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L08 - Neuropsychology of Symbolic Representation
Lysis - Symposium - Gorgias
Sri Aurobindos Symbol
Symeon the New Theologian
The Integral Symposium
the Mothers Symbol



symbiosis: a relationship between two animals where each animal benefits.

symbol ::: A symbol, as I understand it, is the form on one plane that represents a truth of another. For instance, a flag is the symbol of a nation…. But generally all forms are symbols. This body of ours is a symbol of our real being and everything is a symbol of some higher reality. There are, however, different kinds of symbols: 1. Conventional symbols, such as the Vedic Rishis formed with objects taken from their surroundings. The cow stood for light because the same word `go ‘ meant both ray and cow, and because the cow was their most precious possession which maintained their life and was constantly in danger of being robbed and concealed. But once created, such a symbol becomes alive. The Rishis vitalised it and it became a part of their realisation. It appeared in their visions as an image of spiritual light. The horse also was one of their favourite symbols, and a more easily adaptable one, since its force and energy were quite evident. 2. What we might call Life-symbols, such as are not artificially chosen or mentally interpreted in a conscious deliberate way, but derive naturally from our day-to-day life and grow out of the surroundings which condition our normal path of living. To the ancients the mountain was a symbol of the path of yoga, level above level, peak upon peak. A journey, involving the crossing of rivers and the facing of lurking enemies, both animal and human, conveyed a similar idea. Nowadays I dare say we would liken yoga to a motor-ride or a railway-trip. 3. Symbols that have an inherent appositeness and power of their own. Akasha or etheric space is a symbol of the infinite all-pervading eternal Brahman. In any nationality it would convey the same meaning. Also, the Sun stands universally for the supramental Light, the divine Gnosis. 4. Mental symbols, instances of which are numbers or alphabets. Once they are accepted, they too become active and may be useful. Thus geometrical figures have been variously interpreted. In my experience the square symbolises the supermind. I cannot say how it came to do so. Somebody or some force may have built it before it came to my mind. Of the triangle, too, there are different explanations. In one position it can symbolise the three lower planes, in another the symbol is of the three higher ones: so both can be combined together in a single sign. The ancients liked to indulge in similar speculations concerning numbers, but their systems were mostly mental. It is no doubt true that supramental realities exist which we translate into mental formulas such as Karma, Psychic evolution, etc. But they are, so to speak, infinite realities which cannot be limited by these symbolic forms, though they may be somewhat expressed by them; they might be expressed as well by other symbols, and the same symbol may also express many different ideas. Letters on Yoga

symbol: A word, place, character, or object that signifies something beyond what it is on the surface, and represents a broader concept. Symbols can be contextual, cultural, or personal.

symbolic artificial intelligence ::: The term for the collection of all methods in artificial intelligence research that are based on high-level "symbolic" (human-readable) representations of problems, logic, and search.

symbolic character: Characters whose chief literary purpose is symbolic, although the character may have common or realistic qualities.

symbolic inference ::: The derivation of new facts from known facts and inference rules. This is one of the fundamental operations of artificial intelligence and logic programming languages like Prolog.Inference is a basic part of human reasoning. For example given that all men are mortal and that Socrates is a man, it is a trivial step to infer that Socrates is mortal. We might express these symbolically: man(X) => mortal(X).man(socrates). chaining system (a production system) could use these to infer the new fact mortal(socrates). simply by matching the left-hand-side of the implication against the fact and substituting socrates for the variable X. (1994-10-28)

symbolic inference The derivation of new facts from known facts and {inference rules}. This is one of the fundamental operations of {artificial intelligence} and {logic programming} languages like {Prolog}. Inference is a basic part of human reasoning. For example given that all men are mortal and that Socrates is a man, it is a trivial step to infer that Socrates is mortal. We might express these symbolically: man(X) =" mortal(X). man(socrates). ("if X is a man then X is mortal" and "Socrates is a man"). Here, "man", "mortal" and "socrates" are just arbitrary symbols which the computer manipulates without reference to or knowledge of their external meaning. A {forward chaining} system (a {production system}) could use these to infer the new fact mortal(socrates). simply by matching the left-hand-side of the implication against the fact and substituting socrates for the variable X. (1994-10-28)

symbolic link "file system" (Or "symlink", "soft link" (by contrast with "{hard link}"), "{shortcut}", "{alias}") A special type of {Unix} file which refers to another file by its {pathname}. A symbolic link is created with the "ln" (link) command: ln -s OLDNAME NEWNAME Where OLDNAME is the target of the link (usually a pathname) and NEWNAME is the pathname of the link itself. Most operations ({open}, {read}, {write}) on the symbolic link automatically {dereference} it and operate on its target (OLDNAME). Some operations (e.g. removing) work on the link itself (NEWNAME). In contrast with {hard links}, there are no restrictions on where a symbolic link can point, it can refer to a file on another file system, to itself or to a file which does not even exist (e.g. when the target of the symlink is removed). Such problems will only be detected when the link is accessed. (1997-10-22)

symbolic link ::: (file system) (Or symlink, soft link (by contrast with hard link), shortcut, alias) A special type of Unix file which refers to another file by its pathname. A symbolic link is created with the ln (link) command: ln -s OLDNAME NEWNAME Where OLDNAME is the target of the link (usually a pathname) and NEWNAME is the pathname of the link itself.Most operations (open, read, write) on the symbolic link automatically dereference it and operate on its target (OLDNAME). Some operations (e.g. removing) work on the link itself (NEWNAME).In contrast with hard links, there are no restrictions on where a symbolic link can point, it can refer to a file on another file system, to itself or to a file which does not even exist (e.g. when the target of the symlink is removed). Such problems will only be detected when the link is accessed. (1997-10-22)

symbolic logic "logic" The discipline that treats formal {logic} by means of a formalised artificial language or symbolic calculus, whose purpose is to avoid the ambiguities and logical inadequacies of {natural language}. (1995-12-24)

symbolic logic ::: (logic) The discipline that treats formal logic by means of a formalised artificial language or symbolic calculus, whose purpose is to avoid the ambiguities and logical inadequacies of natural language. (1995-12-24)

symbolic mathematics ::: (mathematics, application) (Or symbolic math) The use of computers to manipulate mathematical equations and expressions in symbolic form, as opposed of one expression into another, simplification of an expression, change of subject etc.One of the best known symbolic mathematics software packages is Mathematica. Others include ALAM, ALGY, AMP, Ashmedai, AXIOM*, CAMAL, CAYLEY, CCalc, CLAM, Pari, REDUCE, SAC-1, SAC2, SAINT, Schoonschip, Scratchpad I, SHEEP, STENSOR, SYMBAL, SymbMath, Symbolic Mathematical Laboratory, TRIGMAN, UBASIC.Usenet newsgropup: sci.math.symbolic. (1995-04-12)

symbolic mathematics "mathematics, application" (Or "symbolic math") The use of computers to manipulate mathematical equations and expressions in symbolic form, as opposed to manipulating the numerical quantities represented by those symbols. Such a system might be used for symbolic integration or differentiation, substitution of one expression into another, simplification of an expression, change of subject etc. One of the best known symbolic mathematics software packages is {Mathematica}. Others include {ALAM}, {ALGY}, {AMP}, {Ashmedai}, {AXIOM*}, {CAMAL}, {CAYLEY}, {CCalc}, {CLAM}, {CoCoA}(?), {ESP}, {FLAP}, {FORM}, {FORMAL}, {Formula ALGOL}, {GAP}, {JACAL}, {LiE}, {Macaulay}, {MACSYMA}, {Magic Paper}, {MAO}, {Maple}, {Mathcad}, {MATHLAB}, {MuMath}, {Nother}, {ORTHOCARTAN}, {Pari}, {REDUCE}, {SAC-1}, {SAC2}, {SAINT}, {Schoonschip}, {Scratchpad I}, {SHEEP}, {STENSOR}, {SYMBAL}, {SymbMath}, {Symbolic Mathematical Laboratory}, {TRIGMAN}, {UBASIC}. {Usenet} newsgropup: {news:sci.math.symbolic}. (1995-04-12)

symbolised ::: represented by a symbol or symbols.

symbolism ::: The applied use of any iconic representations that carry particular conventional meanings. "Symbolism" may refer to a way of choosing representative symbols abstractly rather than literally, allowing broader interpretation of their meaning than more literal concept-representations allow.

symbolism: The use of characters, diction, places, or objects that mean something beyond their literal level meaning. Often the symbol is indefinite in meaning. When many objects or characters each appear to have a specific symbolic meaning, the story is usually an allegory.

symbolized also by a dove; (left) the Virgin Mary, and (right) the angel of annunciation, Gabriel.

symbolized God’s highest and chiefest potencies,

symbolled ::: regarded or treated as symbolic; symbolised.

symbol of the Nativity.

symbol or personification. In apocryphal writings

symbol ::: something that represents something else by association, resemblance, or convention, especially a material object used to represent something invisible. (Sri Aurobindo also employs the word as an adj.) **symbol"s, symbols, world-symbol, World-symbols.

symbols ::: Symbols See Occult Symbols.

symbol ::: the form of one plane that represents a truth of another.

symlink {symbolic link}

symmetrical ::: having similarity in size, shape, and relative position of corresponding parts.

symmetric ::: symmetrical.

symmetric form: See line.

symmetric key cryptography "cryptography" A {cryptography} system in which both parties have the same encryption {key}, as in {secret key cryptography}. Opposite: {public-key cryptography}. (1998-06-09)

symmetric key cryptography ::: (cryptography) A cryptography system in which both parties have the same encryption key, as in secret key cryptography.Opposite: public-key cryptography. (1998-06-09)

symmetric ::: (mathematics) 1. A relation R is symmetric if, for all x and y, x R y => y R x If it is also antisymmetric (x R y & y R x => x == y) then x R y => x == y, i.e. no two different elements are related.2. In linear algebra, a member of the tensor product of a vector space with itself one or more times, is symmetric if it is a fixed point of all of the tensor, is equivalent to multiplication by the sign of the permutation in question. (1996-09-22)

symmetric "mathematics" 1. A {relation} R is symmetric if, for all x and y, x R y =" y R x If it is also {antisymmetric} (x R y & y R x =" x == y) then x R y =" x == y, i.e. no two different elements are related. 2. In {linear algebra}, a member of the {tensor product} of a {vector space} with itself one or more times, is symmetric if it is a {fixed point} of all of the {linear isomorphisms} of the tensor product generated by {permutations} of the ordering of the copies of the vector space as factors. It is said to be antisymmetric precisely if the action of any of these linear maps, on the given tensor, is equivalent to multiplication by the sign of the permutation in question. (1996-09-22)

symmetric matrix: A matrix which is equal to its own transpose.

symmetric multiprocessing "parallel" (SMP) Two or more similar {processors} connected via a high-{bandwidth} link and managed by one {operating system}, where each processor has equal access to I/O devices. This is in contrast to the "{compute server}" kind of {parallel processor} where a {front-end processor} handles all I/O to disks, terminals and {local area network} etc. The processors are treated more or less equally, with {application programs} able to run on any or perhaps all processors in the system, interchangeably, at the operating system's discretion. Simple MP usually involves assigning each processor to a fixed task (such as managing the file system), reserving the single main CPU for general tasks. {OS/2} currently supports so-called HMP (Hybrid Multiprocessing), which provides some elements of symmetric multiprocessing, using add-on IBM software called MP/2. OS/2 SMP was planned for release in late 1993. (1995-03-19)

symmetric multiprocessing ::: (parallel) (SMP) Two or more similar processors connected via a high-bandwidth link and managed by one operating system, where each processor kind of parallel processor where a front-end processor handles all I/O to disks, terminals and local area network etc.The processors are treated more or less equally, with application programs able to run on any or perhaps all processors in the system, interchangeably, at the processor to a fixed task (such as managing the file system), reserving the single main CPU for general tasks.OS/2 currently supports so-called HMP (Hybrid Multiprocessing), which provides some elements of symmetric multiprocessing, using add-on IBM software called MP/2. OS/2 SMP was planned for release in late 1993. (1995-03-19)

symmetric multiprocessor {symmetric multiprocessing}

symmetric positive definite: A matrix which is symmetric and positive definite.

symmetric relation: A binary relation where xRy implies yRx for all x, y.

symmetry: self-similarity under transformation (of a part or the whole). e.g. reflections - reflective symmetry (mostly known simply as symmetry), rotations - rotational symmetry, enlargement - fractals

symmetry ::: similarity, correspondence, proportion, or balance among systems or parts of a system. symmetries.

sympathetic nervous system ::: A division of the visceral motor system in vertebrates comprising, for the most part, adrenergic ganglion cells located relatively far from the related end organs.

sympathetic nervous system: see autonomic nervous system.

sympathy ::: 1. A relationship or an affinity between people or things in which whatever affects one correspondingly affects the other. 2. The sharing of another"s emotions, esp. of sorrow or anguish; pity; compassion. sympathies.

symphonies ::: 1. Harmonies, especially of sound or color. 2. Extended large-scale orchestral compositions, usually with several movements. 3. Anything characterized by a harmonious combination of elements.

symploce: A figure of speech used rhetorically for effect.

symptom: a change from normal structure, function, or sensation as would be experienced by the patient and indicative of disease.

Symantec ::: (company) Software manufacturer of utility and development applications for Windows and Macintosh platforms. Products include ACT!, Norton Utilities, Norton AntiVirus, Symantec AntiVirus for Macintosh, Symantec Cafe. . (1997-03-10)

Symantec "company" Software manufacturer of utility and development applications for {Windows} and {Macintosh} platforms. Products include ACT!, Norton Utilities, Norton AntiVirus, Symantec AntiVirus for Macintosh, Symantec Cafe. {(}. (1997-03-10)

SYMBAL ::: SYMbolic ALgebra. A symbolic mathematics language with ALGOL-like syntax by Max Engeli, late 60's. Implemented for CDC6600.[User's Manual for the Formula Manipulation Language SYMBAL, M. Engeli, TRM-8.00, Comp Ctr UT Austin, June 1968].

SYMBAL SYMbolic ALgebra. A {symbolic mathematics} language with {ALGOL}-like syntax by Max Engeli, late 60's. Implemented for {CDC 6600}. ["User's Manual for the Formula Manipulation Language SYMBAL", M. Engeli, TRM-8.00, Comp Ctr UT Austin, June 1968].

SymbMath "mathematics, tool" A small {symbolic mathematics} package for {MS-DOS} which can learn new facts. {(Home (}. (2001-03-26)

SymbMath ::: (mathematics, tool) A small symbolic mathematics package for MS-DOS which can learn new facts.Latest version: 2.1.1. .(2001-03-26)

SYMBOL. ::: A symbol is the form of one plane that represents a truth of another. Generally all forms are symbols. Everything is a symbol of some higher reality. There arc different kinds of symbols ::: ( 1 ) Conventional symbols, c.g. Vcdic cow for light.

SYMBOLANG ::: Lapidus & Goldstein, 1965. Symbol manipulating Fortran subroutine package for IBM 7094, later CDC6600.[Some Experiments in Algebraic Manipulation, CACM 8:501-508 1965]. (1995-03-16)

SYMBOLANG Lapidus & Goldstein, 1965. Symbol manipulating Fortran subroutine package for IBM 7094, later CDC 6600. ["Some Experiments in Algebraic Manipulation", CACM 8:501-508 1965]. (1995-03-16)

Symbolically, Odin (the divine consciousness) enters the mountain (material world) with the aid of the squirrel that runs in the Tree of Life (human intelligence) to seek the mead (experience in life). Suttung, the matter giant, represents a cycle or lifetime, and his daughter a subordinate cycle of somewhat less materialistic bent.

Symbolic Assembler Program "language" (SAP) The {assembly language} for the {IBM 704}, defined in the late 1950s. (1994-12-12)

Symbolic Assembler Program ::: (language) (SAP) The assembly language for the IBM 704, defined in the late 1950s. (1994-12-12)

SYMBOLIC ASSEMBLY "language" An early system on the {IBM 705}. [Listed in CACM 2(5):16, May 1959]. (1996-01-15)

SYMBOLIC ASSEMBLY ::: (language) An early system on the IBM 705.[Listed in CACM 2(5):16, May 1959]. (1996-01-15)

Symbolic Automatic INTegrator "mathematics, tool" (SAINT) A {symbolic mathematics} program written in {Lisp} by J. Slagle at {MIT} in 1961. [Sammet 1969, p. 410]. (1994-12-08)

Symbolic Automatic INTegrator ::: (mathematics, tool) (SAINT) A symbolic mathematics program written in Lisp by J. Slagle at MIT in 1961.[Sammet 1969, p. 410]. (1994-12-08)

Symbolic Link "file format" (SYLK) A {Microsoft} file format for {spreadsheets}, (not to be confused with {symbolic link}). SYLK format existed in one form or another in as early as 1987, and was part of {Excel} v1.0. It is is an outgrowth of {VisiCalc} {DIF} file format. SYLK format is ascii text and represents information about both formula, value, and some formatting information, which makes it something like an {RTF} for spreadsheets. It is used as a general tabular data exchange format. {(}. [Reference?] (2004-04-08)

Symbolic Link ::: (file format) (SYLK) A Microsoft file format for spreadsheets, (not to be confused with symbolic link).SYLK format existed in one form or another in as early as 1987, and was part of Excel v1.0. It is is an outgrowth of VisiCalc DIF file format.SYLK format is ascii text and represents information about both formula, value, and some formatting information, which makes it something like an RTF for spreadsheets. It is used as a general tabular data exchange format. .[Reference?](2004-04-08)

Symbolic Mathematical Laboratory "tool, mathematics" An on-line system under {CTSS} for {symbolic mathematics}. It used a {display screen} and a {light pen}. [Sammet 1969, p.514]. (1995-04-16)

Symbolic Mathematical Laboratory ::: (tool, mathematics) An on-line system under CTSS for symbolic mathematics. It used a display screen and a light pen.[Sammet 1969, p.514]. (1995-04-16)

Symbolic Optimal Assembly Program ::: (language) (SOAP) The IBM 650's assembly language. Optimal refers to rearranging instructions on slowly rotating drum memory.Versions: SOAP I, SOAP II, CASE SOAP III.[Listed in CACM 2(5):16, May 1959]. (1994-11-04)

Symbolic Optimal Assembly Program "language" (SOAP) The {IBM 650}'s {assembly language}. "Optimal" refers to rearranging instructions on slowly rotating {drum memory}. Versions: SOAP I, SOAP II, CASE SOAP III. [Listed in CACM 2(5):16, May 1959]. (1994-11-04)

Symbolic Optimum DEUCE Assembly Program "language" (SODA) The symbolic {assembler} for a {one-level storage} {virtual machine} for the {English ELectric} {DEUCE}. ["SODA Manual of Operation", R. C. Brigham and C. G. Bell, School of Elec Eng, U New S Wales, Sydney, NSW, 1958]. (1994-11-04)

Symbolic Resonance ::: The idea that since reality can be reduced to archetypes then awareness simply needs to shift its locus of focus to those specific archetypes in order to bring them into the reality of the magician and to be able to work with them.

Symbolics, Inc. ::: (company) The company which produced the Lisp Machine. .[Summary?](2003-11-24)

Symbolics, Inc. "company" The company which produced the {Lisp Machine}. {The Symbolics Museum (}. [Summary?] (2003-11-24)

Symbolics: The study and interpretation of symbols.

Symbol ::: In a certain sense, to use the relative and suggestive phrasing of our human language, all things are the symbols through which we have to approach and draw nearer to That by which we and they exist.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 21-22, Page: 672

Symbolism: An artistic trend flourishing at the end of the XIXth century in reaction to faith in the beauty of nature, and endeavoring to represent spiritual values by means of abstract signs. -- L.V.

Symbolism: Representation of an entity or idea in terms of another, usually the translation of an abstraction into concrete form.

Symbol Manipulation Program (SMP) {Steven Wolfram}'s earlier symbol manipulation program, before he turned to {Mathematica}. ["SMP Handbook", C. Cole, S. Wolfram et al, Caltech 1981]. (1995-01-29)

Symbol Manipulation Program ::: (SMP) Steven Wolfram's earlier symbol manipulation program, before he turned to Mathematica.[SMP Handbook, C. Cole, S. Wolfram et al, Caltech 1981]. (1995-01-29)

Symbol of the embodied consciousness based upon earth but rising up towards the Dirine.

Symbol of the subconscient vital.

Symbols. 2 vols. New York: The Scarecrow Press,

Symbols, astrological: The planets, the signs of the Zodiac, and the aspects, are represented by certain symbols, understood by all astrologers. They are:



Symmetric LISP ::: A parallel Lisp in which environments are first-class objects. It is implemented in Common LISP.[Parallelism, Persistence and Meta-Cleanliness in the Symmetric Lisp Processor, D. Gelernter et al, SIGPLAN Notices 22(7):274-282 (July 1987)].[A Programming Language Supporting First-Class Parallel Environments, S. Jagannathan, MIT-LCS/TR 434, 1989].E-mail: Suresh Jagannathan . (1995-03-16)

Symmetric LISP A parallel {Lisp} in which environments are {first-class} objects. It is implemented in {Common LISP}. ["Parallelism, Persistence and Meta-Cleanliness in the Symmetric Lisp Processor", D. Gelernter et al, SIGPLAN Notices 22(7):274-282 (July 1987)]. ["A Programming Language Supporting First-Class Parallel Environments", S. Jagannathan, MIT-LCS/TR 434, 1989]. E-mail: Suresh Jagannathan "". (1995-03-16)

Symmetric so that if x R y implies that y R x.

Symmetry: A dyadic relation R is symmetric if, for all x and y in the field of R, xRy ⊃ yRx; it is asymmetric if, for all x and y in the field of R, xRy ⊃ ∼ yRx; non-symmetric if there are x and y in the field of R such that [xRy] [∼ yRx]. An n-adic propositional function F is symmetric if F(x1, x2, . . . , xn) is materially equivalent to the proposition obtained from it by permuting x1, x2, . . . , xn among themselves in any fashion -- for all sets of n arguments x1, x2, . . . , xn belonging; to the range of F.

Symnay —an angel of the order of powers used

Sympathetic magic: Magic based on the principle of “like produces like,” i.e., that things which resemble each other in shape or qualities have an occult affinity, and that certain relations between persons or things continue even after the relations have actually ceased to exist.

Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) ::: Part of the Autonomic Nervous System responsible for the fight or flight phenomenon and which plays a role (along with the Parasympathetic Nervous System) in maintaining the body&

Sympathy: On psychological levels, a participation in and feeling for other living beings in adversity or other emotional phases, not always painful, which may or may not lead to participating or alleviating action, explained naturalistically as a general instinct inherent in all creatures, ethically sometimes as an original altruism, sociologically as acquired in the civilisatory process through needs of co-operation, mutual aid, and fellow-feeling in family and group action. Stressed particularly in Hinduism, fostered along with pity (q.v.) in Christianity, discussed and recommended as a shrewd social expedient by such men as Hobbes, Bentham, and Adam Smith, Schopenhauer raised sympathy Mitleid), as an equivalent to love, into an ethical principle which Nietzsche repudiated because to him it increases suffering and through weakness hinders development. Sympathy, as a cultural force, becomes progressively more evident in the increasing establishment of benevolent institutions, such as hospitals, asylums, etc., a more general altruism and ejection (Clifford), an extension of kindness even to animals (first taught by Buddhism, see Ahimsa), reform and relief movements of all kinds, etc. Still regarded highly as a praiseworthy virtue, it has been gradually rid of its dependence on individual ethical culture by scientific conditioning in social planning on a huge scale. See v. Orelli, Die philosophischen Auffassungen des Mttleids (1912); Scheler, Wesen und Formen der Sympathie (1926). -- K.F.L.

Sympathy: Reacting to the experiences and stimuli of another as if they were one’s own; the sharing of emotions and interests.

Symphony ::: (tool, product) Lotus Development's successor to their Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet. Unlike 1-2-3, Symphony allowed a limited form of multitasking. The output and a word processor, thus making it effectively a report generator. Unlike 1-2-3, Symphony was not a great commercial success. (1995-03-28)

Symphony "tool, product" {Lotus Development}'s successor to their {Lotus 1-2-3} spreadsheet. Unlike 1-2-3, Symphony allowed a limited form of {multitasking}. The user could switch manually between it and {MS-DOS} and separate graph and spreadsheet windows could be opened simultaneously and would be updated automatically when cells were changed. In addition, a small word processor could be opened in a third window. These all could be printed out on the same report. Symphony could read and write Lotus 1-2-3 files and had interactive graphical output and a word processor, thus making it effectively a report generator. Unlike 1-2-3, Symphony was not a great commercial success. (1995-03-28)

SYMPL "language" SYsteMs Programming Language. {CDC}'s derivative of {Jovial}. SYMPL is a non-{re-entrant} {block structured} language with extensive {bit manipulation} facilities, which is linkable with {Fortran}. Major parts of CDC systems during the 1970s were written in SYMPL. (1995-02-14)

SYMPL ::: (language) SYsteMs Programming Language.CDC's derivative of Jovial. SYMPL is a non-re-entrant block structured language with extensive bit manipulation facilities, which is linkable with Fortran. Major parts of CDC systems during the 1970s were written in SYMPL. (1995-02-14)

Symposium: A meeting of the Technocracy.

Symposium: Assembly of high-ranking Technocrats, used to govern and direct operations within a given region or facility.

Symptoms can include intense "hysteria" (screaming, uncontrolled wild behavior), depression, coprophagia, insensitivity to extreme cold and more. This condition is most often seen in dogs and Eskimo women.


1. To bring into musical accord or harmony; to tune. 2. To bring into accord, harmony, or sympathetic relationship; adjust. attuned, attuning.

270 Symbol

272 Symbol

274 Symbol

(2) Life-symbols such as derive naturally from our day-to-day life, c.g. mountain, a symbol of path of joga, Ic\'el above level.

5vi'an ::: Indian symbol of the individual soul, the central being, the divine part which is turned to%vards the Divine, descending from there and ascending to it.

A symbol of force, very often a hostile or evil force of the vital plane.

asymmetral ::: a. --> Incommensurable; also, unsymmetrical.

asymmetric ::: a. --> Alt. of Asymmetrical

asymmetrical ::: a. --> Incommensurable.
Not symmetrical; wanting proportion; esp., not bilaterally symmetrical.

asymmetrous ::: a. --> Asymmetrical.

asymmetry ::: n. --> Want of symmetry, or proportion between the parts of a thing, esp. want of bilateral symmetry.

asymptote ::: n. --> A line which approaches nearer to some curve than assignable distance, but, though infinitely extended, would never meet it. Asymptotes may be straight lines or curves. A rectilinear asymptote may be conceived as a tangent to the curve at an infinite distance.

accompaniment ::: n. --> That which accompanies; something that attends as a circumstance, or which is added to give greater completeness to the principal thing, or by way of ornament, or for the sake of symmetry.
A part performed by instruments, accompanying another part or parts performed by voices; the subordinate part, or parts, accompanying the voice or a principal instrument; also, the harmony of a figured bass.

acritical ::: a. --> Having no crisis; giving no indications of a crisis; as, acritical symptoms, an acritical abscess.

acrophony ::: n. --> The use of a picture symbol of an object to represent phonetically the initial sound of the name of the object.

Aeroplane, steamer or train ::: Always symbols of a rapid pro- gross or forward movement.

AEROPLANE, vide Symbol,

agree ::: 1. To be in harmony or unison in opinions, feelings, conduct, etc.; to be in sympathy; to live or act together harmoniously; to have no causes of variance. 2. To give consent; assent (often followed by to). agreed.

air ::: n. --> The fluid which we breathe, and which surrounds the earth; the atmosphere. It is invisible, inodorous, insipid, transparent, compressible, elastic, and ponderable.
Symbolically: Something unsubstantial, light, or volatile.
A particular state of the atmosphere, as respects heat, cold, moisture, etc., or as affecting the sensations; as, a smoky air, a damp air, the morning air, etc.
Any aeriform body; a gas; as, oxygen was formerly called vital

Aivattha ::: Usually symbolises the cosmic manlfcstat/on.

algebra ::: n. --> That branch of mathematics which treats of the relations and properties of quantity by means of letters and other symbols. It is applicable to those relations that are true of every kind of magnitude.
A treatise on this science.

algebra ::: the branch of mathematics that deals with general statements of relations, utilizing letters and other symbols to represent specific sets of numbers, values, vectors, etc., in the description of such relations. 2. Any special system of notation adapted to the study of a special system of relationship.

allusion ::: n. --> A figurative or symbolical reference.
A reference to something supposed to be known, but not explicitly mentioned; a covert indication; indirect reference; a hint.

allusive ::: a. --> Figurative; symbolical.
Having reference to something not fully expressed; containing an allusion.

aloof ::: 1. At a distance; distant; hence, detached, unsympathetic. 2. Away at some distance (from), with a clear space intervening, apart. aloofness.

aloof ::: n. --> Same as Alewife. ::: adv. --> At or from a distance, but within view, or at a small distance; apart; away.
Without sympathy; unfavorably.

aluminium ::: n. --> The metallic base of alumina. This metal is white, but with a bluish tinge, and is remarkable for its resistance to oxidation, and for its lightness, having a specific gravity of about 2.6. Atomic weight 27.08. Symbol Al.

Amal: “I suppose this is a reference to the first light of the day. ‘Dawn’ symbolises the first meeting and mixing of light with the sky, their ‘virgin bridals’, the flush of red within the white sky.”

Amal: “The priestess in the mystic cults of the ancient world used to sit on a three-legged stool which symbolised the mysterious power of the three-headed snake, the original ignorance.”

a monstrous sea creature symbolizing evil.

amphiarthrosis ::: n. --> A form of articulation in which the bones are connected by intervening substance admitting slight motion; symphysis.

amphineura ::: n. pl. --> A division of Mollusca remarkable for the bilateral symmetry of the organs and the arrangement of the nerves.

  And as a power! Not only as a symbol, but as a power.

And as a power! Not only as a symbol, but as a power.

And these are in fact always acting upon our subliminal selves unknown to our vvaking mind and with considerable effect on our life and nature. The physical mind is only a little part of us and there is much more considerable range of our being in which the presence, infiuence and powers of the other planes are active upon us and help to shape our external being and its activities. The awakening of the psychical consciousness enables us fb become aware of these powers, presences and influences in and around us ; and while in the impure or yet ignorant and imperfect mind this unveiled contact has its dangers, it enables us too, if lightly used and directed, to be no longer their subject but their master and to coroe into conscious and seJf-confroJled possession of the inner secrets of our nature. The psychical consciousness reveals this interaction between the inner and the outer planes, this world and others, partly by an awareness, which may be very constant, vast and vivid, of their impacts, suggestions, communications to our inner thought and conscious being and a capacity of reaction upon them there, partly ako through many kinds of symbolic, transcriptive or representative images presented to the different psychical senses. But also

anisometric ::: a. --> Not isometric; having unsymmetrical parts; -- said of crystals with three unequal axes.

antimere ::: n. --> One of the two halves of bilaterally symmetrical animals; one of any opposite symmetrical or homotypic parts in animals and plants.

antimony ::: n. --> An elementary substance, resembling a metal in its appearance and physical properties, but in its chemical relations belonging to the class of nonmetallic substances. Atomic weight, 120. Symbol, Sb.

antitype ::: n. --> That of which the type is the pattern or representation; that which is represented by the type or symbol.

"A peacock is the symbol of spiritual victory.” Letters on Yoga*

“A peacock is the symbol of spiritual victory.” Letters on Yoga

apoplectical ::: a. --> Relating to apoplexy; affected with, inclined to, or symptomatic of, apoplexy; as, an apoplectic person, medicine, habit or temperament, symptom, fit, or stroke.

appeal ::: 1. An earnest request for aid, support, sympathy, mercy, etc.; entreaty; petition; plea. 2. An application or proceeding for review by a higher tribunal. 3. The power or ability to attract, interest; attraction. appealed, appealing, sense-appeal.

Arrow ::: Symbol of the force which goes to its aim.

ARROW. ::: vUle Symbol.

artiodactyla ::: n. pl. --> One of the divisions of the ungulate animals. The functional toes of the hind foot are even in number, and the third digit of each foot (corresponding to the middle finger in man) is asymmetrical and paired with the fourth digit, as in the hog, the sheep, and the ox; -- opposed to Perissodactyla.

ASfVATTHA TREE, vide Symbol. • -

assident ::: a. --> Usually attending a disease, but not always; as, assident signs, or symptoms.

associable ::: a. --> Capable of being associated or joined.
Sociable; companionable.
Liable to be affected by sympathy with other parts; -- said of organs, nerves, muscles, etc.

Ass ::: Symbol of the inertia and obstruction in the body.

“As there are Powers of Knowledge or Forces of the Light, so there are Powers of Ignorance and tenebrous Forces of the Darkness whose work is to prolong the reign of Ignorance and Inconscience. As there are Forces of Truth, so there are Forces that live by the Falsehood and support it and work for its victory; as there are powers whose life is intimately bound up with the existence, the idea and the impulse of Good, so there are Forces whose life is bound up with the existence and the idea and the impulse of Evil. It is this truth of the cosmic Invisible that was symbolised in the ancient belief of a struggle between the powers of Light and Darkness, Good and Evil for the possession of the world and the government of the life of man;—this was the significance of the contest between the Vedic Gods and their opponents, sons of Darkness and Division, figured in a later tradition as Titan and Giant and Demon, Asura, Rakshasa, Pisacha; the same tradition is found in the Zoroastrian Double Principle and the later Semitic opposition of God and his Angels on the one side and Satan and his hosts on the other,—invisible Personalities and Powers that draw man to the divine Light and Truth and Good or lure him into subjection to the undivine principle of Darkness and Falsehood and Evil.” The Life Divine

Aswapati ::: Purani: “Aswapathy, the father of Savitri, has been significantly called by the poet ‘the Lord of Life’. (book II, Canto XV). The name suggests an affinity to Vedic symbolism. In the Veda, Aswa, the horse, is the symbol of life-energy or vital power. Aswa + aty, Lord, would mean the ‘Lord of Life’. In the poem King Aswapathy is the symbol of the aspiring soul of man as manifested in life on earth.”Savitri”—An Approach and a Study

asystolism ::: n. --> The state or symptoms characteristic of asystole.

ataxic ::: a. --> Characterized by ataxy, that is, (a) by great irregularity of functions or symptoms, or (b) by a want of coordinating power in movements.

augmentation ::: n. --> The act or process of augmenting, or making larger, by addition, expansion, or dilation; increase.
The state of being augmented; enlargement.
The thing added by way of enlargement.
A additional charge to a coat of arms, given as a mark of honor.
The stage of a disease in which the symptoms go on increasing.

AUNT, vide Symbol.

aura ::: n. --> Any subtile, invisible emanation, effluvium, or exhalation from a substance, as the aroma of flowers, the odor of the blood, a supposed fertilizing emanation from the pollen of flowers, etc.
The peculiar sensation, as of a light vapor, or cold air, rising from the trunk or limbs towards the head, a premonitory symptom of epilepsy or hysterics.

A vaguely defined deity symbolizing maternity, the fertility of the earth, and femininity in general; the central figure in the religions of ancient Anatolia, the Near East, and the eastern Mediterranean, later sometimes taking the form of a specific goddess.

a vaguely defined deity symbolizing maternity, the fertility of the earth, and femininity in general; the central figure in the religions of ancient Anatolia, the Near East, and the eastern Mediterranean, later sometimes taking the form of a specific goddess.

axis ::: n. --> The spotted deer (Cervus axis or Axis maculata) of India, where it is called hog deer and parrah (Moorish name).
A straight line, real or imaginary, passing through a body, on which it revolves, or may be supposed to revolve; a line passing through a body or system around which the parts are symmetrically arranged.
A straight line with respect to which the different parts of a magnitude are symmetrically arranged; as, the axis of a cylinder, i.

babel ::: “The legend of the Tower of Babel speaks of the diversity of tongues as a curse laid on the race; but whatever its disadvantages, and they tend more and more to be minimised by the growth of civilisation and increasing intercourse, it has been rather a blessing than a curse, a gift to mankind rather than a disability laid upon it. The purposeless exaggeration of anything is always an evil, and an excessive pullulation of varying tongues that serve no purpose in the expression of a real diversity of spirit and culture is certainly a stumbling-block rather than a help: but this excess, though it existed in the past, is hardly a possibility of the future. The tendency is rather in the opposite direction. In former times diversity of language helped to create a barrier to knowledge and sympathy, was often made the pretext even of an actual antipathy and tended to a too rigid division. The lack of sufficient interpenetration kept up both a passive want of understanding and a fruitful crop of active misunderstandings. But this was an inevitable evil of a particular stage of growth, an exaggeration of the necessity that then existed for the vigorous development of strongly individualised group-souls in the human race. These disadvantages have not yet been abolished, but with closer intercourse and the growing desire of men and nations for the knowledge of each other’s thought and spirit and personality, they have diminished and tend to diminish more and more and there is no reason why in the end they should not become inoperative.” The Human Cycle

babel ::: "The reference is to the mythological story of the construction of the Tower of Babel, which appears to be an attempt to explain the diversity of human languages. According to Genesis, the Babylonians wanted to make a name for themselves by building a mighty city and tower ‘with its top in the heavens". God disrupted the work by so confusing the language of the workers that they could no longer understand one another. The tower was never completed and the people were dispersed over the face of the earth.” (Encyclopaedia Britannica) Glossary and Index of Proper Names in Sri Aurobindo"s Works     Sri Aurobindo: "The legend of the Tower of Babel speaks of the diversity of tongues as a curse laid on the race; but whatever its disadvantages, and they tend more and more to be minimised by the growth of civilisation and increasing intercourse, it has been rather a blessing than a curse, a gift to mankind rather than a disability laid upon it. The purposeless exaggeration of anything is always an evil, and an excessive pullulation of varying tongues that serve no purpose in the expression of a real diversity of spirit and culture is certainly a stumbling-block rather than a help: but this excess, though it existed in the past, is hardly a possibility of the future. The tendency is rather in the opposite direction. In former times diversity of language helped to create a barrier to knowledge and sympathy, was often made the pretext even of an actual antipathy and tended to a too rigid division. The lack of sufficient interpenetration kept up both a passive want of understanding and a fruitful crop of active misunderstandings. But this was an inevitable evil of a particular stage of growth, an exaggeration of the necessity that then existed for the vigorous development of strongly individualised group-souls in the human race. These disadvantages have not yet been abolished, but with closer intercourse and the growing desire of men and nations for the knowledge of each other"s thought and spirit and personality, they have diminished and tend to diminish more and more and there is no reason why in the end they should not become inoperative.” The Human Cycle

baphomet ::: n. --> An idol or symbolical figure which the Templars were accused of using in their mysterious rites.

barium ::: n. --> One of the elements, belonging to the alkaline earth group; a metal having a silver-white color, and melting at a very high temperature. It is difficult to obtain the pure metal, from the facility with which it becomes oxidized in the air. Atomic weight, 137. Symbol, Ba. Its oxide called baryta.

BAT. ::: vide Symbol.

bed ::: n. --> An article of furniture to sleep or take rest in or on; a couch. Specifically: A sack or mattress, filled with some soft material, in distinction from the bedstead on which it is placed (as, a feather bed), or this with the bedclothes added. In a general sense, any thing or place used for sleeping or reclining on or in, as a quantity of hay, straw, leaves, or twigs.
(Used as the symbol of matrimony) Marriage.
A plat or level piece of ground in a garden, usually a little

being ::: 1. The state or quality of having existence. 2. The totality of all things that exist. 3. One"s basic or essential nature; self. 4. All the qualities constituting one that exists; the essence. 5. A person; human being. 6. The Divine, the Supreme; God. Being, being"s, Being"s, beings, Beings, beings", earth-being"s, earth-beings, fragment-being, non-being, non-being"s, Non-Being, Non-Being"s, world-being"s.

Sri Aurobindo: "Pure Being is the affirmation by the Unknowable of Itself as the free base of all cosmic existence.” *The Life Divine :::

   "The Absolute manifests itself in two terms, a Being and a Becoming. The Being is the fundamental reality; the Becoming is an effectual reality: it is a dynamic power and result, a creative energy and working out of the Being, a constantly persistent yet mutable form, process, outcome of its immutable formless essence.” *The Life Divine

"What is original and eternal for ever in the Divine is the Being, what is developed in consciousness, conditions, forces, forms, etc., by the Divine Power is the Becoming. The eternal Divine is the Being; the universe in Time and all that is apparent in it is a Becoming.” Letters on Yoga

"Being and Becoming, One and Many are both true and are both the same thing: Being is one, Becomings are many; but this simply means that all Becomings are one Being who places Himself variously in the phenomenal movement of His consciousness.” The Upanishads :::

   "Our whole apparent life has only a symbolic value & is good & necessary as a becoming; but all becoming has being for its goal & fulfilment & God is the only being.” *Essays Divine and Human

"Our being is a roughly constituted chaos into which we have to introduce the principle of a divine order.” The Synthesis of Yoga*

belongs to the Divine Truth, Good, Beauty, rejection of all that is false, evD, ugly, discordant, union through love and sympathy wth all existence, openness to the Truth of the Self and the

Belphegor ::: Amal: “This name of a star brought in by Sri Aurobindo with powerful effect has practically no place in popular astronomy and figured rarely in past literary usage. In Syrian theology, Belphegor was a deity who symbolised the Sun. The Israelites also paid homage to him sometimes.” Sri Aurobindo—The Poet

bemoan ::: v. t. --> To express deep grief for by moaning; to express sorrow for; to lament; to bewail; to pity or sympathize with.

bench ::: 1. A long seat usually made of wood, for two or more persons. 2. A seat occupied by a person in an official capacity, esp. a judge. 3. Such a seat as a symbol of the office and dignity of an individual judge or the judiciary.

bilateral ::: a. --> Having two sides; arranged upon two sides; affecting two sides or two parties.
Of or pertaining to the two sides of a central area or organ, or of a central axis; as, bilateral symmetry in animals, where there is a similarity of parts on the right and left sides of the body.

bilious ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to the bile.
Disordered in respect to the bile; troubled with an excess of bile; as, a bilious patient; dependent on, or characterized by, an excess of bile; as, bilious symptoms.
Choleric; passionate; ill tempered.

Bindu ::: Symbol of the Infinite in the exceedingly small, the individual point which is yet the Universal.

BINDV. ::: vufe Symbol.

bird ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The Bird in the Veda is the symbol, very frequently, of the soul liberated and upsoaring, at other times of energies so liberated and upsoaring, winging upwards towards the heights of our being, winging widely with a free flight, no longer involved in the ordinary limited movement or labouring gallop of the Life-energy, the Horse, Ashwa.” *The Secret of the Veda

Bird ; Symbol of the individual soul. Usually a symbol of some soul-power when it is not the soul itself. Birds often indi- cate cither mind-powers or soul-powers.

bird ::: “The Bird in the Veda is the symbol, very frequently, of the soul liberated and upsoaring, at other times of energies so liberated and upsoaring, winging upwards towards the heights of our being, winging widely with a free flight, no longer involved in the ordinary limited movement or labouring gallop of the Life-energy, the Horse, Ashwa.” The Secret of the Veda

BIRD, v/dtf Symbol.

bismuth ::: n. --> One of the elements; a metal of a reddish white color, crystallizing in rhombohedrons. It is somewhat harder than lead, and rather brittle; masses show broad cleavage surfaces when broken across. It melts at 507¡ Fahr., being easily fused in the flame of a candle. It is found in a native state, and as a constituent of some minerals. Specific gravity 9.8. Atomic weight 207.5. Symbol Bi.

black vomit ::: --> A copious vomiting of dark-colored matter; or the substance so discharged; -- one of the most fatal symptoms in yellow fever.

blazon ::: the description or representation of a coat of arms or banner bearing the symbol of a coat of arms.

bodied ::: v. 1. Furnished or provided with a body; embodied. 2. Gave shape to, gave bodily form to, exhibited in outward reality. 3. Represented; symbolized, typified. adj. 4. Possessing or existing in bodily form, endowed with material form. half-bodied, million-bodied, three-bodied, two-bodied.

body ::: n. --> The material organized substance of an animal, whether living or dead, as distinguished from the spirit, or vital principle; the physical person.
The trunk, or main part, of a person or animal, as distinguished from the limbs and head; the main, central, or principal part, as of a tree, army, country, etc.
The real, as opposed to the symbolical; the substance, as opposed to the shadow.

BOOK vide Symbol

boron ::: n. --> A nonmetallic element occurring abundantly in borax. It is reduced with difficulty to the free state, when it can be obtained in several different forms; viz., as a substance of a deep olive color, in a semimetallic form, and in colorless quadratic crystals similar to the diamond in hardness and other properties. It occurs in nature also in boracite, datolite, tourmaline, and some other minerals. Atomic weight 10.9. Symbol B.

BOW Mde Symbol

Bow ::: Symbol of the force sent out to reach its mark.

brachiopoda ::: n. --> A class of Molluscoidea having a symmetrical bivalve shell, often attached by a fleshy peduncle.

bromine ::: n. --> One of the elements, related in its chemical qualities to chlorine and iodine. Atomic weight 79.8. Symbol Br. It is a deep reddish brown liquid of a very disagreeable odor, emitting a brownish vapor at the ordinary temperature. In combination it is found in minute quantities in sea water, and in many saline springs. It occurs also in the mineral bromyrite.

symbol ::: A symbol, as I understand it, is the form on one plane that represents a truth of another. For instance, a flag is the symbol of a nation…. But generally all forms are symbols. This body of ours is a symbol of our real being and everything is a symbol of some higher reality. There are, however, different kinds of symbols: 1. Conventional symbols, such as the Vedic Rishis formed with objects taken from their surroundings. The cow stood for light because the same word `go ‘ meant both ray and cow, and because the cow was their most precious possession which maintained their life and was constantly in danger of being robbed and concealed. But once created, such a symbol becomes alive. The Rishis vitalised it and it became a part of their realisation. It appeared in their visions as an image of spiritual light. The horse also was one of their favourite symbols, and a more easily adaptable one, since its force and energy were quite evident. 2. What we might call Life-symbols, such as are not artificially chosen or mentally interpreted in a conscious deliberate way, but derive naturally from our day-to-day life and grow out of the surroundings which condition our normal path of living. To the ancients the mountain was a symbol of the path of yoga, level above level, peak upon peak. A journey, involving the crossing of rivers and the facing of lurking enemies, both animal and human, conveyed a similar idea. Nowadays I dare say we would liken yoga to a motor-ride or a railway-trip. 3. Symbols that have an inherent appositeness and power of their own. Akasha or etheric space is a symbol of the infinite all-pervading eternal Brahman. In any nationality it would convey the same meaning. Also, the Sun stands universally for the supramental Light, the divine Gnosis. 4. Mental symbols, instances of which are numbers or alphabets. Once they are accepted, they too become active and may be useful. Thus geometrical figures have been variously interpreted. In my experience the square symbolises the supermind. I cannot say how it came to do so. Somebody or some force may have built it before it came to my mind. Of the triangle, too, there are different explanations. In one position it can symbolise the three lower planes, in another the symbol is of the three higher ones: so both can be combined together in a single sign. The ancients liked to indulge in similar speculations concerning numbers, but their systems were mostly mental. It is no doubt true that supramental realities exist which we translate into mental formulas such as Karma, Psychic evolution, etc. But they are, so to speak, infinite realities which cannot be limited by these symbolic forms, though they may be somewhat expressed by them; they might be expressed as well by other symbols, and the same symbol may also express many different ideas. Letters on Yoga

symbolised ::: represented by a symbol or symbols.

symbolled ::: regarded or treated as symbolic; symbolised.

symbol ::: something that represents something else by association, resemblance, or convention, especially a material object used to represent something invisible. (Sri Aurobindo also employs the word as an adj.) **symbol"s, symbols, world-symbol, World-symbols.

symmetrical ::: having similarity in size, shape, and relative position of corresponding parts.

symmetric ::: symmetrical.

symmetry ::: similarity, correspondence, proportion, or balance among systems or parts of a system. symmetries.

sympathy ::: 1. A relationship or an affinity between people or things in which whatever affects one correspondingly affects the other. 2. The sharing of another"s emotions, esp. of sorrow or anguish; pity; compassion. sympathies.

symphonies ::: 1. Harmonies, especially of sound or color. 2. Extended large-scale orchestral compositions, usually with several movements. 3. Anything characterized by a harmonious combination of elements.

BUFFALO, vide Symbol.

Burning ::: It is the purification of the physical that is usually indicated in the symbol of burning.

bushwhacker ::: n. --> One accustomed to beat about, or travel through, bushes.
A guerrilla; a marauding assassin; one who pretends to be a peaceful citizen, but secretly harasses a hostile force or its sympathizers.

buskin ::: n. --> A strong, protecting covering for the foot, coming some distance up the leg.
A similar covering for the foot and leg, made with very thick soles, to give an appearance of elevation to the stature; -- worn by tragic actors in ancient Greece and Rome. Used as a symbol of tragedy, or the tragic drama, as distinguished from comedy.

But this exclusive consummation t$ not the sole or inevitable result of the Path of Knowledge. For, followed more largely and with a less individual aim, the method of Knowledge may lead to an active conquest of the cosmic existence for the Divine no less than to a transcendence. The point of this departure is the realisation of the supreme Self not only in one’s own being but in all beings, and, finally, the realisation of even the pheno- menal aspects of the world as a play of the divine consciousness and not something entirely alien to its true nature. And on the basis of this realisation a yet further enlargement is possible, the conversion of all forms of knowledge, however mundane, into activities of the divine consciousness utilisable for the perception of the one and unique Object of knowledge both in itself and through the pTay of its fonns and symbols. Such a method might well lead to the elevation of the whole range of human intellect and perception to the dirine level, to its spiritualisation

buttress ::: n. --> A projecting mass of masonry, used for resisting the thrust of an arch, or for ornament and symmetry.
Anything which supports or strengthens. ::: v. t. --> To support with a buttress; to prop; to brace firmly.

"By individual we mean normally something that separates itself from everything else and stands apart, though in reality there is no such thing anywhere in existence; it is a figment of our mental conceptions useful and necessary to express a partial and practical truth. But the difficulty is that the mind gets dominated by its words and forgets that the partial and practical truth becomes true truth only by its relation to others which seem to the reason to contradict it, and that taken by itself it contains a constant element of falsity. Thus when we speak of an individual we mean ordinarily an individualisation of mental, vital, physical being separate from all other beings, incapable of unity with them by its very individuality. If we go beyond these three terms of mind, life and body, and speak of the soul or individual self, we still think of an individualised being separate from all others, incapable of unity and inclusive mutuality, capable at most of a spiritual contact and soul-sympathy. It is therefore necessary to insist that by the true individual we mean nothing of the kind, but a conscious power of being of the Eternal, always existing by unity, always capable of mutuality. It is that being which by self-knowledge enjoys liberation and immortality.” The Life Divine

“By individual we mean normally something that separates itself from everything else and stands apart, though in reality there is no such thing anywhere in existence; it is a figment of our mental conceptions useful and necessary to express a partial and practical truth. But the difficulty is that the mind gets dominated by its words and forgets that the partial and practical truth becomes true truth only by its relation to others which seem to the reason to contradict it, and that taken by itself it contains a constant element of falsity. Thus when we speak of an individual we mean ordinarily an individualisation of mental, vital, physical being separate from all other beings, incapable of unity with them by its very individuality. If we go beyond these three terms of mind, life and body, and speak of the soul or individual self, we still think of an individualised being separate from all others, incapable of unity and inclusive mutuality, capable at most of a spiritual contact and soul-sympathy. It is therefore necessary to insist that by the true individual we mean nothing of the kind, but a conscious power of being of the Eternal, always existing by unity, always capable of mutuality. It is that being which by self-knowledge enjoys liberation and immortality.” The Life Divine

cachinnation ::: n. --> Loud or immoderate laughter; -- often a symptom of hysterical or maniacal affections.

cadmium ::: n. --> A comparatively rare element related to zinc, and occurring in some zinc ores. It is a white metal, both ductile and malleable. Symbol Cd. Atomic weight 111.8. It was discovered by Stromeyer in 1817, who named it from its association with zinc or zinc ore.

caesium ::: n. --> A rare alkaline metal found in mineral water; -- so called from the two characteristic blue lines in its spectrum. It was the first element discovered by spectrum analysis, and is the most strongly basic and electro-positive substance known. Symbol Cs. Atomic weight 132.6.

calcium ::: n. --> An elementary substance; a metal which combined with oxygen forms lime. It is of a pale yellow color, tenacious, and malleable. It is a member of the alkaline earth group of elements. Atomic weight 40. Symbol Ca.

calculus ::: n. --> Any solid concretion, formed in any part of the body, but most frequent in the organs that act as reservoirs, and in the passages connected with them; as, biliary calculi; urinary calculi, etc.
A method of computation; any process of reasoning by the use of symbols; any branch of mathematics that may involve calculation.

carbon ::: n. --> An elementary substance, not metallic in its nature, which is present in all organic compounds. Atomic weight 11.97. Symbol C. it is combustible, and forms the base of lampblack and charcoal, and enters largely into mineral coals. In its pure crystallized state it constitutes the diamond, the hardest of known substances, occuring in monometric crystals like the octahedron, etc. Another modification is graphite, or blacklead, and in this it is soft, and occurs in hexagonal prisms or tables. When united with oxygen it forms carbon dioxide,

cardialgy ::: n. --> A burning or gnawing pain, or feeling of distress, referred to the region of the heart, accompanied with cardiac palpitation; heartburn. It is usually a symptom of indigestion.

caste-mark ::: (In India) a mark, usually on the forehead, symbolising and identifying caste membership.

ceremony ::: n. --> Ar act or series of acts, often of a symbolical character, prescribed by law, custom, or authority, in the conduct of important matters, as in the performance of religious duties, the transaction of affairs of state, and the celebration of notable events; as, the ceremony of crowning a sovereign; the ceremonies observed in consecrating a church; marriage and baptismal ceremonies.
Behavior regulated by strict etiquette; a formal method of performing acts of civility; forms of civility prescribed by custom

cerium ::: n. --> A rare metallic element, occurring in the minerals cerite, allanite, monazite, etc. Symbol Ce. Atomic weight 141.5. It resembles iron in color and luster, but is soft, and both malleable and ductile. It tarnishes readily in the air.

character ::: n. --> A distinctive mark; a letter, figure, or symbol.
Style of writing or printing; handwriting; the peculiar form of letters used by a particular person or people; as, an inscription in the Runic character.
The peculiar quality, or the sum of qualities, by which a person or a thing is distinguished from others; the stamp impressed by nature, education, or habit; that which a person or thing really is; nature; disposition.

characters ::: 1. The combination of qualities, features and traits that distinguishes one person, group, or thing from another. 2. The marks or symbols used in writing systems such as the letters of the alphabet.

charactery ::: n. --> The art or means of characterizing; a system of signs or characters; symbolism; distinctive mark.
That which is charactered; the meaning.

cherub ::: n. --> A mysterious composite being, the winged footstool and chariot of the Almighty, described in Ezekiel i. and x.
A symbolical winged figure of unknown form used in connection with the mercy seat of the Jewish Ark and Temple.
One of a order of angels, variously represented in art. In European painting the cherubim have been shown as blue, to denote knowledge, as distinguished from the seraphim (see Seraph), and in later art the children&

cheveril ::: v. i. --> Soft leather made of kid skin. Fig.: Used as a symbol of flexibility. ::: a. --> Made of cheveril; pliant.

chiastolite ::: n. --> A variety of andalusite; -- called also macle. The tessellated appearance of a cross section is due to the symmetrical arrangement of impurities in the crystal.

CHILD, vide Symbol.

chlorine ::: n. --> One of the elementary substances, commonly isolated as a greenish yellow gas, two and one half times as heavy as air, of an intensely disagreeable suffocating odor, and exceedingly poisonous. It is abundant in nature, the most important compound being common salt. It is powerful oxidizing, bleaching, and disinfecting agent. Symbol Cl. Atomic weight, 35.4.

cholaemaa ::: n. --> A disease characterized by severe nervous symptoms, dependent upon the presence of the constituents of the bile in the blood.

cholerine ::: n. --> The precursory symptoms of cholera.
The first stage of epidemic cholera.
A mild form of cholera.

chromium ::: n. --> A comparatively rare element occurring most abundantly in the mineral chromite. Atomic weight 52.5. Symbol Cr. When isolated it is a hard, brittle, grayish white metal, fusible with difficulty. Its chief commercial importance is for its compounds, as potassium chromate, lead chromate, etc., which are brilliantly colored and are used dyeing and calico printing. Called also chrome.

\cil of sleep — very largely indeed these two elements get mixed up together. For in fact a large part of our consciousness in sleep docs not sink into this subconscious slate ; it passes beyond the veil into other planes of being which arc connected with our own inner planes, planes of supraphj'sical existence, w'orlds of a larger life, mind or psychic which arc there behind and whose influences come to us without our knowledge. Occasionally we get a dream from these planes, something more than a dream, — a dream experience which is a record direct or symbolic of what happens to us or around us there. As the inner consciousness grows by sadhana, these dream experiences increase In number, dearness, coherence, accuracy and after some growth of experi- ence and consciousness, we can, if we observe, come to under- stand them and their significance to our loner life. Even we can by training become so coosetous as to follow our own passage, usually veiled to our arvarencss and memory, through many realms and the process of the return to the waking state. At a certain pitch of this inner wakefulness this kind of sleep, a sleep experience, can replace the ordinary subconscious slumber.

cipher ::: n. 1. Something having no influence or value; a zero; a nonentity. 2. A secret method of writing, as by transposition or substitution of letters, specially formed symbols, or the like. unintelligible to all but those possessing the key; a cryptograph. ciphers. *v. 3. To put in secret writing; encode. *ciphers. Note: Sri Aurobindo also spelled the word as Cypher, the old English spelling.

clean-timbered ::: a. --> Well-proportioned; symmetrical.

Clouds ::: Symbols of obscurity.

CLOUD, vide Symbol. '

Coat ::: Often symbolic of lust.

cobalt ::: n. --> A tough, lustrous, reddish white metal of the iron group, not easily fusible, and somewhat magnetic. Atomic weight 59.1. Symbol Co.
A commercial name of a crude arsenic used as fly poison.

code ::: 1. A system of symbols, letters, or words given certain arbitrary meanings, used for transmitting messages requiring secrecy or brevity. 2. A systematic collection of regulations and rules of procedure or conduct. codes.

coin ::: 1. A small piece of metal, usually flat and circular, authorized by a government for use as money. 2. A mode of expression considered standard, a symbol; token.

coindication ::: n. --> One of several signs or symptoms indicating the same fact; as, a coindication of disease.

cold-hearted ::: lacking sympathy or feeling; indifferent; unkind, unfeeling.

columbium ::: n. --> A rare element of the vanadium group, first found in a variety of the mineral columbite occurring in Connecticut, probably at Haddam. Atomic weight 94.2. Symbol Cb or Nb. Now more commonly called niobium.

comfrey ::: n. --> A rough, hairy, perennial plant of several species, of the genus Symphytum.

commune ::: v. i. --> To converse together with sympathy and confidence; to interchange sentiments or feelings; to take counsel.
To receive the communion; to partake of the eucharist or Lord&

communicate ::: v. i. --> To share in common; to participate in.
To impart; to bestow; to convey; as, to communicate a disease or a sensation; to communicate motion by means of a crank.
To make known; to recount; to give; to impart; as, to communicate information to any one.
To administer the communion to.
To share or participate; to possess or enjoy in common; to have sympathy.

communion ::: n. --> The act of sharing; community; participation.
Intercourse between two or more persons; esp., intimate association and intercourse implying sympathy and confidence; interchange of thoughts, purposes, etc.; agreement; fellowship; as, the communion of saints.
A body of Christians having one common faith and discipline; as, the Presbyterian communion.
The sacrament of the eucharist; the celebration of the

compassion ::: a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering. compassion"s.

compassionate ::: a. --> Having a temper or disposition to pity; sympathetic; merciful.
Complaining; inviting pity; pitiable. ::: v. t. --> To have compassion for; to pity; to commiserate; to sympathize with.

complement ::: v. t. --> That which fills up or completes; the quantity or number required to fill a thing or make it complete.
That which is required to supply a deficiency, or to complete a symmetrical whole.
Full quantity, number, or amount; a complete set; completeness.
A second quantity added to a given quantity to make it equal to a third given quantity.

compose ::: v. t. --> To form by putting together two or more things or parts; to put together; to make up; to fashion.
To form the substance of, or part of the substance of; to constitute.
To construct by mental labor; to design and execute, or put together, in a manner involving the adaptation of forms of expression to ideas, or to the laws of harmony or proportion; as, to compose a sentence, a sermon, a symphony, or a picture.

concernedly ::: adv. --> In a concerned manner; solicitously; sympathetically.

concerto ::: n. --> A composition (usually in symphonic form with three movements) in which one instrument (or two or three) stands out in bold relief against the orchestra, or accompaniment, so as to display its qualities or the performer&

■ Conch ::: Symbol of the spiritual call.

CONCH ::: vide Symbol.

condolence ::: n. --> Expression of sympathy with another in sorrow or grief.

condole ::: v. i. --> To express sympathetic sorrow; to grieve in sympathy; -- followed by with. ::: v. t. --> To lament or grieve over.

congenial ::: a. --> Partaking of the same nature; allied by natural characteristics; kindred; sympathetic.
Naturally adapted; suited to the disposition.

congestion ::: n. --> The act of gathering into a heap or mass; accumulation.
Overfullness of the capillary and other blood vessels, etc., in any locality or organ (often producing other morbid symptoms); local hyper/mia, active or passive; as, arterial congestion; venous congestion; congestion of the lungs.

congratulate ::: v. t. --> To address with expressions of sympathetic pleasure on account of some happy event affecting the person addressed; to wish joy to. ::: v. i. --> To express of feel sympathetic joy; as, to congratulate with one&

congratulation ::: n. --> The act of congratulating; an expression of sympathetic pleasure.

congratulatory ::: a. --> Expressive of sympathetic joy; as, a congratulatory letter.

consensual ::: v. i. --> Existing, or made, by the mutual consent of two or more parties.
Excited or caused by sensation, sympathy, or reflex action, and not by conscious volition; as, consensual motions.

consideration ::: n. --> The act or process of considering; continuous careful thought; examination; contemplation; deliberation; attention.
Attentive respect; appreciative regard; -- used especially in diplomatic or stately correspondence.
Thoughtful or sympathetic regard or notice.
Claim to notice or regard; some degree of importance or consequence.
The result of delibration, or of attention and

consonous ::: a. --> Agreeing in sound; symphonious.

contraindicant ::: n. --> Something, as a symptom, indicating that the usual mode of treatment is not to be followed.

contraindicate ::: v. t. --> To indicate, as by a symptom, some method of treatment contrary to that which the general tenor of the case would seem to require.

contraindication ::: n. --> An indication or symptom which forbids the method of treatment usual in such cases.

copperhead ::: n. --> A poisonous American serpent (Ancistrodon conotortrix), closely allied to the rattlesnake, but without rattles; -- called also copper-belly, and red viper.
A nickname applied to a person in the Northern States who sympathized with the South during the Civil War.

copper ::: n. --> A common metal of a reddish color, both ductile and malleable, and very tenacious. It is one of the best conductors of heat and electricity. Symbol Cu. Atomic weight 63.3. It is one of the most useful metals in itself, and also in its alloys, brass and bronze.
A coin made of copper; a penny, cent, or other minor coin of copper.
A vessel, especially a large boiler, made of copper.
the boilers in the galley for cooking; as, a ship&

cosmic mind ::: Sri Aurobindo: "Nevertheless, the fact of this intervention from above, the fact that behind all our original thinking or authentic perception of things there is a veiled, a half-veiled or a swift unveiled intuitive element is enough to establish a connection between mind and what is above it; it opens a passage of communication and of entry into the superior spirit-ranges. There is also the reaching out of mind to exceed the personal ego limitation, to see things in a certain impersonality and universality. Impersonality is the first character of cosmic self; universality, non-limitation by the single or limiting point of view, is the character of cosmic perception and knowledge: this tendency is therefore a widening, however rudimentary, of these restricted mind areas towards cosmicity, towards a quality which is the very character of the higher mental planes, — towards that superconscient cosmic Mind which, we have suggested, must in the nature of things be the original mind-action of which ours is only a derivative and inferior process.” *The Life Divine

"If we accept the Vedic image of the Sun of Truth, . . . we may compare the action of the Higher Mind to a composed and steady sunshine, the energy of the Illumined Mind beyond it to an outpouring of massive lightnings of flaming sun-stuff. Still beyond can be met a yet greater power of the Truth-Force, an intimate and exact Truth-vision, Truth-thought, Truth-sense, Truth-feeling, Truth-action, to which we can give in a special sense the name of Intuition; . . . At the source of this Intuition we discover a superconscient cosmic Mind in direct contact with the supramental Truth-Consciousness, an original intensity determinant of all movements below it and all mental energies, — not Mind as we know it, but an Overmind that covers as with the wide wings of some creative Oversoul this whole lower hemisphere of Knowledge-Ignorance, links it with that greater Truth-Consciousness while yet at the same time with its brilliant golden Lid it veils the face of the greater Truth from our sight, intervening with its flood of infinite possibilities as at once an obstacle and a passage in our seeking of the spiritual law of our existence, its highest aim, its secret Reality.” The Life Divine

"There is one cosmic Mind, one cosmic Life, one cosmic Body. All the attempt of man to arrive at universal sympathy, universal love and the understanding and knowledge of the inner soul of other existences is an attempt to beat thin, breach and eventually break down by the power of the enlarging mind and heart the walls of the ego and arrive nearer to a cosmic oneness.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

"[The results of the opening to the cosmic Mind:] One is aware of the cosmic Mind and the mental forces that move there and how they work on one"s mind and that of others and one is able to deal with one"s own mind with a greater knowledge and effective power. There are many other results, but this is the fundamental one.” Letters on Yoga

"The cosmic consciousness has many levels — the cosmic physical, the cosmic vital, the cosmic Mind, and above the higher planes of cosmic Mind there is the Intuition and above that the overmind and still above that the supermind where the Transcendental begins. In order to live in the Intuition plane (not merely to receive intuitions), one has to live in the cosmic consciousness because there the cosmic and individual run into each other as it were, and the mental separation between them is already broken down, so nobody can reach there who is still in the separative ego.” Letters on Yoga*

cough ::: v. i. --> To expel air, or obstructing or irritating matter, from the lungs or air passages, in a noisy and violent manner.
A sudden, noisy, and violent expulsion of air from the chest, caused by irritation in the air passages, or by the reflex action of nervous or gastric disorder, etc.
The more or less frequent repetition of coughing, constituting a symptom of disease.

CRANE, vide Symbol.

crescent ::: n. --> The increasing moon; the moon in her first quarter, or when defined by a concave and a convex edge; also, applied improperly to the old or decreasing moon in a like state.
Anything having the shape of a crescent or new moon.
A representation of the increasing moon, often used as an emblem or badge
A symbol of Artemis, or Diana.
The ancient symbol of Byzantium or Constantinople.

crisis ::: n. --> The point of time when it is to be decided whether any affair or course of action must go on, or be modified or terminate; the decisive moment; the turning point.
That change in a disease which indicates whether the result is to be recovery or death; sometimes, also, a striking change of symptoms attended by an outward manifestation, as by an eruption or sweat.

crosier ::: n. --> The pastoral staff of a bishop (also of an archbishop, being the symbol of his office as a shepherd of the flock of God.

cross ::: 1. A structure consisting essentially of an upright and a transverse piece, upon which persons were formerly put to a cruel and ignominious death by being nailed or otherwise fastened to it by their extremities. 2. A representation or delineation of a cross on any surface, varying in elaborateness from two lines crossing each other to an ornamental design painted, embroidered, carved, etc.; used as a sacred mark, symbol, badge, or the like. 3. A trouble, vexation, annoyance; misfortune, adversity; sometimes anything that thwarts or crosses. v. 4. To go or extend across; pass from one side of to the other: pass over. 5. To extend or pass through or over; intersect. 6. To encounter in passing. crosses, crossed, crossing.

crossbones ::: n. pl. --> A representation of two of the leg bones or arm bones of a skeleton, laid crosswise, often surmounted with a skull, and serving as a symbol of death.

cross ::: n. --> A gibbet, consisting of two pieces of timber placed transversely upon one another, in various forms, as a T, or +, with the horizontal piece below the upper end of the upright, or as an X. It was anciently used in the execution of criminals.
The sign or mark of the cross, made with the finger, or in ink, etc., or actually represented in some material; the symbol of Christ&

crown ::: n. **1. An ornament worn on the head by kings and those having sovereign power, often made of precious metal and ornamented with gems. 2. A wreath or garland for the head, awarded as a sign of victory, success, honour, etc. 3. The distinction that comes from a great achievement; reward, honour. 4. The top or summit of something, esp. of a rounded object. etc. 5. The highest or more nearly perfect state of anything. 6. An exalting or chief attribute. 7. The acme or supreme source of honour, excellence, beauty, etc. v. 8. To put a crown on the head of, symbolically vesting with royal title, powers, etc. 9. To place something on or over the head or top of. crowns, crowned.**

cruel ::: n. --> See Crewel. ::: a. --> Disposed to give pain to others; willing or pleased to hurt, torment, or afflict; destitute of sympathetic kindness and pity; savage; inhuman; hard-hearted; merciless.
Causing, or fitted to cause, pain, grief, or misery.

cryptographical ::: a. --> Relating to cryptography; written in secret characters or in cipher, or with sympathetic ink.

crystal ::: n. --> The regular form which a substance tends to assume in solidifying, through the inherent power of cohesive attraction. It is bounded by plane surfaces, symmetrically arranged, and each species of crystal has fixed axial ratios. See Crystallization.
The material of quartz, in crystallization transparent or nearly so, and either colorless or slightly tinged with gray, or the like; -- called also rock crystal. Ornamental vessels are made of it. Cf. Smoky quartz, Pebble; also Brazilian pebble, under Brazilian.

curiologic ::: a. --> Pertaining to a rude kind of hieroglyphics, in which a thing is represented by its picture instead of by a symbol.

dasymeter ::: n. --> An instrument for testing the density of gases, consisting of a thin glass globe, which is weighed in the gas or gases, and then in an atmosphere of known density.

davyum ::: n. --> A rare metallic element found in platinum ore. It is a white malleable substance. Symbol Da. Atomic weight 154.

Dawn ::: Tehmi: “Dawn in the Veda is the goddess symbolic of new openings of divine illumination on man’s physical consciousness.”

decipium ::: n. --> A supposed rare element, said to be associated with cerium, yttrium, etc., in the mineral samarskite, and more recently called samarium. Symbol Dp. See Samarium.

deformity ::: a. --> The state of being deformed; want of proper form or symmetry; any unnatural form or shape; distortion; irregularity of shape or features; ugliness.
Anything that destroys beauty, grace, or propriety; irregularity; absurdity; gross deviation from order or the established laws of propriety; as, deformity in an edifice; deformity of character.

demoiselle ::: n. --> A young lady; a damsel; a lady&

DEN. ::: vide Symbol.

desk ::: n. --> A table, frame, or case, usually with sloping top, but often with flat top, for the use writers and readers. It often has a drawer or repository underneath.
A reading table or lectern to support the book from which the liturgical service is read, differing from the pulpit from which the sermon is preached; also (esp. in the United States), a pulpit. Hence, used symbolically for "the clerical profession."

deuteropathy ::: n. --> A sympathetic affection of any part of the body, as headache from an overloaded stomach.

diadem ::: n. --> Originally, an ornamental head band or fillet, worn by Eastern monarchs as a badge of royalty; hence (later), also, a crown, in general.
Regal power; sovereignty; empire; -- considered as symbolized by the crown.
An arch rising from the rim of a crown (rarely also of a coronet), and uniting with others over its center.

diagnosis ::: n. --> The art or act of recognizing the presence of disease from its signs or symptoms, and deciding as to its character; also, the decision arrived at.
Scientific determination of any kind; the concise description of characterization of a species.
Critical perception or scrutiny; judgment based on such scrutiny; esp., perception of, or judgment concerning, motives and character.

diagnostic ::: a. --> Pertaining to, or furnishing, a diagnosis; indicating the nature of a disease. ::: n. --> The mark or symptom by which one disease is known or distinguished from others.

diagnosticate ::: v. t. & i. --> To make a diagnosis of; to recognize by its symptoms, as a disease.

diagnostics ::: n. --> That part of medicine which has to do with ascertaining the nature of diseases by means of their symptoms or signs.

digit ::: n. --> One of the terminal divisions of a limb appendage; a finger or toe.
A finger&

dissymmetrical ::: a. --> Not having symmetry; asymmetrical; unsymmetrical.

dissymmetry ::: n. --> Absence or defect of symmetry; asymmetry.

dissympathy ::: n. --> Lack of sympathy; want of interest; indifference.

dispathy ::: n. --> Lack of sympathy; want of passion; apathy.

disproportional ::: a. --> Not having due proportion to something else; not having proportion or symmetry of parts; unsuitable in form, quantity or value; inadequate; unequal; as, a disproportional limb constitutes deformity in the body; the studies of youth should not be disproportional to their understanding.

disproportionate ::: a. --> Not proportioned; unsymmetrical; unsuitable to something else in bulk, form, value, or extent; out of proportion; inadequate; as, in a perfect body none of the limbs are disproportionate; it is wisdom not to undertake a work disproportionate means.

disproportion ::: n. --> Want of proportion in form or quantity; lack of symmetry; as, the arm may be in disproportion to the body; the disproportion of the length of a building to its height.
Want of suitableness, adequacy, or due proportion to an end or use; unsuitableness; disparity; as, the disproportion of strength or means to an object. ::: v. t.

distaff ::: n. --> The staff for holding a bunch of flax, tow, or wool, from which the thread is drawn in spinning by hand.
Used as a symbol of the holder of a distaff; hence, a woman; women, collectively.

Dog ::: Symbol of devoted aflection and obedience and * fidelity.

DOG. ::: vide Symbol.

dove ::: 1. Any bird of the family Columbid, esp. the smaller species with pointed tails. 2. A pure white member of this species, used as a symbol of innocence, gentleness, tenderness, and peace. dove"s, doves.

DOVE, vide Symbol.

DREAMS. ::: Sometimes they are the formations of your own mind or vital ; sometimes they are the formations of other minds wth an exact or modified transcription in yours ; sometimes for- mations come that are made by the non-human forces or beings of these other planes. These things are not true and need not become true in the physical world, but they may still have effects on the physical if they are framed wlh that purpose or that tendency and, if they are allowed, they may realise their events or their meaning — for they are most often symbolic or sche- ‘ matic — in the inner or the outer life.

There are other dreams that have not the same character but are a representation or transcription of things that actually hap- pen on other planes, in other worlds under other conditions than ours. There are, again, some dreams that are purely symbolic and some that indicate existing movements and propensities in us.

Symbolic dreams may symbolize anything, forces at play, the underlying structure and tissue of things done or experienced, actual or potential happenings, real or suggested movements or changes in the inner or outer nature. The exact meaning varies with the mind and the condition of the one who sees them.

Duck ::: Usually a symbol of the soul or inner being.

DUCK, vide Symbol.

Dynamic symbol ::: Among the dynamic symbols sontb rfcty bring simply the influence of the thing symbolised, some indicate what is being done but not yet finished, some a formative experi- ence that visits the consciousness, some prophecy of something that may or will or is soon about to happen. There are others that are not merely symbols but present actualities seen by the vision in a symbolic figure.

"Each form is a symbol of some divine power, vibhûti, concealed in it and to the seeing eye each finite carries in it its own revelation of the infinite.” Essays on the Gita

“Each form is a symbol of some divine power, vibhûti, concealed in it and to the seeing eye each finite carries in it its own revelation of the infinite.” Essays on the Gita

earth-Mother ::: 1. A female spirit or deity serving as a symbol of earth or of life and fertility. 2. The earth conceived of as the female principle of fertility and the source of all life. earth-mother"s.

echoing ::: a sympathetic or identical response.

elemental ::: 1. Starkly simple, primitive, or basic. 2. Motivated by or symbolic of primitive and powerful natural forces or passions.

ELEPHANT, vide Symbol.

endearing ::: inspiring affection or warm sympathy; charming.

"Even the words Eternal and Infinite are only symbolic expressions through which the mind feels without grasping some vague impression of this Supreme.” Essays Divine and Human

“Even the words Eternal and Infinite are only symbolic expressions through which the mind feels without grasping some vague impression of this Supreme.” Essays Divine and Human

express ::: 1. To represent by a sign or a symbol; indicate; symbolize. 2. To set forth in words; state; verbalise. 3. To represent symbolically. 4. To manifest, reveal or communicate, as by a gesture; show. expresses, expressed, expressing.

feeling or showing compassion; sympathetic.

fifth-columnist ::: one who acts traitorously and subversively out of a secret sympathy with an enemy; a spy.

figure ::: n. 1. The form or shape of anything; appearance, aspect. 2. The human form, esp. as regards size or shape. 3. A representation or likeness of the human form.4. An emblem, type, symbol. 5. An amount or value expressed in numbers. 6. A written symbol other than a letter. v. 7. To compute or calculate. 8. To represent by a pictorial or sculptured figure, a diagram, or the like; picture or depict. 9. To shape to; symbolize; represent. figures, figured, figuring, figure-selves.**

FISH, vide Symbol.

FLIES, vide Symbol.

flower-symbol ::: Sri Aurobindo: "Flowers are the moment"s representations of things that are in themselves eternal.” On Himself

FLOWERS, vide Symbol.

Flute ::: Symbol of a call, usually the spiritual call.

FLUTE, vide Symbol.

" For man is precisely that term and symbol of a higher Existence descended into the material world in which it is possible for the lower to transfigure itself and put on the nature of the higher and the higher to reveal itself in the forms of the lower.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“For man is precisely that term and symbol of a higher Existence descended into the material world in which it is possible for the lower to transfigure itself and put on the nature of the higher and the higher to reveal itself in the forms of the lower.” The Synthesis of Yoga

formula ::: 1. A prescribed form; a rule or model; any fixed or conventional method for doing something. 2. An established form of words or symbols for use in a ceremony or procedure. 3. Math. A general relationship, principle, or rule stated, often as an equation, in the form of symbols. 4. A representation of a substance using symbols for its constituent elements. formulas.

FORMULA. ::: Every formula we form about God, though always true as a symbol, becomes false when we accept it as a sufficient formula.

FRUIT, vide SymboL

gators or creators often of vast and formidable inner upheavals or of action that overpass the normal human measure. There may also be an awareness of influences, presences, beings that do not seem to belong to other worlds beyond us but are here as a hidden element behind the veil in terrestrial nature. As contact wth the supraphysical is possible, a contact can also take place subjective or objective — or at_ least objectivised — between our own consciousness and the consciousness of other once embodied beings who have passed into a supraphysicaj status in these other regions of existence. It is possible also to pass beyond a subjective contact or a sahiie-scnse perception and, in certain subliminal states of consciousness, to enter actually into other worlds and know something of their secrets, ft is the wore objective order of other-worldly experience that seized most the imagination of mankind in the past, but it was put by popular belief into a gross objective statement which unduly assimilated these phenomena to those of the physical world with which we are familiar for it is the normal tendency of our mind to turn everything into forms or symbols proper to its own kind and terms of expericoce.

GOAT, vide Symbol.

"God is the All and that which exceeds, transcends the All; there is nothing in existence which is not God but God is not anything in that existence, except symbolically, in image to His own consciousness.” The Life Divine

“God is the All and that which exceeds, transcends the All; there is nothing in existence which is not God but God is not anything in that existence, except symbolically, in image to His own consciousness.” The Life Divine

golden Child ::: Sri Aurobindo: "I suppose the golden child is the Truth-Soul which follows after the silver light of the spiritual. When it plunges into the black waters of the subconscient, it releases from it the spiritual light and the sevenfold streams of the Divine Energy and, clearing itself of the stains of the subconscient, it prepares its flight towards the supreme Divine (the Mother).” (Reply to a question in the chapter Visions and Symbols.) Letters on Yoga

GOLD, vide Symbol.

HAMSA. ::: Symbol of the being ; Soul.

HANUMAN. ::: Symbol of complete bhakti,

hard-hearted ::: unsympathetic; inexorable; cruel; pitiless.

herald ::: Sri Aurobindo employs the word as an adjective pertaining to an aspect of heraldry, i.e. a heraldic emblazonment or device; armorial bearings; heraldic symbolism.

hieroglyph ::: designating or pertaining to a pictographic script, particularly that of the ancient Egyptians, in which many of the symbols are conventionalized, recognizable pictures of the things represented. hieroglyphs.

HUMAN BEING. ::: Man is precisely that term and symbol of a higher Existence descended into the material world in which it is possible for the lower to transfigure itself and put on the nature of the higher and the higher to reveal itself in the form of the loiver.

HYSTERIA. ::: It is due to a pressure from the vital world and there may be momentary possessions also.

In cases of hysteria usually nothing is gained by humouring or indulgence ; firmness generally pays better, because most often there is something there that wants ito be interesting and get sympathy and have a fuss made over the person. As for the cure, the subjective cause has to be got rid of.

If wc Jive only in the outward physical consciousness, we do not usually know that we are going to be ill until the symptoms of the malady declare themselves in the body. But if we develop the inward physical consciousness, we become aware of a subtle environmental physical atmosphere and can feel the forces of illness coming towards us through it, feel them even at a distance, and, if we have learnt how to do it, we can stop them by the will or otherwise. We sense too around us a vital physical or nervous envelope which radiates from the body and protects it, and we can feel the adverse forces trying to break through it and can interfere, stop them or reinforce the nervous envelope.

\i(Ie Symbol.

"In a certain sense, to use the relative and suggestive phrasing of our human language, all things are the symbols through which we have to approach and draw nearer to That by which we and they exist.” The Life Divine

“In a certain sense, to use the relative and suggestive phrasing of our human language, all things are the symbols through which we have to approach and draw nearer to That by which we and they exist.” The Life Divine

INCENSE STICKS, vide Symbol,

inconscient ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The Inconscient and the Ignorance may be mere empty abstractions and can be dismissed as irrelevant jargon if one has not come in collision with them or plunged into their dark and bottomless reality. But to me they are realities, concrete powers whose resistance is present everywhere and at all times in its tremendous and boundless mass.” *Letters on Savitri

". . . in its actual cosmic manifestation the Supreme, being the Infinite and not bound by any limitation, can manifest in Itself, in its consciousness of innumerable possibilities, something that seems to be the opposite of itself, something in which there can be Darkness, Inconscience, Inertia, Insensibility, Disharmony and Disintegration. It is this that we see at the basis of the material world and speak of nowadays as the Inconscient — the Inconscient Ocean of the Rigveda in which the One was hidden and arose in the form of this universe — or, as it is sometimes called, the non-being, Asat.” Letters on Yoga

"The Inconscient itself is only an involved state of consciousness which like the Tao or Shunya, though in a different way, contains all things suppressed within it so that under a pressure from above or within all can evolve out of it — ‘an inert Soul with a somnambulist Force".” Letters on Yoga

"The Inconscient is the last resort of the Ignorance.” Letters on Yoga

"The body, we have said, is a creation of the Inconscient and itself inconscient or at least subconscient in parts of itself and much of its hidden action; but what we call the Inconscient is an appearance, a dwelling place, an instrument of a secret Consciousness or a Superconscient which has created the miracle we call the universe.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga :::

"The Inconscient is a sleep or a prison, the conscient a round of strivings without ultimate issue or the wanderings of a dream: we must wake into the superconscious where all darkness of night and half-lights cease in the self-luminous bliss of the Eternal.” The Life Divine

"Men have not learnt yet to recognise the Inconscient on which the whole material world they see is built, or the Ignorance of which their whole nature including their knowledge is built; they think that these words are only abstract metaphysical jargon flung about by the philosophers in their clouds or laboured out in long and wearisome books like The Life Divine. Letters on Savitri :::

   "Is it really a fact that even the ordinary reader would not be able to see any difference between the Inconscient and Ignorance unless the difference is expressly explained to him? This is not a matter of philosophical terminology but of common sense and the understood meaning of English words. One would say ‘even the inconscient stone" but one would not say, as one might of a child, ‘the ignorant stone". One must first be conscious before one can be ignorant. What is true is that the ordinary reader might not be familiar with the philosophical content of the word Inconscient and might not be familiar with the Vedantic idea of the Ignorance as the power behind the manifested world. But I don"t see how I can acquaint him with these things in a single line, even with the most. illuminating image or symbol. He might wonder, if he were Johnsonianly minded, how an Inconscient could be teased or how it could wake Ignorance. I am afraid, in the absence of a miracle of inspired poetical exegesis flashing through my mind, he will have to be left wondering.” Letters on Savitri

  **inconscient, Inconscient"s.**

indicator ::: one who or that which points to or towards the presence, existence, or reality of (something); is a sign or symptom of, betokens.

inhuman ::: lacking humane feelings, such as sympathy, understanding, etc.; cruel; brutal. Also fig.

:::   In India"s languages, they have this OM … which is a marvel. You know what they say? That OM is the totality of the sounds of the creation perceived by the Supreme; He hears OM as a call to Him—as an idea, it"s magnificent! As a symbol, as a … Only …

In India’s languages, they have this OM … which is a marvel. You know what they say? That OM is the totality of the sounds of the creation perceived by the Supreme; He hears OM as a call to Him—as an idea, it’s magnificent! As a symbol, as a … Only …

" . . . insincerity is always an open door for the adversary. That means there is some secret sympathy with what is perverse. And that is what is serious.” Questions and Answers 1957-58, MCW Vol. 9.

“… insincerity is always an open door for the adversary. That means there is some secret sympathy with what is perverse. And that is what is serious.” Questions and Answers 1957-58, MCW Vol. 9*

INTEGRAL YOGA ::: This yoga accepts the value of cosmic existence and holds it to be a reality; its object is to enter into a higher Truth-Consciousness or Divine Supramental Consciousness in which action and creation are the expression not of ignorance and imperfection, but of the Truth, the Light, the Divine Ānanda. But for that, the surrender of the mortal mind, life and body to the Higher Consciousnessis indispensable, since it is too difficult for the mortal human being to pass by its own effort beyond mind to a Supramental Consciousness in which the dynamism is no longer mental but of quite another power. Only those who can accept the call to such a change should enter into this yoga.

Aim of the Integral Yoga ::: It is not merely to rise out of the ordinary ignorant world-consciousness into the divine consciousness, but to bring the supramental power of that divine consciousness down into the ignorance of mind, life and body, to transform them, to manifest the Divine here and create a divine life in Matter.

Conditions of the Integral Yoga ::: This yoga can only be done to the end by those who are in total earnest about it and ready to abolish their little human ego and its demands in order to find themselves in the Divine. It cannot be done in a spirit of levity or laxity; the work is too high and difficult, the adverse powers in the lower Nature too ready to take advantage of the least sanction or the smallest opening, the aspiration and tapasyā needed too constant and intense.

Method in the Integral Yoga ::: To concentrate, preferably in the heart and call the presence and power of the Mother to take up the being and by the workings of her force transform the consciousness. One can concentrate also in the head or between the eye-brows, but for many this is a too difficult opening. When the mind falls quiet and the concentration becomes strong and the aspiration intense, then there is the beginning of experience. The more the faith, the more rapid the result is likely to be. For the rest one must not depend on one’s own efforts only, but succeed in establishing a contact with the Divine and a receptivity to the Mother’s Power and Presence.

Integral method ::: The method we have to pursue is to put our whole conscious being into relation and contact with the Divine and to call Him in to transform Our entire being into His, so that in a sense God Himself, the real Person in us, becomes the sādhaka of the sādhana* as well as the Master of the Yoga by whom the lower personality is used as the centre of a divine transfiguration and the instrument of its own perfection. In effect, the pressure of the Tapas, the force of consciousness in us dwelling in the Idea of the divine Nature upon that which we are in our entirety, produces its own realisation. The divine and all-knowing and all-effecting descends upon the limited and obscure, progressively illumines and energises the whole lower nature and substitutes its own action for all the terms of the inferior human light and mortal activity.

In psychological fact this method translates itself into the progressive surrender of the ego with its whole field and all its apparatus to the Beyond-ego with its vast and incalculable but always inevitable workings. Certainly, this is no short cut or easy sādhana. It requires a colossal faith, an absolute courage and above all an unflinching patience. For it implies three stages of which only the last can be wholly blissful or rapid, - the attempt of the ego to enter into contact with the Divine, the wide, full and therefore laborious preparation of the whole lower Nature by the divine working to receive and become the higher Nature, and the eventual transformation. In fact, however, the divine strength, often unobserved and behind the veil, substitutes itself for the weakness and supports us through all our failings of faith, courage and patience. It” makes the blind to see and the lame to stride over the hills.” The intellect becomes aware of a Law that beneficently insists and a Succour that upholds; the heart speaks of a Master of all things and Friend of man or a universal Mother who upholds through all stumblings. Therefore this path is at once the most difficult imaginable and yet in comparison with the magnitude of its effort and object, the most easy and sure of all.

There are three outstanding features of this action of the higher when it works integrally on the lower nature. In the first place, it does not act according to a fixed system and succession as in the specialised methods of Yoga, but with a sort of free, scattered and yet gradually intensive and purposeful working determined by the temperament of the individual in whom it operates, the helpful materials which his nature offers and the obstacles which it presents to purification and perfection. In a sense, therefore, each man in this path has his own method of Yoga. Yet are there certain broad lines of working common to all which enable us to construct not indeed a routine system, but yet some kind of Shastra or scientific method of the synthetic Yoga.

Secondly, the process, being integral, accepts our nature such as it stands organised by our past evolution and without rejecting anything essential compels all to undergo a divine change. Everything in us is seized by the hands of a mighty Artificer and transformed into a clear image of that which it now seeks confusedly to present. In that ever-progressive experience we begin to perceive how this lower manifestation is constituted and that everything in it, however seemingly deformed or petty or vile, is the more or less distorted or imperfect figure of some elements or action in the harmony of the divine Nature. We begin to understand what the Vedic Rishis meant when they spoke of the human forefathers fashioning the gods as a smith forges the crude material in his smithy.

Thirdly, the divine Power in us uses all life as the means of this integral Yoga. Every experience and outer contact with our world-environment, however trifling or however disastrous, is used for the work, and every inner experience, even to the most repellent suffering or the most humiliating fall, becomes a step on the path to perfection. And we recognise in ourselves with opened eyes the method of God in the world, His purpose of light in the obscure, of might in the weak and fallen, of delight in what is grievous and miserable. We see the divine method to be the same in the lower and in the higher working; only in the one it is pursued tardily and obscurely through the subconscious in Nature, in the other it becomes swift and selfconscious and the instrument confesses the hand of the Master. All life is a Yoga of Nature seeking to manifest God within itself. Yoga marks the stage at which this effort becomes capable of self-awareness and therefore of right completion in the individual. It is a gathering up and concentration of the movements dispersed and loosely combined in the lower evolution.

Key-methods ::: The way to devotion and surrender. It is the psychic movement that brings the constant and pure devotion and the removal of the ego that makes it possible to surrender.

The way to knowledge. Meditation in the head by which there comes the opening above, the quietude or silence of the mind and the descent of peace etc. of the higher consciousness generally till it envelops the being and fills the body and begins to take up all the movements.
Yoga by works ::: Separation of the Purusha from the Prakriti, the inner silent being from the outer active one, so that one has two consciousnesses or a double consciousness, one behind watching and observing and finally controlling and changing the other which is active in front. The other way of beginning the yoga of works is by doing them for the Divine, for the Mother, and not for oneself, consecrating and dedicating them till one concretely feels the Divine Force taking up the activities and doing them for one.

Object of the Integral Yoga is to enter into and be possessed by the Divine Presence and Consciousness, to love the Divine for the Divine’s sake alone, to be tuned in our nature into the nature of the Divine, and in our will and works and life to be the instrument of the Divine.

Principle of the Integral Yoga ::: The whole principle of Integral Yoga is to give oneself entirely to the Divine alone and to nobody else, and to bring down into ourselves by union with the Divine Mother all the transcendent light, power, wideness, peace, purity, truth-consciousness and Ānanda of the Supramental Divine.

Central purpose of the Integral Yoga ::: Transformation of our superficial, narrow and fragmentary human way of thinking, seeing, feeling and being into a deep and wide spiritual consciousness and an integrated inner and outer existence and of our ordinary human living into the divine way of life.

Fundamental realisations of the Integral Yoga ::: The psychic change so that a complete devotion can be the main motive of the heart and the ruler of thought, life and action in constant union with the Mother and in her Presence. The descent of the Peace, Power, Light etc. of the Higher Consciousness through the head and heart into the whole being, occupying the very cells of the body. The perception of the One and Divine infinitely everywhere, the Mother everywhere and living in that infinite consciousness.

Results ::: First, an integral realisation of Divine Being; not only a realisation of the One in its indistinguishable unity, but also in its multitude of aspects which are also necessary to the complete knowledge of it by the relative consciousness; not only realisation of unity in the Self, but of unity in the infinite diversity of activities, worlds and creatures.

Therefore, also, an integral liberation. Not only the freedom born of unbroken contact of the individual being in all its parts with the Divine, sāyujya mukti, by which it becomes free even in its separation, even in the duality; not only the sālokya mukti by which the whole conscious existence dwells in the same status of being as the Divine, in the state of Sachchidananda ; but also the acquisition of the divine nature by the transformation of this lower being into the human image of the divine, sādharmya mukti, and the complete and final release of all, the liberation of the consciousness from the transitory mould of the ego and its unification with the One Being, universal both in the world and the individual and transcendentally one both in the world and beyond all universe.

By this integral realisation and liberation, the perfect harmony of the results of Knowledge, Love and Works. For there is attained the complete release from ego and identification in being with the One in all and beyond all. But since the attaining consciousness is not limited by its attainment, we win also the unity in Beatitude and the harmonised diversity in Love, so that all relations of the play remain possible to us even while we retain on the heights of our being the eternal oneness with the Beloved. And by a similar wideness, being capable of a freedom in spirit that embraces life and does not depend upon withdrawal from life, we are able to become without egoism, bondage or reaction the channel in our mind and body for a divine action poured out freely upon the world.

The divine existence is of the nature not only of freedom, but of purity, beatitude and perfection. In integral purity which shall enable on the one hand the perfect reflection of the divine Being in ourselves and on the other the perfect outpouring of its Truth and Law in us in the terms of life and through the right functioning of the complex instrument we are in our outer parts, is the condition of an integral liberty. Its result is an integral beatitude, in which there becomes possible at once the Ānanda of all that is in the world seen as symbols of the Divine and the Ānanda of that which is not-world. And it prepares the integral perfection of our humanity as a type of the Divine in the conditions of the human manifestation, a perfection founded on a certain free universality of being, of love and joy, of play of knowledge and of play of will in power and will in unegoistic action. This integrality also can be attained by the integral Yoga.

Sādhanā of the Integral Yoga does not proceed through any set mental teaching or prescribed forms of meditation, mantras or others, but by aspiration, by a self-concentration inwards or upwards, by a self-opening to an Influence, to the Divine Power above us and its workings, to the Divine Presence in the heart and by the rejection of all that is foreign to these things. It is only by faith, aspiration and surrender that this self-opening can come.

The yoga does not proceed by upadeśa but by inner influence.

Integral Yoga and Gita ::: The Gita’s Yoga consists in the offering of one’s work as a sacrifice to the Divine, the conquest of desire, egoless and desireless action, bhakti for the Divine, an entering into the cosmic consciousness, the sense of unity with all creatures, oneness with the Divine. This yoga adds the bringing down of the supramental Light and Force (its ultimate aim) and the transformation of the nature.

Our yoga is not identical with the yoga of the Gita although it contains all that is essential in the Gita’s yoga. In our yoga we begin with the idea, the will, the aspiration of the complete surrender; but at the same time we have to reject the lower nature, deliver our consciousness from it, deliver the self involved in the lower nature by the self rising to freedom in the higher nature. If we do not do this double movement, we are in danger of making a tamasic and therefore unreal surrender, making no effort, no tapas and therefore no progress ; or else we make a rajasic surrender not to the Divine but to some self-made false idea or image of the Divine which masks our rajasic ego or something still worse.

Integral Yoga, Gita and Tantra ::: The Gita follows the Vedantic tradition which leans entirely on the Ishvara aspect of the Divine and speaks little of the Divine Mother because its object is to draw back from world-nature and arrive at the supreme realisation beyond it.

The Tantric tradition leans on the Shakti or Ishvari aspect and makes all depend on the Divine Mother because its object is to possess and dominate the world-nature and arrive at the supreme realisation through it.

This yoga insists on both the aspects; the surrender to the Divine Mother is essential, for without it there is no fulfilment of the object of the yoga.

Integral Yoga and Hatha-Raja Yogas ::: For an integral yoga the special methods of Rajayoga and Hathayoga may be useful at times in certain stages of the progress, but are not indispensable. Their principal aims must be included in the integrality of the yoga; but they can be brought about by other means. For the methods of the integral yoga must be mainly spiritual, and dependence on physical methods or fixed psychic or psychophysical processes on a large scale would be the substitution of a lower for a higher action. Integral Yoga and Kundalini Yoga: There is a feeling of waves surging up, mounting to the head, which brings an outer unconsciousness and an inner waking. It is the ascending of the lower consciousness in the ādhāra to meet the greater consciousness above. It is a movement analogous to that on which so much stress is laid in the Tantric process, the awakening of the Kundalini, the Energy coiled up and latent in the body and its mounting through the spinal cord and the centres (cakras) and the Brahmarandhra to meet the Divine above. In our yoga it is not a specialised process, but a spontaneous upnish of the whole lower consciousness sometimes in currents or waves, sometimes in a less concrete motion, and on the other side a descent of the Divine Consciousness and its Force into the body.

Integral Yoga and other Yogas ::: The old yogas reach Sachchidananda through the spiritualised mind and depart into the eternally static oneness of Sachchidananda or rather pure Sat (Existence), absolute and eternal or else a pure Non-exist- ence, absolute and eternal. Ours having realised Sachchidananda in the spiritualised mind plane proceeds to realise it in the Supramcntal plane.

The suprcfhe supra-cosmic Sachchidananda is above all. Supermind may be described as its power of self-awareness and W’orld- awareness, the world being known as within itself and not out- side. So to live consciously in the supreme Sachchidananda one must pass through the Supermind.

Distinction ::: The realisation of Self and of the Cosmic being (without which the realisation of the Self is incomplete) are essential steps in our yoga ; it is the end of other yogas, but it is, as it were, the beginning of outs, that is to say, the point where its own characteristic realisation can commence.

It is new as compared with the old yogas (1) Because it aims not at a departure out of world and life into Heaven and Nir- vana, but at a change of life and existence, not as something subordinate or incidental, but as a distinct and central object.

If there is a descent in other yogas, yet it is only an incident on the way or resulting from the ascent — the ascent is the real thing. Here the ascent is the first step, but it is a means for the descent. It is the descent of the new coosdousness attain- ed by the ascent that is the stamp and seal of the sadhana. Even the Tantra and Vaishnavism end in the release from life ; here the object is the divine fulfilment of life.

(2) Because the object sought after is not an individual achievement of divine realisation for the sake of the individual, but something to be gained for the earth-consciousness here, a cosmic, not solely a supra-cosmic acbievement. The thing to be gained also is the bringing of a Power of consciousness (the Supramental) not yet organised or active directly in earth-nature, even in the spiritual life, but yet to be organised and made directly active.

(3) Because a method has been preconized for achieving this purpose which is as total and integral as the aim set before it, viz., the total and integral change of the consciousness and nature, taking up old methods, but only as a part action and present aid to others that are distinctive.

Integral Yoga and Patanjali Yoga ::: Cilia is the stuff of mixed mental-vital-physical consciousness out of which arise the movements of thought, emotion, sensation, impulse etc.

It is these that in the Patanjali system have to be stilled altogether so that the consciousness may be immobile and go into Samadhi.

Our yoga has a different function. The movements of the ordinary consciousness have to be quieted and into the quietude there has to be brought down a higher consciousness and its powers which will transform the nature.

In the Veda it is symbolised by the case of the Panis.

“Is it really a fact that even the ordinary reader would not be able to see any difference between the Inconscient and Ignorance unless the difference is expressly explained to him? This is not a matter of philosophical terminology but of common sense and the understood meaning of English words. One would say ‘even the inconscient stone’ but one would not say, as one might of a child, ‘the ignorant stone’. One must first be conscious before one can be ignorant. What is true is that the ordinary reader might not be familiar with the philosophical content of the word Inconscient and might not be familiar with the Vedantic idea of the Ignorance as the power behind the manifested world. But I don’t see how I can acquaint him with these things in a single line, even with the most. illuminating image or symbol. He might wonder, if he were Johnsonianly minded, how an Inconscient could be teased or how it could wake Ignorance. I am afraid, in the absence of a miracle of inspired poetical exegesis flashing through my mind, he will have to be left wondering.” Letters on Savitri

“I suppose the golden child is the Truth-Soul which follows after the silver light of the spiritual. When it plunges into the black waters of the subconscient, it releases from it the spiritual light and the sevenfold streams of the Divine Energy and, clearing itself of the stains of the subconscient, it prepares its flight towards the supreme Divine (the Mother).” (Reply to a question in the chapter Visions and Symbols.) Letters on Yoga

"It is true that metaphors, symbols, images are constant auxiliaries summoned by the mystic for the expression of his experiences: that is inevitable because he has to express, in a language made or at least developed and manipulated by the mind, the phenomena of a consciousness other than the mental and at once more complex and more subtly concrete.” Letters on Yoga*

“It is true that metaphors, symbols, images are constant auxiliaries summoned by the mystic for the expression of his experiences: that is inevitable because he has to express, in a language made or at least developed and manipulated by the mind, the phenomena of a consciousness other than the mental and at once more complex and more subtly concrete.” Letters on Yoga

Jhumur: “Anarchs is a strange word here because to me it symbolises rulers, forces that dominate, and yet anarchy is a state where there is no rule. So, the rulers of chaos and disorder. But there is always this core of anarchy which is a form of absolute inconscience, the original inconscience. At a very early level all form of order is a sign of consciousness, organisation, and this is the opposite, the first expression of the Inconscience, the descent into Night which is ruled by all these forces of darkness, the forces that refuse harmony.”

Jhumur: “It is the very principle of life which is a projection and emanation of the Divine Force. Wings symbolise freedom of movement joining various planes and the coming down of the Angel bringing the divine principles with her.”

Jhumur: “She (Savitri) has gone into this world of light not having really left her body. It is not an experience that is beyond the body. It is in the physical life that she has attained this plane, so topaz, a yellow colour, is the colour of the mind, stone is the consciousness in matter, so physical life, body, life, mind. Mother had told us I remember that a precious stone symbolises consciousness that is lodged in matter. It shows how blazing light is present even in the hardest matter. So you have the image of the physical light, like a kind of a wall, a barrier.”

Jhumur: “There are moments when something calls to us—those magical inspirations. The birds move freely through the wind, they are the symbols of the freedom of movement and they are singers who link the worlds together in their song.”

Jhumur: “The sacrificial fire and all that it symbolises—aspiration, purification, etc.”

Jhumur: “The snake on which the Lord is sleeping. Mother and Sri Aurobindo often use the snake as a symbol of the evolutionary force in matter.

Jhumur: “Throughout Savitri I have noticed all the different times of the day and the position of the sun in relation to the earth. It runs through the book, the symbol dawn, night, not only that but there are different states of illumination, awakening of the consciousness progressively. Sometimes it falls into the darkness, sometimes twilight when one is caught between two states, and at the end it is the everlasting day. So the kingdoms of the rising sun represent states of being where the light is the most important. Mother always says that the sun is the symbol of the supreme truth, the supreme, the supreme wisdom. It is the world where the supreme truth and supreme wisdom rule, govern. Whereas In many other worlds this light gets covered, it gets clouded over but here there are the kingdoms of the rising sun because they are the godheads of the mind and the mind is an instrument of light. But it is a small early instrument, little mind, so it is just rising, it hasn’t come to its full glory. The kingdoms are the planes of consciousness where you have a little light, a little clarity, a little illumination. That is how I understand the main function of the mind, to seek for light. It is an instrument for seeking light although it often dodges light where the perversity comes in.”

JOURNEY. ::: Sifinifics a movement in life or a progress in s.’ldhanS. vide Symbol.

JUNGLE, vide Symbol.

Jupiter is usually thought to have originated as a sky god. His identifying implement is the thunderbolt, and his primary sacred animal is the eagle,[1] which held precedence over other birds in the taking of auspices[2] and became one of the most common symbols of the Roman army (see Aquila). The two emblems were often combined to represent the god in the form of an eagle holding in its claws a thunderbolt, frequently seen on Greek and Roman coins.[3] As the sky-god, he was a divine witness to oaths, the sacred trust on which justice and good government depend. Many of his functions were focused on the Capitoline (“Capitol Hill”), where the citadel was located. He was the chief deity of the early Capitoline Triad with Mars and Quirinus.[4] In the later Capitoline Triad, he was the central guardian of the state with Juno and Minerva. His sacred tree was the oak.

kindly ::: of a sympathetic, helpful, or benevolent nature..

::: "Krishna with Radha is the symbol of the Divine Love.” Letters on Yoga

“Krishna with Radha is the symbol of the Divine Love.” Letters on Yoga

language ::: any system of formalized symbols, signs, sounds, gestures, or the like used or conceived as a means of communicating thought, emotion, etc. God-language.

laurelled ::: crowned with or as if with laurel symbolizing victory; hence, renowned.

Lotus ; Symbol of the opectng of the centres to the light ; indicates the open consciousness. Lotus of twelve petals ::: com- plete Truth-Consdousness of the Divine Mother.

LOTUS. ::: The symbol of the opening of the centres to the

Madhav: “Aswapathy: Life is symbolised by Horse, aswa in the old tradition of the Vedas. The Book of the Divine Mother

Madhav: “In the tantric symbology all the centres are represented as lotuses hanging downwards; as the kundalini [‘the yogic force asleep in the Muladhara and covered up in the other centres by the ordinary consciousness’—Sri Aurobindo] touches them they bloom upwards.” The Book of the Divine Mother

Madhav: “Note the capital E. The Event to be is the manifestation to come, the next cycle in creation, symbolised by the Dawn.” The Book of the Divine Mother

Madhav: “… Symbolically it is matter. From it this man has come up, a product highly irrational.” The Book of the Divine Mother

Madhav: “The brilliant courtyard is the realm of the subtle-physical Matter that Aswapathy is leaving behind in his upward climb. He sees that with all its brilliant glow, this region is limited on all sides and it is only a courtyard—not yet the entrance proper—of the Mansion of Light, where the Light of God is ever manifest. Day in the spiritual symbolism signifies the reign of Light. Aswapathy seeks to enter the Order (symbolised by House) where the Light shines uninterrupted.” The Book of the Divine Mother

Madhav: This is a Vedic imagery: the heart is the altar, and aspiration, seeking for God, is fire. The external fire on the platform is symbolic of the inner flame that is lit on the altar of the heart. Now that sacred fire is dimmed by the negative pulls.”

Madhav: “When Aswapathy lifts the curtain of the flesh i.e. when he gets through the barrier of his physical existence, he comes to the threshold of another domain, subtle and occult. He sees a serpent watching, guarding the entrance. In all traditions, especially the ancient, at the doors of every subtle kingdom there is a sentinel and that sentinel is imaged as a serpent. In spiritual symbolism the serpent stands for Energy. Depending on the colour of the serpent, it is physical energy or vital energy, mental energy, spiritual energy. Unless this serpent allows one to pass one cannot enter. The serpent, in this context, is the guard whose consent is necessary before one can pass. The Book of the Divine Mother

Mantra symbolises and is supposed indeed to carry within itself.

Mantra is at once a symbol, an instrument and a sound body for the divine manifestation.

MANTRA. ::: Set words or sounds having a spiritual signifi- cance and power ; the expressive sound-symbol.

mark ::: n. **1. A sign, symbol, action, event or other indication that distinguishes something. 2. A visible impression on something. 3. A distinctive trait or characteristic. 4. A fixed or recognized standard. caste-mark, hoof-mark, question-mark. v. 5. To make a visible trace or impression on, as with a spot, line, or dent. Also fig. 6. To record; to indicate in writing, note. 7. Fig. To designate as if by placing a mark upon; to indicate. 8. To take notice. marks, marked, marking.**

MILK. ::: Vide Symbol.

mitred ::: wearing a liturgical headdress like one worn by a bishop or abbot, in most western churches consisting of a tall pointed cleft cap with two bands hanging down at the back as a symbol of great holiness or dignity.

moon ::: Tehmi: “The moon is symbol of Ananda.”

MOUNTAIN. ::: Vide Symbol.

movement ::: 1. The act or an instance of moving; a change in place or position. A particular manner of moving. 2. Usually, movements, actions or activities, as of a person or a body of persons. ::: movement"s, movements, many-movemented.

Sri Aurobindo: "When we withdraw our gaze from its egoistic preoccupation with limited and fleeting interests and look upon the world with dispassionate and curious eyes that search only for the Truth, our first result is the perception of a boundless energy of infinite existence, infinite movement, infinite activity pouring itself out in limitless Space, in eternal Time, an existence that surpasses infinitely our ego or any ego or any collectivity of egos, in whose balance the grandiose products of aeons are but the dust of a moment and in whose incalculable sum numberless myriads count only as a petty swarm." *The Life Divine

". . . the purest, freest form of insight into existence as it is shows us nothing but movement. Two things alone exist, movement in Space, movement in Time, the former objective, the latter subjective.” The Life Divine

"The world is a cyclic movement (samsâra ) of the Divine Consciousness in Space and Time. Its law and, in a sense, its object is progression; it exists by movement and would be dissolved by cessation of movement. But the basis of this movement is not material; it is the energy of active consciousness which, by its motion and multiplication in different principles (different in appearance, the same in essence), creates oppositions of unity and multiplicity, divisions of Time and Space, relations and groupings of circumstance and Causality. All these things are real in consciousness, but only symbolic of the Being, somewhat as the imaginations of a creative Mind are true representations of itself, yet not quite real in comparison with itself, or real with a different kind of reality.” The Upanishads*

muse ::: In the sombre symbol of her eyeless muse

Mysteries ::: “It is ‘Mysteries’ with capital M and means ‘mystic symbolic rites’ as in the Orphic and Eleusinian ‘Mysteries’. When written with capital M it does not mean secret mysterious things, but has this sense, e.g. a ‘Mystery play’.” Letters on Savitri

mysteries ::: Sri Aurobindo: "It is ‘Mysteries" with capital M and means ‘mystic symbolic rites" as in the Orphic and Eleusinian ‘Mysteries". When written with capital M it does not mean secret mysterious things, but has this sense, e.g. a ‘Mystery play".” Letters on Savitri **Mystery, Mystery"s.**

night ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The Night is the symbol of the Ignorance or Avidya in which men live just as Light is the symbol of Truth and Knowledge.” *Letters on Yoga
"In the way that one treads with the greater Light above, even every difficulty gives its help and has its value and Night itself carries in it the burden of the Light that has to be.” Letters on Yoga **Night, Night"s.

Night ::: Symbol of the Ignorance or Avidya in which men live.

Night ::: “The Night is the symbol of the Ignorance or Avidya in which men live just as Light is the symbol of Truth and Knowledge.” Letters on Yoga

NIGHT. ::: Vide Symbol.

Nolini: “The hawk is a symbol of the vital; the ‘gold hawk’ is the vital soul transformed.”

Nolini: “Usually the first spiritual experience comes as wonder. The birds symbolise the forces at play in this level of Wonder, beings in that consciousness of Wonder.”

numbers ::: Sri Aurobindo: "Fifty, hundred, a thousand are numbers symbolic of completeness.” The Secret of the Veda

Ocean (blue): Often a symbol of the spiritual consdousness in the higher Mind one and indiviribJe.

OCEAN. ::: Vide Symbol.

:::   "OM is the mantra, the expressive sound-symbol of the Brahman Consciousness in its four domains from the Turiya to the external or material plane. The function of a mantra is to create vibrations in the inner consciousness that will prepare it for the realisation of what the mantra symbolises and is supposed indeed to carry within itself. The mantra OM should therefore lead towards the opening of the consciousness to the sight and feeling of the One Consciousness in all material things, in the inner being and in the supraphysical worlds, in the causal plane above now superconscient to us and, finally, the supreme liberated transcendence above all cosmic existence.” *Letters on Yoga

“OM is the mantra, the expressive sound-symbol of the Brahman Consciousness in its four domains from the Turiya to the external or material plane. The function of a mantra is to create vibrations in the inner consciousness that will prepare it for the realisation of what the mantra symbolises and is supposed indeed to carry within itself. The mantra OM should therefore lead towards the opening of the consciousness to the sight and feeling of the One Consciousness in all material things, in the inner being and in the supraphysical worlds, in the causal plane above now superconscient to us and, finally, the supreme liberated transcendence above all cosmic existence.” Letters on Yoga

“OM is the mantra, the expressive sound-symbol of the Brahman Consciousness in itsfour domains from the Turiya to the external or material plane. The function of a mantra is to create vibrations in the inner consciousness that will prepare it for the realisation of what the mantra symbolises and is supposed indeed to carry within itself. The mantra OM should therefore lead towards the opening of the consciousness to the sight and feeling of the One Consciousness in all material things, in the inner being and in the supraphysical worlds, in the causal plane above now superconscient to us and, finally, the supreme liberated transcendence above all cosmic existence.” Letters on Yoga

OM. ::: Om is the mantra, the expressive sound-symbol o£ the

orchestra ::: a group of performers on various musical instruments, playing music as symphonies, operas, or other musical compositions. orchestral.

Or we can feel the symptoms of illness, fever or cold for instance, in the subtle physical sheath before they are manifest in the gross body and destroy them there, preventing them from mani- festing in the body.

“Our whole apparent life has only a symbolic value & is good & necessary as a becoming; but all becoming has being for its goal & fulfilment & God is the only being.” Essays Divine and Human

pathos ::: a quality, as of an experience or a work of art, that arouses feelings of pity, sympathy, tenderness, or sorrow.

peak upon peak. (3) Symbols that have an inherent apposition and form of their own, e.g. akdsa or ethcric space, a symbol of the infinite all-pervading eternal Brahman. (4) Mental symbols, e.g. numbers or alphabets.

"Perishable and transitory delight is always the symbol of the eternal Ananda, revealed and rapidly concealed, which seeks by increasing recurrence to attach itself to some typal form of experience in material consciousness. When the particular form has been perfected to express God in the type, its delight will no longer be perishable but an eternally recurrent possession of mental beings in matter manifest in their periods & often in their moments of felicity.” Essays Divine and Human*

“Perishable and transitory delight is always the symbol of the eternal Ananda, revealed and rapidly concealed, which seeks by increasing recurrence to attach itself to some typal form of experience in material consciousness. When the particular form has been perfected to express God in the type, its delight will no longer be perishable but an eternally recurrent possession of mental beings in matter manifest in their periods & often in their moments of felicity.” Essays Divine and Human

pity ::: sympathy and sorrow aroused by the misfortune or suffering of another. **pitying.

planes each with its own colour. The red stm is a symbol of the true, illumined physical consciousness.

Purani: “Aswapathy, the father of Savitri, has been significantly called by the poet ‘the Lord of Life’. (book II, Canto XV). The name suggests an affinity to Vedic symbolism. In the Veda, Aswa, the horse, is the symbol of life-energy or vital power. Aswa + aty, Lord, would mean the ‘Lord of Life’. In the poem King Aswapathy is the symbol of the aspiring soul of man as manifested in life on earth.”Savitri”—An Approach and a Study

Purani: “He [Sri Aurobindo] does the same [improving spontaneously upon the original in the alchemy of his poetical process] with several Vedic symbols which he employs. It [gold-horned herds] indicates the descent of the ‘gold-horned’ Cows—symbolising the richly-laden Rays of Knowledge—into the Inconscient of the earth, its ‘cave-heart’. Generally in the Veda the action is that of breaking open the Cave of the inconscient and releasing the pen of Cows, the imprisoned Rays of Life for the conscious possessions by the seeker. Here is how a Vedic hymn speaks about it: ‘They drove upwards, the luminous ones,—the good milch-cows, in their stone-pen within the hiding cave.’ Rig Veda IV, 1-13. One sees in Savitri the process reversed and the Master’s vision lays open the original act of involution of the Light into the darkness of the Inconscient.” Sri Aurobindo’s”Savitri”: An Approach and a Study.

Purani: “The ‘Dwarf’ here brings to our mind the Vamana—‘The divine Dwarf’, an incarnation of Vishnu who measured the three worlds—the material, the vital and the mental—in his three steps. In the Rig Veda there is a symbolic reference to this which is enlarged as usual, in the Puranas.”“Savitri”—An Approach and a Study

Purani: “ The growth of the divine potentialities in man is spoken of in Veda as the growth of a Child. The Master takes the symbol straight and employs it thus: ‘where the God-child lies on the lap of Night and Dawn.’ The idea is that through the state of ignorance and through the state of awakening that is Dawn,—through the alterations of two—, the God-child in man attains its growth. Ignorance is not thus something anti-divine. It contributes to the growth of the Divine in man. This certainly reminds one of the hymn in the Veda which runs as follows: ‘Two are joined together, powers of truth, powers of May, they have built the child and given him birth and they nourish his growth’. (Rig Veda X, 5. 3). Sri Aurobindo’s Savitri: An Approach and a Study

Purani: “The ‘python coils’ reminds us of Ahi-Vritra of the Rig Veda where it is symbolic of the coils of Ignorance enveloping the human being restricting his freedom and knowledge.”

Purani: “The Red-Wolf is the symbol of the powers that tear the ‘being’, that suddenly fall upon it to destroy it. They are persistent, destructive, cruel, unscrupulous powers of the lower Darkness. Sri Aurobindo in his expression has made the symbol more effective, improving spontaneously upon the original in the alchemy of his poetical process by the image of ‘fordless steam’. In the original hymn there is only ‘path’. The ‘fordless stream’ brings in the needed element of danger and difficulty of the path of the aspirant when he has to cross this dangerous region.”“Savitri”—An Approach and a Study

Pyramid ::: Symbol of aspiration.

PYRAMID. ::: Vide Symbol.

"Radha is the symbol of loving consecration to the Divine.” Words of the Mother, MCW Vol. 16.*

“Radha is the symbol of loving consecration to the Divine.” Words of the Mother, MCW Vol. 16.

RADHA-KRISHNA. ::: The true symbol for it would not be the human sex-attraction, but the soul, the psychic, hearing the call of the Divine and flowering into the complete love and sur- render that brings the supreme Ananda.

Railway line ::: A symbol of rapid progress.

RAILWAY LINE. ::: Vide Symbol.

RAINBOW. ::: Vide Symbol.

Rain ::: Symbol of the descent of Grace or of the higher cons- ciousness which is the cause of the riches, the spiritual plenty. i?oinhou> ; Sign of peace and deliverance.

RAIN. ::: Vide Symbol..

RECTANGLE. ::: Vide Symbol.

RED DIAMOND. ::: Vide Symbol.

red ::: Jhumur: “In general it is the play of the vital forces. Mother always uses red as a symbol of the physical, the colour of blood, the early stage of the developing

Red lotus is either the consciousness reddening to the colour of Divine Love or else the symbol of the Divine Presence on earth.

Relatives in dreams ; Figures of the physical mother and father and relatives are very often symbolical of the physical or the hereditary nature or generally of the ordinary nature in which we arc born.

"Religion in fact is not knowledge, but a faith and aspiration; it is justified indeed both by an imprecise intuitive knowledge of large spiritual truths and by the subjective experience of souls that have risen beyond the ordinary life, but in itself it only gives us the hope and faith by which we may be induced to aspire to the intimate possession of the hidden tracts and larger realities of the Spirit. That we turn always the few distinct truths and the symbols or the particular discipline of a religion into hard and fast dogmas, is a sign that as yet we are only infants in the spiritual knowledge and are yet far from the science of the Infinite.” The Synthesis of Yoga*

“Religion in fact is not knowledge, but a faith and aspiration; it is justified indeed both by an imprecise intuitive knowledge of large spiritual truths and by the subjective experience of souls that have risen beyond the ordinary life, but in itself it only gives us the hope and faith by which we may be induced to aspire to the intimate possession of the hidden tracts and larger realities of the Spirit. That we turn always the few distinct truths and the symbols or the particular discipline of a religion into hard and fast dogmas, is a sign that as yet we are only infants in the spiritual knowledge and are yet far from the science of the Infinite.” The Synthesis of Yoga

responsive ::: responding esp. readily and sympathetically to appeals, efforts, influences.

REVOLVING DISC. ::: Vide Symbol.

Rishi ::: The spiritual man who can guide human life towards its perfection is typified in the ancient Indian idea of the Rishi, one who has lived fully the life of man and found the word of the supra-intellectual, supramental, spiritual truth. He has risen above these lower limitations and can view all things from above, but also he is in sympathy with their effort and can view them from within; he has the complete inner knowledge and the higher surpassing knowledge. Therefore he can guide the world humanly as God guides it divinely, because like the Divine he is in the life of the world and yet above it.” The Human Cycle

RIVER. ::: Vide Symbol.

ROBBERS. ::: Vide Symbol.

rod ::: 1. A walking sick, wand, etc. 2. A sceptre, staff, or wand symbolizing power or authority. 3. A measuring stick. 4. A stick or bundle of sticks or switches used to give punishment by whipping. rods, divining rod (see divining), measuring-rod (*see measuring)*.

sacrament ::: 1. Something regarded as possessing a sacred or mysterious significance. 2. A rite believed to be a means of or visible form of grace. 3. A sign, token or symbol. 4. A pledge. sacraments.

Savitri ::: Purani: “The word ‘Savitri’ is derived from the word ‘Savitru’ which in its turn is derived from the root ‘su’ = ‘to give birth to’. The word ‘Soma’ which indicates an ‘exhilarating drink’, symbolising spiritual ecstasy or delight, is also derived from the same root ‘su’. It links therefore the creation and the delight of creation. Savitru therefore, means the Divine Creator One who gives birth to or brings forth from himself into existence, the creation. In the Veda, Savita is the God of illumination, the God of Creation. Usually, he is represented by the material sun which also illuminates the solar system and is its creator and sustainer in the material sense. Savitri therefore would mean etymologically ‘some one descended from the Sun’, ‘one belonging to the Sun’, ‘an energy derived from the Sun, the Divine Creator’. In our poem, Savitri is the princess who embodies the Divine Grace descended in human birth to work out with the aspiring soul of humanity his divine destiny.”“Savitri“—An Approach and a Study

Scorpions ::: Symbols of harmful energies.

SCORPION. ::: Vide Symbol.

Sea ::: Vide Sky-symbol.

sense ::: n. 1. Any of the faculties, as sight, hearing, smell, taste, or touch, by which humans and animals perceive stimuli originating from outside or inside the body. 2. Meaning, signification. 3. A more or less vague perception or impression. 4. Any special capacity or perception, estimation, appreciation, etc. 5. A mental or spiritual discernment, realization, or recognition of a dream, or of anything cryptic or symbolical. sense"s, senses, senses", sense-appeal, sense-formed, sense-life"s, sense-pangs, sense-pleasures, sense-railed, sense-shackled, soul-sense. v. 6. To apprehend, detect, or perceive, without or in advance of the evidence of the senses; to perceive instinctively. 7. To be inwardly aware; conscious of. sensed, sensing. *adj. *sensed.

Serpent ::: Symbol of energy, especially of the Kundalini Shakti which is the divine Force coiled up in the lowest centre, niufd- dhSra. Serpent with the hood over the head generally indicates future siddlii. Opening of the hood indicates the victorious or successful activity of the Energy indicated by the snake.

SERPENT. ::: Vide Symbol.

shadow ::: n. 1. A dark figure or image cast on the ground or some surface by a body intercepting light. 2. Shade or comparative darkness, as in an area. 3. Darkness that is caused by the interception of light. 4. A phantom; a ghost. 5. An obscure indication; a symbol, type; a prefiguration, foreshadowing. 6. A hint or faint, indistinct image or idea; intimation. 7. A mere semblance. 8. A mirrored image or reflection. 9. Shelter; protection. 10. A dominant or pervasive threat, influence, or atmosphere, esp. one causing gloom, fear, doubt, or the like. Shadow, shadow"s, shadows. v. 11. To represent faintly, prophetically; to indicate obscurely or in slight outline; to symbolize, typify, prefigure. (Often followed by forth.) shadowed. (Sri Aurobindo also employs the word as an adj.) shadowlike, shadow-hung, shadow-self, shadow-soul, shadow-Sphinx.

shadow ::: n. 1. A dark figure or image cast on the ground or some surface by a body intercepting light. 2. Shade or comparative darkness, as in an area. 3. Darkness that is caused by the interception of light. 4. A phantom; a ghost. 5. An obscure indication; a symbol, type; a prefiguration, foreshadowing. 6. A hint or faint, indistinct image or idea; intimation. 7. A mere semblance. 8. A mirrored image or reflection. 9. Shelter; protection. 10. A dominant or pervasive threat, influence, or atmosphere, esp. one causing gloom, fear, doubt, or the like. Shadow, shadow’s, shadows. v. 11. To represent faintly, prophetically; to indicate obscurely or in slight outline; to symbolize, typify, prefigure. (Often followed by forth.) shadowed. (Sri Aurobindo also employs the word as an adj.) shadowlike, shadow-hung, shadow-self, shadow-soul, shadow-Sphinx.

Shiva ::: “The ‘auspicious one’; a name of the third deity of the Hindu Trinity; . . . represented mostly as ‘the pure and white, the ascetic, the still, contemplative Yogin’. The name Shiva is not found in the Vedas; however, the name Rudra occurs both in the singular and the plural. This Rudra of the Vedas developed in the course of time into Shiva, considered in the Puranic tradition mainly as the destroying or dissolving Power. He has a third eye in the middle of the forehead, a fiery glance from which once reduced Kamadeva to ashes. In his creative aspect he is represented as a Linga (phallus), symbolising the male procreative energy in nature. It is under the form of the Linga that Shiva is mostly worshipped. His abode is on Mt. Kailash, Parvati is his spouse and the Trisula (the trident) his weapon.” Glossary and Index of Proper Names in Sri Aurobindo’s Works

shiva ::: "The ‘auspicious one"; a name of the third deity of the Hindu Trinity; . . . represented mostly as ‘the pure and white, the ascetic, the still, contemplative Yogin". The name Shiva is not found in the Vedas; however, the name Rudra occurs both in the singular and the plural. This Rudra of the Vedas developed in the course of time into Shiva, considered in the Puranic tradition mainly as the destroying or dissolving Power. He has a third eye in the middle of the forehead, a fiery glance from which once reduced Kamadeva to ashes. In his creative aspect he is represented as a Linga (phallus), symbolising the male procreative energy in nature. It is under the form of the Linga that Shiva is mostly worshipped. His abode is on Mt. Kailash, Parvati is his spouse and the Trisula (the trident) his weapon.” *Glossary and Index of Proper Names in Sri Aurobindo"s Works

Shruti: “The symbolic representation of the metaphysical ascending layers of creation, the mystical (Sri Yantra) symbol of creation. The symbol of diamonds and triangles leading to a single point at the top and encompassed in a square. If you look at it from above, aerially, it appears to be this symbol (from a flat perspective), but if you look at it from the side it is an ascending mountain. (Called Mount Meru but actually like the Sri Yantra).”

sign ::: n. 1. An act or gesture used to convey an idea, a desire, information, or a command. 2. Any object, action, event, pattern, etc., that conveys a meaning. 3. A mark used to mean something; a symbol that sets something apart from others of its kind. 4. Something that indicates or acts as a token of a fact, condition, etc., that is not immediately or outwardly observable. 5. A signal. 6. A conventional figure or device that stands for a word, phrase, or operation; a symbol, as in mathematics or in musical notation. 7. A displayed structure such as a banner bearing lettering or symbols. 8. An act or significant event that is experienced as indication of divine intervention. 9. A portent of things to come. Sign, sign"s, signs, signless, sign-burdened, flame-signs. v. 10. To affix one"s signature to. 11. To indicate by or as if by a sign; betoken. signs, signed, signing.

Sky ::: A symbol of the mental consciousness (or the psychic) or other consciousnesses above the mind. The higher conscious- ness In any of its levels is seen usually us a sky or ether but when felt through the vital it is often p>erceived as a sea. In this yoga one sees many levels of consciousness which appear as skies or seas.

SKY. ::: Vide Symbol.

Snake ::: A symbol of Enei^. Indicates some kind of energy always — oftener bad, but it can also indicate some luminous or divine energy.

SNAKE, yi/le Symbol.

Snanda. Vide Symbol ; Visions.

soil ::: “I think you said in a letter that in the line light falling upon the lower levels of the earth, not on the soul. No doubt, the whole thing is symbolic, but the symbol has to be kept in the front and the thing symbolised has to be concealed or only peep out from behind, it cannot come openly into the front and push aside the symbol.” Letters on Savitri—1946

‘soil" was an error for ‘soul". But ‘soil" is correct; for I am describing the revealing light falling upon the lower levels of the earth, not on the soul. No doubt, the whole thing is symbolic, but the symbol has to be kept in the front and the thing symbolised has to be concealed or only peep out from behind, it cannot come openly into the front and push aside the symbol.” Letters on Savitri — 1946

solidarity ::: a union of interests, purposes, or sympathies among members of a group; fellowship of responsibilities and interests.

Sphinx ::: “The Sphinx is a symbol of the eternal quest that can only be answered by the secret knowledge.” Letters on Yoga

SQUARE. ::: Vide Symbol.

Sri Aurobindo: A symbol, as I understand it, is the form on one plane that represents a truth of another. For instance, a flag is the symbol of a nation…. But generally all forms are symbols. This body of ours is a symbol of our real being and everything is a symbol of some higher reality. There are, however, different kinds of symbols: 1. Conventional symbols, such as the Vedic Rishis formed with objects taken from their surroundings. The cow stood for light because the same word `go ‘ meant both ray and cow, and because the cow was their most precious possession which maintained their life and was constantly in danger of being robbed and concealed. But once created, such a symbol becomes alive. The Rishis vitalised it and it became a part of their realisation. It appeared in their visions as an image of spiritual light. The horse also was one of their favourite symbols, and a more easily adaptable one, since its force and energy were quite evident. 2. What we might call Life-symbols, such as are not artificially chosen or mentally interpreted in a conscious deliberate way, but derive naturally from our day-to-day life and grow out of the surroundings which condition our normal path of living. To the ancients the mountain was a symbol of the path of yoga, level above level, peak upon peak. A journey, involving the crossing of rivers and the facing of lurking enemies, both animal and human, conveyed a similar idea. Nowadays I dare say we would liken yoga to a motor-ride or a railway-trip. 3. Symbols that have an inherent appositeness and power of their own. Akasha or etheric space is a symbol of the infinite all-pervading eternal Brahman. In any nationality it would convey the same meaning. Also, the Sun stands universally for the supramental Light, the divine Gnosis. 4.* Mental symbols, instances of which are numbers or alphabets. Once they are accepted, they too become active and may be useful. Thus geometrical figures have been variously interpreted. In my experience the square symbolises the supermind. I cannot say how it came to do so. Somebody or some force may have built it before it came to my mind. Of the triangle, too, there are different explanations. In one position it can symbolise the three lower planes, in another the symbol is of the three higher ones: so both can be combined together in a single sign. The ancients liked to indulge in similar speculations concerning numbers, but their systems were mostly mental. It is no doubt true that supramental realities exist which we translate into mental formulas such as Karma, Psychic evolution, etc. But they are, so to speak, infinite realities which cannot be limited by these symbolic forms, though they may be somewhat expressed by them; they might be expressed as well by other symbols, and the same symbol may also express many different ideas. Letters on Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: "As there are Powers of Knowledge or Forces of the Light, so there are Powers of Ignorance and tenebrous Forces of the Darkness whose work is to prolong the reign of Ignorance and Inconscience. As there are Forces of Truth, so there are Forces that live by the Falsehood and support it and work for its victory; as there are powers whose life is intimately bound up with the existence, the idea and the impulse of Good, so there are Forces whose life is bound up with the existence and the idea and the impulse of Evil. It is this truth of the cosmic Invisible that was symbolised in the ancient belief of a struggle between the powers of Light and Darkness, Good and Evil for the possession of the world and the government of the life of man; — this was the significance of the contest between the Vedic Gods and their opponents, sons of Darkness and Division, figured in a later tradition as Titan and Giant and Demon, Asura, Rakshasa, Pisacha; the same tradition is found in the Zoroastrian Double Principle and the later Semitic opposition of God and his Angels on the one side and Satan and his hosts on the other, — invisible Personalities and Powers that draw man to the divine Light and Truth and Good or lure him into subjection to the undivine principle of Darkness and Falsehood and Evil.” The Life Divine

Sri Aurobindo: "Fifty, hundred, a thousand are numbers symbolic of completeness.” The Secret of the Veda

Sri Aurobindo: "I suppose the golden child is the Truth-Soul which follows after the silver light of the spiritual. When it plunges into the black waters of the subconscient, it releases from it the spiritual light and the sevenfold streams of the Divine Energy and, clearing itself of the stains of the subconscient, it prepares its flight towards the supreme Divine (the Mother).” (Reply to a question in the chapter Visions and Symbols.) Letters on Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: "Krishna with Radha is the symbol of the Divine Love.” Letters on Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: “Krishna with Radha is the symbol of the Divine Love.” Letters on Yoga

*Sri Aurobindo: "The flute is the call of the Divine Love;” Letters on Yoga ::: "The flute is the symbol of a call — usually the spiritual call.” Letters on Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: “The legend of the Tower of Babel speaks of the diversity of tongues as a curse laid on the race; but whatever its disadvantages, and they tend more and more to be minimised by the growth of civilisation and increasing intercourse, it has been rather a blessing than a curse, a gift to mankind rather than a disability laid upon it. The purposeless exaggeration of anything is always an evil, and an excessive pullulation of varying tongues that serve no purpose in the expression of a real diversity of spirit and culture is certainly a stumbling-block rather than a help: but this excess, though it existed in the past, is hardly a possibility of the future. The tendency is rather in the opposite direction. In former times diversity of language helped to create a barrier to knowledge and sympathy, was often made the pretext even of an actual antipathy and tended to a too rigid division. The lack of sufficient interpenetration kept up both a passive want of understanding and a fruitful crop of active misunderstandings. But this was an inevitable evil of a particular stage of growth, an exaggeration of the necessity that then existed for the vigorous development of strongly individualised group-souls in the human race. These disadvantages have not yet been abolished, but with closer intercourse and the growing desire of men and nations for the knowledge of each other’s thought and spirit and personality, they have diminished and tend to diminish more and more and there is no reason why in the end they should not become inoperative.” The Human Cycle. Babel-builders’.

Sri Aurobindo: "The Sphinx is a symbol of the eternal quest that can only be answered by the secret knowledge.” *Letters on Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: “The Sphinx is a symbol of the eternal quest that can only be answered by the secret knowledge.” Letters on Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: "The Truth-being is the Hara-Gauri (the biune body of the Lord and his Spouse, Ishwara and Shakti, the right half male, the left half female) of the Indian iconological symbol; it is the double Power masculine-feminine born from and supported by the supreme Shakti of the Supreme.” The Synthesis of Yoga

STAR. ::: Vide Symbol ; Visions.


sun ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The sun is the symbol of the concentrated light of Truth.” *Letters on Yoga

SUN. ::: The symbol of the concentrated light of Truth. Sun is the divine Truth-Light on whatever plane of Consciousness.

sun ::: “The sun is the symbol of the concentrated light of Truth.” Letters on Yoga

supermind ::: %symbol ::: Something that represents something else by association, resemblance, or convention, especially a material object used to represent something invisible. (Sri Aurobindo also employs the word as an adj.) symbol’s, symbols, world-symbol, World-symbols.

Swan is the symbol of the soul on the higher plane.

SWAN. ::: Vide Symbol.

SYMBOL. ::: A symbol is the form of one plane that represents a truth of another. Generally all forms are symbols. Everything is a symbol of some higher reality. There arc different kinds of symbols ::: ( 1 ) Conventional symbols, c.g. Vcdic cow for light.

Symbol of the embodied consciousness based upon earth but rising up towards the Dirine.

Symbol of the subconscient vital.


TEETH FALLING. ::: Vide Symbol.

Tehmi: “A symbolic legend that the golden riches of the divine are buried in the subconscient, swallowed by the Panis and a Dasyu’s and must be retrieved again.”

Tehmi: “The symbol of the evil forces.”

Tehmi: “The deathless rose is ideal beauty. The deathless flame symbolises the supreme good.”

"The Chhandogya,… is to be a work in the right and perfect way of devoting oneself to the Brahman; its subject is the Brahman, but the Brahman as symbolised in the OM, the sacred syllable of the Veda, not therefore, the pure state of existence only, but that existence in all its parts… OM is the symbol and the thing symbolised.

“The Chhandogya,… is to be a work in the right and perfect way of devoting oneself to the Brahman; its subject is the Brahman, but the Brahman as symbolised in the OM, the sacred syllable of the Veda, not therefore, the pure state of existence only, but that existence in all its parts… OM is the symbol and the thing symbolised.

“The Chhandogya,… is to be a work in the right and perfect way of devoting oneself to the Brahman; its subject is the Brahman, but the Brahman as symbolised in the OM, the sacred syllable of the Veda, not therefore, the pure state of existence only, but that existence in all its parts… OM is the symbol and the thing symbolised.”the basic syllable OM, which is the foundation of all the perfect creative sounds of the revealed word; OM is the one universal formulation of the energy of sound and speech, that which contains and sums up, synthesises and releases, all the spiritual power and all the potentiality of Vak (speech, the goddess Speech) and Shabda (sound, vibration, word). The mantra of the divine consciousness brings its light of revelation, the Mantra of the divine Power, its will of effectuation, the Mantra of the divine Ananda is equal fulfilment of the spiritual delight of existence. All word and thought are an outflowing of he great OM,—OM, the Word, the Eternal Manifest in the forms of sensible objects; manifest in that conscious play of creative self-conception of which forms and objects are the figures, manifest behind in the self-gathered superconscient power of the Infinite, OM is the sovereign source, seed, womb of thing and idea, form and name—it is itself, integrally, the supreme Intangible, the original Unity, the timeless Mystery self—existent above all manifestation in supernal being.” SABCL Volume 13—Page 315

"The child (when it does not mean the psychic being) is usually the symbol of something new-born in some part of the consciousness.” Letters on Yoga

“The child (when it does not mean the psychic being) is usually the symbol of something new-born in some part of the consciousness.” Letters on Yoga

The child (when it does not mean the psychic being) is usually the symbol of something new-born in some part of the conscious- ness.

(the cow is the symbol of spiritual Light) of which the souls there arc keepers or possessors, Gopas and Gopis.

"The Cross is in Yoga the symbol of the soul & nature in their strong & perfect union, but because of our fall into the impurities of ignorance it has become the symbol of suffering and purification.” Essays Divine and Human*

“The Cross is in Yoga the symbol of the soul & nature in their strong & perfect union, but because of our fall into the impurities of ignorance it has become the symbol of suffering and purification.” Essays Divine and Human

The Divine reveals himself in the world around us when we look upon that with a spiritual desire of delight that seeks him in all things. There is often a sudden opening by which the veil of forms is itself turned Into a revelation. A universal spiri- tual Presence, a universal peace, a universal infinite Delight has manifested, immanent, embracing, aU-penetraling. This Presence by our love of It, our delight in it, our constant thought of It returns and grows upon us ; it becomes the thing that we see and all else is only its habitation, form and symbol. Even all that is most outward, the body, the form, the sound, "whatever our senses seize, are seen as this Presence ; they cease to be physical and are changed into a substance of spirit. This trans- formation means a transformation of our own inner conscious- ness ; we are taken by the surrounding Presence into itself and

"The function of a mantra is to create vibrations in the inner consciousness that will prepare it for the realisation of what the mantra symbolises and is supposed indeed to carry within itself.” Letters on Yoga*

“The function of a mantra is to create vibrations in the inner consciousness that will prepare it for the realisation of what the mantra symbolises and is supposed indeed to carry within itself.” Letters on Yoga

The gods in (he ovcrmcntal plane have not many heads and arms ; this is a vital symbolism, it is not necessary in other planes.

"The ideation of the gnosis is radiating light-stuff of the consciousness of the eternal Existence; each ray is a truth. The will in the gnosis is a conscious force of eternal knowledge; it throws the consciousness and substance of being into infallible forms of truth-power, forms that embody the idea and make it faultlessly effective, and it works out each truth-power and each truth-form spontaneously and rightly according to its nature. Because it carries this creative force of the divine Idea, the Sun, the lord and symbol of the gnosis, is described in the Veda as the Light which is the father of all things, Surya Savitri, the Wisdom-Luminous who is the bringer-out into manifest existence.” The Synthesis of Yoga*

“The ideation of the gnosis is radiating light-stuff of the consciousness of the eternal Existence; each ray is a truth. The will in the gnosis is a conscious force of eternal knowledge; it throws the consciousness and substance of being into infallible forms of truth-power, forms that embody the idea and make it faultlessly effective, and it works out each truth-power and each truth-form spontaneously and rightly according to its nature. Because it carries this creative force of the divine Idea, the Sun, the lord and symbol of the gnosis, is described in the Veda as the Light which is the father of all things, Surya Savitri, the Wisdom-Luminous who is the bringer-out into manifest existence.” The Synthesis of Yoga

"The mantra is one of these psycho-spiritual means, at once a symbol, an instrument and a sound body for the divine manifestation, . . . .” The Life Divine

“The mantra is one of these psycho-spiritual means, at once a symbol, an instrument and a sound body for the divine manifestation, . . . ” The Life Divine

“The mantra is one of these psycho-spiritual means, at once a symbol, an instrument and a sound body for the divine manifestation, …” The Life Divine

*The Mother: "And ultimately, all form is a symbol. All forms: our form is a symbol — not a very brilliant one, I admit!

The Mother: “And ultimately, all form is a symbol. All forms: our form is a symbol—not a very brilliant one, I admit!

The Mother: "Radha"s consciousness symbolises perfect attachment to the Divine.” Words of the Mother, MCW Vol. 15.

The Mother: “Radha’s consciousness symbolises perfect attachment to the Divine.” Words of the Mother, MCW Vol. 15.

The Mother: "The snake is not the symbol of power but of energy, and just as there are obscure and perverted energies, so too the snake can be the symbol of unregenerate and anti-divine forces.” Words of the Mother, MCW Vol. 15.*

The Mother: “The snake is not the symbol of power but of energy, and just as there are obscure and perverted energies, so too the snake can be the symbol of unregenerate and anti-divine forces.” Words of the Mother, MCW Vol. 15.

The Mother "The sun is the symbol of the Divine in the physical nature” Questions and Answers, MCW Vol. 3

The Mother”The sun is the symbol of the Divine in the physical nature” Questions and Answers, MCW Vol. 3

Then there arc experiences that help or lead towards the realisation of things spiritual or divine or bring openings or progressions in the sadhana or arc supports on the way, — experiences of a symbolic character, visions, contacts of one kind or another with the Divine or with the workings of higher Truth, things like the waking of the Kundalini, the opening of the

“There is one cosmic Mind, one cosmic Life, one cosmic Body. All the attempt of man to arrive at universal sympathy, universal love and the understanding and knowledge of the inner soul of other existences is an attempt to beat thin, breach and eventually break down by the power of the enlarging mind and heart the walls of the ego and arrive nearer to a cosmic oneness.” The Synthesis of Yoga

"The serpent is a symbol of force, very often a hostile or evil force of the vital plane.” Letters on Yoga

“The serpent is a symbol of force, very often a hostile or evil force of the vital plane.” Letters on Yoga

"The serpent is the symbol of energy — especially of the Kundalini Shakti which is the divine Force coiled up in the lowest (physical) centre, Muladhara, and when it rises it goes up through the spine and joins the higher consciousness above.” Letters on Yoga

“The serpent is the symbol of energy—especially of the Kundalini Shakti which is the divine Force coiled up in the lowest (physical) centre, Muladhara, and when it rises it goes up through the spine and joins the higher consciousness above.” Letters on Yoga

"The snake is simply a symbol of Energy or Power.” Letters on Yoga

“The snake is simply a symbol of Energy or Power.” Letters on Yoga

The spiritual man who can guide human life towards its perfection is typified in the ancient Indian idea of the Rishi, one who has lived fully the life of man and found the word of the supra-intellectual, supramental, spiritual truth. He has risen above these lower limitations and can view all things from above, but also he is in sympathy with their effort and can view them from within; he has the complete inner knowledge and the higher surpassing knowledge. Therefore he can guide the world humanly as God guides it divinely, because like the Divine he is in the life of the world and yet above it.” The Human Cycle*

The spiritual man who can guide human life towards its perfection is typified in the ancient Indian idea of the Rishi, one who has lived fully the life of man and found the word of the supra-intellectual, supramental, spiritual truth. He has risen above these lower limitations and can view all things from above, but also he is in sympathy with their effort and can view them from within; he has the complete inner knowledge and the higher surpassing knowledge. Therefore he can guide the world humanly as God guides it divinely, because like the Divine he is in the life of the world and yet above it.” The Human Cycle

The Sun in the yoga is (he symbol of the Supermind and the

"The sun in the yoga is the symbol of the supermind and the supermind is the first power of the Supreme which one meets across the border where the experience of spiritualised mind ceases and the unmodified divine Consciousness begins the domain of the supreme Nature, para prakrti . It is that Light of which the Vedic mystics got a glimpse and it is the opposite of the intervening darkness of the Christian mystics, for the supermind is all light and no darkness.” Letters on Yoga

“The sun in the yoga is the symbol of the supermind and the supermind is the first power of the Supreme which one meets across the border where the experience of spiritualised mind ceases and the unmodified divine Consciousness begins the domain of the supreme Nature, para prakrti . It is that Light of which the Vedic mystics got a glimpse and it is the opposite of the intervening darkness of the Christian mystics, for the supermind is all light and no darkness.” Letters on Yoga

The sun is the symbol of the concentrated light of Truth. The sun is the Truth from above, in the last resort the supramental

“The Truth-being is the Hara-Gauri (the biune body of the Lord and his Spouse, Ishwara and Shakti, the right half male, the left half female) of the Indian iconological symbol; it is the double Power masculine-feminine born from and supported by the supreme Shakti of the Supreme.” The Synthesis of Yoga

"The Veda is a book of esoteric symbols, almost of spiritual formulae, which masks itself as a collection of ritual poems.” The Secret of the Veda

“The Veda is a book of esoteric symbols, almost of spiritual formulae, which masks itself as a collection of ritual poems.” The Secret of the Veda

“The world is a cyclic movement (samsâra ) of the Divine Consciousness in Space and Time. Its law and, in a sense, its object is progression; it exists by movement and would be dissolved by cessation of movement. But the basis of this movement is not material; it is the energy of active consciousness which, by its motion and multiplication in different principles (different in appearance, the same in essence), creates oppositions of unity and multiplicity, divisions of Time and Space, relations and groupings of circumstance and Causality. All these things are real in consciousness, but only symbolic of the Being, somewhat as the imaginations of a creative Mind are true representations of itself, yet not quite real in comparison with itself, or real with a different kind of reality.” The Upanishads

“This body of ours is a symbol of our real being….” Letters on Yoga

"This body of ours is a symbol of our real being. . . .” Letters on Yoga ::: ". . . the body itself is only a constant act of consciousness of the spirit.” Essays on the Gita

This body of ours is a symbol of our real bemc

TIGER. ::: Vide Symbol.

Tile Sun symbol is usually dynamic.

TOBACCO. ::: Vide Symbol.

tokens ::: things that serve as indications, proofs, or expressions of something else; symbols; signs.

To the mind this Unmanifest can present itself as a Self, a supreme Nihil (Tao or Sunyam), a featureless Absolute, an Indeterminate, a blissful Nirvana of manifested existence, a Non-Being out of which Being came or a Being of silence out of which a world-illusion came. But all these are mental formulas expressing the mind"s approach to it, not That but impressions which fall from That upon the receiving consciousness, not e true essence or nature (Swarupa) of the Eternal and Infinite. Even the words Eternal and Infinite are only symbolic expressions through which the mind feels without grasping some vague impression of this Supreme.” The Hour of God

To the mind this Unmanifest can present itself as a Self, a supreme Nihil (Tao or Sunyam), a featureless Absolute, an Indeterminate, a blissful Nirvana of manifested existence, a Non-Being out of which Being came or a Being of silence out of which a world-illusion came. But all these are mental formulas expressing the mind’s approach to it, not That but impressions which fall from That upon the receiving consciousness, not e true essence or nature (Swarupa) of the Eternal and Infinite. Even the words Eternal and Infinite are only symbolic expressions through which the mind feels without grasping some vague impression of this Supreme.” The Hour of God

TRAIN. ::: Vide Symbol.

TREE. ::: Vide Symbol.

Triangle ::: In one position it can symbolise the three lo\ser planes, in another the symbol is of the three higher ones ::: so both can be combined together ia a single sign.

TRIANGLE. ::: Vide Symbol.

Types of illnesses ::: An illness which comes in the ordinary course as the result of physical causes — even though adverse universal forces are the first cause — is an ordinary illness. One brought by the forces hostile to yoga to upset the system and prevent or disturb progress — without any adequate physical reason — is a hostile attack. It may have the appearance of a cold or other illness, but to the eye which sees the action of the forces and not only the outward symptoms or results, the diHerence is clear.

\VHrrE PIGEON. ::: Vide Symbol.

Vide Sun-symbol.

Vide Symbol.

vide Symbol.

Vital plane ::: On the vital plane ( 1 ) never allow any fear to etilcc into you. Face all you meet and see in this world with detachment and courage. (2) Ask for protection before you sleep or meditate. Use our names when you are attacked or templed. (3) Do not indulge in this world in any kind of sym- pathy. (4) Do not allow any foreign personality to enter into you .

V/NA. ::: Vide Symbol.

Water ::: Symbol of a state of consciousness or a plane. ^Vhen the water is so symbolic it is a big expanse of water; a rirer or a pond are not enough to symbolise a plane.

WATER. ::: Vide Symbol.

WELL. ::: Vide Symbol.

"We now begin to have reason for concluding that the Flame, which is only another aspect of Light, is the Vedic symbol for the Force of the divine consciousness, of the supramental Truth.” The Secret of the Veda

“We now begin to have reason for concluding that the Flame, which is only another aspect of Light, is the Vedic symbol for the Force of the divine consciousness, of the supramental Truth.” The Secret of the Veda

What matters in a symbol is what it means to you.

WHEEL. ::: Vide Symbol.

world ::: 1. Everything that exists; the universe; the macrocosm. 2. The earth with its inhabitants. 3. Any sphere, realm, or domain, with all pertaining to it. 4. Any period, state, or sphere of existence. world"s, worlds, wonder-world, wonder-worlds, world-adventure, world-adventure"s, world-being"s, World-Bliss, world-cloak, world-conjecture"s, world-creating, world-creators, world-delight, World-Delight, world-destiny, world-destroying, world-disillusion"s, world-dream, world-drowse, world-egos, world-energies, world-energy, World-Energy, world-force, world-experience, world-fact, world-failure"s, world-fate, World-Force, world-forces, World-free, World-Geometer"s, world-heart, world-idea, world-ignorance, World-Ignorance, World-maker"s, world-indifference, world-interpreting, world-kindergarten, world-knowledge, world-law, world-laws, world-libido"s, world-making"s, World-Matter"s, World-naked, world-need, world-ocean"s, world-outline, world-pain, world-passion, World-personality, world-pile, world-plan, world-power, World-Power, World-Power"s, World-Puissance, world-rapture, world-redeemer"s, world-rhyme, world-rhythms, world-scene, world-scheme, world-sea, World-Self, world-shape, world-shapes, world-space, world-stuff, world-symbol, World-symbols, World-task, world-time, World-Time‘s, world-tree, world-ways, world-whim, dream-world, heaven-world, mid-world.

y/ife Symbol ; Visions.

QUOTES [0 / 0 - 8 / 8]

KEYS (10k)



*** NEWFULLDB 2.4M ***

1:Despite appearances, Sym, Love is not a four-letter word. ~ Geraldine McCaughrean,
2:Jestliže má humanistické náboženství teistické jádro, Bůh je symbolem moci člověka, schopností, které se člověk snaží v životě uskutečnit - není to sym­bol síly a ovládání, symbol moci nad člověkem. ~ Erich Fromm,
3:There is a third quality to friendship, and it is not as easy to put into a single word. The right word, literally, is "sympathy" - sym-pathos, common passion. This means that friendships are discovered more than they are created at will. ~ Timothy J Keller,
4:Don't struggle too hard to understand people, Sym. They're hideously complicated. Unhappy people do the oddest, most terrible things, just trying to keep despair at bay. All you have to do is accept them...go around them...take evasive action. ~ Geraldine McCaughrean,
5:The juke­box is a com­mon sym­bol in coun­try music; it’s only nat­ural for such a self-reflexive rhetor­i­cal style to iden­tify the mate­r­ial cir­cum­stances of its exis­tence. Beneath the vul­gar­ity of its ves­sel, the juke­box is inscrutably com­plex: a source of tes­ti­mony, a pro­lif­er­a­tion of voices, a col­lec­tion of sensations—all avail­able for a price. The juke­box, like the songs within it, is a com­mod­ity suf­fused with a mess of mean­ing. ~ Anonymous,
6:Relying on physical remedies alone was often seen as downright ungodly: in England, Puritan minister John Sym advised “caution” that people “dote not upon, nor trust, or ascribe too much to physical means; but that we carefully look and pray to God for a blessing by the warrantable use of them.” To do otherwise—to rely on a physic or powder alone—would be to put the material above the spiritual. That was why a strictly mechanical approach to medicine was considered dangerously atheistic. ~ Russell Shorto,
7:comes from the Greek word diabolos; "diabolic" is the term in contemporary English. Diabolos, interestingly enough, literally means "to tear apart" (dia-bollein). Now it is fascinating to note that this diabolic is the antonym of "symbolic." The later comes from sym-bollein, which means "to throw together," to unite. There lie in these words tremendous implications with respect to an ontology of good and evil. The symbolic is that which draws together, ties, integrates the individual in himself and with his group; the diabolic, in contrast, is that which disintegrates and tears apart. Both of these are present in the daimonic. ~ Rollo May,
8:To become a Compassionate One is to become the likeness of
the Compassionate God experiencing infinite sadness over
undisclosed virtualities; it is to embrace, in a total religious
sympathy, the theophanies of these divine Names in all faiths.
But this sympathy, precisely, does not signify acceptance of
their limits; it signifies rather that in opening ourselves to them
we open them to the expansion that the primordial divine sym-
pathesis demands of them; that we increase their divine light to
the maximum; that we "emancipate" them-as the divine
Compassion did in pre-eternity-that is, emancipate them from
the virtuality and the ignorance which still confine them in their
narrow intransigence. By thus taking them in hand, religious
sympathy enables them to escape from the impasse, that is, the
sin of metaphysical idolatry. For this sympathy alone renders a
being accessible to the light of theophanies. Mankind discloses
the refusal of the divine Names in many forms, ranging from
atheism pure and simple to fanaticism with all its variants. All
come from the same ignorance of the infinite divine Sadness,
yearning to find a compassionate servant for His divine Names.
The Gnostic's apprenticeship consists in learning to practice
fidelity to his own Lord, that is, to the divine Name with which
he, in his essential being, is invested, but at the same time to hear the precept of Ibn •Arabi: "Let thy soul be as matter for all
forms of all beliefs. " One who has risen to that capacity is an
• arif, an initiate, "one who through God sees in God with the
eye of God. "Those who accept and those who decline are
subject to the same authority: the God in function of whom you
live is He for whom you bear witness, and your testimony is
also the judgment you pronounce on yourself. ~ Henry Corbin,

IN CHAPTERS [300/1637]

  639 Integral Yoga
  197 Poetry
  180 Occultism
   85 Psychology
   78 Christianity
   70 Fiction
   65 Philosophy
   48 Yoga
   18 Science
   13 Integral Theory
   10 Mythology
   9 Mysticism
   7 Theosophy
   7 Philsophy
   7 Hinduism
   7 Education
   6 Buddhism
   5 Baha i Faith
   4 Cybernetics
   1 Thelema
   1 Alchemy

  422 Sri Aurobindo
  294 The Mother
  210 Satprem
  155 Nolini Kanta Gupta
   86 Carl Jung
   69 Aleister Crowley
   58 William Wordsworth
   49 H P Lovecraft
   35 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
   35 James George Frazer
   25 Plotinus
   24 Percy Bysshe Shelley
   21 A B Purani
   18 Jorge Luis Borges
   17 Franz Bardon
   16 Sri Ramakrishna
   15 Swami Vivekananda
   15 Swami Krishnananda
   15 Rudolf Steiner
   14 Walt Whitman
   14 Saint Augustine of Hippo
   14 Friedrich Nietzsche
   12 Robert Browning
   11 Paul Richard
   11 John Keats
   11 Aldous Huxley
   10 Saint Hildegard von Bingen
   10 Plato
   10 Friedrich Schiller
   9 Nirodbaran
   9 George Van Vrekhem
   8 William Butler Yeats
   8 Peter J Carroll
   7 Sri Ramana Maharshi
   7 Ralph Waldo Emerson
   7 Joseph Campbell
   5 Thubten Chodron
   5 Saint Teresa of Avila
   5 Jordan Peterson
   5 Bokar Rinpoche
   5 Baha u llah
   4 Saint John of Climacus
   4 Norbert Wiener
   4 Henry David Thoreau
   3 Symeon the New Theologian
   3 Ovid
   3 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
   3 Jalaluddin Rumi
   3 Edgar Allan Poe
   2 Vyasa
   2 Swami Sivananda Saraswati
   2 R Buckminster Fuller
   2 Mahendranath Gupta
   2 Ken Wilber
   2 Jorge Luis Borges
   2 Jean Gebser

   90 The Synthesis Of Yoga
   58 Wordsworth - Poems
   52 Record of Yoga
   49 Lovecraft - Poems
   41 Savitri
   36 Magick Without Tears
   35 The Golden Bough
   35 Mysterium Coniunctionis
   35 Liber ABA
   32 The Life Divine
   31 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01
   29 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02
   28 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03
   24 The Practice of Psycho therapy
   24 Shelley - Poems
   24 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04
   21 Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo
   21 Agenda Vol 01
   20 Essays On The Gita
   20 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 07
   19 Agenda Vol 08
   19 Agenda Vol 06
   19 Agenda Vol 04
   18 The Human Cycle
   18 Letters On Yoga IV
   17 Agenda Vol 10
   17 Agenda Vol 03
   16 Agenda Vol 02
   15 The Study and Practice of Yoga
   15 The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
   15 Questions And Answers 1956
   15 Labyrinths
   15 Essays In Philosophy And Yoga
   14 Whitman - Poems
   14 The Secret Of The Veda
   14 The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious
   14 Agenda Vol 13
   13 The Practice of Magical Evocation
   13 On Thoughts And Aphorisms
   13 Aion
   12 The Phenomenon of Man
   12 Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness
   12 City of God
   12 Browning - Poems
   12 Agenda Vol 07
   11 The Perennial Philosophy
   11 The Future of Man
   11 Questions And Answers 1957-1958
   11 Questions And Answers 1953
   11 Letters On Yoga II
   11 Keats - Poems
   11 Agenda Vol 09
   10 Twilight of the Idols
   10 Schiller - Poems
   10 Questions And Answers 1950-1951
   10 Letters On Poetry And Art
   10 Isha Upanishad
   10 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 08
   10 Agenda Vol 11
   10 A Garden of Pomegranates - An Outline of the Qabalah
   9 Twelve Years With Sri Aurobindo
   9 Some Answers From The Mother
   9 Questions And Answers 1955
   9 Preparing for the Miraculous
   9 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 01
   9 Bhakti-Yoga
   9 Agenda Vol 12
   8 Yeats - Poems
   8 Words Of Long Ago
   8 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 02
   8 Liber Null
   8 Essays Divine And Human
   7 Vedic and Philological Studies
   7 The Hero with a Thousand Faces
   7 Talks
   7 Prayers And Meditations
   7 On the Way to Supermanhood
   7 Letters On Yoga I
   7 Let Me Explain
   7 Knowledge of the Higher Worlds
   7 Emerson - Poems
   7 Collected Poems
   7 Agenda Vol 05
   6 The Secret Doctrine
   6 The Red Book Liber Novus
   6 Theosophy
   6 The Mother With Letters On The Mother
   6 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 04
   6 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 05
   5 Words Of The Mother III
   5 Tara - The Feminine Divine
   5 Raja-Yoga
   5 Questions And Answers 1929-1931
   5 On Education
   5 Maps of Meaning
   5 Hymn of the Universe
   5 How to Free Your Mind - Tara the Liberator
   5 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 06
   4 Words Of The Mother II
   4 Walden
   4 Thus Spoke Zarathustra
   4 The Ladder of Divine Ascent
   4 The Interior Castle or The Mansions
   4 Questions And Answers 1954
   4 Initiation Into Hermetics
   4 Hymns to the Mystic Fire
   4 Cybernetics
   3 The Book of Certitude
   3 The Bible
   3 Poe - Poems
   3 Metamorphoses
   3 Letters On Yoga III
   3 Borges - Poems
   2 Vishnu Purana
   2 The Ever-Present Origin
   2 The Essentials of Education
   2 The Confessions of Saint Augustine
   2 The Blue Cliff Records
   2 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
   2 Synergetics - Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking
   2 Sex Ecology Spirituality
   2 Selected Fictions
   2 Sefer Yetzirah The Book of Creation In Theory and Practice
   2 Rumi - Poems
   2 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 03
   2 Kena and Other Upanishads
   2 Goethe - Poems
   2 Amrita Gita
   2 Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2E
   2 5.1.01 - Ilion

00.01 - The Approach to Mysticism, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Publishers Note Mystic symbolism
   Other Authors Nolini Kanta Gupta The Approach to Mysticism
   Publishers Note Mystic symbolism

00.02 - Mystic Symbolism, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
  object:00.02 - Mystic symbolism
  author class:Nolini Kanta Gupta
   The Approach to Mysticism Upanishadic symbolism
   Other Authors Nolini Kanta Gupta Mystic symbolism
   Mystic symbolism
   The Mystics all over the world and in all ages have clothed their sayings in proverbs and parables, in figures and symbols. To speak in symbols seems to be in their very nature; it is their characteristic manner, their inevitable style. Let us see what is the reason behind it. But first who are the Mystics? They are those who are in touch with supra-sensual things, whose experiences are of a world different from the common physical world, the world of the mind and the senses.
   These other worlds are constituted in other ways than ours. Their contents are different and the laws that obtain there are also different. It would be a gross blunder to attempt a chart of any of these other systems, to use an Einsteinian term, with the measures and conventions of the system to which our external waking consciousness belongs. For, there "the sun shines not, nor the moon, nor the stars, neither these lightnings nor this fire." The difficulty is further enhanced by the fact that there are very many unseen worlds and they all differ from the seen and from one another in manner and degree. Thus, for example, the Upanishads speak of the swapna, the suupta, and the turya, domains beyond the jgrat which is that where the rational being with its mind and senses lives and moves. And there are other systems and other ways in which systems exist, and they are practically innumerable.
   If, however, we have to speak of these other worlds, then, since we can speak only in the terms of this world, we have to use them in a different sense from those they usually bear; we must employ them as figures and symbols. Even then they may prove inadequate and misleading; so there are Mystics who are averse to all speech and expression they are mauni; in silence they experience the inexpressible and in silence they communicate it to the few who have the capacity to receive in silence.
   But those who do speak, how do they choose their figures and symbols? What is their methodology? For it might be said, since the unseen and the seen differ out and out, it does not matter what forms or signs are taken from the latter; for any meaning and significance could be put into anything. But in reality, it does not so happen. For, although there is a great divergence between figures and symbols on the one hand and the things figured and symbolised on the other, still there is also some link, some common measure. And that is why we see not unoften the same or similar figures and symbols representing an identical experience in ages and countries far apart from each other.
   We can make a distinction here between two types of expression which we have put together indiscriminately, figures and symbols. Figures, we may say, are those that are constructed by the rational mind, the intellect; they are mere metaphors and similes and are not organically related to the thing experienced, but put round it as a robe that can be dropped or changed without affecting the experience itself. Thus, for example, when the Upanishad says, tmnam rathinam viddhi (Know that the soul is the master of the chariot who sits within it) or indriyi haynhu (The senses, they say, are the horses), we have here only a comparison or analogy that is common and natural to the poetic manner. The particular figure or simile used is not inevitable to the idea or experience that it seeks to express, its part and parcel. On the other hand, take this Upanishadic perception: hirayamayena patrea satyasyphitam mukham (The face of the Truth lies hidden under the golden orb). Here the symbol is not mere analogy or comparison, a figure; it is one with the very substance of the experience the two cannot be separated. Or when the Vedas speak of the kindling of the Fire, the rushing of the waters or the rise of the Dawn, the images though taken from the material world, are not used for the sake of mere comparison, but they are the embodiments, the living forms of truths experienced in another world.
   When a Mystic refers to the Solar Light or to the Fire the light, for example, that struck down Saul and transformed him into Saint Paul or the burning bush that visited Moses, it is not the physical or material object that he means and yet it is that in a way. It is the materialization of something that is fundamentally not material: some movement in an inner consciousness precipitates itself into the region of the senses and takes from out of the material the form commensurable with its nature that it finds there.
   And there is such a commensurability or parallelism between the various levels of consciousness, in and through all the differences that separate them from one another. Thus an object or a movement apprehended on the physical plane has a sort of line of re-echoing images extended in a series along the whole gradation of the inner planes; otherwise viewed, an object or movement in the innermost consciousness translates itself in varying modes from plane to plane down to the most material, where it appears in its grossest form as a concrete three-dimensional object or a mechanical movement. This parallelism or commensurability by virtue of which the different and divergent states of consciousness can portray or represent each other is the source of all symbolism.
   A symbol symbolizes something for this reason that both possess in common a certain identical, at least similar, quality or rhythm or vibration, the symbol possessing it in a grosser or more apparent or sensuous form than the thing symbolized does. Sometimes it may happen that it is more than a certain quality or rhythm or vibration that is common between the two: the symbol in its entirety is the thing symbolized but thrown down on another plane, it is the embodiment of the latter in a more concrete world. The light and the fire that Saint Paul and Moses saw appear to be of this kind.
   Thus there is a great diversity of symbols. At the one end is the mere metaphor or simile or allegory ('figure', as we have called it) and at the other end is the symbol identical with the thing symbolized. And upon this inner character of the symbol depends also to a large extent its range and scope. There are symbols which are universal and intimately ingrained in the human consciousness itself. Mankind has used them in all ages and climes almost in the same sense and significance. There are others that are limited to peoples and ages. They are made out of forms that are of local and temporal interest and importance. Their significances vary according to time and place. Finally, there are symbols which are true of the individual consciousness only; they depend on personal peculiarities and idiosyncrasies, on one's environment and upbringing and education.
   Man being an embodied soul, his external consciousness (what the Upanishad calls jgrat) is the milieu in which his soul-experiences naturally manifest and find their play. It is the forms and movements of that consciousness which clo the and give a concrete habitation and name to perceptions on the subtler ranges of the inner existence. If the experiences on these planes are to be presented to the conscious memory and to the brain-mind and made communicable to others through speech, this is the inevitable and natural process. symbols are a translation in mental and sensual (and vocal) terms of experiences that are beyond the mind and the sense and the speech and yet throw a kind of echoing vibrations upon these lesser levels.
   The Approach to Mysticism Upanishadic symbolism

00.03 - Upanishadic Symbolism, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
  object:00.03 - Upanishadic symbolism
  author class:Nolini Kanta Gupta
   Mystic symbolism The Beautiful in the Upanishads
   Other Authors Nolini Kanta Gupta Upanishadic symbolism
   Upanishadic symbolism
   A certain rationalistic critic divides the Upanishadic symbols into three categoriesthose that are rational and can be easily understood by the mind; those that are not understood by the mind and yet do not go against reason, having nothing inherently irrational in them and may be simply called non-rational; those that seem to be quite irrational, for they go frankly against all canons of logic and common sense. As an example of the last, the irrational type, the critic cites a story from the Chhndogya, which may be rendered thus:
   There was an aspirant, a student who was seeking after knowledge. One day there appeared to him a white dog. Soon, other dogs followed and addressed their predecessor: "O Lord, sing to our Food, for we desire to eat." The white dog answered, "Come to me at dawn here in this very place." The aspirant waited. The dogs, like singer-priests, circled round in a ring. Then they sat and cried aloud; they cried out," Om We eat and Om we drink, may the gods bring here our food."
   My suggestion is that the dog is a symbol of the keen sight of Intuition, the unfailing perception of direct knowledge. With this clue the Upanishadic story becomes quite sensible and clear and not mere abracadabra. To the aspirant for Knowledge came first a purified power of direct understanding, an Intuition of fundamental value, and this brought others of the same species in its train. They were all linked together organically that is the significance of the circle, and formed a rhythmic utterance and expression of the supreme truth (Om). It is also to be noted that they came and met at dawn to chant, the Truth. Dawn is the opening and awakening of the consciousness to truths that come from above and beyond.
   It may be asked why the dog has been chosen as the symbol of Intuition. In the Vedas, the cow and the horse also play a large part; even the donkey and the frog have their own assigned roles. These objects are taken from the environment of ordinary life, and are those that are most familiar to the external consciousness, through which the inner experiences have to express themselves, if they are to be expressed at all. These material objects represent various kinds of forces and movements and subtle and occult and spiritual dynamisms. Strictly speaking, however, symbols are not chosen in a subtle or spiritual experience, that is to say, they are not arbitrarily selected and constructed by the conscious intelligence. They form part of a dramatization (to use a term of the Freudian psychology of dreams), a psychological alchemy, whose method and process and rationale are very obscure, which can be penetrated only by the vision of a third eye.
   I. The Several Lights
   Garhapatya is the Fire in the body-consciousness, the fire of Earth, as it is sometimes called; Dakshina is the Fire of the moon or mind, and Ahavaniya that of life.10 The earthly fire is also the fire of the sun; the sun is the source of all earth's heat and symbolises at the same time the spiritual light manifested in the physical consciousness. The lunar fire is also the fire of the stars, the stars, mythologically, being the consorts or powers of the moon and they symbolise, in Yogic experience, the intuitive thoughts. The fire of the life-force has its symbol in lightning, electric energy being its vehicle.
   Agni in the physical consciousness is calledghapati, for the body is the house in which the soul is lodged and he is its keeper, guardian and lord. The fire in the mental consciousness is called daki; for it is that which gives discernment, the power to discriminate between the truth and the falsehood, it is that which by the pressure of its heat and light cleaves the wrong away from the right. And the fire in the life-force is called havanya; for pra is not only the plane of hunger and desire, but also of power and dynamism, it is that which calls forth forces, brings them into' play and it is that which is to be invoked for the progression of the Sacrifice, for an onward march on the spiritual path.
   The five elements of the ancientsearth, water, fire, air and ether or spaceare symbols taken from the physical world to represent other worlds that are in it and behind it. Each one is a principle that constitutes the fundamental nature of a particular plane of existence.
   Earth represents the material world itself, Matter or existence in its most concrete, its grossest form. It is the basis of existence, the world that supports other worlds (dhar, dharitri),the first or the lowest of the several ranges of creation. In man it is his body. The principle here is that of stability, substantiality, firmness, consistency.
   The Science of the Five Agnis (Fires), as propounded by Pravahan, explains and illustrates the process of the birth of the body, the passage of the soul into earth existence. It describes the advent of the child, the building of the physical form of the human being. The process is conceived of as a sacrifice, the usual symbol with the Vedic Rishis for the expression of their vision and perception of universal processes of Nature, physical and psychological. Here, the child IS said to be the final fruit of the sacrifice, the different stages in the process being: (i) Soma, (ii) Rain, (iii) Food, (iv) Semen, (v) Child. Soma means Rasaphysically the principle of water, psychologically the 'principle of delightand symbolises and constitutes the very soul and substance of life. Now it is said that these five principles the fundamental and constituent elementsare born out of the sacrifice, through the oblation or offering to the five Agnis. The first Agni is Heaven or the Sky-God, and by offering to it one's faith and one's ardent desire, one calls into manifestation Soma or Rasa or Water, the basic principle of life. This water is next offered to the second Agni, the Rain-God, who sends down Rain. Rain, again, is offered to the third Agni, the Earth, who brings forth Food. Food is, in its turn, offered to the fourth Agni, the Father or Male, who elaborates in himself the generating fluid.
   Finally, this fluid is offered to the fifth Agni, the Mother or the Female, who delivers the Child.
   The biological process, described in what may seem to be crude and mediaeval terms, really reflects or echoes a more subtle and psychological process. The images used form perhaps part of the current popular notion about the matter, but the esoteric sense goes beyond the outer symbols. The sky seems to be the far and tenuous region where the soul rests and awaits its next birthit is the region of Soma, the own Home of Bliss and Immortality. Now when the time or call comes, the soul stirs and journeys down that is the Rain. Next, it enters the earth atmosphere and clothes itself with the earth consciousness. Then it waits and calls for the formation of the material body, first by the contri bution of the father and then by that of the mother; when these two unite and the material body is formed, the soul incarnates.
   Apart from the question whether the biological phenomenon described is really a symbol and a cloak for another order of reality, and even taking it at its face value, what is to be noted here is the idea of a cosmic cycle, and a cosmic cycle that proceeds through the principle of sacrifice. If it is asked what there is wonderful or particularly spiritual in this rather naf description of a very commonplace happening that gives it an honoured place in the Upanishads, the answer is that it is wonderful to see how the Upanishadic Rishi takes from an event its local, temporal and personal colour and incorporates it in a global movement, a cosmic cycle, as a limb of the Universal Brahman. The Upanishads contain passages which a puritanical mentality may perhaps describe as 'pornographic'; these have in fact been put by some on the Index expurgatorius. But the ancients saw these matters with other eyes and through another consciousness.
   We have, in modern times, a movement towards a more conscious and courageous, knowledge of things that were taboo to puritan ages. Not to shut one's eyes to the lower, darker and hidden strands of our nature, but to bring them out into the light of day and to face them is the best way of dealing with such elements, which otherwise, if they are repressed, exert an unhealthy influence on the mind and nature. The Upanishadic view runs on the same lines, but, with the unveiling and the natural and not merely naturalisticdelineation of these under-worlds (concerning sex and food), it endows them with a perspective sub specie aeternitatis. The sexual function, for example, is easily equated to the double movement of ascent and descent that is secreted in nature, or to the combined action of Purusha and Prakriti in the cosmic Play, or again to the hidden fount of Delight that holds and moves the universe. In this view there is nothing merely secular and profane, but all is woven into the cosmic spiritual whole; and man is taught to consider and to mould all his movementsof soul and mind and bodyin the light and rhythm of that integral Reality.11
   The Supreme Reality which is always called Brahman in the Upanishads, has to be known and experienced in two ways; for it has two fundamental aspects or modes of being. The Brahman is universal and it is transcendental. The Truth, satyam, the Upanishad says in its symbolic etymology, is 'This' (or, He) and 'That' (syat+tyat i.e. sat+tat). 'This' means the Universal Brahman: it is what is referred to when the Upanishad says:
   Ivsyamidam sarvam: All this is for habitation by the Lord;
   TheChhandyogya12 gives a whole typal scheme of this universal reality and explains how to realise it and what are the results of the experience. The Universal Brahman means the cosmic movement, the cyclic march of things and events taken in its global aspect. The typical movement that symbolises and epitomises the phenomenon, embodies the truth, is that of the sun. The movement consists of five stages which are called the fivefold sma Sma means the equal Brahman that is ever present in all, the Upanishad itself says deriving the word from sama It is Sma also because it is a rhythmic movement, a cadencea music of the spheres. And a rhythmic movement, in virtue of its being a wave, consists of these five stages: (i) the start, (ii) the rise, (iii) the peak, (iv) the decline and (v) the fall. Now the sun follows this curve and marks out the familiar divisions of the day: dawn, forenoon, noon, afternoon and sunset. Sometimes two other stages are added, one at each end, one of preparation and another of final lapse the twilights with regard to the sun and then ,we have seven instead of five smas Like the Sun, the Fire that is to say, the sacrificial Firecan also be seen in its fivefold cyclic movement: (i) the lighting, (ii) the smoke, (iii) the flame, (iv) smouldering and finally (v) extinction the fuel as it is rubbed to produce the fire and the ashes may be added as the two supernumerary stages. Or again, we may take the cycle of five seasons or of the five worlds or of the deities that control these worlds. The living wealth of this earth is also symbolised in a quintetgoat and sheep and cattle and horse and finally man. Coming to the microcosm, we have in man the cycle of his five senses, basis of all knowledge and activity. For the macrocosm, to I bring out its vast extra-human complexity, the Upanishad refers to a quintet, each term of which is again a trinity: (i) the threefold Veda, the Divine Word that is the origin of creation, (ii) the three worlds or fieldsearth, air-belt or atmosphere and space, (iii) the three principles or deities ruling respectively these worldsFire, Air and Sun, (iv) their expressions, emanations or embodimentsstars and birds and light-rays, and finally, (v) the original inhabitants of these worldsto earth belong the reptiles, to the mid-region the Gandharvas and to heaven the ancient Fathers.
   Now, this is the All, the Universal. One has to realise it and possess in one's consciousness. And that can be done only in one way: one has to identify oneself with it, be one with it, become it. Thus by losing one's individuality one lives the life universal; the small lean separate life is enlarged and moulded in the rhythm of the Rich and the Vast. It is thus that man shares in the consciousness and energy that inspire and move and sustain the cosmos. The Upanishad most emphatically enjoins that one must not decry this cosmic godhead or deny any of its elements, not even such as are a taboo to the puritan mind. It is in and through an unimpaired global consciousness that one attains the All-Life and lives uninterruptedly and perennially: Sarvamanveti jyok jvati.
   Still the Upanishad says this is not the final end. There is yet a higher status of reality and consciousness to which one has to rise. For beyond the Cosmos lies the Transcendent. The Upanishad expresses this truth and experience in various symbols. The cosmic reality, we have seen, is often conceived as a septenary, a unity of seven elements, principles and worlds. Further to give it its full complex value, it is considered not as a simple septet, but a threefold heptad the whole gamut, as it were, consisting of 21 notes or syllables. The Upanishad says, this number does not exhaust the entire range; I for there is yet a 22nd place. This is the world beyond the Sun, griefless and deathless, the supreme Selfhood. The Veda I also sometimes speaks of the integral reality as being represented by the number 100 which is 99 + I; in other words, 99 represents the cosmic or universal, the unity being the reality beyond, the Transcendent.
   Elsewhere the Upanishad describes more graphically this truth and the experience of it. It is said there that the sun has fivewe note the familiar fivemovements of rising and setting: (i) from East to West, (ii) from South to North, (iii) from West to East, (iv) from North to South and (v) from abovefrom the Zenithdownward. These are the five normal and apparent movements. But there is a sixth one; rather it is not a movement, but a status, where the sun neither rises nor sets, but is always visible fixed in the same position.
   Some Western and Westernised scholars have tried to show that the phenomenon described here is an exclusively natural phenomenon, actually visible in the polar region where the sun never sets for six months and moves in a circle whose plane is parallel to the plane of the horizon on the summer solstice and is gradually inclined as the sun regresses towards the equinox (on which day just half the solar disc is visible above the horizon). The sun may be said there to move in the direction East-South-West-North and again East. Indeed the Upanishad mentions the positions of the sun in that order and gives a character to each successive station. The Ray from the East is red, symbolising the Rik, the Southern Ray is white, symbolising the Yajur, the Western Ray is black symbolising the Atharva. The natural phenomenon, however, might have been or might not have been before the mind's eye of the Rishi, but the symbolism, the esotericism of it is clear enough in the way the Rishi speaks of it. Also, apart from the first four movements (which it is already sufficiently difficult to identify completely with what is visible), the fifth movement, as a separate descending movement from above appears to be a foreign element in the context. And although, with regard to the sixth movement or status, the sun is visible as such exactly from the point of the North Pole for a while, the ring of the Rishi's utterance is unmistakably spiritual, it cannot but refer to a fact of inner consciousness that is at least what the physical fact conveys to the Rishi and what he seeks to convey and express primarily.
   Now this is what is sought to be conveyed and expressed. The five movements of the sun here also are nothing but the five smas and they refer to the cycle of the Cosmic or Universal Brahman. The sixth status where all movements cease, where there is no rising and setting, no ebb and flow, no waxing and waning, where there is the immutable, the ever-same unity, is very evidently the Transcendental Brahman. It is That to which the Vedic Rishi refers when he prays for a constant and fixed vision of the eternal Sunjyok ca sryam drie.
   The secularisation of man's vital functions in modem ages has not been a success. It has made him more egocentric and blatantly hedonistic. From an occult point of view he has in this way subjected himself to the influences of dark and undesirable world-forces, has made an opening, to use an Indian symbolism, for Kali (the Spirit of the Iron Age) to enter into him. The sex-force is an extremely potent agent, but it is extremely fluid and elusive and uncontrollable. It was for this reason that the ancients always sought to give it a proper mould, a right continent, a fixed and definite channel; the moderns, on the other hand, allow it to run free and play with it recklessly. The result has been, in the life of those born under such circumstances, a growing lack of poise and balance and a corresponding incidence of neuras thenia, hysteria and all abnormal pathological conditions.
   Chhandyogya, II, III.
   Mystic symbolism The Beautiful in the Upanishads

00.04 - The Beautiful in the Upanishads, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Upanishadic symbolism A Vedic Conception of the Poet
   Other Authors Nolini Kanta Gupta The Beautiful in the Upanishads
   Upanishadic symbolism A Vedic Conception of the Poet

0.00a - Introduction, #A Garden of Pomegranates - An Outline of the Qabalah, #Israel Regardie, #Occultism
  The Qabalah is a trustworthy guide, leading to a comprehension both of the Universe and one's own Self. Sages have long taught that Man is a miniature of the Universe, containing within himself the diverse elements of that macrocosm of which he is the microcosm. Within the Qabalah is a glyph called the Tree of Life which is at once a symbolic map of the Universe in its major aspects, and also of its smaller counterpart, Man.
  Manly P. Hall, in The Secret Teachings of All Ages, deplores the failure of modern science to "sense the profundity of these philosophical deductions of the ancients." Were they to do so, he says, they "would realize those who fabricated the structure of the Qabalah possessed a knowledge of the celestial plan comparable in every respect with that of the modern savant."
  When planning to visit a foreign country, the wise traveler will first familiarize himself with its language. In studying music, chemistry or calculus, a specific terminology is essential to the understanding of each subject. So a new set of symbols is necessary when undertaking a study of the Universe, whether within or without. The Qabalah provides such a set in unexcelled fashion.
  But the Qabalah is more. It also lays the foundation on which rests another archaic science- Magic. Not to be confused with the conjurer's sleight-of-hand, Magic has been defined by Aleister Crowley as "the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with will." Dion Fortune qualifies this nicely with an added clause, "changes in consciousness."
  Each letter of the Qabalistic alphabet has a number, color, many symbols and a Tarot card attributed to it. The Qabalah not only aids in an understanding of the Tarot, but teaches the student how to classify and organize all such ideas, numbers and symbols. Just as a knowledge of Latin will give insight into the meaning of an unfamiliar English word with a Latin root, so the knowledge of the Qabalah with the various attri butions to each character in its alphabet will enable the student to understand and correlate ideas and concepts which otherwise would have no apparent relation.
  A simple example is the concept of the Trinity in the Christian religion. The student is frequently amazed to learn through a study of the Qabalah that Egyptian mythology followed a similar concept with its trinity of gods, Osiris the father, Isis the virgin-mother, and Horus the son. The Qabalah indicates similar correspondences in the pantheon of Roman and Greek deities, proving the father-mother (Holy Spirit) - son principles of deity are primordial archetypes of man's psyche, rather than being, as is frequently and erroneously supposed a development peculiar to the Christian era.
  A good many attri butions in other symbolic areas, I feel are subject to the same criticism. The Egyptian Gods have been used with a good deal of carelessness, and without sufficient explanation of motives in assigning them as I did. In a recent edition of Crowley's masterpiece Liber 777 (which au fond is less a reflection of Crowley's mind as a recent critic claimed than a tabulation of some of the material given piecemeal in the Golden Dawn knowledge lectures), he gives for the first time brief explanations of the motives for his attri butions. I too should have been far more explicit in the explanations I used in the case of some of the Gods whose names were used many times, most inadequately, where several paths were concerned. While it is true that the religious coloring of the Egyptian Gods differed from time to time during Egypt's turbulent history, nonetheless a word or two about just that one single point could have served a useful purpose.
  Some of the passages in the book force me today to emphasize that so far as the Qabalah is concerned, it could and should be employed without binding to it the partisan qualities of any one particular religious faith. This goes as much for Judaism as it does for Christianity. Neither has much intrinsic usefulness where this scientific scheme is concerned. If some students feel hurt by this statement, that cannot be helped. The day of most contemporary faiths is over; they have been more of a curse than a boon to mankind. Nothing that I say here, however, should reflect on the peoples concerned, those who accept these religions. They are merely unfortunate. The religion itself is worn out and indeed is dying.

000 - Humans in Universe, #Synergetics - Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking, #R Buckminster Fuller, #Science
  structural system. That is the law of gravity. symmetrical, noncontacting,
  concentric interpositioning of already- symmetrical arrays of atoms produces
  dimensions are the four planes of symmetry of the minimum structure of Universe-
  the omnitriangulated, equi-vector-edge tetrahedron. In respect to the conceptual pre-

0.00 - INTRODUCTION, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
   The temple of Radhakanta, also known as the temple of Vishnu, contains the images of Radha and Krishna, the symbol of union with God through ecstatic love. The two images stand on a pedestal facing the west. The floor is paved with marble. From the ceiling of the porch hang chandeliers protected from dust by coverings of red cloth. Canvas screens shield the images from the rays of the setting sun. Close to the threshold of the inner shrine is a small brass cup containing holy water. Devoted visitors reverently drink a few drops from the vessel.
   --- KALI
   The main temple is dedicated to Kali, the Divine Mother, here worshipped as Bhavatarini, the Saviour of the Universe. The floor of this temple also is paved with marble. The basalt image of the Mother, dressed in gorgeous gold brocade, stands on a white marble image of the prostrate body of Her Divine Consort, Siva, the symbol of the Absolute. On the feet of the Goddess are, among other ornaments, anklets of gold. Her arms are decked with jewelled ornaments of gold. She wears necklaces of gold and pearls, a golden garland of human heads, and a girdle of human arms. She wears a golden crown, golden ear-rings, and a golden nose-ring with a pearl-drop. She has four arms. The lower left hand holds a severed human head and the upper grips a blood-stained sabre. One right hand offers boons to Her children; the other allays their fear. The majesty of Her posture can hardly be described. It combines the terror of destruction with the reassurance of motherly tenderness. For She is the Cosmic Power, the totality of the universe, a glorious harmony of the pairs of opposites. She deals out death, as She creates and preserves. She has three eyes, the third being the symbol of Divine Wisdom; they strike dismay into the wicked, yet pour out affection for Her devotees.
   The whole symbolic world is represented in the temple garden — the Trinity of the Nature Mother (Kali), the Absolute (Siva), and Love (Radhakanta), the Arch spanning heaven and earth. The terrific Goddess of the Tantra, the soul-enthralling Flute-Player of the Bhagavata, and the Self-absorbed Absolute of the Vedas live together, creating the greatest synthesis of religions. All aspects of Reality are represented there. But of this divine household, Kali is the pivot, the sovereign Mistress. She is Prakriti, the Procreatrix, Nature, the Destroyer, the Creator. Nay, She is something greater and deeper still for those who have eyes to see. She is the Universal Mother, "my Mother" as Ramakrishna would say, the All-powerful, who reveals Herself to Her children under different aspects and Divine Incarnations, the Visible God, who leads the elect to the Invisible Reality; and if it so pleases Her, She takes away the last trace of ego from created beings and merges it in the consciousness of the Absolute, the undifferentiated God. Through Her grace "the finite ego loses itself in the illimitable Ego — Atman — Brahman". (Romain Holland, Prophets of the New India, p. 11.)
   Rani Rasmani spent a fortune for the construction of the temple garden and another fortune for its dedication ceremony, which took place on May 31, 1855.
   Born in an orthodox brahmin family, Sri Ramakrishna knew the formalities of worship, its rites and rituals. The innumerable gods and goddesses of the Hindu religion are the human aspects of the indescribable and incomprehensible Spirit, as conceived by the finite human mind. They understand and appreciate human love and emotion, help men to realize their secular and spiritual ideals, and ultimately enable men to attain liberation from the miseries of phenomenal life. The Source of light, intelligence, wisdom, and strength is the One alone from whom comes the fulfilment of desire. Yet, as long as a man is bound by his human limitations, he cannot but worship God through human forms. He must use human symbols. Therefore Hinduism asks the devotees to look on God as the ideal father, the ideal mother, the ideal husband, the ideal son, or the ideal friend. But the name ultimately leads to the Nameless, the form to the Formless, the word to the Silence, the emotion to the serene realization of Peace in Existence-Knowledge-Bliss Absolute. The gods gradually merge in the one God. But until that realization is achieved, the devotee cannot dissociate human factors from his worship. Therefore the Deity is bathed and clothed and decked with ornaments. He is fed and put to sleep. He is propitiated with hymns, songs, and prayers. And there are appropriate rites connected with all these functions. For instance, to secure for himself external purity, the priest bathes himself in holy water and puts on a holy cloth. He purifies the mind and the sense-organs by appropriate meditations. He fortifies the place of worship against evil forces by drawing around it circles of fire and water. He awakens the different spiritual centres of the body and invokes the Supreme Spirit in his heart. Then he transfers the Supreme Spirit to the image before him and worships the image, regarding it no longer as clay or stone, but as the embodiment of Spirit, throbbing with Life and Consciousness. After the worship the Supreme Spirit is recalled from the image to Its true sanctuary, the heart of the priest. The real devotee knows the absurdity of worshipping the Transcendental Reality with material articles — clothing That which pervades the whole universe and the beyond, putting on a pedestal That which cannot be limited by space, feeding That which is disembodied and incorporeal, singing before That whose glory the music of the spheres tries vainly to proclaim. But through these rites the devotee aspires to go ultimately beyond rites and rituals, forms and names, words and praise, and to realize God as the All-pervading Consciousness.
   Hindu priests are thoroughly acquainted with the rites of worship, but few of them are aware of their underlying significance. They move their hands and limbs mechanically, in obedience to the letter of the scriptures, and repeat the holy mantras like parrots. But from the very beginning the inner meaning of these rites was revealed to Sri Ramakrishna. As he sat facing the image, a strange transformation came over his mind. While going through the prescribed ceremonies, he would actually find himself encircled by a wall of fire protecting him and the place of worship from unspiritual vibrations, or he would feel the rising of the mystic Kundalini through the different centres of the body. The glow on his face, his deep absorption, and the intense atmosphere of the temple impressed everyone who saw him worship the Deity.
   And, indeed, he soon discovered what a strange Goddess he had chosen to serve. He became gradually enmeshed in the web of Her all-pervading presence. To the ignorant She is, to be sure, the image of destruction; but he found in Her the benign, all-loving Mother. Her neck is encircled with a garland of heads, and Her waist with a girdle of human arms, and two of Her hands hold weapons of death, and Her eyes dart a glance of fire; but, strangely enough, Ramakrishna felt in Her breath the soothing touch of tender love and saw in Her the Seed of Immortality. She stands on the bosom of Her Consort, Siva; it is because She is the Sakti, the Power, inseparable from the Absolute. She is surrounded by jackals and other unholy creatures, the denizens of the cremation ground. But is not the Ultimate Reality above holiness and unholiness? She appears to be reeling under the spell of wine. But who would create this mad world unless under the influence of a divine drunkenness? She is the highest symbol of all the forces of nature, the synthesis of their antinomies, the Ultimate Divine in the form of woman. She now became to Sri Ramakrishna the only Reality, and the world became an unsubstantial shadow. Into Her worship he poured his soul. Before him She stood as the transparent portal to the shrine of Ineffable Reality.
   The worship in the temple intensified Sri Ramakrishna's yearning for a living vision of the Mother of the Universe. He began to spend in meditation the time not actually employed in the temple service; and for this purpose he selected an extremely solitary place. A deep jungle, thick with underbrush and prickly plants, lay to the north of the temples. Used at one time as a burial ground, it was shunned by people even during the day-time for fear of ghosts. There Sri Ramakrishna began to spend the whole night in meditation, returning to his room only in the morning with eyes swollen as though from much weeping. While meditating, he would lay aside his cloth and his brahminical thread. Explaining this strange conduct, he once said to Hriday: "Don't you know that when one thinks of God one should be freed from all ties? From our very birth we have the eight fetters of hatred, shame, lineage, pride of good conduct, fear, secretiveness, caste, and grief. The sacred thread reminds me that I am a brahmin and therefore superior to all. When calling on the Mother one has to set aside all such ideas." Hriday thought his uncle was becoming insane.
   As his love for God deepened, he began either to forget or to drop the formalities of worship. Sitting before the image, he would spend hours singing the devotional songs of great devotees of the Mother, such as Kamalakanta and Ramprasad. Those rhapsodical songs, describing the direct vision of God, only intensified Sri Ramakrishna's longing. He felt the pangs of a child separated from its mother. Sometimes, in agony, he would rub his face against the ground and weep so bitterly that people, thinking he had lost his earthly mother, would sympathize with him in his grief. Sometimes, in moments of scepticism, he would cry: "Art Thou true, Mother, or is it all fiction — mere poetry without any reality? If Thou dost exist, why do I not see Thee? Is religion a mere fantasy and art Thou only a figment of man's imagination?" Sometimes he would sit on the prayer carpet for two hours like an inert object. He began to behave in an abnormal manner
  , most of the time unconscious of the world. He almost gave up food; and sleep left him altogether.
   Sri Ramakrishna welcomed the visitor with great respect, described to her his experiences and visions, and told her of people's belief that these were symptoms of madness. She listened to him attentively and said: "My son, everyone in this world is mad. Some are mad for money, some for creature comforts, some for name and fame; and you are mad for God." She assured him that he was passing through the almost unknown spiritual experience described in the scriptures as mahabhava, the most exalted rapture of divine love. She told him that this extreme exaltation had been described as manifesting itself through nineteen physical symptoms, including the shedding of tears, a tremor of the body, horripilation, perspiration, and a burning sensation. The Bhakti scriptures, she declared, had recorded only two instances of the experience, namely, those of Sri Radha and Sri Chaitanya.
   Very soon a tender relationship sprang up between Sri Ramakrishna and the Brahmani, she looking upon him as the Baby Krishna, and he upon her as mother. Day after day she watched his ecstasy during the kirtan and meditation, his samadhi, his mad yearning; and she recognized in him a power to transmit spirituality to others. She came to the conclusion that such things were not possible for an ordinary devotee, not even for a highly developed soul. Only an Incarnation of God was capable of such spiritual manifestations. She proclaimed openly that Sri Ramakrishna, like Sri Chaitanya, was an Incarnation of God.
   According to the Tantra, Sakti is the active creative force in the universe. Siva, the Absolute, is a more or less passive principle. Further, Sakti is as inseparable from Siva as fire's power to burn is from fire itself. Sakti, the Creative Power, contains in Its womb the universe, and therefore is the Divine Mother. All women are Her symbols. Kali is one of Her several forms. The meditation on Kali, the Creative Power, is the central discipline of the Tantra. While meditating, the aspirant at first regards himself as one with the Absolute and then thinks that out of that Impersonal Consciousness emerge two entities, namely, his own self and the living form of the Goddess. He then projects the Goddess into the tangible image before him and worships it as the Divine Mother.
   Sri Ramakrishna set himself to the task of practising the disciplines of Tantra; and at the bidding of the Divine Mother Herself he accepted the Brahmani as his guru. He performed profound and delicate ceremonies in the Panchavati and under the bel-tree at the northern extremity of the temple compound. He practised all the disciplines of the sixty-four principal Tantra books, and it took him never more than three days to achieve the result promised in any one of them. After the observance of a few preliminary rites, he would be overwhelmed with a strange divine fervour and would go into samadhi, where his mind would dwell in exaltation. Evil ceased to exist for him. The word "carnal" lost its meaning. The whole world and everything in it appeared as the lila, the sport, of Siva and Sakti. He beheld held everywhere manifest the power and beauty of the Mother; the whole world, animate and inanimate, appeared to him as pervaded with Chit, Consciousness, and with Ananda, Bliss.
   Sri Ramakrishna now devoted himself to scaling the most inaccessible and dizzy heights of dualistic worship, namely, the complete union with Sri Krishna as the Beloved of the heart. He regarded himself as one of the gopis of Vrindavan, mad with longing for her divine Sweetheart. At his request Mathur provided him with woman's dress and jewelry. In this love-pursuit, food and drink were forgotten. Day and night he wept bitterly. The yearning turned into a mad frenzy; for the divine Krishna began to play with him the old tricks He had played with the gopis. He would tease and taunt, now and then revealing Himself, but always keeping at a distance. Sri Ramakrishna's anguish brought on a return of the old physical symptoms: the burning sensation, an oozing of blood through the pores, a loosening of the joints, and the stopping of physiological functions.
   The Vaishnava scriptures advise one to propitiate Radha and obtain her grace in order to realize Sri Krishna. So the tortured devotee now turned his prayer to her. Within a short time he enjoyed her blessed vision. He saw and felt the figure of Radha disappearing into his own body.
   On January 27, 1868, Mathur Babu with a party of some one hundred and twenty-five persons set out on a pilgrimage to the sacred places of northern India. At Vaidyanath in Behar, when the Master saw the inhabitants of a village reduced by poverty and starvation to mere skeletons, he requested his rich patron to feed the people and give each a piece of cloth. Mathur demurred at the added expense. The Master declared bitterly that he would not go on to Benares, but would live with the poor and share their miseries. He actually left Mathur and sat down with the villagers. Whereupon Mathur had to yield. On another occasion, two years later, Sri Ramakrishna showed a similar sentiment for the poor and needy. He accompanied Mathur on a tour to one of the latter's estates at the time of the collection of rents. For two years the harvests had failed and the tenants were in a state of extreme poverty. The Master asked Mathur to remit their rents, distribute help to them, and in addition give the hungry people a sumptuous feast. When Mathur grumbled, the Master said: "You are only the steward of the Divine Mother. They are the Mother's tenants. You must spend the Mother's money. When they are suffering, how can you refuse to help them? You must help them." Again Mathur had to give in. Sri Ramakrishna's sympathy for the poor sprang from his perception of God in all created beings. His sentiment was not that of the humanist or philanthropist. To him the service of man was the same as the worship of God.
   The party entered holy Benares by boat along the Ganges. When Sri Ramakrishna's eyes fell on this city of Siva, where had accumulated for ages the devotion and piety of countless worshippers, he saw it to be made of gold, as the scriptures declare. He was visibly moved. During his stay in the city he treated every particle of its earth with utmost respect. At the Manikarnika Ghat, the great cremation ground of the city, he actually saw Siva, with ash-covered body and tawny matted hair, serenely approaching each funeral pyre and breathing into the ears of the corpses the mantra of liberation; and then the Divine Mother removing from the dead their bonds. Thus he realized the significance of the scriptural statement that anyone dying in Benares attains salvation through the grace of Siva. He paid a visit to Trailanga Swami, the celebrated monk, whom he later declared to be a real paramahamsa, a veritable image of Siva.
   Second, the three great systems of thought known as Dualism, Qualified Non-dualism, and Absolute Non-dualism — Dvaita, Visishtadvaita, and Advaita — he perceived to represent three stages in man's progress toward the Ultimate Reality. They were not contradictory but complementary and suited to different temperaments. For the ordinary man with strong attachment to the senses, a dualistic form of religion, prescribing a certain amount of material support, such as music and other symbols, is useful. A man of God-realization transcends the idea of worldly duties, but the ordinary mortal must perform his duties, striving to be unattached and to surrender the results to God. The mind can comprehend and describe the range of thought and experience up to the Visishtadvaita, and no further. The Advaita, the last word in spiritual experience, is something to be felt in samadhi. for it transcends mind and speech. From the highest standpoint, the Absolute and Its manifestation are equally real — the Lord's Name, His Abode, and the Lord Himself are of the same spiritual Essence. Everything is Spirit, the difference being only in form.
   Third, Sri Ramakrishna realized the wish of the Divine Mother that through him She should found a new Order, consisting of those who would uphold the universal doctrines illustrated in his life.
   Keshab was the leader of the Brahmo Samaj, one of the two great movements that, during the latter part of the nineteenth century, played an important part in shaping the course of the renascence of India. The founder of the Brahmo movement had been the great Raja Rammohan Roy (1774-1833). Though born in an orthodox brahmin family, Rammohan Roy had shown great sympathy for Islam and Christianity. He had gone to Tibet in search of the Buddhist mysteries. He had extracted from Christianity its ethical system, but had rejected the divinity of Christ as he had denied the Hindu Incarnations. The religion of Islam influenced him, to a great extent, in the formulation of his monotheistic doctrines. But he always went back to the Vedas for his spiritual inspiration. The Brahmo Samaj, which he founded in 1828, was dedicated to the "worship and adoration of the Eternal, the Unsearchable, the Immutable Being, who is the Author and Preserver of the Universe". The Samaj was open to all without distinction of colour, creed, caste, nation, or religion.
   The real organizer of the Samaj was Devendranath Tagore (1817-1905), the father of the poet Rabindranath. His physical and spiritual beauty, aristocratic aloofness, penetrating intellect, and poetic sensibility made him the foremost leader of the educated Bengalis. These addressed him by the respectful epithet of Maharshi, the "Great Seer". The Maharshi was a Sanskrit scholar and, unlike Raja Rammohan Roy, drew his inspiration entirely from the Upanishads. He was an implacable enemy of image worship ship and also fought to stop the infiltration of Christian ideas into the Samaj. He gave the movement its faith and ritual. Under his influence the Brahmo Samaj professed One Self-existent Supreme Being who had created the universe out of nothing, the God of Truth, Infinite Wisdom, Goodness, and Power, the Eternal and Omnipotent, the One without a Second. Man should love Him and do His will, believe in Him and worship Him, and thus merit salvation in the world to come.
   Keshab possessed a complex nature. When passing through a great moral crisis, he spent much of his time in solitude and felt that he heard the voice of God, When a devotional form of worship was introduced into the Brahmo Samaj, he spent hours in singing kirtan with his followers. He visited England land in 1870 and impressed the English people with his musical voice, his simple English, and his spiritual fervour. He was entertained by Queen Victoria. Returning to India, he founded centres of the Brahmo Samaj in various parts of the country. Not unlike a professor of comparative religion in a European university, he began to discover, about the time of his first contact with Sri Ramakrishna, the harmony of religions. He became sympathetic toward the Hindu gods and goddesses, explaining them in a liberal fashion. Further, he believed that he was called by God to dictate to the world God's newly revealed law, the New Dispensation, the Navavidhan.
   In 1878 a schism divided Keshab's Samaj. Some of his influential followers accused him of infringing the Brahmo principles by marrying his daughter to a wealthy man before she had attained the marriageable age approved by the Samaj. This group seceded and established the Sadharan Brahmo Samaj, Keshab remaining the leader of the Navavidhan. Keshab now began to be drawn more and more toward the Christ ideal, though under the influence of Sri Ramakrishna his devotion to the Divine Mother also deepened. His mental oscillation between Christ and the Divine Mother of Hinduism found no position of rest. In Bengal and some other parts of India the Brahmo movement took the form of unitarian Christianity, scoffed at Hindu rituals, and preached a crusade against image worship. Influenced by Western culture, it declared the supremacy of reason, advocated the ideals of the French Revolution, abolished the caste-system among its own members, stood for the emancipation of women, agitated for the abolition of early marriage, sanctioned the remarriage of widows, and encouraged various educational and social-reform movements. The immediate effect of the Brahmo movement in Bengal was the checking of the proselytizing activities of the Christian missionaries. It also raised Indian culture in the estimation of its English masters. But it was an intellectual and eclectic religious ferment born of the necessity of the time. Unlike Hinduism, it was not founded on the deep inner experiences of sages and prophets. Its influence was confined to a comparatively few educated men and women of the country, and the vast masses of the Hindus remained outside it. It sounded monotonously only one of the notes in the rich gamut of the Eternal Religion of the Hindus.
   The Brahmo leaders received much inspiration from their contact with Sri Ramakrishna. It broadened their religious views and kindled in their hearts the yearning for God-realization; it made them understand and appreciate the rituals and symbols of Hindu religion, convinced them of the manifestation of God in diverse forms, and deepened their thoughts about the harmony of religions. The Master, too, was impressed by the sincerity of many of the Brahmo devotees. He told them about his own realizations and explained to them the essence of his teachings, such as the necessity of renunciation, sincerity in the pursuit of one's own course of discipline, faith in God, the performance of one's duties without thought of results, and discrimination between the Real and the unreal.
   This contact with the educated and progressive Bengalis opened Sri Ramakrishna's eyes to a new realm of thought. Born and brought up in a simple village, without any formal education, and taught by the orthodox holy men of India in religious life, he had had no opportunity to study the influence of modernism on the thoughts and lives of the Hindus. He could not properly estimate the result of the impact of Western education on Indian culture. He was a Hindu of the Hindus, renunciation being to him the only means to the realization of God in life. From the Brahmos he learnt that the new generation of India made a compromise between God and the world. Educated young men were influenced more by the Western philosophers than by their own prophets. But Sri Ramakrishna was not dismayed, for he saw in this, too, the hand of God. And though he expounded to the Brahmos all his ideas about God and austere religious disciplines, yet he bade them accept from his teachings only as much as suited their tastes and temperaments.
   ^The term "woman and gold", which has been used throughout in a collective sense, occurs again and again in the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna to designate the chief impediments to spiritual progress. This favourite expression of the Master, "kaminikanchan", has often been misconstrued. By it he meant only "lust and greed", the baneful influence of which retards the aspirant's spiritual growth. He used the word "kamini", or "woman", as a concrete term for the sex instinct when addressing his man devotees. He advised women, on the other hand, to shun "man". "Kanchan", or "gold", symbolizes greed, which is the other obstacle to spiritual life.
   Sri Ramakrishna never taught his disciples to hate any woman, or womankind in general. This can be seen clearly by going through all his teachings under this head and judging them collectively. The Master looked on all women as so many images of the Divine Mother of the Universe. He paid the highest homage to womankind by accepting a woman as his guide while practising the very profound spiritual disciplines of Tantra. His wife, known and revered as the Holy Mother, was his constant companion and first disciple. At the end of his spiritual practice he literally worshipped his wife as the embodiment of the Goddess Kali, the Divine Mother. After his passing away the Holy Mother became the spiritual guide not only of a large number of householders, but also of many monastic members of the Ramakrishna Order.
  -melting love of the Purana. Twenty hours out of twenty-four he would speak without out rest or respite. He gave to all his sympathy and enlightenment, and he touched them with that strange power of the soul which could not but melt even the most hardened. And people understood him according to their powers of comprehension.
   ^The word is generally used in the text to denote one devoted to God, a worshipper of the Personal God, or a follower of the path of love. A devotee of Sri Ramakrishna is one who is devoted to Sri Ramakrishna and follows his teachings. The word "disciple", when used in connexion with Sri Ramakrishna, refers to one who had been initiated into spiritual life by Sri Ramakrishna and who regarded him as his guru.
   Harish, a young man in affluent circumstances, renounced his family and took shelter with the Master, who loved him for his sincerity, singleness of purpose, and quiet nature. He spent his leisure time in prayer and meditation, turning a deaf ear to the entreaties and threats of his relatives. Referring to his undisturbed peace of mind, the Master would say: "Real men are dead to the world though living. Look at Harish. He is an example." When one day the Master asked him to be a little kind to his wife, Harish said: "You must excuse me on this point. This is not the place to show kindness. If I try to be sympathetic to her, there is a possibility of my forgetting the ideal and becoming entangled in the world."
   At the beginning of 1884 Narendra's father suddenly died of heart-failure, leaving the family in a state of utmost poverty. There were six or seven mouths to feed at home. Creditors were knocking at the door. Relatives who had accepted his father's unstinted kindness now became enemies, some even bringing suit to deprive Narendra of his ancestral home. Actually starving and barefoot, Narendra searched for a job, but without success. He began to doubt whether anywhere in the world there was such a thing as unselfish sympathy. Two rich women made evil proposals to him and promised to put an end to his distress; but he refused them with contempt.
   Narendra began to talk of his doubt of the very existence of God. His friends thought he had become an atheist, and piously circulated gossip adducing unmentionable motives for his unbelief. His moral character was maligned. Even some of the Master's disciples partly believed the gossip, and Narendra told these to their faces that only a coward believed in God through fear of suffering or hell. But he was distressed to think that Sri Ramakrishna, too, might believe these false reports. His pride revolted. He said to himself: "What does it matter? If a man's good name rests on such slender foundations, I don't care." But later on he was amazed to learn that the Master had never lost faith in him. To a disciple who complained about Narendra's degradation, Sri Ramakrishna replied: "Hush, you fool! The Mother has told me it can never be so. I won't look at you if you speak that way again."

0.00 - The Book of Lies Text, #The Book of Lies, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
    requires infinite study, sympathy, intuition and
    initiation. Given these I do not hesitate to claim that
    instantly flashed upon me. The entire symbolism not
    only of Free Masonry but of many other traditions
     The meaning of these symbols is fully explained in "The
    Soldier and the Hunchback".
    this word. N is the Tarot symbol, Death; and the X
    or Cross is the sign of the Phallus. For a fuller com-
     Nox adds to 210, which symbolises the reduction of
    duality to unity, and thence to negativity, and is thus
    numbered 1, again connecting all these symbols with
    the Phallus.
    therefore called the Oyster, a symbol of the Yoni. In
    Equinox X, The Temple of Solomon the King, it is
    from which Venus sprang, and which is the symbol of
    the Mother in the Tetragrammaton. See Chapter 0,
    powerful symbol, for it is the Scottish, and only known,
    apparatus for closing the mouth of a woman.
     The Dragon-Flies were chosen as symbols of joy,
    because of the author's observation as a naturalist.
    1001, being 11{Sigma} (1-13), is a symbol of the complete
    unity manifested as the many, for {Sigma} (1-13) gives the
    Also, Speech is a symptom of Thought.
    Yet, silence is but the negative side of Truth; the
     The Hawk is the symbol of sight; the Blindworm, of
    blindness. Those who are under the dominion of reason
    book, Laylah, who is the ultimate feminine symbol, to
    be interpreted on all planes.
    Consciousness is a symptom of disease.
    All that moves well moves without will.
     This Masonic symbol is, however, identified by
    Frater P. with a bird, which is master of the four
    is the more accurate symbol.
     This chapter is explained in Chapter 62.
    to above. There is only one symbol, but this symbol has
    many names: of those names BABALON is the holiest.
    of IT. This identifies further the symbol with itself.
     It will be noticed that this seal, except for the absence of
    that the symbols are interchanged, enthusiasm being
    represented as the sinuous snake, scepticism as the
     symbols connected with it in this place are feminine,
    but {Aleph} is also a number of Samadhi and mysticism, and
    fact, but symbolism; 90 being the number of Tzaddi,
    the Star, looked at in its exoteric sense, as a naked
     symbols of the secret of my soul.
    Yea, though I were lowered by ropes into the
     symbolical of Yoni and Lingam.)
  ecstasy (I)!), and of the complete symbol I A O.
   The latter sentence of the paragraph unites the two meanings of giving up the
  himself the Mahalingam, which unites these symbolisms. The opening of the eye,
  the ejaculation of the lingam, the destruction of the universe, the accomplishm
   (28) Oe = Island, a common symbol of Nibbana.
   (29) {Vau-Yod-Aleph} Ain. {Vau-Yod-Ayin} Ayin.
   (31) Cf. Bagh-i-Muattar for all this symbolism.
   (32) Death = Nun, the letter before O, means a fish, a symbol of Christ, and
  also by its shape the Female principle
    kinetically considered, is the symbol of directed force.
     In the first three paragraphs this formation of the
    hexagram is explained; it is a symbol of the mutual
    separation of the Holy Guardian Angel and his client.
     In paragraph 5 the symbolism of tongues is further
    developed. Abrahadabra is our primal example of an
    sigil of Cancer links up this symbolism with the number
    of the chapter.
    Zayin (OZ), and He-Goat, the symbol of matter, Capri-
    cornus, the Devil of the Tarot; which is the picture of the
    and Laylah symbolises redemption to Frater P. The
    number 77, also, interpreted as in the title, is the redeeming
    reference and imaginative sympathy. Put your mind
    in tune with his; identify yourself with him as he
    All other thoughts are surely symptoms of disease.
    Yet these are often beautiful, and may be true within
    It is the unification of all symbols and all planes.
    The End is expressible.
    it also symbolises the eventual coming out into the light
    of his that has wandered long in the darkness.

0.01f - FOREWARD, #The Phenomenon of Man, #Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, #Christianity
  it suffices, through symmetry, to bring out ahead of us surprising
  visions of the future.

0.01 - Life and Yoga, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  God. Therefore we see in India that a sharp incompatibility has been created between life in the world and spiritual growth and perfection, and although the tradition and ideal of a victorious harmony between the inner attraction and the outer demand remains, it is little or else very imperfectly exemplified. In fact, when a man turns his vision and energy inward and enters on the path of Yoga, he is popularly supposed to be lost inevitably to the great stream of our collective existence and the secular effort of humanity. So strongly has the idea prevailed, so much has it been emphasised by prevalent philosophies and religions that to escape from life is now commonly considered as not only the necessary condition, but the general object of Yoga. No synthesis of Yoga can be satisfying which does not, in its aim, reunite God and Nature in a liberated and perfected human life or, in its method, not only permit but favour the harmony of our inner and outer activities and experiences in the divine consummation of both. For man is precisely that term and symbol of a higher Existence descended into the material world in which it is possible for the lower to transfigure itself and put on the nature of the higher and the higher to reveal itself in the forms of the lower. To avoid the life which is given him for the realisation of that possibility, can never be either the indispensable condition or the whole and ultimate object of his supreme endeavour or of his most powerful means of self-fulfilment. It can only be a temporary necessity under certain conditions or a specialised extreme effort imposed on the individual so as to prepare a greater general possibility for the race. The true and full object and utility of Yoga can only be accomplished when the conscious
  Yoga in man becomes, like the subconscious Yoga in Nature, outwardly conterminous with life itself and we can once more, looking out both on the path and the achievement, say in a more perfect and luminous sense: "All life is Yoga."

0.02 - Letters to a Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  The exact symptoms of an attack from adverse forces.
  I was imagining that Mother will throw away this book

0.03 - Letters to My little smile, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  images in these visions are always symbolic and should be taken
  as such.

0.03 - The Threefold Life, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  But the spiritual life, like the mental, may thus make use of this outward existence for the benefit of the individual with a perfect indifference to any collective uplifting of the merely symbolic world which it uses. Since the Eternal is for ever the same in all things and all things the same to the Eternal, since the exact mode of action and the result are of no importance compared with the working out in oneself of the one great realisation, this spiritual indifference accepts no matter what environment, no matter what action, dispassionately, prepared to retire as soon as its own supreme end is realised. It is so that many have understood the ideal of the Gita. Or else the inner love and bliss may pour itself out on the world in good deeds, in service, in compassion, the inner Truth in the giving of knowledge, without therefore attempting the transformation of a world which must by its inalienable nature remain a battlefield of the dualities, of sin and virtue, of truth and error, of joy and suffering.
  But if Progress also is one of the chief terms of worldexistence and a progressive manifestation of the Divine the true sense of Nature, this limitation also is invalid. It is possible for the spiritual life in the world, and it is its real mission, to change the material life into its own image, the image of the Divine. Therefore, besides the great solitaries who have sought and attained their self-liberation, we have the great spiritual teachers who have also liberated others and, supreme of all, the great dynamic souls who, feeling themselves stronger in the might of the Spirit than all the forces of the material life banded together, have thrown themselves upon the world, grappled with it in a loving wrestle and striven to compel its consent to its own transfiguration. Ordinarily, the effort is concentrated on a mental and moral change in humanity, but it may extend itself also to the alteration of the forms of our life and its institutions so that they too may be a better mould for the inpourings of the Spirit. These attempts have been the supreme landmarks in the progressive development of human ideals and the divine preparation of the race. Every one of them, whatever its outward results, has left Earth more capable of Heaven and quickened in its tardy movements the evolutionary Yoga of Nature.
  In India, for the last thousand years and more, the spiritual life and the material have existed side by side to the exclusion of the progressive mind. Spirituality has made terms for itself with Matter by renouncing the attempt at general progress. It has obtained from society the right of free spiritual development for all who assume some distinctive symbol, such as the garb of the Sannyasin, the recognition of that life as man's goal and those who live it as worthy of an absolute reverence, and the casting of society itself into such a religious mould that its most customary acts should be accompanied by a formal reminder of the spiritual symbolism of life and its ultimate destination. On the other hand, there was conceded to society the right of inertia and immobile self-conservation. The concession destroyed much of the value of the terms. The religious mould being fixed, the formal reminder tended to become a routine and to lose its living sense. The constant attempts to change the mould by new sects and religions ended only in a new routine or a modification of the old; for the saving element of the free and active mind had been exiled. The material life, handed over to the Ignorance, the purposeless and endless duality, became a leaden and dolorous yoke from which flight was the only escape.
  The schools of Indian Yoga lent themselves to the compromise. Individual perfection or liberation was made the aim, seclusion of some kind from the ordinary activities the condition, the renunciation of life the culmination. The teacher gave his knowledge only to a small circle of disciples. Or if a wider movement was attempted, it was still the release of the individual soul that remained the aim. The pact with an immobile society was, for the most part, observed.
  We have to recognise once more that the individual exists not in himself alone but in the collectivity and that individual perfection and liberation are not the whole sense of God's intention in the world. The free use of our liberty includes also the liberation of others and of mankind; the perfect utility of our perfection is, having realised in ourselves the divine symbol, to reproduce, multiply and ultimately universalise it in others.
  Therefore from a concrete view of human life in its threefold potentialities we come to the same conclusion that we had drawn from an observation of Nature in her general workings and the three steps of her evolution. And we begin to perceive a complete aim for our synthesis of Yoga.
  But what Nature aims at for the mass in a slow evolution, Yoga effects for the individual by a rapid revolution. It works by a quickening of all her energies, a sublimation of all her faculties. While she develops the spiritual life with difficulty and has constantly to fall back from it for the sake of her lower realisations, the sublimated force, the concentrated method of Yoga can attain directly and carry with it the perfection of the mind and even, if she will, the perfection of the body. Nature seeks the Divine in her own symbols: Yoga goes beyond Nature to the Lord of Nature, beyond universe to the Transcendent and can return with the transcendent light and power, with the fiat of the Omnipotent.
  But their aim is one in the end. The generalisation of Yoga in humanity must be the last victory of Nature over her own delays and concealments. Even as now by the progressive mind in Science she seeks to make all mankind fit for the full development of the mental life, so by Yoga must she inevitably seek to make all mankind fit for the higher evolution, the second birth, the spiritual existence. And as the mental life uses and perfects the material, so will the spiritual use and perfect the material and the mental existence as the instruments of a divine self-expression.
  The ages when that is accomplished, are the legendary Satya or Krita3 Yugas, the ages of the Truth manifested in the symbol, of the great work done when Nature in mankind, illumined, satisfied and blissful, rests in the culmination of her endeavour.
  It is for man to know her meaning, no longer misunderstanding, vilifying or misusing the universal Mother and to aspire always by her mightiest means to her highest ideal.

0.04 - The Systems of Yoga, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  But this exclusive consummation is not the sole or inevitable result of the Path of Knowledge. For, followed more largely and with a less individual aim, the method of Knowledge may lead to an active conquest of the cosmic existence for the Divine no less than to a transcendence. The point of this departure is the realisation of the supreme Self not only in one's own being but in all beings and, finally, the realisation of even the phenomenal aspects of the world as a play of the divine consciousness and not something entirely alien to its true nature. And on the basis of this realisation a yet further enlargement is possible, the conversion of all forms of knowledge, however mundane, into activities of the divine consciousness utilisable for the perception of the one and unique Object of knowledge both in itself and through the play of its forms and symbols. Such a method might well lead to the elevation of the whole range of human intellect
  The Systems of Yoga

0.05 - Letters to a Child, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  The moon is the symbol of the spiritual light, one in its origin,
  multiple in its manifestation. There is only one moon and yet

0.05 - The Synthesis of the Systems, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  This system is the way of the Tantra. Owing to certain of its developments Tantra has fallen into discredit with those who are not Tantrics; and especially owing to the developments of its left-hand path, the Vama Marga, which not content with exceeding the duality of virtue and sin and instead of replacing them by spontaneous rightness of action seemed, sometimes, to make a method of self-indulgence, a method of unrestrained social immorality. Nevertheless, in its origin, Tantra was a great and puissant system founded upon ideas which were at least partially true. Even its twofold division into the right-hand and left-hand paths, Dakshina Marga and Vama Marga, started from a certain profound perception. In the ancient symbolic sense of the words Dakshina and Vama, it was the distinction between the way of Knowledge and the way of Ananda, - Nature in man liberating itself by right discrimination in power and practice of its own energies, elements and potentialities and Nature in man
  The Synthesis of the Systems
   liberating itself by joyous acceptance in power and practice of its own energies, elements and potentialities. But in both paths there was in the end an obscuration of principles, a deformation of symbols and a fall.
  If, however, we leave aside, here also, the actual methods and practices and seek for the central principle, we find, first, that Tantra expressly differentiates itself from the Vedic methods of Yoga. In a sense, all the schools we have hitherto examined are Vedantic in their principle; their force is in knowledge, their method is knowledge, though it is not always discernment by the intellect, but may be, instead, the knowledge of the heart expressed in love and faith or a knowledge in the will working out through action. In all of them the lord of the Yoga is the Purusha, the Conscious Soul that knows, observes, attracts, governs. But in Tantra it is rather Prakriti, the Nature-Soul, the Energy, the
   functioning of the complex instrument we are in our outer parts, is the condition of an integral liberty. Its result is an integral beatitude, in which there becomes possible at once the Ananda of all that is in the world seen as symbols of the Divine and the Ananda of that which is not-world. And it prepares the integral perfection of our humanity as a type of the Divine in the conditions of the human manifestation, a perfection founded on a certain free universality of being, of love and joy, of play of knowledge and of play of will in power and will in unegoistic action. This integrality also can be attained by the integral Yoga.
  Perfection includes perfection of mind and body, so that the highest results of Rajayoga and Hathayoga should be contained in the widest formula of the synthesis finally to be effected by mankind. At any rate a full development of the general mental and physical faculties and experiences attainable by humanity through Yoga must be included in the scope of the integral method. Nor would these have any raison d'etre unless employed for an integral mental and physical life. Such a mental and physical life would be in its nature a translation of the spiritual existence into its right mental and physical values. Thus we would arrive at a synthesis of the three degrees of Nature and of the three modes of human existence which she has evolved or is evolving. We would include in the scope of our liberated being and perfected modes of activity the material life, our base, and the mental life, our intermediate instrument.

0.06 - Letters to a Young Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Radha is the symbol of loving consecration to the Divine.
  Keep always your balance and a calm serenity; it is only thus
  disastrous, for falsehood is the very symbol of that which wants
  to oppose the divine work of Truth.

0.08 - Letters to a Young Captain, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  form and symbol of an eternal Reality, and through the physical
  appearance, it is to this higher Reality that you must turn. The
  person - by sympathy, spontaneously, by an affinity more or
  less deep, or else by an effort of concentration which ends in

0.09 - Letters to a Young Teacher, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  These days they print your symbol and Sri Aurobindo's name on all sorts of things, on all the thousand
  and one little trifles of daily life which have to be thrown

01.01 - Sri Aurobindo - The Age of Sri Aurobindo, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The ideal or perhaps one should say the policy of Real-politick is the thing needed in this world. To achieve something actually in the physical and material field, even a lesser something, is worth much more than speculating on high flaunting chimeras and indulging in day-dreams. Yes, but what is this something that has to be achieved in the material world? It is always an ideal. Even procuring food for each and every person, clothing and housing all is not less an ideal for all its concern about actuality. Only there are ideals and ideals; some are nearer to the earth, some seem to be in the background. But the mystery is that it is not always the ideal nearest to the earth which is the easiest to achieve or the first thing to be done first. Do we not see before our very eye show some very simple innocent social and economic changes are difficult to carry outthey bring in their train quite disproportionately gestures and movements of violence and revolution? That is because we seek to cure the symptoms and not touch the root of the disease. For even the most innocent-looking social, economic or political abuse has at its base far-reaching attitudes and life-urgeseven a spiritual outlook that have to be sought out and tackled first, if the attempt at reform is to be permanently and wholly successful. Even in mundane matters we do not dig deep enough, or rise high enough.
   Indeed, looking from a standpoint that views the working of the forces that act and achieve and not the external facts and events and arrangements aloneone finds that things that are achieved on the material plane are first developed and matured and made ready behind the veil and at a given moment burst out and manifest themselves often unexpectedly and suddenly like a chick out of the shell or the young butterfly out of the cocoon. The Gita points to that truth of Nature when it says: "These beings have already been killed by Me." It is not that a long or strenuous physical planning and preparation alone or in the largest measure brings about a physical realisation. The deeper we go within, the farther we are away from the surface, the nearer we come to the roots and sources of things even most superficial. The spiritual view sees and declares that it is the Brahmic consciousness that holds, inspires, builds up Matter, the physical body and form of Brahman.

01.01 - The Symbol Dawn, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  object:01.01 - The symbol Dawn
  In the sombre symbol of her eyeless muse
  The abysm of the unbodied Infinite;
  Lighting a pathway through strange symbol dreams
  Across the ebbing of the seas of sleep.

01.02 - Sri Aurobindo - Ahana and Other Poems, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   We do not say that poets have never sung of God and Soul and things transcendent. Poets have always done that. But what I say is this that presentation of spiritual truths, as they are in their own home, in other words, treated philosophically and yet in a supreme poetic manner, has always been a rarity. We have, indeed, in India the Gita and the Upanishads, great philosophical poems, if there were any. But for one thing they are on dizzy heights out of the reach of common man and for another they are idolised more as philosophy than as poetry. Doubtless, our Vaishnava poets sang of God and Love Divine; and Rabindranath, in one sense, a typical modern Vaishnava, did the same. And their songs are masterpieces. But are they not all human, too human, as the mad prophet would say? In them it is the human significance, the human manner that touches and moves us the spiritual significance remains esoteric, is suggested, is a matter of deduction. Sri Aurobindo has dealt with spiritual experiences in a different way. He has not clothed them in human symbols and allegories, in images and figures of the mere earthly and secular life: he presents them in their nakedness, just as they are seen and realised. He has not sought to tone down the rigour of truth with contrivances that easily charm and captivate the common human mind and heart. Nor has he indulged like so many poet philosophers in vague generalisations and colourless or too colourful truisms that do not embody a clear thought or rounded idea, a radiant judgment. Sri Aurobindo has given us in his poetry thoughts that are clear-cut, ideas beautifully chiselledhe is always luminously forceful.
   Take these Vedantic lines that in their limpidity and harmonious flow beat anything found in the fine French poet Lamartine:
   It is the bare truth, "truth in its own home", as I have said already using a phrase of the ancient sages, that is formulated here without the prop of any external symbolism. There is no veil, no mist, no uncertainty or ambiguity. It is clarity itself, an almost scientific exactness and precision. In all this there is something of the straightness and fullness of vision that characterised the Vedic Rishis, something of their supernal genius which could mould speech into the very expression of what is beyond speech, which could sublimate the small and the finite into forms of the Vast and the Infinite. Mark how in these aphoristic lines embodying a deep spiritual experience, the inexpressible has been expressed with a luminous felicity:
   Delight that labours in its opposite,
   To humanise the Divine, that is what we all wish to do; for the Divine is too lofty for us and we cannot look full into his face. We cry and supplicate to Rudra, "O dire Lord, show us that other form of thine that is benign and humane". All earthly imageries we lavish upon the Divine so that he may appear to us not as something far and distant and foreign, but, quite near, among us, as one of us. We take recourse to human symbolism often, because we wish to palliate or hide the rigours of a supreme experience, not because we have no adequate terms for it. The same human or earthly terms could be used differently if we had a different consciousness. Thus the Vedic Rishis sought not to humanise the Divine, their purpose was rather to divinise the human. And their allegorical language, although rich in terrestrial figures, does not carry the impress and atmosphere of mere humanity and earthliness. For in reality the symbol is not merely the symbol. It is mere symbol in regard to the truth so long as we take our stand on the lower plane when we have to look at the truth through the symbol; but if we view it from the higher plane, from truth itself, it is no longer mere symbol but the very truth bodied forth. Whatever there is of symbolism on earth and its beauties, in sense and its enjoyments, is then transfigured into the expression of the truth, of the divinity itself. We then no longer speak in human language but in the language of the gods.
   We have been speaking of philosophy and the philosophic manner. But what are the exact implications of the words, let us ask again. They mean nothing more and nothing lessthan the force of thought and the mass of thought content. After all, that seems to be almost the whole difference between the past and the present human consciousness in so far at least as it has found expression in poetry. That element, we wish to point out, is precisely what the old-world poets lacked or did not care to possess or express or stress. A poet meant above all, if not all in all, emotion, passion, sensuousness, sensibility, nervous enthusiasm and imagination and fancy: remember the classic definition given by Shakespeare of the poet
   And it would be wrong too to suppose that there is want of sympathy in Sri Aurobindo for ordinary humanity, that he is not susceptible to sentiments, to the weaknesses, that stir the natural man. Take for example this line so instinct with a haunting melancholy strain:
   Cold are your rivers of peace and their banks are leafless and lonely.

01.02 - The Creative Soul, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   In one's own soul lies the very height and profundity of a god-head. Each soul by bringing out the note that is his, makes for the most wondrous symphony. Once a man knows what he is and holds fast to it, refusing to be drawn away by any necessity or temptation, he begins to uncover himself, to do what his inmost nature demands and takes joy in, that is to say, begins to create. Indeed there may be much difference in the forms that different souls take. But because each is itself, therefore each is grounded upon the fundamental equality of things. All our valuations are in reference to some standard or other set up with a particular end in view, but that is a question of the practical world which in no way takes away from the intrinsic value of the greatness of the soul. So long as the thing is there, the how of it does not matter. Infinite are the ways of manifestation and all of them the very highest and the most sublime, provided they are a manifestation of the soul itself, provided they rise and flow from the same level. Whether it is Agni or Indra, Varuna, Mitra or the Aswins, it is the same supreme and divine inflatus.
   The cosmic soul is true. But that truth is borne out, effectuated only by the truth of the individual soul. When the individual soul becomes itself fully and integrally, by that very fact it becomes also the cosmic soul. The individuals are the channels through which flows the Universal and the Infinite in its multiple emphasis. Each is a particular figure, aspectBhava, a particular angle of vision of All. The vision is entire and the figure perfect if it is not refracted by the lower and denser parts of our being. And for that the individual must first come to itself and shine in its opal clarity and translucency.

01.02 - The Issue, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Opening in sympathy with happier stars
  Where life is not exposed to sorrowful change,

01.03 - Mystic Poetry, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   both so idealise, etherealize, almost spiritualise the earth and the flesh that they seem ostensibly only a vesture of something else behind, something mysterious and other-worldly, something other than, even just opposite to what they actually are or appear to be. That is the mystique of the senses which is a very characteristic feature of some of the best poetic inspirations of France. Baudelaire too, the Satanic poet, by the sheer intensity of sympathy and sincerity, pierces as it were into the soul of things and makes the ugly, the unclean, the diseased, the sordid throb and glow with an almost celestial light. Here is the Baudelairean manner:
   Tout casss
   It is not merely by addressing the beloved as your goddess that you can attain this mysticism; the Elizabethan did that in merry abundance,ad nauseam.A finer temper, a more delicate touch, a more subtle sensitiveness and a kind of artistic wizardry are necessary to tune the body into a rhythm of the spirit. The other line of mysticism is common enough, viz., to express the spirit in terms and rhythms of the flesh. Tagore did that liberally, the Vaishnava poets did nothing but that, the Song of Solomon is an exquisite example of that procedure. There is here, however, a difference in degrees which is an interesting feature worth noting. Thus in Tagore the reference to the spirit is evident, that is the major or central chord; the earthly and the sensuous are meant as the name and form, as the body to render concrete, living and vibrant, near and intimate what otherwise would perhaps be vague and abstract, afar, aloof. But this mundane or human appearance has a value in so far as it is a support, a pointer or symbol of the spiritual import. And the mysticism lies precisely in the play of the two, a hide-and-seek between them. On the other hand, as I said, the greater portion of Vaishnava poetry, like a precious and beautiful casket, no doubt, hides the spiritual import: not the pure significance but the sign and symbol are luxuriously elaborated, they are placed in the foreground in all magnificence: as if it was their very purpose to conceal the real meaning. When the Vaishnava poet says,
   O love, what more shall I, shall Radha speak,
   The religious poet seeks to tone down or cover up the mundane taint, since he does not know how to transcend it totally, in two ways: (1) by a strong thought-element, the metaphysical way, as it may be called and (2) by a strong symbolism, the occult way. Donne takes to the first course, Blake the second. And it is the alchemy brought to bear in either of these processes that transforms the merely religious into the mystic poet. The truly spiritual, as I have said, is still a higher grade of consciousness: what I call Spirit's own poetry has its own matter and mannerswabhava and swadharma. A nearest approach to it is echoed in those famous lines of Blake:
   To see a World in a grain of Sand,
   An allegorical structure has been transfused into a living and burning symbolism of an inner world.
   But all that is left far behind, when we hear a new voice announcing an altogether new manner, revelatory of the truly and supremely spiritual consciousness, not simply mystic or religious but magically occult and carved out of the highest if recondite philosophia:

01.03 - The Yoga of the King - The Yoga of the Souls Release, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  His birth held up a symbol and a sign;
  His human self like a translucent cloak
  An archivist of the symbols of the Beyond,
  A treasurer of superhuman dreams,
  In the transient symbol of humanity draped,
  He feels his substance of undying self
  To ethereal symphonies the old earthy strings;
  It raised the servitors of mind and life
  Or symbols more veridical than fact,
  Or were truths enforced by supernatural seals.
  These symbol figures lost their right to live,
  All tokens dropped our sense can recognise;
  With the stark array of Nature's symbol facts
  And life's incessant signals of event,
  Its symmetry of self-arranged effects
  Managed in the deep perspectives of the soul,

01.04 - The Intuition of the Age, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   That is to say, the change has been in the soul of man himself, the being has veered round and taken a new orientation. It is this which one must envisage, recognise and consciously possess, in order that one may best fulfil the call of the age. But what we are doing instead is to observe the mere external signs and symbols and symptoms, to fix upon the distant quiverings, the echoes on the outermost rim, which are not always faithful representations, but very often distorted images of the truth and life at the centre and source and matrix. We must know that if there has been going on a redistribution and new-marshalling of forces, it is because the fiat has come from the Etat Major.
   Now, in order to understand the new orientation of the spirit of the present age, we may profitably ask what was the inspiration of the past age, the characteristic note which has failed to satisfy us and which we are endeavouring to transform. We know that that age was the Scientific age or the age of Reason. Its great prophets were Voltaire and the Encyclopaedists or if you mount further up in time, we may begin from Bacon and the humanists. Its motto was first, "The proper study of mankind is man" and secondly, Reason is the supreme organon of knowledge, the highest deity in manla Desse Raison. And it is precisely against these two basic principles that the new age has entered its protest. In face of Humanism, Nietzsche has posited the Superman and in face of Reason Bergson has posited Intuition.
   And the faculty of Intuition said to be the characteristic of the New Man does not mean all that it should, if we confine ourselves to Bergson's definition of it. Bergson says that Intuition is a sort of sympathy, a community of feeling or sensibility with the urge of the life-reality. The difference between the sympathy of Instinct and the sympathy of Intuition being that while the former is an unconscious or semi-conscious power, the latter is illumined and self-conscious. Now this view emphasises only the feeling-tone of Intuition, the vital sensibility that attends the direct communion with the life movement. But Intuition is not only purified feeling and sensibility, it is also purified vision and knowledge. It unites us not only with the movement of life, but also opens out to our sight the Truths, the fundamental realities behind that movement. Bergson does not, of course, point to any existence behind the continuous flux of life-power the elan vital. He seems to deny any static truth or truths to be seen and seized in any scheme of knowledge. To him the dynamic flow the Heraclitian panta reei is the ultimate reality. It is precisely to this view of things that Bergson owes his conception of Intuition. Since existence is a continuum of Mind-Energy, the only way to know it is to be in harmony or unison with it, to move along its current. The conception of knowledge as a fixing and delimiting of things is necessarily an anomaly in this scheme. But the question is, is matter the only static and separative reality? Is the flux of vital Mind-Energy the ultimate truth?
   Matter forms the lowest level of reality. Above it is the elan vital. Above the elan vital there is yet the domain of the Spirit. And the Spirit is a static substance and at the same a dynamic creative power. It is Being (Sat) that realises or expresses itself through certain typal nuclei or nodi of consciousness (chit) in a continuous becoming, in a flow of creative activity (ananda). The dynamism of the vital energy is only a refraction or precipitation of the dynamism of the spirit; and so also static matter is only the substance of the spirit concretised and solidified. It is in an uplift both of matter and vital force to their prototypesswarupa and swabhavain the Spirit that lies the real transformation and transfiguration of the humanity of man.

01.04 - The Poetry in the Making, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Like the modern scientist the artist or craftsman too of today has become a philosopher, even a mystic philosopher. The subtler and higher ranges of consciousness are now the object of inquiry and investigation and expression and revelation for the scientist as well as for the artist. The external sense-objects, the phenomenal movements are symbols and signposts, graphs and pointer-readings of facts and realities that lie hidden, behind or beyond. The artist and the scientist are occult alchemists. What to make of this, for example:
   Beyond the shapes of empire, the capes of Carbonek, over

01.04 - The Secret Knowledge, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  And makes the symbol equal with the truth:
  He gives to his timeless thoughts a form in Time.
  In the symbol figures of the cosmic Force
  And in her living and inanimate signs
  He turns to eternal things his symbol quest;
  Life changes for him its time-constructed scenes,
  The surface symbol of his goalless quest
  Takes deeper meanings to his inner view;

01.05 - Rabindranath Tagore: A Great Poet, a Great Man, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Tagore is no inventor or innovator when he posits Spirit as Beauty, the spiritual consciousness as the ardent rhythm of ecstasy. This experience is the very core of Vaishnavism and for which Tagore is sometimes called a Neo-Vaishnava. The Vaishnava sees the world pulsating in glamorous beauty as the Lila (Play) of the Lord, and the Lord, God himself, is nothing but Love and Beauty. Still Tagore is not all Vaishnava or merely a Vaishnava; he is in addition a modern (the carping voice will say, there comes the dilution and adulteration)in the sense that problems exist for himsocial, political, economic, national, humanitarianwhich have to be faced and solved: these are not merely mundane, but woven into the texture of the fundamental problem of human destiny, of Soul and Spirit and God. A Vaishnava was, in spite of his acceptance of the world, an introvert, to use a modern psychological phrase, not necessarily in the pejorative sense, but in the neutral scientific sense. He looks upon the universe' and human life as the play of the Lord, as an actuality and not mere illusion indeed; but he does not participate or even take interest in the dynamic working out of the world process, he does not care to know, has no need of knowing that there is a terrestrial purpose and a diviner fulfilment of the mortal life upon earth. The Vaishnava dwells more or less absorbed in the Vaikuntha of his inner consciousness; the outer world, although real, is only a symbolic shadowplay to which he can but be a witness-real, is only a nothing more.
   A modern idealist of the type of a reformer would not be satisfied with that role. If he is merely a moralist reformer, he will revolt against the "witness business", calling it a laissez-faire mentality of bygone days. A spiritual reformer would ask for morea dynamic union with the Divine Will and Consciousness, not merely a passive enjoyment in the Bliss, so that he may be a luminous power or agent for the expression of divine values in things mundane.
   Thus, on the one hand, the Eternity, the Infinity, the Spirit is brought nearer home to us in its embodied symbols and living vehicles and vivid formulations, it becomes easily available to mortals, even like the father to his son, to use a Vedic phrase; on the other hand, earthly things, mere humanities are uplifted and suffused with a "light that never was, on sea or land."
   Another great poet of the spirit says also, almost like Tagore:

01.05 - The Nietzschean Antichrist, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   This is the Nietzsche we all know. But there is another aspect of his which the world has yet been slow to recognise. For, at bottom, Nietzsche is not all storm and fury. If his Superman is a Destroying Angel, he is none the less an angel. If he is endowed with a supreme sense of strength and power, there is also secreted in the core of his heart a sense of the beautiful that illumines his somewhat sombre aspect. For although Nietzsche is by birth a Slavo-Teuton, by culture and education he is pre-eminently Hellenic. His earliest works are on the subject of Greek tragedy and form what he describes as an "Apollonian dream." And to this dream, to this Greek aesthetic sense more than to any thing else he sacrifices justice and pity and charity. To him the weak and the miserable, the sick and the maimed are a sort of blot, a kind of ulcer on the beautiful face of humanity. The herd that wallow in suffering and relish suffering disfigure the aspect of the world and should therefore be relentlessly mowed out of existence. By being pitiful to them we give our tacit assent to their persistence. And it is precisely because of this that Nietzsche has a horror of Christianity. For compassion gives indulgence to all the ugliness of the world and thus renders that ugliness a necessary and indispensable element of existence. To protect the weak, to sympathise with the lowly brings about more of weakness and more of lowliness. Nietzsche has an aristocratic taste par excellencewhat he aims at is health and vigour and beauty. But above all it is an aristocracy of the spirit, an aristocracy endowed with all the richness and beauty of the soul that Nietzsche wants to establish. The beggar of the street is the symbol of ugliness, of the poverty of the spirit. And the so-called aristocrat, die millionaire of today is as poor and ugly as any helpless leper. The soul of either of them is made of the same dirty, sickly stuff. The tattered rags, the crouching heart, the effeminate nerve, the unenlightened soul are the standing ugliness of the world and they have no place in the ideal, the perfect humanity. Humanity, according to Nietzsche, is made in order to be beautiful, to conceive the beautiful, to create the beautiful. Nietzsche's Superman has its perfect image in a Grecian statue of Zeus cut out in white marble-Olympian grandeur shedding in every lineament Apollonian beauty and Dionysian vigour.
   The real secret of Nietzsche's philosophy is not an adoration of brute force, of blind irrational joy in fighting and killing. Far from it, Nietzsche has no kinship with Treitschke or Bernhard. What Nietzsche wanted was a world purged of littleness and ugliness, a humanity, not of saints, perhaps, but of heroes, lofty in their ideal, great in their achievement, majestic in their empirea race of titanic gods breathing the glory of heaven itself.

01.05 - The Yoga of the King - The Yoga of the Spirits Freedom and Greatness, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  The symbol powers of number and of form,
  And the secret code of the history of the world
  Its strange symbol letters, scattered abstruse signs,
  Resolve its oracle and its paradox,
  In living symbols study Reality
  And learn the logic of the Infinite.
  Among the symbols of yet unshaped things
  Watched by closed eyes, mute faces of the Unborn,
  Into significant symbols by its gloss,
  It offered to the intuitive exegete

01.06 - On Communism, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Now, a spiritual communism embraces individualism and collectivism, fuses them in a higher truth, establishes them in an intimate and absolute harmony. The individual is the centre, the group is the circumference and the two form one whore circle. The individual by fulfilling the truth of his real individuality fulfils also the truth of a commonality. There are no different laws for the two. The individuals do not stand apart from and against one another, the dharma of one does not clash with the dharma of the other. The ripples in the bosom of the sea, however distinct and discrete in appearance, form but a single mass, all follow the same law of hydrodynamics that the mother sea incarnates. Stars and planets and nebulae, each separate heavenly body has its characteristic form and nature and function and yet all fulfil the same law of gravitation and beat the measure of the silent symphony of spaces. Individualities are the freedoms of the collective being and collectivity the concentration of individual beings. The same soul looking inward appears as the individual being and looking outward appears as the collective being.
   Communism takes man not as ego or the vital creature; it turns him upside downurdhomulo' vaksakhah and establishes him upon his soul, his inner godhead. Thus established the individual soul finds and fulfils the divine law that by increasing itself it increases others and by increasing others it increases itself and thus by increasing one another they attain the supreme good. Unless man goes beyond himself and reaches this self, this godhead above, he will not find any real poise, will always swing between individualism and collectivism, he will remain always boundbound either in his freedom or in his bondage.

01.08 - Walter Hilton: The Scale of Perfection, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Indeed, it would be interesting to compare and contrast the Eastern and Western approach to Divine Love, the Christian and the Vaishnava, for example. Indian spirituality, whatever its outer form or credal formulation, has always a background of utter unity. This unity, again, is threefold or triune and is expressed in those great Upanishadic phrases,mahvkyas,(1) the transcendental unity: the One alone exists, there is nothing else than theOneekamevdvityam; (2) the cosmic unity: all existence is one, whatever exists is that One, thereare no separate existences:sarvam khalvidam brahma neha nnsti kincaa; (3) That One is I, you too are that One:so' ham, tattvamasi; this may be called the individual unity. As I have said, all spiritual experiences in India, of whatever school or line, take for granted or are fundamentally based upon this sense of absolute unity or identity. Schools of dualism or pluralism, who do not apparently admit in their tenets this extreme monism, are still permeated in many ways with that sense and in some form or other take cognizance of the truth of it. The Christian doctrine too says indeed, 'I and my Father in Heaven are one', but this is not identity, but union; besides, the human soul is not admitted into this identity, nor the world soul. The world, we have seen, according to the Christian discipline has to be altogether abandoned, negatived, as we go inward and upward towards our spiritual status reflecting the divine image in the divine company. It is a complete rejection, a cutting off and casting away of world and life. One extreme Vedantic path seems to follow a similar line, but there it is not really rejection, but a resolution, not the rejection of what is totally foreign and extraneous, but a resolution of the external into its inner and inmost substance, of the effect into its original cause. Brahman is in the world, Brahman is the world: the world has unrolled itself out of the Brahmansi, pravttiit has to be rolled back into its, cause and substance if it is to regain its pure nature (that is the process of nivitti). Likewise, the individual being in the world, "I", is the transcendent being itself and when it withdraws, it withdraws itself and the whole world with it and merges into the Absolute. Even the Maya of the Mayavadin, although it is viewed as something not inherent in Brahman but superimposed upon Brahman, still, has been accepted as a peculiar power of Brahman itself. The Christian doctrine keeps the individual being separate practically, as an associate or at the most as an image of God. The love for one's neighbour, charity, which the Christian discipline enjoins is one's love for one's kind, because of affinity of nature and quality: it does not dissolve the two into an integral unity and absolute identity, where we love because we are one, because we are the One. The highest culmination of love, the very basis of love, according to the Indian conception, is a transcendence of love, love trans-muted into Bliss. The Upanishad says, where one has become the utter unity, who loves whom? To explain further our point, we take two examples referred to in the book we are considering. The true Christian, it is said, loves the sinner too, he is permitted to dislike sin, for he has to reject it, but he must separate from sin the sinner and love him. Why? Because the sinner too can change and become his brother in spirit, one loves the sinner because there is the possibility of his changing and becoming a true Christian. It is why the orthodox Christian, even such an enlightened and holy person as this mediaeval Canon, considers the non-Christian, the non-baptised as impure and potentially and fundamentally sinners. That is also why the Church, the physical organisation, is worshipped as Christ's very body and outside the Church lies the pagan world which has neither religion nor true spirituality nor salvation. Of course, all this may be symbolic and it is symbolic in a sense. If Christianity is taken to mean true spirituality, and the Church is equated with the collective embodiment of that spirituality, all that is claimed on their behalf stands justified. But that is an ideal, a hypothetical standpoint and can hardly be borne out by facts. However, to come back to our subject, let us ow take the second example. Of Christ himself, it is said, he not only did not dislike or had any aversion for Judas, but that he positively loved the traitor with a true and sincere love. He knew that the man would betray him and even when he was betraying and had betrayed, the Son of Man continued to love him. It was no make-believe or sham or pretence. It was genuine, as genuine as anything can be. Now, why did he love his enemy? Because, it is said, the enemy is suffered by God to do the misdeed: he has been allowed to test the faith of the faithful, he too has his utility, he too is God's servant. And who knows even a Judas would not change in the end? Many who come to scoff do remain to pray. But it can be asked, 'Does God love Satan too in the same way?' The Indian conception which is basically Vedantic is different. There is only one reality, one truth which is viewed differently. Whether a thing is considered good or evil or neutral, essentially and truly, it is that One and nothing else. God's own self is everywhere and the sage makes no difference between the Brahmin and the cow and the elephant. It is his own self he finds in every person and every objectsarvabhtsthitam yo mm bhajati ekatvamsthitah"he has taken his stand upon oneness and loves Me in all beings."2
   This will elucidate another point of difference between the Christian's and the Vaishnava's love of God, for both are characterised by an extreme intensity and sweetness and exquisiteness of that divine feeling. This Christian's, however, is the union of the soul in its absolute purity and simplicity and "privacy" with her lord and master; the soul is shred here of all earthly vesture and goes innocent and naked into the embrace of her Beloved. The Vaishnava feeling is richer and seems to possess more amplitude; it is more concrete and less ethereal. The Vaishnava in his passionate yearning seeks to carry as it were the whole world with him to his Lord: for he sees and feels Him not only in the inmost chamber of his soul, but meets Him also in and I through his senses and in and through the world and its objects around. In psychological terms one can say that the Christian realisation, at its very source, is that of the inmost soul, what we call the "psychic being" pure and simple, referred to in the book we are considering; as: "His sweet privy voice... stirreth thine heart full stilly." Whereas the Vaishnava reaches out to his Lord with his outer heart too aflame with passion; not only his inmost being but his vital being also seeks the Divine. This bears upon the occult story of man's spiritual evolution upon earth. The Divine Grace descends from the highest into the deepest and from the deepest to the outer ranges of human nature, so that the whole of it may be illumined and transformed and one day man can embody in his earthly life the integral manifestation of God, the perfect Epiphany. Each religion, each line of spiritual discipline takes up one limb of manone level or mode of his being and consciousness purifies it and suffuses it with the spiritual and divine consciousness, so that in the end the whole of man, in his integral living, is recast and remoulded: each discipline is in charge of one thread as it were, all together weave the warp and woof in the evolution of the perfect pattern of a spiritualised and divinised humanity.

0.10 - Letters to a Young Captain, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  What is the eternal truth behind this sympathy or
  attraction of man for woman and of woman for man?
  outside, more arrogant, lacking any sympathy, incapable
  of cooperation, etc. What do You say to all this, Mother?
  Now the Ashram has become a symbolic representation of
  life on earth and everything can find a place in it, provided it

01.10 - Nicholas Berdyaev: God Made Human, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Eastern spirituality does not view sorrow and sufferingevilas an integral part of the Divine Consciousness. It is born out of the Divine, no doubt, as nothing can be outside the Divine, but it is a local and temporal formation; it is a disposition consequent upon certain conditions and with the absence or elimination of those conditions, this disposition too disappears. God and the Divine Consciousness can only be purity, light, immortality and delight. The compassion that a Buddha feels for the suffering humanity is not at all a feeling of suffering; pain or any such normal human reaction does not enter into its composition; it is the movement of a transcendent consciousness which is beyond and purified of the normal reactions, yet overarching them and entering into them as a soothing and illumining and vivifying presence. The healer knows and understands the pain and suffering of his patient but is not touched by them; he need not contract the illness of his patient in order to be in sympathy with him. The Divine the Soulcan be in flesh and yet not smirched with its mire; the flesh is not essentially or irrevocably the ooze it is under certain given conditions. The divine physical body is composed of radiant matter and one can speak of it even as of the soul that weapons cannot pierce it nor can fire burn it.

01.10 - Principle and Personality, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   And yet we yield to none in our demand for holding forth the principles always and ever before the wide open gaze of all. The principle is there to make people self-knowing and self-guiding; and the man is also there to illustrate that principle, to serve as the hope and prophecy of achievement. The living soul is there to touch your soul, if you require the touch; and the principle is there by which to test and testify. For, we do not ask anybody to be a mere automaton, a blind devotee, a soul without individual choice and initiative. On the contrary, we insist on each and every individual to find his own soul and stand on his own Truththis is the fundamental principle we declare, the only creedif creed it be that we ask people to note and freely follow. We ask all people to be fully self-dependent and self-illumined, for only thus can a real and solid reconstruction of human nature and society be possible; we do not wish that they should bow down ungrudgingly to anything, be it a principle or a personality. In this respect we claim the very first rank of iconoclasts and anarchists. And along with that, if we still choose to remain an idol-lover and a hero-worshipper, it is because we recognise that our mind, human as it is, being not a simple equation but a complex paradox, the idol or the hero symbolises for us and for those who so will, the very iconoclasm and anarchism and perhaps other more positive things as wellwhich we behold within and seek to manifest.
   The world is full of ikons and archons; we cannot escape them, even if we try the world itself being a great ikon and as great an archon. Those who swear by principles, swear always by some personality or other, if not by a living creature then by a lifeless book, if not by Religion then by Science, if not by the East then by the West, if not by Buddha or Christ then by Bentham or Voltaire. Only they do it unwittingly they change one set of personalities for another and believe they have rejected them all. The veils of Maya are a thousand-fold tangle and you think you have entirely escaped her when you have only run away from one fold to fall into another. The wise do not attempt to reject and negate Maya, but consciously accept herfreedom lies in a knowing affirmation. So we too have accepted and affirmed an icon, but we have done it consciously and knowingly; we are not bound by our idol, we see the truth of it, and we serve and utilise it as best as we may.

01.11 - Aldous Huxley: The Perennial Philosophy, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   A sage can smile and smile delightfully! The parable illustrates the well-known Biblical phrase, 'the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life'. The monkey is symbolical of the ignorant, arrogant, fussy human mind. There is another Buddhistic story about the monkey quoted in the book and it is as delightful; but being somewhat long, we cannot reproduce it here. It tells how the mind-monkey is terribly agile, quick, clever, competent, moving lightning-fast, imagining that it can easily go to the end of the world, to Paradise itself, to Brahmic status. But alas! when he thought he was speeding straight like a rocket or an arrow and arrive right at the target, he found that he was spinning like a top at the same spot, and what he very likely took to be the very fragrance of the topmost supreme heaven was nothing but the aroma of his own urine.

01.11 - The Basis of Unity, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   However, coming to historical times, we see wave after wave of the most heterogeneous and disparate elementsSakas and Huns and Greeks, each bringing its quota of exotic materialenter into the oceanic Indian life and culture, lose their separate foreign identity and become part and parcel of the common whole. Even so,a single unitary body was formed out of such varied and shifting materialsnot in the political, but in a socio-religious sense. For a catholic religious spirit, not being solely doctrinal and personal, admitted and embraced in its supple and wide texture almost an infinite variety of approaches to the Divine, of forms and norms of apprehending the Beyond. It has been called Hinduism: it is a vast synthesis of multiple affiliations. It expresses the characteristic genius of India and hence Hinduism and Indianism came to be looked upon as synonymous terms. And the same could be defined also as Vedic religion and culture, for its invariable basis the bed-rock on which it stood firm and erectwas the Vedas, the Knowledge seen by the sages. But there had already risen a voice of dissidence and discord that of Buddha, not so much, perhaps, of Buddha as of Buddhism. The Buddhistic enlightenment and discipline did not admit the supreme authority of the Vedas; it sought other bases of truth and reality. It was a great denial; and it meant and worked for a vital schism. The denial of the Vedas by itself, perhaps, would not be serious, but it became so, as it was symptomatic of a deeper divergence. Denying the Vedas, the Buddhistic spirit denied life. It was quite a new thing in the Indian consciousness and spiritual discipline. And it left such a stamp there that even today it stands as the dominant character of the Indian outlook. However, India's synthetic genius rose to the occasion and knew how to bridge the chasm, close up the fissure, and present again a body whole and entire. Buddha became one of the Avataras: the discipline of Nirvana and Maya was reserved as the last duty to be performed at the end of life, as the culmination of a full-length span of action and achievement; the way to Moksha lay through Dharma and Artha and Kama, Sannyasa had to be built upon Brahmacharya and Garhasthya. The integral ideal was epitomized by Kalidasa in his famous lines about the character of the Raghus:
   They devoted themselves to study in their boyhood, in youth they pursued the objects of life; when old they took to spiritual austerities, and in the end they died united with the higher consciousness.
   If it is said that this is an ideal for the few only, not for the mass, our answer to that is the answer of the GitaYad yad acharati sreshthah. Let the few then practise and achieve the ideal: the mass will have to follow as far as it is possible and necessary. It is the very character of the evolutionary system of Nature, as expressed in the principle of symbiosis, that any considerable change in one place (in one species) is accompanied by a corresponding change in the same direction in other contiguous places (in other associated species) in order that the poise and balance of the system may be maintained.
   It is precisely strong nuclei that are needed (even, perhaps, one strong nucleus is sufficient) where the single and integrated spiritual consciousness is an accomplished and established fact: that acts inevitably as a solvent drawing in and assimilating or transforming and re-creating as much, of the surroundings as its own degree and nature of achievement inevitably demand.

01.12 - Goethe, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The angels weave the symphony that is creation. They represent the various notes and rhythmsin their higher and purer degrees that make up the grand harmony of the spheres. It is magnificent, this music that moves the cosmos, and wonderful the glory of God manifest therein. But is it absolutely perfect? Is there nowhere any flaw in it? There is a doubting voice that enters a dissenting note. That is Satan, the Antagonist, the Evil One. Man is the weakest link in the chain of the apparently all-perfect harmony. And Satan boldly proposes to snap it if God only let him do so. He can prove to God that the true nature of his creation is not cosmos but chaos not a harmony in peace and light, but a confusion, a Walpurgis Night. God acquiesces in the play of this apparent breach and proves in the end that it is part of a wider scheme, a vaster harmony. Evil is rounded off by Grace.
   The total eradication of Evil from the world and human nature and the remoulding of a terrestrial life in the substance and pattern of the Highest Good that is beyond all dualities is a conception which it was not for Goe the to envisage. In the order of reality or existence, first there is the consciousness of division, of trenchant separation in which Good is equated with not-evil and evil with not-good. This is the outlook of individualised consciousness. Next, as the consciousness grows and envelops the whole existence, good and evil are both embraced and are found to form a secret and magic harmony. That is the universal or cosmic consciousness. And Goethe's genius seems to be an outflowering of something of this status of consciousness. But there is still a higher status, the status of transcendence in which evil is not simply embraced but dissolved and even transmuted into a supreme reality of which it is an aberration, a reflection or projection, a lower formulation. That is the mystery of a spiritual realisation to which Goe the aspired perhaps, but had not the necessary initiation to enter into.

01.12 - Three Degrees of Social Organisation, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The principle of Dharma then inculcates that each individual must, in order to act, find out his truth of being, his true soul and inmost consciousness: one must entirely and integrally merge oneself into that, be identified with it in such a manner that all acts and feelings and thoughts, in fact all movements, inner and outerspontaneously and irrepressibly well out of that fount and origin. The individual souls, being made of one truth-nature in its multiple modalities, when they live, move and have their being in its essential law and dynamism, there cannot but be absolute harmony and perfect synthesis between all the units, even as the sun and moon and stars, as the Veda says, each following its specific orbit according to its specific nature, never collide or haltna me thate na tas thatuh but weave out a faultless pattern of symphony.
   The future society of man is envisaged as something of like nature. When the mortal being will have found his immortal soul and divine self, then each one will be able to give full and free expression to his self-nature (swabhava); then indeed the utmost sweep of dynamism in each and all will not cause clash or conflict; on the contrary, each will increase the other and there will be a global increment and fulfilmentparasparam bhavayantah. The division and conflict, the stress and strain that belong to the very nature of the inferior level of being and consciousness will then have been transcended. It is only thus that a diviner humanity can be born and replace all the other moulds and types that can never lead to anything final and absolutely satisfactory.

01.14 - Nicholas Roerich, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The call that stirred a Western soul, made him a wanderer over the world in quest of the Holy Grail and finally lodged him in the Home of the Snows is symbolic of a more than individual destiny. It is representative of the secret history of a whole culture and civilisation that have been ruling humanity for some centuries, its inner want and need and hankering and fulfilment. The West shall come to the East and be reborn. That is the prophecy of occult seers and sages.
   I speak of Roerich as a Western soul, but more precisely perhaps he is a soul of the mid-region (as also in another sense we shall see subsequently) intermediary between the East and the West. His external make-up had all the characteristic elements of the Western culture, but his mind and temperament, his inner soul was oriental. And yet it was not the calm luminous staticancientsoul that an Indian or a Chinese sage is; it is a nomad soul, newly awakened, young and fresh and ardent, something primitive, pulsating with the unspoilt green sap of life something in the manner of Whitman. And that makes him all the more representative of the young and ardent West yearning for the light that was never on sea or land.
   Roerich discovered and elaborated his own technique to reveal that which is secret, express that which is not expressed or expressible. First of all, he is symbolical and allegorical: secondly, the choice of his symbols and allegories is hieratic, that is to say, the subject-matter refers to objects and events connected with saints and legends, shrines and enchanted places, hidden treasures, spirits and angels, etc. etc.; thirdly, the manner or style of execution is what we may term pantomimic, in other words, concrete, graphic, dramatic, even melodramatic. He has a special predilection for geometrical patterns the artistic effect of whichbalance, regularity, fixity, soliditywas greatly utilised by the French painter Czanne and poet Mallarm who seem to have influenced Roerich to a considerable degree. But this Northerner had not the reticence, the suavity, the tonic unity of the classicist, nor the normality and clarity of the Latin temperament. The prophet, the priest in him was the stronger element and made use of the artist as the rites andceremoniesmudras and chakrasof his vocation demanded. Indeed, he stands as the hierophant of a new cultural religion and his paintings and utterances are, as it were, gestures that accompany a holy ceremonial.
   A Russian artist (Monsieur Benois) has stressed upon the primitivealmost aboriginalelement in Roerich and was not happy over it. Well, as has been pointed out by other prophets and thinkers, man today happens to be so sophisticated, artificial, material, cerebral that a [all-back seems to be necessary for him to take a new leap forward on to a higher ground. The pure aesthete is a closed system, with a consciousness immured in an ivory tower; but man is something more. A curious paradox. Man can reach the highest, realise the integral truth when he takes his leap, not from the relatively higher levels of his consciousness his intellectual and aesthetic and even moral status but when he can do so from his lower levels, when the physico-vital element in him serves as the springing-board. The decent and the beautiful the classic grace and aristocracyform one aspect of man, the aspect of "light"; but the aspect of energy and power lies precisely in him where the aboriginal and the barbarian find also a lodging. Man as a mental being is naturally sattwic, but prone to passivity and weakness; his physico-vital reactions, on the other hand, are obscure and crude, simple and vehement, but they have life and energy and creative power, they are there to be trained and transfigured, made effective instruments of a higher illumination.

0.11 - Letters to a Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Shadow is the symbol of the inconscient. This is where men
  rest at night from the effort of the day to become conscious.
  The cords symbolise the limitations of the mind; and there are
  three of them because there is a physical mind, a vital mind and

0.13 - Letters to a Student, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Because, symbolically, during the hours before midnight the sun
  is setting, while from the first hour after midnight it begins to

0 1954-08-25 - what is this personality? and when will she come?, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I met a man (I was perhaps 20 or 21 at the time), an Indian who had come to Europe and who told me of the Gita. There was a French translation of it (a rather poor one, I must say) which he advised me to read, and then he gave me the key (HIS key, it was his key). He said, Read the Gita (this translation of the Gita which really wasnt worth much but it was the only one available at the timein those days I wouldnt have understood anything in other languages; and besides, the English translations were just as bad and well, Sri Aurobindo hadnt done his yet!). He said, Read the Gita knowing that Krishna is the symbol of the immanent God, the God within. That was all. Read it with THAT knowledgewith the knowledge that Krishna represents the immanent God, the God within you. Well, within a month, the whole thing was done!
   So some of you people have been here since the time you were toddlerseverything has been explained to you, the whole thing has been served to you on a silver platter (not only with words, but through psychic aid and in every possible way), you have been put on the path of this inner discovery and then you just go on drifting along: When it comes, it will come.If you even spare it that much thought!

0 1955-04-04, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Every evening at the Playground, the disciples passed before Mother one by one to receive symbolically some food.
   In the Himalayas.

0 1957-07-03, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   First, I could tell you that to do a collective yoga, there has to be a collectivity! And I could speak to you about the different conditions required to be a collectivity. But last night (smiling), I had a symbolic vision of our collectivity.
   This vision took place early in the night and woke me up with a rather unpleasant feeling. Then I fell back to sleep and forgot about it; but a little while ago, when I was thinking of the question put to me, it returned. It returned with a great intensity and so imperatively that now, just as I wanted to tell you what kind of collectivity we wish to realize according to the ideal described by Sri Aurobindo in the last chapter of The Life Divinea gnostic, supramental collectivity, the only kind that can do Sri Aurobindos integral yoga and be realized physically in a progressive collective body becoming more and more divine the recollection of this vision became so imperative that I couldnt speak.
   Its symbolism was very clear, though of quite a familiar nature, as it were, and because of its very familiarity, unmistakable in its realism Were I to tell you all the details, you would probably not even be able to follow: it was rather intricate. It was a kind of (how can I express it?)an immense hotel where all the terrestrial possibilities were lodged in different apartments. And it was all in a constant state of transformation: parts or entire wings of the building were suddenly torn down and rebuilt while people were still living in them, such that if you went off somewhere within the immense hotel itself, you ran the risk of no longer finding your room when you wanted to return to it, for it might have been torn down and was being rebuilt according to another plan! It was orderly, it was organized yet there was this fantastic chaos which I mentioned. And all this was a symbola symbol that certainly applies to what Sri Aurobindo has written here1 regarding the necessity for the transformation of the body, the type of transformation that has to take place for life to become a divine life.
   It went something like this: somewhere, in the center of this enormous edifice, there was a room reservedas it seemed in the story for a mother and her daughter. The mother was a lady, an elderly lady, a very influential matron who had a great deal of authority and her own views concerning the entire organization. Her daughter seemed to have a power of movement and activity enabling her to be everywhere at once while at the same time remaining in her room, which was well, a bit more than a roomit was a kind of apartment which, above all, had the characteristic of being very central. But she was constantly arguing with her mother. The mother wanted to keep things just as they were, with their usual rhythm, which precisely meant the habit of tearing down one thing to rebuild another, then again tearing down that to build still another, thus giving the building an appearance of frightful confusion. But the daughter did not like this, and she had another plan. Most of all, she wanted to bring something completely new into the organization: a kind of super-organization that would render all this confusion unnecessary. Finally, as it was impossible for them to reach an understanding, the daughter left the room to go on a kind of general inspection She went out, looked everything over, and then wanted to return to her room to decide upon some final measures. But this is where something rather peculiar began happening.
   She clearly remembered where her room was, but each time she set out to go there, either the staircase disappeared or things were so changed that she could no longer find her way! So she went here and there, up and down, searched, went in and out but it was impossible to find the way to her room! Since all of this assumed a physical appearanceas I said, a very familiar and very common appearance, as is always the case in these symbolic visions there was somewhere (how shall I put it?) the hotels administrative office and a woman who seemed to be the manager, who had all the keys and who knew where everyone was staying. So the daughter went to this person and asked her, Could you show me the way to my room?But of course! Easily! Everyone around the manager looked at her as if to say, How can you say that? However, she got up, and with authority asked for a key the key to the daughters roomsaying, I shall take you there. And off she went along all kinds of paths, but all so complicated, so bizarre! The daughter was following along behind her very attentively, you see, so as not to lose sight of her. But just as they should have come to the place where the daughters room was supposed to be, suddenly the manageress (let us call her the manageress), both the manageress and her key vanished! And the sense of this vanishing was so acute that at the same time, everything vanished!
   So to help you understand this enigma, let me tell you that the mother is physical Nature as she is, and the daughter is the new creation. The manageress is the worlds organizing mental consciousness as Nature has developed it thus far, that is, the most advanced organizing sense to have manifested in the present state of material Nature. This is the key to the vision.
   The symbolism is quite clear in that all the possibilities are there, all the activities are there, but in disorder and confusion. They are neither coordinated nor centralized nor unified around the central and unique truth and consciousness and will. So this brings us back precisely to this question of a collective yoga and of a collectivity capable of realizing it. What should this collectivity be?
   It is certainly not an arbitrary construction of the type built by men, where everything is put pell-mell, without any order, without reality, and which is held together by only illusory ties. Here, these ties were symbolized by the hotels walls, while actually in ordinary human constructions (if we take a religious community, for example), they are symbolized by the building of a monastery, an identity of clothing, an identity of activities, an identity even of movementor to put it more precisely: everyone wears the same uniform, everyone gets up at the same time, everyone eats the same thing, everyone says his prayers together, etc.; there is an overall identity. But naturally, on the inside there remains the chaos of many disparate consciousnesses, each one following its own mode, for this kind of group identification, which extends right up to an identity of beliefs and dogma, is absolutely illusory.
   Yet it is one of the most common types of human collectivityto group together, band together, unite around a common ideal, a common action, a common realization but in an absolutely artificial way. In contrast to this, Sri Aurobindo tells us that a true communitywhat he terms a gnostic or supramental communitycan be based only upon the INNER REALIZATION of each one of its members, each realizing his real, concrete oneness and identity with all the other members of the community; that is, each one should not feel himself a member connected to all the others in an arbitrary way, but that all are one within himself. For each one, the others should be as much himself as his own bodynot in a mental and artificial way, but through a fact of consciousness, by an inner realization.

0 1958-02-03b - The Supramental Ship, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I found myself upon an immense ship, which is the symbolic representation of the place where this work is being carried out. This ship, as big as a city, is thoroughly organized, and it had certainly already been functioning for quite some time, for its organization was fully developed. It is the place where people destined for the supramental life are being trained. These people (or at least a part of their being) had already undergone a supramental transformation because the ship itself and all that was aboard was neither material nor subtle-physical, neither vital nor mental: it was a supramental substance. This substance itself was of the most material supramental, the supramental substance nearest the physical world, the first to manifest. The light was a blend of red and gold, forming a uniform substance of luminous orange. Everything was like that the light was like that, the people were like thateverything had this color, in varying shades, however, which enabled things to be distinguished from one another. The overall impression was of a shadowless world: there were shades, but no shadows. The atmosphere was full of joy, calm, order; everything worked smoothly and silently. At the same time, I could see all the details of the education, the training in all domains by which the people on board were being prepared.
   This immense ship had just arrived at the shore of the supramental world, and a first batch of people destined to become the future inhabitants of the supramental world were about to disembark. Everything was arranged for this first landing. A certain number of very tall beings were posted on the wharf. They were not human beings and never before had they been men. Nor were they permanent inhabitants of the supramental world. They had been delegated from above and posted there to control and supervise the landing. I was in charge of all this since the beginning and throughout. I myself had prepared all the groups. I was standing on the bridge of the ship, calling the groups forward one by one and having them disembark on the shore. The tall beings posted there seemed to be reviewing those who were disembarking, allowing those who were ready to go ashore and sending back those who were not and who had to continue their training aboard the ship. While standing there watching everyone, that part of my consciousness coming from here became extremely interested: it wanted to see, to identify all the people, to see how they had changed and to find out who had been taken immediately as well as those who had to remain and continue their training. After awhile, as I was observing, I began to feel pulled backwards and that my body was being awakened by a consciousness or a person from here1and in my consciousness, I protested: No, no, not yet! Not yet! I want to see whos there! I was watching all this and noting it with intense interest It went on like that until, suddenly, the clock here began striking three, which violently jerked me back. There was the sensation of a sudden fall into my body. I came back with a shock, but since I had been called back very suddenly, all my memory was still intact. I remained quiet and still until I could bring back the whole experience and preserve it.

0 1958-06-06 - Supramental Ship, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Its action will be somewhat similar to what is described in the Last Judgment, which is an entirely symbolic expression of something that makes us discern between what belongs to the world of falsehood which is destined to disappear and what belongs to this same world of ignorance and inertia but is transformable. One will go to one side and the other to the other side. All that is transformable will be permeated more and more with this new substance and this new consciousness to such an extent that it will rise towards it and serve as a link between the two but all that belongs incorrigibly to falsehood and ignorance will disappear. This was also prophesied in the Gita: among what we call the hostile or anti-divine forces, those capable of being transformed will be uplifted and go off towards the new consciousness, whereas all that is irrevocably in darkness or belongs to an evil will shall be destroyed and vanish from the Universe. And a whole part of humanity that has responded to these forces rather too zealously will certainly vanish with them. And this is what was expressed in this concept of the Last Judgment.
   May 1, 1958.

0 1958-07-19, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   At heart, this is the symbol of the earthly Paradise and the tree of Knowledge: by biting into the fruit of Knowledge, one loses the spontaneity of movement and begins objectivizing, learning, questioning. So as soon as they ate of this fruit, they were full of sin.
   I say that every fruit should be eaten in its own way. The being who lives according to his own nature, his own truth, must spontaneously find the right way of using things. When you live according to the truth of your being, you dont need to learn things: you do them spontaneously, according to the inner law. When you sincerely follow your nature, spontaneously and sincerely, you are divine. As soon as you think or look at yourself acting or start questioning, you are full of sin.

0 1958-08-29, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   At the Thursday evening meditation, he appeared as the Guru of Tantric Initiation, magnified and seated upon a symbolic representation of the forces and riches of material Nature (in the middle of the playground, to my left), and he put into my hand something sufficiently material for me to feel the vibrations physically, and it had a great realizing power. It was a kind of luminous and very vibrant globe which I held in my hands during the whole meditation.
   S, who was sitting in front of me, spontaneously asked me afterwards what I had been holding in my hands during the meditation, and she described it thus: It was round, very soft and luminous like the moon.

0 1958-11-20, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I had the last vision yesterday evening. You were much taller than you are now; you were wearing the orange robe, and you were backed up against a door of bronze, a bronze door like the door of a temple or a palace but at the same time it was symbolic (it was a fact, it actually took place like this, but at the same time it was symbolic). And unfortunately, it didnt last because I was disturbed. But it contained the key.
   I was VERY HAPPY with the vision, for there was a great POWER, though it was rather terrible. But it was magnificent. When I saw that, I This vision was given to me because I had concentrated with a will to find the solution, a true solution, an enduring and permanent solution that is, I had this spontaneous gratitude which goes out to the Grace when it brings some effective help. Only, what followed was interrupted by someone who came to call me and that cut it short, but it will return.

0 1959-03-10 - vital dagger, vital mass, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   And I express this in my own way when I say1 that thoughts come and go, flow in and out. But thoughts concerning material things are formations originating in that world, they are kinds of wills coming from the vital plane which try to express themselves, and most often they are truly deadly. If you are annoyed, for example, if someone says something unpleasant to you and you react It always happens in the same way; these little entities are there waiting, and when they feel its the right moment, they introduce their influence and their suggestions. This is what is vitally symbolized by the being with his dagger rushing forward to stab youand in the back, at that! Not even face to face! This then expresses itself in the human consciousness by a movement of anger or rage or indignation: How intolerable! How ! And the other fellow says, Yes! We shall put an end to it!
   It is quite interesting to watch it once, but it isnt very pleasant.

0 1959-10-15, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I would wish to be like Sujata, completely transparent, your child with her at your feet. Mother, help me. I need you. Sujata is healing something that was very painful in me, as though it were flayed or wounded, and which threw me into revolt. With this calming influence, I would like to begin a new life of self-giving. This change of residence is for me like the symbol of another change. Oh, Mother! may the painful road be over, and may all be achieved in the joy of your Will.
   Your child,

0 1960-06-07, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Its symbolic. Im speaking symbolically.
   And so

0 1960-07-12 - Mothers Vision - the Voice, the ashram a tiny part of myself, the Mothers Force, sparkling white light compressed - enormous formation of negative vibrations - light in evil, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   The formation represented by the Ashram was located approximately here, at the height of the navel in relation to what I was but although the body was not delimited, it had certain attributes or undefined forms, each one of which was situated in relation to the other as though each represented one part of the body; each was symbolic of either an activity or a part of the world or a mode of manifestation. So the formation started from about here, near the navel, and went down towards the appendix Here, Ill draw you a sketch:
   Image 1

0 1960-07-23 - The Flood and the race - turning back to guide and save amongst the torrents - sadhana vs tamas and destruction - power of giving and offering - Japa, 7 lakhs, 140000 per day, 1 crore takes 20 years, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I turned around and saw all this water rushing down, and I thought, Now lets see if we can do something here. There was someone behind who interested me, someone or somethingit was still something; it was very likable and had something of the blue color that was here on the other side. Not really individuals, but more like beings representative of something that was following me quite closely. When I was there, it also was there, but it could not keep up, it kept losing groundas my speed increased, its decreased. It could not keep up. But it interested me in a special way. Oh, hes so close (he or it); he might just make it, I thought. And at that moment, I saw that all this destructive will with its instrument of water, symbolically water, had rushed past and was spreading out everywhere. But there was still a chance of saving all those who were along this path. And thats immediately what I thought of, it was my first wish: Lets see if they can still get across, if I can manage to get them across. I remembered some especially dangerous spots (while speeding past, I had remarked, Oh, here we might still be able to do this, there that could still be donemy consciousness moved at the same speed, and I noted everything along the way), and once I was firmly there on the other side, I started sending back messages.
   Down below, the water was having a grand time; it was it was hopeless. But here, along this path, there was still a hope, even even after the water had passed; I probably had a certain power at my disposal to help others cross these fissured places. But because I woke up, I didnt see what it was. So that stopped everything. Probably because I woke up rather abruptly, I could not see what it meant.
   Ive been seeing for a long time that nights are actions. They are no longer images or symbols or representations they are all actions. And they take place certainly not on a human scale.
   Does that indicate war?
   I remember wandering about one night some time ago. Its no longer very clear, but one thing has remained I had gone out of India, and then when I returned to India, I found huge elephants installed EVERYWHEREenormous elephants. At that time I was not at all aware that the Communists in India had adopted the elephant as their symbol; I only learned that later. What does this mean, I said to myself. Does it signify the Indian army? But they did not resemble war elephants. These elephants were like immense mammoths, and they looked like they were settling down with all the power of a tremendous inertia. That was the impression something heavy in an inert and very tamasic way, forever immovable. I did not like this occupation. When I came back, I had a rather painful feeling, and for several days I wondered if it did not mean war. Then by chance, in a conversation, I learned that the Communists had selected the elephant as their symbol whereas the Congress had chosen the bullock In my vision, I was moving (as I always do), I was moving among them, and nothing moved. And if I needed room, some of them even tried to stir a little.
   But when human beings are involved, I believe that visions take on a special formits a special image. Not an inundation like this. That was very, very impersonal. They were forces. A feeling of floodgates bursting open, of something being held back, retained or prevented, then suddenly

0 1960-07-26 - Mothers vision - looking up words in the subconscient, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I had taken out a dictionary. There, its this one, I said. Someone was next to me, but this someone is always symbolic: each activity takes on a special form which may resemble someone or other. (The people around me for the work here are like families in those worlds there; they are types, that iseach person represents a typeso then I know that Im in contact with all the people of this same type. If they were conscious, they would know that I was there telling them something in particular. But its not a person, its a type and not a type of character, but a type of activity and relationship with me.)
   I was with a certain type, and I was looking for a word, I wanted to conjugate the verb vaincre [to conquer]: je vaincs, tu vaincs, il vaincgood, now nous vainquons, how do you spell that, nous vainquons? It was so funny! And I was looking it up in the dictionaryvainquons, how do you spell that?
   However, its not a personal subconscient, but a its more than the Ashram. For me, the Ashram is not a separate individualityexcept in that vision the other day,1 which is what surprised me. Its hardly that. Rather, it is still this Movement of everything, of everything that is included. So its like entering into the subconscient of the whole earth, and it takes on forms which are quite familiar images to me, but they are absolutely symbolic and very, very funny! It took a moment to see that vainquons is spelled q-u-o-n-s. And I wasnt sure! I meant to ask Pavitra for a dictionary which gives verb conjugations, for then if Im stuck on something while writing, I can look it up.
   The other day I wrote somethingit was a letter I gave Pavitra to read. I think theres a spelling mistake, he said. Its quite possible, I answered, I make plenty of them. He looked it up in a splendid dictionary and, as a matter of fact, it was a mistake. I meant to ask him for a dictionary this morning.

0 1960-09-20, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   The idea is that the earth as a whole must be prepared in all its forms, including even those least ready for the transformation. There must be a symbolic representation of all the elements on earth upon which we can work to establish the link.1 The earth is a symbolic representation of the universe, and the group is a symbolic representation of the earth.
   Sri Aurobindo and I had discussed the matter in 1914 (quite a long time ago), for we had seen two possibilities: what we are now doing, or to withdraw into solitude and isolation until we had not only attained the Supermind, but begun the material transformation as well. And Sri Aurobindo rightfully said that we could not isolate ourselves, for as you progress, you become more and more universalized, and consequently you take the burden upon yourself2 in any case.

0 1960-10-19, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   When he left, I said twelve days, twelve days.2 And truly, I gave it twelve days, twelve days to see if the entire Work Outwardly, I said, After twelve days I will tell you if the Ashram (the Ashram was nothing but a symbol, of course), if the Ashram will continue or if it is finished.
   And later (I dont knowit didnt take twelve days; I said that on December 9, and on the 12th it was all decidedseen, clear and understood), on the 12th, I saw people, I saw a few people. However, we began all the activities again only after 12 days from December 5. But it was decided on the 12th.

0 1960-10-22, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I also wrote one or two things, experiences I had noted down; they were rather interesting, which is why Id like to get them back. I had described some of my visions to Madame Theon, and then she explained their meaning to me. So I would narrate the vision and give its explanation. That was readable and interesting, because there was some symbolism.
   (Pavitra:) What was this Chronicle of KI?

0 1960-11-08, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   So for persons who are severe and grave (there are two such examples here, but its not necessary to name them) There are beings who are grave, so serious, so sincere, who find it hypocritical; and when it borders on certain (how shall I put it?) vital excesses, they call it vice. There are others who have lived their entire lives in a yogic or religious discipline, and they see this as an obstacle, illusion, dirtyness (Mother makes a gesture of rejecting with disgust), but above all, its this terrible illusion that prevents you from nearing the Divine. And when I saw the way these two people here reacted, in fact, I said to myself, but you see, I FELT So strongly that this too is the Divine, it too is a way of getting out of something that has had its place in evolution, and still has a place, individually, for certain individuals. Naturally, if you remain there, you keep turning in circles; it will always be (not eternally, but indefinitely) the woman of my life, to take that as a symbol. But once youre out of it, you see that this had its place, its utilityit made you emerge from a kind of very animal-like wisdom and quietude that of the herd or of the being who sees no further than his daily round. It was necessary. We mustnt condemn it, we mustnt use harsh words.
   The mistake we make is to remain there too long, for if you spend your whole life in that, well, youll probably need many more lifetimes. But once the chance to get out of it comes, you can look at it with a smile and say, Yes, its really a sort of love for fiction!people love fiction, they want fiction, they need fiction! Otherwise its boring and all much too flat.
   symbolically, in life, we might think of tamas as the earth (the solid and obdurate earth), and this intervention of the vital is water flowing onto it. But when first it touches the earth, it stirs up mud! Theres no reason to protest, for its like that. And thereby the earth becomes less hard and resistant, and it begins receiving.
   Its an approach which is not at all mental nor intellectual nor (God knows!) moral in the leastno notion of Good or Evil nor any of those things, absolutely none of that. Theres a moment in life when you begin thinking a little and you see all this from an overall or universal point of view in which all moral notions completely disappearFOR ANOTHER REASON. This experience with Z reminded me of a certain way of approaching Beauty that enables you even to find it in what appears dirty and ugly to the common vision. It is She trying to express herself in this something which to the common vision is ugly, dirty, hypocritical. But of course, if you yourself have striven assiduously and have greatly held yourself in, then you look at it reprovingly.

0 1960-11-12, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I listen, I answer. Its not satisfactory! I told them. But theyve kept to their idea, they like it. When that first storm came some time back (you remember, with those terrible bolts of lightning and that asuric being P.K. saw and sketched): Dont you want us to destroy something? I got angry. But it was This influence was so close and acute that it gave you goose bumps! The whole time the storm lasted, I had to hold on tight in my bed, like this (Mother closes her fists tight as in a trance or deep concentration), and I didnt movedidnt movelike a a rock during the entire storm, until he consented to go a bit further away. Then I moved. And even now, it comesfrom others (theres not just one, you see, there are many): How about a good flood? A roof collapsed the other day with someone underneath, but he was able to escape. So roofs are collapsing, houses Arouse public sympathy, we must help the Ashram! Its no good, I said. But maybe thats whats responsible for this interminable rain. And they offer so many other things oh, what they parade past me! You could write books on all this!
   But generally and this is something Theon had told me (Theon was very qualified on the subject of hostile forces and the workings of all that resists the divine influence, and he was a great fighteras you might imagine! He himself was an incarnation of an asura, so he knew how to tackle these things!); he was always saying, If you make a VERY SMALL concession or suffer a minor defeat, it gives you the right to a very great victory. Its a very good trick. And I have observed, in practice, that for all things, even for the very little things of everyday life, its trueif you yield on one point (if, even though you see what should be, you yield on a very secondary and unimportant point), it immediately gives you the power to impose your will for something much more important. I mentioned this to Sri Aurobindo and he said that it was true. It is true in the world as it is today, but its not what we want; we want it to change, really change.
   He wrote this in a letter, I believe, and he spoke of this system of compensation for example, those who take an illness on themselves in order to have the power to cure; and then theres the symbolic story of Christ dying on the cross to set men free. And Sri Aurobindo said, Thats fine for a certain age, but we must now go beyond that. As he told me (its even one of the first things he told me), We are no longer at the time of Christ when, to be victorious, it was necessary to die.
   I have always remembered this.

0 1960-11-26, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Before I fell sick, I had a peculiar dream. I was here in the corridor, and someone quite dark came to tell me that Mother wanted me to change my work. And I recall trying with all my might to ask him, But why, why? Finally you arrived. You were there at a table with some others. I was quite annoyed because all these people upset me, they were hindering me from being with you. And you said to me very clearly, Its time this gentleman goes. perhaps this gentleman represented a part of my being which had to disappear or change, but anyway you asked me to do something extremely difficultl felt a very great difficulty doing it. I even remember, in my dream, having left you for an instant, as if I wanted to leave the Ashram, then I must have walked up and down for a while. Finally, I must have made an enormous effort to come back and sit next to you on a bench which symbolically was very hard The next morning I woke up with the flu.
   So, its very simple. The sickness was due to one part of your being going faster than the rest. A part of the physical consciousness probably remained behind, and that created this imbalance and triggered the sickness.

0 1960-12-31, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   This lasted the whole time I was crossing the town. Then I came to a border, right at the beginning of another part where I was to take my packages; there, just a little below me, I saw a house under construction the house belonging to the person to whom I had to deliver these presents (the symbolism in all this, of course, is quite clear).
   As I approached the house, but still from some distance, I suddenly saw some men busy at work. Then instantly instantly this road which was so vast, sunlit and smoothso smooth to the feet oh, it became the top level of a scaffolding. And what is more, this scaffolding was not very well made, and the closer I came the more complicated it gotthere were planks jutting out, beams off balance. In short, you had to watch every single step to keep from breaking your neck. I began getting annoyed. Moreover, my packages were heavy. They were heavy and they so saddled my arms that I was unable to hold onto anything and had constantly to do a balancing act. Then I began thinking, My God, how complicated this world is! And just at that moment, I saw a young person coming along, like a young girl dressed in European clothes, with a hat on her head all black! This young person had white skin, but her clothes were black, and she wore black shoes on her small white feet. She was dressed all in blackblack, all in black. Like complete unconsciousness. She also came carrying packages (many more than me), and she came hopping along the whole length of the scaffolding, putting her feet just anywhere! My God, I said to myself, shes going to break her neck!But not at all! She was totally unconscious; she wasnt even aware that it was dangerous or complicateda total unconsciousness. But her unconsciousness is what allowed her to go on like that! I watched it all. Well, sometimes its good to be unconscious! Then she disappeared; she had only come to give me a demonstration (she neither saw me nor looked at me). And looking down at the workers, I saw that everything was getting more and more complicated, more and more, more and more and there wasnt even any ladder by which to get down. In other words, it was getting unbearable. Then something in me rebelled: Ah, no! Ive had enough of all thisits too stupid!
   Mother later discovered that this world of complications is the symbol of the physical mind.
   Mother later narrated the end of her 'dream' with X:

0 1961-01-22, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Yes, I am disrupting their work I know perfectly well that I am disrupting their domination of the world! All these vital beings have taken possession of the whole of Matter (Mother touches her body)life and action and have made it their domain, this is evident. But they are beings of the lower vital, for they seemed artificial they didnt express any higher form, but an entire range of artificial mechanisms, artificial will, artificial organization, all deriving from their own imagination and not at all from a higher inspiration.1 The symbol was very clear.
   And I saw my own domain through them and through it all; I saw my domain: I can see it!, I said. But no sooner would I start on my way than the path would be lost, I no longer saw it, I couldnt see anymore where I was going. It became almost impossible to get my bearings there: hundreds and thousands of people, thingsutter confusion. An incoherent immensity and violent, what violence!
   Then last night I saw the symbol, the image of the thing. But what was it? It was an element in the most material Matter,3 because it was deep down below; yet despite it all, Mother Nature was in charge there: she was familiar with everything, knew everything and it was all at her disposalabsolutely the most material Nature. And she herself had no light, but was very, very she had a concealed power that was completely invisible.
   Each time I set out to leave her domain and ascend above, it triggered a hurricane. I would pass this way and the storm started up, pass that way, unleash a gale. Finally she approached me and said very gently, very sweetly, in a most unassuming way, No, dont go there, dont go! Dont try to return to your home. They have set up a dreadful hurricane! And artificial: there were explosions like bombs everywhere, and even worse, like thunderbolts. One could see the artificial tricks and electrical effects they were using to create their thunder, but it was on a tremendous scale!
   I simply consented to stay there. You will have all you need, stay here quietly. And what beautiful things she had, lovely things! They were unused and dusty. (It was surely the symbol of ancient realizationsrealizations of the ancient Rishis, things like that. Who knows?) They were first class, but completely neglected and thick with dust, like material objects left unusedwhich no one knew HOW to use. She put them at my disposal: Look, look, let me show you! There was a tremendous accumulation of things, piled in such great confusion that one couldnt see. Yet the marvel of it was that when she led me to a corner to show me something, everything immediately moved aside and order was restored, so that the object she wanted to show me stood out all by itself. And oh, a thing of beauty! Made of pink marble! A pink marble bathtub of a shape I didnt recognizenot Roman, not antique (not modern, far from it!)how beautiful it was! And whenever she wanted to show me something in this untidy and cluttered room full of objects piled one on top of another, they would organize themselves, take their proper place, and all became neat. You will just have to dust them off a bit, she said. (Mother laughs)
   But Im not surprised it came down on you.

0 1961-01-24, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   In the Vedas, the panis and dasyus represent beings or forces hidden in subterranean caves who have stolen the 'Riches' or the 'Lights', symbolized by herds of cows. With the help of the gods, the Aryan warrior must recover these lost riches, the 'sun in the darkness,' by igniting the flame of sacrifice. It is the path of subterranean descent.
   Indra represents the king of the gods, the master of mental power freed from the limitations and obscurities of the physical consciousness.

0 1961-01-29, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   For a long time. It began in the middle of November. I saw the symbol of it only recently,1 but the battle itself has been going on since mid-November.

0 1961-01-31, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   At the moment of my coming out of the trance, I had a very concrete, positive perception (not a mental understanding, it didnt come from the beings intellectual part, the part that understands and explains everything and Is symbolized, I think, by Indra; it wasnt in any way conveyed through that higher intelligence, it wasnt mental). A kind of perception (not really a sensation, it was more than a sensation) of the almost total unimportance of the external, material expression of the bodys condition: the consciousness OF THE BODY was absolutely indifferent to external, physical signs, whether they were like this or like that (the BODYS consciousness was what had experienced the identity). And this body-consciousness had the perception of the EXTREME RELATIVITY of the most material expression.
   I am translating it to make myself understoodit wasnt like that at the time of the experience. Suppose, for example, that there was a disorder here or there in the body, not actually an illness (because illness implies some important inner factor such as an attack or the necessity for some transformation, many different things), but the outer expression of a disorder, such as swollen legs or a malfunctioning liver not an illness, a disorder, a functional disorder. Well, it was all utterly unimportant: IT IN NO WAY CHANGES THE BODYS TRUE CONSCIOUSNESS. Although we are in the habit of thinking that the body is very disturbed when its ill, when something is going wrong, its not so. It isnt disturbed in the way we understand it.

0 1961-02-04, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And interestingly enough, its smell is fantastically attractive to snakes; it makes them come from far away to nest in the shrubs. And as you know, the serpent is the power of evolution, it is Shivas own creature; he always puts them on his head and around his neck because they symbolize the power of evolution and transformation. And snakes like this flower; it often grows near rivers, and wherever there is a cluster of the plants you are sure to discover snake nests.
   I find this very interesting, for WE didnt decide it should be like this: these are conscious vibrations in Nature. The fragrance, the color, the shape, are simply the spontaneous expressions of a true movement.
   I dont mean symbolically, but physically, materially: the animal itself.
   A formidable concentration of vitalityof all animals, the serpent has the most vitality. Its tremendous! And energy progressive energy, energy of movement (progressive in the mechanical sense). Its meaning has been changed to a psychological one, but its a force of movement.
   Theon always told me that the true interpretation of the Biblical story of the serpent in the Garden of Eden is that humanity wanted to pass from a state of animal-like divinity to the state of conscious divinity by means of mental development, symbolized by eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. And this serpent, which Theon always said was iridescent, reflecting all the colors of the prism, was not at all the spirit of evil, but the power of evolution the force, the power of evolution. And it was natural that this power of evolution would make them taste the fruit of knowledge.
   Now, according to Theon, Jehovah was the chief of the Asuras,6 the supreme Asura, the egoistic God who wanted to dominate everything and keep everything under his control. And of course this act made him furious, for it enabled mankind to become gods through the power of an evolution of consciousness. And thats why he banished them from Paradise.

0 1961-02-07, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   So, my child, if your body has some trouble, just tell yourself they are sympathy pains (Mother laughs), then you wont be troubled. Thats all.

0 1961-02-11, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Kali symbolizes the destroying or warrior-like aspect of the universal Mother: it is she who severs all bonds ... out of love.
   The 'pipe' is obviously symbolic.
   As a matter of fact, twelve years laterin May 1973we were indeed all forced to 'get out.'

0 1961-02-18, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Note that a few days earlier [the night of February 12], a disciple had a very symbolic dream in which she saw all the disciples gathered near the Ashram's main gate with an air of consternation, as though something had happened to Mother.
   In the subconscient.

0 1961-03-11, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It was certainly with the progress of evolution, the march of evolution, when the mind began to develop for and in itself, that ALL the complications, all the deformations began. Indeed, this story of Genesis that seems so childish does contain a truth. The old traditions like Genesis resembled the Vedas in that each letter6 was the symbol of a knowledge; it was the pictorial rsum of a traditional knowledge, just as the Veda contains a pictoral rsum of the knowledge of its time. But whats more, even the symbol had a reality in the sense that there was truly a period when life upon earth (the first manifestation of mentalized Matter in human forms) was still in complete harmony with all that preceded it. It was only later that.
   The tree of knowledge symbolizes this kind of knowledge a material knowledge, no longer divine because its origin was the sense of division and this is what began to spoil everything. How long did this period last? I am unable to say. (Because my recollection is of an almost immortal life; it seems that it was through some sort of evolutionary accident that the destruction of forms became necessary for progress.) And where did it take place? From certain impressions (but these are only impressions), it would seem that it was in the vicinity of either this side of Ceylon and India or the other, I dont know exactly (Mother indicates the Indian Ocean either west of Ceylon and India or to the east between Ceylon and Java), although certainly the place no longer exists; it must have been swallowed up by the sea. I have a very clear vision of the place and a consciousness of that life and its forms, but I cant give precise material details. Did it last for centuries, was it ? I dont know. To tell the truth, when I was reliving those moments I wasnt curious about such details (for one is in another mental state where there is no curiosity about material details: all things turn into psychological facts). It was something so simple, luminous, harmonious, far removed from all our usual preoccupationsthose very preoccupations with time and space. It was a spontaneous life, extremely beautiful, and so close to Naturea natural flowering of animal life. There were no oppositions or contradictions, nothing of the kindeverything happened in the best way possible.
   Of course, these things can always be explained symbolically. Theon explained mans exile like this: when the Being the hostile Beingassumed the position of the Lord Supreme in relation to the terrestrial realization, he didnt want humanity to progress mentally and gain a knowledge permitting it to stop obeying him! That is Theons occult explanation.
   According to Theon, the serpent wasnt the spirit of evil at all: it was the evolutionary Force. And Sri Aurobindo fully agreed; he used to tell me the same thing: the evolutionary power the mental evolutionary poweris what drove man to gain knowledge, a knowledge of division. And its a fact that along with the sense of Good and Evil, man became conscious of himself. Naturally, this ruined everything and he couldnt stay: it was his own consciousness that drove him out of Paradisehe could no longer stay.
   In my view, all these old Scriptures and ancient traditions have a graduated content (gesture showing different levels of understanding), and according to the needs of the epoch and the people, one symbol or another was drawn upon. But a time comes when one goes beyond these things and sees them from what Sri Aurobindo calls the other hemisphere, where one realizes that they are only modes of expression to put one in contacta kind of bridge or link between the lower way of seeing and the higher way of knowing.
   A time comes when all these disputesAh, no, this is like this, that is like thatseem so silly, so silly! And there is nothing more comical than this spontaneous reply so many people give: Oh, thats impossible! Because with even the most rudimentary intellectual development, you would know you couldnt even think of something if it werent possible!
   This enigmatic experience was actually very important, as Mother will later explain (on March 17): Mother was leaving behind the subjection to mental functioning, symbolized by this place where Pavitra was working.
   Salmon-colored hibiscus.

0 1961-03-21, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I had a talk with the doctor this morning and he told me, In fact, your case of filariasis has some symptoms missing and others that dont normally exist. He was a bit perplexed because its impossible for him to understand what it might be if its not filariasis. I said that perhaps (because as I told you, I did have filariasis some years ago, but brought it under control) perhaps its being used as a base for this attack.
   Of course, there are certain symptoms which never appear with filariasis. And the doctor has been astounded at the control Ive had over it: it began in the feet, I checked it there; it went higher, I checked it there; then it went higher still and I continued to control it. Finally, the other day, it tried to get into the arms, but it couldnt hold outand last night there was a real riot! (Mother laughs) So perhaps its the deformation or transposition of some sort of mantric effort, like last time in 58 when there was an attempt to make me throw up all my blood but only food came out! Its probably something similar. My impression (Ive had it from the start) is that they have made a try at thrombosis (you know, when something blocks the circulation). Besides, it seems that X asked the doctor if blood-poisoning might be involved, so he must have seen this possibility. There has been absolutely nothing of the kind, but there has been an effort to block the circulation in the veins, probably an adaptation of the magic attack. And along with this have come all the usual things: all the usual suggestions, all the usual prophecies [about Mothers departure]. But for me, these are the normal facts of life, thats all. I am used to it. It has no importance.
   Do you really believe Z could be behind this magician you saw?

0 1961-06-24, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Not long ago M.s sister died (psychologically, she was in a terrible stateshe had no faith). Well, on that day,5 just when I came to know that she was passing away, I remember being upstairs in the bathroom communicating with Sri Aurobindo, having a sort of conversation with him (it happens very often), and I asked him, What happens to such people when they die here at the Ashram? Look, he replied, and I saw her passing away; and on her forehead, I saw Sri Aurobindos symbol in a SOLID golden light (not very luminous, but very concrete). There it was. And with the presence of this sign the psychological state no longer matterednothing touched her. And she departed tranquilly, tranquilly. Then Sri Aurobindo told me, All who have lived at the Ashram and who die there have automatically the same protection, whatever their inner state.
   I cant say I was surprised, but I admired the mighty power by which the simple fact of having been here and died here was sufficient to help you to the utmost in that transition.

0 1961-07-18, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I am constantly seeing images! Not images, living thingslike answers to questions. A magnificent peacock was taking shape (its the symbol of victory here in India) and its tail opened out, and on it a construction appeared, like this construction of an ideal place. Its a pity this subtle world cant be photographed! There ought to be photographic plates sensitive enough to do it. It has been tried. It would be interesting because it moves, its like a movie.
   All right, then. What did you want to ask?

0 1961-07-28, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I have had the experience of being missioned, so to speak, in a form of Love and Consciousness combineddivine Love in its supreme purity, divine Consciousness in its supreme purity and emanated DIRECTLY, without passing through all the intermediate states, directly into the nethermost depths of the Inconscient. And there I had the impression of being, or rather of finding a symbolic Being in deep sleep so veiled that he was almost invisible. Then, at my contact, the veil seemed to be rent and, without his awakening, there was a sort of radiation spreading out. I can still see my vision.2
   There is always what could almost be called a popular way of presenting things. Take the whole Story of the Creation, of how things have come about: it can be told as an unfolding story (this is what Theon did in a book he called The Traditionhe told the whole story in the Biblical manner, with psychological knowledge hidden in symbols and forms). There is a psychological manner of telling things and a metaphysical manner. The metaphysical, for me, is almost incomprehensible; its uninteresting (or interesting only to minds that are made that way). An almost childish, illustrative way of telling things seems more evocative to me than any metaphysical theory (but this is a personal opinion and of no great moment!). The psychological approach is more dynamic for transformation, and Sri Aurobindo usually adopted it. He doesnt tell us stories (I was the one who told him stories! Images are very evocative for me). But if one combines the two approaches. Actually, to be philosophical, one would have to combine the three. But I have always found the metaphysical approach ineffective; it doesnt lead to realization but only gives people the IDEA that they know, when they really know nothing at all. From the standpoint of push, of a dynamic urge towards transformation, the psychological approach is obviously the most powerful. But the other [the symbolic approach] is lovelier!
   In The Hour of God, theres a whole diagram of the Manifestation made by Sri Aurobindo3: first comes this, then comes that, then comes the other, and so fortha whole sequence. They published this in the book in all seriousness, but I must say that Sri Aurobindo did it for fun (I saw him do it). Someone had spoken to him about different religions, different philosophical methods Theosophy, Madame Blavatski, all those people (there was Theon, too). Well, each one had made his diagram. So Sri Aurobindo said, I can make a diagram, too, and mine will be much more complete! When he finished it, he laughed and said, But its only a diagram, its just for fun. They published it very solemnly, as if he had made a very serious proclamation. Oh, its a very complicated diagram!
   Yes. The earth is a representative and symbolic world, a kind of crystallization and concentration of the evolutionary labor giving it a more concrete reality. It has to be taken like this: the history of the earth is a symbolic history. And it is on earth that this Descent takes place (its not the history of the universal but of the terrestrial creation); the Descent occurs in the individual TERRESTRIAL being, in the individual terrestrial atmosphere.
   Lets take Savitri, which is very explicit on this: the universal Mother is universally present and at work in the universe, but the earth is where concrete form is given to all the work to be done to bring evolution to its perfection, its goal. Well, at first theres a sort of emanation representative of the universal Mother, which is always on earth to help it prepare itself; then, when the preparation is complete, the universal Mother herself will descend upon earth to finish her work. And this She does with SatyavanSatyavan is the soul of the earth. She lives in close union with the soul of the earth and together they do the work; She has chosen the soul of the earth for her work, saying, HERE is where I will do my work. Elsewhere (Mother indicates regions of higher Consciousness), its enough just to BE and things Simply ARE. Here on earth you have to work.

0 1961-08-02, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Every night, you know, I continue to see more and more astounding things emerging from the Subconscient to be transformed. Its a kind of mixturenot clearly individualizedof all the things that have been more or less closely associated in life. For example, some people are intermingled there. One relives things almost as in a dream (although these are not dreams), one relives it all in a certain setting, within a certain set of symbolic, or at any rate expressive, circumstances. Just two days ago I had to deal with someone (I am actively at work there and I had to do something with him), and upon seeing this person, I asked myself, is he this one or that one? As I became less involved in the action and looked with a more objective consciousness, the witness-consciousness, I saw that it was simply a mixture of both personseverything is mixed in the Subconscient. Already when I lived in Japan there were four people I could never distinguish during my nighttime activitiesall four of them (and god knows they werent even acquainted!) were always intermingled because their subconscious reactions were identical.
   In fact, this is what legitimizes the ego; because if we had never formed an ego, we would have lived all mixed up (laughing), now this person, now another! Oh, it was so comical, seeing this the other day! At first it was a bit bewildering, but when I looked closely, it became utterly amusing: two little people with no physical resemblance, yet of a similar typesmall and in short, a similarity. Its like the four men I used to see in Japan: there was an Englishman, a Frenchman, a Japanese and one more, each from a different country; well, at night they were all the same, as if viewed one through the other, all intermingledvery amusing!
   Theon was the first one to give me the idea that the earth is symbolic, representative symbolic of concentrated universal action allowing divine forces to incarnate and work concretely. I learned all this from him.
   In this respect, you say somewhere that the gods too must incarnate to become fully conscious.
   I knew how it was with her because I remember the days when Sri Aurobindo was here and I used to go downstairs to give meditations to the people assembled in the hall. Theres a ledge above the pillars there, where all the gods used to sitShiva, Krishna, Lakshmi, the Trimurti, all of them the little ones, the big ones, they all used to come regularly, every day, to attend these meditations. It was a lovely sight. But they didnt have this kind of adoration for the Supreme. They had no use for that concepteach one, in his own mode of being, was fully aware of his own eternal divinity; and each one knew as well that he could represent all the others (such was the basis of popular worship,7 and they knew it). They felt they were a kind of community, but they had none of those qualities that the psychic life gives: no deep love, no deep sympathy, no sense of union. They had only the sense of their OWN divinity. They had certain very particular movements, but not this adoration for the Supreme nor the feeling of being instruments: they felt they were representing the Supreme, and so each one was perfectly satisfied with his particular representation.
   Except for Krishna. In 1926, I had begun a sort of overmental creation, that is, I had brought the Overmind down into matter, here on earth (miracles and all kinds of things were beginning to happen). I asked all these gods to incarnate, to identify themselves with a body (some of them absolutely refused). Well, with my very own eyes I saw Krishna, who had always been in rapport with Sri Aurobindo, consent to come down into his body. It was on November 24th, and it was the beginning of Mother.8

0 1961-09-10, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The night before last, around 3 in the morning, I was in a place where there were a lot of people from here (you were there), and I was trying to play some music, precisely in order to SAY something. There were three pianos there, which seemed to be interlocked into each other, so I leaned over sideways to get at one of the three and began playing on it. It was in a large hall with people seated at a distance, but you were just at my left alongside a young lady who was a symbol figure (that is, the vibration or impression I received from her and the relationship I had with her could be applied as well to four or five persons here: it was like relating to an amalgam something that is very interesting and often happens to me). Anyway, I was leaning over one of the keyboards and trying trying to work something out, to illustrate how this would translate into that. Finally I realized that playing half-standing, half-leaning was unnecessary acrobatics, because a grand piano was right there in front, so I sat down before it. Well, the most amusing part of it was that the keys (there were two keyboards) were all bluelike the marbled paper we are making now, all blue, and with every possible marbled effect. Black keys, white keys, high keys, low keys (all of them were the same width, quite wide, like this), all seemed to be coated but it wasnt paperwith this blue. Facing the piano I said to myself, Well now, this cant be played with physical eyesit has to be played FROM ABOVE.
   While I was playing, I kept telling myself, But this is what Ive tried to do with music all my lifeplay on the blue keyboard!

0 1961-12-20, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Well, I saw him. I experienced what were at once symbolic visions and spiritual FACTS: absolutely decisive spiritual experiences and facts of meeting and having a united perception of the Work to be accomplished. And in these visions I did something I had never done physically: I prostrated before him in the Hindu manner. All this without any comprehension in the little brain (I mean I really didnt know what I was doing or how I was doing itnothing at all). I did it, and at the same time the outer being was asking, What is all this?!
   I wrote the vision down (or perhaps that was later on) but I never spoke of it to anyone (one doesnt talk about such things, naturally). But my impression was that it was premonitory, that one day something like it would happen. And it remained in the background of the consciousness, not active, but constantly present.

0 1962-01-27, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And once the world has become like that, has become the vital world in all its darkness, and they, from this vital world, have created Matter, the supreme Mother sees (laughing) the result of her first four emanations and She turns towards the Supreme in a great entreaty: Now that this world is in such a dreadful state, it has to be saved! We cant just leave it this way, can we? It has to be saved, the divine consciousness must be given back to it. What to do? And the Supreme says, Thrust yourself into a new emanation, an emanation of the ESSENCE of Love, down into the most material Matter. That meant plunging into the earth (the earth had become a symbol and a representation of the whole drama). Plunge into Matter. So She plunged into Matter, and that became the primordial source of the Divine within material substance. And from there (as is so well described in Savitri), She begins to act as a leaven in Matter, raising it up from within.
   And as She plunged into the earth, a second series of emanations was sent forth the godsto inhabit the intermediary zones between Sachchidananda and the earth. And these gods (laughing) well, great care was taken to make them perfect, so they wouldnt give any trouble! But they are a bit a bit too perfect, arent they? Yes, a bit too perfect: they never make mistakes, they always do exactly as theyre told. In short, rather lacking in initiative. They do have some, but.

0 1962-02-03, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   In the course of my observation, I also saw the position of X and people like him, who practically spend their lives doing japa, plus meditation, puja,4 ceremonies (I am talking only about sincere people, not fakers). Well, thats their way of working for the world, of serving the Divine, and it seems the best way to themperhaps even the only way but its a question of mental belief. In any case, its obvious that even a bit of not exactly puja, but some sort of ceremony that you set yourself to dohabitual gestures symbolizing and expressing a particular inner statecan also be a help and a way of offering yourself and relating to the Divine and thus serving the Divine. I feel its important looked at in this waynot from the traditional viewpoint, I cant stand that traditional viewpoint; I understand it, but it seems to me like putting a brake on true self-giving to the Divine. I am speaking of SELF-IMPOSED japa and rules (or, if someone gives you the japa, rules you accept with all your heart and adhere to). These self-imposed rules should be followed as a gesture of love, as a way of saying to the Divine, I love You. Do you see what I mean? Like arranging flowers in a certain way, burning incense, dozens of little things like that, made beautiful because of what is put into themit is a form of self-giving.
   Now, I think that doing japa with the will and the idea of getting something out of it spoils it a little. You spoil it. I dont much like it when somebody says, Do this and you will get that. Its trueits true, but its a bit like baiting a fish. I dont much like it.

0 1962-02-06, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   In Sri Aurobindo's play, Andromeda, daughter of the King of Syria, is condemned by her own people to be devoured by Poseidon, the Sea-god, for some impiety she had committed against him. The story is actually about the passage of a half-primitive tribe, living in terror of the old dark and cruel gods, to a more evolved and sunlit stage. Perseus, son of Diana and Zeus, and protected by Pallas Athene, goddess of wisdom and intelligence, comes to deliver Andromeda from the rock she is chained to (the rock symbolizes the Inconscient for the Rishis), and founds the religion of Athene, "... the Omnipotent / Made from His being to lead and discipline / The immortal spirit of man, till it attain / To order and magnificent mastery / Of all his outward world" (in the words of Sri Aurobindo). It is the force of progress pitted against the old priests of the old religions, symbolized by the cruel and ambitious Polydaon. Here Mother is scrutinizing an old problem"Always the same problem"that she must have encountered in many existences (Egypt included) and would encounter again eleven years later: the acceptance of the death she is forced into as the Supreme's Will, and then this "love of Life" she twice mentions here.

0 1962-02-13, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Obviously a great, great deal of stability and inner calm is required. There was a keen sense of the absolute pettiness, stupidity and dullness of all outer circumstances, of this whole bodily life in its external form, and AT THE SAME TIME a great symphony of divine joy. And both states were together like pulsations.
   But it makes your head spin. You have to be very careful, it it makes you giddy!

0 1962-05-18, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And I have the perception a sensation, really, the sensation of something not at all me, but entrusted to me. More and more now, there is the feeling of something being entrusted to me in the universal organization for a definite purpose. Thats really the sensation I have now (the mind is very calm, so its difficult to express I dont think all these things, they are more like perceptions). And its not the usual kind of sensation: the ONLY (I insist on this), the ONLY sensation that remains in the old way is physical pain. And really, those points of pain they seem like the symBOLIC POINTS of what remains of the old consciousness.
   Pain is the one thing I sense the way I used to. Food, for instance, taste, smell, vision, hearingall thats completely changed. They belong to another rhythm. And this condition has come progressively, like a crystallization of something behind the senses that doesnt come from herein taste, smell, vision, hearing, touch. Except this one point. Even the sense of touch is different now but PAIN.
   Its quite odd, you know; pain is like the symbolic (and rather too concrete!) sign of life in the Ignorance.
   And even there I have had an instant (but it was like a flash the flash of a new experience), an instant when pain disappeared into something else. It has happened three or four times. The pain suddenly became something completely different (not a pleasant sensation, not that at all): another state of consciousness.

0 1962-05-31, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I had a symbolic dream (quite symbolic!)thats all I could recall this morning. I was wearing a very cumbersome sort of garment, full of big thorns
   Oh, horrible!
   In the past, a dream like that would nag me for hours, I would worry, wondering what calamities were going to befall me (this was long, long agoages ago). But that was idiotic, as I later understood; its a certain something in the subconscient, a symbolic form of well, of certain bad psychological habits we have, thats all. And I used to torment myself: How can I get rid of this? (Were all loaded with a multitude of such weaknesses built into the body.) And then through experience I understood I saw it was merely certain bad habits.
   The only thing to do is not torment yourself and to say to the Lord (in all sincerity, of course), Its up to You. Rid me of this. And it is very effective. Very effective. At times I have had old things like that dissolved in a flash; certain inveterate little habitsso stupid, but so ingrained you cant get rid of them. Then, while doing japa or walking or meditating or whatever, suddenly the flame flares up and (you have really had enough of it; it disgusts you, you want it to change, you really want the change) and you say to the Lord, I cant do it on my own. (You very sincerely know you cant do it; you have tried and tried and tried and have achieved exactly nothingyou cant do it.) Well then, I offer it to YouYou do it. Just like that. And all at once you see the thing fading away. It is simply wonderful. You know how Sri Aurobindo used to take away someones pain? Its exactly the same. Certain habits bound up with the bodys formation.
   May 18: Pain, the symbol of life in the Ignorance.
   Mother later specified: "It's like inverting a prism."

0 1962-06-02, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Then someone came. There are symbolic people in these dreams; they seem to be made up of various parts of the beings of those around me, people who have a particular relationship with me and bring a particular help to the Work. They are symbolic characters and always the same: one of them is tall and thin, some are small, there are young ones, old ones. I cant say its this person or that person, but rather that something IN this or that person is represented in these characters. And one of them is like a big brotherhe helps out in certain circumstances; if theres a boat, for instance, the big brother steers it. So he came up to me and said, Yes, I know the method, and began to try. Stop, for heavens sake! I said. Youll spoil everything; to make it work I have to say: I WANT TO GO THERE. When he began trying to bring me across with his own methods, the water grew muddy again and I started to sink! No no no! I protested. Dont do that, thats notit at all! THAT has to (although I wasnt formulating it to myself, what I meant was the sense of a certain higher Will) THAT has to say: I WANT TO GO THERE; then it works.
   After that, the experience changed, other things happened. But what I have just related is certainly part and parcel of that experience the other day [the two rooms, one inside the other], because the two were coexistent.1
   Yes, it has effectsfar and near. The people nearest to me dont seem to be the most receptive; but with them the action is much more complex and SOLIDI mean instead of a sudden experience thats almost, as I said, out of proportion to their normal condition, something is being progressively BUILT. I constantly find myself in the midst of constructions, immense constructions in the making. It was like that last night; I had to flounder about in something like cement, a kind of batter. And then I meet all sorts of people who are also more or less symbolic, but who sometimes have the features of a specific person. Its a whole WORLD of circumstances, symbolic down to the most minute details. I remember everything, but I would have to describe a whole world and an apparently uninteresting world, at that (outwardly uninteresting, I mean); but it gives me the key, from every point of view, to the present state of things, to the world now in the making.
   Last night I spent almost all my time in such a building. And all the people who help the work were symbolized there but its always a material help, either work or money or. I remember being particularly struck by one character last night. (Again, there were a lot of aggravations, but someone or something was always on the scene when I arrived and it all sorted itself outit was the exact opposite of the dreams I was talking about the other day: all the difficulties sorted themselves out when I arrived.) Then I came to a rather difficult place to cross (you had to flounder about on slippery scaffoldings) and suddenly, facing me, there was a man (of course, it was probably a symbol rather than a man, but it might really be someone physical). He was one of the workers, a master mason (when I woke up this morning, I thought of the symbolism of Freemasonry and wondered if it might give a clue to the experience). Nearby, people were coming to supervise, observe, direct, people who thought themselves highly superior but they were never any help in solving practical problems! They were creating more problems than they were helping to solve. Anyway, this master mason appeared to be around fifty, with a beautiful facea workers face, beautiful and concentrated. There was a difficult place to cross, and he had worked the thing out very efficiently, with a lot of care. Then, when it was all done and I was able to go on my way, I felt a great surge of love go out to him, with neither gesture nor word and he received it, he felt and received it. His face lit up and he implored me, with wonderful humility, Never let me forget this moment, the most beautiful moment of my life. (I dont know what language he used because it didnt come to me in words.) It was such an intense experience. His humility, his receptivity, his response were all so beautiful and pure that when I woke upwhen I came out of the experience, at any rate I was left with a most delightful impression.
   What he represents might be partly manifested by somebody here. A beautiful face a man around fifty. Or it may be symbolic: such characters are sometimes put together with features from several people, to make it very clear that they represent a state of consciousness and not an individual. Its far more often a state of consciousness than an individual.
   But this experience left me with a true sense of satisfaction, of fullness: his work had been perfect and his response to the divine Force, to the Grace that came to him, was magnificent. It may be several people,3 it may be one particular person I dont know. It happened just last night.

0 1962-06-12, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Yantram: Tantric symbol used to invoke or evoke gods, goddesses, or beings from worlds beyond.
   Siddhi: realization (sometimes also occult powers).

0 1962-06-30, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Somewhat in the manner of Tantric yantrams, but using words charged with force instead of geometric symbols. Mother once told Satprem that from time to time she would "recharge" these little scraps of paper by looking at them or simply keeping them on the table next to her.
   Of whom Clement Marot said: "Body of a woman, heart of a man, and face of an angel."

0 1962-07-14, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I have seen you very often in visions, symbolic visions in the mental realm, but thats not what it was. It was in the subtle physical, this close (same gesture); you came deliberately, and you looked at me. Oh, I told you, how nice!
   I had a dream about you, but I felt the subconscient made it up.

0 1962-07-21, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   In Bengal this weakness has gone to the extreme. The Bengali has a quick intelligence, emotional capacity and intuition. He is foremost in India in all these qualities. All of them are necessary but they do not suffice. If to these there were added depth of thought, calm strength, heroic courage and a capacity for and pleasure in prolonged labor, the Bengali might be a leader not only of India, but of mankind. But he does not want that, he wants to get things done easily, to get knowledge without thinking, the fruits without labor, siddhi by an easy sadhana [discipline]. His stock is the excitement of the emotional mind. But excess of emotion, empty of knowledge, is the very symptom of the malady. In the end it brings about fatigue and inertia. The country has been constantly and gradually going down. The life-power has ebbed away. What has the Bengali come to in his own country? He cannot get enough food to eat or clothes to wear, there is lamentation on all sides, his wealth, his trade and commerce, his lands, his very agriculture have begun to pass into the hands of others. We have abandoned the sadhana of Shakti and Shakti has abandoned us. We do the sadhana of Love, but where Knowledge and Shakti are not, there Love does not remain, there narrowness and littleness come, and in a little and narrow mind there is no place for Love. Where is Love in Bengal? There is more quarreling, jealousy, mutual dislike, misunderstanding and faction there than anywhere else even in India which is so much afflicted by division.
   In the noble heroic age of the Aryan people4 there was not so much shouting and gesticulating, but the endeavor they undertook remained steadfast through many centuries. The Bengalis endeavor lasts only for a day or two.

0 1962-08-08, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But I understand your question. You want to know if this has an effect on all identical vibratory modes in the world. In principle, yes. But the effects may not be immediately visible; in the first place, our field of observation is nothingmaterially, what do we know? Only our immediate surroundings thats nothing. In 1920, for example, I had an experience of that type, which resulted in a symbolic but terrestrial action. It was a vision (I dont remember enough details to make it interesting) where each nation was represented by a symbolic entity, and there was a certain type of horrorof terror, rather. A certain will of terror was trying to manifest in that gathering of all nations. And I was witness to the whole thing. I remember it being a very conscious and rather long and detailed vision with a more intense reality than physical things have (it was in the subtle physical). And after it was over and I had done what needed to be done (I am not saying what because I dont remember all the details, and without accuracy it loses its value), when I came out of it I could say with TOTAL conviction: Terror has been overcome in the world. Of course, its not literally true, plenty of people still feel terror, but a certain type of terror was as if UNDERMINED at the foundations. What had already manifested kept on and is gradually being exhausted, but the terror that was trying to increase and dominate the life of nations was stopped cold.
   I have had other similar experienceson Durgas day, for instance, when Sri Aurobindo was still here (you know, thats the day when Durga masters an asura; she doesnt kill him, she masters him). Well, each year one particular type of thing was undermined (and my experiences were never mental: the experience would suddenly come, and AFTERWARDS I would realize it was Durgas day), and each time I used to tell Sri Aurobindo, Looktoday this (or that) thing has been cut off at the roots. Thats how it works with the adverse forcesyes, like something being uprooted from the world. Whatever has already spread out keeps going and follows its karma, but the SOURCE is dried up. Thats also what happened (it was in 1904, I believe) when the Asura of Consciousness and Darkness made his surrender and was converted; he told me, I have millions and millions of emanations, and these will keep on living, but their source has now run dry.4 How much time will it take to exhaust it all? We cant say, but the source has dried up and that is something extremely important. In 1920, that terror was trying to spread all over the world and to become really catastrophic; and then in my inner vision I could see that a whole movement had dried up at its source. This means that little by little, little by little, little by little the karma is being exhausted.

0 1962-09-08, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   X symbolizes the Tantric quest.
   The Kumbhamela: when hundreds of thousands of ascetics and pilgrims go to ba the in the Ganges.

0 1962-09-18, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   A symbol of what can never be symbolised,
   A language mispronounced, misspelt, yet true.2
   Un symbole de ce qui ne peut jamais tre symbolis,
   Un langage mal prononc, mal pel, pourtant vrai.

0 1962-11-17, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I even remarked to myself (it was a rather curious feeling), Well, its interesting to have such a close view of it. That is, I had the feeling that my station, as Sri Aurobindo calls it, for viewing the world was very high up, and Id had to come down to that place. And thats what made me say, Well, its interesting to have such a close view of things. (I didnt say it to that being, I thought it.) And he was there next to me, gloating, standing some distance off to my right (looking up, I could see his headMo ther looks up at the ceiling). He was jubilant, gloating: You see, you see, you see! Overjoyed. I kept absolutely still; everything was still, calm, motionless (the thought that came was like something passing through me: Its interesting to have such a close view of it). And then I stopped everything, like this (Mother remains as still as a statue, fists clenched). And very soon afterwards (I cant say exactly because time there isnt the same as here), very soon afterwards, everything stopped.1 The storms only purpose was to cause the two thunderbolts, and it stopped after they fell on the earth. And then the flames the whole area was set ablaze (it was like a huge city, but not a city: most likely it was symbolic of a country): vroom! It burst into flames; some flames were leaping up very, very high. But I simply did this, stopped everything (Mother remains motionless, eyes closed, fists clenched), and then looked out once againeverything had returned to order. Then I said (I dont know why, but I was speaking to him in English yes, its because he was speaking English, saying, You see, you see!), I said, Ah, that didnt last long. They quickly brought it under control. With that he turned his back on me (laughing); he went off one way and I the other. Then I regained my outer consciousness, which is why I remember everything exactly.
   I believe they began fighting up there two or three days after it happened.

0 1962-11-20, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Mother sent a special messenger to Delhi with a symbolic gift of 925 grams of gold (some from her own jewelry), as a contri bution to national defense.
   Indira Gandhi will come to power four years later, in January 1966.

0 1962-12-15, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Very. I dont think its worth wasting your time on. But it was interesting to find these first pages because look at the symbol (Mother shows Satprem the first page).
   Yes, I saw it!
   The symbol is interesting.
   It looks like Sri Aurobindos.
   No, Theon always said that the Serpent had nothing to do with Satan, it was the symbol of evolution (Theon was entirely pro-evolution), the spiral path of evolution, and that the earthly paradise, on the contrary, was under the domination of Jehovah, the great Asura who claimed to be unique, who wanted to be the only God. For Theon, there is no such thing as a one and only God: there is the Unthinkable. Its not a God.
   But to me this seems to come from his Jewish background. Because Thon was Jewish, even though he never mentioned the fact (the Tlemcen officials made it known: when he arrived he had to tell them who he was). He never spoke of it and he had changed his name. They said he was of Jewish origin, but they could never say whether he was Polish or Russian. At least the person who told me never knew. But for the Jews its the Unthinkable, whose name must not be uttered (it is uttered only once a year, on the Day of Atonement; I think thats what its called). Its the word Yahveh, and it must not be uttered. But the prayers speak of the Elohim, and the Hebrew word Elohim is plural, meaning the invisible lords. So there was no one and only God for Thon, only the unthinkable Formless; and all the invisible beings who claimed to be one and only gods were Asuras.

0 1963-01-09, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother refers to the Bulletin and in particular to the Talk of July 3, 1957, in which she narrated her symbolic vision of the Big Hotel in perpetual demolition1:)
   But all this seems to me on the outside. I understand it may interest people, but its still one of the things that make me smile. Thats how I see it. Even this vision.
   I have three or four of them every night, great visions, with all the complications,2 all the symbols, all the explanations. And I meet people who are not as they think they are.
   But its tremendous! Tremendous how much you can do in a few hours at night.

0 1963-01-14, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Showing flowers, landscapes, symbolic photographs, etc.

0 1963-01-18, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   As I told you, Sri Aurobindo lives there permanently, as though in a house of his own: you can see him, you can stay with him, he is busy. It is very much like the physical, but a physical that would be less grating, you understand, where things are more harmonious and satisfying, less excited. There is less of that feeling of haste and uncertainty. In that house where Sri Aurobindo lives, life unfolds very, very harmoniously: people come and go, there are meals even. But all that obeys more general laws, and a sense of security and certainty not to be found in physical life. And the symbolism is more exact (I dont know how to express it), the symbolic transcription of things is less distorted, more exact.
   This is the subtle physical as I know it, I cant say if it is the same for everyone. Sri Aurobindo said, There is a true physical, well, I have a feeling that this is what he calls the true physicala subtler physical, the true physical which is behind.

0 1963-03-30, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It goes on every night. It takes the form of all sorts of scenes, of symbols, of memories, from words to images. It comes in groups and categories of tendencies, it represents the various human tendencies in detailits infinitesimal. Its only because they are multiplied millions of times that they can have some importance but theyre nothing! Mere nothings. Yet thats just what blocks the way.
   It really isnt of interest.

0 1963-05-03, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its the perception of a terrestrial movement more than anything else. So the details are unimportant in themselves, but they are symptomatic of the whole. I mean that difficulties, obstacles, battles, victories, advances are in themselves nothing but indications of a general movement: at times, the resistance and opposition are formidable; at other times there are fantastic advances or progress, seemingly miraculous. If you see everything together, you feel, you feel a sort of thrustan overall thrustin which a small cellular concentration seems really unimportant in itself; its importance diminishes with its lack of resistance, in the sense that the more it allows the Work to be done without hindering or distorting the movementwithout hindering it or making it more complicated the more the sense of its importance diminishes. In other words, it appears important only insofar as it hinders.
   There is evidently a twofold movement: on one hand, something that tries to draw less and less the attention and concentration of others, that is, to lessen the sense of intermediary necessary for forces and thoughts to spread (more and more there is an attempt to undo that1), and on the other hand, an increaseat times prodigious, staggeringof power. Now and then (seldom, and I must say I dont at all try to make it happen more often), now and then, for a minutenot even a minute: a few secondscomes a sense of absolute Power; but immediately it is covered over, veiled. The effect at a distance is becoming greater and greater, but that is not the result of a conscious will I mean there is no attempt to have more power, none at all. Now and then, theres the observation (a very amusing observation, sometimes) that for a moment (but its a matter of seconds), the Power is absolute, and then the usual hodgepodge takes over again.
   But during the morning meditation, I was at a loss. Is it the symbol of a clinging to the past? Possible. But then there are plenty of people like that in the world, who cling to the past, plenty.
   The next morning, for an hour, I had an experience. Everything always happens as if it were in the body (but this body has become a kind of representative and symbolic object), it always takes place that way, whether its a sense of imminent death or a sense of perfect immortality. All that always takes place in the body it is the battlefield, it is the field of victory, it is the Defeat, it is the Triumph, it is everything. So I noted the experience down. (Mother hands a slip of paper to Satprem):
   The Lord is peaceful resignation,

0 1963-05-11, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It is clearly taken as a symbol of the gestation of the new birth, the second birth, the divine birth. Thats certain.
   He said 72 days?
   The drawing starts here (Mother draws the first half of the 8): its the Supreme leaning forward. Then, Nature in its base, Nature in sleep (the base of the 8). And here (the top of the 8), I put two little drawings (as if to symbolize an eye, a nose and a mouth) to evoke the summit of consciousness. So the Supreme is leaning forward like this and Nature rises like this (Mother draws the second half of the 8). All this (the top of the 8) is golden, then it becomes prismatic (the middle of the 8), and deep blue here (the base of the 8), in the most material part of the creation, and the blue becomes lighter and lighter (going upward again), and finally golden. Perpetually.
   Eight is the symbol of infinity for mathematicians ().
   Exactly. Its very interesting.

0 1963-05-18, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother asks for a box of paints to demonstrate practically the gradation of colors of the levels of consciousness, from the most material Nature to the Supreme. The point is to illustrate the symbol of Infinity, the figure 8, which Mother explained in the conversation of May 11: the infinite play of the Supreme reaching down to Nature and Nature rising toward the Supreme. Mother speaks in English in the presence of a disciple, who is a painter, so that he may convey her explanations to H., the disciple who is preparing illustrations for "Savitri".)
   Of course, all these things are lights, so you cant reproduce them. But still, it must be a violet that is not dull and not dark (Mother starts from the most material Nature). What she has put is too red, but if its too blue, it wont be good eitheryou understand the difficulty? Then after violet there is blue, which must be truly blue, not too light, but it must be a bright blue. Not too light because there are three consecutive blues: there is the blue of the Mind, and then comes the Higher Mind, which is paler, and then the Illumined Mind, which is the color of the flag [Mothers flag], a silver blue, but naturally paler than that. And after this comes yellow, a yellow that is the yellow of the Intuitive Mind; it must not be golden, it must be the color of cadmium. Then after this yellow, which is pale, we have the Overmind with all the colors they must all be bright colors, not dark: blue, red, green, violet, purple, yellow, all of them, all the colors. And after that, we then have all the golds of the Supermind, with its three layers. And then, after that, there is one layer of golden whiteit is white, but a golden white. After this golden white, there is silver whitesilver white: how can I explain that? (H. has sent me some ridiculous pictures of a sun shining on waterit has nothing to do with that.) If you put silver, silver gray (Mother shows a silver box nearby shining brilliantly in the sun), silver gray together with white that is, it is white, but if you put the four whites together you see the difference. There is a white white, then there is a white with a touch of pink, then a silvery white and a golden white. It makes four worlds.

0 1963-05-25, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But what does the Holy Spirit descending with tongues of fire on Pentecost represent? Those tongues of fire dont look like a cosmic symbol, do they?
   But I dont see how the Christ could be cosmic? He is very clearly the god within man.
   Well, of course! But how can the Cosmic (assuming the Holy Spirit to be a cosmic symbol) descend too? And in the form of tongues of fire?
   Maybe were trying to stretch the parallel too far, maybe its something else.

0 1963-06-19, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There are activities that take place in a semidarkness, which the people of the placepeople who are here at the Ashramregard as light and where everyone attends to his affairs with his own ideas and what he considers to be his knowledge. Everything takes place in a semidarkness, a great confusion and a you know, a most oppressive sense of powerlessness. It went on for hours. Finally, I absolutely wanted I wanted to get out of that place at all costs and return to the Light (the real one) and the open. But it was literally impossible: whatever path I took to get out suddenly collapsed, or disappeared as if swallowed up in a wall or a complexity of incoherent things, or else it came to an abrupt end, plunging straight down very deep. I remember one of those places, I absolutely wanted to find a way out, and when I got there, there was a sheer gulf, and I said to myself, What am I going to do? Just then I saw a man, I dont know who he was, but he was dressed (it was symbolic) as a mountain climber, with all the equipment needed to climb down a sheer cliff, and with the help of his ice axe he fastened himself to the cliff and climbed down. Then I said, This is PRETENDING to find the way, but its not finding the way. I was there concentrating, and as I concentrated, suddenly I was able to find a path which led me up to a terrace.
   I was accompanied by three or four people (but they are symbolic people). Everything was taking place in a half-night, and outside it was complete night. But when I reached the terrace, there was one of those big electric street lights, which turned on and gave a white light (like the half-light of an electric lamp in the nightwhich is nothing). The terrace was a very long one, but with a drop on every side: there was no way to get out; at one end, the way was blocked by a sort of house, and on both sides it plunged straight down into a black hole. And then that sense of powerlessness, of knowing nothingyou dont know where to go, you dont know what to do. It was And it is THE ORDINARY STATE OF HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS the consciousness of human activity. But in my consciousness (I was shut in there, you understand), it was truly it was almost a torture, last night; it was frightful.
   I was saying to myself, But whats the way to get out of here? I concentrated, became conscious again of the divine Presence, but there was something telling me, Nothing is responding, its not working. It was horrible. Nothing is responding, its not working; its not working, it cant change, nothing is responding; nothing is responding, its not working. I was there like that, with two or three people. I sat down (some rooms were higher than others and it made a difference in level between the terraces), I sat down on a ledge, questioning intensely within, What can I do? What can I do? Whats the way? What can I do? Wheres the lever? I was trying to find the lever for changing it all. But I was unable to find it. Suddenly, from the room at the end a little old man came out, very old, who gave the impression of an attachment to old things; just the same (he was all blue), just the same when he arrived (it must be the symbol of an old method or an old discipline), I told him, Ah, now that you are here, can you tell me the way out of this place? Whats the way to get free, the way out? That started him laughing: No, no! Theres no way, no way out, you must be content with what you have. Then he looked at that poor light above, which really didnt give much light at all, and he said (in a high-sounding tone): But in the first place, I came to tell you that you must put out that sun! I dont want that dazzling sun here. Ah! I thought, Thats what he calls a sun! I was so disgusted that finally I woke up. Something pulled me out abruptly. But with such a strong impressionso strong that I was gripped by anguish: What can be done to change that? The WAY, you see, the way was inadequateinadequate. That was the anguish: My own experience is inadequate, it has no effect THERE, so whats to be done? Whats to be done? What can be done? So thats how I was for hours this morning: Whats the way? Whats the way? Whats the way to change that darkness into light?
   It wasnt very cheering.
   It is very clearly symbolic. But its a frightful anguish, hard to bear.
   Thats why they all said, Flee, flee, fleeleave it all, stop bothering about that, theres no getting out.
   Mother often said that each of the Ashram disciples was the symbol of a particular difficulty to be conquered.

0 1963-06-29, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There is a boat being built (the symbol of the yoga, obviously), its made entirely of pink clay, and what a pink! A boat of pink clay. I was there with Sri Aurobindoa very agile Sri Aurobindo who was going about supervising the construction; I too was going up and down with extreme ease.

0 1963-08-10, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its true that the doctor himself said ([laughing], the doctor1 symbolizes Doubt with a capital D) that if you teach your body to bear pain, it grows more and more enduring and doesnt get disrupted so fast thats a concrete result. People who know how not to be thoroughly upset as soon as they have a pain here or there, who are able to bear quietly and keep their balance, it seems that in their case the bodys capacity to bear disorder without breaking down increases. Thats very important. You remember, in a previous Agenda I asked myself the question from a purely practical and physical point of view, and it does seem to be true. Inwardly, I have been told many a timetold and shown with all sorts of little experiences that the body can bear far more than people think, provided they dont add fear or anxiety to the pain; if you can get rid of that mental factor, the body, left to itself, without either fear or fright or anxiety for what will happenwithout anguishcan bear a great deal.
   The second step is that once the body has decided to bear pain (it really takes the decision to do so), instantly the acuteness, the acute sensation in the pain vanishes. I am speaking on an absolutely material level.

0 1963-09-04, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I think its the symbol of your meditation. A squarea perfect square, I mean, about this size, from there to there (from the top of the head to the solar plexus): thats you when you meditate. Its quite established, like something firmly established, and then slowly, very slowly, it rose and rose and rose above your head, and there not violently, of course, it didnt burst out, but it spread out into an Immensity of light.
   The symbol of your consciousness.
   Its always a square shape.
   Is it the symbol of your meditation or the symbol of your consciousness?The symbol of your consciousness.
   Did you feel, towards the middle of your meditation, a kind of sudden relaxing, an inner well-being?

0 1963-09-07, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Of course, those who know understand very wellits all symbolic.
   But for instance, I told you I spoke with the Pope for quite a long time the day of his election, and the conversation was abruptly interrupted by a reaction he had. (It was really a mental conversation we were having: I spoke, he replied, I heard his reply I dont know whether he was conscious of something probably not, but anyway; it wasnt at all a formation of my own mind because I received quite unexpected replies.) But the conversation was interrupted abruptly by a reaction he had when I told him that God is everywhere and in all things; that everything is He; and then a great Force came down into me and I added, Even when you descend into Hell, He is there too.

0 1963-09-25, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Once again I was tall I am always tall. But I hadnt dressed as I do usually: I wore a short dress. There were lots of people there; I recognized everyone, I could hear everyones voice, it was very, very distinct. And there were two girls (not girls, theyre women now, but to me they were like girls), two girls talking to each other and saying, How strong her legs are! (Its symbolic.) And at the same time, I saw my legs as if there were a mirror to show them to me! I had a short dress and I saw my legs and my two feet with shoes onmy feet had shoes on. And a short dress. Very active.
   Last night was less pleasant. There were again those things collapsing. I was below, you see, trying to go back up to my room, and every time I tried to go back up, all the means to do so disappeared or were done away with. Now Ive chased it all away because it was tiring. But one thing I do remember: I was climbing up a sort of not stairs or a ladder, it was a very queer thing, like blocks of dark red stone, and they were all crumbling and coming apart. It ended up annoying me, and I had a movement not of anger, but of self-assertive will and everything vanished. You feel its adverse formations trying to harass you, until I cant say I lose patience, but something gets angry (is it angry? Asserts itself, rather: Ah, no! Enough!) and instantly, pfft! it all goes away. But then I found myself on a road I knew very well, but there was such a crowd! A crowd, a crowd: all the schools of the world were coming there for their holidays. There were troops of kids led by matrons and teachers, myriads and myriads of them! And also children who stopped and played on the ground; but all those children knew me very well, and when I arrived, they would take their things out of the way to let me throughweeny little kids this high. Then I met a symbolic person (not a human person) whom I know very well, she was pale blue (that is to say, a being of the higher mind, a force of Nature in the higher mind), I know her very well, she is very often with me. She explained to me her difficulties and I explained to her what she should do; I told her, Ive already told you several times, its like this and like that. She stayed beside me a very long time, and she asked me, Why do I always have to leave you? I answered her, Dont worry; everything is fine now. It went on for a long time. But it was interesting, a very pleasant, very refined contact: a beautiful girl that is, a beautiful thought or a beautiful idea. A beautiful girl. And she had in her charge an innumerable amount of kids (Mother laughs), so she was somewhat worried at times, and I explained to her what she should do.
   I feel a sort of tenderness towards that person.

0 1963-09-28, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You see, I was always under the impression that the earth was a symbolic representation of the universe in order to concentrate the Work on one point so that it could be done more consciously and deliberately. And I was always under the impression that Sri Aurobindo too thought that way. But here I had read Savitri without noticing this. But now that I read it and I am so immersed in that problem In other words, its as if it were THE question given me to resolve.
   I noticed it while reading.
   It had always seemed to me that way [the earth as a symbolic point of concentration], but I am so convinced that Sri Aurobindo saw things more truly and totally than anyone did that, naturally, when he says something, you tend to consider the problem!
   I dont know, I havent reached the end of Savitri yet. Because I notice (rereading it after the space of a few months, barely two years) that its altogether something else than the first time I read it. Altogether something else: there is in it infinitely more than what I had experienced; my experience was limited, and now its far more complete (maybe if I reread it in a year or two, it would be still more complete, I dont know), but there are plenty of things that I hadnt seen the first time.

0 1963-10-05, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It was a constructiona huge construction. It resembled one of those huge hotels they build nowadays, with inner courtyards and all sorts of things. And I had my room right at the top. (It called to my mind an old experience I had had. Do you remember that big hotel?1 It was somewhat like that.) And everyone there was APPARENTLY full of respect, of obedience, of thoughtfulness but everyone was going his own sweet way thats nothing new. At first, I was downstairs (my room was way upstairs, I dont know how many floors there were), and there I met some people, people whom I know. But each and every detail was so revealing, it was marvelous! And it was time for me to have my bath (I dont know what time it was!), so I wanted to go back upstairs to do so, but I needed someone to prepare the bath (its symbolic; I dont know yet, I havent yet understood the symbol of that bath, because it occurs very often; but there may be some meaning hidden in that symbol). But then one person was too old (someone who had offered to prepare the bath, but he was too old), another wasnt strong enough, anotherto be able to prepare the bath required VERY special qualities. It isnt the first time; it has happened two or three times before: to be able to prepare that bath took absolutely exceptional qualities of courage, strength, physical power, endurance. And the people downstairs (gesture expressing incapacity). So I said to myself, All right, Ill go upstairs and see what happens.
   On the way, the same thing happened again: I went the usual wayplop! cut off, nothing left, I cant get through; I come back, start another wayplop! cut off, I cant get through. Yet I kept going up (how, I dont know). Then I reached a sort of square terrace-balcony, perfectly square, and ALL its doors were closed. There was no way of going farther: all the doors were closed. Then I see water rising, rising, rising in the ENTIRE building, except the places where the doors were closed. Downstairs (I dont know, I was very high up, maybe on the fourth or fifth floor) the doors were closed, so naturally water could not get in. All the courtyards (large, immense courtyards) were turned into swimming pools. What water! I kept watching it, admiring it; I said to myself, What wonderful water! So clear, so clear, clearer than any I ever saw. Water that was I cant say, it was transparent like like purity itself, it was marvelous. It was rising and rising and rising. I saw in one of the courtyards on my left (a very large courtyard: it had become an immense swimming pool!), I saw a person in a bathing suit come out of the water, as if he had taken his bath in it, and wrap himself up (a very tall person, very tall, who was neither a man nor a woman), he wrapped himself up in a bathrobe, then walked away on the water (!) I was watching this till suddenly I realized that the water was beginning to reach my feet. Then I KNEW: Ah, yes! Theyve decided to do this. I was a little upset: They really could have told me they were going to do this! I thought. Its something they must do regularly. Did they inform some people? (All this in my head, of course.)

0 1963-10-16, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Every time a new truth has attempted to manifest upon earth, it has been immediately attacked, corrupted and diverted by pseudo-spiritual forceswhich did represent a certain spirituality at a given time, but precisely the one that the new truth wants to go beyond. To give but one example of those sad spiritual diversions which clutter History, Buddhism was largely corrupted in a sizable part of Asia by a whole Tantric and magic Buddhism. The falsity lies not in the old spirituality which the new truth seeks to go beyond, but in the eternal fact that the Past clings to its powers, its means and its rule. As Mother said in her simple language, Whats wrong is to remain stuck there. And Sri Aurobindo with his ever-present humor: The traditions of the past are very great in their own place, in the past. We could expect the phenomenon to recur today. In India, Tantrism represents a powerful discipline from the Past and it was inevitable that Mother should experience the better and the worse of that system in her attempt to transform all the means and elements of the old earththis Agenda has made abundant mention of a certain X, symbol of Tantrism. Now, as it happens, we are witnessing the same phenomenon of diversion, and today this same Tantrism is seeking to divert the new truth by convincing as many adepts as possible not to say Mothers Mantra, which is too advanced for ordinary mortals, and to say Tantric mantras in its stead. This is purely and simply an attempt to take Mothers place. One has to be quite ignorant of the mechanism of forces not to understand that saying a mantra of the old gods puts you under the influence and into the orbit of precisely that which resists the new truth. Mother had foreseen the phenomenon and forewarned me in the following conversation. Unfortunately, until recently, I always wanted to believe that Tantrism would be converted. Nothing of the sort. It is attempting to take Mothers place and lead astray those who are not sincere enough to want ONE SINGLE THING: the new world.

0 1963-10-19, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   At such moments, the body feels very vastvast, limitless, very vast, as though it were TOUCHING all Matter; there is a conscious contact with all Matter. And banging my fist as I did yesterday is quite symbolic, nothing but symbolic: it wasnt a table, my fist banged on the earth! Earth, if you are not ready, well, you will be left to fend for yourself; well go away and come back when youre ready.
   So it appears to be a necessity to shake up a tamas somewhere there is plenty of TAMAS, plenty.

0 1963-11-23, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Kennedy wont be able to do it. According to the American constitution, the vice-president automatically becomes president, the next minute; and this vice-president symbolized the opposition to Kennedy. And within his own party, among the Democrats, there was already a division.

0 1964-01-29, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Doubt, discouragement, diminution or loss of faith, waning of the vital enthusiasm for the ideal, perplexity and a baffling of the hope for the future are the common features of the difficulty. In the world outside there are much worse symptoms such as the general increase of cynicism, a refusal to believe in anything at all, a decrease of honesty, an immense corruption, a preoccupation with food, money, comfort, pleasure, to the exclusion of higher things, and a general expectation of worse and worse things awaiting the world. All that, however acute, is a temporary phenomenon for which those who know anything about the workings of the world-energy and the workings of the Spirit were prepared. I myself foresaw that this worst would come, the darkness of night before the dawn; therefore I am not discouraged. I know what is preparing behind the darkness and can see and feel the first signs of its coming. Those who seek for the Divine have to stand firm and persist in their seeking; after a time, the darkness will fade and begin to disappear and the Light will come.
   (XXVI.169-170, April 9, 1947)

0 1964-07-22, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But its a fantastic discovery, in the sense that once you have discovered it, it wont leave you no matter what happens. You may have your attention turned elsewhere while you are at work, as for instance last night when I had a quite symbolic activity: for an hour I went around all the Ashram rooms, and I wanted to find an armchair in a corner where I could sit down and do a certain inner workit was impossible! I went from room to room, and in every room there was a group of people, one or two people, or several groups of several people, each with a marvelous discovery, a marvelous invention, a marvelous projecteach one had brought the most marvelous thing he had! And each one wanted to show it to me and demonstrate it. So I was looking and looking (they were people I know; it must be the expression of their best thoughts: it was really full of a great goodwill [Mother laughs]), but there were scores and scores of them! I would simply look, say a word or two, then I would take a few steps in the hope of finding a solitary corner and an armchair in which I could do my work; and I was going from room to room, from room to room. It lasted an hour. One hour of invisible life is extremely long. I woke up, in other words, I emerged from that state without having been able to find an armchair! I woke up just as I said to myself, Its no use trying (there were corners with armchairs, but with so many people that it was impossible to go there), No use trying, itll be the same everywhere, its useless, Ill go back into myself, and as soon as I decided to go back into myself, it was over.
   Obviously, in those activities, I dont have recourse to divine Love to find the solution of the problem I am not allowed to do so. So I understand that this is what was translated in peoples thought by the idea that divine Love cannot manifest entirely, otherwise there would be catastrophes3its not that at all, thats not at all the way it is. But its clear that in my consciousness the [supreme] contact has been made (with some degree of limitation, but still it has been made), and nothing takes placenothing, absolutely nothing, not even the most totally in-sig-nif-i-cant thingswithout, I cant even say the thought or the sensation (in English they say awareness, but its much fuller than that), the feeling (another impossible word), without the feeling of the Lords Presence, the supreme Presence, being there twenty-four hours a day. Throughout that activity of the night Ive just told you about, He was there, the Lords Presence was there all the time, every second, directing everything, organizing everythingBUT THAT WASNT THERE. And That, which I call Love, that Manifestation, is so formidably powerful that, as I once said, it is intolerant of anything elseThat alone exists. That exists, That isand its finished. Whereas the Lord (the Lord, what I call the Lord) is something else altogether; the Lord is all that has manifested, all that hasnt manifested, all that is, all that will be, and all, all is the Lordits the Lord. But the Lord (laughing) is necessarily tolerant of Himself! All is the Lord, but all is perceived by the Lord through the limitations of human perception!4 But everything, everything is thereeverything is there; everything, as it is every second; and with the perception of time, every second is different, in a perpetual becoming. This is supreme Tolerance: there is no more struggle, no more battle, no more destruction there is only He.

0 1964-08-22, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   So the first day, I was almost dazed; I was constantly groping for the way to do things. Yesterday, it was still strong. And this morning, suddenly I began to understand (what I call to understand is to have control), I understood: Ah, thats it! Because I was wondering, But what on earth does all this mean? How can I do my work? I remember, yesterday I had to see a host of people, people who arent close and whose atmosphere isnt good: it was very difficult, I had to keep a hold on myself, and I must have looked strange, very absent I was very far away, in a very deep consciousness, so that my body wouldnt be you know, that gave it discomfort of sortsdiscomfort, yesit was hard to bear. Yesterday the body was still that way the whole morning; towards evening it got better. But the night wasnt good, oh! In the night, I am always given a state of human consciousness to put right, one after another there are millions of them. And there are always all the images and events that illustrate that particular state of consciousness. At times, its very hard going: I wake up tired, as after a long period of work. And last night, thats how it was; its always the various, multiple ways which men have of complicating the original Simplicity: of turning a simple vibration into extremely complicated eventswhere the thing should be simple and flow naturally, there are endless complications, and such difficulties! Unbearable and insuperable difficulties. I dont know if you have experienced that: you want to go somewhere, but there are hindrances everywhere; you want to go out of a room, but there is no way out, or there is one, but you have to crawl on the ground under kinds of rocks and then something in the being refuses, No, I wont do it. And with a sense of insecurity, as if at any moment the thing could topple over and crush you. There are people who want to help you, but they cant do anything at all, they only make the complication still more complicated; you start on a road with the certainty of reaching a particular place, then all of a sudden, in the middle of it the road changes, everything changes, and you have your back to the place you wanted to go. All kinds of things like that. The symbolism of it is extremely clear. But then, it makes for a lot of work.
   Anyway, I got up in that state and began to wonder, Wont there be an end to it? Its always, always, always like that. And more and more I have an inner conviction that it isnt a thing you can obtain through effort and progressive transformationit would take millions of years! Its only the Grace. When the Lord decides, Its finished, now its going to be like that, it will be like that. Then you find rest and tranquillity.

0 1964-10-14, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Maybe maybe if there is a symbolic being (its what I am beginning to ask myself), if there is a symbolic being who has the power (it takes a great deal of endurance!), the power to CONTAIN the representation of all those disorders and to work on that symbolic representation, it must help the whole. Because if an entire human way of being has to change for the Victory to be won, its going to take millions of years! That may be why there are symbolic beings.
   Thats what I am now asking myself.

0 1964-11-07, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But once, you had a similar experience with all the symptoms of fainting: when the center of your physical consciousness left you.
   Yes, but thats not

0 1964-11-25, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I dont know if it is an answer to this question, but there came today a sort of film show: a long procession of all the stories telling how men destroy whats higher than they, cannot tolerate whats higher than they: the martyrs, the killings, the tragic ends of all those who represented a power or truth higher than mankind. As though that were the explanation the symbolic explanationof the reason for the almost infinite time it took for Matter to awakenawaken to the imperious need for the Truth.
   It was as if I were told, You see, there was a time when they burned you at the stake, tortured you, memories from past lives. And those memories were associated with the recent story of a Protestant missionary who said, though not in so many words, We worship Christ only because he DIED for men, because he was crucified for men.

0 1964-12-07, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its really a pity I dont remember at all. That was really fine. It was the hymn to the Truth. It resembled a certain symphony of Beethovens (oh, I am going to say something dreadful) without the padding!
   All human music always has padding. They have an inspiration, and in between theres a gap, so they fill it up with their musical knowledge. But this morning, it came straight from above and there was no padding. It was very fine.

0 1965-02-19, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I put represents because the word is always a symbolic form of something infinitely greater than it. Its one of the things one should feel: it is like a means of contact. A means of contact that you make more and more effective, first through the sincerity of the concentration, of the aspiration, then through habit, through use, while taking care when you use the mantra always to remain in contact with That which is beyond it. And it makes a kind of concentration, as if the word were being charged with force, increasingly charged like a battery, but a battery that can take an indefinite charge. So I wrote (it seemed more exact to me), The first word represents It represents:
   the supreme invocation

0 1965-03-10, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   While you were in hospital, I had a sort of I cant say it was a vision because it was very it was lived. It was lived in the subtle physical world, which is symbolic of Reality (the forms are symbolic of Reality, they express Reality, and at the same time they are self-existent). Almost every night I spend some time with Sri Aurobindo in that world, and things are always happening that are indications.1 But that night, it was quite particular.
   Sri Aurobindo and I were in an extremely comfortable car, and we were both resting in an eternity of peace and blissquietly, next to each other. The car was driven by the eternal Driver. It was supreme Bliss, you know. Until suddenly, outside the car (I dont know how), two papers were thrown on the road, and one of the papers was a letter (it was an envelope that had come by mail, there were stamps on it), and the other was something written; and with a lightness (the car was still moving), quite a divine lightness, Sri Aurobindo leaps out of the car onto the road to pick up the letters. I said to myself, Ah, the Bliss is over (laughing) now well have to get back to work! And I also got out of the car (which disappeared).

0 1965-03-24, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I think thats what it is, just the symbolic image of what happened.
   Its not something that will go on?
   Its the symbolic form of what occurred.
   I told you my dream in which I was different parts of Sri Aurobindos body. The foot is his physical action through certain people or through the Ashram or through me.

0 1965-04-07, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   If I am given some prediction, its in a very symbolic form, or in a curious form: a form I could call analogous, meaning that I am shown analogous facts that occurred in the history of the earth (sometimes the history of the earth that isnt historical, thats prehistorical), and with a special coloration, a little more internal than the plain stark fact; there is along with it a vibration which is at the same time a mixture of thought, feeling and especially forcea force of action. It comes like that with a sort of power of projection into the future (Mother draws a trajectory going from the past event into the future), and in between the two, there is the curve resulting from the terrestrial progress. So, basically, it would be rather interesting provided there is nothing else to be done!
   But its clearly visible: for instance, a word or a sentence or a gesture or a thought or an impulse that has its vibratory point specifically somewhere [in the past], and then its whole line of consequences (same gesture of trajectory), its whole curve of consequences. The whole thing, seen at a glance (Mother depicts a screen on which a picture is suddenly frozen). The curve: such and such a thing goes brrt! over there. But the outcome (which would give a spectacular and high-sounding value producing a considerable effect) is never given to me. No, what would make a reputation of great prophet is never given to me (thats not what I am after, but its never given). Simply (same gesture of trajectory), such and such a thing will go this way, brrt! and then all this is going to happen, here, here (Mother marks various points along the trajectory); but as for the outcomesilence.

0 1965-04-23, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The previous night, it was difficult because I was (I waswho was I? I dont know) harassed and attacked by someone who didnt want to leave me alone and whom I found totally repugnant, who was to me an embodiment of falsehood and hypocrisy. It was a symbolic being (the whole thing was symbolic) and he represented something, almost like one of the human vices, something symbolic and very widespread, and what a nuisance it was, oh! I called on everything to get rid of it. But I didnt find out who I wasit was me, but outwardly I dont know.
   But last night, as it happened, in the course of all the circumstances, I was with someone whom I know very well (not materially) and I had white hair, and that person told me, Oh, its very fine, just go ahead like that. Then I saw my face. I had a pale face, but not white, and white hair falling onto the neck, very white (the white of black hair), with a few black tresses in itwhite hair. And I said, But no! When one has white hair (I dont know what language I was speaking because one doesnt hear any sounds, one understands inwardly) white hair like this isnt pretty. So (laughing) when I came back to my usual state, I thought, Oh, but what a strange face I had!

0 1965-05-19, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   To have them tested? Mon petit, you can see ten people, those ten people will tell you ten different things! The instability of the diagnosis is for me something absolutely certain. Because there arent two identical casesthere are analogies, there can even be families of cases, but there arent two identical cases; so in everyone there are variations. And unless the gentleman is very intuitive, he will start reasoning and then he is sure to make a mistake, or else to tell you some vaguenesses like you are nearsighted or you are farsighted (!) So much so that there arent two identical cases of cataract there are symptoms that repeat themselves and are very similar, with a very close analogy, but there arent two identical cases. And those who are truly sincere will tell you so, but there isnt one in a thousand! And they will make great speeches they will authoritatively announce something that they dont know.
   (To Satprem:) Your brother wouldnt be happy if he heard me!

0 1965-06-14, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Whats the fish a symbol of?
   I dont know. The Buddhists use the symbol of two intertwined fish. I think its Multitude?
   I often have underwater dreams: the other day, for instance, I went under water (and without any difficulty) and there were hosts of fish I was fishing under water. But those fish were dead, or had just diedhosts of fish that werent decomposing, that were still good, but dead, because they didnt have any more air or water.
   Generally, fish in the sea mean Multitude.1 But there must be many meanings; I have told you that Buddhism often uses the image of fish as a symbol.
   symbolisms, mon petit, there are hundreds and hundreds of them. And people always oppose them, but ultimately they are just different ways of seeing one and the same thing. According to my experience, everyone has his own symbolism.
   For snakes, for instance, its quite remarkable. Some, when they dream of snakes, have the feeling theyre going to meet with catastrophes; I myself have had all sorts of dreams with snakes: I had to go through gardens full of snakes everywhereon the ground, in the trees, everywhere and not kindly snakes! But I knew very well what it meant; during the dream itself I knew it: it depended on certain mental conditions around me and ill willmental ill will.2 But if you have mental control and power, you can go through, they cannot touch you. And other people, when they see a snake, think it is the universal consciousness. So we cant say. Thon used to say that the serpent is the symbol of evolution, and those who were with him always saw rainbow-colored serpents, with all the colors, and it was the symbol of universal evolution Basically, to tell the truth, everyone has his own symbolism And for myself, I have seen that it depended on the periods in my life, on the activities, on the degree of development. There are things I see again now in which I see another meaning, which was behind the meaning I had seen.
   Its very interesting, but it belongs entirely to the domain of relativity.
   But now I see that there are superimposed depths: you have one symbolism, then deeper, theres another symbolism. And ultimately, all form is a symbol. All forms: our form is a symbolnot a very brilliant one, I admit!
   Oh, if I had nothing to do and spent my time just writing down my activities of the night, what I see and hear and do in the night with everybody oh, all kinds of people, in all kinds of countries. And things, hosts of things, so many, many things I never saw physically and never thought oftotally unexpected things.
   In a personal context such as this dream, fish, according to Sri Aurobindo, symbolize the "vital mind" in constant movement, making all sorts of formations.
   This was in France with Richard, at the start of the war, after the return from Pondicherry.

0 1965-06-18 - supramental ship, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And probably a matter that will undergo some transformations, I dont know. That cloak I put on was perhaps the symbol of It was white with golden threads and red embroidery designs (it was very beautiful), and I wrapped myself in it so that the mud wasnt bothersome.
   What was it the symbol of?
   Of the force that will transform that into an acceptable substance.

0 1965-06-23, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   So in that park I had seen the Pavilion of Love (but I dont like to use that word because men have turned it into something ludicrous); I am referring to the principle of divine Love. But it has been changed: it will be the Pavilion of the Mother; but not this (Mother points to herself): the Mother, the true Mother, the principle of the Mother. (I say Mother because Sri Aurobindo used the word, otherwise I would have put something else I would have put creative principle or realizing principle or something of that sort.) And it will be a small building, not a big one, with just a meditation room downstairs, with columns and probably a circular shape (I say probably because I am leaving it for R. to decide). Upstairs, the top floor will be a room, and the roof will be a covered terrace. Do you know the old Indian Mogul miniatures with palaces in which there are terraces and small roofs supported by columns? Do you know those old miniatures? Ive had hundreds of them in my hands. But this pavilion is very, very lovely: a small pavilion like this, with a roof over a terrace, and low walls against which there will be divans where people can sit and meditate in the open air in the evening or at night. And downstairs, at the very bottom, on the ground floor, simply a meditation rooma place with nothing in it. There would probably be, at the far end, something that would be a living light (perhaps the symbol2 made of living light), a constant light. Otherwise, a very calm, very silent place.
   Adjoining it would be a small dwelling (well, a dwelling that would still have three floors), but not of large dimensions, and it would be the house of H., who would act as keepershe would be the keeper of the pavilion (she wrote me a very nice letter, but she didnt understand all this, of course).
   Yes, its the contact with the outside world. The center in my drawing is a symbolic center.
   But thats H.s hope: she wants a house where she would be all alone, and next to it a house where I would be all alone the second part is a dream because for me to be all alone you just have to see what goes on! Its a fact, isnt it, so it doesnt go well with the all alone. Solitude must be found within, its the only way. But on the level of life, I will certainly not go and live there, because the Samadhi is here; but I can go there on a visit. For instance, I can go for an opening or certain ceremonieswell have to see, it wont be for years. Its going to take years to be realized.
   In the old formation I had made, there had to be a hill and a river. A hill was necessary because Sri Aurobindos house was on top of the hill. But Sri Aurobindo was there, in the center. It was arranged according to the plan of my symbol, that is to say, a central point with Sri Aurobindo and all that concerns Sri Aurobindos life, then four large petals (which werent the same as in this drawing, they were something different), then twelve petals around (the city proper), then around that, there were the disciples residential quarters (you know my symbol: instead of [partition] lines, there are strips; well, the last circular strip formed the residential place of the disciples), and everyone had his house and his garden: a little house and a garden for everyone. And there were means of communication; I wasnt sure if it was individual transportation or collective transportation (like those small open trams in the mountains, you know) that crossed the city in all directions to bring the disciples back to the center of the city. And around all that, there was a wall with entrance gates and guards at each gate, so people entered only with permission. And there was no money: within the walls, no money; at the various entrance gates, people found banks and counters where they deposited their money and received in exchange tickets with which they could have lodging, food, this and that. But no money. And inside, absolutely nothing, no one had any money the tickets were only for visitors, who entered only with a permit. It was a fantastic organization. No money, I didnt want money!
   Oh, Ive forgotten one thing in my plan: I wanted to build a workers housing estate. But it should be part of the industrial section (perhaps an extension on the edge of the industrial section).
   Outside the walls, in my first formation there was on one side the industrial estate, and on the other the fields, farms, etc., that were to supply the city. But that really meant a countrynot a large one, but a country. Now its much more limited; its not my symbol anymore, there are only four zones, and no walls. And there will be money. The other formation, you know, was really an ideal attempt. But I reckoned it would take many years before we began: at the time, I expected to begin only after twenty-four years. But now, its much more modest, its a transitional experiment, and its much more realizable the other plan was I nearly had the land: it was at the time of Sir Akbar (you remember?) of Hyderabad. They sent me photographs of Hyderabad State, and there, among those photos, I found my ideal place: an isolated hill (a rather large hill), below which a big river flowed. I told him, I would like to have this place, and he arranged the whole thing (it was all arranged, they had sent me the plans, and the papers and everything declaring it to be donated to the Ashram). But they set a condition (the area was a virgin forest and uncultivated lands): they would give the place on condition, naturally, that we would cultivate it, but the products had to be used on the spot; for instance the crops, the timber had to be used on the spot, not transported away, we werent allowed to take anything out of Hyderabad State. There was even N. who was a sailor and who said he would obtain a sailing boat from England to sail up the river, collect all the products and bring them back to us hereeverything was very well seen to! Then they set that condition. I asked if it was possible to remove it, then Sir Akbar died and it was over, the whole thing fell through. Afterwards I was glad it hadnt worked out because, with Sri Aurobindo gone, I could no longer leave Pondicherry I could leave Pondicherry only with him (provided he agreed to go and live in his ideal city). At the time I told Antonin Raymond, who built Golconde, about the project, and he was enthusiastic, he told me, As soon as you start building, call me and I will come. I showed him my plan (it was on the model of my symbol, enlarged), and he was quite enthusiastic, he found it magnificent.
   It fell through. But the other project, which is just a small intermediate attempt, we can try.
   Mother's and Sri Aurobindo's symbol.
   Which has already been cultivated.

0 1965-06-30, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   All this is symbolic, probably.

0 1965-07-10, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Two or three nights ago also, I had a symbolic dream. You know that its your old mosquito netting that was installed in my room?

0 1965-07-31, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Now, the Italians worship the Virgin a lot, its a lot in their makeup, and through that they would understand (those who are intelligent and see the symbol behind the story). There was a Pope (not the present one or the previous one, but the one before1) who did remarkable things because he was in touch with the Virgin; he was a worshipper of the Virgin and that really put him on the right path. So I think that if they want a small book (it is a small book, you can even put it in your pocketpeople are afraid of big books, they dont have time), there are lots of things in that small book, The Mother, lots of things. But the part on the four aspects of the Mother can really be felt only by Indians; those who have a Christian education (laughing) must find it very frightening (!) But we could omit that chapter. You see, the book was made from letters, so each piece is a whole; it wasnt at all composed as one piece: we arranged it as it is following the instructions Sri Aurobindo gave. But that last chapter (the biggest, besides) is mostly for India. It can be omitted.
   So you can say this to N.: a biographical note in dictionary style to announce the publication of your book.

0 1965-08-21, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And at night it corresponds to thoroughly strange activities: a completely new way of seeing, feeling and observing people and things. Last night, for example, for over two hours there was a clear visionan active vision (through action, that is)of the way in which human consciousnesses make the most simple things complicated and difficult. It was fantasticfantastic. And then, this consciousness was spontaneously impelled by the divine Presence, but it followed the others human movements with the clear perception of the simple thing and of the way in which it becomes complicated. It was symbolic, with images; an activity in images in the sense that it wasnt purely material, physical as we know it here, but in a symbolic, imaged physical (in which the material world is seen as clay). It was very interesting.
   Only, there was a very great intensity of transformation, and (how can I explain?) Its like a shift in the directing will. And then, there was materially, physically, a sort of surprise, and a need to identify with the new directionits a little difficult. Its difficult to explain, too. Its no longer the same thing that makes you actact or anything, of course: move, walk, anything. It isnt the same center any longer. And then if, by habit, you try to reconnect with the old center, oh, that creates a great disorder, and you must be very careful not to let habit, the old habit, express itself and manifest.

0 1965-09-08, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   He said, Savitri, a Legend and a symbol; its he who made it a symbol. Its the story of the encounter of Savitri, the principle of Love, with Death; and its over Death that she won the victory, not in life. She could not win the victory in life without winning the victory over Death.
   I didnt know it was put so clearly here. I had read it, but only once.

0 1965-09-15a, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I spent my night in a not a hurricane, not a cyclone, but worse than any cyclone. I was in a dark room, with glass panes on all sides (thats symbolic), and through the glass panes, I saw Everywhere I looked, there was wind blowing in all directions and carrying everything away: houses, trees, everything, but everything. Without letup.
   And an infernal noise. It was clear that it should also have carried away the place where I was, but that didnt move.

0 1965-09-25, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Before the fighting broke out, Nolini had a dream which he has told me now. There was a certain number of people together, and they saw Sri Aurobindo coming to them. And Sri Aurobindo was bent over as if making an extraordinary effort; he was completely covered in a coat and nothing could be seen, but he was bent over as if making a great effort. When he reached them, he opened his coat, and in his arms was fruit (gesture indicating a meagre bundle), fruit and other symbolic things. Then he held it out to them, saying, This is all I have been able to do. And he left. As if that was all he could do: All the feast I have been able to give you, something of the sort. So they tried to make a feast with that, since he had given it, but then it created confusion and wasnt pleasant. When Nolini had this dream, he didnt understand a thingnow he understands. Sri Aurobindo made such an effort to bring that: This is all I can do. It seems there was a sense of tremendous effort (laughing): This is all I have managed to do.
   The world isnt ready. Thats the worst part.
   The conscious perception of the two elements (the body is becoming a representative object; not just symbolic: representative), the perception of the state of consciousness of those elements that belong to the past, to the past evolutionary movement, and of those that are open to the new method, if I may say so, is clearer and clearer; its perceptible as clearly as, more clearly than external physical things, than the external form (this distinction is physical, but it belongs to the inner construction). Outwardly, it results in fever. Its a battle. And not a battle of ill wills, its not that: its a sort of incapacity. And its not with violence that we will succeed. You know, the only thing that can triumph is this supreme Vibration of Love, but there is an incapacity to receive, and then (its a strange phenomenon), this incapacity to receive causes a sort of sifting, and its only elements that are as if watered down that can pass through the Thing in itself in its true essence cannot. If you look at it from below, you feel as if That refuses to give itself, but its not true, because when you ARE That (laughing), there is no sense of being watered down: That manifests in its plenitude. And see what happens [the sifting]!
   And its clear (you can see it in very small details) that if there were direct contact, something would be as if shatteredit would cause something to be shattered. Yes, too abrupt, too sudden a change, like something thats shattered.

0 1965-09-29, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Yes, one has the feeling that this Pakistan problem is symbolic, and that until it is sorted out, India will not play her role in the world.
   Thats right.
   And its through this symbol that the hypocrisy of Gandhis India and all her errors must at the same time be swept away.

0 1965-10-27, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I arrived where I always go to find him, in the subtle physical, last night around 2: 30, and what a crowd there was! Thousands of people. When I arrived there, before going in I met someone, who must have been one of the former politicians, from the time of the revolution, when Sri Aurobindo was involved in politics; he is dead, naturally, but he was there and he told me (he was quite jubilant), he told me (in English), Sri Aurobindo has come out of meditation, he has started playing! And there was indeed a feeling that everyone was playing, playing. I crossed the courtyard (I even crossed a room where some people were still in meditation, and they looked surprised to see me come in like that, I told them, Dont worry, I dont want to disturb you!), then I found Sri Aurobindo, who was playingvery young and strong and amused and joyful, and he was playing. He was playing with something that cannot be described, and he was playing and playing. And then, the same gentleman whom I had seen at the entrance came and told me in my ear, He has played with that a lot it is worn-out, its a bit damaged, a bit worn-out. So I drew near, and Sri Aurobindo, who had heard, told me, Yes, it is worn-out, take it and bring me another. And he handed it to me I cant describe it, it didnt look like anything, it was something there was something black moving inside something and it did look a little broken down. So I left, I went back downstairs; and the symbol of the physical body was a pair of shoes I put my shoes on again and left.
   There were lots of details; it began after two-thirty, and it lasted till about four-thirty.

0 1965-12-07, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Just as if you had a hood over your head, and something comes and removes it: pfft! all the symptoms, all gone. Its wonderful.
   When this Power works, we will see something.

0 1966-01-14, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Yes, the continuation of the same story. You know the impression I had when I heard of Shastris death? I had the impression it was a symbol, and that it was the death of the Gnome.8 The death of the Dwarfs. That it was the bottom of the pit and the end of the Age of Gnomes. And that maybe we were now going to climb up again.
   Lets hope so. For the moment, everything is in suspense.

0 1966-02-11, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Just last night, I must have been going about for some time among all human constructions, but those of a higher quality, not the ordinary constructions (those Sri Aurobindo refers to here: the philosophical, religious, spiritual constructions ). And they were symbolized by huge buildingshuge that were so high as if men were as tall as the edge of this stool, quite tiny, in comparison with those huge thingshuge, huge. I was going about, and each person came (I saw now one come, now another), each person came saying, Mine is the true path. So I would go with him to an open door through which an immense landscape could be seen, and just when we came to the door, it would close!
   It was really very interesting. With all sorts of diverse details, each one with his own habits. I have forgotten the details now, but when I came out of that place last night, in the middle of the night, I was quite amused, I said to myself, Its quite amusing! You know, when they spoke you could see through a door vast expanses before you, in full light, it was superb; then I would go with that person towards the door and the door was closed. It was really interesting.

0 1966-02-19, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Fire But fire, theres no fire without airfire is the symbol of the supreme Power.
   (long silence Mother scribbles a few words)

0 1966-02-26, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Behold the figures of this symbol realm.
   Here thou canst trace the outcome Nature gives

0 1966-04-09, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its quite symbolic, besides: the storm of revolt, of course, the revolt OF THE EARTH against the principle of the Sannyasin. Quite symbolic. And its a magnificent image in the sense that there is great majesty in the appearance.
   The vision of the Sannyasin with his back to a bronze door. See Agenda I, November 20, 1958 and November 22, 1958.

0 1966-04-20, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   All that is symbolic, naturally. And I woke up with the feeling, At last! Something is going to move somewhat straight.
   It was impeccable: a work done impeccably and with intelligence and understanding. I havent seen such a thing in ages!
   Isnt it? But I dont think it has to do with the government of India, I dont think so. I think it was symbolic.
   It has to do with the government of the world?

0 1966-04-27, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   He meets him a first time, then a second time just when he is about to leave, so he changes all his plans and goes with the Sannyasin. But its what comes before that departure, there is something hazy, I dont know what I should do. First I thought of making that young woman the symbol of beauty, wealth, love, anyway, of all thats truly beautiful and all the best life can bringwhich he rejects, and he leaves for anywhere, and then he meets that Sannyasin. So I was in the description of that place, of that boy with that girl, of that very beautiful place, and then I found it so futile to write all this that I couldnt go on.
   (Mother laughs)

0 1966-05-14, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   A disciple's peacock had escaped and spent the whole day in the tree above the Samadhi and on the Ashram's terraces. (The peacock is the symbol of victory.)

0 1966-09-14, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Ive just seen in your atmosphere something abovea funny picture! It was like a very steep mountainside, and someone, who was like the symbol of man, was climbing up. A being Its strange, I have seen that several times: beings without clothes, yet they arent naked! And I cant understand whywhat happens? They dont wear any clothes, yet arent naked. There is a shape, you see a shape, the shape of a man; you see it and it isnt naked. Its already the third time this has happened to me. But it happened with people who had gone out of their bodies; Purani, for instance, I saw him like that: he wasnt naked, yet he didnt wear any clothes, and you could see the shape of a body, it was blue and pink (I told you, I think). Well, just now, I saw a man, the shape of a man (who resembled you, by the way), climbing up a hill, and he wasnt naked, yet he didnt wear any clothes. Which means they have a sort of clothing of light. But it doesnt give the impression of a radiating light or anything of that kind. Its like an atmosphere. It might rather be the aura: the aura that has become visible; so the transparency doesnt hide the shape, and at the same time the shape isnt naked. That must be it, it must be the aura: the aura that has become visible.
   It was like that. And then, from the skythere was a vast sky going all the way up from below (it was like a painting), a very clear, very luminous, very pure skyfrom the sky there came innumerable hundreds of things that looked like birds flying towards him, and he drew them to him with a gesture. They generally were pale blue or white; now and then, something like the tip of a wing or the top of a crest was somewhat dark, but that was accidental. They came and came in their hundreds, and he gathered them with a gesture, then sent them towards the earth: he was standing on a steep slope, and he sent them into the valley below. And there, they turned into (Mother laughs) opinions! They became opinions! Some were dark, others light-colored, brown, blue.
   It must be in a subtle physical, maybe a true physical. Sri Aurobindo said that the subtle physical was a much truer physical than ours. Things are like that there, with a very clear symbol.
   And those birds (they were birds that werent birds, but they looked like birds), they came all luminous, luminous, with sometimes tiny darker traces here or there, but generally all luminous; their shape was very fluid. And the colors werent as we know them: it wasnt white, it wasnt pale blue, but as if the essence of white and blue, the essence of colors. I dont know how to explain it. And they came like that, then he sent them down, and when they went through his hands and flew down towards the earth (laughing) they became brown, blue, gray all possible colors! But those were opinions. Its amusing.

0 1966-10-12, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The ascending curve went beyond that, into those regions Thon had given that barbarous name of pathetism. When one went beyond and entered those regions, then there was it was the Supreme outside the creation, beyond the creation. Thats where I saw the representative form of the new creation (and that was before I ever heard anything about Sri Aurobindo and the Supermind), thats where I saw the form that must succeed the human form, like the symbolic representation of the new creation. That was two or three years before I heard of Sri Aurobindo and met him. So when he told me about the supramental creation, I said to him (laughing), But of course, I know, I saw it up there!
   No one had told me anything. Its only when I went to Tlemcen that Madame Thon told me what it was. She knew how to go through all the states of being, from one to the next, and on to the next leaving the body corresponding to each state of being in its region and moving beyond. So then, quite spontaneously and naturally, I learned to do it. And I did it there, thats how I saw this prototype, all the way up, all the way up.

0 1966-10-19, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Naturally, all those entities were more or less spontaneously doing the Supremes work, but (how can I explain it?) without their having a conscious will: they did it simply and spontaneously, because they were beings of harmony, working harmoniously. But now, in Durgas case its very clearvery clear: she is like this (gesture turned upward, awaiting the Supremes Command). In her relationship with the hostile beings, in her legendary yearly battle (which is of course symbolic), she is like this (same gesture), eager to know the direction, the indication, the gesture to be made.
   When Sri Aurobindo was here, every year at the time of Durgas battle, I used to receive from him the very clear indication of the aspect of the adverse forces that had to be vanquished and subdued. (It was very interesting, and I generally noted it down, but I dont know where all that has gone.) It went on like that for thirty years. And after his departure there only remained the Supreme.

0 1966-11-12, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Quite symbolic.
   Yes, disorderlack of equilibrium.

0 1967-04-15, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   This is the description (retranslated from the French) of the "cellular level" by Dr. Timothy Leary, psychologist and professor at Harvard University: "Huge aggregates of cells are animated and the consciousness whirls about in strange landscapes for which there exist neither words nor concepts. L.S.D. reveals cellular dialogues imperceptible to the normal state of consciousness, for which we have no appropriate symbolic terms. You become aware of processes you never sensed before. You feel yourself sinking into the soft swamps of your own body's tissues, slowly drifting below dark red aqueducts, floating through endless capillary systems, gently propelled through endless systems of cells, grandfa ther clocks of fibres tirelessly jingling, clinking, tinkling, pumping. This experience is striking when you have it for the first time; it can also be a dreadful, frightening and at the same time marvellous experience..." Then his description of the "pre-cellular level": "Your nervous cells become aware, as Einstein did, that all matter, all structure is nothing but pulsating energy. Your body and the world around you dissolve into a sparkling lattice of white waves. You have penetrated matter's intimate structure and vibrate in harmony with its primeval and cosmic pulse."
   Mother is referring to U Thant, secretary-general of the United Nations. U.N.O., April 10, 1967: "That a fraction of the amounts that are going to be spent in 1967 on arms could finance economic, social, national and world programs to an extent so far unimaginable is a notion within the grasp of the man in the street. Men, if they unite, are now capable of foreseeing and, to a certain point, determining the future of human development. This, however, is possible only if we stop fearing and harassing one another and if together we accept, welcome and prepare the changes that must inevitably take place. If this means a change in human nature, well, it is high time we worked for it; what must surely change is certain political attitudes and habits man has."

0 1967-05-03, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   With this 4.5.67, there are quite amusing things. The people who have the attitude of righter of wrongs (there are people like that) who choose their own example of a wrong they have suffered which must be righted; and who say, This will be the Mothers symbol. Another would like cameras to be sensitive enough to photograph the presence invisible to the human eye. That also comes, they are things that come in the atmosphere (of Mother). Another (several others, it seems) thinks that on that day the Indian new year will begin. Others everyone thus imagines something, and it comes into the atmosphere. Its amusing.
   And I always think of that passage in Savitri in which he says, God shall grow up Grow up in Matter, of course (and you SEE the Divinity grow up in Matter, and Matter being made more and more capable of manifesting the Divinity), and he says, while the wise men talk and sleep.2 Its exactly that. And its charming.

0 1967-05-10, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It was the symbol of the road opening wide, easynot easy: its dangerous in itself, but quite easy, one travelled on it easily. It was like riding in a car (but these are images), and it went with dizzying speed, as if it was a powera power nothing could stop.
   You were there.

0 1967-06-21, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Because this is where the last Asura [demon] must symbolically come and die. It isnt being played out anywhere else.2
   (Mother remains silent)
   There is only one place in the world where the issue is being played out really and symbolically that is India. That is where, therefore, the disease of the earth must be focused. It is in the order of things that the last Asura should come and die at the feet of the Mother.
   But India, supposed to embody the forces of truth, is herself prey to the same Falsehood as is the rest of the earth. The Asura is also in India, perhaps more dangerous there as it is masked behind a veil of false truth.
   The question was worded thus: "Must we think that these two great peoples in conflict represent symbolic forces that are destined to decide the fate of our civilization?"
   See Satprem's article in Addendum.

0 1967-07-05, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The feet are the symbol of physical life, and according to what I once saw (your dream seems related to that), EACH part of his body represented someoneor rather represented his, Sri Aurobindos, MODE of expression in someone.3
   One night I saw him like that, I told you. But it was extremely complex; I only noted two or three important things, but there didnt seem to be even one small part of his body that wasnt represented by someone. So if we take the symbol of the feet to be the physical Not only the feet, but all the toes, did you say?
   All the toes, yes.
   In my vision, his two feet were me. But in my vision, his feet had white tabis on, to make me clearly understand that it was me. And in my vision, he walked on the edge of a path strewn with bare flint stones, so it was very hard and sharp-edged, and he said, No, this is not the way it should be, lets walk higher up on the road where its smoother, and he came back to the middle of the road. So if its like that, if its the same symbol carrying on, it would mean something concerning mepossibly.
   The shoes are a covering. A covering Pinkish cream, did you say?

0 1967-07-26, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And then, what goings-on The goings-on at the School, oh, those are priceless stories! But yesterday evening, I suddenly became indignant about a boy, the boy who had been accused of copying. He asserted he hadnt copied, and I saw he hadnt (but what I saw was almost worse!), and I said, No more examsa dreadful row everywhere! Then K., who is really a good boy, wrote to me, Should I not rather tell the boy that you decided he hadnt copied, because he must be worrying? I thought, Poor K.! But anyway, it was a nice gesture, so I said yes. Then he called the boy, told him what he had to, also that exams were abolished and the whole matter was over and done with. As soon as the boy left him, he went and told his friends a world of lies: that I had asked K. to apologize, to express regret and reinstate the boy, and a lot of fibs a series of terrible lies (and lies about me). You understand, I had had a movement of sympathy for K. for what he had done; it shows a sort of nobleness of soul in him: he was so convinced, but he accepted what I said and made that gesture because he thought the boy must have been worrying. Then the boys thoroughly disgusting reaction I had to restrain myself (inwardly): I was displeased. I had hoped, on the contrary, that that goodwill would give rise to a somewhat noble response, but all that is a sort of degradation. Yesterday, I was on the point of giving the child an inner slap I stopped myself from doing so, but he has clearly put himself in a bad spot.
   Now they write to ask me, How can we know whether the children follow if we dont have exams? I had to explain the difference between a type of individual control based on observation, on a remark, on an unexpected question, etc., which allows the teacher to situate the child, and the other method in which you are forewarned, You will have an exam in eight days and the subject will be on what you have learnedso everyone starts revising what he has learned and preparing himself, and thats that: the one with a good memory is the one who passes. I have explained all that.1

0 1967-07-29, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its hard to explain because its the state of consciousness that is different. Now its a memory, but at that moment it was a visiona very, very deep vision, very sharp, naturally exceeding all that occurred on earth, but also all the ways of expressing what occurred. The personality of Christ and so onit was all so different! And it became, yes, I might say symbolic, but thats not it. At the same time, it placed this religion among all the others, in a very defined place in the earth evolutionin the evolution of the earth CONSCIOUSNESS.
   The experience lasted for half an hour, but everything, everything was differentdifferent not in its appearance, different in its deeper significance. Was the difference in my active consciousness? I dont know. I mean, did I make contact with a region of consciousness that was new to me? Possibly. But it seemed to me a wholly different vision of the earth and mans history.

0 1967-08-12, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And he said their action should be regarded sympathetically. I read that in this mornings papers, its astounding!
   (Mother laughs) Charming!
   You know, it came to me as a discovery. The whole religion, instead of being seen like this (gesture from below), was seen like that (gesture from above). Here is what I mean: the ordinary idea of Christianity is that the son (to use their language), the son of God came to give his message (a message of love, unity, fraternity and charity) to the earth; and the earth, that is, those who govern, who werent ready, sacrificed him, and his Father, the supreme Lord, let him be sacrificed in order that his sacrifice would have the power to save the world. That is how they see Christianity, in its most comprehensive idea the vast majority of Christians dont understand anything whatsoever, but I mean that among them there may be (perhaps, its possible), among the cardinals for instance who have studied occultism and the deeper symbols of things, some who understand a little better anyway. But according to my vision (Mother points to her note on Christianity), what happened was that in the history of the evolution of the earth, when the human race, the human species, began to question and rebel against suffering, which was a necessity to emerge more consciously from inertia (its very clear in animals, it has become very clear already: suffering was the means to make them emerge from inertia), but man, on the other hand, went beyond that stage and began to rebel against suffering, naturally also to revolt against the Power that permits and perhaps uses (perhaps uses, to his mind) this suffering as a means of domination. So that is the place of Christianity. There was already before it a fairly long earth historywe shouldnt forget that before Christianity, there was Hinduism, which accepted that everything, including destruction, suffering, death and all calamities, are part of the one Divine, the one God (its the image of the Gita, the God who swallows the world and its creatures). There is that, here in India. There was the Buddha, who on the other hand, was horrified by suffering in all its forms, decay in all its forms, and the impermanence of all things, and in trying to find a remedy, concluded that the only true remedy is the disappearance of the creation. Such was the terrestrial situation when Christianity arrived. So there had been a whole period before it, and a great number of people beginning to rebel against suffering and wanting to escape from it like that. Others deified it and thus bore it as an inescapable calamity. Then came the necessity to bring down on earth the concept of a deified, divine suffering, a divine suffering as the supreme means to make the whole human consciousness emerge from Unconsciousness and Ignorance and lead it towards its realization of divine beatitude, but notnot by refusing to collaborate with life, but IN life itself: accepting suffering (the crucifixion) in life itself as a means of transformation in order to lead human beings and the entire creation to its divine Origin.
   That gives a place to all religions in the development from the Inconscient to the divine Consciousness.

0 1967-08-19, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Soon afterwards, concerning a sympathizer of the Ashram, Mrs. Z, who cannot get out of her Christianity.2)
   Now then, did you see this lady?

0 1967-08-26, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (A little later, about Mrs. Z, the Christian sympathizer of the Ashram who has paid Satprem several visits and was to become somewhat cumbersome.)
   I dont know what to do. I feel she has a need in her, a sincere need, and she wants to find a way out, without being able to.

0 1967-09-03, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   So the nearer they draw, the more difficult the problem becomes. Its better to This lady has external work to do. I havent encouraged her too much to become intimate here, because one day shell be up against the big problemyou understand, symbolically its limited to one person, but its the larger problem of Religion, as a dogma and absolute law, versus freedom, and not many can hold out.
   Some ten kilometres from Pondicherry.

0 1967-09-06, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   A head as big as this He was smiling, and showing us both something that was the symbolic image of these Talks. It was very interesting! His head was big like this (about fifty centimetres), wholly luminous with that supramental light which is its golden, but with red in itnot red: pink, but its inexpressible. Its almost like a flame, but not dazzling; and it gives the sense of a forcea really all-powerful force. He was there like this (gesture between Mother and Satprem), between the two of us, with his hand outstretched (it was all the same colour), and in his hand was a cube. And that cube was all those Talks. So he showed the cube, which was of a transparent light (how can I put it?) a steady transparent lightnot still, but steady. And there were kinds of veins in it: blue veins, silvery veins It was a cube, you see, a perfect cube, but it was all moving about: blue, silvery, red veins, and sometimes too, a small dark line. And he was showing it as if to say, Here is how it is. The whole thing was a cube of colourless, transparent lightpurely transparent and purely luminous; and there were kinds of currents passing through it: sometimes in one corner (but it was shifting about, not still), and it was now dark blue (not dark, but bluereally blue), now silvery, now white, and in places, from time to time, here or there (gesture to various points), there was in a corner or at an edge (laughing), a small black line!
   He held it out in his hand and laughed!

0 1967-09-16, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You know, in olden days you were put through ordeals they were symbolic things, naturally, but you were aware that they were ordeals, so you were on your guard. But now I remember, in the very beginning, when I started working with Sri Aurobindo, he warned me (I had already noticed it long before) that the circumstances of life are at each minute organized in such a way that the one who is destined to do the work is confronted with his own difficulties, which he must conquer, and with the difficulties of the world he works in, which he must conquer too. If he has the necessary humility to see in himself what must be transformed so he can become capable of doing the Work, then all goes well. Naturally, if he is full of pride and vanity and believes the whole fault lies outside and there is none in him, then naturally things go wrong. And the difficulties become more pronounced. And for as long as I did the work, for (how many years?) the thirty years I worked with Sri Aurobindo and he was there, I was like this (gesture hidden behind Sri Aurobindo), so comfortable, you know I was in front, I seemed to be the one doing the work but for my part, I felt completely protected, behind him like this (same gesture); I was very tranquil, not trying to understand or know or anything I was simply attentive to what had to be done, what had to be done. It was rarely necessary to tell him; sometimes I was faced with a difficulty then I would tell him, but he didnt need to answer: it was immediately understoodthirty years like that.
   And when he left, there was a whole part the most material part of the descent of the supramental body down to the mind that visibly came out of his body like that and entered mine, and it was so concrete that I felt the FRICTION of forces passing through the pores of the skin. I remember having said at the time, Well, anyone who has had this experience can, by this experience, bring the proof of afterlife to the world. It was it was as concrete as if it had been material. So naturally, after that it was there in the field of consciousness. But I have seen more and more, more and more, that all that happens, all the people we meet, all that happens to us personally (that is, taking this little body as being the person), all of that is ALWAYS a test: you stand firm or you dont; if you stand firm, you make a progress forward; if you dont, you have to go through it again.

0 1967-09-30, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I saw, as is said in the Apocalypse, a limitless crowd, a multitude, an enormous welcome. In those thousands of faces I read, stronger than curiosity, a kind of indescribable sympathy, the Pope said.
   India is a spiritual country. It has in its nature a sense of the Christian virtues.

0 1967-10-11, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   She brought me a little poem in French on The Beloved and His Beloved (all that up above), which, I must say, was very pretty. So she read it to me, and when it was over I told her, But Lovethis Beloved and his Belovedis not a person, these are not persons; they are not human beings, not even symbolic human beings. And at that point something opened up above, and I told her what it was.
   She was gripped at the throat so strongly that afterwards I almost lost my voice.
   And the symbol of it was so clear to me that I was astounded.
   It is, so to speak, the acme of mental evolution.

0 1967-10-14, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   All of a sudden, yesterday afternoon towards evening (around six, or a little before), there came a sort of atmosphere of (what should I call it?) a kind of discouraged pessimism in which everything had become lacklustre, grey, dissatisfied. When you see things from above, in a certain atmosphere of totality, each thing plays its part and collaborates in a general manifestation, but there, it was like something shut in itself, with no reason to be except that it was. It had neither aim, nor motive nor reason to be, neither was it a special circumstance or a particular event: it was a kind of self-enclosed formation, a state of being which was obviously morbid, but not violent, nothing violent. Yes, in which each and everything was without reason or aim, without any satisfactionnei ther oneself nor others, nor things. And I was DELIBERATELY shut in it, in order to feel it. The consciousness wondered, Why? What does it mean? Why is it like this? And at the same time (you know that yesterday was the day of Durgas Victory for those who worship Durga), so I asked myself, Why does she choose to shut me in this state just on the day of victory? What does it mean? What does it mean? It was indeed like a factual demonstration of the perfect uselessness of that way of being, which had no reason to be, which could be turned to anything, any time, without reason and without motive. It was like the symbol of disgruntled uselessness. But it went on. I looked and looked at it, trying to find the slightest clue to the cause of that state: what, when, who, how? And the curious thing is that its very, very foreign to my nature, because even when I was in real trouble, I never wasted my time being like that. And it went on, as things go on when I have to study them, understand them, and do what needs to be done. Then, at a certain point I said to myself, Oh, perhaps this is what Durga intends to conquer this year? And at the same time I remembered (like that, far away on the fringes of the consciousness), I remembered the time when Sri Aurobindo was there; every year, on the Victory day, I would tell him, Well, this is what Durga has done this year, and he would corroborate it. I would say, This is what Durga has conquered, this is what Durga Every year, over a long time. And so that memory was there, far away in the light, as if to tell me, See, do you remember that? And I said to myself, Well, this may be what Durga wants to conquer? Then I thought, But whats to be conquered in this? Its silly! Its a silly state. (Lots of people are in that state, I know, but its absolutely silly, it has neither reason nor cause nor aim, its like something that comes in without one knowing how or why.) It went on for a good while (I dont remember exactly how long). Then, when I had seen clearly, understood clearly what it was, I asked Durga, Is this what you want to do? And it was suddenly as if a very strange thing, as if it evaporated before my eyes, pfft! It went like this (gesture of bursting), and then I tried and tried the memory of it and everything had completely vanished! In one second it had completely gone.
   While it was there, it was yes, as if something without any truth in itself, something that didnt rest on any truth. A morose, dissatisfied, grumpy state, and it was grey, grey, grey, lacklustre, looking at everything from the angle of uselessness and stupidity. Then there was a sort of bursting: all of a sudden, poff! like that, and it was all over. And now its a sort of vague memory which I can hardly recapture, which no longer exists.

0 1967-10-25, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its still a symbol.
   Each little group thinks it is a symbol that too is a symbol.
   And as the formation descends in order to manifest, all oppositions rise up, contradictions rise up, complications come, and within you can clearly see that they dont understand. So I spend my time telling them, Dont try to organize, dont try, you are going to fossilize the whole thing before its begun.

0 1967-10-30, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   About these ships, you asked if they indicated a journey. As you know, its always the symbol of the yoga, the discipline one follows, and everyone has his own form of transport(!) For some its a plane; for others, a train; again others But most often its a ship, especially this great, classic sailing ship. And for you, its very clearly the symbol of your advance towards realization. So all year long, whenever I receive a ship, I put it aside for you!
   Am I getting on?

0 1967-12-16, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Beautiful beast! It was a lion, the head like that, the front form was a lion and behind it was a horse. And it was the symbol of a symbolical animal of something. At the moment I understood perfectly well, I said Aah! and
   Very dignified. Came from there (same gesture to the left), like that, made a round around you and went away. It was for you. Lion is power, and horse 3

0 1968-02-03, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   India has become the symbolic representation of all the difficulties of modern mankind.
   India will be the land of its resurrection the resurrection to a higher and truer life.
   And the clear vision: the same thing which in the history of the universe made the earth the symbolic representation of the universe so as to concentrate the work on one point, the same phenomenon is now taking place: India is the representation of all human difficulties on earth, and it is in India that the cure will be found. And then, that is whyTHAT IS WHY I was made to start Auroville.
   It came and it was so clear, so tremendously powerful!

0 1968-02-20, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You have before you, here (gesture at chest level), Sri Aurobindos symbol. The descending triangle is of an almost white light, but with a golden hue, and the ascending part is of an intense dark violet I dont know why. The ascending triangle is dark violet (the color of vital power), an intense dark violet, very, very strong, and with the descending triangle, that makes Sri Aurobindos symbol, here, in front of you, like that.
   Its not luminous, but not dark: it has a rich and very intense color, a very intense violet.

0 1968-02-28, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It has been coming little by little, little by little. I told you what Sri Aurobindo revealed to me about Indias condition, which was the symbolic representation of the present condition of mankind; and thats why, Sri Aurobindo told me, thats why Auroville has been created.2 Then I understood. Since then, it has become very clearclear, I mean he seems to have made it spread and people seem to begin to understand.
   So there.

0 1968-03-02, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You see, the aspiration of flowers blossoms out; with Nature, it rises and widens as much as it can to receive. This (Mother points to the review = I) is like a knife. Its quite symbolic.
   Ive never said anything.

0 1968-03-16, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Thats far too philosophical for my taste, not concrete enough. But this mornings experience was concrete, and concrete because it stemmed from extremely concrete sensations in the body, from the presence of this constant duality which looks like an opposition (not only opposition, but mutual negation) between we may take the symbol of suffering and Ananda. And the true state (which for the moment appears impossible to formulate in words, but which was lived and felt) is an all-containing totality; but instead of containing everything as clashing elements, its a harmony of everything, an equilibrium of everything. And once this equilibrium is realized in the creation, the creation will be able (if you put it into words, its no longer that) we might say, able to go on progressing without break.
   But thats not it.

0 1968-04-20, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I thought it would be an interesting symbol.
   You understand, if I put anything else, I mean a photo of Sri Aurobindo, for instance, or books, it will look like it will be as if we wanted to start a new religion I dont want religions, an end to religions!

0 1968-06-22, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Before he left, he told me hed had a dream. I think its a personal symbol, but I dont know. He was in a vital world (he was being chased, I think); he suddenly climbed a tree, which turned into a cross, and he was crucified on it. That place was on the edge of a sea that seemed leaden. So he climbed that tree, which turned into a cross, and was as if crucified on the tree; and (you know that at the top of the cross, there is the inscription INRI) instead of that, there was your symbol: Mothers symbol. After that, the cross got as if caught or engulfed by that leaden sea, with only Mothers symbol emerging, remaining on the surface; the cross was engulfed, and little by little the leaden water changed colors and grew transparent. But he, P.L., was engulfed along with the cross.
   (After a silence) I saw him before he left; there was around him an atmosphere I didnt like. Yes, like a man whos going to sacrifice himself.

0 1968-07-20, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   No! No, when people ask me, I tell them straight, No. Because in spite of everything, even if one understands, one is influenced by the fact of a personal form, a personal appearance, a defined personality thats worthless. There are those who prefer to go to the Supreme through the idea of the Mother, that is to say, of the realizing Force. As for me naturally, for me it has no meaning. But I see very clearly, I know that if people call me, it never goes here (Mother points to herself), it always goes straight towards the Supreme; even what goes through the active consciousness goes straight to the Supreme. But for them, sometimes its easier. So I let them do it, but Because it doesnt matter; this person [Mother] has become quite what could we call it? Its not even an image, it may be a symbol. But its like people who, in order to fix their attention, need to fix a point. I see what constantly happens: instead of directly going like this (gesture towards the Supreme) and of being a little imprecise for people, it goes like this (towards Mother), its gathered here (in Mother), and it goes there (towards the Supreme).
   (Mother draws with her two arms a sort of path going towards her, rising upward, then coming down again through her towards the people. The whole path looks much like the silhouette of a single Being.)

0 1968-10-05, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   He wasnt asleep: he could hear the noise of the [Ashrams] generator. It was a vision at 5:30 in the morning. He found himself in an immense hall with red carpets. There were all kinds of people there, each moving about according to his order. Then, in a corner, seated in a big armchair, there was a man wearing a red hat, a sort of miter,1 and in concentration. He was concentrated, and was repeating something with a certain gesture of the hand, as if turning something in a circle. V. instantly knew it was him. A man with intense blue eyes, long eyelashes, not strong physically but with a very powerful appearance, a thin, pointed nose, a sparse beard like that of someone who doesnt shave properly or hasnt shaved for two or three days, about fifty-five years old. A man who gave the impression of a great egoistic ambition, says V. And he was intently watching P.L., particularly your symbol which P.L. wears around his neck. And he was repeating something while turning his wrist.
   Oh, thats it! Thats why: P.L. went back there, and its since then that the attacks have come back.

0 1968-11-27, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother laughs) I think its the symbol of perfect surrender. I was lying on my back, wasnt I?
   On your back, on the ground.

0 1968-12-04, #Agenda Vol 09, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But hes watching P.L.: in Vs vision, he was watching your symbol around P.L.s neck.
   Is P.L. wearing it?
   I dont know. V. saw P.L. with your symbol around his neck, and this man was looking at your symbol.
   But I dont think P.L. wears it?

0 1969-01-22, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   He1 gives me lessons during the night to tell me the things that must change, and with symbolic sounds to make me clearly understand: he makes me LIVE certain situations to know what needs to be changedwhat he does is first-rate!
   Its going on in every detail. I cant tell everything.

0 1969-02-22, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I dont remember when it was, but I remember that I wrote it after I had the experience that the immobility of the Inconscient, of the beginning of the creation, is (I cant say a projection), is a sort of inanimate or inconscient symbol of Eternity, of Immobility (its not immobility, words are worthless, its between immobility and stability). Here I wrote peace, but peace is a poor word, its not that, its infinitely more than peace; its the something (even the word eternal gives a limited sense, all words are impossible), the something thats the Origin of everything and the start of the evolution of the manifestation to rejoin the Origin (Mother draws a curve joining the one to the other).
   I remember I had this experience I dont know, I thought I had had this experience at the Playground, but in 65 I no longer used to go there.

0 1969-03-26, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The disciple who had the vision wanted me to ask you if you happen to carry Mothers symbol or something of her around your neck? Because he saw you with this symbol around your neck. He told me that the basilica where the photo of this Msgr. Z was taken had very much the vibration of a haunted place! Poor Church. You are indeed courageous, dear P.L., and you are silently doing a great and good work for the world.

0 1969-04-05, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   He turns to eternal things his symbol quest;
   Life changes for him its time-constructed scenes,

0 1969-04-12, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   We go and see the Pope. There are lots of people. Mama puts me second in line, and we draw near the Pope. He gives Mama a few hosts in a handkerchief then asks his servant to bring a multicolored alb similar to his, and I see on the Popes chest Mothers symbol, and at the back a Greek cross (with two equal sides). The servant brings the alb, which the Pope puts on me. Everyone has left. I hear P.L.s voice, but only see a little friend of the Ashram. We go back home, and as we are about to enter, the Popes two servants arrive. I think, Now that I am going to be the Pope in turn, I must be very careful; my entourage and everyone I meet is important. These men may have come to harm me out of jealousy. Mama opens the door and I see a servant of the Pope already in the room. I go in, caress my dog, and wake up.
   (After a long silence) Are you sure he hasnt heard of anything?

0 1969-05-17, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But I wasnt expecting it, I didnt think about it, didnt even know that he knew how to go out like thatit must have been something deep down in him that knew. I didnt even know he knew how to do it. Because the evening before Pavitra left, A. told me what had happened at lunch time, and I told him, Generally, I dont see Pavitra [at night], its very rare, very rare, it happens quite accidentally, and its more symbolic visions than I said to him, I dont see him, I dont know, but this night (of the 15th, that is) Ill inquire to see what it is, in what state he is, and see if he goes out of his body or comes to me. There was nothing in a form, nothing. And some time after Id lain down, it started coming, but then with an extraordinary SCIENCE of the process! And for THREE hours without stop, continuously, in the most steady manner, like that: an action. After three hours, it was as it is now; I felt as if he said, Now its over. Only, you never know, of course: there might be some consciousness lingering in the body I thought it was better to wait till this afternoon, not to shut him up with something in his body.
   It has brought to the body consciousness a sort of sense of satisfaction: the appeasement that satisfaction gives. Thats there quite concretely.

0 1969-05-24, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But in fact, your body is a symbol of the whole earth.
   It seems to be like that.

0 1969-05-31, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Two nights ago, I spent more than three hours with Sri Aurobindo, and I showed him all that was going to descend for Auroville. It was rather interesting. There were games, there was art, there was even cooking! But all that was very symbolic. I explained it to him as if on a table, in front of a large landscape; I explained the principle on whose basis physical exercises and games were going to be organized. It was very clear, very precise, I even did a demonstration, as if showing him on a very small scale: a representation on a very small scale of what was going to be done. I moved people, things (gesture as if on a chessboard). But it was very interesting, and he was interested: he gave kinds of broad laws of organization (I dont know how to explain).
   There was art and it was lovely, it was fine. And how to make houses pleasant and beautiful, with what principle of construction. And cooking too, it was very amusing! There were the different manners of presenting a dish; take a fish, for instance, with the different ways of preparing it, and everyone came with his own invention. It went on for more than three hours (three hours of the night, thats huge). I woke up at 4 oclock with that (4 oclock, and I had gone back to bed at I oclock: I to 4 is three hours I can still calculate!). Very interesting.

0 1969-07-12, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The nights are beginning to be interesting! Very interesting, because I have a vision I dont know where it is, whether its in the subtle physical (probably so)a symbolic vision, but active (its an action), a vision of whats happening, but then (Mother smiles) AS IT Is, not as people see it!
   Things here are always cloaked in a number of clothes, its never the exact thing, but there, it is the exact thing. Just now Last night, I had a long activity, and I wondered, But why am I seeing all this? A long activity (Ill tell you what it was), and just now, Z was here and started telling me the difficulties they have with the servants. Ah, I thought, here we are, its my vision, what I saw last night! And in my vision You know that here, its P. who looks after the servants, but in the night, it was Amrita, and Amrita as he is now, not as he was physically (because when he left his body, Amrita came to me, and in fact, he hasnt left me, but he is free: now he rests, now he goes about). Last night, he was very active, and he symbolized Rs activity, as if his influence was what guided R But it was (Mother seems very amused) the symbols were so clear and so amusing, with such an amusing sense of humor! (The nights have really become very interesting.) Oh, last night, I did gymnastics! (Mother laughs) It was because of that business with the servants: in the end, at one spot a wall was needed as a protection from the servants invasion, and they had built a small wall (a small wall to protect a doorway); so I entered the house, and when I wanted to go out the other way, they had removed the staircase to build that small wall! So (laughing) there was a gaping hole, and I had to go back down (I was very agile) by clinging to the wall! Things of that sort, thoroughly amusing. They had put up a kind of big partition as a protection from a crowd of servants who had swarmed into the street, a partition so they wouldnt sweep in here; then Amrita came, opened the partition, and started talking with the people outside! I told him (laughing), There, youre ruining all our work!
   And then, I go to America, I go to Europe, I go all the time. I go to some places in India. And all of that is work, work, workat night. But so living!
   The body participates, you see; I could say that its the body which dreams, its not an inner being: its the subtle body that dreams. It has a very concrete character, with a very SIMPLE symbolism, simple but so clear! Its interesting.

0 1969-07-26, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The symbol powers of number and of form,
   And the secret code of the history of the world

0 1969-09-13, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Ill tell him that. Because its symbolic: he wanted to flee from that place, and its when he was going to flee that suddenly he saw my face in that crowd.
   Yes. Theres clearly (maybe not yet so very consciously), but there is in him a will to stay on, I think.

0 1969-09-17, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Not at all, theyre in a prison. The example of Celestine V is quite symbolic. But P.L. told me one thing (which struck him very much, besides): the first act of this Pope, when he was nominated, was to go and bow before the grave of Celestine V, the only Pope who abdicated.
   Well, well!

0 1969-10-08, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Last night I had a very interesting experience. I had a long visionan activitywhich I didnt remember because I didnt pay sufficient attention, but at the end, there was someone (that was certainly symbolic), a tall black man. It probably wasnt a human being, it must have been the symbol of something in my life, or something in the life of the people Ive lived with, or even the symbol of something Ive been fighting against in life. And then, after a lot, quite a lot of goings-on, I had withdrawn into a small place with a few people (those I always see, who are always there), I was there with them when that black man, or that black BEING There was no roof; it was a small place with walls, but without a roof (it was in the subtle physical). So that black being came, ripped off a huge piece of wall (the wall was built with big bricks), a huge piece of wall, and from above (he was above me), he threw it at my stomach. I felt it. And at the same time, I heard a thunderclap was there a thunderclap last night? Just one. Early in the night?
   I dont think so.
   That black being, I see him very often. It must be the symbol of the force opposed in the world (not only on the earth but in the world) to the Action I have been given to do. He is associated with my body. A tall, tall black being, all black.
   There was a long story This morning I still remembered; now I dont.

0 1969-10-11, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Give him this (Mother hands a blessings packet) and tell him its a symbol of my constant presence.
   You told me that two bishops had resignedhave they been excommunicated?

0 1969-11-29, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   For instance, I am quite certain that if Sri Aurobindo wrote those Aphorisms now, he wouldnt put the word God where he used it (he used the word God almost everywhere). He wouldnt use THAT word. God, for man, really means religion . I dont know how to explain, its a sort of sensitivity somewhere that rebels the word is false, as it were. It has almost become the symbol of an incomprehension.
   Still now, I am giving explanations for these Aphorisms, and in almost all of them, he uses the word Godhe wouldnt put it now.

0 1969-12-24, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   In Indias languages, they have this OM which is a marvel. You know what they say? That OM is the totality of the sounds of the creation perceived by the Supreme; He hears OM as a call to Himas an idea, its magnificent! As a symbol, as a Only
   And as a power! Not only as a symbol, but as a power.
   Oh, a tremendous powertremendous. The first time I heard it The first time I heard it There was a certain Bernard who had spent a year in India, in the Himalayas, and he was visited by yogis whom he didnt know (he lived in a hut in the Himalayas, all alone). One yogi came to see him; he didnt say anything, he just sat by his side and then left. And that yogi simply told him, OM Then he came back to France, recounted his experiences in India, and he said that. Me, I knew absolutely nothing of India at the time, and when he uttered the word OM (Mother brings her arms down), it came: a Force like this, my whole, entire body, everything vibrated in an extraordinary way! It was like a revelationeverything, but everything started vibrating. Then I said, At last, heres the true sound! Yet I knew nothing, absolutely nothing, neither what it meant nor anything.

0 1969-12-31, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   He says that for a few years, energies in Auroville have been scattered: they are egoistic, everyone wants to build his own little hut, his own little story, or, at best, hopes to build a supercity, which will only be an improvement on all the existing cities of the world. In this Auroville, an axis, a center is missing. Whats missing is a unification of the consciousnesses around a center, an axis. So he said that in the past, they built pyramids, they built cathedrals, and around those symbolic constructions, consciousnesses could unify
   (Mother nods approvingly)
   and rise and purify themselves. Well, what should be built in Auroville is an axis, a center, a symbolic temple of the new world we want to create, and all the consciousnesses should unite in the construction of this pyramid of the new world, or this temple of the new worldwhich will at the same time help to bring down what must express itself there.
   Its very good, that was the first idea: there was the center, and the city was organized around it. Now theyre doing the opposite! They want to build the city and put the center afterwards .
   R.s idea is an island at the center, with water around, running water which will be used for the whole water supply of the city; and when it has flowed through the city, it will be sent to a plant, and from there to irrigate all the cultivated lands around. So this center is like an islet, and at this center, there is what we first called the Matrimandirwhich I always see as a very large hall, absolutely bare, you understand, and getting a light from above: it should be so arranged that the light from above gets concentrated on a spot where there would be what we want to put as the center of the city We first thought of Sri Aurobindos symbol, but we can put anything we like. Like that, with a ray of light constantly striking from aboverevolving and revolving to follow the sun, you understand. If its done well, it would be very good. And then, below, people would be able to sit and meditate, or just rest, but there would be NOTHINGnothing except something comfortable below so they can sit without getting tired, probably with pillars acting at the same time as backrests. Something like that. Thats what I always SEE. A hall with a ceiling high enough to allow sunlight to come in as a RAY, depending on the time of the day, and fall on that center which will be there.
   If that is done, it will be very good.
   This idea of a ray of sunlight whenever I look, thats what I immediately see. A ray of sunlight that could come at any time of the dayit would be so arranged that it would come all the time (gesture following the suns movement). And there would be something there, a symbol, which would be at the same time upright, so as to be seen all around, and lying flat, so as to receive the full lightwhat would it be? And let it not become a religion, for heavens sake!
   You know that I am in contact with a few Ethiopians (I think its the country that has remained the most Christian all over the earth). Theres a boy whos a secretary in the embassy in Delhi (Ethiopias embassy), and hes quite taken, quite, and then (laughing) it was his birthday two days ago, and he came with a gift . Something in wood (in ebony), big like this, with my photo on one side, Sri Aurobindos photo on the other side, and in between a silver cross. And on the cross, at the junction of the two branches, there was on one side my symbol, and on the other side, Sri Aurobindos symbol . Whats in his head?!
   The cross is the symbol of transformation, you know: Matter (transversal gesture) penetrated by the Spirit; and the junction is the transformation. A tremendous Force came, like that, for this cross to become truly the flower of transformation.
   But I didnt tell him anything! And he himself doesnt know, I mean, he never thought about it, its instinctively that he did that.
   Who would be able to find the way of realizing that? Because theres no lack of sunshine there (of course, on some days the sun is hidden, but still, there are many days when it shines). It should be so arranged that from any side, any angle, the ray should fall [on the symbol]. Its a question of geometry.
   You can speak with Paolo, because if he had an idea
   Yes. And thats what is needed: something, a symbolwell find whats needed, well seelike an altar, obviously, but what? A symbol which would directly receive the light from above, and laterally at the same time.
   And no other windows, you understand. All the rest in a sort of half-light, and then this light like That would be fine, it can be very fine. Id like someone who could feel that. I dont know at all whether R. is capable of feeling that, but Paolo is.
   It could very well be done not as a religion but as the symbol of the new world.
   Yes We need someone who understands thatmaybe Paolo will understand.

0 1970-01-03, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Then, inside, there will be twelve columns the walls and twelve columnsand right at the center, on the floor, my symbol, with, above it, four symbols of Sri Aurobindo joining in a square, and above a globe. A globe possibly made of a transparent substance, with or without a light inside, but the sun will have to strike this globe; so, depending on the particular month or hour, it will be from here or there or there (gesture showing the suns course). Do you understand? There will always be an opening with a sunbeam. Not a diffused light, but a beam that will have to come and strike the globe. That requires technical knowledge for its execution, and thats why I want to make a drawing with an engineer.
   But inside, there will be neither windows nor lights, it will always be in a sort of clear half-light, night and day: during the day with sunlight, at night with artificial light. And on the ground, nothing, except for a floor like this one [in Mothers room], that is, first a wooden floor (wooden or something else), then a sort of thick rubber foam, very soft, and then a carpet. A carpet covering everything, except for the center. And people will be able to sit anywhere. The twelve columns are for those who need a backrest!
   No, Sri Aurobindos symbol doesnt have to be very big, it has to be this size.
   Ten to twelve inches?
   Its a kind of tower with twelve regular facets representing the twelve months of the year, and absolutely empty. Only, it will have to hold one to two hundred people. So, to support the roof, there would be inside (not outside, inside) twelve columns; and right at the center, the object of concentration. And with the suns concentration, all year round it will have to get in AS A BEAM (not diffused: it will have to be so arranged that it can get in as beams); then, according to the hour of the day and the month of the year, the beam will revolve (there will be some device at the top) and it will be directed onto the center. At the center, there will be the symbol [of Mother], then Sri Aurobindos symbol supporting a globe. A globe which well try to have made of a transparent substance such as crystal or A large globe. Then people will be let in in order to concentrate(laughing) to learn to concentrate! No fixed meditations, nothing of the sort, but they will have to stay there in silencesilence and concentration.
   (P.:) Its very beautiful.
   And in the middle, on the floor, my symbol. At the center of my symbol, well have four parts (like a square), four symbols of Sri Aurobindo, upright, supporting a transparent globe.
   That was seen.
   (Satprem:) With your symbol?
   Not on the carpet. The symbol, I first thought it should be done out of some solid material.
   (P.:) It has to be in stone.
   The symbol everything will be around it, of course. The symbol will not cover everything, it will only be at the center of the space(laughing) people shouldnt sit on the symbol! It will be at the center.
   The proportion between the symbol and the whole has to be seen carefully, in comparison with the height.
   (P.:) The room will be rather large?
   No, when I told him we had to build the center that I had seen it and it had to be buil the didnt object. Only he told me, But it will take time. I said, No, it has to be done right now. Thats why I am getting those kinds of sketches made by an engineer, so as to show him, because its not the job of an architect: its the job of an engineer, with precise calculations for the sunlight, very precise. It has to be someone really skilled. The architect will have to see that the columns are beautiful, the walls are beautiful, the proportions are correctall that is quite all rightand also that symbol at the center. The aspect of beauty is for the architect to see, naturally but the whole aspect of calculations And the important thing is the play of the sun on the center. Because it becomes a symbol the symbol of the future realization.
   (Mother remains concentrated)
   The step forward humanity must take IMMEDIATELY is a definitive cure of exclusivism. Thats what is, in action, not only the symbol but also the effect of division and separation. They all say, This and not thatno, this AND that, and this too and that too, and everything at the same time. To be supple enough and wide enough for everything to be together. Thats what I keep knocking myself against at present, in EVERY fieldevery field. In the body too. The body is used to, This and not that; this OR that, this or thatNo, no, no: this AND that.
   And of course, the great Division: life and deaththere you are. Everything is the effect of that. Well (words are stupid but), overlife is life and death together.

0 1970-01-10, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There will be twelve facets. Its a circle. And, at the same distance from the center, twelve columns. At the center, on the floor, my symbol, and at the center of my symbol, there are four symbols of Sri Aurobindo, upright, forming a square. And atop the square, a translucent globe (we dont yet know what substance it will be made of). Then, from the top of the roof, when the sun shines, a ray of sunlight will fall on the globe (only there, nowhere else); when there is no sunlight, electric spotlights will shine a beam (ONE beam again, not a diffuse light) just there, on the globe.
   Then, no doors, but after going deep down one comes back up into the temple; one goes under the wall and comes back up insideits again a symbol. Everything is symbolic.
   And then, no furniture, but first a wooden floor, probably (like here), then over the wooden floor, a thick foam rubber, and over it, a carpet, like here. We have to choose the color. The whole thing will be white. I am not sure if Sri Aurobindos symbols will be white I dont think so. I didnt see them white, I saw them with an undefinable color, between gold and orange. A color of that sort. They will stand upright, carved in stone. And a globe not transparent but translucent. Then, at the bottom [of the globe], a light will be projected upward and will enter the globe diffusely. And from outside, rays of light will fall onto the center. No other lights: no windows, an electric ventilation. And no furniture, nothing. A place to try and find ones consciousness.
   Outside, it will be something like this (Mother unrolls another plan). We dont know if the roof will have a pointed shape or
   Its like those symbols of Sri Aurobindo. When I speak of the Center, I still see those four symbols of Sri Aurobindo joined at their angles, like this, and that color strange color I dont know where well be able to find that. Its an orange gold, very warm. And its the only color in the place: all the rest is white.
   Paolo said he would inquire right now in Italy, at Murano where they make large crystals, whether they can make a one-foot globe, say, in crystal.

0 1970-01-17, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   So when one reaches the top of the stem, there are a number of staircases in every direction, so that one can emerge into the temple on any side. The center is absolutely bare, and all around is a sort of footbridge where one emerges from the depths: thats where all those staircases end. And everything bare. There will just be that big carpet bordered from corner to corner by kinds of footbridges. It will appear to be hanging. All white and smooth. Then there was the question of the twelve columns: Paolo said he felt the twelve columns were still an ancient symbol that wouldnt go very well with the shell, and instead, he suggested to have symbolically twelve supports, twelve bases of columns that would act as backrests.
   Image 4
   Because he saw that space in the center all bare, with just the symbol at the Center and that big, smooth carpet, without, any break caused by the columns. But instead, big blockstwelve big blockssignaling the place of the columns and also acting as supports. Twelve big blocks about two feet high.
   It makes no sense.
   A symbolic sense? Because you did mention those pillars acting also as backrests for people who would want to sit.
   Oh, for their backs.
   So he said that each of those twelve blocks could, for instance, be in a different matter, as a symbol: twelve different materials.
   As for me, I saw columns.
   The idea is primarily the collective construction of this underground passage as a symbol.
   (long silence)

0 1970-05-09, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I dont know, it was it was someone I liked very much! I liked him very much (Mother laughs)! I dont even know whether I knew who he was. And there was no reason! There was no reason, it was I think I shot him with a pistol (it didnt matter at all, the man didnt look unhappy!), what mattered was the GESTURE, the ACT, it was the ACT that mattered. I was full of affection and tenderness for him, and then I killed him. I didnt know that man, but he was youngmaybe he was a symbolic type, I dont know. I dont know. And the impression on the old consciousness was You see, I knew it was night, I knew it was an activity of the night (all of it FULLY conscious), and I even said to myself (laughing), Still, thats something I wouldnt do awake (!) Then I very clearly heard Sri Aurobindos voice answering, Its not necessary! (Mother laughs) The whole thing could have been quite comical.
   (a disciple comes in to repair the tape recorder which is malfunctioning)
   There were two activities. The first I cant recount, because, naturally, it cant be used. But the second vision was like this: I was walking around naked, but DELIBERATELY naked from here to there (gesture from the top of the chest to the thighs); here (above), there may have been clothes. I was DELIBERATELY showing myself to certain people, and I had near me someone, always the same person: the physical Mother. She is the physical Mother, the image or the symbol of the physical Mother. She was with me, and I was wearing, except on the exposed part3 (Mother breaks off) Ah, and that part I was showing was sexless, that is to say, neither man nor woman: there was nothing; and its color was a little like Aurovilles color [orange], like that, but vibrant, that is, as if not luminous, but with a sort of luminosity. So then, the Mother wore a large cloak, like a large veil over her whole being, with that same color, and she told me, See, I have put it on because Ive accepted itto tell you that Ive accepted it.
   That was the second dream.

0 1970-05-27, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Apart from that I have nothing. Some dreamsnot dreams: the night activities have become very clear, very interesting, but sometimes its a symbolic dream. And its so concrete and real. Ive never had such dreams before. Very instructive.
   But then, theres a phenomenon. Its a world (this symbolic world) without distinction between the living and the dead. I mean theres not even any perceptible distinction: last night, for instance, I had an activity; well, Amrita was there and several other people, who are alive, and Amrita was like the others except that he was a bit (tired or apathetic gesture), but that must have been in his nature: no inclination to intervene.
   It was a symbolic translation of an activity concerning money, but then, instead of money it was food, but it was clearly an activity about money: peoples various attitudes and the reception, utilization and so on, with quite interesting details (but interesting from the standpoint of action, you understand, of what is done, how it is done).
   Is it in the subtle physical, that place where the living and the dead are together?
   It seems to me to be the symbolic place of physical life. For example, within a small space, you can have a very wide action, which reaches very far. In that way there were, as though in adjacent rooms, people who live very far, in North India or in another country or They were just in different rooms, but I was able to move from one room to another; so it looks like (Mother gestures showing a concentration or a restricted field). It doesnt have the same concrete reality, its symbolic.
   For instance, money was symbolized as a certain food (asparagus, in fact! But not asparagus as we have here: it was big like this [gesture about a foot and a half]), and one could organize it, receive and arrange it, as you would arrange food, but it wasnt put into the mouth (thats symbolic).
   But then, what would materialise isnt this world but the consciousness specific to this world, the state of consciousness?
   You understand, those are very small things, but theyre amusing as a symbolism. For instance, this food that looked like asparagus, but without being asparagus, it came in large quantity, and I distributed it, but I never ate anything; I never ate, I gave to others. They ate: those who spent, who used the money and regarded it as belonging to them, ate. And then, some things werent too pleasant, but others were looked delicious! (Mother laughs)
   (long silence)

0 1970-07-01, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   A symbol of what can never be symbolised,
   A language mispronounced, misspelt, yet true.

0 1970-07-08, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The pomegranate tree is the symbol of Divine Love; Mother called the fruit "Divine Love Spreading over the World."

0 1970-08-05, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its a symbol.
   Yes. I found that troublesome.

0 1970-09-16, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   So I said to myself I woke up, anyway I came out of it when I said to myself, But why am I doing this? That girl, I found her charming, and she was very fine, she was like a child, someone helpless: she couldnt move on her own. She had a face she was very conscious, very lovelyvery conscious. A face and I dont know, her hands, her arms were as if helpless or incomplete or I dont know. Naturally, all that was symbolic. I was on the top of a VERY HIGH roof, very high, and I carried this person like this (gesture in her arms). And I wondered, Why am I taking such trouble? There were people down below, and they asked (laughing), Is it very necessary to do this? Then I resolved to stop. But I loved her very much and she was she was VERY sweet, I mean, she had a lovely consciousness. So finally I decided, I think its enough with this acrobatics! Then I woke up, I returned to my normal waking state.
   It was a dream, but it wasnt a dreamit really was an activity, and in my sleep all my nerves, all my muscles, all my will were tense, terribly tense.

0 1970-09-30, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I think the symbol is good, but the color
   Yes. If he did the blue of the mind the Consciousness making its way out of the mindif he did a blue of the mind, then it would be all right. But this black is disgusting.
   Instead of a stem that writhes (you dont writhe! [laughter]), you can put seven linesseven lines. Then a gathering of the seven lines here (just above the surface of the waters). This is symbolic of the books formation. And then here (above the waters), rise straight and (Mother draws seven lines opening up at the top of a stem). You understand: seven ascents (below) and here (above) seven responses. Like this. Seven lines gathering at a point that corresponds to this [the other point where the seven lines from below gather]. Then it has a meaning.

0 1971-01-30, #Agenda Vol 12, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But thats all a symbol of something else.
   (Mother laughs) Of course! Its the symbol of everything in Nature that resists the transformation.
   Well, the whole world!

0 1971-02-21, #Agenda Vol 12, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Let the Matrimandir be the living symbol of Aurovilles aspiration for the Divine.

0 1971-03-31, #Agenda Vol 12, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   She has expressed her sympathy, thats all. But she hasnt recognized it.
   I received news from the government today. They told me they were waiting to hear from America before granting official recognition.2

0 1971-04-07, #Agenda Vol 12, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But, Mother, I have the feeling India is the symbol of the worlds battle and the new Consciousness cannot be established in the world so long as India has not regained her unity.
   Its obvious that India is the symbol of the New World in formation, so India must be one, symbolically, in order for the New World to see the light of day.

0 1971-04-11, #Agenda Vol 12, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Satprem has protested the "Nietzschean" jacket of "Supermanhood" in which "superman" was printed in French in enormous letters, and protested also the sales methods of that Press. This raised a storm. It is hard to know exactly what was reported to Mother, but she sent Satprem a rather severe note. What eluded Satprem completely then was a latent animosity against him, evidently because he was Mother's confidant. He lived completely apart from the Ashram factions and coteries; he only went out of his house to be besieged by visitors, which brought him another sort of animosity. These facts are included here for the sake of accuracy and completeness, for they are symptomatic of the whole.)
   From Mother to Satprem

0 1971-04-17, #Agenda Vol 12, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   In fact, again on the 18th, the day after this conversation, the president of India, V.V. Giri, in a press interview in which he was spiritedly asked why he still had not recognized Bangladesh, said, "The central government is studying the question whether recognition should be granted to Bangladesh." Then he added, "Our sympathy is with the people of Bangladesh. It is up to the Prime Minister [Indira] and the central cabinet to decide the question." (P.T.I)
   One wonders what kind of news Mother was getting from her entourage.

0 1971-05-15, #Agenda Vol 12, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The Greater History tells us that the whole earth is a single body with a single destiny, but that within that single destiny each part of the greater body, each nation, has its special role to play and its rare moments of choice when it must make the decisive gesture, its true gesture in the total movement of the great Eternal History. Each nation is a symbol. Each gesture of each nation potentially represents a little victory in the total victory or a little defeat in the total defeat. And sometimes the whole of our history is at stake at a symbolic point of the earth; and, a little gesture, a tiny turn to the right or left, has repercussions, either good or bad, down the ages and over the entire earth body.
   India is precisely such a symbol and Bangladesh is another, a little turning point in the great course of events of the earth. The time has come to consider the eternal Landmarks and read the greater tide in the small eddies. Now, the greater tide tells us that Indias role is to be the spiritual heart of the terrestrial body just as, for example, the role of France is to express clarity of intellect, or that of Germany to express skill, Russia the brotherhood of man and the United States enthusiasm for adventure and practical organization, etc. But only if India is ONE can she fulfill this role, for how can one who is herself divided lead others? Thus the division of India is the first Falsehood that must disappear, for it is the symbol of the earths division. As long as India is not one, the world cannot be one. Indias striving for unity is the symbolic drama of the worlds striving for unity.
   From this simple, eternal Fact follow all the conclusions and policies that will flow with the current of the earths destiny. Sri Aurobindo said so already in 1947, The division must and will go. Dire will be the consequences for India and for the earth if we fail to heed this eternal Theorem: The old communal division into Hindus and Muslims seems now to have hardened into a permanent political division of the country, said Sri Aurobindo. It is to be hoped that this settled fact will not be accepted as settled for ever or as anything more than a temporary expedient. For if it lasts, India may be seriously weakened, even crippled: civil strife may remain always possible, possible even a new invasion and foreign conquest. We now know, twenty-four years after this prophetic declaration, that China is at our gates and only awaits her hour to invade the entire continent, seizing precisely on this division of India to strike at the spiritual heart of the world and, perhaps, frustrating the realization of the entire destiny of the earth or postponing it until a future cycle after much suffering and complication.
   The Great History tells us that India must again be one, and that particular current of history is so imperative that twice already Destiny has managed to put India before the possibility of her reunification. The first time was in 1965 when Pakistans foolish aggressiveness enabled India to counterattack and carry the battle right into the suburbs of Lahore and up to Karachi had she but had the courage to seize boldly her destiny. The hour was indeed for a decisive choice. The Mother declared categorically: India is fighting for the triumph of Truth, and She must fight until India and Pakistan become ONE again, for such is the truth of their being. At Tashkent, we yielded on the crest of a petty compromise which was to lead us into a second, more bloody and painful reef, Bangladesh. There too destiny graciously arranged to enable India to hasten to the aid of her massacred brethreneven the famous skyjacking incident of January4 was, as it were, arranged by the Grace so as to spare India from delaying her intervention until it was too late (or to spare her the shame of not intervening at all and allowing Pakistans planes to fly over her head loaded with weaponry and murderers to slaughter her brothers). But there again, yielding to the demands of the moment and to the small, shortsighted interests, we refused to accept the challenge of the Great Direction of our History, and we now find ourselves on the brink of a new compromise which will lead us inevitably to a third and even more disastrous and bloody reef. For one day India must inevitably face that which twice she has fled. Only each time the conditions are more disastrous for her and for the worldperhaps so disastrous that the whole earth will even be engulfed in another general conflict, while the whole story could have been resolved at the little symbolic point that is Bangladesh, at the right hour, with the right gesture and a minimum of suffering.
   For let there be no doubt about it, the Bangladesh affair is not an Indian event, it is a world event. The division of India is not a local incident, it is a terrestrial Falsehood which must disappear if the division of the world is to disappear. And here again we hear the voice of Sri Aurobindo, six months before his passing, referring to yet another phenomenon which then seemed of such slight importance, so remote, a trifling local affair at the other end of the world: the invasion of South Korea in 1950, twenty-one years ago. And yet that small Korean symbol, like the small symbol of Bangladesh (or the one of Czechoslovakia in 1938), contained in seed the whole fatal course which is still carrying the world toward a sinister destiny: The affair of Korea, wrote Sri Aurobindo, is the first move in the Communist plan of campaign to dominate and take possession first of these northern parts and then of South East Asia as a preliminary to their manoeuvres with regard to the rest of the continentin passing, Tibet as a gate opening to India. Now, twenty-one years later, we see that Tibet and the whole of South East Asia have been swallowed up and the gate into India has truly been opened wide by the wound of the Pakistani Falsehoodalready, or very shortly, the Chinese are, or will be, in Khulna, some eighty miles from Calcutta, to help Yahya Khan to pacify Bengal. And Sri Aurobindo added, If they succeed, there is no reason why domination of the whole world should not follow by steps until they are ready to deal with America.
   This is where we are today. That which we want to avoid returns upon us with tenfold force. The hour for political calculation, for the pros and cons of our petty mathematics of expediency (which always goes awry) is past. The time has come to rediscover the Great Direction of India, which is really the Great Direction of the world, and to place our faith in the Spirit that guides her Destiny, rejecting petty fears of a phantom world opinion and doing away with the little supports which only lend support to the Enemy. Tomorrow America will perhaps resume her economic aid to Pakistan on the pretext of counteracting the Chinese presence. The Bangladesh slaughter will be honorably justified by a pseudoregime which will operate with the blessings of the international community. But one does not cheat the tide of history: for the third time our little compromises will crumble and we will find ourselves confronted with a terrible ordeal, its intensity nourished by our own successive failures in the past. The sooner not only India, but America and Russia too, understand the unreality of Pakistan and the magnitude of what is at stake at the borders of India, the sooner may the looming catastrophe be halted before it becomes totally and definitely irrevocable. One thing is certain, wrote Sri Aurobindo a few months before his passing, that if there is too much shilly-shallying and if America gives up now her defence of Korea [we could say even more: the defense of Bangladesh] she may be driven to yield position after position until it is too late: at one point or another she will have to stand and face the necessity of drastic action even if it leads to war.

0 1971-12-04, #Agenda Vol 12, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   If India is in danger, Pondicherry cannot be expected to remain outside the danger zone. It will share the fate of the rest of the country. The protection I can give is not unconditional. It is idle to hope that in spite of anything and everything, the protection will be there over all. My protection is there if conditions are fulfilled. It goes without saying that any sympathy or support for the Nazis (or for any ally of theirs) automatically cuts across the circle of protection. Apart from this obvious and external factor, there are more fundamental psychological conditions which demand fulfillment. The Divine can give protection only to those who are whole-heartedly faithful to the Divine, who live truly in the spirit of sadhana and keep their consciousness and preoccupation fixed upon the Divine and the service of the Divine. Desire, for example, insistence on ones likes and conveniences, all movements of hypocrisy and insincerity and falsehood, are great obstacles standing in the way of the Divines protection. If you seek to impose your will upon the Divine, it is as if you were calling for a bomb to fall upon you. I do not say that things are bound to happen in this way; but they are very likely to happen, if people do not become conscious and strictly vigilant and act in the true spirit of a spiritual seeker. If the psychological atmosphere remains the same as that of the outside world, there can be no wall of security against the dark Forces that are working out in it the ordeal of danger, suffering and destruction entering here.
   The Mother

0 1971-12-22, #Agenda Vol 12, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The red lotus is the flower of Sri Aurobindo, but specially for his centenary we shall choose the blue lotus, which is the colour of his physical aura, to symbolise the centenary of the manifestation of the Supreme upon earth.

0 1972-01-12, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Do you happen to remember where I wrote the twelve attributes of the Mother (the symbol with twelve petals)? Theres one, four, and twelve.
   Yes, I think it was for Auroville.
   The Mothers symbol
   The central circle represents the Divine Consciousness.

0 1972-01-15, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I have a feeling the problem of my leg is quite symbolic.
   Yes, yes.
   Well, thats the reason. Thats what I meantoffer that being to the Divine. You who know (the part of you that knows), offer it, just offer it. Never mind if it protests, dont pay any attentionoffer it OB-STI-NATELY to the Divine, morning and evening, morning and evening using your leg as a symbol. And we will see.
   We will see.

0 1972-03-10, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   That fire was symbolic I suppose you know about it: theres been a terrible fire.
   (R.:) Yes, yes. And I wanted to know what is the symbolic significance.
   You see, we preach Unity, we say that humanity must be one, that all efforts must join together for the general progress, for the advent of the Supramental but everyone pulls as hard as he can in his own direction. Thats the situation.

0 1972-03-22, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The body was in certain situations. One was taking place here and the other was in Japan. I realized that the body holds certain impressions, impressions of being in a. It wasnt in the Ashram, but the one in Japan, exactly as I was in Japan (but these are not memories, they were entirely new activities, something entirely new), showing that I was surrounded by people who dont understand. And here, too (it wasnt the Ashram, the situations were symbolic and involved people who are no longer in their bodies), I was surrounded by people and things that didnt understand. And I saw that these impressions are in the body and make things even more difficult.
   They werent actually physical things: they were the transcription of peoples attitude and their way of thinking.

0 1972-03-29a, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   That contradiction is powerfully expressed in your books, it is striking to my Indian students. And they are surprised, for the urge to do something at all coststo do anything at all, as long as we do something, as one often hears in Europewithout this action being based on a being which it expresses and of which it is but the material translation, appears to them a strange attitude. Neither the despair, the silence or the revolt, nor the absurd pointlessness that sometimes surrounds the death of many of your heroes escape them. They feel that your heroes flee from themselves rather than express themselves. This torment between being and doing can be found in each one of them. They have apparently renounced to be something in order to do something, as one character stresses in Hope, but are they not desperately seeking to be through their actions, a being that they will capture only as time is abolished, in death? The same obsession seems to run through each of them: from Perken, who wants to leave his scar on the map, to outlive himself through twenty tribes, who fights against time as one fights against cancer, to Tchen, who shuts himself in the world of terrorism: an eternal world where time does not exist, and to Katow, who whispers to himself, O prisons, where time stops. In that respect, these characters clearly symbolize the impotence of a religion that has not been able to give the earth its meaning and plenitude.
   To the question raised by the Swedish magazine and to the one many characters in your books ask themselves, I believe that Sri Aurobindo and his vast synthesis bring the key to a reconciliation and long-sought answer, a reconciliation between being and doing, which religion is incapable of supplying. Through our Yoga, Sri Aurobindo wrote, we propose nothing less than to break totally the past and present formations which make up the ordinary mental and material man and create a new centre of vision, a new universe of activities in ourselves, which will form a divine humanity or a superhuman nature. This is not an idea but an experience to be lived, which Sri Aurobindo has minutely described in his extensive body of works. It is what some thousand men and women from all over the world are trying to do at the Pondicherry Ashram.

0 1972-04-15, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The other day, when I saw that little child playing (I still see it), on top of a HUGE mental head, giving it blowsits the supramental. But what are we going to call that being? We mustnt call it superman, it isnt the superman: its the supramental. Because, you see, the transition from animal to man is clear to us; the transition from man to supramental being is accomplished (or isnt) through the superman there may be a few supermen (there are) who will actually make that transition, but thats not actually how it works. First, that supramental being has to be born.1 Now its becoming plainer and plainer. The other day, I saw that little being ( symbolically a child) sitting on a big mental head: it was the supramental being sitting, to symbolize its independence, I could say, over the mind.
   Things are becoming clearer. But we are just in the transitional period, the most difficult time.
   (Laughing) Yes! But I think this baby is a baby only symbolically. I dont know if he will come as a child and then grow up I have no idea. There are still some things that I dont knowplenty!
   But what happened the day before yesterday is that, in the middle of the night, the heart passed from the old government of Nature to the divine government, so at one point there was it was difficult. But accompanied by a strange sensation, a sort of feeling that the closest thing is the psychic consciousness. It has been governing the being for a long, long time thats why the mind and the vital could be removed, because the psychic being had taken up the reins long, long ago.

0 1972-04-26, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Strange. I liked the book very much when I read it, but the only image that remains now is a primeval forest with a huge tree and you struggling to blaze your way through the tree thats what I see all the time (Mother looks again). Why? Thats it, thats what stayed in the consciousness. I can still see you with an axe, hacking off huge branches to open up a passage. Strange. Is it symbolic? Do you mention that scene in your book?
   Not exactly, but I lived something like that9its both true and symbolic at the same time.
   Strange, when I think of that book, thats the image I see. I also remember you described the death of your friend?
   That struck me very much. That and the huge tree. But the tree is larger than life, its symbolic; and with a big axe you are hacking off brancheshuge branches, as big as treesto open up a passage.

0 1972-06-14, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Did you read what Sri Aurobindo said about the Ashram? He said that the Ashram symbolized all the difficulties to be resolved, so after a while people coming from the outside are beset with difficulties instead of finding help. Its much better for her to stay where she is.
   But you can assure her that I FEEL her very well, and that I am with her, my help is very consciously with her.

0 1972-07-19, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (The following has already been the subject of several conversations the past year and will unfortunately come up again. It concerns the sales of my books abroad and a subsequent traffic in foreign currencies to which I was impudent or imprudent enough to call attention. But the real problem was that certain people were outrightly and openly robbing Mother. My books were in fact only a small part of a vaster racket that involved all of Sri Aurobindos works. Much like Don Quixote, then, I was pitching headlong into a battle whose outcome was foreseeable. It may be recalled that the head of SABDA, the book business, is the brother of the man who tried to appropriate Auroville. In reality I was taking on a well-organized mafia. But I was still unaware of it. This anecdote is reported here only insofar as it is symbolic of a larger whole.)
   You have nothing to ask?

0 1972-07-26, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   This (Mother points to the garlands of Patience around her wrists) is symbolic. Repeatedly its: patience, patience, patience.
   But the others, too, must be patient. And you, you must be very patient.

0 1972-08-02, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Well, I would really like to understand the mechanics of the subconscients transformation. I just dont understand the word transformation. Dissolution, is understandable; I mean, some movements come to the surface (sometimes you even see them symbolically the night before), they rise to the surface, perform their little trick, their little mischief, you more or less control them, then they come in contact with the Light, and pff! sink back again.
   (Mother nods)

0 1972-09-06, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I dont know what universal trait they symbolize, but they really seem to be.

0 1972-10-25, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The feet are the symbol of matter.

0 1973-04-14, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Studies have revealed that over-sedation is not always necessary to benefit such psychotic symptoms as agitation, delusions, hallucinations or delirium. SIQUIL greatly simplifies home management of emotionally deranged patients, many of whom might otherwise previously have been hospitalized. These patients adopt a more realistic behavior, become less of a burden to their families and are more easily approached for training purposes and eventual rehabilitation. SIQUIL is especially indicated in the treatment of severe acute and chronic mental disorders, such as schizophrenia, mania, depression, delirium, senile psychoses and psychoses caused by organic brain disease.
   So, that body whose cellular consciousness had been prepared, refined, trained by decades of yoga.

02.01 - A Vedic Story, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   What does this parable mean? First of all then we must know what Sacrificea Vedic sacrificeis. Sacrifice symbolises the cosmic labour, the march of the universe towards its goal, the conquest of Light over Darkness, the ascent of manhood to godhead, the flaming rise and progress of consciousness to its supreme expression and embodiment. It is the release out of Inconscience and Unconsciousness to consciousness and finally into the super-consciousness.
   Sacrifice consists essentially in lighting the fire and pouring fuelofferingsinto it so that it may burn always and brighter and brighter. It calls the gods, also, it is said, ascends to them, brings them down here to live among men, in men. It lifts men from the ordinary life and consciousness, takes them to the abode of the gods. In other words its function is to bring down and infuse into the human vessel the godly consciousness and delight and power. Its purpose is to divinise human life. Through the sacrifice man offers his present possessions, his body and life and mind to the Deity and deities and by this surrender and submission constant and unfailing (namas) he awakens the Divine in him the Agni that is to lead him to the divine consummation.
   Fire then is the energy of consciousness secreted in the heart of things. It is that which moves the creation upward, produces the unfolding evolution that is history, both individual and collective. It is kindled, it increases in volume and strength and purity and effectiveness, as and when a lower element is offered and submitted to a higher reality and this higher reality impinges upon the lower one (which is what the rubbing of the arai or the pressing of the soma symbolises); the limitation is broken, the small enters into and becomes the vast, the crooked is straightened and leng thened out, what was hidden becomes manifest. This is described as the progression of the sacrifice (adhvaraadvanceon the path). That is also the victorious battle waged against the dark forces of Ignorance. The goal, the purpose is the descent and manifestation of the gods here upon earth in human vehicles.
   But this Fire is not normally available. It is lost, imbedded in the thick petrified folds of unconsciousness and inconscience. Man's soul is not an apparent reality. It has to be found out, called forth, brought to the front. Even so, in the normal consciousness, the soul, the divine fire is a flickering, twinkling, hesitating spark; it is not sure of itself, not certain of its destiny. Yet when the time is ripe and the call comes, the gods, the luminous forces from above descend with all their insistence and meet the hidden godhead: Agni is reminded of his work and destiny which nothing can frustrate or cancel. He has to consent and undertake his sacrificial labour.

02.01 - The World-Stair, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
    The symbols of the Spirit's reality,
    The living bodies of the Bodiless
    The living symbol of these conscious planes,
    Its influences and godheads of the unseen,

02.01 - The World War, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Modern thinkers do not speak of the Asura the Demon or the Titanalthough the religiously minded sometimes refer to the Anti-Christ; but the real, the inner significance of the terms, is lost to a mind nurtured in science and empiricism; they are considered as more or less imaginative symbols for certain undesirable qualities of nature and character. Yet some have perceived and expressed the external manifestation and activities of the Asura in a way sufficient to open men's eyes to the realities involved. Thus they have declared that the present war is a conflict between two ideals, to be sure, but also that the two ideals are so different that they do not belong to the same plane or order; they belong to different planes and different orders. On one side the whole endeavour is to bring man down from the level to which he has arisen in the course of evolution to something like his previous level and to keep him imprisoned there. That this is really their aim, the protagonists and partisans themselves have declared frankly and freely and loudly enough, without any hesitation or reservation. Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' has become the Scripture of the New Order; it has come with a more categorical imperative, a more supernal authority than the Veda, the Bible or the Koran.
   When man was a dweller of the forest,a jungle man,akin to his forbear the ape, his character was wild and savage, his motives and impulsions crude, violent, egoistic, almost wholly imbedded in, what we call, the lower vital level; the light of the higher intellect and intelligence had not entered into them. Today there is an uprush of similar forces to possess and throw man back to a similar condition. This new order asks only one thing of man, namely, to be strong and powerful, that is to say, fierce, ruthless, cruel and regimented. Regimentation can be said to be the very characteristic of the order, the regimentation of a pack of wild dogs or wolves. A particular country, nation or raceit is Germany in Europe and, in her wake, Japan in Asiais to be the sovereign nation or master race (Herrenvolk); the rest of mankindo ther countries and peoplesshould be pushed back to the status of servants and slaves, mere hewers of wood and drawers of water. What the helots were in ancient times, what the serfs were in the mediaeval ages, and what the subject peoples were under the worst forms of modern imperialism, even so will be the entire mankind under the new overlordship, or something still worse. For whatever might have been the external conditions in those ages and systems, the upward aspirations of man were never doubted or questioned they were fully respected and honoured. The New Order has pulled all that down and cast them to the winds. Furthermore in the new regime, it is not merely the slaves that suffer in a degraded condition, the masters also, as individuals, fare no better. The individual here has no respect, no freedom or personal value. This society or community of the masters even will be like a bee-hive or an ant-hill; the individuals are merely functional units, they are but screws and bolts and nuts and wheels in a huge relentless machinery. The higher and inner realities, the spontaneous inspirations and self-creations of a free soulart, poetry, literaturesweetness and light the good and the beautifulare to be banished for ever; they are to be regarded as things of luxury which enervate the heart, diminish the life-force, distort Nature's own virility. Man perhaps would be the worshipper of Science, but of that Science which brings a tyrannical mastery over material Nature, which serves to pile up tools and instruments, arms and armaments, in order to ensure a dire efficiency and a grim order in practical life.

02.02 - Lines of the Descent of Consciousness, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Now this imprisoned consciousness in Matter forces Matter to be conscious again when driven on the upward gradient. This tension creates a fire, as it were, in the heart of Matter, a mighty combustion and whorl in the core of things, of which the blazing sun is an image and a symbol. All this pressure and heat and concussion and explosion mean a mighty struggle in Matter to give birth to that which is within. Consciousness that is latent must be made patent; it must reveal itself in Matter and through Matter, making Matter its vehicle and embodiment. This is the mystery of the birth of Life, the first sprouting of consciousness in Matter. Life is half-awakened consciousness, consciousness yet in a dream state. Its earliest and most rudimentary manifestation is embodied in the plant or vegetable world. The submerged consciousness strives to come still further up, to express itself to a greater degree and in a clearer mode, to become more free and plastic in its movements; hence the appearance of the animal as the next higher formulation. Here consciousness delivers itself as a psyche, a rudimentary one, no doubt, a being of feeling and sensation, and elementary mentality playing in a field of vitalised Matter. Even then it is not satisfied with itself, it asks for a still more free and clear articulation: it is not satisfied, for it has not yet found its own level. Hence after the animal, arrives man with a full-fledged Mind, with intelligence and self-consciousness and capacity for self-determination.
   Thus we see that evolution, the unfolding of consciousness follows exactly the line of its involution, only the other way round: the mounting consciousness re-ascends step by step the same gradient, retraces the same path along which it had descended. The descending steps are broadly speaking (I) Existence-Consciousness-Bliss, (2) Supermind and its secondary form Overmind, (3) Mind(i) mind proper and (ii) the intermediary psyche, (4) Life, (5) Matter. The ascending consciousness starting from Matter rises into Life, passes on through Life and Psyche into Mind, driving towards the Supermind and Sachchidananda. At the present stage of evolution, consciousness has arrived at the higher levels of Mind; it is now striving to cross it altogether and enter the Overmind and the Supermind. It will not rest content until it arrives at the organisation in and through the Supermind: for that is the drive and purpose of Nature in the next cycle of evolution.

02.02 - Rishi Dirghatama, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Needless to say these are signs and symbols and figures of a language seeking to express truths and realities of an invisible world, spiritual and occult. We are reminded of the "twilight" language of the poet-saints (Siddhacharyas) of Bengal of much later days.
   There is no end to the problems that face Dirghatama with his almost tormented mind. Listen once more to this riddle:
   This is again a sphinx puzzle indeed. But what is the meaning? The universe, the creation has its fundamental truth in a Trinity: Agni (the Fire-god) upon earth, Vayu (the Wind-god) in the middle regions and in heaven the Sun. In other words, breaking up the symbolism we may say that the creation is a triple reality, three principles constitute its nature. Matter, Life and Consciousness or status, motion and Light. This triplicity however does not exhaust the whole of the mystery. For the ultimate mystery is imbedded within the heart of the third brother, for our rishis saw there the Universal Divine Being and his seven sons. In our familiar language we may say it is the Supreme Being, God himself (Purushottama) and his seven lines of self-manifestation. We have often heard of the seven worlds or levels of being and consciousness, the seven chords of the Divine Music. In more familiar terms we say that body and life and mind form the lower half of the cosmic reality and its upper half consists of Sat-Chit-Ananda (or Satya- Tap as-Jana). And the link, the nodus that joins the two spheres is the fourth principle (Turya), the Supermind, Vijnana. Such is the vision of Rishi Dirghatama, its fundamental truth in a nutshell. To know this mystery is the whole knowledge and knowing this, one need know nothing else.
   A word is perhaps necessary to complete the sense of the commentary. Agni has been called old and ancient (Palita), but why? Agni is the first among the gods. He has come down upon earth, entered into matter with the very creation of the material existence. He is the secret energy hidden in the atom which is attracting, invoking all the other gods to manifest themselves. It is he who drives the material consciousness in its evolutionary re-course upward towards the radiant fullness in the solar Supra-Consciousness at the summit. He is however not only energy, he is also delight (vma). For he is the Soma, the nectarous flow, occult in the Earth's body. For Earth is the storehouse of the sap of Life, the source of the delightful growths of Life here below.

02.02 - The Kingdom of Subtle Matter, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  All is a miracle of symmetric charm,
  A fantasy of perfect line and rule.

02.03 - The Glory and the Fall of Life, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Floated through distance like a symbol world.
  On the trouble and the toil they could not share,

02.04 - The Kingdoms of the Little Life, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  And symbol figures for the moods of Life.

02.05 - Robert Graves, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   He begins by speaking of the birth of the gods. Well, a small truth needs to be revealed at this point. We have spoken of he lesser and smaller gods. These small gods are shielded and supported, in fact, by the big gods. This Shilindhra or toadstool has behind him Dionysus, the delight and loveliness and enjoyment and youtha veritable symbol of ecstasy, of earthly ecstasy. That which is nectar in heaven is presented on earth in drugs and herbal juices. Shilindhra and ambrosia pertain to the same class.
   The birth of Shilindhra resembles the birth of Dionysus. When King Zeus took the form of thunder and lightning and entered the womb of Semele, Dionysus was born. Similar is the story of the appearance of the toadstool, in the midst of rain and thunder and lightning and on the lap of mother earth. We have already said that there are two categories of gods or two types of themone belongs to heaven and the other to earth. The Vedic Rishis announced that heaven was our father and earth themotherdaurme pit mt pthvimahyam. The Vedantins usually and mainly worship the father, and Tantriks, the mother. Svarga, Dyaus, is the world of light, and earth or bhu is that of delight and enjoyment. We have already said that high above, up there, dwell Apollo and Zeus and Juno, and below here on earth, Dionysus and Bacchus and Semele and Aphrodite.
   This "little slender lad, whose flesh is bitter, lightning engendered, born from dungs of mares" is perhaps a symbol of our human receptacle. We have to carry this mortal frame with its clay feet and make the effort towards self-transcendence: the alchemy's other name is self-purification and self-perfection. This tender shoot is a mysterious chemical storehouse, its fermentation and purification and use awaken in us the sleeping divine will, give a clear vision, guide us through the secret worlds and ultimately to the home of Immortality. The Vedic Rishis sang to the Soma creeper or god Soma,Tatra mm. amtam kdhi, O Somadeva, carry us where thou flowest down and there make us immortal. For there abound all delight, all ecstasy, all enjoyment, all lure and the supreme Desire ofdesirenanda, moda, mud, pramud, kma4are these not the five fruits of heaven the poet of the West mentions?
   "The Ambrosia of Dionysus and Semele" in New Poems 1962 (Cassel-London).

02.05 - The Godheads of the Little Life, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  For ever plays its motiveless symphonies.
  In the symbol pictures drawn by word and thought,
  It seeks the truth to which all figures point;
  And flashes of sympathy and tenderness
  Cast heaven-lights from the heart's secluded shrine.

02.06 - Boris Pasternak, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Nature in her sovereign scheme of harmony accepts destruction, it is true, and has woven that element too in her rhythmic pattern and it seems quite well and good. She is creating, destroying and re-creating eternally. She denudes herself in winter, puts on a garb of bare, dismal aridity and is again all lush, verdant beauty in spring. Pain and suffering, cruelty and battle are all there. And all indeed is one harmonious whole, a symphony of celestial music.
   And yet pain is pain and evil evil. There are tears in mortal things that touch us to the core. In mankind the drive for evolution brings in revolution. Not only strife and suffering but uglier elements take birth; cruelty, inhumanity, yes, and also perversity, falsehood, all moral turpitudes, a general inner deterioration and bankruptcy of values. In the human scheme of things nothing can remain on a lofty status, there comes inevitably a general decline and degradation. As Zhivago says "A thing which has been conceived in a lofty ideal manner becomes coarse and material."

02.06 - The Integral Yoga and Other Yogas, #The Integral Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  The Vedic Rishis never attained to the supermind for the earth or perhaps did not even make the attempt. They tried to rise individually to the supramental plane, but they did not bring it down and make it a permanent part of the earthconsciousness. Even there are verses of the Upanishad in which it is hinted that it is impossible to pass through the gates of the Sun (the symbol of the supermind) and yet retain an earthly body. It was because of this failure that the spiritual effort of
  India culminated in Mayavada. Our Yoga is a double movement of ascent and descent; one rises to higher and higher levels of consciousness, but at the same time one brings down their power not only into mind and life, but in the end even into the body.

02.06 - The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Greater Life, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  And symbols hid the sense they claimed to show,
  Pale dreams grew real to the dreamer's eyes.
  The divinity of a symbol universe.
  This realm inspires us with our vaster hopes;
  And every act a symbol and a sign,
  And every symbol hides a living power.
  A universe she builds from truths and myths,
  As symbols he saw all and sought their sense.
  Across the leaping springs of death and birth
  Amidst live symbols of her occult power
  He moved and felt them as close real forms:
  The hieroglyphs of her symbol pageantries
  And her landmarks in the tangled paths of Time.

02.06 - Vansittartism, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Germany is considered now, and naturally with great reason, as the arch criminal among nations. Such megalomania, such lust for wanton cruelty, such wild sadism, such abnormal velleities no people, it is said, have ever evinced anywhere on the face of the earth: the manner and the extent of it all are appalling. Hitler is not the malady; removal of the Fuehrer will not cure Germany. The man is only a sign and a symbol. The whole nation is corrupt to the core: it has been inoculated with a virus that cannot be eradicated. The peculiar German character that confronts and bewilders us now, is not a thing of today or even of yesterday; it has been there since Tacitus remarked it. Even Germans themselves know it very well; the best among them have always repudiated their mother country. Certainly there were peoples and nations that acted at times most barbarously and inhumanly. The classical example of the Spanish Terror in America is there. But all pales into insignificance when compared to the German achievement and ideal in this respect. For here is a people violent and cruel, not simply because it is their character to be so and they delight in being so, but because it forms the bedrock of their philosophy of life, their weltanschauung.
   This is the very core of the matter. Germany stands for a philosophy of life, for a definite mode of human values. That philosophy was slowly developed, elaborated by the German mind, in various degrees and in various ways through various thinkers and theorists and moralists and statesmen, sometimes consciously, sometimes unconsciously. The conception of the State as propounded even by her great philosophers as something self-existent, sacrosanct and almost divineaugust and grim, one has to addis profoundly significant of the type of the subconscient dynamic in the nation: it strangely reminds one of the state organised by the bee, the ant or the termite. Hitler has only precipitated the idea, given it a concrete, physical and dynamic form. That philosophy in its outlook has been culturally anti-Latin, religiously anti-Christian. Germany cherishes always in her heart the memory of the day when her hero Arminius routed the Roman legions of Varus. Germany stands for a mode of human consciousness that is not in line with the major current of its evolutionary growth: she harks back to something primeval, infra-rational, infra-human.
   Hence it is suggested that for the postwar reconstruction of Germany what is required is the re-education of its people. For, only a psychological change can bring about a durable and radical change. But certain proposals towards this end raise serious misgivings, since they mean iron regimentation under foreign control. Even if such a thing were possible and feasible, it is doubtful if the purpose could be best served in this way. Measures have to be taken, no doubt, to uproot Prussianism and Junkerism and prevent their revival, no false mercy or sympathy should be extended to the enemies of God and man. But this is only a negative step, and cannot be sufficient by itself. A more positive and more important work lies ahead. The re-education of Germany must come from within, if it is to be permanent and effective. What others can do is to help her in this new orientation. As we have said, there are the progressive elements in Germany too, although submerged for the moment. The task of reconstruction will precisely consist in calling up and organising and marshalling these forces that are for the Light. The Allied organisation, it may be noted, itself has grown up in this way. When one remembers how Britain stood alone at one time against the all-sweeping victorious march of the Titan, how slowly and gradually America was persuaded to join hands, at first in a lukewarm way, finally with all its heart and soul and might and main, how a new France is being built up out of a mass of ruins, we can hope that the same process will be adopted in the work that lies ahead even after victory, with regard to Italy and with regard to Germany. In the second case the task is difficult but it has got to be done.

02.07 - George Seftris, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Great pain, ruin everywhere... Greece is but a sign, a symbol of the whole earth, the whole humanity. All around ancientsempiternalruins...
   .......walls, streets and houses there stood out,

02.09 - The Paradise of the Life-Gods, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  And a brooding gladness of great symbol things;
  To meet him crowded plains of brilliant calm,

02.10 - The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Little Mind, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Its symbol picture of the universe.
  And a symmetrical fabric of his life.

02.10 - Two Mystic Poems in Modern Bengali, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   There is a call for all the parts of the being to precipitate to the very foundation of the being, coalesce and evoke a wild and weird, doleful and discordant symphonya painful cry. Unrealised dreams, that had faded into oblivion, are now like possessed beings and hang like bats on darkling branches:they are about to begin their phantom dance. Even so, the body, the material precipitate into which they gather, gives them a basic unity. These elements with their ardour and zeal kindle a common Fire. There is a divine Flame, Agni, burning within the flesh, burning brighter and brighter, making the bones whiter and whiter, as it were the purificatory Flame,Pvaka, of which the Vedic Rishis spoke, Master of the House, ghapati, dwelling in the inner heart of the human being, impelling it to rise to purer and larger Truth. But here our modern poet replaces the Heart by the Liver and makes of this organ the central altar of human aspiration and inspiration. We may remember in this connection that the French poet Baudelaire gave a similar high position and functionto the other collateral organ, the spleen. The modern Bengali poet considers that man's consciousness, even his poetic inspiration, is soaked in the secretion of that bilious organ. For man's destiny here upon earth is not delight but grief, not sweetness but gall and bitterness; there is no consolation, no satisfaction here; there is only thirst, no generosity but narrowness, no consideration for others, but a huge sinister egoism.
   The cry of our poet is a cry literally deprifundis, a deep cavernous voice surging, spectral and yet sirenlike, out of the unfathomed underground abysses.

02.11 - New World-Conditions, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The relation between India and Britain is peculiar and has an especial significance. It is not enough to say that Britain is the imperialist overlord and India the subject underling. The two stand for two world-forces and their relation is symbolic. The difficulty that will be solved between them will be a world-difficulty solved; what they achieve in common will be a world-achievement. India means nations in bondage aspiring to be free, peoples living in conditions of want and weakness and internecine quarrel, still struggling towards a harmonious and prosperous organised life; she is the cry of the down-trodden demanding her share of earth's air and lightlife-room. Britain represents the other side, the free people, organised, strong and successful. Neither America nor Russia fills this role. America is young; she has a wonderful grasp over life's externals; none can compare or compete with her in the ordering and marshalling of an efficient pattern of life, but what escapes her is the more abiding and deeper truth of life and living. Russia started to create on totally new foundations, indeed the outer aspect here has changed very much. But the forces that ruled Russia's past do not seem to have changed to the same extent. In spite of the rise of the proletariate, in spite of all local autonomies, it is doubtful if the true breath of freedom is blowing over the country, if the country is creating out of a deeper soul-vision. Life movement in either of these two countries seems to have a rigid mould; that is because they seek to build or reform, that is to say, fabricate life, in other words, they impose upon life a pattern conceived by notions and prejudgments, even perhaps idio-syncracies. The British are more amenable to change, precisely because they do not force a change and do not know they are changing. The British Empire is more loosely formed, its units have more freedom than is the case with other Empires built upon the pattern of the extremely centralised Roman Empire. Truly it has the spirit of a commonwealth. The spirit of decentralisation and federation that is increasing today and has seized even old-world Empires the Dutch, the French, the Russianhas come largely from the British example. Therefore, the unravelling of the Britain and India tangle would mean the solution of a world-problem. These two countries have been put together precisely because the solution is possible here and an ideal solution for all others to profit by.
   The British people do not move by ideals and idealism, as the French do, for example. The French rise naturally in revolt and rebellion and revolution for the sake of an idea the motto of the Great Revolution was "Liberty or Death". Without an upsetting they cannot bring about a change; for the social moulds are rigid and more presistent. The AngloSaxons, on the contrary, go by an unfailing instinct, as it were, gradually and slowly, but surely and inevitablyfrom precedent to precedent", as they themselves say. A life-intuition guides them: the inherent merit of an ideal has not such a great value in their eye, but if the ideal means a practical utility, a thing demanded by time and circumstances, a clear issue out of a dead impasse, well, they hesitate no longer and go about it in right earnest as practical men of affairs.

02.11 - The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Greater Mind, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Afar they seemed a symbol imagery,
  Illumined originals of the shadowy script
  Arranging symbol and significance,
  Tracing the curve of a transcendent Power,

02.12 - Mysticism in Bengali Poetry, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Bengali poetry was born some time towards the end of an era of decline in the Indian consciousness, almost towards the close of what is called the Buddhist period, but it was born with a veritable crown on its head. For it was sheer mystic poetry, mystic in substance, mystic in manner and expression. The poets were themselves mystics, that is to say spiritual seekers, sadhaks they were called Siddhas or Siddhacharyas. They told of their spiritual, rather occult experiences in an occult or oblique manner, the very manner of the ancient Vedic Rishis, in figures and symbols and similes. It was a form of beauty, not merely of truthof abstract metaphysical truth that rose all on a sudden, as it were, out of an enveloping darkness. It shone for a time and then faded slowly, perhaps spread itself out in the common consciousness of the people and continued to exist as a backwash in popular songs and fables and proverbs. But it was there and came up again a few centuries later and the crest is seen once more in a more elevated, polished and dignified form with a content of mental illumination. I am referring to Chandidasa, who was also a sadhak poet and is usually known as the father of Bengali poetry, being the creator of modern Bengali poetry. He flourished somewhere in the fourteenth century. That wave too subsided and retired into the background, leaving in interregnum again of a century or more till it showed itself once more in another volume of mystic poetry in the hands of a new type of spiritual practitioners. They were the Yogis and Fakirs, and although of a popular type, yet possessing nuggets of gold in their utterances, and they formed a large family. This almost synchronised with the establishment and consolidation of the Western Power, with its intellectual and rational enlightenment, in India. The cultivation and superimposition of this Western or secular light forced the native vein of mysticism underground; it was necessary and useful, for it added an element which was missing before; a new synthesis came up in a crest with Tagore. It was a neo-mysticism, intellectual, philosophical, broad-based, self-conscious. Recently however we have been going on the downward slope, and many, if not the majority among us, have been pointing at mysticism and shouting: "Out, damned spot!" But perhaps we have struck the rock-bottom and are wheeling round.
   For in the present epoch we are rising on a new crest and everywhere, in all literatures, signs are not lacking of a supremely significant spiritual poetry being born among us.
   From sheer symbolism we rise into some kind of mental apprehension of the symbolistic experience. That mental element further gains ground and seeks even an intellectual illumination in the songs of the Bauls and Fakirs that form the next stage of the evolution. Lalan the Fakir says:
   It is within this man that the other man dwells;

02.12 - The Heavens of the Ideal, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  As in a symbol sky they start to view
  And call our souls into a vaster air.

02.12 - The Ideals of Human Unity, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   A different type of wider grouping is also being experimented upon nowadays, a federal grouping of national units. The nation is taken in this system as the stable indivisible fundamental unit, and what is attempted is a free association of independent nations that choose to be linked together because of identity of interests or mutual sympathy in respect of ideal and culture. The British Empire is a remarkable experiment on this line: it is extremely interesting to see how an old-world Empire is really being liquidated (in spite of a Churchill) and transformed into a commonwealth of free and equal nations. America too has been attempting a Pan-American federation. And in continental Europe, a Western and an Eastern Block of nations seem to be developing, not on ideal lines perhaps at present because of their being based upon the old faulty principle of balance of power hiding behind it a dangerously egoistic and exclusive national consciousness; but that may change when it is seen and experienced that the procedure does not pay, and a more natural and healthier approach may be adopted.
   Now out of this complex of forces and ideals, what seems to stand out clearly is this: (i) the family unit remains for practical purposes,whatever breaking or modification affects its outward forms, the thing seems to be a permanent feature of life organization; (ii) the nation too has attained a firm stability and inviolability; it refuses to be broken or dissolved and in any larger aggregate that is formed this one has to be integrated intact as a living unit. The other types of aggregates seem to be more in the nature of experiments and temporary necessities; when they have served their purpose they fade and disappear or are thrown into the background and persist as vestigial remains. It seems to us that the clan, the tribe, the race are such formations. Regionalism, Imperialism (political, economic or religious) are also not stable aggregates.

02.13 - In the Self of Mind, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Only a gleam was there of symbol facts
  That shroud the mystery lurking in their glow,

02.14 - Panacea of Isms, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   As a matter of fact, Communism is best taken as a symptom of the disease society suffers from and not as a remedy. The disease is a twofold bondage from which man has always been trying to free himself. It is fundamentally the same "bondage which the great French Revolution sought most vigorously and violently to shake offan economic and an ideological bondage, that is to say, translated in the terms of those days, the tyranny of the court and the nobility and the tyranny of the Church. The same twofold bondage appears, again today combated by Communism, viz., Capitalism and Bourgeoisie. Originally and essentially, however, Communism meant an economic system in which there is no personal property, all property being held in common. It is an ideal that requires a good deal of ingenuity to be worked out in all details, to say the least. Certain religious sects within restricted membership tried the experiment. Indeed some kind of religious mentality is required, a mentality freed from normal mundane reactions, as a preliminary condition in order that such an attempt might be successful. A perfect or ideal communism may be possible only when man's character and nature has undergone a thorough and radical change. Till then it will be a Utopia passing through various avatars.

02.14 - The World-Soul, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  A sympathy of self with other selves,
  The touch of consciousness on consciousness
  A spirit symbol environing a soul,
  For world and self were one reality.
  Passed was their little scene of symbol deeds,
  Passed were the heavens and hells of their long road;
  And thinker of the symbol of its scene.
  Above them all she stands supporting all,

02.15 - The Kingdoms of the Greater Knowledge, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  An adjunct glory and a symbol self,
  The body was delivered to the soul, -
  Idea rotated symphonies of sight,
  Sight was a flame-throw from identity;

03.01 - Humanism and Humanism, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The religious or Christian humanism of the West is in its essential nature the pagan and profane humanism itself, at least an extension of the same. The sympathy that a St. Francis feels for his leprous brother is, after all, a human feeling, a feeling that man has for man; and even his love for the bird or an inanimate object is also a very human feeling, transferred to another receptacle and flowing in another direction. Itis a play of the human heart, only refined and widened; there is no change in kind.
   It goes without saying that in the East too there is no lack of such sympathy or fellow-feeling either in the saint or in the man of the world. Still there is a difference. And the critics have felt it, if not understood it rightly. The Indian bhutadaya and Christian charity do not spring from the same source I do not speak of the actual popular thing but of the idealeven when their manner of expression is similar or the same, the spirit and the significance are different. In the East the liberated man or the man aiming at liberation may work for the good and welfare of the world or he may not; and when he does work, the spirit is not that of benevolence or philanthropy.
   The Indian sage is not and cannot be human in the human way. For the end of his whole spiritual effort is to transcend the human way and establish himself in the divine way, in the way of the Spirit. The feeling he has towards his fellow beingsmen and animals, the sentient or the insentient, the entire creation in factis one of identity in the One Self. And therefore he does not need to embrace physically his brother, like the Christian saint, to express or justify the perfect inner union or unity. The basis of his relation with the world and its objects is not the human heart, however purified and widened, but something behind it and hidden by it, the secret soul and self. It was Vivekananda who very often stressed the point that the distinctive characteristic of the Vedantist was that he did not look upon created beings as his brethren but as himself, as the one and the same self. The profound teaching of the Upanishadic Rishi iswhat may appear very egoistic and inadmissible to the Christian saint that one loves the wife or the I son or anybody or anything in the world not for the sake of the wife or the son or that body or thing but for the sake of the self, for the sake of oneself that is in the object which one seems to love.
   There is indeed a gradation in the humanistic attitude that rises from grosser and more concrete forms to those that are less and less so. At the lowest rung and the most obvious in form and nature is what is called altruism, or philanthropy, that is to say, doing good to others, some good that is tangible and apparent, that is esteemed and valued by the world generally. In altruism refined and sublimated, when it is no longer a matter chiefly of doing but of feeling, from a more or less physical and material give and take we rise into a vital and psychological sympathy and intercommunion, we have what is humanism proper. Humanism is transfigured into something still higher and finer when from the domain of personal or individual feeling and sympathy we ascend to cosmic feeling, to self-identification with the All, the One that is Many. This is the experience that seems to be behind the Buddhistic compassion, karu
   And yet there can be a status even beyond. For beyond the cosmic reality, lies the transcendent reality. It is the Absolute, neti, neti, into which individual and cosmos, all disappear and vanish. In compassion, the cosmic communion, there is a trace and an echo of humanismit is perhaps one of the reasons why Europeans generally are attracted to Buddhism and find it more congenial than Hinduism with its dizzy Vedantic heights; but in the status of the transcendent Selfhood humanism is totally transcended and transmuted, one dwells then in the Bliss that passeth all feeling.
   Esoteric Christianity also has given us the conception of the Human Divine; but it is somewhat different from the Vaishnava revelation which has found rather the Divine Human. In other words, as I have already said, one has brought down the divinity nearer to the human appreciation and has humanised it; in the other the human has been uplifted and made into an archetypal reality where the human terms have been more or less symbols and figures having not merely human but a supra-human significance. The entire Vaishnava Lila passes not on this earth at all, but eternally in the eternal world of consciousness cinmayabehind all earthly (and human) manifestation and expression.
   It is the cult of the Divine Human which enunciates the mystic truth that man is greater than all and surpasses the Vedic Law (which aims usually at the impersonal Absolute). But Man here is to be understood as the Divine Person in his human norm, not at all the human man, as modern humanists of our country would like to have. It does not mean the glorification of man's human attributes and movements, even if they be most sattwic and idealistic; it refers rather to the divinised type, the archetype that is eternal in the super-consciousness. And when such a Man lives and acts upon earth he does so in manner and measure that do not belong to this plane.

03.01 - The Pursuit of the Unknowable, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  The symbol modes of being helped no more,
  The structures Nescience builds collapsing failed,

03.02 - The Adoration of the Divine Mother, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  The symbolled OM, the great assenting Word,
  The bridge between the rapture and the calm,

03.02 - The Philosopher as an Artist and Philosophy as an Art, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   In the face of established opinion and tradition (and in the wake of the prophetic poet) I propose to demonstrate that Philosophy has as much claim to be called an art, as any other orthodox art, painting or sculpture or music or architecture. I do not refer to the element of philosophyperhaps the very large element of philosophy that is imbedded and ingrained in every Art; I speak of Philosophy by itself as a distinct type of au thentic art. I mean that Philosophy is composed or created in the same way as any other art and the philosopher is moved and driven by the inspiration and impulsion of a genuine artist. Now, what is Art? Please do not be perturbed by the question. I am not trying to enter into the philosophy the metaphysicsof it, but only into the science the physicsof it. Whatever else it may be, the sine qua non, the minimum requisite of art is that it must be a thing of beauty, that is to say, it must possess a beautiful form. Even the Vedic Rishi says that the poet by his poetic power created a heavenly formkavi kavitva divi rpam asajat. As a matter of fact, a supreme beauty of form has often marked the very apex of artistic creation. Now, what does the Philosopher do? The sculptor hews beautiful forms out of marble, the poet fashions beautiful forms out of words, the musician shapes beautiful forms out of sounds. And the philosopher? The philosopher, I submit, builds beautiful forms out of thoughts and concepts. Thoughts and concepts are the raw materials out of which the artist philosopher creates mosaics and patterns and designs architectonic edifices. For what else are philosophic systems? A system means, above all, a form of beauty, symmetrical and harmonious, a unified whole, rounded and polished and firmly holding together. Even as in Art, truth, bare sheer truth is not the object of philosophical inquiry either. Has it not been considered sufficient for a truth to be philosophically true, if it is consistent, if it does not involve self-contradiction? The equation runs: Truth=Self-consistency; Error=Self-contradiction. To discover the absolute truth is not the philosopher's taskit is an ambitious enterprise as futile and as much of a my as the pursuit of absolute space, absolute time or absolute motion in Science. Philosophy has nothing more to doand nothing lessthan to evolve or build up a system, in other words, a self-consistent whole (of concepts, in this case). Art also does exactly the same thing. Self-contradiction means at bottom, want of harmony, balance, symmetry, unity, and self-consistency means the contrary of these things the two terms used by philosophy are only the logical formulation of an essentially aesthetic value.
   Take, for example, the philosophical system of Kant or of Hegel or of our own Shankara. What a beautiful edifice of thought each one has reared! How cogent and compact, organised and poised and finely modelled! Shankara's reminds me of a tower, strong and slender, mounting straight and tapering into a vanishing point among the clouds; it has the characteristic linear movement of Indian melody. On the otherhand, the march of the Kantian Critiques or of the Hegelian Dialectic has a broader base and involves a composite strain, a balancing of contraries, a blending of diverse notes: thereis something here of the amplitude and comprehensiveness of harmonic architecture (without perhaps a corresponding degree of altitude).
   For we must remember that Plato himself was really more of a poet than a philosopher. Very few among the great representative souls of humanity surpassed him in the true poetic afflatus. The poet and the mysticKavi and Rishiare the same in our ancient lore. However these two, Plato and Aristotle, the mystic and the philosopher, the master and the disciple, combine to form one of these dual personalities which Nature seems to like and throws up from time to time in her evolutionary marchnot as a mere study in contrast, a token of her dialectical process, but rather as a movement of polarity making for a greater comprehensiveness and richer values. They may be taken as the symbol of a great synthesis that humanity needs and is preparing. The role of the mystic is to envisage and unveil the truth, the supernal reality which the mind cannot grasp nor all the critical apparatus of human reason demonstrate and to bring it down and present it to the understanding and apprehending consciousness. The philosopher comes at this stage: he receives and gathers all that is given to him, arranges and systematises, puts the whole thing in a frame as it were.
   The poet-philosopher or the philosopher-poet, whichever way we may put it, is a new formation of the human consciousness that is coming upon us. A wide and rationalising (not rationalistic) intelligence deploying and marshalling out a deep intuitive and direct Knowledge that is the pattern of human mind developing in the new age. Bergson's was a harbinger, a definite landmark on the way. Sri Aurobindo's The Life Divine arrives and opens the very portals of the marvellous temple city of a dynamic integral knowledge.

03.02 - Yogic Initiation and Aptitude, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   In a general way we may perhaps say, without gross error, that every man has the right to become a poet, a scientist or a politician. But when the question rises in respect of a particular person, then it has to be seen whether that person has a natural ability, an inherent tendency or aptitude for the special training so necessary for the end in view. One cannot, at will, develop into a poet by sheer effort or culture. He alone can be a poet who is to the manner born. The same is true also of the spiritual life. But in this case, there is something more to take into account. If you enter the spiritual path, often, whether you will or not, you come in touch with hidden powers, supra-sensible forces, beings of other worlds and you do not know how to deal with them. You raise ghosts and spirits, demons and godsFrankenstein monsters that are easily called up but not so easily laid. You break down under their impact, unless your adhr has already been prepared, purified and streng thened. Now, in secular matters, when, for example, you have the ambition to be a poet, you can try and fail, fail with impunity. But if you undertake the spiritual life and fail, then you lose both here and hereafter. That is why the Vedic Rishis used to say that the ear then vessel meant to hold the Soma must be properly baked and made perfectly sound. It was for this reason again that among the ancients, in all climes and in all disciplines, definite rules and regulations were laid down to test the aptitude or fitness of an aspirant. These tests were of different kinds, varying according to the age, the country and the Path followedfrom the capacity for gross physical labour to that for subtle perception. A familiar instance of such a test is found in the story of the aspirant who was asked again and again, for years together, by his Teacher to go and graze cows. A modern mind stares at the irrelevancy of the procedure; for what on earth, he would question, has spiritual sadhana to do with cow-grazing? In defence we need not go into any esoteric significance, but simply suggest that this was perhaps a test for obedience and endurance. These two are fundamental and indispensable conditions in sadhana; without them there is no spiritual practice, one cannot advance a step. It is absolutely necessary that one should carry out the directions of the Guru without question or complaint, with full happiness and alacrity: even if there comes no immediate gain one must continue with the same zeal, not giving way to impatience or depression. In ancient Egypt among certain religious orders there was another kind of test. The aspirant was kept confined in a solitary room, sitting in front of a design or diagram, a mystic symbol (cakra) drawn on the wall. He had to concentrate and meditate on that figure hour after hour, day after day till he could discover its meaning. If he failed he was declared unfit.
   Needless to say that these tests and ordeals are mere externals; at any rate, they have no place in our sadhana. Such or similar virtues many people possess or may possess, but that is no indication that they have an opening to the true spiritual life, to the life divine that we seek. Just as accomplishments on the mental plane,keen intellect, wide studies, profound scholarship even in the scriptures do not entitle a man to the possession of the spirit, even so capacities on the vital plane,mere self-control, patience and forbearance or endurance and perseverance do not create a claim to spiritual realisation, let alone physical austerities. In conformity with the Upanishadic standard, one may not be an unworthy son or an unworthy disciple, one may be strong, courageous, patient, calm, self-possessed, one may even be a consummate master of the senses and be endowed with other great virtues. Yet all this is no assurance of one's success in spiritual sadhana. Even one may be, after Shankara, a mumuksu, that is to say, have an ardent yearning for liberation. Still it is doubtful if that alone can give him liberation into the divine life.

03.03 - Modernism - An Oriental Interpretation, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Mindmind in its rational modethus emancipated, exercised in its turn a domineering control over man's entire nature. All other members were made a subservient tri butary to that which was considered the members par excellence in the rational animal. The seventeenth and the eighteenth centuries form the period of its rule the former its bright period when it expressed itself in its truth and power, as embodied in what is called classicism in literature; the latter its darker phase, its decline, the manifestation of its weakness. Its death-knell was first sounded by Voltaire who symbolised the mind's destructive criticism of itself, the same which Anatole France in France and Shaw in England have continued in our days almost to a successful issue.
   Rousseau brought in the positive element that determined the new poise of humanity. It was the advent of the heart, the coming in of the Romantic the man of sentiment and sensibility. 1 But life had not yet had its chance. Life, pure life the biological domainfirst declared its autonomy in art, for example, through the Realists and Naturalists. These pioneers, however, could bring forward mainly the facts, the constituents, the materials that compose life. The stuff was found, but the movement, life's own rhythm, was not there. It was new wine, but more or less in the old bottle. Zola or Maupassant or the Goncourts sought to express a life intrinsic and independent, but the instrument, the mould was still the old one; the manner and the movement, germane to mind and heart, continued to persist.

03.03 - The House of the Spirit and the New Creation, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  His universal sympathy upbore,
  Immense like ocean, the creation's load
  A Splendour and a symbol wrapped the earth,
  Serene epiphanies looked and hallowed vasts
  A sympathy of nerve replying to nerve,
  Hearing that listens to thought's inner sound
  The gleams of the symbols of the Ineffable
  Blazoned like hues upon a colourless air

03.04 - The Body Human, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The perfection of the anatomical and morphological structure in man consists precisely in its wonderful elasticity the 'infinite faculty' or multiple functioning referred to by Shakespeare. This is the very characteristic character of man both with regard to his physical and psychological make-up. The other species are, everyone of them, more or less, a specialised formation; we have there a closed system, a fixed and definite physical mould and pattern of life. A cat or a crow of a million years ago, like 'the immemorial elm' was not very different from its descendant of today; not so with man. I mean, the human frame, in its general build, might have remained the: same from the beginning of time, but the uses to which it has been put, the works that have been demanded of it are multifarious, indeed of infinite variety. Although it is sometimes stated that the human body too has undergone a change (and is still undergoing) from what was once heavy and muscular, tall and stalwart, with a thicker skeletal system, towards something lighter and more delicate. Also an animal, like the plant, because of its rigidity of pattern, remains unchanged, keeping to its own geographical habitat. Change of climate meant for the animal a considerable change, a sea-change, a change of species, practically. But man can easilymuch more easily than an animal or a plantacclimatise himself to all sorts of variable climates. There seems to be a greater resilience in his physical system, even as a physical object. Perhaps it contains a greater variety of component elements and centres of energy which support its versatile action. The human frame, one may say, is like the solar spectrum that contains all the colour vibrations and all the lines characteristic of the different elements. The solar sphere is the high symbol for man.
   The story runs (Aitareya Upanishad) that once the gods wished to come down and inhabit an earthly frame. Several animal forms (the cow, the horse) were presented to them one after another, but they were not satisfied, none was considered adequate for their habitation. At last the human frame (with its conscious personality) was offered to them and immediately they declared that that was indeed the perfect form they neededsuktam bateti and they entered into it.
   The Christian conception of God-man is also extremely beautiful and full of meaning. God became man: He sent down upon earth his own and only Son to live among men as man. This indeed is His supreme Grace, His illimitable love for mankind. It is thus, in the words of the Offertory, that He miraculously created the dignity of human substance, holding Himself worthy to partake of our humanity. This carnal sinful body has been sanctified by the Christ having assumed it. In and through Himhis divine consciousness it has been strained and purified, uplifted and redeemed. He has anointed it and given it a place in Heaven even by the side of the Father. Again, Mary symbolising the earth or body consciousness, as Christian mystics themselves declarewas herself taken up bodily into the heavenly abode. The body celestial is this very physical human body cleared of its dross and filled with the divine substance. This could have been so precisely because it was originally the projection, the very image of God here below in the world of Matter. The mystery of Transubstantiation repeats and confirms the same symbology. The bread and wine of our secular body become the flesh and blood of the God-Man's body. The human frame is, as it were, woven into the very fabric of God's own truth and substance. The human form is inherent in the Divine's own personality. Is it mere anthropomorphism to say like this? We know the adage that the lion were he self-conscious and creative, would paint God as a super-lion, that is to say, in his own image. Well, the difference is precisely here, that the lion is not self-conscious and creative. Man createsnot man the mere imaginative artist but man the seer, the Rishihe expresses and embodies, represents faithfully the truth that he sees, the truth that he is. It is because of this conscious personality, referred to in the parable of the Aitareya Upanishad,-that God has chosen the human form to inhabit.
   This is man's great privilege that, unlike the animal, he can surpass himself (the capacity, we may note, upon which the whole Nietzschean conception of humanity was based). Man is not bound to his human nature, to his anthropomorphism, he can rise above and beyond it, become what is (apparently) non-human. Therefore the Gita teaches: By thy self upraise thy self, lower not thy self by thy self. Indeed, as we have said, man means the whole gamut of existence. All the worlds and all the beings in all the worlds are also within his frame; he has only to switch or focus his consciousness on to a particular point or direction and he becomes a particular type in life. Man can be the very supreme godhead or at the other extreme a mere brute or any other intermediary creature in the hierarchy extending between the two.

03.04 - The Other Aspect of European Culture, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   In this connection the history of Ireland's destiny affords an instructive study, since it is symbolic also of Europe's life-course. It was the natural idealism, the inborn spiritual outlook which Ireland possessed of yore the Druidic Mysteries were more ancient than the Greek culture and formed perhaps the basis of the Orphic and Eleusinian Mysterieswhich impelled her foremost to embrace the new revelation brought on by Christianity. As she was among the pioneers to champion the cause of the Christ, she became also the fortress where the new cult found a safe refuge when the old world was being overwhelmed and battered to pieces by the onrush of peoples of a dense and rough-hewn nature. When continental Europe lay a desert waste under the heels of the barbarians that almost wiped away the last vestiges of the Classical Culture, it was Ireland who nursed and reared the New Child in her bosom and when the time came sent Him out again to reconquer and revivify Europe. Once more when the tide of Modernism began to rise and swell and carry everything before it, Ireland stood firm and threw up an impregnable barrier. The story of Ireland's struggle against Anglo-Saxon domination is at bottom the story of the struggle between Europe's soul power and body power. Ireland was almost slain in the combat, physically, but would not lose her soul. And now she rises victorious at long last, her ancient spirit shines resplendent, the voice of the Irish Renaissance that speaks through Yeats and Russell1 heralds a new dawn for her and who knows if not for Europe and the whole West?
   Is it meant that "Mediaeval obscurantism" was Europe's supreme ideal and that the cry should be: "Back to the Dark Age, into the gloom of Mystic superstitions and Churchian dogmas?" Now, one cannot deny that there was much of obscurantism and darkness in that period of Europe's evolution. And the revolt launched against it by the heralds of the Modern Age was inevitable and justified to some extent; but to say that unadulterated superstition was what constituted the very substance of Middle Age Culture and that the whole thing was more or less a nightmare, is only to land into another sort of superstition and obscurantism. The best when corrupt does become the worst. The truth of the matter is that in its decline the Middle Age clung to and elaborated only the formal aspect of its culture, leaving aside its inner realisation, its living inspiration. The Renaissance was a movement of reaction and correction against the lifeless formalism, the dry scholasticism of a decadent Middle Age; it sought to infuse a new vitality, by giving a new outlook and intuition to Europe's moribund soul. But, in fact, it has gone a little too far in its career of correction. In its violent enthusiasm to pull down the worn-out edifice of the past and to build anew for the future, it has almost gone to the length of digging up the solid foundation and erasing the fundamental ground-plan upon which Europe's real life and culture reposed and can still safely repose.

03.04 - The Vision and the Boon, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  A strange and grandiose symbol was his birth
  And immortality and spirit-room

03.04 - Towardsa New Ideology, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The distinction between the attitudes that underlie these two conceptions was once upon a time greatly stressed by Vivekananda, who was the first to strike two or three major chords that were needed to create the grand symphony of the Indian Renaissance. It is true Europe too had her Mazzini whose scheme of a new humanity was based on the conception of the duties of man. But his was a voice in the wilderness and he was not honoured in his own country.
   The malady of the modern age springs precisely from this poisonous source, viz., it views man as a bundle of rights and its problem of social organisation is the problem of safeguarding and, if possible, even of increasing individual and collective rights. Thus came into being the competitive societya society necessarily red in tooth and claw like Nature.
   We have to rise above rajas and sattwa to enter a domain where one meets the source of inevitable harmony, where the units without losing their true self and nature and returning to the undifferentiated primordial mass, fulfil themselves and are yet held together in a rich and faultless symphony. This is Dharma, that which holds together. Dharma means the law of one's soul. And when each soul follows its own law and line of life, there cannot be any conflict; for the essence and substance of the soul is made of unity and harmony. The souls move like the planetary bodies, each in its own orbit, and, because they do not collide or clash, all together creating the silent music of the spheres.
   This then is the basis upon which the new society and humanity have to be built up, if we want to have a life on earth really worth living. Individuals have to find out their real being and nature and embody that in life. Individuals will associate and combine and form groups in response to the urge and impetus of a group harmony that seeks expression and embodiment.

03.05 - The Spiritual Genius of India, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   All other nations have this one, or that other, line of self-expression, special to each; but it is India's characteristic not to have had any such single and definite modus Vivendiwhat was single and definite in her case was a mode not of living but of being. India looked above all to the very self in things; and in all her life-expression it was the soul per se which mattered to her,even as the-great Yajnavalkya said to his wife Maitreyi,tmanastu kmay sarvam priyam bhavati. The expressions of the self had no intrinsic value of their own and mattered only so far as they symbolised or embodied or pointed to the secret reality of the Atman. And perhaps it was on this account that India's creative activities, even in external life, were once upon a time so rich and varied, so stupendous and, full of marvel. Because she was attached and limited to no one dominating power of life, she could create infinite forms, so many channels of power for the soul whose realisation was her end and aim.
   There was no department of life or culture in which it could be said of India that she was not great, or even, in a way, supreme. From hard practical politics touching our earth, to the nebulous regions of abstract metaphysics, everywhere India expressed the power of her genius equally well. And yet none of these, neither severally nor collectively, constituted her specific genius; none showed the full height to which she could raise herself, none compassed the veritable amplitude of her innermost reality. It is when we come to the domain of the Spirit, of God-realisation that we find the real nature and stature and genius of the Indian people; it is here that India lives and moves as in her own home of Truth. The greatest and the most popular names in Indian history are not names of warriors or statesmen, nor of poets who were only poets, nor of mere intellectual philosophers, however great they might be, but of Rishis, who saw and lived the Truth and communed with the gods, of Avataras who brought down and incarnated here below something of the supreme realities beyond.
   The most significant fact in the history of India is the unbroken continuity of the line of her spiritual masters who never ceased to appear even in the midst of her most dark and distressing ages. Even in a decadent and fast disintegrating India, when the whole of her external life was a mass of ruins, when her political and economical and even her cultural life was brought to stagnation and very near to decomposition, this undying Fire in her secret heart was ever alight and called in the inevitable rebirth and rejuvenation. Ramakrishna, with Vivekananda as his emanation in life dynamic and material, symbolises this great secret of India's evolution. The promise that the Divine held out in the Gita to Bharata's descendant finds a ready fulfilment in India, in Bharata's land, more perhaps than anywhere else in the world; for in India has the. Divine taken birth over and over again to save the pure in heart, to destroy the evil-doer and to establish the Right Law of life.
   Other peoples may be the arms and the feet and the head of Humanity, but India is its heart, its soul for she cherishes always within her the Truth that lives for ever, the flaming God-head, the Immortal awake in mortality, as say the Vedas, amto martyeu tv .

03.06 - Divine Humanism, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The religious or Christian humanism of the West is in its essential nature the pagan and profane humanism itself, at least an extension of the same. The sympathy that a St. Francis feels for his leprous brother is, after all, a human feeling, a feeling that man has for man; even his love for an animal or an inanimate object is also a very human feeling, transferred to another receptacle and flowing in another direction. It is a play of the normal human heart, only refined and widened; there is no change in kind.
   It goes without saying that, in the East too, there is no lack of such sympathy or fellow-feeling either in the saint or in the ordinary man of the world. Still there is a difference. And the critics have felt it, if not understood it rightly. Indian bhta day and Christian charity do not spring from the same source I do not speak of the actual popular thing, but of the ideal and ideology; even when the manner of expression is similar or the same in both, the spirit and the significance are different. In the East the liberated man, or the man aiming at liberation, may work for the good and welfare of the world, but also he may not; and, what is more important, when he does so work, the spirit is not that of benevolence or philanthropy, nor is there the ethical sense of duty.
   The Indian sage is not and cannot be human in the human way. For the end of his whole spiritual effort is to transcend the human way and establish himself in the divine way, in the way of the Spirit. The feeling he has towards his fellow-beingsmen and animals, the sentient and the insentient, the entire creation, in factis one of identity in the One Self. And, therefore, he does not need to embrace physically his brother, like the Christian saint, to express or justify the perfect inner union or unity. The basis of his relation with the world and its objects is not the human heart, however purified and widened, but something behind it and hidden by it, the secret soul and self. It was Vivekananda who very often stressed the point that the distinctive characteristic of the Vedantin was that he did not look upon created beings as his brethren, but as himself, as the one and the same self. The profound teaching of the Upanishadic Rishi iswhat may appear very egoistic and inadmissible to the Christian saint that one loves the wife or the son or anybody or anything in the world, not for the sake of the wife or the son or that body or that thing, but for the sake of the self, for the sake of one's own self that is in the object which one seems to love.
   There is, indeed, a gradation in the humanistic attitude that rises from grosser and more concrete forms to those that are less and less so. At the lowest rung and the most obvious in form and nature is what is called altruism, or more especially, philanthropy, that is to say, doing good to others, some good j that is tangible and apparent, that is esteemed and valued by the world generally. In an altruism refined and sublimated, when it is no longer a matter primarily of doing but of feeling, when, from a more or less physical and material give and take, we rise into a vital and psychological sympathy and inter communion, we have what is humanism proper. Humanism is transfigured into something still higher and finer when, from the domain of personal or individual feeling" and sympathy, we ascend to cosmic feeling, to self-identification with the All, the One that is Many. This is the experience that seems to be behind the Buddhistic compassion, karu.
   And yet there can be a status even beyond. For, beyond the cosmic reality lies the transcendent reality. It is the Absolute, neti, neti, into which individual and cosmos, all disappear and vanish. In compassion, the cosmic communion, there is a trace and an echo of humanismit is perhaps one of the reasons why Europeans generally are attracted to Buddhism and find it more congenial than Hinduism with its dizzy Vedantic heights. But in the status of the transcendent Self-hood, humanism is totally transcended and transmuted; one dwells there in the Bliss that passeth all feeling.
   Esoteric Christianity also has given us the conception of the Human Divine; but it is somewhat different from the Vaishnava revelation which has found rather the Divine Human. In other words, as I have already said, one has brought down the divinity nearer to human appreciation and has humanised it; in the other, the human has been uplifted and made into an archetypal reality where the human terms are more or less symbols and figures, having not merely a human but a suprahuman significance. The entire Vaishnava Lila takes place not on this earth at all, but eternally in the eternal world of the inner consciousness cinmayabehind all earthly (and human) manifestation and expression.
   It is the cult of the Divine Human which enunciates the mystic truth that Man is greater than all and surpasses even the Vedic Law (which aims usually at the impersonal Absolute). But Man -here is to be understood as the Divine Person in his human norm, not the human man at all, as modern humanists of our country would like to have it. It does not mean the glorification of man's human attributes and movements, even if they be most sattwic and idealistic; it refers rather to the divinised type, the archetype that is eternally in the super-consciousness. And when such a Man lives and acts on earth, he does so in a manner and measure that do not belong to this plane of humanity familiar to us.

03.07 - Brahmacharya, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   In recent times, however, we have begun to view children's education in a different light. It is being more and more realised that things are not to be instilled into the child from outside, but that the child should be allowed to grow and imbibe naturally. The teacher is only a companion and a guide: he is to let the child move according to its own inclinations, follow its own line of curiosity; he can open up and present new vistas of curiosity, seek to evoke new interests. sympathy and encouragement on his side giving scope to freedom and autonomous development for the childthis is the watchword and motto for the ideal teacher.
   This new approach has rectified much of the wrong handling of the problem of education to which we have been accustomed. Even this new orientation, however, is not sufficient: along with freedom and autonomy, the element of discipline and order has also to be brought in, if not quite in the old way at least in a new manner. It will not do to say simply that it must be self-discipline and self-order, but the question is how it is to be practically carried out. In ancient times it was done by living the life of an aspirant, not merely by studying and going to school, being only a student but living in the hours of the teacher, in the atmosphere of his direct presence and influence: the teacher too was not a machine issuing mechanical instruction, but a Person who loved and whom one loved, a warm embodiment of the ideal.

03.08 - The Standpoint of Indian Art, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Other art shows the world of creative imagination, the world reconstructed by the mind's own formative delight; the Indian artist reveals something more than that the faculty through which he seeks to create is more properly termed vision, not imagination; it is the movement of an inner consciousness, a spiritual perception, and not that of a more or less outer sensibility. For the Indian artist is a seer or rishi; what he envisages is the mystery, the truth and beauty of another worlda real, not merely a mental or imaginative world, as real as this material creation that we see and touch; it is indeed more real, for it is the basic world, the world of fundamental truths and realities behind this universe of apparent phenomena. It is this that he contemplates, this I upon which his entire consciousness is concentrated; and all his art consists in giving a glimpse of it, bodying it forth or expressing it in significant forms and symbols.
   European the Far Westernart gives a front-view of reality; Japanese the Far Easternart gives a side-view; Indian art gives a view from above. 1 Or we may say, in psychological terms, that European art embodies experiences of the conscious mind and the external senses, Japanese art gives expression to experiences that one has through the subtler touches of the nerves and the sensibility, and Indian art proceeds through a spiritual consciousness and records experiences of the soul.
   A Greek Apollo or Venus or a Madonna of Raphael is a human form idealized to perfection,moulded to meet the criterion of beauty which the physical eye demands. The purely sthetic appeal of such forms consists in the balance and symmetry, the proportion and adjustment, a certain roundedness and uniformity and regularity, which the physical eye especially finds beautiful. This beauty is akin to the beauty of diction in poetry.
   Apart from the beauty of the mere form, there is behind it and informing it what may be called the beauty of character, the beauty revealed in the expression of psychological movement. It corresponds to the beauty of rhythm in poetry. Considered sthetically, the beauty of character, in so far as it is found in what we have called formal art, is a corollary,an ornamental and secondary theme whose function is to heighten the effect of the beauty of form, or create the atmosphere and environment necessary for its display.
   It is this quality which has sometimes made Indian art seem deficient in its human appeal: the artist chose deliberately to be non-human, even in the portrayal of human subjects, in order to bring out the universal and the transcendent element in the truth and beauty of things. Man is not the measure of creation, nor human motives the highest or the deepest of nature's movements: at best, man is but a symbol of truths beyond his humanity.
   It is this characteristic that struck the European mind in its first contact with the Indian artistic world and called forth the criticism that Indian culture lacks in humanism. It is true, a very sublimated humanism finds remarkable expression in Ajanta, and perhaps it is here that the Western eye began to learn and appreciate the Indian style of beauty; even in Ajanta, however, in the pieces where the art reaches its very height, mere humanism seems to be at its minimum. And if we go beyond these productions that reflect the mellowness and humaneness of the Buddhist Compassion, if we go into the sanctuary of the Brahmanic art, we find that the experiences embodied there and the method of expression become more and more "anonymous"; they have not, that is to say, the local colour of humanity, which alone makes the European mind feel entirely at home. Europe's revulsion of feeling against Indian art came chiefly from her first meeting with the multiple-headed, multiple-armed, expressionless, strangely poised Hindu gods and goddesses, so different in every way from ordinary human types.

03.09 - Art and Katharsis, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Aristotle speaks of the purifying function of the tragic art. How is the purification effected? By the evocation of the feelings of pity and terror. For such feelings widen the sympathies, pull us out of our small egoistic personal ephemeral pleasures and put us in contact with what is to be shared and enjoyed in wide commonalty. Tragedy, in this way, initiates the spectator into the enjoyment that is born not of desire and gain but of detachment and freedom.
   The uplifting power of Art is inherent in its nature, for Art itself is the outcome of an uplifted nature. Art is the expression of a heightened consciousness. The ordinary consciousness in which man lives and moves is narrow, limited, obscure, faltering, unhappyit is the abode of all that is evil and ugly; it is inartistic. The poetic zeal, enthusiasm or frenzy, when it seizes the consciousness, at once lifts it high into a state that is characterised by wideness and depth and a new and fresh exhilarating intensity of perception and experience. We seem to arrive at the very fountain-head, where things take birth and are full of an unspoilt life and power and beauty and light and harmony. A line burdened with the whole tragedy of earthly existence such as Shakespeare's:

03.09 - Buddhism and Hinduism, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Buddhism saw and accepted a world of misery; therefore it knew how to touch the human heart, open up the doors in human consciousness to sympathy and compassion and love. Life it envisaged as an unreal persistence and therefore awakened and installed there the fiery urge towards withdrawal, ascension and transcendence. It was Buddhism that canonised the way of asceticism, laid out the path of the Everlasting Nayalthough called (somewhat euphemistically perhaps) the Middle Path being tempered by an attitude of sweet reasonableness in the inner heart.
   The original and primeval Indianism was built upon the Vedic realisation of the Everlasting Yes. That luminous body of an integral realisation, which means the Veda, came to be covered over by a more strenuous demand of immediate necessity, by an over-emphasis on one side or aspect or line of growth of the human consciousness; a negative approach was needed for man to rise out of its too earthly a tenement to glimpse his divine possibility beyond, before he could hope to build it here below. The long reign of Siva was a necessary preparation for the advent of Vishnu.

03.10 - Hamlet: A Crisis of the Evolving Soul, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   In Macbeth we move up one step farther; human consciousness attains here a higher level. Something of the mental being enters into the purely vital creature: instead of the Eater, the man with the mere stomach, we have here the Ruler, the Tyrant, the human being with its will and its arms that execute the will: the dominating motive is no longer hunger and greed and cruelty for cruelty's sake, but power and position and lordship, and the driving force, not blind passion and dark furysheer unconsciousness but deliberate resolution, foreseeing calculation and steady purposiveness; the Rakshasa gives place to the Asura. The Asura is the incarnation of conscious egotism, the will to dominate, to be the sole master and monarch; he is the self-aggrandising vaulting ambition. He does not seek to possess things for their own sake, not so much to enjoy them as to hold them as symbols of his royalty, of his personal worth and majesty. In Macbeth we have the world of the Asuraa creation of the mode of rajas.
   Hamlet is the third stage; it is a vision of sattva-guna and a creation attempted by that vision. The human consciousness that was imprisoned in the vital mind, is released here into the higher or pure mind. The soul escapes from its sheath of sheer hunger and desire and egoism and self-aggrandisementyearns for light, more light. Lear is a dark mass of unconsciousness, crude and violent, even like the naked and raging elements into whose arms he is thrown; Macbeth is the beginning of consciousness in which one is conscious of one's own self alone, and keenly and deliberately attached to it,here light has dawned, but a lurid light. Hamlet is consciousness that is seeking to transcend the barrier of the little self and its narrow and vulgar appetites and impulses. Man here comes into touch with something that is impersonal, other-regarding, afar; he has grown interests that are not merely mundane, utilitarian, pragmatic, self-centred, but abstract, metaphysical, beyond the individual's own and immediate concern: he has now ideals and aspirationshe is a seeker of the true, the good, the beautiful. He has been initiated into the divinedaivanature. Culture, refinement, sensibility, understandingall the graces of a truly rational being make Hamlet the very flower of an evolving humanity.
   The angelic Cordelia is a ray that has strayed down from some higher region, to evolve hereafter, not for immediate fruition and fulfilment. It is the Light that shines always even in this naughty world, a spark of the Grace that still relieves the blight that mars an otherwise sinful earth. She is the symbol of a promise or prophecy that will justify itself sometime in the future, but for the moment the burden of the gloom is too much upon her and she is engulfed in it and sacrificed.
   Hamlet, Act II, Sc. 2.

03.11 - Modernist Poetry, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   What Bottrall means is this in plain language: we reject the old-world myths and metaphors, figures and legends, wornout ornamentsmoon and star and flower and colour and musicwe must have a new set of symbols commensurate with our present-day mentality and environmentstone and steel and teas and talkies; yes, we must go in for new and modern terms, we have certainly to find out a menu appropriate to our own sthetic taste, but, Bottrall warns, and very wisely, that we must first be sure of digesting whatever we choose to eat. In other words, a new poetic mythology is justified only when it is made part and parcel, flesh and blood and bone and marrow, of the poetic consciousness. Bottralls epigram "A man is what he eats" can be accepted without demur; only it must also be pointed out that things depend upon how one eats (eating well and digesting thoroughly) as much as what one eatsbread or manna or air and fire and light.
   The modernist may chew well, but, I, am afraid, he feeds upon the husk, the chaff, the offal. Not that these things too cannot be incorporated in the poetic scheme; the spirit of poetry is catholic enough and does not disdain them, but can transfigure them into things of eternal beauty. Still how to characterise an inspiration that is wholly or even largely pre-occupied with such objects? Is it not sure evidence that the inspiration is a low and slow flame and does not possess the transfiguring white heat? Bottrall's own lines do not seem to have that quality, it is merely a lessona rhetorical lesson, at bestin poetics.
   What the modernist usually expresses is his brain or a part of it, his small vital desires and velleities, his sensational reactions or some sections of these. He can do that certainly, but he can do that well only when he has reached and touched the soul that is behind them: for once this is found, those become vehicles and instruments, echoes and sparks, symbols and signatures of that one thing needful.
   Old style orthodox Pandit.

03.12 - Communism: What does it Mean?, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Communism, in India at least, has come to mean things which it was not the original or the main purpose of the word to imply. Communism meant "holding in common", that is to say, there is no private property, one can claim nothing as exclusively one's ownthings are distributed, work as well as necessities, and one receives them, each in his turn, according to his need and desert, as determined by general planning. Let alone property, there are types of communism that speak of holding in common women and children even. In any case whatever one is given one possesses and enjoys only for the moment, there is nothing like permanent possession. All have equal right to all things. This is an ideal which I do not think many would care to adopt and follow. In India it appears the word "communism" has been taken in the sense of the rgime of the common man. Not that there is any harm in this deviation of the meaning. If it is a convenient label or a battle-cry for the common man's right to exist, to have his just lebensraum, well, none can object and all should sympathise and help towards that end. But the mischief is that the common man adopted by communism has a restrictive denotation, it takes in only a section of the common man: it is used mostly, if not exclusively in connection with wage-earners and that too only of the category of peasants and workmen. A large section of the common mass, even of wage earners in a sense, is left out in the communistic scheme, at least not given the same importance as the other. School teachers, especially primary school teachers, small office-clerks, for example, are not less "common" or less unfortunate or worthy of succour. These form a genuine proletariat: only they have not yet been called upon to take part in the Dictatorship.
   Apart from this restrictive denotation, communism, in practice, has been given a restrictive connotation too which is more ominous and unhelpful. The communistic movement has become dynamic in so far as it is a movement for redressing grievances (although the methods employed at times it is alleged, are not as they should be, worthy of the civilised human being) in other words, it has been more or less negative in its work and outlook. The whole stress has been laid upon two items: (1) less hours of work, and (2) more wages I do not mention better housing, medical aid, pension etc., which are auxiliary items. When workers were considered as no more than slaves under the yoke of the blind and brutal exploiter, these demands had a meaning: but they have lost much of their point in the changed circumstances of today.

03.12 - TagorePoet and Seer, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Tagore is modern in respect of all these higher aptitudes that man has gained today. He has the brilliance and curiosity of an alert and strong intelligence, the refined sensibility of a pagan and scientific intellect, he has an infinite sense of irony and humour and, above all, he has that in him,a genial plasticity and sympathy and a warm sense of wide commonalty,which makes him easily a citizen of the world, feeling absolutely at home all over the world.
   The breath of modernism that Tagore has brought into the life and letters of the Bengali race is, I repeat, suffused with a soul-feelinga sense of refinement and dignity, wideness and catholicity and urbanity in the inner make-up of life-attitude and consciousness, a feeling that one no longer lives in his village, confined to its insular limits, but that one lives a life coterminous with human life at large and at its best; one is cosmopolitan in the noblest sense of the word and one has to move and act and speak in a manner becoming such a position. A high sense of all the aristocratic virtues, plus a certain sunshine of wit and playful intelligence that prevents the serious and the lofty from becoming grim and Dantesque are part of the gifts that Tagore has brought us and made a living element of our literary and even social character.

03.17 - The Souls Odyssey, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Rarely has a poeta secular poet, I meangiven utterance to deep spiritual and occult truth with such clarity and felicity. It is, however, quite open to doubt whether Wordsworth himself was fully cognisant of the truth he expressed; the words that were put into his mouth carry a significance and a symbolism considerably beyond what his mind seemed to have received and understood. The passage may be taken as one more illustration of Matthew Arnold's characterisation of Wordsworth's genius at its best, it is then Nature herself that takes up the pen and writes for the poet.
   The deep spiritual truth we are referring to is the Odyssey of the human soul. And it is also an occult phenomenon happening in the world of the inner reality. The Soul's own home is in God, is God; for it is part and parcel of the divine consciousness, it is essentially one in being and nature with the supreme Reality. It is a nucleus, a centre of individuation, a projection in a particular name and form of the infinite and eternal Being and Consciousness and Bliss on this side of manifestation or evolutionary Nature. Being in and with the Divine, merged within it, the Soul has, at the same time, its own proper domain, exclusively its own, and its own inalienable identity. It is the domain where the Soul enjoys its swarjya, its absolute freedom, dwelling in its native light and happiness and glory. But the story changes, the curve of its destiny takes a sudden new direction when it comes down upon earth, when it inhabits a mortal body. Within the body, it no longer occupies its patent frontal position, but withdraws behind a veil, as it were: it takes its stand behind or within the depth of the heart, as spiritual practice experiences it. It hides there, as in a cavern, closed in now by the shades of the prison-house which its own body and life and mind build round it. Yet it is not wholly shut out or completely cut off; for from its secret home it exerts its influence which gradually, slowly, very slowly indeed, filters throughba thes, clarifies, illumines the encasement, makes it transparent and docile in the end. For that is the Soul's ultimate function and fulfilment.

04.01 - The Birth and Childhood of the Flame, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  The symbol pageant of the changing year.
  Across the burning languor of the soil
  Each was a symbol power, a vivid flash
  In the circuit of infinities half-known;

04.02 - A Chapter of Human Evolution, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The Mind of Reason is a kind of steel-frame for other movements of consciousness pure ideas, imaginations or instinctive and sensory notions, or even secret intimations and visions of deeper truths and greater realitiesto take body, to find a local habitation and name and be firmly stabilised for experience or utilisation in physical life. There was indeed a hiatus in the human consciousness of the earlier period. Take, for example, the earliest human civilisation at its best, of which we have historical record, the Vedic culture of India: human consciousness is here at its optimum, its depth and height is a thing of wonder. But between that world, an almost occult world and this world of the physical senses there is a gap. That world was occult precisely because of this gap. The physical life and mind could translate and represent the supra-physical only in figures and symbols; the impact was direct, but it expressed itself in hieroglyphs. Life itself was more or less a life of rites and ceremonies, and mind a field of metaphors and legends and parables. The parable, the myth was an inevitability with this type of consciousness and in such a world. The language spoken was also one of images and figures, expressing ideas and perceptions not in the abstract but as concrete objects, represented through concrete objects. It is the Mind of Reason that brought in the age of philosophy, the age of pure and abstract ideas, of the analytic language. A significant point to note is that it was in the Greek language that the pre-position, the backbone almost of the analytical language, started to have an independent and autonomous status. With the Greeks dawned the spirit of Science.
   In India we meet a characteristic movement. As I said the Vedas represented the Mythic Age, the age when knowledge was gained or life moulded and developed through Vision and Revelation (Sruti, direct Hearing). The Upanishadic Age followed next. Here we may say the descending light touched the higher reaches of the Mind, the mind of pure, fundamental, typical ideas. The consciousness divested itself of much of the mythic and parabolic apparel and, although supremely immediate and intuitive, yet was bathed with the light of the day, the clear sunshine of the normal wakeful state. The first burgeoning of the Rational Mind proper, the stress of intellect and intellectuality started towards the end of the Upanishadic Age with the Mahabharata, for example and the Brahmanas. It flowered in full vigour, however, in the earlier philosophical schools, the Sankhyas perhaps, and in the great Buddhist illuminationBuddha being, we note with interest, almost a contemporary of Socrates and also of the Chinese philosopher or moralist Confuciusa triumvirate almost of mighty mental intelligence ruling over the whole globe and moulding for an entire cycle human culture and destiny. The very name Buddha is significant. It means, no doubt, the Awakened, but awakened in and through the intelligence, the mental Reason, buddhi. The Buddhist tradition is that the Buddhist cycle, the cycle over which Buddha reigns is for two thousand and five hundred years since his withdrawal which takes us, it seems, to about 1956 A.D.
   The Greek Mind, as I said, is the bridge thrown across the gulf existing between the spiritual, the occult, the intuitive and the sensuous, the physical, the material. Since the arrival of the Hellenes a highway has been built up, a metalled macada-mised road connecting these two levels of human experience and there is possible now a free and open communication from the one to the other. We need not speak any more of God and the gods and the divine principles indirectly through symbols and similes, but in mental terms which are closer to our normal understanding and we can also utilise the form of our intellection and reasoning to represent and capture something of what lies beyond intellect and reason.
   In India we have an echo of the transition, rather perhaps, she held up the type of the transition required. For here the evolution seems to have been more gradual and the steps are more clearly visible leading one to the other. India maintained an unbroken continuity in the cyclic change of the human consciousness. She was coeval with Egypt and Chaldea, Sumeria and Babylon: she communed with them perhaps in similar and parallel terms. And yet she changed or evolved and knew to express herself in other terms in other times. She had talked in mystic terms with the mystics and later on she talked in rational terms with rationalists. And today we see signs of her parleying with the Scientists in scientific terms. That is how India still lives, while Egypt and Chaldea have gone the way of Atlantis and Gondwanaland. For something is enshrined there which is eternal, something living and dynamic which is pressing forward to manifest and embody itself, some supreme truth and reality of the future which she is fostering within her to deliver to nature and humanitya new humanity with a new nature.

04.02 - Human Progress, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   In the first age, which is by far the longest period, a period of slow and difficult preparation, man had his first lessons in a conscious and victorious dealing with Nature. The day when he first started chipping a stone was a red-letter day for him; for, by that very gesture be began shredding his purely animal vesture. And when he not only chipped but succeeded in grinding and polishing a piece of stone, he moved up one step further and acquired definitely his humanity. Again, ages afterwards when his hand could wield and manipulate as it liked not only a stone but a metal, his skill and dexterity showed a development unique in its kind, establishing and fixing man's manhood as a new emergent factor. In this phase also there was a first period of training and experiment, the period of craftsmanship in bronze; with the age of iron, man's arms and fingers attained a special deftness and a conscious control directed from a cranium centre which has become by now a model of rich growth and complex structure and marvellous organisation. The impetus towards more and more efficiency in the making and handling of tools has not ceased: the craftsmanship in iron soon led to the discovery of steel and steel industry. The temper and structure of steel are symbolic and symptomatic of the temper and structure of the brain that commands the weaponstrong, supple, resistant, resilient, capable of fineness and sharpness and trenchancy to an extraordinary degree.
   This growing fineness and efficiency of the tool has served naturally to develop and enrich man's external possession and dominion. But this increasing power and dominion over Nature is not the most important consequence involved; it is only indicative of still greater values, something momentous, something subjective, pregnant with far-reaching possibilities. For the physical change is nothing compared with the psychological change, the change in the consciousness. In taking up his tool to chip a stone man has started hewing out and moulding entire Nature: he has become endowed with the sense of independence and agency. An animal is a part and parcel of Nature, has no life and movement apart from the life and movement of Natureeven like Wordsworth's child of Nature
   An animal does not separate itself from Nature, exteriorise it and then seek to fashion it as he wants, try to make it yield things he requires. Man is precisely man because he has just this sense of self and of not-self and his whole life is the conquest of the not-self by the self: this is the whole story of his evolution. In the early stages his sense of agency and selfhood is at its minimum. The rough-hewn flint instruments are symbolic of the first attempts of the brain to set its impress upon crude and brute nature. The history of man's artisanship, which is the history of his civilisation, is also the history of his growing self-consciousness. The consciousness in its attempt to react upon nature separated itself from Nature, and at first stood over against it and then sought to stand over and above it. In this process of extricating itself from the sheath in which it was involved and fused, it came back upon itself, became more and more aware of its freedom and individual identity and agency.
   The question is now asked how far this self-consciousness given to man by his progress from stone to steelhas advanced and what is its future. The crucial problem is whether man has progressed in historical times. Granted that man with an iron tool is a more advanced type of humanity than man with a chipped stone tool, it may still be enquired whether he has made any real advance since the day he learnt to manipulate metal. If by advance or progress we mean efficiency and multiplication of tools, then surely there can be no doubt that Germany of today (perhaps now we have to say Germany of yesterday and America of today) is the most advanced type of humanityindeed they do make the claim in that country.

04.02 - The Growth of the Flame, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  All her life's turns led her to symbol doors
  Admitting to secret Powers that were her kin;
  And knew by sympathy their needs and wants
  And dived in the shallow wave-depths of their lives
  But like a sacred symbol's was that cult.
  Admired, unsought, intangible to the grasp

04.03 - The Call to the Quest, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Its brooding line infinity's symbol curve.
  Amid her tresses' cloudy multitude

04.03 - The Eternal East and West, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   This double aspiration has found its expression and symbol in the East and the West, each concentrating on one line, sometimes even to the neglect or denial of the other. But this division or incompatibility need not be there and must not be there. A new conception of the Spirit and a new conception of Matter are gaining ground more and more, moving towards a true synthesis of the two, making for the creation of a new world and a new human type.
   The East is no longer the traditional East of the poet who viewed it as eternally static and meditative, drowned in an "eyeless muse" away and aloof from earth and world. Even if it had and has still in its essential nature a nostalgia for the transcendence, yet it seeks today more and more for a hold upon the physical realities: it seems to remember again what the Upanishadic Rishi sought the Rishi being asked whether he came for the mundane wealth of a thousand heads of cattle, with golden rings round their horns, or for the knowledge of the Transcendent Reality, replied that he had come for both. And the hidebound materialist West, the positivist scientific West, finds this day many fissures and loopholes in the solid Laplacian scheme; as it dives down and enters into the secrecies of even the most material things, curious mysteries surge up and its eyes demand another look and another vision than those to which the mere senses have accustomed them. Physical Scientists bending towards or being compelled to bend towards metaphysics and even mysticism are no longer an anomaly in the scientific world.
   We say then, symbolically at least, if not literally, that the West is looking to the East for this revelation towards which it is groping or moving in its own way: the secret spirit-consciousness that is alive in and through the material cosmos, that alone gives its total sense and significance. And the secret spirit must embody itself here below in material life, the status must be made supremely dynamic the transcendent consciousness, even while maintaining its transcendence, has to deploy its immanence in things of the earth and earthly existence. That is what the West brings to the East; that is what the Scientific and materialist look and labour offer to be integrated into the aspiration and realisation of the East.
   So then we say that the East starts from the summit and surveys reality from above downwards, while the West starts from below and works upward. The two complementary movements can be described in several other graphic terms. Instead of a movement from the summit to the base and of another from the base to the apex, that is to say, a movement of ascent and of descent, we can speak of a movement from within outward and of that from outside inward, that is to say, from the centre to the periphery and from the periphery to the centre; we can speak also of a movement of contraction, withdrawal or concentration and a movement of expansion; and expression and diffusion. Again, we can refer to a vertical movement and a horizontal movement. All however express the same truth. We postulate one reality, take our stand upon that and work our way towards the other; the two together form the total reality and together can they give the integral life fulfilment.
   As I said, the East usually ignores this correspondence and posits an exclusive either-or relation between the two terms. The individual, according to it, can reach its true individuality by only dissolving itin the Infinite. Of course, I am referring to an extreme position which is general in the East and symptomatic of its fundamental character. The West does not concern itself with these higher lines of individual growth and fulfilment, it limits the individual within the social frame and his mundane or profane life; but what we learn from this outlook is the necessity of the collective growth through which only can the individual thrive and grow. It is however a growth in extension, rather than in intensity i.e. depth and height. This outlook errs in the limitation put upon individuality, precisely identifying it more or less with the "egoism" to which the spirituality of the East objects. This normal individual in its normal development cannot go very far, nor can he lead the others, the society or humanity, to a perfect and supreme fulfilment. The ego-bound normal individuality must transcend itselfexactly the thing that the East teaches; only this transcendence need not mean an abolition of all individuality, but a transformation, a higher integration in a spiritualised, a universalised and divinised individuality.
   Such an individual will not be like the blind leading the blind, one ego, .in its half-light, with its small narrow mental formation imposing its ignorant and ineffective will upon others in the same state of consciousness, but, as I have said, a universalised individual, who has identified himself with all and everyone in his being and consciousness, who has also at the same time transcended himself and others and attained a supreme unitary consciousness and being. It is such a person who is called the leader of human or terrestrial evolution and they who are of the same make are the pioneers who shall build heaven upon earth.

04.04 - A Global Humanity, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   This progress towards ever higher and wider consciousness means also in man's social or collective life the formation of larger and larger aggregates, unification of mankind in ever widening groups. From man the solitary animal, through the family, the clan, the tribe to the nation the race has been increasing the circle of its sympathy and kinship. The birth of the modern nation out of regional and local groupings is a triumph of the emerging consciousness in humanity pointing to another signal and supreme triumph, the emergence of the global sense hi man that is to bind humanity as a single indissoluble indivisible unity in actual life.
   The aggregates are meant to express, apart from the growing unity, a diversity of achievements in the collective consciousness marking and enriching that unity. The highest, the largest aggregate attained at the present moment is as I have said, that of the nation, the lower and lesser aggregates have been subsumed under it. The principle of integration in its graded course is precisely this that the new unity absorbs the lesser units as its components, some find their place in it in a transmuted form and functionthose that are of use in the new dispositiono thers that had truth only for the past disappear or remain as vestiges of an extinct reality. The clan and the tribe have practically disappeared as living realities; the family has been maintaining itself still as a functioning unit, but it has considerably changed its features and in recent times it has been undergoing revolutionary transmutations. The rigours of the system prevailing in the old world have all but gone, they have been reduced to the minimum; the system has become more or less a mere outline, the substance and the details have become very vague and fluid. It may come out with quite a new connotation in the not very distant future. The nation, then, as the living unit of aggregation today, is on the move again towards a yet more enlarged aggregate. Empire was a blind and violent attempt at this greater aggregation. The Commonwealth of more recent times was a conscious, deliberate and healthier endeavour towards the same goal. The various trials with regard to a league of nations is also a conscious and deliberate, although somewhat groping experiment in the same line.

04.04 - The Quest, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Muse-lipped she nursed her symbol mysteries
  And guarded for her pure-eyed sacraments

04.07 - Matter Aspires, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The scientific spirit, that is to say, man's inquiring mind, even when it specifically deals with Matter and material phenomena, cannot be made to confine, to limit itself to that region alone. It always overleaps itself and stretches beyond its habitual and conventional frontiers. The yearning of Matter for Light is an extraordinary phenomenon of Nature: physically speaking, we have reached the equation of the two. But that light is only a first signpost or symbol: it invites Matter towards higher and freer vibration. The old determinism has given place in the heart of Matter to significant eccentricities which seem to release other types of lan. When the brain-mind indulges in fabricating clay images of God, it is not merely a foolish or idle pastime: it indicates a deep ingrained hunger. All this reveals a will or aspiration in Matter, in what is apparently dead and obscure (acit), to move and reach out towards what is living and luminous and supremely living and luminous (cit). Matter finally is to embody and express the Spirit.

04.07 - Readings in Savitri, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The deepest and the most fundamental mystery of the human consciousness (and in fact of the earth consciousness) is not that there is an unregenerate aboriginal being there as its bed-rock, a being made of the very stuff of ignorance and I inconscience and inertia that is Matter: it is this that the I submerged being is not merely dead matter, but a concentrated, a solidified flame, as it were, a suppressed aspiration that burns inwardly, all the more violent because it is not articulate and in the open. The aboriginal is that which harbours in its womb the original being. That is the Inconscient Godhead, the Divinity in painMater Dolorosa the Divine Being who lost himself totally when transmuted into Matter and yet is harassed always by the oestrus of a secret flame driving it to know itself, to find itself, to be itself again. It is Rudra, the Energy coiled up in Matter and forging ahead towards a progressive evolution in light and consciousness. That is what Savitri, the universal Divine Grace become material and human, finds at the core of her being, the field and centre of concentrated struggle, a millennial aspiration petrified, a grief of ages congealed, a divinity lone and benumbed in a trance. This divinity has to awake and labour. The god has to be cruel to himself, for his divinity demands that he must surpass himself, he cannot abdicate, let Nature go her own way, the inferior path of ease and escape. The godhead must exercise its full authority, exert all its pressure upon itselftapas taptv and by this heat of incubation release the energy that leads towards the light and the high fulfilment. In the meanwhile, the task is not easy. The divine sweetness and solicitude lights upon this hardened divinity: but the inertia of the Inconscient, the 'Pani', hides still the light within its rocky cave and would not deliver it. The Divine Grace, mellow with all the tears of love and sympathy and tenderness she has gathered for the labouring godhead, has pity for the hard lot of a humanity stone-bound to the material life, yet yearning and surging towards freedom. The godhead is not consoled or appeased until that freedom is achieved and light and immortality released. The Grace is working slowly, laboriously perhaps but surely to that end: the stone will wear down and melt one day. Is that fateful day come?
   That is the meaning of human life, the significance of even the very ordinary human life. It is the field of a dire debate, a fierce question, a constant struggle between the two opposing or rather polar forces, the will or aspiration to be and the will of inertia not to be the friction, to use a Vedic image, of the two batons of the holy sacrificial wood, arani out of which the flame is to leap forth. The pain and suffering men are subject to in this unhappy vale of tears physical illness and incapacity, vital frustration or mental confusionare symbols and expressions of a deeper fundamental Pain. That pain is the pain of labour, the travail for the birth and incarnation of a godhead asleep or dead. Indeed, the sufferings and ills of life are themselves powerful instruments. They inevitably lead to the Bliss, they are the fuel that kindles, quickens and increases the Fire of Ecstasy that is to blaze up on the day of victory in the full and integral spiritual consciousness. The round of ordinary life is not vain or meaningless: its petty innocent-looking moments and events are the steps of the marching Divinity. Even the commonest life is the holy sacrificial rite progressing, through the oblations of our experiences, bitter or sweet, towards the revelation and establishment of the immortal godhead in man.

05.01 - Man and the Gods, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The Earth symbolises and epitomises material Nature. It is the body and substance, the very personification, of unconsciousness Ignorance carried to the last limit and concretised. It represents, figures the very opposite of the Reality at the summit. The supreme and original Reality is the quaternary:(1) Light, (2) Truth, (3) Love and (4) Life. They are the first and primal godheads with whom creation starts and who preside over the whole play of the manifestation. These gods that emanated out of the supreme consciousness of the Divine Mother as her fundamental aspects and personalities had automatically an absolute freedom of action and movement, otherwise they would not be divine personalities. And this freedom could be exercised and was in fact exercised in cutting the tie with the mother consciousness, in order to follow a line of independent and separate development instead of a merger life of solidarity with the Supreme. The result was immediate and drastic the precipitation of a physical life and an earthly existence which negated the very principles of the original nature of the godheads and brought forth exactly their contraries: instead of Light there brooded Darkness and Inconscience, Truth turned to Falsehood, Love and Delight gave place to Hatred and Suffering and finally, instead of Life and Immortality there appeared Death. That was how separation, "the disobedience" of the Bible, caused the distortion that turned the gods into Asuras, that was how Lucifer became Satan.
   And that was how Paradise was lost. But the story of Paradise Regained is yet more marvellous. When the Divine Mother, the creative infinite Consciousness found herself parcelled out and scattered (even like the body of Sati borne about by Shiva, in the well-known Indian legend) and lost in unconsciousness, something shot down from the Highest into the lowest, something in response to an appeal, a cry, as it were, from the depth of the utter hopelessness in the heart of Matter and the Inconscient. A dumb last-minute S O S from belowa De profundis clamaviwent forth and the Grace descended: the Supreme himself came down and entered into the scuttled dead particles of earth's dust as a secret core of light and flame, just a spark out of his own conscious substance. The Earth received the Grace and held it in her bosom. Thus she had her soul born in her the psychic being that is to grow and evolve and bring about her redemption, her transmutation into the divine substance.
   Man possesses characters that mark him as an entity sui generis and give him the value that is his. First, toil and suffering and more failures than success have given him the quality of endurance and patience, of humility and quietness. That is the quality of earth-natureearth is always spoken of by the poets and seers as all-bearing and all-forgiving. She never protests under any load put upon her, never rises in revolt, never in a hurry or in worry, she goes on with her appointed labour silently, steadily, calmly, unflinchingly. Human consciousness can take infinite pains, go through the infinite details of execution, through countless repetitions and mazes: patience and perseverance are the very badge and blazon of the tribe. Ribhus, the artisans of immortalitychildren of Mahasaraswatiwere originally men, men who have laboured into godhood. Human nature knows to wait, wait infinitely, as it has all the eternity before it and can afford and is prepared to continue and persist life after life. I do not say that all men can do it and are of this nature; but there is this essential capacity in human nature. The gods, who are usually described as the very embodiment of calmness and firmness, of a serene and concentrated will to achieve, nevertheless suffer ill any delay or hindrance to their work. Man has not perhaps the even tenor, the steadiness of their movement, even though intense and fast flowing; but what man possesses is persistence through ups and downshis path is rugged with rise and fall, as the poet says. The steadiness or the staying power of the gods contains something of the nature of indifference, something hard in its grain, not unlike a crystal or a diamond. But human patience, when it has formed and taken shape, possesses a mellowness, an understanding, a sweet reasonableness and a resilience all its own. And because of its intimacy with the tears of things, because of its long travail and calvary, human consciousness is suffused with a quality that is peculiarly human and humane that of sympathy, compassion, comprehension, the psychic feeling of closeness and oneness. The gods are, after all, egoistic; unless in their supreme supramental status where they are one and identical with the Divine himself; on the lower levels, in their own domains, they are separate, more or less immiscible entities, as it were; greater stress is laid here upon their individual functioning and fulfilment than upon their solidarity. Even if they have not the egoism of the Asuras that sets itself in revolt and antagonism to the Divine, still they have to the fullest extent the sense of a separate mission that each has to fulfil, which none else can fulfil and so each is bound rigidly to its own orbit of activity. There is no mixture in their workingsna me thate, as the Vedas say; the conflict of the later gods, the apple of discord that drove each to establish his hegemony over the rest, as narrated in the mythologies and popular legends, carry the difference to a degree natural to the human level and human modes and reactions. The egoism of the gods may have the gait of aristocracy about it, it has the aloofness and indifference and calm nonchalance that go often with nobility: it has a family likeness to the egoism of an ascetic, of a saintit is sttwic; still it is egoism. It may prove even more difficult to break and dissolve than the violent and ebullient rjasicpride of a vital being. Human failings in this respect are generally more complex and contain all shades and rhythms. And yet that is not the whole or dominant mystery of man's nature. His egoism is thwarted at every stepfrom outside, by, the force of circumstances, the force of counter-egoisms, and from inside, for there is there the thin little voice that always cuts across egoism's play and takes away from it something of its elemental blind momentum. The gods know not of this division in their nature, this schizophrenia, as the malady is termed nowadays, which is the source of the eternal strain of melancholy in human nature of which Matthew Arnold speaks, of the Shelleyan saddest thoughts: Nietzsche need not have gone elsewhere in his quest for the origin and birth of Tragedy. A Socrates discontented, the Christ as the Man of Sorrows, and Amitabha, the soul of pity and compassion are peculiarly human phenomena. They are not merely human weaknesses and failings that are to be brushed aside with a godlike disdain; but they contain and yield a deeper sap of life and out of them a richer fulfilment is being elaborated.
   Human understanding, we know, is a tangled skein of light and shademore shade perhaps than lightof knowledge and ignorance, of ignorance straining towards knowledge. And yet this limited and earthly frame that mind is has something to give which even the overmind of the gods does not possess and needs. It is indeed a frame, even though perhaps a steel frame, to hold and fix the pattern of knowledge, that arranges, classifies, consolidates effective ideas, as they are translated into facts and events. It has not the initiative, the creative power of the vision of a god, but it is an indispensable aid, a precious instrument for the canalisation and expression of that vision, for the intimate application of the divine inspiration to physical life and external conduct. If nothing else, it is a sort of blue print which an engineer of life cannot forego if he has to execute his work of building a new life accurately and beautifully and perfectly.
   We have spoken of the stability, the fixity, the rigidity even, of the god type and we contrasted it with the variability, the many-sidedness, the multiple character of the human consciousness. In another view, however, the tables are turned and the opposite appears as the truth. Man, for example., has a physical body and nothing is more definite and fixed and rigid than this material sheath. The gods have no body, but they have a form which is supple and changeful, not hard and crystallised like the human figure. Gods, we said, are cosmic forceslines (or vectors, if we wish to be scientifically precise) of universal forces; this does not mean that they have no shape or form. They too have a form and can be recognised by it even as a human being is recognisable by his body. In spite of variability the form retains its identity. The form changes, for a god has the capacity to act in different contexts at the same time; within his own universe a god is multi-dimensional. The Indian seer and artist often seeks to convey this character of the immortals by giving them a plurality of arms and heads. In modern times the inspiration behind the surrealist movement lies precisely in this attempt to express simultaneity of diverse gestures and activities, a synthetic close-up of succeeding moments and disparate objects or events. But in spite of all changes Proteus remains Proteus and can be recognised as such by the vigilant and careful eye. The human frame, we have said, is more fixed and rigid, being made of the material substance. It has not evidently the variability of the body of a god. And yet there is a deeper mystery: the human body is not or need not be so inflexible as it appears to be or as it usually is. It has considerable plastic capacities. We would say that the human body holds a marvellous juste milieu. By its solid concreteness it acts as a fortress for the inner consciousness to dwell in safe from easy attacks of the hostiles: it acts also as a firm weapon for the same inner consciousness to cut into the material world and indent and impress its pattern of truth upon an otherwise hard and refractory material made of ignorance and obscurity and falsehood. Furthermore, it is supple enough to receive and record into its grain the pattern and substance of the higher reality. The image of the transubstantiation of bread and wine into the flesh and blood of Christ is symbolic of the alchemy of which the human body is capable when one knows how to treat it in occult knowledge and power. The human body can suffer a sea-change which is not within the reach of the radiant body of an immortal.

05.02 - Gods Labour, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The integral Divine not merely suffers (as in the Christian tradition) a body material, He accepts it in his supernal delight, for it is his own being and substance: it is He in essence and it will become He in actuality. When he comes into the world, it is not as though it were a foreign country; he comes to his own,only he seeks to rebuild it on another scale, the scale of unity and infinity, instead of the present scale of separativism and finiteness. He comes among men not simply because he is' moved by human miseries; he is no extra-terrestrial person, a bigger human being, but is himself this earth, this world, all these miseries; he is woven into the fabric of the universe, he is the warp and woof that constitute creation. It is not a mere movement of sympathy or benevolence that actuates him, it is a total and absolute identification that is the ground and motive of his activity. When he assumes the frame of mortality, it is not that something outside and totally incongruous is entering into him, it is part and parcel of himself, it is himself in one of his functions and phases. Consequently, his work in and upon the material world and life may be viewed as that of self-purification and self-illumination, self-discipline and selfrealisation. Also, the horrors of material existence, being part of the cosmic play and portion of his infinity, naturally find shelter in the individual divine incarnation, are encompassed in his human embodiment. It is the energy of his own consciousness that brought out or developed even this erring earth from within it: that same energy is now available, stored up in the individual formation, for the recreation of that earth. The advent and acceptance of material existence meant, as a kind of necessity in a given scheme of divine manifestation, the appearance and play of Evil, the negation of the very divinity. Absolute Consciousness brought forth absolute unconsciousness the inconscientbecause of its own self-pressure, a play of an increasingly exclusive concentration and rigid objectivisation. That same consciousness repeats its story in the individual incarnation: it plunges into the material life and matter and identifies itself with Evil. But it is then like a pressed or tightened spring; it works at its highest potential. In other words, the Divine in the body now works to divinise the body itself, to make of the negation a concrete affirmation. The inconscient will be embodied consciousness.
   The humanist said, Nothing human I reckon foreign to me," In a deeper and more absolute sense the divine Mystic of the integral Yoga says the same. He is indeed humanity incarnate, the whole mankind condensed and epitomised in his single body. Mankind as imbedded in ignorance and inconscience, the conscious soul lost in the dark depths of dead matter, is he and his whole labour consists in working in and through that obscure "gravitational" mass, to evoke and bring down the totality of the superconscient force, the creative delight which he is essentially in his inmost and topmost being. The labour within himself is conterminous with the cosmic labour, and the change effected in his being and nature means a parallel change in the world outside, at least a ready possibility of the change. All the pains and weaknesses normal humanity suffers from, the heritage of an inconscient earthly existence, the Divine takes into his incarnated bodyall and more and to the highest degreeinto a crucible as it were, and works out there the alchemy. The natural man individually shares also each other's burden in some way, for all are interconnected in lifeaction at one point has a reaction at all other points: only the sharing is done unconsciously and is suffered or imposed than accepted and it tends to be at a minimum. An ordinary mortal would break under a greater pressure. It is the Avatar who comes forward and carries on his shoulders the entire burden of earthly inconscience.

05.02 - Of the Divine and its Help, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   There is a Power that is not grim and violent, but smiling and translucent and yet irresistible. It does not give out heat and soot but radiates a soothing and persuasive clarity. It is not the Fire of our earth that burns and bruises, smokes and crackles-it is something like the serene and silent luminousness, the steady and unaging radiance of the distant stars that energises the cosmic symphony.
   All activity should carry with it a sense of repose. Doing everything you must feel as if you were doing nothing-even while most energetic, know how to be perfectly at rest.

05.02 - Physician, Heal Thyself, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   It is not that humanity does not know or feel the need of a radical change in itself. Everywhere man recognises that if the problems and difficulties that face him have to be solved satisfactorily, there must be a thorough overhauling of his outlook and nature; no mere tinkering with the superficial signs and symptoms of an organic disease by means of palliatives and expediencies and nostrums, but a major operation. Indeed, if he wishes to be cured, he must transcend his present nature and be something else.
   And yet he does not change. He has not the sincere will to change. At least he takes the wrong way about it. And the reason is that he does not whole-heartedly adopt the course which he knows to be the only right thing. He is divided in his being: one part knows indeed, but another, the larger, the dynamic part does not profit by that knowledge, ignores it and pursues a contrary path, the accustomed groove of ignorance and laissez-faire.

05.02 - Satyavan, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  A symbol figure standing mid earth's scenes,
  A king of life outlined in delicate air.

05.03 - Satyavan and Savitri, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Only it throws its symbols at our hearts.
  It evoked a mood of self, invoked a sign


--- Grep of noun sym
symbion pandora
symbolic logic
symbolic logician
symbolic representation
sympathetic nervous system
sympathetic strike
sympathetic vibration
sympathy card
sympathy strike
symphalangus syndactylus
symphonic music
symphonic poem
symphony orchestra
symphoricarpos alba
symphoricarpos orbiculatus
symphytum officinale
symplocarpus foetidus
symplocus paniculata
symplocus tinctoria

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Wikipedia - Asymmetric Algorithms
Wikipedia - Asymmetrical
Wikipedia - Asymmetric cell division -- Production of two daughter cells with different cellular fates
Wikipedia - Asymmetric digital subscriber line -- DSL service where downstream bandwidth exceeds upstream bandwidth
Wikipedia - Asymmetric gameplay
Wikipedia - Asymmetric key algorithm
Wikipedia - Asymmetric Laplace distribution
Wikipedia - Asymmetric multiprocessing
Wikipedia - Asymmetric norm -- Generalization of the concept of a norm
Wikipedia - Asymmetric numeral systems -- Enthropy coding methods
Wikipedia - Asymmetric simple exclusion process -- Interacting particle system
Wikipedia - Asymmetric valley -- A valley that has steeper slopes on one side
Wikipedia - Asymmetric warfare -- War between belligerents whose relative military power differs significantly
Wikipedia - Asymmetries
Wikipedia - Asymmetry
Wikipedia - A Symphony: New England Holidays -- Composition for orchestra by Charles Ives
Wikipedia - Asymphorodes seminiger -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Asymphorodes -- Genus of insects
Wikipedia - Asymphylomyrmex -- Extinct genus of ants
Wikipedia - Asymptomatic carrier
Wikipedia - Asymptomatic -- Patient is a carrier for a disease or infection but experiences no symptoms
Wikipedia - Asymptote Architecture -- American architecture practice
Wikipedia - Asymptote -- In geometry, limit of the tangent at a point that tends to infinity
Wikipedia - Asymptotically optimal algorithm
Wikipedia - Asymptotically optimal
Wikipedia - Asymptotically
Wikipedia - Asymptotic analysis -- Description of limiting behavior of a function
Wikipedia - Asymptotic complexity
Wikipedia - Asymptotic computational complexity
Wikipedia - Asymptotic equipartition property
Wikipedia - Asymptotic freedom
Wikipedia - Asymptotic giant branch -- Stars powered by fusion of hydrogen and helium in shell with an inactive core of carbon and oxygen
Wikipedia - Asymptotic notation
Wikipedia - Asymptotic theory (statistics)
Wikipedia - Asymptotic
Wikipedia - Atlantic Symphony Orchestra -- Former Canadian professional symphony orchestra
Wikipedia - At sign -- Typographical symbol
Wikipedia - Attic numerals -- Symbolic number notation used by the ancient Greeks
Wikipedia - Aura (symptom)
Wikipedia - Aurelius Valerius Tullianus Symmachus
Wikipedia - Austin Symphony Orchestra -- Orchestra based in Austin, Texas
Wikipedia - Australian Army officer rank insignia -- Distinguishing symbols worn by various officers in the Australian army
Wikipedia - Australosymmerus -- Genus of flies
Wikipedia - Avogadro constant -- Fundamental physical constant (symbols: L,NM-aM-4M-^@) representing the molar number of entities
Wikipedia - Awareness ribbon -- Symbols meant to show support or raise consciousness for a cause
Wikipedia - Badische Staatskapelle -- Symphony orchestra based in Karlsruhe, Germany
Wikipedia - BahaM-JM- -- Symbols used in the BahaM-JM-
Wikipedia - Balance, Not Symmetry -- 2019 film directed by Jamie Adams
Wikipedia - Balkenkreuz -- Bar cross that was the symbol of German armed forces from 1935-1945
Wikipedia - Banner -- Flag or other piece of cloth bearing a symbol, logo, slogan or other message
Wikipedia - Bans on communist symbols -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Barratt-Priddy theorem -- Connects the homology of the symmetric groups with mapping spaces of spheres
Wikipedia - Baryogenesis -- Hypothesized processes that could produce baryonic asymmetry, favoring matter (baryons) over antimatter (antibaryons)
Wikipedia - Baryon asymmetry -- Abundance of matter (baryons) and lack of antimatter (antibaryons) in our Observable Universe
Wikipedia - Base32 -- Binary-to-text encoding scheme using 32 symbols
Wikipedia - BBQ Brawl: Flay v. Symon -- American food reality television series
Wikipedia - Beata Maksymow -- Polish judoka
Wikipedia - Beethoven's Ninth Symphony CD-ROM
Wikipedia - Beethoven's Ninth Symphony
Wikipedia - Begonia asympeltata -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Benzoate:H symporter -- Family of transport proteins
Wikipedia - Benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome -- Signs and symptoms due to benzodiazepines discontinuation in physically dependent persons
Wikipedia - Berlin: Symphony of a Metropolis -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Beyond Belief (symposium)
Wikipedia - Bhavacakra -- A symbolic representation of cyclic existence
Wikipedia - Bilateria -- Animals with bilateral symmetry, at least as embryo
Wikipedia - Binary number -- Number expressed though the symbols 0 and 1
Wikipedia - Binary symmetric channel
Wikipedia - Birkhoff's theorem (relativity) -- Statement of spherically symmetric spacetimes
Wikipedia - Bitter Sweet Symphony -- 1997 single by The Verve
Wikipedia - Black Catholic Theological Symposium -- Catholic organization (e. 1978)
Wikipedia - Black ribbon -- Symbol of mourning
Wikipedia - Black Sun (symbol) -- Neo-Nazi and occult symbol
Wikipedia - Black Symphony -- 2008 live album by Within Temptation
Wikipedia - Blade Symphony -- Video game
Wikipedia - Blissymbols -- ideographic writing system
Wikipedia - Bluebird of happiness -- Bird as harbinger or symbol
Wikipedia - Blue ribbon badge -- Symbol of the temperance movement
Wikipedia - Blue ribbon -- symbol of high quality
Wikipedia - Bomb (icon) -- Symbolic image used to represent a bomb
Wikipedia - Bone Symphony -- 1980s band
Wikipedia - Borel's lemma -- Result used in the theory of asymptotic expansions and partial differential equations
Wikipedia - Borjgali -- Georgian symbol of the Sun
Wikipedia - Borlaug Dialogue -- Annual symposium on global food security
Wikipedia - Boston Symphony Orchestra -- American symphony orchestra in Boston, MA
Wikipedia - Boulder Philharmonic Orchestra -- American symphonic orchestra
Wikipedia - Bowl of Hygieia -- Symbol of pharmacy
Wikipedia - Brain asymmetry
Wikipedia - Brandenburger Symphoniker -- German symphonic orchestra
Wikipedia - Brauer-Siegel theorem -- An asymptotic result on the behaviour of algebraic number fields
Wikipedia - Brent Syme -- Canadian curler
Wikipedia - Buddhist symbolism
Wikipedia - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic
Wikipedia - Bullet (typography) -- Typographical symbol or glyph
Wikipedia - Byzantine fault -- Fault in a computer system that presents different symptoms to different observers
Wikipedia - Byzantine Musical Symbols
Wikipedia - Campaign hat -- Broad-brimmed felt or straw hat, with a high crown, pinched symmetrically at the four corners
Wikipedia - Capital City Symphony -- Community orchestra based in Washington, D.C.
Wikipedia - Carach Angren -- Dutch symphonic black metal band
Wikipedia - Caratheodory-Jacobi-Lie theorem -- A theorem in symplectic geometry which generalizes Darboux's theorem
Wikipedia - Carl, My Childhood Symphony -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - Carlos Chavez -- Mexican composer, conductor, music theorist, educator, journalist, and founder of the Mexican Symphonic Orchestra (1899-1978)
Wikipedia - Carrie Symonds -- Fiancee of Prime Minister Boris Johnson
Wikipedia - Castlevania: Symphony of the Night -- Platform-adventure action role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Catalepsy -- Psychomotor symptom of catatonia, abnormal maintenance of postures
Wikipedia - Category:Ancient Egyptian symbols
Wikipedia - Category:Asymmetric-key algorithms
Wikipedia - Category:Buddhist symbols
Wikipedia - Category:Liberty symbols
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of symbols
Wikipedia - Category:Magic symbols
Wikipedia - Category:National symbols of France
Wikipedia - Category:National symbols of Iran
Wikipedia - Category:National symbols of Japan
Wikipedia - Category:National symbols of Lithuania
Wikipedia - Category:National symbols of Luxembourg
Wikipedia - Category:National symbols of Malta
Wikipedia - Category:National symbols of Poland
Wikipedia - Category:National symbols of Serbia
Wikipedia - Category:Pages using infobox country or infobox former country with the symbol caption or type parameters
Wikipedia - Category:Religious symbols
Wikipedia - Category:Russian symbolism
Wikipedia - Category:Somatic symptom disorders
Wikipedia - Category:Symbian games
Wikipedia - Category:Symbolic interactionism
Wikipedia - Category:Symbolist painters
Wikipedia - Category:Symbolist poets
Wikipedia - Category:Symbologists
Wikipedia - Category:Symbols of North America
Wikipedia - Category:Symmetry
Wikipedia - Category:Sympathomimetics
Wikipedia - Category:Typographical symbols
Wikipedia - Cerebellar ataxia -- Motor symptoms caused by dysfunction of the cerebellum
Wikipedia - Cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome -- Cognitive and affective symptoms of cerebellum damage
Wikipedia - Chai (symbol) -- "Living" in Hebrew
Wikipedia - Chamber Symphony No. 2 (Schoenberg)
Wikipedia - Charge (heraldry) -- Heraldic motif; an ordinary, common charge or symbol
Wikipedia - Charlotte Symphony Orchestra -- Orchestra in Charlotte, North Carolina
Wikipedia - Check mark -- Symbol often denoting 'yes' or 'correct'
Wikipedia - Chemical equation -- Symbolic representation of a chemical reaction
Wikipedia - Chemical symbol
Wikipedia - Chess annotation symbols -- Notation indicating how good a move is: M-bM-^@M-< (brilliant), ! (good), M-bM-^AM-^I (interesting), M-bM-^AM-^H (dubious), ? (mistake), M-bM-^AM-^G (blunder)
Wikipedia - Chess symbols in Unicode -- Text characters representing chess pieces
Wikipedia - Chess Symbols -- Unicode block
Wikipedia - Chest pain -- Discomfort or pain in the chest as a medical symptom
Wikipedia - Chiasmal syndrome -- Set of signs and symptoms that are associated with lesions of the optic chiasm
Wikipedia - Chicago Symphony Orchestra -- American symphony orchestra in Chicago, IL
Wikipedia - Choral symphony -- Musical composition for orchestra and choir
Wikipedia - Christian cross -- Symbol of Christianity
Wikipedia - Christian laying on of hands -- Symbolic and formal method of invoking the Holy Spirit
Wikipedia - Christian symbolism -- Use of symbols, including archetypes, acts, artwork or events, by Christianity
Wikipedia - Christmas tree -- Decorated tree used to symbolise festive cheer
Wikipedia - Christoffel symbols
Wikipedia - Christ Symbolic Union -- Ghanian christian youth organization
Wikipedia - Chronic fatigue syndrome -- Medical condition involving extreme fatigue among other symptoms
Wikipedia - Chronic Lyme disease -- Belief that symptoms are caused by an unproven infection
Wikipedia - Chronotherapy (treatment scheduling) -- Use of circadian or other rhythmic cycles of a condition's symptoms in applying therapy
Wikipedia - Chuck (engineering) -- Clamp used to hold an object with radial symmetry, especially a cylinder
Wikipedia - Cifrao -- Currency symbol
Wikipedia - Cinematic Symphony -- Musical ensemble from Austin, Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Circulant graph -- Undirected graph acted on by a vertex-transitive cyclic group of symmetries
Wikipedia - CJK Symbols and Punctuation -- Group of Unicode symbols
Wikipedia - Clef -- Musical symbol used to indicate the pitch of written notes
Wikipedia - Clutton's joints -- Term describing the finding of symmetrical joint swelling seen in patients with congenital syphilis
Wikipedia - Coat of arms of Cape Town -- Traditional symbol of the municipality of Cape Town
Wikipedia - Coat of arms of Cuba -- Official heraldic symbol of the Republic of Cuba
Wikipedia - Coat of arms of Hungary -- National symbol of Hungary
Wikipedia - Coat of arms of the Sakha Republic -- Official symbol of the Sakha Republic
Wikipedia - Code page 310 -- Set of APL symbols invoked with the EBCDIC "Graphic Escape" (single shift) control code
Wikipedia - Collapse (medical) -- Medical symptom, a sudden and often unannounced loss of postural tone
Wikipedia - Colorado Symphony -- American symphony orchestra located in Denver, Colorado
Wikipedia - Color symbolism
Wikipedia - Columbia Symphony Orchestra -- American orchestra
Wikipedia - Combinatorial design -- Symmetric arrangement of finite sets
Wikipedia - Communist chic -- Elements of popular culture based on Communist symbols
Wikipedia - Communist symbolism -- Symbols central to communist imagery
Wikipedia - Concise Encyclopedia of Supersymmetry and Noncommutative Structures in Mathematics and Physics -- Mathematics and physics encyclopedia
Wikipedia - Connor Syme -- Scottish golfer
Wikipedia - Connotations (Copland) -- Classical music composition for symphony orchestra written by American composer Aaron Copland
Wikipedia - Contact type -- Symplectic manifold hypersurface
Wikipedia - Control character -- Code point in a character set, that does not represent a written symbol
Wikipedia - Conus symmetricus -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Cool S -- Graffiti symbol
Wikipedia - Copper deficiency -- Insufficient level of copper in the body, leading to anaemia and nervous symptoms
Wikipedia - Copyright symbol -- Copyright symbol - the symbol used in copyright notices for works other than sound recordings
Wikipedia - Cornish symbols
Wikipedia - Cornucopia -- Mythological symbol of abundance, also called the horn of plenty
Wikipedia - Cosmopterix asymmetrella -- Species of moth from Russia
Wikipedia - COVID Symptom Study -- COVID-19 mobile research app
Wikipedia - CPT symmetry -- Invariance under simultaneous charge conjugation, parity transformation and time reversal
Wikipedia - CP violation -- Violation of charge-parity symmetry in particle physics and cosmology
Wikipedia - Craig Symonette -- Bahamian sailor
Wikipedia - Creation myth -- Symbolic narrative of how the world began and how people first came to inhabit it
Wikipedia - Crosses in heraldry -- Cross symbols used in heraldry
Wikipedia - Cross of Camargue -- Symbol of the French region: cross, heart, anchor
Wikipedia - Cross of Saint James -- Heraldic symbol, emblem of the Spanish Order of Santiago
Wikipedia - Crown -- Form of headwear, symbolizing the power of a ruler
Wikipedia - Cruiser 'Varyag' -- 1946 film by Viktor Eisymont
Wikipedia - Culture of France -- Pattern of human activity and symbolism associated with France and its people
Wikipedia - Culture of Germany -- Pattern of human activity and symbolism associated with Germany and its people
Wikipedia - Culture of Latvia -- Pattern of human activity and symbolism associated with Latvia and its people
Wikipedia - Culture of the Native Hawaiians -- Pattern of human activity and symbolism associated with Hawaii and its people
Wikipedia - Culture of the United States -- Pattern of human activity and symbolism associated with the United States and its people
Wikipedia - Culture of Turkmenistan -- Pattern of human activity and symbolism associated with Turkmenistan and its people
Wikipedia - Currency symbol -- Symbol used to represent a monetary currency's name
Wikipedia - Cushing's syndrome -- Symptoms from excessive exposure to glucocorticoids such as cortisol
Wikipedia - Cyclic symmetries
Wikipedia - Cyrillic Supplement -- Group of Unicode symbols
Wikipedia - Czech Philharmonic -- Czech symphony orchestra based in Prague
Wikipedia - Dagger (typography) -- Symbol indicating a footnote, typically after an asterisk has already been used
Wikipedia - Dallas Symphony Orchestra -- Orchestra
Wikipedia - Danish National Symphony Orchestra -- Danish orchestra
Wikipedia - Dante Symphony -- Symphony by Franz Liszt
Wikipedia - Darboux's theorem -- Foundational result in symplectic geometry
Wikipedia - Das Lied von der Erde -- Symphonic song cycle by Gustav Mahler
Wikipedia - Data3-Symantec Racing Team p/b Scody -- Australian cycling team
Wikipedia - Data (computing) -- Quantities, characters, or symbols on which operations are performed by a computer
Wikipedia - Data Encryption Standard -- Early unclassified symmetric-key block cipher
Wikipedia - Day and Night (cellular automaton) -- 2D cellular automaton with black/white reversal symmetry
Wikipedia - Day-year principle -- Method of interpretation of Bible prophecy in which the word day in prophecy is considered to be symbolic of a year of actual time
Wikipedia - Deathgarden -- 2018 asymmetrical multiplayer first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Degree symbol -- Typographical symbol used to represent different physical quantities
Wikipedia - Delzant's theorem -- Classifies Hamiltonian actions of a torus on a symplectic manifold of twice the dimension
Wikipedia - Denotation -- Literal meaning of a word or symbol
Wikipedia - Diagnostic delay -- Time interval between the onset of symptoms and confirmed diagnosis of a disease
Wikipedia - Diameter symbol
Wikipedia - Digital encoding of APL symbols -- Code pages used specifically to write programs in the APL programming language
Wikipedia - Dihedral group -- Group of symmetries of a regular polygon
Wikipedia - Dihedral symmetry
Wikipedia - Dimples of Venus -- Sagitically symmetrical depression over the gluteal fold
Wikipedia - Dingbat -- Typographic symbol
Wikipedia - Division sign -- Mathematical symbol for division: M-CM-7
Wikipedia - Division symbol
Wikipedia - Dogcow -- Symbol on early Apple operating systems
Wikipedia - Dold-Thom theorem -- On the homotopy groups of the infinite symmetric product of a connected CW complex
Wikipedia - Donald Symington -- American actor (1925-2013)
Wikipedia - Donald Symons
Wikipedia - Donkey orchid symptomless virus -- Species of virus
Wikipedia - Don Syme
Wikipedia - Doomsday Clock -- Symbol which represents the likelihood of a man-made global catastrophe
Wikipedia - Double prime (symbol)
Wikipedia - Draft:Flag of the President of Israel -- Official symbol of the president of Israel
Wikipedia - Draft:Maksym Botviniev -- Game Developer and Software Engineer
Wikipedia - Draft:Symbiote Spider-Man -- Limited Marvel Comics series
Wikipedia - Draft:Symone Baptiste {{DISPLAYTITLE:Symone Baptiste -- Draft:Symone Baptiste {{DISPLAYTITLE:Symone Baptiste
Wikipedia - Dragonlord (band) -- American symphonic black metal band
Wikipedia - Dunedin Symphony Orchestra -- | Professional orchestra in Dunedin, New Zealand
Wikipedia - Dyad (symbol)
Wikipedia - EAN-8 -- EAN/UPC symbology barcode
Wikipedia - Earth symbol -- Astronomical symbols for the planet Earth, alchemical symbol for the element Earth
Wikipedia - Easter Bunny -- Folkloric figure and symbol of Easter
Wikipedia - EasyMile EZ10 -- Battery-powered autonomous electric bus
Wikipedia - Echinoderm -- Exclusively marine phylum of animals with generally 5-point radial symmetry
Wikipedia - Ecology Flag -- American cultural symbol.
Wikipedia - Ectosymbiosis -- Symbiosis in which the symbiont lives on the body surface of the host
Wikipedia - Edward Fitz-Symon -- Irish judge
Wikipedia - Eight minutes 46 seconds -- Symbol of police brutality associated with George Floyd's death
Wikipedia - Eine Symphonie des Kampfwillens -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Einstein's Unfinished Symphony -- Book by Marcia Bartusiak
Wikipedia - Eleanor Cross Marquand -- American art historian, with a particular focus on the representation and symbolism of flowers and trees in art
Wikipedia - EMC Symmetrix
Wikipedia - Eminence Symphony Orchestra -- Australian symphony orchestra
Wikipedia - Emotional symbiosis
Wikipedia - Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement -- Group of Unicode symbols
Wikipedia - Enclosed CJK Letters and Months -- Group of Unicode symbols
Wikipedia - Endosymbiont -- Organism that lives within the body or cells of another organism
Wikipedia - Endosymbiosis
Wikipedia - Endosymbiotic
Wikipedia - Entertain You -- Single from Dutch symphonic metal and rock band Within Temptation
Wikipedia - Epica (band) -- Dutch symphonic metal band
Wikipedia - Epigenetic valley -- Valley created by erosion and with little or no sympathy for bedrock structure
Wikipedia - Epulopiscium -- Genus of giant Gram-positive bacteria that have a symbiotic relationship with surgeonfish
Wikipedia - Equal Pay Day -- Symbolic day dedicated to raising awareness of the gender pay gap
Wikipedia - Equivalence relation -- Reflexive, symmetric and transitive relation
Wikipedia - Ethnosymbolism
Wikipedia - EURion constellation -- Pattern of symbols incorporated into a number of banknote designs
Wikipedia - European Symposium on Algorithms
Wikipedia - Evangelist symbols
Wikipedia - Event symmetry
Wikipedia - Extensions to the International Phonetic Alphabet -- Set of symbols
Wikipedia - Eye of Horus -- Ancient Egyptian symbol of protection, royal power and good health
Wikipedia - Eye of Providence -- Symbol of all-seeing eye (usually shown in triangle and/or surrounded by rays )
Wikipedia - Factitious disorder -- Disease of mental health where symptoms are deliberately produced, feigned or exaggerated
Wikipedia - Fall Breaks and Back to Winter (W. Woodpecker Symphony) -- Instrumental composition by Brian Wilson
Wikipedia - Falstaff (Elgar) -- Symphonic work by Elgar
Wikipedia - Family symmetries
Wikipedia - Far-right subcultures -- The symbolism, ideology and traits that hold relevance to various politically extreme right-wing groups and organisations
Wikipedia - Fascist symbolism -- Use of certain images and symbols which are designed to represent aspects of fascism
Wikipedia - Fatal Symphony -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - Fearful Symmetry (book)
Wikipedia - Fearful Symmetry (Frye)
Wikipedia - Featural writing system -- Writing system whose symbols encode phonological features of the phonemes that they represent
Wikipedia - Feline hyperesthesia syndrome -- Collection of OCD or epilepsy-like symptoms in housecats
Wikipedia - Fellow traveller -- One who sympathizes and co-operates with an organization, without being a member
Wikipedia - Female hysteria -- Outdated diagnosis and treatment for patients with multiple symptoms of a neurological condition
Wikipedia - Festival Star -- Graphic symbol for 1951 Festival of Berlin
Wikipedia - Festive ecology -- Study of the relationships between the symbolism and the ecology of the plants, fungi and animals associated with cultural events
Wikipedia - Fife Symington -- American politician
Wikipedia - Flag and coat of arms of Normandy -- The regional flag and the heraldic visual design symbolising Normandy, France
Wikipedia - Flag of Europe -- Flag of Europe at large created by the Council of Europe, then adopted as one of the official symbols of the European Communities and later of the European Union
Wikipedia - Flag of the Lesser Poland Voivodeship -- Official symbol of the Malopolska Region
Wikipedia - Flavour symmetry
Wikipedia - Fleshgod Apocalypse -- | Italian symphonic death metal band
Wikipedia - Fleur-de-lis -- Stylized lily, heraldic symbol
Wikipedia - Floral formula -- Floral formula is a means to represent the structure of a flower using numbers, letters and various symbols, presenting substantial information about the flower in a compact form.
Wikipedia - Floral symmetry -- Shape of flowers
Wikipedia - Flowers and Trees -- 1932 Silly Symphony cartoon
Wikipedia - Folie a deux -- Shared psychosis, a psychiatric syndrome in which symptoms of a delusional belief are transmitted from one individual to another
Wikipedia - FORM (symbolic manipulation system)
Wikipedia - Formula -- concise way of expressing information symbolically
Wikipedia - Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra -- American symphony orchestra
Wikipedia - Four-square cipher -- Symmetric encryption cipher
Wikipedia - Four Symbols -- Mythological creatures in Chinese constellations
Wikipedia - Francesca da Rimini (Tchaikovsky) -- Symphonic poem
Wikipedia - Francis Symes-Thompson -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Francis Viele-Griffin -- French symbolist poet
Wikipedia - Free Speech Flag -- A banner to symbolize free expression by encoding an illegal number
Wikipedia - French heraldry -- The use of heraldic symbols in France
Wikipedia - Functional symptom
Wikipedia - Gaddafi loyalism -- sympathetic sentiment towards the overthrown government of Muammar Gaddafi
Wikipedia - Gani Qasymov -- Kazakh politician
Wikipedia - Generalized symmetric group -- Wreath product of cyclic group m and symetrical group n
Wikipedia - Geometric Shapes -- Block of Unicode symbols
Wikipedia - George James Symons -- British meteorologist
Wikipedia - George Symons (VC) -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Glide reflection -- Symmetry operation combining reflection across and translation along an axis
Wikipedia - Globus cruciger -- Globular object sometimes topped with a cross; Christian symbol of authority
Wikipedia - Glossary of symplectic geometry -- Wikipedia glossary
Wikipedia - God-fearer -- Greco-Roman sympathizers to Hellenistic Judaism
Wikipedia - Gompertz function -- Asymmetric sigmoid function
Wikipedia - Grantchester knot -- Self-releasing, asymmetric way of tying a necktie
Wikipedia - Graveworm -- Italian gothic-symphonic black metal band
Wikipedia - Greater-than sign -- Mathematical symbol representing the relation "greater than"
Wikipedia - Greeking -- Style of displaying or rendering text or symbols
Wikipedia - Greek Youth Symphony Orchestra -- National youth orchestra of the Greece
Wikipedia - Green ribbon -- Symbol of different advocacy campaigns.
Wikipedia - Guild (ecology) -- Group of sympatric species with similar ecological function
Wikipedia - Gustave Moreau -- 19th century French Symbolist painter
Wikipedia - Gustav Klimt -- Austrian symbolist painter
Wikipedia - Halo (religious iconography) -- Religious symbol representing a ring of light
Wikipedia - Halo (religious symbol)
Wikipedia - Hamlet (Liszt) -- Symphonic poem, composed by Franz Liszt
Wikipedia - Hammer and sickle -- Communist symbol
Wikipedia - Hamsa -- symbol (often worn as an amulet) found in pre-columbian America, the Middle East, and Africa
Wikipedia - Harbin Symphony Orchestra -- Chinese Symphony Orchestra
Wikipedia - Haskell Symposium
Wikipedia - Havana syndrome -- Set of medical signs and symptoms experienced by U.S. and Canadian embassy staff, reported in Cuba and China.
Wikipedia - Haydn Symphonies (album) -- Album by the Oregon Symphony
Wikipedia - Heart symbol -- Symbol representing the heart
Wikipedia - Heartwork: Symphony of Destruction -- Japanese hentai anime
Wikipedia - Heat intolerance -- Symptom characterized by feeling overheated in warm environments
Wikipedia - Help:Musical symbols
Wikipedia - Hemoptysis -- Medical symptom: bloody mucus from coughing
Wikipedia - Hennu -- Egyptian symbol
Wikipedia - Hexacorallia -- A class of cnidarians with 6-fold symmetry
Wikipedia - Hex sign -- Pennsylvania Dutch folk art symbol
Wikipedia - Hierarchical modulation -- Signal processing technique for multiplexing/modulating multiple data streams into one stream, where base- and enhancement-layer symbols are synchronously overplayed before transmission; used in digital TV broadcast for graceful degradation
Wikipedia - Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation
Wikipedia - High-field asymmetric-waveform ion-mobility spectrometry -- chemical analysis technique
Wikipedia - Higman-Sims asymptotic formula -- An asymptotic estimate in group theory
Wikipedia - Hindu iconography -- Iconic symbols with spiritual meaning in Hinduism
Wikipedia - Historicism (Christianity) -- Method of interpretation of biblical prophecies which associates symbols with historical persons, nations or events.
Wikipedia - Hologenome theory of evolution -- Evolutionary view of an individual multicellular organism as a community of the host plus all of its symbiotic microbes
Wikipedia - Holy Fire -- Eastern Orthodox symbol of Resurrection
Wikipedia - Horseshoe (symbol)
Wikipedia - Hot Chips -- Annual technological symposium held in Silicon Valley
Wikipedia - HSBC lions -- Sculptures of lions, symbolic of HSBC
Wikipedia - Hugh Syme (GC) -- Recipient of the George Cross
Wikipedia - Hugh Syme -- Canadian graphic designer
Wikipedia - Hull classification symbol -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Human skull symbolism
Wikipedia - I. A. R. Wylie -- Australian-British novelist, screenwriter, poet, and suffragette sympathizer
Wikipedia - IBM Lotus Symphony
Wikipedia - Icosahedral symmetry
Wikipedia - Icosian -- Specific set of Hamiltonian quaternions with the same symmetry as the 600-cell
Wikipedia - Ideogram -- Graphic symbol that represents an idea or concept
Wikipedia - IEEE Std 260.1-2004 -- Standardized letter symbols for units of measurement
Wikipedia - IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science
Wikipedia - IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science
Wikipedia - Ignaz Holzbauer -- German composer of symphonies, concertos, operas, and chamber music (1711-1783)
Wikipedia - Inada SyM-EM-+ichi -- Japanese politician
Wikipedia - Incubation period -- Time between infection and the onset of disease symptoms
Wikipedia - Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra -- Symphonic orchestra based in Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
Wikipedia - Indus script -- Short strings of symbols associated with the Indus Valley Civilization
Wikipedia - Inequality (mathematics) -- Mathematical relation expressed by symbols < or M-bM-^IM-$
Wikipedia - Infinite symmetric group
Wikipedia - Information asymmetry
Wikipedia - In Memoriam to the Martyrs of Babi Yar -- 1945 symphony by Dmitri Klebanov
Wikipedia - Input symbol
Wikipedia - Instruction set architecture -- Set of abstract symbols which describe a computer program's operations to a processor
Wikipedia - Integral symbol -- Mathematical symbol used to denote integrals and antiderivatives
Wikipedia - International Civil Engineering Symposium -- annual technical symposium
Wikipedia - International Symbol of Access
Wikipedia - International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation
Wikipedia - International Symposium on Computer Architecture
Wikipedia - International Symposium on Distributed Computing
Wikipedia - International Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theory
Wikipedia - International Symposium on Graph Drawing -- Annual academic conference
Wikipedia - International Symposium on Memory Management
Wikipedia - International Symposium on Microarchitecture
Wikipedia - International Symposium on Physical Design
Wikipedia - International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
Wikipedia - International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration
Wikipedia - International Wittgenstein Symposium
Wikipedia - Interpretation (logic) -- Assignment of meaning to the symbols of a formal language
Wikipedia - Intersymbol interference -- A form of distortion affecting communication reliability
Wikipedia - In the Steppes of Central Asia -- Symphonic poem by Alexander Borodin
Wikipedia - In Vain (Within Temptation song) -- Single from Dutch symphonic metal and rock band Within Temptation
Wikipedia - Invocation: Jazz Meets the Symphony No. 7 -- Studio album by Lalo Schifrin
Wikipedia - Involuntary commitment -- Legal process through which an individual who is deemed to have symptoms of severe mental disorder is involuntarily hospitalized
Wikipedia - ISO 5776 -- Standard symbols for proofreading
Wikipedia - ISO 7010 -- Technical standard for safety symbols
Wikipedia - ISO-IR-169 -- Character encoding for Blissymbolic text
Wikipedia - Ivan Maksymov -- Ukrainian biathlete
Wikipedia - Jacksonville Symphony -- Non-profit organization in the USA
Wikipedia - Jacobi symbol
Wikipedia - Jain symbols
Wikipedia - James Syme -- Scottish surgeon
Wikipedia - Janusz Maksymiuk -- Polish politician
Wikipedia - Janusz Symonides -- Polish diplomat
Wikipedia - Japanese typographic symbols
Wikipedia - Jeff Symonds -- Canadian triathlete
Wikipedia - Jennifer Syme -- American actress, production assistant
Wikipedia - Jewish symbolism
Wikipedia - J. Fife Symington Jr. -- American diplomat
Wikipedia - Johannes Symonis Hasprois -- French composer
Wikipedia - John Addington Symonds -- 19th-century English poet and literary critic
Wikipedia - John FitzSymond -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Philip Sousa Baton -- traditional symbol of the authority of the directorate of the United States Marine Band "The President's Own"
Wikipedia - John Symonds
Wikipedia - John Wilson Orchestra -- British symphony orchestra
Wikipedia - Joseph Meyerhoff Symphony Hall -- Music venue in Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.
Wikipedia - Journal of Symbolic Computation
Wikipedia - Journal of Symbolic Logic
Wikipedia - Julian Symons
Wikipedia - Jumping Frenchmen of Maine -- group of men with unusual behavioral symptoms
Wikipedia - Jungian archetypes -- Universal, archaic symbols and images that derive from the collective unconscious
Wikipedia - Kagome crest -- Symbol in Shintoism
Wikipedia - Kaohsiung City Symphony Orchestra -- Taiwanese symphony orchestra
Wikipedia - Kassym-Jomart Tokayev -- Kazakhstani politician and diplomat
Wikipedia - Kasymguly Babaev -- Turkmen politician
Wikipedia - Kasym Khan -- Khan of the Khazakh Khanate (16th century)
Wikipedia - Katie Daffan -- American author and Confederate sympathizer
Wikipedia - Kernohan's notch -- Brain injury symptom
Wikipedia - Khanda (religious symbol)
Wikipedia - Khanda (Sikh symbol) -- Sikh symbol depicting Deg Tegh Fateh doctrine
Wikipedia - Kolovrat (symbol)
Wikipedia - Konohanasakuya-hime -- in Japanese mythology, is the blossom-princess and symbol of delicate earthly life
Wikipedia - Konzerthausorchester Berlin -- symphony orchestra based in Berlin, Germany
Wikipedia - Kostiantyn Tsymbal -- Ukrainian karateka
Wikipedia - Koundinyasana -- Asymmetric balancing posture in yoga as exercise
Wikipedia - Kristiansand Symphony Orchestra -- Symphonic orchestra
Wikipedia - KSYM-FM -- Radio station at San Antonio College in San Antonio, Texas
Wikipedia - Kunstformen der Natur -- Book of stylised symmetrical illustrations of animals by German biologist Ernst Haeckel.
Wikipedia - Kurds'komu bratovi -- Poem by Ukrainian Vasyl Symonenko
Wikipedia - Landau prime ideal theorem -- Provides an asymptotic formula for counting the number of prime ideals of a number field
Wikipedia - Language code -- Symbol to identify a language, dialect or a group of languages
Wikipedia - Last Year: The Nightmare -- Asymmetric survival horror video game
Wikipedia - Latin square -- Square array with symbols that each occur once per row and column
Wikipedia - Latvian National Symphony Orchestra -- Latvian symphony orchestra
Wikipedia - LaVeyan Satanism -- Atheistic religion founded by Anton LaVey, in which Satan is a symbol of human freedom, but not believed to be a separately existing supernatural being
Wikipedia - Leather Pride flag -- Symbol used by the leather subculture
Wikipedia - Leaves' Eyes -- German symphonic metal band
Wikipedia - Lecithocera symptomatica -- Species of moth in the genus Lecithocera
Wikipedia - Leeds Symphony Orchestra -- Symphony orchestra in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Leningrad Symphony (film) -- 1957 film
Wikipedia - Leptogenesis -- Hypothetical processes that could produce the observed asymmetry favoring leptons over antileptons
Wikipedia - Less-than sign -- Mathematical symbol representing the relation "less than"
Wikipedia - Letterlike Symbols -- Unicode block
Wikipedia - Levi-Civita symbol
Wikipedia - LGBT symbols -- flags and symbols used by the LGBT community
Wikipedia - Lianhua Symphony -- 1937 film by Fei Mu
Wikipedia - Liberty Bell -- A bell that serves as a symbol of American independence and liberty
Wikipedia - Lichen -- Symbiosis of fungi with algae or cyanobacteria
Wikipedia - L'Imagination symbolique
Wikipedia - Limburgs Symfonie Orkest -- Dutch orchestra
Wikipedia - Limp -- Type of asymmetric abnormality of the gait
Wikipedia - Lina Herasymenko -- Ukrainian archer
Wikipedia - Lion of Babylon -- Ancient Babylonian symbol
Wikipedia - Lion of Judah -- National and cultural symbol
Wikipedia - Lisp and Symbolic Computation
Wikipedia - List of Alabama state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Alaska state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of American Samoa territorial symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of animal and plant symbols of the Canary Islands -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of animals featuring external asymmetry -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Arizona state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Arkansas state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Assam state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Bohol provincial symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of California state symbols -- Official flag, motto, animals and so on
Wikipedia - List of Canadian provincial and territorial symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of changes made due to the George Floyd protests -- Names and symbols changed due to the George Floyd protests
Wikipedia - List of choral symphonies -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Colorado state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of common astronomy symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Connecticut state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cotabato provincial symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of countries with the Islamic symbols displayed on their flag -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Delaware state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of District of Columbia symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of elements by symbol
Wikipedia - List of finite spherical symmetry groups -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Florida state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of foods with religious symbolism -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Georgia state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Guam territorial symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Hawaii state symbols -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Idaho state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ideological symbols -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Illinois state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Indiana state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Indian state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Iowa state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Japanese map symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Japanese typographic symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Kansas state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Karnataka state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Kentucky state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Kerala state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of logic symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Louisiana state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lucky symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Maine state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Maryland state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Massachusetts state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of mathematical symbols by subject -- Wikipedia list of math symbols organized by subject
Wikipedia - List of mathematical symbols
Wikipedia - List of mathematical symbols -- -- List of mathematical symbols --
Wikipedia - List of medical symptoms -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of mergers and acquisitions by Symantec
Wikipedia - List of Michigan state symbols -- list article
Wikipedia - List of Minnesota state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Mississippi state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Missouri state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Montana state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of musical symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of national symbols of Iran -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of national symbols of Israel -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of national symbols of Palestine -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of national symbols of the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Nebraska state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Nevada state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of New Hampshire state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of New Jersey state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of New Mexico state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of New York state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of North Carolina state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of North Dakota state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Northern Mariana Islands territorial symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of occult symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of official symbols of Puerto Rico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ohio state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Oklahoma state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Oregon state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of organ symphonies -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of participants in the Evolving Genes and Proteins symposium -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Pennsylvania state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of planar symmetry groups -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Rhode Island state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of signs and symptoms of diving disorders -- The signs and symptoms of physiological disorders resulting from underwater diving
Wikipedia - List of South Carolina state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of South Dakota state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Space Symphony Maetel episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of sports team names and symbols derived from Greek and Roman antiquity -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symbols designated by the Anti-Defamation League as hate symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symbols of Scientology -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symbols of states and territories of Australia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symbols
Wikipedia - List of Symphogear episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonic poems -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies by Anton Bruckner -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies by Christoph Graupner -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies by Joseph Haydn -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies by key -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies by Leif Segerstam -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies by number -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in A-flat major -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in A-flat minor -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in A major -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in A minor -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in B-flat major -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in B-flat minor -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in B major -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in B minor -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in C major -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in C minor -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in C-sharp minor -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in D-flat major -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in D major -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in D minor -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in E-flat major -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in E-flat minor -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in E minor -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in F major -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in F minor -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in F-sharp major -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in F-sharp minor -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in G major -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies in G-sharp minor -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphonies
Wikipedia - List of symphonies with names -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphony composers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphony orchestras in Europe -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphony orchestras in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of symphony orchestras -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Symphyotrichum novae-angliae cultivars -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Symphyotrichum species -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Symphytognathidae species -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Tales of Symphonia characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Tamil Nadu state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Tennessee state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Texas state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of typographical symbols and punctuation marks -- Most common typographical symbols and punctuation marks used in western European languages
Wikipedia - List of U.S. Virgin Islands territorial symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Utah state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Uttarakhand state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Vermont state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Virginia state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Washington state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of West Virginia state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Wisconsin state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Wyoming state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of Indian state symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of national symbols -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of United States state symbols -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Lithuanian Rhapsody -- Symphonic poem by Mieczyslaw Karlowicz (1906)
Wikipedia - Live at the Symphony Hall -- album by Magnum
Wikipedia - Livermorium -- Synthetic radioactive chemical element with atomic number 116 and symbol Lv
Wikipedia - LM-CM-)on Degrelle -- Belgian Nazi sympathizer
Wikipedia - London Symphony Orchestra
Wikipedia - Long COVID -- Long-term symptoms and/or sequelae of COVID-19
Wikipedia - Looped square -- Symbol
Wikipedia - Loop quantum cosmology -- A finite, symmetry-reduced model of loop quantum gravity
Wikipedia - Lorenz asymmetry coefficient -- Summary statistic of the Lorenz curve
Wikipedia - Loschmidt's paradox -- the objection that it should not be possible to deduce an irreversible process from time-symmetric dynamics
Wikipedia - Louise M. Davies Symphony Hall -- Concert hall in San Francisco
Wikipedia - Luneburg lens -- Spherically symmetric gradient-index lens
Wikipedia - Macbeth (Strauss) -- 1886-1888 symphonic poem by Richard Strauss
Wikipedia - Macsyma
Wikipedia - Maksym Dolhov -- Ukrainian diver
Wikipedia - Maksymilian Faktorowicz
Wikipedia - Maksymilian Gierymski -- Polish painter
Wikipedia - Maksymilian Grecki -- Polish pianist
Wikipedia - Maksymilian Jackowski -- Polish activist
Wikipedia - Maksym Ivko -- Ukrainian biathlete
Wikipedia - Maksym Korotun -- Ukrainian judoka
Wikipedia - Maksym Kutsyi -- Ukrainian politician
Wikipedia - Maksym Lapyn -- Ukrainian diver
Wikipedia - Maksym Mazuryk -- Ukrainian pole vaulter
Wikipedia - Maksym Semiankiv -- Ukrainian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Maksym Spodyriev -- Polish ice dancer
Wikipedia - Maksym Stepanov -- Ukrainian politician
Wikipedia - Man and His Symbols
Wikipedia - Man-Computer Symbiosis
Wikipedia - Mandala -- Spiritual and ritual symbol in Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism
Wikipedia - Mandarin Phonetic Symbols II
Wikipedia - Manfred Symphony -- Symphony by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Wikipedia - Map symbol
Wikipedia - Map -- A symbolic depiction of relationships between elements of some space
Wikipedia - Maria Syms -- American politician
Wikipedia - Maroon beret -- International symbol of airborne forces
Wikipedia - Martha, mother of Symeon Stylites the Younger
Wikipedia - Mary Mallon -- Irish cook who was an asymptomatic carrier of typhoid fever in New York
Wikipedia - Mass psychogenic illness -- Spread of illness symptoms through a population where there is no viral or bacterial agent responsible for contagion
Wikipedia - Ma vlast -- Set of symphonic poems composed by BedM-EM-^Yich Smetana
Wikipedia - MaxiCode -- Machine-readable symbol system
Wikipedia - M-bM-^HM-^B -- The mathematical symbol "M-bM-^HM-^B", used for partial derivatives and other concepts
Wikipedia - Medical diagnosis -- Process to determine or identify a disease or disorder, which would account for a person's symptoms and signs
Wikipedia - Medical explanations of bewitchment -- Reported symptom of bewitchment
Wikipedia - Megachile asymmetrica -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megalomyrmex symmetochus -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Melancholia -- Mental condition characterized by extreme depression and other symptoms
Wikipedia - Meningism -- Symptoms similar to meningitis but not caused by meningitis
Wikipedia - Mental representation -- Hypothetical internal cognitive symbol that represents external reality
Wikipedia - Mermin-Wagner theorem -- No spontaneous symmetry breaking in two-dimensional systems at finite temperature
Wikipedia - Merriweather Park at Symphony Woods -- Park in Columbia, Maryland, U.S.
Wikipedia - Metacognitive training -- Approach for treating the symptoms of psychosis in schizophrenia
Wikipedia - Metalanguage -- Is language or symbols used when language itself is being discussed or examined.
Wikipedia - Mike Symons -- British canoeist
Wikipedia - Mike Symon -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - Mimpathy -- philosophical concept related to empathy and sympathy
Wikipedia - Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model
Wikipedia - Minkowski's theorem -- Every symmetric convex set in Rn with volume > 2^n contains a non-zero integer point
Wikipedia - Mirror symmetry (string theory) -- In physics and geometry: conjectured relation between pairs of Calabi-Yau manifolds
Wikipedia - Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows -- Unicode block
Wikipedia - Miscellaneous Symbols -- Unicode block
Wikipedia - M-jM-,M-6 -- Letter of the Latin alphabet, a phonetic symbol
Wikipedia - M-JM-^Y -- Letter of the Latin alphabet, an IPA symbol
Wikipedia - MM-CM-)ringue -- Music genre and national symbol in Haiti
Wikipedia - Monas Hieroglyphica -- Esoteric symbol and explanatory text
Wikipedia - Mongolian Symphony Orchestra -- Mongolian orchestra
Wikipedia - Monsoon -- Seasonal changes in atmospheric circulation and precipitation associated with the asymmetric heating of land and sea
Wikipedia - Mons pubis -- Rounded mass of fatty tissue found over the pubic symphysis
Wikipedia - Mother Goose Goes Hollywood -- 1938 Silly Symphony cartoon
Wikipedia - Moyal bracket -- Suitably normalized antisymmetrization of the phase-space star product
Wikipedia - Mr. Ouch -- Symbol indicating electrical hazards
Wikipedia - Mudita -- Sympathetic or vicarious joy in Sanskrit and Pali
Wikipedia - Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia -- An osteochondrodysplasia that has material basis in defective cartilage mineralization into bone which results in irregular ossification centers of the located in hip or located in knee. The disease has symptom fatigue, has symptom joint pain.
Wikipedia - Multiplication sign -- Mathematical symbol: M-CM-^W
Wikipedia - Murti -- A statue, idol, symbol or icon
Wikipedia - Mushaira -- Poetic symposium in the Indian subcontinent
Wikipedia - Music for a Time of War -- 2011 album by Oregon Symphony
Wikipedia - Myco-heterotrophy -- Symbiotism between certain parasitic plants and fungi
Wikipedia - Mycorrhizae and changing climate -- Effects of changing climates on mycorrhizae, the symbiotic association between a fungus and the roots of a vascular host plant
Wikipedia - Mycorrhiza -- Symbiotic association between a fungus and the roots of a vascular plant
Wikipedia - Nabla symbol
Wikipedia - National symbols of Bangladesh -- Paragraph about the national bird of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - National symbols of Bosnia and Herzegovina -- National symbols of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Wikipedia - National symbols of France
Wikipedia - National symbols of Hungary
Wikipedia - National symbols of Iran
Wikipedia - National symbols of Italy
Wikipedia - National symbols of New Zealand -- Overview of the national symbols of New Zealand
Wikipedia - National symbols of North Korea
Wikipedia - National symbols of Pakistan -- National symbols
Wikipedia - National symbols of Poland
Wikipedia - National symbols of Romania
Wikipedia - National symbols of Scotland
Wikipedia - National symbols of Serbia -- Emblematic, representative or otherwise characteristic of Serbia and the Serbian people or Serbian culture
Wikipedia - National symbols of South Africa
Wikipedia - National symbols of South Korea
Wikipedia - National symbols of Tajikistan -- Flag, coat of arms and national anthem of Tajikistan
Wikipedia - National symbols of the Philippines
Wikipedia - National symbols of the United States
Wikipedia - National symbols of Ukraine
Wikipedia - National symbols
Wikipedia - National Youth Symphony Orchestra of the Dominican Republic -- National youth orchestra of the Dominican Republic
Wikipedia - NATO Joint Military Symbology -- NATO standard for military map marking symbols
Wikipedia - Nausea -- Medical symptom or condition
Wikipedia - Nazi symbolism -- Symbols used by Nazi ideologues
Wikipedia - NBC Symphony Orchestra -- Radio orchestra
Wikipedia - Negative symptoms
Wikipedia - Nelson Symonds -- Canadian musician
Wikipedia - Neurosymploca? oligocenica -- Extinct species of moth
Wikipedia - New York Philharmonic -- American symphony orchestra in New York, NY
Wikipedia - Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model
Wikipedia - NHK Symphony Orchestra -- Japanese broadcast orchestra
Wikipedia - Nicholas Kalmakoff -- Russian symbolic artist
Wikipedia - Nick Thomas-Symonds -- Shadow Home Secretary
Wikipedia - NiedersM-CM-$chsisches Staatsorchester Hannover -- German symphony orchestra
Wikipedia - NiedersM-CM-$chsisches Symphonie-Orchester -- German symphony orchestra
Wikipedia - Nightqueen -- Belgian symphonic metal band
Wikipedia - Nightride and Sunrise -- Finnish symphonic poem
Wikipedia - Nightwish -- Finnish symphonic metal band
Wikipedia - Nikki Symmons -- Ireland women's cricket and field hockey international
Wikipedia - Nikolai Anosov -- Conductor of the Moscow State Symphony Orchestra
Wikipedia - Nikolai Ge -- Ukrainian-Russian realist painter and an early Ukrainian-Russian symbolist (1831-1894)
Wikipedia - Nikolai Tsymbal -- Soviet and Russian air force officer
Wikipedia - N. K. Symi (Sponge Diving Boat) -- Historic vessel at Tarpon Springs, Florida
Wikipedia - Noether's theorem -- Statement relating differentiable symmetries to conserved quantities
Wikipedia - Nokia Browser for Symbian
Wikipedia - Nonterminal symbol
Wikipedia - North State Symphony -- Orchestra
Wikipedia - No symbol -- Red circle with a red diagonal line, indicating something is not permitted
Wikipedia - NTFS symbolic link
Wikipedia - Number sign -- Typographic symbol
Wikipedia - Obelus -- Historical typographic symbol with modern descendants including the division symbol and the dagger mark.
Wikipedia - Obsolete and nonstandard symbols in the International Phonetic Alphabet -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Octahedral symmetry
Wikipedia - Octocorallia -- A subclass of Anthozoa with 8-fold symmetry
Wikipedia - Ofo in Igboland -- Ofo (or Ofor) is the staff carried by Igbo leaders - it is the symbol of their power and status.
Wikipedia - Oganesson -- Synthetic radioactive chemical element with atomic number 118 and symbol Og
Wikipedia - Old sergeant's syndrome -- Symptoms of psychological disturbance exhibited by officers in military units that suffer heavy casualties
Wikipedia - Oleksandr Maksymchuk -- Ukrainian canoeist
Wikipedia - Om -- Sacred sound and spiritual symbol in Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism
Wikipedia - OpenSym -- Conference dedicated to wiki and open collaboration research
Wikipedia - Opioid withdrawal -- Withdrawal symptoms of opiates
Wikipedia - Optical axis -- Line along which there is some degree of rotational symmetry in an optical system
Wikipedia - Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding
Wikipedia - Optimal asymmetric encryption padding
Wikipedia - Order of the German Eagle -- Nazi German award given to sympathetic foreigners.
Wikipedia - Ouroboros -- Symbolic snake or serpent with its tail in its mouth
Wikipedia - Overdiagnosis -- Diagnosis of "disease" that will never cause symptoms or death during a patient's lifetime
Wikipedia - Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing
Wikipedia - Pages that link to "Savitri: A Legend and a Symbol"
Wikipedia - Pain asymbolia
Wikipedia - Pakudos -- Symbol of the Mangyan peoples
Wikipedia - Palm branch (symbol)
Wikipedia - Papal cross -- Heraldic symbol
Wikipedia - Parasympathetic nervous system -- A division of the autonomic nervous system
Wikipedia - Parity (physics) -- Symmetry of physical systems under mirror reflections.
Wikipedia - Paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity -- Syndrome that causes episodes of increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system
Wikipedia - Parsing -- Analysing a string of symbols, according to the rules of a formal grammar
Wikipedia - Parterre -- Formal garden feature of symmetrical and level plant beds with gravel paths laid between
Wikipedia - Partially ordered set -- Set ordered by a transitive, antisymmetric, and reflexive binary relation
Wikipedia - Pasigraphy -- Writing system wherein each symbol represents a concept
Wikipedia - Passover Seder plate -- A plate of symbolic food for Passover
Wikipedia - Pastoral Symphony (film) -- 1946 film by Jean Delannoy
Wikipedia - Peace symbols -- Symbol to promote peace
Wikipedia - Pediatric Symptom Checklist
Wikipedia - Pennales -- An order of bilaterally symmetrical diatoms
Wikipedia - Percent sign -- Mathematical symbol used to indicate a percentage
Wikipedia - Percival Symonds -- American educational psychologist
Wikipedia - Peter Symonds -- British merchant
Wikipedia - Petro Symonenko -- Ukrainian politician
Wikipedia - Pfaffian -- The square root of the determinant of a skew-symmetric square matrix
Wikipedia - Pheidole symbiotica -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Philadelphia Orchestra -- American symphony orchestra in Philadelphia, PA
Wikipedia - Philharmonisches Orchester Freiburg -- German symphonic orchestra
Wikipedia - Philippine peso sign -- Currency symbol
Wikipedia - Philosophy of Symbolic Forms
Wikipedia - Physical symbol systems hypothesis
Wikipedia - Physical symbol system -- System that takes physical patterns and combines them into structures and manipulates them
Wikipedia - Pink ribbon -- Symbol of breast cancer awareness
Wikipedia - Pinning ceremony (nursing) -- Symbolic welcoming of newly graduated or soon-to-be graduated nurses into the nursing profession
Wikipedia - P.I.P.S. -- A term for Symbian software libraries
Wikipedia - Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra
Wikipedia - Pity -- Sympathetic sorrow evoked by the suffering of others
Wikipedia - Planet of the Symbiotes -- Marvel Comics story arc
Wikipedia - Planet symbols -- Graphical symbols used in astrology and astronomy
Wikipedia - Plesiomorphy and symplesiomorphy -- An ancestral character or trait state shared by two or more taxa
Wikipedia - Plus-minus sign -- Mathematical symbol: M-BM-1
Wikipedia - Pochhammer k-symbol -- Term in the mathematical theory of special functions
Wikipedia - Polycystic ovary syndrome -- Set of symptoms caused by elevated androgens in females
Wikipedia - Pope Symmachus -- Pope from 498 to 514
Wikipedia - Postcholecystectomy syndrome -- Long-term abdominal symptoms after gall bladder removal
Wikipedia - Post-exertional malaise -- Symptom of chronic fatigue syndrome
Wikipedia - POWER9 -- 2017 family of symmetric multiprocessors by IBM
Wikipedia - Power Symphony -- Heavy metal band from Italy
Wikipedia - Premenstrual syndrome -- Emotional and physical symptoms that occur in the one to two weeks before a menstrual period.
Wikipedia - Pride flag -- Symbol of pride representing sexual minorities
Wikipedia - Prime (symbol) -- Character (M-bM-^@M-2), used to designate units and for other purposes
Wikipedia - Primitive cell -- Minimum volume cell (a unit cell) corresponding to a single lattice point of a structure with discrete translational symmetry
Wikipedia - Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics
Wikipedia - Prodrome -- Premonitory signs or symptoms of disease
Wikipedia - Progressive symmetric erythrokeratodermia -- Rare, genetic skin condition
Wikipedia - Proto-mitochondrion -- Hypothetical endosymbiont ancestor of all mitochondria
Wikipedia - Proton -- Nucleon (constituent of the nucleus of the atom) that has positive electric charge; symbol p or p+
Wikipedia - Proto-writing -- Symbol system that conveys information, but does not record language
Wikipedia - Pubic symphysis -- Cartilaginous joint that sits between and joins the left and right superior rami of the pubic bones
Wikipedia - Puerto Rico Symphony Orchestra -- Musical ensemble sponsored by the Government of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Purple poppy -- UK symbol of remembrance for animals that served during wartime
Wikipedia - Q-Pochhammer symbol -- A q-analog of the Pochhammer symbol
Wikipedia - QS World University Rankings -- University rankings published annually by Quacquarelli Symonds
Wikipedia - Quintus Aurelius Symmachus
Wikipedia - Radiata -- Taxonomic rank that has been used to classify radially symmetric animals
Wikipedia - Radiate crown -- Crown, wreath, diadem, or other headgear symbolizing the sun or more generally powers associated with the sun
Wikipedia - Rainbow flag (LGBT) -- Symbol of LGBTQ movement
Wikipedia - Rani of Jhansi -- Queen of the Indian princely state of Jhansi, symbol of resistance to British Raj
Wikipedia - Raquel Welch -- American actress and international sex symbol
Wikipedia - Raven-SymonM-CM-) -- American actress and singer
Wikipedia - Real presence of Christ in the Eucharist -- Doctrine that Jesus is present in the Eucharist, not merely symbolically or metaphorically
Wikipedia - Rectangular hyperbola -- Hyperbola with perpendicular asymptotes
Wikipedia - Recycling symbol -- Symbol used to designate recyclable materials
Wikipedia - Red flag (politics) -- Symbol of Socialism and left-wing politics
Wikipedia - Red star -- Symbol often historically associated with communist ideology and more recently with socialism
Wikipedia - Red Triangle (family planning) -- Symbol for contraceptive services, particularly in developing countries
Wikipedia - Referent -- Person or thing to which a linguistic expression or other symbol refers
Wikipedia - Reflection symmetry
Wikipedia - Reformed Church of Saint-Symphorien -- Reformed church building in Saint-Saphorin, Vaud, Switzerland
Wikipedia - Registered trademark symbol
Wikipedia - Regular map (graph theory) -- Symmetric tessellation of a closed surface
Wikipedia - Reichsadler -- Heraldic symbol used by various German polities
Wikipedia - Relapse -- The return of a sign, symptom, or disease after a remission
Wikipedia - Religious symbolism
Wikipedia - Religious symbol -- Icon representing a particular religion
Wikipedia - Religious Technology Center -- Organization operated by the Church of Scientology which oversees the use of all the trademarks, symbols and texts of Scientology and Dianetics
Wikipedia - Resin identification code -- Set of symbols appearing onM-BM- plasticM-BM- products that identify the plastic resin out of which the product is made
Wikipedia - Rest (music) -- Interval of silence in a piece of music, marked by a rest symbol indicating the length of the pause
Wikipedia - Rhinorrhea -- Type of medical symptom where the nasal cavity is filled with fluid mucus
Wikipedia - Ribbon of Saint George -- Russian military and patriotic symbol
Wikipedia - Richard Eaton Singers -- Symphonic chorus in Edmonton, Alberta
Wikipedia - Ritual -- Set of actions, performed mainly for their symbolic value
Wikipedia - Robert Symonds -- American actor
Wikipedia - Robert Symonette -- Bahamian sailor
Wikipedia - Robert Syms -- British Conservative politician
Wikipedia - Rod of Asclepius -- Symbol of medicine
Wikipedia - Roman numeral analysis -- Use of Roman numeral symbols in the musical analysis of chords
Wikipedia - RomM-CM-)o et Juliette (Berlioz) -- 1839 choral symphony by Hector Berlioz
Wikipedia - Ronald Syme -- New Zealand born British historian and classicist (1903-1989)
Wikipedia - Rose Cross -- Mystical symbol
Wikipedia - Rosette (schizont appearance) -- General symptoms and signs in medicine
Wikipedia - Ross' syndrome -- Symptoms of Adie syndrome plus segmental anhidrosis
Wikipedia - Rota Fortunae -- Symbol of fate in medieval and ancient philosophy
Wikipedia - Rotational symmetry
Wikipedia - Roundel -- Identification symbol, commonly used in aircraft insignia and heraldry, usually of circular design
Wikipedia - Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra -- Symphony orchestra of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Wikipedia - Royal Scottish National Orchestra -- Scotland's national symphony orchestra based in Glasgow
Wikipedia - Russian National Youth Symphony Orchestra -- Russian National Youth Symphony Orchestra
Wikipedia - Russian Symbolism
Wikipedia - Russian symbolism -- activities and events of the Symbolist movement in 19th-century Russia
Wikipedia - Sacred geometry -- Symbolic and sacred meanings ascibed to certain geometric shapes
Wikipedia - Sacred Heart -- Christian devotion symbolising the love of Jesus Christ
Wikipedia - Sadistic Symphony -- Album by Vicious Rumors
Wikipedia - Saint symbolism
Wikipedia - Saint symbology
Wikipedia - Saint Symeon the New Theologian
Wikipedia - Saint-Symphorien-de-ThM-CM-)nieres -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Saint-Symphorien, Ille-et-Vilaine -- Commune in Brittany, France
Wikipedia - Salting the earth -- Ancient symbolic practice of cursing conquered cities
Wikipedia - San Diego Symphony
Wikipedia - San Francisco Symphony -- Symphonic orchestra
Wikipedia - Savitri: A Legend and a Symbol
Wikipedia - Sceptre -- Staff held by a ruler to symbolize authority
Wikipedia - Schizophreniform disorder -- |Schizophrenia symptoms for at least one month, but not more than six
Wikipedia - Scholz's reciprocity law -- A reciprocity law for quadratic residue symbols of real quadratic number fields
Wikipedia - Schrodinger group -- Symmetry group
Wikipedia - Science & Religion: A Symposium -- Book by Michael Pupin
Wikipedia - SCOBY -- symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast
Wikipedia - Scopula asymmetrica -- Species of geometer moth in subfamily Sterrhinae
Wikipedia - Scott Syme -- American farmer and politician from Idaho
Wikipedia - Scrobipalpomima symmetrischemoides -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Secret Sphere -- Italian symphonic power metal band
Wikipedia - Seizure -- Period of symptoms due to abnormally excessive or synchronous neuronal activity in the brain
Wikipedia - Self-adjoint operator -- Densely defined operator on a Hilbert space whose domain coincides with that of its adjoint and which equals its adjoint; symmetric operator whose adjoint's domain equals its own domain
Wikipedia - Senyera -- Catalan and Aragonese vexillogical symbol
Wikipedia - Sequence of symbols
Wikipedia - Serge Koussevitzky -- Russian-born conductor, composer and double-bassist and music director of the Boston Symphony Orchestra (1874-1951)
Wikipedia - Series 30+ -- Symbian series 30+
Wikipedia - Serif -- Small line or stroke attached to the end of a larger stroke in a letter or symbol
Wikipedia - Serpent (symbolism) -- Mythological symbol
Wikipedia - Service mark symbol
Wikipedia - Sex symbol -- Famous person or fictional character widely regarded to be very sexually attractive
Wikipedia - Sharpless asymmetric dihydroxylation -- Chemical reaction
Wikipedia - Shen ring -- Ancient Egyptian symbol
Wikipedia - Shorthand -- Abbreviated symbolic writing method
Wikipedia - Sick building syndrome -- A health concern, where people in a building suffer from symptoms of illness or become infected with chronic disease from the building in which they work or reside
Wikipedia - SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education
Wikipedia - Sigil (computer programming) -- Symbol affixed to a variable name
Wikipedia - Signage -- Design or use of signs and symbols to communicate a message
Wikipedia - Signs and symptoms of HIV/AIDS -- The signs and symptoms of Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
Wikipedia - Silly Symphonies
Wikipedia - Silly Symphony (comic strip) -- 1932-1945 Disney comic strip
Wikipedia - Silly Symphony -- Series of animated short films produced by Walt Disney Productions from 1929 to 1939
Wikipedia - Simple Symmetric Transport Protocol -- Protocol for delivering messages between clients and servers
Wikipedia - Sinfonieorchester Aachen -- German symphonic orchestra
Wikipedia - Sipapu -- Hopi word for a symbolic small hole in the floor of a pithouse, through which their ancient ancestors first emerged to enter the present world
Wikipedia - Sisymbriopsis -- Genus of Brassicaceae plants
Wikipedia - Skew-symmetric matrix
Wikipedia - Skull and crossbones (symbol) -- Poison warning sign
Wikipedia - Skull (symbolism)
Wikipedia - Sodium:dicarboxylate symporter -- Protein family
Wikipedia - Sokuon -- Japanese symbol
Wikipedia - Solar symbol -- Symbol representing the Sun
Wikipedia - Solution brand -- Symbol-intensive brand
Wikipedia - Somatic symptom disorder
Wikipedia - Somatization disorder -- Mental disorder characterized by recurring, multiple, and current, clinically significant complaints about somatic symptoms
Wikipedia - Sound recording copyright symbol
Wikipedia - Sound symbolism
Wikipedia - South Korean order of precedence -- Symbolic hierarchy of officials in S. Korea
Wikipedia - Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation -- |Biennial conference
Wikipedia - Spacetime symmetries
Wikipedia - Spinal muscular atrophy with progressive myoclonic epilepsy -- Rare neurodegenerative disease whose symptoms include slowly progressive muscle wasting
Wikipedia - Spontaneous symmetry breaking
Wikipedia - Spring Symphony (film) -- 1983 film
Wikipedia - Square and Compasses -- Symbol of Freemasonry and other fraternal bodies
Wikipedia - Stafford knot -- Three-looped overhand knot that is the traditional symbol of Staffordshire
Wikipedia - Star and crescent -- Symbol
Wikipedia - Star of David -- Jewish cultural and religious symbol
Wikipedia - Star of Lakshmi -- Octagram and symbol in Hinduism
Wikipedia - Star of Life -- Medical symbol
Wikipedia - State Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Russian Federation -- Russian symphonic orchestra based in Moscow
Wikipedia - State microbe -- Microorganisms used as an official U.S. state symbol
Wikipedia - State symbols of the President of Ukraine
Wikipedia - Stefan George -- German symbolist poet and translator
Wikipedia - StM-CM-)phane MallarmM-CM-) -- French Symbolist poet
Wikipedia - Strawberry Tree (national symbol of Italy)
Wikipedia - Stream cipher -- Type of symmetric key cipher
Wikipedia - String section -- Section of a larger symphony orchestra composed of string musicians
Wikipedia - St Symphorian's Church, Durrington -- Church in West Sussex, United Kingdom
Wikipedia - St. Symphorian
Wikipedia - Subclinical seizure -- Seizure without clinical signs or symptoms
Wikipedia - Substance dependence -- Need for a drug, whose discontinuation results in withdrawal symptoms
Wikipedia - Sub-symbolic
Wikipedia - Superior vena cava syndrome -- Group of symptoms caused by obstruction of the superior vena cava
Wikipedia - Superstring theory -- Theory of strings with supersymmetry
Wikipedia - Superstripes -- Broken symmetry phase favoring onset of superconducting or superfluid order
Wikipedia - Supersymmetry breaking
Wikipedia - Supersymmetry
Wikipedia - Supplemental Symbols and Pictographs -- Unicode block containing emoji
Wikipedia - Survival (band) -- Dutch Progressive / Symphonic rock band
Wikipedia - Suspensory ligament of clitoris -- Fibrous band anchoring the clitoris to the pubic symphysis
Wikipedia - Suzana Alves -- Brazilian model and sex symbol (born 1978)
Wikipedia - Swagger stick -- Short stick or riding crop usually carried by a uniformed person as a symbol of authority
Wikipedia - Swastika -- Ancient religious icon in Eurasian cultures, later symbol of Nazism
Wikipedia - Syllabary -- Set of written symbols that represent the syllables or moras which make up spoken words.
Wikipedia - Sylvia Syms -- English actress
Wikipedia - Symantec Workspace Virtualization -- Application virtualization software
Wikipedia - Symbaloo -- Web application
Wikipedia - Symbel -- A feast in Germanic paganism
Wikipedia - Symbian OS
Wikipedia - SymbianOS
Wikipedia - Symbian -- Discontinued mobile operating system
Wikipedia - Symbiodinium -- Genus of dinoflagellates (algae)
Wikipedia - Symbiogenesis
Wikipedia - Sym-Bionic Titan
Wikipedia - Symbiopsychotaxiplasm -- 1968 film by William Greaves
Wikipedia - Symbiosis (disambiguation)
Wikipedia - Symbiosis in fiction
Wikipedia - Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Bengaluru -- Indian business school
Wikipedia - Symbiosis International University -- Private higher-education institute in Maharashtra, India
Wikipedia - Symbiosis Law School -- law school in Pune, India
Wikipedia - Symbiosism
Wikipedia - Symbiosis Society -- family of educational institutions in India
Wikipedia - Symbiosis -- Type of a close and long-term biological interaction between two different biological organisms
Wikipedia - Symbiote (comics)
Wikipedia - Symbiotic intelligence
Wikipedia - Symbiotic
Wikipedia - Symbolanthus -- Genus of Gentianaceae plants
Wikipedia - Symbol (formal)
Wikipedia - Symbol grounding problem
Wikipedia - Symbol grounding
Wikipedia - Symbol group -- Retail business model
Wikipedia - Symbolic AI
Wikipedia - Symbolic algebra
Wikipedia - Symbolic animal
Wikipedia - Symbolic anthropology
Wikipedia - Symbolic artificial intelligence
Wikipedia - Symbolic Assembly Program
Wikipedia - Symbolic boundaries
Wikipedia - Symbolic communication
Wikipedia - Symbolic computation
Wikipedia - Symbolic computing
Wikipedia - Symbolic convergence theory -- Communication theory
Wikipedia - Symbolic (Death album) -- |1995 studio album by Death
Wikipedia - Symbolic debugger
Wikipedia - Symbolic debugging
Wikipedia - Symbolic dynamics
Wikipedia - Symbolic equation
Wikipedia - Symbolic ethnicity
Wikipedia - Symbolic execution
Wikipedia - Symbolic integration -- In mathematics, computation of an antiderivative in a closed form
Wikipedia - Symbolic interactionism -- A sociological theory focused on cultural symbols exchanged during interpersonal interactions
Wikipedia - Symbolic interactionist
Wikipedia - Symbolic Interaction (journal)
Wikipedia - Symbolic language (art) -- The use of characters or images to represent concepts
Wikipedia - Symbolic language (literature)
Wikipedia - Symbolic language (programming)
Wikipedia - Symbolic link
Wikipedia - Symbolic Logic
Wikipedia - Symbolic logic
Wikipedia - Symbolic Manipulation Program
Wikipedia - Symbolic mathematics
Wikipedia - Symbolic model checking
Wikipedia - Symbolic-numeric computation
Wikipedia - Symbolic Optimal Assembly Program
Wikipedia - Symbolic processing
Wikipedia - Symbolic programming
Wikipedia - Symbolic racism
Wikipedia - Symbolic regression
Wikipedia - Symbolics Genera
Wikipedia - Symbolic simulation -- Form of simulation where many possible executions of a system are considered simultaneously
Wikipedia - Symbolics
Wikipedia - Symbolic system
Wikipedia - Symbolic violence
Wikipedia - Symbolism (arts) -- Late nineteenth-century art movement of French, Russian and Belgian origin
Wikipedia - Symbolism in the French Revolution
Wikipedia - Symbolist painter
Wikipedia - Symbolist
Wikipedia - Symbol (Lisp)
Wikipedia - Symbol of chaos
Wikipedia - Symbol of the Apostles
Wikipedia - Symbolon -- Composition for orchestra
Wikipedia - Symbol (programming)
Wikipedia - Symbols of France
Wikipedia - Symbols of Islam
Wikipedia - Symbols of Power -- Book about British archaeology
Wikipedia - Symbols of the Federal Bureau of Investigation -- Symbol of the FBI
Wikipedia - Symbols of the Rurikids
Wikipedia - Symbols of Transformation
Wikipedia - Symbols of Ukrainian people
Wikipedia - Symbols
Wikipedia - Symbol tables
Wikipedia - Symbol table -- Data structure used by a language translator such as a compiler or Interpreter
Wikipedia - Symbol Technologies
Wikipedia - Symbol (typeface) -- Typeface
Wikipedia - Symbol -- Something that represents an idea, a process, or a physical entity
Wikipedia - Symbolyc One -- Music producer
Wikipedia - Symbrion
Wikipedia - Symeon I of Constantinople
Wikipedia - Symeon Logothete
Wikipedia - Symeon Lukach -- Ukrainian Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Symeon Metaphrastes
Wikipedia - Symeon of Durham
Wikipedia - Symeon of Thessalonica
Wikipedia - Symeon of Trier
Wikipedia - Symeon Seth
Wikipedia - Symeon Stylites of Lesbos
Wikipedia - Symeon the Logothete
Wikipedia - Symeon the Metaphrast -- 10th century Byzantine historian and hagiographer
Wikipedia - Symeon the New Theologian -- 10th and 11th-century Christian saint, monk, and theologian
Wikipedia - Symeon the Studite
Wikipedia - Symeon
Wikipedia - Symetra -- American financial services company
Wikipedia - Symfonia -- Finnish power metal supergroup
Wikipedia - Symfony
Wikipedia - Symington Yard -- Rail yard in St. Boniface (Winnipeg), Canada
Wikipedia - Symlink
Wikipedia - Symmachian forgeries
Wikipedia - Symmastia -- Connection of tissue between both breasts
Wikipedia - Symmerus annulatus -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Symmerus lautus -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Symmerus vockerothi -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Symmerus -- Genus of flies
Wikipedia - Symmetra -- Fictional character in the 2016 video game Overwatch
Wikipedia - Symmetric algebra -- "Smallest" commutative algebra that contains a vector space
Wikipedia - Symmetric bilinear form
Wikipedia - Symmetric cipher
Wikipedia - Symmetric difference -- Subset of the elements that belong to exactly one among two sets
Wikipedia - SymmetricDS
Wikipedia - Symmetric function
Wikipedia - Symmetric game
Wikipedia - Symmetric graph
Wikipedia - Symmetric group
Wikipedia - Symmetric-key algorithm
Wikipedia - Symmetric key
Wikipedia - Symmetric level-index arithmetic
Wikipedia - Symmetric matrix
Wikipedia - Symmetric multiprocessing
Wikipedia - Symmetric multiprocessor system
Wikipedia - Symmetric rank-one
Wikipedia - Symmetric tensor
Wikipedia - Symmetric Turing machine
Wikipedia - Symmetric
Wikipedia - Symmetries
Wikipedia - Symmetrocapulidae -- Extinct family of snails
Wikipedia - Symmetry454 -- Proposal for calendar reform
Wikipedia - Symmetry breaking of escaping ants
Wikipedia - Symmetry breaking
Wikipedia - Symmetry group
Wikipedia - Symmetry in biology
Wikipedia - Symmetry in physics
Wikipedia - Symmetry in quantum mechanics
Wikipedia - Symmetry (physics)
Wikipedia - Symmetry
Wikipedia - Symmoca calidella -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Symmoca caliginella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Symmoca cinerariella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Symmoca oenophila -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Symmoca orphnella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Symmoca signatella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Symmoca signella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Symmocinae -- Family of moths
Wikipedia - Symmocoides ferreirae -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Symmocoides oxybiella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Symmorphosis -- Physiological concept
Wikipedia - Symona Boniface -- American actress
Wikipedia - Symon Budny
Wikipedia - Symone D. Sanders -- American political strategist and commentator
Wikipedia - Sympagus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Sympathetic magic -- Type of magic based on imitation or correspondence
Wikipedia - Sympathetic nervous system -- Term in biology
Wikipedia - Sympatholytic drug
Wikipedia - Sympathomimetic drug
Wikipedia - Sympathy for the Devil (2019 film) -- 2019 Canadian drama film
Wikipedia - Sympathy -- Perception, understanding, and reaction to the distress or need of another human being
Wikipedia - Sympatico
Wikipedia - Sympatric speciation -- A process through which new species evolve from a single ancestral species while inhabiting the same geographic region
Wikipedia - Sympecma -- Genus of damselfly
Wikipedia - Sympegma -- Genus of Amaranthaceae plants
Wikipedia - Symperasmus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Symperga -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Sympergoides -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Sympetalae -- Historical subclass of flowering plants with fused petals
Wikipedia - Sympetrum depressiusculum -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Symphionema montanum -- Species of shrub in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Symphionema paludosum -- Species of plant in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Symphionema -- Genus of small shrubs in the family Proteaceae
Wikipedia - Symphlebia abdominalis -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Symphlebia catenata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Symphogear -- Japanese anime television franchise
Wikipedia - Symphonia (theology)
Wikipedia - Symphonic black metal -- Subgenre of black metal music
Wikipedia - Symphonic Choirs
Wikipedia - Symphonic metal -- Music genre that blends heavy metal with classical music
Wikipedia - Symphonic poems (Liszt) -- Group of 13 orchestral works
Wikipedia - Symphonic poem
Wikipedia - Symphonic Songs for Band -- Composition for concert band by Robert Russell Bennett
Wikipedia - Symphonie diagonale -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Symphonie fantastique -- Program symphony by Hector Berlioz
Wikipedia - Symphonie pour un homme seul
Wikipedia - Symphony for Organ and Orchestra (Copland) -- Symphony for Organ and Orchestra written by American composer Aaron Copland
Wikipedia - Symphony Hall (Sirius XM) -- Classical music Sirius XM Radio station
Wikipedia - Symphony Hour -- 1942 Mickey Mouse cartoon
Wikipedia - Symphony in C major (Wagner)
Wikipedia - Symphony in C (Stravinsky)
Wikipedia - Symphony in E-flat (Eberl) -- Symphony by Anton Eberl
Wikipedia - Symphony in E-flat (Stravinsky) -- Symphony by Igor Stravinsky
Wikipedia - Symphony in Three Movements (Stravinsky)
Wikipedia - Symphony in Two Flats -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Symphony: Live in Vienna -- 2008 live video album
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 15 (Mozart) -- Symphony by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 1 (Balada) -- Composition by Lenoardo Balada in 1968
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 1 (G. English) -- 1932 musical composition
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 1 (Hartmann) -- Symphony by Karl Amadeus Hartmann
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 1 (Kalinnikov) -- Symphony by Vasily Kalinnikov
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 1 (Scriabin)
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 1 (Szymanowski) -- 1906-1907 symphony by Karol Szymanowski
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 1 (Ustvolskaya) -- 1955 symphony by Galina Ustvolskaya
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 28 (Michael Haydn) -- Symphony by Michael Haydn
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 2 (Bernstein) -- Piece by Leonard Bernstein
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 2 (Henze) -- 1949 symphony by Hans Werner Henze
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 2 (Kalinnikov) -- Symphony by Vasily Kalinnikov
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 2 (Liebermann) -- Symphony by Lowell Liebermann
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 2 (Mahler) -- Symphony by Gustav Mahler
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 2 (Scriabin)
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 2 (Tchaikovsky) -- Symphony by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 39 (Mozart) -- Work by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 3 (Beethoven) -- Work by Ludwig van Beethoven
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 3 (Copland) -- Symphonic composition by American composer Aaron Copland
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 3 (Gorecki) -- Symphony by Henryk Gorecki
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 3 (Kilar) -- Symphony by Wojciech Kilar from 2003
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 3 (Mahler)
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 3 (Popov) -- Symphony by Gavriil Popov
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 3 (Price) -- Symphony by Florence Price
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 3 (Scriabin)
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 3 (Szymanowski)
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 41 (Mozart) -- Last symphony by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 45 (Haydn) -- Symphony by Joseph Haydn
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 4 (Brahms) -- Symphony by Johannes Brahms
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 4 (Mendelssohn) -- Symphony by Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 4 (Rouse) -- Orchestral composition by American composer Christopher Rouse
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 4 (Szymanowski) -- 1932 symphony by Karol Szymanowski
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 5 (Beethoven) -- Musical composition by Ludwig van Beethoven
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 5 (Harbison) -- Composition by John Harbison
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 65 (Haydn)
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 6 (Bruckner) -- Symphony by Anton Bruckner
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 6 (Schnittke) -- 1992 symphony by Alfred Schnittke
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 6 (Tchaikovsky) -- Tchaikovsky's final completed symphony
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 7 (Beethoven) -- Symphony by Ludwig van Beethoven
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 7 (Henze) -- Symphony by Hans Werner Henze
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 8 (Henze) -- 1992-93 symphony by Hans Werner Henze
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 8 (Mahler) -- Symphony by Gustav Mahler
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 8 (Sibelius) -- Symphony by Jean Sibelius
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 8 (Simpson) -- Symphony by Robert Simpson
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 9 (Beethoven) -- is less descriptive than the article name, it's best not to have one. -->
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 9 (film) -- 2019 Iranian film
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 9 (Mahler) -- Symphony by Gustav Mahler
Wikipedia - Symphony No. 9 (Shostakovich) -- Symphony by Dmitri Shostakovich
Wikipedia - Symphony of a City -- 1947 film
Wikipedia - Symphony of Death (film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Symphony of Living -- 1935 film by Frank R. Strayer
Wikipedia - Symphony of Psalms -- Choral symphony composed by Igor Stravinsky
Wikipedia - Symphony of Silence -- 2001 film by Vigen Chaldranyan
Wikipedia - Symphony orchestra
Wikipedia - Symphony Space -- Performing arts organization in New York City, USA
Wikipedia - Symphony (Vierne) -- Symphony by Louis Vierne
Wikipedia - Symphony -- Type of extended musical composition
Wikipedia - Symphorematoideae -- Subfamily of flowering plants in the sage family Lamiaceae
Wikipedia - Symphorian and Timotheus
Wikipedia - Symphoricarpos -- Genus of flowering plants in the honeysuckle family Caprifoliaceae
Wikipedia - Symphorosa
Wikipedia - Symphyletes nodosus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum ascendens -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to western North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum boreale -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum campestre -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to western North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum chilense -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to the west coast of North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum ciliolatum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to Canada and the northern United States
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum cordifolium -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to eastern North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum defoliatum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to southern California
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum depauperatum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and North Carolina, USA
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum dumosum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to parts of North America, Haiti, and Dominican Republic
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum eatonii -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to western and central North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum ericoides -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to central and eastern North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum estesii -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae endemic to Coffee County, Tennessee, USA
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum falcatum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to western and central North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum firmum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum frondosum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to western North America and Mexico
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum georgianum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to the southeastern United States
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum grandiflorum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae endemic to the southeastern USA
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum greatae -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to California
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum laeve -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to central and eastern North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum lanceolatum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to much of North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum lateriflorum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to eastern and central North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum lentum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to California
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum novae-angliae -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to eastern North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum novi-belgii -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to northeastern North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum oblongifolium -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to eastern and central United States
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum ontarionis -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to eastern and central North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum oolentangiense -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to eastern and central North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum patens -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to the United States
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum pilosum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to central and eastern North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum praealtum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to central and eastern North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum prenanthoides -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to northcentral and northeastern North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum puniceum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum racemosum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum rhiannon -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae endemic to North Carolina, USA
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum robynsianum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to northeastern North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum sericeum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to the central plains of North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum shortii -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum subulatum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to parts of Mexico, Caribbean, and North America
Wikipedia - Symphyotrichum urophyllum -- A flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to eastern North America
Wikipedia - Symphysis -- Fibrocartilaginous fusion between two bones
Wikipedia - Symphytognathidae -- Family of spiders
Wikipedia - Symphytum officinale -- Species of flowering plant in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Symphytum tuberosum -- species of plant
Wikipedia - Symphytum -- Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Wikipedia - Sympistis confusa -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Sympistis funebris -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Sympistis nigrita -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Sympistis wilsoni -- Moth native to Canada
Wikipedia - Symplectic geometry -- Branch of differential geometry and differential topology
Wikipedia - Symplectic group
Wikipedia - Symplectic manifold
Wikipedia - Symplectomorphism
Wikipedia - Symplesiomorphies
Wikipedia - Symplesiomorphy -- An ancestral character or trait state shared by two or more taxa
Wikipedia - Sympleurotis -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Symplocos baehnii -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Symplocos lugubris -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Symplocos mezii -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Symplocos peruviana -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Symplocos rayae -- Flowering plant
Wikipedia - Symplocos tinctoria -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - SYMPL
Wikipedia - Symposium (band) -- English punk pop band
Wikipedia - Symposium Cafe -- Canadian restaurant franchise
Wikipedia - Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar -- Agency of the Catholic Church
Wikipedia - Symposium on Computational Geometry
Wikipedia - Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
Wikipedia - Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science
Wikipedia - Symposium on Logic in Computer Science
Wikipedia - Symposium on Operating Systems Principles
Wikipedia - Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures
Wikipedia - Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures
Wikipedia - Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming
Wikipedia - Symposium on Principles of Database Systems
Wikipedia - Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing
Wikipedia - Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages
Wikipedia - Symposium on Switching and Automata Theory
Wikipedia - Symposium on Switching Circuit Theory and Logical Design
Wikipedia - Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science
Wikipedia - Symposium on Theory of Computing
Wikipedia - Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming
Wikipedia - Symposium (Plato dialogue)
Wikipedia - Symposium (Plato) -- Philosophical text by Plato
Wikipedia - Symposium -- Part of a banquet in Greek and Etruscan art
Wikipedia - Symposium (Xenophon)
Wikipedia - Sympson the Joiner -- British furniture designer
Wikipedia - Symptomatic treatment -- Medical treatment that only affects a condition's symptoms
Wikipedia - Symptomatology
Wikipedia - Symptom Checklist 90
Wikipedia - Symptoms (film) -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Symptoms of COVID-19 -- Overview of the symptoms of COVID-19
Wikipedia - Symptoms
Wikipedia - Symptom -- Departure from normal function or feeling which is noticed by a patient
Wikipedia - Sympycnodes tripartita -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - SymPy
Wikipedia - Symyx Technologies
Wikipedia - Syntax (logic) -- Rules used for constructing, or transforming the symbols and words of a language
Wikipedia - Table of logic symbols
Wikipedia - Taegeuk -- Traditional Korean symbol
Wikipedia - Tafl games -- A group of asymmetric boardgames
Wikipedia - Taijitu -- Symbol representing two opposites combined as one
Wikipedia - Tamga -- A symbol representing a group of Eurasian nomads.
Wikipedia - Tarja Turunen -- Finnish opera/symphonic metal singer
Wikipedia - Tee (symbol)
Wikipedia - Template talk:Common logical symbols
Wikipedia - Template talk:National symbols of Poland
Wikipedia - Template talk:National symbols of Serbia
Wikipedia - Template talk:National symbols of Ukraine
Wikipedia - Template talk:Symbols of Georgia (country)
Wikipedia - Template talk:Symbols of the French Republic
Wikipedia - Tennessine -- Synthetic radioactive chemical element with atomic number&nbsp;117 and symbol Ts
Wikipedia - TepM-DM-^SyM-EM-^MllM-EM-^Mtl -- Aztec god
Wikipedia - Terminal and nonterminal symbols -- Categories of symbols in formal grammars
Wikipedia - Terminal symbol
Wikipedia - Term symbol
Wikipedia - Tetrad (symbol)
Wikipedia - Tetrahedral symmetry
Wikipedia - That's So Raven (soundtrack) -- 2004 soundtrack album by Raven-SymonM-CM-)
Wikipedia - The Black Knight (Elgar) -- Symphony/cantata written by Edward Elgar in 1889-1893
Wikipedia - The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic
Wikipedia - The Divine Comedy (Smith) -- Symphony by Robert W. Smith
Wikipedia - The Evolution of Human Sexuality -- 1979 book by Donald Symons
Wikipedia - Theistic Satanism -- Religion which worships Satan as an actual deity (as opposed to a mere symbol of human freedom)
Wikipedia - The Journal of Symbolic Logic
Wikipedia - The Lion and the Unicorn -- Symbols of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - The Lost Symbol -- novel by Dan Brown
Wikipedia - The Martyrdom of Saint Symphorian -- Painting by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres
Wikipedia - The Noon Witch -- Symphonic poem by Antonin DvoM-EM-^Yak
Wikipedia - The Olympic Symphonium -- Canadian indie folk trio
Wikipedia - The Power of Sympathy -- 1789 American novel by William Hill Brown
Wikipedia - There's No Sympathy for the Dead -- extended play by Escape the Fate
Wikipedia - The Sigismund Bell -- large bell located in Wawel Cathedral, Krakow. Major Polish national symbol.
Wikipedia - The Six Arrows -- Symbol of the Turkish Republican People's Party
Wikipedia - The Sorcerer's Apprentice (Dukas) -- Symphonic poem by the French composer Paul Dukas
Wikipedia - The Symbolic Species
Wikipedia - The Symbolic
Wikipedia - The Symbolist Movement in Literature
Wikipedia - The Symbol of the Unconquered -- 1920 film by Oscar Micheaux
Wikipedia - The Sympathizer
Wikipedia - The Symphonic Ellington -- 1964 album by Duke Ellington
Wikipedia - The Tempest (Tchaikovsky) -- symphonic poem in F minor by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Wikipedia - The Tenth Symphony -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - The Wise Little Hen -- 1934 Silly Symphony cartoon
Wikipedia - The Wood Nymph -- Symphonic poem
Wikipedia - The Works of William Blake: Poetic, Symbolic and Critical
Wikipedia - Thomas B. Symons -- American academic (1980-1970)
Wikipedia - Thomas Copinger-Symes -- British Army officer (born 1969)
Wikipedia - Thomas Symonds -- British naval captain
Wikipedia - Thrasymachus of Corinth
Wikipedia - Thrasymachus
Wikipedia - Three Arrows -- Socialist political symbol
Wikipedia - Three hares -- Motif of three hares in threefold rotational symmetry
Wikipedia - Three Songs to Poems by Arthur Symons -- Song by John Ireland
Wikipedia - Ticker symbol -- Abbreviation used to uniquely identify publicly traded shares or cryptocurrencies
Wikipedia - Tidal diamond -- Symbols on British admiralty charts that indicate the direction and speed of tidal streams
Wikipedia - Time reversal symmetry
Wikipedia - Time translation symmetry
Wikipedia - Tombstone (typography) -- Symbol used in mathematics and typography
Wikipedia - Tomoe -- Japanese comma-like swirl symbol
Wikipedia - Tracing board -- Painted or printed illustrations depicting the various emblems and symbols of Freemasonry
Wikipedia - Trademark symbol
Wikipedia - Translational symmetry
Wikipedia - Tressym
Wikipedia - Triple parentheses -- Anti-semitic symbol
Wikipedia - Triskelion -- Various symbols with three-fold rotational symmetry
Wikipedia - Trotter's syndrome -- Cluster of cancer-related symptoms
Wikipedia - Truncal ataxia -- Wide-based "drunken sailor" gait symptom
Wikipedia - T-symmetry
Wikipedia - Tucson Symphony Orchestra -- American symphony orchestra
Wikipedia - -- Musical work by Olivier Messiaen
Wikipedia - Turnstile (symbol)
Wikipedia - TursaansydM-CM-$n -- Ancient symbol used in Northern Europe
Wikipedia - Turul -- Mythological bird of prey in Hungarian tradition and a national symbol of Hungarians
Wikipedia - Two Trees of Valinor -- Fictional symbols of divine light in J.R.R. Tolkien's legendarium
Wikipedia - UC Berkeley Symphony Orchestra
Wikipedia - Uhthoff's phenomenon -- Worsening of neurologic symptoms in multiple sclerosis
Wikipedia - Under a Blanket of Blue -- 1933 song by Jerry Livingston, Marty Symes, and Al J. Neiburg
Wikipedia - Unfinished Sympathy -- 1991 single by Massive Attack
Wikipedia - Unfinished Symphony: Democracy and Dissent -- 2001 film
Wikipedia - Ungdomssymfonikerne -- Ungdomssymfonikerne
Wikipedia - Unicode symbols -- Wikimedia-Liste
Wikipedia - Union mark of Norway and Sweden -- 1844-1905 symbol and diplomatic flag of the union between Sweden and Norway
Wikipedia - United Nations Honour Flag -- Flag symbolizing the Allies of World War II and their goal of world peace
Wikipedia - Universal Product Code -- Barcode symbology used for tracking trade items in stores
Wikipedia - University City Symphony Orchestra -- Community orchestra in Missouri, US
Wikipedia - Unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine -- Rocket fuel
Wikipedia - Ursula Andress -- Swiss-American actress and sex symbol of the 1960s
Wikipedia - Use of the Jolly Roger by submarines -- Naval symbol
Wikipedia - Vajra -- Weapon &/or symbol of pure, irresistible spiritual power in Dharmic religions
Wikipedia - Valknut -- Germanic multi-triangular symbol, occurs in several forms
Wikipedia - Vanda Symon -- New Zealand writer
Wikipedia - Variable (mathematics) -- Symbol that represents an indeterminate value
Wikipedia - Variant symlinks
Wikipedia - Variations of the ichthys symbol -- Variation or parody of the Christian ichthys symbol
Wikipedia - Vegetarian and vegan symbolism
Wikipedia - Vel (symbol)
Wikipedia - Vergina Sun -- Rayed solar symbol
Wikipedia - Vermilion Bird -- One of Four Symbols of Chinese mythology
Wikipedia - Vesy -- Russian symbolist magazine
Wikipedia - Vexillological symbol -- Ideogram used to indicate certain characteristics of national flags
Wikipedia - Vexillology -- Study of the history, symbolism and usage of flags
Wikipedia - Vienna Philharmonic -- Symphonic orchestra
Wikipedia - Vinculum (symbol)
Wikipedia - VinM-DM-^Ma symbols -- Symbols found upon VinM-DM-^Ma culture artifacts
Wikipedia - Wadjet -- Ancient Egyptian snake-headed goddess, symbolizing Lower Egypt
Wikipedia - Was-sceptre -- Ancient Egyptian religious symbol
Wikipedia - Weakly symmetric space -- geometry notion in mathematics
Wikipedia - Weakness -- Physical symptom
Wikipedia - Wedge (symbol)
Wikipedia - Weitzenbock identity -- Relates 2 second-order elliptic operators on a manifold with the same principal symbol
Wikipedia - Well-formed formula -- Finite sequence of symbols from a given alphabet that is part of a formal language
Wikipedia - WFF 'N PROOF -- Dice game, intended to teach symbollic logic
Wikipedia - White Horse of Kent -- Symbol of Kent, England
Wikipedia - White Rose of York -- Symbol of the House of York and Yorkshire
Wikipedia - White Tiger (mythology) -- One of Four Symbols of Chinese mythology
Wikipedia - Wigner 3-j symbols
Wikipedia - William Cornwallis Symonds -- New Zealand public servant
Wikipedia - Willie Wolfe -- Founding member of the Symbionese Liberation Army
Wikipedia - Wind Horse -- Symbol of the human soul in East Asian and Central Asian traditions
Wikipedia - Winged wheel -- Symbol
Wikipedia - Withdrawal symptoms
Wikipedia - WM-bM-^@M-2 and ZM-bM-^@M-2 bosons -- Hypothetical gauge bosons that arise from extensions of the electroweak symmetry of the Standard Model
Wikipedia - Wolfram's 2-state 3-symbol Turing machine
Wikipedia - Women's School of Planning and Architecture -- The Women's School of Planning and Architecture (WSPA) was an educational program for women interested in architecture, planning, and environmental design that presented sessions and symposia based on principles of the women's liberation movement between 1976 and 1981
Wikipedia - World Peace Gong -- Indonesian symbol of world peace
Wikipedia - Wrapped asymmetric Laplace distribution
Wikipedia - WSYM-TV -- Fox affiliate in Lansing, Michigan
Wikipedia - X mark -- Symbol denoting 'no' or 'incorrect'
Wikipedia - Yakuza ZessyM-EM-^M -- 1970 film directed by Yasuzo Masumura
Wikipedia - Yale Symphony Orchestra
Wikipedia - Yellow ribbon -- Symbol of various causes
Wikipedia - YouTube Symphony Orchestra
Wikipedia - Yuriy Tsymbalyuk -- Soviet figure skater
Wikipedia - Zimmer's conjecture -- Conjecture that symmetries exist in higher dimensions that cannot exist in lower dimensions
Wikipedia - Zolotarev's lemma -- Ties Legendre symbols to permutation signatures
Michael Symon ::: Born: September 19, 1969; Occupation: Chef;
Arthur Symons ::: Born: February 28, 1865; Died: January 22, 1945; Occupation: Poet;
Symeon the New Theologian ::: Born: 949; Died: March 12, 1022; Occupation: Poet;
Steve Symms ::: Born: April 23, 1938; Occupation: Former U.S. senator;
Raven-Symone ::: Born: December 10, 1985; Occupation: Actress;
John Addington Symonds ::: Born: October 5, 1840; Died: April 19, 1893; Occupation: Poet;
Ronald Syme ::: Born: March 11, 1903; Died: September 4, 1989;
Andrew Symonds ::: Born: June 9, 1975; Occupation: Cricketer;\
Goodreads author - Michael_Symmons_Roberts
Goodreads author - Symone_Craven
Goodreads author - Symphony_Space!xlMedium.jpg'%C3%AD_symbols,_rituals,_and_symbolism
Kheper - symmetry_breaks -- 43
auromere - symbols-seen-during-spiritual-experiences
auromere - symbols-seen-during-spiritual-experiences
Integral World - Nexus between Astrobiology and Integrative Thinking, A Philosophical Search Motivated by a Key Symposium at the Library of Congress, Giorgio Piacenza
selforum - savitri symbol and quest
selforum - symbol of victory of death
selforum - seers hid mysteries in symbolic
selforum - symbols in ancient cultures
selforum - cow in veda is pre eminently symbolical
selforum - immanent frame symbolizes sea change in
selforum - patients symptoms are answers in search
selforum - hyderabad symposium on innovation in
selforum - inability to prove something is symptom
selforum - auroville symbolises love and peace
selforum - urvasie is brilliant symbolic love poem
dedroidify.blogspot - language-subliminal-symbolism
dedroidify.blogspot - symbolism-swastikas-and-borg
dedroidify.blogspot - coming-eventually-symbolist-tour-of-my
dedroidify.blogspot - engines-of-symbols
dedroidify.blogspot - symbolism-of-naruto_07
dedroidify.blogspot - open-letter-to-barack-obama-symbolism
dedroidify.blogspot - all-hail-symbol
dedroidify.blogspot - william-henry-interview-lost-symbols
dedroidify.blogspot - symphony-of-science-ode-to-brain
dedroidify.blogspot - interconnected-symbols
dedroidify.blogspot - illuminatus-excerpt-illuminati-symbol
dedroidify.blogspot - symbolism-of-world-of-warcraft
dedroidify.blogspot - bit-overly-overt-symbolism-right-here
dedroidify.blogspot - symbols
dedroidify.blogspot - symbolism-of-hermit-tarot-card
dedroidify.blogspot - symbolism-of-strength-tarot-card
wiki.auroville - Auroville_symbol
wiki.auroville - Loretta_reads_Savitri:One.I_"The_Symbol_Dawn"_part_1
wiki.auroville - Loretta_reads_Savitri:One.I_"The_Symbol_Dawn"_part_2
wiki.auroville - Name_and_Symbol_of_Auroville_Protection_Group
wiki.auroville - Savitri_%E2%80%94_A_Legend_and_a_Symbol
wiki.auroville - Savitri_M-bM-^@M-^T_A_Legend_and_a_Symbol
wiki.auroville - Sri_Aurobindo's_symbol
wiki.auroville - The_Mother's_symbol
Dharmapedia - Bindu_(symbol
Dharmapedia - File:AUM_symbol,_the_primary_(highest)_name_of_the_God_as_per_the_Vedas.svg
Dharmapedia - Symptoms_of_Fascism
Psychology Wiki - Category:Symptoms
Psychology Wiki - Skumin_syndrome#Signs_and_symptoms
Psychology Wiki - Symbol
Psychology Wiki - Symbol_grounding
Psychology Wiki - Symbolic
Psychology Wiki - Sympathy
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - callicles-thrasymachus
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - symmetry-breaking
Occultopedia - chinese_symbolic_animals
Occultopedia - sympathetic_magic
Sesame Street (1969 - Current) - First conceived by a group of children's education researchers in 1965, Sesame Street grew to more than just a children's show--it became one of the most famous and well-known shows of all time and a symbol of American pop-culture. A show so well-known, there is nearly not one person who did not gro...
Ben Casey (1961 - 1966) - Ben Casey is an American medical drama series which ran on ABC from 1961 to 1966. The show was known for its opening titles, which consisted of a hand drawing the symbols ", , , , " on a chalkboard, as cast member Sam Jaffe intoned, "Man, woman, birth, death, infinity." Neurosurgeon Joseph Rans...
That's So Raven (2003 - 2007) - an American supernatural sitcom that originally ran on Disney Channel from January 17, 2003 to November 10, 2007. Set in San Francisco, the series starred Raven-Symon as Raven Baxter, a teenager with psychic abilities who draws on her ingenuity, talent as a fashion designer, and a variety of disgui...
Evening at Pops (1970 - 2005) - Evening at Pops was an American concert television series produced by WGBH-TV. It is one of the longest-running programs on PBS, airing from 1970 to 2005. The program was a public television version of a variety show, featuring performances by the Boston Pops Orchestra. It was taped at Symphony Hall...
Tales of Symphonia (2007 - 2012) - Tales of Symphonia The Animation ( The Animation Teiruzu Obu Shinfonia The Animation) was an OVA series animated by Ufotable and produced by Geneon Universal Entertainment and Frontier Works.[41] It consists of four episodes which were released direct-to-video on four separate DVDs on...
Eureka Seven (2005 - 2006) - known in Japan as Psalms of Planets Eureka Seven (Japanese: Hepburn: Kkyshihen Eureka Sebun, lit. "Symphonic Psalms Eureka Seven") a 2005 Japanese anime series created by Bones. The series was directed by Tomoki Kyoda, with series composition by Dai Sat and music by Naoki Sat. Eureka...
Symphogear (2012 - 2018) - Senki Zessh Shinfogia, lit. Superb Song of the Valkyries: Symphogear) is a Japanese anime television franchise animated by Satelight. The original season aired on Tokyo MX between January 6, 2012 and March 30, 2012.[1] A second season entitled Symphogear G aired between July 4, 2013 and September 2...
Brain Damage(1988) - Basket Case director Frank Henenlotter explores another bizarre symbiotic human-monster relationship in this surreal horror-comedy about a young man named Brian (Rick Herbst) who emerges from a night of bizarre hallucinations to find a jovial talking slug attached to his body. The creature, a brain-...
The Long Riders(1980) - The origins, exploits and the ultimate fate of the Jesse James gang is told in a sympathetic portrayal of the bank robbers made up of brothers who begin their legendary bank raids because of revenge.
The Night Stalker(1987) - Sergeant J.J. Striker (Charles Napier) is a hard-drinking cop who tracks down a serial killer that can seemingly repel bullets in this routine crime drama made in 1985. Sommers (Robert Zdar) kills prostitutes and paints Chinese symbols on his victims. Rene (Michelle Reese) is the hooker who teems up...
Gamera(1966) - A nuclear explosion in the far north unleashes Gamera, the legendary flying turtle, from his sleep under the ice. In his search for energy, Gamera wreaks havoc over the entire world, and it's up to the scientists, assisted by a young boy with a strange sympathic link to the monster, to put a stop to...
A Warm Summer Rain(1990) - When a suicidal woman meets up with a wayward young man, the two develop a strong relationship as they find comfort and sympathy in one another.
Fair Game(1995) - Supermodel and sex symbol Cindy Crawford made her acting debut in this high-decibel thriller. Kate McQuean (Crawford) is a lawyer who in the course of a divorce proceeding attempts to seize a 157-foot freighter docked off the Florida coast in lieu of unpaid alimony. It turns out that the freig...
Dust to Dust(1994) - When a power struggle between a greedy Texas mayor and a sympathetic lawyer threatens to render a band of desperate orphans homeless, a notorious gunslinger is called in to resolve the matter in this Western starring Robert Vaughn and Willie Nelson. As a powerful railroad company sets its sights on...
Sextette(1978) - On the day of her wedding,to her sixth husband(Timothy Dalton),a glamorous movie star/sex symbol(Mae West in her final film)is asked to intervene in a political dispute between nations.
Pokmon 3: The Movie(2000) - Originally released in Japan in 2000 then in the U.S. in 2001, the movie focuses on a researcher named Spencer Hale, who lives in the town of Greenfield and studies the elusive Unown, symbolic Pokemon. His daughter Molly hears a story about the legendary Pokemon Entei, who she claims is strong and n...
Cross Of Iron(1977) - A squad of German soldiers fighting on the Eastern Front during WWII led by a battle-hardened sergeant fight to survive Soviet attacks and dogmatic commanders in a chaotic and lethal environment in this sympathetic portrayal of another side of the war not commonly portrayed in Hollywood film.
Heroes(1977) - A Vietnam veteran suffering from post traumatic stress disorder breaks out of a VA hospital and goes on a road trip with a sympathetic traveler to find out what became of the other men in his unit.
Choke(2008) - A sex-addicted con-man pays for his mother's hospital bills by playing on the sympathies of those who rescue him from choking to death.
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen(2009) - Sam Witwicky is caught in the war between two factions of alien robots, the Autobots and the Decepticons. Sam is having hallucinatory episodes of Cybertronian symbols, and is being hunted by the Decepticons under the orders of their long-trapped leader, The Fallen, who seeks to get revenge on Earth...
The Da Vinci Code(2006) - Based on the 2003 novel. Robert Langdon, a professor of religious iconography and symbology from Harvard University is the prime suspect in the grisly and unusual murder of Louvre curator Jacques Saunire. He escapes with the assistance of a police cryptologist, Sophie Neveu, and they are embroiled...
That's Life!(1986) - A wealthy yet depressed architect and his sympathetic wife strive to conquer their life issues in anticipation of his 60th birthday.
Quentin Blakes Clown(2020) - Channel 4's animated short, based on Quentin Blake's illustrated book and narrated by Helena Bonham Carter ("The Toy Symphony"). -- Harem, Drama, Romance, School -- Action, Sci-Fi, Music -- Comedy -- Harem, Romance, Drama -- Harem, Romance -- Action, Music, Sci-Fi -- Action, Adventure, Magic, Martial Arts, Fantasy -- -- -- Sci-Fi, Music, Slice of Life, Comedy -- Action, Music, Sci-Fi -- Action, Music, Sci-Fi -- Sci-Fi, Music, Slice of Life, Comedy -- Comedy, School -- Slice of Life, Comedy -- Action, Adventure, Magic, Martial Arts, Fantasy -- Music -- Comedy, School -- Comedy -- Action, Adventure, Magic, Martial Arts, Fantasy
Angels & Demons (2009) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 18min | Action, Mystery, Thriller | 15 May 2009 (USA) -- Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon works with a nuclear physicist to solve a murder and prevent a terrorist act against the Vatican during one of the significant events within the church. Director: Ron Howard Writers:
A Touch of Frost ::: TV-MA | 1h 45min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (19922010) -- DI Jack Frost is an unconventional policeman with sympathy for the underdog and an instinct for moral justice. Sloppy, disorganized and disrespectful, he attracts trouble like a magnet. Stars:
Cheyenne Autumn (1964) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG | 2h 34min | Drama, History, Western | 22 December 1964 (USA) -- The Cheyenne, tired of broken U.S. government promises, head for their ancestral lands but a sympathetic cavalry officer is tasked to bring them back to their reservation. Director: John Ford Writers:
Choke (2008) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 32min | Comedy, Drama | 30 October 2008 (Australia) -- A sex-addicted con-man pays for his mother's hospital bills by playing on the sympathies of those who rescue him from choking to death. Director: Clark Gregg Writers: Clark Gregg (screenplay), Chuck Palahniuk (novel)
Ghost in the Shell Arise: Border 3 - Ghost Tears (2014) ::: 7.2/10 -- TV-MA | 55min | Animation, Action, Sci-Fi | 28 June 2014 (Japan) -- Motoko and Batou work to try to stop a terrorist organization whose symbol is the Scylla. Meanwhile, Togusa investigates a murder of a man who possessed a prosthetic leg manufactured by the Mermaid's Leg corporation. Director: Kazuchika Kise Writers: Shirow Masamune (manga) (as Masamune Shirow), Tow Ubukata (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Grand Canyon (1991) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 2h 14min | Crime, Drama | 17 January 1992 (USA) -- The fates of several people are intertwining randomly. Their sympathy of each other faces multiple differences in their lifestyles. Director: Lawrence Kasdan Writers: Lawrence Kasdan, Meg Kasdan
High Society (1956) ::: 7.0/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 51min | Comedy, Musical, Romance | 17 July 1956 (USA) -- With socialite Tracy Lord about to remarry, her ex-husband - with the help of a sympathetic reporter - has 48 hours to convince her that she really still loves him. Director: Charles Walters Writers:
Mozart in the Jungle ::: TV-MA | 29min | Comedy, Drama, Music | TV Series (20142018) -- Love, money, ambition and music intertwine in Mozart in the Jungle, a half hour comedic drama that looks at finding yourself and finding love while conquering New York City. A brash new maestro Rodrigo stirs up the New York Symphony as young oboist Hailey hopes for her big chance. Creators:
Nocturnal Animals (2016) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 56min | Drama, Thriller | 9 December 2016 (USA) -- A wealthy art gallery owner is haunted by her ex-husband's novel, a violent thriller she interprets as a symbolic revenge tale. Director: Tom Ford Writers: Tom Ford (screenplay by), Austin Wright (novel)
Nosferatu (1922) ::: 7.9/10 -- Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens (original title) -- Nosferatu Poster -- Vampire Count Orlok expresses interest in a new residence and real estate agent Hutter's wife. Director: F.W. Murnau Writers:
Parasite (2019) ::: 8.6/10 -- Gisaengchung (original title) -- Parasite Poster -- Greed and class discrimination threaten the newly formed symbiotic relationship between the wealthy Park family and the destitute Kim clan. Director: Bong Joon Ho Writers:
Planet of the Apes ::: 47min | Adventure, Sci-Fi, Thriller | TV Series (1974) Two astronauts and a sympathetic chimp friend are fugitives in a future Earth dominated by a civilization of humanoid apes. Creator: Anthony Wilson Stars:
Remember the Night (1940) ::: 7.6/10 -- Passed | 1h 34min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 19 January 1940 (USA) -- Love blooms between a sympathetic attorney and the comely shoplifter he has taken home for the Christmas holiday. Director: Mitchell Leisen Writer: Preston Sturges (original screenplay)
Requiem for a Heavyweight (1962) ::: 7.8/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 35min | Drama, Sport | 16 November 1962 (West Germany) -- Mountain Rivera, a punchy has-been managed by the unprincipled Maish, is mauled in a fight and forced to quit boxing. Can his devoted cutman and a sympathetic social worker help him find a ... S Director: Ralph Nelson Writers:
Senki Zessho Symphogear ::: Animation, Action, Music | TV Series (2012- ) Episode Guide 13 episodes Senki Zessho Symphogear Poster Tsubasa Kazanari and Kanade Amou-the idol duo known as Zwei Wing-use their songs to power ancient weapons known as "symphogears" to combat a deadly alien race called the "Noise." While the ... S Stars: Yuka Iguchi, Nana Mizuki, Miyuki Sawashiro
Stronger (2017) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 59min | Biography, Drama | 29 September 2017 (USA) -- Stronger is the inspiring real life story of Jeff Bauman, an ordinary man who captured the hearts of his city and the world to become a symbol of hope after surviving the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing. Director: David Gordon Green Writers:
Symbol (2009) ::: 7.1/10 -- Shinboru (original title) -- (USA) Symbol Poster A man wakes up in a white room empty other than buttons on the walls, he must find out which button to push to get what he wants. Director: Hitoshi Matsumoto Writers: Hitoshi Matsumoto (screenplay), Mitsuyoshi Takasu (screenplay)
The Four Feathers (2002) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 12min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 20 September 2002 (USA) -- A British officer resigns his post just before battle and subsequently receives four white feathers from his friends and fiancee as symbols of what they believe to be his cowardice. Director: Shekhar Kapur Writers:
The Four Feathers (2002) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 12min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 20 September 2002 (USA) -- A British officer resigns his post just before battle and subsequently receives four white feathers from his friends and fiancee as symbols of what they believe to be his cowardice.
The Long Riders (1980) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 40min | Biography, Crime, Western | 16 May 1980 (USA) -- The origins, exploits and the ultimate fate of the Jesse James gang is told in a sympathetic portrayal of the bank robbers made up of brothers who begin their legendary bank raids because of revenge. Director: Walter Hill Writers:
The Power of One (1992) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 7min | Drama, Sport | 27 March 1992 (USA) -- An English boy, living in Africa during World War II, through his boxing prowess, becomes a symbol of hope, in a time of war. Director: John G. Avildsen Writers: Bryce Courtenay (novel), Robert Mark Kamen (screenplay)
The Way of the Gun (2000) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 59min | Action, Crime, Drama | 8 September 2000 (USA) -- Two criminal drifters without sympathy get more than they bargained for after kidnapping and holding for ransom the surrogate mother of a powerful and shady man. Director: Christopher McQuarrie Writer:
The Way of the Gun (2000) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 59min | Action, Crime, Drama | 8 September 2000 (USA) -- Two criminal drifters without sympathy get more than they bargained for after kidnapping and holding for ransom the surrogate mother of a powerful and shady man.
Time to Leave (2005) ::: 7.1/10 -- Le temps qui reste (original title) -- Time to Leave Poster -- A fashion photographer with terminal cancer elects to die alone, preparing others to live past him rather than prolong the inevitable with chemotherapy or be smothered in sympathy by those who know him. Director: Franois Ozon Writer:
Venom (2018) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 52min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 5 October 2018 (USA) -- A failed reporter is bonded to an alien entity, one of many symbiotes who have invaded Earth. But the being takes a liking to Earth and decides to protect it. Director: Ruben Fleischer Writers:'s_symbol's_Edge_Symphonic_Overture_Suite!'s_Palace's_Fifth_Symphony's_TARDIS_(Sympathy_for_the_Devil)'s_TARDIS_(Sympathy_for_the_Devil)!_(webcast)'t_Break_Up_On_Account_Of_Murder_-_It's_Just_A_Symptom_That_Something_Else_Is_Wrong
Aftermath -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Military Music Drama -- Aftermath Aftermath -- The video is the result of Muse’s on-going creative collaborations with Japanese director Tekken, who previously delivered eye-catching, flipbook-style animated videos for the band’s tracks “Follow Me” and “Exogenesis: Symphony Part 3 (Redemption)”. -- -- (Source: Muse) -- Music - May 12, 2016 -- 1,216 6.02
Air Gear -- -- Toei Animation -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Ecchi Shounen Sports -- Air Gear Air Gear -- Air Trecks, also known as AT, are motorized and futuristic inline skates that are the new craze taking the nation by storm. Although each AT comes with a speed limiter, a community of daredevils known as the "Storm Riders" are brave enough to tamper with the device. Utilizing AT's in underground battles, individual teams wager valuable AT parts or team emblems—their symbol of pride—to dominate the streets. -- -- Living in this era is Itsuki Minami, a middle school student notorious for engaging in street fights. Always wanting to reach heights no one else is able to, the reckless punk will break through any obstacle that stands in his way, alongside his best friends Kazuma Mikura and Onigiri. However, it is when he discovers a pair of Air Trecks in his house that the path to his true desire finally opens: to rule the skies. -- -- 303,417 7.52
Air Gear -- -- Toei Animation -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Ecchi Shounen Sports -- Air Gear Air Gear -- Air Trecks, also known as AT, are motorized and futuristic inline skates that are the new craze taking the nation by storm. Although each AT comes with a speed limiter, a community of daredevils known as the "Storm Riders" are brave enough to tamper with the device. Utilizing AT's in underground battles, individual teams wager valuable AT parts or team emblems—their symbol of pride—to dominate the streets. -- -- Living in this era is Itsuki Minami, a middle school student notorious for engaging in street fights. Always wanting to reach heights no one else is able to, the reckless punk will break through any obstacle that stands in his way, alongside his best friends Kazuma Mikura and Onigiri. However, it is when he discovers a pair of Air Trecks in his house that the path to his true desire finally opens: to rule the skies. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- 303,417 7.52
Al Caral no Isan -- -- animate Film, Visual 80 -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Space Seinen -- Al Caral no Isan Al Caral no Isan -- In the 26th century, humans discover a humanoid race living on the distant world GO/7498/2, a dark-skinned, golden-eyed people who seem to eke out a primitive, carefree existence. However, a scout team from Earth discovers that there is more to them than meets the eye--they live in symbiosis with vicious reptilian parasites, and the Terran scientists have upset the delicate natural balance. -- -- (Source: The Anime Encyclopedia) -- OVA - Feb 25, 1993 -- 989 5.43
An Expression -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- An Expression An Expression -- Symbolized an urban man with a triangle figure, a country woman with a circle, and represented the encounter between the two by movement. -- -- Director Shigenji Ogino tried to naturally color the movie via the kinema color technique. Due to being an early work, the technique isn't smooth. Because of this the film has a photosensitive epileptic seizure warning as there are high frequency flashes of red and green frames for the duration of the entire film. -- -- Please be careful while viewing. -- Movie - ??? ??, 1935 -- 615 4.41
Aragne no Mushikago -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Fantasy Horror Mystery -- Aragne no Mushikago Aragne no Mushikago -- Life could be better for shy, anxious university student Rin. The apartment she has rented is hardly the sunny palace the rental listings suggested. The housing complex is rundown, grim and haunted by troubled souls lurking in dark corners. Ghastly crimes are occurring in the vicinity. And a grinning stranger makes his unsettling presence known. -- -- Beyond all this, Rin is coming to realize that something even more sinister is manifesting itself, something at the cursed crossroads of mythology, monstrosity and medical science. Determined to find out more, Rin visits the library, where she meets a sympathetic young staffer. But what she learns does not begin to put her mind at ease. -- -- (Source: Fantasia) -- Movie - Aug 18, 2018 -- 2,910 5.13
Big Wars: Kami Utsu Akaki Kouya ni -- -- Magic Bus -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space -- Big Wars: Kami Utsu Akaki Kouya ni Big Wars: Kami Utsu Akaki Kouya ni -- It is the dawn of the 21st century. Mankind has terraformed and colonized Mars. But we are not alone in the universe. An ancient race of alien beings, known only as "The Gods," has been watching mankind's progress ...and waiting. Now, these mysterious aliens have returned to halt mankind's expansion into space force. -- -- Now, the planet named after the God of War will become our final battlefield, as mankind fights a desperate battle with the latest in high-tech, military hardware: hyper-advanced aircraft, orbital fighters, and gigantic, desert battleships brimming with the most advanced weaponry. -- -- But will it be enough? The aliens have awesome, incredibly destructive weapons at their disposal—including "Hell"—an unstoppable stealth carrier. But the alien's primary weapon is insidiously quiet and invisible—a mind control plaque. Incurable. Inevitable. Contagious. Humans are powerless to resist its effects, which transforms even the most loyal soldiers into dangerous subversives. -- -- Our last hope lies with Captain Akuh and the crew of the Battleship Aoba. If his top-secret mission is successful, mankind will deal a decisive blow to the alien armada. But Akuh's girlfriend is showing signs of nymphomania—the first symptom of alien subversion! -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- OVA - Sep 25, 1993 -- 2,482 5.45
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Next -- -- AIC Build -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Harem Slice of Life Comedy Romance School -- Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Next Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Next -- The Neighbor's Club—a club founded for the purpose of making friends, where misfortunate boys and girls with few friends live out their regrettable lives. -- -- Although Yozora Mikazuki faced a certain incident at the end of summer, the daily life of the Neighbor's Club goes on as usual. A strange nun, members of the student council and other new faces make an appearance, causing Kodaka Hasegawa's life to grow even busier. -- -- While they all enjoy going to the amusement park, playing games, celebrating birthdays, and challenging the "school festival"—a symbol of the school life normal people live—the relations amongst the members slowly begins to change... -- -- Let the next stage begin, on this unfortunate coming-of-age love comedy!! -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Jan 11, 2013 -- 440,043 7.38
Brain Powerd -- -- Sunrise -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Mecha Sci-Fi -- Brain Powerd Brain Powerd -- In the not so distant future much of the earth has been submerged under the sea or destroyed by earthquakes. At the center of the turmoil is the mysterious Orphan. Orphan may or may not be the original cause of the cataclysms. Orphan`s goal is to raise a ship hidden deep beneath the sea to the surface, but doing so would result in the destruction of all humans except for the small number which are loyal to Orphan. -- -- Orphan`s agents pilot mysterious mecha known as Grand Cheres, and search the world for mysterious, giant disks which occasionally appear, flying at high speeds and wrecking much of the countryside, or cities, when they hit the ground. After a dying disc almost kills Hime, a Brain Powerd is born from the disc. Brain Powerds are another type of Mecha, similar to but not the same as Grand Cheres. -- -- Hime becomes the Brain Powerd`s pilot, forming a symbiotic relationship with the living mecha and joins an International Organization dedicated to stopping Orphan, or at the very least saving humanity should Orphan succeed. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 8, 1998 -- 8,146 6.09
Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism -- -- Connect, SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy School Shounen -- Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism -- The Private Aichi Symbiosis Academy was originally a high school for high-class girls. When it became co-ed, the girls, out of fear, asked to be permitted to bring weapons to school. When that was enforced, a five-member vigilante corps-like organization called the "Supreme Five Swords" was also formed. -- -- After many generations, the five swords eventually became a group which corrected problematic students, and the academy started proactively accepting such students in order to correct them. -- -- Nomura Fudou was sent to this school after being part of a huge brawl. What will he do when the only options he has after enrolling are being expelled from that school or being corrected the way the rest of the male students there being forced to dress and act like a girl! -- -- (Source: Batoto, edited) -- 275,576 6.94
Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism -- -- Connect, SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy School Shounen -- Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism -- The Private Aichi Symbiosis Academy was originally a high school for high-class girls. When it became co-ed, the girls, out of fear, asked to be permitted to bring weapons to school. When that was enforced, a five-member vigilante corps-like organization called the "Supreme Five Swords" was also formed. -- -- After many generations, the five swords eventually became a group which corrected problematic students, and the academy started proactively accepting such students in order to correct them. -- -- Nomura Fudou was sent to this school after being part of a huge brawl. What will he do when the only options he has after enrolling are being expelled from that school or being corrected the way the rest of the male students there being forced to dress and act like a girl! -- -- (Source: Batoto, edited) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 275,576 6.94
Chihayafuru 3 -- -- Madhouse -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Game Slice of Life Sports Drama School Josei -- Chihayafuru 3 Chihayafuru 3 -- Winning the high school team tournament was a great accomplishment for the Mizusawa members. Each of them has made great strides in improving themselves, and the victory symbolizes how far they've come. But after accomplishing one goal, their individual aims are within reach. Chihaya Ayase has her sights set on Wakamiya Shinobu and the title of Queen, and now that Taichi Mashima has made it into Class A, he can finally compete against Arata Wataya. Everyone in Mizusawa wants to get better, and there's no telling what the future holds if they keep trying. -- -- 94,380 8.50
Chihayafuru 3 -- -- Madhouse -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Game Slice of Life Sports Drama School Josei -- Chihayafuru 3 Chihayafuru 3 -- Winning the high school team tournament was a great accomplishment for the Mizusawa members. Each of them has made great strides in improving themselves, and the victory symbolizes how far they've come. But after accomplishing one goal, their individual aims are within reach. Chihaya Ayase has her sights set on Wakamiya Shinobu and the title of Queen, and now that Taichi Mashima has made it into Class A, he can finally compete against Arata Wataya. Everyone in Mizusawa wants to get better, and there's no telling what the future holds if they keep trying. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 94,380 8.50
Commercial War -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Commercial War Commercial War -- In a mixture of cut-out and hand-drawn animation techniques, Tanaami jumbles together symbols of American consumer culture –such as Coca Cola, Superman, Space Age astronauts and hamburgers– with occasional Japanese iconography, such as the squat toilet. The frenetic pace of the animation, the catchphrases and songs on the soundtrack as well as the hand-drawn CRT television monitor that occasionally frames the images makes reference to television commercials. -- -- (Source: Collaborative Cataloging Japan) -- Movie - ??? ??, 1971 -- 422 4.83
Detective Conan Movie 14: The Lost Ship in the Sky -- -- Tokyo Movie Shinsha -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Mystery Police Shounen -- Detective Conan Movie 14: The Lost Ship in the Sky Detective Conan Movie 14: The Lost Ship in the Sky -- One night, the Tokyo National Institute of Microorganisms is attacked by a mysterious organization calling themselves the "Red Siamese Cats." The group causes the explosion of a high-security lab storing a virus—said to have a mortality rate of 80% with no known cure. This act of terror dominates the headlines, overshadowing the unveiling of the world's biggest airship developed under Jirokichi Suzuki. Peculiarly, the unveiling has a note attached for Kaito "Kaitou Kid" Kuroba, challenging him to steal the jewel on display—the illustrious Lady Sky. -- -- Conan Edogawa is permitted to board the airship along with Kogorou Mouri, Ran Mouri, Sonoko Suzuki, Professor Agasa, and the Detective Boys. However, their fun comes to a halt when an unknown caller contacts Jirokichi and declares that they have released a certain virus in the smoking room. Soon after, symptoms begin to appear among the passengers and chaos ensues. Seizing the opportunity, the Red Siamese Cats suddenly appear and hijack the airship! -- -- To stop the assailants, Conan and Kaitou Kid, along with their allies, must work together to decipher the clues and discover the Red Siamese Cats' real objective before time runs out. -- -- Movie - Apr 17, 2010 -- 44,019 8.14
Digimon Adventure tri. 3: Kokuhaku -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama -- Digimon Adventure tri. 3: Kokuhaku Digimon Adventure tri. 3: Kokuhaku -- The Chosen Children are in shock after the betrayal of Meicoomon, the digital monster who had recently joined their group alongside her human partner, Meiko Mochizuki. Koushirou Izumi is determined to diagnose the infection that took control of Meicoomon. Meanwhile, Takeru Takaishi realizes that his own partner, Patamon, is starting to exhibit alarming symptoms similar to that of other infected Digimon, like Meicoomon. -- -- Just then, the Chosen Children receive a message from the mysterious entity Homeostasis, who informs them that their world is in danger of total destruction—and the Digital World, the home of the Digimon, is too. Homeostasis plans to enact a "Reboot," which will reset all the data that makes up the Digital World and eradicate the infection. However, the Reboot will also erase the memories of all Digimon, including the Childrens' partners. Can the Chosen Children stop Meicoomon before the Reboot becomes necessary, or is this the end of their time together with their Digimon? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Shout! Factory -- Movie - Sep 24, 2016 -- 62,313 7.69
Digimon Adventure tri. 3: Kokuhaku -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama -- Digimon Adventure tri. 3: Kokuhaku Digimon Adventure tri. 3: Kokuhaku -- The Chosen Children are in shock after the betrayal of Meicoomon, the digital monster who had recently joined their group alongside her human partner, Meiko Mochizuki. Koushirou Izumi is determined to diagnose the infection that took control of Meicoomon. Meanwhile, Takeru Takaishi realizes that his own partner, Patamon, is starting to exhibit alarming symptoms similar to that of other infected Digimon, like Meicoomon. -- -- Just then, the Chosen Children receive a message from the mysterious entity Homeostasis, who informs them that their world is in danger of total destruction—and the Digital World, the home of the Digimon, is too. Homeostasis plans to enact a "Reboot," which will reset all the data that makes up the Digital World and eradicate the infection. However, the Reboot will also erase the memories of all Digimon, including the Childrens' partners. Can the Chosen Children stop Meicoomon before the Reboot becomes necessary, or is this the end of their time together with their Digimon? -- -- Movie - Sep 24, 2016 -- 62,313 7.69
Flag -- -- The Answer Studio -- 13 eps -- Original -- Mecha Military -- Flag Flag -- In 20xx, a civil war broke out in a small country in Asia in spite of the dispatch of UN forces. But a picture taken by accident in the battlefield accelerates the peace process: a photograph of a flag, which became the symbol of peace. However, just before the peace agreement is finalized, the flag is stolen by an armed extremist group in order to obstruct the truce. To rescue the flag, the UN sends the Special Development Command (SDC, which is armed with the High Agility Versatile Weapon Carrier (HAVWC)), along with an embedded photojournalist to record their activities. That photojournalist is Saeko Shirasu—the young camerawoman who took the picture of the flag. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- ONA - Jun 16, 2006 -- 17,237 7.20
Grancrest Senki -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Drama Fantasy Romance -- Grancrest Senki Grancrest Senki -- The continent of Atlatan once again finds itself devoured by the flames of war after a horrific event known as the Great Hall Tragedy. What was supposed to be a joyful occasion that would establish peace between the Fantasia Union and the Factory Alliance, the marriage of Sir Alexis Douse and Lady Marrine Kreische, was instead a tragedy. As the bride and groom walked down the aisle, the ceremony was suddenly interrupted by a powerful convergence of "Chaos," a dark energy from another dimension that corrupts the land and brings forth monsters and demons into the world. From within that energy appeared the Demon Lord of Diabolos, an evil being who instantly murdered the archdukes of both factions, shattering any hope for peace between them. -- -- Having failed to prevent this disaster, Siluca Meletes, an Alliance mage, is traveling through the Chaos-infested countryside to study under a master magician. When she is intercepted by a group of soldiers working with the Federation, Siluca is rescued by Theo Cornaro, a young warrior carrying a mysterious "Crest," a magical symbol that gives its wielder the ability to banish Chaos. Bearing no allegiance to a specific domain, Theo hopes to attain the rank of Lord so that he can liberate his home town of Sistina from its tyrannical ruler and the Chaos spreading within it. Impressed by his noble goal, Siluca enters into a magical contract with Theo, and the two embark on a journey to restore balance to their war-torn land. -- -- 221,418 7.24
Grancrest Senki -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Drama Fantasy Romance -- Grancrest Senki Grancrest Senki -- The continent of Atlatan once again finds itself devoured by the flames of war after a horrific event known as the Great Hall Tragedy. What was supposed to be a joyful occasion that would establish peace between the Fantasia Union and the Factory Alliance, the marriage of Sir Alexis Douse and Lady Marrine Kreische, was instead a tragedy. As the bride and groom walked down the aisle, the ceremony was suddenly interrupted by a powerful convergence of "Chaos," a dark energy from another dimension that corrupts the land and brings forth monsters and demons into the world. From within that energy appeared the Demon Lord of Diabolos, an evil being who instantly murdered the archdukes of both factions, shattering any hope for peace between them. -- -- Having failed to prevent this disaster, Siluca Meletes, an Alliance mage, is traveling through the Chaos-infested countryside to study under a master magician. When she is intercepted by a group of soldiers working with the Federation, Siluca is rescued by Theo Cornaro, a young warrior carrying a mysterious "Crest," a magical symbol that gives its wielder the ability to banish Chaos. Bearing no allegiance to a specific domain, Theo hopes to attain the rank of Lord so that he can liberate his home town of Sistina from its tyrannical ruler and the Chaos spreading within it. Impressed by his noble goal, Siluca enters into a magical contract with Theo, and the two embark on a journey to restore balance to their war-torn land. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 221,418 7.24
Juuou Mujin no Fafnir -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Fantasy Harem Romance School -- Juuou Mujin no Fafnir Juuou Mujin no Fafnir -- Midgar, all-girl academy, would have been notable just for the action of accepting its first and only male student, Yuu Mononobe. But Midgar stands out for much more than that: it's a school exclusive to a group of girls known as D's. Each of them have extremely powerful abilities in generating dark matter and manipulating it into powerful weaponry. -- -- The D's didn't exist twenty-five years ago, and only appeared after a number of mysterious, destructive monsters known as "Dragons" started appearing around the world. Strangely, just as suddenly as they appeared, they vanished. In their destructive wake, some girls started being born with symbols on their bodies and powers similar in nature to those wielded by the Dragons themselves. -- -- Now the D's attend this school, hoping to harness and utilize their powers against the Dragons. Yuu is their latest member and is extraordinary for being the only known male D in existence. Now he must forge relationships with the girls around him, including his long separated sister who attends the school as well, and work with them to investigate and eliminate the threat of the powerful Dragons. -- 129,172 6.23
Kanashimi no Belladonna -- -- Mushi Production -- 1 ep -- Book -- Dementia Drama Hentai Historical -- Kanashimi no Belladonna Kanashimi no Belladonna -- The beautiful Jeanne marries a man named Jean, and the happy newlyweds make their way to the Lord's castle with a cow's worth of money for his blessings. However, the demonic Lord is unmoved by their offering, ignoring their desperate, impoverished pleas. The Lord's wife offers an alternative: Jeanne must become the Lord's conquest for the night in a ritual deflowering. -- -- Scarred by the experience, the shaken Jeanne receives no sympathy from her husband. Instead, she is neglected. But as Jeanne drifts off to sleep, she is met by a strange spirit that encourages her to deliver retribution to those who wronged her. And with a mysterious surge of pleasure and an unquenching libido, Jeanne agrees. -- -- Kanashimi no Belladonna is a captivating, psychosexual adventure that tells a story of cunning witchcraft and deceitful superstition in a poor, rural village of medieval France. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Cinelicious Pics -- Movie - Jun 30, 1973 -- 25,287 7.12
Kanashimi no Belladonna -- -- Mushi Production -- 1 ep -- Book -- Dementia Drama Hentai Historical -- Kanashimi no Belladonna Kanashimi no Belladonna -- The beautiful Jeanne marries a man named Jean, and the happy newlyweds make their way to the Lord's castle with a cow's worth of money for his blessings. However, the demonic Lord is unmoved by their offering, ignoring their desperate, impoverished pleas. The Lord's wife offers an alternative: Jeanne must become the Lord's conquest for the night in a ritual deflowering. -- -- Scarred by the experience, the shaken Jeanne receives no sympathy from her husband. Instead, she is neglected. But as Jeanne drifts off to sleep, she is met by a strange spirit that encourages her to deliver retribution to those who wronged her. And with a mysterious surge of pleasure and an unquenching libido, Jeanne agrees. -- -- Kanashimi no Belladonna is a captivating, psychosexual adventure that tells a story of cunning witchcraft and deceitful superstition in a poor, rural village of medieval France. -- -- Movie - Jun 30, 1973 -- 25,287 7.12
Kenju Giga -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Parody Psychological -- Kenju Giga Kenju Giga -- A dog race is interrupted by a ringmaster, who attaches fish to the dog’s collars and makes them run in circles. The crowd is incensed, but the ringmaster insists that the audience is no better off than the dogs. In the end the ringmaster is assassinated and the race continues, but a single red rose sprouts from the ringmaster’s blood; a symbol of truth in a crazy world? -- -- -AniDB -- Movie - ??? ??, 1970 -- 902 4.98
Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai -- -- Studio VOLN -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Slice of Life Drama Romance -- Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai -- The aloof protagonist: a bookworm who is deeply detached from the world he resides in. He has no interest in others and is firmly convinced that nobody has any interest in him either. His story begins when he stumbles across a handwritten book, titled "Living with Dying." He soon identifies it as a secret diary belonging to his popular, bubbly classmate Sakura Yamauchi. She then confides in him about the pancreatic disease she is suffering from and that her time left is finite. Only her family knows about her terminal illness; not even her best friends are aware. Despite this revelation, he shows zero sympathy for her plight, but caught in the waves of Sakura's persistent buoyancy, he eventually concedes to accompanying her for her remaining days. -- -- As the pair of polar opposites interact, their connection strengthens, interweaving through their choices made with each passing day. Her apparent nonchalance and unpredictability disrupts the protagonist's impassive flow of life, gradually opening his heart as he discovers and embraces the true meaning of living. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Sep 1, 2018 -- 499,135 8.59
Knights of the Zodiac: Saint Seiya -- -- Toei Animation -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Adventure Fantasy Shounen -- Knights of the Zodiac: Saint Seiya Knights of the Zodiac: Saint Seiya -- Zeus had a daughter named Athena, the goddess of war. A group of youths flocked to Athena fighting to protect her amidst heroic battles as her "Saints". Their proof of being a Saint laid with the battle protector known as Sacred Cloth. -- -- After a virtual eternity, a new struggle is about to unfold now again over the Cloth. A boy named Seiya has crossed way over to Greece to undergo the training to become a Saint and obtained the Cloth, Bronze cloth, the lowest position among Saints. Every Saint takes a constellation as their tutelary god. And Seiya's guardian star is Pegasus. Now, the saints gather together from all over the world to participate in the "Galatic War" - championship of Saints, aiming at the Gold Cloth, the symbol of ruler of the Saints. The curtain for Galatic War has been cut open. During the death battle between the Saints, Phoenix, the Black Saint, suddenly appeared on the scene and runs off with Gold Cloth in front of a full house in his ambition to become ruler of the world. Seiya and his fellow bronze cloth warriors go after Phoenix and his "Shadow Army" to retrieve the lost Gold Cloth... -- -- The battles waged among the saints, the strongest young men on earth, begin now! -- -- (Source: Toei Animation) -- ONA - Jul 19, 2019 -- 13,627 5.11
Koihime†Musou -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Adventure Historical Ecchi Martial Arts Fantasy -- Koihime†Musou Koihime†Musou -- After witnessing the death of her family at the hands of bandits, Unchou Kan'u has devoted her life to protecting the innocent by exterminating any group of bandits she comes across. Over time, Kan'u's deeds become famous throughout the land—even if she herself remains unknown. During her travels, she runs across a young girl, Chouhi Yokutoku, whose parents suffered a similar fate as Kan'u's. Finding companionship through their similar pasts, the two girls take a vow of sisterhood and continue to wander the land, determined to bring peace to wherever their journey takes them. -- -- During Kan'u and Chouhi's journey, they meet and travel with several people who are sympathetic to their cause, such as the noble Chouun Shiryuu, the headstrong Bachou Mouki, and the calculating Shokatsuryou Koumei. From problems with local lords to groups of ravaging bandits, Kan'u and her friends do what they can to make life a little easier for those in need, wherever they may be. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 42,705 6.75
Koukaku Kidoutai Arise: Ghost in the Shell - Border:3 Ghost Tears -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Police Psychological Mecha -- Koukaku Kidoutai Arise: Ghost in the Shell - Border:3 Ghost Tears Koukaku Kidoutai Arise: Ghost in the Shell - Border:3 Ghost Tears -- Third movie of Ghost in the Shell: Arise. -- -- Motoko and Batou work to try to stop a terrorist organization whose symbol is the Scylla. Meanwhile, Togusa investigates a murder of a man who possessed a prosthetic leg manufactured by the Mermaid's Leg corporation. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Jun 28, 2014 -- 38,366 7.37
Kuroshitsuji Movie: Book of the Atlantic -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Mystery Comedy Historical Demons Supernatural Shounen -- Kuroshitsuji Movie: Book of the Atlantic Kuroshitsuji Movie: Book of the Atlantic -- The young Earl Ciel Phantomhive—the Queen's Guard Dog—is once again called to investigate seemingly supernatural phenomena when news of miraculous resurrections begins to surface in Victorian London. Along with Sebastian Michaelis, his demon butler, they board the luxury cruise liner Campania to investigate rumors of the Aurora Society—a medical organization suspected of experimenting on the dead. -- -- Grim reapers begin to appear on the ship, and it becomes apparent that the ship is about to be overrun with the undead as a devious plan is put into motion. Ciel and Sebastian must now uncover the secrets that lie behind the Aurora Society's phoenix symbol, and with the help of some old acquaintances, return the undead to their coffins or share a watery grave. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Jan 21, 2017 -- 141,317 8.26
Kuroshitsuji Movie: Book of the Atlantic -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Mystery Comedy Historical Demons Supernatural Shounen -- Kuroshitsuji Movie: Book of the Atlantic Kuroshitsuji Movie: Book of the Atlantic -- The young Earl Ciel Phantomhive—the Queen's Guard Dog—is once again called to investigate seemingly supernatural phenomena when news of miraculous resurrections begins to surface in Victorian London. Along with Sebastian Michaelis, his demon butler, they board the luxury cruise liner Campania to investigate rumors of the Aurora Society—a medical organization suspected of experimenting on the dead. -- -- Grim reapers begin to appear on the ship, and it becomes apparent that the ship is about to be overrun with the undead as a devious plan is put into motion. Ciel and Sebastian must now uncover the secrets that lie behind the Aurora Society's phoenix symbol, and with the help of some old acquaintances, return the undead to their coffins or share a watery grave. -- -- Movie - Jan 21, 2017 -- 141,317 8.26
Kyoushirou to Towa no Sora -- -- TNK -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Magic Romance Shounen -- Kyoushirou to Towa no Sora Kyoushirou to Towa no Sora -- Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora revolves around the life of Kuu Shiratori, a seemingly normal high school girl who enjoys her school life in the giant city Academia, which is thought of as a symbol of recovery for humanity since already ten years have passed since the greatest disaster mankind had ever seen, occurred. Kuu has recently been having a recurring dream where a prince meets her and takes her away. One day, while all the students at her school are preparing for the upcoming school festival, the prince, whom she has met several times in her dreams, appears. The prince, Kyoshiro Ayanokoji, requests of her just as he had done in Kuu's dreams, "Let's go... together..." -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- 38,528 6.47
Kyoushirou to Towa no Sora -- -- TNK -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Magic Romance Shounen -- Kyoushirou to Towa no Sora Kyoushirou to Towa no Sora -- Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora revolves around the life of Kuu Shiratori, a seemingly normal high school girl who enjoys her school life in the giant city Academia, which is thought of as a symbol of recovery for humanity since already ten years have passed since the greatest disaster mankind had ever seen, occurred. Kuu has recently been having a recurring dream where a prince meets her and takes her away. One day, while all the students at her school are preparing for the upcoming school festival, the prince, whom she has met several times in her dreams, appears. The prince, Kyoshiro Ayanokoji, requests of her just as he had done in Kuu's dreams, "Let's go... together..." -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- 38,528 6.47
Love Lab -- -- Doga Kobo -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Romance School -- Love Lab Love Lab -- At Fujisaki Girls Academy, student council president Natsuo Maki is the epitome of grace and perfection, admired by all the young girls who attend the school. One day, Riko Kurahashi walks into the student council room on an errand, only to discover Natsuo practicing her kissing techniques on a pillow, an act that is neither graceful nor elegant. Riko soon discovers that Natsuo desires more romance in her life, leading her to practice "romantic situations" in secret. -- -- Sympathizing with her, Riko agrees to help Natsuo with her love research. Named "Love Lab," the project practices the essentials of love and romance, such as bumping into each other "accidentally" and holding hands. Soon, the entire student council joins in on the fun in the Love Lab too! Through their research and real life encounters, what will they learn about romance? -- -- Weaving together funny characters and comedic situations, Love Lab builds a story of friendship and romance, while never missing a beat with the laughter. -- -- 164,263 7.35
Loveless -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Mystery Supernatural Drama Romance Fantasy Josei Shounen Ai -- Loveless Loveless -- In the world of Loveless, each person is born with cat ears and a tail, which disappear only if that person engages in a sexual intercourse. Because of this, they have come to symbolize virginity and innocence. Additionally, fighting is only done by "fighting pairs" or couples, where one is known as the Sacrifice and the other as the Fighter. The first receives the damage while the latter attacks. -- -- Ritsuka Aoyagi is a 12-year-old boy, who for some unknown reason suffers from amnesia. His brother got killed recently, and as if his life has not been hard enough lately, on his first day at the new school he gets approached by a stranger called Agatsuma Soubi, who claims to have known his late brother. Ritsuka finds out that Agatsuma and his brother used to be a fighting pair, and that Agatsuma has inherited Ritsuga now that his brother is gone. Together, they try to find the truth behind his brother's death and the organization known as the "Seven Moons," which may have been responsible for it. All the while, it seems that Ritsuka and Agatsuma are becoming closer than they intended to be… -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- TV - Apr 7, 2005 -- 123,001 6.84
Loveless -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Mystery Supernatural Drama Romance Fantasy Josei Shounen Ai -- Loveless Loveless -- In the world of Loveless, each person is born with cat ears and a tail, which disappear only if that person engages in a sexual intercourse. Because of this, they have come to symbolize virginity and innocence. Additionally, fighting is only done by "fighting pairs" or couples, where one is known as the Sacrifice and the other as the Fighter. The first receives the damage while the latter attacks. -- -- Ritsuka Aoyagi is a 12-year-old boy, who for some unknown reason suffers from amnesia. His brother got killed recently, and as if his life has not been hard enough lately, on his first day at the new school he gets approached by a stranger called Agatsuma Soubi, who claims to have known his late brother. Ritsuka finds out that Agatsuma and his brother used to be a fighting pair, and that Agatsuma has inherited Ritsuga now that his brother is gone. Together, they try to find the truth behind his brother's death and the organization known as the "Seven Moons," which may have been responsible for it. All the while, it seems that Ritsuka and Agatsuma are becoming closer than they intended to be… -- TV - Apr 7, 2005 -- 123,001 6.84
Manyuu Hikenchou -- -- Hoods Entertainment -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Historical Ecchi Samurai Seinen -- Manyuu Hikenchou Manyuu Hikenchou -- The Edo period of Japan gave rise to a clan of warriors with a very specialized, magical skill. The clan was known as the Manyuu, and the skill was the ability to administer a sword strike that could shrink the size of a woman's breasts. This might not seem like an ability that could exert power over a land, but in Manyuu Hikenchou, large breasts denote status, wealth, fame, and influence. -- -- Grave concern has arisen in the Manyuu clan due to the actions of their chosen successor, Chifusa. Disgusted with the breast obsessed society that the Manyuu have created and perpetuated, Chifusa has not only deserted the clan, but also stolen the sacred scroll that details their techniques to growing and severing breasts. -- -- Fortunately, Chifusa is not completely alone. Her fellow warrior Kaede is sympathetic to her cause; a sympathy that could place her in considerable danger. Now wanted by the very clan that raised her, Chifusa must defend her life and Kaede's while seeking to undo the damage their brethren have done to the land. Along the way, Chifusa will discover that she harbors a power that goes far beyond the scope of her training, one that could help shape and change the land that she seeks to bring equality to. -- 61,109 6.22
Mashiro-iro Symphony: The Color of Lovers -- -- Manglobe -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Harem Drama Romance School -- Mashiro-iro Symphony: The Color of Lovers Mashiro-iro Symphony: The Color of Lovers -- When boys suddenly get into places where they've never been allowed before, some girls tend to get upset. So when the decision is made to merge the elite Yuihime Girls' Private Academy and the coeducational Kagamidai Private Academy, everyone wants to take extra care in avoiding trouble while bringing the two Privates together. Therefore, rather than just bringing the Kagamidai boys into the Yuihime girls' school all at once, a plan is concocted in which a group of test males will be inserted into the Girls' Private Academy first. -- -- Thus, poor young Shingo finds himself being thrown as a sacrificial lamb to the lionesses of Yuihime, who aren't exactly waiting for him with open arms. Will Shingo manage to survive the estrogen soaked death pit that is Yuihime? Can the girls learn to be more receptive to the boys? And just how long until something involving panties will cause emotions to flare, sparks to fly and the battle of the sexes to explode? -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks, edited) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 132,505 7.09
Mushishi Zoku Shou 2nd Season -- -- Artland -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Fantasy Historical Mystery Seinen Slice of Life Supernatural -- Mushishi Zoku Shou 2nd Season Mushishi Zoku Shou 2nd Season -- Ghostly, primordial beings known as Mushi continue to cause mysterious changes in the lives of humans. The travelling Mushishi, Ginko, persists in trying to set right the strange and unsettling situations he encounters. Time loops, living shadows, and telepathy are among the overt effects of interference from Mushi, but more subtle symptoms that take years to be noticed also rouse Ginko's concern as he passes from village to village. -- -- Through circumstance, Ginko has become an arbiter, determining which Mushi are blessings and which are curses. But the lines that he seeks to draw are subjective. Some of his patients would rather exercise their new powers until they are utterly consumed by them; others desperately strive to rid themselves of afflictions which are in fact protecting their lives from devastation. Those who cross paths with Mushi must learn to accept seemingly impossible consequences for their actions, and heal wounds they did not know they had. Otherwise, they risk meeting with fates beyond their comprehension. -- -- 206,606 8.76
Mushishi Zoku Shou 2nd Season -- -- Artland -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Fantasy Historical Mystery Seinen Slice of Life Supernatural -- Mushishi Zoku Shou 2nd Season Mushishi Zoku Shou 2nd Season -- Ghostly, primordial beings known as Mushi continue to cause mysterious changes in the lives of humans. The travelling Mushishi, Ginko, persists in trying to set right the strange and unsettling situations he encounters. Time loops, living shadows, and telepathy are among the overt effects of interference from Mushi, but more subtle symptoms that take years to be noticed also rouse Ginko's concern as he passes from village to village. -- -- Through circumstance, Ginko has become an arbiter, determining which Mushi are blessings and which are curses. But the lines that he seeks to draw are subjective. Some of his patients would rather exercise their new powers until they are utterly consumed by them; others desperately strive to rid themselves of afflictions which are in fact protecting their lives from devastation. Those who cross paths with Mushi must learn to accept seemingly impossible consequences for their actions, and heal wounds they did not know they had. Otherwise, they risk meeting with fates beyond their comprehension. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 206,606 8.76
Mushishi Zoku Shou -- -- Artland -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Slice of Life Mystery Historical Supernatural Fantasy Seinen -- Mushishi Zoku Shou Mushishi Zoku Shou -- Perceived as strange and feared by man, over time the misshapen ones came to be known as Mushi. Although they harbor no ill intentions towards humans, many suffer from the side effects of their existence and strange nature; exploiting the Mushi without understanding them, even unintentionally, can lead to disaster and strife for any involved. Mushishi Zoku Shou continues the story of Mushishi Ginko on his journey to help the visible world to coexist with the Mushi. -- -- During his travels, Ginko discovers various gifted individuals—those cursed by circumstance and those maintaining a fragile symbiosis with the Mushi—inevitably confronting the question of whether humanity, talented and tortured alike, can manage the responsibility of the unseen. Moreover, as a Mushishi, Ginko must learn more about these strange beings and decide if he has the right to interfere with the complex relationships between Mushi and mankind. -- -- 235,521 8.72
Mushishi Zoku Shou -- -- Artland -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Slice of Life Mystery Historical Supernatural Fantasy Seinen -- Mushishi Zoku Shou Mushishi Zoku Shou -- Perceived as strange and feared by man, over time the misshapen ones came to be known as Mushi. Although they harbor no ill intentions towards humans, many suffer from the side effects of their existence and strange nature; exploiting the Mushi without understanding them, even unintentionally, can lead to disaster and strife for any involved. Mushishi Zoku Shou continues the story of Mushishi Ginko on his journey to help the visible world to coexist with the Mushi. -- -- During his travels, Ginko discovers various gifted individuals—those cursed by circumstance and those maintaining a fragile symbiosis with the Mushi—inevitably confronting the question of whether humanity, talented and tortured alike, can manage the responsibility of the unseen. Moreover, as a Mushishi, Ginko must learn more about these strange beings and decide if he has the right to interfere with the complex relationships between Mushi and mankind. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 235,521 8.72
Nodame Cantabile OVA -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy Josei Music Romance Slice of Life -- Nodame Cantabile OVA Nodame Cantabile OVA -- Yukihisa Matsuda, principal conductor of the Rising Star Orchestra, arrives in Paris to perform Wagner's Tannhäuser Overture as a guest conductor for the Recyl Symphony Orchestra. When Matsuda overhears the orchestra members praising Shinichi Chiaki, the budding Japanese conductor of the Roux-Marlet Orchestra, he can barely contain his contempt at there being another "Black-Haired Noble" in the same city. Freshly dumped by his mistress following the performance, Matsuda catches Chiaki and takes him out to drink under the pretense of discussing career. But much to Chiaki's chagrin, the subject soon turns to Chiaki's own special someone. -- -- OVA - Aug 10, 2009 -- 24,910 7.47
Persona: Trinity Soul -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Super Power -- Persona: Trinity Soul Persona: Trinity Soul -- The stage is Ayanagi City, a city near the Japan Sea. It is a futuristic city that was built to carry out the recovery from the calamity caused by the "Apathy Syndrome" ten years previous. High school student Shin Kanzato with his little brother Jun, meet with their elder brother Ryou, who is the chief of the Ayanagi City Police, again after ten years. At that time, a series of strange incidents happen in Ayanagi City such as the crew of a submarine that suddenly disappears while in their submarine, or a spiritless symptom which disturbs the world after ten years, or the case of the inside out corpse where a student took on a cruel appearance. Ryou tracks down the organization behind the string of incidents, and having become involved in the incidents, Shin awakens the "Persona." -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- -- Licensor: -- NIS America, Inc. -- TV - Jan 5, 2008 -- 71,854 6.57
Renmei Kuugun Koukuu Mahou Ongakutai Luminous Witches -- -- Shaft -- ? eps -- Original -- Military Sci-Fi Music Magic Ecchi -- Renmei Kuugun Koukuu Mahou Ongakutai Luminous Witches Renmei Kuugun Koukuu Mahou Ongakutai Luminous Witches -- These are witches who defend everyone's smiles and fight enemies through the healing power of music. These witches, opposite of those in the defense fleet, are idols known as the Music Squadron. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- TV - ??? ??, 2021 -- 5,971 N/A -- -- Code:Realize - Sousei no Himegimi - Set a Thief to Catch a Thief -- -- M.S.C -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Military Harem Historical Romance Fantasy Josei -- Code:Realize - Sousei no Himegimi - Set a Thief to Catch a Thief Code:Realize - Sousei no Himegimi - Set a Thief to Catch a Thief -- It has been a month since London was struck with tragedy, and a ceremony symbolizing peace and restoration will soon be held. In light of these events, Arsène Lupin plans to throw a party for Cardia Beckford to honor the fulfillment of her wish. Lupin sets out on a search for the perfect gift to offer her; however, he finds himself caught up in the theft of a valuable jewel, and he is framed and believed to be the culprit. With Lupin locked behind bars, his friends work along with Cardia and an unexpected ally to clear Lupin's name and find the real perpetrators behind the heist. -- -- OVA - May 17, 2018 -- 5,867 6.74
Sakura Trick -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance School Seinen Shoujo Ai -- Sakura Trick Sakura Trick -- Having been best friends since middle school, Haruka Takayama and Yuu Sonoda plan to attend Misato West High School together. However, despite being assigned to the same class, a cruel twist of fate has them seated on the opposite ends of their classroom! To make matters worse, their school will shut down in three years, making them the final intake of first-year students. Undeterred by this chain of unfortunate events, Haruka is set on sticking with Yuu, striving to create many wonderful memories with her. -- -- Much to Haruka's jealousy however, Yuu's easygoing demeanor quickly attracts the attention of their female classmates. Sympathizing with her friend's growing insecurity, Yuu ends up sharing a deep, affectionate kiss with her in an empty classroom. The act intensifies their bond as "special friends," gradually revealing a different aspect to their unique friendship while also inviting new conflicts. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jan 10, 2014 -- 215,977 7.00
Sakura Trick -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance School Seinen Shoujo Ai -- Sakura Trick Sakura Trick -- Having been best friends since middle school, Haruka Takayama and Yuu Sonoda plan to attend Misato West High School together. However, despite being assigned to the same class, a cruel twist of fate has them seated on the opposite ends of their classroom! To make matters worse, their school will shut down in three years, making them the final intake of first-year students. Undeterred by this chain of unfortunate events, Haruka is set on sticking with Yuu, striving to create many wonderful memories with her. -- -- Much to Haruka's jealousy however, Yuu's easygoing demeanor quickly attracts the attention of their female classmates. Sympathizing with her friend's growing insecurity, Yuu ends up sharing a deep, affectionate kiss with her in an empty classroom. The act intensifies their bond as "special friends," gradually revealing a different aspect to their unique friendship while also inviting new conflicts. -- -- TV - Jan 10, 2014 -- 215,977 7.00
Scared Rider Xechs -- -- Satelight -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Sci-Fi Adventure Harem Romance -- Scared Rider Xechs Scared Rider Xechs -- The Blue World, which symbolizes reason, is under constant attack by the creatures called the Nightfly O'Note originating from the Red World, symbolizing instinct. Akira Asagi, the 17-year-old protagonist who is a researcher at Blue World, is nominated to lead the war at Ryuukyuu LAG, a proud defense facility on the islands of Ishigaki and Iriomote. She meets the sixth combat unit "IS," which was formed four years after a fierce battle that annihilated the fifth unit. Akari must lead these six riders, also called the Scared Rider Xechs, to fight against the other world while at the same time deepening the relationship among them. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 18,649 5.27
Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai -- -- CloverWorks -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Supernatural Drama Romance School -- Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai -- The rare and inexplicable Puberty Syndrome is thought of as a myth. It is a rare disease which only affects teenagers, and its symptoms are so supernatural that hardly anyone recognizes it as a legitimate occurrence. However, high school student Sakuta Azusagawa knows from personal experience that it is very much real, and happens to be quite prevalent in his school. -- -- Mai Sakurajima is a third-year high school student who gained fame in her youth as a child actress, but recently halted her promising career for reasons unknown to the public. With an air of unapproachability, she is well known throughout the school, but none dare interact with her—that is until Sakuta sees her wandering the library in a bunny girl costume. Despite the getup, no one seems to notice her, and after confronting her, he realizes that she is another victim of Puberty Syndrome. As Sakuta tries to help Mai through her predicament, his actions bring him into contact with more girls afflicted with the elusive disease. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 1,045,880 8.35
Senki Zesshou Symphogear AXZ -- -- Satelight -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Music Sci-Fi -- Senki Zesshou Symphogear AXZ Senki Zesshou Symphogear AXZ -- Hibiki Tachibana has defeated many powerful enemies, saved countless innocent lives, and escaped from numerous desperate situations, but she is currently finding herself unable to escape from her most desperate situation yet—summer homework! Although her high school life is relatively unremarkable, her career as a member of the military organization S.O.N.G. is anything but. Using powerful, ancient armor known as Symphogear, Hibiki and her teammates work with the United Nations to deal with international disputes and disasters. -- -- During a mission briefing at headquarters, Hibiki is made aware of a mysterious organization known as the Bavarian Illuminati, who has been responsible for several major disasters in the past and currently operate in the war-torn country Val Verde. Together, Hibiki and her team infiltrate one of the Bavarian Illuminati's manufacturing plants and free hundreds of slaves. Exposed, alchemists Saint-Germain, Cagliostro, and Prelati reveal themselves as the organization's top brass, and—using alchemical powers—declare a global revolution while sacrificing thousands of lives. Faced with yet another threat to the world's survival, Hibiki and her allies must confront the Bavarian Illuminati in their most difficult and destructive battle yet. -- -- 28,551 7.59
Senki Zesshou Symphogear -- -- Encourage Films, Satelight -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Music -- Senki Zesshou Symphogear Senki Zesshou Symphogear -- Tsubasa Kazanari and Kanade Amou—the idol duo known as Zwei Wing—use their songs to power ancient weapons known as "symphogears" to combat a deadly alien race called the "Noise." While the general public is aware of the Noise's existence, knowledge of the symphogears are kept a secret. When the Noise attack one of Zwei Wing's concerts, Kanade sacrifices herself to protect a young girl named Hibiki Tachibana, leaving Tsubasa devastated and a fragment of her symphogear embedded within Hibiki. -- -- Two years pass and Hibiki is once again dragged into a Noise attack. While rescuing a young girl who has been left behind during the evacuation, she awakens the power of Kanade's symphogear lying within her. Although Tsubasa still grieves over the loss of Kanade, both girls must now learn to work together using their powers to defend humanity against the Noise. -- -- 97,499 7.02
Senki Zesshou Symphogear -- -- Encourage Films, Satelight -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Music -- Senki Zesshou Symphogear Senki Zesshou Symphogear -- Tsubasa Kazanari and Kanade Amou—the idol duo known as Zwei Wing—use their songs to power ancient weapons known as "symphogears" to combat a deadly alien race called the "Noise." While the general public is aware of the Noise's existence, knowledge of the symphogears are kept a secret. When the Noise attack one of Zwei Wing's concerts, Kanade sacrifices herself to protect a young girl named Hibiki Tachibana, leaving Tsubasa devastated and a fragment of her symphogear embedded within Hibiki. -- -- Two years pass and Hibiki is once again dragged into a Noise attack. While rescuing a young girl who has been left behind during the evacuation, she awakens the power of Kanade's symphogear lying within her. Although Tsubasa still grieves over the loss of Kanade, both girls must now learn to work together using their powers to defend humanity against the Noise. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 97,499 7.02
Senki Zesshou Symphogear G -- -- Satelight -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Music Sci-Fi -- Senki Zesshou Symphogear G Senki Zesshou Symphogear G -- Three months after a Lunar Attack which nearly caused Earth's destruction, Hibiki Tachibana, Tsubasa Kazanari, and Chris Yukine continue to fight the Noise—a mysterious alien threat—using powerful armor known as Symphogear. After defending an American convoy from a Noise attack, Hibiki and Chris race toward the Queens of Music concert hall to attend one of Tsubasa's concerts. -- -- Meanwhile, Tsubasa and rising international superstar Maria Cadenzavna Eve deliver an amazing performance that is broadcast throughout the entire world. Just as the concert is about to conclude, a group of Noise suddenly appear, plunging the hall into chaos. Amidst the panic, Maria declares war against the world as the successor of Finé—Chris' former mistress—and her allies Kirika Akatsuki and Shirabe Tsukuyomi reveal Symphogear powers of their own. After initiating a skirmish with Tsubasa and her teammates, they retreat mysteriously, leaving the three friends bewildered as to what their true intentions could be. -- -- 50,142 7.46
Senki Zesshou Symphogear GX -- -- Satelight -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Music Sci-Fi -- Senki Zesshou Symphogear GX Senki Zesshou Symphogear GX -- Following the events of Senki Zesshou Symphogear G, Hibiki Tachibana, Tsubasa Kazanari, and Chris Yukine continue to operate under the command of Genjuurou Kazanari. Meanwhile, Maria Cadenzavna Eve, Kirika Akatsuki, and Shirabe Tsukuyomi are taken into protective custody. With peace restored, everyone returns to their daily lives; however, the appearance of the alchemist Carol Malus Dienheim and her subordinates—the "Autoscorers"—threatens to draw everyone back into a conflict. -- -- Armed with a strange and magical power, Carol wishes to initiate the apocalypse and bring destruction to the world... and she is willing to sacrifice everything to do so. Against this mysterious new foe, the six Symphogear wielders must rise to the challenge in order to protect what they hold dear. However, will Carol and her Autoscorers prove to be too much to handle in this fight to protect the fate of the world? -- -- 38,803 7.42
Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV -- -- Satelight -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Music Sci-Fi -- Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV -- Humanity is finally confronted with the threat of the Custodians—the ancient, sentient species held responsible for cursing humanity to speak different languages thousands of years ago. The Symphogear wielders—Hibiki Tachibana, Tsubasa Kazanari, Chris Yukine, Maria Cadenzavna Eve, Kirika Akatsuki, and Shirabe Tsukuyomi—are sent to the Antarctic in order to retrieve an ancient relic. After securing it and rescuing the scientific staff present there from a Coffin, the automated defense mechanism protecting it, the relic is given to American researchers due to international agreements. -- -- The criminal organization Noble Red, a remnant of the previously fought Bavarian Illuminati, starts targeting the relic. Will the Symphogear wielders and their supporting organization S.O.N.G. be able to foil the plans of the organizations conspiring against them? -- -- 29,286 8.19
Sentou Mecha Xabungle -- -- Sunrise -- 50 eps -- Original -- Military Sci-Fi Mecha Shounen -- Sentou Mecha Xabungle Sentou Mecha Xabungle -- On the planet Zora exist two societies: the Innocent, an advanced culture that lives in domed cities, and the Civilians, who are forced to live in the harsh desert wilderness. As dictated by the Innocent, any Civilian that commits a crime is forgiven if they are not brought to justice within three days. -- -- Civilian Jiron Amos seeks revenge on the villainous outlaw Timp Sharon who murdered his parents, despite the fact the three-day period has long since passed. Hoping to get his revenge by stealing the mecha Xabungle from the merchant Carrying Cargo, Jiron teams up with a group of bandits known as the Sandrats and kidnaps Cargo's daughter Elchi, who ends up being sympathetic to his cause. Jiron's quest for revenge soon grows into a conflict much bigger—one that will eventually see the Civilians rise up against the Innocents' rule. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Maiden Japan -- TV - Feb 6, 1982 -- 3,947 7.20
Shuang Yue Zhi Cheng -- -- - -- 13 eps -- Original -- Military Sci-Fi -- Shuang Yue Zhi Cheng Shuang Yue Zhi Cheng -- In the year 2200, a new Cold War between two forces is set to end with a peace treaty. However, one side is hiding a dark secret, which results in numerous tragedies in the following months. In the wake of a crisis, a paramilitary team is founded to steal information at the center of the conflict. -- ONA - Mar 30, 2016 -- 553 N/A -- -- Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - The Beyond Part 4 -- -- I.Gzwei, Production I.G -- 3 eps -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Drama Mecha -- Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - The Beyond Part 4 Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - The Beyond Part 4 -- Episodes 10-12 of the Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - The Beyond series. -- Movie - ??? ??, 2021 -- 542 N/A -- -- Koutetsu no Vendetta Episode 0 -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Koutetsu no Vendetta Episode 0 Koutetsu no Vendetta Episode 0 -- The doujin (self-published) creators of the Koutetsu no Vendetta (Iron Vendetta) military robot anime project released a preview DVD at Tokyo's Comic Market 75 convention. The DVD included the unedited versions of the project's pilot film, special supplemental videos, and a collection of key animation drawings. The running times of the pilot and the supplemental video collection are each under five minutes long. -- -- Note: The project is on hold due to the dissolution of the production division of its sponsor Ankama Japan. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- ONA - Feb 22, 2013 -- 509 N/A -- -- Dalam-iwa Goseumdochi -- -- - -- 32 eps -- - -- Military Historical -- Dalam-iwa Goseumdochi Dalam-iwa Goseumdochi -- Squirrel and Hedgehog documents various animal communities warring and in conflict against one another, each animal being a symbolic representation of real life countries and sometimes political events. -- -- A North Korean propaganda anime that was developed and produced in North Korea to be aired on state television. -- TV - ??? ??, 1977 -- 475 N/AAoi Kioku: Manmou Kaitaku to Shounen-tachi -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Drama Historical Military -- Aoi Kioku: Manmou Kaitaku to Shounen-tachi Aoi Kioku: Manmou Kaitaku to Shounen-tachi -- A class of Japanese youths volunteer for the war effort during WWII, but then get stranded in Manchuria. -- Movie - Dec 18, 1993 -- 439 N/A -- -- Guan Hai Ce -- -- Tong Ming Xuan -- 16 eps -- Original -- Action Military Historical Martial Arts Fantasy -- Guan Hai Ce Guan Hai Ce -- (No synopsis yet.) -- ONA - Jun 17, 2018 -- 396 N/A -- -- Konpeki no Kantai: Sourai Kaihatsu Monogatari -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- - -- Military Historical -- Konpeki no Kantai: Sourai Kaihatsu Monogatari Konpeki no Kantai: Sourai Kaihatsu Monogatari -- A special which tells the story of the development of the japanese Sourai interceptor plane. -- Special - ??? ??, 1997 -- 392 N/AZhen Gyi Hong Shi -- -- - -- 52 eps -- - -- Action Military Sci-Fi Adventure Mecha -- Zhen Gyi Hong Shi Zhen Gyi Hong Shi -- This series, which is set in the future, is about several events that break out after troops successfully rescued a teenager who was kidnapped by the mysterious Black Armors. -- Ever since Marty had his first contact with the Black Armors and was subsequently rescued, he has been found to possess mysterious prophetic abilities as he is able to see the future in fragmented visions portraying an avalanche, a tsunami, a storm and other catastrophes. These disasters will always come true after Marty experiences the prophetic visions, but he is unable to predict accurately when and where they will occur. -- When the government learns about this, a unit is sent to protect Marty, and World Peacekeepers, abbreviated as WPK, is established to fight against the Black Armors. In order to defeat the Black Armors, the government grants permission for World Peacekeepers to use Ammobots – mechanical armors which have been developed over many years. -- -- After several battles with the Black Armors, the World Peacekeepers realizes that they are actually linked to the unusual natural disasters and discovers that they originate from a small planet called Mirzam, which is outside the solar system. -- -- Their real intention is to seize the abundant ecological resources on Earth and when these resources are seized, the ecosystem will lose its balance, thus leading to natural disasters. -- -- (Source: Official Site) -- TV - Oct 4, 2014 -- 389 N/A -- -- Spy Gekimetsu -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Military Historical -- Spy Gekimetsu Spy Gekimetsu -- A war propaganda film which begins with Roosevelt and Churchill in a secret meeting preparing their spy plans. Western spies in fancy suits and top hats parachute into Japan, disturbing innocent farmers. The Japanese civilians manage to thwart the spy activities. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- Movie - Jul 16, 1942 -- 351 N/A -- -- Malay Oki Kaisen -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Historical Military -- Malay Oki Kaisen Malay Oki Kaisen -- A war propaganda film by Oofuji Noburou. -- Movie - Nov 26, 1943 -- 345 5.42
Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance School Shounen -- Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru -- On a whim, first-year Ayumu Tanaka quits the Kendo Club to join the illegitimate Shogi Club. Urushi Yaotome, the president of the club and a master of shogi, is thrilled to finally have a playing partner. As Ayumu's upperclassman, Urushi endeavors to be his shogi mentor and student role model. Too often, however, she finds herself blushing with embarrassment! Stone-faced and honest, Ayumu sees no issue with calling Urushi "cute." Although Ayumu likes her, he refrains from confessing and promises himself to first beat her in a game of shogi. -- -- Through school life and shogi games, the two students have many hilarious and heart-warming adventures. Ayumu enjoys every second with Urushi, but he is still a long way from beating her in shogi. With the commitment he made to himself, will Ayumu ever get the chance to confess his feelings to Urushi? -- -- TV - ??? ??, 2022 -- 8,907 N/A -- -- Senki Zesshou Symphogear G: Senki Zesshou Shinai Symphogear -- -- Satelight -- 2 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Senki Zesshou Symphogear G: Senki Zesshou Shinai Symphogear Senki Zesshou Symphogear G: Senki Zesshou Shinai Symphogear -- Original short episodes featuring characters in super-deformed style. -- Special - Feb 5, 2014 -- 8,885 6.85
Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Romance Fantasy -- Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria -- "There's no way to beat this game. The only difference is when and where you die..." -- -- One month has passed since Akihiko Kayaba's deadly game began, and the body count continues to rise. Two thousand players are already dead. -- -- Kirito and Asuna are two very different people, but they both desire to fight alone. Nonetheless, they find themselves drawn together to face challenges from both within and without. Given that the entire virtual world they now live in has been created as a deathtrap, the surviving players of Sword Art Online are starting to get desperate, and desperation makes them dangerous to loners like Kirito and Asuna. As it becomes clear that solitude equals suicide, will the two be able to overcome their differences to find the strength to believe in each other, and in so doing survive? -- -- Sword Art Online: Progressive is a new version of the Sword Art Online tale that starts at the beginning of Kirito and Asuna's epic adventure—on the very first level of the deadly world of Aincrad! -- -- (Source: Yen Press) -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - ??? ??, 2021 -- 94,949 N/A -- -- Chihayafuru 3 -- -- Madhouse -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Game Slice of Life Sports Drama School Josei -- Chihayafuru 3 Chihayafuru 3 -- Winning the high school team tournament was a great accomplishment for the Mizusawa members. Each of them has made great strides in improving themselves, and the victory symbolizes how far they've come. But after accomplishing one goal, their individual aims are within reach. Chihaya Ayase has her sights set on Wakamiya Shinobu and the title of Queen, and now that Taichi Mashima has made it into Class A, he can finally compete against Arata Wataya. Everyone in Mizusawa wants to get better, and there's no telling what the future holds if they keep trying. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 94,380 8.50
Tales of Symphonia The Animation: Sekai Tougou-hen -- -- ufotable -- 3 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Magic Martial Arts Fantasy -- Tales of Symphonia The Animation: Sekai Tougou-hen Tales of Symphonia The Animation: Sekai Tougou-hen -- The third and final OVA series concluding the story of Tales of Symphonia: The Animation. -- OVA - Nov 23, 2011 -- 21,594 7.46
Tales of Symphonia The Animation: Sylvarant-hen -- -- ufotable -- 4 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Magic Martial Arts Fantasy -- Tales of Symphonia The Animation: Sylvarant-hen Tales of Symphonia The Animation: Sylvarant-hen -- Two worlds exist, both unaware of the existance of the other. In order for one world to flourish, the other will have to perish. On the perishing world, a Chosen one is sent on a journey to restore that world's mana by awakening the Spirits and becoming an angel. Colette Brunel, the Chosen of Sylvarant, sets out on her journey accompanied by her best friends Lloyd Irving and Genis Sage. As they travel further they meet more friends and even more enemies, while they learn more and more about the truth behind the World Regeneration. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Jun 8, 2007 -- 47,617 7.17
Tales of Symphonia The Animation: Tethe'alla-hen -- -- ufotable -- 4 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Magic Martial Arts Fantasy -- Tales of Symphonia The Animation: Tethe'alla-hen Tales of Symphonia The Animation: Tethe'alla-hen -- The second arc of Tales of Symphonia that takes place in the flourishing world of Tethe'alla. This OVA takes place up to two-thirds of the game, prior to the Derris-Kharlan arc. -- OVA - Mar 25, 2010 -- 28,784 7.49
Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken -- -- 8bit -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Comedy Demons Magic Fantasy -- Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken -- Thirty-seven-year-old Satoru Mikami is a typical corporate worker, who is perfectly content with his monotonous lifestyle in Tokyo, other than failing to nail down a girlfriend even once throughout his life. In the midst of a casual encounter with his colleague, he falls victim to a random assailant on the streets and is stabbed. However, while succumbing to his injuries, a peculiar voice echoes in his mind, and recites a bunch of commands which the dying man cannot make sense of. -- -- When Satoru regains consciousness, he discovers that he has reincarnated as a goop of slime in an unfamiliar realm. In doing so, he acquires newfound skills—notably, the power to devour anything and mimic its appearance and abilities. He then stumbles upon the sealed Catastrophe-level monster "Storm Dragon" Veldora who had been sealed away for the past 300 years for devastating a town to ashes. Sympathetic to his predicament, Satoru befriends him, promising to assist in destroying the seal. In return, Veldora bestows upon him the name Rimuru Tempest to grant him divine protection. -- -- Now, liberated from the mundanities of his past life, Rimuru embarks on a fresh journey with a distinct goal in mind. As he grows accustomed to his new physique, his gooey antics ripple throughout the world, gradually altering his fate. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 823,286 8.08
TO -- -- - -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Space Drama Seinen -- TO TO -- Elliptical Orbit: -- Fifteen years after its last contact with our world, a space freighter known as the Flying Dutchman requests permission to dock at a remote moon base. This mysterious ship carries liquid protons: a power source essential to the survival of Earth’s population. But before the precious cargo can be delivered, the base is ambushed by galactic terrorists who seek to destroy the new form of energy and issue a death sentence to all of humanity. -- -- -- Symbiotic Planet: -- Against a backdrop of intergalactic colonization and bizarre alien life forms, Aon and Elena – star-crossed lovers from rival countries competing for valuable natural resources – struggle to build a life together despite the objections of their superiors. Their budding romance is thwarted by an outbreak of alien fungus and the interference of a cutthroat militaristic madman. To survive, the young couple must maintain their faith in each other and learn to trust the unique creatures which inhabit this strange and wondrous new world. -- -- (Source: Funimation) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- OVA - Oct 2, 2009 -- 5,096 6.39
Uchi no Ko no Tame naraba, Ore wa Moshikashitara Maou mo Taoseru kamo Shirenai. -- -- Maho Film -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Fantasy Slice of Life -- Uchi no Ko no Tame naraba, Ore wa Moshikashitara Maou mo Taoseru kamo Shirenai. Uchi no Ko no Tame naraba, Ore wa Moshikashitara Maou mo Taoseru kamo Shirenai. -- Eighteen-year-old Dale Reki is a skilled, kind, and respected traveller, acknowledged as one of the leading adventurers in the city of Kreuz. One day while on the hunt for magical beasts, he comes across a sweet devil girl named Latina. She is alone, dressed in rags, and bears the devils' symbol of a criminal: a broken horn. Concerned for her wellbeing, Dale decides to ensure Latina's safety by bringing her to his home, eventually leading to him adopting her. -- -- Latina is sweet, innocent and compassionate, charming Dale beyond his expectations. He begins to enjoy the life of parenthood— experiencing the trials that come with raising a child and coping with the heartache he feels whenever his busy lifestyle as an adventurer parts him from her. -- -- Although work and life as a new parent become reassuring constants for Dale, the mysteries surrounding the girl remain. Why was Latina alone in the forest, and why does she harbor the symbol of a criminal? At the same time, Latina also begins to learn about the world and herself as she adjusts to her new life with Dale. -- -- 138,657 7.05
Uma Musume: Pretty Derby (TV) Season 2 -- -- Studio Kai -- 13 eps -- Game -- Comedy Slice of Life Sports -- Uma Musume: Pretty Derby (TV) Season 2 Uma Musume: Pretty Derby (TV) Season 2 -- Within the horse-racing world, the horse girls of Team Spica have been gaining popularity as they continue to rack up victories. The one receiving the most attention in the group is Toukai Teiou, known for her cheerful personality and exceptional running skills. Teiou aims to become an undefeated Triple Crown horse girl by winning all three G1 races consecutively, a feat that has not been accomplished since the legendary Symbolic Rudolf managed to do so many years ago. -- -- On her path to obtaining the Triple Crown, Teiou is met with many challenges, encountering both old and new rivals. Amidst her fierce rivalries, however, Teiou is soon confronted with decisions that will leave a huge impact on her very own racing career. -- -- 21,627 7.91
Yosuga no Sora: In Solitude, Where We Are Least Alone. -- -- feel. -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Drama Ecchi Harem Romance -- Yosuga no Sora: In Solitude, Where We Are Least Alone. Yosuga no Sora: In Solitude, Where We Are Least Alone. -- Haruka and Sora Kasugano are coming home, to a place filled with memories. -- -- Having lost their parents in a tragic car accident, the twins resolve to return to the countryside and start life anew at their grandfather's house, the haunt a constant reminder of moments from their past. Greeting them are childhood friends Nao Yorihime and Akira Amatsume, and newcomer Kazuha Migiwa. It is a warm welcome, symbolic of the days that should come. -- -- Their peace is merely ephemeral, however, as suppressed emotions, born from vows both newfound and forgotten, start exerting their influence on the twins' new lives. And deep down, a dark secret, only known to them, begins to unshackle. -- -- Based on the visual novel by Sphere, Yosuga no Sora not only explores the power of lost memories and true love when the bonds of many become intertwined, but also raises the questions of morality and social acceptance. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- 373,767 6.22
Youjuu Sensen Adventure Kid -- -- - -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Fantasy Hentai Demons Horror -- Youjuu Sensen Adventure Kid Youjuu Sensen Adventure Kid -- Episode 1: A young man named Norikazu finds a computer from World War II buried in his back garden. When he activates it, he and a girl named Midori are transported to Hell where erotic creatures and monsters of different kinds live. They meet some friends including a sexy elf type woman named Eganko who falls in love with Norikazu, and a perverted monster prince who is soon enslaved by Midori. Using their new friends the pair try to make the dangerous journey back home. -- -- Episode 2: Having made their way back home the adventure duo find the world they knew is gone, and is now ruled by the demonic computer which first sent them to Hell. They travel back in time to World War II Japan in an attempt to stop the world from being changed. Notably, in doing so they witness the atomic bomb being dropped on Hiroshima, and there is an appearance of the Enola Gay, as well as numerous symbols of Japanese culture at the time. -- -- Episode 3: This episode has a humorous love-quadrangle plot, where Eganko comes up with a plan to make Norikazu fall in love with her with a love potion, and simultaneously make Midori fall in love with an egotistical young man from her school. Unsurprisingly their plan backfires and everyone gets what they deserve. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- OVA - Jul 21, 1992 -- 1,944 5.33
Yozakura Quartet -- -- Nomad -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Magic Comedy Super Power Supernatural Shounen -- Yozakura Quartet Yozakura Quartet -- The world of Yozakura Quartet is actually not one, but two worlds: one of humans, and one of youkai. Despite appearing mostly human, youkai may have animal like physical traits, along with a number of special abilities. Normally youkai are confined to their world, but some have found their way into the realm of humanity. As a symbol of peace, and a bridge between the two realms, a city was constructed within the protective barrier of seven magical trees, otherwise known as the Seven Pillars. This city of Sakurashin is home to both humans and youkai, with the peace between them maintained by the Hizumi Life Counseling Office. -- -- The director of this office is Akina Hiizumi, a teenager with the inherited family ability to perform “tuning,” which can send harmful youkai back to their world permanently. He is aided by a group of girls, including the town’s 16 year old youkai mayor, Hime Yarizakura, their town’s announcer and resident telepath, Ao Nanami, and Kotoha Isone, a half-youkai who can summon objects just by stating the object’s name. -- -- As new residents enter and mysterious events begin to take place, this quartet of protectors and their closest friends must continue to guard the city of Sakurashin, and maintain the fragile balance of peace between humans and youkai. -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Oct 3, 2008 -- 122,344 6.83
Yozakura Quartet -- -- Nomad -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Magic Comedy Super Power Supernatural Shounen -- Yozakura Quartet Yozakura Quartet -- The world of Yozakura Quartet is actually not one, but two worlds: one of humans, and one of youkai. Despite appearing mostly human, youkai may have animal like physical traits, along with a number of special abilities. Normally youkai are confined to their world, but some have found their way into the realm of humanity. As a symbol of peace, and a bridge between the two realms, a city was constructed within the protective barrier of seven magical trees, otherwise known as the Seven Pillars. This city of Sakurashin is home to both humans and youkai, with the peace between them maintained by the Hizumi Life Counseling Office. -- -- The director of this office is Akina Hiizumi, a teenager with the inherited family ability to perform “tuning,” which can send harmful youkai back to their world permanently. He is aided by a group of girls, including the town’s 16 year old youkai mayor, Hime Yarizakura, their town’s announcer and resident telepath, Ao Nanami, and Kotoha Isone, a half-youkai who can summon objects just by stating the object’s name. -- -- As new residents enter and mysterious events begin to take place, this quartet of protectors and their closest friends must continue to guard the city of Sakurashin, and maintain the fragile balance of peace between humans and youkai. -- TV - Oct 3, 2008 -- 122,344 6.83
Zero kara Hajimeru Mahou no Sho -- -- White Fox -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Magic Fantasy -- Zero kara Hajimeru Mahou no Sho Zero kara Hajimeru Mahou no Sho -- In a world of constant war between humans and witches, there exist the "beastfallen"—cursed humans born with the appearance and strength of an animal. Their physical prowess and bestial nature cause them to be feared and shunned by both humans and witches. As a result, many beastfallen become sellswords, making their living through hunting witches. -- -- Despite the enmity between the races, a lighthearted witch named Zero enlists a beastfallen whom she refers to as "Mercenary" to act as her protector. He travels with Zero and Albus, a young magician, on their search for the Grimoire of Zero: a powerful spell book that could be extremely dangerous in the wrong hands. During their journey, his inner kindness is revealed as he starts to show compassion and sympathy towards humans and witches alike, and the unlikely companions grow together. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 206,628 7.09
Zoids Genesis -- -- Shogakukan Music & Digital Entertainment -- 50 eps -- - -- Action Adventure Comedy Mecha Military -- Zoids Genesis Zoids Genesis -- Natural disasters have devastated planet Zi, killing off almost all life. A thousand years later humans have gradually re-established civilization, salvaging ancient Zoids through diving and mining efforts. In a village whose most previous item is a giant sword which they worship as a holy symbol. A teenage boy discovers an ancient Liger-type Zoid while on a deep water salvage operation. Suddenly the village is attacked by skeletal Bio-Zoids intent on stealing a powerful generator located in the village. Our teenage hero awakens the Liger and discovers that the town`s sacred sword is the Liger`s weapon, together they fight off the mysterious Bio-Zoids. At least for now... -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- TV - Apr 10, 2005 -- 13,965 7.23,_can_I_just_symlink_to_the_newer_version?"FAX"_symbol!_Ignore_(90_degrees_rotational_symmetry_-_animated).gif!_Ignore_(90_degrees_rotational_symmetry).png's-dictionary-(4th-edition)-1912-(excerpt).gif,_Wetherby_showing_a_rainbow,_a_symbol_used_by_children_in_self-isolation_during_the_2020_Coronavirus_pandemic_(8th_April_2020).jpg,_Storm_Large_(2013).jpeg""Shall_Nudes_be_Nude_in_Art?""_symposium,_Sunday,_April_20,_(1930)_(NBY_7085).jpg""Shall_Nudes_be_Nude_in_Art?""_symposium,_Sunday,_April_20,_(1930)_(NBY_7086).jpg,_WCTU,_1901-1911_-_Wisconsin_Historical_Museum_-_DSC03344.JPG,_2020_Zebeg"FAX"_symbol"FAX"_symbol"FAX"_symbol"FAX"+symbol"FAX"+symbol"FAX"+symbol
1964 PRL symmetry breaking papers
1995 Symmons Plains ATCC round
1st Imaginary Symphony for Nomad
3801 Thrasymedes
3-j symbol
6-j symbol
7th Symphony (album)
9-j symbol
Aalborg Symphony Orchestra
Aarhus Symphony Orchestra
Abbey of Saint-Symphorien, Autun
Abbott AxSYM
Abulkasym Madrassah
Acacia symonii
ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology
A Colour Symphony
Active object (Symbian OS)
Actorobserver asymmetry
Adam P. Symson
Adelaide Symphony Orchestra
Adelpha syma
Adinkra symbols
African Symposium
Afro-American Symphony
Agios Symeon
Agnes Syme Lister
Aish no Symphony
A. J. A. Symons
A Jazz Symphony
Akron Symphony Orchestra
Alan Symonds
Alchemical symbol
Alchemical Symbols (Unicode block)
Alexander Symonenko
Alexander Tsymbalyuk
Alexandr Syman
Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium
Alina Maksymenko
Allentown Symphony Orchestra
A London Symphony
Amata symphona
American Symphony Orchestra
American Wind Symphony Orchestra
American Youth Symphony
An Alpine Symphony
Anarchist symbolism
Ancient Symbols (Unicode block)
Andrew Symeou
Andrew Symonds
Andrzej Maksymilian Fredro
A Night at Red Rocks with the Colorado Symphony Orchestra
Animal symbolicum
Anima Symphonie phantastique
Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra
Anne Symonds
Ann Symonds
Anorexia (symptom)
Antisymmetric exchange
Antisymmetric relation
Antisymmetric tensor
Antwerp Symphony Orchestra
APL syntax and symbols
Apple Symbols
Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic Symbols
Archips symmetrus
Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism
Arcus II: Silent Symphony
Ardeadoris symmetrica
ARITH Symposium on Computer Arithmetic
Armageddon March Eternal Symphonies of Slit Wrists
Arm, cubit symbol (hieroglyph)
Arrow (symbol)
Arthur Symonds
Arthur Symons
A Sea Symphony
Asian Symposium on Medicinal Plants, Spices and Other Natural Products
Aspera Hiems Symfonia
Asrael Symphony
Association for Symbolic Logic
Association of California Symphony Orchestras
Asterivora symbolaea
Astragalus asymmetricus
Astrological symbols
Astronomical symbols
Asymblepharus himalayanus
Asymblepharus ladacensis
Asymblepharus mahabharatus
Asymblepharus nepalensis
A Symbolic Analysis of Relay and Switching Circuits
Asymbolus parvus
Asymmetric addition of alkenylmetals to aldehydes
Asymmetric addition of alkynylzinc compounds to aldehydes
Asymmetrical aircraft
Asymmetrical spinnaker
Asymmetrical tonic neck reflex
Asymmetric carbon
Asymmetric cell division
Asymmetric counteranion directed catalysis
Asymmetric crying facies
Asymmetric cut
Asymmetric digital subscriber line
Asymmetric dimethylarginine
Asymmetric ester hydrolysis with pig-liver esterase
Asymmetric federalism
Asymmetric flow field flow fractionation
Asymmetric follow
Asymmetric hydrogenation
Asymmetric induction
Asymmetric Laplace distribution
Asymmetric multiprocessing
Asymmetric negotiation
Asymmetric numeral systems
Asymmetric periflexural exanthem of childhood
Asymmetric price transmission
Asymmetric Publications
Asymmetric relation
Asymmetric simple exclusion process
Asymmetric valley
Asymmetric warfare
Asymmetric Warfare Group
Asymmetry (novel)
Asymmetry (population ethics)
A Symphony: New England Holidays
A Symphony of British Music (album)
A Symphony of Hits
Asymphorodes acerba
Asymphorodes admirandus
Asymphorodes astathopis
Asymphorodes dimorpha
Asymphorodes flexa
Asymphorodes lucidus
Asymphorodes myronotus
Asymphorodes pollutus
Asymphorodes porphyrarcha
Asymphorodes semiluteus
Asymphorodes spintheropus
Asymphorodes triaula
Asymphorodes valligera
A Symposium on Popular Songs
Asymptomatic carrier
Asymptote Architecture
Asymptote (magazine)
Asymptote (vector graphics language)
Asymptotically flat spacetime
Asymptotically optimal algorithm
Asymptotic analysis
Asymptotic computational complexity
Asymptotic curve
Asymptotic decider
Asymptotic distribution
Asymptotic equipartition property
Asymptotic expansion
Asymptotic freedom
Asymptotic gain model
Asymptotic giant branch
Asymptotic homogenization
Asymptotic safety in quantum gravity
Asymptotic theory (statistics)
Athens Symphony Orchestra (USA)
Atlanta Symphony Orchestra
Atlanta Symphony Youth Orchestra
Atrichozancla cosymbota
Aubrey Symonds
Augusta Symphony Orchestra (Augusta, Georgia)
Aura (symptom)
Aurelii Symmachi
Automorphisms of the symmetric and alternating groups
Autosticha symmetra
A Winter Symphony
Ayyavazhi symbolism
Backstreet Symphony
Bah symbols
Balance, Not Symmetry (album)
Baltimore Symphony Orchestra
Bamberg Symphony
Bans on communist symbols
Barcelona Symphony Orchestra and National Orchestra of Catalonia
Baryon asymmetry
Basic symptoms of schizophrenia
Baton Rouge Symphony Orchestra
Bat Out of Hell: Live with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra
Battaristis symphora
Battle of Syme
Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra
BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra
BBC Symphony Chorus
BBC Symphony Orchestra
BBQ Brawl: Flay v. Symon
Beata Maksymow
Beethoven Symphonies (Liszt)
Beethoven Symphony No. 3 discography
Beijing Symphony Orchestra
Beloit-Janesville Symphony Orchestra
Benign symmetric lipomatosis
Benjamin Parsons Symons
Benzoate:H symporter
Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra
Berlin: Symphony of a Metropolis
Berlin Symphony Orchestra
Bern Symphony Orchestra
Bill Evans Trio with Symphony Orchestra
Billings Symphony Orchestra
Birmingham Symphonic Winds
Bis(5'-nucleosyl)-tetraphosphatase (asymmetrical)
Bis(5'-nucleosyl)-tetraphosphatase (symmetrical)
Bitter Sweet Symphony
Bittersweet Symphony (album)
B. J. Symons
Black Hills Symphony Orchestra
Black panther (symbol)
Black rose (symbolism)
Black Sun (symbol)
Black Symphony
Bloomington Symphony Orchestra (Minnesota)
Blue Ash Montgomery Symphony Orchestra
Bone Symphony (EP)
Book:Concepts of symmetry
Borsonia symbiotes
Boston Symphony Orchestra
Boston Youth Symphony Orchestras
Bourbaki dangerous bend symbol
Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra
Brain asymmetry
Branched chain amino acidcation symporter
Brazilian Symphony Orchestra
Brazos Valley Symphony Orchestra
Brian Symes
Brown Bag Software v. Symantec Corp.
B symptoms
Bubble Symphony
Bucharest Symphony Orchestra
Budapest Gypsy Symphony Orchestra
Budapest Symphony Orchestra
Buddhist symbolism
Bulgarian National Radio Symphony Orchestra
But, What Ends When the Symbols Shatter?
Byzantine Musical Symbols
C2-Symmetric ligands
Cairo Symphony Orchestra
CallanSymanzik equation
Cancer signs and symptoms
Cantabile (symphonic suite)
Caravan and the New Symphonia
Carl, My Childhood Symphony
Carlson symmetric form
Castile and Len Symphony Orchestra
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Category:Military symbols
Cathy Symon
CB military symbol
Cello Symphony (Britten)
Celtic Symphony
Center for Asymmetric Warfare
Chai (symbol)
Chamartn Symphony Orchestra
Chamber Symphony
Chamber Symphony No. 1 (Schoenberg)
Chamber Symphony No. 2 (Schoenberg)
Champaign-Urbana Symphony Orchestra
Character (symbol)
Charles Symmes
Charles Symmonds
Charles Symmons
Charles Symonds
Charles Symons
Charleston Symphony Orchestra
Charlotte Symphony Orchestra
Chattanooga Symphony and Opera
Cheesymite scroll
Chemical symbol
Chess annotation symbols
Chess Symbols
Chess symbols in Unicode
Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestras
China National Symphony Orchestra
Chiral symmetry breaking
Chloride potassium symporter
Chloride potassium symporter 4
Chloride potassium symporter 5
Choral Symphony (Holst)
Christchurch Symphony Orchestra
Christian symbolism
Christmas Symphony
Christoffel symbols
Church of St. Symeon, Mytilene
Chusquea asymmetrica
Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra
Cinematic Symphony
Circular symmetry
City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra
City of Rochester Symphony Orchestra
CJK Symbols and Punctuation
Classic 100 Symphony
Cleaning symbiosis
Cleveland Youth Wind Symphony
Coenonympha symphita
Coleophora parasymi
Coleophora symmicta
Coleophora symphistropha
Colin Syme
Colorado Symphony
Color symbolism
Columbia Symphony Orchestra
Columbus Symphony Orchestra
Combinatorial mirror symmetry
Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols
Communist symbolism
Comparison of Symbian devices
Complete homogeneous symmetric polynomial
Concise Encyclopedia of Supersymmetry and Noncommutative Structures in Mathematics and Physics
Condensation symbol
Conditional symmetric instability
Conformal symmetry
Contou-Carrre symbol
Copley Symphony Hall
Copyright symbol
Coronis (textual symbol)
Cover symbols used in linguistics
COVID Symptom Study
CPT symmetry
Craig Symonds
Crumpet!: A Very British Sex Symbol
Crystal Symphony
Currency symbol
Cyclic symmetry in three dimensions
Cyclophora sympathica
Czech National Symphony Orchestra
Daily Assessment of Symptoms Anxiety
Dallas Symphony Orchestra
Danish National Symphony Orchestra
Dasymalla axillaris
Dasymalla chorisepala
Dasymalla glutinosa
Dasymalla teckiana
Dasymalla terminalis
Dasymetopa fenestrata
Dasymetric map
Dasymutilla occidentalis
Data compression symmetry
David Syme
David Syme Russell
David Symington
David Symon
David Symonds
Debug symbol
Definite symmetric matrix
Degree symbol
De La Salle Zobel Symphony Orchestra
Denver Symphony Orchestra
Des Moines Symphony
Destruction in Art Symposium
De Symons Honey
Detroit Symphony Orchestra
Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin
Diabolic Symphony
Diastasis symphysis pubis
Digital encoding of APL symbols
Digit symbol substitution test
Dihedral symmetry in three dimensions
Dioryctria symphoniella
Diple (textual symbol)
Directional symmetry
Discrete symmetry
Dissymmetry of lift
Divalent anionsodium symporter
DJ Symphony discography
Dongba symbols
Donkey orchid symptomless virus
Don Symon
Doridostoma symplecta
Doves as symbols
Draft:Antony Symons
Draft:Gaussian symbol
Draft:List of sex symbols
Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms
Duluth Superior Symphony Orchestra
Dunedin Symphony Orchestra
Dynamic antisymmetry
Dynamic kinetic resolution in asymmetric synthesis
Dyschromatosis symmetrica hereditaria
Earth symbol
East Winds Symphonic Band
EasyMile EZ10
Edmonton Symphony Orchestra
Ehrman Syme Nadal
Einstein's Unfinished Symphony
Electoral symbol
Electronic symbol
Elect the Dead Symphony
Eleftherios Papasymeon
Elementary symmetric polynomial
Eleutherodactylus symingtoni
Elgin Symphony Orchestra
Elgin Youth Symphony Orchestra
Elizabeth Symons, Baroness Symons of Vernham Dean
EMC Symmetrix
Emergence (Symphony Number One album)
Emily Symons
Eminence Symphony Orchestra
Enchiridion symbolorum, definitionum et declarationum de rebus fidei et morum
Endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy
Engineering drawing abbreviations and symbols
English Symphony Orchestra
Enjoy Your Symptom!
Esperanto jubilee symbol
Esperanto symbols
Estonian National Symphony Orchestra
E.S.T. Symphony
Eucosma symploca
Eugene Symphony
Euphaedra symphona
European hazard symbols
European Patent Judges' Symposium
European Symposium on Algorithms
Eurydactylodes symmetricus
Eveline Winifred Syme
Event symmetry
Exogenesis: Symphony
Extinction symbol
Extrapyramidal symptoms
Facial symmetry
Fall Breaks and Back to Winter (W. Woodpecker Symphony)
Family symmetries
Farmyard Symphony (film)
Fascist symbolism
Fatal Symphony
Faust Symphony
Fearful Symmetries
Fearful Symmetry
Fearful Symmetry (book)
Fearful Symmetry (The X-Files)
Fife Symington
Film Symphony Orchestra
Final Symphony II
Finnish national symbols
Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra
Flags and symbols of Yorkshire
Floral symmetry
Florida Symphony Orchestra
Florida Symphony Youth Orchestras
FockLorentz symmetry
FORM (symbolic manipulation system)
Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra
Fountains of Rome (symphonic poem)
Four Symbols
Franciszek Maksymilian Ossoliski
Frankfurt Radio Symphony
Free Software and Open Source Symposium
Freiling's axiom of symmetry
Fulda Symphonic Orchestra
Fullmetal Alchemist: Dual Sympathy
Functional symptom
Gaelic Symphony
Gaia Symphony
Gamer Symphony Orchestra at the University of Maryland
Gangsta for Life: The Symphony of David Brooks
Gateway Classic (Symetra Tour)
Gvle Symphony Orchestra
Gaye Symington
Gender symbol
Generalized Pochhammer symbol
Genesis Healthcare Corp. v. Symczyk
Geoffrey Symeon
George Gardner Symons
George G. Symes
George Symes
George Symons
George Symons (sailor)
Glossary of symplectic geometry
Glover Allen's dasymys
Gluconate-proton symporter
Gmina Pasym
Gold Symphony
Goose Creek Symphony
Gordon Symons
Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra
Graded-symmetric algebra
Grande Pice Symphonique
Grande symphonie funbre et triomphale
Grand Mariscal of Ayacucho Symphony Orchestra
Grant Park Symphony Orchestra
Greater Twin Cities Youth Symphonies
Greek Youth Symphony Orchestra
Green Dot (symbol)
Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra
Guangzhou Symphony Youth Orchestra
Hacettepe Symphony Orchestra
Hamburger Symphoniker
Hartford Symphony Orchestra
Hawaii Symphony
Hazard symbol
Heart symbol
Heartwork: Symphony of Destruction
Heilbut, Symons & Co v Buckleton
Helically Symmetric Experiment
Help:Musical symbols
Helsinki University Symphony Orchestra
HennessyMilner logic
Henry Symes Lehr
Henry Symonds
Herbert James Symington
Hereford Symphony Orchestra
Hermitian symmetric space
Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation
High-field asymmetric-waveform ion-mobility spectrometry
HigmanSims asymptotic formula
Hilbert symbol
Hilde De Ridder-Symoens
Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra
Hofer Symphoniker
Hollywood Studio Symphony
Home Sweet Home/Bittersweet Symphony
Homoeoprepes sympatrica
Homological mirror symmetry
Houston Symphony
Houston We Have No Problem II Raumschiff Schlaf Symphonie
HughesIngold symbol
Hugh Syme (GC)
Hull classification symbol
Human skull symbolism
Hyalurga syma
Hydractinia symbiolongicarpus
I'd Rather Write a Symphony
IBM 1401 Symbolic Programming System
IBM Lotus Symphony
Iceland Symphony Orchestra
Icosahedral symmetry
Idaea sympractor
Ideographic Symbols and Punctuation
IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium
Igor Maksymenko
Igo Sym
I Hear a Symphony
I Hear a Symphony (The Supremes album)
Illusion of asymmetric insight
Ilya Tsymbalar
In Concert with The London Symphony Orchestra
Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra
Industrial symbiosis
Industrial Symphony No. 1
Infeldvan der Waerden symbols
Infinita Symphonia
Infinity symbol
Information asymmetry
Inquisition Symphony
Inquisition Symphony (album)
Integral symbol
International breastfeeding symbol
International Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium
International Conference of Symphony and Opera Musicians
International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium
International Sculpture Symposium
International Seapower Symposium
International Steel Sculpture Workshop and Symposium
International Symbol of Access
International Symposium for Personal and Commercial Spaceflight
International Symposium on Circuits and Systems
International Symposium on Computer Architecture
International Symposium on Distributed Computing
International Symposium on Endovascular Therapy
International Symposium on Graph Drawing
International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
International Symposium on Memory Management
International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality
International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications
International Symposium on Physical Design
International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems
International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
International Symposium on the Analytic Hierarchy Process
Internet Symphony No. 1
Intersymbol interference
Inverse Symbolic Calculator
Ioannis Symbonis
Iraqi National Symphony Orchestra
Ivan Gerasymov
Jackson Symphony Orchestra
Jacksonville Symphony
Jacksonville Symphony Youth Orchestra
Jain symbols
James Ayton Symington
James H. Symington
James Syme
James Symington
James Symonds
James W. Symington
Japanese recycling symbols
Japanese sound symbolism
Jean Symes
Jermyn Symonds
Jewish symbolism
J. Fife Symington Jr.
Jiahu symbols
Joe Symonds
Johannes Symonis Hasprois
John Addington Symonds
John Cleves Symmes
John Cleves Symmes Jr.
John FitzSymond
John Foster Symes
Johnny Symons
John Symank
John Syme
John Symes
John Symme
John Symmes
John Symond
John Symonds
Jordan's theorem (symmetric group)
Joseph Meyerhoff Symphony Hall
Joseph Symonds
Josiah Symon
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
Journal of Symbolic Computation
Journal of Symbolic Logic
Joyce Symons
Jzef Maksymilian Ossoliski
Julian Symonds
Kanata Symphony
Kansas City Symphony
Kaohsiung City Symphony Orchestra
Kashmir: Symphonic Led Zeppelin
Kassym-Jomart Tokayev
Kasym Khan
Kato Symi
KBS Symphony Orchestra
Keck asymmetric allylation
Keith Symon
Khanda (Sikh symbol)
Khmer Symbols
Kinesthetic sympathy
Kiss Symphony: Alive IV
KitchenerWaterloo Symphony
Kit Symons
Knoxville Symphony Orchestra
Kristiansand Symphony Orchestra
Kseniia Tsymbalyuk
Kurt Symanzik
Kyokuto Symphony: The Five Stars Night @Budokan
Laban notation symbols
Labdia symbolias
Lahti Symphony Orchestra
Language as Symbolic Action
Lansdowne Symphony Orchestra
La Symphonie pastorale
LA Symphony
Laundry symbol
Lazer's Interactive Symbolic Assembler
Lecithocera symptomatica
Left-right asymmetry (biology)
Legendre symbol
Leningrad premire of Shostakovich's Symphony No. 7
Lesle Symes
Letterlike Symbols
Levi-Civita symbol
Lexington Symphony
LGBT symbols
Lidiya Tsymosh
Liepja Symphony Orchestra
Lightest supersymmetric particle
Limburgs Symfonie Orkest
Limnaecia symplecta
Linux Symposium
Lion head symbol of Singapore
List of American symphonic metal bands
List of awards and nominations received by Raven-Symon
List of Bohol provincial symbols
List of Canadian provincial and territorial symbols
List of Cotabato provincial symbols
List of District of Columbia symbols
List of finite spherical symmetry groups
List of Guam territorial symbols
List of ICD-9 codes 780799: symptoms, signs, and ill-defined conditions
List of ideological symbols
List of Japanese map symbols
List of Japanese typographic symbols
List of logic symbols
List of lucky symbols
List of mathematical symbols
List of musical symbols
List of national symbols of Iran
List of national symbols of Israel
List of national symbols of Palestine
List of national symbols of the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man
List of Northern Mariana Islands territorial symbols
List of occult symbols
List of official symbols of Puerto Rico
List of organ symphonies
List of participants in the Evolving Genes and Proteins symposium
List of planar symmetry groups
List of songs recorded by Raven-Symon
List of symbols
List of symbols of Scientology
List of Sympathy for the Record Industry artists
List of Symphogear episodes
List of symphonies by Anton Bruckner
List of symphonies by Joseph Haydn
List of symphonies by key
List of symphonies by number
List of symphonies by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
List of symphonies in A-flat major
List of symphonies in A-flat minor
List of symphonies in A major
List of symphonies in A minor
List of symphonies in B-flat major
List of symphonies in B-flat minor
List of symphonies in B major
List of symphonies in B minor
List of symphonies in C major
List of symphonies in C minor
List of symphonies in C-sharp minor
List of symphonies in D-flat major
List of symphonies in D major
List of symphonies in D minor
List of symphonies in E-flat major
List of symphonies in E-flat minor
List of symphonies in E minor
List of symphonies in F major
List of symphonies in F minor
List of symphonies in F-sharp major
List of symphonies in F-sharp minor
List of symphonies in G major
List of symphonies in G minor
List of symphonies in G-sharp minor
List of symphonies with names
List of symphony orchestras
List of symphony orchestras in Europe
List of Symphyotrichum species
List of Tales of Symphonia characters
List of typographical symbols and punctuation marks
List of U.S. Virgin Islands territorial symbols
Lists of national symbols
Lithuanian National Symphony Orchestra
Little Symphony No. 2 (Milhaud)
Little Symphony No. 4 (Milhaud)
Little Symphony No. 5 (Milhaud)
Little Symphony No. 6 (Milhaud)
Live in Australia with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra
Live with the University of Colorado Symphony Orchestra
Local asymptotic normality
Local symbol
Local symmetry
London symphonies
London Symphony
London Symphony Orchestra
London Symphony Orchestra (Zappa albums)
Lonely Symphony (We Will Be Free)
Long Bay Symphony Orchestra
Long Beach Symphony Orchestra
Lotus Symphony
Lotus Symphony (MS-DOS)
Louise M. Davies Symphony Hall
Love and Peace and Sympathy
Love Symbol (Prince album)
Lower urinary tract symptoms
Lucerne Symphony Orchestra
Lumines: Electronic Symphony
Lyngby-Taarbk Symfoniorkester
Lyrical Sympathy Live
Lyric Symphony
Madeleine Symons
Magic Symphony
Mahler Symphony No. 8 discography
Maksym Banasevych
Maksym Biletskyi
Maksym Bilyi
Maksym Burbak
Maksym Dehtyarov
Maksym Dolhov
Maksym Feshchuk
Maksym Havrylenko
Maksymiliana Piotrowskiego Street in Bydgoszcz
Maksymilian Ciki
Maksymilian Horwitz
Maksymilian Makowiak
Maksymilian Ossoliski
Maksymilianw, Greater Poland Voivodeship
Maksymilianowo, Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship
Maksymilianw, witokrzyskie Voivodeship
Maksymilian Rylo
Maksymilian Wgrzynek
Maksym Kalynychenko
Maksym Koval
Maksym Kovalenko
Maksym Kovalyov
Maksym Krypak
Maksym Kryvonis
Maksym Levytskyi
Maksym Mazuryk
Maksym Morozov
Maksymw, witokrzyskie Voivodeship
Maksym Pashayev
Maksym Prokopenko
Maksym Rylsky
Maksym Semiankiv
Maksym Shapoval
Maksym Shemberev
Maksym Spodyriev
Maksym Startsev
Maksym Trusevych
Maksym Tymchenko
Maksym Tymoshenko
Maksym Vasilyev
Maksym Zalizniak
Maksym Zaliznyak oak tree
Malassezia sympodialis
Malm Symphony Orchestra
Mandarin Phonetic Symbols II
Mandibular symphysis
Manfred Symphony
Manila Symphony Orchestra
Map symbol
Margaret Travers Symons
Maria Syms
Marine microbial symbiosis
Marty Symes
Mashiroiro Symphony
Masonic ritual and symbolism
Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols
Mathematical operators and symbols in Unicode
Math symbol anglebracket
Math symbol braces
Math symbol fencedbrackets
Math symbol i
Math symbol parentheses
Math symbol squarebracket
Matt Symonds
Mazeppa (symphonic poem)
McMullen Naval History Symposium
MDR Leipzig Radio Symphony Orchestra
Measles virus encoding the human thyroidal sodium iodide symporter
Media control symbols
Medically unexplained physical symptoms
Megalithic graffiti symbols
Megalomyrmex symmetochus
Melbourne Symphony Orchestra
Mel Symons
Memphis Symphony Orchestra
Merriweather Park at Symphony Woods
Metasymplectic space
Method of matched asymptotic expansions
Metropolis Symphony
Metropolitan Area Youth Symphony
Michael Symes
Michael Symes (diplomat)
Michael Symmons Roberts
Michael Symon
Michael Symons
Microbial symbiosis and immunity
Mike Symon
Miletus symethus
Miller Symphony Hall
Milton S. Eisenhower Symposium
Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra
Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model
Minnesota Youth Symphonies
Mirror symmetry conjecture
Mirror symmetry (disambiguation)
Mirror symmetry (string theory)
Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A
Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B
Miscellaneous Symbols
Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
Mobile Symphony Orchestra
Molecular symmetry
Montreal Symphony House
Montreal Symphony Orchestra
Montreal Women's Symphony Orchestra
More (Symphony Number One album)
Morphological symptoms of plant diseases
Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center
Moscow City Symphony
Moscow Symphony Orchestra
MS Silja Symphony
Multiple sclerosis signs and symptoms
Multi-rate symmetric digital subscriber line
Munich Symphony Orchestra
Musical Symbols
Musical Symbols (Unicode block)
Mykhaylo Maksymovych
N = 4 supersymmetric YangMills theory
Nabla symbol
Nashville Symphony
National Air Pollution Symposium
National Deviancy Symposium
National Scout and Guide Symphony Orchestra
National symbol
National symbols of Albania
National symbols of Australia
National symbols of Azerbaijan
National symbols of Bangladesh
National symbols of Barbados
National symbols of Belarus
National symbols of Belgium
National symbols of Bosnia and Herzegovina
National symbols of Brazil
National symbols of Bulgaria
National symbols of Canada
National symbols of Cape Verde
National symbols of Catalonia
National symbols of China
National symbols of Colombia
National symbols of Croatia
National symbols of England
National symbols of Estonia
National symbols of France
National symbols of Germany
National symbols of Hungary
National symbols of India
National symbols of Ireland, the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland
National symbols of Italy
National symbols of Japan
National symbols of Korea
National symbols of Latvia
National symbols of Lithuania
National symbols of Luxembourg
National symbols of Malta
National symbols of Mexico
National symbols of Moldova
National symbols of Montenegro
National symbols of Myanmar
National symbols of Nepal
National symbols of New Zealand
National symbols of Nicaragua
National symbols of North Korea
National symbols of North Macedonia
National symbols of Pakistan
National symbols of Peru
National symbols of Poland
National symbols of Portugal
National symbols of Romania
National symbols of Russia
National symbols of Saint Lucia
National symbols of Scotland
National symbols of Serbia
National symbols of Singapore
National symbols of Slovenia
National symbols of South Africa
National symbols of South Korea
National symbols of Switzerland
National symbols of Thailand
National symbols of the Czech Republic
National symbols of the Netherlands
National symbols of Ukraine
National symbols of Venezuela
National symbols of Wales
National Symphony Orchestra
National Symphony Orchestra (Dominican Republic)
National Symphony Orchestra Ghana
National Symphony Orchestra (Mexico)
National Symphony Orchestra of Colombia
National Symphony Orchestra of Cuba
National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine
National Symphony Orchestra (Peru)
National Symphony Orchestra (Taiwan)
National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra
National Youth Symphony Orchestra of the Dominican Republic
NATO Joint Military Symbology
Nazi symbolism
NBC Symphony Orchestra
Neil Symes
Netherlands Radio Symphony Orchestra
Netherlands Symphony Orchestra
Neurosymploca? oligocenica
Neurotransmitter sodium symporter
Newark Symphony Hall
New Haven Symphony Orchestra
New Jersey Symphony Orchestra
New Mexico Symphony Orchestra
New World Symphony (orchestra)
New York Military Affairs Symposium
New York Symphony Orchestra
New York Youth Symphony
New Zealand Symphony Orchestra
Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model
NHH Symposium
NHK Symphony Orchestra
Nick Symmonds
Nick Thomas-Symonds
Nikki Symmons
Nikolai Tsymbal
Ni Symphony Orchestra
N. K. Symi (Sponge Diving Boat)
Nokia Browser for Symbian
Non-logical symbol
Nonsymmetric gravitational theory
Norrkping Symphony Orchestra
North Carolina Symphony
North Mississippi Symphony Orchestra
Northwest Indiana Symphony Orchestra
Northwest Symphony Orchestra
No symbol
Novosibirsk Youth Symphony Orchestra
Noyori asymmetric hydrogenation
Nucleobase cation symporter-1
Nucleobase cation symporter-2
Null symbol
Nuremberg Symphony Orchestra
Nusym Technology
Oakland East Bay Symphony
Obsolete and nonstandard symbols in the International Phonetic Alphabet
Ocala Symphony Orchestra
Octahedral symmetry
Odense Symphony Orchestra
Old Roman Symbol
Oleksandr Maksymov
Olympic symbols
Omaha Symphony Orchestra
One-dimensional symmetry group
Optimal asymmetric encryption padding
Option symbol
Orca Symphony No. 1
Orchestre symphonique de Paris
Orchestre Symphonique de Qubec
Orchestre Symphonique des tudiants de Louvain-la-Neuve
Oregon Symphony
Organ Symphony No. 3
Organ Symphony No. 3 (Vierne)
Origin of Symmetry
Orthogonal symmetric Lie algebra
Oruro Symphony Orchestra
Ottawa Symphony Orchestra
Oulu Symphony Orchestra
Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery
Pacific Symphony
Pacific Symphony Youth Orchestra
Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing
Pain asymbolia
Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium
Paraburkholderia symbiotica
Paradise Lost (Symphony X album)
Paralympic symbols
Parasympathetic ganglion
Parasympathetic nervous system
Parasympathomimetic drug
Paris symphonies
Pasadena Symphony and Pops
Pasilalinic-sympathetic compass
Pastoral Symphony (film)
Pastoral Symphony (Vaughan Williams)
Patania symphonodes
Paul Symphor
Peace symbols
Peninsula Symphony Orchestra
Penn Symons
Peoria Symphony Orchestra
Percival Symonds
Perfect Symmetry
Perfect Symmetry (Keane album)
Period-after-opening symbol
Persymmetric matrix
Peter Symonds
Peter Symonds College
Petite symphonie concertante
Petro Symonenko
Philippine symbolism in archaeology
Phoenix Symphony
Phoenix Symphony Hall
Phonetic symbols in Unicode
Phyllonorycter symphoricarpaeella
Physical symbol system
Piano symphony
Picture communication symbols
Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra
Plane symmetry
Planet symbols
Plantation Crops Symposium
Plant symbolism
Play! A Video Game Symphony
Please Don't Sympathise
Plesiomorphy and symplesiomorphy
P (Nazi symbol)
Pocket Symphonies for Lonesome Subway Cars
Pocket Symphony
Pome symphonique
Pome symphonique (disambiguation)
Pokmon: Symphonic Evolutions
Polarity symbols
Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra
Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra
Political symbolism
Pontia sisymbrii
Pope Symmachus
Portland Columbia Symphony
Portland Symphony
Portland Symphony Orchestra
Port Saint Symeon
Powder of sympathy
Power residue symbol
Power sum symmetric polynomial
Power symbol
Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra
Prague Symphony Orchestra
Premiers Symptmes
Presidential Symphony Orchestra
Press Start: Symphony of Games
Prime (symbol)
Procol Harum Live: In Concert with the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra
Progressive symmetric erythrokeratodermia
Protogobiesox asymmetricus
Pseudatteria symplacota
PTSD Symptom Scale Self-Report Version
Pubic symphysis
Puerto Rico Symphony Orchestra
Q&A (Symantec)
Q-Pochhammer symbol
Quacquarelli Symonds
Quad City Symphony Orchestra
Quantities, Units and Symbols in Physical Chemistry
Quasisymmetric function
Quasisymmetric map
Quaternion-Khler symmetric space
Quebec ban on religious symbols
Queensland Symphony Orchestra
Quercus asymmetrica
Quintus Aurelius Symmachus
Radical symbol
RAI National Symphony Orchestra
Rajaton Sings ABBA with Lahti Symphony Orchestra
Raven-Symon (album)
Raven-Symon discography
RCA Victor Symphony Orchestra
Recycling symbol
Red (Symbion Project album)
Red Symons
Reflection symmetry
Regional indicator symbol
Registered trademark symbol
Religion in national symbols
Religious and political symbols in Unicode
Religious symbol
Remitting seronegative symmetrical synovitis with pitting edema
Renal sympathetic denervation
Renault Symbol
Representation theory of the symmetric group
Rhopobota symbolias
Richard Symonds
Richard Symonds-Tayler
Richard Symons
Richmond Symphony Orchestra
Ring of symmetric functions
Robert Syme
Robert Symmer
Robert Symms
Robert Symonds
Robert Symonette
Robert Syms
Rockford Symphony Orchestra
Rod-and-ring symbol
Roland Theodore Symonette
Roman Maksymyuk
Romantic Symphony
Roma Symphony (Bizet)
Ronald Syme
Rose (symbolism)
Rotational symmetry
Royal Seville Symphony Orchestra
RT National Symphony Orchestra
RTVE Symphony Orchestra
RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra
Rumi Numeral Symbols
Russian National Youth Symphony Orchestra
Russian symbolism
Russian Symphony
Russian Symphony Orchestra Society
Rustic Wedding Symphony
Ruth Symes
R. W. Symonds
Sacrococcygeal symphysis
Sadistic Symphony
Sagebrush Symphony
Saint Petersburg Academic Symphony Orchestra
Saint symbolism
Saint-Symphorien, Belgium
Saint-Symphorien, Deux-Svres
Saint-Symphorien, Lozre
Salford Symphony Orchestra
Salt Lake Symphonic Winds
Smi institutional symbols
Samuel Symons Bassett
San Antonio Symphony
Sandham: Symphony Meets Classical Tamil
San Diego Symphony
San Francisco Symphony
San Jose Symphony
San Jose Youth Symphony
Santa Cruz Symphony
Santa Fe Symphony Orchestra and Chorus
Sarah Symmons
Sara Symington
Saskatoon Symphony Orchestra
Saturday at the Symphony
Sault Symphony Orchestra
Savitri: A Legend and a Symbol
Scar Symmetry
Schermerhorn Symphony Center
Schlfli symbol
Schubert's symphonies
Scot Symon
Searchable symmetric encryption
Seattle Symphony
Seattle Youth Symphony Orchestras
Secret Symphony
Semi-symmetric graph
Serenade after Plato's "Symposium"
Serpent (symbolism)
Service mark symbol
Seventh Army Symphony Orchestra
Sex symbol
Shadows and Symbols
Shanghai City Symphony Orchestra
Shanghai Symphony Orchestra
Sharpless asymmetric dihydroxylation
Shawn Syms
Shepherd's Symphony Hirtensymphonie
Shreveport Symphony Orchestra
Sibelius Symphony No. 7 discography
Significant symbols
Signs and Symbols
Signs and symptoms of Graves' disease
Signs and symptoms of HIV/AIDS
Signs and symptoms of Parkinson's disease
Signs and symptoms of pregnancy
Sikh Youth Symposium
Silly Symphonies: The Complete Disney Classics
Silly Symphony
Silly Symphony (comic strip)
Silly Symphony Swings
Simn Bolvar Symphony Orchestra
Simn Bolvar Youth Symphonic Band
Simple Symmetric Transport Protocol
Simple Symphony
Simple Symphony (ballet)
Sinfonietta (symphony)
Singapore Symphony Orchestra
Singapore Wind Symphony's Percussion Ensemble
Sisymbrium altissimum
Sisymbrium irio
Sisymbrium loeselii
Sisymbrium officinale
Sisymbrium orientale
Skew-symmetric matrix
Skull and crossbones (symbol)
Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra
S. L. Wong (phonetic symbols)
Smiting-blade symbol (hieroglyph)
Sodium-chloride symporter
Sodium sulfate symporter
Solanum sisymbriifolium
Solar symbol
Somatic symptom disorder
Somatic Symptom Disorder - B Criteria Scale (SSD-12)
Somatic Symptom Scale - 8
SONAR (Symantec)
Soulful Symphony
Sound recording copyright symbol
Sound symbolism
South Dakota Symphony Orchestra
South Norfolk Youth Symphonic Band
Southwest German Radio Symphony Orchestra
Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation
Soyombo symbol
Space Symposium
Spacetime symmetries
Split supersymmetry
Spontaneous symmetry breaking
Spring Symphony (film)
SSK (hull classification symbol)
SSN (hull classification symbol)
Stade Saint-Symphorien
Stanley symmetric function
Starburst (symbol)
Status symbol
Stavanger Symphony Orchestra
Stenoma symposias
Stephen Symmes Jr. House
Stephen Symonds Foster
Steve Symms
Stewart Symes
St. Gallen Symposium
Stigmella symmora
Stiracolpus symmetricus
Stirling numbers and exponential generating functions in symbolic combinatorics
St. Louis Symphony Orchestra
St. Louis Symphony Youth Orchestra
Street Corner Symphony
Streetcorner Symphony
String symphonies (Mendelssohn)
Structured Inventory of Malingered Symptomatology
St Symphorien Military Cemetery
Stuart Symington
Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra
Stylidium asymmetricum
Subversive Symmetry
Sugar Symphony
Suite of Symphonies for brass, strings and timpani No. 1
Sunderland Symphony Orchestra
Supersymmetric gauge theory
Supersymmetric quantum mechanics
Supersymmetric theory of stochastic dynamics
Supersymmetric WKB approximation
Supersymmetry algebra
Supersymmetry algebras in 1 + 1 dimensions
Supersymmetry (Angel)
Supersymmetry breaking
Supersymmetry nonrenormalization theorems
Supplemental Symbols and Pictographs
Susquehanna Symphony Orchestra
Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra
Swing Symphony
Switchblade Symphony
SWR Symphonieorchester
Sydney Symphony Orchestra
Sydney University Symphony Orchestra
Sylvia Syms
Symantec Endpoint Protection
Symantec Operations Readiness Tools
Symantec Workspace Virtualization
SYMA Sports and Conference Centre
Symbian Ltd.
Symbionese Liberation Army
Sym-Bionic Titan
Symbion Power
Symbiosis (chemical)
Symbiosis (disambiguation)
Symbiosis (film)
Symbiosis Gathering
Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Bengaluru
Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Pune
Symbiosis International University
Symbiosis (musical ensemble)
Symbiosis (sculpture)
Symbiosis Society
Symbiosis (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
Symbiosis University of Applied Sciences
Symbiote (comics)
Symbiotic binary
Symbiotic nova
Symbister House
Symbol (disambiguation)
Symbol (film)
Symbol (formal)
Symbol grounding problem
Symbolic anthropology
Symbolic artificial intelligence
Symbolic behavior
Symbolic capital
Symbolic circuit analysis
Symbolic convergence theory
Symbolic culture
Symbolic data analysis
Symbolic (Death album)
Symbolic execution
Symbolic interactionism
Symbolic Interaction (journal)
Symbolic language
Symbolic language (literature)
Symbolic link
Symbolic Link (SYLK)
Symbolic method
Symbolic method (combinatorics)
Symbolic power of an ideal
Symbolic racism
Symbolic regression
Symbolic representation
Symbolic self-completion theory
Symbolic Sound Corporation
Symbolic speech
Symbolic trajectory evaluation
Symbol-intensive brand
Symbolism (arts)
Symbolism in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Symbolism in the French Revolution
Symbolism of domes
Symbolism of terrorism
Symbolism of the number 7
Symbolist movement in Romania
Symbol Nomenclature For Glycans
Symbol (number theory)
Symbol of a differential operator
Symbol of Chaos
Symbol of Life
Symbol of medicine
Symbol of Salvation
Symbol (programming)
Symbol rate
Symbols (album)
Symbols and Pictographs Extended-A
Symbols and proto-writing of the CucuteniTrypillia culture
Symbols for Legacy Computing
Symbol Six
Symbols of Alberta
Symbols of British Columbia
Symbols of Brussels
Symbols of death
Symbols of Europe
Symbols of Francoism
Symbols of Guadalajara
Symbols of Islam
Symbols of Kavaj
Symbols of Krakw
Symbols of Kryvyi Rih
Symbols of leadership
Symbols of Manchester
Symbols of Manitoba
Symbols of North and East Syria
Symbols of Nunavut
Symbols of Queensland
Symbols of Springfield, Massachusetts
Symbols of Sussex
Symbols of Tamil Eelam
Symbols of the European Union
Symbols of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
Symbols of the Head of the Sakha Republic
Symbols of the Northern Territory
Symbols of the Northwest Territories
Symbols of the Rurikids
Symbols of Tirana
Symbols of Tokyo
Symbols of Ukrainian people
Symbols of Victoria (Australia)
Symbols of Yukon
Symbol table
Symbol Technologies
Symbol theory of semiotics
Symbol (typeface)
Symbolyc One
Symbolyc One production discography
Symbrenthia hypatia
Symbrenthia hypselis
Symbrenthia lilaea
Symbrenthia niphanda
Symeon C. Symeonides
Symeon I of Constantinople
Symeon Lukach
Symeon of Durham
Symeon of Polotsk
Symeon of Rosemarkie
Symeon of Thessalonica
Symeon of Trier
Symeon Savvidis
Symeon (Shostatsky)
Symeon Stylites of Lesbos
Symeon the Metaphrast
Symeon the New Theologian
Symerton, Illinois
SymE-SymR toxin-antitoxin system
Symetra Classic
Symetra Tour
Symington family
Symington W. Smith
Symlink race
Symmachia basilissa
Symmachia calliste
Symmachia falcistriga
Symmachia menetas
Symmachian forgeries
SymmachiNicomachi diptych
Symmachus ben Joseph
Symmachus (translator)
Symmerista albifrons
Symmerista canicosta
Symmerista leucitys
Symmes Mission Chapel
Symmes Purchase
Symmes Township
Symmes Township, Ohio
Symmetrical Defense
Symmetrical double-sided two-way ranging
Symmetric algebra
Symmetrical inflation target
Symmetrically continuous function
Symmetrical tonic neck reflex
Symmetric bilinear form
Symmetric cone
Symmetric decreasing rearrangement
Symmetric derivative
Symmetric difference
Symmetric digital subscriber line
Symmetric federalism
Symmetric form
Symmetric function
Symmetric game
Symmetric graph
Symmetric group
Symmetric hash join
Symmetric hydrogen bond
Symmetric in Design
Symmetric inverse semigroup
Symmetric-key algorithm
Symmetric level-index arithmetic
Symmetric logarithmic derivative
Symmetric matrix
Symmetric mean absolute percentage error
Symmetric monoidal category
Symmetric multiprocessing
Symmetric polynomial
Symmetric probability distribution
Symmetric product
Symmetric product of an algebraic curve
Symmetric product (topology)
Symmetric rank-one
Symmetric scale
Symmetric space
Symmetric spectrum
Symmetric successive over-relaxation
Symmetric tensor
Symmetrischema alticolum
Symmetrischema altisona
Symmetrischema ardeola
Symmetrischema atrifascis
Symmetrischema borsaniella
Symmetrischema capsica
Symmetrischema cestrivora
Symmetrischema conifera
Symmetrischema dulce
Symmetrischema fercularia
Symmetrischema lavernella
Symmetrischema lectulifera
Symmetrischema loquax
Symmetrischema pallidochrella
Symmetrischema striatella
Symmetrischema tangolias
Symmetrischema ventralella
Symmetrization methods
Symmetrodes sciocosma
Symmetry-adapted linear combination
Symmetry (band)
Symmetry breaking
Symmetry breaking and cortical rotation
Symmetry-breaking constraints
Symmetry breaking (disambiguation)
Symmetry energy
Symmetry (film)
Symmetry (geometry)
Symmetry group
Symmetry in biology
Symmetry in mathematics
Symmetry in quantum mechanics
Symmetry number
Symmetry of second derivatives
Symmetry operation
Symmetry (physics)
Symmetry-preserving filter
Symmetry-protected topological order
Symmimetis confusa
Symmimetis cristata
Symmoca attalica
Symmoca cinerariella
Symmoca designella
Symmoca dodecatella
Symmoca latiusculella
Symmoca nigromaculella
Symmoca oenophila
Symmoca perobscurata
Symmoca petrogenes
Symmoca rifellus
Symmoca saharae
Symmoca secreta
Symmoca signatella
Symmoca signella
Symmocoides don
Symmocoides gozmanyi
Symmocoides marthae
Symmocoides oxybiella
Symmons Plains Raceway
Symmoria eraston
SYM Motors
Sym-norspermidine synthase
Symona Boniface
Symon Budny
Symonds Green
Symonds Street Cemetery
Symonds Yat
Symone D. Sanders
Symon Petliura
Symon Sadik
Symon Semeonis
Symonston, Australian Capital Territory
Symons Valley, Calgary
Sympagic ecology
Sympathetic character
Sympathetic detonation
Sympathetic ganglion
Sympathetic magic
Sympathetic nervous system
Sympathetic ophthalmia
Sympathetic resonance
Sympathetic string
Sympathetic trunk
Sympathoadrenal system
Sympathomimetic drug
Sympathy (band)
Sympathy (disambiguation)
Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance
Sympathy for the Devil
Sympathy for the Devil (album)
Sympathy for the Devil (audio drama)
Sympathy for the Devil (disambiguation)
Sympathy for the Devil (Supernatural)
Sympathy for the Lobster
Sympathy for the Record Industry
Sympathy for the Underdog
Sympathy (Hitomi Takahashi album)
Sympathy (music)
Sympathy (Uriah Heep song)
Sympatric speciation
Sympecma fusca
Symperasmus affinis
Symperasmus alboniger
Symperasmus thoracicus
Sympetrum ambiguum
Sympetrum costiferum
Sympetrum danae
Sympetrum dilatatum
Sympetrum illotum
Sympetrum internum
Sympetrum madidum
Sympetrum meridionale
Sympetrum navasi
Sympetrum pallipes
Sympetrum rubicundulum
Sympetrum signiferum
Sympetrum vicinum
Sympherobius barberi
Sympherobius elegans
Symphlebia abdominalis
Symphlebia affinis
Symphlebia alinda
Symphlebia angulifascia
Symphlebia catenata
Symphlebia citraria
Symphlebia costaricensis
Symphlebia dissimulata
Symphlebia distincta
Symphlebia doncasteri
Symphlebia dorisca
Symphlebia erratum
Symphlebia favillacea
Symphlebia foliosa
Symphlebia geertsi
Symphlebia haenkei
Symphlebia haxairei
Symphlebia herbosa
Symphlebia hyalina
Symphlebia ignipicta
Symphlebia indistincta
Symphlebia ipsea
Symphlebia jalapa
Symphlebia jamaicensis
Symphlebia lophocampoides
Symphlebia maculicincta
Symphlebia meridionalis
Symphlebia muscosa
Symphlebia neja
Symphlebia nigranalis
Symphlebia nigropunctata
Symphlebia obliquefasciatus
Symphlebia palmeri
Symphlebia panema
Symphlebia primulina
Symphlebia pyrgion
Symphlebia rosa
Symphlebia similis
Symphlebia suanoides
Symphlebia suanus
Symphlebia sulphurea
Symphlebia tessellata
Symphlebia tetrodonta
Symphlebia tolimensis
Symphlebia underwoodi
Symphlebia venusta
Symphonaire Infernus et Spera Empyrium
Symphonia (disambiguation)
Symphonia Domestica
Symphonia globulifera
Symphonica (game)
Symphonica in Rosso Live at Ziggo Dome, Amsterdam
Symphonica (Joe Lovano album)
Symphonic Band and Chorus of the Secretariat of the Navy of Mexico
Symphonic black metal
Symphonic Concerto (Furtwngler)
Symphonic Dances
Symphonic Dances (Rachmaninoff)
Symphonic (Falco album)
Symphonic Fantasies
Symphonic Game Music Concerts
Symphonic Legends Music from Nintendo
Symphonic metal
Symphonic Metamorphosis of Themes by Carl Maria von Weber
Symphonic music in Iran
Symphonic Odysseys
Symphonic poem
Symphonic poems (Liszt)
Symphonic Rain
Symphonic Shades Hlsbeck in Concert
Symphonic Shades Hlsbeck in Concert (album)
Symphonic Studies (Schumann)
Symphonic Variations
Symphonic Variations (Dvok)
Symphonic Variations (Franck)
Symphonie diagonale
Symphonie espagnole
Symphonie fantastique
Symphonie funbre
Symphonie Pastorale (film)
Symphonie pour le jour o brleront les cits
Symphonies by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Symphony 924
Symphony A (Haydn)
Symphony Aircraft Industries
Symphony (album)
Symphony B (Haydn)
Symphony (candy)
Symphony Center
Symphony (Clean Bandit song)
Symphony Communication
Symphony Concertante (Kubik)
Symphony-Concerto (Prokofiev)
Symphony, D 2B (Schubert)
Symphony, D 615 (Schubert)
Symphony, D 708A (Schubert)
Symphony (disambiguation)
Symphony for Classical Orchestra (Shapero)
Symphony for Improvisers
Symphony for Organ and Orchestra (Copland)
Symphony for Organ No. 5
Symphony for Organ No. 6
Symphony for Solo Piano (Alkan)
Symphony for the Devil
Symphony for the Devil (Type O Negative album)
Symphony Hall
Symphony Hall, Birmingham
Symphony Hall, Boston
Symphony Hall (Sirius XM)
Symphony in A major "Mannheim No. 2" (Stamitz)
Symphony in B
Symphony in B-flat (Chausson)
Symphony in B-flat for Band (Hindemith)
Symphony in B-flat major "Mannheim No. 3" (Stamitz)
Symphony in Blue
Symphony in C
Symphony in C (ballet)
Symphony in D
Symphony in D major, Op. 3, No. 2 (Stamitz)
Symphony in D minor (Bruckner)
Symphony in D minor (Franck)
Symphony in D (Voek)
Symphony in E-flat (ballet)
Symphony in E-flat major, Op. 11, No. 3 (Stamitz)
Symphony in E-flat (Tchaikovsky)
Symphony in E (Sullivan)
Symphony in F (Dohnnyi)
Symphony in F minor (Bruckner)
Symphony in F-sharp major (Korngold)
Symphony in G major "Mannheim No. 1" (Stamitz)
Symphony in G minor (Lalo)
Symphony in G minor ("Zwickau")
Symphony in One Movement (Barber)
Symphony in Peril
Symphony in Slang
Symphony in the Domain
Symphony in Three Movements
Symphony in Two Flats
Symphony in White, No. 1: The White Girl
Symphony in White, No. 2: The Little White Girl
Symphony in White, No. 3
Symphony in X Major
Symphony, K. 111+120 (Mozart)
Symphony, K. 161 (Mozart)
Symphony, K. 16a (Mozart)
Symphony, K. 196+121 (Mozart)
Symphony, K. 19a (Mozart)
Symphony, K. 19b (Mozart)
Symphony, K. 208+102 (Mozart)
Symphony, K. 45a (Mozart)
Symphony, K. 45b (Mozart)
Symphony, K. 74g (Mozart)
Symphony, K. 75 (Mozart)
Symphony, K. 76 (Mozart)
Symphony, K. 81 (Mozart)
Symphony, K. 95 (Mozart)
Symphony, K. 96 (Mozart)
Symphony, K. 97 (Mozart)
Symphony, K. 98 (Mozart)
Symphony Lake (Singapore)
Symphony Live in Istanbul
Symphony: Live in Vienna
Symphony Mall
Symphony Masses: Ho Drakon Ho Megas
Symphony: Mathis der Maler
Symphony New Brunswick
Symphony No. 0
Symphony No. 1
Symphony No. 10
Symphony No. 100 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 101 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 102 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 103 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 104 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 10 (Beethoven/Cooper)
Symphony No. 10 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 10 (Henze)
Symphony No. 10 (Mahler)
Symphony No. 10 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 10 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 10 (Schubert)
Symphony No. 10 (Shostakovich)
Symphony No. 11
Symphony No. 11 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 11 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 11 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 11 (Shostakovich)
Symphony No. 12
Symphony No. 12 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 12 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 12 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 12 (Shostakovich)
Symphony No. 13
Symphony No. 13 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 13 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 13 (Shostakovich)
Symphony No. 14
Symphony No. 14 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 14 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 14 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 14 (Shostakovich)
Symphony No. 15
Symphony No. 15 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 15 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 15 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 15 (Shostakovich)
Symphony No. 16
Symphony No. 16 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 16 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 16 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 17
Symphony No. 17 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 17 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 17 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 18
Symphony No. 18 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 18 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 18 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 19
Symphony No. 19 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 19 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 19 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 1 (Bax)
Symphony No. 1 (Beethoven)
Symphony No. 1 (Bernstein)
Symphony No. 1 (Brahms)
Symphony No. 1 (Brian)
Symphony No. 1 (Bruckner)
Symphony No. 1 (Dohnnyi)
Symphony No. 1 (Dvok)
Symphony No. 1 (Elgar)
Symphony No. 1 (Furtwngler)
Symphony No. 1 (G. English)
Symphony No. 1 (Glass)
Symphony No. 1 (Hartmann)
Symphony No. 1 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 1 (Henze)
Symphony No. 1 in 20 keys ("Letter to the World")
Symphony No. 1 in C major
Symphony No. 1 in C minor
Symphony No. 1 in D major
Symphony No. 1 in D minor
Symphony No. 1 (Ives)
Symphony No. 1 (Kalinnikov)
Symphony No. 1 (Lutosawski)
Symphony No. 1 (Mahler)
Symphony No. 1 (Martin)
Symphony No. 1 (Mendelssohn)
Symphony No. 1 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 1 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 1 (Prokofiev)
Symphony No. 1 "The Lord of the Rings"
Symphony No. 1 (Rachmaninoff)
Symphony No. 1 (Schnittke)
Symphony No. 1 (Schubert)
Symphony No. 1 (Schumann)
Symphony No. 1 (Shostakovich)
Symphony No. 1 (Sibelius)
Symphony No. 1 (Stanford)
Symphony No. 1 (Tchaikovsky)
Symphony No. 1 (Williamson)
Symphony No. 1 (Zwilich)
Symphony No. 2
Symphony No. 20
Symphony No. 20 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 20 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 20 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 21
Symphony No. 21 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 21 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 21 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 22
Symphony No. 22 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 22 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 22 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 23
Symphony No. 23 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 23 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 23 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 24
Symphony No. 24 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 24 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 25
Symphony No. 25 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 25 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 25 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 26
Symphony No. 26 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 26 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 26 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 27
Symphony No. 27 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 27 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 27 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 28
Symphony No. 28 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 28 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 28 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 29
Symphony No. 29 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 29 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 29 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 2 (Barber)
Symphony No. 2 (Bax)
Symphony No. 2 (Beethoven)
Symphony No. 2 (Bernstein)
Symphony No. 2 (Brahms)
Symphony No. 2 (Bruckner)
Symphony No. 2 (Corigliano)
Symphony No. 2 (Dohnnyi)
Symphony No. 2 (Dvok)
Symphony No. 2 (Furtwngler)
Symphony No. 2 (G. English)
Symphony No. 2 (Grecki)
Symphony No. 2 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 2 (Hovhaness)
Symphony No. 2 in D major
Symphony No. 2 (Ives)
Symphony No. 2 (Kabalevsky)
Symphony No. 2: Kleetden
Symphony No. 2 (Lutosawski)
Symphony No. 2 (Mahler)
Symphony No. 2 (Martin)
Symphony No. 2 (Moore)
Symphony No. 2 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 2 (Nielsen)
Symphony No. 2 (Paine)
Symphony No. 2, "The Imp of the Perverse"
Symphony No. 2 (Rachmaninoff)
Symphony No. 2 (Schubert)
Symphony No. 2 (Shostakovich)
Symphony No. 2 (Sibelius)
Symphony No. 2 (Tchaikovsky)
Symphony No. 3
Symphony No. 30
Symphony No. 30 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 30 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 30 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 31
Symphony No. 31 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 31 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 31 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 32
Symphony No. 32 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 32 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 32 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 33
Symphony No. 33 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 33 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 33 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 34
Symphony No. 34 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 34 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 35
Symphony No. 35 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 35 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 36
Symphony No. 36 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 36 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 36 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 37
Symphony No. 37 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 37 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 37 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 38
Symphony No. 38 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 38 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 38 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 39
Symphony No. 39 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 39 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 39 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 3 (Bax)
Symphony No. 3 (Beethoven)
Symphony No. 3 (Bernstein)
Symphony No. 3 (Brahms)
Symphony No. 3 (Bruckner)
Symphony No. 3 (Chvez)
Symphony No. 3 (Copland)
Symphony No. 3 (Dvok)
Symphony No. 3 (Elgar/Payne)
Symphony No. 3 (Furtwngler)
Symphony No. 3 (Glire)
Symphony No. 3 (Grecki)
Symphony No. 3 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 3 in C minor
Symphony No. 3 in E-flat major
Symphony No. 3 (Ives)
Symphony No. 3 (Lutosawski)
Symphony No. 3 (Mahler)
Symphony No. 3 (Martin)
Symphony No. 3 (Mendelssohn)
Symphony No. 3 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 3 (Myaskovsky)
Symphony No. 3 (Nielsen)
Symphony No. 3 (Nrgrd)
Symphony No. 3 (Prokofiev)
Symphony No. 3, "Rituals"
Symphony No. 3 "Symphonie Liturgique" (Honegger)
Symphony No. 3 "Universe"
Symphony No. 3 (Saint-Sans)
Symphony No. 3 (Schubert)
Symphony No. 3 (Schuman)
Symphony No. 3 (Schumann)
Symphony No. 3 (Scriabin)
Symphony No. 3 (Shostakovich)
Symphony No. 3 (Tchaikovsky)
Symphony No. 4
Symphony No. 40
Symphony No. 40 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 40 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 40 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 41
Symphony No. 41 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 41 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 41 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 42
Symphony No. 42 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 43
Symphony No. 43 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 44
Symphony No. 44 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 45
Symphony No. 45 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 46
Symphony No. 46 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 47
Symphony No. 47 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 48
Symphony No. 48 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 49 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 4 (Beethoven)
Symphony No. 4 (Boccherini)
Symphony No. 4 (Brahms)
Symphony No. 4 (Bruckner)
Symphony No. 4 (Chvez)
Symphony No. 4 (Dvok)
Symphony No. 4 (Glass)
Symphony No. 4 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 4 (Honegger)
Symphony No. 4 in E-flat major
Symphony No. 4 (Ives)
Symphony No. 4 (Lutosawski)
Symphony No. 4 (Mahler)
Symphony No. 4 (Martin)
Symphony No. 4 (Mendelssohn)
Symphony No. 4 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 4 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 4 (Nielsen)
Symphony No. 4 (Prt)
Symphony No. 4 (Prieto)
Symphony No. 4 (Prokofiev)
Symphony No. 4, "Souvenir des Ming"
Symphony No. 4 (Sallinen)
Symphony No. 4 (Schubert)
Symphony No. 4 (Shostakovich)
Symphony No. 4 (Tchaikovsky)
Symphony No. 4 (Vaughan Williams)
Symphony No. 5
Symphony No. 50
Symphony No. 5 (Gillis)
Symphony No. 50 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 51
Symphony No. 51 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 52
Symphony No. 52 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 53 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 54
Symphony No. 54 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 55 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 56
Symphony No. 56 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 57 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 58 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 59 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 5 (Beethoven)
Symphony No. 5 (Bruckner)
Symphony No. 5 (Chvez)
Symphony No. 5 (Dvok)
Symphony No. 5 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 5 (Henze)
Symphony No. 5 in B-flat
Symphony No. 5 in D major
Symphony No. 5 (Mahler)
Symphony No. 5 (Martin)
Symphony No. 5 (Mendelssohn)
Symphony No. 5 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 5, "Kunstkammer"
Symphony No. 5 (Sallinen)
Symphony No. 5 (Schnittke)
Symphony No. 5 (Schubert)
Symphony No. 5 (Shostakovich)
Symphony No. 5 (Sibelius)
Symphony No. 5 (Tchaikovsky)
Symphony No. 5 (Vaughan Williams)
Symphony No. 6
Symphony No. 60
Symphony No. 60 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 61 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 62 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 63
Symphony No. 63 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 64 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 65 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 66
Symphony No. 66 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 67 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 68 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 69 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 6 (Bax)
Symphony No. 6 (Beethoven)
Symphony No. 6 (Bruckner)
Symphony No. 6 (Chvez)
Symphony No. 6 (Dvok)
Symphony No. 6 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 6 (Henze)
Symphony No. 6 in B minor
Symphony No. 6 in F major
Symphony No. 6 (Mahler)
Symphony No. 6 (Martin)
Symphony No. 6 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 6 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 6 (Myaskovsky)
Symphony No. 6 (Nielsen)
Symphony No. 6 (Sallinen)
Symphony No. 6 (Schubert)
Symphony No. 6 (Shostakovich)
Symphony No. 6 (Tchaikovsky)
Symphony No. 6 (Vaughan Williams)
Symphony No. 7
Symphony No. 70 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 71 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 72 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 73 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 74 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 75 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 76 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 77 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 78 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 79 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 7 (Beethoven)
Symphony No. 7 (Bruckner)
Symphony No. 7 (Dvok)
Symphony No. 7 (Glass)
Symphony No. 7 (Hanson)
Symphony No. 7 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 7 (Henze)
Symphony No. 7 in A major
Symphony No. 7 (Mahler)
Symphony No. 7 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 7 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 7 (Ries)
Symphony No. 7 (Schubert)
Symphony No. 7 (Shostakovich)
Symphony No. 7 (Sibelius)
Symphony No. 8
Symphony No. 80 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 81 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 82 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 83 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 84 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 85 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 86 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 87 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 88 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 89 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 8 (Beethoven)
Symphony No. 8 (Bruckner)
Symphony No. 8 (Davies)
Symphony No. 8 (Dvok)
Symphony No. 8 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 8 (Kabel)
Symphony No. 8 (Mahler)
Symphony No. 8 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 8 (Penderecki)
Symphony No. 8 (Sallinen)
Symphony No. 8 (Schubert)
Symphony No. 8 (Shostakovich)
Symphony No. 8 (Sibelius)
Symphony No. 8 (Vaughan Williams)
Symphony No. 9
Symphony No. 90 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 91 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 92 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 93 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 94 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 95 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 96 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 97 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 98 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 99 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 9 (Beethoven)
Symphony No. 9 (Bruckner)
Symphony No. 9 (Dvok)
Symphony No. 9 (Haydn)
Symphony No. 9 (Henze)
Symphony No. 9 in D minor
Symphony No. 9 in E minor
Symphony No. 9 (Mahler)
Symphony No. 9 (Michael Haydn)
Symphony No. 9 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 9 (Schubert)
Symphony No. 9 (Shostakovich)
Symphony No. 9 (Vaughan Williams)
Symphony Nova Scotia
Symphony Number One
Symphony Number One (album)
Symphony of a City
Symphony of Ages
Symphony of Death
Symphony of Death (film)
Symphony of Destruction
Symphony of Enchanted Lands
Symphony of Enchanted Lands II The Dark Secret
Symphony of Illumination
Symphony of Life (album)
Symphony of Life (film)
Symphony of Love
Symphony of Psalms
Symphony of Science
Symphony of the Damned, Re-symphonised
Symphony of the Seas
Symphony on a French Mountain Air
Symphony Orchestra of India
Symphony Orchestra Vorarlberg
Symphony or Damn
Symphony OS
Symphony Park
Symphony SA-160
Symphony Services International
Symphony Sid
Symphony Silicon Valley
Symphony Six
Symphony (software)
Symphony song
Symphony Space
Symphony (Vierne)
Symphony Way Pavement Dwellers
Symphony X
Symphony (yacht)
Symphora Bhi
Symphorian and Timotheus
Symphorian Thomas Keeprath
Symphoricarpos acutus
Symphoricarpos albus
Symphoricarpos chenaultii
Symphoricarpos guadalupensis
Symphoricarpos hesperius
Symphoricarpos longiflorus
Symphoricarpos microphyllus
Symphoricarpos mollis
Symphoricarpos occidentalis
Symphoricarpos orbiculatus
Symphoricarpos oreophilus
Symphoricarpos palmeri
Symphoricarpos parishii
Symphoricarpos rotundifolius
Symphurus pusillus
Symphyletes nodosus
Symphyotrichum ascendens
Symphyotrichum boreale
Symphyotrichum campestre
Symphyotrichum chilense
Symphyotrichum ciliolatum
Symphyotrichum cordifolium
Symphyotrichum defoliatum
Symphyotrichum depauperatum
Symphyotrichum dumosum
Symphyotrichum eatonii
Symphyotrichum ericoides
Symphyotrichum estesii
Symphyotrichum falcatum
Symphyotrichum frondosum
Symphyotrichum georgianum
Symphyotrichum grandiflorum
Symphyotrichum greatae
Symphyotrichum laeve
Symphyotrichum lanceolatum
Symphyotrichum lateriflorum
Symphyotrichum lentum
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae
Symphyotrichum novi-belgii
Symphyotrichum oblongifolium
Symphyotrichum ontarionis
Symphyotrichum oolentangiense
Symphyotrichum patens
Symphyotrichum pilosum
Symphyotrichum praealtum
Symphyotrichum prenanthoides
Symphyotrichum puniceum
Symphyotrichum racemosum
Symphyotrichum rhiannon
Symphyotrichum robynsianum
Symphyotrichum sericeum
Symphyotrichum shortii
Symphyotrichum subulatum
Symphyotrichum urophyllum
Symphysa amoenalis
Symphysa lepidaria
Symphysis pubis dysfunction
Symphysodon aequifasciatus
Symphysodon discus
Symphysodon tarzoo
Symphyta (moth)
Symphytum asperum
Symphytum bulbosum
Symphytum caucasicum
Symphytum officinale
Symphytum tuberosum
Sympistis aqualis
Sympistis arizonensis
Sympistis aterrima
Sympistis chionanthi
Sympistis chorda
Sympistis columbia
Sympistis confusa
Sympistis dentata
Sympistis deserticola
Sympistis dinalda
Sympistis dunbari
Sympistis exacta
Sympistis extremis
Sympistis figurata
Sympistis funebris
Sympistis glennyi
Sympistis greyi
Sympistis hayesi
Sympistis infixa
Sympistis lapponica
Sympistis major
Sympistis nenum
Sympistis nigrita
Sympistis perscripta
Sympistis ragani
Sympistis sandaraca
Sympistis sectilis
Sympistis semicollaris
Sympistis strioligera
Sympistis subsimplex
Sympistis tenuifascia
Symplectic category
Symplectic cut
Symplectic filling
Symplectic geometry
Symplectic group
Symplectic integrator
Symplectic manifold
Symplectic matrix
Symplectic space
Symplectic sum
Symplectic vector space
Symplegma viride
Symplocamide A
Symplocarpus foetidus
Symplocos adenophylla
Symplocos anomala
Symplocos paniculata
Symplocos rayae
Symplocos stawellii
Symplocos tinctoria
Sympodial branching
Sympodium (coral)
Sympoliteia (municipality)
Symposia and workshops on opisthobranchs
Symposia on VLSI Technology and Circuits
Symposium (band)
Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy
Symposium (disambiguation)
Symposium (Feuerbach)
Symposium Hall
Symposium on Combinatorial Search
Symposium on Computational Geometry
Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science
Symposium on Logic in Computer Science
Symposium on Operating Systems Principles
Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures
Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming
Symposium on Principles of Database Systems
Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing
Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages
Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science
Symposium on Theory of Computing
Symposium on Turtle Evolution
Symposium (Plato)
Symposium (Xenophon)
Sympson the Joiner
Symptomatic treatment
Symptom (disambiguation)
Symptom of the Universe
Symptom of the Universe: The Original Black Sabbath 19701978
Symptoms (Ashley Tisdale album)
Symptoms + Cures
Symptoms of COVID-19
Symptoms of victimization
Symptom targeted intervention
Sympycnodes arachnophora
Sympycnodes epicycla
Sympycnodes tripartita
Symsagittifera roscoffensis
Syms Corporation
Symsonia, Kentucky
SYM Sport Rider 125i
Symvoulos Epicheiriseon
Symyx Technologies
Symzonia: A Voyage of Discovery
Syzygium symingtonianum
Table of vertex-symmetric digraphs
Tales of Symphonia
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World
Talk:Sympson the Joiner
Tamara (symphonic poem)
Tampere Academic Symphony Orchestra
Tanglewood Symposium
Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra
Tea and Sympathy
Tea and Symphony
Tee (symbol)
Tehran Symphony Orchestra
Tenement Symphony (Marc Almond album)
Terminal and nonterminal symbols
Term symbol
Tetrahedral symmetry
Tetrarhanis symplocus
Texas A&M Wind Symphony
The 2nd Imaginary Symphony for Cloudmaking
The Airborne Symphony
The Ann Arbor Symposium
The Bells (symphony)
The Black Opera: Symphoni Mysteriorum in Laudem Tenebrarum
The Chelsea Symphony
The Cold Embrace of Fear A Dark Romantic Symphony
The Dresden Soul Symphony
The Dresden Soul Symphony (album)
The Ghost Note Symphonies, Vol. 1
The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses
The Longines Symphonette
The Lost Symbol
The Music of Styx Live with Symphony Orchestra
lesund Symposium
The Pinnacle at Symphony Place
There's No Sympathy for the Dead
The Rock, Rhosymedre
The Sound of Music (An Unfinished Symphony in 12 Parts)
The Sound of Symmetry
The Spoils of War (symposium)
The Symbolic
The Symbolic Species
The Symphony Sessions (The Manhattan Transfer album)
The Tenth Symphony
The War Symphonies: Shostakovich Against Stalin
The Whitlams & The Sydney Symphony Live in Concert
The Wicked Symphony
Thiruvasakam in Symphony
This Is My Time (Raven-Symon album)
Thomas Syme
Thomas Symes Warry
Thomas Symington
Thomas Symonds
Thomas Symonds (Royal Navy officer)
Thomas Symons
Three Pieces for Blues Band and Symphony Orchestra
Three Songs to Poems by Arthur Symons
Ticker symbol
Time symmetry
Time translation symmetry
Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra
Tokyo Symphony Orchestra
Toledo Symphony Orchestra
Tombstone Western Film Festival and Symposium
Tommy (London Symphony Orchestra album)
Toronto Symphony Orchestra
Toronto Symphony Orchestra (Welsman)
Toronto Symphony Youth Orchestra
Toy Symphony
Trademark symbol
Translational symmetry
Transport and Map Symbols
Trapezites symmomus
Trees in Chinese mythology and cultural symbology
Tucson Symphony Orchestra
Tulsa Symphony
Turnstile (symbol)
Tytus Maksymilian Huber
Ukrainian Radio Symphony Orchestra
Undeniable (Raven-Symon album)
Underworld (Symphony X album)
Undulambia symphorasalis
Unfinished Sympathy
Unfinished Symphony: Democracy and Dissent
Unicode symbols
Unified Wine & Grape Symposium
Uniform Symbology
Uniform tiling symmetry mutations
Union of Nigerien Independents and Sympathisers
Union symbol (hieroglyph)
Universe Symphony (Ives)
University College Dublin Symphony Orchestra
University of North Texas Symphony Orchestra
University of Patras Poetry Symposium
Unrestricted (Symphorce album)
Unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine
Urban Symphony
Us and Them: Symphonic Pink Floyd
User:Daniel Mietchen/Talks/Schloss Ringberg Symposium 2014
User:Symphonic Spenguin/UBX/anatidology
Usingeriessa symphonalis
USS Symbol (AM-123)
Utah Symphony
Valls Symphony Orchestra
Vancouver Symphony Orchestra
Vanda Symon
Variational asymptotic method
Variations of the ichthys symbol
Vassilis Symtsak
Vasyl Herasymenko
Vasyl Symchych
Vasyl Symonenko
Vegetarian and vegan symbolism
Vegetative symptoms
Venezuela Symphony Orchestra
Versions and editions of Bruckner's symphonies
Vexillological symbol
Victoria Symphony
Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra
Vienna Symphony
Vietnam National Symphony Orchestra
Vina symbols
Voice Quality Symbols
Washington Chamber Symphony
WDR Symphony Orchestra Cologne
Weakly symmetric space
Weapons and armor in Chinese mythology, legend, cultural symbology, and fiction
Wedge (symbol)
West Australian Symphony Orchestra
Western Symphony
West Michigan Symphony Orchestra
Wheeling Symphony Orchestra
White power symbol
William R. Symonds
William Samuel Symonds
William Symington
William Symonds
William Symons
Wine Dark Sea (rock symphony)
Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra
Winter Symphony (Jennifer Thomas album)
With Sympathy
With the Sydney Symphony Live at the Sydney Opera House
Woman's Symphony Orchestra of Chicago
Wrapped asymmetric Laplace distribution
W. Stuart Symington (diplomat)
Wythoff symbol
Xalapa Symphony Orchestra
Yeah! Yeah! Die! Die! Death Metal Symphony in Deep C
Yijing Hexagram Symbols (Unicode block)
Young People's Symphony Orchestra
Youngstown Symphony Orchestra
Youth Symphony (Rachmaninoff)
YouTube Symphony Orchestra
Yucatn Symphony Orchestra
Yuriy Maksymov
Yuriy Tsymbalyuk
Zhenis Kassymbek
Zurich Symphony Orchestra

convenience portal:
recent: Section Maps - index table - favorites
Savitri -- Savitri extended toc
Savitri Section Map -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
authors -- Crowley - Peterson - Borges - Wilber - Teresa - Aurobindo - Ramakrishna - Maharshi - Mother
places -- Garden - Inf. Art Gallery - Inf. Building - Inf. Library - Labyrinth - Library - School - Temple - Tower - Tower of MEM
powers -- Aspiration - Beauty - Concentration - Effort - Faith - Force - Grace - inspiration - Presence - Purity - Sincerity - surrender
difficulties -- cowardice - depres. - distract. - distress - dryness - evil - fear - forget - habits - impulse - incapacity - irritation - lost - mistakes - obscur. - problem - resist - sadness - self-deception - shame - sin - suffering
practices -- Lucid Dreaming - meditation - project - programming - Prayer - read Savitri - study
subjects -- CS - Cybernetics - Game Dev - Integral Theory - Integral Yoga - Kabbalah - Language - Philosophy - Poetry - Zen
6.01 books -- KC - ABA - Null - Savitri - SA O TAOC - SICP - The Gospel of SRK - TIC - The Library of Babel - TLD - TSOY - TTYODAS - TSZ - WOTM II
8 unsorted / add here -- Always - Everyday - Verbs

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