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object:The Book of Wisdom
book class:The Bible
subject class:Christianity
author class:Anonymous



Chapter 3
Life Eternal for the Righteous

1 But the souls of the righteous are in the hand of God,
and no torment can overtake them.
2 From the viewpoint of the foolish, they seemed to be dead,
and their passing away was reckoned as a misfortune,
3 and their departure from us as their ruin.
But they are at peace.
4 Although in the eyes of others they were chastised,
their hope is full of immortality.

5 Having endured a slight chastisement, they will receive great blessings,
because God tested them and found them worthy to be with him.
6 He put them to the proof like gold in a furnace,
and he accepted them as a sacrificial burnt offering.
7 In the time of their visitation they will shine brightly
and spread like sparks among the stubble.
8 They will judge nations and have dominion over peoples,
and the Lord will be their King forever.
9 Those who trust in him will understand truth,
and the faithful will dwell with him in love,
because grace and mercy are reserved for his holy ones,
and he shows concern for his elect.
10 However, the godless will receive a punishment in accord with their reasoning,
for they had no concern for the righteous and rebelled against the Lord.
11 Those who despise wisdom and discipline are wretched:
vain is their hope, unprofitable are their labors,
and worthless are their achievements.
12 Their wives are foolish and their children depraved;
their lineage is accursed.
Better Is Virtue than Offspring

13 Blessed is the barren woman who is undefiled,
who has not experienced a sinful union;
she will bear fruit at the visitation of souls.
14 Blessed also is the eunuch whose hands have committed no iniquity
and who has never harbored any wicked thoughts against the Lord;
he shall receive a special grace for his faithfulness
and a more illustrious share in the temple of the Lord.
15 For the fruit of good works is glorious,
and the root of understanding is ever fruitful.
16 But the children of adulterers will never see maturity,
and the offspring of an unlawful union will disappear.
17 Even should they achieve a long life, they will be regarded as of no account,
and in the end their old age will be without honor.
18 But if they die young, they will have no hope,
nor any consolation on the day of judgment,
19 for the fate of a wicked generation is harsh.

Chapter 7

1 I too am mortal, like everyone else,
descended from the first being formed out of the earth.
I was molded into flesh inside the womb of my mother,
2 solidified in blood within a period of ten months
from the seed of a man and the pleasure that accompanies marriage.
3 And I too, when I was born, began to breathe the common air
and fell upon an earth equal for everyone;
the first sound I uttered was a cry, as is true of all.
4 I was nurtured in swaddling clothes and surrounded with care.
5 No king has begun life in any other way,
6 for there is only one way of entering life, and only one way of leaving it.
Wisdom Is Worth More than Any Riches

7 Therefore, I prayed, and understanding was given to me;
I pleaded, and the spirit of Wisdom came to me.
8 I preferred her to scepters and thrones,
and I accounted riches as nothing compared with her.
9 Neither did I reckon any precious stone to be her equal,
because, compared with her, all gold is but a few grains of sand,
and beside her, silver is accounted as clay.
10 I loved her more than health and beauty and preferred her to the light
because her radiance is unceasing.
11 Together with her, all good things came to me,
and in her hands are countless riches.
12 And I delighted in them all, since Wisdom was their source,
although I did not realize at the time that she was their mother.
13 I pass on ungrudgingly what I learned about her with an open mind;
her riches I do not conceal.
14 For she is an inexhaustible treasure for all;
those who acquire her achieve friendship with God,
commended to him by the gifts that derive from her instruction.
Wisdom is Divine

15 May God grant me the ability to speak according to understanding
and to express thoughts worthy of the gifts I have received,
since it is he that guides Wisdom and directs the wise.
16 For in his hand are both we and our words,
as are also all understanding and skill in crafts.
17 It was he who granted me accurate knowledge of what exists,
so that I might understand the constitution of the world and the operation of its elements:
18 the beginning and the end and the midpoint of times,
the alternation of the solstices and the changes of the seasons,
19 the cycles of the year and the positions of the stars,
20 the natures of animals and the dispositions of wild beasts,
the powers of spirits and the thoughts of men,
the varieties of plants and the properties of roots.
21 All that was hidden and all that was manifest I learned,
22 for Wisdom, who fashioned all things, instructed me.
Reflection of God’s Light

Within Wisdom is a spirit that is intelligent, holy,
unique, manifold, subtle,
mobile, clear, unstained,
certain, invulnerable, benevolent, shrewd, irresistible, beneficent,
23 kindly, steadfast, secure, tranquil,
all-powerful, all-surveying, and penetrating all spirits
that are intelligent, pure, and very subtle.
24 For Wisdom has more mobility than any motion;
she is so pure that she pervades and penetrates all things.
25 She is the breath of the might of God
and a pure emanation of the glory of the Almighty;
therefore, nothing that is defiled can enter into her.
26 For she is the reflection of eternal light,
the spotless mirror of the active power of God
and the image of his goodness.
27 Although she is only one, she can do all things;
while unchanging herself, she makes all things new.
Generation after generation she enters into holy souls,
and turns them into friends of God and prophets.
28 For God loves nothing more
than one who dwells with Wisdom.
29 She is more beautiful than the sun
and outshines every constellation of the stars.
In comparison with the light she is far superior,
30 for light is supplanted by the night,
but evil cannot overpower Wisdom.

Chapter 8

1 She reaches mightily from one end of the earth to the other,
and she governs all things exceedingly well.
A Companion in Life

2 I loved Wisdom and searched for her from my youth;
I resolved to have her for my spouse
and was in love with her beauty.
3 She manifests her noble birth by union of life with God,
for the Lord of all has loved her.
4 She is privy to the secrets of the knowledge of God
and chooses his works.

5 If riches are deemed a desirable possession in life,
what offers greater wealth than Wisdom who fashions everything that exists?
6 If understanding is at work,
who is a more effective fashioner of whatever exists than she?
7 And if one prizes righteousness,
the fruits of her labors are virtues.
For she teaches temperance and prudence,
justice and fortitude,
and nothing in life is of more value for men than these.

8 Or again, if one yearns for great experience,
she knows the things of the past and foresees those of the future.
She understands the subtleties of speech and the solutions of riddles;
she has advance knowledge of signs and wonders
and can predict the outcome of times and ages.
9 And so I determined to take her as my life companion,
confident that she would counsel me in times of prosperity
and comfort me in times of anxiety and sorrow.
10 Because of her presence I will receive glory among the multitudes
and honor among the elders, even though I am young.
11 I will be considered wise when I sit in judgment,
and I will win the admiration of rulers.
12 When I remain silent, they will await my utterances;
when I do speak, they will listen carefully.
And should I speak at great length,
they will put their hands over their mouths.
13 Through her I will achieve immortality
and leave an everlasting memory to my successors.
14 I will govern peoples, and nations will become subject to me;
15 fierce monarchs will be in dread when they hear my name,
but among the people I will be regarded as good and as valiant in battle.
16 When I return to my home I will rest beside her,
for to be in her company involves no bitterness,
and life with her entails no pain,
but only gladness and joy.
Lord, Send Forth Your Wisdom

17 Reflecting upon these things within myself
and having concluded in my heart
that there is immortality in kinship with Wisdom
18 and pure delight in friendship with her,
inexhaustible wealth in the works of her hands
and understanding in frequenting her company
as well as great renown in conversing with her,
I began to search in all directions,
seeking to win her for myself.
19 As a child I was blessed with natural gifts,
and a good soul was my heritage,
20 or rather, being good, I had entered into an undefiled body.
21 But realizing that I could not possess Wisdom unless God gave her to me—
and this itself was an indication of understanding,
to know the source of that gift—
I turned to the Lord and implored him
and with all my heart I said:

Chapter 9

1 "God of my ancestors and Lord of mercy,
by your word you have created all things,
2 and in your wisdom you have fashioned man
to have power over all the creatures you have made,
3 to govern the world in holiness and righteousness,
and to mete out justice with an upright heart.
4 Grant me Wisdom, who sits beside your throne,
and do not exclude me from the number of your children.
5 "For I am your servant and the son of your handmaid,
a weak man with but a short time to live
and with meager comprehension of justice and law.
6 Indeed, even one who is perfect among the sons of men
will be of no account
if he lacks the Wisdom that comes from you.
7 You have chosen me to be king of your people
and to sit in judgment over your sons and daughters.
8 You have commanded me to build a temple on your holy mountain,
and an altar in the city that is your dwelling,
a replica of the sacred tabernacle that you prepared from the beginning.
9 With you is Wisdom, who knows your works
and was present when you created the world.
She understands what is pleasing in your eyes
and what is in conformity with your commandments.
10 "Send her forth from your holy heavens,
and dispatch her from the throne of your glory,
so that she may labor at my side
and I may learn what is pleasing to you.
11 For she knows and understands all things,
and with prudence she will guide me in my deeds
and guard me with her splendor.
12 Then will my works be acceptable to you,
and I will judge your people uprightly
and be worthy of the throne of my father.
13 "What person can have knowledge of the counsel of God,
or who can discern what the will of the Lord is?
14 The reasonings of mortals are faulty
and our reflections are unstable.
15 For a perishable body burdens the soul,
and its earthly tent weighs down the mind filled with many cares.
16 With difficulty do we assess what is on earth,
and that which is within our reach we discover only after arduous labor;
who then can seek out the things of heaven?
17 Who could ever have known your counsel if you had not given Wisdom
and sent your Holy Spirit from on high?
18 And thus the paths of those on earth were straightened,
and men were taught what pleases you
and were saved by Wisdom."

Chapter 11

1 Through the holy prophet, Wisdom gave them success in everything.
2 They journeyed through an inhospitable wilderness
and pitched their tents in untrodden wastes;
3 they stood firm against their enemies and turned back their foes.
4 When they were thirsty they cried out to you,
and water was given to them out of unyielding rock,
a refreshment for their thirst out of hard stone.
5 The very means that had served to punish their enemies
became a benefit for them in their need.
6 Instead of the spring of an ever-flowing river
befouled by blood mingled with water
7 as a rebuke for the decree to slaughter infants,
you gave them abundant water unexpectedly,
8 showing them by their thirst at that time
how you punished their enemies.
9 For when they themselves were tested, although they were only chastised in mercy,
they comprehended the torments of the godless who had been judged in anger.
10 You tested the former, admonishing them like a father,
but the latter you sifted as a stern king does in condemnation.
11 Whether far off or close by, they were afflicted alike,
12 for a twofold grief seized them,
and a groaning over the remembrances of the past.
13 When they heard that through their punishment the righteous had received benefits,
they perceived the presence of the Lord.
14 For the one whom long before they had cast out, exposed, and rejected with scorn,
they regarded with admiration at the end of the events,
when they experienced thirst vastly different from that of the righteous.
A Dose of Chastisement for Egypt

15 In return for the foolish reasonings of their wickedness,
which misled them into worshiping serpents bereft of reason and insects devoid of worth,
you sent as punishment upon them hordes of irrational creatures,
16 so that they might learn that the agents of one’s sin are the instruments of one’s punishment.
17 For your all-powerful hand,
which created the world out of formless matter,
had the wherewithal to send upon them a host of bears or savage lions,
18 or newly created, ferocious, unknown beasts
either breathing fiery blasts
or belching forth thick smoke
or flashing frightful sparks from their eyes.
19 These could not only destroy people by the harm they did
but also strike them dead by their terrifying appearance alone.
20 Even without these, a single breath would have sufficed to overcome them
when pursued by justice
and dispersed by your powerful spirit.
But you have ordered all things by measure, number, and weight.
God's Mercy

21 For you always have the option to exert great strength,
and who can withstand the might of your arm?
22 Indeed, before you, the whole world is like a speck that tips the scales,
or like a drop of morning dew that falls on the ground.
23 Yet you are merciful to all, for you can do all things,
and you overlook men’s sins so that they may repent.
24 For you love everything that exists
and abhor nothing that you have created,
since you would not have fashioned anything that you hated.
25 How could anything have continued to exist unless you had willed it,
or be preserved if it had not been called forth by you?
26 You spare all things,
for they are yours, O Lord, you who love souls.

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the Book of Wisdom2


The Book of Wisdom (ed. Reider) the destroying

described in Reider, The Book of Wisdom 18:2.

-(ed., tr.). The Book of Wisdom. New York: Harper,

Reider, The Book of Wisdom 18:22. When the

related in Reider, The Book of Wisdom, 18:22.

substances.” In Reider, The Book of Wisdom,

-. The Wisdom of Solomon (The Book of Wisdom).

Wisdom of Solomon (The Book of Wisdom). See

QUOTES [3 / 3 - 12 / 12]

KEYS (10k)

   2 The Book of Wisdom
   1 Saint Thomas Aquinas


   5 Ibn Ata Illah
   2 Thomas Jefferson
   2 The Book of Wisdom

1:Being but one, she is capable of all; immutable in herself, she renews all things; she diffuses herself among the nations in saintly souls. ~ The Book of Wisdom,
2:Being but one, she is capable of all; immutable in herself, she renews all things; she diffuses herself among the nations in saintly souls. ~ The Book of Wisdom, the Eternal Wisdom
3:All things are divinely arranged in a proportionate way. This is why it is said in the Book of Wisdom ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (11:20) that God made all things, "in weight, number and measure.",


*** NEWFULLDB 2.4M ***

1:Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom. ~ Thomas Jefferson,
2:Honesty is the first chapter in the Book of wisdom. Let it be our endeavor to merit the character of a just nation. ~ Thomas Jefferson,
3:Being but one, she is capable of all; immutable in herself, she renews all things; she diffuses herself among the nations in saintly souls. ~ The Book of Wisdom,
4:Being but one, she is capable of all; immutable in herself, she renews all things; she diffuses herself among the nations in saintly souls. ~ The Book of Wisdom,
5:The Book of Wisdom. Simab said: 'I shall sell the Book of Wisdom for a hundred gold pieces, and some people will say that it is cheap.' Yunus Marmar said to him: 'And I shall give away the key to understanding it, and almost none shall take it, even free of charge. ~ Idries Shah,
6:The best you can seek from Him is what He seeks from you. A sign of being deluded is: sorrow over loss of obedience while failing to get on with it. [2166.jpg] -- from Ibn 'Ata' Illah the Book of Wisdom/Kwaja Abdullah Ansari Intimate Conversations, Translated by Victor Danner / Translated by Wheeler M. Thackston

~ Ibn Ata Illah, The best you can seek from Him
7:For since through the sin of Adam we are sunk in blindness, so that we are wholly ignorant of God in all His will and counsel, it is not only foolish but also impossible of ourselves to prepare a light and a way by which to approach God and find out what He would have us do, as He says in the Book of Wisdom (9:13-14): “The thoughts of mortals are fearful and uncertain. For who among men can know what God wants? ~ Martin Luther,
8:Those travelling to Him are guided by the light of turning their faces toward Him. Those who have arrived have the light of face-to-face encounter. The former belong to lights, but the lights belong to the latter because they belong to Allah, and are His alone. "Say: 'Allah' then leave them plunging in their games." [2166.jpg] -- from Ibn 'Ata' Illah the Book of Wisdom/Kwaja Abdullah Ansari Intimate Conversations, Translated by Victor Danner / Translated by Wheeler M. Thackston

~ Ibn Ata Illah, Those travelling to Him
9:The light of the inner eye lets you see His nearness to you. The source of the inner eye lets you see your non-existence by your existence. The truth of the inner eye lets you see His existence, not your own non-existence or existence. "Allah was and there was nothing with Him. He is now as He was." [2166.jpg] -- from Ibn 'Ata' Illah the Book of Wisdom/Kwaja Abdullah Ansari Intimate Conversations, Translated by Victor Danner / Translated by Wheeler M. Thackston

~ Ibn Ata Illah, The light of the inner eye lets you see His nearness to you
10: How utterly amazing is someone who flees from something he cannot escape to seek something that will not last! "It is not the eyes that are blind, but the hearts in the breasts are blind." Do not travel from phenomenal being to phenomenal being. You will be like the donkey going around at the mill. It travels to what it set out from. Travel from phenomenal beings to the Maker of Being. "And the final end is to your Lord." [2166.jpg] -- from Ibn 'Ata' Illah the Book of Wisdom/Kwaja Abdullah Ansari Intimate Conversations, Translated by Victor Danner / Translated by Wheeler M. Thackston

~ utterly amazing is someone who flees from something he cannot escape
11:A feeling of discouragement when you slip up is a sure sign that you put your faith in deeds. Your desire to withdraw from everything when Allah has involved you in the world of means is a hidden appetite. Your desire for involvement with the world of means when Allah has withdrawn you from it is a fall from high aspiration. Aspiration which rushes on ahead cannot break through the walls of destiny. Give yourself a rest from managing! When Someone Else is doing it for you, don't you start doing it for yourself! [2166.jpg] -- from Ibn 'Ata' Illah the Book of Wisdom/Kwaja Abdullah Ansari Intimate Conversations, Translated by Victor Danner / Translated by Wheeler M. Thackston

~ Ibn Ata Illah, A feeling of discouragement when you slip up
12:How can you imagine that something else veils Him when He is the One who is manifest by everything? How can you imagine that something else veils Him when He is the One who is made manifest in everything? How can you imagine that something else veils Him when He is the One who is manifest to everything? How can you imagine that something else veils Him when He was the One who was Manifest before there was anything? How can you imagine that something else veils Him when He is more manifest than anything? How can you imagine that something else veils Him when He is the One with whom there is nothing else? How can you imagine that something else veils Him when He is the One who is nearer to you than anything? How can you imagine that something else veils Him when if it had not been for Him, there would not have been anything? A marvel! See how existence becomes manifest in non-existence! How the in-time holds firm alongside Him whose attribute is eternal! [2166.jpg] -- from Ibn 'Ata' Illah the Book of Wisdom/Kwaja Abdullah Ansari Intimate Conversations, Translated by Victor Danner / Translated by Wheeler M. Thackston

~ Ibn Ata Illah, How can you imagine that something else veils Him


   6 Poetry
   4 Occultism
   1 Integral Yoga
   1 Christianity

   5 Ibn Ata Illah
   3 Aleister Crowley

   2 Magick Without Tears

01.11 - Aldous Huxley: The Perennial Philosophy, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   A similar compilation was published in the Arya, called The Eternal Wisdom (Les Paroles ternelles, in French) a portion of which appeared later on in book-form: that was more elaborate, the contents were arranged in such a way that no comments were needed, they were self-explanatory, divided as they were in chapters and sections and subsections with proper headings, the whole thing put in a logical and organised sequence. Huxley's compilation begins under the title of the Upanishadic text "That art Thou" with this saying of Eckhart: "The more God is in all things, the more He is outside them. The more He is within, the more without". It will be interesting to note that the Arya compilation too starts with the same idea under the title "The God of All; the God who is in All", the first quotation being from Philolaus, "The Universe is a Unity".The Eternal Wisdom has an introduction called "The Song of Wisdom" which begins with this saying from The Book of Wisdom: "We fight to win sublime Wisdom; therefore men call us warriors".
   Huxley gives only one quotation from Sri Aurobindo under the heading "God in the World". Here it is:

1.72 - Education, #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  Our old unvalued friend St. Paul, the cunning crook who turned the Jewish communism of the Apostles into an international ramp, saw in a vision a man from Macedonia who said "Come over and help us!" This time it has been a woman from California, but the purport of her plaints was identical. Much as I should like to see my Father the Sun once more before I die, nothing doing until if ever life recovers from the blight of regulations. Luckily, one thing she said helps us out: someone had told her that I had written on Education in Liber Aleph The Book of Wisdom or Folly which has been ready for the printer for more than a quarter of a century and there's nothing I can do about it!
  However, I looked up the typescript. The book is itself Education; there are, however, six chapters which treat of the subject in the Special sense in which your question has involved us.

1.83 - Epistola Ultima, #Magick Without Tears, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
  Vol. III, 6 LIBER ALEPH The Book of Wisdom or Folly. This book contains some of the deepest secrets of initiation, with a clear solution of many cosmic and ethical problems. First published 1961; reprinted by Weiser in 1991.
  GOETIA, The The most intelligible of the medival (sic) rituals of Evocation. Contains also the favourite Invocation of the Master Therion. Republished as facsimile of first edition London: Equinox, 1976 and Thame: First Impressions, 1992. Re-set reprint Weiser, 1995. Note that the "favourite Invocation of the Master Therion" is not part of the original Goetia which is a 17th century Grimoire, but a modern translation and adaptation of a Grco-Egyptian rite of exorcism.

1.iai - A feeling of discouragement when you slip up, #unset, #Anonymous, #Various
   English version by Victor Danner Original Language Arabic A feeling of discouragement when you slip up is a sure sign that you put your faith in deeds. Your desire to withdraw from everything when Allah has involved you in the world of means is a hidden appetite. Your desire for involvement with the world of means when Allah has withdrawn you from it is a fall from high aspiration. Aspiration which rushes on ahead cannot break through the walls of destiny. Give yourself a rest from managing! When Someone Else is doing it for you, don't you start doing it for yourself! [2166.jpg] -- from Ibn 'Ata' Illah The Book of Wisdom/Kwaja Abdullah Ansari Intimate Conversations, Translated by Victor Danner / Translated by Wheeler M. Thackston

1.iai - How can you imagine that something else veils Him, #unset, #Anonymous, #Various
   English version by Victor Danner Original Language Arabic How can you imagine that something else veils Him when He is the One who is manifest by everything? How can you imagine that something else veils Him when He is the One who is made manifest in everything? How can you imagine that something else veils Him when He is the One who is manifest to everything? How can you imagine that something else veils Him when He was the One who was Manifest before there was anything? How can you imagine that something else veils Him when He is more manifest than anything? How can you imagine that something else veils Him when He is the One with whom there is nothing else? How can you imagine that something else veils Him when He is the One who is nearer to you than anything? How can you imagine that something else veils Him when if it had not been for Him, there would not have been anything? A marvel! See how existence becomes manifest in non-existence! How the in-time holds firm alongside Him whose attribute is eternal! [2166.jpg] -- from Ibn 'Ata' Illah The Book of Wisdom/Kwaja Abdullah Ansari Intimate Conversations, Translated by Victor Danner / Translated by Wheeler M. Thackston <
1.iai - How utterly amazing is someone who flees from something he cannot escape, #unset, #Anonymous, #Various
   by Ibn Ata Illah English version by Victor Danner Original Language Arabic How utterly amazing is someone who flees from something he cannot escape to seek something that will not last! "It is not the eyes that are blind, but the hearts in the breasts are blind." Do not travel from phenomenal being to phenomenal being. You will be like the donkey going around at the mill. It travels to what it set out from. Travel from phenomenal beings to the Maker of Being. "And the final end is to your Lord." [2166.jpg] -- from Ibn 'Ata' Illah The Book of Wisdom/Kwaja Abdullah Ansari Intimate Conversations, Translated by Victor Danner / Translated by Wheeler M. Thackston <
1.iai - The best you can seek from Him, #unset, #Anonymous, #Various
   English version by Victor Danner Original Language Arabic The best you can seek from Him is what He seeks from you. A sign of being deluded is: sorrow over loss of obedience while failing to get on with it. [2166.jpg] -- from Ibn 'Ata' Illah The Book of Wisdom/Kwaja Abdullah Ansari Intimate Conversations, Translated by Victor Danner / Translated by Wheeler M. Thackston <
1.iai - The light of the inner eye lets you see His nearness to you, #unset, #Anonymous, #Various
   English version by Victor Danner Original Language Arabic The light of the inner eye lets you see His nearness to you. The source of the inner eye lets you see your non-existence by your existence. The truth of the inner eye lets you see His existence, not your own non-existence or existence. "Allah was and there was nothing with Him. He is now as He was." [2166.jpg] -- from Ibn 'Ata' Illah The Book of Wisdom/Kwaja Abdullah Ansari Intimate Conversations, Translated by Victor Danner / Translated by Wheeler M. Thackston <
1.iai - Those travelling to Him, #unset, #Anonymous, #Various
   English version by Victor Danner Original Language Arabic Those travelling to Him are guided by the light of turning their faces toward Him. Those who have arrived have the light of face-to-face encounter. The former belong to lights, but the lights belong to the latter because they belong to Allah, and are His alone. "Say: 'Allah' then leave them plunging in their games." [2166.jpg] -- from Ibn 'Ata' Illah The Book of Wisdom/Kwaja Abdullah Ansari Intimate Conversations, Translated by Victor Danner / Translated by Wheeler M. Thackston <
APPENDIX I - Curriculum of A. A., #Liber ABA, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
    Liber CXI (111) [B] - Liber Aleph.: The Book of Wisdom or Folly ::: An extended and elaborate commentary on the Book of the Law, in the form of a letter from the Master Therion to his magical son. Contains some of the deepest secrets of initiation, with a clear solution of many cosmic and ethical problems. Unpublished. [note by shawn: Since published as Liber Aleph (Equinox Volume III, Number 6).]
    Liber CXX. (120) [D] - Ritual of passing through the Tuat, The ::: A Ritual of Initiation for certain Select Zelators.

BOOK XXII. - Of the eternal happiness of the saints, the resurrection of the body, and the miracles of the early Church, #City of God, #Saint Augustine of Hippo, #Christianity
  The expression of Scripture, "And all flesh shall see the salvation of God,"[1039] may without difficulty be understood as if it were said, "And every man shall see the Christ of God." And He certainly was seen in the body, and shall be seen in the body when He judges quick and dead. And that Christ is the salvation of God, many other passages of Scripture witness, but especially the words of the venerable Simeon, who, when he had received into his hands the infant Christ, said, "Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart in peace, according to Thy word: for mine eyes have seen Thy salvation."[1040] As for the words of the above-mentioned Job, as they are found in the Hebrew manuscripts, "And in my flesh I shall see God,"[1041] no doubt they were a prophecy of the resurrection of the flesh; yet he does not say "by the flesh." And indeed, if he had said this, it would still be possible that Christ was meant by "God;" for Christ shall be seen by the flesh in the flesh. But even understanding it of God, it is only equivalent to saying, I shall be in the flesh when I see God. Then the apostle's expression, "face to face,"[1042] does not oblige us to believe that we shall see God by the bodily face in which are the eyes of the body, for we shall see Him without intermission in spirit. And if the apostle had not referred to the face of the inner man, he would not have said, "But we, with unveiled face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are transformed into the same image, from glory to glory, as by the Spirit of the Lord."[1043] In the same sense we understand what the Psalmist sings, "Draw near unto Him, and be enlightened; and your faces shall not be ashamed."[1044] For it is by faith we draw near to God, and faith is an act of the spirit, not of the body. But as we do not know what degree of perfection the spiritual body shall attain,for here we speak of a matter of which we have no experience, and upon which the authority of Scripture does not definitely pronounce,it is[Pg 539] necessary that the words of The Book of Wisdom be illustrated in us: "The thoughts of mortal men are timid, and our forecastings uncertain."[1045]
  For if that reasoning of the philosophers, by which they attempt to make out that intelligible or mental objects are so seen by the mind, and sensible or bodily objects so seen by the body, that the former cannot be discerned by the mind through the body, nor the latter by the mind itself without the body,if this reasoning were trustworthy, then it would certainly follow that God could not be seen by the eye even of a spiritual body. But this reasoning is exploded both by true reason and by prophetic authority. For who is so little acquainted with the truth as to say that God has no cognisance of sensible objects? Has He therefore a body, the eyes of which give Him this knowledge? Moreover, what we have just been relating of the prophet Elisha, does this not sufficiently show that bodily things can be discerned by the spirit without the help of the body? For when that servant received the gifts, certainly this was a bodily or material transaction, yet the prophet saw it not by the body, but by the spirit. As, therefore, it is agreed that bodies are seen by the spirit, what if the power of the spiritual body shall be so great that spirit also is seen by the body? For God is a spirit. Besides, each man recognises his own life that life by which he now lives in the body, and which vivifies these earthly members and causes them to growby an interior sense, and not by his bodily eye; but the life of other men, though it is invisible, he sees with the bodily eye. For how do we distinguish between living and dead bodies, except by seeing at once both the body and the life which we cannot see save by the eye? But a life without a body we cannot see thus.

Liber 111 - The Book of Wisdom - LIBER ALEPH VEL CXI, #unset, #Anonymous, #Various
  object:Liber 111 - The Book of Wisdom - LIBER ALEPH VEL CXI
   The Book of Wisdom OR FOLLY
   in the Form of an Epistle of
   Superscription thereof; that is, The Book of Wisdom or Folly. I
   proclaim Blessing and Worship to Nuit Our Lady and Her Lord Hadit, for

Liber, #Liber Null, #Peter J Carroll, #Occultism
  @Liber CXI (111) [B] - Liber Aleph.: The Book of Wisdom or Folly ::: An extended and elaborate commentary on the Book of the Law, in the form of a letter from the Master Therion to his magical son. Contains some of the deepest secrets of initiation, with a clear solution of many cosmic and ethical problems. Unpublished. [note by shawn: Since published as Liber Aleph (Equinox Volume III, Number 6).]
  Liber CXVI. (116) [B] ::: See XCVI (96)

the Eternal Wisdom, #unset, #Anonymous, #Various
  2) Being but one, she is capable of all; immutable in herself, she renews all things; she diffuses herself among the nations in saintly souls. ~ The Book of Wisdom
  3) The dayspring from on high has visited us, to give light to them that sit in the darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet in the way of peace. ~ St. Luke


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