per second, giving a read/write speed of 15,000 six bit characters (plus parity) per second. In the centre would be the operator's {console} consisting of cabinets and tables for storage of tapes and boxes of cards; and a {card reader}, a {card punch}, and a {line printer}, each perhaps 4 x 4 x 5 feet in dimension. Small {jobs} could be entered via {punched cards} at the console, but as a rule the user jobs were transferred from cards to {magnetic tape} by {off-line} equipment and only control information was entered at the console (see {SPOOL}). Before each job, the {operating system} was loaded from a read-only system tape (because the system in {core} could have been corrupted by the previous user), and then the user's program, in the form of card images on the input tape, would be run. Program output would be written to another tape (typically on another channel) for printing off-line. Well run installations would transfer the user's cards to tape, run the job, and print the output tape with a turnaround time of one to four hours. The processing unit typically occupied a position symmetric but opposite the operator's console. Physically the largest of the units, it included a glass enclosure a few feet in dimension in which could be seen the "core" about one foot on each side. The 36-bit word could hold two 18-bit addresses called the "Contents of the Address Register" ({CAR}) and the "Contents of the Decrement Register" ({CDR}). On the opposite side of the floor from the tape drives and operator's console would be a desk and bookshelves for the ever-present (24 hours a day) "field engineer" dressed in, you guessed it, a grey flannel suit and tie. The maintenance of the many thousands of {vacuum tubes}, each with limited lifetime, and the cleaning, lubrication, and adjustment of mechanical equipment, was augmented by a constant flow of {bug} reports, change orders to both hardware and software, and hand-holding for worried users. The 704 was oriented toward scientific work and included {floating point} hardware and the first {Fortran} implementation. Its hardware was the basis for the requirement in some programming languages that loops must be executed at least once. The {IBM 705} was the business counterpart of the 704. The 705 was a decimal machine with a circular register which could hold several variables (numbers, values) at the same time. Very few 700 series computers remained in service by 1965, but the {IBM 7090}, using {transistors} but similar in logical structure, remained an important machine until the production of the earliest {integrated circuits}. [Was the 704 scientific, business or general purpose? Difference between 704 and 709?] (1996-01-24)

IBM 7090 "computer" A transistorised version of the {IBM 709} which was a very popular high end computer in the early 1960s. The 7090 had 32Kbytes of 36-bit {core} memory and a hardware {floating point unit}. {Fortran} was its most popular language, but it supported many others. It was later upgraded to the {IBM 7094}, and a scaled down version, the IBM 7040 was also introduced. IBM 7090s controlled the Mercury and Gemini space flights, the Balistic Missile Early Warning System (until well into the 1980s), and the {CTSS} {time sharing} system at {MIT}. The 7090 was not good at unit record I/O, so in small configurations an {IBM 1401} was used for {SPOOL} I/O and in large configurations (such as a 7090/94) a 7040/44 would be directly coupled and dedicated to handling printers and {card readers}. (See the film Dr Strangelove). (1999-01-19)

Icon "language" A descendant of {SNOBOL4} with {Pascal}-like syntax, produced by Griswold in the 1970's. Icon is a general-purpose language with special features for string scanning. It has dynamic types: records, sets, lists, strings, tables. If has some {object oriented} features but no {modules} or {exceptions}. It has a primitive {Unix} interface. The central theme of Icon is the generator: when an expression is evaluated it may be suspended and later resumed, producing a result sequence of values until it fails. Resumption takes place implicitly in two contexts: iteration which is syntactically loop-like ('every-do'), and goal-directed evaluation in which a conditional expression automatically attempts to produce at least one result. Expressions that fail are used in lieu of Booleans. Data {backtracking} is supported by a reversible {assignment}. Icon also has {co-expressions}, which can be explicitly resumed at any time. Version 8.8 by Ralph Griswold "" includes an {interpreter}, a compiler (for some {platforms}) and a library (v8.8). Icon has been ported to {Amiga}, {Atari}, {CMS}, {Macintosh}, {Macintosh/MPW}, {MS-DOS}, {MVS}, {OS/2}, {Unix}, {VMS}, {Acorn}. See also {Ibpag2}. {(}, {MS-DOS FTP ( norman/}. {Usenet} newsgroup: {news:comp.lang.icon}. E-mail: "", "". Mailing list: ["The Icon Programmming Language", Ralph E. Griswold and Madge T. Griswold, Prentice Hall, seond edition, 1990]. ["The Implementation of the Icon Programmming Language", Ralph E. Griswold and Madge T. Griswold, Princeton University Press 1986]. (1992-08-21)

If wc Jive only in the outward physical consciousness, we do not usually know that we are going to be ill until the symptoms of the malady declare themselves in the body. But if we develop the inward physical consciousness, we become aware of a subtle environmental physical atmosphere and can feel the forces of illness coming towards us through it, feel them even at a distance, and, if we have learnt how to do it, we can stop them by the will or otherwise. We sense too around us a vital physical or nervous envelope which radiates from the body and protects it, and we can feel the adverse forces trying to break through it and can interfere, stop them or reinforce the nervous envelope.

If you open to it in your work, yon will begin to feel this guidance more and more until behind all your activities you will be aware of the Force of the Mother.

inconscience ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The Inconscience is an inverse reproduction of the supreme superconscience: it has the same absoluteness of being and automatic action, but in a vast involved trance; it is being lost in itself, plunged in its own abyss of infinity.” *The Life Divine

   "All aspects of the omnipresent Reality have their fundamental truth in the Supreme Existence. Thus even the aspect or power of Inconscience, which seems to be an opposite, a negation of the eternal Reality, yet corresponds to a Truth held in itself by the self-aware and all-conscious Infinite. It is, when we look closely at it, the Infinite"s power of plunging the consciousness into a trance of self-involution, a self-oblivion of the Spirit veiled in its own abysses where nothing is manifest but all inconceivably is and can emerge from that ineffable latency. In the heights of Spirit this state of cosmic or infinite trance-sleep appears to our cognition as a luminous uttermost Superconscience: at the other end of being it offers itself to cognition as the Spirit"s potency of presenting to itself the opposites of its own truths of being, — an abyss of non-existence, a profound Night of inconscience, a fathomless swoon of insensibility from which yet all forms of being, consciousness and delight of existence can manifest themselves, — but they appear in limited terms, in slowly emerging and increasing self-formulations, even in contrary terms of themselves; it is the play of a secret all-being, all-delight, all-knowledge, but it observes the rules of its own self-oblivion, self-opposition, self-limitation until it is ready to surpass it. This is the Inconscience and Ignorance that we see at work in the material universe. It is not a denial, it is one term, one formula of the infinite and eternal Existence.” *The Life Divine

"Once consciousnesses separated from the one consciousness, they fell inevitably into Ignorance and the last result of Ignorance was Inconscience.” Letters on Yoga


incremental backup "operating system" A kind of {backup} that copies all files which have changed since the date of the previous backup. The first backup of a file system should include all files - a "{full backup}". Call this level 0. The next backup could also be a full level 0 backup but it is usually much quicker to do a level 1 backup which will include only those files which have changed since the level 0 backup. Together the level 0 and level 1 backups will include the latest version of every file. Level 1 backups can be made until, say, the backup tape is nearly full, after which we can switch to level 2. Each level includes those files which have changed since the last backup at a lower level. The more levels you use, the longer it will take to restore the latest version of a file (or all files) if you don't know when it was last modified. Compare {differential backup}. (2004-03-01)

incult ::: a. --> Untilled; uncultivated; crude; rude; uncivilized.

infant mortality "hardware" It is common lore among hackers (and in the electronics industry at large) that the chances of sudden hardware failure drop off exponentially with a machine's time since first use (that is, until the relatively distant time at which enough mechanical wear in I/O devices and thermal-cycling stress in components has accumulated for the machine to start going senile). Up to half of all chip and wire failures happen within a new system's first few weeks; such failures are often referred to as "infant mortality" problems (or, occasionally, as "sudden infant death syndrome"). See {bathtub curve}, {burn-in period}. [{Jargon File}] (1995-03-20)

In far later times both the Pahlavi commentaries on the Avesta and the great epic writer of Persia, Ferdowsi, personalized Azhi-Dahaka as a fiend called Zahak and Thraetaona as King Jamshid. Azhi-Dahak in a pact with the Devil sells his soul in return for worldly possessions and the estate of his father, Mardas, a man of many virtues. He consents to the death of his father, totally gives into self-indulgence in physical pleasures out of vanity, and falls prey to the enchantment of flattery. No sooner does Zahak permit the Devil to kiss his shoulders than two black snakes grow in place of his lip marks. Since no cure can be found that will get rid of the vicious snakes, the Devil in the form of a physician prescribes that relief would only come from feeding the snakes with the fresh brains of young men. Azhak later finds and cuts Jamshid into two in the sea of China, and reigns with cruelty for a thousand years until Fereydoun (Thraetaona, the thrice potent) defeats him and chains him to Mount Damavand.

infinite loop "programming" (Or "endless loop") Where a piece of program is executed repeatedly with no hope of stopping. This is nearly always because of a {bug}, e.g. if the condition for exiting the loop is wrong, though it may be intentional if the program is controlling an {embedded system} which is supposed to run continuously until it is turned off. The programmer may also intend the program to run until interrupted by the user. An endless loop may also be used as a last-resort error handler when no other action is appropriate. This is used in some {operating system} kernels following a {panic}. A program executing an infinite loop is said to {spin} or {buzz} forever and goes {catatonic}. The program is "wound around the axle". A standard joke has been made about each generation's exemplar of the ultra-fast machine: "The Cray-3 is so fast it can execute an infinite loop in under 2 seconds!" See also {black hole}, {recursion}, {infinite loop}. [{Jargon File}] (1996-05-11)

In his economic and political writings, Lenin extended and developed the doctrines of Marx and Engels especially in their application to a phase of capitalism which emerged fully only after their death -- imperialism. In the same fashion Lenin built upon and further extended the Marxist doctrine of the state in his "State and Revolution", written just before the revolution of 1917. In this work Lenin develops a concept like the dictatorship of the proletariat which Marx treated only briefly and generally, elaborates a distinction like that between socialism and communism, only implicit in Marx's work, and asserts a thesis like the possibility of socialism in one country, towards which Marx was negative in the light of conditions as he knew them. After the Bolsheviks came to power, Lenin headed the government until his death on January 21, 1924. In Russian, Lenin's "Collected Works" comprise thirty volumes, with about thirty additional volumes of miscellaneous writings ("Leninskie Sborniki"). The principal English translations are the "Collected Works", to comprise thirty volumes (of which five in eight books have been published to date), the "Selected Works" comprising twelve volumes (for philosophical materials, see especially Volume XI, "Theoretical Principles of Marxism"), and the Little Lenin Library, made up mostly of shorter works, comprising 27 volumes to date. -- J.M.S.

Initiation ::: In olden times there were seven -- and even ten -- degrees of initiation. Of these seven degrees, threeconsisted of teachings alone, which formed the preparation, the discipline, spiritual and mental andpsychic and physical -- what the Greeks called the katharsis or "cleansing." When the disciple wasconsidered sufficiently cleansed, purified, disciplined, quiet mentally, tranquil spiritually, then he wastaken into the fourth degree, which likewise consisted partly of teaching, but also in part of directpersonal introduction by the old mystical processes into the structure and operations of the universe, bywhich means truth was gained by first-hand personal experience. In other words, to speak in plain terms,his spirit-soul, his individual consciousness, was assisted to pass into other planes and realms of being,and to know and to understand by the sheer process of becoming them. A man, a mind, an understanding,can grasp and see, and thereby know, only those things which the individual entity itself is.After the fourth degree, there followed the fifth and the sixth and the seventh initiations, each in turn, andthese consisted of teachings also; but more and more as the disciple progressed -- and he was helped inthis development more and more largely as he advanced farther -- there was evolved forth in him thepower and faculties still farther and more deeply to penetrate beyond the veils of maya or illusion; until,having passed the seventh or last initiation of all of the manifest initiations, if we may call them that, hebecame one of those individuals whom theosophists call the mahatmas.

"In our errors is the substance of a truth which labours to reveal its meaning to our groping intelligence. The human intellect cuts out the error and the truth with it and replaces it by another half-truth half-error; but the Divine Wisdom suffers our mistakes to continue until we are able to arrive at the truth hidden and protected under every false cover.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“In our errors is the substance of a truth which labours to reveal its meaning to our groping intelligence. The human intellect cuts out the error and the truth with it and replaces it by another half-truth half-error; but the Divine Wisdom suffers our mistakes to continue until we are able to arrive at the truth hidden and protected under every false cover.” The Synthesis of Yoga

In proportion as the surrender and self-consecration progress the sadhaka becomes conscious of the Divine Shakti doing the sadhana, pouring into him more and more of herself, founding in him the freedom and perfection of the Divine Nature. The more this conscious process replaces his own effort, the more rapid and true becomes his progress. But it cannot completely replace the necessity of personal effort until the surrender and consecration arc pure and complete from top to bottom.

In Scholasticism: Until the revival of Aristotelianism in the 13th century, universals were considered by most of the Schoolmen as real "second substances." This medieval Realism (see Realism), of those who legebant in re, found but little opposition from early Nominalists, legentes in voce, like Roscellin. The latter went to the othei extreme by declaring universal names to be nothing but the breath of the voice -- flatus vocis. Extreme realism as represented by William of Champeaux, crumbled under the attacks of Abelard who taught a modified nominalism, distinguishing, howevei, sharply between the mere word, vox, as a physical phenomenon, and the meaningful word, sermo.. His interests being much more in logic than in ontology, he did not arrive at a definite solution of the problem. Aquinas summarized and synthetisized the ideas of his predecessors by stating that the universal had real existence only as creative idea in God, ante rem, whereas it existed within experienced reality only in the individual things, in re, and as a mental fact when abstracted from the particulars in the human mind, post rem. A view much like this had been proposed previously by Avicenna to whom Aquinas seems to be indebted. Later Middle-Ages saw a rebirth of nominalistic conceptions. The new school of Terminists, as they called themselves, less crude in its ideas than Roscellin, asserted that universals are only class names. Occam is usually considered as the most prominent of the Terminists. To Aquinas, the universal was still more than a mere name; it corresponded to an ontologicil fact; the definition of the universal reproduces the essence of the things. The universals are with Occam indeed natural signs which the mind cannot help forming, whereas the terms are arbitiary, signa ad placitum. But the universal is only a sign and does not correspond to anything ontological. -- R.A.

In Scholasticism: Reflexion is a property of spiritual or immaterial substances only. It is, therefore, a capacity of the human intellect which not only operates, but knows of its operating and may turn back on itself to know itself and its performances (reditio completa). A particular kind of reflexion is, in Thomism the reflexio super phantasma, by which the intellect retraces its steps until it reaches the phantasm from which it originally derived the universal; this is, according to Aquinas, the way the intellect comes to know the particular which, because material, is otherwise inaccessible to an immaterial faculty. -- R.A.

insertion sort "algorithm" A sorting {algorithm} that inserts each item in the proper place into an initially empty list by comparing it with each item in the list until it finds the new element's successor or the end of the list. Compare {bubble sort}. (1997-02-12)

integration testing "testing" A type of {testing} in which {software} and/or {hardware} components are combined and tested to confirm that they interact according to their requirements. Integration testing can continue progressively until the entire system has been integrated. (2003-09-24)

interlacing 1. "hardware" A {video} display system which builds an {image} on the {VDU} in two phases, known as "fields", consisting of even and odd horizontal lines. The complete image (a "frame") is created by scanning an electron beam horizontally across the screen, starting at the top and moving down after each horizontal scan until the bottom of the screen is reached, at which point the scan starts again at the top. On an interlaced display, even numbered {scan lines} are displayed in the first field and then odd numbered lines in the second field. For a given screen {resolution}, {refresh rate} (frames per second) and {phosphor} {persistence}, interlacing reduces flicker because the top and bottom of the screen are redrawn twice as often as if the scan simply proceded from top to bottom in a single vertical sweep. 2. "graphics" {progressive coding}. (1998-02-25)

Internet "networking" 1. With a lower-case "i", any set of {networks} interconnected with {routers}. 2. With an upper-case "I", the world's collection of interconnected networks. The Internet is a three-level {hierarchy} composed of {backbone networks}, {mid-level networks}, and {stub networks}. These include commercial (.com or .co), university (.ac or .edu) and other research networks (.org, .net) and military (.mil) networks and span many different physical networks around the world with various {protocols}, chiefly the {Internet Protocol}. Until the advent of the {web} in 1990, the Internet was almost entirely unknown outside universities and corporate research departments and was accessed mostly via {command line} interfaces such as {telnet} and {FTP}. Since then it has grown to become a ubiquitous aspect of modern information systems, becoming highly commercial and a widely accepted medium for all sort of customer relations such as advertising, brand building and online sales and services. Its original spirit of cooperation and freedom have, to a great extent, survived this explosive transformation with the result that the vast majority of information available on the Internet is free of charge. While the web (primarily in the form of {HTML} and {HTTP}) is the best known aspect of the Internet, there are many other {protocols} in use, supporting applications such as {electronic mail}, {chat}, {remote login} and {file transfer}. There were 20,242 unique commercial domains registered with {InterNIC} in September 1994, 10% more than in August 1994. In 1996 there were over 100 {Internet access providers} in the US and a few in the UK (e.g. the {BBC Networking Club}, {Demon}, {PIPEX}). There are several bodies associated with the running of the Internet, including the {Internet Architecture Board}, the {Internet Assigned Numbers Authority}, the {Internet Engineering and Planning Group}, {Internet Engineering Steering Group}, and the {Internet Society}. See also {NYsernet}, {EUNet}. {The Internet Index (} - statistics about the Internet. (2015-03-26)

Internet Server Application Programming Interface "web" (ISAPI) {Microsoft}'s programming interface between applications and their {Internet Server}. Active Servers created with ISAPI extensions can be complete in-process applications themselves, or can "connect" to other services. ISAPI is used for the same sort of functions as {CGI} but uses {Microsoft Windows} {dynamic link libraries} (DLL) for greater efficiency. The server loads the DLL the first time a request is received and the DLL then stays in memory, ready to service other requests until the server decides it is no longer needed. This minimises the overhead associated with executing such applications many times. An HTTP server can unload ISAPI application DLLs to free memory or preload them to speed up the first access. Applications can also be enhanced by {ISAPI filters} (1997-01-06)

interrupt handler "software" A routine which is executed when an {interrupt} occurs. Interrupt handlers typically deal with low-level events in the hardware of a computer system such as a character arriving at a {serial port} or a tick of a {real-time clock}. Special care is required when writing an interrupt handler to ensure that either the interrupt which triggered the handler's execution is masked out (inhibitted) until the handler exits, or the handler is {re-entrant} so that multiple concurrent invocations will not interfere with each other. If interrupts are masked then the handler must execute as quickly as possible so that important events are not missed. This is often arranged by splitting the processing associated with the event into "upper" and "lower" halves. The lower part is the interrupt handler which masks out further interrupts as required, checks that the appropriate event has occurred (this may be necessary if several events share the same interrupt), services the interrupt, e.g. by reading a character from a {UART} and writing it to a {queue}, and re-enabling interrupts. The upper half executes as part of a user process. It waits until the interrupt handler has run. Normally the {operating system} is responsible for reactivating a process which is waiting for some low-level event. It detects this by a shared {flag} or by inspecting a shared queue or by some other synchronisation mechanism. It is important that the upper and lower halves do not interfere if an interrupt occurs during the execution of upper half code. This is usually ensured by disabling interrupts during {critical sections} of code such as removing a character from a queue. (2002-07-24)

Intersil 6100 "programming" (IMS 6100) A single chip design of the {DEC} {PDP-8} {minicomputer}. The old PDP-8 design was very strange, and if it hadn't been popular, an awkward {CPU} like the 6100 would never been designed. The 6100 was a 12-bit processor, which had three {registers}: the {PC}, AC (accumulator), and MQ. All 2-operand instructions read AC and MQ and wrote back to AC. It had a 12-bit {address bus}, limiting {RAM} to only 4K. Memory references were 7-bit, offset either from address 0, or from the PC page base address (PC AND 7600 oct). It had no {stack}. Subroutines stored the {PC} in the first word of the subroutine code itself, so {recursion} required fancy programming. 4K RAM was pretty much hopeless for general purpose use. The 6102 support chip (included in the 6120) added 3 address lines, expanding memory to 32K the same way that the PDP-8/E expanded the PDP-8. Two registers, IFR and DFR, held the page for instructions and data respectively (IFR was always used until a data address was detected). At the top of the 4K page, the PC wrapped back to 0, so the last instruction on a page had to load a new value into the IFR if execution was to continue. (2003-04-04)

In the Eddas the aesir are in perpetual opposition to the jotunn (giants; Icelandic jotnar), as energy is opposed to inertia. When the gods withdraw at Ragnarok, the universe ceases to be. The aesir’s reign or life was preceded by a period of quiescence, during which nothing existed. This was Ymir, the frostgiant, the transformed Bargalmer (Icelandic Bergelmir), fruitage of a previous cycle of universal life, who was “saved on a boatkeel” or “ground on the mill” to furnish substance for the succeeding world. This was to be created by All-father Odin and his two brothers, Vile and Vi (or Ve). The frost giant is killed — transformed — by the three gods, and from his substance (Orgalmer) the worlds are created. They are sustained by Trudgalmer until the gods again withdraw. In his capacity of creator Odin is named Ofner (opener), energic counterpart of Orgalmer, while at the end of a cosmic life he becomes Svafner (closer) and paired with Bargalmer.

In this yoga heart should be the main centre of concentration until the consciousness rises above.

intuition ::: direct perception of truth, fact, etc., independent of any reasoning process. intuition"s, intuitions, half-intuition.

Sri Aurobindo: "Intuition is a power of consciousness nearer and more intimate to the original knowledge by identity; for it is always something that leaps out direct from a concealed identity. It is when the consciousness of the subject meets with the consciousness in the object, penetrates it and sees, feels or vibrates with the truth of what it contacts, that the intuition leaps out like a spark or lightning-flash from the shock of the meeting; or when the consciousness, even without any such meeting, looks into itself and feels directly and intimately the truth or the truths that are there or so contacts the hidden forces behind appearances, then also there is the outbreak of an intuitive light; or, again, when the consciousness meets the Supreme Reality or the spiritual reality of things and beings and has a contactual union with it, then the spark, the flash or the blaze of intimate truth-perception is lit in its depths. This close perception is more than sight, more than conception: it is the result of a penetrating and revealing touch which carries in it sight and conception as part of itself or as its natural consequence. A concealed or slumbering identity, not yet recovering itself, still remembers or conveys by the intuition its own contents and the intimacy of its self-feeling and self-vision of things, its light of truth, its overwhelming and automatic certitude.” *The Life Divine

   "Intuition is always an edge or ray or outleap of a superior light; it is in us a projecting blade, edge or point of a far-off supermind light entering into and modified by some intermediate truth-mind substance above us and, so modified, again entering into and very much blinded by our ordinary or ignorant mind-substance; but on that higher level to which it is native its light is unmixed and therefore entirely and purely veridical, and its rays are not separated but connected or massed together in a play of waves of what might almost be called in the Sanskrit poetic figure a sea or mass of ``stable lightnings"". When this original or native Intuition begins to descend into us in answer to an ascension of our consciousness to its level or as a result of our finding of a clear way of communication with it, it may continue to come as a play of lightning-flashes, isolated or in constant action; but at this stage the judgment of reason becomes quite inapplicable, it can only act as an observer or registrar understanding or recording the more luminous intimations, judgments and discriminations of the higher power. To complete or verify an isolated intuition or discriminate its nature, its application, its limitations, the receiving consciousness must rely on another completing intuition or be able to call down a massed intuition capable of putting all in place. For once the process of the change has begun, a complete transmutation of the stuff and activities of the mind into the substance, form and power of Intuition is imperative; until then, so long as the process of consciousness depends upon the lower intelligence serving or helping out or using the intuition, the result can only be a survival of the mixed Knowledge-Ignorance uplifted or relieved by a higher light and force acting in its parts of Knowledge.” *The Life Divine

  "I use the word ‘intuition" for want of a better. In truth, it is a makeshift and inadequate to the connotation demanded of it. The same has to be said of the word ‘consciousness" and many others which our poverty compels us to extend illegitimately in their significance.” *The Life Divine - Sri Aurobindo"s footnote.

"For intuition is an edge of light thrust out by the secret Supermind. . . .” The Life Divine

". . . intuition is born of a direct awareness while intellect is an indirect action of a knowledge which constructs itself with difficulty out of the unknown from signs and indications and gathered data.” The Life Divine

"Intuition is above illumined Mind which is simply higher Mind raised to a great luminosity and more open to modified forms of intuition and inspiration.” Letters on Yoga

"Intuition sees the truth of things by a direct inner contact, not like the ordinary mental intelligence by seeking and reaching out for indirect contacts through the senses etc. But the limitation of the Intuition as compared with the supermind is that it sees things by flashes, point by point, not as a whole. Also in coming into the mind it gets mixed with the mental movement and forms a kind of intuitive mind activity which is not the pure truth, but something in between the higher Truth and the mental seeking. It can lead the consciousness through a sort of transitional stage and that is practically its function.” Letters on Yoga

“Intuition is always an edge or ray or outleap of a superior light; it is in us a projecting blade, edge or point of a far-off supermind light entering into and modified by some intermediate truth-mind substance above us and, so modified, again entering into and very much blinded by our ordinary or ignorant mind-substance; but on that higher level to which it is native its light is unmixed and therefore entirely and purely veridical, and its rays are not separated but connected or massed together in a play of waves of what might almost be called in the Sanskrit poetic figure a sea or mass of ``stable lightnings’’. When this original or native Intuition begins to descend into us in answer to an ascension of our consciousness to its level or as a result of our finding of a clear way of communication with it, it may continue to come as a play of lightning-flashes, isolated or in constant action; but at this stage the judgment of reason becomes quite inapplicable, it can only act as an observer or registrar understanding or recording the more luminous intimations, judgments and discriminations of the higher power. To complete or verify an isolated intuition or discriminate its nature, its application, its limitations, the receiving consciousness must rely on another completing intuition or be able to call down a massed intuition capable of putting all in place. For once the process of the change has begun, a complete transmutation of the stuff and activities of the mind into the substance, form and power of Intuition is imperative; until then, so long as the process of consciousness depends upon the lower intelligence serving or helping out or using the intuition, the result can only be a survival of the mixed Knowledge-Ignorance uplifted or relieved by a higher light and force acting in its parts of Knowledge.” The Life Divine

iterative deepening "algorithm" A {graph} search {algorithm} that will find the shortest path with some given property, even when the graph contains {cycles}. When searching for a path through a graph, starting at a given initial {node}, where the path (or its end node) has some desired property, a {depth-first search} may never find a solution if it enters a cycle in the graph. Rather than avoiding cycles (i.e. never extend a path with a node it already contains), iterative deepening explores all paths up to length (or "depth") N, starting from N=0 and increasing N until a solution is found. (2004-01-26)

Its thoughts or run about among the objects it pursues, remaining at the back of the mind quiet and separate ; (2) to practise quietude and concentration in this separateness, until the habit of quiet takes hold of the physical mind and replaces the habit of these activities.

izzard ::: n. --> See Izard.
The letter z; -- formerly so called. J () J is the tenth letter of the English alphabet. It is a later variant form of the Roman letter I, used to express a consonantal sound, that is, originally, the sound of English y in yet. The forms J and I have, until a recent time, been classed together, and they have been used interchangeably.

jantily ::: adv. --> See Jauntily.

jauntily ::: adv. --> In a jaunty manner.

jetter ::: n. --> One who struts; one who bears himself jauntily; a fop.

Jhumur: “The field of expression, of manifestation, is time and space, the forefront of our existence, and life moves through the field of time and space. Perhaps Circumstance is when we are unconscious and don’t know where we are moving. We call it circumstance, unconscious life. If we were conscious we wouldn’t call it Circumstance. Time, Place and Circumstance define the proper outline of the subject. We are surrounded by certain conditioning factors which dictate their will. We are slaves of Circumstance and have no freedom until we become masters.”

John von Neumann "person" /jon von noy'mahn/ Born 1903-12-28, died 1957-02-08. A Hungarian-born mathematician who did pioneering work in quantum physics, game theory, and {computer science}. He contributed to the USA's Manhattan Project that built the first atomic bomb. von Neumann was invited to Princeton University in 1930, and was a mathematics professor at the {Institute for Advanced Studies} from its formation in 1933 until his death. From 1936 to 1938 {Alan Turing} was a visitor at the Institute and completed a Ph.D. dissertation under von Neumann's supervision. This visit occurred shortly after Turing's publication of his 1934 paper "On Computable Numbers with an Application to the Entscheidungs-problem" which involved the concepts of logical design and the universal machine. von Neumann must have known of Turing's ideas but it is not clear whether he applied them to the design of the IAS Machine ten years later. While serving on the BRL Scientific Advisory Committee, von Neumann joined the developers of {ENIAC} and made some critical contributions. In 1947, while working on the design for the successor machine, {EDVAC}, von Neumann realized that ENIAC's lack of a centralized control unit could be overcome to obtain a rudimentary stored program computer. He also proposed the {fetch-execute cycle}. His ideas led to what is now often called the {von Neumann architecture}. {(}. {(}. {(}. (2004-01-14)

Kali-Kr.s.n.a bhava (Kali-Krishna bhava) ::: (also called Kr.s.n.akaliKali-Krsna bhava) the realisation of Kalikr.s.n.a, a state of being in which Kali, the universal prakr.ti or sakti, is felt "occupying the whole of myself and my nature which becomes Kali and ceases to be anything else, the Master [isvara, Kr.s.n.a] using, directing, enjoying the Power to his ends, not mine, with that which I call myself only as a centre of his universal existence and responding to its workings as a soul to the Soul, taking upon itself his image until there is nothing left but Krishna and Kali"...KKalikrsna alikr.s.n.a darsana

Kierkegaard, Sören: (1813-1855) Danish religious thinker whose influence was largely limited to Scandinavian and German circles until recently. His works are now translated into English and his thought revived by contemporary social pessimists. Eternity, he held, is more important than time; sin is worse than suffering ; man is an egotist and must experience despair; God is beyond reason and man; Christianity stands opposed to this world and time and to man's reason; paradoxes are the inevitable result of man's reflections; Christian ethics realizable only in eternity. Kierkegaard was raised in a stern Christian environment; he reacted against orthodox religion and official philosophies (especially Hegelianism). An individualist, a sensitive, melancholic personality suffering intense frustrations. Cf. German ed. of K's writings: Sämmtliche Werke (1909-), and Eng. translations of Swenson (Post-Scientific Philosophy, etc.). -- V.F.

kluge "jargon" /klooj/, /kluhj/ (From German "klug" /kloog/ - clever and Scottish "{kludge}") 1. A Rube Goldberg (or Heath Robinson) device, whether in {hardware} or {software}. The spelling "kluge" (as opposed to "kludge") was used in connection with computers as far back as the mid-1950s and, at that time, was used exclusively of *hardware* kluges. 2. "programming" A clever programming trick intended to solve a particular nasty case in an expedient, if not clear, manner. Often used to repair bugs. Often involves {ad-hockery} and verges on being a {crock}. In fact, the TMRC Dictionary defined "kludge" as "a crock that works". 3. Something that works for the wrong reason. 4. ({WPI}) A {feature} that is implemented in a {rude} manner. In 1947, the "New York Folklore Quarterly" reported a classic shaggy-dog story "Murgatroyd the Kluge Maker" then current in the Armed Forces, in which a "kluge" was a complex and puzzling artifact with a trivial function. Other sources report that "kluge" was common Navy slang in the WWII era for any piece of electronics that worked well on shore but consistently failed at sea. However, there is reason to believe this slang use may be a decade older. Several respondents have connected it to the brand name of a device called a "Kluge paper feeder" dating back at least to 1935, an adjunct to mechanical printing presses. The Kluge feeder was designed before small, cheap electric motors and control electronics; it relied on a fiendishly complex assortment of cams, belts, and linkages to both power and synchronise all its operations from one motive driveshaft. It was accordingly tempermental, subject to frequent breakdowns, and devilishly difficult to repair - but oh, so clever! One traditional folk etymology of "klugen" makes it the name of a design engineer; in fact, "Kluge" is a surname in German, and the designer of the Kluge feeder may well have been the man behind this myth. {TMRC} and the MIT hacker culture of the early 1960s seems to have developed in a milieu that remembered and still used some WWII military slang (see also {foobar}). It seems likely that "kluge" came to MIT via alumni of the many military electronics projects run in Cambridge during the war (many in MIT's venerable Building 20, which housed {TMRC} until the building was demolished in 1999). [{Jargon File}] (2002-10-02)

larva ::: n. --> Any young insect from the time that it hatches from the egg until it becomes a pupa, or chrysalis. During this time it usually molts several times, and may change its form or color each time. The larvae of many insects are much like the adults in form and habits, but have no trace of wings, the rudimentary wings appearing only in the pupa stage. In other groups of insects the larvae are totally unlike the parents in structure and habits, and are called caterpillars, grubs, maggots, etc.

latch A digital logic circuit used to store one or more bits. A latch has a data input, a clock input and an output. When the clock input is active, data on the input is "latched" or stored and transfered to the output either immediately or when the clock input goes inactive. The output will then retain its value until the clock goes active again. See also {flip-flop}. (1995-02-03)

Latent Learning ::: Learning that occurs without apparent reinforcement but is not demonstrated until such time as reinforcement occurs.

layland ::: n. --> Land lying untilled; fallow ground.

lazarite ::: n. --> One of the Congregation of the Priests of the Mission, a religious institute founded by Vincent de Paul in 1624, and popularly called Lazarists or Lazarites from the College of St. Lazare in Paris, which was occupied by them until 1792.

Life-Atoms ::: The physical body is composed essentially of energy, of energies rather, in the forms that are spoken ofin modern physical science as electrons and protons. These are in constant movement; they areincessantly active, and are what theosophists call the imbodiments or manifestations of life-atoms. Theselife-atoms are inbuilt into man's body during the physical life which he leads on earth, although they arenot derivative from outside, but spring forth from within himself -- at least a great majority of them aresuch. This is equivalent to saying that they compose both his physical as well as his intermediate nature,which latter is obviously higher than the physical.When the man dies -- that is to say, when the physical body dies -- its elements pass, each and all, intotheir respective and appropriate spheres: some into the soil, to which those that go there are drawn bymagnetic affinity, an affinity impressed upon their life-energies by the man when alive, whoseovershadowing will and desires, whose overlordship and power, gave them that direction. Others passinto the vegetation from the same reason that the former are impelled to the mineral kingdom; others passinto the various beasts with which they have, at the man's death, magnetic affinity, psychic affinity moreaccurately, an affinity which the man has impressed upon them by his desires and various impulses; andthose which take this path go to form the interior or intermediate apparatus of the beasts into which theypass. So much for the course pursued by the life-atoms of the man's lowest principles.But there are other life-atoms belonging to him. There are life-atoms, in fact, belonging to the sphere ofeach one of the seven principles of man's constitution. This means that there are life-atoms belonging tohis intermediate nature and to his spiritual nature and to all grades intermediate between these two higherparts of him. And in all cases, as the monad "ascends" or "rises" through the spheres, as he goes step bystep higher on his wonderful postmortem journey, on each such step he discards or casts off thelife-atoms belonging to each one of these steps or stages of the journey. With each step, he leaves behindthe more material of these life-atoms until, when he has reached the culmination of his wonderfulpostmortem peregrination, he is, as Paul of the Christians said, living in "a spiritual body" -- that is tosay, he has become a spiritual energy, a monad.Nature permits no absolute standing still for anything, anywhere. All things are full of life, full of energy,full of movement; they are both energy and matter, both spirit and substance; and these two arefundamentally one -- phases of the underlying reality, of which we see but the maya or illusory forms.The life-atoms are actually the offspring or the off-throwings of the interior principles of man'sconstitution. It is obvious that the life-atoms which ensoul the physical atoms in man's body are asnumerous as the atoms which they ensoul; and there are almost countless hosts of them, decillions upondecillions of them, in practically incomputable numbers. Each one of these life-atoms is a being which isliving, moving, growing, never standing still -- evolving towards a sublime destiny which ultimatelybecomes divinity.

Life-Wave ::: This is a term which means the collective hosts of monads, of which hosts there are seven or ten,according to the classification adopted. The monad is a spiritual ego, a consciousness-center, being in thespiritual realms of the universal life what the life-atoms are in the lower planes of form. These monadsand life-atoms collectively are the seven (or ten) life-waves -- these monads with the life-atoms in andthrough which they work; these life-atoms having remained, when the former planetary chain went intopralaya, in space as kosmic dust on the physical plane, and as corresponding life-atoms or life-specks ofdifferentiated matter on the intermediate planes above the physical. Out of the working of the monads asthey come down into matter -- or rather through and by the monadic rays permeating the lower planes ofmatter -- are the globes builded. The seven (or ten) life-waves or hosts of monads consist of monads inseven (or ten) degrees of advancement for each host.When the hosts of beings forming the life-wave -- the life-wave being composed of the entities derivedfrom a former but now dead planet, in our case the moon -- find that the time has arrived for them toenter upon their own particular evolutionary course, they cycle downwards as a life-wave along theplanetary chain that has been prepared for them by the three hosts of elementary beings, of the threeprimordial elementary worlds, the forerunners of the life-wave, yet integral parts of it. This life-wavepasses seven times in all around the seven spheres of our planetary chain, at first cycling down theshadowy arc through all the seven elements of the kosmos, gathering experience in each one of them;each particular entity of the life-wave, no matter what its grade or kind -- spiritual, psychic, astral,mental, divine -- advancing, until at the bottom of the arc, when the middle of the fourth round isattained, they feel the end of the downward impulse. Then begins the upward impulse, the reascent alongthe luminous arc upwards, towards the source from which the life-wave originally came.

Linux "operating system" ("Linus Unix") /li'nuks/ (but see below) An implementation of the {Unix} {kernel} originally written from scratch with no proprietary code. The kernel runs on {Intel} and {Alpha} hardware in the general release, with {SPARC}, {PowerPC}, {MIPS}, {ARM}, {Amiga}, {Atari}, and {SGI} in active development. The SPARC, PowerPC, ARM, {PowerMAC} - {OSF}, and 68k ports all support {shells}, {X} and {networking}. The Intel and SPARC versions have reliable {symmetric multiprocessing}. Work on the kernel is coordinated by Linus Torvalds, who holds the copyright on a large part of it. The rest of the copyright is held by a large number of other contributors (or their employers). Regardless of the copyright ownerships, the kernel as a whole is available under the {GNU} {General Public License}. The GNU project supports Linux as its kernel until the research {Hurd} kernel is completed. This kernel would be no use without {application programs}. The GNU project has provided large numbers of quality tools, and together with other {public domain} software it is a rich Unix environment. A compilation of the Linux kernel and these tools is known as a Linux distribution. Compatibility modules and/or {emulators} exist for dozens of other computing environments. The kernel version numbers are significant: the odd numbered series (e.g. 1.3.xx) is the development (or beta) kernel which evolves very quickly. Stable (or release) kernels have even major version numbers (e.g. 1.2.xx). There is a lot of commercial support for and use of Linux, both by hardware companies such as {Digital}, {IBM}, and {Apple} and numerous smaller network and integration specialists. There are many commercially supported distributions which are generally entirely under the GPL. At least one distribution vendor guarantees {Posix} compliance. Linux is particularly popular for {Internet Service Providers}, and there are ports to both parallel supercomputers and {embedded} {microcontrollers}. {Debian} is one popular {open source} distribution. The pronunciation of "Linux" has been a matter of much debate. Many, including Torvalds, insist on the short I pronunciation /li'nuks/ because "Linus" has an /ee/ sound in Swedish (Linus's family is part of Finland's 6% ethnic-Swedish minority) and Linus considers English short /i/ to be closer to /ee/ than English long /i:/ dipthong. This is consistent with the short I in words like "linen". This doesn't stop others demanding a long I /li:'nuks/ following the english pronunciation of "Linus" and "minus". Others say /li'niks/ following {Minix}, which Torvalds was working on before Linux. {More on pronunciation (/pub/misc/linux-pronunciation)}. {LinuxHQ (}. {slashdot (}. {freshmeat (}. {Woven Goods (}. {Linux Gazette (}. {funet Linux Archive (}, {US mirror (}, {UK Mirror (}. (2000-06-09)

Lisp "language" LISt Processing language. (Or mythically "Lots of Irritating Superfluous Parentheses"). {Artificial Intelligence}'s mother tongue, a symbolic, {functional}, {recursive} language based on the ideas of {lambda-calculus}, variable-length lists and trees as fundamental data types and the interpretation of code as data and vice-versa. Data objects in Lisp are lists and {atoms}. Lists may contain lists and atoms. Atoms are either numbers or symbols. Programs in Lisp are themselves lists of symbols which can be treated as data. Most implementations of Lisp allow functions with {side-effects} but there is a core of Lisp which is {purely functional}. All Lisp functions and programs are expressions that return values; this, together with the high memory use of Lisp, gave rise to {Alan Perlis}'s famous quip (itself a take on an Oscar Wilde quote) that "Lisp programmers know the value of everything and the cost of nothing". The original version was {LISP 1}, invented by {John McCarthy} "" at {MIT} in the late 1950s. Lisp is actually older than any other {high level language} still in use except {Fortran}. Accordingly, it has undergone considerable change over the years. Modern variants are quite different in detail. The dominant {HLL} among hackers until the early 1980s, Lisp now shares the throne with {C}. See {languages of choice}. One significant application for Lisp has been as a proof by example that most newer languages, such as {COBOL} and {Ada}, are full of unnecessary {crocks}. When the {Right Thing} has already been done once, there is no justification for {bogosity} in newer languages. See also {Association of Lisp Users}, {Common Lisp}, {Franz Lisp}, {MacLisp}, {Portable Standard Lisp}, {Interlisp}, {Scheme}, {ELisp}, {Kamin's interpreters}. [{Jargon File}] (1995-04-16)

Macintosh Operating System "operating system" (Mac OS) {Apple Computer, Inc.}'s proprietary {operating system} for their {Macintosh} family of {personal computers}. The part of the operating system that simulates the desktop is called "{Finder}." The {multitasking} version of Finder was called "{MultiFinder}" until {multitasking} was integrated into the core of the OS with the introduction of System 7.0 in 1990. The Macintosh series provides a built-in graphics language, called "{QuickDraw}", which provides a {standard} for software developers. Mac OS 8, scheduled for delivery in July 1997, included new human-interface features, increased system stability and performance, a {PowerPC} processor-native Finder, tighter integration of {Internet} access through panel-based "assistants," Personal Web Sharing and the ability to run {Java applets} and programs through Mac OS Run Time for {Java}. Version 9.2 was the last version of the bespoke Mac OS. The next version, {Mac OS X} is quite different, being based on {Unix}. See also {Macintosh file system}, {Macintosh user interface}. (2007-03-15)

mahapralaya. ::: the final cosmic dissolution; the dissolution of all the worlds of relativity until nothing but the Absolute remains

Mahatma(Mahatman, Sanskrit) ::: "Great soul" or "great self" is the meaning of this compound word (maha, "great";atman, "self"). The mahatmas are perfected men, relatively speaking, known in theosophical literature asteachers, elder brothers, masters, sages, seers, and by other names. They are indeed the "elder brothers"of mankind. They are men, not spirits -- men who have evolved through self-devised efforts in individualevolution, always advancing forwards and upwards until they have now attained the lofty spiritual andintellectual human supremacy that now they hold. They were not so created by any extra-cosmic Deity,but they are men who have become what they are by means of inward spiritual striving, by spiritual andintellectual yearning, by aspiration to be greater and better, nobler and higher, just as every good man inhis own way so aspires. They are farther advanced along the path of evolution than the majority of menare. They possess knowledge of nature's secret processes, and of hid mysteries, which to the average manmay seem to be little short of the marvelous -- yet, after all, this mere fact is of relatively smallimportance in comparison with the far greater and more profoundly moving aspects of their nature andlifework.Especially are they called teachers because they are occupied in the noble duty of instructing mankind, ininspiring elevating thoughts, and in instilling impulses of forgetfulness of self into the hearts of men.Also are they sometimes called the guardians, because they are, in very truth, the guardians of the raceand of the records -- natural, racial, national -- of past ages, portions of which they give out from time totime as fragments of a now long-forgotten wisdom, when the world is ready to listen to them; and theydo this in order to advance the cause of truth and of genuine civilization founded on wisdom andbrotherhood.Never -- such is the teaching -- since the human race first attained self-consciousness has this order orassociation or society or brotherhood of exalted men been without its representatives on our earth.It was the mahatmas who founded the modern Theosophical Society through their envoy or messenger,H. P. Blavatsky, in New York in 1875.

Mahesvari (Maheshwari; Maheswari) ::: one of the four personalities Mahesvari of the sakti or devi: the goddess of wideness and calm, whose manifestation in the temperament (Mahesvari bhava) is the pratis.t.ha or basis for the combination of the aspects of daivi prakr.ti; sometimes short for Mahesvari bhava. According to an entry on 18 March 1917, until then there had been only one very early manifestation of "Maheshwari herself"; what was referred to as Mahesvari was usually her manifestation in another sakti as part of the preparation of the pratis.t.ha for the full daivi prakr.ti.MahesvariMahesvari bhava

mailing list "messaging" (Often shortened in context to "list") An {electronic mail address} that is an alias (or {macro}, though that word is never used in this connection) which is expanded by a {mail exploder} to yield many other e-mail addresses. Some mailing lists are simple "reflectors", redirecting mail sent to them to the list of recipients. Others are filtered by humans or programs of varying degrees of sophistication; lists filtered by humans are said to be "moderated". The term is sometimes used, by extension, for the people who receive e-mail sent to such an address. Mailing lists are one of the primary forms of hacker interaction, along with {Usenet}. They predate {Usenet}, having originated with the first {UUCP} and {ARPANET} connections. They are often used for private information-sharing on topics that would be too specialised for or inappropriate to public {Usenet} groups. Though some of these maintain almost purely technical content (such as the {Internet Engineering Task Force} mailing list), others (like the "sf-lovers" list maintained for many years by Saul Jaffe) are recreational, and many are purely social. Perhaps the most infamous of the social lists was the eccentric bandykin distribution; its latter-day progeny, {lectroids} and {tanstaafl}, still include a number of the oddest and most interesting people in hackerdom. Mailing lists are easy to create and (unlike {Usenet}) don't tie up a significant amount of machine resources (until they get very large, at which point they can become interesting torture tests for mail software). Thus, they are often created temporarily by working groups, the members of which can then collaborate on a project without ever needing to meet face-to-face. There are several programs to automate mailing list maintenance, e.g. {Listserv}, {Listproc}, {Majordomo}. Requests to subscribe to, or leave, a mailing list should ALWAYS be sent to the list's "-request" address (e.g. for the IETF mailing list). This prevents them being sent to all recipients of the list and ensures that they reach the maintainer of the list, who may not actually read the list. [{Jargon File}] (2001-04-27)

malt ::: n. --> Barley or other grain, steeped in water and dried in a kiln, thus forcing germination until the saccharine principle has been evolved. It is used in brewing and in the distillation of whisky. ::: a. --> Relating to, containing, or made with, malt.

malware "security" Any {software} designed to do something that the user would not wish it to do, hasn't asked it to do, and often has no knowledge of until it's too late. Types of malware include {backdoor}, {ransomware}, {virus}, {worm}, {Trojan horse}. Malware typically affects the system on which it is run, e.g. by deleting or corrupting files on the local disks. Since Internet connections became common, malware has increasingly targeted remote systems. An early example was malware consisting of a malicious e-mail attachment that targeted security flaws in {Microsoft Outlook} (the most common {e-mail client}) to send itself to all the user's contacts. A more recent kind of malware "recruits" the infected computer to become part of a {botnet} consisting of thousands of infected computers that can then be remotely controlled and used to launch {DDoS} attacks. (2007-11-15)

mameluke ::: n. --> One of a body of mounted soldiers recruited from slaves converted to Mohammedanism, who, during several centuries, had more or less control of the government of Egypt, until exterminated or dispersed by Mehemet Ali in 1811.

Manas(Sanskrit) ::: The root of this word means "to think," "to cogitate," "to reflect" -- mental activity, in short.The center of the ego-consciousness in man and in any other quasi-self-conscious entity. The thirdsubstance-principle, counting downwards, of which man's constitution is composed.Manas springs forth from buddhi (the second principle) as the fruit from the flower; but manas itself ismortal, goes to pieces at death -- insofar as its lower parts are concerned. All of it that lives after death isonly what is spiritual in it and that can be squeezed out of it, so to say -- the "aroma" of the manas;somewhat as the chemist takes from the rose the attar or essence of roses. The monad or atma-buddhithereupon takes that "all" with it into the devachan, after the second death has taken place. Atman, withbuddhi and with the higher part of manas, becomes thereupon the spiritual monad of man. Strictlyspeaking, this is the divine monad within its vehicle -- atman and buddhi -- combined with the humanego in its higher manasic element; but they are joined into one after death, and are hence spoken of as thespiritual monad.The three principles forming the upper triad exist each on its own plane in consciousness and power; andas human beings we continuously feel their influence despite the enshrouding veils of a psychical andastral-physical character. We know of each principle only what we have so far evolved forth of it. All weknow, for instance, of the third principle (counting from the top), the manas, is what we have so farassimilated of it in this fourth round. The manas will not be fully developed in us until the end of the nextround. What we now call our manas is a generalizing term for the reincarnating ego, the higher manas.

Marx, Karl: Was born May 5, 1818 in Trier (Treves), Germany, and was educated at the Universities of Bonn and Berlin. He received the doctorate in philosophy at Berlin in 1841, writing on The Difference between the Democritean and Epicurean Natural Philosophy, which theme he treated from the Hegelian point of view. Marx early became a Left Hegelian, then a Feuerbachian. In 1842-43 he edited the "Rheinische Zeitung," a Cologne daily of radical tendencies. In 1844, in Paris, Marx, now calling himself a communist, became a leading spirit in radical groups and a close friend of Friedrich Engels (q.v.). In 1844 he wrote articles for the "Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher," in 1845 the Theses on Feuerbach and, together with Engels, Die Heilige Familie. In 1846, another joint work with Engels and Moses Hess, Die Deutsche Ideologie was completed (not published until 1932). 1845-47, Marx wrote for various papers including "Deutsche Brüsseler Zeitung," "Westphälisches Dampfbot," "Gesellschaftsspiegel" (Elberfeld), "La Reforme" (Paris). In 1847 he wrote (in French) Misere de la Philosophie, a reply to Proudhon's Systeme des Contradictions: econotniques, ou, Philosophie de la Misere. In 1848 he wrote, jointly with Engels, the "Manifesto of the Communist Party", delivered his "Discourse on Free Trade" in Brussels and began work on the "Neue Rheinische Zeitung" which, however, was suppressed like its predecessor and also its successor, the "Neue Rheinische Revue" (1850). For the latter Marx wrote the essays later published in book form as Class Struggles in France. In 1851 Marx did articles on foreign affairs for the "New York Tribune", published The 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte and the pamphlet "Enthülungen über den Kommunistenprozess in Köln." In 1859 Marx published Zur Kritik der politischen Okonomie, the foundation of "Das Kapital", in 1860, "Herr Vogt" and in 1867 the first volume of Das Kapital. In 1871 the "Manifesto of the General Council of the International Workingmen's Association on the Paris Commune," later published as The Civil War in France and as The Paris Commune was written. In 1873 there appeared a pamphlet against Bakunin and in 1875 the critical comment on the "Gotha Program." The publication of the second volume of Capital dates from 1885, two years after Marx's death, the third volume from 1894, both edited by Engels. The essay "Value Price and Profit" is also posthumous, edited by his daughter Eleanor Marx Aveling. The most extensive collection of Marx's work is to be found in the Marx-Engels Gesamtausgabe. It is said by the Marx-Engels-Lenin Institute (Moscow) that the as yet unpublished work of Marx, including materials of exceptional theoretical significance, is equal in bulk to the published work. Marx devoted a great deal of time to practical political activity and the labor movement, taking a leading role in the founding and subsequent guiding of the International Workingmen's Association, The First International. He lived the life of a political refugee in Paris, Brussels and finally London, where he remained for more than thirty years until he died March 14, 1883. He had seven children and at times experienced the severest want. Engels was a partial supporter of the Marx household for the better part of twenty years. Marx, together with Engels, was the founder of the school of philosophy known as dialectical materialism (q.v.). In the writings of Marx and Engels this position appears in a relatively general form. While statements are made within all fields of philosophy, there is no systematic elaboration of doctrine in such fields as ethics, aesthetics or epistemology, although a methodology and a basis are laid down. The fields developed in most detail by Marx, besides economic theory, are social and political philosophy (see Historical materialism, and entry, Dialectical materialism) and, together with Engels, logical and ontological aspects of materialist dialectics. -- J.M.S.

Mathematical Analyzer, Numerical Integrator and Computer "computer, history" (MANIAC, Or "Mathematical Analyzer, Numerator, Integrator, and Computer") An early computer, built for the {Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory}. MANIAC began operation in March 1952. Typical of early computers, it ran its own propriatery language. It was succeeded by {MANIAC II} in 1957. A {MANIAC III} was built at the University of Chicago in 1964. Contrary to legend, MANIAC did not run {MAD} ({Michigan Algorithm Decoder}), which was not invented until 1959. (2013-05-05)

Mean: In general, that which in some way mediates or occupies a middle position among various things or between two extremes. Hence (especially in the plural) that through which an end is attained; in mathematics the word is used for any one of various notions of average; in ethics it represents moderation, temperance, prudence, the middle way. In mathematics:   The arithmetic mean of two quantities is half their sum; the arithmetic mean of n quantities is the sum of the n quantities, divided by n. In the case of a function f(x) (say from real numbers to real numbers) the mean value of the function for the values x1, x2, . . . , xn of x is the arithmetic mean of f(x1), f(x2), . . . , f(xn). This notion is extended to the case of infinite sets of values of x by means of integration; thus the mean value of f(x) for values of x between a and b is ∫f(x)dx, with a and b as the limits of integration, divided by the difference between a and b.   The geometric mean of or between, or the mean proportional between, two quantities is the (positive) square root of their product. Thus if b is the geometric mean between a and c, c is as many times greater (or less) than b as b is than a. The geometric mean of n quantities is the nth root of their product.   The harmonic mean of two quantities is defined as the reciprocal of the arithmetic mean of their reciprocals. Hence the harmonic mean of a and b is 2ab/(a + b).   The weighted mean or weighted average of a set of n quantities, each of which is associated with a certain number as weight, is obtained by multiplying each quantity by the associated weight, adding these products together, and then dividing by the sum of the weights. As under A, this may be extended to the case of an infinite set of quantities by means of integration. (The weights have the role of estimates of relative importance of the various quantities, and if all the weights are equal the weighted mean reduces to the simple arithmetic mean.)   In statistics, given a population (i.e., an aggregate of observed or observable quantities) and a variable x having the population as its range, we have:     The mean value of x is the weighted mean of the values of x, with the probability (frequency ratio) of each value taken as its weight. In the case of a finite population this is the same as the simple arithmetic mean of the population, provided that, in calculating the arithmetic mean, each value of x is counted as many times over as it occurs in the set of observations constituting the population.     In like manner, the mean value of a function f(x) of x is the weighted mean of the values of f(x), where the probability of each value of x is taken as the weight of the corresponding value of f(x).     The mode of the population is the most probable (most frequent) value of x, provided there is one such.     The median of the population is so chosen that the probability that x be less than the median (or the probability that x be greater than the median) is ½ (or as near ½ as possible). In the case of a finite population, if the values of x are arranged in order of magnitude     --repeating any one value of x as many times over as it occurs in the set of observations constituting the population     --then the middle term of this series, or the arithmetic mean of the two middle terms, is the median.     --A.C. In cosmology, the fundamental means (arithmetic, geometric, and harmonic) were used by the Greeks in describing or actualizing the process of becoming in nature. The Pythagoreans and the Platonists in particular made considerable use of these means (see the Philebus and the Timaeus more especially). These ratios are among the basic elements used by Plato in his doctrine of the mixtures. With the appearance of the qualitative physics of Aristotle, the means lost their cosmological importance and were thereafter used chiefly in mathematics. The modern mathematical theories of the universe make use of the whole range of means analyzed by the calculus of probability, the theory of errors, the calculus of variations, and the statistical methods. In ethics, the 'Doctrine of the Mean' is the moral theory of moderation, the development of the virtues, the determination of the wise course in action, the practice of temperance and prudence, the choice of the middle way between extreme or conflicting decisions. It has been developed principally by the Chinese, the Indians and the Greeks; it was used with caution by the Christian moralists on account of their rigorous application of the moral law.   In Chinese philosophy, the Doctrine of the Mean or of the Middle Way (the Chung Yung, literally 'Equilibrium and Harmony') involves the absence of immoderate pleasure, anger, sorrow or joy, and a conscious state in which those feelings have been stirred and act in their proper degree. This doctrine has been developed by Tzu Shu (V. C. B.C.), a grandson of Confucius who had already described the virtues of the 'superior man' according to his aphorism "Perfect is the virtue which is according to the mean". In matters of action, the superior man stands erect in the middle and strives to follow a course which does not incline on either side.   In Buddhist philosophy, the System of the Middle Way or Madhyamaka is ascribed more particularly to Nagarjuna (II c. A.D.). The Buddha had given his revelation as a mean or middle way, because he repudiated the two extremes of an exaggerated ascetlsm and of an easy secular life. This principle is also applied to knowledge and action in general, with the purpose of striking a happy medium between contradictory judgments and motives. The final objective is the realization of the nirvana or the complete absence of desire by the gradual destruction of feelings and thoughts. But while orthodox Buddhism teaches the unreality of the individual (who is merely a mass of causes and effects following one another in unbroken succession), the Madhyamaka denies also the existence of these causes and effects in themselves. For this system, "Everything is void", with the legitimate conclusion that "Absolute truth is silence". Thus the perfect mean is realized.   In Greek Ethics, the doctrine of the Right (Mean has been developed by Plato (Philebus) and Aristotle (Nic. Ethics II. 6-8) principally, on the Pythagorean analogy between the sound mind, the healthy body and the tuned string, which has inspired most of the Greek Moralists. Though it is known as the "Aristotelian Principle of the Mean", it is essentially a Platonic doctrine which is preformed in the Republic and the Statesman and expounded in the Philebus, where we are told that all good things in life belong to the class of the mixed (26 D). This doctrine states that in the application of intelligence to any kind of activity, the supreme wisdom is to know just where to stop, and to stop just there and nowhere else. Hence, the "right-mean" does not concern the quantitative measurement of magnitudes, but simply the qualitative comparison of values with respect to a standard which is the appropriate (prepon), the seasonable (kairos), the morally necessary (deon), or generally the moderate (metrion). The difference between these two kinds of metretics (metretike) is that the former is extrinsic and relative, while the latter is intrinsic and absolute. This explains the Platonic division of the sciences into two classes: those involving reference to relative quantities (mathematical or natural), and those requiring absolute values (ethics and aesthetics). The Aristotelian analysis of the "right mean" considers moral goodness as a fixed and habitual proportion in our appetitions and tempers, which can be reached by training them until they exhibit just the balance required by the right rule. This process of becoming good develops certain habits of virtues consisting in reasonable moderation where both excess and defect are avoided: the virtue of temperance (sophrosyne) is a typical example. In this sense, virtue occupies a middle position between extremes, and is said to be a mean; but it is not a static notion, as it leads to the development of a stable being, when man learns not to over-reach himself. This qualitative conception of the mean involves an adaptation of the agent, his conduct and his environment, similar to the harmony displayed in a work of art. Hence the aesthetic aspect of virtue, which is often overstressed by ancient and neo-pagan writers, at the expense of morality proper.   The ethical idea of the mean, stripped of the qualifications added to it by its Christian interpreters, has influenced many positivistic systems of ethics, and especially pragmatism and behaviourism (e.g., A. Huxley's rule of Balanced Excesses). It is maintained that it is also involved in the dialectical systems, such as Hegelianism, where it would have an application in the whole dialectical process as such: thus, it would correspond to the synthetic phase which blends together the thesis and the antithesis by the meeting of the opposites. --T.G. Mean, Doctrine of the: In Aristotle's ethics, the doctrine that each of the moral virtues is an intermediate state between extremes of excess and defect. -- O.R.M.

medlar ::: n. --> A tree of the genus Mespilus (M. Germanica); also, the fruit of the tree. The fruit is something like a small apple, but has a bony endocarp. When first gathered the flesh is hard and austere, and it is not eaten until it has begun to decay.

message passing One of the two techniques for communicating between parallel processes (the other being {shared memory}). A common use of message passing is for communication in a {parallel computer}. A process running on one processor may send a message to a process running on the same processor or another. The actual transmission of the message is usually handled by the {run-time support} of the language in which the processes are written, or by the {operating system}. Message passing scales better than {shared memory}, which is generally used in computers with relatively few processors. This is because the total communications {bandwidth} usually increases with the number of processors. A message passing system provides primitives for sending and receiving messages. These primitives may by either {synchronous} or {asynchronous} or both. A synchronous send will not complete (will not allow the sender to proceed) until the receiving process has received the message. This allows the sender to know whether the message was received successfully or not (like when you speak to someone on the telephone). An asynchronous send simply queues the message for transmission without waiting for it to be received (like posting a letter). A synchronous receive primitive will wait until there is a message to read whereas an asynchronous receive will return immediately, either with a message or to say that no message has arrived. Messages may be sent to a named process or to a named {mailbox} which may be readable by one or many processes. Transmission involves determining the location of the recipient and then choosing a route to reach that location. The message may be transmitted in one go or may be split into {packets} which are transmitted independently (e.g. using {wormhole routing}) and reassembled at the receiver. The message passing system must ensure that sufficient memory is available to buffer the message at its destination and at intermediate nodes. Messages may be typed or untyped at the programming language level. They may have a priority, allowing the receiver to read the highest priority messages first. Some message passing computers are the {MIT J-Machine (}, the {Illinois Concert Project (} and {transputer}-based systems. {Object-oriented programming} uses message passing between {objects} as a metaphor for procedure call. (1994-11-11)

Methodic Doubt: The suspension of judgment in regard to possible truths until they have been demonstrated to be either true or false; in Cartesianism the criterion is the clearness and distinctness of ideas. -- V.J.B.

method invocation "programming" In {object-oriented programming}, the way the program looks up the right {code} to run when a {method} with a given name is called ("invoked") on an {object}. The method is first looked for in the object's {class}, then that class's {superclass} and so on up the {class hierarchy} until a method with the given name is found (the name is "resolved"). Generally, method lookup cannot be performed at {compile time} because the object's class is not known until {run time}. This is the case for an {object method} whereas a {class method} is just an ordinary function (that is bundled with a given class) and can be resolved at compile time (or load time in the case of a {dynamically loaded library}). (2014-09-06)

Methodology: The systematic analysis and organization of the rational and experimental principles and processes which must guide a scientific inquiry, or which constitute the structure of the special sciences more particularly. Methodology, which is also called scientific method, and more seldom methodeutic, refers not only to the whole of a constituted science, but also to individual problems or groups of problems within a science. As such it is usually considered as a branch of logic; in fact, it is the application of the principles and processes of logic to the special objects of the various sciences; while science in general is accounted for by the combination of deduction and induction as such. Thus, methodology is a generic term exemplified in the specific method of each science. Hence its full significance can be understood only by analyzing the structure of the special sciences. In determining that structure, one must consider the proper object of the special science, the manner in which it develops, the type of statements or generalizations it involves, its philosophical foundations or assumptions, and its relation with the other sciences, and eventually its applications. The last two points mentioned are particularly important: methods of education, for example, will vary considerably according to their inspiration and aim. Because of the differences between the objects of the various sciences, they reveal the following principal methodological patterns, which are not necessarily exclusive of one another, and which are used sometimes in partial combination. It may be added that their choice and combination depend also in a large degree on psychological motives. In the last resort, methodology results from the adjustment of our mental powers to the love and pursuit of truth. There are various rational methods used by the speculative sciences, including theology which adds certain qualifications to their use. More especially, philosophy has inspired the following procedures:   The Soctattc method of analysis by questioning and dividing until the essences are reached;   the synthetic method developed by Plato, Aristotle and the Medieval thinkers, which involves a demonstrative exposition of the causal relation between thought and being;   the ascetic method of intellectual and moral purification leading to an illumination of the mind, as proposed by Plotinus, Augustine and the mystics;   the psychological method of inquiry into the origin of ideas, which was used by Descartes and his followers, and also by the British empiricists;   the critical or transcendental method, as used by Kant, and involving an analysis of the conditions and limits of knowledge;   the dialectical method proceeding by thesis, antithesis and synthesis, which is promoted by Hegelianlsm and Dialectical Materialism;   the intuitive method, as used by Bergson, which involves the immediate perception of reality, by a blending of consciousness with the process of change;   the reflexive method of metaphysical introspection aiming at the development of the immanent realities and values leading man to God;   the eclectic method (historical-critical) of purposive and effective selection as proposed by Cicero, Suarez and Cousin; and   the positivistic method of Comte, Spencer and the logical empiricists, which attempts to apply to philosophy the strict procedures of the positive sciences. The axiomatic or hypothetico-deductive method as used by the theoretical and especially the mathematical sciences. It involves such problems as the selection, independence and simplification of primitive terms and axioms, the formalization of definitions and proofs, the consistency and completeness of the constructed theory, and the final interpretation. The nomological or inductive method as used by the experimental sciences, aims at the discovery of regularities between phenomena and their relevant laws. It involves the critical and careful application of the various steps of induction: observation and analytical classification; selection of similarities; hypothesis of cause or law; verification by the experimental canons; deduction, demonstration and explanation; systematic organization of results; statement of laws and construction of the relevant theory. The descriptive method as used by the natural and social sciences, involves observational, classificatory and statistical procedures (see art. on statistics) and their interpretation. The historical method as used by the sciences dealing with the past, involves the collation, selection, classification and interpretation of archeological facts and exhibits, records, documents, archives, reports and testimonies. The psychological method, as used by all the sciences dealing with human behaviour and development. It involves not only introspective analysis, but also experimental procedures, such as those referring to the relations between stimuli and sensations, to the accuracy of perceptions (specific measurements of intensity), to gradation (least noticeable differences), to error methods (average error in right and wrong cases), and to physiological and educational processes.

method "programming" In {object-oriented programming}, a {function} that can be called on an {object} of a given {class}. When a method is called (or {invoked (method invocation)}) on an object, the object is passed as an implicit {argument} to the method, usually referred to by the special variable "this". If the method is not defined in the object's class, it is looked for in that class's {superclass}, and so on up the {class hierarchy} until it is found. A {subclass} thus {inherits {inheritance}} all the methods of its superclasses. Different classes may define methods with the same name (i.e. methods may be {polymorphic}). Methods are sometimes called "object methods" or "instance methods". "{Class methods}" are methods that operate on objects of class "class". "Static methods" are not methods but normal {functions} packaged with the class. (2000-03-22)

Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems "company" (MITS) The company which made the {Altair 8800} {micrcomputer} kit. They also made instrumentation kits for model rockets and RC vehicles. Ed Roberts owned MITS for a few years until he sold out, moved to Georgia, and went to med school. Address: Albuquerque NM, USA. (2002-06-17)

microtape "hardware, storage" /mi:'kroh-tayp/ Occasionally used to mean a {DECtape}, as opposed to a {macrotape}. Apparently the term "microtape" was actually the official term used within DEC for these tapes until someone coined the word "DECtape", which, of course, sounded sexier to the {marketroids}. Another version of the story holds that someone discovered a conflict with another company's "microtape" trademark. [{Jargon File}] (1995-03-16)

mind, physical ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The physical mind is that part of the mind which is concerned with the physical things only — it depends on the sense-mind, sees only objects, external actions, draws its ideas from the data given by external things, infers from them only and knows no other Truth until it is enlightened from above.” *Letters on Yoga

modular arithmetic "mathematics" (Or "clock arithmetic") A kind of integer arithmetic that reduces all numbers to one of a fixed set [0..N-1] (this would be "modulo N arithmetic") by effectively repeatedly adding or subtracting N (the "modulus") until the result is within this range. The original mathematical usage considers only __equivalence__ modulo N. The numbers being compared can take any values, what matters is whether they differ by a multiple of N. Computing usage however, considers modulo to be an operator that returns the remainder after integer division of its first argument by its second. Ordinary "clock arithmetic" is like modular arithmetic except that the range is [1..12] whereas modulo 12 would be [0..11]. (2003-03-28)

modulation ::: n. --> The act of modulating, or the state of being modulated; as, the modulation of the voice.
Sound modulated; melody.
A change of key, whether transient, or until the music becomes established in the new key; a shifting of the tonality of a piece, so that the harmonies all center upon a new keynote or tonic; the art of transition out of the original key into one nearly related, and so on, it may be, by successive changes, into a key quite remote.

monotonist ::: n. --> One who talks in the same strain or on the same subject until weariness is produced.

mung /muhng/ (MIT, 1960) Mash Until No Good. Sometime after that the derivation from the {recursive acronym} "Mung Until No Good" became standard. 1. To make changes to a file, especially large-scale and irrevocable changes. See {BLT}. 2. To destroy, usually accidentally, occasionally maliciously. The system only mungs things maliciously; this is a consequence of {Finagle's Law}. See {scribble}, {mangle}, {trash}, {nuke}. Reports from {Usenet} suggest that the pronunciation /muhnj/ is now usual in speech, but the spelling "mung" is still common in program comments (compare the widespread confusion over the proper spelling of {kluge}). 3. The kind of beans of which the sprouts are used in Chinese food. (That's their real name! Mung beans! Really!) Like many early hacker terms, this one seems to have originated at {TMRC}; it was already in use there in 1958. Peter Samson (compiler of the original TMRC lexicon) thinks it may originally have been onomatopoeic for the sound of a relay spring (contact) being twanged. However, it is known that during the World Wars, "mung" was army slang for the ersatz creamed chipped beef better known as "SOS". [{Jargon File}] (1994-12-02)

Nestorians: A Christian sect dating from the 5th century. Nestorius, a patriarch of Constantinople 428-431) opposed the designation "Mother of God" (a declaration of Origen's) applied to Mary, the mother of Jesus. He said that Christ had two distinct natures and that Mary, a human being, could not have delivered anyone but a human. The emphasis is upon the genuine human nature and the exemplary value of Christ. Nestorianism was not only a Christo-logical viewpoint and the only cause for much theological dispute; it was also a part of a political and ecclesiastical feud between bishops east and west. The council of Ephesus in 431 declared the view heretical. Nevertheless the Nestorian churches spread widely and continues until our present time in Asiatic Turkey and Persia. -- V.F.

netdead "jargon, chat" The state of someone who signs off {IRC}, perhaps during a {netburp}, and doesn't sign back on until later. In the interim, he is "dead to the net". [{Jargon File}] (2007-09-02)

netiquette "convention, networking" /net'ee-ket/ or /net'i-ket/ Network etiquette. The conventions of politeness recognised on {Usenet} and in {mailing lists}, such as not (cross-)posting to inappropriate groups and refraining from commercial advertising outside the biz groups. The most important rule of netiquette is "Think before you post". If what you intend to post will not make a positive contribution to the newsgroup and be of interest to several readers, don't post it! Personal messages to one or two individuals should not be posted to newsgroups, use private e-mail instead. When following up an article, quote the minimum necessary to give some context to your reply and be careful to attribute the quote to the right person. If the article you are responding to was posted to several groups, edit the distribution ("Newsgroups:") header to contain only those groups which are appropriate to your reply, especially if the original message was posted to one or more inappropriate groups in the first place. Re-read and edit your posting carefully before you post. Check the spelling and grammar. Keep your lines to less than 70 characters. Don't post test messages (except to test groups) - wait until you have something to say. When posting humorous or sarcastic comments, it is conventional to append a {smiley}, but don't overuse them. Before asking a question, read the messages already in the group and read the group's {FAQ} if it has one. When you do post a question, follow it with "please reply by mail and I will post a summary if requested" and make sure you DO post a summary if requested, or if only a few people were interested, send them a summary by mail. This avoids umpteen people posting the same answer to the group and umpteen others posting "me too"s. If you believe someone has violated netiquette, send them a message by __private e-mail__, DO NOT post a follow-up to the news. And be polite, they may not realise their mistake, they might be a beginner or may not even have been responsible for the "crime" - their account may have been used by someone else or their address forged. Be proud of your postings but don't post just to see your name in pixels. Remember: your future employer may be reading. {Netiquette for Usenet Site Administrators (}. {"net.acceptable" (}. [{Jargon File}] (1999-10-18)

Nominalism: (Lat. nominalis, belonging to a name) In scholastic philosophy, the theory that abstract or general terms, or universals, represent no objective real existents, but are mere words or names, mere vocal utterances, "flatus vocis". Reality is admitted only to actual physical particulars. Universals exist only post res. Opposite of Realism (q.v.) which maintains that universals exist ante res. First suggested by Boethius in his 6th century Latin translation of the Introduction to the Categories (of Aristotle) by Porphyry (A.D. 233-304). Porphyry had raised the question of how Aristotle was to be interpreted on this score, and had decided the question in favor of what was later called nominalism. The doctrine did not receive any prominence until applied to the Sacrament of the Eucharist by Berengar in the 11th century. Berengar was the first scholastic to insist upon the evidence of his senses when examining the nature of the Eucharist. Shortly after, Roscellinus, who had broadened the doctrine to the denial of the reality of all universals and the assertion of the sole reality of physical particulars, was forced by the Council of Soissons to recant. Thereafter, despite Abelard's unsuccessful attempt to reconcile the doctrine with realism by finding a half-way position between the two, nominalism was not again explicitly held until William of Occam (1280-1349) revived it and attempted to defend it within the limits allowed by Church dogma. In the first frankly nominalistic system Occam distinguished between the real and the grammatical meanings of terms or universal. He assigned a real status to universals in the mind, and thus was the first to see that nominalism can have a subjective as well as an objective aspect. He maintained that to our intellects, however, everything real must be some particular individual thing. After Occam, nominalism as an explicitly held doctrine disappeared until recently, when it has been restated in certain branches of Logical Positivism. -- J.K.F.

normalisation 1. "data processing" A transformation applied uniformly to each element in a set of data so that the set has some specific statistical property. For example, monthly measurements of the rainfall in London might be normalised by dividing each one by the total for the year to give a profile of rainfall throughout the year. 2. "programming" Representation of a {floating-point} number so that its {mantissa}'s left-most digit is non-zero. If the leftmost fraction digit are zeros, the number is said to be unnormalised. Unnormalised numbers are normalised by shifting the fraction left, one digit at a time, until the leftmost digit is nonzero and reducing the {exponent} by the number of shifts. 3. "database" {database normalisation}. (1998-04-15)

"Nothing can happen without the presence and support of the Divine, for Nature or Prakriti is the Divine Force and it is this that works out things, but it works them out according to the nature and through or with the will of each man which is full of ignorance — that goes on until men turn to the Divine and become conscious of Him and united with Him. Then only can it be said that all begins to be done in him by the direct Will of the Divine.” Letters on Yoga

“Nothing can happen without the presence and support of the Divine, for Nature or Prakriti is the Divine Force and it is this that works out things, but it works them out according to the nature and through or with the will of each man which is full of ignorance—that goes on until men turn to the Divine and become conscious of Him and united with Him. Then only can it be said that all begins to be done in him by the direct Will of the Divine.” Letters on Yoga

Notwithstanding its source, the conscience cannot be said to be an infallible guide until the divine powers of the god within flow freely and are thus fully manifested. The cause of its fallibility is the blindness and reluctance of the brain-mind to receive these radiations from the divinity within. Yet, fallible though conscience be, it should be trusted and followed because it is a more or less complete shining, in itself, of the inner light, and because by recognizing and using it, the radiation grows stronger and a person grows wiser.

object-oriented polymorphism "programming" The kind of {polymorphism} found in {object-oriented programming} languages where a {variable} can refer to an {object} whose {class} is not known exactly until {run time}. A {method} can use a variable of a given class - call other methods on it, pass it as an argument, etc. - without needing to know to which subclass it refers, as long as its actual class is compatible with those uses. (2014-01-05)

object-oriented programming "programming" (OOP) The use of a class of programming languages and techniques based on the concept of an "{object}" which is a data structure ({abstract data type}) encapsulated with a set of routines, called "{methods}", which operate on the data. Operations on the data can __only__ be performed via these methods, which are common to all objects that are instances of a particular "{class}". Thus the interface to objects is well defined, and allows the code implementing the methods to be changed so long as the interface remains the same. Each class is a separate {module} and has a position in a "{class hierarchy}". Methods or code in one class can be passed down the hierarchy to a {subclass} or inherited from a {superclass}. This is called "{inheritance}". A {procedure} call is described as invoking a method on an object (which effectively becomes the procedure's first {argument}), and may optionally include other arguments. The method name is looked up in the object's class to find out how to perform that operation on the given object. If the method is not defined for the object's class, it is looked for in its superclass and so on up the class hierarchy until it is found or there is no higher superclass. OOP started with {SIMULA-67} around 1970 and became all-pervasive with the advent of {C++}, and later {Java}. Another popular object-oriented programming language (OOPL) is {Smalltalk}, a seminal example from {Xerox}'s {Palo Alto Research Center} (PARC). Others include {Ada}, {Object Pascal}, {Objective C}, {DRAGOON}, {BETA}, {Emerald}, {POOL}, {Eiffel}, {Self}, {Oblog}, {ESP}, {LOOPS}, {POLKA}, and {Python}. Other languages, such as {Perl} and {VB}, permit, but do not enforce OOP. {FAQ (}. {(}. {(}. {Usenet} newsgroup: {news:comp.object}. (2001-10-11)

Obscuration ::: This is a word coined by A. P. Sinnett, one of the pioneers in theosophical propaganda. A far better wordthan obscuration would have been dormancy or sleep, because this word obscuration actually ratherobscures the sense. A man is not "obscured" when he sleeps. The inner faculties may be so, in a sense;but it is better actually to state in more appropriate words just what the real condition is. It is that ofsleep, or latency -- of dormancy, rather. Thus when one of the seven kingdoms has passed through itsseven periods of progress, of evolution, it goes into dormancy or obscuration.Likewise when the seven kingdoms -- from the first elemental kingdom upwards to the human -- havefinished their evolution on globe A (for instance) during the first round, globe A then goes intoobscuration, that is, into dormancy; it goes to sleep. Everything left on it is now dormant, is sleeping,awaiting the incoming, when round two begins, of the life-waves which have just left it. Again, when thelife-waves have run their full sevenfold course, or their seven stock-races or root-races on globe B, thenglobe B in its turn goes into dormancy or obscuration, which is not pralaya; and the distinction betweenpralaya and obscuration is an extremely important one. It may be possible in popular usage at times tocall the state of dormancy by the name of pralaya in a very limited and particular sense; but pralayareally means disintegration and disappearance, like that of death. But obscuration is sleep -- dormancy.Thus is it with each one of the seven globes of the planetary chain, one after the other, each one goinginto obscuration when a life-wave has left it, so far as that particular life-wave is concerned. When thefinal or rather the last representatives of the last root-race of the last life-wave leave it, each globe thengoes to sleep or into dormancy.During a planetary obscuration or planetary rest period, at the end of a round, the entities leave the lastglobe, the seventh, and enter into a (lower) nirvanic period of manvantaric repose, answering to thedevachanic or between-life state of the human entity between one life on earth and the next life on earth.There is one very important point of the teachings to be noted here: a globe when a life-wave leaves itdoes not remain in obscuration or continuously dormant until the same life-wave returns to it in the nextround. The life-waves succeed each other in regular file, and each life-wave as it enters a globe has itsperiod of beginning, its efflorescence, and its decay, and then leaves the globe in obscuration so far asthat particular life-wave is concerned. But the globe within a relatively short time receives a succeedinglife-wave, which runs through its courses and leaves the globe again in obscuration so far as this lastlife-wave is concerned, etc. It is obvious, therefore, that a period of obscuration on any globe of theplanetary chain is much shorter than the term of a full planetary round.

oviferous ::: a. --> Egg-bearing; -- applied particularly to certain receptacles, as in Crustacea, that retain the eggs after they have been excluded from the formative organs, until they are hatched.

panic 1. "operating system" What {Unix} does when a critical internal consistency checks fails in such a way that Unix cannot continue. The {kernel} attempts to print a short message on the {console} and write an image of memory into the {swap area} on disk. This can be analysed later using {adb}. The kernel will then either wait in a {tight loop} until the machine is rebooted or will initiate an automatic {reboot}. {Unix manual page}: panic(8). 2. Action taken by software which discovers some fatal problem which prevents it from continuing to run. (1995-03-01)

PDP-11 Programmed Data Processor model 11. A series of {minicomputers} based on an {instruction set} designed by C. Gordon Bell at {DEC} in the early 1970s (late 60s?). The PDP-11 family, which came after, but was not derived from, the {PDP-10}, was the most successful computer of its time until it was itself succeeded by the {VAX}. Models included the 11/23 and 11/24 (based on the F11 chipset); 11/44, 11/04, 11/34, 11/05, 11/10, 11/15, 11/20, 11/35, 11/40, 11/45, 11/70, 11/60 ({MSI} and {SSI}); LSI-11/2 and LSI-11 (LSI-11 chipset). In addition there were the 11/8x (J11 chipset) and SBC-11/21 (T11 chip) and then there was compatibility mode in the early {VAX} processors. The {B} and {C} languages were both used initially to implement {Unix} on the PDP-11. The {microprocessor} design tradition owes a heavy debt to the PDP-11 {instruction set}. See also {SEX}. (1994-12-21)

perseverance ::: n. --> The act of persevering; persistence in anything undertaken; continued pursuit or prosecution of any business, or enterprise begun.
Continuance in a state of grace until it is succeeded by a state of glory; sometimes called final perseverance, and the perseverance of the saints. See Calvinism.

persimmon ::: n. --> An American tree (Diospyros Virginiana) and its fruit, found from New York southward. The fruit is like a plum in appearance, but is very harsh and astringent until it has been exposed to frost, when it becomes palatable and nutritious.

Phoenix "operating system" An {operating system}, built in {BCPL} on top of {IBM} {MVT} and later {MVS} by {Cambridge University} Computing Service from 1973 to 1995, which ran on the university central {mainframe}. All parts of the system were named after birds, including Eagle (the {job scheduler}, also the nearest pub), Pigeon (the mailer), {GCAL} (the text processor) and Wren (the command language), leading to Wren Libraries (a local pun). Phoenix was much used by {chemists} in daytime and by the rest of the university in the evenings, and was only abandoned in favour of {Unix} in 1995; it is one reason Cambridge made little contribution to Unix until then. {Computing Service Phoenix closure memo (} (2003-12-05)

Phrygian mysteries: The mysteries or esoteric rites widely observed around the Mediterranean, centered around the mother-goddess Cybele who mourned the death of the youthful male deity Attis until he returned to life in the springtime.

PHYSICAL MIND. ::: That part of the mind which is concerned with the physical things only ; it depends on the sense-mind, sees only objects, exiemol actions, draws its ideas from the data given by external things, infers from them only and knows no other Truth until it is enlightened from above.

Plato: (428-7 - 348-7 B.C.) Was one of the greatest of the Greek philosophers. He was born either in Athens or on the island of Aegina, and was originally known as Aristocles. Ariston, his father, traced his ancestry to the last kings of Athens. His mother, Perictione, was a descendant of the family of Solon. Plato was given the best elementary education possible and he spent eight years, from his own twentieth year to the death of Socrates, as a member of the Socratic circle. Various stories are told about his supposed masters in philosophy, and his travels in Greece, Italy, Sicily and Egypt, but all that we know for certain is that he somehow acquired a knowledge of Pythagoreanisrn, Heracleitanism, Eleaticism and othei Pre-Socratic philosophies. He founded his school of mathematics and philosophy in Athens in 387 B.C. It became known as the Academy. Here he taught with great success until his death at the age of eighty. His career as a teacher was interrupted on two occasions by trips to Sicily, where Plato tried without much success to educate and advise Dionysius the Younger. His works have been very well preserved; we have more than twenty-five authentic dialogues, certain letters, and some definitions which are probably spurious. For a list of works, bibliography and an outline of his thought, see Platonism. -- V.J.B.

pleadings ::: n. pl. --> The mutual pleas and replies of the plaintiff and defendant, or written statements of the parties in support of their claims, proceeding from the declaration of the plaintiff, until issue is joined, and the question made to rest on some single point.

Political Philosophy: That branch of philosophy which deals with political life, especially with the essence, origin and value of the state. In ancient philosophy politics also embraced what we call ethics. The first and most important ancient works on Political Philosophy were Plato's Politeia (Republic) and Aristotle's Politics. The Politeia outlines the structure and functions of the ideal state. It became the pattern for all the Utopias (see Utopia) of later times. Aristotle, who considers man fundamentally a social creature i.e. a political animal, created the basis for modern theories of government, especially by his distinction of the different forms of government. Early Christianity had a rather negative attitude towards the state which found expression in St. Augustine's De Civitate Dei. The influence of this work, in which the earthly state was declared to be civitas diaboli, a state of the devil, was predominant throughout the Middle Ages. In the discussion of the relation between church and empire, the main topic of medieval political philosophy, certain authors foreshadowed modern political theories. Thomas Aquinas stressed the popular origin of royal power and the right of the people to restrict or abolish that power in case of abuse; William of Ockham and Marsiglio of Padua held similar views. Dante Alighieri was one of the first to recognize the intrinsic value of the state; he considered the world monarchy to be the only means whereby peace, justice and liberty could be secured. But it was not until the Renaissance that, due to the rediscovery of the individual and his rights and to the formation of territorial states, political philosophy began to play a major role. Niccolo Machiavelli and Jean Bodin laid the foundation for the new theories of the state by stressing its independence from any external power and its indivisible sovereignty. The theory of popular rights and of the right of resistance against tyranny was especially advocated by the "Monarchomachi" (Huguenots, such as Beza, Hotman, Languet, Danaeus, Catholics such as Boucher, Rossaeus, Mariana). Most of them used the theory of an original contract (see Social Contract) to justify limitations of monarchical power. Later, the idea of a Natural Law, independent from divine revelation (Hugo Grotius and his followers), served as an argument for liberal -- sometimes revolutionary -- tendencies. With the exception of Hobbes, who used the contract theory in his plea for absolutism, almost all the publicists of the 16th and 17th century built their liberal theories upon the idea of an original covenant by which individuals joined together and by mutual consent formed a state and placed a fiduciary trust in the supreme power (Roger Williams and John Locke). It was this contract which the Pilgrim Fathers translated into actual facts, after their arrival in America, in November, 1620, long before John Locke had developed his theorv. In the course of the 17th century in England the contract theory was generally substituted for the theory of the divine rights of kings. It was supported by the assumption of an original "State of Nature" in which all men enjoyed equal reciprocal rights. The most ardent defender of the social contract theory in the 18th century was J. J. Rousseau who deeply influenced the philosophy of the French revolution. In Rousseau's conception the idea of the sovereignty of the people took on a more democratic aspect than in 17th century English political philosophy which had been almost exclusively aristocratic in its spirit. This tendency found expression in his concept of the "general will" in the moulding of which each individual has his share. Immanuel Kant who made these concepts the basis of his political philosophy, recognized more clearly than Rousseau the fictitious character of the social contract and treated it as a "regulative idea", meant to serve as a criterion in the evaluation of any act of the state. For Hegel the state is an end in itself, the supreme realization of reason and morality. In marked opposition to this point of view, Marx and Engels, though strongly influenced by Hegel, visualized a society in which the state would gradually fade away. Most of the 19th century publicists, however, upheld the juristic theory of the state. To them the state was the only source of law and at the same time invested with absolute sovereignty: there are no limits to the legal omnipotence of the state except those which are self imposed. In opposition to this doctrine of unified state authority, a pluralistic theory of sovereignty has been advanced recently by certain authors, laying emphasis upon corporate personalities and professional groups (Duguit, Krabbe, Laski). Outspoken anti-stateism was advocated by anarchists such as Kropotkin, etc., by syndicalists and Guild socialists. -- W.E.

pontee ::: n. --> An iron rod used by glass makers for manipulating the hot glass; -- called also, puntil, puntel, punty, and ponty. See Fascet.

POP3 "messaging, protocol" Version 3 of the {Post Office Protocol}. POP3 is defined in {RFC 1081}, written in November 1988 by Marshall Rose, which is based on RFC 918 (since revised as RFC 937). POP3 allows a {client} computer to retrieve {electronic mail} from a POP3 {server} via a (temporary) {TCP/IP} or other[?] connection. It does not provide for sending mail, which is assumed to be done via {SMTP} or some other method. POP is useful for computers, e.g. mobile or home computers, without a permanent network connection which therefore require a "post office" (the POP server) to hold their mail until they can retrieve it. Although similar in form to the original POP proposed for the {Internet} community, POP3 is similar in spirit to the ideas investigated by the {MZnet} project at the University of California, Irvine, and is incompatible with earlier versions of POP. Substantial work was done on examining POP in a {PC}-based environment. This work, which resulted in additional functionality in this protocol, was performed by the {ACIS} Networking Systems Group at {Stanford University}. RFC 1082 (POP3 Extended Service) extends POP3 to deal with accessing mailboxes for {mailing lists}. (1997-01-09)

posted write-through A {cache} with a posted write-through policy (e.g. Intel 80386) delays the write-back to main memory until the bus is not in use.

postponed ::: delayed until a future time; put off.

PostScript "language, text, graphics" A {page description language} based on work originally done by John Gaffney at Evans and Sutherland in 1976, evolving through "JaM" ("John and Martin", Martin Newell) at {XEROX PARC}, and finally implemented in its current form by John Warnock et al. after he and Chuck Geschke founded {Adobe Systems, Inc.} in 1982. PostScript is an {interpreted}, {stack-based language} (like {FORTH}). It was used as a page description language by the {Apple LaserWriter}, and now many {laser printers} and on-screen graphics systems. Its primary application is to describe the appearance of text, graphical shapes, and sampled {images} on printed or displayed pages. A program in PostScript can communicate a document description from a composition system to a printing system in a device-independent way. PostScript is an unusually powerful printer language because it is a full programming language, rather than a series of low-level escape sequences. (In this it parallels {Emacs}, which exploited a similar insight about editing tasks). It is also noteworthy for implementing on-the fly {rasterisation}, from {Bezier curve} descriptions, of high-quality {fonts} at low (e.g. 300 dpi) resolution (it was formerly believed that hand-tuned {bitmap fonts} were required for this task). PostScript's combination of technical merits and widespread availability made it the language of choice for graphical output until {PDF} appeared. The {Postscript point}, 1/72 inch, is slightly different from other {point} units. {An introduction (}. ["PostScript Language Reference Manual" ("The Red Book"), Adobe Systems, A-W 1985]. [{Jargon File}] (2002-03-11)

pottage ::: n. --> A kind of food made by boiling vegetables or meat, or both together, in water, until soft; a thick soup or porridge.

praetexta ::: n. --> A white robe with a purple border, worn by a Roman boy before he was entitled to wear the toga virilis, or until about the completion of his fourteenth year, and by girls until their marriage. It was also worn by magistrates and priests.

PRAYER. ::: The life of man is a life of wants and needs and therefore of desires, not only in his physical and vital, but in his mental and spiritual being. When he becomes conscious of a greater Power governing the world, he approaches it through prayer for the fulfilment of his needs, for help in his rough journey, for protection and aid in his struggle. Whatever crudi- ties there may be in the ordinary religious approach to God by prayer, and there are many, especially that attitude which ima- gines the Divine as if capable of being propitiated, bribed, flat- tered into acquiescence or indulgence by praise, entreaty and gifts and has often little te^td to the spirit in which he is approached, still this way of turning to the Divine is an essen- tial movement of our religious being and reposes on a universal truth.

The efficacy of prayer is often doubted and prayer itself supposed to be a thing irrational and necessarily superfluous and ineffective. It is true that the universal will executes always its aim and cannot be deflected by egoistic propitiation and entreaty, it is true of the Transcendent who expresses himself in the universal order that, being omniscient, his larger knowledge must foresee the thing to be done and it does not need direction or stimulation by human thought and that the individual's desires are not and cannot be in any world-order the true determining factor. But neither is that order or the execution of the universal will altogether effected by mechanical Law, but by powers and forces of which for human life at least, human will, aspiration and faith are not among the least important. Prayer is only a particular form given to that will, aspiration and faith. Its forms are very often crude and not only childlike, which is in itself no defect, but childish; but still it has a real power and significance. Its power and sense is to put the will, aspiration and faith of man into touch with the divine Will as that of a conscious Being with whom we can enter into conscious and living relations. For our will and aspiration can act either by our own strength and endeavour, which can no doubt be made a thing great and effective whether for lower or higher purposes, -and there are plenty of disciplines which put it forward as the one force to be used, -- or it can act in dependence upon and with subordination to the divine or the universal Will. And this latter way, again, may either look upon that Will as responsive indeed to our aspiration, but almost mechanically, by a sort of law of energy, or at any rate quite impersonally, or else it may look upon it as responding consciously to the divine aspiration and faith of the human soul and consciously bringing to it the help, the guidance, the protection and fruition demanded, yogaksemam vahamyaham. ~ TSOY, SYN

Prayer helps to prepare this relation for us at first on the lower plane even while it is (here consistent with much that is mere egoism and self-delusion; but afterwards we can draw towards the spiritual truth which is behind it. It is not then the givinc of the thing asked for that matters, but the relation itself, the contact of man’s life with God, the conscious interchange.

In spiritual matters and in the seeking of spiritual gains, this conscious relation is a great power; it is a much greater power than our own entirely self-reliant struggle and effort and it brings a fuller spiritual growth and experience. Necessarily, in the end prayer either ceases in the greater thing for which it prepared us, -- in fact the form we call prayer is not itself essential so long as the faith, the will, the aspiration are there, -- or remains only for the joy of the relation. Also its objects, the artha or interest it seeks to realise, become higher and higher until we reach the highest motiveless devotion, which is that of divine love pure and simple without any other demand or longing.

Prayer for others ::: The fact of praying and the attitude it brings, especially unselfish prayer for others, itself opens you to the higher Power, even if there is no corresponding result in the person prayed for. 'Nothing can be positively said about that, for the result must necessarily depend on the persons, whe- ther they arc open or receptive or something in them can res- pond to any Force the prayer brings down.

Prayer must well up from the heart on a crest of emotion or aspiration.

Prayer {Ideal)'. Not prayer insisting on immediate fulfilment, but prayer that is itself a communion of the mind and heart with the Divine*and can have the joy and satisfaction of itself, trusting for fulfilment by the Divine in his own time.

Prayer ::: The life of man is a life of wants and needs and th
   refore of desires, not only in his physical and vital, but in his mental and spiritual being. When he becomes conscious of a greater Power governing the world, he approaches it through prayer for the fulfilment of his needs, for help in his rough journey, for protection and aid in his struggle. Whatever crudities there may be in the ordinary religious approach to God by prayer, and there are many, especially that attitude which imagines the Divine as if capable of being propitiated, bribed, flattered into acquiescence or indulgence by praise, entreaty and gifts and has often little regard to the spirit in which he is approached, still this way of turning to the Divine is an essential movement of our religious being and reposes on a universal truth. The efficacy of prayer is often doubted and prayer itself supposed to be a thing irrational and necessarily superfluous and ineffective. It is true that the universal will executes always its aim and cannot be deflected by egoistic propitiation and entreaty, it is true of the Transcendent who expresses himself in the universal order that being omniscient his larger knowledge must foresee the thing to be done and it does not need direction or stimulation by human thought and that the individual’s desires are not and cannot be in any world-order the true determining factor. But neither is that order or the execution of the universal will altogether effected by mechanical Law, but by powers and forces of which for human life at least human will, aspiration and faith are not among the least important. Prayer is only a particular form given to that will, aspiration and faith. Its forms are very often crude and not only childlike, which is in itself no defect, but childish; but still it has a real power and significance. Its power and sense is to put the will, aspiration and faith of man into touch with the divine Will as that of a conscious Being with whom we can enter into conscious and living relations. For our will and aspiration can act either by our own strength and endeavour, which can no doubt be made a thing great and effective whether for lower or higher purposes,—and there are plenty of disciplines which put it forward as the one force to be used,—or it can act in dependence upon and with subordination to the divine or the universal Will. And this latter way again may either look upon thatWill as responsive indeed to our aspiration, but almost mechanically, by a sort of law of energy, or at any rate quite impersonally, or else it may look upon it as responding consciously to the divine aspiration and faith of the human soul and consciously bringing to it the help, the guidance, the protection and fruition demanded. Prayer helps to prepare this relation for us at first on the lower plane even while it is there consistent with much that is mere egoism and self-delusion; but afterwards we can draw towards the spiritual truth which is behind it. It is not then the giving of the thing asked for that matters, but the relation itself, the contact of man’s life with God, the conscious interchange. In spiritual matters and in the seeking of spiritual gains, this conscious relation is a great power; it is a much greater power than our own entirely self-reliant struggle and effort and it brings a fuller spiritual growth and experience. Necessarily in the end prayer either ceases in the greater thing for which it prepared us, —in fact the form we call prayer is not itself essential so long as the faith, the will, the aspiration are there,—or remains only for the joy of the relation. Also its objects, the artha or interest it seeks to realise, become higher and higher until we reach the highest motiveless devotion, which is that of divine love pure and simple without any other demand or longing.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 23-24, Page: 566-67-68

Procrustean string "programming" A fixed-length {string}. If a string value is too long for the allocated space, it is truncated to fit; and if it is shorter, the empty space is padded, usually with space characters. This is an allusion to Procrustes, a legendary robber of ancient Attica. He bound his victims to a bed, and if they were shorter than the bed, he stretched their limbs until they would fit; if their limbs were longer, he lopped them off. (1997-09-12)

Prolog "programming" Programming in Logic or (French) Programmation en Logique. The first of the huge family of {logic programming} languages. Prolog was invented by Alain Colmerauer and Phillipe Roussel at the University of Aix-Marseille in 1971. It was first implemented 1972 in {ALGOL-W}. It was designed originally for {natural-language processing} but has become one of the most widely used languages for {artificial intelligence}. It is based on {LUSH} (or {SLD}) {resolution} {theorem proving} and {unification}. The first versions had no user-defined functions and no control structure other than the built-in {depth-first search} with {backtracking}. Early collaboration between Marseille and Robert Kowalski at {University of Edinburgh} continued until about 1975. Early implementations included {C-Prolog}, {ESLPDPRO}, {Frolic}, {LM-Prolog}, {Open Prolog}, {SB-Prolog}, {UPMAIL Tricia Prolog}. In 1998, the most common Prologs in use are {Quintus Prolog}, {SICSTUS Prolog}, {LPA Prolog}, {SWI Prolog}, {AMZI Prolog}, {SNI Prolog}. {ISO} draft standard at {Darmstadt, Germany (}. or {UGA, USA (}. See also {negation by failure}, {Kamin's interpreters}, {Paradigms of AI Programming}, {Aditi}. A Prolog {interpreter} in {Scheme}. {(}. {A Prolog package (} from the {University of Calgary} features {delayed goals} and {interval arithmetic}. It requires {Scheme} with {continuations}. ["Programming in Prolog", W.F. Clocksin & C.S. Mellish, Springer, 1985]. (2001-04-01)

provisional ::: providing or serving for the time being only; existing only until permanently or properly replaced; temporary.

pseudoprime A backgammon prime (six consecutive occupied points) with one point missing. This term is an esoteric pun derived from a mathematical method that, rather than determining precisely whether a number is prime (has no divisors), uses a statistical technique to decide whether the number is "probably" prime. A number that passes this test is called a pseudoprime. The hacker backgammon usage stems from the idea that a pseudoprime is almost as good as a prime: it does the job of a prime until proven otherwise, and that probably won't happen. [{Jargon File}]

Psj'chic being is especially the soul of the individual evolving in the manifestation of the indiridnal Prakriti and taking part in the evolution. It is that spark of the Divine Fire that grows behind the mind, vital and phyrical as the psychic being until

psychic being ::: the evolving soul of the individual, the divine portion in him which evolves from life to life, growing by its experiences until it becomes a fully conscious being. From its place behind the heart-centre, the psychic being supports the mind, life and body, aiding their growth and development. The term "soul" is often used as a synonym for "psychic being", but strictly speaking there is a distinction: the soul is the psychic essence, the psychic being is the soul-personality put forward and developed by the psychic essence to represent it in the evolution. ::: See also psychic.

psychopannychism ::: n. --> The doctrine that the soul falls asleep at death, and does not wake until the resurrection of the body.

puntil ::: n. --> Alt. of Puntel

push media "messaging" A model of media distribution where items of content are sent to the user (viewer, listener, etc.) in a sequence, and at a rate, determined by a {server} to which the user has connected. This contrasts with {pull media} where the user requests each item individually. Push media usually entail some notion of a "channel" which the user selects and which delivers a particular kind of content. Broadcast television is (for the most part) the prototypical example of push media: you turn on the TV set, select a channel and shows and commercials stream out until you turn the set off. By contrast, the {web} is (mostly) the prototypical example of pull media: each "page", each bit of content, comes to the user only if he requests it; put down the keyboard and the mouse, and everything stops. At the time of writing (April 1997), much effort is being put into blurring the line between push media and pull media. Most of this is aimed at bringing more push media to the {Internet}, mainly as a way to disseminate advertising, since telling people about products they didn't know they wanted is very difficult in a strict pull media model. These emergent forms of push media are generally variations on targeted advertising mixed in with bits of useful content. "At home on your computer, the same system will run soothing {screensavers} underneath regular news flashes, all while keeping track, in one corner, of press releases from companies whose stocks you own. With frequent commercial messages, of course." (Wired, March 1997, page 12). {Pointcast (} is probably the best known push system on the Internet at the time of writing. As part of the eternal desire to apply a fun new words to boring old things, "push" is occasionally used to mean nothing more than email {spam}. (1997-04-10)

Pythagoreanism: The doctrines (philosophical, mathematical, moral, and religious) of Pythagoras (c. 572-497) and of his school which flourished until about the end of the 4th century B.C. The Pythagorean philosophy was a dualism which sharply distinguished thought and the senses, the soul and the body, the mathematical forms of things and their perceptible appearances. The Pythagoreans supposed that the substances of all things were numbers and that all phenomena were sensuous expressions of mathematical ratios. For them the whole universe was harmony. They made important contributions to mathematics, astronomv, and physics (acoustics) and were the first to formulate the elementary principles and methods of arithmetic and geometry as taught in the first books of Euclid. But the Pythagorean sect was not only a philosophical and mathematical school (cf. K. von Fritz, Pythagorean Politics in Southern Italy, 1941), but also a religious brotherhood and a fellowship for moral reformation. They believed in the immortality and transmigration (see Metempsychosis) of the soul which they defined as the harmony of the body. To restore harmony which was confused by the senses was the goal of their Ethics and Politics. The religious ideas were closely related to those of the Greek mysteries which sought by various rites and abstinences to purify and redeem the soul. The attempt to combine this mysticism with their mathematical philosophy, led the Pythagoreans to the development of an intricate and somewhat fantastic symbolism which collected correspondences between numbers and things and for example identified the antithesis of odd and even with that of form and matter, the number 1 with reason, 2 with the soul, etc. Through their ideas the Pythagoreans had considerable effect on the development of Plato's thought and on the theories of the later Neo-platonists.

QTRADER "application" Analytical software for stock and commodity trading, released in July 1995 by {Caribou CodeWorks}. QTRADER allows dynamic automated analysis of current trends and features "Paper Trade" plotting, as well as "TradeSignal Bands" and "StudyMatrix" filter to screen potential trades. Projected ranges are handled with a "Tomorrow's Bar". QTRADER version 3.0 runs on {IBM PC}-compatibles, a {Macintosh} version is not available until late 1996. {Demo copy (}. {(}. (1995-11-05)

Quicksort A sorting {algorithm} with O(n log n) average time {complexity}. One element, x of the list to be sorted is chosen and the other elements are split into those elements less than x and those greater than or equal to x. These two lists are then sorted {recursive}ly using the same algorithm until there is only one element in each list, at which point the sublists are recursively recombined in order yielding the sorted list. This can be written in {Haskell}: qsort       :: Ord a =" [a] -" [a] qsort []       = [] qsort (x:xs)     = qsort [ u | u"-xs, u"x ] ++     [ x ] ++     qsort [ u | u"-xs, u"=x ] [Mark Jones, Gofer prelude.]

ray tracing "graphics" A technique used in {computer graphics} to create realistic {images} by calculating the paths taken by rays of light entering the observer's eye at different angles. The paths are traced backward from the viewpoint, through a point (a {pixel}) in the image plane until they hit some object in the scene or go off to infinity. Objects are modelled as collections of abutting surfaces which may be rectangles, triangles, or more complicated shapes such as 3D {splines}. The optical properties of different surfaces (colour, reflectance, transmitance, refraction, texture) also affect how it will contribute to the colour and brightness of the ray. The position, colour, and brightness of light sources, including ambient lighting, is also taken into account. Ray tracing is an ideal application for {parallel processing} since there are many pixels, each of whose values is independent and can thus be calculated in parallel. Compare: {radiosity}. {Usenet} newsgroup: {}. {(}. (2003-09-11)

RC4 "cryptography" A {cipher} designed by {RSA Data Security, Inc.} which can accept {keys} of arbitrary length, and is essentially a {pseudo random number generator} with the output of the generator being {XOR}ed with the data stream to produce the encrypted data. For this reason, it is very important that the same RC4 key never be used to encrypt two different data streams. The encryption mechanism used to be a trade secret, until someone posted source code for an {algorithm} onto {Usenet News}, claiming it to be equivalent to RC4. The algorithm is very fast, its security is unknown, but breaking it does not seem trivial either. There is very strong evidence that the posted algorithm is indeed equivalent to RC4. The United States government routinely approves RC4 with 40-bit keys for export. Keys this small can be easily broken by governments, criminals, and amateurs. The exportable version of {Netscape}'s {Secure Socket Layer}, which uses RC4-40, was broken by at least two independent groups. Breaking it took about eight days; in many universities or companies the same computing power is available to any computer science student. See also {Damien Doligez's SSL cracking page (}, {RC4 Source and Information (}, {SSLeay (

RCA 1802 "processor" An extremely simple {microprocessor} fabricated in {CMOS}, running at 6.4 MHz at 10V (very fast for 1974). It could be suspended with the clock stopped. It was an 8-bit processor, with 16-bit addressing. Simplicity was the primary design goal, and in that sense it was one of the first {RISC} chips. It had sixteen 16-bit {registers}, which could be accessed as thirty-two 8-bit registers, and an {accumulator} D used for arithmetic and memory access - memory to D, then D to registers and vice versa, using one 16-bit register as an address. This led to one person describing the 1802 as having 32 bytes of {RAM} and 65535 I/O ports. A 4-bit control register P selected any one general register as the {program counter}, while control registers X and N selected registers for I/O Index and the operand for the current instruction. All instructions were 8 bits - a 4-bit {op code} (total of 16 operations) and 4-bit {operand register} stored in N. There was no real {conditional branching}, no {subroutine} support and no actual {stack} but these could be implemented by clever use of registers, e.g. changing P to another register allowed jump to a subroutine. Similarly, on an interrupt P and X were saved, then R1 and R2 were selected for P and X until an {RTI} restored them. The {RCA 1805} was an enhanced version. The 1802 was used in the {COSMAC} (VIP?) {microcomputer} kit, some video games from {RCA} and {Radio Shack}, and the {ETI-660} computer. It was chosen for the Voyager, Viking and Galileo space probes as it was also fabricated in {Silicon on Sapphire}, giving radiation and static resistance, ideal for space operation. {More history (}. (2002-04-09)

Realism: Theory of the reality of abstract or general terms, or umversals, which are held to have an equal and sometimes a superior reality to actual physical particulars. Umversals exist before things, ante res. Opposed to nominalism (q.v.) according to which universals have a being only after things, post res. Realism means (a) in ontology that no derogation of the reality of universals is valid, the realm of essences, or possible umversals, being as real as, if not more real than, the realm of existence, or actuality; (b) in epistemology: that sense experience reports a true and uninterrupted, if limited, account of objects; that it is possible to have faithful and direct knowledge of the actual world. While realism was implicit in Egyptian religion, where truth was through deification distinguished from particular truths, and further suggested in certain aspects of Ionian philosophy, it was first explicitly set forth by Plato in his doctrine of the ideas and developed by Aristotle in his doctrine of the forms. According to Plato, the ideas have a status of possibility which makes them independent both of the mind by which they may be known and of the actual world of particulars in which they may take place. Aristotle amended this, so that his forms have a being only in things, in rebus. Realism in its Platonic version was the leading philosophy of the Christian Middle Ages until Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) officially adopted the Aristotelian version. It has been given a new impetus in recent times by Charles S. Peirce (1839-1914) in America and by G. E. Moore (1873-) in England. Moore's realism has been responsible for many of his contemporaries in both English-speaking countries. Roughly speaking, the American realists, Montague, Perry, and others, in The New Realism (1912) have directed their attention to the epistemological side, while the English have constructed ontological systems. The most comprehensive realistic systems of the modern period are Process and Reality by A. N. Whitehead (1861-) and Space, Time and Deity by S. Alexander: (1859-1939). The German, Nicolai Hartmann, should also be mentioned, and there are others. -- J.K.F.

Real Programmers Don't Use Pascal "humour" Back in the good old days - the "Golden Era" of computers, it was easy to separate the men from the boys (sometimes called "Real Men" and "Quiche Eaters" in the literature). During this period, the Real Men were the ones that understood computer programming, and the Quiche Eaters were the ones that didn't. A real computer programmer said things like "DO 10 I=1,10" and "ABEND" (they actually talked in capital letters, you understand), and the rest of the world said things like "computers are too complicated for me" and "I can't relate to computers - they're so impersonal". (A previous work [1] points out that Real Men don't "relate" to anything, and aren't afraid of being impersonal.) But, as usual, times change. We are faced today with a world in which little old ladies can get computers in their microwave ovens, 12-year-old kids can blow Real Men out of the water playing Asteroids and Pac-Man, and anyone can buy and even understand their very own Personal Computer. The Real Programmer is in danger of becoming extinct, of being replaced by high-school students with {TRASH-80s}. There is a clear need to point out the differences between the typical high-school junior Pac-Man player and a Real Programmer. If this difference is made clear, it will give these kids something to aspire to -- a role model, a Father Figure. It will also help explain to the employers of Real Programmers why it would be a mistake to replace the Real Programmers on their staff with 12-year-old Pac-Man players (at a considerable salary savings). LANGUAGES The easiest way to tell a Real Programmer from the crowd is by the programming language he (or she) uses. Real Programmers use {Fortran}. Quiche Eaters use {Pascal}. Nicklaus Wirth, the designer of Pascal, gave a talk once at which he was asked how to pronounce his name. He replied, "You can either call me by name, pronouncing it 'Veert', or call me by value, 'Worth'." One can tell immediately from this comment that Nicklaus Wirth is a Quiche Eater. The only parameter passing mechanism endorsed by Real Programmers is call-by-value-return, as implemented in the {IBM 370} {Fortran-G} and H compilers. Real programmers don't need all these abstract concepts to get their jobs done - they are perfectly happy with a {keypunch}, a {Fortran IV} {compiler}, and a beer. Real Programmers do List Processing in Fortran. Real Programmers do String Manipulation in Fortran. Real Programmers do Accounting (if they do it at all) in Fortran. Real Programmers do {Artificial Intelligence} programs in Fortran. If you can't do it in Fortran, do it in {assembly language}. If you can't do it in assembly language, it isn't worth doing. STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING The academics in computer science have gotten into the "structured programming" rut over the past several years. They claim that programs are more easily understood if the programmer uses some special language constructs and techniques. They don't all agree on exactly which constructs, of course, and the examples they use to show their particular point of view invariably fit on a single page of some obscure journal or another - clearly not enough of an example to convince anyone. When I got out of school, I thought I was the best programmer in the world. I could write an unbeatable tic-tac-toe program, use five different computer languages, and create 1000-line programs that WORKED. (Really!) Then I got out into the Real World. My first task in the Real World was to read and understand a 200,000-line Fortran program, then speed it up by a factor of two. Any Real Programmer will tell you that all the Structured Coding in the world won't help you solve a problem like that - it takes actual talent. Some quick observations on Real Programmers and Structured Programming: Real Programmers aren't afraid to use {GOTOs}. Real Programmers can write five-page-long DO loops without getting confused. Real Programmers like Arithmetic IF statements - they make the code more interesting. Real Programmers write self-modifying code, especially if they can save 20 {nanoseconds} in the middle of a tight loop. Real Programmers don't need comments - the code is obvious. Since Fortran doesn't have a structured IF, REPEAT ... UNTIL, or CASE statement, Real Programmers don't have to worry about not using them. Besides, they can be simulated when necessary using {assigned GOTOs}. Data Structures have also gotten a lot of press lately. Abstract Data Types, Structures, Pointers, Lists, and Strings have become popular in certain circles. Wirth (the above-mentioned Quiche Eater) actually wrote an entire book [2] contending that you could write a program based on data structures, instead of the other way around. As all Real Programmers know, the only useful data structure is the Array. Strings, lists, structures, sets - these are all special cases of arrays and can be treated that way just as easily without messing up your programing language with all sorts of complications. The worst thing about fancy data types is that you have to declare them, and Real Programming Languages, as we all know, have implicit typing based on the first letter of the (six character) variable name. OPERATING SYSTEMS What kind of operating system is used by a Real Programmer? CP/M? God forbid - CP/M, after all, is basically a toy operating system. Even little old ladies and grade school students can understand and use CP/M. Unix is a lot more complicated of course - the typical Unix hacker never can remember what the PRINT command is called this week - but when it gets right down to it, Unix is a glorified video game. People don't do Serious Work on Unix systems: they send jokes around the world on {UUCP}-net and write adventure games and research papers. No, your Real Programmer uses OS 370. A good programmer can find and understand the description of the IJK305I error he just got in his JCL manual. A great programmer can write JCL without referring to the manual at all. A truly outstanding programmer can find bugs buried in a 6 megabyte {core dump} without using a hex calculator. (I have actually seen this done.) OS is a truly remarkable operating system. It's possible to destroy days of work with a single misplaced space, so alertness in the programming staff is encouraged. The best way to approach the system is through a keypunch. Some people claim there is a Time Sharing system that runs on OS 370, but after careful study I have come to the conclusion that they were mistaken. PROGRAMMING TOOLS What kind of tools does a Real Programmer use? In theory, a Real Programmer could run his programs by keying them into the front panel of the computer. Back in the days when computers had front panels, this was actually done occasionally. Your typical Real Programmer knew the entire bootstrap loader by memory in hex, and toggled it in whenever it got destroyed by his program. (Back then, memory was memory - it didn't go away when the power went off. Today, memory either forgets things when you don't want it to, or remembers things long after they're better forgotten.) Legend has it that {Seymore Cray}, inventor of the Cray I supercomputer and most of Control Data's computers, actually toggled the first operating system for the CDC7600 in on the front panel from memory when it was first powered on. Seymore, needless to say, is a Real Programmer. One of my favorite Real Programmers was a systems programmer for Texas Instruments. One day he got a long distance call from a user whose system had crashed in the middle of saving some important work. Jim was able to repair the damage over the phone, getting the user to toggle in disk I/O instructions at the front panel, repairing system tables in hex, reading register contents back over the phone. The moral of this story: while a Real Programmer usually includes a keypunch and lineprinter in his toolkit, he can get along with just a front panel and a telephone in emergencies. In some companies, text editing no longer consists of ten engineers standing in line to use an 029 keypunch. In fact, the building I work in doesn't contain a single keypunch. The Real Programmer in this situation has to do his work with a "text editor" program. Most systems supply several text editors to select from, and the Real Programmer must be careful to pick one that reflects his personal style. Many people believe that the best text editors in the world were written at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center for use on their Alto and Dorado computers [3]. Unfortunately, no Real Programmer would ever use a computer whose operating system is called SmallTalk, and would certainly not talk to the computer with a mouse. Some of the concepts in these Xerox editors have been incorporated into editors running on more reasonably named operating systems - {Emacs} and {VI} being two. The problem with these editors is that Real Programmers consider "what you see is what you get" to be just as bad a concept in Text Editors as it is in women. No the Real Programmer wants a "you asked for it, you got it" text editor - complicated, cryptic, powerful, unforgiving, dangerous. TECO, to be precise. It has been observed that a TECO command sequence more closely resembles transmission line noise than readable text [4]. One of the more entertaining games to play with TECO is to type your name in as a command line and try to guess what it does. Just about any possible typing error while talking with TECO will probably destroy your program, or even worse - introduce subtle and mysterious bugs in a once working subroutine. For this reason, Real Programmers are reluctant to actually edit a program that is close to working. They find it much easier to just patch the binary {object code} directly, using a wonderful program called SUPERZAP (or its equivalent on non-IBM machines). This works so well that many working programs on IBM systems bear no relation to the original Fortran code. In many cases, the original source code is no longer available. When it comes time to fix a program like this, no manager would even think of sending anything less than a Real Programmer to do the job - no Quiche Eating structured programmer would even know where to start. This is called "job security". Some programming tools NOT used by Real Programmers: Fortran preprocessors like {MORTRAN} and {RATFOR}. The Cuisinarts of programming - great for making Quiche. See comments above on structured programming. Source language debuggers. Real Programmers can read core dumps. Compilers with array bounds checking. They stifle creativity, destroy most of the interesting uses for EQUIVALENCE, and make it impossible to modify the operating system code with negative subscripts. Worst of all, bounds checking is inefficient. Source code maintenance systems. A Real Programmer keeps his code locked up in a card file, because it implies that its owner cannot leave his important programs unguarded [5]. THE REAL PROGRAMMER AT WORK Where does the typical Real Programmer work? What kind of programs are worthy of the efforts of so talented an individual? You can be sure that no Real Programmer would be caught dead writing accounts-receivable programs in {COBOL}, or sorting {mailing lists} for People magazine. A Real Programmer wants tasks of earth-shaking importance (literally!). Real Programmers work for Los Alamos National Laboratory, writing atomic bomb simulations to run on Cray I supercomputers. Real Programmers work for the National Security Agency, decoding Russian transmissions. It was largely due to the efforts of thousands of Real Programmers working for NASA that our boys got to the moon and back before the Russkies. Real Programmers are at work for Boeing designing the operating systems for cruise missiles. Some of the most awesome Real Programmers of all work at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California. Many of them know the entire operating system of the Pioneer and Voyager spacecraft by heart. With a combination of large ground-based Fortran programs and small spacecraft-based assembly language programs, they are able to do incredible feats of navigation and improvisation - hitting ten-kilometer wide windows at Saturn after six years in space, repairing or bypassing damaged sensor platforms, radios, and batteries. Allegedly, one Real Programmer managed to tuck a pattern-matching program into a few hundred bytes of unused memory in a Voyager spacecraft that searched for, located, and photographed a new moon of Jupiter. The current plan for the Galileo spacecraft is to use a gravity assist trajectory past Mars on the way to Jupiter. This trajectory passes within 80 +/-3 kilometers of the surface of Mars. Nobody is going to trust a Pascal program (or a Pascal programmer) for navigation to these tolerances. As you can tell, many of the world's Real Programmers work for the U.S. Government - mainly the Defense Department. This is as it should be. Recently, however, a black cloud has formed on the Real Programmer horizon. It seems that some highly placed Quiche Eaters at the Defense Department decided that all Defense programs should be written in some grand unified language called "ADA" ((C), DoD). For a while, it seemed that ADA was destined to become a language that went against all the precepts of Real Programming - a language with structure, a language with data types, {strong typing}, and semicolons. In short, a language designed to cripple the creativity of the typical Real Programmer. Fortunately, the language adopted by DoD has enough interesting features to make it approachable -- it's incredibly complex, includes methods for messing with the operating system and rearranging memory, and Edsgar Dijkstra doesn't like it [6]. (Dijkstra, as I'm sure you know, was the author of "GoTos Considered Harmful" - a landmark work in programming methodology, applauded by Pascal programmers and Quiche Eaters alike.) Besides, the determined Real Programmer can write Fortran programs in any language. The Real Programmer might compromise his principles and work on something slightly more trivial than the destruction of life as we know it, providing there's enough money in it. There are several Real Programmers building video games at Atari, for example. (But not playing them - a Real Programmer knows how to beat the machine every time: no challenge in that.) Everyone working at LucasFilm is a Real Programmer. (It would be crazy to turn down the money of fifty million Star Trek fans.) The proportion of Real Programmers in Computer Graphics is somewhat lower than the norm, mostly because nobody has found a use for computer graphics yet. On the other hand, all computer graphics is done in Fortran, so there are a fair number of people doing graphics in order to avoid having to write COBOL programs. THE REAL PROGRAMMER AT PLAY Generally, the Real Programmer plays the same way he works - with computers. He is constantly amazed that his employer actually pays him to do what he would be doing for fun anyway (although he is careful not to express this opinion out loud). Occasionally, the Real Programmer does step out of the office for a breath of fresh air and a beer or two. Some tips on recognizing Real Programmers away from the computer room: At a party, the Real Programmers are the ones in the corner talking about operating system security and how to get around it. At a football game, the Real Programmer is the one comparing the plays against his simulations printed on 11 by 14 fanfold paper. At the beach, the Real Programmer is the one drawing flowcharts in the sand. At a funeral, the Real Programmer is the one saying "Poor George, he almost had the sort routine working before the coronary." In a grocery store, the Real Programmer is the one who insists on running the cans past the laser checkout scanner himself, because he never could trust keypunch operators to get it right the first time. THE REAL PROGRAMMER'S NATURAL HABITAT What sort of environment does the Real Programmer function best in? This is an important question for the managers of Real Programmers. Considering the amount of money it costs to keep one on the staff, it's best to put him (or her) in an environment where he can get his work done. The typical Real Programmer lives in front of a computer terminal. Surrounding this terminal are: Listings of all programs the Real Programmer has ever worked on, piled in roughly chronological order on every flat surface in the office. Some half-dozen or so partly filled cups of cold coffee. Occasionally, there will be cigarette butts floating in the coffee. In some cases, the cups will contain Orange Crush. Unless he is very good, there will be copies of the OS JCL manual and the Principles of Operation open to some particularly interesting pages. Taped to the wall is a line-printer Snoopy calendar for the year 1969. Strewn about the floor are several wrappers for peanut butter filled cheese bars - the type that are made pre-stale at the bakery so they can't get any worse while waiting in the vending machine. Hiding in the top left-hand drawer of the desk is a stash of double-stuff Oreos for special occasions. Underneath the Oreos is a flowcharting template, left there by the previous occupant of the office. (Real Programmers write programs, not documentation. Leave that to the maintenance people.) The Real Programmer is capable of working 30, 40, even 50 hours at a stretch, under intense pressure. In fact, he prefers it that way. Bad response time doesn't bother the Real Programmer - it gives him a chance to catch a little sleep between compiles. If there is not enough schedule pressure on the Real Programmer, he tends to make things more challenging by working on some small but interesting part of the problem for the first nine weeks, then finishing the rest in the last week, in two or three 50-hour marathons. This not only impresses the hell out of his manager, who was despairing of ever getting the project done on time, but creates a convenient excuse for not doing the documentation. In general: No Real Programmer works 9 to 5 (unless it's the ones at night). Real Programmers don't wear neckties. Real Programmers don't wear high-heeled shoes. Real Programmers arrive at work in time for lunch [9]. A Real Programmer might or might not know his wife's name. He does, however, know the entire {ASCII} (or EBCDIC) code table. Real Programmers don't know how to cook. Grocery stores aren't open at three in the morning. Real Programmers survive on Twinkies and coffee. THE FUTURE What of the future? It is a matter of some concern to Real Programmers that the latest generation of computer programmers are not being brought up with the same outlook on life as their elders. Many of them have never seen a computer with a front panel. Hardly anyone graduating from school these days can do hex arithmetic without a calculator. College graduates these days are soft - protected from the realities of programming by source level debuggers, text editors that count parentheses, and "user friendly" operating systems. Worst of all, some of these alleged "computer scientists" manage to get degrees without ever learning Fortran! Are we destined to become an industry of Unix hackers and Pascal programmers? From my experience, I can only report that the future is bright for Real Programmers everywhere. Neither OS 370 nor Fortran show any signs of dying out, despite all the efforts of Pascal programmers the world over. Even more subtle tricks, like adding structured coding constructs to Fortran have failed. Oh sure, some computer vendors have come out with Fortran 77 compilers, but every one of them has a way of converting itself back into a Fortran 66 compiler at the drop of an option card - to compile DO loops like God meant them to be. Even Unix might not be as bad on Real Programmers as it once was. The latest release of Unix has the potential of an operating system worthy of any Real Programmer - two different and subtly incompatible user interfaces, an arcane and complicated teletype driver, virtual memory. If you ignore the fact that it's "structured", even 'C' programming can be appreciated by the Real Programmer: after all, there's no type checking, variable names are seven (ten? eight?) characters long, and the added bonus of the Pointer data type is thrown in - like having the best parts of Fortran and assembly language in one place. (Not to mention some of the more creative uses for

Reincarnating Ego ::: In the method of dividing the human principles into a trichotomy of an upper duad, an intermediate duad,and a lower triad -- or distributively spirit, soul, and body -- the second or intermediate duad,manas-kama, or the intermediate nature, is the ordinary seat of human consciousness, and itself iscomposed of two qualitative parts: an upper or aspiring part, which is commonly called the reincarnatingego or the higher manas, and a lower part attracted to material things, which is the focus of whatexpresses itself in the average man as the human ego, his everyday ordinary seat of consciousness.When death occurs, the mortal and material portions sink into oblivion; while the reincarnating egocarries the best and noblest parts of the spiritual memory of the man that was into the devachan or heavenworld of postmortem rest and recuperation, where the ego remains in the bosom of the monad or of themonadic essence in a state of the most perfect and utter bliss and peace, constantly reviewing andimproving upon in its own blissful imagination all the unfulfilled spiritual yearnings and longings of thelife just closed that its naturally creative faculties automatically suggest to the entity now in thedevachan.But the monad above spoken of passes from sphere to sphere on its peregrinations from earth, carryingwith it the reincarnating ego, or what we may for simplicity of expression call the earth-child, in itsbosom, where this reincarnating ego is in its state of perfect bliss and peace, until the time comes when,having passed through all the invisible realms connected by chains of causation with our own planet, itslowly "descends" again through these higher intermediate spheres earthwards. Coincidently does thereincarnating ego slowly begin to reawaken to self-conscious activity. Gradually it feels, at firstunconsciously to itself, the attraction earthwards, arising out of the karmic seeds of thought and emotionand impulse sown in the preceding life on earth and now beginning to awaken; and as these attractionsgrow stronger, in other words as the reincarnating ego awakens more fully, it finds itself under thedomination of a strong psychomagnetic attraction drawing it to the earth-sphere.The time finally comes when it is drawn strongly to the family on earth whose karmic attractions orkarmic status or condition are the nearest to its own characteristics; and it then enters, or attaches itselfto, by reason of the psychomagnetic attraction, the human seed which will grow into the body of thehuman being to be. Thus reincarnation takes place, and the reincarnating ego reawakens to life on earthin the body of a little child.

repeat loop "programming" (Or "do loop", "repeat until") A {loop} construct found in many {procedural languages} which repeatedly executes some instructions while a {condition} is true. Repeat loops are found in {Perl}, {Pascal}, {BASIC} and {C}. The initial {keyword} may be "repeat" or "do" and the condition may be introduced with a "while" or "until" keyword. In constrast to a {while} loop, the "loop body" is executed once before the condition is tested. This is useful when the condition depends on the action of the loop body. In the following, "Hello" is printed once despite the fact that the condition is false; i = 2; do {  print "Hello"  i = i + 1 } while (i " 1); See also {while loop}, {for loop}, {loop-and-a-half}. (1999-05-06)

repeat until {repeat until}

RESISTANCE. ::: When the soul draws towards the Divine, there may be a resistance in the mind and the common form of that is denial and doubt — which may create mental and vital su/Tering. There may again be a resistance in the vital nature ivhose principal characer is desire and the attachment to the objects of desire, and if in this field there is conflict between the soul and the vital nature, between the Divine Attraction and the pull of the Ignorance, then obviously there may be much suffer- ing of the mind and vital parts. The pbj-sical consciousness also may offer a resistance which is usually that of a fundamental inertia, an obscurity in the very stuff of the physical, an incom- prehension, an inability to respond to the higher consciousness, a habit of helplessly responding to the lower mechanically, even when it docs not want to do so ; both lital and physical suffer- ing may be the consequence. There is, moreover, the resistance of the Universal Nature which does not want the being to escape from the Ignorance into the Light. This may take the form of a vehement insistence in the continuation of the old movements, waves of them thrown on the mind and vital and body so that old ideas, impulses, desires, feelings, responses continue even after they are thrown out and rejected, and can return like an invading army from outside, until the whole nature, given to (he

retention ::: n. --> The act of retaining, or the state of being ratined.
The power of retaining; retentiveness.
That which contains something, as a tablet; a //// of preserving impressions.
The act of withholding; retraint; reserve.
Place of custody or confinement.
The right of withholding a debt, or of retaining property until a debt due to the person claiming the right be duly

RETIREMENT, It may be necessary for the seeker at any period to withdraw into himself, to remain plunged in his inner being, to shut out from himself the noise and turmoil of the life of the Ignorance until a certain inner change has been accom- plished or something achieved without which a further effective action on life has become difficult or impossible. But this can only be a period or an episode, a- temporary necessity or a pre- paratory spiritual manoeuvre.

Richard Hamming "person" Professor Richard Wesley Hamming (1915-02-11 - 1998-01-07). An American mathematician known for his work in {information theory} (notably {error detection and correction}), having invented the concepts of {Hamming code}, {Hamming distance}, and {Hamming window}. Richard Hamming received his B.S. from the University of Chicago in 1937, his M.A. from the University of Nebraska in 1939, and his Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1942. In 1945 Hamming joined the Manhattan Project at Los Alamos. In 1946, after World War II, Hamming joined the {Bell Telephone Laboratories} where he worked with both {Shannon} and {John Tukey}. He worked there until 1976 when he accepted a chair of computer science at the Naval Postgraduate School at Monterey, California. Hamming's fundamental paper on error-detecting and error-correcting codes ("{Hamming codes}") appeared in 1950. His work on the {IBM 650} leading to the development in 1956 of the {L2} programming language. This never displaced the workhorse language {L1} devised by Michael V Wolontis. By 1958 the 650 had been elbowed aside by the 704. Although best known for error-correcting codes, Hamming was primarily a numerical analyst, working on integrating {differential equations} and the {Hamming spectral window} used for smoothing data before {Fourier analysis}. He wrote textbooks, propounded aphorisms ("the purpose of computing is insight, not numbers"), and was a founder of the {ACM} and a proponent of {open-shop} computing ("better to solve the right problem the wrong way than the wrong problem the right way."). In 1968 he was made a fellow of the {Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers} and awarded the {Turing Prize} from the {Association for Computing Machinery}. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers awarded Hamming the Emanuel R Piore Award in 1979 and a medal in 1988. {(}. {(}. {(}. [Richard Hamming. Coding and Information Theory. Prentice-Hall, 1980. ISBN 0-13-139139-9]. (2003-06-07)

Right-hand Path ::: From time immemorial, in all countries of the earth, among all races of men, there have been existenttwo opposing and antagonistic schools of occult or esoteric training, the one often technically called thePath of Light, and the other the Path of Darkness or of the Shadows. These two paths likewise are muchmore commonly called the right-hand path and the left-hand path, and although these are technical namesin the rather shaky occultism of the Occident, the very same expressions have prevailed all over theworld, and are especially known in the mystical and esoteric literature of Hindustan. The right-hand pathis known in Sanskrit writings by the name dakshina-marga, and those who practice the rules of conductand follow the manner of life enjoined upon those who follow the right-hand path are technically knownas dakshinacharins, and their course of life is known as dakshinachara. Conversely, those who followthe left-hand path, often called Brothers of the Shadow, or by some similar epithet, are calledvamacharins, and their school or course of life is known as vamachara. An alternative expression forvamachara is savyachara. The white magicians or Brothers of Light are therefore dakshinacharins, andthe black magicians or Brothers of the Shadow, or workers of spiritual and intellectual and psychical evil,are therefore vamacharins.To speak in the mystical language of ancient Greece, the dakshinacharins or Brothers of Light pursue thewinding ascent to Olympus, whereas the vamacharins or Brothers of the Left-hand follow the easy butfearfully perilous path leading downwards into ever more confusing, horrifying stages of matter andspiritual obscuration. The latter is the faciles descensus averno (Aeneid, 6.126) of the Latin poet Virgil.Woe be to him who, refusing to raise his soul to the sublime and cleansing rays of the spiritual sun withinhim, places his feet upon the path which leads downwards. The warnings given to students of occultismabout this matter have always been solemn and urgent, and no esotericist should at any moment considerhimself safe or beyond the possibilities of taking the downward way until he has become at one with thedivine monitor within his own breast, his own inner god.

round-robin "algorithm" A {scheduling} {algorithm} in which processes are activated in a fixed cyclic order. Those which cannot proceed because they are waiting for some event (e.g. termination of a {child process} or an input/output operation) simply return control to the scheduler. The virtue of round-robin scheduling is its simplicity - only the processes themselves need to know what they are waiting for or how to tell if it has happened. However, if a process goes back to sleep just before the event for which it is waiting occurs then the event will not get handled until all the other processes have been activated. Compare {priority scheduling}. (1996-02-10)

Round ::: The doctrine concerning our planetary chain commonly called that of the seven rounds means that thelife cycle or life-wave begins its evolutionary course on globe A, the first of the series of seven (or ten)globes; then, completing its cycles there, runs down to globe B, and then to globe C, and then to globe D,our earth; and then, on the ascending arc, to globe E, then to globe F, and then to globe G. These are themanifest seven globes of the planetary chain. This is one planetary round. After the planetary round thereensues a planetary or chain nirvana, until the second round begins in the same way, but in a more"advanced" degree of evolution than was the first round.A globe round is one of the seven passages of a life-wave during its planetary round, on any one (andtherefore on and through each) of the globes. When the life-wave has passed through globe D, forinstance, and ends its cycles on globe D, this is the globe round of globe D for that particular planetaryround; and so with all the globes respectively. Seven root-races make one globe round. There are sevenglobe rounds therefore (one globe round for each of the seven globes) in each planetary round.Seven planetary rounds equal one kalpa or manvantara or Day of Brahma. When seven planetary roundshave been accomplished, which is as much as saying forty-nine globe rounds (or globe manvantaras),there ensues a still higher nirvana than that occurring between globes G and A after each planetary round.This higher nirvana is coincident with what is called a pralaya of that planetary chain, which pralaya lastsuntil the cycle again returns for a new planetary chain to form, containing the same hosts of living beingsas on the preceding chain, and which are now destined to enter upon the new planetary chain, but on andin a higher series of planes or worlds than in the preceding one.When seven such planetary chains with their various kalpas or manvantaras have passed away, thissevenfold grand cycle is one solar manvantara, and then the solar system sinks into the solar or cosmicpralaya.There are outer rounds and inner rounds. An inner round comprises the passage of the life-wave in anyone planetary chain from globe A to globe G once around, and this takes place seven times in a planetarymanvantara.The outer round comprises the passage of the entirety of a life-wave of a planetary chain along thecirculations of the solar system, from one of the seven sacred planets to another; and this for seven (orten) times.There is another aspect of the teaching concerning the outer rounds which cannot be elucidated here.

SAFEGUARD. ::: An inner purity and sincerity, in which one is motivated only by the higher call, is one’s best safeguard against the lures of the intermediate stage. It keeps one on the right track and guards from deviation, until the psychic being is fully awake and in front and, once that happens, there is no further danger. If in addition to this purity and sincerity, there is a clear mind with a power of discrimination, that increases the safety in the earlier stages.

saga "jargon" (WPI) A {cuspy} but bogus raving story about N {random} broken people. Here is a classic example of the saga form, as told by {Guy Steele} (GLS): Jon L. White (login name JONL) and I (GLS) were office mates at {MIT} for many years. One April, we both flew from Boston to California for a week on research business, to consult face-to-face with some people at {Stanford}, particularly our mutual friend {Richard Gabriel} (RPG). RPG picked us up at the San Francisco airport and drove us back to {Palo Alto} (going {logical} south on route 101, parallel to {El Camino Bignum}). Palo Alto is adjacent to Stanford University and about 40 miles south of San Francisco. We ate at The Good Earth, a "health food" restaurant, very popular, the sort whose milkshakes all contain honey and protein powder. JONL ordered such a shake - the waitress claimed the flavour of the day was "lalaberry". I still have no idea what that might be, but it became a running joke. It was the colour of raspberry, and JONL said it tasted rather bitter. I ate a better tostada there than I have ever had in a Mexican restaurant. After this we went to the local Uncle Gaylord's Old Fashioned Ice Cream Parlor. They make ice cream fresh daily, in a variety of intriguing flavours. It's a chain, and they have a slogan: "If you don't live near an Uncle Gaylord's - MOVE!" Also, Uncle Gaylord (a real person) wages a constant battle to force big-name ice cream makers to print their ingredients on the package (like air and plastic and other non-natural garbage). JONL and I had first discovered Uncle Gaylord's the previous August, when we had flown to a computer-science conference in {Berkeley}, California, the first time either of us had been on the West Coast. When not in the conference sessions, we had spent our time wandering the length of Telegraph Avenue, which (like Harvard Square in Cambridge) was lined with picturesque street vendors and interesting little shops. On that street we discovered Uncle Gaylord's Berkeley store. The ice cream there was very good. During that August visit JONL went absolutely bananas (so to speak) over one particular flavour, ginger honey. Therefore, after eating at The Good Earth - indeed, after every lunch and dinner and before bed during our April visit --- a trip to Uncle Gaylord's (the one in Palo Alto) was mandatory. We had arrived on a Wednesday, and by Thursday evening we had been there at least four times. Each time, JONL would get ginger honey ice cream, and proclaim to all bystanders that "Ginger was the spice that drove the Europeans mad! That's why they sought a route to the East! They used it to preserve their otherwise off-taste meat." After the third or fourth repetition RPG and I were getting a little tired of this spiel, and began to paraphrase him: "Wow! Ginger! The spice that makes rotten meat taste good!" "Say! Why don't we find some dog that's been run over and sat in the sun for a week and put some *ginger* on it for dinner?!" "Right! With a lalaberry shake!" And so on. This failed to faze JONL; he took it in good humour, as long as we kept returning to Uncle Gaylord's. He loves ginger honey ice cream. Now RPG and his then-wife KBT (Kathy Tracy) were putting us up (putting up with us?) in their home for our visit, so to thank them JONL and I took them out to a nice French restaurant of their choosing. I unadventurously chose the filet mignon, and KBT had je ne sais quoi du jour, but RPG and JONL had lapin (rabbit). (Waitress: "Oui, we have fresh rabbit, fresh today." RPG: "Well, JONL, I guess we won't need any *ginger*!") We finished the meal late, about 11 P.M., which is 2 A.M Boston time, so JONL and I were rather droopy. But it wasn't yet midnight. Off to Uncle Gaylord's! Now the French restaurant was in Redwood City, north of Palo Alto. In leaving Redwood City, we somehow got onto route 101 going north instead of south. JONL and I wouldn't have known the difference had RPG not mentioned it. We still knew very little of the local geography. I did figure out, however, that we were headed in the direction of Berkeley, and half-jokingly suggested that we continue north and go to Uncle Gaylord's in Berkeley. RPG said "Fine!" and we drove on for a while and talked. I was drowsy, and JONL actually dropped off to sleep for 5 minutes. When he awoke, RPG said, "Gee, JONL, you must have slept all the way over the bridge!", referring to the one spanning San Francisco Bay. Just then we came to a sign that said "University Avenue". I mumbled something about working our way over to Telegraph Avenue; RPG said "Right!" and maneuvered some more. Eventually we pulled up in front of an Uncle Gaylord's. Now, I hadn't really been paying attention because I was so sleepy, and I didn't really understand what was happening until RPG let me in on it a few moments later, but I was just alert enough to notice that we had somehow come to the Palo Alto Uncle Gaylord's after all. JONL noticed the resemblance to the Palo Alto store, but hadn't caught on. (The place is lit with red and yellow lights at night, and looks much different from the way it does in daylight.) He said, "This isn't the Uncle Gaylord's I went to in Berkeley! It looked like a barn! But this place looks *just like* the one back in Palo Alto!" RPG deadpanned, "Well, this is the one *I* always come to when I'm in Berkeley. They've got two in San Francisco, too. Remember, they're a chain." JONL accepted this bit of wisdom. And he was not totally ignorant - he knew perfectly well that University Avenue was in Berkeley, not far from Telegraph Avenue. What he didn't know was that there is a completely different University Avenue in Palo Alto. JONL went up to the counter and asked for ginger honey. The guy at the counter asked whether JONL would like to taste it first, evidently their standard procedure with that flavour, as not too many people like it. JONL said, "I'm sure I like it. Just give me a cone." The guy behind the counter insisted that JONL try just a taste first. "Some people think it tastes like soap." JONL insisted, "Look, I *love* ginger. I eat Chinese food. I eat raw ginger roots. I already went through this hassle with the guy back in Palo Alto. I *know* I like that flavour!" At the words "back in Palo Alto" the guy behind the counter got a very strange look on his face, but said nothing. KBT caught his eye and winked. Through my stupor I still hadn't quite grasped what was going on, and thought RPG was rolling on the floor laughing and clutching his stomach just because JONL had launched into his spiel ("makes rotten meat a dish for princes") for the forty-third time. At this point, RPG clued me in fully. RPG, KBT, and I retreated to a table, trying to stifle our chuckles. JONL remained at the counter, talking about ice cream with the guy b.t.c., comparing Uncle Gaylord's to other ice cream shops and generally having a good old time. At length the g.b.t.c. said, "How's the ginger honey?" JONL said, "Fine! I wonder what exactly is in it?" Now Uncle Gaylord publishes all his recipes and even teaches classes on how to make his ice cream at home. So the g.b.t.c. got out the recipe, and he and JONL pored over it for a while. But the g.b.t.c. could contain his curiosity no longer, and asked again, "You really like that stuff, huh?" JONL said, "Yeah, I've been eating it constantly back in Palo Alto for the past two days. In fact, I think this batch is about as good as the cones I got back in Palo Alto!" G.b.t.c. looked him straight in the eye and said, "You're *in* Palo Alto!" JONL turned slowly around, and saw the three of us collapse in a fit of giggles. He clapped a hand to his forehead and exclaimed, "I've been hacked!" [My spies on the West Coast inform me that there is a close relative of the raspberry found out there called an "ollalieberry" - ESR] [Ironic footnote: it appears that the {meme} about ginger vs. rotting meat may be an urban legend. It's not borne out by an examination of mediaeval recipes or period purchase records for spices, and appears full-blown in the works of Samuel Pegge, a gourmand and notorious flake case who originated numerous food myths. - ESR] [{Jargon File}] (1994-12-08)

Sambhala(Sanskrit) ::: A place-name of highly mystical significance. Many learned occidental Orientalists haveendeavored to identify this mystical and unknown locality with some well-known modern district ortown, but unsuccessfully. The name is mentioned in the Puranas and elsewhere, and it is stated that out ofSambhala will appear in due course of time the Kalki-Avatara of the future. The Kalki-Avatara is one ofthe manifestations or avataras of Vishnu. Among the Buddhists it is also stated that out of Sambhala willcome in due course of time the Maitreya-Buddha or next buddha.Sambhala, however, although no erudite Orientalist has yet succeeded in locating it geographically, is anactual land or district, the seat of the greatest brotherhood of spiritual adepts and their chiefs on earthtoday. From Sambhala at certain times in the history of the world, or more accurately of our own fifthroot-race, come forth the messengers or envoys for spiritual and intellectual work among men.This Great Brotherhood has branches in various parts of the world, but Sambhala is the center or chieflodge. We may tentatively locate it in a little-known and remote district of the high tablelands of centralAsia, more particularly in Tibet. A multitude of airplanes might fly over the place without "seeing" it, forits frontiers are very carefully guarded and protected against invasion, and will continue to be so until thekarmic destiny of our present fifth root-race brings about a change of location to some other spot on theearth, which then in its turn will be as carefully guarded as Sambhala now is.

samsara. ::: repetitive history; worldly bondage; earthly suffering; the continuous round of birth and death to which the individual is subjected until it attains liberation; earthly suffering

saṁyama (sanyama; samyama) ::: self-control; concentration; identisamyama fication; dwelling of the consciousness on an object until the mind of the observer becomes one with the observed and the contents of the object, including its past, present and future, are known from within.

scaphism ::: n. --> An ancient mode of punishing criminals among the Persians, by confining the victim in a trough, with his head and limbs smeared with honey or the like, and exposed to the sun and to insects until he died.

schrödinbug "jargon, programming" /shroh'din-buhg/ ({MIT}, from the Schrödinger's Cat thought-experiment in quantum physics) A design or implementation {bug} that doesn't manifest until someone reading the {source code} or using the program in an unusual way notices that it never should have worked, at which point it stops working until fixed. Though (like {bit rot}) this sounds impossible, it happens; some programs have harboured schrödinbugs for years. Compare {heisenbug}, {Bohr bug}, {mandelbug}. [{Jargon File}] (1995-02-28)

SCRAP Something written at {CSIR}, Pretoria, South Africa in the late 1970s. It ran on {Interdata} and {Perkin-Elmer} computers and was in use until the late 1980s. [But what was it?] (1994-12-15)

scribble To modify a data structure in a random and unintentionally destructive way. "Bletch! Somebody's disk-compactor program went berserk and scribbled on the i-node table." "It was working fine until one of the allocation routines scribbled on low core." Synonymous with {trash}; compare {mung}, which conveys a bit more intention, and {mangle}, which is more violent and final. [{Jargon File}]

search algorithm "theory" Any {algorithm} for identifying a solution to a problem (a {search problem}) out of a {space} of potential solutions by considering several potential solutions until one is found that meets certain criteria. See {A* search}, {beam search}, {best-first search}, {breadth-first search}, {depth-first search}. (2007-11-03)

sector interleave (Or sector map) The mapping from logical to physical sector numbers on a {magnetic disk} designed to optimise sequential reads and writes. Data is usually transferred to and from the disk in {blocks} or {sectors} where one sector lies within a continuous range of rotational angle of the disk. If logical sectors are assigned sequentially to physical sectors (0,1,2,...) then by the time one sector has been read and processed (e.g. writen to main memory) the start of the next logical sector will have passed the read/write head and will not be accessible until the disk's rotation brings it back under the head. Staggering the physical sectors (e.g. 0,3,6,1,4,7,2,5,8) aims to allow just enough time deal with one sector before the next is accessible. This obviously depends on the relative speed of the rotation of the disk, sector size, sectors per track and the speed of transfer of sectors to main memory.

seguestration ::: n. --> The act of separating, or setting aside, a thing in controversy from the possession of both the parties that contend for it, to be delivered to the one adjudged entitled to it. It may be voluntary or involuntary.

A prerogative process empowering certain commissioners to take and hold a defendant&

semaphore "programming, operating system" The classic method for restricting access to shared resources (e.g. storage) in a {multi-processing} environment. They were invented by {Dijkstra} and first used in {T.H.E} {operating system}. A semaphore is a {protected variable} (or {abstract data type}) which can only be accessed using the following operations: P(s) Semaphore s; {  while (s == 0) ; /* wait until s"0 */  s = s-1; } V(s) Semaphore s; {  s = s+1; } Init(s, v) Semaphore s; Int v; {  s = v; } P and V stand for Dutch "Proberen", to test, and "Verhogen", to increment. The value of a semaphore is the number of units of the resource which are free (if there is only one resource a "binary semaphore" with values 0 or 1 is used). The P operation {busy-waits} (or maybe {sleeps}) until a resource is available whereupon it immediately claims one. V is the inverse, it simply makes a resource available again after the process has finished using it. Init is only used to initialise the semaphore before any requests are made. The P and V operations must be {indivisible}, i.e. no other process can access the semaphore during the their execution. To avoid {busy-wait}ing, a semaphore may have an associated {queue} of processes (usually a {FIFO}). If a process does a P on a semaphore which is zero the process is added to the semaphore's queue. When another process increments the semaphore by doing a V and there are tasks on the queue, one is taken off and resumed. (1995-02-01)

SEX /seks/ [Sun Users' Group & elsewhere] 1. Software EXchange. A technique invented by the blue-green algae hundreds of millions of years ago to speed up their evolution, which had been terribly slow up until then. Today, SEX parties are popular among hackers and others (of course, these are no longer limited to exchanges of genetic software). In general, SEX parties are a {Good Thing}, but unprotected SEX can propagate a {virus}. See also {pubic directory}. 2. The {mnemonic} often used for Sign EXtend, a machine instruction found in the {PDP-11} and many other architectures. The {RCA 1802} chip used in the early {Elf} and SuperElf {personal computers} had a "SEt X register" SEX instruction, but this seems to have had little folkloric impact. DEC's engineers nearly got a {PDP-11} {assembler} that used the "SEX" mnemonic out the door at one time, but (for once) marketing wasn't asleep and forced a change. That wasn't the last time this happened, either. The author of "The Intel 8086 Primer", who was one of the original designers of the {Intel 8086}, noted that there was originally a "SEX" instruction on that processor, too. He says that Intel management got cold feet and decreed that it be changed, and thus the instruction was renamed "CBW" and "CWD" (depending on what was being extended). The {Intel 8048} (the {microcontroller} used in {IBM PC} keyboards) is also missing straight "SEX" but has logical-or and logical-and instructions "ORL" and "ANL". The {Motorola 6809}, used in the UK's "{Dragon 32}" {personal computer}, actually had an official "SEX" instruction; the {6502} in the {Apple II} with which it competed did not. British hackers thought this made perfect mythic sense; after all, it was commonly observed, you could (on some theoretical level) have sex with a dragon, but you can't have sex with an apple. [{Jargon File}] (1998-03-03)

Short Message Service "messaging" (SMS) A message service offered by the {GSM} digital {mobile telephone} system. Using SMS, a short alphanumeric message (160 alphanumeric characters) can be sent to a mobile phone to be displayed there, much like in an {alphanumeric pager} system. The message is buffered by the GSM network until the phone becomes active. (1996-02-18)

since ::: adv. --> From a definite past time until now; as, he went a month ago, and I have not seen him since.
In the time past, counting backward from the present; before this or now; ago.
When or that. ::: prep.

Since the middle of the fourth root-race, no monads from the animal kingdom could any longer enter the human kingdom because from that time the earth started on its ascending arc of evolution. Nevertheless, the monads imbodied in the anthropoids will enter the very lowest and least evolved branchlets of the human kingdom during the fifth round. The monads now in anthropoid bodies will disappear from incarnation during the present fifth root-race to enter their inter-round paranirvana, remaining as astral monads until the next (fifth) round. A relatively few individuals among the anthropoids, because of having attained the most advanced degree of evolution in the anthropoid stock, will reach quasi-human status, although still in anthropoid bodies, before the fifth root-race has reached its end. Even these exceptional anthropoids will probably have died out before the fifth root-race is ended or by the early sixth root-race — a period several million years from now.

Skandha(s)(Sanskrit) ::: Literally "bundles," or groups of attributes, to use H. P. Blavatsky's definition. When deathcomes to a man in any one life, the seeds of those causes previously sown by him and which have not yetcome forth into blossom and full-blown flower and fruit, remain in his interior and invisible parts asimpulses lying latent and sleeping: lying latent like sleeping seeds for future flowerings into action in thenext and succeeding lives. They are psychological impulse-seeds lying asleep until their appropriatestage for awakening into action arrives at some time in the future.In the case of the cosmic bodies, every solar or planetary body upon entering into its pralaya, itsprakritika-pralaya -- the dissolution of its lower principles -- at the end of its long life cycle, exists inspace in the higher activity of its spiritual principles, and in the dispersion of its lowest principles, whichlatter latently exist in space as skandhas in a laya-condition.When a laya-center is fired into action by the touch of wills and consciousnesses on their downward way,becoming the imbodying life of a solar system, or of a planet of a solar system, the center manifests firston its highest plane, and later on its lower plane. The skandhas are awakened into life one after another:first the highest ones, next the intermediate ones, and lastly the inferior ones, cosmically and qualitativelyspeaking.The term skandhas in theosophical philosophy has the general significance of bundles or groups ofattributes, which together form or compose the entire set of material and also mental, emotional, andmoral qualities. Exoterically the skandhas are "bundles" of attributes five in number, but esoterically theyare seven. These unite at the birth of man and constitute his personality. After the death of the body theskandhas are separated and so remain until the reincarnating ego on its downward path into physicalincarnation gathers them together again around itself, and thus reforms the human constitutionconsidered as a unity.In brief, the skandhas can be said to be the aggregate of the groups of attributes or qualities which makeeach individual man the personality that he is; but this must be sharply distinguished from theindividuality.

sleep 1. "operating system" (Or "{block}") When a {process} on a {multitasking} system asks the {scheduler} to deactivate it until some given external {event} (e.g. an {interrupt} or a specified time delay) occurs. The alternative is to {poll} or "{busy wait}" for the event but this uses processing power. Also used in the phrase "sleep on" (or "block on") some external event, meaning to wait for it. E.g. the {Unix} command of the same name which pauses the current process for a given number of seconds. 2. "hardware" To go into partial deactivation to save power. [{Jargon File}] (2000-09-25)

Sleep and the subconscient ::: Sleep because of its subconscient basis usually brings a falling do\vn to a lower level, unless it is a conscious sleep ; to make it more and more conscious is the one permanent remedy ::: but also until that is done, one should always react against this sinking tendency when one wakes and not allow the effect of dull nights to accumulate.

sliding-window "networking" A method of {flow control} in which a {receiver} gives a {transmitter} permission to transmit {data} until a {window} is full. When the window is full, the transmitter must stop transmitting until the receiver advertises a larger window. {TCP}, other transport {protocols}, and several {link-layer protocols} use this method of flow control. (2002-12-02)

sling ::: v. t. --> An instrument for throwing stones or other missiles, consisting of a short strap with two strings fastened to its ends, or with a string fastened to one end and a light stick to the other. The missile being lodged in a hole in the strap, the ends of the string are taken in the hand, and the whole whirled rapidly round until, by loosing one end, the missile is let fly with centrifugal force.
The act or motion of hurling as with a sling; a throw; figuratively, a stroke.


Software Writer's Language "language" (SWL) /swil/ An industrial strength dialect of {Pascal} that allowed multiple {source code} files, originally developed at {Control Data Corporation} (CDC) prior to 1973. Development continued at the {Integrated Systems Laboratory}. SWL was adopted by NCR as its corporate {operating system} and {compiler} implementation language (1978-1982+). The NCR SWL dialect was renamed NCRL (NCR Language) in 1981 and continued development [until ?]. (2003-12-31)

SOS 1. {Scheme Object System}. 2. An infamously {losing} text editor. Once, back in the 1960s, when a text editor was needed for the {PDP-6}, a hacker {crufted} together a {quick-and-dirty} "stopgap editor" to be used until a better one was written. Unfortunately, the old one was never really discarded when new ones (in particular, {TECO}) came along. SOS is a descendant ("Son of Stopgap") of that editor, and many {PDP-10} users gained the dubious pleasure of its acquaintance. Since then other programs similar in style to SOS have been written, notably the early font editor BILOS /bye'lohs/, the Brother-In-Law Of Stopgap (the alternate expansion "Bastard Issue, Loins of Stopgap" has been proposed). 3. The {PDP-10} instruction to decrease a value. Oppose {AOS}. [{Jargon File}]

Soul and pjyc/iic being ::: The soul, representative of the central being, is a spark of the Divine supporting all individual existence in Nature ; the psychic being is a conscious form of that soul growing in the evolution — in the persistent process that develops first life in matter, mind in life, until finally mind can develop into overniind and ovetmind into the Supramental Truth.

Soulless Beings ::: "We elbow soulless men in the streets at every turn," wrote H. P. Blavatsky. This is an actual fact. Thestatement does not mean that those whom we thus elbow have no soul. The significance is that thespiritual part of these human beings is sleeping, not awake. They are animate humans with an animateworking brain-mind, an animal mind, but otherwise "soulless" in the sense that the soul is inactive,sleeping; and this is also just what Pythagoras meant when he spoke of the "living dead." They areeverywhere, these people. We elbow them, just as H. P. Blavatsky says, at every turn. The eyes may bephysically bright, and filled with the vital physical fire, but they lack soul; they lack tenderness, thefervid yet gentle warmth of the living flame of inspiration within. Sometimes impersonal love willawaken the soul in a man or in a woman; sometimes it will kill it if the love become selfish and gross.The streets are filled with such "soulless" people; but the phrase soulless people does not mean "lostsouls." The latter is again something else. The term soulless people therefore is a technical term. It meansmen and women who are still connected, but usually quite unconsciously, with the monad, the spiritualessence within them, but who are not self-consciously so connected. They live very largely in thebrain-mind and in the fields of sensuous consciousness. They turn with pleasure to the frivolities of life.They have the ordinary feelings of honor, etc., because it is conventional and good breeding so to havethem; but the deep inner fire of yearning, the living warmth that comes from being more or less at onewith the god within, they know not. Hence, they are "soulless," because the soul is not working with fieryenergy in and through them.A lost soul, on the other hand, means an entity who through various rebirths, it may be a dozen, or moreor less, has been slowly following the "easy descent to Avernus," and in whom the threads ofcommunication with the spirit within have been snapped one after the other. Vice will do this, continuousvice. Hate snaps these spiritual threads more quickly than anything else perhaps. Selfishness, the parentof hate, is the root of all human evil; and therefore a lost soul is one who is not merely soulless in theordinary theosophical usage of the word, but is one who has lost the last link, the last delicate thread ofconsciousness, connecting him with his inner god. He will continue "the easy descent," passing fromhuman birth to an inferior human birth, and then to one still more inferior, until finally the degenerateastral monad -- all that remains of the human being that once was -- may even enter the body of somebeast to which it feels attracted (and this is one side of the teaching of transmigration, which has been sobadly misunderstood in the Occident); some finally go even to plants perhaps, at the last, and willultimately vanish. The astral monad will then have faded out. Such lost souls are exceedingly rare,fortunately; but they are not what we call soulless people.If the student will remember the fact that when a human being is filled with the living spiritual andintellectual fiery energies flowing into his brain-mind from his inner god, he is then an insouled being, hewill readily understand that when these fiery energies can no longer reach the brain-mind and manifest ina man's life, there is thus produced what is called a soulless being. A good man, honorable, loyal,compassionate, aspiring, gentle, and true-hearted, and a student of wisdom, is an "insouled" man; abuddha is one who is fully, completely insouled; and there are all the intermediate grades between.

Soul ::: This word in the ancient wisdom signifies "vehicle," and upadhi -- that vehicle, or any vehicle, in whichthe monad, in any sphere of manifestation, is working out its destiny. A soul is an entity which is evolvedby experiences; it is not a spirit, but it is a vehicle of a spirit -- the monad. It manifests in matter throughand by being a substantial portion of the lower essence of the spirit. Touching another plane below it, orit may be above it, the point of union allowing ingress and egress to the consciousness, is a laya-center -the neutral center, in matter or substance, through which consciousness passes -- and the center of thatconsciousness is the monad. The soul in contradistinction with the monad is its vehicle for manifestationon any one plane. The spirit or monad manifests in seven vehicles, and each one of these vehicles is asoul.On the higher planes the soul is a vehicle manifesting as a sheaf or pillar of light; similarly with thevarious egos and their related vehicle-souls on the inferior planes, all growing constantly more dense, asthe planes of matter gradually thicken downwards and become more compact, into which the monadicray penetrates until the final soul, which is the physical body, the general vehicle or bearer or carrier ofthem all.Our teachings give to every animate thing a soul -- not a human soul, or a divine soul, or a spiritual soul-- but a soul corresponding to its own type. What it is, what its type is, actually comes from its soul;hence we properly may speak of the different beasts as having one or the other, a "duck soul," an "ostrichsoul," a "bull" or a "cow soul," and so forth. The entities lower than man -- in this case the beasts,considered as a kingdom, are differentiated into the different families of animals by the different soulswithin each. Of course behind the soul from which it springs there are in each individual entity all theother principles that likewise inform man; but all these higher principles are latent in the beast.Speaking generally, however, we may say that the soul is the intermediate part between the spirit whichis deathless and immortal on the one hand and, on the other hand, the physical frame, entirely mortal.The soul, therefore, is the intermediate part of the human constitution. It must be carefully noted in thisconnection that soul as a term employed in the esoteric philosophy, while indeed meaning essentially a"vehicle" or "sheath," this vehicle or sheath is nevertheless an animate or living entity much after themanner that the physical body, while being the sheath or vehicle of the other parts of man's constitution,is nevertheless in itself a discrete, animate, personalized being. (See also Vahana)

space leak A data structure which grows bigger, or lives longer, than might be expected. Such unexpected memory use can cause a program to require more {garbage collections} or to run out of {heap}. Space leaks in {functional programs} usually result from excessive laziness. For example, the {Haskell} function sum []   = 0 sum (x:xs) = x + sum xs when applied to a list will build a chain of closures for the additions and only when it reaches the end of the list will it perform the additions and free the storage. Another example is the function mean l = sum l / length l The sum function forces the entire list l to be evaluated and built in the heap. None of it can be garbage collected until the length function has consumed it.

spell ::: n. --> A spelk, or splinter.
The relief of one person by another in any piece of work or watching; also, a turn at work which is carried on by one person or gang relieving another; as, a spell at the pumps; a spell at the masthead.
The time during which one person or gang works until relieved; hence, any relatively short period of time, whether a few hours, days, or weeks.

Spiritual Soul ::: The spiritual soul is the vehicle of the individual monad, the jivatman or spiritual ego; in the case ofman's principles it is essentially of the nature of atma-buddhi. This spiritual ego is the center or seed orroot of the reincarnating ego. It is that portion of our spiritual constitution which is deathless as anindividualized entity -- deathless until the end of the maha-manvantara of the cosmic solar system.The spiritual soul and the divine soul, or atman, combined, are the inner god -- the inner buddha, theinner christ.

spod "chat" (Great Britain) A lower form of life found on {chat} systems and {MUDs}. The spod has few friends in {RL} and uses chat instead, finding communication easier and preferable over the {net}. He has all the negative traits of the {computer geek} without having any interest in computers per se. Lacking any knowledge of, or interest in, how networks work, and considering his access a God-given right, he is a major irritant to {sysadmins}, clogging up lines in order to reach new {MUDs}, following passed-on instructions on how to sneak his way onto {Internet} ("Wow! It's in America!") and complaining when he is not allowed to use busy routes. A true spod will start any conversation with "Are you male or female?" (and follow it up with "Got any good numbers/IDs/passwords?") and will not talk to someone physically present in the same terminal room until they log onto the same computer that he is using and enter {chat}. Compare {newbie}, {tourist}, {weenie}, {twink}, {terminal junkie}, {dweeb}. [{Jargon File}] (1998-01-18)

spread spectrum communications "communications" (Or "spread spectrum") A technique by which a signal to be transmitted is modulated onto a {pseudorandom}, noise-like, wideband {carrier signal}, producing a transmission with a much larger {bandwidth} than that of the data {modulation}. Reception is accomplished by {cross correlation} of the received wide band signal with a synchronously generated replica of the carrier. Spread-spectrum communications offers many important benefits: Low probability of detection, interception or determination of the transmitter's location. To an observer who does not possess information about the carrier, the transmission is indistinguishable from other sources of noise. High immunity against interference and jamming (intentional interference). The presence of (narrowband) interference signals only decreases the channel's {signal-to noise ratio} and therefore its {error rate}, which can be dealt with by using {error correcting codes}. A jammer would have to use wideband interference signals, which would require very high power (again assuming that the jammer does not know the characteristics of the carrier). High immunity against adverse effects of multipath transmission. In the presence of multiple paths between transmitter and receiver (e.g. by reflected signals), signals of certain frequencies can be cancelled at certain locations when the difference in path delays between multiple propagation paths cause the signals to arrive out of phase. This effect is particularly troublesome in narrowband mobile communications, where it causes "blind spots" - locations where no signal can be received. Transmitter/receiver pairs using independent random carriers can operate in the same frequency range with minimal interference. These are called {Code Division Multiple Access} (CDMA) systems. Increasing the number of T/R pairs again only gradually increases each channel's error rate. In contrast, narrowband systems can only accomodate a fixed number of channels determined by available bandwidth and channel width (data rate). When the data modulation cannot be distinguished from the carrier modulation, and the carrier modulation is random to an unwanted observer, the spread spectrum system assumes cryptographic capabilities, with the carrier modulation taking on the function of a key in a {cipher} system. The most important practical modes of spread spectrum coding are Direct Sequence (DS) and {Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum} (FH). In DS, a pseudo random sequence is phase-shift-keyed (PSK) onto the carrier. Spread Spectrum development began during World War II, with the earliest studies dating from the 1920s. Most papers remained classified until the 1980s. Direct sequence spread spectrum was invented by Paul Kotowski and Kurt Dannehl at Telefunken. The technique is used extensively in military communications today. Commercial applications include {mobile telephony} and mobile networking. ["Spread Spectrum Communications", Charles E. Cook et al (Ed.), IEEE Press, New York, 1983. ISBN 0-87942-170-3]. {Hedy Lamarr (}, {(}. (2001-08-08)

statement "programming" A single instruction in a {computer program} written in a {procedural language}. Typical examples are an {assignment statement}, an {if statement} (conditional), a {loop} statement ("while", "for", "repeat", "until", etc.), a {procedure call}, a procedure {exit}, {function} {return statement}, {switch statement} or {goto statement}. In many languages, one or more simple statements can be executed sequentially as a {compound statement}, e.g. bracketed between "begin" and "end" or "{" and "}" which can then appear in place of a simple statement in an "if" or loop. Each statement in a {high-level language} will typically be translated into several {machine code} instructions by a {compiler} or, alternatively, executed by an {interpreter}. (2009-10-23)

static method "programming" In {object-oriented programming}, a {function} packaged along with a given {class}; not really a {method} at all. For example, a String class might include a static method, concatenate(), which returns its arguments joined into one string. It might be called like this: print String.concatenate("FOL", "DOC"); which would print "FOLDOC". The same result might be achieved with a real {object method}, append(), which returns its argument string appended to the object it is invoked on, e.g.: String s = "FOL"; print s.append("DOC"); While the {syntax} looks similar, the two are completely different. The static method is just a function called "String.concatenate" which can be resolved to the address of some code at compile time (or load time if the String class is dynamically loaded). When invoking an object method, the class of the object is not generally known until {run time} so method lookup is a run-time process. (2014-09-06)

strangle ::: v. t. --> To compress the windpipe of (a person or animal) until death results from stoppage of respiration; to choke to death by compressing the throat, as with the hand or a rope.
To stifle, choke, or suffocate in any manner.
To hinder from appearance; to stifle; to suppress. ::: v. i.

strict A function f is strict in an argument if f bottom = bottom (See {bottom}). In other words, the result depends on the argument so evaluation of an application of the function cannot terminate until evaluation of the argument has terminated. If the result is only {bottom} when the argument is bottom then the function is also {bottom-unique}. See also {strict evaluation}, {hyperstrict}. (1995-01-25)

" Suffering is not inflicted as a punishment for sin or for hostility — that is a wrong idea. Suffering comes like pleasure and good fortune as an inevitable part of life in the ignorance. The dualities of pleasure and pain, joy and grief, good fortune and ill-fortune are the inevitable results of the ignorance which separates us from our true consciousness and from the Divine. Only by coming back to it can we get rid of suffering. Karma from the past lives exists, much of what happens is due to it, but not all. For we can mend our karma by our own consciousness and efforts. But the suffering is simply a natural consequence of past errors, not a punishment, just as a burn is the natural consequence of playing with fire. It is part of the experience by which the soul through its instruments learns and grows until it is ready to turn to the Divine.” Letters on Yoga

“ Suffering is not inflicted as a punishment for sin or for hostility—that is a wrong idea. Suffering comes like pleasure and good fortune as an inevitable part of life in the ignorance. The dualities of pleasure and pain, joy and grief, good fortune and ill-fortune are the inevitable results of the ignorance which separates us from our true consciousness and from the Divine. Only by coming back to it can we get rid of suffering. Karma from the past lives exists, much of what happens is due to it, but not all. For we can mend our karma by our own consciousness and efforts. But the suffering is simply a natural consequence of past errors, not a punishment, just as a burn is the natural consequence of playing with fire. It is part of the experience by which the soul through its instruments learns and grows until it is ready to turn to the Divine.” Letters on Yoga

swarupa nishta. ::: steady abidance in the Self; continuous attention to the Self until one becomes wholly absorbed in It

systolic array "architecture, parallel" (By analogy with the regular pumping of blood by the heart) An arrangement of processors in an array (often rectangular) where data flows synchronously across the array between neighbours, usually with different data flowing in different directions. H. T. Kung and Charles Leiserson publish the first paper describing systolic arrays in 1978 [reference?]. Each processor at each step takes in data from one or more neighbours (e.g. North and West), processes it and, in the next step, outputs results in the opposite direction (South and East). An example of a systolic {algorithm} might be matrix multiplication. One matrix is fed in a row at a time from the top of the array and is passed down the array, the other matrix is fed in a column at a time from the left hand side of the array and passes from left to right. Dummy values are then passed in until each processor has seen one whole row and one whole column. At this point, the result of the multiplication is stored in the array and can now be output a row or a column at a time, flowing down or accross the array. See also {Ruby}, {SISAL}. (1998-07-01)

temporal logic "logic" An extension of {predicate calculus} which includes notation for arguing about *when* statements are true. Time is discrete and extends indefinitely into the future. Three {prefix} operators, represented by a circle, square and diamond mean "is true at the next time instant", "is true from now on" and "is eventually true". x U y means x is true until y is true. x P y means x precedes y. There are two types of formula: "state formulae" about things true at one point in time, and "path formulae" about things true for a sequence of steps. An example of a path formula is "x U y", and example of a state formula is "next x" or a simple atomic formula such at "waiting". "true until" in this context means that a state formula holds at every point in time up to a point when another formula holds. "x U y" is the "strong until" and implies that there is a time when y is true. "x W y" is the "weak until" in which it is not necessary that y holds eventually. There are two types of temporal logic used: branching time and linear time. The basic propositional temporal logic cannot differentiate between the two, though. Linear time considers only one possible future, in branching time you have several alternative futures. In branching temporal logic you have the extra operators "A" (for "all futures") and "E" (for "some future"). For example, "A(work U go_home)" means "I will work until I go home" and "E(work U go_home)" means "I may work until I go home". (1997-01-21)

terpri /ter'pree/ TERminate PRInt line. [{LISP 1.5} and later, {MacLISP}] To output a {newline}. Still used in {Common LISP}. On some early {operating systems} and hardware, no characters would be printed until a complete line was formed, so this operation terminated the line and emitted the output. [{Jargon File}] (1996-06-24)

testamentary ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to a will, or testament; as, letters testamentary.
Bequeathed by will; given by testament.
Done, appointed by, or founded on, a testament, or will; as, a testamentary guardian of a minor, who may be appointed by the will of a father to act in that capacity until the child becomes of age.

The Academy continued as a school of philosophy until closed by Justinian in 529 A.D. The early scholars (Speusippus, Xenocrates, Polemo, Crates) were not great philosophers, they adopted a Pythagorean interpretation of the Ideas and concentrated on practical, moral problems. Following the Older Academy (347-247 B.C.), the Middle and New Academies (Arcesilaus and Carneades were the principal teachers) became scepticil and eclectic. Aristotle (384-322 B.C. ) studied with Plato for twenty years and embodied many Platonic views in his own philosophy. Platonism was very highly regarded by the Christian Fathers (Ambrose, Augustine, John Damascene and Anselm of Canterbury, for instance) and it continued as the approved philosophy of the Christian Church until the 12th century. From the 3rd century on, Neo-Platonism (see Plotinism) developed the other-worldly mystical side of Plato's thought. The School of Chartres (Bernard, Thierry, Wm. of Conches, Gilbert of Poitiers) in the 12th century was a center of Christian Platonism, interested chiefly in the cosmological theory of the Timaeus. The Renaissance witnessed a revival of Platonism in the Florentine Academy (Marsilio Ficino and the two Pico della Mirandolas). In England, the Cambridge Platonists (H. More, Th. Gale, J. Norris) in the 17th century started an interest in Plato, which has not yet died out in the English Universities. Today, the ethical writings of A. E. Taylor, the theoiy of essences developed by G. Santayana, and the metaphysics of A. N. Whitehead, most nearly approach a contemporary Platonism. -- V.J.B.

"The animal is satisfied with a modicum of necessity; the gods are content with their splendours. But man cannot rest permanently until he reaches some highest good. He is the greatest of living beings because he is the most discontented, because he feels most the pressure of limitations. He alone, perhaps, is capable of being seized by the divine frenzy for a remote ideal.” The Life Divine

“The animal is satisfied with a modicum of necessity; the gods are content with their splendours. But man cannot rest permanently until he reaches some highest good. He is the greatest of living beings because he is the most discontented, because he feels most the pressure of limitations. He alone, perhaps, is capable of being seized by the divine frenzy for a remote ideal.” The Life Divine

The celebration of the winter solstice, often identified with that of the new year, is virtually universal and denotes among early Christians the mystic birth of the Christ; the significance has, however, with the Christian Church, been divided between Christmas and Easter. Besides its application to the death and rebirth of the year, and to death and regeneration both cosmic and human, the symbol has special reference to the esoteric rite and exoteric drama performed in the Mysteries at this epoch, where the candidate for initiation was placed in a tomb or coffin, or on a cruciform couch, where his body remained entranced during the experiences of his liberated self, until rebirth or resurrection on the third day.

The deceased, entering the domain as a khu, performs the same activities that he did on earth: plowing, reaping, sailing his boat, and making love. On entering Amenti, Anubis conducts the soul to the hall of Osiris where it is judged by the 42 judges and its heart is weighed against the feather of truth. If the soul passes the test, it goes to the fields of Aalu. If the names of the 15 Aats, the 7 Arrets (circles), the 21 Pylons, as well as the gods and guardians of these domains are all known, the deceased is enabled to pass from one mansion to the other, and finally to enter the Night Boat of the Sun, which passes through the Tuat on its way to arise in the heavens. The shades who miss this boat, the unprogressed egos, must remain in the afterworld or kama-loka, while those who enter the boat are carried to the heaven world or devachan where they wander about until they return to earth for rebirth. This refers to the passing from world to world by the ego proficient in knowledge of the “names,” and thereafter entering the secret or invisible pathways to the sun. The knowledge of the names indicates spiritual, intellectual, and psychic development, by which the ego of the defunct is no longer attracted to the lower spheres, but having knowledge of them correctly answers the challenges and thereafter follows the attraction upwards and onwards.

The Devanagari characters as first used among initiates and privileged men were symbolic and ideographic in form. But these outlines by use gradually lost their mere picture-form, or idea-suggesting power, and through constant use and rapid writing continuously lost more and more of the details of the picture, until they finally became merely conventional signs or letters of the alphabet. The word devanagari is synonymous with the Hermetic and Hieratic Neter-Khari (divine speech) of the Egyptians.

The early Greek notion of the universe as ordered by destiny or fate was gradually refined until the time of Plato and Aristotle who conceived the world as ordered by an intelligent principle (nous) of divine justice or harmony; Plato, Philebus, 30: ". . . there is in the universe a cause of no mean power, which orders and arranges . . ."; and Aristotle, Physics, 252a-12: "nature is everywhere the cause of order". This cosmic view was an essential element of the Stoic metaphysics, and was later incorporated into medieval philosophy and theology as the divine governance or ordering of creation, i.e. providence.

". . . the ego is the lynch-pin invented to hold together the motion of our wheel of nature. The necessity of centralisation around the ego continues until there is no longer need of any such device or contrivance because there has emerged the true self, the spiritual being, which is at once wheel and motion and that which holds all together, the centre and the circumference.” The Life Divine

“… the ego is the lynch-pin invented to hold together the motion of our wheel of nature. The necessity of centralisation around the ego continues until there is no longer need of any such device or contrivance because there has emerged the true self, the spiritual being, which is at once wheel and motion and that which holds all together, the centre and the circumference.” The Life Divine

The history of human evolution has passed down to us transfigured by the progressive accretion of myths, so that the name cyclopes was handed down to various owners until it meant merely giants who built vast walls. Hesiod’s original three were the last three subraces of the Lemurians, the one eye was the wisdom eye, the other eyes not being fully developed as physical organs until the beginning of the fourth root-race. Odysseus, a fourth-race hero, though he destroys a barbarous race in the interests of culture, nevertheless puts out the third eye. It is an allegory of the passage from a simpler Cyclopean civilization of huge stone buildings to the more sensual civilization of the Atlanteans (SD 2:769). Disciples of the initiates of the fourth root-race were said to hand over divine knowledge to their cyclopes, sons of cycles or of the infinite (SD 1:208), while the cyclopes supposed to have built walls were masons in the sense of initiators (SD 2:345).

The importance of the person in Scholastic thought insured the personalistic concepts until they found expression in the work of Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274).

The influence of Kant has penetrated more deeply than that of any other modern philosopher. His doctrine of freedom became the foundation of idealistic metaphysics in Fichte, Schelling and Hegel, but not without sacrifice of the strict critical method. Schopenhauer based his voluntarism on Kant's distinction between phenomena and things-in-themselves. Lotze's teleological idealism was also greatly indebted to Kant. Certain psychological and pragmatic implications of Kant's thought were developed by J. F. Fries, Liebmann, Lange, Simmel and Vaihinger. More recently another group in Germany, reviving the critical method, sought a safe course between metaphysics and psychology; it includes Cohen, Natorp, Riehl, Windelband, Rickert, Husserl, Heidegger, and E. Cassirer. Until recent decades English and American idealists such as Caird, Green, Bradley, Howison, and Royce, saw Kant for the most part through Hegel's eyes. More recently the study of Kant's philosophy has come into its own in English-speaking countries through such commentaries as those of N. K. Smith and Paton. In France the influence of Kant was most apparent in Renouvier's "Phenomenism". -- O.F.K.

Theosophy ::: A compound Greek word: theos, a "divine being," a "god"; sophia, "wisdom"; hence divine wisdom.Theosophy is the majestic wisdom-religion of the archaic ages and is as old as thinking man. It wasdelivered to the first human protoplasts, the first thinking human beings on this earth, by highlyintelligent spiritual entities from superior spheres. This ancient doctrine, this esoteric system, has beenpassed down from guardians to guardians to guardians through innumerable generations until our owntime. Furthermore, portions of this original and majestic system have been given out at various periods oftime to various races in various parts of the world by those guardians when humanity stood in need ofsuch extension and elaboration of spiritual and intellectual thought.Theosophy is not a syncretistic philosophy-religion-science, a system of thought or belief which has beenput together piecemeal and consisting of parts or portions taken by some great mind from other variousreligions or philosophies. This idea is false. On the contrary, theosophy is that single system orsystematic formulation of the facts of visible and invisible nature which, as expressed through theilluminated human mind, takes the apparently separate forms of science and of philosophy and ofreligion. We may likewise describe theosophy to be the formulation in human language of the nature,structure, origin, destiny, and operations of the kosmical universe and of the multitudes of beings whichinfill it.It might be added that theosophy, in the language of H. P. Blavatsky (Theosophical Glossary, p. 328), is"the sub-stratum and basis of all the world-religions and philosophies, taught and practiced by a few electever since man became a thinking being. In its practical bearing, Theosophy is purely divine ethics; thedefinitions in dictionaries are pure nonsense, based on religious prejudice and ignorance." (See alsoUniversal Brotherhood)

“The physical mind is that part of the mind which is concerned with the physical things only—it depends on the sense-mind, sees only objects, external actions, draws its ideas from the data given by external things, infers from them only and knows no other Truth until it is enlightened from above.” Letters on Yoga

The Platonic theory of education is based on a drawing out (educatio) of what is already dimly known to the learner. (Meno, Repub. II-VII, Theaetetus, Laws.) The training of the philosopher-ruler, outlined in the Republic, requires the selection of the most promising children in their infancy and a rigorous disciplining of them in gymnastic, music (in the Greek sense of literary studies), mathematics and dialectic (the study of the Ideas). This training was to continue until the students were about thirty-five years of age; then fifteen years of practical apprenticeship in the subordinate offices of the state were required; finally, at the age of fifty, the rulers were advised to return to the study of philosophy. It should be noted that this program is intended only for an intellectual elite; the military class was to undergo a shorter period of training suited to its functions, and the masses of people, engaged in production, trading, and like pursuits, were not offered any special educational schedule.

The soul or psyche is immutable only^ in the sense that it contains all the possibilities of the Divine within it, but it has to evolve them and in its evolution it assumes the form of a developing ps3'cbic individual evolving in tbS manifestation the individual Prakriti and taking part Jn the evolution. It is the spark of the Divine J^re that grows behind the mind, vital and physical by means of the psychic being until h is able to transform the Prakriti of Ignorance into a Prakriti of Knowledge. This evolving psychic being is not therefore at any time all that the soul or essential psychic existence bears within it.

:::   "The soul or psyche is immutable only in the sense that it contains all the possibilities of the Divine within it, but it has to evolve them and in its evolution it assumes the form of a developing psychic individual evolving in the manifestation the individual Prakriti and taking part in the evolution. It is the spark of the Divine Fire that grows behind the mind, vital and physical by means of the psychic being until it is able to transform the Prakriti of Ignorance into a Prakriti of Knowledge.” *Letters on Yoga

“The soul or psyche is immutable only in the sense that it contains all the possibilities of the Divine within it, but it has to evolve them and in its evolution it assumes the form of a developing psychic individual evolving in the manifestation the individual Prakriti and taking part in the evolution. It is the spark of the Divine Fire that grows behind the mind, vital and physical by means of the psychic being until it is able to transform the Prakriti of Ignorance into a Prakriti of Knowledge.” Letters on Yoga

The strongest attitude to take is to regard these things as what they really are ::: incursions of dark forces from outside taking advantage of certain openings in the physical mind or the vital part, but not a real part of oneself or spontaneous creation in one’s own nature. To create a confusion and darkness in the physical mind and to throw into it or awake in it mistaken ideas, dark thoughts, false impressions is a favourite method of these assailants, and if they can get the support of this mind from over-confidence in its own correctness or the natural rightness of its impressions and inferences, then they can have a field-day until the true mind reasserts itself and blows the clouds away.

  "The surface mental individuality is, in consequence, always ego-centric; even its altruism is an enlargement of its ego: the ego is the lynch-pin invented to hold together the motion of our wheel of nature. The necessity of centralisation around the ego continues until there is no longer need of any such device or contrivance because there has emerged the true self, the spiritual being, which is at once wheel and motion and that which holds all together, the centre and the circumference.” *The Life Divine

“The surface mental individuality is, in consequence, always ego-centric; even its altruism is an enlargement of its ego: the ego is the lynch-pin invented to hold together the motion of our wheel of nature. The necessity of centralisation around the ego continues until there is no longer need of any such device or contrivance because there has emerged the true self, the spiritual being, which is at once wheel and motion and that which holds all together, the centre and the circumference.” The Life Divine

The universal life principle which manifests everywhere in nature, and which under one of its forms is called kundalini-sakti, of necessity includes the two great forces of attraction and repulsion. Attraction and repulsion being of cosmic origin are therefore of necessity likewise manifest in the manifold conditions of human life; but this does not imply that the individual should passively or negatively accept disturbances caused by inharmony when it is within his power as an offspring of the higher divinities to restore it — insofar as his energies and knowledge permit — to the harmony or cosmic unity from which these cosmic energies themselves spring. Hence the teaching of the greatest sages and seers of history has been to rise above the elements of personal attraction or repulsion, and to blend the two into the compassionate mastery which the indomitable human will, when trained and practiced, can acquire over not merely moods but all conditions in life. Thus he becomes a friend to all, and an enemy to none, repelling evil and attracting good, until these by association may themselves blend or marry into that mystic unity which is the achievement or culmination of evolution, whether human or cosmic.

The way to do this and the way to call down the higher powers is the same. It is to remain quiet at the time of meditation, not fighting with the mind or making mental efforts to pall down the Power or the Silence, but keeping only a .silent will and aspiration for them. If the mind is active, one has to learn to look at it, drawn back and not giving any sanction from within, until its habitual or mechanical activities begin to fall quiet for want of support from within. If it is too persistent, a steady rejection without strain or st/uggJe is the one thing to be done.

"The whole energy of the soul is not at play in the physical body and life, the secret powers of mind are not awake in it, the bodily and nervous energies predominate. But all the while the supreme energy is there, asleep; it is said to be coiled up and slumbering like a snake, — therefore it is called the kundalinî sakti, — in the lowest of the chakras, in the mûlâdhâra. When by Pranayama the division between the upper and lower prana currents in the body is dissolved, this Kundalini is struck and awakened, it uncoils itself and begins to rise upward like a fiery serpent breaking open each lotus as it ascends until the Shakti meets the Purusha in the brahmarandhra in a deep samadhi of union.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“The whole energy of the soul is not at play in the physical body and life, the secret powers of mind are not awake in it, the bodily and nervous energies predominate. But all the while the supreme energy is there, asleep; it is said to be coiled up and slumbering like a snake,—therefore it is called the kundalinî sakti,—in the lowest of the chakras, in the mûlâdhâra. When by Pranayama the division between the upper and lower prana currents in the body is dissolved, this Kundalini is struck and awakened, it uncoils itself and begins to rise upward like a fiery serpent breaking open each lotus as it ascends until the Shakti meets the Purusha in the brahmarandhra in a deep samadhi of union.” The Synthesis of Yoga

  “They are called ‘Buddhas of Compassion’ because they feel their unity with all that is, and therefore feel intimate magnetic sympathy with all that is, and this is more and more the case as they evolve, until finally their consciousness blends with that of the universe and lives eternally and immortally, because it is at one with the universe. ‘The dewdrop slips into the shining sea’ — its origin. . . . The Buddhas of Compassion, existing in their various degrees of evolution, form a sublime hierarchy extending from the Silent Watcher on our planet downwards through these various degrees unto themselves, and even beyond themselves to their chelas or disciples” (OG 23-4).

This condition of human consciousness differs from the devachanic state. As used above, akasic samadhi was applied to those individuals dying by accident who on earth had been of unusually pure character and life. It is a temporary condition, equivalent to an automatic reproduction in the victim’s consciousness of the beautiful and holy thoughts that the person had had during incarnated life; in fact, a sort of preliminary to the devachanic state. Such dream state immediately succeeds the first condition of absolute unconsciousness which the shock of death brings to all human beings, good, bad, or indifferent. In the above cases there is no conscious kama-lokic experience whatsoever, because the shock of death has brought about the paralysis of all the lower parts of the human constitution. Only adumbrations of the consciousness of the buddhi and atman, with the most spiritual portion of manas are then active (ML 131). In certain cases the condition of samadhi in the akasic portions of the human constitution may last until what would have been the natural life term on earth is completed; and then these individuals glide into the devachanic state.

Though the roots of Scholasticism are to be found in the preoccupation of the Patristical (vide) period, its proper history does not begin until the Carolingian renaissance in the ninth century. From that date to the present day, its history may be divided into seven divisions.

Thunderer ::: An epithet for Jupiter or the Deity. Jupiter (Latin: Iuppiter; /ˈjʊpɪtɛr/; genitive case: Iovis; /ˈjɔːvɪs/) or Jove is the king of the gods and the god of sky and thunder in myth. Jupiter was the chief deity of Roman state religion throughout the Republican and Imperial eras, until Christianity became the dominant religion of the Empire. In Roman mythology, he negotiates with Numa Pompilius, the second king of Rome, to establish principles of Roman religion such as sacrifice.

till ::: until.

To meet this difficulty of action at a distance, early European scientists invented various kinds of ethers to bridge the supposed gap of nothingness between atom and atom or body and body. These finally were abandoned, with the exception of the luminiferous or light-carrying ether, which remained until the Michelson-Morley experiment, after which it was abandoned.

tontine ::: n. --> An annuity, with the benefit of survivorship, or a loan raised on life annuities with the benefit of survivorship. Thus, an annuity is shared among a number, on the principle that the share of each, at his death, is enjoyed by the survivors, until at last the whole goes to the last survivor, or to the last two or three, according to the terms on which the money is advanced. Used also adjectively; as, tontine insurance.

top-down design "programming" (Or "stepwise refinement"). The software design technique which aims to describe functionality at a very high level, then partition it repeatedly into more detailed levels one level at a time until the detail is sufficient to allow coding. This approach to software design probably originated at {IBM}, and grew out of {structured programming} practices. (1996-08-04)

traceroute "networking" A {TCP/IP} utility, originally {Unix}, which allows the user to determine the {route} {packets} are taking to a particular {host}. Traceroute works by increasing the "{time to live}" value of packets and seeing how far they get, until they reach the given destination; thus, a lengthening trail of hosts passed through is built up. (2007-02-02)

travelling salesman problem "algorithm, complexity" (TSP or "shortest path", US: "traveling") Given a set of towns and the distances between them, determine the shortest path starting from a given town, passing through all the other towns and returning to the first town. This is a famous problem with a variety of solutions of varying complexity and efficiency. The simplest solution (the {brute force} approach) generates all possible routes and takes the shortest. This becomes impractical as the number of towns, N, increases since the number of possible routes is !(N-1). A more intelligent {algorithm} (similar to {iterative deepening}) considers the shortest path to each town which can be reached in one hop, then two hops, and so on until all towns have been visited. At each stage the algorithm maintains a "frontier" of reachable towns along with the shortest route to each. It then expands this frontier by one hop each time. {Pablo Moscato's TSP bibliography (}. {Fractals and the TSP (}. (1998-03-24)

trite ::: a. --> Worn out; common; used until so common as to have lost novelty and interest; hackneyed; stale; as, a trite remark; a trite subject.

tunafish "humour, operating system" In hackish lore, refers to the mutated punchline of an age-old joke to be found at the bottom of the manual pages of "tunefs(8)" in the original {4.2BSD} distribution. The joke was removed in later releases once commercial sites started using 4.2. Tunefs relates to the "tuning" of {file-system} parameters for optimum performance, and at the bottom of a few pages of wizardly inscriptions was a "BUGS" section consisting of the line "You can tune a file system, but you can't tunafish". Variants of this can be seen in other BSD versions, though it has been excised from some versions by humourless management droids. The [nt]roff source for SunOS 4.1.1 contains a comment apparently designed to prevent this: "Take this out and a Unix Demon will dog your steps from now until the "time_t's wrap around." [{Jargon File}] (1997-01-12)

tweak 1. To change slightly, usually in reference to a value. Also used synonymously with {twiddle}. If a program is almost correct, rather than figure out the precise problem you might just keep tweaking it until it works. See {frobnicate} and {fudge factor}; also see {shotgun debugging}. 2. To {tune} or {bum} a program; preferred usage in the UK. [{Jargon File}]

Universal Time "time, standard" (UT) The mean solar time along the prime meridian (0 longitude) that runs through the Greenwich Observatory outside of London, UK, where the current system originated. UT is tied to the rotation of the Earth in respect to the fictitious "mean Sun". {Greenwich Mean Time} (GMT) was measured from Greenwich mean midday until 1925 when the reference point was changed from noon to midnight and the name changed to "Universal Time". There are three separate definitions, UT0, UT1, and UT2, depending on which corrections have been applied to the Earth's motion. {Coordinated Universal Time} is kept within 0.9 seconds of UT1, by addition of leap seconds to {International Atomic Time}. (2001-08-02)

University of Durham "body, education" A busy research and teaching community in the historic cathedral city of Durham, UK (population 61000). Its work covers key branches of science and technology and traditional areas of scholarship. Durham graduates are in great demand among employers and the University helps to attract investment into the region. It provides training, short courses, and expertise for industry. Through its cultural events, conferences, tourist business and as a major employer, the University contributes in a wide social and economic sense to the community. Founded in 1832, the University developed in Durham and Newcastle until 1963 when the independent University of Newcastle upon Tyne came into being. Durham is a collegiate body, with 14 Colleges or Societies which are a social and domestic focus for students. In 1992, the Universities of Durham and Teesside launched University College, Stockton-on-Tees, which has 190 students in the first year. {(}. (1995-03-17)

untile ::: v. t. --> To take the tiles from; to uncover by removing the tiles.

until ::: prep. --> To; unto; towards; -- used of material objects.
To; up to; till; before; -- used of time; as, he staid until evening; he will not come back until the end of the month. ::: conj. --> As far as; to the place or degree that; especially, up to the time that; till. See Till, conj.

until {while loop}

unto ::: prep. --> To; -- now used only in antiquated, formal, or scriptural style. See To.
Until; till. ::: conj. --> Until; till.

urban legend "publication" A story, which may have started with a grain of truth, that has been embroidered and retold until it has passed into the realm of myth. It is an interesting phenomenon that these stories get spread so far, so fast and so often. Urban legends never die, they just end up on the {Internet}! Some legends that periodically make their rounds include "The Infamous Modem Tax", "Craig Shergold/Brain Tumor/Get Well Cards", and "The $250 Cookie Recipe". (1996-05-08)

Usually there cannot but be a mixture of these two ways until the consciousness is ready to be entirely open, entirely submit- ted to the Divine’s organisation of all its action. It is then that all responsibility disappears and there is no personal burden.

uterus ::: n. --> The organ of a female mammal in which the young are developed previous to birth; the womb.
A receptacle, or pouch, connected with the oviducts of many invertebrates in which the eggs are retained until they hatch or until the embryos develop more or less. See Illust. of Hermaphrodite in Append.

variable "programming" (Sometimes "var" /veir/ or /var/) A named memory location in which a program can store intermediate results and from which it can read it them. Each {programming language} has different rules about how variables can be named, typed, and used. Typically, a value is "assigned" to a variable in an {assignment} statement. The value is obtained by evaluating an expression and then stored in the variable. For example, the assignment x = y + 1 means "add one to y and store the result in x". This may look like a mathematical equation but the mathematical equality is only true in the program until the value of x or y changes. Furthermore, statements like x = x + 1 are common. This means "add one to x", which only makes sense as a state changing operation, not as a mathematical equality. The simplest form of variable corresponds to a single-{word} of {memory} or a {CPU} {register} and an assignment to a {load} or {store} {machine code} operation. A variable is usually defined to have a {type}, which never changes, and which defines the set of values the variable can hold. A type may specify a single ("atomic") value or a collection ("aggregate") of values of the same or different types. A common aggregate type is the {array} - a set of values, one of which can be selected by supplying a numerical {index}. Languages may be {untyped}, {weakly typed}, {strongly typed}, or some combination. {Object-oriented programming} languages extend this to {object} types or {classes}. A variable's {scope} is the region of the program source within which it represents a certain thing. Scoping rules are also highly language dependent but most serious languages support both {local variables} and {global variables}. {Subroutine} and {function} {formal arguments} are special variables which are set automatically by the language runtime on entry to the subroutine. In a {functional programming} language, a variable's value never changes and change of state is handled as recursion over lists of values. (2004-11-16)

VI. Second Decline (18-19 cent.). This group and its tendencies were continued by Du Hamel (+1706), Tolomei (+1726), Fortunatus a Brixia (+1754), Steinmeyer (+1797) and Reuss (+1798). Among the conservatives: Louis de Lossada (+1748). In 1773 the Society of Jesus was suppressed. This disaster completed the downfall of Scholasticism. Not until its restoration in 1814 did the Church's traditional philosophy revive. Prominent in preparing for this second renaissance was the Jesuit-trained Vincent Bruzzetti (+1824). Others: Taparelli (+1862), Liberatore (+1872), Sanseverino (+1865), Kleutgen (+1883), Zigliara (+1893) and Gonzalez (+1895). For the first time in the modern period, history began to play an important part in Scholasticism. Karl Werner (+1888) and Al. Stoeckl (1895) were the first figures in this movement.

Visual Interface "tool, text" (vi) /V-I/, /vi:/, *never* /siks/ A {screen editor} {crufted} together by {Bill Joy} for an early {BSD} release. vi became the de facto standard {Unix} editor and a nearly undisputed hacker favourite outside of {MIT} until the rise of {Emacs} after about 1984. It tends to frustrate new users no end, as it will neither take commands while expecting input text nor vice versa, and the default setup provides no indication of which mode the editor is in (one correspondent accordingly reports that he has often heard the editor's name pronounced /vi:l/). Nevertheless it is still widely used (about half the respondents in a 1991 {Usenet} poll preferred it), and even some Emacs fans resort to it as a mail editor and for small editing jobs (mainly because it starts up faster than the bulkier versions of Emacs). See {holy wars}. (1995-10-03)

volatile variable "programming" A variable in a computer program which can be modified by processes other than the program. For example, a variable that stores the value of a timer chip (either because it is located at the address of the hardware device or because it is updated on {interrupts}) needs to be volatile to be useful. A {static} variable, on the other hand, maintains its value until the program changes it or it is no longer needed. In addition, volatile variables can be held in the {stack} whereas static variables are usually stored in a program's {data segment}. (1995-05-17)

V. Probability as an Operattonal Concept: In this interpretation, which is due particularly to Kemble, probability is discussed in terms of the mental operations involved in determining it numerically. It is pointed out that probability enters the postulates of physical theories as a useful word employed to indicate the manner in which results of theoretical calculations are to be compared with experimental data. But beyond the usefulness of this word, there must be a more fundamental concept justifying it; this is called primary probability which should be reached by an instrumentalist procedure. The analogy of the thermometer, which connects a qualitative sensation with a number, gives an indication for such a procedure. The expectation of the repetition of an event is an elementary form of belief which can be strengthened by additional evidence. In collecting such evidence, a selection is naturally made, by accepting the relevant data and rejecting the others. When the selected data form a pattern which does not involve the event as such or its negative, the event is considered as probable. The rules of collecting the data and of comparing them with the theoretical event and its negative, involve the idea ol correspondence which leads to the use of numbers for its expression. Thus, probability is a number computed from empirical data according to given rules, and used as a metric and a corrective to the sense of expectation, and the ultimate value of the theory of probability is its service as a guide to action. The main interest of this theory lies in its psychological analysis and its attempt to unify the various conceptions of probability. But it is not yet complete; and until its epistemological implications are made clear, its apparent eclecticism may cover many of the difficulties it wishes to avoid. -- T.G.

Wake: The keeping of a vigil or watch at the side of a corpse until the time of burial.

warehouse ::: n. --> A storehouse for wares, or goods. ::: v. t. --> To deposit or secure in a warehouse.
To place in the warehouse of the government or customhouse stores, to be kept until duties are paid.

wasteful ::: a. --> Full of waste; destructive to property; ruinous; as, wasteful practices or negligence; wasteful expenses.
Expending, or tending to expend, property, or that which is valuable, in a needless or useless manner; lavish; prodigal; as, a wasteful person; a wasteful disposition.
Waste; desolate; unoccupied; untilled.

Watson, John Broadus: (1878-1958) American psychologist and leading exponent of Behaviorism (see Behaviorism), studied and served as Instructor at the University of Chicago, and was appointed Professor of Experimental Psychology at Johns Hopkins University 1908 where he served until 1920. Since then he engaged in the advertising business in New York City. The program for a behavioristic psychology employed the objective methods of the biological sciences and excluded the introspective method of earlier psychology; it is formulated by Watson in "Psychology as the Behaviorist Views It," Psychological Review XX (1913), and Behavior: An Introduction to Comparative Psychology, 1914. -- L.W.

What one fears has the tendency to come until one is able to look at it in the face and overcome one’s shrinking. One must learn to take one’s foundation on the Divine and overcome the fear, relying on the help to carry one through all things even unpleasant and adverse.

"When the Peace is established, this higher or Divine Force from above can descend and work in us. It descends usually first into the head and liberates the inner mind centres, then into the heart centre and liberates fully the psychic and emotional being, then into the navel and other vital centres and liberates the inner vital, then into the Muladhara and below and liberates the inner physical being. It works at the same time for perfection as well as liberation; it takes up the whole nature part by part and deals with it, rejecting what has to be rejected, sublimating what has to be sublimated, creating what has to be created. It integrates, harmonises, establishes a new rhythm in the nature. It can bring down too a higher and yet higher force and range of the higher nature until, if that be the aim of the sadhana, it becomes possible to bring down the supramental force and existence. All this is prepared, assisted, farthered by the work of the psychic being in the heart centre; the more it is open, in front, active, the quicker, safer, easier the working of the Force can be. The more love and bhakti and surrender grow in the heart, the more rapid and perfect becomes the evolution of the sadhana. For the descent and transformation imply at the same time an increasing contact and union with the Divine.” Letters on Yoga

“When the Peace is established, this higher or Divine Force from above can descend and work in us. It descends usually first into the head and liberates the inner mind centres, then into the heart centre and liberates fully the psychic and emotional being, then into the navel and other vital centres and liberates the inner vital, then into the Muladhara and below and liberates the inner physical being. It works at the same time for perfection as well as liberation; it takes up the whole nature part by part and deals with it, rejecting what has to be rejected, sublimating what has to be sublimated, creating what has to be created. It integrates, harmonises, establishes a new rhythm in the nature. It can bring down too a higher and yet higher force and range of the higher nature until, if that be the aim of the sadhana, it becomes possible to bring down the supramental force and existence. All this is prepared, assisted, farthered by the work of the psychic being in the heart centre; the more it is open, in front, active, the quicker, safer, easier the working of the Force can be. The more love and bhakti and surrender grow in the heart, the more rapid and perfect becomes the evolution of the sadhana. For the descent and transformation imply at the same time an increasing contact and union with the Divine.” Letters on Yoga

While Darwinism helped bring about the widespread acceptance of the concept of evolutionary development, theosophical writers often take exception to its exclusive emphasis on an uninterrupted, end-on evolution through the transformation of physical bodies, its reliance solely on chance and physical causes, and the absence of spirit or consciousness in the evolutionary process. Darwinism holds that the simplest chemical compounds gradually through random physical processes eventually produce simple organic entities, and then these natural, material forces produce by accretion of environmental experience ever more complex and evolved structures forming a continuum of physical evolution, until consciousness results. By this method humankind has evolved most recently from the anthropoids. By contrast, theosophy begins with the most spiritual, highly evolved entities working with the least evolved kingdoms at the opening of planetary manifestation to gradually build up the inner and outer vehicles necessary for the expression of the innate consciousness of the variety of entities making up the kingdoms of nature. The lower kingdoms find manifestation through the more evolved, so that the human kingdom is the root or origin of all the kingdoms of nature below it, which came to birth through the proto-human stock in earlier evolutionary periods.

while loop "programming" The {loop} construct, found in nearly all {procedural languages}, that executes one or more instructions (the "loop body") repeatedly so long as some {condition} evaluates to true. In contrast to a {repeat loop}, the loop body will not be executed at all if the condition is false on entry to the while. For example, in {C}, a while loop is written while ("expr") "statement"; where "expr" is any expression and "statement" is any statement, including a compound statement within braces "{..}". A {for loop}, e.g. in the {C} language, extends the while loop syntax to collect pre-loop initialisation and loop-end logic into the beginning of the statement. Perl provides the "until" loop that loops until the loop condition is true. (2009-10-07)

Whitehead, Alfred North: British philosopher. Born in 1861. Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, 1911-14. Lecturer in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics at University College, London, 1914-24. Professor of Applied Mathematics at the Imperial College of Science and Technology, London. From 1924 until retirement in 1938, Professor of Philosophy at Harvard University. Among his most important philosophical works are the Principia Mathematica, 3 vols. (1910-13) (with Bertrand Russell; An Enquiry concerning the Principles of Natural Knowledge (1919); The Concept of Nature (1920); Science and the Modern World (1926); Religion tn the Making (1926); Symbolism (1928); Process and Reality (1929); and Adventures of Ideas (1933). The principle of relativity in physics is the key to the understanding of metaphysics. Whitehead opposes the current philosophy of static substance having qualities which he holds to be based on the simply located material bodies of Newtonian physics and the "pure sensations" of Hume. This 17th century philosophy depends upon a "bifurcation of nature" into two unequal systems of reality on the Cartesian model of mind and matter. The high abstractions of science must not be mistaken for concrete realities. Instead, Whitehead argues that there is only one reality, what appears, whatever is given in perception, is real. There is nothing existing beyond what is present in the experience of subjects, understanding by subject any actual entity. There are neither static concepts nor substances in the world; only a network of events. All such events are actual extensions or spatio-temporal unities. The philosophy of organism, as Whitehead terms his work, is based upon the patterned process of events. All things or events are sensitive to the existence of all others; the relations between them consisting in a kind of feeling. Every actual entity is then a "prehensive occasion", that is, it consists of all those active relations with other things into which it enters. An actual entity is further determined by "negative prehension", the exclusion of all that which it is not. Thus every feeling is a positive prehension, every abstraction a negative one. Every actual entity is lost as an individual when it perishes, but is preserved through its relations with other entities in the framework of the world. Also, whatever has happened must remain an absolute fact. In this sense, past events have achieved "objective immortality". Except for this, the actual entities are involved in flux, into which there is the ingression of eternal objects from the realm of possibilities. The eternal objects are universals whose selection is necessary to the actual entities. Thus the actual world is a certain selection of eternal objects. God is the principles of concretion which determines the selection. "Creativity" is the primal cause whereby possibilities are selected in the advance of actuality toward novelty. This movement is termed the consequent nature of God. The pure possibility of the eternal objects themsehes is termed his primordial nature. -- J.K.F.

window shopping "jargon" A term used among users of {WIMP} environments like the {X Window System} or the {Macintosh} at the US Geological Survey for extended experimentation with new window colours, {fonts}, and {icon} shapes. This activity can take up hours of what might otherwise have been productive working time. "I spent the afternoon window shopping until I found the coolest shade of green for my active window borders --- now they perfectly match my medium slate blue background." Serious window shoppers will spend their days with bitmap editors, creating new and different icons and background patterns for all to see. Also: "window dressing", the act of applying new fonts, colours, etc. See {fritterware}, compare {macdink}. [{Jargon File}] (1996-07-08)

Windows sockets "networking, standard" (Winsock) A specification for {Microsoft Windows} network software, describing how applications can access network services, especially {TCP/IP}. Winsock is intended to provide a single {API} to which application developers should program and to which multiple network software vendors should conform. For any particular version of {Microsoft Windows}, it defines a binary interface ({ABI}) such that an application written to the Windows Sockets API can work with a conformant {protocol} implementation from any network software vendor. Winsock was conceived at Fall Interop '91 during a {Birds of a Feather} session. Windows Sockets is supported by {Microsoft Windows}, {Windows for Workgroups}, {Win32s}, {Windows 95} and {Windows NT}. It will support protocols other than {TCP/IP}. Under {Windows NT}, {Microsoft} will provide Windows Sockets support over {TCP/IP} and {IPX}/{SPX}. {DEC} will be implementing {DECNet}. {Windows NT} will include mechanisms for multiple {protocol} support in Windows Sockets, both 32-bit and 16 bit. Mark Towfiq said, "The next rev. of Winsock will not be until toward the end of 1993. We need 1.1 of the {API} to become firmly settled and implemented first." {Windows Sockets API (}. or {(} or send a message "help" to either "ftpmail@SunSite.UNC.Edu" or "ftpmail@DECWRL.DEC.Com". {Windows Sockets specification (}. Currently NetManage (NEWT), Distinct, FTP and Frontier are shipping Winsock {TCP/IP} stacks, as is {Microsoft} (Windows NT and {TCP/IP} for WFW), Beame & Whiteside Software (v1.1 compliant), and Sun PC-NFS. Windows 95 has "dial-up networking" which supports Winsock and TCP/IP. winsock.dll is available from some {TCP/IP} stack vendors. {Novell} has one in beta for their {Lan Workplace} for {DOS}. Peter Tattam "" is alpha-testing a shareware Windows Sockets compliant {TCP/IP} stack {(}. and {(}. {The Consummate Winsock App List (}. [Adapted from: Aboba, Bernard D., comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc Frequently Asked Questions, 1993 {Usenet}: {news:news.answers}, {(}]. [Current status?] (1996-06-20)

yet ::: n. --> Any one of several species of large marine gastropods belonging to the genus Yetus, or Cymba; a boat shell. ::: adv. --> In addition; further; besides; over and above; still.

At the same time; by continuance from a former state; still.
Up to the present time; thus far; hitherto; until now; --

You aren't gonna need it "programming" (YAGNI) A motto of {extreme programming} expressing the principle that functionality should not be implemented until it is needed. The traditional {waterfall model} makes it difficult to add features after the specification has been signed off, tempting the specifier to add features that may never be used but which take time to program, debug, test and document. (2014-03-27)

zombie process "operating system" (Or "defunct process") A {Unix} {process} that has terminated (either because it has been killed by a {signal} or because it has called {exit}()) and whose {parent process} has not yet received notification of its termination by executing (some form of) the {wait}() {system call}. A zombie process exists solely as a {process table} entry and consumes no other resources. This entry is retained to hold the child's exit status until the parent process wants to retrieve it. The parent can also be notified asynchronously via a signal of the child's termination. Zombie processes can be seen in "ps" listings occasionally (with a status "Z" in some versions). Compare {orphan process}. (1997-10-08)

QUOTES [265 / 265 - 1500 / 40194]

KEYS (10k)

   51 Sri Aurobindo
   21 The Mother
   9 Aleister Crowley
   7 Manly P Hall
   6 Jalaluddin Rumi
   6 Sri Ramana Maharshi
   4 Anonymous
   3 Ken Wilber
   3 Chamtrul Rinpoche
   3 Bertrand Russell
   3 Saint Augustine of Hippo
   3 Lao Tzu
   2 Swami Ramakrishnananda
   2 Sri Ramana Maharshi
   2 Saint Ambrose
   2 Revelation 7:2-3
   2 Peter J Carroll
   2 Li Po
   2 Joseph Campbell
   2 Eleanor Roosevelt
   2 Carl Jung
   2 Alfred Korzybski
   2 Plotinus
   2 Kobayashi Issa
   2 Jalaluddin Rumi
   1 Zig Ziglar
   1 Yeshe Tsogyal
   1 Yangthang Rinpoche
   1 Wu Hsin
   1 Voltaire
   1 Ven. Barthalomew Holzhauser (1613-1658)
   1 Unknown
   1 Tsongkhapa
   1 The Wrathful Compassion of Guru Dorje Drollo
   1 The Mother
   1 Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
   1 Taigu Ryokan
   1 Swami Turiyananda
   1 Swami Adbhutananda
   1 Stephen LaBerge
   1 Sri Ramakrishna?
   1 Socrates
   1 Shaykh Muhammad Al - Yaqoubi
   1 Satprem
   1 Sakya Pandita Kunga Gyeltsen
   1 Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina
   1 Saint John Vianney
   1 Saint Isaiah the Solitary
   1 Saint Gregory of Nyssa
   1 Saint Dionysius the Areopagite
   1 Robert Holden
   1 Richard Weaver
   1 Richard P Feynman
   1 Revelation 6:11
   1 Rene Guenon
   1 Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange
   1 Rainer Maria Rilke
   1 Rabia al-Adawiyya
   1 Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch?
   1 Plato
   1 Phoenix Desmond
   1 Philip K Dick
   1 Philip Arnold
   1 Pema Chödrön
   1 Paramahansa Yogananda
   1 Pablo Picasso
   1 Pablo Neruda
   1 Nicola Yoon
   1 Nelson Mandela
   1 Neil Gaiman
   1 Mugai Nyodai
   1 Mitar Tarabich (1829-1899)
   1 Ming-Dao Deng
   1 Michelangelo
   1 Martin Luther King
   1 Marcus Aurelius
   1 Manly P. Hall Lecture
   1 Malcolm X
   1 Mage 20th Anniversary Edition
   1 Laura Thalassa
   1 Kurt Vonnegut
   1 Josh Billings
   1 John Scottus Eriugena
   1 John II. 9
   1 John Green
   1 James S A Corey
   1 James Clerk Maxwell
   1 id
   1 Hermann Hesse
   1 Henry David Thoreau
   1 Haruki Murakami
   1 Gyatrul Rinpoche
   1 Groucho Marx
   1 G K Chesterton
   1 George Carlin
   1 Friedrich Nietzsche
   1 Evagrius of Pontus
   1 Ernest Hemingway
   1 Emily Dickinson
   1 E. E. Cummings
   1 Dzogchen Rinpoche III
   1 Dr Robert A Hatch
   1 Douglas Adams
   1 Dion Fortune
   1 Didache).
   1 Dante Alighieri
   1 Daniel 12:9-10
   1 C. S. Lewis
   1 C S Lewis
   1 C .S. Lewis
   1 Clement of Alexandria
   1 Clement I
   1 Chinese Maxims
   1 Carl Sagan
   1 Buddha
   1 Bruce Lee
   1 Brian Weiss
   1 Bram Stoker
   1 Atisha
   1 Ashtavakra-Gita
   1 Antoine the Healer
   1 Angolua Siloaius
   1 and yet
   1 Anaïs Nin
   1 Alexander Graham Bell
   1 Alan Cohen
   1 Sri Ramakrishna
   1 Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
   1 Saint Thomas Aquinas
   1 Plato
   1 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
   1 Jetsun Milarepa
   1 Heraclitus
   1 Hafiz
   1 Aristotle
   1 Abu Hamid al-Ghazali
   1 Aeschylus
   1 Adyashanti
   1 Adi Sankara
   1 AD 314)
   1 Abul Husayn al-Nuri
   1 Aaron Koblin
   1 2 Peter 2:9
   1 2nd century sermon
   1 ?


   15 Anonymous
   9 John Green
   9 J K Rowling
   8 Stephen King
   8 Robin Hobb
   8 Mark Twain
   8 Benjamin Franklin
   7 M F Moonzajer
   6 Swami Vivekananda
   6 Paulo Coelho
   6 Mason Cooley
   6 Kiera Cass
   6 Gary Keller
   5 Rumi
   5 Rick Riordan
   5 Nelson Mandela
   5 Neil Gaiman
   5 Mother Teresa
   5 Jodi Picoult
   5 Ernest Hemingway

1:It always seems impossible until it's done." ~ Nelson Mandela,
2:Until your broken, you don't know what you're made of.
   ~ Unknown,
3:A pleasure is not full grown until it is remembered." ~ C .S. Lewis,
4:Until you know nothing you will never know Self. ~ Ashtavakra-Gita, 16.11,
5:We sit together, the mountain and me, until only the mountain remains. ~ Li Po,
6:I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.
   ~ Michelangelo,
7:Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves. ~ Henry David Thoreau,
8:Be like a postage stamp, stick to one thing until you get there.
   ~ Josh Billings,
9:Until life finds Him pain can never end. ~ Sri Aurobindo,
10:Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know." ~ Pema Chödrön,
11:until we put the seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God." ~ Revelation 7:2-3,
12:No man is defeated without until he has first been defeated within." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt,
13:Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow. ~ Heraclitus,
14:Until I meet you." ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
15:No one really knows why they are alive until they know what they'd die for. ~ Martin Luther King,
16:I am in you and I am you. No one can understand this until he has lost his mind. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
17:We never find out the strength of the evil impulse inside us until we try to fight it. ~ C S Lewis,
18:Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone.
   ~ Pablo Picasso, [T5],
19:The lover of God will cry and weep until he finds rest in the Beloved's embrace. ~ Rabia al-Adawiyya,
20:You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
21:Until you are happy with who you are, you will never be happy because of what you have." ~ Zig Ziglar,
22:Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate. ~ Carl Jung,
23:You will never be free until you free yourself from the prison of your own false thoughts." ~ Philip Arnold,
24:We cannot think of being acceptable to others until we have first proven acceptable to ourselves. ~ Malcolm X,
25:Do you have the patience to wait until your mud settles and the water is clear?" ~ Lao Tzu,
26:Since you cannot tame the minds of others until you have tamed your own, begin by taming your own mind. ~ Atisha,
27:Less and less do you need to force things, until finally you arrive at non-action. ~ Lao Tzu,
28:morning tea
among yellow flowers
until the ten o'clock bell
~ Kobayashi Issa,
29:Sleep not until thou hast held converse with thyself. ~ Chinese Maxims, the Eternal Wisdom
30:Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus. ~ Alexander Graham Bell,
31:Less and less is done until non-action is achieved. When nothing is done, nothing is left undone. ~ Lao Tzu,
32:And when the sixth hour had come, there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Mark, 15:33,
33:Naaman doubted until the time when he was cleansed; but you are cleansed by now, and so you should not have doubts. ~ Saint Ambrose,
34:we do not have knowledge of a thing until we have grasped its why, that is to say, its cause.
   ~ Aristotle,
35:Do not damage the land or the sea or the trees until we put the seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God." ~ Revelation 7:2-3,
36:From the moment I picked up your book until I put it down, I was convulsed with laughter. Some day I intend reading it. ~ Groucho Marx,
37:Only after the last judgment will Mary get any rest; from now until then, she is much too busy with her children. ~ Saint John Vianney,
38:Until now you have asked nothing in my name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, John, 16:24,
39:We are always living in the final days. What have you got? A hundred years or much, much less until the end of your world. ~ Neil Gaiman,
40:The Fifth Epoch of time dates from the reign of Charles V until the reign of the Great Monarch." ~ Ven. Barthalomew Holzhauser (1613-1658),
41:There are a dozen views about everything until you know the answer. Then there's never more than one. ~ C. S. Lewis, That Hideous Strength
42:Until realisation there will be Karma, i.e., action and reaction; after realisation there will be no Karma, no world. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
43:I love your feet
only because they walked
upon the earth and upon
the wind and upon the waters,
until they found me." ~ Pablo Neruda,
44:I know nothing in the world that has as much power as a word. Sometimes I write one, and I look at it, until it begins to shine. ~ Emily Dickinson
45:The individual cannot be perfect until he has surrendered all he now calls himself to the divine Being. ~ Sri Aurobindo,
46:Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born. ~ Anaïs Nin,
47:One has to persevere until the light conquers there. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II, Peace - The Basis of the Sadhana,
48:From step to step, from truth to truth, we shall climb ceaselessly until we reach the perfect realisation of tomorrow. ~ The Mother,
49:Ground yourself, strip yourself down to blind loving Silence. Stay there, until you see you are gazing at the Light with its own ageless eyes. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
50:Life is not entirely real until it opens into the sense of the infinite. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita, The Lord of the Sacrifice,
51:When he says: 'Rejoice, O barren woman who never bore a child,' he is speaking of us, for our Church was barren until children were given her. ~ 2nd century sermon,
52:To love yourself right now, just as you are, is to give yourself heaven. Don't wait until you die. If you wait, you die now. If you love, you live now. ~ Alan Cohen,
53:I looked one day at the Light and I did not cease looking at it until I became the Light ~ Abul Husayn al-Nuri, @Sufi_Path
54:I love you. I've loved you from the beginning. And I will love you long after the last stars dies. I will love you until the end of darkness itself. ~ Laura Thalassa,
55:Until man in his heart is ready, a profound change of the world conditions cannot come. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle, Internationalism,
56:Those who don't know how to suffer are the worst off. There are times when the only correct thing we can do is to bear out troubles until a better day." ~ Ming-Dao Deng,
57:As often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (1 Cor. 11:26).,
58:Ask: "Who am I?" until well-established in the conviction that a Higher Power guides us. That is firmness of faith. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
59:Love is the cure, for your pain will keep giving birth to more pain until your eyes constantly exhale love as effortlessly as your body yields its scent. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
60:Mankind will never see an end of trouble until lovers of wisdom come to hold political power, or the holders of power become lovers of wisdom.
   ~ Plato,
61:Ask: 'Who am I?' until well-established in the conviction that a Higher Power guides us. That is firmness of faith.
   ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
62:Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back. Those who wish to sing always find a song. At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet. ~ Plato,
63:Carry on the sadhana until pleasure and fear are both transcended and all duality ceases, and the Reality alone remains. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
64:Man cannot possess perfect happiness until all that separates him from others has been abolished in oneness. ~ Angolua Siloaius, the Eternal Wisdom
65:Recite Quran until it prohibits you to do evil deeds. If it does not prohibit you, it will not be considered recitation. ~ Abu Hamid al-Ghazali,
66:All possibilities push towards actuality until they reach it. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, The Origin and Remedy of Falsehood, Error, Wrong and Evil,
67:morning tea
among yellow flowers
until the ten o'clock bell
~ Kobayashi Issa, @BashoSociety
68:Never stop working on your statue until the divine glory of virtue shines out on you, until you see self-mastery enthroned upon its holy seat. ~ Plotinus, [T5],
69:What one fears has the tendency to come until one is able to look it in the face and overcome one's shrinking. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV, Fear,
70:You are living within your shell. Expand! See yourself 'in all beings and all beings in your Self.' Expand until you reach the goal, which is to see the Self in all. ~ Swami Turiyananda,
71:You cannot get rid of the ego until you have realized God. If you find a person free from ego, then know for certain that he has seen God. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
72:You must never rest content with the pleasure of laya experienced when thought is quelled but must press on until all duality ceases. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
73:You move us to delight in praising You; for You have made us for Yourself, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
74:Until copper becomes gold, it does not know it is copper. Until the heart becomes king, it does not know it is indigent. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
75:He who wishes to acquire the anger that is in accordance with nature must uproot all self-will, until he establishes within himself the state natural to the intellect. ~ Saint Isaiah the Solitary,
76:What appears bad to you, may bear a lot of good within it which you do not see. You never know until the end. ~ Shaykh Muhammad Al - Yaqoubi, @Sufi_Path
77:Stop, open up, surrender the beloved blind silence. Stay there until you see you're looking at the light with infinite eyes. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
78:Until the final clarification and harmonising of the nature there are always contradictions in the being. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II, Bhakti, Devotion, Worship,
79:So long as you feel the sense of duty, it is better to follow it out until you are liberated. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Himself and the Ashram, Marriage, Service and Yoga,
80:Let my skin and sinews and bones dry up, together with all the flesh and blood of my body! I welcome it! But I will not move from this spot until I have attained the supreme and final wisdom.
   ~ Buddha,
81:Meditate again and again until you have turned your mind away from the activities of this life, which are like adorning yourself while being led to the execution ground. ~ Tsongkhapa, Lamrim Chenmo (160)
82:Life only is, or death is life disguised,—
Life a short death until by life we are surprised. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, Life and Death,
83:A caged bird is not freed merely by opening the door. Until the fear of the unknown subsides, until the desire arises to fly away, the bird remains where it is, preferring the known to the unknown. ~ Wu Hsin,
84:Joy cannot endure until the end:
There is a darkness in terrestrial things
That will not suffer long too glad a note. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Issue,
85:He who learns must suffer. Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget
falls drop by drop upon the heart
until, in our own despair, against our will,
comes wisdom through the awful grace of God. ~ Aeschylus,
86:You can't until this know by listening to fairy tales. You have to do something inside yourself. The smallest fountain inside you is better than a raging river outside. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
87:Each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to be patient a little longer, until the roll was completed of their fellow-servants and brothers who were still to be killed as they had been." ~ Revelation 6:11,
88:In this way and that I tried to save the old pail
   Since the bamboo strip was weakening and about to break
   Until at last the bottom fell out.
   No more water in the pail!
   No more moon in the water!
   ~ Mugai Nyodai,
89:No matter what you experience on the path, never give up. Because all of the buddhas became enlightened for you. They know your potential, and they will not stop helping until you are enlightened too. ~ Chamtrul Rinpoche,
90:Our Lady received through the ineffable kindness of Jesus the strength to endure the trials of her love until the end. May you also find the strength to endure with the Lord to Calvary! " ~ Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina,
91:Until we start to see these false perceptions for what they really are, consciousness will be imprisoned within the dream state. ~ Adyashanti, The End of Your World: Uncensored Straight Talk on the Nature of Enlightenment,
92:We may gain some inkling of what God is if we attempt by means of every sensation to reach the reality of each creature, not giving up until we are alive to what transcends it… ~ Clement of Alexandria, Miscellanies v.11,
93:Until we know the Truth (not mentally but by experience, by change of consciousness) we need the soul's faith to sustain us and hold on to the Truth. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II, Faith,
94:You rouse men to take delight in praising you: for you have made us for yourself, and our heart is restless until it comes to rest in you ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo, Confessions 1.1).,
95:Hysterical optimism will prevail until the world again admits the existence of tragedy, and it cannot admit the existence of tragedy until it again distinguishes between good and evil. ~ Richard Weaver, Ideas Have Consequences,
96:So what should I do when an unconverted part rises to the surface?

   Put the light and the knowledge on it patiently until it gets converted. 29 May 1934
   ~ The Mother, More Answers From The Mother,
97:Take your practiced powers and stretch them out until they span the chasm between contradictions... For the god wants to know himself in you." ~ Rainer Maria Rilke, (1875 - 1926), Bohemian-Austrian poet and novelist, Wikipedia.,
98:The Lord can rescue the good from the ordeal, and hold the wicked for their punishment until the day of Judgement, especially those who are governed by their corrupt bodily desires and have no respect for authority. ~ 2 Peter 2:9,
99:A slowly changing order binds our will.
   This is our doom until our souls are free.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, 02.05, [T5],
100:The gods wrest our careful policies
To their own ends until we stand appalled
Remembering what we meant to do and seeing
What has been done. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Plays and Stories, Act IV,
101:There will be many wise and just men. The people will love justice, and peace will reign over the whole earth, for divine power will bind Satan for many years until the coming of the Son of Perdition." ~ Mitar Tarabich (1829-1899),
102:Repeat the old practice, "To whom do thoughts arise?"
Keep up the practice until there are no breaks.
Practice alone will bring about continuity of awareness. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi, Talks, 628,
103:Until you perfect the view, do not count your practice in years or months. But instead decide to dedicate the whole remainder of your life to Dharma practice. This is the approach of the very best practitioners. ~ Yangthang Rinpoche,
104:In order that the mind should see light instead of darkness, the entire soul must be turned away from this changing world, until its eye can learn to contemplate reality and that supreme splendor which we have called the good. ~ Socrates,
105:Let everyone hold what opinion he will until that Light shall come which makes of the light of the false philosophers a darkness and converts the darkness of those who truly know into light. ~ John Scottus Eriugena, Periphyseon 5 (1022c),
106:Think of the life you have lived until now as over and, as a dead man, see what's left as a bonus and live it according to Nature. Love the hand that fate deals you and play it as your own, for what could be more fitting?" ~ Marcus Aurelius,
107:You cannot fathom a wise man's depth until you question or debate him. Until you beat a drum, What distinguishes it from other objects." ~ Sakya Pandita Kunga Gyeltsen, (1182-1251), a Tibetan spiritual leader and Buddhist scholar, Wikipedia.,
108:Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book. ~ John Green, The Fault in Our Stars,
109:The animal is satisfied with a modicum of necessity; the gods are content with their splendours. But man cannot rest permanently until he reaches some highest good. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, Man in the Universe,
110:The demon of acedia—also known as the noonday demon is the one that causes the most serious trouble of all. He presses his attack upon the monk about the fourth hour and besieges the soul until the eighth hour ~ Evagrius of Pontus, Praktikos 12) .,
111:Concerning women who commit fornication and destroy that which they have conceived, or who are employed in making drugs for abortion, a former decree excluded them until the hour of death, and to this some have assented. ~ Council of Ancyra ~ AD 314),
112:Beware of destination addiction—a preoccupation with the idea that happiness is in the next place, the next job, and with the next partner. Until you give up the idea that happiness is somewhere else, it will never be where you are." ~ Robert Holden,
113:Go, Daniel," he said, "because the words are to be kept secret and sealed until the end time. Many shall be refined, purified, and tested, but the wicked shall prove wicked; the wicked shall have no understanding, but those with insight shall. ~ Daniel 12:9-10,
114:The birds have vanished into the sky, and now the last cloud drains away, We sit together, the mountain and me, until only the mountain remains." ~ Li Po, (701-762), Chinese poet acclaimed as a genius who took traditional poetic forms to new heights, Wikipedia.,
115:You alone can give us these gifts and confer these favors on us. We put our trust in you through Jesus Christ, our high priest, the guardian of our souls. Through him be glory and majesty to you now and through all generations until the end of time. Amen. ~ Clement I,
116:Because of our wisdom, we will travel far for love. All movement is a sign of thirst. Most speaking really says "I am hungry to know you." Every desire of your body is holy. Dear one, why wait until you are dying to discover that divine Truth? ~ Hafiz,
117:One's philosophy is not best expressed in words; it is expressed in the choices one makes. In the long run, we shape our lives and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And, the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt,
118:We would like to see the world around us as beautiful as we know it could be, but this cannot be achieved until the soul world within us is as beautiful as it must be to transform the outer surface of things. ~ Manly P. Hall Lecture
119:On the Lord's Day . . . gather together, break bread and offer the Eucharist, after confessing your transgressions so that your sacrifice may be pure. Let no one who has a quarrel with his neighbor join you until he is reconciled, lest our sacrifice be defiled ~ Didache).,
120:The medicine for my suffering I had within me from the very beginning, But I did not take it. My ailment came from within myself, But I did not observe it. Until this moment. Now I see that I will never find the light Unless, like the candle, I am my own fuel.
   ~ Bruce Lee,
121:Inside the body there is desire and greed; inside the mind there is doubt; inside the world there is change, there is death. Go beyond these and you will find peace and bliss. Until you go beyond them, you can never realize what peace and bliss mean. ~ Swami Ramakrishnananda,
122:This evolution lasts until we reach the absolute purity of the Being. Then we arrive at divinity. We form a vast oneness. We enjoy an entirety of divine power; we are united in a single love; we are God. ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
123:We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch." ~ E. E. Cummings, (1894 -1962), American poet, painter, author, and playwright, wrote approx. 2,900 poems, Wikipedia.,
124:See fault in others and you will discover an endless stream. Embrace all life as perfect, until faults become distinctions to be set free. And though the divided mind will sketch lines & choose sides, the heart holds the colors to fill the spaces left behind." ~ Phoenix Desmond,
125:Sometimes, soul mates may meet, stay together until a task or life lesson is completed, and then move on. This is not a tragedy, only a matter of learning." ~ Brian Weiss, (b. 1944) American psychiatrist, hypnotherapist, author who specializes in past life regression, Wikipedia,
126:Take everyone where he or she stands, without blaming them for their worldly or spiritual poverty & ignorance, & help them on until each one realizes the highest Jnana, Bhakti, eternal freedom & bliss - in fact, until each one realizes the supreme goal. ~ Swami Ramakrishnananda,
127:When you lie down, speak so that the sleep of death may not steal upon you. Listen and learn how you are to speak as you lie down; I will not give sleep to my eyes or slumber to my eyelids until I find a place for the Lord, a dwelling place for the God of Jacob. ~ Saint Ambrose,
128:After his departure out of the body, a man may want what is better when he gains knowledge of the difference between virtue and vice and finds that he is not able to partake of divinity until purged of the filthy contagion in his soul by the purifying fire. ~ Saint Gregory of Nyssa,
129:He must stride on conquering all,
Threatening and clamouring, brutal, invincible,
Until he meets upon his storm-swept road
A greater devil—or thunderstroke of God. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, The Dwarf Napoleon,
130:Our mind doesn't know that if it goes to and run after the outside world there's nothing but suffering. It keeps running out in ignorance. When it gets the maturity, it will go inside by itself. Until then, it is our job to put it inside with effort (meditation). ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
131:The Friend of Man helps him with life and death
Until he knows. Then, freed from mortal breath,
Grief, pain, resentment, terror pass away.
He feels the joy of the immortal play; ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, Epiphany,
132:Do not think of anything except God; only then lust, greed, & other enemies will be automatically conquered. When these enemies are conquered & the mind is settled, that very God whose eternal nature is Truth will manifest. Until the mind is settled, God will not manifest Himself~ Swami Adbhutananda,
133:(Joan,1941) She wrote me a letter asking,"How can I read it?,Its so hard." I told her to start at the beginning and read as far as you can get until you're lost. Then start again at the beginning and keep working through until you can understand the whole book. And thats what she did ~ Richard P Feynman,
134:Like a feather that is blown wherever the wind takes it, a weak and undisciplined mind is easily influenced by its environment and can be blown off the path.

Until your mind becomes like a mountain that no wind can move, take care of who you mix with, and how you spend your time. ~ Chamtrul Rinpoche,
135:This too must now be overpassed and left,
As all must be until the Highest is gained
In whom the world and self grow true and one:
Till That is reached our journeying cannot cease. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Little Mind,
136:We must find the Self, the Divine, then only can we know what is the work the Self or the Divine demands from us. Until then our life and action can only be a help or means towards finding the Divine and it ought not to have any other purpose. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II, [T5],
137:The cosmic calendar compresses the local history of the universe into a single year. If the universe began on January 1st it was not until May that the Milky Way formed. Other planetary systems may have appeared in June, July and August, but our Sun and Earth not until mid-September. Life arose soon after. ~ Carl Sagan,
138:When you want to think and find a solution, instead of following the deductions of thought, you stop everything and try to concentrate and concentrate, intensify the point of the problem. You stop everything and wait until, by the intensity of the concentration, you obtain an answer. ~ The Mother,
139:But man cannot rest permanently until he reaches some highest good. He is the greatest of living beings because he is the most discontented, because he feels most the pressure of limitations. He alone, perhaps, is capable of being seized by the divine frenzy for a remote ideal.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine,
140:In this cup, therefore, though all things are placed, by virtue of this dew all lose their identity. And therefore this Cup is in the hand of BABALON, the Lady of the City of Pyramids, wherein no one can be distinguished from any other, wherein no one may sit until he has lost his name. ~ Aleister Crowley, Liber ABA, The Cup,
141:Every soul is engaged in a great work-the labor of personal liberation from the state of ignorance. The world is a great prison; its bars are the Unknown. And each is a prisoner until, at last, he earns the right to tear these bars from their moldering sockets, and pass, illuminated and inspired into the darkness, which becomes lighted by that presence ~ Manly P Hall,
142:It is only by aspiration and prayer that ego can be overcome; a constant and sincere aspiration is always answered by the Divine. Feb 3rd

Ignorance is a human general illness and nobody can escape it until one is united with the Divine. Feb 9th

Let the aspiration and love for the Divine conquer in you all desires and difficulties. Feb 14
~ The Mother
143:They say an elephant never forgets. Well, you are not an elephant. Take notes, constantly. Save interesting thoughts, quotations, films, technologies...the medium doesn't matter, so long as it inspires you. When you're stumped, go to your notes like a wizard to his spellbook. Mash those thoughts together. Extend them in every direction until they meet. ~ Aaron Koblin,
144:'If you know me,
you know that I reside in the hearts of all beings.
Just summon me and I will return!'

'Now until the dualistic identity mind
melts and dissolves,
it may seem that we are parting.
Please be happy.
When you understand the dualistic mind,
there will be no separation from me.
May my good wishes fill the sky.' ~ Yeshe Tsogyal,
145:True strength of will is calm; in calmness it is persevering so that it does not become discouraged by momentary lack of success or by any wounds received. No one is conquered until he has given up the struggle. And he who works for the Lord puts his confidence in God and not in himself. ~ Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, The Three Ages of the Interior Life: Prelude of Eternal Life,
146:Give me yourself, O my God, give yourself back to me. Lo, I love you, but if my love is too mean, let me love more passionately. I cannot gauge my love, nor know how far it fails, how much more love I need for my life to set its course straight into your arms, never swerving until hidden in the covert of your face. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
147:What God is one knows not. He is not light, nor spirit, nor beatitude nor unity, nor what goes by the name of divinity, nor wisdom, nor love, nor will, nor kindness, nor a thing, nor that which is not a thing, nor a being, nor a soul; He is what neither I nor thou nor any creature will ever know until we have become what He is. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
148:It is no doubt as you say, [1] but that is always the difficulty of the physical consciousness until it has been enlightened from within.
   [1] The correspondent wrote that although she wanted to get rid of her desires, confusions and wrong movements, the outward, physical part of her being wanted to hold on to them.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - IV,
149:... In all is the one Self, the one Divine is all; all are in the Divine, all are the Divine and there is nothing else in the universe, - this thought or this faith is the whole background until it becomes the whole substance of the consciousness of the worker. ...
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Sacrifice and the Lord of the Sacrifice [112] [T1],
150:Meditation here is not reflection or any other kind of discursive thinking. It is pure concentration: training the mind to dwell on an interior focus without wandering, until it becomes absorbed in the object of its contemplation. But absorption does not mean unconsciousness. The outside world may be forgotten, but meditation is a state of intense inner wakefulness. ~ Anonymous, The Upanishads,
151:He that saith he is in the light and hateth his brother, is in the darkness even until now. He that loveth his brother abideth in the light and there is no occasion of stumbling in him. But he that hateth his brother is in darkness and walketh in darkness and knoweth not whither he goeth, because the darkness hath blinded his eyes. ~ John II. 9, 11, the Eternal Wisdom
152:There are gods of the Overmind who are the great creators of the earth - until now. There are the gods of the Vedas who are mentioned in everything that has come down from the Rishis. And there are the gods of the Supermind, those who are going to manifest on earth, although of course they exist from all eternity on their own plane. ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1957-1958,
153:Man differs from other animals in one very important respect, and that is that he has some desires which are, so to speak, infinite, which can never be fully gratified, and which would keep him restless even in paradise. The boa constrictor, when he has had an adequate meal, goes to sleep, and does not wake until he needs another meal. Human beings, for the most part, are not like this. ~ Bertrand Russell,
154:All worshipped marvellingly, none dared to claim.
Her mind sat high pouring its golden beams,
Her heart was a crowded temple of delight.
A single lamp lit in perfection's house,
A bright pure image in a priestless shrine,
Midst those encircling lives her spirit dwelt,
Apart in herself until her hour of fate. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, 4:2,
155:Consecration is the active dedication of a thing to a single purpose. Banishing prevents its use for any other purpose, but it remains inert until consecrated. Purification is performed by water, and banishing by air, whose weapon is the sword. Consecration is performed by fire, usually symbolised by the holy oil.
   ~ Aleister Crowley, Liber ABA, Chapter 16 Of the Consecrations,
156:My guide and I crossed over and began
to mount that little known and lightless road
to ascend into the shining world again.

He first, I second, without thought of rest
we climbed the dark until we reached the point
where a round opening brought in sight the blest.

And beauteous shining of the heavenly cars.
And we walked out once more beneath the stars. ~ Dante Alighieri, Inferno,
157:Sometimes I reread my favorite books from back to front. I start with the last chapter and read backward until I get to the beginning. When you read this way, characters go from hope to despair, from self-knowledge to doubt. In love stories, couples start out as lovers and end as strangers. Coming-of-age books become stories of losing your way. Your favorite characters come back to life. ~ Nicola Yoon, Everything, Everything
158:Every soul is engaged in a great work-the labor of personal liberation from the state of ignorance. The world is a great prison; its bars are the Unknown. And each is a prisoner until, at last, he earns the right to tear these bars from their moldering sockets, and pass, illuminated and inspired into the darkness, which becomes lighted by that presence ~ Manly P Hall, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry: Or the Secret of Hiram Abiff,
159:The confusion, the intolerance, the inconsistencies, have really nothing to do with religion at all; they are related to the inevitable and eternal bickering of human nature; they reveal not the failure of Deity, but the natural tendency of man. And until we realize that in some way religion has an existence apart from the human mind, we are never going to solve our problem. ~ Manly P Hall, Babel and the Confusion of Tongues 1971, p.6,
160:The animal is satisfied with a modicum of necessity; the gods are content with their splendours. But man cannot rest permanently until he reaches some highest good. He is the greatest of living beings because he is the most discontented, because he feels most the pressure of limitations. He alone, perhaps, is capable of being seized by the divine frenzy for a remote ideal. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, Man in the Universe,
161:A hundred times I wanted to kill myself, but still I loved life. This ridiculous weakness for living is perhaps one of our most fatal tendencies. For can anything be sillier than to insist on carrying a burden one would continually much rather throw to the ground? Sillier than to feel disgust at one's own existence and yet cling to it? Sillier, in short, than to clasp to our bosom the serpent that devours us until it has gnawed away our heart? ~ Voltaire, Candide,
162:15-Look, I am with you, and I will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. For I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you."
16-When Jacob woke up, he thought, "Surely the LORD is in this place, and I was unaware of it."
17-And he was afraid and said, "How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven!"... ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Genesis, 28:16, Berean Study Bible,
163:In the growth into a divine life the spirit must be our first preoccupation; until we have revealed and evolved it in our self out of its mental, vital, physical wrappings and disguises, extricated it with patience from our own body, as the Upanishad puts it, until we have built up in ourselves an inner life of the spirit, it is obvious that no outer divine living can become possible. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, 2.28 - The Divine Life,
164:All knowledge is ultimately the knowledge of God, through himself, through Nature, through her works. Mankind has first to seek this knowledge through the external life; for until its mentality is sufficiently developed, spiritual knowledge is not really possible, and in proportion as it is developed, the possibilities of spiritual knowledge become richer and fuller.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Yoga of Integral Knowledge, The Higher and the Lower Knowledge,
165:47. A jnani who is a perfectly Self-realized yogi, sees by the eye of wisdom all objective phenomena to be in and of the Self and thus the Self to be the sole being.1

The allusion is to the story of a lady wearing a precious necklace, who suddenly forgot where it was, grew anxious, looked for it everywhere and even asked others to help, until a kind friend pointed out that it was round the seeker's own neck. ~ Adi Sankara, Atma Bodha, trans. Sri Ramana Maharshi, Collected Works of Sri Ramana Maharshi,
166:Religion has convinced people that there's an invisible man ... living in the sky. Who watches everything you do every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a list of ten specific things he doesn't want you to do. And if you do any of these things, he will send you to a special place, of burning and fire and smoke and torture and anguish for you to live forever, and suffer, and suffer, and burn, and scream, until the end of time. But he loves you. He loves you. He loves you and he needs money. ~ George Carlin,
167:As long as there are impressions of objects in the mind, so long the inquiry "Who am I?" Is required. As thoughts arise they should be destroyed then and there in the very place of their origin, through inquiry. If one resorts to contemplation of the Self unintermittently, until the Self is gained, that alone would do. As long as their enemies within the fortress, they will continue to sally forth; if they are destroyed as they emerge, the fortress will fall into our hands. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
168:The higher we soar in contemplation, the more limited become our expressions of that which is purely intelligible; even as now, when plunging into the Darkness which is above the intellect, we pass not merely into brevity of speech, but even into absolute silence, of thoughts as well as of words ... and, according to the degree of transcendence, so our speech is restrained until, the entire ascent being accomplished, we become wholly voiceless, inasmuch as we are absorbed in Him who is totally ineffable. ~ Saint Dionysius the Areopagite,
169:I didn't learn until I was in college about all the other cultures, and I should have learned that in the first grade. A first grader should understand that his or her culture isn't a rational invention; that there are thousands of other cultures and they all work pretty well; that all cultures function on faith rather than truth; that there are lots of alternatives to our own society. Cultural relativism is defensible and attractive. It's also a source of hope. It means we don't have to continue this way if we don't like it. ~ Kurt Vonnegut,
170:If a man but once tastes the joy of God, his desire to argue takes wing. The bee, realizing the joy of sipping honey, doesn't buzz about any more. What will vou achieve by quoting from books? The pundits recite verses and do nothing else.

What will you gain by merely repeating 'siddhi'? You will not be intoxicated even by gargling with a solution of siddhi. It must go into your stomach; not until then will you be intoxicated. One cannot comprehend what I am saying unless one prays to God in solitude, all by oneself, with a longing heart. ~ Sri Ramakrishna?,
171:In Mahayana Buddhism the universe is therefore likened to a vast net of jewels, wherein the reflection from one jewel is contained in all jewels, and the reflections of all are contained in each. As the Buddhists put it, "All in one and one in all." This sounds very mystical and far-out, until you hear a modern physicist explain the present-day view of elementary particles: "This states, in ordinary language, that each particle consists of all the other particles, each of which is in the same way and at the same time all other particles together." ~ Ken Wilber, No Boundary,
172:Do not interrupt the flight of your soul; do not distress what is best in you; do not enfeeble your spirit with half wishes and half thoughts. Ask yourself and keep on asking until you find the answer, for one may have known something many times, acknowledged it; one may have willed something many times, attempted it ~ and yet, only the deep inner motion, only the heart's indescribable emotion, only that will convince you that what you have acknowledged belongs to you, that no power can take it from you ~ for only the truth that builds up is truth for you. ~ Søren Kierkegaard,
173:I think what you ought to do is start by thinking about the simplest things and go from there. For example, you could stand on a street corner somewhere day after day and look at the people who come by there. You're not in any hurry to decide anything. It may be tough, but sometimes you've got to just stop and take time. You ought to train yourself to look at things with your own eyes until something comes clear. And don't be afraid of putting some time into it. Spending plenty of time on something can be the most sophisticated form of revenge. ~ Haruki Murakami, The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle,
174:The reason why you do not touch fire is because you know that it will cause you to suffer. Likewise, if you truly understand karma, you will not commit a single negative action, because unless that negative karma is purified, you know that it will eventually ripen into suffering.
You might forget this natural process, or you might not believe in it, because the ripening does not always happen immediately. But your karma will follow you like your shadow, that gets closer and closer without you realising, until you are eventually touched by it. Please, I urge you to always remember this. ~ Chamtrul Rinpoche,
175:Evil will never cease to exist until selfishness and greed are overcome as factors in dictating the attitudes of men. It is the common thing for the concrete mind to sacrifice the eternal to the temporal. Man, concentrating upon the limited area of the known, loses sight of the effect of his actions upon the limitless area of the unknown. Shortsightedness, consequently, is the cause of endless misery. Moral shortsightedness results in vice, philosophical shortsightedness in materialism, religious shortsightedness in bigotry, rational short-sightedness in fanaticism. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
176:The black magician is one who learns to manipulate these forces for selfish and destructive purposes, his own aggrandizement of the fulfillment of desire, while the white magician prays that he may learn to manipulate them as God would have them manipulated - for the salvation of the divine creation. The powers are in the hands of those capable of invoking them; it makes no difference whether for good or ill. For this reason, the schools of white magic conceal these powers from man until, through growth, purification, and unfoldment, he gains the proper incentive for using them. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
177:There are two kinds of black magicians: (1) those who use the demons of the astral plane for their villainy, which they invoke through necromancy and invocation; and (2) those who create their own demons and launch them against the world. The first group does the greatest harm to the world, but the second injure themselves more. The first group is composed mostly of conscious black magicians, while there are many in the second group who are totally ignorant of what they are doing. Some never learn their mistake until the demons they have created come back to the persons who sent them forth. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
   Lord, this morning Thou hast given me the assurance that Thou wouldst stay with us until Thy work is achieved, not only as a consciousness which guides and illumines but also as a dynamic Presence in action. In unmistakable terms Thou hast promised that all of Thyself would remain here and not leave the earth atmosphere until earth is transformed. Grant that we may be worthy of this marvellous Presence and that henceforth everything in us be concentrated on the one will to be more and more perfectly consecrated to the fulfilment of Thy sublime Work. 7 December 1950
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother I,
179:The Magician should devise for himself a definite technique for destroying 'evil.' The essence of such a practice will consist in training the mind and the body to confront things which cause fear, pain, disgust, shame and the like. He must learn to endure them, then to become indifferent to them, then to analyze them until they give pleasure and instruction, and finally to appreciate them for their own sake, as aspects of Truth. When this has been done, he should abandon them, if they are really harmful in relation to health and comfort.
   ~ Aleister Crowley, Liber ABA, Book 4, Magick, APPENDIX VI: A FEW PRINCIPAL RITUALS, [311-312],
180:Withdraw into yourself and look. And if you do not find yourself beautiful yet, act as does the creator of a statue that is to be made beautiful: he cuts away here, he smoothes there, he makes this line lighter, this other purer, until a lovely face has grown upon his work. So do you also: cut away all that is excessive, straighten all that is crooked, bring light to all that is overcast, labour to make all one glow of beauty and never cease chiselling your statue, until there shall shine out on you from it the godlike splendour of virtue, until you shall see the perfect goodness surely established in the stainless shrine. ~ Plotinus, The Enneads,
181:A bit of Prime, a bit of Matter, and a fair understanding of Life installs cybernetic devices and allows them to function; a blend of Forces and Prime conjures fire, wind, and light. With Correspondence alone, a skilled mage can step from one place to another without passing through the intervening space; add Time, and she can see past events in a distant place as well; add Forces, and she could project the images she sees upon a wall; use Matter and Correspondence instead, and she could open a door in one place, open another door in the next, and step between two doors that had not existed - and could not have existed - until that moment. ~ Mage 20th Anniversary Edition,
182:It is a strange world, a sad world, a world full of miseries, and woes, and troubles. And yet when King Laugh come, he make them all dance to the tune he play. Bleeding hearts, and dry bones of the churchyard, and tears that burn as they fall, all dance together to the music that he make with that smileless mouth of him. Ah, we men and women are like ropes drawn tight with strain that pull us different ways. Then tears come, and like the rain on the ropes, they brace us up, until perhaps the strain become too great, and we break. But King Laugh he come like the sunshine, and he ease off the strain again, and we bear to go on with our labor, what it may be.
   ~ Bram Stoker,
183:Working of Magick Art the changed aspect of the world whose culmination is the keeping of the oath "I will interpret every phenomenon as a particular dealing of God with my soul" was present with me. This aspect is difficult to describe; one is indifferent to everything and yet interested in it. The meaning of things is lost, pending the inception of their Spiritual Meaning; just as, on putting one's eye to the microscope, the drop of water on the slide is gone, and a world of life discovered, though the real import of that world is not apprehended, until one's knowledge becomes far greater than a single glance can make it. ~ Aleister Crowley,
184:The visions you describe are those which come in the earliest stages of sadhana. At this stage most of the things seen are formations of the mental plane and it is not always possible to put on them a precise significance, for they depend on the individual mind of the sadhak. At a later stage the power of vision becomes important for the sadhana, but at first one has to go on without attaching excessive importance to the details - until the consciousness develops more. The opening of the consciousness to the Divine Light and Truth and Presence is always the one important thing in the yoga.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II, Visions and Symbols,
185:Reply To A Friend ::: In stubborn stupidity, I live on alone
befriended by trees and herbs.
Too lazy to learn right from wrong,
I laugh at myself, ignoring others.
Lifting my bony shanks, I cross the stream,
a sack in my hand, blessed by spring weather.
Living thus, I want for nothing,
at peace with all the world.

Your finger points to the moon,
but the finger is blind until the moon appears.
What connection has moon and finger?
Are they separate objects or bound?
This is a question for beginners
wrapped in seas of ignorance.
Yet one who looks beyond metaphor
knows there is no finger; there is no moon. ~ Taigu Ryokan,
186:The agony of breaking through personal limitations is the agony of spiritual growth. Art, literature, myth and cult, philosophy, and ascetic disciplines are instruments to help the individual past his limiting horizons into spheres of ever-expanding realization. As he crosses threshold after threshold, conquering dragon after dragon, the stature of the divinity that he summons to his highest wish increases, until it subsumes the cosmos. Finally, the mind breaks the bounding sphere of the cosmos to a realization transcending all experiences of form-all symbolizations, all divinities: a realization of the ineluctable void. ~ Joseph Campbell, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, The Ultimate Boon,
187:the inability to know :::
   In sum, it may be safely affirmed that no solution offered can be anything but provisional until a supramental Truth-consciousness is reached by which the appearances of things are put in their place and their essence revealed and that in them which derives straight from the spiritual essence. In the meanwhile our only safety is to find a guiding law of spiritual experience - or else to liberate a light within that can lead us on the way until that greater direct Truth-consciousness is reached above us or born within us.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Ascent of the Sacrifice - 1, The Works of Knowledge - The Psychic Being,
188:[Rex and Regina] It is a therapeutic necessity, indeed, the first requisite of any thorough psychological method, for consciousness to confront its shadow. In the end this must lead to some kind of union, even though the union consists at first in an open conflict, and often remains so for a long time. It is a struggle that cannot be abolished by rational means. When it is wilfully repressed it continues in the unconscious and merely expresses itself indirectly and all the more dangerously, so no advantage is gained. The struggle goes on until the opponents run out of breath. What the outcome will be can never be seen in advance. The only certain thing is that both parties will be changed. ~ Carl Jung, CW 14, par. 514.,
189:Happy is the man who can recognize in the work of to-day a connected portion of the work of life and an embodiment of the work of Eternity. The foundations of his confidence are unchangeable, for he has been made a partaker of Infinity. He strenuously works out his daily enterprises because the present is given him for a possession.
   Thus ought man to be an impersonation of the divine process of nature, and to show forth the union of the infinite with the finite, not slighting his temporal existence, remembering that in it only is individual action possible, nor yet shutting out from his view that which is eternal, knowing that Time is a mystery which man cannot endure to contemplate until eternal Truth enlighten it. ~ James Clerk Maxwell,
190:I Have A Hundred Lives:::

I have a hundred lives before me yet
To grasp thee in, O spirit ethereal,
Be sure I will with heart insatiate
Pursue thee like a hunter through them all.

Thou yet shalt turn back on the eternal way
And with awakened vision watch me come
Smiling a little at errors past, and lay
Thy eager hand in mine, its proper home.

Meanwhile made happy by thy happiness
I shall approach thee in things and people dear
And in thy spirit's motions half-possess
Loving what thou hast loved, shall feel thee near,

Until I lay my hands on thee indeed
Somewhere among the stars, as 'twas decreed. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, 180,
191:If you develop steady study habits, regular reviews will help you avoid cramming for exams. It will also help you avoid test anxiety and make you more effective. Reviewing your notes on a regular basis may seem like empty repetition. Arguably, at its best, it is a ritual for thinking, it is an opportunity to make connections, it affords time to absorb information and a methodically means for reflecting on what it all means. Read difficult stuff two, three, or more times until you understand the material. If you understand the material you can explain it to Mom or a stranger, to the resident specialist or the village idiot. If you are having problems, get help immediately. Meet with your instructor after class, find an alternate text to supplement required readings, or hire a tutor. ~ Dr Robert A Hatch, How to Study,
192:Because children have abounding vitality,
because they are in spirit fierce and free,
therefore they want things repeated and unchanged.
They always say, "Do it again";
and the grown-up person does it again
until he is nearly dead.
For grown-up people are not strong enough
to exult in monotony.

But perhaps God is strong enough
to exult in monotony.
It is possible that God says every morning,
"Do it again"
to the sun; and every evening,
"Do it again" to the moon.
It may not be automatic necessity
that makes all daisies alike;
it may be that God makes every daisy separately,
but has never got tired of making them.

It may be that He has the eternal appetite of infancy;
for we have sinned and grown old,
and our Father is younger than we."
~ G K Chesterton, Orthodoxy,
193:A smile costs nothing but gives much
   It enriches those who receive
   Without making poorer those who give
   It takes but a moment,
   But the memory of it sometimes
   Lasts forever
   None is so rich or mighty that
   He can get along without it,
   And none is so poor but that
   He can be made rich by it
   A smile creates happiness in the home,
   Fosters good will in business,
   And is the countersign of friendship
   It brings rest to the weary,
   Cheer to the discouraged,
   Sunshine to the sad and it is natures
   Best antidote for trouble
   Yet it cannot be bought, begged,
   Borrowed, or stolen, for it is
   Something that is of no value
   To anyone until it is given away.
   Some people are too tired to give you a smile
   Give them one of yours
   As none needs a smile
   So much as he who has no more to be give.
   ~ Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch?,
194:Sweet Mother,
   What exactly is the soul or psychic being? And what is meant by the evolution of the psychic being? What is its relation to the Supreme?

   The soul and the psychic being are not exactly the same thing, although their essence is the same.
   The soul is the divine spark that dwells at the centre of each being; it is identical with its Divine Origin; it is the divine in man.
   The psychic being is formed progressively around this divine centre, the soul, in the course of its innumerable lives in the terrestrial evolution, until the time comes when the psychic being, fully formed and wholly awakened, becomes the conscious sheath of the soul around which it is formed. And thus identified with the Divine, it becomes His perfect instrument in the world. 16 July 1960 ~ The Mother, Some Answers From The Mother, 244,
195:Calm, even if it seems at first only a negative thing, is so difficult to attain, that to have it at all must be regarded as a great step in advance.
   "In reality, calm is not a negative thing, it is the very nature of the Sat-Purusha and the positive foundation of the divine consciousness. Whatever else is aspired for and gained, this must be kept. Even Knowledge, Power, Ananda, if they come and do not find this foundation, are unable to remain and have to withdraw until the divine purity and peace of the Sat-Purusha are permanently there.
   "Aspire for the rest of the divine consciousness, but with a calm and deep aspiration. It can be ardent as well as calm, but not impatient, restless or full of rajasic eagerness.
   "Only in the quiet mind and being can the supramental Truth build its true creation." ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1954,
196:Our life's uncertain way winds circling on,
Our mind's unquiet search asks always light,
Till they have learned their secret in their source,
In the light of the Timeless and its spaceless home,
In the joy of the Eternal sole and one.
But now the Light supreme is far away:
Our conscious life obeys the Inconscient's laws;
To ignorant purposes and blind desires
Our hearts are moved by an ambiguous force;
Even our mind's conquests wear a battered crown.
A slowly changing order binds our will.
This is our doom until our souls are free.
A mighty Hand then rolls mind's firmaments back,
Infinity takes up the finite's acts
And Nature steps into the eternal Light.
Then only ends this dream of nether life. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, 02.05,
197:Often he went to the workshop, to encourage the assistant Erich, who continued working at the altar and eagerly awaited his master's return. Sometimes the Abbot unlocked Goldmund's room, where the Mary figure stood, lifted the cloth from the figure carefully and stayed with her awhile. He knew nothing of the figure's origin; Goldmund had never told him Lydia's story. But he felt everything; he saw that the girl's form had long lived in Goldmund's heart. Perhaps he had seduced her, perhaps betrayed and left her. But, truer than the most faithful husband, he had taken her along in his soul, preserving her image until finally, perhaps after many years in which he had never seen her again, he had fashioned this beautiful, touching statue of a girl and captured in her face, her bearing, her hands all the tenderness, admiration, and longing of their love.

   ~ Hermann Hesse, Narcissus and Goldmund,
198:When I am working on a book or a story I write every morning as soon after first light as possible. There is no one to disturb you and it is cool or cold and you come to your work and warm as you write. You read what you have written and, as you always stop when you know what is going to happen next, you go on from there. You write until you come to a place where you still have your juice and know what will happen next and you stop and try to live through until the next day when you hit it again. You have started at six in the morning, say, and may go on until noon or be through before that. When you stop you are as empty, and at the same time never empty but filling, as when you have made love to someone you love. Nothing can hurt you, nothing can happen, nothing means anything until the next day when you do it again. It is the wait until the next day that is hard to get through. ~ Ernest Hemingway,
199:January 7, 1914
GIVE them all, O Lord, Thy peace and light, open their blinded eyes and their darkened understanding; calm their futile worries and their vain anxieties. Turn their gaze away from themselves and give them the joy of being consecrated to Thy work without calculation or mental reservation. Let Thy beauty flower in all things, awaken Thy love in all hearts, so that Thy eternally progressive order may be realised upon earth and Thy harmony be spread until the day all becomes Thyself in perfect purity and peace.

Oh! let all tears be wiped away, all suffering relieved, all anguish dispelled, and let calm serenity dwell in every heart and powerful certitude strengthen every mind. Let Thy life flow through all like a regenerating stream that all may turn to Thee and draw from that contemplation the energy for all victories. ~ The Mother, Prayers And Meditations,
200:Thou must teach us the path to be followed and Thou must give us the power to follow it to the very end. . . .
   O Thou source of all love and all light, Thou whom we cannot know in Thyself but can manifest ever more completely and perfectly, Thou whom we cannot conceive but can approach in profound silence, to complete Thy incommensurable boons Thou must come to our help until we have gained Thy victory. . . .
   Let that true love be born which soothes all suffering; establish that immutable peace wherein resides true power; give us the sovereign knowledge which dispels all darkness. . . .
   From the infinite depths to this most external body, in its smallest elements, Thou dost move and live and vibrate and set all in motion, and the whole being is now only a single block, infinitely multiple yet absolutely coherent, animated by one tremendous vibration: Thou.
   ~ The Mother, Prayers And Meditations,
201:On the exoteric side if necessary the mind should be trained by the study of any well-developed science, such as chemistry, or mathematics. The idea of organization is the first step, that of interpretation the second. The Master of the Temple, whose grade corresponds to Binah, is sworn to interpret every phenomenon as a particular dealing of God with his soul. {85} But even the beginner may attempt this practice with advantage. Either a fact fits in or it does not; if it does not, harmony is broken; and as the Universal harmony cannot be broken, the discord must be in the mind of the student, thus showing that he is not in tune with that Universal choir. Let him then puzzle out first the great facts, then the little; until one summer, when he is bald and lethargic after lunch, he understands and appreciates the existence of flies!
   ~ Aleister Crowley, Liber ABA, Book 4, Part II, The Cup,
202:The usual sadhanas have for aim the union with the Supreme Consciousness (Sat-chit-ananda). And those who reach there are satisfied with their own liberation and leave the world to its unhappy plight. On the contrary, Sri Aurobindo's sadhana starts where the others end. Once the union with the Supreme is realised one must bring down that realisation to the exterior world and change the conditions of life upon the earth until a total transformation is accomplished. In accordance with this aim, the sadhaks of the integral yoga do not retire from the world to lead a life of contemplation and meditation. Each one must devote at least one third of his time to a useful work. All activities are represented in the Ashram and each one chooses the work most congenial to his nature, but must do it in a spirit of service and unselfishness, keeping always in view the aim of integral transformation. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother I,
203:4. Crossing the First Threshold:With the personifications of his destiny to guide and aid him, the hero goes forward in his adventure until he comes to the 'threshold guardian' at the entrance to the zone of magnified power. Such custodians bound the world in four directions-also up and down-standing for the limits of the hero's present sphere, or life horizon. Beyond them is darkness, the unknown and danger; just as beyond the parental watch is danger to the infant and beyond the protection of his society danger to the members of the tribe. The usual person is more than content, he is even proud, to remain within the indicated bounds, and popular belief gives him every reason to fear so much as the first step into the unexplored. The adventure is always and everywhere a passage beyond the veil of the known into the unknown; the powers that watch at the boundary are dangerous; to deal with them is risky; yet for anyone with competence and courage the danger fades. ~ Joseph Campbell,
204:The best way to overcome it [the fear of death]-so at least it seems to me-is to make your interests gradually wider and more impersonal, until bit by bit the walls of the ego recede, and your life becomes increasingly merged in the universal life. An individual human existence should be like a river: small at first, narrowly contained within its banks, and rushing passionately past rocks and over waterfalls. Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the waters flow more quietly, and in the end, without any visible break, they become merged in the sea, and painlessly lose their individual being. The man who, in old age, can see his life in this way, will not suffer from the fear of death, since the things he cares for will continue. And if, with the decay of vitality, weariness increases, the thought of rest will not be unwelcome. I should wish to die while still at work, knowing that others will carry on what I can no longer do and content in the thought that what was possible has been done. ~ Bertrand Russell,
205:There are two Paths to the Innermost: the Way of the Mystic, which is the way of devotion and meditation, a solitary and subjective path; and the way of the occultist, which is the way of the intellect, of concentration, and of trained will; upon this path the co-operation of fellow workers is required, firstly for the exchange of knowledge, and secondly because ritual magic plays an important part in this work, and for this the assistance of several is needed in most of the greater operations. The mystic derives his knowledge through the direct communion of his higher self with the Higher Powers; to him the wisdom of the occultist is foolishness, for his mind does not work in that way; but, on the other hand, to a more intellectual and extrovert type, the method of the mystic is impossible until long training has enabled him to transcend the planes of form. We must therefore recognize these two distinct types among those who seek the Way of Initiation, and remember that there is a path for each. ~ Dion Fortune, Esoteric Orders and Their Work and The Training and Work of the Initiate,
206:The alchemist of today is not hidden in caves and cellars, studying alone, but as he goes on with his work, it is seen that walls are built around him, and while he is in the world, like the master of old, he is not of it. As he goes further in his work, the light of other people's advice and outside help grows weaker and weaker, until finally he stands alone in darkness, and then comes the time that he must use his own lamp, and the various experiments which he has carried on must be his guide. He must take the Elixir of Life which he has developed and with it fill the lamp of his spiritual consciousness, and holding that above his head, walk into the Great Unknown, where if he has been a good and faithful servant, he will learn of the alchemy of Divinity. Where now test tubes and bottles are his implements, then worlds and globes he will study, and as a silent watcher will learn from that Divine One, who is the Great Alchemist of all the universe, the greatest alchemy of all, the creation of life, the maintenance of form, and the building of worlds. ~ Manly P Hall, The Initiates of the Flame,
207:In the depths of your consciousness is the psychic being, the temple of the Divine within you. This is the centre round which should come about the unification of all these divergent parts, all these contradictory movements of your being. Once you have got the consciousness of the psychic being and its aspiration, these doubts and difficulties can be destroyed. It takes more or less time, but you will surely succeed in the end. Once you have turned to the Divine, saying, "I want to be yours", and the Divine has said, "Yes", the whole world cannot keep you from it. When the central being has made its surrender, the chief difficulty has disappeared. The outer being is like a crust. In ordinary people the crust is so hard and thick that they are not conscious of the Divine within them. If once, even for a moment only, the inner being has said, "I am here and I am yours", then it is as though a bridge has been built and little by little the crust becomes thinner and thinner until the two parts are wholly joined and the inner and the outer become one. ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1929-1931,
208:The Profound Definitive Meaning :::
For the mind that masters view the emptiness dawns
In the content seen not even an atom exists
A seer and seen refined until they're gone
This way of realizing view, it works quite well

When meditation is clear light river flow
There is no need to confine it to sessions and breaks
Meditator and object refined until they're gone
This heart bone of meditation, it beats quite well

When you're sure that conducts work is luminous light
And you're sure that interdependence is emptiness
A doer and deed refined until they're gone
This way of working with conduct, it works quite well

When biased thinking has vanished into space
No phony facades, eight dharmas, nor hopes and fears,
A keeper and kept refined until they're gone
This way of keeping samaya, it works quite well

When you've finally discovered your mind is dharmakaya
And you're really doing yourself and others good
A winner and won refined until they're gone
This way of winning results, it works quite well. ~ Jetsun Milarepa,
209:Do not be over-eager for experience, - for experiences you can always get, having once broken the barrier between the physical mind and the subtle planes. What you have to aspire for most is the improved quality of the recipient consciousness in you - discrimination in the mind, the unattached impersonal Witness look on all that goes on in you and around you, purity in the vital, calm equanimity, enduring patience, absence of pride and the sense of greatness - and more especially, the development of the psychic being in you - surrender, self-giving, psychic humility, devotion. It is a consciousness made up of these things, cast in this mould that can bear without breaking, stumbling or deviation into error the rush of lights, powers and experiences from the supraphysical planes. An entire perfection in these respects is hardly possible until the whole nature from the highest mind to the subconscient physical is made one in the light that is greater than Mind; but a sufficient foundation and a consciousness always self-observant, vigilant and growing in these things is indispensable
   - for perfect purification is the basis of the perfect siddhi. ~ ?,
210:A word that rose to honor at the time of the Renaissance, and that summarized in advance the whole program of modern civilization is 'humanism'. Men were indeed concerned to reduce everything to purely human proportions, to eliminate every principle of a higher order, and, one might say, symbolically to turn away from the heavens under pretext of conquering the earth; the Greeks, whose example they claimed to follow, had never gone as far in this direction, even at the time of their greatest intellectual decadence, and with them utilitarian considerations had at least never claimed the first place, as they were very soon to do with the moderns. Humanism was form of what has subsequently become contemporary secularism; and, owing to its desire to reduce everything to the measure of man as an end in himself, modern civilization has sunk stage by stage until it has reached the level of the lowest elements in man and aims at little more than satisfying the needs inherent in the material side of his nature, an aim that is in any case quite illusory since it constantly creates more artificial needs than it can satisfy. ~ Rene Guenon, The Crisis of the Modern World
211:Prayer helps to prepare this relation for us at first on the lower plane even while it is there consistent with much that is mere egoism and self-delusion; but afterwards we can draw towards the spiritual truth which is behind it. It is not then the giving of the thing asked for that matters, but the relation itself, the contact of mans life with God, the conscious interchange. In spiritual matters and in the seeking of spiritual gains, this conscious relation is a great power; it is a much greater power than our own entirely self-reliant struggle and effort and it brings a fuller spiritual growth and experience. Necessarily, in the end prayer either ceases in the greater thing for which it prepared us, -- in fact the form we call prayer is not itself essential so long as the faith, the will, the aspiration are there, -- or remains only for the joy of the relation. Also its objects, the artha or interest it seeks to realise, become higher and higher until we reach the highest motiveless devotion, which is that of divine love pure and simple without any other demand or longing.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Yoga of Divine Love,
212:Meditation is a deliberate attempt to pierce into the higher states of consciousness and finally go beyond it. The art of meditation is the art of shifting the focus of attention to ever subtler levels, without losing one's grip on the levels left behind. In a way it is like having death under control. One begins with the lowest levels: social circumstances, customs and habits; physical surroundings, the posture and the breathing of the body, the senses, their sensation s and perceptions; the mind, its thoughts and feelings; until the entire mechanism of personality is grasped and firmly held. The final stage of meditation is reached when the sense of identity goes beyond the 'I-am-so-and-so', beyond 'so-l-am', beyond 'I-am-the-witness-only', beyond 'there-is', beyond all ideas into the impersonally personal pure being. But you must be energetic when you take to meditation. It is definitely not a part-time occupation. Limit your interests and activities to what is needed for you and your dependents' barest needs.
Save all your energies and time for breaking the wall your mind had built around you. Believe me, you will not regret. ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj,
213:the three results of effective practice: devotion, the central liberating knowledge and purification of ego; ::: leads straight and inevitably towards the highest devotion possible;.. There is bound up a growing sense of the Divine in all things, a deepening communion with the Divine in all our through, will and action and at every moment of our lives, a more and more moved conscecration to the Divine of the totality of our being...., the practice of this Yoga demands a constant inward remembrance of the one central liberating knowledge, ... In all is the one Self, the one Divine is all; all are in the Divine, all are the Divine and there is nothing else in the universe, - this thought or this faith is the whole background until it becomes the whole substance of the consciousness of the worker. ...
   Lastly, the practice of this Yoga of sacrifice compels us to renounce all the inner supports of egoism, casting them out of our mind and will and actions, and to eliminate its seed, its presence, its influence out of our nature. All must be done for the Divine; all must be directed towards the Divine.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Sacrifice, The Triune Path and the Lord of the Sacrifice [T1],
214:I accept, will not give up, and will practice each of the Three Jewels,
   And will not let go of my guru or my yidam deity.
   As the samaya of the Buddha, first among the Three Jewels,
   I will apply myself to the true, essential reality.
   As the samaya of sacred Dharma, second among the Three Jewels,
   I will distill the very essence of all the vehicles' teachings.
   As the samaya of the Sangha, the third and final Jewel,
   I will look upon reality; I will behold pure awareness.
   And as the samaya of the guru and the yidam deity,
   I will take my very own mind, my pure mind, as a witness.
   Generally speaking, the Three Jewels should be regarded as the ultimate place to take refuge. As was taught in the section on taking refuge, your mind should be focused one-pointedly, with all your hopes and trust placed in their care. The gurus are a lamp that dispels the darkness of ignorance.
   As the guides who lead you along the path to liberation, they are your sole source of refuge and protection, from now until you attain enlightenment.
   For these reasons, you should act with unwavering faith, pure view and devotion, and engage in the approach and accomplishment of the divine yidam deity. ~ Dzogchen Rinpoche III, Great Perfection Outer and Inner Preliminaries,
   Sweet Mother, Is it possible to have control over oneself during sleep? For example, if I want to see you in my dreams, can I do it at will?

Control during sleep is entirely possible and it is progressive if you persist in the effort. You begin by remembering your dreams, then gradually you remain more and more conscious during your sleep, and not only can you control your dreams but you can guide and organise your activities during sleep.

   If you persist in your will and your effort, you are sure to learn how to come and find me at night during your sleep and afterwards to remember what has happened.

   For this, two things are necessary, which you must develop by aspiration and by calm and persistent effort.

   (1) Concentrate your thought on the will to come and find me; then pursue this thought, first by an effort of imagination, afterwards in a tangible and increasingly real way, until you are in my presence.

   (2) Establish a sort of bridge between the waking and the sleeping consciousness, so that when you wake up you remember what has happened.

It may be that you succeed immediately, but more often it takes a certain time and you must persist in the effort. 25 September 1959

   ~ The Mother, Some Answers From The Mother, 226,
216:The third operation in any magical ceremony is the oath or proclamation. The Magician, armed and ready, stands in the centre of the Circle, and strikes once upon the bell as if to call the attention of the Universe. He then declares who he is, reciting his magical history by the proclamation of the grades which he has attained, giving the signs and words of those grades. He then states the purpose of the ceremony, and proves that it is necessary to perform it and to succeed in its performance. He then takes an oath before the Lord of the Universe (not before the particular Lord whom he is invoking) as if to call Him to witness the act. He swears solemnly that he will perform it-that nothing shall prevent him from performing it-that he will not leave the operation until it is successfully performed-and once again he strikes upon the bell. Yet, having demonstrated himself in that position at once infinitely lofty and infinitely unimportant, the instrument of destiny, he balances this by the Confession, in which there is again an infinite exaltation harmonised with an infinite humility. He admits himself to be a weak human being humbly aspiring to something higher; a creature of circumstance utterly dependent-even for the breath of life-upon a series of fortunate accidents.
   ~ Aleister Crowley, Liber ABA,
217:The sadhaka of the integral Yoga will make use of all these aids according to his nature; but it is necessary that he should shun their limitations and cast from himself that exclusive tendency of egoistic mind which cries, "My God, my Incarnation, my Prophet, my Guru," and opposes it to all other realisation in a sectarian or a fanatical spirit. All sectarianism, all fanaticism must be shunned; for it is inconsistent with the integrity of the divine realisation.
   On the contrary, the sadhaka of the integral Yoga will not be satisfied until he has included all other names and forms of Deity in his own conception, seen his own Ishta Devata in all others, unified all Avatars in the unity of Him who descends in the Avatar, welded the truth in all teachings into the harmony of the Eternal Wisdom.
   Nor should he forget the aim of these external aids which is to awaken his soul to the Divine within him. Nothing has been finally accomplished if that has not been accomplished. It is not sufficient to worship Krishna, Christ or Buddha without, if there is not the revealing and the formation of the Buddha, the Christ or Krishna in ourselves. And all other aids equally have no other purpose; each is a bridge between man's unconverted state and the revelation of the Divine within him. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga,
218:For this is the other face of the psychic: not only is it joy and sweetness, but also quiet strength, as if it were forever above every possible tragedy - an invulnerable master. In this case, too, the details of a scene can be indelibly engraved. But what passes on to the next life is not so much the details as the essence of the scene: we will be struck by certain repetitive patterns of events or deadlocked situations that have an air of déjà vu and seem surrounded by an aura of fatality - for what has not been overcome in the past returns again and again, each time with a slightly different appearance, but basically always identical, until we confront the old knot and untie it. Such is the law of inner progress. Generally, however, the memory of actual physical circumstances does not remain, because, although our small surface consciousness makes much of them, they are, after all, of little significance. There is even a spontaneous mechanism that erases the profusion of useless past memories, just as those of the present life soon become eradicated. If we glance behind us, without thinking, what is actually left of our present life? A nebulous mass with perhaps two or three outstanding images; all the rest is blotted out. This is likewise the case for the soul and its past lives.
   ~ Satprem, Sri Aurobindo Or The Adventure Of Consciousness,
219:All advance in thought is made by collecting the greatest possible number of facts, classifying them, and grouping them.
   The philologist, though perhaps he only speaks one language, has a much higher type of mind than the linguist who speaks twenty.
   This Tree of Thought is exactly paralleled by the tree of nervous structure.
   Very many people go about nowadays who are exceedingly "well-informed," but who have not the slightest idea of the meaning of the facts they know. They have not developed the necessary higher part of the brain. Induction is impossible to them.
   This capacity for storing away facts is compatible with actual imbecility. Some imbeciles have been able to store their memories with more knowledge than perhaps any sane man could hope to acquire.
   This is the great fault of modern education - a child is stuffed with facts, and no attempt is made to explain their connection and bearing. The result is that even the facts themselves are soon forgotten.
   Any first-rate mind is insulted and irritated by such treatment, and any first-rate memory is in danger of being spoilt by it.
   No two ideas have any real meaning until they are harmonized in a third, and the operation is only perfect when these ideas are contradictory. This is the essence of the Hegelian logic.
   ~ Aleister Crowley, Liber ABA, Book 4, The Cup,
220:It is also the story of a book, a book called The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy - not an Earth book, never published on Earth, and until the terrible catastrophe occurred, never seen or heard of by any Earthman.

   Nevertheless, a wholly remarkable book.
in fact it was probably the most remarkable book ever to come out of the great publishing houses of Ursa Minor - of which no Earthman had ever heard either.

   Not only is it a wholly remarkable book, it is also a highly successful one - more popular than the Celestial Home Care Omnibus, better selling than Fifty More Things to do in Zero Gravity, and more controversial than Oolon Colluphid's trilogy of philosophical blockbusters Where God Went Wrong, Some More of God's Greatest Mistakes and Who is this God Person Anyway?

   In many of the more relaxed civilizations on the Outer Eastern Rim of the Galaxy, the Hitch Hiker's Guide has already supplanted the great Encyclopedia Galactica as the standard repository of all knowledge and wisdom, for though it has many omissions and contains much that is apocryphal, or at least wildly inaccurate, it scores over the older, more pedestrian work in two important respects.

   First, it is slightly cheaper; and secondly it has the words Don't Panic inscribed in large friendly letters on its cover.
~ Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy,
The Actual Practice:The Yoga of Meditative Equipoise
Part II

The Yoga of the Speech Recitation
The next section explains the yoga of vajra recitation in seven parts:
(1) general understanding, (2) the particular necessity for practice, (3) the actual nature of the recitation, (4) different types of recitation, (5) the manner of reciting the mantra, (6) number of recitations and (7) activity upon completion.
General Understanding
A general understanding of the yoga of vajra recitation is approached by considering the object that needs to be purified by the yoga, the means of purification and the result. The object that needs to be purified through the yoga of speech is the habit of perceiving all sounds-names, words, syllables and anything that is spoken-as merely ordinary sounds with ordinary meanings.
Simply stated, the object to purify is your present, obscured experience of speech and the habitual instincts that accompany it.
The practice of mantra recitation purifies this impure experience and results in pure, vajra-like speech. One achieves the Sambhogakaya and becomes imbued with the sixty qualities of the Buddha's speech. All of one's words become pleasing, meaningful and helpful. The means of purification is to recite the mantra, the pure sounds which the buddhas have given to us, over and over until they are like a spinning wheel of sound. ~ Gyatrul Rinpoche, Generating the DeityZ,
222:To prepare for Astral Magic a temple or series of temples needs to be erected on the plane of visualized imagination. Such temples can take any convenient form although some magicians prefer to work with an exact simulacrum of their physical temple. The astral temple is visualized in fine detail and should contain all the equipment required for ritual or at least cupboards where any required instruments can be found.
   Any objects visualized into the temple should always remain there for subsequent inspection unless specifically dissolved or removed. The most important object in the temple is the magician's image of himself working in it. At first it may seem that he is merely manipulating a puppet of himself in the temple but with persistence this should give way to a feeling of actually being there. Before beginning Astral Magic proper, the required temple and instruments together with an image of the magician moving about in it should be built up by a repeated series of visualizations until all the details are perfect. Only when this is complete should the magician begin to use the temple. Each conjuration that is performed should be planned in advance with the same attention to detail as in Ritual Magic. The various acts of astral evocation, divination, enchantment, invocation and illumination take on a similar general form to the acts of Ritual Magic which the magician adapts for astral work. ~ Peter J Carroll, Liber Kaos [T2],
223:When the Peace is established, this higher or Divine Force from above can descend and work in us. It descends usually first into the head and liberates the inner mind mind centres, then into the heart centre and liberates fully the psychic and emotional being, then into the navel and other vital centres and liberates the inner vital, then into the Muladhara and below and liberates the inner vital, then into the navel and other vital centres and liberates the inner physical being. It works at the same time for perfection as well as liberation; it takes up the whole nature part by part and deals with it, rejecting what has to be rejected, sublimating what has to be sublimated, creating what has to be created. It integrates, harmonises, establishes a new rhythm in the nature. It can bring down too a higher and yet higher force and range of the higher nature until, if that be the aim of the sadhana, it becomes possible to bring down the supramental force and existence. All this is prepared, assistance, farthered by the work of the psychic being in the heart centre; the more it is open, in front, active, the quicker, safer, easier the working of the Force can be. The more love and bhakti and surrender grow in the heart, the more rapid and perfect becomes the evolution of the sadhana. For the descent and transformation imply at the same time an increasing contact and union with the Divine. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Mother With Letters On The Mother,
224:But even when the desire to know exists in the requisite strength, the mental vision by which abstract truth is recognised is hard to distinguish from vivid imaginability and consonance with mental habits. It is necessary to practise methodological doubt, like Descartes, in order to loosen the hold of mental habits; and it is necessary to cultivate logical imagination, in order to have a number of hypotheses at command, and not to be the slave of the one which common sense has rendered easy to imagine. These two processes, of doubting the familiar and imagining the unfamiliar, are correlative, and form the chief part of the mental training required for a philosopher.

The naïve beliefs which we find in ourselves when we first begin the process of philosophic reflection may turn out, in the end, to be almost all capable of a true interpretation; but they ought all, before being admitted into philosophy, to undergo the ordeal of sceptical criticism. Until they have gone through this ordeal, they are mere blind habits, ways of behaving rather than intellectual convictions. And although it may be that a majority will pass the test, we may be pretty sure that some will not, and that a serious readjustment of our outlook ought to result. In order to break the dominion of habit, we must do our best to doubt the senses, reason, morals, everything in short. In some directions, doubt will be found possible; in others, it will be checked by that direct vision of abstract truth upon which the possibility of philosophical knowledge depends. ~ Bertrand Russell, Our Knowledge of the External World,
225:need for the soul's spiritualization :::
   And yet even the leading of the inmost psychic being is not found sufficient until it has succeeded in raising itself out of this mass of inferior Nature to the highest spiritual levels and the divine spark and flame descended here have rejoined themselves to their original fiery Ether. For there is there no longer a spiritual consciousness still imperfect and half lost to itself in the thick sheaths of human mind, life and body, but the full spiritual consciousness in its purity, freedom and intense wideness. There, as it is the eternal Knower that becomes the Knower in us and mover and user of all knowledge, so it is the eternal All-Blissful who is the Adored attracting to himself the eternal divine portion of his being and joy that has gone out into the play of the universe, the infinite Lover pouring himself out in the multiplicity of his own manifested selves in a happy Oneness. All Beauty in the world is there the beauty of the Beloved, and all forms of beauty have to stand under the light of that eternal Beauty and submit themselves to the sublimating and transfiguring power of the unveiled Divine Perfection. All Bliss and Joy are there of the All-Blissful, and all inferior forms of enjoyment, happiness or pleasure are subjected to the shock of the intensity of its floods or currents and either they are broken to pieces as inadequate things under its convicting stress or compelled to transmute themselves into the forms of the Divine Ananda. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Ascent of the Sacrifice - 2, 168,
226:The Nirmanakaya manifestation of Amitabha, I,
the Indian Scholar, the Lotus Born,
From the self-blossoming center of a lotus,
Came to this realm of existence through miraculous powers
To be the prince of the king of Oddiyana.
Then, I sustained the kingdom in accordance with Dharma.
Wandering throughout all directions of India,
I severed all spiritual doubts without exception.
Engaging in fearless activity in the eight burial grounds,
I achieved all supreme and common siddhis.
Then, according to the wishes of King Trisong Detsen
And by the power of previous prayers, I journeyed to Tibet.
By subduing the cruel gods, nagas, yakshas, rakshas,
and all spirits who harm beings,
The light of the teachings of secret mantra has been illuminated.
Then, when the time came to depart for the continent of Lanka,
I did so to provide refuge from the fear of rakshas
For all the inhabitants of this world, including Tibet.
I blessed Nirmanakaya emanations to be representatives of my body.
I made sacred treasures as representatives of my holy speech.
I poured enlightened wisdom into the hearts of those with fortunate karma.
Until samsara is emptied, for the benefit of sentient beings,
I will manifest unceasingly in whatever ways are necessary.
Through profound kindness, I have brought great benefit for all.
If you who are fortunate have the mind of aspiration,
May you pray so that blessings will be received.
All followers, believe in me with determination.
Samaya. ~ The Wrathful Compassion of Guru Dorje Drollo, Vajra Master Dudjom Yeshe Dorje, translated by Dungse Thinley Norbu Rinpoche,
227:[4:131] A human being is a material system which time, a form of energy, enters. Probably time enters him also as noos-Mind. Time, the future, contains in it all the events which are going to occur. Therefore when time enters a person as energy, and acting as noos to him, it brings with it in potentium all that will happen to him, like a window shade unrolling to display an unfolding pattern. Events in the future pop into being, into actualization, the present, but until they do, they are not truly real-not yet actualized-but there in an encoded form, like the grooves of an LP before the needle reaches it; the only "music" is where the needle touches-ahead lies only an encoded wiggle along a helical spiral. Thus, dreams deal with the future lying direct ahead, as during the night, the next series of encoded future events begin to move toward actualization: i.e., the present. What is hard to realize is that in a certain very real way these events are inside the person, within his head, so to speak; but only in their potential, encoded form; the arena in which they are actualized is that of space; time, in the present, flows out to fill space-i.e., the spatial universe. This is why we experience déjà vu. We have somehow caught a glimpse now and then of the script unrolling in our head-caught a glimpse in advance, so we feel "I know exactly what I'm going to say next, and what gestures he'll make," etc. Sure; they're encoded-encased, waiting-in time, and time, being energy, has entered you; is burning bright inside, like Blake's tyger. Tyger, tyger, burning bright In the forests of the night. . . . Who framed thy awful symmetry?
   ~ Philip K Dick, Exegesis Of Philip K Dick,
228:For invincible reasons of homogeneity and coherence, the fibers of cosmogenesis require to be prolonged in ourselves far more deeply than flesh and bone. We are not being tossed about and drawn along in the vital current merely by the material surface of our being. But like a subtle fluid, space-time, having drowned our bodies, penetrates our soul. It fills it and impregnates it. It mingles with its powers, until the soul soon no longer knows how to distinguish space-time from its own thoughts. Nothing can escape this flux any longer, for those who know how to see, even though it were the summit of our being, because it can only be defined in terms of increases of consciousness. For is not the very act by which the fine point of our mind penetrates the absolute a phenomenon of emergence? In short, recognized at first in a single point of things, then inevitably having spread to the whole of the inorganic and organic volume of matter, whether we like it or not evolution is now starting to invade the psychic zones of the world.... The human discovers that, in the striking words of Julian Huxley, we are nothing else than evolution become conscious of itself. It seems to me that until it is established in this perspective, the modern mind...will always be restless. For it is on this summit and this summit alone that a resting place and illumination await us.... All evolution becomes conscious of itself deep within us.... Not only do we read the secret of its movements in our slightest acts, but to a fundamental extent we hold it in our own hands: responsible for its past and its future. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, The Phenomenon of Man,
229:The whole crux and difficulty of human life lies here. Man is this mental being, this mental consciousness working as mental force, aware in a way of the universal force and life of which he is part but, because he has not knowledge of its universality or even of the totality of his own being, unable to deal either with life in general or with his own life in a really effective and victorious movement of mastery. He seeks to know Matter in order to be master of the material environment, to know Life in order to be master of the vital existence, to know Mind in order to be master of the great obscure movement of mentality in which he is not only a jet of light of self-consciousness like the animal, but also more and more a flame of growing knowledge. Thus he seeks to know himself in order to be master of himself, to know the world in order to be master of the world. This is the urge of Existence in him, the necessity of the Consciousness he is, the impulsion of the Force that is his life, the secret will of Sachchidananda appearing as the individual in a world in which He expresses and yet seems to deny Himself. To find the conditions under which this inner impulsion is satisfied is the problem man must strive always to resolve and to that he is compelled by the very nature of his own existence and by the Deity seated within him; and until the problem is solved, the impulse satisfied, the human race cannot rest from its labour. Either man must fulfil himself by satisfying the Divine within him or he must produce out of himself a new and greater being who will be more capable of satisfying it. He must either himself become a divine humanity or give place to Superman.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine,
230:Humanity is a peculiar class of life which, in some degree, determines its own destinies; therefore in practical life words and ideas become facts-facts, moreover, which bring about important practical consequences. For instance, many millions of human beings have defined a stroke of lightning as being the "punishment of God" of evil men; other millions have defined it as a "natural, casual, periodical phenomenon"; yet other millions have defined it as an "electric spark." What has been the result of these "non-important" definitions in practical life? In the case of the first definition, when lightning struck a house, the population naturally made no attempt to save the house or anything in it, because to do so would be against the "definition" which proclaims the phenomenon to be a "punishment for evil," any attempt to prevent or check the destruction would be an impious act; the sinner would be guilty of "resisting the supreme law" and would deserve to be punished by death.
   Now in the second instance, a stricken building is treated just as any tree overturned by storm; the people save what they can and try to extinguish the fire. In both instances, the behavior of the populace is the same in one respect; if caught in the open by a storm they take refuge under a tree-a means of safety involving maximum danger but the people do not know it.
   Now in the third instance, in which the population have a scientifically correct definition of lightning, they provide their houses with lightning rods; and if they are caught by a storm in the open they neither run nor hide under a tree; but when the storm is directly over their heads, they put themselves in a position of minimum exposure by lying flat on the ground until the storm has passed. ~ Alfred Korzybski, Manhood of Humanity,
Initial Definitions and Descriptions
Yoga has four powers and objects, purity, liberty, beatitude and perfection. Whosoever has consummated these four mightinesses in the being of the transcendental, universal, lilamaya and individual God is the complete and absolute Yogin.
All manifestations of God are manifestations of the absolute Parabrahman.
The Absolute Parabrahman is unknowable to us, not because It is the nothingness of all that we are, for rather whatever we are in truth or in seeming is nothing but Parabrahman, but because It is pre-existent & supra-existent to even the highest & purest methods and the most potent & illimitable instruments of which soul in the body is capable.
In Parabrahman knowledge ceases to be knowledge and becomes an inexpressible identity. Become Parabrahman, if thou wilt and if That will suffer thee, but strive not to know It; for thou shalt not succeed with these instruments and in this body.
In reality thou art Parabrahman already and ever wast and ever will be. To become Parabrahman in any other sense, thou must depart utterly out of world manifestation and out even of world transcendence.
Why shouldst thou hunger after departure from manifestation as if the world were an evil? Has not That manifested itself in thee & in the world and art thou wiser & purer & better than the Absolute, O mind-deceived soul in the mortal? When That withdraws thee, then thy going hence is inevitable; until Its force is laid on thee, thy going is impossible, cry thy mind never so fiercely & wailingly for departure. Therefore neither desire nor shun the world, but seek the bliss & purity & freedom & greatness of God in whatsoever state or experience or environment.
~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays Divine And Human,
232:To analyse the classes of life we have to consider two very different kinds of phenomena: the one embraced under the collective name-Inorganic chemistry-the other under the collective nameOrganic chemistry, or the chemistry of hydro-carbons. These divisions are made because of the peculiar properties of the elements chiefly involved in the second class. The properties of matter are so distributed among the elements that three of them- Oxygen, Hydrogen, and Carbon-possess an ensemble of unique characteristics. The number of reactions in inorganic chemistry are relatively few, but in organic chemistry-in the chemistry of these three elements the number of different compounds is practically unlimited. Up to 1910, we knew of more than 79 elements of which the whole number of reactions amounted to only a few hundreds, but among the remaining three elements-Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen-the reactions were known to be practically unlimited in number and possibilities; this fact must have very far reaching consequences. As far as energies are concerned, we have to take them as nature reveals them to us. Here more than ever, mathematical thinking is essential and will help enormously. The reactions in inorganic chemistry always involve the phenomenon of heat, sometimes light, and in some instances an unusual energy is produced called electricity. Until now, the radioactive elements represent a group too insufficiently known for an enlargement here upon this subject.
   The organic compounds being unlimited in number and possibilities and with their unique characteristics, represent of course, a different class of phenomena, but being, at the same time, chemical they include the basic chemical phenomena involved in all chemical reactions, but being unique in many other respects, they also have an infinitely vast field of unique characteristics. ~ Alfred Korzybski, Manhood of Humanity, 53,
233:One can concentrate in any of the three centres which is easiest to the sadhak or gives most result. The power of the concentration in the heart-centre is to open that centre and by the power of aspiration, love, bhakti, surrender remove the veil which covers and conceals the soul and bring forward the soul or psychic being to govern the mind, life and body and turn and open them all-fully-to the Divine, removing all that is opposed to that turning and opening.
   This is what is called in this Yoga the psychic transformation. The power of concentration above the head is to bring peace, silence, liberation from the body sense, the identification with mind and life and open the way for the lower (mental vital-physical) consciousness to rise up to meet the higher Consciousness above and for the powers of the higher (spiritual or divine) Consciousness to descend into mind, life and body. This is what is called in this Yoga the spiritual transformation. If one begins with this movement, then the Power from above has in its descent to open all the centres (including the lowest centre) and to bring out the psychic being; for until that is done there is likely to be much difficulty and struggle of the lower consciousness obstructing, mixing with or even refusing the Divine Action from above. If the psychic being is once active this struggle and these difficulties can be greatly minimised. The power of concentration in the eyebrows is to open the centre there, liberate the inner mind and vision and the inner or Yogic consciousness and its experiences and powers. From here also one can open upwards and act also in the lower centres; but the danger of this process is that one may get shut up in one's mental spiritual formations and not come out of them into the free and integral spiritual experience and knowledge and integral change of the being and nature.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II, [where to concentrate?],
234:More often, he listened to the voice of Eros. Sometimes he watched the video feeds too, but usually, he just listened. Over the hours and days, he began to hear, if not patterns, at least common structures. Some of the voices spooling out of the dying station were consistent-broadcasters and entertainers who were overrepresented in the audio files archives, he guessed. There seemed to be some specific tendencies in, for want of a better term, the music of it too. Hours of random, fluting static and snatched bits of phrases would give way, and Eros would latch on to some word or phrase, fixating on it with greater and greater intensity until it broke apart and the randomness poured back in.
"... are, are, are, ARE, ARE, ARE... "
Aren't, Miller thought, and the ship suddenly shoved itself up, leaving Miller's stomach about half a foot from where it had been. A series of loud clanks followed, and then the brief wail of a Klaxon. "Dieu! Dieu!" someone shouted. "Bombs son vamen roja! Going to fry it! Fry us toda!"
There was the usual polite chuckle that the same joke had occasioned over the course of the trip, and the boy who'd made it-a pimply Belter no more than fifteen years old-grinned with pleasure at his own wit. If he didn't stop that shit, someone was going to beat him with a crowbar before they got back to Tycho. But Miller figured that someone wasn't him.
A massive jolt forward pushed him hard into the couch, and then gravity was back, the familiar 0.3 g. Maybe a little more. Except that with the airlocks pointing toward ship's down, the pilot had to grapple the spinning skin of Eros' belly first. The spin gravity made what had been the ceiling the new floor; the lowest rank of couches was now the top; and while they rigged the fusion bombs to the docks, they were all going to have to climb up onto a cold, dark rock that was trying to fling them off into the vacuum.
Such were the joys of sabotage. ~ James S A Corey, Leviathan Wakes,
235:As Korzybski and the general semanticists have pointed out, our words, symbols, signs, thoughts and ideas are merely maps of reality, not reality itself, because "the map is not the territory." The word "water" won't satisfy your thirst.

   But we live in the world of maps and words as if it were the real world. Following in the footsteps of Adam, we have become totally lost in a world of purely fantasy maps and boundaries. And these illusory boundaries, with the opposites they create, have become our impassioned battles.
   Most of our "problems of living," then, are based on the illusion that the opposites can and should be separated and isolated from one another. But since all opposites are actually aspects of one underlying reality, this is like trying to totally separate the two ends of a single rubber band. All you can do is pull harder and harder-until something violently snaps. Thus we might be able to understand that, in all the mystical traditions the world over, one who sees through the illusion of the opposites is called "liberated." Because he is "freed from the pairs" of opposites, he is freed in this life from the fundamentally nonsensical problems and conflicts involved in the war of opposites. He no longer manipulates the opposites one against the other in his search for peace, but instead transcends them both. Not good vs. evil but beyond good and evil. Not life against death but a center of awareness that transcends both. The point is not to separate the opposites and make "positive progress," but rather to unify and harmonize the opposites, both positive and negative, by discovering a ground which transcends and encompasses them both. And that ground, as we will soon see, is unity consciousness itself. In the meantime, let us note, as does the Hindu scripture Bhagavad Gita, that liberation is not freedom from the negative, but freedom from the pairs altogether:
   Content with getting what arrives of itself
   Passed beyond the pairs, free from envy,
   Not attached to success nor failure,
   Even acting, he is not bound.
   He is to be recognized as eternally free
   Who neither loathes nor craves;
   For he that is freed from the pairs,
   Is easily freed from conflict.

   ~ Ken Wilber, No Boundary,
236:One thing is needful. -- To "give style" to one's character-- a great and rare art! It is practiced by those who survey all the strengths and weaknesses of their nature and then fit them into an artistic plan until every one of them appears as art and reason and even weaknesses delight the eye. Here a large mass of second nature has been added; there a piece of original nature has been removed -- both times through long practice and daily work at it. Here the ugly that could not be removed is concealed; there it has been reinterpreted and made sublime. Much that is vague and resisted shaping has been saved and exploited for distant views; it is meant to beckon toward the far and immeasurable. In the end, when the work is finished, it becomes evident how the constraint of a single taste governed and formed everything large and small. Whether this taste was good or bad is less important than one might suppose, if only it was a single taste!

It will be the strong and domineering natures that enjoy their finest gaiety in such constraint and perfection under a law of their own; the passion of their tremendous will relaxes in the face of all stylized nature, of all conquered and serving nature. Even when they have to build palaces and design gardens they demur at giving nature freedom.

Conversely, it is the weak characters without power over themselves that hate the constraint of style. They feel that if this bitter and evil constraint were imposed upon them they would be demeaned; they become slaves as soon as they serve; they hate to serve. Such spirits -- and they may be of the first rank -- are always out to shape and interpret their environment as free nature: wild, arbitrary, fantastic, disorderly, and surprising. And they are well advised because it is only in this way that they can give pleasure to themselves. For one thing is needful: that a human being should attain satisfaction with himself, whether it be by means of this or that poetry or art; only then is a human being at all tolerable to behold. Whoever is dissatisfied with himself is continually ready for revenge, and we others will be his victims, if only by having to endure his ugly sight. For the sight of what is ugly makes one bad and gloomy. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science, mod trans. Walter Kaufmann,
237:This is the real sense and drive of what we see as evolution: the multiplication and variation of forms is only the means of its process. Each gradation contains the possibility and the certainty of the grades beyond it: the emergence of more and more developed forms and powers points to more perfected forms and greater powers beyond them, and each emergence of consciousness and the conscious beings proper to it enables the rise to a greater consciousness beyond and the greater order of beings up to the ultimate godheads of which Nature is striving and is destined to show herself capable. Matter developed its organised forms until it became capable of embodying living organisms; then life rose from the subconscience of the plant into conscious animal formations and through them to the thinking life of man. Mind founded in life developed intellect, developed its types of knowledge and ignorance, truth and error till it reached the spiritual perception and illumination and now can see as in a glass dimly the possibility of supermind and a truthconscious existence. In this inevitable ascent the mind of Light is a gradation, an inevitable stage. As an evolving principle it will mark a stage in the human ascent and evolve a new type of human being; this development must carry in it an ascending gradation of its own powers and types of an ascending humanity which will embody more and more the turn towards spirituality, capacity for Light, a climb towards a divinised manhood and the divine life.
   In the birth of the mind of Light and its ascension into its own recognisable self and its true status and right province there must be, in the very nature of things as they are and very nature of the evolutionary process as it is at present, two stages. In the first, we can see the mind of Light gathering itself out of the Ignorance, assembling its constituent elements, building up its shapes and types, however imperfect at first, and pushing them towards perfection till it can cross the border of the Ignorance and appear in the Light, in its own Light. In the second stage we can see it developing itself in that greater natural light, taking its higher shapes and forms till it joins the supermind and lives as its subordinate portion or its delegate.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays In Philosophy And Yoga, Mind of Light, 587,
238:There is one point in particular I would like to single out and stress, namely, the notion of evolution. It is common to assume that one of the doctrines of the perennial philosophy... is the idea of involution-evolution. That is, the manifest world was created as a "fall" or "breaking away" from the Absolute (involution), but that all things are now returning to the Absolute (via evolution). In fact, the doctrine of progressive temporal return to Source (evolution) does not appear anywhere, according to scholars as Joseph Campbell, until the axial period (i.e. a mere two thousand years ago). And even then, the idea was somewhat convoluted and backwards. The doctrine of the yugas, for example, sees the world as proceeding through various stages of development, but the direction is backward: yesterday was the Golden Age, and time ever since has been a devolutionary slide downhill, resulting in the present-day Kali-Yuga. Indeed, this notion of a historical fall from Eden was ubiquitous during the axial period; the idea that we are, at this moment, actually evolving toward Spirit was simply not conceived in any sort of influential fashion.

But sometime during the modern era-it is almost impossible to pinpoint exactly-the idea of history as devolution (or a fall from God) was slowly replaced by the idea of history as evolution (or a growth towards God). We see it explicitly in Schelling (1775-1854); Hegel (1770-1831) propounded the doctrine with a genius rarely equaled; Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) made evolution a universal law, and his friend Charles Darwin (1809-1882) applied it to biology. We find it next appearing in Aurobindo (1872-1950), who gave perhaps its most accurate and profound spiritual context, and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955) who made it famous in the West.

But here is my point: we might say that the idea of evolution as return-to-Spirit is part of the perennial philosophy, but the idea itself, in any adequate form, is no more than a few hundred years old. It might be 'ancient' as timeless, but it is certainly not ancient as "old."...

This fundamental shift in the sense or form of the perennial philosophy-as represented in, say, Aurobindo, Hegel, Adi Da, Schelling, Teilhard de Chardin, Radhakrishnan, to name a few-I should like to call the "neoperennial philosophy." ~ Ken Wilber, The Eye Of Spirit,
239:The one high and reasonable course for the individual human being, - unless indeed he is satisfied with pursuing his personal purposes or somehow living his life until it passes out of him, - is to study the laws of the Becoming and take the best advantage of them to realise, rationally or intuitionally, inwardly or in the dynamism of life, its potentialities in himself or for himself or in or for the race of which he is a member; his business is to make the most of such actualities as exist and to seize on or to advance towards the highest possibilities that can be developed here or are in the making. Only mankind as a whole can do this with entire effect, by the mass of individual and collective action, in the process of time, in the evolution of the race experience: but the individual man can help towards it in his own limits, can do all these things for himself to a certain extent in the brief space of life allotted to him; but, especially, his thought and action can be a contribution towards the present intellectual, moral and vital welfare and the future progress of the race. He is capable of a certain nobility of being; an acceptance of his inevitable and early individual annihilation does not preclude him from making a high use of the will and thought which have been developed in him or from directing them to great ends which shall or may be worked out by humanity. Even the temporary character of the collective being of humanity does not so very much matter, - except in the most materialist view of existence; for so long as the universal Becoming takes the form of human body and mind, the thought, the will it has developed in its human creature will work itself out and to follow that intelligently is the natural law and best rule of human life. Humanity and its welfare and progress during its persistence on earth provide the largest field and the natural limits for the terrestrial aim of our being; the superior persistence of the race and the greatness and importance of the collective life should determine the nature and scope of our ideals. But if the progress or welfare of humanity be excluded as not our business or as a delusion, the individual is there; to achieve his greatest possible perfection or make the most of his life in whatever way his nature demands will then be life's significance.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, [T1],
240:Satya Sattva - "Sri Yukteswar's intuition was penetrating; heedless of remarks, he often replied to one's unexpressed thoughts. The words a person uses, and the actual thoughts behind them, may be poles apart. 'By calmness,' my guru said, 'try to feel the thoughts behind the confusion of men's verbiage.' [...]

Many teachers talked of miracles but could manifest nothing. Sri Yukteswar seldom mentioned the subtle laws but secretly operated them at will. 'A man of realization doesn't perform any miracle until he receives an inward sanction', master explained. 'God does not wish the secrets of His creation revealed promiscuously. Also, every individual in the world has an inalienable right to his free will. A saint will not encroach on that independence.'

The silence habitual to Sri Yukteswar was caused by his deep perceptions of the Infinite. [...] Because of my guru's unspectacular guise, only a few of his contemporaries recognized him as a superman. The adage: 'He is a fool that cannot conceal his wisdom,' could never be applied to my profound and quiet master. Though born a mortal like all others, Sri Yukteswar achieved identity with the Ruler of time and space. Master found no insuperable obstacles to the mergence of human and Divine. No such barrier exists, I came to understand. [...]

Though my guru's undissembling speech prevented a large following during his years on Earth, nevertheless, through an ever-growing number of sincere students of his teachings, his spirit lives on in the world today. [...]

The disclosures of the Divine insight are often painful to worldly ears. Master was not popular with superficial students. The wise, always few in number, deeply revered him. I daresay Sri Yukteswar would have been the most sought-after guru in India had his speech not been so candid and so censorious. [...]

He added, 'You will go to foreign lands, where blunt assaults on the ego are not appreciated. A teacher could not spread India's message in the West without an ample fund of accommodative patience and forbearance.' [...]

I am immeasurably grateful for the humbling blows he dealt my vanity. I sometimes felt that, metaphorically, he was discovering and uprooting every diseased tooth in my jaw. The hard core of egotism is difficult to dislodge except rudely. With its departure, the Divine finds at last un unobstructed channel. In vain It seeks to percolate through flinty hearts of selfishness. ~ Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi,
241:they are acting all the while in the spirit of rajasic ahaṅkara, persuade themselves that God is working through them and they have no part in the action. This is because they are satisfied with the mere intellectual assent to the idea without waiting for the whole system and life to be full of it. A continual remembrance of God in others and renunciation of individual eagerness (spr.ha) are needed and a careful watching of our inner activities until God by the full light of self-knowledge, jñanadı̄pena bhasvata, dispels all further chance of self-delusion. The danger of tamogun.a is twofold, first, when the Purusha thinks, identifying himself with the tamas in him, "I am weak, sinful, miserable, ignorant, good-for-nothing, inferior to this man and inferior to that man, adhama, what will God do through me?" - as if God were limited by the temporary capacities or incapacities of his instruments and it were not true that he can make the dumb to talk and the lame to cross the hills, mūkaṁ karoti vacalaṁ paṅguṁ laṅghayate girim, - and again when the sadhak tastes the relief, the tremendous relief of a negative santi and, feeling himself delivered from all troubles and in possession of peace, turns away from life and action and becomes attached to the peace and ease of inaction. Remember always that you too are Brahman and the divine Shakti is working in you; reach out always to the realisation of God's omnipotence and his delight in the Lila. He bids Arjuna work lokasaṅgraharthaya, for keeping the world together, for he does not wish the world to sink back into Prakriti, but insists on your acting as he acts, "These worlds would be overpowered by tamas and sink into Prakriti if I did not do actions." To be attached to inaction is to give up our action not to God but to our tamasic ahaṅkara. The danger of the sattvagun.a is when the sadhak becomes attached to any one-sided conclusion of his reason, to some particular kriya or movement of the sadhana, to the joy of any particular siddhi of the yoga, perhaps the sense of purity or the possession of some particular power or the Ananda of the contact with God or the sense of freedom and hungers after it, becomes attached to that only and would have nothing else. Remember that the yoga is not for yourself; for these things, though they are part of the siddhi, are not the object of the siddhi, for you have decided at the beginning to make no claim upon God but take what he gives you freely and, as for the Ananda, the selfless soul will even forego the joy of God's presence, ... ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays In Philosophy And Yoga,
   Going to sleep is a little like dying, a journey taken alone into the unknown. Ordinarily we are not troubled about sleep because we are familiar with it, but think about what it entails. We completely lose ourselves in a void for some period of time, until we arise again in a dream. When we do so, we may have a different identity and a different body. We may be in a strange place, with people we do not know, involved in baffling activities that may seem quite risky.
   Just trying to sleep in an unfamiliar place may occasion anxiety. The place may be perfectly secure and comfortable, but we do not sleep as well as we do at home in familiar surroundings. Maybe the energy of the place feels wrong. Or maybe it is only our own insecurity that disturbs us,and even in familiar places we may feel anxious while waiting for sleep to come, or be frightenedby what we dream. When we fall asleep with anxiety, our dreams are mingled with fear and tension, sleep is less restful, and the practice harder to do. So it is a good idea to create a sense of protection before we sleep and to turn our sleeping area into a sacred space.
   This is done by imagining protective dakinis all around the sleeping area. Visualize the dakinis as beautiful goddesses, enlightened female beings who are loving, green in color, and powerfully protective. They remain near as you fall asleep and throughout the night, like mothers watching over their child, or guardians surrounding a king or queen. Imagine them everywhere, guarding the doors and the windows, sitting next to you on the bed, walking in the garden or the yard, and so on, until you feel completely protected.
   Again, this practice is more than just trying to visualize something: see the dakinis with your mind but also use your imagination to feel their presence. Creating a protective, sacred environment in this way is calming and relaxing and promotes restful sleep. This is how the mystic lives: seeing the magic, changing the environment with the mind, and allowing actions, even actions of the imagination, to have significance.
   You can enhance the sense of peace in your sleeping environment by keeping objects of a sacred nature in the bedroom: peaceful, loving images, sacred and religious symbols, and other objects that direct your mind toward the path.
   The Mother Tantra tells us that as we prepare for sleep we should maintain awareness of the causes of dream, the object to focus upon, the protectors, and of ourselves. Hold these together inawareness, not as many things, but as a single environment, and this will have a great effect in dream and sleep.
   ~ Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, The Tibetan Yogas Of Dream And Sleep,
243:10000 ::: The True Object of Spiritual Seeking:
   To find the Divine is indeed the first reason for seeking the spiritual Truth and the spiritual life; it is the one thing indispensable and all the rest is nothing without it. The Divine once found, to manifest Him,-that is, first of all to transform one's own limited consciousness into the Divine Consciousness, to live in the infinite Peace, Light, Love, Strength, Bliss, to become that in one's essential nature and, as a consequence, to be its vessel, channel, instrument in one's active nature. To bring into activity the principle of oneness on the material plane or to work for humanity is a mental mistranslation of the Truth-these things cannot be the first or true object of spiritual seeking. We must find the Self, the Divine, then only can we know what is the work the Self or the Divine demands from us. Until then our life and action can only be a help or means towards finding the Divine and it ought not to have any other purpose. As we grow in the inner consciousness, or as the spiritual Truth of the Divine grows in us, our life and action must indeed more and more flow from that, be one with that. But to decide beforehand by our limited mental conceptions what they must be is to hamper the growth of the spiritual Truth within. As that grows we shall feel the Divine Light and Truth, the Divine Power and Force, the Divine Purity and Peace working within us, dealing with our actions as well as our consciousness, making use of them to reshape us into the Divine Image, removing the dross, substituting the pure gold of the Spirit. Only when the Divine Presence is there in us always and the consciousness transformed, can we have the right to say that we are ready to manifest the Divine on the material plane. To hold up a mental ideal or principle and impose that on the inner working brings the danger of limiting ourselves to a mental realisation or of impeding or even falsifying by a half-way formation the true growth into the full communion and union with the Divine and the free and intimate outflowing of His will in our life. This is a mistake of orientation to which the mind of today is especially prone. It is far better to approach the Divine for the Peace or Light or Bliss that the realisation of Him gives than to bring in these minor things which can divert us from the one thing needful. The divinisation of the material life also as well as the inner life is part of what we see as the Divine Plan, but it can only be fulfilled by an outflowing of the inner realisation, something that grows from within outward, not by the working out of a mental principle.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II, [T1],
244:One can learn how to identify oneself. One must learn. It is indispensable if one wants to get out of one's ego. For so long as one is shut up in one's ego, one can't make any progress.

How can it be done?

There are many ways. I'll tell you one.

When I was in Paris, I used to go to many places where there were gatherings of all kinds, people making all sorts of researches, spiritual (so-called spiritual), occult researches, etc. And once I was invited to meet a young lady (I believe she was Swedish) who had found a method of knowledge, exactly a method for learning. And so she explained it to us. We were three or four (her French was not very good but she was quite sure about what she was saying!); she said: "It's like this, you take an object or make a sign on a blackboard or take a drawing - that is not important - take whatever is most convenient for you. Suppose, for instance, that I draw for you... (she had a blackboard) I draw a design." She drew a kind of half-geometric design. "Now, you sit in front of the design and concentrate all your attention upon it - upon that design which is there. You concentrate, concentrate without letting anything else enter your consciousness - except that. Your eyes are fixed on the drawing and don't move at all. You are as it were hypnotised by the drawing. You look (and so she sat there, looking), you look, look, look.... I don't know, it takes more or less time, but still for one who is used to it, it goes pretty fast. You look, look, look, you become that drawing you are looking at. Nothing else exists in the world any longer except the drawing, and then, suddenly, you pass to the other side; and when you pass to the other side you enter a new consciousness, and you know."

We had a good laugh, for it was amusing. But it is quite true, it is an excellent method to practise. Naturally, instead of taking a drawing or any object, you may take, for instance, an idea, a few words. You have a problem preoccupying you, you don't know the solution of the problem; well, you objectify your problem in your mind, put it in the most precise, exact, succinct terms possible, and then concentrate, make an effort; you concentrate only on the words, and if possible on the idea they represent, that is, upon your problem - you concentrate, concentrate, concentrate until nothing else exists but that. And it is true that, all of a sudden, you have the feeling of something opening, and one is on the other side. The other side of what?... It means that you have opened a door of your consciousness, and instantaneously you have the solution of your problem. It is an excellent method of learning "how" to identify oneself.

~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1953, 217 [T1],
245:the process of unification, the perfecting our one's instrumental being, the help one needs to reach the goal :::
If we truly want to progress and acquire the capacity of knowing the truth of our being, that is to say, what we are truly created for, what we can call our mission upon earth, then we must, in a very regular and constant manner, reject from us or eliminate in us whatever contradicts the truth of our existence, whatever is opposed to it. In this way, little by little, all the parts, all the elements of our being can be organised into a homogeneous whole around our psychic centre. This work of unification requires much time to be brought to some degree of perfection. Therefore, in order to accomplish it, we must arm ourselves with patience and endurance, with a determination to prolong our life as long as necessary for the success of our endeavor.
   As you pursue this labor of purification and unification, you must at the same time take great care to perfect the external and instrumental part of your being. When the higher truth manifests, it must find in you a mind that is supple and rich enough to be able to give the idea that seeks to express itself a form of thought which preserves its force and clarity. This thought, again, when it seeks to clothe itself in words, must find in you a sufficient power of expression so that the words reveal the thought and do not deform it. And the formula in which you embody the truth should be manifested in all your feelings, all your acts of will, all your actions, in all movements of your being. Finally, these movements themselves should, by constant effort, attain their highest perfection. ... It is therefore of capital importance to become conscious of its presence in us [the psychic being], to concentrate on this presence until it becomes a living fact for us and we can identify ourselves with it.
   In various times and places many methods have been prescribed for attaining this perfection and ultimately achieving this identification. Some methods are psychological, some religious, some even mechanical. In reality, everyone has to find the one which suits him best, and if one has an ardent and steadfast aspiration, a persistent and dynamic will, one is sure to meet, in one way or another - outwardly through reading and study, inwardly through concentration, meditation, revelation and experience - the help one needs to reach the goal. Only one thing is absolutely indispensable: the will to discover and to realize. This discovery and realization should be the primary preoccupation of our being, the pearl of great price which we must acquire at any cost. Whatever you do, whatever your occupations and activities, the will to find the truth of your being and to unite with it must be always living and present behind all that you do, all that you feel, all that you think.
   ~ The Mother, On Education, [T1],
246:3. Conditions internal and external that are most essential for meditation. There are no essential external conditions, but solitude and seculsion at the time of meditation as well as stillness of the body are helpful, sometimes almost necessary to the beginning. But one should not be bound by external conditions. Once the habit of meditation is formed, it should be made possible to do it in all circumstances, lying, sitting, walking, alone, in company, in silence or in the midst of noise etc.
   The first internal condition necessary is concentration of the will against the obstacles to meditation, i.e. wandering of the mind, forgetfulness, sleep, physical and nervous impatience and restlessness etc. If the difficulty in meditation is that thoughts of all kinds come in, that is not due to hostile forces but to the ordinary nature of the human mind. All sadhaks have this difficulty and with many it lasts for a very long time. There are several was of getting rid of it. One of them is to look at the thoughts and observe what is the nature of the human mind as they show it but not to give any sanction and to let them run down till they come to a standstill - this is a way recommended by Vivekananda in his Rajayoga. Another is to look at the thoughts as not one's own, to stand back as the witness Purusha and refuse the sanction - the thoughts are regarded as things coming from outside, from Prakriti, and they must be felt as if they were passers-by crossing the mind-space with whom one has no connection and in whom one takes no interest. In this way it usually happens that after the time the mind divides into two, a part which is the mental witness watching and perfectly undisturbed and quiet and a part in which the thoughts cross or wander. Afterwards one can proceed to silence or quiet the Prakriti part also. There is a third, an active method by which one looks to see where the thoughts come from and finds they come not from oneself, but from outside the head as it were; if one can detect them coming, then, before enter, they have to be thrown away altogether. This is perhaps the most difficult way and not all can do it, but if it can be done it is the shortest and most powerful road to silence. It is not easy to get into the Silence. That is only possible by throwing out all mental-vital activities. It is easier to let the Silence descend into you, i.e., to open yourself and let it descend. The way to do this and the way to call down the higher powers is the same. It is to remain quiet at the time of efforts to pull down the Power or the Silence but keeping only a silent will and aspiration for them. If the mind is active one has to learn to look at it, drawn back and not giving sanction from within, until its habitual or mechanical activities begin to fall quiet for want of support from within. if it is too persistent, a steady rejection without strain or struggle is the one thing to be done.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Autobiographical Notes,
247:But still the greater and wider the moving idea-force behind the consecration, the better for the seeker; his attainment is likely to be fuller and more ample. If we are to attempt an integral Yoga, it will be as well to start with an idea of the Divine that is itself integral. There should be an aspiration in the heart wide enough for a realisation without any narrow limits. Not only should we avoid a sectarian religious outlook, but also all onesided philosophical conceptions which try to shut up the Ineffable in a restricting mental formula. The dynamic conception or impelling sense with which our Yoga can best set out would be naturally the idea, the sense of a conscious all-embracing but all-exceeding Infinite. Our uplook must be to a free, all-powerful, perfect and blissful One and Oneness in which all beings move and live and through which all can meet and become one. This Eternal will be at once personal and impersonal in his self-revelation and touch upon the soul. He is personal because he is the conscious Divine, the infinite Person who casts some broken reflection of himself in the myriad divine and undivine personalities of the universe. He is impersonal because he appears to us as an infinite Existence, Consciousness and Ananda and because he is the fount, base and constituent of all existences and all energies, -the very material of our being and mind and life and body, our spirit and our matter. The thought, concentrating on him, must not merely understand in an intellectual form that he exists, or conceive of him as an abstraction, a logical necessity; it must become a seeing thought able to meet him here as the Inhabitant in all, realise him in ourselves, watch and take hold on the movement of his forces. He is the one Existence: he is the original and universal Delight that constitutes all things and exceeds them: he is the one infinite Consciousness that composes all consciousnesses and informs all their movements; he is the one illimitable Being who sustains all action and experience; his will guides the evolution of things towards their yet unrealised but inevitable aim and plenitude. To him the heart can consecrate itself, approach him as the supreme Beloved, beat and move in him as in a universal sweetness of Love and a living sea of Delight. For his is the secret Joy that supports the soul in all its experiences and maintains even the errant ego in its ordeals and struggles till all sorrow and suffering shall cease. His is the Love and the Bliss of the infinite divine Lover who is drawing all things by their own path towards his happy oneness. On him the Will can unalterably fix as the invisible Power that guides and fulfils it and as the source of its strength. In the impersonality this actuating Power is a self-illumined Force that contains all results and calmly works until it accomplishes, in the personality an all wise and omnipotent Master of the Yoga whom nothing can prevent from leading it to its goal. This is the faith with which the seeker has to begin his seeking and endeavour; for in all his effort here, but most of all in his effort towards the Unseen, mental man must perforce proceed by faith. When the realisation comes, the faith divinely fulfilled and completed will be transformed into an eternal flame of knowledge.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Self-Consecration [83],
248:There is no invariable rule of such suffering. It is not the soul that suffers; the Self is calm and equal to all things and the only sorrow of the psychic being is the sorrow of the resistance of Nature to the Divine Will or the resistance of things and people to the call of the True, the Good and the Beautiful. What is affected by suffering is the vital nature and the body. When the soul draws towards the Divine, there may be a resistance in the mind and the common form of that is denial and doubt - which may create mental and vital suffering. There may again be a resistance in the vital nature whose principal character is desire and the attachment to the objects of desire, and if in this field there is conflict between the soul and the vital nature, between the Divine Attraction and the pull of the Ignorance, then obviously there may be much suffering of the mind and vital parts. The physical consciousness also may offer a resistance which is usually that of a fundamental inertia, an obscurity in the very stuff of the physical, an incomprehension, an inability to respond to the higher consciousness, a habit of helplessly responding to the lower mechanically, even when it does not want to do so; both vital and physical suffering may be the consequence. There is moreover the resistance of the Universal Nature which does not want the being to escape from the Ignorance into the Light. This may take the form of a vehement insistence on the continuation of the old movements, waves of them thrown on the mind and vital and body so that old ideas, impulses, desires, feelings, responses continue even after they are thrown out and rejected, and can return like an invading army from outside, until the whole nature, given to the Divine, refuses to admit them. This is the subjective form of the universal resistance, but it may also take an objective form - opposition, calumny, attacks, persecution, misfortunes of many kinds, adverse conditions and circumstances, pain, illness, assaults from men or forces. There too the possibility of suffering is evident. There are two ways to meet all that - first that of the Self, calm, equality, a spirit, a will, a mind, a vital, a physical consciousness that remain resolutely turned towards the Divine and unshaken by all suggestion of doubt, desire, attachment, depression, sorrow, pain, inertia. This is possible when the inner being awakens, when one becomes conscious of the Self, of the inner mind, the inner vital, the inner physical, for that can more easily attune itself to the divine Will, and then there is a division in the being as if there were two beings, one within, calm, strong, equal, unperturbed, a channel of the Divine Consciousness and Force, one without, still encroached on by the lower Nature; but then the disturbances of the latter become something superficial which are no more than an outer ripple, - until these under the inner pressure fade and sink away and the outer being too remains calm, concentrated, unattackable. There is also the way of the psychic, - when the psychic being comes out in its inherent power, its consecration, adoration, love of the Divine, self-giving, surrender and imposes these on the mind, vital and physical consciousness and compels them to turn all their movements Godward. If the psychic is strong and master...
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - IV, Resistances, Sufferings and Falls, 669,
249:In the process of this change there must be by the very necessity of the effort two stages of its working. First, there will be the personal endeavour of the human being, as soon as he becomes aware by his soul, mind, heart of this divine possibility and turns towards it as the true object of life, to prepare himself for it and to get rid of all in him that belongs to a lower working, of all that stands in the way of his opening to the spiritual truth and its power, so as to possess by this liberation his spiritual being and turn all his natural movements into free means of its self-expression. It is by this turn that the self-conscious Yoga aware of its aim begins: there is a new awakening and an upward change of the life motive. So long as there is only an intellectual, ethical and other self-training for the now normal purposes of life which does not travel beyond the ordinary circle of working of mind, life and body, we are still only in the obscure and yet unillumined preparatory Yoga of Nature; we are still in pursuit of only an ordinary human perfection. A spiritual desire of the Divine and of the divine perfection, of a unity with him in all our being and a spiritual perfection in all our nature, is the effective sign of this change, the precursory power of a great integral conversion of our being and living. By personal effort a precursory change, a preliminary conversion can be effected; it amounts to a greater or less spiritualising of our mental motives, our character and temperament, and a mastery, stilling or changed action of the vital and physical life. This converted subjectivity can be made the base of some communion or unity of the soul in mind with the Divine and some partial reflection of the divine nature in the mentality of the human being. That is as far as man can go by his unaided or indirectly aided effort, because that is an effort of mind and mind cannot climb beyond itself permanently: at most it arises to a spiritualised and idealised mentality. If it shoots up beyond that border, it loses hold of itself, loses hold of life, and arrives either at a trance of absorption or a passivity. A greater perfection can only be arrived at by a higher power entering in and taking up the whole action of the being. The second stage of this Yoga will therefore be a persistent giving up of all the action of the nature into the hands of this greater Power, a substitution of its influence, possession and working for the personal effort, until the Divine to whom we aspire becomes the direct master of the Yoga and effects the entire spiritual and ideal conversion of the being. Two rules there are that will diminish the difficulty and obviate the danger. One must reject all that comes from the ego, from vital desire, from the mere mind and its presumptuous reasoning incompetence, all that ministers to these agents of the Ignorance. One must learn to hear and follow the voice of the inmost soul, the direction of the Guru, the command of the Master, the working of the Divine Mother. Whoever clings to the desires and weaknesses of the flesh, the cravings and passions of the vital in its turbulent ignorance, the dictates of his personal mind unsilenced and unillumined by a greater knowledge, cannot find the true inner law and is heaping obstacles in the way of the divine fulfilment. Whoever is able to detect and renounce those obscuring agencies and to discern and follow the true Guide within and without will discover the spiritual law and reach the goal of the Yoga. A radical and total change of consciousness is not only the whole meaning but, in an increasing force and by progressive stages, the whole method of the integral Yoga.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Yoga of Self-Perfection, The Integral Perfection [618],
   Evocation is the art of dealing with magical beings or entities by various acts which create or contact them and allow one to conjure and command them with pacts and exorcism. These beings have a legion of names drawn from the demonology of many cultures: elementals, familiars, incubi, succubi, bud-wills, demons, automata, atavisms, wraiths, spirits, and so on. Entities may be bound to talismans, places, animals, objects, persons, incense smoke, or be mobile in the aether. It is not the case that such entities are limited to obsessions and complexes in the human mind. Although such beings customarily have their origin in the mind, they may be budded off and attached to objects and places in the form of ghosts, spirits, or "vibrations," or may exert action at a distance in the form of fetishes, familiars, or poltergeists. These beings consist of a portion of Kia or the life force attached to some aetheric matter, the whole of which may or may not be attached to ordinary matter.

   Evocation may be further defined as the summoning or creation of such partial beings to accomplish some purpose. They may be used to cause change in oneself, change in others, or change in the universe. The advantages of using a semi-independent being rather than trying to effect a transformation directly by will are several: the entity will continue to fulfill its function independently of the magician until its life force dissipates. Being semi-sentient, it can adapt itself to a task in that a non-conscious simple spell cannot. During moments of the possession by certain entities the magician may be the recipient of inspirations, abilities, and knowledge not normally accessible to him.

   Entities may be drawn from three sources - those which are discovered clairvoyantly, those whose characteristics are given in grimoires of spirits and demons, and those which the magician may wish to create himself.

   In all cases establishing a relationship with the spirit follows a similar process of evocation. Firstly the attributes of the entity, its type, scope, name, appearance and characteristics must be placed in the mind or made known to the mind. Automatic drawing or writing, where a stylus is allowed to move under inspiration across a surface, may help to uncover the nature of a clairvoyantly discovered being. In the case of a created being the following procedure is used: the magician assembles the ingredients of a composite sigil of the being's desired attributes. For example, to create an elemental to assist him with divination, the appropriate symbols might be chosen and made into a sigil such as the one shown in figure 4.

   A name and an image, and if desired, a characteristic number can also be selected for the elemental.

   Secondly, the will and perception are focused as intently as possible (by some gnostic method) on the elemental's sigils or characteristics so that these take on a portion of the magician's life force and begin autonomous existence. In the case of preexisting beings, this operation serves to bind the entity to the magician's will.

   This is customarily followed by some form of self-banishing, or even exorcism, to restore the magician's consciousness to normal before he goes forth.

   An entity of a low order with little more than a singular task to perform can be left to fulfill its destiny with no further interference from its master. If at any time it is necessary to terminate it, its sigil or material basis should be destroyed and its mental image destroyed or reabsorbed by visualization. For more powerful and independent beings, the conjuration and exorcism must be in proportion to the power of the ritual which originally evoked them. To control such beings, the magicians may have to re-enter the gnostic state to the same depth as before in order to draw their power. ~ Peter J Carroll, Liber Null,
   As an inner equality increases and with it the sense of the true vital being waiting for the greater direction it has to serve, as the psychic call too increases in all the members of our nature, That to which the call is addressed begins to reveal itself, descends to take possession of the life and its energies and fills them with the height, intimacy, vastness of its presence and its purpose. In many, if not most, it manifests something of itself even before the equality and the open psychic urge or guidance are there. A call of the veiled psychic element oppressed by the mass of the outer ignorance and crying for deliverance, a stress of eager meditation and seeking for knowledge, a longing of the heart, a passionate will ignorant yet but sincere may break the lid that shuts off that Higher from this Lower Nature and open the floodgates. A little of the Divine Person may reveal itself or some Light, Power, Bliss, Love out of the Infinite. This may be a momentary revelation, a flash or a brief-lived gleam that soon withdraws and waits for the preparation of the nature; but also it may repeat itself, grow, endure. A long and large and comprehensive working will then have begun, sometimes luminous or intense, sometimes slow and obscure. A Divine Power comes in front at times and leads and compels or instructs and enlightens; at others it withdraws into the background and seems to leave the being to its own resources. All that is ignorant, obscure, perverted or simply imperfect and inferior in the being is raised up, perhaps brought to its acme, dealt with, corrected, exhausted, shown its own disastrous results, compelled to call for its own cessation or transformation or expelled as worthless or incorrigible from the nature. This cannot be a smooth and even process; alternations there are of day and night, illumination and darkness, calm and construction or battle and upheaval, the presence of the growing Divine Consciousness and its absence, heights of hope and abysses of despair, the clasp of the Beloved and the anguish of its absence, the overwhelming invasion, the compelling deceit, the fierce opposition, the disabling mockery of hostile Powers or the help and comfort and communion of the Gods and the Divine Messengers. A great and long revolution and churning of the ocean of Life with strong emergences of its nectar and its poison is enforced till all is ready and the increasing Descent finds a being, a nature prepared and conditioned for its complete rule and its all-encompassing presence. But if the equality and the psychic light and will are already there, then this process, though it cannot be dispensed with, can still be much lightened and facilitated: it will be rid of its worst dangers; an inner calm, happiness, confidence will support the steps through all the difficulties and trials of the transformation and the growing Force profiting by the full assent of the nature will rapidly diminish and eliminate the power of the opposing forces. A sure guidance and protection will be present throughout, sometimes standing in front, sometimes working behind the veil, and the power of the end will be already there even in the beginning and in the long middle stages of the great endeavour. For at all times the seeker will be aware of the Divine Guide and Protector or the working of the supreme Mother-Force; he will know that all is done for the best, the progress assured, the victory inevitable. In either case the process is the same and unavoidable, a taking up of the whole nature, of the whole life, of the internal and of the external, to reveal and handle and transform its forces and their movements under the pressure of a diviner Life from above, until all here has been possessed by greater spiritual powers and made an instrumentation of a spiritual action and a divine purpose. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Ascent of the Sacrifice - 2, 179,

PRATYAHARA is the first process in the mental part of our task. The previous practices, Asana, Pranayama, Yama, and Niyama, are all acts of the body, while mantra is connected with speech: Pratyahara is purely mental.

   And what is Pratyahara? This word is used by different authors in different senses. The same word is employed to designate both the practice and the result. It means for our present purpose a process rather strategical than practical; it is introspection, a sort of general examination of the contents of the mind which we wish to control: Asana having been mastered, all immediate exciting causes have been removed, and we are free to think what we are thinking about.

   A very similar experience to that of Asana is in store for us. At first we shall very likely flatter ourselves that our minds are pretty calm; this is a defect of observation. Just as the European standing for the first time on the edge of the desert will see nothing there, while his Arab can tell him the family history of each of the fifty persons in view, because he has learnt how to look, so with practice the thoughts will become more numerous and more insistent.

   As soon as the body was accurately observed it was found to be terribly restless and painful; now that we observe the mind it is seen to be more restless and painful still. (See diagram opposite.)

   A similar curve might be plotted for the real and apparent painfulness of Asana. Conscious of this fact, we begin to try to control it: "Not quite so many thoughts, please!" "Don't think quite so fast, please!" "No more of that kind of thought, please!" It is only then that we discover that what we thought was a school of playful porpoises is really the convolutions of the sea-serpent. The attempt to repress has the effect of exciting.

   When the unsuspecting pupil first approaches his holy but wily Guru, and demands magical powers, that Wise One replies that he will confer them, points out with much caution and secrecy some particular spot on the pupil's body which has never previously attracted his attention, and says: "In order to obtain this magical power which you seek, all that is necessary is to wash seven times in the Ganges during seven days, being particularly careful to avoid thinking of that one spot." Of course the unhappy youth spends a disgusted week in thinking of little else.

   It is positively amazing with what persistence a thought, even a whole train of thoughts, returns again and again to the charge. It becomes a positive nightmare. It is intensely annoying, too, to find that one does not become conscious that one has got on to the forbidden subject until one has gone right through with it. However, one continues day after day investigating thoughts and trying to check them; and sooner or later one proceeds to the next stage, Dharana, the attempt to restrain the mind to a single object.

   Before we go on to this, however, we must consider what is meant by success in Pratyahara. This is a very extensive subject, and different authors take widely divergent views. One writer means an analysis so acute that every thought is resolved into a number of elements (see "The Psychology of Hashish," Section V, in Equinox II).

   Others take the view that success in the practice is something like the experience which Sir Humphrey Davy had as a result of taking nitrous oxide, in which he exclaimed: "The universe is composed exclusively of ideas."

   Others say that it gives Hamlet's feeling: "There's nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so," interpreted as literally as was done by Mrs. Eddy.

   However, the main point is to acquire some sort of inhibitory power over the thoughts. Fortunately there is an unfailing method of acquiring this power. It is given in Liber III. If Sections 1 and 2 are practised (if necessary with the assistance of another person to aid your vigilance) you will soon be able to master the final section. ~ Aleister Crowley, Liber ABA,
253:I have never been able to share your constantly recurring doubts about your capacity or the despair that arises in you so violently when there are these attacks, nor is their persistent recurrence a valid ground for believing that they can never be overcome. Such a persistent recurrence has been a feature in the sadhana of many who have finally emerged and reached the goal; even the sadhana of very great Yogis has not been exempt from such violent and constant recurrences; they have sometimes been special objects of such persistent assaults, as I have indeed indicated in Savitri in more places than one - and that was indeed founded on my own experience. In the nature of these recurrences there is usually a constant return of the same adverse experiences, the same adverse resistance, thoughts destructive of all belief and faith and confidence in the future of the sadhana, frustrating doubts of what one has known as the truth, voices of despondency and despair, urgings to abandonment of the Yoga or to suicide or else other disastrous counsels of déchéance. The course taken by the attacks is not indeed the same for all, but still they have strong family resemblance. One can eventually overcome if one begins to realise the nature and source of these assaults and acquires the faculty of observing them, bearing, without being involved or absorbed into their gulf, finally becoming the witness of their phenomena and understanding them and refusing the mind's sanction even when the vital is still tossed in the whirl or the most outward physical mind still reflects the adverse suggestions. In the end these attacks lose their power and fall away from the nature; the recurrence becomes feeble or has no power to last: even, if the detachment is strong enough, they can be cut out very soon or at once. The strongest attitude to take is to regard these things as what they really are, incursions of dark forces from outside taking advantage of certain openings in the physical mind or the vital part, but not a real part of oneself or spontaneous creation in one's own nature. To create a confusion and darkness in the physical mind and throw into it or awake in it mistaken ideas, dark thoughts, false impressions is a favourite method of these assailants, and if they can get the support of this mind from over-confidence in its own correctness or the natural rightness of its impressions and inferences, then they can have a field day until the true mind reasserts itself and blows the clouds away. Another device of theirs is to awake some hurt or rankling sense of grievance in the lower vital parts and keep them hurt or rankling as long as possible. In that case one has to discover these openings in one's nature and learn to close them permanently to such attacks or else to throw out intruders at once or as soon as possible. The recurrence is no proof of a fundamental incapacity; if one takes the right inner attitude, it can and will be overcome. The idea of suicide ought never to be accepted; there is no real ground for it and in any case it cannot be a remedy or a real escape: at most it can only be postponement of difficulties and the necessity for their solution under no better circumstances in another life. One must have faith in the Master of our life and works, even if for a long time he conceals himself, and then in his own right time he will reveal his Presence.
   I have tried to dispel all the misconceptions, explain things as they are and meet all the points at issue. It is not that you really cannot make progress or have not made any progress; on the contrary, you yourself have admitted that you have made a good advance in many directions and there is no reason why, if you persevere, the rest should not come. You have always believed in the Guruvada: I would ask you then to put your faith in the Guru and the guidance and rely on the Ishwara for the fulfilment, to have faith in my abiding love and affection, in the affection and divine goodwill and loving kindness of the Mother, stand firm against all attacks and go forward perseveringly towards the spiritual goal and the all-fulfilling and all-satisfying touch of the All-Blissful, the Ishwara.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - IV,
254:To arrive then at this settled divine status must be the object of our concentration. The first step in concentration must be always to accustom the discursive mind to a settled unwavering pursuit of a single course of connected thought on a single subject and this it must do undistracted by all lures and alien calls on its attention. Such concentration is common enough in our ordinary life, but it becomes more difficult when we have to do it inwardly without any outward object or action on which to keep the mind; yet this inward concentration is what the seeker of knowledge must effect. Nor must it be merely the consecutive thought of the intellectual thinker, whose only object is to conceive and intellectually link together his conceptions. It is not, except perhaps at first, a process of reasoning that is wanted so much as a dwelling so far as possible on the fruitful essence of the idea which by the insistence of the soul's will upon it must yield up all the facets of its truth. Thus if it be the divine Love that is the subject of concentration, it is on the essence of the idea of God as Love that the mind should concentrate in such a way that the various manifestation of the divine Love should arise luminously, not only to the thought, but in the heart and being and vision of the Sadhaka. The thought may come first and the experience afterwards, but equally the experience may come first and the knowledge arise out of the experience. Afterwards the thing attained has to be dwelt on and more and more held till it becomes a constant experience and finally the Dharma or law of the being.
   This is the process of concentrated meditation; but a more strenuous method is the fixing of the whole mind in concentration on the essence of the idea only, so as to reach not the thought-knowledge or the psychological experience of the subject, but the very essence of the thing behind the idea. In this process thought ceases and passes into the absorbed or ecstatic contemplation of the object or by a merging into it m an inner Samadhi. If this be the process followed, then subsequently the state into which we rise must still be called down to take possession of the lower being, to shed its light, power and bliss on our ordinary consciousness. For otherwise we may possess it, as many do, in the elevated condition or in the inward Samadhi, but we shall lose our hold of it when we awake or descend into the contacts of the world; and this truncated possession is not the aim of an integral Yoga.
   A third process is neither at first to concentrate in a strenuous meditation on the one subject nor in a strenuous contemplation of the one object of thought-vision, but first to still the mind altogether. This may be done by various ways; one is to stand back from the mental action altogether not participating in but simply watching it until, tired of its unsanctioned leaping and running, it falls into an increasing and finally an absolute quiet. Another is to reject the thought-suggestions, to cast them away from the mind whenever they come and firmly hold to the peace of the being which really and always exists behind the trouble and riot of the mind. When this secret peace is unveiled, a great calm settles on the being and there comes usually with it the perception and experience of the all-pervading silent Brahman, everything else at first seeming to be mere form and eidolon. On the basis of this calm everything else may be built up in the knowledge and experience no longer of the external phenomena of things but of the deeper truth of the divine manifestation.
   Ordinarily, once this state is obtained, strenuous concentration will be found no longer necessary. A free concentration of will using thought merely for suggestion and the giving of light to the lower members will take its place. This Will will then insist on the physical being, the vital existence, the heart and the mind remoulding themselves in the forms of the Divine which reveal themselves out of the silent Brahman. By swifter or slower degrees according to the previous preparation and purification of the members, they will be obliged with more or less struggle to obey the law of the will and its thought-suggestion, so that eventually the knowledge of the Divine takes possession of our consciousness on all its planes and the image of the Divine is formed in our human existence even as it was done by the old Vedic Sadhakas. For the integral Yoga this is the most direct and powerful discipline.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Yoga of Integral Knowledge, Concentration,
   What is the exact way of feeling that we belong to the Divine and that the Divine is acting in us?

You must not feel with your head (because you may think so, but that's something vague); you must feel with your sense-feeling. Naturally one begins by wanting it with the mind, because that is the first thing that understands. And then one has an aspiration here (pointing to the heart), with a flame which pushes you to realise it. But if you want it to be truly the thing, well, you must feel it.

   You are doing something, suppose, for example, you are doing exercises, weight-lifting. Now suddenly without your knowing how it happened, suddenly you have the feeling that there is a force infinitely greater than you, greater, more powerful, a force that does the lifting for you. Your body becomes something almost non-existent and there is this Something that lifts. And then you will see; when that happens to you, you will no longer ask how it should be done, you will know. That does happen.

   It depends upon people, depends upon what dominates in their being. Those who think have suddenly the feeling that it is no longer they who think, that there is something which knows much better, sees much more clearly, which is infinitely more luminous, more conscious in them, which organises the thoughts and words; and then they write. But if the experience is complete, it is even no longer they who write, it is that same Thing that takes hold of their hand and makes it write. Well, one knows at that moment that the little physical person is just a tiny insignificant tool trying to remain as quiet as possible in order not to disturb the experience.

   Yes, at no cost must the experience be disturbed. If suddenly you say: "Oh, look, how strange it is!"...

   How can we reach that state?

Aspire for it, want it. Try to be less and less selfish, but not in the sense of becoming nice to other people or forgetting yourself, not that: have less and less the feeling that you are a person, a separate entity, something existing in itself, isolated from the rest.

   And then, above all, above all, it is that inner flame, that aspiration, that need for the light. It is a kind of - how to put it? - luminous enthusiasm that seizes you. It is an irresistible need to melt away, to give oneself, to exist only in the Divine.

   At that moment you have the experience of your aspiration.

   But that moment should be absolutely sincere and as integral as possible; and all this must occur not only in the head, not only here, but must take place everywhere, in all the cells of the body. The consciousness integrally must have this irresistible need.... The thing lasts for some time, then diminishes, gets extinguished. You cannot keep these things for very long. But then it so happens that a moment later or the next day or some time later, suddenly you have the opposite experience. Instead of feeling this ascent, and all that, this is no longer there and you have the feeling of the Descent, the Answer. And nothing but the Answer exists. Nothing but the divine thought, the divine will, the divine energy, the divine action exists any longer. And you too, you are no longer there.

   That is to say, it is the answer to our aspiration. It may happen immediately afterwards - that is very rare but may happen. If you have both simultaneously, then the state is perfect; usually they alternate; they alternate more and more closely until the moment there is a total fusion. Then there is no more distinction. I heard a Sufi mystic, who was besides a great musician, an Indian, saying that for the Sufis there was a state higher than that of adoration and surrender to the Divine, than that of devotion, that this was not the last stage; the last stage of the progress is when there is no longer any distinction; you have no longer this kind of adoration or surrender or consecration; it is a very simple state in which one makes no distinction between the Divine and oneself. They know this. It is even written in their books. It is a commonly known condition in which everything becomes quite simple. There is no longer any difference. There is no longer that kind of ecstatic surrender to "Something" which is beyond you in every way, which you do not understand, which is merely the result of your aspiration, your devotion. There is no difference any longer. When the union is perfect, there is no longer any difference.

   Is this the end of self-progress?

There is never any end to progress - never any end, you can never put a full stop there. ~ The Mother,
256:Chapter LXXXII: Epistola Penultima: The Two Ways to Reality
Cara Soror,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

How very sensible of you, though I admit somewhat exacting!

You write-Will you tell me exactly why I should devote so much of my valuable time to subjects like Magick and Yoga.

That is all very well. But you ask me to put it in syllogistic form. I have no doubt this can be done, though the task seems somewhat complicated. I think I will leave it to you to construct your series of syllogisms yourself from the arguments of this letter.

In your main question the operative word is "valuable. Why, I ask, in my turn, should you consider your time valuable? It certainly is not valuable unless the universe has a meaning, and what is more, unless you know what that meaning is-at least roughly-it is millions to one that you will find yourself barking up the wrong tree.

First of all let us consider this question of the meaning of the universe. It is its own evidence to design, and that design intelligent design. There is no question of any moral significance-"one man's meat is another man's poison" and so on. But there can be no possible doubt about the existence of some kind of intelligence, and that kind is far superior to anything of which we know as human.

How then are we to explore, and finally to interpret this intelligence?

It seems to me that there are two ways and only two. Imagine for a moment that you are an orphan in charge of a guardian, inconceivably learned from your point of view.

Suppose therefore that you are puzzled by some problem suitable to your childish nature, your obvious and most simple way is to approach your guardian and ask him to enlighten you. It is clearly part of his function as guardian to do his best to help you. Very good, that is the first method, and close parallel with what we understand by the word Magick.

We are bothered by some difficulty about one of the elements-say Fire-it is therefore natural to evoke a Salamander to instruct you on the difficult point. But you must remember that your Holy Guardian Angel is not only far more fully instructed than yourself on every point that you can conceive, but you may go so far as to say that it is definitely his work, or part of his work; remembering always that he inhabits a sphere or plane which is entirely different from anything of which you are normally aware.

To attain to the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel is consequently without doubt by far the simplest way by which you can yourself approach that higher order of being.

That, then, is a clearly intelligible method of procedure. We call it Magick.

It is of course possible to strengthen the link between him and yourself so that in course of time you became capable of moving and, generally speaking, operating on that plane which is his natural habitat.

There is however one other way, and one only, as far as I can see, of reaching this state.

It is at least theoretically possible to exalt the whole of your own consciousness until it becomes as free to move on that exalted plane as it is for him. You should note, by the way, that in this case the postulation of another being is not necessary. There is no way of refuting the solipsism if you feel like that. Personally I cannot accede to its axiom. The evidence for an external universe appears to me perfectly adequate.

Still there is no extra charge for thinking on those lines if you so wish.

I have paid a great deal of attention in the course of my life to the method of exalting the human consciousness in this way; and it is really quite legitimate to identify my teaching with that of the Yogis.

I must however point out that in the course of my instruction I have given continual warnings as to the dangers of this line of research. For one thing there is no means of checking your results in the ordinary scientific sense. It is always perfectly easy to find a subjective explanation of any phenomenon; and when one considers that the greatest of all the dangers in any line of research arise from egocentric vanity, I do not think I have exceeded my duty in anything that I have said to deter students from undertaking so dangerous a course as Yoga.

It is, of course, much safer if you are in a position to pursue in the Indian Jungles, provided that your health will stand the climate and also, I must say, unless you have a really sound teacher on whom you can safely rely. But then, if we once introduce a teacher, why not go to the Fountain-head and press towards the Knowledge and conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel?

In any case your Indian teacher will ultimately direct you to seek guidance from that source, so it seems to me that you have gone to a great deal of extra trouble and incurred a great deal of unnecessary danger by not leaving yourself in the first place in the hands of the Holy Guardian Angel.

In any case there are the two methods which stand as alternatives. I do not know of any third one which can be of any use whatever. Logically, since you have asked me to be logical, there is certainly no third way; there is the external way of Magick, and the internal way of Yoga: there you have your alternatives, and there they cease.

Love is the law, love under will.


666 ~ Aleister Crowley, Magick Without Tears,
257:[an Integral conception of the Divine :::
   But on that which as yet we know not how shall we concentrate? And yet we cannot know the Divine unless we have achieved this concentration of our being upon him. A concentration which culminates in a living realisation and the constant sense of the presence of the One in ourselves and in all of which we are aware, is what we mean in Yoga by knowledge and the effort after knowledge. It is not enough to devote ourselves by the reading of Scriptures or by the stress of philosophical reasoning to an intellectual understanding of the Divine; for at the end of our long mental labour we might know all that has been said of the Eternal, possess all that can be thought about the Infinite and yet we might not know him at all. This intellectual preparation can indeed be the first stage in a powerful Yoga, but it is not indispensable : it is not a step which all need or can be called upon to take. Yoga would be impossible, except for a very few, if the intellectual figure of knowledge arrived at by the speculative or meditative Reason were its indispensable condition or a binding preliminary. All that the Light from above asks of us that it may begin its work is a call from the soul and a sufficient point of support in the mind. This support can be reached through an insistent idea of the Divine in the thought, a corresponding will in the dynamic parts, an aspiration, a faith, a need in the heart. Any one of these may lead or predominate, if all cannot move in unison or in an equal rhythm. The idea may be and must in the beginning be inadequate; the aspiration may be narrow and imperfect, the faith poorly illumined or even, as not surely founded on the rock of knowledge, fluctuating, uncertain, easily diminished; often even it may be extinguished and need to be lit again with difficulty like a torch in a windy pass. But if once there is a resolute self-consecration from deep within, if there is an awakening to the soul's call, these inadequate things can be a sufficient instrument for the divine purpose. Therefore the wise have always been unwilling to limit man's avenues towards God; they would not shut against his entry even the narrowest portal, the lowest and darkest postern, the humblest wicket-gate. Any name, any form, any symbol, any offering has been held to be sufficient if there is the consecration along with it; for the Divine knows himself in the heart of the seeker and accepts the sacrifice.
   But still the greater and wider the moving idea-force behind the consecration, the better for the seeker; his attainment is likely to be fuller and more ample. If we are to attempt an integral Yoga, it will be as well to start with an idea of the Divine that is itself integral. There should be an aspiration in the heart wide enough for a realisation without any narrow limits. Not only should we avoid a sectarian religious outlook, but also all onesided philosophical conceptions which try to shut up the Ineffable in a restricting mental formula. The dynamic conception or impelling sense with which our Yoga can best set out would be naturally the idea, the sense of a conscious all-embracing but all-exceeding Infinite. Our uplook must be to a free, all-powerful, perfect and blissful One and Oneness in which all beings move and live and through which all can meet and become one. This Eternal will be at once personal and impersonal in his self-revelation and touch upon the soul. He is personal because he is the conscious Divine, the infinite Person who casts some broken reflection of himself in the myriad divine and undivine personalities of the universe. He is impersonal because he appears to us as an infinite Existence, Consciousness and Ananda and because he is the fount, base and constituent of all existences and all energies, -the very material of our being and mind and life and body, our spirit and our matter. The thought, concentrating on him, must not merely understand in an intellectual form that he exists, or conceive of him as an abstraction, a logical necessity; it must become a seeing thought able to meet him here as the Inhabitant in all, realise him in ourselves, watch and take hold on the movement of his forces. He is the one Existence: he is the original and universal Delight that constitutes all things and exceeds them: he is the one infinite Consciousness that composes all consciousnesses and informs all their movements; he is the one illimitable Being who sustains all action and experience; his will guides the evolution of things towards their yet unrealised but inevitable aim and plenitude. To him the heart can consecrate itself, approach him as the supreme Beloved, beat and move in him as in a universal sweetness of Love and a living sea of Delight. For his is the secret Joy that supports the soul in all its experiences and maintains even the errant ego in its ordeals and struggles till all sorrow and suffering shall cease. His is the Love and the Bliss of the infinite divine Lover who is drawing all things by their own path towards his happy oneness. On him the Will can unalterably fix as the invisible Power that guides and fulfils it and as the source of its strength. In the impersonality this actuating Power is a self-illumined Force that contains all results and calmly works until it accomplishes, in the personality an all wise and omnipotent Master of the Yoga whom nothing can prevent from leading it to its goal. This is the faith with which the seeker has to begin his seeking and endeavour; for in all his effort here, but most of all in his effort towards the Unseen, mental man must perforce proceed by faith. When the realisation comes, the faith divinely fulfilled and completed will be transformed into an eternal flame of knowledge.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Self-Consecration, 82-83 [T1],

THE EDUCATION of a human being should begin at birth and continue throughout his life.

   Indeed, if we want this education to have its maximum result, it should begin even before birth; in this case it is the mother herself who proceeds with this education by means of a twofold action: first, upon herself for her own improvement, and secondly, upon the child whom she is forming physically. For it is certain that the nature of the child to be born depends very much upon the mother who forms it, upon her aspiration and will as well as upon the material surroundings in which she lives. To see that her thoughts are always beautiful and pure, her feelings always noble and fine, her material surroundings as harmonious as possible and full of a great simplicity - this is the part of education which should apply to the mother herself. And if she has in addition a conscious and definite will to form the child according to the highest ideal she can conceive, then the very best conditions will be realised so that the child can come into the world with his utmost potentialities. How many difficult efforts and useless complications would be avoided in this way!

   Education to be complete must have five principal aspects corresponding to the five principal activities of the human being: the physical, the vital, the mental, the psychic and the spiritual. Usually, these phases of education follow chronologically the growth of the individual; this, however, does not mean that one of them should replace another, but that all must continue, completing one another until the end of his life.

   We propose to study these five aspects of education one by one and also their interrelationships. But before we enter into the details of the subject, I wish to make a recommendation to parents. Most parents, for various reasons, give very little thought to the true education which should be imparted to children. When they have brought a child into the world, provided him with food, satisfied his various material needs and looked after his health more or less carefully, they think they have fully discharged their duty. Later on, they will send him to school and hand over to the teachers the responsibility for his education.

   There are other parents who know that their children must be educated and who try to do what they can. But very few, even among those who are most serious and sincere, know that the first thing to do, in order to be able to educate a child, is to educate oneself, to become conscious and master of oneself so that one never sets a bad example to one's child. For it is above all through example that education becomes effective. To speak good words and to give wise advice to a child has very little effect if one does not oneself give him an example of what one teaches. Sincerity, honesty, straightforwardness, courage, disinterestedness, unselfishness, patience, endurance, perseverance, peace, calm, self-control are all things that are taught infinitely better by example than by beautiful speeches. Parents, have a high ideal and always act in accordance with it and you will see that little by little your child will reflect this ideal in himself and spontaneously manifest the qualities you would like to see expressed in his nature. Quite naturally a child has respect and admiration for his parents; unless they are quite unworthy, they will always appear to their child as demigods whom he will try to imitate as best he can.

   With very few exceptions, parents are not aware of the disastrous influence that their own defects, impulses, weaknesses and lack of self-control have on their children. If you wish to be respected by a child, have respect for yourself and be worthy of respect at every moment. Never be authoritarian, despotic, impatient or ill-tempered. When your child asks you a question, do not give him a stupid or silly answer under the pretext that he cannot understand you. You can always make yourself understood if you take enough trouble; and in spite of the popular saying that it is not always good to tell the truth, I affirm that it is always good to tell the truth, but that the art consists in telling it in such a way as to make it accessible to the mind of the hearer. In early life, until he is twelve or fourteen, the child's mind is hardly open to abstract notions and general ideas. And yet you can train it to understand these things by using concrete images, symbols or parables. Up to quite an advanced age and for some who mentally always remain children, a narrative, a story, a tale well told teach much more than any number of theoretical explanations.

   Another pitfall to avoid: do not scold your child without good reason and only when it is quite indispensable. A child who is too often scolded gets hardened to rebuke and no longer attaches much importance to words or severity of tone. And above all, take good care never to scold him for a fault which you yourself commit. Children are very keen and clear-sighted observers; they soon find out your weaknesses and note them without pity.

   When a child has done something wrong, see that he confesses it to you spontaneously and frankly; and when he has confessed, with kindness and affection make him understand what was wrong in his movement so that he will not repeat it, but never scold him; a fault confessed must always be forgiven. You should not allow any fear to come between you and your child; fear is a pernicious means of education: it invariably gives birth to deceit and lying. Only a discerning affection that is firm yet gentle and an adequate practical knowledge will create the bonds of trust that are indispensable for you to be able to educate your child effectively. And do not forget that you have to control yourself constantly in order to be equal to your task and truly fulfil the duty which you owe your child by the mere fact of having brought him into the world.

   Bulletin, February 1951

   ~ The Mother, On Education,
259:Attention on Hypnagogic Imagery The most common strategy for inducing WILDs is to fall asleep while focusing on the hypnagogic imagery that accompanies sleep onset. Initially, you are likely to see relatively simple images, flashes of light, geometric patterns, and the like.

Gradually more complicated forms appear: faces, people, and finally entire scenes. 6

The following account of what the Russian philosopher P. D. Ouspensky called "half-dream states" provides a vivid example of what hypnagogic imagery can be like:

I am falling asleep. Golden dots, sparks and tiny stars appear and disappear before my eyes. These sparks and stars gradually merge into a golden net with diagonal meshes which moves slowly and regularly in rhythm with the beating of my heart, which I feel quite distinctly. The next moment the golden net is transformed into rows of brass helmets belonging to Roman soldiers marching along the street below. I hear their measured tread and watch them from the window of a high house in Galata, in Constantinople, in a narrow lane, one end of which leads to the old wharf and the Golden Horn with its ships and steamers and the minarets of Stamboul behind them. I hear their heavy measured tread, and see the sun shining on their helmets. Then suddenly I detach myself from the window sill on which I am lying, and in the same reclining position fly slowly over the lane, over the houses, and then over the Golden Horn in the direction of Stamboul. I smell the sea, feel the wind, the warm sun. This flying gives me a wonderfully pleasant sensation, and I cannot help opening my eyes. 7

Ouspensky's half-dream states developed out of a habit of observing the contents of his mind while falling asleep or in half-sleep after awakening from a dream. He notes that they were much easier to observe in the morning after awakening than before sleep at the beginning of the night and did not occur at all "without definite efforts." 8

Dr. Nathan Rapport, an American psychiatrist, cultivated an approach to lucid dreaming very similar to Ouspensky's: "While in bed awaiting sleep, the experimenter interrupts his thoughts every few minutes with an effort to recall the mental item vanishing before each intrusion that inquisitive attention." 9 This habit is continued sleep itself, with results like the following:

Brilliant lights flashed, and a myriad of sparkles twinkled from a magnificent cut glass chandelier. Interesting as any stage extravaganza were the many quaintly detailed figurines upon a mantel against the distant, paneled wall adorned in rococo.

At the right a merry group of beauties and gallants in the most elegant attire of Victorian England idled away a pleasant occasion. This scene continued for [a] period of I was not aware, before I discovered that it was not reality, but a mental picture and that I was viewing it. Instantly it became an incommunicably beautiful vision. It was with the greatest stealth that my vaguely awakened mind began to peep: for I knew that these glorious shows end abruptly because of such intrusions.

I thought, "Have I here one of those mind pictures that are without motion?" As if in reply, one of the young ladies gracefully waltzed about the room. She returned to the group and immobility, with a smile lighting her pretty face, which was turned over her shoulder toward me. The entire color scheme was unobtrusive despite the kaleidoscopic sparkles of the chandelier, the exquisite blues and creamy pinks of the rich settings and costumes. I felt that only my interest in dreams brought my notice to the tints - delicate, yet all alive as if with inner illumination. 10

Hypnagogic Imagery Technique

1. Relax completely

While lying in bed, gently close your eyes and relax your head, neck, back, arms, and legs. Completely let go of all muscular and mental tension, and breathe slowly and restfully. Enjoy the feeling of relaxation and let go of your thoughts, worries, and concerns. If you have just awakened from sleep, you are probably sufficiently relaxed.

Otherwise, you may use either the progressive relaxation exercise (page 33) or the 61-point relaxation exercise (page 34) to relax more deeply. Let everything wind down,

slower and slower, more and more relaxed, until your mind becomes as serene as the calmest sea.

2. Observe the visual images

Gently focus your attention on the visual images that will gradually appear before your mind's eye. Watch how the images begin and end. Try to observe the images as delicately as possible, allowing them to be passively reflected in your mind as they unfold. Do not attempt to hold onto the images, but instead just watch without attachment or desire for action. While doing this, try to take the perspective of a detached observer as much as possible. At first you will see a sequence of disconnected, fleeting patterns and images. The images will gradually develop into scenes that become more and more complex, finally joining into extended sequences.

3. Enter the dream

When the imagery becomes a moving, vivid scenario, you should allow yourself to be passively drawn into the dream world. Do not try to actively enter the dream scene,

but instead continue to take a detached interest in the imagery. Let your involvement with what is happening draw you into the dream. But be careful of too much involvement and too little attention. Don't forget that you are dreaming now!


Probably the most difficult part of this technique to master is entering the dream at Step 3. The challenge is to develop a delicate vigilance, an unobtrusive observer perspective, from which you let yourself be drawn into the dream. As Paul Tholey has emphasized, "It is not desirable to want actively to enter into the scenery,

since such an intention as a rule causes the scenery to disappear." 11 A passive volition similar to that described in the section on autosuggestion in the previous chapter is required: in Tholey's words, "Instead of actively wanting to enter into the scenery, the subject should attempt to let himself be carried into it passively." 12 A Tibetan teacher advises a similar frame of mind: "While delicately observing the mind, lead it gently into the dream state, as though you were leading a child by the hand." 13

Another risk is that, once you have entered into the dream, the world can seem so realistic that it is easy to lose lucidity, as happened in the beginning of Rapport's WILD described above. As insurance in case this happens, Tholey recommends that you resolve to carry out a particular action in the dream, so that if you momentarily lose lucidity, you may remember your intention to carry out the action and thereby regain lucidity.
~ Stephen LaBerge, Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming,
   Why do we forget our dreams?

Because you do not dream always at the same place. It is not always the same part of your being that dreams and it is not at the same place that you dream. If you were in conscious, direct, continuous communication with all the parts of your being, you would remember all your dreams. But very few parts of the being are in communication.

   For example, you have a dream in the subtle physical, that is to say, quite close to the physical. Generally, these dreams occur in the early hours of the morning, that is between four and five o'clock, at the end of the sleep. If you do not make a sudden movement when you wake up, if you remain very quiet, very still and a little attentive - quietly attentive - and concentrated, you will remember them, for the communication between the subtle physical and the physical is established - very rarely is there no communication.

   Now, dreams are mostly forgotten because you have a dream while in a certain state and then pass into another. For instance, when you sleep, your body is asleep, your vital is asleep, but your mind is still active. So your mind begins to have dreams, that is, its activity is more or less coordinated, the imagination is very active and you see all kinds of things, take part in extraordinary happenings.... After some time, all that calms down and the mind also begins to doze. The vital that was resting wakes up; it comes out of the body, walks about, goes here and there, does all kinds of things, reacts, sometimes fights, and finally eats. It does all kinds of things. The vital is very adventurous. It watches. When it is heroic it rushes to save people who are in prison or to destroy enemies or it makes wonderful discoveries. But this pushes back the whole mental dream very far behind. It is rubbed off, forgotten: naturally you cannot remember it because the vital dream takes its place. But if you wake up suddenly at that moment, you remember it. There are people who have made the experiment, who have got up at certain fixed hours of the night and when they wake up suddenly, they do remember. You must not move brusquely, but awake in the natural course, then you remember.

   After a time, the vital having taken a good stroll, needs to rest also, and so it goes into repose and quietness, quite tired at the end of all kinds of adventures. Then something else wakes up. Let us suppose that it is the subtle physical that goes for a walk. It starts moving and begins wandering, seeing the rooms and... why, this thing that was there, but it has come here and that other thing which was in that room is now in this one, and so on. If you wake up without stirring, you remembeR But this has pushed away far to the back of the consciousness all the stories of the vital. They are forgotten and so you cannot recollect your dreams. But if at the time of waking up you are not in a hurry, you are not obliged to leave your bed, on the contrary you can remain there as long as you wish, you need not even open your eyes; you keep your head exactly where it was and you make yourself like a tranquil mirror within and concentrate there. You catch just a tiny end of the tail of your dream. You catch it and start pulling gently, without stirring in the least. You begin pulling quite gently, and then first one part comes, a little later another. You go backward; the last comes up first. Everything goes backward, slowly, and suddenly the whole dream reappears: "Ah, there! it was like that." Above all, do not jump up, do not stir; you repeat the dream to yourself several times - once, twice - until it becomes clear in all its details. Once that dream is settled, you continue not to stir, you try to go further in, and suddenly you catch the tail of something else. It is more distant, more vague, but you can still seize it. And here also you hang on, get hold of it and pull, and you see that everything changes and you enter another world; all of a sudden you have an extraordinary adventure - it is another dream. You follow the same process. You repeat the dream to yourself once, twice, until you are sure of it. You remain very quiet all the time. Then you begin to penetrate still more deeply into yourself, as though you were going in very far, very far; and again suddenly you see a vague form, you have a feeling, a sensation... like a current of air, a slight breeze, a little breath; and you say, "Well, well...." It takes a form, it becomes clear - and the third category comes. You must have a lot of time, a lot of patience, you must be very quiet in your mind and body, very quiet, and you can tell the story of your whole night from the end right up to the beginning.

   Even without doing this exercise which is very long and difficult, in order to recollect a dream, whether it be the last one or the one in the middle that has made a violent impression on your being, you must do what I have said when you wake up: take particular care not even to move your head on the pillow, remain absolutely still and let the dream return.

   Some people do not have a passage between one state and another, there is a little gap and so they leap from one to the other; there is no highway passing through all the states of being with no break of the consciousness. A small dark hole, and you do not remember. It is like a precipice across which one has to extend the consciousness. To build a bridge takes a very long time; it takes much longer than building a physical bridge.... Very few people want to and know how to do it. They may have had magnificent activities, they do not remember them or sometimes only the last, the nearest, the most physical activity, with an uncoordinated movement - dreams having no sense.

   But there are as many different kinds of nights and sleep as there are different days and activities. There are not many days that are alike, each day is different. The days are not the same, the nights are not the same. You and your friends are doing apparently the same thing, but for each one it is very different. And each one must have his own procedure.

   Why are two dreams never alike?

Because all things are different. No two minutes are alike in the universe and it will be so till the end of the universe, no two minutes will ever be alike. And men obstinately want to make rules! One must do this and not that.... Well! we must let people please themselves.

   You could have put to me a very interesting question: "Why am I fourteen years old today?" Intelligent people will say: "It is because it is the fourteenth year since you were born." That is the answer of someone who believes himself to be very intelligent. But there is another reason. I shall tell this to you alone.... I have drowned you all sufficiently well! Now you must begin to learn swimming!

   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1953, 36?,
   Mother, when one imagines something, does it not exist?

When you imagine something, it means that you make a mental formation which may be close to the truth or far from the truth - it also depends upon the quality of your formation. You make a mental formation and there are people who have such a power of formation that they succeed in making what they imagine real. There are not many of these but there are some. They imagine something and their formation is so well made and so powerful that it succeeds in being realised. These are creators; there are not many of them but there are some.

   If one thinks of someone who doesn't exist or who is dead?

Ah! What do you mean? What have you just said? Someone who doesn't exist or someone who is dead? These are two absolutely different things.

   I mean someone who is dead.

Someone who is dead!

   If this person has remained in the mental domain, you can find him immediately. Naturally if he is no longer in the mental domain, if he is in the psychic domain, to think of him is not enough. You must know how to go into the psychic domain to find him. But if he has remained in the mental domain and you think of him, you can find him immediately, and not only that, but you can have a mental contact with him and a kind of mental vision of his existence.

   The mind has a capacity of vision of its own and it is not the same vision as with these eyes, but it is a vision, it is a perception in forms. But this is not imagination. It has nothing to do with imagination.

   Imagination, for instance, is when you begin to picture to yourself an ideal being to whom you apply all your conceptions, and when you tell yourself, "Why, it should be like this, like that, its form should be like this, its thought like that, its character like that," when you see all the details and build up the being. Now, writers do this all the time because when they write a novel, they imagine. There are those who take things from life but there are those who are imaginative, creators; they create a character, a personage and then put him in their book later. This is to imagine. To imagine, for example, a whole concurrence of circumstances, a set of events, this is what I call telling a story to oneself. But it can be put down on paper, and then one becomes a novelist. There are very different kinds of writers. Some imagine everything, some gather all sorts of observations from life and construct their book with them. There are a hundred ways of writing a book. But indeed some writers imagine everything from beginning to end. It all comes out of their head and they construct even their whole story without any support in things physically observed. This truly is imagination. But as I say, if they are very powerful and have a considerable capacity for creation, it is possible that one day or other there will be a physical human being who realises their creation. This too is true.

   What do you suppose imagination is, eh? Have you never imagined anything, you?

   And what happens?

   All that one imagines.

You mean that you imagine something and it happens like that, eh? Or it is in a dream...

   What is the function, the use of the imagination?

If one knows how to use it, as I said, one can create for oneself his own inner and outer life; one can build his own existence with his imagination, if one knows how to use it and has a power. In fact it is an elementary way of creating, of forming things in the world. I have always felt that if one didn't have the capacity of imagination he would not make any progress. Your imagination always goes ahead of your life. When you think of yourself, usually you imagine what you want to be, don't you, and this goes ahead, then you follow, then it continues to go ahead and you follow. Imagination opens for you the path of realisation. People who are not imaginative - it is very difficult to make them move; they see just what is there before their nose, they feel just what they are moment by moment and they cannot go forward because they are clamped by the immediate thing. It depends a good deal on what one calls imagination. However...

   Men of science must be having imagination!

A lot. Otherwise they would never discover anything. In fact, what is called imagination is a capacity to project oneself outside realised things and towards things realisable, and then to draw them by the projection. One can obviously have progressive and regressive imaginations. There are people who always imagine all the catastrophes possible, and unfortunately they also have the power of making them come. It's like the antennae going into a world that's not yet realised, catching something there and drawing it here. Then naturally it is an addition to the earth atmosphere and these things tend towards manifestation. It is an instrument which can be disciplined, can be used at will; one can discipline it, direct it, orientate it. It is one of the faculties one can develop in himself and render serviceable, that is, use it for definite purposes.

   Sweet Mother, can one imagine the Divine and have the contact?

Certainly if you succeed in imagining the Divine you have the contact, and you can have the contact with what you imagine, in any case. In fact it is absolutely impossible to imagine something which doesn't exist somewhere. You cannot imagine anything at all which doesn't exist somewhere. It is possible that it doesn't exist on the earth, it is possible that it's elsewhere, but it is impossible for you to imagine something which is not already contained in principle in the universe; otherwise it could not occur.

   Then, Sweet Mother, this means that in the created universe nothing new is added?

In the created universe? Yes. The universe is progressive; we said that constantly things manifest, more and more. But for your imagination to be able to go and seek beyond the manifestation something which will be manifested, well, it may happen, in fact it does - I was going to tell you that it is in this way that some beings can cause considerable progress to be made in the world, because they have the capacity of imagining something that's not yet manifested. But there are not many. One must first be capable of going beyond the manifested universe to be able to imagine something which is not there. There are already many things which can be imagined.

   What is our terrestrial world in the universe? A very small thing. Simply to have the capacity of imagining something which does not exist in the terrestrial manifestation is already very difficult, very difficult. For how many billions of years hasn't it existed, this little earth? And there have been no two identical things. That's much. It is very difficult to go out from the earth atmosphere with one's mind; one can, but it is very difficult. And then if one wants to go out, not only from the earth atmosphere but from the universal life!

   To be able simply to enter into contact with the life of the earth in its totality from the formation of the earth until now, what can this mean? And then to go beyond this and enter into contact with universal life from its beginnings up to now... and then again to be able to bring something new into the universe, one must go still farther beyond.

   Not easy!
   That's all?
   (To the child) Convinced?
   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1955, [T1],
262:This, in short, is the demand made on us, that we should turn our whole life into a conscious sacrifice. Every moment and every movement of our being is to be resolved into a continuous and a devoted self-giving to the Eternal. All our actions, not less the smallest and most ordinary and trifling than the greatest and most uncommon and noble, must be performed as consecrated acts. Our individualised nature must live in the single consciousness of an inner and outer movement dedicated to Something that is beyond us and greater than our ego. No matter what the gift or to whom it is presented by us, there must be a consciousness in the act that we are presenting it to the one divine Being in all beings. Our commonest or most grossly material actions must assume this sublimated character; when we eat, we should be conscious that we are giving our food to that Presence in us; it must be a sacred offering in a temple and the sense of a mere physical need or self-gratification must pass away from us. In any great labour, in any high discipline, in any difficult or noble enterprise, whether undertaken for ourselves, for others or for the race, it will no longer be possible to stop short at the idea of the race, of ourselves or of others. The thing we are doing must be consciously offered as a sacrifice of works, not to these, but either through them or directly to the One Godhead; the Divine Inhabitant who was hidden by these figures must be no longer hidden but ever present to our soul, our mind, our sense. The workings and results of our acts must be put in the hands of that One in the feeling that that Presence is the Infinite and Most High by whom alone our labour and our aspiration are possible. For in his being all takes place; for him all labour and aspiration are taken from us by Nature and offered on his altar. Even in those things in which Nature is herself very plainly the worker and we only the witnesses of her working and its containers and supporters, there should be the same constant memory and insistent consciousness of a work and of its divine Master. Our very inspiration and respiration, our very heart-beats can and must be made conscious in us as the living rhythm of the universal sacrifice.
   It is clear that a conception of this kind and its effective practice must carry in them three results that are of a central importance for our spiritual ideal. It is evident, to begin with, that, even if such a discipline is begun without devotion, it leads straight and inevitably towards the highest devotion possible; for it must deepen naturally into the completest adoration imaginable, the most profound God-love. There is bound up with it a growing sense of the Divine in all things, a deepening communion with the Divine in all our thought, will and action and at every moment of our lives, a more and more moved consecration to the Divine of the totality of our being. Now these implications of the Yoga of works are also of the very essence of an integral and absolute Bhakti. The seeker who puts them into living practice makes in himself continually a constant, active and effective representation of the very spirit of self-devotion, and it is inevitable that out of it there should emerge the most engrossing worship of the Highest to whom is given this service. An absorbing love for the Divine Presence to whom he feels an always more intimate closeness, grows upon the consecrated worker. And with it is born or in it is contained a universal love too for all these beings, living forms and creatures that are habitations of the Divine - not the brief restless grasping emotions of division, but the settled selfless love that is the deeper vibration of oneness. In all the seeker begins to meet the one Object of his adoration and service. The way of works turns by this road of sacrifice to meet the path of Devotion; it can be itself a devotion as complete, as absorbing, as integral as any the desire of the heart can ask for or the passion of the mind can imagine.
   Next, the practice of this Yoga demands a constant inward remembrance of the one central liberating knowledge, and a constant active externalising of it in works comes in too to intensify the remembrance. In all is the one Self, the one Divine is all; all are in the Divine, all are the Divine and there is nothing else in the universe, - this thought or this faith is the whole background until it becomes the whole substance of the consciousness of the worker. A memory, a self-dynamising meditation of this kind, must and does in its end turn into a profound and uninterrupted vision and a vivid and all-embracing consciousness of that which we so powerfully remember or on which we so constantly meditate. For it compels a constant reference at each moment to the Origin of all being and will and action and there is at once an embracing and exceeding of all particular forms and appearances in That which is their cause and upholder. This way cannot go to its end without a seeing vivid and vital, as concrete in its way as physical sight, of the works of the universal Spirit everywhere. On its summits it rises into a constant living and thinking and willing and acting in the presence of the Supramental, the Transcendent. Whatever we see and hear, whatever we touch and sense, all of which we are conscious, has to be known and felt by us as That which we worship and serve; all has to be turned into an image of the Divinity, perceived as a dwelling-place of his Godhead, enveloped with the eternal Omnipresence. In its close, if not long before it, this way of works turns by communion with the Divine Presence, Will and Force into a way of Knowledge more complete and integral than any the mere creature intelligence can construct or the search of the intellect can discover.
   Lastly, the practice of this Yoga of sacrifice compels us to renounce all the inner supports of egoism, casting them out of our mind and will and actions, and to eliminate its seed, its presence, its influence out of our nature. All must be done for the Divine; all must be directed towards the Divine. Nothing must be attempted for ourselves as a separate existence; nothing done for others, whether neighbours, friends, family, country or mankind or other creatures merely because they are connected with our personal life and thought and sentiment or because the ego takes a preferential interest in their welfare. In this way of doing and seeing all works and all life become only a daily dynamic worship and service of the Divine in the unbounded temple of his own vast cosmic existence. Life becomes more and more the sacrifice of the eternal in the individual constantly self-offered to the eternal Transcendence. It is offered in the wide sacrificial ground of the field of the eternal cosmic Spirit; and the Force too that offers it is the eternal Force, the omnipresent Mother. Therefore is this way a way of union and communion by acts and by the spirit and knowledge in the act as complete and integral as any our Godward will can hope for or our soul's strength execute.
   It has all the power of a way of works integral and absolute, but because of its law of sacrifice and self-giving to the Divine Self and Master, it is accompanied on its one side by the whole power of the path of Love and on the other by the whole power of the path of Knowledge. At its end all these three divine Powers work together, fused, united, completed, perfected by each other.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Yoga of Divine Works, The Sacrifice, the Triune Path and the Lord of the Sacrifice [111-114],
263:[The Gods and Their Worlds]

   [...] According to traditions and occult schools, all these zones of realities, these planes of realities have got different names; they have been classified in a different way, but there is an essential analogy, and if you go back far enough into the traditions, you see only the words changing according to the country and the language. Even now, the experiences of Western occultists and those of Eastern occultists offer great similarities. All who set out on the discovery of these invisible worlds and make a report of what they saw, give a very similar description, whether they be from here or there; they use different words, but the experience is very similar and the handling of forces is the same.

   This knowledge of the occult worlds is based on the existence of subtle bodies and of subtle worlds corresponding to those bodies. They are what the psychological method calls "states of consciousness", but these states of consciousness really correspond to worlds. The occult procedure consists then in being aware of these various inner states of being or subtle bodies and in becoming sufficiently a master of them so as to be able to go out of them successively, one after another. There is indeed a whole scale of subtleties, increasing or decreasing according to the direction in which you go, and the occult procedure consists in going out of a denser body into a subtler body and so on again, up to the most ethereal regions. You go, by successive exteriorisations, into bodies or worlds more and more subtle. It is somewhat as if every time you passed into another dimension. The fourth dimension of the physicists is nothing but the scientific transcription of an occult knowledge. To give another image, one can say that the physical body is at the centre - it is the most material, the densest and also the smallest - and the inner bodies, more subtle, overflow more and more the central physical body; they pass through it, extending themselves farther and farther, like water evaporating from a porous vase and forming a kind of steam all around. And the greater the subtlety, the more the extension tends to unite with that of the universe: one ends by universalising oneself. And it is altogether a concrete process which gives an objective experience of invisible worlds and even enables one to act in these worlds.

   There are, then, only a very small number of people in the West who know that these gods are not merely subjective and imaginary - more or less wildly imaginary - but that they correspond to a universal truth.

   All these regions, all these domains are filled with beings who exist, each in its own domain, and if you are awake and conscious on a particular plane - for instance, if on going out of a more material body you awake on some higher plane, you have the same relation with the things and people of that plane as you had with the things and people of the material world. That is to say, there exists an entirely objective relation that has nothing to do with the idea you may have of these things. Naturally, the resemblance is greater and greater as you approach the physical world, the material world, and there even comes a time when the one region has a direct action upon the other. In any case, in what Sri Aurobindo calls the overmental worlds, you will find a concrete reality absolutely independent of your personal experience; you go back there and again find the same things, with the differences that have occurred during your absence. And you have relations with those beings that are identical with the relations you have with physical beings, with this difference that the relation is more plastic, supple and direct - for example, there is the capacity to change the external form, the visible form, according to the inner state you are in. But you can make an appointment with someone and be at the appointed place and find the same being again, with certain differences that have come about during your absence; it is entirely concrete with results entirely concrete.

   One must have at least a little of this experience in order to understand these things. Otherwise, those who are convinced that all this is mere human imagination and mental formation, who believe that these gods have such and such a form because men have thought them to be like that, and that they have certain defects and certain qualities because men have thought them to be like that - all those who say that God is made in the image of man and that he exists only in human thought, all these will not understand; to them this will appear absolutely ridiculous, madness. One must have lived a little, touched the subject a little, to know how very concrete the thing is.

   Naturally, children know a good deal if they have not been spoilt. There are so many children who return every night to the same place and continue to live the life they have begun there. When these faculties are not spoilt with age, you can keep them with you. At a time when I was especially interested in dreams, I could return exactly to a place and continue a work that I had begun: supervise something, for example, set something in order, a work of organisation or of discovery, of exploration. You go until you reach a certain spot, as you would go in life, then you take a rest, then you return and begin again - you begin the work at the place where you left off and you continue it. And you perceive that there are things which are quite independent of you, in the sense that changes of which you are not at all the author, have taken place automatically during your absence.

   But for this, you must live these experiences yourself, you must see them yourself, live them with sufficient sincerity and spontaneity in order to see that they are independent of any mental formation. For you can do the opposite also, and deepen the study of the action of mental formation upon events. This is very interesting, but it is another domain. And this study makes you very careful, very prudent, because you become aware of how far you can delude yourself. So you must study both, the dream and the occult reality, in order to see what is the essential difference between the two. The one depends upon us; the other exists in itself; entirely independent of the thought that we have of it.

   When you have worked in that domain, you recognise in fact that once a subject has been studied and something has been learnt mentally, it gives a special colour to the experience; the experience may be quite spontaneous and sincere, but the simple fact that the subject was known and studied lends a particular quality. Whereas if you had learnt nothing about the question, if you knew nothing at all, the transcription would be completely spontaneous and sincere when the experience came; it would be more or less adequate, but it would not be the outcome of a previous mental formation.

   Naturally, this occult knowledge or this experience is not very frequent in the world, because in those who do not have a developed inner life, there are veritable gaps between the external consciousness and the inmost consciousness; the linking states of being are missing and they have to be constructed. So when people enter there for the first time, they are bewildered, they have the impression they have fallen into the night, into nothingness, into non-being!

   I had a Danish friend, a painter, who was like that. He wanted me to teach him how to go out of the body; he used to have interesting dreams and thought that it would be worth the trouble to go there consciously. So I made him "go out" - but it was a frightful thing! When he was dreaming, a part of his mind still remained conscious, active, and a kind of link existed between this active part and his external being; then he remembered some of his dreams, but it was a very partial phenomenon. And to go out of one's body means to pass gradually through all the states of being, if one does the thing systematically. Well, already in the subtle physical, one is almost de-individualised, and when one goes farther, there remains nothing, for nothing is formed or individualised.

   Thus, when people are asked to meditate or told to go within, to enter into themselves, they are in agony - naturally! They have the impression that they are vanishing. And with reason: there is nothing, no consciousness!

   These things that appear to us quite natural and evident, are, for people who know nothing, wild imagination. If, for example, you transplant these experiences or this knowledge to the West, well, unless you have been frequenting the circles of occultists, they stare at you with open eyes. And when you have turned your back, they hasten to say, "These people are cranks!" Now to come back to the gods and conclude. It must be said that all those beings who have never had an earthly existence - gods or demons, invisible beings and powers - do not possess what the Divine has put into man: the psychic being. And this psychic being gives to man true love, charity, compassion, a deep kindness, which compensate for all his external defects.

   In the gods there is no fault because they live according to their own nature, spontaneously and without constraint: as gods, it is their manner of being. But if you take a higher point of view, if you have a higher vision, a vision of the whole, you see that they lack certain qualities that are exclusively human. By his capacity of love and self-giving, man can have as much power as the gods and even more, when he is not egoistic, when he has surmounted his egoism.

   If he fulfils the required condition, man is nearer to the Supreme than the gods are. He can be nearer. He is not so automatically, but he has the power to be so, the potentiality.

   If human love manifested itself without mixture, it would be all-powerful. Unfortunately, in human love there is as much love of oneself as of the one loved; it is not a love that makes you forget yourself. - 4 November 1958

   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother III, 355
264:The Science of Living

To know oneself and to control oneself

AN AIMLESS life is always a miserable life.

Every one of you should have an aim. But do not forget that on the quality of your aim will depend the quality of your life.

   Your aim should be high and wide, generous and disinterested; this will make your life precious to yourself and to others.

   But whatever your ideal, it cannot be perfectly realised unless you have realised perfection in yourself.

   To work for your perfection, the first step is to become conscious of yourself, of the different parts of your being and their respective activities. You must learn to distinguish these different parts one from another, so that you may become clearly aware of the origin of the movements that occur in you, the many impulses, reactions and conflicting wills that drive you to action. It is an assiduous study which demands much perseverance and sincerity. For man's nature, especially his mental nature, has a spontaneous tendency to give a favourable explanation for everything he thinks, feels, says and does. It is only by observing these movements with great care, by bringing them, as it were, before the tribunal of our highest ideal, with a sincere will to submit to its judgment, that we can hope to form in ourselves a discernment that never errs. For if we truly want to progress and acquire the capacity of knowing the truth of our being, that is to say, what we are truly created for, what we can call our mission upon earth, then we must, in a very regular and constant manner, reject from us or eliminate in us whatever contradicts the truth of our existence, whatever is opposed to it. In this way, little by little, all the parts, all the elements of our being can be organised into a homogeneous whole around our psychic centre. This work of unification requires much time to be brought to some degree of perfection. Therefore, in order to accomplish it, we must arm ourselves with patience and endurance, with a determination to prolong our life as long as necessary for the success of our endeavour.

   As you pursue this labour of purification and unification, you must at the same time take great care to perfect the external and instrumental part of your being. When the higher truth manifests, it must find in you a mind that is supple and rich enough to be able to give the idea that seeks to express itself a form of thought which preserves its force and clarity. This thought, again, when it seeks to clothe itself in words, must find in you a sufficient power of expression so that the words reveal the thought and do not deform it. And the formula in which you embody the truth should be manifested in all your feelings, all your acts of will, all your actions, in all the movements of your being. Finally, these movements themselves should, by constant effort, attain their highest perfection.

   All this can be realised by means of a fourfold discipline, the general outline of which is given here. The four aspects of the discipline do not exclude each other, and can be followed at the same time; indeed, this is preferable. The starting-point is what can be called the psychic discipline. We give the name "psychic" to the psychological centre of our being, the seat within us of the highest truth of our existence, that which can know this truth and set it in movement. It is therefore of capital importance to become conscious of its presence in us, to concentrate on this presence until it becomes a living fact for us and we can identify ourselves with it.

   In various times and places many methods have been prescribed for attaining this perception and ultimately achieving this identification. Some methods are psychological, some religious, some even mechanical. In reality, everyone has to find the one which suits him best, and if one has an ardent and steadfast aspiration, a persistent and dynamic will, one is sure to meet, in one way or another - outwardly through reading and study, inwardly through concentration, meditation, revelation and experience - the help one needs to reach the goal. Only one thing is absolutely indispensable: the will to discover and to realise. This discovery and realisation should be the primary preoccupation of our being, the pearl of great price which we must acquire at any cost. Whatever you do, whatever your occupations and activities, the will to find the truth of your being and to unite with it must be always living and present behind all that you do, all that you feel, all that you think.

   To complement this movement of inner discovery, it would be good not to neglect the development of the mind. For the mental instrument can equally be a great help or a great hindrance. In its natural state the human mind is always limited in its vision, narrow in its understanding, rigid in its conceptions, and a constant effort is therefore needed to widen it, to make it more supple and profound. So it is very necessary to consider everything from as many points of view as possible. Towards this end, there is an exercise which gives great suppleness and elevation to the thought. It is as follows: a clearly formulated thesis is set; against it is opposed its antithesis, formulated with the same precision. Then by careful reflection the problem must be widened or transcended until a synthesis is found which unites the two contraries in a larger, higher and more comprehensive idea.

   Many other exercises of the same kind can be undertaken; some have a beneficial effect on the character and so possess a double advantage: that of educating the mind and that of establishing control over the feelings and their consequences. For example, you must never allow your mind to judge things and people, for the mind is not an instrument of knowledge; it is incapable of finding knowledge, but it must be moved by knowledge. Knowledge belongs to a much higher domain than that of the human mind, far above the region of pure ideas. The mind has to be silent and attentive to receive knowledge from above and manifest it. For it is an instrument of formation, of organisation and action, and it is in these functions that it attains its full value and real usefulness.

   There is another practice which can be very helpful to the progress of the consciousness. Whenever there is a disagreement on any matter, such as a decision to be taken, or an action to be carried out, one must never remain closed up in one's own conception or point of view. On the contrary, one must make an effort to understand the other's point of view, to put oneself in his place and, instead of quarrelling or even fighting, find the solution which can reasonably satisfy both parties; there always is one for men of goodwill.

   Here we must mention the discipline of the vital. The vital being in us is the seat of impulses and desires, of enthusiasm and violence, of dynamic energy and desperate depressions, of passions and revolts. It can set everything in motion, build and realise; but it can also destroy and mar everything. Thus it may be the most difficult part to discipline in the human being. It is a long and exacting labour requiring great patience and perfect sincerity, for without sincerity you will deceive yourself from the very outset, and all endeavour for progress will be in vain. With the collaboration of the vital no realisation seems impossible, no transformation impracticable. But the difficulty lies in securing this constant collaboration. The vital is a good worker, but most often it seeks its own satisfaction. If that is refused, totally or even partially, the vital gets vexed, sulks and goes on strike. Its energy disappears more or less completely and in its place leaves disgust for people and things, discouragement or revolt, depression and dissatisfaction. At such moments it is good to remain quiet and refuse to act; for these are the times when one does stupid things and in a few moments one can destroy or spoil the progress that has been made during months of regular effort. These crises are shorter and less dangerous for those who have established a contact with their psychic being which is sufficient to keep alive in them the flame of aspiration and the consciousness of the ideal to be realised. They can, with the help of this consciousness, deal with their vital as one deals with a rebellious child, with patience and perseverance, showing it the truth and light, endeavouring to convince it and awaken in it the goodwill which has been veiled for a time. By means of such patient intervention each crisis can be turned into a new progress, into one more step towards the goal. Progress may be slow, relapses may be frequent, but if a courageous will is maintained, one is sure to triumph one day and see all difficulties melt and vanish before the radiance of the truth-consciousness.

   Lastly, by means of a rational and discerning physical education, we must make our body strong and supple enough to become a fit instrument in the material world for the truth-force which wants to manifest through us.

   In fact, the body must not rule, it must obey. By its very nature it is a docile and faithful servant. Unfortunately, it rarely has the capacity of discernment it ought to have with regard to its masters, the mind and the vital. It obeys them blindly, at the cost of its own well-being. The mind with its dogmas, its rigid and arbitrary principles, the vital with its passions, its excesses and dissipations soon destroy the natural balance of the body and create in it fatigue, exhaustion and disease. It must be freed from this tyranny and this can be done only through a constant union with the psychic centre of the being. The body has a wonderful capacity of adaptation and endurance. It is able to do so many more things than one usually imagines. If, instead of the ignorant and despotic masters that now govern it, it is ruled by the central truth of the being, you will be amazed at what it is capable of doing. Calm and quiet, strong and poised, at every minute it will be able to put forth the effort that is demanded of it, for it will have learnt to find rest in action and to recuperate, through contact with the universal forces, the energies it expends consciously and usefully. In this sound and balanced life a new harmony will manifest in the body, reflecting the harmony of the higher regions, which will give it perfect proportions and ideal beauty of form. And this harmony will be progressive, for the truth of the being is never static; it is a perpetual unfolding of a growing perfection that is more and more total and comprehensive. As soon as the body has learnt to follow this movement of progressive harmony, it will be possible for it to escape, through a continuous process of transformation, from the necessity of disintegration and destruction. Thus the irrevocable law of death will no longer have any reason to exist.

   When we reach this degree of perfection which is our goal, we shall perceive that the truth we seek is made up of four major aspects: Love, Knowledge, Power and Beauty. These four attributes of the Truth will express themselves spontaneously in our being. The psychic will be the vehicle of true and pure love, the mind will be the vehicle of infallible knowledge, the vital will manifest an invincible power and strength and the body will be the expression of a perfect beauty and harmony.

   Bulletin, November 1950

   ~ The Mother, On Education,
265:The Supreme Discovery
   IF WE want to progress integrally, we must build within our conscious being a strong and pure mental synthesis which can serve us as a protection against temptations from outside, as a landmark to prevent us from going astray, as a beacon to light our way across the moving ocean of life.
   Each individual should build up this mental synthesis according to his own tendencies and affinities and aspirations. But if we want it to be truly living and luminous, it must be centred on the idea that is the intellectual representation symbolising That which is at the centre of our being, That which is our life and our light.
   This idea, expressed in sublime words, has been taught in various forms by all the great Instructors in all lands and all ages.
   The Self of each one and the great universal Self are one. Since all that is exists from all eternity in its essence and principle, why make a distinction between the being and its origin, between ourselves and what we place at the beginning?
   The ancient traditions rightly said:
   "Our origin and ourselves, our God and ourselves are one."
   And this oneness should not be understood merely as a more or less close and intimate relationship of union, but as a true identity.
   Thus, when a man who seeks the Divine attempts to reascend by degrees towards the inaccessible, he forgets that all his knowledge and all his intuition cannot take him one step forward in this infinite; neither does he know that what he wants to attain, what he believes to be so far from him, is within him.
   For how could he know anything of the origin until he becomes conscious of this origin in himself?
   It is by understanding himself, by learning to know himself, that he can make the supreme discovery and cry out in wonder like the patriarch in the Bible, "The house of God is here and I knew it not."
   That is why we must express that sublime thought, creatrix of the material worlds, and make known to all the word that fills the heavens and the earth, "I am in all things and all beings."When all shall know this, the promised day of great transfigurations will be at hand. When in each atom of Matter men shall recognise the indwelling thought of God, when in each living creature they shall perceive some hint of a gesture of God, when each man can see God in his brother, then dawn will break, dispelling the darkness, the falsehood, the ignorance, the error and suffering that weigh upon all Nature. For, "all Nature suffers and laments as she awaits the revelation of the Sons of God."
   This indeed is the central thought epitomising all others, the thought which should be ever present to our remembrance as the sun that illumines all life.
   That is why I remind you of it today. For if we follow our path bearing this thought in our hearts like the rarest jewel, the most precious treasure, if we allow it to do its work of illumination and transfiguration within us, we shall know that it lives in the centre of all beings and all things, and in it we shall feel the marvellous oneness of the universe.
   Then we shall understand the vanity and childishness of our meagre satisfactions, our foolish quarrels, our petty passions, our blind indignations. We shall see the dissolution of our little faults, the crumbling of the last entrenchments of our limited personality and our obtuse egoism. We shall feel ourselves being swept along by this sublime current of true spirituality which will deliver us from our narrow limits and bounds.
   The individual Self and the universal Self are one; in every world, in every being, in every thing, in every atom is the Divine Presence, and man's mission is to manifest it.
   In order to do that, he must become conscious of this Divine Presence within him. Some individuals must undergo a real apprenticeship in order to achieve this: their egoistic being is too all-absorbing, too rigid, too conservative, and their struggles against it are long and painful. Others, on the contrary, who are more impersonal, more plastic, more spiritualised, come easily into contact with the inexhaustible divine source of their being.But let us not forget that they too should devote themselves daily, constantly, to a methodical effort of adaptation and transformation, so that nothing within them may ever again obscure the radiance of that pure light.
   But how greatly the standpoint changes once we attain this deeper consciousness! How understanding widens, how compassion grows!
   On this a sage has said:
   "I would like each one of us to come to the point where he perceives the inner God who dwells even in the vilest of human beings; instead of condemning him we would say, 'Arise, O resplendent Being, thou who art ever pure, who knowest neither birth nor death; arise, Almighty One, and manifest thy nature.'"
   Let us live by this beautiful utterance and we shall see everything around us transformed as if by miracle.
   This is the attitude of true, conscious and discerning love, the love which knows how to see behind appearances, understand in spite of words, and which, amid all obstacles, is in constant communion with the depths.
   What value have our impulses and our desires, our anguish and our violence, our sufferings and our struggles, all these inner vicissitudes unduly dramatised by our unruly imagination - what value do they have before this great, this sublime and divine love bending over us from the innermost depths of our being, bearing with our weaknesses, rectifying our errors, healing our wounds, bathing our whole being with its regenerating streams?
   For the inner Godhead never imposes herself, she neither demands nor threatens; she offers and gives herself, conceals and forgets herself in the heart of all beings and things; she never accuses, she neither judges nor curses nor condemns, but works unceasingly to perfect without constraint, to mend without reproach, to encourage without impatience, to enrich each one with all the wealth he can receive; she is the mother whose love bears fruit and nourishes, guards and protects, counsels and consoles; because she understands everything, she can endure everything, excuse and pardon everything, hope and prepare for everything; bearing everything within herself, she owns nothing that does not belong to all, and because she reigns over all, she is the servant of all; that is why all, great and small, who want to be kings with her and gods in her, become, like her, not despots but servitors among their brethren.
   How beautiful is this humble role of servant, the role of all who have been revealers and heralds of the God who is within all, of the Divine Love that animates all things....
   And until we can follow their example and become true servants even as they, let us allow ourselves to be penetrated and transformed by this Divine Love; let us offer Him, without reserve, this marvellous instrument, our physical organism. He shall make it yield its utmost on every plane of activity.
   To achieve this total self-consecration, all means are good, all methods have their value. The one thing needful is to persevere in our will to attain this goal. For then everything we study, every action we perform, every human being we meet, all come to bring us an indication, a help, a light to guide us on the path.
   Before I close, I shall add a few pages for those who have already made apparently fruitless efforts, for those who have encountered the pitfalls on the way and seen the measure of their weakness, for those who are in danger of losing their self-confidence and courage. These pages, intended to rekindle hope in the hearts of those who suffer, were written by a spiritual worker at a time when ordeals of every kind were sweeping down on him like purifying flames.
   You who are weary, downcast and bruised, you who fall, who think perhaps that you are defeated, hear the voice of a friend. He knows your sorrows, he has shared them, he has suffered like you from the ills of the earth; like you he has crossed many deserts under the burden of the day, he has known thirst and hunger, solitude and abandonment, and the cruellest of all wants, the destitution of the heart. Alas! he has known too the hours of doubt, the errors, the faults, the failings, every weakness.
   But he tells you: Courage! Hearken to the lesson that the rising sun brings to the earth with its first rays each morning. It is a lesson of hope, a message of solace.
   You who weep, who suffer and tremble, who dare not expect an end to your ills, an issue to your pangs, behold: there is no night without dawn and the day is about to break when darkness is thickest; there is no mist that the sun does not dispel, no cloud that it does not gild, no tear that it will not dry one day, no storm that is not followed by its shining triumphant bow; there is no snow that it does not melt, nor winter that it does not change into radiant spring.
   And for you too, there is no affliction which does not bring its measure of glory, no distress which cannot be transformed into joy, nor defeat into victory, nor downfall into higher ascension, nor solitude into radiating centre of life, nor discord into harmony - sometimes it is a misunderstanding between two minds that compels two hearts to open to mutual communion; lastly, there is no infinite weakness that cannot be changed into strength. And it is even in supreme weakness that almightiness chooses to reveal itself!
   Listen, my little child, you who today feel so broken, so fallen perhaps, who have nothing left, nothing to cover your misery and foster your pride: never before have you been so great! How close to the summits is he who awakens in the depths, for the deeper the abyss, the more the heights reveal themselves!
   Do you not know this, that the most sublime forces of the vasts seek to array themselves in the most opaque veils of Matter? Oh, the sublime nuptials of sovereign love with the obscurest plasticities, of the shadow's yearning with the most royal light!
   If ordeal or fault has cast you down, if you have sunk into the nether depths of suffering, do not grieve - for there indeed the divine love and the supreme blessing can reach you! Because you have passed through the crucible of purifying sorrows, the glorious ascents are yours.
   You are in the wilderness: then listen to the voices of the silence. The clamour of flattering words and outer applause has gladdened your ears, but the voices of the silence will gladden your soul and awaken within you the echo of the depths, the chant of divine harmonies!
   You are walking in the depths of night: then gather the priceless treasures of the night. In bright sunshine, the ways of intelligence are lit, but in the white luminosities of the night lie the hidden paths of perfection, the secret of spiritual riches.
   You are being stripped of everything: that is the way towards plenitude. When you have nothing left, everything will be given to you. Because for those who are sincere and true, from the worst always comes the best.
   Every grain that is sown in the earth produces a thousand. Every wing-beat of sorrow can be a soaring towards glory.
   And when the adversary pursues man relentlessly, everything he does to destroy him only makes him greater.
   Hear the story of the worlds, look: the great enemy seems to triumph. He casts the beings of light into the night, and the night is filled with stars. He rages against the cosmic working, he assails the integrity of the empire of the sphere, shatters its harmony, divides and subdivides it, scatters its dust to the four winds of infinity, and lo! the dust is changed into a golden seed, fertilising the infinite and peopling it with worlds which now gravitate around their eternal centre in the larger orbit of space - so that even division creates a richer and deeper unity, and by multiplying the surfaces of the material universe, enlarges the empire that it set out to destroy.
   Beautiful indeed was the song of the primordial sphere cradled in the bosom of immensity, but how much more beautiful and triumphant is the symphony of the constellations, the music of the spheres, the immense choir that fills the heavens with an eternal hymn of victory!
   Hear again: no state was ever more precarious than that of man when he was separated on earth from his divine origin. Above him stretched the hostile borders of the usurper, and at his horizon's gates watched jailers armed with flaming swords. Then, since he could climb no more to the source of life, the source arose within him; since he could no more receive the light from above, the light shone forth at the very centre of his being; since he could commune no more with the transcendent love, that love offered itself in a holocaust and chose each terrestrial being, each human self as its dwelling-place and sanctuary.
   That is how, in this despised and desolate but fruitful and blessed Matter, each atom contains a divine thought, each being carries within him the Divine Inhabitant. And if no being in all the universe is as frail as man, neither is any as divine as he!
   In truth, in truth, in humiliation lies the cradle of glory! 28 April 1912 ~ The Mother, Words Of Long Ago, The Supreme Discovery,
1:I work until beer o'clock. ~ stephen-king, @wisdomtrove
2:We're asleep until we love. ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
3:Write until it stops hurting. ~ anais-nin, @wisdomtrove
4:How long should you try? Until. ~ jim-rohn, @wisdomtrove
5:It's not over until I (you) win. ~ les-brown, @wisdomtrove
6:I will persist until I succeed! ~ og-mandino, @wisdomtrove
7:Keep starting until you finish. ~ seth-godin, @wisdomtrove
8:Lord, let me live until I die. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
9:Give, but give until it hurts. ~ mother-teresa, @wisdomtrove
10:Until you die .. it's all life. ~ kurt-vonnegut, @wisdomtrove
11:Everything stinks until it's finished. ~ dr-seuss, @wisdomtrove
12:Until death it is all life. ~ miguel-de-cervantes, @wisdomtrove
13:Pain pushes until vision pulls. ~ michael-beckwith, @wisdomtrove
14:One story sounds good until another is told ~ aesop, @wisdomtrove
15:let me forget about today until tomorrow ~ bob-dylan, @wisdomtrove
16:We are optimists, until we are not. ~ charles-darwin, @wisdomtrove
17:I never quit until I get what I want. ~ thomas-edison, @wisdomtrove
18:Nothing is really ours until we share it. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
19:We know nothing until intuition agrees. ~ richard-bach, @wisdomtrove
20:You haven't taught until they've learned. ~ john-wooden, @wisdomtrove
21:Delight is incomplete until it is expressed. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
22:We don't have rights until we claim them. ~ richard-bach, @wisdomtrove
23:Beauty is meaningless until it is shared. ~ george-orwell, @wisdomtrove
24:Don't face the day until you've faced God. ~ maya-angelou, @wisdomtrove
25:No one knows what they can do until they try. ~ les-brown, @wisdomtrove
26:A man does not exist until he is drunk. ~ ernest-hemingway, @wisdomtrove
27:I never smoked a cigarette until I was nine. ~ h-l-mencken, @wisdomtrove
28:No one is free until we are all free. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
29:Work on one thing at a time until finished. ~ henry-miller, @wisdomtrove
30:You have not taught until they have learned. ~ john-wooden, @wisdomtrove
31:I'm not offended until you think I'm offended. ~ criss-jami, @wisdomtrove
32:It always seems impossible until its done. ~ nelson-mandela, @wisdomtrove
33:I will not leave you until I have seen you hanged. ~ moliere, @wisdomtrove
34:Data is not useful until it becomes information. ~ seth-godin, @wisdomtrove
35:Never begin the day until it is finished on paper. ~ jim-rohn, @wisdomtrove
36:No one is listening until you make a mistake. ~ steven-wright, @wisdomtrove
37:And I'll stand on the ocean until I start sinking. ~ bob-dylan, @wisdomtrove
38:Our heart is restless until it rests in You. ~ saint-augustine, @wisdomtrove
39:Until death itself comes, no calamity need be feared ~ sun-tzu, @wisdomtrove
40:Each man is haunted until his humanity awakens. ~ william-blake, @wisdomtrove
41:Lightning makes no sound until it strikes. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
42:One has not understood until one has forgotten it. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
43:You never know anyone until you marry them. ~ eleanor-roosevelt, @wisdomtrove
44:Love means to be willing to give until it hurts. ~ mother-teresa, @wisdomtrove
45:Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow. ~ heraclitus, @wisdomtrove
46:Why do we wait until a pig is dead to "cure" it? ~ steven-wright, @wisdomtrove
47:You live out the confusions until they become clear. ~ anais-nin, @wisdomtrove
48:I will strain my potential until it cries for mercy. ~ og-mandino, @wisdomtrove
49:Education is hanging around until you've caught on. ~ robert-frost, @wisdomtrove
50:Knowledge is only rumor until it lives in the bones. ~ brene-brown, @wisdomtrove
51:Never make a calculation until you know the answer. ~ john-wheeler, @wisdomtrove
52:Nothing can stop you until you choose to be stopped ~ robin-sharma, @wisdomtrove
53:Still we love the evil we do, until we suffer it. ~ samuel-johnson, @wisdomtrove
54:The pain pushes you, until the vision pulls you ~ michael-beckwith, @wisdomtrove
55:We'll be friends until forever, just you wait and see. ~ a-a-milne, @wisdomtrove
56:Everything is wrong until Jesus sets it right. ~ aiden-wilson-tozer, @wisdomtrove
57:He marries best who puts it off until it is too late. ~ h-l-mencken, @wisdomtrove
58:No one will believe in you until you believe in you. ~ robin-sharma, @wisdomtrove
59:Set your target and keep trying until you reach it. ~ napoleon-hill, @wisdomtrove
60:Trust God in the dark until the light returns. ~ aiden-wilson-tozer, @wisdomtrove
61:Until you have loved, you cannot become yourself. ~ emily-dickinson, @wisdomtrove
62:A leech that will not quit the skin until sated with blood. ~ horace, @wisdomtrove
63:I don't know what to think until I see what I've said. ~ e-m-forster, @wisdomtrove
64:Knowledge is only a rumor until it lives in the muscle. ~ brene-brown, @wisdomtrove
65:Not one atom can rest until it finds its freedom. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
66:Until we can manage time, we can manage nothing else. ~ peter-drucker, @wisdomtrove
67:No man is ever whipped until he quits in his own mind. ~ napoleon-hill, @wisdomtrove
68:You won't be happy anywhere until you're happy somewhere. ~ alan-cohen, @wisdomtrove
69:Catholic, which I was until I reached the age of reason ~ george-carlin, @wisdomtrove
70:Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. ~ benjamin-franklin, @wisdomtrove
71:We are pushed by pain until we are pulled by vision. ~ michael-beckwith, @wisdomtrove
72:I need to keep pressing on until I am thoroughly thankful. ~ joyce-meyer, @wisdomtrove
73:I was a serious method actor until I visited this site. ~ robin-williams, @wisdomtrove
74:Never correct or rewrite until the whole thing is down. ~ john-steinbeck, @wisdomtrove
75:Never trust a survivor until you know how they survived. ~ kurt-vonnegut, @wisdomtrove
76:Nothing has really happened until it has been recorded. ~ virginia-woolf, @wisdomtrove
77:Self-realization is not complete until it lives in action. ~ byron-katie, @wisdomtrove
78:A person with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds. ~ mark-twain, @wisdomtrove
79:Arise! Awake! and stop not until the goal is reached. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
80:I cling to nowhere until I fall - the crash of Nothing. ~ emily-dickinson, @wisdomtrove
81:This is the meaning of true love, to give until it hurts. ~ mother-teresa, @wisdomtrove
82:You are not free until you have no need to impress anybody. ~ joyce-meyer, @wisdomtrove
83:You can't truly have an open heart until it's been broken. ~ alice-walker, @wisdomtrove
84:You don't know what kind of day you will have, until evening. ~ sophocles, @wisdomtrove
85:You never really learn to swear until you learn to drive. ~ steven-wright, @wisdomtrove
86:Don't start your day until you have it finished on paper first. ~ jim-rohn, @wisdomtrove
87:I never knew how to worship until I knew how to love. ~ henry-ward-beecher, @wisdomtrove
88:I never know how to worship until I know how to love. ~ henry-ward-beecher, @wisdomtrove
89:Let it (what you have written) be kept back until the ninth year. ~ horace, @wisdomtrove
90:No tactic will work until you have the guts to DO the work! ~ robin-sharma, @wisdomtrove
91:You never know what life is like, until you have lived it. ~ marilyn-monroe, @wisdomtrove
92:your life will not get straightened out until your mind does. ~ joyce-meyer, @wisdomtrove
93:I am an old man who will live until I die," Anselmo said. ~ ernest-hemingway, @wisdomtrove
94:Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath. ~ george-carlin, @wisdomtrove
95:Nobody is a real loser-until they start blaming somebody else. ~ john-wooden, @wisdomtrove
96:Until a character becomes a personality it cannot be believed. ~ walt-disney, @wisdomtrove
97:You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
98:You cannot travel the path until you have become the path itself.   ~ buddha, @wisdomtrove
99:Don't ever take a fence down until you know why it was put up. ~ robert-frost, @wisdomtrove
100:I never gave up Christianity until I was forty years of age. ~ charles-darwin, @wisdomtrove
101:I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free. ~ michelangelo, @wisdomtrove
102:I will not rest until no child goes hungry. All is possible. ~ audrey-hepburn, @wisdomtrove
103:Things are not going to improve for you in life until YOU improve ~ les-brown, @wisdomtrove
104:Until we lose ourselves there is no hope of finding ourselves. ~ henry-miller, @wisdomtrove
105:A man never tells you anything until you contradict him. ~ george-bernard-shaw, @wisdomtrove
106:Do not begin to teach others until the Lord has taught you. ~ charles-spurgeon, @wisdomtrove
107:God never uses anyone greatly until He tests them deeply. ~ aiden-wilson-tozer, @wisdomtrove
108:If you wait until you are ready, it is almost certainly too late. ~ seth-godin, @wisdomtrove
109:It's not wise to violate rules until you know how to observe them. ~ t-s-eliot, @wisdomtrove
110:She had not known the weight until she felt the freedom. ~ nathaniel-hawthorne, @wisdomtrove
111:The truth is, no one of us can be free until everybody is free. ~ maya-angelou, @wisdomtrove
112:Let us not love by words alone, but let us love until it hurts. ~ mother-teresa, @wisdomtrove
113:Violence is not completely fatal until it ceases to disturb us. ~ thomas-merton, @wisdomtrove
114:We don't have to wait until we are old to gather the riches... ~ susan-jeffers, @wisdomtrove
115:And no one will listen to us until we listen to ourselves. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
116:Be like a postage stamp. Stick to one thing until you get there. ~ josh-billings, @wisdomtrove
117:I can look at the knot in a piece of wood until it frightens me. ~ william-blake, @wisdomtrove
118:Never accept a fact until it has been verified by theory. ~ sir-arthur-eddington, @wisdomtrove
119:No one is ready for a thing until he believes he can acquire it. ~ napoleon-hill, @wisdomtrove
120:Until the bitter end, the emptiness inside her was hers alone. ~ haruki-murakami, @wisdomtrove
121:We must never rest until everything inside us worships God. ~ aiden-wilson-tozer, @wisdomtrove
122:We must wait until the evening to see how splendid the day had been. ~ sophocles, @wisdomtrove
123:Every man has a right to be conceited until he is successful. ~ benjamin-disraeli, @wisdomtrove
124:Righteousness cannot be born until self-righteousness is dead. ~ bertrand-russell, @wisdomtrove
125:You cannot truly express yourself until you first discover who you are. ~ gangaji, @wisdomtrove
126:Your failures won't hurt you until you start blaming them on others. ~ zig-ziglar, @wisdomtrove
127:A year shall I endure for every day that passes until your return. ~ j-r-r-tolkien, @wisdomtrove
128:In this business, until you're known as a monster you're not a star. ~ bette-davis, @wisdomtrove
129:Men like me are impossible until the day when they become necessary. ~ victor-hugo, @wisdomtrove
130:People will not lend you a hand until you first touch their hearts. ~ robin-sharma, @wisdomtrove
131:Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it. ~ steven-wright, @wisdomtrove
132:Fear nothing! Have peace until the morning! Heed no nightly noises! ~ j-r-r-tolkien, @wisdomtrove
133:Until you have felt your own pain, you cannot feel the pain of others. ~ gary-zukav, @wisdomtrove
134:Until you have given up yourself to Him, you will not have a real self. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
135:Until you heal the wounds of your past, you will continue to bleed ~ lyania-vanzant, @wisdomtrove
136:We will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
137:You never really know yourself until you see yourself under pressure. ~ joyce-meyer, @wisdomtrove
138:Until your mission is an obsession, nothing will change in your life. ~ robin-sharma, @wisdomtrove
139:You are not a failure until you start blaming others for your mistakes ~ john-wooden, @wisdomtrove
140:Fish," he said softly, aloud, "I'll stay with you until I am dead. ~ ernest-hemingway, @wisdomtrove
141:Gee, I never thought I had an effect on people until I was in Korea. ~ marilyn-monroe, @wisdomtrove
142:I shall remain a wanderer until mankind has learned the way of peace. ~ peace-pilgrim, @wisdomtrove
143:My opinion is that you never find happiness until you stop looking for it. ~ zhuangzi, @wisdomtrove
144:Physical properties like position don’t exist until they’re measured. ~ george-carlin, @wisdomtrove
145:Retire? I'm going to stay in show business until I'm the only one left ~ george-burns, @wisdomtrove
146:Saints should always be judged guilty until they are proved innocent. ~ george-orwell, @wisdomtrove
147:Until we know that we can bear the unbearable, we're always running scared. ~ ram-das, @wisdomtrove
148:Until you are loyal to yourself, you can't be loyal to  another person. ~ byron-katie, @wisdomtrove
149:You can't truly rest until every area in your life rests in God. ~ aiden-wilson-tozer, @wisdomtrove
150:You never know what is enough until you know what is more than enough ~ william-blake, @wisdomtrove
151:You will never understand who you are until you understand who God is. ~ billy-graham, @wisdomtrove
152:Follow up and follow through until the task is completed, the prize won. ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
153:Nothing can seem extraordinary until you have discovered what is ordinary. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
154:The world won't step into its greatness until we step into ours. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
155:Be humble because until the sun with all its grandeur, let the moon shine. ~ bob-marley, @wisdomtrove
156:God cannot use a man or woman greatly until he wounds them deeply. ~ aiden-wilson-tozer, @wisdomtrove
157:Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care. ~ theodore-roosevelt, @wisdomtrove
158:To succeed you must add water to your wine, until there is no more wine. ~ jules-renard, @wisdomtrove
159:We are never really happy until we try to brighten the lives of others. ~ hellen-keller, @wisdomtrove
160:World peace will never come until the passion of supremacy is combated. ~ hellen-keller, @wisdomtrove
161:You don't know who is important to you until you actually lose them.   ~ mahatma-gandhi, @wisdomtrove
162:You have to wait until tomorrow to find out what tomorrow will bring. ~ haruki-murakami, @wisdomtrove
163:You never know how strong you are, until being strong is your only choice. ~ bob-marley, @wisdomtrove
164:You're not really free until you're free from trying to please everybody. ~ joel-osteen, @wisdomtrove
165:Deem no man happy until he passes the edo fhis life without suffering grief. ~ sophocles, @wisdomtrove
166:If it's worth listening to, it's worth questioning until you understand it. ~ seth-godin, @wisdomtrove
167:Life really does begin at forty. Up until then, you are just doing research. ~ carl-jung, @wisdomtrove
168:No phenomenon is a physical phenomenon until it is an observed phenomenon ~ john-wheeler, @wisdomtrove
169:Thought itself is harmless, an empty concept until we fill it with meaning. ~ wayne-dyer, @wisdomtrove
170:Don't mess up the environment until you're quite sure what you're doing. ~ arthur-c-carke, @wisdomtrove
171:Measure not the work until the day's out and the labor done. ~ elizabeth-barrett-browning, @wisdomtrove
172:Men will never be great in theology until they are great in suffering. ~ charles-spurgeon, @wisdomtrove
173:What is grace? I know until you ask me; when you ask me, I do not know. ~ saint-augustine, @wisdomtrove
174:Children use the fist until they are of age to use the brain. ~ elizabeth-barrett-browning, @wisdomtrove
175:Forgiveness will not be possible until compassion is born in your heart. ~ thich-nhat-hanh, @wisdomtrove
176:How you think when you lose determines how long it will be until you win. ~ g-k-chesterton, @wisdomtrove
177:I always feel that until you take your last breath, you're always growing. ~ oprah-winfrey, @wisdomtrove
178:I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
179:Sometimes you will never know the value of something,until it becomes a memory. ~ dr-seuss, @wisdomtrove
180:Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly. ~ napoleon-bonaparte, @wisdomtrove
181:When things are difficult, smile by faith. Don't wait until you feel better. ~ joel-osteen, @wisdomtrove
182:A lie keeps growing and growing until it's as plain as the nose on your face. ~ walt-disney, @wisdomtrove
183:Diplomacy is the art of saying &
184:For axioms in philosophy are not axioms until they are proved upon our pulses. ~ john-keats, @wisdomtrove
185:Something we were withholding made us weak, until we found it was ourselves. ~ robert-frost, @wisdomtrove
186:There is no salvation for man until he sees God, realises his own soul. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
187:To see where something leads, it's best to wait until you've reached the end. ~ dan-millman, @wisdomtrove
188:until the end of the world,all whys will be answered,but now,you can only ask! ~ bob-marley, @wisdomtrove
189:We all agree that forgiveness is a beautiful idea until we have to practice it. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
190:You don't know what's on the inside until you put a demand on your potential. ~ joel-osteen, @wisdomtrove
191:You must realize that one day you will die. Until then you are worthless. ~ chuck-palahniuk, @wisdomtrove
192:You never know how much a man can't remember until he is called as a witness. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
193:A man does not know what he is saying until he knows what he is not saying. ~ g-k-chesterton, @wisdomtrove
194:Detente - isn't that what a farmer has with his turkey - until Thanksgiving? ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
195:I never think I have finished a nude until I think I could pinch it. ~ pierre-auguste-renoir, @wisdomtrove
196:Life isn't worth living until you have found something worth dying for. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
197:People never believe in volcanoes until the lava actually overtakes them. ~ george-santayana, @wisdomtrove
198:Get a good idea and stay with it. Dog it, and work at it until it's done right. ~ walt-disney, @wisdomtrove
199:I will move gently down the stream of life until I sleep with my fathers. ~ george-washington, @wisdomtrove
200:Resolve in advance to persist until you succeed, no matter what the difficulty. ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
201:There will be no peace in the world until there is peace in our hearts. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
202:Until you do what you believe in, you don't know whether you believe it or not. ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
203:Health is like money, we never have a true idea of its value until we lose it. ~ josh-billings, @wisdomtrove
204:I made my first investment at age eleven. I was wasting my life up until then. ~ warren-buffet, @wisdomtrove
205:I think you've got something there, but I'll wait outside until you clean it up ~ groucho-marx, @wisdomtrove
206:Life is a full circle, widening until it joins the circle motions of the infinite. ~ anais-nin, @wisdomtrove
207:Promise me one thing: don't take me home until I'm drunk - very drunk indeed. ~ audrey-hepburn, @wisdomtrove
208:Remember everything is right until it's wrong. You'll know when it's wrong. ~ ernest-hemingway, @wisdomtrove
209:Some people wave their dogmatic thinking until their own reason is entangled. ~ samuel-johnson, @wisdomtrove
210:Until the Bible begins to talk to us, we really have not been reading it. ~ aiden-wilson-tozer, @wisdomtrove
211:Until we get rid of religion, we won't be able to conduct the search for God. ~ arthur-c-carke, @wisdomtrove
212:Until you are happy with who you are, you will never be happy with what you have. ~ zig-ziglar, @wisdomtrove
213:Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken. ~ warren-buffet, @wisdomtrove
214:Don't postpone joy until you have learned all of your lessons. Joy is your lesson. ~ alan-cohen, @wisdomtrove
215:Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better. ~ maya-angelou, @wisdomtrove
216:Genius is the ability to hold one's vision steady until it becomes reality. ~ benjamin-franklin, @wisdomtrove
217:If you're waiting until you feel talented enough to make it, you'll never make it. ~ criss-jami, @wisdomtrove
218:Reality means you live until you die. The real truth is nobody wants reality. ~ chuck-palahniuk, @wisdomtrove
219:Until your dream dominates your mindset, you'll never wake up to your greatness. ~ robin-sharma, @wisdomtrove
220:You never know what you can do until you try, and very few try unless they have to. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
221:Never trust an experimental result until it has been confirmed by theory” ~ sir-arthur-eddington, @wisdomtrove
222:No one really knows why they are alive until they know what they'd die for. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
223:Until that afternoon in October four years ago, I hadn't known dogs could scream. ~ stephen-king, @wisdomtrove
224:Until we realise ourselves as the Absolute, we cannot attain to deliverance. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
225:You will never know God's strength until He has supported you in deep waters. ~ charles-spurgeon, @wisdomtrove
226:Following Jesus is simple, but not easy. Love until it hurts, and then love more. ~ mother-teresa, @wisdomtrove
227:If you can't be remarkable, perhaps you should consider doing nothing until you can. ~ seth-godin, @wisdomtrove
228:It is not until you have the courage to engage in human relationships that you grow. ~ gary-zukav, @wisdomtrove
229:Many people die at twenty five and aren't buried until they are seventy five. ~ benjamin-franklin, @wisdomtrove
230:Most parents don't worry about a daughter until she fails to show up for breakfast. ~ kin-hubbard, @wisdomtrove
231:Most people do not understand until old age what Plato tells them when they are young. ~ plutarch, @wisdomtrove
232:Nobody can be set free from a problem until they're willing to admit they have one. ~ joyce-meyer, @wisdomtrove
233:Until our mission becomes our obsession, we'll be chained to the realm of average. ~ robin-sharma, @wisdomtrove
234:We cannot fully understand the relations of time and choice until we are beyond both. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
235:Conviction never so excellent, is worthless until it coverts itself into conduct. ~ thomas-carlyle, @wisdomtrove
236:Creating art is a habit, one that we practice daily or hourly until we get good at it ~ seth-godin, @wisdomtrove
237:Do not rest, believer, until you have full assurance of your interest in Jesus. ~ charles-spurgeon, @wisdomtrove
238:Don't believe the results of experiments until they're confirmed by theory. ~ sir-arthur-eddington, @wisdomtrove
239:If you wait until there is another case study in your industry, you will be too late! ~ seth-godin, @wisdomtrove
240:I never know what I think about something until I read what I've written on it. ~ william-faulkner, @wisdomtrove
241:Prayer enlarges the heart until it is capable of containing God's gift of Himself. ~ mother-teresa, @wisdomtrove
242:We never find out the strength of the evil impulse inside us until we try to fight it. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
243:A man of action forced into a state of thought is unhappy until he can get out of it. ~ franz-kafka, @wisdomtrove
244:If something is good, you must torture it mercilessly until it is either dead or great. ~ brian-eno, @wisdomtrove
245:If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die. ~ warren-buffet, @wisdomtrove
246:No matter how qualified you are, you won't reach a better life until you imagine it. ~ richard-bach, @wisdomtrove
247:The creator of the new composition in the arts is an outlaw until he is a classic. ~ gertrude-stein, @wisdomtrove
248:Until you find something to fight for, you settle for something to fight against. ~ chuck-palahniuk, @wisdomtrove
249:We cannot truly face life until we face the fact that it will be taken away from us. ~ billy-graham, @wisdomtrove
250:Ignorant men do not know what good they hold in their hands until they've flung it away. ~ sophocles, @wisdomtrove
251:No literature is complete until the language it was written in is dead. ~ henry-wadsworth-longfellow, @wisdomtrove
252:No man is regular in his attendance at the House of Commons until he is married. ~ benjamin-disraeli, @wisdomtrove
253:One is always a long way from solving a problem until one actually has the answer. ~ stephen-hawking, @wisdomtrove
254:The chains of habit are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to be broken. ~ samuel-johnson, @wisdomtrove
255:Until you commit your goals to paper, you have intentions that are seeds without soil. ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
256:World peace will never be stable until enough of us find inner peace to stabilize it ~ peace-pilgrim, @wisdomtrove
257:You can't make someone feel good about themselves until you feel good about yourself. ~ robin-sharma, @wisdomtrove
258:Don't waste your life waiting until everything is perfect before you start enjoying it. ~ joyce-meyer, @wisdomtrove
259:If there’s something I can’t do but want to, I won’t relax until I’m able to do it. ~ haruki-murakami, @wisdomtrove
260:It is doubtful whether God can bless a man greatly until He has hurt him deeply. ~ aiden-wilson-tozer, @wisdomtrove
261:Love until it hurts. Real love is always painful and hurts: then it is real and pure. ~ mother-teresa, @wisdomtrove
262:Until we can receive with an open heart, we are never really giving with an open heart. ~ brene-brown, @wisdomtrove
263:Because God has made us for Himself, our hearts are restless until they rest in Him. ~ saint-augustine, @wisdomtrove
264:I'm one of those people who doesn't really know what he thinks until he writes it down. ~ stephen-king, @wisdomtrove
265:Love, joy and peace cannot flourish until you have freed yourself from mind dominance. ~ eckhart-tolle, @wisdomtrove
266:Remember that nothing really important ever happens until someone takes a chance. ~ h-jackson-brown-jr, @wisdomtrove
267:Who can wait quietly until the mud settles? Who can remain still until the moment of action? ~ lao-tzu, @wisdomtrove
268:You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore. ~ william-faulkner, @wisdomtrove
269:..finally he was just another ant, working and working until he died without meaning. ~ haruki-murakami, @wisdomtrove
270:The problem with waiting until tomorrow is that when it finally arrives, it is called today. ~ jim-rohn, @wisdomtrove
271:The question is not "To be or not to be," it is what we should be until we are not. ~ soren-kierkegaard, @wisdomtrove
272:There is little much beyond the grave, but the strong are saying nothing until they see. ~ robert-frost, @wisdomtrove
273:Until we accept the fact that life itself is founded in mystery, we shall learn nothing. ~ henry-miller, @wisdomtrove
274:Sometimes, there is no harm in putting off a piece of work until another day. ~ antoine-de-saint-exupery, @wisdomtrove
275:The world, like a dream full of attachments and aversions seems real until the awakening. ~ adi-shankara, @wisdomtrove
276:We cannot change anything until we accept it.  Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses. ~ carl-jung, @wisdomtrove
277:Americans adore me and will go on adoring me until I say something nice about them. ~ george-bernard-shaw, @wisdomtrove
278:Embodied courage chooses not to wait until illness or notice of death demands attention. ~ jack-kornfield, @wisdomtrove
279:I have almost completed a long novel, but it is unpublishable until my death and England's. ~ e-m-forster, @wisdomtrove
280:Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate. ~ carl-jung, @wisdomtrove
281:And ever has it been known that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation. ~ kahlil-gibran, @wisdomtrove
282:As an incarnation of love you put up with flack until it becomes detrimental to a person. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
283:Efficiency, which is doing things right, is irrelevant until you work on the right things. ~ peter-drucker, @wisdomtrove
284:If a man is proud of his wealth, he should not be praised until it is known how he employs it.  ~ socrates, @wisdomtrove
285:I had the blues because I had no shoes until upon the street, I met a man who had no feet. ~ denis-waitley, @wisdomtrove
286:I think "creativity" is better described as failing repeatedly until you get something right. ~ seth-godin, @wisdomtrove
287:Keep your mind on your objective, and persist until you succeed. Study, think, and plan. ~ w-clement-stone, @wisdomtrove
288:Never write about a place until you're away from it, because that gives you perspective ~ ernest-hemingway, @wisdomtrove
289:The task I've been given seems absurd: To wait here on earth until I no longer exist. ~ ashleigh-brilliant, @wisdomtrove
290:Defeat is a state of mind; No one is ever defeated until defeat has been accepted as a reality. ~ bruce-lee, @wisdomtrove
291:Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect. ~ alan-cohen, @wisdomtrove
292:Job endured everything - until his friends came to comfort him, then he grew impatient. ~ soren-kierkegaard, @wisdomtrove
293:My philosophy of defense is to keep the pressure on an opponent until you get to his emotions ~ john-wooden, @wisdomtrove
294:There is a restlessness within us that cannot be satisfied until we rest fully in God. ~ aiden-wilson-tozer, @wisdomtrove
295:There was one who thought himself above me, and he was above me until he had that thought. ~ elbert-hubbard, @wisdomtrove
296:Those who do not forgive history are assigned to repeat it until compassion replaces judgment. ~ alan-cohen, @wisdomtrove
297:We will never have true civilization until we have learned to recognize the rights of others. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
298:Any powerful idea is absolutely fascinating and absolutely useless until we choose to use it. ~ richard-bach, @wisdomtrove
299:Explore an idea until you've exhausted it, really go to all the different parameters of it. ~ robin-williams, @wisdomtrove
300:Play the Piano Drunk Like a Percussion Instrument Until the Fingers Begin to Bleed a Bit. ~ charles-bukowski, @wisdomtrove
301:Everyone is a liberal until they have something to conserve. Then they become a conservative. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
302:It's all now you see: tomorrow began yesterday and yesterday won't be over until tomorrow. ~ william-faulkner, @wisdomtrove
303:Once human beings realize something can be done, they're not satisfied until they've done it. ~ frank-herbert, @wisdomtrove
304:Sometimes you've got to
305:The voice of the intellect is a soft one, but it does not rest until it has gained a hearing. ~ sigmund-freud, @wisdomtrove
306:You cannot bring anything new into your life until you are grateful for what you have now. ~ michael-beckwith, @wisdomtrove
307:You sit down and you do it, and you do it, and you do it, until you have learned to do it. ~ ursula-k-le-guin, @wisdomtrove
308:Cheer up! The worst effects of what we're doing won't be felt until after we're all dead. ~ ashleigh-brilliant, @wisdomtrove
309:I could never live happily in Africa-or anywhere else-until I could live freely in Mississippi. ~ alice-walker, @wisdomtrove
310:I do not think it worth while to wait for enjoyment until there is some real opportunity for it. ~ jane-austen, @wisdomtrove
311:I once laboured hard for the free will of man, until the grace of God at length overcame me. ~ saint-augustine, @wisdomtrove
312:One never realizes how different a husband and wife can be until they begin to pack for a trip. ~ erma-bombeck, @wisdomtrove
313:Until man duplicates a blade of grass, nature can laugh at his so-called scientific knowledge. ~ thomas-edison, @wisdomtrove
314:Be pleasant until ten o'clock in the morning and the rest of the day will take care of itself. ~ elbert-hubbard, @wisdomtrove
315:Everyone says that forgiveness is a lovely idea until he has something to forgive. ~ henry-wadsworth-longfellow, @wisdomtrove
316:God creates out of nothing. Therefore, until a man is nothing, God can make nothing out of him. ~ martin-luther, @wisdomtrove
317:Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are. ~ benjamin-franklin, @wisdomtrove
318:The good old horse-and-buggy days: then you lived until you died and not until you were run over. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
319:Who waits until circumstances completely favor his undertaking, will never accomplish anything. ~ martin-luther, @wisdomtrove
320:A woman is like a tea bag - you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water. ~ eleanor-roosevelt, @wisdomtrove
321:Leverage is everything-don't begin to pry until you've got the long arm on your side. ~ oliver-wendell-holmes-sr, @wisdomtrove
322:Nothing is wonderful except in the abnormal, and nothing is abnormal until we have grasped the norm. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
323:The pride of men will not often suffer reason to have scope until it can be no longer of service. ~ edmund-burke, @wisdomtrove
324:Tribulations cannot cease until God either sees us remade or sees that our remaking is now hopeless. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
325:Well, when one's lost, I suppose it's good advice to stay where you are until someone finds you. ~ lewis-carroll, @wisdomtrove
326:If you are saved, the work is only half done until you are employed to bring others to Christ. ~ charles-spurgeon, @wisdomtrove
327:If you're in pitch blackness, all you can do is sit tight until your eyes get used to the dark. ~ haruki-murakami, @wisdomtrove
328:I will persist until I succeed. I know that small attempts, repeated, will complete any undertaking. ~ og-mandino, @wisdomtrove
329:There are a dozen views about everything until you know the answer. Then there's never more than one. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
330:The true in the false, gradually strips away all self-delusion until all that remains is pure being. ~ barry-long, @wisdomtrove
331:True success is the only thing that you cannot have unless and until you have offered it to others. ~ sri-chinmoy, @wisdomtrove
332:Until we see each other again, keep your head together, read some good books, be useful, be happy. ~ stephen-king, @wisdomtrove
333:We read fine things but never feel them to the full until we have gone the same steps as the author. ~ john-keats, @wisdomtrove
334:Anything in life that we don’t accept will simply make trouble for us until we make peace with it. ~ shakti-gawain, @wisdomtrove
335:Keep puffing on the bubble until it breaks its confining walls and becomes the sea of joy. ~ paramahansa-yogananda, @wisdomtrove
336:The healing of the spirit has not been completed until openness to challenge becomes a way of life. ~ m-scott-peck, @wisdomtrove
337:When should a college athlete turn pro? Not until he has earned all he can in college as an amateur. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
338:A man's college and university degrees mean nothing to me until I see what he is able to do with them. ~ henry-ford, @wisdomtrove
339:If you refuse to be happy until you have no problems or challenges, you will probably never be happy! ~ joyce-meyer, @wisdomtrove
340:It is not necessary to bury the truth. It is sufficient merely to delay it until nobody cares. ~ napoleon-bonaparte, @wisdomtrove
341:It is not until you become a mother that your judgment slowly turns to compassion and understanding. ~ erma-bombeck, @wisdomtrove
342:We fed 'em Xmas and New Years; now all the poor have to do is just fill the few meals until next Xmas ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
343:You will not be able to solve anything outside until you own how the situation affects you inside. ~ michael-singer, @wisdomtrove
344:Everything is an experiment until it has a deadline. That gives it a destination, context, and a reason. ~ brian-eno, @wisdomtrove
345:I do the very best I know how - the very best I can; and I mean to keep on doing so until the end. ~ abraham-lincoln, @wisdomtrove
346:If failure isn't an option, then success isn't either. Success is just failure repeated until it works. ~ seth-godin, @wisdomtrove
347:Life is a process of losing our illusions, until we finally lose the illusion that we're alive. ~ ashleigh-brilliant, @wisdomtrove
348:Mankind owns its destiny, and its destiny is the earth. We are destroying it until we have no destiny. ~ frida-kahlo, @wisdomtrove
349:There is only one way to see things, until someone shows us how to look at them with different eyes. ~ pablo-picasso, @wisdomtrove
350:When a Cat adopts you there is nothing to be done about it except put up with it until the wind changes. ~ t-s-eliot, @wisdomtrove
351:You will never know the fullness of Christ until you know the emptiness of everything but Christ. ~ charles-spurgeon, @wisdomtrove
352:I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love. ~ mother-teresa, @wisdomtrove
353:My purpose holds to sail beyond the sunset and the baths of all the Western stars until I die. ~ alfred-lord-tennyson, @wisdomtrove
354:No man gives anything acceptable to God until has has first given himself in love and sacrifice. ~ aiden-wilson-tozer, @wisdomtrove
355:Some tears have to be cried no matter what the hour- until they are, they simply rave and burn inside. ~ stephen-king, @wisdomtrove
356:The regrets and resentments etched in a heart remain until they are cleansed away with love. ~ jonathan-lockwood-huie, @wisdomtrove
357:You cannot hope to sweep someone else away by the force of your writing until it has been done to you. ~ stephen-king, @wisdomtrove
358:It wasn't until late in life that I discovered how easy it is to say, &
359:The first precept was never to accept a thing as true until I knew it as such without a single doubt. ~ rene-descartes, @wisdomtrove
360:The importance of repetition until automaticity cannot be overstated. Repetition is the key to learning. ~ john-wooden, @wisdomtrove
361:Until blacks and whites see each other as brother and sister, we will not have parity. It's very clear. ~ maya-angelou, @wisdomtrove
362:Until higher institutions have been evolved, any attempt to break the old ones will be disastrous. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
363:Any decision you make isn't worth a tinkers damn until you have formed the habit of making and keeping it. ~ henry-ford, @wisdomtrove
364:Do not put too much confidence in experimental results until they have been confirmed by theory. ~ sir-arthur-eddington, @wisdomtrove
365:The willow submits to the wind and prospers until one day it is many willows - a wall against the wind. ~ frank-herbert, @wisdomtrove
366:This will never be a civilized country until we spend more money for books than we do for chewing gum. ~ elbert-hubbard, @wisdomtrove
367:When a Cat adopts you there is nothing to be done about it except to put up with it until the wind changes. ~ t-s-eliot, @wisdomtrove
368:The deepest courage we can exercise is continuing to believe in our dreams until we make them come true. ~ oprah-winfrey, @wisdomtrove
369:This will never be a civilized country until we expend more money for books than we do for chewing gum. ~ elbert-hubbard, @wisdomtrove
370:We will never recognize the true value of our own lives until we affirm the value in the life of others. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
371:What will happen will happen. There is time for miracles until there is no more time, but time has no end. ~ dean-koontz, @wisdomtrove
372:All speech, written or spoken, is a dead language, until it finds a willing and prepared hearer. ~ robert-louis-stevenson, @wisdomtrove
373:Don't wait until you feel like taking positive action. Take the action and then you will feel like doing it. ~ zig-ziglar, @wisdomtrove
374:No married man's ever made up his mind until he's heard what his wife has got to say about it. ~ william-somerset-maugham, @wisdomtrove
375:Nothing ever becomes real till experienced – even a proverb is no proverb until your life has illustrated it ~ john-keats, @wisdomtrove
376:Unless and until you have developed a heart inundated with compassion, do not sit on the seat of judgement. ~ sri-chinmoy, @wisdomtrove
377:You cannot solve a problem until you acknowledge that you have one and accept responsibility for solving it. ~ zig-ziglar, @wisdomtrove
378:You'll never make a good impression on other people until you stop thinking what sort of impression you make. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
379:Don't rely on our knowledge of what's best for your future. We do know, but it can't be best until you know it. ~ ayn-rand, @wisdomtrove
380:Eden is that old-fashioned house we dwell in every day Without suspecting our abode until we drive away. ~ emily-dickinson, @wisdomtrove
381:For you will never be what you ought to be until they [your fellow humans] are what they ought to be. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
382:I've wanted to go out with you from the first moment I saw you. I just had to wait until you were ready. ~ nicholas-sparks, @wisdomtrove
383:Until we accept and approve of ourselves, no amount of approval from others will keep us permanently secure. ~ joyce-meyer, @wisdomtrove
384:We don't have to wait until we are old to gather the riches... We can gather them every day of our lives. ~ susan-jeffers, @wisdomtrove
385:Ask yourself: Where am I? Answer: Here. Ask yourself: What time is it? Answer: Now. Say it until you can hear it. ~ ram-das, @wisdomtrove
386:It is blessed to eat into the very soul of the Bible until the very essence of the Bible flows from you. ~ charles-spurgeon, @wisdomtrove
387:The destination cannot be described; / You will know very little until you get there; / You will journey blind. ~ t-s-eliot, @wisdomtrove
388:Ask yourself: Where am I? Answer: Here. Ask yourself: What time is it? Answer: Now.  Say it until you can hear it. ~ ram-das, @wisdomtrove
389:Turn the original statement around any way you want to until you find the turnarounds that penetrate the most. ~ byron-katie, @wisdomtrove
390:Until he extends his circle of compassion to include all living things, man will not himself find peace. ~ albert-schweitzer, @wisdomtrove
391:Until we recognize the SELF that exists apart from who we think we are - we cannot know the Ch'an ( ZEN ) MIND. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
392:Until you have become really, in actual fact, as brother to everyone, brotherhood will not come to pass. ~ fyodor-dostoevsky, @wisdomtrove
393:If I were a woman, I'd simply refuse to speak to any man or do anything for men until I'd got the vote. ~ george-bernard-shaw, @wisdomtrove
394:Time And health are two precious assets that we don't recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted. ~ denis-waitley, @wisdomtrove
395:Until you love yourself, you will never know who you really are and you won’t know what you’re really capable of ~ louise-hay, @wisdomtrove
396:Imagination does not become great until human beings, given the courage and the strength, use it to create. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
397:There will be no lasting peace either in the heart of individuals or in social customs until death is outlawed. ~ albert-camus, @wisdomtrove
398:Until then, mio dolce amor, a thousand kisses; but give me none in return, for they set my blood on fire. ~ napoleon-bonaparte, @wisdomtrove
399:Until you get a guidance from above you cannot be sure; but to get this guidance it requires time and sadhana. ~ sri-aurobindo, @wisdomtrove
400:War will never cease until babies begin to come into the world with larger cerebrums and smaller adrenal glands. ~ h-l-mencken, @wisdomtrove
401:When a person sets a thing in motion, there's a feeling of unease, almost regret, until you learn the truth. ~ nicholas-sparks, @wisdomtrove
402:And this Nation, for all its hopes and all its boasts, will not be fully free until all its citizens are free. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
403:I'm not gonna give up, shut up, or let up, until I'm taken up... as a matter of fact, I'm just getting warmed up. ~ zig-ziglar, @wisdomtrove
404:Man's last day must ever be awaited and none to be counted happy until his death, until his last funeral rites are paid. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
405:My second favorite household chore is ironing. My first being hitting my head on the top bunk bed until I faint. ~ erma-bombeck, @wisdomtrove
406:One of the things I learned when I was negotiating was that until I changed myself, I could not change others. ~ nelson-mandela, @wisdomtrove
407:Playwriting gets into your blood and you can't stop it. At least not until the producers or the public tell you to. ~ t-s-eliot, @wisdomtrove
408:What the Gospels actually said was: don't kill anyone until you are absolutely sure they aren't well connected. ~ kurt-vonnegut, @wisdomtrove
409:I was sad because I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet. So I said, "Got any shoes you’re not using? ~ steven-wright, @wisdomtrove
410:No discussion between two persons can be of any use, until each knows clearly what it is that the other asserts. ~ lewis-carroll, @wisdomtrove
411:One point is certain, that truth is one and immutable; until the jurors all agree, they cannot all be right. ~ washington-irving, @wisdomtrove
412:The future is literally in our hands to mold as we like. But we cannot wait until tomorrow. Tomorrow is now. ~ eleanor-roosevelt, @wisdomtrove
413:The way is shut. It was made by those who are Dead, and the Dead keep it, until the time comes. The way is shut. ~ j-r-r-tolkien, @wisdomtrove
414:Whatever subject I preach, I do not stop until I reach the Savior, the Lord Jesus, for in Him are all things. ~ charles-spurgeon, @wisdomtrove
415:It didn´t occur to me until later that there´s another truth, very simple: greed in a good cause is still greed. ~ stephen-king, @wisdomtrove
416:Nobody is defeated until he starts blaming somebody else. My advice to you is don't fix the blame. Fix the problem. ~ john-wooden, @wisdomtrove
417:No man knows what the wife of his bosom is until he has gone with her through the fiery trials of this world. ~ washington-irving, @wisdomtrove
418:Until you're grown-up they send you to reform school. After you're grown-up they send you to the penitentiary. ~ ernest-hemingway, @wisdomtrove
419:Eternity gives life to all and sustains all, transforms all on the wheel of dharma - until all attain perfection. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
420:Rash indeed is he who reckons on tomorrow, or happily on the days beyond it; for tomorrow is not, until today is past. ~ sophocles, @wisdomtrove
421:You write while you are alive. You do not preserve them in alcohol until the moment you are ready to write about them. ~ anais-nin, @wisdomtrove
422:Every natural love will rise again and live forever in this country: but none will rise again until it has been buried. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
423:May the light of freedom, coming to all darkened lands, flame brightly - until at last the darkness is no more. ~ dwight-eisenhower, @wisdomtrove
424:Sincere repentance is continual. Believers repent until their dying day. This dropping well is not intermittent. ~ charles-spurgeon, @wisdomtrove
425:Until they became conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious. ~ george-orwell, @wisdomtrove
426:Decorum - that bug-bear which deters so many from bliss until the opportunity for bliss has forever gone by. ~ edgar-allan-poe, @wisdomtrove
427:I think it is very important to view life in terms of winning and losing until complete enlightenment has occurred. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
428:Shepherds at the grange, Where the Babe was born, Sang with many a change, Christmas carols until morn. ~ henry-wadsworth-longfellow, @wisdomtrove
429:There are many truths of which the full meaning cannot be realized until personal experience has brought it home. ~ john-stuart-mill, @wisdomtrove
430:From the moment I picked your book up until I laid it down, I convulsed with laughter. Someday I intend on reading it. ~ groucho-marx, @wisdomtrove
431:I could dance with you until the cows come home. On second thought I'd rather dance with the cows until you come home. ~ groucho-marx, @wisdomtrove
432:When I have fully decided that a result is worth getting, I go ahead of it and make trial after trial until it comes. ~ thomas-edison, @wisdomtrove
433:You will never be more than a common Christian until you give up your own interest and cease defending yourself. ~ aiden-wilson-tozer, @wisdomtrove
434:From the moment I picked your book up until I laid it down, I was convulsed with laughter. Someday I intend reading it. ~ groucho-marx, @wisdomtrove
435:Honesty means nothing until you are tested under circumstances where you are sure you could get away with dishonesty. ~ dorothy-parker, @wisdomtrove
436:I want to surrender to the feelings and shapes of words and not stop until I am clearly heard by myself and my God. ~ danielle-laporte, @wisdomtrove
437:Love yourself - Do it now! Don't wait until you get well or lose the weight, or get the new job, or the new relationship. ~ louise-hay, @wisdomtrove
438:the only thing you need to do for now is get some rest and take good care of yourself until you do know the answer ~ elizabeth-gilbert, @wisdomtrove
439:You may be better than the rest, but you are not a success until you have made the effort to become the best you can be. ~ john-wooden, @wisdomtrove
440:For the first four years, no new enterprise produces profits. Even Mozart didn't start writing music until he was four. ~ peter-drucker, @wisdomtrove
441:Frankly, I've never considered my own figure so exceptional; until quite recently, I seldom gave it any thought at all ~ marilyn-monroe, @wisdomtrove
442:I don't feel very much like Pooh today," said Pooh. "There there," said Piglet. "I'll bring you tea and honey until you do. ~ a-a-milne, @wisdomtrove
443:You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death to you. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
444:Every one of us is blind and deaf until our eyes are opened to our fellowmen, until our ears hear the voice of humanity. ~ hellen-keller, @wisdomtrove
445:God's forgiving grace is incomplete until he gives me - and I accept - a new kingdom-building dream and opportunity. ~ robert-h-schuller, @wisdomtrove
446:If you wait until all the lights are &
447:My kids always perceived the bathroom as a place where you wait it out until all the groceries are unloaded from the car. ~ erma-bombeck, @wisdomtrove
448:Until one has some kind of professional relationship with books, one does not discover how bad the majority of them are. ~ george-orwell, @wisdomtrove
449:We should discipline ourselves to read the Word until it comes alive... until we can almost feel the breath of God. ~ aiden-wilson-tozer, @wisdomtrove
450:I never really felt secure until I was well into my 30s, because anytime I had success, I would invest in new projects. ~ richard-branson, @wisdomtrove
451:No one is ready for a thing until he believes he can acquire it. The state of mind must be belief, not mere hope or wish. ~ napoleon-hill, @wisdomtrove
452:Regret for a sinful past will remain until we truly believe that for us in Christ that sinful past no longer exists. ~ aiden-wilson-tozer, @wisdomtrove
453:Things are pretty, graceful, rich, elegant, handsome, but, until they speak to the imagination, not yet beautiful.  ~ ralph-waldo-emerson, @wisdomtrove
454:You can't fight progress. The best you can do is ignore it, until it finally takes your livelihood and self-respect away. ~ kurt-vonnegut, @wisdomtrove
455:Basketball, a game which won't be fit for people until they set the basket umbilicus-high and return the giraffes to the zoo. ~ ogden-nash, @wisdomtrove
456:He never complicates a desire by overthinking it, unlike Mirabelle, who spins a cocoon around an idea until it is immobile. ~ steve-martin, @wisdomtrove
457:Like the appearance of silver in mother of pearl, the world seems real until the Self, the underlying reality, is realized. ~ adi-shankara, @wisdomtrove
458:Nobody knows what's in him until he tries to pull it out. If there's nothing, or very little, the shock can kill a man. ~ ernest-hemingway, @wisdomtrove
459:No man has a chance to enjoy permanent success until he begins to look in a mirror for the real cause of all his mistakes. ~ napoleon-hill, @wisdomtrove
460:Prohibit the taking of omens, and do away with superstitious doubts. Then, until death itself comes, no calamity need be feared. ~ sun-tzu, @wisdomtrove
461:Anyone can carry their burden, however hard, until nightfall. Anyone can do their work, however hard, for one day. ~ robert-louis-stevenson, @wisdomtrove
462:No person [should] walk out into the world to begin the day until he or she has stood beneath the cross to receive God’s love. ~ max-lucado, @wisdomtrove
463:The music critic, Huneber, could never quite make up his mind about a new symphony until he had seen the composer's mistress. ~ h-l-mencken, @wisdomtrove
464:The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
465:We aren't going to have peace on Earth until we recognize the basic fact of the interrelated structure of all reality. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
466:You must not change one thing, one pebble, one grain of sand, until you know what good and evil will follow on that act. ~ ursula-k-le-guin, @wisdomtrove
467:“A new idea is first condemned as ridiculous and then dismissed as trivial, until finally, it becomes what everybody knows.” ~ william-james, @wisdomtrove
468:God will cleanse your sins if you yourself are dissatisfied with yourself and will keep on changing until you are perfect. ~ saint-augustine, @wisdomtrove
469:I beseech you to treasure up in your hearts these my parting words: Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity. ~ horace, @wisdomtrove
470:There can be no great literature in America until her writers have learned to trust her implicitly and love her devoutly. ~ ernest-hemingway, @wisdomtrove
471:The road to excess leads to the palace of wisdom... for we never know what is enough until we know what is more than enough. ~ william-blake, @wisdomtrove
472:Until you have learned to be tolerant with those who do not always agree with you, you will be neither successful nor happy. ~ napoleon-hill, @wisdomtrove
473:It’s really hard to design products by focus groups. A lot of times, people don’t know what they want until you show it to them. ~ steve-jobs, @wisdomtrove
474:The door that locks you in, is also the door that lets you out. The ‘I am’ is the door. Stay at it until it opens. ~ sri-nisargadatta-maharaj, @wisdomtrove
475:The road to excess leads to the palace of wisdom... for we never know what is enough until we know what is more than enough. ~ william-blake, @wisdomtrove
476:Upon discovering truth, the natural love one has for oneself expands until it encompasses the whole world. This Love removes the ego. ~ mooji, @wisdomtrove
477:Each friend represents a world in us, a world not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born. ~ anais-nin, @wisdomtrove
478:Each friend represents a world in us, a world not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born. ~ anais-nin, @wisdomtrove
479:No one will make progress with God until our eyes are lifted to the faithfulness of God and we stop looking at ourselves! ~ aiden-wilson-tozer, @wisdomtrove
480:What is most vile and despicable about money is that it even confers talent. And it will do so until the end of the world. ~ fyodor-dostoevsky, @wisdomtrove
481:Here I am alive, and it's not my fault, so I have to try and get by as best I can without hurting anybody until death takes over. ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
482:People create their own success by learning what they need to learn and then by practicing it until they become proficient at it. ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
483:The Rose does not preen herself to catch my eye. She blooms because she blooms. A saint is a saint until he knows he is one. ~ anthony-de-mello, @wisdomtrove
484:Why do you hasten to remove anything which hurts your eye, while if something affects your soul you postpone the cure until next year? ~ horace, @wisdomtrove
485:It is natural to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes to that siren until she allures us to our death. ~ gertrude-stein, @wisdomtrove
486:Meditate nothing. Learn to contemplate. Contemplate glory. There will be a light. Contemplate Truth until it burns your eyes out. ~ robert-frost, @wisdomtrove
487:There can be very powerful releases of energy that can catch you off guard until you have a better sense of what you are doing. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
488:Until we give up the world manufactured by the ego, never can we enter the kingdom of heaven. None ever did, none ever will. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
489:Act with purpose, courage, confidence, competence and intelligence until these qualities &
490:I don't believe any experiment until it is confirmed by theory. I find this is a witty inversion of "conventional" wisdom. ~ sir-arthur-eddington, @wisdomtrove
491:I had the greatest respect for the authorities of my day&
492:I was mentally, emotionally and verbally abused by my father as far back as I can remember until I left home at the age of eighteen ~ joyce-meyer, @wisdomtrove
493:Life is nothing until it is lived; but it is yours to make sense of, and the of it is nothing other than the sense you choose. ~ jean-paul-sartre, @wisdomtrove
494:Procrastination is the bad habit of putting off until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday. ~ napoleon-hill, @wisdomtrove
495:The arts must study their occasions; they must stand modestly aside until they can slip in fitly into the interstices of life. ~ george-santayana, @wisdomtrove
496:Being called very, very difficult is the beginning of success. Until you're called very, very difficult you're really nobody at all. ~ bette-davis, @wisdomtrove
497:Everyone has to play. The game goes on forever – or until you win. You win by finding death before it finds you. The prize – is life. ~ barry-long, @wisdomtrove
498:I had wanted a tape recorder since I was tiny. I thought it was a magic thing. I never got one until just before I went to art school. ~ brian-eno, @wisdomtrove
499:I know nothing in the world that has as much power as a word. Sometimes I write one, and I look at it, until it begins to shine. ~ emily-dickinson, @wisdomtrove
500:Oh, the worst of all tragedies is not to die young, but to live until I am seventy five and yet not ever truly to have lived. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove

*** NEWFULLDB 2.4M ***

1:Until the very end. ~ J K Rowling,
2:Love until it hurts. ~ Mother Teresa,
3:lower, until school ~ Betty G Birney,
4:until we save Blitzen. ~ Rick Riordan,
5:Fake it until you make it. ~ John Gray,
6:It may be years until the day ~ Feist,
7:It's not over until you win ~ Les Brown,
8:Bluster until it's real. ~ Sarah MacLean,
9:Dance until you shatter yourself. ~ Rumi,
10:Fake it until you make it. ~ Steven Tyler,
11:I laughed until my fat hurt. ~ Cathy Lamb,
12:I work until beer o'clock. ~ Stephen King,
13:Love isn't love until it's past. ~ Prince,
14:States will never be happy until ~ Plato,
15:We're asleep until we love. ~ Leo Tolstoy,
16:a while. Until about a year ~ Susan Conant,
17:Be yourself, until you bleed. ~ Mike Carey,
18:How long should you try? Until. ~ Jim Rohn,
19:It ain't over until it's over ~ Yogi Berra,
20:Its Not Over Until You Win.... ~ Les Brown,
21:Better to live Until You die. ~ Dan Millman,
22:Call no man happy until he is dead. ~ Solon,
23:Damn, I can't wait until it get dark, ~ Kam,
24:It ain`t over until it`s over. ~ Yogi Berra,
25:Last night I fled until I came ~ Allen Tate,
26:Until, one day, she wasn’t. ~ Lauren Oliver,
27:count no man happy until he be dead. ~ Solon,
28:I just wanna live until I die. ~ Clay Walker,
29:I will persist until I succeed! ~ Og Mandino,
30:Keep starting until you finish. ~ Seth Godin,
31:Kiss me until I am sick of it. ~ Holly Black,
32:Lord, let me live until I die. ~ Will Rogers,
33:She waited until both girls nod. ~ M K Eidem,
34:We're all immortal until we die. ~ Emma Bull,
35:Don't die until you're dead. ~ Billy Connolly,
36:Fake it, until you make it .. ~ Gillian Flynn,
37:I'll play until my knees fall off. ~ Sue Bird,
38:I might read until I feel better. ~ Anonymous,
39:Okay, I won't open it until then ~ Dan Quayle,
40:Until death comes, all is life. ~ Ruskin Bond,
41:Until tomorrow, Fair Isolde. ~ Rachel Hawkins,
42:You don't know until you know. ~ Cynthia Hand,
43:A race isn't won until it's over. ~ Niki Lauda,
44:Dance until the earth dance. ~ Hilda Doolittle,
45:Give, but give until it hurts. ~ Mother Teresa,
46:I am single until I get married ~ Katrina Kaif,
47:until it was almost too late. ~ Brian Kilmeade,
48:until the night it ate the baby. ~ Dave Duncan,
49:day until all the bread in the city ~ Anonymous,
50:Every wave is new until it breaks. ~ Neil Young,
51:I could mount you until I die. ~ Laurann Dohner,
52:I want to kiss you until I die ~ Suanne Laqueur,
53:Lie to yourself until it's true. ~ Jodi Picoult,
54:Lie to yourself until it’s true. ~ Jodi Picoult,
55:Until you die .. it's all life. ~ Kurt Vonnegut,
56:A book is dead until you read it. ~ Clive Barker,
57:I cried until I was all cried out. ~ Neil Gaiman,
58:I want to kiss you until I die. ~ Suanne Laqueur,
59:Lessons echo until you let go. ~ Jennifer Sodini,
60:Nobody wins until we all do. ~ Laurie Beth Jones,
61:shedding gallons of tears, until ~ Lewis Carroll,
62:The fight isn't over until you win. ~ Robin Hobb,
63:The game is not over until it is. ~ Dwight Yorke,
64:Who can rest until the moment of action? ~ Laozi,
65:Write. Write until it stops hurting. ~ Anais Nin,
66:And until death comes, all is life. ~ Ruskin Bond,
67:I never new real happiness until you ~ Jojo Moyes,
68:Nothing exists until it is measured. ~ Niels Bohr,
69:Nothing happens until you decide. ~ Oprah Winfrey,
70:Until death it is all life. ~ Miguel de Cervantes,
71:Count no man happy until the end is known. ~ Solon,
72:Don't stop until you get enough. ~ Michael Jackson,
73:Guilty until proven innocent
- A ~ Sara Shepard,
74:Hurt me. Until I am outside pain. ~ Eimear McBride,
75:Learning and sex until rigor mortis. ~ Maggie Kuhn,
76:My voice had no home until her. ~ Rabih Alameddine,
77:Nothing changes until you change. ~ Robin S Sharma,
78:Nothing is fun until you're good at it. ~ Amy Chua,
79:Pain pushes until vision pulls. ~ Michael Beckwith,
80:Until next time, DeMalo says softly. ~ Moira Young,
81:until now.” Hallyne had the complexion ~ Anonymous,
83:Until the sun falls from the sky. ~ Kristen Ashley,
84:Until we know that death is equal to ~ Byron Katie,
85:Until we meet again, Blackie . . . ~ Reki Kawahara,
86:We are asleep until we fall in Love! ~ Leo Tolstoy,
87:You can't give until you have. ~ Gerald Chertavian,
88:Changing the story until you believe it. ~ Jay Leno,
89:Everyone's immortal until they're not. ~ V E Schwab,
90:Every woman is wrong until she cries. ~ Oscar Wilde,
91:Faith is not faith until it is tested! ~ Kay Arthur,
92:Fake it until you make it, she said. ~ Jodi Picoult,
93:head. I waited until it was pitch ~ Patrick Lindsay,
94:I must live until I die, mustn't I? ~ Joseph Conrad,
95:I never knew real happiness until you. ~ Jojo Moyes,
96:One story sounds good until another is told ~ Aesop,
97:She make me beg for it until she give it up ~ Drake,
98:the fight isn’t over until you’ve won. ~ Robin Hobb,
99:Things don't exist until they exist. ~ John Mulaney,
100:Until I truly loved, I was alone. ~ Caroline Norton,
101:Work until your idols become your rivals ~ G Dragon,
102:I'll love you until the death of love ~ Clive Barker,
103:I'll never be yours until you're mine ~ Nalini Singh,
104:I'm going to kiss you... until you faint ~ L J Smith,
105:It is so hard to leave-until you leave. ~ John Green,
106:It is so hard to leave—until you leave. ~ John Green,
107:it seems impossible until it isn’t. ~ Scott Galloway,
108:It's not a holiday until you overdo it! ~ Mike Carey,
109:I've never wanted more, until I met you. ~ E L James,
110:I’ve never wanted more, until I met you. ~ E L James,
111:i won't be happy until i'm famous like God ~ Madonna,
112:let me forget about today until tomorrow ~ Bob Dylan,
113:Love! Love until the night collapses! ~ Pablo Neruda,
114:Memory shrinks until it fits in a fist ~ Fady Joudah,
115:themselves shrinking until they were ~ Daisy Meadows,
116:Truth expands until it can choke you. ~ Jodi Picoult,
117:Until now, I’ve never told that story ~ Ben Horowitz,
118:We are optimists, until we are not. ~ Charles Darwin,
119:A book is not complete until it’s read ~ E L Doctorow,
120:Call no man happy until he is dead. ~ Johnny B Truant,
121:I never laugh until I've had my coffee. ~ Clark Gable,
122:I never slept alone until I was married. ~ Davy Jones,
123:None of us are equal until all of us are equal. ~ ONE,
124:Nothing is really ours until we share it. ~ C S Lewis,
125:Nothing really affected me until Elvis. ~ John Lennon,
126:Trust is not trust until it is complete. ~ Robin Hobb,
127:until only infinity remained of beauty ~ John Ashbery,
128:Until we are all free, none of us are free. ~ Various,
129:You haven't lived until you've sailed ~ David Sedaris,
130:You never fail until you stop trying. ~ Misty Griffin,
131:Ask "why" until there is no more "why." ~ Laura Linney,
132:Do it until you are no longer scared. ~ Robin S Sharma,
133:Every guy seems nice until he’s not. ~ Claire LaZebnik,
134:Forgive me if I sleep until I wake up. ~ Charles Olson,
135:God doesn't move until we move first. ~ John C Maxwell,
136:Happy trails to you, until we meet again. ~ Dale Evans,
137:It all meant something. Until it didn't. ~ Dave Eggers,
138:Nothing happens until I make it happen. ~ Scott Wilson,
139:Poets are fools until they are kings. ~ Atticus Poetry,
140:Read every line item until you get it. ~ Michael Burry,
141:Screamin' 'Carpe Diem!' until I'm a Dead Poet. ~ Jay Z,
142:spices and lemon, grilled until the ~ Richard C Morais,
143:Stay in the game until the end of time. ~ Tupac Shakur,
144:The fight is not over until you win it... ~ Robin Hobb,
145:Until I'm over the hill and over the hump; ~ Aceyalone,
146:Until you are open, you cannot receive. ~ Tenzin Palmo,
147:We are all lost...until someone finds us. ~ E S Carter,
148:We know nothing until intuition agrees. ~ Richard Bach,
149:You haven't failed until you stop trying. ~ Jon Gordon,
150:You have to practice until you die. ~ Taisen Deshimaru,
151:Acorns were good until bread was found. ~ Francis Bacon,
152:A fact is not a truth until you love it. ~ Shelby Foote,
153:Can't do better until I know better! ~ Benjamin Radford,
154:Everything was great until it sucked. ~ Patrick Wensink,
155:Fake it through until you make it true. ~ Emily Murdoch,
156:I'm with you until the end of the line. ~ Marvel Comics,
157:I never quit until I get what I want. ~ Thomas A Edison,
158:Its not over, until the Lord says its over. ~ T D Jakes,
159:Never make a decision until you have to. ~ Randy Pausch,
160:sometimes, you can't know until you know ~ Gayle Forman,
161:Until further notice, celebrate everything. ~ Anonymous,
162:vèvè over and over again, until she could do ~ J D Horn,
163:You never fail until you stop trying. ~ Albert Einstein,
164:Accent the ugly until it becomes gorgeous. ~ John Updike,
165:But it never touched me. Not until Memphis. ~ Mira Grant,
166:Delight is incomplete until it is expressed. ~ C S Lewis,
167:Don't freak out until you know the facts. ~ Shania Twain,
168:Everyone’s immortal until they’re not. ~ Victoria Schwab,
169:Fate decides until challenged by the fated ~ Kami Garcia,
170:I existed until I met you. Now I'm alive. ~ Cindy Gerard,
171:I'll love you until the day after forever. ~ Kami Garcia,
172:I never belonged anywhere until I met you. ~ Ann Aguirre,
173:It’s all just time filler until we die. ~ Jennifer Niven,
174:I want to be acting until the day I die! ~ Mackenzie Foy,
175:My heart didn't beat until I met you. ~ RaShelle Workman,
176:Nobody's free until everybody's free. ~ Fannie Lou Hamer,
177:Nothing happens until something moves. ~ Albert Einstein,
178:Nothing has happened until it happens ~ Robert Holdstock,
179:until he looks for you, he's not the one. ~ Sharon Stone,
180:Until someone else does... marry yourself ~ Bill Kaulitz,
181:Until the last glimmer of daylight. ~ Alessandro Baricco,
182:Wait until you see him up on a horse ~ Linda Lael Miller,
183:We are all immortal until proven otherwise? ~ V E Schwab,
184:We don't have rights until we claim them. ~ Richard Bach,
185:We never left a set until we'd trashed it. ~ Uma Thurman,
186:You're never a loser until you quit trying. ~ Mike Ditka,
187:You're never beaten until you admit it ~ George S Patton,
188:Anyone can wrestle until they are tired. ~ Cael Sanderson,
189:Beauty is meaningless until it is shared. ~ George Orwell,
190:Be nice... until it's time to not be nice! ~ Jos N Harris,
191:by God and for God—and until you understand ~ Rick Warren,
192:Don't face the day until you've faced God. ~ Maya Angelou,
193:Every day is ordinary, until it isn't. ~ Bernard Cornwell,
194:Everyone is normal until you get to know them. ~ Dave Sim,
195:Gravity is a bitch until she's on your side. ~ Hugh Howey,
196:How dark will you go until you find yourself? ~ Ker Dukey,
197:I did not know that it was love until I knew. ~ Lang Leav,
198:I never knew what I was doing until I was done. ~ Man Ray,
199:It isn't true love until someone gets hurt. ~ Anne Tenino,
200:I wept because I had no shoes, until I met ~ Ruta Sepetys,
201:Let him lust for you until he has blue balls ~ Sylvia Day,
202:Let’s laugh and love until the world ends. ~ Lisa Kessler,
203:Music is your only friend until the end... ~ Jim Morrison,
204:Never make a decision until you have to. ~ Jeffrey Zaslow,
205:No one of us can be free until we are all free. ~ Various,
206:old people had to work until they died. ~ Masaji Ishikawa,
207:Some doors stay open until you close them. ~ Anne Calhoun,
208:Until death it is all life ~ Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra,
209:Until further notice, celebrate everything. ~ David Wolfe,
210:Until then we must carry on and have courage. ~ Jan Moran,
211:Until we're rotten, we cannot be ripe. ~ Geoffrey Chaucer,
212:We are all children until our fathers die. ~ Melissa Bank,
213:We live among the dead until we join them, ~ Adam Haslett,
214:You can't move forward until you look back. ~ Cornel West,
215:You're nothing to me until you're everything. ~ Amy Adams,
216:A house is not a home until it has a dog. ~ Gerald Durrell,
217:A man does not exist until he is drunk. ~ Ernest Hemingway,
218:A poem is good until one knows by whom it is. ~ Karl Kraus,
219:Do this work until you feel the delight of it. ~ Anonymous,
220:I busked from the age of 13 until I was 18. ~ Glen Hansard,
221:I just want to live until I can’t anymore. ~ Gillian Flynn,
222:I laugh until I weep And weep until I smile ~ Ray Bradbury,
223:I'll be at your side until darkness dies. ~ Laura Thalassa,
224:I'll woo you until you can't walk sweetheart. ~ Robin York,
225:I never really grew up until I had kids. ~ Stefan Molyneux,
226:I never smoked a cigarette until I was nine. ~ H L Mencken,
227:It is always impossible until it is done. ~ Nelson Mandela,
228:It only seems impossible until it's done. ~ Nelson Mandela,
229:It's not erotica, until someone gets hurt. ~ Tiffany Reisz,
230:I will love you until the day after forever. ~ Kami Garcia,
231:I will play on this blessed earth until I die. ~ Ada Limon,
232:Just keep on using me, until you use me up. ~ Bill Withers,
233:Just living until you die is hard work, ~ Charles Bukowski,
234:Knowledge isn’t power until it is applied. ~ Dale Carnegie,
235:knowledge isn’t power until it is applied; ~ Dale Carnegie,
236:least not until Sunday afternoon,” he said, ~ Lili Valente,
237:Life - give me life until the end, ~ William Ernest Henley,
238:Life isn’t over until it is over. ~ Cap n Fatty Goodlander,
239:Life- ride it until the wheels fall off. ~ Martin Lawrence,
240:Nobody loves a policeman until he needs one. ~ Will Durant,
241:Nothing is destroyed until it is replaced. ~ Auguste Comte,
242:Nothing is real until you put it in the VCR. ~ J G Ballard,
243:Peace above all, until the War comes... ~ Ursula K Le Guin,
244:She loves you until you are fully devoted. ~ M F Moonzajer,
245:She would not stop until she beat the devil. ~ Lauren Kate,
246:There could be oil coming up until August. ~ Carol Browner,
247:Tomorrow is not yours until it becomes today. ~ Beem Weeks,
248:Until the time is right, disappear we will. ~ George Lucas,
249:was only to anchor him until morning. There ~ Paula McLain,
250:When is man strong until he feels alone? ~ Robert Browning,
251:Work on one thing at a time until finished. ~ Henry Miller,
252:You always have more to lose, until you die. ~ Ally Condie,
253:A lie has no power, until you believe it. ~ Shannon L Alder,
254:All you have to do is wait until she’s asleep ~ Sue Grafton,
255:Amateurs practice until they get it right. ~ Julie Andrews,
256:Chance waited patiently until she stopped. ~ Jerzy Kosi ski,
257:Everyone was harmless until you knew better. ~ Rene Denfeld,
258:I believe in everything until it's disproved. ~ John Lennon,
259:I didn't have a life until I went up onstage. ~ Oscar Wilde,
260:I didn't read a serious book until I was 19. ~ Richard Ford,
261:I know that I will not die until my time comes. ~ Malcolm X,
262:I'm not offended until you think I'm offended. ~ Criss Jami,
263:It always seems impossible until its done. ~ Nelson Mandela,
264:It's going to hurt until it doesn't anymore. ~ Jessica Park,
265:It’s going to hurt until it doesn’t anymore. ~ Jessica Park,
266:It's not an idea until you write it down. ~ Ivan Sutherland,
267:no man is free until he s a master of himself!! ~ Epictetus,
268:No one is easy until you actually beat them. ~ Ronda Rousey,
269:not stir up or awaken love    until it pleases. ~ Anonymous,
270:Straight? So is spaghetti until you heat it up ~ Jet Mykles,
271:The opera isn't over until the fat lady sings. ~ Dick Motta,
272:They need you until they don’t need you. ~ Michael Connelly,
273:Until Eve arrived, this was a man's world. ~ Richard Armour,
274:You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens. ~ Rumi,
275:A joke isn't a joke until someone laughs. ~ Michael Crawford,
276:Every fighter have a plan until he's been beaten ~ Joe Louis,
277:Every man is an evil until he falls in love. ~ M F Moonzajer,
278:Everyone’s an ass until they’re a pioneer. ~ Gary Vaynerchuk,
279:Everyone’s immortal until they’re not.” Alucard ~ V E Schwab,
280:FOCUS - Follow One Course Until Successful ~ Robert Kiyosaki,
281:Gossip is never fatal until it is denied. ~ Booth Tarkington,
282:He was afraid of nothing. Until he'd met me. ~ Jamie McGuire,
283:I didn't become successful until I became myself ~ Sam Smith,
284:I keep it wrapped until i meet the right one ~ Donald Glover,
285:I never rode in an automobile until I was 12. ~ Loretta Lynn,
286:It always seems impossible until it's done. ~ Nelson Mandela,
287:I used to love dogs until I discovered cats. ~ Nafisa Joseph,
288:I was in the underground until I left Germany. ~ Klaus Fuchs,
289:I will not leave you until I have seen you hanged. ~ Moliere,
290:i won't be happy until i'm famous like God ~ Madonna Ciccone,
291:Love is not love until love's vulnerable. ~ Theodore Roethke,
292:Love is not love until love´s vulnerable. ~ Theodore Roethke,
293:Men mock the gods until they need them, Kaz. ~ Leigh Bardugo,
294:Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you ~ Anonymous,
295:No man runs the race until he sees the dream. ~ Fred C White,
296:People never really die until you forget them. ~ V C Andrews,
297:The work doesn't begin until you get tired! ~ Shaun Thompson,
298:Until you find yourself, it's impossible to lose you ~ Drake,
299:Until you know who you are you can’t write. ~ Salman Rushdie,
300:‎We don't know what we have until we find it. ~ Paulo Coelho,
301:We’re gonna rescue a doggy,” until to save our ~ Dean Koontz,
302:Write without pay until somebody offers to pay. ~ Mark Twain,
303:You haven't lived until you've lived with a cat. ~ Doris Day,
304:You never really fail until you stop wanting. ~ Mary Kay Ash,
305:Your book does not exist until you’ve written it. ~ L A Witt,
306:Accept what is until you may understand it. ~ L E Modesitt Jr,
307:Age isn't important until you run out of it. ~ Malcolm Forbes,
308:Because I didn’t exist until the day I saw you. ~ Alexa Riley,
309:Data is not useful until it becomes information. ~ Seth Godin,
310:Flogging will continue until morale improves. ~ Julie Klassen,
311:Genius is insanity right up until it works. ~ Forrest Griffin,
312:Good ideas are always crazy until they’re not. ~ Ashlee Vance,
313:Hate looks like everybody else until it smiles ~ Tahereh Mafi,
314:I can't stand a sentence until it sounds right. ~ John McPhee,
315:I didn't start playing piano until I was 18. ~ George Winston,
316:I don't get to watch Futurama, until it's on TV. ~ Billy West,
317:I’ll count the very seconds until I see you again. ~ Nely Cab,
318:I'm gonna speak the truth until the day I die! ~ Jeffree Star,
319:Imma sip until I feel it, Imma smoke until it's done. ~ Drake,
320:I never quit my job until I had my next job. ~ Ashton Kutcher,
321:insisted, “until the point is inarguable. ~ Elizabeth Gilbert,
322:I run until time stops. Until my mind stops. ~ Jennifer Niven,
323:It's always safe until something bad happens. ~ Jamie McGuire,
324:It’s Laissez-Faire Until You Get In Deep Shit ~ Michael Lewis,
325:It was just a normal Monday. Until it wasn’t. ~ Kandi Steiner,
326:I will try to write books until I drop dead. ~ Cornelia Funke,
327:Keep fighting until the last buzzer sounds. ~ Albert Einstein,
328:Magic is an honor, until it's a shackle. ~ Melissa de la Cruz,
329:Men are nothing until they are excited. ~ Michel de Montaigne,
330:Never begin the day until it is finished on paper. ~ Jim Rohn,
331:No one is free until we are all free. ~ Martin Luther King Jr,
332:Plans are just dreams until they're executed. ~ Dennis Lehane,
333:Until the contract is signed, nothing is real. ~ Glenn Danzig,
334:Until we are all free, we are none of us free. ~ Emma Lazarus,
335:Well, until this very day, I'm still learning. ~ Dennis Brown,
336:Will you stay with me?"
"Until the very end. ~ J K Rowling,
337:You can if things until you go crazy, my girl. ~ Stephen King,
338:You cannot learn more until you can learn more. ~ Idries Shah,
339:You can't know about marriage until you try it. ~ Greg Evigan,
340:a book is a box of words until you open it. ~ Ursula K Le Guin,
341:And I'll stand on the ocean until I start sinking. ~ Bob Dylan,
342:Call no man happy, said Shadow, until he is dead ~ Neil Gaiman,
343:Don't halloo until you're out of the wood. ~ Benjamin Franklin,
344:Everybody is nothing until you love them. ~ Tennessee Williams,
345:Everything’s forever until it isn’t. ~ Matthew Woodring Stover,
346:Existence will not stop until it gets to beauty. ~ Anne Carson,
347:Faith doesn't begin until reason stops. ~ Jean Claude Carriere,
348:FOCUS - Follow One Course Until Successful ~ Robert T Kiyosaki,
349:FOCUS: Follow One Course Until Successful. ~ Robert T Kiyosaki,
350:he waited until 1896 to build the first truck. ~ Jared Diamond,
351:I am a beast until I love as God doth love. ~ George MacDonald,
352:I did not know I needed grace until I met you. ~ Thea Harrison,
353:I don't know what I think until I write it down. ~ Joan Didion,
354:I leveled the gun and fired until it was empty. ~ Rachel Brady,
355:I'm a perfectionist; I'll work until I drop. ~ Michael Jackson,
356:I’m going to keep asking until you say yes.” “I ~ Abigail Roux,
357:I'm not interested until I see their execution. ~ Derek Sivers,
358:I never have wit until I am below stairs. ~ Jean de la Bruyere,
359:I never missed the daylight until I met you. ~ Melissa F Olson,
360:In this country your guilty until proven wealthy. ~ Bill Maher,
361:It’s never funny until someone gets hurt.” -Unknown ~ Dan Ames,
362:I wanted to howl until I was nothing but sound. ~ Lish McBride,
363:I want to fuck you until you can’t walk straight. ~ J J McAvoy,
364:I won't quit skating until I am physically unable. ~ Tony Hawk,
365:My life didn't really begin until I met Ronnie. ~ Nancy Reagan,
366:No need to live in trouble until trouble comes. ~ Stephen King,
367:Our heart is restless until it rests in You. ~ Saint Augustine,
368:She searched until there was only searching left. ~ Emma Cline,
369:THE FIGHT WAS GOING GREAT—until he got stabbed. ~ Rick Riordan,
370:Until death itself comes, no calamity need be feared ~ Sun Tzu,
371:Until he shall have driven her back to Hell, ~ Dante Alighieri,
372:Until sin be bitter, Christ will not be sweet. ~ Thomas Watson,
373:Until, that is, a tree stopped me in my path. ~ Cheryl Strayed,
374:Until you expose the cancer, you can't fix it. ~ James McBride,
375:Until you try, you don't know what you can't do. ~ Henry James,
376:you aren’t a failure until you start to blame. ~ Carol S Dweck,
377:You can't move on until you let go of the past. ~ Marilyn Grey,
378:You have not failed until you quit trying. ~ Gordon B Hinckley,
379:You never miss the water until the well runs dry. ~ Robin Hobb,
380:You're not famous until my mother has heard of you. ~ Jay Leno,
381:A man is not learned until he can read, write and swim. ~ Plato,
382:A message is not delivered until it is understood. ~ Robin Hobb,
383:"A thing isn't quite real until you name it." ~ Jordan Peterson,
384:Clothes mean nothing until someone lives in them. ~ Marc Jacobs,
385:Don't wait until it's too late to say I love you. ~ Stana Katic,
386:Each man is haunted until his humanity awakens. ~ William Blake,
387:For most of us, design is invisible. Until it fails ~ Bruce Mau,
388:He would gladly fuck her until time itself ended ~ Addison Cain,
389:I can wait until my heart bleeds with sorrow. ~ Jostein Gaarder,
390:I do not propose to be buried until I am dead. ~ Daniel Webster,
391:I don't know what I think until I write about it. ~ Joan Didion,
392:I never smoked a cigar in my life until I was nine ~ W C Fields,
393:In my day you didn't speak until spoken to. ~ Andre Leon Talley,
394:I slept with my mom until I was 16 years old. ~ Jennifer Hudson,
395:I was on food stamps until I was 18 and became an adult. ~ Moby,
396:I was there in your forgetting, until I was forgot. ~ Lang Leav,
397:I went to public school up until junior high. ~ Kristen Stewart,
398:Keep trying until you have no more chances left. ~ Aimee Carter,
399:Most people don't pray until they're in trouble. ~ Muhammad Ali,
400:My dream is to do things until 'I have no regrets' ~ Lee Taemin,
401:Never dismiss anyone's value until you know him. ~ Susan Cooper,
402:Nobody is lost until somebody has given up. ~ Gordon B Hinckley,
403:No man is a man until he is made weak by a woman. ~ Bee Ridgway,
404:Not even Lucifer left Heaven until he was pushed. ~ Peter Watts,
405:One has not understood until one has forgotten it. ~ D T Suzuki,
406:People dont pay attention until they have to ~ Meredith Whitney,
407:Reality doesn’t happen until you analyze the dots ~ Don DeLillo,
408:She use to knock me out until her face broke out. ~ Frank Zappa,
409:Sometimes, we can’t go forward until we go back. ~ Cynthia Eden,
410:There are no wild animals until man makes them so. ~ Mark Twain,
411:The rich get richer until the poor get educated. ~ Sage Francis,
412:They drank with Joseph until they all became drunk. ~ Anonymous,
413:Until things are brighter.. I'm the man in black. ~ Johnny Cash,
414:We blasted holes in the night until she bled sunshine ~ Mos Def,
415:We were perfect for each other. Until we met ~ Penelope Douglas,
416:You can't put off being young until you retire. ~ Philip Larkin,
417:You don't know what you can do until you try. ~ Publilius Syrus,
418:You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone. ~ Jennifer Foor,
419:You just chip away until the puzzle is complete. ~ Terry Bozzio,
420:You never know anyone until you marry them. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt,
421:You're never a failure until you fail to get up. ~ Evel Knievel,
422:You're not famous until you're a Pez dispenser. ~ Carrie Fisher,
423:A house doesn't become a home until love moves in. ~ Faraaz Kazi,
424:But, I didn't get my first break until I was 17. ~ Stephen Dorff,
425:But it was only impossible until it wasn’t [...] ~ Leigh Bardugo,
426:Do not worry about tomorrow until you have to. ~ Nicholas Sparks,
427:Government is the enemy until you need a friend. ~ William Cohen,
428:Hate hides itself until it has something to prove. ~ A M Johnson,
429:How do I know what I think until I see what I say? ~ Dan Simmons,
430:How do I know what I think until I see what I say? ~ E M Forster,
431:I didn't have a cup of coffee until I was 27. ~ Elizabeth Hurley,
432:I don't look at ratings until somebody tells me. ~ Padma Lakshmi,
433:I think you're working and learning until you die. ~ J K Rowling,
434:It’s dope to be black until it’s hard to be black ~ Angie Thomas,
435:It's not going to be over until we say so. ~ Trenton Lee Stewart,
436:I want to keep smashing myself until I am whole. ~ Elias Canetti,
437:I want to tear up the earth until I find you, ~ Miguel Hern ndez,
438:I was a bleeding-heart liberal, until I got a job. ~ John Popper,
439:I was a Republican until they lost their minds ~ Charles Barkley,
440:I was the ugly duckling until I reached puberty. ~ Tanya Roberts,
441:Let me see your tits bounce. Ride me until you come. ~ Anonymous,
442:Love means to be willing to give until it hurts. ~ Mother Teresa,
443:Natures and features last until the grave ~ Siddhartha Mukherjee,
444:Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow. ~ Heraclitus,
445:No man is complete until his education is complete. ~ Khizr Khan,
446:No more kisses for you, until you have eaten ! ~ Suzanne Collins,
447:Nothing ever happens in Mexico until it happens. ~ Porfirio Diaz,
448:Poetry is so vital to us until school spoils it. ~ Russell Baker,
449:Reality doesn't happen until you analyze the dots. ~ Don DeLillo,
450:rooms one by one until they came to the stairs. ~ David Baldacci,
451:Until we Dream of Life and Life becomes a Dream. ~ Stevie Wonder,
452:We kiss until the alarm sounds off on my phone. ~ Colleen Hoover,
453:We walked through night until there was a poem. ~ Brenda Hillman,
454:You cannot be a true man until you learn to obey. ~ Robert E Lee,
455:You don't know a father's weight until it's lifted. ~ John Green,
456:You dont know someone until you know what they want. ~ Brad Pitt,
457:You live out the confusions until they become clear. ~ Anais Nin,
458:You live out the confusions until they become clear. ~ Ana s Nin,
459:You never find yourself until you face the truth. ~ Pearl Bailey,
460:You never know you're in a bubble until it pops. ~ Andrew Revkin,
461:You never really know a stock until you own it. ~ Walter Schloss,
462:you until you’re fully recovered. Don’t freak out, ~ Violet Duke,
463:You will never find love until you stop looking. ~ Willie Nelson,
464:You, yourself, will never rest until you've tried! ~ J K Rowling,
465:And I continued to grow until I was 25 years old. ~ Julius Erving,
466:A place isn’t really yours until you clean it. ~ Charlaine Harris,
467:"A thing isn't quite real until you name it." ~ Jordan B Peterson,
468:Believers repent until their dying day. ~ Charles Haddon Spurgeon,
469:Call no man happy,’ said Shadow, ‘until he is dead. ~ Neil Gaiman,
470:Call no man happy,” said Shadow, “until he is dead. ~ Neil Gaiman,
471:Consistency is a virtue until it gets annoying ~ Ursula K Le Guin,
472:Don't look back until you've written an entire draft. ~ Will Self,
473:Everybody wants to be more wanted, until they are. ~ Dov Davidoff,
474:Every fact is a myth until proven to be otherwise. ~ Sapan Saxena,
475:He tolerated it until he could tolerate it no more. ~ Mitch Albom,
476:He walked across the land until he fell in the ocean ~ Ian McEwan,
477:I can’t ask god why until I’m willing to ask why not. ~ Lori Wick,
478:I did not know I was in my prime until afterwards. ~ Mason Cooley,
479:I never know what I feel until it’s too late. ~ Jeffrey Eugenides,
480:I never liked bad weather. Not until I met you. ~ Victoria Schwab,
481:I never tried to act until A Place in the Sun. ~ Elizabeth Taylor,
482:Innovations until now conceived by no one at all ~ Israel Kirzner,
483:Instead, open your heart until you hear it crack. ~ Dushka Zapata,
484:I see it as my job to mourn him until the day I die. ~ Sarah Ruhl,
485:It doesn’t matter what you are ranked until the end. ~ Nick Saban,
486:It's dope to be black until it's hard to be black. ~ Angie Thomas,
487:I was never really happy until I became 'Doctor Who'. ~ Tom Baker,
488:I will strain my potential until it cries for mercy. ~ Og Mandino,
489:Lie. Lie to everyone until you know the truth. ~ Sarah Beth Durst,
490:Love is from the infinite, and will remain until eternity. ~ Rumi,
491:Never attack the strong until you are stronger. ~ H Rider Haggard,
492:Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow. ~ Heraclitus,
493:No man is a man until he has been a soldier. ~ Louis de Berni res,
494:Perseverance and perspective until victory. ~ Lincoln Diaz Balart,
495:She was a steady date until she put on some weight. ~ Frank Zappa,
496:Sol had not known he was lonely until he met Sarai. ~ Dan Simmons,
497:There is no good in anything until it is finished. ~ Genghis Khan,
498:Until the day I don't breathe, I will create music. ~ Gift of Gab,
499:Until we look from the bottom up we have nothing. ~ Sue Monk Kidd,
500:Until you hear “No,” you haven’t been turned down. ~ Reid Hoffman,
501:we cant know better until knowing better is useless. ~ John Green,
502:We'll be friends until forever, just you wait and see ~ A A Milne,
503:We never fully appreciate today until tomorrow. ~ Morgan Llywelyn,
504:Were you a horse I would bid until I won you. ~ Kristi Ann Hunter,
505:Ye'll never best your fears until ye face them ~ Susanna Kearsley,
506:You can't be a champion until you can beat a bear. ~ Daniel Bryan,
507:you dig and dig until you strike the absolute truth. ~ Max Brooks,
508:You don't get a life until you make one worth living. ~ Dan Wells,
509:You gotta ignore people until they get in line. ~ Caroline Kepnes,
510:You have no idea if your idea matters until you share it. ~ Rands,
511:You're the predator right up until you're prey. ~ James S A Corey,
512:You will never become rich, until you hate poverty ~ Mike Murdock,
513:All promises are empty - until they are fulfilled. ~ Amy Dickinson,
514:A loss is not a failure until you make an excuse. ~ Michael Jordan,
515:Always be the first to move; don’t wait until the ~ David Ignatius,
516:A man is not completely born until he is dead. ~ Benjamin Franklin,
517:Anarchy is awesome.
Until it happens to you. ~ Sienna McQuillen,
518:And it's all fun and games until someone loses an I. ~ Don Winslow,
519:A war is not lost until you consider it lost. ~ Erich von Manstein,
520:... Bear up until you see you're gaining. ~ Robert Louis Stevenson,
521:Champions keep playing until they get it right. ~ Billie Jean King,
522:Consistency is a virtue until it gets annoying. ~ Ursula K Le Guin,
523:Don’t wait until you become a big shot to do big-shot ~ Tony Evans,
524:Don't wait until you find someone. You are someone. ~ Marie Forleo,
525:Education is hanging around until you've caught on. ~ Robert Frost,
526:Every inventor is a crackpot until his idea succeeds. ~ Mark Twain,
527:I can't start writing until I have a closing line. ~ Joseph Heller,
528:I didn’t know what darkness was until I lost you ~ Sylvain Reynard,
529:I didn't speak English until I came to Pittsburgh. ~ Mario Lemieux,
530:I do not know what I think until I write it. ~ George Bernard Shaw,
531:I don't think anything changes until ideas change. ~ James Hillman,
532:If love is a sin, live a lie. You and Me, until I die. ~ Lady Gaga,
533:If you don't feel like praying, pray until you do! ~ Brigham Young,
534:It's always funny until the hooker mentions her son. ~ Jon Stewart,
535:It's not an adventure until something goes wrong. ~ Yvon Chouinard,
536:I've never slept all night with a girl. Until you. ~ Monica Murphy,
537:I wasn't really comfortable reading until I was 12. ~ Paloma Faith,
538:Just living until you die is hard work," I said ~ Charles Bukowski,
539:Knowledge is only rumor until it lives in the bones. ~ Brene Brown,
540:Lightning makes no sound until it strikes. ~ Martin Luther King Jr,
541:Loving you, until the day that 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 is 4. ~ Stevie Wonder,
542:Most men wait to move until victory is guaranteed. ~ John Eldredge,
543:Nobody ever had a rainbow baby until they had the rain ~ Jim Croce,
544:No place is a place until it has found its poet. ~ Wallace Stegner,
545:Nothing can stop you until you choose to be stopped ~ Robin Sharma,
546:Nothing is ever really yours until you share it. ~ E Stanley Jones,
547:Nothing is real for me until I've read about it. ~ Robert Gottlieb,
548:One does not see anything until one sees its beauty. ~ Oscar Wilde,
549:O seeker! Rely on nothing until you want nothing. ~ Gautama Buddha,
550:Squeeze property speculators until the pips squeak. ~ Denis Healey,
551:Successful women don't sleep until noon. ~ Barbara Taylor Bradford,
552:The game embarrasses you until you feel inadequate. ~ Ben Crenshaw,
553:The pain pushes you, until the vision pulls you ~ Michael Beckwith,
554:The world doesn't make sense until you force it to. ~ Frank Miller,
555:Until I feared I would lose it, I never loved to read ~ Harper Lee,
556:Until one has given all, one has given nothing. ~ Georges Guynemer,
557:Until you have hunted men, you haven’t hunted yet. ~ Jesse Ventura,
558:Wait until you see my socratic method, baby. ~ Cherrie Lynn,
559:We are safe, with our families, until we are not. ~ Danielle Evans,
560:We can't know better until knowing better is useless. ~ John Green,
561:We who believe in freedom cannot rest until it comes. ~ Ella Baker,
562:You can't be beautiful until you feel beautiful. ~ Chuck Palahniuk,
563:You can't know better until knowing better is useless ~ John Green,
564:You can't love other people until you love yourself. ~ Demi Lovato,
565:You have to do it and do it, until you get it right. ~ Julia Child,
566:And they all lived happily ever after, until they died. ~ Ali Smith,
567:any global data is always guilty until proven innocent. ~ Anonymous,
568:Because it’s never really sex until someone squirts. ~ Ben Monopoli,
569:because nothing means as much until it has vanished. ~ M T Anderson,
570:Don't count your eggs until the chicken's laid them. ~ Bobby Robson,
571:Don't wait until people are dead to give them flowers. ~ Sean Covey,
572:Every man is a reformer until reform tramps on his toes. ~ E W Howe,
573:Guys are kind of retarded until they're about 30. ~ Katherine Heigl,
574:he gabbles about the Arts until I hate the Arts, ~ Charles Bukowski,
575:He marries best who puts it off until it is too late. ~ H L Mencken,
576:How can I tell what I think until I see what I say? ~ David Markson,
577:How can I tell what I think until I see what I say? ~ David Shields,
578:I can't wait until they don't have me here anymore. ~ Jasmine Warga,
579:I didn't know what darkness was until I lost you. ~ Sylvain Reynard,
580:I didn't write anything until I was well over 30. ~ Penelope Lively,
581:I literally want to work until I'm in the grave. ~ KaDee Strickland,
582:I'll play until they have to scrape me off the stage. ~ James Young,
583:I'm a baritone. Baritones don't mature until late. ~ Joe Bastianich,
584:i'm going to distance myself until the world is beautiful ~ Tao Lin,
585:I realize that I didn’t start breathing until him. ~ Samantha Towle,
586:It's not a party until the fire department shows up. ~ Thom Filicia,
587:I used to meditate until I learned to stop thinking. ~ Agnes Martin,
588:I will work on Invincible until I am made to quit. ~ Robert Kirkman,
589:Just drive down that road, until you get blown up ~ George S Patton,
590:No one will believe in you until you believe in you. ~ Robin Sharma,
591:Nothing is for certain until it has already happened— ~ Mark Manson,
592:our ghosts stay with us until we ourselves are ghosts ~ Dean Koontz,
593:Politics is a dance until the moment it becomes a war. ~ V E Schwab,
594:Remember, things are never clear until it’s too late. ~ Peter Lynch,
595:Set your target and keep trying until you reach it. ~ Napoleon Hill,
596:Sometimes we don't appreciate what we have until it's gone. ~ Mario,
597:Sometimes you can’t find yourself until you’re lost. ~ Jillian Dodd,
598:The ANC will rule South Africa until Jesus comes back. ~ Jacob Zuma,
599:The beatings will continue until morale improves. ~ Stephen Hawking,
600:the parties are no fun until everyone gets drunk ~ Scott Westerfeld,
601:Things do not exist until they begin to appear. ~ Humberto Maturana,
602:Tonight was 25 July. Seven more days until 1 August. ~ Rick Riordan,
603:Until we can be together again ... we wait ... and believe! ~ CLAMP,
604:Until you have loved, you cannot become yourself. ~ Emily Dickinson,
605:Until your broken, you don't know what you're made of.
   ~ Unknown,
606:We are all born idealists, until life fucks us all. ~ M F Moonzajer,
607:We cannot put off living until we are ready. ~ Jose Ortega y Gasset,
608:You are never fully dressed until you put on a smile! ~ Victor Hugo,
609:you aren’t a failure until you start to blame. What ~ Carol S Dweck,
610:You can never begin to live until you dare to die. ~ Henry Van Dyke,
611:You don't really know a song until you play it live. ~ Robert Smith,
612:you have not succeeded until you are finished ~ William Shakespeare,
613:You never know just what you can do until you try. ~ Joseph Delaney,
614:Your potential doesn't die until you do. ~ Robert Underwood Johnson,
615:You won't get ahead until you get off your behind. ~ Orrin Woodward,
616:Actually, I didn't start sweating until I had children. ~ Dave Grohl,
617:A leech that will not quit the skin until sated with blood. ~ Horace,
618:A sure cure for boredom: fast until you are ravenous. ~ Mason Cooley,
619:Begin at the beginning, go on until the end, then stop. ~ Mark Twain,
620:Bones, like anything else, strong until they weren't. ~ Brit Bennett,
621:Bones, like anything else, strong until they weren’t. ~ Brit Bennett,
622:...But until then, I'ma shine to the last sin, ~ Intelligent Hoodlum,
623:Don't wait until you know who you are to get started. ~ Austin Kleon,
624:Editing is everything. Cut until you can cut no more. ~ Esther Freud,
626:Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. ~ Lee Child,
627:Everything’s bad, until you find something worse. ~ Paolo Bacigalupi,
628:Evil will rule until good men or women choose to act. ~ Ruta Sepetys,
629:He must play the game of survival until the very end. ~ Iris Murdoch,
630:I didn’t know what life was until death came to my door. ~ B N Toler,
631:I don't know what to think until I see what I've said. ~ E M Forster,
632:I get really grinchy right up until Christmas morning. ~ Dan Aykroyd,
633:I modeled from the time I was 15 until I was 20. ~ Shantel VanSanten,
634:India cannot be India again until temples become alive again. ~ Osho,
635:I never believed that angels exist, until I met you. ~ M F Moonzajer,
636:I thought I was okay with dying. Until I met her. ~ Rachel Van Dyken,
637:I used to hate everybody,” I say. “Until I met you. ~ Colleen Hoover,
638:Knowledge is only a rumor until it lives in the muscle. ~ Bren Brown,
639:Most principles are limp until they are tested. ~ Richard Brookhiser,
640:My plan is to enjoy the food until you kick me out.” He ~ Kiera Cass,
641:Nigel Parrish waited until they returned from the ~ Elizabeth George,
642:Nobody ever listened to me until they didn't know who I was ~ Banksy,
643:No, normalcy is taken for granted until it's gone. ~ Maryanne O Hara,
644:No point worrying about a storm until we smell rain ~ Suzanne Kelman,
645:Our hearts are restless until they find rest in thee. ~ Kyle Idleman,
646:peace until the Schleswig-Holstein question was definitely ~ Various,
647:People don't know what they're made of until they're tested. ~ Tijan,
648:Sometimes you don't know what you need until it's gone ~ Ilsa J Bick,
649:That was, until her eyes alit on a clear glass coffin. ~ Chanda Hahn,
650:The learning process continues until the day you die. ~ Kirk Douglas,
651:Until you lose your mother you don't know what it is. ~ Sophia Loren,
652:Wait until tomorrow to find what tomorrow holds. ~ Madeleine L Engle,
653:We are immortal until our work on earth is done. ~ George Whitefield,
654:We do not recognize our souls until they are in pain. ~ James O Barr,
655:We never believe we'll crash... until we're falling. ~ Rebekah Crane,
656:We never, ever believe the truth until it’s too late. ~ John Everson,
657:working at something until it regularly works for you. ~ Gary Keller,
658:You can’t act Shakespeare until you can speak him. ~ Patsy Rodenburg,
659:You can’t fix something until you admit it’s broken. ~ Mark Goulston,
660:You can’t truly know life until you’ve accepted death. ~ Jenika Snow,
661:You don’t give up writing until writing gives you up. ~ Rumer Godden,
662:You don't know how to live until you learn how to die. ~ Mitch Albom,
663:You'll stay with me?' Until the very end,' said James. ~ J K Rowling,
664:You never know what you can do until you have to do it. ~ Betty Ford,
665:You never pull the trigger until you know you can win. ~ Roger Ailes,
666:You shouldn’t say I can’t until you’ve tried. ~ Patrick Henry Hughes,
667:All stories are lies until someone believes in them. ~ Kelly Barnhill,
668:Being numb is good for a while, until it's not anymore. ~ Ann Aguirre,
669:Believe nothing until it has been officially denied. ~ Claud Cockburn,
670:bounded rationality—we’re rational until we aren’t. ~ Kelly McGonigal,
671:but two shots, and then it was the knife until death. ~ Louis L Amour,
672:Canada until, well . . . Bone found her, but by then ~ Grant McKenzie,
673:Can peace be gained until I clasp my wombat? ~ Dante Gabriel Rossetti,
674:echoed around them, filling the room until they were ~ Kiersten White,
675:Every man is an impossibility until he is born. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
676:For an athlete, there's no time off until it's over. ~ Terry Bradshaw,
677:God never uses anyone greatly until He tests them deeply. ~ A W Tozer,
678:I didn't even know my bra size until I made a movie. ~ Angelina Jolie,
679:I do not like odd things until I can understand them. ~ Robert Jordan,
680:I follow the rules until I go against them all. ~ Helen Frankenthaler,
681:I hope I shall have ambition until the day I die. ~ Clare Boothe Luce,
682:I just want to live until I can't anymore," she said. ~ Gillian Flynn,
683:I never wear mascara; I laugh until I cry too often. ~ Jeanne Calment,
684:I was a buffoon and an idiot until the age of forty ~ Madonna Ciccone,
685:I was raised Catholic until I was old enough to say no. ~ John Cusack,
686:Just wait until you meet our spaceship. She's a riot. ~ Marissa Meyer,
687:Love doesn’t wait until you have your shit together. ~ Charleigh Rose,
688:Men aren't men until they can get to Sears by themselves. ~ Tim Allen,
689:Never buy a saddle until you have met the horse. ~ Mortimer Zuckerman,
690:Never judge a man's actions until you know his motives ~ Vikas Swarup,
691:Nobody ever listened to me until they didn't know who I was. ~ Banksy,
692:Nobody ever listened to me until they didn’t know who I was. ~ Banksy,
693:No one truly understands a prophecy until it comes true. ~ Robin Hobb,
694:Nothing made sense, and she would have him until it did. ~ Elise Kova,
695:Not one atom can rest until it finds its freedom. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
696:she wouldn’t rest until the entire world was beautiful. ~ Taylor Dean,
697:Sometimes books don't find us until the right time. ~ Gabrielle Zevin,
698:the letter means nothing until the spirit gives it life ~ Owen Wister,
699:The meaning of today will not be clear until tomorrow. ~ Mason Cooley,
700:Until” is just perfectionism wearing a Halloween costume. ~ Jon Acuff,
701:Until then,I'll be waiting patiently. Just say when. ~ Colleen Hoover,
702:Until we can manage time, we can manage nothing else. ~ Peter Drucker,
703:We don't know who we are until we see what we can do. ~ Martha Grimes,
704:Why doesn’t Sunday ever wait until I’m tired? ~ Sarah Miller,
705:You don't know a woman until you've met her in court. ~ Norman Mailer,
706:You’ll stay with me?” “Until the very end,” said James. ~ J K Rowling,
707:You never realized how thick your fog was until it lifted. ~ J R Ward,
708:You're not really famous until youre a Pez dispenser. ~ Carrie Fisher,
709:You will never know love's depth, until it is gone. ~ Shannon L Alder,
710:A leader can never be happy until his people are happy. ~ Genghis Khan,
711:An old bandit adage: A bell is a cup until it is struck. ~ Colin Meloy,
712:Be like a postage stamp. Stick to it until you get there ~ Bob Proctor,
713:But we can't know better until knowing better is useless. ~ John Green,
714:But we can’t know better until knowing better is useless. ~ John Green,
715:Everything about death is a cliché until you're in it. ~ Gail Caldwell,
716:Everything seems simple until you think about it. ~ Audrey Niffenegger,
717:Fight them,” he said. “I’ll fight them until I die. ~ Ernest Hemingway,
718:From Day 1 I wasnt planning to run until I am very old. ~ Asafa Powell,
719:Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man. ~ Aristotle,
720:Hate. It’s not a word I truly understood until just now ~ Meghan March,
721:I can talk about Jane Austen until the cows come home. ~ Whit Stillman,
722:I considered becoming a Christian... until I met one. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
723:I didn't know I was looking for anything until I saw you. ~ Sylvia Day,
724:I didn’t know where I was going until I got there. It ~ Cheryl Strayed,
725:I didn't think about politics until I came to Europe. ~ Robert Redford,
726:If I can sleep in until 9 A.M. - wow, what a luxury. ~ Patrick Dempsey,
727:If you wish to transform, pretend this day until it is so. ~ T F Hodge,
728:I'm not going to have a baby until I'm around 30 something. ~ Rita Ora,
729:I think nobody owns the land until their dead are in it. ~ Joan Didion,
730:It wasn't until Duotones that I felt my true voice come out. ~ Kenny G,
731:I will love you until the day they put me in the earth. ~ Nalini Singh,
732:Listen, you bubblehead-up-until-five-minutes-ago... ~ Scott Westerfeld,
733:Live your life until love is found Or love's gonna get you down ~ Mika,
734:Messy emotional issues could wait until later, or never. ~ Brent Weeks,
735:Moore’s and stay, until the surprise comes. ~ Gertrude Chandler Warner,
736:Most men die at age 25, but aren't buried until 70. ~ Thomas Jefferson,
737:My absence was gradual, until one day it was complete. ~ Miguel Syjuco,
738:Never give up on the fight until you win the belt. ~ Israelmore Ayivor,
739:No one is fixed until they make the effort to change. ~ Bruce H Lipton,
740:No one knows how strong they are until they have to be. ~ Marian Keyes,
741:Nothing changes until it becomes what it is. ~ Frederick Salomon Perls,
742:Read. Read until your eyes are sore. Then read some more. ~ Lisa Bloom,
743:Scared?" "You haven't lived until you go grave robbing. ~ Kelly Keaton,
744:Sleep not until thou hast held converse with thyself. ~ Chinese Maxims,
745:Some things we never know we need until we find them. ~ Sabahattin Ali,
746:Spirit cannot fulfill any desire until you release it. ~ Deepak Chopra,
747:Strictly cop and go's until we laid in the Galapagos ~ Action Bronson,
748:The Republic of Ireland didn’t have postcodes until 2015. ~ John Lloyd,
749:The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on. ~ Louis L Amour,
750:Things don’t really start falling apart until forty-two. ~ Robinne Lee,
751:To withhold trust until there is no doubt is not trust. ~ Kate Elliott,
752:until at last the crisis seized us both together. Her head ~ Anonymous,
753:Until they rip us apart, and even then, I'll fight. ~ Lindsay Cummings,
754:We do not pray at all until we are at our wits' end. ~ Oswald Chambers,
755:We gotta see-saw until we unthaw those Popsicle toes. ~ Michael Franks,
756:We have not failed until we have failed to try again, ~ Robert J Crane,
757:We need people who will go, and stay until the end. ~ Jackie Pullinger,
758:We never cherish what we've got until the day it's gone. ~ Dean Frazer,
759:You always think you want to be noticed. Until you are. ~ Sarah Dessen, can't know what a life has been until it is over. ~ Andr Alexis,
761:You do not know anything until you have practiced. ~ Richard P Feynman,
762:You don't become a real sailor until you sail in a storm. ~ Joan Bauer,
763:You never do any good until you get into some trouble. ~ Arthur Miller,
764:You're life will stay beautiful until you except it to be. ~ Anonymous,
765:You're not going to learn how to do it until you do it. ~ Jess Weixler,
766:You will never feel loved until you love yourself. ~ Arnaud Desjardins,
767:You will never get right until you start right. ~ Voltairine de Cleyre,
768:A career is a career, but youre a mother until you die. ~ Shirley Eaton,
769:A head is not drawn until you can feel the unseen side. ~ Andrew Loomis,
770:All I can do is turn a phrase until it catches the light. ~ Clive James,
771:A woman does not become interesting until she is over 40. ~ Coco Chanel,
772:busy all day, not giving him a break until that moment. ~ Stacy Claflin,
773:--but you'll never be ready. Not until you decide to be. ~ Lev Grossman,
774:Catholic, which I was until I reached the age of reason ~ George Carlin,
775:Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes! ~ William H Prescott,
776:Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. ~ Benjamin Franklin,
777:Don't wait until you are a big shot to do big shot things. ~ Tony Evans,
778:Dreams are just dreams until they change everything. ~ Kathleen Baldwin,
779:every relationship you are in will fail, until one doesn't ~ Dan Savage,
780:Face it, I didn't become famous until I took my clothes off. ~ Jude Law,
781:For how long could we fail until we surrendered? ~ Jonathan Safran Foer,
782:I can’t allow myself relaxation until everything’s done. ~ Ellie Monago,
783:I can't let you go. I'll never do that. Not until I die. ~ Kresley Cole,
784:I cant wait until Im able to afford really posh bags. ~ Alexandra Roach,
785:I didn't want normal until I didn't have it anymore ~ Maggie Stiefvater,
786:If in doubt, just walk until your day becomes interesting. ~ Rolf Potts,
787:I hated suits until I wore a Calvin Klein; they just fit me. ~ Kid Cudi,
788:Illusions are the truths we live by until we know better. ~ Nancy Gibbs,
789:I love you. I will love you until the end of the world. ~ Sherry Thomas,
790:In a story, nothing is real until it is acted upon. ~ William Kittredge,
791:It generally appears outlandish until its carried out. ~ Nelson Mandela,
792:I will remain on the throne until I fall off. ~ Margrethe II of Denmark,
793:Most letters were love letters until they were not. ~ Patricia Lockwood,
794:No law is an issue until someone tries to enforce it. ~ Grace Llewellyn,
795:No one will ever know what happened until it is too late. ~ Ally Condie,
796:No time limit in Iraq; stay until we achieve stability. ~ Rudy Giuliani,
797:Not until it starts to stink does the inevitable happen. ~ John Ashbery,
798:No war is won or lost until the final battle is over. ~ Haruki Murakami,
799:The education of a man is never completed until he dies. ~ Robert E Lee,
800:There is no rule of law until the Mafia needs lawyers. ~ Stephen Holmes,
801:There’s nobody taking center from me until I give it up. ~ Joe DiMaggio,
802:Until a man is nothing, God can make nothing out of him ~ Martin Luther,
803:until darkness closed in. She didn’t need a nosy neighbor ~ Stacy Green,
804:Until I went to rehab, I didn't understand what it did. ~ Aaron Neville,
805:Until then, I plan to make her mine in body and soul. ~ Amelia Hutchins,
806:Until we can manage time, we can manage nothing else. ~ Peter F Drucker,
807:We are pushed by pain until we are pulled by vision. ~ Michael Beckwith,
808:We cannot leave the trap until we know we are in it. ~ Marilyn Ferguson,
809:We don't know what we think until we see what we say. ~ Clifford Geertz,
810:We're not doing anything until I find my sister,' I say ~ Richelle Mead,
811:You cannot manage or improve something until you measure ~ Darren Hardy,
812:You cannot save others until you first save yourself, ~ Cassandra Clare,
813:You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
814:You'll never find your limits until you've gone too far. ~ Aron Ralston,
815:You'll stay with me?'
Until the very end,' said James. ~ J K Rowling,
816:You should be alive as you can until you're totally dead. ~ Dylan Moran,
817:You think you're alone until you realize you're in it. ~ Elvis Costello,
818:All things are possible until they are proven impossible. ~ Pearl S Buck,
819:An elephant until never pretend to be something she's not ~ Jodi Picoult,
820:Arise,awake and donot stop until the goal is reached ~ Swami Vivekananda,
821:Assume nothing. You do not know until you know. ~ Robert Jackson Bennett,
822:At the end of the way is freedom. Until then, patience. ~ Gautama Buddha,
823:Death always feels far away from life, until it isn’t. ~ Corey Ann Haydu,
824:Don't try the paranormal until you know what's normal. ~ Terry Pratchett,
825:Eddie now?” Larson asked. “Maybe she waited until ~ William Kent Krueger,
826:Every woman over fifty should stay in bed until noon. ~ Mamie Eisenhower,
827:find the lead domino, and whack away at it until it falls. ~ Gary Keller,
828:I'd hang out at the Borders bookstore until it closed. ~ Garrett Hedlund,
829:I don't know what a monopoly is until somebody tells me. ~ Steve Ballmer,
830:I'm going to love him until the stars fall out of the sky. ~ Sarah Black,
831:I never knew I lacked so much confidence until I met you ~ Karuho Shiina,
832:I never liked the rain until I walked through it with you. ~ Clint Black,
833:It didn't make no sense until it made the only sense. ~ Colson Whitehead,
834:It doesn't become important until you don't have it anymore. ~ Jenny Han,
835:I thought I'd be a librarian until I met some crazy ones. ~ Edward Gorey,
836:I used to be an atheist until I realized that I was God. ~ Deepak Chopra,
837:I want you to be nice...until it's time to not be nice. ~ Patrick Swayze,
838:I was a serious method actor until I visited this site. ~ Robin Williams,
839:Love was just a word until someone gave it a definition. ~ Tarryn Fisher,
840:Major change is never applauded until your numbers prove it. ~ Anonymous,
841:Make up stories until you find one you can live with. ~ Lidia Yuknavitch,
842:Most women put off entertaining until the kids are grown. ~ Erma Bombeck,
843:Never correct or rewrite until the whole thing is down. ~ John Steinbeck,
844:Never diagnose a (client) until after their therapy is over. ~ Carl Jung,
845:Never put off until tomorrow what you can put off forever. ~ P J Plauger,
846:No man is ever whipped until he quits - in his own mind. ~ Napoleon Hill,
847:No one is truly dead until they are no longer loved. ~ Theophile Gautier,
848:No one is truly dead until they are no longer loved. ~ Th ophile Gautier,
849:No one knows what it is that he can do until he tries. ~ Publilius Syrus,
850:Nothing has really happened until it has been recorded. ~ Virginia Woolf,
851:Rock stars come and go. Musicians play until they die. ~ Eddie Van Halen,
852:Self-realization is not complete until it lives in action. ~ Byron Katie,
853:suck your damn old aspirator until someone pulls you out. ~ Stephen King,
854:Technology is always perfectly dependable until it isn't. ~ Kevin Hearne,
855:There was an awkward silence
Until I throw a rock at it ~ Cat Patrick,
856:They pursue meaninglessness until they can force it to mean. ~ Rollo May,
857:They sat smoking the dead mans dope until the chopper came ~ Tim O Brien,
858:Until the day I die, I will love you with my last breath. ~ Rebecca Shea,
859:We must ride this strange torpedo out until the end. ~ Hunter S Thompson,
860:You cannot be happy until you understand that life is sad ~ Pearl S Buck,
861:You can spit until you're dry, but you'll never make a lake ~ James Howe,
862:You can't know the answer until you ask the question. ~ Jennifer E Smith,
863:You can’t know the answer until you ask the question. ~ Jennifer E Smith,
864:You can't know who you are until you know where you are. ~ Wendell Berry,
865:You can't solve a problem until you address the problem. ~ Lizz Winstead,
866:You can't tackle climate change until you tackle poverty. ~ Hugh Jackman,
867:You don’t know what you don’t have until it comes. ~ Mokokoma Mokhonoana,
868:You haven’t really been anywhere until you’ve got back home. ~ Anonymous,
869:You look until you see nothing tangible, and that is God. ~ Thomas Moore,
870:You never fail until you stop trying.” ― Albert Einstein ~ Misty Griffin,
871:You never know the worth of water until the well is dry. ~ Sharon Creech,
872:You’re not really grown until you’ve lost your heroes. ~ Daniel H Wilson,
873:A dream doesn't become a goal until you write it down. ~ Edwin Louis Cole,
874:A fact is not a truth until you love it. —John Keats ~ Daniel James Brown,
875:A head can be beaten small enough until it fits the hat. ~ G K Chesterton,
876:All books are judged by their covers until they are read. ~ Maryrose Wood,
877:A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. ~ John Barrymore,
878:And then I bought my own horse, which I had until it died. ~ Eric Roberts,
879:And you really don’t know a place until you’ve been there, ~ Chris Colfer,
880:A person with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds. ~ Mark Twain,
881:Arise! Awake! and stop not until the goal is reached. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
882:Boxing is smoky halls and kidneys battered until they bleed. ~ Roger Kahn,
883:Cook the truth in charity until it tastes sweet. ~ Saint Francis de Sales,
884:Don’t be impatient. It’s not over until God says it’s over. ~ Joel Osteen,
885:Don't show up around here until your social worker's helped. ~ Elton John,
886:Do you want me to have them sedate you until it's over? ~ Suzanne Collins,
887:Even if you are sick, you fight until you have nothing left. ~ Andre Ward,
888:...have a house without a pie, be ashamed until you die. ~ J Ryan Stradal,
889:I cling to nowhere until I fall - the crash of Nothing. ~ Emily Dickinson,
890:I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet. ~ Saadi,
891:I love performing. I shall perform until the day I die. ~ Josephine Baker,
892:I never answer that question until after I’ve done it. ~ Alan Dean Foster,
893:It was actually a great night until it all went to shit. ~ Liane Moriarty,
894:It was always somebody else’s apocalypse. Until it wasn’t. ~ Laurie Penny,
895:I’ve never heard of anyone waiting to be nervous until after. ~ C L Stone,
896:I was 32 when I started cooking; up until then, I just ate. ~ Julia Child,
897:I will not move my army until I am absolutely ready. ~ George B McClellan,
898:Judge not thy friend until thou standest in his place. ~ Hillel the Elder,
899:My absence was gradual, until one day it became complete. ~ Miguel Syjuco,
900:Never knew how poor I was until I started making money. ~ Michael Douglas,
901:No one knows how to write a novel until it's been written ~ Alice Hoffman,
902:our dead are never dead to us, until we have forgotten them ~ Holly Black,
903:Sometimes you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone. ~ Jennifer Foor,
904:Son, a frog never knows how far it can jump until it’s kicked, ~ Rob Lowe,
905:The title is still on the cards until it's off the cards. ~ Frank Lampard,
906:The Way is eternal. Until your last day, you are free from peril. ~ Laozi,
907:This is the meaning of true love, to give until it hurts. ~ Mother Teresa,
908:To hell with death. I refuse to die until I’ve truly lived. ~ Jewel E Ann,
909:Torn clothes are funny … until your dad gets fired. ~ Mokokoma Mokhonoana,
910:Truth is a fruit which should not be plucked until it is ripe. ~ Voltaire,
911:...until you climb into his skin and walk around it (Lee 27) ~ Harper Lee,
912:You cannot be happy until you understand that life is sad, ~ Pearl S Buck,
913:You can't truly have an open heart until it's been broken. ~ Alice Walker,
914:You don't know what kind of day you will have, until evening. ~ Sophocles,
915:You have no idea how long a year is until you’re stone sober. ~ Bill Burr,
916:You never know who's going to kill you until you meet them. ~ Hank Azaria,
917:You never really know the guy until you sit down with him. ~ Adam Baldwin,
918:almost squandered until a handful of loving people rescued me. ~ J D Vance,
919:And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead! ~ Michael Biehn,
921:Boxing is smoky halls and kidneys battered until they bleed. ~ Roger Kahn,
922:data mining means “torturing the data until it confesses. ~ Pedro Domingos,
923:Do not stalk your prey until you are sure it is prey ~ Christopher Paolini,
924:Don’t forgive people until they understand their mistakes. ~ M F Moonzajer,
925:Don't start your day until you have it finished on paper first. ~ Jim Rohn,
926:Don't talk to the people until you've listened to the people. ~ Anne Klein,
927:Dreams are only dreams until you wake up and make them real. ~ Ned Vizzini,
928:Drink beer, smoke dope, and eat pussy until your jaw breaks ~ Phil Anselmo,
929:Everything was fine until I walked on to the first tee! ~ Seve Ballesteros,
930:Find the lead domino, and whack away at it until it falls. ~ Gary W Keller,
931:Finish what you start. Keep submitting until it sells. ~ Robert A Heinlein,
932:Hell was OK, until some wise guy went to heaven and came back ~ Buddhadasa,
933:He won’t stop the war until you give him the peace prize. ~ Mohammed Hanif,
934:Ideas are like beards; men do not have them until they grow up. ~ Voltaire,
935:I feel like a jug in which wine is poured until it overflows. ~ Henri Cole,
936:I'm gonna fight for you, until your heart stops beating. ~ Stephenie Meyer,
937:I never knew how to worship until I knew how to love. ~ Henry Ward Beecher,
938:I never know how to worship until I know how to love. ~ Henry Ward Beecher,
939:It’s a dream wedding that she never dreamed of until now. ~ Krista Ritchie,
940:Let it (what you have written) be kept back until the ninth year. ~ Horace,
941:Men are cowards before women until they become tyrants. ~ Anthony Trollope,
942:Most of us don't know about happiness until it's over. ~ Claudette Colbert,
943:nobody does anything wrong until the moment they do. ~ Catherine Ryan Hyde,
944:No tactic will work until you have the guts to DO the work! ~ Robin Sharma,
945:One can overlook stupidity, until it evolves into malice. ~ Lizabeth Scott,
946:Our dead are never dead to us until we have forgotten them. ~ George Eliot,
947:People are like books, unknown until they are opened. ~ Richard Paul Evans,
948:She'd fight until she was broken.
She would NOT give up. ~ Cynthia Eden,
949:So many things you never think you'll do until you do them. ~ Megan Abbott,
950:the dark days only stayed dark until the sun came up. ~ Brittainy C Cherry,
951:the freedom to fuck and hurt with no repercussions. Until ~ Pepper Winters,
952:The life you want doesn't want you — until you are worthy. ~ Bryant McGill,
953:Then you stay in that root cellar until Jesus comes back. ~ Rita Mae Brown,
954:the soul always fears until she arrives at true love. ~ Catherine of Siena,
955:Time does not become sacred to us until we have lived it. ~ John Burroughs,
956:Until I am ready to lose weight, I cannot see how fat I am. ~ Mason Cooley,
957:Until my ONE Thing is done—everything else is a distraction. ~ Gary Keller,
958:Until the very end
-James Potter to his son Harry Potter ~ J K Rowling,
959:Until you actually experience something, you just don’t know. ~ Chris Kyle,
960:We played well all the way until, like, the second quarter. ~ LeBron James,
961:We remained in Texas leading a quiet home life until 1889. ~ Calamity Jane,
962:We suffer only until we realize that we can't know anything. ~ Byron Katie,
963:We wait long enough, we could be snowed in until spring. ~ Tiffinie Helmer,
964:when I hide something, it stays hid, until I want it found. ~ Sara Shepard,
965:will fight for you until you can fight for yourself. You hear ~ Laura Kaye,
966:Women won't have total equality until men can get pregnant. ~ Diana Palmer,
967:world beat upon a soul until bones bent and hearts broke. ~ Steven Erikson,
968:You are a leader until you are dictated by your own words. ~ M F Moonzajer,
969:You cannot know who you are until you choose who you are not. ~ L Lee Lowe,
970:You don't really know someone until you see them in the dark. ~ Pam Godwin,
971:You have not learned to live until you have learned to give ~ Kirk Douglas,
972:You never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory. ~ Dr Seuss,
973:You never really knew a man, he said, until you saw him die ~ Willa Cather,
974:A girl doesn't notice unfairness until she falls in love ~ Yoshiki Nakamura,
975:Anyone can carry his burden, however hard, until nightfall, ~ Dale Carnegie,
976:Comedy is my passion. I'm going to do this until I drop. ~ Gabriel Iglesias,
977:Dictators always look good until the last minutes. ~ Tomas Garrigue Masaryk,
978:Don’t waste time on how it starts until you know how it ends, ~ Roger Ebert,
979:Fight them,” he said. “I’ll fight them until I die.” But ~ Ernest Hemingway,
980:Forever and ever, kid, until you're sick and tired of seeing me. ~ Marie Lu,
981:Girls don’t need eye makeup until they’re in their thirties, ~ Stephen King,
982:How can I know what I’ll do, until I’ve done it? How can I say? ~ Anonymous,
983:I desired you before, but I never loved you until this life. ~ Kresley Cole,
984:I didn't know Johnny Depp could act until he played me. ~ Hunter S Thompson,
985:I didn't really get to Led Zeppelin until I was in my 20s. ~ Anthony Kiedis,
986:I don't think I ever really liked the world until I met him. ~ Lucia Berlin,
987:I had always known what kind of girl I was…until I didn’t. ~ Siobhan Vivian,
988:I kiss her until the alarm goes off and our time runs out. ~ Helena Hunting,
989:I'll live as well, as deeply, as madly as I can--until I die. ~ Anne Lamott,
990:I'm not letting go of you until i absolutely have no choice. ~ Kahlen Aymes,
991:I never knew where babies came from until it happened to me. ~ Loretta Lynn,
992:I never watched a frame of the film until it was finished. ~ Ellar Coltrane,
993:I remembered screaming then, screaming until my voice stopped. ~ Ivy Devlin,
994:It wasn't until the late '70s that a lot of people knew me. ~ Sam Donaldson,
995:Kenneth Copeland is a friend, innocent until proven guilty. ~ Mike Huckabee,
996:Know how to treat frostbite until you can get indoors. ~ Marilyn vos Savant,
997:Mainly I make music, and you can do that until you drop dead. ~ Grace Slick,
998:My scars will tell stories until the day I stop breathing. Thick ~ A S King,
999:Never put off until run time what you can do at compile time. ~ David Gries,
1000:Nobody was talking about healthcare until 'Sicko' came out. ~ Michael Moore,
1001:No man can ever be secure until he has been forsaken by Fortune. ~ Boethius,
1002:Our dead are never dead to us, until we have forgotten them. ~ George Eliot,
1003:People don't finish grieving until they start talking about it. ~ Jen Nadol,
1004:Poor Emily was never murdered until he came along. ~ Agatha Christie,
1005:Relationships are based on trust until you meet someone new. ~ Howard Stern,
I didn't know what I sought until I've found it. ~ Toba Beta,
1007:Sometimes. It was a good escape. Until, you know, it wasn‟t. ~ Sarah Dessen,
1008:Stress focuses you right up until it sucks your brain dry. ~ Sheila Turnage,
1009:suffering breaks us until there’s nothing left but gentleness ~ John Geddes,
1010:Suffering is necessary until you realize it is unnecessary. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
1011:Tetsuji didn't stop beating him until he finally passed out. ~ Nora Sakavic,
1012:the city’s government seized and sold Church property until the ~ Tim Parks,
1013:The heart of man is restless until he finds rest in Thee. ~ Saint Augustine,
1014:The place in which I'll fit will not exist until I make it. ~ James Baldwin,
1015:These wretched babies don't come until they are ready. ~ Queen Elizabeth II,
1016:Treat everyone the same until you find out they're an idiot. ~ Lucy Lawless,
1017:Until I die, I will maintain my integrity. (27:2–5) This ~ Harold S Kushner,
1018:Until I was diagnosed with mouth cancer, I'd never heard of it. ~ Jack Wild,
1019:Until mothers earn their livings, women will not ~ Charlotte Perkins Gilman,
1020:Until the lion learns to speak, the tales of hunting will be weak. ~ K naan,
1021:Until the wolf shall lay with lamb, we'd better be the wolves. ~ Ehud Barak,
1022:Until you change the way money works, you change nothing. ~ Michael Ruppert,
1023:we can only compromise so much until no solution is reached ~ Annie Leonard,
1024:You cannot manage or improve something until you measure it. ~ Darren Hardy,
1025:You can only cry so much until your life is wept away. ~ MarcyKate Connolly,
1026:You can't bond with a male until you set your parents free. ~ Robert Mandel,
1027:You can't find peace until you fin fall the pieces. ~ Christina Baker Kline,
1028:You can't meet someone until you become what you're becoming. ~ Nora Ephron,
1029:You don’t know a woman until you have had a letter from her. ~ Ada Leverson,
1030:You don't really know a woman until she writes you a letter. ~ Ada Leverson,
1031:You haven't lived until you duct-taped a diaper on a dog. ~ Lisa Scottoline,
1032:You’ll never know your limits until you push yourself to them. ~ K Bromberg,
1033:You never know, until it happens, what you will owe the dead. ~ Zadie Smith,
1034:You never know what life is like, until you have lived it. ~ Marilyn Monroe,
1035:your life will not get straightened out until your mind does. ~ Joyce Meyer,
1036:All Chelsea's internet dates were gorgeous. Until she met them. ~ Jojo Moyes,
1037:A man doesn't know a friend until he knows his friend's anger. ~ Zo Ferraris,
1038:America will not reject abortion until America sees abortion. ~ Frank Pavone,
1039:Arise awake and do not stop until you achieve your Goal. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
1040:A winner listens, a loser just waits until it is their turn to talk. ~ Laozi,
1041:Boxing should probably be banned. But until then, I'm a big fan. ~ Sam Simon,
1042:Dance until they kill you, and then we'll dance some more. ~ Shane Claiborne,
1043:Don't taunt the alligator until after you've crossed the creek. ~ Dan Rather,
1044:Do what you have to do until you can do what you want to do. ~ Oprah Winfrey,
1045:Even if I'm dying, until I actually die, I am still living. ~ Paul Kalanithi,
1046:even if I’m dying, until I actually die, I am still living. ~ Paul Kalanithi,
1047:Everything in life is unusual until you get accustomed to it. ~ L Frank Baum,
1048:Every thing looks permanent until its secret is known. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
1049:Everything's something you can't do until you have to do it. ~ Sophie Hannah,
1050:give until they were out of sight of Tal Verrar. “Southeast by ~ Scott Lynch,
1051:Good ideas stay with you until you eventually write the story. ~ Brian Keene,
1052:He's still in everything, and I keep waiting until he's not ~ Colleen Hoover,
1053:How can I know what I’ll do, until I’ve done it? How can I say? ~ Robin Hobb,
1054:How many lies can I brain tells itself until becomes truth? ~ Kiersten White,
1055:I am an old man who will live until I die," Anselmo said. ~ Ernest Hemingway,
1056:I didn’t have a clue what love was about until I met Sharon. ~ Ozzy Osbourne,
1057:I’m always afraid of a girl—until I’ve kissed her. SHE: ~ F Scott Fitzgerald,
1058:I'm keeping my socks on until I know what you're going to do. ~ C Mack Lewis,
1059:In 1893 I founded a chemical company which I ran until 1899. ~ Leo Baekeland,
1060:I never owned a pair of blue jeans until I met my second wife. ~ Roger Stone,
1061:In Spain, actresses work until they are old. That's my plan. ~ Penelope Cruz,
1062:It always seems impossible until it is done.’ NELSON MANDELA ~ Ha Joon Chang,
1063:I think you're all enlightened, until you open your mouths. ~ Shunryu Suzuki,
1064:I would fight every angel between us until God said, "Yes. ~ Shannon L Alder,
1065:Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath. ~ George Carlin,
1066:Most people die at 25 and aren’t buried until they’re 75 ~ Benjamin Franklin,
1067:Never accept a fact until it has been verified by theory. ~ Arthur Eddington,
1068:Nobody ever own a gun. You don’t know that until you own one. ~ Marlon James,
1069:Nobody knows what's in him until he tries to pull it out. ~ Ernest Hemingway,
1070:Nobody should touch a Polaroid [camera] until he's over sixty ~ Walker Evans,
1071:One man is as good as another until he has written a book. ~ Benjamin Jowett,
1072:Sometimes a lie builds until the truth does more harm than good ~ Luke Scull,
1073:Sometimes we don't know what we want until we don't get it. ~ Sloane Crosley,
1074:Sometimes you don’t know what you’re missing until you find it. ~ Vi Keeland,
1075:Stafford Cripps has a brilliant mind, until he makes it up. ~ Margot Asquith,
1076:Thrift is an attractive idea until you get down to specifics. ~ Mason Cooley,
1077:Unless and until we rest in God, we will never risk for God. ~ Mark Buchanan,
1078:Until a character becomes a personality it cannot be believed. ~ Walt Disney,
1079:Until one learns to lose one's self he cannot find himself. ~ Walter Russell,
1080:Until the day of his death no man can be sure of his courage. ~ Jean Anouilh,
1081:Until we meet again, may God bless you as he has blessed me. ~ Elvis Presley,
1082:Until you look forward to all criticism, your Work's not done. ~ Byron Katie,
1083:Up until I started on YouTube, my first love was musical theater. ~ Sam Tsui,
1084:We are expected to be pretty and well-dressed until we drop. ~ Edith Wharton,
1085:We are pushed by our pain until we are pulled by our vision. ~ Kathryn Alice,
1086:We shall not become like Christ until we give Him more time. ~ Frank Laubach,
1087:We shall not rest until we have rooted out Christianity . ~ Heinrich Himmler,
1088:Womanhood is something you don't consider until it hits you. ~ Laura Marling,
1089:Write relentlessly, until you find your voice. Then, use it. ~ David Sedaris,
1090:yesterday lasts forever..Tomorrow never comes.. UNTIL U!! ~ Penelope Douglas,
1091:You can never correct your work well until you have forgotten it. ~ Voltaire,
1092:You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
1093:You can’t fully love anyone until you learn to love yourself. ~ Jillian Dodd,
1094:you can't know the meaning of the lesson until class is over! ~ Pearl Cleage,
1095:You can't really be strong until you see a funny side to things. ~ Ken Kesey,
1096:You don’t know what you can do. You won’t know until you try. ~ Cynthia Hand,
1097:You don't know what you have until it's not there anymore. ~ William Moseley,
1098:You never know God is all you need until God is all you have. ~ Monique Duke,
1099:You never really know someone until your relationship is over. ~ Paul Doiron,
1100:You will never find happiness until you stop looking for it. ~ Willie Nelson,
1101:A school isn’t a school until Sophie tries to destroy it. ~ Shannon Messenger,
1102:A story is not finished, until it took the worst turn. ~ Friedrich Durrenmatt,
1103:A young woman who until the very end chose neither wisely or well ~ Garth Nix,
1104:Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity. ~ Horace Mann,
1105:Be like a postage stamp–stick to one thing until you get there. ~ Gary Keller,
1106:Customers don't know what they want until we've shown them. ~ Walter Isaacson,
1107:Don't ever take a fence down until you know why it was put up. ~ Robert Frost,
1108:Don't get too comfortable. It's not over until I say it is. -A ~ Sara Shepard,
1109:Don't judge someone's attitude until you've felt their pain. ~ Kendall Jenner,
1110:Don't put off until tomorrow the loving words you can say today. ~ Bo Jackson,
1111:Everything is theoretically impossible, until it is done. ~ Robert A Heinlein,
1112:History does not usually make real sense until long afterward. ~ Bruce Catton,
1113:How do you know you're going to do something, until you do it? ~ J D Salinger,
1114:How loud a heart could beat. Until it took your breath away. ~ Cornelia Funke,
1115:I didn't grow up eating meat - I was a vegetarian until I was 18. ~ Daphne Oz,
1116:I didnt have a computer until I was 19 - but I did have an abacus. ~ Jan Koum,
1117:If we fail, let us try again and again until we succeed. ~ Joseph Chamberlain,
1118:I never gave up Christianity until I was forty years of age. ~ Charles Darwin,
1119:I never uttered the words “I’m from Idaho” until I’d left it. ~ Tara Westover,
1120:I now have a plan - I haven't had a plan up until this year. ~ Joan Severance,
1121:I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free. ~ Jandy Nelson,
1122:I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free. ~ Michelangelo,
1123:It’s all fun and games until the drunk Viking Santa shows up. ~ Ilona Andrews,
1124:I will not rest until no child goes hungry. All is possible. ~ Audrey Hepburn,
1125:Lie until even you believe it - that's the real secret of lying ~ Holly Black,
1126:Losers can only flourish until a dominant species appears ~ Christopher Moore,
1127:Love is only a word, until someone arrives to give it meaning. ~ Paulo Coelho,
1128:Masks beneath masks until suddenly the bare bloodless skull. ~ Salman Rushdie,
1129:Most people die at 25 and aren’t buried until they’re 75. ~ Benjamin Franklin,
1130:My dream is to continue filming until my body tells me to stop. ~ Jackie Chan,
1131:No new photographs until all the old ones have been used up. ~ Joachim Schmid,
1132:No one cares what you know until they know that you care! ~ Benjamin Franklin,
1133:no project is completed until its objective has been achieved. ~ Paulo Coelho,
1134:Not until we take God seriously will we ever take sin seriously. ~ R C Sproul,
1135:People dont care what you know until they know what you care ~ John C Maxwell,
1136:People don’t know what they want until you show it to them. ~ Walter Isaacson,
1137:Perfect love sometimes does not come until the first grandchild. ~ Gore Vidal,
1138:Sayings remain meaningless until they are embodied in habits. ~ Khalil Gibran,
1139:"Suffering is necessary until you realize it is unnecessary." ~ Eckhart Tolle,
1140:the horses running
until they forget that they are horses. ~ Richard Siken,
1141:The place in which I'll fit will not exist until I make it. ~ James A Baldwin,
1142:There cannot be a "good" society until there are "good" men. ~ Frank Chodorov,
1143:there was no answer he knew, until he actually faced death. ~ Raymond E Feist,
1144:The story of love is hello and goodbye... until we meet again. ~ Jimi Hendrix,
1145:The truth is, most people love change until it affects them. ~ Marty Neumeier,
1146:The Vineyard is a great place to live… until you screw up. ~ Elin Hilderbrand,
1147:Until I started doing standup, there were some very bleak days. ~ Larry David,
1148:Until my ONE thing is done, everything else is a distraction. ~ Gary W Keller,
1149:Until we lose ourselves there is no hope of finding ourselves. ~ Henry Miller,
1150:Up until now, I thought I was the oddest thing ever created. ~ Rachel Firasek,
1151:We can't begin to learn until we admit how much we don't know. ~ Claudia Gray,
1152:We didn’t even find Saturn until Galileo in the sixteen hundreds. ~ Chris Fox,
1153:Well I thought my razor was dull until I heard his speech, and ~ Groucho Marx,
1154:We're not going to fix government until we fix citizenship. ~ Jennifer Pahlka,
1155:You are not guilty of anything until you are charged and tried. ~ Jim Gilmore,
1156:You can not believe in god until you believe in yourself. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
1157:You can’t lose everything, until you have everything to lose. ~ Aleatha Romig,
1158:You don't really know how much you miss someone until it's gone. ~ Tina Reber,
1159:You never know who's swimming naked until the tide goes out. ~ Warren Buffett,
1160:You're mine, vampire, from here until the end. You are mine. ~ Jocelynn Drake,
1161:You should practice these until they are your second nature. ~ Arnold Robbins,
1162:A journey is not complete until you reach a destination. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche,
1163:All technology should be assumed guilty until proven innocent ~ David R Brower,
1164:A man is not complete until he has seen the baby he has made. ~ Sammy Davis Jr,
1165:A man never tells you anything until you contradict him. ~ George Bernard Shaw,
1166:And this is for waiting until fucking now to walk into my life. ~ P T Michelle,
1167:A principle isn't a principle until it costs you something. ~ William Bernbach,
1168:At one point, all authors are unknown until the day they are not. ~ J D Barker,
1169:At the end of the day, you won't be happy until you love yourself. ~ Lady Gaga,
1170:Be like a postage stamp— stick to one thing until you get there. ~ Gary Keller,
1171:Child, don't wait until it's too late. Lost time is lost forever. ~ Sonali Dev,
1173:Do not begin to teach others until the Lord has taught you. ~ Charles Spurgeon,
1174:down. Until one day they get so far down that they can't get back ~ Jeb Blount,
1175:Everyone loves the underdog. Until they have to take his side. ~ Philipp Meyer,
1176:Grief turns out to be a place none of us know until we reach it. ~ Joan Didion,
1177:He ran until he couldn't breathe, but he never stopped hurting. ~ Nora Sakavic,
1178:He said, I'm better off without her, until I showed him my tattoo. ~ Tom Waits,
1179:I’d never considered myself socially retarded until that moment. ~ C J Roberts,
1180:If you wait until you are ready, it is almost certainly too late. ~ Seth Godin,
1181:I never kissed my father until he was on his death bed. ~ Douglas Fairbanks Jr,
1182:I never made a damn dime until I started doing what I wanted. ~ Carroll Shelby,
1183:I never really paid attention to sales until the second record. ~ Daniel Johns,
1184:It's not wise to violate rules until you know how to observe them. ~ T S Eliot,
1185:It wasn’t until three shitloads of diarrhea were out of my mouth ~ Jewel E Ann,
1186:Just wait until he figures out I shut him out of his slut hut. ~ Ilona Andrews,
1187:Losers quit when they fail. Winners fail until they succeed. ~ Robert Kiyosaki,
1188:My husband is the most loyal man on the planet until he’s not. ~ Gillian Flynn,
1189:Not appreciating the noise until she was surrounded by silence. ~ Lisa Wingate,
1190:Pretty girl, I will wait for you until the stars burn out. ~ Chelsea M Cameron,
1191:She had not known the weight until she felt the freedom. ~ Nathaniel Hawthorne,
1192:Speak truth, grow still, until the water is clear between us. ~ Steven Erikson,
1193:The child's laughter is pure until he first laughs at a clown. ~ Angela Carter,
1194:The impossible exists only until we find a way to make it possible ~ Mike Horn,
1195:The truth is, no one of us can be free until everybody is free. ~ Maya Angelou,
1196:Until Color TV came along, BW TV was too muddy to be enjoyable. ~ W P Kinsella,
1197:Until man is nothing, God can make nothing of him. - Martin Luther ~ Dan Brown,
1198:Until my ONE Thing is done—everything else is a distraction.” We ~ Gary Keller,
1199:We cannot know what prayer is for until we know that life is war. ~ John Piper,
1200:We don’t know the value of darkness until we have destroyed it. ~ Clark Strand,
1201:We're all good until we're not strong enough to be anymore. ~ Lindsay Cummings,
1202:We’re all good until we’re not strong enough to be anymore. ~ Lindsay Cummings,
1203:will masturbate until he hath enrich'd whole acres with his seed. ~ Mark Twain,
1204:Words are immortal -until someone comes along and burns them. ~ Cornelia Funke,
1205:Worship does not become worship until it changes the way we live ~ Perry Noble,
1206:You cannot belong to anyone else, until you belong to yourself. ~ Pearl Bailey,
1207:You cannot defeat your enemies until you know who they are. ~ Anthony Horowitz,
1208:You cannot trust a person until you know where and how he lives ~ Paulo Coelho,
1209:You can't really help people until you've helped yourself first. ~ Juno Temple,
1210:You can't really know what you are made of until you are tested. ~ O R Melling,
1211:You haven't really been anywhere until you've got back home. ~ Terry Pratchett,
1212:You haven’t really been anywhere until you’ve got back home. ~ Terry Pratchett,
1213:You never realize how short a month is until you pay alimony. ~ John Barrymore,
1214:You're not a star until they can spell your name in Karachi. ~ Humphrey Bogart,
1215:A bad driver is only safe until she met another bad driver ~ F Scott Fitzgerald,
1216:A benevolent act is like a locust: it sleeps until it is called. ~ Mark Helprin,
1217:A heart can’t learn to heal until it knows it’s been broken. ~ Bette Lee Crosby,
1218:All I'd ever thought I wanted was to be left alone. Until I was. ~ Sarah Dessen,
1219:A man doesn't know his true strength until he fears for his life ~ Anthony Ryan,
1220:A man will will never know a woman until he knows her work. ~ Richard Llewellyn,
1221:Any demand is frigid until desire, until neurosis forms in it. ~ Roland Barthes,
1222:As Page puts it, “Good ideas are always crazy until they’re not. ~ Ashlee Vance,
1223:Back at home, I shower in too-hot water, until my skin is pink. ~ Lauren Oliver,
1224:But wait until to-morrow. Wait for the common sense of the morning. ~ H G Wells,
1225:Conscience is our unerring judge until we finally stifle it. ~ Honore de Balzac,
1226:details of my afternoon, staying silent until I mentioned the ~ Tasha Alexander,
1227:Everything in life is unusual until you become accustomed to it. ~ L Frank Baum,
1228:George Moore wrote brilliant English until he discovered grammar. ~ Oscar Wilde,
1229:He stares until I'm blushing and I decide I hate him a little... ~ Tahereh Mafi,
1230:He twisted his face until he looked as if he was wearing a blender. ~ C D Reiss,
1231:I can say 'reduce your stress level' until I'm blue in the face. ~ Mary Stewart,
1232:I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet ~ Helen Keller,
1233:I cried because my 3G was down, until I met a man who had no smartphone. ~ Rumi,
1234:Ideas are like beards. Men don’t have them until they grow up ~ Haruki Murakami,
1235:I did not know my soul until I saw it's reflection in your eyes. ~ Anne Fortier,
1236:I didn't know I need to worry about them until they were gone. ~ Fatimah Asghar,
1237:I don’t have to wait until I die to start seeking a Great Perhaps. ~ John Green,
1238:I don't want to get married until all gay people can get married. ~ Lena Dunham,
1239:I make up a set of rules and play within those rules until I win. ~ Harold Town,
1240:I never found out until I went into treatment that I was bipolar. ~ Demi Lovato,
1241:I never knew words could be so sharp, until the wrong ones cut me ~ Foz Meadows,
1242:It is my custom to keep on talking until I get the audience cowed. ~ Mark Twain,
1243:I used to cry because I had no shoes, until I met a man with no feet. ~ Unknown,
1244:I Was An NFL Player Until I was Fired By Two Cowards and a Bigot. ~ Chris Kluwe,
1245:Knowledge gives nothing to a man until he gives everything to it. ~ Idries Shah,
1246:Let us not love by words alone, but let us love until it hurts. ~ Mother Teresa,
1247:Look dude, no humping the redhead until we see if the rabbit dies. ~ Lynn Hagen,
1248:New Orleans. Born and raised. I lived there until I was 19. ~ Patricia Clarkson,
1249:People think they want knowledge. Until they have it, of course. ~ Lisa Gardner,
1250:Radio is dumb until the listener hears what radio says ~ Ernest Agyemang Yeboah,
1251:Sarai, you never know who might betray you until it’s too late. ~ J A Redmerski,
1252:Sometimes letting go is braver than holding on until you break. ~ Rebekah Crane,
1253:Sometimes we keep the physical objects until memory is enough ~ Vikki Wakefield,
1254:The guillotine was most effective and used until fairly recently. ~ Herbert Lom,
1255:There are a dozen views about everything until you know the answer. ~ C S Lewis,
1256:The truth is that your spirits don't rise until you get way down. ~ Anne Lamott,
1257:Violence is not completely fatal until it ceases to disturb us. ~ Thomas Merton,
1258:We felt deprived of all the things we'd done without up until then. ~ Ga l Faye,
1259:We sit together, the mountain and me, until only the mountain remains. ~ Li Bai,
1260:When things go wrong, they keep going wrong until there's tears. ~ Stephen King,
1261:When things go wrong, they keep going wrong until there’s tears. ~ Stephen King,
1262:Whoo!! What a day. I'm gonna drink tang until I forget it all. ~ Jhonen V squez,
1263:Without men, civilization would last until the oil needed changing. ~ Fred Reed,
1264:You are not dead until every person who knew you is dead as well. ~ Neil Gaiman,
1265:You can’t creatively help a business until you know how it works. ~ Chad Fowler,
1266:You never realise how fragile everything is until it breaks. ~ Anthony Horowitz,
1267:You really haven’t lived until a dog has stepped on your face. I ~ Ann M Martin,
1268:A day lasts until it’s chased away, but a love lasts until the grave. ~ K L Donn,
1269:And no one will listen to us until we listen to ourselves. ~ Marianne Williamson,
1270:An event is not over until everyone is tired of talking about it. ~ Mason Cooley,
1271:A story doesn't live until it is imagined in someone's mind. ~ Brandon Sanderson,
1272:Crazy how you gotta wait until it's dark out to see who really with you. ~ Drake,
1273:Don't wait until you're in a crisis to come up with a crisis plan. ~ Phil McGraw,
1274:Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back. ~ Plato,
1275:He’ll sing me the song of his people until I feed him again. ~ Chelsea M Cameron,
1276:Hollywood is a place where the stars twinkle until they wrinkle. ~ Victor Mature,
1277:I can’t tell him that I didn’t see him until they told me to look. ~ Ally Condie,
1278:I couldn't even recognize love until it punched me in the face. ~ Helena Hunting,
1279:Ideas are like beards. Men don’t have them until they grow up. ~ Haruki Murakami,
1280:I didn’t know how much those secrets weighed until I set them free. ~ Holly Hall,
1281:I didn't realize it was October until I saw the Chicago Cubs choking. ~ Jay Leno,
1282:I don't know if you know who you are, until you lose who you are. ~ Taylor Swift,
1283:If I didn’t have a job, I might have stayed in bed until I rotted. ~ Claire Cook,
1284:If you wait until you know everything, you never do anything. ~ Orson Scott Card,
1285:I have a firm conviction that I am immortal until my work is done. ~ Lottie Moon,
1286:I’m incapable of being edified until I’ve had something to eat. ~ Sheri S Tepper,
1287:In Christianity, nobody wins until everybody crosses the line. ~ Christine Caine,
1288:I never knew I was an artist until I did 'Last of the Mohicans'. ~ Russell Means,
1289:I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.
   ~ Michelangelo,
1290:I took love before. It was not until I met you that I gave love. ~ Linda Berdoll,
1291:I was always lonely, and I never knew it until I met the Beast. ~ Meagan Spooner,
1292:I wept because I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet. ~ Ruta Sepetys,
1293:I will love him until the death of universes not yet born. ~ Heather B Armstrong,
1294:Leaders are never appreciated or needed until you don't have them. ~ Matt Millen,
1295:Love was just a word until someone expressed it with a gesture. ~ Annie Nicholas,
1296:Never insult an alligator until after you have crossed the river. ~ Cordell Hull,
1297:No character is ultimately tested until it has suffered. ~ Harry Emerson Fosdick,
1298:No one is ready for a thing until he believes he can acquire it. ~ Napoleon Hill,
1299:Nothing's going to change until you decide you want it to change. ~ Alice Oseman,
1300:Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves. ~ Henry David Thoreau,
1301:Not until we're totally crushed do we show what we are made of. ~ Bohumil Hrabal,
1302:Not until we’re totally crushed do we show what we are made of. ~ Bohumil Hrabal,
1303:One must wait until evening
to see how splendid the day has been. ~ Sophocles,
1304:People should not pass judgment until they have seen the film. ~ Christopher Lee,
1305:Pretend to be making something until you actually make something. ~ Austin Kleon,
1306:The heart is cooking a pot of food for you. Be patient until it is cooked ~ Rumi,
1307:There will never be a new world order until women are a part of it. ~ Alice Paul,
1308:The truth will set you free, but not until it’s done with you. ~ Ian Morgan Cron,
1309:The water won't clear up until we get the hogs out of the creek. ~ Jim Hightower,
1310:Until Ace Ventura, no actor had considered talking through his ass. ~ Jim Carrey,
1311:Until a man is nothing, God can make nothing out of him. ~ Martin Luther King Jr,
1312:Until the bitter end, the emptiness inside her was hers alone. ~ Haruki Murakami,
1313:until years later when Captain Montrose canvassed the old crime ~ Richard Castle,
1314:Up until like five seconds ago, I just took what jobs came along. ~ Paul Bettany,
1315:Up until now I'd always though RSI meant 'I hate my damn job'. ~ Terry Pratchett,
1316:We are image-makers and image-ridden... We work until we vanish. ~ Philip Guston,
1317:We cannot use anything intelligently until we know what it is for. ~ Frank Sheed,
1318:We had cocktail parties and I'd stay up until 5 in the morning. ~ Dorothy Malone,
1319:We must wait until the evening to see how splendid the day had been. ~ Sophocles,
1320:You always have something left to lose. Until, of course, you die. ~ Ally Condie,
1321:You become the thing that hurts you until it can hurt you no more. ~ Nikita Gill,
1322:You can’t judge a man until you’ve walked a mile in his moccasins. ~ Fred Kofman,
1323:You can't really be strong until you can see a funny side to things. ~ Ken Kesey,
1324:You don’t really know how attached you are until you move away, ~ Michelle Obama,
1325:You don't worry about dropping the eggs until you're almost home. ~ Stephen King,
1326:You have me. Until the last star in the galaxy dies, you have me. ~ Amie Kaufman,
1327:You haven't learned how to live until you've learned how to give. ~ Kirk Douglas,
1328:You'll never find peace of mind until you listen to your heart. ~ George Michael,
1329:You never know what they mean until you hear what they don't say. ~ James Church,
1330:You never really own something until you're able to give it away. ~ Bill Nichols,
1331:You never win an argument until they attack your person. ~ Nassim Nicholas Taleb,
1332:You're never safe from being surprised until you're dead. ~ Lucy Maud Montgomery,
1333:You're not useful to me until you've made three momentous mistakes. ~ Dan Wieden,
1334:You sit on trouble, don’t you, until it blows up in your face? ~ Dorothy Dunnett,
1335:You usually can't tell what's inspiring until you look back on it. ~ Carly Simon,
1336:A boat without port is free only until the storm breaks out! ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
1337:Apologies are only words until they are backed up with actions. ~ Catherine Bybee,
1338:A story is not finished, until it has taken the worst turn ~ Friedrich D rrenmatt,
1339:Closure isn't closure until someone's ready to close the door. ~ Jonathan Maberry,
1340:C’mon. It’s only until tomorrow morning. I’ll take care of it. I ~ Hope Callaghan,
1341:Come landlord fill a flowing bowl until it does run over, ~ John William Fletcher,
1342:Don't ask me for promises until I know what I am promising. ~ George Bernard Shaw,
1343:Don’t buy luxuries until you’ve built the assets to afford them ~ Robert Kiyosaki,
1344:Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes! Then fire low! ~ Israel Putnam,
1345:Even the smallest light can grow until there’s no darkness left. ~ Gena Showalter,
1346:Every man has a right to be conceited until he is successful. ~ Benjamin Disraeli,
1347:Everyone thinks they want immortality until they actually have it. ~ Kayla Krantz,
1348:Fear / a motor, / pumps me around and around / until I fade slowly. ~ Anne Sexton,
1349:Hearts will never be practical until they can be made unbreakable. ~ L Frank Baum,
1350:He's a boy. They don't learn sense until they're thirty. If then. ~ Marissa Doyle,
1351:How can we know who is the other until we know who is the self? ~ Terence McKenna,
1352:Ideally, you don't speak until you have something honest to say. ~ T J Jagodowski,
1353:If you wait until you can foresee everything, you'll never launch. ~ Lisa Wingate,
1354:If you wait until you have to change, you may have waited too long. ~ Ron Kaufman,
1355:I lived below the official American poverty line until I was 31. ~ Dustin Hoffman,
1356:I’m going to have to fuck you until you know just how bad I can be. ~ Celia Aaron,
1357:I shall not return to Constantinople until I have conquered Egypt! ~ Djemal Pasha,
1358:I think that, when I die, it might be some time until I know it. ~ Dallas Willard,
1359:It's always funny until someone gets hurt. Then it's just hilarious. ~ Bill Hicks,
1360:I was a bedwetter until I was about 15, and it was humiliating. ~ Sarah Silverman,
1361:I wept because I had no shoes until I saw a man who had no feet. ~ Robin S Sharma,
1362:I will hit Griffin until he loses his memory. Problem solved. ~ Charlene Hartnady,
1363:keep kicking asses until the line of ass kicking can happen no longer! ~ K C Lynn,
1364:Most people with new ideas are ridiculed … until they succeed! ~ Stephen Richards,
1365:My heart, my wife, my life. I will love you until the day I die. ~ Laura Thalassa,
1366:My mom always says, you don’t have a self until you have a secret. ~ Megan Abbott,
1367:Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow. ~ Mark Twain,
1368:No man can ever be secure until he has been forsaken by Fortune. ~ Jonathan Haidt,
1369:No one in this whole world gives a shit about you until you make them. ~ A R Wise,
1370:Nothing in life can be understood until you understand death. ~ Carlos Ruiz Zaf n,
1371:Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves. ~ Henry David Thoreau,
1372:One must wait until the evening to see how splendid the day has been. ~ Sophocles,
1373:Peeta bakes. I hunt. Haymitch drinks until the liquor runs out. ~ Suzanne Collins,
1374:People never think something will happen to them until it does. ~ Catherine Bybee,
1375:refuse to quit until every possible alternative has been explored. ~ Scott Berkun,
1376:Righteousness cannot be born until self-righteousness is dead. ~ Bertrand Russell,
1377:See your target. Keep it in your sight. Hit it... until you hit it. ~ Mark Joyner,
1378:Self-determination's a great ability until it's directed against you. ~ C D Reiss,
1379:That's human nature. Nobody does anything until it's too late. ~ Michael Crichton,
1380:The heart can't learn to heal until it knows it's been broken. ~ Bette Lee Crosby,
1381:The Japanese have a saying, “Eat until you are 80 percent full. ~ Robert H Lustig,
1382:There was less than one day until my eyes would never open again. ~ Rhett C Bruno,
1383:The working class will not halt until socialism has been realized. ~ Ernst Toller,
1384:Until the light became a person. A woman. The Throne in human form. ~ Lauren Kate,
1385:Until you give me reason not to trust you, your word is good with me, ~ J S Scott,
1386:Until you've tasted it [anything], you can't really know it. ~ Goswami Kriyananda,
1387:watch Die Hard films until the day started making sense again. ~ Jonathan Maberry,
1388:We will never forget and we will not relent until our job is done. ~ Doc Hastings,
1389:Why do they wait until sixth grade when you already know everything? ~ Judy Blume,
1390:Yesterday lasts forever.
Tomorrow comes never.
Until you ~ Penelope Douglas,
1391:You are not regarded as lost until you realize you're lost ! ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
1392:You cannot know what prayer is for, until you know that life is war. ~ John Piper,
1393:You cannot travel the path until you have become the path yourself, ~ Phil Knight,
1394:You cannot truly express yourself until you first discover who you are. ~ Gangaji,
1395:You can't break the rules until you know how to play the game. ~ Rickie Lee Jones,
1396:You can't put your feet on the ground until you've touched the sky. ~ Paul Auster,
1397:you can’t really have self-control until you give up other-control. ~ Henry Cloud,
1398:You don't know who's good or bad until you get to that crisis point. ~ Alex Jones,
1399:You don't realize your story is changing you until you look back. ~ Donald Miller,
1400:You'll never decide what you want until you've decided who you are. ~ No l Coward,
1401:You never knew what you could get away with until you tried. ~ Karen Marie Moning,
1402:Your harvest is not in view until your prayers rise up to heaven. ~ David Oyedepo,
1403:A man of virtue, judgment, and prudence speaks not until there is silence. ~ Saadi,
1404:A monk is holy and great until he starts teaching you the real Dharma ~ Tsem Tulku,
1405:And I’ll cherish her like the gift she is until I draw my last breath. ~ J Daniels,
1406:A year shall I endure for every day that passes until your return. ~ J R R Tolkien,
1407:Choices were easy to make until you realized how long life could be. ~ Emma Straub,
1408:Deadlines just aren't real to me until I'm staring one in the face. ~ Rick Riordan,
1409:Don't wait until life has given you an expiration date to live. ~ Jennifer Aniston,
1410:Dream and love are just words - until you decide to experience them ~ Paulo Coelho,
1411:Every man sees his wife like an angel; until he gets a better one. ~ M F Moonzajer,
1412:Harmless and innocent until they're taught to be violent and militant. ~ LL Cool J,
1413:Ha!” she exclaims as the music shifts. “Wait until tonight.” “Marlee! ~ Kiera Cass,
1414:I can never experience the next realm of glory until I crucify myself. ~ T D Jakes,
1415:I know I can’t experience deep joy in God until I deep trust in God. ~ Ann Voskamp,
1416:I like people who refuse to speak until they are ready to speak. ~ Lillian Hellman,
1417:I'm not sure anyone knows what they're looking for until they find it ~ Kiera Cass,
1418:I never went to a ballet until I was 45 years old. I don't know why. ~ Robert Caro,
1419:In this business, until you're known as a monster you're not a star. ~ Bette Davis,
1420:In this business, until you're known as a monster, you're not a star ~ Bette Davis,
1421:I thought I knew what love was, I didn’t have a clue until you. ~ Corinne Michaels,
1422:It's funny how everyone hates witch hunts... until they see a witch. ~ Jon Stewart,
1423:It's not wise to violate the rules until you know how to observe them. ~ T S Eliot,
1424:I want to push the fast-forward button until I get back to happy. ~ Terry McMillan,
1425:I will live inside this hope until the very last grain of sand falls. ~ Sarah Fine,
1426:I won’t give my heart to another girl until God shows me it’s my wife. ~ Eric Ludy,
1427:Keep a bad drawing until by study you have found out why it is bad. ~ Robert Henri,
1428:Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning. ~ Paulo Coelho,
1429:Make sure your heart is singing right until the day it stops. ~ Julian Casablancas,
1430:Men like me are impossible until the day when they become necessary. ~ Victor Hugo,
1431:Most men die at 25, we just don't bury them until they are 70. ~ Benjamin Franklin,
1432:Movies are so weird. I don't believe anything until it's already done. ~ Rex Smith,
1433:Never know how you feel about someone until they die and come back. ~ Peter Heller,
1434:Notes don't make music until you learn to insert silence between them. ~ Ben Folds,
1435:Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know. ~ Pema Ch dr n,
1436:Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know. ~ Pema Chodron,
1437:Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know. ~ Pema Chödrön,
1438:Not really a party until someone brings the surprise zombies. ~ Sarah Rees Brennan,
1439:People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care ~ Zig Ziglar,
1440:People will not lend you a hand until you first touch their hearts. ~ Robin Sharma,
1441:so I drank until my legs felt weak and my heart didn’t feel as hollow. ~ Ker Dukey,
1442:Some people aren’t happy until eveything is done their way. - Daniel ~ Nicola Yoon,
1443:Some people die at age 25 and aren't buried until they are 75. ~ Benjamin Franklin,
1444:Something is wanting to science until it has been humanised. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
1445:Thank God I didn't have my children until I was a little bit older. ~ Lauren Holly,
1446:The '60s aren't over; they won't be over until the Fat Lady gets high. ~ Ken Kesey,
1447:The world "out there" won't change until the world "in here" does. ~ Deepak Chopra,
1448:The world 'out there' won't change until the world 'in here' does. ~ Deepak Chopra,
1449:They fucked until she was nothing more than a tremor in his arms. ~ Roberto Bola o,
1450:until you got ice cream spilled on you, you’re not doing field work ~ Randy Pausch,
1451:Wait until I’m in the arena and sic starving wild animals on me. ~ Suzanne Collins,
1452:We emotionally manipulated each other until we thought it was love. ~ Warsan Shire,
1453:we let our pile of good things grow until it overshadowed the darkness ~ Fran Seen,
1454:Well, all information looks like noise until you break the code. ~ Neal Stephenson,
1455:What does it mean to die when you can live until the end of the world? ~ Anne Rice,
1456:You can not travel the path until you have become the path itself ~ Gautama Buddha,
1457:You don't understand how much light you have until the lights go out. ~ Joan Bauer,
1458:You haven't lived until you've basked in the adoration of people. ~ Jerry Spinelli,
1459:You're not free until you've been made captive by supreme belief. ~ Marianne Moore,
1460:You will never love art well until you love what she mirrors better. ~ John Ruskin,
1461:A full lifer doesn't commit to anyone until they've committed to her ~ Deanna Kizis,
1462:A group or an artist shouldn't get his money until his boss gets his. ~ Bobby Darin,
1463:A human being is not attaining his full heights until he is educated. ~ Horace Mann,
1464:All dreams appear impossible until somebody makes them happen. ~ Barry Neil Kaufman,
1465:An apple is an excellent thing -- until you have tried a peach. ~ George du Maurier,
1466:Be like a postage stamp, stick to one thing until you get there.
   ~ Josh Billings,
1467:but I melt until I’m a handful of hot butter dripping down his body. ~ Tahereh Mafi,
1468:Clout is something some seem to have-until they try exercising it. ~ Malcolm Forbes,
1469:Covenant community is like air. We don't miss it until we need it. ~ Timothy Keller,
1470:Crime cases tend to be fascinating until you figure out what happened. ~ Bill James,
1471:Deny me pen and ink until you can plug up the wellspring of my art. ~ Max Gladstone,
1472:Dictators are rulers who always look good until the last ten minutes. ~ Jan Masaryk,
1473:Don't judge a man until you have walked two moons in his moccasins. ~ Sharon Creech,
1474:Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it. ~ Steven Wright,
1475:Fear nothing! Have peace until the morning! Heed no nightly noises! ~ J R R Tolkien,
1476:I can wait until you’re ready, just as long as you know you’re mine. ~ Kelly Walker,
1477:I didn't know what narcissism was until I beheld my own naricssus. ~ Charles Kuralt,
1478:I didn’t want anybody seeing my fire until I burned them with it. ~ Cameron Conaway,
1479:I don't know what I think until I write about it (Joan Didion). ~ Elizabeth Gilbert,
1480:I don’t think anyone knew I could act until I put on a bathing suit. ~ Deborah Kerr,
1481:I don't think I realized how hard I'd been running until I had to stop ~ Kiera Cass,
1482:If anything attacked us, we could just panic at it until it went away. ~ Mira Grant,
1483:If there is happiness at age three, it will last until you reach eighty. ~ Lisa See,
1484:If you're waiting for inspiration, you'll wait until you're dead. ~ Kurt Braunohler,
1485:I knew we could never truly move on until we actually faced our past. ~ A L Jackson,
1486:I loved the watch until I started hating time. And how it ran out. ~ Dan Gemeinhart,
1487:I'm not sure anyone knows what they're looking for until they find it. ~ Kiera Cass,
1488:I’m not sure anyone knows what they’re looking for until they find it. ~ Kiera Cass,
1489:I never believed I was going to have a baby until I heard her cry. ~ Liane Moriarty,
1490:I never truly felt the pain of unbelief until I began to believe. ~ Christian Wiman,
1491:In fact, truth cannot be communicated until it is perceived. ~ Percy Bysshe Shelley,
1492:It is impossible to know who you are until you enter into Samadhi. ~ Frederick Lenz,
1493:It seemed that up until this moment she had been only half alive. ~ Kathleen Winsor,
1494:It’s not until you look that there’s only one outcome or the other. ~ Emily Bleeker,
1495:It's not virtual reality until you can be tortured to death in it. ~ Andrew Plotkin,
1496:It wasn't until school that we realised that we were abnormal. ~ Gilberto Hernandez,
1497:I used to love school until everybody got old enough to point and laugh. ~ A S King,
1498:I was seldom able to see an opportunity until it had ceased to be one. ~ Mark Twain,
1499:I won't quit until I get run over by a truck, a producer or a critic. ~ Jack Lemmon,
1500:Master the rules of the game until you can play it better they can. ~ Michael Scott,

IN CHAPTERS [50/1647]

  584 Integral Yoga
  194 Poetry
  158 Occultism
   92 Christianity
   80 Fiction
   73 Philosophy
   55 Psychology
   53 Yoga
   53 Islam
   28 Mysticism
   17 Science
   14 Hinduism
   11 Education
   9 Kabbalah
   9 Integral Theory
   8 Theosophy
   6 Baha i Faith
   5 Sufism
   5 Mythology
   4 Philsophy
   4 Cybernetics
   3 Buddhism
   2 Zen
   1 Thelema
   1 Alchemy

  386 The Mother
  353 Sri Aurobindo
  251 Satprem
   74 Aleister Crowley
   53 Muhammad
   52 Carl Jung
   51 H P Lovecraft
   40 Nolini Kanta Gupta
   29 Percy Bysshe Shelley
   29 James George Frazer
   28 William Butler Yeats
   28 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
   27 Saint Augustine of Hippo
   22 Sri Ramakrishna
   22 Saint Teresa of Avila
   21 Swami Vivekananda
   18 Anonymous
   17 Plotinus
   17 Jorge Luis Borges
   16 William Wordsworth
   16 Aldous Huxley
   15 Rudolf Steiner
   15 Robert Browning
   15 Friedrich Nietzsche
   13 Saint John of Climacus
   12 Plato
   11 Swami Krishnananda
   11 Lucretius
   9 Rabbi Moses Luzzatto
   9 John Keats
   7 Sri Ramana Maharshi
   7 Nirodbaran
   7 Jalaluddin Rumi
   7 Baha u llah
   6 Peter J Carroll
   6 Franz Bardon
   6 A B Purani
   5 Joseph Campbell
   5 Jordan Peterson
   5 Friedrich Schiller
   5 Edgar Allan Poe
   4 Walt Whitman
   4 Vyasa
   4 Ralph Waldo Emerson
   4 Patanjali
   4 Norbert Wiener
   4 Li Bai
   4 Henry David Thoreau
   4 George Van Vrekhem
   4 Farid ud-Din Attar
   4 Alice Bailey
   4 Al-Ghazali
   3 Thomas Merton
   3 R Buckminster Fuller
   2 Thubten Chodron
   2 Taigu Ryokan
   2 Paul Richard
   2 Lewis Carroll
   2 Lalla
   2 Ken Wilber
   2 Jorge Luis Borges
   2 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
   2 Bokar Rinpoche

   70 The Synthesis Of Yoga
   53 Quran
   51 Lovecraft - Poems
   43 Magick Without Tears
   40 Record of Yoga
   32 Letters On Yoga IV
   31 Liber ABA
   31 Letters On Yoga II
   30 The Life Divine
   29 The Golden Bough
   29 Shelley - Poems
   28 Yeats - Poems
   28 Agenda Vol 01
   26 Mysterium Coniunctionis
   25 Questions And Answers 1957-1958
   24 Agenda Vol 10
   24 Agenda Vol 03
   22 Essays In Philosophy And Yoga
   22 Agenda Vol 02
   21 Words Of Long Ago
   21 The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
   21 On Thoughts And Aphorisms
   21 Agenda Vol 08
   19 The Bible
   19 Questions And Answers 1956
   19 Agenda Vol 04
   18 Questions And Answers 1955
   18 City of God
   17 Agenda Vol 12
   16 Wordsworth - Poems
   16 The Perennial Philosophy
   15 Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness
   15 Letters On Yoga III
   15 Labyrinths
   15 Browning - Poems
   14 The Future of Man
   14 Agenda Vol 09
   13 The Ladder of Divine Ascent
   13 Questions And Answers 1950-1951
   13 Agenda Vol 06
   12 The Way of Perfection
   12 The Human Cycle
   12 Questions And Answers 1954
   12 On the Way to Supermanhood
   12 Agenda Vol 13
   11 Thus Spoke Zarathustra
   11 The Study and Practice of Yoga
   11 Talks
   11 Questions And Answers 1953
   11 On Education
   11 Of The Nature Of Things
   11 Letters On Yoga I
   11 Agenda Vol 11
   10 The Practice of Psycho therapy
   10 The Confessions of Saint Augustine
   10 Raja-Yoga
   10 Prayers And Meditations
   10 Essays On The Gita
   10 Agenda Vol 07
   9 The Interior Castle or The Mansions
   9 The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious
   9 Savitri
   9 Knowledge of the Higher Worlds
   9 Keats - Poems
   9 General Principles of Kabbalah
   9 Agenda Vol 05
   8 The Phenomenon of Man
   8 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 07
   8 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04
   7 Twelve Years With Sri Aurobindo
   7 Some Answers From The Mother
   7 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 01
   7 Essays Divine And Human
   7 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03
   7 Bhakti-Yoga
   7 Aion
   6 The Secret Doctrine
   6 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 02
   6 Liber Null
   6 Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo
   6 Dark Night of the Soul
   6 Collected Poems
   5 The Problems of Philosophy
   5 The Practice of Magical Evocation
   5 The Hero with a Thousand Faces
   5 Schiller - Poems
   5 Maps of Meaning
   5 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01
   5 Anonymous - Poems
   5 A Garden of Pomegranates - An Outline of the Qabalah
   4 Words Of The Mother II
   4 Whitman - Poems
   4 Walden
   4 Vishnu Purana
   4 Twilight of the Idols
   4 The Red Book Liber Novus
   4 Theosophy
   4 The Mother With Letters On The Mother
   4 The Alchemy of Happiness
   4 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
   4 Questions And Answers 1929-1931
   4 Preparing for the Miraculous
   4 Poe - Poems
   4 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 04
   4 Patanjali Yoga Sutras
   4 Li Bai - Poems
   4 Letters On Poetry And Art
   4 Isha Upanishad
   4 Emerson - Poems
   4 Cybernetics
   4 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 05
   4 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02
   4 A Treatise on Cosmic Fire
   3 Words Of The Mother III
   3 The Secret Of The Veda
   3 The Book of Certitude
   3 Synergetics - Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking
   3 Let Me Explain
   3 Hymns to the Mystic Fire
   3 Hymn of the Universe
   2 Words Of The Mother I
   2 Vedic and Philological Studies
   2 The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep
   2 The Integral Yoga
   2 The Essentials of Education
   2 The Divine Comedy
   2 Tara - The Feminine Divine
   2 Symposium
   2 Sex Ecology Spirituality
   2 Selected Fictions
   2 Ryokan - Poems
   2 Rumi - Poems
   2 How to Free Your Mind - Tara the Liberator
   2 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 06
   2 Beating the Cloth Drum Letters of Zen Master Hakuin
   2 Alice in Wonderland
   2 Agenda Vol 1
   2 Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2E

0 0.01 - Introduction, #Agenda Vol 1, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   something to be played forever as the one great game of the world; a who-knows-what that left this sprig of a pensive man in the middle of a clearing; a little 'something' that beats, beats, that keeps on breathing beneath every skin that has ever been put on it - like our deepest breath, our lightest air, our air of nothing - and it keeps on going, it keeps on going. We must catch the light little breath, the little pulsation of nothing. Then suddenly, on the threshold of our clearing of concrete, our head starts spinning incurably, our eyes blink into something else, and all is different, and all seems surcharged with meaning and with life, as though we had never lived Until that very minute.
  Then we have caught the tail of the Great Possible, we are upon the wayless way, radically in the new, and we flow with the little lizard, the pelican, the big man, we flow everywhere in a world that has lost its old separating skin and its little baggage of habits. We begin seeing otherwise, feeling otherwise. We have opened the gate into an inconceivable clearing. Just a light little vibration that carries you away. Then we begin to understand how it CAN CHANGE, what the mechanism is - a light little mechanism and so miraculous that it looks like nothing. We begin feeling the wonder of a pure little cell, and that a sparkling of joy would be enough to turn the world inside out. We were living in a little thinking fishbowl, we were dying in an old, bottled habit. And then suddenly, all is different. The Earth is free! Who wants freedom?

0 0.02 - Topographical Note, #Agenda Vol 1, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  From the time of Sri Aurobindo's departure (1950) Until 1957, we have only a few notes and fragments or rare statements noted from memory. These are the only landmarks of this period, along with Mother's Questions and Answers from her talks at the Ashram Playground. A few of these conversations have been reproduced here insofar as they mark stages of the Supramental
  Mother would be seated in this rather medieval-looking chair with its high, carved back, her feet on a little tabouret, while we sat on the floor, on a slightly faded carpet, conquered and seduced, revolted and never satisfied - but nevertheless, very interested. Treasures, never noted down, were lost Until, with the cunning of the Sioux, we succeeded in making Mother consent to the presence of a tape recorder. But even then, and for a long time thereafter, She carefully made us erase or delete in our notes all that concerned Her rather too personally - sometimes we disobeyed Her.
  But finally we were able to convince Her of the value inherent in keeping a chronicle of the route.
  From 1960, the Agenda took its final shape arid grew for thirteen years, Until May 1973, filling thirteen volumes in all (some six thousand pages), with a change of setting in March 1962 at the time of the Great Turning in Mother's yoga when She permanently retired to her room upstairs, as had Sri Aurobindo in 1926. The interviews then took place high up in this large room carpeted in golden wool, like a ship's stateroom, amidst the rustling of the Copper Pod tree and the cawing of crows. Mother would sit in a low rosewood chair, her face turned towards Sri Aurobindo's tomb, as though She were wearing down the distance separating that world from our own. Her voice had become like that of a child, one could hear her laughter. She always laughed, this Mother. And then her long silences. Until the day the disciples closed her door on us. It was May 19, 1973. We did not want to believe it. She was alone, just as we were suddenly alone. Slowly, painfully, we had to discover the why of this rupture. We understood nothing of the jealousies of the old species, we did not yet realize that they were becoming the 'owners' of Mother - of the Ashram, of Auroville, of
  Sri Aurobindo, of everything - and that the new world was going to be denatured into a new

0.00a - Introduction, #A Garden of Pomegranates - An Outline of the Qabalah, #Israel Regardie, #Occultism
  I began the study of the Qabalah at an early age. Two books I read then have played unconsciously a prominent part in the writing of my own book. One of these was "Q.B.L. or the Bride's Reception" by Frater Achad (Charles Stansfeld Jones), which I must have first read around 1926. The other was "An Introduction to the Tarot" by Paul Foster Case, published in the early 1920's. It is now out of print, superseded by later versions of the same topic. But as I now glance through this slender book, I perceive how profoundly even the format of his book had influenced me, though in these two instances there was not a trace of plagiarism. It had not consciously occurred to me Until recently that I owed so much to them. Since Paul Case passed away about a decade or so ago, this gives me the opportunity to thank him, overtly, wherever he may now be.
  By the middle of 1926 I had become aware of the work of Aleister Crowley, for whom I have a tremendous respect. I studied as many of his writings as I could gain access to, making copious notes, and later acted for several years as his secretary, having joined him in Paris on October 12, 1928, a memorable day in my life.

000 - Humans in Universe, #Synergetics - Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking, #R Buckminster Fuller, #Science
  fundamental inadequacy of life support on our planet. Until then all opinions on
  such matters had been pure guesses.000.108 A third of a century after Malthus, Darwin attributed biological evolution
  000.111 Up Until the 20th century reality consisted of everything that humans
  could see, smell, touch, and hear. Then at the entry into the 20th century the
  relied on gravity to hold their vertical stone walls together Until (as often happened)
  they were shaken apart by earthquakes against which they had almost no tensionally

0.00 - INTRODUCTION, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
   Born in an orthodox brahmin family, Sri Ramakrishna knew the formalities of worship, its rites and rituals. The innumerable gods and goddesses of the Hindu religion are the human aspects of the indescribable and incomprehensible Spirit, as conceived by the finite human mind. They understand and appreciate human love and emotion, help men to realize their secular and spiritual ideals, and ultimately enable men to attain liberation from the miseries of phenomenal life. The Source of light, intelligence, wisdom, and strength is the One alone from whom comes the fulfilment of desire. Yet, as long as a man is bound by his human limitations, he cannot but worship God through human forms. He must use human symbols. Therefore Hinduism asks the devotees to look on God as the ideal father, the ideal mother, the ideal husband, the ideal son, or the ideal friend. But the name ultimately leads to the Nameless, the form to the Formless, the word to the Silence, the emotion to the serene realization of Peace in Existence-Knowledge-Bliss Absolute. The gods gradually merge in the one God. But Until that realization is achieved, the devotee cannot dissociate human factors from his worship. Therefore the Deity is bathed and clothed and decked with ornaments. He is fed and put to sleep. He is propitiated with hymns, songs, and prayers. And there are appropriate rites connected with all these functions. For instance, to secure for himself external purity, the priest bathes himself in holy water and puts on a holy cloth. He purifies the mind and the sense-organs by appropriate meditations. He fortifies the place of worship against evil forces by drawing around it circles of fire and water. He awakens the different spiritual centres of the body and invokes the Supreme Spirit in his heart. Then he transfers the Supreme Spirit to the image before him and worships the image, regarding it no longer as clay or stone, but as the embodiment of Spirit, throbbing with Life and Consciousness. After the worship the Supreme Spirit is recalled from the image to Its true sanctuary, the heart of the priest. The real devotee knows the absurdity of worshipping the Transcendental Reality with material articles — clothing That which pervades the whole universe and the beyond, putting on a pedestal That which cannot be limited by space, feeding That which is disembodied and incorporeal, singing before That whose glory the music of the spheres tries vainly to proclaim. But through these rites the devotee aspires to go ultimately beyond rites and rituals, forms and names, words and praise, and to realize God as the All-pervading Consciousness.
   Hindu priests are thoroughly acquainted with the rites of worship, but few of them are aware of their underlying significance. They move their hands and limbs mechanically, in obedience to the letter of the scriptures, and repeat the holy mantras like parrots. But from the very beginning the inner meaning of these rites was revealed to Sri Ramakrishna. As he sat facing the image, a strange transformation came over his mind. While going through the prescribed ceremonies, he would actually find himself encircled by a wall of fire protecting him and the place of worship from unspiritual vibrations, or he would feel the rising of the mystic Kundalini through the different centres of the body. The glow on his face, his deep absorption, and the intense atmosphere of the temple impressed everyone who saw him worship the Deity.
   One night he had a hemorrhage of the throat. The doctor now diagnosed the illness as cancer. Narendra was the first to break this heart-rending news to the disciples. Within three days the Master was removed to Calcutta for better treatment. At Balaram's house he remained a week Until a suitable place could be found at Syampukur, in the northern section of Calcutta. During this week he dedicated himself practically without respite to the instruction of those beloved devotees who had been unable to visit him oftener at Dakshineswar. Discourses incessantly flowed from his tongue, and he often went into samadhi. Dr. Mahendra Sarkar, the celebrated homeopath of Calcutta, was invited to undertake his treatment.
   Sri Ramakrishna said to him: "Today I have given you my all and I am now only a poor fakir, possessing nothing. By this power you will do immense good in the world, and not Until it is accomplished will you return." Henceforth the Master lived in the disciple.
   Doubt, however, dies hard. After one or two days Narendra said to himself, "If in the midst of this racking physical pain he declares his Godhead, then only shall I accept him as an Incarnation of God." He was alone by the bedside of the Master. It was a passing thought, but the Master smiled. Gathering his remaining strength, he distinctly said, "He who was Rama and Krishna is now, in this body, Ramakrishna — but not in your Vedantic sense." Narendra was stricken with shame.

0.00 - The Book of Lies Text, #The Book of Lies, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
    manifestation even of God does not appear Until Tiphareth; and
    the universe itself not Until Malkuth.
     The chapter many therefore be considered as the most complete
    degree of rapture, with ever sentence, Until his armoury
    is exhausted, and, with the word Amen, he enters the
     Until it is the Ace, the Rose, Until it is the Word.
     doeth itself through thee. Not Until then is that
     which is done well done.
     Until thou unearth the fox THAT. On, hounds!
     Yoicks! Tally-ho! Bring THAT to bay!
    For not Until the PLACE is perfected by a T saith
     he PLACET.
    Frater P. Until it became respectable.
     The chapter is a rebuke to those who can see nothing

0.00 - THE GOSPEL PREFACE, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  This epoch-making event of his life came about in a very strange way. M. belonged to a joint family with several collateral members. Some ten years after he began his career as an educationist, bitter quarrels broke out among the members of the family, driving the sensitive M. to despair and utter despondency. He lost all interest in life and left home one night to go into the wide world with the idea of ending his life. At dead of night he took rest in his sister's house at Baranagar, and in the morning, accompanied by a nephew Siddheswar, he wandered from one garden to another in Calcutta Until Siddheswar brought him to the Temple Garden of Dakshineswar where Sri Ramakrishna was then living. After spending some time in the beautiful rose gardens there, he was directed to the room of the Paramahamsa, where the eventful meeting of the Master and the disciple took place on a blessed evening (the exact date is not on record) on a Sunday in March 1882. As regards what took place on the occasion, the reader is referred to the opening section of the first chapter of the Gospel.
  The Master, who divined the mood of desperation in M, his resolve to take leave of this 'play-field of deception', put new faith and hope into him by his gracious words of assurance: "God forbid! Why should you take leave of this world? Do you not feel blessed by discovering your Guru? By His grace, what is beyond all imagination or dreams can be easily achieved!" At these words the clouds of despair moved away from the horizon of M.'s mind, and the sunshine of a new hope revealed to him fresh vistas of meaning in life. Referring to this phase of his life, M. used to say, "Behold! where is the resolve to end life, and where, the discovery of God! That is, sorrow should be looked upon as a friend of man. God is all good." ( Ibid P.33.)
  During the Master's lifetime M. does not seem to have revealed the contents of his diary to any one. There is an unconfirmed tradition that when the Master saw him taking notes, he expressed apprehension at the possibility of his utilising these to publicise him like Keshab Sen; for the Great Master was so full of the spirit of renunciation and humility that he disliked being lionised. It must be for this reason that no one knew about this precious diary of M. for a decade Until he brought out selections from it as a pamphlet in English in 1897 with the Holy Mother's blessings and permission. The Holy Mother, being very much pleased to hear parts of the diary read to her in Bengali, wrote to M.: "When I heard the Kathmrita, (Bengali name of the book) I felt as if it was he, the Master, who was saying all that." ( Ibid Part I. P 37.)
  The two pamphlets in English entitled the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna appeared in October and November 1897. They drew the spontaneous acclamation of Swami Vivekananda, who wrote on 24th November of that year from Dehra Dun to M.:"Many many thanks for your second leaflet. It is indeed wonderful. The move is quite original, and never was the life of a Great Teacher brought before the public untarnished by the writer's mind, as you are doing. The language also is beyond all praise, so fresh, so pointed, and withal so plain and easy. I cannot express in adequate terms how I have enjoyed them. I am really in a transport when I read them. Strange, isn't it? Our Teacher and Lord was so original, and each one of us will have to be original or nothing.

0.00 - The Wellspring of Reality, #Synergetics - Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking, #R Buckminster Fuller, #Science
  There could be produced a synergetic understanding of humanity's cosmic functioning, which, Until now, had been both undiscovered and unpredictable due to our deliberate and exclusive preoccupation only with the separate statistics of separate events. As a typical consequence of the latter, we observe our society's persistent increase of educational and employment specialization despite the already mentioned, well-documented scientific disclosure that the extinctions of biological species are always occasioned by overspecialization. Specialization's preoccupation with parts deliberately forfeits the opportunity to apprehend and comprehend what is provided exclusively by synergy.
  Today's news consists of aggregates of fragments. Anyone who has taken part in any event that has subsequently appeared in the news is aware of the gross disparity between the actual and the reported events. The insistence by reporters upon having advance "releases" of what, for instance, convocation speakers are supposedly going to say but in fact have not yet said, automatically discredits the value of the largely prefabricated news. We also learn frequently of prefabricated and prevaricated events of a complex nature purportedly undertaken for purposes either of suppressing or rigging the news, which in turn perverts humanity's tactical information resources. All history becomes suspect. Probably our most polluted resource is the tactical information to which humanity spontaneously reflexes.
  The supposed location of the threshold between animate and inanimate was methodically narrowed down by experimental science Until it was confined specifically within the domain of virology. Virologists have been too busy, for instance, with their DNA-RNA genetic code isolatings, to find time to see the synergetic significance to society of the fact that they have found that no physical threshold does in fact exist between animate and inanimate. The possibility of its existence vanished because the supposedly unique physical qualities of both animate and inanimate have persisted right across yesterday's supposed threshold in both directions to permeate one another's-previously perceived to be exclusive- domains. Subsequently, what was animate has become foggier and foggier, and what is inanimate clearer and clearer. All organisms consist physically and in entirety of inherently inanimate atoms. The inanimate alone is not only omnipresent but is alone experimentally demonstrable. Belated news of the elimination of this threshold must be interpreted to mean that whatever life may be, it has not been isolated and thereby identified as residual in the biological cell, as had been supposed by the false assumption that there was a separate physical phenomenoncalled animate within which life existed. No life per se has been isolated. The threshold between animate and inanimate has vanished. Those chemists who are preoccupied in synthesizing the particular atomically structured molecules identified as the prime constituents of humanly employed organisms will, even if they are chemically successful, be as remote from creating life as are automobile manufacturers from creating the human drivers of their automobiles. Only the physical connections and development complexes of distinctly "nonlife" atoms into molecules, into cells, into animals, has been and will be discovered. The genetic coding of the design controls of organic systems offers no more explanation of life than did the specifications of the designs of the telephone system's apparatus and operation explain the nature of the life that communicates weightlessly to life over the only physically ponderable telephone system. Whatever else life may be, we know it is weightless. At the moment of death, no weight is lost. All the chemicals, including the chemist's life ingredients, are present, but life has vanished. The physical is inherently entropic, giving off energy in ever more disorderly ways. The metaphysical is antientropic, methodically marshalling energy. Life is antientropic.
  It is spontaneously inquisitive. It sorts out and endeavors to understand.

0.01 - Letters from the Mother to Her Son, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  A literary monthly published in France Until 1939.
  outside India (in America, I believe) and has become completely

0.03 - Letters to My little smile, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Z, then sat down again to work Until 11:30. Then I
  ate my lunch and rested for ten minutes. At 12:00 I
  sew with the sewing machine Until 10:15. Then I worked
  with the sewing machine Until 11:45; then I did a bit of
  lesson and at 12:30 I went to bed.
  want them. I shall not rest Until You come into my heart
  and live there eternally.

0.06 - INTRODUCTION, #Dark Night of the Soul, #Saint John of the Cross, #Christianity
  and bad, are brought into subjection, and thus, Until these are purged, the
  rebellions and depravities of sense cannot be purged thoroughly.' 9

0.08 - Letters to a Young Captain, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Reality Until it is completely transformed by the supramental
  manifestation. And Until then, it is through it that you must find
  the Truth.
  afterwards in a tangible and increasingly real way, Until you are
  in my presence.

0.09 - Letters to a Young Teacher, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Read a little at a time, read again and again Until you have
  meditate on what you have read, reflect on a thought Until you
  have understood it. Talk little, remain quiet and concentrated,
  terrestrial evolution, Until the time comes when the psychic being, fully formed and wholly awakened, becomes the conscious
  sheath of the soul around which it is formed.
  in ordinary life, Until one is able to become conscious of one's
  psychic being and allow oneself to be entirely guided by it - in

01.01 - The One Thing Needful, #The Integral Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  To find the Divine is indeed the first reason for seeking the spiritual Truth and the spiritual life; it is the one thing indispensable and all the resit is nothing without it. The Divine once found, to manifest Him, - that is, first of all to transform one's own limited consciousness into the Divine Consciousness, to live in the infinite Peace, Light, Love, Strength, Bliss, to become that in one's essential nature and, as a consequence, to be its vessel, channel, instrument in one's active nature. To bring into activity the principle of oneness on the material plane or to work for humanity is a mental mistranslation of the Truth - these things cannot be the first true object of spiritual seeking. We must find the Self, the Divine, then only can we know what is the work the Self or the Divine demands from us. Until then our life and action can only be a help or a means towards finding the Divine and it ought not to have any other purpose. As we grow in inner consciousness, or as the spiritual Truth of the Divine grows in us, our life and action must indeed more and more flow from that, be one with that. But to decide beforeh and by our limited mental conceptions what they must be is to hamper the growth of the spiritual Truth within. As that grows we shall feel the Divine Light and Truth, the Divine Power and Force, the Divine Purity and Peace working within us, dealing with our actions as well as our consciousness, making use of them to reshape us into the Divine Image, removing the dross, substituting the pure Gold of the Spirit. Only when the Divine Presence is there in us always and the consciousness transformed, can we have the right to say that we are ready to manifest the Divine on the material plane. To hold up a mental ideal or principle and impose that on the inner working brings the danger of limiting ourselves to a mental realisation or of impeding or even falsifying by a halfway formation the truth growth into the full communion and union with the Divine and the free and intimate outflowing of His will in our life. This is a mistake of orientation to which the mind of today is especially prone. It is far better to approach the Divine for the Peace or Light or Bliss that the realisation of Him gives than to bring in these minor things which can divert us from the one thing needful. The divinisation of the material life also as well as the inner life is part of what we see as the Divine Plan, but it can only be fulfilled by an ourflowing of the inner realisation, something that grows from within outwards, not by the working out of a mental principle.
  The realisation of the Divine is the one thing needful and the rest is desirable only in so far as it helps or leads towards that or when it is realised, extends and manifests the realisation. Manifestation and organisation of the whole life for the divine work, - first, the sadhana personal and collective necessary for the realisation and a common life of God-realised men, secondly, for help to the world to move towards that, and to live in the Light - is the whole meaning and purpose of my Yoga. But the realisation is the first need and it is that round which all the rest moves, for apart from it all the rest would have no meaning.

01.02 - Natures Own Yoga, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   In the Supermind things exist in their perfect spiritual reality; each is consciously the divine reality in its transcendent essence, its cosmic extension, its, spiritual individuality; the diversity of a manifested existence is there, but the mutually exclusive separativeness has not yet arisen. The ego, the knot of separativity, appears at a later and lower stage of involution; what is here is indivisible nexus of individualising centres of the one eternal truth of being. Where Supermind and Overmind meet, one can see the multiple godheads, each distinct in his own truth and beauty and power and yet all together forming the one supreme consciousness infinitely composite and inalienably integral. But stepping back into Supermind one sees something moreOneness gathering into itself all diversity, not destroying it, but annulling and forbidding the separative consciousness that is the beginning of Ignorance. The first shadow of the Illusory Consciousness, the initial possibility of the movement of Ignorance comes in when the supramental light enters the penumbra of the mental sphere. The movement of Supermind is the movement of light without obscurity, straight, unwavering, unswerving, absolute. The Force here contains and holds in their oneness of Reality the manifold but not separated lines of essential and unalloyed truth: its march is the inevitable progression of each one assured truth entering into and upholding every other and therefore its creation, play or action admits of no trial or stumble or groping or deviation; for each truth rests on all others and on that which harmonises them all and does not act as a Power diverging from and even competing with other Powers of being. In the Overmind commences the play of divergent possibilities the simple, direct, united and absolute certainties of the supramental consciousness retire, as it were, a step behind and begin to work themselves out through the interaction first of separately individualised and then of contrary and contradictory forces. In the Overmind there is a conscious underlying Unity but yet each Power, Truth, Aspect of that Unity is encouraged to work out its possibilities as if it were sufficient to itself and the others are used by it for its own enhancement Until in the denser and darker reaches below Overmind this turns out a thing of blind conflict and battle and, as it would appear, of chance survival. Creation or manifestation originally means the concretisation or devolution of the powers of Conscious Being into a play of united diversity; but on the line which ends in Matter it enters into more and more obscure forms and forces and finally the virtual eclipse of the supreme light of the Divine Consciousness. Creation as it descends' towards the Ignorance becomes an involution of the Spirit through Mind and Life into Matter; evolution is a movement backward, a return journey from Matter towards the Spirit: it is the unravelling, the gradual disclosure and deliverance of the Spirit, the ascension and revelation of the involved consciousness through a series of awakeningsMatter awakening into Life, Life awakening into Mind and Mind now seeking to awaken into something beyond the Mind, into a power of conscious Spirit.
   The apparent or actual result of the movement of Nescienceof Involutionhas been an increasing negation of the Spirit, but its hidden purpose is ultimately to embody the Spirit in Matter, to express here below in cosmic Time-Space the splendours of the timeless Reality. The material body came into existence bringing with it inevitably, as it seemed, mortality; it appeared even to be fashioned out of mortality, in order that in this very frame and field of mortality, Immortality, the eternal Spirit Consciousness which is the secret truth and reality in Time itself as well as behind it, might be established and that the Divine might be possessed, or rather, possess itself not in one unvarying mode of the static consciousness, as it does even now behind the cosmic play, but in the play itself and in the multiple mode of the terrestrial existence.

01.02 - The Issue, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  But joy cannot endure Until the end:
  There is a darkness in terrestrial things

0.10 - Letters to a Young Captain, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  You must continue to fight against the bad thoughts Until you
  gain a total victory. My help is always with you as well as my
  entirely to it, Until you have made enough progress to know
  and to feel that it is the Divine who acts in you, His force that
  at least try to discipline one activity, and persist Until one succeeds.
  13 October 1963
  you not to send it again Until it is possible for me to start looking
  at it once more. Continue your translation of the Aphorisms; I
  and that you must wait Until life has moulded you a little more
  and your psychic consciousness awakens from the slumber in
  subconscient Until they explode there and cause an upheaval in
  the whole being.
  remain quiescent Until their turn comes. It is only when the
  consciousness grows enough to have an overall view that one
  The two extremes always alternate in experience Until one has
  found the poise of the total and synthetic truth.
  refers to in order to be sure of not going astray, Until one is ready
  for another more important and conclusive experience.
  of Truth that India is fighting and must fight Until India and Pakistan have become One
  because that is the truth of their being."

01.13 - T. S. Eliot: Four Quartets, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Here the poet is almost grimly tense, concentrated and has not allowed himself to be dissipated by thinkings and arguments, has confined himself wholly to a living experience. That is because the poet has since then moved up and sought a more rarefied air, a more even and smooth temper. The utter and absolute poetic ring of the Inferno is difficult to maintain in the Paradiso, unless and Until the poet transforms himself wholly into the Rishi, like the poet of the Gita or the Upanishads.
   "East Coker"

0.11 - Letters to a Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  3) Repeat these exercises every day Until you begin
  to perceive a result.
  with these people; but Until you know how to do this, you
  By "solar plexus", the Mother is referring to the heart (not the navel) region; this is

0.12 - Letters to a Student, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  difference will be we can hardly know Until the new species
  appears on earth.

0 1955-03-26, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Such was our old, meaningless name (except for its Germanic root: 'hard bear') Until a certain March 3, 1957, when Mother named us Sat-prem ('the one who loves truly').

0 1955-04-04, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   By continuing this daily little ant-like struggle and by having to confront the same desires, the same distractions every day, it seems to me I am wasting my energy in vain. Sri Aurobindos Yoga, which is meant to include life, is so difficult that one should come to it only after having already established the solid base of a concrete divine realization. That is why I want to ask you if I should not withdraw for a certain time, to Almora,3 for example, to Brewsters place,4 to live in solitude, silence, meditation, far away from people, work and temptations, Until a beginning of Light and Realization is concretized in me. Once this solid base is acquired, it would be easier for me to resume my work and the struggle here for the true transformation of the outer being. But to want to transform this outer being without having fully illumined the inner being seems to me to be putting the cart before the horse, or at least condemning myself to a pitiless and endless battle in which the best of my forces are fruitlessly consumed.
   In all sincerity, I must say that when I was at Brewsters place in Almora, I felt very near to that state in which the Light must surge forth. I quite understand the imperfection of this process, which involves fleeing from difficulties, but this would only be a stage, a strategic retreat, as it were.

0 1957-10-17, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   In its normal state, the body always feels that it is not its own master: illnesses invade it without its really being able to resist thema thousand factors impose themselves or exert pressure upon it. Its sole power is the power to defend itself, to react. Once the illness has got in, it can fight and overcome iteven modern medicine has acknowledged that the body is cured only when it decides to get cured; it is not the drugs per se that heal, for if the ailment is temporarily suppressed by a drug without the bodys will, it grows up again elsewhere in some other form Until the body itself has decided to be cured. But this implies only a defensive power, the power to react against an invading enemyit is not true freedom.
   But with the supramental manifestation, something new has taken place in the body: it feels it is its own master, autonomous, with its two feet solidly on the ground, as it were. This gives a physical impression of the whole being suddenly drawing itself up, with its head lifted high I am my own master.

0 1957-10-18, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I am well aware that a supple attitude is recommended in the Yoga, yet for the time being, it seems to me that one well-defined method would help me hold on1this practical aspect would help me. I will do it methodically, obstinately, Until it cracks for good.
   Your child,

0 1958-02-03b - The Supramental Ship, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   This immense ship had just arrived at the shore of the supramental world, and a first batch of people destined to become the future inhabitants of the supramental world were about to disembark. Everything was arranged for this first landing. A certain number of very tall beings were posted on the wharf. They were not human beings and never before had they been men. Nor were they permanent inhabitants of the supramental world. They had been delegated from above and posted there to control and supervise the landing. I was in charge of all this since the beginning and throughout. I myself had prepared all the groups. I was standing on the bridge of the ship, calling the groups forward one by one and having them disembark on the shore. The tall beings posted there seemed to be reviewing those who were disembarking, allowing those who were ready to go ashore and sending back those who were not and who had to continue their training aboard the ship. While standing there watching everyone, that part of my consciousness coming from here became extremely interested: it wanted to see, to identify all the people, to see how they had changed and to find out who had been taken immediately as well as those who had to remain and continue their training. After awhile, as I was observing, I began to feel pulled backwards and that my body was being awakened by a consciousness or a person from here1and in my consciousness, I protested: No, no, not yet! Not yet! I want to see whos there! I was watching all this and noting it with intense interest It went on like that Until, suddenly, the clock here began striking three, which violently jerked me back. There was the sensation of a sudden fall into my body. I came back with a shock, but since I had been called back very suddenly, all my memory was still intact. I remained quiet and still Until I could bring back the whole experience and preserve it.
   The nature of objects on this ship was not that which we know upon earth; for example, the clothes were not made of cloth, and this thing that resembled cloth was not manufacturedit was a part of the body, made of the same substance that took on different forms. It had a kind of plasticity. When a change had to be made, it was done not by artificial and outer means but by an inner working, by a working of the consciousness that gave the substance its form or appearance. Life created its own forms. There was ONE SINGLE substance in all things; it changed the nature of its vibration according to the needs or uses.
   As for the people I saw aboard ship, I recognized them all. Some were here in the Ashram, some came from elsewhere, but I knew them as well. I saw everyone, but as I realized that I would not remember everyone when I came back, I decided not to give any names. Besides, it is unnecessary. Three or four faces were very clearly visible, and when I saw them, I understood the feeling that I have had here, on earth, while looking into their eyes: there was such an extraordinary joy On the whole, the people were young; there were very few children, and their ages were around fourteen or fifteen, but certainly not below ten or twelve (I did not stay long enough to see all the details). There were no very old people, with the exception of a few. Most of the people who had gone ashore were of a middle ageagain, except for a few. Several times before this experience, certain individual cases had already been examined at a place where people capable of being supramentalized are examined; I had then had a few surprises which I had noted I even told some people. But those whom I disembarked today I saw very distinctly. They were of a middle age, neither young children nor elderly people, with only a few rare exceptions, and this quite corresponded to what I expected. I decided not to say anything, not to give any names. As I did not stay Until the end, it would be impossible for me to draw an exact picture, for it was neither absolutely clear nor complete. I do not want to say things to some and not say them to others.
   What I can say is that the criterion or the judgment was based EXCLUSIVELY on the substance constituting the peoplewhe ther they belonged completely to the supramental world or not, whether they were made of this very special substance. The criterion adopted was neither moral nor psychological. It is likely that their bodily substance was the result of an inner law or an inner movement which, at that time, was not in question. At least it is quite clear that the values are different.

0 1958-03-07, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Swami must soon take to the road again, through Ceylon, towards March 20 or 25. So I shall go wandering with him Until May; towards the beginning of May, he will return to India. I hope to have learned my lesson by then, and to have learned it well. Inwardly, I have understood that there is only you but its these problem children on the surface who must be made to toe the line once and for all.
   Sweet Mother, I am in a hurry to work for you. Will you still want me? Mother, I need you, I need you. I would like to ask you an absurd question: Do you think of me? I have only you, you alone in the world.

0 1958-04-03, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Until we meet,
   Signed: Mother

0 1958-05-10, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   It is a hard path. I try to make it as comfortable as possible, but nevertheless, it is a hard path. And it is obvious that it cannot be otherwise. You are beaten and battered Until you understand. Until you are in that state in which all bodies are your body. But at that point, you begin to laugh! You were upset by this, hurt by that, you suffered from this or that but now, how laughable it all seems! And not only the head, but the body too finds it laughable!
   Consequently, if you do not remember having had the experience, you are left in the same condition as before, but with the difference that now you know, you can know, that these material laws do not correspond to the truth thats all. They do not at all correspond to the truth, so consequently, if you want to be faithful to your aspiration, you must in no way legitimize all that. Rather, you must say that it is an infirmity from which we are suffering for the moment, for an intermediate periodit is an infirmity and an ignorance for it really is an ignorance (this is not just a word): it is ignorance, it is not the thing as it is, even in regard to our present material bodies. Therefore, we will not legitimize anything. What we say is thisit is an infirmity which has to be endured for the time being, Until we get out of it, but we do NOT ACKNOWLEDGE all this as a concrete reality. It does NOT have a concrete reality, it has a false realitywhat we call concrete reality is a false reality.
   And the proof I have the proof because I experienced it myselfis that from the minute you are in the other consciousness, the true consciousness, all these things which appear so real, so concrete, change INSTANTLY. There are a number of things, certain material conditions of my bodymaterial that changed instantly. It did not last long enough for everything to change, but some things changed and never returned, they remained changed. In other words, if that consciousness were kept constantly, it would be a perpetual miracle (what we would call a miracle from our ordinary point of view), a fantastic and perpetual miracle! But from the supramental point of view, it would not be a miracle at all, it would be the most normal of things.

0 1958-08-07, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   When I think of the time the hatha yogis devote to the work on the bodythey do nothing but that; they do nothing but that all the time, Until they have attained a certain point. This is in fact the reason why Sri Aurobindo wanted none of it: he found that it took a lot of time for a rather meager result.

0 1958-10-04, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Money belongs to the one who spends it; that is an absolute law. You may pile up money, but it doesnt belong to you Until you spend it. Then you have the merit, the glory, the joy, the pleasure of spending it!
   Money is meant to circulate. What should remain constant is the progressive movement of an increase in the earths productionan ever-expanding progressive movement to increase the earths production and improve existence on earth. It is the material improvement of terrestrial life and the growth of the earths production that must go on expanding, enlarging, and not this silly paper or this inert metal that is amassed and lifeless.

0 1958-11-04 - Myths are True and Gods exist - mental formation and occult faculties - exteriorization - work in dreams, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   What happened in my life is that I never studied or knew things Until AFTER having the experienceonly BECAUSE OF the experience and because I wanted to understand it would I study things related to it.
   It was the same thing for visions of past lives. I knew NOTHING when I would have the experience, not even the possibility of past lives, and only after having had the experience would I study the question and, for example, even verify certain historical facts that had occurred in my vision but about which I had no prior knowledge.
   In Sri Aurobindo's and Mother's terminology, 'psychic' or 'psychic being' means the soul or the portion of the Supreme in man which evolves from life to life Until it becomes a fully self-conscious being. The soul is a special capacity or grace of human beings on earth.
   The film on August 5.

0 1958-11-08, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   And I was not imagining nor objectifying it; I was living it with easewith a great ease. And it lasted Until the end of the meditation. When it gradually began fading, I stopped the meditation and left.
   Later, after I returned (to the Ashram), I wondered, What was that? What does it signify? Then I understood.

0 1958-11-15, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   And each time, you have the feeling of having lived on the surface of things. Its a feeling that is repeated over and over again. With each new conquest, you feel that Until then you had lived only on the surface of thingson the surface of the realization, on the surface of surrender, on the surface of power. It was only the surface of things, the surface of the experience. Behind the surface, there is a depth, and only when one enters into this depth does one touch the True Thing. And it is the same experience each time: what seemed a depth becomes the surface. A surface, with all that it entails of inaccuracy, yes, of artificialityartificialan artificial transcription. It feels like something not really alive, a copy, an imitation: its an image, a reflection, but not THE Thing itself. You step into another zone and you feel you have uncovered the Source and the Power and the Truth of things; then this source and power and truth in turn become an appearance, an imitation, a mere transcription in comparison to something concrete: the new realization.
   There is night and sun, night and sun, and night again, many nights, but one must cling to this will for surrender, cling as through a storm, and put everything into the hands of the Supreme Lord. Until the day when the Sun shall shine forever, the day of total Victory.
   The Supramental Ship.

0 1958-11-20, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   There is such an abyss between what one truly is and what we are that at times it is dizzying. But one must not let oneself become dizzy. One must not yield. One must remain like a rock Until it passes.
   Karma: positive (or negative) consequences of actions performed in past lives (every action is endowed with a self-perpetuating dynamism).

0 1958-12-04, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Until these last days, I still thought I could count on some outer solution to resolve my problem, but now I am up against a wall; I see that nothing can be DONE and the only solution is what you said one day: Consent no longer to be.
   Mother, I have made many mistakes, I have often been rebellious and fallen into many holes. Help me to pick myself up, give me nonetheless a little of your Love. This has to change.

0 1959-01-21, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I was waiting to answer your letter of the 21st Until the Friday and Saturday you mentioned had gone by. And then I felt that you were returning the Aphorisms, so I waited a bit more. I have just received them along with your letter of the 23rd, but I have not yet looked at them. Besides, if you intend returning for the February darshan, I think it would be preferable for us to revise the whole book together. There will not be very much work on my side since the Wednesday and Friday classes were discontinued in the beginning of December, and I still do not know when they will resume.3 Right now, I am translating the Aphorisms all alone and it seems to go quickly and well. This could also be revised and the book on the Dhammapada prepared for publication.
   For the time being, I am going downstairs only in the mornings at 6 for the balcony darshan and I immediately come back up without seeing anyone then in the afternoons, I go down once more at about 3 to take my bath and at 4:30 I come back up again. I do not yet know what will happen next month. I shall have to find some way to meet you so that we can work together I am going to think it over.

0 1959-01-31, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   So, Until we meet soon.
   Tell X that my body is on the way to complete recovery.

0 1959-05-28, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   3) There is also the destiny that feels human love as something divine, something that can be transfigured and become a very powerful driving force. I did not believe it possible, except in dreams, Until the day I met someone here. But you do not believe in these things, so I shall not speak of it further. I can gag this also and tell myself that one day all will be filled in the inner divine love. But that does not prevent this other need in me from living and from finding that life is dry and from saying, Why this outer manifestation if all life is in the inner realms? But neither can I stifle this with reasoning.
   So there remains the pure spiritual destiny, pure interiorization. That is what I have been trying to do for the last five years, without much success. There are good periods of collaboration, because one part of my being can be happy in any condition. But in a certain way this achievement remains truncated, especially when you base spiritual life on a principle of integrality. And these three destinies in me have their own good reasons, which are true: they are not inferior, they are not incidental, they are woven from the very threads that created the spiritual life in me. My error is to open the door to revolt when I feel too poignantly one or the other being stifled.

0 1959-06-07, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   3) X has not yet begun his work with me nor for you, as he has been unwell Until today. One evening, he made a very beautiful reflection concerning you and your mantra, but it is inexpressible in words, it was above all the tone in which he said, Who, who, is there a single person in the world who can repeat like that TRIOMPHE TOI MAHIMA MAHIMA? etc. And three or four times he repeated your mantra with such an expression
   He has not yet done what he plans to do with your mantra in his puja, for he has been unwell and had to interrupt his pujas. But now he is better.

0 1960-01-28, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   When I started my japa one year ago, I had to struggle with every possible difficulty, every contradiction, prejudice and opposition that fills the air. And even when this poor body began walking back and forth for japa, it used to knock against things, it would start breathing all wrong, coughing; it was attacked from all sides Until the day I caught the Enemy and said, Listen carefully. You can do whatever you want, but Im going right to the end and nothing will stop me, even if I have to repeat this mantra ten crore1 times. The result was really miraculous, like a cloud of bats flying up into the light all at once. From that moment on, things started going better.
   You have no idea what an irresistible effect a well-determined will can have.

0 1960-04-07, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   A few lines to tell you that I miss you. I truly realize more and more that I shall never be happy Until I have disappeared in you entirely. There must be nothing left but That. I understand well enough, but Im so blocked, so thick. In any case, I think of you a lot and I really only live by this something that pulls me deep within. If that were not there, it would all be so absurd.
   Ive booked my ticket to Rameswaram for the evening of the 13th, so I will probably reach there on the 15th.

0 1960-07-23 - The Flood and the race - turning back to guide and save amongst the torrents - sadhana vs tamas and destruction - power of giving and offering - Japa, 7 lakhs, 140000 per day, 1 crore takes 20 years, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   The water was flowing off towards the right. From time to time there were these fissured dips or depressions along the vehicles path where the water rushed through, and in fact it must have rushed through each one just as soon as I had sped past. It was most dangerous, for if you had reached there a second too late, the water would already have flooded in and you would no longer have been able to get across; it was such that with even only a few drops, you would no longer get across. Not that they were very wide, but And the water was pouring in (pouring in our words are very small), it was pouring in, and I could see it ahead, but then the vehicle would arrive at full speed and instead of stopping, in a wild roller coaster-like movement it would plunge through, vroom!just in time, exactly like a roller coaster. I always arrived just in time to get through. And then again the same thing, broken here and there (in this way there were many fissures, though Ive only drawn two; there were quite a few, five or six at least), and again we would dart across, then race on Until we would reach the spot where I have drawn the water turning.
   Right at the end, there was a place where the water had to turn to run downthis was the Great Passage. If you got caught in that, it was all over. You had to reach this spot and cross over before the water came. It was the only place you could get across. Then a last plunge, and like an arrow shot from a bow, full speed ahead, I crossed over and there I was.

0 1960-09-20, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Sri Aurobindo and I had discussed the matter in 1914 (quite a long time ago), for we had seen two possibilities: what we are now doing, or to withdraw into solitude and isolation Until we had not only attained the Supermind, but begun the material transformation as well. And Sri Aurobindo rightfully said that we could not isolate ourselves, for as you progress, you become more and more universalized, and consequently you take the burden upon yourself2 in any case.
   And life itself has responded by bringing people forward to form a nucleus. Of course, we clearly saw that this would make the work a bit more complex and difficult (it gives me a heavy responsibility, an enormous material work), but from the overall point of view for the Workits indispensable and even inevitable. And in any case, as we were later able to verify, each one represents simultaneously a possibility and a special difficulty to resolve. I have even said, I believe, that each one here is an impossibility.3

0 1960-10-19, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Its quite all right when youve come TO THE END, when you have totally mastered the body by means of the spiritual consciousness. But Until then, I dont agree I do not at all agree.
   Its the same as when X tells people, I am feeding you, so eat! And he serves you ten times more than you can put in. If you tell him, My stomach cant digest it, he answers that this is nonsense: Eat, and you will see! And in fact, up above that is, once youve mastered itits perfectly true. But we arent there yet, far from it! He himself is sick all the time.
   Everything was left hanging Until the moment he made me understand the COMPLETE thing, in its entirety But thats for later on.
   He himself will tell you, its truelater on.

0 1960-10-25, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Sometime later (he doesnt know how long, for Until he returned he had no sense of time), he woke up in a rather dark, low-roofed house way out in the country; there were five persons now, not four. They were busy eating, so he was careful not to budge. Mainly they were drinking (they have prohibition there). Four of them were already dead drunk. So he got up to have a look. The fifth one, whom he hadnt seen before (he must have been the chief), was not yet totally drunk; when he saw the boy stirring, he let out a fearful growlso the poor boy threw himself flat in the corner and lay stillhe waited. After awhile, the fifth one (after downing another bottle) was also dead drunk. So now that he saw them all fast asleep, he got up very cautiously and he said he ran for an hour and a half! A boy pummelled as he had been, who hadnt eaten for four days! I think thats a miracle.
   After running for an hour and a half, he found himself back at the Poona station, he doesnt know how. He caught a train back to Bombay, scarcely knowing how he managed it.

0 1960-11-12, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I listen, I answer. Its not satisfactory! I told them. But theyve kept to their idea, they like it. When that first storm came some time back (you remember, with those terrible bolts of lightning and that asuric being P.K. saw and sketched): Dont you want us to destroy something? I got angry. But it was This influence was so close and acute that it gave you goose bumps! The whole time the storm lasted, I had to hold on tight in my bed, like this (Mother closes her fists tight as in a trance or deep concentration), and I didnt movedidnt movelike a a rock during the entire storm, Until he consented to go a bit further away. Then I moved. And even now, it comesfrom others (theres not just one, you see, there are many): How about a good flood? A roof collapsed the other day with someone underneath, but he was able to escape. So roofs are collapsing, houses Arouse public sympathy, we must help the Ashram! Its no good, I said. But maybe thats whats responsible for this interminable rain. And they offer so many other things oh, what they parade past me! You could write books on all this!
   But generally and this is something Theon had told me (Theon was very qualified on the subject of hostile forces and the workings of all that resists the divine influence, and he was a great fighteras you might imagine! He himself was an incarnation of an asura, so he knew how to tackle these things!); he was always saying, If you make a VERY SMALL concession or suffer a minor defeat, it gives you the right to a very great victory. Its a very good trick. And I have observed, in practice, that for all things, even for the very little things of everyday life, its trueif you yield on one point (if, even though you see what should be, you yield on a very secondary and unimportant point), it immediately gives you the power to impose your will for something much more important. I mentioned this to Sri Aurobindo and he said that it was true. It is true in the world as it is today, but its not what we want; we want it to change, really change.

0 1960-11-26, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I havent told this to anyone Until now, especially not to those who take care and watch over me, for I dont want to terrify them. Besides, Im not so sure of their reactionsyou understand, if they started getting frightened, it would be terrible. So I dont tell them. But it has happened at least five or six times, usually in the morning before going down to the balcony, just when I dont have the time And it has to be done quickly, for I have to be ready on time!
   Its very, very interesting. But then, you see, at such moments the concreteness of the Presence6concrete to the touch, really to the material touchis extraordinary!

0 1960-12-31, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   This throng looks more like a chaos. A dreadful confusion. But from next week people will start leaving. The crowning day will be January 6, which is Epiphany (but we have made it into a day for the offering of the material world to the Divine: the material world giving itself to the Divine)it will be the climax,2 and I shall then see you on the 7th. After that, well work hard! But Until then, no workmy heads in a kind of soup Oh, if you only knew! Its dreadful what people bring me, what they ask
   (Mother sits at the harmonium)

0 1961-01-12, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It is probableeven certain that Until one is completely transformed these movements of disgust and revolt are necessary to make one do WITHIN ONESELF what is needed to slam the door on them. For after all, the point is to not let them manifest.
   In another aphorism, Sri Aurobindo says (I no longer recall his exact words) that sin is simply something no longer in its place. In this perpetual Becoming nothing is ever reproduced and some things disappear, so to speak, into the past; and when its time for them to disappear, they seemto our very limited consciousness evil and repulsive: we revolt against them because their time is past.

0 1961-01-17, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But actually, there are really two quite different forms of self-deception. One can be very shocked by certain things, not for personal reasons but precisely because of ones goodwill and ardor to serve the Divine, when one sees people misconducting themselves, being egoistical, unfaithful, treacherous. There comes a stage when one has mastered these things and doesnt permit them to manifest IN ONESELF; but to the extent that one is in contact with ordinary consciousness, ordinary viewpoints, ordinary life and thought, their possibility is still there, latent, because they are the inverse of the qualities one is striving for. And this opposition always exists Until one has risen above and no longer has either the quality or the defect. As long as one has virtue, one always has its latent opposite. The opposition disappears only when one is beyond virtue and sin.
   But Until then, there is this kind of indignation stemming from the fact that one is not entirely above: its a period when one totally disapproves of certain things and would be incapable of doing them. And up to this point, there is nothing to say, unless one gives an external, violent expression to his indignation. If anger interferes, it indicates an entire contradiction between the feeling one wants to have and this reaction towards others. Because anger is a deformation of vital power originating from an obscure and thoroughly unregenerate vital,1 a vital still subject to all the ordinary actions and reactions. When an ignorant, egoistic individual will exploits this vital power and encounters opposition from other individual wills around it, then under the pressure of opposition this power changes into anger and tries to obtain through violence what could not be achieved by the pressure of the Force alone.
   Anger, moreover, like all forms of violence, is always a sign of weakness, impotence and incapacity. Here the deception comes from the approval one gives it or the flattering adjective one covers it with; for rage can be no more than blind, ignorant and asuricopposed to the light.


IN WEBGEN [10000/1254]

Wikipedia - 10 Squadron SAAF -- Squadron of the South African Air Force until 1943
Wikipedia - 2004 FU162 -- Closest known Earth approach until 2008
Wikipedia - Abteilung III b -- Military intelligence service of the Prussian/German Army until the end of World War I
Wikipedia - Admiralty in the 16th century -- English government ministry responsible for its navy until 1707
Wikipedia - Airwolf -- American television series that ran from 1984 until 1987
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Wikipedia - Algor mortis -- Change in body temperature post mortem, until the ambient temperature is matched
Wikipedia - Ancien Regime -- Monarchic, aristocratic, social and political system established in the Kingdom of France from approximately the 15th century until the later 18th century
Wikipedia - Aois-dana -- Scottish Gaelic or Old Irish "people of the arts" until the late 17th century
Wikipedia - Apartheid -- System of institutionalised racial segregation that existed in South Africa and South West Africa (Namibia) from 1948 until the early 1990s
Wikipedia - Armed Forces Special Weapons Project -- U.S. nuclear weapons agency until 1947
Wikipedia - Ashanti (Crown Colony) -- Former British [[Crown Colony]] from 1901 until 1957, now part of Ghana
Wikipedia - Australian National Airways -- Australia's predominant carrier until the early 1950s
Wikipedia - Austria victim theory -- Ideological basis for Austria under allied occupation and in the Second Austrian Republic until the 1980s
Wikipedia - Bavarian gulden -- Currency of Bavaria until 1873
Wikipedia - BBC Three -- Television channel operated by the BBC until 2016
Wikipedia - Belgian franc -- Currency of Belgium from 1832 until 2002
Wikipedia - Bodmer Papyri -- A collection of ancient manuscripts from 200 AD until the 6th century
Wikipedia - Bogosort -- Highly ineffective sorting algorithm that successively generates permutations of its input until it finds one that is sorted
Wikipedia - Bronze Age Britain -- period of British history from c. 2500 until c. 800 BC
Wikipedia - Buntil -- Javanese dish
Wikipedia - Cadwallader Wolseley -- An Irish Anglican priest: Archdeacon of Glendalough from 1862 until his death
Wikipedia - California Gold Rush -- Gold rush from 1848 until 1855 in California
Wikipedia - Canadian Motor -- Canadian electric car manufactured from 1900 until 1902
Wikipedia - Classical Chinese -- Written form of Chinese until the early 20th century
Wikipedia - Classical Japanese -- Literary form of Japanese, used until the 20th ct.
Wikipedia - Clearing (finance) -- All activities from the time a commitment is made for a financial transaction until it is settled
Wikipedia - Cock throwing -- Blood sport widely practised in England until the late 18th century
Wikipedia - Corpus Juris Canonici -- Medieval collection of significant sources of the canon law of the Catholic Church, valid until 1917
Wikipedia - Council for National Academic Awards -- Former national degree-awarding authority in the United Kingdom from 1965 until 1993
Wikipedia - County Borough of Leeds -- Administrative division of Yorkshire, England until 1974
Wikipedia - Crucifixion -- Method of capital punishment in which the victim is tied or nailed to a large wooden beam and left to hang until eventual death
Wikipedia - Dead Until Dark
Wikipedia - Demetrius Zvonimir of Croatia -- King of Croatia from 8 October 1076 until his death
Wikipedia - District of Columbia (until 1871) -- History of the District of Columbia as a separate legal entity until 1871
Wikipedia - Don't! Buy! Thai! -- Organisation that urged people to boycott products produced in Thailand until its government starts combatting child prostitution.
Wikipedia - Don't Say Yes Until I Finish Talking -- 2012 song by the cast of the American TV show, Cast
Wikipedia - Dowery Dell Viaduct -- Railway viaduct that carried the Halesowen to Longbridge railway until it was dismantled in 1964
Wikipedia - Dutch guilder -- Currency of the Netherlands from the 17th century until 2002
Wikipedia - Edmund the Martyr -- King of East Anglia from about 855 until 869
Wikipedia - Elizabeth I -- Queen regnant of England and Ireland from 17 November 1558 until 24 March 1603
Wikipedia - Emperor Meiji -- Emperor of Japan from 1867 until 1912
Wikipedia - Enver Hoxha -- The Communist leader of Albania from 1944 until his death in 1985, as the First Secretary of the Party of Labour of Albania
Wikipedia - Evening Post (London) -- London newspaper published from 1710 until February 1732
Wikipedia - Ewuare -- king of the Benin Empire from 1440 until 1473
Wikipedia - Exilarch -- Leader of the Jewish community in Babylon during the era of the Parthians, Sassanids and Abbasids up until the Mongol invasion of Baghdad in 1258, with intermittent gaps
Wikipedia - Flag of Great Britain -- Flag of the kingdom of England and Scotland, in use until 1801 and the creation of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Frank J. Anderson -- Sheriff of Marion County, Indiana from 2003 until 2011
Wikipedia - Gambia Colony and Protectorate -- British colony and protectorate in Africa from 1821 until 1965
Wikipedia - Gene Williams (musician) -- American jazz vocalist and bandleader from 1942 until the late 1950s
Wikipedia - Germanic paganism -- Ethnic religion practiced by the Germanic peoples from the Iron Age until Christianisation
Wikipedia - German Reich -- Official name for the German nation state from 1871 to 1945 and name of Germany until 1949
Wikipedia - Gessius Florus -- Roman procurator of Judea from AD 64 until 66
Wikipedia - Gold Coast (British colony) -- Former British colony from 1867 until 1957, now Ghana
Wikipedia - Grand Duchy of Lithuania -- European state from the 12th century until 1795
Wikipedia - Great Nordic Biker War -- Gang war in Scandinavia that lasted from 1994 until 1997
Wikipedia - Guilty Until Proven Innocent -- 2000 song by Jay-Z
Wikipedia - Hara hachi bun me -- Confucian teaching that instructs people to eat until they are 80 percent full
Wikipedia - Hassan II of Morocco -- King of Morocco from 1961 until his death in 1999
Wikipedia - Hendrik Verwoerd -- Prime Minister of South Africa from 1958 until his assassination in 1966
Wikipedia - Herr Puntila and His Servant Matti -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Hipparchus (son of Peisistratos) -- Tyrant of Athens until his assassination (r. 528/7 BC - 514 BC)
Wikipedia - HMS Fearless (L10) -- Royal Navy ship that served from 1965 until 2002
Wikipedia - Indian indenture system -- System of indentured servitude, functioning as a substitute for slave labour, following the abolition of the slave trade in 1833 and continued until the 1920s
Wikipedia - International Tour de Toona -- Pennsylvania in July from 1987 until 2011
Wikipedia - International Wrestling Enterprise -- Professional wrestling promotion active from 1966 until 1981
Wikipedia - Irish head of state from 1936 to 1949 -- Uncertainty involving the role of the British monarch as head of state of Ireland until 1949
Wikipedia - Israeli pound -- Currency of the State of Israel from 9 June 1952 until 23 February 1980
Wikipedia - Johannine script -- Historical style of handwriting used in the Portuguese Royal Chancery starting around the reign of John I (1385-1433) until the reign of Manuel I (1495-1521)
Wikipedia - Joseph Estrada -- The 13th President of the Philippines, serving from 1998 until 2001
Wikipedia - Kibbutz communal child rearing and collective education -- Method of education prevalent in collective communities in Israel until the 1980s
Wikipedia - Kingdom of the Suebi -- Germanic kingdom in what is today Galicia, Spain, that was established by the Suebi about 410, and existed until 585
Wikipedia - Kuntillet Ajrud -- Archaeological site in the Sinai Peninsula
Wikipedia - Late modern period -- Period from 1800 CE until the present
Wikipedia - Let Me Love You (Until You Learn to Love Yourself) -- 2012 single by Ne-Yo
Wikipedia - Life imprisonment -- Sentence of imprisonment that lasts for life or until parole or commutation
Wikipedia - List of Russian saints (until 15th century) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of seigneurs of Sark -- Feif of the inherited feifdom in the island Sark in the Bailiwick of Guernsey; the head of government until 2008
Wikipedia - Live until 120 -- Jewish blessing
Wikipedia - Long Parliament -- English Parliament which lasted from 1640 until 1660
Wikipedia - Mahmud II -- Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1808 until 1839
Wikipedia - Mercedes-Benz SL-Class (R129) -- Roadster which was produced by Mercedes-Benz from 1989 until 2001.
Wikipedia - Michael McLintock -- Chief executive of M&G Investments until February 2016
Wikipedia - Mini -- British car model made by the British Motor Corporation (BMC) and its successors from 1959 until 2000
Wikipedia - Minnesota-Wisconsin price -- Component of the basic formula price for farm milk formerly used in federal milk marketing orders until 1995
Wikipedia - Monarchy -- System of government where the head of state is a single person who holds the position for life or until abdication
Wikipedia - Mostyn Colliery -- Welsh coal mine active for over 600 years until 1996
Wikipedia - M. R. C. Greenwood -- President of the University of HawaiM-JM-;i until 2013
Wikipedia - New Zealand pound -- Currency of New Zealand from 1840 until 1967
Wikipedia - Night owl (person) -- A person who tends to stay up until late at night
Wikipedia - Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen -- African-American spiritual song that originated during the period of slavery but was not published until 1867
Wikipedia - North Brazil Current -- A warm current that is part of the southwestern North Atlantic Gyre which begins by splitting from the Atlantic South Equatorial Current and flows aling the northwest coast of Brazil until it becomes the Guiana Current
Wikipedia - North Country Beagle -- A breed of dog that existed in Britain probably until early in the 19th century
Wikipedia - Norton ES2 -- A British, single cylinder motorcycle, produced by Norton from the 1930s until the mid-1960s
Wikipedia - Orlando "Puntilla" Rios -- Cuban musician
Wikipedia - Orodes of Armenia -- Parthian Prince who served as a Roman Client King of Armenia in 35 AD and from 37 AD until 42 AD
Wikipedia - Panthea Boone Boggs -- First Lady of Missouri from 1836 until 1840
Wikipedia - Patriarchate of Aquileia -- Catholic patriarchate in north-eastern Italy until 18th century
Wikipedia - Pernod Fils -- Key brand of absinthe for over a century until banned in 1915
Wikipedia - Perseverance of the saints -- Calvinist doctrine that the elect will continue in faith until the end
Wikipedia - Peter principle -- Concept that people in a hierarchy are promoted until no longer competent
Wikipedia - Pocong vs Kuntilanak -- 2008 film by David Purnomo
Wikipedia - Pope Nicholas V -- Pope of Catholic Church from 1447 until 1455
Wikipedia - Portuguese dinheiro -- Currency of Portugal from c. late 12th century until c. 1502
Wikipedia - Portuguese escudo -- Former currency of Portugal from 1911 until 1999
Wikipedia - Portuguese Indian rupia -- Currency of Portuguese India until 1958
Wikipedia - Portuguese real -- Currency of Portugal from c. 1430 until 1911
Wikipedia - Public Record Office -- National archive service of the United Kingdom from 1838 until 2003
Wikipedia - Puntillita -- Cuban musician
Wikipedia - Ralph H. Wetmore -- Professor of Botany at Harvard University from 1926 until 1962
Wikipedia - Recession of 1953 -- In the U.S., began in the second quarter of 1953 and lasted until the first quarter of 1954
Wikipedia - Remand (detention) -- Detention after arrest and charge until a trial
Wikipedia - Reynaldo Bignone -- President of Argentina from 1982 until 1983
Wikipedia - Robert H. Macy -- A Democratic District Attorney from 1980 until 2001 for Oklahoma County
Wikipedia - Robert the Bruce -- King of Scotland from 1306 until his death in 1329
Wikipedia - Roman-Latin wars -- Wars fought between ancient Rome (including both the Roman Kingdom and the Roman Republic) and the Latins, from the earliest stages of the history of Rome until the final subjugation of the Latins to Rome in the aftermath of the Latin War
Wikipedia - Rouran Khaganate -- State established by proto-Mongols, from the late 4th century until the middle 6th century
Wikipedia - Sajid dynasty -- Iranian Muslim dynasty that ruled from 889-890 until 929
Wikipedia - Salentin VI of Isenburg-Neumagen -- Count of Isenburg-Neumagen from 1502 until 1534
Wikipedia - Schism of 1552 -- Church of the East divided into one faction in communion with Rome and the other remaining independent until the 19th century
Wikipedia - Shapinsay -- Island and (until 1975) civil parish in Orkney Islands, Scotland
Wikipedia - Shoghi Effendi -- Appointed head of the BahaM-JM-
Wikipedia - Single Center -- American automobile manufactured from 1907 until 1908
Wikipedia - Suessa Pometia -- Town in Latium (modern Italy) that existed until c. 495 BC
Wikipedia - Tabakspanden -- Buildings in central Amsterdam, squatted until 2015 and now redeveloped
Wikipedia - Tabernacle -- Portable earthly dwelling place of Yahweh from the Exodus until the conquest of Canaan
Wikipedia - Taylor Force Act -- Proposed legislation to stop American economic aid to the Palestinian Authority until the PA stops paying individuals who commit acts of terrorism
Wikipedia - The Great Leap; Until Death Do Us Part -- 1914 silent film directed by Christy Cabanne
Wikipedia - The World Until Yesterday -- 2012 popular science book by Jared Diamond
Wikipedia - Timeline of antisemitism -- Timeline of events related to antisemitism from antiquity until the present
Wikipedia - Timeline of computing hardware before 1950 -- Timeline of events in the history of computing hardware: from prehistory until 1949
Wikipedia - Time lock -- A timer designed to prevent the opening of the safe or vault until it reaches the preset time.
Wikipedia - Tower Colliery -- Historic Welsh coal mine active until 2008
Wikipedia - Twynham hut -- Military hut used by the British military until 1982
Wikipedia - Until Dawn -- 2015 interactive drama game
Wikipedia - Until Death -- 2007 film by Simon Fellows
Wikipedia - Until I Bleed Out -- 2020 song by the Weeknd
Wikipedia - Until I Fall Away -- 1993 single by Gin Blossoms
Wikipedia - Until I Find You -- 2005 novel by John Irving
Wikipedia - Until It's Gone (Monica song) -- 2011 single by Monica
Wikipedia - Until It Sleeps -- 1996 single by Metallica
Wikipedia - Until Midnight -- 2018 film directed by Tariq AlKazim
Wikipedia - Until Money Departs You -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Untilovsk -- Debut play by Leonid Leonov
Wikipedia - Untilted -- 2005 studio album by Autechre
Wikipedia - Until the Azalea Blooms -- 1998 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Until the Birds Return -- 2017 film
Wikipedia - Until the Day Is Done -- song by R.E.M
Wikipedia - Until the Day We Meet Again -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Until the End of the World -- 1991 film by Wim Wenders
Wikipedia - Until the End of Time (book) -- 2020 book by Brian Greene
Wikipedia - Until the End of Time (film) -- 2017 film
Wikipedia - Until the Light Takes Us -- 2008 film by Aaron Aites
Wikipedia - Until the Time Is Through -- 1998 single by Five
Wikipedia - Until We Meet Again (1952 film) -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - Until We Meet Again (TV series) -- 2019 Thai television series
Wikipedia - Vaudeville -- Genre of variety entertainment in the United States and Canada from the early 1880s until the early 1930s
Wikipedia - Victor, Prince NapolM-CM-)on -- Bonapartist pretender to the French throne from 1879 until 1926
Wikipedia - Wait (command) -- Command which pauses until execution of a background process has ended
Wikipedia - W. Grant McMurray -- Prophet-President of Community of Christ from 1996 until 2004
Wikipedia - Xu (state) -- Ancient Chinese State until conquered by the State of Wu in 512 BC
Integral World - Ken Wilber Videos: Love Until It Hurts
selforum - it is not until you understand and
selforum - this worldliness was undermined until
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Lamb Chop's Play Along (1992 - 1997) - Lamb Chop's Play-Along is a children's television series that ran on PBS from 1992 until 1997. The half-hour program starred Shari Lewis, a puppeteer and ventriloquist, and Lambchop, described as a feisty 6-year-old girl. The goal of the show was to encourage kids to participate, to come play, inste...
Zoobilee Zoo (1986 - 1987) - Zoobilee Zoo, a children's television program featuring costumed performers dressed as animal characters, aired from 19861987, then in syndication until 2001 on several television channels including commercial network television stations, public television stations, The Learning Channel, and the Ha...
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Kids WB (1995 - 2014) - Kids' WB! is a children's block of The CW that started in 1995. It was originally the block of The WB Network until they merged with UPN in 2006. It was known to be the home of Pinky & The Brain, Pokemon and more.
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Yu Yu Hakusho (1992 - 1996) - Yusuke Urameshi was a tough teen delinquent until one selfless act changed his ending it. When he died saving a little kid from a speeding car, the afterlife didn't know what to do with him, so he became a troubleshooter who protects the living from ghosts, monsters and demons!
Tales from The Darkside (1983 - 1988) - Tales from the Darkside was a weekly half hour horror series. The show ran from it's Halloween 1983 pilot episode until 1988, with a total of 90 episodes in all.Each episode of this TV series depicts a short, strange tale...with a twist! With eerie stories vaguely reminiscent of 'The Twilight Zone,...
The Cosby Show (1984 - 1992) - The Cosby Show was an American television sitcom that ran from 1984 to 1992. Starring Bill Cosby, the sitcom was first broadcast on September 20, 1984 and ran for eight seasons on the NBC television network, until April 30, 1992.
What Would You Do? (1991 - 1993) - What Would You Do? is a game show hosted by Marc Summers. It ran new episodes from 1991-1993 (and continued in re-runs until around 1999). Toward the end of Nickelodeon's golden age, it combined wacky and zany stunts, audience interaction, pies, and a "Wall 'O' Stuff" and was co-hosted by Double Dar...
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The Adventures of McGee and Me (1986 - 1995) - The Adventures of McGee and Me! is an American Christian television series created by Ken C. Johnson and Bill Myers. The series premiered on June 4, 1989, spanning twelve episodes until its conclusion on June 11, 1995. Each half-hour long episode centers around Nicholas, his cartoon friend, McGee, a...
Dallas (1978 - 1991) - Based on the trials and traumas of the Ewing Family, headed by oil baron Jock until his tragic death at which time scheming son J.R took the reigns of Ewing Oil.
Acme Hour (1998 - 2003) - A show that aired an assortment of Looney Tunes cartoons such as Foghorn Leghorn, Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck and so much more. Sometime the Acme Hour would be one hour sometimes it would be two hours in length. The show aired on Cartoon Network from spring 1998 up until fall 2003.
Ocean Girl (1994 - 1997) - Jason and Brett Bates have just accompanied thei divorcedr oceanographer mother to the most remote but advanced underwater facility in the world: O.R.C.A., a veritable city-state, where hundreds of people live and work. But for two young adolescents, this is hardly the adventure of a lifetime. Until...
Jem (1985 - 1988) - Jem & the Holograms. Jerrica Benton inherits half of her father's company, Starlight music. Eric Raymond has the other half. Eric wants to exploit Starlight topromote "The Misfits" Jerrica can't do anything until she discovers synergi. synergi is a computer her father invented. She projects lif...
Robotix (1986 - 1986) - On a far away planet, a war raged. Until their sun went super active, and radiation began pouring onto the planet. The only way to survive was for the people to transfer their conciousness into large robotic machines, called Robotix.
Chobits (2002 - 2002) - Hideki's just like every other guy in the 22nd century. He just wants a good job, a good car, and a sexy robot girlfriend to call his own. Until he lands a job, he'll never be able to afford his own 'Persocon' companion. Hideki's luck changes when he discovers Chii, an adorable but dyfunctional pers...
Polka Dot Door (1971 - 1993) - Polka Dot Door was a children's television series produced and broadcast by TVOntario from 1971 until 1993. The music was played, written, and directed by Canadian pianist John Arpin.
S Club 7 (1999 - 2002) - S Club 7 is actual band. They are all Bristish. They start in Miami as hotel singers in season 1. In season 2 they move to Los Angeles and remian there until the end of the show. They keep trying to get a music contract. They get jobs and have drama with relationships and such on the side. In the la...
Johnson and Friends (1991 - 1995) - Johnson and his friends, which include McDuff, a concertina, Diesel, a truck, Alfred, a hot water bottle, and Squeaky, a robot, are toys that belong to a boy named Michael, unseen except for asleep in his bed. They reside in his bedroom, and but do not move or show any signs of life until he has lef...
Maury (1991 - Current) - A show hosted by Maury Povich who helps people with problems and issues consirning their lives. It was first known as The Maury Povich Show from it's debut in 1991 until becoming a tabloid series in 1998.
Vehicle Force Voltron (1985 - 1985) - Debuting just after the more popular lion based Voltron: Defender of the Universe, Vehicle Voltron saw a devoted, if decidedly smaller fanbase due to the fact that it spent most of each episode talking, waiting until the last few minutes for the group to actually form Voltron and get some action int...
Darkstalkers (1995 - 1995) - I know that this cartoon inspired by the capcom arcade game exist until I saw it in another website. It used to come on UPN in 1995 but I don't know what day,probably on the weekend, and the characters that were there I believe were Demitri, Morrigan, L.Rapter, Victor, Anakaris, Hsien-Ko, J.Talbain...
Wedding Peach (1998 - 1999) - Momoko Hanasaki is a first year junior high student with a crush on upperclassman and soccer captain Kazuya yanagibia. She was an ordinary girl, until the day the angel limone gave her a compact that transformed her into demon fighting love angle wedding peach.
Bad Dog (1998 - Current) - Bad Dog is a short-lived animated cartoon that aired on ABC and Teletoon during 1998. The cartoon focuses on the Potanski family and their dog Berkeley. The show's gimmick was that whenever Berkeley was told that he was a bad dog, he would freeze and pretend to be dead until someone told him he was...
Creature Features (1971 - 1976) - Creature Features was shown on WGN TV-9 from Sept. 19th, 1970 until Mid 1976. Known for it's main title vignettes of Universal Studios classic horror movies set to the haunting guitars of Henry Mancini's theme from the film "Experiment In Terror," and the dark sinister voice of WGN-TV announcer Mart...
Ben 10 (2005 - Current) - After a camping trip Benjamin Tennyson gets a watch-like device called the Omnitrix which lets him transform into ten alien-like creatures with various powers. The series ran until 2008 and was followed by a sequel called "Ben 10: Alien Force" in 2008.
Werewolf (1987 - 1988) - Eric Cord was just an ordinary college student, until he was attacked by his roomate a werewolf. Now fighting for his life, chased by a bounty hunter for the murder of his cursed friend. In persuit himself the evil werewolf Skorseny the source of his bloodline. A beast who must die to send Eric free...
Super Robot Metalder (1987 - 1988) - During World War II, robotics expert Professor Koga was assigned by the Japanese military to create robotic soldiers, which would be turned loose against the allies. That is, until he got word that his son, Takao Koga, had been killed in battle. He then washed his hands clean of the whole thing, loc...
Mario All-Stars (1993 - 1997) - Promoted as "The Mario Bros. in 40 brand-new adventures!", this compilation of time-compressed (sped-up) episodes of "The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!" (cartoons only), "The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3", and "Super Mario World" shown on the NBC until NBC dropped it in 1993. It was later reran...
My Sister Sam (1986 - 1988) - San Francisco free lance photographer Samantha 'Sam' Russell (Pam Dawber) seems to have her life in order until her teenage sister, Patti(Rebecca Schaeffer), decides to move in and turn Sam's life on it's head. Along with next door neighbor and former beau Jack Kincaid(David Naughton), Sam's agent J...
WildC.A.T.S. (1994 - 1995) - Comic series created br Jim Lee. Set 10,000 years ago, amidst a war that spanned millennia, the Kherubim and Daemonites crashed on the planet Earth. While the Kherubim assimilated, the Daemonites carried their plans of domination underground, until which time they could resurface and conquer not on...
Two and a Half Men (2003 - 2013) - Take a house, put in 2 guys in that are brothers and a gamer of a kid and you've got one great show called Two and a Half Men. It is a typical day 4 Charlie Harper (Charlie Sheen) who thinks that his life couldn't get any better. That is until his brother Alan (Jon Cryer) and his son Jake (Angus T....
Dog City (1992 - 1995) - Dog City is a television series that aired on FOX from 1992 to 1995, and in Canada on Global in 1993, then on Teletoon until 2000. The show contained both animation, done by Nelvana and Fox Kids, and puppetry, done by Jim Henson Productions. The animated portions of the show focused on a canine priv...
Scarecrow and Mrs. King (1983 - 1987) - A normal innocent housewife named Amanda King was walking down a subway platform until a man in a white tuxedo (whom happens to be a secret agent named Lee Stetson aka Scarecrow) stopped her a handed her a package. He told her to give the package to the man in a red hat on the train. Amanda reluctan...
Blue Seed (1999 - 2012) - Momiji is an average girl until the day she finds she is the descendant of the great Kushinada family. Only she, with her Kushinada blood, can stop the Aragami, demonic plant-like monsters threatening to destroy Japan. Along to help her is the TAC, and a possible love interest in a young man named K...
Learning the Ropes (1988 - 1988) - Robert Randall is a single father and a dedicated teacher at an exclusive prep school. When his family falls on hard times he decides to moonlight as the wrestler "The Masked Maniac". Things are okay until his kids find out about his double life. Now Robert and his kids try to keep this secret fr...
Super Password (1984 - 1989) - This updated version of Password hosted by Bert Convy pitts two teams of two players (one celebrity & one contestant) in a game of identifying password & solving puzzles. The first team to reach $500 or more plays for a jackpot which starts at $5,000 & grows by that amount until won.
NBC Nightly News (1970 - Current) - It is NBC News' weekday evening news program. The program debut on August 3, 1970, with David Brinkley, John Chancellor, and Frank McGee rotating duties as anchors until August 9, 1971 when Chancellor became the sole anchor. On June 7, 1976, David Brinkley was brought back to the anchor desk, this...
Access (1996 - Current) - A weekday entertainment news program airing news and events on the entertainment industry. Previous hosts include Giselle Fernndez, Larry Mendte, Pat O'Brien, who hosted the show alongside Nancy O'Dell until late 2004, when he left to host the Entertainment Tonight spin-off The Insider, and O'Dell,...
Rawhide (1959 - 1966) - Rawhide is an American Western TV series starring Eric Fleming and Clint Eastwood that aired for eight seasons on the CBS network on Friday nights, from January 9, 1959 to September 3, 1965, before moving to Tuesday nights from September 14, 1965 until January 4, 1966, with a total of 217 black-and-...
60 Minutes (1968 - Current) - The longest-running Prime Time News show, 60 Minutes has been shown every Sunday night on CBS since 1968. Known for the concluding segment in which Grumpy Old Man Andy Rooney used to complain about whatever ticked him off this week until his October 2011 retirement and passing in the next month.
Monster by Mistake (1996 - 2003) - Warren Patterson is an 8-year-old boy with allergies who has been enchanted by a magical jewel from a mysterious parallel world. Because of a spell that goes awry, Warren turns into a 7-foot-tall blue monster whenever he sneezes. He can't return to his normal form until he sneezes again, and it's an...
Family Challenge (1995 - 1997) - Game show where families compete against each other in messy stunts. Originally hosted by Ray Combs (host of Family Feud) until he commited suicide in 1996. Then hosted by Michael Burger.
Redwall (1999 - 2002) - Based off of the book series by Brian Jacques, Redwall follows the story of Redwall Abbey and the young mouse Matthias. The Abbey is a peaceful place, until Cluny the Scourge shows up and becomes intent on destroying it. Matthias finds the fate of the beseiged Abbey in his hands - or paws, as it wer...
The CBS Late Movie (1972 - 1985) - The CBS Late Movie is a CBS television series (later known as CBS Late Night) from the 1970s and 1980s, that ran in most American television markets from 11:30 p.m. until 2:30 a.m. or later, on weeknights. A single announcer (in the early years, CBS staff announcer Norm Stevens) voiced the introduct...
The Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Show (1969 - 1985) - A newly-expanded version of "The Bugs Bunny Show" which previously aired in primetime, the show moved to ABC in 1967 and was combined with "The Road Runner Show". The series played famous Bugs Bunny and Road Runner/Coyote shorts abridged with new intros by Bugs and the Road Runner. Up until 1977 it...
Vampire Princess Miyu (1997 - 2006) - Vampire Princess Miyu is about a 13 year old female vampire named Miyu who fights demons (or 'Shinma') and return them to the dark. Since she is forever 13 and has since her awakening forgot who she really is, she also wants to return to the darkness - but not until she has finnished bannishing the...
Jubei-chan (1999 - 1999) - Jiyu Nanohana is an ordinary schoolgirl at Hontsuru Junior High, until she stumbles upon a mysterious item. Unaware of it, Jiyu is the reincarnation of a master swordsman named Yagyu Jubei. His loyal servant, Koinusuke, has spent the last 300 years looking for the person destined to inherit the "Lov...
Sonic X (2003 - 2004) - Several years ago, Earth was a single planet until a cataclysmic event split it in two, sending them into two worlds (Sonic's and the humans'). After being transported to Earth by the seven Chaos Emeralds while rescuing Cream from Doctor Eggman's clutches, Sonic the Hedgehog and his friends meet Chr...
Drexell's Class (1991 - 1992) - An executive(Dabney Coleman)is arrested for tax evasion.He is offered probation by agreeing to teach at an elementary school,until his back taxeas are paid.
The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius (2002 - 2006) - (NOTE: The pilot first appeared in 1998 but the series did not premiere until 2002)
Candid Camera (1927 - 2014) - Candid Camera originally began on the radio as "Candid Microphone" as narrated by Dan St. George. In 1948 the series made its television debut as Candid Camera hosted by Allen Funt as segments on various other TV shows. In 1960 the series began airing a weekly version which aired on CBS until 1967....
The Bill Cosby Show (1969 - 1972) - The Bill Cosby Show was an American situation comedy that aired for two seasons on NBC from 1969 until 1971. There were 52 episodes made in the series. It marked Cosby's first solo foray in television, after his co-starring role in I Spy.
Monday Night Football (1970 - Current) - Are you ready for some football? Every week since 1970 Monday Night Football has broadcast a live game from the National Football League. Airing up until 2005 on ABC the show was one of the longest running and highest-rated prime time broadcast shows in history! The show has broadcast over 700 footb...
Motormouth (1988 - 1992) - Motormouth was a Saturday morning children's television series that was produced by Television South and aired on ITV for four series, from 1988 until 1992. Segments of the programme included a gameshow version of the classic board game Mouse Trap, and cartoons such as Samurai Pizza Cats and The Rea...
Dr. Slump (1981 - 1986) - Akira Toriyama's first anime. Dr. Senbei Norimaki created a purple haired android who can run real fast, cannot get damaged, and has great strength. Until 1986, Akira Toriyama moves on to Dragonball.
What's My Line? (1968 - 1975) - Until 1997, "What's My Line?" stood as the longest-lived game show in American television history. Its 25-year run on CBS and syndication was attributed to its very simple concept: Guess the contestant's occupation.
The Brady Bunch Hour (1976 - 1977) - After the cancellation of "The Brady Bunch" and "The Brady Kids," it seemed that the Brady franchise was dead -- until several key cast members appeared in a memorable, high-rated episode of "The Donny and Marie Show." Soon there was a buzz, and the "Bunch" (minus Eve Plumb, who was replaced with "...
The McLaughlin Group (1982 - Current) - The McLaughlin Group was a syndicated half-hour weekly public affairs television program in the United States, hosted by John McLaughlin from its first episode in 1982 until his death in 2016. A group of four pundits, prompted by McLaughlin, discussed current political issues in a round table format...
for the KBS broadcast; subtitled Robots for Everyone in the United States) is a South Korean animated television series created by Cinepix. 4Kids Entertainment acquired the rights for an English adaption dub to the series in 2001, retaining them until their trans...
The Yogi Bear Show (1961 - 1962) - The Yogi Bear Show is an animated television series and the first incarnation of Hanna-Barbera's Yogi Bear saga about the misadventures of picnic basket stealing bear Yogi in Jellystone Park. The show debuted in syndication on January 30, 1961, and ran for 33 episodes until January 6, 1962, and incl...
Sword Art Online II (2014 - 2014) - One year after the SAO incident was resolved, Kazuto Kirigaya is adjusting to a normal life once again as best he can. He thinks all that death is finally behind him, until he is approached with some startling information. In the wildly popular pro shooter MMO Gun Gale Online, an ominous player has...
Peppermint Park (1987 - 1989) - Peppermint Park was a direct to video children's series that featured animated and puppet segments to teach children about the alphabet,numbers,and colors.The series is partially lost and a youtuber known as IcyRoserade is trying to find the ramaining volumes.The series remained in obscurity untill...
Valvrave the Liberator (2013 - Current) - High school student Haruto Tokishima lives a normal life until the Dorssian military invades.
DTV2 (1993 - 1997) - A spinoff the Disney Channel bumper: DTV. It was possibly a spoof of MTV2. This continued on until 1997 when The Disney Channel stop being uncut and commercial free.
Franny's Feet (2004 - 2011) - Frances "Franny" Fantootsie visits with her Grandpa every day at his shoe repair shop in Vancouver. They like to talk about matters until a customer comes. The customer presents the problem shoes to Grandpa, and he gives the pair to Franny to place inside the shoe repair box. Franny tries on the foo...
Emmerdale (1972 - Current) - This long-running British television soap is set in Emmerdale (known as Beckindale until 1994), a fictional village in the Yorkshire Dales. The series was originally under the title: "Emmerdale Farm" (from 1972 to 1989). Since 1989, the series had been under the title: "Emmerdale." It is current...
The Magic of Oil Painting (1974 - 1982) - The Magic of Oil Painting is an American half-hour instructional television show hosted by painter Bill Alexander which ran from 1974 until 1982. In each episode, Alexander taught techniques for landscape oil painting, completing a painting in each session.
CBS News Sunday Morning (1979 - Current) - This newsmagazine television program from CBS News that has been airing on Sunday Morning since it premiered on January 28, 1979. The original host of the program was Charles Kuralt, who created it, and Charles Osgood was the host from 1994 until September 25, 2016 in retirement. Jane Pauley has b...
The Geraldo Rivera Show (1987 - 1998) - Syndicated daytime talk show starring Geraldo Rivera. It was simply known as Geraldo from it's debut until 1996.
Shnen Ninja Kaze no Fujimaru (1964 - 1965) - also known as Samurai Kid, is a Japanese anime series produced by Toei Animation. 65 episodes aired from 7 June 1964 until 31 August 1965. It tells the story of a ninja's pupil that controlled the wind.It was based on the manga Ishimaru of the Wind ( Kaze no Ishimaru) by Sanpei Shirato and was a...
Dumbo's Circus (1985 - 1986) - a live action/puppet television series that aired on The Disney Channel beginning on May 6, 1985,[1] and featured the character of Dumbo from the original film. The series was in production for three and a half seasons,[2] and reruns continued to air until February 28, 1997.
Bear Behaving Badly (2007 - 2010) - a British children's sitcom which ran for four series and was broadcast from 3 September 2007 to 21 December 2010. Re-runs were regularly broadcast on CBBC up until 2016.The programme is centred around the daily adventures of Barney Harwood, his pet bear Nev, his koala friend Crazy Keith and the car...
Elmo's World (1998 - 2017) - a five minute-long segment shown at the end of the American children's television program Sesame Street. It premiered on November 16, 1998, as part of the show's structural change and originally ran fifteen minutes at the end of each episode until 2009. It was designed to appeal to younger viewers a...
The Kindaichi Case Files (1997 - 2016) - The serialization of the new Kindaichi series started in 2004,[10][11] but not on a regular basis until 2012. The manga resumed regular serialization in 2012 to commemorate the 20th anniversary. The regular weekly serialization continued in 2013 with the title changed to The File of Young Kindaichi...
Kimi ni Todoke (2009 - 2011) - lit. Reaching You) is a Japanese shjo romance manga by Karuho Shiina. It was published by Shueisha in Bessatsu Margaret since 2005 and collected in a total of 30 tankbon volumes until the end of 2017. In 2008, it won the Best Shjo Manga award in the 32nd Annual Kodansha Manga Award.[4] The series...
Spiral: The Bonds of Reasoning (2002 - 2003) - a twenty-five episode anime television series broadcast on TV Tokyo from October 1, 2002 until March 25, 2003. The anime is licensed in Region 1 by Funimation, who released it on DVD and broadcast it on the Funimation Channel, along with the programming block on Colours TV in 2006. The series was al...
The Marshmallow Times (2004 - 2005) - The anime series, consisting of a total 52 episodes, was broadcast from April 4, 2004 until March 27, 2005 on the TXN Network in Japan.The series focuses on 7 children and a sheep-like character who hang out together and work as a team. Each character is depicted with a varying hairstyle and flavor...
Terror in Resonance (2014 - 2014) - Painted in red, the word "VON" is all that is left behind after a terrorist attack on a nuclear facility in Japan. The government is shattered by their inability to act, and the police are left frantically searching for ways to crack down the perpetrators. The public are cluelessuntil, six months l...
Mojacko (1995 - 1997) - The series was later adapted into anime, directed by Tetsuya Endo and produced by Oriental Light and Magic. It premiered on October 3, 1995 and ran until March 31, 1997, with a total of 74 episodes. Enoki Films once licensed the series outside until the company's demise in 2016.
Academy Awards (1953 - Current) - The Academy Awards, also known as The Oscars, are a set of 24 awards for artistic and technical merit in the film industry, given annually by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. The Academy Awards ceremony televised for the first in 1953 on NBC up until 1960. Then in 1961, ABC took ov...
Kirarin Revolution (2006 - 2009) - Kirarin Reboryshon, lit. "Sparkling Revolution")The anime adaptation is a Japan and South Korea coproduction, and it premiered on 7 April 2006 in Japan on TV Tokyo and ran for 153 episodes until March 27, 2009.[4] Starting from episode 103, this show aired in High-Definition 16:9 with 3D animation....
Temple the Balloonist (1977) (1977 - 1978) - Fsen Shjo Tenpuru-chan, lit. Balloon Girl Temple) is an anime created by Tatsunoko Production.Temple is a lovely little girl who is more fond of music than anything else. She happens to board a balloon one day, and is excited by her journey until she is caught in a sudden storm and is blown away f...
Monster (2004 - 2005) - Dr. Kenzou Tenma, an elite neurosurgeon recently engaged to his hospital director's daughter, is well on his way to ascending the hospital hierarchy. That is until one night, a seemingly small event changes Dr. Tenma's life forever. While preparing to perform surgery on someone, he gets a call from...
Happy's Party (1952 - 1953) - a children's TV program broadcast on the DuMont Television Network and originating from the DuMont station WDTV in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.The show ran on Saturday mornings from September 6, 1952, until May 9, 1953, with 30 minutes on the network and an additional 30 minutes broadcast to the local...
Big Time Rush (2009 - 2013) - Big Time Rush is an American musical comedy television series that originally aired on Nickelodeon from November 28, 2009, until July 25, 2013. It was created by Scott Fellows (also the creator of Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide and Johnny Test and the head writer of The Fairly OddParents)....
A little snow fairy sugar (2001 - 2002) - a Japanese anime series developed by J.C.Staff. It premiered in Japan on TBS on October 2, 2001, and ran for 24 episodes until its conclusion March 26, 2002. A two-episode OVA was also released for the series. The series was licensed for North America by Geneon Entertainment, but after the closure o...
The Irresponsible Captain Tylor (1993 - 1993) - Justy Ueki Tylor had his life all planned out: join the military, get a cushy desk job, and then retire with a big fat pension check. The perfect plan...until he wandered into a hostage situation and somehow managed to save an Admiral! Now Tylor, a man who wouldn't know what discipline was if it bit...
Search for Tomorrow (1951 - 1986) - Daytime soap opera created by Roy Winsor and originally debuted on CBS until NBC moved there in 1982.
Rin-ne (2015 - 2017) - known as Kykai no Rinne (RINNE, lit. "Rinne of the Boundary", officially subtitled as Circle of Reincarnation)The manga has been licensed in North America by Viz Media, which was simultaneously releasing the manga chapters online in English as they were serialized in Japan until March 17, 2011,...
D.N.Angel (2003 - Current) - Xebec adapted the manga into a 26-episode anime series which aired in Japan on TV Tokyo from April 3, 2003 until September 25, 2003.follows the adventures of Daisuke Niwa, an average teenage boy. At the story's opening, Daisuke declares love for his crush, a girl named Risa Harada, on his fourteenth...
Alice SOS (1998 - 1999) - an anime series directed by Shingo Kaneko. It was broadcast every second week from April 6, 1998 until January 28, 1999.Takashi loves reading books and especially loves Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. One day, he buys some used books, and he finds one book thrown in. When Takashi opens the book, t...
Miss Teen USA Pageant (1983 - Current) - Miss Teen USA Pageant is a beauty pageant run by the Miss Universe Organization for teenage girls aged 14-19. The first was held in 1983, and it has been broadcast live on CBS until 2002, then on NBC from 2003-2007. From 2008-2013, the pageant was broadcast live online by Ustream. Since 2012, the...
Shnen Ninja Kaze no Fujimaru (1964 - 1965) - also known as Samurai Kid, is a Japanese anime series produced by Toei Animation. 65 episodes aired from 7 June 1964 until 31 August 1965. It tells the story of a ninja's pupil that controlled the wind.
Seitokai Yakuindomo (2010 - 2017) - "Student Council Staff Members") is a shnen four-panel comic strip manga series written and illustrated by Tozen Ujiie. The series began serialization in the June 2007 issue of Kodansha's Magazine Special and ran in that magazine until the July 2008 issue, where it was thereafter transferred to Kod...
Getbackers (2002 - 2003) - o an animated television series in 2002. The Studio Deen production aired on the Tokyo Broadcasting System from October 5, 2002 until September 20, 2003, for a complete run of 49 episodes. It was also dubbed in English and broadcast by the anime television network Animax across its respective networ...
Mirmo (2002 - 2005) - An anime series named Wagamama Fairy: Mirumo de Pon! ( !, Selfish Fairy: Mirmo de Pon!) by Studio Hibari was adapted from the manga. It premiered in Japan on TV Tokyo on April 6, 2002, and ran for 172 episodes until September 27, 2005. The anime series is also licensed by Viz Media f...
Luci's Toyshop (1961 - 1972) - was a local WBNS-TV produced children's TV program in the Columbus, Ohio, USA, viewing area. It was broadcast from 1961 until 1972.
Floral Magician Mary Bell (1992 - 1993) - or known as Magical Heroes in some countries, is the fourth and last magical girl anime by Ashi Productions. The fifty-episode series first aired in Japan from 1992 until 1993. It has also been broadcast in Hong Kong, South Korea, Italy, Taiwan, China, France, Poland, Thailand, and in most Arab coun...
Pretear (2001 - Current) - a thirteen episode anime series by Hal Film Maker, Kadokawa Shoten, and Rondo Robe. It aired in Japan on WOWOW from April 4, 2001 until June 27, 2001. Geneon released the series episodes across four volumes in Japan in both VHS video and DVD forms. ADV Films had licensed and released the anime serie...
Myriad Colors Phantom World (2016 - 2016) - Phantoms: supernatural entities such as ghosts or youkai that, until recently, were thought to be superstition. However, when a virus that infects the brain spreads throughout society, people's perception of the world changes as the mythical beings are revealed to have been living alongside humanity...
Pita-Ten (2002 - Current) - Kotarou Higuchi is befriended by his neighbor Misha, an angel-in-training.[ch. 1] He is later acquainted with Shia, a demon, who is urged by her forgotten memories to search for something.[ch. 7] Kotarou continues his daily life until Shia absorbs his life energy and leaves town.[ch. 28] Kotarou inv...
Lupin the III: Series One (1971 - 1972) - The first series in the franchise was never released in the USA until 2012. The anime follows the adventures of Arsene Lupin's grandson who continues his legacy in a more modern society.
Family Fortunes (1980 - 2012) - Family Fortunes is a long-running British game show, based on the American game show Family Feud. The programme began on ITV on January 6, 1980 and ran until 2002. The difference in the show title is because the producers thought the word "feud" too confrontational in the UK cultural context. In Mar...
Oakie Doke (1995 - 1996) - Oakie Doke was a children's television programme that was broadcast from September 1995 until December 1996 on the BBC. It was produced by Cosgrove Hall Productions and was shown in stop motion animation. The show ran two series of 27 episodes.
NHL on FOX (1995 - 1999) - NHL on Fox is a television program that televised National Hockey League games on the Fox Broadcasting Company and produced by Fox Sports. The program ran from the 19941995 NHL season until the 19981999 NHL season. Fox paid $31 million a year to televise the NHL.
PBS NewsHour (1975 - Current) - In 1975 it launched as The Robert MacNeil Report later becoming the MacNeil/Lehrer Report. The show originally ran for 30 minutes until becoming a hour-long broadcast in 1983. In 1995 co-anchor Robert MacNeil retired and the show became The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, named after its sole anchor. Jim...
ABC World News Tonight (1948 - Current) - ABC's Nightly news program. Originally began in 1948 as News and Views. In 1951, it was renamed After the Deadlines. In 1952, it renamed as All-Star News until January 2, 1953. But finally October 12, 1953, ABC News finally got a weekday evening newscast again, this time titled John Daly and the N...
Inside The NFL (1977 - Current) - Inside the NFL first premiered September 14, 1977 on HBO Sports, until its ending on February 2008.
The Outer Limits (1995) (1995 - 2002) - Newer Vancouver-lensed version of the classic anthology show. Aired from 1995 until 2002 on Showtime.
Take Your Pick (1992 - 1998) - Take Your Pick was a UK game show originally broadcast by Radio Luxembourg in the early 1950s. The show transferred to television in 1955 with the launch of ITV, where it continued until 1968. As it was the first game show broadcast on commercial television in the UK (and the BBC did not at that poi...
The Adventures of Spot (1986 - 2001) - Based on the best-selling books by Eric Hill, Spot's first book was written in the late '50s. Spot made his deut on T.V. in 1986. When spot came to the US, Jonathan Taylor Thomas (from "Home Improvements" and "The Lion King") did the voice-overs for the US until 1997. Spot came to an end in 2001 whe...
NFL on NBC (1939 - Current) - In 1955, NFL on NBC is the brand given to NBC Sports coverage of National Football League games until 1998, when NBC lost the NFL American Football Conference rights to CBS. The program goes as far back as 1939 and the first ever televised football game between the Philadelphia Eagles and the Brookl...
The Jerry Lewis Labor Day MDA Telethon (1966 - 2015) - An annual benefit concert held each Labor Day to raise money for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. The program was originally hosted by Jerry Lewis. From 1966 to 2010, the telethon aired up to 21 hours, starting on the Sunday evening preceding Labor Day and continuing until late Monday afternoon....
Grounded for Life (2001 - 2005) - Grounded for Life is an American television sitcom that debuted on January 10, 2001, as a mid-season replacement on the Fox Network. It was created by Mike Schiff and Bill Martin. It ran for two seasons on the network until being cancelled only two episodes into its third season. It was immediately...
Boohbah (2003 - 2005) - Boohbah was a British children's television show. It premiered in 2003 on ITV in the United Kingdom, and on 19 January 2004 in the United States on PBS and in Japan on TV Asahi until 2 July 2006. It was created by Anne Wood with scripts by Alan Dapre and Robin Stevens (of Pob fame). Anne Wood also c...
Monk (2002 - 2009) - Adrian Monk was formally the best detective for the San Francisco Police Department until his wife is killed by a car bomb and he suffers a nervous breakdown and gets discharged. He later gets a job as a private detective. Despite his OCD he is always able to solve any case at hand.
TSN Sportsdesk (1984 - 2001) - The program was known as SportsDesk until September 5, 2001, where as a result of a minority stake in TSN being acquired by ESPN, the program was re-launched under a similar look and format to ESPN's flagship sportscast SportsCenter.
Masterpiece Mystery (1980 - 2008) - "Masterpiece Mystery" is a PBS TV series showcasing detective stories and movies from British productions. The series was a spin-off of the PBS mega-hit series Masterpiece Theater and had a focus on detective shows. The show was originally hosted by actor Vincent Price until his death on October 25t...
Rod 'n' Emu (1991 - 1991) - Rod and his best friend Emu the emu live quietly in their pink windmill; quietly that is, until the local witch, Grotbags, tries to get her hands on Emu. Aided by the awesome power of her dreaded "bezazzer" and incompetent servants Croc and Redford, Grotbags will do just about anything to capture Em...
In The News (1971 - 1986) - In the News is a series of two-minute televised video segments that summarized topical news stories for children and pre-teens. The segments were broadcast in the United States on the CBS television network from 1971 until 1986, between Saturday morning animated cartoon programs, alongside features...
CBS Sunday Movie (1949 - 2006) - The CBS Sunday Movie (also known at various times as the CBS Sunday Night Movie) was the umbrella title for a made-for-TV and feature film showcase series carried by CBS until the end of the 20052006 television season, when it was replaced with drama series. It was the last of the weekly Sunday nig...
Around the Horn (2002 - Current) - Around the Horn (ATH) is an American sports roundtable discussion show, conducted in the style of a panel game, produced by ESPN. Since its debut the show has been on weeknights at 5:00 and has aired over 5,000 episodes. From its premiere until January 30, 2004, the show was hosted by Max Kellerman,...
Unscripted with Chris Connelly (2001 - 2002) - Unscripted with Chris Connelly is a half-hour daily interview program that aired on ESPN from October 22, 2001 until June 25, 2002. Originating live Monday through Friday at 5PM ET from the ESPN Zone at Downtown Disney in Anaheim, California, and hosted by Chris Connelly, Unscripted was designed to...
First Take (2007 - Current) - First Take is an American sports talk show on ESPN. Episodes air daily Monday through Friday, with the live episode airing from 10am ET until noon, with reruns from 1:00 to 3:00 PM ET on ESPN2 and from 4:00 to 6:00PM ET on ESPNews
PGA Tour on USA (1982 - 2007) - PGA Tour on USA was the umbrella title for USA Network's coverage of the PGA Tour. USA also covered the early rounds of The Masters Tournament from 1982 until 2007. The network also carried the Ryder Cup Matches in some form from 1989 until 2010, except for the 2008 event.
KTTV-TV Newscasts (1949 - Current) - KTTV-TV in Los Angeles presently broadcasts 49 hours of local newscasts each week. When KTTV was first sign-on in 1949, it had its news title: "KTTV Newsreel". Newscasts on KTTV began in 1951 with newscast title: "The George Putnam News." Newscasts were not on KTTV from 1964 until returning in th...
Soccer on NBC Sports (1986 - Current) - Soccer on NBC Sports is a number of television programs that have aired Association football matches in the United States on NBC and NBCSN. NBC began by airing the 1986 FIFA World Cup for the United States. They sporadically aired soccer matches from various league until 012 when they briefly became...
The Raccoons Series (1985 - 1992) - This is the evergreen forest quite peaceful serene that's until Burt Raccoon Wakes up.
CBS Morning News (1963 series) (1963 - 1987) - On September 2, 1963, CBS News debuted its newest original version of the weekday morning program: "CBS Morning News" as a half-hour program, with anchor Mike Wallace. In August 1965, the program was moved to 7:05 a.m. eastern time. In late 1968, Joseph Benti took over as anchor (until August 28,...
Primetime Emmy Awards (1967 - Current) - The Primetime Emmy Award is an American award bestowed by the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (ATAS) in recognition of excellence in American primetime television programming. First given out in 1949, the award was originally referred to as simply the "Emmy Awards" until the first Daytime Emmy...
Billboard Music Awards (1990 - Current) - The Billboard Music Award is an honor given out annually by Billboard, a publication and music popularity chart covering the music business. The Billboard Music Awards show had been held annually since 1990 and the event was formerly held in December until it went dormant in 2006. The awards return...
Sonic The Hedgehog: The Movie(1999) - Sonic's arch nemesis Dr Robotnik has been banished from the Land of Darkness by an evil Metal Robotnik. The devious doctor tells Sonic that the Robot Generator has been sabotaged and will blow Planet Freedom to kingdom come. It's not until the President's beautiful daughter Sara turns on the charm t...
Child's Play(1988) - After six year old Andy Barclay's babysitter is violently pushed out of a window to her death, nobody believes him when he says that "Chucky"; his new birthday doll, did it! Until things start going terribly wrong... dead wrong. Staring- Brad Drouif as Chucky!
Halloween (1978)(1978) - Released October 25, 1978, only six days until Halloween, John Carpenter's independent horror-slasher film has become a classic in and o
UHF(1989) - after being fired, George Newman (Weird al Yankovic) Gains an old UHF tv station that his uncle harvey bilchik won in a poker game. however all of George's attempts to compete with the top network in town (channel 8) fail. That is until he allows lovable and dopey janitor Stanley Spadowski (Seinfeld...
The Swan Princess(1994) - Princess Odette and Prince Derek are just kids...and their parents want to betroth them to unite their kingdoms. The problem is Odette and Derek despise each other-until they become adults. Prince Derek finds Odette irresistible and proposes to her. When she feels that he is only doing this because...
Teen Wolf(1985) - Scott is a young boy on a struggling basketball team. He is desperately seeking another girl who just doesn't seem to notice him, until he begins turning into a wolf. Once this change occurs and it is accepted at school and social events, Scott turns into the most liked and talked about person in to...
Rocky(1976) - Rocky Balboa is a small town boxer with no goals or ambition in life. Until one day when he gets the chance to fight the world champion of boxing, Apollo Creed. And so he trains hard, all while trying to win over his friends' sister
Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery(1997) - When agent Austin Powers fails to capture his worst enemy Dr. Evil in the 1960's, he must freeze himself for thirty years until Dr. Evil returns. Now in the 1990's, he must learn to adapt to a new way of life, and track down his old nemesis.
Predator 2(1990) - L.A. 1997. A war between Jamaican and columbian drug lords fluds the streets, and caught in the middle are Danny Glover (Lethal Weapon movies 1, 2, 3, & 4) and the L.A.P.D. Little does Danny know that he's being stalked by a big game hunter from beyond the stars, nor does he realize it untill the F....
Silver Bullet(1985) - In this undistinguished Stephen King horror adaptation, the good residents of Tarker's Mill are dense enough to ignore or explain away a series of violent deaths until a little boy is torn to pieces while flying his kite after dark. At that point, the men gang up and go into the fog-shrouded woods t...
The Borrowers(1997) - The Borrowers are 10 cm high and they borrow things from the family that lives in the house, but when they have to move, they agree, until Arrietty and Peagreen fall out of the moving van and go back to the house where they discover tha the Mr.Potter wants to demolish the house and turn the area int...
Over The Top(1987) - Lincoln Hawk is a struggling trucker who's trying to rebuild his life. After the death of his ex-wife, he tries to make amends with his son who he left behind years earlier. Upon their first meeting, his son doesn't think too highly of him until he enters the nation-wide arm wrestling competition in...
The Toxic Avenger(1984) - Lovely Tromaville, land of hazardous waste and nerdy janitors. Nerdy until they leap from second story windows and land in a drum of toxic waste. (They go together, they just don't GO together - remember back to your high school dating scene, you'll understand.) And so Melvin became the Toxic Aveng...
Hackers(1995) - A young boy is arrested by the US Secret Service for writing a computer virus and is banned from using a computer until his 18th birthday. Years later, he and his new-found friends discover a plot to unleash a dangerous computer virus, but they must use their computer skills to find the evidence whi...
Simon Birch(1998) - Simon Birch was born no bigger than a man's fist. Doctors said that he wouldn't live through his first night. He did. Then they said he would not live more than a week. But he did. Weeks turned into months and then those months turned into years, until Simon grew into a boy. He believed that God had...
Batman & Mr. Freeze: SubZero(1998) - This feature-length spin-off of Batman: The Animated Series follows the dynamic duo as they battle their ice cold, age old enemy, Mr. Freeze. In his latest nefarious plot, Mr. Freeze has abducted Batgirl as the organ donor needed for a deadly experiment meant to reanimate his old wife, who, until he...
Rover Dangerfield(1991) - Rover (voiced by the comedian Rodney Dangerfield) is a Las Vegas dog living the good life as the pampered pooch of a showgirl named Connie until the day she has to go out of town leaving her boyfriend Rocky in charge of him. Rocky decides to get rid of Rover of dropping him off the side of the Hoove...
Fly Away Home(1996) - Amy is only 13 years old when her mother is killed in an auto wreck in New Zealand. She goes to Canada to live with her father, an eccentric inventor whom she barely knows. Amy is miserable in her new life...that is until she discovers a nest of goose eggs that were abandoned when developers began t...
The Worst Witch(1986) - Mildred Hubble (Fairuza Balk) is the flunk-out of the Witch's Academy--that is until she gets her big chance to show everyone just how much magic she can make! The school's headmistress Agatha (Charlotte Rae) has an evil twin, who is plotting to cause havoc just before the big Halloween celebration...
When a Stranger Calls(1979) - Young babysitter Jill (Carol Kane) is tormented by a series of disturbing phone calls until a cop (Charles Durning) is put on the case to apprehend the caller, who turns out to be a psychotic killer. Seven years later, after the killer is released, he returns to haunt Jill, now a wife and mother. Bu...
Beaches(1988) - When the New York child performer CC Bloom and San Fransisco rich kid Hillary meet in a holiday resort in Atlantic City, it marks the start of a lifetime friendship between them. The two keep in touch through letters for a number of years until Hillary, now a successful lawyer moves to New York to s...
Muppets Most Wanted(2014) - Directly after the previous film, the Muppets find themselves at a loss as to what to do until a man named Dominic Badguy, claiming his last name is pronounced "badjee" in French, suggests the Muppets go on a European tour with him as their tour manager. Unbeknownst to the Muppets, criminal mastermi...
The Man From Snowy River(1982) - Jim Craig has lived his entire life in the mountains of Australia until his father dies from a sudden accident. Jim is soon forced to look for work in the lowlands to rebuild what his father fought so hard to make, all the while encouraged by the lone miner Spur to persevere. Jim finds work with H...
Strawberry Shortcake Meets the Berrykins(1984) - Strawberry Shortcake Meets the Berrykins is a 1985 animated television special from Canada's Nelvana Limited, and the last one until DiC's recent revival to feature the American Greetings character, Strawberr
Mickey's 60th Birthday(1988) - This film combines live action/original animation and library animation. Mickey steals a magic hat from a Sorcerer and is put under a spell by the angry magi so that no one will recognize him until he finds his own magic within. While Mickey is on his quest, network news teams around the country des...
Stargate(1994) - A giant structure found in the desert has studied by various scientist for nearly fifty years and are no where near discovering what it is. Until Daniel jackson, a language expert deciphers and reveals that it's a Stargate. He also discovers how to make it work. They then learn that it's some kind i...
Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome(1985) - About 15 years after the events of Mad Max 2, nuclear war has finally destroyed what little was left of civilization. Grizzled and older, former cop Max (Mel Gibson) roams the Australian desert in a camel-drawn vehicle until father-and-son thieves Jebediah Sr. (Bruce Spence) and Jr. (Adam Cockbur...
Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo(1999) - Yet another Saturday Night Live alumnus makes his bid for big-screen success as Rob Schneider, best remembered as the "Making copies!" guy, tackles his first leading role in this broad comedy. Deuce (Rob Schneider) earns a meager living as a professional fish tank cleaner until he's asked to housesi...
Heaven Can Wait(1978) - Joe Pendelton, played by Warren Beatty, is a quarterback for the L.A. Rams until he is in a car accident and is almost killed. An over-anxious angle takes him to heaven only to find out it wasn't his time to die. Pendelton's body is cremated though so he must find a new body on earth. He ends up...
Arcade(1993) - A virtual reality game begins taking over the minds of teenagers. Filmed in 1991, but release was delayed until 1994 for legal reasons.
Baby Boom(1987) - J.C. Wiatt is a successful New York City business women. She is known as the "Tiger Lady." And one night she gets a phone call that her cousin had died. So she was told that she would get some inheritance. But she didn't know until it was too late that she inherited a little baby girl named Eliz...
Big Man on Campus(1989) - A suspicious hunchback is spying through a scope on the UCLA campus from a tower which he makes his home out of, when his eye catches a beautiful girl. He lustfully keeps his eye on her until he sees her being violently pushed away while trying to stop a guy from beating up her boyfriend. This makes...
Monkey Shines(1988) - When Allan becomes a quadriplegic he loses all hope for living until he meets Ella - a monkey trained to fetch and carry for him around the house, obeying him in all things. But Ella is part of another experiment, and when she starts responding to Allan's underlying rage and frustration she has the...
Laura's Star(2004) - Did you ever believe that somewhere there's a special friend just for you? That what Laura finds the day she moves with her family to the city. She misses her old friends and her old house - until she rescues a fallen star, the perfect size for cuddling. The star is homesick, too. And as Laura and t...
House Arrest(1996) - High-schooler Grover Beindorf and his younger sister Stacy decide that their parents, Janet and Ned, are acting childishly when they decide to divorce after 18 years of marriage, so they lock them up in the basement until they can sort out their problems. Their schoolfriends also decide to do the sa...
Wait Until Dark(1967) - This thriller about a blind woman terrorized in her own home builds to a crescendo of high suspense. A doll containing a fortune in heroin is planted in Susy Hendrix' apartment and a ruthless criminal is desperate to get his hands on it. Through a series of ruses, the guy manages to get rid Susy's h...
National Lampoon's Men in White(1998) - Roy DuBro and Ed Klingbottom were just your ordinary trashmen until they are used to save Earth from an alien invasion becoming the Men in White. In other words, it's just a piss-poor spoof of Men in Black.
Death Warrant(1990) - Canadian Mountie Louis Burke (Jean-Claude Van Damme) is assigned to a bizarre case where prison inmates are being murdered. Sent to the jail to investigate while undercover as a prisoner, Burke is hot on the trail until one of his former busts, the Sandman (Patrick Kilpatrick), is transferred to the...
Slam Dunk Ernest(1995) - Poor Ernest P. Worrell (Jim Varney). All he wants is to be a real basketball player on the amateur team with all the other janitors from his workplace. Unfortunately, they have all told him over and over that white guys like him just can't jump. That turns out to be true until he receives divine ass...
Mystery In Dracula's Castle(1973) - Marsha Booth takes her two children, Alfie and Leonard, on vacation to a small seaside town in California. She picks a quiet community, hoping to finish a novel she's working on, but the boys are not very happy. The town is too quiet for them and they're quickly bored, until Alfie decides to make hi...
Witness(1985) - A young Amish boy is sole witness to a murder; policeman John Book goes into hiding in Amish country to protect him until the trial.
Folks!(1992) - In this comedy, stockbroker Jon Aldrich (Tom Selleck) is the man who has it all, until his ill, aging parents (Don Ameche and Anne Jackson) move in with him. As his perfect life begins to disintegrate bit by bit, Jon becomes more and more depressed and disillusioned. Finally, broke and friendless, J...
Tremors 2: Aftershocks(1996) - The "Graboids" have returned and now there's a lot more of them. Earl Bassett (Fred Ward) and his newfound assistant are hired to hunt them down, and everything goes along peachy until they mutate into smaller versions with legs! Fun sequel manages to pack enough laughs and surprises to keep it inte...
Wilder Napalm(1993) - After a childhood spat drove brothers Wilder (Arliss Howard) and Wallace (Dennis Quaid) apart, they went their separate ways, until a chance meeting brought them back together again. Gifted with a psychic ability to spark fires, Wallace supresses his gift, marries the lovely Vida (Debra Winger), and...
Nine Months(1995) - Everything is going great for Sam. He has a steady job, a girlfriend, and a great group of friends. That is, until he discovers his girlfriend is pregnant. A discovery that will prove how mature he really is.
Terror in the Aisles(1984) - Terror in the Aisles is a 1984 horror documentary, with narrations by Donald Pleasance (HALLOWEEN) and Nancy Allen (DRESSED TO KILL), featuring clips from over 75 films, including SUSPIRIA (1977), HALLOWEEN (1978), PSYCHO (1960), WHEN A STRANGER CALLS (1979), THE EXORCIST (1973), WAIT UNTIL DARK (19...
Repo Man(1984) - Veteran repo man (Harry Dean Stanton) cons young punk Otto (Emilio Estavez) into getting his wife's car out of "this bad area". Otto finds out he has just repossed a car and objects until he finds out the money he can make. From there the movie enters the Twilight Zone in more ways tha
The Bachelor(1999) - Meet Jimmie Shannon, who loves his carefree bachelor lifestyle and his equally independant girlfriend, Anne. But after seeing his friends get married, he feels none too worried...until she catches a bridal bouquet -- a sign that his mustang days are ending. Unfortunately, he blows his marriage pro...
A Simple Twist of Fate(1994) - High school music teacher Michael McCann is a lonesome man who feels no pity for anyone else at the divorce of his wife, until a child crawls into his life and turns it upside down. Finally achieving happiness in his life with his new adopted daughter, a crooked politician is determined to take back...
The Virgin Suicides(1999) - They were the Lisbon sisters: Cecilia was 13, Lux was 14, Bonnie was 15, Mary was 16, and Therese was 17. And they were the objects of desire of a group of teenage boys in 1970's Michigan. Many people thought the Lisbons were a model family...that is until the suicide of the youngest daughter. After...
The Entity(1981) - Barbara Hershey stars as Carla Moran, a hard-working single mother until the night she is raped in her bedroom by someone - or something - that she cannot see. Despite skeptical psychiatrists, she is repeatedly attacked in her car, in the bath, and in front of her children. Could this be a case of h...
Chasing Amy(1997) - Holden And Banky Are Comic Book Artists, Everything Is Going Good For Them Until They Meet Alyssa, Holden Falls In Love With Her But His Hopes Are Crushed When He Find's Out That She's A Lesbian.
Transformers Scramble City(1986) - Scramble City is the name of a Transformers OVA (Original Video Animation) created and released in Japan in April 1986. As Transformers: The Movie would not be brought to Japan until 1990, Scramble City was instead created to bridge the gap between it and season 2 of the Transformers cartoon in Japa...
The Super(1991) - Joe Pesci stars as Louie Kritski, a heartless landlord who has been so negligent in keeping up his ghetto apartment that he is threatened with jail time. The judge gives him another option, which he accepts he must live in his rat-infested hell hole until he brings it up to liveable standards. Th...
Dennis the Menace: Dinosaur Hunter(1987) - The first live-action film to feature Dennis was Dennis the Menace: Dinosaur Hunter, which premiered on TV in 1987, the film involved Dennis and his friends and his dog continuing their perchants for mischief until they discover a dinosaur skeleton, which Dennis dubs it as the "Dennissaurus".
Garfield's Thanksgiving(1989) - Jon's got a hot date for Thanksgiving dinner--a vet who orders Garfield on a diet, but Jon's attempt at cooking dinner is unsuccessful until Grandma comes to the rescue! A great Thanksgiving classic the whole family will enjoy!
Eight Days A Week(1999) - Peter loves his next door neighbour Erica and, on the advice of his uncle, decides to camp out on her front lawn for the entire summer, or until she agrees to go out with him. His father is none too happy about the idea and refuses to let his son back in the house, even to get a change of clothes. P...
Norma Jean and Marilyn(1996) - This film follows Norma Jean from her simple, ambitious youth to her sex star pinnacle and back down. She moves from lover to lover in order to further her career. She finds fame but never happiness, only knowing seduction but not love. Until one day, she becomes none other than Marilyn Monroe! In d...
Little Criminals(1995) - The story is mainly about an eleven year old kid called Des. He and his friends do all kinds of illegal things like vandalism, stealing, lighting fires, mug people and using drugs. They do this because of a law which says that they cannot be charged until the age of twelve. When Des meets Cory, they...
Suburbia(1983) - When household tensions and a sense of worthlessness overcome Evan, he finds escape when he clings with the orphans of a throw-away society. The runaways hold on to each other like a family until a tragedy tears them apart.
Fur(2006) - Nicole Kidman stars in this film very loosely based on the life of iconic American photographer Diane Arbus.Diane leads a boring life,with her equally boring husband,until one day she meets a man named Lionel(Robert Downey Jr.)who has hypertrichosis("Werewolf Syndrome").
Godzilla vs. Megaguirus(2000) - The Japanese Self-Defense Force must find a new way to stop Godzilla. By warping out into another dimension, but it unleashes the dreaded new monster, Megauirus! Only Godzilla can stop this beast. Released in Japan in 2000, but did not get an American release until August 2003. It aired on the Sc...
Avenging Force(1986) - Martial arts expert Matt Hunter was one of the most promising operatives in Army intelligence until his parents were killed by terrorists, and he retired to the family's farm in Louisiana to take care of his 12-year-old sister Sara and their grandfather Jimmy. Larry Richards, a black man running for...
The Invisible Woman(2013) - At the height of his career, Charles Dickens meets a younger woman who becomes his secret lover until his death.
Aquamarine(2006) - Two teenagers think they have problems until they come to the rescue of a girl with a fishy story to tell in this teen-oriented comedy. Thirteen-year-old Claire and same-aged Hailey are two close friends living in Tampa, Florida, who are facing a separation in a few weeks -- Claire's mother is a mar...
Loving Annabelle(2006) - Annabelle is the wise-beyond-her-years newcomer to an exclusive Catholic girls school. Having been expelled from her first two schools she's bound to stir some trouble. Sparks fly between her and her teacher, Simone Bradley. Annabelle pursues Simone relentlessly until Simone must make a choice betwe...
Eleanor's Secret(2009) - Nathaniel, aged 7, goes to spend the summer holidays in the seaside villa that belonged to his old aunt Eleanor. Nathaniels parents inherited the villa and Nathaniel also received a gift in his aunts will: a whole library of old books. The inheritance doesnt much interest him until he discovers t...
Pat And Mike(1952) - Pat's a brilliant athlete, except when her domineering fiance is around. The lady's golf championship is in her reach until she gets flustered by his presence at the final holes. He wants them to get married and forget the whole thing, but she can't give up on herself that easily. She enlists the he...
Hannah and Her Sisters(1986) - Hannah and Her Sisters is a 1986 film following the lives of a troubled family between two Thanksgivings. It's one of Woody Allen's most popular films, usually grouped with Annie Hall and Manhattan as top critical and fan favorites. Until the release of Midnight in Paris in 2011, this was also the m...
Blind Side(1993) - A couple visits Mexico to scout a new location for their furniture manufacturing business and hit a cop with their car on the way back stateside. Realizing that if they report it they could land in a Mexican jail (guilty until proven innocent) they clean up the car and return home. A few days later...
Free Birds(2013) - Pardoned by the president, a lucky turkey (Owen Wilson) named Reggie gets to live a carefree lifestyle, until fellow fowl Jake (Woody Harrelson) recruits him for a history-changing mission. Jake and Reggie travel back in time to the year 1621, just before the first Thanksgiving. The plan: Prevent al...
As the Gods Will(2014) - Shun Takahata is an ordinary high school student leading a boring life until one day he and his classmates are forced to play a game of death. With no knowledge of who's behind the games, his only option is to continue winning to stay alive.
The Hangover Part II(2011) - Two years after that weekend in Vegas, Stu is starting anew and is getting married. With Phil, Doug, their wives, and even Alan, they fly to Thailand for the wedding. Avoiding any celebrations, Phil coaxes Stu into one beer by a bonfire...which becomes their last memory until they wake up in a seedy...
Day The World Ended(1955) - Jim Maddison had been expecting the worst, so when the world is destroyed in a nuclear holocaust, he's made provisions for himself, his daughter Louise and their friend Rick. They have enough supplies to last until the radiation abates but Jim's plans go awry with the unexpected arrival of Tony Lamo...
Honey Britches(1971) - This is the story of four jewel thieves on the run who decide to hole up with a hillbilly couple until the search for them slackens off.
Mickey's Twice Upon A Christmas(2004) - Based upon the works of Walt Disney, featuring five new original stories. In "Belles On Ice", Minnie and Daisy are in an ice-skating contest and are constantly trying to outdo each other until they realize that Christmas is a time to work together and remain peaceful. In "Christmas: Impossible", Hue...
Christmas Eve on Sesame Street(1978) - It's Christmas Eve on Sesame Street and everyone, especially Big Bird is excited for Santa Claus. That is until Oscar the Grouch raises doubts as to how Santa Claus can deliver presents if he can't fit through narrow chimneys. This leaves Big Bird greatly concerned, so after he and his friends Patty...
Angel(1984) - Molly Stewart (Donna Wilkes) is a very intelligent young woman, consistently getting high grades. She leads a double life, though: At night, she's a hooker who goes by the name of Angel. Nobody knows of this duology until two of her friends are murdered with her as the only witness. Now she's on the...
Arthur 2:On The Rocks(1988) - Dudley Moore,Liza Minnelli,Cynthia Sikes,and Stephen Elliott, star in this 1988 sequel to the 1981 box office smash.Arthur Bach(Moore),and his bride Linda(Liza Minnelli)are living a great life,until Bert(Elliott)and Susan(Sikes)Johnson ,extract their revenge.Bert bankrupts Arthur,and the only way he...
Dumbo(1941) - One of the most memorable Disney classics about a baby elephant born with enormous ears. Sadly, he is teased and taunted by the other elephants, until he discovers (with the help of his friend, Timothy Q. Mouse) that his ears allow him to fly.
Knocked Up(2007) - After receiving a promotion on E! Television, Allison goes out to celebrate with sister Debbie at a nightclub. While there, she meets pot smoking, self-employed slacker Ben. When Debbie gets called away on a family emergency, Allison stays with Ben drinking and dancing all night until they end up h...
Panic in Year Zero!(1962) - Harry Baldwin and his family leave the home to go on a camping trip, when they are on the road they notice an awkward flash of light. The hear various loose reports on the radio until the see a mushroom cloud hovering over what was once Los Angeles. With this Harry does everything he can to help his...
The Witches (1966)(1966) - An English school teacher outposted in Africa has a run in with the local witch doctor and suffers a nervous breakdown. After recovering back in England she takes a job teaching in a small country town hoping to make a new start for herself. All goes well at first, until she starts to hear some dist...
Escape 2000(1982) - Deviants are held at a rehabilitation fortress until they're set into a deadly game of survival, in the hopes of returning to world society.
The Big Doll House(1971) - Beautiful women prisoners are abused in a Philippine prison, until 5 of them plot an escape by taking the evil female warden hostage with the reluctant help of 2 male fruit vendors.
Four Christmases(2008) - When upscale, happily unmarried San Francisco couple Kate and Brad find themselves socked in by fog on Christmas morning, their exotic vacation plans morph into the family-centric holiday they had, until now, gleefully avoided. Out of obligation--and unable to escape--they trudge to not one, not two...
Psychos In Love(1987) - A strip-joint owner and a manicurist find that they have many things in common, the foremost being that they are psychotic serial killers. They fall in love and are happy being the family that slays together, until one day they come up against a plumber who also happens to be a cannibal.
Mean Girls(2004) - Cady Heron is a hit with The Plastics, the A-list girl clique at her new school, until she makes the mistake of falling for Aaron Samuels, the ex-boyfriend of alpha Plastic Regina George.
Twenty Bucks(1993) - Twenty Bucks is a 1993 film that follows the travels of a $20 bill from its delivery via armored car in an unnamed American city through various transactions and incidents from person to person until it is finally torn up.
Vacancy(2007) - When David (Luke Wilson) and Amy Fox's (Kate Beckinsale) car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, they are forced to spend the night at the only motel around, with only the TV to entertain them... until they discover that the low-budget slasher movies they're watching were all filmed in the very ro...
The Quiet Room(1996) - A seven-year-old girl whose parents marriage is disintegrating refuses to talk until they have resolved their problems.
Vigilante(1983) - Nick is leading a group of factory workers to clean up the streets by brutallly beating or killing criminals. Eddie doesn't really approve of this behaviour until a gang's actions affect him personally. Eddie is then on a personal mission to end the gang's actions...permanently.
His Secret Life(2001) - AIDS doctor Antonia's husband is killed by a car. She gets depressed until she learns he had been cheating on her with a man. Following her newly born curiosity for life, she goes to see her husband's lover, Michele, and finds a huge apartment that he shares with gay and transgendered friends, inclu...
The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure(2012) - On Schluufy's birthday, the Oogieloves, Goobie, Zoozie, and Toofie, and their friends J. Edgar, Windy Window, and Ruffy, work on organizing a party. Everything is going as planned until J. Edgar trips and loses the last five magical balloons in all of Lovelyloveville, prompting The Oogieloves to set...
Imagine That(2009) - Evan Danielson is a very successful stockbroker, who had been working at the same securities firm for eight years as their top account manager, that is until Johnny Whitefeather was hired as his rival. Whitefeather seems to have the whole company under some spell as he spiels his nonsensical idioms...
The Dark Knight(2008) - It Begins With The Joker Robbing A Bank, Batman And Lt. James Gordon Decide To Include Gotham City's Newly Elected District Attorney Harvey Dent In Their Plan To Eradicate The Joker And His Mob, The Joker Soon Reveals That He Will Kill One Person Every Day Until Batman Reveals His True Identity And...
Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit(2005) - Tottington Hall's annual Giant Vegetable Competition is approaching. The winner of the competition will win the coveted Golden Carrot Award. All are eager to protect their vegetables from damage and thievery by rabbits until the contest, and Wallace and Gromit are cashing in by running a vegetable s...
Legal Eagles(1986) - District Attorney Tom Logan is set for higher office, at least until he becomes involved with defence lawyer Laura Kelly and her unpredictable client Chelsea Deardon. It seems the least of Chelsea's crimes is the theft of a very valuable painting, but as the women persuade Logan to investigate furth...
Mr. Sardonicus(1961) - A search for a winning lottery ticket in his dead father's grave causes Sardonicus' face to freeze in a horrible grimace, until he forces a doctor to treat his affliction--with even more grotesque results! The audience gets an opportunity to vote--via the "Punishment Poll"--for the penalty Sardonicu...
Charlie Brown's All-Stars(1966) - After Charlie Brown's team loses their first game of the season (123-6), his team throws down their caps in disgust and quits. Frustrated and depressed, Charlie Brown wanders around aimlessly until Linus meets him with good news: Mr. Hennessey, operator of a local hardware store, is offering to spon...
50 First Dates(2004) - Henry Roth is a man afraid of commitment up until he meets the beautiful Lucy. They hit it off and Henry think he's finally found the girl of his dreams, until he discovers she has short-term memory loss and forgets him the very next day.
Stealing Harvard(2002) - John (Jason Lee) is a hard-working guy who only wants to marry his longtime girlfriend Elaine (Leslie Mann). Elaine and John have vowed to marry once they save $30,000 for their dream house. Things are fine until John's sister calls to remind him of his promise to pay his niece's tuition, which cost...
Monster-In-Law(2005) - The love life of Charlotte is reduced to an endless string of disastrous blind dates, until she meets the perfect man, Kevin. Unfortunately, his merciless mother will do anything to destroy their relationship.
Amazing Grace And Chuck(1987) - A little league player named Chuck refuses to ever pitch again until nuclear weapons are disarmed. Basketball star "Amazing Grace" Smith follows the boy's example, and starts a trend.
Yes, Virginia(2009) - New York City. It's 1897. Eight-year-old Virginia O'Hanlon has always loved Christmas. Until the day her classmates bring up the age-old question: "Is there a Santa Claus?" Not sure what to believe, Virginia ventures into the city to find out for herself. Along the way she consults some unusual char...
Pete's Dragon (2016)(2016) - Mr. Meacham (Robert Redford), a woodcarver, delights local children with stories of a mysterious dragon that lives deep in the woods of the Pacific Northwest. His daughter Grace (Bryce Dallas Howard) believes these are just tall tales, until she meets Pete (Oakes Fegley), a 10-year-old orphan who sa...
Beauty and the Beast (2017)(2017) - An arrogant prince is cursed to live as a terrifying beast until he finds true love. Strangely, his chance comes when he captures an unwary clockmaker, whose place is then taken by his bold and beautiful daughter Belle. Helped by the Beast's similarly enchanted servants, including a clock, a teapot...
It: Chapter Two(2019) - Sequel to the 2017 film It, also based on the 1986 novel by Stephen King. Twenty-seven years after their first encounter with the terrifying Pennywise, the Losers Club have grown up and moved away, until a devastating phone call brings them back.
Ready or Not(2019) - Grace has just gotten married to Alex LeDomas and joined his familys gaming "dominion". On the night of their wedding, Alexs family has Grace join their tradition of playing a game. She draws a card for Hide and Seek, and she is told she must stay hidden until dawn. Grace soon learns that the fami...
Unfriended(2015) - One night, while teenagers Blaire, Mitch, Jess, Adam Ken and Val take part in an online group chat session, they are suddenly joined by a user known only as "Billie227." Thinking it's just a technical glitch, the friends carry on their conversation... until Blaire begins receiving messages from some...
Open Season: Scared Silly(2015) - Elliot tells a campfire story about the legend of the Wailing Wampus Werewolf that lives in the Timberline National Forest. Boog is terrified by the story and decides to "chicken out" of their annual summer camping trip until he knows that the werewolf is gone. Determined to help Boog overcome his f...
Courage Of Lassie(1946) - Bill (Pal) gets separated from his litter, making friends with the wild creatures until he's found and adopted by young Kathie Merrick (Dame Elizabeth Taylor). An accident separates him from her, and he's drafted into K-9 duty in the trenches until battle fatigue takes its toll and he turns vicious....
Mata Hari(1985) - Based loosely on the real-life story of the World War I spy. The exotic dancer uses her contacts in European high society, along with her seductive charm, to collect military secrets during the war. She successfully plays both sides against each other until at last her deceptions catch up with her.
Three Men And A Cradle(1985) - Jacques, Pierre, and Michel are three adult friends who enjoy single life until they find themselves stuck - with a baby. Later remade in America as Three Men And A Baby.
Chimpanzee(2012) - A young common chimpanzee named Oscar finds himself alone in the African forests until he is adopted by another chimpanzee who takes him in and treats him like his own child. This Disneynature documentary is narrated by Tim Allen.
Unplanned(2019) - All Abby Johnson ever wanted to do was help women. As one of the youngest Planned Parenthood clinic directors in the nation, she believed in a woman's right to choose. Until the day she saw something that changed everything.
Best Player(2011) - "Q" is the best gamer around, until a new online game called Black Hole offers a competition prize of $175,000 and "Q" keeps losing to another player, known as "Prodigy", who turns out to be a local schoolgirl.
10 Things I Hate About You (1999) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 37min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 31 March 1999 (USA) -- A pretty, popular teenager can't go out on a date until her ill-tempered older sister does. Director: Gil Junger Writers: Karen McCullah, Kirsten Smith
12 Gifts of Christmas (2015) ::: 6.5/10 -- TV-G | 1h 23min | Comedy, Romance | TV Movie 26 November 2015 -- With two more weeks until Christmas, a busy business man, Marc Rehnquist, hires a struggling artist, Anna Parisi, to help him pick out gifts for his friends and family. Director: Peter Sullivan Writers:
50 First Dates (2004) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 39min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 13 February 2004 (USA) -- Henry Roth is a man afraid of commitment until he meets the beautiful Lucy. They hit it off and Henry think he's finally found the girl of his dreams until discovering she has short-term memory loss and forgets him the next day. Director: Peter Segal Writer:
55 Days at Peking (1963) ::: 6.7/10 -- Unrated | 2h 34min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 6 May 1963 (UK) -- During the 1900 Boxer Rebellion, U.S. marine, Maj. Matt Lewis, along with British consul, Sir Arthur Robertson, develop a plan to keep the rebels at bay until an international military relief force can arrive. Directors: Nicholas Ray, Guy Green (uncredited) | 1 more credit Writers:
7th Heaven (1927) ::: 7.6/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 50min | Drama, Romance | 30 October 1927 (USA) -- A street cleaner saves a young woman's life, and the pair slowly fall in love until war intervenes. Director: Frank Borzage Writers: Austin Strong (play), Benjamin Glazer (screenplay) | 4 more credits Stars:
About a Boy ::: TV-PG | 22min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | TV Series (20142015) -- Womanizing Will lives a carefree bachelor life on a Christmas song's royalties - until 11 y.o. Marcus and his cute mom Fiona move in next door. Will provides an escape for Marcus from his vegan, hippie, uncool, depressed mom. Creator:
A Brighter Summer Day (1991) ::: 8.4/10 -- Gu ling jie shao nian sha ren shi jian (original title) -- A Brighter Summer Day Poster Based on a true story, primarily on a conflict between two youth gangs, a 14-year-old boy's girlfriend conflicts with the head of one gang for an unclear reason, until finally the conflict comes to a violent climax. Director: Edward Yang Writers: Hung Hung, Mingtang Lai | 2 more credits
Ash vs Evil Dead ::: TV-MA | 30min | Action, Comedy, Fantasy | TV Series (20152018) -- Ash has spent the last thirty years avoiding responsibility, maturity, and the terrors of the Evil Dead until a Deadite plague threatens to destroy all of mankind and Ash becomes mankind's only hope. Creators:
A Simple Twist of Fate (1994) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 46min | Drama, Comedy | 2 September 1994 (USA) -- His life was emotionally closed off from the world, until an orphaned baby showed up at his house. Director: Gillies MacKinnon Writers: George Eliot (novel), Steve Martin Stars:
August: Osage County (2013) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h 1min | Comedy, Drama | 10 January 2014 (USA) -- A look at the lives of the strong-willed women of the Weston family, whose paths have diverged until a family crisis brings them back to the Oklahoma house they grew up in, and to the dysfunctional woman who raised them. Director: John Wells Writers:
Au Revoir les Enfants (1987) ::: 8.0/10 -- Au revoir les enfants (original title) -- Au Revoir les Enfants Poster -- A French boarding school run by priests seems to be a haven from World War II until a new student arrives. He becomes the roommate of the top student in his class. Rivals at first, the roommates form a bond and share a secret. Director: Louis Malle
Before I Fall (2017) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 38min | Drama, Fantasy, Mystery | 3 March 2017 (USA) -- February 12 is just another day in Sam's charmed life, until it turns out to be her last. Stuck reliving her last day over and over, Sam untangles the mystery around her death and discovers everything she's losing. Director: Ry Russo-Young Writers:
Beyond the Lights (2014) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 56min | Drama, Music, Romance | 14 November 2014 (USA) -- The pressures of fame have superstar singer Noni on the edge, until she meets Kaz, a young cop who works to help her find the courage to develop her own voice and break free to become the artist she was meant to be. Director: Gina Prince-Bythewood Writer:
Bhikkhuni: Buddhism, Sri Lanka, Revolution (2018) ::: 8.9/10 -- 1h 10min | Documentary | 13 March 2018 (Poland) -- It is a documentary film about the revival of women's ordination in Theravada Buddhism. Shortly after Enlightenment, the Buddha said: "I shall not come to my final passing away, until my ... S Director: Malgorzata Dobrowolska Writer: Malgorzata Dobrowolska
Brexit (2019) ::: 7.0/10 -- Brexit: The Uncivil War (original title) -- Brexit Poster -- Political strategist Dominic Cummings leads a popular but controversial campaign to convince British voters to leave the European Union from 2015 up until the present day. Director: Toby Haynes Writer:
Btooom! ::: TV-MA | 25min | Animation, Action, Drama | TV Series (2012) -- You're stuck on survival island until you gather 7 gems, and the only way to get gems is by killing other people. Stars: Tyler Galindo, Kanata Hong, Brittney Karbowski | See full cast &
Bubba Ho-Tep (2002) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 32min | Comedy, Fantasy, Horror | 10 October 2003 (USA) -- Elvis Presley and a black "JFK" stay in a nursing home where nothing happens - until a wayward Egyptian mummy comes and sucks out the old people's souls thru their a-holes. The two decide to fight back. Director: Don Coscarelli Writers:
Chaotic Ana (2007) ::: 6.4/10 -- Catica Ana (original title) -- Chaotic Ana Poster A countdown, 10, 9, 8, 7... until 0, like in hypnosis, through which Ana proves that she does not live alone. Director: Julio Medem Writer: Julio Medem Stars:
Chasing Amy (1997) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 53min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 18 April 1997 (USA) -- Holden and Banky are comic book artists. Everything's going good for them until they meet Alyssa, also a comic book artist. Holden falls for her, but his hopes are crushed when he finds out she's a lesbian. Director: Kevin Smith Writer:
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (2009) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG | 1h 30min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 18 September 2009 (USA) -- A local scientist is often regarded as a failure until he invents a machine that can make food fall from the sky. But little does he know, that things are about to take a turn for the worst. Directors: Phil Lord, Christopher Miller Writers:
Cold War (2012) ::: 6.6/10 -- Hon zin (original title) -- Cold War Poster -- The police department has long been untouchable until tonight when hijackers kidnap 5 highly trained officers. Cryptic messages from the hijackers expose a mole within the task force. Directors: Lok Man Leung (as Longman Leung), Kim-Ching Luk (as Sunny Luk) Writers:
Dead Ringers (1988) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 56min | Drama, Horror, Thriller | 23 September 1988 (USA) -- Twin gynecologists take full advantage of the fact that nobody can tell them apart, until their relationship begins to deteriorate over a woman. Director: David Cronenberg Writers: David Cronenberg, Norman Snider | 2 more credits Stars:
Death Sentence (2007) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 45min | Action, Crime, Drama | 31 August 2007 (USA) -- Nick Hume is a mild-mannered executive with a perfect life, until one gruesome night he witnesses something that changes him forever. Transformed by grief, Hume eventually comes to the disturbing conclusion that no length is too great when protecting his family. Director: James Wan Writers:
Deca-Dence ::: TV-14 | 23min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2020) Episode Guide 12 episodes Deca-Dence Poster Humanity was driven to the brink of extinction by unknown life forms Gadoll. Until one day, Natsume, a girl who dreams of becoming a warriors meets Kaburagi, an armor repairman. They will shake the future of this world. Stars: Dani Chambers, Kimberly Grace, Gabe Kunda
Demain tout commence (2016) ::: 7.4/10 -- 1h 58min | Comedy, Drama | 7 April 2017 (Canada) -- A bachelor enjoys his sweet life on the French Riviera until a one-night stand tells him, he's dad to Gloria and leaves her with him. He moves to London with Gloria. Mom turns up 8 years later. Director: Hugo Glin Writers:
Devils on the Doorstep (2000) ::: 8.2/10 -- Guizi lai le (original title) -- Devils on the Doorstep Poster During the Japanese occupation of China, two prisoners are dumped in a peasant's home in a small town. The owner is bullied into keeping the prisoners until the next New Year, at which time... S Director: Wen Jiang Writers: Wen Jiang (screenplay), Wen Jiang (story) | 7 more credits
Do the Right Thing (1989) ::: 8.0/10 -- R | 2h | Comedy, Drama | 21 July 1989 (USA) -- On the hottest day of the year on a street in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn, everyone's hate and bigotry smolders and builds until it explodes into violence. Director: Spike Lee Writer:
Dragon's Heaven (1988) ::: 6.8/10 -- 42min | Animation, Short, Sci-Fi | Video 25 February 1988 -- In the year 3195, during a war between robots and humans, a sentient combat armor loses his companion in battle and shuts down until his internal systems spot a new human. Director: Makoto Kobayashi Writer: Ikuyo Kkami Stars:
Escape from Alcatraz (1979) ::: 7.6/10 -- PG | 1h 52min | Action, Biography, Crime | 22 June 1979 (USA) -- Alcatraz is the most secure prison of its time. It is believed that no one can ever escape from it, until three daring men make a possible successful attempt at escaping from one of the most infamous prisons in the world. Director: Don Siegel (as Donald Siegel) Writers:
Flatliners (1990) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 55min | Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi | 10 August 1990 (USA) -- Five medical students experiment with "near death" experiences, until the dark consequences of past tragedies begin to jeopardize their lives. Director: Joel Schumacher Writer: Peter Filardi Stars:
Fortitude ::: TV-MA | 1h | Drama, Horror, Mystery | TV Series (20152018) -- Perched on the edge of the Arctic Circle, Fortitude is one of the safest towns on earth. There has never been a violent crime here. Until now. Creator:
Gimme Shelter (2013) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 41min | Drama | 29 October 2014 (France) -- A pregnant teenager flees her abusive mother in search of her father, only to be rejected by her stepmother and forced to survive on the streets until a compassionate stranger offers a hopeful alternative. Director: Ron Krauss Writer:
God's Own Country (2017) ::: 7.7/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 44min | Drama, Romance | 24 August 2017 (New Zealand) -- Spring. Yorkshire. Young farmer Johnny Saxby numbs his daily frustrations with binge drinking and casual sex, until the arrival of a Romanian migrant worker for lambing season ignites an intense relationship that sets Johnny on a new path. Director: Francis Lee Writer:
Handsome Devil (2016) ::: 7.1/10 -- 1h 35min | Comedy, Drama, Sport | 2 June 2017 (USA) -- Ned and Conor are forced to share a bedroom at their boarding school. The loner and the star athlete at this rugby-mad school form an unlikely friendship until it's tested by the authorities. Director: John Butler Writer:
Happiness Never Comes Alone (2012) ::: 6.5/10 -- Un bonheur n'arrive jamais seul (original title) -- Happiness Never Comes Alone Poster -- Sacha Keller is only interested in one night stands with 20-somethings and has a phobia of children. That is until he meets Charlotte, the divorced mother-of-three and ex-wife of one his employer's powerful clients. Director: James Huth
Hard Eight (1996) ::: 7.2/10 -- Sydney (original title) -- Hard Eight Poster -- Professional gambler Sydney teaches John the tricks of the trade. John does well until he falls for cocktail waitress Clementine. Director: Paul Thomas Anderson Writer:
Ice Castles (1978) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG | 1h 48min | Drama, Romance, Sport | 31 December 1978 (USA) -- A young girl is on top of the world until a tragic accident dashes her hopes and dreams of becoming a world-class figure skater. Only with the help of those who love her can she prove to ... S Director: Donald Wrye Writers:
In a Lonely Place (1950) ::: 8.0/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 34min | Drama, Film-Noir, Mystery | August 1950 (USA) -- A potentially violent screenwriter is a murder suspect until his lovely neighbor clears him. However, she soon starts to have her doubts. Director: Nicholas Ray Writers: Andrew Solt (screenplay), Edmund H. North (adaptation) | 1 more
Irreplaceable You (2018) ::: 6.4/10 -- TV-MA | 1h 36min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 16 February 2018 (USA) -- A couple who have known each other since 8 are destined to be together until death do them apart. Director: Stephanie Laing Writer: Bess Wohl
It Chapter Two (2019) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 2h 49min | Drama, Fantasy, Horror | 6 September 2019 (USA) -- Twenty-seven years after their first encounter with the terrifying Pennywise, the Losers Club have grown up and moved away, until a devastating phone call brings them back. Director: Andy Muschietti Writers:
I Think We're Alone Now (2018) ::: 5.7/10 -- R | 1h 39min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | 21 September 2018 (USA) -- The apocalypse proves a blessing in disguise for one lucky recluse -- until a second survivor arrives with the threat of companionship. Director: Reed Morano Writer: Mike Makowsky
La Grande Illusion (1937) ::: 8.1/10 -- La grande illusion (original title) -- La Grande Illusion Poster -- During WWI, two French soldiers are captured and imprisoned in a German P.O.W. camp. Several escape attempts follow until they are eventually sent to a seemingly inescapable fortress. Director: Jean Renoir Writers:
McCabe & Mrs. Miller (1971) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 2h | Drama, Western | 23 June 1972 (USA) -- A gambler and a prostitute become business partners in a remote Old West mining town, and their enterprise thrives until a large corporation arrives on the scene. Director: Robert Altman Writers:
Mean Girls (2004) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 37min | Comedy | 30 April 2004 (USA) -- Cady Heron is a hit with The Plastics, the A-list girl clique at her new school, until she makes the mistake of falling for Aaron Samuels, the ex-boyfriend of alpha Plastic Regina George. Director: Mark Waters Writers:
Murder by Contract (1958) ::: 7.3/10 -- Approved | 1h 21min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | February 1959 (Canada) -- Claude is a ruthless and efficient contract killer - until he finds his next target is a woman. Director: Irving Lerner Writer: Ben Simcoe
My Family (1995) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 2h 8min | Drama | 3 May 1995 (USA) -- A man makes his way from Mexico to L.A. in the 1920s, gets married and raises a big family there. The movie follows the children until they, too, get married and have children in the 1960s. Director: Gregory Nava Writers:
My Sister's Keeper (2009) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 49min | Drama, Family | 26 June 2009 (USA) -- Anna Fitzgerald looks to earn medical emancipation from her parents who until now have relied on their youngest child to help their leukemia-stricken daughter Kate remain alive. Director: Nick Cassavetes Writers:
My Virtual Escape ::: TV-MA | 40min | Action, Adventure, Crime | TV Series (2017-2018) Episode Guide 25 episodes My Virtual Escape Poster -- A troubled teen named Isaac struggles to find meaning in his life until he comes across a cutting-edge Virtual Reality Helmet called: "E.V.E". Creator: Jesse Ridgway
Passion Fish (1992) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 2h 15min | Drama | 11 December 1992 (USA) -- After an accident leaves her a paraplegic, a former soap opera star struggles to recover both emotionally and mentally, until she meets her newest nurse, who has struggles of her own. Director: John Sayles Writer:
Reaper ::: TV-14 | 45min | Adventure, Comedy, Drama | TV Series (20072009) -- On his 21st birthday, Sam discovers his parents sold his soul to the devil before birth and he must now be a bounty hunter for the devil until he dies. Creators:
Road to Singapore (1940) ::: 6.8/10 -- Approved | 1h 25min | Comedy, Musical, Romance | 22 March 1940 (USA) -- Two playboys try to forget previous romances in Singapore - until they meet a beautiful dancer. Director: Victor Schertzinger Writers: Don Hartman (screen play), Frank Butler (screen play) | 1 more credit
Shadowlands (1993) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG | 2h 11min | Biography, Drama, Romance | 14 January 1994 (USA) -- C.S. Lewis, a world-renowned Christian theologian, writer and professor, leads a passionless life until he meets spirited poet Joy Gresham from the U.S. Director: Richard Attenborough Writers:
Sister Act (1992) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG | 1h 40min | Comedy, Crime, Family | 29 May 1992 (USA) -- When a nightclub singer is forced to take refuge from the mob in a convent, she ends up turning the convent choir into a soulful chorus complete with a Motown repertoire, until the sudden celebrity of the choir jeopardizes her identity. Director: Emile Ardolino Writer:
Still Crazy (1998) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Comedy, Drama, Music | 22 January 1999 (USA) -- Fame, fortune and fornication drove the British rock band in the '70s until a divine end. 20 years later, Strange Fruit reunites and goes on a tour with ups and downs on the continent. Director: Brian Gibson Writers:
Summer School (1987) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 37min | Comedy, Romance | 22 July 1987 (USA) -- Freddy the gym teacher has to teach remedial English in summer (high) school, if he wants tenure. As he can only teach gym and his students want fun, emphasis is on "field trips" - until he's fired unless all his students pass the test. Director: Carl Reiner Writers:
The Balkan Line (2019) ::: 6.5/10 -- Balkanskiy rubezh (original title) -- The Balkan Line Poster After the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999, the Yugoslav army pulls out of Kosovo region, leaving Serbian people at the mercy of the Albanian UCK terrorists. A small band of soldiers must take over the Slatina airport, and hold it until the Russian peacekeepers arrive. Director: Andrey Volgin Writers: Andrey Anaykin, Ivan Naumov | 1 more credit
The Barefoot Contessa (1954) ::: 7.0/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 8min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 30 September 1954 (USA) -- This is the life of a Hollywood movie star named Maria, as told by writer/director Harry et al, from being discovered in Madrid, Spain, until her funeral in Italy. Director: Joseph L. Mankiewicz Writer:
The Dead Zone ::: TV-14 | 1h | Drama, Fantasy, Mystery | TV Series (20022007) -- Johnny had the perfect life until he was in coma for six years. When he awoke, he found his fiancee married to another man. His son doesn't know him. Everything's changed, including Johnny. With one touch, he can see things. Creators:
The Ghost and Mr. Chicken (1966) ::: 7.3/10 -- G | 1h 30min | Comedy, Family, Mystery | 20 January 1966 (USA) -- A timid typesetter hasn't a ghost of a chance of becoming a reporter - until he decides to solve a murder mystery and ends up spending a fright-filled night in a haunted house. Director: Alan Rafkin Writers:
The Great Gilly Hopkins (2015) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG | 1h 39min | Comedy, Drama, Family | 7 October 2016 (USA) -- 12-year-old wisecracking Gilly Hopkins finds herself shuffled from foster home to foster home until she meets Maime Trotter. Director: Stephen Herek Writers: David Paterson (screenplay by), Katherine Paterson (based on the book
The Immigrant (2013) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 2h | Drama, Romance | 23 May 2014 (USA) -- 1921. An innocent immigrant woman is tricked into a life of burlesque and vaudeville until a dazzling magician tries to save her and reunite her with her sister who is being held in the confines of Ellis Island. Director: James Gray Writers:
The Invention of Lying (2009) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 40min | Comedy, Fantasy, Romance | 2 October 2009 (USA) -- A comedy set in a world where no one has ever lied, until a writer seizes the opportunity for personal gain. Directors: Ricky Gervais, Matthew Robinson Writers: Ricky Gervais, Matthew Robinson
The Kid Detective (2020) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 40min | Comedy, Drama, Mystery | 16 October 2020 (USA) -- A once-celebrated kid detective, now 32, continues to solve the same trivial mysteries between hangovers and bouts of self-pity. Until a naive client brings him his first 'adult' case, to find out who brutally murdered her boyfriend. Director: Evan Morgan Writer:
The King of Staten Island (2020) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 2h 16min | Comedy, Drama | 12 June 2020 (USA) -- Scott has been a case of arrested development since his firefighter dad died. He spends his days smoking weed and dreaming of being a tattoo artist until events force him to grapple with his grief and take his first steps forward in life. Director: Judd Apatow Writers:
The Lady Eve (1941) ::: 7.8/10 -- Passed | 1h 34min | Comedy, Romance | 21 March 1941 (USA) -- A trio of classy card sharks targets the socially awkward heir to brewery millions for his money, until one of them falls in love with him. Director: Preston Sturges Writers:
The Last Kiss (2006) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 44min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 15 September 2006 (USA) -- Michael'd have a great job, still have his 4 best friends, and be in love with a beautiful girl at 30. He loves Jenna but his life seems predictable until he meets a college girl. It seems that everybody's having relationship problems. Director: Tony Goldwyn Writers:
The Master (2012) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h 18min | Drama | 21 September 2012 (USA) -- A Naval veteran arrives home from war unsettled and uncertain of his future - until he is tantalized by the Cause and its charismatic leader. Director: Paul Thomas Anderson Writer:
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year (2008) ::: 7.3/10 -- TV-PG | 1h 28min | Comedy, Drama, Family | TV Movie 13 December 2008 -- Corporate analyst and single mom, Jen, tackles Christmas with a business-like approach until her uncle arrives with a handsome stranger in tow. Director: Michael M. Scott Writer:
The Names of Love (2010) ::: 7.2/10 -- Le nom des gens (original title) -- The Names of Love Poster -- A young, extroverted left-wing activist who sleeps with her political opponents to convert them to her cause is successful until she meets her match. Director: Michel Leclerc Writers:
The Nutty Professor (1963) ::: 6.7/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 47min | Comedy, Romance, Sci-Fi | 7 June 1963 (USA) -- A timid, nearsighted chemistry teacher discovers a magical potion that can transform him into a suave and handsome Romeo. The Jekyll and Hyde game works well enough until the concoction starts to wear off at the most embarrassing times. Director: Jerry Lewis Writers:
The Pawnbroker (1964) ::: 7.7/10 -- Approved | 1h 56min | Drama | 20 April 1965 (USA) -- A Jewish pawnbroker, victim of Nazi persecution, loses all faith in his fellow man until he realizes too late the tragedy of his actions. Director: Sidney Lumet Writers: Morton S. Fine (screenplay) (as Morton Fine), David Friedkin
The Public Eye (1992) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 39min | Crime, Drama, Romance | 16 October 1992 (USA) -- Story of a 1940s photographer who specializes in crime and is not getting involved until this time. Director: Howard Franklin Writer: Howard Franklin
The Road to Guantanamo (2006) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Drama, War | 9 March 2006 (UK) -- Part drama, part documentary, The Road to Guantnamo focuses on the Tipton Three, a trio of British Muslims who were held in Guantanamo Bay for two years until they were released without charge. Directors: Mat Whitecross, Michael Winterbottom Stars:
Thesis (1996) ::: 7.4/10 -- Tesis (original title) -- Thesis Poster -- While doing a thesis about violence, Angela finds a snuff video where a girl is tortured until death. Soon she discovers that the girl was a former student in her faculty... Director: Alejandro Amenabar Writers:
The Zookeeper (2001) ::: 6.8/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 48min | Drama, War | 22 November 2001 (Czech Republic) -- In the midst of a devastating civil war in an Eastern European country, a disillusioned ex-Communist is left behind to take care of the animals in the capital's zoological gardens until a U.N. rescue force arrives. Director: Ralph Ziman Writers:
The Zookeeper (2001) ::: 6.8/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 48min | Drama, War | 22 November 2001 (Czech Republic) -- In the midst of a devastating civil war in an Eastern European country, a disillusioned ex-Communist is left behind to take care of the animals in the capital's zoological gardens until a U.N. rescue force arrives.
Three Days of the Condor (1975) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 1h 57min | Mystery, Thriller | 25 September 1975 (USA) -- A bookish CIA researcher finds all his co-workers dead, and must outwit those responsible until he figures out who he can really trust. Director: Sydney Pollack Writers: James Grady (novel), Lorenzo Semple Jr. (screenplay) | 1 more credit
To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar (1995) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 49min | Comedy, Drama | 8 September 1995 (USA) -- Three drag queens travel cross-country until their car breaks down, leaving them stranded in a small town. Director: Beeban Kidron Writer: Douglas Carter Beane
Tru Confessions (2002) ::: 7.5/10 -- TV-G | 1h 52min | Drama, Comedy, Family | TV Movie 5 April 2002 -- Trudy Walker hated her life. She thought it was totally messed up until she found out about a contest that could change everything.. Director: Paul Hoen Writers: Janet Tashjian (novel), Stu Krieger (teleplay) Stars:
Trumbo (2015) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 2h 4min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 27 November 2015 (USA) -- In 1947, Dalton Trumbo was Hollywood's top screenwriter, until he and other artists were jailed and blacklisted for their political beliefs. Director: Jay Roach Writers: John McNamara, Bruce Cook (book)
Untamed Heart (1993) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 42min | Drama, Romance | 12 February 1993 (USA) -- A waitress hardly notices a shy busboy who secretly loves her; until one night she's attacked and he comes to her rescue. From there a relationship sparks but one secret could mean disaster for these fated lovers. Director: Tony Bill Writer:
Until the End of the World (1991) ::: 6.8/10 -- Bis ans Ende der Welt (original title) -- Until the End of the World Poster -- In 1999, Claire's life is forever changed after she survives a car crash. She rescues Sam and starts traveling around the world with him. Writer Eugene follows them and writes their story, as a way of recording dreams is being invented. Director: Wim Wenders
Wait Until Dark (1967) ::: 7.8/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 48min | Thriller | 21 December 1967 (Netherlands) -- A recently blinded woman is terrorized by a trio of thugs while they search for a heroin-stuffed doll they believe is in her apartment. Director: Terence Young Writers: Frederick Knott (based on the play by), Robert Carrington (screenplay)
Wanda (1970) ::: 7.1/10 -- GP | 1h 42min | Crime, Drama | 14 January 1971 (UK) -- Wanda, a lonely housewife, drifts through mining country until she meets a petty thief who takes her in. Director: Barbara Loden Writer: Barbara Loden Stars:
Witness (1985) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Crime, Drama, Romance | 8 February 1985 (USA) -- When a young Amish boy is sole witness to a murder, policeman John Book goes into hiding in Amish country to protect him until the trial. Director: Peter Weir Writers: William Kelley (story by), Pamela Wallace (story by) | 3 more credits
Wolfblood ::: TV-PG | 30min | Family, Fantasy | TV Series (20122017) Maddy Smith and her family are the only wolfbloods in Stoneybridge, which is a well-kept secret. They lead a peaceful life until Rhydian, a wolfblood, arrives and triggers chaos. Creator: Debbie Moon Stars:'s_Broomstick's_Lair,000!
11eyes -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Ecchi Super Power Supernatural -- 11eyes 11eyes -- When the Sky turns Red, the Moon turns Black, and monsters begin roaming the streets, Satsuki Kakeru is at a loss for what to do. Along with his best friend Yuka, they try to decipher why they have been sent to this strange world, which is seemingly empty aside from themselves. -- -- However, when the "Red Night" ends, Kakeru and Yuka believed it was all a dream, until it happens again and they are left in a dangerous situation. They meet four others in the same predicament: Kusakabe Misuzu, an expert swordswoman, Tachibana Kukuri, a strange mute girl who looks uncannily like Kakeru's deceased sister, Hirohara Yukiko, a lively young girl whose personality reverts to that of a cold killer when her glasses are removed, and Tajima Takahisa, a young pyrokineticist. -- -- As the six of them band together to survive and discover what this mysterious world is, things take a turn for the worse as six shadows appear before them... -- -- 210,432 6.14
11eyes -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Ecchi Super Power Supernatural -- 11eyes 11eyes -- When the Sky turns Red, the Moon turns Black, and monsters begin roaming the streets, Satsuki Kakeru is at a loss for what to do. Along with his best friend Yuka, they try to decipher why they have been sent to this strange world, which is seemingly empty aside from themselves. -- -- However, when the "Red Night" ends, Kakeru and Yuka believed it was all a dream, until it happens again and they are left in a dangerous situation. They meet four others in the same predicament: Kusakabe Misuzu, an expert swordswoman, Tachibana Kukuri, a strange mute girl who looks uncannily like Kakeru's deceased sister, Hirohara Yukiko, a lively young girl whose personality reverts to that of a cold killer when her glasses are removed, and Tajima Takahisa, a young pyrokineticist. -- -- As the six of them band together to survive and discover what this mysterious world is, things take a turn for the worse as six shadows appear before them... -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 210,432 6.14
18if -- -- Gonzo -- 13 eps -- Game -- Mystery Supernatural -- 18if 18if -- Waking up in a strange bedroom in a dream world, teenager Haruto Tsukishiro finds a strange app on his phone. When he activates the program, an odd woman appears and tries to drag him to her realm. Luckily, a mysterious, white-haired girl severs their connection and helps him escape, revealing that the woman is a witch; however, their conversation is cut short. As Haruto enters the realm again, he meets an anthropomorphic, talking cat named Katsumi Kanzaki. While the witch's minions pursue them, the white-haired girl opens a door for them to escape. -- -- After their ordeal, Haruto describes their savior—which only he can see—and Katsumi, the leading authority on dream world research, realizes that she must be "Lily," a being that resurfaces repeatedly across multiple dreamscapes. Hoping to leave the dream world through a blue door, they enter the witch's realm once again. Finding themselves in peril, Lily reveals the truth to Haruto: witches suffer from "Sleeping Beauty Syndrome," a coma-like sleep state induced by torment in their real world lives. Thus, they cannot wake until they are defeated in the dream world. -- -- After finally defeating the witch and locating the blue door, Haruto and Katsumi say their farewells, promising to meet up in the real world. However, when Haruto exits through the door he awakens in the dream world bedroom once more. Seeking answers, Haruto and Katsumi try to uncover the mysteries of the witches, Lily, and Haruto's own inability to leave the dream world. -- -- 47,700 6.16
Angel Blade Punish! -- -- Asahi Production -- 3 eps -- Original -- Adventure Hentai Magic Sci-Fi -- Angel Blade Punish! Angel Blade Punish! -- Moena was a normal college girl until she discovered that she had special powers hidden within her body by her father. When Dark Mother and her army of sexy demom women threaten the virgins of the world, Moena transforms into the naked masked heroine Angel Blade. Moena's stepmother, the weightly endowed Kyoka, is kidnapped by Dark Mother. With the help of a team of barely dressed heroines, Angel Blade storms the demon's stronghold. With the help of the dark-skinned succubus Nail, a former villian, they reach the heart of evil and face off with Dark Mother herself. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Dec 29, 2004 -- 6,063 6.39
Ao no Exorcist -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Action Demons Fantasy Shounen Supernatural -- Ao no Exorcist Ao no Exorcist -- Humans and demons are two sides of the same coin, as are Assiah and Gehenna, their respective worlds. The only way to travel between the realms is by the means of possession, like in ghost stories. However, Satan, the ruler of Gehenna, cannot find a suitable host to possess and therefore, remains imprisoned in his world. In a desperate attempt to conquer Assiah, he sends his son instead, intending for him to eventually grow into a vessel capable of possession by the demon king. -- -- Ao no Exorcist follows Rin Okumura who appears to be an ordinary, somewhat troublesome teenager—that is until one day he is ambushed by demons. His world turns upside down when he discovers that he is in fact the very son of Satan and that his demon father wishes for him to return so they can conquer Assiah together. Not wanting to join the king of Gehenna, Rin decides to begin training to become an exorcist so that he can fight to defend Assiah alongside his brother Yukio. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 1,485,118 7.57
Aquarion Logos -- -- Satelight -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Drama Fantasy Mecha Romance Sci-Fi -- Aquarion Logos Aquarion Logos -- For thousands of years after its development, mankind used the written word for communication between people and generations. As millenia passed and technology became more prevalent, writing - and thus, communication as a whole - diminished, until it could only be found on cell phones and computer screens. Seeing an opportunity, the sorcerer Sogan Kenzaki starts infecting words with the Nesta Virus, which brings them to life and turns them into monsters called MJBK (Menace of Japanese with Biological Kinetic energy). -- -- To counter this attack against humanity, an organization known as DEAVA (Division of EArth Verbalism Ability) assembles a group of youths with the ability of "Verbalism". They have to pilot the vector machines, which are used to form the mechas dubbed "Aquarions". The one wild card in the situation is the self-dubbed "savior", a young man who is the direct relative of a famous calligrapher, named Akira Kaibuki. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 20,066 5.71
Arata Kangatari -- -- Satelight -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Fantasy Shounen -- Arata Kangatari Arata Kangatari -- As a young boy from a noble family in Amawakuni, Arata has always expected to make life his own—until word of the princess growing weak reaches his city. Unbeknown to him, his grandmother had claimed him to be female at birth, and now, with no other girls to succeed the princess from the matriarchal Hime clan, he is next in line for the throne! Disguised as a woman awaiting a replacement to be found, Arata witnesses an assassination attempt on the princess by none other than her own guard, the 12 Shinsho. The crime is pinned on his head, forcing Arata to escape to the Kando forest, where it is said that no one comes out the same. -- -- Meanwhile, in modern-day Japan, Arata Hinohara longs for escape from the cruelty of his classmates. Hearing his name called from an alley, he wanders from his path and unwittingly switches universes with Arata from Amawakuni. With his own power as a newly awakened "Sho"—a warrior able to wield Hayagami, weapons with the power of the gods—and the help of his companions he meets along his journey, Hinohara sets out to restore order to this new world. -- -- 61,920 6.49
Arve Rezzle: Kikaijikake no Yousei-tachi -- -- Zexcs -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Drama Mystery Sci-Fi Thriller -- Arve Rezzle: Kikaijikake no Yousei-tachi Arve Rezzle: Kikaijikake no Yousei-tachi -- One day, when Remu Mikage is on a video call with his sister, Shiki, who has traveled to the futuristic Okinotori-island Mega Float City for school, she confesses that both the audio and visuals of her are completely artificial. In order to be more efficient in her studies, Shiki has used neural-linked nanomachines to upload her consciousness onto a computer and is storing her physical body in a "body pool." While shocked, Remu is supportive of his sister's decision, until the disaster known as the "Early Rapture" happens. -- -- The Early Rapture causes everyone who has uploaded their consciousnesses to either fall into a coma or perish. Remu visits his sister's empty apartment one last time, but is shocked when Shiki arrives at the door. With no memory of her family or past, and being pursued by a violent group of researchers, Shiki and her brother are forced to flee using her newfound power of nanomachine manipulation. -- -- Movie - Mar 2, 2013 -- 24,206 6.29
Asobi ni Iku yo! -- -- AIC PLUS+ -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Ecchi Harem Romance Sci-Fi -- Asobi ni Iku yo! Asobi ni Iku yo! -- Kio is just another boring, nice guy with a boring, nice life until he meets a beautiful, curvaceous cat-girl while attending a memorial service for one of his ancestors. Next thing he knows, he's lying in bed with this half-naked beauty next to him! Her name is Eris, and she has come to Earth to learn more about its inhabitants as a representative of the planet Catian. And she's decided to set up shop at Kio's home for her stay on Earth! -- -- Unbeknownst to Kio, there are quite a few organizations who will attempt to capture Eris, looking to keep her existence a secret by any means necessary. What's worse is when people around Kio turn out to secretly be a part of those organizations! Kio will have to work hard to keep Eris safe from these shady groups. Things are about to get mysterious, exciting, and most importantly sexy in Asobi ni Iku yo! -- 165,560 6.64
Asobi ni Iku yo! -- -- AIC PLUS+ -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Ecchi Harem Romance Sci-Fi -- Asobi ni Iku yo! Asobi ni Iku yo! -- Kio is just another boring, nice guy with a boring, nice life until he meets a beautiful, curvaceous cat-girl while attending a memorial service for one of his ancestors. Next thing he knows, he's lying in bed with this half-naked beauty next to him! Her name is Eris, and she has come to Earth to learn more about its inhabitants as a representative of the planet Catian. And she's decided to set up shop at Kio's home for her stay on Earth! -- -- Unbeknownst to Kio, there are quite a few organizations who will attempt to capture Eris, looking to keep her existence a secret by any means necessary. What's worse is when people around Kio turn out to secretly be a part of those organizations! Kio will have to work hard to keep Eris safe from these shady groups. Things are about to get mysterious, exciting, and most importantly sexy in Asobi ni Iku yo! -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 165,560 6.64
Atom: The Beginning -- -- OLM, Production I.G, Signal.MD -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Mecha Seinen -- Atom: The Beginning Atom: The Beginning -- Japan in the near future suffers an unexplained major disaster. Five years later, reconstruction is well underway. Two young researchers at a university are pinning all their hopes on robot development. Now their new interpretation of the eternal hero Astro Boy up until his birth is just about to start! -- -- (Source: Showgate) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 27,301 6.84
Ayakashi -- -- Tokyo Kids -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Sci-Fi Horror Fantasy -- Ayakashi Ayakashi -- As a child, Yuu Kusaka made a vow upon a shooting star that he would stand on the side of justice and defend the weak. However, the death of one of his friends robs him of the desire to live up to that vow, and he turns a blind eye to the misery of others, using the mysterious power he possesses as a means of making money instead of helping those in need. His days of living only for himself continue, until he's forced to fight for his life against another classmate with powers similar to his. He's saved by a mysterious girl named Eimu Yoake, who also has strange powers. -- -- Eimu reveals that his powers stem from a creature known as an Ayakashi, a parasitic being that grants the user special abilities at the price of slowly draining the life of the host. She helps him fully awaken his own. Now aware of the ayakashi he possesses, Yuu must live up to his childhood vow, putting his ayakashi to use and fend off those who would use their own for evil, all while unraveling the mystery behind the death of his friend. -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 26,520 6.35
Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Romance School Super Power -- Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu -- Fumizuki Academy isn't a typical Japanese high school. This unique institution has implemented a new and innovative system to sort its students. At the end of their freshman year, students take a test that divides up the student body. The highest scorers are placed into A class, all the way down until F class, for the lowest of the low. -- -- Unfortunately for Akihisa Yoshii, his supposedly "great" intellect wasn't quite enough for such a test, and he's now stuck at the bottom of F class. Naturally, F class has the worst facilities: not only rotten tatami mats and broken tables, but also outdated equipment and worn out furniture. On the bright side, his friend Yuuji Sakamoto is in the same class, and to everyone's surprise, the genius girl Mizuki Himeji has also ended up in the same class due to an unforeseen fever on the day of the test. -- -- Unsatisfied with their perquisites, F class rallies behind Yuuji, determined to take on the higher-tiered classes in order to seize their perks by using the school's Examinations Summon Battle system. The participants can summon fantasy characters—whose power levels are equal to their student's test scores—in an all-out battle. Will F class be able to rise to the top, or will they live up to everyone's expectations and fail? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 542,160 7.58
Bakegyamon -- -- Radix -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Action Demons Fantasy Game Shounen -- Bakegyamon Bakegyamon -- Sanshirou's chances of having an adventure are slim to none in his tiny island hometown, until the day a mysterious stranger invites him to play a game... Without warning, Sanshirou is taken to a backwards universe to play BakéGyamon—a game pitting monsters against monsters. Along the way he meets other players who have a particular reason for being there—to obtain the wish that is granted to the winner. But how far can Sanshirou get when the monsters he's been paired with are a bunch of little mud balls?! -- -- (Source: VIZ Media) -- 2,708 6.64
Bakumatsu Rock -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Music Comedy Historical Shoujo -- Bakumatsu Rock Bakumatsu Rock -- Ryouma Sakamoto wants everyone to know about his passion for rock 'n' roll, so he roams around town with his electric guitar willing to show anyone he encounters that he's just as skilled as the famous Shinsengumi stars they admire. Unfortunately, Japan doesn't allow anything other than that group's Heaven's Songs, for writing or performing different types of music is forbidden and can lead to harsh consequences. -- -- Agitated by these strict rules and brainwashing, Ryouma does everything he can to show people that the music he loves will bring them the freedom they deserve. Along with his bandmates Shinsaku Takasugi and Kogoru Katsura, Ryouma works hard to find places for his rock 'n' roll group to perform. Refusing to back down until their music is accepted in Japan, the trio begin to realize that there's more to their passion than they had thought. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jul 2, 2014 -- 26,390 6.05
Bananya -- -- Gathering -- 13 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life Comedy Kids -- Bananya Bananya -- Above a nondescript kitchen counter quietly hangs a bunch of ripe, yellow bananas. Suddenly, one of the slender fruits begins to shake, gently at first but slowly increasing in ferocity until it tears itself away from the rest. With a graceful landing, the long and curvy edible gradually rolls back its golden peels, revealing what lies beneath its firm covering to be... a cat? -- -- This mysterious feline-fruit hybrid is named Bananya. Carefree and gentle, the adorable creature dreams of one day becoming a luscious bananya bathed in chocolate. Together with his fellow bananya, this kitten cloaked in yellow passes its days without a care in the world, enjoying a rather calm and peaceful existence as it experiences what the world has to offer. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 55,806 6.73
Beast Wars Second Chou Seimeitai Transformers: Lio Convoy Kiki Ippatsu! Movie -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Space Mecha -- Beast Wars Second Chou Seimeitai Transformers: Lio Convoy Kiki Ippatsu! Movie Beast Wars Second Chou Seimeitai Transformers: Lio Convoy Kiki Ippatsu! Movie -- The movie begins with a space battle between the space pirate Seacons and the Cybertron Jointron brothers. Both combine, forming God Neptune and Tripledacus respectively, and being fighting it out. They become heavily engaged in combat, until a mysterious spaceship knocks them both deeper into space. Back at the Cybertron base, one of the Cybertron warriors, Apache, informs the Cybertrons that an object is approaching Planet Gaea. The Destrons have also noticed the spaceship. Galvatron and his brother Gigastorm discuss it and Galvatron decides that the ship is a positive sign, and it will bring good luck. -- Movie - Dec 19, 1998 -- 1,153 6.07
Berserk -- -- GEMBA, Millepensee -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Demons Drama Fantasy Horror Military Romance Seinen Supernatural -- Berserk Berserk -- Now branded for death and destined to be hunted by demons until the day he dies, Guts embarks on a journey to defy such a gruesome fate, as waves of beasts relentlessly pursue him. Steeling his resolve, he takes up the monstrous blade Dragonslayer and vows to exact vengeance on the one responsible, hunting down the very man he once looked up to and considered a friend. -- -- Along the way, he encounters some unlikely allies, such as a small elf named Puck, and Isidro, a young thief looking to learn swordsmanship from the former mercenary. As the ragtag group slowly comes together after having decided to join Guts in his quest, they will face incredible danger unlike anything they have ever experienced before. -- -- 266,685 6.35
Berserk -- -- GEMBA, Millepensee -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Demons Drama Fantasy Horror Military Romance Seinen Supernatural -- Berserk Berserk -- Now branded for death and destined to be hunted by demons until the day he dies, Guts embarks on a journey to defy such a gruesome fate, as waves of beasts relentlessly pursue him. Steeling his resolve, he takes up the monstrous blade Dragonslayer and vows to exact vengeance on the one responsible, hunting down the very man he once looked up to and considered a friend. -- -- Along the way, he encounters some unlikely allies, such as a small elf named Puck, and Isidro, a young thief looking to learn swordsmanship from the former mercenary. As the ragtag group slowly comes together after having decided to join Guts in his quest, they will face incredible danger unlike anything they have ever experienced before. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 266,685 6.35
Black Fox -- -- Studio 3Hz -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action -- Black Fox Black Fox -- Rikka Isurugi has spent her life training in the way of the ninja with her grandfather Hyoe while following in the footsteps of her father, the esteemed researcher Allen. His work has culminated in a set of cutting- edge drones equipped with artificial intelligence and incredible technical capabilities; although Allen plans to develop these drones for civilian use, there are others who have more sinister ideas in mind. -- -- On Rikka's 16th birthday, things are forever changed when a paramilitary group raids the Isurugi house in search of the drone technology, killing Allen and Hyoe while Rikka manages to escape with the drones. Months pass, and Rikka is now an ordinary girl working as a private detective while sharing an apartment with another girl, Melissa. But when night falls, she dons her grandfather's fox mask and mercilessly hunts down those responsible for the attack. With the anger she felt that day driving her forward, Rikka will not rest until her family's killers receive the justice that they deserve. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll -- Movie - Oct 5, 2019 -- 64,168 6.75
Black Jack (TV) -- -- Tezuka Productions -- 61 eps -- Manga -- Drama -- Black Jack (TV) Black Jack (TV) -- Black Jack is an "unregistered" doctor with a clouded, mysterious past. He works with his little assistant Pinoko (who has a massive crush on the doctor), dealing with medical cases not very well known, which can be strange, dangerous, or not known at all. But he is a genius, and can save almost any of his patients' life (as long as they have the money for it, that is), and is known to many around the world, especially to those of medicine and science. He's a man of science himself, and does not believe much until he has seen it, yet it is many times he is surprised by love and nature often overpowering the science he bases his life in. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 28,237 7.61
Bleach -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 366 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Super Power Supernatural Shounen -- Bleach Bleach -- Ichigo Kurosaki is an ordinary high schooler—until his family is attacked by a Hollow, a corrupt spirit that seeks to devour human souls. It is then that he meets a Soul Reaper named Rukia Kuchiki, who gets injured while protecting Ichigo's family from the assailant. To save his family, Ichigo accepts Rukia's offer of taking her powers and becomes a Soul Reaper as a result. -- -- However, as Rukia is unable to regain her powers, Ichigo is given the daunting task of hunting down the Hollows that plague their town. However, he is not alone in his fight, as he is later joined by his friends—classmates Orihime Inoue, Yasutora Sado, and Uryuu Ishida—who each have their own unique abilities. As Ichigo and his comrades get used to their new duties and support each other on and off the battlefield, the young Soul Reaper soon learns that the Hollows are not the only real threat to the human world. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 1,352,570 7.80
Bleach Movie 3: Fade to Black - Kimi no Na wo Yobu -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Super Power Supernatural Shounen -- Bleach Movie 3: Fade to Black - Kimi no Na wo Yobu Bleach Movie 3: Fade to Black - Kimi no Na wo Yobu -- After a mysterious pair attack Rukia Kuchiki and erase her memories while she is in Seireitei, Ichigo Kurosaki, a substitute Soul Reaper, briefly forgets Rukia, until he is reminded of her by Kon, an Underpod Mod-Soul. Confused, he seeks his town's candy-shop owner, Kisuke Urahara, who opens the pathway to Seireitei for them. Ichigo is then shocked to find that his allies in Seireitei, the Shinigami of the Soul Society, have forgotten him. -- -- Filled with action, Kimi no Na wo Yobu follows Ichigo and Kon as they fight against their former comrades while searching for the missing Rukia and discovering her assailants before they strike again. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Movie - Dec 13, 2008 -- 189,102 7.51
Bleach Movie 3: Fade to Black - Kimi no Na wo Yobu -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Super Power Supernatural Shounen -- Bleach Movie 3: Fade to Black - Kimi no Na wo Yobu Bleach Movie 3: Fade to Black - Kimi no Na wo Yobu -- After a mysterious pair attack Rukia Kuchiki and erase her memories while she is in Seireitei, Ichigo Kurosaki, a substitute Soul Reaper, briefly forgets Rukia, until he is reminded of her by Kon, an Underpod Mod-Soul. Confused, he seeks his town's candy-shop owner, Kisuke Urahara, who opens the pathway to Seireitei for them. Ichigo is then shocked to find that his allies in Seireitei, the Shinigami of the Soul Society, have forgotten him. -- -- Filled with action, Kimi no Na wo Yobu follows Ichigo and Kon as they fight against their former comrades while searching for the missing Rukia and discovering her assailants before they strike again. -- -- Movie - Dec 13, 2008 -- 189,102 7.51
Blue Gender: The Warrior -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Drama Horror Mecha Military Romance Sci-Fi Space -- Blue Gender: The Warrior Blue Gender: The Warrior -- It is a time of chaos. Earth is no longer what it used to be. It has been infested with a bug like species called the Blue. 20 years ago Yuji Kaido, who has a mysterious disease, is put into suspended animation until a cure is found. When he wakes up Yuji learns that it’s been more than 20 years since he was put into suspended animation, and the world is now controlled by these creatures. He then decides to join a group of soldiers fighting against the Blue for hope of a better future. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Nov 20, 2002 -- 9,981 6.23
Blue Seed -- -- Production I.G, Production Reed -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Demons Drama Ecchi Horror Mystery Romance Sci-Fi -- Blue Seed Blue Seed -- Momiji is an average girl until the day she finds she is the descendant of the great Kushinada family. Only she, with her Kushinada blood, can stop the Aragami, demonic plant-like monsters threatening to destroy Japan. Along to help her is the TAC, and a possible love interest in a young man named Kusanagi. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 24,546 7.02
Blue Seed -- -- Production I.G, Production Reed -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Demons Drama Ecchi Horror Mystery Romance Sci-Fi -- Blue Seed Blue Seed -- Momiji is an average girl until the day she finds she is the descendant of the great Kushinada family. Only she, with her Kushinada blood, can stop the Aragami, demonic plant-like monsters threatening to destroy Japan. Along to help her is the TAC, and a possible love interest in a young man named Kusanagi. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Discotek Media -- 24,546 7.02
Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 2: Heroes:Rising -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Super Power Shounen -- Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 2: Heroes:Rising Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 2: Heroes:Rising -- Izuku "Deku'' Midoriya and his fellow students in Class 1-A of UA High's hero course have been chosen to participate in a safety program on Nabu Island. To further improve their skills and gain experience in more ordinary heroics, the students aid the kind citizens with small services and everyday chores. With the low crime rate in the quiet community, all seems well and good, but the rise of a new villain threatens to put the students' courage to the test and challenge their capabilities as heroes. -- -- A merciless villain by the name of Nine is in search of a certain "quirk" needed to fulfill his diabolical plan—creating a society where only those with the strongest quirks reign supreme. As his attack on Nabu Island endangers the lives of the residents, securing the citizens becomes the first priority for Class 1-A; defeating Nine along with his wicked accomplices is also imperative. A straightforward strategy is formulated until a young boy named Katsuma Shimano, whom Deku had befriended, suddenly requires particular protection. Concerned for the boy's wellbeing, Deku and his classmates must now devise a plan to ensure Katsuma's safety at all costs. -- -- With Nine wreaking havoc to find the catalyst for his ill-intended schemes and the heroes desperate to defend Katsuma from harm, will Deku and his friends be able to come out victorious, or will they find themselves unable to escape a hopeless situation? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Dec 20, 2019 -- 311,218 8.07
Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 2: Heroes:Rising -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Super Power Shounen -- Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 2: Heroes:Rising Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 2: Heroes:Rising -- Izuku "Deku'' Midoriya and his fellow students in Class 1-A of UA High's hero course have been chosen to participate in a safety program on Nabu Island. To further improve their skills and gain experience in more ordinary heroics, the students aid the kind citizens with small services and everyday chores. With the low crime rate in the quiet community, all seems well and good, but the rise of a new villain threatens to put the students' courage to the test and challenge their capabilities as heroes. -- -- A merciless villain by the name of Nine is in search of a certain "quirk" needed to fulfill his diabolical plan—creating a society where only those with the strongest quirks reign supreme. As his attack on Nabu Island endangers the lives of the residents, securing the citizens becomes the first priority for Class 1-A; defeating Nine along with his wicked accomplices is also imperative. A straightforward strategy is formulated until a young boy named Katsuma Shimano, whom Deku had befriended, suddenly requires particular protection. Concerned for the boy's wellbeing, Deku and his classmates must now devise a plan to ensure Katsuma's safety at all costs. -- -- With Nine wreaking havoc to find the catalyst for his ill-intended schemes and the heroes desperate to defend Katsuma from harm, will Deku and his friends be able to come out victorious, or will they find themselves unable to escape a hopeless situation? -- -- Movie - Dec 20, 2019 -- 311,218 8.07
Boruto: Naruto the Movie -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Comedy Martial Arts Shounen Super Power -- Boruto: Naruto the Movie Boruto: Naruto the Movie -- The spirited Boruto Uzumaki, son of Seventh Hokage Naruto, is a skilled ninja who possesses the same brashness and passion his father once had. However, the constant absence of his father, who is busy with his Hokage duties, puts a damper on Boruto's fire. Upon learning that his father will watch the aspiring ninjas who will participate in the upcoming Chunin exams, Boruto is driven to prove to him that he is worthy of his attention. In order to do so, he enlists the help of Naruto's childhood friend and rival, Sasuke Uchiha. -- -- The Chunin exams begin and progress smoothly, until suddenly, the Konohagakure is attacked by a new foe that threatens the long-standing peace of the village. Now facing real danger, Naruto and his comrades must work together to protect the future of their cherished home and defeat the evil that terrorizes their world. As this battle ensues, Boruto comes to realize the struggles his father once experienced—and what it truly means to be a ninja. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Movie - Aug 7, 2015 -- 338,945 7.48
Boruto: Naruto the Movie -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Comedy Martial Arts Shounen Super Power -- Boruto: Naruto the Movie Boruto: Naruto the Movie -- The spirited Boruto Uzumaki, son of Seventh Hokage Naruto, is a skilled ninja who possesses the same brashness and passion his father once had. However, the constant absence of his father, who is busy with his Hokage duties, puts a damper on Boruto's fire. Upon learning that his father will watch the aspiring ninjas who will participate in the upcoming Chunin exams, Boruto is driven to prove to him that he is worthy of his attention. In order to do so, he enlists the help of Naruto's childhood friend and rival, Sasuke Uchiha. -- -- The Chunin exams begin and progress smoothly, until suddenly, the Konohagakure is attacked by a new foe that threatens the long-standing peace of the village. Now facing real danger, Naruto and his comrades must work together to protect the future of their cherished home and defeat the evil that terrorizes their world. As this battle ensues, Boruto comes to realize the struggles his father once experienced—and what it truly means to be a ninja. -- -- Movie - Aug 7, 2015 -- 338,945 7.48
Brandish -- -- Studio Eromatick -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Hentai Demons Supernatural -- Brandish Brandish -- Twiska enjoys visiting local towns and draining the villagers of their cum. Everything is going along well until she encounters Theo, the legendary Hero destined to defeat her. Theo is a cute shouta and addictively good at sex. Now Twiska isn't sure anymore whether she wants to kill him or keep him for herself. -- OVA - Jun 22, 2012 -- 14,111 6.71
"Bungaku Shoujo" Movie -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Mystery Drama Romance School -- "Bungaku Shoujo" Movie "Bungaku Shoujo" Movie -- The protagonist of the story, Konoha Inoue, is a seemingly normal senior high 2nd year student. His high school life, other than a hinted incident 2 years ago, can be summed up as normal- if one can dismiss the secret fact that he used to be a female bestselling romance author. Due to that incident, however, he has now vowed never to write again. -- -- This continued on until he was forced to join the literary club by the literary club president, the 3rd year female student Amano Tooko, a beautiful girl who has a taste for eating literary works. Now he has been tasked with writing her snack every day after school. -- -- (Source: To Say Nothing of the Dog) -- Movie - May 1, 2010 -- 58,740 7.40
Cardcaptor Sakura -- -- Madhouse -- 70 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Drama Magic Romance Fantasy School Shoujo -- Cardcaptor Sakura Cardcaptor Sakura -- Sakura Kinomoto is your garden-variety ten-year-old fourth grader, until one day, she stumbles upon a mysterious book containing a set of cards. Unfortunately, she has little time to divine what the cards mean because she accidentally stirs up a magical gust of wind and unintentionally scatters the cards all over the world. Suddenly awakened from the book, the Beast of the Seal, Keroberos (nicknamed Kero-chan), tells Sakura that she has released the mystical Clow Cards created by the sorcerer Clow Reed. The Cards are no ordinary playthings. Each of them possesses incredible powers, and because they like acting independently, Clow sealed all the Cards within a book. Now that the Cards are set free, they pose a grave danger upon the world, and it is up to Sakura to prevent the Cards from causing a catastrophe! -- -- Appointing Sakura the title of "the Cardcaptor" and granting her the Sealed Key, Keroberos tasks her with finding and recapturing all the Cards. Alongside her best friend Tomoyo Daidouji, and with Kero-chan's guidance, Sakura must learn to balance her new secret duty with the everyday troubles of a young girl involving love, family, and school, all while she takes flight on her magical adventures as Sakura the Cardcaptor. -- -- 347,666 8.16
Cardcaptor Sakura -- -- Madhouse -- 70 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Drama Magic Romance Fantasy School Shoujo -- Cardcaptor Sakura Cardcaptor Sakura -- Sakura Kinomoto is your garden-variety ten-year-old fourth grader, until one day, she stumbles upon a mysterious book containing a set of cards. Unfortunately, she has little time to divine what the cards mean because she accidentally stirs up a magical gust of wind and unintentionally scatters the cards all over the world. Suddenly awakened from the book, the Beast of the Seal, Keroberos (nicknamed Kero-chan), tells Sakura that she has released the mystical Clow Cards created by the sorcerer Clow Reed. The Cards are no ordinary playthings. Each of them possesses incredible powers, and because they like acting independently, Clow sealed all the Cards within a book. Now that the Cards are set free, they pose a grave danger upon the world, and it is up to Sakura to prevent the Cards from causing a catastrophe! -- -- Appointing Sakura the title of "the Cardcaptor" and granting her the Sealed Key, Keroberos tasks her with finding and recapturing all the Cards. Alongside her best friend Tomoyo Daidouji, and with Kero-chan's guidance, Sakura must learn to balance her new secret duty with the everyday troubles of a young girl involving love, family, and school, all while she takes flight on her magical adventures as Sakura the Cardcaptor. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA, Nelvana, NIS America, Inc. -- 347,666 8.16
Cardfight!! Vanguard: Asia Circuit-hen -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 39 eps -- Original -- Action Game Adventure Demons Shounen -- Cardfight!! Vanguard: Asia Circuit-hen Cardfight!! Vanguard: Asia Circuit-hen -- Aichi and his friends have won the National Tournament and decide to go their own ways until a mysterious boy named Takuto Tatsunagi appears. He reveals that the Royal Paladins, Dark Paladins, and Kagero leaders have been captured, and the only way to free Cray is for the Vanguard fighters to use a new power- Limit Break. Because the Royal Paladins lose the ability to fight, Aichi's deck is changed to be a Gold Paladin deck. Aichi and his friends must now win the Vanguard VF Circuit if they are to learn more about the occurrences on Cray and free their old friends. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 20,277 6.82
Cardfight!! Vanguard -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 65 eps -- Original -- Action Game Adventure Demons Shounen -- Cardfight!! Vanguard Cardfight!! Vanguard -- Cardfight!! Vanguard features a world where the game Cardfight!! Vanguard is becoming the latest craze among trading card games, becoming a part of everyday life for people all over the world. The game is not limited to Earth alone; battles between the creatures used by the players take place on another planet called Cray. -- -- The story begins with Aichi Sendou, a timid middle schooler whose meek attitude often leaves him a target for bullies. Aichi was given a very rare card, "Blaster Blade", when he was very young. It's his one treasure that gives him hope. That is, until it gets taken from him. Although Aichi has never played Cardfight!! Vanguard before, he challenges the thief to a game in order to win the "Blaster Blade" back. This high-stakes game quickly draws Aichi into the world of Vanguard battles, which will test and change his worth as both a player and a person. -- 43,966 7.03
Casshern Sins -- -- Madhouse, Tatsunoko Production -- 24 eps -- Other -- Action Adventure Drama Psychological Sci-Fi -- Casshern Sins Casshern Sins -- In a distant future, Earth has become a wasteland and humanity as we know it has died out. All that remains are sentient robots. They were supposed to be able to live forever—until the one called Luna died and The Ruin started. Their bodies will rust, and there is nothing that can be done to fix it. Now the robots are left only to contemplate their deaths, kept going only by the rumor that if they eat the one called Casshern they will gain immortality. -- -- Casshern knows nothing about his past, why he exists or what he is, but he must find out or he will face the constant torment of being hunted by robots who don't want to die. Casshern leaves death wherever he goes, but he must face it if he is to find out the truth of this world. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Oct 2, 2008 -- 135,820 7.52
Chain Chronicle: Haecceitas no Hikari -- -- Graphinica, Telecom Animation Film -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Fantasy Magic -- Chain Chronicle: Haecceitas no Hikari Chain Chronicle: Haecceitas no Hikari -- Set in the land of Yuguto, the people thought that the land they live is the size of the world, but it's actually divided into several areas, each with a respective king. Even though there were small wars among areas, the kings had roundtable meetings to maintain peace and balance. It was until a dark group of dark monsters appeared... -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- 95,818 6.64
Chain Chronicle: Haecceitas no Hikari -- -- Graphinica, Telecom Animation Film -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Fantasy Magic -- Chain Chronicle: Haecceitas no Hikari Chain Chronicle: Haecceitas no Hikari -- Set in the land of Yuguto, the people thought that the land they live is the size of the world, but it's actually divided into several areas, each with a respective king. Even though there were small wars among areas, the kings had roundtable meetings to maintain peace and balance. It was until a dark group of dark monsters appeared... -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 95,818 6.64
Chain Chronicle: Haecceitas no Hikari Part 1 -- -- Graphinica, Telecom Animation Film -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Adventure Fantasy Magic Shounen -- Chain Chronicle: Haecceitas no Hikari Part 1 Chain Chronicle: Haecceitas no Hikari Part 1 -- Set in the land of Yuguto, the people thought that the land they live is the size of the world, but it’s actually divided into several areas, each with a respective king. Even though there were small wars among areas, the kings had roundtable meetings to maintain peace and balance. It was until a dark group of dark monsters appeared... -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- Movie - Dec 3, 2016 -- 20,217 7.05
Chain Chronicle: Haecceitas no Hikari Part 2 -- -- Graphinica, Telecom Animation Film -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Adventure Fantasy Magic Shounen -- Chain Chronicle: Haecceitas no Hikari Part 2 Chain Chronicle: Haecceitas no Hikari Part 2 -- Set in the land of Yuguto, the people thought that the land they live is the size of the world, but it’s actually divided into several areas, each with a respective king. Even though there were small wars among areas, the kings had roundtable meetings to maintain peace and balance. It was until a dark group of dark monsters appeared... -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- Movie - Jan 14, 2017 -- 13,788 7.05
Chain Chronicle: Haecceitas no Hikari Part 3 -- -- Graphinica, Telecom Animation Film -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Adventure Fantasy Magic Shounen -- Chain Chronicle: Haecceitas no Hikari Part 3 Chain Chronicle: Haecceitas no Hikari Part 3 -- Set in the land of Yuguto, the people thought that the land they live is the size of the world, but it’s actually divided into several areas, each with a respective king. Even though there were small wars among areas, the kings had roundtable meetings to maintain peace and balance. It was until a dark group of dark monsters appeared... -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- Movie - Feb 11, 2017 -- 12,690 7.06
Chang -- -- Studio Dadashow -- 1 ep -- - -- Drama Military Thriller -- Chang Chang -- Sergeant Jeong Cheol-min's squad are staying indoors a corroded stockroom renovated without windows. His squad is well known for their hardworking members until councellor Hong Yeong-soo comes in. Jeong Cheol-min does all he can to make Hong Yeong-soo the right man for his squad and the army requires him to. However, private Hong Yeong-soo doesn't adjust to the surroundings and causes trouble. -- -- (Source: Hancinema) -- Movie - Nov 1, 2012 -- 614 N/A -- -- Phantom Yuusha Densetsu -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Military Drama Seinen -- Phantom Yuusha Densetsu Phantom Yuusha Densetsu -- Yazawa, a Japanese pilot, suffers a crash in his Phantom jetfighter. After a six month recovery, his old friend from an airplane magazine wants him to investigate the appearance of a Phantom in an armed conflict in El Salvador. Yazawa's investigations makes him wind up in an international arms conspiracy. Based on a series of military fiction novels. -- OVA - Jan 24, 1991 -- 604 5.33
Chihayafuru -- -- Madhouse -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Drama Game Josei School Slice of Life Sports -- Chihayafuru Chihayafuru -- Chihaya Ayase, a strong-willed and tomboyish girl, grows up under the shadow of her older sister. With no dreams of her own, she is contented with her share in life till she meets Arata Wataya. The quiet transfer student in her elementary class introduces her to competitive karuta, a physically and mentally demanding card game inspired by the classic Japanese anthology of Hundred Poets. Captivated by Arata's passion for the game and inspired by the possibility of becoming the best in Japan, Chihaya quickly falls in love with the world of karuta. Along with the prodigy Arata and her haughty but hard-working friend Taichi Mashima, she joins the local Shiranami Society. The trio spends their idyllic childhood days playing together, until circumstances split them up. -- -- Now in high school, Chihaya has grown into a karuta freak. She aims to establish the Municipal Mizusawa High Competitive Karuta Club, setting her sights on the national championship at Omi Jingu. Reunited with the now indifferent Taichi, Chihaya's dream of establishing a karuta team is only one step away from becoming true: she must bring together members with a passion for the game that matches her own. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Oct 5, 2011 -- 361,019 8.23
Choukou Tenshi Escalayer -- -- - -- 3 eps -- Visual novel -- Demons Hentai Sci-Fi Super Power -- Choukou Tenshi Escalayer Choukou Tenshi Escalayer -- Sayuka Kouenji, is the Escalayer, guardian of the Earth against the dark forces of the Dielast. By her side is the android Madoka, and it is Madoka's job to track and recharge the source of Sayuka's power, the Doki Doki Dynamo. Located within Sayuka's body, the Doki Doki Dynamo can only be recharged when Sayuka experiences a high level of sexual arousal which, until recently, Madoka has been able to provide her. With unacceptably low energy levels facing them, Madoka brings in the assistance of Kyohei Yanase, a boy from Sayuka's school. Kyohei once harboured a crush for Sayuka, and his sexual prowess could not have come sooner. For now arrayed against these three defenders of the Earth is the Dielast version of the escalayer, the FM77, who is ruthless in combat, and brimming with violent desire. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Kitty Media, Media Blasters -- OVA - Sep 27, 2002 -- 9,733 6.53
Corpse Party: Missing Footage -- -- Asread -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Horror School -- Corpse Party: Missing Footage Corpse Party: Missing Footage -- Someday a group of classmates will perform a charm at night after school—the Happy Sachiko charm. This paper doll ritual is meant to make them stay friends forever, but performing it incorrectly will lead them to be dragged down into a dilapidated phantom of Tenjin Elementary School, which had been torn down years ago. Trapped until they can reunite and perform the charm correctly, the students will have to solve the mystery of the haunted school in order to make it out alive. -- -- Before that ill-fated event, however, the friends led ordinary lives. Corpse Party: Missing Footage reveals an insight into the students' lives on the day before they were thrust into a waking nightmare. -- -- OVA - Aug 2, 2012 -- 116,039 6.05
Cyborg 009: Chou Ginga Densetsu -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Sci-Fi Space -- Cyborg 009: Chou Ginga Densetsu Cyborg 009: Chou Ginga Densetsu -- The cyborgs are no longer on duty, they live normal lives until a mysterious space ship lands on earth. The only survivor on the ship warns about an evil conqueror called Zoa that wants to conquer the universe, which means the cyborgs are back in action... -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Dec 20, 1980 -- 1,977 6.33
Dance in the Vampire Bund -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Supernatural Drama Romance Vampire Seinen -- Dance in the Vampire Bund Dance in the Vampire Bund -- On live television, Mina Tepes, the ruler of all vampires, reveals the existence of her species to the world and states her plan to build a sanctuary in Japan for vampires, called the Vampire Bund. Using her family's wealth to pay off the nation's debt, they have agreed to let her build this safe-haven for her fellow creatures of the night. But not everyone is so easily swayed by Mina's influence, as her announcement brings about conflict with humans who believe that the queen's quest for peace is a façade. -- -- Akira Kaburagi does not believe in vampires and gets uneasy whenever they are brought up, although he has yet to realize why. Apart from suffering a head injury a year ago, he lives on blissfully until he meets Mina. She triggers within him memories of a life he had long forgotten, and he soon begins protecting her without understanding why. But Akira's secret is far stranger than he could have ever thought possible—he discovers that he is a werewolf, sworn from birth to protect the vampire queen, even if it costs him his life. Now, as these two dance a rondo of death in the Vampire Bund, Mina and Akira find out just how deep their bond goes. -- -- 193,848 7.04
Dance in the Vampire Bund -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Supernatural Drama Romance Vampire Seinen -- Dance in the Vampire Bund Dance in the Vampire Bund -- On live television, Mina Tepes, the ruler of all vampires, reveals the existence of her species to the world and states her plan to build a sanctuary in Japan for vampires, called the Vampire Bund. Using her family's wealth to pay off the nation's debt, they have agreed to let her build this safe-haven for her fellow creatures of the night. But not everyone is so easily swayed by Mina's influence, as her announcement brings about conflict with humans who believe that the queen's quest for peace is a façade. -- -- Akira Kaburagi does not believe in vampires and gets uneasy whenever they are brought up, although he has yet to realize why. Apart from suffering a head injury a year ago, he lives on blissfully until he meets Mina. She triggers within him memories of a life he had long forgotten, and he soon begins protecting her without understanding why. But Akira's secret is far stranger than he could have ever thought possible—he discovers that he is a werewolf, sworn from birth to protect the vampire queen, even if it costs him his life. Now, as these two dance a rondo of death in the Vampire Bund, Mina and Akira find out just how deep their bond goes. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 193,848 7.04
Danganronpa: Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei The Animation -- -- Lerche -- 13 eps -- Game -- Mystery Horror Psychological School -- Danganronpa: Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei The Animation Danganronpa: Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei The Animation -- Hope's Peak Academy is an elite high school that accepts only the most talented students. Individuals who successfully enroll receive their own unique titles, suitably reflective of their skills and traits. Of the fifteen candidates admitted to the peculiar school that year, Makoto Naegi is a completely ordinary individual who has been accepted by sheer chance, with the title of "Super High School-Level Luck." -- -- Naegi and his fellow classmates are initially ecstatic to be chosen to study at this prestigious institution, but these feelings of happiness are short-lived. They are soon confronted by Monokuma, the principal and resident bear, who traps them inside the school. The pupils' hopes of escape and graduation hinge on one of them successfully murdering one of their peers without being discovered. However, if the killer is caught, he or she will be executed, and the remaining survivors will be left to continue the deathmatch until only a single victor remains. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 724,543 7.27
Dead Girl Trailer -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Horror Parody Supernatural Thriller -- Dead Girl Trailer Dead Girl Trailer -- Once upon a time, a girl was brutally murdered. Stabbed mercilessly and left for dead, she never received justice and her sadistic killer got away. That was until, through supernatural and unknown forces, she was brought back to life—as a zombie! Powerful, relentless, and hungry, Dead Girl is out for revenge! -- -- ONA - May 22, 2011 -- 1,965 3.51
Death Billiards -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Original -- Game Mystery Psychological Drama Thriller -- Death Billiards Death Billiards -- Two men have just arrived at a location known as Quindecim and are unable to remember how they got there. They are immediately greeted by a young woman who escorts them to a small bar, where a bartender awaits them. They are told that they will have to participate in a game, randomly chosen by roulette, and will be unable to leave until its completion; if they refuse, the consequences will be dire. In addition to the rules of the game, the two men are told to play as if their lives are at stake. -- -- The game that has been chosen is billiards. But there's more to it than just pocketing pool balls, as the two are about to find out the outcome could mean life or death. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Mar 2, 2013 -- 197,026 7.93
Death Parade -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Original -- Game Mystery Psychological Drama Thriller -- Death Parade Death Parade -- After death, there is no heaven or hell, only a bar that stands between reincarnation and oblivion. There the attendant will, one after another, challenge pairs of the recently deceased to a random game in which their fate of either ascending into reincarnation or falling into the void will be wagered. Whether it's bowling, darts, air hockey, or anything in between, each person's true nature will be revealed in a ghastly parade of death and memories, dancing to the whims of the bar's master. Welcome to Quindecim, where Decim, arbiter of the afterlife, awaits! -- -- Death Parade expands upon the original one-shot intended to train young animators. It follows yet more people receiving judgment—until a strange, black-haired guest causes Decim to begin questioning his own rulings. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,285,447 8.19
Deimos no Hanayome: Ran no Kumikyoku -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Mystery Horror Demons Psychological Supernatural Drama Magic Fantasy Shoujo -- Deimos no Hanayome: Ran no Kumikyoku Deimos no Hanayome: Ran no Kumikyoku -- Two siblings were happy on Mt. Olympus, until they fell in love. Deimo's sister Venus got imprisoned in the Swamp of Death. To save Venus's life, he must find a human reincarnation so that they can continue their love. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Aug 31, 1988 -- 4,186 5.68
Detective Conan Movie 07: Crossroad in the Ancient Capital -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Mystery Comedy Police Shounen -- Detective Conan Movie 07: Crossroad in the Ancient Capital Detective Conan Movie 07: Crossroad in the Ancient Capital -- Under the cover of darkness, a masked samurai murders six men across the metropolis of Japan: three in Tokyo, one in Osaka, and the last in Kyoto. In their investigation, the police learn that each man was a member of the Genjibotaru—a thieves gang centered on the theft of Buddhist statues and artifacts and who go by the names of Minomoto no Yoshitune's servants. -- -- Without a clear motive or clues to the other members' identities, the case runs dry until a Kyoto temple calls for the famous Kogorou Mouri. Having received an anonymous letter containing a peculiar puzzle, the temple monks ask for his assistance in solving it to recover their long lost statue. Meanwhile, Conan Edogawa and high school detective Heiji Hattori team up in order to solve the cryptic puzzle and find the murderer, as Hattori searches for his childhood love. -- -- With Hattori's knowledge of Kyoto, the two scour the streets and gradually discover the truth, but not before the murderer strikes again—killing another Genjibotaru member and, after repeated attempts on Hattori's life, eventually kidnapping Hattori's childhood sweetheart. It is only by working together to bring buried clues to light can Conan and Hattori hope to end the rogue samurai's bloodshed and save Hattori's love. -- -- Movie - Apr 19, 2003 -- 40,896 7.83
Detective Conan: The Magician of Starlight -- -- D & D Pictures -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Space -- Detective Conan: The Magician of Starlight Detective Conan: The Magician of Starlight -- The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has planned a huge exhibition to present current progress in space exploration, as well as showcase a set of large, beautiful celestial jewels. But then, a message arrives from infamous Kaitou Kid, who plans to steal the treasure. Conan and the Detective Boys are brought in as added security. Everything is going well... until the power cuts out. With limited time, Conan and company must protect the jewels from Kaitou Kid. -- Movie - ??? ??, 2012 -- 2,088 6.53
Digimon Adventure 02: Diablomon no Gyakushuu -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Drama Kids Sci-Fi -- Digimon Adventure 02: Diablomon no Gyakushuu Digimon Adventure 02: Diablomon no Gyakushuu -- After the events of 02, everything is finally getting back to normal. That is, until a strangely familiar icon starts showing up on computer systems around the Japan. And not just computer systems... TVs, mobile phones, video games; anything with a screen with online capabilities. And this icon seems to be looking for somone... Yagami Taichi, and Ishida Yamato, who defeated it several years before. Yes, it turns out that this jellyfish digimon is in fact Diablomon, the Virus-type Digimon that was defeated in the second movie. But this time, he's learned to make himself physical, and is sending thousands of copies of himself into the real world. -- -- Koushiro and Ken devise a plan to rid the world of the virus once and for all, but it'll take the help of all the Destined, past and present. Once again, it's a race against time to put a stop to Diablomon's plot... but even that is cloaked in shadow. -- -- Will the revival of Omagamon be enough to stop Diablomon a second time, or will the millions of copies prove enough of a power boost to shrug off the "Digimon Champion of Justice"? Of course, he hasn't seen the new breed of Chosen, nor the new techniques. It's a fight to the finish, with the destruction of Tokyo resting on the line. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Saban Brands -- Movie - Mar 3, 2001 -- 46,582 7.28
Divine Gate -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Sci-Fi Fantasy -- Divine Gate Divine Gate -- The legend of the Divine Gate is a story told to young children that depicts the merging of the living world, the heavens, and the underworld. "Adapters"—people born with unique elemental abilities gifted to them from the union of these worlds—formed the World Council, an organization which controls the chaos of the Gate by portraying its legend as nothing more than a myth. These Adapters train in a special academy owned by the World Council that allows the students to hone their skills. -- -- Aoto, a teenage boy with exceptional water powers and a tragic past, rejects the offer to join the academy numerous times—until he is successfully pressured by the energetic wind user Midori and stubborn fire user Akane. Together, with the World Council and their mysterious leader Arthur, they seek out the Gate in the hopes of uncovering the truth. But in order to reach their goals, they must unite and overcome their own despair while dealing with behind the scene mischief. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 147,125 5.58
Dog Days -- -- Seven Arcs -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Fantasy Magic -- Dog Days Dog Days -- Dog Days takes place in the world of Flonyard, an alternate Earth inhabited by beings who resemble humans, but also have the ears and tails of specific animals. The Republic of Biscotti, a union of dog-like citizens, has come under attack by the feline forces of the Galette Leo Knights. In an effort to save Biscotti, Princess Millhiore summons a champion from another world in order to defend her people. That champion is Cinque Izumi, a normal junior high student from Earth. -- -- Agreeing to assist Biscotti, Cinque retrieves a sacred weapon called the Palladion and prepares for war. In Flonyard, wars are fought with no casualties and are more akin to sports competitions with the goal of raising money for the participating kingdoms. Cinque is successful in his role as Biscotti’s champion, but learns that a summoned champion cannot be returned to their home world. The scientists of Biscotti will endeavor to find a way for Cinque to return home, but until they figure something out, he must serve Princess Millhiore by continuing to fight as Biscotti’s hero. -- TV - Apr 2, 2011 -- 166,546 6.94
Doraemon Movie 20: Nobita no Uchuu Hyouryuuki -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Adventure Comedy Fantasy Kids Shounen Space -- Doraemon Movie 20: Nobita no Uchuu Hyouryuuki Doraemon Movie 20: Nobita no Uchuu Hyouryuuki -- After bragging about receiving a space trip ticket from his father, Suneo concedes they would have to wait quite a while until they can actually go. So, Nobita and co. turns to Doraemon for it, but they were given a space simulation game to play together instead. Unfortunately an accident with another gadget occurred, leaving Suneo and Giant trapped inside the game, only to be picked up by someone from outer space. Nobita, Shizuka and Doraemon then pursued the UFO that has the game inside it which took them all to a real space adventure. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Mar 6, 1999 -- 3,104 7.06
Dororo -- -- MAPPA, Tezuka Productions -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Demons Historical Samurai Shounen Supernatural -- Dororo Dororo -- The greedy samurai lord Daigo Kagemitsu's land is dying, and he would do anything for power, even renounce Buddha and make a pact with demons. His prayers are answered by 12 demons who grant him the power he desires by aiding his prefecture's growth, but at a price. When Kagemitsu's first son is born, the boy has no limbs, no nose, no eyes, no ears, nor even skin—yet still, he lives. -- -- This child is disposed of in a river and forgotten. But as luck would have it, he is saved by a medicine man who provides him with prosthetics and weapons, allowing for him to survive and fend for himself. The boy lives and grows, and although he cannot see, hear, or feel anything, he must defeat the demons that took him as sacrifice. With the death of each one, he regains a part of himself that is rightfully his. For many years he wanders alone, until one day an orphan boy, Dororo, befriends him. The unlikely pair of castaways now fight for their survival and humanity in an unforgiving, demon-infested world. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 745,731 8.20
Dragon Ball -- -- Toei Animation -- 153 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Fantasy Martial Arts Shounen Super Power -- Dragon Ball Dragon Ball -- Gokuu Son is a young boy who lives in the woods all alone—that is, until a girl named Bulma runs into him in her search for a set of magical objects called the "Dragon Balls." Since the artifacts are said to grant one wish to whoever collects all seven, Bulma hopes to gather them and wish for a perfect boyfriend. Gokuu happens to be in possession of a dragon ball, but unfortunately for Bulma, he refuses to part ways with it, so she makes him a deal: he can tag along on her journey if he lets her borrow the dragon ball's power. With that, the two set off on the journey of a lifetime. -- -- They don't go on the journey alone. On the way, they meet the old Muten-Roshi and wannabe disciple Kuririn, with whom Gokuu trains to become a stronger martial artist for the upcoming World Martial Arts Tournament. However, it's not all fun and games; the ability to make any wish come true is a powerful one, and there are others who would do much worse than just wishing for a boyfriend. To stop those who would try to abuse the legendary power, they train to become stronger fighters, using their newfound strength to help the people around them along the way. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 768,651 7.98
Dragon Ball Z Movie 15: Fukkatsu no "F" -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Super Power Martial Arts Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z Movie 15: Fukkatsu no "F" Dragon Ball Z Movie 15: Fukkatsu no "F" -- Earth is finally peaceful again, but this calm is short-lived. The remnants of Frieza's army, led by Sorbet and his right hand Tagoma, arrive on Earth in order to summon Shen Long with the goal of resurrecting their old master. To do so, they threaten Emperor Pilaf, Shuu, and Mai for the Dragon Balls in their possession. -- -- Once successfully revived, Frieza—who had been stoking his hatred for Gokuu Son and Future Trunks in Hell—proclaims that he will not be content until they are dead by his hand. Sorbet informs him that Future Trunks has not been heard of in years, and Gokuu's power has far surpassed even that of the mighty Majin Buu. Unfazed, Frieza responds that he only requires a few months of training before being capable of defeating Gokuu. -- -- Will Frieza be able to exact revenge upon his nemesis, or will Gokuu, Vegeta, and their friends prevail against adversity, saving Earth once more? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Apr 18, 2015 -- 126,747 7.09
Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka OVA -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Romance -- Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka OVA Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka OVA -- On their way back from the 18th floor, Hestia, Bell, and the others accidentally uncover a hidden, mystical hot spring, and they decide to stop by to refresh themselves until creatures lurking in the dark appear to attack them. -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- OVA - Dec 7, 2016 -- 135,175 7.07
ēlDLIVE -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Space Police Shounen -- ēlDLIVE ēlDLIVE -- Chuuta Kokonose is an orphan who lives with his aunt. For as long as he can remember, he's had a voice in his head, but other than that he's a normal boy—right until the day when a strange-looking thing follows him home and teleports him to a place filled with more fantastic creatures. It's a space police station, and Rein Brickke, the Chief of Solar System Department, tells him that he's been chosen by the computer as a possible candidate to join the police force. Misuzu Sonokata, a girl from Chuuta's school with an angelic face and ill temper who turns out to be one of Rein Brickke's subordinates, doesn't think him suitable for such a job. Chuuta, who was shocked at first, decides to take the aptitude test after being urged by the voice in his head and to prove Misuzu wrong. -- 42,658 6.14
ēlDLIVE -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Space Police Shounen -- ēlDLIVE ēlDLIVE -- Chuuta Kokonose is an orphan who lives with his aunt. For as long as he can remember, he's had a voice in his head, but other than that he's a normal boy—right until the day when a strange-looking thing follows him home and teleports him to a place filled with more fantastic creatures. It's a space police station, and Rein Brickke, the Chief of Solar System Department, tells him that he's been chosen by the computer as a possible candidate to join the police force. Misuzu Sonokata, a girl from Chuuta's school with an angelic face and ill temper who turns out to be one of Rein Brickke's subordinates, doesn't think him suitable for such a job. Chuuta, who was shocked at first, decides to take the aptitude test after being urged by the voice in his head and to prove Misuzu wrong. -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 42,658 6.14
Eve no Jikan -- -- Studio Rikka -- 6 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Slice of Life -- Eve no Jikan Eve no Jikan -- In future Japan, in a time when android housekeepers have become commonplace, society strictly abides by the Three Laws of Robotics, which all androids must follow. Under the influence of the Robot Ethics Committee, androids are treated the same way as lesser technology, such as household appliances. However, a minority with an adoration for androids exists, categorized as "android-holics," and are shunned by the general public. -- -- Rikuo Sakisaka was raised to accept society's precept about androids, and is perfectly aware that they are not human. That is, until the day he discovers a strange message buried within the activity logs of his household android, Sammy. This leads him to Eve no Jikan, a cafe with only one rule that its patrons must adhere to: there must be no distinction made between humans and androids. Curiosity drives Rikuo to learn more about the shop, and he attempts to unearth the reason behind Sammy's peculiar behavior. -- -- ONA - Aug 1, 2008 -- 156,275 8.07
Fate/Grand Order: First Order -- -- Lay-duce -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Fate/Grand Order: First Order Fate/Grand Order: First Order -- In 2015, the Chaldea Security Organization draws on experts of both the magical and mundane fields to observe the future of mankind for possible extinction events. Humanity's survival seems assured for the next century—until the verdict suddenly changes, and now eradication of the species awaits at the end of 2016. The cause is unknown, but appears to be linked with the Japanese town of Fuyuki and the events of 2004 during the Fifth Holy Grail War. -- -- In response, Chaldea harnesses an experimental means of time travel, the Rayshift technology. With it, Ritsuka Fujimaru, a young man newly recruited to the organization, and the mysterious girl Mash Kyrielight, can travel back to 2004 and discover how to save humanity. A grand order to fight fate has been declared—an order to change the past and restore the future. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Special - Dec 31, 2016 -- 144,880 6.77
Fate/Grand Order: First Order -- -- Lay-duce -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Fate/Grand Order: First Order Fate/Grand Order: First Order -- In 2015, the Chaldea Security Organization draws on experts of both the magical and mundane fields to observe the future of mankind for possible extinction events. Humanity's survival seems assured for the next century—until the verdict suddenly changes, and now eradication of the species awaits at the end of 2016. The cause is unknown, but appears to be linked with the Japanese town of Fuyuki and the events of 2004 during the Fifth Holy Grail War. -- -- In response, Chaldea harnesses an experimental means of time travel, the Rayshift technology. With it, Ritsuka Fujimaru, a young man newly recruited to the organization, and the mysterious girl Mash Kyrielight, can travel back to 2004 and discover how to save humanity. A grand order to fight fate has been declared—an order to change the past and restore the future. -- -- Special - Dec 31, 2016 -- 144,880 6.77
Figure 17: Tsubasa & Hikaru -- -- OLM -- 13 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Slice of Life -- Figure 17: Tsubasa & Hikaru Figure 17: Tsubasa & Hikaru -- Tsubasa Shiina is a 10-year-old girl who recently moved to Hokkaido to live with her father. In school, she is very quiet and unsociable with her classmates. Then one night, she witnesses a UFO crash in the forest near her home. She rushes to the scene and finds the pilot, codenamed "D.D.", in a barely stable condition. Also in the scene is a Maguar, a hideous alien that hatched aboard D.D.'s ship. As the Maguar is close to taking Tsubasa's life, an alien lifeform fuses with her body to form the Riberus battle armor Figure 17, which shortly destroys the alien threat. The life form takes the name Hikaru and turns into an identical twin of Tsubasa. As time passes, Tsubasa becomes more open to everyone around her, thanks to her new twin sister Hikaru. However, with Maguar eggs scattered all over Hokkaido, their ability to form Figure 17 is needed to eliminate all hatched Maguars until backup from D.D.'s home planet arrives on Earth. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- TV - May 27, 2001 -- 11,234 7.22
FLCL Progressive -- -- Production GoodBook, Production I.G, Signal.MD -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Comedy Dementia Mecha Parody Sci-Fi -- FLCL Progressive FLCL Progressive -- Hidomi Hibajiri is a dissilusioned young girl who never takes off her headphones. Her whole life consists of going to school, helping out at her mother's cafe, and listening to music. And with nothing else to break the crippling monotony, she keeps her headphones on at all times. That is, until she is run over by a mysterious guitar-wielding woman. -- -- That same night, a robot barges into Hidomi’s room along with a boy from her class, Ko Ide, and the kids are chased around town together. They're saved by the guitar-wielding woman from before, but now Hidomi's got a horn growing from her forehead? Who knows where these robots are coming from, what kind of vespa woman this weird guitar woman is warning her about, or what this thing on her forehead is, but it doesn't look like Hidomi is going to be able to ignore all this with headphones! -- -- -- Licensor: -- NYAV Post -- Movie - Sep 28, 2018 -- 107,480 6.41
FLCL Progressive -- -- Production GoodBook, Production I.G, Signal.MD -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Comedy Dementia Mecha Parody Sci-Fi -- FLCL Progressive FLCL Progressive -- Hidomi Hibajiri is a dissilusioned young girl who never takes off her headphones. Her whole life consists of going to school, helping out at her mother's cafe, and listening to music. And with nothing else to break the crippling monotony, she keeps her headphones on at all times. That is, until she is run over by a mysterious guitar-wielding woman. -- -- That same night, a robot barges into Hidomi’s room along with a boy from her class, Ko Ide, and the kids are chased around town together. They're saved by the guitar-wielding woman from before, but now Hidomi's got a horn growing from her forehead? Who knows where these robots are coming from, what kind of vespa woman this weird guitar woman is warning her about, or what this thing on her forehead is, but it doesn't look like Hidomi is going to be able to ignore all this with headphones! -- -- Movie - Sep 28, 2018 -- 107,480 6.41
Fruits Basket -- -- Studio Deen -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Supernatural Drama Romance Shoujo -- Fruits Basket Fruits Basket -- After the accident in which she lost her mother, 16-year-old Tooru moves in with her grandfather, but due to his home being renovated, is unable to continue living with him. Claiming she will find someone to stay with but also fearing the criticism of her family and not wanting to burden any of her friends, Tooru resorts to secretly living on her own in a tent in the woods. -- -- One night on her way back from work, she finds her tent buried underneath a landslide. Yuki Souma, the "prince" of her school, and his cousin Shigure Souma, a famous author, stumble across Tooru's situation and invite her to stay with them until her grandfather's home renovations are complete. -- -- Upon arriving at the Souma house, Tooru discovers their secret: if a Souma is hugged by someone of the opposite gender, they temporarily transform into one of the animals of the zodiac! However, this strange phenomenon is no laughing matter; rather, it is a terrible curse that holds a dark history. As she continues her journey, meeting more members of the zodiac family, will Tooru's kindhearted yet resilient nature be enough to prepare her for what lies behind the Souma household's doors? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 439,385 7.69
Fumetsu no Anata e -- -- Brain's Base -- 20 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Supernatural Drama Shounen -- Fumetsu no Anata e Fumetsu no Anata e -- It, a mysterious immortal being, is sent to the Earth with no emotions nor identity. However, It is able to take the shape of those around that have a strong impetus. -- -- At first, It is a sphere. Then, It imitates the form of a rock. As the temperature drops and snow falls atop the moss, It inherits the moss. When an injured, lone wolf comes limping by and lays down to die, It takes on the form of the animal. Finally, It gains consciousness and begins to traverse the empty tundra until It meets a boy. -- -- The boy lives alone in a ghost town, which the adults abandoned long ago in search of the paradise said to exist far beyond the endless sea of white tundra. However, their efforts were for naught, and now the boy is in a critical state. -- -- Acquiring the form of the boy, It sets off on a never-ending journey, in search of new experiences, places, and people. -- -- 217,744 8.74
Futari wa Precure -- -- Toei Animation -- 49 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Magic Fantasy Shoujo -- Futari wa Precure Futari wa Precure -- Futari wa Precure protagonists Nagisa Misumi and Honoka Yukishiro are about as different as two people can get. Nagisa is the captain of the lacrosse team, a lover of food, and a hater of homework. Honoka loves to learn, working with the science club and earning the nickname "The Queen of Knowledge" from her fellow classmates. Their lives are unconnected until one day, when a mysterious star shower unites them. -- -- Nagisa and Honoka meet Mipple and Mepple, two residents of the Garden of Light. Their homeland has been conquered by the evil forces of the Dark Zone who now have their sights set on the Garden of Rainbows: Earth. With powers from the Garden of Light, Nagisa becomes Cure Black and Honoka becomes Cure White. Together, they are Pretty Cure! Now Pretty Cure must locate the Prism Stones, the only power strong enough to defeat the Dark Zone and repair the damage done to the Garden of Light. Will these magical girls be able to protect their home from the evil that threatens it? Or will they be sucked into the darkness? -- -- Licensor: -- 4Kids Entertainment -- 36,291 7.00
Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki -- -- J.C.Staff -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Action Military Harem Magic Romance Fantasy -- Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki -- O, Hero! -- -- When Kazuya Souma is unexpectedly transported to another world, he knows the people expect a hero. But Souma's idea of heroism is more practical than most—he wants to rebuild the flagging economy of the new land he's found himself in! Betrothed to the princess and abruptly planted on the throne, this realist hero must gather talented people to help him get the country back on its feet—not through war, or adventure, but with administrative reform! -- -- (Source: Seven Seas Entertainment) -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 23,670 N/A -- -- Tenshi na Konamaiki -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 50 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Magic Romance Shounen -- Tenshi na Konamaiki Tenshi na Konamaiki -- Megumi-chan is a girl with a secret past. She used to be a boy until she met a person she thought was a magic user. This person gave him/her a magical book from which a genie appears to grant one wish when blood is applied to it. Megumi made the wish to be a man in a man's body but the genie has a twist: he grants wishes backwards so he turns Megumi-kun aged 9 to Megumi-chan. Years pass and Megumi enters High School where she immediately beats up the school bully who of course falls in love with her. She is looking for that book again to be able to reverse the spell placed upon her. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Apr 6, 2002 -- 23,228 7.47
Gift: Eternal Rainbow -- -- OLM -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Comedy Drama Harem Magic Romance School -- Gift: Eternal Rainbow Gift: Eternal Rainbow -- Amaumi Haruhiko is a high school student who attends Shimano Academy in a town called Narasakicho. Narasakicho contains an unknown rainbow which constantly overlooks the town and is related to granting a magical wish called "Gift." Gift is a once-in-a-lifetime present between two people. -- -- As a child, Haruhiko has been close with his childhood friend, Kirino, until he obtains a new non-blood sister by the name of Riko. Haruhiko develops a strong relationship with Riko until they sadly depart due to the fact Haruhiko's father could no longer support the two of them. -- -- After some times passes by, Riko finally returns to the town of Narasakicho, and along with Kirino, starts to attend Shimano Academy with Haruhiko. The series revolves around the relationship among these main protagonists and slowly reveals the story behind both Gift and the rainbow. -- TV - Oct 6, 2006 -- 28,911 6.61
Gilgamesh -- -- Group TAC, Japan Vistec -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Drama Fantasy Sci-Fi Supernatural -- Gilgamesh Gilgamesh -- The half-divine King of Uruk, Gilgamesh, was considered but a paltry legend... until his majestic tomb was discovered in the Middle East. This imperial crypt drew scientists from across the globe to the land, and with that came recognition of their fame. In a joint effort, they built Heaven's Gate in pursuit of advancing human knowledge. -- -- One day, a group of terrorists driven by greed attack Heaven's Gate, causing an explosion within the facility for archaeological excavation. The resulting phenomenon had much more impact than anyone could have imagined. -- -- More specifically, it triggered the birth of supernatural beings. In the midst of this mess, two siblings by the names of Kiyoko and Tatsuya encounter mysterious men with supernatural powers who, despite the scientific crisis around them, claim the ability to restore good to the world. Nevertheless, these seemingly heroic and all-powerful creatures act under the rule of factions. Are they here to save the world, or destroy it? -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- TV - Nov 2, 2003 -- 34,423 6.65
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu Gaiden: Ougon no Tsubasa -- -- Magic Bus -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Drama -- Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu Gaiden: Ougon no Tsubasa Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu Gaiden: Ougon no Tsubasa -- The Galactic Empire and the Free Planets Alliance have been locked in a seemingly endless war for more than a century and a half. In the Empire, a young Siegfried Kircheis meets Reinhard von Müsel and his older sister Annerose. Kircheis enjoys a happy friendship with the two beautiful blonde-haired siblings until the day that their alcoholic father, a lesser nobleman with low standing, accepts a request for Annerose to be sold as a concubine to the Kaiser. Although enraged, Reinhard is powerless to stop the whims of the Imperial Court. He and his father soon move away, leaving Kircheis behind. -- -- A few years later, Reinhard returns in a military uniform and declares his intent to rise through the ranks and free his sister from sexual servitude. Kircheis joins Reinhard on this daring journey to save Annerose, yearning to forever stay by the side of his friends. -- -- Movie - Dec 12, 1992 -- 12,113 6.27
Glass no Kamen (2005) -- -- Tokyo Movie Shinsha -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Drama Shoujo -- Glass no Kamen (2005) Glass no Kamen (2005) -- Two Girls. One Dream. And the entire world for a stage. -- -- At 13 years old, Maya Kitajima seems destined to spend the rest of her life toiling in a crowded restaurant alongside her bitter and unstable mother. But when her incredible acting talent is discovered by the legendary diva Chigusa Tsukikage, Maya finds a new future filled with both golden opportunities and terrifying risks. -- -- For Ayumi Himekawa, success has always been assured, yet she longs to be recognized for her own talents and skills, not her famous parents' connections. -- -- For both, the ultimate prize is the role of The Crimson Goddess in the play of the same name, a part created by Chigusa. To achieve this goal, both Maya and Ayumi must seek out and conquer every acting challenge, pushing the limits of their talent and endurance to the utmost, until they are worthy of the part… -- -- But for one to win, the other must fail! -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 6, 2005 -- 31,711 8.08
Goblin Slayer -- -- White Fox -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Fantasy -- Goblin Slayer Goblin Slayer -- Goblins are known for their ferocity, cunning, and rapid reproduction, but their reputation as the lowliest of monsters causes their threat to be overlooked. Raiding rural civilizations to kidnap females of other species for breeding, these vile creatures are free to continue their onslaught as adventurers turn a blind eye in favor of more rewarding assignments with larger bounties. -- -- To commemorate her first day as a Porcelain-ranked adventurer, the 15-year-old Priestess joins a band of young, enthusiastic rookies to investigate a tribe of goblins responsible for the disappearance of several village women. Unprepared and inexperienced, the group soon faces its inevitable demise from an ambush while exploring a cave. With no one else left standing, the terrified Priestess accepts her fate—until the Goblin Slayer unexpectedly appears to not only rescue her with little effort, but destroy the entire goblin nest. -- -- As a holder of the prestigious Silver rank, the Goblin Slayer allows her to accompany him as he assists the Adventurer's Guild in all goblin-related matters. Together with the Priestess, High Elf, Dwarf, and Lizard-man, the armored warrior will not rest until every single goblin in the frontier lands has been eradicated for good. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 751,943 7.45
Golden Kamuy -- -- Geno Studio -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Historical Seinen -- Golden Kamuy Golden Kamuy -- In early 1900s Hokkaido after the Russo-Japanese war, Saichi Sugimoto tirelessly pans for gold. Nicknamed "Sugimoto the Immortal" for his death-defying acts in battle, the ex-soldier seeks fortune in order to fulfill a promise made to his best friend before he was killed in action: to support his family, especially his widow who needs treatment overseas for her deteriorating eyesight. One day, a drunken companion tells Sugimoto the tale of a man who murdered a group of Ainu and stole a fortune in gold. Before his arrest by the police, he hid the gold somewhere in Hokkaido. The only clue to its location is the coded map he tattooed on the bodies of his cellmates in exchange for a share of the treasure, should they manage to escape and find it. -- -- Sugimoto does not think much of the tale until he discovers the drunken man’s corpse bearing the same tattoos described in the story. But before he can collect his thoughts, a grizzly bear—the cause of the man's demise—approaches Sugimoto, intent on finishing her meal. He is saved by a young Ainu girl named Asirpa, whose father happened to be one of the murdered Ainu. With Asirpa's hunting skills and Sugimoto's survival instincts, the pair agree to join forces and find the hidden treasure—one to get back what was rightfully her people's, and the other to fulfill his friend's dying wish. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 235,656 7.83
Granbelm -- -- Nexus -- 13 eps -- Original -- Fantasy Magic Mecha -- Granbelm Granbelm -- Long ago, magic was abundant and enriched the lives of all people until its usage in war. To end the chaos, seven of the most powerful mages gave up their lives in order to seal all magic. Now, almost one thousand years later, their magic seal Magiaconatus hosts Granbelm, a monthly series of battles meant to determine who among its participants is worthy of the title of Princeps, the one true mage. -- -- On the night of a full moon, high school student Mangetsu Kohinata is suddenly transported to an illusionary world where six mages are participating in Granbelm. Mistaken for an enemy mage, Mangetsu is attacked by two mages until she is rescued by Shingetsu Ernesta Fukami and her Armanox Viola Katze. However, when Shingetsu is ambushed for protecting her, Magiaconatus grants Mangetsu the Armanox White Lily, allowing her to fight off Shingetsu's assailant. Overwhelmed by the revelations presented to her, Mangetsu decides to help her new friend fight in Granbelm and make her wish come true. -- -- 42,896 6.73
Gun Frontier -- -- Echo -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Drama Historical Sci-Fi Seinen -- Gun Frontier Gun Frontier -- It is a harsh and barren wasteland, where the weak aren't allowed to dream. It is also a sacred land for true men, for there is no place a man can feel more alive. This is the Gun Frontier. Sea Pirate Captain Harlock and the errant samurai, Tochiro arrive in the United States on the Western Frontier. Along with a mysterious woman they meet along the way, the two friends challenge sex rings, bandits, and corrupt sheriff. They are searching for a lost clan of Japanese immigrants, and they will tear Gun Frontier from end to end until they find it. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Media Blasters -- TV - Mar 28, 2002 -- 8,412 6.56
Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Hakairoku-hen -- -- Madhouse -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Game Psychological Thriller Seinen -- Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Hakairoku-hen Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Hakairoku-hen -- Owing to an increasing debt, Kaiji Itou ends up resuming his old lifestyle. One day, while walking on the street, he stumbles upon Yuuji Endou, who is hunting Kaiji due to the money he owes to the Teiai Group. Unaware of this, Kaiji eagerly follows Endou, hoping for a chance to participate in another gamble, but soon finds out the loan shark's real intentions when he is kidnapped. -- -- Given that Kaiji is unable to pay off his huge debt, the Teiai Group instead sends him to work in an underground labor camp. He is told that he will have to live in this hell for 15 years, alongside other debtors, until he can earn his freedom. His only hope to put an early end to this nightmare is by saving enough money to be able to go back to the surface for a single day. Once he is there, he plans to obtain the remaining money needed to settle his account by making a high-stakes wager. However, as many temptations threaten his scarce income, Kaiji may have to resort to gambling sooner than he had expected. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 145,107 8.25
Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor -- -- Madhouse -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Game Psychological Thriller Seinen -- Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor -- Kaiji Itou is a good-for-nothing loiterer who spends his days drinking beer and stealing hubcaps—that is, until he ends up being tricked by his former co-worker. Unable to suddenly repay his friend's huge debt all by himself, Kaiji is offered a shady deal to participate in an illegal underground gamble on a cruise ship. This turns out to be nothing more than the beginning of his new life of hell—thrown headlong into a life-threatening roller coaster of mind games, cheating, and deceit. -- -- Based on the first entry of the famous gambling manga series by Nobuyuki Fukumoto, Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor follows our unlucky protagonist as he is forced to fight not only other people, but also the mysteries of their psyches. Kaiji finds out the hard way that the worst sides of human nature surface when people's backs are against the wall, and that the most fearsome dangers of all are greed, paranoia, and the human survival instinct itself. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 257,125 8.28
Hachimitsu to Clover -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Josei Romance Slice of Life -- Hachimitsu to Clover Hachimitsu to Clover -- Yuuta Takemoto, a sophomore at an arts college, shares a cheap apartment with two seniors—the eccentric Shinobu Morita, who keeps failing to graduate due to his absenteeism, and the sensible Takumi Mayama, who acts as a proper senior to Takemoto, often looking out for him. -- -- Takemoto had not given much thought to his future until one fine spring day, when he meets the endearing Hagumi Hanamoto and falls in love at first sight. Incredibly gifted in the arts, Hagumi enrolls in Takemoto's university and soon befriends the popular pottery student Ayumi Yamada. Ayumi is already well acquainted with the three flatmates and secretly harbors deep feelings for one of them. -- -- Hachimitsu to Clover is a heartwarming tale of youth, love, soul-searching, and self-discovery, intricately woven through the complex relationships between five dear friends. -- -- 219,606 8.05
Hachimitsu to Clover -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Josei Romance Slice of Life -- Hachimitsu to Clover Hachimitsu to Clover -- Yuuta Takemoto, a sophomore at an arts college, shares a cheap apartment with two seniors—the eccentric Shinobu Morita, who keeps failing to graduate due to his absenteeism, and the sensible Takumi Mayama, who acts as a proper senior to Takemoto, often looking out for him. -- -- Takemoto had not given much thought to his future until one fine spring day, when he meets the endearing Hagumi Hanamoto and falls in love at first sight. Incredibly gifted in the arts, Hagumi enrolls in Takemoto's university and soon befriends the popular pottery student Ayumi Yamada. Ayumi is already well acquainted with the three flatmates and secretly harbors deep feelings for one of them. -- -- Hachimitsu to Clover is a heartwarming tale of youth, love, soul-searching, and self-discovery, intricately woven through the complex relationships between five dear friends. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, VIZ Media -- 219,606 8.05
Haiyore! Nyaruko-san -- -- Xebec -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi Comedy Parody -- Haiyore! Nyaruko-san Haiyore! Nyaruko-san -- Mahiro Yasaka is just an ordinary high school student, until one day he is suddenly attacked by a dangerous monster. Just when everything seems to be lost, he is saved by a silver-haired girl named Nyaruko, who claims to be the shape-shifting deity Nyarlathotep from horror author H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos, sent by the Space Defense Agency to Earth. She explains to Mahiro that the creature chasing him was an alien called Nightgaunt, who had planned on abducting and selling him as a slave. -- -- After rescuing him from the alien, the Lovecraftian deity falls madly in love with Mahiro and forces herself into his household, much to his chagrin. Moreover, they are soon joined by two others from the fictional universe: Cthuko, a girl obsessed with Nyaruko, and Hasuta, a young boy easily mistaken for a beautiful female. Together, the three eccentric aliens protect Mahiro from the various extraterrestrial dangers that threaten both his and Earth's well-being, all the while making his life a living hell. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NIS America, Inc. -- TV - Apr 10, 2012 -- 293,083 7.05
Haiyore! Nyaruko-san -- -- Xebec -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi Comedy Parody -- Haiyore! Nyaruko-san Haiyore! Nyaruko-san -- Mahiro Yasaka is just an ordinary high school student, until one day he is suddenly attacked by a dangerous monster. Just when everything seems to be lost, he is saved by a silver-haired girl named Nyaruko, who claims to be the shape-shifting deity Nyarlathotep from horror author H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos, sent by the Space Defense Agency to Earth. She explains to Mahiro that the creature chasing him was an alien called Nightgaunt, who had planned on abducting and selling him as a slave. -- -- After rescuing him from the alien, the Lovecraftian deity falls madly in love with Mahiro and forces herself into his household, much to his chagrin. Moreover, they are soon joined by two others from the fictional universe: Cthuko, a girl obsessed with Nyaruko, and Hasuta, a young boy easily mistaken for a beautiful female. Together, the three eccentric aliens protect Mahiro from the various extraterrestrial dangers that threaten both his and Earth's well-being, all the while making his life a living hell. -- -- TV - Apr 10, 2012 -- 293,083 7.05
Haiyoru! Nyaruani: Remember My Love(craft-sensei) -- -- DLE -- 11 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Sci-Fi -- Haiyoru! Nyaruani: Remember My Love(craft-sensei) Haiyoru! Nyaruani: Remember My Love(craft-sensei) -- The story centers around Nyarlko, a formless Cthulhu deity who can take on the shape of anyone it wishes, but particularly the shape of a seemingly ordinary silver-haired girl. Mahiro Yasaka is a normal high school student who is chased by aliens one night, until "Nyarlko" saves him. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Dec 11, 2010 -- 25,399 6.25
Hakkenden: Touhou Hakken Ibun -- -- Studio Deen -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Demons Supernatural Fantasy Shoujo -- Hakkenden: Touhou Hakken Ibun Hakkenden: Touhou Hakken Ibun -- The village of Ootsuka—home to Shino Inuzuka, Sousuke Inukawa, and Hamaji—was lit on fire under the preconception that a virus had seen all of its life eradicated. Now surrounded by flames and on the verge of death, the three were approached by a strange man holding a sword. He tells them that they must reach a decision if they want to live. That night changed everything for these children. -- -- Five years later, the family of three now lives under the watchful eye of the small Imperial Church in a nearby village. All is fine and dandy until the Church attempts to reclaim the demonic sword of Murasame. To accomplish this, they kidnap Hamaji to lure Shino, now a bearer of Murasame's soul, and Sousuke, who possesses the ability to transform into a dog. The brothers must put their differences aside to rescue their beloved sister from the Church in the Imperial Capital, signalling the beginning of a very difficult journey. -- 98,606 7.43
Hakkenden: Touhou Hakken Ibun -- -- Studio Deen -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Demons Supernatural Fantasy Shoujo -- Hakkenden: Touhou Hakken Ibun Hakkenden: Touhou Hakken Ibun -- The village of Ootsuka—home to Shino Inuzuka, Sousuke Inukawa, and Hamaji—was lit on fire under the preconception that a virus had seen all of its life eradicated. Now surrounded by flames and on the verge of death, the three were approached by a strange man holding a sword. He tells them that they must reach a decision if they want to live. That night changed everything for these children. -- -- Five years later, the family of three now lives under the watchful eye of the small Imperial Church in a nearby village. All is fine and dandy until the Church attempts to reclaim the demonic sword of Murasame. To accomplish this, they kidnap Hamaji to lure Shino, now a bearer of Murasame's soul, and Sousuke, who possesses the ability to transform into a dog. The brothers must put their differences aside to rescue their beloved sister from the Church in the Imperial Capital, signalling the beginning of a very difficult journey. -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 98,606 7.43
Hanyou no Yashahime: Sengoku Otogizoushi - Ni no Shou -- -- - -- ? eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Historical Demons Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Hanyou no Yashahime: Sengoku Otogizoushi - Ni no Shou Hanyou no Yashahime: Sengoku Otogizoushi - Ni no Shou -- Second season of Hanyou no Yashahime: Sengoku Otogizoushi. -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 9,028 N/A -- -- Jewelpet -- -- Studio Comet -- 52 eps -- Original -- Fantasy Magic Shoujo -- Jewelpet Jewelpet -- When what looks to be a cluster of shooting stars appear in the sky, Rinko Kougyoku and her friend Minami each make a wish. -- -- What the girls truly saw were not stars, but 'Jewel Charms' falling to the Earth. These charms were created by three magicians in a magical world names Jewel Land, each housing one of its many native Jewelpets. Although these creatures are free to roam the world in their original form, the magicians sometimes turn them into charms so that they can be carried around with great ease. Most Jewelpets don't find this troublesome, but once a mischievous bunny by the name of Ruby feels overly claustrophobic, she devises her escape. -- -- One day, the magicians decide to move the Jewelpets, and task a pelican with delivering them to the Dream Forest. All is well until a strong gust of wind disorients the bird, who then drops all of the charms that he was carrying. Instead of heading towards the Dream Forest, all the Jewelpets but Ruby fall to Rinko’s home city on Earth. Someone must go and retrieve them all, and as Ruby was the worst-behaved of the bunch, she is given the task of going to Earth. -- -- When Ruby reaches Earth in the form of a red Jewel Charm, she falls into Rinko’s water glass, and thus begins a rather unexpected adventure. Rinko, Minami, and Ruby form an alliance to search and gather all of the fallen charms, encountering strange creatures and tons of helpful allies along the way. Will they be able to succesfully bring the Jewelpets home safely, or is Earth full of more danger than they had expected? -- 8,999 6.65
Harukana Receive -- -- C2C -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Sports -- Harukana Receive Harukana Receive -- In beach volleyball, there is no room for aces. To achieve victory, each player must find their one, irreplaceable partner that they can rely on in the court of sand. At least, that is what Haruka Oozora learns on her first day in Okinawa after moving in with her grandmother and her cousin Kanata Higa. While touring a nearby beach, Haruka stumbles upon some girls practicing beach volleyball and is quickly invited to join. This friendly practice game suddenly turns into a match when one of the girls, Narumi Tooi, notices Kanata approaching the court. --         -- Although the two suffer a devastating defeat, Haruka finally realizes the reason for her cousin’s quiet and distant behavior. Kanata and Narumi used to be an exceptionally talented beach volleyball duo, until Kanata quit due to her short height causing problems for Narumi. Now, with the Junior Tournament just weeks away, Haruka must learn the intricacies of competitive beach volleyball and help Kanata overcome her crippling anxiety towards the sport that she once used to love. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 83,702 6.69
Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 3: Kurenai no Tsuki -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Action Fantasy Military Historical Shoujo -- Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 3: Kurenai no Tsuki Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 3: Kurenai no Tsuki -- Another 100 years has passed since the end the end of Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 2 (200 years after the original anime). In the past that is, very little time has gone by in the future. One day, Kasuga Nozomi encounters a strange boy at her high school, who sends her across time and space to Kyou, a place in another world that bears a strong resemblance to Kyoto towards the end of the Heian period. There, the Minamoto clan ("Genji"), led by Minamoto no Yoritomo, is at war with the Taira clan ("Heike"), led by Taira no Kiyomori. The Heike hope to defeat the Genji by releasing vengeful spirits to disturb the earth`s natural flow of energy and to terrorize the land. The boy is revealed to be the human form of Hakuryuu, the White Dragon God that protects Kyou, who is weakened by the presence of the vengeful spirits. As the Hakuryuu no Miko (Priestess of the White Dragon God), Nozomi allies herself with the Genji because Hakuryuu cannot send her home until his power is restored... -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- Special - Dec 28, 2007 -- 3,192 6.78
Hayate no Gotoku! Can't Take My Eyes Off You -- -- Manglobe -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Harem Parody Shounen -- Hayate no Gotoku! Can't Take My Eyes Off You Hayate no Gotoku! Can't Take My Eyes Off You -- Taking place one month after the events that occurred in the movie Heaven is a Place on Earth. Living at the Sanzenin Mansion once again, Nagi returns to her old ways of life, until she receives word from American authorities informing her that she has a week to pick up her late father's belongings that was indefinitely delayed due to various circumstances. After receiving news of her father whom she doesn't remember, Nagi then meets a mysterious girl (with a hidden agenda) claiming to be Nagi's little sister. -- -- The series tells a new story that is original to the anime and not directly based on the manga. The main author of the original series Kenjiro Hata personally created the original concept for the story of this anime. -- -- (Source: Hayate no Gotoku! Wikia) -- 47,602 7.04
Hibike! Euphonium: Kakedasu Monaka -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Music Drama School -- Hibike! Euphonium: Kakedasu Monaka Hibike! Euphonium: Kakedasu Monaka -- After the Kitauji High School concert band's auditions for club member participation in the Kyoto Prefectural Concert Band competition, 10 members fail to pass the strict evaluation. Despite being unable to play with the rest of the wind ensemble, the group—who decide to name themselves Team Monaka—is determined to support their peers in any way possible until the day of the competition. -- -- From carrying supplies to creating monaka-shaped good-luck charms, Team Monaka's efforts prove to be pivotal for the unforgettable, bittersweet summer in the concert band's journey toward nationals. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Ponycan USA -- Special - Dec 16, 2015 -- 42,696 7.47
Hidan no Aria AA -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action School Shoujo Ai -- Hidan no Aria AA Hidan no Aria AA -- Akari Mamiya, a first-year student from Tokyo Butei High, idolizes the S-rank Butei Aria Holmes Kanzaki and wishes to follow in her footsteps. Despite only being an inept E-rank Butei, Akari's resolve to improve remains strong. After the idea of having an Amica contract (a senior-student mentorship program) with Aria is brought up, Akari submits a request form attempting to establish said contract. Her classmates and friends do not expect Aria to accept Akari's request, mainly because of the girl's strict selection process, but to everyone's surprise, Aria gives Akari a chance through a test, which Akari miraculously passes! However, Aria will not officially make Akari her Amica until Akari meets her standards. -- -- Training under Aria will be no easy feat, as she has to concurrently manage her relationships with her friends. Will Akari have what it takes to walk down the same path as her idol? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 83,790 6.23
Higanjima X -- -- - -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Horror Vampire Fantasy Seinen -- Higanjima X Higanjima X -- Akira is in the midst of the final battle between the human race and vampires. He only has 47 days until Japan is turned into an island of vampires. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- ONA - Oct 15, 2016 -- 735 N/A -- -- Dracula no Uta -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Kids Music Vampire -- Dracula no Uta Dracula no Uta -- An imaginative take on Dracula is shown in this musical video from the Minna no Uta franchise. -- Music - Aug 2, 1975 -- 616 4.83
Higanjima X -- -- - -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Horror Vampire Fantasy Seinen -- Higanjima X Higanjima X -- Akira is in the midst of the final battle between the human race and vampires. He only has 47 days until Japan is turned into an island of vampires. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- ONA - Oct 15, 2016 -- 735 N/AGegege no Kitarou: Youkai Tokkyuu! Maboroshi no Kisha -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- - -- Adventure Comedy Fantasy Horror Supernatural -- Gegege no Kitarou: Youkai Tokkyuu! Maboroshi no Kisha Gegege no Kitarou: Youkai Tokkyuu! Maboroshi no Kisha -- This film is sort of a mashup of Ghost Train (episode 7) and Great Yokai War (episodes 10-11) from the original 1968 TV series, but with a new spin on it to bring it towards the modernness of the 1996 TV series--essentially making an entirely original plot. -- -- (Source: TSHS) -- Movie - Jul 12, 1997 -- 733 6.02
Hikaru no Go: Hokuto Hai e no Michi -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Game Shounen -- Hikaru no Go: Hokuto Hai e no Michi Hikaru no Go: Hokuto Hai e no Michi -- Hikaru is given a phone call asking him to appear in the Japan/China/Korea Junior's Tournament but he finds out he will have to take place in a preliminary tournament to choose Japan's three contestants. Upon discussing this with Akira, he discovers that Akira has already been chosen for the tournament and will not be taking place in the preliminaries. Hikaru then decides not to visit Akira's Go Salon until he takes his place on the team with Akira. That may be tougher than originally planned, as not only does Hikaru have to battle with old friends for one of two coveted spots, but he may have a new challenger, in a promising player from the Kansai Go Institute. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Special - Jan 3, 2004 -- 20,798 7.97
Himegoto -- -- Asahi Production -- 13 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Ecchi School -- Himegoto Himegoto -- The main protagonist of Himegoto, Arikawa Hime, is in serious trouble. He’s being pursued by loan sharks for the debt his parents left him with. That is, until the Shimoshina High School student council steps in to bail him out. These "kind" girls help Hime by paying off his debt and accepting him into the student council… as a beautiful girl, that is! -- -- Hime just happened to be wearing a French maid outfit when the council came across him, and now they won’t have him any other way. In return for paying off his debt, Hime must dress as a girl and be the council’s pet dog for the rest of his high school years. -- -- Still, things could be worse. After all, Hime is now surrounded by beautiful girls who constantly dote on him, expose him, and do naughty things to him. Thankfully, Hime has at least one person trying to get him out of this predicament: his little brother, who also happens to cross-dress. And then, of course, there’s the head of the disciplinary committee, who is… another cross-dressing boy!? This is getting ridiculous! -- TV - Jul 7, 2014 -- 99,353 5.93
Himouto! Umaru-chan -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy School Seinen Slice of Life -- Himouto! Umaru-chan Himouto! Umaru-chan -- People are not always who they appear to be, as is the case with Umaru Doma, the perfect high school girl—that is, until she gets home! Once the front door closes, the real fun begins. When she dons her hamster hoodie, she transforms from a refined, over-achieving student into a lazy, junk food-eating otaku, leaving all the housework to her responsible older brother Taihei. Whether she's hanging out with her friends Nana Ebina and Kirie Motoba, or competing with her self-proclaimed "rival" Sylphinford Tachibana, Umaru knows how to kick back and have some fun! -- -- Himouto! Umaru-chan is a cute story that follows the daily adventures of Umaru and Taihei, as they take care of—and put up with—each other the best they can, as well as the unbreakable bonds between friends and siblings. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 523,344 7.16
Hi no Tori: Uchuu-hen -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Space Drama Fantasy -- Hi no Tori: Uchuu-hen Hi no Tori: Uchuu-hen -- In deep space, four astronauts discover that their colleague Makimura has mysteriously died shortly following a cryptic note about his imminent murder. Though horrified by the news, the inoperable state of their spaceship leaves the crew no time to grieve, and they evacuate via escape pods. Determined to identify the culprit, the survivors begin to suspect fellow crewmate Kizaki, on account of a rivalry between himself and Makimura regarding the only female team member, Nana Ichinomiya. However, to their bewilderment, they notice Makimura's pod following them, yet failing to respond to attempts at contact. -- -- As the astronauts try to interpret their perplexing circumstances, they learn there are more inconceivable stories about their lost teammate, one involving the Phoenix, a mysterious bird said to have the ability to grant immortality. It is not until they crash into a seemingly deserted planet that the crew will finally uncover the sinister truth behind Makimura and his suspicious pod. -- -- Set in a distant future, Hi no Tori: Uchuu-hen illustrates the cruelty of human beings passionately in pursuit of their own desires without any regard to the consequences. -- -- OVA - Dec 21, 1987 -- 2,366 6.94
Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Comedy Ecchi Harem Romance School -- Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi -- Kazuma Hoshino is preparing himself for a new stage of his life as a teenager. Because of his brother Ayumu’s weaker than average health, their parents thought it best for the family to move out from the city to a more rural environment. Now the two brothers are off to the Yorozuyo Inn where they’ll be staying until their parents can settle affairs back in the city and set up their new home. -- -- Their arrival to the inn doesn’t go as planned though when they catch the wrong bus, wind up in the middle of nowhere, Ayumu gets his hat stolen by a wild monkey, and Kazuma gets lost in the woods trying to track the animal down. It all leads to a chance encounter with a spirited young girl named Ui, who Kazuma ends up accidentally falling onto and kissing while she tries leading him back to the bus stop. This hardly sits well with Ui’s friend Ibuki who swiftly kicks Kazuma and sends him on his way. Much to Kazuma’s continued horror, his bad luck is perpetuated at the inn thanks to its landlady Senka and her slightly perverted sense of humor, and then finding out that two of his classmates are the girls he embarrassed himself in front of back in the woods! -- -- Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi finds Kazuma adapting to his new school, dealing with the multiple women who have entered his life, providing emotional support for his younger brother, and coping with living with his new landlady. However, for some reason, something about this place is bringing whispers of the past into Kazuma's mind. Small flashes back to a more innocent time and a friendship long forgotten. What could this déjà vu mean? -- 149,537 6.76
Houseki no Kuni -- -- Studio Hibari -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Fantasy Sci-Fi Seinen -- Houseki no Kuni Houseki no Kuni -- *Based on a manga of the same name by Ichikawa Haruko, serialised in Afternoon. -- -- In the distant future, a new life form called Houseki is born. The 28 Houseki must fight against the Tsukijin who want to attack them and turn them into decorations, thus each gem is assigned a role such as a fighter or a medic. Though she hopes to fight the moon people, Phos is a gem who is given no assignment until the gems' manager Kongo asks her to edit a natural history magazine. -- -- Note: A promotional video that was released through YouTube in commemoration of the publication of the manga's first volume. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- ONA - Jul 19, 2013 -- 13,436 6.58
Hug tto! Precure -- -- Toei Animation -- 49 eps -- Original -- Action Magic Fantasy Shoujo -- Hug tto! Precure Hug tto! Precure -- It's her first day at a new school, and the cheerful Hana Nono is ready to make a fresh start, dreaming of becoming mature and reliable—a far cry from her usual childish self. Although she makes a disastrous first impression, Hana soon befriends two of her classmates: the gentle and studious class representative Saaya Yakushiji, and a cool and mysterious girl Homare Kagayaki. -- -- That night, a magical baby falls from the sky right onto Hana's balcony. She is immediately smitten with her and names her Hug-tan. Alongside Hug-tan is a snarky talking hamster, Hariham Harry, who mutters that Hana "isn't the one" before vanishing with the baby. -- -- The next day, Hana believes the encounter to be a dream, until people all over the city begin collapsing and a giant monster appears, feeding on their energy. As Hana escapes, she spots Hug-tan and Harry under attack. Making a stand to protect them, she and Hug-tan suddenly both glow with energy and a heart-shaped gem forms. -- -- With the crystal's power, Hana transforms into a hero called "Cure Yell" and defeats the monster. Surprised at Hana's power, Harry explains that he and Hug-tan came from a future frozen in time by the Criasu Corporation, the same organization that created the monster. Only the Future Crystals, manifestations of one's hopes and dreams, and the Precure they create have a chance at defeating Criasu and saving the future! -- -- 11,636 7.72
Hungry Heart: Wild Striker -- -- Nippon Animation -- 52 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Sports Shounen -- Hungry Heart: Wild Striker Hungry Heart: Wild Striker -- Kyosuke Kano has lived under the shadow of his successful brother Seisuke all his life who is a professional soccer player. Tired of being compared and downgraded at, he abandoned playing soccer until a boy from his new highschool discovered him and asked him to join their team. Kyosuke joins it and befriends two other first year players named Rodrigo and Sakai with the dream of becoming professional soccer players themselves. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Sep 11, 2002 -- 20,904 7.58
Hyouka: Motsubeki Mono wa -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Mystery School Slice of Life -- Hyouka: Motsubeki Mono wa Hyouka: Motsubeki Mono wa -- It's another regular day, with Houtarou Oreki sitting at home as usual; that is until his sister Tomoe ropes him into working as a lifeguard at the local swimming pool. Upon reaching the pool, Oreki coincidentally meets the other members of the Classics Club. Eru Chitanda notices that a white object that was on a woman's ear a while ago suddenly disappeared, which leaves her curious about the mystery behind it. -- -- Hyouka: Motsubeki Mono wa features Oreki and the rest of the Classics Club as they have fun at the pool and solve the mystery that has piqued Chitanda's curiosity. -- -- OVA - Jul 8, 2012 -- 142,805 7.37
Ice -- -- PPM -- 3 eps -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Shoujo Ai -- Ice Ice -- By A.D. 2010, all men have died off quickly due to a dramatic change in the environment and an unknown contaminant. The population decreased to the lowest number ever seen...until only the women were left alive. -- -- They live huddled in small corners of a world mostly reclaimed by nature. -- There are those who accept their inevitable extinction and live a carefree life... -- There are those who try to continue on the race with the help of science... -- It is a society of constant conflict over their differences of principles and policies. -- -- The story takes place in the center of Tokyo. It is one of the places left for them. The conflict over the specimen of "ICE" and the chance it may provide to save humanity begins. -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- OVA - May 25, 2007 -- 7,566 5.34
Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku -- -- AIC -- 13 eps -- Original -- Adventure Drama Fantasy Military Sci-Fi -- Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku -- Shuuzou ''Shuu'' Matsutani lives his ordinary life in peace. He has friends, a crush, and a passion for kendo. Dejected after losing to his kendo rival, Shuu climbs a smokestack to watch the sunset where he finds Lala-Ru, a quiet, blue-haired girl wearing a strange pendant. Shuu attempts to befriend her, despite her uninterested, bland responses. -- -- However, his hopes are crushed when a woman, accompanied by two serpentine machines, appear out of thin air with one goal in mind: capture Lala-Ru. Shuu, bull-headed as he is, tries to save his new friend from her kidnappers and is transported to a desert world, unlike anything he has ever seen before. Yet, despite the circumstances, Shuu only thinks of saving Lala-Ru, until he is thoroughly beaten up by some soldiers. As he soon finds out, Lala-Ru can manipulate water and her pendant is the source from which she is able to bring forth the liquid, a scarce commodity in his new environment. But now, the pendant is lost, and Shuu is the prime suspect. -- -- Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku is the haunting story of a dystopian world, and of Shuu, who has to endure torture, hunger, and the horrors of war in order to save the lonely girl he found sitting atop a smokestack. -- -- 110,835 7.66
Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku -- -- AIC -- 13 eps -- Original -- Adventure Drama Fantasy Military Sci-Fi -- Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku -- Shuuzou ''Shuu'' Matsutani lives his ordinary life in peace. He has friends, a crush, and a passion for kendo. Dejected after losing to his kendo rival, Shuu climbs a smokestack to watch the sunset where he finds Lala-Ru, a quiet, blue-haired girl wearing a strange pendant. Shuu attempts to befriend her, despite her uninterested, bland responses. -- -- However, his hopes are crushed when a woman, accompanied by two serpentine machines, appear out of thin air with one goal in mind: capture Lala-Ru. Shuu, bull-headed as he is, tries to save his new friend from her kidnappers and is transported to a desert world, unlike anything he has ever seen before. Yet, despite the circumstances, Shuu only thinks of saving Lala-Ru, until he is thoroughly beaten up by some soldiers. As he soon finds out, Lala-Ru can manipulate water and her pendant is the source from which she is able to bring forth the liquid, a scarce commodity in his new environment. But now, the pendant is lost, and Shuu is the prime suspect. -- -- Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku is the haunting story of a dystopian world, and of Shuu, who has to endure torture, hunger, and the horrors of war in order to save the lonely girl he found sitting atop a smokestack. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- 110,835 7.66
Inuyashiki -- -- MAPPA -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Action Drama Psychological Sci-Fi Seinen -- Inuyashiki Inuyashiki -- Ichirou Inuyashiki is a 58-year-old family man who is going through a difficult time in his life. Though his frequent back problems are painful, nothing hurts quite as much as the indifference and distaste that his wife and children have for him. Despite this, Ichirou still manages to find solace in Hanako, an abandoned Shiba Inu that he adopts into his home. However, his life takes a turn for the worse when a follow-up physical examination reveals that Ichirou has stomach cancer and only three months to live; though he tries to be strong, his family's disinterest causes an emotional breakdown. Running off into a nearby field, Ichirou embraces his dog and weeps—until he notices a strange figure standing before him. -- -- Suddenly, a bright light appears and Ichirou is enveloped by smoke and dust. When he comes to, he discovers something is amiss—he has been reborn as a mechanized weapon wearing the skin of his former self. Though initially shocked, the compassionate Ichirou immediately uses his newfound powers to save a life, an act of kindness that fills him with happiness and newfound hope. -- -- However, the origins of these strange powers remain unclear. Who was the mysterious figure at the site of the explosion, and are they as kind as Ichirou when it comes to using this dangerous gift? -- -- 443,053 7.69
Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu -- -- Ajia-Do -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Ecchi Fantasy Harem Magic -- Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu -- When it comes to the fantasy MMORPG Cross Reverie, none can match the power of the Demon King Diablo. Possessing the game's rarest artifacts and an unrivaled player level, he overpowers all foolish enough to confront him. But despite his fearsome reputation, Diablo's true identity is Takuma Sakamoto, a shut-in gamer devoid of any social skills. Defeating hopeless challengers day by day, Takuma cares about nothing else but his virtual life—that is, until a summoning spell suddenly transports him to another world where he has Diablo's appearance! -- -- In this new world resembling his favorite game, Takuma is greeted by the two girls who summoned him: Rem Galeu, a petite Pantherian adventurer, and Shera L. Greenwood, a busty Elf summoner. They perform an Enslavement Ritual in an attempt to subjugate him, but the spell backfires and causes them to become his slaves instead. With the situation now becoming more awkward than ever, Takuma decides to accompany the girls in finding a way to unbind their contract while learning to adapt to his new existence as the menacing Demon King. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 470,797 6.95
Izumo: Takeki Tsurugi no Senki -- -- Studio Kyuuma, Trinet Entertainment -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Adventure Drama Fantasy Martial Arts Romance Supernatural -- Izumo: Takeki Tsurugi no Senki Izumo: Takeki Tsurugi no Senki -- Yagi Takeru has been living in the Touma family's house since his parents are gone. He was raised by Touma Rokunosuke, the head of the house. He is surrounded by many people such as Yamato Takeshi, his best friend-cum-rival from the kendo club, the Shiratori sisters, Kotono and Asuka, and his childhood friend, Oosu Seri. Life has been blissful until one day, an earthquake strikes the school and everything changes. Takeru awakens to find that the school looks as if it has been abandoned for centuries and reduced to ruins. He also realize that all the teachers and students have disappeared as well. He meets up with Seri and Asuka and they fled from the ruins, only to realize that the town they used to live in is completely empty. Subsequently, people wrapped in cloaks appear before him. They were told that they have been brought to another world. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- TV - Apr 3, 2005 -- 10,895 6.22
Jewelpet Twinkle☆ -- -- Studio Comet -- 52 eps -- Original -- Fantasy Magic School Shoujo -- Jewelpet Twinkle☆ Jewelpet Twinkle☆ -- In Jewel Land, Jewelpets, creatures who has the natural ability to use magic lived in harmony with the Witches, attending the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to learn to use magic with their Jewel Eyes. However for Ruby, a white Japanese Hare whose magic sometimes fail, is appointed to go to the Human World to search for her partner. But when she used the card the magicians gave her, she was sent to the Human World by accident. In the Human World, A girl named Akari Sakura met her on the beach on her way to school. At first, Akari can't understand her due to her Jewel Land Language until Ruby took a special candy so she could speak and understand human language. As the day passes, Ruby knew about her problems and later apologized. A Jewel Charm appeared on Akari's hand and she realized it that she's chosen by Ruby to be her partner. After that, she decided to enter the Jewel Star Grand Prix, on the prize is that any wish that they wanted will be granted. Will she be the Next Jewel Star and her wish be granted in the end? Or It'll just end in one big disaster... -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- TV - Apr 3, 2010 -- 8,832 7.38
Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae -- -- Studio Deen -- 26 eps -- Original -- Mystery Psychological Supernatural -- Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae -- Following the events of Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori, Ai Enma, the Hell Girl, has disappeared. Her former companions decide to lead normal lives, until their absent mistress returns to them with a new companion, and in a way that none of them anticipated. -- -- Yuzuki Mikage is a normal schoolgirl who soon comes to understand the Hell Girl on an intimate level. During a dream-like trance in the bathtub, Ai kisses Yuzuki and possesses her. So when Yuzuki's friend decides to type in the name of their teacher in the Hell Correspondence website, Ai makes use of Yuzuki's body to accomplish her own task of ferrying the teacher's soul to hell. Yuzuki is disturbed by her new circumstances and wonders why she was chosen to continue Ai's work. Unfortunately for her, the Hell Girl and her assistants resume operation of Hell Correspondence, and she is dragged along for the ride towards hell itself. -- -- 89,990 7.65
Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae -- -- Studio Deen -- 26 eps -- Original -- Mystery Psychological Supernatural -- Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae -- Following the events of Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori, Ai Enma, the Hell Girl, has disappeared. Her former companions decide to lead normal lives, until their absent mistress returns to them with a new companion, and in a way that none of them anticipated. -- -- Yuzuki Mikage is a normal schoolgirl who soon comes to understand the Hell Girl on an intimate level. During a dream-like trance in the bathtub, Ai kisses Yuzuki and possesses her. So when Yuzuki's friend decides to type in the name of their teacher in the Hell Correspondence website, Ai makes use of Yuzuki's body to accomplish her own task of ferrying the teacher's soul to hell. Yuzuki is disturbed by her new circumstances and wonders why she was chosen to continue Ai's work. Unfortunately for her, the Hell Girl and her assistants resume operation of Hell Correspondence, and she is dragged along for the ride towards hell itself. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 89,990 7.65
Jinki:Extend -- -- feel. -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Mecha Sci-Fi -- Jinki:Extend Jinki:Extend -- Aoba is a young girl who loves to build models of robots. She lived alone with her grandmother until her grandmother passes away. Shortly after she is kidnapped and brought to a secret base where she discovers a huge robot. The piloted robots fight against Ancient-Jinki in The Grand Savanna, but the true meaning behind the fights is hidden. Aoba works hard at the base so one day she can pilot one of the robots and discover these secrets. -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- 10,003 6.13
Jinsei -- -- feel. -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy School Slice of Life -- Jinsei Jinsei -- Yuuki Akamatsu lives a normal high school life... that is until his cousin, Ayaka Nikaidou, convinces him to join the Journalism Club as a life consultant! His new job is to manage the advice column for the school's weekly newspaper to help him become more social. Soon, Yuuki is joined by three girls: the smart and shy Rino Endou, the athletic and outgoing Ikumi Suzuki, and the cultured and sweet Fumi Kujou. Together, they solve the personal problems of those who anonymously ask for advice. -- -- Although each of the new life consultants has their own unique perspective, they are able to reach solutions together by holding debates and social experiments throughout the week. However, as time goes on, the four slowly come to realize that they have not only been guiding other students through their troubles, but also working through problems of their own as well. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 61,000 6.49
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Adventure -- -- APPP -- 7 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Drama Fantasy Horror Shounen Supernatural Vampire -- JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Adventure JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Adventure -- Kujo Jotaro is a normal, popular Japanese high-schooler, until he thinks that he is possessed by a spirit, and locks himself in prison. After seeing his grandfather, Joseph Joestar, and fighting Joseph's friend Muhammad Abdul, Jotaro learns that the "Spirit" is actually Star Platinum, his Stand, or fighting energy given a semi-solid form. Later, his mother gains a Stand, and becomes sick. Jotaro learns that it is because the vampire Dio Brando has been revived 100 years after his defeat to Jonathan Joestar, Jotaro's great-great-grandfather. Jotaro decides to join Joseph and Abdul in a trip to Egypt to defeat Dio once and for all. -- -- Licensor: -- Super Techno Arts -- OVA - May 25, 2000 -- 59,139 7.19
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Adventure -- -- APPP -- 7 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Drama Fantasy Horror Shounen Supernatural Vampire -- JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Adventure JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Adventure -- Kujo Jotaro is a normal, popular Japanese high-schooler, until he thinks that he is possessed by a spirit, and locks himself in prison. After seeing his grandfather, Joseph Joestar, and fighting Joseph's friend Muhammad Abdul, Jotaro learns that the "Spirit" is actually Star Platinum, his Stand, or fighting energy given a semi-solid form. Later, his mother gains a Stand, and becomes sick. Jotaro learns that it is because the vampire Dio Brando has been revived 100 years after his defeat to Jonathan Joestar, Jotaro's great-great-grandfather. Jotaro decides to join Joseph and Abdul in a trip to Egypt to defeat Dio once and for all. -- OVA - May 25, 2000 -- 59,139 7.19
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken -- -- APPP -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Drama Fantasy Horror Shounen Supernatural Vampire -- JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken -- Kujo Jotaro is a normal, popular Japanese high-schooler, until he thinks that he is possessed by a spirit, and locks himself in prison. After seeing his grandfather, Joseph Joestar, and fighting Joseph's friend Muhammad Abdul, Jotaro learns that the "Spirit" is actually Star Platinum, his Stand, or fighting energy given a semi-solid form. Later, his mother gains a Stand, and becomes sick. Jotaro learns that it is because the vampire Dio Brando has been revived 100 years after his defeat to Jonathan Joestar, Jotaro's great-great-grandfather. Jotaro decides to join Joseph and Abdul in a trip to Egypt to defeat Dio once and for all. -- -- Licensor: -- Super Techno Arts -- OVA - Nov 19, 1993 -- 81,313 7.35
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken -- -- APPP -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Drama Fantasy Horror Shounen Supernatural Vampire -- JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken -- Kujo Jotaro is a normal, popular Japanese high-schooler, until he thinks that he is possessed by a spirit, and locks himself in prison. After seeing his grandfather, Joseph Joestar, and fighting Joseph's friend Muhammad Abdul, Jotaro learns that the "Spirit" is actually Star Platinum, his Stand, or fighting energy given a semi-solid form. Later, his mother gains a Stand, and becomes sick. Jotaro learns that it is because the vampire Dio Brando has been revived 100 years after his defeat to Jonathan Joestar, Jotaro's great-great-grandfather. Jotaro decides to join Joseph and Abdul in a trip to Egypt to defeat Dio once and for all. -- OVA - Nov 19, 1993 -- 81,313 7.35
Josee to Tora to Sakana-tachi -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Slice of Life Drama Romance -- Josee to Tora to Sakana-tachi Josee to Tora to Sakana-tachi -- A youth romantic drama with themes of growing up, the story focuses on college student Tsuneo and dreamer Josee, who lives her life stuck in a wheelchair. Josee—named after the heroine in Françoise Sagan's Wonderful Clouds—spends most of her days reading and painting until by chance she encounters Tsuneo, and decides it's time to face the real world. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- Movie - Dec 25, 2020 -- 66,606 7.98
Juubee-chan: Lovely Gantai no Himitsu -- -- Madhouse -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama Shounen -- Juubee-chan: Lovely Gantai no Himitsu Juubee-chan: Lovely Gantai no Himitsu -- Jiyu Nanohana is an ordinary schoolgirl until she runs across a scatterbrained 300 year old samurai who tells her that she is the reincarnation of Yagyu Jubei. With the help of the "Lovely Eyepatch" she transforms into the legendary swordsman whenever she needs to use his awesome fighting ability, which she needs to do quite often as a rival clan is dead set on conquering Yagyu to satisfy an old family grudge. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 16,018 6.66
Juubee-chan: Lovely Gantai no Himitsu -- -- Madhouse -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama Shounen -- Juubee-chan: Lovely Gantai no Himitsu Juubee-chan: Lovely Gantai no Himitsu -- Jiyu Nanohana is an ordinary schoolgirl until she runs across a scatterbrained 300 year old samurai who tells her that she is the reincarnation of Yagyu Jubei. With the help of the "Lovely Eyepatch" she transforms into the legendary swordsman whenever she needs to use his awesome fighting ability, which she needs to do quite often as a rival clan is dead set on conquering Yagyu to satisfy an old family grudge. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Media Blasters -- 16,018 6.66
Juuni Taisen -- -- Graphinica -- 12 eps -- Novel -- Action -- Juuni Taisen Juuni Taisen -- Every 12 years, mercenaries who possess the highest caliber of brute strength, cunning wit, and deadly precision gather to participate in the Zodiac Tournament. Each warrior bears the name and attributes of one of the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac. With their pride and lives on the line, they engage in vicious combat until only the victor remains. -- -- The 12th Zodiac Tournament begins in a desolate city, devoid of any evidence of the half million people who recently lived there. To raise the stakes, each warrior ingests a poisonous gem, thus setting a time limit on the tournament—and on their life. With one wish for the victor up for grabs, the Zodiac Warriors start their cutthroat battle for survival. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 231,212 6.55
Kagerou Daze: In a Day's -- -- Jumonji -- 1 ep -- Music -- Sci-Fi Slice of Life Comedy Supernatural Magic Romance -- Kagerou Daze: In a Day's Kagerou Daze: In a Day's -- Shintarou Kisaragi—a NEET who shut himself inside his room for 2 years—has been living his life normally until he met a cyber girl named Ene, who appeared in his computer screen when someone anonymously sent him a mysterious e-mail one year ago. One day, Ene had been messing with Shintaro's PC, which causes him have to go to the outside world for first time in two years. -- -- (Source: Official site) -- Movie - Nov 4, 2016 -- 14,035 6.19
Kaichou wa Maid-sama! -- -- J.C.Staff -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Romance School Shoujo -- Kaichou wa Maid-sama! Kaichou wa Maid-sama! -- Being the first female student council president isn't easy, especially when your school just transitioned from an all boys high school to a co-ed one. Aptly nicknamed "Demon President" by the boys for her strict disciplinary style, Misaki Ayuzawa is not afraid to use her mastery of Aikido techniques to cast judgment onto the hordes of misbehaving boys and defend the girls at Seika High School. -- -- Yet even the perfect Ayuzawa has an embarrassing secret—she works part-time as a maid at a maid café to help her struggling family pay the bills. She has managed to keep her job hidden from her fellow students and maintained her flawless image as a stellar student until one day, Takumi Usui, the most popular boy in school, walks into the maid café. He could destroy her reputation with her secret... or he could twist the student council president around his little finger and use her secret as an opportunity to get closer to her. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 931,301 8.05
Karin -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Supernatural Romance Vampire School Shounen -- Karin Karin -- Vampires—supernatural beings that feed on the life essence of the unsuspecting at night—have been around for centuries. However, high schooler Karin Maaka is unusual, even among her own kind. Unlike her vampire family, ever since she was a child, Karin has suffered from polycythemia: a rare disorder which causes her to periodically produce excessive amounts of blood. And the more blood she produces, the more anemic and lightheaded she gets, ultimately leading to frequent nosebleeds. -- -- Her only solution? Force her excess blood onto random strangers, which surprisingly causes these "victims" to become livelier and happier than before. With her siblings—Anju, her reserved yet affectionate younger sister, and Ren, her womanizing elder brother—helping her abilities remain a secret by altering the affected humans' memories, no one is the wiser. That is, until Karin's newly transferred classmate, Kenta Usui, finds her behavior suspicious. And to make matters even more complicated, Karin feels her blood reacting unusually to Kenta's presence. -- -- 156,832 7.15
Karin -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Supernatural Romance Vampire School Shounen -- Karin Karin -- Vampires—supernatural beings that feed on the life essence of the unsuspecting at night—have been around for centuries. However, high schooler Karin Maaka is unusual, even among her own kind. Unlike her vampire family, ever since she was a child, Karin has suffered from polycythemia: a rare disorder which causes her to periodically produce excessive amounts of blood. And the more blood she produces, the more anemic and lightheaded she gets, ultimately leading to frequent nosebleeds. -- -- Her only solution? Force her excess blood onto random strangers, which surprisingly causes these "victims" to become livelier and happier than before. With her siblings—Anju, her reserved yet affectionate younger sister, and Ren, her womanizing elder brother—helping her abilities remain a secret by altering the affected humans' memories, no one is the wiser. That is, until Karin's newly transferred classmate, Kenta Usui, finds her behavior suspicious. And to make matters even more complicated, Karin feels her blood reacting unusually to Kenta's presence. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 156,832 7.15
Katanagatari -- -- White Fox -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Historical Martial Arts Romance -- Katanagatari Katanagatari -- In an Edo-era Japan lush with a variety of sword-fighting styles, Shichika Yasuri practices the most unique one: Kyotouryuu, a technique in which the user's own body is wielded as a blade. The enigmatic seventh head of the Kyotouryuu school, Shichika lives quietly in exile with his sister Nanami until one day—the wildly ambitious strategist Togame barges into their lives. -- -- Togame brazenly requests that Shichika help in her mission to collect twelve unique swords, known as the "Deviant Blades," for the shogunate. Shichika accepts, interested in the girl herself rather than petty politics, and thus sets out on a journey. Standing in their way are the fierce wielders of these legendary weapons as well as other power-hungry entities who seek to thwart Togame's objective. In order to prevail against their enemies, the duo must become an unbreakable team as they forge ahead on a path of uncertainty and peril. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NIS America, Inc. -- 457,873 8.36
Kimi ga Nozomu Eien -- -- Studio Fantasia -- 14 eps -- Visual novel -- Drama Romance Slice of Life -- Kimi ga Nozomu Eien Kimi ga Nozomu Eien -- In the warmth of a golden sun, timid high school student Haruka Suzumiya confesses to Takayuki Narumi, the boy she admires. Takayuki accepts Haruka's confession and the two become a couple, supported by their mutual friends Mitsuki Hayase and Shinji Taira. All is well for these friends—until tragedy strikes. -- -- One of them is sent to an unenviable fate, lying dormant in a coma. Three years later, they awaken, but their sudden reappearance in everyone's lives threatens to test the limits of these friends' bonds. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Oct 5, 2003 -- 125,638 7.23
Kindan no Mokushiroku: Crystal Triangle -- -- animate Film -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Military Demons Mystery -- Kindan no Mokushiroku: Crystal Triangle Kindan no Mokushiroku: Crystal Triangle -- In times of olde, God gave mankind the ten commandments, and a message that has been lost to the centuries. In the present, Koichiro Kamishiro is a modern day Indiana Jones who scours (and often destroys) ruins for hints of the past, until one day he runs across a box filled with two crystal triangles. Having inadvertently run across the key to God's lost message, Kamishiro suddenly has a lot to deal with including assassination attempts by the KGB and the CIA, aliens hell-bent on destroying the Earth and the love of several women! -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- OVA - Jul 22, 1987 -- 1,914 4.56
Kiniro no Corda: Primo Passo -- -- Yumeta Company -- 25 eps -- Visual novel -- Harem Music Comedy Drama Magic Romance School Shoujo -- Kiniro no Corda: Primo Passo Kiniro no Corda: Primo Passo -- Seiso Academy is a prestigious high school that sorts students into two majors: General Studies, characterized by distinct grey uniforms, and Music Studies, characterized by pristine white uniforms. While rushing to class one morning, General Studies student Kahoko Hino has a chance encounter with Lili, a small fairy searching for someone with the ability to see her. Lili flies away, and Kahoko, puzzled by their meeting, continues on her way. -- -- Later that day, the participants of a school-wide music competition are announced, and all of them are, unsurprisingly, Music Studies students—at least until Kahoko's name is read out. Immediately tracking down Lili, the small fairy gifts Kahoko a magical violin and convinces her to participate in the competition. -- -- Kiniro no Corda: Primo Passo follows Kahoko's endeavors alongside Lili, as the young student must now face the challenges of competition and go head-to-head against her competitors while navigating a new world of classical music. -- -- TV - Oct 2, 2006 -- 87,783 7.46
Kiss Dum: Engage Planet -- -- Satelight -- 26 eps -- Original -- Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Kiss Dum: Engage Planet Kiss Dum: Engage Planet -- In A.D. 2031, humans are enjoying a prosperous existence until strange life forms called Hardians appear. They suddenly begin to multiply and assault the human population. As a countermeasure, mankind organizes the N.I.D.F. to investigate the Hardians and protect themselves. -- -- A fighter pilot, Aiba Shu, begins to become involved in the battle against the lifeforms. Rurika Yuno, one of Earth's foremost scientists, investigates the Hardians and hears rumors about the "Book of a Dead Man." What is the secret of this tome, and what relation does it have to the Hardians? -- -- Now, the fight for mankind's survival begins. -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Visual USA, Maiden Japan -- TV - Apr 4, 2007 -- 9,400 6.59
Konjiki no Gash Bell!! -- -- Toei Animation -- 150 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Demons Supernatural Magic Shounen -- Konjiki no Gash Bell!! Konjiki no Gash Bell!! -- Takamine Kiyomaro, a depressed don't-care-about-the-world guy, was suddenly given a little demon named Gash Bell to take care of. Little does he know that Gash is embroiled into an intense fight to see who is the ruler of the demon world. All of the demons have to pick a master on Earth and duke it out with other demons until one survives. Needless to say, Kiyomaro becomes Gash's master, and through their many battles, Kiyomaro learns the importance of friendship and courage. -- 100,678 7.54
Konjiki no Gash Bell!! -- -- Toei Animation -- 150 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Demons Supernatural Magic Shounen -- Konjiki no Gash Bell!! Konjiki no Gash Bell!! -- Takamine Kiyomaro, a depressed don't-care-about-the-world guy, was suddenly given a little demon named Gash Bell to take care of. Little does he know that Gash is embroiled into an intense fight to see who is the ruler of the demon world. All of the demons have to pick a master on Earth and duke it out with other demons until one survives. Needless to say, Kiyomaro becomes Gash's master, and through their many battles, Kiyomaro learns the importance of friendship and courage. -- -- Licensor: -- Flatiron Film Company, VIZ Media -- 100,678 7.54
Koukyoushihen Eureka Seven: Kinkyuu Tokuban Navigation ray=out -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Mecha -- Koukyoushihen Eureka Seven: Kinkyuu Tokuban Navigation ray=out Koukyoushihen Eureka Seven: Kinkyuu Tokuban Navigation ray=out -- Summary of Eureka Seven until Episode 26. -- Special - Oct 22, 2005 -- 11,466 6.97
Kubikiri Cycle: Aoiro Savant to Zaregototsukai -- -- Shaft -- 8 eps -- Novel -- Action Mystery Supernatural Drama -- Kubikiri Cycle: Aoiro Savant to Zaregototsukai Kubikiri Cycle: Aoiro Savant to Zaregototsukai -- Due to a mysterious disease, the genius Iria Akagami has been forced by her family to stay in a mansion on the isolated Wet Crow's Feather Island with only a handful of maids. To keep herself entertained, Iria invites a variety of fellow geniuses to stay as guests in her home, including computer savant Tomo Kunagisa and her unnamed assistant, skilled fortune-teller Maki Himena, famous artist Kanami Ibuki, academic scholar Akane Sonoyama, and renowned cook Yayoi Sashirono. -- -- These visits progress as normal until one of the guests is found gruesomely murdered in the night without a single clue as to the identity of the killer or a possible motive. Tensions rise between those on the island as the killer remains at large, and Tomo's assistant takes it upon himself to uncover the culprit's identity before the murderous events progress any further. -- -- OVA - Oct 26, 2016 -- 80,354 7.81
Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka? -- -- Millepensee -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Mystery Comedy Magic Fantasy -- Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka? Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka? -- The day is as normal as it can be in high school as the students peacefully go about their everyday activities until an unprecedented catastrophe strikes the school, killing every person in its wake. Guided by what seems to be a miracle, a handful of students are fortunate enough to be reincarnated into another world as nobles, princes, and other kinds of people with prestigious backgrounds. -- -- One girl, however, is not so lucky. Being reborn as a spider of the weakest kind, she immediately experiences the hardships of her dire situation. Even so, she must press on to survive the numerous threats that endanger her life. Discovering that her new world has a system like that of an RPG, she tries her best to hunt prey and defeat monsters to level up and evolve. As she gradually grows stronger, she hopes one day her efforts will be rewarded, and that she will be granted a better life. -- -- 182,578 7.26
Kurokami The Animation -- -- Sunrise -- 23 eps -- Manga -- Action Super Power Martial Arts Seinen -- Kurokami The Animation Kurokami The Animation -- High school student Ibuki Keita has been haunted by misfortune for as long as he can remember. For no apparent reason, everyone around him dies tragically. Ultimately, he refuses to become too close to anyone, even his childhood friend Akane. This leaves Keita alone in a life full of misery and disgrace. -- -- While eating at his favorite ramen shop one evening, Keita meets a strange young girl named Kuro. Possessing abilities that surpass that of a normal human being, Kuro classifies herself as a Mototsumitama. She explains to Keita about "Terra," a life-energy force split between three identical looking people; a global phenomenon dubbed the "Doppeliner System." As a Mototsumitama, Kuro guards the "Coexistence Equilibrium," the beings that protect the flow of Terra around the world. Keita refuses to believe her story, until he is caught up in the crossfire of this hidden world. On the verge of death, he makes a contract with Kuro, unbeknownst to its true meaning. Now he is bound to Kuro, and must be with her at all times. Could Keita's misfortune possibly get any greater? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, NYAV Post, Sentai Filmworks -- 108,073 7.16
Kuroko no Basket Movie 1: Winter Cup - Kage to Hikari -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Sports School Shounen -- Kuroko no Basket Movie 1: Winter Cup - Kage to Hikari Kuroko no Basket Movie 1: Winter Cup - Kage to Hikari -- First of three compilation films of the Kuroko no Basket franchise. -- -- The first match of Seirin vs Touou Gakuen at the Winter Cup. Seirin swore they would get revenge from the Inter-High, but Aomine's talents grew even stronger and Kuroko's new move is seen through. After having all of his efforts denied by his former light, Aomine, Kuroko is benched and faces humiliation. Seeing his partner like this, something almost beast-like awakens within Kagami, and he challenges Aomine. Aomine had lost almost all sense of fighting, until he and Kagami both intensely face off with each other as they go into the Zone. -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- Movie - Sep 3, 2016 -- 26,080 7.64
Kuroko no Basket Movie 2: Winter Cup - Namida no Saki e -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Sports School Shounen -- Kuroko no Basket Movie 2: Winter Cup - Namida no Saki e Kuroko no Basket Movie 2: Winter Cup - Namida no Saki e -- Second of three compilation films of the Kuroko no Basket franchise. -- -- Seirin faces off with Yosen in the quarter finals of the Winter Cup. Facing Yosen’s impenetrable defense with Murasakibara at its center, Kuroko manages to shoot his first point. Meanwhile, the ace battle between Kagami and Himuro also heats up. An intense battle is held until the very end. Next, Seirin faces off with Kaijo in the semi finals. Cautious of Kaijo's ace, Kise, and his Perfect Copy ability, Seirin works fast and hard to take the lead. Kise hurts his leg and is benched, so Seirin thinks they now have their chance, but then Kaijo shows them exactly what they can do even without Kise. -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- Movie - Oct 8, 2016 -- 22,718 7.65
Kuro no Danshou -- -- - -- 4 eps -- - -- Hentai Horror -- Kuro no Danshou Kuro no Danshou -- While vacationing with his adopted daughter, Private Detective Susuki becomes trapped in a secluded ski resort with a few other vacationers after a storm closes the place down. All is well until one of the guests is found brutally murdered. Being the good investigator he is, Susuki gets to work to find the killer. While digging for the killer, Susuki uncovers a lot of dirt on the other guests and even finds out a thing or two about his own past. But, as Susuki struggles to find the killer, the other guests start to point the finger at him. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - Oct 29, 1999 -- 2,308 5.74
Kyousou Giga (TV) -- -- Toei Animation -- 10 eps -- Original -- Action Fantasy Supernatural -- Kyousou Giga (TV) Kyousou Giga (TV) -- Long ago, there was a monk named Myoue who could bring anything he drew to life. He quietly lived with his wife Koto—a black rabbit in human form—and their three children: Yakushimaru, Kurama, and Yase. One day, the high priest of the land concluded that Myoue's drawings caused too many problems for the locals and ordered him to find a solution. In response, the family secretly fled to an alternate world of Myoue's own creation—the Looking Glass City. -- -- Everything was peaceful until Myoue and Koto suddenly vanished. Their three children are left to take care of the city, and Yakushimaru inherits Myoue's name and duties. Stranded in this alternate world, their problems only get worse when a young girl—also named Koto—crashes down from the sky and declares that she is also looking for the older Myoue and Koto. Armed with a giant hammer and two rowdy familiars, Koto just might be the key to releasing everyone from the eternal paper city. -- -- 151,698 7.77
Kyousou Giga (TV) -- -- Toei Animation -- 10 eps -- Original -- Action Fantasy Supernatural -- Kyousou Giga (TV) Kyousou Giga (TV) -- Long ago, there was a monk named Myoue who could bring anything he drew to life. He quietly lived with his wife Koto—a black rabbit in human form—and their three children: Yakushimaru, Kurama, and Yase. One day, the high priest of the land concluded that Myoue's drawings caused too many problems for the locals and ordered him to find a solution. In response, the family secretly fled to an alternate world of Myoue's own creation—the Looking Glass City. -- -- Everything was peaceful until Myoue and Koto suddenly vanished. Their three children are left to take care of the city, and Yakushimaru inherits Myoue's name and duties. Stranded in this alternate world, their problems only get worse when a young girl—also named Koto—crashes down from the sky and declares that she is also looking for the older Myoue and Koto. Armed with a giant hammer and two rowdy familiars, Koto just might be the key to releasing everyone from the eternal paper city. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 151,698 7.77
Les Misérables: Shoujo Cosette -- -- Nippon Animation -- 52 eps -- Novel -- Slice of Life Historical Drama Shoujo -- Les Misérables: Shoujo Cosette Les Misérables: Shoujo Cosette -- In 19th century France, a struggling single mother, Fantine, leaves her three-year-old daughter Cosette in the care of her new acquaintances, the Thernadiers. Unfortunately, Cosette's caretakers prove to be anything but loving, and the poor girl is subjected to repeated abuse and forced servitude. Still, she endures the torment in the hopes of seeing her mother once again. -- -- One night, while doing errands for her host family, Cosette is assisted by an honorable stranger named Jean Valjean. After a brief conversation with the young girl, Jean acknowledges her as the type of person he has been seeking and rescues her from the clutches of the Thernadiers. They make their way to a nearby town where Cosette enjoys a new life thanks to her savior. -- -- Under Jean's guidance, Cosette promises to help others with her newfound freedom. She pledges to heal the nation, ensuring that no one else suffers her fate. Though the road ahead is paved with tragedies left by the French Revolution, this idealistic girl will not rest until France is freed from poverty and suffering. -- -- TV - Jan 7, 2007 -- 22,190 7.87
Lord El-Melloi II Sei no Jikenbo: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note -- -- TROYCA -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Fantasy Mystery Supernatural -- Lord El-Melloi II Sei no Jikenbo: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note Lord El-Melloi II Sei no Jikenbo: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note -- Ten years after facing defeat in the Fourth Holy Grail War, Waver Velvet, now Lord El Melloi II, teaches classes at the Clock Tower—the center of education for mages. However, his new status as "Lord" comes with a caveat: obey the orders of Reines, the younger sister of the deceased Kayneth El Melloi, until she is old enough to rule the House of El Melloi. -- -- Waver, along with his mysterious apprentice Gray, takes on a series of cases assigned by Reines and the Mages Association. With each case proving to be more complex than the last, could there be more to the Clock Tower than meets the eye, and what secrets does Reines hide? -- -- 112,244 7.36
Lord El-Melloi II Sei no Jikenbo: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note -- -- TROYCA -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Fantasy Mystery Supernatural -- Lord El-Melloi II Sei no Jikenbo: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note Lord El-Melloi II Sei no Jikenbo: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note -- Ten years after facing defeat in the Fourth Holy Grail War, Waver Velvet, now Lord El Melloi II, teaches classes at the Clock Tower—the center of education for mages. However, his new status as "Lord" comes with a caveat: obey the orders of Reines, the younger sister of the deceased Kayneth El Melloi, until she is old enough to rule the House of El Melloi. -- -- Waver, along with his mysterious apprentice Gray, takes on a series of cases assigned by Reines and the Mages Association. With each case proving to be more complex than the last, could there be more to the Clock Tower than meets the eye, and what secrets does Reines hide? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 112,244 7.36
Magi: Sinbad no Bouken (TV) -- -- Lay-duce -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Fantasy Magic Shounen -- Magi: Sinbad no Bouken (TV) Magi: Sinbad no Bouken (TV) -- In the small, impoverished Tison Village of the Parthevia Empire, a boy, Sinbad, is born to the jaded ex-soldier Badr and his kind-hearted wife Esra. His birth creates a radiant surge throughout the rukh, a declaration of a singularity to those who stand at the pinnacle of magical might: the "Child of Destiny" is here. Despite his country being plagued by economic instability and the repercussions of war, Sinbad leads a cheerful life—until a stranger's arrival shatters his peaceful world, and tragedy soon befalls him. -- -- Years later, mysterious edifices called "dungeons" have been erected all over the world. Rumored to contain great power and treasures, these dungeons piqued the interest of adventurers and armies alike; though to this day, none have returned therefrom. Sinbad, now 14, has grown into a charming and talented young boy. Inspired by the shocking events of his childhood and by his father's words, he yearns to begin exploring the world beyond his village. As though orchestrated by fate, Sinbad meets an enigmatic traveler named Yunan. Stirred by Sinbad's story and ambitions, Yunan directs him to a dungeon which he claims holds the power Sinbad needs to achieve his goals—the "power of a king." -- -- Magi: Sinbad no Bouken tells the epic saga of Sinbad's early life as he travels the world, honing his skill and influence, while gathering allies and power to become the High King of the Seven Seas. -- -- 364,891 7.89
Mahou no Stage Fancy Lala -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 26 eps -- Original -- Music Comedy Drama Magic Romance Shoujo -- Mahou no Stage Fancy Lala Mahou no Stage Fancy Lala -- Miho Shinohara is a care-free third-grader and an aspiring manga artist. One day, she encounters Mogu and Pigu - two lost fairies disguised as stuffed animals. In exchange for staying at her home until they find a way to return to their own world, the fairies give Miho a special sketch pad and pencil that enable her to magically create real objects from what she draws. With the pen, Miho can also transform into Lala, a beautiful teenage girl created from her manga art. As Lala, she is discovered by a talent agency, and so begins her adventures from an ordinary school girl to a model to an idol singer. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- 9,613 7.12
Mahou Shoujo Ore -- -- Pierrot Plus -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy Fantasy Magic -- Mahou Shoujo Ore Mahou Shoujo Ore -- Saki Uno is an average 15-year-old girl with a side hustle as a member of the exceptionally unpopular idol duo Magical Twins. Despite this, she absolutely loves the time she spends with her best friend Sakuyo Mikage as she strives to become closer with her childhood crush, Sakuyo's brother Mohiro. Her peaceful life, however, unravels when she finds a yakuza-looking thug trying to enter her house. Forced to invite him inside, Saki learns that her mother used to be a demon fighting Magical Girl, and that her brutish guest is actually a mascot named Kokoro-chan looking to recruit a replacement. Dumbfounded and skeptical, Saki is hesitant accept the request until Kokoro-chan reveals that Mohiro is a target of some cute, squirrel-tailed demons. -- -- Rushing to his side, Saki's overwhelming desire to save Mohiro activates her Love Power, and a daring confession awakens her as a Magical Girl. However, because her body is not suitable for combat, Saki's transformation turns her into a muscle-bound man clad in a pretty dress. Now, as a fully-fledged Magical Girl, Saki must team up with Sakuyo to protect the love of her life from the fluffy, demonic menaces that run rampant in her world. -- -- 69,914 6.64
Maid of the Dead -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Comedy Horror -- Maid of the Dead Maid of the Dead -- It's just another normal day at a maid café until one of the customers turn out to be a zombie! Disrupting business and infecting some of the maids, everything suddenly descends into chaos as people are attacked. As one of the more experienced maids comes to deal with the unruly customer and newly-made zombie maids, perhaps there's a bright side to this unbelievable turn of events after all? -- -- ONA - Oct 7, 2013 -- 3,430 4.07
Majimoji Rurumo -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Magic Ecchi Fantasy School Shounen -- Majimoji Rurumo Majimoji Rurumo -- After an unfortunate accident, completely normal heterosexual high school student Kouta Shibaki is branded as the school pervert. With girls avoiding Kouta like the plague, truly the young man's worst nightmare has come to fruition! One day in the school library, he stumbles upon a peculiar book said to possess the power to summon witches. Partly out of desperation, partly out of boredom, Kouta decides to play along with the joke of a book, until an apprentice witch going by the name of Rurumo Maji Mojiruka appears before him. In an unusual turn of events, Kouta ends up helping Rurumo with some general witchery tasks in exchange for his soul being spared. -- -- Majimoji Rurumo follows the misadventures of Rurumo as she attempts to persuade Kouta to use 666 magical wish-granting tickets in her efforts to become a fully-fledged witch, unaware that every time she grants a wish, Kouta's life is shortened. Aided by Rurumo's familiar Chiro, Kouta must decide between helping Rurumo or saving his own life. -- -- TV - Jul 9, 2014 -- 64,142 6.85
Majo no Takkyuubin -- -- Studio Ghibli -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Adventure Comedy Drama Magic Romance Fantasy -- Majo no Takkyuubin Majo no Takkyuubin -- Kiki, a 13-year-old witch-in-training, must spend a year living on her own in a distant town in order to become a full-fledged witch. Leaving her family and friends, Kiki undertakes this tradition when she flies out into the open world atop her broomstick with her black cat Jiji. -- -- As she settles down in the coastal town of Koriko, Kiki struggles to adapt and ends up wandering the streets with no place to stay—until she encounters Osono, who offers Kiki boarding in exchange for making deliveries for her small bakery. Before long, Kiki decides to open her own courier service by broomstick, beginning her journey to independence. In attempting to find her place among the townsfolk, Kiki brings with her exciting new experiences and comes to understand the true meaning of responsibility. -- -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS, Walt Disney Studios -- Movie - Jul 29, 1989 -- 400,205 8.23
Majo no Takkyuubin -- -- Studio Ghibli -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Adventure Comedy Drama Magic Romance Fantasy -- Majo no Takkyuubin Majo no Takkyuubin -- Kiki, a 13-year-old witch-in-training, must spend a year living on her own in a distant town in order to become a full-fledged witch. Leaving her family and friends, Kiki undertakes this tradition when she flies out into the open world atop her broomstick with her black cat Jiji. -- -- As she settles down in the coastal town of Koriko, Kiki struggles to adapt and ends up wandering the streets with no place to stay—until she encounters Osono, who offers Kiki boarding in exchange for making deliveries for her small bakery. Before long, Kiki decides to open her own courier service by broomstick, beginning her journey to independence. In attempting to find her place among the townsfolk, Kiki brings with her exciting new experiences and comes to understand the true meaning of responsibility. -- -- Movie - Jul 29, 1989 -- 400,205 8.23
Major S3 -- -- Studio Hibari -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Drama Shounen Sports -- Major S3 Major S3 -- Having bid farewell to his former teammates at Kaido High School's baseball club, Gorou Honda returns to his hometown eager to continue playing. Attending a new high school proves to be more difficult than he initially expected, as Tetsufumi Egashira's merciless slandering of his name prevents Gorou from being accepted into any school with an existing baseball team. -- -- Left with no other options, Gorou joins Seishuu High School, where his childhood friend Kaoru Shimizu also attends. However, Seishuu has always been an all-girls school until two years ago, so there is not yet a dedicated men’s baseball team. -- -- But nothing will stop Gorou in his pursuit of Koshien. He must now create a baseball team from scratch with the seven male students at Seishuu, but all of them are complete amateurs! He decides to train the incompetent team up to nationally competitive levels, but such a feat is easier said than done. Will Gorou once again perform miracles? Or will he give up on achieving his goal of defeating Kaido with his own team? -- -- TV - Jan 6, 2007 -- 57,739 8.26
Mamono Hunter Youko -- -- Madhouse -- 6 eps -- Original -- Fantasy Magic Comedy Supernatural Horror -- Mamono Hunter Youko Mamono Hunter Youko -- Yohko Mono is a regular girl making her way through high school--until she learns that she is the 108th successor to a line of warriors charged with defending the earth against demons. Eventually she must fight her ultimate battle against the demon who started it all. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- OVA - Dec 1, 1990 -- 9,904 6.28
Mary to Majo no Hana -- -- Studio Ponoc -- 1 ep -- Book -- Adventure Fantasy Magic -- Mary to Majo no Hana Mary to Majo no Hana -- Mary Smith is a clumsy girl with wild red hair who can't seem to do anything right. After moving in with her Great Aunt Charlotte, Mary finds herself lonely and bored, until one day she spies a cat which seems to keep changing color every time she sees it. Curiosity gets the better of her and she follows it into nearby woods. Deep in the forest, the cat takes her to a clearing with dead trees and brown grass, where the only sign of life is a cluster of mysterious blue flowers that Mary has never seen before. The gardener of the estate later tells her that the rare species is called "Fly-by-Night," and is said to be sought by witches for its incredible magical power. -- -- When the strange cat returns to her one night, Mary is led once again into the woods, but this time to an old broomstick hidden by a gnarled tree. After she clumsily squashes some Fly-by-Night against the broomstick, it begins to glow, whisking her off into the sky. Her wayward journey ends at the Endor College for Witches, where she is mistaken for a new student. And so, Mary must learn to look after herself in this marvelous new world of magic, where things are not always as they seem. -- -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS -- Movie - Jul 8, 2017 -- 70,991 7.27
Mashiro-iro Symphony: The Color of Lovers -- -- Manglobe -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Harem Drama Romance School -- Mashiro-iro Symphony: The Color of Lovers Mashiro-iro Symphony: The Color of Lovers -- When boys suddenly get into places where they've never been allowed before, some girls tend to get upset. So when the decision is made to merge the elite Yuihime Girls' Private Academy and the coeducational Kagamidai Private Academy, everyone wants to take extra care in avoiding trouble while bringing the two Privates together. Therefore, rather than just bringing the Kagamidai boys into the Yuihime girls' school all at once, a plan is concocted in which a group of test males will be inserted into the Girls' Private Academy first. -- -- Thus, poor young Shingo finds himself being thrown as a sacrificial lamb to the lionesses of Yuihime, who aren't exactly waiting for him with open arms. Will Shingo manage to survive the estrogen soaked death pit that is Yuihime? Can the girls learn to be more receptive to the boys? And just how long until something involving panties will cause emotions to flare, sparks to fly and the battle of the sexes to explode? -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks, edited) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 132,505 7.09
Mayoi Neko Overrun! -- -- AIC -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Harem Romance -- Mayoi Neko Overrun! Mayoi Neko Overrun! -- Takumi Tsuzuki is a high school student who attends the Umenomori Private Academy, free of charge, alongside Fumino Serizawa, a childhood friend of his whom always says the opposite of what she feels. He spends most of his time at school fending off Chise Umenomori, the granddaughter of the board chairman and a pampered princess, who is constantly roping him into her eccentric hobbies. After school, he goes to work at the "Stray Cats" confectionery, a cake shop run by his adoptive older sister, Otome Tsuzuki, until it's time to go to bed. This is the average routine in the day and the life of Takumi. -- -- Mayoi Neko Overrun follows another seemingly average day in the life of Takumi. With his sister away from the shop, having gone to save someone else in need of help, Fumino takes it upon herself to wake him up so that he won't be late for their usual walk to school together, giving him a glimpse of her blue and white striped panties in the process. What a nice way to start the day. -- -- When Otome returns home, she brings with her a girl named Nozomi Kiriya, whose hair and mannerisms resemble that of a large cat. It turns out that she is a runaway that Otome can't help but take in. Takumi's ordinary days are transformed into splendid chaos as he tries to unravel who this mysterious beauty is and what she's running away from... -- TV - Apr 6, 2010 -- 119,729 6.70
Meiji Tokyo Renka -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Harem Historical Supernatural Romance Shoujo -- Meiji Tokyo Renka Meiji Tokyo Renka -- Mei Ayazuki is just your ordinary, everyday high-school girl. That is until one night, when the moon is full and red, she’s transported through time to the Meiji Period by Charlie, a self-proclaimed magician. -- -- She ends up in a strange, Meiji-era ‘Tokyo’ where the existence of ghosts is accepted. Led by Charlie, she finally arrives at the Rokumeikan. There, waiting for her to arrive, are the historical figures Ougai Mori, Shunsou Hishida, Otojirou Kawakami, Kyouka Izumi, Gorou Fujita, Yakumo Koizumi, and Tousuke Iwasaki. -- -- Whilst interacting with these men, she discovers she is a Tamayori - someone who can see ghosts - a skill that is highly valued in the Meiji Period. Due to these powers, her relationship with the men begins to change… As she gets to know these handsome men in a new era she just can’t get used to, a love begins to grow within her. -- -- Will Mei be able to return to her time? What will become of her love - a love that crosses the boundaries of time and space? -- -- (Source: Honey's Anime) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 34,827 6.94
Midori no Hibi -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Ecchi Shounen -- Midori no Hibi Midori no Hibi -- There isn't a single person in Sakuradamon High who hasn't heard the legends about Seiji "The Mad Dog" Sawamura's demonically powerful right hand. His reputation makes it fairly difficult for him to approach girls, and after being rejected 20 times straight, he half-jokingly vows to finish high school with his right hand for a girlfriend. -- -- Much to his surprise, after waking up the next morning, Seiji discovers that his demon right hand has mysteriously turned into a miniature girl, Midori Kasugano, who reveals that she has had a crush on Seiji for the past three years. Because their situation is not ideal for either of them, Seiji attempts to return Midori to normal. But after causing a big misunderstanding at the Kasugano household, the pair decide to keep their predicament between them until a solution is found. Thus begins an odd relationship, and what could be the only chance for Midori to finally be with the one she loves. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters, NYAV Post -- TV - Apr 4, 2004 -- 139,618 7.28
Midori no Hibi -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Ecchi Shounen -- Midori no Hibi Midori no Hibi -- There isn't a single person in Sakuradamon High who hasn't heard the legends about Seiji "The Mad Dog" Sawamura's demonically powerful right hand. His reputation makes it fairly difficult for him to approach girls, and after being rejected 20 times straight, he half-jokingly vows to finish high school with his right hand for a girlfriend. -- -- Much to his surprise, after waking up the next morning, Seiji discovers that his demon right hand has mysteriously turned into a miniature girl, Midori Kasugano, who reveals that she has had a crush on Seiji for the past three years. Because their situation is not ideal for either of them, Seiji attempts to return Midori to normal. But after causing a big misunderstanding at the Kasugano household, the pair decide to keep their predicament between them until a solution is found. Thus begins an odd relationship, and what could be the only chance for Midori to finally be with the one she loves. -- -- TV - Apr 4, 2004 -- 139,618 7.28
Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team -- -- Sunrise -- 12 eps -- Original -- Adventure Drama Mecha Military Romance Sci-Fi -- Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team -- In year 0079 of the Universal Century, the Earth Federation initiates Operation Odessa—a full-scale assault to retake a major Ukrainian city from the Principality of Zeon. It is a success, and the remaining Zeon forces scatter across the globe. The Earth Federation gains the upper hand in the One Year War and deploys its ground troops around the planet to hunt down the stragglers. -- -- As part of the deployments, Ensign Shiro Amada is transferred to Southeast Asia to take command of the 08th MS Team—a special squadron of RX-79[G] Gundam Ground Type pilots. In their first guerilla operation, Shiro's team is tasked with distracting the Zeon forces while Federation ground troops locate a mysterious new Zeon weapon. Everything goes according to plan until Shiro runs into Aina Sahalin, an ace Zeon pilot he met in an earlier battle, during a skirmish. Their reunion weakens his resolve to continue fighting, and now the young commander Shiro must prove his loyalty to the Federation—or be branded a traitor. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- OVA - Jan 25, 1996 -- 64,230 8.03
Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team -- -- Sunrise -- 12 eps -- Original -- Adventure Drama Mecha Military Romance Sci-Fi -- Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team -- In year 0079 of the Universal Century, the Earth Federation initiates Operation Odessa—a full-scale assault to retake a major Ukrainian city from the Principality of Zeon. It is a success, and the remaining Zeon forces scatter across the globe. The Earth Federation gains the upper hand in the One Year War and deploys its ground troops around the planet to hunt down the stragglers. -- -- As part of the deployments, Ensign Shiro Amada is transferred to Southeast Asia to take command of the 08th MS Team—a special squadron of RX-79[G] Gundam Ground Type pilots. In their first guerilla operation, Shiro's team is tasked with distracting the Zeon forces while Federation ground troops locate a mysterious new Zeon weapon. Everything goes according to plan until Shiro runs into Aina Sahalin, an ace Zeon pilot he met in an earlier battle, during a skirmish. Their reunion weakens his resolve to continue fighting, and now the young commander Shiro must prove his loyalty to the Federation—or be branded a traitor. -- -- OVA - Jan 25, 1996 -- 64,230 8.03
Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo? -- -- Diomedéa -- 10 eps -- Light novel -- Action Comedy Fantasy Supernatural -- Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo? Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo? -- Izayoi Sakamaki, Asuka Kudou, and You Kasukabe are extraordinary teenagers who are blessed with psychic powers but completely fed up with their disproportionately mundane lives—until, unexpectedly, each of them receives a strange envelope containing an invitation to a mysterious place known as Little Garden. -- -- Inexplicably dropped into a vast new world, the trio is greeted by Kurousagi, who explains that they have been given a once-in-a-lifetime chance to participate in special high-stakes games using their abilities. In order to take part, however, they must first join a community. Learning that Kurousagi's community "No Names" has lost its official status and bountiful land due to their defeat at the hands of a demon lord, the group sets off to help reclaim their new home's dignity, eager to protect its residents and explore the excitement that Little Garden has to offer. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 476,569 7.54
Monochrome Factor -- -- A.C.G.T. -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Shounen Ai Supernatural -- Monochrome Factor Monochrome Factor -- The story revolves around high school student Akira Nikaido, a typical slacker living a normal life. That is, until he meets the mysterious Shirogane, a man who suddenly appears and tells him that they have a destiny together. When Akira hears this, he is shocked and doesn't believe a word of it. Aya, a friend of Akira, forgets something in the school one night, and asks Akira to help her and go find it. He agrees, and while there, he gets attacked by a shadow monster. Shirogane convinces him that the balance between the human world and the shadow world has been distorted and that Akira must become a "shin"- a creature of the shadow world- in order to help restore the balance. The anime has shonen-ai themes which are completely absent from the manga. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- TV - Apr 8, 2008 -- 53,058 6.97
Mon-Soni!: Senritsu no Lucifer, Tada Hitotsu no Hajimari no Uta -- -- LIDENFILMS -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Game Music Fantasy -- Mon-Soni!: Senritsu no Lucifer, Tada Hitotsu no Hajimari no Uta Mon-Soni!: Senritsu no Lucifer, Tada Hitotsu no Hajimari no Uta -- Golden Week Special episode of Monsuto Anime. -- -- "Change the world with music? Foolish." -- -- Lucifer's world stops after her band disbands. Meaningless days pass, until she meets her cousin Satan and his bandmate Ibaraki Douji. They ask her to join their indie band, the "Wicked Pistols." Satan talks about his dream of going major after winning the MONSTERS ROCK competition, only for Lucifer to reject him outright. However, Lucifer's heart begins to thaw after a certain event... -- -- (Source: Official YouTube Channel) -- ONA - May 3, 2017 -- 1,257 6.23
Monster -- -- Madhouse -- 74 eps -- Manga -- Drama Horror Mystery Police Psychological Seinen Thriller -- Monster Monster -- Dr. Kenzou Tenma, an elite neurosurgeon recently engaged to his hospital director's daughter, is well on his way to ascending the hospital hierarchy. That is until one night, a seemingly small event changes Dr. Tenma's life forever. While preparing to perform surgery on someone, he gets a call from the hospital director telling him to switch patients and instead perform life-saving brain surgery on a famous performer. His fellow doctors, fiancée, and the hospital director applaud his accomplishment; but because of the switch, a poor immigrant worker is dead, causing Dr. Tenma to have a crisis of conscience. -- -- So when a similar situation arises, Dr. Tenma stands his ground and chooses to perform surgery on the young boy Johan Liebert instead of the town's mayor. Unfortunately, this choice leads to serious ramifications for Dr. Tenma—losing his social standing being one of them. However, with the mysterious death of the director and two other doctors, Dr. Tenma's position is restored. With no evidence to convict him, he is released and goes on to attain the position of hospital director. -- -- Nine years later when Dr. Tenma saves the life of a criminal, his past comes back to haunt him—once again, he comes face to face with the monster he operated on. He must now embark on a quest of pursuit to make amends for the havoc spread by the one he saved. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 657,585 8.77
Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou -- -- Lerche -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Harem Comedy Romance Ecchi Fantasy Seinen -- Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou -- With his parents abroad, Kimihito Kurusu lived a quiet, unremarkable life alone until monster girls came crowding in! This alternate reality presents cutting-edge Japan, the first country to promote the integration of non-human species into society. After the incompetence of interspecies exchange coordinator Agent Smith leaves Kimihito as the homestay caretaker of a Lamia named Miia, the newly-minted "Darling" quickly attracts girls of various breeds, resulting in an ever-growing harem flush with eroticism and attraction. -- -- Unfortunately for him and the ladies, sexual interactions between species is forbidden by the Interspecies Exchange Act! The only loophole is through an experimental marriage provision. Kimihito's life becomes fraught with an abundance of creature-specific caveats and sensitive interspecies law as the passionate, affectionate, and lusty women hound his every move, seeking his romantic and sexual affections. With new species often appearing and events materializing out of thin air, where Kimihito and his harem go is anyone's guess! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 567,258 7.06
Monster Strike The Animation -- -- Anima, ILCA -- 63 eps -- Game -- Action Game Fantasy -- Monster Strike The Animation Monster Strike The Animation -- The Angelic Guard, who call the heavens their home, have been tasked with collecting the orbs scattered across the world. Lucifer—a leader of the Angelic Guard with a rebellious streak, said to wield power rivaling the Almighty—carries out her duty along with Uriel, also a leader of the guard. Together, they go about executing their mission, until Holy Magistrate Keter—the one who leads the heavens under the Almighty's will—tells Uriel of Lucifer's planned rebellion. Initially in disbelief, Uriel then learns that the accusations against Lucifer may be connected to an event that once threatened to shatter the heavens. -- -- (Source: Official YouTube Channel) -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll -- ONA - Jul 8, 2018 -- 4,173 6.63
Monster Strike The Animation Episode 0 -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Game Fantasy -- Monster Strike The Animation Episode 0 Monster Strike The Animation Episode 0 -- Oragon lived a lonely life all by himself, until one day he was pulled into a mysterious new dimension. There he learns that an incredibly powerful enemy will attack in six months, destroying his beloved Monster Strike forever! Now Oragon must gather allies in the Strike World to save Monster Strike! -- -- It is animated in full CG unlike its predecessor. -- -- (Source: Official YouTube Channel) -- ONA - Jun 22, 2018 -- 1,071 5.71
Musaigen no Phantom World -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Action Comedy Fantasy Slice of Life Supernatural -- Musaigen no Phantom World Musaigen no Phantom World -- Phantoms: supernatural entities such as ghosts or youkai that, until recently, were thought to be superstition. However, when a virus that infects the brain spreads throughout society, people's perception of the world changes as the mythical beings are revealed to have been living alongside humanity the entire time. This virus has also affected those of the next generation significantly, allowing them to develop special abilities that they can use to fight against dangerous phantoms. -- -- Haruhiko Ichijou and Mai Kawakami are two of those that were granted such power as Haruhiko wields the ability to summon and seal phantoms through drawings while Mai imbues the power of the elements into martial arts. Together, along with the friendly phantom Ruru, they form Team E of Hosea Academy which is dedicated to dealing with these often mischievous beings. In a world where the real and surreal intertwine, Musaigen no Phantom World follows the adventures of a group of friends as they handle the everyday troubles caused by phantoms. -- -- 408,233 6.88
Musaigen no Phantom World -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Action Comedy Fantasy Slice of Life Supernatural -- Musaigen no Phantom World Musaigen no Phantom World -- Phantoms: supernatural entities such as ghosts or youkai that, until recently, were thought to be superstition. However, when a virus that infects the brain spreads throughout society, people's perception of the world changes as the mythical beings are revealed to have been living alongside humanity the entire time. This virus has also affected those of the next generation significantly, allowing them to develop special abilities that they can use to fight against dangerous phantoms. -- -- Haruhiko Ichijou and Mai Kawakami are two of those that were granted such power as Haruhiko wields the ability to summon and seal phantoms through drawings while Mai imbues the power of the elements into martial arts. Together, along with the friendly phantom Ruru, they form Team E of Hosea Academy which is dedicated to dealing with these often mischievous beings. In a world where the real and surreal intertwine, Musaigen no Phantom World follows the adventures of a group of friends as they handle the everyday troubles caused by phantoms. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 408,233 6.88
Mushishi Zoku Shou 2nd Season -- -- Artland -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Fantasy Historical Mystery Seinen Slice of Life Supernatural -- Mushishi Zoku Shou 2nd Season Mushishi Zoku Shou 2nd Season -- Ghostly, primordial beings known as Mushi continue to cause mysterious changes in the lives of humans. The travelling Mushishi, Ginko, persists in trying to set right the strange and unsettling situations he encounters. Time loops, living shadows, and telepathy are among the overt effects of interference from Mushi, but more subtle symptoms that take years to be noticed also rouse Ginko's concern as he passes from village to village. -- -- Through circumstance, Ginko has become an arbiter, determining which Mushi are blessings and which are curses. But the lines that he seeks to draw are subjective. Some of his patients would rather exercise their new powers until they are utterly consumed by them; others desperately strive to rid themselves of afflictions which are in fact protecting their lives from devastation. Those who cross paths with Mushi must learn to accept seemingly impossible consequences for their actions, and heal wounds they did not know they had. Otherwise, they risk meeting with fates beyond their comprehension. -- -- 206,606 8.76
Mushishi Zoku Shou 2nd Season -- -- Artland -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Fantasy Historical Mystery Seinen Slice of Life Supernatural -- Mushishi Zoku Shou 2nd Season Mushishi Zoku Shou 2nd Season -- Ghostly, primordial beings known as Mushi continue to cause mysterious changes in the lives of humans. The travelling Mushishi, Ginko, persists in trying to set right the strange and unsettling situations he encounters. Time loops, living shadows, and telepathy are among the overt effects of interference from Mushi, but more subtle symptoms that take years to be noticed also rouse Ginko's concern as he passes from village to village. -- -- Through circumstance, Ginko has become an arbiter, determining which Mushi are blessings and which are curses. But the lines that he seeks to draw are subjective. Some of his patients would rather exercise their new powers until they are utterly consumed by them; others desperately strive to rid themselves of afflictions which are in fact protecting their lives from devastation. Those who cross paths with Mushi must learn to accept seemingly impossible consequences for their actions, and heal wounds they did not know they had. Otherwise, they risk meeting with fates beyond their comprehension. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 206,606 8.76
Nami -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Nami Nami -- A woman is enjoying herself in bed until a swarm of fish bursts out from all over her house to disturb her leisure time. Will she decide to resist, or let them crawl inside her and take control? -- -- Movie - ??? ??, 2000 -- 11,176 2.33
Namiuchigiwa no Muromi-san -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- Namiuchigiwa no Muromi-san Namiuchigiwa no Muromi-san -- Mukoujima Takurou is a lonely teenager who spends his time fishing at the pier and, to his incredible surprise, fishes up Muromi, a mermaid. Muromi first off doesn't realize she's a mermaid until she meets Takurou. Not only that, she is incredibly dense and crazy and has a drinking problem to top it off. Now every time Takurou goes fishing, Muromi appears and makes life interesting for him. -- -- (Source: MU) -- 37,080 6.96
Nanatsu no Taizai Movie 1: Tenkuu no Torawarebito -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Supernatural Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Nanatsu no Taizai Movie 1: Tenkuu no Torawarebito Nanatsu no Taizai Movie 1: Tenkuu no Torawarebito -- In search of a mystical ingredient known as Sky Fish, Meliodas and Hawk stumble upon a spring that suddenly transports them to the Sky Temple: a breathtaking land above the clouds, inhabited by beings called Celestials. Meliodas, however, looks strikingly similar to a local criminal called Solaad, and is imprisoned and shunned as a result. Meanwhile, the kingdom of the Sky Temple prepares to defend the Great Oshiro's seal—said to harbour a three thousand-year-old evil—from the malevolent Six Knights of Black, a group of demons who seek to destroy the seal. However, the Demon Clan is successfully unleashed and terrorizes the land, prompting the remaining Seven Deadly Sins and the Celestials to fight against their wicked foes. -- -- The battle progresses well, until one of the Six Knights awakens an "Indura of Retribution," an uncontrollable beast from the Demon Realm. With its overwhelming strength and sinister power, the Seven Deadly Sins and Celestial beings must now work together to defeat the creature that threatens their very existence. -- -- Movie - Aug 18, 2018 -- 206,158 7.20
Nande Koko ni Sensei ga!? -- -- Tear Studio -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi School Seinen -- Nande Koko ni Sensei ga!? Nande Koko ni Sensei ga!? -- Second year high school student Ichirou Satou has always been an average person—that is, until he runs into some not-so-average situations with his teacher, Kana "The Demon" Kojima. Kojima is Satou's Japanese language teacher with a reputation for being so ruthless that even school delinquents bow down to her. One fateful day, things escalate when Satou runs into Kojima in the restroom, leading them to share an intimate encounter that makes his imagination run wild for days after. -- -- Nande Koko ni Sensei ga? follows the daily life of Satou and his teacher as they continue to meet under similar conditions, growing ever closer with each encounter. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 215,526 6.47
Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 5 - Blood Prison -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Martial Arts Mystery Shounen Super Power -- Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 5 - Blood Prison Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 5 - Blood Prison -- During their discussion of a sensitive investigation A, the Fourth Raikage, and his subordinates are ambushed by a cloaked intruder. As the Kumogakure leader repels the assault, he is shocked to discover that the culprit is Naruto Uzumaki! -- -- However, the assassination attempt is not the only crime attributed to the young ninja, who vigorously denies the accusations. To avoid a diplomatic conflict, Tsunade forcibly sends him to Kusagakure's Houzuki Castle—a maximum-security penitentiary dedicated to ninja criminals—until the situation is resolved. -- -- Despite his powers being immediately suppressed by Mui, the prison's warden who possesses the ability to seal chakra, Naruto recklessly engages in futile escape attempts. But with the help of two fellow inmates, he realizes that there is more to this legendary detention facility than meets the eye. Uncovering a terrible secret, the trio embarks on a dangerous operation that may be Naruto's only chance to break free and prove his innocence. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Movie - Jul 30, 2011 -- 169,645 7.45
Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 5 - Blood Prison -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Martial Arts Mystery Shounen Super Power -- Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 5 - Blood Prison Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 5 - Blood Prison -- During their discussion of a sensitive investigation A, the Fourth Raikage, and his subordinates are ambushed by a cloaked intruder. As the Kumogakure leader repels the assault, he is shocked to discover that the culprit is Naruto Uzumaki! -- -- However, the assassination attempt is not the only crime attributed to the young ninja, who vigorously denies the accusations. To avoid a diplomatic conflict, Tsunade forcibly sends him to Kusagakure's Houzuki Castle—a maximum-security penitentiary dedicated to ninja criminals—until the situation is resolved. -- -- Despite his powers being immediately suppressed by Mui, the prison's warden who possesses the ability to seal chakra, Naruto recklessly engages in futile escape attempts. But with the help of two fellow inmates, he realizes that there is more to this legendary detention facility than meets the eye. Uncovering a terrible secret, the trio embarks on a dangerous operation that may be Naruto's only chance to break free and prove his innocence. -- -- Movie - Jul 30, 2011 -- 169,645 7.45
Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 6 - Road to Ninja -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Super Power Martial Arts Shounen -- Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 6 - Road to Ninja Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 6 - Road to Ninja -- Returning home to Konohagakure, the young ninja celebrate defeating a group of supposed Akatsuki members. Naruto Uzumaki and Sakura Haruno, however, feel differently. Naruto is jealous of his comrades' congratulatory families, wishing for the presence of his own parents. Sakura, on the other hand, is angry at her embarrassing parents, and wishes for no parents at all. The two clash over their opposing ideals, but are faced with a more pressing matter when the masked Madara Uchiha suddenly appears and transports them to an alternate world. -- -- In this world, Sakura's parents are considered heroes—for they gave their lives to protect Konohagakure from the Nine-Tailed Fox attack 10 years ago. Consequently, Naruto's parents, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki, are alive and well. Unable to return home or find the masked Madara, Naruto and Sakura stay in this new world and enjoy the changes they have always longed for. All seems well for the two ninja, until an unexpected threat emerges that pushes Naruto and Sakura to not only fight for the Konohagakure of the alternate world, but also to find a way back to their own. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Movie - Jul 28, 2012 -- 236,652 7.66
Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 6 - Road to Ninja -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Super Power Martial Arts Shounen -- Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 6 - Road to Ninja Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 6 - Road to Ninja -- Returning home to Konohagakure, the young ninja celebrate defeating a group of supposed Akatsuki members. Naruto Uzumaki and Sakura Haruno, however, feel differently. Naruto is jealous of his comrades' congratulatory families, wishing for the presence of his own parents. Sakura, on the other hand, is angry at her embarrassing parents, and wishes for no parents at all. The two clash over their opposing ideals, but are faced with a more pressing matter when the masked Madara Uchiha suddenly appears and transports them to an alternate world. -- -- In this world, Sakura's parents are considered heroes—for they gave their lives to protect Konohagakure from the Nine-Tailed Fox attack 10 years ago. Consequently, Naruto's parents, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki, are alive and well. Unable to return home or find the masked Madara, Naruto and Sakura stay in this new world and enjoy the changes they have always longed for. All seems well for the two ninja, until an unexpected threat emerges that pushes Naruto and Sakura to not only fight for the Konohagakure of the alternate world, but also to find a way back to their own. -- -- Movie - Jul 28, 2012 -- 236,652 7.66
Noragami -- -- Bones -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Supernatural Shounen -- Noragami Noragami -- In times of need, if you look in the right place, you just may see a strange telephone number scrawled in red. If you call this number, you will hear a young man introduce himself as the Yato God. -- -- Yato is a minor deity and a self-proclaimed "Delivery God," who dreams of having millions of worshippers. Without a single shrine dedicated to his name, however, his goals are far from being realized. He spends his days doing odd jobs for five yen apiece, until his weapon partner becomes fed up with her useless master and deserts him. -- -- Just as things seem to be looking grim for the god, his fortune changes when a middle school girl, Hiyori Iki, supposedly saves Yato from a car accident, taking the hit for him. Remarkably, she survives, but the event has caused her soul to become loose and hence able to leave her body. Hiyori demands that Yato return her to normal, but upon learning that he needs a new partner to do so, reluctantly agrees to help him find one. And with Hiyori's help, Yato's luck may finally be turning around. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,621,251 8.00
Ojamajo Doremi -- -- Toei Animation -- 51 eps -- Original -- Comedy Magic -- Ojamajo Doremi Ojamajo Doremi -- Harukaze Doremi considers herself to be the unluckiest girl in the world. Her parents are always fighting, her little sister makes fun of her, and her crush pines after another girl. If only Doremi could just wave a magic wand, she would have a much better life—or so she used to think. -- -- After a mishap with a real witch, Doremi becomes an apprentice witch herself, and it turns out she's pretty horrible at that, too. -- -- Now she and her two friends must study to become better at magic so they can become good witches. That is, if they can focus on their magic studies! -- -- The three apprentices will need all the luck they can get if they want to pass the witch exams and become full-fledged witches. Only then will Doremi's debt to the witch Majorika be repaid. Until then, Doremi will remain a useless little witch girl! -- -- Licensor: -- 4Kids Entertainment -- 40,996 7.22
Okusama wa Joshikousei (TV) -- -- Madhouse -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance Drama -- Okusama wa Joshikousei (TV) Okusama wa Joshikousei (TV) -- Asami Onohara is a seventeen-year old high-school student with a secret which has not been revealed to anyone: She is already married. Her husband, Kyosuke Ichimaru, is a Physics teacher in the same high school as her. However, even though they are officially a married couple, Asami's father forbids them to have any sexual contact until after Asami has graduated. Asami has to hide the fact that she is married to Kyosuke while trying desperately to further their relationship, and it does not help when there are so many interferences and obstacles from her father and other third parties. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Jul 2, 2005 -- 23,096 6.34
Onegai☆Twins -- -- Daume -- 12 eps -- Original -- Comedy Drama Harem School Sci-Fi -- Onegai☆Twins Onegai☆Twins -- Maiku Kamishiro's past has always been somewhat of a mystery to him. The only clue he has to who his family might be is an old photograph showing two young children, a boy and a girl, playing in a small pool outside of a blue house. In an attempt to find his family, he moves to this blue house and begins working as a programmer. He's living a comfortable life until the day two very different girls show up at his door, both in possession of the same photograph, and both claiming to be his twin. With no way to prove who is a relative and who is a stranger, Maiku allows both girls to move in with him until they know for sure. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Nozomi Entertainment -- TV - Jul 15, 2003 -- 78,787 6.87
Onegai☆Twins -- -- Daume -- 12 eps -- Original -- Comedy Drama Harem School Sci-Fi -- Onegai☆Twins Onegai☆Twins -- Maiku Kamishiro's past has always been somewhat of a mystery to him. The only clue he has to who his family might be is an old photograph showing two young children, a boy and a girl, playing in a small pool outside of a blue house. In an attempt to find his family, he moves to this blue house and begins working as a programmer. He's living a comfortable life until the day two very different girls show up at his door, both in possession of the same photograph, and both claiming to be his twin. With no way to prove who is a relative and who is a stranger, Maiku allows both girls to move in with him until they know for sure. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Jul 15, 2003 -- 78,787 6.87
Ongaku Shoujo -- -- Studio Deen -- 1 ep -- Original -- Music Slice of Life -- Ongaku Shoujo Ongaku Shoujo -- On her way to her first day of high school, Eri Kumagai is captivated by a girl's singing. Her song is beautiful but ends abruptly when the girl steps on a cat's tail and disrupts the moment. Eri pushes this out of her mind until that same girl rushes into her class late, cat in hand, and claims that the name on the attendance list—Chiharu Yuzuka—is her "false name" and she is actually called Haru Chitose. -- -- Much to Eri's distaste, she cannot escape the eccentric Haru, as the two happen to share the same dormitory room. Haru causes one headache after another, but when she snoops around in Eri's laptop and discovers that she is an online composer, Eri is furious. Haru, enamored by Eri's music, desperately wants to sing with Eri, but Eri is dead set against it. Will the two be able to find common ground? -- -- Movie - Mar 22, 2015 -- 11,441 6.23
Ore ga Suki nano wa Imouto dakedo Imouto ja Nai -- -- Magia Doraglier, NAZ -- 10 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Ecchi Romance -- Ore ga Suki nano wa Imouto dakedo Imouto ja Nai Ore ga Suki nano wa Imouto dakedo Imouto ja Nai -- Aspiring light novel author Yuu Nagami regularly enters writing competitions but has yet to win a single one. Despite his recurring failures, he remains steadfast in his resolve to become a better writer. -- -- When he takes a look at the list of winning authors in the latest contest he joined, he notices that someone named Chikai Towano dominated the competition. He soon discovers that behind the pen name is his sister Suzuka—the last person he can imagine being an author. Suzuka cannot reveal to anyone that she is Chikai Towano and requests her brother to take her place. -- -- Yuu agrees with one condition: he will continue posing as Chikai Towano for his sister until he publishes his own book. Until that happens, Yuu uses his new identity as an opportunity to improve his writing skills and meet fellow authors and new acquaintances along the way. -- -- 96,451 4.89
Otaku no Video -- -- Gainax -- 2 eps -- Other -- Comedy Drama Historical Magic Mecha Sci-Fi -- Otaku no Video Otaku no Video -- Somewhat based on the real story of how Gainax was founded, Otaku no Video addresses all aspects of an otaku lifestyle. Ken Kubo is a young man living an average life until he is dragged into a group of otaku. Slowly, he becomes more like them until he decides to abandon his former life to become king of otaku—the otaking! -- -- Mixed in are live-action interviews with real otaku, addressing every aspect of hardcore otaku life. Not only are anime and manga fans included, but also sci-fi fans, military fans, and other groups of Japanese geeks. -- -- Licensor: -- AnimEigo -- OVA - Sep 27, 1991 -- 25,424 7.14
Otaku no Video -- -- Gainax -- 2 eps -- Other -- Comedy Drama Historical Magic Mecha Sci-Fi -- Otaku no Video Otaku no Video -- Somewhat based on the real story of how Gainax was founded, Otaku no Video addresses all aspects of an otaku lifestyle. Ken Kubo is a young man living an average life until he is dragged into a group of otaku. Slowly, he becomes more like them until he decides to abandon his former life to become king of otaku—the otaking! -- -- Mixed in are live-action interviews with real otaku, addressing every aspect of hardcore otaku life. Not only are anime and manga fans included, but also sci-fi fans, military fans, and other groups of Japanese geeks. -- OVA - Sep 27, 1991 -- 25,424 7.14
Paradise Kiss -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Josei Romance Slice of Life -- Paradise Kiss Paradise Kiss -- On her way home from school, Yukari Hayasaka is approached by a weird-looking guy who starts looking at her body intently. He's got blond spiky hair, a spiked choker, and multiple piercings on his ears and face. She wants nothing to do with him, and runs away, only to bump into a very tall and beautiful purple-haired woman with a flower pattern around her eye. Yukari faints from shock and wakes up later in a strange place called the Atelier. It turns out that these strangers are fashion designers who attend the most famous art school around, Yazawa Art Academy, and their group wants Yukari to model for their brand in Yazawa Academy's upcoming show. -- -- Yukari turns down their offer and escapes the Atelier, but unknowingly leaves her school ID behind. George Koizumi, the head designer, later sees it and immediately knows she would be the perfect model for them and will not stop until he gets what he wants—and he wants her. Yukari had never considered something as frivolous as modeling before, but could life among these eccentric designers actually prove to be fun? Or will Yukari lose herself in this world of art and passion? -- -- 157,790 7.83
Paradise Kiss -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Josei Romance Slice of Life -- Paradise Kiss Paradise Kiss -- On her way home from school, Yukari Hayasaka is approached by a weird-looking guy who starts looking at her body intently. He's got blond spiky hair, a spiked choker, and multiple piercings on his ears and face. She wants nothing to do with him, and runs away, only to bump into a very tall and beautiful purple-haired woman with a flower pattern around her eye. Yukari faints from shock and wakes up later in a strange place called the Atelier. It turns out that these strangers are fashion designers who attend the most famous art school around, Yazawa Art Academy, and their group wants Yukari to model for their brand in Yazawa Academy's upcoming show. -- -- Yukari turns down their offer and escapes the Atelier, but unknowingly leaves her school ID behind. George Koizumi, the head designer, later sees it and immediately knows she would be the perfect model for them and will not stop until he gets what he wants—and he wants her. Yukari had never considered something as frivolous as modeling before, but could life among these eccentric designers actually prove to be fun? Or will Yukari lose herself in this world of art and passion? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA -- 157,790 7.83
Phantom The Animation -- -- Arcs Create -- 3 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Drama Shounen -- Phantom The Animation Phantom The Animation -- Zwei was an ordinary person, until one day, while walking the streets a night, he witnessed a brutal assassination. He managed to avoid the sniper, a young girl named Ein, but was soon captured, and had the memories of his former life erased. He is spared death only by accepting a condition: to train to become an assassin alongside Ein. Now, he must find a way to free himself from this shady world and reclaim his life once again. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- OVA - Feb 27, 2004 -- 12,530 6.54
Qualidea Code -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Magic Supernatural -- Qualidea Code Qualidea Code -- On a quiet and peaceful day, the skies split open and extradimensional beings, designated as the Unknown, launch a swift and brutal attack against humanity. To protect the future of the country, all of Japan's children are cryogenically frozen until the end of the war to keep them out of harm's way. -- -- Several years pass, and humanity has established a foothold in a corner of Japan, which now serves as the frontline of the war. No longer facing humanity's extinction, the children are awakened from their slumber. It is then discovered that, while in cryogenesis, the children had developed Worlds, supernatural powers unique to each person. The six most powerful children are given command of the reclaimed cities, using their powers to defend the strongholds against the continuing invasion. Childhood friends Ichiya Suzaku and Canaria Utara lead Tokyo, siblings Kasumi and Asuha Chigusa manage Chiba, and Maihime Tenkawa and Hotaru Rindou oversee Kanagawa. -- -- Over time, the almost routine attacks from the Unknown and the clashing personalities of the city heads and subheads cultivate petty rivalries, leading to constant arguments between the three cities. With the Unknown suddenly increasing the pressure of their attacks, the three cities' leaders must learn how to work together or risk losing the last line of defense against humanity's extinction. -- -- 141,255 6.50
Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin -- -- Madhouse -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Drama Historical Seinen Thriller -- Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin -- Japan, 1955: Mario Minakami has just arrived at Shounan Special Reform School along with five other teenagers who have been arrested on serious criminal charges. All assigned to the same cell, they meet older inmate Rokurouta Sakuragi—a former boxer—with whom they establish a close bond. Under his guidance, and with the promise that they will meet again on the outside after serving their sentences, the delinquents begin to view their hopeless situation in a better light. -- -- Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin follows the seven cellmates as they struggle together against the brutal suffering and humiliation inflicted upon them by Ishihara, a sadistic guard with a grudge on Rokurouta, and Gisuke Sasaki, a doctor who takes pleasure in violating boys. Facing such hellish conditions, the seven inmates must scrape together all the strength they have to survive until their sentences are up; but even if they do, just what kind of lives are waiting for them on the other side? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 7, 2010 -- 314,140 8.51
Rakuen Tsuihou -- -- Graphinica -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mecha -- Rakuen Tsuihou Rakuen Tsuihou -- In a future where a massive disaster has devastated Earth, most of humanity has abandoned their physical bodies and relocated in digital form to DEVA, an advanced space station orbiting the ravaged planet. Free from the limitations of traditional existence, such as death and hunger, the inhabitants of this virtual reality reside in relative peace until Frontier Setter, a skilled hacker, infiltrates the system and spreads subversive messages to the populace. -- -- Labeled a threat to security by authorities, Frontier Setter is pursued by Angela Balzac, a dedicated member of DEVA's law enforcement. When the hacker's signal is traced to Earth, Angela takes on physical form, transferring her consciousness to a clone body and traveling to the world below in order to deal with the menace. On Earth, she is assisted by Dingo, a charismatic agent, and during her journey to uncover the mystery behind Frontier Setter, she gradually discovers startling realities about the wasteland some of humanity still refers to as home, as well as the paradise above. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Nov 15, 2014 -- 83,758 7.37
Rakuen Tsuihou -- -- Graphinica -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mecha -- Rakuen Tsuihou Rakuen Tsuihou -- In a future where a massive disaster has devastated Earth, most of humanity has abandoned their physical bodies and relocated in digital form to DEVA, an advanced space station orbiting the ravaged planet. Free from the limitations of traditional existence, such as death and hunger, the inhabitants of this virtual reality reside in relative peace until Frontier Setter, a skilled hacker, infiltrates the system and spreads subversive messages to the populace. -- -- Labeled a threat to security by authorities, Frontier Setter is pursued by Angela Balzac, a dedicated member of DEVA's law enforcement. When the hacker's signal is traced to Earth, Angela takes on physical form, transferring her consciousness to a clone body and traveling to the world below in order to deal with the menace. On Earth, she is assisted by Dingo, a charismatic agent, and during her journey to uncover the mystery behind Frontier Setter, she gradually discovers startling realities about the wasteland some of humanity still refers to as home, as well as the paradise above. -- -- Movie - Nov 15, 2014 -- 83,758 7.37
Regalia: The Three Sacred Stars -- -- Actas -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mecha -- Regalia: The Three Sacred Stars Regalia: The Three Sacred Stars -- In the country of Rimguard, a mysterious event shook the country and its people just 12 years prior. As time passed, memory of the incident began to fade while peace reigned over the land. Sisters Yui and Rena live a quiet life in the Enastria Empire until a large mecha suddenly attacks their peaceful home, changing everything. The girls become caught in a vortex of destiny and godly revival. -- -- (Source: FUNimation) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 26,299 5.99
Rozen Maiden: Träumend -- -- Nomad -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Drama Magic Seinen -- Rozen Maiden: Träumend Rozen Maiden: Träumend -- As the story of Rozen Maiden closes, a new chapter begins in Rozen Maiden: Träumend. Shinku and the other sentient dolls of the Rozen Maiden collection are living life as usual at Jun Sakurada's house. Having settled into his role as Shinku's partner in the deadly Alice Game, Jun overcomes his former fears and prepares to return to school. And although Shinku and the other dolls idly pass the days by in the comfort of Jun's home, dark times lie ahead as a new foe presents herself: Barasuishou, the seventh Rozen Maiden. -- -- But Barasuishou is a mystery even to her sisters, none of whom have ever laid eyes on her until now. Shinku considers this a sign that the Alice Game is coming to an end, meaning the dolls will soon be forced to fight one another. Haunted by the upcoming battle and nightmares concerning another doll, Shinku begins distancing herself from the others. If she wishes to claim victory, it will come at a high cost—the lives of her sisters. -- -- 94,726 7.64
Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Shin Kyoto-hen -- -- Studio Deen -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Samurai Historical Drama Shounen -- Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Shin Kyoto-hen Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Shin Kyoto-hen -- A large scale remake of the time after Kenshin leaves Tokyo up until before the inferno of Kyoto. -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- OVA - Dec 17, 2011 -- 22,883 7.11
Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Shin Kyoto-hen -- -- Studio Deen -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Samurai Historical Drama Shounen -- Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Shin Kyoto-hen Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Shin Kyoto-hen -- A large scale remake of the time after Kenshin leaves Tokyo up until before the inferno of Kyoto. -- OVA - Dec 17, 2011 -- 22,883 7.11
Saiunkoku Monogatari 2nd Season -- -- Madhouse -- 39 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Historical Romance -- Saiunkoku Monogatari 2nd Season Saiunkoku Monogatari 2nd Season -- Shuurei Kou and her friend Eigetsu To, a boy prodigy of humble origins, have been appointed co-governors of the Sa province, one of the eight provinces in Saiunkoku. Together, they decide to make the province an academic research center in the hopes of bringing a long overdue prosperity to the region. -- -- However, while Shuurei goes to the capital to obtain approvals for the ambitious project, the Sa province's recently established tranquility is threatened by a pandemic that brings both death and turmoil as it begins to spread among the people. Counting on Eigetsu to monitor the situation until her return, Shuurei seeks support from her allies to find a suitable treatment. Yet, Eigetsu's past personal conflicts distract him, providing an opportunity for opponents of Shuurei's position to take advantage of the troubles and undermine her authority. -- -- Becoming a government official has been Shuurei's lifelong dream, but it is no easy task for the first woman undertaking such a position. Will she step up and overcome this great challenge or give in to the looming adversities? -- -- TV - Apr 7, 2007 -- 35,268 8.06
Sakamichi no Apollon -- -- MAPPA, Tezuka Productions -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Josei Music Romance School -- Sakamichi no Apollon Sakamichi no Apollon -- Introverted classical pianist and top student Kaoru Nishimi has just arrived in Kyushu for his first year of high school. Having constantly moved from place to place since his childhood, he abandons all hope of fitting in, preparing himself for another lonely, meaningless year. That is, until he encounters the notorious delinquent Sentarou Kawabuchi. -- -- Sentarou's immeasurable love for jazz music inspires Kaoru to learn more about the genre, and as a result, he slowly starts to break out of his shell, making his very first friend. Kaoru begins playing the piano at after-school jazz sessions, located in the basement of fellow student Ritsuko Mukae's family-owned record shop. As he discovers the immense joy of using his musical talents to bring enjoyment to himself and others, Kaoru's summer might just crescendo into one that he will remember forever. -- -- Sakamichi no Apollon is a heartwarming story of friendship, music, and love that follows three unique individuals brought together by their mutual appreciation for jazz. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 295,472 8.35
Samurai Champloo -- -- Manglobe -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Historical Samurai Shounen -- Samurai Champloo Samurai Champloo -- Fuu Kasumi is a young and clumsy waitress who spends her days peacefully working in a small teahouse. That is, until she accidentally spills a drink all over one of her customers! With a group of samurai now incessantly harassing her, Fuu desperately calls upon another samurai in the shop, Mugen, who quickly defeats them with his wild fighting technique, utilizing movements reminiscent to that of breakdancing. Unfortunately, Mugen decides to pick a fight with the unwilling ronin Jin, who wields a more precise and traditional style of swordfighting, and the latter proves to be a formidable opponent. The only problem is, they end up destroying the entire shop as well as accidentally killing the local magistrate's son. -- -- For their crime, the two samurai are captured and set to be executed. However, they are rescued by Fuu, who hires the duo as her bodyguards. Though she no longer has a place to return to, the former waitress wishes to find a certain samurai who smells of sunflowers and enlists the help of the now exonerated pair to do so. Despite initially disapproving of this idea, the two eventually agree to assist the girl in her quest; thus, the trio embark upon an adventure to find this mysterious warrior—that is, if Fuu can keep Mugen and Jin from killing each other. -- -- Set in an alternate Edo Period of Japan, Samurai Champloo follows the journey of these three eccentric individuals in an epic quest full of action, comedy, and dynamic sword fighting, all set to the beat of a unique hip-hop infused soundtrack. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 935,197 8.50
Satsuriku no Tenshi -- -- J.C.Staff -- 16 eps -- Game -- Adventure Horror Psychological Thriller -- Satsuriku no Tenshi Satsuriku no Tenshi -- With dead and lifeless eyes, Rachel Gardner wishes only to die. Waking up in the basement of a building, she has no idea how or why she's there. She stumbles across a bandaged murderer named Zack, who is trying to escape. After promising to kill her as soon as he is free, Rachel and Zack set out to ascend through the building floor by floor until they escape. -- -- However, as they progress upward, they meet more twisted people, and all of them seem familiar with Rachel. What is her connection to the building, and why was she placed in it? Facing a new boss on each floor, can Rachel and Zack both achieve their wishes? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 415,899 6.89
Seikoku no Dragonar -- -- C-Station -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Ecchi Fantasy School -- Seikoku no Dragonar Seikoku no Dragonar -- Learning to ride and tame dragons comes easy to most students at Ansarivan Dragonar Academy—except for first-year student Ash Blake, who is known by his fellow classmates as the "number one problem child." Poor Ash is the laughing stock at school because, despite his unfashionably large star-shaped brand that marks him as a future dragon master, he has nothing to show for it. His dragon has never appeared. -- -- Until now, that is. One fateful day, Ash's dragon awakes in full glory, but appears different than any dragon ever seen before—in the form of a beautiful girl! What's worse, Ash soon discovers that this new dragon has attitude to spare, as she promptly informs him that she is the master, and he, the servant. -- -- Ash's problems with dragon riding have only just begun. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 5, 2014 -- 174,937 6.50
Seikoku no Dragonar -- -- C-Station -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Ecchi Fantasy School -- Seikoku no Dragonar Seikoku no Dragonar -- Learning to ride and tame dragons comes easy to most students at Ansarivan Dragonar Academy—except for first-year student Ash Blake, who is known by his fellow classmates as the "number one problem child." Poor Ash is the laughing stock at school because, despite his unfashionably large star-shaped brand that marks him as a future dragon master, he has nothing to show for it. His dragon has never appeared. -- -- Until now, that is. One fateful day, Ash's dragon awakes in full glory, but appears different than any dragon ever seen before—in the form of a beautiful girl! What's worse, Ash soon discovers that this new dragon has attitude to spare, as she promptly informs him that she is the master, and he, the servant. -- -- Ash's problems with dragon riding have only just begun. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Apr 5, 2014 -- 174,937 6.50
Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai -- -- CloverWorks -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Supernatural Drama Romance School -- Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai -- The rare and inexplicable Puberty Syndrome is thought of as a myth. It is a rare disease which only affects teenagers, and its symptoms are so supernatural that hardly anyone recognizes it as a legitimate occurrence. However, high school student Sakuta Azusagawa knows from personal experience that it is very much real, and happens to be quite prevalent in his school. -- -- Mai Sakurajima is a third-year high school student who gained fame in her youth as a child actress, but recently halted her promising career for reasons unknown to the public. With an air of unapproachability, she is well known throughout the school, but none dare interact with her—that is until Sakuta sees her wandering the library in a bunny girl costume. Despite the getup, no one seems to notice her, and after confronting her, he realizes that she is another victim of Puberty Syndrome. As Sakuta tries to help Mai through her predicament, his actions bring him into contact with more girls afflicted with the elusive disease. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 1,045,880 8.35
Sekai Saikou no Ansatsusha, Isekai Kizoku ni Tensei suru -- -- SILVER LINK., Studio Palette -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Action Fantasy -- Sekai Saikou no Ansatsusha, Isekai Kizoku ni Tensei suru Sekai Saikou no Ansatsusha, Isekai Kizoku ni Tensei suru -- "I'm going to live for myself!" -- -- The greatest assassin on Earth knew only how to live as a tool for his employers—until they stopped letting him live. Reborn by the grace of a goddess into a world of swords and sorcery, he's offered a chance to do things differently this time around, but there's a catch...He has to eliminate a super-powerful hero who will bring about the end of the world unless he is stopped. -- -- Now known as Lugh Tuatha Dé, the master assassin certainly has his hands full, particularly because of all the beautiful girls who constantly surround him. Lugh may have been an incomparable killer, but how will he fare against foes with powerful magic? -- -- (Source: Yen Press) -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 10,570 N/A -- -- Karen Senki -- -- Next Media Animation -- 11 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi -- Karen Senki Karen Senki -- In the post-apocalyptic aftermath of a war between machines and their creators, machines rule while humans exist in a state of servitude. Titular character Karen leads Resistance Group 11, an eclectic group of humans who find themselves fighting for their lives as they are hunted by the robots in each episode. Is this the end of humanity? Are they fighting a losing battle? -- -- Through Karen, we delve into a struggle between right and wrong, between indifference and love that explores some of the deepest questions about humanity. What is the difference between a thinking machine and a human being? What is a soul? -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- ONA - Sep 27, 2014 -- 10,550 5.78
Sengoku Night Blood -- -- Typhoon Graphics -- 12 eps -- Game -- Historical Romance Fantasy -- Sengoku Night Blood Sengoku Night Blood -- Set in the flourishing world of Jinga that was formerly a prosperous and peaceful realm, the female protagonist is deemed to be the key to bring back order and to rule this world. -- -- Chaos started when people, specifically soldiers, who have special powers like turning into a vampire and a man-wolf, called the Getsugazoku, fight for their land. These soldiers of different species would put their life on the line and fight as they follow their own thoughts and ideals. Until one day, she was called by a mysterious lady named "Himemiko" due to the protagonist's blood bearing a mysterious power to give strength, healing, and to awake Jingazoku's real form. This is a story of love and war that she must not miss in order to rule the world. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- 35,634 6.11
Senyuu. -- -- LIDENFILMS, Ordet -- 13 eps -- Web manga -- Action Comedy Parody Fantasy Shounen -- Senyuu. Senyuu. -- Once upon a time, the demon lord Rchimedes spread terror throughout the world, until he was eventually sealed away by the legendary hero Creasion. Since then, a thousand years have passed peacefully. However, a mysterious hole has opened up between the demon and human spheres, and countless demons have surged into the human realm once more. Coming to the conclusion that Rchimedes would soon return to wreak havoc, a human king summons the possible descendants of the legendary hero—all 75 of them. Unfortunately, after so long, it was too difficult to pinpoint his true descendants. -- -- Among the lionhearted prospects is the amateur adventurer Alba Frühling. His skills may not be top-notch, but he is accompanied by the talented soldier Ross, who helps the young hero whenever he is in a pinch...or at least, he is supposed to. Though undoubtedly a skilled warrior, Ross is actually both sarcastic and sadistic, and hence revels in Alba's suffering. -- -- Senyuu. is a comedic adventure following the unlikely duo as they struggle in their endeavor to defeat the demon lord, meeting various eccentrics along the way. -- -- TV - Jan 9, 2013 -- 103,076 7.34
SF Shinseiki Lensman -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Book -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Space -- SF Shinseiki Lensman SF Shinseiki Lensman -- Kim is living a peaceful life with his father as a farmer on their planet until one day when a runaway spaceship is detected moving at a high speed towards his father's farm. To rescue his father Kim jumps on board the ship and manages to land it safely before it crashes. -- -- On board the ship he finds a severely Injured lone survivor whom with his dying words begs Kim to take something of his to the Galactic Fleet. He then transfers something that was attached to his arm onto Kim's arm. The thing was a Lens and its transferring should have been impossible and having it has turned Kim into a Lensman. Other than giving Kim unknown powers it also contains vital information for the victory of the Galactic Fleet over the evil Boskone Empire. -- -- Kim must now using the spaceship Britannia bring the Lense to the Galactic Fleet. But this is not an easy task when Lord Helmet of the Boskone Empire is willing to use everything in his power to stop him. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Jul 7, 1984 -- 2,670 6.13
Shakugan no Shana II (Second) -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Supernatural Drama Romance Fantasy School -- Shakugan no Shana II (Second) Shakugan no Shana II (Second) -- Denizens from the Crimson Realm continue to infiltrate Misaki City and steal life energy from humans. To combat this threat, Flame Hazes are tasked with saving humans from losing their existences. But while it is a Flame Haze's duty to protect humans, Shana—the "Flame-Haired Burning-Eyed Hunter"—seems to be focusing her attention on one human in particular: Yuuji Sakai, a teenage boy who was unwittingly dragged into the fight between Crimson Denizens and Flame Hazes. Since her first encounter with Yuuji, Shana has started to see him as more than just a friend. In fact, Yuuji wonders if Shana might have revealed her feelings to him once before, but it is difficult for him to confirm due to her hot-and-cold personality. Nonetheless, their days pass like any other, until a new transfer student arrives at their high school—one who bears a striking resemblance to an old enemy. -- -- Yuuji and Shana have no time to dance around their feelings for each other; while their adversaries from the Bal Masqué organization plan their next attack, the two must keep their guard up as they explore the origin behind the coveted magical object within Yuuji's body, the "Midnight Lost Child." -- -- 274,998 7.60
Shakugan no Shana II (Second) -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Supernatural Drama Romance Fantasy School -- Shakugan no Shana II (Second) Shakugan no Shana II (Second) -- Denizens from the Crimson Realm continue to infiltrate Misaki City and steal life energy from humans. To combat this threat, Flame Hazes are tasked with saving humans from losing their existences. But while it is a Flame Haze's duty to protect humans, Shana—the "Flame-Haired Burning-Eyed Hunter"—seems to be focusing her attention on one human in particular: Yuuji Sakai, a teenage boy who was unwittingly dragged into the fight between Crimson Denizens and Flame Hazes. Since her first encounter with Yuuji, Shana has started to see him as more than just a friend. In fact, Yuuji wonders if Shana might have revealed her feelings to him once before, but it is difficult for him to confirm due to her hot-and-cold personality. Nonetheless, their days pass like any other, until a new transfer student arrives at their high school—one who bears a striking resemblance to an old enemy. -- -- Yuuji and Shana have no time to dance around their feelings for each other; while their adversaries from the Bal Masqué organization plan their next attack, the two must keep their guard up as they explore the origin behind the coveted magical object within Yuuji's body, the "Midnight Lost Child." -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 274,998 7.60
Shijou Saikyou no Deshi Kenichi -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 50 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Martial Arts School Shounen -- Shijou Saikyou no Deshi Kenichi Shijou Saikyou no Deshi Kenichi -- "Weak Legs" Kenichi Shirahama would rather spend his time reading self improvement books than fighting. However, when he finally works up the courage to become strong and join his school's karate club, he is coerced into fighting a bullying upperclassman who is intent on getting him kicked out of the club. He is about to give it all up until he falls for his mysterious new classmate, Miu Furinji. In order to face this challenge, he undergoes rigorous training at the dojo she lives at, Ryouzanpaku. Some initial training by the masters there allow him to defeat his upperclassman, however his fighting prowess brings him to the attention of the powerful gang of delinquents, Ragnarok. Wishing to protect the things he loves and determined to have the strength to face the increasing adversity, he must learn various martial arts from the dojo's resident masters, taking Karate, Muay Thai, Ju Jitsu and Chinese Martial Arts and combining them to create his own fighting style! -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Funimation -- TV - Oct 7, 2006 -- 248,869 8.10
Shijou Saikyou no Deshi Kenichi -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 50 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Martial Arts School Shounen -- Shijou Saikyou no Deshi Kenichi Shijou Saikyou no Deshi Kenichi -- "Weak Legs" Kenichi Shirahama would rather spend his time reading self improvement books than fighting. However, when he finally works up the courage to become strong and join his school's karate club, he is coerced into fighting a bullying upperclassman who is intent on getting him kicked out of the club. He is about to give it all up until he falls for his mysterious new classmate, Miu Furinji. In order to face this challenge, he undergoes rigorous training at the dojo she lives at, Ryouzanpaku. Some initial training by the masters there allow him to defeat his upperclassman, however his fighting prowess brings him to the attention of the powerful gang of delinquents, Ragnarok. Wishing to protect the things he loves and determined to have the strength to face the increasing adversity, he must learn various martial arts from the dojo's resident masters, taking Karate, Muay Thai, Ju Jitsu and Chinese Martial Arts and combining them to create his own fighting style! -- TV - Oct 7, 2006 -- 248,869 8.10
Shin Choujin Densetsu Urotsukidouji Mataiden -- -- - -- 2 eps -- - -- Fantasy Hentai Demons Horror Sci-Fi -- Shin Choujin Densetsu Urotsukidouji Mataiden Shin Choujin Densetsu Urotsukidouji Mataiden -- Nazi Germany, 1944: As American bombers soar towards Berlin, a revolting Satanic rite takes place below—Hitler and his minions are using the monstrous Nazi Death Rape Machine to render the dimensional boundaries separating the Human World from the World of Man-Beasts and the World of Monster Demons. Dr. Munhihausen Sr.'s life work is about to come to fruition—the conjuring of the Overfiend! -- -- Cut to modern day Tokyo—Munhihausen Jr. searches for a monster with strength enough to conquer the omnipotent Overfiend. Since legend says that he who kills the Overfiend will rule all three worlds forever; Munhihausen is determined to slay the Overfiend and assume complete control over all three dimensions. His efforts seem fruitless—until Nagumo's cousin Takeaki, infused with Nagumo's blood after an accident, begins to develop monstrous powers. -- -- As man-beast Amano Jyaku and his sister Megumi, together with faithful accomplice Kuroko attempt to thwart Munhihausen's evil plan, nothing seems likely to prevent Munhihausen, descendant of a race of brutal tyrants, from enslaving the world under his despicable rule! -- OVA - Dec 1, 1990 -- 1,755 5.71
Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3 -- -- Wit Studio -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Military Mystery Super Power Drama Fantasy Shounen -- Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3 Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3 -- Still threatened by the "Titans" that rob them of their freedom, mankind remains caged inside the two remaining walls. Efforts to eradicate these monsters continue; however, threats arise not only from the Titans beyond the walls, but from the humans within them as well. -- -- After being rescued from the Colossal and Armored Titans, Eren Yaeger devotes himself to improving his Titan form. Krista Lenz struggles to accept the loss of her friend, Captain Levi chooses Eren and his friends to form his new personal squad, and Commander Erwin Smith recovers from his injuries. All seems well for the soldiers, until the government suddenly demands custody of Eren and Krista. The Survey Corps' recent successes have drawn attention, and a familiar face from Levi's past is sent to collect the wanted soldiers. Sought after by the government, Levi and his new squad must evade their adversaries in hopes of keeping Eren and Krista safe. -- -- In Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3, Eren and his fellow soldiers are not only fighting for their survival against the terrifying Titans, but also against the terror of a far more conniving foe: humans. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,381,806 8.62
Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3 Part 2 -- -- Wit Studio -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Action Drama Fantasy Military Mystery Shounen Super Power -- Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3 Part 2 Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3 Part 2 -- Seeking to restore humanity's diminishing hope, the Survey Corps embark on a mission to retake Wall Maria, where the battle against the merciless "Titans" takes the stage once again. -- -- Returning to the tattered Shiganshina District that was once his home, Eren Yeager and the Corps find the town oddly unoccupied by Titans. Even after the outer gate is plugged, they strangely encounter no opposition. The mission progresses smoothly until Armin Arlert, highly suspicious of the enemy's absence, discovers distressing signs of a potential scheme against them. -- -- Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3 Part 2 follows Eren as he vows to take back everything that was once his. Alongside him, the Survey Corps strive—through countless sacrifices—to carve a path towards victory and uncover the secrets locked away in the Yeager family's basement. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,244,399 9.11
Shin no Nakama ja Nai to Yuusha no Party wo Oidasareta node, Henkyou de Slow Life suru Koto ni Shima -- -- Studio Flad, Wolfsbane -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Slice of Life Fantasy -- Shin no Nakama ja Nai to Yuusha no Party wo Oidasareta node, Henkyou de Slow Life suru Koto ni Shima Shin no Nakama ja Nai to Yuusha no Party wo Oidasareta node, Henkyou de Slow Life suru Koto ni Shima -- A heroic and mighty adventurer dreams of...opening a pharmacy? -- -- Red was once a member of the Hero's party, a powerful group destined to save the world from the evil forces of Taraxon, the Raging Demon Lord. That is, until one of his comrades kicked him out. Hoping to live the easy life on the frontier, Red's new goal is to open an apothecary. However, keeping the secret of his former life may not be as simple as he thinks. Especially when the beautiful Rit, an adventurer from his past, shows up and asks to move in with him! -- -- (Source: Yen Press) -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 12,587 N/A -- -- Takamiya Nasuno Desu!: Teekyuu Spin-off -- -- Millepensee -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Shounen -- Takamiya Nasuno Desu!: Teekyuu Spin-off Takamiya Nasuno Desu!: Teekyuu Spin-off -- A spin-off from Teekyuu which centers on the daily life of Nasuno Takamiya, the "exceedingly airheaded" school tennis club member in Teekyuu, and her friends. -- 12,565 6.43
Skip Beat! -- -- Hal Film Maker -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Shoujo -- Skip Beat! Skip Beat! -- Bright, diligent, and yet naïve 16-year-old Kyouko Mogami works hard to support the career and dreams of her childhood friend, crush, and rising pop icon, Shoutarou Fuwa. Toiling endlessly at burger joints and tea ceremonies, the innocent Kyouko remains unaware that day in day out, all her tireless efforts have been taken for granted, until, one day, she finds out that her beloved Shou sees her as nothing but a free servant. Shocked, heartbroken and enraged, she vows to take revenge on the rookie star by entering the ruthless world of entertainment herself. As she steps into this new life, Kyouko will face new challenges as well as people who will push her out of her comfort zone. -- -- Based on the best-selling shoujo manga by Yoshiki Nakamura, Skip Beat showcases the growth of a young woman who slowly unlearns how to work herself to the bone for the satisfaction of others and takes her future into her own hands instead. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Pied Piper -- 225,018 8.12
Sora no Aosa wo Shiru Hito yo -- -- CloverWorks -- 1 ep -- Original -- Drama -- Sora no Aosa wo Shiru Hito yo Sora no Aosa wo Shiru Hito yo -- High school student Aoi Aioi lives with her elder sister, Akane, after a tragic accident took their parents away 13 years ago. Because Akane has since been taking care of her single-handedly, Aoi wants to move to Tokyo after her graduation to relieve her sister's burden and pursue a musical career, inspired by Akane's ex-boyfriend Shinnosuke "Shinno" Kanamuro. Shinno was part of a band until he left for Tokyo to become a professional guitarist after the sisters' parents passed away, and he was never to be seen again. -- -- One afternoon, while Aoi practices her bass in a guest house, she gets startled by the 18-year-old version of Shinno from 13 years ago! As if by coincidence, the current 31-year-old Shinno also returns to the town, but he has changed drastically. There are now two Shinno's in existence, but why is the Shinno from the past present? -- -- Sora no Aosa wo Shiru Hito yo revolves around these four individuals as they confront their inner feelings toward each other and make decisions that will affect their lives from here on out. -- -- Movie - Oct 11, 2019 -- 60,630 7.53
Sora yori mo Tooi Basho -- -- Madhouse -- 13 eps -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Drama -- Sora yori mo Tooi Basho Sora yori mo Tooi Basho -- Filled with an overwhelming sense of wonder for the world around her, Mari Tamaki has always dreamt of what lies beyond the reaches of the universe. However, despite harboring such large aspirations on the inside, her fear of the unknown and anxiety over her own possible limitations have always held her back from chasing them. But now, in her second year of high school, Mari is more determined than ever to not let any more of her youth go to waste. Still, her fear continues to prevent her from taking that ambitious step forward—that is, until she has a chance encounter with a girl who has grand dreams of her own. -- -- Spurred by her mother's disappearance, Shirase Kobuchizawa has been working hard to fund her trip to Antarctica. Despite facing doubt and ridicule from virtually everyone, Shirase is determined to embark on this expedition to search for her mother in a place further than the universe itself. Inspired by Shirase's resolve, Mari jumps at the chance to join her. Soon, their efforts attract the attention of the bubbly Hinata Miyake, who is eager to stand out, and Yuzuki Shiraishi, a polite girl from a high class background. Together, they set sail toward the frozen south. -- -- Sora yori mo Tooi Basho follows the captivating journey of four spirited girls, all in search of something great. -- -- 359,273 8.56
Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Seinen -- Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru -- Hotori Arashiyama loves mysteries, but there's one she just can't solve: why does the solution to one problem inevitably seem to lead to another? Like how when Hotori has to start working at the Seaside Maid Cafe after school to pay off a debt and her friend Toshiko fortunately knows exactly how a Maid Cafe should be run. Which is fortunate since Hotori has no clue. Except that, unfortunately, Toshiko has no interest in working at the cafe—until she discovers that Hotori's childhood friend Hiroyuki is a regular. Which SEEMS fortunate. Except that Hotori doesn't know that, while Toshiko likes Hiroyuki, Hiroyuki secretly likes Hotori, while Hotori secretly has a crush on... No, no more spoilers! -- -- But if that's not enough drama, there's work, angst with a certain math teacher, table tennis between her classmates, her younger brother versus the school's bad girl... And yet, even though everything seems like it's going to crash at any moment, somehow Hotori's life keeps going hilariously forward. -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 51,364 7.44
Special A -- -- AIC, Gonzo -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Romance School Shoujo -- Special A Special A -- Hikari Hanazono has always been able to do things that normal people cannot. As a child, she assumed no one could beat her—until she met Kei Takishima. Thinking she would win, Hikari challenged him to a match. But things didn’t go as planned; she lost not once but each time she rechallenged him. From that point on, she has sworn to best Kei at everything, ranging from academics to athletics. -- -- To achieve her goal, Hikari enrolls in the same school as Kei—Hakusenkan, a prestigious institute for the wealthy. As a pair, they hold the top two rankings in school and are among seven of the academy's best students in a class known as Special A. -- -- While Hikari treats Kei as a rival, she is completely oblivious that he harbors hidden feelings for her. Together, the members of Special A deal with competition, friendship, and just a bit of love. -- -- 307,188 7.55
Steins;Gate -- -- White Fox -- 24 eps -- Visual novel -- Sci-Fi Psychological Drama Thriller -- Steins;Gate Steins;Gate -- The self-proclaimed mad scientist Rintarou Okabe rents out a room in a rickety old building in Akihabara, where he indulges himself in his hobby of inventing prospective "future gadgets" with fellow lab members: Mayuri Shiina, his air-headed childhood friend, and Hashida Itaru, a perverted hacker nicknamed "Daru." The three pass the time by tinkering with their most promising contraption yet, a machine dubbed the "Phone Microwave," which performs the strange function of morphing bananas into piles of green gel. -- -- Though miraculous in itself, the phenomenon doesn't provide anything concrete in Okabe's search for a scientific breakthrough; that is, until the lab members are spurred into action by a string of mysterious happenings before stumbling upon an unexpected success—the Phone Microwave can send emails to the past, altering the flow of history. -- -- Adapted from the critically acclaimed visual novel by 5pb. and Nitroplus, Steins;Gate takes Okabe through the depths of scientific theory and practicality. Forced across the diverging threads of past and present, Okabe must shoulder the burdens that come with holding the key to the realm of time. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,871,415 9.11
Stranger: Mukou Hadan -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Historical Samurai -- Stranger: Mukou Hadan Stranger: Mukou Hadan -- In the Sengoku period of Japan, a young orphan named Kotarou and his dog Tobimaru steal from unsuspecting villagers in order to make ends meet. However, Kotarou is forced to remain on the run when he finds himself being hunted down by assassins sent by China's Ming Dynasty for mysterious reasons not involving his petty crimes. -- -- Fortunately, the duo run into Nanashi, a ronin who has taken refuge in a small temple, when Kotarou is attacked and Tobimaru poisoned. Although the samurai saves the helpless pair from their pursuers, he feels that there is no need to help them further; but when offered a gem in exchange for his services as a bodyguard, he reluctantly accepts Kotarou's offer of employment—just until Tobimaru is healed and the two reach their destination. As the three set out on a perilous journey, it soon becomes evident that their path is riddled with danger, as the Ming Dynasty has now sent a terrifying swordsman after them to capture Kotarou and fulfill a certain prophecy. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- Movie - Sep 29, 2007 -- 267,914 8.31
Strike the Blood III -- -- Connect -- 10 eps -- Light novel -- Action Harem Supernatural Ecchi Vampire Fantasy -- Strike the Blood III Strike the Blood III -- It was announced at a Dengeki Game Festival stage event that the Strike the Blood light novel series will get a third OVA release. It will cover until the end of Seisen-hen. -- -- (Source: MAL news) -- OVA - Dec 19, 2018 -- 80,998 7.05
Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online -- -- Studio 3Hz -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Fantasy Game Military Sci-Fi -- Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online -- Clad in desert pink and the size of a mere child, the infamous "Pink Devil" mercilessly hunts down other players in the firearm-centered world of the virtual reality game Gun Gale Online. But in real life, this feared player killer is not quite who anyone would expect. -- -- A shy university student in Tokyo, Karen Kohiruimaki stands in stark contrast to her in-game avatar—in fact, she happens to stand above everyone else too, much to her dismay. Towering above all the people around her, Karen's insecurities over her height reach the point where she turns to the virtual world for an escape. Starting game after game in hopes of manifesting as a cute, short character, she finally obtains her ideal self in the world of Gun Gale Online. Overjoyed by her new persona, she pours her time into the game as LLENN, garnering her reputation as the legendary player killer. -- -- However, when one of LLENN's targets gets the best of her, she ends up meeting Pitohui, a skilled yet eccentric woman. Quickly becoming friends with Karen, Pitohui insists that LLENN participates in Squad Jam, a battle royale that pits teams against one another, fighting until only one remains. Thrust into the heated competition, LLENN must fight with all her wit and will if she hopes to shoot her way to the top. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 445,228 7.04
Sword Art Online -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 25 eps -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Romance Fantasy -- Sword Art Online Sword Art Online -- In the year 2022, virtual reality has progressed by leaps and bounds, and a massive online role-playing game called Sword Art Online (SAO) is launched. With the aid of "NerveGear" technology, players can control their avatars within the game using nothing but their own thoughts. -- -- Kazuto Kirigaya, nicknamed "Kirito," is among the lucky few enthusiasts who get their hands on the first shipment of the game. He logs in to find himself, with ten-thousand others, in the scenic and elaborate world of Aincrad, one full of fantastic medieval weapons and gruesome monsters. However, in a cruel turn of events, the players soon realize they cannot log out; the game's creator has trapped them in his new world until they complete all one hundred levels of the game. -- -- In order to escape Aincrad, Kirito will now have to interact and cooperate with his fellow players. Some are allies, while others are foes, like Asuna Yuuki, who commands the leading group attempting to escape from the ruthless game. To make matters worse, Sword Art Online is not all fun and games: if they die in Aincrad, they die in real life. Kirito must adapt to his new reality, fight for his survival, and hopefully break free from his virtual hell. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 2,331,007 7.23
Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Romance Fantasy -- Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria -- "There's no way to beat this game. The only difference is when and where you die..." -- -- One month has passed since Akihiko Kayaba's deadly game began, and the body count continues to rise. Two thousand players are already dead. -- -- Kirito and Asuna are two very different people, but they both desire to fight alone. Nonetheless, they find themselves drawn together to face challenges from both within and without. Given that the entire virtual world they now live in has been created as a deathtrap, the surviving players of Sword Art Online are starting to get desperate, and desperation makes them dangerous to loners like Kirito and Asuna. As it becomes clear that solitude equals suicide, will the two be able to overcome their differences to find the strength to believe in each other, and in so doing survive? -- -- Sword Art Online: Progressive is a new version of the Sword Art Online tale that starts at the beginning of Kirito and Asuna's epic adventure—on the very first level of the deadly world of Aincrad! -- -- (Source: Yen Press) -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - ??? ??, 2021 -- 94,949 N/A -- -- Rozen Maiden: Träumend -- -- Nomad -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Drama Magic Seinen -- Rozen Maiden: Träumend Rozen Maiden: Träumend -- As the story of Rozen Maiden closes, a new chapter begins in Rozen Maiden: Träumend. Shinku and the other sentient dolls of the Rozen Maiden collection are living life as usual at Jun Sakurada's house. Having settled into his role as Shinku's partner in the deadly Alice Game, Jun overcomes his former fears and prepares to return to school. And although Shinku and the other dolls idly pass the days by in the comfort of Jun's home, dark times lie ahead as a new foe presents herself: Barasuishou, the seventh Rozen Maiden. -- -- But Barasuishou is a mystery even to her sisters, none of whom have ever laid eyes on her until now. Shinku considers this a sign that the Alice Game is coming to an end, meaning the dolls will soon be forced to fight one another. Haunted by the upcoming battle and nightmares concerning another doll, Shinku begins distancing herself from the others. If she wishes to claim victory, it will come at a high cost—the lives of her sisters. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA, Sentai Filmworks -- 94,726 7.64
Tari Tari -- -- P.A. Works -- 13 eps -- Original -- Music Slice of Life School -- Tari Tari Tari Tari -- At Shirahamazaka High School, a special recital is held every year in which music students are able to showcase their talents in front of professionals and other prestigious guests. A third year, Konatsu Miyamoto desperately wants to sing in her last high school recital, but because she screwed up the year before, the vice principal has barred her from participating. -- -- That's when Konatsu comes up with a new plan to get involved; instead of joining the official choir, she'll form her own singing club with her friends! Unfortunately this proves to be harder than she imagined. Her friend Wakana Sakai, has given up on singing, for one, and Konatsu needs more than just two members. With only a month left until the recital, will Konatsu be able to find enough members for her club and actually be ready to sing at one of the most important events of the school year and graduate without regrets? -- 135,669 7.32
Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari Season 3 -- -- - -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Drama Fantasy -- Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari Season 3 Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari Season 3 -- Third season of Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari. -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 127,135 N/ADragon Ball Z Movie 15: Fukkatsu no "F" -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Super Power Martial Arts Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z Movie 15: Fukkatsu no "F" Dragon Ball Z Movie 15: Fukkatsu no "F" -- Earth is finally peaceful again, but this calm is short-lived. The remnants of Frieza's army, led by Sorbet and his right hand Tagoma, arrive on Earth in order to summon Shen Long with the goal of resurrecting their old master. To do so, they threaten Emperor Pilaf, Shuu, and Mai for the Dragon Balls in their possession. -- -- Once successfully revived, Frieza—who had been stoking his hatred for Gokuu Son and Future Trunks in Hell—proclaims that he will not be content until they are dead by his hand. Sorbet informs him that Future Trunks has not been heard of in years, and Gokuu's power has far surpassed even that of the mighty Majin Buu. Unfazed, Frieza responds that he only requires a few months of training before being capable of defeating Gokuu. -- -- Will Frieza be able to exact revenge upon his nemesis, or will Gokuu, Vegeta, and their friends prevail against adversity, saving Earth once more? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Apr 18, 2015 -- 126,747 7.09
Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki 3rd Season: Tenchi Seirou naredo Namitakashi? -- -- AIC -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Harem Space Comedy Shounen -- Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki 3rd Season: Tenchi Seirou naredo Namitakashi? Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki 3rd Season: Tenchi Seirou naredo Namitakashi? -- After a 'modified' ending to the Choubimaru incident, the punishments for the offending parties is metted-out, as well as a surprise marriage proposal by Misao to Mashisu. It almost didn't happen... until Mihoshi and Misao's mother Mitoto steps in and gives her and her family's approval, much to the dismay of FORMER G.P. Marshall Minami Kuramitsu. Otherwise, life goes on as usual for the Masaki clan. But soon when the question of how Tenchi's mother had died is presented, the answer nearly causes a rift between Tenchi, his father and his grandfather, for which only Tenchi's future mother-in-law Rea can solve... as well as the resolution of Noike's unusual secret. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- OVA - Sep 14, 2005 -- 10,162 7.25
Tenkuu no Shiro Laputa -- -- Studio Ghibli -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Fantasy Romance Sci-Fi -- Tenkuu no Shiro Laputa Tenkuu no Shiro Laputa -- In a world filled with planes and airships, Sheeta is a young girl who has been kidnapped by government agents who seek her mysterious crystal amulet. While trapped aboard an airship, she finds herself without hope—that is, until the ship is raided by pirates. Taking advantage of the ensuing confusion, Sheeta manages to flee from her captors. Upon her escape, she meets Pazu, a boy who dreams of reaching the fabled flying castle, Laputa. The two decide to embark on a journey together to discover this castle in the sky. However, they soon find the government agents back on their trail, as they too are trying to reach Laputa for their own greedy purposes. -- -- Tenkuu no Shiro Laputa follows the soaring adventures of Sheeta and Pazu, all while they learn how dreams and dire circumstances can bring two people closer together. -- -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS, Walt Disney Studios -- Movie - Aug 2, 1986 -- 352,125 8.30
Tenkuu no Shiro Laputa -- -- Studio Ghibli -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Fantasy Romance Sci-Fi -- Tenkuu no Shiro Laputa Tenkuu no Shiro Laputa -- In a world filled with planes and airships, Sheeta is a young girl who has been kidnapped by government agents who seek her mysterious crystal amulet. While trapped aboard an airship, she finds herself without hope—that is, until the ship is raided by pirates. Taking advantage of the ensuing confusion, Sheeta manages to flee from her captors. Upon her escape, she meets Pazu, a boy who dreams of reaching the fabled flying castle, Laputa. The two decide to embark on a journey together to discover this castle in the sky. However, they soon find the government agents back on their trail, as they too are trying to reach Laputa for their own greedy purposes. -- -- Tenkuu no Shiro Laputa follows the soaring adventures of Sheeta and Pazu, all while they learn how dreams and dire circumstances can bring two people closer together. -- -- Movie - Aug 2, 1986 -- 352,125 8.30
Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken 2nd Season Part 2 -- -- 8bit -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Comedy Demons Magic Fantasy -- Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken 2nd Season Part 2 Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken 2nd Season Part 2 -- Second half of Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken 2nd Season. -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 125,503 N/ABishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R -- -- Toei Animation -- 43 eps -- Manga -- Demons Magic Romance Shoujo -- Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R -- Usagi Tsukino and her friends have been living peacefully until they are called into action again as Sailor Guardians, planetary warriors fighting for the peace of the galaxy. Usagi, also known as Sailor Moon, leads their group into battle when a new threat from beyond the stars presents itself: two survivors of an alien race, An and Ail. In order to save the source of their life force, the Makai Tree, An and Ail begin harvesting energy from unsuspecting humans. The Sailor Guardians must stop their plot or face the annihilation of Earth. -- -- But as one threat subsides, another follows—this time in the form of a little girl from the future who seeks the source of Sailor Moon's power to save her family. However, she is not the only one vying for it, as a group known as the Black Moon Clan also wishes to obtain the power and use it for nefarious purposes. In order to protect their destinies and the harmony of the universe, Sailor Moon and the rest of the Sailor Guardians must fight to stop these forces from succeeding. -- -- TV - Mar 6, 1993 -- 125,035 7.69
Tenshi na Konamaiki -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 50 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Magic Romance Shounen -- Tenshi na Konamaiki Tenshi na Konamaiki -- Megumi-chan is a girl with a secret past. She used to be a boy until she met a person she thought was a magic user. This person gave him/her a magical book from which a genie appears to grant one wish when blood is applied to it. Megumi made the wish to be a man in a man's body but the genie has a twist: he grants wishes backwards so he turns Megumi-kun aged 9 to Megumi-chan. Years pass and Megumi enters High School where she immediately beats up the school bully who of course falls in love with her. She is looking for that book again to be able to reverse the spell placed upon her. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Apr 6, 2002 -- 23,228 7.47
The Last: Naruto the Movie -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Super Power Romance Martial Arts Shounen -- The Last: Naruto the Movie The Last: Naruto the Movie -- Two years have passed since the end of the Fourth Great Ninja War. Konohagakure has remained in a state of peace and harmony—until Sixth Hokage Kakashi Hatake notices the moon is dangerously approaching the Earth, posing the threat of planetary ruin. -- -- Amidst the grave ordeal, the Konoha is invaded by a new evil, Toneri Oosutuski, who suddenly abducts Hinata Hyuuga's little sister Hanabi. Kakashi dispatches a skilled ninja team comprised of Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, Shikamaru Nara, Sai, and Hinata in an effort to rescue Hanabi from the diabolical clutches of Toneri. However, during their mission, the team faces several obstacles that challenge them, foiling their efforts. -- -- With her abduction, the relationships the team share with one another are tested, and with the world reaching the brink of destruction, they must race against time to ensure the safety of their planet. Meanwhile, as the battle ensues, Naruto is driven to fight for something greater than he has ever imagined—love. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Movie - Dec 6, 2014 -- 385,586 7.75
The Last: Naruto the Movie -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Super Power Romance Martial Arts Shounen -- The Last: Naruto the Movie The Last: Naruto the Movie -- Two years have passed since the end of the Fourth Great Ninja War. Konohagakure has remained in a state of peace and harmony—until Sixth Hokage Kakashi Hatake notices the moon is dangerously approaching the Earth, posing the threat of planetary ruin. -- -- Amidst the grave ordeal, the Konoha is invaded by a new evil, Toneri Oosutuski, who suddenly abducts Hinata Hyuuga's little sister Hanabi. Kakashi dispatches a skilled ninja team comprised of Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, Shikamaru Nara, Sai, and Hinata in an effort to rescue Hanabi from the diabolical clutches of Toneri. However, during their mission, the team faces several obstacles that challenge them, foiling their efforts. -- -- With her abduction, the relationships the team share with one another are tested, and with the world reaching the brink of destruction, they must race against time to ensure the safety of their planet. Meanwhile, as the battle ensues, Naruto is driven to fight for something greater than he has ever imagined—love. -- -- Movie - Dec 6, 2014 -- 385,586 7.75
Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Drama Romance -- Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta -- In order to uncover the "end of the sky," as spoken of in ancient mythology, Kal-el Albus is sent to Isla, an island in the sky. There he attends Cadoques High's Aerial Division, where he enjoys a carefree life with his schoolmates. That is...until a surprise attack by the air tribe drags Isla into a bloody war. -- -- (Source: NIS America) -- TV - Jan 6, 2014 -- 87,731 7.18
Toaru Majutsu no Index -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Magic Sci-Fi Super Power -- Toaru Majutsu no Index Toaru Majutsu no Index -- Academy City, Japan, is at the forefront of science. Besides being 30 years ahead of the world technologically, more than three-fourths of this peculiar city's population consists of students developing their psychic abilities as espers in various institutions. Among these students is Touma Kamijou, a high school boy with the lowest psychic rank of zero, but with a mysterious power no scientist can understand: "Imagine Breaker," which allows him to negate other supernatural abilities. -- -- This, however, doesn't affect Kamijou's life in the least as he plays his role as a regular teenager; that is, until he meets the strange Index Librorum Prohibitorum, a young girl who has memorized the entirety of the forbidden grimoires, and now a dangerous organization is hunting Index down. With several magicians looking to harm the girl, Kamijou will defend his new companion at all costs as he discovers a strange new realm of the supernatural. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 657,035 7.42
Togainu no Chi -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Sci-Fi Shounen Ai -- Togainu no Chi Togainu no Chi -- In the wake of a third world war which left Japan in ruins, an organization known as Vischio seized control of Tokyo and renamed it Toshima. Taking place in its back alleys are battle games known as Igura, overseen by the Vischio, in which contestants battle and bathe in each other's blood to earn the chance to go up against its tournament's king, Il-re. -- -- Igura is not the only fighting tournament around; Bl@ster is a similar yet vastly different game since it prohibits murder and the use of weapons. The only way to win is by knocking out the opponent. Akira, a young man isolated from his family, is known to be undefeatable at Bl@ster. However, his life on the top is shattered when he is accused of murder. Unable to prove his own innocence, all hope is seemingly lost... that is until a mysterious woman named Emma appears and offers him a chance. Now, to regain his freedom, Akira must participate in Igura and ultimately defeat Il-re. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- TV - Oct 8, 2010 -- 76,992 6.27
Tokyo Babylon 2021 -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Supernatural Drama Fantasy Shoujo Shounen Ai -- Tokyo Babylon 2021 Tokyo Babylon 2021 -- Subaru Sumeragi is the thirteenth head of his powerful onmyouji clan. Until the time comes when he must succeed his grandmother fully, Subaru is allowed to live in Tokyo with his fraternal twin Hokuto. While Subaru is kind and shy, Hokuto has exuberance to spare, and her favorite pastime is designing bold matching outfits for the two of them to wear. Her next favorite thing to do is try to set up Subaru with their veterinarian friend Seishirou Sakurazuka who, oddly enough, is always readily available to accompany the Sumeragis throughout the city. -- -- Subaru has to resolve a variety of spiritual conflicts in Tokyo: some are cases formally brought to him by clients, and others are matters in which he decides to involve himself. A selfless teenager, he empathizes with others to the point that their pain may as well be his own. This leaves him vulnerable in a city where nearly everyone makes decisions that only benefit themselves as individuals. Hokuto hopes that if Subaru develops feelings for Seishirou, their relationship will be the one thing that he never gives up for the sake of anyone else. However, is Seishirou the best candidate for her brother's love, or is he hiding sinister secrets? -- -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 5,853 N/ANight Head 2041 -- -- Shirogumi -- ? eps -- Other -- Sci-Fi Mystery Psychological Supernatural Drama -- Night Head 2041 Night Head 2041 -- The story follows the Kirihara brothers who from a young age were incarcerated in a secure scientific facility due to their supernatural powers, having escaped after the barrier that was preventing them malfunctions. The story also follows the Kuroki brothers who are trying to chase the Kirihara brothers. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 5,779 N/A -- -- Jie Mo Ren -- -- - -- 14 eps -- Web manga -- Action Mystery Supernatural Fantasy -- Jie Mo Ren Jie Mo Ren -- When Freshman Zhou Xiaoan put on a ring of unclear origin, a terrifying devil leaps from his mouth and his life is changed forever. Shocking historical secrets are slowly revealed - a Blood Devil calling itself King Zhou of Shang, a race of heart-eating zombies; a dubious group of Taoist Priests that fight against them; mysterious beings of the supernatural world who can blend in to human society. -- -- (Source: GFearJ) -- ONA - Apr 27, 2016 -- 5,744 6.18
Toshi Densetsu Monogatari Hikiko -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Horror -- Toshi Densetsu Monogatari Hikiko Toshi Densetsu Monogatari Hikiko -- Story: 3D CG-animated movie about Hikiko, who is a character of a Japanese urban legend. She was violently treated all the time by her parents and classmates at the elementary school and she's extremely ugly due to the constant violence. To revenge, she caught students from elementary school and drag them on the floor until they're badly mutilated. -- -- When Revsersing Hikiko's full name 森妃姫子(Mori Hikiko) gives 引き籠もり(hikikomori), which means Social Withdrawal. -- OVA - Aug 8, 2008 -- 4,664 5.94
Tsukiyo & Opal -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Tsukiyo & Opal Tsukiyo & Opal -- Half asleep with my eyes closed, my conscience flies beyond time and space and I transform myself to all the life forms existing. I become the universe and the universe becomes me, until I fall asleep.... It is a song to pray for the existence of heart and soul at an awakening. -- Movie - Mar 7, 2015 -- 222 5.39
Uchuu Kuubo Blue Noah -- -- - -- 24 eps -- Original -- Action Drama Military Sci-Fi Space -- Uchuu Kuubo Blue Noah Uchuu Kuubo Blue Noah -- Set in the year 2052, Earth has managed to find peace until the arrival of the Death Force - ruthless aliens from a dying solar system - who are desperately searching for a new home. Attacking the Earth with a massive satellite ship called Terror Star, the aliens proceed to terraform the planet to make it their own. For mankind there is one hope: it's up to Colin Collins and a small band of his fellow surviving students to crew a top-secret submersible vessel that can fight the invaders at sea or in space. -- TV - Oct 13, 1979 -- 1,526 6.53
Uchuu Senkan Yamato -- -- Group TAC -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Drama Military Sci-Fi Space -- Uchuu Senkan Yamato Uchuu Senkan Yamato -- In the year 2199, Earth is a mere shell of its former glory after a vicious bombardment by the Gamilas Empire. The inhabitants have been forced underground to escape the irradiated surface, but the deadly radiation inches closer and closer to the retreating population. With only one year before complete and utter extermination, time is fast running out and hope is in short supply. -- -- So far, any attempt to escape or retaliate has been instantly annihilated by the alien empire—until an emergency transmission from the planet Iscandar in a neighboring galaxy offers a glimmer of hope to save the doomed planet. Covertly, Earth's Self Defense Force constructs a faster than light engine for a journey to Iscandar. Armed with new weapons and a determined crew of fearless navy men, the World War II era battleship Yamato is reborn as Space Battleship Yamato. She and her crew set out on a perilous journey across the stars to save their home and the entire human race. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Voyager Entertainment -- 21,846 7.58
Umibe no Étranger -- -- Studio Hibari -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Romance Shounen Ai Slice of Life -- Umibe no Étranger Umibe no Étranger -- Shun Hashimoto is an openly gay aspiring novelist living in Okinawa who was abandoned by his parents after coming out to them. Mio Chibana is a reserved, orphaned high school student, often found spending his time by the sea. One day, the two meet on the beach, and Shun is instantly captivated by Mio. The days fly by as they slowly begin to grow closer until Mio suddenly announces that he has to leave for the mainland. -- -- Three years pass before a 20-year-old Mio returns to Okinawa to confess his love to Shun. However, in those three years, Shun's life has changed. Will he be able to accept Mio's feelings and make such a commitment? -- -- Movie - Sep 11, 2020 -- 51,217 8.02
Umi no Yami, Tsuki no Kage -- -- Magic Bus -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Horror Super Power Drama Romance Shoujo -- Umi no Yami, Tsuki no Kage Umi no Yami, Tsuki no Kage -- Ruka and Rumi Kobayakawa are twin sisters in love with the same man, athletic upperclassman Katsuyuki Touma. Rumi seems supportive of Ruka's fledgling romance with Katsuyuki, until the twins are infected with a strange bacterium that transforms Rumi's personality and gifts the twins with terrifying psychic powers. Now Rumi will stop at nothing - or no one, that gets between her and Katsuyuki, including her own twin sister... -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Oct 14, 1989 -- 1,341 5.96
Utawarerumono: Itsuwari no Kamen -- -- White Fox -- 25 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Drama Fantasy -- Utawarerumono: Itsuwari no Kamen Utawarerumono: Itsuwari no Kamen -- Waking up cold and alone in the woods, a nameless man is surrounded by unfamiliar scenes. Without any memories, he is utterly lost until he stumbles upon Kuon—a young girl with animal ears and a tail. She saves him, leading him back to her town while protecting them both from "boro-gigiri"—giant centipede-like creatures—and a mysterious red slime. After they arrive, she names him Haku after a prominent historical figure from the area. He quickly realizes he is one of a kind—the only one without animal ears and a tail. The two journey to the capital of Yamato, the country in which Kuon lives, meeting more people and making new friends, all the while unknowingly delving deeper into the politics and inner conflicts of Yamato... -- -- Utawarerumono: Itsuwari no Kamen follows Haku as he slowly uncovers the secrets of this alien world. He works to solve the mysteries surrounding the red slimes, as well as to stop war from erupting among the nearby countries. -- -- 92,626 7.27
Utawarerumono: Itsuwari no Kamen -- -- White Fox -- 25 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Drama Fantasy -- Utawarerumono: Itsuwari no Kamen Utawarerumono: Itsuwari no Kamen -- Waking up cold and alone in the woods, a nameless man is surrounded by unfamiliar scenes. Without any memories, he is utterly lost until he stumbles upon Kuon—a young girl with animal ears and a tail. She saves him, leading him back to her town while protecting them both from "boro-gigiri"—giant centipede-like creatures—and a mysterious red slime. After they arrive, she names him Haku after a prominent historical figure from the area. He quickly realizes he is one of a kind—the only one without animal ears and a tail. The two journey to the capital of Yamato, the country in which Kuon lives, meeting more people and making new friends, all the while unknowingly delving deeper into the politics and inner conflicts of Yamato... -- -- Utawarerumono: Itsuwari no Kamen follows Haku as he slowly uncovers the secrets of this alien world. He works to solve the mysteries surrounding the red slimes, as well as to stop war from erupting among the nearby countries. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 92,626 7.27
Video Girl Ai -- -- Production I.G -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Ecchi Romance -- Video Girl Ai Video Girl Ai -- After a crushing rejection, the heartbroken Youta Moteuchi trudges home. On his way, a dimly lit video store catches his eye, and he ends up purchasing a "video girl" tape meant to ease the hearts of lonely men. However, when he tries to play it in his broken VCR, a beautiful girl leaps out of his TV and lands on his bed. Calling herself Ai Amano, she looks like a golden opportunity for Youta to finally experience true love—that is, until her personality, now troubling thanks to the broken VCR, shows through. Despite her flaws, however, Ai wholeheartedly promises she will ensure Youta finds happiness and true love in his life. -- -- Video Girl Ai follows the daily life of a teenage boy and his pursuit of a fulfilling romance. With the help of his virtual guardian angel, Youta sets forth to find the girl of his dreams. -- -- OVA - Mar 27, 1992 -- 23,522 7.21
Wake up!! Tamala -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Fantasy Psychological -- Wake up!! Tamala Wake up!! Tamala -- In 2050, the world's climate has changed for the worse. One rainy day, Tamala saves a honeybee named Kuronosuke from drowning in a gutter. As the last bee of the cat world, he invites Tamala on a magical journey back in time—back to our near future. -- -- With Tamala's era quickly approaching, civilization has begun to waste and destroy the nature that lie around them. Roving around a land where all other animals are extinct, she finally begins to starve.. Until Kuronosuke offers himself as food. -- -- (Source: Official site, edited) -- Movie - Oct 11, 2010 -- 734 5.39
Weiß Survive -- -- Studio Hibari -- 16 eps -- Card game -- Game Comedy Ecchi -- Weiß Survive Weiß Survive -- Takeshi was just an ordinary guy until a perfectly innocent study session with Michi - the most beautiful girl in the school - ended up with him being mysteriously transported into the strange dimension known as the Weiss Schwarz Battle Space. Once there, a crazy but enthusiastic old man informs him that he is the chosen warrior and must win a succession of card battles to get back home. -- -- The only problem: he doesn't know how to play! However, with the expert Michi ready to teach him the ins and outs of this bizarre and improbably slapstick card game, Takeshi will learn the ropes and get ready for the card battle of a lifetime. Assuming he survives the training... -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 19,048 6.09
Windaria -- -- Idol, Kaname Productions -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Drama Fantasy Romance Sci-Fi -- Windaria Windaria -- Two pairs of young lovers become embroiled in a war between two rival kingdoms, the primitive but resplendent Isa and the militaristic but undisciplined Paro. Izu and his young wife, Marin, are simple farmers who live in the unassuming village of Saki, which lies directly between Isa and Paro. While Saki does not have the beauty of Isa nor the war machines of Paro, they do possess a magnificent tree known as "Windaria," to which the villagers give their prayers in return for "good memories." -- -- When the war erupts, Izu decides to join Paro's army, enthralled by the fantastic motorbike "given" to him as a bribe. Before he departs, they each take a vow: He will definitely return to her, and until he does, she will wait for him. The other two lovers are Jill, the prince of Paro, and Ahanas, Princess of Isa. They initially want nothing to do with the rapidly escalating conflict, but after Jill's father, Paro's king, dies by his son's hand in an altercation over the war, Jill has little choice but to realize his father's final wish: the taking of Isa. -- -- The only problem is that he had promised his beloved, Ahanas, that he would not become involved. Windaria is a war parable set in a fantasy land of unicorns and ghost ships. -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- Movie - Jul 19, 1986 -- 7,639 6.53
Witch Craft Works -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy Seinen -- Witch Craft Works Witch Craft Works -- Even though they shared the same bus every morning and sat next to each other in class, Ayaka Kagari, the "Princess" of Tougetsu High School, was nothing more than an unreachable idol for Honoka Takamiya. The horde of students who worshipped the "Princess" was merely a nuisance to Honoka, living his lazy, regular high school life. -- -- Everything seemed perfectly normal until, one day, Honoka is attacked out of the blue by a mysterious witch. To his surprise, Ayaka saves his life, revealing herself to be a fire witch on a covert mission to protect Honoka. -- -- From that fateful day, the ordinary life of Honoka is turned upside down as he is thrown into the war between the Workshop Witches, who strive to protect the citizens, and the Tower Witches, who desire to steal a power hidden within him. -- -- TV - Jan 5, 2014 -- 249,978 7.05
X/1999 -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Drama Fantasy Horror Magic Sci-Fi Supernatural -- X/1999 X/1999 -- At the millennial edge, the concluding battle for humanity's future is staged. Kamui Shirou's destiny has been decided as he returns to Tokyo to face his ultimate challenge. The Dragon of Heaven, defenders of the Earth, stand ready to protect the world from the Dragon of Earth, the seven angels of legend, who embrace the devastation of the planet to bring about its purification. Now Kamui must decide which side to fight for although he finds the idea utterly unappealing. It isn't until realizing that his two childhood friends, Fuma and Kotori Monou, are in grievous peril that Kamui decides to step into his fated position in the climactic struggle of the Year of Destiny: 1999. -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- Manga Entertainment -- Movie - Aug 3, 1996 -- 31,812 6.58
X/1999 -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Drama Fantasy Horror Magic Sci-Fi Supernatural -- X/1999 X/1999 -- At the millennial edge, the concluding battle for humanity's future is staged. Kamui Shirou's destiny has been decided as he returns to Tokyo to face his ultimate challenge. The Dragon of Heaven, defenders of the Earth, stand ready to protect the world from the Dragon of Earth, the seven angels of legend, who embrace the devastation of the planet to bring about its purification. Now Kamui must decide which side to fight for although he finds the idea utterly unappealing. It isn't until realizing that his two childhood friends, Fuma and Kotori Monou, are in grievous peril that Kamui decides to step into his fated position in the climactic struggle of the Year of Destiny: 1999. -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- Movie - Aug 3, 1996 -- 31,812 6.58
Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. OVA -- -- Brain's Base -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Comedy Romance School -- Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. OVA Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. OVA -- One morning, Hachiman Hikigaya contemplates the superfluous nature of marriage and its misleading image of happiness. However, he is forced into confronting his skepticism when the Volunteer Service Club is tasked with assisting a local municipal magazine advertise the allure of marriage to younger people. Unfortunately, neither the club's advisor, Shizuka Hiratsuka, nor the other club members have any firsthand experience with the subject. With only one week until the deadline, the group must quickly learn about the intricacies behind the special ceremony, even if they have to resort to more creative means! -- -- OVA - Sep 19, 2013 -- 206,248 7.60
Yarichin☆Bitch-bu -- -- GRIZZLY -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Comedy School Yaoi -- Yarichin☆Bitch-bu Yarichin☆Bitch-bu -- Takashi Toono was unsure what to expect when he transferred to Morimori Academy, a private all-boys boarding school located deep in the mountains. However, it's no different from any other boys' school, and since he entered halfway through the year, he feels like an outcast—until the bright and friendly Kyousuke Yaguchi introduces himself. -- -- Due to the school's compulsory club policy, Toono chooses to join the low-effort "Photography Club," but the club is not what it seems. Nicknamed the "Yarichin Bitch Club," its members offer sexual services to pent-up boys at the academy—for no reason other than a love of sex. What's worse is his monthly sex quota—and the punishment for failure is severe: the club will forcefully take his innocence. However, as time runs out, Toono is left mortified and out of options. -- -- At Toono's side throughout his ordeal is Yaguchi, as well as Yuu Kashima—a fellow transfer student and club member who shares Toono's predicament. While the first years in the club struggle with their sticky dilemma, the club collectively has to deal with sex, secrets, and even stalkers! -- -- OVA - Sep 21, 2018 -- 65,573 6.51
Yoku Wakaru Gendai Mahou -- -- Nomad -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Magic -- Yoku Wakaru Gendai Mahou Yoku Wakaru Gendai Mahou -- Life hasn't been fair to Koyomi Morishita. Even though she's in high school, she's so short that everyone assumes she's still in grade school. The boys and girls in her school tease her mercilessly, and she's not exactly graceful either. On the other hand, she's still better off than Yumiko, who has a magician trying to kill her. Or at least Koyomi was until their paths crossed! -- -- Fortunately, salvation arrives in the form of master mage and graduate student Misa Anehara, who agrees to take Koyomi under her wing in learning the new style of magic, which breaks enchantment down into sequences of code. That'll be quite a task, given that so far Koyomi's talent seems to consist of making washbasins randomly fall out of the sky. But if it was easy, it wouldn't be magic, would it? -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- 22,876 6.46
Yoru no Yatterman -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama -- Yoru no Yatterman Yoru no Yatterman -- Several generations after the original Yatterman series, Leopard lives with her mother and guardians, Dorothy, Voltkatze, and Elephantus, just outside the prosperous Yatter Kingdom. She lives a happy if impoverished life, unaware of her ancestral ties to the infamous Doronbow Gang, until she discovers a mural of Doronjo, Boyacky, and Tonzura in a sealed off area of her home. It turns out that Dorothy, Voltkatze, and Elephantus are descendants of the villainous gangsters, which is why they have been forbidden from entering the hero Yatterman's Kingdom! -- -- At first, Leopard vows to never engage in villainous actions like her ancestors, but new circumstances may mean that she must go back on her word, donning the identity of villain in search of true justice. -- 29,532 6.51
Yoru no Yatterman -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama -- Yoru no Yatterman Yoru no Yatterman -- Several generations after the original Yatterman series, Leopard lives with her mother and guardians, Dorothy, Voltkatze, and Elephantus, just outside the prosperous Yatter Kingdom. She lives a happy if impoverished life, unaware of her ancestral ties to the infamous Doronbow Gang, until she discovers a mural of Doronjo, Boyacky, and Tonzura in a sealed off area of her home. It turns out that Dorothy, Voltkatze, and Elephantus are descendants of the villainous gangsters, which is why they have been forbidden from entering the hero Yatterman's Kingdom! -- -- At first, Leopard vows to never engage in villainous actions like her ancestors, but new circumstances may mean that she must go back on her word, donning the identity of villain in search of true justice. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 29,532 6.51
Yoru wa Mijikashi Arukeyo Otome -- -- Science SARU -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Comedy Romance -- Yoru wa Mijikashi Arukeyo Otome Yoru wa Mijikashi Arukeyo Otome -- On a mysterious night that seems to last for a year, an ordinary college student continues to chase one of his underclassmen, a girl with black hair—the girl of his dreams. Up until now, he has been relying on a simple plan, which is to calculatingly bump into her every day while making it seem like a meaningful coincidence. However, his efforts remain futile as their relationship is not progressing at all. -- -- Meanwhile, the black-haired girl believes that everything is connected by fate and endeavors to experience as many new things as possible, leaving it all for destiny to decide. While strolling along the lively streets of Kyoto, she discovers that the very beginning of her fateful journey—a book she had as a child—is currently being sold in a second-hand bookstore. Upon knowing this, the college student eyes another opportunity to run into her "by chance": this time, he hopes to get the book before she does and finally grasp the thread of fate that could connect their hearts. -- -- Movie - Apr 7, 2017 -- 84,515 8.23
Yuru Camp△ Season 2 -- -- C-Station -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Yuru Camp△ Season 2 Yuru Camp△ Season 2 -- Having spent Christmas camping with her new friends, Rin Shima embarks on a solo-camping trip to see the New Year sunrise by the sea. All goes according to plan until unforeseen weather blocks the roads back home, making a return trip impossible. Rin, who is now stranded for a few days, is invited by Nadeshiko Kagamihara to stay at her grandmother's house. -- -- What is supposed to be a two-day trip becomes an extended period of sightseeing and new experiences for Rin, and she encounters some new and old faces along the way. Yuru Camp△ Season 2 continues the story of Rin, Nadeshiko, and their friends as they further explore the joys of camping. -- -- 126,513 8.57
Yuugo: Koushounin -- -- Artland -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Military Mystery Psychological Drama Seinen -- Yuugo: Koushounin Yuugo: Koushounin -- "Negotiation means, you turn words into weapons" -- -- This is the realization of the popular comic Yu-go that was published in Kondasha Afternoon Magazine over a period of 10 years. -- -- Beppu Yuugo is the world's most successfull negotiator. His only weapons are "words." Yuugo doesn't kill people. Neither does he threaten them with brute violence. With rich knowledge and a calm judgement, he believes in the humans inside them. Doing only that he has managed many dangerous negotiations successfully until now. Now two of the many episodes have been chosen very carefully, one taking place in Russia, the other one in Pakistan. In the burning desert and the freezing Siberia Yuugo begins his negotiations. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- 10,316 7.11
Zankyou no Terror -- -- MAPPA -- 11 eps -- Original -- Mystery Psychological Thriller -- Zankyou no Terror Zankyou no Terror -- Painted in red, the word "VON" is all that is left behind after a terrorist attack on a nuclear facility in Japan. The government is shattered by their inability to act, and the police are left frantically searching for ways to crack down the perpetrators. The public are clueless—until, six months later, a strange video makes its way onto the internet. In it, two teenage boys who identify themselves only as "Sphinx" directly challenge the police, threatening to cause destruction and mayhem across Tokyo. Unable to stop the mass panic quickly spreading through the city and desperate for any leads in their investigation, the police struggle to act effectively against these terrorists, with Detective Kenjirou Shibazaki caught in the middle of it all. -- -- Zankyou no Terror tells the story of Nine and Twelve, the two boys behind the masked figures of Sphinx. They should not exist, yet they stand strong in a world of deception and secrets while they make the city fall around them, all in the hopes of burying their own tragic truth. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 863,812 8.12
Zero no Tsukaima: Futatsuki no Kishi -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Harem Comedy Magic Romance Ecchi Fantasy School -- Zero no Tsukaima: Futatsuki no Kishi Zero no Tsukaima: Futatsuki no Kishi -- Revered as heroes for their role in defending Tristain, Louise Françoise and her familiar Saito Hiraga face heavy pressure to continue protecting the Kingdom. With an uneasy peace now established within Albion, the newly crowned Queen Henrietta must deal with a political struggle brewing on the horizon. To make matters worse, a new villain has begun plotting in the shadows against the Crown. -- -- With the continuing threats that face the Kingdom, Louise and Saito are compelled to work together once more. No longer "Louise the Zero," the young mage's newfound aptitude for Void magic gives her enough power to wipe out an entire village; however, wielding these abilities comes with its share of challenges. As more conflicts arise, the idea of placing honor above oneself is put into question—regardless of their answer, their only choice is to see it through until the end. -- -- 425,534 7.47
Zero no Tsukaima: Futatsuki no Kishi -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Harem Comedy Magic Romance Ecchi Fantasy School -- Zero no Tsukaima: Futatsuki no Kishi Zero no Tsukaima: Futatsuki no Kishi -- Revered as heroes for their role in defending Tristain, Louise Françoise and her familiar Saito Hiraga face heavy pressure to continue protecting the Kingdom. With an uneasy peace now established within Albion, the newly crowned Queen Henrietta must deal with a political struggle brewing on the horizon. To make matters worse, a new villain has begun plotting in the shadows against the Crown. -- -- With the continuing threats that face the Kingdom, Louise and Saito are compelled to work together once more. No longer "Louise the Zero," the young mage's newfound aptitude for Void magic gives her enough power to wipe out an entire village; however, wielding these abilities comes with its share of challenges. As more conflicts arise, the idea of placing honor above oneself is put into question—regardless of their answer, their only choice is to see it through until the end. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 425,534 7.47
Zero no Tsukaima: Princesses no Rondo -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Harem Comedy Magic Romance Ecchi Fantasy School -- Zero no Tsukaima: Princesses no Rondo Zero no Tsukaima: Princesses no Rondo -- Following his brave sacrifice in the war against Albion, Saito Hiraga is knighted and treated as an aristocrat, something that proves difficult for Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière. With their relationship no longer defined as the mighty Void mage and clueless familiar, she wonders what exactly this means for them. -- -- While venturing to a castle, Louise is ambushed by a powerful mage named Sheffield. Battling alone, the young mage nearly faces defeat until Saito makes his appearance. The mystical and unknown nature of Void magic seems to be at work in the battle, and Louise begins to believe in the possibility of another Void user. Moreover, she realizes that Saito's magical rune is fading, and so a new adventure begins as they search for the elf who revived Saito in the past. The relationship between former master and servant faces a new challenge as they work to restore the runes and redefine the bond which holds them together. -- -- 377,294 7.38
Zero no Tsukaima: Princesses no Rondo -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Harem Comedy Magic Romance Ecchi Fantasy School -- Zero no Tsukaima: Princesses no Rondo Zero no Tsukaima: Princesses no Rondo -- Following his brave sacrifice in the war against Albion, Saito Hiraga is knighted and treated as an aristocrat, something that proves difficult for Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière. With their relationship no longer defined as the mighty Void mage and clueless familiar, she wonders what exactly this means for them. -- -- While venturing to a castle, Louise is ambushed by a powerful mage named Sheffield. Battling alone, the young mage nearly faces defeat until Saito makes his appearance. The mystical and unknown nature of Void magic seems to be at work in the battle, and Louise begins to believe in the possibility of another Void user. Moreover, she realizes that Saito's magical rune is fading, and so a new adventure begins as they search for the elf who revived Saito in the past. The relationship between former master and servant faces a new challenge as they work to restore the runes and redefine the bond which holds them together. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 377,294 7.38
Zetsuen no Tempest -- -- Bones -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Mystery Psychological Drama Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Zetsuen no Tempest Zetsuen no Tempest -- Yoshino Takigawa, an ordinary teenager, is secretly dating his best friend Mahiro's younger sister. But when his girlfriend Aika mysteriously dies, Mahiro disappears, vowing to find the one responsible and make them pay for murdering his beloved sister. Yoshino continues his life as usual and has not heard from Mahiro in a month—until he is confronted by a strange girl who holds him at gunpoint, and his best friend arrives in the nick of time to save him. -- -- Yoshino learns that Mahiro has enlisted the help of a witch named Hakaze Kusaribe to find Aika's killer and of the existence of an entity known as the "Tree of Exodus." The witch's brother selfishly desires to make use of its power, in spite of the impending peril to the world. However, Hakaze is banished to a deserted island, and it is now up to Yoshino and Mahiro to help her save the world, while inching ever closer to the truth behind Aika's death. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 494,569 7.98
Zone of the Enders: Dolores, I -- -- Sunrise -- 26 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Space Comedy Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Zone of the Enders: Dolores, I Zone of the Enders: Dolores, I -- 49-year-old James Lynx was an officer (LEV pilot) in the United Nations global army, one day he received notification that his wife—a Martian scientist—was killed during a lab experiment. -- -- Hateful and resentful for letting her go, his children blamed him and cast him aside, depressed and in despair, James quit the military and took up a job as a transporter between Earth and Mars, he had some slight hope of his wife still being alive and to find her he wanted to be out there. After a few years, he seemed to have given up all hope and turned to drinking, until one day he receives an orbital frame by the name of "Dolores," sent by his dead wife. Once again, he dares to hope and sets off on a wild and wacky adventure to find the truth and to reunite his family. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- TV - Apr 7, 2001 -- 10,256 6.95's_proposal_until_it_is_implemented_(11)
14 Minutes Until Start
All Fun and Games until Somebody Loses an Eye
Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows
FIVB Senior World Ranking system (until 2020)
From Four Until Late
Herr Puntila and His Servant Matti
House and Senate career of John McCain, until 2000
I Do... Until I Don't
It Might as Well Rain Until September
It Was Good Until It Wasn't
Just Until...
Kuntilanak (2006 film)
La Puntilla
La Puntilla, Beln
La Puntilla, La Rioja
La Puntilla, Santa Mara
La Puntilla, Tinogasta
Lesbian until graduation
Let Me Love You (Until You Learn to Love Yourself)
List of Russian saints (until 15th century)
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Marxism and Freedom: From 1776 Until Today
Mr Puntila and his Man Matti
Never Trouble Trouble Until Trouble Troubles You
Orlando "Puntilla" Ros
Puntilla tuco-tuco
Ranks and insignia of the Russian armed forces until 1917
Reed Juntilla
Restoration and tolerance of Paganism from Julian until Valens
Rock until You Drop
Stay Until Tomorrow
The Carlton Chronicles: Not Until the Operation's Through
The World Until Yesterday
Until Death
Until Death (1988 film)
Until Death Call My Name
Until Death Do Us Part (manga)
Until December
Until I Bleed Out
Until I Find You
Until It's Gone (Linkin Park song)
Until It's Gone (Monica song)
Until It Beats No More
Until It Sleeps
Until June
Until Midnight
Until Money Departs You
Until My Death
Until Now
Until Now (Swedish House Mafia album)
Until One
Until... (Sting song)
Until That Day
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Until the Day Is Done
Until the End
Until the End (album)
Until the End (EP)
Until the End of the World
Until the End of the World (song)
Until the End of the World (soundtrack)
Until the End of Time
Until the End of Time (book)
Until the End of Time (film)
Until the End of Time (Justin Timberlake and Beyonc song)
Until the End of Time (Tupac Shakur song)
Until the Final Hour
Until the Hunter
Until the Ink Runs Out
Until the Last Day
Until the Light Takes Us
Until the Quiet Comes
Until There's a Cure
Until There's Nothing Left of Us
Until the Real Thing Comes Along
Until the Sun Comes Up
Until the Time Is Through
Until the Voices Fade...
Until the Whole World Hears
Until Thy Wrath Be Past
Until Victory Always
Until We're Dead
...Until We Felt Red
Until We Have Faces
Until We Meet Again
Until We Meet Again (1952 film)
Until We Meet Again (EP)
Until We Meet Again (TV series)
Until You Come Back to Me (That's What I'm Gonna Do)
Until Your Heart Stops
Until You Suffer Some
Until You Were Gone
Until You Were Gone (The Chainsmokers and Tritonal song)
V-Day: Until the Violence Stops
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You Won't Be Satisfied (Until You Break My Heart)

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difficulties -- cowardice - depres. - distract. - distress - dryness - evil - fear - forget - habits - impulse - incapacity - irritation - lost - mistakes - obscur. - problem - resist - sadness - self-deception - shame - sin - suffering
practices -- Lucid Dreaming - meditation - project - programming - Prayer - read Savitri - study
subjects -- CS - Cybernetics - Game Dev - Integral Theory - Integral Yoga - Kabbalah - Language - Philosophy - Poetry - Zen
6.01 books -- KC - ABA - Null - Savitri - SA O TAOC - SICP - The Gospel of SRK - TIC - The Library of Babel - TLD - TSOY - TTYODAS - TSZ - WOTM II
8 unsorted / add here -- Always - Everyday - Verbs
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